Double Trouble Sierra Cartwright

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Sierra Cartwright

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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
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* * * * *

DISCLAIMER: Many of the acts described in our BDSM/fetish titles can be dangerous. Loose
Id® publishes these stories for members of the community in which these acts are known
and practiced safely. If you have an interest in the pleasures and pains you find described
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loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

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I Heart That City: Double Trouble

Sierra Cartwright

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by
Loose Id LLC
870 Market St, Suite 1201
San Francisco CA 94102-2907

Copyright © March 2009 by Sierra Cartwright
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,
photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-884-6
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Jana J. Hanson
Cover Artist: April Martinez

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Chapter One 

“Bugger off, sister dear,” Bridget said, shaking her head. This time, her younger sister

had lost her mind. “No way am I strutting on that stage to be auctioned off like a sheep, no

matter how worthy your cause is.” And it was a worthy cause. They all were.

“Or how eligible a bachelorette you are?”

“There is that,” Bridget agreed.

“Or how badly you need a date?”

She scowled. “Hitting below the belt.”

“But true,” Mary countered. “Maybe if you actually


a date, you wouldn’t spend all

your money on batteries for your toys.”

“I keep the battery economy going,” Bridget defended. “Without me, hundreds of

people would be out of work. Besides, I can find my own dates, thank you very much.” She

just didn’t want a date, or…well, that’s what she told herself.

Mary narrowed her eyes. Bridget shuddered.


look had dragged her into more

misadventures than she could count. Fortunately, she’d had many years to recognize the

tactic, and Bridget was a master at the art of the dodge.

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“I’m in a bind, and unless you help out,” Mary said dramatically, her blue eyes filling

with tears, “the entire night will be a



Bridget couldn’t help herself. She laughed. “Nice try. No way could tonight be anything

other than a great success. You’ve done an excellent job, like you always do.” Impulsively,

she kissed her younger sister on the cheek.

The charity auction hadn’t officially started, and they already had to shout to be heard

above the raucous crowd and energetic band.

Not another person could squeeze a primped and shaved body inside the doors of the I

Heart That City bar. In honor of the event, the entire dining room had been made to

resemble New York, with a nighttime cityscape painted on plywood boards and a Statue of

Liberty off to one side. Some patrons were even sporting goofy green Lady Liberty head


Tonight, in the unseasonable early spring heat, glitz and glitter had replaced the casual

blue jeans. Richmond’s movers and shakers had replaced tourists and regulars. Energy buzzed

in the air, like something electric.

A news crew jostled itself into position near the newly built stage, in the long shadow

of Lady Liberty herself. A society reporter scribbled notes and smiled like a politician angling

for office, and a food critic had taken advantage of her position by ordering the most

expensive prime-cut steak on the menu. And everyone in attendance was thirsty.

“I’ll write you a check,” Bridget promised. “A big one.” She’d write one for all the tips

she received in a month. Here she was again, making silent bargains with God to get out of

another of her sister’s schemes.

“We need


,” Mary said. “With you up there, we’ll get a check that’s for a whole lot

more money than you’ll ever donate.”

“I doubt that. For the love of God, who’s going to bid on a waitress?”

“Plenty of men like you.” She smiled. “Please?”

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Bridget looked at her little sis. As a child, Mary had brought home every stray dog and

cat she’d found. She would cry at the store if she saw a stuffed animal that was missing an

eye or an ear. The tears would only stop if their parents relented and bought it for her. All of

them still indulged her tender heart and cause du jour, but enough was enough.

Bridget hated to be the center of attention. She wanted her private life kept private.

Besides, she wasn’t sure she could stand the humiliation of knowing she’d fetched less money

than anyone else. How could she compare to the beauty queens and cheerleaders? “The

answer’s a definite, positive no.”

“Drinks are up!” Joel shouted from behind the bar.

Somehow, Mary had even managed to talk Joel into donating the space for tonight’s

fund-raiser. Mary could twist nearly anyone around her little finger, but tonight, not her

older sister.

“The children need you, Bridey,” Mary said.

As a child, Mary had been unable to pronounce Bridget, so she’d called her older sister

Bridey. Mary still used the childhood name when she was trying to drag Bridget into another

of her wild schemes.

“Bridget!” Joel shouted. “A little help, please?”

Poor guy made a sound that was somewhere between exasperation and desperation.

“Coming!” She started to move away, but Mary grabbed her elbow.


need you since Carmen got sick.”

Carmen Ortiz was not only a TV news weather reporter, she was hot, as famous for her

short, tight skirts as she was her personality and meteorological skills. She was used to being

in front of people, accustomed to the limelight. And people wanted to date her.

Bridget Kelly was famous for pouring a Guinness with a great head and fending off

randy customers who wanted to pinch the butt she’d wiggled into a pair of tight jeans.

“For the last time, I am


getting on that stage to be auctioned off.”

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“How bad could it be? A guy makes a huge donation to Children First. You get a night

out, he gets your company, and some deserving kid has a shot at a college education. Just

think of it. A couple hours of your time and you can do all that good.”

“No fekking way.”

Mary pouted, a real, childlike pout, complete with turned-down lower lip. “If that’s

your final answer…”

“You’ll make thousands,” Bridget said. “Tens of thousands. And you won’t need me to

do it.”

Mary nodded.

Bridget nearly did a jig on the way to collect her tray filled with good American beer, a

few microbrews, and two pints of Guinness. All in all, she’d gotten away from Mary easily

enough. She’d expected it to cost her at least two months’ tips. Maybe Mary was softening.

“Your sister’s something else,” Joel said.

“I’m proud of her.” Mary had organized this entire event from idea to invitation, and

she had a knack for squeezing money out of even the tightest of Richmond’s mavens.

Bridget made her rounds with the tray and collected more orders. Crown Royal, neat.

A bottle of merlot. A pint of Guinness, from her native Ireland. A pitcher of Bud.

The band wound down, among a cacophonous roar of approval.

Then Mary, in her element, took the stage. The spotlight hit her. Her sequined gown

seemed to ignite. Her blonde hair seemed alive.

Bridget could have laughed. She was as tall as her sister, but that’s where the

resemblance ended. Her own hair was fiery red, and her figure was a bit more…voluptuous.

She preferred jeans to gowns, cowboy boots to heels. How could Mary have even suggested

Bridget get on the same stage?

Mary thanked everyone for coming, and then she introduced the emcee for the

evening, Steven Walker, one of Richmond’s most prominent bankers. Tall, with a baritone

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voice that made her think of sultry Caribbean summer nights, shoulders like a linebacker,

skin the color of bittersweet chocolate, and a head shaved bald, he unfortunately made

Bridget remember how long it had been since she’d had sex.

Mary was probably right. It was time for Bridget to start dating again. It had been at

least half a year, maybe nine months since she’d had a screaming orgasm, well, one where

her own hand wasn’t involved.

Still, she’d had some quality time with her most recent indulgence, her Lelo vibrator.

That didn’t stop her from lusting after the sexy Steven Walker. Even though she’d orgasmed

only a couple of hours ago, she suddenly craved another.

She hustled back to the bar, using the empty tray to fan herself.

Not that it helped.

Lately she’d spent way too much time watching and fantasizing and not enough


She’d have to do something about that. Only trouble was, when she actually asked a

guy for what she wanted, he generally freaked out. They were okay with the handcuffs. Most

of them were okay with blindfolds. But when she asked for a spanking…

So how did she tell her sister she’d rather be alone than disappointed?

She turned in the drink order. “Hurry it up, Joel! Keep this crowd happy!” She turned

her back to the bar, resting against it. From here, she had a view of the side of the stage. Her

sister was there with a clipboard, and she was standing next to a young, nubile woman,

barely dressed, her midriff bare. Steven introduced her as their first bachelorette -- a

cheerleader for the Atlanta Falcons.

The bidding for a date with her started at a thousand dollars and reached ten thousand

in under a minute.

Everyone who placed a bid got a giggle and a wave.


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“You say something?” Joel asked.

“If I were a man, I’d rather have a root canal than go out with her.”

He grinned and shoved an unopened bottle of wine across the bar. “I can see the


She rolled her eyes. Barbara or Buffy or Missy -- whatever her name was -- even

appealed to gay men.

She put a corkscrew in her apron pocket, grabbed three wineglasses, and headed back

into the crowd.

Bidding ended at thirteen thousand and change. Bridget was pleased for her sister, but

she thought the winning stockbroker could have made a better investment.

A Sunday at the Richmond International Raceway followed by dinner with a NASCAR

driver went for nearly ten grand. A man won. The representative from the raceway looked

less than pleased.

Bridget uncorked the wine at the customer’s table and poured a small amount into a

glass for one of the gentlemen to sample. He pretended to know more about tasting than he

actually did; she pretended not to notice.

“And now,” Steven said, “for our next eligible bachelorette…”

Her customer nodded his approval, and she started to fill all the glasses.

Steven began reading from a note card. “This date includes a weekend stay at a restored

James River plantation. Get away from all the stress as you enjoy seclusion and luxury.”

That sounded delightful, like something she would enjoy.

“Your bachelorette is a local favorite, and in fact, I’m told many of you here know her.”

Curious, Bridget glanced up. There was no one standing next to her sister, waiting to go


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“I’m willing to bid two thousand myself,” Steven said. “Gentlemen, who will raise me

five hundred for an evening with I Heart That City’s very own Bridget Kelly?”

Her mouth fell open.

She met her sister’s gaze. Mary grinned and blew her a kiss.

Then the spotlight scanned the crowd until the operator found her.

She stood there, frozen.

“Close your mouth,” her customer said helpfully. “And give me the bottle of wine

before you drop it.” He pried the bottle from her fingers.

“Twenty-five hundred,” came a voice from the back of the room. She looked around

frantically, but she couldn’t see who’d placed the bid.

“Let’s get you up here,” Steven said.

She shook her head.

“Don’t be shy,” he told her. “It’s all for a good cause.”

Bridget was going to kill her sister.

“Three thousand,” Steven said from the stage.

A pity bid, she knew. Mary had probably put him up to it. Anything to raise money.

The people at her table started to clap and chant her name.

Someone was going to die.

“Go on, Bridget!”

She recognized Joel’s voice. Cripes. Was he part of the conspiracy as well?

One of the good-natured guys at her table gave her a slight shove toward the stage.

“You’re cut off,” she told them. “No more wine for you. Ever.”

Other people --


-- gave her gentle pushes. She heard one of the other waitresses

shout, “I’ll cover your tables.”

Helplessly swept along, an usher helped her up the stairs to the stage.

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Steven planted a kiss on her cheek. “You’re a good sport,” he whispered.

“No. I’m not.” She stood there, blinded in the spotlight. She was aware of her too-tight

jeans and her painted-on sweater. Strands of her hair had escaped from the confines of their

clips and caused a riotous disarray around her face. All the other eligible bachelors and

bachelorettes were dressed to kill. And she was dressed to wait tables.

Someone was going to die. Tonight.

“We’re at three thousand for a date with Bridget. Who’ll give me thirty-five?”


She strained to see who was calling out the bid, but in the glare of the lights, she was

nearly blinded.


“Thank you,” Steven said to a second bidder. “Forty-five, anyone?”

This was insane. She hadn’t had a date in months, hadn’t slept with anyone in even

longer, and now men were willing to pay thousands of dollars to date her?

Steven dropped out at seven thousand, leaving two men, neither of whom she could

see, competing against each other.

Unbelievably, the bidding ended at nine thousand dollars.

Nine thousand dollars for an evening with her? Who would be willing to lay out that

cash for a date with a waitress?

The man in question stood. The spotlight hit him.

“No. No no no,” she whispered.

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Chapter Two 

Daniel Armstrong.

It couldn’t be.

Someone please wake her from this horrific dream.

“Damn, girl, I knew you’d bring in a small fortune,” Mary said, hustling over, a

Cheshire cat-like grin on her face. Mary dragged Bridget off to the side so a former Miss

Virginia could be auctioned off.

“You knew about Daniel,” Bridget said, grabbing her sister by the hand and squeezing

it mercilessly. “You arranged it.”

“Anything for the kids.” Mary beamed with joy. “Isn’t this the best?”

The best?

She couldn’t think of anything worse. A date with Daniel Armstrong? In the middle of

nowhere? Overnight?

After the revenge he probably wanted to exact from her?

“He’s had a crush on you for years.”


,” Bridget corrected. “He had a crush on me.”

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“You broke his heart?”


Mary cocked her head to the side. “Worse?”

“His ego.”


A few weeks ago, he’d seen her at a club she’d never admit to ever having attended.

This was so fekking not good.

She could see Daniel making his way toward her.

A nervous bachelor paced backstage. He wiped sweat from his brow with a sopping


Mary extricated her hand and excused herself. “I need to handle Mr. Gibbs before he

wears a hole in his shoes.” She gave her older sister a weak smile. “You’ll need to deal with

Daniel by yourself. Remember, it’s for a good cause.”

The little coward buggered off.

Think. Think. Bridget had to think. If she liquidated a trust, maybe she could pay him

off, give him his money back, and everyone would be happy --



Her knees threatened to buckle.

Even though she’d seen him only a few weeks ago, it had been from a distance. At the

club, Wicked, he’d been with a woman, and not just any woman, a submissive.

That night, he’d barely acknowledged her. He hadn’t crowded her like this, silently

backing her toward the rear of the stage, away from lights, TV crews, and prying eyes.

From the past, she didn’t remember him being quite so tall. Even though she stood

about five-eight in her pink snakeskin boots, she had to tip her head back to look at him.

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Damn he was handsome in a black tuxedo and crisp, white shirt.

She didn’t remember him being quite as broad or having hair so long it nearly brushed

his collar. The thick strands were as dark as the James River itself on a moonless winter


She didn’t recall his eyes being nearly so dark, so intensely blue, so searing, so

penetrating. She definitely didn’t remember there being a tic in his jaw that showed

restrained temper.

She took a deep breath and gave her best smile. It was the fake, I-can’t-stand-you smile

reserved for customers who deserved to have a bowl of peanuts dumped on their heads.

