Amber Kell Moon Pack 4 Denying Dare

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Denying Dare

Amber Kell

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A Literary Road Press Publication
6523 California Ave SW, #193
Seattle, WA 98136

ISBN: 978-1-934037-59-1
Copyright © 2009 Amber Kell
Cover design by RDF
Photos provided by Stock Exchange

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding,
copying, fax, or any other mode of communication without author or
publisher permission.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either
are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely

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Chapter One

“So how long have you been in love with my best friend?”

Dare dropped the bottle of vodka he was twirling. Luckily the

expensive bottle of top shelf stuff landed on the anti-fatigue mat. The
spongy rubber prevented it from shattering on the cement floor.

“What are you talking about?” He gasped. “I’m going to tell Silver to

cut back your alcohol limit.”

Anthony gave a graceful shrug as he sipped on his fruity alcoholic

drink. “Silver’s not overly concerned about my alcohol limits. I don’t
drink all that much.” He blinked his stunning amber eyes at Dare. “Now
about Steven. If you’re not in love with him, why do you stare at him like
you want to pounce and take him down like a squeaky mouse?”

Sighing Dare gazed across the room at the dark-haired wolf trolling for

someone to take home. “Nothing’s going on with Steven and looking is as
far as I’ll ever get. He won’t even talk to me for more than a drink order.
He doesn’t want a cat.”

And fuck if that didn’t break his heart.
“As much as I love him, my friend is an idiot. In over a year none of

those pieces of ass he picked up touched a fraction of his heart. He’s just
determined to have a wolf mate because his adoptive parents are human
and he’s always yearned for a pack.”

Dare blinked back tears, dipping his head so the empathetic alpha mate

wouldn’t notice. “I can’t give him a pack, weretigers only meet to mate.”

“Shit, Dare. I can give him a pack if he fucking wants a pack. What he

needs is a soul mate and it’s my job, or so Silver keeps telling me, to
watch out for the packs best interests. Well the packs best interest is for its
fabulous bartender to be happy.”

Small bolts of lightning flashed in the beautiful blond’s eyes; a sign of

a storm of the worst sort. An Anthony storm. Shit. It took a lot to upset the
sweet-natured alpha mate but he was an unstoppable force when he was

Before he could say anything more Anthony was marching across the

busy dance floor. With a talent that was mystically the alpha mate’s he
walked directly to his friend while everyone in his path moved out of his
way in a smooth natural style as if they were never even there.

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Standing on his tiptoes Dare watched the smaller man approach his

friend. He briefly got a glimpse of Anthony pulling something out of his
pocket. But by then it was too late.

* * *

Fury followed Anthony’s every step. How could Steven not see what was
right in front of him? Every weekend he came to the club and picked up a
different wolf. Every Monday he mourned to Anthony about how he
‘wasn’t the one’ and yet here was this sweet-souled man with sable hair
and stunning green eyes who he completely ignored. Well no more, he
was done with this.

“Steven.” Anthony shouted over the crowd.
The familiar dark-haired head turned towards him away from the

were-twink he was talking to. What Steven thought he’d have in common
with a skinny submissive, who was growing something on his chin that
should’ve been allowed to die gracefully, Anthony didn’t know.

“I’ve got something for you.”
Steven looked Anthony up and down. “What?”
Anthony slipped the envelope out of his pocket. With deft fingers he

popped open the flap and dumped the contents into his hand.

“This.” Taking a deep breath, Anthony blew the entire handful of

green powder onto Steven’s blue silk top and brown leather pants.

“Shit.” Steven tried to brush the stuff off but it clung like mad to the

silk. “What the fuck did you do?”

He glared at Anthony his blue eyes bristling with ire.
Anthony gave him a wide grin. “Enjoy your night.” Turning on one

perfect booted heel he sauntered off letting the crowds swallow him up.

* * *

Stunned, Steven watched his best friend ditch him after ruining his outfit.
What the hell was Anthony up to? Members of Silver’s pack might
consider his best friend sweet, but Steven knew the ruthless manipulator

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that lay elbow to elbow with the kind heart. If Anthony thought something
was good for you, it was best to sit back and take it like a man.

“Shit man, what’s the alpha mate have against you?” The twink looked

at him with suspicious eyes like he was marked for death and didn’t want
to get involved.

A loud roar snapped his attention to the bar. Dare, the cute bartender

with sympathetic green eyes, looked ready to pounce. Steven kept away
from the sexy weretiger because he knew the other man was more than he
could handle. Something drew him to the younger man like a magnet to
metal a sensation stronger than any he felt for the many men he bed each
month. Wondering what set the bartender off he searched the room for
whomever was giving the sexy man a hard time ready to take the bastard

Then the smell hit him. Catnip. That little shit had doused him in

catnip powder coating his entire outfit.

He barely had the time to curse before his back hit the floor as four

hundred pounds of white Siberian tiger knocked him over. Luckily the
tiger splayed over him with only his front paws on Steven’s chest. Once
Steven was down a soft chuffing noise blew his hair away from his face.

Looking into those amazing green eyes Steven realized the sweet

bartender had given himself completely over to his beast. Anthony would
pay for this next time he saw the bastard. He would just have to be crafty
so Silver didn’t rip him apart.

“Hello Dare.” He said cautiously. “Remember me, Steven. We’re

buddies.” Not a complete truth he tried to avoid the cute kid because he
was so fucking tempting. He wanted a wolf mate not a cat, no matter how

A long tongue swiped up one side of his neck leaving a streak of

scraped skin behind.

He got another chuff for his efforts.
“Dare, get off of Steven there’s a good cat.” Steven looked up to see

Ben approaching the white tiger with slow, careful movements. Sweat
beading his forehead, the young man continued walking towards them.

Dare growled crouching over Steven, like an animal protecting its kill.

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“Back off Ben.” Steven hissed. “He’s not going to hurt me.” He knew

deep in his bones that the bartender he’d known for a year wouldn’t harm
a hair on his head. Two pairs of hands reached out and pulled Ben out of
the way. Ben’s mates pulling him to safety.

Confident the young were was protected, Steven turned his attention

back to the tiger pinning him down. Another tongue lick bathed the other
side of his neck sending a shiver of pain through his body.

The tiger’s tongue hung out of his mouth giving him a dopey


“Listen pal. Anthony has weird sense of humor. He didn’t mean

anything by this.”

The words floated into his mind, words not his.
“No. I want a wolf.” He protested. An objection that sounded weak

even to his ears.

Dare moved to the side and clamped his wide mouth around Steven’s

arm. With a gentle hold, at odds with his enormous teeth the cat dragged
him backwards across the dance floor and towards the elevators.

That damn cat was dragging him to his den.
Digging in his heels, Steven tried to slow their trek across the floor.

