Moon Pack 13 Marki Mikeretty Amber Kell

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Marking Mikel

Amber Kell
Smashwords edition

Copyright 2015 by Amber Kell

This  Edition:  January  2015  

Cover design: Meredith Russell

Editors: Erika Orrick, Jason Bradley

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole
or in part, without express written permission. This book cannot be copied in any

format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload

to a file sharing peer to peer program, for free or for a fee. Such action is illegal and in

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To my Moon Pack fans. Thank you for being so patient.

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Chapter One

Anthony floated through his dream, drifting from scene to scene, his feet never

touching the ground. Wind whipped past him and brought with it a foul odor. Anthony
gagged. What was that? What could possibly create that horrible combination of rotten

eggs and raw sewage, and since when did he have the ability to smell in his dreams? He
hoped this new gift was refundable.

“Do you understand now?” A deep voice boomed through the air, resonating

through Anthony’s body and threatening to shake him from the sky.

“Understand what?” What could he possibly discern from stinky air? The smell

didn’t bring with it any wisdom or answer any questions over the identity of his
mysterious visitor. Was this the person his grandfather Zeus had warned him about?

Anthony might be strong against wolves and mutants, but he was nothing

against a god. He hadn’t come into his godhead yet, and according to Zeus, he wouldn’t
for many more years.

“How little control you have. I could crush you like a gnat in the palm of my

hand. Puny half-fae have no resistance against the power of a god.” The disdainful tone

did little to allay Anthony’s fear. Whoever had pulled Anthony into this dream didn’t
like him much.

Clenching his fists, Anthony dug his fingernails into his palms and took slow

breaths out of his mouth, almost choking on the taste of the polluted air now coating his
tongue. Enemies could smell fear. He’d learned that from his wolf mate, Silver. Patience

would serve him better than confrontation. The other being’s malice twisted through
the air, heavy and foreboding, a dark cloud of hatred. Whoever was doing this—

controlling Anthony’s dream—wanted him frightened and intimidated.

A stream of dark smoke circled before him in sinuous circles. Anthony tried to

focus and gather his energy, but his magic didn’t respond. He scanned his

surroundings, struggling to see anything through the fog. If he escaped this unharmed,

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he needed to be able to collect as many details as possible in order to identify this new
enemy. Did the cold, smelly but essentially empty background reveal the intruder’s true

nature? Was his opponent as soulless as Anthony’s environment?

“Your magic has no place here. This is my world.” The deep voice continued to

taunt Anthony. “You are powerless, favored one.”

“Favored?” He suppressed a hysterical giggle at the ridiculously dramatic

setting, even as the scorn in the invisible speaker’s voice when he said favored sent
warning bells through him. Someone knew Zeus’s plans for Anthony, and he wasn’t
happy. Unfortunately, identifying his opponent was like trying to assemble a jigsaw

puzzle from a destroyed box while missing half the pieces.

“Are we related?” Anthony asked, hoping to get more of a clue. Who was this?

Who hated him so much he took over Anthony’s dreams?

“Zeus has chosen poorly to grant a mere witch-fae godlike powers. What he sees

in you I’ll never understand. You are not worthy.” An almost tangible malice filled the


Anthony relaxed a bit. This braggart appeared to want to flaunt his superiority

more than harm Anthony. Not many beings were powerful enough to invade dreams,
of course that also meant the guy was probably related to Anthony’s father and not his

mother. Sometimes having a direct relation to Zeus didn’t turn out to be the awesome
genetic funfest it should have been.

Smoke swirled in the air around him until it formed the shape of a man. Red eyes

glowed at Anthony. “Do you deny our connection? Saying I don’t exist doesn’t make it

Anthony examined his words before spoke them. “I don’t know who you are. I

have lots of relatives I’ve never met.” Zeus wasn’t known for his faithfulness or his
discernment. Anthony had no doubt hundreds, maybe thousands, of unknown relatives

lived out in the world.

A low, menacing laugh filled the air. “Don’t worry, I’m working on narrowing

them down. You’ll be happy to know I’m going to save you for last. I want you to
anticipate your death, dear Anthony. Zeus knows I’m coming, and it will destroy him

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when I finally kill you.” The satisfaction oozing from the stranger’s voice told Anthony
the deep hatred this being held for Zeus.

“What’s your name?” Anthony asked, hoping to identify his tormentor. He

couldn’t mount a proper defense until he knew his adversary. He doubted a pack of

wolves would be enough to handle this threat. He might have to call in reinforcements.

“I am the death that stalks you and your unnatural offspring. Did you think no

one would care that Zeus loves you over the more deserving? For no one else did he
insist on providing an heir. My own child died, and Zeus did nothing to help. You lose
a mere lover and the heavens thundered from your despair.”

Anger burned through Anthony as only one phrase stuck in his head above all

others. “I’m sorry for your loss, but touch my son or anyone in my family and I will

destroy you.”

Anthony’s version of family encompassed his son, alpha mate, and an ever-

expanding werewolf pack, each and every member he’d kill or die for.

“You can’t harm me, child.” Wide-eyed, Anthony watched as smoke turned into

flesh. The man floating before him resembled Anthony’s father. His appearance close

enough to send chills down Anthony’s spine.

“Why not?”

His grin jolted Anthony with a spike of fear. “Because I am your destiny.” He

lifted his hands. Energy crackled from his fingertips seconds before a bolt of lightning
shot through his palms and slammed into Anthony.

Screaming, Anthony jerked up in bed. His eyes blinded by the flash.
“Shh, I’ve got you.” Silver’s familiar voice eased his terror, but didn’t erase

Anthony’s memory.

Silver wrapped his strong, warm arms around Anthony, holding him safe.

Anthony’s heart stuttered in his chest, a panicked unfamiliar beat. He’d been afraid

before, but never to this level of terror.

Only the soothing voice and touch of his mate grounded him back to this world.

“He’s coming,” Anthony whispered, the sound so soft and broken it should’ve

belonged to someone else.

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“Who’s coming?” Silver pressed a kiss to Anthony’s forehead. “Shh, it was just a

dream. Nothing to worry about. No one is going to hurt you.”

If only that were true.
Anthony scooted closer, seeking Silver’s comforting heat and breathing in the

familiar scent of home. He pressed his cheek against Silver’s naked chest, trying to ease
his terror through osmosis.

“One of Zeus’s offspring is after me. I don’t know his name, but that wasn’t a

regular dream.”

Anthony’s vision cleared, and the room snapped into focus. He tilted his head in

time to catch the worried expression flashing across Silver’s face.

“Who?” Silver asked.

“I don’t know.” He struggled to remember any detail, but not once did the

intruder mention his name. “He could be any one of hundreds of people. Grandfather
gets around.”

Silver sighed. “I’m usually the last person to say this, but I think you need to call


Anthony shuddered. He loved Zeus, but interactions with his grandfather were

never easy. The god attached strings to any request, and Anthony didn’t wish to owe

him any favors.

“He threatened Trin.”
Out of everything, that one threat had been the worst in Anthony’s mind. He’d

send Trin to live with the fae before he allowed this psycho to get any closer to his son.

Silver’s eyes glowed with a feral light, his inner animal surging forward, seeking

to destroy any danger. The wolf would defend their young to the death.

“We will hunt him and show him the error of his ways.” Silver’s voice took on a

low growl, the beast eager to snap at its enemy.

“He’s stronger than me.” Anthony bowed his head at the confession. He’d never

much cared about his magic except to use it for the safety of the pack. Now he couldn’t

even protect the ones he loved, a difficult truth to swallow.

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“What? How is that possible? I thought your magic was growing?” Alarm

colored Silver’s voice, and his beautiful eyes darkened.

Anthony sighed. “It is, but not enough. To you and the pack, I’m strong, but

among gods and demi-gods I’m like a gnat they can squish between their fingers.” The

man who took over his dreams made sure Anthony knew his inadequacies.

Silver grabbed Anthony’s chin between his fingers. “You are not a gnat, my

sweet mate. You are my world.”

Silver’s endorsement only shoved the knife of despair that much deeper into

Anthony’s heart. “As sweet as that is, I still need to figure out who is after us.”

“Whoever it is, we will face him together.” His growl added a deeper timber to

Silver’s voice as if the wolf half wished to burst out and take down their enemy.

Anthony blinked back his tears. He didn’t have time to wallow in self-defeating

doubt. He refused to let anything happen to his son. Resolve filled him, and with it

“I’ll call Zeus.”
“No need. I am here.” The god’s deep voice boomed off the walls while lightning

electrified the air and spread the scent of ozone.

Silver sneezed.

“Someone is killing your children.” Anthony didn’t try to sugarcoat the issue.

His grandfather must have known something was wrong if he had appeared so fast
with the mere mention of his name. “What do you know?”

The god solidified a few feet from their bed. Zeus pulled a chair from along the

wall and settled it next to Anthony’s side of the bed. “I thought you’d be safe. I’ve

warned your father about him, and he said he’d watch out for you.”

“I doubt Father expected me to be attacked in my dreams.” Anthony swallowed

as his throat dried up at the memory. “The guy said he’d kill Trin and me. He said

nothing about Dad.”

The lines deepened on Zeus’s face. “I’ve made my fondness of you too obvious.

Some of the others have become jealous. I didn’t think they would come after you

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directly. I figured they'd bitch some, then go back to their regular lives. My warning to
stay away from you should’ve been enough. Someone is challenging my rule.”

“Who?” Anthony couldn’t imagine anyone strong enough to challenge the leader

of the gods, but he’d never been a power-hungry psycho either.

“I don’t know. I will figure it out, but you need to make a decision.”
Anthony froze beneath Zeus’s intense gaze.

“What kind of decision? I won’t leave my family.” His stomach churned as he

worried about what his grandfather might say. He couldn’t abandon his loved ones
even to keep them safe. Not again. Never again.

“I’ve always said you would eventually come into your godhead. You can

choose to accept all your powers now and protect your family or…”

Zeus paused.
“Or what?” Silver prodded.
“You can prepare to die.” Zeus tossed something at Anthony.

He instinctively caught it. A silver orb the size of a baseball glowed a swirling

orange in his hand.

“When you decide what you want to do, think of me and smash the ball. It will

trigger your godhead. I will come and teach you how to control the magic. Make your

decision and make it soon.” Zeus vanished.

“Fuck,” Anthony cursed. He almost threw the ball from his anger, but Silver

grabbed his wrist in time. “Some choice.”

Anthony didn’t want to be a god. Hell, he barely had a handle on his powers

now. Depressed, he lay down beside his mate and spun the ball between his fingers.

“We will figure this out,” Silver vowed. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, or our son.

We’ve fought too long to let some asshole god-wannabe take anything from us.”

Anthony sighed. Exhaustion seeped into his bones. “I’m tired of fighting.”

There, he’d said it. Peace and a little boredom would be welcome companions.
Silver rubbed Anthony’s arm. “I know. I’d love it if everyone would just leave us

the fuck alone.”

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Anthony nodded. “That would be amazing. I wish I’d dream about that instead

of psycho assholes.”

“We’ll figure this out.” Silver stroked Anthony’s head.
Become a god or die. There was little choice.

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Chapter Two

Inno bit his lip, straightened his chef whites, then knocked on the door.

“Come  in,”  Silver  called  out.  

Inno  opened  the  door,  careful  to  shut  it  behind  him.  He  hated  bothering  the  alpha,  

but  he  desperately  needed  advice.  He  glanced  up  at  the  alpha,  gauging  the  distance  before  

lowering  his  gaze  again.  Maybe  he’d  made  a  mistake  in  coming  here.  

“Relax,  Inno.  I  only  bite  Anthony.  He  gets  testy  if  I  go  after  other  mated  men.”  
Inno  laughed.  He  had  no  doubts  Anthony  could  take  care  of  the  alpha  if  he  stepped  

one  toe  out  of  line.  “Sorry,  sir.  Alphas  make  me  nervous.”  

“Think  of  me  as  a  friend  instead  or  an  older  brother.”  

An  older  brother  who  could  rip  out  his  throat  might  actually  be  a  step  up  in  sibling  


“Thank  you,  sir,”  Inno  replied.  

Silver  sighed.  “Have  a  seat.”  

Inno  dropped  to  the  soft  padded  chair.  The  alpha  must’ve  chosen  his  furniture  for  

comfort.  He  snuggled  in  the  rich  leather.  

“I’m  sorry  to  interrupt  you,  but  I  need  advice.”  He’d  spun  it  over  and  over  in  his  

head,  but  he  decided  Silver  was  the  best  person  to  talk  to  in  the  end.  

“Is  it  about  Mikel?”  

Inno  nodded.  “Yeah,  he  seems  unhappy,  and  I  don’t  know  what  to  do.”  

“Have  you  talked  to  him?”  Silver  folded  his  hands  beneath  his  chin,  giving  Inno  his  

full  attention.  

“I  tried,  but  he  says  everything  is  fine.”  

“What  does  your  bond  tell  you?"  

Inno  frowned,  and  dared  to  look  up  at  Silver.  “What  bond?”  

“Didn’t  you  finish  your  mate  bond?”  

“No.  I-­‐I  haven’t  bitten  him,”  Inno  blushed.  

“Why  not?”  

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“I  didn’t  want  to  hurt  him.  And  I  don’t  top.”  He  said  the  second  part  in  a  rush  of  

words,  not  certain  he  could  get  them  all  out.  

“That  is  probably  what  you’re  sensing  from  your  mate.  Mikel  needs  that  connection  

to  be  complete.  Talk  to  him.  Ask  him  if  he  wants  it  finished.  Isn’t  your  wolf  restless?”  

Inno  sighed.  “Yes.  But  you  know  my  wolf’s  not  that  strong.  I  can  easily  distract  him.  

Cookies  work.”  

“You  feed  your  wolf  cookies?”  Silver  laughed.  
“No.  I  bake  them.  When  I’m  concentrated  on  a  recipe,  the  wolf  goes  to  sleep.  I  think  

he  finds  cooking  boring.”  

Silver  walked  around  the  desk  to  pat  Inno  on  his  neck,  giving  him  the  pack  contact  

he  needed.  “I  can’t  emphasize  how  important  communication  is  with  your  mate.  Most  of  the  

problems  I’ve  ever  had  with  Anthony  were  because  we  didn’t  talk  to  each  other.”  

“Really?”  Inno  couldn’t  imagine  the  couple  having  problems.  They  seemed  too  solid.  

“Trust  me,  Inno.  All  couples  have  problems  sometimes.”  Silver  squeezed  Inno’s  

shoulder  in  comfort.  

“Thanks  for  the  advice.”  Inno  didn’t  know  if  he  could  do  it,  but  he  appreciated  the  

alpha  taking  the  time  to  talk  to  him.  

“You’re  always  welcome,  Inno,”  Silver  said  as  Inno  made  his  way  to  the  door.  

Inno  smiled.  “I’ll  keep  that  in  mind.”  

“Good,  next  time  bring  me  cookies.  My  wolf  likes  to  eat  them.”  

Inno  nodded.  “Will  do.”  

* * * *

“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me,” Mikel Cruento slid into the booth

opposite his leader.

Alesandro frowned, concern etched on his features. “What’s going on?”
Before Mikel could reply, a waiter rushed over to take their order. Alesandro had

that effect on people. He exuded power from every pore, and it didn’t hurt that his suit

probably cost the same as the tiny bistro they were dining in.

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“Can I get you gentlemen anything?” the waiter asked.
Alesandro picked up the drink menu. “We’ll take a bottle of blood wine. Mikel,

do you have a preference?”

Mikel shook his head. “I don’t care.” He didn’t come to the vampire diner to

drink anymore, not since he’d acquired a mate of his own. He came for the company.

“We’ll take the Oregon Vegetarian vintage. All that healthy eating gives the wine

a nice flavor,” Alesandro said after a moment surveying the menu.

