Moon Pack 6 Finding Farro

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Note from the Publisher
Trademarks Acknowledgement
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
About the Author
Also by Amber Kell

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Finding Farro

Moon Pack, Book 6

Amber Kell

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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Monti Shalosky

Finding Farro © 2011 Amber Kell

ISBN # 9781920501150

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I dedicate this to my wonderful fans

who've graciously purchased my Moon Pack books twice.

I hope I made the right changes in the right places and gave Farro

the limelight he needed.

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark

owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of


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Chapter One

With the windows rolled down, Anthony sat in the back of

the limousine drinking one hundred year old scotch. Only on full

moons did he pull out the hard liquor, pouring himself shot after shot

as he listened to the howl of the wolves outside. The mystical sound

always brought tears to his eyes. He blinked rapidly to clear his

vision. He couldn't let them fall and leave tracks on his cheeks.

Silver would know if Anthony was crying and he didn't want to

upset his handsome mate. However, every full moon the truth

slapped him in the face.

He could never be a true alpha mate.

As much as the pack welcomed him, he could never run or

hunt as a wolf or experience the world with their eyes. His
biological differences separated him from the werekin, separated
him from his love. Any moment now Silver would return with a wide
smile and glowing eyes, and with the full moon magic racing through
his veins like a potent drug, they would fuck like wild animals. Even
with Silver's unswerving devotion, a weight pressed down on
Anthony's heart during this time every month. His inner voice
whispering, Silver will be better off without me.

Unfortunately, werewolves only mate once. If Anthony left

him, Silver wouldn't move on to find himself a nice wolfy

companion. The harsh reality of werewolf mating was, without

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Anthony, Silver would either kill himself or turn so feral the pack

would have to stalk and slaughter him. To prevent his lover from an

untimely death, Anthony would sacrifice anything, even if it meant

dying a little inside every full moon.

The divider between the driver and the passenger slid down

and Farro's worried eyes examined Anthony in the rear view mirror.

Farro waved his hand towards Anthony's half empty glass.

"How long are you going to do this?"

"As many times as he asks me to come." Anthony didn't have

it in him to deny his lover anything he could provide.

"Does he know it kills you to hear the wolves? To never truly

be part of our world?"

Anthony shrugged. It didn't matter. He would always be

there for his lover despite his inability to shift. Some problems didn't

have fairy tale solutions.

"I support my mate."

Farro shot him a look bordering the fine line between pity

and disgust. "You know if you weren't true mates he would be

better off without you. You cripple him before the other wolf


Hearing the truth in Farro's words, sliced through Anthony like

a fine blade. "But I am his true mate so he'll just have to deal." He
took another swig of liquor, relishing the burn. "As will you."

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Farro rolled the divider back up without another word.

Anthony wished he could hate Farro, but really, he was only

telling the truth. Silver looked weaker to the other packs because

Anthony was a non-were mate. Only Silver's superior strength as an

alpha kept other wolves from trying to take over his territory. True,

some of them had heard of Anthony's abilities but few believed

them enough to be scared.

Anthony sighed and took another sip of alcohol, wondering

once again why Silver insisted he come to these things. It only

underlined the fact he couldn't change. Hell, even Elliott and Ben

could shift and they were only half-blood wolves.

Once a month Silver assigned one pack mate driver duty for

Anthony, forcing the driver to shift later in the night and miss the

pack run. He'd never asked before, but he wondered if any of the

wolves minded driving him around. Setting down his drink, Anthony

closed his eyes and waited for his lover to return.

* * * *

In the driver's seat, Farro rested his forehead on the steering

wheel. Silver would kill him if he knew what Farro said to Anthony.

There was nothing for it; he would have to leave the pack. No way

could he go every day and see Silver fawn over his little non-wolf.

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Whenever he saw them together jealousy painted a bitter

stain across his soul, and he had no way to prevent it from

spreading. Resentment was slowly turning him into someone he

didn't want to be. He loved Silver and to see the man go from

ignoring all overtures to whispering words of devotion into the little

blond's ear was too much to expect any wolf to stand. Farro

remembered with embarrassment his pitiful attempts at getting the

alpha's attention. Volunteering for jobs and memorizing the other

man's schedule so Farro would be in the right spot for casual

conversation. Hell, he'd just geared himself up for throwing himself

at Silver when Anthony showed up at the club and wrapped the

alpha around his little finger in a single night.

Silver might not be his mate, but Farro always hoped he'd at

least get the opportunity to be a favorite in the alpha's bed. Now he

would never have the chance and a part of him resented Anthony

for the missed opportunity. How a fucking non-wolf could be in

charge of a wolf pack baffled him.

Yes, definitely time to move on before he did something he

would always regret. He ran through his mind what to tell Silver.

Maybe he'd leave a note. The thought of the handsome alpha

looking at Farro with sympathy instead of love, or even worse, pity,

was something he definitely wanted to avoid.

He nodded his head as he made his decision, "Yes, a note

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would be just fine."

* * * *

"Are you leaving?"

Silver turned to see Parker and Elliott standing behind him in

the moonlight.

Nodding, he patted both men on their bare shoulders. "I've

gotta get back to my mate."

He ignored the slight frown on their faces. They got to spend

time in their wolf form running and hunting together beneath the

evening sky. They couldn't understand the ache in his heart, the

longing caused by the separation from his mate during each full

moon gathering.

Before Anthony, Silver would have stayed and danced under

the moon with his pack. He would retell stories of the hunt and

gnaw at the marrow of their kill, but now the other half of his soul

sat in a limousine, drinking high quality hooch instead of running

naked beneath the open sky. However, he wouldn't trade his

beloved demigod for all the wolves in the world and if he felt the

occasional pang that Anthony couldn't join in the hunt, he buried the

thought deeper than a grave, where it belonged. He paused a


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"You know how you feel the pull of the moon when you're in

your wolf forms?"

They nodded.

"Anthony's pull is stronger. He's my moon."

Anthony was his everything but he didn't want to get

emotional in front of his men. As the alpha he had a reputation to


The pair nodded, understanding flashing in their eyes. With a

respectful head tilt they went back towards bon fire to join the


If Silver felt a smidgen of melancholy, he buried it beneath his

need to see his lover.

* * * *

The sound of music had Anthony opening his eyes in time to

see a shimmer of stardust dance across the opposite seat.

He looked at his drink and wondered if maybe he'd had one

shot too many.

"Good evening, Anthony," a familiar voice said.

"Hello, grandfather." The sparkles collided until they formed

a shining white glow in the form of the god Zeus.

His deep voice echoed in the confines of the spacious limo.

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"Why is my favorite grandson drinking himself into a stupor on such

a beautiful night like this?"

Anthony shrugged, ashamed to admit his petty grievances.

With all the amazing things in his life he didn't want to be a whiny


"Does it have anything to do with your mate turning furry

once a month and abandoning you?"

"He doesn't abandon me." No one could cut you to the quick

faster than family. "He's the alpha. He has to run with his pack."

Zeus took a glass and poured himself a drink. He swallowed

then let out a sigh. "At least he left you the good booze."

Anthony laughed.

"What would you give to be a wolf?" The god watched him

with unnerving intensity.

"I can never be a wolf," Anthony said, bitterly. "You have to

be born one."

"Have you forgotten who I am?" Zeus's voice rattled the

limousine windows.

Anthony's mouth went dry with fear. Sometimes he forgot his

grandfather wasn't only the friendly old man who used to float all the

furniture in Anthony's bedroom to make him laugh. "No


"Then I'll ask you again. What would you give up to be a

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Anthony almost answered, 'anything'. But over the years he

learned caution when dealing with gods. "What would you like?"

"You've learned well, my boy. That was a loaded question."

Zeus smiled at his grandson. "Hmmm. What do I want in order to
give you such a gift?"

Anthony's heart skipped a beat. A god didn't wander in for a

drink unless he wanted something, or at least his grandfather didn't.

Zeus already had something in mind before he showed up in the


"It gets lonely around my home, grandson. It would be nice

to have some company for a while." Flashes of lighting lit Zeus's

eyes. Anthony knew his own eyes did the same thing when his

emotions ran high. Being on the other side of the vision, he agreed

with his mate, the lightning was unsettling.

"I don't want to abandon my man, grandfather, but I know

Silver yearns for me to be a true mate."

"I don't think your wolf would change anything about you. It's

your own pride making you want this."

Anthony sighed. The lateness of the hour and the level of

alcohol in his system made him tired and sulky. "Fine. Did you

decide what you want?"

"Seven years of service."

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Anthony sat up straight and glared at his grandfather. "I can't

leave Silver for seven years!"

"Don't be an idiot Anthony, you know I can manipulate time.

For each year in my palace, I'll only take away one day here. You'll

be gone a week."

Anthony bit his lip as he considered the offer. "And you'll

make it so I can change into a wolf?"

Zeus nodded. "If that is what you really want. You know in

one incarnation I was Zeus the wolf-god."

Anthony nodded. His father made him study his grandfather's

different incarnations when he was younger. "What do I have to do

for those seven years?"

"Concentrate on your abilities. There's so much of my power

deep inside you and you piss it away to shove lightning bolts up

people's asses?"

Anthony laughed.

"You didn't think I saw that did you?" Zeus asked, grinning.

"I didn't think you bothered to watch me."

"I watch you more often than you know, grandson. I know

your deepest secrets and your greatest pains. I'm sorry I was

unable to save Andrew from the underworld. I wasn't watching out

for you that day. I regret the pain his death has caused you, but

you'll be happy to know I checked on him recently and he's doing

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quite well. He's preparing himself for rebirth and was happy to hear

you have found another."

Anthony gave his Zeus a suspicious glance. "Thank you,

grandfather. I appreciate you checking on him, but you still haven't

fully answered my question. What else will I do besides learn how

to manipulate my powers?"

"Amuse me. I'm bored. Your father doesn't visit often and

the other gods are insufferable bores."

Anthony laughed at the petulance in his grandfather's voice.

Silently, he thought over the pros and cons. Could he do it? Give

himself over to his grandfather who was part loving patriarch and

part intimidating god. He took another sip of alcohol, enjoying the

burn as it slid down his throat. Yes, he was willing to take the

chance in order to be a proper mate to his lover.

"Let me leave Silver a note."

"You're really going to do this?"

His grandfather's tone made Anthony look up. He thought he

caught a flash of disappointment cross the god's face.

"Didn't you want me to?"

Zeus presented Anthony with a paper and pen with the wave

of his hand. "Write your note, Anthony, and we'll see what we can

do to put you in touch with your wolfy self."

Anthony picked up the pen and scrawled a note to his mate.

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Folding it carefully he wrote Silver's name on the outside and set it

on the seat beside him.

"I'm ready."

"You don't want to tell him goodbye in person?" Zeus asked,

raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"No. He would try to talk me out of it. It's best to go before

he returns."

"Maybe that should tell you something."

Anthony snapped. "If you didn't want me to do this why

bring up the offer?"

Zeus threw up his hands. "Because you've been miserable."

"Exactly. Let's go."

Zeus teleported them out of the vehicle, a flash of light the

only signal of their passing.

* * * *

Silver stopped halfway to the limousine, falling to his knees.

Anthony was gone. He could feel his lover's absence like a

burning, empty spot in his soul. Tilting back his head, Silver howled

for his mate.

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Chapter Two

Farro walked into his house and let out a long sigh, trying to

ease the tension filling him since Anthony's disappearance. He

couldn't help but wonder if his words to the alpha mate led to the

demigod's vanishing. The look in Silver's eyes when he tore through

the limousine would remain with Farro for the rest of his life. Never

had he seen a man so devastated, like someone had torn open his

chest and ripped out his heart.

Like a lost boy, Silver had allowed Farro to take him home

and tuck him into bed. Something Farro would've enjoyed a great

deal more before the alpha had met his mate.

Damn Anthony!

How could he abandon Silver? If anyone had asked, Farro

would've claimed Anthony loved Silver as much as the alpha wolf

loved him, but you didn't leave behind the man you loved, no matter

what. Silver said Anthony wrote he was 'visiting his grandfather'.

Where did someone go to visit a god?

Still mulling over the night's events, Farro wandered into his


"There you are." Marla, his housekeeper looked up from the

dishes, beaming from ear to ear. A middle-aged woman with silver

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hair and piercing eyes, she reminded Farro of a younger version of

his great aunt, Violet. "Did you have a good run?"

"Yeah." He didn't get to run, but he couldn't tell her about

Anthony's disappearance. What happened in the pack, stayed in the


"How was Sammy?" The thought of his son brought a smile

to his face.

"He's fine, such a sweet boy. I've always wanted to ask

though, why did you name the kid after you if you're never going to

call him by his rightful name?"

Farro gave a sad smile. "Anna named him. I wasn't big on

naming him junior, but it's a tradition in her family to name the first

born after the father and I never could tell her 'no'. So we named

him Farro Samuel." He didn't mention a lot of the reason he couldn't

refuse her was guilt. Although he had loved Anna, they both had

known she wasn't his mate.

"That's sweet." Marla patted his hand. "Sammy is in bed with

his bear." Disappointment crinkled her forehead. "He's getting a little

too old for the bear but I couldn't convince him of that."

Farro shrugged. "His mother bought it for him before he was

born. It's one of the few connections he has with her. He's only six.

I'm not worried about it yet."

"It's your call. There's a steak in the fridge for you to warm

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up when you get hungry. I've got to get home."

Farro followed her to the door. "Have a good night and


"That's what you pay me for," Marla laughed.

He closed and locked the door behind her. For a moment he

rested his head against the cool wood.

As he turned down the hall, a vision of Silver's eyes haunted

him. One day he'd like to have a relationship with someone who

meant half as much as Anthony meant to the alpha. Unfortunately

the way his dating life was currently going, half might be the most he

could hope for.

Opening his son's bedroom door, a sliver of light fell across

Sammy's face. He stood for a moment watching his young son sleep

the hard sleep of the innocent. This was why he put up with the

pack politics. Why he stood by and watched the alpha fall in love

with another. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to take care of

the sweet bundle lying in his little race car bed. Samuel had his

mother's face and his father's beast inside. Anna had been a close

friend and they would've made a good life together. Not a

passionate meeting of mates but a gentle bonding of good friends

with common goals. They both had loved Sammy even before he

was born.

Anna had always wanted to be a mother.

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The covers rustled, Sammy's shifter senses detected his

father's presence. Farro waited a moment. Some of his most

precious memories were late night encounters with his son.

"Daddy?" the little boy whispered, his long lashes fluttering as

he struggled against sleep.

"Go back to sleep Sammy."

"'Mkay, we still going to the zoo tomorrow?"

