Hot Laps
A Track Domination
By Megan Slayer
Publishing, LLC
Hot Laps
Copyright © 2013 Megan
Edited by Michele Paulin
and CJ Slate
Cover Art by Adrian Nicholas
Published by Resplendence
Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Warning: All rights reserved.
reproduction or distribution of
infringement without monetary
gain, is investigated by the FBI
and is punishable by up to 5
years in federal prison and a
fine of $250,000.
Electronic Release: March
This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places and
occurrences are a product of
the author’s imagination. Any
resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, places or
MP for believing in me
CD for the nudge
JPZ, I look forward to many
more hot laps with you
Chapter One
“What in the hell do you mean, he
quit?” Adam Lowry massaged his
forehead with the tips of his fingers. Of
all the times for the driver to quit, Gavin
would have to hand in his resignation
right before a God damned race! “He got
another ride, didn’t he?”
He rubbed the motor oil off the back
of his hand and tossed the rag onto the
war wagon. He didn’t need this. He was
the crew chief, not a miracle worker.
Give him a truck to set up, and he’d be
fine. Making him work with a diva
driver was something totally different.
The whole racing community watched
what happened in Charlotte. Talk about
screwing over people in racing’s
backyard. Damn it.
Collin Marshall, the owner of Flash
Racing, nodded. His shoulders sagged,
and he stuck his hands in his jeans
pockets. He leaned one shoulder on the
cart post. “Apparently, he wanted to
drive for Kennedy Taggart. They were in
talks, and she offered him a lucrative
deal—if he ran like shit for me. Pisses
me off to know he pulled a stunt like
that. I thought we were like family.
One of the other race trucks roared by,
leaving the pungent scent of burnt rubber
in its wake. Smoke wafted around Adam
and Collin, obscuring Adam’s vision for
a moment. He waved his hand and
“Damn it, Fortney locked his brakes
again. So what are we going to do about
a driver?” Adam knew the story well
without knowing every the detail.
Kennedy Taggart ran the biggest racing
empire with the best winning percentage.
All the drivers wanted to nab spots with
her teams—including Gavin. “Tell me
you have a good replacement. One that
just sort of showed up or something? I
know you. You’ve always got an ace up
your sleeve.”
The last time Adam checked, the
drivers haunting pit road in search of a
job were about two. One wanted to
make his great comeback after his third
concussion and another owned the
reputation for crashing after twenty or so
laps. Not a good batch. At least, they
were in Charlotte. If the team hustled,
they might be able to nab one of the local
drivers. Maybe.
“Well, that’s why I came down here,
my friend. You’re right.” Collin smiled
then waved at something behind Adam.
“I’ve solved our problem. This is Will
Camden. Remember him?”
Remember him? Adam choked back
the snappy retort. A scar was hard to
forget. For him, Will was that scar.
Saying they shared a messy history was
an understatement. Adam grabbed the
bill of his hat then tugged the hat tighter
down on his head.
Will, dressed in a crisp white polo
shirt, ambled up to where Collin stood.
A wide grin spread across his face, and
his sapphire eyes still featured the bright
sparkle Adam remembered so well.
He’d be a good match as the next Flash
driver, but damn. Why’d the past always
have to come back and bite Adam in the
“We’ve met.” Adam stuck out his
hand. “Welcome to Flash.”
Adam’s hand, and the touch lingered a
bit longer than Adam wanted.
Adam’s heart lodged in his throat.
Being around Will would be fine on
track, but they’d have to spend time
together outside of the track. Then things
would get sticky—and fast. Damned
history between them anyway.
“He walked down pit road at the
exact same time Gavin quit. I think it’s a
sign.” Collin folded his arms. “And I
think this is a good time for you two to
patch things up.” He winked at Adam.
“Will, the uniforms are in the hauler.
Gavin’s about your size so they should
fit. Get changed and I’ll have Adam get
your seat ready.”
“You got it.” Will ducked behind
Collin and into the truck hauler.
Adam waited a heartbeat then
groaned. “Patch things up? Seriously?
What did he tell you?”
Collin snorted. “He didn’t say a
word. It’s you.” He leaned one shoulder
on the hauler wall. “The moment I
mentioned his name, you shut down.
Anyone can see there was something
between you. I assumed I was right, and
I was. You and Will had a thing.”
“He’s a hothead. Dangerous on the
track. Crashed out at Loudon.” Adam
knelt next to the tool cart and busied
himself with arranging the sockets in one
of the drawers.
“Are you scared?” Collin nudged the
drawer shut with the toe of his loafer.
“Truth.” For being forty-two, the guy
looked more like thirty-two with all the
time he’d spent in the gym. The salt-and-
pepper streaks in his chocolate-brown
hair were the only giveaways to his true
age. They talked like brothers and
understood each other like good friends.
And yet, Collin knew how to drive
Adam berserk with his ability to sniff
out the truth.
Damn it. Adam rested one knee on the
ground. “It’s kind of like the cannon
fireworks. The things are dangerous as
hell, but they’re beautiful. And if you’re
not careful, you’ll get burned. That’s
what we were.”
“I saw you work together three years
ago at Bristol. You helped him win the
race. That’s the kind of magic I want.”
Collin stepped away from the shadow of
the hauler and into the sunshine. The
bright light glimmered on his hair and
emphasized his tan. “You managed to get
him from one lap down and into position
to win. That’s not easy. I want that, but
I’ll settle for a top twenty finish. I’m
sick of Gavin’s thirty-ninth place
“I’ll give you my best.” Adam dipped
his head once then stood. The team
needed the money, and the positive
finishes to keep the sponsor money.
Sponsor money meant he’d keep his job.
“Take one for the team,” he muttered
and headed to the pit box. “Take one for
the team.”
Moments from his past with Will
came to mind. Will liked to drive hard
and play harder, especially in the
bedroom. Handcuffs, paddles, cock
rings…and an exhibitionistic streak. A
shiver skated down Adam’s spine, and
his cock thickened beneath his boxer
shorts and fire suit. When they were
together, they’d made love in some fun
places. He shifted his suit and rubbed
his burgeoning erection with his fingers.
Whoever said the sweet memories
outlasted the bitter ones must’ve known
something he didn’t.
Footsteps thumped on the concrete
behind him, and the noise jerked him out
of his thoughts. He glanced over his
shoulder. Will. His heart fluttered in his
chest. Seeing the former object of his
affection in the clingy fire suit shouldn’t
have made his blood pulse. Shouldn’t
have made him wonder why they’d ever
split up. And yet, he did wonder.
“I studied Gavin’s gag reel on the
internet.” Will folded his arms and
braced his feet wide apart. The position
commanded respect and made Adam’s
mouth water. God, the man embodied
sex and sin with a speed demon flair.
Will cleared his throat. “If you’re done
ogling me, I thought we’d talk about the
spring race. I saw what Gavin did here
last year, and I think I know what
screwed him over.”
Race talk. Something nice and level to
keep Adam’s mind off the way the fire
suit hugged every curve of Will’s body
and accentuated his package. Adam
remembered just what Will could do
with that package—make him scream all
night long.
“Are you listening?” Will blew out a
long breath. “Okay, ground rules.” He
tugged Adam aside and out of the
general flow of foot traffic on pit road.
“I needed the job. As much as saying ‘I
missed you’ would be great, the money
trumps everything. I’ve missed you; I
have. The fucked up kind of crazy we
shared was,” he removed his sunglasses,
The muscle in Will’s jaw worked
overtime. He glanced down then right at
Adam. “I’m here to make sure this team
gets a good finish. If I can, Collin might
keep me on for a couple more races.
That’s what I need. A shot.”
“I’ll help you.” Adam nodded as he
spoke. “We need to turn this program
around. Are you the key? Maybe. I’m
willing to help you so we can find out.”
Plus, having Will around meant more
time to work the towering hunk out of his
“Cool.” Will stared at him for a long
time then hid his eyes behind massive
aviator frames. “Talk me through the
turns on the initial laps. When I’m out
there, you’re in control. We do what we
do best. Got it?”
Adam bit back a grin. Another thing
he both loved and hated about Will—the
control. On track, Adam ran the show.
Once they headed to the bedroom, Will
took the point. But, Will nailed it—on
track, they shone as a team.
“You got it.” Adam followed Will.
Writing on the back of Will’s neck
caught Adam’s attention. He couldn’t
make out all the letters and fisted his
hands to keep from reaching for Will’s
collar. Will had another man in his life?
Fuck. Adam swallowed his pride. They
were at the track to do a job, not date.
He just hoped like hell he wasn’t making
a huge mistake by agreeing to work with
his ex.
* * * *
Will punched the gas. Two more turns
and the leader would take the checkered
flag. His heart pounded, and adrenaline
rushed through his system. He loved the
rush of being on track. The heat of the
race affected him almost as much as sex.
Each pass reminded him of a battle. Get
the better of the enemy or become a
casualty. He preferred driving the trucks
versus the stock cars. The trucks handled
differently and took more abuse. Plus,
they looked sexy as hell under the lights.
“You’re running solid in ninth place,”
Adam, his crew chief, said over the
radio. “You’ve got the speed in the
middle of turns three and four to pass
“Can do.” Will entered turn three a bit
higher to keep up the momentum then
swooped down the track below the
seventy-six truck. The move worked
exactly as Adam suggested, and Will
sailed right past Dennings. He sped past
the flag tower in eighth place. The top-
ten finish felt good. Almost like winning
the blasted race. He hadn’t pissed
anyone off or caused any accidents. And
he’d nabbed a temp job with his dream
team—Flash Racing. Hot damn!
“Great job. This calls for some
celebration,” Collin said over the radio.
“Party at the team shop tonight. On me.”
Will grinned and maneuvered onto pit
road. Being a fill-in driver, he might
even get to do some television
interviews. But eventually, he’d have to
talk with Adam. Thinking of Adam
soured the happy mood a bit. He slowed
to a stop then cut the power to the
engine. Collin, Adam and the rest of the
crew descended on the truck. Water
spurted over the hood, and the various
crew members gave each other high
fives. This was the environment he
wanted to work in. A team where the
parts equaled a solid whole.
Will climbed out of the truck and
cheered. He’d done the seemingly
impossible and finished well. Collin
clapped and whistled.
“There’s our boy,” Collin shouted.
“Think we should keep him on through
the end of the season?”
“Yeah,” the collective crew shouted
in response.
“And tonight we’ll celebrate.” Collin
fist bumped Will then turned to speak
with the two members of the media.
Adam held back by the wall but still
smiled. The fire suit clung to his
muscular frame and accentuated his
arms. The guy must’ve spent time at the
gym. Scruff dusted Adam’s cheeks, and
his dimple deepened when he grinned at
another crew member. Will’s heart
clenched. Of all the things he’d
considered when signing on for the one-
race deal, envisioning Adam with
someone else hadn’t crossed his mind.
