Poppy Dennison Born Ths Way

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For M.J., who always keeps me on the

right track.

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Chapter One



itched. The deep-down-in-your-

bones kind of itch. Sweat trickled down
his back, and he longed to rub up against
the corner of a wall like a grizzly
marking its territory. He didn’t, of
course. The lobby of a luxury high-rise
apartment building in downtown Atlanta
was no place to make like a bear.

He tapped his foot and tried to

ignore the sticky weight of the brace
holding his left arm snugly against his
body. Never again would he play a pickup
game of basketball with a pride of young
werelions. One overly enthusiastic body
check had sent Dayton into orbit, right
into the post.

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He’d driven to Atlanta today to see a

specialist. All Dayton knew at this point
was that his arm wasn’t working
correctly, but the doctor assured him it
was just a bad sprain to his rotator cuff. If
it didn’t heal up soon, they’d discuss
surgery. He didn’t want to have surgery.
Kind of like he had no desire to be
standing here waiting on the never-
arriving elevator.

His best friend, Tawny, werelioness

extraordinaire, had extracted the promise
from him. “Just stop by and check on
Hart,” she’d begged. “It’s not a big deal,”
she’d pleaded.

Dayton snorted. “Not a big deal for

her, maybe.”

Hart Sherman hated Dayton. Even

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though they hadn’t seen each other in
years, Dayton had never forgotten the
menacing glares Hart used to give him, or
the fact that Hart would leave the room
any time Dayton entered. To make
matters worse, Dayton, a full-fledged
human, had been allowed to stay with the
pride. Hart, a mixed breed, had been
exiled. Dayton didn’t understand pride
politics, but he knew the pride alpha
didn’t want another lion around who was
bigger than he was. Hart was huge.
Ginormous, really. Something about the
combination of a tiger mother and lion
father made their offspring supersized.

The elevator finally dinged, and the

doors swooshed open. A gaggle of ladies
emerged, and one of them jostled into
him. Pain shot through his injured

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shoulder, and he leaned against the wall.
She didn’t even pause, taking one look at
his scruffy yellow T-shirt and too-big
khaki shorts and turning up her nose in

“Sorry,” he mumbled. He hoped he’d

sweat-stained her thousand-dollar blouse.
It would serve her right.

Luck was on Dayton’s side, and no

one else waited to get on the elevator to
go up. He pressed the button for the
twenty-fifth floor and looked around the
empty car to see if maybe, possibly, there
was something he could rub against to
scratch his back. He’d kill for one of
those little back scratcher doodads.
Maybe they had them at that country
restaurant out by the highway. They had a

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little shop in there with random gadgets.

Dayton decided to stop there for

dinner. No way did he want to hang out
with Hart long enough to not be home in
time for bed. He’d managed to arrange
his pillows in exactly the right way to
allow him to sleep without jostling his
arm. Nothing like a little innovation in
the form of fluffy pillows placed

The doors opened without Dayton

finding a scratching post, so he went
down the hall to the door of Hart’s
apartment. He stood there staring at the
silver numbers. Did he really have to do
this? Maybe he could just tell Tawny he’d
stopped by. It wasn’t exactly a lie. He
was here, wasn’t he? Didn’t this

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constitute stopping by?

Dear God, his back itched. Dayton

adjusted the strap on his shoulder and
tried to wiggle it around to just that spot
in the center of his back that was turning
him into a crazy person. Of course, the
moment he’d contorted himself enough to
find a bit of relief, the door opened and
Hart glared down at him.

“Um, hi.” Dayton straightened

himself up to his full height. Five ten was
a perfectly respectable height under
ordinary circumstances. Not when faced
with the six feet, seven inches of an
irritated liger, however.

It wasn’t just Hart’s height that

intimidated everyone around him, even
his father, alpha of an entire lion pride.

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No, his coloring sent chills through most
people he met—dark blond hair, with
hints of deeper lowlights that told those
in the know of his mixed heritage. He
wore his hair longer now than when
Dayton had last seen him. It brushed his
shoulders, the dark streaks standing out
more with the added length. His hair was
stunning—but his eyes. Those were the
scary part. Such a dark brown that they
appeared black, the irises seemed larger
than most. Being caught in Hart’s glare
would shake the bravest man’s courage.

He growled at Dayton, so Dayton did

the smart thing and took a quick step

“What happened to you?” Hart’s

voice was low and dangerous and

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matched the glare in his eyes.

“Oh, this? Some random thing where

I hit a basketball hoop pole thingy and
messed up my shoulder. It’s not that big
of a deal.”

Hart grabbed him by the good

shoulder and pulled him closer. “You
smell like….”

“A sweat factory. Yeah, I know. You

do realize it’s like a hundred degrees
outside. I know your nose is all sensitive
and stuff, but I can’t help sweating. Now
I know why they call this place Hotlanta.

Hart sniffed again. “No, you smell

like them.”

Them. Hart’s family. The ones he

wasn’t allowed to see anymore. “Oh.”

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apartment. Decorated in all black and
white, it could have been in some
magazine for modern interior design.

Dayton hated it.

Before he could voice his opinion,

another massive itching attack struck.
“Oh fuck me.”

He pulled away from Hart and found

the nearest doorway. He rubbed his back
against it with a whimper.

Hart stared and blinked once or

twice, but Dayton couldn’t focus on that.
All he knew was that if his back didn’t
stop this incessant itching, he was going
to lose what was left of his mind.

Hart walked toward him, a puzzled

frown forming on his face.

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Dayton was tempted to stop so the

little disapproving lines between Hart’s
eyes would disappear, but the doorframe
was doing exactly what he needed. He





continued to make a fool out of himself
by rubbing against it.

When Hart reached his side, he spun

Dayton around and jerked his shirt up.
“You’re rubbing your skin raw.”

“It itches. It won’t stop.”

Hart lowered his shirt again and slid

the brace aside.

And then, heaven.

He scratched Dayton’s back.

“Oh, oh my God. Please don’t stop.

Right there. No, a little to the left. Oh.

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Oh. There. Oh fuck, that’s wonderful.”

Hart ended the back scratch with a

run of his large hand down Dayton’s
spine. “They aren’t taking very good care
of their pet.”

Dayton sighed in contentment as the

itching stopped for a blessed moment.
Then he realized what Hart had said. “I’m
not their pet.”

Hart humphed. “Tawny assured me

you were well.”

“I am well. Almost. Soon as I have

this—” Dayton paused and waved his
hand over his bad shoulder. “—whatever
it is to make my shoulder better, I’ll be
good as new. Accidents happen, you
know? It wasn’t their fault. You
remember what it was like. Sometimes

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you guys forget your own strength.”

Dayton looked up, and Hart stared

down at him with his black eyes
gleaming. His face became a blank mask,
the one Dayton remembered all too well.

He crossed his arms over his chest as

his voice became even lower. “They did
this to you?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say did exactly.”

Hart grabbed Dayton’s chin and

forced his head up. “Then what exactly
would you say?”

“Look, it was a basketball game.

They needed another player and asked me
to jump in. I did. I got body checked. And
can you let go of my face? You’re
making me uncomfortable.”

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Hart immediately dropped his hand.

Dayton checked to see if Hart had

left a finger-shaped indention on his
cheek. Damn shifter strength.

They stared for a long moment, and

Dayton fidgeted.

“So, looks like that whole lawyer gig

is paying off for you.” For a random
subject change, it wasn’t his best effort.

Hart shrugged. “I do okay.”

“So is it true you’re the lawyer for

that new hip-hop boy band? ’Cause I
gotta tell you, they’re pretty amazing.
Um, not that I really like boy bands or
anything, but you know how the girls are.
They always have that stuff playing, and
it’s really catchy, so I find myself singing
along. But hey, I don’t mind singing

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along with those guys, so it’s got to count
for something, right?” His second random
subject wasn’t any better than his first.

“Yes, I am,” Hart answered. “I’d

forgotten how much you like to talk. You
smell like them.”

“Yeah, buddy, you’ve said that

already. And I guess that’s bugging you,
so I’ll just head on back home. It was
good to see you.” Dayton nodded.
Mission accomplished.

Except Hart didn’t seem to agree. He

pulled Dayton back to him, and damned if
this whole push-pull thing wasn’t getting
on Dayton’s nerves.

Hart wrapped his arms around

Dayton’s chest and pinned him in place.
“Don’t go yet.”

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Dayton closed his eyes as he waited

for his shoulder to throb with the sudden
movement, but it didn’t happen. He
opened one eye as he looked down at
Hart’s large hands gently holding him.
Hart had never been this touchy-feely
with him. In fact, the liger rarely touched
anyone. Maybe it was just a pretense to
feel closer to his family. Something about
that whole “smelling like the pride”

Hart began taking slow steps

backward and pulled Dayton along with
him. He began a purring rumble in his
chest that sent shivers down Dayton’s
spine. The good kind of shivers. Except
not. Because this was his best friend’s
brother, and he shouldn’t be having good
tingles where Hart was concerned.

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“Hart? Um, not sure what you’re

doing here.”

Hart nuzzled his nose into Dayton’s

hair. “Don’t like you smelling like them.
Never have.”





floundered. “Wait. What?”

“Need to get rid of their smell. Want

you to smell like me.”

“Oh no, buddy. Don’t know what

you’re doing here. Are you in heat or
something? ’Cause if you’re in heat and
smelling all that lionessy goodness on
me, then we need to have a long talk.
Preferably over the phone. Maybe next

Hart growled. “No.”

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“Oh come on, big guy. Your sister

wanted me to stop by, so I did. But you
doing this whole growly-sniffy thing is
not making me want to come back. Ever.”

“You’re mine.”

“Um, no. Actually, I’m not. I’m

mine. What’s with you guys and the
whole ownership gig? I swear, Tawny
tries the same thing. Remember that time
when that kid pushed me down on the
playground? Yeah. You’re acting like
that. And that wasn’t fun either. I spent
the next twenty years convincing people I
didn’t need a girl to beat up the bullies
for me.”

Dayton stumbled over the corner of

a rug. White. Who had a white rug? In
their bedroom? Furry white rugs?

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Seriously? Hart needed a new decorator.

“Been wanting you for so long.

Can’t wait any longer. Have to get you
away from them.”

Okay. Weird. “Listen, Hart. Come

on, cut it out. And why are we in your
bathroom? Which is all white and
seriously, did you pay someone to do
this? All white except for black towels?
Who the hell has black towels?”





immediately spun around to try and
rationalize with him.

Hart began unfastening the sling

holding Dayton’s arm in place. “Whoa.
Whoa. Whoa. What are you doing?”

“Taking this off. Taking it all off.”

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“Okay, this has gone on long

enough. I don’t know what you’re playing
at here, but I’m not in the mood. Is this
some kind of joke or something? Did you
hit your head? Maybe have a few too
many last night?”

The sling hit the floor.

Dayton held his arm cradled to his

chest and scowled.

“No, I’m going to get what I want.

Finally.” Hart grinned, but the smile
didn’t reach his eyes.

He began tugging at Dayton’s T-

shirt and got it off his good arm and over
his head before Dayton caught up. Hart
eased the shirt down over Dayton’s
injured arm and dropped it on the floor.
He licked his lips and purred again.

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“Oh shit. You are in heat. Fuck my


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Chapter Two



let Dayton keep talking. Let him

pretend Hart was in heat. He was, in a
way. He’d never gotten Dayton’s smell
out of his mind. He smelled like summer,
something sweet and fresh and hot. No
one else had ever affected Hart like
Dayton. He’d known since his first heat
that Dayton was meant to be his. He’d
also known there wasn’t a damn thing he
could do about it at the time. How could
he provide for his mate when he had
nothing to offer? No job, no education,
and no pride to belong to.

Now, though, he could take care of

his mate. He stripped off his own shirt as
Dayton babbled behind him. He had to

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get the scent of the rest of the pride off
his mate. Dayton didn’t know, didn’t
understand what it meant, but Tawny did.
His sister knew what her best friend was
to him. Had known for years and had sent
him here to be claimed.

She’d even been nice enough to

cover him in other scents so Hart
wouldn’t be able to resist. Not that he
would have been able to anyway.

Dayton leaned up against the tile

wall and held his arm close to his side.
Hart grumbled, the animal inside stirring
even more to life. Hurt. His mate was
hurt, and he hadn’t been there to stop it,
to help. He ran his fingertips down
Dayton’s arm, the golden skin breaking
out in goose bumps at his touch.

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He didn’t want to scare Dayton away

but couldn’t let him leave without his
marks on him, his seed inside. He knelt at
Dayton’s feet, his head even with the
shorter man’s chest. He needed to touch
and taste, needed something other than
scent to hold on to.






Dayton’s whispered words penetrated the
haze of lust surrounding him.

“Going to take care of you now.” He

licked the sweaty skin of Dayton’s
stomach, the heat from outside causing







“Aww, Hart. That’s just wrong, man.

I’m a hot mess.”

Hart laughed. “Yeah, you are.”

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He traced his fingers down to the

button on Dayton’s khaki shorts. He
looked up, met Dayton’s startled gaze as
he unfastened them, and slipped the
fabric over Dayton’s hips.

The bulge hiding beneath Dayton’s

white boxer briefs filled him with hope.
He nuzzled in, feeling the firm length
grow even harder under his touch. “You
want me. I know you do.”

“Well, yeah. I mean, look at you.

But we probably shouldn’t do this, Hart.
Tawny will kill me.”

Hart gripped the waistband of those

tight briefs and tugged them down. “No,
she won’t. Why do you think she sent you
here? Especially wounded. She knew
what I’d do.”

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Dayton’s lightly furred sack begged

for a touch, so Hart lowered himself
farther and licked a long swipe from
Dayton’s balls all the way to the tip of his

“Oh fuck.”

“Yeah, baby. We’re going to. Let’s

just get you cleaned up first.”

Dayton groaned and thumped his

head back against the wall. “You cats are
obsessed with showering, you know? I
thought you were supposed to hate

Hart gathered Dayton to him and

pulled him closer to the shower door. He
reached in and turned the water on before
removing his slacks and boxers. “Come
on in. Let me show you how obsessed I

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am with showers.”

Dayton stepped inside, and his eyes

widened. “Holy massive shower.”


And it was. Hart had it redesigned to

fit his larger frame when he’d bought this
apartment. He’d kept his mate in mind,
though, and had multiple waterspouts
installed at different heights. The
plumbers had thought him crazy. Hart
had known the time would come when he
would want to claim Dayton and make
this their home.

Dayton sighed when the waterfall

trickled over his head and down his back.
The scents of the other lions began to
drift away. Hart’s beast purred in
contentment. No one else’s scent should

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be on Dayton. No one’s but his. Dayton’s
bright gold hair darkened to a deep honey
as the water rained down on him. He tried
to lift his arm to brush his hair out of his
face but winced. A lefty with an injured
left arm. Hart wondered what else he
hadn’t been able to take care of lately.

Instead of continuing to imagine

Dayton’s hands on himself, or not, as the
case may be, Hart raised his own and
brushed the curls off Dayton’s forehead.

Dayton sighed. “I feel better already.

I guess I got overheated out there today.”

“Yeah.” Hart poured shampoo into

his hand and ran it over Dayton’s head.
He dug his fingers in, massaging the
scalp and getting another happy sound
from his mate.

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“That feels good.”

Hart grinned and kept going. He

loved having his hair washed and wanted
to give Dayton the same pleasure. When
he’d cleaned the strands thoroughly, he
guided Dayton back under the water and
helped rinse the suds free.

Dayton seemed to wake up from the

spell he’d been under and blinked up at
Hart. “Where did this come from? I
mean, I didn’t know….”

“I’ve known for a long time,” Hart

murmured. “I just didn’t know how to say
anything, and then everything happened
with Dad.”





outsiders couldn’t comprehend. As a
human, Dayton knew more than most.

