Amber Kell Moon Pack 2 Baiting Ben

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Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

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A Literary Road Press Publication

6523 California Ave SW, #193

Seattle, WA 98136

Copyright © 2009 Amber Kell

Cover design by RDF

Photos provided by Stock Exchange

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding,

copying, fax, or any other mode of communication without author or publisher


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to

actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Chapter One

Benjamin Sallen walked into the club with wide eyes and a hopeful heart.
This was why he scrimped and saved for months after finding out about
this place. It was a toss up what was more fascinating, the flashing lights,
the flow of dancing bodies writhing half naked across the floor or the
scantily clad waiters sashaying around with trays of food.

His enhanced senses absorbed the smells swirling in the air, tasting on

the back of his tongue the flavors of sweat, lust and sex. The combination
heat and need weighing the air went straight to his cock like the finest
aphrodisiac. Even the lack of pack status weighed lighter on him as he felt
the brush of a fellow were in passing. Ben left his Alaskan pack six
months ago and the life of a lone wolf was a harsh one. Hunting under a
full moon didn’t have the same luster alone and the prey he could catch
was more of the rabbit variety than a fully grown deer.

Purchasing a club membership was his chance at a new life. If he met

and mated with a local were he could challenge for acceptance into the
pack or if the pack wasn’t welcoming a pack of two was so much better
than one.

As a half-were with a human mother Ben was smaller than the average

shapeshifter. For once his size was an advantage as he was able to slip
through the crowds easily and make his way to the long wooden bar.
Manning the bartender was a sleek man who moved with the fluidity of a
cat shifter.

“What can I get you?” The bartender batted his long sable lashes over

a pair of piercing green eyes. “Besides me.”

Ben chuckled. “A rum and coke please.”
“Oooh a polite one.” The bartender’s hands moved so fast the motion

blurred. He presented Ben’s drink with a flourish. “Anything else.”

He put a tip for the cute cat in the tip jar beside him flashing a grin of

his own. “Not right now but I’ll let you know if that changes.”

It wouldn’t. He was looking for one of his own kind. In his wilder days

the cat would’ve been a prime hookup but these days he was looking for
something more permanent. At the Great Claiming none of the weres had
stepped forward to claim him. Maybe if Dillon had been home things
would’ve been different.

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The image of the tall dark were with forest green eyes flashed in his

mind but Ben pushed it away along with all his feelings of need. Dillon
was part of his past and tonight was about securing his future.

“Hello there cute stuff.” A rough voice sounded behind him. Ben

turned to see a huge man with cold black eyes looking him over like he
was the last drink of water in the desert.

“Um. Hi.” A sniff proved the other man was also a were but not one

that had any mate potential. He flashed a short smile and stood and started
to go around the other man.

To Ben’s shock the man settled a heavy arm around him in a show of

ownership. “What do you say you and I get to know each other better? I’m
Ned. What’s your name?”

“B-Ben.” Panic rabbited in his chest. Great, his first time in the club

and he was already in trouble.

“There you are baby. Ned, thank you for collecting him for me.”
“Thomas.” Ned’s arm fell off Ben’s shoulders causing him to stumble

into the elegant, tall man in front of him.

“Hello baby.” Ben got an impression of laughing hazel eyes and a

wide white smile before he was wrapped into a warm embrace and kissed
within an inch of his life.

The stranger pulled back just enough to look at Ben still keeping the

smaller man in his arms. Ben had to restrain his wolf impulses to lunge.
The man smelled of heat, need and an indefinable scent that had Ben
wanting to take the larger man down like a lame deer.

“I guess he is yours.” Ned said behind him. “You should keep a better

eye on him before some mate hunter steals him away.” The words trailed
away with the man.

Ben felt Ned move away from his back, but he didn’t look away from

Mr. Fabulous Kisser to verify. It was as if, since the kiss, a bond stretched
between the two of them. He wanted nothing more than to let the other
man cuddle him forever.

Ben gave his head a little shake before moving back out of the man’s

arms, ignoring the stab of pain the separation caused.

Thomas looked down at the pretty red-haired wolf. Gold eyes, an

aquiline nose and lips so lush they would make a straight man dream at
night. He’d seen prettier men, after all, his alpha had the most beautiful
man on the planet, but not one this compelling.


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The word whispered across his senses. Everything fell into place, the

smell, the appeal, the amazing kiss. The little wolf beside him was his

“My name’s Benjamin,” the pretty man said holding out his hand.
“Thomas Moon.” He waited for the younger were to claim his

affiliation. In were culture the last name gave the pack you belonged to.
When the younger were didn’t offer the information he decided subtlety
was wasted on his mate. He came out and asked. “Where’s your pack.”

A chill came into Ben’s gold eyes. The smaller were stepped away

from him.

“I left my pack. I have lone wolf status.”
Fear touched Thomas’ soul. Lone wolves were dangerous. Most of the

time weres went lone because there was something wrong with their
psyche that didn’t allow them to travel in a pack. Or because the pack
found something wrong with the were and banished them.

“Come with me.”
This was not a conversation for crowded dance floors.
A wary look came into Ben’s eyes. At least his mate wasn’t stupid. “I

just want to talk. I’ll even leave the door open.”

After a long moment his mate nodded. “All right.”

Ben followed the handsome were up a small flight of stairs. It was odd

to see a pack in an urban environment. Growing up in the wilds of Alaska
didn’t prepare Ben for the strangeness of city wolves. The man walking
before him looked cosmopolitan and suave like a were James Bond.
Tingles chased up and down Ben’s spine as he watched the man’s fine ass
flex on the stairs.

“Stop watching my ass.”
“Nope.” Ben replied. “I’m enjoying the view too much. If you didn’t

want me staring you shouldn’t be so gorgeous. Thomas turned his head
briefly to flash him a pleased smile before continuing upstairs.

A gorgeous man in a jewel encrusted collar waylaid Thomas at the top

of the stairs.

“Thomas, you must tell Silver I don’t need guards to watch my every

step. I practically trip over them. Please, please intervene.”

The stunning creature clasped Thomas’ hands while he pled.
“No Anthony you need guards.” The elegant man said in an inflexible


Ben felt bad for the beauty. Anthony’s face took on a look of such

sorrow he felt his own heart clench in sympathy. Those sad eyes look
away and latched onto Ben. “Tommy you found your mate.” With a

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dizzying mood change the blond gave Thomas a tight hug. A growl built
in Ben’s throat but was quickly suppressed when Anthony released
Thomas and flung himself at Ben.

Skinny arms wrapped around him like a cozy blanket. A feeling of

intense well-being oozed through his body like a narcotic. The man
smelled like a living forest, moist soil, green fields and old oak trees.
Anthony smelled like home even though home was more cold snow
covered woods than toasty warm forest. Ben dipped his head in the
beauty’s neck and breathed. Stress he didn’t know he was holding left his
body with a gush leaving him calm and almost dizzy with relief.

A low growl broke his calm.
“I’d suggest you let go of my mate before I rip off your arms and beat

you with them.” The voice was so deep and vibrant he could almost feel
the intense rage hidden behind the words.

The blond wiggled out of his arms. “Relax snookums I was just

greeting Thomas’ mate.”

The man wore a sleeveless shirt that exposed a set of mile wide

shoulders and arms bulging with tight muscles. His grey eyes were the
color of an Alaskan winter and just as warm. Watching the sweet,
beautiful man walk up to the muscle bound psychotic who looked at least
twice his size triggered all of Ben’s protective instincts until he saw the
man turn and give the sleek blond a look of total adoration. It was like
watching an iceberg melt before his eyes. One massive arm wrapped
around Anthony cradling him close in an obviously tender hold.

