Dirty Deeds Eliza Gayle

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Dirty Deeds

Eliza Gayle

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Dirty Deeds
Copyright © April 2010 by Eliza Gayle
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No
part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or
electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not
participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the
author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

eISBN 978-1-60737-574-6
Editor: Antonia Pearce
Cover Artist:

Christine M. Griffin

Printed in the United States of America

Published by
Loose Id LLC
PO Box 425960
San Francisco CA 94142-5960

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical
events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either
the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or
locales is entirely coincidental.


This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be
considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults
ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.
Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

* * *

DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that
might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced
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harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its

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Chapter One

“I tried to tell you I wasn't cut out to be a soul-sucking bitch.” Melody cast her

gaze down, evading her boss's compelling eyes, afraid of the look. A summons to the

depths of hell for an impromptu job performance review wasn't her idea of fun. She

had ignored the warnings she'd received before, so when her body dematerialized in

midstroke, she hadn't been all that surprised. What pissed her off was being pulled

from her lover's embrace when she'd been about to reach an orgasm. That had just

been mean.

“Well, Melody, if you don't want to meet your soul quota, how about an

extended period of time in the Lake of Fire instead? Say a century or two for

starters. Maybe that would change your mind.”

She cringed. Been there, done that, seen the movie, and don't want to do it


“Isn't there anything else available more suited to my tastes? Say like greed or

gluttony or something like that?” She kept her gaze focused on her lap inspecting

her nails, thinking about getting a new manicure. Anything to keep from looking

into his eyes. Her demon boss was an ancient who, with one direct look, could make

a person give up all control, making anyone do all manner of very bad things.

“No!” Harold's gnarled hand pounded on his desk.

She flinched, raising her head, barely remembering to avoid his eyes.

“I've told you before, so I shouldn't have to keep reminding you. Assignments

in hell are permanent, and either you accept the job I gave you and perform it well,

or suffer along with the rest of the residents.”

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Melody took a deep breath. She'd heard this speech many times before, and

she knew there was no other choice. She'd made her bed; now it was time to lie in


“Look at yourself, Melody.” A handheld mirror appeared in her lap, and she

picked it up to view her new self once again. “This is what you traded your soul for.

You begged and pleaded for a beautiful human form, and I granted your desire for a

price. One that you agreed upon.”

She put the mirror back down on her lap. She didn't need a mirror to know

how much her appearance had changed. Gone was the overweight, dishwater blonde

virgin librarian she had once been. Instead she'd become the goddess she'd always

dreamed of.

At five foot seven inches and one hundred twenty-four pounds, she had just the

right amount of hips and curves to attract any man she desired. Her blonde hair

was a lush golden mane framing her heart-shaped face and showing off her green

eyes and pouty lips to perfection. Every man she met wanted to fuck her and her

sex life had gone from nonexistent to nonstop since the change. It didn't hurt that

she could sense their true desires if she wanted to. This private knowledge made

her job of getting them into bed even easier than she'd ever imagined.

Problem was, every time she fucked a man, Harold expected her to do so with

one whose soul was ready to be taken. Harold created her power so when the object

of her desire, be it man or woman, achieved orgasm, she could reach in and absorb

their marked souls from their body.

She'd managed to do it a few times. And everything had been awesome right

up until she reached in and grabbed their blackened souls. It felt just like reaching

into a tub of black and green slimy sludge. At least that's what she imagined it felt

like, as she hadn't actually stuck her hand in a tub of sludge. She shivered at the


“Melody! Are you listening to me?”

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She jerked back to her boss, Harold, meeting his gaze head on. Fuck. I'm a

goner now.

“You've had more than your fair share of warnings, dear. I should have

punished you long before now. But for some reason, I like you.”

A heated blast of air hit her torso, tightening her nipples to sharp points.

Between her legs, her sex heated and clenched in anticipation. A little side effect

Harold failed to mention when they forged their agreement. Everything made her

horny and she was damn near helpless to resist it.

Her boss, however, had never once made any moves on her, so this was rather

unexpected. A slight brush against the sensitive skin of her breast tore a low groan

from her mouth. Invisible hands plucked at her nipples, pinching to the point of

erotic pain, yet Harold hadn't moved and no one else was in the room. Her eyes

couldn't leave his to investigate her surroundings and honestly, she didn't care. Her

boss's power enthralled her as her body heated up with the delicious expectation of

hot sweaty sex and the release she craved. Light fingers traveled up the inside of

her legs and underneath her short red skirt. The gentle graze across the tops of her

thigh-highs sent chills over her skin. She arched into the pressure at her breasts

while wiggling her hips closer to the featherlike fingers moving toward her now

aching pussy.

“Melody, are you ready to do your job?”

She nodded, lost to the sensations enflaming her desire.

“Are you going to start meeting your quota immediately?”

A breathless yes escaped her lips as the tips of the fingers on her thighs slid

along her moist folds, barely grazing the hardened little bud of flesh that would

rocket her to climax with a tad more attention.

“Aaaahhhh.” She lifted her bare butt, pushing the fingers farther into her

moisture. Just a little more. A little more pressure.

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Harold released his power, the touch on her body disappearing as quickly as it

had started. She slumped in the chair, bereft from the near orgasm once again.

Frustration boiled inside her as she bit back the desire to scream at him.

“Melody, you have five days. Five days to meet this month's quota, or else.”

She didn't want to know what the “or else” was. She knew for certain it would be far

worse than anything she could imagine. “Do you really understand this is your final

opportunity? Either you become the productive little Sex Demon you were made to

be, or I'll be forced to terminate your contract and turn you over to the gatekeeper

for the appropriate eternal punishment.” He scribbled something in a folder and

then slammed it shut.

She didn't need to hear anything more. She may not want to steal the vile

souls required of her, but the other option would be far worse. “Yes, sir, I


“Good girl.” His puffed up and twisted lips curved into a bit of a smile as she

got up to leave. “You go on back home now and take care of business. Five days,

Melody. I'm not kidding about this.”

Right. Five days to collect five souls, or I'm going to find out that hell does have

more fury than a woman scorned.

Melody's boss sent her away with a wave of his hand, hurtling her through a

dense fog and rematerializing her in…water. “What the—?” She opened her eyes

and found herself flat on her ass in the fountain outside her apartment building.

“Hell's bells.” She scrambled to her feet, pulling her micromini down over her

exposed bottom as she did. “Harold, that is so not funny!”

“Who's Harold, dear?” She jerked at the voice, looking up to see her neighbor

Mrs. Mavis staring down her nose with a disapproving look. “Melody, what are you

doing in the fountain? You're going to catch a cold like that.” Melody climbed out

with her head high, trying not to think about her new Botticelli leather boots that

were now ruined.

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“It's hot out here. I just needed to cool off.” She stepped from the fountain onto

the walkway, trying to skirt her way around the nosy woman. But no, Mrs. Mavis

blocked her way.

“Melody, it is not appropriate for a woman like you to go around dressed like—

like that, especially after fooling around in our fountain.” Her brows drew together

in a disapproving frown. “Look at yourself. You're flashing your goods to everyone in

that shirt.”

Melody glanced down and yep, sure enough with her white top soaking wet,

her nipples poked at the material for all to see. Why did it have to be a big deal? It's

not like the world would end because Melody Evans's hardened nips were visible.

“You needn't worry, Mrs. Mavis, I'm headed home now to change.” Frustrated

with the woman's insistence on butting into her life, she wrapped her arms around

her waist, effectively pulling the shirt tighter. “If you'll excuse me, I'd like to get

dry.” She'd tried to hold the sarcasm, she really had, but her meddlesome neighbor

never let up. Mrs. Mavis glared. Her face flushed red and Melody thought smoke

might billow from the woman's ears any second.

“Ooh—” Mrs. Mavis's breath swooshed and she took two steps back. “You're a

naughty girl.” Melody stood back up, shaking her head.

“Mrs. Mavis, you have no idea.” She stepped to the left, and this time Mrs.

Mavis let her pass. The annoying woman gave her a hard time every chance she got,

so of course, she couldn't resist giving a little back whenever she could. Hell, it

probably gave her something to talk about at her women's group each week. She

could just hear it now.

The devil has a hold on that one. Watch out for her; she's on the highway to hell

for sure.

Melody laughed all the way back to her apartment, shaking her head and

sashaying her hips. She stopped and admired her fire engine red door before going

in. The neighbors had gone ballistic when she'd painted it. However, five hundred

extra dollars to her landlord last month had gotten her the permission she needed

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to paint it any damn color she wanted. But what really chapped their uptight asses

was the new pitchfork doorknocker she had added just last week. She couldn't help

herself. It was too easy.

She eased into her apartment, soaking in the heat as it flashed across her

chilled skin. With a little twist of power, she turned on the stereo that sat on her

dining-room table. The whole place flooded with the blaring rock and roll of AC/DC

belting out “You Shook Me All Night Long.” Her heartbeat picked up, matching the

tempo of the song as she removed the wet T-shirt and tossed it to the laundry pile in

the corner. Her hips wiggled to the beat as she shimmied out of the tight wet skirt

and added it to the pile. She kept the heat set at a comfortable one hundred and

four degrees, and it warmed her while she removed her boots and peeled off her

ruined thigh-highs. Ever since she became a demon, she couldn't keep warm

enough. That was one of the few things she enjoyed when making trips down there.

Naked, she danced around the room, forgetting her responsibilities and

focusing on the thrumming need between her legs. Her fingers smoothed across the

baby soft skin of her belly to the nest of blond curls covering her sex. She delved

through the wet folds and rubbed the hood of her clit with the pad of her fingertips,

arching into her hand, reaching for more friction. The music, the heat, the

sensations all swirled in her head leading her down the wicked path of self-

indulgence she loved so much. She kneaded her hard clit between her thumb and

forefinger, rough the way she needed, and moisture flooded her pussy, coating her


Sensual energy buzzed through her blood as her climax approached. The music

pounded in her veins, heightening the pleasure. With her free hand, she pinched

and massaged her nipples, alternating between her breasts.

“Oh yes. Yes!” Finally.

As her body shook with a small tremor signaling the imminent explosion, a

cold freezing blast struck her full force, halting her hands and sensations.

Melody, five days. Five souls. Focus.

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Harold's voice in her head brought her crashing back down. Nooo. The

satisfaction her soul screamed for had been denied once again. “Aahh,” she snarled

in frustration. “Harold, you are such a prick.”

Now cold and disappointed, she headed for the shower. Time to dress for the

mission, get a damn soul, and get Harold off her back. While she showered, she

contemplated where she would hunt for a victim today. The seven deadly sins

weren't hard to find. She lived in Charlotte, after all. And with Halloween

approaching, lots of parties with costume contests, alcohol galore, and wall-to-wall

potentials engaging in all sorts of depraved activities were in abundance. In fact,

she'd overheard a group of people talking about a new club in town.

Hmmm. What was the name of it? Dungeon something. A new BDSM club.

That ought to be interesting. Melody sat down in front of her computer to do a little

search and find what she needed.

“If you want blood, you've got it.”

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Chapter Two

“Holy hell!”

Drake started at his buddy's exclamation. He turned toward the door to see

what had him all riled up, and when Drake spotted the hottie dressed in head to toe

leather, the blood drained from his head to his dick. Holy hell was right. He wanted

to call her beautiful, but it didn't seem like enough. Her perfection blinded him.

From the honey blonde hair that curled around her head before falling down her

back just shy of her ass, to her ivory face, to the dusky rose flush on her cheekbones

setting off her wide jade green eyes.

And God, that mouth. Lush lips cloaked in a glossy red color.

The wicked things those lips could do.

“That's the one I told you about, Drake. The one who was here the other night,

tormenting all of your customers.”

She walked slowly, hips swaying, searching the room, looking for something.

Or maybe someone. He sure as hell hoped she wasn't here with someone because he

had to have her. Wanted to flip up that skirt and run his hands across her naked

ass, massaging the globes. That cream-colored skin of hers would pink up nicely

with his personal brand of spanking. Unlike most of the Doms he knew, he only

spanked a submissive's bottom with his bare hand. The skin-to-skin connection was

necessary to his control. Her gaze continued to dart around the room as she

sauntered over to the bar. She propped herself on a stool, ordering a diet soda on

the rocks.

His gaze was drawn to the slender line of her back and the rounded curves of

her rear. Drake shifted restlessly in his chair. He wasn't the only one to notice her;

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already the crowd stirred around her. Many men and women stared at the newbie,

and oh yeah, she was definitely a newbie. The sharks smelled fresh blood in the

water and were preparing to swoop in on the prey. It was enough to send his

simmering sexual need boiling to the surface.