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Tawny had always gotten her way, even
as a small child, and she’d decided early
on that Dayton was “hers.” Their father
hadn’t quite known what to do about it.
Her tantrums were legendary, but Dayton
had been an argument easily won. He’d
seemed so fragile as a child, nothing but
skin and bones with a mop of golden
curls. With only his mother looking out
for him, and her working multiple jobs to
pay the bills, Dayton had spent quite a bit
of time with the pride. The lionesses had
adopted him as quickly as Tawny. The
alpha hadn’t stood a chance against the
force of their attachment to Dayton.

Dayton leaned forward and rested

his head against Hart’s chest. He nuzzled
his face into Hart’s chest hair. “I hate that
he sent you away like that. You were too

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Hart wrapped his arm around his

mate and held him close. “It is what it is.
He waited until I was eighteen, at least
made sure I got into college. It’s more
than most would have done under the

“Yeah, but to not allow you to see

your sisters? That’s just wrong.”

“Not in our world, babe. You know

that. He can’t be weaker than a member
of his pride. I didn’t want to be alpha, but
I was a threat simply because of what I
am. I’m lucky he didn’t throw me out like
my mother did.”

Dayton trembled against him.

Such a big heart, breaking for him.

Hart tilted Dayton’s chin up. “Don’t be

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sad for me. I made it where I am because
of the path they put me on. I’m glad for
it. I’m where I always wanted to be,
doing what I always wanted to do.”

Dayton wrinkled up his nose. “You

always wanted to be an entertainment
lawyer? Really?”

“Well, okay, I wanted to be a rock

star. There was just one problem.”

“Right. You can’t carry a tune. God,

can you not carry a tune. You can do so
many things so well too.”

“You have no idea.” Hart winked

and leaned down to capture Dayton’s lips
in a kiss. He kept it soft at first, exploring
and teasing. Time for hard and fast would
come later.

They broke apart a few moments

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later, and Dayton grinned. “Yeah, you’re
good at a lot of things.”

“I’ve been waiting a long time for


Dayton grabbed the shower gel and

poured some into his hand. He turned his
back to Hart and began to soap up. His
shoulders were too tense, though, his
body betraying his stress.

“I thought you hated me,” he finally


“Never. You remember when Tawny

went into heat the first time? How she got
all crazy with the purrs and kept scent
marking anyone who would stand still
long enough?”

Dayton laughed and turned back

around. “Yeah. She was a maniac! And

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then she’d get so mad if she couldn’t
touch someone she wanted to.”

“Exactly. Now imagine not being

able to touch the one person you wanted,
no matter how much you longed for it. I
had to padlock myself in one of the cages
to keep from coming after you.”

Dayton looked up, his gaze traveling

over Hart’s face. What message he tried
to read there, Hart didn’t know. He didn’t
seem happy with what he found. “I didn’t
know. You were always so abrupt with
me, harsh even.”

“I know. I’m sorry for that. And so

much more. We were so young. I was
eighteen, you were sixteen. What could I
do? Neither of us were in a position to do
anything about it, and when Dad kicked

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me out, well, I decided I would make a
name for myself and come back for you.”

Dayton ran his soapy hands over

Hart’s chest. “But you never did.”

Hart flinched, the words hitting

closer to home than he wanted to admit.
He hated his own cowardice, but he’d
been afraid Dayton would reject him.
“No, I didn’t.” What else could he say?

Dayton stepped back and rinsed the

soap from his body. He huffed out a
breath and turned his back to Hart. “I
don’t know how to process this, but if
you’re thinking that we’re going to fall
into bed and live happily ever after, you
need to think again. I don’t work that

The animal inside Hart roared its

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disapproval. “You don’t want me?” He
heard the disbelief in his own voice, the
slight twinge of anger he couldn’t hide.

“Not like this.” Dayton stepped out

of the shower and grabbed one of the
black towels hanging on the rack.

Hart quickly rinsed himself off and


“What do you mean, not like this?”

Dayton put the towel back and

picked up his clothes. “I deserve better.
Yeah, you’re hot. You’ve got to know
that I’ve thought that for a long time. It’s
one of the advantages to having all those
extra senses, isn’t it? Well, I don’t have
those senses, Hart. Yeah, I got caught up
a bit here with all the good touching
going on, but I can’t just… I just can’t.”

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Hart watched him struggle to put his

shirt back on. It took every ounce of self-
control he had not to rip it back off.

“This isn’t how I thought this would

go,” he finally confessed.

“Yeah, I get that. And I’m sure you

and Tawny had some big romantic plans
that I would show up here, smelling like
the pride, and you’d ravish me and make
me yours. That was the plan, wasn’t it?”

Hart shook his head. “It wasn’t a

plan, Dayton. I didn’t know you were

“Right. But Tawny knew. And she

knew all along how you felt. I’m the only
one who was left in the dark. Did you
think I’d leap into your arms and be oh-
so-happy to be there? It doesn’t work that

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way. Maybe it does for you guys, who can
sniff out your mate from a hundred yards
away, but to us poor little humans, we
need more than that.”

Dayton finished dressing and eased

his arm back into the brace. “Now, thank
you for the shower. I feel a lot better now.
But I’m going to go home, where my best
friend is going to get a huge piece of my

Hart grabbed his slacks and slipped

them on as Dayton walked out of the
bathroom. “Dayton, wait. Don’t go.”

Dayton shook his head. “You know,

even though I half hated you for how you
treated me, a part of me always admired
you. You got out, made your way.
Became this high-powered attorney,

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rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.
Me? I just stayed right where I was. Got
my degree and came home to teach at the
high school I went to. I’m happy there. I
don’t fit into your world.”

He turned around, and Hart stepped

close. He reached out his hand and
cupped Dayton’s jaw. “You won’t even

Dayton lifted up on his toes and

pressed a kiss to the corner of Hart’s
mouth. “I don’t know that I can. I’ll think
about it. That’s all I can promise.”

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Chapter Three



curled up on his couch and tried

to relax. His cat, Cookie, curled up on his
chest and purred. As much as he hated the
little pity party he had going in his mind,
Dayton decided to allow himself to
wallow in it for long enough to shake the
funk. He hoped by morning he’d be back
to his normal cheerful self.

The sound of the lock turning in his

front door reminded him he had more
problems than just the liger he’d left
behind. Cookie stared at the door and
kneaded his chest. He petted her fluffy
fur as he waited for the inevitable.

Tawny opened the door and turned

on the imitation Tiffany lamp Dayton

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kept on the entry table. It filled the dark
living room with light. She turned around
and jumped when she spotted him lying
on the couch. “What are you doing here?”

Dayton glared. “Well, it is my

house. I’d ask what you’re doing here, but
I think I have a pretty good idea. What?
Did you figure I wouldn’t be home
tonight? Maybe thought you’d be a good
best friend and come feed my cat for me?
I appreciate it. But I’m here and Cookie’s
fine. So am I, by the way.”

Tawny grimaced, her golden eyes

not meeting Dayton’s.

A guilty conscience would do that to

a person.

She came over to the couch and

pushed him over. Cookie grumbled and

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jumped down in a huff. His best friend
lay down beside him and threw her arm
over his chest. “I’m sorry.” She sniffed
him, and Dayton used his good arm to
push her head away.


“Sorry,” she said again.

“I’m really pissed at you.”

“I know. I can tell.”

“Uh-huh. So don’t go sniffing to see

if I smell like your brother, okay?”

She laid her head down on his chest,

her bright blonde hair covering the brace
on his arm. “Am I hurting you?”

“Not my arm,” he answered.

She sniffed and tightened her hold

on his chest.

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“Do not cry,” Dayton demanded.

“You did this. I have no idea what you
were thinking.”

Tawny raised her head, and he could

see tears filled her eyes. So far, none
leaked out onto her cheeks, but Dayton
knew they would. “I wanted to help. I
wanted you to both be happy. He’s
carried a torch for you for years and
would never do anything about it. You
know those e-mails he sends me every
once in a while? He always asks about
you. He knows he’s not supposed to be in
touch with me, but I wanted to know how
he was and he needed to know you were
okay. I thought maybe if I could give him
a little push….”

“Uh-huh. You manipulated me.”

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She took a shaky breath and nodded.

The first tear fell over her cheek. “I just
wanted to help.”

“Well, it was a shitty way to do it,

Tawn. You know me better than anyone
in the world. What did you think I was
going to do? Throw my legs in the air and
let him make me his man?”

She chuckled and buried her face in

his chest. “I hoped.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t work that way,

and you know it. I’m really hurt.”

“I know. I guess I didn’t think it


“You guess?” Dayton shook his head

but raised his right arm and ran it over
her hair.

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“Damn it. I want you both to be

happy. Is that so wrong?”

Dayton gave her hair a little tug.

“No. But trying to manipulate me was.”

“Damn it. I hate it when you’re

right. So what happened?”

“Exactly what you thought was

going to happen. He tried to be all ‘I am
liger, hear me roar’, but I’ve spent way
too much time with you guys to fall for
that crap.”

She sighed. “I thought—”

“Sweetie, you thought he’d ravage

me and make me his mate. I’m not
stupid. But all that would have gotten me
was a sore ass and a broken heart. Yes,
your brother is gorgeous, and you know I
think he’s overly droolworthy. Yes, he’s

background image

wealthy and successful. He’s all those
things on the checklist of a perfect man.
But you know what he’s not? Mine. And I
don’t just give myself to anyone. I
learned that lesson a long time ago.”

The dating gods hadn’t been kind to

Dayton over the years, and Tawny knew it
better than anyone. “Well, that jerk John
needed to be disemboweled.”

“Probably so.”

“If Hart knew what he’d done to


“Yeah, well, he doesn’t. And that

just proves my point. Hart doesn’t know
anything about me other than the fact
that, apparently, I smell really good. Oh,
and he doesn’t like that I smell like the

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Tawny chuckled. “Yeah. I might

have made sure you had lots of lion scent
on you before you went for your

“Might have? You’re such a goose. I

wondered why half a dozen of you guys
showed up over here to hug on me before
I went. Thought you all had lost your
minds. It was just an appointment.”

“Well, I didn’t tell them about Hart.

I just said you were going to have your
arm checked. My family loves you. That
isn’t a lie.”

Dayton hugged her closer. “I know.

But if you do something like this to me
again, I’m chopping your hair off in your

She gasped in horror. “You wouldn’t

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“Oh yeah? Try me!”

She poked him in the side. “I

promise, D. I won’t.”

“Okay, so tell me what’s going on

with you. Any progress with the golden

Tawny groaned. “He’s still doing his

‘I am alpha-wannabe, hear me roar’
nonsense. Why are men so complicated?”

“Because it’s our mission in life?

Because we love making you crazy?
There are really so many good excuses.”
Dayton grinned and, for the first time
since he arrived home from Hart’s, felt a
sense of peace.

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leaned against the wall and eyed

the glamorously dressed attendees at one
of his work parties. The event, hosted by
one of the labels he represented, had
several big-name pop stars and more up-

Both men and women had tried to

get his attention, but he couldn’t get
Dayton out of his mind long enough to
enjoy even a casual flirtation. He’d
played his cards wrong.

Har t never miscalculated. Cautious

by nature, and guarded from lessons
learned in the pride, he never dove in the
deep end without a life jacket.

Seeing Dayton again, smelling him,

had reminded Hart of what he’d been
missing in his life. He hadn’t had a plan

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for claiming his mate, and that was his
first mistake. Hart made plans for his life
and followed the paths he created step-
by-step until he reached his goal.

That method had worked well for

him. Until Dayton. His mate had taken
off before Hart could formulate enough
reasons to convince him to stay. With a
huff of frustration, he adjusted the
Armani tuxedo he wore and pushed away
from the wall. Being a wallflower
wouldn’t do him any good. He had clients
to impress tonight. And a mate to win
over come morning.





champagne flutes on a silver tray. Hart
snagged a glass and took a sip.
Champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

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That old slogan had become his life
lately. Many of the people in this room
had more money than they knew what to
do with and constantly craved more.

He spotted one of the industry

executives he needed to connect with and
headed the man’s way. Everett Clark
wined and dined with several of the
biggest names of the business. The couch
he lounged on included the newest pop
princess sensation as well as two
members of a local boy band trying to
make it big.

Hart couldn’t tell which held

Everett’s interest. Until the man spotted
him. His eyes began to darken with lust.
Nothing like a horny executive. Hart
smiled and winked, all too familiar with

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playing the game. Everett motioned him
over to an occupied chair next to the
couch, and with a sharp word, the twink
sitting in it jumped out of the way. Hart
took the seat and crossed his legs.

“Good evening, Mr. Clark.” Hart let

his voice go deep and husky. Hell,
whatever worked.

Everett grinned. “Why yes it is,

especially now that you’re here. Sydnie
Knyght, have you met Hart Sherman?”

The sweet-looking little blonde

shook her head and turned her pouty lips
Hart’s way. She adjusted her legs, and her
impossibly short skirt rode farther up her
thighs. Hart had no doubt as to what she
wore beneath it. The little scrap of pink
lace was clearly visible. He fought to

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keep from rolling his eyes. What she had
to offer wasn’t on his menu.

“Nice to meet you, Sydnie. Need an

attorney?” He winked again, and she
batted her lashes.

Everett chuckled.

“There’s nothing this young lady

needs, Hart. I’ve got her taken care of.”

“That’s too bad, Everett. The deal

we worked for Velcro Roses certainly
seemed to work in their benefit. And

“Very true, very true. We’re working

on her first album now. She’ll be my next

Hart smirked. Maybe, if she could

keep her legs crossed long enough. “I

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have no doubts. We need to have lunch
next week, Everett. Get caught up.”

“Absolutely. Have your assistant call


Hart nodded and stood. “Happy to.”

He walked away and brushed off the

sleeve of his coat. Nothing rested on the
smooth material, but Hart felt dirty after
dealing with Everett. Always had. But the
man was a star maker, and he knew it.
Hart had done well for several of his
clients and hoped to work his way to
becoming the sole counsel for Everett’s
talent firm.

Next up came one of his current

clients. Maxter J’s last album had made
them both a ton of money, but he was
shopping for a new label after a bar fight

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gone bad. The negative headlines had hurt
them both but not in the wallet. The
album had already gone platinum before
the scandal.

“Max, good to see you!”

“Hart! Hey, man! Got any news for


“You’ll be the first to know. I’m

working my magic for you. Have no
doubts.” Hart stared down at the bright
green drink in the young man’s hand. He
lowered his voice. “You holding up your
end of the bargain?” He’d agreed to
remain Maxter J’s counsel if the kid gave
up the booze.

Max nodded. “It’s a fake. Gotta keep

up appearances. Don’t worry. I learned
my lesson. I’ve worked too hard to let

background image

booze ruin me.”

“Good. You still working with the

counselor I set you up with?”

“Yeah. You were right. The money

went to my head. I needed some
perspective. I had a planning meeting last
week for the children’s shelter. That was
a great idea. You were right. I needed to
give something back.”

Hart patted his shoulder. “You did.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is
remember where we came from.”

The lesson reminded Hart of his

newest goal. Maybe the answers for
winning his mate were right under his

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Chapter Four



, ”

Dayton muttered to himself.

“Mow your own lawn. No problem.”

He sat down in the grass with a

groan and dropped onto his back.
“Basketball is evil. Lions are evil. Grass
is really evil.”

Tawny had gone home late the night

before, after their talk. Dayton had
needed the closeness, so he hadn’t
minded. Getting up this morning was a
challenge, but his yard really needed
some work. Unfortunately, the vibrations
from the mower rattled his arm to the
point where Dayton saw stars every time
he tried to push it.

