Sunny Day Silver Moon Wolves 3 Finding Ned

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Silver Moon Wolves 3

Finding Ned

Ned Morisson is having a bad day. Someone just tried to kill him,

and then the man who broke his heart years ago saved him. He
isn't sure what is worse. His boss orders him to stay with Zack

until his attacker is caught. Staying with Zack is not an option,
because no matter how attracted he is to the other man, there is

no future for him and Zack.

Zack Kylen had left his pack and his family behind when he
escaped, or tried to, his growing attraction to Ned. He'd built

another life and a successful career and was content if not happy
until their paths crossed again. His every instinct tells him to

protect Ned, but he can't resist the pull the other man has on him,
even if it means losing everything he has again.

Question is, are they both willing to pay the price?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 31,518 words

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Silver Moon Wolves 3

Sunny Day



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Sunny Day
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-543-3

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Christine Kirchoff
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Silver Moon Wolves 3


Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

“I take it you are satisfied with the situation at Blue Lake?”
Ned rolled his eyes at the question. His visit here was little more

than a formality, and his friend knew it. There was a reason Donovan
had chosen to send him.

“As if there was ever any doubt,” he answered. Rhys shrugged.

“Things aren’t always as they seem.” His eyes darkened. Ned, who
knew him well, could easily read tension in his shoulders, though
outwardly he hadn’t moved. He cocked his head to the side,
wondering how to react. Rhys appeared sunk in unhappy memories.
Both of them glanced up when Rhys’s mate, Don, entered the room.

“Hey,” he said. He was looking at Ned but went immediately to

the sofa where Rhys was sitting and sat down, wrapping his arm
around Rhys’s shoulders. “Miss me?” he asked casually. “What are
you two talking about?”

His presence seemed to calm Rhys immediately.
“Nothing important,” Ned answered, leaning back in his chair.

Don hummed in answer, carding his hand through Rhys’s hair. Rhys
practically melted into him. He nuzzled Don’s shoulder, letting the
other man pet him. Looking at them right now, Ned mused, it would
be easy to assume Don was the stronger one. Don was a big guy,

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broad shouldered and muscular. Ned knew he was a healer, one of
rare wolves who had the ability to heal shifters. He was far from
helpless in fight, but Rhys was Blue Lake alpha, one of strongest
shifters Ned had ever met. It was always a mistake to underestimate
Rhys, Ned reminded himself. He ought to know. They were partnered
for years. One of reasons he and Rhys led so many successful
missions for Silver Moon was that neither of them looked dangerous.
As the Blue Lake omega had said, Ned was cute and wasn’t above
taking advantage of it. People who saw just his looks always regretted
it in the end. Rhys, on the other side, never looked like a serious
opponent until his teeth were sunk into the attacker’s throat. It always
puzzled Ned, a reaction his friend caused in most people who didn’t
know him. He could understand them underestimating him. He knew
how he looked and did his best to play up to the part of dumb blond.
Rhys, on the other hand? Wolves could feel how strong he was, so
why ignore it? It happened more often than not. He supposed it had
something with ingrained perceptions. Shifters didn’t expect alpha
wolves to be five eight, slim, and long haired, just as most people saw
Ned’s blond hair, big blue eyes, and assumed he was harmless. Ned
shrugged. Both he and Rhys had used this to their advantage in the

He caught Don looking at him with a puzzled expression.

Normally he wouldn’t have reacted, but he was among friends now.
“What?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but no matter how loath I’m to

agree with Jason, you are too cute to be an Upholder,” Don answered

Rhys swallowed laughter. Ned fluttered his eyelashes at Don.

“That would be what I mean,” Don grumbled, obviously unimpressed.
“How did you even got a job as an Upholder?”

“Donovan hired him,” Rhys replied.
“True,” Ned agreed. “His predecessor, Larson, didn’t have so

much faith in my abilities.”

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Finding Ned


“Don’t let that fool you,” Rhys advised his mate. “Ned was the

one who helped Donovan unseat Larson and take de facto control of
Silver Moon.”

“You shouldn’t listen to rumors, Rhys,” Ned rebuked his friend.

Even if that particular one happened to be true, he added silently to
himself. But there was no reason to tell that to Rhys.

“Who said I was,” Rhys muttered. Ned threw a pillow at him.
“Be nice to guests, sweetheart,” Don said, laughing. “Are you still

leaving tomorrow?” he asked, looking at Ned. Ned nodded. That was
the plan, and so far nothing had happened to change it. “I’m giving
my report to Donovan over the phone. Then I’m off to my well-
deserved vacation,” he finished with a satisfied grin.

“Who’s going to pick you up?” Rhys asked, giving him an

interested look. Ned winced. He had a similar conversation with
Donovan before he left. It was sort of annoying that Rhys, who was
supposed to be his friend, asked the same thing. He waved his hand in
the air. “No one. It’s vacation.”

Rhys snorted, obviously unimpressed by his reasoning. “It’s you

going on vacation. That usually ends somewhat differently than most
people going on vacation,” he finished pointedly.

“How so?” Don asked, looking intrigued.
Ned crossed his arms over his chest and glared. “Look, Rhys, I’m

an Upholder. Most shifters know better than try and harm an
Upholder. You know that.” He deflated. “The last time was an
unfortunate coincidence,” he mumbled unhappily. Since Rhys had
been with him that time, he couldn’t exactly pretend it didn’t happen.

“It was?” Rhys asked dryly, a look of patent disbelief on his face.
Ned grimaced. The last time he had literally stumbled over a dead

body and a deranged werewolf. It was sheer dumb luck that Rhys was
with him and he managed to escape without a scratch. Once they had
reported to Silver Moon, however, Donovan was less than impressed.
It was the reason why his boss was so reluctant to let him go on his
own again. Ned had to fight for it. He didn’t want a babysitter on his

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vacation. He could understand why that was a necessity during the
time he was on the job, but he drew the line on his free time. Rhys
was a friend as well as bodyguard. He didn’t count. He didn’t have
such relationship with any other members of Silver Moon.

“I’m going to be fine, Rhys,” he said placatingly. Rhys didn’t look


“I certainly hope so.”
Ned sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Donovan wouldn’t give me more than two weeks,” he admitted.

He hesitated before adding under his breath, “And he chose the spot.”
If he hoped Rhys wouldn’t hear it, he was mistaken.

“Smart of Donovan,” Rhys announced. Ned narrowed his eyes at

him. He was less than pleased with Donovan’s ultimatum, but
Donovan wouldn’t budge, and since joining Silver Moon, Ned had
learned to take his victories where he could.

“There is another option, though,” Rhys continued. “You could

stay here.” The words were innocuous by themselves, and Rhys
looked earnest when he said them. In a flash Ned remembered his first
day at Blue Lake and Jason’s disgruntled complaint. He knows who
his mate is.
His blood turned to ice. His heart beat faster, unnaturally
loud in his ears. This was his most guarded secret, and the man had
spilled it so casually and effortlessly. He had done his best to avoid
the Blue Lake omega, not an easy task, without letting anyone figure
it out. He couldn’t stay.

“Thanks,” he said, trying to keep his voice normal. “I already

have plans.”

Rhys pursed his lips, giving Ned a long, thoughtful look. Ned

resisted the urge to squirm. Rhys knew him better than most people,
and it was making him nervous.

“Can you leave us alone for a moment, Don?”
“Sure.” Don stood up easily, patting Rhys’s shoulder. He offered

his hand to Ned. “If I don’t see you tomorrow, have a safe trip.”

“Thanks.” Ned watched as Don left the room.

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Finding Ned


“You are lucky, Rhys,” he whispered softly.
Rhys laughed softly. “I know.” He sobered. “Listen, Ned. If you

are worried about Jason, I can keep him away from you.” Ned stared
at him. That was not what he expected Rhys to say.

All breath left his lungs. “Jason?” he repeated sharply. “Why did

you say that? Did Jason do something?” His heart plummeted.

Something flickered in Rhys’s eyes. “No,” he said slowly. “It’s

just that I know you very well. You are safe on that front. You were
avoiding him. And I heard what he said the first day.”

Oh God. No.
“It’s none of your business,” he snapped at his friend.
“Perhaps. Donovan—”
Ned was on the verge of emotional breakdown.
“There is no point telling Donovan,” he lashed out. Agitated, he

stood up and started to pace the room. “And either way he is no in
position to do anything,” he sneered. “Our esteemed leader isn’t
without his shortcomings. He wouldn’t dare—” He couldn’t believe
Donovan would talk, especially considering the secret in his past.

“Ned!” Rhys’s voice was sharp, penetrating his rage and fear. He

whirled to face him. His vision had gone monochromatic, and he
wondered if his fangs were showing. Are you crazy? the still sane part
of his mind demanded. That’s an alpha wolf you are arguing with.

Rhys however, seemed unperturbed by Ned’s violent reaction.

“That wasn’t a threat,” he said gently. “I was going to say, Donovan
mentioned that it would be easier all around if you stayed here. That’s

Ned took a deep breath trying to calm down. His reaction was out

of all proportion. If Rhys wasn’t suspicious before now, he was
certainly going to be. “Sorry.”

Rhys dismissed his apology.
“It’s okay.” He gave Ned a questioning look. “I’m not a threat,

Ned. I’m a friend. I wasn’t only your bodyguard. You know you can
trust me?”

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He knew. But he had never talked about this with anyone and

wasn’t about to start now. Old habits were hard to break. And it still

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to go off the deep end.

It just…I have some bad memories. I would rather not revisit them.”

His belly clenched. Old pain pierced his heart. Zack.
“Gathered that.” Rhys was still studying him carefully. “Going to

tell me what happened?”

Ned took a deep breath. He was ready to deny everything. It

wasn’t what happened, his defenses crumbling.

“He left,” he said in a dull voice. Rhys frowned at him, obviously


“Who left?”
“My mate,” Ned admitted, seeing Rhys’s eyes widen at the

admission. He shrugged, laughing hollowly.

“He left. He didn’t want to be mated with me. I went to join Silver

Moon.” He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “We were
friends long before we knew we were mates. He didn’t care. He didn’t
want to have anything to do with me.”

“He wasn’t a shifter?”
Ned shook his head. He could guess why Rhys asked this. He

wasn’t that lucky. Zack knew perfectly well what he was doing when
he left. “Oh no. He was. He knew what it meant, that there won’t be
anyone else for either of us. We even belonged to the same pack. He
just didn’t care.”

He didn’t let himself dwell on it. He couldn’t. It always felt like a

piece of his heart was being ripped out again. Zack never tried to
contact him, never showed any interest in him. He heard Rhys curse.
He stood up and came to stand beside Ned, gripping his shoulder in a
show of sympathy. “I’m sorry,” he said. “He is an idiot.”

He meant it, too. The pain and shame inside him lessened

somewhat. He had his friends. That would have to be enough since he
didn’t think Zack was ever going change his opinion.

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Finding Ned


“Yeah, well, if you ever get a chance, I won’t object to you

punching him.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Rhys promised. He frowned as his phone

rang. “I need to pick up this,” he said apologetically.

“Go ahead.” Ned took a step back, going to the window. Blue

Lake pack territory was really beautiful, he admitted. It wasn’t like it
would be a hardship to stay here, but it went against his nature to just
go along with Donovan’s plans. Their fearless leader wasn’t without
his faults. One of them, which also helped him build Silver Moon into
what it was today, was his habit of managing everyone and
everything. He grimaced. After all the arguments he had with
Donovan before coming here, he couldn’t believe Donovan had gone
behind his back and asked Rhys to keep him here. It wasn’t like he
was that bad. He winced as soon as he had the thought. There was
plenty of evidence to the contrary. So maybe he was that bad. He
sighed. But he needed a break away from people who knew he was an
Upholder and his duties. And, he added ruefully, he needed to get laid.
Zack may have claimed his heart, but he never cared to claim his
body. He shivered, bitterness threatening to overwhelm him. Wolves
mated for life and cherished their mates. To have his own mate reject
him, it hurt. It almost killed him. It was worse because he knew Zack.
They were best friends. He thought they were friends. He was getting
maudlin again. Shaking his head to get rid of dark thoughts, Ned was
grateful when he heard Rhys wrapping up his conversation.

“Now that was interesting,” Rhys mused, dropping his phone on

the coffee table, “you will never guess who that was.”

Ned just looked at him, relieved his friend was letting him ignore

what just happened. “Tell me,” he prompted. Rhys’s reaction was
unusual. He looked gleeful, eyes gleaming. Ned knew that expression
on his partner’s face. Rhys smiled predatorily. “That was Antonio.
He’s coming here.” Ned reared back in surprise. Antonio was Antonio
Deluca, member of one of oldest shifter families. “You called him

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“I did more than that.” Rhys smirked. “I offered him beta


Antonio was good choice for pack beta. Ned had always thought it

a shame Antonio’s cousin Trey didn’t pick him for the position.
Remembering his suspicions as to why that was, Ned realized Blue
Lake might be a better fit for Antonio than Two Pines.

“Huh,” he said aloud. “You didn’t tell me that.”
Rhys’s smile was positively evil. “That’s what’s interesting. He

refused the position at first.”

Ned’s mind was working furiously. “When was that?”
Curiouser and curiouser. “That doesn’t sound like Antonio.”
“It doesn’t, does it? I told him he needed to think it over.” Rhys

looked smug.

Ned raised one brow. “I wonder what made him change his mind.”

Rhys cocked his head, his black hair cascading down his back.

“Stay and find out,” he offered.
Ned laughed. “Nice try. Keep me updated and tell Tony hello for


* * * *

“Another day, another job done.”
Zack laughed at his friend Rick’s gleeful tone. It was true that they

finished the job earlier than they expected. Nina, the third member of
their small company, rolled her eyes at their friend’s antics, but she
was equally pleased. Zack had started Silver Tag, a security company,
once he had left his pack. He had been somewhat at loose ends. An
accident had him meeting with Nina and helping her out of a tight
spot. It was that situation which gave Zack the idea for the job. He
offered the job to Nina, and she’d taken it immediately. They had
hired Rick shortly after, but that was it. They had a pool of part-timers
they took on sometimes, but the three of them mainly worked alone.

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Finding Ned


They usually did consulting jobs. They also worked with shifters,
most of whom were paranoid about security. They had managed to
make a name for themselves and traveled all over the country. Zack
himself took a lot of jobs when no one else was available. He didn’t
want to go home, to his birth pack, while both Rick and Nina
occasionally visited with their families. Zack had his reasons not to. It
hadn’t changed in all the years he had been away. His good mood
faltered. He swallowed, remembering the blond head resting on his
arm while they watched movies in his parents’ home. It came with a
flash of heat from his traitorous body. He pushed those thoughts away.

“Why don’t we take a break?” he offered. Nina and Rick

exchanged looks.

“Seriously, boss?” Rick asked incredulously. It was unlike Zack to

offer something like this. He might send his people on vacation, but
usually he kept working. He shrugged.

“Why not? This is a nice town, and we can certainly afford it. We

don’t have anything scheduled.”

Rick hesitated, obviously unsure how to proceed.
“The alpha said he was going to recommend us to his cousin. We


Zack was there when Jake made an offer. He had thanked the guy,

and he certainly planned on checking up on the possibility, but
decided they could wing this one. They had wrapped up this job early
and had rest of the week free. Their hotel room was paid up, so why
not take advantage of the situation?

“We could, but we don’t have to,” Zack cut him off. He grinned.

Rick looked disconcerted. “Consider yourself on vacation.” He took a
sip of a fruity drink the waitress brought over earlier. “I’m certainly
going to.”

“You are in a very good mood,” Nina observed. Zack didn’t

comment. Rick suddenly straightened in his chair, his face
brightening. Following his gaze, Zack saw two girls giving them

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interested looks. He barely suppressed the snort. He could have
guessed that was going to be first on Rick’s list.

“I meant it. You are not on the clock. Do usual things people do on

vacation. You know, go shopping, get laid,” he suggested dryly. Rick
winced guiltily. Nina smirked at her friend.

“Don’t think you need to tell him that, boss. He is doing nicely on

his own.”

“I’m a healthy young man,” Rick said in a mild tone. “I ought to

be interested in sex.”

Nina shuddered theatrically.
“Yeah yeah, spare me the details.”
“I’m just saying,” Rick continued to needle her. “What do you

say, boss?”

“About what?” Zack asked suspiciously. He didn’t want to get

involved in one of Rick and Nina’s quarrels if he could avoid it. They
were fun to watch, though.

“Women,” Rick replied matter-of-factly. “What do you like?”

Zack froze, hoping his friends didn’t notice.

That was not something he wanted to talk about. He shrugged.

“The usual I guess.” His tone suggested that Rick give in.

Rick didn’t pick up on the sudden change in Zack’s mood.
“Come on. Give us details.” He waggled his eyebrows at Zack.
“He means tell him which type he should give up on, since they

will go for you at the first crook of your finger,” Nina commented
dryly. Rick ignored her.

“Well?” he asked eagerly. “What does it for you? Redhead,


“I never thought about it that way,” Zack replied curtly. Once

again he ignored the memory of blond hair spilling over his arm.

“Aw, come on, man,” Rick whined playfully.
Zack’s gaze wandered, and his eyes widened. On the other side of

the street, a lean, sleek figure in jeans and jacket was pushing his way
between two men. Blond hair spilled over his shoulders.

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Finding Ned


Surely it wasn’t.
Yup, it was. He would have known that ass anywhere. Trim and

round, it was snugly enclosed in a pair of dark jeans.

And it was in trouble.
Some things didn’t change, no matter how much time had passed.
“Excuse me,” he said, getting up from the table and ignoring his

friends’ baffled looks. Purposefully he strode over to the small group.

* * * *

Ned was beginning to be pissed off. “I said, let go!” He stumbled

backward, only to have someone’s hands close around his waist and a
warm chest press against his back. He whirled around to meet his new
foe, only to stop in his tracks when he recognized who had dared to
touch him. His chest constricted.

“I have got you, honey,” drawled the man in that impossible sexy

voice. Ned’s belly fluttered. Zack pinned the two miscreants with an
icy glare. “Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?” he
asked sarcastically.

“No, man, it’s cool,” one of them hurried to say. They backed off.
Ned sighed in relief. That solved one of his problems, but there

was still the other to contend with. “Zack! What are you doing here?”
He was trying to sound calm. It dawned on him that Zack still had an
arm around his waist and that he was still pressed against his chest.
His wolf purred in satisfaction. He couldn’t allow that. As if scalded,
he tried to pull back. Zack blinked at him in obvious confusion. He
didn’t seem to get it. Ned hesitated, and then a flash of annoyance
went through him.

“Let go.”
“Zack! I said let go.” He gritted his teeth. With a sigh, Zack did as

he was told, stepping back reluctantly. His fingertips brushed over
Ned’s arm like he couldn’t resist it.

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“Are you all right? They didn’t hurt you?” he asked anxiously.

Ned shook his head.

“No. They were idiots but not dangerous.” He took a deep breath

and forced himself to say, “Anyway thanks for your help.”

To his surprise, Zack’s mouth curved in a smile. Ned felt a pang in

his chest. “Bet that hurt,” Zack said. His easy tone transported Ned
back ten years ago when he still had his best friend.

“I guess,” he admitted grudgingly. “How have you been, Zack?”

There was no reason not to be polite. He refused to entertain the
thought that he wanted to spend more time with Zack. They had no
future. He didn’t need to be hurt more than he already was.

“Fine. What about you?” Zack didn’t wait for him to answer. “You

look good.” The heated look he gave him left no doubt as to what his
thoughts were.

A lump lodged in Ned’s throat.
“I have got to go,” he said, turning away from Zack to do just that.

Zack grabbed his arm. Ned narrowed his eyes at him. “What do you
want, Zack?” He had easily slipped into his Upholder persona.

“Wait!” Zack seemed to hesitate. He glanced over his shoulder.

For the first time, Ned wondered if he was alone. His lip curled. Of
course he wouldn’t want to be seen with Ned.

“Are you…alone?” Why should Zack care? Ned blinked. It wasn’t

a question he expected.

Zack growled, yanking him closer. “You are coming with me.”
Ned stumbled. He landed practically on Zack’s chest, his scent

wreaking havoc on his senses. He yelped, his voice muffled. He
finally managed to straighten up. Zack maintained his hold on him.

“Coming with you, where?”
”Back to your hotel, I imagine.” Zack sounded impatient. Ned

stiffened, not liking the implication.

“I can go back to my hotel myself.”