Unfortunately at this angle he was literally in no position to stop the large

“Third floor?” Anthony’s voice was smooth and clear like they were

discussing the weather.

“You fucker. You get me out of this.” Steven spluttered looking up at

his former best friend.”

“Why would I want to do that?”
Steven felt the bump against his back as they went from hallway to

elevator. He saw Anthony push a button before stepping back out into the
club leaving him at the big cat’s mercy.

“Have a good night you two.” His last view was of Anthony waving

goodbye as the doors closed.

With a sigh, Steven relaxed beneath Dare. Anthony may be a little shit

sometimes but he wouldn’t leave his best friend in real danger.

“So what are you going to do with me now? Take me to your lair?”

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He got another painful lick for his efforts. “If you’re going to lick me

I’d prefer it in human form.”

And didn’t that thought make him harder than marble.
Another chuff had him looking up at the enormous beast. Damn Dare

was beautiful no matter what form he took. A year’s worth of frustration
evaporated as he stroked the soft fur. “If you let me up I’ll follow you
docile as a lamb.”

The cat cocked his head to one side as if considering his offer.
“Promise.” He blinked trying to look innocent but right then the

elevator bell dinged and the doors opened. Large jaws gripped his right
leather boot and dragged Steven down the hall.

“Shit. I just bought those boots.” Rug burn was going to be a bitch


The tiger stopped right outside apartment 341, dropping Steven’s foot.

Dare reared up on his back paws and scratched a panel by the door.

As soon as he was loose Steven stood up and was face to face with the

huge animal. The tiger flattened his ears.

“I’m just standing, honest.” He wasn’t stupid enough to think he could

outrun an enormous cat.

The panel popped open revealing a computer screen. One giant paw

pressed against the screen. A few flashes and the words reading appeared
before there was a click and the apartment door opened.

“Clever. I could use something like that at my house.” All he had was

an extra big dog door but if he was going to be entertaining giant cats in
the future he’d make a few modifications.

Where did that thought come from?
The big cat led the way inside. Steven followed closing the door

behind him, nerves whipped up the butterflies in his stomach into a
tornado like frenzy. Shit.

Dare sat in the middle of the living room looking at him with a tilted

head like a dog seeking approval. Steven dutifully looked around and was
surprised at the rich colors and tasteful collection of blown glass
decorating the room.

The bartender had sophisticated tastes.
Now the question was how to get the man of his jerk-off dreams to

shift back. Most weres needed a trigger to shift to and from. The cat nip

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obviously served as a trigger to shift. Maybe the sight of him without
clothes would do the reverse.

Watching the big animal for signs of distress or anger, Steven slowly

unbuttoned his shirt and let it slide to the floor. The cat sat on his haunches
and licked his chops. Hoping this meant he liked the show and wasn’t
planning on how to eat him for dinner, Steven slipped off his boots and

“Now I’m going to take the rest of my clothes off. Don’t bite


He got another agreeing chuff or maybe the beast was laughing at him.

Deciding to focus on the man inside the cat Steven made his movements
as smooth and slinky as possible, hoping to entice the younger man back
to his other form. He knew he had nothing like the bartenders sexy kitty
grace but he wasn’t chopped liver either.

Focused on sliding off his tight leather pants in the sexiest manner

possible, Steven was startled when a calloused finger slid up his arm.

“Fuck, you’re the sexiest thing ever.” Dare said.
Steven barely finished removing his pants when warm hands gripped

him and pulled him up against acres of hot naked bartender.

Steven’s mouth was taken in a kiss so carnal, he went from nothing to

full arousal in the blink of a tiger’s eye. Who knew cats were so fucking
hot. Coherent thought burned away from the flames flaring high with the
contact of skin against skin.

Memories of every encounter before melted beneath the searing heat

of the werecat’s touch. Never again would he consider the fast couplings
of other wolves an acceptable substitution.

Steven knew that once he succumbed to Dare things would never be

the same.

He wrenched free. “Just a minute.”
Dare lunged. Steven tripped over his shoes and went down.
A warm naked body slid on top of him holding him to the plush carpet.
“Got you.” Dare’s eyes glowed green telling Steven the other man

wasn’t quite completely in charge of his cat. And fuck if the thought of
being prey didn’t make him hard enough to hurt.

Steven reached up to stroke Dare only to have his hands pinned beside

his head on the carpet. For as many times as he imagined being in Dare’s

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arms it was always with him being the aggressor. He was used to being the
man in charge.

Dare rubbed noses with him before sliding his cheek against first one

then another in an affectionate cat gesture. The slight rasp of rough
whiskers sent shivers down Steven’s spine and made everything in his
body seize.

“Fuck.” He almost came from that nuzzle alone. There was no way he

was going to last much longer. “This first one’s going to be fast.”

“As long as it’s the first.” The bartender’s voice was deep and rough

like he hadn’t entirely let the cat go. Playful eyes looked down at him
before Dare’s large hand gripped both of their cocks together and Steven
forgot how to speak, how to form words, that there was even an oral
language the didn’t completely consist of moans, whimpers and satisfied

Sparks prickled beneath his eyes and he came so hard he was certain

he’d poured out his soul into the other man’s hand. Dare soon followed
with a shout of his own before collapsing on top of Steven.

The other man’s weight pushed Steven into the plush carpet and for

the first time he didn’t mind the weight or the stickiness. He was content
to lay there without breathing, because fuck Dare was heavy, while his
lover recovered.

“Shit, Steven.” Dare said sliding off of the other man. “I didn’t mean

to crush you.”

“No worries, babe.” Steven slid his fingers through Dare’s amazing

sable hair. It was soft and tumbled down to the base of the younger man’s
neck. “Why isn’t your hair white?”

Dare shrugged. “Just one of those weird magic things. Want to take a


Steven nodded. “I’d love one. Did you want me to head out afterwards

or do you want to get a bite to eat?”

Dare was ahead of Steven, walking to where he assumed the bathroom

was when his head snapped around and Steven found himself facing one
pissed of werecat with glowing green eyes. Dare was holding his human
form but his eyes could light up the room with their glow.

“Go?” He growled.

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Steven held up his hands in a placating gesture. “I was just checking, I

didn’t want to impose.”

He watched Dare roll his shoulders and subdue the tiger back under his

skin. Dare’s body shook with the effort. After a few minutes Dare was
able to speak. “Sorry, my tiger wants you to stay pretty bad. If you don’t
mind spending the night I’d appreciate it.”

“Of course I’d be happy to.”
Steven never stayed the night. He must’ve sounded more sincere than

the thought because he could almost feel the tension leave Dare as he gave
a soft thank you and headed down the hall.