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Maybe he could pay one of Tawny’s

younger cousins to come out and give
him a hand. It was their fault he was in
this mess anyway. Least they could do
was help him out. Dayton heard the
rumble of a car engine and realized the
vehicle had pulled into his driveway. He
climbed to his feet, still grumbling under
his breath, and made his way to the front
of the house. Maybe Tawny was back and
ready to do some yard work? Yeah, right.
In his dreams.

Instead he found Hart climbing out

of his sleek black BMW. He stopped at
the corner of the house and stared. This
was the Hart he remembered, fancy car
excluded. His dark jeans fit just right,
hugging his ass. Hart turned around, and
Dayton grinned at his red T-shirt with the

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cartoon bulldog. He’d give him hell for
the show of team spirit.

Hart shut the door, and his gaze

found Dayton immediately. He smiled,
and Dayton’s stomach fluttered. Damn,
the man was gorgeous.

Dayton forced himself to walk over

to the car and Hart. “Morning,” he said.

“Thought I’d show up and see if I

could convince you to spend some time
with me today.”






expression, but he couldn’t make out
anything behind his carefully blank face.
“Well, I’m trying to mow the yard. And
failing miserably.” He laughed. “But I
could make us some breakfast?”

Hart grinned. “That would be nice.

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And why are you failing miserably?”

“This damn arm. The vibrations

from the mower hurt like hell. I’m going
to see if Tawny will have one of the
cousins come help me out. Come on in,
and we’ll see what I can put together.”

Dayton’s heart pounded a bit as Hart

followed him into the house. It wasn’t
sleek and modern like Hart’s apartment.
His little house wasn’t much at all, but it
was all his. The entry opened straight into
a long and narrow living room. His couch
was a beat-up mess, with piles of
disorganized pillows.

He’d gone for a Moroccan-themed

decor. Purples, reds, golds, and even
turquoise. Lots of patterns and textures.
Dayton wanted to straighten the couch

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cushions from where he and Tawny had
mussed them all up the night before, but
he walked past it.

Two built-in bookcases formed a

room break between the living room and
dining room. They were jam-packed full
of books and trinkets. And dust. Damn, he
really needed to do some cleaning. He
looked over his shoulder at Hart, who
glanced around the room but kept his
expression blank.

How could he do that? Every thought

Dayton had flowed across his face. No
one ever had to wonder how he was
feeling. Just take one look at him, and
you knew.

His kitchen was one of the tamer

rooms in his home. He’d painted the

background image

walls a slate gray to accent the dark wood
cabinets. Nothing too crazy in here. At
least he didn’t think so. Dayton opened
the fridge and stuck his head in. Eggs,
cheese, bacon, and some veggies.

“Omelet okay?”

“Sounds great.”

Dayton grabbed his frying pan from

the pot rack hanging above the stove. He
started the bacon first and pretended not
to feel Hart staring at him. He could,
though, and it made him twitchy. He
turned to the counter, took out his cutting
board and favorite knife, and began
slicing mushrooms and green peppers.

“Anything you don’t like?”

“Nope,” Hart answered.

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Dayton looked over his shoulder and

found Hart sitting at his little kitchen
table, a flea market find he’d sanded
down and painted to match the rest of his
home. Hart’s long legs stretched out and
covered half the length of the kitchen.
Dayton found himself following the
length of those legs from ankle to crotch.

He blushed and jerked his gaze up.

Hart watched him with a knowing smirk.

Dayton cleared his throat and turned

back to the vegetables. “So how did you
manage to get the day off?”

“I rearranged my schedule. The

pleasures of being my own boss.”

“Must be nice.”

“It is. So when does school start


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“Oh, the students come back at the

end of August, but I go back in another
few weeks. They switched textbooks on
us this year, so I have to redo all my
lesson plans.”

Teaching high school history hadn’t

been Dayton’s lifelong dream, but it
worked for him. He enjoyed the summers
off and loved spending time with his
students. The bureaucracy, however, left
a lot to be desired.

“Since you have some time before

you go back, maybe we can take a trip.
Go away for the weekend.”

Dayton slid the mushrooms and

green peppers to the side and began
peeling an onion. “I… don’t know what
to say to that.”

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“Say yes. Easy enough. I wasn’t

kidding when I said I want you, Dayton. I
want to make this happen for us.”

Dayton shook his head and ignored

the sudden stinging in his eyes. He diced
the onion and flipped the bacon. “It’s not
that easy.”

“Sure it is. You won’t know unless

you try.”

Dayton cracked a half dozen eggs

into the bowl and added a bit of water and
seasonings. “You see possibilities, I see
obstacles. I don’t want to get my heart all
wrapped up in you, and then have it
shatter when it all falls apart.”

The chair scraped against the floor.

Hart stepped behind him. “I won’t fall
apart on you.”

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Dayton shrugged his good shoulder

and picked up the whisk. “We’ll see.
Slow, Hart. Let’s take it slow.”

Hart pressed up against his back, his

solid strength a comforting presence. “I
will. Now, where do you keep the plates?
I’ll set the table.”

He pointed with his knife to the

cabinet above the dishwasher and turned
back to the stove. Bacon out and draining
on some paper towels. Vegetables in to
soften before going into the omelet.
Cheese grater out and sharp cheddar
prepped. Focusing on each task helped
Dayton settle his nerves. He hadn’t had
another man in his home since John.
Hadn’t wanted to let someone else invade
his space and make memories in places

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he stood every day.

Hart put the plates on the counter

next to Dayton and brushed a hand over
his back before opening drawers to locate
the utensils. Those found, he went into
the dining room.

Dayton took a deep breath. He could

do this. Just breathe and get through the
morning with an old friend.

By the time he had the omelets

ready, his stomach growled in complaint.
He hadn’t eaten much the day before and
should have before he went out to work
on the yard. He plated the food and
carried it into the dining room. Hart stood
at the opposite side of the table.

Dayton had a collage of photos in a

wrought iron frame. Most of them

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contained members of Hart’s family.
Tawny and Dayton were together in
several, as well as various cousins.
They’d all grown up together, and since
the pride tended to stick to one place,
most of them still lived in town.

Except Hart.

Dayton placed the plates on the table

and came around to Hart’s side. “I’m
sorry,” he whispered.

“Nothing for you to be sorry for. It

wasn’t your decision. It’s hard to see
them, to realize how much I’ve missed,
but I’m glad I have you now to keep me
connected to them.”

“Come on and eat.”

Hart nodded and took one last glance

at the images before he took a seat at the

background image

table. “This smells amazing.” He took a
big bite of bacon and groaned.

“Yeah, I remember. You and bacon.”

“I could eat a pound, I swear.”





’cause that’s about how much I made.”



tried to concentrate on his food,

but he kept watching Dayton and found
himself distracted. Photos of his family
hung just behind him on the wall, but he
had his family right here in front of him.
If only he could get Dayton to see reason.

A piece of pepper dropped off

Dayton’s fork and landed on the green
tank top he wore. Hart reached over and
plucked it off the material. He held it out

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to Dayton and winked. Dayton slurped it
from between his fingers with a greedy

“Don’t tease me with food. You

know better.”

Hart did. Dayton’s metabolism was

something to behold. He was slim and
svelte, but he could eat his weight if




cookout when they were still in high
school. Dayton had eaten two hamburgers
and three hot dogs. He’d out-eaten Hart,
who usually ate the most simply because
of his size.

“You still eating double servings of

everything? I’ve never seen anyone eat
like you do.”





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metabolism isn’t like it used to be. Just a
serving and a half will do me now.”

Hart laughed. “That’s about where

I’m at too. We can split a third meal and
be happy, huh?”

Dayton smiled. “Yeah.”

They devoured the last of the omelet

off their plates. Hart scooped up the dirty
dishes and carried them to the kitchen.
Dayton followed and pulled open the

Hart watched him unload for a

moment, then began rinsing off the
plates. He scraped out the frying pans
Dayton had used and filled the sink with
water. They worked well together, and
within minutes the kitchen was clean

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“Well, I guess I’d better find

somebody to work on the lawn.” Dayton
looked up at him and dried his hands on a
towel. “Thanks for helping me clean up.”

“You’re welcome. And why don’t

you let me help mow? Been a while since
I’ve done it. You’d have to supervise.”

Dayton’s mouth opened and snapped

shut again.

Hart arched a brow. “What? I know

how to push a lawn mower.”

“I know, but… why would you want


Hart took the towel from Dayton’s

hand and tossed it onto the counter. He
stepped closer, pulling his mate near.
“Because I’d do anything to spend a little
more time with you. For you to give me a

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chance. Think you can?”

“I don’t know. But I won’t turn

down free labor.” Dayton grinned, then
pushed his forehead against Hart’s chest.

Hart’s animal began to stir. Dayton’s

unconscious gesture simulated scent
marking. His liger wanted to be claimed
and to claim. Hart purred lightly and
pulled Dayton closer. “I’ll get started. In
just a minute.”

Dayton looked up at him. “You


Hart dove down to steal a quick kiss.

“Positive. Won’t take long, and by then,
it’ll be lunchtime. Maybe I can take you

“But you’ll be all hot and sweaty.”

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“Oh, I see.” Hart grinned. “So you

want to get me hot and sweaty and keep
me all to yourself? That can be arranged.”

Dayton smacked his arm. “You’re a


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Chapter Five



a morning spent watching a

shirtless and sweaty Hart mowing his
yard, Dayton found himself hot and
bothered in the most uncomfortable of
ways. He offered the man his shower, and
Hart accepted with a smile.

Of course, that meant he now had a

wet and naked Hart right there in his
house. Steps away. Wet. Naked. Soapy.
An image Dayton was all too familiar
with from the day before.

With a little whine under his breath,

Dayton paced around his living room.
The dust annoyed him. Desperate for
something to distract him from the
reminders of the last time he’d been in

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the shower with Hart, Dayton grabbed a
dust rag and furniture polish and began
tackling the dust problem.

He cranked up the radio to the local

Top 40 station and let the beat of some
tune he didn’t recognize carry him away.

“So, you’re a fan of Velcro Roses?”

Dayton jumped and spun around.

Hart stood at the entrance of the living
room, one of Dayton’s ruby red towels
wrapped around his waist.

Note to self, get bigger towels. The

material wasn’t quite wide enough to
wrap all the way around Hart, and an
enticing display of hairy thigh caught
Dayton’s eye.

Hart cleared his throat.

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Dayton jerked his gaze up and

sputtered, “Um… sure.” He couldn’t
remember the question, so hopefully he
hadn’t just agreed to do something he’d

Hart took a step closer, and the

movement drew Dayton’s attention lower
again. “I wondered if you’d go out to my
car and grab the bag out of my trunk. I
have a change of clothes in there, but
didn’t think to bring it in before my

“Oh, sure. Right. Clean clothes.

Clothes would be good.”

Hart dangled the keys in front of

him, and Dayton grabbed them and ran.

He used the key fob to open the

trunk, and it glided open with a swish.

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Must be nice, Dayton thought with a silly

He located the bag and took it back

inside. Hart waited in the living room, the
red towel still barely covering him.

“Thanks, darlin’.”

He spun around and went back to the

bathroom. Dayton watched his ass flex
beneath the material and groaned. “What
am I doing? Just friends, Dayton. Take
things slowly.

His body didn’t agree with his

decision, and he frantically started
cleaning again. He removed a stack of
paperbacks from his bookcase and made
sure to very thoroughly clean the empty
spot. He eyed the stack and decided
alphabetizing them wouldn’t be a bad

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Another task set, he began arranging

the books first by author, then by series.

“What are you doing?” Hart’s voice

caused him to jump again.

“Um, organizing my bookcase?”

Hart shook his head with a laugh.

“I’m starving. Can we finish that later
and maybe go get a bite to eat?”

The petty part of Dayton wanted to

send Hart on his way with another
“thanks but no thanks.” The guy had just
spent a couple of hours mowing his yard,
though. The least he could do was take
him to lunch.

“Sure. Let me grab my wallet.”

While he was in the bedroom,

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Dayton threw on a clean set of clothes.
No sense smelling like lemon-scented
cleaner while out to eat. He stopped off in
the bathroom and washed his hands as
well before they headed outside.

Hart unlocked the car and went

around to the passenger door. He opened
it for Dayton and Dayton slid inside. The
soft leather seats still had that new car
smell. He inhaled and released it.

When Hart climbed in and started

the engine, it purred to life. Purred.
Dayton chuckled.

“What?” Hart asked.

“Oh nothing. Just realized that your

car purred. You know, kind of like you

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Hart looked at him like he’d lost his

mind, but Dayton shrugged. “It’s true.
You do purr.”

“Uh-huh. So what’s good around


Dayton ran through a mental list of

the restaurants in town. “Oh, you haven’t
been to the Mello Tomato, have you?”

“No. Is it good?”

“Fabulous. They have amazing

salads there.”

Hart turned up his nose.

“Don’t worry, they have huge

hamburgers too. Their salsa burger is out
of this world.”

“Sounds good. Point me in the right


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Dayton sat quietly while they drove,

only breaking the silence to tell Hart
when to turn. He watched Hart inspect the
town as they drove through. Dayton
wondered if he was reminiscing about
their younger years.

The Mello Tomato had the usual

thick crowd of customers, most of them
scattered at the outdoor tables. Reggae
music blared through the speakers.
Dayton couldn’t resist swinging his hips
in time with the beat.

They ordered at the counter and took

their number to a booth in front that had
just emptied. A busboy came by to clear
it and grinned when he saw Dayton. “Hey,
Mr. Whitmore. Enjoying your summer?”

“I am. How about you, Seth?”

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“Not too bad. Working and getting

ready to go back to football camp. We’re
starting training before school starts
again this year.”

“Well, take care of yourself. And I

expect you to keep that grade up in

Seth chuckled. “I will. Coach says I

have to have a C average or I’m benched.
Of course, Mom says I have to have a B
average or I’m couched.”

He wandered off with his bucket of

dirty dishes with a wave, and Dayton
returned his attention to Hart.

“You’re really good with the kids,

aren’t you?”

Dayton shrugged. “Most of the time.

Some of them are jerks, but I try to blame

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it on hormones and give them the benefit
of the doubt. Remember what we were
like at that age?”

Hart grinned. “I remember you and

Tawny. I never acted like that.”

Dayton snorted in disbelief as their

waitress delivered their drinks. It was
another student from the high school.
“Hey, Mr. Whitmore. Haven’t seen you in
here in a while. I heard about your arm.
You okay?”

“Thanks, Carrie. Yeah, the arm is a

bit busted up, but I’ll be fine. How’s your
dad doing?”

“He’s good. Grumpy as a bear, but

we’re glad it was just his leg that got
broken in the accident and not something

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“Absolutely. You be sure to let your

mom know that I’m around if she needs
some help. Not sure what all I can do
with my arm like this, but I can make
sure you guys get some heavy lifting
done if you need it.”

“I’ll tell her. We’re managing. Seth

has had some of his football buddies
coming over to mow the yard and stuff. I
think we’ll be okay, other than that.”

She left, and Hart shook his head.

“I’d forgotten what it was like in a small
town. Everyone knows everyone else’s

“I like it,” Dayton answered. “If I

didn’t turn up, people would worry and
come check on me. You don’t get that in
bigger cities.”

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“Now, that’s not entirely true. I have

people who would miss me as well. My
assistant, for one. The first irate pop star
she had to deal with because I was late?
She’d send out the National Guard to drag
me into the office.”

Dayton chuckled and took a sip of

his fruit tea. “Oh, that’s good.” He gulped
down another long swallow and realized
Hart watched his every move.

“Man, I hope one day I can get you

to make that face.”

Dayton’s heart pounded, and his

cheeks burned. “I really like their tea,” he

“I would say so. Let me try it.” He

reached for Dayton’s glass and took a
tentative drink. “Huh. That is good. I

background image

thought it would taste like fruity dirt.”