In a split-second decision, Drake stalked over to the bar to claim her first. At

her chair, he took a wide stance to her side and a little behind her back, blocking

her from many in the room, as well as letting the rest know to back off. Claim


She must have sensed his presence, as she turned to the left and took a long

hard look at him, something akin to recognition and pain clouding her eyes for a

brief moment—but that couldn't be right. He'd never forget seeing a woman like

this. When she flashed him the sweetest smile he'd seen in a long time, he decided

he had to have been mistaken.

“Hi there.” Her voice slid across his skin as smooth as his favorite white mocha

latte from Starbucks.

“Hi yourself.” This close, her scent filled his senses with the distinctive smell of

spiced tea. Spiked spiced tea. The kind that warmed him on a cold night, leaving

him breathless and edgy from the Chinese herbs. She smelled like sin.

His fingers itched to touch those creamy bare shoulders left exposed by her

leather corset, not to mention the lush curves of her breasts he imagined he would

find underneath. It was going to be so much fun to play with this one.

“I don't believe I've seen you here at the Dungeon before.”

“I've only been here once. I overheard some people talking about it and I was

curious, so I've been checking it out.” She uncrossed and recrossed her legs on the

stool, a nervous gesture that gave him a better glimpse of silken thighs. Yeah, he

couldn't wait to get her under him, wrapping those mile-long legs around his waist,

pushing her limits to the breaking point.

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“Have you ever been to a BDSM club before this one?” He signaled for the

bartender and ordered another Bud. A shy smile tugged at her mouth, and she

shook her head no. “Mind if I sit here with you?”

“Please.” She motioned to the empty seat next to hers. He sat, adjusting his

hard cock in his pants so the seam wouldn't keep digging into the sensitive skin. He

caught her watching his groin as he adjusted, which only made him swell further.

At this rate, he'd be dragging her to a booth in record time. “Are you a top or a

bottom?” If she said top, he was going to die on the spot. He couldn't be a bottom,

but he was damn sure this woman would be his.

“I don't really know what I am.” She shifted again in her seat. “I've never done

anything like this. Only read about it in novels.”

“Okay. So tell me what it's like when you read about it? Does it turn you on?”

A little catch in her breath gave away her answer. “Is there something in particular

that gets you going?”

Her hands rolled the napkin on the bar and then unrolled it again. She

repeated the process several times without answering. He didn't mind. He was

nothing if not patient. He leaned close to her ear to whisper, getting a whiff of that

delicious spicy scent. The heat rose in the room as perspiration broke out on his

skin. “It's okay to be nervous.” She smiled, biting the corner of her lower lip with

perfect white teeth.

“I'm not nervous. I'm just deciding what I want to try first.” He sucked in a

deep breath to clear his head and instead ended up flooded with a distinct new

scent. That wasn't just her soap or perfume. No, that was the perfume of arousal.

Hot, thick, and, he'd bet, as sweet as syrup when he lapped up every drop. He eyed

her neck, following the graceful curve along her shoulders and arms. Her hands

stilled under his scrutiny when he reached for her and pulled her onto his lap. This

was, after all, a sex club, and all who dared enter knew what they were getting into.

The club had the signed release forms to prove it.

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He nestled his aching dick between the cheeks of her ass, wishing the denim

and leather would disappear.

“What's your name, beautiful?”

“Melody.” He almost laughed. Who would have thought perfectly packaged sin

would come wrapped in a sweet name like Melody?

“I'm Drake, and it would be my pleasure to teach you a bit about the lifestyle

tonight if you so wish.” Her restless ass wiggled against his lap, testing his

renowned patience like never before. He wondered how far she was prepared to take


“I don't know, Drake.” She drawled her answer, mocking his offer.

“Gonna be like that, huh?”

She smiled coyly.

“A real brat I see.” Her tinkling giggle rode the control he clung to by a thread.

If it broke free, he'd be hauling her fine ass to the whipping post.

“Do you like pain, Melody?” The dark heat in her eyes gave her away despite

the grim line of her mouth. He lifted her off his crotch and settled her in between

his legs facing the bar. His strong hands boldly caressed the smooth skin of her

thighs, slipping just under the hemline of her short skirt to graze the curve of her

cheeks. To his delight, her ass was bare except for the slim strip of lace from her

thong. “Would you like the sharp sting of my hand slapping your bottom? I bet it

would color up nicely.” His bold hands moved farther under her skirt to fondle and

nip at her beautiful skin.

She gasped at a particularly firm pinch, and he couldn't help but smile. This

woman, whom he just met, writhed underneath his touch, her quick response

remarkable and stoking every dominant cell in his body. He looked around,

remembering they were still at the open bar, and saw many hungry gazes watching

their show. Given half the chance, a dozen or so men would challenge him for her.

But he wanted to be the one to teach her, to reveal the depths of pleasure she could

attain from his pain and control.

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“You came in here tonight looking for something, Melody. Will you let me give

you a taste of what being with a Dominant is like?” She murmured a response

under her breath as her bottom wiggled harder into his hands. Oh yeah, she was

primed and ready.

“You have nothing to fear. It will be safe and consensual per the rules of the

club as well as my own beliefs. If you say stop, we stop.” He ran the tip of his finger

along the seam of her bottom, dipping under the lace of her panties. He waited for

her response, but no reply came from her. He pulled her farther back onto his lap,

her body flush against his chest so his lips rested near her ear.

“Do you need me to tell you what to do? Is that what you want? For me to take

away your choice in the matter?”

His warm words brushed against her ear and neck, heating her further. He

somehow knew just what she needed to hear. His big rough hands continued to

roam her skin with just the right amount of gentle caresses and firm pressure. Her

panties were likely soaked as her juices continued to slip from her sex, driving her

wild. But wait! This was Drake. Shit! She'd momentarily lost her senses under the

onslaught of his attentions, forgetting the shock of seeing him again. When she'd

walked into the club, she'd noticed him right off.

He and his friends sat at a little table near the end of the bar. His jet-black

wavy hair had curled around his neck and collar, and still looked in need of a

haircut. Angled away from the entrance, she hadn't seen his eyes, but she

remembered the hazel depths she'd gotten lost in many times and the strong lines

of his masculine face. His shoulders had seemed a yard wide, molded underneath a

red shirt, and she imagined the bronzed muscles underneath. Her gaze wandered

down the lines of his strong form, admiring the grip of the denim on his sturdy

thighs. Even in a crowd, his presence compelled, and her instincts had warned her

to bolt back out the door.

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Instead, time had stood still and she'd been thrust into the past. Her mystery

man had ventured into the library every week for months before she got up the

nerve to approach him. But once she did, he lavished her with attention every

chance he got. Her stomach fluttered now much as it did before when she stood too

close. His aura of strength wrapped around her until her panties were wet and her

sex clenched with a fierce arousal she couldn't control.

They'd flirted and kissed in the stacks, until one day things got out of hand

and Drake almost took her virginity. One minute she'd been a silly young girl in

love, with his tongue lapping at her pussy, and the next he was gone. For a while,

she'd believed her rash confession of virginity had driven him away, but eventually

she'd faced the facts that his leaving had nothing to do with her and everything to

do with his own weaknesses.

Finding him in a club like this after all this time definitely shed new light on

the situation, and the timing couldn't be better.

She'd wanted to stomp right over there and give him hell. Thankfully, she'd

remembered just in time that he wouldn't be able to recognize her anymore. He'd

spurned Melanie, not Melody. Her emotions had gone white-hot under the

onslaught of memories, and she'd thought to get some payback. With one soul down

the other night, she still had four more to go to get Harold off her back. Drake

seemed the perfect quarry. He'd walked right into her impromptu trap, and now she

was on the cusp of a little revenge, Melody-style. But with his hot hard hands on

her ass and his breath in her ear, her reasoning for payback had grown fuzzy, and

she'd become more interested in the sensual promise he now offered.

Oh hell! She was such a slut.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with having a good time before she

turned on him. What's a little orgasm between enemies?

“Stand up, Melody.” Apparently he'd taken her silence to mean she wanted

him to take charge. Well why not? It sounded like fun. Let him think he's the one in

control right up until she decided to capture his soul. She scrambled off his lap,

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adjusting her skirt as she did. “Did I say to pull down your skirt?” She started at his


“Uh, no. I just—”

“Lesson number one, Melody. You only do as I tell you. Nothing more, nothing

less. Do you understand?”

She nodded her head.

“Tell me, Melody.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“'Yes, Sir' is the appropriate answer.”

“Yes, Sir, I understand.” A slight smile crossed his dark features, enhancing

his good looks without easing his sexy new dangerous aura at all. Strong music

sounded throughout the club as a new song started up. Melody recognized the

AC/DC tune right off, shimmied her hips a bit, and quietly sang a few bars.

“You know this song, Melody?”

She looked into his questioning eyes while she sang a few more bars.

“Of course you do. Problem Child. Are you a problem child, Melody?” He

gripped her hand and led her across the room. Forgetting the song, she followed him

closely, curious to see what he had in mind for her. She'd felt the outline of his hard

cock pressing against her, and the thought of him sinking that length into her gave

her a jolt.

He stopped in front of a quiet and semiprivate alcove. A wooden sawhorse

covered in black padded leather stood in the middle of the space, leather cuffs

dangling from each of the legs. Along the wall behind the stool was an array of

sensual tools such as paddles, floggers, ropes, and whips. She must have been

standing there with her eyes wide and mouth open because Drake looked at her

with a soft reassuring look.

“Don't worry, hon. I'm not going to hurt you.” His fingers caressed her back in

a slow, steady pattern. “Unless you want me to.”

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The implications of his statement seeped into her as she considered his

sensual threat. Her heart rate accelerated in response to her fear as well as the lust

knifing through her.

Drake spun her to face him. “Do you want me to show you what this is all

about?” His face hovered close, his lips only inches away from hers. “To make you

burn from my voice alone?”

Emotion she thought long forgotten welled inside her chest as she fought to

maintain her composure. Once upon a time, she had wanted Drake more than

anything else. Now she was a stranger, and from the look of his erection straining

at his pants, he wanted her as much as she yearned for him. She could give him free

reign for a little while. She'd always wanted to experience this, to let go and be


“Do you want to say no?”

Melanie would have said no and run screaming from the club, but she wasn't

here anymore.

“Or do you want to say yes?” His breath whispered across her cheek. “Are you

going to let me teach you the pleasure in pain?” His hands gripped at her shoulders

and pulled her closer. “Tell me.”

“Yes, I want all of it.” And she did.

His mouth covered hers in a sizzling kiss. Hungry. Aching. Needy. Melody

opened to him, accepting the greedy thrust of his tongue, which delivered the

uniqueness of Drake she remembered all too well. Spice and honey exploded within

her on a blast of heat her body craved. Her head swam and her legs weakened. She

moaned into his mouth, and he swallowed the hungry sound.

He edged her back closer to the bench as his hand slipped underneath her

skirt once again, rough hands kneading her buttocks. Heat spiked and she thought

her blood might begin to boil at any moment.

He continued to eat at her mouth with short nips of his teeth and long swipes

of his tongue against hers. She pressed into him, wishing she could rub her bare

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nipples against him, not her corset. Desperate for more contact, she grabbed at his


Drake eased his lips from her mouth, pinned her with a warning look, and

pulled her arms down to her side.

“When you tell me to stop, I'll stop. But don't say it unless you really mean it.”

Drake pushed against the small of her back, leaning her over the cool leather


A shudder ran through her at what he was doing to her. He wanted to give her

a taste of this dark and kinky lifestyle right here in the midst of a crowded club

where anyone could amble by and watch. The eroticism of that stunned her.

“Lift up your skirt for me, Melody.” Drake's tone changed, becoming rougher

and authoritative.

Her stomach clenched in excitement as she anticipated living out one of her

long held fantasies. Yeah, Drake's punishment could wait a while longer. Melody

reached behind her back and grabbed the edge of her skirt, wiggling it above her

hips, baring her ass to him. The cool air of the room rushed over her heated skin,

setting off pulsing sensations in her pussy. Her muscles tightened in impatience as

she waited for his next move.

“Relax, Melody.”

His words didn't prepare her for the sensation of cool leather rubbing her ass.

She swung her head around to see that Drake had a riding crop in his hand,

feathering it over her skin.

“Unless you want me to blindfold and strap you down, you will stay face down

unless I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?”

She understood all right. Understood that the leather stroking her bottom was

driving her mad, and the command in his voice turned the ache between her legs

into a throb. More. She wanted more.

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Drake's hands gripped the silky strip of her thong and peeled it slowly down

below her buttocks. The touch of his hands disappeared and was quickly replaced by

the leather tip of the crop sliding through the crease of her ass and skimming the

outside of her sex.

“Oh yesss.” Her moans filled the space around them as her desire grew. Her

clit pulsed as blood coursed through her veins and a rush of hot liquid flooded her

pussy, creating a near violent ache for Drake to get on with it.

He taunted and teased her to the point of mindless need. “Please, Drake. More.


“I am Sir.”

