Amber Kell Moon Pack 7 Getting Gabe

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Note from the Publisher
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
About the Author
Also by Amber Kell

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Getting Gabe

Moon Pack, Book 7

Amber Kell

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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Devin Govaere

Getting Gabe © 2011 Amber Kell

ISBN # 9781920501266

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A special thank you to everyone who waited so long

for the next Moon Pack book to come out.

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Chapter One

"Marry me."
"Hell no!" Gabe looked horrified at his best friend

Faith Jerrod. She was sitting on his kitchen counter eating
ice cream out of a coffee cup because, as usual, all his
bowls were dirty. Her dark hair was swept up in a ponytail
and her brown eyes danced with humor as she looked at

"Aw, come on Gabe, you're the perfect guy. You

cook, you clean, and you even pick up your own

"I fuck guys."







inconsequential. "So you have one minor flaw."

Gabe laughed as he scraped the last of the ice

cream out of the carton and dumped it into a cup of his
own. "It might put a damper on your sex life." After tossing
the container he took a bite of chocolate fudge chunky ice
cream, closing his eyes with bliss as the creamy flavor filled
his mouth. Faith's voice broke into his momentary
obsession of chasing the little brownie bits around with his

"Not with the guys I've been dating lately and

seriously, are all the architects at our firm gay or what?"

"That would be a statistical improbability. Besides, it

would be discriminatory to hire someone based on sexual

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"Yeah, but if they never ask they can't be


Gabe did a quick mental review of all the architects

in the firm. "I think a majority of them are gay, but you know
I've never had a very good sense about those things. A guy
practically has to write he's interested in glowing letters on
his ass before I know he wants to date."

"True," Faith giggled. "Very true. Remember Nicky?

He sent you flowers for a week in order to get your

"Yeah, he was really romantic," Gabe sighed. "But

bad in bed. No chemistry whatsoever."

"What about Anthony?"
"The boss?" Gabe shuddered. "I think his boyfriend

is the local godfather or something, he always has those
big thugs following him around. Besides Anthony makes
me nervous, there's something seriously off about that guy."

Gabe suspected Anthony was a shape shifter, or

wizard, or something otherkin. His grandmother told him all
about the otherworldly when he was a child, with bedtime
stories of fantastic faery tales. She especially loved the
werekin. As he got older he'd seen enough strange things
in his life to know truth lived in his grandmother's tales.

"I think he's sweet," Faith said, loyally. "Whenever I

ask for time off he always approves it, and last year when
my mother needed surgery he paid the hospital bills."

"I didn't say he wasn't a good boss. I said he's scary.

He has freaky eyes, and have you met the new consultant?
What kind of guy works only at night? Skin disease my ass,

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he just likes to sleep in. We work for a weird bunch, Faith.
One day we're going to hear on the news that they're all
space aliens or something."

Faith giggled. "I think you're just mad because we're

in an office of hot guys and none of them will give either of
us the time of day."

He reluctantly smiled. "Maybe. But you know who I

think is the hottest?"

"Who?" Faith leaned forward, intent on Gabe's


"I saw this guy visiting Anthony once, his name was

Dare. God, I'd love to lick those muscles."

"What happened?"
Gabe shrugged. "Nothing. I smiled at him. He patted

me on the back like I was his new best friend and then the
guy with him, who I guess was his boyfriend, looked at me
like he wanted to rip off my head and beat me with it. Why
are the best ones always taken by assholes?"

"Maybe he's just protective."
Gabe remembered the adoring look Dare's

boyfriend had given the friendly man. "Maybe, but I'd like a
man like that."

"Like what?"
"Fine looking and friendly. That's not too much to

ask is it?"

"What about in bed?"
"If he's gorgeous, he'll be good in bed."
"How do you figure?"
"Practice. Anyone that good looking has got to have

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had a lot of practice."

Faith clacked her spoon against his.

* * * *

The play was good and the dinner after, fabulous.
"I can't remember the last time I had a steak that

perfect," Gabe smiled at Faith, enjoying an evening out with
his friend.

"Me either. It's been a nice night. Thanks for inviting


"It was the least I could do for your birthday since

you're getting so old," Gabe teased, admiring her glowing
complexion and shiny hair.

"Yes it was, the very least," Faith smacked him on

the arm.

"Wanna go get a drink?" Gabe tilted his head

towards the bar they were passing.

Faith shook her head. "I'm bushed and I've got to get

my presentation ready for tomorrow." She worked for the
landscape architecture division of their firm and spent a
good deal of her time persuading customers to purchase
native friendly plants.

"Good luck."
She got into her car and Gabe waited until she

safely drove away. It would just kill him if he left Faith to walk
to her car alone and something happened to her, though

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what he could do against a mugger or rapist, he didn't
know. He wasn't exactly butch and he doubted they'd be
impressed with his ability to draw architectural plans

Thinking on his tasks for the following day, Gabe

headed towards his own car not paying attention to his
surroundings, until a pair of shadows separated from the
others and spoke.

"Hello, little half-breed."
Gabe froze as two creatures walked towards him

looking like something out of a nightmare. A cross between
a man and a beast, they moved with a strange hitching gait
and had muzzles where human faces should be. They were
like a childhood nightmare monster come to life.

What in the hell are those and why did they call

him half-breed?

Fear clutched his heart as the monsters came

closer. "What are you?" Gabe stepped slowly back as the
beast-men approached.

Was he dreaming? Had he fallen asleep over

dinner? Would he wake up any moment to Faith's teasing.
Shit, he hoped he was dreaming because the alternative
horrified him.

"We are what you're going to be on the next full

moon," snarled the creature on the left. "Once you're
changed you'll be like us forever." Without warning, the
man-beast leapt at Gabe, slamming him into the concrete.
Dazed from his fall, he couldn't fight the creature pinning
him to the ground. Gabe screamed as the beast bit through

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his skin, piercing his shoulder with razor sharp teeth.

"Go ahead. Scream," the other monster snarled, "It

excites him. If you're lucky he'll fuck you before we go."

Cold, hard terror froze Gabe inside out. He wouldn't

survive this night. Whatever these monsters were, they
weren't anything mentioned in his grandmother's stories.

"Hey," a male voice shouted in the distance.

Ping. Ping.

Bullets ricocheted off the building beside Gabe. If

the creatures didn't kill him, the bullets would. As the beast
took another chunk out of his shoulder, darkness clouded
Gabe's vision pulling him into sweet oblivion.

* * * *

The sound of hushed voices yanked him back to


Blinking to clear his vision, Gabe tried to figure out

where he was. The surface beneath him was soft with a hint
of cleaner-filled air. Cleaner, bleach, and at least three
different people were in the room. He could even smell the
laundry detergent on the sheets.

The combined stench threatened to overwhelm him.
"Relax and take a slow breath in and out of your

mouth," a deep, soothing voice spoke beside him. "Then
concentrate on just one scent and let the others go."

Deciding to take the good advice, Gabe kept his

eyes closed as he tried to focus on just one smell. The hint
of rich soil and cool forest filled his nose. That one. Nothing

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of rich soil and cool forest filled his nose. That one. Nothing
had ever smelled so good before.

"That's it. Now open your eyes."
Gabe opened his eyes, blinking rapidly to clear his



Instinct had him sliding away from the large man

towering over him. Recognition prevented him from falling
off the bed completely. "You're Anthony's…" He stopped
there because he wasn't really certain of their relationship:
boyfriend, husband, owner? Silver watched Anthony as if he
wanted to possess him or if given half the chance, brand
'property of Silver' on Anthony's ass. Had anyone ever
looked at Gabe with such need? He didn't think so.

"Mate. The word you're looking for is mate. My

name's Silver, I'm the Alpha of the Moon Pack. My men
found you and brought you here after you were bitten."
Silver loomed over the bed, but he didn't glare or do
anything threatening. In fact, Gabe could almost feel the
vibes of goodwill and protection oozing from the other man.
A weird part of Gabe wanted to get closer, to please the
other man with his behavior.

"Alpha of what?" he asked, avoiding a discussion

about the attack. Hoping against hope if he didn't think
about the monsters he could push the entire thing off as a
really bad dream.

"Werekin," Silver said, his silvery gray eyes glinting

in the dim light.


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The word echoed in his mind as he watched the big

man with new eyes. Why would a shifter kidnap him? Did
Anthony send his mate because Gabe was an employee?
His boss had a reputation for taking care of his own, but
this was over the top. Oddly enough Gabe didn't feel
threatened by the self-proclaimed Alpha. The man smelled
too good to be terrifying. Taking another tentative sniff,
Gabe realized the wonderful aroma didn't come from the
man towering above him. Instead, it surrounded Silver like
he'd brushed against something amazing and rubbed it into
his skin.

Glancing around, Gabe noticed he wasn't in a

hospital like he first thought. He was lying in a guest room.
One generally not used if the lack of decoration, the odor of
recent cleaning, and the sterile feel meant anything. Two
buff men of the bodyguard persuasion stood against the
back wall. Gabe vaguely remembered seeing them follow
his boss around from time to time.

He wanted to ask if they didn't have something

better to do than stand and stare at him, but the door swung
open, saving him from the rude words aching to leap from
his mouth. Gabe couldn't help it, when he was
uncomfortable the smart ass came out.

"They were out of blueberry muffins."
Gabriel sat up straight as his boss walked in,

carrying a pastry box and smelling like everything good and
right in the world. Anthony spent a few moments handing
out pastries before turning to face Gabe.

Shit. I'm screwed.

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"Hey, you're awake."
Gabe gave a soft gasp, his boss's brilliant smile

making his heart patter faster in his chest.

"Hello, sir. Could you tell me why I'm here and not in

a hospital?" Gabe's mind might be fuzzy but he
remembered the pain of sharp teeth breaking through his

As the blond walked closer, the amazing smell

became stronger, richer. Gabe held back the low growl
building in his throat. A part of him wanted to roll around in
Anthony's essence and embed it on his skin.

Why did he feel the urge to growl?

"I know you're probably not going to believe this, but

you were bitten by a mutant werewolf. As far as we can tell
you already had werekin DNA and if some of my men on
patrol hadn't come along you'd be a mutant like the ones
who bit you," Silver said calmly, as if it were an every day
occasion. Hell, maybe for them it was.

Vague memories of the night before drifted into

Gabe's mind like foul smoke.

"No, oh no." The grotesque forms, the mocking

voices. He snatched at the scraps of memory as they
flashed through his brain, honing in on one main point.
"They called me a half-breed."

Silver looked at him intently. "Are one of your

parents werekin?"

"No! I mean I don't think so. My father died before I

was born."

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was born."

Shit. His father!

"Ah." A knowing look crossed Silver's face. "Then

he's probably the one if your mother showed no signs of

"She's a crazy bitch, but I've never seen her turn into

an actual bitch," Gabe quipped.

His paternal grandmother told him of the otherkin.

He'd bet good money if any freaky DNA existed in his
lineage, it came from her side of the family. He didn't talk to
his mother any more, not after she said he was an
abomination for liking men. If she knew about his shifter
blood it was a miracle she didn't kill him at birth. He couldn't
think of a group his mother didn't find some reason to hate.