“Don’t you ever give up? Ever since I met you, I’ve wanted to open your skull and have a

look around.” Never, ever, had she been able to figure out what made him tick.

“I reserved a seat the moment I heard you were going to be auctioned.”

“You heard I was going to be auctioned?”

“Last week,” he said. A hint of Southern drawl still lingered in his voice, despite the

years he’d spent in the West. “Mary called me to tell me.”

Her own sister had thrown her under the bus? Someone was going to die.

How had Mary even known Daniel was back in the South? Last she heard, he was in

Los Angeles, tanned and fit. Not that she actually kept up with his whereabouts. She just

happened to see the business pages from time to time.

“Your sister thought I might be interested in winning you. She was right.”

“I don’t want to be


by anyone. And you should know that I doubly don’t want to

be won by you.”

“Now you’re hurting my feelings,” he said. “But that doesn’t change anything. I want


She scowled at him. “Are you dense?” she asked. “Or do you have the patience of Job?”

“You tell me.”

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“Both,” she said. “You’re patient, I’ll give you that. Twenty years is a long time to wait

for any woman. And since you won’t ever take no for an answer, you clearly can’t be all


He laughed, but he didn’t back off. Bastard was overwhelming her, and suddenly it was

difficult to breathe. “I was thinking,” she said, her words rushed, not calm and measured as

she wanted them to be. “I appreciate you bidding, really I do, but we both know it’s a huge

mistake. I don’t want to go anywhere with you. So I’ll write you a check for the entire

amount. We’ll consider the deal closed.”

He shook his head. “No chance.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I bought and paid for you. I’ve wanted this moment for twenty years.”

“You know how to carry a grudge.”

“It’s not a grudge, I assure you. Then I saw you at the club in that miniskirt, and I was

done for.”

Oh my God

. This was a disaster. Not only was this a date with Daniel Armstrong at a

plantation in the middle of hundreds of acres, close to nowhere, but he also knew of her

secret fantasies.

“Your skirt. It was PVC?” he asked, referring to the material favored by the BDSM

crowd, shiny like vinyl but with a fit like leather.

She backed away until her rear collided with the wall behind her. Despite the noise,

the excitement, it was as if the two of them were alone in the world.

“You weren’t wearing a bra,” he said.

“Did you notice everything?”

“I’ve been fantasizing about seeing your nipples clamped, weights dangling from them.”

She was fascinated; she was scared. With a quick glance around, nervous that someone

would overhear him, she demanded, “Why me? You have a sub.”

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He shook his head. “No, I don’t.”

“But I saw you.”

“You saw me with a sub,” he agreed.

“She was on a leash.” The image was seared into her brain. Even though Bridget had

been stunned by the sight of a woman on a lead, the submissive had looked lovely in her


Before that night, Bridget had never actually been to a club; she still wouldn’t have

ever visited if it hadn’t been for the fact Stanley had dragged her there. It was one thing to

read about submissives, males as well as females, wearing collars and leashes. It was entirely

another thing to actually witness it live. The shock had been compounded by the sight of

Daniel. “You were holding her leash.”

“Lilly is a sub,” he agreed, “but she’s not




“For one weekend, Bridget,” he said, “you will be.”

Impossible. Not with him. Not ever. “Uh…no. You won a date with me. Being your

submissive for


amount of time,” she said firmly, “was not part of the bargain.” Hope,

expectation, and fear collided into a solid knot in her stomach.

“I bought and paid for you,” he said, “and for a good cause.”

She had to tip her head back to look at him. “You might have seen me at Wicked, but

I’m not actually a sub.”

“You’re not?”

“No.” Damn it. Her voice sounded breathless, not firm.

He took another step closer to her. He dominated her space, overwhelming her. How

had she never noticed how good he smelled? Of spice, of power, of man.

“Not even a little?” he asked.

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Her heart thundered. “Not at all,” she said.

“That’s what your mouth says. Your body…the way you’re breathing, the way your

eyes are open so wide, the way you just licked your lower lip…your body tells a different

story.” He put his finger under her chin.

She felt the gentle abrasion of a callus, which was unexpected. She knew he was a deal

maker in Los Angeles, so the fact that his hands would be so strong and marred surprised her.

“That was the only time I’ve been to a BDSM club.”

“You stayed.”

“Only a couple of hours.”

“You haven’t run now,” he pointed out.

“You’ve trapped me, you oaf.” As an afterthought, she brought her hands up between

them and placed them on his chest.

Then she wished she hadn’t. His chest was strong. Beneath her palms, he was warm,

male, intoxicating.

“You don’t want to run. If you were honest with yourself, and with me, you’d admit

that you are curious. You didn’t play that night.”

“You asked?”

“I watched, and I asked.”

“You’re a stalker.”

“Right.” He leaned in a bit closer, and her brain finally kicked into gear. She pushed

against him.

He didn’t budge. He’d been the same -- stubborn, determined, and unwilling to take no

for an answer -- even as a kid. They’d both been about ten, maybe eleven, when they’d spent

an entire July confined to the same summer camp. Six years later, in high school, he’d asked

for a date. She’d wanted to peel off his skull and have a look inside. What was wrong with

him that he wouldn’t just leave her alone?

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“I’m going to kiss you.”

No chance in hell. She opened her mouth to object, but nothing came out.

His eyes, already as dark as twilight, seemed to darken even more as he moved closer.

She was paralyzed, hypnotized by him, his power.

For a shocking moment, she wondered what it might be like to surrender to him, to be

at the club with him, as his submissive. What would it be like if his rich voice was thickened

with command? What would it feel like to have his hand firm on her backside?

She shouldn’t want to find out, but she did.

Her body disobeyed her mind’s order, and instead of shoving him away, not that he’d

go anyway, she opened her mouth and closed her eyes.

He laughed, but it wasn’t a sound of triumph; it was a sound of approval.

His kiss was firm and insistent. He tasted of champagne. Had the rogue been

celebrating, even before winning her?

He moved in even closer, putting a leg between hers, capturing her hair and pulling

back on her head, positioning her for an even deeper penetration.

His tongue met hers, and she became weak, recognizing his power over her. He

handled her as if they’d been doing this for years. There was nothing punishing about it, just

something overwhelming.

He brought up a hand and cradled one of her breasts. She suddenly wished she hadn’t

worn such a serviceable bra. She wanted to feel his skin on hers, wanted to feel her nipple

grow and lengthen as he teased it.

He squeezed her breast.

She gasped.

Her pussy moistened as he placed his thigh against her crotch. Good Lord, she’d never

been kissed like this before.

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She hungered for him, and it was all she could do not to shamelessly grind herself

against him.

“We won’t have her at Northall until next weekend, so you’d better stop before you

have her spread open before you on the stage.”

At the intrusion of the voice, different but somehow familiar, she opened her eyes to

see who was speaking.

Interrupted, Daniel ended the kiss.

Frantically, she shoved him away. “What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t believe you’ve met my twin,” he said. “David Armstrong.”

David bowed politely, acknowledging the introduction. “My pleasure.” With Southern

charm, he took her hand and kissed it.

“Two?” she asked, struggling to wrap her mind around the fact there were identical

versions of Daniel standing next to each other. “There are two of you?”

“And one of you,” David pointed out.

“We like the odds,” Daniel added, still holding on to her hand.

“We?” she managed to say with a squeak.

“You’ll be spending the weekend with us both,” Daniel said. “My brother is graciously

throwing open the doors of Northall to us for our weekend.”

“It’s all for a good cause, as your sister pointed out,” David said.

Bridget couldn’t even remember how to swallow. She looked between the brothers,

stunned by the resemblance. If David’s eyes weren’t two shades lighter than Daniel’s, she’d

never be able to tell them apart.

“There’s only one catch,” Daniel said.

She was scared to ask.

She looked to David for an answer, and he said, “We’ll be sharing you.”

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Sharing? They intended to


her? It wasn’t enough that she had to put up with one

brother, she had to deal with identical twins?

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Chapter Three 

“You sure you’re not going to scare her?” David asked.

“I know I will,” Daniel said, looking at his younger brother. Younger by about nine

minutes, but younger was younger, and he rarely let David forget it. “We need to know.”

David shrugged. “How likely is it that she’s going to be one we can share? We haven’t

had much success in the past.”

“I’ve wanted her for twenty years.”

“You’re obsessed.”

“You met her at the auction.”

“I didn’t say you were wrong to be obsessed.” David uncapped a microbrew and shoved

it across the marble countertop to his brother. “I’m just saying that it doesn’t mean this one

will work out.”

Daniel snagged the brown bottle and took a long draw from it. David was right. When

it came to Bridget, he was hooked. Snagged. Snared. And he didn’t want to get away.

Her red hair was the stuff of fantasies. He’d imagined the long locks spilled against the

stark whiteness of his cotton pillowcase.

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He’d had dreams about her eyes, made even more real by the experience backstage at

the auction. She’d tilted her head back to look at him, and her green eyes had sparkled like

jewels seared in a fire. She missed nothing. When she was angry, her green eyes had spikes of

steel gray radiating from the iris. Damn if they hadn’t become hazy, like fog rolling across

the landscape, when he’d leaned in for the kiss.

He wanted her all right, on her knees, on her back, on her stomach. In his life. In



“We’ll make it work, David.”

“You’re determined.”

“Everything valuable is worth the time and effort.” Daniel paced to the window and

looked out. “Like this place. Blood, sweat, and tears. You’ve done a hell of a job out here.”

“None of this would have been possible without you.”

Built in the mid-eighteenth century, Northall, a classic example of Georgian style, had

been in the Armstrong family for generations. At one time, it had beautifully landscaped

grounds, and it was still framed by poplar trees. It had been sold during the Great Depression

when it had fallen into ruin, but their mother had told them stories about the grand old


On their mother’s deathbed, they promised to do what they could to purchase the

home and lands, and restore them to their original glory. Three years ago, Daniel’s

investments and strategic use of angel investors had netted enough cash to get Northall back.

They were a great team. David, the much more bucolic of the two, had done most of the

repairs and renovations, adding bathrooms, modernizing the kitchen, and starting to

cultivate the lands once again, diversifying between cotton and a vineyard. It wouldn’t be

long before Northall wine became a household name.

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But it wouldn’t matter if there was no one to pass it along to. Their younger sister

showed little sign of wanting to settle down, so that left it to the brothers to think about


Trouble was, nothing was easy with the Armstrongs. Neither brother was a cheater,

and finding a woman they could share and who enjoyed a sexual appetite to match theirs

wasn’t easy.

It didn’t help that Daniel was fixated on one certain Irish lass with a hot temper and

even hotter body who’d already rejected him twice.

He took a long drink from the ale.

Seeing her at Wicked had made him instantly hard. He thought he was too old to think

with his cock, but the sight of Bridget in a short, short skirt and tight white blouse had

proved otherwise.

It had been two decades since he’d met her, and he’d never forgotten her. She’d been

on his mind as he decided to move back to Richmond. He’d gone to the club owner and

asked if she was a regular.

There wasn’t much to tell. It was her first visit, and she’d attended with a gay friend.

When he’d heard about the auction, he’d set about winning her, once and for all.

“How many more excuses do you think she has?”

“I think she went online and ordered a book or something,” Daniel said, turning back

to his brother. “She’s imaginative, that one.” Beer in hand, he headed upstairs to the

playroom he’d been designing long before Bridget showed back up in his life.

He was pleased with the progress.

Daniel had constructed a St. Andrew’s Cross. They’d ordered several pieces of

equipment, and the last of them had arrived today. One piece, the bondage spanking horse,

was the one he was most looking forward to trying. The image of having Bridget affixed to

the horse, her delectable ass imprisoned and exposed for him, had kept him awake nights.

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Tomorrow afternoon couldn’t arrive soon enough.

* * * * *

An hour before Daniel was due to pick her up, a deliveryman arrived. She signed for

the white box; then, as soon as she slammed shut the apartment door, she ripped off the bow.

Her breath coagulated in her lungs when she saw the gift.

A black leather corset lay nestled in white tissue paper. Hands shaking, she pulled out

the exquisite lingerie, marveling at how soft and supple it was. The front would cover her

breasts, but barely. He’d provided a garter belt and stockings, along with a wisp-of-nothing


As she was learning, it was typical of him to think of this. She’d been obsessing about

what to pack, what to wear, what to bring. Jeans and cowboy boots, like she wore 90 percent

of the time? A skirt for dinner? Or would he,

would they

, expect her to dress in the miniskirt

she’d worn to Wicked? He’d already seen her in that, but meeting him at the door looking

like a vamp was too much if he expected her to be more traditional.

With this corset, evidently she needn’t have worried.

The sluttier the better.

She pulled out a choker collar. He’d provided one that had a Celtic knot on the front, a

nod to her heritage.

Oh. God.

Then she saw he’d included a note as well.

Wear this for us. Please.

He’d scrawled a D at the bottom.

She held the note with nerveless fingers and reread the handwritten words.

Wear this.

For us.

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He hadn’t written “for me.” He’d written “for us.” The reminder that she’d be alone

with two identical, gorgeous men made a frisson of excitement dance up her spine.

She could refuse to wear the corset. She



Since the auction a week ago, she’d come up with three-dozen excuses of why she

couldn’t go to Northall this weekend, and she’d tried them all.

She’d started by e-mailing Daniel with an apology. She’d really like to make it, but

since it was an overnight trip on the weekend, she couldn’t get the time off work. I Heart

That City needed her. Joel needed her.

Daniel had replied with a curt, “Mary cleared it with Joel. Your shifts are covered.”

Nearly at her wit’s end, yesterday she’d sent him a text message saying she wasn’t

feeling well.

He’d had chicken soup from one of Richmond’s best restaurants couriered over…to her

sister’s house. The fact he had it delivered to Mary’s upscale neighborhood told Bridget two

things. First, he knew where she was, and second, he knew she wasn’t really sick.

Running out of options and time, she sighed and crossed to the antique cheval hallway

mirror and held the garment up against her body. The black was a perfect choice with her

red hair and fair Irish skin. The size was big enough to make her realize he saw her as she

was, not as someone he wished she were.

But she couldn’t wear this. If she followed his order, what would he think?

