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Becoming Masterful In State Control:
Mastering your state is mission critical in being able to create more of the life you
want. Everything we do in NLP starts with state. State doesn’t just refer to how a
person is feeling. When we say state we mean the complete mental, physical and
neurological status of the person’s mind-‐body. The “state report” tell us how a
person is thinking, breathing, moving etc.
In the earlier video on state control, you learned two powerful ways to become
more skilled at mastering state control. The first is physiology – how you use
your body.
Your first assignment is to focus on becoming more aware and skilled at
changing your state by changing your physiology.
Your physiology includes your:
• posture (how you hold yourself and your centre of gravity)
• muscular tension and relaxation
• biochemistry
• breathing
Pick any particular state you wish to experience more of. Get yourself into that
state. You can do so by:
-‐ Revivifying the last time you were in that state, by remembering intensely
what you saw, heard and felt when you were last in that state and
stepping into the “movie”, so you experience it through your own eyes
-‐ By acting as if you were in that state, until you naturally find yourself back
in it
-‐ Using any anchor you have that causes you to go into that state, like a
certain piece of music, words, food etc
Once you are in that great state, notice how you are:
-‐ Sitting/standing/leaning/lying etc
-‐ Where is your weight is distributed in your body?
-‐ Where and how you are breathing e.g. shallow and fast, mid-‐chest and
slow, full diaphragmatic breaths, paced evenly and fully etc.
-‐ If you are speaking at what pace and rhythm and intonation are you
-‐ Scan your body and notice what parts are relaxed and what parts have
varying degrees of tension in them.
-‐ Notice how you are using your vision, is it narrow and focused or is wide
and vast?
-‐ Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth, or both?
-‐ Describe the sensations of the feelings in your body, write them down.
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Write down all the key points of note when you are in this great state. Now break
your state, by interrupting what you were doing. So for example answer the
question, what is 3 x 9 + 14, -‐ 2?
Once you have changed your state again, pick the top 3 “undesired states” that
you experience on a regular basis.
Repeat the same process as before. Write down all the key points of how you are
using your body in order to get access to and stay in a certain undesirable state.
Again, once done – BREAK STATE –
Jump up and down, do five press ups, have a cup of tea or anything in between –
so long as it breaks your state. Remember the more intense the state the bigger
the state interruption typically needs to be.
Now that you have two separate descriptions, one of what you are doing with
your physiology when you are feeling great and one when you are experiencing
an undesirable state, look to pattern what is different between when you are in a
great state vs. the undesired one?
Once you have figured these out, your job is to quickly cycle through the list of
differences and to try on that pattern of how you use your body when you are in
the great state. Do this several times, each time looking to more quickly try on
the revised state.
You should find that when you do it fully and assuming you have identified the
key differences between the two state descriptions that your body naturally
begins to feel the “great” feelings of the 1
Once you have been able to successfully able to go into the desired state at will.
Then your job is to condition in the new behaviour response so that next time
you feel the undesired state, you 1) recognize it for what it is and 2) instantly
change your physiology to rapidly shift into the pattern of movement, breathing
etc. of the desired state.
Then for the coming three weeks every time you find yourself experiencing an
unresourceful state, quickly and immediately shift into the resourceful state you
have now identified by adopting the patterns of the desired state physiology.
I’ve used this pattern hundreds of times over the years, to help me quickly and
easily change my state and evoke greater resourcefulness in myself. Essentially
you will want to adopt the best state (as much as you can tell) for the desired
So we are not encouraging you to be “all RA RA” and super energized 24x7.
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The state you will go into will be dependant on the outcome, context and
dynamics of the situation.
So if you are with your kids the desired state may be being playful or loving.
If you are with business clients, it may be engaging and persuasive, or attentive
and thought provoking etc.
With you are with your partner you may wish to be supportive, helpful and
If you are trying to get through some challenge in your life it may be persistent,
tenacious, determined.
Choose your states based on the outcome while being aware of the context and
dynamics that you are operating within.
There are many ways for you to change your state. Getting good at changing your
state by changing your physiology is one of the most powerful and immediate
Once you have become skilled at doing this for one skill, you can repeat this
process, mapping the “how to” for each emotional state you would like to
experience more of. The more you do it, the greater the results you will
experience and the more resourceful you can be.