But come on. Most gay men and more
than a few women wanted to sleep with
the sexy man. Just like Will.
Will turned away from the scene with
Adam then forced a grin and posed for
the television cameras. “It’s nice to be
with a team again. Nice to be behind the
wheel of race truck. I’m looking forward
to many more races with Flash. What do
you think? I’m good with Flash?” He
patted the roof of the truck. “I’m game if
they want me.”
Will tossed his gloves onto the
driver’s seat then focused his attention
on his crew chief. Collin told him to
stick to Adam like glue to get their
wavelengths in sync. He could do that.
Mostly. If there was another person in
the equation, sticking would get a tad
harder. Screw it. He’d manage.
“Adam.” Will wound his way through
the crew then stepped over the wall.
“I’ve got a ride home tonight, but I’ve
never been to the Flash complex. Collin
told me to get back into your good
graces, so why don’t we ride together?
You can bring your plus one. We’ll have
fun.” Putting them in the same car meant
they’d have to talk and possibly sort out
a few things.
Adam’s gaze roved anywhere but at
Will’s face for a long moment. When he
finally looked up at Will, a small smile
curled his lips. “That’s a great idea, but
I don’t have a plus one. No time to
Will folded his arms. No significant
other with Adam… Interesting.
“Text me your address, and I’ll pick
you up.” Adam brushed past Will,
toward the haulers.
“I made progress.” Will muttered to
himself then scrubbed both hands over
his face. Things had gone a tad smoother
than he imagined. There had to be
another catch. He followed Adam as the
truck went through the post race
inspections then helped load it for the
Once the gates opened, allowing the
drivers to head out, Will made a beeline
for his car. He couldn’t get the image of
Adam from his mind. The guy still
looked good, even after three years of
being apart. He’d slimmed down a bit,
less bulk and more muscle. The fire suit
hid his leaner frame unless he bent over.
Then the true outline of Adam showed.
Will gripped the steering wheel of his
compact car. He shouldn’t think about
what wasn’t going to happen—him and
Adam rekindling the passion they’d once
shared. He wasn’t a star any longer. He
wasn’t the guy who commanded the
racing landscape. Hell, nothing was as it
had been when they’d been together.
He’d traded his luxury car when Warner
Racing had gone under and he’d lost his
job. Thankfully, he’d made extra
payments on his house. He pulled into
his driveway then parked in the garage.
Did he even want to be with Adam
again? Part of him didn’t. Too much
heartbreak and too many things never
said. The rest of him still cared about the
crew chief. They’d been the best of
friends and dynamite between the sheets.
He stripped out of his T-shirt and jeans
then stepped into the shower. The water
hit him full force. His muscles ached,
and his mind buzzed.
Steaming hot water sluiced over his
body, and he lathered his washcloth. He
soaped his chest then down to his semi-
erect cock. Thinking about Adam, being
around him, roused all the old feelings.
He wrapped his fingers around his dick
and stroked. A vision of Adam on his
knees taking Will to the back of his
throat formed in his brain. He could
almost hear the handcuffs clink and
smell the scent of sex and motor oil in
the air.
Will leaned on the shower wall and
groaned. The chill of the tiles helped
diminish the fever on his skin, but not
much. He smoothed one hand over his
balls and continued to masturbate. Adam
looked so damn hot bound in rope and
with a red ass. Tingles radiated from
Will’s head to his toes then centered in
his groin. His nerve endings buzzed. No
matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t
drag enough air into his lungs.
“Adam,” he murmured and increased
the speed of his strokes. He gritted his
teeth and pulled on his cock, adding pain
to his pleasure. More images of Adam
came to mind. Adam strapped tight to the
St. Andrew’s cross with red streaks
crisscrossing his stomach, Adam holding
his legs tight to his torso while Will
plundered his asshole, holding Adam
afterwards and whispering words of
love to the only man he’d ever really
cared for.
“Fuck,” Will bit out. He breathed hard
and let go of his balls then braced his
free hand on the shower wall. Too damn
close. But why hold back? He shivered
and gave in to the orgasm. His seed
splashed on the wall in two thick
Will rested his forehead on his arm
and panted until the heady feeling of
climax subsided. The water temperature
dipped, bathing him in a cooler spray.
He’d garnered the job with Flash.
Somehow, he doubted making amends
with Adam would be so easy. But he
could always hope.
Chapter Two
Adam pulled to a stop in Will’s
driveway and snorted. He’d never
imagined Will would live in the same
lavish house he’d bought when they
were together, but he did. A million
thoughts swirled in Adam’s brain. Being
around Will was like being stuck in a
magnetic field. The more he tried to
keep away from the man, the more Will
tugged him back in. But what about when
Will found out the reasons he’d run
away? The friendship would go to pot.
Had to. Only a weak man ran headlong
away from the guy he wanted to be with
forever. And why run? Long-term
feelings meant there was a greater
chance things wouldn’t work out. He
wanted forever but doubted Will had
thought that far into the future.
He stared at the house, a sprawling
two-story Cape Cod decorated with a
rock-wall façade and ringed by towering
oak trees. So familiar yet like being in
foreign territory. Some of their sweetest,
hottest moments had taken place in
Will’s bedroom. Then there were the
fights, and the night Adam had stormed
Now, he climbed out of his SUV and
made his way to Will’s front door.
Adam doubted Will even thought about
him as more than a crew chief. Will’s
words when they’d split filtered into his
brain. “Once it’s over, it’s over. I don’t
look back.”
Well, shit.
Adam pressed the doorbell and
stepped back on the stoop. They’d talked
about putting in a porch. Will apparently
hadn’t bothered.
Adam shoved his trembling hands into
his pockets. Be cool, he warned himself.
The door opened, and Will grinned
from his side of the doorway. “You
found the house with no problem. Good
thing I decided not to move.” He
clutched his keys and a cell phone.
“Ready when you are, Chief.”
Adam’s heart lurched. Will had called
him Chief when things were better.
Maybe, it was a sign. “We’re late.
Collin expected us there twenty minutes
ago. I already called him to make sure he
wasn’t pissed. Told him we’d be there
shortly. What took you so long?”
“He’ll be fine.” Will pulled the door
closed then strode to the SUV. “He’s too
excited that we finished well. Besides,
I’m not driving this time. You are. Don’t
sweat it.”
“True.” Adam slid into the driver’s
seat then fished the note from his pocket.
“This is for you.”
“A love note?” Will unfolded the
paper. “You shouldn’t have.”
“No. It’s Chrissy’s phone number.”
Adam engaged the engine then backed
down the drive.
“Chrissy?” The paper crinkled, but in
the dim light of the dash, Adam couldn’t
make out much more than Will’s form.
“She’s Collin’s daughter and a damn
good publicist. She helped Gavin before
he decided he was too cool for Flash.”
Adam sped down the back roads toward
Hickory, North Carolina and the Flash
team headquarters.
“You did mention to her and him that
I’m gay, right?”
From the corner of Adam’s eye, he
noticed Will’s phone screen light up.
“She’s not interested in you.” Adam
snorted. “Chrissy and Georgia are very
happy together.”
“She’s gay, too?” Will continued
fiddling with his phone. “Now, that’s
awesome. No wonder Collin named the
team Flash.”
“We do fly all colors.” Adam wove
his way back to the Flash headquarters
then came to a stop in the parking lot.
The Flash building, all concrete and
glass, glistened in the bright moonlight.
Flags slapped in the slight breeze and
threw dancing shadows on the inky
parking lot floor. The words Flash
Racing Inc. burned bright from the neon
sign above the main doors.
Apprehension sat heavy in Adam’s
mind. Say something now? Wait? Screw
it. He turned in his seat and killed the
engine. “Collin told me to keep you up
my butt. He’s so eloquent sometimes, but
he’s right.”
“Oh?” Light from the parking lot
lamps created a strange blue glow on
Will’s face. “Explain.”
Adam toyed with the seatbelt buckle.
“We were a good team. Tight and
trusting, but after our break-up, things
went to hell. I’m willing to meet you
halfway, if you’re willing, too.”
“I want more.” Will folded his arms.
“What?” Adam’s voice cracked. He
pressed his lip together to keep from
saying something else, something stupid.
“I want more.” Will bridged the gap
between them, his face a whisper from
Adam’s. The light scruff on his cheeks
glowed in the street lamplight. Mint on
his breath lingered between them.
“Will.” Adam wasn’t sure what else
to say.
“I deserve a few answers. If I’m going
to work with you and let you control
what happens on track, then I want to
know why you left.” Hurt and frustration
resonated in Will’s eyes. “We were
tight. I want that back if this is what
we’re going to do.”
Adam studied the flecks of green and
amber in Will’s blue eyes. The lines at
the corners of Will’s eyes deepened, and
for the first time since they’d been
reunited, Adam noticed the tiredness.
“Give me time.” Adam opened the
SUV door and bolted away from his
former lover. He needed time to think, to
clear his head. He wanted to fall into
Will’s embrace and forget the worries in
his mind. Giving in and letting the
romance that still burned between them
pulled at him. But what if the fears
didn’t go away? What if he and Will
never tried again? He’d never know if
they could get beyond the past. Which
did he want more—the fear or the man
he cared about?
“So that’s it.” Will’s footsteps
thumped behind him. “That’s how it’s
going to be. You run the whole show
now? Fuck it. I thought I was falling for
you all over again. Guess I was wrong,
and you still can’t be honest with me.
You want to be in charge, but you know
there are times when you need that
Will strode past Adam and yanked
open the front doors of Flash. Adam’s
heart lodged in his throat. He wanted his
“Wait.” Adam rushed after Will. “Just
Will slowed down but didn’t stop.
Adam threaded his fingers with Will’s
and yanked him into the first available
room—the restroom for visitors to
“Fuck me,” Adam blurted. He
grabbed the front of Will’s shirt and met
Will for a kiss. Will’s whiskers
scratched Adam’s skin and spurred on
his desire for Will. He swallowed
Will’s moan.
“Can’t. Don’t have rubbers,” Will
panted. He pressed Adam to the wall
and ground his jean-covered cock
against Adam’s dick. “Want to.”
Tongues tangled, and Adam smoothed
his hands all over Will’s chest. He
needed to feel the weight of Will over
him, needed to be dominated.
“Play with me. Order me,” Adam
begged. “Our game.”
Will gripped Adam’s shoulders. “On
your knees.”
Excitement and renewed lust coursed
through Adam’s veins. Holy fuck, they
were going to play.
“Take care of me.” Will raked his
fingers through Adam’s hair. The soft
caress battled with the rough scrape of
Will’s nails on Adam’s scalp. “Feel
what you do to me.”
Adam groaned and rubbed his face on
Will’s crotch. The evidence of Will’s
desire tented his jeans. Adam licked his
lips then stole a glance up at Will. From
under heavily-lidded eyes, Will watched
him. The corner of Will’s mouth curled.