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Finding Ned


Zack snorted. “We both saw how that went over.” Ned opened his

mouth to protest, but Zack was already moving.

“Come on,” he ordered. “Give me the address.”
Zack hissed in exasperation, running a hand through his hair, a

movement Ned was familiar with. Zack was wont to do it when things
didn’t go as he expected them to. It brought him perverse pleasure,
knowing he had caused it.

“Ned, I’m not in the mood,” he warned, enunciating every word.

“Just give me the address, I’ll take you there, and that will be it.”

Hurt and anger flared inside Ned. “Right. You wouldn’t want to

sully yourself with my company,” Ned remarked bitterly. He saw
Zack’s mouth tighten.

“I don’t want to argue with you. Just give me the address.”
Ned knew from bitter experience he wasn’t going to make Zack

change his decision once he had decided on a course of action. There
was nothing he could do. With a sigh, Ned recited the address.

* * * *

When he closed the door on Ned’s stunned face, Zack had to lean

on the wall and take a deep breath. He left home because of Ned. But
years didn’t do anything to stop him from desiring the man. He might
not be aware of it but with Ned in front of him, in the flesh, he
couldn’t ignore it anymore. He was hard since the moment Ned
landed on him. He rubbed his face with his hands. Nothing had
changed. When he had realized Ned was his mate, he had lashed out
at him, afraid of the ridicule of his friends. He had distanced himself
from Ned, going so far as to run from his pack. He had tried not to
think about it in the following years, but it was getting harder every
day. Ned was a missing piece of his soul. Even now, his wolf
protested vehemently leaving the blond man behind. He had trouble
collecting himself. He drew in a shuddering breath, then another. His

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hands were shaking. He heard a door opening and tried to school his
face into his normal, easygoing grin. A familiar scent reached his
nostrils. He narrowed his eyes as Ned stopped in his tracks in the
hallway. He didn’t appear pleased to see Zack. It sent a pang through
his chest, though he knew he probably deserved it.

“I thought you were gone,” he said sulkily.
“So what, you decided it’s safe to sneak out again?” Zack snapped

before hauling him back in the room. He ignored the thrill he felt as
he got his hands on Ned again. “Wasn’t one time enough?” he
demanded. Ned crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him.

“I am not going to spend all day in my room just because I ran

into some idiots,” he said evenly.

“Stubborn as always,” Zack complained. “I’m not surprised you

got into trouble. With the way you dress…” Ned’s eyes flashed

“There is nothing wrong with how I dress,” he said through

clenched teeth. Zack begged to disagree. He dragged his gaze slowly
over Ned’s long legs, slim hips, and muscular chest, pausing at his full
lips. A slow burn of desire started low in his belly. He raised his eyes,
letting Ned see the effect he had on him. He saw those pretty eyes
darken. Ned’s breath hitched. He smirked at Ned. It proved his point.

“You look fuckable.” He drew the words out. A low thrum of

desire coursed through his blood.

“Just because you desire me doesn’t mean I want it that way,” Ned

retorted heatedly then blanched. Zack’s body went rigid.

“We are not going there,” he warned.
“Fine! Then leave! That’s what you did last time. You are good at


Zack grabbed a handful of white hair and yanked, forcing Ned to

throw his head back, and then pressed his lips on Ned’s. Ned stood
frozen. Zack breathed in that hot mouth. He pulled Ned closer, turning
him into his arms.

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Lifting his head up, he yanked again, cruelly. Ned gasped. “That’s

what they would do to you,” he said harshly. “And more. Are you
really that naive?”

“Maybe I wanted it!” Ned answered, his mouth swollen from the

kiss. He sounded angry.

Jealousy washed all over Zack, mixing with desire.
“That’s no problem.” He took a step back, not taking his eyes

from Ned. He unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it on the floor. His
shirt followed. Ned’s eyes widened. He backed a step hastily.

“What are you doing?”
Zack only smiled. Barefoot, he crossed the distance between them

in two long strides. He licked his lips. He saw Ned’s pupils dilate, a
flash of desire and answering need he was sure was obvious on his
face. Ned tried to step back only to gasp when his knees hit the edge
of the mattress. He landed on the bed. Zack chuckled and climbed
after him, straddling Ned. His breath hitched when Ned’s body
pressed against the inside of his thigh. His cock jumped in
anticipation. He leaned down until their faces were only an inch away.
His hand tightened in Ned’s hair.

“Nice,” he breathed before closing his eyes and kissing Ned again.

It was as intoxicating as the first time. His whole body was on fire.
Ned’s hands tightened on his shoulders. When he tried to kiss him
again, Ned turned his head. A flash of annoyance went through him.

“Zack!” Ned protested. Zack nuzzled his throat.
“Whatsa matter? You said you wanted it.” He didn’t know what

came over him. He’d always denied the connection between him and
Ned. His body was humming in anticipation.

He nibbled on Ned’s earlobe. His mouth slid down Ned’s throat

and shoulder, teeth nipping gently. Ned shuddered under him, the
scent of his arousal sharp in the air. Zack’s wolf preened smugly. Zack
chuckled and pulled away enough to take down Ned’s shirt, and then
his mouth greedily fastened on one taut nipple. Ned cursed, his hips
slamming into Zack’s. By now, he was more than half-aroused.

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“Mmm.” Zack eased his tongue over the tight bud.
“Still sensitive, I see.”
“Damn you!” Ned panted, but didn’t try to get away. Zack licked

his nipple again just to prove his point. Ned shuddered under him.
Mouthing Ned’s shoulder, Zack rolled over onto his side, dropping his
hand to Ned’s waist.

He circled the denim-clad thigh, causing breathless moans before

flicking the fly open and pulling the jeans down. Ned obediently
raised his hips, letting Zack strip him. He tossed the unwanted cloth
beside the bed and rose on one elbow to contemplate his lover.

Cheeks flushed, his hands fisted in the bedspread, Ned shot him

an angry glaze. Zack’s eyes traveled down to his groin and fully erect

“Nice.” His fingers closed over it. Ned gasped.
“Easy, baby, easy,” Zack soothed, his hand massaging the captive

shaft and balls. “I won’t hurt you.”

Ned’s head fell back on the bed. He blinked in confusion when

Zack let go of him.

“Where do you keep lube?”
Something flickered in Ned’s gaze.
“I don’t have it.”
Zack cocked his head to the side. He waited. Ned bit his lip. Zack

slid a hand up his thigh to his hip, avoiding touching his cock. Ned’s
breath hitched. Zack withdrew his hand. He straightened, abandoning
the bed.

He went to Ned’s jacket and fished room keys out of one pocket.

“I guess that means I will have to go down to buy some.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Ned’s face had a horrified look.
Zack grabbed his shirt. Ned gritted his teeth, reached for one

drawer, and took out something.

“Here,” he said, tossing the small tube over to Zack and turned on

his belly. Zack was over him in moments, his warm body covering
Ned, fingers entwining with his. He kissed one bare shoulder.

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“Please tell me you had lovers in past couple of months,” he

murmured, unsnapping his belt and pushing his jeans down enough to
bare his cock. It slapped against his palm already wet, pre-cum oozing
from the tip. Zack tightened his grip, resisting the urge to spill all over
Ned’s pretty backside. It wasn’t how he wanted this to end.

“Romantic, aren’t you?” Ned bit back sarcastically, spreading his


Zack ground his hips against that tight ass, letting Ned feel just

how “romantic” he was. His cock eagerly brushed over warmed skin.

“Do I have to prepare you, or can you take it?” He couldn’t

believe how aroused he was. He let his cock rest in the cleft of Ned’s
ass and felt the other man shudder.

“Tell me!”
Ned groaned. “Go ahead.”
Zack rose in one swift move, then opened the tube. He squeezed

lube on his palm, and then reached for his cock, making it wet and
slick. His other hand kneaded the bare ass in front of him. Ready, he
leaned over Ned, bracing himself on one arm, the other one guiding
his stiff prick in the puckered hole. He pushed in, feeling the tight
channel close around him. He groaned, but kept moving until his hips
were flush with his lover’s ass.

“Good?” he said, watching the set of Ned’s shoulders intently.

There was no answer at first. Zack held his breath.

Please, baby, say it’s okay. It will kill me to pull out now.
Finally Ned gave a small nod. Zack slid out, the movement

causing Ned to arch in pleasure, then thrust back, grunting with the
effort. His balls tightened. He was closer than he wanted it, barely
able to hold himself in check. His hips ruthlessly pumped, his brain
forgotten. Pleasure traveled down his spine. Ned’s fingers dug into the
covers, his breath shallow and uneven. Zack grinned, realizing his
cock just rubbed over Ned’s prostate. He repeated the movement, and
yeah, Ned obediently thrust up on him, impaling himself. Zack
cursed, freezing in midthrust, then collapsed over Ned, draping his

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body over his. He panted as the orgasm thundered through him. He
heard a sob catch in Ned’s throat, and held him as Ned’s body
tightened around him. He buried his head in damp blond locks as
another wave of pleasure rushed through him.

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Chapter 2

Ned heard Zack leave the bed then pad barefoot to the bathroom,

his fingers tightening in the sheets. He didn’t say anything as Zack
dressed and left. Hot tears prickled his eyes. Apparently he wasn’t
going to rate a good-bye, just like last time. His wolf howled. His
whole being yearned for Zack. Stupid. Zack hadn’t changed. A wry
smile twisted his lips into a sneer. That wasn’t the complete truth. He
was willing to fuck him this time. He rolled onto his back and sat,
wrapping an arm around his knees. And what was wrong with him
when he allowed this to happen? He could have resisted. With a
heartfelt sigh, he dropped his head onto his arms. He should have
listened to his friends and stayed at Blue Lake. Why did Zack
approach him anyway? He would have dealt with those guys,
eventually. Cold air glided over his skin. He shivered. His wolf
keened. Zack had left again. He wondered what he was supposed to
do now. The ringing of his phone interrupted his thoughts. He glanced
at the nightstand, hesitating briefly before his fingers closed over the
phone. He wasn’t in the mood to chat with his friends. He didn’t even
acknowledge the tiny flicker of hope that it was Zack. He settled back
on the bed, bringing the phone closer to look at it. A number flashed
on the screen. It wasn’t familiar. He pursed his lips before pressing the
button and raising it to his ear.

“Upholder?” a hesitant voice asked. Ned leaned back on the

pillows. So this was an official call. He could deal with that.


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“I can’t call Silver Moon, but I need help. Please.” The voice

quivered, the owner obviously frightened. Ned wondered what this
was about.

“Tell me,” he offered. There was an audible swallow from the

other end of the line.

“Not on the phone. It’s important. Tonight. ”
“All right, I’ll be there,” Ned agreed. “Can you tell me where?”
“I have to think about that. They are watching me, you know.”

The voice abruptly strengthened. “I’ll tell you where later,” it
promised before the connection cut off. Ned was left staring at the

What in the world?

* * * *

His body was still tingling with remembered pleasure. Zack

clenched his teeth. He’d left his pack because he knew he couldn’t
resist claiming Ned as his own. Even now his wolf was clamoring to
get back. Zack shook his head. He couldn’t believe he’d slept with a
guy. He’d enjoyed it. He didn’t think of it before he took Ned to bed.
The only thing on his mind was getting his hands on Ned. He
wondered what that said about him.

Did it matter? He wasn’t as young as he’d been when teasing

remarks from his friends had gotten him to leave his birth pack
behind. He’d met many packs since then. Some had a problem with
gay shifters. Most did not. And Ned was his mate. He’d never even
looked at other men, but then again, he’d known Ned was his mate for
years. He glanced hesitantly at Rick and Nina. They were watching
TV and bickering about the currently running movie. He smiled
wryly. It was after midnight and both of them had showed up at his
hotel room. Neither of them showed any inclination to leave. His
heart warmed. Despite his announcement that they were now on their
free time, they chose to be together. His smile evaporated. What

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Finding Ned


would be their reaction to his bond with Ned? He wasn’t sure he
could give up the life he’d made. What if they were disgusted? He had
no clue what their opinion was on the matter. He supposed it was his
own fault. After all, he had deliberately avoided any hint and
conversation that could lead in that direction. He bit his lip. Could he
ask, and if he did, were they going to suspect something?

“You’re quiet,” Nina said. “Something wrong?”
He winced guiltily. “No. Why do you ask?”
She shrugged. “You are not usually this withdrawn. I mean you

are not like Rick”—she grinned at their teammate—“but this is not
like you. I know the business has no problem.”

“It’s a private matter.”
“You are not going to share, are you?” She gave him a shrewd


Zack hesitated, on the verge of telling. Maybe Nina would

understand. She wasn’t like the guys from his birth pack.

His cell rang. “Have to get that,” he said ruefully, strangely

relieved. Zack took one look at caller ID then hesitated. He didn’t
know the number. He knew logically it didn’t have to be Ned, but he
was still slow to answer. The phone continued to ring.

“Boss?” Rick cast him a curious look, tearing his gaze from the

screen. “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Nina looked equally
interested, a speculative gleam in her eyes. Zack shook his head and
waved at them, then flipped the cell open.

“Zack, I am in trouble,” Ned’s voice came, slightly breathless, but

still in his cold and mighty Upholder mode. Zack froze, gripping the
phone. His wolf growled.

“What kind of trouble?” he asked sharply, his focus narrowing on

the voice coming from his phone. Nothing but his mate mattered, not
now. Harsh breathing was his only answer.

“I am…someone shot at me,” Ned admitted.
Zack’s world spun over.

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“Someone what?” he asked in a raised tone. Both Nina and Rick

looked over from television screen after hearing their normally
unflappable boss exclaim. Rick grabbed the remote and turned the TV

He grabbed hold of his senses. “All right. Where are you? I will

come and pick you up.” He tried to sound calm and collected. He
wasn’t sure if he succeeded.

Pause. Fear speared his insides. He felt cold. His ears thundered,

and his vision clouded, becoming a smudge of black and white.

“I’m here.”
He had to sit down when he heard the answer. “Good,” he said in

what was a surprisingly normal voice. “Good.” He swallowed, his
throat inexplicably tight. “Tell me where you are.” There was pain in
Ned’s voice when he answered. He was weakening with effort every
second. Zack knew they had to hurry. He grabbed the notepad on the

Zack motioned to his men, scribbling down what Ned was telling

him. He had to force himself to hang up. “I’ll be there,” he promised.

“What have we got, boss?” Rick and Nina were already standing,

not a trace of their previous levity on their faces. He didn’t have to
check to know they were already armed.

“Bring the truck. One of my friends has been shot,” he explained

in clipped tones.

They obeyed without question. After all, they were in security

jobs. When Rick started for the door, Zack grabbed his arm.

“Rick, pick up your stuff.”
Rick’s eyes slightly widened. “It’s a wolf friend?”
Zack exhaled harshly.
Rick frowned.
“How come he hasn’t called someone from his pack?”
Zack shook his head, reaching for his own gun.

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“He isn’t local. He is here on vacation.”
Rick frowned. Zack guessed he was probably wondering why

Zack didn’t mention this friend earlier, but he didn’t say anything.
Zack was relieved. He wasn’t up to explaining, and he was worried
about Ned.

Correctly reading his mood, Nina took it upon herself to drive.

Which was good because he was sure he would have wrecked them a
hundred times. Minutes stretched endlessly. He breathed a sigh of
relief when they arrived. He rubbed his chest, refusing to
acknowledge the fear and despair throttling him. He reached for the
door handle, only to have Rick stop him.

“Easy,” Rick said. “We don’t know if they are still here.”
We don’t know if Ned is still alive,
Zack wanted to say, but his

tongue felt thick and he couldn’t say it. He exhaled sharply before
nodding in Rick’s direction. He eased out of the car, keeping close
enough to use it for cover. Nina and Rick did the same. They all
relaxed when there was no immediate hostile reaction. Where was
Ned? Zack searched their surroundings desperately. He sniffed the
cooling night air, but got nothing. His heart plummeted.

“Call him,” Nina ordered, staring into the dark. “He doesn’t know

who we are.”

Zack nodded, raising his voice.
“Are you here?” he called.
“Over there.” Ned sounded calm. Wild hope surged inside Zack.

He ran toward the line of bushes Ned was using as a cover.

“Shit, boss, you want to get shot?” Rick muttered, running behind

him. Zack ignored him. He landed down on his knees in the dirt.

“Shit!” He grabbed his friend and pulled him up on his lap. Ned

cringed at his touch but didn’t try to resist. His eyes were closed, and
he was breathing shallowly. He was obviously hurting.

“How is he?” Rick asked, dropping down beside him. Nina was

eyeing the darkness around them with mistrust, her gun out and at the

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Ned opened one eye, glanced first at Rick and then back at Zack.
“You are not alone,” he said. Zack realized what worried him.
“That’s okay,” he said soothingly. “They are friends.”
Ned swallowed with some effort. He closed his eyes again, like it

was too much for him to handle. It probably was, Zack realized,
feeling sick. There was blood on his torso, and Zack could see he was
unnaturally pale even in the encroaching darkness.

“Watch it, boss. You are hurting him,” Rick warned. Stricken,

Zack pulled his hands back, watching Ned anxiously as Rick started
to work on him.

Rick opened Ned’s shirt, causing the other man to swallow and

gasp. Zack shuddered at the blood. His hands locked in blond hair,
petting Ned’s head gently.

“Shh, babe, it’s OK.”
“Looks like the bullet is still in,” Rick announced. “We better get

him in the truck.” He cast a nervous glance around. “Whoever shot
him might still be watching.”

“Got him.” Zack straightened, picking up Ned in his hands gently.

The blond head leaned on his chest, eyelids shut.

“Hurry, before the wound closes up,” Nina warned. “You will

have more problems cleaning it then.” Shifters healed fast.

“It won’t. Look at how he is bleeding.” Rick shook his head.
“What do you mean?”
“It means he was shot with a silver bullet,” Rick explained flatly.
A bolt of fear shot through Zack. “Silver?”
Rick grimly nodded.
He carefully climbed into the back, leaning heavily on the metal

door to stop Ned from jostling. Tires squealed as Nina turned the
truck. She wasn’t taking any chances. He carefully settled down. Rick
cursed as he crawled closer.

“This is going to hurt,” he said apologetically. Zack noticed he

was looking at him as he said it even if the warning was ostensibly for
Ned. “I know.” A sick feeling spilled inside him. He barely resisted

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the urge to remove his mate away from the man who was hurting him.
Ned gasped, twitching as Rick pressed his wound. Blue eyes filled
with pain found his.

“Hurts.” Ned buried his head in his belly.
“I know, I know. It will pass. Don’t worry. I’m here,” Zack

soothed, caressing him. He didn’t know whether to cry or be relieved
when Ned suddenly went still, passing out. Zack’s fingers gripped
Ned’s shoulders. Don’t go away, baby. I have just found you again.

Finally Rick sat back on his heels, wiping his hands on a clean


“That’s it. Can’t do more for him. At least the bullet is out. The

rest is dependent on him,” he said apologetically. Zack bit his lip. He
knew what Rick meant, even if he didn’t say it.

But the silver was still in Ned’s bloodstream, spreading its poison.
The truck stopped. Nina leaned over the seats to look at them.

“Boss? We going up to your room?” Zack hesitated. He was too
wrapped in Ned to think, but he assumed Nina made sure they weren’t
followed. So they should be reasonably safe upstairs.

“Yes.” He took his jacket and wrapped Ned into it. With luck,

anyone who saw them would think Ned was just drunk and ignore
them. He carefully pulled the blond hair out of the collar. He hefted
Ned up. His blond head lolled until it rested on his shoulders. Ned’s
eyes opened. Glazed eyes looked into his. He seemed to relax

“Zack,” he said in a confused tone.
“Shhh,” Zack answered, his grip tightening. “I’ve got you,” he


* * * *

His vision was fuzzy around the edges. His limbs were heavy. Ned

groaned, rolling to the side. He winced when a sharp pain shot up his
body. He curled into himself.

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“Hey, easy there.” He blinked at the unfamiliar voice coming from

the left. He opened his eyes and stared at the unknown wolf next to
his bedside. He frowned, trying to connect a name with the face. At
least he probably wasn’t in danger. The wolf looked concerned. “Do I
know you?” The guy shook his head.

“No. You were somewhat out of it when we met last night.” The

wolf’s tone was apologetic.

Ned frowned. His memories from last night were wrapped in a

haze of pain. He remembered calling Zack. He was unsure if he was
hallucinating when the man showed up.