They walked through a pretty green painted hall that reminded Steven

of a lush forest into the prettiest bathroom he’d ever seen. It wasn’t lush
and masculine like the rest of the place. It was actually pretty. The sink
was one of those standing porcelain ones in pale blue and the tub was an
old clawfoot with flowers painted on the sides. A blue checkered shower
curtain was set to one side.

He saw Dare blush under his scrutiny. “It was like this when I moved

in. I thought it was nice.”

“It is.” He assured his lover. “It is.” When Dare turned to start up the

shower he let his smile out. The kid was so sweet he could eat him up with
a spoon.

His cock took interest in that idea.
“The water’s ready.” Dare said pulling out two towels from a

beautifully carved wooden cabinet in the corner. He slipped into the bath
leaving the shower curtain open for Steven to join him.

Without hesitating, Steven followed that fine ass inside. “I guess I’ll

have to thank Anthony instead of kicking his butt.” He mused as he
watched that fine body get mouth wateringly wet.

Dare laughed. “You couldn’t kick Anthony anyway and still make it

out of the bar alive.”

Steven laughed. “True. So true. I slapped Anthony on the back one day

and Silver almost ripped off my arm.”

A low growl came from Dare the eyes glowing again. “He better not

harm you.”

“Shhh. No babe. I’m fine.” He ran soothing circles around Dare’s

shoulders cradling him close so he could reach his back. The two men

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were near to the same size making it easy for Steven to cuddle the other
man close and give him gentle kisses. “Easy baby. I’m good.”

Is this what Anthony had to deal with on a daily basis? For a moment

he felt sympathy for his friend.

Dare shook his head. “Shit I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so touchy

today. Maybe that catnip hasn’t completely worn off. Usually it just makes
me a little loopy. Having it on you has made me into a possessive jerk.”

Even as he said those words he snuggled closer. The pair of them

stood in the heated stream of water as if to wash away their worries.

Steven pushed aside his own concerns to reassure the trembling

bartender. “Come on babe, let’s finish washing and go to bed.”

This time it was affection and not passion that had them rinsing each

other off and with smiles and gentle touches they dried and headed
towards the bedroom.

* * *

Dare woke up warm, sated and wrapped in the arms of his dream man.
Sighing he nuzzled in closer wishing for the first time he was the kind of
cat that could purr.

“Morning, kitty.” A large warm hand stroked his head causing an

involuntary sigh to pour from Dare’s mouth.

“Morning wolfman.” He tilted his mouth for his morning kiss.
“I have morning breath.” Steven warned.
“Two morning breaths cancel each other out.” Dare latched onto

Steven’s mouth. If this was the only encounter they were ever going to
have he wanted to take advantage of it.

Two hard pricks rubbed together, leaking copiously.
“Oh, like that baby.” Steven’s hands gripped Dare’s ass pulling him

tighter against him. “Oh, yeah. Just like that.”

It didn’t take long before one cry followed another as the two men

gave over to passion.

“Mmm.” Dare licked a path up Steven’s neck before worrying a mark

into his skin, a mark that would show up high above any collar.

“Marking me baby?” Steven asked his eyes sparkling with amusement.

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Dare jerked back. “Oh god. I didn’t mean to.” Well consciously,

subconsciously he was apparently all about marking the man lying beside

Steven laughed. “That’s all right. I’m not ashamed of having sex with


Having sex.
Dare blinked back the sudden watering of his eyes. He stumbled out of

bed and headed for the door. “I’d better get a quick shower. I have to get
to work.” He didn’t want the man in his bed to know that while Dare was
making love; Steven was having another bout of meaningless sex.

Sitting up in bed Steven frowned at his suddenly remote lover. “Did I

do something wrong?”

Dare shook his head. “I-I just need to go.”
“You work nights.” Steven said sliding out of bed.
“Not the rest of this week. I’m working with Dillon and Parker to find

the experimental wolves.”

Steven slid out of bed heedless of his nudity. “What do you mean

you’re working with those two? You’re a bartender not an investigator.”

Dare glared at the intense blue-eyed man before him. “I’m also a four

hundred pound cat. I’m good in a fight. If they find those other wolves I
can keep them safe.”

“And who’s going to keep you safe?”
Dare rolled his eyes. “Did you want a shower?”
Walking away from Steven before he said anything he’d regret, he

headed for the bathroom.

* * *

Steven watched the fine ass of his lover walk away from him, Dare’s back
was straight and his shoulders stiff with anger.

It didn’t look like he could say anything right today. First something

he’d said in bed had hurt his lover’s feelings and now the cat was angry at
him for being concerned.

Damn, who knew werecats were so high maintenance.

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Steven entered the bathroom cautiously, uncertain of his reception.

Dare was already in the shower, the shadow of his beautiful body
tantalizing in the morning light. Well this was something they could agree

Steven moved the curtain aside and stepped into the tub wrapping his

arms around the stiff figure before him. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings
baby. I just don’t like the thought of you going against bad guys. Hell, last
time Anthony even got shot and he’s damn near indestructible.”

“I’m sorry you don’t think I can protect myself.” Was the sniffled


“No. No. Baby.” He stroked the younger man in all the right places

until Dare melted against him like the boneless kitty he was. Steven sifted
the water through Dare’s hair to rinse out all the conditioner. He didn’t
want his lover’s beautiful hair damaged. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.
I could help. I’m a trained investigator.” Steven had an investigation
business where he used research to find out information on people for
companies and individuals alike.

Dare shook his head. “Silver wanted to keep this to pack only.”
Steven jerked away like he’d been struck. “You’re not pack.”
Dare nodded. “I’m not a tiger but Anthony declared me pack last

moon meeting.”

Jealousy bit deep. Anthony who didn’t have any wolf heritage and

Dare who was a fucking cat could belong to the wolf pack but Steven was
left out in the cold. “I’m sorry I’m not good enough to join your little

Dare’s eyes widened. “No. Oh, no Steven I didn’t mean it like that.

You just have to petition. I’m sure Silver would take you if he knew you
were interested. But it’s been over a year and you haven’t so I guess we all
assumed you didn’t want to belong.”

Steven bit his lip. That’s because he kept hoping he would mate into

the pack like Dillon and Ben. He’d even tried dating wolves in other packs
but he kept coming back to this one. It wasn’t just that his oldest friend
helped run it. He felt a pull to the Moon pack. Now he wondered if he’d
just been fooling himself and it wasn’t the pack, but Dare, that was the
pull. Could a wolf really mate with a cat?

The pair finished their shower in thoughtful silence.

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Dare loaned Steven some clothes since they were similar in height and

build. Steven got a secret pleasure from wearing the other man’s clothes.
He knew any wolf near him would smell Dare’s scent covering him from
shirt to socks. It made him feel like an adolescent girl with her boyfriend’s
letterman jacket.

He shared none of that with Dare as he followed the other man out of

the apartment and into the elevator.

