Bella and the Billionaire by Nashstheory

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Bella And The Billionaire

By Nashstheory

Chapter One

He paced the room silently, seething at the audacity of his business manager; the sheer nerve of Jasper
confounded him. Once he reached the wall near the room’s door, he hit the small black intercom button.

“Yes Mr. Cullen?” A bored man replied.

“What have I told you about that Emmett,” Edward snapped.

“Right, sorry, I wasn’t sure if your appointment had shown up yet.”

“No,” Edward shook his head awkwardly. “They, um, I mean Jasper and the girl, is girl the right word?”

“I think lady might be a better term for it,” Emmett replied gently.

“Yes,” Edward started to wring his hands. “Well, Jasper and the lady haven’t arrived yet. That’s why I
buzzed you.”

“All right?” Emmett sounded puzzled and Edward flushed with embarrassment as he realized why.
Emmett wasn’t a servant, he wasn’t really a friend, he was someone Edward had hired to run security
and act as a bodyguard at Jasper’s request. He liked Emmett and he was almost positive that Emmett
liked him as well but the appointment in question didn’t really involve Emmett’s job duties.

“Never mind,” Edward mumbled.

“Out with it bean pole,” Emmett laughed.

“How does one treat a lady in the house?” Edward blurted out suddenly. “I mean, usually I tell Mrs.
Cope hello when she arrives each morning and then I wish her a good night when she leaves at dinner.
When its cold out or the weather is bad, I tell her to drive safely and I’ve even offered to let her stay here
if the roads become bad. Every Tuesday I ask after her sick mother and about her husband.”

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“And you sent them on that lovely vacation for their 30th wedding anniversary to St. Tropez,” Emmett
added. “She talked about that for weeks. You even got a souvenir and all I got was a post card.”

“Yes,” Edward nodded at the intercom and then looked over at the shelf behind his desk to view the
faceted crystal she had brought him home from France. It had confused him, at the time, as to why she
had bought him something so feminine. When asked, she had simply shrugged and told him it would
add a lighter touch to the room and that it had reminded her of him. He didn’t complain for two reasons:
Firstly, because it was a thoughtful gesture, and secondly, because he did like the optical properties the
crystal gave off when it caught the late afternoon sunlight.

“What I was wondering though Emmett,” he swallowed again, “is do I need to do anything special since
Jasper is bringing a lady with him to the house? Should I have requested Mrs. Cope serve a late lunch, or
do you think coffee would suffice? Do I need to take her on a tour of the house? What if she’s

“I’m sure she won’t be dreadful Edward,” Emmett chuckled. “Jasper wouldn’t even consider inviting
anyone into your home that he didn’t think was nice.”

“What if she’s not dreadful,” Edward asked anxiously. “What if she’s really quite wonderful and very
nice but not all that bright? What if she can’t do whatever job it is Jasper has in mind and just causes me
to be nervous, and then we have production delays and Jasper makes me fire her? I can’t fire her if she’s

“Edward,” Emmett laughed loudly, “you’ve never fired anyone. In fact, Jasper had to quit letting you do
the interviews because you hired every programmer that showed any sign of being capable.”

“All of them were capable,” Edward insisted. “And usually I was right. The candidates that Jasper hired
have always worked very well, but you have to admit I’ve hired several people, on hunches, that have
given us spectacular results; look at Jessica.”

“Yes,” Emmett sighed, “look at Jessica.”

“She developed a wonderful recursive programming loop system for game theory that’s now being used
by law enforcement and the military, as well as most stock firms, and has made us several hundred
million dollars. She was an excellent hire.”

“Until she left us and went to Anderson Corp to work as an analyst there, taking insider secrets along
with her code banks, forcing you to sue her,” Emmett answered, “not to mention how she broke your

“Yes,” Edward swallowed. “That was an unforeseen downside to Jessica’s employment. It was entirely
my fault though; I misread her signals and should have kept a professional distance.”

“Edward,” Emmett broke in, “she screwed you over hard; really hard. But that’s not important right
now; whoever this young lady is, that Jasper is bringing with him, I’m sure she will be extremely

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pleasant and qualified for her job. And if she’s not, Jasper will handle firing her for you; we’re all aware
of your dislike of unpleasant situations.

“As far as what you should do, I think a late lunch may be overkill. Just have Mrs. Cope bring up some
coffee and perhaps some tea. Don’t give her a tour of the house just yet; she can have that once you’ve
decided to employ her.”

“Tea?” Edward looked at the intercom speculatively. “I didn’t think about that; girls like tea, don’t

“Some do,” Emmett added helpfully. “I’m sure Mrs. Cope will know exactly what to provide.”

“Thank you Emmett,” Edward smiled at the intercom system.

“You’re welcome bean pole,” Emmett replied.

Edward smiled at the nickname. He’d never had one that wasn’t meant to be mean before, and he liked
it. In fact, he liked Emmett. He had very little in common with the security expert, besides a love of
video games, but somehow he always seemed to have fun with him. Emmett always forced him out of
his hotel room whenever he needed to travel, finding different adventures for them in the Seattle area,
where he could remain nondescript.

‘What would happen now though,’ Edward wondered. He looked over at the file on his desk and stared
at the name on it: Bella Swan. Inside the folder was a neatly typed resume that told him she was 28 and
a graduate of the University of Washington in English Literature and Communications with an emphasis
in Public Relations. It showed that she had worked for Meyers and Meyers Public Relations firm until
two years ago, and then her resume was blank.

Edward wondered why she hadn’t been working. He wondered if she had been traveling, or sick. And if
she’d been sick, he pondered the affects of caffeine in tea or coffee on her body; would they really be
good for her? Perhaps he would need to make sure one of the guest rooms was aired out so that she
could have a place to rest each day; he wouldn’t want her to get too tired.

He heard the chimes of the doorbell and then a slow creak as Mrs. Cope opened the door. Instinctively
he reached for the intercom and hit the 2 button, allowing him to listen to the downstairs living areas
without being heard.

“Mrs. Cope,” he heard Jasper say enthusiastically, “it’s so good to see you!”

“Jasper,” he heard his housekeeper reply, “it’s lovely to see you too. I’m sure Edward will be pleased to
have you visit. Who’s this?”

“This,” he heard Jasper again, “is Miss Bella Swan. I’m hoping she’ll be persuaded to come and work
for Cullen Technologies as Edward’s personal assistant; someone to help keep him organized and on

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“I don’t know,” Edward was immediately nervous as he heard the unease of Mrs. Cope. He wondered
about what she thought was wrong with her. “But he’s upstairs in his library, best you go on up. Would
you care for something to drink Miss Swan? Some coffee or tea, perhaps?”

“No, thank you.” Edward heard a timid voice and wondered if that was Miss Swan. “Unless of course
Mr. Cullen is having something and it would make him more comfortable, then I’ll have whatever he’s

“All right then,” Mrs. Cope replied. “It was lovely to meet you. Hopefully, I’ll see you again soon.”

“Thank you, it was lovely to meet you as well,” the timid voice replied.

He heard the sounds of Jasper and Miss Swan moving toward the main staircase and then a click as the
intercom was connected at the other end. “I know you were eavesdropping young man,” Mrs. Cope
chuckled, “She seems very nice to me and I have a hunch she’ll work out just fine. Now get away from
the intercom, look like you’re working and when she comes in, be a gentleman.”

“What should I do?” Edward felt his voice rise in panic.

“Say hello and shake her hand. Trust me; she’s not big enough to bite you. She really is a tiny little
thing. Now look busy and remember, BE NICE.”

He released the intercom button and scurried over to his desk, wondering if he should have her resume
open in front of him. He figured it would make it look like he was taking an active interest in her
interview, but he didn’t want to make her nervous either. Or, he contemplated; maybe he should be
working on code like he always did. He didn’t have a chance to make a decision before he heard the
door opening, forcing him to look down at her resume as if it held all the secrets of string theory and the
multi-verse in its few neatly typed lines.

“Edward,” Jasper asked from the doorway, “do you have a few moments?”

He looked up and smiled at his oldest friend and business partner. Even if he didn’t have a few moments
he would make time for Jasper. They had been college roommates at MIT and even with the age
difference, had grown to like each other immensely. Jasper had protected 14 year old Edward from
being beaten up, teased and ruthlessly tormented by the average aged students, and in return Edward had
tutored his roommate relentlessly in almost all of his subjects and checked over his homework. It wasn’t
that Jasper wasn’t bright, he’d earned his spot at MIT, it was just simply that Edward was much smarter
and he didn’t mind sharing his abilities with someone who had taken a much younger boy under his
wing for the six years it took Edward to complete his PhD and Jasper to earn an MBA.

“I always have a few moments Jasper,” he replied and did his best to smile. “What do you need?”

“Do you remember about your appointment today with Miss Swan?” Jasper prompted. He knew Edward
hated meeting new people; social interaction always made him extremely nervous.

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“Yes, the young lady you think I should hire as a personal assistant,” Edward tried to keep his voice
sounding reassured. ‘Breathe in, breathe out,’ he reminded himself, ‘This isn’t awkward, this is your
home and Jasper is your friend, he would never bring anyone who wasn’t nice here. Jasper would never
make you uncomfortable.’

“Right,” Jasper stepped into the doorway and motioned for the person behind him to follow. Edward let
his eyes lift up and stared in wonder at the woman in front of him. His palms immediately began to
sweat and his mouth felt dry. ‘She was,’ he thought as his mind drew a momentary blank, searching for
the proper adjective, ‘she was glorious.’ To Edward, she looked like the princess in every fairy story his
mother had ever read to him. ‘She was,’ he contemplated again, but as he looked up, he noticed she was
staring at him oddly.

“Hello,” he felt his shoulders slump. He hadn’t even wanted a personal assistant, and yet now that she
was in front of him, once she had walked through his door, he wanted her to stay. But before she could
even open her mouth, he was assuming the worse; he was sure that she didn’t even want to be near him.

“Hello Mr. Cullen,” she smiled and he felt his head spin. He was suddenly filled with hope that she
would decide to be his assistant.

“Edward,” he tried not to let his voice shake.

“Edward,” she smiled brighter and extended her hand. He shook it delicately so that he didn’t hurt her
and smiled. “I’m Bella. It’s wonderful to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” he whispered, trying to remember to let go of her fragile hand.

“So,” Jasper broke in, “Edward, you’ve looked at Bella’s resume I assume?”

“Yes,” he nodded at his best friend. “I think she would be wonderful for the job. That is, if you want to
take the job, I mean, if you don’t want it, I understand entirely. We could pay you more if you like and I
know you have a two year blank on your resume, but if you’ve been sick I’m sure we can arrange a way
for you to rest each day, there are plenty of guest rooms in the house.”

“Um,” Bella bit her lower lip and Edward realized he’d said something stupid again. “Thank you? I
don’t think any of that will be necessary, but I appreciate the offer. I would love to take the job Edward,
and the salary is just fine.”

“Is it?” Edward replied. “What are we going to pay you?”

“$50,000 Edward,” Jasper broke in uneasily and then Edward remembered -- they weren’t supposed to
talk about money while they were interviewing someone. Jasper would always handle the money end.
But $50,000 seemed low to Edward, surely her time was worth more than that.

“We should double it,” Edward said suddenly.

“Edward?” Jasper looked at him pop-eyed.

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“Excuse me?” Bella broke in. “Really, Edward, Mr. Cullen, you’re too generous.”

“Nonsense,” Edward shrugged, “I have plenty of money, and besides, I’m sure you’ll earn it. A smart
girl like you, you’re worth every penny of it. I insist. I won’t let you take the job unless we’re paying
you $100,000. Do you live in the city? If you don’t then you have to let us pay for your move as well,
it’s only right after all.”

“Edward!” Jasper broke in. “We hadn’t negotiated any sort of additional bonuses.”

“I live in the city,” Bella answered. “Really, moving expenses aren’t necessary.”

“Are you sure?” Edward asked. “We can arrange something if you like.”

“No, really,” Bella looked at him again and he could see the flush forming on her cheeks. It was very

“So you’ll take the job?” Edward prompted.

“Absolutely,” Bella replied. “I can start tomorrow.”

“Wonderful,” Edward felt his shoulders lift slightly because she wanted to work for him; he hadn’t
scared her away.

Chapter Two

Bella stepped into the tiny room she was renting and leaned back against the front door. Letting out a
sigh, she closed her eyes in a quiet moment of triumph. She’d gotten the job. Not just any job, although
she was more than willing to take any job right now, she’d gotten this job. This job was a good job,
better than she’d been expecting, and she no longer had to worry about working nights and weekends, or
even picking up a second job to make ends meet.

‘Edward Cullen wants to double my salary,’ she thought to herself wistfully. ‘Wouldn’t that be nice?
Just imagine what we could do with that kind of money around here?’ Forget around here, Bella
decided, if he really did pay her that kind of salary, the first thing she’d do was find a better apartment --
maybe even a nice little house. ‘Something with a yard,’ she thought suddenly.