"Yes. Now go to sleep or you'll be too tired to enjoy it."

Farro walked over to the bed, leaned down and rubbed

cheeks with his son, marking him with his scent. "Night pup. We'll

go visit the animals tomorrow."

"Night, Daddy. Love you."

Farro forced speech out through the lump in his throat. "Love

you, too."

Placing a soft kiss on his son's forehead, he left the room

closing the door quietly behind him.

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Chapter Three

Silver sat at his desk staring at Anthony's note for the

hundredth time. His fingers traced the words written as if he could

absorb some of his lover's essence from the ink.

Two days had passed and loneliness clawed at him inside out

like a ravenous beast.

He knew in his gut his lover was coming back, but his wolf

hated knowing his mate was somewhere he couldn't protect him.

Sighing, he put down the paper in his hand. It was only for a

week. Surely his mate couldn't get into too much trouble in such a

short amount of time.

The sound of ringing bells echoed throughout the room.


A glow in the far corner heralded an unexpected arrival.

Gallien, Anthony's father, appeared in the room. He was the most

beautiful man, besides Anthony, Silver had ever seen.

Too bad he really disliked the bastard, a feeling completely

reciprocated by his mate's father. The man was half fae, half god,

and all annoying. It didn't take a neon sign to know the man thought

Silver wasn't fit to polish Anthony's shoes, much less anything else.

He stood up as Gallien approached knowing he'd want to be

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on his feet for this.

"Greetings, Silver," Gallien said. His cold eyes looked the

alpha up and down. "I can't seem to find my son. Could you use

that phone of yours and tell him I'm here?"

The fae hated technology. It was a miracle Anthony didn't

share his father's technophobia. Apparently he didn't have enough

fae genetics for it to bother him.

Silver resisted the urge to snarl. "Sorry, but unless he gets

reception at his grandfather's place, you're out of luck."

For the first time Silver saw an expression he never thought

he'd see on the arrogant asshole's face.


"Why is he with father?" Gallien's carefully neutral tone raised

the hackles of Silver's inner wolf and warning bells clamored loudly

in his head. It was difficult to look unconcerned while the smell of

panic poured off the man in front of him.

"That's what his note said."

"Let me see the note!" Gallien demanded.

Electrical power crackled off Anthony's father, sending static

electricity through the air and lifting the hair on Silver's arms. He

picked the note up off his desk and handed it over.

Scanning the paper, Gallien's face drained completely of

color. "Seven days? He can't stay with father for seven days."

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"Why not?"

"Time's different there. A day here can be a year or more

there. How long has he been gone?"

Silver felt nauseous. "Two days."

A long, fluent curse rolled out of the demigod's mouth.

"Do you think he's all right?"

"I don't think my father would intentionally harm Anthony, it's

what he'll do in the name of helping that concerns me."

"How do we get him?"

Gallien flashed him a scornful look. "We don't get him. I go get


Silver wanted to argue but there wasn't much a werekin

could do against a god. "Bring him back to me!"

"Of course." Gallien smirked. "If that's where he wants to


"He will." Silver wished he felt as confident inside as he

sounded. Who knew if Anthony still wanted him after years in a

god's palace?

Gallien vanished as quickly as he came.

The alpha sat down in his chair. The photo of Anthony on his

desk caught his eye, picking it up, he looked at his lover smiling

back at him.

"What did you do this time, baby?"

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He stroked Anthony's face with his finger, hoping for his

quick return.

* * * *

The date had been a colossal failure. Dinner and dancing with

a fine looking wolf shifter should have been a success. Instead he'd

had a pleasant night with no sexual sparks whatsoever. As they

pulled into the driveway, Farro knew Jager wasn't the one. His date

stopped the car in front of Farro's house and turned off the engine,

his handsome face hidden in the half-shadow of the moonlight.

When he'd met the sexy man at the pack club he hoped they'd have

a love connection. Unfortunately that hadn't been the case.

Jager fiddled with his keys in the ignition as silence enveloped

the car.

"It's not going to work out," Farro blurted out.

"Oh thank the goddess!" Jager's head collapsed back against

his headrest.

Farro grinned. "You didn't feel anything either?"

"No," Jager groaned. "But I didn't know what to say. You're

a really nice guy but I think we have better friend chemistry than

mate chemistry."

Farro smiled at the gorgeous wolf who, if truth be told, had

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suitable arm candy qualities more than anything else.

"I had a good time tonight and I could use another friend,"

Farro admitted.

"Me too." Jager faked a leer. "That doesn't mean I don't get

my goodnight kiss. I paid for dinner so you're obligated to put out."

Farro laughed so hard his ribs hurt. When he could catch his

breath, he gave a put-upon sigh and smiled, "Well, a deal is a deal,

even though I don't usually kiss on the first date."

Jager laughed. "Gimme some sugar."

Farro leaned over and smacked Jager noisily on the lips. A

pleasant warmth filled him, but no fireworks. Just a nice kiss, from a

nice guy, who didn't even try to cop a feel. He pulled away with one

last peck on Jager's cheek.

"Night, Jager."

"Night, Farro. Better luck next time."

"You too."

Farro climbed out of the car with a smile on his lips and his

mind searching for someone he could fix his new friend up with.

As he walked into the house, instinct made him duck.

A vase smashed into the wall where his head had been

moments before.


What the fuck?

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Farro's mild-mannered housekeeper was throwing things at

him! "What the hell is wrong with you?" He ducked again as the

napkin dispenser flew over his head.


Seething, Farro leapt forward and grabbed the housekeeper,

pinning her to the wall by her shoulders. "You don't mind if I shift

into a wolf but the fact I like men is unnatural?" he shouted.

"You can't control being a werewolf." Marla's sweet face

twisted into an ugly expression of hate.

"I can't control being gay either. Now get the fuck out of my

house and don't come back. My son doesn't need to be exposed to

people like you."

As soon as he let her go, Marla stomped over to the counter

and grabbed her purse. "You should be ashamed of yourself. God

will punish you for your unnatural ways," she said, her voice

dripping venom.

"Get out," Farro growled, the sound rolling through his chest

like thunder. "Before being damned for liking men is the least of my

sins." Rage transformed his hands to claws and his gums tingled a

warning right before sharp fangs slid through his gums, pricking his

lip. Tilting back he head he let out a howl. The wolf inside him

insisted he protect his young from the crazed woman.

Marla squeaked and fled the house. The sound of the door

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slamming echoed down the hall.

It took a several long moments of deep breaths before he

could shove his wolf back down beneath the surface.

"Shit." Running his fingers through his hair, Farro sat down.

What was he going to do now? Sammy went to school during the

day, so Farro only needed someone to pick Sammy up and cook

his son dinner. Farro worked long hours and depended on his

housekeeper to keep an eye on his young son while he worked. He

had to find a new nanny.

Hell, he'd have to face Marla at least one more time when

she came to get her stuff. She had a few things in a spare room for

those rare times when she slept over. He resisted the strong

temptation to throw it all in the garbage.

At least she finally showed her true colors. Farro didn't want

his son exposed to her type of thinking. It was difficult enough to be

a werekin. Being a gay werewolf was a special kind of hell.

It took patience and control not shift forms and rip out the

throat of people insulting you in the street because you held hands

with a guy. One of the reasons Farro stayed close to the pack

house during the day. He found the bar soothing, but it was no

place to raise a kid.

Thinking of Sammy, Farro walked down the hall to check on

his son. A knot of tension unraveled as he opened the door and saw

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Sammy lying in bed, his bear tucked beneath his chin.

There was nothing more precious to him than his boy.

Farro sighed and closed the door quietly. He was glad his

confrontation with Marla hadn't woken the child.

Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed Silver.

"Hello." The despondent tone in the alpha's voice made

Farro's heart ache.

"I have a situation." After explaining what happened, Farro

sat back and waited to hear his reaction.

"Do you think she needs to be contained?"

"No. She's kept the secret for the past year."

"If she causes problems, let me know and we'll deal with her.

Pack security comes first."

"Yes, Alpha." Farro waited but when nothing else came

across the line, he gave into temptation and asked. "Any word from


"No." A frustrated growl filtered through the phone. "And his

father thinks there's a problem. Apparently seven days here is like

seven years or more in Zeus's world."


"Yeah. Do you need someone to watch the pup? I can spare

one of my men for a few days."

Farro thought for a moment. Which pack members could he

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entrust with his son? "Could you send Dare or Ben?"

"Not Shara?"

"Fuck, no. She has less maternal instincts than you. I'd prefer

the tiger if you can spare him. Sammy loves how Dare can turn into

something other than a wolf and the big guy's real gentle with him."

"I'm sure he'd be happy to help. I'll let him know his new



With the immediate problem resolved, the men disconnected.

Sighing, Farro fetched the broom and dustpan to sweep up the

remnants of the shattered vase. Tilting his head, he looked at the

shards with interest.

"At least it was the one I didn't like."

Feeling more cheerful he cleaned up the floor and went to


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Chapter Four

Silver paced the floor of his office. Every so often he would

hear a sound and turn around, hoping it was Gallien returning with

his lover. Unfortunately, in a bar there were a lot of noises and so

far none of them heralded Anthony's return. A full night and day had

passed since Gallien had gone to retrieve his son.

What the fuck was taking so long?

It couldn't take that long to fetch his lover. The absence of

Silver's mate made his wolf more feral than usual. Without

Anthony's calming influence his beast wanted to destroy everyone

one else who might be responsible for keeping his mate away.

The excruciating wait frayed his nerves forcing him to hide in

his office because no one else could stand to be near him.

If Zeus had harmed Anthony…well, Silver would think of

something to get even. He didn't care if he had to tangle with the
god himself.

A soft noise had him spinning on his heels.


Unable to believe his eyes, Silver stared at the man standing

before him. It was Anthony, but not. His mate's hair had more

shine, his eyes glowed more intensely, and his scent bristled with

power. Almost as if Zeus had sprinkled Anthony with gold dust and

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rolled him in magic.

Silver approached his lover slowly, like he would a wounded

animal, careful not to startle this new creature who looked like the

love of his life but smelled different.

"Hello, Silver." Anthony's voice trembled and a tear spilled

down one perfect cheek.

"Don't cry, baby." Wrapping his arms around his mate he

pulled him close, hoping to convey his love and support through his

touch. No matter what had happened to Anthony, he was still

Silver's world.

"I'm sorry," Anthony sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to

abandon you."

"Shhh." Silver rubbed Anthony's back in soothing circles. He

looked over his mate's shoulder to see Gallien staring at him. For

once the man didn't look arrogant. In fact, he looked rather sickly.

Silver leaned in and sniffed Anthony's neck. The

overpowering smell of an alpha filled his nose. Jerking back, he held

his mate at arms' length. "What did you do?"

Anthony's gold eyes blinked, eyes that now held something

extra. Something feral.

Silver gave him a shake. "What did you do?" he asked again.

"I wanted to be a proper mate." Despite the tears, Anthony's

eyes flashed defiance.

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"He had his grandfather implant a wolf spirit in him so he

could transform," Gallien said. His words struck like a snake,

spitting venom from across the room. "Congratulations. Now you

have the mate of your dreams."

With a flash of light, Gallien vanished.

"He sure knows how to make an exit," Silver said, cradling

Anthony closer.

Anthony nodded against his chest. "He does have flare."

"Will your grandfather come after you?"

Anthony shook his head. "He and dad struck some kind of

deal. I don't even want to know what it was."

Silver's muscles flexed as he moved back a bit so he could

lift and carry him in his arms. "You sound tired, let's go to bed. We

can talk about this whole thing tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Anthony said, a small smile on his lips.

Silver's emotions bounced through his body like a ping-pong

ball. He had his lover back, but what else did he have on his hands?

* * * *

Anthony jolted upright, fear rushing through his body.


His panic vanished as the familiar bedroom he shared with his

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werewolf lover came into focus. Frightening dreams faded as a

warm hand stroked his naked back. Anthony didn't remember

removing his clothing, but most of last night was a hazy blur. After

Silver brought him to bed, he had quickly tumbled into sleep.

A low growl rose up inside him as his wolf woke up to an

unfamiliar hand.

Unlike a werekin born with an animal inside, Anthony had a

wolf spirit trapped in his body. The spirit didn't mind lying dormant,

but sometimes it had different ideas about what it wanted to do.

Right now it didn't know if it liked Silver touching Anthony.

"Get used to it," Anthony told it telepathically. "I'm not

getting rid of Silver."

He turned to look at his beautiful lover. The two long years in

his grandfather's house were only bearable because of the man

beside him. In order to meet Zeus's training demands, Anthony had

concentrated on learning advanced skills like time-bending,

teleportation and fine tuning his control over lightning, but his

separation from Silver caused loneliness, despair and he struggled

against depression daily until his father came and rescued him.

Despite not finishing most of his service, the god let him go rather

easily. Too easily. Anthony wondered briefly what his father

promised Zeus in order to release him, but he was too ecstatic to be

back with Silver to worry much now.

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"Did you miss me?" It was a stupid thing to ask, but

memories of those lonely days without Silver haunted him.

Silver gave a low, familiar growl. "Only every second of

every hour." He pulled Anthony back into his arms.

Anthony relaxed in his lover's embrace, but he could tell by

Silver's rigid hold his mate had something on his mind.

"What is it?"

"I just can't believe you felt the need to change anything

about yourself. Don't you know how much I adore you?"

Anthony sat up, scooting away from Silver's comforting

embrace. This wasn't a conversation he could have wrapped in his

lover's arms.

"I know you love me." He fiddled with the sheets, running the

soft material through his hands as he searched for the right words. "I

just didn't feel like I was enough. Farro told me how you are losing

face with the other packs."

"What!" Silver's shout ricocheted off the bedroom walls.

"That little shit! And I just told him I'd loan him Dare for his brat."

Anthony covered Silver's hands with his own. The alpha's

fingers had shifted into claws in his fury. "And you still will. You

can't punish a man for telling the truth."

Silver growled. "His own version of the truth." He took a

deep breath and his claws reverted back into their human form.

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"So no one has commented on my not being werekin?"

Silver looked away.

"That's what I thought."

"It's not like that. A few have made remarks, but those who

know you and have seen your powers wouldn't dare say you

weren't enough of a werekin mate. Hell, half of them are marked as

your soldiers." Silver looked him straight in the eyes. "And as much

as I would've loved to share the beauty of running with the pack

with the love of my life, there isn't one bit of you I would change."

Silver stroked his hand over Anthony's hair, smoothing down the


"Silver," Anthony's voice was barely above a whisper. "I love

you too. I only wanted to make you happy."