“It looks different on my feet.” He teased enjoying the flush that

colored Dare’s cheeks.

“Sorry about that.”
Steven shrugged. “I’ll talk to Anthony. That little stunt was his fault.”
Dare smiled. “Yeah but I liked how it ended so don’t be too hard on


Leaning over to place a kiss on those lush lips Steven had to agree.

“I’ll take it easy on the little shit because I really enjoyed last night.” He
gave the cat another kiss before breaking apart when the elevator doors

In the early afternoon the bar was mostly empty.
Dare turned to look at Steven. “I told Dillon and Parker that I would

meet them at Parker’s house.”

Steven growled. “You’re not going alone to meet an unmated were at

his house.”

“What’s your problem?” The confusion on Dare’s face told him that

the other were had no idea that Steven was making a claim. For some
reason that made him even angrier.

“Wait here. I’m going to talk to Silver and then we can go together.”
Parker was one of the few weres who wanted a house of his own

instead of staying with the pack. He’d inherited the house from his mother
and refused to part with it or live with the others. Rumor had it he got
special dispensation from Silver and had to take extra training to prove he
could protect himself.

There was no way in hell Steven was going to let his mate go into that

bachelor den alone.


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Staggering under the weight of his new knowledge Steven stabbed a

finger in the direction of an empty table. “Wait for me there.” He got a
pissed off expression from his kitty but Dare did what he wanted.

Good. It would help their relationship for Dare to realize who was in

charge at the beginning.

Without another look he headed for Silver’s office. Knocking he

waited for the bid to enter before he opened the door.

Silver’s office was large and decorated with lots of seating for

impromptu meetings with his staff and pack members.

Looking up he gave a half smile when he saw Steven. The biggest

expression the man ever gave outside the sphere of Anthony.

“Anthony’s at his office.”
“I didn’t come to see Anthony. I came to see you.”
“Oh.” Silver gave a shrug. “If it’s about the catnip incident I already

talked to Anthony about that.”

Steven laughed. “And I’m sure he was properly repentant and begged

forgiveness on his knees.”

A blush covered the cheeks of the tough alpha. “He did something on

his knees that made me forget my name, but I did try to scold him.”

Shaking his head, Steven let the alpha off the hook. “That’s okay it

doesn’t do any good to scold Anthony I know from past experience.
Besides he did me a good turn.”

“You and Dare?” Silver’s raised brows caused a wave of trepidation in

Steven’s chest.

“What you don’t think we’ll make good mates.”
“Shit. You just cost me a diamond ring. I told Anthony there’s no way

you’d go for a cat.”

Steven shook his head sadly. “You should know better than to bet

against Anthony.”

A sheepish smile crossed the alpha’s face. “Yeah but sometimes he

wears turtlenecks where no one can see his collar. I need to mark him with
something even a standard human can understand. Marking him with my
scent doesn’t do any good if the other man can’t smell it.”

Steven had to hold onto the desk as he laughed so hard tears filled his

eyes. “Poor you. Mating with a demigod is hard work.”

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“You know it. It’s not easy staying one step ahead of my beautiful

man. But he’s worth every bit. Want to see his ring?”

It was almost sweet how this large man doted on Anthony. In that so

much sugar your teeth will rot kind of way.

“Sure.” He said. After all if he wanted to get on the alpha’s good side

he didn’t want to piss him off at this juncture. If it took admiring his best
friend’s new bauble it would be well worth it.

Silver pulled a desk drawer open and handed over a black leather ring

box. Opening the jewelry box Steven held his breath. He wasn’t a man
given to jewelry but he knew his friend would adore this. Inside the box
lay a heavy gold man’s ring with a giant square amber diamond with two
rows of pavé diamonds circling the band. Steven bet if the ring was held
up to Anthony’s face it would exactly match Anthony’s eyes.

“I’ve never seen a yellow diamond before.”
Silver smiled. “They’re very rare just like Anthony.”
Would puking ruin his chances? Who knew the big alpha had a big

squishy inside? He wisely refrained from commenting. “It’s beautiful I’m
sure he’ll love it.” Really he just couldn’t resist. “You know you could just
pee a circle around him. The weres will know that you are marking him
and the humans will be disgusted enough to leave him alone.

Laughing Silver shook his head. “Somehow I don’t think my mate

would appreciate the sentiment.”

Steven laughed at the image of Anthony that sprang into his mind. It

was best that Silver didn’t follow his advice because he could just imagine
what Anthony would do in retaliation.

Silver frowned at the ring a moment before sliding it back inside his

desk. “He’d better like it, I had to contract with some weremoles to get a
rate I didn’t have to sell the building for.”

“You know Anthony would love you even if you didn’t give him a

ring.” Steven didn’t want Silver to fall into the same trap many men did
when trying to keep a beautiful lover interested. As much as Anthony
loved gifts he wouldn’t care if his lover couldn’t afford them. Steven was
confident that his friend loved Silver with or without the trinkets.

“I know.” Silver sighed. “But I want his parents to know I can take

care of him. That father of his didn’t seem convinced we were fated to be
mates. At least the ring will let everyone know that my man is loved and

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appreciated and to back the hell off.” The alpha gave a self-conscious
shrug. “Well enough about me. What did you come here for?”

Steven took a deep breath. “I’d like to join the pack.”
“Why now?” Silver asked. “You’ve never shown interest in the pack

before.” Shrewd silver eyes examined him. “Unless there’s more to the
story I heard about a big cat dragging you out of the bar last night.”

“Dare is my mate.” Steven rushed through the words out like a runon


“Are you sure? If he was really your mate I would’ve thought you’d

know earlier.”

Steven blushed. “I kind of did. I just wanted him to be a wolf.”
“Ah. Well I can’t say I don’t understand. My life would be a lot easier

if Anthony was a wolf. Less interesting, but easier. But does Dare know
you avoided him all this time because he’s a cat? Has he agreed to be your

“He’ll agree.” Steven said with a low growl. “He had better agree.

Besides I want to help them find the rogue pack.”

Silver stood up. “I’ll give you temporary membership to assist the

others. We can use all the help we can get. However, until Dare accepts
you fully I can’t admit you as a pack member.”

“Understood.” Steven said standing to take the hand offered to him

tilting his head slightly in acceptance of his new pack alpha.

“You’re going to have to do that to Anthony now also you know.”
Steven let go of his new alpha’s hand. “Shit.”
Turning he stomped out the door.

Dare was sitting where he left him sipping a cola out of a clear glass.

A few members of the club sat with him chattering about some thing or
other, Steven didn’t pay attention. What he did notice was they were all
sitting too fucking close to his mate.

“Come one babe. I’ll take you to Parker’s.”
Dare gave the other men a nod and, after dropping his glass off at the

bar let Steven lead him outside.