“You never have liked tea. I don’t

know how you were raised in the South.






somewhere.” Hart flinched, and Dayton’s
stomach dropped. “I’m sorry, Hart. That
was a really shitty thing for me to say.”

“No, it wasn’t. You were kidding

around. I shouldn’t be so sensitive about

But he was, and Dayton should have

thought. “So, have you talked to her

“No. My mother wants nothing to do

with me, and hasn’t since she saw gold
hair where the stripes should have been.
Bad enough that she let a lion knock her
up, but to get some freak as a result?”

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“You aren’t a freak. I think your

liger is gorgeous.”

The stress lines on Hart’s face

cleared, and he smiled. “Just my liger?”

“Oh shut it. You know you’re






compliments. I’m not biting.”

Carrie came to their table with a tray

of food. “Order up, guys.” She placed a
huge burger and fries in front of Hart, and
a grilled chicken salad with a side of
sliders beside Dayton. She smirked at
him when she placed the second plate
down. “Are you really going to eat all
that, Mr. Whitmore?”

“Yep.” Dayton grinned and grabbed

one of the sliders. “And I’ll probably
order dessert.”

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She shook her head. “It’s really not

fair,” she grumbled.

Dayton laughed and tilted his

miniburger in Hart’s direction. Hart
scooped his burger up, and they mock
toasted each other.

He watched Hart’s face for reaction

to the food, and when his friend groaned
his appreciation, Dayton waggled his
eyebrows. “Told ya so.”

“Uh-huh. Now be quiet. This burger

deserves my entire focus.” He winked at
Dayton, and they dove into their meal.

Before long, nothing was left but

scraps and the few pieces of lettuce
Dayton didn’t want. He gestured Carrie
over, and she handed him the dessert
menu. “I can’t believe you were serious.”

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“Oh, I’m very serious about my

food. Now, I think I’m going to try the
chocolate coffee cake. Hart?”

He handed the menu over, and Hart

stopped at the first entry. “And I’ll have
the strawberry shortcake.”






obnoxious squeal filled the restaurant.
Unfortunately, it was a noise Dayton was
all too familiar with. “Brace yourself,” he
said to Hart as Tawny came running over
to them.

She leapt at her brother and pushed

him farther into his side of the booth. He
let out a little “oomph” of pain before he
could get his arms around her as well.

“Hey, sis.”

“You! You’re here in town and

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didn’t call me. What’s up with that? Oh
my God, I’ve been wanting to see you so
bad but can’t get up to Atlanta.”

Rick walked up to the table and

nodded at Dayton. He glared at Hart and
let out a low growl of displeasure.

“Rick, taking your girl out to

lunch?” Dayton tried to distract him from
the fact that Tawny completely ignored
his presence now that she’d seen her

“Yeah,” he said. “We were supposed

to have a nice quiet lunch. Guess that’s
not going to happen now.”

Dayton had no clue what Tawny saw

in the lion shifter other than his looks. He
had the personality of a jackass. And that
was putting it mildly.

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Hart pushed Tawny away from him a

little and acknowledged the shifter
standing beside Dayton with a brief nod
of his head.

“You going to introduce me to your


Tawny glanced over at Rick and

blushed. “Right. Hart, this is Rick. Rick,
this is my brother, Hart.”

Tawny’s boyfriend continued to look

surly, even when Hart held out his hand
to shake. It didn’t escape any of their
notice when he wiped his hand off on his
jeans after touching Hart.

Dayton shook his head, and Tawny

looked at him questioningly. He rolled
his eyes, and she turned back to her
chatter with her brother.

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Rick saw a table across the

restaurant empty out, and he tapped
Tawny on the shoulder. “I’m going to go
get us a table. You coming?”

“Sure. In a minute. You go ahead.”

He scowled and stomped away.

“He doesn’t like me much,” Hart


She shrugged. “He doesn’t like

anybody much. Don’t take it personally.”

But Hart did, and so did Dayton. He

couldn’t wrap his mind around why she
was so drawn to the sullen shifter. When
Dayton and Tawny were together, they
laughed and carried on like the teenagers
they once were. When she was with Rick,
she became Stepford Tawny, and it drove
Dayton nuts.

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After a few more minutes, she

excused herself and walked over to the
other table. Carrie dropped off their
desserts, and Hart stared down at them.

“Yeah,” Dayton said. “I’ve lost my

appetite too.”

“I shouldn’t let it bother me, but

attitudes like his will follow me forever,
I’m afraid.”

“They might. We’re all judged by

the people around us, especially those
who don’t take the time to get to know us.
You think it’s easy being an openly gay
teacher? When I first started, people were
afraid if I looked at their sons too long, I
wanted to jump their teenage bones or
something. Ridiculous, but it happens.”

Hart took a bite of his strawberry

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shortcake and grinned around the
whipped cream. “Yum.”

“Nice way to change the subject

there, buddy.” Dayton laughed and took a
bite of his dessert as well. They didn’t
talk for a few minutes as they finished
their meal, but as soon as the plates were
clean and they’d paid for their lunch, Hart
stood and held out his hand to Dayton.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Dayton took Hart’s hand and let it

pull him from the booth. Hart wrapped
his arm around Dayton’s waist, and





comforting. It puzzled him, because as
touchy-feely as he could be with his
friends, he generally preferred to keep the
public displays of affection to a

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His students called out their good-

byes, and several other patrons waved as
they exited the restaurant. When they
reached the car, Hart again opened the
door for Dayton. Before Dayton got
inside, Hart pulled him close and pressed
a quick kiss to his forehead.

“Thank you for coming to lunch with


Dayton wrapped his arms around

Hart’s waist and gave him a quick hug.
“It was nice.”

They shared a smile, and then

Dayton climbed into the car. Hart headed
back to Dayton’s house, and when they
pulled into the driveway, he turned to
stare at Dayton.

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“I’m having a get-together this

Friday for some industry friends. I’d like
for you to come.”

Dayton wrinkled up his nose. “I’m

not sure I’d fit in.”

Hart reached over and cupped

Dayton’s cheek in his hand. “You will.

If Dayton wanted to see where this

would lead, he couldn’t let Hart be the
only one making the effort. “Okay.”

“Excellent. Well, I’ll let you get

back to your day. I’m going to head on
back to Atlanta.”

Dayton fought the disappointment

and forced a smile. “Okay. I enjoyed
spending time with you.”

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Hart tugged Dayton closer and

kissed him gently. “I’m glad. You and I,
we’re going to make a great team.”

Dayton climbed out of the car and

pushed the door closed. He watched Hart
back out of his driveway and speed away.

A team. A nice dream, but could

they make it a reality?

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Chapter Six



rolled around faster than Dayton

anticipated. He pulled at the collar of the
new shirt Tawny had insisted he purchase
for the occasion. She’d shown up at his
house the day before and found him
ironing one of his white dress shirts.

“What’s that?”

He smirked. “A shirt.”

“I know that, doofus. What’s it for?”

Dayton flipped the shirt around and

began ironing the lapels. “Hart invited me
to a party at his house tomorrow night.”

She gasped in horror. “You are not

wearing that. You’ll look like a waiter!”

“What? No, I won’t.”

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She grumbled and marched over to

the wall. The plug for the iron didn’t
stand a chance as she ripped it from the
wall ferociously. “Yes, you will. How are
we friends? Remind me again? You have
the fashion sense of a flea.”

With that, she’d dragged him to the

mall and made him try on a dozen shirts
in a store that smelled so heavily of
cologne that it gagged him.

She’d settled on the one he currently

wore. Dayton had put the bag from the
store in his trunk and washed the shirt the
moment he got home. He did not want
that smell following him around.

With another quick tug of his collar,

he got up the nerve to approach the
elevators in Hart’s building. Several other

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guests stood in the lobby, all of them
dressed much more stylishly than Dayton.
Maybe Tawny had a point. He still stood
out a bit, but nowhere near as badly as he
would have in the plain white shirt.

The elevator dinged, and the door

swooshed open. A hulking guy blocked
Dayton’s path and allowed the other
guests to get inside. “All full. You’ll have
to wait for the next one.”

He stepped back, and the doors

closed again. Dayton jabbed at the up
button again. “For the love of all that’s
holy. What the heck am I doing here?”

It took several more minutes for the

elevator to arrive again, and this time
Dayton had the car to himself. By the
time he reached Hart’s floor, he’d

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convinced himself to make a quick
appearance and leave before he made a
fool out of himself and Hart.

A black-suited man stood outside the

apartment with a clipboard in hand.
Seriously? He checked Dayton’s name off
of his list after looking him up and down
with a puzzled frown. Dayton pulled out
his wallet and flashed his driver’s license.

“Okay,” the man said reluctantly.

“Go on in.”

Dayton opened the door and found a

small crowd in Hart’s living room. About
twenty guests mingled around, and Hart
stood across the room with his back to the
door. He laughed, and one of the guys
beside him leaned in and placed his hand
on Hart’s arm. Dayton swore the dude

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batted his lashes as he flirted.

With an eye roll, Dayton headed for

the kitchen and a much-needed drink. He
found the kitchen stuffed to the gills with
a catering team and groaned.

One of the waitresses turned to him.

“You’re late.”

“What? No.”

She handed him a tray of drinks.

“You were supposed to be here an hour

Great. So much for his shirt making

him not look like one of the waitstaff.
Dayton gave up on finding a drink and
carried the tray out to the living room.
The scavengers emptied the tray before
he’d made it a dozen steps into the room.

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Hart turned his head and spotted

Dayton. He frowned when he noticed the
tray in Dayton’s hand.

Dayton shrugged and went back to

the kitchen.

Before he could get a refilled tray,

Hart stepped into the room behind him.
“What are you doing?”

“Apparently, you’re short-staffed.”

“Justine, can you explain to me why

one of my guests is serving drinks?”

The caterer turned around and

blanched. Yeah, Dayton wouldn’t want to
be the recipient of that tone either.

“But, sir, he… I… we….”

“You came highly recommended,

but I’m now wondering why.” Hart took

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the tray from Dayton’s hand and
slammed it on the counter.

The waitress came back in and heard

Hart’s statement. She gasped and looked
at Dayton in horror. “Sir, it’s my fault. I
thought he was the waiter we’ve been
waiting on.”

Hart glared at them both before

turning to Dayton. “Hey, sweetheart.
Sorry for this.” He leaned down and
kissed Dayton.

Hart led Dayton into the rest of the

room and began making the circle of his
guests. He introduced him to Sydnie
Knyght, and Dayton fought the urge to
burst into her newest song. She nodded
politely and turned to Hart and asked
some technical legal question Dayton

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didn’t understand. And he was surprised
she did. Appearances could be deceiving.






conversation and wandered among the
guests. He spotted the waitress with a tray
of drinks and headed her way. She winced
and offered him a drink.

“Hey, don’t be upset about it. I

should have spoken up. But can I ask a

“Sure. I owe you one.”

“Is there any way I can get a ginger

ale or something? And maybe put it in
one of the champagne glasses? I’m not up
for drinking tonight.”

She patted his arm. “I completely

understand. I’ll get you one now.”

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A group of young men sat on Hart’s

black couch. One looked more sullen than
the others, and Dayton wanted to sit and
chat with him. See if he could cheer the
kid up. When the waitress brought his
drink, he decided to give it a try.

“Hey, I’m Dayton,” he said as he

plopped down on the sofa.

The kid grunted. “Kyle.”

“You look like you’re having about

as much fun as I am.”

He rolled his eyes. “My manager

dragged me here. I’m supposed to be
studying. If I flunk my history test
tomorrow, I’m going to have to face my
mother’s wrath. And believe me, I might
have a hit record, but she doesn’t give a

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“You go to school?”

He shrugged and slumped farther

down in the seat. “We have a tutor.” He
gestured around to the rest of the guys.
“They all do fine, but I suck at history.”

“What are you studying?”

Kyle looked at Dayton like he’d

grown two heads. “The Civil Rights

“Oh, that’s an amazing period in

history. So much change in the midst of
social turmoil. Lots of juicy tidbits hiding
in that time period.”











depends. Does being a high school history

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teacher count as being a super nerd?”

“Oh yeah.” The kid laughed and

shook his head. “I really stuck my foot in
it this time, didn’t I?”

Dayton shrugged. “I’m used to it.

You’re not the first and won’t be the

“So, um, what’s a high school

teacher doing at this kind of party? None
of my teachers ever hung around with this

“You know, kid, your guess is as

good as mine.” He pointed over to Hart.
“See the big guy there?”

“Oh yeah. Hart. He’s our lawyer.

Cool guy.”

“Yep. We went to high school

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together. He wanted me to come up and
hang out.” Dayton tore his gaze away
from Hart flirting with yet another
superstar. “I think I’m out of my league

“Nah,” the kid leaned over to him

and whispered, “we all shit, just like you
do. That’s what my mom says, anyway.
Well, she doesn’t say shit, but you know
what I mean.”

“That’s a great way to think about


“Yep. You just gotta put on your

predator face. Right now? Man, you look
like you’re about to be eaten. Can’t do
that at this type of deal. You’ve gotta
make ’em wonder who you are and why
they gotta be nice to ya. Otherwise?

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You’re toast.”

“Good to know.” Dayton practiced a

scowly face. “How’s that?”

Kyle laughed. “Uh, no. Man, you

kinda suck at this.”

“Hey, I’m new at this. Help me out,

and maybe I can help you out with your
Civil Rights stuff. Deal?”

“You’d really help me?”

“Sure. Why not? It’s not that hard.

We’ll get you to pass at the very least.”

“That’s all I’ve gotta do. Get a C.

Lower than that and Mom says she’s
pulling me from the tour. Says if I can’t
get my education, she doesn’t want me to
do this anymore.”

“Smart lady. Imagine reading all

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those fancy contracts that Hart writes up
for you. Don’t you want to understand
them yourself? Or are you going to
always depend on someone else to look
out for you?”

Kyle sat up a little straighter. “And

studying history will help me with my

“Not necessarily. But it’s important

to know where we came from. Plus, when
you’re writing songs and listening to
music from the past, you’ll understand it
better. And if you can make the
connections from those songs, you can
make the connections for your own.”

“Huh. That’s… kinda smart. I just

write whatever’s in my head.”

“Nothing wrong with that. I’d guess

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that’s where all music comes from. Ever
heard John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’?”


“Ever thought about what it means?”

Kyle frowned. “Not really.”

“You should. Think about the line

‘Imagine all the people living life in
peace’. Lennon’s in a country at war.
He’s protesting it. His song is a plea for
peace, you know? And ‘Imagine’ is one
of the most influential songs of all time.
Talk about getting your message out
there, you know?”

Several of Kyle’s bandmates turned

their attention to them. One of them
spoke up. “Didn’t they use songs to help
the slaves find their way on the
Underground Railroad? Oh, I’m Darren,

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by the way.”

Dayton smiled. “Nice to meet you,

Darren. And absolutely. The spirituals
were full of hidden meaning and codes to
help the runaway slaves find safe
passage. That’s what I’m telling you.
Music is powerful. Yeah, you guys are
going to be famous and make a lot of
money. But is that your real power? Or is
it understanding how to reach the people
listening to you?”

“Dude, you’re making me want to

study. What the hell?”

“I’m a teacher. That’s my job.”

Kyle snorted. “None of my teachers

make me want to study. And our tutor?
God, she’s so boring. Just tells me to read
the book and then makes me take a test.”

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A heavy hand came to rest on

Dayton’s neck. He looked up to find Hart
smiling down at him. “So what has you
guys so caught up in conversation?”

“Man, your boy here is telling me

how music and history go together. I
never thought about that before.”

Hart shook his head. “You should

think about it. What, are you just going to
let everyone else pick your songs for
you? Tell you what to do?”

Kyle rolled his eyes again. “That’s

what he said. ’Cept he said I should know
what you put in my contracts. Said I need
to work on school so I know more stuff.”