His mate was gentle with him, whispering soft words as pain

threatened to knock him out, while the other guy was working on him.
Even halfway out of his mind, Ned had sensed the other man was
trying to help him. Something clicked in his mind, the hazy
recollection imposing over the earnest face looking at him now.

“You are one of Zack’s friends.” A quick glance around the room

showed no sign of Zack. He stifled disappointment. The guy nodded,
looking satisfied.

“That’s right. I was the one who dug the bullet out of your side.

The name is Rick by the way. I work with Zack.”

He pursed his lips, studying Ned closely. “That reminds me, I

want to take a look at your wound.”

“Oh. Okay.” Ned carefully rose, settling against the headboard. He

sucked in a breath at the sudden flare of pain.

“Whoa, easy,” Rick said reproachfully, reaching for him.
Ned exhaled sharply once he was resting against the pillows

again. “Thanks,” he said ruefully.

“Don’t mention it.” Rick seated himself on the edge of the bed.

“Now let’s see how that looks.” Ned allowed the shirt to be pulled
away and blinked at angry red streaks marring his flesh.

“That looks bad,” he said. He reached to touch reflexively, only to

have his wrist restrained. “Better not.”

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Ned grimaced. “And it’s not really bad,” the wolf continued. “It’s

silver so it’s about what you would expect.”

His head jerked up. Last night the only thing he cared about was

that he was shot. He didn’t realize it was a silver bullet. “It was
silver?” The guy shrugged, releasing his wrist and tucking his shirt

“Regular bullet you would be healing right now,” he said matter–

of-factly. “This one you will need some time to shake off. I dug out
the bullet, so you don’t have a lot of silver in your blood. It should

Ned closed his eyes and let his head rest on the pillow. “Where is


“He and Nina are back at the shooting scene to try and search for

clues. You wouldn’t know who shot at you?” the guy inquired

“No, sorry.”
He heard a snort. “Figured as much but it didn’t hurt to ask. You

will have to explain it to Zack though when he comes back. He was
distinctly unhappy last night.”

“When did they leave?” Ned asked, glancing at the windows and

the light bathing the room.

“About”—Rick glanced at his wristwatch—“two hours ago.”
“Your friend’s name is Nina, right?”
Rick nodded.
“So she left with Zack. Is there someone else?”
“No. Just the three of us, and someone needed to stay with you.

You were totally out of it, and we weren’t sure if the assassin was
going to make a move on you again,” Rick responded flatly.

Right. Ned took a deep breath. Rick seemed to sense what Ned

was loath to ask. “They are fine. They are supposed to check in half
an hour from now.”

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Half an hour. Ned took careful stock of his aching body. His brain

was turned to mush. It was hard to think. He could feel himself
sinking into sleep again. He wasn’t going to last half an hour.

“Tell Zack…”
Rick’s face swam out of focus. Ned had to blink to clear his gaze.

“To be careful.”

The man eyed him expectantly. “Yes, I will.”
“Good.” With a sigh, Ned shifted in bed. It was pathetic how good

it felt to get back into a prone position.

“Go back to sleep. You can use it,” Rick ordered.
Ned turned so his cheek was lying on the cool pillow. Now he

could recognize the smell emanating from the linens. Zack’s bed. He
shivered, feeling oddly comforted.

“Can I get my phone? I need to make a call,” he said.
“Sorry, no can do.” Rick’s voice was pitiless, clearing cobwebs

from Ned’s brain. He raised his head from the pillow and frowned.
The guy looked unconcerned.

“But I had the phone with me,” he insisted. “It should be in my

jacket.” He looked around the small room, trying to spot it.

“You did,” he acknowledged. “It’s here but turned off. It was the

first thing we did once we were inside. We don’t want to risk whoever
is after you finding you that way.”

“What?” Ned was dumbfounded. “Fine, then give me yours. I

know the number.”

“Still no. Wait until Zack comes back.”
Ned was starting to get annoyed. “He is not my nanny.”
“Sorry but you didn’t see him last night. He was totally freaked

out. I’m more afraid of him than you, and I don’t think he’d want you
making any calls while he isn’t here.”

“That’s stupid,” Ned objected. Rick refused to be moved.
“You are the one who got shot,” Rick countered. “Sit tight and let

him call the shots.”

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“Did Zack tell you I’m an Upholder?” Ned demanded, leaning


“No. Didn’t seem important, what with you bleeding over his

lap.” Rick didn’t appear cowed. He stood up from the bed and went
back to his chair again. He studied Ned with unbridled curiosity.

“What?” Ned snapped at him, too annoyed to even try to be polite.

Who did this guy think he was? He stifled a groan when his body
protested the sharp movement. Rick shrugged, still staring at him and
not bothering to hide it.

“I’m just curious,” he answered, settling into the armchair. He

cocked his head. “How you do know Zack anyway? I worked for him
for years and I never met you. I never even heard him mention you.”

Rick’s words shouldn’t have hurt as much as they did. Ned’s

mouth twisted in a sneer. He bet Rick didn’t. He didn’t think Zack
would tell anyone about his discarded mate.

“Why don’t you ask him?” he answered, pulling the covers tighter

and rolling over so his back was to Rick. He didn’t care if it was rude.
Rick snorted, acknowledging the hit.

“Maybe I will.” There was challenge in his voice.
“Do that,” Ned said grouchily. And then tell me, he thought


* * * *

He was jarred out of a fitful sleep by the sound of the door

closing. He blinked, trying to remember what happened and where he
was. His brain was fuzzy, and it was hard to concentrate. He didn’t
know how long he was asleep, but it felt like it wasn’t nearly enough.
Struggling to stay awake, he rolled onto his side. Pain stabbed his
side, sharpening his senses. He heard footsteps, and then Rick’s voice.
He remembered Rick.

“You are back.”
Who? Ned wondered.

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“It’s not like there was a lot to find,” a woman’s voice said, filled

with frustration. “There were almost no traces. Whoever it was, it was
good, or he planned it very well.” There was a grudging respect in the
voice. Ned couldn’t place it. He wondered if he should panic, alone
and wounded in room full of unfamiliar shifters.

“It was a total waste of time.” He knew the second voice. It was

Zack sounding annoyed. Something inside Ned loosened. He let out a
relieved sigh. He was safe. Zack was here. His ribs protested the
movement, sending another wave of pain over his body. He must have
made some sound, though he wasn’t aware of it, because they all
suddenly shut up.

“Looks like he is awake,” Rick informed his friends. Ned waited,

refusing to react. The bed dipped. Ned pried his eyes open to see Zack
seating himself on the edge of the bed. He leaned closer, bracing
himself with one arm on the bed.

“Hey,” he said softly, his fingers brushing Ned’s cheek. He

hesitated. “How are you feeling?”

“Better than last night.” Ned’s voice was scratchy. He shivered

and leaned into the touch. Warmth spilled over his skin. He sighed in

Zack’s face hardened. “That’s not really an improvement,” he

warned, startling Ned. He blinked fuzzily at Zack. He pulled back
abruptly, letting his hand fall back on the bed. Ned followed his gaze
to the two other occupants of the room.

“It is from my point of view,” he pointed out mildly. He was

almost completely awake now, Zack’s presence clearing the remnants
of sleep. “What did you find out?” he asked, taking careful stock of
his body. Deciding he was well enough, he tried to sit in bed,
grimacing at the sudden spike of pain.

“Wait, you—” Zack started in alarm, reaching for him. Ned raised

his arm to ward off Zack’s help.

“Don’t, it’ll be fine.” He managed to lean on the headboard. He

expelled a long breath and looked at Zack expectantly. “Well?” Zack

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seemed reluctant to answer. He avoided Ned’s gaze, focusing instead
on his fist, clenched on the bedspread. Ned’s mouth tightened.

“Do I need to ask her?”
The woman snorted. Her eyes rested curiously on the two of them.

She seemed to take everything in. Zack clamped his jaw.

“Her name is Nina,” Rick said helpfully. “I mentioned her

before.” Zack’s head snapped up. He gave the other man a betrayed
look. Rick raised his shoulder and waved his arm negligently. “What?
You didn’t say not to talk to him.” Zack narrowed his eyes at him.

“No, but I didn’t mean—”
“Oh shut up, Zack,” Nina interrupted him. “He is the one who got

shot. He deserves to know.” She pursed her lips and studied him
carefully. Ned raised an eyebrow. She grimaced. “And in answer to
your question, whoever it was covered their tracks well. We didn’t get
much.” She didn’t sound happy about this.

She also wasn’t telling him everything, Ned realized. There was a

reason he was one of Donovan’s best Upholders. He was good at
reading people. “But you know something.”

He felt rather than saw Zack tense beside him. He swallowed a

prickle of annoyance. What, did his ex-friend think he was stupid?
Zack’s reaction didn’t deter Nina. She flashed a smile at him. “You
are very good.”

“Thanks. I try,” he answered dryly. She smirked, then sobered

abruptly. “He used silver bullets. He knew you were a wolf.”

There was that. It wasn’t much to go on. Ned contemplated his

findings. Odds were the shooting was connected with the meeting he
was supposed to attend. He hesitated, wondering if he should inform
Zack of it or not. Before he could make a decision, Rick spoke,
derailing his train of thought. “He wants to make a call,” Rick
informed his boss. Ned had almost forgotten about that.

“Who?” Zack sounded less than thrilled. Shame about that.
“Donovan. He needs to know what happened,” Ned explained


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Zack eyed him thoughtfully. “Fine,” he said reluctantly.
“I’ll call him.” He started to stand up. Ned grabbed his arm. He

swallowed thickly as his palm closed over warm flesh. Zack looked
up at him, his eyes bleak.

“He’ll want to hear from me,” Ned insisted. Their gazes locked.
“He can,” Zack said calmly. He carefully removed Ned’s hand.

“After he talks to me.” He pressed Ned’s hand to the bed, his palm
warm where it rested over Ned’s fingers.

He wanted to object. There was a curious undercurrent to Zack’s

words, but the meaning was escaping him. He was tired again. It
wasn’t only that he was shot. His body was trying to heal, and it
demanded he rest. It was getting harder to concentrate. His eyelids
were heavy. He shivered, pulling the blankets closer.

“That’s right,” Zack coaxed. “Go back to sleep.”
He wasn’t going to do that. There was something he wanted to

talk about. He was falling asleep.

With a sigh, Ned allowed Zack to settle him back under the

covers. He curled on his uninjured side, letting his head rest against
Zack’s leg.

“There, that’s better,” Zack said again in that gentle tone Ned

remembered from last night. He inched closer to Zack.

“Don’t leave,” he demanded pitifully, uncaring of how it would

sound. There was a pause, and Ned started to stir, remembering they
weren’t alone and what Zack’s reaction could be. “I won’t.” Fingers
ghosted over his cheek. “Zack,” he murmured, letting his mate’s
closeness lull him into sleep.

“Yes?” Zack’s voice was still soft.
“Don’t get shot.”

* * * *

Zack waited until Ned fell asleep. He threaded his fingers through

long blond hair. It made Ned look ridiculously young and vulnerable,

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Finding Ned


nothing like the dangerous member of Silver Moon he was. He was
flooded with the impulse to lean and kiss him and barely managed to
restrain himself, remembering he wasn’t alone and that would be hard
to explain. He twisted his fingers through blond hair once again and
stood up with a sigh.

“Give me his jacket,” he ordered, turning back to his friends.
Rick raised his eyebrows but picked up the leather and threw it at

Zack. “Here. It’s about the only thing that was salvageable from last
night. I got rid of the rest,” he added. Zack grunted in assent, turning
it in his arms. The damned thing was all but ruined, covered in Ned’s
blood. A stench of silver rose from it. Nina wrinkled her nose.

“That stinks,” she complained, eyeing it with distaste.
Rick just shrugged. “Of course it does. It’s silver. It doesn’t react

nicely with werewolf blood.”

Zack pressed his lips together at the unwelcome reminder. He dug

viciously into the pocket and fished out Ned’s keys. He threw the
jacket aside with more force than necessary.

“There is something else we need to check,” he informed them

grimly. He tapped the keys against his thigh. “His hotel room.”
Startled, they both looked at him.

“You know where he is staying?” Nina inquired, lounging against

the wall. Tight-lipped, Zack nodded.

“Yes.” He didn’t say anything else. Rick and Nina exchanged

looks. Zack itched to move.

“Fine with me,” Nina gave an elegant shrug, pushing off of the

wall. She looked at him expectantly. “Do you want to go now?”

He bared his teeth in a feral grimace.
“No time like present,” he said grimly. He gripped the keys.
“What about me?” Rick wanted to know. “Do you want me to stay

or go?”

Zack glanced past him at Ned’s sleeping form. His chest

constricted. Part of him wanted to stay. Part of him wanted to find

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whoever was responsible and tear them apart. Rick seemed to sense
his reluctance.

“He is going to be fine. He is stable now, just tired. The silver

needs to be flushed out of his organs, and the wound needs to heal,
but he is not in danger anymore.” Rick’s tone was sympathetic. Zack
smiled ruefully. He guessed he was obvious.

He rubbed his face with his free hand, forcing himself to think. He


“I think…you better stay.”
Rick must have read something in his face because he said,

frowning, “You think they are looking for him.” It was a statement,
not a question.

“They shouldn’t know about me,” Zack admitted, “but I’d rather

not take any chances. You stay. We will go.” He went to the door.
“Take care, Rick,” he warned. He waited for Nina to leave the room
before locking the door. It wasn’t much of a precaution, but it was
better than nothing.

“So your friend?” Nina mentioned casually while they walked

down the lobby. She glanced up at Zack, and he felt himself tense. His
jaw set.

“We were friends when we were teenagers,” he explained shortly.

Nina didn’t seem deterred. She raised an eyebrow at him.

“Your packmate then.” Her tone was questioning. Zack stared

straight ahead.

“He was. We lost touch since then. He left the pack. Same as me.

I…” He hesitated, wondering how much he could get away with
telling Nina. “He was the one I saw yesterday,” he admitted
reluctantly. He hadn’t said why he had left them so suddenly
yesterday, or where he was. To their credit, neither of them asked, but
he knew they were curious. Still, it wasn’t like he was admitting
anything compromising.

Nina pursed her lips, looking thoughtful. “That’s how he knew to

contact you,” Nina observed. Zack didn’t comment.

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“Right.” Nina fell silent. Zack wondered idly what she was

thinking. Agitated, he ran a hand through his hair. He had forgotten
everything about secrecy in the wake of Ned’s attack. He’d only cared
about his mate’s safety and damn the consequences. He smiled
ruefully. Even now, he couldn’t say he regretted it. Ned was alive.

He didn’t say anything until they were in front of Ned’s door. He

put the keys in, took a deep breath, and glanced at Nina. She plastered
herself along the wall and nodded at him decisively. He pushed the
door open. He waited, his senses taut.

“Going in,” he mouthed at Nina. He went rigid when he saw

disaster inside. Nina followed after him, pausing to stand at his

“Wow.” Her look encompassed the room then came to rest on

him. “I take it,” she said slowly, “he isn’t usually this messy.”

“No,” Zack said, looking at bed where he and Ned slept together

for the first time. The sheets were on the floor and the mattress was
pulled out of its frame. He swallowed, a lump forming in his throat.

Nina whistled. “Your friend seems to have pissed off someone

badly,” she said.

“Looks like it,” Zack agreed grimly.

* * * *

He had to pretend he wasn’t upset. Zack leaned heavily on the

wall, struggling to maintain control. Nina was on the other end of the
room, looking carefully through discarded possessions. Ned’s stuff
was all over the place. His clothes were scattered over the floor, the
drawers opened forcefully. The closet door was gaping open. The
nightstand was pushed over, and the lamp that used to stand on it was
lying broken on the floor. Zack ran his fingers over the dented wall,
his fingertips scraping over the uneven surface. Whoever did this was
angry enough to throw the lamp at the wall in pointless display of
rage. Zack shuddered just thinking about it. Anger threatened to

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overflow him. The guy had shot Ned, and then when he realized Ned
was still alive, when he saw them taking him away, he went back to
town to the room he knew Ned was staying in. There was no other
explanation. Maybe he hoped Ned would be there so he could finish
the job. Maybe he just wanted to vent.

“Nothing seems to have been taken,” Nina said, straightening. She

grimaced, looking over the mess. “As far as I can tell, anyway,” she

Zack sighed pushing himself off the wall. “So he was


“It certainly looks so.” Nina paused. “He knew where your friend

was staying. Was he alone?”

A flare of anger and jealousy burned any other feeling. Zack

shook his head, forcing his fist to uncurl. “He was. He was…on

Nina seemed to consider that. “Okay. What was he doing there?

It’s almost edge of the pack land. I mean, I don’t think Riley would
make it a problem, but he didn’t mention anyone was here.”

She had a point, but it wasn’t like they had spent a lot of time

talking. Zack laughed without humor. “I don’t know.”

“But he is not from the pack,” Nina said pointedly.
“No. He is…he belongs to Silver Moon.”
Nina blinked in surprise. He could see her processing information.

“Ouch.” She seemed to hesitate before asking, “Did you know he was
going to be there?”

Zack recoiled. “What? No, I didn’t.” He knew what Nina was

asking. He was the one who had negotiated with Jake, the one who
made all the arrangements about staying in town. Combined with the
way he had disappeared yesterday, he couldn’t blame her for
assuming. His heartbeat thudded in his ears. “I didn’t know,” he

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Finding Ned


As soon as the words left his mouth, he froze as it occurred to him

Ned could have known where he was. Did he? He tried to think back
to yesterday. Did Ned set him up? Was that what all this was about?

“I didn’t know,” he reiterated, but then bit his lip to force himself

to stop talking. He was upset and was blabbing. He didn’t want to let
Nina know about his and Ned’s relationship. Say it. He is your mate.

He squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t think he knew I was going to

be here,” he admitted. “He looked as surprised to see me as I him. We
didn’t…part on the best terms.” It was an understatement. He rubbed
his thigh nervously. “It was a fluke, us meeting yesterday.” But Ned
knew his current phone number, he realized. It didn’t have to mean
anything, he assured himself, ruthlessly squashing down the tiny
flicker of warmth in his chest. He had certainly kept tabs on Ned for
years. It didn’t mean anything. He just needed to know.

Nina snorted. “A lucky one for him, I would say.”
“I guess,” Zack answered vaguely. He broke out in a cold sweat as

he realized there wasn’t anyone else Ned could call last night. Nina
was right. Ned was lucky. They were lucky.

Nina sighed, dropping the half-empty bag she was checking on the

bed. She glared at it like it was going to start answering her questions
if she acted menacing enough.

“There is nothing we can learn from here, Zack,” she said. Zack

nodded curtly at her. He knew that. He didn’t have to like it. “Maybe
your friend will have some answers later,” she added kindly, noticing
the way he tensed.

“I guess.” He kicked at the nearest heap of clothes, then expelled a

long breath.

He hated feeling helpless. He wanted to find the shooter and tear

him apart limb from limb. But the guy had left no trail and there
didn’t seem to be a way to trace him. They had to wait and hope
something would change.

In the meantime, he thought as he pulled his phone out, he was

going to do everything to keep his mate safe.

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Chapter 3

Jake Riley, the local pack alpha, showed in record time at Zack’s

call. Zack was terse on the phone, so he was somewhat surprised Jake
showed alone as he requested. Then again, Jake was pack alpha.
Seconds after he’d knocked on the door of Ned’s room, Nina had him
up the wall, searching him for weapons. He didn’t object, letting her
pat him down.

“Clean,” Nina said, stepping back. She looked at Zack, waiting for

further instructions. Zack let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was
holding. He liked Jake. He would hate to think he was involved in the
attack on Ned. Jake snorted, leaning back against the wall and
crossing his arms over his chest. He quirked an eyebrow at Zack.

Zack met his gaze evenly. “Yes. It was nothing personal.”
Jake nodded, apparently unconcerned. “That’s good to know.” He

eyed Zack. “From your tone on the phone, something went really bad.
Judging by the welcome I got, I was right. What’s this about?” he

Zack hesitated. They’d done a good job for Riley. He was

surprised Nina went along with his orders since this wasn’t a good
way to treat a client.

“I need to know if any of yours is involved in this,” Zack said

frankly. They were still in Ned’s room. His arms swept the mess
surrounding them. He squared his shoulders and waited.

“Looks like a mess,” Jake commented. He pursed his lips,

surveying the room. His gaze sharpened. His nose twitched. He took

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another breath, and Zack saw his eyes narrow. Zack waited for his
reaction. He knew that Jake smelled a wolf, an unknown one at that.