Silver slid his fingers in the heavy mass, his eyes on his fingers

instead of Anthony. "The only time you've made me unhappy was

when you left." His lover's gentle reprimand cut through Anthony

sharper than any knife.

"I'm sorry."

He got a sexy smile as the alpha tugged on Anthony's hair.

"Did I mention long hair is sexy on you?" It hung to Anthony's

shoulders and halfway down his back.

"I'm going to have to cut it soon. It's too long and keeps

getting caught in stuff."

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Silver wrapped a curl around his index finger, stroking it with

his thumb.

"Don't cut it too short, my love. I still want enough to play


"I'll let you come with me when I get it trimmed," Anthony

promised, leaning down to give Silver a kiss.

The wolf shifted inside.

Silver sniffed him.

"Do I still smell like your mate?" It never occurred to

Anthony his scent might have changed. Worry gnawed at him with

hungry mice teeth.

"Still smell like mine," Silver reassured him. The alpha licked

Anthony's cheek and the wolf quieted for a while. "I'll just have to

be more careful when approaching you."

Anthony pulled back. "Why?"

Silver cupped Anthony's face between his hands. "Because

having sex between two werekin is different than average sex. We

have to establish who the alpha is and set acceptable positioning."


Silver nodded. "Some wolves won't have sex on their back

because it exposes their stomach, indicating a weaker pack status."

"Fuck. I'd like to say it wouldn't matter, but my wolf can be


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Silver leaned over and gave Anthony a kiss. "We'll work it

out. We can do anything as long as we're together."

Anthony agreed, however privately he wondered if anything

was ever going to be the same between them. When his grandfather

offered him the opportunity to be a wolf it came with a great

number of warnings, which Anthony ignored, certain once he could

shift everything would be perfect between him and Silver.

Maybe he'd made the biggest mistake of his life. His lover

never looked at him with so much caution in his eyes before.

"Hey." Silver put a fist under Anthony's chin and lifted his

face. "We will work this out. You are my mate and I will always

love you no matter what form you take." The alpha wrinkled his

nose. "Unless you turn into a girl, then all bets are off."

Anthony smiled, the first time it felt genuine since his return.

"Deal." Ignoring the growls from his spirit wolf, Anthony leapt onto

his mate. "Gotcha!"

"Absolutely." Silver's grey eyes gleamed as Anthony

swooped down for a kiss.

* * * *

Silver spun Anthony around until his beautiful mate was

positioned under him. He could tell by the shadows beneath

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Anthony's amber eyes, their separation still haunted him. The musky

smell of wolf tinged Anthony's familiar smell. He stroked his lover's

perfect skin, relishing the reconnection of their bond.

No one felt as good as Anthony.

No one.

Placing soft kisses along his mate's jaw he enjoyed the flavor

of Anthony's skin. It was like tasting magic and sunshine. As he

covered his lover's body with his own, Silver knew they would heal

and come out stronger from this experience. Together they could do


Anthony snarled, startling Silver. He watched in astonishment

as his lover's familiar amber eyes lightened to an icy, timber wolf


"Sorry. I'm so sorry." Anthony stammered, his gaze strange

and distant. "I don't know what's wrong."

"I do," Silver said, his heart sinking. "Your wolf wants


"No," Anthony's voice shook with denial.

Silver nodded his head.

"What do we do?" Anthony whispered.

"We teach you to submit."

Sliding out of bed, Silver went to the closet and pulled out

some rope.

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"Since when do you keep rope in our closet?"

"It's always been in the back of the closet. You just never get

past your designer suits to look inside." Silver gave his lover a fond

smile. "Besides you never know when you might need a bit of


Anthony growled, sending shivers up Silver's back.

"You'd best not use rope on anyone other than me."

Anthony's voice deepened much lower than his usual tone.

"Never," Silver vowed. He approached Anthony cautiously,

wondering if this would work on him. His mate had more wolf in

him than a full grown were.

"Spread," he commanded.

Anthony hesitated for a moment before spreading his arms

and legs. Silver wrapped the rope around Anthony's ankles and

wrists, efficiently tying them to the bedposts. His lover's eyes

glowed in the dim light.

"Relax baby. I'd never hurt you."

The wolf must have agreed because Anthony's eyes changed

back to their usual golden shimmer.

Silver started the calming process with Anthony's ankle,

stroking his lover's leg with calloused fingers. He knew Anthony

liked the sensation of rough fingers against his skin. A shiver rippled

through his mate as Silver continued to move his hands up his

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lover's legs.

He skated up one leg and moved to the next, avoiding the

parts in between.

"Touch me," Anthony growled.

"I am touching you," Silver gave him a feral smile. He leaned

over and kissed Anthony's thigh, ignoring the cock rising to greet


"Touch me," Anthony repeated.

"No," Silver said, kissing one hip. "I'm in charge."

Anthony snarled, his sleek muscles flexing as he fought the

ropes. "Damn it, Silver, touch me."

Silver checked his eyes. No lightning. Good.

"You are never to leave me again. Do we understand each


"Yes," Anthony whimpered, bowing his back to lean into

Silver's touch.

"And I don't care what other people think. You're mine and

I'm not getting rid of you, ever. Anyone who disagrees will just have

to get over any prejudices they have about non-wolf mates."

"I'm not a non-wolf any more," Anthony reminded him.

"I know, baby, I know." Sadness engulfed Silver. He hid his

expression, licking a path to Anthony's inner thigh. Anthony's scent,

wild and musky, filled the air. The wolf inside Silver wanted to

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pounce, but he kept a tight rein on his instincts, forcing himself to

keep their lovemaking slow. Cherishing his lover with each touch,

each kiss, Silver worshipped Anthony's body hoping to erase any

doubt in Anthony's mind that he wasn't the most important thing in

Silver's life.

By the time he was done licking, Anthony was pleading for

release in soft, needy tones, his body shifting with desire.

"Please, please baby," Anthony whimpered. "I'll do anything

if you just suck me or fuck me or whatever you want as long as it

involves your body and mine."

"Patience, my sweet," Silver soothed, softly nipping at

Anthony's belly.

Electricity crackled around the room. Silver's hair snapped

with static charge, signs of Anthony's control slipping.

"Pull it back, honey," Silver commanded, stroking Anthony's


"Fuck me!"

A low growl saturated the darkness. Anthony's eyes glowed,

his fangs a mere shadow across his lips.

It was kind of sexy in an 'I'm going to tear your throat out'

kind of way.

With a tug, Silver untied Anthony's legs leaving his arms

bound. Reaching into the bedside table he pulled out the lube and

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quickly prepped his mate, hoping lightning wouldn't strike him

before he got inside his lover again.

He wrapped his large hands around Anthony's thighs, raising

his lover's body to line Anthony up and slide inside. A howl burst

from Anthony as he accepted Silver's body. With a surge of power,

the slim man ripped his hands free, grabbing Silver and flipping him

around until Anthony was on top and impaling himself on Silver's

cock. With a hand on himself and his body rapidly riding up and

down on Silver, Anthony brought them both to completion.

In the aftermath both men lay panting.

"I think we're going to need a new headboard," Anthony

mused, looking at the shattered wood on the floor.

Silver wrapped Anthony tightly in his arms. After cuddling for

a bit, the alpha went and got a cloth to wipe them both down.

Tossing it towards the bathroom he snuggled back in bed with his

lover. As he wrapped his arms around Anthony satisfaction filled

him. They would get through this together.

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Chapter Five

Farro waited anxiously for the sound of a vehicle.

"Relax, Daddy," Sammy said, his mouth full of cereal. It was

Friday but Sammy was off school due to one of those mysterious

teacher in-service days Farro never understood.

"You like Dare, don't you?"

Sammy's face glowed. "He's a good kitty."

Farro laughed. "Please don't tell him that."

"Why not?" Sammy's face scrunched up in concentration. A

look not unlike one his mother used to make. It unexpectedly

gripped Farro's heart.

"Because Dare likes to think he's a tough tiger not a good


"He's both," Sammy said.

The sound of a motorcycle roaring up the street cut off

Farro's reply, which was good because he wasn't certain he had

one. How could you refute the truth?

He opened the front door just as Dare climbed off his bike,

his long lean body wrapped in denim and leather.


Taking off his helmet, Dare's hair swept the top of his

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shoulders. There were rumors in the pack that Dare's mate, Steven,

offered him sexual incentives to keep it long or the bartender

would've cropped it a while ago.

Farro secretly sided with Steven. It would be a crime against

nature to cut Dare's shiny sable-colored hair. He had to clench his

fists to prevent himself from petting Dare as he approached.

"Afternoon, Farro."

"Hello, Dare." Dare's charm made people smile. It also made

him a great bartender.

"Is the spud inside?"

"I wish you wouldn't nickname him after vegetables. It's the

ultimate insult for a carnivore."

Dare laughed. "Wolves are so weird."

"You should know," Farro taunted back.

Dare flashed a wicked smile and purred, "Yes, I should."

Farro stepped back and let the weretiger pass. It was too

early for a sparring match with Dare. Besides you couldn't argue

with someone who agreed with you.

"Dare!" Sammy squealed, leaping from the table into Dare's

arms. The weretiger caught him easily, flipped him upside down and

dangled the child by one foot. The boy screamed in delight as the

large man shook him. Dare flipped the boy back around and set him

gently on his feet.

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Farro shook his head. "I'm going to go now."

Sammy looked up at Dare as if he were the moon and the

stars all in one perfect package.

He kissed his son goodbye. He wouldn't mind kissing Dare

goodbye either, but since he liked his limbs right where they were,

he resisted. Meeting Steven smelling like his weretiger mate

wouldn't be the brightest idea.

"Have a good day, honey." He heard Dare say as he headed

out the door.

Evil tiger.

For the first time in a while Farro headed to work with a

smile on his face.

* * * *

Farro pulled up beside Steven's car next to the warehouse.

Getting out of the vehicle he could tell by the other werekin's

expression the news wasn't good. Finding six-foot tall, mutated wolf

people would appear easy in theory. In reality they were sneakier

than a sewer rat and much harder to capture. When Silver sent

them to search for clues they both hoped they'd actually find

something to give me clues to the mutant's whereabouts.


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"I haven't gone in yet but the smell is obvious. I don't hear

anyone inside and I've been here for about twenty minutes. If they

were here they're all gone. I'd love to know who's funding these


Farro slapped Steven on the back. "Me too. Let's go."

The two men approached the metal door sniffing the air as

they went. Upon entering the warehouse it didn't take more than a

cursory glimpse to scan the empty building. Nothing lived there but

dust, mold, and busy spiders.

After a moment of silence the men decided to walk through

the structure to look for clues.

"How's my man this morning?" Steven asked.

"In good spirits. Why? Haven't you seen him?"

Steven shrugged. "I don't see him every morning. We're still

not living together or anything."

Farro didn't need to see the tension in Steven's shoulders to

know it was a sore subject, he could hear it in the other man's tone.

"I thought the two of you were all settled?"

"He's settled," Steven growled. "But after mentioning it once,

he hasn't set a date for us to move in together and he won't agree to

a bonding ceremony."

Farro almost choked. "Since when do werekin need bonding


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"Since this one met the love of his life. If Anthony can wear a

ring, Dare can too. I want my man marked. I'm sick of people

looking at him."

Farro laughed and held up his hands in self-protection from

the other wolf's glare.

"Sorry, but you could put a choke chain and a collar on the

big man and people will still stare. Trust me, he's all yours. He didn't

even flirt with me when he arrived and I'm a damn fine looking


Steven kicked a discarded soda can, his shoulders bowed. "I

know he's mine. I just want him to declare it, is that too much to


"I'd try the direct approach if it was me. Dare's not the subtle

type. Pack a bag, spend the night, and just don't move out. By the

time he figures out what you're up to you'll have all of your stuff

over there. I've seen where you live. There isn't much there. Not to

mention I doubt Dare will let you bring any of your furniture to his

place. What did he call your apartment again?"

"The man-whore pad." Steven's mouth turned down as the

kicked the can again. "I know I've gone through a lot of men but

now I'm ready to settle down and I want to be asked."

"I thought he already asked?"

"It was months ago and he hasn't insisted."

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"Ahh. You want to be wooed." There was a moment of

silence between the two friends. "Have you two been fighting?"

Steven stopped and looked at him. "How can you argue with


"Good point," Farro laughed. "Still, if you don't like my idea

you could try bringing up the notion of getting a place together.

Either Dare will invite you to move in with him or he'll want to get a

new place. Do you have a preference of where you want to live?"

Steven shook his head. "As long as my big tiger is in the bed

with me I don't care where I live."

"Hmm." Farro took a big step away from Steven. "I never

knew you were into pussy."

Steven's fist barely missed him.

Farro took another step away, but a crunching sound

beneath his shoe stopped him. He moved his foot and crouched

down to see what he'd stepped on.

"What did you find?" Steven asked.

Farro pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, carefully lifting

the object on the floor. It was a slim pack of cigarettes.

Steven came close to see his find.

"Why did they crunch?"

"They're a fae brand. The fae like to have crystal holders on

the tips. They include them in every pack," Farro said,

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"How do you know that?" Steven asked, looking at the pack

with interest.

"I saw Gallien smoking them."

Steven eyes widened. "You don't think Anthony's father had

anything to do with this, do you?"

Farro shook his head, but he didn't know if he was trying to

convince Steven or himself.

The pair swept the rest of the warehouse but didn't find

anything more among the overwhelming smell of rot and rat


"Let's go back to Silver," Steven said. "We can update him."

"And see if Silver's heard from Anthony."

"Yeah." Steven sighed. "He'll return soon. Anthony and I

have been friends for years, he's not the type to abandon someone

he loves. I'm sure if he left there was a good reason."

"Let's hope so," Farro said.

On that solemn note the pair departed.

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Chapter Six

"We need to do a run tonight," Silver said to Anthony as the

pair snuggled on the couch in his office.

Anthony still felt uneasy about his wolf's response to Silver.

There was something off. Staying with Zeus, there were no other

wolves to run with so Anthony had no idea how the wolf spirit

reacted to others. For a brief moment in their bedroom, he'd

seriously wanted to take Silver down like a wounded deer and

prove his dominance.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Anthony cuddled in closer

until he was almost sitting on top of his lover.

Silver pulled Anthony the rest of the way onto his lap. His

head settling on top of Anthony's as he wrapped his hands

possessively around his mate. "We need to see how you respond to

the other members of the pack."

Anthony sighed and rubbed his head against Silver's chest,

inhaling his scent. The wolf gave him enhanced senses. He never

realized how much things reeked until he became part wolf. Silver,

however, smelled divine.

"You smell good," Anthony growled.

"That's because I'm your mate." Silver stroked Anthony's

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hair. "Now who should we invite?"