Maybe the truth about her, she realized. Maybe he’d think she wanted to explore her

own sexuality. Maybe he’d think she wanted to wear something that would please him.

Maybe he’d see what she was only now admitting to herself…

She’d been a tomboy all her life because ordinary things bored her. Sex was okay --

sometimes it was even good -- but there had to be more. There had to be someone out there

somewhere who could help her get what she craved.

But did it have to be Daniel?

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And David?

Twins. Double trouble, for certain.

Her phone rang.

Hurrying to her purse in the living room, she grabbed the cell phone from it. Not

surprisingly, the readout showed Daniel’s name and number.

“Did you get my gift?”

So much for a

hello, how are you?

“Yes,” she said.

“You’ll look lovely in it.”


He waited.

“I’m not sure I can do this,” she confessed.

“You can’t do what? Come with me for the weekend? Can’t be with me and David?

Can’t wear the corset? Can’t let go of your inhibitions long enough to explore the part of

yourself that you usually keep hidden?

If she was honest with him, with herself, she’d admit that she wasn’t sure she could

take a chance with him, on him. She was overwhelmingly attracted to him. And that scared

the daylights out of her. That he was willing to take her places she’d never been worried her

even more. What if, once he had her, he no longer wanted her? What if she wanted him and

he didn’t want her?

More, what if they all wanted each other? How did one really have a successful

ménage? Society wouldn’t be tolerant of that, even if the idea of being with the brothers

thrilled her. She settled for a reason that was mostly truth. “The idea of being with the two

of you and dressed like a…”

“A hot little submissive?” he supplied.

“I don’t exactly see myself in that way.”

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“So stop thinking about yourself,” he said. “Get out of your own head, stop holding

yourself back. Think about me, about David. We want you dressed that way. We want you

wearing an outfit that pleases us.” He drew a breath. “Tell me about the nights since the


“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Have you slept?”


He waited again.

“Have you masturbated?”

She gasped. “Good God, Daniel. Could you get any more personal?”

Instead of answering, he asked, “How many times? Every time you go to bed?”

Had anyone ever died from embarrassment? She felt as if she might, here and now.

“Tell me you haven’t thought about tonight. Tell me you haven’t wondered what I’ve

got in mind. Tell me you haven’t imagined having two men pleasure and satisfy your every

desire. Tell me you haven’t pictured yourself wearing a collar that marks you as mine and


She fingered the solid leather collar with a hook on the front.

“It’s the only thing I can think about,” she said.

This time, he was silent.

“Yes,” she confessed, blushing. “I’ve thought about you. I’ve wondered what it might

be like to be with you” -- she took a steadying breath -- “and your brother.”

“I’ve thought of nothing but you. David’s thought of no one but you. Right now, my

cock’s rock hard, just from hearing the sound of your voice.”

Men had said a lot of things to her over the years, but never something like that,

something so raw and primal it made her instantly aroused.

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“You have masturbated?”

She drummed her fingers against her thigh, wondering how honest to be. “Yes.”

“When you masturbated, tell me you never once pictured yourself draped across my

lap while David watches, waiting for my hand to land on your ass.”

She drew a deep breath. “I’ve never been spanked.”

“You haven’t been spanked yet,” he corrected.

Silence dragged for several long seconds. She could almost hear the sound of her own

heartbeat. She pictured him in his office, feet on his desk, leaning back, maybe looking at

James River Park from his office window. Did he really have an erection caused by her?

“You want to explore.”

The fact she hadn’t totally refused him, the fact she hadn’t hung up on him, proved

that. “I’m a novice at all this. And I’m more nervous than anything.”

“Right this moment, is your cunt wet?”

The intentional rawness of the word stunned her.

“Answer me,” he snapped.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I’ll be there in less than an hour. Don’t pack anything. You won’t need it.”


“I’ll provide you with everything you need. Be ready.”

Before she could say anything else, he’d hung up.

She’d already told him he was dense or patient. Either way, he was expertly

manipulating her. Damn man was more stubborn than she was.

This weekend was going to happen. She wanted it; she didn’t want it. The dichotomy

of her own feelings surprised her. Generally, she decided what she wanted and went for it.

So why the hesitation with Daniel?

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She hurried to her bedroom for her cosmetic bag and threw in a few last-minute items.

She grabbed the jeans she’d lain out last night and rolled them up, stuffing them in the

bottom of her overnight bag. And what the hell, she tossed in some silk pajamas too.

She grabbed her naughty shoes from the back of her closet. They were spectacularly

cute, four-inch spiked heels, patent leather, with silver studs embedded in the ankle straps as

well as in the two straps that crossed her toes and instep.

Then, out of time as well as excuses, she returned to the living room.

She wasn’t quite sure where to start with the garment and how to get all the hooks

fastened. Top to bottom? Bottom to top? Or somewhere in the middle? Could she turn it

backward to make fastening it easier?

Less than fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang.

No. Fekking. Way.

She was going to kill him.

She was still standing in her living room, wearing jeans and not much of anything else,

struggling with the dozens of hooks and eyes that marched up the back of the leather corset.

Her C-cup breasts were exposed, her nipples hard in the cool air. Frustration made her


The doorbell sounded a second time. “Open up, Bridget.”

Her shoulders slumped.

With a deep sigh, as much from frustration as resignation, she crossed the room on bare

feet. She turned the lock and stood behind the door for privacy as she opened it.

He closed the door, secured the deadbolt, and then said, “Let’s have a look at you.”

“Let’s not,” she muttered. She held the corset in place, trying to cover her breasts and

simultaneously hold on to as much of her modesty as possible.

How could a man always look, and smell, so fabulous? And why was he so insistent on

having her? Jeans, nearly white from wear, snuggled his powerful thighs. His white dress

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shirt was open at the neck, and she saw a scattering of downy hair that she wanted to run

her fingers through. His hair looked a little windblown, but he still smelled of the outdoors,

of dominance, of sin.

“You said you’d be here in an hour.”

“I said less than an hour,” he corrected. “You were going to fuss and fume and send

another half a dozen excuses to my cell phone, so I figured I’d save you the effort.”

“Big of you.”

“I guessed you could use a hand with the corset,” he said.

She scowled. She needed the help, but she didn’t want to admit it. “I could just wear a


“Come away from the wall.”

Reluctantly, she did.

“Lower your hands.”

Looking at him, her gaze trapped by his, nerves threatening to drown her, she lowered

her hands.

He sucked in a breath. “Jesus,” he said. “You’re even more spectacular than I imagined,

and I’ve imagined plenty.”

Daniel’s eyes darkened with approval, and her nerves began to recede.

He reached out and cupped her breasts, kneading lightly; then he squeezed her nipples

between his thumbs and forefingers.

He kept her gaze imprisoned.

“Your nipples are perfect,” he said. “So responsive.”

To him, she realized, there was nothing wrong with her body.

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“I should have bought you a cupless corset.” He teased her nipples mercilessly.

“Ah…but if your breasts were bare, we’d never make it to Northall. In fact, I’m tempted to

just take you back to your bedroom right now.”


“I like the way you say my name. And I’m going to like it even more when you scream

it out during an orgasm.”

“Pretty sure of yourself.”

“Pretty sure of


,” he said. “Turn around.”

Masterfully, he cinched her into the leather. His fingers were deft, his touch sure. This

was a man who knew his way around lingerie. With the way he’d already kissed her and

touched her, she realized she also knew his way around a woman’s body.

She couldn’t wait.

The corset was tight, making her stand up just a bit straighter. The garment and its

tightness made her very much aware of her breathing as well as her femininity.

“Look,” he said. He moved her toward the mirror.

He stood behind her, close, watching her in the mirror as she looked at herself. Rather

than flattening and covering her breasts completely, the corset kind of, well, rearranged

things. Her breasts were pushed up a bit. The tops of her breasts were exposed, giving an

ample hint of her cleavage.

“Sexy,” he said. “Even with the jeans.”

Even when she’d dressed in her miniskirt to go to Wicked, she hadn’t felt this good.

Stanley, since he was gay, had hardly looked at her. She’d been self-conscious the entire

evening. Now, with the approval in Daniel’s eyes, she was anything but.

“Now for the rest,” he told her.

The monster gave her no privacy.

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He stood there, arms folded across his chest, leaning against the wall, watching her.

She opened the snap of her jeans, then lowered the zipper. She wiggled out of the

denim, then kicked her jeans aside.

“Do you shave?”

“Wait and see.”


It was either hide behind a sharp tongue or she’d have to confess to being so nervous

she couldn’t find her tongue at all.

She favored cotton bikini briefs, which, she suspected, he’d be having none of this


She couldn’t believe she was doing this, responding to this man’s orders and actually

wanting to be obedient. She pulled down the white panties, and he let out a soft, slow


“You do shave.”

She had in the shower this morning. For the first time. To her, the first sight of her

naked mound in the mirror had been shocking. But the approval in his tone convinced her

she’d made the right decision.

“Maybe this was a bad idea,” he said. “Seeing you half naked is making it impossible to

think about getting you out to Northall.”

She laughed, her nervousness dissipating under the onslaught of desire. He pushed

away from the wall and went to the sofa, where she’d discarded the box and its contents.

He picked up the scrap of lace that was the garter belt.

Without asking, he fastened it around her waist. “I thought BDSM was about the sub

serving the Dom.”

“You’ve got a lot to learn.”

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She perched on the edge of a chair to put on the stockings. Then she fumbled with the

first clasp.

“Allow me,” he said. “Stand up.”

She stood, and he moved across the room, then knelt behind her. His touch on her

thighs made her squirm.

“Stay still.”

“Easy for you to say.”

He took his time; then, when he was done, his fingertips skimmed between her legs,

nearly but not quite touching her clit as he moved to her other leg. “There’s no clasp there,”

she said.

“No, there’s not.” He secured the second stocking before instructing, “Face me.”

She turned around. He was looking up at her, his gaze unblinking as he studied her.

“Do you have any idea how sexy you are?”

“I’m glad you think so,” she said.

This was amazingly hot, having this hunk of a man on his knees in front of her. She

was sure he could smell her arousal, but that was exactly what he wanted, she was sure;

otherwise he wouldn’t be teasing her so mercilessly.

He finished securing the stocking to the garter belt. Instead of standing, he said,

“Spread your legs, Bridget.”

Helpless to resist him, not wanting to resist him, she spread her legs to shoulder width.

He stroked her between her labia, finding her wet and slippery. The feel of her pussy

without hair was different, more intense than she could have imagined.

Then he slid a finger inside her. Instinctively, she jerked her hips forward.

It had been so long, and the touch of another was so different from her own.

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With his finger inside her, he held her prisoner and moved his head closer toward her.

He wouldn’t…

He did.

He kissed her clit, then licked her in long, slow strokes.

She jerked beneath his expert touch. “Daniel…”

“Do you want to come?”

It was impossible to want to orgasm so quickly, but he was unyielding in his

determination to bring her to fulfillment. “Yes!”

He finger fucked her and licked her, ate her until she groaned and moaned. When she

was close, he shoved a second finger in her, finding her G-spot. She screamed and dug her

fingers into his hair, holding on as she rode the intense orgasm.

“I love how responsive you are,” he said when she begged him to stop.

She blinked. “Damn. You’re good at that!”

“I intend to find another dozen ways to bring you to orgasm.”

“Another dozen?”

“I’m wondering if you’re responsive enough to come from me sucking on your nipples.”

Even she didn’t know the answer to that.

“Or if you can orgasm from a spanking.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it again before saying anything.

“It’s not like you to have nothing to say.” He stood. “I think I like you speechless.”

If he knew her at all, he’d have to know it wouldn’t last long. “Is your cock hard?”

He raised a brow.

She glanced at his groin. His jeans were impressively tight across the crotch. “I want

you to fuck me.”

This time, he appeared speechless.

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“I’d like to get it out of the way,” she said.

“I’ve waited twenty years for you, and you want me to fuck you

to get it out of the



“Maybe that didn’t come out right. I’m nervous, and I think I’ll relax if we just do it.”

“Just do it?” he asked. “Get it out of the way?”

“Quit being a jerk,” she said, “and fuck me already.”

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Chapter Four 

She didn’t have to ask a third time.

His gaze darkened in the way she was already coming to expect. She reached for his

belt, and he lowered his zipper.

In seconds, his pants were around his ankles. He wasn’t wearing any underwear at all.

And… “You shave?” she asked. She’d never seen a man who shaved before. Trimmed, yes.

But this? And his cock… Erect, thick, but not overly long. He was magnificent. “I want you

inside me,” she said.

He backed her against the wall. “You got my test results?” he asked.

“Yes.” Earlier in the week, he’d asked about condoms. In response, she’d said she was

clean. He’d attached his medical records to the return e-mail. She’d then told him she took

birth control pills.

“I can still use a condom,” he said.


He grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands over her head. He looked down at her,

keeping her gaze imprisoned. He insinuated a leg between her thighs. “Hump my leg,” he

told her. “Be naughty. Be dirty. I want to watch you.”

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She’d never done anything like this. She was adventurous sexually, but this was way

past where she’d gone.

“Ride me,” he instructed.

Her pussy was still wet from her earlier orgasm. Timidly at first, she rubbed herself

against him.

“More,” he told her. “Let go. I’ve got you.”

He leaned in a bit more, and she surrendered. He had her secure against the wall, and

he made it clear he could support as much weight as she put on his thigh.

“Grind it out,” he told her.

She spread her legs more and did as he instructed.

The friction of skin to skin, the hardness of his leg, the strength of his hands holding

her prisoner against the wall, the feel of the corset keeping her body straight, the idea she

was dressed in a way that pleased him, all combined to make an orgasm crawl inside her.

She screamed as the orgasm ripped through her.

Before she was done riding it, he shifted their bodies. “Get on your toes,” he instructed.

Hardly able to comply, she accepted his help in repositioning her body.

He filled her with his cock in one quick, efficient move.

She moaned, her head falling onto his shoulder. Nothing in her wildest dreams

prepared her for this.

He penetrated her, stretched her, and demanded her response.

“Daniel,” she whispered.

“Come,” he ordered.

