S&M 101 @Bound Brits@ Sierra Cartwright

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Bound Brits Anthology
The Retreat ©Copyright Portia Da Costa 2008

S&M 101

©Copyright Sierra Cartwright 2008

Getaway Girl ©Copyright Lisabet Sarai 2008
All Roads Lead to Ripon ©Copyright Barbara Huffert
Kit & Mouse ©Copyright Dakota Rebel 2008
Bound By Love ©Copyright Cassidy Ryan 2008
Cover Art by Anne Cain ©Copyright December
S&M 101
Sierra Cartwright
The Rules
Rule 1: Follow orders
Rule 2: Expect the unexpected
Rule 3: It can and will get worse
Rule 4: No Pouting
Rule 5: Don’t think too hard
Chapter One
“I’m not just bored,” Julia said, popping a peanut into
her mouth, “but out of my skull, mind-numbingly,
someone-please-save-me bored.” She dropped the

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empty shell onto the pub floor, then rubbed her hands
together to clean off the salt.
“I think you should spank me.”
Trevor Kendall’s hand froze, the pint of beer mid-way
to his lips. Without taking a drink, he lowered the
glass back onto the table. “I beg your pardon?”
“I’ve heard rumours.”
The incredibly hot, sexy man sitting across from her
raised a brow, but when he said nothing, she
propped her elbows on the table, and linked her
hands together. Very deliberately, and fortified by
more than a few sips from her margarita, she leaned
forward, placed her chin on top of her hands and
went on, “I’ve heard rumours that you like a little…
variety in your sex life.”
“Let me get this straight…”
His blue eyes darkened, as if there were a storm
brewing somewhere inside. She shivered in
“You’ve heard that I like variety, and you’re bored, so
I should spank you?”
Despite the noise in the London hotel’s pub, she
heard him perfectly. His voice was rich and deep,

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heard him perfectly. His voice was rich and deep,
commanding. She gave a little shiver. She so
wanted to hear him command her, telling her to strip,
telling her to stand, how to spread her legs… God, it
was getting hot in here. “Yes,” she said. “You should
spank me. And then fuck me.”
“You must be bored,” he agreed.
Frustratingly, she couldn’t get a sense of whether or
not he was going to take her up to his room.
“We’ve been at this trade show for a week,” she
said, “smiling at potential customers, being on our
best behaviour, trying to pretend our feet don’t hurt
like mad. Behaving. Well, I’ve had enough. I want to
be bad.” She cracked another shell and poured the
nut towards her mouth, catching it with her tongue.
“Do you have any idea what you’re asking for?” He
picked up his pint again. This time he took a long
draught from it.
She’d bet big money, big money, that he would be
divine at eating her pussy. “I’ve been fantasising
about you for two years, Trevor,” she confessed.
“Two years. Do you know how long that is in dog
He smiled.

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“It could be another six months, maybe a year before
I see you again.” And that was the truth. They worked
for different companies, on different continents. New
York was a universe away. But they had the trade
shows in common. “Rumour has it you’re staying on
for a few days of relaxation.”
He nodded.
“And I put in for some holiday time. Hoping.”
“Hoping?” he prompted.
Good God, was she really this bold? “Hoping we
could hook up.” It was an American statement, but
she trusted the meaning would translate just fine.
They’d known each other, though not intimately, for
more than five years. That happened at trade shows.
Inevitably, there were quiet times, and vendors











conversation and sometimes just to pinch a piece of
chocolate from a glass bowl. Then, often, you had
cocktails with other vendors each night after the
show ended.
Tonight was the first night she and Trevor had
actually had been alone for drinks. Usually there was
a crowd, but, if there’d been more than just the two of

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them, she’d never have asked him to fuck her.
“What do you know about BDSM?”
“That it should be safe, sane, and consensual,” she
He took another drink. “How much experience do
you have?”
“I’ve been spanked. I’ve been tied up. And I’m
hoping to find someone who will take me farther,
teach me more.”
“Give me your hand.”
She froze on her way to reach for the metal bucket
that was filled with peanuts. A bit puzzled, she
followed his order. How could she not, when she
wanted to hear his voice roughened with sex and
“Palm up,” he instructed.
She did.
He put his index finger directly on her pulse. “Your
heartbeat,” he observed, “it’s rather fast.”
“That’s because I’m horny, and I’m hoping you’ll take
me back to your hotel room.” His touch ignited her,
and she felt her knickers moisten.
“Being tied up and spanked is different than BDSM,”
he said.

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“I’ve read about it.” She could succumb to the faint
feelings of embarrassment, but if the gossip about
him were true, he wouldn’t tolerate that from a
woman he was involved with.
“Are you’re wearing knickers?”
She moistened her lower lip. The salt from the
peanuts had dried her mouth, or at least that’s what
she told herself. “A thong.”
“That’s your first mistake. Stockings?”
Of course a man like him would expect her to be
wearing sexy, silky stockings and a feminine garter
belt. Unfortunately, she was dressed yeoman-like,
ready for a workday, not this kind of play.
“Go into the toilets and remove your undergarments.
Dispose of them in the rubbish.”
She blinked.
“I’ll expect you back in ninety seconds. Run along.”
She sat there for another few moments, and she
forced herself to close her mouth.
“Eighty seconds.”
Quickly, she excused herself, sliding from the stool.
Under the intensity of his gaze, the floor seemed like
a long way down.

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a long way down.
She thought of an old story her mother used to tell
her, about bearding a lion in his den. Well, getting
Trevor’s attention was what she’d been wanting for
years, right?
Conscious of every pulsating blink that marked off
another second on her digital watch, she hurried
towards the toilets. Before pushing through the door,
she glanced back over her shoulder. The turkey was
drinking his Black and Tan, paying her no mind.
Still, excitement slamming with nerves, she entered
a stall and peeled off her pantyhose and thong. She
tossed both of them in the small bin. Thankfully it was
right next to the toilet, which meant other ladies
wouldn’t be watching when she threw away her
She felt bare, naughty, and totally aroused.
What else could he possibly have in store for her?
He didn’t say anything when she rejoined him, but
she noticed he’d ordered himself another beer.
Once she was seated, he said, “Pull up your skirt. I
want your bare arse on that stool.”
She blinked.
“And uncross your legs.”

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She was hyperaware of her pussy being exposed to
the whisper of air- conditioning.
“And part your thighs a bit.”
“That’s indecent.”
He went on as if she’d never spoken. “As for
spanking you,” he said, “I could do that. I’d be happy
to beat your arse with my hand or a belt, even a shoe
or the back of a hairbrush if that turns you on.”
The idea did. She fanned her face with her hand. “I’d,
er, like another margarita.”
“And I’d like you sober.”
“So it doesn’t much matter what I want, then?”
“Not so much.”
Understanding began to dawn. He’d already started
to dominate her. Her pussy moistened, and she felt
the dampness more keenly with the lack of
“But spanking you and fucking you and then sending
you back to your hotel room doesn’t do much for me.
That seems abusive, more than anything, not that I
won’t do it if that’s all you want.” He started on his
second pint. “But when I get involved with a woman,
it’s rarely a one-night stand. I want the entire
package, Julia. Bondage and discipline to go along

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with the sado-masochism. I want to warm your
backside, in fact, a few welts would enhance your…
Were they really having this conversation? How in
the world had it gotten so one-sided? When she’d
invited him for a drink, she’d intended to seduce him,
get her butt beat, then have a shattering orgasm that
would help her sleep until noon. But Trevor Kendall
had turned the tables.
“To me, though, it’s about more than warming your
backside. I’m looking for your complete submission.
It’s about seeing you on your knees, your breathing
ragged as you wonder how you can please me.”
“That’s what I want,” she said breathlessly. “I want to
learn. I want you to be my instructor. Teach me,
“Class is in session,” he said. Then he laughed.
“What shall we call it? S&M 101?”
“Why not?” She would have smiled back, but she
was too shaken with nerves, too apprehensive that
he’d turn her down. “I’m an excellent student.
“Are your nipples hard?”
She shook her head. “Sorry?”