"How about a small group? Steven and Dare, you and me,

and maybe Farro."

"Not Ben?"

Anthony shook his head. "Don't get me wrong, I like Ben but

he's a gentle wolf and I don't want him to get hurt if I go feral.

Besides I don't want his mates to try and take me out."

Silver chuckled. "Well they could try but I doubt they'd get

very far."

The office door flew open, slamming against the wall and

drowning out Anthony's response.

Steven and Farro stomped through.

"Hey guys."

Both men stopped in their tracks.

"You're back!" Steven rushed forward and snatched

Anthony up, giving him a bone-crushing hug.

Anthony gasped for air as his friend released him, dumping

him back onto Silver's lap.

"Don't break him," Silver protested, wrapping his lover in his


"I'm fine." Anthony tilted his head to give his lover a quick

kiss on the lips.

"You smell strange," Farro stepped forward to take a sniff.

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"Zeus put a wolf spirit in my body," Anthony confessed

Farro wrinkled his nose.

"What?" Anthony's anger built at the wolf's expressions. "I

thought you'd be happy I'm part wolf after what you told me."

"What did you say?" Silver asked, his eyes sparking with

anger. "What did you say that had my lover leaving me for days in

order to have this thing put inside him?"

Anthony snapped at Silver. "This thing is a wolf. My wolf. I'm

sorry if it wasn't what you wanted, but at least now I can run with

"It doesn't matter now." Silver said, changing the subject. "I

want to go to the hunting grounds tonight and see how Anthony's

wolf spirit reacts to other wolves."

"That's a good idea," Farro agreed. "I'd be happy to go." He

turned to Steven. "Do you think Dare could watch Sammy a little


"I'll call and ask," Steven said, pulling out his cell phone.

Before Anthony could argue he wanted Dare at the run.

Maybe it would be best if the tiger didn't attend. Anthony would

have a hard enough time with wolves; he didn't even want to think

about the problems with a tiger in the mix. He didn't know how the

powerful creature lurking inside would react to natural shifters.

Steven redialed three times. "There's no answer." Anthony

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smelled the fear pouring off his friend, acrid and peppery.

"That doesn't mean anything. Dare could be playing outside

with Sammy," Silver argued.

Steven shook his head. "Dare doesn't go anywhere without

his phone, he likes to send me little text messages during the day."

He pushed a few more buttons on his phone. "It's been two hours

and there are no messages. Something has happened."

"Let's go," Anthony jumped off his lover's lap and headed for

the door.

Within a few minutes they were piled into Silver's SUV and

tearing down the street.

"I'm sure everything is fine," Steven didn't sound convincing

to Anthony. If Steven thought something happened to his mate the

odds were he was right. His friend had amazing instincts.

The closer they got to Farro's house, the more anxiety set in,

making him and the wolf inside twitch with nerves. The thought of

anything happening to Farro's little boy terrified Anthony. Not to

mention Steven would completely lose it if Dare was injured.

Anthony had never seen anyone so happy as when his friend

claimed his mate.

Silver screeched to a halt in the driveway, but it didn't take a

detective to see there was something seriously wrong. The front

door hung in splinters by one hinge.

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Screaming, Farro ran towards the door. "Sammy!"

"Farro, don't go in there," Silver shouted. For the first time

the other man ignored his alpha.

Silver leapt out of the car and slammed Farro onto the


Anthony heard Silver talking to Farro as he got out of the

car. "You need to calm the fuck down. Rushing in there isn't going

to do anyone any good. Whoever did this could still be in there."

Steven raced past the fallen weres and ran for the door.

"Fuck!" Silver released Farro and ran after Steven with

Anthony and Farro at his heels.

When Anthony entered, he saw Steven kneeling beside

Sammy where he lay on the floor, still as death. Blood coated the

living room in patchy pools of sticky liquid while Farro's

housekeeper hung by a sword on the far wall, pinned like a bug to

the cheery yellow paint.

"Is he all right?" Anthony gazed towards Sammy.

Steven nodded holding up a small quill with his fingers.

"Looks like they took him out with a tranquilizer dart but his

breathing is nice and even."

"Where's Dare?"

Steven shook his head. "Missing."

"How can you tell?" Surely his friend didn't have time to

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search all the rooms. Anthony entered the house only a few steps

behind him.

"Check the note." He said, tilting his head towards the dead



Anthony didn't want to get closer to the body, but he couldn't

very well ignore his friend's request. Turning towards the corpse, he

noticed the note. The shock of seeing the body had distracted him

from the bloody paper stuck with a knife in the wall. Whoever had

killed the housekeeper wasn't subtle and didn't appear to be afraid

of getting caught. Holding back his nausea at the sight of the

skewered woman, Anthony ripped the message off the wall. He

read it before handing it to Farro. The poor wolf's eyes were glazed

as if the scene was too much for him to take in. He watched as

Farro read the missive.

Betrayer bitch deserved to die. I've got your cat shifter.

Want him back? Come find me.

Farro started to rip it in half.

"Wait!" Anthony reached out, snatching the note from the

wolf's hands. Flipping it over, he showed the back to Farro. "See!

He left a map on the back."

"Takes a strange man to kill your housekeeper, take your

son's babysitter and then leave an engraved invitation to find him,"

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Silver said, leaning forward to examine the paper.

Farro took it back. He tilted it one way, then another, then

handed it back to Anthony. "I can't make anything out of that."

Farro's face turned white as he looked towards at the housekeeper.

"I'm going to get him." Steven snarled. "No one takes my

man and gets away with it."

"Why do you think they took Dare?" Anthony asked, still

looking at the paper. "Wait, I know this place. This is the dark fae


"It's a different realm?" Silver looked closer at the map.

"How can you tell?"

"See this mark at the bottom?" He pointed to a small hatch

mark with a swirl. "This means realm, it's on all inter-dimensional


"And you know this how?" Silver asked, raising one brow.

Anthony shrugged. "I get around."

"Could we focus on finding my mate?" Steven asked. "You

can interrogate Anthony about his dimension hopping later."

Sammy sat up, blinking warily at the group until his eyes

fixated on his father. "They took Dare." The little boy burst into


Farro took Steven's spot, petting his son on the head in a

soothing motion.

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"Could be a trap," Anthony looked at the note again. "I don't

know why they want us to chase them, but if we want to get Dare

back I guess we don't have any other choice."

Steven turned to Anthony. "We found these in the

warehouse. Do you think they're your father's?"

Anthony took the cigarettes. Wrapping his fingers around the

package he closed his eyes. A soft light glowed between his fingers.

After a moment he opened his eyes and the glow vanished. "No.

They belong to one of the weres but it does confirm there is a

connection between the mutants and the fae."

"How can you tell?" Silver asked.

"Fae leave a quintessence behind when they touch things.

Much like a scent to a werekin, it can be felt by another fae. I don't

have many fae powers but I can still feel the essence of things."

Anthony held up the map. "They've gone into dark fae

territory. Which makes sense since they're the ones who created


"What?" the others asked simultaneously.

Anthony looked up from the paper. "You didn't know that?"

Silver glared. "The dark fae didn't create the weres!"

"Yes, they did. Weres are a scientific experiment of the dark

fae. All shifters are. When they became tired of playing with your

genetics they dumped you on the earthly plane."

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Silver folded his arms. "And when did this happen?"

Anthony shrugged. "Thousands of years ago. I suspect one

of the dark fae is experimenting again. If we capture him we can

bring him to King Linnel, the Dark Fae's ruler, for justice. The King

banned genetic experiments after the last of the shifters were


"Why were we banished?" Steven's brow furrowed.

"Shifters breed faster than the fae and they were worried

about your people taking over the fae dimension. Other than one or

two kept as soldiers or pets, there are few shifters in the fae world.

Dark or light."

Steven looked at Anthony, pleading with his eyes. "Can you

take me to the Dark Fae realm?"

"I understand your need to go after Dare, Steven, believe

me, but maybe it would be best if you stayed here while I went. I'm

familiar with the realm and its inhabitants, so I'm less likely to be

harmed. Also, Dare has my mark. I haven't tested it yet but I should

be able to feel him once I enter the Fae dimension."

"No!" Steven grabbed Anthony's shoulder. "I love you like a

brother, Anthony, and I trust you, but this is my mate we're talking

about. I'm going with you."

Anthony looked at his friend's tortured expression and

couldn't deny him. "All right, you can come." He patted Steven on

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the back. Turning to his mate he asked. "Are you coming with us?"

Silver stared at Anthony as if he were a dozen chips short of

a full nacho platter. "You don't actually think I'm going to let you go

anywhere without me do you? Farro, I want you and Dillon to take

over the pack while I'm gone. You two are the strongest, so the

others will listen to you in my absence."

Farro shook his head. "Dare was taken while watching

Sammy. Anthony may be able to feel Dare, but there are no

guarantees. I'm one of your best trackers. I'll come"

"What about Sammy?" Anthony asked, surprised the wolf

would leave his son.

"I'll call Shara, she doesn't have any maternal instincts but

she's a good fighter. She'll protect Sammy and Parker can help take

charge of the pack."

Anthony looked up from his contemplation of the map to see

Sammy, wrapped in his father's arms, a fine trembling shaking his

body. Poor kid. Giving the map to Silver, he walked over to the

young boy. Cupping Sammy's face between his hands he let a little

of his power seep into the boy's skin. "Be at peace young man. We

will rescue Dare. Sleep."

Farro caught his son as his body went lax. "What did you


"Put him in a light sleep. He'll wake up in an hour or two.

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Hopefully by then we'll have Dare back and this mess cleaned up. I

hope you don't mind but I put a slight fogging in his mind over his

nanny's death."

Farro shook his head. "No. Thanks, Anthony." Sliding his

arms beneath his son he lifted him up. "I'll go put him in bed until

Shara arrives."

He disappeared down the hall while Steven, Anthony and

Silver discussed different strategies for getting back their friend and


After they'd exhausted all their options, Anthony grabbed his

phone and dialed the number the vampires had given him. At least

he could do one thing. He could have the blood cleaned up before

Sammy woke again. A group of vampires would know best how to

take care of this kind of mess.

Farro came back and made some sandwiches while they

waited for Shara. There was no sense in starting a trip on an empty

stomach. Even though he knew he should be hungry, Anthony

couldn't force himself to choke down much and Steven ate even

less. If it were Silver missing, Anthony wouldn't have been able to

eat a bite either.

Shara arrived in a cloud of motorcycle fumes and bad


Apparently her new boyfriend was a jerk and her mechanic

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was trying to rip her off.

"The bastard thinks I'm made of money or something," she

groused as she took off her leather jacket. Her sharp eyes took in

the glum faces and the housekeeper still impaled to the wall.

"Rough afternoon, huh?"

Anthony stepped in. Someone needed to take control of the

situation. Farro and Steven were too upset and Silver wasn't good

with women on any day. "Yeah, we need you to watch Sammy.

Right now I have him under a slight spell that should keep him

relaxed and sleepy for the next few hours. The vampire crew will be

here in an hour or so to clean up the housekeeper and get all of the

blood off the floor."

Shara wrinkled her nose but appeared surprisingly

undisturbed by the carnage. Not for the first time, Anthony

wondered about her background. He'd asked Silver once, but his

alpha just said she was an orphan, an unaffiliated wolf they took in

off the streets.

"I'll see you guys later then." She muttered to the group.

Farro looked like he wanted to stay and give her an entire

laundry list of things to take care of in his absence, but refrained.

"I'm ready when you guys are."

* * * *

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* * * *

Farro watched as Anthony made a motion with his hands. A

shimmer grew in the air. It was as if he punched a hole in the

universe and they were seeing the other side, but then maybe that's

what he really did. Farro didn't pretend to understand inter-

dimensional travel, but seeing Anthony casually create a portal with

minimal effort told him none of the pack really understood the true

ability of the alpha mate. Peering through the hole he saw a world of

lush greenery and little else.

"You guys go in first. I'll hold the portal open."

Frantic to find his mate, Steven went through first, then Farro

and once Silver was safely through, Anthony followed, waving

goodbye to Shara as he left.

As he walked through the portal and into another world,

Farro knew instinctively it was another plane of reality, the

atmosphere felt different. His steps were lighter, as if gravity didn't

pull so much and the air smelled sweeter as if no harsh air pollutants

filled this world. He wondered if there was anyway to capture that

scent and take it back home. Of course he doubted the fae used

buses, trucks or individual vehicles for private transport, which

helped their air quality. Looking at the dirt path they entered on, he

doubted they had motorized anything. Scanning the area, all he

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could see were large, lush plants, tall trees and heavy vines even as

the smell of unseen flowers permeated the environment.

"Let's look at the map again." The demigod spread it out

against a tree. After a moment and much looking up at the sky, he

pointed towards his left. "That way. The map leads towards the

dark fae kingdom and I can feel a slight trace of Dare though I can't

tell how far away they've gotten."

Farro watched Steven's expression as the other man looked

around for clues. There were footprints heading down the path but

since they didn't know how busy the place usually was it told them

nothing. He couldn't even consider the idea they wouldn't get their

sweet tiger shifter back unharmed. While Silver was the head of the

pack and Anthony the soul, Dare was the heart. Everyone loved the

big friendly cat.

"Can you teleport us closer?" Silver asked, gauging the

distance on the map with his eyes.

Anthony shook his head and put the map in his pocket. "No.

There are only a few unguarded places you can enter the fae

kingdom without raising alarms. If the king is involved we don't

want to let him know we're coming."

Silver turned to look at his mate. "Do you think he might be


Anthony shrugged. "You never know with the fae. They

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sometimes get bored and start crap just to see what will happen."

Farro walked silently behind the other men and worried over

Sammy. He hoped Anthony's spell held until he returned.

Responsibility towards Dare made him insist on coming. If Dare has

been at his condo or the bar he would've been safe. Only his

exposure at Farro's home left him vulnerable to attack.

After an hour he got his first whiff of Dare. "I smell him!"

"So do I," Anthony growled.

Anthony turned around and for the first time when dealing

with the alpha mate, fear struck him hard. The alpha mate's eyes

glowed an icy blue instead of their natural gold. The creature staring

out at him was a far cry from the sweet alpha mate he knew. Energy

pulsed from Anthony and small fangs slid down when he opened his

mouth. "They are about an hour or so ahead," A deep, growly voice

came from Anthony's small frame.

Farro nodded silently all the while screaming in his head for

Anthony to turn back around. A low rumble came from Anthony,

letting Farro know he held the other man's gaze too long. He

quickly shifted his eyes looking over Anthony's left shoulder. Sweat

dripped down his back as he stayed as still as a statue. He didn't

want to trigger Anthony's wrath. He might outweigh the other man

by a good fifty pounds but he never doubted in a fight, even before

the other man's transformation, Anthony would come out the victor.