Anthony giggled. Standing on his tiptoes he placed a soft kiss on one

granite hard cheek.

“I’ll pay you back for the snookums comment.” The giant said.
The blond looked completely unperturbed. He blithely patted his lover

on one bulging bicep while batting his beautiful eyes artfully. “I’ll look
forward to it.”

Ben watched the whole encounter, fascinated. The power pouring off

the male was alpha strong but it was obvious to anyone looking who was
in charge of this relationship.

One large paw reached out to him. “I’m Silver Moon the alpha of the

Moon pack. Thomas is my right hand man.”

A quirk of the alpha’s brow had him confessing. “I’m a lone wolf.”
Silver stiffened. “Why?”
“We were just going to talk about that when your mate stopped us to

plead for less bodyguards and to grope our bodies.” With those parting
words Thomas grabbed Ben’s hand and started to drag him down the hall.

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Ben felt chilled that his mate would throw the pretty blond literally to

wolves. He dug in his heels, bracing himself to jump in. The alpha might
kill him but he felt oddly protective of the pretty man who smelled like a
forest. Instead of growling Silver threw back his head and laughed. “You
two go ahead and have your discussion while I explain to my headstrong
mate why he needs so many guards.” The alpha gave a little growl to the
slim blond who barely came to his shoulder.

“You-your not going to hurt him are you?” Ben couldn’t help it. He

could tell the alpha loved his mate but he’d seen too much in his short life
to think love would necessarily stop someone from hurting their spouse.

Anthony gave him a big smile. “You’re very sweet. But Silver would

never hurt me. Welcome to the pack.”

Silver growled. “You’re not allowed to welcome people to my pack.

I’m the alpha I get to welcome or not.”

Wow this looked like a real fight. The sweet expression left the blond

and the shimmering gold eyes turned solid.

“Shit.” Thomas whispered behind him.
“Oh it’s your pack is it? I guess I’m just a pet accessory. I foolishly

thought we were partners in this relationship.” One delicate foot stomped
the floor in an impressive fit of pique. “Well you just let me know what
your decision is then big man and I’ll decide whether you’re welcome in
my bed.” With a flounce worthy of a king the beauty stomped off.

“Fuck.” The alpha glared at Thomas. “He better fucking be your mate

because there’s no way I can go tell mine that I didn’t approve him.”
Leveling an icy glare at both of them the large alpha chased after his
smaller mate.

“Well that was enlightening.” Thomas said with a wide smile at Ben.

“Looks like Anthony can sense mates.”

“Why does he smell so damn good?” Ben asked following his mate

down the hall. He didn’t want to give the wrong impression, but damn.
“Don’t take this wrong. I mean you smell great but he smells like rich soil
and home.”

Thomas nodded and gave him a knowing grin. “Anthony’s mother is

an earth witch. I still haven’t found out what his father is. Just a word of
warning. Smell him at a distance. That’s what we all do.”

Ben nodded. “Distance, got it.”

Thomas walked down the hall to his suite in silence. With Anthony’s

approval Thomas knew his mate would be accepted in the pack. Even as
Thomas’ mate there was usually a long courtship and a meeting to

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determine if the new wolf would fit in well within the pack structure. He
had a feeling that Anthony would short track the entire process. After all
Silver didn’t want estrangement from his beautiful man and Anthony was
more than a little strong-willed.

Feeling better about the relationship by the second Thomas led the

cute redhead to his door.

“Each of us has a suite. The higher in the hierarchy the better the

accommodations but none one has bad rooms. Some prefer to live in their
own places outside of the pack house but we encourage as many as
possible to live here. It’s a big building and easier to protect everyone
when we know where their den is.

Ben nodded. “I imagine it’s difficult in a big city to keep track of

everyone. Is there more than one pack here?”

“There are four packs in the area but Silver is the alpha of the entire

Northwest and considered the strongest in the United States. His pretty
mate is an architect who is currently building a hotel to host out of town

Thomas nodded. “We’re pretty proud of him. He was reluctant to be

Silver’s mate because he lost a lover some years ago but he’s settling in
well. As you can see they still have some power issues to work out. We
won’t have that kind of problem.”

He watched his mate puff up his chest like an animal trying to make

himself bigger. “And why is that?”

The challenging look in his mate’s eyes made Thomas’ dick stand up

and take notice.

“Because although I’m the larger of the two of us I think we’re pretty

evenly paired power wise. The problem with the alpha and his mate is that
they have different types of magic and Silver has issues with having a
mate who is just as strong but looks like a good wind will knock him on
his ass which is why he usually has a retinue of bodyguards surrounding
him. I don’t even want to know where they were this evening. Silver’s
going to have some harsh words for someone.”

Thomas could tell by the pleased expression on Ben’s face they were

going to be fine. He rarely met someone he meshed with so quickly at first
sight. Seeing the man in Ned’s clutches had almost unhinged him. It was
fortunate that the other were released his hold on the Ben quickly, A little
odd, but fortunate. He made a mental note to talk to Silver about Ned’s
progressively aggressive behavior. The other man was desperate for a
mate and lately grabbed the first man he could find. There was something

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sad about that but it was also dangerous behavior and could quickly lead
to obsession. He’d seen it in other weres, in the community they called
mate sickness. The need for a mate grew so strong that it literally moved a
were to madness.

Ben followed Thomas into the room on a fluffy cloud of hopes and

dreams. How refreshing to not have to prove his power to do posturing
bullshit to prove his strength. So far he liked this pack. The alpha was
powerful. The alpha’s mate smelled like all the best things in life not to
mention Thomas was hot enough to set his world on fire.

Like the best dream, everything was falling into place.
“Sit down baby.”
The expression on Thomas’ face reassured him. Cautious, he sat down

beside his mate on the long wine colored sofa. He sank into the soft couch,
the cushion cradling his frame. “This must be nice to nap on.”

Thomas gave him a hungry grin. “I’ve always thought it would be nice

to do other things on also.”

“Hasn’t been tested yet?” He flashed the other man his bet grin, the

one that always got him free drinks in the bars.

“Not yet.” Thomas’ eyes darkened until they were almost black.
“Well,” Ben drawled, “in the interest of scientific research we should

test it for durability.”

Thomas laughed. “Anything for science, gorgeous but first I want to

find out more about you. How old are you, why you left your pack, what
you do for a living?”

Ben winced. “I don’t suppose we could kiss first and answer questions


Thomas’ eyes flashed with a wicked light. He scooted over and slid his

hand up Ben’s leg. “Tell you what pretty. For every question you answer
I’ll give you one kiss.”

“Fair enough.” Ben agreed quickly. If nothing else he would get a few

kisses before being booted out the door. “I’m twenty-five.”

He waited for his kiss.
Thomas leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.
“That wasn’t a kiss.”
“A small answer gets you get a small kiss. Besides you’re just a baby.

I’ve got a hundred years on you.”

Fuck his mate was old. Weres aged differently than humans but still

the age difference was startling. This man was alive when he wasn’t even
a flash of terror in his under-aged mother’s eyes.

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“Does the age difference bother you?” The look in Thomas’ eyes was


“No. I was just surprised.” Really. He almost convinced himself.
“Yeah, that’s real convincing.”
His mate was no fool.
Ben rolled his eyes. “Give me a moment to adjust, all right. Not

everyone learns their mate is almost a century older than them.”

Thomas leaned over, one hand sliding into Ben’s hair and gripped his

head in a firm hold. “I believe I owe you another kiss to convince you of
my worthiness as a potential mate.”