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“What? Here? You want me to feel myself while
we’re at happy hour at a posh hotel pub?”
He raised a brow and waited with the confidence
that she’d comply. “If you had removed your
brassiere in the ladies room, I’d be able to see for
myself.” “You didn’t tell me to.” Then she shut up. She
should have asked. Could have assumed.
“Are you being deliberately obtuse? Is a bra an
Blood drained from her face. “I’ll, er, just nip in there
right now and take it—”
“I gave you a direct command. And following orders
is rule number one of S&M 101. Now finger your
Her gaze darting about apprehensively to see if
anyone were watching, she followed his instruction.
She pulled her shirttails from her skirt’s waistband,
and then moved her fingers upwards, then under the
bra cup.
“Have you ever played with nipple clamps?”
“Yes. I have two sets.” She felt her nipple. “I’ve never
used them with a man, only by myself when I

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“Tell me about your nipple. What does it feel like
right now?”
“It’s hard. Like a little pebble. It, I mean I, want more
attention.” “Is your pussy getting wetter?”
She nodded.
“Then you like to submit? You like me telling you to
do naughty things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. And you
like to do them.”
The proof was between her thighs.
“You can stop playing with your nipple.”
She could hardly believe that she hadn’t stopped
when she wanted to, that she waited on him to tell
her what to do.
“I already know that you’re curious to know what a
spanking from me would feel like. You’re curious to
know if I’d have you lean over a chair, or if I’d tie you
to the bedposts. And you’re doubly curious to know if
I’d make you lay across my knee.”
“The last one,” she said, barely able to talk. Where
was the cheeky woman who’d asked for a
“And you’re wondering, if, while you’re there, with
your bottom in the air, hot from my hand, your hair

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brushing the floor, I’d finger your pussy and make
you come.”
She squirmed on her seat. “Yes,” she admitted,
striving for her laissez-faire attitude from earlier.
“That’s what I’ve been fantasising about.”
“It’s been known to happen. I’m not an entirely selfish
Dom. My sub’s pleasure matters to me. Tell me
about a spanking you got.”
“It was hot,” she said. “He tied my hands to the
bedpost. I could wiggle around. He…he spanked me
a half a dozen, maybe as many as ten times. His
hand got tired before my butt did. He laid on top of
me and fucked me after that. I came harder than I’d
ever come before.”
“Tell me what you liked about it.”
The cocktail waitress stopped by the table. “More
drinks? Something to eat?” she asked.
“We’ll take the bill,” he said.
Which meant they weren’t staying much longer. Julia
knew she could climax just sitting here.
The waitress left and he continued to patiently wait
for her answer.
“Rock back and forth a bit on the chair as you talk.”
Ohmigod! The feelings were so intense; it was like

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being devoured by fire from the inside out. She was
moist and slick. “I liked feeling helpless, about not
knowing what to expect next. I was facedown, so I
couldn’t see anything.”
“He told me to keep my eyes closed.”
“And did you?”
“Yes. Mostly.”
“So, no.”
“No,” she breathed, her stomach clenching.
“You were disobedient.” When she nodded, he
asked, “And he still fucked you?”
“It was impossible to keep my eyes closed.”
The waitress dropped off their tab. “No, it wasn’t.
You chose not to.” He pulled his wallet from his back
pocket, paid the bill and left a huge tip. “We’ll go to
my room,” he said. “And you’ll walk in front of me.”
She’d rather expected he’d tell her to walk a few
steps behind, like he was royalty. Or her Master.
“I want you to move your hips as you walk. Make me
think about sex. Make me think about my hard cock.”
Leaving the bar without underwear and totally
conscious of his gaze on her about rocked her world.
He caught up with her to open the door. His breath

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was warm, and a tiny shiver tickled her, as he leaned
in closer and said, “You know, Julia, with the way
you’re moving, I’m not thinking about sex. I’m thinking
about a good nap.”
“What?” She gasped. She turned a bit so that she
could look him in the face.
“If that’s what you call moving your hips, we’ll go up to
my room and be asleep in front of the news in five
minutes.” He brushed her breast and then took the
opportunity to gently bite her earlobe. “Now walk like
a slut.”
Damn him. The word was startling. But it was part of
it, the raw, untamed part that she craved. She
wanted to be a slut for him.
Teeth gritted, she walked in front of him, aware of his
gaze on her backside and the pain on her earlobe.
As she exaggerated her movements, she felt more
“Better,” he said.
She waited while he rang for the lift.
There were other people already in the car, and he
nodded almost imperceptibly, wordlessly telling her
to stand at the front where everyone could have a
look at her.

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look at her.
She’d never been much of an exhibitionist, yet she
was getting more and more aroused by the moment.
She knew the other people didn’t realise she was
bare bottomed and that she was going to get
spanked by a hottie, but she knew, and Trevor knew.
When they reached his floor, he again had her
precede him. “I’ll be back in five minutes,” he told her
as he slid the cardkey into the electronic lock. “When
I return, I’ll
expect to find you naked, kneeling on the floor,
knees spread to shoulder width, your hands behind
your neck and your breasts thrust out. You’ll have
your back to the door.” He waited for her to nod, then
continued, “You’ll not touch your cunt. And you will
have your eyes closed. Now repeat what I said.”
“Faced away from the door, on my knees, naked,
breasts thrust out…” Anyone walking past would
have been able to overhear their conversation.
He waited.
“Eyes closed,” she finished, “and no touching
myself.” He had no idea what he was demanding
from her. Or, yes, he probably did. Just the idea of
being told not to touch herself made her needy.

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“I want you properly submissive,” he said. “I want you
to make sure you know what you’re doing. You’d be
well-advised to think things through.” He crossed
towards her and captured her chin with his thumb
and forefinger.
She’d rarely been more aroused.
“Choose a word,” he told her. “It’ll be your safe word.
If you use it, all play will stop. You should use it if
you’re too scared. But know this. I will be watching
you. I will know what turns you on, what frightens you,
what terrifies you, where you are too reluctant to go.
You will never need to use your word with me, but it
will be there to make you feel comfortable.”
“Vodka tonic.”
“Vodka tonic?”
“I hate ‘em. No way will I ever slip and say it
“And will you remember it?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Yes.”
“The second rule of S&M 101, according to me…
Expect the unexpected. I don’t play the way you’re
accustomed to.”
He waited, and she nodded.
“So if you don’t want to learn about BDSM, no hard