“And he’s right.”

“Of course I am. Hart, did you know

these guys have a test tomorrow with

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their tutor? Their manager said they had
to be here.”

Hart shook his head. “No, I didn’t.

You guys need to get going?”

They all shrugged.

“Guys, he won’t be offended. You

made an appearance. That’s good

“What he said.” Hart grinned and

pulled Dayton to his feet. “I always listen
to him. You should too. He’s a smart

“Yeah,” Kyle agreed. “Hey, Dayton.

You think I can talk to you again
sometime? I mean, I know you’re like a
real teacher and all, but I liked talking to

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Darren knocked their shoulders

together. “And he doesn’t like many

“Sure, you can get my number from

Hart. I’d like that. Now go study. I want
to know how you do on your tests

They laughed and made their way to

the door. Dayton noticed a man he
assumed was their manager waylay them,
and he started to intervene, but they took
care of it. The manager frowned but
turned back to the party.

“I’ll talk to him. Don’t worry.”

Dayton glanced up at Hart. “I’m that

obvious, huh?”

“Just to me. So, you do realize who

you were talking to, don’t you?”

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“Um, no? I figured they were some

kids you were representing.”

“Yes, hon. They are some kids I’m

representing. Remember you singing
along to Velcro Roses?”

Dayton’s mouth fell open. “No



“Wow. That’s a bit embarrassing.”

Hart chuckled and led Dayton across

the room. “Not really. Now we’re going
to go talk to Vixen.”

“Great. I don’t like her music. At

least I liked theirs.”

Hart introduced him to Vixen’s

circle, and they made small talk for a few

background image

Dayton yawned. He tried to find

someone else interesting to talk to, but






conversations. Hart’s attention was back
on his guests, where it should be. Without
the guys from Velcro Roses to talk to,
Dayton wanted nothing more than to curl
up and go to sleep.

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Chapter Seven



watched Dayton disappear into his

bedroom with a sigh. He wanted his mate
to enjoy the party, but forgot how the
endless business discussions swirled any
time he had clients and their managers in
a room together.

An hour later, he shooed the last of

his guests out the door. Vixen had spent
the entire last hour whining about the
state of her original contract and how
trapped she felt by the terms. Hart hadn’t
arranged the deal, or he’d never have let
her agree to some of the stipulations the
recording company placed in the contract.

Nothing he could do about it. She

owed them one more album. He could

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probably get a few additional concessions
out of them due to her popularity, but
they wouldn’t budge on the ones she so
vehemently protested.

Justine had the kitchen cleared up

and some leftovers stored in his
refrigerator. After paying her and
receiving her solemn promise that she
would never again assume a guest was a
waiter, he sent her on her way as well.







unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off as
he opened the bedroom door. Dayton lay
curled up on the bed, fully dressed. His
breathing was deep and steady. God, Hart
wanted him. Sleeping and peaceful, his
calm energy settled Hart in a way nothing
else ever had.

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After a quick shower, Hart climbed

into bed beside Dayton and pulled him
close. Dayton sighed and threw an arm
over Hart’s chest. It didn’t take long for
Hart to drift to sleep.

Dayton’s frantic heartbeat woke him

sometime later. He lifted his head and
found his mate half trapped under him
with his eyes wide and terrified.

“Did you have a nightmare?” The

words came out a jumbled growl, and
Dayton began to hyperventilate.

Hart realized he’d shifted in his

sleep. Dayton lay trapped under his liger
form, a massive paw pinning him to the

“Shh,” Hart tried to whisper. His

half-asleep mind hadn’t figured out he

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couldn’t speak. Instead, he tried a
comforting purr. That didn’t seem to
work either.

Dayton’s breath continued to come

in desperate pants, so Hart slid his paw
off his mate and focused on shifting back
to his human form.

By the time his shift was complete,

Dayton had scurried from the bed and
shut himself in the bathroom.

Hart padded over to the door and

knocked gently. “Dayton?”

“Just a minute.” Dayton’s voice


Hart pressed his ear to the door and

could hear Dayton’s gasping breaths. His
liger stirred and wanted to get to his

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Footsteps paced back and forth

behind the door, and Dayton’s mumbled
words trickled out.

“What am I doing? This is insane.

I’m so crazy. I shouldn’t do this.”

Hart gripped the knob in his hand

and twisted. No way he could stand on the
other side of a door as his mate talked
himself out of their relationship.

The lock cracked under the strength

of Hart’s grip, and he pushed the door

Dayton spun around, and his panic


“Shh. You know I won’t hurt you.

Come on, it’s me.”

“Yeah. Yeah. I know.”

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Hart took slow steps forward until he

could run a calming hand over Dayton’s
bed-mussed hair. “I’m so sorry I scared

“Well, waking up with a humongous

liger in bed with you will do that to a

“I’d say so. But the animal in me

could never hurt you, any more than the
human standing in front of you.”

“Yeah, well, the animal in you

wouldn’t let me out of bed.”

Hart paused. “Really?”

“Yeah. I woke up and had to pee.

Didn’t pay any attention, you know? Just
tried to get up, and then you growled and
your claws came out. I thought I was a

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Hart looked over Dayton, his shirt

wrinkled and twisted. “Did I hurt you?”

He couldn’t smell blood, but that

didn’t mean he hadn’t hurt him some
other way.

“No. I don’t really know what you

were trying to do, besides keep your
snuggle toy close.”

Hart ran his hands down Dayton’s

arms and smiled. “My liger recognizes
you, just as easily as I do. I’ve seen you
with Tawny when she’s shifted. You
didn’t seem worried then.”

Dayton looked up at him and

shrugged. “I guess I know Tawny better.
I’ve only seen your liger from a distance
until tonight.”

“Well, then, I think we need to do

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something about that. My animal is a
deep part of me, and I’d love for you to
feel comfortable around me, whatever
form I’m in.”

Dayton settled under Hart’s gentle

touch and leaned into him. “I think I had
ten years scared off my life.”

Hart gently wrapped his arms around

Dayton and rubbed his back. “Even
though you were scared, I’m actually
kind of happy this happened. I tend to
have more of the tiger side of my
heritage. I’m a loner, for the most part.
For my liger to come out while I slept, to
be comfortable with you? That makes me
happier than you can understand.”






understand. I may have grown up around

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the pride, but there’s this shroud of
secrecy around you guys that I’ve never
tried to break through. It’s a code or
something. Tawny tells me everything,
but she doesn’t talk about her lion side.
Not like you talk about your liger,

Hart tilted Dayton’s head up so he

could look into his mate’s eyes. “I love
my sister, but she’s in a different place
with her shifter than I am. A different…
maturity? She’s got the protection of the
pride, a father who dotes on her and lets
her get away with making bad choices.”

Dayton sighed. “Like Rick. He’s

such a jerk. I don’t understand why your
father is letting the younger pride
members run free like he does. Man, the

background image

attitudes some of the cousins have are
really terrible. I don’t remember it being
like that when we were growing up.”

“That’s because it wasn’t. I don’t

know what’s changed either, and I’m not
likely to. But know that no matter what,
the animal side of me will not hurt you. I
promise you, Dayton. I can prove it to
you, and I hope you’ll give me the

Dayton wrapped his arms around

Hart’s waist and hugged him tightly.
“Can we continue this conversation in the
morning? I’m exhausted.”

“Of course.” Hart led them back into

the bedroom. Dayton stripped down to his
boxers and climbed into bed.

Hart spooned behind Dayton. His

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body began to react to the closeness of
his mate, to the intimacy of their

Dayton looked over his shoulder and

smirked. “I can feel that, you know.”

No doubt. Now that Hart’s mind

focused on the fact that only a couple of
thin layers of fabric separated him from
Dayton’s body, from claiming him the
way Hart longed to? Not much could keep
the blood flow away from his eager cock.

“I want you. No secret about that.”

He murmured the words against Dayton’s
ear, and Dayton trembled against him.

“I know. I want you too. But I’m not

ready yet. I do know that much about this
whole shifter thing. I know what having
sex with you will mean if I’m your mate,

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and until I can make promises to you in
return, I won’t put you in that position.”

The mating bond would bind them

for life. Hart, in particular, would be
affected, even more than he already was.
Admitting to himself that Dayton was
meant to be his had been the first step.
He’d rushed things that first day, pushing
Dayton into the shower, putting his own
wants ahead of his mate’s.

He wouldn’t make that mistake


“We’ll take as much time as you

need,” he said.

And he meant it. If Dayton never

reached the point where he wanted to
make a permanent commitment, it would
be something Hart would have to accept.

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He’d seen too many mates separated by
making rash decisions in the heat of

Take his parents, for example. Both

in heat, hungry for nothing but mindless
sex, and they’d ended up with a mixed-
breed son. Hart never fit into his mother’s
world, and he’d been banished from his
father’s. He wouldn’t put Dayton through
all that.

Dayton pulled Hart’s arm up from

where it rested against his stomach. He
kissed the knuckles of his hand and
pressed Hart’s hand against his heart.
“Thank you.”

Hart began a rumbling purr to soothe

Dayton back to sleep. Within moments,
Dayton’s breathing had evened out again.

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Hart, on the other hand, couldn’t get his
eyes to stay closed.

He’d not thought this through. If he

mated Dayton, what would his father say?
Not that he cared so much for the alpha’s
opinion anymore, but what if he kept
Dayton from the pride? From Tawny?

It seemed a meeting with his father

was in order before things went further.
He wouldn’t deny Dayton access to his
best friend, but surely his father wouldn’t
keep him from his mate out of misplaced

Dayton huffed and rolled over. He

pressed his nose into Hart’s neck and let
out a breath. Hart steadied his breathing
and matched the rhythm of Dayton’s
chest rising and falling. He petted

background image

Dayton’s back. His hair. Even a brief
caress over his ass. He needed the touch,
the contact.

He focused all his mind on his mate,

on what was best for him. Keeping him
safe, happy. “I’ll make this work,” he
promised. “I’ll find a way.”

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Chapter Eight



knock on Dayton’s front

door startled him so much that he
dropped the mug he held. It shattered on
the tile floor of his kitchen, and he had to
jump across the ceramic pieces to get to
the door. He half expected Hart to be on
the other side. Dayton would swear the
man didn’t recognize his own strength
sometimes. He probably didn’t realize
he’d nearly knocked the house down.

Dayton pulled open the door with a

bright smile already in place. It faded
quickly. “Oh. Hi.”

Malachi Sherman, pride alpha and

Hart’s father, stood tall and proud on
Dayton’s front porch.

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“Expecting someone else?”

“No. I’m sorry. Hello, sir. Please

come in.”

Dayton searched his mind for any

reason Tawny’s father would stop by
unannounced. And only one reason came
to mind. Hart.

Malachi walked into the living room

and looked around at all the brightly
colored decorations. “Cheerful,” he
finally said. “It suits you.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you mind if I sit?”

“No, of course not. Please, sit down.

Do you want some iced tea? Water?”

“No, thank you. I need to have a

word with you.”

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Dayton nodded and sat down on the

couch. He pulled a bright red pillow into
his lap and fiddled with the fringed

“Don’t be nervous, now. I can smell

it.” Malachi’s face was carefully blank,
though, and it made Dayton incredibly
anxious. He’d seen that expression
before, and it never boded well. Hart had
the same look, obviously inherited from
his father, not that Dayton would ever tell
him that.

“Sorry, Malachi. You know you

make me nervous. Always have, always
will.” He smiled, but it felt like more of a

Malachi grinned at his statement.

“Not so nervous that you and my

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daughter stay out of trouble.”







“I’m here to speak to you about my


“I assumed as much.”

“You’re a bright man, Dayton.

Although not a lion, we consider you part
of our pride. You’re part of our family.”

“Yes, sir. You’ve always treated me

like one of yours.”

Malachi nodded and leaned forward.

He propped his elbows on his knees and
stared into Dayton’s eyes. The amber
irises flashed a strange sort of emotion.
“Then why are you disobeying my

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“Hart’s banishment is still in effect.

He is not supposed to see any member of
our pride. Yet, he’s been seen in town
with you, and I’m told you’ve been to see
him in Atlanta.”

Dayton had no idea how to respond.

On the one hand, he wanted to scream and
rant that he could do what he damn well
pleased. He wasn’t a member of the
pride, forced to obey the alpha’s orders.
But at the same time, Malachi had been
more of a father to him than his own had
ever been.

“I don’t know what to say, sir.”

Malachi humphed. “I take this

breach of conduct very seriously, Dayton.

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In another pride member, such blatant
disregard of my decisions would be dealt
with harshly. Tawny has been punished
for her public display at the restaurant the
other day. Now, I must decide what to do
about you.”

“P-p-punished?” Dayton had never

stuttered in his entire life, but suddenly
he couldn’t seem to force words past his
clenching throat. “Is… is she okay?”

Malachi arched a brow and cocked

his head to the side. “I took away her
credit cards, Dayton. What do you think I
mean by punished?”

Dayton winced. “Oh, she’s going to

be pissed.”

“She is. And when I told her I was

coming here, you should have heard the

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temper tantrum. Grown woman, behaving
like a spoiled brat.”

“She’s always looked after me. And

she knows I don’t use my credit card
much anyway.”

“Precisely. So what am I to do,

Dayton? I’m sure you have no concept of
the predicament you’ve put me in.”

“I don’t, sir. Although I’m sort of an

adopted member of the pride, the rules
normally don’t apply to me. I didn’t
realize having contact with Hart would
put you in a bad position.”

“And yet, it has. So I must ask,

Dayton, as much as I hate to, for you to
choose. You can remain a part of our
pride, or you may maintain your
relationship with my son. I’m sorry, but

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you can’t have both.”




hands clenched the steering

wheel. His white-knuckled grip matched
his careful hold on his temper. How dare
his father threaten his mate?

After Tawny’s phone call, Hart had

wasted no time running from the office
and heading to Dayton. He couldn’t begin
to imagine what his father had said or
done. But Dayton wasn’t answering his
calls, and Tawny reported their father was
back home.

When he skidded to a halt in

Dayton’s drive, he slammed the car into
park and ran for the front door. He didn’t
knock but pushed the door open.

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Dayton sat in his living room,

holding a red pillow on his lap and
staring into space. He jerked when Hart
knelt in front of him.

“Tawny called?” he whispered.

“Yeah. You okay?”


Dayton leaned forward and pressed

his face into Hart’s neck. Hart ran his
hands over Dayton’s back. “What can I

“I don’t know. He said I have to

choose. How do I do that?”

Hart closed his eyes. He’d been

afraid of this. “You don’t. I’ll talk to


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“But nothing. You’re my mate. He

has to accept that. And if he doesn’t, I’ll
make him.” He pushed Dayton up so he
could stare into his bright eyes.

“I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to

talk to you. But I wouldn’t have listened

“I know, love. He can’t treat you like

a member of the pride. I’ll take care of
this. Okay? Trust me?”

Dayton nodded. “Should I come with


“No. My father and I should have

had a discussion a long time ago. It’s
time now.”

“Be careful?”

“Always.” Hart clasped Dayton’s

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face between his hands and pulled him in.
He devoured Dayton in a kiss that he’d
wanted to take for some time. All tongue
and lips and hot breath. He made sure to
cover Dayton in as much of his scent as
he could. And to have as much of Dayton
on him as possible.

He needed to make a statement, and

he intended to.

“I’ll be back in a couple hours.

Would you maybe make some dinner?
I’m starving. I left without eating.”

Dayton nodded. “I have stuff to

make burgers. I was going to ask you to
come on Saturday. I bought it this
morning and thought maybe you’d have
time off on the weekend. I wanted to see
you again.”

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“I’d love that. And I would have

come. I will come, actually. On Saturday.
Or I’ll just stay until then.”

Dayton smiled, but it didn’t reach

his eyes. “Please, be careful.”