“Yes, I believe you do.”
This time the kiss wasn’t chaste, light or brief. This time Thomas was

searching for the size and shape of Ben’s tonsils. His warm mouth took
over Ben’s like a junkie getting his chosen fix.

One kiss blurred into two until Ben was lying beneath Thomas’ lean

form without a shirt. A hot wet mouth was at his right nipple while his
mate’s nimble fingers worked on his zipper.

“Fuck questions I need to feel you around me.” Thomas froze. “You

will bottom, right? I don’t mind switching back and forth but right now I
need to claim you.”

Thomas’ voice was deeper than before. His mate’s eyes glowed in the

dim light and he flashed a bit of fang when he spoke.

“I won’t always be on the bottom.” He warned. “But for tonight I’m

all yours.”

Ben leaned back and let Thomas’ hot mouth take control.
Damn, experience really did pay off. Thomas’ touch was sure and

confident as he stripped off Ben’s clothes in swift economical movements
before stripping off his own. Ben barely got a glimpse of an expanse of
smooth bronze skin with a sexy stripe of silky black hair before Thomas’
body covered his.

“Hey I didn’t get to look.” Ben protested.
“Why bother to look when it’s so much better to feel?” Thomas purred

sliding his body across Ben’s. Prickles of sensation rippled across his skin
sending in a tsunami of desire through his body.

Thomas was heavier than he looked but Ben enjoyed the weight of a

lover across him. It had been too long since he’d bedded another man, or
couch-ed, whatever.

Thomas’ cock felt long and hard against his stomach. Its silky head

left wet kisses on his skin as the larger were rubbed against him like a
needy cat. Unlike his partner, Ben was relatively hair free on his torso
with only a light sprinkling of fine hairs on his arms and legs. Part of his

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half-breed status, it always caused staring by the other wolves on full
moon pack night.

“You feel so good.” Thomas’ low voice brought Ben away from bad

thoughts of his previous pack. Now was the time for a new start. A new
start with this amazing man who not only wanted him for a mate but
wanted him in other ways as well.

Ben clenched his stomach and rubbed his cock along Thomas’. The

other were jerked. “Keep that up and there won’t be any question about
who’s topping. We’ll both get off.”

Chuckling, Ben grabbed Thomas’ ass and pulled him closer while

giving into temptation to kiss those fabulous lips. Lips pressed and mouths
opened to allow their tongues free rein of each other. Ben’s cock pulsed.
Thomas gripped it tight around the base and ripped his lips from Ben’s.

“No coming yet. I want to be inside when you do.”
“Then you better hurry up.”
Thomas leapt to his feet holding out a hand.
“Bedroom. Lube.” Those two words had Ben jumping to join his mate.
“We can do the couch another time.” He agreed.
A low dirty chuckle came from the sophisticated man. “Count on it.”
Still holding hands they all but sprinted for the other room. A dark

wooden four poster bed with an embossed leather headboard was the
starring attraction. Ben gave it a cursory glance before leaping for the
mattress. Lying there he crooked a finger at his mate.

“Come here gorgeous.”
“Who knew that such a shy pretty thing would be an animal in the


“I’m not shy,” Ben said with a smile, “I’m just not an asshole. Besides

we both know I’m an animal in a lot more places than the bed. But we can
start here.”

After giving him a heated glance he watched Thomas reach into a

bedside drawer and pull out a bottle of lube.

Ben looked at the label. “Nice.” He said in approval.
“Only the best for my mate.”
Not wanting to ruin the mood he beckoned his lover again. Who cared

who Thomas used to share his lube with, there would be no one else from
now on. That’s how mates worked.

“Then come show me what you can do with your fancy lube.”
With a wicked smile Thomas joined his mate on the bed.

Looking at the beautiful man’s pale skin against his navy blue covers

was almost enough to have Thomas come all over the bedding without

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ever touching the jewel on his bed. Damn he’d thought the man adorable
in the bar. Here without any clothing he was so much more. Without
covering Thomas could glimpse the predator underneath. For the first time
he was turned on by another wolf’s power.

Hoping Ben didn’t notice his shaking fingers, Thomas popped open

the lube cap and spread the slick stuff liberally across two digits. Without
a word Ben turned on his stomach, went up on his knees and presented his
beautiful ass.

Thomas almost came. Again.
“If you keep this up it will be the shortest mating of all time.” He


Ben laughed. “Hurry up or I’ll go on without you.”
He could see his mate reaching for his long, gorgeous cock.
Discarding caution, Thomas leapt.
His mate wiggled beneath him. “You had me before.”
Thomas smacked Ben on the ass. “Don’t ruin my fun.”
“Yes, sir.”
He snorted. Thomas couldn’t remember the last time he had fun in the

bedroom. Sweaty, hot sex, yes but not fun.

Easing his first finger in he gave his mate a moment to relax, pumping

in and out while he waited for Ben to adjust.

“Another.” Ben grunted.
Thomas slid another finger in, scissoring the two until the younger

man loosened up. “Ready for my cock.”

Ben nodded. “Yeah, give it to me.”
Pressing a kiss on one freckled shoulder, Thomas aligned the tip of his

penis with his mate’s hole and slowly pressed in until his balls snuggled
up against his mate’s ass. Simultaneous sighs came from the lovers
triggering a round of giggles.

“Stop that.” Thomas growled. “You’ll make me come.” Being inside a

man while laughing caused the oddest sensations. Smiling against his
mate’s back, Thomas slowly pumped his hips until Ben screamed at him.

Eager to oblige he shoved himself quicker inside the younger man

letting nature and the bliss of finding his mate determine his speed and
depth. Despite wanting to prolong the experience, soon Thomas could feel
he was close. Reaching around he gripped his mate giving the man
something to rub against while still moving inside him.

Almost immediately wetness coated his hand, the tightening of Ben’s

hole pushed Thomas over and together the pair collapsed on the bed.

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Thomas barely remembered to fall to one side in time to avoid crushing
his mate. He lay there in post-coital bliss face to face with the man of his

“Wow.” Ben’s whisper brought a wide smile to his face.
“Sometimes it pays to be with someone with experience.”
“I don’t want to know where you got all that experience.” Ben’s voice

was firm but a little sad.

Giving in to instinct, Thomas pulled his mate close cuddling him in his

arms. “Don’t give it a thought my sweet. You know with our mating I’ll
never have anyone else again.”

“That’s true.” Ticklish fingers tangled with his chest hair. “Cause if

you did I’d make sure that was the last thing you did.”

“Ouch.” A portion of his chest hair was now between Ben’s fingers

and no longer attached.

“Possessive wolf.” He said affectionately rubbing noses with his mate.

“Let me go get us a cloth to wipe down with.”

He felt Ben nod.
A few minutes later cleaned up and cuddling the two weres fell asleep

for the first time as mates.

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Chapter Two

Ben slid onto the bar stool and gave the bartender a smile.
“Hey Phil, I’ll take a shot of scotch.”
“Sure thing Ben.” The cat shifter poured him a shot, gave him a wink

and moved on. A typical Saturday, even before four in the afternoon the
bar was jumping with visitors and their guests. Thomas was in the back
office doing some paperwork and told Ben to get himself a drink and relax
until he was done. Three days of mating with the sexiest wolf ever left
Ben feeling all was right in his world. He had yet to tell Thomas what he
did for a living. He’d just wait until the man threw the books across the
room before admitting he was an accountant. From the growl in his lover’s
voice when he left him it shouldn’t take much longer.