“Please, Sir. I need more.” She would call him anything if he would just do

more. The pulsing ache climbed high, making it difficult to breathe. When the touch

of leather left her backside, she whimpered in protest. He somehow knew just how

to touch her to bring her to the edge and when to stop, drawing out the buildup. Her

muscles clenched as she waited for his next move. She expected the sharp slap of

leather to land; instead the heated touch of Drake's hand rubbed her cheeks. She

groaned. He was planning to drive her mad. She wiggled her bottom against his

hand and he removed it.

“Please, Sir.” She begged, too far gone to think about pride or control. All she

could focus on was the delicious desire coursing through her, the dying need for him

to push her, test her limits. Master her.


The sensation of Drake's hand slapping her right cheek burned into her body.

Her pussy tingled.

Whaap. Whaap.

Two successive blows to the same spot and she cried out. Each time he

spanked her, he increased the force. He continued on and on, one smack right after

the other. The increasing pain mingled with the pleasure building in her clit. Every

so often, he stopped and rubbed her flaming cheeks. Soothing, comforting her. As

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the blows continued, she humped the horse, trying to rub herself to relief. Her pussy

dripped at the prospect. He drove her to the edge but never enough to let her go

over. Her body tensed with pleasure and pain. Please God. Please let me come. Oh

what the hell was she thinking? I'm a demon. God doesn't answer to demons.

On the verge of jumping the cliff to bliss, Drake stopped. Her ass still burned,

but he'd withdrawn the force needed to push her to climax. Little pleas and

whimpers escaped her lips as she begged Drake to finish her.

“You want to come for me, sweetheart?” His hoarse words rumbled from him,

giving her the only indication how much the scene affected him too.

“Yes, Sir. Please, Sir,” she gasped.

“Please what? You have to say it, Melody.”

“Please, Sir. Please make me come, fuck me, anything…”

An ice-cold wand slid into her pussy. Shocked, she nearly shot off the bench as

a scream tore from her throat. The sharp contrast of freezing cold to her heat hurt

like hell. Well, maybe not hell; nothing hurts like hell.

“That's a good girl. Show me how much you need it.” Drake pumped the cold

rod in and out of her sex, one hand rubbing her sore butt as she rode it and the

pain. Ice gave way to heat, but it charged up her tissues to a new level of sensitivity

like never before.

On the next stroke, her muscles clenched around the toy, setting off the

explosion she could no longer hold back as her climax engulfed her, a sensation

unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. Her scream ripped through the club,

letting everyone there know that none other than Drake had mastered her this


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Chapter Three

Drake watched in awe as her muscles contracted under his hand and around

the no longer cold glass dildo he'd used on her. She was a real sub. Her responses

and resulting climax proved that. When she'd started screaming, the blood had

rushed through his dick, and he'd expected to come in his pants. Even the wave of

dizziness he'd experienced hadn't completely subsided. Now with his muscles flexed

tight and everything aching, he wanted nothing more than to fuck her right here

and right now. It wouldn't be the first time he'd publicly taken a sub. But no, he was

more skilled as a master than that, and besides, he sensed this one was more

important than a one-time fuck in a club. Everything about her reached out and

grabbed him by the throat. Her skin, her smell, and that sassy attitude. She had

real potential.

When she recovered, he would have to make sure she was okay. She might be

a little sore, but that's not what worried him. He wondered if her head was in the

right place. Anyone new to the scene could crash pretty hard after their first BDSM


He removed the dildo from her still quaking pussy and leaned over to smooth

her gorgeous hair and plant soft kisses on her neck. He wanted to comfort her in the

aftermath, make sure she understood what happened. 'Cause he needed more of

her. This was just a sample of what they could do together, and he couldn't wait to

show her the rest.

“Melody, baby, are you all right?” He kept his voice low and even as he lifted

her from her position across the sawhorse. When she tried to stand, her legs gave

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out, and Drake grabbed around her waist and hauled her up against his body to

steady her.

“Yes…yes, I'm fine.” She smoothed her skirt back down over her hips and

wriggled out of his arms. Her breasts bounced and their hard tips poked at her

shirt. He longed to strip her bare, in more ways than one, and explore every inch of

her body. Her gaze darted around the alcove and surrounding areas. No doubt

looking to see if anyone had witnessed her delicious humiliation.

“You're a natural, babe.” She swung her head around to look up at him.

“It was fun. No big deal.”

His mouth twitched with amusement as she tried to play off what just

happened between them.

“You know what they say, Melody, don't you?” He leaned in to her placing his

lips next to her ear. “Once you've had a taste of the lifestyle, you can never go back,”

he whispered, watching a shiver travel down her body.

“That's just silly.”

He ignored her glib response. “You'll crave it, sweetheart. You can fight it for a

while, but not forever.” To his chagrin, the huskiness in his voice lingered.

“Drake, honey, I came to play and that's what we did. We had a great time.

Plain and simple.”

He pulled back, giving her some space.

“I'm so thirsty now. How about you? I think I'm going to wander back over to

the bar and get myself a fruity little cocktail.”

Drake held himself back. He wanted to grab her and demand she obey him.

Damn. He needed to pull himself together. He could spare her a few minutes to pull

her thoughts together, it would do them both some good.

“Sure thing, sweetheart.” As she retreated from their encounter, he noticed the

way every man in the place turned to watch her. White-hot rage coursed through

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him as he thought about staking his claim again right at the bar in front of all the

assholes watching her.

Whoa. Get yourself under control, buddy.

“You can come out now, Randy.” From the corner of his eye, he saw the horned

demon step from the camouflage of the lone potted plant in the alcove.

“Did you know I was here the whole time, boss?”

He sent the demon a hard glance.

“Of course you did. What was I thinking?”

As Randy moved into the light, his green skin faded, the horns receded, and

his hair turned red. Red leather pants and a red tank top materialized around him.

Here on earth, it took a lot of strength to hold their demon form, and most couldn't

do it for long. But Randy, well, he was always trying. Fighting the laws of nature as

long as he could. He held a weird fascination with dominating a human woman in

his true form. But here in the Dungeon, he didn't push it. It wouldn't serve Drake's

purpose to expose demons and their true selves to the humans. And every demon

who entered the Dungeon knew better than to cross Drake.

“Was that her, boss?”

“Yeah, that was her.” A weight settled on his shoulders as he was forced to

think about something other than fucking her.

“Gonna be a shame to see her gone. She seems a natural sub. Took to her first

spanking like a demon on fire.”

Drake reached out and grabbed the demon by the throat. “You'd better

remember your place here, sludge. Next time I catch you watching me or mine

without my permission is the day your black soul disintegrates.”

“Sorry, boss,” Randy managed to croak around the chokehold. “I was just


Drake released the little bastard and laughed. “Maybe you should learn to

keep your thoughts to yourself.”

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“You know boss, if I didn't know better, I might think you have it bad for her.”

Drake ignored the crazy demon with an obvious death wish. He couldn't afford

to think like that. The last time he let his emotions rule his head he'd broken the

heart of a beautiful soul. A woman who'd deserved a human mate. Melanie.

Stop. No going back down that road.

He shook his head and cleared his thoughts. As for Melody, gorgeous sub or

not, he had a job to do here and do it he would.

“There's still another way, boss. A way to keep her.”

He gritted his teeth, attempting to bank down the violence storming under the

surface. “You know damn well I want nothing to do with that job. You think I want

to become like that bastard? Use my demons that way?”

“It doesn't—”

“Enough. I don't want it mentioned again. You hear me?”

Melody's voice carried from across the room, reminding him of her

unsupervised status. He turned to see her surrounded by a group of Doms and Dom

wannabes. The mask of aggression he'd spanked out of her had slipped back into

place as she taunted and teased the men and women around her. Some of the men

she spoke to were pretty twisted. She had no idea that she was poking caged tigers

who were likely to break free at any moment.

A couple of the wannabes reached out, caressed her arms and legs, and she

easily pushed them away. But one, Master Dan, was touching her, attempting to

draw her in. Dan's hand slid up her leg from her slim ankle toward her shapely

thigh. Her focus was split with so many trying to get her attention, and if Dan's

fingers went one inch higher he was going to die tonight. Because Drake would kill


His heart pounded as the blood drained from his head to pool in his already

straining cock. His need was on him, and with that single-minded focus he needed

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her under him right now. Where he'd bury himself in her slick heat, listening to her

whimpers and moans as she pleaded for more.

Melody took a tiny step of retreat backing into the bar. The other Dom's hand

dropped, and Drake decided to put a stop to this now. He strode toward her as the

crowds between them parted for him to get through, either out of respect or fear, he

didn't care.

* * *

Normally this much attention from the male of the species would make

Melody's night. But her encounter with Drake had shaken her more than she

wanted to admit. Her plan to use him for pleasure and then quickly grab his soul

had turned out to be a joke. Ten minutes into her new D/s adventure, she'd given up

control and lost all conscious thought of her mission.

So not a good sign.

She couldn't afford to waste time on her own selfish needs if they didn't help

her quota. She'd gotten lucky on the way to the club that first night when she came

across a disgusting man who'd thought to rape her when she turned down his lovely

offer. No way in hell she would have sex with him, but his mind had been weak and

she'd easily enthralled him. He thought he was having the best sex of his life when

she reached in and stole his soul. Not even willing to hold onto it until she had time

to deliver it to Harold, she zipped it up and willed it to Harold's office. Kind of like

FedEx for the hell folk.

Now she was back in the club with only two days left, still needing four pitiful

souls, and being stalked by the one man she didn't want to let go. But as Melanie,

he'd dropped her, uninterested in an inexperienced virgin. She hadn't understood

why he'd not fucked her until now. His tastes were much different than she had

expected. He'd wanted a real woman to feed his dark needs, not some innocent twit.

The pain of Drake's betrayal bloomed anew in her as the handsome Dom sitting in

front of her once again grazed her thigh with his rough fingers. It didn't make her

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tingle like Drake's touch, but it wasn't altogether unpleasant. Looks like her next

mark had arrived.

“I have a private room here. Why don't we continue this there?” His hot breath

tickled her neck as he'd whispered his request in her ear. As she was about to

respond, the man was pulled roughly away from her and slammed atop a nearby

table. The murderous intent on Drake's face showed all too clear as he wrapped his

beefy hand around the other Dom's neck.

“Drake, what the hell are you doing?”

He pinned her with his rage-filled eyes. Melody didn't care how pissed he was.

How dare he think he had any right to interfere in her business?

“You are mine, Melody. At least for the night. I staked my claim and every

damn Dom in this club saw it. Isn't that right, Dan?” The big man pinned to the

table flicked a small nod of his head. Drake's grip was choking him, and he was

starting to turn purple.

“Unless you want your membership here revoked permanently, I suggest you

get the hell out of my sight and not let me see you anywhere near what is mine.”

His. Blood roared in her ears as her temper flared up hot and swift. She

couldn't have heard him right. Who the hell did he think he was?

“Drake, this is ridiculous. You don't own me. Hell, you don't even know me. Let

him go.”

He released the other Dom, who eased himself from the table and made his

way to the door. Catching her off guard, Drake manacled Melody's wrist with his

hand and walked toward the back of the club, dragging her along behind him.

“Drake. Stop. What are you doing?” In all her dealings with Drake, she'd never

seen him so infuriated. He'd always been the perfect gentleman. Now he ignored her

protests and hauled her to a door in the back corner of the room. He pulled her up

against the door, cold metal pressing into her back, and crushed her body with his

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own. His hard cock thrust against her like a hot poker seeking a fire, even with his

pants on. Despite her thoughts of outrage and fear, her traitorous body, already

flooded with desire, leaked juice from her pussy in anticipation. Her labia, swollen

and slick, ached for his touch.

“Oh Christ, Melody, I can feel your heat. You need me, baby.” His lips slanted

over hers, crushing her with his hot mouth. Devouring her. His hand fumbled with

the key code lock, all the while continuing his exploration of her mouth. The door

broke free and Melody tumbled backward into the room. He wrapped his firm

muscular arm around her waist, catching her before she fell to the floor.

“What is this, Drake?” She peered around the space, eyeing the desk, filing

cabinets, and a wall filled with security screens. She shrugged away from his hold,

walked over to the monitors, and saw they were security for the club. Nearly every

nook and cranny of the place was covered from this office. There were several sex

acts going on, easily viewed on these screens. On one, a small brunette stood

chained against the wall being whipped by a man clad in leather while she begged

to be allowed to come. Another one showed a woman strapped on her back across a

bench not unlike the one she'd been on, being flogged across her breasts by her Dom

while a pretty blonde ate her pussy.

“Whose office is this?”

Drake walked up behind her and brushed his fingers around her waist. “It's

mine. I own the club.” She turned with a start at his words.

“What? How did I not know this?” Before she could stop the words from

tumbling out, she realized what she'd done. Fuck. His brows drew together in a

curious expression. She held her breath. Waiting.

