Pelaam Mask of the Shaman [DHP MM]

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Mask of the Shaman

Copyright © 2014

Published by Dark Hollows Press

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Mask of the Shaman

Copyright © 2014 Pelaam

ISBN 10: 1940756790

ISBN 13: 978-1-940756-79-0

Author: Pelaam

Editor: Ashley Kain

Publication Date: July 2014

All cover art and logo copyright © 2014 by Dark Hollows Press

Cover design by

3 Rusted Spoons

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or

in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons

living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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Chapter One

Chev got out of his car, stretched, and groaned as he heard his spine crunch. He was

bored, and he was stiff. He raised his head, and his nostrils flared as he sniffed the air. The

night was still and quiet, for which he knew he should be grateful. But he was due a vacation,

and he needed the break. He could, of course, run free in the nearby mountains when off

duty. But he wanted to be with his family. That was the difference. To run with family.

The hair on his skin rose as he thought about running in the Nevada desert or up and

through the mountains around Lake Tahoe. Bliss. But not yet. He still had another couple of

weeks to work. He grimaced. Now he really wanted to run. He slid a hand through his shirt

and rubbed at the fur on his chest as if the gesture could calm his spirit.

Many things had changed since shifters emerged from the shadows to live and work

alongside humankind. Especially the law, which he defended. Of course, not all humans were

enamoured at sharing their world. Some places were definitely better than others in terms of


He rubbed the back of his head and yawned. Home was a large island not that far off

the coast of the United States with a large shifter population, many in positions of wealth and

power. While he enjoyed his island life most of the time, he was definitely missing the

mountains and deserts of home.

Jackson Island was perfectly placed to be a stepping stone from the US to the

Bahamas, Cuba, or even Mexico, as well as being an ideal luxury island resort itself. It even

boasted a thriving port. Chev scratched his chin. He wasn’t really a beach fan. His preference

was open spaces, but he enjoyed going into the island interior to the tropical forest areas and

swimming in the lakes.

The sun glinted off the towering skyscrapers, the urban jungle that made up part of

Chev’s everyday territory. An image of lofty mountains, forests and wide lakes came into his

mind. Shaking his head, he refocused back on the cement and glass. He’d get away soon


He glanced back into the car at the newspaper he’d been reading. The open page

advertised an upcoming exhibit at the City Museum. One that had caught Chev’s attention.

Jackson City boasted one major and several minor art galleries and museums. There

had been great fanfare about a highly prestigious display of ancient artwork, mostly masks,

coming to the City Museum. Not that he’d been to a museum himself but for a handful of

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times since he was a cub. While he would have liked to see the display, a museum wasn’t his

choice of destination for a good time.

A call came through on his radio, and he reached through to answer.

“Four Nine here. Go ahead.” He frowned as he listened. “Repeat please. Did you say


His eyes went to the newspaper again. What were the odds? Dispatch had just

informed him of the theft of a priceless mask from the museum. Detectives were already at

the scene, but the call had come through for additional assistance.

Getting back into the car, Chev started the engine, glad to respond, grateful for

something to break the monotony and interrupt the ever-growing inner call to get out of the

city. The notification regarding the robbery seemed odd. How does anyone steal a major

exhibit in broad daylight? The museum boasted an excellent security system as well as

personnel. Never mind. Guess I’ll find out soon enough.

He knew about one mask in particular, from what he’d read, a unique and priceless

item from South America. The museum had been boasting of its acquisition for months. An

Incan Shaman’s mask was due to arrive anytime soon. Could that be the stolen artefact?

Pulling up outside the museum, Chev glanced at a car that he instantly recognised and

wrinkled his nose. One half of the detective pairing who used the car was all right. He and

Matthias had exchanged a few greetings, nothing more. But the other half was a man who

really only wanted to travel through the ranks as fast as possible and get off the streets.

Johnson was already eying taking a Lieutenant’s exam, but that was only the start.

Everyone in the precinct knew Johnson wanted to be the youngest captain on the

force. Chev shook his head. Johnson’s attitude had already earned him more than a few

enemies. Chev wondered how his partner put up with him. But he’d heard Matthias was

pretty laid back, not really caring what his partner wanted, just plodding along at his own


Chev smirked. Eventually all the loud talking, fancy clothes and power dressing in the

world wouldn’t disguise all Johnson’s other faults.

He parked his patrol car close to the other car, at the bottom of the steps that led up to

the museum. As he got out of the vehicle, his skin prickled and he rubbed at his arm,

frowning at the way his hair rose upward even as he watched. Something had triggered his

shifter instincts and he checked his baton and gun.

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Raising his head, Chev sniffed the air, checking his surroundings, but nothing seemed

out of the ordinary. Shaking his head, he bounded up the museum stairs two at a time and

went inside. The grandiose foyer was marble and polished wood, and also quite deserted.

Confused by the lack of obvious activity, Chev looked slowly around. Apart from the

call to assist, there was nothing to suggest a robbery had taken place. No sirens sounded, no

personnel ran around. Nothing. No one.

A reception desk stood over to the left. A copper-skinned receptionist eyed him

appreciatively, and gave him a wide smile as he approached. He nodded and returned the

smile. “I’m Officer Parker. I got a call about a robbery?”

“Oh! I did hear something. In the South American Exhibit Centre. That’s on the third

floor, Officer. You can go straight up the stairs, or there is a bank of elevators around behind

the stairs.”

“Thank you,” Chev said.

“Anytime, Officer.” The girl’s voice was a rich, sultry purr, but Chev didn’t respond.

Instead he hurried to the stairs, taking them in large bounds. The prickling sensation grew

stronger the higher he went.

At the top of the stairs, he hesitated while he allowed his breathing to calm slightly.

Glancing around, he recognised an elderly man who’d seemingly been in the museum

forever. Chev remembered him being there for some twenty years at least. He just stood,

nervously rubbing his hands together repeatedly. Assuming him to be distressed about the

theft, Chev headed over to him.

“You okay?” he asked, laying his hand on the man’s shoulder.

“They’re arresting him.” There were tears in the old man’s eyes. “Can you help him?”

“Arresting who? What’s happening?” Chev persisted.

“Nathanial. They say he stole the shaman’s mask. But he wouldn’t. He just wouldn’t.

Something’s wrong. Very wrong, but no one wants to listen to me.”

Chev felt his hackles rise. He never ignored his instincts. “I recognise you. You work

here, don’t you?”

“My name’s Harrison Smythe. I’m the senior curator here.”

“Right. Who’s Nathanial? Tell me about it.” Chev’s voice dropped in timbre, his

shifter instincts growing stronger. However, the older man was too distressed to notice.

“I’ve known Nathanial since he was at high school. A shipment of artefacts arrived

yesterday, including a very valuable addition to our South American exhibit, a shaman’s

mask and matching warrior shield. I called in today to help Nathanial, but we couldn’t find

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the mask. Nathanial and I hunted everywhere. We thought maybe someone had inadvertently

moved it. We have several exhibitions on, and a mistake was possible. Then the next thing

we knew, someone called the police, and the detectives say Nathanial had it hidden in a box

in his car. But he wouldn’t steal it, or anything else. Never.”

Chev nodded. He jotted the information down. Admittedly, the old man wouldn’t be

the first to be conned, but Chev’s hackles remained up. Something important was happening

here. He guided the distraught man to a chair. “Wait here. I’ll go find out what’s happening,

and do what I can.”

Heading through the main foyer of the exhibition room, and past the glass-enshrined

collection of ancient artefacts, Chev followed the sounds that echoed around the high-

ceilinged chambers. Before he could enter an inner room, two men appeared. One he

peripherally recognised as Matthias, but it was the man in handcuffs that immediately drew

his attention.

This man could have been the poster boy for museum geeks with his short-cut, sandy-

brown hair, large, dark-rimmed glasses. He was dressed in jeans and a caramel-brown, open-

necked shirt. But the heat that pooled in Chev’s groin told him something else. Something

very, very personal.

My mate.

He growled, low and feral. Then he swallowed hard, trying to keep the beast at bay.

He was a cop. Nathanial was a suspect. He had to keep control.

He waited until Matthias got closer with his prisoner. Nathanial looked as distraught

as Smythe. Fear, misery, and confusion rolled off him in waves, the distress so pungent

Chev’s throat clutched.

“I spoke to the retired curator. What can you tell me?” He directed his question to


The large, burly man shrugged. “We got a call. Mask was missing. Found in his car.

Seems open and closed.”

“I didn’t do it,” Nathanial said, his voice almost a wail. “I didn’t. I don’t know how it

got in my car.”

“You’ll have time to make a full statement down at the precinct,” Matthias said. “You

should probably get a lawyer. You’re gonna need one.”

“I don’t know any lawyers,” Nathanial said. He knees buckled, and Chev moved fast

to catch him. Chev’s skin tingled where it came into contact with Nathanial, and Nathanial’s

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eyes widened behind the thick glass. They were a golden shade of hazel, and for a second or

two, Chev was lost in their depths. Then a detested voice boomed from behind them.

“What’s the hold-up here? Get him to the precinct and booked. Matthias, leave him

with the uniform and come with me. I wanna check out his apartment.”

“Leave him with me,” Chev said, his voice a soft growl. “I’ll take care of him.”

Matthias eyed him warily and then nodded. “Sorry,” he muttered.

“Not your problem. I’ll deal with it.” He waited for Nathanial to stand, albeit shakily,

and locked gazes with him. “My name’s Chev, Officer Cheveyo Parker. I have to take you in.

If you’re innocent, you have nothing to fear.”

“I don’t know how the mask got in my car,” Nathanial whispered. “I swear I don’t.”

“I’ll look after you,” Chev murmured. His incisors dropped, and he knew his eyes

were taking on the blue tinge that came with a shift. His reactions were instinctual in the

close proximity of his mate. His animal side wanted to claim him, but his human side

remained dominant and his teeth receded.