Glancing over at the clock on her radio, Bella realized the time. She’d have just enough time to change
into something more casual before picking Charlie up from Mrs. Clearwater’s. That, Bella decided
suddenly, would be the first person she’d pay off when she got her first paycheck -- Mrs. Clearwater.
She’d give her every penny of what she owed her, Bella promised herself. She’d pay her for all the
weeks that she’d watched Charlie for free, all the diapers and jars of baby food that had ended up in his

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bag mysteriously, the leftovers that she insisted Bella take home ‘because they’re going to waste’, all of
it. First, she’d get a little ahead on the rent and then she’d pay Sue Clearwater.

Hurrying over to the tiny closet, Bella pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She and Charlie would
celebrate tonight, she decided. Eyeing her change jar speculatively as she tugged on her jeans, Bella did
a quick estimate of how much was in there. Surely there was enough for two hot dogs and a chocolate
ice cream cone at the playground? She’d take Charlie to play on the swings and then they’d walk over to
the dog run and he could watch the puppies. Charlie had grown to be a huge fan of dogs.

‘He’s just like,’ Bella cut the thought off with a disgusted snort. He was nothing like his father. Jacob
was an absolute bastard and had caused all of this mess. Charlie, meanwhile, was an innocent toddler
who giggled a lot and had his father’s jet black hair and copper skin.

Jacob had left a set of divorce papers tacked to the front door while she was at the grocery store and then
locked her and Charlie out of the house. It had been six months and he still hadn’t attempted to see his
son, or even considered paying any sort of support. Instead, Jacob had cut off her access to all their
finances -- including what had once been her own, private, savings account. Jacob had managed to
somehow turn her entire family against her, convincing them that this was somehow her fault. He’d told
both her parents that he wanted to see Charlie and she’d kept him away. Now neither of them would
even speak to her, choosing to believe dear, sweet Jacob instead. No, Charlie was nothing like Jacob and
if Bella had her way he never would be.

Bella slipped on her worn out sneakers and quickly counted out nickels and dimes until she had enough
for tonight’s dinner. She deserved to celebrate. No, they deserved to celebrate. She’d gotten a job with
Edward Cullen, surprisingly enough, and he was going to pay her a good salary.

‘Better than good,’ she thought to herself. The original pay rate had been an amazing salary for a
personal assistant. If he was even serious about the higher wages though, she shook her head. He was
going to pay her $100,000 a year to be his personal assistant? That would be a miracle.

Bella was half way to her car when the realization of why he wanted to pay her so much money
suddenly hit her. ‘Oh God, did he want her to,’ she felt her stomach lurch at the thought. Was he
expecting her to do things? Like sex things? She tried to wrap her mind around it. Did he have some sort
of secretary fetish? Was he actually bringing her in to be a paid mistress? She felt bile churning in her

She knew he was strange, reclusive. When Alice, the only person from Forks who was willing to hear
her side over Jacob’s, had mentioned that she might be able to get Bella a job with Cullen Technologies,
she had gone to the library the next day to begin researching them and their enigmatic founder.

32 year old Edward Cullen was nothing and everything she’d expected. It hadn’t surprised her to find
out that Cullen Technologies was the second largest technology firm in the world. After all, everyone
had at least heard of Cullen Technologies and most people owned at least one piece of their software.
Bella remembered her digital photo album on the computer, still locked away inside what had once been
her home -- it had been made by Cullen.

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She also wasn’t surprised to find out that he’d been some sort of child prodigy that had finished an
advanced degree before he was even old enough to have a beer at graduation. Nor was she surprised in
the least to see that said degrees had come from a fancy East Coast school that she wouldn’t have ever
dreamed of attending.

What had surprised her though, was how little else she could uncover about him, especially recent news
or pictures. There was a snapshot in one of the papers that had shown half his face during a product
demonstration when Cullen Technologies first opened, a few brief news snippets about the shy
billionaire, and then a final flurry of articles and pictures related to his parents before the trail went dead
five years ago. There were no pictures of him at galas or the symphony, no gossip about which socialite
he was dating. There was only the tense, tired looking Edward Cullen of the Anderson Corp scandal and
then he’d simply disappeared from the public eye.

The Anderson Corp scandal, Bella had wanted to cry when she read over the details of it. What a
horrible thing to have happen. ‘Those horrible people,’ Bella had shaken her head, ‘especially that vile
woman!’ For one, brief, moment she wondered if it would be possible to introduce that harpy to Jacob
and she smiled at her own vindictiveness. To have the woman you love -- who you planned to marry --
sabotage your company and then to lose your parents during the trial would have caused anyone to
retreat into their own shell.

‘No,’ Bella scolded herself, ‘he didn’t lose his parents.’ Carlisle and Esme Cullen hadn’t been in a traffic
accident or gotten ill or even gotten old. It was unfair for her to anesthetize what had really happened to
them. To have your parents murdered and know that their death was meant for you, for that death to be
over something as meaningless as corporate profits, no wonder he’d fled the public eye. Who could
blame him?

Although, she had to admit it was strange that he never left the house anymore. When she’d taken the
interview, she’d thought it was for a position at Cullen Technologies’ downtown office, working for
some middle manager or low level executive as a secretary. Instead, every day she’d go to work at
Edward Cullen’s gated estate, acting as his own personal assistant. She hoped he didn’t have anything
weird or deviant planned, she really needed this job.

‘Would it be so bad if he did?’ Bella speculated. He wasn’t bad looking. In fact, if you liked the slightly
geeky type, he was absolutely stunning to look at with his tousled copper hair and awkward manners.
But with those emerald eyes, it didn’t matter what your ‘type’ was – he was hypnotic. It wasn’t as if
doing things with him, or to him, would be an unpleasant chore. He was certainly good looking and it
had been long enough since she and Jacob split that she was a little anxious about doing ‘things’ with
anyone at all.

‘No,’ Bella decided as she opened her car door and slipped inside, ‘If what he really wants is a paid
mistress, then I’ll just find another job.’ She was sure Mike would arrange her however many hours she
needed at the diner until she could find something else. She wouldn’t be any man’s whore, no matter
how good the pay was -- she still had her pride. She hoped he wasn’t a pervert though, this was a good
job and within a few weeks she and Charlie could get a better place to stay. She was sick of raising her
baby in a residential motel.

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Chapter Three

Edward paced the library the next morning, waiting for her to arrive. He glanced at the clock on his
computer and saw that it was 8:30. He’d been pacing for two hours and had tossed and turned all night
before that. He’d already had a shower, shaved, had breakfast, checked his email -- twice, and attempted
to start programming. She still wasn’t here though. He wondered what time Jasper had told her to arrive.

“Mrs. Cope?” Edward pressed his finger to the intercom button when he reached it.

“Yes, Edward dear?”

“What time are you here every day?” Edward asked quietly.

“I show up at seven, Edward, and I leave at four after I put your dinner in the oven. Why?”

“Okay,” Edward stuttered. Maybe she’d decided she didn’t want to work for him after all? He hoped she
wanted to work for him; she seemed nice, and pretty. No, Edward decided, she was beautiful and that
didn’t matter to him in the slightest because beautiful girls always meant trouble.

“Why, Edward?” Mrs. Cope repeated.

He looked back at the intercom, knit his brows together, and then pressed the respond button. “Ms.
Swan isn’t here yet.”

“She’ll be here at 9 Edward,” Mrs. Cope replied. “Jasper told me yesterday that her working hours are 9
to 5:30.”

“Oh,” Edward stopped. “Well, why did he tell her those hours? I never work until 5:30, that’s when I eat
dinner. Should I invite her to stay for dinner?”

“You can invite her to stay if you’d like Edward, but I don’t think it’s necessary. Jasper doesn’t know
your personal schedule so he just gave her standard hours. I’m sure you can discuss it with her and
possibly make other arrangements.”

“Do you think she’ll be upset with me?” Edward asked nervously.

“Well, Edward, we won’t know until you ask. Now, there’s a knock at the door and I’ll bet my best oven
mitts it’s our new Ms. Swan. Would you like me to open the door or would you prefer to come down
and do it?”

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“You can do it,” Edward heard his voice go up an octave and suddenly he could no longer breathe. She
was here, she’d come. They were going to be working together. Oh no, he thought, we are going to be
working together
. What if she found out he thought she was pretty? He turned the intercom to monitor.

“Hello my dear,” Mrs. Cope sounded warm and Edward hoped that she made Ms. Swan comfortable.
“Hello Ms. Swan.”

“It’s just Bella,” he heard a shy voice murmur.

“Well then, it’s just Elizabeth,” Mrs. Cope responded. “It’s lovely to see you again Bella.”

“And you Elizabeth.”

“Edward is already in his office.”

“Is that the room I was in yesterday?”

“Yes dear, up the stairs and the first door on your right. The bathroom is right across the hall as well.”

“Ok, thank you.”

As he heard Bella’s footsteps moving away from the intercom microphone, he looked around
desperately. What am I supposed to do now?

“I heard you breathing young man,” Mrs. Cope warned him. “Turn the intercom off, quit spying on me,
and get over to your desk so you can get some work done. Otherwise, I’ll take a wooden spoon to you
like I did when you were a child.”

“Yes ma’am,” Edward muttered before flipping off the intercom and scurrying to his desk. As he shifted
forward he heard a faint knock and knew it was Ms. Swan.

“Come in?” He tried to sound assured and confident but instead his voice came out as a squeak.

“Dr. Cullen?” Bella peered around the door at him.

“It’s Edward,” he smiled awkwardly and waved her into the room. “How are you this morning Ms.

“It’s Bella, Dr. Cullen, and I’m doing well thank you. How are you?”

“It’s Edward, please, I hate Dr. Cullen and I’m glad you’re here.” Trying to relax enough to smile, he
took in her appearance. She was wearing a severe black pantsuit and her pretty, mahogany hair was tied
back in a tight bun. “Why are you so dressed up?”

“I’m sorry?” She raised her eyebrows at him.

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Edward glanced down at his own jeans and old Zelda t-shirt. “Are you going somewhere after work?”

“No,” Bella sounded cautious.

“You didn’t dress up to come here did you?” Edward asked her curiously.

“Should I not have?” He watched as a blush painted her cheeks.

“Well,” he shrugged. “You look very pre--” he stopped and swallowed. “You look very professional but
don’t your feet hurt in those shoes?” He pointed to the high heels she was shifting nervously in.

“A little,” she shrugged.

“Well, take them off then,” Edward replied as he watched her, trying to understand why she had dressed
so uncomfortably for work.


“Your feet shouldn’t hurt,” Edward reasoned. “And you shouldn’t dress up to come to work. Mrs. Cope
and I never do, neither does Emmett.”


“He’s the head of security and he drives me everywhere I need to go. You’ll meet him at lunch today.”


“Yes, we all eat lunch together,” Edward explained. “Unless you want to go somewhere else for lunch, I
don’t mind.”

“No,” Bella blushed even more fiercely, “I brought a sandwich.”

“Why did you do that?” Edward asked curiously. “Mrs. Cope is a wonderful cook.”

“Edward,” Bella whispered, “I can’t afford to pay your cook for lunch every day.”

“Pay? Why would you pay? I don’t pay for lunch -- well okay, actually I do pay for lunch so that doesn’t
count. Emmett doesn’t pay her for lunch so why would you?”

“Um,” Bella bit her lower lip and he felt a cold sweat break out across his forehead.

Suddenly, a realization hit him. Bella looked as if she had come to work at the office in Seattle. Edward
hated the office in Seattle and tried to avoid going there whenever possible, he worked better from
home. “I think we need some ground rules Bella,” he smiled happily. If she’d been expecting to work in
an office, she’d be much happier working here.

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“Ground rules?”

“Rule one,” he smiled, “I’m Edward and your Bella. No Dr. Cullen and Ms. Swan -- agreed?”


“Rule two, no dressing up and no uncomfortable shoes. My feet hurt just from looking at yours. I want
you to be happy working here and you won’t be happy if you’re dressed up so stiff you can’t breathe.”

“You mean it?”

“I mean it.”

“I’m going to come to work tomorrow in jeans and sneakers,” Bella warned.

“You can work in your pajamas if you like,” Edward replied, “I do.”


“Sometimes,” he answered and then a stray thought hit him. What did Bella wear to bed? Did she wear
anything to bed?
He felt his cheeks burn and tried not to think about Bella in bed, it wasn’t at all

“I’ll be wearing my comfy gray sweats on Friday then,” she smiled.

“Perfect,” Edward replied, “I do my best thinking in comfy sweats. Rule three, my house is your house.
My kitchen is your kitchen and everyone eats together at the dining room table: you, me, Emmett, and
Mrs. Cope. It’s part of the benefits of working for Cullen Industries’ Home Office. That brings us to
Rule Four.”

“Rule Four?”

“The most important rule of the house,” Edward tried to keep his face straight.

“What’s Rule Four then?”

“Whenever Mrs. Cope bakes cookies whoever’s closest snags as many as possible and shares with the
others -- no hogging the cookies.”

“No hogging the cookies?” Bella laughed.

“Trust me,” Edward assured her, “once you’ve had one of Mrs. Cope’s chocolate chip cookies you’ll
understand. So no cookie hogging, agreed?”

“Agreed,” Bella nodded happily. “Any other rules?”

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“Nope, I brought a desk in so that you could work in here with me. It’s near the window because I
thought you might like the sunshine. It has a laptop, so if you want to move it that’s fine too. Work
wherever you’re comfortable.”

“Ok,” Bella nodded as she kicked off her shoes and looked at him expectantly. “My shoes are off so
now what do you want me to do?”