“I will. Now, you get cooking. By

the time you’re done, I’ll be back.”


Hart led him into the kitchen and

spotted the shattered mug on the floor.
“What happened?”

“Your dad scared me when he

knocked. I dropped it. Haven’t been back
in here since.”

Hart kissed him again. “Where’s the


“I’ll clean it up. You go so you can

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get back as fast as you can.”

“Deal. Don’t cut yourself, okay?”

Dayton rolled his eyes. “I think I can

clean up broken glass without a fatal

The familiar attitude was back.

Thank God. Hart couldn’t have left
Dayton with that glazed-over expression
of shock still on his face.

After another quick kiss, Hart left

and headed for his father’s house. Several
of the younger pride members loitered
outside the house. They stood when he
approached. Hart growled low in his
chest, the threat unmistakable. “Don’t
fuck with me right now.”

They backed down, and Hart opened

the door. He marched straight to the

background image

living room, where his father could
normally be found. Malachi sat in a high-
back chair with a journal open on his lap.
He looked up at Hart’s entry and jumped
to his feet.

“You should not be here.”

“You crossed the line this time. I

walked away before, because I knew you
were scared. But now? I’m not leaving. If
it comes to a fight, we both know who
will win. Is that what you want? Is that
why you tried to keep my mate from

“Your mate?”

Hart chuckled, bitterness at his

father’s lack of knowledge clear in the
sound. “Yeah, Dad. My mate. You know,
Dayton? The man you just asked to

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choose between me and the only family
he has? Him.”

“I didn’t realize.”


“Hart, I didn’t….”

“Do not lie to me. I can smell it, as

you well know. You’ve known about
Dayton for years, which is exactly why
you’ve allowed a human to stay so close
to the pride. I’m not stupid.”

Malachi growled. “Do not come into

my home and speak to me this way.”

“And what are you going to do about

it, Dad? Kick me out? Again? Not this
time. This time I have too much to lose,
and if that means taking you down, I

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Malachi’s eyes flashed bright amber,

and he began to shift.

Hart laughed. “Bring it on, old man.”

He shifted as well, his transition just

as fast as his father’s. They stood face to
face, huge animals. As in his human
form, his liger towered over his father.
He didn’t underestimate his father’s
strength or power. There was a reason
Malachi had remained alpha of this pride
for as long as he had.

Malachi began to circle, and Hart

matched him step for step. When his
father roared and pounced, Hart was
ready. He swiped his father to the side,
putting as much force behind it as he
could muster. Malachi flew across the
room and landed against the stone

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He rolled to his feet and roared

again. This time Hart took the offensive.
He stepped closer, snarling his response
to his father’s noises.

More lions entered the room, some

shifted, some still in their human form.
Tawny ran in, her eyes red from crying.
Hart spared her only a quick glance.

Malachi roared at the lions, and they

all froze. Hart took the opportunity to get
closer. His father turned to him with a
snarl and leapt.

This time, Hart countered the move

by rising up on his back legs. He caught
his father between his front legs and
crashed them both to the ground. With his
much heavier weight, the fight didn’t last

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long. Although Malachi snarled and tried
to get a bite hold, Hart had the upper

He dug his claws into his father’s

exposed side. Malachi roared and tried to
counter. The movement revealed his soft
throat, and Hart clamped it between his

Malachi struggled for a moment

before he stilled. Hart remained in
position, his father’s lion form pinned
beneath him.

The room grew strangely quiet. The

lions weren’t sure what they were
witnessing. But they all knew their alpha
had just been defeated.

Malachi began to shift back.

Hart loosened his hold enough that

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he wouldn’t crush his father’s throat.
When he was completely shifted, Hart
began his own transformation. He readied
himself to maintain his hold on his father,
but it wasn’t necessary.

Malachi lay half-frozen in shock.

When Hart reached up and wrapped his
hand around his father’s throat, the
defeated alpha turned his gaze to his son.

“Do not ever threaten my mate. Do

what you want to me. But Dayton? He’s

Hart squeezed again and rose to his

feet. He gathered up his clothes while
keeping a close watch on the shifters at
the door. His sister had moved to provide
some interference, and none of them were
willing to cross her, even in her human

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form. With a brief nod of thanks in her
direction, Hart left. He had a mate to get
back to.

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Chapter Nine



concentrated on cooking. Light

the charcoal. Let it heat. Mix the burgers.
Get them on the grill. Slice vegetables.
Flip burgers. Set the table.

He handled each task methodically.

When the burgers were ready, he covered
them in foil and sat them on the table. He
added toppings and chips. Still no Hart.

With a grumble, Dayton opened the

freezer and took out the tub of frozen
cookie dough he’d bought from one of the
kids in the neighborhood. He always got
suckered into buying things for those
fund-raisers. The cookie dough wasn’t
bad, though.

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He dug out his cookie sheets and

preheated the oven. Dropped the dough
on the pans and loaded them into the
oven. Set the timer. Waited.

Finally, he heard a car pull into his

driveway. He ran outside, expecting to
see Hart. Instead Rick climbed out of his
battered jeep.

Dayton couldn’t read his expression,

but it wasn’t a good one. His knees went
weak. Rick came across the yard and
reached out his hand. He placed it on
Dayton’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

Oh God.

Dayton sank to the ground. Then he

noticed a shirt land at his side. He looked
up. Rick was taking off his clothes.
“What are you doing?”

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“Taking care of a problem.” Rick



Rick shook his head and continued

stripping. When he began the shift,
Dayton jerked into action. He ran inside
and slammed the door. Not that it would
be much protection against a lion, but it
was all he had. He grabbed the cordless
phone and tried to think of a place to

Nothing came to mind. He dialed

Hart’s number, but he didn’t get an
answer. He tried Tawny next. Nothing.

A loud crash came from his living

room. Fuck. He was out of time. He ran
though the kitchen and out the back door.
He took a moment to drag the hot grill

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over, hoping that Rick would burst
through the back door like he had the
front. He ran around the side and jerked
open the door to the jeep.

His car keys were in the living room,

but maybe Rick had left his in the
ignition. No such luck.

Another crash and roars of pain. The

grill had done the trick. Dayton climbed
into the back and huddled down low.
Again, no real protection. Rick would be
able to smell him.

Predator and prey. Dayton had never

mistaken which one he was.

A shadow crossed him as the jeep

rocked. He looked up to see Rick’s dark-
brown mane and his snarling face. Lions
couldn’t open doors. Not that he knew of.

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And if Rick shifted again, maybe it would
buy him enough time to run.

His phone rang and startled him. He

didn’t realize he’d stuffed it into the
pocket of his shorts. And why hadn’t he
called 9-1-1? Because then he’d have to
explain the lion. But explaining the lion
versus being dead? He saw Hart’s number
displayed and answered.

“Hey, babe. I’m on my way.”

“Hart, hurry!”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Rick. He’s here.”

Hart screamed his rage, and the jeep

began to rock more violently. Dayton
realized Rick must have overheard who
he was talking to. Damn shifter hearing.

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What did he think? That Dayton would
leave the protection of the vehicle? He
might be a human, but he wasn’t an idiot.

Rick howled his frustration and his

head disappeared. Dayton scrambled up
to see where he’d gone. He’d begun the
shift back.

Dayton dove out the opposite side

door and took off running for the house.
But where to go? He had nowhere to hide
that a lion couldn’t find him and get
through whatever protection he could


Hart’s voice came through the

phone, and Dayton turned in a circle. He
had nowhere to go. “Hart, God. He’s
going to kill me.”

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“I’m almost there. Two minutes.

Hide, babe. Hide.”

The crawl space. It might give him

two minutes. Dayton ran for the hall
closet and closed the door behind him
quietly. He pulled the little rope and the
floor came away.

He dropped down into the space

beneath his house, darkness closing in
around him. Cobwebs stuck to his face,




reached back up and pulled the cover
back over the opening before scurrying
on his hands and knees toward the outer

It wouldn’t stall Rick for long, but

maybe just long enough.

He could hear Rick above him, his

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footsteps loud compared to the silence
beneath the house.

“I don’t have much time, Dayton. I

don’t want your boyfriend to get here
before I take care of you.”

Dayton fought to slow his breathing

and kept as still as possible.

Rick searched the house above him.

“Dammit. Where the hell are you?”

The closet door opened. Dayton

froze, prepared to crawl through whatever
he had to but not moving until that
moment arrived.






distracted Rick.




thought. You’re

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fucked. But not in the good way.

Hart screamed for Rick, and Dayton

heard him back away from the closet. His
footsteps took him farther away. Dayton
didn’t want to risk getting trapped inside,
so he turned to the side and sought out the
little spot under the house where he could
climb out.

More cobwebs covered him, and

Dayton swatted at his hair. He shivered
but kept moving. The little strips of light
coming through the cracks where the
opening sat were a beacon. He pointed
himself in that direction and ignored
everything else. His hand landed on
something—hopefully just a random
branch that had somehow gotten under





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wrenching his shoulder again.

Dayton gasped in pain and cradled

his throbbing arm against his chest as he
continued to hobble toward the exit.
Please, God, let Hart be okay.

He heard a roar. Didn’t know which

one of them it was. He thought Rick, but
he’d never heard Hart make such a sound
in anger so had no idea if he sounded the

Dayton cautiously pulled the door

open and crawled through. He looked
down at himself and quickly brushed a
spider from the front of his shirt.

The roars had gotten louder. Two

distinct ones now. Dayton snuck through
the back door and into the front room. He
peered out the window and saw Hart’s

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huge liger in battle with Rick’s golden

Hart outsized Rick, but Rick was fast

and fought dirty. Dayton could see blood
dripping from Hart’s shoulder, but Rick
had several wounds of his own.

Dayton didn’t know what to do. He

didn’t think Hart would lose, but he had
nothing to protect himself with if he did.
He fished the phone out of his pocket and
dialed Malachi.

This time, he got an answer.


Malachi’s tone took Dayton aback.

He’d never heard the alpha sound so…






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whispered the words, hoping not to draw
the attention of the shifters outside

“What’s wrong?”

“Rick showed up. He tried to kill

me. He’s fighting with Hart, but I don’t
know what to do. What if….”

“I’m on my way, Dayton. Hart won’t

lose. You can count on that.”

“I… I don’t know what to do.”

“I know, son. This is pride business.

I’m in the car now.”

Dayton heard the engine start and

the screech of tires. “Don’t get hurt. I
just… I didn’t know who else to call.”

“You did the right thing.”

A horrible roar sounded from

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outside. Dayton thought he’d throw up.
“Oh God.”

“What, Dayton? What happened?”

“He’s… he’s dead.”

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Chapter Ten



weeks had passed since the deadly

fight in Dayton’s front yard. He huddled
on his couch, cradling his arm against his
body. After the adrenaline crash, the
agony in his injured arm had returned.
Another trip to the doctor confirmed he’d
strained the muscles again. Who knew a
rotator cuff could hurt so badly?

He rearranged the ice pack he had

balanced on his shoulder and tried to
focus on the evening ahead. The boys
from Velcro Roses would be here within






music/history lesson. They’d wheedled
his number out of Hart’s assistant.

His timer went off, announcing his

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fifteen minutes of ice time was up. With
a happy sigh, Dayton took the pack from
his shoulder and headed for the kitchen.

He’d bought three big bags of pizza

rolls, a couple bags of chips, some
cookies, and several different kinds of
soda for the impromptu party. A junk
food extravaganza that would hopefully
fuel a few teenagers into paying attention.
Then he’d done his research and found a
couple dozen songs he could download
from an online store.

With the music loaded onto his

player, he was as ready for the get-
together as he could be.

If only he could get his spirit

improved, maybe he could actually look
forward to the evening.

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The dark cloud that had hovered

over him for the last few weeks
threatened to break. He caught his breath
and pushed his hand against his chest.
He’d had that fluttery scared feeling
every single day. Usually multiple times.

Malachi had arrived in time to clean

up the mess. And mess it had been.
Dayton never wanted to see so much
blood again. The horror of it would stick
with him for the rest of his life. The
graphic nightmares every night seemed
proof of that.

And Hart. Covered in blood.

Dayton rubbed his aching chest and

tried to force the memory out of his
mind. He heard a car in the driveway and
flipped the oven on to preheat. The pizza

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bites only took a few minutes, so he’d
waited to start them until the band

The guys knocked on his door.

Dayton pasted on a smile and let them in.
Kyle reached to slap him on the shoulder
in greeting, so Dayton jumped out of the

“Sorry, man. Wounded teacher


“Dude, what happened?”

“Basketball with teenagers. Bad

idea.” It was only a small lie, but Dayton
didn’t want to explain that he’d wrenched
his already sprained shoulder while
crawling under his house while a liger
and a lion fought outside.

They laughed and came inside.

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“Where you want us, Teach?”

Darren looked around the small house
and grinned.

“Well, I suppose we’ll hang out in

the living room. Let me go throw some
food in the oven, and we’ll get started.”


Dayton dumped the pizza rolls on a

couple of cookie sheets and put them in
the oven. He set the timer as a reminder
and returned to the living room. Kyle,
Brady, and Darren sprawled on his sofa.
He grinned and queued up the music.

“First lesson, boys. ‘American Pie’.”

Brady snickered. “This one time….”

Kyle and Darren cackled.

Dayton smirked. “That joke will live

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forever.” They quieted after a minute, so
Dayton hit Play, and the music began to
drift through the room. It was another one
of those classics that everyone seemed to
know the words to. When the chorus
started, the guys began to sing along.
They harmonized naturally, their young
voices in perfect pitch with each other.

By the time the song ended, the

pizza rolls were ready. The band
members followed Dayton into the
kitchen and began munching on chips as
he put the steaming pizza rolls into a
large bowl. He’d just sat them on the
table when another knock sounded at his
front door.

“Let these cool or you’ll burn your


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“Sure, Teach.”

Dayton opened the door, and Tawny

stood on the other side. Her scowling face
and hands on hips let Dayton know it
wasn’t going to be a friendly visit.


“Don’t be all ‘Hey’ to me, mister.

You are in trouble. Big trouble. And
whose car is that?”

“I have company, Tawny.”

She growled and pushed her way

inside. Tawny stormed back to the
kitchen and froze in the doorway.

“That’s… that’s… holy shit.”

“Tawny, meet Kyle, Brady, and

Darren. Guys, this is my best friend,

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Brady jumped to his feet. “Well,

hello, Tawny.”

“You’re… but… how….” She turned

to Dayton. “Why is Velcro Roses in your
kitchen eating your food?”

“He’s our tutor.” Kyle spoke around

a stuffed mouth. He winced when the hot
cheese scalded his tongue.

“I told you to wait. Those things can

burn your taste buds off.” Dayton shook
his head and turned back to his best

Tawny leaned against the wall.

“You’re their what?”

“Hey, Teach, can I get a soda?”

“Sure, Darren. Glasses to the right of

the fridge. And I’m tutoring them. Sort

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She nodded. “Those pizza rolls smell


Brady patted the empty seat next to

him. “Come on. We’ll share.”

“I’m a huge fan.” She settled in the

chair beside Brady, and he scooped some
pizza rolls onto her plate.

“Really?” He grinned and winked.

“Want us to serenade you?”

Tawny popped a chip in her mouth

and didn’t answer.

Dayton rolled his eyes. “Quit teasing

her, Brady.”

“Who’s teasing?”

With a quick cuff to the back of

Brady’s head, Dayton filled a plate and

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sat down at the table. A few minutes of
feasting later, they went back to the
living room. Tawny livened up the music
conversation, and the tension between her
and Dayton lessened.

By the time the guys were ready to

head back to Atlanta, Dayton had braced
himself for the onslaught Tawny would
unleash on him.

The door had barely closed before

she spun around to face him. “Why the
hell didn’t you call me?”