“Dammit, Melody, quit trying to distract me. I didn't bring you back here for

idle chitchat, so stop. The time for talking is over.” His dark lust-filled gaze never

left her face as he walked her backward, pushing open another door. It took a few

moments for her eyes to adjust to the darkness inside. Twisting in his arms, arching

her body, she broke free to get a better look around.

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Holy shit.

She was in a den of dark pleasure. A huge bed filled the center of the room.

Not king-size, but even larger. Big enough for a group of people. The copper-colored

silk sheets looked warm and sinful. The four corner posts of the bed all held custom

leather restraints as well as hooks, and the headboard held similar cuffs at various

intervals. She could envision Drake here with many women at his mercy. Her

muscles clenched as more fluid leaked onto her thighs at the possibilities in this

room. How she had underestimated him.

Will he finally make love to me? Do I want him to?

From behind her, he pulled her ass roughly, almost violently, against him. “Do

you know what you really want here, Melody? Why did you come into my club?” His

soft breath tickled her neck as the air clogged in her lungs. Want and need curled in

her belly as Drake lifted her skirt, exposing her bare bottom to his vision.

“It's nice seeing your ass this pretty shade of pink from my hand. Did you

enjoy it?” She tried to nod her head. “No, Melody. Tell me. I always want to hear

you say it.” His fingers dug into her hips holding her still, commanding her to do as


“Yes, Sir, I loved what you did to me.” She could still feel the fire simmering on

her ass from the many blows his hand had delivered. And the memory of the

incredible orgasm he'd given her would linger for a very long time.

“Mmmm. You remembered the proper way to address me. I am pleased, my

little sub.” He released his hold on her. “I can't wait to see how you respond to

what's next. Take off your clothes.”

“Drake, I don't think this is such a good idea.” Her mind warred with her

desire for so much more. She'd wanted this from him for so long, but things were

different now. If he orgasmed while inside her, she might take his soul. That had

been the plan. Now she wasn't so sure that's what she wanted. “I've made a

mistake.” She had to leave and get back to her primary goals. She didn't need

Harold dragging her ass back to Hell to answer as to why she was fucking around.

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“It's too late to run, Melody.” His dark commanding tone resonated through

her, sending a chill down her spine. A thick finger swiped between the folds of her

soaked sex and across the hard little bud of her clit before moving back up her belly.

She cried out and arched into him. “You're so fucking wet and ready for me, baby.

You need this as much as I do.”

Without releasing her, she heard the soft tick of his zipper being released. A

sharp intake of breath fell from her lips when his hot, hard length bounced off her

bare bottom. She couldn't resist him.

He pushed her down onto the bed belly first, and with no time for her to

protest, he covered her body, wedging his thick cock tightly between her bare

buttocks. His heat seared her as she squirmed and moved underneath him. She was

losing control. She gasped when his swollen tip probed against her untried back

entrance, secret desire flashing through her.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass, baby?”

She couldn't breathe. Fear and lust curled tighter in her belly. No words would

form, so she shook her head.

“I'll have to take you there when you're ready. It's like nothing you've ever

known.” Holding her tight against the bed with one hand, he shifted and swiped his

fingers through her wet pussy.

With his fingers lubricated from her juices, he rubbed them through the crease

of her ass, finding the tight unused hole he sought. Her body arched with a feeble

attempt to stop him. He knew better.

“Hold still, Melody. Don't fight it.” He pressed forward, his finger sliding past

the tight ring of muscle.

She stilled, her breathing loud and choppy. Her increased arousal was music to

his ears.

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“That's it, baby, relax. Feel the pleasure.” Her body gripped his finger so tight

he imagined her ass would strangle his cock. She would have to be prepared before

he could take her there without hurting her. He slid a second finger in to join the

first. Her body again stiffened at the invasion. “Easy, Melody. Breathe.” Her

automatic response may have been to tense up, but her increasing moans signaled

intense pleasure.

With her sex swollen and slick and her cream running onto her thighs, he

ached to lap at her with his tongue and taste the sweet core of her essence. His

mouth watered.

Drake eased his fingers in and out of her ass until her moans grew loud, and

she moved against his hand encouraging him to go faster. “That's right, baby. I

knew you were a natural. You're loving this.” Her body shuddered and quaked at

his words; she was getting close to climax, and he wanted to feel that on his tongue.

He slipped his fingers from her ass. “No,” she gasped, her breath shallow and

panting. “Please, Drake, please.”

“I love the begging, but remember who's in control. Can you trust a little in


“Yes, Sir.” The sheets muffled her response, but he heard her.

“Don't worry, Melody. I'm not going to leave you like that. Not for too long

anyway.” He couldn't resist tormenting her just a little. He flipped her on her back.

“Spread your legs for me.”

She quickly complied, spreading her creamy delicate thighs as her eyes

sparked with the same dark lust he was certain filled his own. He pressed his hands

against each of her limbs.

“Farther,” he demanded.

She stretched and he pushed until her glistening pussy was open and available

to him.

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He snuggled down between her legs, inhaling her scent deep in his lungs. His

cock burned with the need to fuck her. To pound into her until they both collapsed

from the pleasure and exhaustion of hard, satisfying sex. But not yet. Right now,

her swollen sex called to him.

Drake lowered his head and tightened his grip on her thighs, locking her into


“You're going to come, Melody, but not until I say so. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her ragged response tore at his resolve and further tightened his cock to a

painful need.

His tongue swiped along her pussy from one end to the other in a single

dragging motion.

“Mmm.” Her flavor, sweet like honey with a hint of spice, exploded on his

tongue, and his shredding control snapped.

He ate at her like a man starved for centuries, her sweet juice the only thing

that could satisfy him. With every touch and swipe of her clit, her body bucked and

tried to get loose from the impossible grip he held on her thighs.

More. More.

He couldn't get enough of her. Her moans grew louder as her orgasm became

imminent. He licked and nibbled, savoring every bit of her.

“Oh God. Drake. Oh yes. Oh please.” Her cries and pleas seared his heart as

the woman writhing beneath him tore at his hair, frantic to come. Unable to deny

her any longer, he grasped her clit with his teeth, applying just enough pressure to

send her over the edge.

“Come for me, Melody,” he growled.

She screamed and writhed and came apart under the onslaught. Her cream

flooded his mouth as he savored her unique taste and energy.

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Never before had a woman gotten to him like this. Except…except his Melanie.

When he'd attempted to take her the first time, his heart had cracked. Her taste

had slain him and he'd never forgotten. It was sweet and spicy just like…

Holy Fuck!

Drake sprang off the bed like a bat out of hell. No, not possible. No way. But

the proof was there on his tongue as he tried to deny it. The woman lying on his bed

writhing and moaning, trying to recover from her orgasm was Melanie.

“Melanie?” Her body froze and she popped her eyes open to stare at the ceiling.

“Melanie, is that you?” She pulled her legs together and sat up. Tears welled at the

edge of her sooty lashes. After a long pause, she looked at him.

“Oh sweet Devil, it is you.” He looked at her perfect face and body and tried to

reconcile that with his image of Melanie, the sweet and curvy librarian he'd given

his heart to without her even knowing. Pain pounded in his chest threatening to

shatter everything all over again. “What have you done to yourself?”

How in the hell had she become a demon?

“It's a long story, Drake. One I'm not sure you would even believe.” He snorted.

“You'd be surprised, sweetheart.” His anger mounted as the implications of

Melody being Melanie began to sink in. And seeing her lying naked and perfect on

his bed, confusing him, wasn't helping the situation. His cock bobbed as fury

mingled with lust. “Is this some kind of trick?” He stalked over to the bed, grabbing

her by the shoulders and hauling her up against him. “Why would you come in my

club pretending to be someone else? Huh?”

Stark fear shone from her eyes. A product of guilt or something else he wasn't

sure. Her body trembled against him, and the need to hold and comfort her

overwhelmed him. He picked her up off the bed and wrapped her up in his arms.

“Oh, Melanie, what have you done? I wanted you to have a happy, normal life. Not

this. Never this.” She leaned into his chest, wetting him with her quiet tears. Oh no.

He couldn't take crying. It would destroy him.

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“My name isn't Melanie, it's Melody. Melanie is gone.” Her strangled voice

clawed at his insides. Desperate for her to be closer, he encouraged her to wrap her

legs around his waist.

“Shhh. Okay, Melody.” He absorbed her essence as he transferred some of his

heat to her. As her trembling eased and her body warmed, so did his cock, until it

lay heavy and thick pressing against her sex. His former heartbreak washed over

him as the lust he felt for Melody merged with the feelings he had for Melanie,

breaking down the wall he'd carefully crafted between them. Hunger for her

wrapped around his spine and gripped him so tight his desire to plunge mindlessly

into her body overwhelmed him.

“Melody, look at me.” She slowly lifted her head. Gone were the tears, replaced

with pure unadulterated passion. Blazing like fire in her eyes.

“I need to explain, but—”

“You always did talk too much. Explain later…” With one delicate thumb, she

brushed his nipple, and the need for words faded.

His mouth slanted against hers in a bruising, all-consuming kiss. He pushed

his tongue past her lips in a questing search for her very soul. The resulting moan

rumbled from her mouth, lost inside him as desire fused them. She writhed in his

arms, her juices covering his swollen cock. Back and forth, over and over, so warm

and soft.

Unable to hold back his driving need any longer, he pushed Melody against the

closest wall. Hunger twisted inside him as he grasped his shaft at the thick root.

Control forgotten, he sank his entire length into her quaking pussy on one smooth

thrust. His sac hung heavy, full, and aching as he waited for the pulsing

contractions to stop while she accommodated his size.

After managing a semblance of control, he withdrew his dick from her pussy

inch by inch in a slow controlled movement, grazing every bit of soft, clenching

tissue inside her, tormenting them both with an overload of sensation and pleasure

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with just the throbbing head of his cock remaining within her. She scraped and

grabbed at his back, attempting to move on him, to force him back inside her.

“Oh please, Drake, please. You're torturing me.” She tilted her hips upward,

dragging him inside her warm channel another inch.

“Stop that, baby.” His body shook at the force of his need to let go and fuck her.

“I want to be gentle and good with you…to last.”

“Fuck that, Drake. Just fuck me. Hard and fast like we both need it…” Her

eyes darkened with a red glow around the pupils. How could he have forgotten for

even a moment she was a demon—his kind—not a fragile human? Her desires and

sexual tastes as wicked as his own. Armed with that knowledge, Drake plunged into

the silken heat of her pussy and slammed her into the wall, taking their breath

away. His blood raced, sweat burst across his skin. He continued thrusting into her

willing body, driving them both one step closer to release every time his cock head

pushed up against her womb.

“Ahh. Yes. Yes. Harder.” Her guttural sounds and words spurred him higher

and harder until he was certain he couldn't get any farther into her body. His balls

tightened against his cock, edging him closer to his release. He wanted to fuck her

forever, but he wasn't going to last. Not this time.

“Oh, Melody, now. You have to come.” His body raged as he fought, needing to

watch her come with him. “Now, baby, now.”

Her screams filled the room as she flew over the edge, and he rushed into the

fire with her. His cock pounded deep within her gripping muscles and poured his

hot seed, in spurt after spurt, filling her womb. Drake buried his head into the

curve of her neck, biting at the sensitive skin, her tremors shimmering across his

skin. Despite his dominance over the sweet demon, her clenching flesh surrounding

his cock controlled him.

Withdrawing from her warm core, Drake wrapped her within his arms. Deep

emotions he couldn't deal with clawed at his insides as he carried her to his bed and

settled her in the cool silk sheets. She whimpered in protest as his arms left her

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body. He tore at the remaining pieces of his clothing, suffering from the aching need

to wrap her back up in the shelter of his body. He pulled her tight into his embrace,

with her figure perfectly curved to his.

“Go to sleep, Melody. You need some rest. We'll talk in the morning,” he

whispered into her silken hair as her eyes drifted shut.

Hell, what am I going to do now?

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Chapter Four

Melody woke wrapped tight in a man's arms. As consciousness seeped through

her brain, she remembered the previous night's events, culminating in the most

explosive bout of sex she had ever experienced. She tested her limbs by shifting

within Drake's grasp to find herself sore but okay. How many times had Drake

nudged her awake for more sex? She'd lost count and consciousness eventually. Her

lover was insatiable. She slipped from his embrace and headed for the bathroom.

She needed a shower and caffeine. She couldn't think straight without them. Her

fuzzy brain tried to process last night's information but she was having a hard time.

She was missing something important. She just knew it.

Fresh and clean from her shower, she started perusing the room for some

clothing she could borrow. Her clothes from the night before were haphazardly

strewn around as evidence of their wild coupling. Drake had forced so many

orgasms from her, she'd at times thought she would die from the pleas—

What the fuck? Her gaze flashed back over to the bed to see that, yes, indeed,

Drake was asleep and snuggled in the bed. Alive and well.