“Yes, Sir.” Adam loved the way the
words rolled off his tongue. No other
man affected him like Will. Adam
popped the button on Will’s jeans then
tugged the zipper down. Inch by glorious
inch, he exposed Will’s cock. The blunt
purplish head glistened with pre-cum.
“The boys, too.” Will tightened his
grip in Adam’s hair. “You know what to
Yes, he did. Adam eased Will’s sac
from his boxer shorts then nuzzled the
soft skin. The scent of sex and Will’s
cologne, something spicy but woodsy,
swirled around him. His mouth watered.
A solitary taste of Will wouldn’t be
enough, and a single encounter wasn’t
going to cut it. He opened his mouth
wide and engulfed Will in one swift
“Jesus.” Will pumped his hips, filling
Adam’s mouth. “Feels good.”
Adam curled his tongue around Will’s
shaft. Pre-cum slid down his throat, and
Will’s balls tapped Adam’s chin.
Instead of using his hands to aid him in
the blowjob, Adam grasped his ankles.
The position put him in Will’s control.
“That’s gorgeous. Your mouth full of
cock, cheeks puffed out and eyes focused
on me. So sexy with your hands behind
your back. Makes me want to take you
Adam’s spirits soared. He shouldn’t
want to feel so desired by Will, but he
Will groaned and swiveled his hips,
sending his cock farther down Adam’s
throat. Each time he did, Adam
swallowed, massaging the blunt head.
“Love seeing you take me in.” Will
tugged harder on Adam’s hair, but the
added pressure only spurred Adam on.
The pain turned Adam on and
ratcheted up his lust a dozen notches.
“Suck on my balls, Pet.” Will moved
Adam back. “Want to feel that hot mouth
all over me.”
With his hands still on his ankles,
Adam dipped his head and sucked one
testicle into his mouth. The downy hairs
on Will’s sac tickled his chin.
“Yeah.” Will bounced his foot and his
leg trembled.
Adam stifled a grin. When Will
fidgeted, the orgasm wasn’t far behind.
He flattened his tongue on the base of
Will’s cock then licked his way up to the
Will jerked, and his grasp on Adam
loosened. “More.”
Adam sucked Will to the root of his
dick then bobbed his head. The denial,
being made to wait for attention from
Will, turned Adam on. He needed to
give Will an orgasm as part of his own
pleasure. He loved having to give up
control to Will. Maybe even a part of
him still loved Will.
“Jesus,” Will panted. He once again
gripped Adam’s head. Grunts and
moans, albeit quiet ones, permeated the
space. Will shook his head and rammed
his cock down Adam’s throat.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Will chanted.
“Fuck.” He backed away from Adam,
only to have Adam resume sucking on
him. Adam lapped up the seed jetting
past his lips. The salty fluid exploded on
his taste buds and bliss filled his mind.
“Damn.” Will leaned back and let go
of Adam. His cock slipped from Adam’s
mouth. He didn’t say anything else right
away, just breathed.
Adam eased Will’s cock and balls
back into his pants then sat back on his
heels. “Thank you, Sir.”
“I’ll never understand you.” Will
touched Adam’s cheek then finished
righting his clothes. “We’re dynamite
together. If we could only get our shit
Adam stood then followed Will from
the bathroom. The words you never
know floated around in his head. As
much as he wanted things to work out for
him and Will, old fears crept in.
No, this was a night to celebrate a
good finish, a night to continue letting
loose and having fun. They’d work on
getting their shit together in the morning.
Maybe, by then, he’d have a plan for
working things out. Maybe.
* * * *
Will stood before the seamstress and
stretched out his arms one more time
then sighed. He didn’t mind the fittings
for his fire suit, but what he really
wanted was Adam. Two days since the
party and no word other than through a
couple work texts from Adam. Yes, the
tryst in the bathroom wasn’t a bright
idea, but lots of people hooked up in
strange places. At least, they knew each
other. At least, they shared history. And
damn, a blowjob in the bathroom from
Adam was hot as hell.
The seamstress tapped Will’s arm.
“You’re good. Put them down.” She
nodded to Collin. “I’ll get the suits done
by Friday night. Won’t be much.”
Will shrugged out of the coat overlay.
He’d signed the contracts for the rest of
the season. At least, his short-term
career was set.
“Will, walk with me.” Collin nodded
to the door. “Thanks, Isabella. You’re a
peach.” He left the room and strode into
the hallway.
Will followed Collin. Whatever the
gladly give. “What’s up?”
“Thought I’d ask you the same thing.”
Collin jammed his hands into his pockets
and kept walking. “My best crew chief
hasn’t talked to anyone since Friday
night. He’s thrown at least one crowbar
and spent his breaks on the patio by
himself. That’s not like Adam. He’s the
glue around here.”
Will absorbed Collin’s words as he
passed the walls of Flash memorabilia.
Adam smiled back in most of the
pictures. In three short years, Adam had
become the integral part of the
organization Will had coveted.
“I don’t want to know what happened
between you two. I’ve got a daughter; I
know drama. But I do want you to get
along. Whatever the issue is, work it out.
I’m keeping you on for the season, but if
the friction is still there, I’ll take it into
consideration.” Collin opened the door
to his office. “Thanks.”
“You got it.” Will respected Collin.
The guy had a point. To be a solid team,
he needed to work with everyone—
including Adam. He swallowed his
pride and headed to the garage. Time to
have the talk they were supposed to have
to start off with.
Adam hunched over a clipboard,
alternately looking at the figures on
paper then at the computer screen.
“Where the hell did we lose those two
“Probably when I fucked up on the
straightaway and wove around.” Will
leaned on Adam’s metal workstation
desk. “When in doubt, blame me.”
Adam’s brows knotted. His glasses
magnified his eyes. “Don’t flatter
Ah, there it was…the controlling
bastard. If something didn’t jibe on
track, then it had to be his fault. Fine.
“We need to talk.”
“I’m working,” Adam snapped.
“Tough shit.”
Will ripped the
clipboard from Adam’s hands. “Outside.
“You don’t own me,” Adam muttered.
He kicked his stool then strode through
the garage to the patio. When the door
clicked shut, he whipped around and
snarled. “I’m on the clock. I’d like to get
paid. Make this quick.”
“Take it down a notch.” Will stood
toe-to-toe with his former lover. “What
happened the other night was special to
me. I never thought I’d have a chance
with you again. You bolted without a
fucking word that night and the first time
we were a couple. You were my best
friend. I’m sorry, but I feel a little fucked
“Jesus.” Adam folded his arms then
unfolded them. He stepped away from
Will. His shoulders slumped. “Just…
“We did that. Kind of.” Will sank
down at the closest table. “Then let’s
sort this out.”
“I can’t.” Adam didn’t turn around.
The wind rippled his work shirt, giving
Will tantalizing glimpses of his toned
“Then let’s talk somewhere else. I get
it. Anyone can walk out here and see us.
That’s cool.” Will crossed his ankles.
“Meet me tonight after work. You know
the way to my house. You’re off at five.
Be at my place at six. Sharp.” No giving
Adam wiggle room. “I’ve already talked
to Collin about your leaving on time
today. No excuses.”
Adam sighed. “Six it is.” He still
didn’t look at Will. “I’ve got shit to do.”
He strode back into the garage, leaving
Will alone.
Will reclined in his chair and watched
Adam through the glass.
“Wound tight as a spring,” Will
muttered. That’s what he needed to do—
unwind his man. Good thing he knew
exactly that to do. Give Adam the kinky
time of his life.
Chapter Three
Adam glanced at the clock once more.
Twenty minutes to six. If he didn’t finish
up soon, he’d be late. Will wanted him
at the house at exactly six. Part of him
wanted to play the game. Lateness meant
punishments, and punishments meant one
hell of a hot time. But what if he’d read
too much into Will’s invitation? God.
One more reason why relationships,
especially the ones he wanted to work
out, were so God damned complicated.
Across the room, he noticed Collin
strolling past the trucks in the midst of
being repaired.
“Sometimes, it feels like we fix more
than we display.” Collin trailed his
fingers over the replacement fender.
“The joys of racing.”
“Actually, Will managed to keep his
fenders pretty clean. Minor dings, but
nothing structural. We can use the
number four when we head to Texas.”
“That’s what I like about you. Always
thinking and always over and above the
call.” Collin rapped his knuckles on the
worktable. “Speaking of Will, don’t you
have somewhere to be?”
Adam closed the lid on his laptop. He
trusted Collin like an older brother.
Might as well broach the subject of
having a physical relationship with Will,
instead of waiting until Collin asked
first. “You really want Will up my ass,
don’t you?”
“You know my stance on interoffice
dating, but I can’t prevent you from
doing things together on your own time.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” Collin perched on the stool
opposite Adam. “Shoot.”
Adam toyed with his pen. Sooner or
later, he’d have to deal with his past, but
for a few moments more, he’d put things
off. “Collin, when Ian left, how’d you
handle it? As far as we all knew, you
two just split and stayed friends.”
“Ah…the trouble with exes.” Collin
folded his arms and dropped his chin to
his chest. “Ian was a ball of issues. He
wanted things just his way even when I
couldn’t give it to him. Turns out he also
wanted someone else.”
Sounded familiar. Will hadn’t wanted
anyone else, but he sure wanted things
his way. Still, Ian and Collin weren’t
him and Will. “But you moved on and
stayed level.”
“Eventually.” Collin waved his hand,
flicking his fingers. “It hurt. I loved him,
and I didn’t think I’d be the same after he
left. Life kept moving, and I got wiser.
Chrissy wants me to start seeing people
again. One of these days if the right
person comes along.”
Adam scrubbed both hands over his
face. The more Collin said, the more
things made perfect sense and no sense
at all. “Will and I were white hot for
two years. Inseparable.”
“And?” Collin crooked one brow and
tipped his head to the left.
“There are things he needs—in the
bedroom—I can give him, but going in
those directions makes me stop. You
know me, I’m not a pussy. I’ll give as
good as I take, but I can’t wrap my mind
around it. I left him because I wasn’t
sure I could be myself and be the
submissive he needs.”
“Did you tell him that?”
Embarrassment flooded into Adam’s
brain. “No. I got out before things got
“The hell you say. Fucking like
rabbits is heavy shit.” Collin snorted.
“You freaked and beat feet.”
“Yeah. Among other things.”
“Then tell him that. The damage is
probably done, but he’ll respect you a
hell of a lot more for being honest with
Adam gritted his teeth. Collin had a
point. The longer he put things off, the
harder it would be to work with Will.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?”
“There’s the guy I love.” Collin
slapped the table. “Back to being a
control-freak prick. Just like I like you.
Talk things over with Will. You never
know. Things might work out in the long
run.” He grinned then vacated his stool.
“Beat it. You’ve put in enough hours.”