"Hmm. What should we do with you?" Silver tilted his

head as if trying to solve a complex problem.

Panic hit Gabe hard and fast. "What do you mean?"
Anthony laughed, and the sound warmed Gabe

inside and out like melted sunshine against his skin. "Silver
means that even though I was able to reverse the mutation
part of your DNA, I couldn't completely remove the trigger.
You're still going to turn into a wolf at the next full moon. You
just won't be a mutant. Until you have your first shift, you
might experience a lot of… um…" Anthony looked to his
mate for help.

Seeing them together Gabe could almost feel the

bond strumming between them. They were like a matched
pair, each one completing the other.

Silver smiled at his mate. "What my love is trying so

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delicately to tell you is you're going to go through some
hormonal changes. Most of us go through these in our early
adolescence and have learned to cope with the effect of the
moon on our bodies. A full grown adult going through the
same thing is going to have a lot more problems."

"Great. So now I'm going to have to learn to control

my furry self?"

"You're taking the whole, 'werewolves are real' thing

surprisingly well," Silver observed, staring at him with those
unnerving metallic eyes as if Silver could see to the depths
of Gabe's soul and make him confess every sin.

"That's because I always thought you guys were real.

I just never encountered a shifter before." Gabe blushed.
"Well, that I know of."

His lifelong obsession with wolves now made

perfect sense. He was definitely going to have to have a
long talk with his mother soon, on the phone and away from
flying objects. Looking at the men surrounding his bed he
wondered how many other ways his life would change.

"We're going to go and let you get some rest,"

Anthony said, giving him a tentative smile. "You're out of the
woods in terms of health until the next full moon then Silver
can help you with your change. I'll be back tomorrow and we
can go over how we need to adjust your schedule in the
future. The two days before and after a full moon can
sometimes be rough."

"Thanks." Gabe felt bad for his words about his

boss the other day. Anthony was a decent guy, not to
mention he smelled divine.

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Anthony flashed him a shy smile. "My mother is part

forest witch, that's why I smell so good." With a reassuring
pat on Gabe's arm, his boss left the room.

Relief swept through Gabe. He'd worried his

reaction to Anthony was personal. With all his other
adjustments, he definitely didn't need the added hassle of
an unwanted attraction to his boss.

"He smells good to everyone," Silver smirked before

turning and following his mate out the door. The silent
bodyguards went with him, leaving Gabe alone for the first
time since he awakened.

Gabe fidgeted with the covers, unsure of his next

move. Rest? How could he rest when his entire life had
changed? Would his personality be different now? Would
he turn into someone he couldn't recognize?

Gabe looked towards the sound and into the most

beautiful pair of hazel eyes he'd ever seen. A beauty only
enhanced when another set of them peeked around the first
man's shoulder.

Identical twins.
Tall, slim, and insanely gorgeous, the pair walked

into the room with the same sinuous grace as Anthony. He
wondered if they were shifters. They definitely weren't part
of his boss's staff. Last he checked, architects didn't carry
knives or wear leather boots laced up to their knees. The
slightly pointed ears and high cheekbones had him curious.


What are you?"

The first one through the door met Gabe's curious

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look with an admiring gaze of his own. "We are fae. Have
you seen Anthony or Silver? We were told they were down

Gabe swallowed to get moisture back into his

suddenly dry mouth. Damn, they were fine. Inhaling deeply,
he growled as need rushed through his system hardening
his body while saliva pooled in his mouth.

The pair came closer.
"Hey, are you all right?"
The man on the right walked forward, placing a hand

on Gabriel's forehead.

Energy crackled through Gabe's body like a live

wire, as if the creature inside him sought to escape. Unable
to resist his inner beast, Gabe reached up, grabbed the
man and flipped him so he lay beneath Gabe on the bed,
the blankets falling away with his movements. A cool
breeze drifted across Gabe's newly heated skin, pimpling
his flesh. The only warmth in the chilly room came from the
man pinned beneath him.

Gabe couldn't stop the low growl pouring from his

chest. If Anthony smelled like a delicious forest, this man
smelled like heat, need, passion and… his.

"Mine." Digging his nose into the stranger's neck,

Gabe inhaled the scent of the man below him. He wanted to
roll himself across the lean, muscular body and wallow in
the stranger's essence. The urge was so much stronger
than his yearning for Anthony minutes before.

"Um, Vien, help," the man beneath him begged in a

soft voice.

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"No help. You're fine right where you are," Gabe

soothed. He wanted to savor the man not scare him. He
slid his nose up the side of the fae's neck, rubbing his
cheek in the delicious smell.

"You need to get off him," Vien said.
"No." What a stupid suggestion. The pretty, pretty

fae belonged beneath Gabe.

"You can't just keep my brother," Vien explained in a

patient tone.

"Yes, I can." With a growl, Gabe plastered a kiss on

the man's sexy lips, moaning and licking, silently asking for
entrance. The fae opened his mouth granting Gabe what he
sought. He wasted no time in plundering the mouth beneath
him until he had to lift his head to get oxygen into his body.

Gabe admired the excited flush on the fae's face.

Sliding his hand between them, he got a good feel of the
size and shape of the other man. There definitely wouldn't
be any disappointment once he stripped the man naked.

"Oh, by the gods, he can keep me. Anything he

wants," the fae moaned.

Gabe smiled and dove in for another kiss. Their

tongues and lips met, sliding against each other as they
savored the taste of passion. Breaking the embrace, Gabe
came up for air to suck in some much needed oxygen.

"What's your name?" Gabe asked. He let his mouth

trail down the beautiful man's throat nipping and kissing
along the way.

"I am Viell. That is my brother, Vien."
"Nice to meet you." Gabe didn't turn away from the

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important task of unbuttoning the wonderfully buttoned up
man beneath him. "I'm Gabriel."

"Viell, you can't stop for sex, we're on a mission."

Vien folded his arms and tapped his foot on the floor.

"Come back later. I promise to return him." Gabe

didn't actually plan to, but if it got the other man to go away
he'd promise anything. "I'm not even going to damage him
much, barely scratch and dent."

"That's enough!" Vien grabbed Gabe by his shaggy


Fighting instincts roaring to the surface, Gabe

leaped off the bed, slamming Vien to the floor with his
body. No one interrupted his mating! In Gabe's fury, fangs
ripped through his gums.

"Ow!" Gabe released the fae, touching his sensitive

mouth with the tips of his fingers. Dots of blood coated their
tips. His mouth burned like a dozen daggers were shoved
through his gums. Blinking back tears, Gabe curled up in a
ball on the carpet cradling his mouth with his hands.

"Not much of a shifter, are you," Vien taunted.
"See how much you like sharp things going through

your gums," Gabe growled. "It hurts."

At least the throbbing pain made Gabe lose the urge

to kill the other man. Now he knew what the Alpha pair was
talking about. Everything was brighter, more intense than
previously. His need for Viell, his rage at the interruption.
Overwhelmed, Gabe tucked his face against his knees,

"Are you all right?"

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Viell came to sit beside him on the soft carpet.

Gabe snuggled up close, seeking comfort.

"Aw, it'll be okay. You'll get used to your fangs and

soon you won't even notice." Viell's hand felt good rubbing
Gabe's bare skin. The soothing gesture calmed Gabe's
nerves taking the edge off his shock.

"Oh please, you can't mate with this pussy, Viell. He

can't even handle a partial shift without whining." The other
fae climbed back to his feet and headed for the door.

Gabe looked at the fae for a moment while the beast

inside egged him on. Brushing off Viell's comforting touch,
Gabe leapt across the room and took Vien down, his
newfound strength overcoming the fae. Except once he
tackled the other man, another amazing scent filled his
nose. Leaning down he sniffed the other man's neck.

"Oh, no you don't!" Vien protested.
"Shush," Gabe said, sniffing the spot between neck

and shoulder. Vien smelled different than his twin. Not
better or worse but different. Did they taste the same?
Gabe licked a spot.

"Hey, stop that." An unexpected giggle came from

the man beneath him.

"You smell good."
"Of course I do, you just smelled my brother. We're


Gabe shook his head. "Not the same."
"We're the same," Vien insisted.
"No." Gabe bit at the thick vein at the bottom of the

fae's throat. Vien's body seized and a groan rolled up his

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chest. "Different."

"Oh blast, that's good!"
"I thought you wanted to get going, brother," Viell's

voice, hard and accusing, broke through the lusty fog filling
Gabe's mind.

Gabe's head snapped over to the other man. Too

many choices. His wolf wanted to take them both down like
tasty lamb dinners. "Mine!" The growl came out low and
guttural. A surge of energy poured out of him, crackling the
air. He felt something shift in him and his skin prickled. Tips
of fur broke through the surface of Gabe's skin then
vanished again.

"Wow, freaky," he whispered.
"What do we do now, brother?" Viell asked his

pinned twin.

* * * *

Blast! Their first assignment away from the fae world

and they end up tangled with a wolf intent on claiming them.
They were never going to live this down.

"Come on, boy, let me up," Vien coaxed.
Viell barely held back his laughter at his brother's


"Have a problem brother?"
Vien glared at him. "Don't just stand there, help!"
Viell didn't want to hurt the wolf shifter. An idea

struck him.

"Remember this when you say I don't do anything for

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you," he muttered to his brother. Unbuttoning his shirt he
whistled. "Here boy."

The werewolf growled. With a giant leap the shifter

took Viell down. For a moment Gabe's brown eyes bled to
gold, but the shifter took a deep breath and Viell could
almost see Gabe pushing the wolf back as he caught Viell's
head with his hands to break his fall. Viell lost his breath as
the shifter landed on top of him, but he was uninjured.
Gabe's hot hands and eager mouth almost made the fae
come from Gabe's touch alone, especially when the shifter
focused on scraping Viell's nipples with his sharp teeth.

"Yeah, great self-sacrifice," Vien's sarcastic voice

cut through Viell's lust. "Steal the hot wolf man."

"Oh yes, he is so very, very hot." Warm breath puffed

against Viell's neck sending tingles up and down his spine.

"Come on Viell, you can't keep him for yourself. You

heard him, we both smell good."

Viell laughed at the jealousy in his brother's voice. It

would do Vien good to not get everything all the time. "You
can wait your turn."

Neither realized they had an audience until a hard

voice broke into their argument.

"What the hell's going on here? Gabe, release that


Gabe's head snapped up. Seeing Silver standing in

the doorway he scrambled to his feet.

Viell watched as the aggressive wolf man of

moments before look up at the pack Alpha with a sad
puppy dog eyes. If he had a wolf tail and ears they would be

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drooping. Viell quickly grabbed the sheet and wrapped it
around the shifter's waist. Silver didn't need to see their
wolf man naked.

"He didn't mean any harm, Silver." Vien stepped

between the two men, as anxious as Viell to protect Gabe.

Silver ignored the ploy, easily looking over Vien's

head to glare at the shifter.

"Gabe, you need to practice control. As you are

obviously feeling better, I expect you at the pack lands
tomorrow night for shifter training. You need to learn to
control your beast before we can turn you loose on society.
Vien and Viell you can meet Anthony and me in the
kitchen." His hard gaze returned to Gabe. I'll have some
clothes sent down to you."