“Sounds good,” Mikel approved. He would’ve agreed to anything to get the

waiter to go away.

“Now tell me what has you in a tizzy,” Alesandro invited as soon as their server


Mikel propped his elbows on the table and plunged his fingers into his hair,

tugging at the strands as he tried to collect his thoughts. “I think Inno is avoiding the
final bond.” There, he’d confessed his biggest worry. Now that the words were out,

they seemed bigger than ever, crushing him with their weight.

Alesandro frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“We’ve been together for two months, and he still hasn’t bitten me.” Desperation

filled his voice. He couldn’t keep his concerns bottled up any longer. He considered

going to Silver, but Alesandro had always been his sounding board for problems.

“Why don’t you ask him?”
“Ask him what? If he’s changed his mind about wanting me for a mate? Way to

sound desperate and needy.” Mikel groaned. “Fuck that, I am desperate. I can’t lose

He might as well throw himself in the desert at high noon. Maybe a trip to

Arizona was due if he couldn’t get his love life straightened out.

Alesandro laughed. “Shifters don’t change their minds. Only death can separate

a shifter from his mate.”

Mikel groaned. “That’s what I thought too, but maybe it’s because I’m a vampire.

Do you know any other wolf-vampire pairings? Would Inno do better with a wolf
mate?” Uncertainty gnawed at him like a wolf with a meaty bone.

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“I don’t know any other wolf-vampire couples, but I can tell Inno loves you.”

Alesandro shrugged. “Maybe he doesn’t have the same bitey wolf instincts as someone

born as a proper shifter. He is new to his alternate form.”

“He is a proper shifter. He just needed a little help to boost his genetics,” Mikel

defended Inno. Only the knowledge that Alesandro would kick his ass kept Mikel from
punching his vampire leader in the face for insulting his mate.

The waiter brought their bottle of blood wine and a pair of wine glasses.

Alesandro didn’t speak until the server left again. Mikel appreciated the discretion. He
didn’t want everyone knowing his business. Alesandro took a sip of wine then

hummed at the flavor.

“Didn’t you tell me Inno hasn’t shifted much since his capture by the mutants?”

“Yeah. Silver keeps trying to encourage him to go to a pack run. I do too, but he’s

been resistant. I don’t think he enjoys shifting.” Mikel shuddered as he imagined his
bones cracking and reshaping. “I have to admit I probably haven’t encouraged him as

much as I should. I like to keep him close.”

He could admit his obsessive tendencies to Alesandro. His friend wouldn’t judge


Alesandro scratched at his chin as he considered Mikel’s words. “That might be

what’s holding him back. He knows you don’t like him away from you. Inno is a
pleaser. If he senses you don’t like his wolf half, he probably won’t shift. In the case of
claiming you, well he’s not used to following the impulses of his wolf. He could be

completely clueless over the need to bite you. Why don’t you ask him? Communication
is important in any mating, no matter the combination. If you don’t talk, the wrong

things can be assumed.”

“Is that how you deal with Calvin?”
Alesandro smiled. “Yes, but Calvin is human so I can anticipate his problems

pretty easily. He usually only worries about his sister and if his carpentry is perfect.
He’s not exactly high maintenance.”

The love in the vampire leader’s voice reassured Mikel. If Alesandro could be

happy in his mating, surely Mikel could talk to Inno.

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“I just don’t want him to think I’m unhappy.”
“Why not? You are.”

Mikel avoided Alesandro’s pointed look. “He’s sensitive,” Mikel growled. “He’s

just now finding confidence in his work and dealing with a pack. He doesn’t need me

bothering him with my problems.”

Alesandro gripped Mikel’s arm. “My friend. That’s what mates are for. If you

can’t share your worries with your partner, you have bigger problems than whether he
bites you or not. Inno is tougher than you give him credit for. Trust him with your
concerns. Talk to him.”

Mikel nodded. “You’re right. Thank you for your advice. Do you think I should

talk to Silver and Anthony?”

“I think you should talk to your mate. If things aren’t resolved after that, seek out

the others. Maybe Silver can help mediate any disagreements.”

Mikel spun the idea around in his head. “You’re right. I’ll talk to Inno.”

“Good. I hate to see you so upset. You waited a long time to find your other half.

You don’t want to lose him over a misunderstanding. Speaking of mates, I’m leaving

town with mine for a few days. I promised Calvin a drive down the coast. I just got a
call before I met you that Master Phoenix Moorhaven is coming into town tomorrow

right after I leave. I’m going to need you and Inno to give Moor and his mate a tour of
the vampire hotel suites.”

“What is he coming here for?” Mikel asked. Suspicion filled him. When other

leaders entered the area, alarm bells always went off. Moorhaven was a powerful
vampire. If he tried to take over their territory, Mikel doubted they would survive.

“He says his mate likes to travel and they are looking at vacation destinations.

Give him a comp room and answer any of his questions. If it looks like he’s snooping
around, tell him he has to wait for me to return. I don’t like it, but I can’t honestly deny

him access without a good reason. He has an enormous territory up north. I can’t
imagine he wants our space.”

“I hope not.”

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“Anyway, you concentrate on your mate. Let me worry about Moorhaven. Just

show him around and let Inno charm them. Inno might be shy, but he’s a sweet man.

Everything will be fine. You just need to talk to your wolf.”

Mikel set down the wine glass so Alesandro wouldn’t see his hand shake. The

idea, even the vague concept, of losing Inno scared him to the core. “I’ll talk to him.”


They polished off their drinks while discussing less volatile topics. It wasn’t until

he was back home again that the nerves began to wear him down. What if Inno really
had changed his mind? Panic raced through him. His heart galloped and started in his

chest like a wild stallion spooked by rabid dogs.

Mikel slammed the front door close behind him, then came to a complete stop at

the sight of his mate on the couch. Dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans, Inno’s bare toes
curled up against the leather as he lay on his back and clutched his cell phone to his

chest. The expression on his face sent worry spiraling through Mikel.

Lifting Inno’s legs, he slid beneath them before resettling his lover across his lap.

He ran a soothing hand up his Inno’s calves. “What happened?”

Inno sighed. “Claudia called. She says she needs to talk to me. I think the bakery

is having problems, but she refused to say over the phone. She wants me to come

Not going to happen.

He trusted Claudia not even as far as he could throw her, and if given the

chance, he’d love to see how far. “What kind of problems?” Mikel tried to keep his tone

neutral. Inno knew Mikel’s opinion about Claudia. If the entire bakery fell into a
sinkhole with Claudia inside, he wouldn’t shed a tear. If he got in touch with a wizard
friend, he might even be able to arrange it. He’d initially urged Inno to keep his

relationship with his sister, but after getting to know her, he realized it had been poor

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Only Inno’s distress over his worthless sister affected Mikel. Vampires weren’t

known for their compassion. Mikel might have a few people he cared about, but Inno

was the star he guided his life by.

Inno’s eyes narrowed. “If it’s a financial problem, she’s out of luck. I’m not going

to help her anymore.” Inno clenched his teeth, his jaw tightening. “She lost the right to
that kind of help a kidnapping ago.”

Mikel kissed Inno on the forehead. “Stick to your guns, my sweet. We can go and

make sure she’s not in danger, then leave.”

Inno might be mad at his sister and pretend not to care, but it would break Inno’s

heart if anything happened to her.

“Okay.” Inno sighed again. His deep sorrow pulsed across the air like a living

creature, floating in the space between them. “I wish things were back how they used to
be. I never would’ve guessed she’d turn on me.”

The pain in Inno’s voice stabbed through Mikel. Only his sweet tenderhearted

lover would still worry over his sister even after her betrayal. One more reason Mikel
had to watch over his mate and make sure no one took advantage of him.

“Don’t do this to yourself, my love. You don’t need to see her. I can go if you like

and spare you the heartache. If she needs business help, we can hire her a consultant or

something.” No reason to rip open Inno’s heart to satisfy her selfish needs.

Inno bit his lip. “I’m tempted, but she’s still my sister. I might not like her very

much right now, but I still love her.”

“Of course you do.” The love was undeserved in Mikel’s opinion, but he knew

Inno cared about his sister. Even an encounter with mutants didn’t destroy Inno’s

affection completely. Claudia had best hope she didn’t run into Mikel without Inno to
act as a buffer. He’d be more than happy to take her to task for her behavior. So far Inno
hadn’t been careless enough to leave them alone, but Mikel anticipated that day.

Maybe he could distract his mate from his troubles and ease the worried tension

creasing a line between his eyes. He kissed Inno, then lapped at his bottom lip. Their

love hummed between them, bright and true. He’d do anything to keep his little wolf

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safe. If he needed to arrange a little accident for Inno’s sister—well no one had to know.
He had the power to hide a little indiscretion from his beloved.

Inno closed his eyes before saying in a soft voice, “Thank you for being there for


“We’ll go see her together.” She would twist Inno’s soft heart into knots and

convince him to help her. Mikel had to protect his mate from his own compassion if

nothing else.

“She’s all the family I have left.” Inno’s voice broke at the end, firming up

Mikel’s resolve to protect him.

Mikel pulled the wolf shifter closer into his arms and pressed a kiss to Inno’s

forehead. “You have me. I might not be a blood relation, but no one will ever love you

more than I do.”

“I know.” Some of the despair faded from Inno’s expression. “Do you think she’s

just trying to get attention, or do you think she really has a problem? I know she’s been

spoiled. Hell, I’m the one who spoiled her, but she did sound upset.”

Mikel smiled at his dear, kindhearted mate. “We won’t know until we go check

on her.” If he thought throwing money at her would get her to go away, Mikel would
empty his bank accounts. “Eventually she’ll have to start solving her own problems.”

“I know.” Inno sighed.
Inno and Claudia’s relationship still had holes big enough to shove a parade float

through, but Mikel knew Inno missed his sister. Mikel hated the tears Inno inevitably

shed after each stilted encounter with Claudia. She still thought Inno had overreacted to
her behavior, since it had ended with him finding his mate and being able to shift. Inno

had given up trying to get her to understand the trauma he’d experienced at the hands
of the mutants.

Inno looked up at Mikel through his lashes. “I’ve heard rumors that some

mutants have been settling near the bakery. I don’t want her mixed up in that. It
wouldn’t hurt to take a peek, right? If mutants are threatening her, we can let Silver


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Mikel slid his right hand across Inno’s hair. Inno’s wolf never had too many pets

in either of Inno’s forms. Touch calmed both of them. After Inno’s last kidnapping,

Mikel had developed an irrational fear of losing him again.

“There’s no harm in checking,” Mikel agreed.

“You’ll be nice, right? I’m still mad at her, but I want you to behave when we go.

You two just don’t get along.”

“That’s because she hates me.” Mikel grinned. Maybe he shouldn’t have told her

that if it weren’t for Inno he’d kill her without remorse. It might have gotten them off on
the wrong foot.

He still meant every word.
Inno shook his head, but didn’t try to deny Mikel’s words. “She’ll have to get

over that eventually. I’m not leaving you—ever.”

Tension eased from Mikel’s shoulders. He kissed Inno’s cheek. “Don’t worry,

I’ve got plenty of time for her to get used to me.” Luckily, her human condition meant

she’d die a natural death long before Mikel had to worry about her being too much of a
thorn in his side.

Inno wrapped his right arm around Mikel’s waist and rested his forehead on

Mikel’s shoulder. “I don’t like you two being at odds. I love you both, and I want you to

get along.”

“We’re fine. Claudia and I understand each other very well.” Maybe his grudge

wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t let the mutants grab Inno while he slept, but a

fingerprint of terror remained on his lover’s psyche from that one traumatic event. The
subsequent kidnapping did nothing but add to Inno’s fears.

Mikel didn’t have as forgiving a spirit as his mate. Inno’s gentle soul gave him a

more yielding nature, and it was up to Mikel to protect his wolf from further harm even
from those who supposedly loved him. Claudia thought she could twist Inno around

her finger because Inno raised her and cared for her like a daughter. If she was that
worried about mutants, maybe she shouldn’t have given her brother to them.

Inno leaned back. “I know that look. Getting eaten by mutants isn’t a proper

fate,” he scolded.

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Mikel shrugged. “We have differing points of view.”
Inno rolled his eyes, but he smiled so Mikel knew he wasn’t in trouble. “I’m glad

you’re coming with me. I figured I’d have to sneak out and you’d yell at me later.”

Mikel cupped Inno’s face. “You can always be sure of two things. One, that I will

never let you voluntarily rush into danger, and two, if you do get into trouble, I will
always come for you.”

A single tear slid down Inno’s right cheek. Mikel brushed it away with his

thumb. His wolf shifter had a sentimental streak a mile long, and whenever Mikel
mentioned his devotion, tears always sprang up.

“When do we leave for Claudia’s?”
Mikel shook his head over his impatient mate. “Can you wait until after I feed

you? I know you haven’t had a proper meal yet.”

Inno never ate enough if Mikel wasn’t around. He nibbled pastries at work, then

ate whatever he found in the fridge while he waited for Mikel to get home. A lifetime of

not being able to access his inner wolf led him to have a lighter appetite than most
shifters, but in order to provide for a vampire, Inno had to consume more meat than a


“I’m a poor mate. You can’t feed if I don’t.” Inno walked over to the fridge.

“Here I am blathering on about my sister and you’re probably starving.”

Mikel shook his head. “I had some blood wine with Alesandro. I’m good for a


The wine couldn’t replace a full feeding, but it would control Mikel’s hunger so

he didn’t devour his mate like a ravenous beast. Mikel admired his mate’s compact

form as the wolf shifter bustled around the kitchen to prepare his steak. Inno liked his
meat cooked a bit more than most werekin, more medium than rare with dried peppers
in his spice blend. Mikel had stocked the refrigerator with a wide variety of meat so

Inno always had something to eat.

He settled on one of the bar stools, watching Inno’s ease in the kitchen. He only

had a kitchen because it came with the place. He certainly never had any use for one
before Inno came along. Vampires could eat food, but why bother when blood was

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more convenient. He almost bought one of those new vampire condos with double
enforced windows and no eating area, but he hadn’t liked the sterile feel of the

buildings. Now, with Inno, he was glad he’d resisted. He’d just have had to move

“You don’t have to watch me cook. You can go do something else,” Inno chided.
“Why would I want to give up one of my favorite sights to watch mind-rotting

television. Trust me, sweetheart, you are the highlight of my night.”

Inno’s skin took on a rosy hue. “Thanks.”
Mikel grinned at his lover’s embarrassment. Inno never believed Mikel’s flattery.

Whatever god or goddess looked out for innocent shifters had been watching over Inno
the night they met. Otherwise, Inno would’ve been ripped apart by the mutants

hunting him and Mikel never would have found his soul mate.

“Alesandro asked me to play host to a vampire master while he’s out of town

with Calvin.”

“Ooh, I like to meet new people.” Inno perked up expectantly, like a puppy

waiting for a treat.

Fuck, he’s adorable.
“Phoenix Moorhaven isn’t exactly people. He’s one of the most powerful

vampires in the United States. Alesandro told me Moorhaven is interested in our
vacation rooms at the hotel. Since we told Anthony we would handle any vampire
customers, I agreed to give him the tour this time. He’s coming with his mate.”

“Is his mate a vampire?”
Mikel frowned. “I don’t know.” That probably would’ve been good information.

If he hadn’t been so wrapped up in his worries about Inno, he might have thought to

“We’ll find out soon enough. When are we meeting him?” Inno turned to flip his

steak before giving Mikel his attention again.

“At seven tomorrow. Alesandro doesn’t think Moorhaven is here to cause

trouble, but we need to keep an eye on him. If his mate says anything about moving
here, let me know.”

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“Okay, I will. Anything else I should keep an eye out for? I haven’t ever met a

vampire other than you or Alesandro.”