With a wave, Collin strolled out of the
Adam nodded. He’d stared at the
same figures long enough. If he didn’t get
moving, he’d piss off Will. Was the
punishment worth the crime? A shiver
skated up his spine. If Will used one of
his studded paddles, then yes, it fucking
Half an hour later, Adam rolled his
SUV to a stop in Will’s driveway. The
fleeting thought to turn around and leave
entered his mind. No, if he didn’t see
things through, the team would suffer.
Hell. Who was he kidding? He’d
suffered, too. He missed his best friend.
“There you are.” Will chuckled and
opened the SUV door. “Thought you got
lost.” He wore jeans and a threadbare T-
shirt. Bare feet peeked from the frayed
cuffs of the denim.
Adam swallowed a moan. Will could
work an outfit. The faded denim hugged
every lean curve of his body and put the
bulge behind his zipper on particular
display. The T-shirt gave a teasing hint
of the chiseled muscle underneath.
“Well, I see I make you happy.” Will
hooked his thumbs in his belt loops. “I’m
making steaks. Still like yours walking?”
Adam grinned. With one comment,
Will broke the tension. “Yeah, rare.”
“Cool.” Will strolled into the house
with Adam right behind him.
Adam tipped his head to look at the
letters on the back of Will’s neck. Again,
the neckline of the shirt obscured most of
the tattoo. Damn it.
“I figured I’d wait until you got here
to throw them on the grill. I hate an
overcooked steak.” Will’s footsteps
padded on the tile floor. “I made a salad.
Want to put it on the table?”
“Sure.” Adam grabbed the glass bowl
but didn’t take his gaze off Will. The
man moved like a pro around the
kitchen. He checked the heat on the
cook-top grill then added a twist of
pepper to the steaks.
“That’s the key. Room temperature
before grilling.” Will placed the steaks
on the grates. “Makes them so good.”
“Yeah.” Adam pressed his lips
together. The thing he wanted to eat
wasn’t steak. Reach for Will? Keep a
distance? God, he hated to be so unsure.
“Like the house? It’s about the only
thing I kept once Giddings let my
contract run out. Sold the Camaro and
bigger motor coach to Ted Watkins.”
Will shrugged. “I raced at Bowman Gray
then did a year in the Late Model series.
Getting my ass kicked back to basics
helped. Gave me drive to do it again.”
Will paused, his mouth quirking to the
side like he wanted to say more but held
back. After a moment, he snapped his
attention back to the food. “Let me flip
these, plate them, then we’ll talk. I can
see questions brewing in your head.” He
turned the steaks then set out two plates.
“We can eat over at the bar.”
Adam nodded. Will knew him too
well, even after three years apart. Then
again, he kind of liked Will taking over.
He loved hearing about Will’s past.
Instead of giving up and skidding, Will
had retooled his life. Maybe he wasn’t
the risk-taking man Adam remembered.
Adam sat down opposite Will and
heaped salad on his plate. The more time
they spent together, the more Adam fell
back into the comfortable feelings they’d
once shared. Maybe, he even fell back in
love with his former lover.
Will brought the silverware to the
table then carved into his steak.
“Yeah.” Adam picked up his fork then
put it down. “Does your boyfriend know
we’re doing this? Having dinner?”
“I doubt it. I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Will arranged the lettuce on his plate,
cutting the bigger pieces into smaller
Must be an older lover’s name
tattooed onto him.
“Speaking of boyfriends, did you ever
wonder where we went wrong?” Will
munched on a forkful of his salad. “I’ve
thought about it from time to time.”
“Nah.” Adam shoved the steak bites
around his plate. “I know.”
Now or never. “I freaked. Plain and
Will didn’t say anything. He didn’t eat
or shift his attention. He kept his gaze on
“I liked what we did. The handcuffs,
the spankings were so good. But I
struggled with it. Haven’t done it since
we split.”
“No sex?”
“I’ve had some good times, but
nothing like what we were.” Adam
raked his fingers through his hair. “Look,
Collin wants us to get along. We can’t
be fucking if we’re working together.
We need to concentrate.”
“I see.” Will dropped his hands into
his lap.
Damn it. The chance he wanted
showed up with clarity, and what did he
do? Freak out again. This shit didn’t
happen on the track. He kept everything
in control once he showed up for a race.
But with Will, things went to pot.
“I know you don’t believe me, but I
know what you need.” Will stood then
rounded the table. He offered his hand.
“Come with me. Give me a chance.”
Will’s heart pounded. He’d offered
Adam an opening. Either Adam could
give in or run. God knew, Adam liked to
run. But he knew Adam. The stress of the
driver change, the upheaval with the
team and Will’s re-entrance into Adam’s
life threw Adam for one hell of a loop.
Adam picked at the edge of his plate,
scraping his thumbnail over the shiny
“We’ll play. Just like before. Take it
or leave it.” Will stuffed his hands into
his pockets and strolled to the far end of
the room. “Up to you.”
“I want to play.” Adam kept his gaze
low. He stood and crossed the room to
where Will waited. “My safe word is
“Louder. Tell me what you want.”
Will hooked his fingers under Adam’s
scruff-covered chin. The hairs scratched
his fingers.
“I want you to make me yours.” Adam
clasped his hands behind his back. “My
safe word is cucumber.”
“Look at me.” Will dipped his head to
look into Adam’s eyes. “I want to make
you happy. Will you let me?”
“Yes, Sir.” No hesitation, full power
in Adam’s voice.
Will took a step backward. Now, they
could play. “Take your clothes off, Pet.
Nice and slow.”
Adam’s cheeks flushed a beautiful
shade of pink. “Yes, Sir.”
He grabbed the hem of his shirt,
tugging it from his jeans. He unbuttoned
the shirt then slid the garment down his
arms. He folded the unneeded article of
clothing then laid it at his feet. His
undershirt ended up in the same pile as
the button-down.
A slow whistle escaped Will’s lips.
Adam didn’t realize just how fucking
sexy he looked. The guy could model
underwear and sell tons. A thin trail of
hair led from his bellybutton down
behind his belt. His dusky nipples
pebbled under the cool air. Adam kept
his head down, but arched his back to
display his chest.
“Nice, Pet.” Will stilled Adam’s
hands then smoothed his palms over
Adam’s pecs. He missed Adam, missed
the sounds of Adam in ecstasy, the glow
on Adam’s skin when he came. Most of
all, he wanted the love they’d once
Will wrapped his arms around Adam,
drawing him close. He rested his
forehead on Adam’s, breathing in the
spicy scent of Adam aroused.
“What do you want me to do to you?”
Will kissed Adam on the lips, tasting the
tang of steak and Italian dressing on his
lips. “Spank you? I’ve got a new paddle.
One with holes for maximum pleasure.”
He kissed Adam again, this time closer
to his ear. “Or I could use the one with
the studs. Your favorite, if I remember.”
“Sir.” Adam shivered in Will’s
embrace. “Both, Sir.”
“Greedy.” Will swiped his tongue
over Adam’s earlobe then bit the soft
skin. “What about a plug? I want you to
know who owns your ass.”
“You do, Sir,” Adam whimpered.
“I’ve got a new toy for you. A ring
with a plug attached. Would you like
that?” Will disengaged from Adam then
trailed his fingers over Adam’s cheek.
“Hmm?” He’d purchased the stainless-
steel toy right before they’d split and
refused to use it with anyone else.
“Yes, Sir.” Adam swayed on his feet.
“Use me.” A bead of sweat trickled
down his temple, and the scent of his
cologne, something spicy, wafted around
“Undress.” Will took a step back and
folded his arms. He loved the glazed
in Adam’s
surrendered control. Adam came alive
when they played. He embraced the
strong yet vulnerable man he sometimes
kept quiet. Will craved the uninhibited
Adam unbuckled his belt with
trembling hands. The leather slipped
through his belt loops then landed on the
floor atop his shirt. His jeans plopped to
his feet without the belt to hold them in
place. He stepped out of the unneeded
denim then wriggled out of his boxer
shorts. The socks ended up on the same
folded pile.
Completely nude, Adam bowed his
head then clasped his hands behind his
“Very good, Pet. On your knees.” Will
strode from the room to the kitchen
where he’d secreted another special toy.
He dangled the metal leash from his
fingers. They’d never talked about
collaring other than for leash play. Now
he hoped Adam hadn’t changed his mind
about using the toy. When he returned to
the dining room, Adam knelt beside his
Will squatted in front of his Pet. His
heart raced and power zinged through
his veins. “We’re going to use this,” he
held up the collar, “like we did before.
While you’re wearing it, you’re mine.
Tell me your safe word.”
“Cucumber, but I don’t want to use it,
Sir.” Adam’s chest flushed. “Make me
come apart, Sir.”
Euphoria filled Will’s mind. The
connection was still there—the unspoken
power balance hadn’t died due to them
being apart. Maybe, the love could be
there, too. He secured the leather collar
about Adam’s throat then clicked the
hook onto the D-ring. The leash slid
through his fingers until he held the
leather handle.
“Come.” Will tugged on the leash.
“On your knees.”
Adam sank to the floor. His ass
waved as he crawled to Will’s side.
“Good boy.” Will led his Pet into the
bedroom. Being with Adam fulfilled him
like no other. He embraced the rush from
their play, the tingle in their touch and
the crackling desire between them.
Getting Adam to relax only added to the
Will patted the bed. “Up.”
When Adam scurried into place, Will
dropped the leash handle between
Adam’s hands then smoothed his palm
down Adam’s side.
“I love seeing my Pet pretty and at my
disposal.” He swatted Adam’s ass. The
skin tinged pink from the blow. “Would
you like me to use my new toy?” Will
spanked again, this time on the other
cheek. A mirror image handprint
blossomed in his wake.
“Yes, Sir.”
Chapter Four
Will opened the dresser drawer.
Things were happening the way he’d
hoped. Adam on his bed, naked and
ready for a hot night. Now if he could
get Adam to stick around afterward, he’d
be in heaven. He assessed his array of
toys. The ones he’d selected for the night
lay in a perfect row and gleamed under
the lamplight. He picked up the shining
combination ass plug and cock ring then
slid the lube into his back pocket. The
favorites, plopped onto its side in the
drawer. Will grinned. He’d use that next.
He returned to the bed and crawled up
behind Adam. “This doesn’t look like
it’s had much use.” Will spread Adam’s
ass cheeks apart and groaned. His
asshole puckered, and pre-cum leaked
from his cock. Nice and ready. Will
grabbed two handfuls of Adam’s butt,
massaging the tender skin. “Neglected,
hasn’t it been?”
“Yes, Sir.” Adam groaned and backed
into Will’s touch.
“My Pet doesn’t like to play?” Thumb
over the tight hole, Will tapped the skin.
“I like to play, Sir.” Another groan
erupted from Adam.
“Then relax and play.” Will squirted a
thick stream of lube onto his hand and
Adam’s ass. The bottle landed between
his knees beside the toy. Will rubbed the
slick fluid around his fingers, making
Adam wait. When Adam rocked
backward again, Will smacked him.