"Yes, Alpha," Gabe whispered.
Viell moved to stand on one side of the chagrinned

shifter, Vien on the other, each brother silently supporting
the despondent man in the middle. He didn't know what to
say; as a fae he couldn't get involved pack politics and he
was certain Silver was right. Pretty Gabe needed to learn
control, but Silver didn't have to be so mean about it. Viell
tilted his head as he saw Vien lean over and whisper into
Gabe's ear.

"Coddling him won't help." Silver gave them a

disapproving glare before turning on his heel and leaving.

"Don't listen to him." Vien gave a toss of his dark

head. "He's just feeling all Alpha. We'll get you to the pack
lands tomorrow and see that you receive proper training."

Viell nodded.

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"Shit, we need to go talk to Anthony and Silver."

Though they'd encountered the alpha pair before, this was
their first official liaison job and they were completely
messing it up. The king had assigned them the task of
discovering the whereabouts of the doctor creating the
mutants. He even gave the twins access to the portal near
the castle for going back and forth to work with Anthony and

Viell looked over at Gabe, reluctant to leave the man

alone. The attraction between them pulled at Viell stronger
than anything he'd experienced before and he was reluctant
to abandon the naked shifter. "Let's get you dressed. It's
probably better for you not to be alone. You're new to
shifting, aren't you?" If Silver thought Gabe needed to
practice his shifting skills then Gabe couldn't be very
experienced, though Viell had never heard of an adult
shifter having to learn how to change forms.

Gabe nodded. "I was bitten by a mutant yesterday

and they think it jump-started my dormant genes. Silver and
Anthony are helping me out. Although I'm not completely
sure where I am or if there are any more clothes."

Viell rubbed the shifter's back enjoying the smooth,

muscled skin beneath his fingers. "We'll find you

"As soon as Viell is done groping," Vien snapped.
Viell flashed his brother a glare before turning back

to Gabe with a stern look; he didn't want the shifter
wandering the halls naked. "Stay here! We'll be back in a
minute." A pack building had to have extra clothes in it

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Viell shut the door quietly before turning to face his

brother. Folding his arms across his chest, Viell waited for
the attack. It didn't take long.

"We need to focus on our mission," Vien snarled.
"I know. I know. But we can't leave him alone."
"Why not?"
Viell opened his mouth to reply but he didn't have an


Why couldn't they leave Gabe alone?

"Because he's gorgeous," Vien offered.
"And scared."
"And sexy."
"We can't leave him," they finished in unison.
Viell examined his brother's expression. "Do you

think he's the one?"

Vien shrugged, avoiding Viell's eyes. "I want to say

yes. I want him to be the one. The prophetess said we'd
know him by sight but what if we're wrong?"

"What if we're right?" Viell countered.
"What if the two of you get me some damned

clothes?" They turned to see Gabe in the doorway clutching
the sheet around his waist.

Viell smiled at the grumpy look in the shifter's

caramel eyes, they matched his hair exactly, giving him a
model-like perfection though the stubble on his cheeks
gave his smooth looks a more rugged appeal. Viell wanted
to jump him so bad he almost couldn't resist the urge.

Vien grabbed him. "Clothes, Viell. We need to get

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him clothes."

"Uh huh."

* * * *

Gabe shook his head at the twins' antics.
"Hey." The big man he remembered from the office

walked down the hall. "I don't know if you remember me…"

"Dare," Gabe jumped in. His newly improved

senses smelled something different about the man. Dare
wasn't a wolf but he definitely wasn't human either.

Dare gave him a shy smile. "Silver asked me to

bring you these."

Gabe realized the other man was holding a pile of

clothes. It was easy to overlook when the rest of the scenery
was so yummy. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," Dare said with a smile.
Although the other man didn't smell like the fae or

even the other wolves, he still smelled of otherkin.

"I don't know what the etiquette is for this kind of

thing, but what are you?"

Dare laughed. "I'm a tiger shifter."
The man's slinky grace made perfect sense. "Huh,

I've never met a tiger before."

As far as he knew, he hadn't.
A teasing smile tugged at Dare's lips. "Than I guess

I'm your first."

Gabe laughed. He appreciated the other man trying

to put him at ease. "I guess you are at that."

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tiger." The scary bastard he remembered

from before walked down the hall glaring at him with his
cold eyes.

"Got it. Don't touch the tiger," Gabe said in a

sarcastic tone.

"Steven!" Dare snapped. "He was only talking, not

feeling me up."

The man Dare called Steven wrapped a possessive

arm around the tiger shifter and pulled him away from
Gabe. "Good, keep it that way!"

"You'd better not be touching the damned tiger!"
Gabe was shocked to see Vien frowning at him.
"I didn't touch him!"
"You better not be touching anyone unless it's me or

my brother." The twins' eyes flashed with identical
expressions of fury.

What the hell was that all about?

"Everyone take it easy." Dare handed over the

clothes and lifted his hands in a sign of peace.

The twins looked at Gabe like he'd just fucked Dare

into the floor instead of calmly accepting some clothing. "I'm
getting dressed. You four can do what you like."

Stomping off in his sheet, Gabe slammed the door

behind him. The clothes consisted of a pair of boxers,
socks, sweats and a soft cotton T-shirt. Nothing fancy, but
loose and comfortable. They fit him a little big but not so
badly he couldn't wear them.

His shoes were by the bed so they must not have

been damaged in the attack. With a happy smile he stuffed

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his feet into his favorite sneakers.

Feeling more confident now that he wasn't wearing a

sheet, Gabe opened the door to see Dare wrapped
protectively in Steven's arms and the twins leaning against
the far wall their arms folded in identical positions of

"Am I allowed to go home?" he asked the tiger

shifter. Dare seemed to be the only one in the group who
had any sense.

"No. Silver wants you to stay here a few days until

you get a little training. You're not a prisoner but it is
recommended you stay until at least the first full moon."

Gabe really wanted to go home but it made better

sense to follow Silver's direction. While bossy, Silver knew
how to deal with shifters and after saving Gabe's ass from
those creatures Gabe was inclined to follow the Alpha's
orders. As he stood there trying to figure out what to do
next, his stomach growled, sounding like the beast hiding
inside wanted to crawl out.

Dare laughed. "Let's get you to the kitchen. Anthony

and Silver said they'd meet you there, and Henry loves to
feed new pack members."

"Great. I love to eat." He didn't know how long it had

been since his dinner with Faith, but he was starving. "Shit.
Faith. I have to call my friend. She's got to be worried."
Gabe hadn't called her when he got home like he usually
did. She would be frantic.

Dare pulled a cell phone out of his pocket. "I don't

know what happened to your phone but you can borrow

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"Thanks," Gabe said in relief. "I really appreciate


It took him a moment to remember her number since

he kept it on speed dial. A couple tries and one cranky
false call later he reached Faith.

"Hey Faith," he said when she got on the line.
"Gabe?" Her voice sounded strange over the phone,

but then Gabe realized on her end it was probably a
number she didn't recognize.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't call you yesterday."
"Yesterday!" she shrieked. "How about two days

ago. Two fucking days and I didn't know where you were.
You didn't even show up for work. I asked Anthony and he
said you were sick, but you weren't at your apartment.
Where the hell are you?"

Gabe didn't know what to say. Did she even believe

in shifters? He'd never shared his obsession with Faith
because he knew it was weird and most people didn't
believe in the otherkin. "I was attacked."

"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, two guys ganged up on me, but some good

Samaritans stepped in and saved me." At least that was
partially truthful. He made a mental note to ask Anthony who
saved his ass. He remembered bullets and mutants, but not
much else.

"Why didn't you come back to work?"
"I'm not feeling one hundred percent yet. I'm still

pretty shaken."

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"Can I get anything for you? Where are you


"I'm at Anthony's place. Some friends of his are the

ones who found me and he has a lot of space." At least he
thought it was Anthony's but he didn't know for sure.

"Do you want me to send you anything?"
Gabe looked at all the men surrounding him. "No. I'll

be fine."

He received a reassuring smile from the twins. The

urge to jump them made his muscles twitch. After a few
more questions from Faith he hung up, satisfied she wasn't
going to come looking for him any time soon.

His stomach growled again.
Dare laughed. "I think your wolf is trying to crawl out

and visit. We'd best get you some food."

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Chapter Two

The kitchen was enormous, the chef even bigger.

Gabe had thought Silver huge until he met Henry. The cook
had a long scar across one cheek and the hint of a tattoo
on his neck, mostly beneath his collar, but his smile
welcomed Gabe and within minutes a big bowl of stew sat
in front of him. Dare and Steven had left them at the door
after introductions, claiming they had work to do. With the
possessive look Steven gave the big tiger, Gabe had no
doubt work involved sweaty bodies and the closest flat

"This is fabulous," Gabe said between bites.
Now that the twins sat on either side of him and

stopped looking like they were going to bolt, the wolf
pacing inside Gabe finally calmed down.

"Thank you." Henry said, setting a big chunk of

homemade bread in front of Gabe. "Would either of you like
some?" he asked the fae.

Viell shook his head. "We don't eat meat."
Gabe stared at Viell as if he'd lost his mind. How

could he not eat meat? Sure, he'd heard of people like that
but he'd only met a few vegetarians in his life. His wolf
winced at the thought of giving up meat.

"Will it bother you if I eat meat?"
Viell shook his head. "Not all fae are vegetarians.

We're used to others eating meat around us."

Gabe turned to the twin on his other side to see Vien

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Relief swept through him. "Good."
"I've got some quiche coming out of the oven. Do

you eat eggs?" Henry asked.

"Yes," Vien said.
"Great!" Henry rushed to the oven. "It's an artichoke

and feta tart. I was making it as a new menu for the non-
carnivore shifters and need someone to taste test for me."

The big chef set down a plate of what looked like

egg pie. It smelled fabulous. Gabe briefly considered giving
up his stew for a bite.

"Looks good," Viell said.
Gabe turned to Vien. The other man watched him

with a cool, measuring gaze, nothing at all like the open,
hopeful look in his twin's eyes. He wondered if people ever
had a problem telling them apart. He knew he never would.

"Going to try your quiche?" He nodded towards the

plate set before the other man.

Vien kept his wary eyes on Gabe. "Going to jump


"Only if you're lucky."
The fae gave a soft snort of laughter then dug into

his food. Satisfied both of the fae were eating, he turned his
attention back to his stew. The wolf lay calm now that the
fae men were provided for.

Anthony and Silver entered the room. For the first

time Gabe noticed shadows beneath his boss's eyes like
he'd overextended his energy and needed a long nap.

"Sorry guys," Anthony gave an apologetic smile as

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the twins leapt to their feet and gave low bows. "I didn't
know you'd arrived until Silver came and told me." His eyes
took in their plates and he motioned for them to take their
chairs. "There's no reason you can't eat and give me your
report at the same time."

Vien swallowed his quiche. Gabe smelled the

nervousness coming off the fae as they faced Anthony.
Without a word, a plate of quiche was set before his boss
along with a cup of hot tea. Silver received some stew.
They both ate like they hadn't seen food since the dawn of

"King Linnel denies all knowledge of the mad

scientist Korl. He has put out a notice that anyone who sees
him is to capture him and bring him to court. He wanted me
to tell you he expects you to turn him over if he's spotted."