“There you are.” A familiar voice growled.
Ben spun around on his stool.
“D-Dillon what are you doing here?”
Without any will of his own, Ben’s eyes dragged up and down the

wolf he’d always considered the epitome of a were. Comfortably over six
feet, Dillon was all muscle and attitude. His job as a landscape architect
kept him fit and firm while his brilliant mind was just as captivating. Lost
in his cerulean eyes it took a moment before Dillon’s words sunk in. “I’m
sorry why did you say you were here?”

“I’m claiming my mate.” Pain ripped through Ben. He knew once he

mated with Thomas that Dillon was history but the thought of this
beautiful man claiming another was almost more than he could take.

What a selfish ass he was.
As Ben began to spiral downward in his thoughts, large hands plucked

him from the stool. Before he could object firm lips took his mouth in
show of complete domination. Instinct and memories had Ben melting in
the larger were’s hands.

“Get your fucking hands off my mate.” The man spoke in a deep growl

but his voice cut through the loud music of the club.

Thomas was here.

Dillon let go of his mate and turned to meet the new were. He tucked

Ben behind him to protect him from injury.

“Stay there baby.”
For some reason his words inflamed the other man.
“Don’t you baby him. He’s mine.”
“Fuck that he’s my mate.”

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He tracked the kid halfway across the world he wasn’t going to hand

him over to this werewolf come lately. It didn’t matter to him if the man
looked like a model on some glossy magazine. He flexed his hands, letting
the nails slide into claws.

Ben growled behind him. “Don’t you hurt my mate, Dillon.”
“Mate.” Dillon screamed. “He’s not your mate. I am.”
With hurt and fury bubbling in his chest he swung his clawed hand and

slashed it across his enemy’s chest. Satisfaction filled him as he shredded
the man’s shirt and a good portion of the skin beneath it. Blood spurted the

“Not in this lifetime.” The strange wolf growled. With a roar the other

wolf pounced. Dillon shifted his stance just missing having his throat
ripped out by snapping teeth. He didn’t escape the claws raking his back.
Pain flared then faded as the wounds healed within seconds. It was the one
talent of his family line, instantaneous healing.

“Ben’s mine. Always has been, always will be.” Possessive need

surged through Dillon like a lightning bolt. Pouncing he slammed his head
into the other were’s face. Satisfied with the crunch of a nose breaking and
the other man’s howl Dillon leaped back.

The urge to sink his teeth in and rip out his enemy’s heart burned like

a living flame inside his soul. How dare this newcomer claim what was

He dodged just in time to avoid the other man’s shifted claw attack.

Dillon growled and with an impressive jump, leaped over the other were’s
head, spun around and sank his teeth sunk into his opponent’s neck.

“Don’t hurt him.” Ben shouted. Dillon was pleased to hear the concern

in Ben’s voice even as pain splintered his head and his world went grey.

Dillon blinked awake as a deep voice growled, “What the hell is going


The biggest were he’d ever seen stalked into his vision. The were’s

eyes glimmered a gun metal hue, he was followed by a slim, beautiful
blond man who had a slight smile on his face as if he found the whole
thing slightly amusing. Was he glowing?

“I hit you with a bar chair.” The blond said with a friendly smile. “I

saw it once in the movies who knew it actually worked.”

“Dillon.” Ben whispered sliding to the floor to cradle Dillon’s head in

his lap. His brown eyes glowed in the light.

“You have the most beautiful eyes.” He said brushing a hand across

his love’s face. He had always thought Ben’s eyes were his best feature.
Warm and expressive they let anyone watching know what the younger
man was feeling.

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Of course he had a thing for everything about Ben. He could kill

himself for missing the claiming. His parents had arranged for him to be
out of town on pack business, on purpose. If his father didn’t have super
healing strength he would have died of the wounds Dillon inflicted when
he found out the news that Ben had left.

Luckily Ben left word with a few friends where he was heading and

from there Dillon was able to track his erstwhile mate only find him
claiming another.

“Well that was interesting.” Amusement filled the blond’s voice as he

helped the other were off the floor and handed him a cloth to hold to his
still bloody neck.

“Thomas, what the hell is going on?” The giant were demanded of his


“That man is trying to steal my mate.” Thomas pointed at Dillon.

Ben watched the entire scene like he was a spectator in his own life.

Somehow it just didn’t seem real. He was jolted from his fog when
Anthony kneeled down and gave him a hug. “Hey Ben, you found your
other mate. Congratulations.”

Getting his whiff of forest the words of the pretty man didn’t sink in

right away. “Other mate.”

Anthony stepped back. “Well, yeah most fae need more than one


He dropped the bomb nonchalantly as if he didn’t just change Ben’s

world view. “What do you mean fae my mother was human.”

Dillon stood up he wanted to be on his feet for this discussion. He

wrapped his arm around Ben to give the smaller were moral support.

Anthony laughed, a light tinkling sound that danced around the room

like sparkling sunlight. “If she told you that she lied. You are at least half
fae. I can always recognize fae.”

You mean he’s not a full wolf?” Thomas stared at Ben as if trying to

spot any genetic defects. There weren’t any. Dillon had stared at the kid
enough over the years to know where every mole and freckle was and how
his hair changed with the seasons, but there weren’t any flaws.

“You can shift though right?” Thomas asked after a long pause where

Ben got paler and paler.

Ben nodded but didn’t pull away from Dillon.
Dillon could almost feel the relief coming from the other man.
“Well I know that I’m Ben’s mate and if you think you’re Ben’s mate

then we have a problem. I’m not giving him up.” Dillon knew he was

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foolishly challenging a strong were in his own home territory but he didn’t
have anything to lose. It was either have Ben or die.

Ben turned and saw the fanatical light in Dillon’s eyes and knew there

would be trouble unless he laid out some ground rules.

“Forget about it Dillon.” He warned. “I know that look. If something

happens to Thomas I’m holding you responsible.”

“Everyone settle down. Let’s go to the office.” Silver led the way

through the sea of interested onlookers to a door in the back of the club.
Inside was a spacious office with a big desk, a pair of leather sofas and a
trio of leather chairs everything was done in rich brown tones. Silver sat
on one couch pulling his smaller mate onto his lap.

Dillon took a large leather chair and Thomas took another one. They

both looked at Ben expectantly. He joined the alpha pair on the couch
pulling Anthony’s feet onto his lap.

Ben needed the comfort of others but neither of his potential mates

looked like they were in the cuddling mood. He concentrated on
Anthony’s feet. Damn even the man’s toes were gorgeous. He
automatically massaged the golden man’s feet needing the reassurance of

“I’ll give you six hundred years to stop that.” Anthony said his eyes

closing with a sigh.

“Don’t go to sleep sweetness. You were going to tell us how you

knew about Ben.”

Anthony leaned his head against the alpha’s chest. “Hmm. My father

is half fae. I’m barely a quarter fae. But there is always something that
gives them away. With Anthony it’s his eyes they look brown until he’s
excited about something then there are sparkles of pure gold. I’ve only
seen that color in the fae court.”

“When were you at the fae court?” Silver asked in a deceptively mild

voice, but Ben could see the alpha narrow his eyes as if getting ready for
an interrogation.

He jumped in instinctively trying to protect Anthony. “Aren’t we

getting off track? What am I going to do? I don’t think these two will be
willing to share me.” He glanced at the hard faces of his mates. Matching
expressions of anger flashed back at him. “See.”

Anthony shrugged. “Tough. They can either share you or be alone.

I’ve never heard of a fae who could live with less than one mate.”

A look of horror crossed the alpha’s face. Ben saw him swallow.

“Does that mean you’ll need a second mate?” Silver asked his voice not
entirely hiding his panic.

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Laughing, Anthony turned his head and gave Silver a kiss. “I’m only a

quarter, sweetheart. I have all the mate I can handle.”