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feelings. I’ll come back to the room and fuck you.
May be a bit rougher than you’ve experienced, but
still, it’ll be good for both of us.”
He was supremely confident, and she didn’t doubt
him at all.
“I’ll gladly screw your brains out. And if that’s what
you want, all you have to do is ignore my orders.” He
stroked that sensitive spot beneath her chin. She
ached to turn her head and lean into his palm, but he
held her steady.
“If I find you on the settee, we’ll have an enjoyable
night together. Unfortunately, vanilla isn’t a flavour I
enjoy often. But if you want to discover what you’ve
been missing, then I will find you in the position I
described.” His words hung between them. His face
was set in firm, uncompromising lines. This was a
man who knew what he wanted and would brook no
She could easily become a puddle of desire at his
Quietly, commandingly, he added, “I will find you
subjugating your own needs and desires. I will find
you obedient. I will find you waiting on my pleasure.”
He paused on his way out the door, turned and

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looked back at her.
She was imagining the sting in the earlobe where
he’d nipped earlier. It hadn’t turned her off; it’d made
her hungrier.
“That guy who fucked you, even though you didn’t
behave? The one who spanked you and made it all
about you? He didn’t understand Dominance and
And, she knew, Trevor did.
The door closed with a decisive click.
Chapter Two
Well, bugger all. Julia Landon, ice princess
extraordinaire, wanted to have her arse warmed.
Trevor was generally very good at spotting subs,
women as well as men. But Julia had played her role
as a professional so convincingly that he hadn’t seen
any of the signals. She’d quite literally had to knock
him upside of the head, bat her lashes over her
gorgeous green eyes, and all but beg him to
dominate her.
Too bad they hadn’t met for drinks alone earlier in
the trip. Hell, even two years ago. Up until this
evening, there’d been a group of them, hanging out,
sharing trade show horror stories, celebrating the

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sharing trade show horror stories, celebrating the
end of the day.
Well, he didn’t mind making up for lost time.
He went back downstairs for another pint. No need
to be in any hurry. In fact, prolonging her uncertainty
was part of his plan.
Trevor didn’t make himself too comfortable. He
stood at the bar and drank his beer. And he couldn’t
get his thoughts away from the sexy woman in his
hotel room.
He’d intentionally chosen his room, where she’d feel
a little less comfortable. And if she were nosy at all,
she’d find some interesting things in his suitcase.
Just the idea of clamping her tits made his cock
thicken. Not that his ardour had cooled one bit in the
past half an hour.
Despite what he’d told her earlier, the way she
walked in front of him had made his dick feel like a
steel rod. Her hair had swayed as she’d moved, and
he’d fantasised about curling his fist in the long,
blonde length as he held her steady for his
He wondered, as he took a long drink, if she’d
actually follow through on her desires, or if she’d turn

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her cute tail and run for her own room. Would he find
her naked with her legs spread and the scent of her
arousal hanging sharply in the air?
Unobtrusively he adjusted the front of his trousers.
He’d intended to keep her waiting for twenty
minutes, maybe half an hour. He wanted her to think
things through and have doubts. To him, Dominance
and submission were a lifestyle, not simply a
diversion for some bored woman several thousand
miles from home.
But after fifteen minutes, he dropped a twenty on the
bar and headed back to his room. For the first time
in a long time, he was thinking more with his cock
than his head.
What she thought would be a five minute wait
dragged into ten, then fifteen.
Julia forced herself to resist the temptation to check
the clock. Trevor was testing her. Well, either that or
he’d gone back to the pub for another pint and
completely forgotten about her.
The chilled air whispered from the vents and chilled
her naked skin, goose bumps dotted her arms, and
her nipples were tight buds.
Behind her closed eyelids, the room seemed to

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One peek couldn’t hurt, could it?
But what if he caught her and sent her away?
Trevor Kendall wasn’t a thing like any man she’d
ever been with. Thinking he was would get her sent
Her knees fatigued and her arms started to strain.
And she’d thought this would be a kick. Was she
She heard a noise behind her. It sounded like
someone was entering the room.
Had he finally come back?
When silence echoed in the room, her mind raced.
Maybe the sound hadn’t been Trevor at all. Maybe
she’d heard the maid come in for the nightly turn-
down service. Oh God, what if the maid saw her like
this? Julia was a trusted vendor; she had a
reputation to maintain. Heaven help her, if someone
other than Trevor was in the room, she’d die from the
Still, she remained in position. The noise didn’t
come again, and she told herself to stop freaking
out. She probably had only heard someone going
into a nearby room.

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That didn’t stop her mind from racing and her temper
from fraying. How the hell long did he intend to leave
her like this, alone in a darkened room, with her eyes
closed, waiting?
“You’re a good sub. Better than I thought you’d be. I
did miss your signals over the past few years.”
She jumped. He was there, behind her, watching
her! Involuntarily, her eyes opened. Quickly, before
he could see her infraction, she closed them again.
Her heart thundered, drowning out whatever he was
This was intense.
He was right with rule number two. She had never
experienced anything like this.
He’d returned almost silently, and not knowing what
to expect shattered her nerves.
“Keeping your eyes closed, stand up.”






disorientation threw every one of her senses into a
hyper-aware mode. This was beyond anything she’d
ever expected. When she told him she wanted a
spanking, she’d really had no idea what she was
asking for.
“Now turn towards my voice. Keep your arms behind

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“Now turn towards my voice. Keep your arms behind
your neck so I can see your breasts. That’s it,” he
said approvingly. “Nice. Very nice. You know, I
wasn’t sure you had it in you.”
“Are you kidding me? If you’re going to spank me
and fuck me, I definitely have it in me to behave
He laughed, and the sound was every bit as rich as a
fine burgundy, and twice as intoxicating.
“It’s about more than just a good spanking, though,”
he told her. “It’s about all the psychological
explorations that go along with the physical release.”
“So spank me, and we can talk about my feelings
later.” Intentionally, she licked her lower lip. The
unabashedly sexual move had helped her get her
own way dozens of times in the past.
“I’d prefer to do it my own way.”
“Suit yourself.” “I plan to.” He cupped her breasts.
“Stay still,” he said when she swayed towards him.
Julia quietly moaned. She was expecting him to be a
bit rough. This sweet, gentle touch undid her.
He thumbed her nipples, making them even more
erect. Then he left her alone.
Unable to help herself, she whispered, “Damn it.

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Damn you.”
“My pleasure,” he reminded her. “This is about my
pleasure. And if you get off every so often, so much
the better. But it isn’t about you.”
To her, it was. All about her and no one else.
“Still want to play?”
Well, hells bells, of course she did. “Yes.”
“Then apologise for pouting.”
Fuck you, she supposed, wouldn’t count as an
apology. “I’m not pouting.”
“I’d like an orgasm.”
“That’s not an apology.”
She heard rustling in the background, the sound of a
closet door being opened, then the pull of a zipper.
“I’m sorry for pouting. And I’d like an orgasm,
“Make your nipples hard.”
She slowly unhooked her fingers and moved her
hands from behind her neck. She cupped her
breasts, much as he had.
“Make me enjoy watching you.”
She pinched and pulled and then squeezed her
nipples gently.