"Damnit, I want him. He's torturing and mutating

shifters. He belongs to me!" Silver glared at Vien and Gabe
barely resisted the urge to growl at the Alpha who dared to
frown at his mates.


Cold dread froze Gabe's bones. Surely he had to be

wrong. He just met the men. As he stared at the fae, the
stories his grandmother told him of mates started to come
back. Claiming a mate was permanent. A wolf didn't go
back on a bonding. Wolves mated forever or nothing.

"I can go talk to the king," Anthony offered.
"That might not be such a good idea," Viell said.
"Why not?" Silver switched his glare to the other

twin. Gabe wrapped his arm protectively around Viell,

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which was stupid because the fae was bigger and better

"He's still infatuated with Anthony. It's best if he stays

away from court for a while."

Silver turned his attention to his mate who was

blithely eating his quiche. "You never told me the fae king
had a crush on you."

Anthony shrugged. "It was a long time ago. Frankly I

thought he'd switched his attention to my mother."

"Oh, he did for a while," Vien confirmed. "But he lost

interest when she wouldn't leave your father."

Anthony laughed. "My parents haven't been together

for years. She probably thought it would get back to me."

"They were together when you were shot," Silver


Gabe's mouth dropped open. When had Anthony

gotten shot?

Anthony waved away Silver's statement. "They're

friends and still go places together. Frankly, I'm not sure
why they keep up the illusion. I'm their only child and I'm not
going to fall apart if they tell me they separated."

"When do you think it happened?" Gabe asked.
Hell, he didn't even know Anthony's parents but he

was fascinated anyway. It was like walking into the middle
of a soap opera and trying to figure out all the players in the
plot. Not that he watched soap operas. They were all
getting canceled anyway.

"When I was ten," Anthony said dryly. His eyes

skimmed across Gabe and the twins. "Maybe Gabe could

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go speak to the king for us."

Silver growled. "Well, you're certainly not going."
Anthony laughed. "Relax sweet pea, I'm staying right

here. We didn't do so well the last time we separated."

The Alpha had absolutely no reaction to the sweet

pea comment. In fact the guy didn't even flinch. Gabe gave
him a few extra points on the manly scale for that alone.

"Gabe isn't going anywhere until he does his first

successful shift," Silver said. "If the twins are still around,
we'll let him accompany them back to the king."

Gabe instinctively wrapped a hand around one of

each of the twins' arms. "They aren't going anywhere," he

Both men tensed but neither said anything about this


* * * *

Vien stilled as the shifter claimed them both. He

slowly let out the breath he was holding as panic receded.
He'd thought the sexy werewolf might not want him.
Everyone loved Viell, even though they were identical twins,
people who knew them invariably liked Viell more. What
wasn't to like? His brother was a sweet, sincere man with
none of Vien's rough edges. However, since they were
twins, to accept one meant accepting the other. Their souls
were intertwined and needed a third to complete their triad.
Unfortunately, the few men they'd tried to date were more
interested in seeing the twins have sex with each other, a

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concept that repulsed both of them. Vien always had a
difficult time trying to explain that while Viell was his soul
mate, it was a pure bonding without the physical aspects.

Their attraction to Gabe fell into a different category

than the others they'd met and dated before. Vien could
almost feel the connection between Viell and Gabe. He
hoped Viell felt the same connection between Gabe and
Vien. Over the years Vien suffered the battering of his
brother's heart as each man or woman they'd dated hadn't
been the one. While Vien dealt with the disappointment by
creating a hard shell around his heart, his brother's still bled
with each relationship failure.

"We'll stay at least until Gabe's first change. Gabe

can act as the ambassador for the werekin and maybe
Anthony can send along a note?" Vien gave the fae lord a
hopeful look. Vien knew the king would adore getting a
personal message from the Anthony.

Anthony nodded. "I'll compose something that tells of

Silver's wish to talk to the scientist himself. We're out of
clues. It's as if the man vanished. If he's not behind these
recent attacks on werekin then we need to know who is. I'm
also curious how they knew Gabriel had recessive DNA. It's
not common knowledge, especially if even Gabe didn't
know. The times I've met with Gabe before his shift, he
didn't smell like a werekin or at least not enough like one to
alert my bodyguards."

"The doctor might have the charts," Vien burst out.
Silver frowned at him and damn if he didn't feel a

shiver of fear. "What charts?"

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"The genealogical charts. There's a master list that

includes all shifters and their ancestors. If the scientist got
hold of a copy of the list and is sending his mutants to track
them all down…"

"Then no shifter is safe," Gabe finished.
The blood froze in Vien's veins. The pure level of

madness disturbed him. Unfortunately, extremists always
had crazy people willing to follow. "If he's operating within
the fae world how does he give the mutants instructions?
He has to have a contact on this side who can
communicate with him."

"But that would mean he either has a private hole

between your world and ours or he has a 'mirror of
transmittal'," Anthony gave a wide-eyed look to his mate.

"What's that?" Silver asked.
"It means he can communicate and even pass small

objects through mirrors. If you have one of the special
glasses, you can convert any regular mirror to be a receiver
but only the original magical one can initiate contact."

"I thought they were a rumor?" Vien had never seen

a true transmittal mirror. He had thought they were a fae

Anthony shook his head. "My father used to have

one." A frown marred his handsome features. "I wonder if
he still does."

"Why don't you check? Maybe he can tell you where

he got his and lead us to the scientist," Silver replied,
stroking Anthony's hair. "In the meantime everyone eat up.
Gabe, I want you to get some more rest. Tomorrow night

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you can come with us to the pack lands and we'll work on
your shifting."

Gabe nodded.
The Alpha pair finished up and left the room.

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Chapter Three

Gabe didn't know what to do with the twins. Well, he

knew what he wanted to do with them, but he didn't know if
they were willing, or hell, even if he was. He ran his fingers
through his hair as he thought of the catastrophe of his life.
Now wasn't the time to get involved with anyone, much less
two anyones. Panic jumped in his chest like a crazed

"It'll be all right." Viell, the sweet twin patted his hand.

Gabe turned to Vien. Sometimes he preferred spicy.

"Do you think it'll be all right?" His wolf needed

reassurance from both his mates.

"I think we should take you back to your room and

bang your brains out."

"Vien!" The shyer twin blushed hot red.
Henry laughed as he moved around the kitchen,

mixing up other bits for whatever he was making. The entire
area smelled divine and the large chef made it look easy
with his smooth experienced movements.

Gabe's cheeks burned with embarrassment. He

wasn't good with courtship on his best day. This definitely
wasn't his best day.

"Are you two?" Gabe waved a hand between them.


Vien gave him a hard stare. "If you mean will we be

naked together in bed with you then the answer is yes. If
you're asking if I'm going to be having sex with my brother

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then no."

Gabe let out a sigh of relief. "Good. That's just


"You don't mind?" Viell asked.
"Mind what?" Had there been a portion of the

conversation he'd missed?

"Mind that we aren't going to have sex with each

other? We've had a few episodes where our bed partners
refused to go further once they learned we won't have sex
with each other."

Gabe shivered. "No thanks. That's creepy."
He didn't want to address the queasy spot in his

stomach at the thought of the two men having sex without

Before he could try to explain his feelings on the

matter, Vien slid his fingers into Gabe's hair and with a
hard, demanding tug, yanked the shifter close and kissed
him. The feel of the fae's lips against his own made his
body ache with desire. He restlessly grabbed at Vien,
pulling the other man closer. His wolf howled inside,
wanting to claim his mate, to bite, claw, and fill with his fluid
so others seeing the sexy man would know he belonged to

A low moan filled the room as Gabe melted in the

sexy fae's embrace. Just as he was about to pull away, he
felt another body wrap around his back. Viell placed soft
kisses against Gabe's neck, his ear, then a light bite on his

"Oh fuck," he whispered.

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"Not in my kitchen gentlemen, take it elsewhere,"

Henry's voice distracted him. The chef's tone still sounded
friendly, but firm.

Gabe shook his head, trying to dispel the fog of lust

clouding his brain.

"Sorry Henry," he apologized.
He got a cheerful smile in return. "I'll see you


"Yeah." Gabe stumbled to his feet. Grabbing each of

the fae's hands, he pulled them up after him. "Come on
sexy studs it's time to try out the guest bedroom."

Gabe knew he should wait until he knew the men

better, but his impatient wolf demanded he claim his men.
He could almost feel the wolf prowling restlessly inside
even as his human side balked at the boldness. For some
people this was moving fast, for Gabe this was light speed.

The twins eagerly followed him back to the

bedroom. As soon as the door slammed shut the sexy fae
men surrounded him. Viell in front, Vien in back, two sets of
hands focused on parting him from his clothing as quickly
as possible. Gabe never thought of the possibility of two
men before, but after garments were tossed aside he
decided he was foolish to think of anything else.

His wolf howled in approval when Viell dropped to

his knees and took him to the root with his hot, moist mouth.

Gabe reflexively grabbed Viell's hair to hold the sexy

fae still as he moved slowly in and out of that amazing

"He likes it if you're a little rough." Vien's rich voice

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rolled across Gabe like soft velvet against his skin.

Moaning, Gabe gripped a little tighter still careful not

to pull too much.

"Just like that." Vien nipped Gabe's neck at the

jugular sending his wolf into a frenzy. The animal inside
wanted to roll over and show its belly to the mate he
considered his alpha, but the human side wasn't quite so
eager to give over yet.

"Do this a lot?" The bestial side of him wanted to

howl and let others know the twins weren't available for
anyone else to touch, ever. He might be smaller than them
but his beast would be strong enough to take down anyone
who thought to touch his mates.

"No." Vien rubbed against him from behind. "Most

want one or the other of us but few want both if we're not
going to have sex together."

"Their loss." Gabe couldn't think what was wrong

with those other men who didn't understand the true beauty
of being the filling in a twin sandwich.

It didn't take long before Gabe shouted out his

release. Licking his lips, Viell slid up the werekin's body, a
satisfied expression on his face.

"He tastes like raspberries," he told his brother over

Gabe's shoulder.

"Hmmm, I adore raspberries," Vien purred.
Viell locked eyes on Gabe, hot desire in his


Gabe's cock valiantly tried to rise again. "You two

will be the death of me," he sighed.

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What a way to go.

He got two eerily similar chuckles in stereo.
"You two are wearing way too many clothes. How

am I going to suck you off if you're dressed?"

Clothing flew as the twins rapidly stripped off their

garments. Seconds later two tall naked bodies pressed
against him from both sides. Gabe let out a sigh as a wall
of hot, silky flesh surrounded him. Vien's hard cock slid
between his buttocks while Viell rubbed against Gabe's

Reaching one hand behind and one in front, he

stroked the two long cocks, pleased to feel the differences.
Vien's was slightly longer while Viell's thicker erection filled
more of Gabe's palm.

He looked Viell in the eyes. "Baby, do you top?"
Viell shook his head. "Not very often." He bit his lip.

"I will if you like. I want to please you."