Mikel made a mental note to introduce Inno around. They hadn’t spent a lot of

time with other people, their mating too new to allow others into their insular world.

“Don’t let Moorhaven drink from you. I’ll have to kill him and make it look like an

Inno set down his spatula and crossed his arms. “You really think I’d let anyone

else drink from me?”

“No, sorry. You know vampires get possessive, we can’t help it.” Deep down he

knew Inno wouldn’t let anyone else touch him, but that didn’t stop Mikel from wanting
to snap the neck of anyone who stared too long at his beloved.

“So are wolves,” Inno reminded him, flashing his incisors.
If wolves were so possessive, why wasn’t he claimed? The question hovered on

Mikel’s lips, but he couldn’t ask. Was it because Inno wasn’t certain, or did his wolf

refuse? If he truly craved Mikel like a mate, shouldn’t Inno have bitten him and
completed their bond? Alesandro’s words of advice evaporated when confronted with

the reality of talking to his mate.

“You all right, Mikel?” Inno frowned and leaned over the counter island to place

a hand on Mikel’s arm.

“Yeah, sorry.” He shook himself out of his trance. “Let’s finish cooking you a

nice meal, then we’ll change and see your sister. We can worry about our new vampire

friend tomorrow.”

“How do you know he’s going to be a friend?” Inno asked.

“Because if he isn’t, we’ll kill him so he can’t be an enemy at our back.” Mikel

wouldn’t let further enemies endanger his mate. They had enough of them without a
vampire threat.

Inno’s eyes widened. “There isn’t a happy medium with you, is there?”
“Vampires don’t do in between. Let’s finish preparing your food.” They didn’t

have a lot of time, and Inno needed the calories.

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They chatted while Inno ate. Afterward, they stripped down and lay on the bed,

Mikel resting against Inno. He preferred the intimacy of being skin to skin while

feeding without any unnecessary layers between them. Over the years, Mikel had
drunk from a wide variety of people, but no one tasted better than his mate.

Careful not to take too much, Mikel lapped at the puncture mark his teeth left

behind. Inno’s neck began to heal before Mikel’s eyes, but he watched it carefully until

Inno no longer had any signs of Mikel’s bite. He didn’t like to leave permanent marks,
nothing that might indicate Inno had fed a vampire. Too many hunters would use Inno
as a way to get to Mikel if they thought Inno was a feeder.

The slide of their naked bodies together pulled a groan from Mikel’s chest. “I’ll

never get enough of you.”

Tasting, touching, and hearing his mate’s voice were the highpoints of Mikel’s

life. He stroked Inno’s silky hair, savoring the texture of the follicles between his
fingers. The contrast of smooth strands to his rough skin fascinated him. He nuzzled his

nose into the crook of Inno’s neck and inhaled. He no longer identified his and Inno’s
natural fragrance as separate smells. They twirled together into one essential scent.

The blood-hungry bestial side of Mikel had settled down after finding his mate.

No longer did he lust after the average person on the sidewalk. Instead, he savored his
connection with Inno. The small wolf shifter held Mikel’s entire world captured in one
slim, sometimes furry hand.

Inno rubbed his cheek against Mikel’s, spreading his scent across him. A long

sigh left the shifter. “I’m glad. I need you, too.”

Mikel swallowed hard. Did Inno only need him because of his mate bond, or

were there deeper strands of affection wrapped around them?

Inno’s happy expression soothed the anxiety growing in Mikel’s heart. When had

he turned so sappy that another man’s smile made or ruined his day? Mikel fondled
Inno’s erection, sliding his hand up and down the firm shaft.

“I need you,” he whispered against Inno’s throat.
“I know,” Inno replied. His eyes sparkled, the teasing glow a welcome sight.

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“Feeling feisty, are you?” Mikel let his incisors slide down his lover’s neck,

drawing out Inno’s anticipation of another bite. He wouldn’t do it, he’d already drunk

his fill, but he knew the threat would ratchet up Inno’s sexual hunger. Inno never acted
as the aggressor, but their sex intensified if Mikel lured the wolf out a bit to play.

Inno’s eyes glowed gold.

If only he could get the more aggressive wolf half to bite him. Mikel tried to

brush it off as unimportant, but he couldn’t stop that niggle of doubt in his mind that
Inno’s wolf didn’t accept him as well as the human.

“What’s wrong?” Inno asked.
“Nothing, love.” He kissed Inno, hoping to distract them both from his

melancholy thoughts.

Inno’s phone buzzed. He groaned as he peered at the screen. “Claudia.”
“She can wait a minute.” Mikel grabbed the lube from the side table and poured

some into his palm. “I’m not going to leave here until I take care of you.”

He wrapped his coated hand around their erections, squeezing them together.

“Oh fuck, you’re hot,” Mikel moaned.
“Shifter, remember,” Inno smirked.

Mikel kissed Inno, sliding his tongue between Inno’s soft lips.
No matter how many times they made love, that one fact continued to bring joy

to him. Inno would always be his, claimed or not.

“Harder,” Inno growled.

“Patience, love,” Mikel purred.
A laugh burst from him. He squeezed and pumped his mate to completion,

grinning at the howl that burst from Inno’s mouth as he came.

“Better?” Mikel asked.

“Yeah.” A contented noise poured from his lover.
Mikel released his mate’s spent cock and gripped his own.

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“No, I’ll take care of that.” Inno slid out from beneath Inno then slid down to

swallow Mikel down to the root.

“Oh, yes, my love,” Mikel blurted out between incoherent grunts. “I’m coming.”
Inno sucked harder until Mikel shouted and poured his seed down Inno’s throat.

Sliding his mouth off of Mikel, Inno grinned. “Not so smug now, are you?”

“No, you’ve certainly taught me my place, beloved.”

Inno laughed. “Naked and under me?”
Mikel nodded. “The best spot ever.”
Inno’s phone rang again. The wolf shifter scowled at the device. “We’d best get

going. She’s not giving up.”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s take a quick shower. Otherwise, the scent of your cum will

give me an erection, and I don’t think we want to give Claudia the wrong message."

“Definitely not,” Inno growled.
Mikel stood and pulled Inno off the bed after him. He planted a smacking kiss on

Inno’s lips. “Quick shower, then we’ll be off.”

“Right, shower.” Inno dragged a lustful gaze across Mikel’s naked body.

Mikel smacked Inno on the ass. “Behave, pup, or we’ll never get to your sister’s

place, and as persistent as she is, she’d probably hunt us down.”

Inno wrinkled his forehead. “Yeah, probably.”
They made quick work of the shower before throwing on some casual clothes

and heading for Claudia’s.

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Chapter Three

The bakery’s windows were dark, but they paid them no mind, they followed the

brick walkway around to the back to access the apartment up above. The cold air
swirled around Inno as he followed Mikel. Only three hours were left before the sun
rose, they had to make this quick. They’d brought their driver Horace and the limo with

the blacked out windows in the off chance they cut the time too close. It didn’t hurt that
Horace was a trained fighter and could provide backup if necessary.

Inno sniffed, but didn’t scent any mutants.
“Smell anything?” Mikel asked.
“No, but I don’t have that great of a nose.” Or super strength or a powerful wolf.

Inno pretty much failed in all super shifter categories. Still, Mikel never seemed to

Mikel stopped to wrap an arm around Inno. “Come on, mate, we can’t be


“Who uses that word anymore?” Inno asked.
“All properly educated vampires. Now let’s go see what the bitch wants.”
Inno rolled his eyes. “Let’s not start. You haven’t even seen her yet.”

“I doubt she went through a personality transplant since we last met.”
“Be nice.” Inno batted at Mikel, halfheartedly.

“I will if she does.”
Inno had little hope for that occurrence. Mikel took the lead up the shaky steps in

the back of the bakery. Inno used to share the space with Claudia, but now she lived
there alone.

Mikel knocked on the door. She must’ve been waiting for them or she heard

them coming because Mikel only hit the door twice before Claudia whipped the door
open. Tears streaked down her face, her hair stuck out everywhere, and her clothes

were wrinkled with dashes of flour dusting the front.

“You came,” she whispered. She cast a glance over her shoulder.

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“I said I would,” Inno said, frowning. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing at all. Come in. I just missed you.” Claudia gave into impulse

and threw herself against Inno, holding him tight and sobbing. “I’m sorry, I’m so

For the first time, she sounded remorseful for her actions. A bit of the little girl

he’d been missing rose to the surface to drown him in memories. She seemed larger
than the last time he'd hugged her, he hoped she wasn’t binge eating from the stress of
running her own business. She’d never forgive herself if she lost her amazing figure.

Mikel gently pulled Inno out of Claudia’s arms before she could drown him in

her tears.

“It’s okay, Claudia,” Inno said. He wished he had a handkerchief or something

because Claudia wasn’t a pretty crier.

“No, it’s not okay. Nothing is going to be okay again,” Claudia said.

“What did you call me for?” Inno was becoming concerned over his sister’s


Claudia sniffled, then turned and walked into the living room. Inno exchanged

puzzled glances with Mikel, but they shrugged, then followed.

The sight of who stood in Claudia’s living room had Inno baring his teeth, a low

angry growl rolling up his chest. His fingertips itched with the prickle of claws beneath
his skin. He’d eviscerate this threat.

“Hello, Inno,” the mutant said.
“Adan, what are you doing here?”

“You know him?” Mikel asked, stepping to stand beside Inno.
“He was at the lab. He’s the one who used to sedate me,” Inno said.
“That’s because you were always a shit and tried to bite me,” Adan snapped.

“Weird how I don’t like people stabbing me,” Inno growled.
“What are you doing here?” Mikel asked.

“He’s my ex-boyfriend. He’s the one who convinced me to let them take you,”

Claudia admitted.

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After all this time, it had never occurred to Inno to wonder how Claudia had

contacted the mutants.

“You dated a mutant?” Mikel asked.
Claudia shook her head. “He wasn’t a mutant then. He said they could turn Inno

into a wolf.”

Adan glared at Inno. “And this is how you thank your sister.”

“She had me drugged and kidnapped!” Inno shouted.
“And you can now be a full shifter,” Adan said. “It’s not a mistake that you

weren’t given the full dosage. Once Korl did this to me, I made sure you weren’t given

the entire amount.”

“What do you want? A thank you? I’d rather have been a half wolf than trapped

and at that psycho’s mercy!”

“You’re breaking your sister’s heart. Stop being a selfish bastard and be a good

brother again,” Adan scolded.

“That’s it, I’m done.” He headed for the door. He didn’t need this kind of

bullshit. The sound of Mikel’s footsteps followed him.

“Wait, where are you going?” Claudia asked.
Inno spun on his heel to face his sister. “I’ve had enough discussing this. I’m

trying to move on. Pressuring me isn’t going to make things like they were before. You
broke my trust.”

He had just turned back to the door when Claudia shouted the only thing that

would make him stop.

“I’m pregnant!”

Inno froze, his fingers gripped the door knob, flexing and unflexing with the

deep wish to twist it open and run outside. His wolf growled its displeasure.

Sighing, he released the handle and walked back to the living room. “How


“Four months.”

Her loose shirt hid more than he’d suspected. “Whose child is it?”
“Mine!” Adan snarled.

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“Adan’s,” Claudia agreed, pointing at the mutant.
“Before or after he was transformed?” Inno didn’t want to imagine his sister

having sex, he wanted to imagine even less what a child of a mutant would be like.

Claudia’s expression of revulsion almost made him smile. “Before.”

“What do you want from me, Claudia?” Inno asked. “I gave you everything I

could, and you turned me over to a psychotic scientist.”

“Aren’t you being a bit melodramatic?” Adan asked. His deep voice vibrated

across the room in a rumble. It took Inno a few minutes to decipher what he said.

Mikel growled and lunged at the mutant. Luckily Inno stood close enough to

hold his mate back.

“He almost died because he was trying to do the right thing and save shifters

from your fate. Don’t tell him he’s melodramatic, you ungrateful asshole,” Mikel

“Mikel, mate, it’s all right. I only gave the formula to Silver. It’s not like I

deciphered it myself.” Not to mention he didn’t care about the opinion of one idiot.

“Without that formula, they wouldn’t have come up with a cure,” Mikel

countered, not moving his gaze from the mutant. He knew, if given half a second, Mikel
would leap over the coffee table and snap the mutant’s neck.

They’d recently developed the antidote to the mutant formula so wolves could

be reverted back.

“That’s what we need you for,” Claudia said. “If not for me, could you do it for

my baby? I don’t want my baby’s daddy to be a mutant. Please, Inno!”

“How did you get mixed up with them?” Inno asked Adan. He wasn’t about to

help anyone who might have been responsible for the mutations in the first place.

“I was just an innocent wolf looking to make a few bucks recruiting people for a

medical experiment. Most people didn’t need to be kidnapped in the middle of the

night. The majority of mutants were people who came in voluntarily.”

“That’s bullshit,” Mikel said. “I know entire wolf packs who were wiped out

from your little job.”

“I don’t know anything about that,” Adan denied.

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Inno heard the lie in his voice. Adan knew a lot more than he was admitting.
“Please, Inno,” Claudia pressed her hands together in a pleading gesture. “If you

do this, I won’t bother you again.”

Inno’s heart ached. She’d given him up so easily. Defeat sat on his shoulders, a

heavy burden. “If that’s what you want, I’ll talk to Anthony.”

“Not Silver?” Adan asked. Inno didn’t trust the light in Adan’s eyes. Something

didn’t feel right to Inno, the mutant was up to something.

“Silver is in charge of the pack, but Anthony is responsible for the cure.” Inno

didn’t know why they had divided the labor, and he certainly didn’t think it was his

place to ask.

“Thank you,” Claudia moved forward, but this time Mikel moved to block her.

“Don’t touch him.” Mikel pinned Claudia and Adan with a steely gaze.
Depressed, Inno turned to leave, and this time made it out the door. He didn’t

speak until they were in the car.

“I guess I know where I stand.” He couldn’t keep the sorrow out of his voice.
“Next to me, my sweet wolf. You always stand beside me. If she can’t see what

you did for her, then she deserves to lose the best thing in her life.”

Inno drudged up a smile for his mate. “At least I have you.”

“Never a question.” Mikel kissed Inno, revealing his love through touch. “Let’s

go home, and I can show you how much I enjoy being your mate.”

Inno nodded. “Okay.” His desire burned too low right now, too crushed to

respond properly to his mate’s invitation.

Mikel patted him on the leg. “We’ll get through this.”

“Yes, we will.” Inno clung to the ‘we’. He had to remember he wasn’t alone. His

wolf curled up inside of him, calm at the presence of their mate. The wolf rejected
Claudia as unworthy of their attention. Inno wished he could do the same as easily.

Inno didn’t say anything as they headed back to Mikel’s townhouse. He still

didn’t think of the place as his, more his own fault than anything Mikel had said or did.

A strange tingling had begun across his skin as if his body wasn’t big enough to contain
all the energy bubbling beneath the surface. Seeing Claudia in the arms of the mutant

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had changed something in him. The little girl he’d always loved had turned into a
woman with a child of her own.

“I wonder if she’s seen a doctor.”
“And there’s the man I fell in love with,” Mikel said.

Inno frowned. “What are you talking about?"
“I knew soon you’d begin worrying about her, but you can’t lose sight of her

betrayal even if she is now going to be a mom.”

“I won’t.” The hole carved into his soul would remember Claudia’s actions long

after his mind sought a better explanation. “Thanks for coming with me.”

Mikel smiled at Inno. “Any time.”
Inno laughed. The noise a relief to his stressed nerves. “I don’t feel so good.”

“You’re heartsick over your sister’s betrayal, and you’re worried about her

asshole boyfriend and unborn child. With some love and attention, you’ll bounce right

Mikel sounded a lot more positive than Inno felt. He rubbed his arms, trying to

bring warmth back into his body. He doubted it would melt the ice in his soul. “I’ll

forgive her. I have to. It will just take some time.”