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You didn't win in a battle with a demigod.

"Come on babe, we have to get going." Silver's hand on

Anthony's shoulder distracted him from Farro.

Anthony shook his head as if coming out of a trance. "Yeah,

let's go. We need to head this way for a few miles."

"How long have you been coming here?" Silver asked,

placing his hand on the small of Anthony's back, steering him away

from Farro.

Farro let out the breath he was holding, as Silver led Anthony


"That was fucking scary," Steven whispered.

"Yeah," Farro agreed.

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Chapter Seven

The sun was touching the summit by the time the four

travelers found an open road. The road was little more than a

collection of flattened stones, but it was wide, clear, and smooth,

making the walk much more pleasant than tripping over tree roots

or dodging low hanging vines.

Farro knew some of the spiked vines swerved purposely to

smack him in the face, vicious little bastards. He could feel tiny

holes in his cheek crusting over.

"I'm really not liking this place," Steven said, walking beside

him. "It smells weird."

"It doesn't smell weird," Anthony said, amused.

Farro relaxed a little. He sounded like the old Anthony; the

one who didn't look like he could rip out his throat with little


"It does," Steven said, a wide smile on his face. "It smells like

your father."

"Hmm. Maybe you're right. It does smell a little strange,"

Anthony agreed.

They all burst out laughing.

A thunderous noise up ahead had them moving to the side of

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the road. Moments later, six figures on horseback appeared from

around the corner. They were all dark-haired and wore dark green

sleeveless clothing, exposing silver armbands. They reined their

horses up and surrounded the travelers.

"What have we here?" A tall man with wide shoulders and a

taunting smile pulled up in front of them.

"An ass on a horse?" Anthony responded.

"Carrow?" the larger one asked joyfully.

"Kylen?" Anthony said.

The rider slid off his horse and ran over, lifting Anthony off

his feet in a big bear hug. If there weren't five other riders

surrounding them, Farro thought Silver would rip out the man's

throat. As soon as the man released him, Anthony stepped back.

"What are you doing here, old friend?" The fae smiled.

"Kylen, let me introduce you to my mate, Silver."

The two men exchanged unfriendly glances. "And my friends

Steven and Farro. Steven's mate was kidnapped. We're following

some mutated werekin."

"Those ugly beasts," a female rider said, her horse moving

restlessly. "We saw them from the distance, they looked like they

were carrying something but we kept away. We're not looking for a


"I am," Farro said, stepping forward. "They took our friend

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and we're going to get him back."

Kylen looked him over, interest shining in his jet black eyes.

"You are a man of conviction, coming so far to retrieve a friend. I

hope your mate appreciates your dedication."

"I have no mate. All I have is my little boy. Now if you'll

excuse us, we'll be on our way."

After a brief hesitation Kylen turned his horse around by the

reins. "I'll come along. It's a sad day when a knight turns his back

on helping others."

"I'm going on." The woman who spoke eyed Kylen with

disfavor before bestowing a brilliant smile on Anthony. "Lord

Carrow, good luck with your quest and give my regards to your

father." Not waiting for a reply she kicked her heels and sent the

horse plunging past them. Two of the others quickly followed.

"We'll stay here." A pair of men sat in their saddles looking

down at the group. It took a moment for Farro to realize he was

looking at twins. Although not uncommon in the human world, as far

as he knew twin fae were almost unheard of.

"I didn't know there were any twin fae," he blurted out.

"We are two of a kind," the one on the right said to his twin's


"I am Viell and this is my brother Vien."

"Nice to meet you," Farro said, even though he didn't really

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give a damn. He just wanted to get going.

"Let's move on," Silver said, continuing on the path. The fact

he had to brush past Kylen didn't faze him. Farro could smell the

scent of satisfaction as the alpha took the lead. Not a fool, Anthony

quickly joined his mate.

"We'll scout ahead and see if we can follow the trail." One of

the twins said. Farro couldn't tell them apart, but it didn't matter

because seconds later there was little to be seen.

From what he'd heard of the fae, he didn't think they would

be so willing to help. Rumor and experience with Anthony's father

made him think they were a cold race of people, but maybe it was

Gallien's god half that made him such a frigid bastard.

Kylen fell back to walk beside him. His black eyes watched

Farro with unsettling interest. "What's the name of your kid?"

"Sammy." Farro swallowed back tears as he thought of his

little boy. Marla may have been a bitch but no one deserved to be

killed like that. He hoped Anthony's spell lasted until their return and

that he could get them back home after this. It didn't occur to Farro

until that moment how much they were depending on the alpha mate

to return them all to their dimension.

"Is he werekin also?"

Farro blinked. "Half. His mother was human. I don't even

know if he can change yet. My friend Dare was watching him when

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he was taken."

"Why did they take him?"

"We don't know. The note indicated they wanted us to


Steven jumped in the conversation. "We think they're leading

us to the scientist who is experimenting with weres. The mutants are

trying to stir up trouble while hunting the regular packs." Farro could

feel his friend's anxiety increasing the longer his mate was missing.

"What makes this group different?"

"We don't know," Farro said. "They tranquilized Sammy and

left him unharmed, but they gutted my ex-housekeeper and left a

note saying she betrayed us, almost like they thought they were

doing us a favor."

"Maybe they were," Kylen said. "If she betrayed you like

they claimed, how would your pack deal with it?"

"Silver would have her killed," Steven offered.

"How is this different?"

Farro looked up at the fae and realized Kylen really didn't

understand the difference. "Because he wouldn't pin her to the wall

like an insect while he wallowed in her blood or kill her where a

little boy might find her body."


The group walked in silence for a moment, the horse

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clopping behind them. The scent of Kylen tantalized Farro with

each step. Despite his concern for Dare, he felt an almost

overwhelming urge to drag the man to the nearest tree and fuck him

into tomorrow.

"We're getting closer." Anthony's voice broke into Farro's

thoughts. "I can feel Dare, but it's faint. The castle isn't much


The twins returned just as he finished speaking.

"They went east of the castle," one said.

"Towards Scalivale," said the other.

"Thank you, boys." Anthony smiled at them.

The pair bowed from their horses.

"Go ahead and ride into town. Get what info you can. We'll

meet you there."

The pair galloped off.

"Why do they listen to Anthony?" Farro asked Kylen as the

twins rushed to obey. The few fae he'd met before wouldn't follow

anyone's direction, even to get out of a flaming building.

"He might be only a quarter fae but he's still sixth in line for

the throne."

Farro stumbled. The ever-helpful Kylen caught his arm to

prevent him falling. Once he was steady on his feet the other man

released him.

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"Didn't you know he's royalty?" Kylen asked, astonished.

Farro shook his head.

"It's one of the reasons he rarely came here after he came of

age. He's too eligible, and even with a werekin as his chosen mate,

not everyone will consider him claimed."

"Why the hell not?" Farro asked. "Are werekin considered

inferior?" It burned him this superiority the fae felt towards other


Kylen nodded. "By some, yes, but not the main reason.

When your age is determined by centuries not years, mating outside

of the fae is considered temporary. Interested parties will bide their

time until the current mate dies. The castle gossips burned the air

with their chatter when Anthony lost Andrew. We all hoped he'd

come home and pick someone from the castle."

Steven laughed. "Trust me, once he met Silver there was no

one else."

Kylen looked at the pair up ahead. "They do seem quite


* * * *

Anthony could almost smell the fury pouring off Silver. He

knew he'd made a mistake when he ordered the twins to the village.

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Kylen's big mouth was going to be his downfall.

"You're royalty?" Silver asked in a low, dangerous tone.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Anthony shrugged. "It isn't important. I'm an architect now. I

rarely even come to this place."

"Fuck. No wonder your father looks at me like something

he'd like to scrape off the bottom of his shoe."

"Father looks at everyone like that except mother. Forget

about his opinion, mine is the only one you need to worry about,"

Anthony growled. "Besides, being sixth in line to the throne is as

close to the crown as the moon is to earth. Not only are all the

other people going to live forever, if any of them have children they

get in line before me. It's an honorary distinction. You and I? We're

mates. End of story."

"Damn straight," Silver agreed.

They reached the town a few miles later to find the twins

leaning against the outer gates, horses nowhere to be found.

They bowed to Anthony as he and Silver approached. Vien

spoke. "Talk on the street is that a scientist named Lorus Korl is

doing some sort of work with werekin. He lives in a big grey house

at the end of town."

"I want my mate back," Steven growled, stepping forward.

"Let's go get this guy."

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Anthony made move to stop his friend. Glancing back he

saw Kylen hand his horse over to a stable boy before following

along with Farro at his heels. Silver stood beside Anthony.

"Shall we go, your highness?"

Anthony gave his lover his most condescending look. "That is

Lord Carrow to you."

Silver smirked. "That'll be a red ass you're wearing if you

hide anything else from me."

Anthony's inner wolf growled unhappily but his human half

liked the idea. "We'll discuss that when we're alone and back at

home," he said, giving his lover a flirtatious look.

The group walked through the busy market place not

deterred by the dazzling array of jewels, magic practitioners, or

elegant men and women offering themselves for sale.

No words were spoken between them as they followed the

twins to the grey house with a gabled roof and bright red shutters, a

cozy home for a psychotic scientist.

"How should we go in?" Anthony asked Silver.

"Let's try the direct approach." The alpha walked up to the

door and rang the doorbell.

No one answered.

Silver shrugged, lifted his foot and kicked in the door. The

flimsy wood shattered beneath his heel. "I gave them a chance."

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* * * *

Farro entered the house practically on Steven's heels. Guilt

and affection towards Dare made him anxious to find the tiger

shifter and take him home. Everyone stopped as soon as they

entered taking in the strange environment. In the place of an

ordinary living room stood a sterile lab with enough chemicals to

burn down the town but little else. The place smelled horrible, like a

mad scientist's lair.

Farro sniffed the air but couldn't smell anything above the

stench of chemicals.

Anthony headed down the hall with his mate. Farro started to

follow him only to have Kylen grab him by the arm. He snarled at

the fae, his wolf not liking the restraint.

"Don't go running in there until we know it's empty. If you get

killed who's going to take care of your son?"

Anthony had told him once how precious children were to

the fae due to the race's low birthrate. It appeared the parents of

children were equally protected. The more he learned about the fae,

the weirder they seemed to be.

A man's scream from the other room changed everything.

He barely had a chance to move out of the way before Dare

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He barely had a chance to move out of the way before Dare

leapt past him in tiger form.

The big cat's roar echoed down the hall. Farro ran after him

with everyone close on his heels. The short hall opened into another

large room. Bodies floating in clear liquid lined the walls, werekin in

different stages of change: pale, still, and dead. Following the sound

of growling, he found Dare, standing on his back legs and snarling at

a mutant werekin strapped to the wall in a metal harness. The

mutant looked more battered than threatening. It took him a

moment to realize the tiger wasn't attacking but trying to get the man

out of the contraption strapped around his body.


Steven ran his hands over his mate, searching for injury.

"You're okay," he sighed, wrapping his arms around the snarling

tiger. "Shift back."

With his mate's command, Dare changed from tiger to man,

exposing miles of bared golden skin.

A hand came up blocking Farro's eyes. "You don't need to

look at that." Kylen's voice, firm and cold, accepted no argument.

Farro heard him whisper an incantation.

"Thanks fae," Dare said.

"What did you do?" Farro asked still unable to see.

Kylen removed his hand. "I gave him some clothes. You

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didn't need to see him naked."

Farro glared at him but the other man was unrepentant. Dare

stood in the same spot dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt,

covered from neck to feet. He even wore black sneakers.

"Vien, Viell. Go check out the rest of the house. See if

anyone else is here, and bring them to me. Dare, who is this

creature?" Anthony asked as the alpha pair approached.

"Peter. He helped them kidnap me. They took blood and cell

samples but Peter convinced the scientist not to kill me."

The mutant named Peter was in bad shape. Blood covered

most of his body but it only took a moment to figure out why the

man had screamed. Small electrodes embedded into his skin were

sending shocks through his system at intermittent intervals.

Anthony removed the sensors and Kylen placed his hands on

the werekin, with another soft spell he lessened the burns across the

mutant's body.

"You're a handy guy to have around," Farro said, watching

the fae work.

Kylen's eyes filled with warmth. "Thank you."

"Step back." Silver pressed the release lever to the manacles

and caught the mutant as he fell, positioning him carefully on the

ground. "Why did you want us to follow you?" Silver asked,

obviously not willing to overlook Dare's capture even though the

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man appeared unharmed.

The mutant's eyes blinked as he tried to clear his vision and

collect his thoughts. "Not all of us volunteered for this," he

whispered, gasping for breath. "I wasn't going to let the same thing

happen to the tiger shifter as happened to us, but when I objected

the scientist locked me up. I didn't think any of you would believe

me if I told you all mutants aren't bad. From what I've seen, you

attack first and ask questions later. I had to take the chance you

would come after one of your own."

"What happened to the others who were with you at my

house?" Farro asked, suspicious of anyone who would cut up a


"They were killed." He nodded towards the tubes. "He

declared them failed experiments since their bodies were rejecting

the mutation. Most of them are in those tubes. I was next, but he

wanted to run a few tests first."

"Where's the scientist?" Steven brushed Dare's hair away

from his eyes. Farro could tell the wolf shifter needed to reconnect

with his mate.

"He ran away. Someone tipped him off. Told him you guys

were coming so he grabbed his research notes and left."

"Who was it?"

Peter's eyes blinked tiredly. "Don't know, it was a

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messenger. They didn’t talk where I could hear them."

"Where would he go?" Silver asked angrily.

"I don't know. He never let us near the other mutants. He

knew we were different. That we weren't fully committed to his


"How many mutant groups are there?" Anthony asked.

Peter shook his head. "I don't know. I guess I'm not much

help. All I know is that he's determined to create the ultimate

werekin and he isn't going to stop until he does. Until now he didn't

have any weretiger DNA in his collection. Now even the cat shifters

won't be safe. He'll want that one back in order to create a

weretiger mutation. He only left him here because he didn't have

enough men left to take him safely and still save his own ass."

"He won't get the chance to take my mate again," Steven


"We need to get Dare out of here," Silver said. "Before Korl

rallies enough people to come back for the tiger, from what I've

seen he has quite the selection of lackeys."

The twins returned empty handed.

"There isn't anything in the rest of the house. There isn't even

a bed. Whatever this place is, it isn't the guy's residence. He must

sleep somewhere else."

Farro couldn't be sure which one spoke. He didn't know

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them well enough to be able to tell them apart and figured few

people probably could.