How had he—

She rushed to the bed, grabbing Drake by the shoulders. How could she have

forgotten? “What the hell is going—” Before she got the rest of her question formed,

Drake tossed her to the side, brutally bringing his arm across her windpipe, cutting

off her breath and pinning her to the bed.

“Holy shit, Melody, you can't jump on me like that.” He released his arm and

pulled her up, rubbing his fingers where he'd pressed against her throat. “I'm so

sorry, baby. It was just instinct.”

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“How…how are you still here?” Her eyes watered from the pain throbbing at

her neck.

“What the hell are you talking about, Melody?”

“Last night, when we came…” She shifted away from him, unable to keep her

thoughts straight while her pulse raced. “I-I should have…”

“You should have done what, Melody? Taken my soul?” Her body stiffened in

shock. Blood drained from her head as she tried to focus on what he'd said.


“Take a breath, sweetheart. You're going to pass out if you don't calm down.”

“Calm down?” His placating tone slashed at her as fury replaced confusion. “I

won't calm down until you tell me what the hell is going on here.”

“Yeah, Drake, why don't you tell her what's going on?”

They swiveled their heads sharply to the new voice in the room. Leaning

against the doorframe was none other than her boss.

What the hell? This was getting old.

“Harold, what are you doing here?” Her boss leered at her, and she

remembered she was still nude. She grabbed a sheet from the bed and hurriedly

wrapped her naked form.

“Get out of my club now. You're trespassing.” Drake's hard voice chilled her,

and she watched Drake change, his face contorting into pure hatred.

“Ahh, Drake, don't get your shorts in a twist. I'm only here to talk to my

demon.” Harold motioned in her direction.

“I'm hardly your demon. You're my boss, not my keeper.”

“Don't be so sure about that,” Drake mumbled under his breath.

“Hold it right there.” She poked her finger into Drake's chest to emphasize her

point. “Someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on here. And they need to

tell me right now.” She swiveled between the two men, waiting for an answer.

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“Melody, no need to look at me like that. You know why I'm here. Your

deadline, my dear.”

“Don't start with me again, Harold. Do you really think I've forgotten?” She

was tempted to strike out against that smirk on Harold's face. “I have delivered

some. I'm almost done.” One soul was close to some, right?

“Almost doesn't count, my dear.” He stepped forward, his massive bulk casting

a shadow across much of the room. “Do I need to remind you what will happen if

you fail?” Her hands flew to her throat as an invisible force took hold of her. Unable

to catch her breath, she glared at Harold.


She jumped at the boom of Drake's voice.

“Do you really want to start something here, Harold? 'Cause if you do, then

let's go. You and me, right here, right now.” He stepped in front of her, blocking her

from Harold and his powerful gaze. “It's what we've both been waiting for, isn't it?”

Her head pounded from the lack of oxygen as she watched the two of them

square off. She shot out her leg, hitting Drake on the back of the knee. He wobbled

but managed to right himself before he fell. When he twisted to see her, shock

registered on his face. He grabbed for her just as her legs gave out and she collapsed

toward the floor.

“Dammit, Harold. Let her the fuck go! What are you trying to do?” Drake's

hands massaged into her neck.

“Oh give me a break. She's fine.”

Melody gasped and choked, trying to suck in as much air as she could.

“Looks like you've gone soft on me, Drake. Pussy-whipped already?”

The fury and tension vibrated off Drake, frightening her a bit. When the

pressure blocking her airway eased, she struggled to sit up and move from his arms.

“Harold, just go. I know what I have to do and I'll do it.” She was resigned to her

duties, despite her best efforts to ignore them for so long. “Trust me.”

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Harold snorted. “Yeah, like I'm going to fall for that one.” Melody opened her

mouth to speak, and Harold held up his hand to halt her. “Don't say any more,

darling, you might ruin my generous mood. I'm going. For now.” He retreated from

the room, dematerializing at the door.

But, Melody, don't forget to ask Drake why he didn't lose his soul to you last


She jerked her head back to Drake. His carefully schooled face gave away

nothing. She had a sinking feeling she wasn't going to like his answer. “Well, Drake,

care to fill me in?” She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting.

“Why ask me? He's your boss.” Drake stalked across the room to the wet bar he

had in the corner. Pulling out a bottle of Scotch, he poured several fingers in a glass.

“I'm not talking about Harold, and you damn well know it, don't you?” The

glass halted at his lips as he pondered her question. Without another word, he

swigged the Scotch down in one gulp. He grimaced with the burn she imagined the

alcohol created.

“Drake, why aren't you shocked by any of this? How did you know about me

taking souls? God, I feel like I've stepped into the Twilight Zone, and there's a joke

being played on me or something.” She marched over to the bed, flinging herself

down on her back. Staring up at the ceiling, she wondered for the zillionth time

what she'd gotten herself into.

Was it worth it?

“I'm a half demon, Melody. You can't take my soul.”

Goose bumps covered her skin at the calm tone of his voice. She covered her

eyes, trying to block out the images of Drake in hell lording over other demons.

With his dominant personality, he would likely have many minions like her.

“Wait—” She sat up to stare at him. “Half demon? As in one parent is demon,

the other is not?” He nodded.

“You and I, uhh, you and Melanie…”

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“Yes, Melody, I have always been like this. Even when I was with you.”

“It wasn't me. It was Melanie and I told you she is gone,” she snapped.

“Just because you traded your soul for a different shell doesn't make you a

different person. You're still Melanie. Especially to me.”

“How can you say that? You left her.” Melody bit down on her lip to stop the

quivering. Drake strode to the side of the bed.

“I left because of who I am. You deserved better than me. And I knew that once

I had you, I would never let go.” She looked in his eyes, searching for treachery, but

found nothing. He was hiding something from her.

“And this?” She waved her arm, motioning around the room. “Is this new, or

have you always been into this as well?”

His fingers cupped her chin. “Melody. I am who I am and I always have been.”

“And you didn't think a meek little virgin like Melanie could handle it, right?”

“Is it so hard to believe that I wanted you to be normal? To lead the life you

deserved? Your virginity was a dose of reality thrown in my face just in time.”

“Yet here I am. I don't think your plan worked.” Her voice dripped with


“Should I thank Fate next time I see her?” His arrogant smile taunted her, but

she wasn't giving in so easily.

“What about Harold? What is going on there?” Tears burned at the back of her

eyes. She wouldn't let them fall—she couldn't.

“Ahh, Harold. Well, Harold and I, we go way back. We've been at each other's

throats as long as I can remember.” He came down on top of her, pushing her

farther into the mattress and stopping with his lips a hairsbreadth away from her

own. His long stiffened cock pressed into her mound as he aligned himself perfectly

between her legs. “Do you really want to keep talking about Harold?” His breath

feathered across her mouth in a gentle caress, sending her nerve endings into a riot.

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Her skin tingled from the current running between them, while her nipples

hardened to painful aching points, and her already wet sex pulsed in expectation.

“Drake, stop. I can't think when you do that.”

“Then don't think, baby. Just feel.” His lips came down on hers in a rough

biting kiss, full of need and emotion, threatening to overwhelm her. His tongue

pressed and prodded against her mouth, forcing her to yield.

Drake was on fire. Her heat scorched into his skin as he ripped at the sheet

wrapped around her body. He'd known once wouldn't be enough with her, but he

hadn't banked on this clawing hunger in his gut for more of her. What worried him,

though, were the emotions churning inside, threatening to consume him. He needed

to lock her out of his life and heart soon. Before it was too late. But he couldn't yet.

He had to push his swollen cock into her heat at least one more time. Wanted to feel

her come apart underneath him as he brought her to orgasm over and over until she

trembled with the knowledge of who was master here.

Fuck Harold.

Shoving the sheet aside, he freed her breasts. He thumbed the tight points

while absorbing her resulting moan with his kiss. They fit perfectly into his palms,

the soft skin smooth against his rougher fingers. The contrast in textures exciting

on its own. Breaking the kiss, he dipped down to capture a flushed nipple in his

mouth. His tongue lashed as he sucked it in deep until she writhed and pleaded

with him for more.

“Tastes so good,” he groaned.

He nipped at the hard peak, wanting her to cry out in surrender to beg to be

fucked. He pressed closer, the hard ridge of his dick pushing against her hip.

His hand trailed the smooth expanse of her belly, halting at the tiny patch of

curls at the top of her pussy. He stroked and teased the area, purposely missing her

ultrasensitive folds as her body arched up, telling him that she needed so much


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She reached for his cock, and he quickly turned to keep it from her grip. One

touch and he would be lost to her.

“Quit it, Melody. I'm in control here. Don't touch until I tell you to. Unless of

course you want me to spank you again.” Her body blushed a brighter pink as the

truth sank in.

“Sometimes, Drake, you just need to relax.”

He pushed his hip into her thigh, letting the full length of his hardness press

against her. “Does that feel relaxed, sweetheart?”

“That's why I was trying to take care of that for you. It's my turn.”

“The only turn you're going to get right now is one with a ball gag if you don't

quit arguing with me.” He gripped her sides and flipped her onto her belly. A sharp

gasp escaped her as she struggled to get back around.

“Drake, this isn't fair.”

“Hell no, it isn't fair. It's not supposed to be.” He pushed against her back with

the palm of his hand, holding her down while he reached into the nightstand for a

tube of lubrication. Her writhing pink ass was entirely too tempting.

“What are you doing, Drake?” Fear crept into her voice.

“Doing what I should have done a long time ago, baby. Taking you. All of you.”

“But—” His coated fingers slicked through the crack of her backside, seeking

the small forbidden hole. “Drake—” Her breath came in harsh pants as he inched

his way into the tight ring.

Hunger and a need for urgency licked at his spine. Drake's sac tightened

against his body and the head of his cock leaked in anticipation of the snug channel

currently strangling his finger.

“So warm and tight.” He worked a second finger alongside the first, stretching

her, preparing her. Where her body had stiffened when he first began, Drake

watched her visibly relax as he shuttled his fingers in and out of her well-lubricated

rear. Her bottom even wriggled against his hand in tiny jerks. “Should I stop,

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Melody?” The pillow under her head stifled her moan of response. “Answer me so I

can hear you, or I have to stop.”

“Please don't stop, Drake.” Her voice sounded thin and hoarse. With her

prepared and eager, he slipped his fingers from her body and grasped his engorged

cock. Her cries of protest fanned the flames even higher as he guided his tip to her


Oh fuck, she couldn't breathe. His hot cockhead rested against her anus,

driving her to push back on him. She'd never been taken like this, but she was past

the point of fear. Sensations rioted through her, threatening to burn her from the

inside out. She moved a little backward, urging him to go farther. The tip pushed

and stretched against her virgin backside, impaling her inch by inch. The burning

heat spread throughout her bottom as her body adjusted to accommodate his size.

He hit nerve endings she didn't even know existed as she fought to catch her breath.

“Damn, Melody. I don't think I can hold on very long here. You're so damn

tight.” With one final push, his entire length seated fully inside her. His shaft

pulsed within her, tempting and teasing beyond her control. She tried to move

against him, but his hands gripping her waist wouldn't allow it.

“Not yet, baby. Not yet.”

The burning pain of his invasion turned to something darker when he pulled

himself back out. A pleasure more intense than she dared dream. The discomfort

didn't disappear, but instead intensified the pleasurable sensations as he dragged

his flesh across her nerve endings. She bucked against him as the need within her

burned out of control. He returned with a quick, deep penetration, searing her


“Please, Drake, I have to come. I can't take it anymore.” He stroked in and out

of her, pushing her higher without giving her the last bit she needed to achieve


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“You're mine, Melody. Do you really understand that?” The pleasure and pain

were killing her. She held on by a thread as her heart raced. She pushed back

against him again, urging him to take her deeper, harder. She couldn't focus on his

words with this desperate demand clawing at her body. “Melody.” He halted his


“Noo!” she cried as he held her still.

“You will not come unless you understand your place with me. You're mine.

You always have been.” His fingers reached around to her pussy, grazing over her


“Oh yes. Yes, I'm yours, Drake.” She moaned with each tap against her aching

nub. “Just as much as you are mine.”

Drake growled as he shoved his cock tight into her quivering body. His free

hand smacked down onto her left cheek. Increasing the fire and vibrations in her

anus, he tunneled inside her. With every repeated smack, his shaft pulsed,

stretching her farther, bringing her to the brink without pushing her over.

“This is it, baby. This is it.” She couldn't speak, her arousal all she could focus

on. Her need to come. Her moans and cries lost to the sensation of burning bliss.

When she felt his hard stream of semen explode inside her, his fingers tightened on

her clit, pushing her into the abyss of pleasure.