Her head tossed from side to side. She’d never been capable of multiple orgasms. Until

now, she thought they were a myth.

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Her body slammed against the wall. She was totally aware of his dominance, his

masculinity as he fucked her.

Unbelievably, she came, screaming his name.

She would have collapsed, except for him holding her.

As her breathing returned to normal, she was aware of his impending orgasm, the

change in the intensity of his thrusts.

His eyes closed. His jaw clenched. Impulsively, she kissed his cheek.

While her orgasm had been loud, he came with a single grunt of satisfaction.

She clenched her internal muscles to milk his cock dry.

He shuddered. “Damn,” he said.

After taking several long breaths, he opened his eyes.

His grip on her wrists loosened slightly, and she pulled her hands away, only to wrap

them around his neck and draw him closer. “Glad that’s out of the way,” she said.

“That comment will definitely earn you a spanking,” he said.

“Promises, promises.”

He kissed her searingly.

She wasn’t sure exactly what she’d gotten herself into this weekend, but she knew one

thing. She’d never be the same after it.

“Stay there.”

He pulled his jeans back into place and then left her. She heard water running in the

bathroom. He returned in only a minute with a warm washcloth. She reached for it, but

instead, he knelt in front of her and wiped her clean.

“Put on your shoes,” he told her. “And skip the thong. It will just slow me down.”

It didn’t take him long to be back in command.

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He went to the hallway closet and chose a coat for her. Standing in front of her, he

swept his gaze over her from the top of her head to the tips of her painted toenails.

Following his orders, she hadn’t put on the thong. “That orgasm barely took off the edge,” he


She smiled.

“You forgot something.” He flicked a glance across the room, toward the leather collar

still dangling over the side of the gift box.

“I’d like you to put it on yourself as a symbol that you’re giving yourself willingly to me

for this weekend.”

The implications chased around in her mind. If she fastened it into place, she’d be

giving tacit agreement to everything that happened. If she refused, he might go away and

leave her alone, like she’d been asking him to.

But that wasn’t what she really wanted. She suspected he knew it as well as she did.

The sound of her shoes was muffled by the carpeting as she crossed to the sofa. She

didn’t hesitate as she picked it up. Her uncertainty betrayed her, and she dropped the collar

once before she determinedly managed to get it in place.


She looked in the mirror. The black was a complete complement to the rest of her

outfit. Somehow, though, it didn’t look harsh against her skin. It looked visually appealing.

She figured he’d planned it all that way.

He held out the raincoat and helped her into it. The material covered her to midcalf,

and none of her neighbors would suspect that, beneath it, she was dressed as he dictated.

“My bag?” she asked.

“I told you I’ve got everything you’ll need.”

Outside, he opened the door to the sleek sports utility vehicle and offered his hand as

she climbed inside. “Luxurious,” she said.

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“Heated leather seats,” he said. “To keep your rear nice and warm since it will be


He wasted no opportunity to remind her of her position, and it was a delicious thrill.

Daniel made sure she’d fastened her safety belt before closing the door. He climbed

behind the wheel and headed out of town. Classical music filled the cabin.

When they were far from other traffic, he said, “Take off your coat.”

She fumbled with the knot, and she wiggled about until she had extricated her arms.

Finally, she pulled the jacket out from beneath her.

“David’s cooking for us,” he said.

Her heart picked up another couple of beats. “He’s seriously going to be there?”

He regarded her. “Yes.”

“And you’re serious about this sharing stuff?”

He set the cruise control and turned to look at her again. “You’ll never be asked to do

anything you don’t want to do. But it’s my hope that you’ll allow both of us to please you.”

“I’ve never been with two men.”

“Until half an hour ago, you’d never been with me.”

“That’s different.”

He grinned. “All you have to do is say no. You’re in total control.”

“I’m in total control? That’s why I’m half naked in your car headed to a plantation in

the middle of nowhere after being auctioned off to the highest bidder?”

“What part of this do you hate?”

She thought. And she was honest…with both of them. “None of it.”

“Why were you at Wicked?”

She rolled her eyes. “We’ve gone over this before.”

“Humor me.”

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“I saw the movie



He nodded.

“That led to some reading. I guess I was curious.”

“Your friend who took you…”

“Stanley. He actually invited me. He wanted to go. He and his Dom recently separated.

He didn’t want to go solo.”

“His Dom?”

There were certain things he hadn’t found out from his questions, she supposed. “He’s



Was that relief in his tone?

“I sewed his gown when he competed for the Miss Southern Shining Star crown.”


“It’s a pageant. With a talent and evening gown competition, just like… Never mind.”

He turned down the CD player. “What fascinated you the most at Wicked?”


, she wanted to say. Watching the way he so skillfully handled Lilly turned Bridget

on. His self-confidence made her jealous of the other woman.

She squirmed under his scrutiny. “Seeing the men and women who seemed so casual

about who they are. The lack of people being uptight, if that makes sense.”

“You’re done being repressed?”

“I don’t think I’m repressed, exactly.”

“How many men have eaten your pussy in your living room?”

“Okay.” She held up a hand. “Maybe I’ve been just a little repressed.”

“At Wicked, were there any people who didn’t want to be there?”

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She scowled. “That was very clear, even at the door. You had to tell the bouncer you

wanted to be there, that there was no duress.”

“That’s the one thing I want you to understand about this weekend, about BDSM,

about me. There will be no duress.” His hands firm on the steering wheel, he glanced at her

again. “I will push you to your limits, I will ask you to get out of your own head and enjoy

your sexuality, but I’ll also ask you for a safe word. When I’ve pushed you to a place you

don’t want to go, use your safe word, and all play will stop. Nothing, and I mean nothing,

will happen unless you want it to. Masturbate yourself.”

She blinked. “What?”

“Do you need me to repeat myself?”

Her stomach flipped. He’d gone from solicitous to domineering so fast her head spun.

“Finger your pussy,” he said quietly.

Unable to believe what she was doing, she slid her finger between her folds.

“I want you to tell me about something you saw at Wicked that you thought you might

want to try. Do not stop fingering yourself. And do not come.”

When she didn’t immediately say anything, he added, “Now would be good.”

“I was turned…” A climax teased her. She changed her stroke to keep the forbidden

orgasm at bay. “I was turned on when I saw you with Lilly.”

He waited.

“I liked the way you handled her.” Her clit became harder and harder. “Masterfully. It

was clear that when you exerted pressure on her leash you expected a response. It was as if

she could read your mind.”

“She’s very well trained.”

She nearly pouted.

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He caught the expression and laughed. “Not a slam on you,” he assured her. “It’s all

practice and training.”

“There was a woman wearing…” Again, she was convinced she might die of

embarrassment. “In her rear…”

“A butt plug?”


“Go on.”

“It had jewels on the end.”

“I’ll have one overnighted.”

“Wait! I didn’t say I wanted one. I’ve never used a butt plug before. I’ve never…”

“Go on.”

“I’ve never had anal sex.”

He nodded. “Are you willing to try?”

“It looks painful.”

“It can be,” he said, sliding a glance her direction. “Unless it’s done with care.”

“I want to try.”

“Good. Because I want my cock up your tightest hole.”

No other man had ever spoken to her the way he did. It was a total turn-on. She

appreciated hearing exactly what a man wanted and how he wanted it. More, she

appreciated hearing he wanted it

from her

. Some of the things he said freaked her out, but

deep inside, she trusted him to keep her safe. Auction or no auction, if she didn’t believe he

was a decent human being, she’d have never gotten in his car.

“What else did you see at the club?”

“There was a man attached to a St. Andrew’s Cross. His Dom was flogging him. There

were other things, like a cane and a crop, but they scared the life out of me.”

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“How close are you to an orgasm?”

“I was close until you mentioned the butt plug.”

“And fucking your ass,” he supplied.

“Yeah. That.”

“Get yourself back to that edge. Think about being strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross

while you’re being flogged.”

“It would hurt.”

“Of course it hurts. That’s the point.”

“Hurts so good?” she teased.

“It can,” he said. “I’m curious to see if you can orgasm from it.”

“From being flogged?”

“Yes. Are you playing with yourself?”

“Yes,” she said quietly.

“What else did you see that you wondered about or that turned you on? I expect your

complete honesty, always.”

“If you want my honesty…”

He waited.

“Once I saw you there, I couldn’t think about anything or anyone else.” If things

weren’t so surreal, she wouldn’t be telling him these things. But it was the truth. In every

single fantasy since then, he’d been center stage. And since she met his brother, the two of

them had starring roles. What would it be like to have two men? To be their focus? “I

wanted to be the one on that leash. I wanted to experience the club with you.”

He slid her a sideways glance. “I would have been delighted to. But this will be better.

At the end of the night, I won’t have to take you home. I’ll tie you to my bed instead.”

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They turned off paved roads and onto the plantation grounds. He stopped long enough

to climb out of the SUV and open the wrought iron gates.

She was unprepared for the first sight of the house. She’d taken tours of plantation

homes when she was on elementary school trips, but she didn’t remember them being this

awe inspiring.

The main house looked to be three stories high, and it had a wing on its west side.

Chimneys scraped the sky, and numerous windows all had open curtains. Despite its size, the

structure looked inviting.

“It’s stunning,” she said when he was back inside the vehicle. “Georgian style?”

He cocked his head, looking impressed. “The brick was even fired here on the grounds.

This place was in ruin when we bought it, so we got a hell of a deal. The lands had been

fallow for two generations. Everything you see, the grounds, the home…all David’s work.”

“What made you decide to buy a plantation?”

“Not any plantation,” he said. “This one. Northall was built by a relative of ours close to

two hundred years ago. Some of these trees are a hundred and fifty years old. A number of

relations are buried back beyond what used to be the icehouse. I promised my mother we’d

get it back, and we’ve spent most of our lives dedicated to that.”

“You’ve succeeded in a big way,” she said, turning to face him.

“When I see something I want, I go after it. Some might call that dense,” he said.

She winced. “I apologize for that remark.”

“Don’t,” he said, looking at her. “I’d rather punish you for it.”

He parked in front of the house in the long driveway and turned off the engine. He

came around to her side of the vehicle to open her door.

She reached for her coat, but he said, “Leave it.”

This was definitely a first test.

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“There is no one here other than the three of us. David will be pleased, as I will, by the

state of your undress.”

She nodded.

He helped her from the car, and he held on to her elbow for a few seconds.

Here in the open, despite the privacy of the tulip poplar trees, she was utterly self-

conscious. Her ass and pussy were exposed, her cleavage was more than hinted at. She was

aware of the collar on her neck and her commitment to give herself to them this weekend.

Despite the nerves, a small part of her was secretly thrilled. Dear God, just how fekking

naughty was she, anyway?

“If we were at a club, I’d have you stay two paces behind me. But frankly, I want to

look at your ass as you walk.”


“Walk, woman.”

True to his word, he hung back. She climbed the steps to the wraparound porch, aware

of his searing gaze on her rear.

He gave a wolf whistle.

Saucily, she threw him a kiss over her shoulder and wiggled her butt.

On cue, as she neared the door, David opened it. She did a double take at the sight of

him. It should be impossible for two people to look so much alike.

“My brother has exquisite taste,” he said. He took in her near-naked body in a long,

approving sweep.

These twins made her totally aware of her femininity. They made it clear they wanted

her, faults and all.

“Did he ask you to shave your pubic hair?”

“I did it myself.”

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“Good choice.”

At least the two didn’t have totally different tastes.

“Come in,” he said.

Her knees suddenly didn’t want to support her weight.

Then she felt Daniel’s palm, strong and firm, in the middle of her back. She heard the

door click closed behind her.

She tried to take a deep breath, but it was shaky.

Standing there, holding a glass of wine and wearing a cashmere sweater that clung to

his rugged frame, David was every bit as sexy as his brother.

His jeans conformed to his strong thighs, and his expression, while welcoming, was a

bit overwhelming.

If she believed that maybe he was the less intense of the two, she realized she had been

completely wrong.

This weekend was going to be mind-blowing, she realized. If she survived it.

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Chapter Five 

David shut the door behind them, taking time to admire her curvaceous rear end.

He’d been more than looking forward to her arrival. At the auction, he’d seen what his

brother had, the spark in her green eyes, the fire in her words, the restrained passion in

every movement.

The fact that Daniel had convinced her to show up in a corset, sinful heels, a garter

belt, and sheer black stockings showed she had the adventurous side they’d both hoped for.

Would it extend to both of them?

He was glad he’d jacked off this morning in the shower. He was already horny again at

the sight of her body confined in leather and accented by black lace.

By prearrangement, Daniel said, “I’ll go and prepare drinks, if you’d like to show our

guest around? Leave the toy room for last,” he added.

“Toy room?” she asked as he placed his fingers in the small of her back and guided her

toward the magnificent staircase.

David noticed that her gaze followed Daniel as he strode down the hallway. Stubborn

woman wanted his brother as badly as Daniel wanted her. Hopefully this weekend would

show her she wanted them as much as they wanted her.

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“The toy room is a place Daniel designed with you in mind.”

“Oh.” She blinked. “



Distracting her, he pointed out that the main hallway went all the way through the

house. “There are stories of our great-great-great-grandfathers chasing each other through

the house, in the front door and out the back. Then, as teenagers, doing the same thing on

horses. Despite the fact they were nearly adults, the story goes that their mother gave them a

whipping for ruining the hardwood floor.”

“Giving whippings runs in your family, evidently.” She laughed, seemingly more


“Erotic spankings are a definite specialty of this generation,” he agreed. “My brother

particularly enjoys giving them.” He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he said, “I’ll show

you the upstairs first. We’ve added bathrooms to a majority of the bedrooms so that we can

rent out the place as a bed-and-breakfast.”

“Clever,” she said.

“Some of the smarter ones may use the secret passages to escape without paying their


“You don’t really have secret passages.”

“Yep. Originally built to help the family get away from Indians. Although stories were

passed down that those same teenagers used them to sneak out of the house.”

She laughed.

“Your bedroom is on the second floor.” He indicated she should precede him up the

stairs. He shamelessly watched the sway of her hips as she climbed the stairs in the high

heels and tight corset. “First door on the right,” he said.