Anthony took charge, speaking to the pair. "You two petition

the king to have the man hunted for crimes against the crown.

Breaking the king's law should be enough to authorize a hunt. If not,

refer him to me and I'll try to talk him into it."

Silver scowled, "Be careful how much persuasion you use."

Anthony laughed. "Don't worry, poppet. I save my really

good techniques for you."

Peter climbed to his feet, towering over Silver. Silver

growled, a low warning rumbling through the alpha's chest.

"Calm down, lover, he can't help his height." Anthony looked

up at Peter. "Do you remember exactly when you were changed?"

"Two months, ten days and three hours ago," Peter said with

absolute conviction.

"Well that makes it easier. Would you like me to change you


"You can do that?"

"I can remove the mutation but you'll still be werekin. I can't

change what you were born with."

Silver grabbed Anthony's arm. "Since when can you do


"Let's just say I learned more than one trick while staying

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with grandfather. I can turn back time but only in a small

dimensional field so don't get any wild ideas about time travel."

Farro could tell Silver wanted to ask more questions but

knew now wasn't the time.

"What do you want in return?" Peter asked, caution in his


"We want your help in bringing down this bastard," Silver

said. "You're the only one with an inside track into the mind of a

psychopath. You've been the closest and might have helpful

information you haven't thought about. Come back with us and help

us defeat this asshole."

"You have it without turning me back," Peter growled, his

long snout forming a snarl as he spoke. "He killed my friends and

changed me into this creature. I will have my revenge." Peter kept

his focus on Anthony. "I would do anything to be myself again."

"Put your hands on mine."

"This won't hurt you will it?" Silver asked, stroking Anthony's


Anthony kissed Silver on the cheek. "I'll be fine."

Peter's hands pressed against Anthony's palm to palm.

"Honey, I need you to step back," Anthony told Silver,

before returning his attention to Peter. "Close your eyes and focus

on how you were before the change."

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* * * *

Using the technique his grandfather taught him, Anthony

followed Peter's pathways and focused on the man's personal

timeline, the time before mutation. Pouring energy into the other man

gave him immediate results, Peter's elongated mouth narrowed and

eventually shrank to a normal one, his prominent brow receded until

it looked human, and the excessive fur on his body faded back into

his skin.

Standing before them was a handsome human who stood

barely under six feet with aquamarine eyes and jet black hair.

"You make a much better human," Anthony said, releasing

the other man's hands.

Peter wiggled his fingers, admiring their normal features.

"You did it. You actually healed me."

Anthony shrugged his shoulders. "That was the point."

Silver wrapped his arm around Anthony. "My baby has many


"Let's get out of here," Anthony said.

Once everyone stood together, Anthony opened a portal

straight into Farro's living room. At Farro's startled glance he

shrugged. "It's only difficult to get a portal into the fae realm. It's

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easy getting out."

Farro turned to Kylen. "Thank you for your help and the help

of the twins." His wolf howled at the thought of separation from the

handsome fae. Farro panicked. Kylen unsettled him, both his wolf

and human side found him way too enticing. Farro snapped his head

back when he found he was leaning forward, sniffing for Kylen's


"I'm going back with you," Kylen said, "I've contacted King

Linnel telepathically and he's concerned about this scientist doing so

much without his knowledge. Others have to be helping him. The

king cannot let it continue. I have been ordered to go back with you

and evaluate the situation."

"What about the twins?" He wondered why the twins didn't

use telepathy to contact their king instead of going in person.

"They'll still need to get the written form from the king

proclaiming the scientist an outlaw and rule-breaker, one of the

harshest penalties for the fae. When Korl's caught he'll be banished

and stripped of his fae magic."

"What if he's not fae?" Farro asked, "I mean is that a


Dare shook his head. "He was definitely fae. I could smell it."

"Then they'll execute him." Kylen's expression told Farro

everything he could want to know. After capture and punishment by

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the fae king, death would be a mercy. Without another word Kylen

walked through the portal and straight into Farro's house. Frowning,

Farro rushed to follow the tempting fae.

* * * *

Stumbling through the portal, Farro tripped on the carpet and

fell headfirst at Kylen's feet.

"You don't have to throw yourself at me, handsome. I'm all

yours," Kylen smirked.

His smile faded when Anthony pinned him with his golden


"You will behave."

"Yes, my lord." Kylen didn't hesitate to bow to his lordship.

Some people had a problem with Anthony's avoidance of the fae

kingdom, but he wasn't one of them. He knew if there was need

Anthony would be there. Kylen held a great deal of respect for the

demigod and didn't want the other man angry or disappointed in


"Silver and I are going back home to figure out what to do

next. Dare, we'd like it if you and Steven could come for a run later

this evening and Farro also if you can get away. If you don't want to

leave your son then we understand completely."

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Farro shook his head. "I want to spend some time with

Sammy. Make sure he's okay." Glancing around, he smiled. "Looks

like the vampires came through. The house looks good."

The others nodded their agreement. Kylen didn't know what

it looked like before, but it sparkled with cleanliness.

"Steven and I will meet you at the pack grounds at ten," Dare


"Great. Kylen are you coming with us? We can set you up

with an apartment for your stay."

Kylen opened his mouth to answer when Farro broke in.

"Where's Shara?"

Farro raced down the hall, Kylen rushed to follow afraid of

what the other man might find. Empty. The room was every little

boy's fantasy with a racecar bed and colorful furniture. On the bed

sat a stuffed teddy bear.

"No!" Farro's hand came up to cover his mouth. "Oh no!"

"Shh." Kylen wrapped Farro into his arms. "Shh. We'll get

your son back."

"It was Shara," Steven snarled. "Parker told me there was an

enemy in our midst. I bet it was Shara, though I never suspected

she would do something like this. She must have contacted the

scientist. She's the only one besides the four of us who knew we

were heading to the fae realm. Even the others didn't know where

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were heading to the fae realm. Even the others didn't know where

we went."

"I'll kill her!" Kylen felt more than heard Farro's words. He

couldn't even imagine what the shifter was going through. Children

were precious to the fae. Kidnapping children caused more than

one bloody war.

"Where would she go?" Kylen asked, certain one of them

knew Shara's habits.

"I can find him," Anthony said in a calm voice.

Kylen leaned back as Farro's head snapped up from where it

rested on his chest. "Anthony?"

The fae lord looked around, anywhere than at Farro.

"Remember last year when we made all the kids get a medical exam

to make sure they hadn't caught that shifter infection going around?"

Farro nodded. The shifter flu the year before dropped kids

left and right. Everyone had to go in for inoculation.

"I had them all embedded with locator beacons."

Farro stepped away from Kylen and threw himself at

Anthony hugging the man so tight, Kylen thought he heard the man's

back realign. "You conniving, sneaky, beautiful man," Farro

muttered. Sniffing back his tears he released the demigod as soon

Silver started to growl.

Kylen looked at the assembled group. "Let's go hunting."

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"The information is on my computer at the club. Let's head

there and we can figure out if he's on this plane, and if so, where we

can find him."

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Chapter Eight

In the end locating Sammy turned out to be an easy task.

Anthony's computer found the young shifter quickly since he was

only a few miles away.

"That's Shara's house," Anthony said, looking at the location.

"The bitch took him home."

"She probably didn't expect us back so quickly or thought

the scientist would kill us off," Farro stared mesmerized by the

glowing dot. "I hope she doesn't hurt him."

"She's not waiting for the scientist; he never comes to this

realm," Peter offered. "He sends his minions here to carry out his

plans but he doesn't come himself. He says he can't handle the

pollutions. For an evil scientist he has sensitive sinuses. She might be

waiting for a pickup though. He often sends others to do his dirty

work. He'd love to get his hands on a child shifter. He was furious

when he learned we'd left Sammy behind."

"Then why would she take him and expose herself?" Farro

asked. "She has to know we'd figure out who was responsible if we

returned and found my son gone."

"She panicked." Anthony offered. "She's working between

groups. Right now she fears the scientist more than us. We'll have to

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correct that misconception."

Farro twitched with the urge to rush in and get Sammy back

but he didn't want to do anything that might trigger Shara to murder

his son. They had to be smart. Kylen settled down beside him and

damn if he didn't start leaning towards the other man. The fae

smelled amazing and not in comforting homelike scent of the alpha

mate. Kylen smelled like someone Farro wanted to take down and

fuck within an inch of his life until he admitted he belonged to him.

Shit! Kylen was his mate.

Farro jumped to his feet, his stomach swirling unpleasantly.

The small snack he'd consumed a moment ago churned like he'd

just gotten off the biggest roller coaster in the world after eating a

double cheeseburger and a milk shake.

"What's wrong?" Anthony, always sensitive to his pack,

watched him with a concerned expression.

"He's my mate!" Damn it! He hadn't meant to blurt it out,

especially with an audience. The wolf inside him howled with glee.

The human half looked at the fae still sitting on the couch and

wanted to run. He wasn't ready for a mate. He was barely ready to

step into the dating pool. His date with Jager the other night was to

get used to the idea of seeing someone, not to find a lifelong

commitment. If he mated with Kylen and the other man died who

would take care of Sammy? He'd seen people who hung on after

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their mate died for the sake of their children. They didn't do anyone

any favors. Sammy deserved more than a shallow husk of a parent.

"Breathe." Silver's voice along with the feel of the big hand

across the back of Farro's neck calmed his panic attack.


"Why are you hyperventilating? Most wolves are pleased to

find their other half." Silver's deep voice filled him, calming his wolf.

Nothing bad could happen while the alpha had his back.

"Sammy. I don't want him to grow up alone."

Kylen laughed. "We're not even mated yet and you're

already planning my funeral? I'll have you know the fae are very

difficult to kill. Not impossible, but difficult. I will probably outlive

you my pretty wolf."

Silver stepped back and let Kylen approach.

The fae's black eyes glowed with warmth. The other man

moved closer, cupping Farro's face between his hands.

"After we get Sammy back we can address the fact we're

mates. Our first priority is to retrieve our son."

"Our son?" Since when did he share his child?

"The fae cherish our children. If I am truly your mate then he

is my child too."

Kylen wasn't going to back down on mating with the shifter.

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Farro already announced they were mates; according to werekin

lore, the rest of their relationship should fall into place. He'd longed

for a child since he was old enough to know what having one

entailed. Unfortunately, because children were rare, fae women only

had them when they were in relationships. As Kylen was unwilling

to attach himself permanently or even semi-permanently to a fae

woman, his chances of having children were nil.

Until now; now the goddess finally decided to show him

favor by not only providing him with a gorgeous shifter mate but a

child besides. If the kid were anything like his father he'd be a total


"How are we going to get Sammy back?"

"We need to scout out her location," Anthony said looking at

the dot on the computer. I find it suspicious she brought Sammy to

her house. It could be a trap. I'd be tempted to call her but I don't

want her to know we've returned already. Any ideas?"

"I know a bird shifter. Maybe we can have him do a flyby

and tell us what he can see." Dare offered, shifting uneasily beneath

the eyes of the entire group.

"A cat shifter knows a bird shifter?" Steven's eyes narrowed.

"And what do you mean by know."

"Don't even go there, man-whore." Dare challenged a fang

peeping out between his lips.

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"All right, all right." Silver raised his hands for peace. "Dare,

contact your friend and see if he's willing to do a flyby." We'll drive

over so we're only a mile or so from her house. I want to be able to

move in as swiftly as possible once we have a handle on the


"Leif is good at surveillance. He used to do it in the military."

"How come I never heard of him before?" Steven's tone

indicated he should know everything about his lover.

Dare shrugged. "I haven't talked to him since we've gotten

together. I wasn't hiding anything from you."

Kylen watched their interaction with amusement. The fae

weren't as possessive of their lovers as werekin appeared to be.

There was a lot less posturing among the fae but also a lot less


"I'd like to come." The ex-mutant stood up to face the group.

"I don't want the scientist to get his hands on a child."

Anthony stared at him for a long moment before nodding.

Kylen thought at first the demigod was going to refuse. "Since we

don't know who else, if anyone, has been working with Shara, we

don't want to get others involved. I have several I would trust with

my life but I don't want to start a panic about pack safety. After

this, Farro, we're going to have to move you into the building."

Kylen watched Farro nod. "I wanted to give Sammy a house

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and a yard to play in but I don't want him to worry about invaders

and kidnapping. He'll never be comfortable in our house again and I

don't blame him."

"We'll get you another house." Kylen squeezed Farro's arm.

"We will find you one that's safe."

Once they retrieved the little wolf, Kylen was going to make

it his mission to find a nice house for the three of them to enjoy. He

wanted a happy family even if he had to kill someone to get it.

Dare made a phone call that apparently was too flirtatious for

his mate if Steven's snarling and teeth grinding were any indication.

"He better be ugly as sin and have a hump," Steven growled.

Dare laughed. "Umm, yeah because I know a lot of


Shaking his head at their lunacy, Kylen followed the group

out and got into the limo. Everyone got in the back except Dare and

Steven who were designated drivers in order to keep the entire

thing quiet. His nerves started to shake as he entered the moving

metal coffin.

"It's all right. I've got you." Farro's arm came around him and

for a moment, Kylen forgot his environment and his imminent death

inside the long black beast, and enjoyed the feel of the man beside

him. He felt no shame in sinking into Farro's embrace and resting his

head on the other man's shoulder. The more contact he had with the

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wolf shifter the less the metal affected him. He might even come to

like rides in vehicles if it always involved a good snuggle. Warriors

didn't get cuddling very often. He had to admit he liked it.

"Why don't you crawl on top of me when we're in cars?" He

heard Silver ask Anthony.

A soft tinkling laughter filled the limo making him smile. "I'm

only a quarter fae, handsome, but if it will make you feel better I can


"I'm just saying. Some people are getting more love than me."

Laughter again. Kylen didn't look up to see if the alpha got

snuggles but his complaining stopped, so he suspected Silver

received an armful of Anthony. He thought he felt a kiss on the top

of his head but he was too content to ask and he didn't want to

interrupt if the wolf wanted to lavish him with affection. A warrior

since he was barely a man, Kylen knew little of the softer side of

love. He knew of sex between men but nothing of late mornings in

bed and tender touches. Most fae needed two partners to feel

complete but as soon as Kylen met the beautiful wolf shifter he

knew he was one of those rare fae who would be happy with just

one. This one.

From what he observed, Farro was a tough wolf but a gentle

man, an appealing combination.

The limo slowed to a stop and silence fell among the

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passengers. Anthony pulled out his laptop to verify no one had left.

Kylen stayed in Farro's arms content to be cuddled.

A thud on the roof had everyone sitting up straight.

"That must be Dare's friend," Anthony opened the limo door

and exited the car before his mate could do more than snatch at the

empty air.