“You’re a shifter,” Nathanial said, his eyes growing wide again. “Aren’t you?”

“Yes. What can you tell me about this theft. The truth.” Chev stared intently at the

human, bringing his shifter senses into play as he listened, watched, and scented Nathanial.

“The truth is, I don’t know anything. Truly I don’t.” Nathanial shook his head, his

voice quavering as he spoke. “We’ve waited for these artefacts for a couple of months. The

shaman’s mask is both an amazing piece of art as well as a priceless one. We were so

delighted to be getting it, that we even redesigned the displays to give it pride of place.”

“And that’s the mask which is now stolen?” Despite Nathanial’s fear and anxiety,

Chev sensed that his devotion to his art would lead the human off on a tangent. However, he

also sensed that, so far, everything Nathanial had said rang true. He picked up nothing to

intimate Nathanial was lying, or even trying to hide anything. He was honest, open, and

easily readable.

A deep, shuddering breath from Nathanial caused Chev to reach out and squeeze his

shoulder reassuringly.

Nathanial looked at him, and cocked his head. “No one else even wanted to listen to

me. Detective Johnson didn’t even want to ask me questions. You’re different.”

The touch to Nathanial’s shoulder brought a different set of shifter instincts to the

fore. Chev’s canines descended again, and his grip tightened. Nathanial stared at him, mouth

agape for a few seconds.

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“You’re looking at me very oddly, and your eyes have changed colour,” Nathanial

said, his voice husky. “I’m not a shifter, but I’ve had a fascination with them since I was a

boy.” He coughed, to clear his throat. “Am I… am I your potential mate?”

Relaxing his grip slightly, Chev nodded. “Yes. I believe so. But that is personal.

Between us. Not for here, not like this. But I give you my word, I will stand by you. All I ask

for from you is total honesty.”

Nathanial blinked. “All my life I believed I was destined to be a shifter mate. My

parents despaired of me. But in my heart I knew. I swear, I swear I didn’t have anything to do

with this.”

Nathanial reached to cover Chev’s hand with his own, and Chev growled softly at the

sight of the handcuffs. His nostrils flared. If the human was acting, it was the best

performance he’d ever encountered. He scented nothing but honesty.

He nodded. “Let’s get moving. The faster I get you downtown, and things are sorted,

the sooner we can put it behind us.”


As they passed Smythe, Chev hesitated briefly. “I’ll look after him. I give you my

word. I’ll be in touch.”

“Go home, Harry,” Nathanial said. “I’ll ring you when I can.”

Smythe looked between the two men. He stood shakily, but fixed Chev with an

unwavering stare. “I don’t care what the detective says, Officer. I place total faith in


“Thank you, Mr. Smythe,” Chev said. He urged Nathanial forward. He still had a job

to do, no matter what his instincts may want.

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Chapter Two

With great reluctance, and forcing himself to remain professional and detached, Chev

stood by and watched his as yet-unclaimed mate be fingerprinted and taken through to a

holding cell. Thankfully the officer on the desk was a friend, and a word in his ear ensured

Nathanial was at least in a cell on his own.

Chev’s shift had officially ended by the time Nathanial was finally in his cell. He

decided to change out of his uniform while there was nothing else he could do for Nathanial.

He hurried to the changing rooms and quickly showered and changed. He hoped that dressed

in jeans and sweatshirt, he would be less intimidating to his mate. Nathanial’s scent was sour

and rank with distress, bewilderment, and fear.

Chev would swear an oath, on a stack of Bibles, that Nathanial was innocent. His eyes

narrowed as he stalked back to the cells.

And given he’s innocent, someone else is guilty. Not only of theft, but of framing my

mate. They may think they’re safe. But I will find them.

When he reached the cells, his captain was waiting for him. Chev’s hackles rose

again, but he said nothing. The other man crooked a finger and they walked away from the

desk area.

“He’s being questioned,” the bigger man said, his voice low. “As I understand it from

the desk sergeant, you’re taking more than a professional interest in the suspect.”

“Captain, O’Shae, my interest in him is personal, and shifter-related.”

O’Shae rolled his eyes heavenward. “Dammit, I don’t even want to know. Just

understand this, Chev. We’ve now been informed by the museum that the mask we found in

his trunk was a fake. Not the real mask. That’s still missing. Matthias and Johnson came back

from his apartment where two other masks he had on his wall appear to be originals he’s

stolen and replaced with fakes. It doesn’t look good for him from where I stand. You’re a

good cop, I consider us friends, and I try to be understanding over shifter business. As your

captain, I want you to remain professional, no matter what. As your friend, I hope it’s not as

serious as it seems. For both of you.”

Conflicting emotions warred inside Chev—concern, anger, gratitude, affection. He

nodded slowly. “If he’s guilty, I’ll deal with it. Later. For now, despite what you’ve said, my

instincts say something much different.”

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“Fine. Just keep in mind it’s not your case. You have Matthias and Johnson to deal

with, and Johnson sees this as open and closed.”

A rumbling growl of impatience broke free of Chev’s chest. “Another quick arrest,

another step closer to lieutenant. That’s all he cares about.”

“Maybe. But you’re also arguing against hard facts. Real masks on his wall, fakes in

the museum. Johnson’s questioning him now about where the real shaman’s mask is hidden.”

Chev’s eyes narrowed. “I’m off duty. I want to be there as a friend.”

O’Shae waved a hand. “I have to go to Records. I may be out of touch for the next

fifteen minutes. Do what you think you have to do. Then report back to me.”

A wave of gratitude washed over Chev. “Thanks.”

He hurried away, anxiety gnawing at his gut. He found the room that held his mate

and stared in from behind the two-way glass. Matthias looked uncomfortable, but remained

standing at the back, letting his partner conduct the questioning.

Except Chev didn’t consider what Johnson was doing questioning. He stood, towering

over Nathanial, intimidating the already distraught man with his size. Then Johnson moved

around to stand behind Nathanial and whispered something in his ear. Chev couldn’t hear

what was said, and Johnson was hidden from sight, but the look of total fear on Nathanial’s

face was sufficiently eloquent.

He’d had enough. Further questioning could wait until there was a lawyer present. He

burst into the room just as Matthias stepped forward.

“Get outta here,” Johnson shouted. “This isn’t your case.”

“No. But I’m calling shifter rights.” Chev glanced at Matthias. “Use your senses. Do

you really think he can fool both of us?”

Matthias tilted his head, his nostrils flaring, making a show of scenting. He shook his

head slowly. “What do you want to do?”

“Take him to the captain. You can come with me. I want him out of this place tonight.

I’ll find some way to stand his bail. But I won’t have him here.”

“No you don’t—” Johnson made a move toward Nathanial and Chev faced him, his

lips drawn back, baring his teeth in a snarl. His incisors dropped, and fur bristled down his

arms. He was on the verge of a full shift.

“Leave it, Johnson. He’s called shifter-rights.” Matthias went to Nathanial and

unlocked the handcuffs.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Johnson almost screeched in rage. “You

can’t do this.”

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“Shifter’s rights,” Matthias muttered. “I agree with Chev. Unless he’s perfected a way

to release his scent to fool us, he’s innocent. Things don’t feel right. If you’re worried I’m

wrong, and that this’ll look bad on your track record, I’ll tell the captain I’m working this one

alone. You have others to keep you busy enough.”

Johnson looked as though he was about to argue. “This isn’t over. Calling shifter

rights isn’t going to save him.” Then he stalked angrily from the room.

Chev helped Nathanial to stand. The young man gazed at him. “He said…he said that

I’d be gang raped. That if I confessed, he’d do what he could. But I didn’t do anything.”

Chev pulled him into a gentle hug, running his hands over Nathanial’s back. The shirt

Nathanial wore was damp with sweat. “Let’s go speak to the captain. Matthias, would you be

willing to stay overnight? We can sleep on shift.”

“I don’t understand,” Nathanial said, looking from Chev to Matthias and back.

“Chev called shifter’s rights,” Matthias said. “One of those rights is to be allowed to

remain in a natural environment. An aquatic shifter needs access to water, for example. Chev

is a coyote and needs space. The captain may agree to allow you to be away from here,

because you’re Chev’s mate. If you’re here, he should be with you, and this isn’t his natural

environment. So that no one can think he’s going to let you escape, I’ll stay. Then we need

you on bail bond as quickly as possible. And I know just the man to go to.”


Captain O’Shea leaned forward over his desk, and his gaze flitted between Chev and


“Shifter’s rights,” he said. “Are you aware that Johnson has already filed the

paperwork for this? Not only has he charged Nathanial with the theft of the two masks found

in the apartment, but in relation to the shaman’s mask, he opposes bail because it’s still

missing, and it’s a priceless artefact.”

“Fuck! Johnson moved fast. Look, Captain, Nathanial is my mate,” Chev said.

“Normally there would be courtship, time for both of us to adjust, to get to know one another.

Johnson clearly isn’t investigating this crime. He’s already decided on Nathanial’s guilt, but

both Matthias and I have reason to believe Nathanial is innocent. I want time to investigate

this case, but right now I want to take Nathanial home. Matthias will come home with me to

make sure he doesn’t run. I’ll even give you my badge and gun until this is all resolved if you

want. But my mate isn’t spending the night here.”

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Sighing deeply, O’Shea held up his hands. “All right. What do you say, Matthias?”

“If Nathanial is guilty, he’s fooling two shifters. Johnson just wants another case

closed. He’s willing to simply accept the evidence as it stands and not look further into the

crime. I want to. I want to know Nathanial is guilty.”

The captain sat back and rubbed at his chin. “You planning on getting a bail bond?