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“A little harder.”
She did and she couldn’t hold back an involuntary
moan. “Knowing you’re watching only makes it
hotter,” she admitted.
His fingers were there then, and he moved her hand
away from her right breast. She bit back a cry when
he pinched her nipple. Then there was a different
pressure. His hand moved away, but the sting
remained. He’d clamped her nipple.
She breathed. She knew this feeling. It was a clover
clamp, and its pressure would intensify as time went
on. She sucked in another shaky little breath.
“Now the other.” He again brushed aside her hand
and pinched painfully, making her nipple harden
She bit on her lower lip when he placed the clamp.
He tugged on the chain, pulling her off balance.
“Remain in place.”
Julia struggled to do as she was told.
“Rise onto your tiptoes.”
She was overwhelmed from the sensations.
Then he slid his hand between her legs. “You’re wet,”
he said approvingly.
“I’m going to come.” Her hips jerked forward.

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“Not yet,” he said. “Hold off.” “But…”
“Your choice,” he said magnanimously, rubbing her
clit. “But it’ll be more intense later if you wait.”
He stopped the motion and she would have stamped
her foot if it wouldn’t have earned her another
reprimand. “Have you ever had your cunt clamped?”
She gasped. “I…” She couldn’t. She was all about
new experiences, but this…?
He left her.
Damn him. He’d left her nervous and orgasm-less.
Returning moments later, he spread her labia, then
he plumped one of the lips. “You can open your
“I prefer to keep them closed.”
“And I want you to see what I’m doing to you.”
Suddenly there was a knot of tension in her throat.
She opened her eyes to see him crouched in front
her, his face level with her crotch. He was holding a
set of Japanese clover clamps, exactly the same as
the ones affixed to her nipples. “Trevor…”
“I want to do this,” he said. “And I want you to ask me
to do it to you.”
“The ones on my nipples already hurt.”
“And when you eventually come, you’re going to

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“And when you eventually come, you’re going to
scream,” he said.
She drew strength from the calmness in his voice.
“It’s your choice.”
Julia became consciously aware of being completely
nude, at his mercy, while he was still fully dressed
and in control. He had a hard-on, though. That much
she could see, despite his loose-fitting trousers.
Suddenly, she wanted to curve her hand around his
cock and guide it towards her waiting vagina.
A shiver that had nothing to do with the room’s
cooling system raced down her spine.
“I’m scared.”
“Nothing will ever happen that you can’t handle.”
She wanted the adventure, that’s why she’d come-on
to him over drinks. In for a penny… “Clamp my pussy
lips,” she said. “Please.” She curled her hands into
tight little fists at her sides.
“Relax,” he said, coaching her. “This is easier when
you’re not tense.”
She laughed, and the sound was brittle. “Easy for
you to say.”
“You have a safe word,” he reminded her. “Or, should
I say, a safe drink.”

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Julia forced herself to uncurl her fists and move her
fingers, as if she were a piano player, loosening up
before practicing her scales.
“Spread your legs a little farther apart.”
Then he completely did the unexpected.
He leaned in and licked her clit. It was a long,
sweeping caress that chased away everything but a
keen sense of desire. He intensified his motions,
and he was all but eating her out.
Heaven save her.
She’d been right earlier. He was magnificent at
eating pussy.
An orgasm started to unfurl deep inside her, and she
reached out, digging her hands into his hair to pull
him closer. “Trevor!”
While she was distracted, he affixed one of the
clamps to her outer labia.
She gasped, but he kept at the motions. A strange
mix of pain and pleasure cascaded through her. The
clamp tugged at her lip, but it was far from painful.
He affixed the second one, and she stood there, her
legs spread, while he moved away. “Lovely,” he
approved. He drew a breath. “Come here.” He
crossed the room and held out his hand towards her.

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To keep the pressure at bay, she walked funny,
trying not to let the clamps sway too much. The ones
on her nipples hurt much more than the ones pulling
on her labia.
He positioned her in front of a mirror.
Each of the clamps hanging from her labia had little
weights attached to them. They drew her pussy lips
even farther down and apart. It looked strange to her,
but when her gaze found his in the mirror, she
“Sexy,” he said.
She knew that to him, it was.
“Imagine what it will feel like when you’re grinding
your naughty little pussy on my lap when I spank you.”
She nearly came right then and there.
“Put your high heels back on,” he said.
Moving gingerly, she did so.
He crossed the room and hooked a chair leg with his
foot. He pulled the chair away from the table, and
then he loosened his tie. “Look in the mirror one
more time,” he told her. “Look how incredibly sexy
you look, all clamped, naked, and in high-heeled
shoes waiting on your Dom’s pleasure.”
Her Dom’s pleasure. The idea of it sent a ripple

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through her.
Her lips were parted slightly. Her cheeks were
flushed. Her hair was mussed. And the starkness of
silver metal against her creamy skin was startling.
“You can’t imagine how much you turn me on,” he
She turned to look at him. His eyes, an intense blue
that reminded her of a frozen alpine lake, were
narrowed. As aroused as she was, he was, too. She
wanted it, wanted him to be as aware of her as she
was of him.
“Now for that spanking you not only want, but
definitely deserve.”
Chapter Three
Suddenly, Julia’s mouth went dry.
When she’d been fantasising last night as she
masturbated, the scene hadn’t unfolded quite like
this. The spanking she’d imagined had been more
an inevitable outcome of the sex, something wild and
spontaneous. It hadn’t been as emotionally loaded
as this; it hadn’t been as deliberate, as intoxicating.
He dropped his tie on the table near his notebook
computer. Then he unfastened the buttons at his
wrists and turned back his cuffs, exposing the sexy

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wrists and turned back his cuffs, exposing the sexy
strength of his forearms.
He sat in the chair. Her knees went all wobbly on her.
“Walk towards me,” he said. “And then kneel in front
of me.”
The clamps sashayed back and forth, making her
very much aware of her body in a way she never had
been before.
His eyes narrowed a bit more. She recognised, as a
subservient female to dominant male, how much
power she had in this moment. The juxtaposition
made her thoughts swirl.
Because he saw her as sexy, she felt sexy. She had
the ability to end this at any moment. But she wasn’t
going to. She’d wanted a sexual experience unlike
any other, had wanted to be the centre of his
attention, and she bloody well intended to enjoy
every single moment as long as it lasted.
He parted his legs and she knelt between them.
Trevor held her head prisoner. Then he leaned
forward and kissed her.
This wasn’t a gentle, searching, asking kiss.
This was intense, plunging. He took, and she gave.
His tongue met hers, and she tasted the beer he’d

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had in the pub.
Their teeth met in the fever to join. He devoured her
mouth. She moaned, wanting and needing this.
She said his name. The word please consumed her.
As suddenly as it started, it was over.
He hauled her up. Her head was spinning, and then
she was over his knee. She desperately fought for
balance, grabbing at his pants leg, the chair,
The clamps pulled on her cunt, and she cried out.
His open hand landed on her upturned buttocks. She
The second fell just as fast and stung even worse.
“Damn it!”
“Relax into it,” he told her as he delivered a third,
sharp slap. “Be aware of all the different sensations.”
As if she could do anything else.
“Loosen your body,” he told her.
Her buttocks were clenched tight.
The bastard caught her in that sensitive, tender spot
at the top of her thighs, just beneath the curve of her
derriere. “I said relax.”
As if that were possible!
“You look lovely, sub.”