"Absolutely. You want me to fill your aching hole?"
Gabe nodded, desire tightening his throat until he

could barely push the words out. "Viell go lay on the bed, on
your back. This first time I'll fuck you while Vien fucks me.
Any objections?"

Viell rushed to the bed, bouncing on the mattress in

his excitement. Gabe smiled. There was something so
joyous about the fae, as if his spirit were younger than
everyone else's. Gabe felt old beside him, jaded, but he'd
do anything to keep the light of happiness in the other
man's eyes.

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"My brother is like sunshine and the other half of my

soul," Vien muttered in Gabe's ear. "If you break his heart,
mate or no mate, I will kill you."

Gabe nodded even as his heart pounded hard

against his ribs. He was certain they were more
experienced warriors than an architect who never held a
single weapon in his life. He doubted his wolf would even lift
a paw if the twins attacked him. They were his mates.

"Deal." He turned around to look at Vien. "I don't

want to break your heart either." He made sure he held eye
contact for a moment with Vien before heading towards his
brother. Gabe wondered how many people overlooked
Vien because he came across as stern and controlling.
Although the twins were identical, their temperaments were
galaxies apart.

Knowing the other man was right behind him gave

Gabe the confidence to approach Viell. Nerves fired as he
looked at the sexy man lying on his bed. He'd never had the
guts to be this commanding with one man, what would he
do with two?

Viell's concerned expression only made him feel

worse for his doubts.

"Are you all right?"
Gabe nodded. "Yes." He pushed his panic attack

away. No room for doubts when this kind of bounty lay at his
feet. Damn, the man was gorgeous.

His gaze traced miles of golden muscled skin with

sparse black hair on all the best places and a jutting
erection that pleaded for Gabe's attention.

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"Looks like you're ready for me." Gabe hoped he

sounded confident even as his shaking hands betrayed his
nervousness. The knowing look in the other man's eyes told
him he wasn't successful in hiding his sudden anxiety.

"Come here, darling, I'll take good care of you." Viell

held out a hand to encourage Gabe to join him on the bed.

Like he needed more of an invitation than a sexy

naked man looking at him with raw desire, or the hot hands
on his back leading him there.

"I'm going, I'm going," he muttered to Vien.
"You looked like you might make a run for it. It's my

duty as your mate to keep you on track."

"We're not officially mated yet."
Before he could recant strong hands spun him

around and Gabe found himself facing an irate fae.

"What do you mean we're not mated yet?"
"I haven't bitten you." According to all the lore he'd

read while studying the paranormal community, Gabe had
to bite his mates to seal their bond.

"Well get on with it." Vien tilted his head, exposing

his jugular. "Bite me."

Gabe gave an uncomfortable laugh. "I have to do it

during sex. That's the only time the mating bite will work.
Biting you now will only hurt."

Vien scowled at him. "This isn't just a ploy to get at

my ass is it?"

Viell laughed.
"No," Gabriel grinned. "Although it is a fine ass, it

isn't the only reason I want inside."

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Vien gave him a measuring look but turned him

back to his brother. "You can bite him. I'm fucking you first."

Gabe shrugged. It wasn't any hardship to mark the

beautiful man on the bed. He'd mark the other beautiful twin
next time. Viell flashed his brother an uncertain look. "Are
you sure Vien?"

Vien sounded so certain it didn't even occur to Gabe

to question him.

Without giving it another thought he sank onto the

bed next to Viell aware that Vien settled behind him but
paying little mind as he pressed his lips to Viell's absorbing
the flavor of eggs, flaky pastry and hot male.

"Mmm. I might be a quiche convert if I get to eat it

from you."

Viell smiled. "I'm all yours."
Soft kisses on his back jolted Gabe for a moment.

Turning his head he accepted a kiss from Vien.

"Sorry," he apologized. "I'm not used to having to

keep track of two lovers."

Vien gave him a wicked smile. "Don't worry, I have

ways of reminding you. Viell hand him the lube."

Viell reached into the side drawer and removed a

tube of lube. Anthony and Silver really did provide
everything for their guests.

Accepting the lubrication, Gabe quickly wet his

fingers before handing the tube over his shoulder to his
other lover. Focused on the man below him, Gabe circled
Viell's hole, pleased when the fae spread his legs and lifted

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his ass so Gabe could get better access. Gabe scooted
down and leaned over, positioning his body for Vien while
he played with his new toy, Viell's hard shaft. Lapping at
Viell's pre-cum, he enjoyed the slightly sweet and bitter
taste of his lover.

Anticipation had him harder than granite. Gabe

wasn't one of those adventurous types who attended orgies
and ménages and the past few months had been a dry
spell. To suddenly have two sexy men, not only for sex play
but to be bonded to him forever, challenged his perceptions
of the type of life he had planned to have.

"Inside me!" Viell demanded after Gabe slid in two

fingers and swirled them around.

"Soon." He gave Viell a wicked grin that changed to

a groan when Vien plunged a lubed finger into Gabe's ass.
"Oh fuck."

"Soon, sweetness, soon," Vien promised.
Gabe forgot all about loosening up Viell as Vien

drove him out of his ever-loving mind. "Oh, right there. Yes,
fuck, right there." The man had the longest fingers and they
rubbed against the right spot over and over again. Gabe's
attention snapped back when a good portion of hair was
yanked from his chest.

"Don't forget me." Viell scowled at him.
For the first time Gabe saw the downside to having

two mates and trying to keep them both happy.
Unfortunately Viell did have a point. Sliding down Gabe
turned his attention back to his lover's cock, licking at the

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liquid pearling at its tip. Lapping, he growled deep in his
throat as the flavor of his mate exploded on his tongue
tasting like the best of everything in the world.

"Mmmm," he hummed contentedly around Viell's


"Oh, Vien, he is sooo good at this," Viell moaned.
"I'll find out soon enough. I'm more interested in the

tightness of his ass." Gabe pushed against Vien's intrusive
fingers, urging the other man to continue whatever the hell
he wanted.

Gabe made encouraging noises. Difficult to do with

his mouth stuffed full but Vien must have gotten the idea
because his fingers slid out to be replaced by his fat cock.
Gabe popped off Viell to take a calming breath and get his
body to relax.

"Fuck me!" Viell's desperate voice was almost lost

in the rush of desire as Vien pumped inside Gabe.

"Scoot up a little," he gasped.
"What?" Vien grabbed Gabe's hips.
"Scoot up a little I want to jack Viell off. I'm too low

for frottage."

With a breathless laugh Vien shoved them over

farther on the bed never losing the connection.

"Nice work," Gabe smiled victoriously, grabbing his

and Viell's cock in one hand and rubbed them together.

"Ooh good idea," Viell moaned.
The sound of gasps, grunts and the occasional cry

of passion were the only sounds in the room.

"You feel so good," Vien said in a voice so low

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Gabe didn't know if he was supposed to hear him. Looking
away from the sight of their hard dripping cocks, he looked
up to see Viell's green eyes glow with desire.

Vien hit just the right spot and Gabe's fangs burst

through his gums. Despite the fae at his back, Gabe lunged
and bit Viell on the neck. The fae cried out, wetness
spurting between them. Even as he bonded with Viell
through his mating bite, he felt Vien orgasm inside him.

Exhausted, Gabe collapsed on Viell who let out a

soft grunt. Lapping at the wound on his mate's neck, he
gave a satisfied sigh. His wolf lay calm for the first time
since he began to feel the beast nervously shifting inside
him. Gabe wondered if his wolf would still need to mark
Vien. The beast saw them as individuals but didn't seem
worried about rushing to claim the fae at his back.

Sated and happy, he didn't object when the twins did

some sort of sparkle spell cleaning up all the mess.

"Handy," he muttered.
Scooting to one side he slept sandwiched between

his two men.

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Chapter Four

Vien watched Silver try to help Gabe to control his

shift. So far as much as the Alpha offered tips and
encouragement, Gabe hadn't been able to shift into a wolf.
Strange, since his wolf seemed so close to the surface.

Viell stood beside him on the sidelines. "Maybe we

should try to help," his twin whispered anxiously.

Vien could feel his brother's nerves through their link.

They rarely shared with others the true extent of their
connection but they often experienced each other's
emotions and, in times of desperation, each other's
thoughts. When Gabe pleasured Viell, Vien had felt his
brother's bliss and when Gabe marked Viell, Vien felt
unimaginable sorrow, even though he said he was fine with
getting claimed later. Right now the lack of a mating bond
with Gabe tore at him with sharp wolf teeth.

Vien knew the moment his brother couldn't take

Gabe struggling any more. Viell's soft heart would be the
death of them some day. With a sound of distress, his twin
rushed over to face the werekin. Vien slowly followed even
as he tried to shove away hurt feelings of being a third

"Come on Gabe. Think about how you feel when you

want to claim me," Viell urged.

Vien came to stand beside his brother. Gabe's eyes

snapped to Viell as his twin spoke to the werekin. Vien
wondered if Gabe even knew he was there.

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Silver's words didn't help. "You want to please your

mate, don't you Gabriel?" Of course he couldn't blame the
man. No one announced Gabe was the mated to both. Hell,
they hadn't even declared a mating with Viell. He wondered
if the other werekin could smell that Viell was marked and
Vien wasn't.

Vien self-consciously touched his neck, envious of

the mark on his brother's. Before he could offer any words
of encouragement to their struggling mate, Gabriel shifted
into a wolf, a pretty one, big and furry. Hell, he was beautiful
no matter what form he took. The wolf trotted over to
Anthony, rolled over on his back and showed his belly. His
lordship rubbed the animal's stomach with the heel of his

"Who's a good wolfy? Who's a good wolfy?"
Silver shook his head. "This is why I have you wait in

the limo."

Anthony shrugged. "He's pretty."

The demigod glowed in the

moonlit field. All wolf eyes followed him as he nearly outshone the moon.

A bittersweet smile crossed his face as he stroked his
mate's cheek. "Why don't you shift and go run with your
friends," Anthony said.

An odd panicky expression crossed the alpha's

face. "You'll be here when I return?"

"I'll be in the limo talking with Kylen and the twins."

Kylen was here?

The twins exchanged looks. It would be good to pick

the mind of the older fae. One who also had mated with a
werekin. Maybe he could give them some good advice.

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Although Anthony was in the same situation, Vien wasn't
vain enough to think he and his brother could compare
themselves to his lordship.

Vien gave Gabe a wistful smile as the wolf loped off.
"He'll remember to come back to us, right?" Viell

bravely asked the question Vien was afraid to frame. What
would stop him from running off and joining the wild wolves?

Anthony gave them a wide smile. "A mated wolf

never strays for long. Give him a good hour and he'll be
back. Why don't we have drinks and conversation in the
limo? I'm sure you have millions of questions."

The twins respectfully waited for Anthony to enter the

vehicle before sliding in opposite him. After a moment the
division between driver and passenger separated.

Kylen's handsome face peered at them through the

windows. "Hello gentlemen."

"Good evening, Kylen."
"Anthony tells me he suspects you've mated with a

werekin. Is that true?"