Alphas hated unknown shifters on their territory. They were a


“Why do you think I’m involved?” he asked finally.
“Because yours is the closest pack, and whoever did this knew

about shifters,” Zack pointed out. Jake didn’t seem worried or

“That’s true. It doesn’t mean we are the only ones around. After

all”—his teeth flashed—“you are here.”

Zack’s mouth quirked up in a smile. He liked Jake. He knew what

the other man was trying, to find out more information about what

“We didn’t do it,” he said. “Stands to reason someone else did.”
Jake unfolded his arms and stared at him. “If you don’t mind me

asking, Zack, what’s your interest in this? After all, I thought only
three of you were here.” His tone was dry. Regardless, Zack didn’t
miss the implied threat. Jake had given his permission for the three of
them to be here. Anyone else risked his wrath. He shrugged, refusing
to be baited.

“He is a friend.”
“Your friend is a wolf.” Jake reminded. “He ought to know better

than to show up on pack territory without reporting.” He shrugged.
“Technically, even if someone of mine were involved, they were
within their rights.”

Zack tensed. “This is not your territory.”
Jake waved his objection off. “Close enough.”
“Close doesn’t count,” Zack shot back. Their gazes locked.
Zack relented first. After all, he was the one who needed help. He

was painfully aware that Rick was alone with Ned and Riley’s pack
knew where they were staying. “He’s an Upholder.”

Jake clearly wasn’t thrilled with this bit of information. He rubbed

the back of his head. “You sure about it?”

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“Yes. I told you he was a friend.”
“Crap. Crap,” Jake swore, causing Zack and Nina to exchange

looks. Nina raised one shoulder, taking a step back toward the
window. Zack breathed out in relief. Apparently Nina thought the
same as him. Jake wasn’t involved. It didn’t clear the members of his
pack, but it would be easier to catch the attacker with the alpha’s help.

“Please tell me he is not dead.”
“He is not,” Zack answered. “But you will understand if we don’t

tell you where he is.”

“Fair enough.” Jake considered. “What happened?”
“He was shot,” Zack answered flatly.
“And this?”
“Happened after.” Zack watched Jake absorb the information.
“He wasn’t investigating your pack,” Nina offered. Zack watched

some tension bleed out of Jake. He seemed to relax.

“True. He told me he was on vacation. We knew each other


“So you didn’t know he was here?” Jake asked sharply.
Zack blinked at the sudden hostility. It took him a moment to

realize what Jake’s problem was. “No,” he said slowly, “I don’t work
for Silver Moon.”

“Right.” Jake ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not like I have

anything to hide,” he mused, “but I’m still surprised Donovan didn’t
inform me.”

“You didn’t know he was here?” Zack asked. He wanted Jake to

confirm it. Jake gave him a surprised look

Zack muttered under his breath.
“You sound disappointed,” Jake observed.
“I’m glad you weren’t involved, don’t get me wrong. But if your

pack knew he was going to be here, that would have given us a
starting point.”

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Finding Ned


“What about this?” Jake indicated the mess surrounding them with

a jerk of his chin.

“Dead end.”
“Lucky me,” Jake muttered. He pinned Zack with a glare. “Like

you said, my pack is closest. Donovan is going to want answers, and
he is going to want them from me.” He paused. “Does he know?”

“Who, Donovan?” Zack nodded. “Yes, I called him.” His tone was

nonchalant. He didn’t look at Nina. He hadn’t called Silver Moon yet.
He had his reasons for lying to Jake and knew Nina was going to
follow his lead.

“What has he said?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Jake barked a laugh. “Should have expected that. You going to be

investigating this?”

He didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
“Good. You may as well consider this another job for me. I’ll

help you as much as I can, but get to the bottom of this as fast as you
can. I don’t want Silver Moon on my back.”

“You are sure your pack wasn’t involved, then?”
Jake grimaced, apparently displeased with something. “I know

they aren’t involved. But if I was in Donovan’s place, I wouldn’t have
taken my word for it. I need proof.”

“Reasonable,” Nina acknowledged. Zack threw her an annoyed

look, but couldn’t disagree. “Fine. You’ll give me a call then?”

“You can count on that.” Jake offered his arm. “Truce?”
Zack hesitated shortly before accepting. “Truce.”

* * * *

Ned stumbled and almost fell. A strong arm gripped his forearm,

the strength of the grip making him wince. Zack steadied him, his
dark eyes searching Ned’s face. “You okay?” Ned tried to control his
breathing, shivering under the too-big jacket. It was Zack’s. Only a

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few things from his own luggage were salvaged. Zack had flatly
refused to let him go back to his room. To tell the truth, Ned wasn’t so
eager about that himself.

“Here we go.” Hauling two bags effortlessly, Rick pushed the

door open in front of them. He dropped the bags and frowned
impatiently at Ned. “Come on, then,” he said impatiently.

“I’m not that bad,” Ned objected. Despite his bravado, he sat

down on the big bed in relief. His legs were shaking. He rubbed his
thigh. Rick rolled his eyes. “The silver will slow down healing. You
can’t expect to bounce back as fast as you usually would. Don’t
aggravate the wound. Reopening it would only make it worse.”

Nina disappeared through the door.
“Where did she go?” Ned wondered curiously.
“Connecting room. We figured it was the safest way.” Zack

checked his weapon before sliding it into the holster under his jacket.

“I’m going outside,” he informed them, not looking at either of

them. “Rick, don’t let him disappear.”

“Wow,” Ned muttered, “like I wasn’t here.” He was miffed. His

eyes were glued to Zack’s jean-clad ass as he left. Rick laughed, Ned
startling guiltily.

“You will live.” Ned wondered if Rick saw him ogling his boss.

Blush stained his cheeks. Rick watched him with amusement. Ned
stretched on the bed, sighing in relief.

“Hurt?” Rick asked.
“No. Just tired.” Ned yawned. “Why did we change rooms?”
“Because Riley’s pack knew where we were,” Rick explained.
“So we move across the hall?”
“The rooms are still registered in our name, same as yours. We

want to watch if someone shows up,” Rick explained, his eyes

Ned thought it over. “Smart,” he had to admit.
“We are good at this.” Rick smirked.
“I’m glad to learn that,” Ned answered.

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Finding Ned


“You ought to show more faith in us. After all, we already saved

your ass once,” Rick quipped.

“Point to you. Where did Zack go?” Ned kept his tone casual. His

heartbeat picked up as he waited for an answer.

“He is the boss. He would have told us if we needed to know.”

Rick cocked his head. “He disappeared three days before, you know,”
he added casually. “I’m assuming that was when he was with you.”

Ned shivered, pulling the covers over his body, feeling heat

blossom low in his body. He made a noncommittal sound.

“Fine, don’t tell me.” Rick huffed in exasperation. “Nina!” he

yelled, dropping into a chair. “Call Zack and tell him to bring us
something to eat.” He smirked at Ned, daring him to comment. Ned
rolled his eyes at him. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and settled in to

Zack was in decidedly bad mood when he got back. He tossed a

brown bag at Ned.

“Here,” he said sharply. “Eat.”
Ned raised one eyebrow. “Wow. You need to work on your

bedside manner,” he said sarcastically. He heard Rick smother a
laugh. He picked up the bag and retrieved a sandwich.

Zack’s nostrils flared.
“Don’t tempt me,” he warned. He pulled up a chair and straddled

it. Over his shoulder, Rick gave Ned an apologetic look.

“I need to know what happened,” Zack said curtly, not waiting for

Ned to finish eating.

“Not much to tell.” Ned took a bite of his sandwich. “I got a call.

The man said he needed to see me. He said where. I left. I got shot.”
He swallowed. He realized that Zack still remembered his preferences
when it came to sandwiches.

Zack still glared at him. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
Zack’s mouth tightened. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the

chair back. “OK, let me get this straight. Someone called you to meet

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in a deserted place out of town, after dark, refused to say who they
were or why, and you left?” Zack’s voice got higher with every word.
He was practically yelling at the end.

Ned grimaced. “Something like that.”
Zack stared at him like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

His stomach churned. He lost his appetite, pushing the sandwich

“Are you insane?” Zack exploded. “What got into you to do

something so stupid? Weren’t you at least suspicious?” Ned stiffened.
He couldn’t help but glance at Rick, who at the moment stared at the
ceiling. He leaned back into the pillows, arranging the covers

“No. I am an Upholder. It’s not so unusual,” he informed Zack


“You said you were on vacation,” Zack reminded him. He

sounded decidedly grouchy. At least he wasn’t yelling anymore.

“I was.” Ned shrugged, since there was nothing he could say to


“He had your cell phone number. Who did you give it to?” Zack

demanded sharply, like he couldn’t suppress his anger. It wasn’t a
question Ned expected. Was he jealous?

Ned gave him a surprised look. Rick answered instead. Ned had

almost forgotten he was there, lounging in shadows near the window.
He had to give the guy kudos for drawing the attention of his clearly
pissed-off boss. “It’s not so hard to get hold of an Upholder. It’s
supposed to be easy. Any number of people could have that number. “

“Well, great.” Zack threw his arms up. He glared at Ned like it

was his fault.

“People don’t just go around and shoot at Upholders. They are

very protected,” Ned objected.

Rick snorted. “Nevertheless, it was a dumb thing to do.”

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Ned wanted to argue. Rick shook his head frantically. Zack turned

his head to look at him suspiciously. Rick immediately schooled his
face in an innocent expression. Tense silence filled the room.

“I need some air,” Zack said, storming out of the room.
“Wow,” Rick said, “could you possibly piss him even more?”
Nina poked her head inside. “Is it safe?” Rick rolled his eyes.

“Like you are afraid of Zack.”

“No, but there is no point hanging around when he is so obviously

pissed.” Nina walked over to Rick and sat next to him. She picked up
the bag with food and peered curiously into it. “You seem to have that
effect on him.” She shot Ned a questioning look.

Ned leaned back into the pillow. His side ached.
“I wasn’t trying to make him angry.”
“Yes, well you most certainly did.” Nina bit into her sandwich

with relish.

“I always do,” Ned muttered resentfully. His eyelids fluttered

closed. He was getting tired again. He shifted, the covers rustling as
he moved.

“Known him a long time, have you?”
He was too drained to avoid this conversation.
“We are from the same pack.”
“And?” The bag crinkled in Rick’s hand. Bleary eyed, Ned stared

at him. Rick took another bite, shrugging.

“And what?” Ned prompted.
“That can’t be all,” Nina said instead of Rick.
Ned remembered Zack’s breath on his throat, his lips dragging

over his jaw, his body hot and hard pressed against Ned’s as they
rocked in pleasure and shivered, his muscles latching onto the
memory despite the aching wound in his side.

“No,” he said quietly, “that’s all.”

* * * *

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Zack didn’t return to the room until hours later. Ned looked better.

Nina sat on his bed, while Rick was on the couch. They watched
television quite animatedly. They all shut up and heads swiveled in his
direction when he entered. Zack rubbed his forehead.

“I’ll take it from here.”
Nina and Rick exchanged looks. Zack felt uneasy. “What?” he

demanded defensively.

“Nothing, boss,” Nina said, standing up. “We’ll go catch some

sleep. Bye, Ned.”

“You over your pissy mood?” Ned inquired when they left.
“I was not pissy.” Zack let his handgun rest on the nightstand. He

started to slowly disrobe.

“Is that silver?” Ned inquired, eyeing the gun suspiciously.
Zack clenched his teeth and pulled at the shirt with more force

than it warranted. “Don’t, Ned.” He didn’t have the patience to deal
with Ned right now. He had a headache. The emotional roller coaster
of the day had drained him. He realized he wanted nothing more than
to curl in the bed with his mate and sleep.

“Don’t what?” Ned’s tone was carefully measured.
He sat down heavily. “Don’t argue with me. I’m not in the mood.”

He rolled into the bed and settled next to Ned, careful of his hurt side.

He felt Ned hesitate before touching his hair. “For now,” he


His mate was safe and at his side. Zack fell into a restless sleep.

* * * *

Someone was shaking his shoulder. Half-asleep, Zack rolled over

from Ned and grabbed his gun.

“Whoa it’s only me,” Rick said, backing away. Zack blinked.

“What is it?” His body was taut.

“We have a guest.”
Zack was immediately awake.

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“Not that kind of guest. These knocked,” Rick said, correctly

reading his expression. He appeared completely unfazed at the sight
of his boss in bed with another man. Then again it wasn’t like there
was another place for him to sleep. There was only one bed, and Ned
needed protection. “Come and see for yourself.”

Sparing one last glance at Ned, Zack stood up. He grabbed his

shirt but reached back for his gun straight away. Three men waited
patiently for them in the other room. Nina was eyeing them coolly,
her whole body tense. Zack focused on the man in the middle, the one
who wasn’t glaring at Nina.

“Tell your men to back off,” Zack ordered flatly.
“I don’t think so,” said one of them menacingly.
Zack just crossed his arms.
“It’s all right Morgan,” the leader said, the one with brown eyes

and hair. He looked completely unremarkable.

Looks were deceiving, because if he wasn’t mistaken, that was

Donovan Harris, the leader of Silver Moon personally. No wonder his
guards were twitchy.

“You don’t really think I was involved in this,” Donovan said,

after giving Zack one long look. Zack’s lip curled.

“You knew where he was.”
Donovan looked amused. “I had no motive.”
Zack had to acknowledge that. “As far as I know.”
Donovan grinned. “You aren’t going to find out without talking to

me.” Zack pursed his lips, thinking his options over.

“You can come in. They cannot,” he offered reluctantly.
“Hey,” one of the men objected.
“It’s all right, Morgan.” Donovan looked at him speculatively.

“Shall we?”

“Donovan!” Ned exclaimed when he saw his friend.
Donovan went to him. “Stay where you are.” He caught Ned’s jaw

in his hand and looked at him closely. Zack resisted the urge to tell

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him to back off. He grumbled and settled into the chair next to the bed
instead. Ned knocked Donovan’s hand off.

“I’m fine.”
“I see that.” Donovan retreated and studied him closely. “Couldn’t

keep out of trouble, could you?”

Ned grimaced. “It wasn’t my fault.” He looked from Donovan to

Zack, his tone defensive.

Zack snorted. Donovan glanced at him. “Tell me what happened.”
Ned huffed. “I don’t really know,” he muttered.
Zack raised his shoulder. “He got shot. The shooter used silver


Donovan’s mouth tightened. “I see.”
Ned let out an annoyed sound. “I got a call. They guy said he

needed to talk, that he was in trouble. He sent the message later where
we were supposed to meet. He wasn’t there when I came, and then I
got shot. I didn’t see anything.”

“He could have set you up,” Donovan suggested mildly. Zack’s

shoulders twitched.

“He could,” Ned admitted. “He said, ‘they are watching me,’ so it

could be whoever didn’t want him to talk to me,” Ned said stubbornly.

Donovan cocked his head. “I picked this town because I trusted

Riley. I could be mistaken though.”

Zack didn’t think so. “I talked with him myself. I think he is in the


Donovan glanced at him. “You think?”
“Of course, I could be mistaken.” Zack repeated Donovan’s words

and caught a ghost of a smile on Donovan’s lips. “But I don’t believe
so. On the other hand, even if Jake is clean, his pack doesn’t have to

“True,” Donovan conceded.
“Who knew where Ned was?” Zack asked. Ned opened his mouth,

closed it, and looked at his friend. “Rhys was the only one I told.”

Donovan hesitated.

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“I’m not sure. It wouldn’t be that hard to find out. It wasn’t

supposed to be a secret.”

“Jake promised to help us,” Zack added helpfully.
“Good. Get some rest, Ned.” Donovan stood up. He flashed a

smile at Zack. Recognizing it for the order it was, Zack followed him
to the door. Both Donovan’s guards and Rick and Nina were still
inside glaring at each other. One of them threw a sour glance at
Donovan. Donovan ignored him, turning to Zack and effectively
stopping him from leaving the room.

“I can take him to Silver Moon, but I’d rather we get to the bottom

of this. If they tried it once, they’ll try it again. I want this resolved,”
he stated. “I can’t lose Ned, and I can’t afford people who think they
can attack an Upholder and get out of it unpunished.” His mouth
tightened. “Can you stay until I bring more people?”

“I will watch him.” The words were out of Zack’s mouth before

he even considered them.

Donovan raised his eyebrows skeptically. “You sure?”
Zack ground his teeth. Donovan was deliberately challenging him.

Zack’s face flamed. “I own a security agency. My men are the best
that could be found. I was even contracted with Silver Moon more
than once.”

“I know that.” Donovan sounded condescending. He looked

pointedly behind them at the bed where Ned was. He was still leaning
on the door, his hand resting casually on the knob. “I’m not
questioning your ability. What I want to know is, do you want the

And there it was, laid bare in cold, hard facts. Did he want to stay?

He could leave now. Silver Moon was going to take care of Ned,
make sure he was fine. Nothing in their relationship had to change.
Did he want to?

“Why shouldn’t I? Ned is my friend.”
Donovan gave him a cool glance. “Your friend?”

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The tone was derisive and the word full of meaning. He looked

down, then defiantly at Donovan. He wasn’t going to back off, not
about this. Ned was his. “I won’t let someone hurt him.”

“Hmm.” Zack shivered at the cold, assessing gaze Donovan gave

him. The Silver Moon leader didn’t appear impressed. Zack squelched
the impulse to tell him to mind his own business. He was still angry
over the apparent closeness between his mate and the other man.
Donovan had showed up personally to check on Ned. So he was more
than Donovan’s Upholder.

“Boss,” one of his men demanded loudly. “Everything okay?” He

put a hand under his jacket where his gun ostensibly was. Over
Donovan’s shoulder, Zack saw Rick lean back on the wall seemingly
nonchalantly. He was coiled to spring.

“I said it’s all right, Morgan,” Donovan replied sharply. He

appeared to come to a decision as he moved away from the door and
went to his men. “Fine,” he said to Zack, “you have got the job…for

“We could use files from Ned’s earlier jobs,” Nina spoke,

seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room.

“Those are confidential,” the man snapped at her.
“You can have them. Let’s go, Morgan.”
“It’s a pleasure doing business with you,” Nina said, moving to

escort them outside.

Donovan snorted. “People rarely think that.”
Zack was inclined to agree. He would breathe easily when

Donovan was away from them.

And why was that?
He refused to inspect his feelings closely.

* * * *

This was a damn mess, Zack thought grimly, riffling through the

myriad reports of Ned’s assignments. True to his word, Donovan had

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them sent over. Now they were trying to find out which one of those
could have annoyed someone so much that he went after Ned. He
leaned back in the chair, hearing it creak, and rubbed his tired eyes.

“Anything?” Rick asked, focused on his own stack of reports.
Zack shook his head. “No. Just needed a break.”
Rick harrumphed. “I can sympathize. How long did you say he

was an Upholder?”

“I didn’t say.” Zack contemplated the reports.
“I can’t believe Donovan let us read all this. Some of those could

cause a lot of damage.” Rick shook his head. “He must be really fond
of Ned.”

Zack bit his lip to swallow an angry retort.
“Not that I blame him,” Rick continued, oblivious to his boss’s

reaction. “He is good. I never figured Silver Moon has this much

“They are dangerous to cross,” Zack said.
“And Ned is one of the reasons why.” Rick pursed his lips. “Any

one of those could be cause for assassination. He made a lot of

“True,” Zack agreed, “but not all of them would be crazy enough

to do something about it.”

“You have a point.” Rick gave him a speculative glance. “How

well do you know him, anyway?”

Zack opened his mouth to order Rick to go back to poring through

reports when a shadow fell over his desk. Zack looked up sharply, his
muscles tensing. The room he was working in had connecting doors
with the one where Ned was staying. He relaxed a little when he
noticed it was Ned at the door. He was biting his lip, but otherwise
looked unharmed. Zack skimmed his gaze over him. Ned was
recovering successfully from his wounds, but the silver was making
things drag. He still wasn’t completely healed.

“Is something wrong?” he asked. “Where is Nina?”
“What? No. Back in the room.”

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Ned hesitated. “I want to talk to you.” Zack was already back to

studying reports.

“I am sort of busy, Ned.”
“This is important.”
Zack bit back a sharp retort.
Rick eyed one, then other, and got up from his seat. “I’ll leave you

alone. Be back later, boss.” Before Zack had time to protest, he was
out of his chair and out of the room. He closed the door behind him.
Annoyed, Zack looked at Ned.