Smirking, Kylen followed the others out. The alpha had his

hands full if he thought he could contain Anthony. More powerful

men had tried, none of them succeeded. He wondered if the

demigod had confessed about his dating history yet.

All eyes were turned to the limo roof where a raven stood

staring at them with dark, intelligent eyes.

"Fuck, he's big," Peter whispered, watching the giant bird

hop down from the roof.

Dare looked at the bird with affection. "Come on Leif I

brought you some clothes, you can get dressed and tell us what you

found out."

"I'll get his clothes," Steven growled. The wolf shifter reached

into the limo, pulled out a gym bag, and tossed it across to the other

side. "Now he can change."

Dare rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Kylen laughed until he realized Farro was pacing a path in the

gravel by the side of the road. The cool night air blew the shifter's

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hair as he burned enough nervous energy to power a planet. Putting

himself in Farro's path he forced him to stop.

Fear lived like a burning fire in the other man's eyes. "What if

he came to tell me Sammy is dead?"

"Hey, none of that." Kylen wrapped his arms around Farro,

holding on tight even as he felt the other man try to pull away.

"Sammy will be fine. The goddess didn't bring me to you only to let

me lose you so soon."

"The boy is fine but that bitch he's with is crazy." A deep

voice broke them apart.

Kylen looked at the man in amazement. Who knew such a

large man could shift into a bird? He was almost as big as the tiger

shifter who stood beside him.

"I'm Leif Ulstein," he said to the group at large.

Quick introductions were made, but Leif's eyes stayed

focused on Farro.

"Your boy looks just like you," he announced. "When I

looked in the window he was watching cartoons and eating cereal.

He appeared unharmed. The woman was pacing like she was on

drugs and screaming into the phone. It sounds like whoever she's

helping is no longer helping her back."

"There was no one else there?" Anthony asked.

Leif shook his head. "I didn't see anyone but the woman and

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the boy. If there was anyone else they were hiding well."

"We owe you a debt."

The raven stared at the alpha, his expression serious as a

grave. "I will remember wolf and one day I will collect."

Silver nodded. "Let's go, people. We'll figure out who goes

where once we arrive at the house."

"Thanks for your help." Anthony walked over and shook

Leif's hand. Kylen could see the raven shed a layer of anxiety with

the other man's touch. It took him a moment to realize the demigod

was pulling some of the pain from the raven shifter, a rare empathic

ability among fae kind. Watching the pair's interaction he realized

Anthony was coming into his own power. He'd always known his

old friend had more ability than acknowledged but watching him in

action these past few hours was an eye-opening experience.

When Anthony looked up Kylen nodded to the man letting

him know he wouldn't betray his secrets. The fae king would do

much to have someone with Anthony's powers beneath his thumb.

They all headed back into the limo but the raven. With a

shimmer of light the man turned back into a bird and flew away.

Kylen wondered where the man called home.

* * * *

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Farro fidgeted in the limo on the drive to Shara's house. He

and his wolf were in agreement. They wanted to hunt down the

bitch and rip out her guts. She'd endangered his child and betrayed

the pack. The only mercy she should receive was a choice in her

death. A death surely even she could see coming.

They'd decided, after meeting with Leif, that Kylen would

approach the front door posing as someone sent by the scientist.

Since Shara had never met him, he had the best chance of having

her believe him and hand over Sammy. If she wouldn't, maybe he

could at least distract her while Farro, Silver and Anthony came

around the back. Peter, Steven and Dare would be on standby in

case others showed up.

Farro crouched near the back door until he heard the

doorbell ring. That was their cue to pop open the rear entrance.

Using a set of lock picks Steven loaned him, he unlocked the door.

Luckily Shara didn't have a deadbolt, or if she did it wasn't thrown.

They entered the house with relative ease.

Creeping through the kitchen they spied Shara at the front

door talking to Kylen. Farro peered around the corner and saw

Sammy sitting in his jammies in front of the television. Shara brought

Kylen right to him and for a moment it looked like the ploy would

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work. They hadn't counted on Sammy. The boy had stronger

senses than any wolf.

"Daddy mate?" Sammy asked standing up to examine Kylen.

Fuck! When they'd snuggled in the limo he must've slathered

his scent all over the other man. It was a miracle Shara hadn't

noticed before.

Shara screamed with rage. "Liar!" From the waistband at the

back of her pants she whipped out a knife and plunged it into

Kylen's stomach. "No!" Farro's heart stuttered as he watched the

beautiful man who held him just moments ago fall to the floor. He

rushed to Kylen's side but he wasn't as quick as the alpha mate.

The snap of bones echoed in the house. Tearing his eyes

away from the fallen fae he gasped. Anthony's eyes glowed neon

blue as he tossed Shara to the floor, her neck tilted at an impossible


Scary alpha-mate was back.

"W-we need to get him to a doctor."

Anthony shook his head. "He's fae. A doctor wouldn't know

what to do. I can heal him enough to get him home. He should be

able to heal himself if I give him a jump start and find a compatible

blood donor."

Farro hoped he was right. Even though he'd only known the

man for a handful of hours, Kylen had seen him at his worst and

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was still interested. Whether he claimed him or not, the man was his

mate and it was his duty to see him healed.

Sammy clung to Farro tightly. "Daddy why did Shara stab

your mate?" There was concern but no real terror in his son's voice.

He had a feeling Anthony's spell was still holding strong. At least

strong enough Sammy wasn't as traumatized as most kids would be

watching someone stabbed in front of them. He didn't know if it

was a good thing that a six year old had seen so much blood in the

past twenty-four hours it no longer appeared to bother him.

Hopefully, it was the effect of Anthony's spell and not shock.

"How do you know he's my mate?"

His son gave him a look like he'd lost all his marbles.

"Because he smells like you."

"We don't know why Shara stabbed him. We need to figure

that out."

Now that she was dead there would be no interrogation. No

way to find out what had gone on in her head. Anthony should've

waited to kill her but looking at the alpha mate's still glowing eyes,

Farro knew he wasn't going to be the one bringing it up. Luckily,

Silver wasn't so subtle.

"Now we'll never know why she kidnapped Sammy."

Anthony shrugged. "We'll check her computer, her phone

bill. We'll figure it out. She couldn't live after she stabbed one of the

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fae. It isn't done."

With that final word Anthony headed for the door. "Silver,

carry Kylen I'll patch him up in the limo."

Exchanging annoyed looks with Farro, the alpha hurried to

obey. No one wanted an innocent fae to die.

* * * *

Despite Anthony's assurance that Kylen would be fine, Farro

was reluctant to let the other man out of his sight. After making sure

Sammy was dealing well with the past events, Farro left him to play

with the other children of the condo in the big playroom Anthony

had designed for the pack kids. The place had three-dimensional

mazes, a ball pit big enough to hide an alligator and an enormous

twisty slide. Sammy thought he'd found the playground of his


Farro sat at Kylen's side playing with the fae's fingers and

hoping the other man woke up.

"I'm sorry I didn't want you as my mate," he confessed to the

silent form. "I just didn't want to get involved with someone else and

lose them. I already lost my wife and she wasn't my true mate. I

can't even think of the pain I'd feel if I lost someone I was bonded

to. I was being foolish. If you wake up, I promise to try and be a

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proper mate even if you want to go back to your own dimension."

He didn't know if the fae were allowed to stay on this side.

What if he made plans for a man who didn't expect to stay there.

The fingers he was playing with tightened around his. A fluttering of

lashes signaled his mate's awakening.

"Foolish wolf," Kylen muttered. "You can't get rid of me that


Farro couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Then get better

soon. I want to see if this relationship is going to work."

"It'll work. We were brought together for a reason."

"Yeah, what reason is that?"

Kylen gave him a charming smile. "To keep each other

company and raise your amazing child."

Farro grinned. "Sounds like a plan."

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Chapter Nine

The pack run had been a disaster.

Anthony went home and headed straight for the kitchen. He

snatched a chef's knife from the wooden block and a small mixing

bowl from the top shelf.

He needed to get the wolf out of him. He couldn't do this. He

couldn't fight his lover whenever they shifted form. He would rather

be a poor alpha mate in the eyes of the pack, than a poor partner to

his man.

He couldn't do that to his man.

When they shifted on the pack fields, Anthony had lunged for

Silver. He'd been unable to control his urge to take down the

strongest and proclaim himself their new leader. Only by shifting

back to his human body was he able to stop attacking his lover.

When Silver had shifted also, the look of betrayal on his

lover's face almost killed Anthony. He knew if he didn't do

something soon he would lose the man he loved more than anything

on earth.

Kneeling on the floor Anthony held his wrist over the bowl.

Swiftly slicing the blade across his wrist he let the blood drip into

the bowl.

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"I call on you Zeus, by our bonds of blood to help me in my

time of need. I call on you Zeus, by our bonds of magic to help me

in my time of need. I call on you Zeus, through our bonds of flesh to

help me in my time of need."

Anthony's voice weakened as a flash of lightning struck the

spot beside him. His grandfather's presence filled the room, the

smell of ozone heavy in the air like the scent before a massive


"Enough Anthony, I'm here."

Anthony wiped away tears he hadn't known he'd shed.

Zeus leaned forward and grabbed Anthony's wrist,

immediately sealing the wound.

"What's wrong?"

"You were right, Grandfather," Anthony sobbed.

Zeus sat on the floor beside Anthony looking down at him in

concern. "As happy as I am to be right, I get the feeling this time it's

not a good thing."

"I shouldn't have gotten the wolf. I attacked Silver earlier."

Anthony's hands trembled, still shaken by the encounter. It

was the first time he'd lost total control of his body. He had known

it was Silver, but still couldn't stop attacking the man he loved.

"It was your first time as a wolf among wolves. Your control

will get better with time."

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Anthony jumped to his feet and started pacing. "I might get

better control of my wolf, but it won't accept Silver as alpha. Ever.

You don't understand. I attacked the man I love and I meant it!"

He turned to look at the god softly glowing on the floor.

"Please grandfather, take it out of me."

Zeus pierced Anthony with his powerful gaze. "Do you

remember what I told you when I gave you the wolf?"

Anthony nodded, "You said everything comes with a price.

But if the price is losing Silver, then it isn't worth it."

"I meant for removing the wolf."

Anthony froze; he didn't like where this was going. He

waited. He wasn't going to be the one to bring up any ideas to the


Zeus stood up, towering over Anthony.

"Did you know that of my remaining grandchildren, your

magic is the purest?"

"No." He didn't know where Zeus was going with this, but he

was smart enough to not encourage the god.

"The price of removing your wolf is your seed."

"My seed?"

"I want to use your genetic code and create another


Anthony stared at Zeus. Of all the possibilities, this one

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hadn't occurred to him.

"What happens to this offspring once it's created?"

"I will raise it as my own."

Anthony thought about it for a moment. Did he want to put a

child of his into existence and under the guidance of Zeus? "This

was your goal all along wasn't it?"

Zeus grinned. "I thought it would take more time but you're

ridiculously attached to that wolf of yours."

"Who would be the mother?"

"No one you need to worry about."

The condo door burst open, slamming against the wall.

Silver stormed through, wrapped himself around Anthony

and turned him so Silver was between his lover and the god.

"You can't have him back. He's mine!" Silver growled.

Zeus frowned, lightning flashed like electric fire in his eyes.

"And who are you to go against a god?"

Anthony could feel Silver's heart race against him. "I am his

other half and I will do anything to protect him."

Zeus laughed.

"I'm glad to see my grandson has good taste in companions. I

wasn't sure about you despite Gallien's praise."

The thought of his father praising anyone was almost

incomprehensible to Anthony.

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Zeus pinned Anthony with his eyes. "Do we have a deal?"

"You will take good care of it?"

"I will take good care and make sure there are others to give

it a well-rounded life."

Trapped, Anthony knew he had few choices. He couldn't

end his own life, it would kill Silver and frankly he liked living, but

he also couldn't continue the way he was. The wolf didn't like Silver

and eventually it would tear them apart.

It was either the love of his life or an unnamed, unknown


"You can have one but I want to see it when it's grown."

Anthony didn't want to give the child a sex because then it would

make it a real. It was easy to give away a nebulous creature with no

form or face.

"Deal." With a wave of his hand Zeus tossed Silver across

the room.

"Silver!" Anthony screamed. Electricity rising in his body, he

glared at his grandfather. Anthony's hands crackled with lightning as

he instinctively sought to protect his mate.

Zeus held up his hands. "Now don't lose your temper,

Anthony. You can't hurt me with lightning and I'd hate to have to


Anthony looked to see Silver already rising, apparently

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unharmed. "You could've just asked."

"I could've," Zeus said with an evil smile.

Anthony's anger subsided. His love wasn't injured. "Go

ahead and do what you have to do."

"I already did," Zeus said. "I could've taken your DNA from


Anthony frowned. "Why did you come here then?"

Zeus stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his

grandson's biceps. Whispering in his ear he said, "Because I may be

a bastard but I'm no thief. To take your seed without your

knowledge is more than even I am willing to do."

"Thank you, grandfather," Anthony said and meant it.

"Don't thank me yet." Zeus released his grandson and

stepped back as he held up his palm. "Return to me," he thundered.

Screaming, Anthony fell to the floor. His body hurt as if

shards of glass were slicing through his flesh while his bones burned

like molten lava. A silvery shape shimmered over Anthony's chest

until it resembled a large wolf. The pair examined each other for a

moment before the wolf spirit leaned forward, licked Anthony's

cheek and vanished.

Gradually, the pain faded away.

"Are you all right, love?" Silver rushed to kneel at his side,

stroking Anthony's cheek.

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"He marked you," Silver said, surprised.


"Your face. He marked you."

Anthony stood up and went to the hall mirror barely noticing

Zeus had vanished. He gasped when he saw his reflection. A small

silver paw print glowed on his left cheekbone, like a beauty mark.

"It's pretty."

Silver laughed, "It's more than pretty. That symbol means it

wasn't just any spirit taking over your body. It was Lykaios, the

spirit wolf of Zeus, which is why he couldn't allow me to be alpha.

You can't out alpha the king of the gods."

Anthony moved his head back and forth to watch the mark

shimmer. "It's a cool tattoo."

Silver reached out to touch it. The mark shocked him,

making him snatch his finger back. "I think it's more than just a

tattoo but we can worry about that later. For now I'm happy to

have you back. You are back, aren't you?"

"Yes." Anthony gave him a wide smile. "Yes I am."

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Chapter Ten

Farro turned out the bedroom light, smiling at the sight of his

son sleeping with his bear. A relieved sigh left him as he quietly

closed the door. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he headed

towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

The lean form of the sexy fae stopped him in his tracks.