From the front, she was just as appealing. He admired her cleavage, and there was no

doubt his brother had chosen her lingerie well, but he was hungry to get her out of that

corset so that her ripe breasts would spill into his waiting hands.

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It was taking all his self-control not to toss her on one of the beds and fuck her ragged.

“This is your room.” He opened the stained glass French doors. “The rose room.”

“It’s exquisite.” She sucked in a breath. “Did you decorate it?”

“I had help from a designer. But the work, yes. I did it. And I stained the burl-walnut


She moved into the room with its hardwood floors and tapestry rose rug. “Uh… Are

those restraints attached to the posters on the bed?”

“They are. They’re not original, in case you’re wondering.” He smiled.

She didn’t smile back.

“Want to try them out?”

She turned to face him. Her breaths came in little bursts, her breasts rising and falling.

He wanted to touch her, reassure her, command her. If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up as

obsessed as his brother was.

“You’re serious?”

“Very much.”

“You’re into BDSM as well?”

“Absolutely. There are floggers and whips in your wardrobe as well.”

Her eyes were wide, but she crossed to the gorgeous piece of antique walnut furniture

and pulled open the doors. She gasped. “You did all this?”

“I’ve spent the week since Daniel won you preparing for your arrival.”

“By buying whips?”

“And floggers, even a paddle. As you said, giving beatings seems to run in our family.

But I also bought you nipple clamps,” he added. “Among other things.”

“I…” She sank down on the edge of the mahogany chair.

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Her bare ass looked good on the feminine upholstery. The rose room could have been

made for her.

“Climb on the bed.”

She glanced at the queen-size bed. With its pillow-top mattress and half a dozen

pillows covered with antique linens, the bed dominated the room.

“I’d need a stool,” she said.

“There’s one under the bed.” He waited through her hesitation, and he watched the

internal battle that waged in her eyes. “Trust me as much as you trust Daniel.”

Hesitantly, she pulled out the hand-carved wooden stool from beneath the bed and

delicately climbed onto the bed.

“Daniel’s downstairs if you need to call him,” he said.

She nodded but said nothing.

This experience with Bridget was unusual for him. He and Daniel generally played

with experienced subs. He’d never had the opportunity to introduce someone to the delights

of the pleasure of pain. “We’ll only go as fast as you’re comfortable with.”

“I don’t know a lot about BDSM,” she said, “but I didn’t know it worked that way.”

“The sub is always in charge,” he said. “For this session, if you say no, we’ll stop.”

She nodded.

He secured her right wrist to one bedpost, then her left to the far side. “I’m going to

fasten your legs as well.”

Her eyes were wide, unblinking, as if seeking reassurance from her tormentor, but she

didn’t protest. He pulled the straps tight, forcing her thighs apart, probably a bit


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She was spread before him, helplessly. She could move but not much. For all intents

and purposes, this gorgeous woman was all his. His cock wasn’t about to let him forget it.

“I’m going to use a vibrator on you,” he said.


“You may not orgasm without permission.”

“You’re kidding me, right? You’re going to use a vibrator on me, and I can’t orgasm?”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t orgasm,” he corrected. “Only that you must have permission


“You’re out of your mind.”

“The correct response is: yes, David.”

“Crazy,” she said.

He crossed to the bureau, totally aware of her gaze on his back. It couldn’t have

escaped her notice that he was still fully dressed while she was bound and exposed.

From his one foray into the submissive side, something the club he belonged to at the

time had insisted on, he knew what it felt like, knew how much trust he was demanding

from the woman who didn’t know him.

Wanting to explore the psychological ramifications of the act, he kept his back to her.

He could have blindfolded her, in fact, he might during another session, but he thought that

this way might even expand the sensations for her. He hadn’t taken away her sight, but she

still wasn’t able to see what he was doing.

He put new batteries in the controller and slid the control bar to a low setting to test it

out. Satisfied, he then squirted a dollop of lube onto the pink bullet.

He turned back to face her, and her gaze was riveted to him. Her body made

involuntary little twitches as he moved in closer.

David knelt on the bed and asked, “Ready?”

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She nodded.

He slid his fingers between her folds, finding her moist. He teased her with his fingers

until she frantically tried to lift her hips as she silently asked for more.

Willingly, gladly, he gave it.

He parted her labia, then drew back the hood of her clitoris to expose it. He turned the

vibrator on and briefly touched it to her clit.

Her head thrashed from side to side.

“A little more?”


He drew back.

“I mean yes. More!”

He stroked her, he caressed her, he teased her. He doubted he’d ever been with a

woman more responsive than Bridget. That she had submissive tendencies only made her

that much more incredible.

Daniel hoped to convince her they all belonged together. David was more skeptical.

They’d shared women before. It wasn’t difficult to find a woman who didn’t enjoy being the

center of two men’s attentions. But a relationship?

They’d tried a long-term ménage twice, only to have it fail each time when reality

intruded, when family functions happened, when the lady in question realized she had two

masters to serve. A weekend was one thing. A lifetime was another.

He didn’t intend to think too far ahead. Instead of wondering about Monday or even

next month, he planned to enjoy every delicious moment that this woman squirmed beneath

his touch.

She tried to dig her heels into the bedding, only to fail because of how tightly he’d

secured her ankles.

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“Do you want to come?” he asked quietly.

“Yes.” Her answer was more a whimper than a word.

“Ask for it,” he told her. “Beg for it.”

“I…” She worried her lower lip.

This, he knew from experience, was the most difficult part, letting go of inhibitions

enough to succumb to the power of being submissive. He waited her out. “I told you that you

needed permission to come. I meant it. Am I clear?”

She nodded.

He replaced the toy with his tongue.

“Oh… Oh…”

When her motions and breathing told him she was on the edge, he stopped again, then

started over with the vibrator.

“You’re evil,” she managed to say. “Evil, mean.”

“Beg.” He slid a finger inside her, and then he inserted a second and third. He turned

up the speed setting on the vibrator.

He waited, again, until she was close. “Beg.”

She did. “Please. Please, please, please.”

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want to come. I want you to make me come.”

Her internal muscles clenched. Her head went from side to side as she tried to fight off

the orgasm.

“Please. Your submissive is begging you. Please let me come.”

At her admission, he nearly spurted. If he’d been naked, if his cock touched anything,

he would have come instantly. With his fingers, he fucked her harder and deeper, and he

pressed the frantic little bullet against her clit.

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“David!” she screamed and convulsed, leaving no doubt she knew who’d pleasured her.

No wonder his brother was obsessed. He was getting there quickly himself.

“Any more room at this party?” Daniel asked from the doorway.

* * * * *

Through the haze that dotted her consciousness, she heard Daniel’s voice. She started

to feel guilty, and she had an instinctive urge to cover her body.

But David’s bonds were sure. She couldn’t move a fraction of an inch.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

She blinked to focus, and he was there. She looked into his eyes. Pleasure was there,

along with satisfaction, as if he couldn’t be happier if he’d had her himself.

Such was the relationship with his brother, she supposed. Could she ever get used to it?

“I heard you beg,” he said.

She swallowed and felt the heat of embarrassment chase up her cheeks. “I…”

“I can’t wait to hear you beg for my lash.”

Embarrassment forgotten, her mouth fell open in shock. “No fekking way.”

“She’s cute when she’s indignant,” Daniel said.

“She’ll beg,” David said. “She’s a natural.”

“Hello? Still here in case you’ve forgotten.”

Over her head, the brothers’ gazes met. “As if we could ever forget you,” Daniel said.

David began unfastening the restraints that bound her legs to the footboard, while

Daniel loosened her left wrist. “Give yourself a minute,” he said. “You’ve been tied for a

while, your muscles have likely cramped.”

She winced as circulation returned, but he massaged her wrist, and David massaged

both of her legs.

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She could get used to this attention. Suddenly she wished for a week with them, rather

than just a weekend.

After they’d released her, Daniel helped her to sit up. “Drinks are served downstairs.

We’ll give you a couple of minutes to yourself; then we’ll ask you to join us in the parlor.

Unless we’ve scared you away?”

She pulled a pillow against her. “No. You haven’t.” In fact, it bothered her that she

wasn’t screaming and running for the door. Until now, she’d only imagined what it might be

like to be a sub. At the club, she’d seen enough to send her fantasies into overdrive. Now

here she was, actually being submissive. She was begging for an orgasm. She was dressed in

next to nothing with her pussy exposed. Two men were bringing her to orgasm while she

wore their collar. And she was liking it. What was wrong with her?

They closed the door behind them.

She drew in a deep breath, well, as deep a breath as the beastly corset would allow. She

exhaled. She appreciated a few minutes to herself, but she knew that their patience would

only last so long.

Gingerly, she moved to the edge of the bed. Her knees threatened to buckle when she

stood, so she grabbed onto one of the bed’s posters. Too bad she wouldn’t be in the room long

enough to really appreciate it. It truly was beautiful. The wallpaper was gorgeous, the paint

feminine without being fussy. The linens looked antique, and every piece of furniture was a

period piece.

A needlepoint screen divided the bed from a small sitting room, complete with a flat-

screen television. All of the modern amenities that one would expect could be found in the

room, yet everything was elegant, in old-world style.

There was more to the brothers than met the eye. There was more to Daniel than a

pesky preteen who begged her to be his girlfriend.

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A cheval mirror stood to the right of the bathroom door, and she caught sight of herself

in it. Her hair was a disaster. It looked as if, well, as if she’d had wild monkey sex. Which

wasn’t far from the truth. Fortunately, there was a silver brush thoughtfully left on the


There were faint marks around her wrists, and her lower lip was swollen from where

she’d worried it. All in all, she looked like a woman who’d been at the mercy of a man…or


She went into the private bathroom. The floor was tiled with octagon-shaped

porcelain, the white relieved by occasional splashes of black. It looked a bit art deco, but

somehow, with the enormous claw-foot bathtub, it worked.

Her hosts had thoughtfully provided bars of French milled soap, each with a different

scent. She inhaled each, feeling pampered. Finally, she settled for lavender, luxuriating in the

richness of the experience.

After washing up, she brushed her hair and then headed back down the stairs, holding

on to the polished wooden banister for balance. The shoes were murder, even if they did

make her calves look good.

At the bottom of the stairs, she adjusted her garter belt one last time, then pulled back

her shoulders to enter the parlor. At least she assumed it was the parlor, because that’s where

she heard voices coming from.

Her heels echoed on the hardwood floor. Just for a minute, she imagined herself as lady

of the manor. Even if she never had the chance to come back to Northall, she was glad for

the opportunity to be here.

That thought brought a little pang.

She didn’t want the weekend to end; unfortunately, she didn’t see a way anything

could exist for them past Sunday night.

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So she intended to do what she normally did at times like this, seize every single

moment. For now, she wanted to enjoy the brothers, be a proper little submissive. She could

sort it all out later, she decided.

She cleared her throat, wondering what was next.

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Chapter Six 

Daniel glanced over from where he stood, his back to the fireplace, elbow propped on

the walnut mantel. She was there in the doorway. Fading evening light reflected off her hair,

making it look like fire against the white wall.

Even though he’d fucked her thoroughly just a couple of hours ago, Daniel’s cock was

rigid, as if he hadn’t had sex in weeks.

A single taste of her wasn’t enough. It had only whetted his appetite. Two decades of

waiting, of wanting, wouldn’t be slaked by a single ejaculation, especially when the woman

in question was so goddamn desirable and totally unaware of her considerable charms.

Even from downstairs, he had heard her moans as his brother brought her to arousal.

He’d been turned on as he’d listened to her pleas become a soulful begging. It had been all he

could do to not take out his own dick and stroke it as he listened to her preorgasmic cries.

She was going to make an excellent sub; hell, she was already on the way. He couldn’t

wait to be one of the men who brought it out in her.

He saw her swallow deeply and pause for a second. He invited her in. Their gazes met;

then she glanced away, but not before he’d seen a look of something, something that might

have been hunger, flash in her green eyes. Oh yes. She was definitely a wannabe sub. He was

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anxious to indoctrinate her further. He offered her a glass of wine. She had to come closer to

accept it. “David and I were wondering if you’re ready.”

Apparently intrigued, she returned her gaze to his face. He saw the thready beat of her

pulse in her throat. “If I’m ready for what?”

“For your first punishment.” He reached for her, curving his hand into her hair as he’d

wanted to do for years. He drew her even closer. “You know, get it out of the way?”

He expected her to protest or drop her gaze to her wineglass or maybe head for the

door. She shocked the hell out of him when she said, “Maybe we should.”

“Excuse me?”

She grinned. “I’m curious. I’m nervous. But I enjoyed being tied up. I liked you fucking

me against the wall. So let’s get the punishment out of the way so I can see whether or not I

like it.”

“It’s not a new plate of pasta,” he said.

“Good thing, because I’m not hungry for food.”

“I think our sub is ready for a spanking,” David observed, all but laughing behind his

afternoon scotch.

“Have you ever heard of topping from the bottom?” Daniel asked.

She grinned. “I’ve read about it,” she said. “Isn’t that where the sub is really in control,

but she lets the Dom think he is?”

“It’s manipulative,” Daniel said.

“Clever,” David said.

“I’ll spank you when I’m good and ready,” he said.

“But it was your idea to get it out of the way,” she pointed out. “And I agreed that your

suggestion was brilliant. So now, you really don’t have a choice. It’s not really topping from

the bottom; it’s really just letting you do what you do naturally.”

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“Dominate,” he said.

“Precisely,” she agreed.

Knowing she’d won, and not knowing exactly how, he kissed her.




When he was done, her eyes were wide, her breathing erratic.

He didn’t answer, wanting Bridget as off balance as she left him. He’d dated dozens of

women, but not a single one of them had the ability to twist his gut in a knot the way this

one did.

He could fuck her three times a day for decades and never get enough.

From how responsive she was when he’d taken her against the wall in her apartment,

he knew she would shed her inhibitions and really enjoy sex with the two of them.

“That chair,” David said, pointing to an antique in the corner. “We found it in the

carriage house and had it reupholstered.”

“It’s gorgeous,” she said.

“And it’s the exact right size for me to sit in as I spank you.”