“Well? What’s this about?”
Ned came to stand in front of the desk.
“I want to know what’s going on.”
“That’s what we are trying to find out.”
“I didn’t mean that.” Ned frowned at the stack of papers.
Zack sighed, pushing them away and settling into his chair. He

raised his head to look at Ned. “What did you mean?” he asked, trying
to appear collected. He wondered if Ned had intentionally decided not
to sit in Rick’s vacated chair.

Ned’s eyes narrowed.
“Why are you still here? It’s not that I’m not grateful for your

help”—his lips twisted into a derisive smile—“but surely you have
other things to do.” Zack’s hands clenched into fists.

“We are in no rush,” he said calmly.
“You know what I mean,” Ned said, exasperated.
Zack refused to let his gaze waver. “No I don’t. Donovan and I

have a deal.”

“That’s another thing. Donovan told me you are going to watch

over me until you find out who is responsible for the attack.”

Ned’s eyes bore into his, the intensity causing something to flip in

Zack’s stomach. He ignored the wave of heat. “Why you, Zack? You
spent years avoiding me. Why are you staying now? You don’t have

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“Someone has to.”
Anger flared in Ned’s eyes. “I can take care of myself.” He leaned

precariously close to Zack. The papers creaked as the desk took his

“And you were doing such a fine job of it,” Zack said


Ned flushed. “I am an Upholder. It’s part of my job,” he said

through gritted teeth. A flicker of anger went through Zack. He stood
up, startling Ned.

“To get yourself killed? I don’t think so.” He rounded the desk to

stand close to Ned. Ned refused to budge, lifting his head to look at
him. His chin rose stubbornly.

“I dare not let you cross the street without an escort. You were

always a magnet for trouble.” His hand touched blond curls, then fell.
“Judging by our last encounter, I think that hasn’t changed.”

Ned closed his eyes. “You didn’t have to remind me of that.”
Ned opened eyes now filled with naked want and desperation,

tugging at the remains of Zack’s control. “Please, Zack, let me go. I

“What?” Zack’s voice was totally void of any emotion. He

glanced down to see Ned clenching his fists, his nails digging in his

“You son of a bitch,” he said in soft voice, a dangerous undertone

in his words. “Do you have any idea how much it hurt when you left,
Zack? I buried myself in work to avoid even thinking about it, but it
still hurt. I can’t do this again, Zack. I can’t bear to be close to you.
Not knowing I can’t have you. Don’t force me, please.” Tension
cracked between them. He could hear Ned’s harried breathing, a faint
flush starting to show on his cheeks. His eyes burned. Anger, yes, but
there was desire there, too, heating the arousal now spilling through
Zack’s blood. Only inches of empty air separated them. He wanted to
move closer.

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“Who said you can’t have me?” Zack answered, his voice rough.

He saw Ned’s eyes widen. Zack reached to grab his hand and pull him
close. In attempt to regain his balance, Ned lifted his arms, and his
palms collided with Zack’s chest. Warm breath touched his face.
Heart under his palm beat unsteadily.

“What do you—?” Ned started to ask, but a hard mouth crushing

on his stopped him. He moaned. Zack shifted so he was now sitting
on the desk and opened his legs to pull Ned closer, pressing their
bodies together. His hand went around and slid on Ned’s tight ass,
squeezing. Surprised, Ned broke from the kiss and tried to pull away.
Zack bit at his earlobe, forcing him to stay in place, rubbing their
bellies together. His mouth found Ned’s again, kissing and sucking on
his lower lip. He ground his hips, letting the other man feel his
growing erection. His cock throbbed, and his balls ached. He
unbuttoned his jeans and took his cock out, then pulled Ned’s hand
over it, rubbing into his palm, hissing from the sensation. He pressed
long fingers against his shaft, encouraging them to slide up and down,
thrusting into the tight ring of their joined hands.

“Zack, you don’t—” Ned started, but Zack didn’t allow him to

finish. He moved from the desk and dropped to his knees, then
reached for Ned’s belt. Ned gasped and grabbed at the desk to steady
himself, turning until it was behind his back. His hands shook,
causing another wave of desire in Zack. He licked his lips and pushed
the now-unbuckled belt aside. He tugged Ned’s jeans down, taking his
briefs down with them. Ned’s cock sprang up, angry and red. He
didn’t even think before wrapping his hand around the warm flesh.
The skin was warm and soft to the touch, and he allowed himself to
relish in the sensation. He pressed his lips on Ned’s naked thigh,
inhaling the musky scent. Turning his head slightly, he swallowed the
stiff prick, then stopped.

He had never done this before, and frankly, he never expected to

do it. He couldn’t be sure what made him do this. He wanted it, the
desire thrumming low in his blood. He ran his tongue over the round

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head. It was damp with pre-cum. The taste exploded on his tongue,
making him pause. It wasn’t bad at all. He licked it again. Above him,
Ned moaned.

“Hell,” Ned panted, “you are good at this.” Zack wondered

whether he should take it as an insult or a compliment. He let Ned’s
dick slip out of his mouth, licking his suspiciously wet lips.

Stormy blue eyes met his. “Want to stop?” Ned asked.

He bent his head down. He continued to lick, this time lifting one

hand to cup Ned’s balls. He wasn’t actually sure how to proceed, but
figured Ned would react the same as him. His dick, stiffening even
more in Zack’s mouth, certainly hadn’t any complaints. He tilted his
head, taking as much of the rigid length as he was able. There was a
small sound from Ned. Zack reached with his free hand for Ned’s,
pulling them down onto his shoulders, then moved his hand over on
Ned’s hip, steadying his lover. Ned shivered, his hands digging into
Zack’s shoulders. Zack couldn’t resist grinning, then eased his mouth
down, keeping only the head in his mouth. Ned sighed, a long, drawn-
out sound. Zack started to suck. That got a reaction, sure enough. Ned
groaned and thrust into his mouth, unable to stop himself.

Blood rushed in Zack’s cock, and he tried to adjust his position,

startled that sucking another man made him hard. His cock throbbed,
but he didn’t dare let go of Ned, pressing his hand into his hip, forcing
him to stay in the position Zack wanted. Ned’s helpless little moans
mixed with wet sucking noises were the only sounds in the office.
Zack caught himself hoping no one would barge in on them, noting to
lock the door next time. The thought of getting caught like this down
on his knees, while Ned was fucking his mouth, did nothing to cool
his desire. Impossible heat climbed up his spine. He moaned around
Ned’s dick and shuddered as another wave of pleasure crashed over
him. His dick jerked as he came in his jeans. He sucked frantically
even as an orgasm pushed into him, his muscles locking under Ned’s

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“Have you just…” Helpless to move, Zack looked up at him.

Whatever he saw, it was enough to push Ned over the edge. Ned
sagged against him, clutching tightly onto his shoulders, and spilled
into his mouth. Zack automatically swallowed, sucking on the rapidly
softening dick until Ned finished. He was panting as he pressed his
head into Ned’s belly. They clung to each other, both limp in the wake
of orgasm. Zack stood up, managing to catch Ned as he stumbled.
There was a faint sheen of sweat on his chin and throat. Zack resisted
the urge to lean and lick it. Ned pushed him back and reached down to
straighten his clothing.

“Okay,” Zack said, his voice rough. His throat felt raw. He flushed

as he remembered why that was. Ned was staring at him, his pupils
still huge.

“I can’t believe you just did that.”
Zack cast him an amused glance. “Complaining?” he challenged.
“You…” Ned’s gaze strayed behind his back. “What if someone


Zack smirked. “True. I will remember to lock the door next time.”

He went to sit in his chair. “I will remember to put you on something,
too.” His words startled him. He was planning on a next time?

Shaking his head, Ned pushed away from the desk. Rick chose

that moment to return. “Hey, boss—” Ned rushed past him, not
stopping to acknowledge him, and slammed the door behind himself.
Rick raised his eyebrows and looked at Zack.

“What’s his problem?”
Zack shrugged. “I have no idea.”

* * * *

Ned paced the room, gripping the phone in his hand mercilessly.

His whole body was tingling after what he’d just experienced. With a
sigh, he dropped onto the bed. He couldn’t believe Zack had just gone
down on him. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. He rubbed his

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thigh, only to wince as his blood thrummed against the bruises Zack
had left on his hips when…

“Hello?” The voice from the other end of the line startled him

badly. He’d almost forgotten he had dialed the number.

“It was about time,” he snapped. “What took you so long?”
He stood up again, unable to sit still. Nina had left after handing

him her phone, giving him privacy for the call.

“Good to hear you, too,” Rhys answered dryly. “What’s wrong?”
Ned took a deep breath. His mind buzzed. Everything, he wanted

to say.

“God, Rhys I’m in trouble,” he said. He squeezed his eyes shut

before recounting what happened.

“You got shot?” Rhys asked incredulously.
“Somehow, this doesn’t surprise me.”
Ned suppressed the urge to yell at his so-called friend.
“Never mind that,” he ground out. “I need to know if you suspect

anyone of this. You were with me during most of my cases. Did
anyone strike you as particularly insane?”

Zack’s jacket hung carelessly thrown over the nightstand. They

were still sharing a room. They had shared the bed the night before,
though nothing had happened. Nothing like what happened right now.
Ned shivered, arousal prickling his skin. He reached to pick the jacket
up, running his hand over the smooth leather.

“I’ll think about it. Where are you now?” Rhys’s voice jerked him

out of his thoughts. Considering the direction they were taking, that
was all too well.

“That’s the other problem.”
“Which one?”
“Zack is with me.”
Ned swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I…mentioned him

before I left.”

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It wasn’t strictly true. He didn’t mention Zack’s name, but Rhys

must have picked it up from his obvious distress. “Oh. Your Zack.”

Ned dropped the jacket, sitting down on the bed once again.
Your Zack, Rhys had said. He is not mine. He is never going to be


His wolf snarled, his whole being protesting his words. Rhys was

quiet for a moment.

“If I was in your place, I’d use the time to get him into my bed.”
Ned glared at the phone. What was wrong with Rhys? “Focus,

Rhys,” he snapped.

“Ah.” Rhys made a noise full of meaning. “You are sleeping with


Ned felt himself flush. “Dammit, Rhys, that’s not important.”
“I wouldn’t say that. I always thought sex was very important.”
“Rhys!” Ned yelled. He felt on edge, his temper frayed. In a

sense, it was like hovering on a precipice. He couldn’t resist Zack. He
had always wanted him, and being around him, having him touch
him, was pushing him closer to end of his rope. Years ago when Zack
left him, they hadn’t made the step from friends to lovers. Now they
weren’t friends anymore, and they still weren’t lovers. They were
something, and in a way, it would be harder to part now. It was like
being offered a glimpse of paradise. He’d once conditioned himself
into ignoring the pull he felt toward Zack. He wasn’t sure he could do
it again. That was why he went to talk to Zack, to plead with him. It
failed spectacularly. His breath caught in his throat. The bruises on his
hip awoke again when he moved. He gave a sharp laugh.

“Do not,” he said into the phone, “speak about it.”
“Simmer down,” his friend said. Ned wanted to gnash his teeth.
“Don’t patronize me.” He knew very well where this was headed.

It was a catastrophe. He needed to get out as soon as possible. He’d
had enough of this.

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“I’m not.” Rhys sighed. “Look, give me some time to think about

this. I’ll call you later. Don’t do anything stupid in the meantime,” he

Ned laughed without humor. Rhys had no idea.
He was on a ship in the middle of a storm, and it was sinking fast.

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Chapter 4

The boxes of food littered the small table in the middle of room.

Ned picked idly at his food. Nina and Rick had bickered almost half
an hour about what kind of food to order. Once Zack emerged from
the other room and asked “What’s for dinner?” they both settled on
Chinese, and in the space of less than an hour the food was delivered
and they were all busy eating. Ned sneaked a look at Zack. His mate
was licking his fingers, and it caused his belly to tighten, his mind
easily conjuring erotic images. He shifted to hide his erection. He did
not need anyone noticing it. Flushed, he startled when he noticed
Zack was staring at him. He licked his lips deliberately, causing Ned
to shiver, desire tunneling through him.

“So,” Zack asked, leaning back into his chair and letting Ned’s

gaze slither over the strong thigh and belly peeking under his T-shirt.
“What do we have?” His expression was cold and businesslike.

Rick sighed. “We have a list of people in Jake’s pack. He marked

the ones who could have gotten in contact with Silver Moon, but
that’s conjecture in the best case. We don’t have evidence that any of
them ever met Ned.” He glanced at Ned in question.

He shook his head. “Sorry. I don’t remember meeting any of


“You must have picked this place for a reason,” Nina suggested.

“Who did you know?”

Ned grimaced. “I wasn’t the one who picked it.”
That gathered their attention. “No?”
“No. Donovan did.”
“I thought this was a vacation,” Rick said, frowning.

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“It is. It was,” Ned felt compelled to add.
“But your boss picked the place?” Rick asked incredulously.
Ned rubbed his nose. “Donovan picked the place because he

thought it would be safe,” he admitted. “There is no reason for anyone
in Riley’s pack to wish me harm. I have a tendency to get in trouble.”

“He sent you here to try and avoid it?”
“Basically, yes.”
“Wow. That one backfired on him.”
Ned winced. “Don’t I know it.” Zack hadn’t said anything during

their exchange, but Ned could feel his gaze on himself, heavy and
disapproving. He knew Zack enough to realize he was angry about
something. Or did he? He would never have guessed Zack would act
like he did this afternoon. He forced himself back to their

“All right, so nothing on that side,” Zack concluded. “Donovan

sent us files from your cases.”

“And there we have too many suspects.” Rick snorted. “Any of

those could go after you.”

“The dead ones no,” Ned countered, annoyed. Didn’t they realize

this was his job?

“I stand corrected,” Rick agreed. “We did make a list and checked

it against Riley’s pack. Nothing so far.”

“Whoever it is, he’s not stupid,” Nina commented, picking up an

olive from her half-empty plate and nibbling at it.

“Is there is anything you haven’t told us?” Zack inquired.

Something in his tone sent shivers down Ned’s spine.

“Like what?” he challenged.
“I don’t know.” Zack’s eyes burned. He stood up and crossed the

room until he was standing behind Ned. He slid a hand up his
collarbone, finger dipping under his shirt. Ned’s breath caught.

“What do you mean?” He tried to sound normal. He wasn’t sure if

he succeeded. Zack was too close, and the fact that he was behind his
back was unnerving him.

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“It could be something personal.”
Ned struggled to breathe. Zack’s thumb was pressing against his


“You are a pretty guy,” Zack said in a conversational tone. “I

remember girls and guys looking at you.”

Ned swallowed a gasp when Zack’s nails bit into his skin.
“No reason for that to change.”
“It’s true we ignored that angle,” Nina said, drawing Ned’s

attention. “Could that be a motive?”

“No,” Ned answered sharply. He tried to pull out of Zack’s reach,

only to have him grip his shoulders with both hands, none too gently.
He hissed.

“You sound awfully sure about that,” Rick commented.
“I work for Silver Moon. It doesn’t exactly lend itself to long and

lasting relationships,” Ned retorted.

“What, you always have one-night stands?”
“Ouch,” Rick muttered. Ned couldn’t stand it anymore. He stood

up, pushing Zack’s arms away. “Excuse us a second,” he said, then
grabbed Zack and dragged him to the bedroom.

“What was that?”
“What was what?”
“That, right there. Are you nuts? Why would I be with someone

when I know who my mate is?”

Zack glanced at the door nervously. “Quiet. They will hear you.”
“I didn’t mention your name,” Ned sneered, “so you are safe.”
“There is no point in…”
“Yes, yes, I know. We already had that discussion, if you

remember. You don’t sleep with men. You don’t sleep with me.
Funny, I got a somewhat different impression this afternoon.” He saw
Zack wince.

“And what was this? You don’t have a right to ask me who I’m

sleeping with. Remember, you don’t care. It’s none of your business.”

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“It’s important.”
“The hell it is. If it was, either Rick or Nina would have asked

earlier. They didn’t. You did. This is connected with Silver Moon. It
has nothing whatsoever to do with my private life.”

“Fine,” Zack yelled. “Fine, I won’t ask again.”
“You better not,” Ned threatened. “I don’t want to be here. I don’t

want to be with you. You went over my head with Donovan, so that
left me no choice. I have to wait this one out. After that, we are done,
same way we were before. You know that.”

“I didn’t plan anything different.”
Ned laughed harshly. “Do you honestly think they don’t know?”
“They don’t.”
“You sleep with me, Zack.”
“I’m guarding you,” Zack defended, shadows coming into his

eyes again. Ned ruthlessly suppressed a wish to stop and comfort him.
He was angry and off balance. So Zack was feeling possessive of
him? Didn’t stop him from being freaked out about their relationship.

“You haven’t shared a night shift with either of them. They are not

stupid. They could smell you on me and vice versa. They know at
least that part. They don’t seem offended.”

“I just—”
“They are not the problem, Zack. You are. Think about that.”

* * * *

Ned didn’t react when he and Zack were alone in the room. His

gaze barely flicked over Zack as he prepared for bed. Zack gnashed
his teeth. He waited for Ned to make a move. The air between them
was thick, and it made him unconsciously shiver and tense.

He had been so angry at Ned. He was angry ever since he saw

Donovan being so familiar with his mate. He could believe those two
were just friends, but that, in a way, grated even more. He and Ned
weren’t friends anymore.

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“What?” Ned asked, blue eyes fastening on him resentfully.
Zack winced guiltily. “Nothing.”
“You were staring at me,” Ned accused, crossing his arms over his

chest and glaring at him. “What’s wrong?”

“I said nothing.”
“You want to call Rick or Nina to stay with me?”
His head snapped up. “No!”
Ned smiled, and it wasn’t a nice smile.
“A bit possessive, are we?” he challenged, slithering over the bed

toward Zack. His breath hitched. He wanted to move away, but his
treacherous body hummed as Ned put a hand on his knee and slowly,
deliberately moved it up.

“Don’t,” he said. He ignored the tingles running up over his skin.
“Don’t what? No one is here,” Ned purred, rubbing his cheek

against Zack’s leg.

“We don’t—”
“You have done it already. What’s so different this time?”
“Nothing. Stop it, Ned.” He didn’t resist when Ned pulled him

down to the bed. Ned nuzzled his neck and throat.

“You said I can have you. Did you change your mind?” Sinful

words teased him, made him hard.

Zack twisted his face so that Ned’s lips touched his cheek instead

of his lips. He was breathing harshly.

“That was different.”
“You like being in control. Is that what was different? You like

making me lose it, enjoy it.”

Zack hissed. Ned hummed, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding his

palm inside. Zack breathed sharply. He could feel anger radiating off
Ned, but couldn’t quite suppress a flicker of desire. Involuntarily, his
eyes strayed to the door. Ned chuckled, stroking his dick while pulling
his pants down.

“Worried they are going to hear you?”

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Zack bit his lip. It was a real possibility. Both Rick and Nina were

werewolves, with their supernatural hearing. They could hear him.

“Move over,” Ned ordered, whispering in his ear. He dipped his

hand down to caress Zack’s balls. Zack obeyed without thinking. It
was only later that he noticed Ned had taken his jeans completely off,
leaving him naked from the waist down, his dick flushed and heavy,
resting in Ned’s palm. Ned was still completely dressed. He
swallowed, trying to pull out from under Ned’s hands.

“Stay,” Ned ordered, an edge of something darker slipping in his

words. His grip tightened, pleasure lapping at Zack’s groin.

“Ned, we can’t,” he said, closing his eyes and letting his head fall

on Ned’s shoulder.

“I won’t say anything.” Ned pushed him down on the bed, then

pulled his own shirt off.

“I can’t,” Zack said, hands burrowing deeper into the sheets to

stop from reaching for all that glorious naked skin. He looked away
when Ned reached down to take his jeans away. His balls tightened in
anticipation. Ned laughed. He could hear a rustle of clothes.

“That’s your problem.” Ned nudged his thighs apart. “Open your

legs for me.”

Humiliated, aroused, Zack did as he was told. His eyes rolled as

Ned’s naked body slid between his knees, their cocks brushing and
rubbing. Ned hummed.

“This is what worries you, doesn’t it? That’s what your friend

asked, which one of us is spreading his legs for the other?”

Zack froze.
“I wonder whether they would be surprised if they knew it was

you.” Ned was moving slowly, deliberately.