“And say what exactly? ‘Oh yeah, I

just watched your brother eat your

She frowned and pulled him into a

hug. “I can’t believe Rick tried to kill

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“Yeah, well, me either.”

“He thought with you out of the way,

Hart would go back to Atlanta, and he
could take over the pride.”

Dayton shrugged.

“I wish you would talk to me,” she


Dayton pulled back and searched her

eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Hart did what he had to do. I

understand that.”






understand that?”

She ran her fingers through his hair.

“Rick tried to kill my brother’s mate. I’d
have done the same thing.”

Dayton twisted away and went into

background image

the kitchen. He began to clean up the
mess, dumping the cold and soggy pizza
rolls in the trash.

Tawny grabbed his arm. “Dayton,

come on. Talk to me.”

“I still don’t know what to say.”

“Start with why you aren’t speaking

to any of us.”

“It’s not… I’m not….” Dayton

stopped and collapsed into one of the
kitchen chairs. “I’ve never been so scared
in my life.”

“Go on.” She gripped his hand in

hers and knelt beside him.

“With Hart, everything was so, I

don’t know, romantic. I know what he is,
the other side of him, the animal side.”

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“But I never saw any of you do

anything like that before.”

“Oh, honey. We would never have

let you see anything like that under
normal circumstances. But you need to
understand that it’s not just the ability to
shift that makes us different. There are
different rules that we live by.”

Dayton laid his free arm on the table

and plonked his head down on it. “I know
that now.”

“You knew that before, you just

didn’t process it.”

“There was so much blood. I swear I

almost pissed my pants.”

“Hell, I probably would have if I’d

background image

been here. Being scared doesn’t mean you
don’t fit in, if that’s what is going on in
that thick head of yours.”

Dayton shrugged a reply and

flinched. “Damn shoulder.”

Tawny went over to his freezer and

grabbed one of the ice packs. She laid it
over his shoulder and pulled a chair over
next to him.

“Hart doesn’t know you’re hurt


“I know.”

“It’s probably a good thing. He’d be

over here instead of dealing with the
mess at the pride.”

Dayton rolled his head to the side.

“Is he in trouble for killing Rick?”

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“Uh, no. He’s not in trouble. He’s

the new alpha.”

Dayton sat up so fast the ice pack hit

the floor with a thud. “What?”

“I thought you knew. He fought our

father over what Dad did to you. He won.
Which means he’s taking over the pride.”

Dayton blinked. Then he thumped

his head back down on the table.

“Oh yes. And it is very serious. I

love my dad, you know that, but he’d not
been handling things well for a while. I
think it started with Hart’s banishment,
and it just went downhill from there.”

“But I thought Malachi was a strong

alpha. That’s what you always said.”

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She shrugged. “He is strong. But

Hart is stronger. He’d be better if he had
his mate at his side. He’s hurting now,
and it’s making him… harsh.”

“Don’t try to manipulate me, Tawny.

I’m not going to fall for it again.”

She smiled and stood. “I didn’t think

you would. I love you, you know that,

“I do.”

She leaned down and hugged him,

burying her face in his neck. “Now that I
know you’re okay, I can maybe sleep a
bit. I’ve been worried.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you. I just

need time to think.”

She pressed a kiss to his forehead.

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“Thinking is overrated. Go with your
heart. Or your Hart. Whichever.”

Dayton couldn’t help his smile.

“Nice try, Cupid.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow. And you’d

better answer the phone.”

“I will. I promise.”

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Chapter Eleven



stared around the living room at

his father’s house and scowled. Malachi
sat in the corner, sipping a nice cold glass
of tea. The younger lions lounged around,
doing nothing. Hart had a stack of files on
the desk for pride business and his laptop
running for his actual business. He’d
spent a week trying to manage his law
firm remotely, while trying to clean up
the mess of the pride.

Malachi smirked, and it pushed Hart

over the edge. “Why the hell is everyone
just sitting here? Don’t you have anything
to do?”

No one responded.

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“Fine. Bradley, get over here.” One

of the young lions jumped to his feet and
ran to Hart.

Hart grabbed a few files off his stack

and slapped them against the young
man’s chest. “Sort this. Get it organized.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

The others looked at him eagerly.

“All of you, over here.”

They scampered over. “Jeff, you

take Tommy and Sara and go mow the
damn yard. It looks like a jungle out
there. The neighbors are going to start
complaining.” Jeff smiled, and they all
scurried outside.

“Mary, you take Lucy and David and

work on the house. I swear, this place is a
pit.” She smiled, and with that the room

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cleared except for Hart, Bradley, and

Hart stared over at his father. “And

you, help Bradley get these files sorted.
It’s a fucking mess, and I don’t have





walked over to the desk. He scooped up
the rest of the files. “Come on, Bradley.
We’ll take this to the dining room. Get
out of the alpha’s mane.”

Hart sat back down at the desk and

stared at his in-box. Every couple of
minutes, it pinged with a new message
arriving. He hadn’t counted on these
consequences to challenging his father.
What a mess. And with Dayton not
speaking to any of them, he couldn’t put

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his concentration into making anything
better for any of them.

His mate had the majority of his

thoughts. Hart had looked up in his liger
form, half of Rick’s neck hanging from
his mouth, and seen Dayton’s look of
horror. He hadn’t been able to sleep for a
week. That look haunted him.

He’d called a dozen times, as had

Tawny. Malachi had even tried. They
offered to go over and talk to him, but
Hart wasn’t sure it was the right thing to
do. He couldn’t get that look out of his
mind. He’d scared Dayton, again.

Tawny came in the office, and Hart

picked up Dayton’s scent. He jerked his
head up and stared.

“He’s fine. Shoulder is all torn up

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again. In pain from that. But otherwise,
he’s okay.”

The elusive scent of Dayton clung to

her. Hart growled.

“What do you mean, all torn up?”

She sighed. “I don’t know what

happened, Hart, but his arm is clearly
hurt again. He’s got pain pills sitting out
and ice packs in the freezer again. I
helped him ice it down, but I don’t think
he’s been back to the doctor.”

Hart smacked his hands down on the

desk. “That’s it. This has gone on long
enough.” He grabbed his keys off the
desk and stormed out.

“It’s about time,” he heard her

whisper behind him.

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His BMW purred to life, and he

grinned. It really did purr, just like
Dayton had said. He pushed the engine to
its limit and let it get him to his mate in
record time.

Dayton’s house looked gloomy. The

shades were all drawn, the grass was
overgrown, and the flowers drooping.

Hart bounded up the porch steps and

pounded on the door.

“Go away.”

Hart grumbled and twisted the knob.

Locked. “Open the door, Dayton.”

He didn’t hear movement from


He waited.

Finally, he heard hesitant footsteps

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and the lock clicked. Dayton opened the
door and stared up at him.

His mate looked terrible. Pale,

drawn features, dark circles under his
eyes. And he’d lost weight.

“Oh, love.” Hart stepped inside and

pulled Dayton to him.

“I’m sorry,” Dayton whispered into

his chest.

Hart rubbed his back, then hunched

down and lifted Dayton into his arms.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. Except
not taking care of yourself. That I take
issue with.”

Dayton wrapped his good arm

around Hart’s neck as Hart carried him
through the house and into the bedroom.
“I didn’t know what to do.” Dayton’s

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voice broke as Hart lowered him onto the
bed. His eyes were half-glazed, the




obviously at work.

Hart slipped Dayton’s shoes off his

feet and tugged the blankets from beneath
him. “Right now, you need to rest. You
look like you’re about to pass out.”

He sat on the bed next to Dayton and

ran his fingers over his mate’s hair, his

“I can’t sleep.”

Hart knew the feeling well. He

kicked off his shoes and nudged Dayton.
“Move over.”

Dayton slid to the center of the

mattress, and Hart slid in beside him. He
pulled Dayton over and nestled him in his

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“I’ve got you. I won’t let anything

happen. Just rest.”

“Don’t leave,” Dayton whispered.

“I’m not going anywhere.” He began

to purr lightly in his chest, and Dayton
sighed and relaxed against him.

For the first time since the fight that

made him alpha, Hart relaxed as well.
The tension he’d been holding close
eased away as Dayton began to softly
snore into his neck. He didn’t know how
long they’d been lying there tangled
together when the heat hit.




Dayton’s voice scratched a bit

as he yawned and lifted his head.

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The strain in Hart’s voice woke

Dayton up quickly. “What’s wrong?”

Hart burned up, his body a furnace

and sweat dripping down his face. Dayton
stripped off his T-shirt and wiped him

“I’m okay.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“It’s… the heat.” Hart panted and

rolled to his side away from Dayton.

Dayton reached out to touch Hart’s

back, then pulled his hand away. “I don’t
know what to do. Can I touch you?”

“Probably not a good idea right now.

I told you I wouldn’t leave, but I’m
having some control issues. I don’t want

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to hurt you.”

The anguish in Hart’s voice did

something to Dayton. His stomach
flipped, and everything seemed to clarify
in his mind. Hart needed him. It shook
Dayton to his core, and he reached out
and tugged Hart’s arm.

Of course, he didn’t budge.

Dayton threw the covers back and

crawled to his knees. He straddled Hart
and gave him another push.

“What are you doing? Dayton,

please, babe.”

“Roll over.”

Hart complied, his face red and jaw

clenched. “You don’t have to….”

“I know.” Dayton smiled and leaned

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down. “I want to.”

He kissed Hart, bracing his hands on

either side of Hart’s head. Hart lay
perfectly still for the longest moment
before he groaned and grabbed Dayton’s
hips. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Dayton tried to slip to

the side, but Hart tightened his hold.

“Are you sure?”

“I am. Now let go.” He grinned and

smacked Hart’s hand.

Hart released his hold, and Dayton

climbed off the bed.

He stripped out of his jeans and






movement, his breath quickening.

Dayton ran to the bathroom and

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grabbed the lube out of the medicine
cabinet. If he’d planned ahead, he’d have
done a bit of preparation for the event to
come. This was going to hurt. Unless….

He went back into the bedroom, and

Hart had curled up on his side. Dayton
went over to his closet and pulled out a
couple of old ties. Crossing back to the
bed, he rubbed Hart’s hip.

“Hart, roll back over, okay?”

Hart winced and did.

“I need you to take your shirt off for

me, okay?”

He nodded and sat up. He noticed the

ties dangling from Dayton’s hand. “What
are those for?”

“These are for you. If it’s okay, that

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is. I thought it might be a good idea to
maybe tie your hands to the bed. Just in

Hart took his shirt off and tossed it

to the side. “That’s good. My control is…
shaky at best.”

“I know. It’ll be okay, but this way

we don’t have to worry.”

Hart lay back and spread his arms.

He gripped the end posts of the bed easily
with his wide arm span.

Dayton tied one end of the fabric to

the post and the other around Hart’s right
wrist. He went around the bed and
repeated the process for the left.

Hart tugged at the restraints and

nodded. “They won’t hold for long, but
it’ll help.”

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“Okay, I need a few minutes to get

ready. Should I, go to the bathroom or

“You leave my sight, and I might go

nuts. I can hold on. I want to see you.

Dayton grinned and climbed up on

the bed. “That can be arranged.”

He flipped the cap on the lube and

coated two fingers. “It’s been a long time
for me.” He reached behind and traced his
hole. He slid one finger inside and
groaned. “God, I can’t wait to have you in
me.” He worked the finger in and out
before adding a second. It burned, and
Dayton hissed against the stretch.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Burns. But not too bad.

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Going to feel so good, Hart. You’re going
to stretch me like I’ve never been
stretched before.”

Hart jerked at the restraints, and his

hips thrust up in the air. “Oh God, I need
to be in you.”

“Just a little longer, love. I can’t

take you yet.”

“Hurry, babe.”

Dayton added a third finger and

stilled. “So full. Going to climb on you
soon. Let you inside, where I’ve wanted
you to be.”

Hart moaned and thrust his hips

again. Dayton slipped his fingers free and
fumbled with the fastenings on Hart’s
jeans. The lube made a mess, but he
didn’t care. He jerked the fabric down

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just enough to free Hart’s cock.

He grabbed the lube and poured

some into his hand. With a few strokes,
he had Hart coated.

“Hart, can you stay still?”

Hart ground his teeth and nodded.

Dayton swung his leg over and

straddled Hart’s hips. He reached behind
himself to grab Hart’s cock and held it
steady as he began to lower himself.

Hart’s head fell back, and he gasped

as his cock began to breach Dayton’s
body. Dayton bit his lip and pushed out,
hoping the pressure would help ease Hart
inside him.

It did help, and the flared tip popped

through. Dayton leaned forward and

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rested his hands against Hart’s chest.
“Almost there. Just hold on for me.”

Hart nodded. “You feel so amazing.

I knew you would.”

The strain on Hart’s face worsened

with each passing second. Dayton took a
deep breath and pushed down further, his
body stretched impossibly far. They
panted for breath, and Dayton wondered
if they both felt the same.

His own emotions swirled around

him. He’d wanted Hart, not like this, but
wanted him nevertheless. The pain in his
body, the strain of accepting the man he’d
agreed to mate, anchored him in the
moment. He’d never fought for anyone
before. But he fought his own body for

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The liger inside his mate began to

stir. Dayton could see the signs, almost
flickers as they passed across Hart’s face.
He didn’t shift, but for the first time,
Dayton sensed the man and the beast

He gave one final push and flinched

as his body finally accepted Hart’s

Hart roared, and the ties holding him

in place broke free. He pushed up and
wrapped his arms around Dayton’s back.
Clawed fingers dug in, not hard enough to
really puncture his skin, but enough to
hold him in place.

He met Hart’s gaze, hoping to see

the man, but Hart’s eyes remained
completely black. He began to snarl and

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growl. Dayton ran his fingers through
Hart’s tangled hair, down to his jaw. He
cupped Hart’s large face in his hands and
pressed a kiss to stop the ferocious

Hart nipped his lip, trapped it

between his teeth. A small bite of pain,
but Dayton ran his tongue over Hart’s
teeth. Hart released his hold and snarled

Dayton braced his hands on Hart’s

shoulders and raised his hips. A slow
thrust, slight movement. His body
responded, thighs tingling, stomach
flipping. “Oh fuck.”

He did it again, and dropped his head

forward, their foreheads pressed together.
He kissed his way down Hart’s nose, over

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his cheek, to his ear. “I’m ready, love.”

Hart’s hold on him tightened. He

flipped Dayton over to his back.

Dayton trembled from the sheer

force of the spin, and he clung to Hart’s
arms as his mate stared down at him. The
liger flashed again, almost a hallucination
of the animal overlaid with Hart’s face.
He began to move slowly, testing. Dayton
hiked his legs up farther and held on.

Hart snarled another deep growl and

reared up. He grabbed Dayton’s legs and
spread them wide. He thrust again and
again. Dayton cried out, not in pain. No,
the pain had passed. Although aware of
the impossible stretch, he kept his body
relaxed and pliant. His heart raced, and
his breath struggled to keep up with the

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frantic pace.

“Oh God, right there.” Dayton’s eyes

drifted closed. Hart began to hammer into
him. He grabbed his leg and held it,
pulling himself more open.

Hart fucked into him so hard that

Dayton had to release his hold and grab





screamed at him, but he ignored it. He
focused on Hart, his movements. His
mate’s face open and filled with pleasure.
His mouth open, breath coming in gasps,
his control shattered.

Sweat dripped from Hart’s forehead

and landed on Dayton’s stomach.
Dayton’s cock begged for his touch. He
couldn’t let go of the headboard, though,
or he’d end up pounded into it. Hart

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seemed to recognize his dilemma. He
grabbed Dayton by the waist and lifted
Dayton into his arms. Dayton’s thighs
spread wide over Hart’s lap. The height
difference put them at face level. Their
gazes locked on each other. Dayton tried
to push himself up, but he couldn’t get
enough balance. He hissed out his

Hart gripped his waist and lifted

him. Dayton dropped back down and
howled. Perfection. He held onto Hart’s
shoulders as he was continuously raised
and lowered. Hart lifted Dayton off him,
flipped him over again. Dayton’s face hit
the pillows, and Hart pulled his hips up.