* * *

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Parker’s house was a nice. Dare looked around his eyes bright and curious,
taking in the plush chocolate brown carpet and the sky blue walls. The
house was ranch style with wide spacious rooms and a feeling of a home.
He understood why the other man didn’t want to give up his house to have
one of the pack apartments.

“Curious kitty.” Steven whispered in his ear. Since entering the home,

the wolf was oddly attentive. Steven stayed within arm reach of Dare at all
times and always put himself between Dare and the other men whenever
they stood together. If he didn’t know better he’d say the man was acting

The four of them sat around Parker’s round dining room table. Steven

pulled Dare as close to his chair as possible without having the other man
sit on his lap.

“Have we investigated Cindy’s employers?” Dillon asked the group.

Cindy was a human who was abducted by werewolves who had gone
through some sort of transformation making them mutant beings with
stronger wolf senses. The vampire Alesandro killed the so they weren’t
able to question him.

No one knew what talents the mutant wolves might have and it was a

priority to find out what these new enemies could do. Right now they were
trying to pinpoint where the other wolves were based so they could
capture a few for questioning. It was possible that they weren’t all hunting
Silver’s pack but until they knew for sure the pack was staying close and
pulling extra security around pack homes and businesses.

“Yes, her boss, Richard Salen, smelled of corruption.” Dillon said with

a sneer on his handsome face. “I assigned Sheila and Farro to watch their

Steven frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever met Farro?”
“He doesn’t come to the club very often. His wife died a few years ago

and he hasn’t recovered. He spends most of his time raising his little boy.”
Dillon said.

This time it was Dare who showed his curious kitty side. “I didn’t

think wolves could survive the loss of their mate.”

“She wasn’t his mate, she was his wife. Farro is bisexual but sensed

his mate would be male. He wanted a cub so he married a human woman.

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They might not have been mated but he loved her. She died in a car
accident a year ago leaving him alone to take care of their five-year old

“That’s so sad.” Dare’s eyes glistened with tears.
“Shh. Baby it’s okay.” Steven stroked the werecat’s head trying to

soothe the other man.

The other two wolves looked at them curiously.
“Is there something you two want to tell us?” Dillon asked with an

inquiring look.

“Dare’s my mate.” Steven said.
Dare jerked out of his hold. “What do you mean I’m your mate? I

thought wolves could sense their mate? If I was yours you would’ve
known months ago.”

Steven swallowed. This was exactly what he was hoping to avoid.
“I need to go call Ben.” Dillon said jumping from the table.
“I need a cold drink.” Parker said, following the other were with what

Steven considered unseemly haste.

“You knew.” Dare jumped to his feet with feline grace. Steven

watched him warily. If he were in his cat form, the other man’s tail would
be twitching madly. “All this time I was lusting after you and you slept
with every piece of wolf tail you could find, you knew we were mates.
You bastard.”

“No. It wasn’t like that.” Steven grabbed Dare’s arms to stop his

pacing hoping the other man wouldn’t shift and go for the jugular. “I
thought you might be my mate but I didn’t know for sure. I never got close
enough to be certain.”

“Because I wasn’t wolf.” Dare snarled.
Steven nodded. “I won’t have secrets between us. I wanted to mate

with a wolf but I didn’t have sex with all the wolves I left with. Sometimes
we just went out for a snack to see if we were compatible. I won’t deny I
was hoping we weren’t mates but now that I know we are I wouldn’t trade
you for anything.” He walked over and gripped Dare’s arms and gave the
werecat a shake. “Or anyone. You. Are. Mine. And I will kill anyone who
tries to take you away from me.”

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Dare’s eyes searched his and Steven hoped he found what he was

looking for in their depths. Letting out a deep breath, Dare relaxed in his
arms. Taking a chance Steven pulled the werecat into his embrace.

“Come on baby. Let’s go hunting.”

* * *

They sat outside the main office of the construction company in Dare’s car
watching people come and go. Sheila and Farro left an hour ago to get
some rest with the news that there wasn’t any unusual activity at the site.
Typical of a small construction company, the office was a two story
yellowish building with the name of the company plastered on the outside
and nothing else in the way of decoration. A steel link fence surrounded
the machine yard that housed the expensive construction equipment.

“Maybe we should send Cindy inside to spy for us.” Steven said

watching the guards check an incoming car.

“Yeah. I’m sure Alesandro will take it really well when his mate

becomes upset because we’re endangering his sister.”

“Hmm. Vampires can be touchy.” Steven agreed.
“Would you really do that?”
“Do what?”
“Endanger that girl in order to find out information.”
Dare wasn’t certain how he felt about this ruthless side of his mate.
Steven nodded. “I wouldn’t like it but if it’s between traumatizing one

girl to find out who is trying to kill the pack or letting these mutants
destroy us I’d toss her to the enemy.”

Although he appreciated the honesty Steven’s answer made him

queasy. He understood the need to protect the pack but he’d met Cindy
and couldn’t imagine any situation where he would feel comfortable
letting her go back to the brutes who kidnapped and beat her.

There was silence between them, a heavy sensation that had none of

the easiness of moments before. Finally Steven broke the stillness. “I’ve
upset you.” He said in a quiet voice.


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“Because I feel it’s wrong to throw a fragile female human to a pack of

mutant wolves who will snap her neck like twig. Cindy is a sweet
beautiful girl who doesn’t deserve that fate.”

Steven gave a low growl. “When it comes to the safety of my mate I’d

sacrifice the whole fucking world. Those damned wolves could break into
the club and harm you. I don’t care how pretty she is, if it comes between
you and her there is no contest.”

He shouldn’t be flattered. He really shouldn’t. Luckily a red car

identified as the owner’s pealed through the gates.

“Here we go.” Steven said smoothly pulling away from the curb and

positioning them a few cars back. “Let’s see where this guy is going.”

Dare let out a sigh. He pushed Steven’s ruthlessness to the back of his

mind and focused on the car up ahead.

Steven weaved in and out of traffic expertly keeping far enough back

that the other man didn’t spot them. When the red car pulled off the street
and headed to a rougher part of town Dare felt a rush of excitement.

“Where do you think he’s going?”
“Hopefully to meet with those other bastards.” He flashed a quick look

at Dare. “If we find out they are meeting the other weres we will call the
others for back up. You are not to go in there at all.”

“I will not sit back while you go and face these things.” Dare said in a

low voice. “If you’re my mate then you know I can’t let you go into
danger alone. I might not be a wolf but I’m not a wimp. I will stand by
your side.”

“Baby, you’re a bartender not a fighter.” Steven protested. “And

there’s nothing maybe about your mate status.”

“I’m a white tiger. I have a better chance of getting you out of there

alive than any of the others.”