“Well, you, too,” Ned corrected, the heat in his eyes pricking

Zack’s skin. He braced on both arms as he rutted against Zack. Their
cocks rubbed together, tingling deliciously. Zack whimpered, bucking
his hips.

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“Then again,” Ned bent his head to whisper in Zack’s ear, the heat

from his body blasting through the damp material of Zack’s shirt, “I
don’t have a problem spreading my legs for you. In fact”—he bit into
Zack’s shoulder—“I rather liked it.”

Zack shuddered and came in a rush, almost blacking out.
When he opened his eyes again, Ned had rolled off him.
“Congratulations,” he said, “you stayed quiet.” Zack opened his

mouth to say something, but Ned disappeared into the bathroom. Zack
stared at him. What could he say? He rolled onto his side, thoughts
whirling in his head. The anger had deserted him. He felt hollow. He
was startled when Ned tugged at his shoulder.

“Your shirt needs to come off,” Ned said. Dazed, Zack blinked at

him. Ned sighed and tugged at the hem. His wrist brushed Zack’s
spent dick, and he gasped. Ned ignored it, tossing the shirt aside and
picking up the wet towel he had left on the nightstand. He cleaned
Zack without any comment.

“That’s it.” Ned returned to bathroom. Zack rolled off the bed to

dig through his things for clean underwear. Ned climbed into bed,
stretching under the covers. From the corner of his eyes, Zack stared
at the long limbs dusted with fine blond hairs.

“Zack? Are you done?”
“Aren’t you going to get dressed?” he asked, his voice sounding

strained to his own ears. Ned raised an eyebrow. “Why?” Zack
hesitated before putting his things back and slipping under the covers.
He heard Ned sigh as he settled beside him. He was tense and
unnerved Zack. Maybe neither of them wanted to, but they needed
each other. He shifted to turn off the lamps on both sides of the bed.
He hovered over Ned, wanting to kiss him and not daring to. He lay
down, expelling a breath of relief as Ned wrapped an arm around his
waist and put his head in the crook of Zack’s shoulder. He kissed
Zack’s shoulder, and Zack felt himself relax.

“This doesn’t change anything,” Ned warned.
Zack wondered who he was kidding.

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* * * *

Zack rubbed his face with both hands in an attempt to ward off

fatigue. He had just come back from meeting with Jake and his beta,
Frank. It didn’t go over well, he reflected. Frank was hostile since
Zack was essentially accusing his pack of participating in an attack on
an Upholder, which didn’t help Zack’s mood. Jake was helpful, as he
had promised, but he hadn’t gotten any useful information.

“Damn it,” Zack muttered, pulling his jacket off forcefully.

“What’s going on?” The door to the adjoining room opened.

“Zack? Is that you?” Nina asked. She sounded excited.
Zack grimaced. He had hoped to avoid his friends until he had

time to calm himself down.

“Yeah,” he said apologetically. Nina didn’t notice his reluctance.
“Come on in.”
With a sigh Zack followed her.
“I was just going to—” He stopped as he noticed both of them

were grinning like lunatics.

Ned was nowhere in sight.
Fear kicked up in his chest. “Where is Ned?”
“Bathroom. Phone conversation. Relax, boss, we haven’t lost

him.” Rick dismissed his concern. Put like that, Zack felt like an
absolute fool.

“Oh. Okay. What’s going on?” He tried to sound interested. His

gaze strayed to the bathroom door. He and Ned didn’t talk the whole
day. He wanted to see him, Zack realized. He trusted his friends, he
knew they were going to protect Ned, but he wanted to see him.

“We may have a lead.” Nina put a mug with coffee on the table,

nudged it toward him. “Here,” she said, seating herself opposite him.
“You look like you need it,” she told him sympathetically.

Zack perked up. “A lead? What did you find out?” He took a sip

of coffee, waiting until warmth spread through him.

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“It’s not what we found out. It’s who found us,” Rick explained,

his eyes glittering. He was standing behind Nina’s chair, his elbows
resting on the back of it. “Today, when Ned and I were out?” He
didn’t wait for Zack to answer before continuing. “There was a guy
watching us. We doubled back just to check, led him around the town.
I even called Nina.” Rick paused.

“The upshot is, the guy was definitely following us. He dropped

off when we went to the hotel, but he was there up until then. He
knew who we were.”

“Did you get him?” Zack put the mug back on the table, his

muscles tensing. Adrenaline filled his body.

Nina and Rick exchanged looks. “Get him?” Nina repeated,

looking puzzled.

Zack flung his arms upward. “Yes, get him, because we want to

know who is he and what he knows!” he said harshly.

A savage part of him wanted to do more. This was the man who

had shot his mate. He stared at his friends with slitted eyes.

“No,” Nina said slowly. “We weren’t prepared for that.” Her tone

was careful.

“How do you mean, you weren’t prepared? We want to get him

before he moves against Ned again. I want him…” He swallowed the
word dead.

“You should know better than that.” Zack stood up abruptly.

“Why didn’t you say something?”

Hurt flared in Rick’s eyes at his words. He opened his mouth to

protest, but Nina stopped him, raising a hand in front of him.

“Don’t,” she warned, her eyes resting on Zack. She turned to

Zack. “You are being a jerk,” she informed him coolly.

“What?” he exclaimed. “Why? We are supposed to protect him. I

know this came out of left field for you, but if you have problem with

“Not we,” Rick muttered. Zack whipped his head to stare at him.
“What?” he repeated dumbly.

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“We don’t,” Nina said, drawing his attention again. “You know

better than this, Zack. Think about it. What would we do with him?
He wasn’t doing anything dangerous. He could deny he was following
us, and we couldn’t prove it. It would just mean tipping our hand,
letting him know we are watching him.”

“You want to wait?” Zack asked incredulously. He hoped his tone

conveyed how stupid he considered the idea to be. He couldn’t risk

“Yes!” Nina said, exasperated. “We aren’t going to let anything

happen to Ned. We wait until the guy makes his move, and then we
nab him.”

“Again,” Zack tossed out, still angry.
Nina blinked, momentarily derailed. “Again, what?”
“We wait until he makes the move, again. Did you forget he

already tried to kill Ned?”

Nina narrowed her eyes.
“No, we didn’t. But this is the best choice. You know that.”
Zack shook his head. “It’s too risky. I don’t want to endanger


Nina rolled her eyes. “He is an Upholder Zack. He is not a

stranger to danger.”

“He has zero preservation sense. He was never able to keep out of

trouble. Someone always had to bail him out!” Zack yelled.

Nina stared at him incredulously. “Have you even looked at the

files Donovan sent? He is not helpless. He was able to deal with
whatever he came up with. Granted he does have a propensity to land
in trouble, but that’s his job. It’s the way things work.”

“The hell it is,” Zack retorted. “And anyway it’s a moot point. I

won’t allow it. Find another way,” he ordered. Restless, he ran a hand
through his hair, his mind buzzing with plans. If the guy was really
following Ned, he could wait and get him himself. Occupied with his
own thoughts, he didn’t notice the silence stretching between the three

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of them, not until Nina impatiently tapped her finger on the table
surface, drawing his attention.

“We do not agree,” she said coolly. Rick, still in his position

behind her, just nodded. Zack was stupefied.

“We do not agree.” Rick repeated. There was a hard glint in his

eyes. “You are too close to be making a decision. It’s a mistake.”

“I know how to do my job.”
Rick looked uncomfortable.
“This is not a job. This is about your…friend.” He grimaced. He

seemed to suddenly lose patience. “You think we don’t know you are
fucking?” he tossed at Zack.

All color drained from Zack’s face. He flinched. He was afraid of

this. He remembered Ned telling him, “They can smell you on me,”
and him stupidly denying the possibility. He sucked in a breath. His
hands clenched into fists.

“You think that changes my ability to do the job?” he asked, trying

to sound normal.

“You are emotionally invested, Zack. You are not thinking

clearly,” Rick retorted angrily. A growl left Zack’s throat. He was a
stronger wolf than Rick, who was defying him.

“That’s what you think.”
They glared at each other. He saw Rick’s eyes darken as his wolf

clawed close to the surface. Idly he wondered whether they were
going to shift and fight right there in the hotel room.

“Hold it.” Nina’s voice slapped him like a whip. “Calm down,

both of you. This”—she waved at both of them—“is not leading to
anything. You are only going to get us in trouble if you shift now.”

She studied Zack through narrowed eyes. “Keep your wolf back,


With an effort, Zack managed to regain control. “Fine,” he said

through clenched teeth. “I guess I’d better go back to my room.”

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“We’ll have this conversation later,” Nina said to his back. Zack

stiffened, but kept his mouth shut.

It just wasn’t his day.

* * * *

Dejected, Zack dropped down on the bed and pulled a pillow

under himself. He couldn’t believe he had argued with Nina and Rick.
They were his friends. They got along. Sure, they had had their
disagreements, but nothing like this. He didn’t belong to a pack
anymore. He still dropped in to see his birth pack, same as the two of
them, but for all intents and purposes, the three of them were a pack
for themselves. It jarred that he had endangered it today. And he still
couldn’t see what was wrong. Nina and Rick stood by him. They
didn’t have to stay with him and protect Ned. He had announced it
from nowhere, and they followed his orders without questions. He
couldn’t leave Ned, either. Zack sighed, pressing his face against the
sheet. Maybe he should have taken Donovan’s offer and let his men
take care of Ned. He was the Silver Moon leader, de facto alpha. He
knew what he was doing. His whole being resisted that idea. He didn’t
want to leave Ned. Even when they were younger, Zack was always
protecting him. From bullies at school, from troubles he got in. Zack
shivered. He still remembered the day and how his friends, Ezra and
Nick, teased him about Ned. They were all sitting in the woods on the
pack land, some on the ground, some leaning on the truck. This was
the group of younger shifters. They had brought beer and enjoyed

“Pretty like a girl, that one,” Ezra jeered.
“Stop it,” Zack had said, taking a sip of his beer, wiping his mouth

with his sleeve. He was buzzed on alcohol. There were five of them
present, and all were pretty strong.

Ezra waved his arm at him drunkenly. “You don’t have to defend

him, Zack. No one here will disagree with me.”

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Zack frowned at him, his good mood evaporating. “He is a

friend,” he stated. A weight settled in his gut. He had a bad feeling
about this.

“Come on, Zack. You can’t be that naive.”
“What about?”
“You know how Ned is. And Ezra is right. He is pretty like a girl.”

Nick winked.

Zack met his gaze with a stony face. “His looks are none of your


“I’m just saying.”
“Then don’t.” The words fell between them, heavy and full of

meaning. Ezra recoiled.

Nick, his fist on his hip, gave Zack a pitying look. Zack felt his

face heat.

“You are awfully upset about this, Zack.”
“He. Is. A. Friend.”
“You fuck him already?”
Zack took a step toward him. “Watch your mouth.”
“Which one of you spread his legs for the other?” Nick taunted.
Zack launched himself at him.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Zack banished the memory. He had

beaten the hell out of Nick, which surprised even him. The pack
alpha, Darell, was displeased, he recalled, but Zack had refused to say
what it was about. He had gotten punished, both him and Nick, and
spent following weeks sulking in his parents’ house. Ned was worried
about him, but Zack hadn’t wanted to talk to him. He felt sick, and
angry. He had lashed out at Ned. It was a bad idea, because before
that he didn’t know they were mates. The truth had destroyed him. He
realized Nick’s words were true. He was attracted to Ned. And if he
stayed, they were going to sleep together. Unsettled, he’d left the
pack, cutting all connections with Ned.

Zack moaned. He hadn’t thought of this confrontation in years. He

sometimes saw the guys when he went back to see his parents, but

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didn’t hang around them. But Rick and Nina were something else.
He’d picked them. He valued them. Biting into his fist, he wondered
if he had alienated them completely.

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Chapter 5

“You know I think I’m going to stick with Rick in the future,”

Ned offered conversationally. Zack narrowed his eyes.

“What, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?” Ned asked,

oblivious to Zack’s inner turmoil.

“You would know. You are sharing a bed with me,” Zack replied

viciously. Ned blinked.

“Wow. That hurt.”
“You going to start sleeping with Rick, too?” Zack asked snidely.

He couldn’t contain himself. Annoyance flashed over Ned’s face.

“What the fuck, Zack?” he demanded, stopping in the middle of

the street and turning so he was facing Zack. He ignored the passing

“Just asking.” Zack pursed his lips. “Since you obviously like him

better than me,” he drawled, anger making his voice sharp and

“You sound like I have a hell of a reason,” Ned retorted, two

bright red spots on his cheeks. “Are you listening to yourself?”

Zack ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t want this. I don’t want

this,” he reiterated, his gut clenching.

“You mean me,” Ned said flatly.
Zack sighed impatiently.
“I argued with Nina and Rick yesterday because of you. We’ve

had disagreements before, but not that bad. I don’t want to lose them
because of you. Isn’t it enough I gave up my pack?”

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“Screw you,” Ned answered. “That had nothing to do with me and

all with them and you. If you think you are the only one who lost
something, you are sadly mistaken.”

He strode down the street fuming.
“Oh yeah, run away. That’s going to help the situation a lot,” Zack

yelled after him. Ned turned to answer.

“You would know. It’s your specialty.”

* * * *

Zack was terse when he answered his phone. “Yes?”
“Zack. We need to talk.” Zack raised his eyebrows, glancing at

Nina, who was in the room with him, working on her laptop.

“What about?” he asked. Nina closed the laptop and cocked her

head. Zack knew she was listening.

Jake gave an annoyed sigh. “The sketch Rick dropped off


Zack tightened his grip on the phone. Nina had mentioned she had

sent Rick with the sketch of the man who followed Ned and him
yesterday. She had also said Jake had no information at that point.
That had obviously changed.

“Come see me. We need to talk.”
Zack hesitated, though only for a moment. “We’ll be there.” He

closed his phone with a snap.”

“We going there?” Nina inquired. Zack nodded. “He wants to talk


“That sounds…interesting.”
“It does.” Zack pocketed his phone. “Tell Rick to take Ned

somewhere else and lay low. Don’t ask him where. We’ll call when
we’re back,” he added. “And”—he made a meaningful pause—“call
Silver Moon and tell Donovan where we went.”

Nina’s feral grin matched his. “Covering all your bases, boss?”
“Exactly,” Zack agreed grimly.

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It took them half an hour to drive back to Jake’s house. They were

herded upstairs to Jake’s office.

“You are prompt,” Jake said, not moving from his seat. Zack

shrugged, watching from the corner of his eye as Nina came to stand
by his side.

“I try to be,” he answered, trying to sound like it didn’t matter.

“What did you want to tell me, alpha?” he asked formally.

Jake pointed at the young man sitting in the corner of the office.

“This is Reed Walton.”

“He is Frank’s cousin, is he not?” Nina asked. The young man

shrank from her gaze. Zack couldn’t blame him. Nina sounded
curious and detached like she was a scientist inspecting a particularly
interesting bug under her microscope. It didn’t sound comforting. He
threw a pleading glance at Jake.

“He is,” Jake answered. “And he knows who the man who shot

your friend is.”

Zack’s insides froze. “Oh?” was all he managed to say. His voice

was tight.

The man, he noticed with a kind of detached calm, shrunk even


“He didn’t know about the shooting,” Jake clarified. “But he did

tell the guy about you three, that Ned was now with you. It seems the
guy was really interested in you, Zack, and what our connection was
with you. He let it slip he thought Ned was alone. Reed doesn’t know
anything else.”

“You’re sure he is telling the truth.”
“I am,” Jake confirmed.
“You don’t mind me asking him some questions, do you?” Zack

matched his tone. Jake opened his mouth but was interrupted when
his phone rang. He glanced at the readout. “Donovan,” he said aloud.

With a smile, Zack settled into the chair opposite him. Nina

continued to stare at the younger werewolf, who was desperately
trying to blend into the wall and failing.

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Finding Ned


“We’ll wait,” he informed the alpha, who gave him a faint smile.
“Thought so.”

* * * *

Rick strolled out of the hotel lobby. He checked his surroundings

unobtrusively before opening the van door and vaulting inside.

“Is he there?” Zack asked impatiently.
“He is,” Rick confirmed, “though not under the name Reed gave


Frank grunted. Reed was probably telling the truth, Zack decided.

He couldn’t fault the guy for leaving another name than his own. If he
was going to kill an Upholder, he wasn’t going to leave evidence of
being around.

Rick grimaced. “We going in?”
“We are definitely going in,” Zack said grimly.
“Right,” Rick snorted. “Don’t kill him right away, boss. It will be

a bitch to explain to human cops.”

Zack narrowed his eyes at him. “Do you have the room number?”
“Of course I have,” Rick answered, offended.
“Then lead the way.” Zack hopped out of the truck.
“Listen,” Frank said suddenly. Zack’s hand was slick with sweat

on the gun under his jacket. “Yes?”

They slipped into the reception area unobtrusively. Rick in front

of them was already smiling at the girl behind the desk.

“My cousin is an idiot,” Frank said, matching his steps to Zack.

“But I don’t think he was involved in the attack on your friend.”

Zack shrugged. Reed wasn’t a danger, not anymore, with his alpha

keeping a close eye on him.

“The way he said it, they had met before. He is the son of

powerful pack alpha. Reed wanted to impress him.”

Zack arched an eyebrow at him as they hurried up the stairs.

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“He does know he should have reported his presence to Jake,


What they gleaned from the silver bullet used on Ned had proven

true. The attacker had to be either a shifter or someone who knew
about them.

Frank sighed. “The guy said he was here without his father

knowing. He asked Reed to keep quiet. And the town isn’t pack

Zack remembered using same argument with Jake. It didn’t fly

then. Frank grimaced. “Well he is an idiot.” They had arrived in front
of the room. The hallway was narrow. After checking it was empty,
Zack pulled his gun and went to the door. He smelled a wolf. Rage
welled inside him. His wolf growled, threatening to come out. He
hadn’t lost control of the shift since he was a teenager. Catching
Frank’s eye, he saw him shift before pushing the door and storming
into the room, gun at the ready. Another wave of anger threatened to
overwhelm him as he realized the room was empty. Rick and Frank
followed him, checking the bathroom and balcony. “Clear,” Rick

“He is gone,” Zack said. “He is fucking gone.” He couldn’t

contain his anger, and he knew it showed. Shoving his gun into his
pocket, he stalked to the nightstand and started to rummage through
drawers, hoping to find something, anything. Behind him, Rick was
doing the same with the closets built into the wall. Frank, his gun
lowered, was eyeing their surroundings suspiciously.

He sighed and put it away, following Zack’s example.
“Bad luck,” he agreed.
Zack resisted the urge to hurl something across the room. He

smiled grimly as he remembered the lamp in Ned’s room. He now got
it. He gripped the edges of the drawer, his knuckles going white.

“This sucks.”
“We will keep looking,” Frank promised.

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Finding Ned


Zack shrugged. How the guy figured out they were after him, he

didn’t know. Reed had sworn the guy was alone, and it took them
only a day to organize everything. Reed was watched the whole time,
but still, their prey had escaped. His things were still in the room.
Zack doubted he was going to be back. They lost him, for now. He
took a deep breath to calm down.

He itched to go back to Ned even though he trusted Nina


The guy was going to be even more desperate now.

* * * *

Lately it seemed like the only thing Zack and he did was argue.

Ned wasn’t even sure what had started it this time. They were out on
the sidewalk in front of the hotel and suddenly they were all but
shouting at each other, both ignoring curious looks and raised

“You are a bastard,” he accused, his breath hitching.
“You are overreacting, as usual,” Zack retorted, his nostrils flaring

as he snagged Ned’s forearm and tried to tug him forward. Ned dug
his heels.

“I’m not. What gives you the right!”
Ned yelled at Zack, surprised at how exhilarating he found it.

Jerking his arm out of Zack’s grip, he balled his fist and punched him.
Zack reared back, hand automatically going to his bruised jaw. Ned
whirled around and stormed down the street. Tears obscured his
vision. He could barely see where he was going but he didn’t care. He
couldn’t stay another second longer with Zack. He didn’t want to. It
hurt too much. Noticing a woman giving him a suspicious look, he
realized he was almost running. He slowed, forcing himself to take a
deep breath. His chest constricted. He stumbled and fetched against
the tall building on his left side, the bricks cold and hard under his
palms. He thumped his head against the wall, groaning. This was a

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mess. Tears prickled the corners of his eyes. He brushed his eyes
surreptitiously, then pulled back and straightened. He knew where to

The room he had hired when he first came here was still paid up

and in his name. He remembered Rick saying they left it like that
deliberately, to confuse whoever was after him. Now it came in handy.
With renewed energy, he brushed tears out of his eyes and studied his
surroundings. Zack was nowhere in sight. He took vicious pleasure
from it. Taking a moment to orient himself, he quickly determined
where he was and circled back to the hotel. He walked past the
elevator and instead used the stairs to climb to his floor. He saw no
one on the way up. It helped him to regain his composure. By the time
he stopped in front of his doors, his eyes were dry. He pulled the key
out of his wallet and unlocked it.