Johnson will oppose Nathanial’s release, especially while the mask of the shaman remains


“I’m taking Nathanial to Cioldron. He’s the best. No one runs from him,” Matthias


“No one dares.” The captain leaned forward, and glowered at Nathanial. “Okay. I’m

granting your mate the right to take you to his home while bail is arranged. I expect you back

here tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir,” Nathanial said.

“Matthias will get as early an appointment as he can,” Chev said. “I’m not due on

duty until tomorrow night. Until he’s bailed, either Matthias or I will be with Nathanial at all


“I hope you know what you’re doing. Get going. Johnson’s coming in next. I want

you three out of here before he puts in his objections and persuades me to change my mind.”

Chev nodded, stood, and led the way out.

He and Matthias made sure to keep Nathanial sandwiched between them as they left

the station. He ignored the curious glances as they headed to the elevator.

“We’ll take my car,” Matthias said. “Follow me when we get to the garage. We’ll go

to my place. I’m a shifter, too, so my home qualifies.”

“Why?” Chev asked.

Matthias stopped and looked around at him. “I’m taking a big risk siding with you.

Johnson’s tight with the chief prosecutor. His successes add shine to her reputation, and she’s

as ruthless as he is. My instincts tell me Nathanial isn’t lying. But I’d feel more comfortable

in my home, and I have a room he can have. We can’t even let you pick up stuff from home,

Nathanial. Johnson’s sealed your apartment off as a potential crime scene. Maybe in a day or

so. But there’s a store near my home. We can stop there on the way, pick up some supplies

for you.”

“Thank you.” Nathanial shivered and wrapped his arms tightly around his body. “For

believing me. Both of you.”

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Reacting to Nathanial’s emotion, Chev stepped closer. “Johnson’s just too keen to get

another arrest under his belt. I know it’s going to be difficult, but relax. We’ll sort out your

bail bond in the morning to keep you out of jail, despite the missing mask. And between us,

Matthias and I will find the real thief.”

The smile from Nathanial warmed Chev’s heart, and heated his groin. “Come on.

Let’s get going.” He took a step forward, and then glanced around. He’d had a sudden feeling

they were being watched.

“Come on, Chev.”

Matthias’s shout stopped him checking further. With a shrug, Chev trotted to catch up

with his friends.

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Chapter Three

To Chev’s surprise, Matthias’s home was a neat, two-story villa with a well-appointed

garden out in the suburbs. Somehow he’d assumed that the big man would have lived in a

city-centre apartment like himself.

Matthias parked his car, and indicated Chev should park alongside, then waited at his

front door for them to join him.

“Okay, Nathanial, sorry about this, but I’m putting you in the box room. I use it for

guests when the rest of the house is full, but it doesn’t have a window, so it’s secure. That

way I feel confident that we’ve done all that’s necessary both to protect you and to ensure

you can’t attempt to run.”

“I understand.”

Matthias led Nathanial upstairs and to the room.

Peeking over the bigger man’s shoulder, Chev looked inside. The room was small but

functional, with a bed, a bedside table, and small set of drawers.

“It’s perfect, thank you,” Nathanial said.

“You can have one of my guest rooms, Chev. They’re at the other end of the hallway.

I trust you not to run, Nathanial, so don’t worry. The bathroom is back along the landing the

third door on the left. Get comfortable, and then we’ll meet you downstairs and get the food


Chev noted where he would be sleeping and then followed Matthias downstairs. He

nodded as the big man held up a couple of take-out menus.

“I’m no cook. Chinese okay for you?” Matthias asked.

“Fine,” Chev replied. Although the situation had already tied Chev’s stomach in

knots, he needed to eat.

Nathanial came downstairs and Matthias ushered him and Chev into the lounge. “You

guys just chill in here. Want coffee, beer, juice?”

“Juice for me,” Nathanial said. “I don’t think I could stomach beer right now.”

“Beer would be good, thanks,” Chev said.

“I’ll bring them through, then be out in the kitchen. They deliver to the back door, so

I’ll be there ready. Put the TV on, whatever you want.” Matthias headed off.

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True to his word, Matthias returned with the drinks, then left Chev and Nathanial

alone. Chev opened his beer and took a long drink. He peered over the can at Nathanial who

sat in a chair, seemingly trying to look small as he leaned back and sipped at his juice.

Chev wished he could just walk over and hug him, but knew it was too soon to make

a move like that. Too much was happening at an incredible speed. Instead he set down his

beer, picked up the remote, and clicked until he found a channel showing a cookery show

featuring Mexican food.

Nathanial looked over at him. “You like cooking?”

Chev picked up his beer. “Yep. Especially Mexican. You?”

“I can do the basics. Nothing special.” He leaned forward a little. “What’s your

signature meal?”

Laughing softly, Chev set his drink down. “I don’t have one. I like a good chili, but I

do a mean chicken with chocolate mole sauce, too.”

“I’ve never tried that. Sounds delicious. I like trying new dishes, and I love Mexican


For the next few minutes, Chev happily talked about food, learning little snippets

about Nathanial as the young man relaxed and opened up a little. Nathanial didn’t have

family on Jackson, since they were all on the mainland, but he hadn’t seen them for a few

years. He loved his job in the museum, and was a home-bunny. Chev also found that when

Nathanial smiled, his stomach felt as if it was doing a delighted flip.

When the take-out came, Matthias put it all out on his coffee table and brought over

plates, forks, and serving spoons. “I ordered something of everything, including vegetarian.

Eat whatever takes your fancy.”

The impromptu meal was enjoyable despite the circumstances. However, the way

Nathanial’s eyelids kept drooping once they’d finished brought out Chev’s more protective


“Why not go to bed? You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

“I think I will.” Nathanial yawned widely as he stood. He offered a wry smile. “Thank

you both for your belief in me.”

As tempted as Chev was to take Nathanial in his arms, he contented himself with

squeezing his human mate’s shoulder instead.

As soon as Nathanial had left the room, Matthias stood. “I’ll be sleeping in a chair in

the hallway. I know it’s excessive, but for tonight, until he has his bond to walk around

freely, I don’t want to take any chances.”

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“I understand,” Chev said.

“I spoke to Cioldron when out in the kitchen, too. I have to text him in the morning.

He’s rescheduling his appointments so he can be available. Apparently the chief prosecutor

has thrown her weight behind Johnson’s opposition to bail being granted. That mask is worth

millions on the black market.”

Chev ran his hands over his face. “He’s innocent. I feel it. I know it. But if he is,

someone else is guilty and framing him.”

“I didn’t want to press him tonight,” Matthias said. “But tomorrow we need to find

out everything we can about that museum, and who may have any reason to hate Nathanial

enough to frame him. Get some sleep, Chev. Tomorrow’s going to be as stressful for you as it

is for Nathanial. But I know one thing for certain. If he passes Cioldron’s scrutiny, he’s an

innocent man.”


Chev was glad when morning came. He’d spent a restless night constantly casting out

his senses to make sure Nathanial was well. He rubbed his eyes, and got out of bed, thankful

that there was an en suite bathroom.

Showered and dressed, he headed downstairs where Matthias and Nathanial waited.

The three of them ate breakfast, or at least he and Matthias ate breakfast. Nathanial did little

more than move the food around on his plate. Chev felt the nervousness coming off his mate

in waves.

Matthias fussed over making Nathanial look respectable, outfitting him in the clothing

they’d picked up from the store. He stood back and nodded. “You look clean and presentable.

Don’t worry about being nervous. Although as an innocent man you have nothing to fear,

anxiety is understandable under the circumstances.”

“Okay. I’ll try to remember that.”

“I sent a text to Cioldron. He knows this is an unusual case, so he’s cleared his

schedule to meet us this morning. We can see him before lunch. The bail hearing is listed for

two o’clock.” Matthias stood back and eyed Nathanial critically. “You look fine. We have

time to call in and see the captain, then go out to Cioldron’s place, and then get back for the


Nathanial swallowed, clearly uneasy.

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Unable to resist his desire any longer, Chev pulled Nathanial into his arms. “Calm

down. We’re on your side. It’s going to be okay.” He kept his voice soft and soothing. The

scents of worry and fear still rolled off his mate, souring Nathanial’s naturally sweet, musky


Nathanial nodded. “I owe both of you so much already.”

“You don’t owe us anything. You’re innocent. Now we have to ensure that you get

your bail, and then we can focus on who would try and frame you this way.”

“Come on,” Matthias said, slapping them both gently on their backs. “Let’s get



Seeing the captain was just a formality, but going before Cioldron was a different

matter. The bail bond was essential, and Chev worried Cioldron might not be as convinced of

Nathanial’s innocence as he was. The man’s reputation preceded him. He never had a runner,

and his clients were always found innocent. To have him behind Nathanial would be a huge

boost for them all.

He stared up at the vast glass skyscraper. Cioldron’s office was in the up-market side

of town, among the elite, exclusive businesses. His well-appointed offices reminded Chev

more of a rich lawyer than a man who put up bail bonds.

He took a steadying breath as they were shown into the main office. Cioldron sat back

in a large, well-padded black leather chair. Even while he was seated, there was no mistaking

his impressive height, and his build was solid, even bulkier than that of Matthias. His hair

was silver-blond, cropped short, and his eyes gleamed sharp, intelligent, and pale blue. His

gaze fixed instantly on Nathanial.

“Matthias wants me to put up a bail bond for you. I’m being asked for a ludicrous

amount of money because of the value of the mask, which the prosecutor claims you still

have. The evidence I’ve read says you’re guilty, though I can understand Chev wanting you

to be innocent. Seems another shifter is in agreement. Come here.”

Before Nathanial took a step, another man came into the room. He was younger,

slimmer, shorter, and yet obviously Cioldron’s son. His hair was almost pure silver and

gelled into spikes. As he subjected them to an assessing gaze, Chev noticed the mascara and

eyeliner that emphasized his ice-blue eyes. He also noticed the way Matthias stood a little

straighter as his gaze drank in the new arrival.