“Good.” Silver hugged his mate tight. “Very Good.”
Thomas jumped to his feet and confronted the alpha. “So you think it’s

all right for me to share but not you. I now you and you’d kill anyone who
even thought of touching Anthony.”

With a soft kiss Silver lifted his mate to his feet before standing

himself. “I can’t kill everyone who thinks of touching Anthony or we
wouldn’t have anyone in our pack.” Powerful grey eyes took in the trio
and Ben could almost feel the compulsion to obey coming from the big
were. Damn he was strong.

“Like my mate said. You can either cope or you can join the pack as a

tri-mate. It has happened before but as far as I know it hasn’t happened in
the last hundred years or so. But the three of you must get along. I won’t
have dissention in the pack. Understand.”

The hair along Ben’s arms rose. He wanted to get Anthony alone to

ask him more about the fae but he could tell by the looks his mates were
exchanging that now wasn’t the time. That could explain his insane need
to protect the other man. Blood called to blood.

Thomas gave his alpha a bow. “We need to discuss this. Thank you for

your advice Silver.” He gave a lower bow to Anthony with a smile. “And
for your input alpha mate.”

Anthony blew him a kiss.
Ben looked at Anthony for a moment curious as to why he didn’t hug

Dillon and welcome him to the family.

Dillon also gave a bow and a slight head tilt exposing his throat to the

mated pair. “I also thank you for your advice and the option to join your
pack. I really hadn’t thought past getting Ben. We have much to discuss.”
Dillon stepped forward and taking Anthony’s hand he placed a kiss on the
back of it. “Of course I have never been with a pack that had such a pretty
alpha mate.”

Silver took the hand from Dillon and rubbed off the other wolves

scent. Anthony’s eyes sparkled as he turned to Ben. “I’d keep an eye out
for this one honey, he’s too smooth.”

They left the alpha pair but not before Silver gave Dillon a warning


Thomas couldn’t believe things went so bad so fast. Just an hour

earlier he was dreaming of joining his mate at the bar for a few drinks
before bed, now not only was it ruined but he might have just gained an
extra wolf. Not that Dillon was unattractive but he wasn’t Thomas’ mate

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and it would take all the control he had to not snap the fucker’s neck as
soon as Ben’s back was turned.

Just the thought of the tall muscular man touching Ben made him

queasy and angry in turn.

“What are we going to do?” Ben asked as the trio entered Thomas’

suite and Dillon sat on one end of the soft couch while Ben and Thomas
sat at the other. They sat in silence for a while eye skittering to look at
everything but each other.

Dillon spoke first.
“We need to figure out a way to bond together. I’m not giving up on

Ben. He’s mine and if he insists on being yours too then I say we petition
for tri-mate. Ben still needs to petition for the pack. We’d best do it here
because our Alaskan pack won’t acknowledge a tri-mate.”

Dillon’s eyes met Thomas’ and for the first time it struck him how

striking the other man’s turquoise eyes were. The blue-green was almost

Still Thomas couldn’t stop his smirk. “Ben doesn’t have to petition. He

was already accepted.”

Dillon stared at Ben. “How is that possible there isn’t a full moon until

next month.”

Ben smiled. “Anthony decided I would make a good pack member and

welcomed me.”

“B-but he’s not a wolf.”
Thomas uncharitably enjoyed the other man’s distress. “Anthony may

be an architect and a non-were but anyone can see who’s top wolf in that

Dillon snorted. “I did get that impression. Wait what’s his last name.”
“Wow. I thought he looked familiar. Have you ever been to


Thomas shook his head. “No. But I’ve heard it’s amazing. Are you an


Dillon shook his head “landscape design.”
“If you stay maybe Tony can find work for you.” Ben said.
“Or Silver.” Thomas said with a wicked smile. “He’s always looking

for more people to guard Anthony.”

“Is he in trouble?” Thomas admired how quickly the man jumped in to

help the pack. His every line showed he would be willing to be a guard if
that was what the alpha wanted.

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“No, but he has a new project that has him working with vamps and

other supernaturals. Silver has a fear that one of them will try to take his
treasure off.”

“It’s a valid fear.” Ben said. “He’s sweet and very beautiful anyone

would be anxious if he was their mate.”

Thomas and Dillon growled together.
“Oh please like you didn’t notice.” Ben said rolling his eyes.
“Let’s stay on track. How are we going to share our mate?” Thomas

met Dillon’s eyes. He didn’t want to share Ben but if the other option was
to have a mate forever torn and missing his other half then he would do
whatever was needed to keep Ben happy.

“I could get a place near here until I’m accepted as a member. We

could take turns bonding with Ben and cementing out claim. I will take
him with me since I’m sure you already claimed him as your mate.”

“You aren’t taking him away.” Thomas said keeping his tone even but

he knew his eyes were glowing with challenge.

“I grew up with him, he’s mine.” Dillon replied.
Fuck that.
“Then you should’ve claimed him when you had the chance instead of

letting him go thousands of miles away and find another mate.”

Thomas saw the punch coming and ducked out of the way in time

taking the force of the hit on his shoulder.

“That’s enough.” Ben shouted.
Thomas and Dillon froze.
“Stop fighting over me. If you are both my mates you need to learn to

share. Thomas, I think it would be a good idea if I go back with Dillon to
his hotel and talk.”

“No. There’s now way I’m going to let a stranger go off with my

mate.” Thomas held up his hand to stave off the protests. “No offense
Dillon but I don’t know you and I’m not going to just hand over my mate.
You can sleep on the couch but I want to be there when you talk to Ben. I
don’t know what happened between you and if we are all going to have
some kind of relationship I want the details.”

Ben bit his lip, the poor dear kept looking back and forth between

them like a dog trying to decide who was his master.

Dillon glared at him for a moment before letting the air out of his

lungs. “I hate to admit it but I wouldn’t let you walk out with Ben either.
Okay, I’ll get my backpack out of the car and then we can have our little

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When Dillon left Ben threw himself into Thomas’ arms. “I’m so sorry

Thomas. I didn’t think he would come after me. When he didn’t show for
the claiming I thought we were done.”

Thomas swallowed the lump in his throat. “Do you love him?”
Ben nodded averting his eyes from Thomas’ probing gaze.
“Look at me baby.”
There were tears in the red-head’s eyes. “You can’t help who you


Ben laid his head on Thomas shoulder holding on tight. “But I love

you too.”

He stroked his baby’s back to calm the shaking he could feel through

the thin shirt. “We’ll figure something out, baby. I love you and I’m not
letting you go.” He gave him a little shake. “Understand.”

Ben nodded giving a watery chuckle.
Before he could say anything else the door swung back open. Dillon’s

gaze flattened at the sight of the two men embracing.

“Get used to it.” Thomas said. “If we are all going to be together you’ll

see me do a great deal more than just hold him.”

Dillon nodded. “True enough but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
Ben stepped out of Thomas’ embrace but softened the mood by

placing a soft kiss on his lips.

A growl came from Dillon. When the pair turned to face him he

shrugged, his cheeks pinkening. “Sorry, instinct.”

Thomas let it go at least it looked like Dillon was trying.

Dillon watched the pair and tried not to rip Ben away from the other

were. God knew Thomas was being completely decent about the whole
thing. The other were could probably have him tossed out of the city with
the pull he had with his alpha.

He carefully assessed Ben and was both pleased and disturbed to see

the young were looking so well.

“What are we going to do? Ben, you know I planned to be there for the

claiming but my parents sent me out of town.”

“They never liked me.” Ben said in a quiet voice. He sat on the couch,

pulling his knees to his chest.