“You’re eager.”
“Want you.”
Will eased his thumb into Adam.
“Play and enjoy, my eager Pet.”
“Yeah.” Adam pulled Will into his
body, down to his knuckle. “More, Sir.”
“I will.” Will swirled his tongue over
Adam’s ass, tasting the sweat on his
skin. When Adam groaned again, Will
moved to his other ass cheek. He
speared his other thumb into Adam’s
ass, stretching him for the toy.
“Need you in me, Sir.”
“Not yet,” Will snapped, without
malice. He loved that part of the game,
the anticipation. He worked his thumbs
in and out of Adam’s butt, getting him
prepped. “I need you open for the toy.
Too tight and you won’t have fun.” He
moved one hand down to Adam’s cock.
With his other hand, Will speared his
index and middle fingers into Adam,
along with his thumb.
Adam gripped the sheets and moaned.
“Stroke me, Sir.”
“I am,” Will purred. He curled his
fingers around Adam, bringing the man
closer and closer to coming. When
Adam trembled and his hips bucked,
Will pulled out. He slipped the cock ring
around the base of Adam’s dick. “Breath
out and bear down, Pet.” He rested one
hand on Adam’s lower back then
inserted the ball end of the toy into
Adam’s rectum.
“Oh fuck,” Adam gasped. His
knuckles turned white, and his head
lolled on his shoulders.
“You can take it,” Will murmured.
“You’re doing well. So sexy.” He
stroked Adam’s balls and kissed
Adam’s lower back. He watched every
one of Adam’s responses—too much
pain and he’d pull out. Not enough and
Adam wouldn’t make it into subspace.
“So fucking hot.”
“Good, Pet.” Will slipped off the bed
then withdrew the paddle from the
drawer. He held it out to Adam. “Kiss
Adam glanced up at Will with glazed
eyes and a soft smile on his lips. He
wobbled a bit, then rubbed his face on
the studded surface. “Missed this.” He
butted Will’s hand with his head. “You,
Now, they were getting somewhere.
Will climbed off the bed long enough to
ditch his clothes then took his place by
Adam’s head. Without a command,
Adam crawled forward and licked the
blunt head of Will’s cock. He swirled
his tongue around the tip then sucked
Will to the back of his throat. For a
moment, Will’s eyes crossed, and he
gasped for air. Damn, Adam knew how
to give head.
Will fought the wave of early climax
and focused his attention on Adam. He
smoothed the studded paddle over
Adam’s skin then smacked Adam’s ass.
A perfect imprint of the paddle
developed on Adam’s butt.
“Thank you, Sir. May I have some
more?” Adam asked between slurps on
Will’s cock.
“How many for the bad boy who
overworked himself this week?” Will
slapped Adam’s other ass cheek, leaving
a twin impression.
Adam grunted and rocked forward,
taking Will to the back of his throat.
“May I have another?”
“At least four,” Will replied. He
repeated the blows to Adam’s ass. One,
two, three smacks then he paused. “Bad
boys need tough love, don’t they?”
“Yes, Sir.” Adam buried his nose in
the curls at the base of Will’s cock.
“May I have another?”
“Absolutely.” Will flipped the paddle
over, sliding the smooth side over
Adam’s abused skin. “So hot and red
from my mark.” He tapped the toy with
the handle of the paddle. “Makes me
want to come in your mouth.”
“Do, Sir.” Adam resumed sucking on
Will, massaging Will’s dick with his
tongue. When he pulled out, Adam
ventured farther down and sucked one of
Will’s testicles into his mouth. The heat
from his tongue and Adam’s hum
chipped away at Will’s restraint. Too
much more and he would come.
“Enough.” Will turned the paddle
over then spanked Adam hard. The move
pushed Adam forward. He bumped his
head on Will’s stomach.
“Sir.” Adam looked up at Will with
wide eyes. “Sir.”
Something new happened between
them. The passion and play were the
same, but Will understood a little of why
Adam hesitated. He liked being pushed,
liked being on the edge, but he needed to
know Will wouldn’t go too far. His love
for Adam grew exponentially. He’d do
what his lover needed. Always.
“You test me, Pet.” Will tossed the
paddle to the floor then cupped Adam’s
jaw in his hands. “You please me,
though. So much.” He kissed Adam,
tasting his own pre-cum and salt on
Adam’s lips. The connection burned
through to Will’s soul. Not only did he
want to love Adam again, he wanted to
save the broken man. To bring Adam
back to the confident man he knew so
“Fuck me, Sir,” Adam panted.
“Yes.” Will traced the line of Adam’s
lips with his tongue then left the bed.
“Lay on your back.”
Adam tipped his head to the side then
rolled onto his back, knees in the air.
The leash clinked on the bed, and the
handle rested next to Adam’s ribcage.
“I’m yours, Sir.”
“You are.” Will eased the plug from
Adam’s ass then unfastened the ring at
the base of Adam’s cock. He left the toy
on a towel on the nightstand then nabbed
a condom from the drawer. “Stroke
yourself while I take you.”
“Yes, Sir.” Adam clutched his dick in
both hands and fixed his gaze on Will.
Will rolled the condom down his
erection then wrapped the free end of the
leash around his palm. The heat in
Adam’s eyes matched the lust-filled
fires in Will’s soul. No one compared to
Adam. No one mattered but him. Will
surged forward, filling Adam to the hilt
with his dick. Adam grunted and his grip
on his cock tensed.
“Oh, Sir. Thank you.”
Will held the leash taut then dug his
fingers into Adam’s thigh. “Fuck.” He
worked his hips, sawing in and out of
Adam’s butt. As with before, he
wouldn’t last. Being with Adam, being
in him, rattled Will to his core. They
belonged together. No matter how
fucked up and unconventional, they were
a true pair. His heart beat faster, and he
fought to catch his breath. He still loved
Adam. Without a doubt.
Will pistoned his hips, his balls
slapping Adam’s ass with each plunge
into his body.
“Yes. Fuck. Me,” Adam chanted. He
closed his eyes, and perspiration beaded
on his forehead. “God.” His voice
dropped an octave, and he clenched his
Will shook his head and rolled his
hips, changing the rhythm of their
lovemaking. The first tingles of orgasm
started in his belly. He whispered
Adam’s name. “Come with me.”
Adam tipped his head back and
opened his mouth. A strangled cry
escaped his lips. The veins in his neck
stood out, and his skin flushed anew. His
legs trembled, and he squeezed tight
around Will.”
“Fuck,” Adam groaned.
“Come for me.” Will’s skin sizzled.
Screw holding back. He embraced the
orgasm and moaned. Thick ribbons of
Adam’s cum streaked across Will’s
chest. Adam’s body went taut then
relaxed beneath him. Eyes closed and
breathing hard, he opened his arms.
Will released his grasp on the leash
and collapsed atop his lover. Neither
spoke for long moments. Silence, save
for their labored breaths, filled the
“Wow,” Adam said and threw his
arms around Will, who rolled onto his
side, taking Adam with him. “Forgot
how that feels.”
“Me, too.” A million thoughts swirled
in Will’s head as he pulled out of his
lover. They needed to fuck more often.
He needed Adam in his life as more than
just a crew chief or a friend. But what
about the scared look in Adam’s eyes?
Will’s bone-deep desire to protect the
man he cared about took over. He’d find
out what had happened. No one hurt his
“Stay with me tonight.” Will stroked
Adam’s cheek. “Just stay.” A few more
hours to sort out the feelings bubbling
between them, that’s what he needed.
And a couple more rounds of hot sex.
“I’d like that.” Adam rubbed his nose
along Will’s. He closed his eyes and
sighed. “I don’t know how, but you
always know.”
“Know what?” Will flattened his free
hand on Adam’s hip to hide his
trembling. God, he didn’t want to over-
think the burgeoning feelings, but damn.
Adam threw him for so many curveballs.
“How to get to me. To relax me.”
Adam opened his eyes. “I don’t get how
you knew I needed this, but you did, and
I’m glad.”
“I’m hoping you need me.” Will
clamped his teeth together. Asking Adam
to stay was one thing, but admitting he
wanted more could be a moment killer.
“That, too. I’m not exactly myself
without you.”
“You’re mushy.” Will flopped onto
his back and breathed a sigh of relief.
Things were better—for now. The little
declaration hadn’t freaked Adam out.
But Will didn’t want to lay there with a
condom suctioning to his wilting dick. “I
need to chuck the rubber. Be right back.
Need anything?”
“I’m good right here.” Adam squeezed
the pillow and smiled. “Real good—
except I don’t want to sleep in the collar.
Take that off, and I’m golden.”
“Now, you’re talking.”
Chapter Five
Will wiped the sweat from his brow
and leaned over the computer screen
once more. The oppressive late-May
heat clung to his body, despite him
having unzipped his fire suit. The
practice readings showed him making up
time in the corners but losing both speed
and time on the straightaways. The
sunlight blazed on the Dover track and
magnified in the cockpit of the truck.
Soon, he’d be able to cool off in the
motor coach.
He clapped Adam on the shoulder
then stepped away from the war wagon.
“As long as you can get my speed back,
I’ll do what you tell me.”
Adam handed him a bottle of water.
“That’s the plan.” He rested his hand on
Will’s shoulder. “We’ll work on it
while the cars practice.”
Will fought the natural urge to wrap
his arm around Adam. Sure, they hadn’t
gone public, and the media would no
doubt descend upon them since he’d
been the first driver to come out, but he
still wanted to hold his partner. Three
weeks of hot sex had helped them to
reacquaint themselves with the fuzzy,
“We’re leaving in the morning. Rizz
doesn’t want to drive all night, and
Collin agreed to give him overtime to
drive our lazy asses home.” Adam
smiled and gave Will a squeeze. “Means
we get a night to play…hopefully after a
good finish.”
“That’s my plan.” Will relaxed a bit
and took a long swig of his water. He
preferred the jovial attitude they now
shared. Being civil made working the
races that much easier, too. Now, if he
could just get Adam to admit the love
was still there, he’d be a happy man.
Will’s heart ached. Their playtime
outmatched any lover he’d had before
Adam, and the emotions were definitely
still strong. Adam might not have been
sure about them as a couple, but damn it,
Will knew the truth down in his soul.
They belonged together and worked
better as a team.
“We’ve got fifteen more minutes and
the truck’s adjusted. Give us a couple
laps so we can see how she reacts.”
Adam slapped Will’s upper arm.
“Sure.” Will smoothed his hair off his
forehead then pulled on his helmet. The
sweat and water he’d dumped on his
head kicked up a few degrees. Thank
God, the cooling system in the truck
hadn’t busted. He needed to focus on
getting the truck straightened out, not his
hot head.
Will climbed through the window and
slid into his seat. Just as being with
Adam reminded him where he belonged,
sitting in the cockpit of the truck served
as his second home. He flipped the
ignition switch. Once the engine revved,
he sped out onto pit lane.