Steven let out a loud sigh. “I know but that doesn’t mean I have to like

it. I want to wrap you in cotton and keep you safe. I don’t want you
rushing into a room of psychopathic mutant wolves. You may be bigger
but if there are enough of them they can take you down like they do in the
wild. These are beings with no remorse. They already kidnapped and beat
a girl just to get a chance at Silver.”

“I know.” Dare said with a frustrated growl.

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He said nothing else as they followed the other car down a series of

narrow alleys almost losing him when he did a particular tricky turn.
Trying to stay a safe distance was a complication in the path they were
following. Eventually the car pulled beside a warehouse that looked
abandoned. Windows were broken out of the upper stories and the
building was grim faded grey as if the spirit was sucked out of the place
years before. Richard got out of the car and headed towards the building
not looking around. Either the man was confident no one bothered to
follow him or he didn’t worry about being caught.

Steven unbuckled his seatbelt. “We need to find out what is going on

in there. I’m going to go see what I can hear. Stay put. If they grab me call
Parker and the others. Don’t come inside until you get back up.” Steven
gripped Dare’s chin turning the other man to face him. “Look at me. Don’t
you go in there without the others, I want you to promise me.”

Dare felt his eyes shift and his fangs drop down. “If they take you I

make no promises. As I am your mate, you are mine. I’ll call the others
but I will come and protect what is mine.”

Steven pulled out his cell. Pushing a few buttons he spoke in the

receiver. “Parker, it’s Steven. We followed Salen into a warehouse. We
think he’s meeting with the wolves. I’m going to go and see what’s inside
and verify who he’s meeting with. Dare is in the car and I would like if it
you could send a couple of others over to be back up. I can’t count on
Dare to stay put.”

He listened for a while before laughing. “Yeah, that’s what he said.”
After a few more words he hung up. “Parker and Dillon are on their


Dare nodded. “I’ll wait here as long as I can.”
Steven laughed. “My curious kitty.” The wolf leaned over and placed a

kiss on Dare’s cheek. “Stay put puss, I’ll be right back.”

Steven kept looking around. Even if the other man wasn’t meeting the

wolves, there was no good reason for a business man to go to an
abandoned warehouse in the middle of the day.

* * *

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Steven crept quietly towards the building. He kept an eye on his surround-
dings, making sure no one else could sneak up on him. Inspecting the
large building he searched for a spot to look and listen. There were some
broken windows up above that might be useful. He just needed to get up
there without making a bunch of noise.

A wooden barrel about twenty feet from the entrance caught his eyes.

It looked aged but strong, it might hold his weight.

Deciding to chance it, he used the barrel to leap to the roof, landing

quietly almost like a cat he thought with a smile. For the first time he
wondered if Dare was appalled to be mated with a wolf. Would he have
preferred his own kind? Steven had to pull back a snarl as he thought
about his mate in another’s hands. Too bad if Dare wanted another cat, he
was stuck with a wolf and he’d just have to get over his disappointment.

Stepping carefully across the metal roof, Steven slowly shuffled to the

shattered window and crouched at the frame. Richard Salen stood in the
middle of the room, a dozen mutant weres surrounding him. Steven bit
back a growl at their appearance. Confronted by the horror for the first
time his stomach churned at the sight. Alesandro and Calvin had tried to
explain to him what the creatures looked like but even their description
fell short of the true horror.

Matted hair covered bare chests. The creatures wore denim pants and

no tops, elongated snouts sprang from their faces, spiked jagged teeth
jutted from their jaws like a wild boar and their feet were bare exposing
clawed paws.

Fuck how many of them were there? Cindy could only recollect seeing

one or two. There were at least a dozen mutants milling below. Was this
the entire force or just the tip of the iceberg?

He scooted closer to the edge of the window in time to see the largest

were hand over a suitcase to Salen.

“That is the last of it.” The were said in a voice so low Steven had to

lean carefully over to hear. “Make sure the poison makes it to the alpha.
Since we failed with Silver his pack will be too vigilant. Kill Madros and
make sure the evidence points to the Moon pack. If they fight amongst
themselves we will have less to do when we take over.” The malicious
smile was almost frightening. Shit, they were smarter than they looked.
Now the Moon pack had two jobs; to find out where the mutants were

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headquartered and to alert the other alphas of the pending danger. He’d
leave the warning to Silver and Anthony. If anyone could get the other
packs to talk it would be those two.

En masse everyone left the warehouse. Steven stayed still and quiet

not wanting to draw their attention. He hoped his mate was as wise. It was
a while before he heard all sound fade.

Slowly rising he bit back a moan as he straightened, a leg cramp bolted

up his thigh.

A low whistle sounded below him like a person calling their dog.

“Here, boy. Here, boy.” Dare’s voice sounded below. He was going to kill
him. Soundlessly he crept to the end of the eave spotting Dare directly
beneath him. Without thought he leapt.

A soft oof came out of the cat as he hit the asphalt. Dare made a nice

surface he thought dreamily as he heard the air leave his weretiger’s body.

“Hi Honey, you called?” He said with a teasing smile.
Instead of growling at him like another wolf would Dare gave him a

wide smile. “So I did.” His big kitty wrapped him in his arms and damn if
he didn’t feel completely, totally cherished. In that moment he didn’t care
if the world was overrun with mutant weres as long as his kitty was safe.

“I adore you.” He choked out over the ball of emotion filling his


“I love you too.” Dare said his eyes glowing.
“Let’s get the hell out of here. We need to go see Silver.”
“You’re on top.” His ever helpful mate said with another breathtaking


Steven held back a sigh. He would have to turn in his manly card if he

were caught sighing like a lovestruck fool every time his mate smiled.
There was no question that the werecat was a beautiful man and that he
was a fool to want him to be anything other than what nature created.

“So I am.” He agreed. Placing a quick kiss on his mate’s lips he rose to

his feet and held down a hand to help Dare up. “Come on beautiful let’s go
talk to the alpha.”

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Chapter Two

Silver threw his glass across the room. It made a satisfyingly crash as it hit
the wall.

“You know when I do that you call it a snit.” Anthony said from his

seat on the couch, sipping something red and fruity.

Dare watched the alpha go from intense fury to amusement in the

space of a second.

“That’s because I know it makes you angrier when I say you’re having

a snit.” The alpha said with a toothy smile. “And you’re beautiful when
you’re angry.”

Leaning down the alpha gave his mate a kiss so hot Dare could swear

he felt the heat from across the room.

Parker cleared his throat. The alpha pair broke apart both of them with

high color on their faces.

“Sorry.” Anthony said with a blush.
Silver stroked a hand over his mate’s brilliant blond head. “Never

apologize for loving me, sweetness.”

“Can we focus on the problem?” Parker said, a touch of impatience in

his voice. The wolf was careful to keep his gaze averted though not
wanting to trigger his alpha’s dominance.