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“Sindri, I’m about to decide whether to offer bail to Nathanial here. Care to assist?”

“Of course, Pop.”

Chev nudged Nathanial gently as his mate simply stood and stared at them. Chev

wanted to hold him, to promise all was well, and perhaps, if he passed this test, it might be. A

cold shiver of nervousness zigzagged down his spine as Cioldron and his son went into first-

stage shift.

Retaining their human forms, their canines descended, their skin turned grey and

leathery, and their eyes became black and fathomless. Chev had never been close to this form

of alpha shifter. Sharks. They even unnerved him. Adrenaline pumped through his body, and

his heart hammered as he watched and listened.

“Your name is Nathanial,” Cioldron said as Nathanial stopped in front of his desk.

“Yes, sir.”

“You work as a curator?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You enjoy it? You don’t wish for more?”

“Yes, sir, and no, this job is the one I dreamed of having. I love working with

antiquities, and especially South American artefacts.”

Cioldron’s voice dropped, becoming harsher, more guttural. “Did you steal the


The sudden change made Nathanial jump, but he stood his ground. “No, sir. I swear I


“Did you have any involvement with the masks found in your apartment or the

missing shaman’s mask?”

“No, sir. I did not.”

Long seconds passed as Cioldron and Sindri simply looked at one another. Slowly

they resumed their human forms. Sindri came round from his father’s side and sashayed

towards Matthias, a gleam in his pale blue eyes.

Cioldron signed a sheet of paper on his desk, and then looked up at them. “Bail will

be met. I’ll even stretch my legs and come to the court with you. Seems Johnson isn’t too

pleased with you, Matthias. He’s actively looking for a new partner. ‘Not another dumb

shifter,’ as he put it. I believe Mara will be present too. She doesn’t normally appear

personally at bail hearings. Someone wants you behind bars, boy. Let’s see who has more

sway with the judge.”

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Chev wondered where Cioldron got his info from, but decided against asking. That

Cioldron believed Nathanial innocent was all he could have asked for. He slid an arm around

his mate’s waist as Sindri smirked at Matthias.

“I’m very partial to bears,” he said. “I’d like to help, Pop.”

Cioldron smiled, displaying a row of even, white teeth. “Very well. Let’s go and sort

out bail, and then I’ll leave Nathanial in your hands.”

Once they reached court, Nathanial stepped aside with Cioldron and his son, and they

then took their places before the judge. Despite wanting to be close to his mate, Chev sat with

Matthias in the public gallery. Cioldron and Sindri sat on either side of Nathanial.

Mara sat with Johnson, her perfume strong, and so heavily floral that it almost made

Chev’s eyes water. The surprised look from Johnson gave Chev a perverse sense of

satisfaction. Their gazes locked for a few seconds.

Chev’s hackles rose. He leaned closer to Matthias. “How long have you worked with


Matthias shrugged. “About five months, I think.”

“Didn’t his other partner have an accident?”

Matthias nodded slowly. “As I remember it, they’d been arguing for a couple of

weeks over Johnson’s tactics. Then the next thing I hear, Simons was in hospital. Hit and run,

broke both his legs. I didn’t have a partner at the time, which suited me. Johnson requested

me as his replacement partner. Didn’t bother me either way, so I agreed.”

“Be honest with me,” Chev whispered. “Do you let Johnson do all the running?”

Matthias sighed. “I guess I have. I’ve been happy to plod along at my own pace. I’m

not interested in making lieutenant.”

“So how does he get such a good success rate? How did you know about the mask?”

“An informer. Johnson has a really good informer.” Matthias turned so he could look

directly at Chev. “Are you suggesting he’s involved in this?”

“I don’t know. I just get a bad feeling. If Nathanial hadn’t turned out to be my mate,

would you have let Johnson run the investigation?”

Matthias nodded. “Yeah. I don’t normally go into his interrogations. He gives me all

the paperwork to do, and I like doing it. The arrangement worked well for us…until now. But

I would have stepped in for Nathanial if you hadn’t burst in when you did. I wasn’t liking

what I was seeing, but I kinda haven’t used my shifter senses so much while working with

Johnson. I haven’t needed to. Shit! You really think he’s crooked in some way, don’t you?”

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Chev rubbed the back of his neck. “He couldn’t have pulled this off on his own. When

we get Nathanial home, I want to go over everything that’s happened to him, particularly

since getting the senior position. We know he’s innocent. Even Cioldron believes him. “

He fell silent as the judge came in. Once seated, the judge looked over at Cioldron.

“According to my paperwork, Detective Johnson, as well as Chief Prosecutor Mara,

oppose bail in what they see as an open-and-shut case against your client. While two masks

have been recovered, the third, which is a priceless artwork as well as having been entrusted

to our island’s care, remains missing. They suggest that to grant bail will provide your client

with the opportunity to leave Jackson Island with the mask. What do you say?”

Cioldron stood and addressed the judge. “I believe my client innocent in regards to

having stolen anything, and I have faith that Detective Matthias and Office Parker will prove

that. Therefore he is not going to break bail and try and run as he has no reason to do so. I’m

willing to meet the bail set, and my son Sindri will, with Nathanial’s full agreement, remain

with him while the investigation proceeds.”

“According to what I’ve read, your client has never been in trouble before. The

charges are serious, given the possibility that our relationship with Peru may suffer due to the

theft, as well as the value of the artifact itself. However, there’s no violence connected to the

charges, nor do I believe your client a danger to public safety.”

“I entertain no such concerns, Your Honor,” Cioldron said.

The judge looked over at Mara and Johnson. “Have you anything to add to the

objections to bail you’ve already offered?”

Rising slowly, Mara glared briefly in the direction of Chev and Matthias. “Only that

this seems to have degenerated into some kind of shifter conspiracy. Officer Parker has

claimed Mr. Greene as a mate. Now there are two other shifters involved in what should be a

simple case of theft and trafficking in stolen artefacts.”

“There is mention that your client is the mate of Officer Parker.” The judge shuffled

his papers and stared down at Cioldron.

Cioldron’s form changed as he turned to glower at Mara. Even the first stage shift was

enough to make those watching the proceedings fidget in their seats. Mara’s eyes widened as

Cioldron spoke, his teeth now long, and sharp. “Are you impugning my integrity?”

“I’m quite sure that isn’t the case…is it, Prosecutor Mara?” The judge’s voice was

loud, and it drew Cioldron’s attention. He shifted back to human form.

“My apologies if that’s how it sounded,” Mara said quickly.

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“Officer Parker has not claimed Nathanial. He wishes his mate to be proven innocent

of these charges first.” Cioldron laid a hand on Nathanial’s shoulder. “I’m willing to meet the

bail being requested. I’m happy to leave him in the care of my son. I’m that confident of

Nathanial’s innocence.”

Johnson jumped to his feet. “This is just shifters closing ranks here,” he shouted.

The judge’s face clouded, and he glared at Johnson. “This is my court. I apply the law

to all men equally. There is nothing here that tells me that I should oppose bail. If your case is

as strong as you say, Detective Johnson, Prosecutor Mara, you will have no difficulty

convicting this man when he comes to trial. In the meantime, I am inclined to set bail.

Cioldron, please approach the bench. Once these formalities are concluded, your client is free

to leave the court, but he must abide by the restrictions I place on his bail. Is that clearly


“Indeed it is, Your Honor.” Cioldron bowed slightly as he headed to the bench.

Chev glanced across at Johnson, and his nostrils flared. Johnson wasn’t just angry at

Nathanial being granted bail. Chev detected a hint of nervousness. His lips curved into a grim

smile. This isn’t going your way. Nathanial isn’t guilty. You know it, and I’ll prove it.

Johnson and Mara conferred for a few moments and then left together, their eyes

focused straight ahead, pointedly ignoring Chev and Matthias.

Sindri leaned back and winked. “Now there’s an unhappy couple. Officer Parker, I

thought it best if we went to my apartment, and Nathanial stays there with me. We can pick

up some additional clothing for Nathanial on the way. I have a feeling the judge will impose

restrictions on the bail for Nathanial.”

Chev turned his gaze back to Sindri and nodded. “Good idea. I’ll feel happier if he’s

away from his own place.”

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Chapter Four

Sindri opened the door to his apartment and indicated the others should go first. Chev

led the way, then stopped and whistled. This wasn’t just an apartment, it was a penthouse.

Two steps down led into the lounge with three large red leather sofas set around a fireplace

on the left, over which hung a huge plasma TV screen. On either side of the fireplace were

well-filled, floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and on either side of those were French windows

leading out to a balcony.

On the right were shelves containing DVDs and CDs, and a dresser with an array of

drinks and glasses. At the far end of the room, a couple of steps up led to a dining area with a

table big enough to accommodate eight people. A serving hatch and an archway led into the

kitchen area.

“I’m glad you offered to let Nathanial stay here.” Chev slapped Sindri’s back, earning

a wide grin in response.

“No choice, since the judge made it compulsory as part of conditions of bail. But

happy to help all the same.” Sindri pointed to a doorway on the right just past the shelving.

“The restrictions aren’t too bad. Staying here, not going out unaccompanied. Keeping away

from his own apartment. Not that there’s anything hidden there.” He rolled his eyes and

laughed. “Anyway, through there are the bedrooms and bathrooms. Nathanial, take the last

bedroom on the left at the end of the hallway. There’s an en suite toilet, washbasin and

shower in there. Gives you a little more privacy.”

“I…I don’t know what to say. The evidence points to me, but, but you believe me—”

Nathanial started to shake, and Chev pulled him into a hug. It felt so good to be holding him

that Chev didn’t want to let go.