Edward swallowed reflexively. What did he want her to do? His mind flashed to images of what had
occurred between him and Jessica, but instead of Jessica straddling his lap with her face buried in his
neck, it was Bella. No, no, what he wanted Bella to do was not appropriate at all. “I’m, um,” he
stuttered. “I’m not really sure. I was just going to program all day and then check my email. Wait!
Jasper sent me a list of suggested job duties for you this week. I’ll email it to you and you can do that if
you like.”

“Sure,” Bella smiled, “that sounds perfect.”

Edward hurried back over to his desk and found the email from earlier. Bella’s new email address was in
the first line and beneath it was a range of tasks for her to complete. Without looking at the agenda, he
simply forwarded it to her account. An instant later he heard the laptop chime out that she had a new

“Seems like I have work to do now,” Bella teased.

“Yep,” Edward smiled back in response. “Unless you don’t want to do something, and then just send it
back to me and I’ll handle it. I don’t want you doing something that you find boring, or insulting, or I
don’t know,” he shrugged. “But if you don’t want to do something just tell me.”

“Edward,” she laughed, “I’m your assistant. That means my job is to assist you. I take on the tasks that
you don’t want to do for yourself. Not vice versa.”

“Why not?” Edward looked at her curiously. Shouldn’t each of them do what they were best at? He
could program and make the computers work and she could – well, he didn’t know exactly what she
could do yet except make him smile like a dork. And for some reason, she made his heart beat very, very
fast like it did on the roller coasters as a child. That’s what she could do. They were a team -- Edward
could program, make the computers work, and run Cullen Technologies and Bella could just simply
smile at him and make his heart happy. It seemed like a fair trade.

“Because otherwise, I would run the company and you would be my assistant.” Bella put her hands on
her hips and smiled at him indulgently.

“Would you like to?” Edward blurted out stupidly.

“Like to what?”

“Run the company? I mean,” he stopped. What sort of question was that? Did he just offer to give her
his company? “Do you want to write code? Is that something you’re good at?”

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“No,” Bella laughed, and it sounded like everything he’d ever wanted to hear all rolled into one single
sound. “I don’t know how to program and I don’t want to run your company. What I’m saying is that
you’re the boss, I’m the assistant. That means I do the work you don’t want to do.”

“That doesn’t seem very fair,” Edward suggested.

“Edward,” Bella’s voice took on a stern tone. “Go do whatever geniusness it is that you do.”

“Is that a word?” He asked her abruptly, “Geniusness?”

She pointed her finger sternly at the computer and then raised her eyebrows at him. For an instant she
reminded him of his mother, so clearly, that he felt himself tremble at the thought. “Yes Bella,” he said
as he slumped over to his seat. Once he was sitting, he looked over and saw her smiling.

He smiled back and then buried himself in a particularly tricky piece of code. The morning passed
quickly and except for the occasional click of her keyboard, Edward almost forgot that Bella was sitting
less than 20 feet away, working while the sun caught the highlights in her pretty hair. He swore he
wasn’t staring, he only glanced her way for a moment when he happened to notice the auburn highlights.
Perhaps he’d stared a little, but she hadn’t caught him so it didn’t really count. Besides, it had merely
been for a minute, or ten, the first time -- maybe twenty, thirty tops.

“Edward?” Bella’s voice pulled him away from the line of code he’d been working on for three hours.


“What time would you like me to set up your dental appointment for?”

“Dental appointment?”

“Yes,” Bella nodded. “Jasper put it on my list of things to do. Set up meetings with various board
members and project teams, arrange to have your dry cleaning delivered, make an appointment with
your accountant, and arrange for your annual dental exam.”

“Uh,” Edward stuttered and then a flash of inspiration hit him. “Bella?”


“Remember how you told me that as my assistant it was your job to do the things I didn’t want to do?”

“Yes,” she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Well,” Edward grinned impishly, “what time do you think you’d like to go to the dentist? Are you more
of a morning or afternoon person?”

“I’m not going to the dentist for you!”

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“Why not?”

“It’s not my teeth that need looked at!”

“But,” Edward tried to put on his most pleading look, “I don’t like the dentist!”

“Too bad mister!” Bella pointed at him again and he swallowed. “You’re going.”

“Yes Bella,” he sulked and stuck his lip out slightly in a bid for sympathy.

“I’ll make you a deal though,” she added in a softer tone.


“If you’re very good and have no cavities, perhaps we can go somewhere afterwards as a treat.” She
teased him as if he were a child.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Edward warned before breaking out in a laugh. “That means we’re going to the
comic book store and you have to come along.”

“Fine,” Bella laughed. “I’ll even let you buy a Green Lantern if you like.”

“How did you know?” Edward giggled.

“Know what?”

“Green Lantern was always my favorite.”

“Mine too,” Bella agreed before she ducked her head back down behind the laptop screen. Edward just
shook his head and tried to focus on his programming. Somehow she’d talked him into going to the
dentist. That didn’t matter though, what did matter was why a pretty girl like her was into Green

Chapter Four

“You know we don’t have to do this really,” Edward looked over awkwardly and she couldn’t help but
smile. “We could go to lunch or somewhere else if you wanted to.”

“Nope,” Bella made sure to pop the final ‘p’ sound and let her smile widen. “You went to your checkup
like you promised and now I’m taking you to the comic book store like I promised.”

She saw Emmett smiling in the rear view mirror and winked at him in return. He’d let it slip to her that
Edward was mortified by the idea of actually taking her to his favorite comic book shop because she

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would think he was a dork. Instead, once he’d realized she was serious about taking him there, he’d
come up with every other alternative possible to prevent them from going.

“Besides, Emmett told me where Cosmic Comics is at and the store is right next to a little deli that I just
love. So we can kill two birds with one stone. Not only am I getting to go to the comic book store to get
my Green Lantern fix, you also have to buy me a Gerber sandwich with extra garlic.”

“You like Rita’s?” Edward shot a glance over at her. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” Bella rolled her eyes at him. “How else would I know that you can not only get Gerber
sandwiches there but also that you can order them with extra garlic?”

“Extra garlic?” Emmett repeated from the front seat of the town car they were currently riding in.

“Yes, really!” Bella stuck her tongue out. “It’s not like I’ll be kissing anyone and I’ve brought myself
breath mints so I shouldn’t gross you two out entirely. What’s the big deal?”

“Nothing,” Emmett laughed in reply. “It’s just that every time Bean Pole back there and I go to Cosmic
Comics he gets the newest Green Lantern, an X-Men, and then we go to Rita’s for sandwiches and he
always gets a Gerber sandwich with extra provolone and extra garlic. I’m starting to feel out of place
with you two.”

“Well,” Bella smirked. “What do you get?”

“Meatball sandwich extra black olives,” Emmett winked at her in the mirror.

“That sounds good too,” she shrugged, “but you can get those anywhere. You can only get Gerbers at

“That’s what I always tell Emmett,” Edward broke in with a smile and Bella was delighted to watch her
boss’s entire face light up. “He just won’t listen though. I wonder if Jim managed to keep back my new
copy of Watchmen that I requested?”

“You special ordered the Watchmen?” Bella couldn’t help bouncing in her seat next to him. “Haven’t
you read it before?”

“Of course I’ve read it before!” Edward laughed then. “I have all 12 of the original comics, all signed. I
don’t have any compilations though and the new one is supposed to have some extra story art that
wasn’t in the originals.”

“You have the originals?” Bella looked at Edward in awe. “Autographed?”

“Sure do,” he nodded. “Have autographed first editions of all the V for Vendetta’s, From Hells and even
the original Taboo anthologies. I’m a huge Moore fan.”

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“So am I,” Bella felt herself blush. “I mean, I know it’s not cool to like comic books but Moore is just,
he’s just --”

“A literary genius?” Emmett broke in helpfully.

“Yeah,” Bella nodded, dumb founded that she had found two other people that even knew who Alan
Moore was, much less understood her passion for his work.

“That’s what Edward always says,” Emmett replied. “He started me out with Miller’s Sin City and told
me that I would like it because it had pictures. Story was too intense for me to follow and Edward told
me Moore’s are even more complex. I just wait for the movies.”

“Miller is cool too,” Bella smiled, “and the movies they’ve made out of all of them have been pretty
good. I can’t wait to see the Watchmen though, after 300 I really think Snyder is the only director who
should be allowed to make noir comics into movies.”

“You haven’t seen Watchmen yet?” Edward looked over at her speculatively. “Really?”

“No,” Bella shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She had wanted to see it but she knew that she couldn’t
afford to just yet and by the time it went to the dollar theater she would have a few paychecks under her
belt and could afford the treat.

“We’ll watch it when we get back to the house,” Edward announced suddenly. “Do you want to just stop
at Rita’s and get lunch to go and then we could go back? I don’t have to go to the comic book store

“What do you mean we’ll watch it when we get back to the house?” Bella asked.

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “I might have a copy of the DVD screener.”

“Edward!” Bella gasped, horrified. “You didn’t steal it online did you?”

“No,” Edward shrugged uncomfortably.

Emmett burst into laughter in the front seat and Bella glared at him. “Emmett! Don’t encourage him!
Edward you know that has a lot of security risks for your computer. You should know that better than

“He. Didn’t. Steal. It.” Emmett gasped out between giggles.

“Then how did you get it?”

“I might have been an investor in the film,” she heard Edward mumble. “They invited me to the
premiere but I didn’t want to be around all those people so I made an excuse and they sent me a DVD
screener of it instead.”

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“Like they did Sin City, 300 and V for Vendetta,” Emmett added.

“You invested in all of those?” Bella looked over at Edward and could tell that he was blushing.

“They were all sound investments,” he mumbled again and she watched his face turn an even darker
shade of red. She couldn’t understand why he was so embarrassed to have made investments into some
of the best movies that had been made in recent years.

“That is really cool Edward!” She encouraged and reached over to punch his shoulder lightly. She had
been careful the last few days to minimize her physical contact with Edward but that didn’t stop them
from occasionally bumping into each other in their shared office or accidentally brushing hands at the
dining room table. He didn’t seem uncomfortable around her so she decided to take the chance of being
more open with their friendship. She really did like her shy, quirky boss. His sense of humor always
made her laugh and he seemed to get the little things that she found funny that no one else did.

“You think so?” He looked at her skeptically then and she could see that he was reading her face for
signs of irony.

“Yes!” She giggled and leaned against his shoulder playfully. “I love comic book movies and now I
know someone who actually had something to do with them. How cool is that? You are currently
ranking more awesome than Moose Tracks ice cream in my book right now.”

“I’m more awesome than ice cream?” Edward asked her suddenly.

“My boss invests money into comic book movies,” Bella repeated. “Right now I’m feeling more
awesome than ice cream and that’s just by association. You are definitely more awesome than ice

“Yeah, well neither of you are more awesome than paintball,” Emmett broke in as he pulled the car into
the space in front of Cosmic Comics. “So quit discussing your pseudo coolness, get out of my car, and
go get your geek on already.”

“Wait a second,” Edward broke in as he pushed the car door open and looked at Emmett. “This is my

“Yeah,” Emmett puffed his chest out and opened his own door. “But I’m driving it Bean Pole. Now, get
out of my way I want to find out if Jim’s got my newest Drew Hayes fix.”

“I didn’t know Emmett was a comic book fan,” Bella whispered to Edward as they followed Emmett

“He wasn’t,” Edward answered quietly as well. “But he picked one up when he brought me here about a
year ago and he’s been quietly addicted ever since. Miller and Moore are too literary for him but Hayes
is just up his alley.”

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“Really? Hayes is pretty deep himself,” Bella answered, slightly confused. “I wouldn’t think Emmett
would be big into dark fantasy.”

“He’s got a serious crush on Hyena,” Edward replied. “Plus the gun that doesn’t run out of bullets
intrigues him.”

“Huh,” Bella shrugged. It wouldn’t be the first weird reason she’d heard about why people had gotten
addicted to their favorite comic books. She began to wander around the perimeter of the store, just
browsing, as Emmett and Edward both made their way to the counter to inquire about their special

Browsing a shelf of Vampire Hunter D’s, Bella lost track of time until she heard someone come up
beside her. “Uh oh,” Emmett muttered quietly.

“What?” She turned to look at him.

“Skanky McSkanksalot the Comic Book Store Whore has decided to make an appearance,” Emmett
replied, keeping his voice low.

“Who?” Bella replied as she turned to look over her shoulder in the direction that Emmett was glaring.
She noticed a statuesque blond woman standing next to Edward and leaning into his personal space.

“Tanya Denali,” Emmett muttered. “She works across the street and every time she sees Edward’s car
pull up she amazingly needs a comic book right then. According to Jim that’s the only time she ever
even comes in here.”

“You think she has a crush on Edward?” Bella peeked over at the woman again and could see that she
was blatantly flirting. “You don’t think she’s a closet comic book fan?”

“I think she has a crush on Edward’s money and she’s a fan of the idea of becoming Mrs. Edward
Cullen and spending that money.”

“That’s not very nice,” Bella chided. “She could really like him. Edward is very likable.”

Emmett raised his eyebrows at her and she felt irritation surge through her. Edward was likable. He was
smart, funny, charming, modest, and she had to admit that he was very, very attractive. There was
nothing there for a girl not to like. All they had to do was get past how shy he was.