Years of love and care didn’t disappear with one act.

“I know. Take all the time you want. I can run interference if it will help. I will

arrange for a doctor to look her over and verify how far along she is.”

Inno nodded. “Good, okay. I want her and her child to be taken care of. I don’t

know how long her term will be if the child is half wolf. I never thought to ask my
parents those types of questions.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”
Of course he would. Mikel was frighteningly efficient in getting things done.
The limo pulled to a stop outside their front door. Two steps inside the

townhouse, Mikel slammed the door shut, then spun Inno around and pinned him to
the wall. “Never forget you are mine and I will do anything to make you happy.”

Inno couldn’t stop the sad smile from crossing his lips. “You can’t make someone

happy, Mikel.”

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“I can do my best.” Mikel’s mouth crashed down on Inno’s, and he pushed his

knee between Inno’s legs, pressing up against his balls.

“Oh fuck.” Inno tilted his head back, his wolf rolling over for his more dominant


“You offer yourself so prettily, my sweet,” Mikel said. He licked Inno’s neck

before striking deep with his incisors.

Inno groaned. Mikel’s bite always threw his hormones into overdrive, and damn

if the vampire didn’t know it. His cock hardened and pushed up against Mikel’s leg.
“Fuck me.”

“Oh, I plan to,” Mikel promised after lifting his mouth and closing the puncture.

He licked his lips, and his eyes glowed with an eerie light. Predator. Inno’s wolf

whimpered, delighted to be the one to provide sustenance for such a magnificent
creature. If Mikel were a wolf, he would rival Silver as an alpha.

“Mate,” Inno whispered.

“Always.” Mikel pulled off his shirt, then yanked off Inno’s with more force than

consideration. “I can never get enough of you. I want to devour you and keep you

glued to my side so I know you are always safe from harm.”

“That might get uncomfortable,” Inno couldn’t resist saying.

“Not for me.” Mikel stepped back, then grabbed Inno around the waist and

threw him over his shoulder. “I need to be inside you.”

Inno nodded. He yearned to be with his mate with every fiber of his being. The

trip from the front of the townhouse to their bedroom took less time than ever before.
Inno’s back hit the sheets only seconds before Mikel stripped them both of their shoes

and remaining clothing, until nothing lay between them.

“I’m all yours, Mikel,” Inno prompted when Mikel only stood and stared at him.
“I know.” Mikel traced one finger down Inno’s leg from knee to ankle. “I was

just admiring my bounty.”

“You can admire better up close and personal.” Inno’s wolf didn’t like the

distance between them. His animal was a tactile creature that preferred full body skin-
to-skin contact.

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“Feeling needy?” Mikel purred as he crawled onto the bed and placed his knees

to either side of Inno’s body until their erections rubbed together.

Inno gasped. He arched his back, trying to increase the contact between them.
“Patience, my love.”

“No. I’m done with patience, time for sex,” Inno growled. His heart hurt, but he

knew his mate could make him forget about everything for a while.

Inno gasped when Mikel’s incisors pierced his neck again. His erection

hardened, and his wolf barked its joy. Providing sustenance for his mate eased Inno’s
fears of inadequacy. He didn’t have a lot to offer in their mating, but this he could do.

Mikel lifted his mouth and lapped at the wound. “You are my companion and

my love, never underestimate the importance you have in my life.”

“I love you,” Inno said, his voice unsteady.
“I know.” Mikel grinned. “Grab the lube and get yourself ready. I’m in the mood

to watch.”

Inno blushed. No matter how many times they had sex, he still had a hard time

getting used to Mikel’s openness with his sexuality. Maybe after they’d been together a

decade or two, he’d overcome his shyness.

He knocked over the bottle, but his quick reflexes allowed him to catch it before

it hit the floor.

“Almost lost it,” Mikel teased.
“But I didn’t.” Inno snapped open the lid of the lube and squeezed some onto the

first two fingers on his right hand, then tossed the container on the bed. Without
hesitation, he pushed them into his ass. After months with Mikel, he knew the best way

to loosen up quickly, and as long as he relaxed, the process took little time.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” Mikel growled.
“I’m not.” He eased his hole open and made sure to take his time until Mikel’s

eyes began to glow again. “Problem, love?”

Mikel flashed an incisor at him. “You are tempting the beast.”

“I am, aren’t I?” Inno enjoyed the thrill of teasing his lover. He’d had few

moments in his life where he could relax and be himself.

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“My turn!” Mikel snarled.
Inno pulled out his fingers as Mikel snatched up the lube and poured a liberal

amount across his erection.

Lifting Inno’s calves to his shoulders, Mikel pressed inside in slow minute


“Mikel,” Inno whined.

“Now who’s being teased?” Mikel asked. His toothy smile gleamed in the dim


“Me, now fuck me properly, mate,” Inno demanded.

“Naughty wolf, remind me to spank you later.”
Inno snorted. “Yeah, I’ll put that on my to-do list.”

Mikel pushed inside, a slow unyielding slide.
Inno arched his back to press Mikel in faster, but his mate grabbed his hips. “Oh,

no. You aren’t going anywhere.”

“Come on, Mikel, fuck me.”
Mikel folded Inno in half to take a kiss, pressing their lips together in a carnal

meeting that left Inno breathless. “As you wish.”

Inno grabbed the sheets and held on as Mikel fucked him like a man determined

to wring every drop of pleasure out of his mate. Over and over, Mikel jackhammered
into Inno, his hips snapping back and forth. Inno grabbed the headboard to prevent a
concussion. “Mikel, fuck, Mikel, I’m gonna come!”

His body exploded with passion, seed splashed between them in long streams of

white viscous fluid.

Mikel grunted seconds later, spilling inside of Inno. They lay there, joined and

still, as if both reluctant to separate. After kissing Inno’s cheek, Mikel slid them apart.
“It only gets better, my mate.”

Before Inno could say anything, Mikel went to the bathroom, no doubt to

retrieve something to clean Inno with. Mikel was nothing if not a courteous lover. Still,

he’d seen the flash of disappointment in his mate’s eyes. What was he doing wrong? He
knew Mikel had found his pleasure; a man couldn’t fake that kind of response.

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Mikel returned with a damp washcloth and wiped Inno down. He tossed the

cloth into the bathroom from the bed and snuggled Inno close. “I love you, sweet wolf.”

“I love you, too, badass vampire,” Inno replied.
Mikel chuckled. “Good.” His grip tightened. “I can’t lose you.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He patted Mikel’s hand where it lay on Inno’s

stomach. The scent of worry wafted off of Mikel, but Inno didn’t know what to do. If

Mikel wouldn’t share his burdens, Inno couldn’t help.

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Chapter Four

Walking across the marble floors, Inno sniffed out Moorhaven. The dark-haired

vamp leaned against the hotel’s bar, talking to a slender young man. They stood close
enough Inno suspected they were mates. When Moorhaven brushed back his

companion’s hair from his face, Inno’s suspicions were validated. The affection pouring
off the vampire toward his smaller companion didn’t hurt either.

Mikel approached the pair, holding out his hand to the vampire to shake. “Hello,

I’m Mikel Cruento and this is my mate Inno.”

Inno hid his smile. Mikel liked to pretend Inno didn’t have a last name other

than his. Until they had a proper mating, Inno refused to take Mikel’s name. He still
hadn’t figured out how to approach Mikel about that. He wanted a true wedding, and

he doubted his dominant mate would want all the fuss.

The other vampire bowed his head in acknowledgement. “Greetings, Mikel and

Inno, I’m Phoenix Moorhaven and this is my mate Declan.”

Inno exchanged smiles with Declan. At least they had something to bond over.

They both had overbearing vampires for mates.

Inno’s experience with vampires was limited to Mikel, Alesandro, and their

small group. He’d never met any others. His first glance at Phoenix Moorhaven had

him wondering if that hadn’t been a good thing.

Phoenix’s expression, cold and empty of emotion, kept Inno from rushing over to

greet him. He settled for a respectful head nod in the vampire’s direction.

Declan smacked the vampire in the chest. “Stop scaring the sweet wolf.”
A low, rich chuckle and a wide smile transformed Phoenix’s expression from

frozen to warm. His dark eyes heated as he settled his gaze on the smaller man beside
him. “I’m not trying to, he’s just a skittish little thing.”

Inno bristled at the description. His wolf puffed up inside, and a low growl

rolled up his throat.

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“Calm, love” Mikel wrapped a warm hand around the back of Inno’s neck. His

inner wolf settled, willing to let their strong mate handle the situation.

A small grin crossed his lips when Mikel snapped at the vampire. “You are in

our territory. Insulting my mate will win you no favors. Alesandro might have told me

to be nice, but make no mistake, taunting my mate will get you kicked out of here.”

“Sorry, Inno. I’ve had some bad experiences with wolves,” Phoenix said.

“Why?” Inno asked. If some wolves had hurt him in the past, maybe Inno wasn’t

the best choice as an emissary to greet an anti-wolf vampire.

“Because they always flirt with my mate,” Phoenix’s eyes glowed with a ruthless

fire. Inno preferred the coldness of before.

“Inno is my mate. He won’t flirt with yours,” Mikel said.

Inno rolled his eyes. He might as well be a pet. “I could just go back home if it’s

going to be a problem.”

Right then, curling up in bed and not dealing with a touchy vampire sounded

like a fine idea. A slow roll of annoyance wound through Inno. His wolf snorted a
companionable chuff. Neither halves of him were into dealing with officious vampires,

even the one mated to him.

“Ignore him,” Declan advised. “He’s all hot air and fangs.”

The petite man standing beside the vampire had the aura of someone who rarely

found himself in a situation he couldn’t handle. If life threw this man lemons, he
probably made an entire buffet out a single piece of citrus.

Inno sniffed again, trying to decipher the man’s species. Declan didn’t smell like

anything he’d scented before.

“I’m human and house elf,” Declan replied as if Inno had asked the question.
“Sorry.” Inno blushed. “I didn’t mean to be rude. My wolf is curious.”
He still hadn’t quite learned the subtleties of shifter exchanges. His wolf

sometimes took over, being stronger than Inno’s shy human half.

Declan’s sweet smile eased his concerns.

“No problem. I’m sure if I were a shifter, it would drive me insane from

wondering. What’s it like being a wolf?”

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Inno thought about it for a bit. “Kind of strange. It wasn’t until recently that I

could even feel my wolf.”

“Really?” Declan’s asked, his eyes lit with interest.
Unable to think of anything else to say, Inno blurted out his story about how

he’d come to be a new wolf. They chatted for a while before they realized their mates
had fallen silent and were staring at them.

“Done being chummy?” Mikel asked, an eyebrow raised in inquiry.
Declan snickered. “Aren’t they cute when they’re all in guardian mode?”
Inno smothered his laughter, but his shoulders shook, betraying his amusement.

An answering twinkle glowed in Declan’s eyes.

“What is your real purpose here?” Mikel asked Moorhaven.

Inno held back a sigh. Alesandro wouldn’t appreciate Mikel’s attitude if he heard

about it later. Accusing a visitor of having ulterior motives never started the evening off

“Like I’ve told your leader, I’ve come because Declan wanted to travel. I won’t

repeat myself to each person who comes to ask. The story isn’t going to change.”

“Easy, love, he has a right to know,” Declan said.
Inno wondered how Phoenix was able to capture the sweet house elf’s heart.

They were definitely a study of opposites. The vampire seemed a rather cold man with
little emotion, a direct contrast to his warmer mate. He’d never match those two if he
ran into them separately. Fate had a quirky sense of humor.

Mikel raised his hands in a placating motion. “I’m sorry if you’re offended, but

it’s my job to verify security before I show you around the hotel. You’d be more

suspicious if I didn’t ask questions.”

“True,” Phoenix conceded.
Declan and Inno exchanged amused glances, but neither said another word.

They’d let their mates try to out-alpha each other and stay out of it while they played
‘who’s the toughest vamp’. Inno would keep his claws sheathed unless Moorhaven hurt

Mikel. Inno might not win a battle between himself and the intimidating vampire, but
he’d claw the hell out of the bastard.

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When Anthony had turned over all vampire hotel promotion to the vampires,

he’d hypothesized vampires would react better to being shown around by their own

kind. In theory, it worked until you had two vampires with strong personalities in the
same room. Watching the alpha vampires interact, Inno debated telling Anthony he

needed a new approach.

Mikel motioned Phoenix forward. “How about I show you around, then I can

answer any questions you might have.”

Phoenix wrapped an arm around Declan and dragged him closer. “Fair enough.”
“Inno?” Mikel lifted an arm, and Inno slid beneath his embrace. Together the two

couples headed toward the elevators.

Inno’s wolf curled up in the corner of his mind, content to cuddle with their mate

Mikel. Closer was always better to the lupine mind.

After several minutes of walking around the hotel, Inno could almost see the

icicles cracking and falling away from the chilly vampires. Maybe, given a thousand

years, the two could be friends. Good thing vampires had plenty of time to get to know
one another.

Phoenix and his mate reminded Inno a lot of him and Mikel, but he’d gnaw off

his own foot before he said that to his mate. Mikel hadn’t stopped frowning since they’d

met the pair.

They bid good-bye halfway through the evening so they could get back home

before the sun rose. Inno exchanged numbers with Declan, eager to talk more with his

young friend. He hoped the couple decided to use the property. Inno didn’t have a lot
of non-wolf or non-vampire friends, and Declan made him laugh.

Mikel drove in silence. At first, Inno found it soothing, but after a while, he

realized Mikel’s quiet indicated a deeper problem—a vampire stewing.

“What’s wrong?” Inno asked. He almost hated to hear the answer. What could

he have done? He scoured his mind over the evening but couldn’t find anything.

Mikel shook his head. “Nothing. What could be wrong?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I asked. You’ve been quiet.”

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He didn’t want to tell Mikel the vampire smelled uneasy. For the past few

months, his mate had reeked of disappointment, and Inno had yet to figure out the

cause. Had he done something Mikel hesitated to talk to him about?

Mikel’s mouth quirked up in the corner. “And I’m usually chatty?”

“No, but you have that pensive feel as if you have something to say.”
Mikel’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. “Just I sometimes forget you are a

social creature. I know I let you work for the Moon Pack, but I don’t encourage you to
go on pack runs. You should go be social with the wolves. Be more involved with the
pack. I keep you too isolated.”

Regret clung to Mikel’s voice like an old wound.
Inno stared at his mate, but like usual, Mikel’s expression didn’t reveal his

feelings. “Let me see if I understand this. You want me to go be social with other men.”
Why now? Mikel wasn’t making any sense. He’d thought they were getting along. Did
Mikel think something was missing in their relationship?

Mikel growled. “Not have sex. Make friends. Your wolf is a pack animal. It’s my

job as your mate to make sure all of your needs are met. If you start to suffer from being

a lone wolf, I’d never forgive myself.”

There had been a moment when Moorhaven had pulled Mikel aside and Inno

had been unable to hear what he said. “Moor said something, didn’t he?”

“Nothing that didn’t need to be said, and he’s not the first one to say something

recently. He merely mentioned in his dealings with wolf packs, that they rarely thrive


“Did you tell him I’m not alone? I see the Moon Pack at least every other day if

not more often. I’m not isolated. You take good care of me.” Inno frowned at the
thought of the other vampire criticizing Mikel’s care. His mate did a fine job seeing to
his needs.

“Seeing them a few hours a day and running to form a bond isn’t the same, and

you know it,” Mikel argued. The irritated edge in his voice made Inno smile.

His mate tried so hard to make Inno happy. He couldn’t ask for a better match.

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“True.” Inno wasn’t sure why he was arguing. It would be good to see more of

the Moon Pack. “All right. I’ll try to make their next run. They have them every other

Saturday, you know.”