“Go,” Sindri said, waving his hands. “Settle him down. I’ll fix some food, and we can

eat before going any further.”

Chev nodded and led Nathanial to the room Sindri had offered. He opened the door to

reveal a bright and airy room. The balcony Chev noticed in the lounge obviously ran around

the apartment as a sliding door opposite the bed led outside. A couple of brightly colored

abstract paintings gave life to pale cream walls, and the bedding in crimson and gold picked

out accents from the paintings. Sindri certainly had good taste.

Chev turned Nathanial to face him. He slid a thumb under the human’s chin so he

could tilt Nathanial’s head up and gaze down into his beautiful hazel eyes. “We believe you.

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And whoever did this didn’t allow for a shifter finding his mate. But I don’t want this

hanging over us when we become mated.”

“I wish…I wish I’d met you sooner. I hate that you’re getting to know me as…as a

criminal. I want you to know me as I was before all this started. I feel like you’re not seeing

the real me at all.”

Nathanial’s voice was soft and husky, and heat bloomed in Chev’s groin. He pulled

Nathanial closer, and angled his head so he could claim the soft, full pink lips as his own. He

wasn’t going to take Nathanial as his mate now. Not in another’s shifter’s home, and not with

the theft hanging over him. That didn’t mean he couldn’t learn how Nathanial tasted, though,

or how his skin felt under Chev’s hands, lips, and tongue.

“I shouldn’t want you so much,” Nathanial murmured. “We don’t even really know

one another. But right now all I can think of is having you.”

“You’re reacting in part to my pheromones,” Chev replied. “Do you want me to go?”

Leaving was the last thing he wanted, but equally he didn’t want Nathanial doing anything

he’d regret later.

“I don’t know what I want,” Nathanial said, his voice still soft. “Part of me wants to

run away and hide in a corner somewhere and pretend none of this is happening. Another part

wants you to hold me and never let me go. But I keep thinking, how can you want me, or

even think of loving me when there’s still nothing to prove me innocent?”

“You’re my mate. Guilty or innocent, I would stand by you and love you. But I know

in my heart you’re innocent. Let me make you feel loved. Give you something more

substantial to hold on to when the doubts try and take control.” He drew Nathanial into a

gentle kiss, and gradually deepened it until Nathanial’s erection brushed against his thigh.

Urging Nathanial back and onto the bed, Chev covered Nathanial’s slighter body with

his own. He continued kissing, and impatiently unfastened Nathanial’s shirt so he could lick

and nip the dusky pink buds that peaked instantly.

“You smell so good,” Nathanial whispered. “So sexy.”

Chev bit down gently at Nathanial’s collarbone. He didn’t want to leave obvious

marks, but the beast within wanted something to show that this man belonged to him. He

unfastened Nathanial’s pants, delving inside the underwear beneath until his hand closed

around hot, hard, damp flesh.

He pulled Nathanial’s cock out of the briefs and shuffled down his lover’s body to

take it into his mouth. Musk, saltiness, and a hint of sweetness that echoed the taste of

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Nathanial’s lips burst onto Chev’s tongue. He would never tire of this taste. He sucked hard,

and his hand followed his mouth, stroking, silently urging Nathanial to come.

Nathanial tried to writhe, but Chev’s greater body weight and bulk made it easy for

him to keep Nathanial pinned exactly where he wanted him. Nathanial’s body stiffened and

then jerked hard as his release flooded Chev’s mouth.

Chev swallowed all Nathanial could offer, licking at the slowly softening flesh as

Nathanial lay spent. He crawled up his lover’s body, kissing him deeply, his tongue sweeping

imperiously past Nathanial’s lips.

As the kiss ended, Nathanial made himself comfortable nestled against Chev’s body.

They lay together, simply enjoying the afterglow until there was a tap on the door.

“I’ll have some food ready in fifteen minutes.” Sindri’s voice sounded through the

door. “Don’t be late, guys.”

“Time to shower and dress,” Chev said. “I’ll scrub your back if you scrub mine.”

“Sounds perfect,” Nathanial said, and kissed Chev. “To seal the deal.”


Only casual conversation interrupted the meal. When they’d finished, the four men sat

in the lounge.

“Okay, Nathanial. Tell us about getting the senior curator’s job. How many people did

you beat out for it?” Chev asked.

“Three of us wanted it,” Nathanial said. “Me, Rebekah, and Raymond. They were

more senior than me, but I had far more knowledge about the South American exhibits, and

of course, a personal recommendation for the position. I studied history and art in school, and

especially love anything to do with the Incans, Mayans, and Aztecs. I’ve even been on

several digs in South America and volunteered at the museum regularly. I was delighted

when a job came up. I’d been helping Harry—that is, Harrison Smythe—for years, so I

hardly needed any training. Then, when he announced he was retiring, I applied for his job,

and with that came responsibility for the South American collection. Harry gave me a

wonderful recommendation.”

“Okay. So two others missed out,” Chev said. “What about this mask? Who knew it

was coming, and when?”

“By the time I was established in the post, we’d finally got the confirmation the mask

was on its way. We knew that getting the exhibits would take months rather than weeks.

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Harry was excited and disappointed in equal measure, so I told him he could help me…to

repay him for all the help he’d given me. The shipment arrived, containing other items for the

display, but the mask is the most valuable and prestigious. I checked everything to make sure

we had everything we should, and we did. Everything was ticked off and I secured it for the

night. Then when Harry came to see it the next day, the mask was missing. I thought

someone must have unpacked it and set it in storage by mistake, and we searched

everywhere. Then the police showed up, and, well, you know the rest.”

“How did your competitors react when you got the job?” Matthias asked.

Nathanial shook his head. “Raymond was disappointed, but he was okay. Rebekah

hasn’t really spoken to me since. I kinda hoped that things would have got back to normal by


“She’s making life difficult?” Chev asked.

Nathanial grimaced. “She did for a couple of months. Then she went quiet. That’s

why I hoped things were getting normal. But she still blanks me.”

“Hell hath no fury,” Sindri said. “But even if she held a vendetta against Nathanial,

surely she couldn’t have done all this?”

“Not alone. Sindri, your scenting skills are superior to mine or Matthias’s. I want to

get you close to those stolen masks found in Nathanial’s apartment, and I want you to scent

them. If Nathanial handled those fake masks, then his scent should be there, and Johnson’s as

he took them from the walls and put them in the evidence room. But since we know

Nathanial didn’t, then maybe there’s another scent. The scent of the person who really

removed the original masks and did the fakes.”

“I know Johnson’s scent from the courtroom. So perhaps once I’ve checked out the

masks, I can visit the museum,” Sindri said with a smile. “See if I recognise a scent that

belongs to someone working there.”

Chev nodded. “I may have my suspicions about Johnson, but he couldn’t access the

masks, or have such impeccable copies made. Not without help.” Chev gazed around at his

friends. Nathanial looked as if the bottom had dropped out of his world, and Chev reached

across to clasp his hand. Matthias was nodding, and Sindri placed a hand on Matthias’s arm.

“This is surreal,” Nathanial said.

“Unfortunately it’s all too real,” Matthias said.

“I think Nathanial needs to stay here, where he’s safe,” Sindri said. “You have to

work. Tomorrow Matthias can take me to see those masks. We can meet up with you after


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Chev grimaced. As sympathetic as the captain had been, the precinct was too short-

staffed to release him from work for the next two nights. Thankfully, he could take some of

his well-accrued leave then. However, being at work also meant he had unlimited access to

the department. He smiled at Nathanial. “Sindri’s right. No one’s going to disturb you here,

and the best thing for you right now is to leave things in our hands.”

Nathanial glanced at each of them in turn, Chev last, and his eyes shimmered behind

his lenses. “I can’t repay any of you for what you’ve done or your belief in my innocence.”

His voice cracked, and he quickly looked down at his hands.

“Proving you’re innocent is all the payment I need,” Matthias said, his voice dropping

to a deep rumble. “And if Chev is right about Johnson, we’ll also be getting a bent cop off the


Nathanial looked up, a slight smile curving his lips. “I’m good with computers if that

helps at all.”

“We’ll let you know,” Chev said. He glanced at his watch. “Dammit, I have to go.”

“Wait a minute,” Sindri said and hurried from the room. He returned a moment later

with a key on a chain. “So you can come and go as you want. Now, you bid your farewells to

Nathanial. I have something in my room I need to show Matthias.” Sindri grabbed the bigger

man’s hand and pulled him up. “Come back here when your shift’s over. See you.”

Chuckling at the sight of Matthias dutifully following the smaller man, Chev shook

his head.

“They’re mates, too. Aren’t they?”

Nathanial’s smile widened, and Chev’s stomach flipped. God he’s so gorgeous.

“I’m pretty sure, although neither has said as much.” Chev grinned. The big, burly

bear and his sharp shark twink. Despite the huge differences between the two men, Chev got

a good feeling when he was around them. He shuffled a little closer to Nathanial and

removed his lover’s glasses, setting them safely aside. Then he framed Nathanial’s face in his

hands and kissed him tenderly. “I’ll miss you. Text me while you’re awake. Text anything. A

smiley face, a snippet from your past. Anything.”

Nathanial gazed deeply into Chev’s eyes. “I will. I promise. But if you’re busy, you

must tell me. I don’t want you to get in trouble or danger on my account.”

Pulling Nathanial closer, Chev kissed him harder, deeper, giving rein to some of the

passion he so wanted to lavish on his mate. A soft whine of need from Nathanial sent desire

scorching through Chev’s veins, and it took an effort of will to pull back from his mate. “Stay

up as late as you can. I want you to sleep in my arms when I get back.”

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Nathanial nodded. “There’s plenty of reading material here. Take care.”

Standing up, Chev held out his hand, and they walked slowly together to the front

door, Chev still clasping tightly to Nathanial’s hand. He opened the door, and stepped

outside. “I’ll double check with the captain to see if I can take tomorrow night off. I’ll be

back as soon as I can.”