David took the wineglass from her before the liquid sloshed over the rim. Clearly, some

of what she was saying was pure bravado.

Daniel took her wrist. He felt the slight reluctance in her body as he inexorably drew

her toward the chair. “Have you thought of a safe word?”

He watched the play of emotion across her face. Trepidation. Nerves. A touch of fear. A

dash of illicit thrill.

“Candy bar,” she said.

“Candy bar?” David asked.

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Daniel knew exactly what she meant, and the memory jolted him. Twenty years ago, at

summer camp, he’d had a crush on her. He’d boasted to a bunch of the guys in his dorm that

they were going steady. She’d been appalled when the other girls started silly little singsong

rhymes about the two of them. So she’d shoved him in the lake.

A week later, he’d given her a chocolate bar by way of apology.

He’d found the same bar, later that day, on his cot. It had melted in the heat, and it

made a mess on his sleeping bag.

That she remembered the event as clearly as he did surprised him.

“Subs can be beaten for any number of reasons,” Daniel told her. “As punishment. For


“Pleasure? Whose pleasure?” she asked.

“True punishment is corrective, and it’s not meant to be enjoyed. But all other kinds

bring my subs pleasure,” Daniel told her.

“Watching them turns me on,” David added.

“A beating can be instructive. It can be delivered to drive a point home. Sometimes

those are pleasurable for the sub. As long as it’s not punitive, I enjoy delivering it.” He sat in

the chair. “This one is instructive, and no, I will not just get it over with. I intend for you to

fully experience every bit of pain…as well as the pleasure.”

“What are you instructing me about?”

Damn if she wasn’t sassy. And damn if he didn’t find that totally intoxicating. If she’d

have rolled over all those years ago, chances are he would have forgotten about her.

But she hadn’t. Instead, she’d haunted his thoughts for two decades. “Proper

positioning. How to take a beating,” he said. “How arousing a spanking can be.”

“I’m going to learn all that?”

“All that,” he agreed.

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“From you?”

“Good thing there are two of us,” David said. “I still think we’re outnumbered.”

Daniel drew her over his lap. When she was settled, he jostled her about a bit. “I want

your fingertips on the floor.”

“But that will --”

“Put your butt a bit higher in the air,” he said. “You’re right.” He raised his right knee a

bit to tip her off balance so she reached for the floor.

Her hair spilled forward, framing her face. The softness of her body, the top half

confined by the corset, made him struggle for his own control.

Her legs looked long and sexy in the spike-heeled shoes, and they changed her center

of balance a little. “Now point your toes inward.” He held her firmly around the waist while

she adjusted her position.

David slid the wineglasses onto the mantel; then he crossed to them. He nudged their

little sub’s feet farther apart, exposing her pussy.

God almighty, Daniel wasn’t sure he could survive this. She was so damn curvy and

inviting. It didn’t help that he already knew what it felt like to be inside her. It might have

been helpful to her to have gotten the sex over with. The biblical knowledge of her only

made things worse for him.

David ran his finger between her feminine folds.

She squirmed, and Daniel only held her tighter.

“You’re wet,” David said.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You need to hold still,” Daniel said. “This is an instructive beating.”

David increased the intensity of his strokes, and Daniel watched as his twin teased and

tormented her clit.

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She started to gasp for breath, and he knew from earlier that an orgasm was building

inside her. David intuitively recognized the signs as well. When she was on the verge, he

stopped touching her and moved his hand away.

“Damn you,” she said.

“A proper sub doesn’t complain when her Dom stops touching her,” David said.

“I think we’ve determined I’m not a good sub,” she said, her voice muffled from her

upside-down position and from her breathing constricted by the corset.

Above her, Daniel and David’s glances met, and they both smiled. If Daniel wasn’t

mistaken, especially after the scene upstairs, his brother was as captivated as he was.

She squeezed her thighs together in a vain attempt to try to stimulate herself.

“Spread your legs,” David instructed.

“Point your toes inward,” Daniel added. “When we’re done touching you, you’re to

return to your previous position.”

It took her a few seconds to comply, whether she was fighting the order or trying to

gather her thoughts, he wasn’t sure, but he was pleased when she did exactly as he said.

He could see her pussy glisten with moisture. Damn this woman was sexy. “I want your

thoughts focused on what we’re doing to you. I want you very much aware that your cunt is

exposed to David’s view. I want you aware of how wet you are from David touching you and

how hard your clit is. I’m going to give you half a dozen light spanks to bring the blood to

your rear, and then you’ll be allowed to catch your breath.”

Having her across his knee was sexier than he’d even imagined, and he’d imagined

plenty. The sight of her creamy buttocks bisected by the black straps from the garter belt to

the tops of her stockings was tantalizing. He caressed her buttocks, teasing between her legs

as he did, and said, “Tell me when to begin.”

After a few seconds, she began to shift. “Now,” she whispered.

He delivered the first three spanks very softly, light taps meant to barely register.

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Her hips swayed gently, though.

The next one, he delivered with a little more force.

She wiggled.

The fifth, he landed straight across both of her buttocks.


He met David’s glance again. David arched an eyebrow.

Daniel delivered the sixth exactly on top of the fifth, and he landed it with

considerably more force than he’d intended when he first started.

She absorbed the blow, then returned to the position he’d originally instructed.

“Quick learner,” David observed. He moved in and crouched behind her. He spread her

buttocks with his palms, and then he buried his face in her cunt, licking and nibbling, eating

her out.

She moaned and moved about, and Daniel guessed she was battling internally, trying to

move away and simultaneously get closer. Daniel kept a firm grip on her, enjoying the hell

out of the way she responded to their sensual onslaught.

Oh yes, she had definitely been worth the wait.

Before she could climax, David moved away.

“Mean,” she murmured.

“Position,” David instructed, gently pushing her feet apart again.

Her motions were slow and a bit awkward as she maneuvered her body, turning her

toes inward, sliding her legs a bit farther apart, and positioning her hands on the polished

hardwood floor.

“Another half a dozen,” Daniel said. “So you know what to expect, I won’t start from

where we were, I’ll go back to the intensity of the fourth or fifth spank, and increase from


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He waited, but she didn’t respond.


“Yes,” she said.

“Tell me your safe word.”

“Candy bar.”

“Do you want to use it?”

“I want you to spank me, damn it.”

David laughed and went to fetch his wine. “You’d better get on with it, brother.”

He caressed her instead. And he finger fucked her before resuming the spanking.

The eroticism of seeing her ass redden made his cock even harder. He’d rarely had

trouble controlling his reactions when disciplining a sub, but no other woman was Bridget.

A glance at his brother showed he was having the same difficultly. Nice not to be in

this alone.

By the third spank, her butt cheeks showed an imprint of his hand.

She moaned. “More.”

Could she be any more perfect?

The fourth was slightly harder, the fifth even more so. And after the sixth, she cried

out, thrashing about.

“Did you come?” he asked her.

She didn’t answer; instead, she thrust her butt cheeks back, silently asking for more.

“I do believe the naughty sub just came without permission,” David said. He knelt

behind her and stroked her clit.

She screamed out another orgasm.

“That was instructive,” David said.

“For us,” Daniel agreed. “Sub space?”

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“A definite possibility. I can’t wait to try.”

After a few seconds, she composed herself.

Gently, he helped her off his lap and scooped her into his arms. He carried her up the

stairs, David preceding them to open the door to the master bedroom. David pulled back the

duvet cover and propped the pillows against the headboard, and Daniel put her on the bed.

“Don’t leave me,” she demanded, digging her fingers into his shoulders.

“No chance of that,” he reassured her.

Her eyes were wide, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked from brother to

brother. “I want you both,” she said.

“I want you completely naked,” David said, unbuckling his belt and pulling it free of its


Daniel stood and toed off his shoes. In seconds, all his clothes were in a heap on the


David, on his knees, moved behind her. “Kneel up,” he told her. In under a minute,

he’d made short work of the corset’s fastenings. She drew a deep breath as her breasts spilled

forward, freed from their confinement.

David reached around her, cupping her breasts and squeezing each of her nipples

between a thumb and forefinger. Daniel thought his brother might have actually sighed.

She arched her back, tipping her head backward, her hair spilling across David’s chest.

Her hips were jerking, showing how responsive she was to having her breasts fondled.

Daniel joined them on the bed, facing her on his knees. “I want you to reach back and

wrap your hands around David’s neck,” he said.

She complied.

He made sure she was moist enough for his penetration, then slowly fed the tip of his

cock into her hungry pussy.

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She leaned back more, letting David take more and more of her weight. David played

with her breasts, squeezing them, kneading them, as Daniel placed his hands on her

shoulders to brace himself.

“Fill me,” she begged.

He cocked his hips, and David adjusted her position so that she was more open for


Her cunt surrounded him, and her internal muscles pumped him. It was only a few

seconds before he was ready. Greedy bastard that he was, he’d have taken it too, but he was

aware of his brother’s patience.

By unspoken agreement, Daniel pulled out, and David took her from behind.

She swore but didn’t let go of her grip around his neck. David continued to tease her

nipples, making her convulse.

While David fucked her, Daniel stroked his own cock. With his other hand, he

fingered her clit. She jerked against his hand, silently seeking more, and David was barely

able to hang on to her. But Daniel saw the expression in his twin’s face. It had to be a mirror

of his earlier expression. There was something about her, the way she was so responsive and

free, nothing hidden…

“I need to come,” she said. “Please.


.” She whispered the word over and over.

Could she be any more perfect?

Her eyes met his; he saw her breathing deeply and worrying her lower lip as she

struggled to control her reactions, waiting for permission.

“Come,” he told her, increasing the pressure against her clit.

She cried out both of their names, along with “thank you.” Her body sagged, and David

had to readjust his hold to keep her upright. The force of her orgasm was so intense, she

forced David’s cock from her cunt. Daniel kept her mound cradled in his palm, but without

touching the tender bud of her clit.

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Daniel tightened the grip on his penis and stroked hard. Seeing her in the throes of her

climax made him respond viscerally on a deep, primal level. He ejaculated, the warm seed

landing on her stomach.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You okay?” David asked her. “I am going to come.”

“I want you to,” she said.

David’s strokes became short and jerky as his cum worked from tightened balls.

David gently bit her shoulder as he climaxed.

Her gaze was fastened on Daniel, even as David rode out his climax.

The three of them collapsed in a tangled heap on the bed, Bridget between them,

strands of her fiery red hair on his pillow, just like one of his fantasies.

Only thing was, reality was a whole lot better.

In his imagination, she didn’t smell of lavender. In his dreams, she hadn’t been quite

this soft and yielding in his arms. Oh yeah, even after twenty years, she’d been worth the


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Chapter Seven 

Every part of her body ached, including muscles she hadn’t known existed until this

moment. Her insides were tender. Her lips felt bruised. She was surrounded by half a dozen

feather pillows and buried beneath an avalanche of thick blankets.


Reality returned with a rush. She wasn’t at home in her small, comfortable apartment.

She was in a fantastically luxurious bedroom, and she’d gone to sleep, satiated, with two of

the most gorgeous men on the face of the planet.

She opened her eyes.

She frowned, blinking the world into focus. She sat up, dragging a sheet with her.

No doubt. She was alone in a huge bed. She listened but didn’t hear a single sound. So

where were they, her two Doms?

Memories flooded back. Daniel taking her up against a wall in her apartment. David

tying her to a bed and pleasuring her with his hand, his mouth, a vibrator. Being in bed with

the two of them.

David had stripped off her corset and captured her breasts with his hands, mercilessly

teasing the peaks and making her convulse under his masterful touch. She remembered each

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of them taking a turn inside her as she shattered with pleasure. Then, somewhere in the dark

recesses of her mind, she recalled feeling safe, secure, and warm, as she snuggled between the

two of them, one on either side of her.

She saw a silk robe on the bed, and she slipped it on. With all the small luxuries, she

wasn’t sure if she was here as a sub or an honored guest.

She reached up. The collar was still around her neck. They’d removed her garter belt,

shoes, and stockings during the night, but they’d left the collar.

That answered the question, she supposed.

Swallowing against the nervous butterflies suddenly dancing to life, she brushed her

hair and used a fresh toothbrush that she found in the bathroom, then went in search of the



She swallowed deeply. She was still having a hard time wrapping her mind around that

idea. Two handsome, well-put-together men who seemed, at least for the moment, to want


. Tomorrow night was soon enough to wake up from this particular dream.

She followed the sound of voices and, before long, smelled bacon and something

yeasty, something baked… She stood at the dining room door and took in the scene. Oh God.

Cinnamon rolls. She really didn’t want to ever wake up from the dream of this weekend.

David was pouring orange juice from a carafe into three small crystal glasses. Daniel

stood near the window looking out, a cup of coffee in hand. If she had to be out of bed, this

wasn’t so bad.

Evidently sensing her presence, Daniel turned to face her. His smile was real, inviting.

“Morning,” she said.

David turned as well. “We all missed dinner,” he said. “So I figured I’d better make a

substantial breakfast. You’ll need your energy.”

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This room was as magnificent as the rest of the home. Elegant and delicate china

adorned the sturdy table, and hand-etched crystal reflected the light.

“Coffee?” Daniel asked.

“Please,” she said, entering the sun-drenched room.

He put his own cup down on the buffet and poured a fresh cup for her. As she neared

him, he captured her around the shoulders. “You left the collar on,” he said.

She nodded and glanced down.

“Never look away,” he said.

She met his gaze again. “Yes. I left the collar on.”

He nodded. “In that case, David is right. You’d better eat well. You’ll need plenty of

stamina today.”

He let her go, but it was odd how her heart still continued to beat fast, even when he

wasn’t holding her. She took a drink of coffee, not that caffeine would steady her nerves, and

took a seat in one of the dining chairs, feeling a bit like a princess as David spooned

scrambled eggs onto her plate. “How long have you two been up?”

“Me?” David asked. “Just long enough to make your favorite breakfast.”


“Joel. You evidently have a weakness for cinnamon rolls. You have them once a week,

as a treat, he says.”

“Rat fink.”

“But Daniel was up long before I was. Restoring some furniture we found in the attic.”