“You’re his friend! Don’t you think he’s likable?”

“I think he’s one of the best guys I know,” Emmett said staunchly, “and if it were someone like you over
there flirting with him I’d be out ring shopping myself so he could get something on her hand before she
slipped away. Tanya though, all I want to do is hit her with the car. She doesn’t like Edward, she just
likes his money and what it can do for her.”

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“She could like him!” Bella insisted as she watched the other woman lean closer to Edward and press
against his side. She could tell he was uncomfortable and she wondered how the woman standing next to
him could be so unaware of the fact that her public attention toward him was making him nervous.

“I could grow tits so I could feel myself up in the shower and then my Rosalie wouldn’t be necessary
too. Let me tell you which one’s a more likely scenario and we’ll stop by Victoria’s Secret so you can
help me buy some new bras.”

“Emmett!” Bella slapped his arm playfully and then glanced back over at Edward. “He doesn’t look
very comfortable does he?”

“He never does,” Emmett muttered sourly. “She never seems to get the hint and he doesn’t ever want to
hurt her feelings.”

Bella looked at the two of them and could see that Edward really was miserable. Taking a deep breath
she made up her mind and straightened her spine. “Excuse me,” she announced.

“Where are you going?”

“To get my superhero cape on and possibly lose my job,” Bella replied and sauntered toward where
Edward and the other woman was, trying her best to act casual. A few steps away from Edward she saw
the other woman glance over at her briefly and then dismiss her without a second thought.

‘Oh hell no,’ Bella thought to herself as she stood up straighter and wrapped her arms around Edward’s
waist. Originally she had intended to use the ‘Edward we have an important meeting to get to’ excuse to
get him away from the woman. Now, though, she was pissed.

“Baby,” Bella made sure to purr lightly as she squeezed him briefly. Edward glanced down at her and
she watched as his eyes widened. “We need to get home so you can take that conference call you’ve got

“Conference call?” Edward stuttered slightly.

“Yes sweetheart,” Bella shook her head and glanced at Tanya. She tried to make her face look patiently
exasperated. “You need to be on time otherwise your call will go over and we’ll be late to dinner again.”


“Yes, dinner. Remember? You promised that we’d actually go out tonight instead of just staying in.”

“Out?” Edward repeated.

“Yes, out,” Bella answered and then started tugging him toward the checkout counter. Turning to look
over her shoulder she glanced at Tanya.

“Sorry, um, what was your name again?”

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“Tanya,” the other woman sneered, obviously angered as Bella’s possessive message sunk in.

“Right, Tanya. Well, we really have to be going,” Bella smirked.

Edward followed her obediently toward the counter, paid for his comic books and then followed her
outside, still holding onto her hand. Emmett was leaning against the car, a wide smile plastered on his

“You are brilliant,” Emmett announced as he ruffled Bella’s hair. “I like you.”

“Do I have a conference call I forgot about?” Edward muttered suddenly and Emmett broke out in

“Nope,” Bella let go of his hand and slid into the back seat of the car. “Tanya didn’t need to know that

“Oh, okay.” Edward nodded, still looking confused.

“Edward,” Emmett broke in.


“I like Bella.”

“I like Bella too,” Edward smiled at her and she could see he was blushing.

“Give her whatever it takes to make her stay. I don’t care if you have to sign the company over to her.”

“Okay,” Edward nodded and Bella blushed in response. She was really, really

glad she had taken this job.

Chapter Five

Edward looked over at the clock in his bathroom as he finished shaving and fought the urge to whistle
along with the blaring radio. It had been a month since Bella had agreed to come to work for him and
he’d never been happier. She was, he shook his head and tried to focus, she was amazing.

She was neat, tidy, punctual, organized and managed to keep him that way as well. He’d never wanted
an assistant but now that he had her to make sure that his meetings were organized, that all the bills were
sent to his business manager on time, and all but the most important appointments were delegated
elsewhere. He’d never felt so invigorated about his work. ‘I haven’t made this much progress coding
since the first security program,’ he thought to himself.

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With a startled look in the mirror he realized how true that was. Since Bella had started working for him
his productivity had increased dramatically and the project he was working on had evolved to be much
more sophisticated than even he had expected. Even with all the new changes he expected a working
prototype to be ready weeks before their initial planning date.

Even with the added distraction to his productivity that was Bella Swan. Edward blushed as he looked at
the mirror. Yes, he’d admit his productivity was up and he was invigorated by his work like he hadn’t
been for years but he also knew how distracted he was around her. She was beautiful, funny, smart,
sarcastic, caring, wonderful; to put it simply she was the most glorious person he had ever laid eyes on.
He could lose an hour staring at the way she bit her lower lip or listening to the light sound of her
breathing. He found himself coding late into the night again and unlike college it wasn’t due to deadlines
-- she made him so restless that there were nights he simply couldn’t sleep without dreaming of his
luscious assistant and so he coded instead.

He heard the phone in his office ring and turned down the radio. Stepping into the master bedroom he
redirected the call there and then lifted the handset. “Hello?”

“Edward?” She sounded breathless and he felt his knees weaken.

“Bella? Is something wrong? Are you all right?” He felt his chest tighten in panic.

“Oh Edward I hate to do this to you,” she sighed. “I know there’s a full day scheduled--”

“Bella,” he interrupted, feeling sweat on his forehead. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Sick? Did
someone break into your place?”

“No,” she whispered. “Charlie’s sick and I can’t get him in to a doctor today and he’s running a fever.
Edward I’m so worried!”

“Charlie?” He felt his fingers clench. She had never mentioned a Charlie before. Was he her boyfriend?
Her husband? She didn’t wear a ring but that could just be a personal decision on her part. He’d never
asked if there was someone in her life and now he felt stupid. Of course there was someone in Bella
Swan’s life! What idiot wouldn’t do anything he possibly could to worm his way into her heart?

“My son,” Bella answered and he could hear the anguish in her voice. “I haven’t mentioned him before
because it didn’t seem like something I should bring up with you since you’re my boss but he’s 18
months old and it’s just the two of us. He’s running a fever and his little face is flushed and I don’t know
what to do Edward! He’s never looked like this before and he just keeps crying.”

Edward unclenched his hand and just then heard a pitiful wail from the background. He shouldn’t be
relieved that Bella was a single mother, obviously it was hard on her and she was really worried about
her son; that didn’t stop his heart from fluttering at her words ‘it’s just the two of us.’ Bella was single!

“Bring Charlie in with you,” he announced suddenly.


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“Actually, scratch that.” Edward decided. “I’m going to put you through to Emmett and you tell him
where you live. He’ll come get you and I’ll call my Uncle Aro, he’s head of pediatrics at Seattle
Children’s. I’ll have him meet you here to look at Charlie.”


“You said you couldn’t get in to see a doctor today,” Edward pointed out. “My Uncle Aro is a doctor.
I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to examine Charlie and if something is serious we’ll know about it
right away. So, what you’re going to do is let me transfer you to Emmett and he’ll come get you and
Charlie while I call Aro. Understood?”

“Edward,” Bella sounded hesitant. He realized immediately what she thought and his stomach flipped.
How could she think he’d make her work if her son was sick? Hurriedly he tried to reassure her.

“Once I’m off the phone with Uncle Aro I’ll call Angela -- the head executive assistant at the downtown
office -- so she and I can make arrangements to reschedule everything I have planned for today and
tomorrow. I’ll also have her set up some contingency plans in case Charlie is sick longer than that. That
way you don’t have any work to do, except take care of Charlie until he’s better and then Mrs. Cope can
help as well.”

“Edward, thank you,” she breathed and he felt his face light up at the sound of her relieved voice. He’d
managed to make her a little less worried about the entire situation and, while he didn’t expect her to be
happy with a sick child, she felt better.

He put her through to Emmett and then hurried to make his own phone calls. He’d managed to catch Aro
before he’d left the house and his uncle agreed to come over before leaving for work. After that he
buzzed Mrs. Cope in the kitchen to let her know the situation and hurriedly called Angela. She had
chuckled at his repeated attempts to help her rearrange his schedule and finally told him to just email her
Bella’s latest calendar and let her handle it. She promised to rearrange everything until Wednesday and
work out contingencies for the rest of the week and an emergency backup plan in case Charlie’s illness
was serious. She promised him that it would all be taken care of before lunch and then chided him to let
her do her job or she’d box his ears in. He couldn’t help but smile -- he’d never regretted hiring her.

“Edward?” He heard his uncle call out from the bottom of the stairs and hurried out to meet him. He
warmly embraced his uncle and smiled as he felt the other man’s wiry arms wrap around his shoulders
as well. “It always amazes me how tall you are,” Aro commented.

“I haven’t grown in years Uncle Aro,” Edward laughed.

“That doesn’t change the fact that I wonder where you’re height comes from young man!” His uncle
laughed. “You would tower over your father and your mother was tiny compared to him.”

Edward felt a small surge of grief at the mention of his parents. He missed them. “Now,” Aro broke into
his thoughts. “Tell me about this nephew of mine and why haven’t I heard anything before young man?
I know you don’t call as much as you should but I still expected to hear about any nephews before they
were born much less ill.”

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“Nephew?” Edward starred at him blankly and then he realized what his uncle was suggesting. “No, no,
no, no, it’s not like that Uncle Aro. Charlie is my Personal Assistant’s son. She called to tell me he was
sick and she just sounded so distraught about it that I told her to come here and called you.”

“He doesn’t have a normal pediatrician?”

“She said she couldn’t get in and Bella was so worried,” Edward bit his lip as he remembered the sound
of her voice.

“Bella?” Aro raised an eyebrow at him.

“My Assistant,” Edward tried to keep from blushing.

“And is this Bella as beautiful as her name suggests?”

“Well, um,” Edward looked at his feet. “It’s not right to get involved with an employee, especially one
I’d like to keep. Bella is an amazing assistant and I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.”

“I’ll take that long winded denial as a ‘yes’ then,” Aro chuckled.

“She’s fabulous,” Edward agreed. “But I don’t want her to think that I’m trying to use her in any way.
She’s a wonderful assistant, a really good friend, and she sounds like she’s a wonderful mother. I don’t
want to make her uncomfortable.”

“Good boy,” Aro patted him on the back. “Your father would be proud to see what a gentleman you’ve

“You think?”

Aro looked over at him in shock. “Edward, one thing I know more than anything else -- more than
medicine, more than my way home from work, more than my own name even -- your parents were
always proud of you no matter what you did. Your father and mother would be proud of you no matter
what you did and wherever they may be, whatever you believe happens after this world, when they look
at you they feel nothing but love and pride; just like your aunt and I do.”

“Thank you,” Edward whispered.

“Now,” Aro turned toward the front door. “I’ve just heard a car pull up so it’s time that I start doing
what I do best. Come introduce me to your lovely assistant and her son.”

Edward followed his uncle into the main foyer and watched as Emmett opened the door for a frazzled
looking Bella. He could hear the squirming bundle in her arms wailing pitifully and cringed at the look
of pain on the boy’s tear streaked face.

“Oh my,” Aro crooned as he stepped toward Bella and reached his arms out to the boy. “You are most
definitely not feeling well are you?”

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The little boy shook his head and clung to Bella tightly. “You must be Edward’s personal life saver
Bella,” Aro inclined his head. She nodded and gazed between him and Edward with wide eyes.

“Bella,” Aro patted her on the shoulder. “I’m Dr. Volturi, Edward’s uncle. Now, if you could please sit
down on the couch and put your son in your lap I can examine him. What’s his name?”

“Charlie,” Bella bit her lip as she sat down of the sofa.

“How old is Charlie?”

“18 months.”

“Does he get ill often?”

“No,” Bella shook her head and Edward could see tears welling up in her eyes. “He’s never gotten sick
like this.”

“Tell me how he’s been acting,” Aro encouraged as he ran a quick swipe over Charlie’s forehead with a
thermometer and then grimaced.

“He’s been crying, screaming, his temperature has been high,” Bella looked at him nervously. “The
rapid response clinic doesn’t have pediatric hours today and I didn’t want to take him to the hospital but
I didn’t know what to do for him.”

“Hmmm,” Aro nodded as he maneuvered Charlie so he was facing the other direction and looked in his
ear. “Have you noticed Charlie fussing with his ear lately?”

“He’s just been pressing it against me,” Bella’s eyes widened. “Is something wrong with it?”

“No, no, his ear looks perfectly fine,” Aro assured her. “Except for the small infection he has in it;
perfectly normal at this age.”

Edward watched as he ran his finger across Charlie’s mouth and the little boy opened it for him. Aro felt
around and then his eyes widened. “Ah hah, there it is. That is going to be a lovely tooth Charlie, but I
bet it’s making your ear hurt something awful isn’t it?”


“Nothing to worry about Bella,” Aro patted her on the shoulder and then stood up. “Charlie’s just got a
small inner ear infection brought on by his teething. It’s very common. I’ll call in a prescription to the
pharmacy just down the street for you and Edward can go pick it up. An antibiotic for the ear infection
and something cold to suck on for his teeth and before you know it Charlie will be perfectly fine.”

“Really?” Bella looked at him hopefully.

“Really,” Aro agreed as she flew into his arms to hug him.