Along with his grunts, her screams filled the room as they both lost complete

control. Muscles clenched as she thrashed against him, absorbing every sensation of

pleasure/pain enveloping her. Bodies trembling, they collapsed to the bed in a

tangled mess of worn-out limbs with sweat glistening across their skin. Short

moments later, he slipped from her body, pulling her tighter into his arms. She

savored his warmth as the heat of their lust faded. His fingers lazed across her

back, stopping to trace her tattoo just over her right shoulder.

“Why do you have a tat of a flaming pitchfork?”

She giggled. “I thought it seemed appropriate at the time. I mean, what's a

demon without a pitchfork?”

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His lips curled in a smile. “You are a crazy lady, you know that? He smoothed

his fingers over the curve of her ass, lightly across the now tender flesh. “I didn't

want to leave you back then.” Her breath hitched as she waited. “I didn't see how

we could overcome the demon issue. But dammit, Melody, I want you now as much

as I did then. No. Even more, now that I've seen your sweet submissive side.” She

swatted his arm as he laughed at her efforts.

“I'll show you sweet and submissive when I kick your ass.” Her struggles and

swats were more playful than serious. She loved him. She'd hoped by now she was

over him, but deep down knew she would never be.

“Melody, I—” A banging sounded on the outer office door.

“Drake! Drake are you in there?”

“Damn! I think I'm going to have to kill me a Chaos Demon.” She laughed as

he jumped from the bed.

“Well then, go take care of your Chaos Demon. I'll take a shower and get

cleaned up.”

“Mmmm.” He caressed the underside of her breasts. “That sounds good. I'll

take care of demon boy and join you. We can finish our talk later.” His eyes glowed

with sheer lust as he reluctantly let her go to deal with business.

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Chapter Five

The hot water sluicing over her started to run cool. She'd lost track of how

much time she'd been waiting, but since a cold shower was not her idea of a good

time, it was time to get out. Drake must have gotten caught up in some work crisis

he couldn't get out of.

Melody twisted the lever off and exited the shower, grabbing one of the bath

sheets to dry herself. She'd spent enough time lavishing herself with sex and love,

but now she needed to focus on her task at hand. Today was the thirty-first of

October. Her deadline. One Harold had been kind enough to remind her of in

person. She stuck her tongue out at herself in the mirror. Her boss was one giant

pain in the ass.

She rummaged around Drake's room for her clothes, dressing and repairing as

she went along. They looked a bit worse for wear, but she was headed straight

home, so she'd get over it. She needed a new killer outfit and a plan. With tonight

being Halloween, she wouldn't have any trouble finding a few more sorry souls to

meet her deadline. Although the thought of having sex with anyone other than

Drake turned her stomach.

Yep, I've got it bad. So much for the sex-starved demon persona. She would

need a different approach. Hmm. Maybe a dominatrix. That could be interesting.

She chuckled to herself as she reached for the door and walked into the outer


“Boss, what are you going to do about Melody? For this to work, she'll have to

be destroyed, or at the very least suffer in flames for eternity. Is this all part of the

plan? Get her defenses down so she's easy prey?”

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Melody twisted and turned, looking for the source of the voice she'd heard. No

one was in the room with her, but she did notice Drake and another man she didn't

recognize on one of the video monitors. She moved closer, realizing the conversation

was coming from a speaker on the desk. Drake's back was to the monitor, so she

couldn't see his expression.

“Watch yourself.” Drake's voice was low and menacing. “I'm perfectly aware

what needs to be done.”

“Hey, boss, I'm just saying. We've all been waiting a long time to take down

Harold and get back home.”

“You've been saying entirely too much lately. I suggest you worry about

yourself and let me take care of the girl.” Drake ran his hands roughly through his

hair, tension visible in the rigid line of tendons at his neck.

Set up.

Betrayed again.

Her head spun out of control. How could she have been so stupid?

“It's too bad you had to hear that.” Melody swiveled around to see a huge

green, horned demon standing behind her. Beside the horns and the puke green

skin, he looked like any other human man who overdosed on steroids.

Holy crap. Muscles bulged in every spot imaginable. Even that one. She

glanced toward the door, calculating escape, when he advanced toward her,

effectively cutting her off from the exit.


“Hear what?” She did her best to appear aloof despite the fear gripping her


“Do I look that stupid?” He sneered down at her.

“Well, now that—” He cocked his eyebrow, contorting his face into the visage of

a nightmare.

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He paced forward, forcing her to take steps back until her butt hit the desk in

front of the bank of video monitors. He raised his hand and Melody quickly tried to

process an escape scenario. He didn't strike her, but instead leaned over her,

pressing the black talk button.

“Hey, Drake. I think you'd better come in here. We have a problem.” Melody

breathed in sharply as the demon brushed past her, putting some space between

her and the door.

This might be my only chance.

She sprinted by the demon, hoping for a little luck. He grabbed at her, only

catching the edge of her top. With fear and adrenaline rushing through her, her

nails extended to talons as she sliced at his wrist. The demon screeched in agony as

he released her shirt, blood from his arm squirting across her face. Melody took off

in a sprint, or as much as she could in her four-inch fuck-me heels.

She cleared the office doorway and took off toward the club entrance. Running

and stumbling, she made it to the foyer, and with a quick glance behind, heaved a

sigh of relief that she'd gotten away.


She ran into something hard, bouncing back only to be caught by warm

familiar arms.

“Going somewhere, sweetheart?”

Her heart thudded in her chest as her oxygen-starved brain forced her lungs to

work overtime. The steely determination in his eyes told her she wasn't going

anywhere. She was trapped.

Melody slumped against him as her heart shattered in pieces again. She'd

managed to screw everything up by letting him get to her. Even with a new look,

some things never changed.

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“Come on, babe; let's go have ourselves a chat.” He scooped her into his arms,

carrying her back toward his office. Thank goodness it was still early, and no

customers were in the club to witness her humiliation.

What was that old saying? “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame

on me.”

* * *

Drake dumped her in the recliner away from the bed so he'd be slightly less

tempted to do something he shouldn't. Despite her evident anger and pain, he felt

the need to show her once again who was in control in this relationship. He thought

to tie her hands behind her back and put her on her knees in front of him. A good

flogging would give his girl the focus she so needed. He shifted his already swelling

cock in his pants, trying to get his mind off the image of her lips wrapped around



She'd heard the words he'd spoken to a demon he didn't fully trust, not his true

thoughts, but rumblings of different plans.

Now covered in blood from her attack of his friend, she needed to get cleaned

up again. He walked into the bathroom and grabbed a cloth, running it under the

hot water. His mind raced with thoughts he didn't need to say until he had

everything figured out. The bedroom door handle jiggled, letting him know his fiery

little hellcat was up trying to figure a way out. The corners of his mouth couldn't

help but crinkle up in a grin. There was nowhere for her to go. She would have to

stay here and hear him out.

Without glancing in her direction, he exited the bathroom and crossed to the

bureau in the corner. He searched through drawers for some clothes she could

change into instead of the blood-soaked leather she wore now. The wound she'd

inflicted on his guard may not have been fatal, but it sure made a mess.

Drake sat down in the chair opposite hers. “Come here, Melody.” He patted his


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“I don't think so, Drake.” Her features hardened as she spoke, her arms

crossing in front of her. He couldn't blame her for being angry. What she'd heard

was damning. He needed to explain the whole truth, make her understand his true

self and situation.

Ah, but will she accept me? He'd walked away without trying last time. He

owed her more than that the second time around. Especially since she'd gone and

given her soul to that bastard.

“Melody, you don't want me to get up and retrieve you. I won't be gentle.”

She uncrossed her arms and legs to stand. One small step at a time, she

drifted over to his chair and stood before him a few feet away.

“Melody, baby, you need to trust me.”

She snorted.

He sighed. Convincing her would not be an easy task. “You don't know the

whole story. Out of context, I admit what you heard sounds bad.”

“Uh, yeah. I'd say trying to kill me is pretty bad.”

“Melody, you don't understand. This isn't about you, darling. My sweet. It's

about Harold. Your boss is a bad demon, one who needs to pay for his crimes. I've

been after him for years. Trying to stop him from hurting his own kind as well as


“But you're a demon. Since when do demons help humans?”

Drake shook his head. “It's not quite that simple, babe. Just because we're

demons doesn't mean we have free license to do whatever we want. There are still

rules to follow and a balance to be maintained. It's the age-old story of balance

between good and evil. Too much of one or the other and everything goes to shit.”

She shook her head, disbelieving. “And what exactly does this have to do with


“Hold on, I'm getting there. You really are so impatient—something I'll have to

break you of—but considering what you've been through, I'll give you a pass on it

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this time.” He handed her the cloth. “Because of who I am, I was tasked with the

responsibility of maintaining that balance I mentioned.”

She snickered. “You're like a demon cop?”

“Not exactly how I would put it, but for a newbie like yourself, and for lack of a

better description at the moment, that's probably the easiest way to explain it.

Difference is my job is nothing like a human cop's. I serve as cop, judge, jury, and

executioner. I'm not a nice guy, Melody.”

“I don't think I'm really understanding where you're going. Still not seeing

where I fit into all of this.”

“Patience, hon. If you let me finish, you'll get there.” He roughly rubbed his

hands across his thighs, distracting himself from the need to grab her and pull her

into his arms. He could bury his head into her neck, lick all of that sweet skin, sink

into her hot sheath, and forget about everything else. If only. “I've been doing this

job for a while now, like a few centuries, until your boss outed me.”

“Outed you?”

“Yeah, I told you I'm only half demon. A half-breed.” Something crossed his

features when he said that. An emotion she couldn't quite peg. “I was born and

raised in Hell where no one but a select few knew who and what I am. Until Harold

tortured my mother for the truth. Even in Hell, half-breeds of my kind are not


“Your kind?”

“Yeah, my kind.” He swiped his hands through his hair. “My father is an

angel.” She took a step back. “See what I mean? You're a brand new demon and

even the mention of an angel scares you. It's an instinctive reaction.”

“I'm not scared. Just surprised. I didn't expect demons and angels to be


He laughed. “Melody, you are a breath of fresh air here. I haven't smiled like

this in a very long time.”

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“So, back to Harold and how I fit into your story.”

“Yeah. Well, once Harold outed me, I had every level of demon coming after me

on a regular basis. The only way to ensure my safety was to have my guards and me

banished from Hell. It's how we ended up here permanently.”

“You mean you didn't choose to live here?”

“No, Melody. Born demons don't like spending more time here than they have

to. It's the created demons who enjoy staying here, living with what they are used

to, holding on to some piece of their humanity.”

“Like me?” Biting her lip, she looked away.

“Yes, like you.” He hated seeing the insecurity in her eyes. “We've been trying

to get back to hell ever since. But there is only one way back.”

“Harold has to be eliminated?” Her voice low, reserved. “But he created me…

What happens to me if Harold is destroyed?”

His eyes darkened and he turned away from her. She knew before he spoke

that it would be bad. Very bad.

“And therein lies my latest dilemma. Whatever happens to Harold happens to

his demons as well.”

“You and your friends want to go home. But in order to get there, you have to

destroy Harold, which in turn will kill me.” He didn't need to answer. The truth of

her statement was written all over his face. She sat heavily on the bed.

“Harold doesn't have to be killed. I have a choice. Eternal punishment or death

will suffice, and at this point, death seems too easy for him.”

“When are you planning to do this?”

“We aren't exactly. You are.”

“What? Why would I do that?”

“We know about your quota, Melody. It's the clause we've been waiting for.”

“I definitely don't understand.”

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“When Harold asked to create you, permission was given on a provisional

basis. You are to meet a monthly soul quota. If you don't meet it three months in a

row, then Harold and by association, you, are punished permanently. And we both

know being tortured in the Lake of Fire for eternity is no cushy office job.”

“That sounds ridiculous.” And far more painful than she'd bargained for.

“Well, many demons aren't known for their logical thought processes. This deal

was all about Harold's arrogance and how it would end up becoming his downfall.”

“If I don't make my quota tonight, it will be the third month in a row I haven't

made it.”

Drake nodded his head. “We know, hon. Randy, my Chaos Demon, has been

keeping track for us. We've been waiting for this, and I was brought in to make sure

you don't succeed.”

“You're here to ensure I die tonight?” He nodded his head, and her heart

shattered. Everything she'd dared to hope for despite her head telling her otherwise

fractured before her eyes. Sudden pain cramped her belly, an ache she'd thought

long forgotten. She turned away, unable to look at him anymore. Melody was

supposed to be smarter than Melanie, yet here she was repeating her same

mistakes over and over. When would it ever end? Her eyes began to burn with a

sheen of tears that she swiped quickly away. No way would she start crying in front

of Drake. It would be a cold day in hell, and she knew how unlikely that was.

“But, Melody, don't you see?” His fingers gripped her arm and forced her

around. “I can't do it. I—I care about you.”

Melody jerked her gaze from his, afraid to make a mistake. Her heart

tightened in her chest as she agonized over what to believe. Every cell in her body

screamed for the man in front of her and she was afraid.