“You do woodwork?”

He took his place at the head of the table and said, “Among other things.”

“That explains it.” When he raised a brow, she said, “The calluses. I wondered how a

city boy in investment banking had such rough skin.”

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“He made the St. Andrew’s Cross for you as well.”

“The…” She opened her mouth, then shut it again, wondering if she looked like a fish.

“Makes it easier to give you a whipping,” David explained, not that she’d asked.

“She really doesn’t know a lot about you, does she?” David asked his brother.

“I intend for her to find out.”

The hint that this might last longer made her heart soar.

“Just as I intend to discover those other eight or nine ways to make her come.”

She dug into her eggs. No doubt he’d discover things about her that even she didn’t


After breakfast, Daniel gave her thirty minutes for a shower, then instructed her to

meet them back downstairs.

When she stepped from the shower, she found a white box on the end of her bed.

Instead of a corset, today there was a very low-cut bra with lace demi cups. As she put on the

shelf bra, she realized it pushed up her breasts but left her nipples completely exposed.

There was a PVC skirt in the box as well, a micromini that barely covered her buttocks.

She supposed it was more modest than yesterday’s corset and stockings, but with her bare

legs, somehow it felt much more naughty.

She put on a small amount of makeup that, true to his promise, he’d provided, and

dried her hair before fastening the collar back into place. Finally, she slid into her heels and

headed downstairs.

“You have a gift,” David said when she joined them in the parlor.

“A gift? Another one? You two have got to stop spoiling me.”

“On the mantel,” he said. “Daniel had it overnighted for you.”

She had a nasty suspicion of what he’d ordered.

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She avoided glancing at the chair where Daniel sat, the same place where he’d given

her a spanking yesterday. The memory was far too real and just the thought of it made her

wet. She wanted to be over his knee again, wanted to feel the exquisite pain of his hand on

her bare skin.

“Open it,” he told her.

She took her time going to the fireplace, aware of both of them studying her. It was

amazing being the center of one man’s attention, but both of them…

The box was small but heavy.

She left the bow on top of the package but sliced the small piece of tape with her


She pulled out the tissue paper and the stainless steel butt plug. “Oh.” Her eyes

widened. She shut her mouth, unsure of what, exactly, to say. She really hadn’t wanted one

of her own, despite what Daniel obviously thought. And she really didn’t want to say thank

you for something that was going to be so uncomfortable. She settled for, “it’s beautiful.”

That, at least, was the truth. Shaped like a teardrop, the plug had pretty pink crystals on the

base. They refracted the overhead light, shimmering as she turned the plug in her hand. She

supposed some people might not think it was a terrifying object, but to her, it definitely was.

The idea of something so big, so weighty, going in


“We both want to take you at the same time,” David said. “Daniel thought this was an

excellent place to start, stretching you out, getting you prepared.”

“Please come here,” Daniel said, “and drape yourself across my knees.”

She was aware of them both watching her.

She had to pass David, and he extended his hand, and she gratefully dropped the plug

into his palm.

As she lowered herself onto Daniel’s lap, her gaze was snared by a bottle of lube on the

end table.

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“Spread your legs,” he instructed. His callused fingers were on her skin, pushing the

skirt out of his way. “Is your pussy wet?”

“I think I’m too nervous for that.”

All it took was him skimming his fingers between her thighs, touching her clit, dipping

into her vagina, to have her moist enough to be fucked.

“I love how responsive you are.”

“I’ve never been like this before,” she confessed, finding purchase on the floor with her

fingertips and adjusting her toes toward each other as she knew they expected.

“No bruising on your buttocks from the spanking,” Daniel observed.

Cheekily, she was thinking that maybe it should have been a bit harder. But she didn’t

have the guts to actually say that.

She heard the bottle being uncapped and the squirt of lube. He kept her distracted with

his fingers while starting to trail a line of moisture toward her anal whorl.

She tensed, tightening her butt cheeks.

“Relax,” he soothed.

“Easy for you to say. A piece of metal isn’t going up your ass.”

He laughed. “But it’s definitely going up yours.”

“Not helpful,” she told him.

He slapped her rear.

She squealed. While she wiggled, he pressed a fingertip against her rear entrance.

The onslaught of sensation drove her mad, mad.

The slap stung, her pussy was moist, her clit throbbed, and blood rushed to her head

where she hung upside down.

“A little more,” he said, inserting his finger a little deeper.


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“Bear down.”

He clamped his arm around her body, holding her firm across his jean-clad thighs. She

was dizzyingly aware of his hard-on, but before she absorbed everything, she noticed his

flannel shirt was warm and soft against the bare skin of her waist. She was aware of David,

then, crouching next to her to play with her pussy while his brother tortured her.

David squeezed her clit almost painfully, and then Daniel entered her completely,

sinking in as far as his knuckle.

“Not so bad?” he asked.

She moved a couple of inches from side to side. Really, it wasn’t as bad as she


“Much ado bout nothing,” he said.

Since he was right, she kept her mouth shut.

He began to work his finger in and out, and she felt her body becoming more

accommodating of the intrusion.

“David, if you’d like to do the honors?” he asked.

She moaned her displeasure when David moved away from her. She’d been on the

verge of an orgasm, not that they didn’t know that.

“Keep your toes turned in,” Daniel coached.

He continued the smooth, in-and-out motion, and she realized she was actually getting

turned on by the action. She’d never imagined she’d actually enjoy anal play, but maybe

that’s why plugs and beads were so popular.

After a few seconds, he pulled his finger out entirely. Seconds later, she felt the

unyielding pressure of pure stainless steel against her anus. She froze, clenching her muscles.

“Your hole will be stretched wider than it was with my finger,” Daniel said, “but it’s

well lubed, and with the shape, the plug will slide in easily enough.”

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“Again, not your ass,” she said.

“Relax,” he said.

“Again, it’s not your…” Before she could finish her sentence, David began to insert the

smooth, cold plug.

“Bear down,” Daniel told her again.

She gasped at the intrusion, unable to think or cooperate. He was as determined as his


She cried out, but before her whimper was fully formed, the plug slid home, filling her.

She tightened and released her muscles several times, trying to get used to the sensation. The

stainless steel began to warm to her body.

“Well?” David asked.

“Not as bad as I thought,” she confessed.

“Glad it’s over with?” Daniel asked.

Would she ever live that down?

He helped her up, while David positioned two mirrors.

“Get on your hands and knees,” Daniel said, “then reach back and part your ass


Not feeling as graceful as she wanted to be, she followed her Dom’s instructions.

“Beautiful,” David said.

In the mirrors, her skirt bunched around her waist, she was able to see the reflection of

the plug and its riotous sparkle of pink crystals, all seeming to dance off the circle of steel

surrounding them.

It was pretty, even she had to admit.

But the idea that it was only prep for the brothers to take her simultaneously… She

wanted them, wanted them in her body, fucking her, wanted them in her life.

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“The playroom next, do you think?” Daniel asked.

Uh. Next?

“And the St. Andrew’s Cross.”

Just when she thought they were done with her, they turned up the dial on sensuality

one more level.

* * * * *

While David took her to the playroom and prepared her, Daniel went to his room to

change. The flannel shirt and blue jeans he’d been wearing were perfect for the woodwork

he’d done in the barn before dawn, but whipping his beautiful little sub in a heated room

called for something a little more comfortable.

He replaced the long-sleeved flannel with a black T-shirt and exchanged the jeans for

shorts. Good thing. The jeans chafed his erection.

As hard as he was, and had been all morning, he dug in his valet box for a rubber cock

ring and began working it down his erection. Most Doms didn’t wear cock rings, and

typically he didn’t. But he knew this scene would last a long time. He wanted the added

sensation of staying hard, even if he wasn’t ready to fuck her for an hour or more.

He joined his brother and their weekend sub in the playroom. She was affixed to the St.

Andrew’s Cross in the middle of the room.

David had stripped her completely, and he’d faced her toward the structure. The back

of her body was exposed and vulnerable. Her arms were secured to the top of the X. Her legs

were spread wide, with her ankles strapped in with thongs of leather.

He could, and he would, whip her anywhere he chose. With the way she was bound,

she couldn’t escape. The sight of their collar around her throat made his ball sac tighten.

He walked around to the front of the wooden X that he’d carved just for her. It was

thinner than some models, and a bit shorter, made for her frame. He’d designed it so the

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center of the structure was a bit lower than some others so that her breasts were not pressed

against the wood.

He captured her chin with his thumb and forefinger and gently tipped her head back.

Her gaze met his, and he saw nervousness in the depths of her green eyes, but more, there

was something else: trust, despite the fear.

“This,” she said, her voice a bit wobbly, “I would like to get out of the way.”

“Has David explained what will happen?”

“He told me a lot of stuff that has me freaked out.”

“Freaked enough to use your safe word?”

Her gaze was unblinking. “No.”

“Freaked enough that you want to stop?”


“Freaked enough that you’d like to negotiate for some of it to be off-limits?”

She moistened her lower lip. He noticed that her skin was dotted with goose bumps.

“I’m curious,” she admitted. “But I want to know if the two of you stay up half the

night dreaming this stuff up?”

“We’ve had an entire week,” David said. “And we’re pretty creative, if I may say so.”

He went to a small set of drawers against one of the walls. “Imagine if we had a month.”

“Tell me what you’re expecting,” he said.

“Nipple” -- she swallowed -- “clamps.”


“That you’ll be whipping me. Like I saw at Wicked.”

He nodded. “You’re familiar with the term ‘sub space’?”

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“I’ve read about it. It’s when you’re so into a scene, I mean when the sub is, that it’s a

psychological reaction of sorts. You detach. Endorphins are released, and you can take even

more pain.”

“That’s about right. Some call it headspace or flying. I’ve heard it called floating as well.

I believe you can get there, but it’s not a goal. If it happens, it happens. If not, this scene isn’t

a failure.”

She nodded and he released his grip on her.

“I’m going to use a flogger,” he said. He accepted the implement from his twin. He

showed it to her. “It has twenty-five suede strands, all of them fairly thick so that little or no

damage is caused to your skin. It can sting like nobody’s business, and it’s a good tool for a

first beating. Would you like to use your safe word?”

She stared at the flogger.


“No. I don’t want to use my safe word. But I do want you to kiss me.”

He was more than happy to oblige. He cradled her head and then nipped at her bottom

lip. She nipped back. In seconds, the kiss consumed them, their tongues dueling.

It was a good thing he was wearing a cock ring, he thought for at least the dozenth

time. This woman always reacted in a way that shocked him and pushed him to the edge.

After long, long seconds, he ended the kiss. Her lips were swollen, she was breathless,

and her eyes were nearly glossy. She was the most responsive woman he’d ever been with.

When he’d heard she was going to be auctioned, he had been determined to pay

whatever it took to win her. Now he realized he would have gladly paid ten times the

amount he’d written the check for.

Daniel shook out the flogger. “Just like yesterday,” he told her, “we’ll start out slow. I’ll

check in on you.”

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David brought out a pair of beginner’s clamps, more bark than bite. He suckled the tips

of her breasts until her nipples were tight little buds; then he attached the biting metal teeth.

She hissed.

While she was absorbing that tiny bit of pain, David played with her cunt and tugged

on the steel butt plug.

Daniel heard the rhythm of her breathing change, and that’s when he landed the first

blow across the middle of her buttocks, the meatiest part, where it would hurt the least.

“Count them out for us,” he told her.

“One,” she said.

“How was that?” David asked.

“How was what?” she asked, in her typical sassy manner.

David laughed. “I told you she had us outnumbered, bro.” David remained in place, in

front of the cross to keep an eye on her.

Daniel hit her a second time. She had the nerve to look over her shoulder and ask,

“Have you started yet?”

He measured out the next three evenly. Then he stepped back a bit for the next half


When her butt cheeks were reddened, he caught her on the underneath. That made

her jerk a bit, but she didn’t protest.

“Doing okay?”

She nodded.

“Please answer me.”

“I’m good,” she said. “It’s okay to do it a little harder.”

“I will,” he said. “But I’ll work you up to it.”

As the flogging continued, he saw a fine sheen of sweat glisten on her back.

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He gave her another dozen smacks; then he nodded at David.

David caressed between her legs, and her hips jerked. “You’re gorgeous,” he told her.

“Wet,” he said softly to Daniel.

No way was he going to let this woman go.

Now that her ass and upper thighs were red, and she was finding her own pace, he

began the beating in earnest. He increased the intensity and shortened the amount of time

between blows.

“How are you doing?” David asked.


“Do you need me to stop?” Daniel asked.

“No… Please…”

He allowed the blows to fall all over her back, her buttocks, her thighs. She groaned,

but the sound was one of pleasure.

If he wasn’t mistaken, she’d reached sub space, and he was so turned on his dick

seemed to have a life of its own.

When he stopped the beating, she didn’t even react, except to whisper “thank you.”

Together, he and David removed her from the cross. David carried her down the

hallway to the master bedroom. He placed her on top of the bed. Her eyes were closed, but

she smiled. “Don’t leave me.”

No way would either of them leave her.

Not now. Not for a hell of a long time.

They lay alongside her, to keep her body warm as the sweat cooled and tension eased

from her muscles. For now, they’d let her doze, but his cock didn’t intend to let her sleep

long, no matter how honorable he wished his intentions were. She wiggled her hips against

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him. The ring kept him rock hard, and the head of his penis nudged her vagina. Definitely no

rest for the wicked.

She murmured his name, then turned toward David and spread her fingers across his


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Chapter Eight 

“I want to take both of you.”

“What?” David asked, shocked. Most subs didn’t recover this quickly, and he’d been

prepared for just about anything, holding her, hugging her, kissing her, even being quiet

while she processed what had happened in the playroom. He hadn’t anticipated that as soon

as her brain started functioning again, she’d want sex. “You just took a hell of a beating.”

“Look, buster,” she said. “I’m horny, and I might point out that it’s partially your fault I

got that way.”

She scraped a fingernail across the tip of one of his nipples. He winced and captured

her wrist, imprisoning it.

“So what are you going to do about it?” she demanded.

She continued to wiggle her hips, and he figured she was driving Daniel nuts.