Time to sort out this baby, so I can
sort out Adam when I’m done. He
blended into traffic.
* * * *
Two hours and more practice laps
later, Adam crossed the infield to the
drivers’ lot and the shared Flash Racing
motor coach. He glanced at his watch.
One hour before the driver/crew chief
meeting. More than enough time to catch
a quick catnap, then eat. His stomach
rumbled. Screw it. Sleep beckoned—
unless he found Will first. His dick
engorged behind the zipper of his fire
suit. Just thinking about a quickie with
Will turned him on. Part of him
wondered why he’d let Will go. The rest
of him knew—giving up control wasn’t
Adam’s forte unless Will was involved.
Then things righted.
Adam opened the door then headed up
the stairs. He wasn’t alone. Snores filled
the air. Someone had gotten the napping
idea before he had. Nice. He stopped on
the stairs, kicked out of his tennis shoes
then glanced around the small expanse to
where Will reclined on the couch. Eyes
closed and hands folded on his stomach,
he looked like a sexy statue—a snoring,
sexy statue.
Adam crept to Will’s side and eased
Will’s boxer briefs down enough to
withdraw his cock. The thick member
bobbed in Adam’s hand. Will shifted
and sighed, his eyes still closed and his
breathing even. The move gave Adam
more access to Will’s junk. He licked
his lips then flicked his tongue over the
blunt head of Will’s cock.
The salt from
Will’s pre-cum
exploded in Adam’s mouth. He groaned
and flattened his palms on Will’s thighs.
His own dick thickened behind his
zipper. Adam half wished he’d woken
Will up so they could both play. Then
again, he rather liked indulging his
lover. He glanced up at Will’s face then
wrapped his fingers around Will’s
erection. Mouth open wide, he sucked
Will to the back of his throat.
Will sighed and slid down on the
couch a bit more. “Feels good.”
Adam froze. He locked gazes with
“I knew what you were doing.” Will
reached for Adam and squeezed the back
of Adam’s neck. “I’m not stopping you.”
Excitement screamed through Adam’s
veins. He cupped Will’s sac then sucked
hard on Will’s cock. Will’s grasp on his
hair tightened.
“Damn,” Will groaned. He rocked his
hips, setting the rhythm. “More. Don’t
you stop.”
Adam couldn’t if he tried. He loved
the feel of a hot dick in his mouth, even
better if the dick belonged to Will. The
hairs at the base of Will’s cock tickled
Adam’s nose. He slid his left hand along
Will’s torso, under his shirt to his
pebbled nipples. He pinched the hard
“Yeah,” Will murmured. He curled
his hand over Adam’s then caressed the
length of Adam’s shoulders.
Adam licked every inch of Will, from
his balls, to his cock and the inside of
Will’s thigh. He’d never be able to get
enough of Will. A bead of sweat trickled
between his shoulder blades. Thank God
for air conditioning. His skin sizzled and
his nerve endings fried. Nothing
mattered but Will and giving him
satisfaction. He pumped his mouth,
licking every ridge and vein on Will’s
shaft. His own balls ached, and he fought
the urge to touch himself.
“Condom. Lube. In my bag.” Will
wrapped his hand around his stiff cock.
Adam rushed to his feet. He found the
bag on the bed, laden with condoms and
an economy-sized bottle of lube. Talk
about a lot of planning. He tucked the
bottle of lube under his arm then headed
into the living room. A groan erupted in
his throat, and he shrugged out of his
clothes. Forget going smoothly or
looking cool. He couldn’t move fast
enough to climb on Will.
Adam tore the condom packet and
sheathed Will’s cock. He loved touching
his man. The bottle of lube slipped from
under his arm and plopped on Will’s
Will snorted then grinned. “You know
what to do.” He scooted down on the
couch, giving Adam free rein. Adam’s
skin prickled. He needed to prep
himself. Adam stood before Will and
caressed his cock with one hand. He
squirted lube onto his hand then speared
his middle finger into his own ass. He
shivered and moaned. The twinges of
orgasm built low in his belly. Oh fuck,
he needed to wait for Will.
“Jesus, that is hot.” Will coaxed
Adam onto his thighs then grasped
Adam’s upper arms, dragging them
chest-to-chest and groin-to-groin. “Ride
me. I want to feel your ass surrounding
Will knew him so well.
“Hard and fast.” Adam braced himself
on his knees and spread his ass cheeks
wide. “Need you.”
“Mine.” Will positioned Adam over
his groin then buried his cock deep in
Adam’s ass. They slid together in a
perfect fit. Adam arched his back and
writhed on Will. He craved the
possession in Will’s voice and the way
Will took over their play. He gripped
Adam’s hips and thrust hard. Adam’s
head lolled on his shoulders, and he
“Touch yourself,” Will coaxed. He
didn’t break rhythm but kept pumping
hard. “We’re getting close and fuck, I
need to see you come apart.”
Adam gripped the back of the couch
with one hand then stroked himself with
his other hand. His thoughts fizzled, and
the rest of the world faded away.
Flutters of orgasm built low in his
stomach, and his skin burned. His legs
trembled. Adam flexed his asshole
around Will, gripping him tighter.
“Come for me, Pet.” Will bounced
Adam on his lap, and his nails bit into
Adam’s hip. “Come.”
Will’s one-word command did the
trick. Adam gave into the overwhelming
need for Will and tumbled headlong into
orgasm. Thick streams of cum stretched
across Will’s T-shirt and lower belly.
smearing the sticky semen. He buried
face against Will’s neck.
“I liked that surprise. You can suck
my balls any day.” Will encircled Adam
in his arms.
“Didn’t suck your balls.” Adam
wriggled off Will’s lap then wiped up
the cum with his own shirt. “I’ll
remember for next time.”
“Speaking of remembering…” Will
propped himself up on his forearms.
“Did you happen to lock the door when
you came in?”
“Never occurred to me to do that.”
Adam grabbed his pants from the floor.
“Guess it’s a good thing no one walked
in on us. You ready to race?”
“You bet your ass I am.”
Chapter Six
Will loved the races, sure, but he
loved the moment the work finished for
the day and he could just exist for a
moment. The buzz of the race wore off,
and he could think straight again. He
caught sight of Adam in the mirror in the
bathroom area. The more time they spent
together, the more he knew he’d never
be able to walk away from Adam.
“You’re a daredevil, you know that?”
Adam clapped Will on the back and
settled beside him on the bed. “Still not
sure how you managed to weave through
that wreck and still not cut down a tire. I
made Sam check them all.”
“Skill.” Will flopped on the mattress
and scrubbed his face with both hands.
He cared too damn much for Adam to let
the situation between them slide again.
“Crash with me?”
“Absolutely.” Adam pulled his shirt
up over his head then kicked out of his
pants and settled beside Will. “Wasn’t a
win, but another top five is like a win.
I’m proud of you.”
“Proud of you, too. You talk me
through that shit pretty well.” Will rolled
onto his side and looked Adam in the
eye. He trailed his fingers down Adam’s
arm. “Speaking of talking through shit,
come on. It’s time. Why’d you leave me?
Just be honest. I believe what you told
me, but I know there’s more lurking
under the surface.”
Adam stared at Will but didn’t ease
away. He stilled Will’s hand then
propped himself up on his elbow.
“When we first met, I wasn’t sure if I
was gay. You proved to me there wasn’t
much thinking about it. I liked dick, not
pussy. End of story. I got comfortable
around you. Being with you was like
having my best friend and the hottest
lover rolled into one.”
“We’re good together.” Will squeezed
Adam’s biceps. “Really good.”
“Then we started the games.” Adam’s
brows knotted, and he shifted his gaze.
The muscles in his jaw worked
overtime. “You know me too well. I
need the punishment and the harsh words
to calm down and let go. It does calm
me.” He hesitated again, but this time he
shifted his attention back to Will. “At
first, I didn’t get it. I thought, fuck, this
isn’t what it takes to be a man. A man is
the one in charge. I over thought shit so
much and worried you’d see me as a
pansy because I submitted to you or,
worse, you’d find a manlier man.”
Will sat up and folded his legs
beneath himself. No wonder Adam had
run. Someone had fucked up the poor
man’s thinking. He scooted across the
bed and bridged the gap between them.
“I don’t want a manlier man if that’s
what you think a manly man is.”
“Let me finish. I’ve been working on
gathering my courage to talk to you about
this because I’m still ashamed.” Adam’s
voice dropped to a whisper, and he
averted his gaze.
“No need.” Will stroked Adam’s hair.
“None at all.” His heart broke. No one
deserved to be ashamed of who they
were. If it took him the rest of his life,
he’d make things up to Adam.
“Major need. I’m a man, damn it. A
man who likes submitting and having
your dick up my ass. I can’t listen to
certain Three Dog Night songs without
thinking about you, and I’m scared that if
I give in to you again, you’ll break my
heart. You have all the power, and I just
take it.” He forked his fingers into his
hair. “Then there were the crashes. I
know, I know, they were small. They’re
always small at first. I saw what
happened to Teddy Blaine at Talladega,
and it freaked me out. He died doing
what he loved. What if that was you?
Racing is a freaking dangerous business.
I was scared I’d lose the one person
who mattered the most to me. I couldn’t
understand everything and had to get
All at once, Will understood and
loved Adam more than ever. “Then I
didn’t explain our play very well. The
power is shared. Hell, you’ve got more
than I do. I know what you won’t do and
what you might do, but if you want to
quit then we quit. I can’t make you do
what you don’t want to do. And I don’t
want to.”
“I don’t remind you of the safe word
for fun,” Adam spat. “I’m serious. Test
“I know you know your safe word.
What I’m trying to say is you’re a
handsome man I want to work with and
fuck. I can’t help what the other drivers
do, but I don’t drive like a maniac. I’ve
got a reason to be careful and someone
to come home to—you. I’ll make it back
to you, even if it means haunting you as a
God damned ghost.” More words
teetered on his tongue. Go for it? Hold
back? Screw it. He’d held back long
enough. “Adam, I love you.”
“Holy shit.” Adam’s eyes widened,
and his shoulders sagged. “Don’t say
what you don’t mean.”
“I’m being honest. I love you. Always
have, always will.” Will pulled his shirt
up over his head. Time to show Adam
the surprise. “I want to show you
something, if you haven’t seen it
already.” He turned his back on Adam.
“See? I’m not changing my mind.” He
pointed to his tattoo. Getting inked with
Adam’s name could’ve been the worst
decision or the best idea in the world.
“What did you do?” Adam touched the
tattoo, rubbing his thumb along the base
of Will’s neck. So that’s what the ink
said. No fucking way. “This…is
permanent. I thought it was someone
else’s name or another Adam.”
“No one else’s name I want on my
body.” Will turned back around. “I’ve
got an idea, and I think it will help you.
Do you trust me?”