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She put her fingertips on the carpet. Vaguely,
though, she was aware that he hadn’t let her go.
Even though she couldn’t think straight, he’d been in
control. The entire time, she’d been safe. He’d kept
one arm protectively across her. He would have
never allowed her to fall, no matter what her sense of
survival said.
He could be trusted to keep her safe, allowing her to
surrender to the whirling feeling of being out of
“You’ve got five seconds to relax your ass,” he
Drawing a shaky breath, she willed herself to
unclench her muscles.
“Much better,” he approved.
She was shocked when her tummy turned over at his
words of approval. The words were simple, but they
meant so much. Suddenly she wanted to please him.
It wasn’t just about her. It was about him, as well. She
understood what he’d been talking about.
“Spread your legs.”
She slowly did. Because of the clamps, her labia
were already totally parted for him. A heated flush
chased up her cheeks when she realised how wet

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she was.
“You’re a natural sub, Julia,” he said. He slid his
hand between her legs, then finger-fucked her.
She shuddered.
She was frightfully aware of lying across his lap, her
pussy exposed, her behind reddened from his
painful spanking. Her breasts were elongated
because of the weight of the clamps pulling on her
Every nerve-ending in her body sizzled with the
sensation of being vibrantly alive.
He built up a rhythm with his thrusts, and in seconds,
she was on the verge of coming, all the denied
orgasms colliding deep in her womb.
“Now,” he told her, “we’re going to get on with the
business of this spanking.”
She dug the pointed toes of her shoes into the
carpet, trying in vain to raise her hips a bit so she
could draw his fingers deeper inside her pussy.
“Stop that, naughty girl.”
He pulled out his fingers entirely, leaving her
gapingly open.
“That’s not nice,” she said. “I’m unfulfilled.”

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“That’s not nice,” she said. “I’m unfulfilled.”
“Poor thing.”
There wasn’t a drop of sincere sympathy in his
“You’ve experienced my spanking, and you survived
it,” he said. “So now you know what to expect from
“More pain.”
He delivered a smart smack to her inner thigh.
She would have fallen from the unexpected bite of
pain if he hadn’t held her tight.
“Rule number three in S&M 101,” he said, “it can and
will get worse if you’re not properly appreciative of
your Dom’s attentions.”
Her breaths were shallow little puffs.
“Thank you is the correct response, sub. Thank you,
Trevor, for the instruction. Thank you, Trevor, for your
attention. Thank you, Trevor, for being so lenient.”
How could she think, let alone speak?
Then he slapped her again. This was harder than the
previous ones, more instructive.
“Tha…” She fought for air. “Thank you.”
“Much better,” he said approvingly. “Now, how would
you like to proceed?”

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Unbelievably, her pussy was drenched with desire.
She’d never been more aroused. She’d never
wanted sex more than she did at this very moment.
The mixture of pain and pleasure collided in her
brain. She couldn’t think past her need. “Fuck me,”
she begged.
He spanked her again and again, until tears stung
her eyes and her clit swelled and throbbed.
“Damn you! I said fuck me!”
“Manners?” he prompted.
“Please! Please fuck me, Trevor. Use me, Sir.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” He helped her from his
lap. He positioned her on the floor on all fours.
She was aware of him unzipping his trousers, but
she barely heard the sound above the sharp
inhalations of her own breath. “I need you in me,” she
said, the words ragged.
She felt his sheathed cockhead against her opening.
The nips of pain from the clamps were exquisite,
driving her over the edge.
She was trying to be good, trying to submit and wait
on his command, but she no longer seemed to have
a conscious mind. She was just a hungry woman,
desperate for his primitive domination.

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Julia moved her hips backwards, urging him to drive
into her.
“Wench,” he warned.
But more of his penis slid into her. He stretched her,
he filled her.
“Damn it,” she said. “This sub needs you to use her.”
“When you ask so nicely…” He sank his entire length
into her.
She moaned. “Trevor!”
He clamped his hands on her shoulders and pulled
back half a dozen centimetres before driving in
The force of his possession gave her an instant
She screamed his name over and over.
But he wasn’t done.
The man had unbelievable control.
He pounded into her again, pulling out, thrusting in.
Stunning her, a second climax started to build inside
He grasped her about the hips, holding her still. Then
he began to ride her.
The clamps on her cunt burned, and the ones on her
nipples ached. Her entire body felt as if it were being

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pricked by needles. She wasn’t sure how much more
she could take.
He rammed his cock deep, and the force of that
single penetration made her shout out her next
Trevor pulled out, then moments later, she felt the hot
spurt of his seed on her buttocks.
It trickled down the inside of her thigh.
She lowered her forehead to the carpeting, trying to
steady her breath.
He slapped her rear one last time. Then he dragged
her backwards, holding her by her hips, keeping her
immobilised, imprisoned. “So, my sweet sub, how
was your first spanking at my hand?”
“I… Yes,” she said. Then she shook her head to
clear it. Had she even answered the question he
asked? “Thank…thank you,” she managed. And then
she added, “More.”
“Ever been fucked up the arse?”
This little hussy pleased him immensely.
He was glad they had nearly a week together. It
wasn’t enough, but it was a start. He’d look forward
to the next trade show instead of dreading the time
away from the office. “Julia?”

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away from the office. “Julia?”
She turned her head to look over her shoulder at
him. Her long blonde hair was in charming disarray,
wayward strands on her flushed cheeks. Her face
was flushed, and her rain-forest green eyes were
wide and glossy.
His gut tightened.
Christ, but she was lovely and willing. And his.
S&M Dom rule number one… Like most Doms, he
had strict rules for himself, as well. And the first was,
don’t get attached to a sub unless you want a 24/7
“No,” she said. “I’ve never had anal sex.”
“There’s always a first time.” He pulled his cock from
the tight, clenching muscles of her pussy.
With her on all fours, he spread her arse cheeks so
he had a good view of her most private spot. Her
anal whorl was pink, tight, and inviting. The entrance
was tightly closed, and the idea of penetrating the
virginal hole appealed to him on a primal level.
Damn. His penis was already getting hard again just
from the idea of buggering her.
“I’m not sure I want you up there,” she said.
“Did I ask?”

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“I have no say?”
“As a sub, you always have the final say. Use your
safe word and our play will be over.” Had he ever
wished that a submissive would keep her mouth shut
more than he did at this moment? “But you’ll ask for
it, Julia, like a good sub. Just like you did when I
spanked you. You’re going to want it so bad, you’ll
have a fit of temper if I don’t give it to you.”
A frown furrowed between her brows.
“Don’t believe me?”
She shook her head.
He grinned. She was going to enjoy it, and he was
going to enjoy it even more than her. “Spread your
legs so I can remove the clamps from your labia.”
When she did, he told her, “Raise up your backside
a bit more so I can…” While she was getting in
position, he released the clamps simultaneously.
“It actually hurts less than if you’d have expected it.”
“Sadist,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Oh, yes. Most definitely so. Next time, though, I
could leave you that way longer.”
“Thank you, Trevor, for your leniency.”
“Quick study, you are.”

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“Do I get an A?”
“Not even, teacher’s pet. Your pussy is so swollen.”
“It feels well used.”
“On your knees.”
She moved gingerly. Her motions were far too slow
and gangly for his more refined taste. But then, she
wasn’t an experienced sub, and that was a treat in of
itself. Training her opened her to much greater
He began unbuttoning his shirt and said, “If I haven’t
given any instructions that countermand what I’m
about to tell you now, I always expect your knees to
be as far apart as possible. Yoga or something may
help you improve.”
She spread her legs. “Good. I like you being aware
that you’re uncomfortable.” He wondered how long
until her muscles quivered. He toed off one of his
shoes, then stopped. On second thought, he re-
fastened his trousers, as well. “That’s part of S&M,
Julia. The mind
games. You need to understand that a true sub gets
off on serving her Master. Otherwise, it’s an
occasional parlour game. It’s not all about the
exquisite pleasure of pain.