Fucking Thomas sat on the couch and settled Ben on his lap to comfort

the young were. Dillon yearned to be the one stroking the gold-red head
but he knew now wasn’t the time.

“I don’t understand what a claiming is.” Thomas said still petting his


“You don’t have claiming ceremonies here?”

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Thomas shook his head. “When you know at first sniff if someone is

your mate why would you need a ceremony?”

Dillon shrugged. “That’s just the way we always did it. When a were

reaches the age of twenty-five they are eligible for the ceremony. If no one
claims him he can go lone wolf or stick around and hope someone joins
the pack who will match. Ben, why didn’t you wait for me?”

That was the question that haunted his dreams.
Ben stood up patting Thomas’ leg in an affectionate gesture. It didn’t

help Dillon to see all the extra touches of affection heaped onto Thomas
and not even one kiss for him.

“I left because I figured it was your way of letting me down easy.

Your father told me that you chose to go on this trip so I thought maybe it
was code that didn’t want me and were trying to politely tell me so.”

Dillon stared at his gorgeous mate for a long moment before going to

his knees. “Since the first day I saw you there hasn’t been a breath I take
that I didn’t want to breath your scent, not a voice I heard that I didn’t
prefer it to be yours. Everything I am is for you, darling boy. When you
die I will go with you because a life without you won’t be worth living.”

He took Ben’s hands and tried to hide the panic thudding his chest as

he looked up at his world. “If all I get is a piece of you than I will take
whatever crumbs you want to hand out. But please be my mate.”

Tears shone in Ben’s eyes. With gentle pressure he tugged at Dillon’s

hands. “I’m sorry you can’t be my only mate Dillon but if you are willing
to share I would love to have you as part of my family.”

A broken laugh left Dillon’s throat as he wrapped his arms around his

love and took a deep breath inhaling the sweet scents of his mate. The
aroma of lemony hair product mixed with lust and love went straight to his

“I want you.” Ben’s beautiful eyes looked up at him and he saw all the

love he yearned for reflected in the young were’s eyes. It only dimmed his
dreams slightly that he knew his mate looked at Thomas the same way.

He felt the other approach but didn’t take his eyes off Ben.
“You’re going to have to deal with me sometime.” Thomas’ dry voice

broke into the moment.

Dillon sighed and turned his head to look at the other were breaking

the intense gaze with his love. For the first time he really looked at
Thomas. Looked beyond the sleek exterior and into his hazel eyes and saw
the same worries reflected there that he felt himself.

“Are you willing to share him?”

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Thomas nodded. “Not eager but willing. Let’s take this in the bedroom

and see if we can share. If our wolves can’t share then one of us will have
to go.

He didn’t need to say who would go after all it Thomas’ pack. Dillon

just nodded and for the first time in his life found himself in the weaker
position. A strong wolf in his Alaskan pack it was difficult for him to
defer to another but for Ben he was willing to try.

“Last change baby you can still come back with me.” He said to his


Really he couldn’t help himself.
Ben gave him a sad smile. “I already bonded with Thomas.”
Now there was no way to take it back. Once bonded, wolves couldn’t

be apart from each other for more than a few days. It was one of the
reasons wolves always traveled at least in pairs.

“Nice try.” Thomas smirked.
“Like you wouldn’t have.”
“That’s why I didn’t punch you.”
Dillon smiled. He had a feeling that Thomas might understand him

better than Ben. As much as he loved Ben one of the main reasons his
family disapproved was because the young were was too gentle. A strong
wolf, but a sensitive human was not a combination desired in the Alaskan
pack. Dillon always thought it was because his love was only half were.
He didn’t think it would be a problem in the new pack Ben had found.
After all, the alpha mate was a delicate thing with no were blood that he
could smell. If the head alpha didn’t mind a sensitive human for a mate he
wouldn’t mind a sensitive half wolf.

While thinking, he’d followed the pair into the bedroom without

registering his surroundings.

“Damn. That’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen.”
Thomas gave it a long look as if he hadn’t seen it before. “When I

bought a new bed last year I purchased the largest one they had, now I
wonder if it was because I had a foreshadowing of the three of us. The
sight runs in my family. Until now I thought it had missed me, now I’m
not so sure.”

“Maybe not.” Dillon agreed after all the man was large but average for

a were and Ben was a little on the smaller side the pair of them didn’t need
that much space even if they ran marathons in their sleep. A knot unfurled
in his stomach. If Thomas foresaw needing more space then everything
was going to work out all right.

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Thomas was stripped to his underwear but both Ben and Dillon were

still fully dressed. Dillon took a moment to admire Thomas’ lean form
before walking to Ben and pulling off his shirt in one smooth motion. He
felt a motion below and looked down to see Thomas on his knees
removing Ben’s shoes.

The position of the mostly naked man kneeling by his feet made his

cock stand up and take notice. Thomas’ pretty hazel eye sparkled when
they looked up. “Just because you and I aren’t mates doesn’t mean we
can’t explore each other. After all we’ll be together for a long time.”

“Ohhh, could the two of you kiss. That would be sooo hot.” Ben


Thomas stood up and moved to position Ben between them. A

cautious look entered his eyes that Dillon admitted also feeling.

“Are you sure baby?” Dillon asked. “It won’t feel weird to you?”
Ben shrugged. “Like Thomas said we are going to have a long life

together. I can’t imagine us all sharing a bed for hundreds of years and the
two of you not touching. It’s unnatural.”

Dillon felt Ben’s clever fingers slide into his hair. “Kiss me first

maybe it will be easier with my taste on your lips.”

“Now that’s something I can agree with.” Dillon wrapped his arms

around Ben pulling the hard, young body tight against his. Without giving
him a chance to change his mind, Dillon took Ben’s mouth with all the
desperate longing and need built up since the entire mate business started.
He tried to convey through his touch how very much he wanted this to
work. That there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his mate.

The first kiss ran into a second when Ben responded with more

enthusiasm than expected. Dillon went so hard so fast he felt a little
lightheaded. He was taken by surprise when he felt a set of hands
unzipping his pants. Ben’s hands were wrapped around his waist.

“Just helping.” Thomas said with a grin.
Dillon went back to devouring Ben. This could be the last time he held

his mate, a bittersweet goodbye to the man who held his heart in a pair of
gentle hands that could crush him. If Ben and Thomas refused him he
would end his life. Without his mate he was nothing.

“No.” Ben yanked back only Dillon’s hands holding him close. “You

can’t do that.”

“Calm yourself baby.” Dillon stroked Ben’s bare skin with long

soothing touches. “What’s wrong?”

“I could hear your thoughts.”
Thomas gasped rising to stand behind Ben. “Fuck, you are mates.”
Only alphas and their mates could read another wolf’s thoughts.

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There was no way Ben was an alpha.
He felt Thomas’ hands brush his as he also tried to calm the

hyperventilating wolf.

“What were you thinking?” Thomas asked his eyes filled with concern

at Ben’s pallor.

“If this doesn’t work he’ll kill himself.” Ben said between gasps. The

young were was quickly sliding into a panic attack.

Thomas nodded. “Makes sense.”
Ben rounded on him. “It doesn’t make sense.” He screamed.

Thomas watched with a sense of fatality as Ben came completely

unhinged. It looked like he was stuck with the other man. Thomas didn’t
blame Dillon for seeking death without Ben. He would do the same thing.
He’d seen wolves lose their mate and still continue on. They lived a
shadowy half-life and lingered for years in a perpetual cloud of despair.
Better to end it right away than to exist as a ghost.