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“Thank you,” Bella breathed and Edward watched her squeeze his uncle. “Just send me the bill here at
Edward’s and as soon as I get my next paycheck I’ll pay you.”

“There’s no payment necessary,” Aro replied. “Do you like doggies Charlie?”

The little boy nodded at Aro shyly and curled up tighter in his mother’s arms. Aro smiled at Edward and
then at Bella.

“Well, how’s this for paying me? Charlie, my Jane just had a litter of puppies and when you’re feeling
better it’s your job to take them outside and play with them. How does that sound?”

“Puppies,” Charlie reached for Aro happily.

“Not now,” Aro chuckled. “Just have your mommy and Edward bring you by when you feel better

“Thank you Dr. Volturi,” Bella smiled and Edward could see that her eyes were filling with tears.

“It’s my pleasure Bella,” his uncle replied before striding into the foyer. Edward followed behind a
moment later. “I’ll call the prescriptions in to the pharmacy on Elm St. They should be ready in about an
hour and while you’re there pick the boy up some popsicles. They’re the best thing out there for
teething. No yogurt or ice cream,” Aro said sternly, “just those cheap popsicles that come in the plastic
sleeves. We don’t want him to have a sour stomach and then give him milk products.”

“Prescriptions, popsicles, Elm St. Pharmacy, one hour,” Edward repeated.

“Exactly,” Aro smiled as he opened the door. “And Edward?”


“She definitely lives up to her name.” Aro chuckled as he slipped out the door. Edward couldn’t help but
smile -- if his Uncle Aro liked Bella then she had to be special. The man just had a way of knowing
about people and he’d hated Jessica. Look how right he’d been there.

“Edward?” Emmett’s voice broke him from his thoughts.


“Can I talk to you outside for a moment?” Emmett looked nervous and Edward wondered why.

“Sure?” Edward opened the door and ushered the other man onto the front steps. “What’s going on?”

“It’s about where Bella’s living,” Emmett shrugged.

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Chapter Six

“Where’s Bella living?” Edward asked as he followed Emmett out to the town car that he hadn’t
bothered to put away, leaving it parked in front of the house. “What’s wrong with where Bella’s living?”

“Edward,” Emmett looked at him curiously. “Do you know where Bella’s living?”

“No,” he shook his head. “I just assumed she had an apartment somewhere in the city. When I offered to
pay her a moving stipend she told me she lived in Seattle. Why?”

“Well,” Emmett shrugged and then smiled weakly, “she does live in Seattle.”

“Emmett, what’s wrong with where Bella’s living?” Edward growled.

“Get in the car and we’ll take a ride before we stop at the pharmacy.”

“All right,” Edward slid into the car’s passenger seat and looked over at Emmett. “Is she really living
somewhere bad?”

“Somewhere bad does not even begin to cover where Bella’s living,” Emmett announced as he put the
car in drive and pulled out onto the private street. Edward looked out the window as they moved further
away from the quiet suburbs he’d spent his entire life in and started into the industrial sprawl of Seattle’s
low income neighborhoods. He looked over at Emmett when he heard the electric locks suddenly click.

“Doesn’t hurt to be careful,” Emmett muttered and Edward just nodded as he took in the sight of barred
windows and the graffiti that covered most of the buildings. Glancing around, he noticed men in
cardboard boxes and an old woman pushing a shopping cart full of belongings across an empty lot.
Surely Bella didn’t live around here?

Two minutes later they’d pulled up in front of a ramshackle motel with sagging steps and a leaky
looking roof. He saw Bella’s car parked in front of one of the water stained blue doors and his heart
sank. This was where his Bella lived?

“Why is she living here?”

“I have no idea Edward,” Emmett replied. “But while your Uncle was checking over Charlie, I called
and got the manager. I told him I was doing a residence check for her security clearance and he
confirmed that she and Charlie have been living here for about three months now in a one room
‘residential suite’ with a kitchenette and a bathroom.”

Edward immediately felt his stomach knot as he looked around the parking lot. The liquor store across
the street had a boarded up window and he could see where the front had been shot at. His Bella should
not be living here, especially with her son. What if something happened to one of them? What if
someone mugged her coming home from work? What if they mugged her while she was with Charlie

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and one of them got hurt? Would anyone even notice the two of them? What if, he swallowed again, he
couldn’t stand to think about all the ‘what if’s’ that could happen while she was living here.

“Do you see why I wanted to talk to you about where she’s living?” Emmett prodded.

“No, no, I agree,” Edward replied. “I had no idea that they were living here. Actually, I had no idea it
was ‘they’ and not just Bella until this morning.”

“She doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or seem like a burden,” Emmett answered. “She was
worried that if you knew about Charlie then you’d think she wasn’t devoted to her job.”

“I know she’s devoted to her job,” Edward snapped. “She’s devoted to Charlie and her job is what pays
the bills for them. Her job should be her second priority, Charlie is her son and she said it’s just the two
of them.”

“Yeah,” Emmett nodded. “I got that out of her on the way to your house this morning. Seems her
husband decided to play dirty in their divorce and he’s not around much.”

“He obviously doesn’t deserve her,” Edward muttered. ‘That’s not important right now, though. What’s
important is getting Bella somewhere else to stay.”

“I was thinking about that,” Emmett answered as he put the car in reverse and slowly backed out of the
spot they’d been parked in. “Rosalie and I can always stay with her brother, until we can find a place,
and then Bella could take our apartment over the garage. It’s got three bedrooms so there’s plenty of

“Why don’t you and Rosalie move into the East Wing of the house?” Edward suggested. “All the
bedrooms are empty so you’d have plenty of privacy. Then you won’t have to stay with Rosalie’s
brother until you find somewhere to live. It gives you some more breathing room and you won’t have to
be in such a rush.”

“Are you sure?” Emmett asked. “I mean, it’s pretty generous of you to let us live over the garage as it

“Nonsense, Rosalie’s in school and you need to worry about her tuition. You shouldn’t have to worry
about rent as well. Although,”


“Are you sure the apartment over the garage is safe?”

“What do you mean?”

“It does have outer stairs and they’re exposed. What if Charlie trips? Or Bella? She’s not exactly
graceful on her feet.”

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“Point taken,” Emmett nodded. “They could take the interior stairs.”

“That leads them through your office and not only would we have to worry about them bumping into
your equipment, but what happens if Charlie puts something in his mouth down there? How do we get
an RFID chip out of an 18 month old?”

“Shit,” Emmett tapped on the steering wheel with his fingers as they waited at a red light. “You’ve got a

“We can renovate the exterior stairs?”

“I’ve got it,” Emmett grinned over at him. “I’ve got the perfect idea and it solves all our problems.”


“Bella and Charlie can move into the East Wing.”

“What?” Edward felt his cheeks redden. Emmett wanted Bella to move into his house? His Bella? Bella
Swan? The woman who he couldn’t stop thinking about? The glorious one who made his office smell
like freesia and sunshine?

“Think about it,” Emmett’s face brightened. “They need a place to live. The East Wing is empty and it
even has two rooms that are attached, so Bella would have easy access to Charlie if he cries at night.
Plus, it has its own stairwell and we can baby gate it so that Charlie can’t fall down.”

“Right,” Edward nodded. Emmett wanted him to move Ms. Swan in? His mind was still racing with the
idea of Bella living in his house.

“Plus, you said Bella’s first priority should be Charlie.”


“She can save some money on child care and still be around Charlie all day because she’ll be working
from home. With how Mrs. Cope is around children, I’m sure she’ll help watch him while Bella’s
working. Think about it: Bella won’t be living in that shit hole, she’ll be close to Charlie during the day,
Rosalie and I won’t lose our apartment, and you will get to spend more time drooling over Bella. Add
into that the facts that you have a huge backyard for Charlie to play in and you’re a big kid yourself, and
you have the perfect situation.”

“Bella won’t go for it,” Edward felt his heart ache at how wonderful the thought of Bella living with him
would be.

“She’ll go for it,” Emmett argued.

“No she won’t,” Edward shook his head. “She’s self reliant and she’s got her pride. She won’t want to
move in.”

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“She’s got a son to take care of,” Emmett countered. “That beats pride any day of the week. Besides, if
it’s brought up carefully, she’ll think it’s brilliant. All we have to do is be sneaky about it.”


“Sneaky,” Emmett chuckled. “We’ll get her to stay tonight so that she doesn’t have to move Charlie and
then tomorrow Rosie will take her to change clothes and get some stuff. Sometime today though, you
bring up how there’s no reason she can’t have Charlie at work with her. Show her how much you like
kids and she’ll bring him around to make you happy.”

“I don’t know anything about kids.”

“Edward, you’re a big kid. Just be yourself and Charlie will love you.”


“Like I said, tell her how you don’t like her having to be away from Charlie and that you know as a
mother he’s her first priority. That’s why you want her to feel free to bring him to work and that Mrs.
Cope and Rosie will help take care of him while she works. Then tonight you let her stay in the East
wing, while you bond with Charlie and show her what a good guy you are.”

“I can do that,” Edward nodded. “She shouldn’t move him if he’s sick anyway.”

“Then tomorrow Rosalie will run Bella home while you watch Charlie.”


“Rosie will make a fuss about where she’s living and will come home and brow beat you into letting
Bella stay.”

“But Rosie doesn’t have to brow beat me,” Edward protested. “I don’t want Bella staying there.”

“Yes,” Emmett agreed. “But Bella won’t know that you’ve seen where she lives. This way she doesn’t
think that tonight was all a persuasion attempt to get her to move in.”

“Why don’t I just tell her the truth?”

“Because she’ll say no,” Emmett answered. “She’s stubborn and she’s got her pride. She’ll say no so she
doesn’t feel like she’s taking charity from her boss. If you let Rosalie handle it, she won’t be taking
charity, and she’ll see it more as a temporary fix until she gets on her feet and finds a place.”

“She doesn’t need to find a place though,” Edward answered. “I’ve got plenty of room. And besides, the
neighborhood would be excellent for Charlie, especially when he starts school.”

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“I know that,” Emmett chuckled. “She’ll think she’s there to have time to get on her feet and you
meanwhile will have time to get her to realize that it’s just easier to live at Casa Cullen, and while she’s
at it -- marry the boss.”



“You shouldn’t say that!”

“Why not? Aren’t you in love with her? Or am I reading those moony looks you give her all wrong?”

“I’m not in love with her! I just like her a lot as a friend!”

“Right, and I routinely sit around and discuss fashion layouts with Rosalie. You love her.”

“I do --”


“Okay, maybe just a little.”

“You tried to give her your company and you’d do all her work if she’d let you.”


“That’s more than a little.”

“Okay so I love her more than a little.”

“I knew it.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Of course it does. You, Edward Cullen, are in love – madly in love, with Bella Swan.”

“It doesn’t matter. She works for me.”

“And if we play our cards right, she’ll be living in your house and she’ll see what a great guy you are.”

“Emmett!” Edward rolled his eyes.

“What?” Emmett smirked. “It’ll happen.”

“No, it won’t.”

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“Trust me,” Emmett patted Edward on the back. “I know these things.”

“What are you? Psychic like your sister Alice now?”

“She was right about Jasper falling in love with her,” Emmett pointed out. “She knew that Rosie and I
were meant to be the day Rosie dumped a milkshake on my head for getting fresh with her while she
was working at that diner.”


“She knew Bella Swan would be perfect as your assistant.”

“Anyone could see that,” Edward countered.

“But Alice likes to play cupid,” Emmett snickered.

“That doesn’t make you psychic.”

“Sure it does. All these years and some of it must have rubbed off.”

“You’re insane.”

“Probably,” Emmett nodded. “That doesn’t mean I’m not right.”

Chapter Seven

Edward looked around cautiously as he came back into the house. He looked back at Emmett and the
other man shrugged. “Mrs. Cope?” He called out nervously. Had something happened to Charlie in the
90 minutes they’d been gone? Had they needed to take Charlie to the hospital for some reason? “Bella?”

“Edward?” He heard Mrs. Cope call from up the stairs. “Please tell me you brought this poor love’s
medicine with you?”

“Yes!” He announced. “I also bought a large box of flavorice popsicles that need frozen and every single
frozen one they had out of the ice cream case.”

“You are a genius!” Bella called out tiredly and Edward shoved the box of unfrozen popsicles into
Emmett’s hands and hurried toward the stairs with the pharmacy bag. Taking the stairs three at a time he
pushed hurriedly into the guest room across from his office.

“That’s what they accuse me of,” he said quietly as he took in the scene in front of him. Bella was curled
up against the headboard of the large bed with Charlie on her lap, with his head tucked under her chin.

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The sleeping toddler’s face was red and tear streaked, pressed against Bella’s damp shirt. Edward
noticed that his hair stood up in all directions and he wasn’t sweating. The fever hadn’t broken. “I guess
we need to wake him up to give him some of this medicine.”

“Yeah,” Bella sounded reluctant. “It seems a shame though, he’s barely been asleep five minutes and we
have to wake him up. He needs the medicine though.”

“What did Aro prescribe him Edward?” Mrs. Cope broke in.

Edward looked down at the bag and tried to make sense of the prescription labels, “Amoxicillin and

“Ah, no worries then,” Mrs. Cope nodded sagely. “The poor lamb will be out like a light by the time he
gets the first popsicle finished. Tylenol will put him right to sleep. You hand me those bags and I’ll set
up his dosages while you go get poor Bella here a cup of tea, she needs it.”