“Just be careful out there.”

Chev stroked Nathanial’s cheek, and then turned and strode purposefully to the

elevator. However, as he went to step inside, he turned back. He grinned with delight as he

saw Matthias and Sindri, their arms around Nathanial’s shoulders, and all three men were

waving at him. He returned the gesture and got in the elevator.

He couldn’t wait for his shift to be over.

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Chapter Five

To Chev’s relief, his shift was uneventful. For the first few hours, he’d had texts on

the hour from Nathanial, giving him small insights into the man he ached to claim as his

mate. Chev hadn’t been surprised when the texts had stopped in the early hours of the

morning. He just hoped that Nathanial would be able to sleep for a short while in his arms.

He picked up a change of clothes from his own apartment and headed back to

Sindri’s. Creeping inside his friend’s apartment, Chev tiptoed down the hallway, hoping not

to disturb his friends. When he opened the door to Nathanial’s room, he smiled.

His mate was stretched out on top of the bed, still wearing his t-shirt and briefs, his

cell phone in his hand, sleeping soundly. Chev stripped quickly, removed the phone, eased

Nathanial onto his side, and spooned close behind him. Nathanial murmured softly, but didn’t

wake. He just shuffled closer to Chev.

Chev kissed his mate’s neck and ignored his inner beast’s desire to mark him with a

bite. For now, this was the best it would be. He hoped that later that day, Matthias and Sindri

would get something from checking out the masks.


Movement woke Chev, and he smiled as Nathanial, minus his t-shirt, crawled over

him. Nathanial kissed his way along Chev’s jaw before pressing his lips hard against Chev’s.

When Nathanial’s tongue pushed its way into his mouth, Chev wrapped his arms around his

mate and pulled him tight to his chest.

He rolled their bodies together and wriggled a hand into Nathanial’s briefs to free the

hard cock they imprisoned. Nathanial moaned and bucked as Chev squeezed. Ensuring both

pricks were in his hand, Chev stroked as he kissed and nipped Nathanial’s throat. As his

climax neared, Chev bit down on Nathanial’s shoulder and sucked hard.

With a muted cry, Nathanial came, and the scent of his mate’s release pushed Chev

over the edge. He growled softly as his seed mixed with Nathanial’s over his mate’s stomach

and chest. He drew back a little, rubbed their combined release into Nathanial’s skin, and

inhaled deeply. His darker, muskier scent merged perfectly with Nathanial’s lighter, woodier


“I missed you,” Nathanial whispered as he nuzzled Chev’s throat.

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“I missed you, too,” Chev said.

“Matthias and Sindri said they’d be out early this morning. Matthias wanted to get

Sindri into the precinct first thing, and then take him to the museum. He was going to say he

wanted to interview everyone in the museum, so that Sindri could scent all the curators.”

Chev grunted and glanced at his watch. It was already after ten AM. He’d slept

soundly, wrapped around his mate. That was something he was looking forward to when this

was finally over. Reaching to the bedside table, he picked up his cell phone and checked for

messages. He grinned.

“According to a message from Matthias, Sindri scented the fake masks, and your

scent wasn’t there. So that’s no fingerprints, despite the fact the masks were hanging on your

walls, and they don’t smell of you. With a shifter lawyer working for you, these are all huge

cracks in Mara and Johnson’s so called open-and-shut case.”

“I’ll just be so glad when this is all over,” Nathanial said and burrowed close to Chev.

Chev wrapped his arms around his lover. Nathanial tried hard to hide his distress, but

as a shifter, and especially as a mate, Chev was well aware of just how deep a toll the stress

of the situation was taking on Nathanial. He kissed the top of his head.

Easing from the bed to stand up, Chev drew Nathanial with him. “Let’s shower and

have breakfast. Hopefully we’ll have some more news later.”

They shared the shower, each man soaping the body of the other. For Chev it was

natural to want to groom his mate, and his thoughts drifted to many shared showers and baths

in their future. Following the shower, they ate, and then retired to sit in the lounge.

“Do you have family on the island?” Nathanial asked as they sat cuddled close

together on the couch.

“No. my family are on the mainland, too. The bulk of them are in Nevada, but I have

some in Arizona and Louisiana. I’m scheduled to take some leave in a few weeks. By then I

expect this to be behind us, and I’ll be able to take you to meet my family.”

Nathanial gazed into his eyes. “You really want me to meet your family?”

Sliding down onto his back, Chev pulled Nathanial to lie on top of him. “I want to

meet the rest of my family. You’re my family, too.”

A soft sound escaped Nathanial’s lips before he pressed them to Chev’s. The kiss

ebbed and flowed, each man taking and relinquishing control as they explored one another’s

mouths. Chev eased his hands beneath Nathanial’s t-shirt and stroked the warm, soft skin of

his lover’s back.

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As their lips briefly parted, Chev eased his fingers into Nathanial’s jeans to tease at

the dimple at the small of his back. Nathanial writhed, grinding his erection against Chev’s.

He was about to suggest removing their pants when his cell phone beeped.

Chev reached over to snag the phone and gave a disgruntled growl when he read the


“What is it?” Nathanial asked.

“The captain wants to see me. Look, you stay here. Keep yourself locked in. I’ll get

hold of Sindri and Matthias, see how they’ve done at the museum, and let them know I’ve

had to go to the precinct.”

Nathanial nodded. “I won’t be going anywhere. You take care out there, though.”

Chev pulled him into an embrace. “I will. I promise. Lock the door behind me. Don’t

answer it to anyone. Sindri and I have keys.” He grabbed his badge and gun and waited

outside the apartment until he heard the lock snick into place. Only then did he head for the

elevator. He shuddered as it descended. A strange feeling of nervousness took hold of him.

In the basement garage, he hurried over to the guest parking place Sindri had arranged

for him. He glanced back at the elevator doors and his hackles rose. He could almost feel

danger. He stopped and raised his head in the air, scenting around him. Nothing seemed out

of place. But he was sure Nathanial was somehow in danger.

Puzzled, Chev shook his head and clambered into his car. He’d find out what the

captain wanted and get back to Nathanial as quickly as possible. The farther he drove from

the apartment, the more uneasy Chev grew. Slamming his brakes as he parked at the precinct,

he ran to the elevator and went up to his department and through to the captain’s office.

A message came through on his cell phone and he glanced at it quickly. “Jackpot,” he

said with satisfaction. The scent Sindri had picked up from the mask matched that of the

jealous female curator, Rebekah.

Although she’d gone home sick when she’d heard all the curators were being

questioned, the scent was unmistakeable in her room. Matthias was going to going to

organize a warrant to search her apartment, certain that there would be evidence of her

manufacture of the fakes, and bring her in for questioning.

Buoyed by the positive news, Chev bounded along the hallway and into the squad

room. The blank look from O’Shea stopped him dead in his tracks and created a cold, heavy

feeling in his stomach.

“What are you doing here?” O’Shea asked. “You’re not due back until your shift

starts tonight. I told you I wouldn’t be able to give you the night off.”

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“I got a message to say you wanted me here,” Chev said. Fur rippled down his arms,

and his incisors dropped as O’Shea shook his head.

“I made no such call.”

“Nathanial,” Chev growled low. “Danger.” He tried to call his lover, but the phone

didn’t even ring. There was no way Nathanial would have switched it off. “Contact Matthias.

Tell him I’m on my way to Sindri’s apartment.”

Without waiting for O’Shea to reply, Chev turned and ran.

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Chapter Six

The door to Sindri’s apartment wasn’t locked as he’d last seen it. It was ajar. Chev

drew his gun and cautiously looked inside. There were signs of a struggle and a few drops of

blood. Chev threw back his head and bayed, a sound of fear, anger, and distress. The faint,

coppery scent was that of his mate’s blood. Nathanial was hurt, taken. Someone had

kidnapped his mate, and they would pay.

Keeping a tenuous hold on his human form, Chev grabbed his cell phone. Matthias

responded within seconds.

“Someone’s snatched Nathanial.” Chev’s voice was thick, and guttural, but he knew

Matthias had no difficulty understanding him.

“Rebekah’s been killed. Wait a second.”

Chev’s body shook as he heard Sindri murmuring to Matthias. Then his friend was


“Do what you have to, but keep your biomesh on so you can carry your cell phone.

We’re heading back to the apartment now. Sindri will rely on his sense of scent to help us

track Nathanial. You can use your bond with him to do the same. Keep in touch.”

“Thanks.” Chev didn’t waste any more time. He ran out of the apartment and up onto

the roof, where he inhaled deeply. A sea mist was rolling in, dancing and swirling between

the high rises around the building. Lights glistened inside them, and the thought of people

going about their normal lives while his mate was endangered made Chev growl.

Ripping off his shirt, Chev bared his furred chest to the night air, glad to be free of the

restricting garment. The chill caressed his heated skin. Next he pulled out his baton, holding

it briefly in his hands before setting it aside. He placed his gun with the remnants of his shirt.

Then he attacked his pants. Thick, grey fur was rapidly spreading over his body as he shifted.

Clawing impatiently at the fastenings of his shoes Chev kicked them off along with his

underwear and socks.

Leaning back, Chev howled. The sound promised vengeance. Several cries answered

his call. Other shifters. They recognized the implicit threat. A black strip of material hugged

Chev’s waist, the biomesh Matthias had reminded him about. Not all shifters were happy to

appear naked before a crowd of ogling humans once they shifted back, and some humans had

complained about their nudity. Biomesh hugged a shifter’s body, in human or other form.

Chev folded it over his badge and cell phone and slid his baton under it at the small of his

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back. Once he’d put his gun safely back in Sindri’s apartment, he’d shift into his animal

form, becoming a deadly alpha predator in his own right.