“Silver and I will go and talk to the other alphas.

“I will go and talk to the other alphas.” Silver said. “You are not to go

near them.”

Anthony stood up his eyes flashing. “Are we mates or not.”
There was a stampede to get to the door. Dillon, Parker, Dare and

Steven rushed out of the office slamming the door behind them.

Parker let out a deep breath. “Shit. I hate it when his eyes do that

lightning thing.”

Dare nodded his agreement. “I adore Anthony but sometimes he’s

freakin’ scary.”

“I’ll get everyone some sodas.” Dare headed for the bar, quickly

making the drinks and bringing back to the table. The weres chatted while
they waited for their alphas.

“So what does everyone think Alesandro will do about Calvin?” Dare


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“I heard they got back together.” Dillon said with a smile.
“Is Calvin going to be converted? I can’t imagine what it would be like

to be a vampire.” Dare asked his eyes bright with interest.

“And you never will.” Steven growled.
He shouldn’t find that hot, he really shouldn’t.
“I think they’re going to wait until Cindy is out of school and starting a

life of her own. I heard Alesandro tell Anthony that they wanted to cement
their relationship before they went any further.” Parker offered taking a
drink of his soda.

“That’s a good idea.” Dare said with a sidewise glance at Steven.

“Mates should get to know each other well before making any irreversible

Steven opened his mouth to speak when the alpha pair entered.

Anthony’s lips were pouty and Silver had a definite bite mark on his
throat. “Anthony and I are going go and warn the other alphas. Parker, you
and Dillon stake out the construction owner’s house tonight. See if anyone
shows up there. Dare and Steven, I want you two to go back to the
warehouse and look for cues. If they meet there regularly they probably
live close. I can’t imagine it’s easy for them to get around looking like
they do.”

All four wolves nodded and went their assigned ways.
Dare left with Steven hoping in his heart that they could find a way to

stop these creatures.

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Chapter Three

The warehouse was just as run down the second time. Steven followed his
mate’s fine ass into the abandoned building. The scent of wild wolves
filled his nose as they walked in. A low growl sounded near his right. He
glanced at his mate and saw that Dare’s eyes had changed, the pupils
elongated, the iris’ glowing.

“Keep it together, baby.” He said in a low voice. “I don’t have any

clothes for you to change into.”

“I know.” Dare said, his voice was deeper than any he’d heard before.
Steven’s eyes swept the area. The thick dust showed multiple

footprints from earlier but nothing else that he could see. He slowly let go
of his senses feeling his own eyes shift to their sharper wolf senses.
Inhaling deeply he sneezed. His eyes watered from the scents of dust,
mouse droppings, mold and the strong scent of wrongness.

Something twisted and unnatural filled his nostrils overwhelming all

the other scents before.

“You can’t miss that scent trail.” Dare said beside him.
“Let’s follow it. Like Silver said they can’t be too far from the


The pair followed the stench through the other side of the building,

and through rows of warehouses that looked abandoned from the outside
and felt hollow within. Eventually the path led them down a sloped hill.
The river flowed wide and high just over the ridge.

Dare’s nose twitched. For a moment Steven thought he saw a

shadowing of whiskers. “What’s wrong kitty?”

“I don’t like this. Something’s wrong.”
Steven froze where he was. Cat’s had good instincts. “What is it?”
He didn’t get another word out before a sharp sting pierced his arm.

His vision went blurry as he reached a hand towards his lover. Blinking he
watched a silvery dart embed into Dare’s arm.

“No.” Steven whispered. He knew he would be fine if they captured

and tortured him, he was tough. The thought of the same people
tormenting his gentle beloved was a greater pain than any he’d felt before.
He blinked again trying to see what was happening but his muscles were
frozen and moments later, his vision went black.

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* * *

Steven came back to awareness on a wave of pain. Fire seared across his
back. He gritted his teeth to hold back the scream. He wouldn’t give them
the satisfaction of making him beg for release. He could feel his arms were
bound above him with cold heavy chains stretching his body for the whip.

He opened his eyes again and was pleased when his vision cleared,

until a large mutant wolf came to stand in front of him. The creature’s
yellow eyes were narrow and mean.

“So you’ve decided to wake up.” The mutant’s voice was so low it was

almost subvocal. Steven could feel the vibration in his chest.

“Where’s Dare?”
“The other man I was with?”
The were gave a wide unpleasant smile. “You mean the non-wolf?

He’s down the hall keeping company with my frieds. What is he

He couldn’t tell?
Maybe the mutation has more disadvantages than advantages. Or

maybe it was just that Steven already knew what Dare was so he knew that
he smelled like a tiger. If he’d never met a weretiger would he know the
smell? Another whip against his skin drew his attention back to his captor.

“Have your attention now?” The creature growled. “It doesn’t matter

what he is, we’re going to kill him anyway.”

It took all of Steven’s willpower to stop the scream building in his

throat. The whipping hurt but the threat to his mate broke something vital
inside. Unable to stop himself a snarl broke free.

“Oooh. Don’t like that do you. I didn’t know the two of you were so

close.” Contempt dripped from the mutant as he stared at Steven with
dislike. “A pair of fags. It will be my pleasure to kill you both for your
unnatural ways. Which alpha do you show your belly for?”

Steven kept silent, watching the man and waiting for a chance to

attack. Shaking the chains only drew laughter from the thing before him.
“Who are you? What do you want?”

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His captor laughed, a low unpleasant sound. “That’s easy enough. I’m

the last thing you’ll ever see and I want your death.”

Steven snarled.
The deep chuckles of his tormentor stabbed into his skin sharper than

spikes. “What, you think I’m going to spill all like some sort of super
villain. No, there’s nothing I want from you little wolf. You’re not anyone
of power. Your job is to die for my cause. Now just tell me who your
alpha is so I know where to send the body and I’ll kill you quicker.”

Steven saw his death in the creature’s eyes. There was no way he was

getting out of it. The only thing he regretted was never telling Dare how
important he was to him. Guilt rode him. A better were would never have
let his mate be captured.

Another whip stroke jolted his body.
“You are the most inattentive wolf I have ever met.” A lash followed

each word until Steven was gasping for breath. He could feel the blood
soaking into his shirt. As a were the marks would heal before he bled to
death but he might hope he was dead before the mutant was finished.

A loud roar echoed in the distance and screams filled the air.
“What the hell…”
An enormous tiger ran into the room. Blood coated the fur so

completely that if Steven didn’t know Dare was a white tiger he wouldn’t
have known then.

His tormenter turned towards the sound but it was too late for him. A

gurgle and a gush of blood ended his existence. The tiger leaned back on
its haunches and licked his lips. Wild eyes turned to Steven.