Just about every member of the pack had invited him at one time or another. He

couldn’t deny that they had welcomed him with open arms. However, between his
sister issues and bonding with Mikel, Inno spared little energy over worrying about

pack dynamics. Now things were settling down, and Inno liked the idea of running
with a pack as a true wolf.

“You should definitely attend the next one,” Mikel said, relaxing as if getting that

off his chest had sucked all the tension from his body.

“Are you going to come with me?” Inno didn’t like the thought of his mate being

alone while he ran with the wolves.

Mikel’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Why would I come? It’s a wolf

thing, isn’t it?”

Inno examined his fingernails. He really should cut them when he got home;

they were getting a little long for a pastry chef. Dough and flour could get under his

fingernails if he didn’t take care of that soon.


“Why would I go to a wolf run?”
He tried to keep his tone casual. “Um, Anthony and some of the fae partners sit

together in a limo and talk while we run. I just thought you might want to be with
them.” Inno blushed. Stupid of him to think Mikel would want to socialize. Vampires

were definitely not pack creatures, but didn’t they want friends too?

The Porsche continued to roll down the road in a smooth glide as the silence in

the car grew by ominous leaps and bounds.

“Do you want me there?” Mikel asked after a long enough pause Inno

considered howling to break the silence.

Inno glanced over, but he couldn’t tell from Mikel’s expression what he wanted

to hear from Inno.

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“Just tell me the truth,” Mikel said, his tone gentle.
“I want you there,” Inno blurted out before he lost his nerve.

“Then I’ll be there. You know you only have to ask, my sweet.”
“I know.” Closing his eyes, Inno pressed his cheek against the window. The cool

glass eased the heat of his skin. Since he’d woken his wolf, his body ran hotter.

“Good. I don’t want you to be afraid to ask me anything.”

Inno frowned. Why did he get the impression they were talking about two

different things? Still, the sense of unease hadn’t faded. Something was bothering
Mikel, and Inno needed to figure it out.

“Sometimes I don’t understand you,” Inno admitted. He should have a better

grasp of what was going on with his own beloved. Except he didn’t. Maybe he never

would. He wasn’t a very good wolf after all. Maybe he made an equally poor mate.
Inno’s instincts hadn’t improved that much with his new wolf skin. What if he’d sensed
the wrong thing and the vampire really wasn’t his mate.

Mikel’s tender smile spun Inno’s senses. “You don’t have to understand me, my

sweet. You just have to love me.”

“I do.” That was the easiest part of the mate bond. He adored Mikel and

wouldn’t trade him in for anyone else, human or shifter.

“Let’s pick up some burgers on the way home,” Mikel suggested.
“I love you.” The words blurted out without preparation. A man who

remembered to get him food deserved a heartfelt declaration.

“I’d buy you something to eat even if you didn’t,” Mikel promised.
They picked Inno up a dozen burgers, fries, and a shake. He’d eaten halfway

through the pile before they’d gone more than a few miles. He paused when Mikel
stared at him.


“Nothing. I did tell you to eat more,” Mikel said, shaking his head.
Since his mouth was full, Inno settled with a shrug and continued to devour his

food. Everything tasted extra good right then, and he couldn’t seem to get enough to

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Mikel laughed. “It’s a good thing I make a lot of money.”
Inno froze. “Do you want me to give you more?”

It had never occurred to him to worry about their disparate income. His mate

seemed to have buckets of the stuff and was always happy to share. Although Inno got

a salary from the Moon Pack, it wasn’t that much due to his short work hours. Mikel
didn’t like him away from his side.

“No!” Mikel insisted. “We are mates. Anything I have is yours.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m not doing my share. I can increase my hours.

Henry is always happy to have me work.”

“You feed me with your blood, beloved. Any food I give you is also to my

benefit.” He reached across the car and squeezed Inno’s hand before releasing him

again. “Even if it didn’t, it’s my privilege as your mate to give to you. Vampires, like
wolves, feel the instinct to provide for our better halves.”

“That works both ways, you know,” Inno said in a quiet voice.

“You take excellent care of me, little wolf. I have no complaints.”

Inno could detect the falsehood in his mate’s voice, but knowing Mikel lied and

pinpointing the reason weren’t the same. At least Mikel loved him. His vampire hadn’t

fibbed about that.

Inno frowned. “You’d tell me if there was a problem, right?”
“Of course, my love.”

Another lie.
Mikel would protect Inno even from his mate. He’d have to pin down his lover,

figure out what had upset him then take care of it.

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Chapter Five

Inno stirred in the melted butter, smiling at the glossy shine of the brownie mix.
“That looks good,” Henry said over his shoulder.
“Thanks. It’s a new recipe.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”
Inno gave his batter his utmost attention. “No. Why do you ask?”

“Because I cook like that when things are bothering me.”
Inno laughed. “I guess I’m not exactly subtle.”
“Naw, it just takes one cook to see when another one is upset. Want to talk about


Inno shrugged. The fact that Henry was talking to him when he knew the big

cook didn’t tend to seek people out meant the cook was truly concerned.

“Just, my sister is pregnant from a mutant, and now she wants me to talk to

Anthony about changing him back, and I don’t know if he deserves it.” Inno hated to
sound so negative about his future brother-in-law, but something about the mutant
rubbed him wrong. What kind of guy didn’t think there was a problem with

kidnapping people even if he thought it was for their own good? Inno didn’t
completely believe Adan’s story.

“And you think it’s a bad idea?” Henry propped his back against the wall beside

the stove and gave Inno his full attention.

Inno continued mixing his batter, unsure of what else to say. The rich smell of

chocolate soothed him. This he understood. Food didn’t try to make you decipher their
secrets. Combining the same ingredients each time gave you the same flavor. If only

vampires and sisters were as easy to understand.

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling.”

“Go with your gut,” Henry advised. “It knows more than the brain.”
“Hey, Inno,” Anthony walked into the kitchen.

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Inno froze. “H-hello, Anthony, sir.”
“Relax, Inno,” Anthony smiled.

Inno could never truly relax around Anthony. The alpha mate radiated power

and drove Inno’s wolf wild. His inner wolf wanted to kneel before Anthony, maybe lick

his ankles and wallow in his scent. Inno’s wolf might have chosen Mikel as its mate, but
it wanted to worship Anthony.

“Sorry, sir, you make my wolf a little insane.”
“It’s the forest witch in me,” Anthony replied with a kind smile.
“I think you still have some residual alpha wolf from Zeus, too,” Henry said.

“You think so?” Anthony dipped a spoon into Inno’s batter, then licked it. “Oh,

that’s amazing.”

Trin popped out of nowhere and landed in Anthony’s arms. “Bite!”
“You always know when there’s chocolate around. Henry could you grab me

another spoon?”

Henry pulled one out of a nearby drawer and handed it over.

Anthony dipped the spoon in the batter and gave it to the little boy who licked it

like a lollypop, getting batter all over his chubby cheeks. When he finished, he gave the

spoon back to his father.

“Thanks.” Anthony’s dry tone made Inno giggle.
“Wolf bad man,” Trin said, staring at Inno.

Inno’s heart sank. “Y-you think I’m bad?”
“No.” Trin flashed over to Inno. He dropped his stirring spoon in the batter to

catch the child. “Other wolf. Avoid.”

Before he could respond, Trin vanished again.
“Huh.” Inno picked up the spoon and began to stir again.

“Something you want to say?” Anthony asked.
Inno nodded and spilled out everything about Claudia and the mutant. “I found

his story suspicious. He didn’t smell deceitful, but if he thought he was on the right
side, he wouldn’t.”

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“That’s true. I will meet this mutant. You can set it up. I don’t like anyone who

thinks they can pull something over on the pack. He might not be working alone either.

We need to find out.” Anthony eyed the pot. “Finish up the brownies, and while they're
in the oven, you can call your sister and set up a meeting.”

“Yes, sir.” Inno was more than happy to pass along the problem. Anthony was

much more skilled in dealing with deceptive mutants. Inno barely made it out

unchanged last time.

“While you do that, I’ll contact Blake and see what he knows of this Adan.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate your help. I only met him briefly when I was in

the lab.” He couldn’t convey how much he needed assistance. Mikel could only help so
much when it came to wolf politics.

“Do you think he got her pregnant on purpose?” Henry asked.
Inno froze. “I didn’t even think about that. I didn’t have any connection to the

Moon Pack when they first grabbed me so I don’t know how they could’ve expected me

to help before.”

“Could be a plan of opportunity. If he truly impregnated her before he mutated,

then she probably told him about your ties to the Moon Pack afterward,” Anthony

“He knows about you and your ability to change mutants. He mentioned you

specifically,” Inno remembered. He took his chocolate off the burner, then poured it
into the waiting bowl to mix with the other ingredients.

“We haven’t made it a secret that I can reverse mutations,” Anthony said. “He

could’ve learned that anywhere, not necessarily from your sister.”

Inno gave Anthony a weak smile. “I appreciate you not trying to point fingers,

but she is the one who gave me up to be mutated. Our trust issues are pretty much
blown. I am currently without family.”

The hole in his chest attested to his new family-less position. He’d lost both of his

parents, but until now he’d always had his sister. He didn’t even know at this point if

he would be welcome as an uncle once Anthony dealt with Adan.

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Anthony gripped Inno’s shoulder. A jolt of energy spiked through Inno, almost

making him lose his grip of his spoon.

“You are one of us, Inno, whether you’ve officially joined the pack or not. You

work for us, and you’re mated to a good friend of the pack. We want you to be happy.

If he proves to be innocent of all this, I’ll be happy to change him back. If he turns out to
be a bad wolf as my son says, I will deal with that, too. Either way, I’ll make sure your

sister blames me for this fiasco instead of you.”

“Thank you, Anthony. Are you sure this isn’t too much trouble?” Silver didn’t

like Anthony to stray too far from his usual areas. The alpha worried over Anthony’s

safety. It didn’t help that they kept being attacked.

Anthony shrugged. “It will give my guards something to do. They just sit around

staring at me while I’m at the office.”

Inno bit his lip. “Silver might not like it.”
Oh crap, he was going to get in trouble with the alpha. His inner wolf

whimpered at the thought of displeasing Silver. He might not have officially joined the
Moon Pack, but his wolf acknowledged the more powerful leader as one worth


Anthony laughed. “I’ll clear it with Silver first, I promise.”

“Then all right.” Inno nodded. “If it won’t get us into trouble.”
He had no doubt Anthony could get himself out of trouble, but Inno wouldn’t be

able to sweet talk the alpha into ignoring a breach in protocol.

“You’re adorable.” Anthony patted Inno on the back. “Let me do all the


Inno braced himself for the jolt, the second time wasn’t so bad.
“Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes,” Henry said.
“Great, I’ll tell my mate.” Anthony poured two cups of coffee before leaving


Inno poured his batter into a pan and slid it into the oven. The pack had added a

second set of double ovens to the kitchen for Inno to use so he didn’t get in Henry’s way
while he baked.

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“He scares me,” Inno confessed once they were alone again.
Henry frowned. “Anthony?”

Inno nodded. “Yeah, he has so much energy.”
Henry pulled several quiches from the oven and set them on trivets on the long

table before speaking. “Anthony is extremely powerful, but he has his heart in the right
place. There isn’t anything he won’t do for Silver or the pack. It isn’t his fault he’s the

descendent of a god.”

“No, I know.” Guilt assailed Inno. He knew how it felt to be judged for things he

couldn’t control. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like I blamed him. Just…I find him


“Yeah,” Henry grimaced. “You get used to it.”

“Do you?”
“Not really, but I keep telling myself I will. On the plus side, my wolf tells me

Silver can handle him,” Henry said.

Inno relaxed. “Good.”
Henry had excellent wolf instincts. If his animal half said the alpha could handle

his mate, who was Inno to say differently?

Inno’s phone rang. Checking the readout, he groaned.

“Bad news?”
“Sister.” He sighed as it rang over and over.
“Are you going to answer it?” Henry asked. There was no accusation, merely

curiosity in his tone.

“I guess.” Inno pressed answer.

“Inno, help!” Claudia’s voice screeched over the line.
“What’s wrong?”
“Mutants! They’re attacking the bakery!” She began to sob uncontrollably.

“Lock the door and stay inside.” Knowing Claudia, she’d go out there and try to

help, ignoring the fact she was pregnant and without claws.

“Hurry!” she screamed.
“I’ll be right over.” Inno disconnected.

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“Want me to go with you?” Henry pulled off his apron.
Inno nodded. “If you don’t mind. The bakery is under attack.”

Henry tilted his head back and howled. A minute later the alpha pair rushed into

the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” Silver asked.
“Claudia said the bakery is under attack,” Inno said. His hands shook as he tried

to shove the phone into his pocket.

“We’re coming with,” Anthony said. “You can’t go alone. Call Mikel on the


“I’ll gather everyone,” Silver tilted back his head and howled. In less than five

minutes a thunder of footsteps preceded the kitchen filling up with shifters, mostly

wolf, but two tigers were in the mix.

“What’s going on?” Dare stepped forward, his gaze darting about as if trying to

assess the source of danger. His mate Steven pushed his way through the crowd to

stand at Dare’s side.

“Inno’s sister is in trouble,” Anthony said. “We’re heading over to handle a

mutant attack.”

“I didn’t know Inno had joined the pack,” Steven said. He raised his hands,

palms out, when Silver glared. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t come. I was just curious.”

“I haven’t officially,” Inno admitted. “If you don’t want to come, you don’t have


“Yes, you do,” Silver countermanded. “Claudia’s shop is in Moon Pack territory.

If we allow one challenge to go uncontested, they will start thinking they can invade

whenever. Anthony also told me Claudia is pregnant.”

Growling drifted through the pack as their wolf natures took over. Shifters

protected offspring with an almost fanatical zeal.

Inno quickly dialed his mate while Silver outlined the plan.
“Hey, baby,” Mikel answered.

“Claudia called. Mutants are attacking her shop. I’m heading over there with the


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“Don’t you dare!"
Inno flinched. “Gotta go.”

He hung up on his mate. He couldn’t concentrate on his lover’s feelings and save

his sister at the same time.

“Did you just call Mikel?” Anthony asked.
“He’s not happy.” His expression must’ve said it all because Anthony dropped

the subject and helped Silver coordinate the attack. Once everyone had their assigned
duty, the group left in a convoy of cars.

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Chapter Six

Mikel ran for the limo. He half hoped Claudia had been lying. If she put Inno in

danger, he was going to snap her neck as soon as she gave birth. He’d be doing the
world a favor.

His driver Horace pulled open the door. “Where to, boss?”
“Claudia’s bakery. She’s under mutant attack. If you need to leave after you drop

me off, that’s fine.”

“I never ran from a fight, and I’m not about to start now,” Horace replied.
“Then let’s get going, Inno is already there.” He didn’t know how many of the

Moon Pack might have gone with him, but he couldn’t leave Inno to battle without his

His phone rang. He almost ignored it when he saw it was Moorhaven. They had

exchanged numbers in case Mikel could answer any more questions while Alesandro
was out of town. He wished his leader would get his ass back because the world was

falling apart without him. Mikel never realized how much work Alesandro did until he
left Mikel in charge.

The phone continued to ring until Mikel finally pushed the connect button.

“I see our period of getting along has ended,” Moor said.
“My mate is heading for a mutant attack. I don’t have time for pleasantries.”
“Where? I’d be happy to assist.”

Mikel almost told the vampire off, but then he realized he could use the help. He

rattled off the address, and after a vow of assistance from the older vampire, Mikel


The bakery came into sight. The limo slid to a stop the same time a dark cloud

blotted out the sunlight. Mikel climbed out of the limo and spotted Moor climbing out

of a car of his own.

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Horace climbed out of the limo and handed Mikel a weapon. “I’ve got your


“Thanks.” Mikel patted Horace on the back as Moor approached.
“Did you do this?” Mikel pointed at the cloud.