"I thought you'd gone to sleep." Farro's voice sounded husky

in his own ears. The fae had bounced back after a day of rest and

an infusion of half-fae blood. Apparently his blood type was

compatible with Ben's and the little half-wolf, half-fae was more

than happy to donate. The pack doctor arranged the entire thing in

Farro's spare bedroom.

Kylen gave him a warm smile. "I couldn't sleep without my


The fae smelled divine, like rich moss and the cool forest at

midnight. Farro's wolf longed to rub against him and show his belly

for petting. His human half resisted. "You aren't fully healed." He

could still see the red mark across his mate's stomach, the memory

still vivid in his mind.

Before he could protest, the sexy man walked up to him in

slow easy movements giving Farro plenty of time to escape. "I still

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have a mark but I am healed enough for my claiming. Anthony gave

me a quick rundown on wolf mating rituals. I am well enough for

our mating." Kylen cupped his cheek with one long-fingered hand.

Without warning he plastered his mouth across Farro's. Every

hormone in his body sang with need. Never had his body reacted

so strongly to someone, not even to the woman he'd loved.

When Kylen lifted his mouth, Farro couldn't stop the soft

sound of protest or the way his hands clenched the other man's

shirt, preventing him from moving away.

"Easy, darling," Kylen whispered. "I'm not going anywhere.

Why don't we move this to the bedroom."

Farro shook his head, more of a convulsive denial than a

statement of intent. "I can't bear to lose another person."

Kylen wrapped his hands around Farro's fists. "A fae warrior

doesn't go down easy and I haven't reached the age of two hundred

and eighty-six by keeping out of trouble. The knife wound was a

fluke. No one else has ever injured me. I was distracted by the sight

of our son."

"Are you sure?" Farro teased. "Your enemies might have just

thought you were too pretty to kill."

He got a wicked smile for his taunting and a hot kiss, so

passionate it curled his toes. Damn, the man knew how to use his

mouth. Farro moaned as images of what else the gorgeous fae

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could do with his mouth flashed vividly through his brain.

"I can definitely do that," Kylen agreed as if Farro had

spoken out loud.

Before he could try to scrape together a few words, Kylen

sank to his knees, quickly unfastening Farro's pants as he went.

"Commando, I like that," Kylen whispered when the

werekin's heavy cock fell out of his pants and into the fae's waiting


* * * *

Kylen could feel his lover's tremors as he touched the other

man's bare skin. As much as he longed to take now and ask

questions later, he didn't want there to be regrets.

Making sure he had eye contact he verified they were both

on the same page.

"You okay with this?"

One perfect eyebrow lifted. "You ask now? How exactly am

I going to say no when the hottest guy I've ever seen is on his knees

willing to suck my cock? Hell yeah, I'm okay with it."

Laughing, the tension easing from his gut, Kylen licked at the

plump head pointing towards him. He'd never had a shifter before, if

asked he'd say he expected a shifter to taste earthy or musky.

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Instead the man tasted like the world's best honey.

Moaning, he wrapped his mouth around the spongy head,

seeking more of the intense flavor.

His own body hardened in response to the amazing taste.

Swallowing down more of his lover, he frantically tore open his

pants to relieve some pressure.

Thick fingers tugged his hair forcing him to look up.

Hot eyes burned down at him with desire.

"As much as I love your mouth around me, I'd rather be

fucking you. You did want to be claimed after all."

Kylen lifted his mouth fast, mindful of his teeth. Yanking his

pants up, he grabbed Farro's wrist and dragged him down the hall.

He'd scoped out the condo earlier when he came through, a

warrior's habit.

Opening the bedroom door, he pulled his mate after him.

Warriors didn't usually get involved in long-term relationships. They

didn't need the extra burden of worrying about someone back

home, but he couldn't deny the beautiful man who had such sad

eyes, a winsome smile and the cutest boy he'd ever seen.

He liked children but never thought to have one for himself.

Now he could think of little else. The danger still lurked out there

for werekin, and Kylen's protective instincts made it crucial he stay

and take care of what was his. His family. Luckily for him, werekin

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commitments were pretty simple. Find a mate and settle down.

Kylen didn't have to worry about awkward wooing or

hoping the other man liked what he did. Farro's body was

hardwired to accept his mate. The fae quickly stripped both of them

of their clothes, hiding his smirk when he heard the werekin take a

deep sniff of his scent.

This was almost too easy.

Stepping closer he wrapped one hand around Farro's hip,

pulling the other man closer. "Are you ready to claim your mate?"

Farro gave the fae a wicked grin before grabbing the fae and

giving Kylen the kiss of a lifetime. Every hair on his body lifted from

the electric power of those lips upon his.

Damn. If he'd known what was waiting for him on the other

side he would've stormed the portal years ago. Sliding his hands up

the shifter's powerfully muscled back, he sank his fingers into the

hard body pulling Farro closer. He longed to crawl inside the other

man's body and become one.

Desperate he ripped his mouth away. "Bed. I need you on

the bed."

"Top or bottom?"

That whispered question had him stopping. It never occurred

to him his lover might not bottom. Hell, did shifters even bottom?

Anxiety churned his stomach.

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"I prefer to top," he said, cautiously.

Farro gave him a sunny smile reminiscent of his son. "I knew

there was a reason you're my mate. We'll have to face each other

so I can give you the mating bite."

"Anything you want." Relief surged through Kylen as the

shifter reached into his bedside table and retrieved a tube of lube.

He saw a box of condoms when he peeked inside. Anger quickly

followed relief. "How many men have you brought home to fuck

with our son in the house?" Fury at the thought of another man

touching his lover burned through him like wildfire. A small voice

reminded him that fae weren't supposed to be possessive, but the

rest of him didn't care.

Farro frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Kylen nodded towards the condoms. "I can't believe you'd

have sex with someone in front of my son."

The shifter glared. "First of all, I don't remember you having

anything to do with Sammy's birth. Secondly, if I fucked the entire

shifter population, it wouldn't have anything to do with you. The

condoms were from when I was married. She was fragile and could

only bear one child but her body didn't respond well to birth

control. Hell, they're probably expired by now."

The idea of even one person touching Farro made him rabid.

With a growl he leapt onto the bed pinning his lover to the surface.

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"You are mine! Let me make this perfectly clear. Anyone else

touches you, they will die."

The wide smile crossing Farro's face took the fury off his

anger. "What?"

With sneaky shifter tactics, the sexy werekin flipped Kylen

onto his back. "You'll make an excellent shifter mate."

Before he could do more than sputter, his lover took his

mouth in a carnal kiss that hardened him so quickly he lost all facility

for thought. He turned into a being of pure sensation, putty in the

hands of his mate.

"I've waited years for you," Farro's breath sent puffs of

sensation across his skin. "If you think a little jealousy is going to

turn me off, you're greatly mistaken. You're my mate."

Before Kylen could say anything in his defense, because

really he didn't even have one, Farro slid down his body, evilly

scraping his scruff against Kylen's stomach and making him jump.

Farro pinned him down with his strong hands.

"Be still, it's my turn to enjoy."

Farro nipped Kylen's skin before settling down and sucking

up a spot on his hipbone. He knew he'd have a mark there later.

The thought made him harden.

The room filled with the noises of Kylen's panting and Farro's

low growls as the werekin devoured him like a favored ice cream

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The first lick at his cock had him moaning, the second forced

a strangled scream from his throat. Hotter than anything he'd felt

before, Farro took him down in one swallow while the shifter's big

hands pinned him into place.

"Oh fuck." Unable to resist the demands of his lover, Kylen's

orgasm ripped through his body sending semen spurting directly into

Farro's eager throat.

Still panting, Kylen welcomed the weight of his mate as the

shifter snuggled up to him.

"I wanted inside that ass," he complained softly.

"I'm not going anywhere. You can have me later. I'll claim

you first thing in the morning," his shifter promised.

"'Kay," Kylen muttered, already half asleep.

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Anthony sat in the limo drinking a glass of club soda and


Farro lowered the window between them. "So how about a

game of truth or dare?"

"Honey, you couldn't handle the dares I've got for you,"

Anthony said with a smile.

Farro laughed. "You might be right about that." He tapped

his fingers restlessly on the seat back until Anthony became


"Just ask me the question. It's painful to watch you stall."

"Fine. I was wondering what you think I should do about

Kylen? Did you know he's moved into our house and has Sammy

calling him Papa Ky?"

"You want me to talk to him?" Anthony asked.

"No!" Farro tapped the seat again. It took him several

minutes to work up the courage to meet Anthony's eyes. "Do you

think he likes me?"

"I thought you were mates?"

Farro looked out the window for a moment. Memories of

Silver and Anthony's loving interactions drifted through his mind. He

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still felt jealous over Silver, but now for a completely different

reason. He wanted to have someone to share those quiet looks and

gentle touches, to look at him across the room as if he were the

stars and moon. When he stood next to the alpha pair he could

almost feel the love between them, a bright and vivid presence. "Just

because we're mates doesn't mean he has to like me." His voice

was hushed, because it hurt to even entertain the thought. "I mean

the fae are different, I may be bonded with him but that doesn't

mean he's bonded to me."

Anthony took pity on the obviously torn man. "Yes Farro. I

think he likes you. He really, really likes you. But you have to

remember most fae aren't big on emotion. Kylen would rather stab

his eyeballs than discuss his feelings, so you'll have to be patient

with him. For now, I think you have enough on your plate with a

new mating and Sammy, not to mention tracking down the mutant

werekin. By the way did you find a new nanny yet?"

Farro smiled. "Turns out my friend Jager has a sister who

needs to earn some money while she goes to college. She has

classes in the morning while Sammy's in school. She can pick him

up and watch him on nights I need to investigate. I'll have to cut

back some hours over the weekend and figure out how to teach her

to cook because apparently she can't even boil water, but I think it'll

work out fine."

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"That's great." Anthony took another sip of the water.

Shrugging, Farro looked out the window, then back to the

Anthony. Clearing his throat he said what was obviously preying on

his mind. "I'm sorry about what I said before. I was jealous about

Silver taking a mate. Other packs might not understand about you,

but there isn't one of us in the Moon Pack who wouldn't stand

behind you. After getting a mate of my own I better understand

Silver's determination to keep you."

Anthony could tell it was hard for the other man to say. He

took it in the spirit of the peace offering it was. "Thanks, Farro."

With a sigh, Anthony looked at his glass of water. "I think I

might need to switch back to the hard stuff."

"Why's that? I thought you were okay now about not


"I am, but this water sucks."

Farro grinned. "When Silver wasn't looking I restocked the


Anthony gave him a wide smile. "Now you're really forgiven."

Shaking his head, Farro rolled up the partition just as Silver

ripped open the back door and with a feral growl pounced on his


Anthony laughed, as the wild alpha stripped him naked.

Despite their problems, he wouldn't give up his wolf for all the

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magic in the world. His worries faded away as passion overcame

reason and Silver reminded him why it was so amazing to have a

wild werekin as his mate.

The End

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About the Author

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head

for as long as she could remember.

She lives in Texas with her husband, two sons, two cats and one

very stupid dog. To learn more about her current books or works in

progress, check out her blog at

Her fans can also reach her at





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Also by Amber Kell:

Available at Silver Publishing:

Blood Signs

Xavier's Xmas

Soldier Mine (Aug 20)

Blood Signs 2: Samhain's Kiss (Oct 15)


Jaynell's Wolf

Kevin's Alpha

Kellum's Wizard (Nov 26)


William's House

Guy's Beauty (June 25)


Mate Hunt (May 28)

Mate Test (July 23)

Mate Dance (Nov 5)

Mate Healer (2012)


A Guitarist in the Fae Queen's Court (Sept 17)

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Attracting Anthony

Baiting Ben

Courting Calvin

Denying Dare

Enticing Elliott

Finding Farro

Getting Gabe (June 11)

Hunting Henry (June 9)

Inflaming Inno (Aug 6)
Judging Jager (Sept 3)

Available at Total-E-Bound:


Taking Care of Charlie (June 20)


Tyler's Cowboy

Robert's Rancher (coming soon)


From Pack to Pride

A Prideful Mate

A Prideless Man (July 11)

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** Please Note: All dates given are tentative **

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Literary Nymphs Reviews gives Jaynell's Wolf 5 Nymphs!

Jaynell Marley arrives at Mayell Wizard Academy to

complete his training. Jay had already had years of advanced

private tutoring, therefore his school enrollment is more to honor his

father's wishes. Joining his new dorm roommates for pizza, Jay

literally bumps into werekin Thomas Sparks. A sniff at Jay's neck

has Thomas proclaiming that Jay is his mate.

Jaynell's Wolf is the first book in the Wizard's Touch series.

The plot is well written plus vastly entertaining. The main characters

are impressive, along with amusing secondary characters. Jaynell is

a powerful wizard who wonders why his father insisted that Jay

attend a school when it is clear Jay surpasses everyone in magical

skills. However, Jay has an unpretentious personality. Thomas is a

considerate protector, as long as others keep a respectful distance

from Jay. The secondary characters include Gnomes, dragons, half

elf, wolf pack in addition to a variety of wizards in training. I

thoroughly enjoyed Jaynell's Wolf. Amber Kell has created a
fantastic flight of the imagination that is laugh-out-loud hilarious,

interwoven with heartwarming moments as well as rousing scenes of

intimate passion. I look forward to the next addition to the Wizard's

Touch series.

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* * * *

Lisa at Joyfully Reviewed — "Blood Signs is captivating"

"Deliciously dark at times and delightfully wicked as well, Blood

Signs is pure entertainment… [T]he plot will hold you, the

characters are engaging, and Blood Signs is hard to put down

once you start. Blood Signs is captivating.


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Amber Kell Moon Pack 6 Finding Farro
Amber Kell Moon Pack 04 Denying Dare
Moon Pack 1 Attracting Anthony
Sunny Day Silver Moon Wolves 3 Finding Ned
Moon Pack 14 Needing Noel Amber Kell
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Moon Pack 13 Marki Mikeretty Amber Kell
Moon Pack 11 Keeping Kylen
Amber Kell Moon Pack 2 Baiting Ben
Day Sunny Silver Moon Wolves 1 Finding Alpha
Amber Kell Moon Pack 4 Denying Dare
Amber Kell Moon Pack 3 Courting Calvin
Amber Kell Moon Pack 11 Keeping Kylen
Moon Pack 12 Loving Leif Amber Kell
Amber Kell Moon Pack Extra Christmas Tree Magic
Amber Kell Finding Farro
Amber Kell Moon Pack 5 Enticing Elliott
Amber Kell Moon Pack 03 Courting Calvin

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