Lies and deceit filled her world now. Innocence and faith didn't belong. Yet

that small kernel of humanity remained—the piece that made her want to believe.

To give the man she loved another chance. Sure he hadn't given her the declaration

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of love she'd been hoping for, but she had to take a chance. Deep down, her instincts

told her how he felt about her.

“I won't stop you from getting your souls. I want Harold to pay for his crimes,

but I'll have to find another way. The price is too high.”

Melody thought on this for a minute. Puzzling through the details. The

agonized pain in his voice gave her insight into a man tortured for too long.

“Drake, how long have you been trying to take care of Harold?” His hesitation

was more telling than she imagined. “How long?”

“One hundred and forty-five years.”

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Chapter Six

A chill swept over Melody. She loved Drake and his pain tore at her insides.

One hundred and forty-five years was a long time to live with that kind of torture.

Too long. He didn't deserve this.

“I'll do it.” She blurted out with little thought to the consequences. Sure she

knew the results, but she refused to dwell on that now. Her self-centered behavior

had gotten her into this, and now she would be free.

“You'll do what?” His brows pulled together in a puzzled expression.

“I'll refuse my quota. Yeah. I'm not bringing Harold any more souls tonight.

I'm tired of the threats.”

“Whoa, hold on there, Melody. Listen to what you're saying.” He grabbed her

shoulders. “I can't allow you to sacrifice yourself like this.”

“Ha. This is one time, Sir, when you do not have any control over me.” She

jerked from his grip.

“Listen to me, Melody. If you go through with this, you'll go with him when

he's banished. Do you think the Lake of Fire will be fun? You haven't even thought

this out.” He paced the floor in front of her. “Don't you see? You gave your soul to

Harold. Where he goes, you go.”

“Then let's get it back.”

“What?” A deep laugh rumbled in his chest. “Yeah right, Melody, let's just take

a trip down to his office, let him know you don't want to play his games anymore,

and by the way, can you please have your soul back?” Drake doubled over in

laughter. Tears shone in his eyes when he looked back at her.

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“Drake, you don't have to be such an ass. I wasn't suggesting we ask him to

give it back. I was instead suggesting that we steal it.”

His laughter broke off, his eyes boring into hers. “What did you say?”

“Yeah, that's it. I'll just go to his office pretending to bring him souls, and find

a way to snatch mine back before he realizes he's been duped.” She turned to face

Drake. “What do you think? Can we do it?”

“Of course not. He'd see that coming a mile away, sweetheart. He hasn't been

in charge for this long because he's stupid, Mel.”

She sat on the bed with an exasperated sigh. “Then that's it. I just won't

complete my tasks tonight and be done with it. You and your friends can go back to

hell, and the world will be less one evil demon and one rather pathetic one.”

“There is an alternative.” Drake's voice lowered to a near whisper. “You

weren't too far off track when you said we could steal it. Although your soul can't be

stolen. It has to be given.”

“Drake, you're not making sense. You already said he won't give it to us. And if

we can't steal it, what else can we do?”

“Well, there's one thing I haven't told you yet.”

“Oh boy. This is the part I'm not going to like, right?” Asking questions she

really didn't want the answers to would one day be her downfall.


“On?” She tapped her foot, waiting.

“What you feel like doing for the rest of eternity.” Amusement flickered in his


She strode over to him, grabbing at his shoulders to shake him. “Stop laughing

and tell me what the hell you're planning.”

“Wouldn't you like to know?” His fingers grazed her lips, softening them from

their grim line. “I love the shape and color of your lips.” His head bent, his mouth

slanting over hers. Instead of the hard and fast kisses of before, his lips were soft

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and gentle as they caressed and explored. “And the taste. Oh, baby, you taste like

honey.” She edged her hands across his thick broad shoulders to flatten her palms

against his muscular pecs before shoving him away as hard as she could.

“Stop trying to distract me with sex and tell me.” Her breath came in heavy

pants, revealing a desire stronger than the outrage she didn't want to let go.

“Yes, Drake, tell her so we can both have a good laugh. Although the show was

just getting good, and I wouldn't mind watching that either.”

She jerked at the sound of Harold's voice behind her and turned to see he

wasn't alone. He'd brought several of his playmates with him, who were now

blocking the door. Demons of the unfriendly and extremely ugly sort, ones who

wouldn't hesitate to get their hands dirty. She spared a quick glance at the clock.

Five minutes to midnight.

“You're too late Harold. I can't fill my quota.” Somehow, that fact didn't

comfort her when he caught her with his gaze, and she felt his power wrapping

around her. Tight, powerful bands biting into her flesh. Her back teeth clenched

while she fought with the full force of her will, to no avail. She'd been down this

road before, and no amount of struggle would set her free.

“Quotas don't matter anymore little one. We're beyond that now.” He walked

forward, keeping his power focused on her. “What does matter; however, is that you

belong to me and I'm the one that decides your fate. Not that half-breed over there.”

He snarled, nodding his head to Drake.

A roaring blast of heat pushed at her and Harold from Drake's direction, but

she was powerless to look. Harold's demons shielded him, protecting him from the

heat and whatever other strike Drake might have been considering.

“Randy!” Drake yelled, his voice contorted with anger.

Behind Harold, Drake's Chaos Demon shimmered into view, two other lesser

demon guards at his side.

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When Harold motioned to his guards, an adrenalin-laced shot of fear rushed

through her, giving her just enough control back to scream. “Harold, wait! What do

you want from me?”

“I told you if you didn't complete your job there would be hell to pay, and I'm

here to collect. You're going with me.”

That familiar pull of power propelled her forward, closer to her boss one step

at a time. Why couldn't she fight it?

She whimpered when a meaty hand wrapped around her throat.

“She's not going anywhere with you dickhead.”

Momentarily caught off guard, Harold turned to Drake, lessening his hold over

her. The vise of his grip loosened, and she sagged to the floor.

“You have no say-so in demon matters Drake, and you damn well know it, so

stop butting in where no one gives a damn about what you have to say.” The

satisfied smirk across Harold's face made her want to puke. She had no idea who

was the more powerful of the two, but she suspected the outcome of a power

struggle would be ugly for everyone involved.

“Your arrogance astounds me, asshole. You know you've lost and yet you still

can't slink away without causing trouble.” Drake stalked toward Harold, his guards

sticking close. “You messed up with this one.” He motioned to Melody. “Some people

can't be made bad no matter how hard you try.”

Harold leaned forward, putting his face right up to Drake's nose. “Don't be so

sure about that. She may have had a hard time with the soul collecting, but she

took to the fucking like it was nobody's business. But I guess you've already found

that out firsthand. And I've heard she's quite the fuck.”

Her jaw dropped open. When she finally thought to say something, she was too

late. Drake pulled his arm back and planted his fist into Harold's face, the bone of

his nose crunching under the force. Before she could haul herself from the floor,

demons were all over. Demons and arms and legs were flying in a flurry of male

posturing to prove who knows what.

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“Enough!” Hands placed on her hips, she yelled at the top of her lungs. The

deafening sound bounced around the room, catching everyone's attention long

enough for her to get in a word.

“If I'm going to die in the next few minutes, the last thing I want to see is a

bunch of idiots fighting.”

“Die? What are you talking about?” Harold looked genuinely confused.

“The three-month rule you idiot. Did you think no one knew? Or would be

watching? I've been waiting a very long time for this. I never expected you'd make it

so easy by making a bargain your butt couldn't cash,” Drake exclaimed.

“That bargain doesn't mean shit. No one will bother to cash it in. Without me,

things would be chaos. Even more so now.” The angry words vibrated the air around

them as he paced. “I do, however, get the pleasure of administering some of

Melody's punishment at my own hand and I can hardly wait.” He turned quickly,

catching her off guard. His hand gripped her chin and forced her face upward.

At the last second she squeezed her eyes closed, remembering not to look at

him. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look.

“You're not the only one who can do the job, Harold. There is someone to

replace you.” Drake said it so quietly, she almost didn't hear him.

A rumbling laugh exploded in front of her. She couldn't escape from the sick

and twisted sound.

“And who would that be? You? That's hilarious. A half-breed?”

A growl rumbled from Drake and he snapped. “This half-breed just beat you,

so face it. You know as well as I do how things work around here. Rules are rules.”

“I make the fucking rules,” Harold snarled, baring his teeth. Very sharp teeth

that had given her nightmares on more than one occasion.

“Not this time. You made a deal, gambled with your position and life, and you

just lost. No amount of bullshit will get you out of it this time. Now get the hell out

of my bedroom.”

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“If you take my job you'll never get to return to your precious home or the

woman who waits there.”

Harold's words lashed across her as if he'd slapped her with the sharp edge of

a knife. His hand loosened, releasing her jaw and she stumbled backward, a faint

tremble rippled through her body. A woman? She'd never once considered Drake

could be involved with someone else. Even as a sexy demon, she'd managed to fuck

everything up.

She implored Drake with her gaze to deny, to rage, to call him the liar he had

to be.

“Leave my sister out of this.” Drake lunged for Harold and more demons

arrived blocking Drake from her boss.

“Sister? He meant your sister? Not wife or—or girlfriend?” She stared at

Drake, desperate for confirmation.

“Just a sister, love. You're the only woman for me.”

“Aww, so sweet. Now I need to throw up.”

“Shut up, Harold!” they yelled in unison.

Drake moved, faster than any human, grabbed her around the waist, and

hauled her close to him, his heat enveloping her. One of Harold's guards raced

forward in attack, claws extended and aimed at her throat.

Melody grabbed his claws, forcing his hand back until he howled in pain,

giving her the opening she needed. She drove her own nails into his throat before

pushing him away. Blood gushed down his chest and onto the floor.

Melody gazed at the injured demon, amazed at what she'd done. Well, he'd

gotten what he deserved for trying to hurt her. She was getting pretty sick of being

pushed around.

“I'm impressed, babe.”

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She inclined her head, “What does that mean that you can't get back to your

sister? Is she in some sort of trouble?” Time was ticking, but not having all the facts

threatened to drive her nuts.

“Yes and no. They like to use her as a sort of leash for me when I don't toe the

line. She belongs to a demon, but he's not a bad guy and I suspect she doesn't hate

being there, even if it is against her will. So she's safe, but she's not allowed to leave

or move through hell, much like me. As long as I stayed here, Harold had to offer

her his protection, which in most places of hell is enough to keep the worst of the

demons in line.”

“But if you break your end of the bargain?”

“Then all deals are off, and he and his crazy ass sister are fair game. Enough

explanations. I'm bored. Let's go.” Harold's gaze darted to the clock.

“Wait.” She took a step away. It still didn't fit. “I don't understand. Why is

everyone so afraid of you?”

Harold snorted behind her. “It's not fear, but revulsion.

Drake ignored him and continued. “My mixed heritage makes me unique. Able

to occupy both heaven and hell, although not welcome in either. It gives me an

unpredictable power that can't be controlled by the likes of him.” Drake's chin lifted

toward her boss.

“Okay, I think I get it.” Finally. “You need to find a way back home, a loophole

of sorts, that allows you to get around some of these assholes that fear what they

don't know?”

“Exactly, and until you came along nothing stuck. Harold found a counter to

everything we tried, and more than once my sister took a punishment for me, so we

quit trying. Decided to bide our time, knowing eventually he would fuck up.”

“Enter Melody, the bungling Sex Demon unable to fill her quota.” She tried to

swallow the lump forming in her throat.

“Yes,” he whispered.

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“What now?” This was the part she didn't like. The one selfish answer that

would save her and ruin him.

“Now I take over that bastard's job because his fuck up backfired against us


“Not gonna happen, Drake. I'm not going anywhere.”

Drake glanced over at the big clock hanging on the wall behind the bed. “I beg

to differ. In about thirty seconds you'll be leaving whether you want to or not.”

Harold glared at Drake, his power obviously having no affect on Drake. The

demons around Harold fidgeted, obviously anxious about what they overheard.

Suddenly two of them leaped in Drake's direction, catching him off guard and

pulling him to the wall where they attached him to the metal cuffs hanging there.

“Wait. Stop.” She had to do something. Drake couldn't give up his chance to

help his sister. “I'll go with Harold and then you can go home.”

“No, Melody, you can't do that.”

She flinched at the anger in his words.

“I have to.” Tears pooled in her eyes, making her vision blurry before they

splashed onto her cheeks.

Harold grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him. “Smart decision,


“Heed my words, all of you. I'm taking this job and soon you'll belong to me. If

you don't free me now, I'll be your worst fucking nightmare. Far more scary than

even the Gatekeeper.” His face contorted with violence—rage.

“Don't listen to him. He's just grasping. Doesn't want to lose his pretty pussy.”