He made the decision to save them all.
“Stay with us Dillon. I don’t want to lose my mate and I have feeling if

you were gone Ben wouldn’t survive the next dawn and I’m not ready to
go yet.”

“I don’t need your charity.”
Thomas punched him over Ben’s shoulder and right in the nose it

made a satisfying crunch.

“Thomas.” Ben shouted.
“I was trying to knock some sense into him.” He said innocently.
Dillon came back to his feet with a growl. Ben stepped in his way.

Using his supernatural reflexes he pulled the punch in time. “Careful baby
I almost hit you.”

“I’d rather you hit me than die.” Thomas could hear the exasperation

in Ben’s voice.

“Let’s get back on track. Dillon strip.” It amused him to see the other

were glare at him before removing the rest of his clothing. The nose was
already healed and back in its original shape before the were was
undressed. Dillon wiped off the blood with his shirt before stripping off
his boxers with a defiant glare. It only took a quick look for Thomas to
feel inadequate.

The man was fucking huge.
Thomas had nothing to be ashamed of but a man that size should come

with a warning label. “I hope you plan on using a lot of lube.”

Dillon snickered.
“I’ve never had any complaints.”

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“I bet.” Ben sounded dazed.
“You never saw him naked when you shifted?”
It wasn’t as if wolves had a taboo on not being clothed. Hell on the full

moon it was surprising to see them with any clothes all night.

“I didn’t want to embarrass him by staring. I made sure I changed in a

different area.”

Dillon laughed. “I didn’t give you the same courtesy darlin’. I stared

whenever I got the chance. Remove the boxers I want at that beautiful

Thomas didn’t know if Dillon was ignoring him on purpose or was just

focused on Ben but he stepped aside so the other man could touch his

He waited for his wolf to growl at the sight of another touching what

was his.

And waited.
Dillon looked over at him. “Are you going to pounce?”
Thomas shook his head. “So far, so good.”
He saw the other man shoulders relax a bit as he led Ben to the bed.

Dillon looked back. “Come on gorgeous this is at least a three man bed.”

His wolf did growl at that. “There is a three man maximum and don’t

forget it.” The thought of Dillon touching another man had him seeing red.
“A specific three men.” He didn’t know if the bonding with a second mate
would be as strong but the thought of Dillon touching someone other than
Ben or himself made him ill.

Shit, maybe the binding through Ben was stronger than he thought.
Dillon didn’t say anything else just sent a questioning look his way

that he pretended not to notice.

They removed the remaining clothing and all three of them climbed

into bed. Dillon and Thomas on either side of Ben with Ben facing Dillon.
Thomas knew that this was really the bonding for Ben and Dillon but his
wolf refused to be kept out of this moment. For some reason his beast
thought if he wasn’t here he would miss out on an important part of their

Experience taught Thomas to never ignore his wolf.
Dillon kissed Ben and he waited to feel resentment. Waited for his

wolf to snap and growl but all he saw were two beautiful men making
love. And that was what it was. There was hot, passion between them a
flurry of lips rubbing against lips with a lot of tongue action but what
brought out Thomas lust was the gentle hold Dillon had on his mate. The

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other were’s grip on Ben was firm but gentle his hold barely denting the
smaller man’s delicate skin.

Thomas’ impression of Dillon was that he was a strong, tough were

who would fight claw and nail to get what he wanted. That the man was
letting Ben call the shots over such an important part of his life showed
how much love and respect the man had for Ben.

It was a strange situation but watching the two men interact made

Thomas think things would work out just fine. He leaned forward and
licked a line up Ben’s back.

Ben wanted to scream. The stimulation was too much. He wanted to

wait for Dillon to breach him before coming but between Dillon’s hot,
needy mouth and expert touch and Thomas lapping at him like he was his
favorite ice cream treat Ben was about to explode.

He whimpered into Dillon’s mouth letting him know how close he was

to explosion.

Dillon ripped his mouth from Ben’s. “Wait for me baby. Back or


“Back. I want to see your eyes.”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t want you to be confused.” The flash of pain in

Dillon’s brilliant blue eyes told Ben how much this sharing was costing
his lover. He blinked moisture pooling in his eyes not wanting Dillon to
see them and get the wrong impression.

Strong fingers gripped his chin gently and turned him back. “What is it


“I’m sorry you can’t have a solo mate.” Ben bit back a sob. He

couldn’t give up Thomas but it broke a little piece off his heart to know he
would forever be hurting Dillon.

“I know baby.” Dillon’s brilliant blue eyes took the lube handed to

him from Thomas without looking at the other were. “But I’ve learned in
life sometimes you just can’t have everything you want and if I can have
even a little bit of you I’ll survive.”

Ben knew it went unsaid that if they couldn’t bond or if Thomas’ wolf

rejected them being together, than this beautiful black-haired blue-eyed
man would take his own life.

“It’ll work out.”

Dillon didn’t give his lover any of the usual platitudes. They both

knew the results of this mating would affect all of their lives forever. Just
the feel of Ben beneath him was worth any amount of heartache.

The feel of a hand stroking his back caused his head to jerk around.

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“Easy.” Thomas said in his rich voice that could make the

encyclopedia sound like a dirty bedtime story. “My wolf wants to get a
feel for you.”

He tried to relax. Really he did but he didn’t know Thomas and his

wolf was a cautious soul. He didn’t shy away but he didn’t lean into the
hand either.

Ben sighed beneath him. “Kiss already. Your making me nervous and

my wolf likes you both fine.”

Dillon looked at Thomas as a potential lover would. The man wasn’t

his usual type. His perfect type was lying beneath him waiting for him to
kiss another man. But if he met him on the street he would definitely take
a second look and maybe a third if he heard him speak.

He was amused to see Thomas looking him over in the same manner.

“We are a rather good looking pair.” Dillon smirked.

“Yes we are.” Thomas agreed.
Before he could say any of the other smart ass comments hovering on

his tongue Thomas grabbed his head with two long fingered hands and
kissed him stupid.

Flames rippled up his back so hot he thought he was on fire. Moaning

he released his hold on Ben and wrapped his arms around Thomas diving
into the kiss and absorbing he other man’s sounds.

Impressions and vague thoughts of heat and need whispered from the

other were into Dillons’ head. One thought rose above them all alerting
Dillon to the fact that the thoughts weren’t his. An image of Dillon’s cock
floated through his mind.

I need to taste that.
Dillon’s head jerked. “I heard you in my mind.”
Thomas’ eyes went wide. “What did you hear?”
Dillon blushed.
“Well, well,” Thomas teased. “You did hear me.”
“What were you thinking?” Ben asked.
Thomas nodded indicating that Dillon should answer.
Still blushing Dillon said, “He wanted to taste my dick.”
Ben laughed. “He’ll have to stand in line. Come here and give me first


Smiling, Dillon climbed up Ben’s body until he was even crotch to

mouth. “Taste away baby. I can’t tell you how many nights I dreamed of
this moment.”

“Don’t waste time dreaming when you can be doing.” Ben said right

before he sucked the tip of Dillon’s cock into his mouth.

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Dillon moaned. He was so sensitive and this was Ben, his dream man.

Just watching those cherry lips wrap around his prick was enough to
tighten his balls and make him want to shoot. When Ben sucked him
deeper Dillon couldn’t take it anymore and pulled out.

“Mine.” Ben growled his eyes shifted in passion and there was a hint

of fang.

“You fanged out, definitely no cock for you.” Lift you legs and I’ll

grease you up. You can suck me off later. There is no way I’m letting you
near me with saberteeth.”

Ben snickered. “Fair enough.” He turned his head to look at his other

mate. “Thomas would you slick me up?”