"Yes," Viell said.
Vien didn't have the heart to mention he hadn't

officially mated with the Gabe yet. He knew the werekin
wanted him, but did Gabe want Vien as much as his
brother? He hadn't forgotten that Viell was Gabe's first
choice before he smelled Vien. Whether Gabe hoped to
get away with one mate or not was irrelevant, Vien and Viell
were soul mates. One couldn't live without the other. They
tried when they were younger and fell into soul sickness.

Looking up he found himself the object of Anthony's

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He froze.
"He will claim you, you know."
Vien tilted his head inquiringly. "How do you know?"
Anthony's eyes shimmered in the dim light. His

mysterious smile told Vien the fae royal knew much more
than he shared with others. For some reason, sitting across
from the magical man soothed Vien deep in his soul.
Anxiety, building since Viell's claiming, melted away
beneath Anthony's watchful gaze.

"I know. Just as I know you three are soul mates. It

will work out, give it some time."

Vien gave him a faint smile. He couldn't find it in

himself to look Anthony in the eye and doubt the man.
Everything would have to work out fine. He couldn't leave
his brother and he knew deep down, even though they just
met, he couldn't leave Gabe either.

* * * *

The rich soil turned beneath his claws as Gabe

raced with the pack. A howl ripped from his throat at the
pure joy of running with the other wolves. Energy filled him
as the scents and excitement of the hunt consumed him. He
wagged his tail as he saw a fluffy rabbit tear off into the
brush. Excited, he raced after it, his heart hammering in his
chest. As soon as he had it pinned beneath his paws he let
the little creature go with a quick lick to its head. His wolf
half thought about eating it but there was too much human

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inside to want to tear into a bunny and eat it raw.

He didn't want raw meat, he wanted something else.

The smell of sunshine and flowers wafted towards him.



He knew his mate waited for him to finish his run.

Taking a deep sniff he veered off from his pack mates and
headed for the long dark cylinder.

Anxious to get to the men inside he slammed into

the people container.


He fell to the ground, whimpering.
"Shit baby, don't do that."


A beautiful man slid to his knees and cradled

Gabe's head in his lap. Damn he smelled good. Like fresh
flowers and sunshine. He shoved his nose deeper into the
man's crotch to get more of the delicious smell.

Laughing, the man pushed him away. "No sharp

teeth near the goods."

Gabe whimpered.
"No, I don't care how sad you look. Change into a

man and you can have anything."

Another scent reached him. Spicy, warm, fiery like

toasted spices. Jumping through the open door he
examined its contents. Two people sat on padded seats.
One glowed like fire and smelled like the alpha wolf,
different, but so very powerful he had to fight the urge to roll
over and show his belly again. The Alpha mate gave him a
sweet smile. The other one smelled like the spice that

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sweet smile. The other one smelled like the spice that
teased his nose before. Climbing up on the seat he sniffed
the man's neck.



Gabe growled when he realized this sexy-smelling

man was unclaimed. He sniffed his neck twice with the
same results. How could this be?


Without giving it a second thought he sank his teeth

into the other man's jugular.

"Don't move." He heard the glowing alpha say. "Let

him mark you. After he smells you've been marked he'll let
you go."

"I thought it had to be during sex?"
"Or during a shift, though it's quite rare. He must feel

a strong connection with you."

It took a moment before the wolf was satisfied he'd

claimed the spicy man. With a happy yip and a lick on each
mates' cheeks, the wolf bounced away to go and play with
the pack.

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Chapter Five

Gabe's head snapped back and forth as they

travelled through the fae kingdom. Even the scent of the
place was different. It smelled like green growing things
and a bit like his mates. The exciting aroma of the two fae
walking beside him made him hard as stone. His gait
lacked his usual gracefulness as his erection made for
uncomfortable travel. Gabe could feel the twins' tension
increase the closer they got to the castle. Why were they
nervous about going home? He tried to send out calming
thoughts through the bond the twins claimed to have but
apparently his part was deficient because neither twin
relaxed or acknowledged his efforts.

The building quickly appeared in the distance, a

compilation of white marble and shimmering light. Gabe
stopped a moment to admire the sight. Light flickered
across the surface, as if it were trapped inside the stone.
The architect in him appreciated the delicate curves and tall
spires. "It's beautiful."

Stopping beside him the twins looked at it for a long


"Too bad it's corrupted inside," Vien said.
Viell nodded. "The king has complete power and is

often blinded by those he gives responsibility to. He's not a
bad man, just a weak one."

Vien sighed. "He was a great ruler once. I hope over

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time he'll be one again."

"Do you think that'll happen?"
Vien shrugged. "We have long lives. Sometimes

people go full circle. If the king doesn't change soon, the
people will rise up and Anthony will be that much closer to
the throne. He needs to stop listening to his advisors. There
isn't an honest one among them."

"I thought the two of you were the king's nephews.

Doesn't that make you in line for the throne?"

The twins shook their heads. "Our mother is the

King's half sister from his father's mistress so although we
are his nephews we aren't in line for the throne."

"Huh." The twins didn't appear broken up about it so

he let the discussion drop. "Let's get going."

We should tell him.
What good would it to?

"You should tell me what?" Gabe asked shaking his

head to get rid of the voices. Even though they sounded like
his mates the entire thing was creepy.

"You can hear us?" Viell watched him, wide-eyed,

like his head was going to do a three-sixty next.

"I heard something about telling me or not telling me.

What's the big secret?"

"You didn't hear us before, did you?"
Gabe shook his head. "Maybe it's because of the

mating. Though you didn't appear to notice when I sent you
calming thoughts."

Vien smiled. "I felt them but I didn't know it was you."
"The king isn't fond of shifters," Viell confessed.

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"In fact, he's the one who banished them," Vien said.
"He thought your species would overrun the fae. The

light fae keep a handful as soldiers, but overall there are no
shifters in the dark fae realm."

"Huh. You think that would make it easier to spot

some mutants running around."

Viell shrugged. "Maybe, but no fae is going to

confront a mutant shifter unless they try to storm the castle
or something. We won't take another's life unless ours is

"Trust me," Gabe said with a growl. "If these

creatures continue whatever their agenda is, your life will be
threatened. They are trying to build up some sort of shifter
army. I talked to Anthony this morning when he gave me the
letter. He said some of the mutants have already tried to
cause trouble between the packs. If they can get the packs
to kill each other off, then they can take over the city even
with smaller numbers. However, after Silver informed the
other packs, they are all on the lookout for deception and it
won't be so easy for the mutants now."

"That is troubling news," Viell agreed. "We will make

our case to the king. Maybe he'll be willing to increase the
hunt for the scientist if we tell him we are all in danger."

"I hope so."
An hour later they were walking through the front

gates. Guards on either side saluted the twins who returned
the greeting. Other than a few curious glances, Gabe
received no comment.

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He followed the twins through a series of long,

winding, white marble passages. When Gabe first entered
the castle he thought the architecture amazing. Now after
passage number three he was sick of white marble and
would sell his soul for the sight of actual wood. Even the
furniture was either marble or some translucent material
that looked surprisingly like plastic.

Considering the marvelous forests outside he

wondered why they didn't use any natural materials. Finally
he couldn't stand it any more and asked.

"The light fae king can manipulate wood," Viell said.
"In the last battle between King Linell and King Sein,

the light fae king, Sein used the castle against him and
imprisoned Linell in a cage of wood. He stayed there three
years before he agreed to surrender and was finally
released. Now he prohibits any wood at all." Viell turned the
corner in perfect synch with his brother. Gabe watched the
hot movement of their asses and contemplated taking Vien
next time.

"Huh." The idea of being imprisoned in a cage for

three years made his wolf itch.

"Many think that is when the king started to change,"

Viel continued.

The fae stopped talking as they reached the end of

the corridor and a wide archway. Three guards blocked the

The twins approached with no sign of stopping.
"We have news for the king," Vien's icy voice held

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little of the warmth Gabe usually heard in his lover's voice.

The guards stepped aside without further comment

until Gabe tried to pass. The guards stepped forward to
block him.

"Not the wolf." One of the guards sneered.
Vien kicked the guard in the side of the head with a

move worthy of a ninja, watching with cool eyes as the
guard toppled to the floor. "Anyone else want to challenge
my guest?"

The other two soldiers stepped way back as if Gabe

were suddenly contaminated.

As he walked past the guards the twins flanked him,

giving him a sense of protection as they entered the
cavernous chamber.

Dozens of people milled around the vast space but

the voices were quiet, almost hushed, as if the speakers
were afraid to draw attention to themselves. Gabe's
hackles rose and he had to fight back the growl rising in his
throat. Since the fae already had a poor opinion of shifters,
he didn't want to reinforce their beliefs.

"My boys!" A jovial voice broke through the crowd.
If he thought his men were strung tight before it was

nothing compared to now. Gabe could almost hear their
nerves snap.

Be strong Gabe!

He didn't know which twin sent him the message but

he felt the outpouring of love from his mates and was
determined not to screw this up.

Gabe would think of the king as another high-strung,

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high-powered client and treat him accordingly.

The man sitting on the throne looked a lot like his

lovers. He had the same lean physique and dark hair,
except instead of kind hazel eyes, the king's were a cold
icy-blue that bored into Gabe like a chilling wind.

With difficulty, Gabe subdued a full body shiver.
"What have you brought my dear nephews? My very

own wolf?" The man frowned at Viell.

Gabe clenched his fists against the urge to grab his

mates and run like hell.

"We brought you word from Silver and a note from

Anthony," Vien said.

The king waved his hand as if to bat away an

annoyance. "What interest do I have with words from a
wolf?" Linnel's eyes warmed to a deeper blue. "Give me my
note from the beautiful Anthony."

Vien held out his hand to Gabe who almost refused

to give it to him. He wasn't sure he wanted his mate any
closer to the crazy guy than necessary.

Give it to me!

Sighing, Gabe handed it over. His inner wolf

snapped at him in annoyance.

Great, now even he didn't like himself.
He watched the king carefully as he snatched the

letter from Vien, like a kid getting a new toy. Linnel held the
letter up to his nose and inhaled it. The scent of arousal
wafted from the king.

He'd have to warn Anthony that rumors were right

about the king's infatuation.

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about the king's infatuation.

The king read the letter, looked at Gabe, read the

letter again. "It looks like my sweet Anthony is concerned
about his little wolves." He tapped the letter against his chin
in contemplation. "Dlan, how is our hunt for the scientist

A scent so foul Gabe almost choked on it drifted

towards him. A lean, red-haired fae with brown eyes
stepped up to the king's side. "He hasn't been found yet,
your highness."

The man looked straight at Gabe when he spoke. In

unison the twins stepped in front of Gabe blocking Dlan's
view. Gabe let out a sigh of relief. Dlan creeped him the hell

We will protect you.

To Gabe's surprise it was Viell's

voice he heard in his head. The gentler twin apparently lost
some of his gentility when his lover was at risk.

He smells of corruption. I wouldn't be surprised if he

were helping the scientist


It was challenging to put an idea into his lovers'

minds. He knew they heard him when he felt soothing
pulses sent his way.

"I think we should keep the wolf as an exchange with

Anthony. He will make a nice pet," Linnel mused.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, your highness," the

oily voice of Dlan reached his ears. "He's bonded with your

"What do you mean bonded?"
"He means we're mated with the werewolf," Vien

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said, his voice firm.