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“I don’t mind if your muscles get fatigued. In fact, the
sooner the better. I want you to struggle internally
with the desire to tell me to take a long walk off a
short plank. And I want to see if you’ll reach the place
where my pleasure, what I want, is paramount to you.
It needs to matter more to you than your own
comfort.” Could she get there? Did she want to?
Their gazes were locked, and he was very much
aware of her breaths, coming in little pants. She was
lovely, ripe. And if she’d get out of her own way, she
could be an excellent sub.
“I also want your head tipped back so that your hair
flows down your back and your throat is exposed
and I can touch your pulse to see if you’ve got
yourself under control,” he told her.
She did as she was told.
“As for your hands, many Doms prefer their subs to
keep their hands fastened behind their necks.” She
started to move into position, but stopped when he
added, “But I want your hands holding your pussy
apart. I want to see your clit and have access to it.”
Julia opened her mouth, but before she said
anything, she closed it again.
Lord, she looked exquisite, with her hair flowing

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Lord, she looked exquisite, with her hair flowing
down her spine, her neck exposed in submission,
her legs spread, her pussy parted.
“My nipples…”
“Are clamped. And they look beautiful.” He reached
down and grabbed the metal chain that joined the
clovers. He pulled, gently.
And then he pulled harder.
“Thank you,” she said on a sharp inhalation.
“What do I smell?” he asked. His cock was
lengthening by the moment. He twisted the chain
around his fist.
“Me,” she said. And now, she was panting. From the
pain, he knew, but also from the arousal. “You smell
“Are you a horny slut?”
Her eyes were closed, and he saw the pain etched
on her face. But she kept her hands between her
legs. He was so close, he couldn’t see if she was
giving in to her body’s demand that she play with her
clitoris to try and reach release.

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He drew the chain farther away from her body,
distending her breasts, as well as her nipples. With
his free hand, he stroked his cock. Her willingness to
please him, her pleasure from it, made his balls fill.
He wanted to fuck her. Wanted to slam into her anus
and impale her.
“Can I get myself off?”
“You mean, Trevor, would it please you to watch me
get off like the naughty girl I am?”
“Would it—” She broke off as her hips bucked
forward. “Would it please you to watch me…?
Uhhhh…I’m…” Julia was jerking, seeking an
orgasm, humping nothing more than the air.
“Stop touching yourself immediately.” When she did,
he backed off the pressure on her nipples slightly. In
the midst of delirious pleasure, she could take more
pain, he knew.
She cried out when he released the grip on her chain
“No,” he said. “It wouldn’t please me to watch you
have an orgasm right now. Cup your breasts.”
Trevor appreciated the internal battle that raged so

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expressively on her face. She gnawed her lower lip
and wrinkled her nose.
Would she deny herself the climax in order to please
him? “Compose yourself, Julia.”
“Yes, sir,” she said. She took her time getting into
position, her thighs parted, her palms lifting her
breasts high in an offering to him. She tipped back
her head, once again spilling her hair towards her
lusciously padded backside.
He waited until she closed her eyes, then he quietly
said, “Good girl.”
“Is it always like this?” she asked.
“The intensity.” Her voice was a cracked whisper.
“All this and more.”
“I want it,” she confessed.
He didn’t respond. Instead, he shocked her by
manoeuvring himself until he was flat on his back, his
head between her legs.
“I want you to put the chain from your nipple clamps
between your teeth.”
He heard the slight jangle of metal. “Now, every time
you move, each motion will tug on your tits.”

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Her response was muffled.
“Keep your hands on your breasts. And lower
yourself so that your cunt is nearly on my face.” He
put his hands on her thighs, keeping her legs
separated. What a lovely sight it was to see her
pretty pussy so close to his face. “That’s it,” he said
“Do your pussy lips feel more sensitive because of
the way they were clamped?”
She gave a little grunt. Nodding would have hurt;
he’d seen to that.
Her pussy, above him, was red and swollen and her
clit was so swollen its hood was pulled back, no
longer able to hide it. “You’ve got a sub hard-on,” he
told her.
His name was a mumbled protest behind the chain
in her mouth.
Trevor smiled. “You were so eager to hump the air
earlier.” Her entire body seemed to shake with the
effort of having her legs spread so wide while still
supporting her own weight. The unknown factored in,
he knew, like he wanted it to. And the spikes of pain
in her nipples had to be maddening. “It pleases me,”
he said, “to watch you get off like the naughty girl you

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he said, “to watch you get off like the naughty girl you
are. Hump my mouth, slut.”
Chapter Four
Julia was going out of her mind. Delirious. Desire
was a primeval beat in her soul. She couldn’t believe
she was acting this way. She was like an out of
control wanton. In her career, she was competent, in
control. She always kept her emotions leashed, and
she could smile at the biggest cocksucking vendor
on the face of the planet.
But here she was, on her knees, her nipples
clamped and the chain fixed between her teeth,
grinding her crotch into Trevor Kendall’s face? She
had a hard time believing it.
And more? There was no place she’d rather be.
His maddening tongue was on her swollen clit. The
tiny nub of flesh was already throbbing, and the
sweeps of his tongue made it worse.
Despite herself, she totally lost control.
She began the rhythm that would relieve her. In
seconds, she was fucking his face.
She was vaguely aware of his motions until she felt
three of his fingers in her vagina, stretching her wide.
She leaned forward a few centimetres so his mouth

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had the same access to her clit as he’d had
moments ago.
He sucked and nibbled.
Her head fell back. Sensation seared through her
nipples, and she instinctively squeezed her breasts.
Her hips jerked.
He pulled downward and bit.
An orgasm clawed at her from the inside out.
She screamed.
And then she came all over his face.
He held her tight, comfortingly, until she was spent.
Slowly, reality returned and she began to notice the
pain in her nipples and she noticed how her pussy
throbbed. And noticed how he kissed her cunt.
This was so much more than she ever imagined.
And she didn’t want it to end.
He smacked her on her right flank. “Position yourself,
She shook her head to clear it.
Her motions were completely ungraceful as she knelt
up and shook out her hair before tipping back her
head. With her fingertips, she spread apart her
pussy lips, noticing how totally wet she was.
Then he did the unthinkable. He knelt in front of her

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and captured her head, threading his fingers into her
hair. He moved her head until she looked him in the
“My face is wet from your pussy.”
“Yes,” she breathed.
“Clean me with your mouth.”
She blinked. But she already knew too well not to
question him. “Yes, Trevor.” She fought back her own
instinctive revulsion. She wasn’t a woman who licked
her fingers after playing with herself.
Awkwardly, on her knees, she moved a little closer.
She was aware of the carpet’s burn, and she was
very conscious that she was still under strict
instruction to keep her hands between her legs to
keep her pussy separated for her Dom.
She leaned in closer and licked his chin.
His skin was masculine, a bit stubbly. And she
tasted the tang of her own essence. It was a bit salty,
but the second lick wasn’t as unpleasant.
She also inhaled the scent of him, the spice of
aftershave and the scent of power. Unbelievably, her
pussy grew even wetter.
She licked the end of his nose. Somehow, this felt
even more intimate than if she’d given him head.