Adam hesitated. The image of his
name inked on Will’s skin was burned
into his brain. Sure, he trusted Will.
There hadn’t been a time he worried for
his safety, just his heart. But what in the
name of fuck did Will want to do?
“I trust you.” Adam swallowed hard.
Might as well jump off the deep end.
“What’s the plan?”
“I’ll submit to you.” A wicked gleam
sparkled in Will’s eyes. He smiled, and
his cheeks flushed. His cock tapped
Adam’s cock. “You never gave me the
chance to explain. I trained as a sub in
order to understand how to be a better
Dom. I know what it’s like to be in your
shoes. It’s scary and exhilarating. That
spacey feeling is the best, and only when
you’re truly having a good time will it
“I should’ve explained more and
prepped you for this lifestyle. For that,
I’m sorry and I will make it up to you.”
“I didn’t want anyone else to train me
in the ways we play. That’s for me and
“I’m glad. I packed some of our toys.
Whatever’s in the bag, you’re welcome
to use it on me.” Will climbed off the
bed then stood in the bathroom area
between the living area and the
bedroom. “I’m yours, Sir. My safe word
is talisman.”
Adam scooted to the edge of the bed.
This was really happening. Will was
taking his role. Adam parsed through his
memories for something to say and
sound as if he knew what the hell he was
talking about. Will always wanted him
naked right off. He’d go that route.
“Nude, Sir.”
“You’re the Sir. You can name me
whatever you want,” Will whispered.
“And punish me for not giving you all
the rules.”
The tips of Adam’s ears burned. “I’ll
call you…Boy. You’re younger than me,
so you’ll be Boy.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Will dipped his
head then finished undressing. He folded
his clothes into a neat pile just as Adam
did then dropped to his knees beside the
Adam walked around the bed to
where Will knelt. He grabbed a handful
of Will’s hair then dragged his head
backward. “I’ll have to check my bag for
what to punish you with.”
“Yes, Sir.” Will rubbed his cheek on
Adam’s bare thigh. “Please do, Sir.”
Holy hell. Adam rather liked the
power coursing through his veins. No
wonder Will got off on being so bossy.
Adam opened the bag then rustled
through the accessories. Will had
brought the blue plug, a couple of
vibrators, nipple clips, the handy cock
ring and handcuffs. Nice assortment.
“No paddles?” Adam continued to dig
through the contents. Instead of the
paddle they played with, Will had
included a flogger. Adam touched each
item with reverence. They’d played with
almost all of the things, and he knew
how each toy affected him. But what
about Will? He trailed his fingers
through the leather strands of the flogger.
Maybe if Adam wanted the flogger used
on him, Will would appreciate the toy as
“This will work.” Adam held the
flogger in the air then brushed the tails
over Will’s bare back. “Think we can
use this?” The power he expected to feel
from wielding the flogger dissipated.
No, this was about letting him feel the
same way Will felt. He could pleasure
Will as the top or the bottom. “We’re
going to use this.” His words sounded
more confident than he felt.
“Yes, Sir.” Will curled into the fetal
position with his arms at his sides and
offered Adam a perfect view of his ass
and back.
Adam dusted the flogger over Will’s
skin. “How many? You did speak out of
turn.” The more he talked, the more he
eased into the dominant role.
“Five, Sir.” Will pressed his face into
the carpet. He wriggled his bottom in a
silent taunt.
“Five it is. Count them for me.” Adam
slapped Will’s back, keeping track of
the blows.
“One, Sir. May I have another?” Pink
streaks blossomed on Will’s skin.
Adam twirled the flogger like he’d
seen Will do before then smacked Will’s
ass three times in succession. The
cracking sound ricocheted around the
room. Adam’s nerve endings tingled,
and part of him wanted to call off the
play. His cock pushed hard against his
pants, and his balls ached. He wanted to
be in Will’s place.
“Two, three, four, Sir. May I have
“You may.” Adam swatted once more
then tossed the flogger onto the bed.
Time to switch gears before he did
something he’d regret.
Instead of jumping to his feet as Adam
expected, Will remained on the floor.
Adam retrieved the handcuffs from the
bag. He’d noticed a hook fixed to the
doorframe—probably there for hanging
a fire suit or something. Tonight, he’d
use it for Will.
“On your feet.” Adam flattened his
hand on Will’s ass. “I want to look at all
of you.”
Will rose to his knees then stood. Red
streaked across his forehead from where
he’d pressed it into the carpet. His
cheeks flushed, and his lips parted a
fraction of an inch. Adam dragged his
hands down Will’s chest, pinching
Will’s nipples along the way. A fine
sheen of perspiration glistened on Will’s
“Give me your wrists.” When Will
did as asked, Adam snapped the
handcuffs around his arms. He situated
the chain between the cuffs on the hook
above Will’s head. “That’s good.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Will’s cock bobbed
and tapped Adam’s thigh.
Adam raked his nails down Will’s
chest then wrapped both hands around
Will’s dick. Will lurched forward and
groaned again. His eyelids drooped.
“Think that’s why someone put a hook
up there? To put you on display?” Adam
squatted in front of Will and blew across
the crown of Will’s cock.
“I don’t know, Sir. I like what you’ve
done.” Will braced his feet a shoulder’s
width apart.
Adam traced the seam of his lips with
Will’s dick. The salty taste of pre-cum
filled his mouth. He sucked hard on
Will, slurping and licking every inch of
the bound man’s erection. The need to
stay put, to finish Will off coursed
through Adam’s veins. He much rather
enjoyed the submissive role. Would
Will top from the bottom?
Instead of taking control of the
situation, Will moved in time with
Adam. He gasped a couple of times then
fisted his hands.
Adam turned his attention to Will’s
sac. He flattened his tongue over the
fuzzy skin, nuzzling and exploring his
lover. With one hand, he massaged
Will’s dick. With the other hand, he
rubbed the tiny rosette of Will’s ass.
Will tensed under Adam’s touch and
his knee bounced.
“Close, aren’t you?” Adam sat back
on his heels, relinquishing his touch on
Will. “Ready to come?”
“No, Sir.” Will swayed on his feet.
“Not until you tell me to.”
Adam patted the bed in search of the
flogger. He’d reward Will for his
fortitude and for his candid answer. He
stood then smoothed the tails of the
flogger over Will’s chest.
“You had these pierced.” Adam
tweaked Will’s nipple. “I see the holes,
but no barbells. I wanted to ask before
and didn’t.”
“Took it out to race.” Pre-cum leaked
from the blunt head of Will’s erection.
“Mark me, Sir. Please?”
Adam twirled the handle of the
flogger then swatted Will’s skin twice,
once on each pec. The little grunts and
groans on Will’s lips kicked Adam’s
desire up a notch. He could do this. He
could master his lover—then they’d
switch. Will arched his back, offering
his chest again.
“Boy, you’re being bad.” Adam struck
Will three times in a row. “You must
like your punishment.”
“I do, Sir.” Will rocked his hips,
fucking the air. His cock bobbed, and his
balls swung.
Adam reached over Will’s head to the
hook and unlocked the cuffs. “On the
bed, Boy.”
Will scampered onto the mattress, his
ass in the air. He glanced over his
shoulder. “Ready, Sir.”
“No.” Adam slapped Will on the butt.
“Flip over.”
Will hesitated for a moment then
rolled onto his back. He grabbed his
knees, clutching them to his chest.
“That’s better. Watch me.” Adam
hiked his shirt up over his head then
tossed the garment to the floor. He fought
the urge to pick up the shirt and fold it.
He locked gazes with Will, who crooked
one brow. Adam gritted his teeth and
unbuttoned his jeans. Will expected him
to remain in control.
Adam shoved the pants and his boxer
briefs to the floor. He stroked himself a
couple times, thrilled by the feel of his
hands on his body. Excitement and
desire filled his mind. His balls tingled,
and he measured his breaths. He needed
lube and rubbers. He dug through the bag
until he located the necessary items.
“Come here and prep me.” Adam
rested his hands on his hips.
Will sat up then opened the foil
packet. He rolled the condom down
Adam’s length then smeared lube on the
Adam threaded his fingers into Will’s
hair and tugged. “Good, Boy.”
Will grinned then climbed back onto
the bed. He squirted lube onto his hand
then reached between his legs and
speared one finger into his ass. His
groans filled the room. Will clenched his
teeth then added a second finger to his
hole. His stomach rippled, and his hips
“Damn.” Watching Will prep his ass
turned Adam on more. He pinched his
own nipple then swatted Will’s hands.
No more waiting. “Mine.”
Adam lined up his cock with Will’s
ass then pushed. He’d played the bottom
role so much he’d forgotten the euphoric
feel of taking someone. Will clutched his
legs in a white-knuckled grasp. He tilted
his head back and relaxed around
Adam’s cock.
“Feels good, Boy.” Adam tugged Will
to the edge of the bed. No matter how
many times he’d made love, being with
Will surpassed the rest. He sank balls
deep and delighted in the thrill of
topping Will.
“Sir,” Will bit out. “Fuck.”
Adam dug his fingers into Will’s
upper thigh and set the pace. In the
delicious heat of Will’s ass then out only
to fill his lover again. His balls swayed
with each push.
“Touch yourself,” Adam said and
nodded. “I want your cum all over your
chest in pretty pearly ropes.” The
moment he finished the command, he
paused. He barely recognized his own
voice. Power and desire filled his mind.
And love. Being with Will again
reminded him of all the good times
they’d shared. Will did understand him
and gave him the emotional support he
craved. Adam thrust into Will again; this
time with more vigor. Damn. Realizing
he’d fallen in love worked as the best
aphrodisiac. Or was it Will watching
him with lust-filled eyes? Maybe both.
Adam groaned and pushed harder.
The force of his passionate moves on
Will made the window blinds rattle in
cadence. His balls ached, and he twisted
his hips to touch everywhere in Will.
“Fuck,” Will moaned. “So close.”
The veins in his neck puffed, and his
skin flushed when he tipped back his
head. He writhed under Adam, and his
legs trembled.
From his head to his toes, Adam
tingled. He needed to come, too. He
braced his thighs on the edge of the bed
and leaned over Will. “Now. With me.”
Will cried out, and twin ribbons of
cum streaked across his belly in a bright
contrast to his reddened skin.
The restraints around Adam’s heart
shattered, and the desire in his veins
exploded. For a few moments, Adam’s
vision blurred. He grasped the sheets
and rested his forehead on Will’s,
smearing hot seed between them. His
cum filled the condom to capacity.
Adam kissed Will, needing to taste the
man who made him come apart with
such force. Yeah, he loved Will—with
all his heart. After what seemed like
forever, Adam pulled out then collapsed
next to Will. “Wow. That’s intense.” He
tossed the rubber in the garbage bin then
pulled the blankets over their nude
bodies. “Like, crazy intense.”
“Uh-huh.” Will snuggled close to
Adam. “I assume you liked it?”