“I suppose I could go find a dildo in the toy room.” She pretended she was going to

push herself off the bed.

“No need to be hasty,” David said.

“Then get to it,” she said.

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“You’re sure?”

“The dildo it is.”

She actually managed to get across his body before he wrestled her back onto the


“I suggest giving the lady what she wants,” Daniel said mildly.

“Who’s the sub?” David asked. “I think there’s some confusion here. Definite

confusion.” He pinned her to the mattress. But one look in her eyes, and he was gone. He

could drown in those green eyes. He’d do anything he could to keep her happy. Her lips

were parted, her breath coming in little bursts. “Her wish is definitely my command.”

His twin laughed.

“Any preference on how this happens?” he asked her.

“I’d like you in my ass.”

He gently removed the plug from her rear. She sighed.

“We’ll go as slow as you need.”

She nodded.

He lubricated his throbbing dick and helped her into an all-fours position.

His brother got beneath her so he could eat her pussy.

David used his fingers to stretch her anal hole, pushing in, pulling out, and forcing that

stubborn little muscle farther apart. “Just like when Daniel inserted the plug, I need you to

bear down. You might think it’s impossible, but it’s not.”

“Okay,” she said.

“If you say you want to get it over with…” Daniel warned, his strong hands clamped on

her thighs.

“Oh, this I want to enjoy and savor,” she said.

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After sheathing himself in a condom, David began to seek entrance into her impossibly

tight hole. The pressure of her sphincter squeezing the head of his cock as he pushed forward

was nearly enough to make him spurt.

He entered her slowly. As she started to pull away and whimper, Daniel eased a finger

in her cunt and intensified the pressure on her clit.


David grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back as he thrust forward.

She cried out.

“You’re there,” he told her. Holding her steady and not pulling out even a fraction of

an inch, he kissed her back.

“Ow, ow, ow,” she said.

“You’ve got me,” he approved. “You did it.”

Daniel shifted position so that he was on his back and removed his cock ring.

“Lower yourself onto Daniel whenever you’re ready,” he said.

Daniel captured her head and rained kisses all over her face. “You’re pleasing us.”

Slowly, every movement exaggerated, she lowered herself onto Daniel until she had

both brothers deep inside her.

David couldn’t tell where her moan ended and his began. “Let us know when you’re

ready,” he said.

She sucked in two shallow breaths and said, “Fuck me.”

He pulled out a bit, then pushed in again. He lengthened his strokes, coming out

farther, shoving in deeper. As she adjusted to him, he began to ride her in earnest.

Daniel adjusted himself to their movements, adding his own strength and power.

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David’s head was ready to explode off his shoulders. They’d shared women before, but

nothing had been this powerful, and, he had to admit, this emotional. This was the first

woman who hadn’t been playing games, who took what they offered seriously.

“I think I’m going to come,” she whispered.

“Do it,” David told her.

As her body convulsed, his scrotum tightened. With a deep groan, he ejaculated.

She screamed her pleasure, and he felt her come. David grinned, in triumph, savoring

the possession.

After he’d cleaned her up, he said, “Now sleep.”

She stretched in a feminine, surrendered way that made him totally aware of being a


David wished sleep would come as easily for him.

Now that he’d had her, he didn’t want to let her go. After tonight, he might not have a


* * * * *

Once again, Bridget found herself in the big master bed, all alone.

And this time, they wouldn’t all be climbing back under the rumpled covers together.

At the foot of the bed there was a rather-respectable short skirt, even if they hadn’t left

any panties for her. They’d also provided a light sweater. It would definitely show off the

curve of her bust, but after being so exposed over the past two days, this outfit was positively


She joined them in the dining room.

“Had to make cinnamon rolls again,” David said by way of a greeting. “And a plate to

take with you.”

“You shouldn’t…”

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“I want you to think of me.”

“How could I not?” She crossed the room on her silly stilettos and kissed him on the

grizzled cheek.

Daniel stood with his back to them, staring out the window. He didn’t offer coffee or,

for that matter, say anything.

She and David sat at the table. Daniel left the room.

“What’s with him?”

“You’ll have to ask him.”

“No hints?”

“My brother is a complicated man.”

Saying good-bye to David an hour later made her bite her lower lip.

She hadn’t wanted the weekend to end. They’d fed her, pampered her, fucked her until

she couldn’t keep her eyes open, and then they’d done it all over again.

It wasn’t possible that it was time to go home already. She knew she’d never be the


She smiled as he walked her to the car.

“It will be quiet without you here. You’re welcome at Northall anytime,” he said,

lifting her hand to his lips. “I’m glad you came.”

“And came and came and came again,” she said, trying for a lightness she was nowhere

close to feeling. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

He closed the door at the same time Daniel slid the vehicle into reverse.

“What’s with you?” she demanded, facing him.

“I’m not one for long good-byes.”

“A long good-bye? You could have let him close the door, for fek’s sake.”

“‘Fek’s sake’?” he repeated, looking at her with a grin.

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For a moment, just a moment, it was as it had been before. Then his grin faded, and he

drove through Northall’s iron gates.

She fidgeted, suddenly anxious to have some private time. She didn’t know what the

hell to make of him. Was he sorry their weekend happened? Had she been displeasing? Now

that the thrill of the chase was past, and he’d gotten the prize, in every way that he’d wanted

her, had he simply had his revenge for her being a bratty preteen?

And what about her? Now that her regularly scheduled life was about to resume, how

did she really feel about things? She’d gone places she’d never gone, done things she’d never

done, experienced a physical and emotional roller coaster that left her feeling as though the

earth had shifted beneath her feet.

In the outside world, the real world, nothing had changed.

While she’d been gone, regulars and tourists had still demanded beer at I Heart That

City, and they’d thrown their peanut shells on the floor. Bills had arrived in the mail.

Laundry still needed to be done.

The only thing that had changed was her.

She wasn’t exactly sure she’d ever be the same again. He pulled up in front of her

apartment building. She leaned over toward him, grabbed her coat, and said, “I’m glad you

won me.” She kissed him on the cheek, then opened the door and hurried out before he

could say a word.

She heard his car door open, but she didn’t slow down. Instead, she hurried up the

path, let herself inside, then closed the door.

She collapsed against a wall, her arms wrapped around herself. Her muscles ached, her

rear was sore, and her pussy was tender. Instead of basking in the experience, thinking about

the incredible things that had happened over the weekend, she was seriously feeling sorry

for herself.

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As soon as she heard his car drive off, she pushed away from the wall. She had stuff to

do. Pouting wouldn’t change that.

She checked her voice mail. There was a message from Joel. He knew she was off for

the weekend, but if she got back and if she was bored, he could use an extra set of hands.

There was also a message from her sister, demanding to know how the weekend went.

Since she’d set the whole thing up, the traitor, she could wait for the details.

She placed a quick call to I Heart That City to tell them she’d be in. No one would

suspect that she left two days ago as one person and returned as another…a woman…

She sank onto the edge of her couch.

It wasn’t possible.

She hadn’t left as one person and returned as a woman in love.

No fekking way.

Not her.

Not with them. One of whom had tormented her since puberty. Nope. No. Uh-uh. Not

her. Not them.

She sank against the back of the couch and grabbed a pillow to hug against her chest.

Her nipples were a bit sore, she suddenly realized. Another reminder of her lovers.

Her lovers.

And that’s what they were, her lovers. The idea of not seeing them again left her

insides chilled.

Now what was she going to do? She’d spent six days protesting that she didn’t want to

spend the weekend with them. Was she going to spend the next six months protesting

because they didn’t want her now that she did want them?

Fekking almighty.

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Could things be any more convoluted in her brain? She was on the verge of tears

because she couldn’t have what she hadn’t even wanted.

Thank God there was unlimited alcohol at I Heart That City. She’d need a cab to get


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Chapter Nine 

“If you don’t go get her, I’ll bang your head against a wall.”

“She needs to come to us.”

“You’re a fucking idiot,” David said, shoving a roast in the oven and slamming the door


“I’ll take that beer now,” Daniel said, needing the brew or, barring that, something


“You can get it yourself.”

“Jesus, David.”

“Jesus yourself, Daniel Armstrong, mastermind of this whole fucking mess.”

He winced, but he didn’t respond. David was right. He’d masterminded the entire

thing, except the ending.

She’d kissed him but hurried away from him before he could even get out of his own

vehicle. David was furious, and Daniel was kicking himself in the ass for behaving so


“How many times have you told me a deal isn’t done until the ink is dry?”

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“She needs a chance to think it through.”

“And you’ve given her how many chances to think things through in the past twenty


“We were moving too fast for her.”

“For fuck’s sake, did you ask


that? What the hell is wrong with you?”

David sank down on a stool in front of the marble-topped bar. The cold, hard facts

stared him in the face. They were as irrefutable as they were impossible to dodge. “I think

I’m in love with her.”

“Yeah. And?”

“Yeah, and?” he parroted back to his brother. “What do you mean ‘yeah, and’?” He’d

expected sympathy or, at the least, commiseration. Surprise would have been nice.

“You’ve been in love with her half your life.”

“Obsessed with her.”

“How many other women have you been obsessed with during your life?”


“And how many have you been in love with?”


David smacked his forehead. “Do the math, banker man. One love. One obsession.”

He got up and pulled a brew from the refrigerator. By way of a peace offering, he

imagined, David slid him the opener. “What about you?”

“I’m not as stubborn as you are. Or as stupid. I love her, and I’m not afraid to admit it.”

He took a long draw from the ice-cold bottle. “What a fine mess.”

“So fix it.”

“What if she doesn’t want me? Or us?”

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“Forget about you. I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting you after you behaved like a

prick today. But she will want me.”

“You’re an ass,” he told his younger brother good-naturedly.

“Better than being a fool.”

* * * * *

Bridget sank on the couch and toed off her pink boots, and then removed her Betty

Boop socks.

The day had been hellaciously long. Sunday nights weren’t supposed to be that busy,

but Joel had hosted an industry night, meaning that workers in the service industry got half-

price drinks. There were not any worse customers than other servers

Even her feet hurt. Her boots had been brutally uncomfortable after her feet had been

tortured in heels all weekend.

She thought about collapsing against the back of the couch, but she was afraid she’d

never get up again.

She needed a shower, then her bed. She headed for her bedroom, unbuttoning her shirt

as she went, not exactly sure how the hell she’d ended up with a peanut shell in her bra.

Probably from the idiots at table three.

She hit the light switch, afraid of tripping over the trail of naughty clothes that she’d

left strewn about the floor as she’d changed for work.

Bridget froze, stunned, when she entered the bedroom. There, on the edge of her

nightstand was a candy bar. The exact same brand of milk chocolate that Daniel had given

her twenty years ago as an apology.

Her pulse roared as she stood there, considering the implications. Someone had been in

her apartment. And someone had let the other someone in.

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She snatched the chocolate from the nightstand, and a piece of paper fluttered to the

carpet. She picked up the note and read the handwriting. “Twenty years changes some

things, but not others. I’m still an idiot. I’m still sorry.”

Slowly, she turned.

“And I still love you,” Daniel said, finishing the rest of the note aloud.

Her heart missed a beat, then a second, as she forgot to breathe. He propped a shoulder

against the doorjamb and looked at her, his dark blue eyes unreadable. Unable to think, she

clutched the note to her chest.

“This time,” he asked, “will you accept the chocolate bar? Or do we need to fear for the

linens at Northall?”


“A conspiracy,” he said. “I called here, and there was no answer. So I called I Heart

That City, and Joel wouldn’t let me talk to you. So I had to tell your sister what was going on

before she’d give me her key.”

“You told her you wanted to break in?”

“I told her I wanted to propose.”

“You told her…” Stunned, she blinked. “



He pushed away from the frame and advanced on her, backing her up until the bed

brought her up short. She felt the insistence of his erection pressing into her belly.

“I could have told her that I’ve fantasized all day about my brother fucking you doggy-

style while I’m on my knees in front of you with my cock in your mouth. I could have told

her that I can’t get you out of my mind and that I want to hear you scream as you climax

from the force of my buffalo flogger.”

“You’re freaking me out,” she said, trying to take it all in. The man, one of the men, she

was in love with was professing his love and proposing to her?

“Do you want to use your safe word?” he asked her.

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“No,” she whispered.

“Is there anything you want to negotiate? Anything you want to take off the table?”

Needing to balance, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m confused… David…?”

“Only one of us can legally marry you. I hog-tied him and shoved him down one of

Northall’s secret passageways so I could get here first.”

She licked her lower lip.

“It’s our wish that you’ll live with us both.”

He leaned in closer, as if for a kiss, and she said, “How quickly can we get this over


“Is that a yes?”

“Only if David is okay with this.”

“Ask him.”

“I’ll be the best man,” he said, entering the room. “In more ways than one.”

Before she could figure out what he was about, Daniel picked her up and tossed her on

the bed. He and David both joined her.

Good thing she’d started undressing already, because the two of them didn’t seem to

want to waste any time. “What was that fantasy again?” she asked.

“Of you in a white gown with nothing underneath it besides a stainless steel butt


“I didn’t even know about that one.” She smacked at him. “I was talking about the

other one.”

“The one with you sucking my cock while David fucks you doggy-style?”

“That one,” she said.

“Shall we get it over with?” David suggested.

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“I thought you’d never ask,” she said. Smiling, Bridget got down on her knees. She

knew exactly where to find the perfect white gown, and she’d buy a white crystal butt plug

to wear for her wedding night…something new and something that would pleasure both of

her men.

She was ready for them now and would be for the rest of her life.

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Sierra Cartwright

Born in Northern England and raised in the Wild West, Sierra Cartwright pens book

that are as wild and untamed as the Rockies she calls home.

She's an award-winning, multi-published writer who wrote her first book at age nine

and hasn't stopped since. Sierra invites you to share the complex journey of love and desire,

of surrender, submission, and commitment.

Her own journey has taught her that trusting takes guts and courage, and her work is a

celebration for everyone who is willing to take that risk.

If you’d like to encourage Sierra Cartwright to tell us more, she would love to hear

from you. Feel free to email her at, or check out her website


Document Outline


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