Moor shrugged. “Being old has its perks.”
He wondered briefly where Moor’s mate had gone, but he figured the powerful

vampire wouldn’t allow his little elf to be put into danger.

Mikel slashed out the throat of the first mutant he ran across. None of them

deserved to live, not if they threatened his mate. The battle cry of the wolves filled the

air. The large beasts attacked the mutants with a ferocity he’d never seen before.
Lightning crackled and sparked, raining down from the sky and frying mutants where

they stood.

Moorhaven ran to Mikel’s side. He didn’t see Inno. Panic went through him.
“Easy Mikel, he’s here somewhere, feel him out,” Moor said.

Mikel didn’t bother to tell Moor that he couldn’t connect with Inno because they

weren’t properly mated. Next time he wouldn’t let his mate leave him before claiming

him. With the overwhelming smell of mutants he couldn’t scent Inno. Straining, he still
couldn’t hear Inno’s voice in the crowd.

A mutant swung a clawed hand at Mikel. He ducked and shot the creature in the

head. Good thing Horace had brought Mikel’s weapon. He caught sight of Silver and

headed in his direction. Maybe Inno would be near the alpha. He saw Moor in his
periphery taking out mutants with a casual ease as if he were walking through a park

instead of battling mutants. He stamped out his jolt of jealousy. He’d take any help if it
increased his odds at finding Inno.

It seemed as if time slowed to a backwards crawl before they finally reached

Silver. As they approached, the alpha swiped his claws across a mutant’s throat. The
creature toppled to the ground. “Where’s Inno?” Mikel shouted to be heard over the

sounds of battle.

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Some of the pack had transformed into wolves and the howls and snarls created

a wall of noise around them.

Silver shrugged. “He was heading for the bakery when I saw him last.”
Panic swept through Mikel. Was no one watching his mate’s back? Pointing

toward the bakery he motioned Horace to follow him. Moor nodded his agreement to
their path. The trio cut a wide swathe through the attacking beasts.

What had caused the mutants to come after the Moon Pack? Was it purely a

territory thing or was there a stronger underlying issue? A mutant ran toward them,
before he could blink Moor snapped the creature’s neck.

Fuck, he made a note not to get on Moor’s bad side.
A cry of anguish from inside the bakery sounded disturbingly familiar.

Mikel shoved past the others to find Inno kneeling on the kitchen floor and

sobbing over his sister. She lay on the creamy tile, her throat torn out, and blood
spurting from the wound.

Anthony kneeled beside Inno. “Stand back.” He waved his hands and the wound

in her neck sealed, but she didn’t start breathing again. “I can’t save her, Inno, but I can

save her baby.”

Inno lifted a tear-streaked face. “Why can’t you save her? You healed her.”

“Because her soul already left.” Sorrow etched Anthony’s features. “I see her

spirit beside you. She’s sorry she betrayed you, but she wants you to raise her child.”

“What about the father,” Mikel asked.

“He’s gone,” Anthony said. “If he’s not dead, then he’s off with the others.

You’re all the baby has left.”

Mikel crouched beside his lover. “Don’t worry, Claudia, we’ll watch over your

baby.” A stray breeze flipped through Mikel’s hair, and he knew her ghost had heard

Inno’s sobs echoed off the walls, accompanying the stench of the carnage

surrounding them.

“I’ll call the vamps to have them clean up.” Mikel knew of a good vampire

cleaning service, they would take care of everything as good as new.

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Anthony patted Inno’s shoulder. “Inno, I’d like to take Claudia to the Moon Pack

house for monitoring. She’ll be safest at our place. I can keep her body in stasis while

the fetus develops.”

“Is there an apartment we can rent at the Pack house?” Mikel asked.

Inno hiccupped. “We can’t do that, Mikel. I don’t want to ruin your life. Maybe it

would be best if I left. You don’t want a baby messing up your perfect place.”

Mikel gripped Inno’s chin and turned his lover to face him. “I’ll do anything to

keep you happy. Did I plan on having a child? No. But I know you will make an
excellent father and I’d be delighted to raise a pup with your blood in him.”

“Or her. It could be a girl,” Inno said.
“We’ll see when it’s born,” Mikel said. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

“But we just got together,” Inno said.
“If you want to put the baby up for adoption, I’m sure we could find it a good

home,” Anthony offered.

“No!” Inno growled. “It’s mine!”
“Back off, Inno,” Silver snarled, entering the bakery. “I’m letting you get away

with your behavior because of your sister’s death, but don’t disrespect my mate.”

“No, it’s okay,” Anthony started.

“No, he’s right.” Inno tilted his head at the alpha and his mate. “I’m sorry. I let

my sister down in the end. I won’t do that to her child. I promised her I would take care
of her baby, and that is what I’m going to do.”

Mikel gripped Inno’s shoulder. “That is what we are going to do.”
Inno patted Mikel’s hand. “What we are going to do,” he amended.

“Let’s get back to the pack house and find you a place to stay. I know we have a

few apartments next to each other. We can put your sister close by,” Silver offered.

“Thank you,” Inno said. He stood.

Mikel immediately straightened and wrapped an arm around Inno’s waist. Now

more than ever, his mate needed his strength. Not only to get through his sister’s death,

but to handle fatherhood.

“We’ll be fine,” he whispered in Inno’s ear.

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“You think so?” Inno’s worried eyes twisted Mikel’s heart. If he didn’t already

love his wolf shifter, he would’ve fallen in that moment. His beautiful wolf needed him,

and Mikel was more than happy to provide.

“I know so. As long as we stick together.” Mikel meant every word. They didn’t

speak as they got into the limo and returned to the pack house.

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Chapter Seven

The full moon hung like a beacon in the sky. Inno watched it, entranced. Mikel

sat in the limo among the other non-shifter mates with a glass of wine and Anthony and
the fae twins to keep him company. There was talk Vien, Viell, and Gabe were moving

to the fae world, but they hadn’t committed to it yet.

“Good to see you, Inno,” Dakota said.

Inno smiled. “Thanks.” Dakota didn’t usually bother talking to other shifters so it

brightened his mood that the wolf turned human had spoken to him. Maybe Henry had
put him up to it.

Ever since Inno had taken over his sister’s bakery, he’d been getting increased

orders from the Moon Pack. He’d agreed to make them special freezer desserts they

could pull out as needed, but apparently Trin had found where they hid them and they
couldn’t keep them in stock.

Silver walked to the front of the group and addressed them. “Greetings, Moon

Pack. I am happy to greet Inno, everyone’s favorite baker.” A round of claps followed
Silver’s words. When they died down, he spoke again. “Please watch him during the

run and make him welcome. That’s it for now. Let’s run.”

Everyone began to strip off their clothes. This part of shifting still made Inno

uncomfortable. This was like the locker room of a health club, every body toned and
lean. There weren’t many fat shifters unless they stopped running as a wolf. Only the

truly old or infirm stopped shifting.

Inno tried to keep his gaze down as he removed his clothing, then folded them

neatly on the grass, next to a tree easily found when he returned after the run. Calling

upon the power of the moon, Inno let the shift take over and he went from nervous man
to bouncy wolf.

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His animal half leapt forward, eager to play with his pack mates. Although his

human side was cautious about people he didn’t know that well, his wolf greeted them

happily as his pack.

Some chuffing and nipping at the others preceded a group run. Inno ran and ran

until his legs tired and his eyes began to droop. Glancing around, he realized he’d
separated from the others.

He took a deep breath and inhaled Mikel. Turning, the wolf headed back to his


He snorted at a moth that flitted close, then turned on his paws and running back

the way he’d come. A weird whistling in the air was the only warning before something
jabbed him in the shoulder.

Inno turned his head and saw a fluffy tipped dart sticking out of him.

That was the only word he could get out before the world went black.

He woke up in a kennel. A familiar scenario he’d give anything to forget.
“Oh good, you’re awake.”

Inno blinked up at the mutant hovering over the cage. Adan grinned at him, but

jumped back before Inno’s snapping jaws could reach him.

“Foolish boy. You think you can take me down?”

He wished he could bite off the man’s face. His wolf snarled in satisfaction at the


“I’m far older than you think, and I’ve killed my share of foolish pups. Now tell

me where Claudia is, and I’ll think about letting you live. I can’t allow strangers to raise
my kid. How am I going to discover if he can be transformed into a mutant while he’s a

baby? Maybe he’ll be able to go back and forth if we give him the drug at a young age?”


“Hmm, not going to change and talk? Well, I’m sure we can get your foolish

mate to come get you. Claudia believed me when I told her we were mates. I think she

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heard too many of your idiotic stories where mates bonded and lived happily ever after.
She was desperate to believe it. I thought she’d never stop crying after I told her I had

set her up to kill you. Well, not at first, but you turned out to be a truly useful tool. If I
paid you enough, I bet we could get you to turn on Silver, so many people are dazzled

by a bit of cash.”

Inno resisted the urge to talk. He’d remain a wolf until his mate found him.

“Hmm, not going to talk, are you? Well, I’ll leave you here for a bit to think

about it before I start ripping off fur.” He grinned before turning and walking out the

He hoped Adan’s confidence was false.
Where was he? He scanned the room, but all he could see was metal shelving

and cabinets. From where he sat, he couldn’t even see what was on them.

Mikel, come find me. Depressed, he rested his head on his paws and closed his


He didn’t know how much time went by before someone came and opened his

cage door. He’d all but fallen asleep from boredom.

“I see you caught a lower ranking wolf,” the new voice said.
Inno blinked, then yawned as he took in the scary visage of the newcomer.

“He’ll be an excellent trap, just you wait,” Adan said. He wore a gun strapped to

his thigh like an old west gunslinger. Obviously preparing for an invasion.

“Who are we luring here?” the other mutant asked.

“His vampire mate.”
“Hmm,” the newcomer rubbed his chin. “Who’s his mate?”

“Let me think. Claudia told me…Mikel. That’s it, Mikel.”
“What? Are you an idiot?” The newcomer picked up Adan and tossed him

across the floor. "Mikel will kill us all for taking his mate!”

“Relax, what can one little vampire do?” Adan climbed to his feet and glared at

the other mutant.

Inno didn’t know the guy, but the look of disbelief let Inno know that Adan was

in on this idea alone.

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The sound of an explosion made Inno wag his tail.
“Oh fuck.” The other mutant turned to Inno. “Let him know this was all Adan’s

idea. I had nothing to do with it.”

Inno nodded. He couldn’t stop whatever was happening outside, but if Mikel

came closer, he’d tell him the truth.

“Coward!” Adan shouted as the other mutant fled.

Inno didn’t blame him. If he were in that situation, he’d run too.
“Inno!” Mikel shouted.
Inno transformed back to human. “I’m in here.”

Adan stepped closer to the cage. “Why would you tell him that?”
“Because I want to be rescued.”

“But he’s a vampire!”
“And you’re a psychopath. Give me a vampire any day.”
Adan growled. “Claudia didn’t think he was good for you.”

“Claudia let you hand me over to Korl, so her judgment wasn’t the best.”
A pang went through him even speaking his sister’s name. Damn he was going

to miss her.

The door slammed open, and Mikel marched through. “Step away from my


“Come closer, and I’ll kill him.” Adan announced. He stepped forward and

reached out for Inno.

Inno exposed his claws and slashed at his hand.
“Ow, why did you do that?”

“You just threatened to kill me.” Adan obviously was missing a few screws.
“But I didn’t mean it. If I kill you, who will take care of the kid?”
“What is wrong with you?” Inno asked. “You just said you wanted to do

experiments on your child.”

Adan shook his head. “I-I don’t know. Nothing makes sense.”

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“Mutant poisoning,” Anthony said, walking into the room. “We’re seeing it more

and more now. Korl hadn’t tested his serum enough. Those exposed to the chemicals

are beginning to go insane. Memory loss, illness, and in some cases death.”

“No! It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Korl promised me forever. He said if I

helped bring in the others, I would live for eternity, except I don’t want to live like this.”
Tears dripped down Adan’s face. “I want to be back where I was before. Change me


“I can’t,” Anthony said. “Some of the mutating serum batches were bad, and

now those people can’t be changed back. Even with my magic, I can’t make you look

human again.” Regret crossed Anthony’s face. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry! I look like this, and you’re sorry.” He spun around to face Inno.

“Watch over my kid.”

Before anyone could stop him, Adan pulled the gun out of the holster on his belt

and blew his brains out.

“No!” Inno shouted. Blood and brain matter coated him and the wall behind

him. He heaved a few times before throwing up in the corner, adding to the mess in the


“Come here, babe,” Mikel rushed to his side and stripped off his shirt to wipe

Inno’s face.

“Just a sec.” Anthony did something with his hands and Inno became spotless.

The scent of death still hung in the air, along with the sight of the dead body, but

human matter no long covered Inno.

“Thanks,” Inno choked out over the clogging of emotions in his throat.

“Let’s get home,” Mikel said.
Inno nodded. The Moon Pack place might not be their dream home, but it was

theirs and—fingers-crossed—soon to be the home of their child, too.

“The limo is outside.”
“You brought the limo to rescue me?”

Mikel squeezed Inno tight. “I bring a limo everywhere. In this case, I wasn’t sure

we’d find you before sunup and I wanted to be ready.”

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“Makes sense.” He couldn’t argue with Mikel’s logic.

Inno almost cried when he finally crawled into their bed. “I’m so happy to be


“It’s been a rough few weeks,” Mikel said, lying down beside him.
“What’s wrong, Mikel.” Inno couldn’t take his mate’s despair anymore.

“Make me yours!” Mikel growled.
Inno’s mouth dropped open. “You are already mine.”
Mikel rolled over until to face Inno. “Then why won’t you claim me? Is it

because I’m not a wolf?”

“No!” Inno searched for the perfect words, but couldn’t find them. “For me to

claim you, I have to bite you during sex. I didn’t think you’d want that.”

Mikel cupped Inno’s cheek. “Baby, I want you to be mine so much it hurts.”
“That’s it, isn’t it? That’s why you’ve smelled so sad lately.”

Relief surged through him. “I thought maybe you were regretting mating with a

submissive wolf. I’m not as tough as most of the shifters. I’ll never be a badass or be
able to stand beside you properly in a fight.”

Mikel’s soft laughter eased Inno’s fears. “I don’t need a warrior, my sweet wolf. I

need someone to love. You are perfect for me. The only flaw you have is your blindness
in seeing how wonderful you are. If you need to fuck me to make me yours, then do it.”

“I don’t know if I need to or not. I could call Silver?” He started to get up to find

his pants and retrieve his phone. Mikel pushed him back onto the mattress. “How about

I’ll be on top, but you can be inside me? I don’t want you to start talking to one of your
wolf friends, not now. I need your attention on me.”

“My attention is always on you,” Inno confessed. “Even when we’re not

together, all I can think about is you.”

“Good.” Mikel’s elongated teeth flashed in the dim lighting. “Very good.”

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“Yes, Mikel.” Inno might doubt himself, but he couldn’t argue that Mikel needed

him. Mikel pulled open the side table drawer and removed the lube. “Let’s get us


With smooth efficiency, Mikel slathered the slick liquid across Inno’s shaft before

plunging two fingers into his own hole.

“Oh, fuck, that’s hot.” He’d always been a bottom so, until that moment, Inno

hadn’t realized how sexy watching someone prep himself was.

“Now you know why I like to see you loosen up.”
Inno nodded. He licked his suddenly dry lips. “Yeah, I can understand that


Mikel tossed the tube toward the table. It skittered across the surface and landed

behind the bed. Inno laughed.

While Inno watched the container vanish, Mikel slid down Inno’s cock.
“Oh fuck.” Inno grabbed Mikel’s hips as his mate took him all inside.