“Yes. I see why you take control. It’s
a power trip and an adrenaline rush. It’s
kind of like when I bark orders for you
when you race, but not.” Adam ruffled
his fingers through Will’s hair. “But as
much as I liked it, I don’t want to do that
all the time. You’re right.”
“You want vanilla sex?” Will kissed
Adam’s chest. “You love being dirty so
much more.”
“Hell. No vanilla. Geez.” Adam
interlaced their fingers. “When I used the
toys on you, I wished it was me in your
place. I got a little jealous.”
“Oh?” Will rose up on his elbow and
looked Adam in the eye.
“Yeah. I missed that full feeling. I like
being at your mercy, even if you’re one
of the kindest men I know.” Adam
rubbed his thumb along Will’s bottom
lip. “I like to feel the sting of the flogger
on me. All the stress and crap in my life
fades away, and I feel better. Whole, I
guess. Strange, huh?”
“Not strange at all. Did the role
reversal make me less of a man to you?”
Adam sagged into the mattress and
submissive didn’t make either of them
less of a man. Hell, the strength and trust
Will offered cut right through to Adam’s
soul. The words, I love you, teetered on
Adam’s tongue, but damn it if he
couldn’t verbalize them.
“You were sexy and masculine, and I
totally wanted to fuck you.” Adam
chuckled. “Still do.”
Will crawled on top of Adam,
crushing his cock against Adam’s.
“That’s how I feel about you. I see the
toys and the clips on you, and it’s hard to
hold back. I want to fast forward to the
sex part, but I know you need the
domination. You embrace the freedom in
those bonds. That’s sexy as hell to me. I
can’t get enough of you.”
way.”Adam wrapped his arms around
his lover. “You can’t get enough of me?”
“Makes me love you more each time
we play.” Will kissed him hard on the
lips. “I don’t get just anyone’s name
tattooed onto my body. You’re it for me.
No one else.”
Adam held Will tight. He wanted to
say the words, wanted to admit how
much he loved Will, but nothing
happened. One look into Will’s eyes
calmed his nerves. He’d express his
feelings when the time was right. Until
then, he wanted to fuck all night long.
“Want to show me how much you love
“Oh yeah.”
Chapter Seven
Adam crossed his legs then shifted in
his seat. No matter how he perched on
the chair, he couldn’t get comfortable.
The last pit stop sucked ass. Getting a
lap back on track at Texas wasn’t hard,
especially with a driver like Will behind
the wheel, but damn. They’d completely
fucked him over with the loose lug nuts.
Adam groaned. In the space of two
weeks’ time, he’d managed to fall head
over heels for the one man he’d sworn
he’d never love again. Watching Will
speed around the track was the best and
worst kind of torture. Still, they were
both doing what they loved together.
Collin sat next to Adam and talked to
Will over the radio. “You’re doing fine.
Keep making up time. You’ve got the
speed; just keep your head.”
Exactly. Adam checked the lap times.
If Will kept up his pace, he’d not only
race his way back onto the lead lap, but
he’d be able to catch the tail end of the
leaders. A caution and they’d be set.
Adam grinned. Oh, the rewards he’d
planned for his man. But they had to get
to the end of the race first. His hands
shook, and he wiped them on his fire suit
“He’ll be fine.” Collin squeezed
Adam’s shoulder. “We screwed up, but
shit happens.”
Adam suppressed the groan. Still, the
team shouldn’t have fucked up. He stood
and watched Will come out of turn four.
He’d built up a good head of steam and
sailed around the thirty-four truck. Adam
clapped his hands when Will crossed the
stripe. His man would come through. He
continued to follow Will’s progress
through turns one and two then sat down
to watch the in-car on the second
Smoke filled the image on the screen
then Jake, Will’s spotter, spoke over the
radio. “Go low. Go low. Fuck where are
you? I can’t see you in the smoke. Go
“Shit,” Collin added. “The forty truck
cut down a tire, and the sixty-one
slammed into him. They’re all over the
God damned track. Where’s Will?”
Adam’s heart pounded. “Come out of
the smoke, man.” He clenched his fists.
The jumbotrons showed an accident, but
not where Will had ended up.
Any other time, Will managed to pop
out of the smoke, unscathed on the other
side. This time, Will didn’t appear. Fire
erupted in pointed yellow tongues
around one of the vehicles. The screen
of gray haze lifted, and four trucks
skidded in the backfield. Adam scanned
the wreckage on his computer monitor.
The familiar gray-and-black eighty-four
truck came into view. Will.
The truck rested on its axles, but the
windshield. The rear deck lid dangled
off to the side. Water dribbled from the
undercarriage. Adam gripped the cord
for his radio tight in his hand. The
window netting remained in place.
Unless they managed a miracle, the truck
wouldn’t be fit to continue racing.
Moreover, what the hell was Will’s
“Fucking in-car cameras. They’ve got
him on the God damned television.”
Collin jumped out of his seat then
jumped off the war wagon.
Adam glanced at the image on
Collin’s computer screen. The media
had the feed from Will’s truck. Instead
of being upright in his seat, Will
slumped forward. He didn’t move. Bile
burned in Adam’s throat.
“Come on, Will,” he whispered then
caught himself. What the hell was he
doing whispering? “Will,” he shouted
into the radio. “Come on, Will. You
okay? Will.”
A safety worker appeared at the
window, and the feed switched off,
giving them privacy. Adam continued to
talk to Will. “Will, we’ll get you back
out there. Talk to me.”
“I’m okay,” Will managed.
Adam knew better. Will could handle
a lot, but not a hard crash like that. Who
the hell had lost control on the track and
caused the damn accident? He watched
Will, with the assistance of the safety
crew, climb into the ambulance. He’d
get checked out. Adam moved the mic
from his mouth and vaulted himself off
the pit box. Time to assess the damage
until he could be with Will.
“Hey, we’ve got stuff under control
here.” Collin yanked Adam’s arm,
urging him to the side of the walkway.
“Go check on Will. He needs you more
than we do.”
Adam stared at Collin. “How did you
Collin grinned. “Don’t worry about
the how, just the him. Go.”
Adam nodded once then sprinted
down the asphalt. He’d dicked around
too long in telling Will how he felt. Now
if he didn’t hurry, he might not have the
I’m coming, Will. Promise.
* * * *
Will curled on his side on the gurney.
Light hurt. Loud noises hurt. Hell, his
entire body hurt. He’d answered the
battery of tests. He knew his name,
where he was and who the president
was, so no loss of memory, thankfully
and no need to go to the ER. Still, he’d
be out of the truck for two weeks. At
least. Fuck. Collin expected him to run
and run well for the rest of the season.
His stomach lurched. Shit. Bits and
pieces of the crash came to mind. Adam
feared a crash would end not only Will’s
racing career, but his life. Talk about
coming close to ending both. What
would Adam say? Will groaned. Would
Adam even show up?
Voices came from the other side of the
curtain. “It’s fine. He’s with me.”
He knew that voice. Adam. He’s with
me. Nice. Well, they were together for
the team anyway.
The curtain slid aside, and a shaft of
light filtered around it. Will winced and
covered his eyes.
“Will?” Adam rounded the end of the
gurney. “Will?” He touched Will’s
cheek. “Babe, are you okay?”
Babe? Will sighed. “I’m alive. They
want to take me to the hospital for
observation. I’ll be out of the game for
two weeks, and I’m liable to get fired.
So, yeah. I’m fucking fantastic.” He
coughed. Damn it. Too much exertion.
“You don’t know how glad I am to
know all that.” Adam sat on the closest
chair. “You had me worried.”
If Will didn’t know Adam better, he’d
have sworn he noticed tears glinting in
Adam’s eyes.
“Will, you had that race in the bag.”
Adam leaned over and continued to
stroke Will’s cheek. This time, tears
slipped down Adam’s sunburned skin.
His dark eyes shimmered. “You’ve got
more than that in the bag.” His hand
trembled. “I love you, and I don’t want
to lose you.”
Will blinked and focused on Adam.
He had to be hearing things. Adam loved
him? “I’ve got to be dying.” Will
reached for Adam. “Please tell me I’m
not dying.”
“Nope.” Adam rested his forehead on
Will’s then kissed him on the lips.
“You’re not dying or fired or anything.
Collin wants you to sit out, yeah, but
he’s more worried about you getting
back in the game in one piece. If getting
better takes longer than a couple weeks
then it does. You whacked your head
hard on the headrest. It will take some
time to get the brain back in order. But
your job is safe. Collin’s got someone
lined up to help out in Kentucky, and no,
you’re not losing your ride. He’s
keeping our team together. We’re
coming back stronger than ever for
“And you?” Will swiped his thumb
over Adam’s cheek. “What changed your
“The accident. I realized losing you to
an accident isn’t my biggest fear. I was
really scared of losing you to someone
else because I was scared. I’m not
scared any longer. I’m getting a tattoo to
match yours—kind of.” Adam kissed
Will again, this time softer and with the
swipe of his tongue across Will’s lips.
“Then I’m going to marry you.”
“No shit?” Will struggled to smile.
His heart leapt, and his spirits rose.
He’d keep his job and his man. Talk
about the epic win for all times.
“No shit.” Adam threaded his fingers
with Will’s. “Let’s get you to the
hospital so you can rest and get the
observations done. I insist on being your
personal nurse. Through the hot laps, the
cool-down laps and all the yellows in
between, I love you.”
“I love you, too, Adam. Always.”
Will struggled to swing his legs off the
gurney and sit up then sagged into
Adam’s arms. “Wow. Don’t get knocked
in the head. It hurts.”
“I’ll get you through this crisis, and
yes, a concussion hurts.” Adam gathered
Will into his embrace. “I wouldn’t want
to be anywhere else.”
“I love when you’re mushy.” Will
rested his head on Adam’s shoulder then
stood. “Let’s get out of here and start our
future together.”
“You got it—once the doc gives you
the okay.” Adam eased Will back onto
the gurney. “Then you’re all mine.”
About the Author
Like spicy romance? So do I! Come
along on this journey with me.
Welcome to my corner of the
universe. I've always wanted to write. I
love storytelling and weaving images
with words. There's something magical
about a happily-ever-after that draws me
to a story. Be it spicy and suspense-
filled or lusty hot and bothered, I'm game
for a good book. I'm still learning and
growing, and I hope you'll join me. It's
been a crazy ride, but it's totally worth
it. You'll see.
I’ve always dreamt of writing the
stories in my head. Tall, dark, and
handsome heroes are my favorites, as
long as he has an independent woman
keeping him in line. I love playing with
words and letting the characters run
NASCAR, Ohio farmland, dirt racing,
animals and second chance romance all
feature prominently in my books. Come
join me for this fantastic journey!
If you like my work, tell your friends
and email me. I love hearing from
Megan loves to talk to her readers and
Also Available from
Resplendence Publishing
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