“Of course,” Edward nodded. “Do you have a preference on your tea?”

“Preference?” Bella looked at him blankly.

“In flavor,” Edward prompted. “I usually stick to plain Earl Grey but Mrs. Cope keeps an assortment of
tea for her and Rosalie to drink -- rose, peppermint, apple, all sorts of things.” He looked over at Mrs.
Cope for assistance.

“Peppermint would be lovely,” Bella said with a soft moan, ”a nice, hot cup of peppermint tea. Or even
better – do you have any honey and lemon? ”

“Of course I do,” Mrs. Cope nodded. “I should have thought about that myself. Taking care of a sick
baby you’re probably feeling worse for wear yourself. Edward, make up a whole pot of honey and
lemon tea and bring it along with a cup up here for Bella. She’s going to need a couple of cups to get her
feeling better. While you’re down there fetch the honey out of the cabinet next to the fridge, just in case
Bella decides she wants a little more honey to go with it.”

“I thought you were the kitchen staff?” Edward smirked at Mrs. Cope as he moved toward the door.
“Why am I doing your running and fetching?”

“Boy,” Mrs. Cope shook her fist at him. “Don’t make me come over there and discipline you. I’ll have
to stand on a chair to get hold of your ear but once I do you’ll think its being ripped off. Just ask my

“I’m going, I’m going,” Edward held his hands up in front of him and then scurried from the room.
“Man can’t even make a joke without being torn apart. To think I was going to suggest sending Emmett
out to bring in lunch for everyone! See how I’m treated,” Edward continued, just loud enough so that the
two women could hear him.

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Hurrying into the kitchen he set the electric tea kettle on to boil and retrieved his mother’s good teapot
from the china cabinet along with one of her tea cups and saucers. Bella didn’t need to make do with the
standard tea pot and cups Mrs. Cope used for her and Rosalie; his mother would want someone like
Bella to use her good china. Besides, the pink rose pattern would look lovely in her hands. He grabbed
the small jar of honey and a spoon before turning around to prepare the teapot and pour in the hot water.
He reached into the cookie jar that Mrs. Cope kept filled and filled the saucer with gingersnaps. He was
sure she’d been too busy taking care of Charlie to eat and the cookies would help hold her over until

Loading everything onto a tray, he hurried back upstairs to where the women and Charlie were waiting.
The little boy had woken up and was trying to keep his lips pressed together so that Mrs. Cope couldn’t
pour the medicine in. Bella was struggling to hold him still and the more she tried the more Charlie
fought against her.

“Hold still,” Edward announced as he set down the tray and walked toward them. Reaching out he
pinched Charlie’s nose with one hand and took the oral syringe of medicine from Mrs. Cope with the
other. When the little boy’s mouth popped open for breath he quickly inserted the syringe and depressed
the plunger. Charlie gagged and tried to spit it out but the medicine quickly coated his throat and he
simply swallowed instead. Letting go of his nose, Edward quickly reached out for the popsicle Mrs.
Cope was now holding and handed it to the little boy before he could start to wail. Charlie looked at him
suspiciously, trying to determine if the popsicle was enough to prevent his planned hysteria, and then
slowly put the frozen tip into his mouth. Quiet sucking started and within a few moments the popsicle
was gone and Charlie was back to sleep in Bella’s arms.

“I guess now that he’s asleep,” Bella began to shift Charlie off of her lap and into the bed. “If you’ll give
me a second to wash my face, we can get back to work.”

“Work?” Edward looked at her. “You’re not working today.”

“Edward,” Bella shook her head.

“Angela’s handled everything. You have off until Wednesday so you can take care of Charlie.
Everything has been arranged. You’re not working, you have a sick child and you need to take care of

“But Edward -”

“No buts,” Edward replied. “You told me on the phone that it was just you and Charlie right?”


“Well, that means Charlie is your first priority -- not me, not work. Your only job, until further notice, is
to take care of Charlie and keep yourself from getting sick. You’re no good to anyone -- Charlie, me, or
yourself -- if you’re sick too.”

“But Edward --”

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“Nope,” he shook his head. “Now, when was the last time you slept through the night?”

“About two days ago,” Bella admitted. “Charlie’s been fussy since then and I haven’t really slept well.”

“Right through that door,” Edward pointed to the side door near the window, “is a bathroom with a
bathtub in it. You are going to take your tea, have a hot bath and then take the other door out of the
bathroom and take a nap in the guest room. I’ll wake you for lunch.”

“But Edward --”

“I’ll lay some of my sweats out on the guest bedroom bed for you to sleep in and Mrs. Cope will wash
your clothes for later. I’ll be right across the hall and if Charlie cries Mrs. Cope or I will take care of it.”

“Are you sure?”

Edward gave her a look that tried to show he was definitely sure of what he was demanding of her.
Hopefully she believed the look or the tone in his voice, if he was lucky she was just too tired to argue
with him, because otherwise she’d realize just how much of a nervous wreck this was making him.
Rather than dwell on it, Edward picked up the tray of tea stuff and marched into the bathroom, setting
the tray on the vanity. “Bath, tea, bed. I’ll wake you for lunch.”

“Edward,” Bella tried to sound firm but he could see that she was wavering.

“Bella,” he answered in his own “firm” tone.

“Thank you,” her shoulders slumped and he could see just how tired she really was.

“You’re welcome. Can I ask a favor of you?”

“Hmmm?” Bella watched as he turned the bathtub knobs so that the tub would fill with hot water.

“Stay in the guest bedroom until Charlie gets to feeling 100%?” Edward suggested. “You’re a
spectacular mom, Bella, but a sick child by yourself is just too much for anyone to handle and you don’t
need to. Stay here instead and then Mrs. Cope and I can help out.”

“I don’t want to impose,” Bella interjected.

“You’re not imposing,” Edward replied. “I’d be more worried about something going wrong and it just
being the two of you. What if Charlie got even sicker in the middle of the night? If you’re here then one
of us could drive to the hospital, or get Aro to come to the house, while you focus on Charlie. I’d really
be more comfortable if you just stayed here instead. Please?”

“Okay,” Bella nodded tiredly. “I need to go get some clothes for the both of us though.”

“After lunch Emmett’s wife should be home from school. I’ll have her take you over to get you and
Charlie some things.”

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“Thank you,” Bella nodded again and gave him a tired smile.

“Not a problem,” Edward shrugged. “I’ll just go get you something more comfortable to wear.”

“Edward?” Bella called out as he reached the door.


“Why do you think I’m a spectacular mom?”

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “I can’t think of anything you’re not spectacular at honestly. Beyond that
though? I had an amazing mother Bella; I know what one looks like.”

Suddenly his arms were full of warm, tired, female flesh hugging him around the waist and brown hair
was buried in his chest. “Um?”

“Thank you,” Bella sobbed suddenly. “No one’s ever told me that before.”

“Told you what?”

“That I’m a good mother.”

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “You are.”

“Even Jake,” she sobbed again. “Even my ex-husband Jake never told me I was a good mother.”

“Oh,” Edward looked at her in confusion. What sort of idiot had Bella been married to that they’d ended
up divorced? What sort of man didn’t know enough to realize that this woman needed to be told every
day how wonderful she was and how fabulous she made the world around her?

“Was Jake a genius?” Edward asked.

“Not really,” Bella shook her head. “He was more of the big, dumb and athletic type.”

“Oh,” Edward thought about it for a second. “Well, I do believe you accused me of being a genius.”

“It’s a pretty commonly accepted fact that you are Dr. Edward Cullen, billionaire boy wonder.”

“Well, then,” Edward smiled. “Trust the billionaire boy wonder. You’re a

spectacular mother. I would know. After all, I am a genius.”

Chapter Eight

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Bella snuggled deeper into the soft pillow and let herself sink further into the mattress. It was like
sleeping on a cloud -- a really, really supportive, comforting cloud. She knew it was a dream of course,
the mattress in their tiny room was lumpy and she’d covered it in plastic sheeting the first day because
of the suspicious stains riddling it. It was a dream, but right now, it was a really lovely dream and she
was just going to enjoy it.

Snuggling deeper under the soft comforter, she buried her nose in the pillow again and realized it didn’t
smell like the industrial laundry powder that was available at the motel’s Laundromat. This really was a
vivid dream, she thought lazily to herself. She even smelled things that weren’t real.

Letting her left eye crack open she tried to peek over at Charlie, amazed he had let her sleep this late.
The walls of the room she was sleeping in were a pale, buttercup yellow and a heavy cherry wood
dresser was placed against the wall. This wasn’t their room at the motel. This was Edward’s guest room.
No, she corrected herself -- one of Edward’s guest rooms. Charlie was sick and she was sleeping at her
boss’s house. Her incredibly attractive, smart, witty, amazingly kind, but completely oblivious, boss’s
house. Pushing back the blankets she noticed what she was wearing. She was sleeping at her
aforementioned boss’s house, in his bed, wearing his clothes. There weren’t any more unprofessional
scenarios she could imagine herself in.

She heard a high pitched giggle and then a lower one just a second later before she heard the quiet
hushing noises. Pushing up out of the bed she padded barefoot across the hall and let herself into
Edward’s office. She felt her jaw unhinge slightly at what she was seeing. She hadn’t -- it had never
occurred to her -- she stopped. She would have expected to come in and find her boss -- the shy recluse,
Edward Cullen, who blushed constantly in her presence -- with two blonde strippers in his lap and a
third on her knees in front of him before she expected to see this.

He glanced up at her and broke into a smile. “Hi Bella! Did you have a good nap?”

“What are you,” she stuttered. “What are you doing?”

“We’re building Rome,” Edward answered. “Well, revision, we’ve built Rome -- more than once --
destroyed Rome, and now we’re racing cars through Rome.”

“Vroom!” Charlie broke in happily as he held the red matchbox car up for Bella’s inspection. “Vroom,

He was playing with Charlie? Bella couldn’t help but look at him speculatively. Where had he gotten the
toys from? It wasn’t like Edward had any children of his own, did he? He hadn’t bought the toys, had

“Edward, you shouldn’t have bought anything for Charlie,” Bella tried to keep her tone severe but warm
at the same time. If he had gone out of his way to buy Charlie toys, she wanted him to know that he
didn’t have to but she also wanted him to know that she appreciated the thought behind it.

“I didn’t buy Charlie anything but his medicine and the popsicles,” Edward protested.

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“But what about --” Bella waved her hands at the building block city and the matchbox cars on the floor
in front of her.

“Oh,” Edward shrugged sheepishly. “I didn’t buy these. They’re mine from when I was a kid. My mom
was a bit of a pack rat and would bring them out whenever my aunts and uncles or later my cousins
would come over with their own children so they had toys to play with. Mrs. Cope knew where they
were in the attic and it didn’t take more than two minutes to retrieve them for Charlie.”

“Oh, um,” Bella stopped. She shouldn’t have been surprised really. What family didn’t have hand me
down toys for when the younger children came over to play? “You didn’t have to do this though.”

“Do what?” Edward answered her honestly.

“When he woke up you could have gotten me. You didn’t need to take care of him for me.”

“Why not?” Edward seemed perplexed. “You were sleeping when I peeked into your room and you
looked like you could use the rest. Charlie and I were fine. If we needed you we would have gotten

“Oh,” Bella looked at him, flustered. “Thank you?”

“For what?” Edward shrugged. “I’d already retrieved the toys for him to play with and the highchair
while the two of you were asleep. He cried so I walked across the hall and checked on him. He was wet
so I changed him, checked his temperature -- it’s broken by the way -- and then gave him another
popsicle before we checked on you. You were asleep so we came over here to play quietly. We didn’t
wake you did we?”

“No,” Bella shook her head. “You didn’t wake me. He cried and you just went over to take care of

Edward shifted uncomfortably. “You were asleep?”

“You changed him?” Bella was awestruck at his admission. Charlie cried and Edward just took care of
him? He changed his diaper? How did a bachelor like Edward know how to change diapers? Cousins

“He was wet?” Edward looked at her in confusion now. “Should I not have?”

“No,” Bella shook her head. “I mean, thank you. Most men would have freaked out at the idea of
changing a baby.”


“I have no idea, it just seems like they do.” Bella answered.

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“That’s stupid,” Edward said as he shifted and Charlie crawled into his lap to destroy what Bella thought
might be the Colosseum. “We’re all babies once, everyone has bodily functions, its not that big of deal.
Besides, Charlie isn’t the first baby I’ve changed. I have cousins younger than me and some who are
older that have had children as well.”

“Oh, well,” Bella nodded. It made sense when he put it that way. He was used to children being around.
From everything she’d read from before his parent’s death they had been a large, loving family and she
shouldn’t be surprised that he had been very much a part of that. “Thank you.”

“It was nothing,” Edward shrugged again as Charlie shifted in his lap to destroy the Vatican with a
vicious swipe of his hand and a giggle. Turning his attention to the boy in his lap, Edward smiled.
“Good hit, you’ve got a real future as a giant, Japanese lizard if you ever want to diversify your career

Bella laughed then and Edward looked up at her and smirked. “His fever is broken, it’s not time for his
next dose of antibiotics yet and we’ve got it handled here. I know Rosalie is home from school and I’m
sure she’ll take you to your apartment to get some things for you and Charlie. Why don’t you go and
we’ll have lunch ready when you get back?”