Thomas nodded. “Do you mind?” He asked Dillon? “I’d feel better if I

knew he was prepared to take you.”

Nodding, Dillon slid to one side and let the other man in. With

Thomas’ hand that close to his body he could feel the heat from the other
were. The scent of hot, needy male had him looking down to see a long
erect cock with shiny drips of pre-come between Thomas’ legs.

Giving into instinct he slid lower and swiped a tongue to capture the

other man’s essence.

Flavor exploded across his taste buds.
“Mmmm. More.” Need clawed at him with fangs sharper than any

wolf. With nothing more in his head than, want Dillon pounced. Thomas
hit the floor with Dillon deep-throating his cock.

Thomas was going out of his mind. He knew he should be shoving the

other man off but both his desire and his wolf didn’t care that they should
be concentrating on Ben. Dillon did something with his tongue and his
eyes rolled up in his head.

“Fuck.” Thomas convulsed in short hip thrusts, which was as much

movement allowed by the strong wolf holding him down. With nothing to
do but submit Thomas gave it up coming down Dillon’s throat with a
force that drained the essence and all the energy out of him.

A sound above him made him glance up. Ben was leaning down and

watching the two of them making hungry noises.

“I think our baby is wanting.” He whispered to Dillon who was licking

his way up Thomas’ stomach. It was the last thing he said because the
other were took his mouth in a no holds bar kiss and wiped every other
thought out of his mind. This man might not be his mate but he could feel
the bonds strengthening between him. His wolf wanted to bare its belly
and let this strong man take a bite.

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When Dillon finally lifted off his body Thomas almost cried out from

the loss. He heard a thump as the other were leaped onto the bed and a soft
sound as he landed on Ben. It wasn’t worth checking out. Thomas was one
hundred percent certain that Dillon would cut off his own arm before he
harmed one hair on Ben’s head.

Soon the sounds had him curious and he mustered enough strength to

sit up and check out the action.

Dillon’s large body covered his mate sculptured ass pumping away as

he moved inside of Ben. Even as he fucked the smaller man with a feral
intensity his kisses were soft and sweet and Thomas could see the utter joy
in his mate’s eyes as he looked up at the other were.

Thomas blinked back the sudden watering in his eyes.
They were so fucking beautiful together. Unable to stay away Thomas

crawled up onto the bed and lay to the side of the pair. His hands ghosted
across the duo as he yearned to be part of them.

He watched with eager anticipation as Dillon’s fangs emerged and he

impaled Ben on the shoulder. Not to be outdone when Dillon released him
Ben bit Dillon at the curve between his shoulder and neck pumping him
full of mating endorphins.

Lying beside them and also having Ben’s mating serum in his body

Thomas felt the click as the two connected at a mating level. Relief surged
through his body leaving him giddy with joy. The rush of bonding through
Ben sped up his heart.

Dillon was safe now.
Ben screamed out his release seconds before Dillon and Thomas felt

them both as if they were their own.

Yes, it was good bonding.

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Chapter Three

Three days later

Ben went to the bar.
“What can I get you pretty man? I’d offer myself but I hear you have

your hands full now.”

He gave the bartender a nod and a smile. “A shot of whiskey, please.”
“Coming up.” His whiskey was served with another smile. After a few

more he was feeling none of the angst his two mates were giving him. The
pair woke up arguing. Everything from how to reorganize Thomas’ suite
to getting a larger space to when would be the best time to approach the
alpha pair for a job. Dillon was for making himself useful right away with
Thomas arguing he should wait until he was formally claimed. Ben
thought they should just ask the alphas but when they looked at him like
he was an uninformed schoolboy he’d had enough.

“You can find me in the bar.” Was his parting shot. Hell, he still

hadn’t told Thomas he could do accounting.

This adjustment period was harder than he thought. Unfortunately it

looked like his two hard-headed men had more in common with each other
than with him. If he couldn’t feel how much they loved him he would be
without hope.

He headed for the restroom after his third shot feeling the urge. It

wasn’t until he was heading back out that he found he’d been followed.

A knife pressed against his throat. “Hello pretty. I see you lost your

men already. Shame. That’s okay, you have me.” Ned’s voice was calm
and easy the knife not even mentioned. “You want me don’t you baby.”

Saying no was probably not the best choice. “I don’t think my mates

would approve.” He hoped that was neutral enough. The pressing of the
knife deeper against his throat told him that wasn’t the case.

“Too bad for them. They won’t want you when I’m done having my


Ben hoped the tentative bond he felt from his mates was enough to get

a message to them. As Ned was pulling him through the crowds, Ben sent
a mental call for help to his mates.

Danger. Ned. Help.
He imagined Thomas clearly in his head and then Dillon.
Ned’s body blocked most people from seeing Ben so there weren’t any

witnesses to see him leaving the bar.

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Before Ben had any chance to start a ruckus they were outside in the

night. The parking lot was dark. If he survived this he was going to talk to
Silver about installing more lights. The knife left his throat as he was
thrown against the hood of a rusty pickup.

“Now it’s my chance to get at that sweet ass. After all I hear you share

it with two other wolves so you must like to spread it around.”

Without the knife at his throat Ben spun around to confront Ned. “I’m

not going to let you do this.”

Ned laughed, his face an ugly mask of need. “How are you going to

stop me pretty boy.”

“Is there a problem?”
Fuck. While they were arguing Ben didn’t hear the little sports car pull

up. Anthony walked out of the shadows.

Ned lit up like a Christmas tree. “Even better. Where are your guards,

alpha mate? I didn’t think your owner let you outside without them.” He
sneered. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll fuck you first and then take the pretty one
with me.”

“I don’t think so.” Anthony’s voice was as calm as if they were

discussing the weather. “I think you are going to get in that disgusting
truck of yours and leave town or I’ll kill you. I can’t let you touch a pack
member. Silver would be too upset.”

Ned let out a roar of laughter. Still laughing maniacally he lunged with

his knife. Ben’s instinct was to jump in the way but his feet wouldn’t
move. He was paralyzed.

Seconds before Ned reached Anthony a bold of lightening shot from

the sky and fried the bastard where he stood. The were took on a still,
frozen expression like someone who didn’t know they were dead.

With one manicured nail Anthony pushed the body and it toppled to

the ground with a hushed thud. Released from his stasis, Ben rushed over
to Anthony.

“I always tell Silver I can take care of myself.” The slim man said


Ben nodded soundlessly. “What did you say that other quarter of your

heritage was?”

“My grandfather is Zeus the god of lightening.”
The outer doors burst open and two worried mates rushed to Ben’s


“Are you all right, sweetheart?”
“How did you get away?”

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“Anthony saved me.” Ben watched his savior walk around the charred

corpse and saunter up to the alpha standing on the top of the steps. He
could almost feel the waves of anger coming off the large male.

“Hello honey sorry I’m late. There was an accident on the way home.”

His beautiful savior said in a sing-song voice egging on his large mate.

“Forget the story sweetness, I heard everything. Get your crazy

demigod ass inside we’re going to have a discussion about keeping things
from your mate.” Silver’s voice was low and mean. His gaze stayed on his
mate until the doors closed behind Anthony.

Ben looked at Silver, concern jolting through his body but relaxed

when the alpha turned and winked at him.

“By the way Dillon, in case my mate didn’t tell you. Welcome to our


Dillon gave a short bow tilting his head in deference and held the pose

as the alpha stomped after his mate.

“Fuck their crazy.” He commented.
“Yeah but they’re ours.” Ben said chuckling. “Let’s go to bed. I need

reassurance from my mates.”

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Coming Soon

Courting Calvin


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