Mikel took Inno’s hands and wrapped them around the bars of the headboard.

“Just because you’re inside me doesn’t put you in control. Keep your hands up here

while I fuck you.”

Inno whimpered.

Mikel’s predatory grin did nothing to lessen the moment. He knew which one of

them was prey, and he relished his position.

Hard and fast, Mikel rode Inno like a bucking bronco who needed to be broken

to saddle. His knuckles turned white, and he couldn’t stop his hips from involuntarily
flexing to meet Mikel’s sexy moves.

“I’m not going to last,” Inno gasped. His control was fraying like a rope above a


“Bite me!” Mikel ordered. He leaned forward and tilted back his head.

Unable to resist the command of his mate, Inno struck. He bit down hard, slicing

through the skin between Mikel’s shoulder and neck with his elongated incisors. His

wolf determined to claim their mate as thoroughly as possible. No other shifter would
ever think they had a chance to make Mikel theirs.

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“Inno!” Mikel shouted.
Wetness splashed between them. The smell of Mikel’s cum triggered Inno’s

release, and he filled his lover with his seed. Inno’s wolf growled, a possessive snarl of
ownership. Mikel would never be free of their mating until death broke them apart.

“Even in death, we will be joined, my love,” Mikel said.
Inno slipped his teeth out of his lover before licking his wound sealed. “You can

hear me?”

Yes. We are one.
Inno’s head jerked back as he heard Mikel’s voice in his head. He knew the

vampire could read his mind, but this was an entirely different situation.

My mate.

“Yes, yours.” Mikel’s kiss, hard and demanding, claimed Inno in a different

manner. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I didn’t know if you would want my bite,” he admitted.

“I want anything that will show the world we belong together. Now I’m going to

take a long bath. It’s been forever since I bottomed, and even with my amazing healing

powers, my ass is going to be sore.” Mikel winced as he slid off of Inno.

“I could heal you,” Inno offered.

Mikel frowned. “I thought you could only heal with your saliva.”
“Yes.” Inno climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom, letting his mate

figure things out.

“Oh, hell yes.”
Inno heard Mikel’s footsteps behind him, and he smiled. They would have to

work on their communication. They could’ve been doing this a long time ago.

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Chapter Eight

Two months later

Inno sat beside Mikel in the waiting room. Anthony had called and told them the

baby had grown large enough to be born. He’d learned that shifters only needed six

months to create a fully grown pup. Apparently Claudia’s child was following shifter
rules. Only through a combination of medicine and Anthony’s magic were they able to

bring the baby to full-term, but his sister was still dead and Inno couldn’t handle
watching her cut open even if it was to bring a child to life. Silver had found a private
clinic that catered to supernaturals. The doctor there had agreed to help bring Claudia’s

child into the world.

“What is taking so long?” Inno asked. He stared at the door to the waiting room,

willing a doctor to appear.

“It will take as long as it takes. You can’t rush things like this. You don’t want the

doctors to make mistakes, do you?” Mikel asked.

“No.” He wished he could say yes, but Mikel was right. Hurrying might cause

problems. He’d rather they took their time and produce a healthy baby than go too fast

and have problems later.

Anthony and Silver came down the hall and sat across from them.

“Shouldn’t you be in there?” Inno asked Anthony.
“No. I’ve done all I can do from this end. It’s all up to the babies now.” Anthony

slapped a hand over his mouth.

“Babies? There’s more than one?” Spots danced before Inno’s eyes.
“Don’t lose it now, love,” Mikel said, but his voice lacked its usual strength.

“I’m surprised he held out this long,” Silver admitted.
“Pfft, I can keep a secret.” Anthony scowled at his mate.

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“You can, but you don’t like to if it’s a happy one,” Silver said, tucking

Anthony’s hair back behind his ear. It had grown longer over the past month and now

hung past his ears. Privately, Inno thought the look very flattering on the demi-god.

“I can’t help it. We so rarely get good news.” Anthony’s lower lip slid out in an

adorable pout.

The doors swung open, and a doctor wearing scrubs appeared through the

opening. “If you gentlemen would follow me?”

All four of them got to their feet and raced after the doctor. Since the man wasn’t

walking that fast, they almost tripped on their own feet.

“How are they?” Inno asked.
“Everything went fine. I was told you two would be the fathers on record.”

“Yes,” Mikel said.
“The nurse will have the forms for you to fill out along with the birth certificates.

Now don’t let their size bother you. They are small but healthy.”

“Okay.” Anxiety filled Inno. What if they couldn’t do this? What if he was the

world’s worse father?

You’ll be fine, my love. You are a wonderful man who will be an amazing father.
Inno took a deep breath and nodded to Mikel. It didn’t matter if he thought he’d

be a failure. The kids were depending on him. “We can do this.”

“You’re not alone, Inno. The entire pack will help out. Dare has already sent me

three emails asking if you will need a babysitter,” Silver said.

Inno smiled. Everyone knew the big tiger shifter loved kids. “I’ll keep him in

mind.” Hell, he’d probably have him on speed dial.

“Normally with preemies, I would hand out gloves and masks, but these are

half- shifter so that isn’t necessary. They won’t be able to catch anything,” the doctor

“Will they be able to shift?” Inno wouldn’t wish his situation on anyone.

Growing up a half-shifter without any wolf skills had been horrible. No pack wanted

him, and he’d never fit in with the fully human children.

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“I don’t think that will be a problem.” He led them to a bassinet where two tiny

wolves lay curled up together. One white and one black like the perfect yin and yang


“I guess the question is can they turn human?” Silver asked.

The doctor nodded. “They were human when they first came out. I suspect they

changed to wolf to protect themselves in a strange environment, a sort of survival


“Are they boys or girls?” Inno asked. With them lying on their stomachs, he

couldn’t make it out.

“The black wolf is a girl and the white wolf is a boy,” the doctor announced.
“I’d like to name the girl Claudia Silver and the boy Anthony Adan—we’ll call

him Tony.” Inno glanced over at the alpha pair. “Without Silver helping me with my
wolf and Anthony’s magic keeping the babies alive, they wouldn’t be alive. I’d also like
to make you two their godparents.” Inno hoped he wasn’t overreaching.

Anthony smiled. “We’d be happy to.”
Silver nodded, but didn’t speak. His eyes had a shimmer, but when he blinked,

Inno decided he must’ve imagined it. The alpha wouldn’t be crying.

“I guess we need to go get a second of everything,” Mikel said.

“Already taken care of,” Anthony said. “I didn’t want to ruin the surprise so I

just ordered a second of everything you guys got. I’ve been stashing it in the storage
units in the basement. I’ll call over and have the pack move it all to your apartment.”

“We can never thank all of you enough,” Inno said.
“No, we can’t,” Mikel agreed.

“Greetings everyone,” Alesandro said, walking into the hospital room.
“Alesandro,” Mikel stepped forward and clasped hands with his leader. “What

are you doing here?”

“My mate said it was customary to offer a new baby, presents,” Alesandro

pointed behind him.

Inno nodded to Calvin who’d been hidden by Alesandro’s body.
“Hello,” Calvin handed over a basket overflowing with baby items.

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Inno stepped forward to hug the human only to have the two vampires growl.

“Oh hush,” Inno said.

Calvin laughed and gave him a quick hug before stepping back. “They are

possessive bastards.”

“Yeah.” Inno exchanged knowing smiles with Calvin. As a human, he had his

own problems dealing with a vampire. He made a mental note to get to know Calvin

better. One of these days, life would slow down enough for him to catch up with all the
things he wanted to do.

A soft snuffling snort from the basinet let him know today wouldn’t be the day

his life became slower.

“How soon can we take them home?” Inno asked, walking back to the pups.

The doctor stepped forward. “I’d like to keep them overnight for observation.”
Inno bit his lip. “Can we stay with them?” He couldn’t let them out of his sight.

Not now.

“We can arrange twenty-four hour security,” Alesandro said. “You don’t have to

fear for your pups.”

“The pack can watch over them,” Silver said, his eyes flashing with challenge.
To tell a pack alpha he couldn’t protect its own was a grievous insult.

Alesandro held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. “No offense, alpha, I am

only offering assistance for my coven member.”

Silver took a couple of slow breaths before nodding. “Sorry, my wolf took it as an

insult to our abilities.”

“New parents can never have enough help,” Inno said.

“Well said, young wolf.” Alesandro patted Inno on the back.
“There is one convertible sleeping chair in each room,” the doctor said. “They

aren’t super comfortable but they are better than the metal ones.

“We’ll get another cot,” Anthony offered.
“Thanks. I don’t want to leave,” Inno said. Mikel squeezed his hand.

“I’ll stay here with you.”

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* * * *

“Hey, I’ll get that for you.” Dare grabbed the key from Mikel and rushed ahead

to unlock the door for them. He opened it wide. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, Dare.” Mikel juggled Tony and the large black baby bag while Inno

carried Claudia.

Neither of them slept much the night before, they kept waking up to stare at the

wolves. The babies kept changing from wolf to baby and back to wolf. They snuggled
together, whatever form they took, seeming to gather comfort from each other.

The cubs began to fuss until they set them down together in one crib.

Immediately they cuddled together.

“We have a family now,” Inno said.
Mikel kissed him. “As soon as I found you, I had my family. The pups are a

bonus, an amazing bonus, but make no mistake Inno, my family was complete with just


“I love you too, Mikel.” Inno kissed his mate. They’d been through a lot together

the past few months and had come out the better for it.

“I’m glad I found you in that alley.” Mikel kissed Inno gently before tucking him

by his side so they could watch their pups sleep.

Trin popped into the room, perching on the edge of the crib. “They’ll be


Inno stepped forward to grab the toddler, but he scooted out of reach.
“Trin, careful of the cubs,” Dare said, entering the room.

“I won’t hurt them.” Trin scowled at the tiger shifter. “They need protecting.”
“From what?” Mikel asked.
“The pretender. He’s coming. He thinks he’s going to get Daddy.” Trin’s eyes

flashed silver lightning. “He won’t. But you need to be careful when he comes. He’ll use
the wolves to get to Daddy.”

“Thank you for the warning.” Mikel gave a short bow to the toddler.
Trin vanished as quickly as he came.

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“It’s probably wrong to say it, but that kid worries me.” Inno shivered.
“He’s a combination siren, wolf, and demi-god. It would be wrong if he didn’t,”

Dare said. “I wonder if the alphas know he’s a seer.”

“Why do you call them both alphas?” Mikel asked.

Dare shrugged. “Because although Silver is the alpha of our pack, Anthony is his

partner and powerful in his own right. It’s our way of acknowledging Anthony’s

connection to Silver.”

“What does that make me and Inno?”
“Lucky,” Dare said. “Being an alpha is a lot of work.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want the job,” Inno shivered. His attention returned to the

wolf cubs. “I have enough to do now.”

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“They are so easy to manipulate.”

Anthony knew that voice. It haunted his dreams and sometimes his waking


“You again?” He tried to keep his voice calm while his heart pattered like a

cheetah fleeing a wildfire.

“I hope you aren’t bored with me yet, sweet boy. I have so many more plans for

you. You didn’t think those stupid mutants planned that alone, did you?”

“You did this?” Remembering Inno’s devastation, Anthony added this deed to

the column of things he would do to make this asshole pay.

The smoke creature shrugged. “I might have had a hand in it. They naturally

wanted to get even.”

“For what? We’ve only killed them when they entered our territory. We don’t go

out looking for them.”

“No? But you take all of the resources. They come to you, and you kill them,” he

taunted. “How noble of you.”

“We kill them when they blow up our kitchen door or when they kill an innocent


“We both know that woman wasn’t so innocent. Just because she felt guilty later

doesn’t mean she wasn’t responsible for what happened. She could’ve told Inno not to
come and spared him the trauma of seeing her death. In the end, she selfishly wanted to

see her brother before she died and pass on the burden of her unwanted child.”

“What makes you think it was unwanted?” Did he know more about the

situation than them? He obviously didn’t know there were two children.

“She wasn’t married. Why would she want her illegitimate offspring? Zeus

certainly never did.”

More light bulbs flickered on in Anthony’s mind. “Are we still talking about

Inno’s sister?”

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“You think you are so smart!” the being thundered. “Zeus likes to fuck anything

that moves, but he doesn’t care for the consequences. He tries to convince Hera he is

faithful, but she knows and she makes the children suffer who are not of her making.
You were only spared because your mother is one of Hera’s favorite people. You were

twice blessed, foolish child.”

Anthony knew nothing of Hera’s opinion of his mother. He’d never met the

goddess. She didn’t hang around Zeus since their marriage wasn’t a peaceful one. The
few times he’d glimpsed her, she’d been far away and had an unapproachable aura.

“Why are you so angry?”

“Because as much power as I have, I will never be a full god, and if I have my

way, neither will you. I will slowly take everything from you until you agree to let Zeus

give me your godhead. Then, and only then, will you be free of me.”

Anthony jerked awake, shaking. Giving the psychopath more power wouldn’t be

the right way to go. If he was this bad now, Anthony didn’t even want to imagine what

he’d be like with unimaginable magic.

Silver twitched in his sleep, Anthony pressed a slight sleeping spell across his

wolf. No, Silver didn’t need to be awake for this. Anthony ignored the voices reminding
him of the last time he’d done something without his mate’s knowledge. Wolf

possession was completely different than what he had to do now.

Anthony slid out of bed. Sliding out of bed he grabbed the sphere off his bedside

table. He carried the glowing ball outside to their small balcony. Taking a deep breath

he smashed it against the cement floor. Energy slammed into him, and he fell onto his
back. Color swirled all around him, and electricity sizzled down his spine. He

screamed, his back bowing from the magic pulsing through him.

“Grandfather, help.” Zeus had said he’d be there for him. Where was he?
“Whatever is the problem, dear boy?”

Anthony’s eyes snapped open as he stared into the cold eyes of a goddess. He

even couldn’t stand to greet her. Hopefully, she saw him groveling on the cement as

good as a bow.


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“That would be me.”
Anthony licked his lips. “Wh-where is Zeus?”

He racked his brain for a way to contact his grandfather. If Hera was here in his

stead, it could mean she’d trapped him some way again. He’d heard of some of her

punishments when she found Zeus had been unfaithful, and it happened more often
than not.

“He’s tied up for a bit.” She swung her foot back and forth as she sat on the

balcony railing.

“Please, I need to speak with him.” He clenched and unclenched his fingers,

trying to get feeling back in his hands.

“I’m afraid that’s just not possible.” She held up a hand mirror and adjusted a

curl. Where did she get a hand mirror? Did she just carry it around with her?

Crap. Now what did he do? “D-do you know when he’ll be available?”
She set down the mirror. “A thousand years or so.”

A tear slid down Anthony’s cheek. It was the wolf possession all over again with

too much power and too little knowledge. He refused to hurt Silver this time.

Something stirred in him, but Anthony pushed it away. He didn’t wish for the wolf
spirit to come alive. Never again.

“Anything I can help you with?” Hera asked, her amused gaze didn’t encourage

him to think she truly wished to help him.

Anthony gave a hysterical laugh and tried to gather enough breath to speak.

“Not unless you can give me a way to control my godhead before my enemies come to
squash me like a bug.”

Hera jumped off the rail and kneeled beside him. Her power wrapped around

him like a constricting vise. “You don’t want all that lovely power for yourself?”

“No. I want to live happily ever after with my mate, but people just won’t leave

us the fuck alone.” He glanced up at Hera. “Sorry for cursing.”

He could feel his energy slipping away. He fought it. He refused to leave Silver


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Hera tilted her head as if examining him. “You are a rather strange young man.

You really aren’t power hungry at all. Whenever Zeus talks about you, he’s always so

proud. I figured you were a power-seeking pissant like the others. But you are kind of
noble, aren’t you? You really want to keep your people safe. They will remain safe

while Zeus is busy. In return, I need one favor.”