“Are you sure?” Bella looked at him nervously and bit her lip. “I mean if Charlie’s fever has broken then
we can go home.”

“I’d rather you stay here,” Edward countered and then looked down in embarrassment. “I mean, well,
just until Charlie’s been through the full round of antibiotics. Just in case. We’d hate for him to get sick
again and Uncle Aro called earlier and said that was a possibility with teething related inner ear
infections. He wanted to remind you to make sure Charlie had every dose.”

“Okay,” Bella nodded and was instantly nervous. How would she explain where she was living to
Rosalie? She had only met Emmett’s wife briefly and they didn’t have much in common. Rosalie was
nice, Bella thought to herself. Once you got past the brusque personality, the model good looks and the
impressive fact that she was currently working on her PhD in Mechanical Engineering at UW. Once
she’d realized that Bella wasn’t ‘one of those sluts’, as she referred to them, and wasn’t trying to weasel
her way into Edward’s bank account through his bed she had become much warmer. “Are you sure you
don’t mind?”

“Go,” Edward waved his hand toward the door dismissively. “We’re fine here. Aren’t we Charlie?”

“Vroom, vroom!” Charlie announced and then broke into hysterical giggles.

“See?” Edward smirked. “We’re fine.”

Stepping into the office for the first time in the conversation, Bella crouched down to kiss her giggling
son. “Love you munchkin,” she announced as she nuzzled his sticky cheek. Running her fingers up
through Edward’s hair to ruffle it, she felt him nuzzle his head against the palm of her hand and tried to
ignore the sparks that went through her from the friction of his touch. “Thank you.”

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“No problem,” he answered and turned back to Charlie as she slipped out the door. For the first time
since he’d been born, Charlie didn’t kick up a fuss when she left him. She wasn’t even sure that he’d
noticed that she was gone. She didn’t know if that made her happy that he trusted Edward enough to stay
with him and not be concerned or if it devastated her that her baby didn’t want just mommy anymore.
She decided not to think on it too much. Besides, it didn’t hurt to let him spend some time with Edward
for a few days. After that they’d move back into their room and it would just be the two of them again.
Maybe they could invite Edward to the park with them occasionally though. That would be nice, she
decided. Edward seemed like the type who would like the park.

She padded down the steps quietly and followed the two feminine voices into the kitchen. She glanced
around the door and saw Mrs. Cope and Rosalie laughing about something as they sipped their tea.
Rosalie looked up and cocked an eyebrow at her. “Interesting attire Ms. Swan,” she smirked. “I take it
you’ve decided to wear something from the Edward Cullen fall line?”

“My clothes were all sweaty from Charlie running a fever and crying all over them,” Bella mumbled,
feeling self conscious about just how bad what she was wearing looked right now. She was wearing her
boss’s clothes for heaven’s sake!

“I know,” Rosalie grinned. “Mrs. Cope just put your things in the dryer. No worries. You actually look
really cute.”

“Really?” Bella glanced down at the gray sweatpants and black t-shirt she was wearing.

“I could never pull that off,” Rosalie sighed. “I just look frumpy. Or worse, the first time I wore sweats
around Emmett -- it was the middle of finals for my last semester of my undergrad -- he actually asked if
I was retaining water.”

“He didn’t!” Bella gasped.

“Yep,” Rosalie nodded. “His exact question was something along the lines about being bloated since
Auntie Flo had decided to visit.”

“No,” Bella looked at her in horror. “What did you do?”

“Well,” Rosalie shrugged. “I probably would have killed him with my bare hands right then, I was so
stressed, but he’d come bearing chocolate ice cream and cookies to help with the ‘girl stuff’ as he called
it. So instead I took the food, threw him out, made him suffer a few days, and then promptly gave all my
sweats to the Salvation Army and haven’t worn any since.”

“That’s,” Bella looked at her and didn’t know what to say exactly.

“That’s Emmett,” Rosalie replied casually. “He has absolutely no class, tact or verbal filter. I love him
so what am I going to do? If the choice is him or sweat pants I’ll take my big gorilla of a man any day.”

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Bella couldn’t help but smile as the other woman took a sip of her tea. What she wouldn’t give to have a
relationship like the one Rosalie and Emmett had. For all they apparently fought and teased each other,
for all he seemed to get on her nerves, she could tell that he and Rosalie really loved each other.

“So,” Rosalie put down her cup. “Edward said something about you staying until Charlie was feeling

“Yeah,” Bella shuffled her feet. “He thought it would be a good idea if I had some extra help.”

“And people doubt he’s a genius,” Rosalie snorted. “Of course you need help and we’re all more than
happy to give it to you. That little boy of yours is quite the charmer. He offered me a taste of his left
thumb, apparently its chocolate.”

“Right,” Bella laughed. “The other one is peanut butter.”

“A man after my own heart,” Rosalie smirked. “Emmett’s got competition. Let me get my keys and
we’ll head over to your apartment. Is that okay with you?”

Bella took a deep breath. She didn’t want any of them to know where she lived. Emmett already did but
she had sworn him to secrecy that he wouldn’t tell Edward. They weren’t going to be there much longer.
She just needed to get a few bills paid and a little money saved up before they could find another place.
She’d only had one paycheck and with the next one they should be able to move out. Just two more
weeks and they could find a better place. She’d seen one building near Sue Clearwater’s that didn’t look
too bad. It even had a small playground attached. She had promised Emmett that they were moving as
soon as she could get another place and in return he’d promised not to tell Edward. Hopefully, Rosalie
would agree as well. Lifting her lips into a smile she tried to put on a brave front for the other two
women. “No time like the present.”

Chapter Nine

Rosalie looked over at the petite woman in her passenger seat and shook her head. How bad was the
place she was living in and what had she done to get herself into this mess? Rosalie didn’t doubt that it
was bad -- she trusted Emmett’s assessment in everything except for cars. Emmett said it was bad and
Edward had been almost green standing next to him, so Rosalie was on board to move Isabella into the
Cullen estate. Besides, she thought to herself, Charlie was a cute kid and it would be nice to have
someone Emmett’s own mental age around.

What she couldn’t figure out was how bad the place really was and why Bella would be living there.
Surely, Edward was paying her enough to rent somewhere decent? Did she owe someone money?
Drugs? She wondered. No, Bella didn’t look like a junkie and Charlie was too well cared for -- Bella
wasn’t using her paychecks to get high. What the hell was going on then? Could Emmett and Edward be
overreacting? It was certainly possible with the way Edward so obviously cared about Bella.

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Oh Mother of Fuck, Rosalie thought as they pulled into the parking lot that Bella had directed her to.
“You are not serious?” Rosalie hissed.

“Home sweet home,” Bella mumbled quietly and Rosalie watched as her cheeks flushed crimson and her
head dropped lower.

“Not anymore,” Rosalie snapped.

“Rose --”

“Don’t need to hear it,” Rosalie cut her off before Bella could even think about attempting to justify the
situation to her. “Go inside and pack all of yours’ and Charlie’s things. All of it.”

“Rosalie,” Bella whispered, “I don’t have anywhere else to go. Do you think I’d stay here if I had a
better option? You think I want to live in this hellhole? Rosalie,”

“What?” Rosalie looked at the other woman and could see how miserable she was about the situation.
Something was definitely not right about all of this. “Bella, you’ve got to explain this to me.”

“I don’t want to live here!” Bella answered quietly. “I just don’t have a choice right now.”

“Bella, I know what Edward’s paying you. How could you not afford better than this?”

“I was going to get a place with my next paycheck,” Bella whispered, “or the one after that. I was going
to find somewhere more permanent that was in a better neighborhood.”

“Why didn’t you do that with your first paycheck?”

“I was behind with the lawyer,” Bella muttered. “He lets me pay him in installments but I was behind
and he was threatening to pull off the case. He’s not great as a lawyer but he’ll at least hold his own for a
little bit and prevent Jacob from taking advantage of me.”

“Wait, wait, slow down,” Rosalie commanded. “First, what lawyer? Second, what case? Third, who’s
Jacob and how would he take advantage of you?”

“Well,” Bella swallowed, “I have to answer those backwards for it to make any sense.”

“Answer in pig Latin if you have to,” Rosalie let her voice soften, “but you’ve got to let me know what’s
going on here.”

“Jacob is my husband,” Bella whispered. “Well, soon to be my ex-husband.”

“He’s Charlie’s dad?”

“Yeah,” Bella nodded. “He’s not much of one but biologically he’s the father.”

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“Go on,” Rosalie prompted.

Bella took a deep breath and clenched her fingers together as she stared blankly out the windshield.
“I’ve known Jacob my entire life,” Bella started. “His father and my father are friends from when they
were kids and we were always together. I mean always together, especially after my mom decided that
she couldn’t take being a grown up anymore and split on us. Jacob’s mom had died of cancer when we
were toddlers and our fathers just sort of cobbled together this family for us -- Dad, me, Jacob, and

“Okay,” Rosalie nodded.

“Well, you can guess just how much our fathers liked the idea that there might be something more
between us,” Bella snorted.

“Was there?” Rosalie asked.

“Not exactly,” Bella shrugged. “You couldn’t tell that to Billy and Charlie though. When they realized I
was interested in someone besides Jacob, Charlie forbade me to date. I wasn’t allowed to do anything
unless Jacob was with me and he ran off any guy who might’ve been interested. Meanwhile, Charlie
keeps carrying on about how much he’d like it if Jacob was really part of the family. I held out for about
a year and then I just sort of,” Bella looked pained. “I just sort of caved to the pressure and we started
dating. Before long Charlie and Jacob had decided that it was pointless for me to spend my first year of
college at University of Washington and that I could get just as good of an education at the local
community college while Jacob finished high school. Then, he got a baseball scholarship to UW and we
moved to Seattle.”

“What did your mother say about this?” Rosalie asked quietly. “Was she even around?”

“She wasn’t around much,” Bella admitted. “She popped up again when I was 15. She’d married a
minor league baseball player slash major league loser and decided it was time to try being a parent
again. Mainly she’d call about once a month, ask a few questions, sympathize about what an ass Charlie
could be when he got an idea stuck in his head, and then try to get me to weasel some money out of
Charlie for her.”

“Ouch,” Rosalie whispered.

“It was all right,” Bella shrugged. “That’s just how Renee is. She’s always been more of a kid than a
parent. Anyway, Jacob got the scholarship to UW and we moved up there but just so everyone felt right
about it
as Charlie called it, Jacob and I got married at the courthouse the day before the move.”

“Married at the courthouse?”

“It wasn’t exactly romantic,” Bella admitted. “Hell, I didn’t even know it was planned until the night
before when Charlie showed up with a white sundress he’d borrowed from the dispatcher’s daughter

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“They didn’t even tell you?”

“Charlie’s Chief of Police,” Bella replied. “It didn’t take much for him to smooth things over so that
only Jacob was needed to get the marriage license. The local notary performed the service. We didn’t
even take any pictures.”

“That doesn’t,” Rosalie bit her lip.

“Go ahead,” Bella urged.

“That doesn’t exactly sound like a girl’s ideal wedding,” Rosalie suggested.

“If you think that was bad,” Bella smirked, “try having your reception at the local diner. My dashing
groom ordered a cheeseburger and fries and we all finished off the meal with cherry pie on the house.”

“What did your mother say?” Rosalie couldn’t imagine the fit her own mother would’ve thrown at such
a low key affair.

“She wasn’t there,” Bella mumbled. “Phil was recruited to play in Lexington and she hadn’t gotten in
touch with her new number yet. When she found out she was just sort of noncommittal.”

“Oh,” Rosalie didn’t know what to say.

“After that,” Bella continued, “we moved into the married student housing and I got a job waitressing to
pay the bills while Jacob played baseball and sort of floated through his classes. If he hadn’t been such a
great pitcher there would have been no way he could’ve stayed after the first year, but the baseball coach
made sure his grades were never a problem. He was the darling of the baseball team and when a position
as an assistant coach came up he saw the opportunity to get Renee on his good side and recommended
Phil. Soon, everyone was on board with anything that dear Prince Jacob had to say. He controlled
everything and once he did, well that was the end of anything resembling a life for me.”

“Oh Bella,” Rosalie put her arm around the smaller woman. “That,”

“Sucks,” Bella added helpfully. “I know. Jacob took part in the draft his senior year, the Mariners picked
him up and soon Phil had jumped ship with him. Now, instead of being an assistant university coach
he’s in charge of off season training for the Mariners. Jacob made sure to do some community service
on the reservation, brought Charlie to a few games to meet the players, and everyone stayed securely in
his pocket.”

“That’s when things started to get bad?”

“No,” Bella shook her head. “Things were always bad. Once all this took place that was when things
started to get really bad. We got pregnant with Charlie after his first season with the Mariners, we
bought the house, and he made me quit my job. Soon, I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere alone except for
the grocery store and he would time me. I found out that he had my own father put a GPS locator on my

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car so that he’d know where I was every minute of the day. They hid mini surveillance cameras in my
house because Jacob told my father he was sure I was having an affair with the man across the street.”

“Oh my God,” Rosalie exclaimed. “And your father did it?”