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She kissed between his dark eyebrows, even though
she didn’t really need to; she wanted to.
Julia got hungrier and hungrier.
“You want to be fucked again?” he asked quietly.
“I’m a slut,” she said simply. “For you.” And she was.
She wanted to please him, wanted him to be glad
he’d brought her up to his room.
“Finish what you’re doing, then.”
She did. With her mouth, with little puffs of her
breath, she licked all of her wetness from him.
“On your back,” he told her.
Her tummy turning over, she hurried to follow orders.
She wanted him in her.
He captured her hands in one of his and imprisoned
them on the carpeted floor above her head.
Everything about him was dominating. And she was
the lucky sub beneath the power of his hips and
“Master has a powerful cock.”
“I like that word,” he said.
“Which one?” she teased. “Cock?”
“Master.” He drove into her powerfully, knocking the
breath from her lungs. “Put your legs over my
shoulders. I want to be in deeper.”

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shoulders. I want to be in deeper.”
She wasn’t sure she’d survive such an onslaught.
“Now,” he commanded.
She followed orders. “Trev…”
“Take it all,” he said.
Julia willed herself to relax. After taking a breath, she
moved so that her legs draped over his shoulders.
He rode her, filled her. No one and nothing existed
but him and his possession of her body.
“Submit to me, Julia.” He drove into her then, hard,
fast, deep.
Instead of struggling, she took him.
He filled her completely, against her womb. Her
insides spasmed.
“That’s my Julia.”
His Julia.
He fucked her hard and she wanted it, everything he
wanted to give her.
“Would my orgasm please you?” she asked.
“Squeeze my cock with your vaginal muscles,” he
told her. Then he laughed. “Yes. Yes, you have my
permission to climax.”
Over and over, he pounded her.
She dug with her heels, using his body to leverage

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her hips from the ground so she could take more of
him. Her orgasm consumed her, and she clenched
his penis hard, milking him.
She felt the change in him as his cock became more
He pulled out right before he came. As she watched,
he jerked off, and his hot cum spurted onto her belly.
She moaned, feeling owned by him.
This, this is what she’d spent her life looking for.
When he released his grip on her wrists, she used
her fingertips to scoop up his cooling ejaculate and
then she sucked her fingers clean.
He was on his haunches between her legs. “Wench,”
he said.
Looking up at him, she blinked her eyes innocently.
Then she made a naughty, soft, smacking sound.
“You taste delicious.”
“You’ve a thing or two to learn still. About
“Class is in session,” she said saucily.
“Into the shower with you. Turn on the water. And if
you need to urinate, leave the door open.”
Now he’d completely knocked the wind from her
happy sails. “Beg your pardon?”

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“You will have no secrets from me. My subs are not
allowed privacy.”
“You can’t possibly be serious.”
An uncompromising scowl set between his brows.
“My subs are not allowed privacy,” he repeated.
A hot flush of humiliation chased up her face. “So,
even if I need to—”
“Even if.”
“Use your safe word. Or leave the door open.”
“If I use my safe word?”
“Then we’re done.”
She could barely breathe. “So I have no choice.”
“You always have a choice. And if you refuse a task,
you’re free to leave. And about those other things…
there’s an enema bag next to the tub. Give yourself
She felt all the colour drain from her face.
He stood and rezipped his trousers. “I’ll be making
use of you anally in…” He checked his very
expensive timepiece. “Half an hour. Better get
“I’ve never had an enema.”
“I’ll be happy to give it to you.”

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She shook her head.
He bent to remove her nipple clamps, and she cried
out as the blood flow returned to the constricted little
“Run along,” he told her. “Like a good sub.” He
pocketed the clovers. “My sub.”
She rose and crossed to the en suite bathroom, and
she debated whether or not she wanted to leave the
door open.
They’d already done things she’d never before
imagined, but this?
Then, mercifully, she heard noise from the television.
She could do this. Had to do it. If she wanted the next
lesson in S&M 101. She sat on the closed toilet lid
and seriously asked herself that question. Did she
want the next lesson?
Or had she had enough?
They’d already had sex like she’d never before
experienced. Her entire body hummed with
awareness and tingled with pain, from the tiny bite
he’d given her earlobe to the way her pussy lips still
throbbed slightly from the clamps and the way her
nipples were still hard. She swore she could feel a
pulse in them.

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pulse in them.
Her rear smarted, something she was highly aware
of now that she was sitting on it.
There was a lot more to S&M than she’d ever
thought possible. It was about more than just having
your behind warmed and getting ridden hard. It was
about subjugating your own needs. And alternately, it
was about being freer for the experience.
It was mentally and physically draining. And it was
She gasped and looked up. “I didn’t hear you.”
Trevor relaxed against the jamb, completely at ease.
His shirt was still unbuttoned, giving her a view of his
broad, sexy chest. “You’re sexy, you know that?” she
“As long as you think so. That’s all that matters.”
Her hand shook as she ran her hand through her
hair. “I’m not sure I can do this,” she admitted.
“There hasn’t been anything so far that you couldn’t
handle. There will never be anything you cannot
handle. You’re a sub. My sub.”
She wanted to be in his arms, soothed by his

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He came into the room. It was gorgeous, though
small. The tub was claw-footed, and there was a
pedestal sink. The floor was made of tiny black and
white octagonal shaped tiles
in a hypnotic, geometric pattern. Fluffy, oversized
white towels hung from silver racks. And she couldn’t
take her gaze from him.
With him in here, the room seemed to shrink to a
quarter of its original, already-small size.
He turned on the shower’s faucet. And matter-of-
factly, while she watched, he picked up the hated
enema bag. He turned on the sink faucet and filled
the bag with warm water. Instead of halfway like he’d
told her, he filled it all the way full.
Steam billowed in the room and he hung up the bag,
then drew the shower curtain closed. He stripped.
His clothes landed on the floor. “I’d intended for you
to undress me with your own hands,” he said. “But
you can do that tomorrow.”
That meant he planned to see her again.
She didn’t move, didn’t say anything. Instead, she
just sat there mesmerised.

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He stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain.
“Relieve your bladder,” he said. “Then join me in
He was uncompromising, as she’d expect her Dom
to be, as she needed him to be. But he was
sensitive to the fact she was nearly freaking out. He
wouldn’t give in and mollycoddle her. And she
appreciated it.
She either had to play the rules by his game, or
she’d have to find someone else.
And after this… Was there anyone else?
She smelled soap in the air and she wanted him to
lather her body.
She surrendered.
She wasn’t going to struggle. Struggling would only
keep her from what she wanted. And she wanted
Julia stood and lifted the toilet lid and did what she
was told, like a good little sub.
Then she pulled back the curtain and joined him in
the tub.
For the first time, she saw him in his naked glory. He
was a sexy, soapy mess. He had the shapeliest butt
she’d ever seen on a man. His chest was broad, his

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hips were slim, and a swath of hair arrowed towards
his jutting cock.
Possessiveness forked through her.
He was hers. Her Dom. Her man.
“I’m proud of you,” he said. “It’s not easy to be so
The approval soared through her. She realised she’d
do anything for him.
Trevor pulled her against him and kissed her deeply.
“Isn’t this against the rules?” she asked.
“My game. My rules.”
“I like this one. Class can be in session anytime, Sir
Like a lover, he washed her. He even got on his
knees to wash her between her legs and then all the
way down to her feet.
“Turn around.”
He lathered her shoulders and back, and then her
buttocks. “On your toes,” he told her.
When she rose onto the balls of her feet, he slipped
a soapy hand between her cheeks. Instead of
protesting, she braced her hands on the wall.
With a finger, he slowly penetrated her anally.