He brushed his cock over Dayton’s

hole, a teasing swipe. Dayton’s ass

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clenched, trying to grab hold.

Hart growled and pushed into him.

He leaned down, his hairy chest rubbing
Dayton’s back. “You’re mine now,” Hart

“Yes,” Dayton answered. He reached

back and held Hart’s thigh, the muscles
rippling under his questing fingers.

The heat between them increased,

Hart resuming his pounding thrusts. His
hold on Dayton kept him from sliding
around. Dayton pressed his shoulders into
the bed and reached beneath himself. He
gripped his aching cock and stroked.

“Going to come inside you. Make

you mine forever. Everyone will know
you’re mine. My mate. Mine.”


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Dayton’s balls drew up, his release

shooting up and out of him. “Oh fuck,” he

Hart pulled him up and stopped

thrusting. Dayton’s entire body shook
with the force of his release. His ass
clamped down on Hart’s cock, trapping it
in place as spasm after spasm of pleasure
ripped through him.

Thick arms wrapped around his

chest. Dayton held on, as Hart pressed to
his back and tucked his face into
Dayton’s neck. His body went limp, all
energy drained from him. He rolled his
head to the side and stared up at Hart.






whispering into Dayton’s hair. “I’m
close, baby. So close.”

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Dayton leaned forward, supporting

his weight on his hands and knees. Hart
gripped his hips and with a few final
pounding thrusts began to roar his
release. He fucked his way through it, his
cock growing impossibly larger with each
spurt he sent deep into Dayton’s body.

He collapsed on Dayton’s back,

pushing him down into the mattress.

Dayton lay there for a moment

before pushing an elbow into Hart’s side.
Hart grumbled and slid off to the side but
kept their bodies connected.

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Chapter Twelve




senses slowly returned to normal.

The scent of his mate’s passion filled his
nose, and he breathed it in, savoring the
way he could taste it in the air. He
glanced down at Dayton, lying flat on his
belly on the mussed bed. Dayton’s tanned
skin glowed against the deep blue of his

He ran his hand over Dayton’s flank,

down to his knee, then back up to his hip.
He nuzzled the top of Dayton’s hair and
inhaled again. The musk of his shampoo
combined with sweat. So erotic. His cock
twitched where it still nestled in Dayton’s

Dayton reached back and smacked

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his arm. “Don’t even think about it,” he

“Think what?”

“I felt that. I’m too sore to go


Hart reached between them and

guided his cock free. Dayton’s hole was
red and stretched. Hart’s seed began to
drizzle out. He traced his fingers through

“Cut it out.”

Hart scowled and rolled Dayton over

to face him. “How can you be cranky?”

Dayton wiggled around and buried

his face in Hart’s neck. “Not cranky.
Sated. Sleepy. Hungry. Oh yeah. Really

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His stomach growled and gurgled,

and Dayton slapped his hand over it.

“I can get you some food.”

“Not yet. I’m comfortable.”

Hart threw his thigh over Dayton’s

and pulled him closer. His mate sighed
his contentment.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Nope. Well, a little, but not in a bad

way. I’m going to feel that for a week.”
He sighed again.

“You’re going to feel it forever.”

Hart grinned. Officially forever.

“Stop grinning.”

Hart tilted Dayton’s head up. “You

are cranky.”

Dayton laughed and propped his

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head up on his hand. “No, just… happy?
But I’m being grumpy. I’m random like

Hart kissed him quickly, licked at

Dayton’s red and swollen lips. “It’s
because you’re hungry. You haven’t been

“Well, I had a lot on my mind. Too

busy thinking to eat.”

Hart huffed and untangled himself

from his mate’s body. “Not too busy now.
Come on.”

“I don’t want to.”

Hart grumbled and scooped Dayton

up. He made sure his mate was steady on
his feet before leading him into the
kitchen. He hid his smirk at the hitch in
Dayton’s step.

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“I saw that,” Dayton grumbled.

“What have you got to eat?”

Dayton shrugged. “I think I have

some cereal.”


“What? I haven’t been shopping in a


Hart opened the freezer and stared at

the large bag of pizza rolls. “I’m not
eating that.”

“They’re good.”


“And they only take, like, five

minutes to cook.”

That tempted Hart. He pulled the bag

from the freezer and preheated the oven.
An open bag of chips sat on top of the

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fridge, so he pulled them down and took
off the clip that pinned the bag closed.
“Now these, I’ll eat.”






favorite.” Dayton knocked Hart’s hand
aside and grabbed a handful. He munched
and stared at Hart.

“What?” His mate’s face was

serious, frown lines marring the forehead
that had only minutes ago been relaxed.

“Tawny said you’re the alpha now.”

“Yeah. I wasn’t expecting that.”


“Not even a little. I guess when I

stormed over there, I wasn’t thinking
about anything but you. He hurt you, and
I couldn’t let my father make you choose.

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I know what it’s like to leave them
behind, and I wouldn’t do that to you.
Wouldn’t let him do it to you.” He
reached over and ran his fingers through
Dayton’s mussed hair. “I love you.
You’re my mate, my reason for doing all

“I just hate that it meant beating

your father. I like him, you know?”

“I do too. Most days. But you’ve

seen how the pride has been the last few
years. It’s like he lost the will to lead. He
could’ve fought me harder. Part of me
thinks he wanted me to win.”

“Maybe so.”

Hart considered the parting words

he’d overheard as he left the pride house.
“About time.” Yeah, the pride had been

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waiting for something, a change in the
regime. His sister was a master
manipulator, although her motives were
generally pure. A true lioness, she’d fight
to the death for her pride, and if giving
Hart a poke by showing up with Dayton’s
scent meant he’d finally been able to
claim his mate, well, he owed her flowers
or something.

Dayton chomped down on another

handful of chips. His mate looked blissed
out, his face relaxed into a half smile.

Hart grabbed a couple of glasses out

of the cabinet and poured them both tea.

Dayton gulped his down and smiled

up at Hart.

That smile. It sent flutters through

his stomach. He’d give anything to keep

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it there, to keep Dayton happy and
healthy. The timer beeped, and Hart took
their makeshift dinner out of the oven.

“Let them cool for a bit,” Dayton

said with a grin.

“You’re less grumpy now.”

Dayton shrugged. “Low blood sugar

or something. I think my emotions are on
a roller coaster.”

“No regrets?”

“About mating you? No. Although I

would like to know what comes next.”

“So would I. We’ll go see my father.

I’ve never known another pride, so I
don’t know what will happen next.”

“Let’s go after we eat, then.” Dayton

eyed the pan on top of the oven hungrily.

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Hart scraped the rolls onto a plate

and sat them in front of Dayton.

His mate popped one in his mouth

and hissed out a breath around it. “Too
hot,” he mumbled around his food.

“How about we skip these and hit a

drive-thru? We can go talk to my dad

“Okay, but I’m taking the chips.”

They laughed, and Hart pulled

Dayton to his feet. “I’m happy. Whatever
happens with the pride, I want you to
know that I’ve cared about you for so
long. Even when we were apart, you were
never far from my thoughts.”

“So now you get romantic?”

Hart shrugged. “I’m stoic.”

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“Pfft. Stoic, my ass. You’re just used

to getting what you want. In this case,
I’m glad it was me.”

“Always. From the moment I knew

you were meant to be mine.”

Dayton led the way to the bathroom

and started the shower. After a quick
wash for them both, they dressed and
returned to Malachi’s house.

Half the pride waited in front of the

house. Tawny whooped when Dayton
climbed out of the car. She ran to him and
grabbed him into a huge hug. “Thank
God,” she murmured into his hair. Dayton
almost lost his grip on the supersized
drink he’d ordered from the fast-food

Hart rolled his eyes and grabbed the

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Styrofoam cup from Dayton’s hand. At
least he didn’t have to worry about his
family accepting Dayton. Hell, they liked
his mate more than they liked Hart.

Malachi stepped out onto the porch

and locked gazes with his son. Hart
returned the stare for a moment before
nodding. “Dayton?”

Dayton separated himself from

Tawny and took Hart’s outstretched hand.
Hart climbed the porch steps with Dayton
at his side.

“Welcome home, son.”

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Chapter Thirteen




stared around Hart’s apartment

and smiled at the changes. One of the
first things they’d done after their mating
was redecorate the black-and-white
monstrosity. They’d both worked closely
with the designer, and Dayton loved the






preference for contemporary furniture but
brought in more warmth with colorful
rugs, textured artwork, and even a few
throw pillows. The pillows were one of
the few sources of contention in their
relationship. Dayton constantly mussed
them, and Hart kept them perfectly

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straight like the designer had originally
placed them.

Although tempted to go rearrange

one of them now, Dayton refrained.
Hart’s nerves were already going nuts at
the idea of the party they were hosting,
and Dayton didn’t want to add to his
stress. They’d been mated for just over
six weeks. The official pride ceremony
had happened within days of Hart’s
claiming him.

The reception they were holding






associates. Dayton adjusted the sleeves of
his fancy tuxedo and checked to make
sure he didn’t have lint on them. The
guests were set to arrive at any time.

Fresh flowers sat in vases on the

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tables, while trays of glasses and hors
d’oeuvres were ready in the kitchen.
They’d brought Justine back to cater the
event, and she’d made sure all her
waitstaff were on time and ready to work.

Hart had wanted to hire a new

caterer, but Dayton convinced him
otherwise. His being mistaken for a
server wouldn’t happen again, and
Justine’s food had been amazing.

Hart hadn’t emerged from his office,

and Dayton headed that way. His mate sat
in front of his laptop, his fingers flying
over the keyboard.


Hart looked up and smiled. “Damn,

you look amazing.”

“And you need to come join me. It’s

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Hart glanced back at the screen, and

Dayton cleared his throat. They were
working on his mate’s tendency to work
himself into the ground. As alpha, he had
responsibilities to the pride. But Hart
didn’t want to give up his legal career

They ended up dividing their time

between the pride house and Hart’s
apartment in Atlanta. Hart left on
Thursday morning for Atlanta. Dayton
joined him after school let out on Fridays,
and they returned on Sunday evening. The
schedule was hectic for them both, but
they were making it work.

Hart took Dayton’s hint and saved

his document. He closed the lid on his

background image

computer and walked over to Dayton.

Nothing made Dayton happier than

being wrapped in Hart’s arms, with his
face pressed into his broad chest. He
hugged Hart and looked up. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I get caught up.

You know how I am.”





working life had been like before he came
along. He couldn’t imagine the amount of
hours he’d put in, especially seeing him
work over sixty now. He must have gone

The buzzer sounded, and Hart pulled

Dayton in for a quick kiss. “Guess our
company has arrived.”

They walked back into the living

room and greeted the first of the guests.

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Kyle ran to Dayton, waving a paper
around his head. He smacked it into
Dayton’s chest.

“Check me out, Teach.”

Dayton flipped the paper around and

saw the B+ written in the top right corner.
“Yes. I knew you could do it.”

“Not without you. Man, my tutor

says I’ve turned it around. And my mom
hasn’t had to smack me upside the head
in a couple months.”

They shared a laugh as the other

members of Velcro Roses came over to
greet them.

“Congratulations,” Darren said. He

shook Hart’s hand and patted Dayton on
the shoulder.

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“Thanks, guys. How’s the new

record coming along?”

They didn’t need any further

encouragement to start talking about all
the songs they’d been working on.
Dayton’s music history lessons had paid
off on that account too. The boy band
hadn’t written the songs on their first
album, but were working together to
contribute a couple to their second.

More guests arrived, and the sudden

influx of visitors had Hart and Dayton
busy making the rounds. Several brought
gifts to celebrate their partnership, even
though it wasn’t legally recognized in
their state.

Being partnered with an attorney had

its privileges, though, and Hart had taken

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the necessary steps to make sure they
were both protected under the law as
completely as they could be. One day,
Dayton dreamed, they would be able to
do more than wear rings and say they
were married.

For now, Dayton planned to continue

teaching and traveling back and forth
with his mate. Their pride had blossomed
under Hart’s no-nonsense leadership.
Even Tawny had gone back to school for
her nursing degree. She’d laughed and
said she was on the prowl for a hot single
doctor, but Dayton knew better.

His best friend hadn’t made good

choices for the past several years. Now
that thirty was only a year away for them
both, she’d realized she wanted what

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Dayton had: a career, a husband, and a

Dayton wanted nothing more for her.

A waitress came by with his ginger ale
and twist of orange, and Dayton smiled
his thanks. Hart was in deep discussion
with one of his clients—a troubled kid




remembered Max’s new contract was the
one Hart had been poring over for the
past week.

Sydnie Knyght arrived with her

entourage, and Dayton headed her way.
He’d gotten to know the pop princess
quite well over the past few weekends
spent at Hart’s. She squealed out a
greeting and wrapped him in a hug.

“Even though I knew, I’ve been so

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excited to have a party for you guys. I
was supposed to leave for Japan today,
but I made my manager postpone until
tomorrow so I could be here.”

“You didn’t have to do that. We

know you’re happy for us.”

“I am. Hart needed someone, and

you’re perfect together.”

Dayton didn’t know about perfect,

but he appreciated the thought. He
glanced over at Hart and found his mate
staring at him with heated eyes. Dayton
winked and headed his way. Hart dropped
a possessive arm over his shoulder. Max
gave them a half smile. “Uh, yeah. So I’m
happy for you.”

“Thanks, Max.”

Hart put his free hand on Max’s

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shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’re going to
get all this straightened out.”

“Yeah. I’m going to get out of here.

I’ll see you guys around.”

They watched him gather his

bodyguard from his perch near the front
door and leave.

“I’m worried about him,” Hart


“You’re doing everything you can.

Let’s just focus on tonight, okay?”

Hart pulled Dayton closer and kissed

the corner of his mouth. “I can’t wait to
get you out of that tux.”

Dayton slipped a hand around and

cupped Hart’s ass. “And I can’t wait to
get you into me.”

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About the Author






a sassy southern lady,

developed an obsession with things that
go bump in the night in her early years
after a barn door flew off its hinges and
nearly squashed her. Convinced it was a
ghost trying to get her attention, she
started looking for other strange and
mysterious happenings around her. Not
satisfied with what she found, Poppy has
traveled to Greece, Malaysia, and
England to find inspiration for the burly
bears and silver foxes that melt her
butter. Her love of paranormal continues
to flourish nearly thirty years later, and

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she writes steamy love stories about the
very things that used to keep her up all
night. If her childhood ghost is lucky,
maybe one day she’ll give him his own
happily ever after.









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Mind Magic

Body Magic

Soul Magic


Born This Way


Creature Feature

Published by






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The Triad Series by





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More Paranormal Romance from





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Born This Way ©Copyright Poppy Dennison, 2013

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
5032 Capital Circle SW
Ste 2, PMB# 279
Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are the product of the authors’
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events, or locales is entirely

Cover Art by L.C. Chase

Cover content is being used for illustrative purposes
and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only.

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Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and
a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to
criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines,
and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally
loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can
be shared or reproduced without the express
permission of the Publisher. To request permission
and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at:
5032 Capital Circle SW Ste 2, PMB# 279 Tallahassee,
FL 32305-7886

Released in the United States of America
June 2013

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-62380-755-9

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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
About the Author
The Triad Series by Poppy Dennison
More Paranormal Romance from Poppy


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Table of Contents

Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


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Chapter Thirteen


About the Author


The Triad Series by Poppy


More Paranormal Romance
from Poppy Dennison




Document Outline


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