"Nonsense!" the king's voice thundered across the

room. "No relative of mine will mate with one of those foul
animals. Guards, kill him!"

The twins pulled out their knives and surrounded

Gabe on both sides. Gabe saw Dlan give an evil smirk. He
returned it with a toothy one of his own. Reaching into his
pocket he grabbed the medallion Anthony gave him when
he handed over the letter.

"Grab me."
Without question Vien and Viell each grabbed one

of Gabe's arms.

"Anthony!" Gabe shouted.
Thunder shook the room, a brilliant flash of lightning

blinded him and then he was falling. He landed with a hard
thud on soft carpet with his mates landing beside him.

"I guess it went pretty much like I expected,"

Anthony's dry voice commented.

Gabe blinked until his vision cleared. Picking

himself up off the floor he helped the twins to their feet.

"What happened?" Silver demanded.
"The king has a real hard-on for your mate," Gabe

told the alpha. "He wanted to keep me as a pet. I think as
leverage against Anthony. He freaked when he learned the
twins were mated with me. We got out of there when he
started talking about my death."

"Good plan," Anthony said, taking the medallion

Gabe held out. "I'll recharge this in case we need to send
anyone else to fae land. I guess we can count against help

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from the king."

"Dlan, his assistant, advisor, whatever he is, stank of

corruption. I wouldn't be surprised if he were completely
involved in the mutant thing," said Gabe. His hand shook
from the close encounter. No one had ever threatened to kill
him before.

"Shhh." Viell wrapped him in his loving embrace

slowing down the tremors.

Anthony nodded as if Gabe's entire blathering made

sense. "I've often wondered about Dlan's affiliation."

"What do we do now?" Vien asked the question

preying on Gabe's mind.

Anthony gave them a sad smile. "I think the twins will

have to stay on this side of the portal for a bit. It's not safe to
go back to the fae world while you have targets on your

"But we haven't learned anything except the king's

advisor might be involved and that King Linnel is an ass,"
Gabe protested. He'd really hoped to make more progress.
"Those mutants are still out there roaming the streets and
attacking innocent people. What are we going to do about

Silver frowned. "We'll organize patrols. Viell, Vien, if

you're going to stick around for a while maybe you could
help with the searches. We're investigating as many
abandoned warehouses and buildings as we can and we're
trying to get the other packs involved to watch their part of
the city. These attacks need to stop. Anthony, any word
from your father?"

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Anthony shook his head. "He's not contacted me in

a few weeks and my mother hasn't heard from him either. I'll
get in touch with grandfather soon if he doesn't show up."

"Let's save that for a last resort," Silver said.
Anthony nodded. "Good idea."
Gabe wondered who Anthony's grandfather was to

cause the sudden scent of fear among the men in the room.

"We've cleared out a place for you three to stay until

you decide what plans you want to make. Gabe, I'll expect
you at work on Monday."

"I'll be there." That gave him the weekend to bond

with his mates. He had a lot of work waiting at the office
and he knew putting it off wouldn't make the workload any
smaller. He might be a wolf shifter and part of a ménage a
trois, but he still had bills and responsibilities.

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Chapter Six

The dark condo decorations weren't to Vien's taste,

but the place had a nice masculine appeal.

Vien watched his wolf mate peer inside every

cabinet and room he could find. As the place had only two
bedrooms, two bathrooms and one large open space with
the living, dining area and kitchen, Gabe was stalling.

He exchanged looks with his twin while the beautiful

wolf man prowled their temporary home. Even if they ended
up on this side of the portal forever, they wouldn't stay here.
Fae weren't meant to live in skyscrapers. He personally
didn't know how Anthony could handle it. It must be
because he was only a quarter fae. A full blood would never
be able to live with all this metal surrounding them at all
times. He knew Kylen was having a home built near the
pack lands along with a few other members to form a sort
of communal protective area right outside the city. Maybe
they could claim some land for themselves. He was
convinced Gabe could design something wonderful. Even
though he hadn't seen his lover's work, Anthony wouldn't
hire someone if they didn't have skill.

"What's wrong, my love?" Viell broke the silence

when it looked like Gabe wouldn't settle down or wander
into the bedroom on his own for the hot loving Vien and his
brother hoped for.

Gabe shrugged. "I feel unsettled."
"I know just how to fix that," Viell said, stepping

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forward and wrapping an arm around the wolf.

Vien watched in outrage as his brother stole their

mate and headed towards the bedroom. He projected his
annoyance at his other half.

Then stop standing there and get your ass in the


Oh. Yeah, he could do that.
Vien was impressed with the speed his brother

separated Gabe from his clothes. Even though he entered
the bedroom practically on their heels, the other two were
already naked and on the bed. Watching Gabe kiss his
brother made him harder than stone. Since he felt Viell's
emotions it was as if he were having sex, too.

Moaning, he quickly stripped off his clothes and

joined the pair. Gabe made the most amazing sounds as
he sucked off Viell.

"Oh, fuck." Vien gasped as he felt his brother come

in Gabe's mouth.

Warm caramel-colored eyes turned towards him.

"Your turn," the shifter said licking his lips.

Vien quickly lay down beside his brother.
"It's like magic, Vien," his brother whispered.
Vien rolled his eyes. Viell always exaggerated.

Except this time maybe he didn't. Gabe's mouth swallowed
Vien's long cock and the fae's eyes rolled up in his head for
an entirely different reason. "Yes!" he shouted as the wolf
sucked him down all the way to the base. Gabe used his
wonderful, magical hands to roll Vien's balls and then
pressed one finger lightly at Vien's hole. Combined with the

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other assaults, in little time at all Vien shot his load into his
lover's mouth.

Feeling wrung out, he lay there, passive for a

moment, until a well-lubed finger returned to slowly fill his
hole. Vien's eyes popped open so he could watch the sexy
wolf. Gabe kissed Viell while prepping Vien for entry. The
werekin's cock rose, long and ready, as he continued to
lavish attention on both of his lovers.

Before Vien could whine about his lack of kisses,

those hot amazing lips covered his and he lost all sense of
time and space. Sliding his fingers into his mate's soft hair
he let the needy sounds leave his lips. He'd deny forever
that he sighed like a girl, despite what his brother claimed,
but in that moment of soft touches and hot, gentle kisses he
knew his heart belonged to Gabriel and no amount of
mutant werewolves or conniving fae could make him give
his mate up.

Gabriel lifted his head and growled. "I'm both of

yours and don't you forget it." The werekin's piercing
caramel eyes made a silent vow of commitment. Vien knew
as Gabe slid into him with a slow, careful motion, he would
always consider this beautiful man home.

* * * *

It felt weird to be in the office. The ringing of the

phones, people shuffling back and forth, even the sound of
the copier running echoed in his head. The noise
threatened to overwhelm him.

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"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I'd get here before you

arrived for the day." A skinny redhead with frameless
glasses and sea green eyes stopped in his office doorway.

"Can I help you?"
He got a shy smile. "Actually I'm supposed to help

you. I'm Oliver; Anthony hired me to put a dampening spell
on your office."

"Oh great!" He stood up and shook the wizard's

hand. "Do you need me to leave?"

Oliver shrugged. "It might bother you when I first

activate the spell. If you wanted to take a coffee break, it
wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Cool. I haven't seen Faith for a while. I'll be back in


"Make it fifteen," the wizard said in a firm voice.

Gabe might have to re-evaluate his impression of the other
man's shyness.

"Will do."
Shaking his head, he left his office and went to the

landscaping section. The entire place was grouped in
various clusters according to job occupation, with pods of
conference rooms in between. It worked well because
workers had privacy when they needed it while still having
places to meet for projects. No one's individual office was
large but they weren't cubicles either.

Spotting Faith's dark head bent over something on

her desk, he knocked on the doorframe to get her attention.

"Hey girl!"
"Gabe!" She looked so surprised to see him he

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almost checked his reflection to see if he looked all right.
Before he got a chance to ask her if anything was wrong
she rushed over to give him a hug. "I'm so glad you're

Up close Gabe's increased sense of smell picked

up the aromas of flowers, earth and something dark.
Something not unlike Dlan's scent.

As her arms wrapped around him, Gabe felt a prick

on his neck and the world went swirly and strange. His arms
and legs felt leaden as she stepped away.

"It'll be okay. Once you're converted, we can be

together forever."

Faith kept talking but she didn't make any sense.
"What are you talking about?" At least that's what he

tried to say but his tongue felt bloated and fat in his mouth.

"Come with me."
To Gabe's surprise his body moved to follow her

with no input from his mind. It was almost as if it were a
separate entity under Faith's control.

"What's happening to me?"
"Don't get upset, honey, we'll get you all set up.

They've promised me a nice place in their hierarchy once
they've converted all the wolves. You're my ticket inside the
compound. Now that your genes are activated you're the
perfect spy. We'll have everyone mutated before long and
those stupid shifters will be gone, leaving the pack lands
free for the forest witches like we deserve. Stupid dogs
think they can come and buy up our land so they can run
and pee." She gave him a frown. "I don't know why the first

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mutation didn't work, but at least you know you're a wolf
now. It was frustrating when you didn't have any idea
before. You are so fucking clueless sometimes."

As she ranted, Gabe continued to follow her. He

wanted to scream but the more whatever she'd shot him
with entered his bloodstream, the less control he had. At
this point he couldn't even talk, he tried.


Gabe didn't know how far the bond with his mates

reached but it was the only thing he could think of. If this
was his last day on earth at least he'd met his mates.
Images of his beautiful men flashed through his mind.

Faith led him down the elevator and through the

lobby. He desperately wanted to ask her where they were
going but the words wouldn't come. He thought she'd take
him to the parking garage but instead she headed around
the corner and kept on walking. Gabe didn't know how far
they went but eventually they reached a tall abandoned
building with graffiti covering the side.

"I know it doesn't look like much but when we convert

the rest of the werekin we'll have nice offices."


The woman he thought he knew so well, from

midnight ice cream raids and evenings on the town, had
gone stark raving mad.

Even her normally calm brown eyes were crazed as

she turned them on Gabe. "Don't worry, the drug is only
temporary and will completely vanish when you turn into a
mutant. It should have worked the first time. Fucking

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mutant. It should have worked the first time. Fucking

Were there professional mutant creators?

Against his will Gabriel's body followed Faith into the

warehouse like a well-trained puppy. Fuck, he was going to
die and never tell his mates he loved them. Pain filled his
chest as he realized sensitive Viell and stoic Vien would
never know his true feelings.

"What do you have there witch?" A mutant emerged

from the darkened corners of the warehouse.

This one was bigger than Gabe remembered the

others being. Maybe this was their leader.

"The one your people let get away. Blake, this is


"I don't fucking care what his name is!" The mutant

scowled. "Why did you bring him here?"

"Because he can be changed."
"No, he can't." The mutant gave Gabe a disgusted


"Why not?"
"Because his mutation was stopped before. Now

he's not a good candidate. The change only works once."
The mutant took a deep breath, his eyes going wide. "Get
him out of here!"

"Because he's mated. You can't take a mated

werekin, are you insane?"