He looked around. The room was frighteningly empty. All of his

stuff was now in Zack’s room. How he had allowed it? He was hurt,
yes, and too easily allowed Zack to manipulate him.

“Stupid,” he muttered under his breath, starting forward without

really looking where he was going. It wasn’t surprising when he hit
his knee on the chair and pain lanced his leg. He hissed, bending
down to rub it. He limped to the bed and sat down heavily.

He needed to calm down. There was no use in being angry or

upset over something he had no control of. He knew how Zack was.
He ran a hand over the comforter, his cheeks heating as he
remembered the way Zack’s body pressed into his, the first time they
made love. Lately, it seemed like the only thing they did was argue.
He was tired of it. And it hurt. What was he supposed to do now?

He laughed harshly. So many years and nothing changed. Zack

still wasn’t willing to take a risk for him. He shouldn’t have expected
that to change. He knew better. The sound of a door opening and
closing drew his attention. He looked up, expecting to see either Zack
or Rick. He blinked in confusion as an unfamiliar man stepped into
the room, his lips stretching into a malicious smile when he saw Ned.

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“Who are you?” he asked. “This is my room.”
“I know,” the man agreed. Ned jerked back when the stranger

pulled a gun out of his belt. He glanced at it, checking the safety with
slow, deliberate movements. He pointed the gun at Ned.

“You were the one who shot at me!” Ned exclaimed. The man


“Of course I was. I planned it so well, you see. I was the one who

made that call, and you ever so helpfully showed up. Thanks for that,
by the way,” he added cockily.

“Donovan will kill you for this.”
“He won’t know it’s me. I don’t live here. It was a stroke of luck I

found out you were going to be here. I could plan accordingly.”

“You missed,” Ned challenged.
“I didn’t miss. I shot you, didn’t I?”
Ned shivered, remembering all too well the moment when the

bullet tore his skin and flesh, the pain that followed, the burn of silver.
His chin jutted out.

“You didn’t kill me.”
“You’re damnably lucky. I figured it didn’t matter since the bullet

was silver, so it was going to kill you sooner or later. I waited for you
to die, or move so I could shoot you again.” His eyes narrowed.
“Instead, what happened? More people showed up. I was sure you
were alone, and I knew you weren’t going to call the local pack, what
with the call I made.”

“Zack spoiled your plans.”
The man was now getting agitated. “If it was only one, I could

have shot. But three of them? I was alone. It was risky to try it, and I
wasn’t sure if you were even alive at that point.”

“I was.”
“I know.” The man stared down at him. “Not for long now,


Ned swallowed, fear making him shiver. He pretended to ignore

the words.

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“You were angry. Is that why you trashed my room?”
“There was a chance they were going to return there. They didn’t.

It took me some time to find where you were again. I knew you might
have gone back to Silver Moon, and that would seriously suck.” He
twisted his lips in distaste.

“You found me.”
“Yes, but then I couldn’t get to you,” the man spat. “You always

had a bodyguard. I almost decided to wait for a second time. Today
was going to be my last day.” He smiled again. The smile sent chills
down Ned’s spine. “And here you are, like a gift.

“Get up,” he ordered. “Slow. I don’t think you are armed, but I’d

rather not take chances.”

“You should leave. My friends know where I am. They will come

looking for me when I don’t show up.”

The man burst into laughter. “You are good, I have to admit,” he

said merrily. “I know it isn’t true. I saw you argue with your
boyfriend. Shouldn’t have done that, by the way. It was stupid to
come back here. I waited two weeks to get to you again.” He snorted
derisively. “It didn’t help that the local alpha was sniffing around. I
had to stay low.

“I knew you were sleeping with the guy. I watched you. You

should have listened to him. He would never have allowed you to get
here. I’ll mention to my father they are good at what they do.”

“Stay away from him.”
“Worried about your little toy? Don’t worry. I won’t hurt him.”
“Stay away from him,” Ned repeated, this time a little more


“Why do you care? You’ll be dead. You’re as arrogant as ever,

doing what you want and ruining people’s lives,” he continued
bitterly. “In a way I’m doing him a favor. He is better off without

Ned frowned. He didn’t recognize the guy, but that didn’t mean


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“Who are you?” he asked again.
“You don’t know, do you? Shouldn’t have expected anything

better from an Upholder.” His fingers tightened on the gun. “You
killed my brother.”

Flabbergasted, Ned stared at him.
“Miles Galloway.”
Oh. Ned remembered that one. He raised an eyebrow. He eyed the

guy curiously. Miles was bigger and his hair was black, but he could
see a resemblance.

“I see you are familiar with the name. Good.”
“Oh, I am,” Ned assured him. “I can’t take credit for his demise.

Rhys was the one who killed him, actually.” He remembered the fight
like it was yesterday. He’d been sure he was going to die before Rhys
showed up to pull the guy off him. The fight seemed to drag endlessly.
Miles was cunning, and a strong wolf. His father was pack alpha. He
was also a deranged killer. It took all of Rhys’s strength and skill to
finally put him down. “But you must know that. I guess that going
after the alpha of Blue Lake pack is too much even for you,” he
finished. The guy’s eyes flashed.

“Shut up! You are the one who said it was okay, that Miles

deserved it. They wouldn’t have let it stand otherwise. My father
would have punished him. I told them it wasn’t right.” He was
spitting the words. “But you were an Upholder, and the pack didn’t
want to move against Silver Moon, like they were better than us. They
let you go. You killed my brother, and they let you go like he didn’t
matter!” he yelled.

“He was a killer. He killed humans. He tried to kill me. We had to

put him down.”

“You are lying.”
Ned shook his head. “I’m really not. His father, your father,

wouldn’t have let it go if we didn’t have evidence. He knew what
Miles was doing and ignored it because it was his son. He knew we

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were right. That was why he agreed to step down, to avoid

The gunman’s eyes were crazy. The hand holding the gun shook.

Ned couldn’t breathe. His lungs seized, gasping for oxygen.

A shot rang out. The eyes widened comically. His lips parted.

Over his shoulder, Ned looked at Zack, who slowly lowered his gun.
With a loud clatter the gun fell from the limp hand. A second later, the
body hit the floor. Ned stared at it, his vision blurring. Finally he was
able to take a breath, the sudden influx of air making him dizzy.
“Fuck,” he said, digging his fingers into his knees. He felt queasy.
There was a dead man on the floor. He panted like a fish out of water.
Zack strode toward him. He was still holding his gun. Ned forced his
eyes away from the barrel.

“You all right?” Zack asked sharply, stopping in front of him. He

crouched in front of Ned, taking his face in both hands.

Ned expelled a long breath. “I’ve had better days.” He let himself

lean into the touch. Zack’s palms were warm.

“We got him. The plan worked,” Rick announced from the

doorway. “That was very well done, Ned.”

Ned just blinked at him, pulling away from Zack. Zack frowned,

but didn’t move, twisting his head to look at Rick.

Rick waved his hand. He was also armed. “The way you argued

with Zack. It looked real. He couldn’t have missed it. Hell, I doubted
it was fake, and I was the one who helped plan it,” he concluded. Ned
avoided looking at Zack. Rick might not be aware of it, but the fight
was real. He hadn’t faked anything. Rick stepped further into the
room, breaking the train of Ned’s thoughts. He eyed the dead body
with distaste. “The cops are coming. No way they aren’t, what with
the gunshot. You all right to talk to them?”

“Yeah.” He leaned in toward Zack, taking a deep breath of his

mate’s scent. Despite all the problems they had, despite everything
Zack did and didn’t do, Ned loved him. For years he had harbored

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hope that Zack would come back to him, that they would figure it out
and stay together. He got his wish. It didn’t change anything. His
future was bleak. There was no way to change it. His head dropped.
Zack misinterpreted his reaction, gathering him in his arms.

“You are safe now.” Zack dropped a chaste kiss on Ned’s


Ned’s heart clenched painfully. He was safe now, and Zack was

going to leave. Zack was only here because Ned had been in danger.
Now he wasn’t anymore. His shooter was dead. He was going to
leave. He shuddered and snuggled closer. He didn’t want to lose Zack.

He ignored the small voice in the back of his mind that told him

he’d never really had Zack.

* * * *

“What are you doing?”
Ned practically jumped, the bag almost dropping from his


“Jesus,” he breathed. “Watch what you’re doing. You almost gave

me a heart attack.”

“Sorry,” Nina said. She didn’t sound the least bit contrite. She

crossed her arms over her chest and gave Ned an inquiring glance.
“I’m assuming you are not going out for breakfast and coffee.”

Ned huffed in exasperation.
Nina pursed her lips. “Since you are sneaking out at the crack of

dawn and I know for a fact Zack isn’t a morning person, I’m guessing
he doesn’t know about this.”

Ned hesitated. “Not really.”
“By not really, you mean not at all,” Nina clarified. There was no

pity in her tone. Ned refused to feel guilty.

“It’s not like that. He knows I was going to go. There is nothing to

keep me here.” He hefted the backpack back up. “Now that we caught

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Marcus, I can go back to my job. This wasn’t the most relaxing
vacation I ever had.”

“You are leaving Zack.”
Ned’s resolve faltered. Yes, he was. He wet his dry lips and raised

his head to met Nina’s gaze.

“It’s not like he wants me to stay.”
Nina made an unhappy noise. “Did you ask?”
“No.” It would hurt too much, Ned thought. “But I know he would

agree. This is the only way, Nina.”

She didn’t look convinced. In fact, she looked downright doubtful,

leaning on the wall to eye him thoughtfully.

“You know, it took me some time to figure it out, but I think I got

it now.”

He waited for her to continue.
“It’s not just sex. You two are mates.”
Ned wondered whether there was any point in denying. It wasn’t

like he thought they didn’t know. Only Zack, naive Zack, who didn’t
notice they were mated until Ned told him in a fit of temper, would
think so.

“Zack is going to be pissed if you tell him you know,” he warned.
“He’ll survive.”
“He’ll be pissed at me,” he added. She huffed in exasperation.
“So what, you are gonna let him get away with that?”
“I don’t have any other choice.” Ned closed his eyes in defeat.

* * * *

Zack scowled, his gut churning with anger. He let it unfurl inside

him, chasing the shadow of betrayal present since Nina told him Ned
wasn’t with her. Nina appeared unperturbed, like she hadn’t just
shaken his world to the core. He swallowed back the impulse to move
and stood his ground, glaring at her.

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“How do you mean it, he left?” He hoped he sounded calm.

Inside, he was filled with fury and bewilderment. Why did Ned leave?
He hadn’t woken Zack up. He hadn’t told him anything the previous
evening. It didn’t make sense. Zack had assumed he was with Nina
and didn’t think of it more. He had to talk with the cops and with Jake
and so was occupied until now. He felt drained and barely
acknowledged Rick on the way back to the hotel. He’d wanted to see
Ned, he realized, to remind himself they were both fine and they were
safe. In the five minutes since he’d arrived, he admitted that the
reason why he wanted to see him didn’t matter. He just wanted to see
him; that was what was important.

Nina shrugged. Zack was aware of Rick standing behind and to

the left of him leaning on the windowsill. He’d retreated there and
now just watched his partners. Zack could feel his gaze boring into his
back and wondered what Rick thought of this. Despite his sometimes
flippant comments and lame attempts at humor, Rick was both very
observant and very smart. That’s why Zack chose him for Silver Tag.

“Simple enough. He left.” Zack gritted his teeth, suppressing his

instinctive answer at Nina’s casual tone.

“Why didn’t you stop him?”
Nina threw him a sharp glance. Rick shifted, rustling of clothes

breaking the tense silence in the room.

“Why?” she asked bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest and

narrowing her eyes at Zack. Zack was honestly puzzled.

“Why what?”
“Why should I stop him? His stalker is dead, Zack, and we know

he didn’t have any accomplices. He is safe. He can go whenever he
wants to.” She waved her arm. “You told us yourself, he was
supposed to be on vacation. I think we will agree, this wasn’t much of
a vacation. He probably needed to go somewhere to relax. Hell, I need
to go somewhere to relax. I’m not saying it hasn’t been fun, but I can
see why he needed to go.”

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Zack was struck speechless. He wanted to argue, but he couldn’t.

Everything Nina said was true. And he admitted to himself if Ned had
talked to him beforehand, what he would tell him? Please don’t leave.
I don’t want you to go? He didn’t know what he wanted, what it was
between them. How could it work anyway? Neither of them planned
on meeting the other, their lives just collided. Suddenly he felt uneasy
in his skin. He rubbed his nose, frantically trying to find a way to
dismiss what happened and direct his friends’ attention elsewhere.

“I guess you are right,” he muttered. Despite his best intentions,

he sounded sullen. Nina was watching him. Her expression softened.

“Zack. If you didn’t want him to go, why don’t you call him? You

know where he is. Talk to him.”

She sounded earnest. Agitated, Zack whirled around only to meet

with Rick’s interested gaze. He froze. He felt trapped. He didn’t know
how to react. Finally, he answered. “It’s not that simple.” It sounded
unconvincing even to him. He shivered, wishing he was anywhere
else but in the hotel room with the two best friends he had in life.

“I don’t know, boss.” Uncharacteristically for him, Rick was sober

and calm. “Why don’t you explain it?”

Now they were both staring at him. It was unnerving. Zack

hesitated. It was tempting to just say the truth, but he had no idea how
they’d react. He warred with himself.

“We are your friends, Zack. You can trust us.” Nina’s words rang

with conviction.

It was too much. He was exhausted, and Ned had left and he

simply didn’t have the will to fight anymore. A dull ache settled in his
chest. He missed Ned. He wanted him back, he realized bitterly. It
never stopped, but after the last couple of weeks the need had grown
more pronounced, impossible to ignore. Defeated, Zack dropped to sit
on the bed and buried his head into his hands. A tremor ran through

“The last time someone accused me of sleeping with Ned, I beat

the shit out of the guy,” he said, his voice muffled. When only silence

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greeted his announcement, he risked a look at Nina. She pursed her

“You didn’t deny you are sleeping with him.”
Zack gave her a weak smile, the bed creaking as he shifted. “No, I

didn’t.” He paused, then laughed humorlessly.

“But I wasn’t sleeping with him when it happened. It was before I

met you, before I left the pack. Everything was different then.”

His laughter died down. He looked down, unconsciously picking

on the edge of the coverlet. He couldn’t seem to settle, fairly buzzing
with energy. He forced himself to talk.

“A guy we know—we weren’t friends, really, but we did hang out

together, or more importantly we were together that evening. Looking
back, it was incredibly stupid. You know how younger shifters in the
pack, the ones about same strength, tend to spend time together, doing
stupid things when there are no elders around? It was one such night.
It was late, we were on the pack land, there was beer. And then, I
don’t know why or how, some of them started making comments
about Ned. I didn’t like it. I tried to get them to stop, but they didn’t.
They weren’t…they weren’t very nice.” He took a deep breath, a tiny
flicker of anger going through him at the memory. “I was never in
trouble before. But that time there was no choice. I didn’t even think.
I got into a fight, and it took three of them to separate us, and even
then only after I’d seriously beat the guy. Darell, he was my alpha
then, was annoyed with both of us. He wanted to know what had
happened, why I lost control so badly. I refused to tell him. No one
talked to him. So he grounded me and being a wily old man, sent Ned
over to talk to me.”

“That would have made a difference?” Rick asked, obviously

curios. Nina cut her eyes toward him, but Zack heard Rick snort.
“Come on, Nina, you know you are as curious as I. I know how you
are when you make a decision. You rarely budge.”

“Oh yes, it would have made a difference.” Zack closed his eyes.

He rubbed his chest, the hollow feeling spreading behind his

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breastbone. “Ned was my best friend. We knew each other for years,
and we were always close. It didn’t change when we grew up. I know
what you have seen is mostly us arguing, but it wasn’t—we weren’t
always like that. Darell knew what he was doing when he told Ned to
talk to me. And to give Ned credit, he did try to talk to me. He was as
baffled as Darell, worse even, because he was worried about me. That
fight, it was out of character for me. It should have worked. Problem
was, I was so angry at the time. I didn’t want to listen. I ended up
being angry with him. He didn’t understand.”

Looking back, it was easy to see how it all spiraled out of control.

He never liked being out of control, and having Ned there, after that
mess with Nick, only reinforced the fact that he couldn’t change or
ignore his feelings for Ned. It scared him, and for the first time in his
life, he’d pushed Ned away. He forced himself to continue talking. He
was surprised how easy it was to talk once he’d started to. He did trust
both Nina and Rick. The fact they cornered him just showed they
cared. And he needed to get it out. He’d spent years suppressing every
memory of what happened. It was getting easier with every word that
tumbled out of his mouth.

“I wasn’t interested in men before that,” he continued, darting a

look at Nina. She sniffed at his sheepish smile. Zack backtracked
quickly. “Or even if I was, I wasn’t interested in Ned.” That was the
truth. “Then Nick dropped the bomb and I couldn’t stop thinking
about what he said. I didn’t just punch him in the face. I landed more
than one and I didn’t regret it at all. I should have felt vindicated,
except there were all those confusing feelings. I spent the whole time
Ned was trying to coax me into talking thinking how he belonged
with me, how I wanted him. It pissed me off.”

Zack took a deep breath. Now came the hardest part. “Then he

told me we were mates and he loved me.” He saw Nina’s eyes widen
imperceptibly. Whatever she’d figured out, it wasn’t this. He waved
his arms whimsically. “Just like that. And I ran away.” He hadn’t
stopped running, not until now.

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For a moment no one said anything. Then Rick moved, walking

over to where Zack sitting. “Ouch,” he said, shaking his head. “That
was a jerk move, boss.”

Zack licked his dry lips. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t told himself

already. Really, what right did he have to expect Ned to stay?

“That should have been the end of it,” he said, voice unsteady. “I

wanted it to be the end of it.” Absently, he rubbed his chest again. It
didn’t hurt, but suddenly he was breathing shallowly. He felt numb.

“You didn’t talk to him after?”
No recriminations. He was grateful for Nina’s and Rick’s calm

acceptance. He shook his head.

“He wanted to. I refused. Then he stopped trying. I…when he said

it, the first, the only thing that occurred to me was to say it back.”

There was flash of understanding in Rick’s eyes. He and Nina

exchanged looks.

“Which you couldn’t do,” he said slowly.
“No. It was too sudden. He was my best friend, not my lover. And

to tell me like that, when he’d known for some time, it felt like he
betrayed and rejected me. I don’t know. Maybe if he handled it
differently, if Nick didn’t open his big mouth—”

Rick snorted. He cleared his throat when Zack looked at him.

Grimacing, Zack admitted,

“All right. I’d probably freak out either way.”
“You like being in control,” Nina said mildly, not taking her eyes

off him. “It is what makes you good at your job, but it doesn’t work
so well with relationships. This wasn’t something you expected, so
you reacted badly. Yes, I can see how it went down. It’s exactly what
you’d do.”

She sounded thoughtful. Zack hesitated, faintly perturbed by her

insight. He’d always known she was good. It was unnerving being on
the receiving end of her abilities.

“I’m not sure if I’m relieved or scared to hear that,” he said

finally. Nina shook her head impatiently.

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“Doesn’t really matter. What are you going to do now?”
Zack swallowed, his throat raw and painful. What was he going to

do? What did he want to do? At least one question was easy. He
wanted Ned back. He wanted to fix everything that went wrong
between them. Still he hesitated. “I don’t know.”

“You must know we don’t care,” Nina said. She was watching him

like a hawk. Rick nodded. They both sat next to him. A lump formed
in Zack’s throat. They were supporting him. No matter how reluctant
he was to have this conversation, he was thankful they’d forced it.
They were going to stand by him.

“It’s not that,” he answered vaguely. Rick squeezed his shoulder.
“I actually like him,” Rick ventured, back to his easy manner.

“And besides, you’re going to be miserable without him. I have to
work with you. I’d prefer that doesn’t happen.”