He went back into the apartment, throwing the remnants of his clothing on the floor,

and left his gun on the table. Hugging the stairs, he darted past the desk security. The man

simply activated the doors for him, clearly used to dealing with shifters. As he raced down

the steps onto the sidewalk, Chev completed his shift. He raised his head and bayed. Another

coyote answered from somewhere off in the distance. He scented the air, and focused on


Mate. Mate. Mate.

A fragile tendril slithered into his mind. He turned slowly, focusing on where the wisp

felt strongest. Something else tugged at his mind. A force, strong and ancient, urged him to

hurry. With another cry, he loped away. His tongue lolled as he ran, keeping to the shadows

as far as possible. He headed towards the docks.

Eventually he stopped and focused again. His mate felt closer, and the tendril had

strengthened, glowing golden in his mind. The strange force felt stronger still. He morphed

into his semi-human form and hit speed-dial on his cell phone.

“Go.” Matthias’s voice was more of a growl, but Chev understood perfectly.

“Docks,” he replied.

“Already on our way there, thanks to Sindri. We’ll find you. Don’t call again.”

“No gun. Just baton.” Chev rumbled the words.

“Wait for us if you can.”

Changing back to coyote, Chev ran on, his nose twitching as he added his sense of

smell to help him locate Nathanial. A sensation of excitement registered from the strange

force, and the golden link to Nathanial flared brightly as Chev approached a three-storey

warehouse. A howl drifted to his ears on the night air. The sound was soft, muted, as though

meant only for Chev’s ears.

He scented around the back of the building. His mate was there. Shifting back into

semi-human form, Chev clambered upwards, using a drain pipe until he reached the fire

escape stairs. Running swiftly up to the roof, he ignored the door. That would be locked, but

there were quicker ways in. He knelt next to a skylight. This lock was much easier to break,

and as a shifter, the leap to the floor was not difficult.

Crouching low, Chev tilted his head left and right, listening for any sound. Nothing.

Rising slowly, he headed to the stairs. Pausing at the top Chev listened again, and then ran

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down. Keeping his body pressed tightly against the wall, Chev cautiously opened the door.

Although there were no sounds, his other senses told him he was getting closer to Nathanial.

Shifting to his coyote form, Chev trotted across to the exposed iron stairs, his nose

and ears twitching continually. Lowering his body so that his belly was barely above the

floor, Chev ran cautiously down. There was a babble of voices, but they were just a little too

far away for him to hear clearly. Nathanial’s scent was now easily recognizable, and a second

belonged to Johnson. The third was the same unknown scent from Sindri’s apartment. There

was a fourth, which emitted a sweet, cloying floral scent, and Chev swallowed a snarl before

he ran the risk of giving himself away.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Chev kept low as he followed scent and sound. The

warehouse had shelving stacked floor to ceiling with boxes in row after row. Chev picked his

way along the aisles, closing in on his mate.

Finally he stopped. From his angle, low on the ground, he looked up at the scene

ahead. Nathanial was visible in profile. He sat in a chair, but his hands were behind his back,

presumably tied. Johnson paced back and forth, and the third man stood close to Nathanial.

He was bulky, well-dressed, but couldn’t keep still, almost hopping from foot to foot as

Johnson and Mara argued. His gaze kept flitting to Nathanial. Chev drew his lips back and

bared his teeth. The man was Nathanial’s kidnapper, and his scent as much as his actions

betrayed his nervousness.

Johnson stopped pacing, and faced the other man. “Why the fuck did you bring him


“Mara told me to. Look, I took care of the woman. She’s not going to talk to that

shifter partner of yours or anyone else again. Like Mara says, this set-up is too sweet to give

up now. You’re heading for your promotion, Mara gets credit for successful prosecutions,

and then we all prosper. Lieutenant and then the captaincy for you. That’s what you wanted.

That’s what you’ll have. Mara has her eye on becoming a D.A. on the mainland, and I want

off this island. To retire somewhere away from here and the hordes of shifters that live here.

All that stands between us and our dreams is him. If it wasn’t for those fucked-up sub-

humans, we’d be free and clear.”

“Buddy’s right, Johnson. I haven’t invested my time, energy and money into what we

have for everything to fall apart now.” Mara stalked towards Nathanial, and a sub-vocal

growl slipped past Chev’s lips.

“And what about him? What are we going to do with him?” Johnson pointed at


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“That’s why I had him brought here,” Mara said. “He’s the only barrier we have to

continuing as we were. Get rid of him, and we’re home free.”

“And just how are we supposed to do that?” Johnson’s voice dripped scorn. “In case

you forgot, he has three shifters hanging off his shirt tails.”

“We need a boat.” Buddy spoke up. “Mara has it all figured out. Take him out as far

as we can and dump him, heavily weighed down. If he’s gone, you can move on. The

assumption will be that he ran because he was guilty. The woman can’t say any more. Who’s

left? No one. We just need to sort out another good set-up for you. Another good arrest.”

“His mate’s a cop. Parker won’t accept it.” Johnson rubbed the back of his neck and

paced again.

“Don’t worry about him.” Mara’s voice took on a soothing cadence. “He’ll be in a

tailspin because his mate’s missing. As good as he may be, he isn’t going to find a body at

the bottom of the ocean. Even the sharks would need something to help them locate him.

Sorry to say that Nathanial is just going to vanish off the face of the earth like so many before

him. “

“It’s the only way, Johnson,” Buddy said.

“Look, Buddy, I don’t know—” Johnson stopped and turned, but his words were cut


“Don’t be a fucking idiot. There’s no one to tie you to that woman from the museum.

I was the one who heard her bitching and whining. I was the one who got her to make the

fake masks and took them to his apartment while you showed up to arrest him. She’s dead

now. That leaves him.” Mara pointed to Nathanial.

Buddy grabbed Nathanial’s shoulder and yanked him to his feet. “You weren’t

worried about slamming his ass in jail. Don’t get cold feet now.”

“Fuck it all to hell.” Johnson looked heavenward, and then back to where Nathanial

stood next to Buddy. “You have a boat in mind?”

Buddy nodded. “Oh, yeah. Mara took care of that while I was taking care of

blabbermouth. One of the small motorised speedboats. Let’s go.”

“Stay where you are!” Matthias’s voice boomed out. “Put down your weapons. Don’t

make things worse than they are, Johnson!”

A shrill scream came from Mara as she ran to hide between the aisles of boxes.

Chev crouched ready. The distance was still too great for him to take a chance by

running out. He growled low in his throat as Buddy wrapped a meaty arm around Nathanial’s

neck, using him as a shield. Johnson grabbed at his gun as he, too, ran for cover.

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“You’re making a big mistake. All of you,” Matthias shouted. “You’re facing shifters,

not humans. Give it up now.”

“You try anything and it’s pretty-boy here that’ll pay, animal-man.” Buddy yelled

toward the direction of Matthias’s voice as he dragged Nathanial backward.

Chev watched him, flattening his body against the shelving, keeping in the shadows.

Thanks to Matthias, Nathanial was being dragged closer to Chev. Johnson fired at Matthias

and then ran deeper into the warehouse as Buddy came a little closer to Chev. Matthias

chased after Johnson, but Sindri was so close behind him that the smaller man might have

been attached to the big detective.

Then Chev’s whole focus was the human that dared threaten his mate. As Buddy drew

level, Chev pounced with a savage snarl. He clawed the arm around Nathanial’s neck and

pulled his mate free. Buddy screamed, clutched at his arm, and then ran. Chev hesitated only

long enough to check that his mate was unhurt, then took off in pursuit.

The scent of blood was sharp and metallic in the air, which made it easy to track the

human. Chev dropped to all fours. The scent was getting stronger. Buddy was waiting for him

just up ahead.

Backing up a few steps, Chev scaled the shelves. Crawling to the edge, he looked

down. No one. Taking a couple of steps back, Chev ran and jumped, landing effortlessly on

the next rack of shelves.

Crouching down, Chev edged forward and peered over. Buddy was below, a gun in

his hand. Chev pulled out his baton and leapt. He smashed the baton against Buddy’s gun

hand, sending the weapon skittering away. Chev tossed his baton aside and lunged at the


They battled for dominance, rolling together on the floor. Although Buddy’s bulk

allowed him to absorb some of Chev’s blows and get in a couple of his own, a human was no

match for a shifter.

One powerful punch to the man’s jaw made Buddy go limp. Chev rolled to his feet

and looked down at his prey. Once he was certain Buddy wasn’t a danger, Chev reached

down, grabbed a handful of the man’s shirt, and dragged him back to where he’d left


Matthias and Sindri were already there. The moment Nathanial saw Chev, he ran

toward him. Chev dropped Buddy and caught Nathanial in a tight embrace.

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“I knew you’d find me.” Nathanial breathed the words against Chev’s neck. “I

stupidly answered the door because Buddy said he was Harry. He said he needed help, and I

just didn’t stop to think.”

“Nothing and no one would have stopped me,” Chev said. He kept an arm around

Nathanial’s waist as they walked back to Matthias and Sindri. “I’m just relieved you’re

unhurt…apart from this.” He tenderly touched Nathanial’s brow, close to where it was

bruised and cut.

“Johnson was so focused on me, he didn’t expect an attack from Sindri.” Matthias’s

voice held a note of pride as he looked at the smaller man. “They’ll both be able to stand trial.

Sindri and I heard everything.”

“Me too,” Chev said. “There’s no way Johnson will take a fall for Buddy.”

“What about Mara?” Chev asked.

“I called for reinforcements to meet us here and to surround the place. If she got out,

someone will have her. My instructions were to let no one leave here until I personally

verified they were free to go. If she’s still in here, we’ll find her. That perfume of hers makes

her impossible to miss.”

Chev snorted, since he knew exactly what Matthias meant.