At Harold's words, something clicked inside Melody and grief turned to fury,

which she directed at him. Without connecting with his gaze, she crashed her head

into his already broken nose. He let her go to grab at his head, and his howls of pain

echoed around them. Prepared to fight the others, she gasped when they all took

several steps in Drake's direction and one even unshackled him.

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“You little ungrateful bitch.” Her head snapped back when Harold grabbed her


“I created you and I can damn sure take you out of here if I please.” His hands

tightened, pulling her in the opposite direction from Drake. He was almost free from

the wall, but he wouldn't make it in time. Good. It was better this way. The room

shimmered in front of her eyes, and she knew it was over. Harold's call was up and

as long as she and he were connected, she'd be going down with him.

“It's for the best, Drake.” More tears fell from her eyes from both the pain in

her scalp and the ripping of her heart at the prospect of losing him once again.

“No, Melody!” Drake bellowed, startling the demons trying to help him. “Stop

him. Don't let him take her.”

Demons rushed her, grabbing at her clothes as she faded.

“Let go. I have to do this.”

A growl sounded behind her but she didn't care. The pain started to dim as a

numb and lifeless feeling crept up her legs and torso. She had only a few seconds


“I love you, Drake. Save your sister. Don't let any of this be in vain.”

“No!” He tore from the wall, chains and all.

The wild frantic fear on his face was the last thing she saw before they faded

into nothingness. Darkness surrounded her as that familiar sensation of freefalling

took over. Usually she worried about how and where she would land, but not this

time. Sobs wracked her body and nothing mattered but the frantic grief she'd seen

on Drake's face.

An orange glow formed before her eyes, her only indicator they were about to

reach their destination. Her body landed on the black ashen ground. She didn't even

bother to get up. Whatever was in store for her didn't matter anymore.

“Get up, Melody,” an unfamiliar voice spoke.

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Curious, she lifted her head. A blond-haired man dressed in all black stared

down at her. She wiped at her eyes in a lame attempt to staunch the flow of tears.

She turned back to look for Harold, but no one was behind her. In fact, nothing,

literally nothing, was there. She'd landed in a void of some sort. Was this the

ultimate form of torture for her? To be surrounded by nothing for the rest of

eternity. Great.

“Where am I?” She sniffled.

“Trapped between worlds,” the stranger said.

“Why?” Although she didn't see what difference that would make.

“Because you don't belong to Harold anymore since he violated his terms of

employment by bringing you with him. So he's gone to his destination without you.”

She shuddered, afraid to ask where exactly that was. Definitely not a happy

place, that's for sure. Forgetting about Harold, hope dared to bloom inside her.

“Does this—does this mean I'm going back?” She sat up and brushed soot from her


“Do you want to go back?”

“Hell yes, I want to go back.” She scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could.

Dignity be damned.

He cocked an eyebrow in warning.

“Um—sorry, I mean yes, please. I would like to return to my job.” She bit her

lip and held her breath. Could this be real?

“I thought you hated your job?”

“Maybe, maybe not. But I do want to go back. I can work harder at filling my

quota. I swear it.” And she would. With a chance to see Drake at stake, she would

do anything.

He held up his hand. “It's not me you have to convince.”

“Who then? Tell me. I'll do whatever it takes to get back.”

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“Always the impatient one, even down here I see.” A deep rumbling male voice

drawled from behind the stranger. He stepped to the side, leaving her face to face

with Drake.

“Oh thank God.” She ran to him and flung her arms around his neck.

His laughter tickled her neck. “You might want to be careful about thanking

God right now, babe. He's not exactly the popular man down here.”

“Oops.” She covered her mouth with her palm. “I keep forgetting.”

“No worries, my love, we have plenty of time for you to get used to the ins and

outs of this life.”

“What does that mean? We get to stay together?”

“Looks like it. Although, lucky for me, I got to you before you made it all the

way home. Even with Harold's, and now my ability to know where you are, I

physically can't go that far.”

“I'm sorry, Drake. I don't want to be the one that keeps you away.” Fresh tears

threatened. Jeez, when had she returned to her crybaby ways?

Warm, rough hands stroked her face, wiping them up one by one. “Don't cry.

This is what I wanted. I'll figure out another way. Besides that's the way things

work around here. There are always choices and sacrifices to be made in every


His words worried her. He couldn't make light of the danger their reunion

would create. “What about your sister?”

“Harold just brought that up to freak you out. My baby sister is tough as nails

and way scarier then me. She can take care of herself.”

“Are you serious?” She didn't know whether to kiss him or shake him.

Although the half smile on his face did serious things to her. Gave her tingles in all

the right places.

“Hold on tight. We're going back to the club where we belong and then we'll go

from there. Deal?” He held out his hand to her.

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“Deal.” She grabbed his hand and brought it to her lips to trace a heart along

his palm with her tongue.


“If you say so.” She laughed. The air around them heated, and she snuggled

into his chest when his arms wrapped around her. Her eyes squeezed shut and her

breath held until he cupped her chin and tilted her head to his.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Cautiously, she opened them to the familiar surroundings of Drake's private

playroom at the club.

She sagged with relief against his chest. “I'm so happy to be back, and even

more so that we are alone again.” Melody took a deep breath, inhaling Drake's

unique scent, before she pushed away from him. “But you gave up getting home for

me. I didn't deserve that.”


“No, seriously Drake, when I discovered you here at the club I wanted to use

you to not only fill my quota, but to serve up some payback. I feel so stupid.”

He placed his finger across her lips. “Stop. We've both made mistakes and

wasted enough time.” His lips glided across hers, the tip of his tongue teasing at the

seam. “It's time to move on. Besides, things have changed between us.”

“What do you mean?”

“I own you now. You're mine to do with what I please.” His laughter floated up

from his throat. “I give the orders around here.”

Melody sighed. “So taking Harold's job is a done deal?” It wasn't really a

question, not when she already knew the answer.

“I'm not willing to take any more chances that you can get away from me

again. No more nightmares about leaving you behind or waking up without you in

my bed.”

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Oh, damn, she'd never be able to deny him a thing. Heat curled in her belly,

moisture dampening her sex. Didn't mean she couldn't try to push his buttons as

often as she could though.

“Own me, huh? That doesn't sound so bad.”

His eyes sparkled with devious intent. “Don't be so sure about that.” He

pushed her down to her knees in front of him. “I'm not Harold. Compared to me,

he's soft. You think you're ready for that?”

“Drake, I love you. I already belong to you. Don't you know that?”

A rough moan rumbled from his lips.

“I won't be your boss, Melody. I'll be your Master. And as such, I can and will

be a demanding bastard. You won't be out collecting souls every night. Oh no. You'll

be here. Tied to that bed.” He pointed behind her. “Servicing me.”

That put a picture in her head. Deviant sexual images that might have

shocked Melanie, but not Melody.

“That's it? Just be here for you?” She rubbed her pelvis against his erection. “A

girl can get into a lot of trouble when she's left alone just waiting…idle hands and


“Oh I'm sure we can find plenty of things around here to keep you busy.”

Maybe she should be frightened by the deal Drake offered her but she wasn't.

She needed him and Devil help them, he needed her as well.

“But, Drake, what about your current job? Who will keep the balance?”

“Did I mention I'm an excellent multitasker?” He looked her over seductively.

She reached for the waistband of his jeans, unfastening the button, ticking

down the zipper. Her hands slipped underneath the loosened denim to grasp his

muscular ass before pushing down his pants. His long thick shaft burst from the

confinement to bob in front of her mouth.

“Suck me, Melody. You make me fucking ache for your mouth.”

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Only a hair's breadth away from him, she flicked out her tongue to swipe at

the precum beading from the tip. Melody licked her lips, savoring the salty male

flavor bursting inside her. She glanced up and their gazes locked as she opened her

mouth wide and sucked the tip in. The warmth of his swollen head sent shards of

heat and longing racing along her spine, tingling at the base of her neck.

Drake's hands tangled in her hair on a low groan, spurring her to take more.

Desire and need shone from his eyes, sending flutters erupting in her stomach.

Never had anyone ever made her feel so wanted, so loved.

Her lips tightened around him as her tongue swirled over the hard shaft

wrapped in silk, lingering on the sensitive underside. He was already bigger than

most men, but every time his cock pulsed she could swear he swelled further.

“More, Melody; take all of me.” His hands tightened into fists in her hair that

tugged at her head, pulling her another inch onto him. His obvious need fed into

hers and her already tightened nipples strained toward him, aching to be plucked.

Melody hesitated and opened wider before leaning in, letting Drake guide

himself to the back of her throat. Hot, hard flesh filled her, leaving a trail of

scorching thirst for more.

“Oh hell, baby. That's it. A little bit more.”

She swallowed against the blood-engorged tip, relaxing her throat enough for

him to slip the rest of the way in. Eyes watering, she worked her tongue frantically

against him until his hips jerked from the intensity of it. Easing her head back, she

released him from the lock of her throat with a gurgle before swiftly swallowing him

down again. She wanted Drake to lose his mind, much like he'd done to her the

night before. His pleasure became her pleasure as he fucked in and out of her

mouth. Never before had she considered being on her knees, with Drake taking her

like this, would end up being the thing she needed the most.

She suspected that he gave up more than he said to stay with her, and that

action alone told her everything she possibly needed to know about him.

Suddenly Drake pulled from her mouth.

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“I can't take any more. You're going to make me come.”

“I want that, Sir.” She craved it.

“You want what?” His eyes lit with that fiery lust she'd seen before. Gold

glowing around the edges of his pupils.

“To suck your cock, Sir. To make you come. I want it all.”

He slid his hand around the nape of her neck and tugged her forward. “Then

do it. Take what you need. I want you to have it.”

A grin twitched at the edges of her lips before she opened wide and took him

deep in a long, smooth stroke. He had no idea yet, but he would. She wanted

everything. His heart, his life, his pleasure, his cum. It meant everything to her.

Melody palmed his tightened balls as his tempo gained momentum, sending

him shuttling in and out of her mouth in quick, short strokes. Her pussy dripped

with the aching need echoed in every one of his thrusts. His body stiffened as he

uttered a deep growl and her tongue moved faster, coaxing him to the point of no


Her gaze lifted to his, locking on every emotion he held with such tight control.

With a last squeeze on his sac, he exploded, spurts of his release filling her.

“Swallow,” he demanded, his free hand touching to her cheek along the ridge of

her cheekbone. A move that ensured any resistance she might have felt melted


Eager to please and take what she needed—she did.

When her lips curved into the satisfied smile she couldn't hide, he withdrew

and shoved his pants from his legs, his cock still hanging heavy between his thighs.

“Mine,” he rasped as he pulled her legs around his waist and pressed to her

entrance. “I will never get enough of you.”

Melody swallowed, her heart racing in her chest. “Do it, Drake! I need you

inside of me. Please.” She tried to move, but his hands dug hard into her hips

holding her in place.

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“I plan to watch you scream for me.” He nudged just the tip inside.

Melody wanted to scream in fury, that's for sure. Desperate times called for

desperate measures. “All I can think about is you filling me, stretching me, and

driving me insane.”

Drake groaned.

“I like the feel of you so deep inside of me, claiming me…marking me as

yours.” She grazed her teeth across his shoulder and arm until he shuddered from

her touch. “You make me so wet with need. Yes, I need you.” She bore down on him

with her mouth just short of drawing blood but definitely creating pain. “Let me

come for you, my love.”

Head flung back, he roared as he thrust deep inside her. She clawed at his

shoulders when one thrust turned into another. The wildness she'd unleashed

sizzled through her, the head of his cock dragging ruthlessly across every nerve

ending she possessed. Pressure built, heavy and strong, turning into an unbearable


Spots danced in front of her eyes seconds before she surrendered to the burn. A

scream tore from her throat as her body fractured into a thousand pieces of light

and sensation, engulfing her.

Like a movie in slow motion, her breathing slowed and she collapsed against


“Hell, Melody, that was the sweetest fucking sound.”

She smiled against his shoulder, a blush heating her neck and face.

He withdrew half way before sliding slowly back inside. “Look at me,

sweetheart, let me see your eyes.”

He wrapped his hand around the cheek of her ass and lifted her higher, forcing

her head up and causing her to meet his gaze. Emotions washed over her when he

swooped in and took her mouth, with the same easy pace his cock shuttled in and

out of her sex. Muscles clenched under her hands, fingers dug into her skin and his

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back stiffened in release. Satisfaction and the love she'd always carried for Drake

jolted through her, changing everything that had ever been and what would be.


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Eliza Gayle

From the moment Eliza read her first erotic romance novel several years ago,

she knew she had found her niche and realized that her dream was passing her by.

So after years of thinking about it she finally grabbed her laptop and wrote. These

days she likes her stories hot and spicy whether they be contemporary, fantasy or

paranormal and will write in whatever genre her imagination has conjured that


Eliza lives in beautiful North Carolina and spends her days dividing her time

between writing erotic romance, her full- time job as a marketing manager and

raising her two daughters.

Document Outline


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