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With a finger, he slowly penetrated her anally.
In. Then out. In a bit more. Out again.
She started to enjoy the feeling. She was tight, but it
wasn’t as painful as she’d anticipated. She started
to arch her back so he could penetrate deeper. “It’s
good, so good.” She gasped.
“You’ve got ten minutes to be face down on my bed.”
He kissed her nape and got out of the shower. She
all but stamped her foot in frustration.
She wanted his possession.
She hurried through the horrible, beastly enema.
”Good girl,” he said when she rejoined him.
He was still naked, and there was no denying the
erection that led him around. The fact he was so hot
for her turned her on.
She couldn’t help but notice the international news
report was blasting from the telly. “You’re not asleep
in front of the news,” she said with a cheeky grin.
“Good thing you learned to move your hips. Saved
me from a crick in my neck from sleeping on the
settee.” He grabbed a tube of lube from the coffee
table and all teasing vanished. “Face down on my
bed,” he reminded her.
Swallowing that knot of fear, she did.

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“Would you like clamps?”
“You’re loony, right?”
He laughed. “Thought you might want the
“I want it to be over with.”
“This is about trust, sub. You’ll be restrained.”
She’d made her choice to stay, but she hadn’t known
he had planned to increase the stakes one more
time. He would probably always do that to her, she
realised. He would always keep her guessing,
always provide the unexpected.
With a shiver, she crossed the floor and crawled
onto her tummy on the bed.
She fought to keep her breathing steady as he drew
her right hand towards the headboard and secured it
with a cuff.
“You’ve been tied up before,” he said, evidently
remembering their earlier conversation.
“Not like this. Not by my Master.”
He cuffed her second wrist. “Raise your pelvis.”
It was difficult to move at all, but he helped lift her in
order to slide a pillow beneath her stomach. “Use
your safe word.”
“No,” she said. ”I want you.” But to tell the truth, she

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was terrified. She was tightly secured; she couldn’t
pull out her hands like she had the other time she’d
been tied up.
She heard the roar of her pulse pounding in her ears.
Instead of him spreading her cheeks like she
expected, he delivered a soft spank.
She wiggled around.
His next spank was equally delicious.
The third was divine.
His hand found her heated core, and in seconds,
he’d brought her to fevered anticipation.
Then, while she was humming from the various
sensations, he poured a dollop of lube right near her
“You are doing fine,” he told her. “Relax. Don’t clench
Then, with long strokes, he worked the lube deep
inside her. He took the time to tease her clit and
slide inside her pussy, too. And he alternated it all
with dizzying spanks.
She was ready to explode when he inserted a
second finger. “Trevor!”
“Just relax.”
“No…I mean, I want to come from that.”

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“From my fingers in your arse?”
“Yes.” She hissed out the s.
“Could you be any more perfect?”
She couldn’t believe the sensations. Yes, it hurt a bit,
but once he got all the way in and she grew
accustomed to the feeling of being stretched, she
rather liked it.
“Take me,” he commanded.
She felt his cockhead at her entrance. And then he
started to drive his thick penis inside her. Cold fear
chased through her. She struggled against her
“Stop it.”
“It hurts, damn it.”
“Control yourself, sub.” With his strong palms, he
spread her apart for his penetration. “It’s no different
than my fingers,” he said.
It was. Much more painful. Not even the same
experience at all.
”Trust me, Julia. Trust me enough to do as you’re
told. Control your breathing. You can do this.”
He massaged her buttocks, spreading her farther
and farther apart. She bit out a cry of pain.
“Easy,” he told her.

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“Easy,” he told her.
But he was relentless, and she appreciated it. She
didn’t want to fail.
With infinite patience, he positioned himself at her
tightest entrance again. He then told her, “Don’t hold
back on your orgasm.”
“I’m not going to have an orgasm. It hurts too much.”
“We have a rule…”
“Yeah, yeah. S&M 101 rule number four. No pouting.”
He held her wide and said, “Bear down.”
“Bear down.”
She did, and she forced herself to breathe deep. All
of a sudden he was in, all the way.
This time, it was he who groaned. “Damn, Julia.”
The knowledge that she could be so pleasing made
the experience all the more exhilarating. “Don’t hold
back on your orgasm,” she teased.
“You’re wanting another spanking then, are you?”
He stroked in, then back out. Now that she’d caught
her breath again and her anal opening had been
spread so wide, she accepted him, all of him.
She felt him orgasm only seconds later, and his jism
spilled deep inside her bowels.

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Then, surprisingly, she came.
She’d shared something unique with him. They’d
done things, lots of them actually, that she hadn’t
done with anyone else. She trusted him in ways she
trusted no other. She hated for it to end, either now
or in a week.
It’d be a long six months, even a year, until she saw
him again.
So, well, now what?
“Don’t think so hard.”
He released her cuffs.
“Kiss me,” she begged.
He sat on the edge of the bed and helped her to turn
over. “My pleasure,” he said.
His kiss was hard, brutal, unrelenting, demanding…
as if he owned her.
“You’re frowning,” he said when they parted.
Somehow she’d ended up in his lap, his cock
softening beneath her. There was an intimacy they
hadn’t shared before. And it thrilled her, scared her.
“You do that when you’re thinking too hard. Rule
“Five,” she said, “of S&M 101. Don’t think too hard.”
He laughed. “I’ve been considering a move to our

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Stateside division.”
She feathered back her wayward hair with her
fingertips. She was trembling, and she didn’t know
“I’ve broken Dom rule number one,” he told her
quietly, his blue eyes searing into her.
“Doms have rules, too?”
“I do,” he said. He captured her hands and stroked
his thumbs across the wrists he’d bound. “I’ve
become attached to a sub. And I don’t do that unless
I want a serious relationship. I’m talking 24/7.”
“What?” She swallowed. It was a lot to think about,
especially so quickly. But she knew she wouldn’t last
long away from him.
“We’ll finesse the details later. But now that I’ve
found you and tasted your sweet submission, I’m not
letting you go.”
His dominance grounded her, and she was hungry
for more.
He caught her around the neck and drew her down,
towards him. She surrendered, surrendered
because that’s what she wanted. “Sub rule number
one,” she said. “Once you find the perfect Dom, let
him think you’re a sub, when really, you’re the one

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with the power.”
“Is that right?”
“Yep.” She grinned.
“Right, then.”
Before she could even think, she was pinned
beneath him, pressed into the mattress. “I think it’s
time, lovely submissive, to move on to S&M 102.”
He leaned in for a domineering kiss and she said, “I
thought you’d never suggest it, Master.”
About the Author
Born in Northern England and raised in the Wild
West, Sierra Cartwright pens book that are as
untamed as the Rockies she calls home. She's an
award-winning, multi-published writer who wrote her
first book at age nine and hasn't stopped since.
Sierra invites you to share the complex journey of
love and desire, of surrender and commitment. Her
own journey has taught her that trusting takes guts
and courage, and her work is a celebration for
everyone who is willing to take that risk.
Email: sierracartwright@hotmail.com


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