The sound of running feet and shouts alerted them to some of the reinforcements

coming in. A couple of detectives arrived, and Matthias waved at them. “One’s here. The

other is handcuffed to the shelves over there. It’s Johnson.”

The newcomers hesitated for a moment and then hurried off in the direction Matthias


Chev tightened his grip on Nathanial, who leaned heavily against him. He kissed his

lover’s cheek. Soon he’d be able to fully claim his mate.

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Chapter Seven

Chev stared at the mask, mesmerised by it. Neither he, Matthias nor Sindri had

realized that the design on the mask was a coyote totem. The almost abstract markings hadn’t

really meant anything to any of them. He remembered the presence that had helped him find


The mask had been found at Mara’s home following a search. Now, thankfully,

Nathanial no longer had the stigma of being a suspected thief. Reaching out, he let his hand

hover over the mask. His palm tingled.

“Are you okay?” Nathanial’s soft voice drew Chev from his reverie.

“Fine. More than fine. Now that the charges against you have been dropped, I just

want to take you home and claim you as mine.”

“I want that too. If I’d had any doubts about how quickly things were moving between

us, the fact that you were all I could think about when Buddy snatched me made me realize

how quickly I’d fallen for you. In the warehouse I kept seeing you coming for me, saving and

claiming me. It was almost like I was being shown a vision of our life, and it felt so right.”

Chev dropped a quick kiss to Nathanial’s lips. “Let’s go home.”


Back at his apartment, Chev locked the door, switched off his cell phone, and

disconnected the landline. Nothing was going to disturb them. Holding out his hand, he took

Nathanial into his bedroom.

They stripped slowly, savouring the sight of each other’s body as clothing was

removed and tossed aside. When they were both naked, Chev took Nathanial into his arms. “I

want to make love with you,” he whispered. “I want to claim you. But if you want to wait, to

be courted first, I’m willing to wait as long as it takes. To claim you means no condom. I

know you’re clean, and in case you didn’t know, as a shifter —”

“You’ll be clean too. I do know.” Nathanial shook his head. “I don’t need to wait. My

mind was made up in that warehouse. I wished then we were already mates. I promised

myself I’d be your mate at the first opportunity.”

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Chev took Nathanial’s hand and led him to the bed. Chev stretched out on his back as

Nathanial eagerly caressed his chest, kissing his way from one nipple to the other. Then he

shuffled down Chev’s body to take the head of Chev’s cock in his mouth.

“Turn around,” Chev said, his voice husky. “I want to taste you, too.”

Nathanial straddled Chev’s head and Chev sealed his lips around the flesh he took

into his mouth. Gripping the hard flesh, he lapped insistently at the head, encouraging pre-

ejaculate and swallowing it down greedily. Sucking eagerly, he ran his hands over

Nathanial’s toned ass, palming the taut cheeks and squeezing them.

After running his thumbs along Nathanial’s perineum, he circled them over his mate’s

entrance. He growled softly as Nathanial pushed back.

Musk, pre-ejaculate, and arousal swirled thick in the air. Chev released Nathanial’s

cock. The need for more, to be inside his mate, to claim Nathanial, was almost

overwhelming. “Need to get you ready.”

Nathanial moved to kneel alongside Chev, his head pillowed on his arms and his ass

high. “Do it. Hurry.”

Chev was thankful for the oil he had in his drawer. He poured some onto his fingers,

and a subtle scent of jasmine rose into the air. He inserted one finger carefully and rotated it

before thrusting in and out. Nathanial was tight, and hot, and a low rumbling sound of want

and need broke free from Chev.

Adding a second finger, Chev crooked the digits, smiling as Nathanial gasped and

jerked. He bent forward, licking and nibbling at the alluring cheeks and down to the lightly

furred sac as he worked to loosen Nathanial. His mate groaned as he added a third finger, and

Chev made sure to fondle Nathanial’s balls and stroke his lover’s flagging cock.

“I’m ready. I’m more than ready. Do it. Claim me.” Nathanial rocked back on Chev’s


“On your back, love. I want to see you as I claim you.” Chev stroked his aching dick,

making sure it was well-coated with oil.

Nathanial rolled quickly, hooking his arms under his knees and spreading himself

wide. “I want you. Claim me, Chev.”

Still oiling his rock-hard prick, Chev’s gaze narrowed to the shadowed portal into his

mate’s body displayed so wantonly. He pushed Nathanial’s hands out of the way, letting his

mate’s legs rest on his shoulders, and kissed the inside of each ankle. “Are you sure? Last

chance. Once we’re mated there’s no going back.”

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Nathanial reached forward, and grabbed Chev’s shoulders. “I want it. Do it. Claim

me. Now, Chev. Now!”

A hitch of Nathanial’s pelvis ensured that Chev’s cock pressed against his entrance,

and his lover’s arousal and need made Chev’s senses swim. He pushed forward, groaning as

he sank into searing heat and sublime pressure. Everything he’d heard about finding a mate

still bore no resemblance to the pleasure of the reality. He was sure he heard an audible click

as he held still, buried as deep in his lover’s body as he could get.

Nathanial’s heartbeat raced for a moment and then settled into the same cadence as

Chev’s. Chev inhaled deeply. His mate’s scent had already altered subtly, taking on a

resonance of Chev’s own. Something only another shifter would notice, and know that

Nathanial was Chev’s claimed mate. Nathanial groaned softly, clenching and releasing his

inner muscles.

“Move, Chev, move.”

Chev obeyed. Easing back, he pushed forward in a smooth, deep thrust. Nathanial

tried to arch his back as he moaned his approval, but Chev’s position made moving almost

impossible. Chev gradually built up his speed, leaning forward to kiss, lick and nip at

Nathanial’s throat, no longer afraid of leaving his mark. Nathanial would bear several marks

of his claiming.

Nathanial dug his finger into Chev’s shoulders, and feverishly returned the kisses. His

eyes opened wide, his breath coming in shallow, gasping pants, as Chev reached between

their bodies and stroked his lover’s neglected cock.

“Want to see you come,” Chev whispered. Fur sprouted along his arms as his own

arousal surged, the scent of sweat, musk, and pre-ejaculate filling his nostrils. He leaned

forward and nipped sharply at Nathanial’s collarbone. “Want to fill you with my seed. My

mate. Mine.”

Chev thrust faster, his hips moving in short, sharp jabs. Sweat dripped from his

temple onto Nathanial’s cheek, and also down his spine.

“Close. So close.” Nathanial panted the words as he squeezed his inner muscles.

The contractions around his prick made Chev groan softly. He already knew how

close Nathanial was. He could scent it, taste it. He leaned close, so that he was just a hair’s

breadth from Nathanial’s lips. “Come for me. Come with me. My mate.”


Nathanial choked out Chev’s name as he came, and Chev rode out the initial flurry of

contractions around his cock his gaze riveted on the look of ecstasy on the face of his beloved

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mate. Finally unable to hold back any longer, Chev pushed as deep as he could, arched his

back, and howled his completion as he filled Nathanial with his seed. Only when the last drop

of his release was buried deep in his mate, did he ease Nathanial’s legs to the bed.

He collapsed on top of Nathanial and bit down hard on the junction of Nathanial’s

neck and shoulder. A tang of copper burst on his tongue as he broke the skin, and he growled

softly. Releasing his mate, Chev was content to trade lazy, sloppy kisses as their breathing

and their aligned heartbeats slowed to normal. Chev urged Nathanial to move so that they

could lie in one another’s arms.

For long minutes they lay together, kissing tenderly and enjoying the warm, sated


“I feel thoroughly claimed,” Nathanial said, kissing Chev’s throat.

“Good.” Chev nipped Nathanial’s earlobe. “I hope to leave you feeling thoroughly

claimed again and again.”

A pink flush stole across Nathanial’s cheeks. “I feel thoroughly loved, too.”

“I’m glad,” Chev whispered. “Because you are loved. Very much.”

Nathanial gazed at him, smiling. “I love you, too.”

Chev framed Nathanial’s face in his hands, and drew him close for another kiss,

trying to infuse it with all the love he felt for this beautiful, special man.

Nathanial eased back, tracing the outline of Chev’s lips with his fingertips, and then

his eyes opened wide. “I totally forgot. I meant to ask you what happened to the other shifter.

I saw him just before Matthias shouted, and the shooting started. I saw him in the shadows. I

knew it wasn’t you. He was too tall, and I thought I saw him when I was being shoved into

the warehouse. Did he alert you to where I was?”

Chev stared at Nathanial. He remembered the strange force and the feeling of danger

he’d felt. He thought about the mask and its coyote totem. Now wasn’t the time to discuss it,

though. He’d tell Nathanial about it later, after they’d rested.

He kissed his mate tenderly. “Maybe we had a special guardian angel, babe.” He

pulled Nathanial close. “Let’s rest a while, and then I’ll tell you about how I managed to find


A soft sigh of contentment puffed past Nathanial’s lips and over Chev’s nipple as his

mate settled against his chest, and Chev felt a profound sense of contentment wash over him.

He thought about the mask and its coyote totem.

A very special angel.

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About the Author

Pelaam lives in clean, green New Zealand. She is an author of gay male

romance and erotica across time and space. When not writing, she indulges in

other passions a foodie and wine buff.

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Sacrificed to a Demon


Aaron thought his life as a modern-day Cinder-fella was bad enough under the
thumb of his witch-bitch sister. He dreams of the day when he's finally free
from her.

What he doesn't realize is how much more eager she is to be rid of him, or to
what extremes she's willing to go to achieve her aim, along with her dreams of

Even so far as sacrificing him to a demon.

However, when that demon turns out to be an incubus - a demon who likes sex
and plenty of it - Aaron finds himself wondering if being claimed as a sacrifice
is really such a bad thing after all...

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