He froze.
There was no humanity in those eyes. His beautiful mate had gone


“Hello Dare.” Steven said in a soothing sing-song tone. “Time to come

back to me. Come on baby. Turn human.”

The tiger circled him as if deciding what to do with the dangling


“You don’t want to eat me. I’m your mate remember.”
Steven’s heart pounded against his chest when the massive creature

went onto his back legs. Paws the size of saucers planted on his shoulders.
For a moment he hung there face to face with a man eating tiger. Dare

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smelled of blood and death but he was the most beautiful thing Steven had
ever seen, because he was alive.

Within one breath to another: tiger shifted to man, fur sank into skin

and elongated pupils rounded into humanity.

“Mate.” Dare whispered, his eyes dazed from the change.
“Mate.” Steven echoed in an unsteady voice. “Do you think you could

get me down.

Dare looked at the hook Steven dangled from. With a flexing of lean

muscles the weretiger lifted Steven and flipped the chains off of the hook.
A few minutes of tugging broke the chains wrapped around his wrists.

Shock and relief coursed through Steven’s body as he wrapped his

newly freed hands around his mate. “I thought I’d lost you.”

“Never gonna happen.” Dare said holding him tight. “Never gonna


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Chapter Four

Silver threw a glass against the door shattering it.

“You really need to stop doing that.” Anthony said calmly from the


The alpha growled.
“You did not just growl at me.” Anthony said jumping to his feet.
Everyone in the room stilled.
Dare sat stiffly next to Steven watching the alpha mates scowl at each.

After a second of glaring, Silver scooped up his beautiful mate and
nuzzled his neck. “Sorry sweetness. This whole thing has me angry.”

“At least the other alphas were sweet.”
Silver gave a shout of laughter. “They were too dazzled by you to even

think about arguing about their safety.” Silver turned to the other weres.
Dillon, Parker, Dare and Steven watched the alphas with wide eyes. “You
should’ve seen their expressions when Anthony walked into the room. He
had them eating out of his little hand and I swear every one of them was
straight. I thought Moira, the alpha of the Sandstone pack was going to
slip in her own drool.”

Anthony blushed. “She was very nice.”
“Uh huh. I heard she ripped the head off of the last guy who

challenged her.”

Shrugging Anthony gave a small smile. “I wasn’t challenging her,

though you got awfully close.”

Silver flashed a canine. “If you hadn’t made it clear you were into men

I think she would’ve poached you in a second.”

“Anyway we still don’t have any clue as to where the mutants are

staying. Or how they plan take over the packs. Madros said he’d be careful
and double check his food for poison. They must have someone helping
them from within so we need to look for anyone who would benefit from
the packs dissolution.”

“I didn’t get the feeling that the other alphas were involved.” Anthony

said. Silver nodded in agreement.

“What do we do now?” Parker asked.

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Silver sighed. “We keep our eyes open. We make sure the pack stays

close. Parker, I would appreciate it if you would move into the pack

Silver’s eyes glowed. “Are you challenging me?”
Parker averted his gaze and tilted his head. “No sir. I just can’t leave

my house. I can feel my mate is getting closer and I have my home
prepared with everything I need.”

Silver raised an eyebrow.
“He means he’s a dom and he’s waiting for his proper little sub and

he’d prefer not to deal with that with the entire pack looking on.” Anthony

“It’s not like we’re going to judge him.” Silver said. Dare could see

the confusion on his alpha’s face. “Hell, we have all kinds coming through
the club. Remember Lyle? He used to come in with his sub’s cock on a
leash. If that’s what you want then feel free.”

Parker cleared his throat his face beet red. “I prefer to have my

relationship private. I don’t think my mate would appreciate being brought
in on a leash.”

“Have you met him?” Anthony asked his eyes bright with excitement.

The alpha mate loved seeing his pack matched up.

“No. But I’ve had mating dreams so he must be close.”
Silver sighed. “All right but keep a careful eye on things and if you

sense any danger pack up your mate and haul his ass over here.”

Parker nodded. “I don’t know when we’ll meet but the dreams are

getting stronger.”

The other pack members nodded in respect.
“Do wolves always dream of your mate before meeting?” Anthony


“No. It’s a sign of a re-mating. It means that they were mates in a

previous life and are reconnecting in this one.” Silver offered placing a
soft kiss on his mate’s cheek.

“Does it happen very often?” Anthony asked tilting his head for

another kiss.

“No.” Silver smiled at Dillon. “It will be a strong mating.

Congratulations Dillon.”

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“In the mean time I want everyone to make a list of different factions

who might be interested in seeing the weres fail as a community. We’ll
brainstorm tomorrow. If anything comes up before then call me or

The weres nodded and cleared out the room.
Dare turned to Steven. “Are you going to join the pack?”
Steven stopped walking and turned to him, surprise evident in his

expression. “I thought we were mates.”

Dare nodded looking down at the floor.
Steven put a hand under Dare’s chin tilting his head so their eyes met.

“I’m sorry if I resisted you before, my sweet kitty. I’m done denying you.
We are forever mates. I know things won’t be always be calm between us
but I’d like to try.” Dare felt the love pouring from his mate.

“Come live with me and join the pack. I know Anthony would approve


Steven snorted. “Don’t you mean Silver?”
Dare smiled a wide pointy smile. “And I thought you were Anthony’s

best friend.” He teased.

“Good point. I have enough dirt on Anthony I can make him let me in

so I’m not worried about him but I won’t join the pack unless your part of
the package.”

Dare hoped his eyes conveyed the love he felt. “Then I guess we’d

best start negotiations. I think my bedroom would be the best place to
discuss the future.”

Steven gave him a wicked smile. “Yes, I do believe your right.”
The two men headed for the elevator in perfect accord.

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Coming Soon

Educating Elliott


Podobne podstrony:
Amber Kell Moon Pack 04 Denying Dare
Amber Kell Moon Pack 7 Getting Gabe
Amber Kell Moon Pack 2 Baiting Ben
Amber Kell Moon Pack 6 Finding Farro
Amber Kell Moon Pack 3 Courting Calvin
Amber Kell Moon Pack 11 Keeping Kylen
Amber Kell Moon Pack Extra Christmas Tree Magic
Amber Kell Moon Pack 5 Enticing Elliott
Amber Kell Moon Pack 03 Courting Calvin
Amber Kell Moon Pack Series Attracting Anthony
Moon Pack 4 Denying Dare
Moon Pack 14 Needing Noel Amber Kell
Moon Pack 13 Marki Mikeretty Amber Kell
Moon Pack 12 Loving Leif Amber Kell
Amber Kell Supernatural Mates 1 From Pack To Pride Rozdział 1
Amber Kell Supernatural Mates 1 From Pack To Pride Rozdziały 1 5

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