Gabe expected the mutant to feel more evil like the

ones who attacked him, but this one didn't even smell evil,

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he smelled tainted and confused.

"He's not mated!" Faith screamed. "He's mine."
"He's ours," Vien's voice, colder than anything Gabe

ever heard before, rang through the air.

"Shit." The mutant stepped back from the twins.
Gabe waited for the throw down, wishing he could

move his body. He felt his teeth elongate but he couldn't
move his head. He was paralyzed until Faith gave him the
ability to move under his own control.

"He's mine. He will always be mine!" Faith

screamed. This wasn't a woman he recognized. This
person was insane. Reaching into her pockets, she flung
something at the twins. Powder sparkled in the air. Viell
muttered something and a small wind came up and blew it

"What are you?" She shouted, furious they'd

outmaneuvered her.

Gabe watched the mutants flee the warehouse. They

didn't even try to fight. Strange, Anthony and Silver had said
they were aggressive.

I can't move.

He sent the words towards the twins.
"What did you do to him?" Vien demanded.
"Nothing permanent," Faith stepped behind Gabriel.

"I can make it more permanent though." A knife pricked his

Where the fuck did she get a knife?

"If you hurt him you won't get out of here alive." The

look in sweet, gentle Viell's eyes said the fae had no

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problem killing her.

Gabe smelled fear coming from his mates. The

scent of his beloved twins being afraid triggered his wolf
and broke him free of the spell. His mates must not feel
fear. They were to be protected.

With a howl, Gabe shifted forms. Snapping around,

the wolf lunged, biting through the woman's neck. She
threatened his mates' happiness. She must die. A low
gurgle filled the air.

"Gabe, baby, she's dead." Viell's voice broke

through his fury. Releasing the threat, he turned to face his

"Come, let's get you home," Vien said, petting Gabe

on the head.

* * * *

It wasn't until they were back at their condo that Vien

could breathe again. Hearing Gabe ask for help when he
was far from them had chilled his heart. He didn't think
either he or Viell had ever moved so fast in their lives.

"You all right?" He shouted towards the bathroom

where Gabe crouched on his knees throwing up everything
in his stomach.

They already called Anthony and told him what

happened. He'd sent a team to the warehouse, but other
than Faith's body there were no other signs of occupation.
Whoever this mutant group was, they knew how to cover
their tracks.

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The toilet flushed and a pale, red-eyed Gabe

emerged from the bathroom.

A wave of tenderness rushed through Vien. For the

first time he wanted to cosset someone. "Here's some
water, love." He handed over the glass he'd held for the
past ten minutes waiting for his mate to emerge.

Vien wrapped an arm around Gabe and took him to

their bed. Viell tucked himself in the other side. Together
the brothers cradled their lover between them.

"I k-killed my best friend," Gabe said, shaking.
"She deserved to die."
Vien was shocked to hear those words come out of

his brother's mouth. Viell had always supported trying to
reform those that took the wrong path. Apparently when it
came to their mate he had a whole new set of rules. A hard
look crossed Viell's face as he looked at his brother.

She tried to kill our mate!
I know brother.

Vien found himself on the soothing end of their

relationship. Scooting up close he wrapped himself around
his mate. "Shh, it's all right."

"I ripped out her throat," Gabe said in a shaky voice,

"and I enjoyed it."

"I would've done it for you if I could've," Vien

consoled. He placed soft kisses on his lover's cheek trying
for more tenderness than desire. However, the smell and
taste of his wolf made him harder than nails. Damn, his
mate excited him.

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Gabe turned his face towards Vien picking him for

the first time over his brother. Shock held Vien immobile.
No one ever chose him over Viell.

I belong to both of you.

The words whispered into his mind, deep and

seductive. For once he was speechless.

"I love you." The words escaped Vien without

thought, without preparation, but so sincere it squeezed his
heart to say them.

The smile he got was worth the embarrassment

painting his cheeks.

Gabe cupped Vien's face between his warm hands.

"I love you too, mate. I love you both."

Viell gave a happy sigh.

Like you doubted he would love you.

He silently

scolded his brother.

I still like to hear it.

"I can hear you both, you know," Gabe said. The

wolf's eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Sorry, we're not used to others being able to hear

us." They'd definitely have to remember Gabe could hear
their thoughts.

"You aren't supposed to keep secrets from your

mate anyway," Gabe chided. "Did you call Anthony?"

Vien nodded slowly as to not dislodge the wolf's

touch. He longed for the skin-to-skin contact like a newborn.
Basking in any attention his lover gave him. "They didn't
find anything."

Gabe sighed. "I guess we didn't help them discover

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Gabe sighed. "I guess we didn't help them discover

anything new."

"They didn't know about Blake. And Silver was

confused about why they didn't attack," Viell said.

"At least that's something. Do you think the king will

send people here to get you?"

Vien shrugged. "We're not so easy to capture and

Silver promised to protect us with his pack since we're
helping him with the mutants."

"I guess I'll have to be happy with that then. I worry

about the pair of you doing guard duty for the pack."

"It's not any different than being a warrior for the

king. We know what we're doing."

"I-I know." Gabe looked tortured. "I just don't want

you two to get hurt."

Damn, he was so sweet, Vien wanted to eat him up

with a spoon. He settled for gobbling him up. With a gentle
shove he pushed Gabe onto his back and slid down
between his legs. His poor traumatized wolf wasn't hard
yet, but Vien knew his way around a man's body. A soft
sound had him looking up. Viell took advantage of Gabe's
new position and was kissing him passionately. The
moaning added a nice counterpoint to Vien's project of
getting their sweet wolf to unwind and forget about the bitch
who wanted to convert him to a mutant and take over pack

He dedicated his time to licking Gabe's soft shaft

until it started to wake up. Beneath his lips he felt his lover
grow hard and firm. Still not satisfied, he reached down
below and cupped Gabe's balls, stroking and squeezing

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below and cupped Gabe's balls, stroking and squeezing
until his man-wolf bucked beneath Vien's touch.

"Oh fuck." The soft curse increased Vien's

enjoyment. He wanted to drive Gabe out of his ever-loving
mind. Lost in lust, his poor mate couldn't fixate about the
bitch who tried to claim him for her own. As Gabe's hips
flexed from Vien's attention, he didn't hesitate to pin the
man down. Pre-cum oozed from his cock, earning a swipe
of Vien's tongue lapping across the spongy head. Gabe
smelled amazing and felt even better. The fae rubbed his
cheek across his mate's penis, relishing the softness
against his skin, inhaling the wolf's aroused scent.

No one could smell as good as Gabriel. Ever.
Intent on getting the sweet nectar the wolf willfully

held back, Vien sank down on his lover's cock and
swallowed with as much suction as he could manage.

Gabe's low groan was satisfyingly long.
"You almost have him Vien," Viell laughed. "A little


Luckily, deep-throating was a skill he acquired long

ago. His mate received the benefit of his years of

* * * *

Viell watched their mate as Gabe's head tilted in

ecstasy. Their wolf was a beautiful man with a big heart. He
knew it had damaged Gabe's spirit when he'd killed Faith,
but Viell felt no pity for the woman. If she had even nicked
Gabe's throat, Viell would've unleashed the biggest curse

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Gabe's throat, Viell would've unleashed the biggest curse
he knew. Killing her was a mercy considering what he and
his brother would do to someone who harmed their mate.

After years of searching, finally, they were complete.

Viell stroked Gabe's chest more for contact than any sense
of desire. This lovemaking was for their mate, to fix the
damaged parts and make him whole again. Viell hummed
a song of healing and power as he pet the man who meant
everything to him.

"I love you, wolf man."
Gabe gave a broken laugh and wrapped a hand

around the one Viell had on his chest. "I love you too,
mate." A growl poured out of Gabe's chest as he gave up
his spunk to a willing Vien. Licking his lips, Viell's twin slid
up the shifter's body and plastered a sweet kiss on Gabe.

"Get some rest, mate," Vien whispered against the

wolf's mouth.

Gabe's eyes closed and soon the sounds of deep

breathing filled the air.

Viell laughed. "He's going to figure out you put him

to sleep."

Vien shrugged. "Eventually, but at least he'll have

some rest before he complains. Get some sleep brother.
Tomorrow we have to figure out how to track down those

Viell nodded. "We have to keep our wolf safe from


In complete agreement the twins snuggled up to

their lover and went to sleep, content for now that their wolf,
their mate, was asleep safe in their arms.

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The End

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About the Author

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in

her head for as long as she could remember.

She lives in Texas with her husband, two sons, two cats

and one very stupid dog. To learn more about her current

books or works in progress, check out her blog at Her fans can also reach

her at





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Also by Amber Kell:

Available at

Silver Publishing:

Blood Signs

Xavier's Xmas

Soldier Mine

(Aug 20)

Blood Signs 2: Samhain's Kiss

(Oct 15)


Jaynell's Wolf
Kevin's Alpha

Kellum's Wizard

(Nov 26)


William's House

Modeling Death


Mate Hunt

Mate Test

(July 23)

Mate Dance

(Nov 5)


A Guitarist in the Fae Queen's Court

(Sept 17)


Attracting Anthony

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Baiting Ben

Courting Calvin

Denying Dare

Enticing Elliott

Finding Farro

Getting Gabe

Hunting Henry

(Aug 6)

Inflaming Inno

(Sept 3)

Judging Jager

(Oct 1)

Available at



Taking Care of Charlie


Tyler's Cowboy

Robert's Rancher

(coming soon)


From Pack to Pride

A Prideful Mate

A Prideless Man

** Please Note: All dates given are open to change **

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Top 10 Best Selling Author 2010

ARe (All Romance ebooks)

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Literary Nymphs Reviews gives

Jaynell's Wolf



Jaynell Marley arrives at Mayell Wizard Academy to

complete his training. Jay had already had years of
advanced private tutoring, therefore his school enrollment is
more to honor his father's wishes. Joining his new dorm
roommates for pizza, Jay literally bumps into werekin
Thomas Sparks. A sniff at Jay's neck has Thomas
proclaiming that Jay is his mate.

Jaynell's Wolf is the first book in the

Wizard's Touch

series. The plot is well written plus vastly entertaining. The
main characters are impressive, along with amusing
secondary characters. Jaynell is a powerful wizard who
wonders why his father insisted that Jay attend a school
when it is clear Jay surpasses everyone in magical skills.
However, Jay has an unpretentious personality. Thomas is
a considerate protector, as long as others keep a
respectful distance from Jay. The secondary characters
include Gnomes, dragons, half elf, wolf pack in addition to a
variety of wizards in training. I thoroughly enjoyed Jaynell's
Wolf. Amber Kell has created a fantastic flight of the
imagination that is laugh-out-loud hilarious, interwoven with
heartwarming moments as well as rousing scenes of
intimate passion. I look forward to the next addition to the

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Wizard's Touch


* * * *

Lisa at Joyfully Reviewed — "Blood Signs is captivating"

"Deliciously dark at times and delightfully wicked as well,

Blood Signs is pure entertainment… [T]he plot will hold

you, the characters are engaging, and Blood Signs is hard

to put down once you start. Blood Signs is captivating.


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