“What’s the favor?” Anthony knew better than to make deals with gods. They

always reneged or found a loophole to helping out.

“I want your lightning ability. I’ve always wanted to shoot lightning bolts. It

looks exhilarating.”

“Sorry, I don’t know what you’d do with that ability and I’ve learned my lesson

about swapping out power.”

“The wolf thing still bugging you?” Hera asked.
Anthony nodded. “You have no idea.” Especially now that he could feel it

moving within him again.

“I bet Zeus didn’t tell you that you can still transform into a beast, did he?” Hera


“What?” The increased need for rare beef and his occasional bouts of aggression

started to make sense now. “I thought he took the spirit out of me.”

He’d desperately hoped his grandfather had.
“He took out some, enough that it wouldn’t be an easy shift. You can do it,

though. Something you might want to remember if an emergency hits.”

“Thanks.” He meant it, too. The bigger his arsenal, the better his ability to protect

his family. “I don’t suppose you could free Zeus?”

Hera grinned. “For you, I’d be tempted, but unfortunately I’m not the one who

trapped him this time.”

He hated to ask, but he did any way. “Who?”

“Aww, if I just gave away information like this, where would be the fun? Give it

some thought, young Anthony. I might even send you some clues.”

She vanished.
“Fuck!” Anthony shrieked out his anger.

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The balcony door slid open and Silver walked out. “What happened?”
Anthony allowed Silver to help him to his feet. He collapsed against his mate.

“We have a problem, mate.”


“Zeus is missing, and Hera didn’t take him.”
Silver groaned. “Who the hell is Hera?”

“Zeus’s wife.”
“I’m not even going to ask why you suspected her in the first place. What other

gods are the type to kidnap Zeus?”

Anthony sighed. “Name a god. Zeus doesn’t exactly have the nicest reputation."
Silver ran his fingers through his hair. “Then we have a problem, don’t we?”

“Yeah.” Anthony closed his eyes, absorbing Silver’s warmth. “I have my magic,

and I don’t know how to use it.”

Power pulsed in him until even his eyeballs hurt. He closed his eyes, hoping it

would help.

“What about your father? Is it time to call him in?”

“Maybe, but with father, sometimes you get more than you bargain for.”
“True, but we’re running out of options,” Silver said, nuzzling Anthony’s head.

“Yeah, we are.”


The  End  


The  next  Moon  Pack  book  is  Needing  Noel  coming  February  2015  

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My Man Declan (Sample)

Please Note My Man Declan takes place chronologically before Marking Mikel.

Chapter One

Declan West tidied the den. Plumping pillows and verifying not a speck of dust

graced any surface. After the third run through to check that everything sat in its proper

place, he gave the room a pleased nod. With his obsessive-compulsive tendencies
temporarily sated, Declan left his master’s office and headed for the front door.

The clock struck midnight as he reached the wooden double doors. Without

checking the peephole or peering through the front windows, he pulled the doors open
just as his master, Phoenix Moorhaven, walked up the steps.

“Good evening, Declan,” Moorhaven said in his rich, mellow voice.
“It is technically morning, sir,” Declan corrected him automatically as he did

every day at this time.

“So it is,” the vampire agreed, his gold eyes shining with amusement.

“You let your servant talk to you like that!” The blonde lady on Moorhaven’s

arm sneered at Declan.

“Mind your manners, dear. I might be the leader of the vampires, but Declan is

the master of my house,” Moorhaven scolded. His tone might have been mild, but his
expression went colder than the Arctic Circle.

Declan took Moorhaven’s coat without comment. The opinion of one blonde

tramp meant nothing to him. His master would fuck her, suck her, and toss her out at

sunrise. Moorhaven never kept his food around for long. As far as Declan could tell, his
master had no interest in any human, male or female, beyond sustenance.

“The den is prepared for you, sir,” Declan prodded, eager to have the vampires

out of the way so he could finish his morning rituals.

Moorhaven’s warm smile, the one he saved only for Declan, eased his irritation.

He might merely be a servant, but Declan knew how much the vampire appreciated the

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smooth running of his household. Moorhaven’s pleasure in Declan’s job was shown in
the many bonuses Declan found in his paycheck.

“Good morning, Master Lorrie, I didn’t see you at first. Please accept my

apologies,” Declan greeted Moorhaven’s vampire companion.

Lorrie Bellows, the second in command of the vampire coven, gave Declan a

friendly nod. “That’s all right. I know I don’t exist until you have Moor settled.”

Declan granted Lorrie one of his rare smiles. Lorrie had a winning way without

using over-the-top flattery. There were always a few who tried to get to Moorhaven
through his prized servant, forcing Declan to waste his precious time returning their

presents and bribes.

Declan’s integrity wasn’t for sale.

“May I take your coat, sir, and that of your companion?”
They both handed over their expensive outerwear. Moorhaven’s bite for the

evening hadn’t bothered wearing a jacket, probably worried about hiding her cleavage.

Declan could’ve told her the vampire cared more about her blood than her breasts,
however he stayed silent. He never interfered with donors as long as they didn’t mess

up the house.

Declan hung up the jackets with meticulous care, then closed the door only to

turn and find the entire party staring at him.

“There are drinks and snacks in the west parlor,” he prompted. He always put

out food for the guests. They tended to be hungry after the vampires fed.

Really, why were they still there watching him?
Moorhaven nodded and wrapped an arm around his food for the evening to lead

the girl away.

“So when are you going to leave Moorhaven and come work for me?” Lorrie

teased as he walked past.

Moorhaven spun around, abandoning his date. “What?”
Declan didn’t roll his eyes, but only because it would take away from his dignity.

“Master Lorrie appears to think I’m underpaid and overworked,” he explained.

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As he spoke, Declan’s gaze zeroed in on a piece of lint sticking to Moorhaven’s

suit. Annoyed that it had passed his previous inspection, he walked over and plucked it

from the vampire’s jacket. He carefully brushed down the fabric to smooth over the
slight mark he’d made with his nails.

Declan almost jumped when a large hand tilted his chin up until he met his boss’

eyes. “Were you considering leaving me?”

For a moment, he thought he saw a flash of hurt in Moorhaven’s eyes but

abandoned the idea as foolish. “Don’t be ridiculous, sir. Why would I leave here?
You’re an excellent employer.”

“Good.” Moorhaven stroked Declan’s head like a favored pet. “I’d be at loose

ends without you.” He pointed a finger at Lorrie. “I forbid you to steal my butler. The

entire coven would be in disarray if Declan weren’t here to keep me in line.”

Lorrie laughed. “Surely you exaggerate.”
Moorhaven shook his head. “Nope. Declan organizes my life to perfection, so

don’t go messing with it.”

Declan’s head got another stroke. “Take the rest of the evening off, Declan, and

don’t go wandering in the woods. You nearly gave me a heart attack last time.”

He didn’t bother to acknowledge Moorhaven’s grumbled order. “I’ll see you

later, sir.” He gave Master Lorrie a reproachful look that was met by a playful wiggle of
his eyebrows.

Shaking his head, Declan headed for his room. He didn’t want to be around

while the vampires fed. Sometimes their partners moaned really loud. It only
underscored to Declan that he needed to find a lover, but who was going to get together

with a slightly neurotic butler who had to be on twenty-four hour call for his boss. Few
men would put up with being second place to any job, much less one involving

Back in his room, Declan pulled up his profile on the online dating site he

recently joined. He spent the next few hours going through the improbable bios and

dirty emails he’d received while he had been working.

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“You’re not still mad at me, are you?”
Phoenix watched his best friend pour himself another scotch. The girls were

already gone, having been bundled into their limo previously arranged by the ever-
efficient Declan.

“Stay away from my butler. I don’t like to see Declan disturbed,” Phoenix said.
“It would take a natural disaster or a herd of dust bunnies to bother that man.

He’s unflappable. Are you sure he’s not a robot?”

Phoenix gave a bark of laughter. “Yes, I’m positive.”
“Have you ever tasted his blood?” Lorrie asked curiously.

“No! He’s my servant, not my food source.” He scowled at his friend.
Lorrie flashed him a cheerful smile. “Good, then you won’t mind if I try a sip as

long as I don’t steal him away.” Lorrie’s chatter ended when Phoenix flashed across the
room and wrapped his fingers around Lorrie’s throat. He leaned in close so there was
no way his warning couldn’t be heard.

“If you ever touch a fang to my butler, I will rip out all your teeth and you’ll

have to figure out how to suck blood through a straw.” Phoenix shook his best friend,

slamming him repeatedly against the wall as anger burned through him like an out of
control brush fire. “No one touches Declan.”

“Whoa,” Declan’s smooth voice broke through Phoenix’s rage. Soft hands pulled

ineffectively at his wrist. “Master Phoenix, let go of Master Lorrie.”

He released his friend, pleased when he crumpled with a thump to the floor.

“I beg your pardon, Declan, I lost my temper,” he apologized to his butler. He

hated for Declan to see him at less than his best.

The butler stared at him for a long moment. Declan’s eyes were the barometer of

his soul. Light green when happy, dark green when sad, and an uncertain hazel when
upset. Phoenix hated the hazel, the color facing him right then.

“I think Master Lorrie might be the one you owe the apology to,” Declan


“It’s all right, Declan. I was baiting him.” Lorrie climbed to his feet with a rueful


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Declan raked a hand through his sunshine gold hair. He kept it cut in neat, even

layers that always made Phoenix long to ruffle it. Declan debauched would be quite the

sight. Not for the first time he wondered what his butler would look like naked and in
his bed, but he refused to upset his household by making a pass at the only person

keeping his world together.

“Please refrain from getting yourself killed,” Declan scolded Lorrie before

turning on the heel of one highly polished shoe and walking back out the door.

Phoenix glared at his friend. “You got me into trouble. My coffee will probably

be cold when I wake up.” He hated it when Declan was upset with him. Instead of the

smooth operation of a happy Declan, the entire household suffered.

Lorrie laughed. “I can’t believe you let that human rule your house with an iron


Phoenix shrugged. “Declan keeps things in perfect order. That’s an irreplaceable

skill. I won’t have him worried about whether a visiting vampire is going to bite him.

He’s off limits and that’s final.”

Lorrie picked himself up off the floor. “Does he ever leave the house?”

“Of course.” Phoenix searched his mind. “Wednesdays. Every Wednesday, he

has off.”

“Where does he go?” Lorrie asked, his eyes lit with curiosity.
“Why the hell do you care? Stop speculating about my butler. In fact, go home.

We’ll work tomorrow.” Phoenix didn’t like Lorrie’s new interest in Declan. No one

should be thinking of his servant—at all. Maybe he should stop inviting people to his
house, it only encouraged them to think Declan would be available. Other vampires

became jealous when they saw how efficient Phoenix’s butler ran his household.

For the first time in centuries, his good friend rubbed Phoenix’s nerves

completely raw. Not to mention the next day was Wednesday, the worst day of the

week. He didn’t care if Frank, the under butler, did a decent job. He wasn’t Declan.
Declan added a certain panache to everything. He didn’t only bring Phoenix’s coffee

but positioned it at the perfect angle with the exact amount of blood he liked.

Lorrie scowled. “Tomorrow is Wednesday, isn’t it?”

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“Maybe we should start having Wednesdays off. Frank never gets my drink

right,” Lorrie mused.

Phoenix laughed. “We don’t get days off. You can’t oversee the behavior of a

coven if you’re not available when they need you.”

Lorrie gave a long sigh. “Fine. But I think giving the butler a day off is highly


“Me too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As Phoenix sat there watching the fire, Declan arrived with a familiar tray.

Phoenix watched as the butler set down the serving platter. A silver coffee pot and a
plate of his favorite cookies rested on top.

“I thought you were off for the evening. By the way, how did you know I was

strangling Lorrie?”

Declan smiled. Phoenix paused in reaching for his cup to admire the unusual

sight. Sometimes he forgot his stiff and precise butler was still in his early twenties. He
ruthlessly pushed that information to the back of his brain where it belonged.

“You were making so much noise I figured I’d best save Master Lorrie,” Declan


Phoenix laughed. “And how did you know it wasn’t me being injured.”
Beneath his fascinated gaze, Declan lifted one eyebrow. “I don’t think so. Master

Lorrie might be irreverent and not give you the proper respect your position deserves,

but he’d never physically attack you, and if he did, I’d take care of him.”

Phoenix propped his chin on his hand, fascinated. “And how would you stop a


Declan held up his hand, showing off the wide antique ring he always wore.

“This is a poison ring. I keep hemlock powder inside for protection.”

“Really!” Concentrated hemlock powder could easily knock a vampire

unconscious, if not kill him. Pleasure filled Phoenix as he regarded his employee in a

new light. Meticulous, shy Declan had titanium balls to show his vampire boss he

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carried around enough poison to take out a vamp. “I never knew. Aren’t you a man of
surprises? Wait, you’ve always worn that ring.”

Declan gave him a mischievous smile. “My mother gave it to me when I told her

I was going to work for a vampire. I know you won’t attack me, but you often have


Phoenix nodded. “Excellent idea. You might want to consider a dart gun also.”

Declan turned around and lifted the back of his perfectly tailored jacket to expose

both a small dart pistol tucked in the back of his waistband and an extremely fine ass.

“Um, good job,” Phoenix managed to choke out over his surge of lust.

Declan put down his jacket and turned back around. “Is there anything else I can

get for you, sir?”

Lay naked across my knees. Let me fuck you unconscious.
Phoenix shook his head to both answer his employee and try to knock the

naughty images from his head. “No, thank you.”

Declan took a few steps toward the door before stopping. “I have to confess that I

fiddled with your coffee.”

“What do you mean fiddled?” Had his trusted servant poisoned him? And if so

why would he tell Phoenix about it?

His servant’s fidgeting drew Phoenix’s attention. Declan’s usual calm demeanor

rarely showed fraying like it did now. “The new order of synthetic blood hasn’t arrived

yet. I used some of my own blood for your brew. I don’t know the health of your other
employees so I didn’t want to chance polluting your system.”

A sick or diseased person’s blood could mess up a vampire for months. Phoenix

appreciated his butler’s care even as his dick hardened over how his coffee would taste
like Declan.

“Thank you. Next time, don’t feel you have to sacrifice your own body for my


Declan blushed a pretty pink color as he nodded. He turned and headed out the

door without another word.

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Anticipation had Phoenix pausing as he held the cup to his lips. The aroma sent

his gums tingling. Tilting the cup, he sipped at the bitter liquid. The acidic taste of the

coffee hit his tongue a second before another flavor exploded across his senses with the
power of a tsunami.

Declan’s blood had a more complex signature than any Phoenix had ever

consumed before. It only took a moment to realize why. His butler wasn’t entirely

human, definitely part human, but human and something else, something with an
ancient bloodline.

Humming contently, Phoenix polished off his cup of coffee and poured another

from the small pot provided. Enough energy buzzed through him as he finished the rest
of his work that he wondered how Declan’s amazing blood tasted directly from the


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About the Author

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as she

could remember.

She lives in Seattle with her husband, two sons, three cats and one very stupid dog. To
learn more about her current books or works in progress, check out her blog at

Her fans can also reach her at






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Moon Pack 14 Needing Noel Amber Kell
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Blood, Moon and Sun 2 Samhain s Kiss Amber Kell
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Amber Kell Moon Pack 2 Baiting Ben
Amber Kell Moon Pack 6 Finding Farro
Amber Kell Moon Pack 4 Denying Dare
Amber Kell Moon Pack 3 Courting Calvin
Amber Kell Moon Pack 11 Keeping Kylen
Amber Kell Moon Pack Extra Christmas Tree Magic
Amber Kell Moon Pack 5 Enticing Elliott
Amber Kell Moon Pack 03 Courting Calvin
Amber Kell Moon Pack Series Attracting Anthony
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