Zack laughed hysterically. Trust Rick to try and joke about it.

“Probably,” he agreed. The laughter died in his throat. Once again he
was forcibly reminded his mate was gone.

“So what are you going to do?” Nina questioned.
Zack shrugged. “I don’t know. If I hadn’t seen him, maybe. Now,

just, I don’t know.”

“I don’t want to tell you you’re a moron,” Rick started.
“Thanks,” Zack muttered, a little miffed. Rick ignored both him

and Nina’s warning glance. “But seriously what are you doing? He is
your mate. You want to be with him. I don’t see a problem with that.”

Zack kicked his feet.
“If I’m with him, everyone will know,” he said finally. His cheeks


“Know what?” Since Nina hadn’t shushed him, she must have

been interested in the answer, too.

Zack sighed.
“That I’m sleeping with him. You know that some people will be

different about that.”

“True,” Rick conceded.

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“Do you really care, Zack?” Nina nudged his shoulder. Both of

them waited for him to answer. Zack stared at the floor.

It was a question he didn’t have an answer for.

* * * *

Ned didn’t raise his head when he heard the door open. Donovan

had been trying to talk with him ever since he returned to Silver
Moon. Ned had given him the report about Galloway’s death, but he
didn’t elaborate, even though Donovan clearly knew something had
happened with him and Zack. He’d coolly informed his boss that
whatever had happened it wasn’t any of his business and made a point
to avoid him ever since. It didn’t help with the newly opened hole in
his heart, the one with Zack’s name on it. He couldn’t believe how
much he missed the man. He thought he’d gotten used to it. Clearly he
was wrong. He concentrated on his work, hoping for a refuge from
painful thoughts and impossible dreams.

“Whatever it is, I’m busy and not interested,” he informed the

intruder. Donovan could be persistent when he wanted. Ned was in no
mood to deal with him. “So you can go back to your own office,
Donovan. I meant it when I said I don’t want to talk.”

Silence greeted his pronouncement, and then a soft voice said,

“It’s not Donovan.”

Ned went rigid. His hands going still on the laptop keyboard, he

looked up.

For a moment he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him.

“Zack?” he asked in disbelief. His mate nodded sheepishly. “What are
you doing here? How did you get in?” The words tumbled out of his
mouth. Warmth spread over him, his heart fluttering as his hungry
gaze took in every inch of Zack’s appearance.

“I called Donovan. He told the guys outside to let me in.”
“Donovan,” Ned repeated, flummoxed. “He knows you are here?”
Zack fidgeted. “I needed to talk to him first.”

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“Oh.” Ned took a moment to digest it. “Why?” he asked


Zack took a deep breath.
“I needed a job.”
That didn’t make any sense.
“You what?”
Zack rubbed his forehead. “I asked him if he wanted to keep us on


“Us?” He was starting to sound like a broken record, repeating

everything Zack’s said. “Slow down,” he ordered then, unable to keep
still, stood up and circled the desk, facing Zack. He felt suddenly light
headed. “Explain.”

“Me, Nina, Rick, the rest of the guys I call in occasionally,” Zack


“You want to work for Silver Moon?” Ned asked incredulously.
Zack avoided his eyes. “Not quite.”
“I want to be with you. This was the easiest way to accomplish it.”
I want to be with you.
The words pushed at the barriers he’d so

painfully erected. They were crumbling fast, like Zack’s presence was
everything that mattered.

“You want to be my bodyguard.” He couldn’t afford to hope. He

hardened his tone.

“I’m your mate, Ned.” He’d never said so before. Ned let out a

choked laugh.

“So what, I stay your dirty secret and everyone is happy?”
“I told Nina and Rick.”
Ned wasn’t impressed.
“They already knew.”
Zack twitched. “Yes, but…I have never told anyone else.”
Stone-cold silence fell between them. For the first time, Ned

allowed himself to look at Zack, really look at him. He still looked
god, hot, his cock reminded him, but something about his posture

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screamed vulnerable. His shoulders were stiff. Ned took a step
forward and put a hand on his shoulder. Zack didn’t flinch back.
Instead he fastened his gaze on Ned, his eyes filled with fire and

Ned pushed back the arousal that threatened to overwhelm them.

Sex wasn’t the answer to their problems. He needed more from Zack.
With a sigh, he settled his head on Zack’s shoulder, wrapping both
arms around his waist. He felt Zack freeze. He knew what it meant.
Men who didn’t sleep with other men didn’t hug each other. He clung
a little more, waited with bated breath. There was no killer on the
floor of the room. There was no excuse they could give for this,
except that they wanted it, both of them.

Slowly, hesitantly, Zack raised his arms, putting them on Ned’s

back and hips. He heard Zack swallow convulsively.

“Are you still angry with me?” Zack asked softly, so softly Ned

almost didn’t hear him.

Ned sighed, burrowing deeper in Zack’s embrace. Deep

contentment enveloped him. He was loath to disrupt it, the steady beat
of Zack’s heart echoing through his bones, soothing him inside.
Warmth exploded in his chest. He stirred reluctantly, raising his head
briefly to look at Zack.

“Does it matter?” he asked.
The only thing he cared about now was that Zack was here. He

clung to him, unwilling to let him go. Zack shook his head.

“It should.”
Ned rested his head on Zack’s shoulder. His fingers tightened in

Zack’s shirt. He couldn’t deny the truth of Zack’s words, but at the
same time, neither could he deny connection between them.

“I know that’s how it should be. It never mattered with us, Zack. I

was mad at you the first time I told you I loved you. It didn’t change
how I felt. It won’t change it now.”

The only thing they could change was how they dealt with it. He

didn’t hold much hope. Painful silence greeted his words. Ned half

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expected Zack to step back. They were both thinking back to that
explosive meeting of years ago, the day everything between them
changed. Ned bit his lip, the bitter tang of blood stinging his tongue.
He wasn’t going to say anything. Zack had to make his own decision.

“I didn’t say it back,” Zack said carefully. Ned’s breath caught.
“I remember.” His own voice was thick with tears.
Zack carefully pulled back, but didn’t release Ned. Instead, he

caught Ned’s chin and forced him to look at him. Ned steeled himself.
Zack looked uncertain, but his voice didn’t waver, and his eyes stayed
locked to Ned’s. He wasn’t running now.

“I’m saying it now,” he declared solemnly.
Stunned, Ned could only stare at him, unable to ignore wild surge

of hope rushing through him.

“You don’t have to,” he forced past his lips. His pulse thrummed

in his ears.

Zack’s brows knitted. “I know. I’m still saying it. And I’m sorry

for the way I treated you back then. You were my best friend, Ned.
Even then, no matter how angry and confused I felt, you deserved
better than me running off. I knew it even then and it only served to
piss me off even more. I took it out on you and I shouldn’t have.”

Zack sounded sincere. Ned twisted out of his grip then pressed his

palm over Zack’s lips, silencing him. He waited until Zack stopped
resisting and bent a puzzled look at him.

“I know what Nick told you, why you attacked him,” he admitted.

With a twinge of guilt, he remembered repeating the words to Zack
during one of their nights in the hotel, anger poisoning his tone. It
wasn’t a nice memory. When it came to his temper, he wasn’t much
better than Zack. He was hurting and wanted to hurt Zack. It was like
all anger from years they spent apart coalesced in that one well-aimed
remark. He withdrew his hand.

Something flickered in Zack’s eyes. He winced. “I know.”
Ned took a deep breath and forced himself to continue. Zack

wasn’t the only one who had something to explain.

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“I was angry at you, too, that day. Because you were insulted

when Nick implied you were with me. I told you we were mates and
you recoiled like it was the worst thing that could happen.”

“You didn’t tell me before,” Zack replied defensively. “I had a

right to know and you didn’t tell me. You hid something from me.
You’ve never done that before,” Zack accused.

Ned opened his mouth to complain, and then thought about what

Zack said. “All right,” he conceded. “You have a point.”

Reluctantly he pulled back from Zack, ignoring the way Zack’s

arms twitched then stilled at his sides as if he wanted to reach for him
and then thought better of it.

“Now that we have gotten that out of the way, I need to ask you

something.” Ned took a step back until he was leaning on his desk,
grateful for the support. “What changed, Zack?”

“Nothing, really.” Zack avoided his gaze. “It’s just.” He took a

deep breath, rubbed his face tiredly. “Maybe I have realized my
priorities.” Ned’s heart ached for him. He wanted nothing more than
to comfort him, but both of them had too much at stake to leave it at

“We are not playing it that way,” he said sharply, hating the way

Zack cringed at the tone. “We have argued enough. I need to know
what I’m getting into, you, too. This is not a game, Zack. We continue
as we were, we’ll destroy each other eventually. That’s not an option.”
He remembered Donovan and squashed the thought ruthlessly. That
was not optimistic.

Did he want to be optimistic?
With perfect clarity, he remembered Rhys and the day before he’d

left Blue Lake for his ill-fated vacation, the way his friend
immediately relaxed when his mate was present. He didn’t have such
a relationship with Zack. He wanted to, he realized with savage
intensity. He wanted it all, both his best friend and lover.

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“I love you,” Zack said quietly. His heart constricted. Zack had

said he meant the words, but he hadn’t said them. After years of pain
and doubt, hearing them was a balm for his soul. He closed his eyes.

Zack wasn’t done yet. He hesitated, clearly unsure how to

proceed. He swallowed, then continued. “I won’t lie and say
everything will be fine. I don’t know how to fix this, or to make what
is between us right. I want to try. Please, Ned.”

He drew in a harsh breath at the last word. Zack hated not being in

control. Having him ask for something, plead for it, it didn’t erase
what happened between them. But it was a beginning.

He opened his eyes to meet Zack’s look, his vision blurred with

tears he refused to shed.

“We will both try,” he promised.

* * * *

Zack sat on the bed and rubbed his aching temples tiredly.
The room was unfamiliar. This was Ned’s room, Ned’s apartment,

and Ned’s bed.

Zack was now living with him. Both Nina and Rick seemed to

take this pretty much in stride. They were intrigued by Silver Moon
and were happy to look for a place to live here. Zack had somewhat
cowardly offered to let them stay in Ned’s place. It was certainly big
enough, only to have Rick snort.

“Yeah right,” he’d muttered, obviously not caring who was going

to hear him. Zack flushed, getting the point right away.

He dropped down on the bed with a groan. That was it. They

knew Ned was his mate. He had been the one to tell them. Everyone
he met in Silver Moon knew. It made him uneasy.

He had told Nina and Rick, but they were friends. It was different.

His cheeks flamed. Everyone knew he was sleeping with Ned. He
remembered Ned’s lips slipping over his ear, his nails dragging over
his back, a small pain edging the pleasure flooding him. Zack

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Finding Ned


shivered. His dick hardened. He was getting turned on just thinking
about it.

They hadn’t slept together since he moved in.
Which was funny, since neither of them had any problems

sleeping with each other when the only words they exchanged were in

Zack swallowed. He had chickened out. Ned hadn’t said anything,

hadn’t made a move, and let him sleep in the guest room without
commenting on it. It was frustrating.

He hadn’t had a problem making a move on Ned before, so what

was different now?

He heard the sound of a door opening and closing, then footsteps.

His heart clenched in his chest as he recognized who that was. He
opened his eyes to see Ned staring at him. “Hey,” he said.

“Hey to you, too.” Zack sat up. Ned quirked an eyebrow up.

“Tough day?”

He didn’t comment on finding Zack on his bed, which made Zack

bite his lip.

“Something like that.”
Ned leaned over him. Zack’s breath hitched as Ned’s hip brushed

his shoulder. He’d taken his shirt off earlier, dropping it into the
hamper, and was still naked down to the waist.

“What’s that?”
Struggling to maintain control, Zack looked at what Ned was

holding in his arms. “A camera?” Ned asked, frowning at it as he was
pulling it out of its bag, an expression of idle curiosity on his face.

“It’s part of Silver Moon inventory. Donovan wanted me to look it

over.” His voice was rough. Ned ignored it.

“Why did you bring it over?”
“I wanted to check something,” Zack answered. “What’s so


“Nothing.” Ned put the camera back on the dresser. His teeth

flashed. He straddled Zack’s lap, leaning in to nibble on Zack’s lower

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lip. He leaned into the touch, groaning when his hardening dick
pressed into Ned’s ass.

A blinking light in his peripheral vision caught his attention. His

mouth went dry.

“You left it turned on.”
Ned laughed, pulling his shirt off, and letting the blond hair spill

over Zack’s naked shoulders, teasing his skin. He tugged at Zack’s
nipple, a bolt of arousal slamming through Zack.

“Does it bother you?”
It took time for his brain to process the words. “Bother me?”
“The camera,” Ned clarified, leaning in to suck on his nipple.

Zack groaned, his head falling back. His hips bucked.

“Not my…” Zack panted, “Something I like.”
“Just like you don’t like men?”
Ned pressed the heel of his hand between Zack’s legs. He sucked

in a breath, delicious pain edging his arousal.

“I’m going to make you watch next time,” Ned promised, his eyes

dark. “I’m going to take you to bed and let you watch yourself while I
fuck you.”

His balls hurt, he was so aroused.
“I have never let you…”
“Are you refusing?”
He shuddered as Ned splayed his palm on his chest and pushed

him back. He landed on the bed. Ned tugged at his jeans, undressing
him, then licked his lips, watching him lie naked on the bed.

“Nice,” he said, standing up next to the bed. His hands went to his

belt buckle. Zack swallowed heavily. He was conscious of the camera
light blinking in the background, but instead of making him reluctant,
it made his blood heat and his cock harden. Naked, Ned climbed back
on the bed, leaning in for a bruising kiss that made Zack gasp and
grab his shoulder. Ned pushed his hands back to the mattress.

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Finding Ned


“You are going to like it, aren’t you?” Ned said, his fingertip

dipping down Zack’s collarbone and his pecs to stop at his hip.
“Watching me sink my cock into you?”

“Maybe.” He wasn’t going to admit to anything. His whole body

was buzzing with pleasure. He was dizzy.

“You liked fucking me,” Ned said conversationally. “But this is

what scared you, made you run from me, the idea of letting me top

He had forgotten how well Ned knew him. He had forgotten this

was Donovan’s best Upholder, the man used to reading other people
and ferreting out their secrets. A thrill ran over his skin, leaving goose
bumps in its wake. Breath left his lungs in a rush.

“I’m stronger than you.”
“Doesn’t mean you aren’t going to enjoy this.”
He couldn’t exactly object to that. Zack swallowed, spreading his

legs obediently. Something flickered in Ned’s eyes. Heat spilled over
his skin under his careful regard. Ned tugged at his shoulder, twisting
him until he was on his knees and Ned behind him.

He was facing the camera. Zack swallowed. Ned had turned the

tiny screen off so Zack couldn’t see what the camera was filming, but
just the suggestion was enough to make him shudder. He wondered
how it was going to look. He let his head fell down on Ned’s shoulder,
his hand squeezing Ned’s hip.

Cold-smeared fingers reached between his ass cheeks, and Zack

gasped. Ned bit his shoulder, holding him in place. Dimly Zack
recalled doing the same to his lover during one of their nights in the

“You are not going to show this to anyone else, are you?”
Ned laughed. “The movie? No, that’s only for you and me.” He

nipped at Zack’s lips, his fingers sliding in and out of Zack. “Maybe
I’m going to leave it for you to watch when I’m not home.”

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A flash of pain made Zack rise onto his knees. He panted, his fist

curling around his cock and tugging. Ned’s hand joined his, their
fingers intertwining.

Ned pushed in.
His lips parted. Ned slid deeper, making Zack twist and gasp.
“Maybe I’m going to take it with me on the job and watch,” Ned

whispered. Zack shivered. Just the thought of Ned watching it, no
doubt jacking off as he watched himself fuck his mate, was enough to
swallow the pain from penetration. His dick jumped in his hand. Ned
nudged his thighs further apart, causing Zack to slide further on his
cock. Zack groaned, his hips stuttering as he slowly impaled himself.
Ned pulled back, letting him breathe deep before sliding into him
again. His tongue slid over Zack’s throat, following his Adam’s apple.

He felt light headed.
“You do know we are filming this, right?” Ned whispered. The

sound of flesh slapping flesh was obnoxiously loud. Zack idly
wondered if it was going to be heard on the soundtrack. Heat
blossomed in his belly, and he tightened around Ned’s prick, his
whole body shivering as he came.

Ned wrapped both arms around him, holding him tight as he

pushed up into him. Zack whimpered, his whole body still buzzing
with experienced pleasure. Ned gasped and pressed his lips to his

Sweaty and spent, they sagged into each other. Carefully Zack

extricated himself, wincing at the ache in his ass. His hands shook as
he reached to turn off the camera. He stretched on the bed, stilling
when Ned settled behind him under the covers.

“So,” he asked in careful tone, “not sleeping in the other room


“I guess not.”
Ned murmured something softly.

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Finding Ned


“I waited on you for so long,” he whispered, naked longing

obvious in his voice. Zack pulled him closer.

“Not any longer.”
He was home.

* * * *

Donovan hummed into the receiver, leaning back into his office

chair. He tapped his fingers on the polished surface of the desk. It was
immaculate, the screen saver on the monitor blinking lazily at him.

“I’m sure you talked to Ned,” he said, staring through the window.

There was a tree outside. He could see one of his men patrolling the
street. Silver Moon took their security seriously.

“I did. Now I’m asking you.”
Well, he had expected this call. “What do you want to know?”

And keeping the alpha of one of the biggest packs in the country
satisfied was a smart thing to do. Donovan was nothing if not well
versed in politics. Thrown to the wolves had a completely different
connotation in the shifters’ world.

Then again, it was a choice he made for himself long ago.
“You don’t need to tell me what happened.” Donovan choked on a


Rhys reconsidered. “Not all that happened. I just want to know if

it ended all right?”

“Better than I expected,” he confessed. He could feel his lips

curving into an involuntary grin.

Rhys snorted. “You expected a lot of what went down, didn’t


“Sorry?” Donovan had a pretty good idea what the Blue Lake

pack alpha meant, but he wasn’t going to admit it.

“Don’t try to fool me, Donovan. It won’t work. You sent Ned

there knowing Zack was there.”

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Donovan pursed his lips, thankful there was no one else in the

room. True. Riley had mentioned hiring Silver Tag, and it wasn’t hard
to arrange for Ned to stay in a hotel near their territory.

“I might have…been aware of this.” That was vague enough. He

was a busy man, a leader of Silver Moon, no less. He couldn’t be
expected to remember everything all the time.

Rhys snorted. “Please.”
Donovan heaved a sigh. Rhys was like a dog with a bone. It made

him good at the job he did for Silver Moon. Donovan found out he
didn’t appreciate it when it was turned against him. “I admit, I didn’t
think someone would try and kill him, but other than that, it played
out perfectly.”

There was a pause before Rhys spoke again.
“You surprise me, Donovan.”
He was taken aback. It wasn’t what he expected Rhys to say.


“When Ned was here, when we talked about Zack, he said you

weren’t going to do anything. I got the impression that that there is
something, someone in your past that has the similar opinion of you
like Ned had of Zack.”

Blood rushed into his ears. Donovan froze. He couldn’t believe he

was hearing this. Then again, Ned had known him a long time, and he
was very smart.

He made a noncommittal sound.
“But even if that were true, you aren’t going to share that with

me?” Rhys questioned.

Donovan glanced down at his shoes. They were shiny and

reflected the look in his eyes back at him. “Probably not,” he

“Thought so.”
“Any other observations, alpha?” Donovan asked in his formal

voice. It was time to wrap up this conversation. Morgan and Duncan
were waiting for him. He’d sent them out of the room because he

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Finding Ned


wanted privacy for this conversation. He was immensely grateful he
did this, even if he hadn’t expected what Rhys just told him. Implied.
Rhys was smart enough not to say it openly. He reminded himself that
Rhys was safely ensconced in Blue Lake and not likely to visit Silver
Moon soon.

“Not at this time.”
“Good. If that’s all—” Donovan straightened in his chair.
“Introduce me when he is back, will you?”
Rhys disconnected without waiting for an answer.


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Sunny Day’s main preoccupation in life is reading and writing

books, though she much prefers reading what someone else wrote.
She is thirty-something, single, and can usually be found attached to
her laptop. Her only form of exercise is bouncing up and down when
whatever story she is working on shapes well. She hopes readers will
enjoy this one.

For all titles by Sunny Day, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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