“My father,” Bella’s voice dripped sarcasm, “actually had the nerve to confront retired, 69 year old Mr.
Wilkins -- who has a heart condition -- and threatened him with a gun. He then had the gall to lecture me
on my proper duties as a wife. The next weekend, as a reward, Jacob got him and his deputies box seats
for the game.”

“What the Hell?”

“It just got worse from there,” Bella mumbled. “After Charlie was born Jacob claimed he wasn’t the
father. He started telling people that I had an affair on him with another man, someone on the
reservation. He could never determine who though, and then one day social services showed up at my
door with a police officer.”

“Social Services?”

“Jacob had decided that the most likely father of our son was this fourteen year old boy named Quil. He
was a sweet boy but he wasn’t all together mentally,” Bella sighed. “Whenever I saw him I always tried
to be nice because he wasn’t really welcome with the rest of the tribe. My own father called Social
Services and reported that the police were now investigating whether or not I’d molested him.”

“Your own father?”

“The thing is,” Bella muttered, “they hadn’t started investigating but, as soon as Social Services stepped
in, they had to. It took less than an hour for the state police to conclude that there was no chance that I
had molested him. Quil is so impaired mentally that he thinks babies are made by kissing and he told the
police he would never kiss me because Jacob would beat me for it. He couldn’t even tell the
psychologist the differences between boys and girls physically.”

“So what happened?” Rosalie felt her stomach clench.

“Charlie actually fought for two weeks to get the case reopened because if Jacob said it, then it must be
true,” Bella muttered. “Jacob, meanwhile, started telling everyone how I was using drugs and drinking.
He claimed that I had emptied our savings accounts and was getting high all the time. He and Charlie
forced me into treatment centers for alcoholism and drug abuse.”

“But --”

“The centers refused to take me once they did initial tests and found there were no drugs or alcohol in
my system at all. I even submitted to a hair follicle test to prove it. They tried to tell Charlie that Jacob
was delusional but he refused to listen. Instead, they took me home and the family decided to treat me

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“Treat you themselves?”

“They locked me in the house under 24 hour guard and told me how it was my own fault that my life
had ended up like this,” Bella answered. “After a month of that, they finally let me take Charlie and go
to the grocery store. I came home to find the locks changed and one suitcase with mine and Charlie’s
clothes in it on the front steps. All he left me with was my car, some clothes, and $20 in my purse.”

“Don’t tell me your parents went along with it?”

“Jacob told them that he’d caught me sneaking out through a window to go shoot heroin and when he
confronted me, he claims, I left with Charlie and didn’t come home. Meanwhile, the next day he moved
a stripper named Leah into the house and we moved here.”

“What are your parents saying?”

“Charlie won’t talk to me and Renee, well,” Bella sighed. “Let’s just say Renee’s first concern has
always been Renee. She isn’t going to give up the lifestyle she’s got to help out anyone as unimportant
as her daughter and grandson. After all, what have we ever done for her?”

“She didn’t say that?”

“Want to hear the voicemail?” Bella shrugged. “So, that’s the end of the story. We live here. I’ve got a
lawyer trying to keep Jacob from taking custody of Charlie and I’m just trying to get by.”

“That’s it?” Rosalie prompted.

“Isn’t that enough?”

“More than, actually,” Rosalie grinned. “Go inside, pack all your stuff, and meet me back out here.”

“Rosalie, I told you --” Bella started.

“Yes, yes, you have no where to go,” Rosalie rolled her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic, you have plenty
of places to go.”


“Mine and Em’s,” Rosalie replied. “Edward’s even. There are two good places right there. What matters
though is that you are not staying here. Now shoo!”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m calling Edward and laying down the law,” Rosalie grinned.

“Don’t be too mean,” Bella’s face twisted in worry. “He didn’t have any idea about any of this.”

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“Well,” Rosalie smirked. “Now’s a good time to tell him, don’t you think?”

Rosalie flipped open her phone and stepped out of the car as Bella scurried inside to pack her
belongings. “Em?” She looked around to make sure Bella was already inside and couldn’t hear her. “We
are a go. Put Edward on the phone, it’s time for a little show.”

“Hello?” Edward asked her cautiously a minute later.

“Edward?” Rosalie smiled. “Whatever I say, ignore it. Okay?”

“Um, okay?”

“She’s not staying here!” Rosalie let her voice get shrill.

“She’s agreed to move in?” Edward sounded hopeful.

“You have plenty of room in that mansion and there’s no reason that Bella can’t live there!”

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

“I don’t care if you’re not comfortable with it! Bella is a single mom and she needs somewhere better
than here to stay. Not only that,” Rosalie continued. “There is absolutely no reason for Charlie to go to a
sitter! Especially since Mrs. Cope and I are perfectly capable of helping Bella watch him. You are not a
child, Edward, and that means you can make her job easier on her so that she’s got time to take care of

“Oh good,” she could hear his mood lighten. “She’s agreed to keep him here during the day and not send
him to a sitter! I’ll call Uncle Aro about all the things we need to Charlie-proof the house as soon as
we’re through.”

“You better listen to me Edward!” Rosalie snapped. “There are more important things in life than you
and your money. Bella and Charlie are having a rough time right now, her ex is a jackass, and you need
to be compassionate.”

“Should I get my lawyers on the phone to come up with a way to legally murder him?” Edward
suggested and Rosalie couldn’t help but hear the optimism in his voice.

“Possibly,” she whispered.

“Can I order the really big swing set I just found online as well? It has a castle and a pirate ship. Or do
you think that’s too much?”

“It’s good to know we’re on the same wavelength,” Rosalie said calmly as she nodded to Bella. “We’ll
be home as soon as Bella’s finished packing.”

“I’ll call Aro, the lawyer, and then order a rush on the swing set.” Edward agreed.

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Rosalie closed her phone and then smiled at Bella. “Well, that takes care of that. Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah,” Bella picked up the two bags at her feet. “He isn’t too upset is he?”

“No,” Rosalie shook her head. “He just needed someone with a firm hand to explain the situation to

Chapter Ten

Bella hummed happily as she rinsed her toothbrush under the tap in her and Charlie’s shared bathroom.
It had been a week since she’d moved in and, while it had taken adjusting to the way Edward kept
attempting to spoil Charlie, she had to admit it was probably the happiest she had ever been. If only, she
thought to herself and then stopped. She was complaining about a man, a gorgeous man, being nice to
her son! A gorgeous man, who acted like he wanted nothing more than to just be her friend, was being
nice to both of them and somehow she kept finding it in her to be suspicious. At first she’d been
suspicious, she amended. The problem was that Edward was just so logical about it and she found that
she couldn’t argue with him.

What do you mean I’m being unreasonable?” Edward had asked her curiously when the furniture
delivery van had arrived the evening she moved in. “Rosalie told me you were moving in and I assumed
Charlie didn’t have a bed. It’s not safe for him to keep sleeping in the current bed in his room so I
bought him a new one.”

Edward,” she shook her head. “You shouldn’t have spent that sort of money!”

Why not?” He shrugged. “Look, if it makes you feel better, when Charlie’s outgrown it I’ll put it in the
attic for Rosalie to use on her kids eventually or Mrs. Cope can have it for her youngest daughter when
she has her next baby. It’s not that big of a deal. Someone will get some use out of it. Besides, Charlie
needs a bed doesn’t he?”

Yes,” Bella shook her head.

There you go then.” Edward had nodded with a slight smirk.

She was beginning to hate that smirk. It had started with the bed and then two days later it had returned
when the work crew arrived to assemble the enormous jungle gym he’d bought. Once again he’d been
entirely logical, telling her that Charlie would need a place to play and eventually Rosalie and Emmett’s
children would get some use out of it as well. He’d even gone on to tell me it was a new company policy
for Cullen Industries Home Office. He’d even had her ask Jasper about the possibility of adding a
corporate daycare at the Seattle office, claiming that he really thought it would be better for parents to be
close to their children while at work. When Jasper had called, questioning the expense, Edward had been
ready with a list of statistics that he’d had Bella compile that claimed family friendly offices had higher
retention rates, more productivity and attracted more talented workers.

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He was, Bella stopped and smiled at the mirror again. He was something else entirely. She was getting
used to him bringing up odd topics over their shared meals, now taken with Emmett and Rosalie for
lunch as well as dinner, and then suddenly being asked to look into new ideas for Cullen Industries that
were somehow related. An in-house daycare was quickly followed by investigating tuition
reimbursement plans for workers and their families, flex hours for working parents, and he’d been
appalled to find that they only offered eight weeks maternity leave and no paternity leave at all. Now he
was looking into a gym for employees and other ‘healthy business’ practices.

“Edward, do you know how much all of this is going to cost?” Jasper had asked him yesterday.

“We’ve been making record profits,” Edward had answered mulishly. “Besides, we should have been
doing this from the beginning.”

“What has gotten in to you?” Jasper had sounded incredulous. “Corporate daycares? Paternity leave?
Scholarships for the secretaries to go to college?”

“Let’s just say I’ve had a readjustment of priorities,” Edward had snapped. Bella had been curious but
he hadn’t bothered to elaborate and Jasper had simply agreed to get back to him with the cost estimates
for the overhaul of Cullen Industries, muttering the whole time that at least they’d get good press from
all the changes.

“Bella?” She heard Edward announce through the intercom and turned it on so she could speak back to
him. That had been the first thing in the house she’d had to get used to -- all the rooms were connected
to intercoms, including the bathrooms -- and Edward had to assure her that they could all be turned off
from the rooms for privacy. She’d been paranoid at first and still found herself checking the intercom
system religiously so that Edward wouldn’t hear any of her private moments, but she had to admit -- it
was convenient.


“Do we have any meetings today?” Edward asked.

“Nope,” Bella shook her head as she ran a brush through her hair.

“Anything that’s an absolute priority?”

“Nope, why?”

“We’re taking the day off,” Edward announced.

“A day off? Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Edward answered and she could hear the determination in his tone. “You have to take a half day
anyway so there’s no point in even bothering.”

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Bella immediately felt guilty. He’d paid her former lawyer what she owed and then promptly found her
another one who was a family friend and refused to charge her for his time. A little investigation had
revealed to her that while Demetri Markov was the nephew of Edward’s attorney, he was also
considered Seattle’s best family lawyer and rarely lost a case. One blog she’d found, by a woman who’d
used Markov’s firm to represent her, had called him “a pit viper that I thank God everyday represented
me and not my ex husband.”

Unfortunately, he’d told her that they needed to meet sooner rather than later and slid her into his first
available slot, today at 2:30, which left Edward without an assistant after lunch. “I’m sorry,” she
mumbled. She didn’t want him to think that her personal life would somehow interfere with her work
more than it already had.

“I’m not,” she could hear Edward snort from wherever he was in the house. “We’re ahead on everything
and you’ve given me a perfect opportunity to take the day off. Besides, how do you know I didn’t
specifically request that Demetri set the appointment for the middle of the day so that Charlie and I
could sneak off for some guy time?”

“You didn’t!” Bella laughed.

“I’ve got the money,” Edward chuckled in return. “But no, I didn’t. Meanwhile, Charlie, Emmett and I
do have plans that don’t involve you.”

“What?” Bella shrieked. “You have plans without me?”

“Yep,” he retorted. “Now, I was supposed to tell you that breakfast is getting cold. So, breakfast is
getting cold and before you ask -- no, I will not tell you what we have planned for today.”

“Brat,” Bella mumbled as she took her finger off the button that turned the intercom on and allowed her
to communicate. Slipping into her shoes she made her way down to the kitchen and smiled at the sight in
front of her. Charlie was in his high chair slathered in oatmeal and crushing a banana in his fist while
Edward and Emmett looked on, completely unconcerned with the mess the little boy was making.

“Where’s Rosalie?”

“Sleeping,” Mrs. Cope clucked her tongue as she set a bowl of oatmeal in front of Bella, “[oor dear. She
just got home about an hour ago from the lab at the university, ate a muffin and then stumbled off to

“Still having problems with her project?” Bella shook her head sympathetically. Rosalie had worked
almost unendingly on a joint project with several other engineers. Bella wasn’t sure exactly what they
were doing but she knew that Edward had provided part of the corporate funding and there was talk that
it would revolutionize the medical field if it was successful.

“Uh huh,” Emmett nodded. “She just tells me that it’s worth it.”

“Her PhD means a lot to her,” Bella agreed.

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“I don’t know,” Emmett shrugged. “She actually told me last night that she doesn’t care if they give her
a PhD for it or not at this point -- she’s just determined to make it work.”

“Has she burst into tears and started talking to herself yet?” Edward broke in.

“No,” Emmett looked concerned.

“That’s generally the stage that you hit just before you complete the research,” Edward shrugged. “Then
comes a month or so of banging your fists against the desk, occasionally your head as you scream about
what a stupid language English is.”

“Um,” Emmett looked at him fearfully.

“Just make sure she backs everything up off the computer,” Edward shrugged.

“Why?” Emmett grimaced.

“Well, I got so frustrated I actually threw my computer,” Edward answered and then shoveled another
spoonful of oatmeal into his mouth. Swallowing, he shrugged. “I didn’t have anything backed up and
had to restart writing from scratch.”

“Is it really that bad?” Emmett looked fearful.

“Yep,” Edward nodded. “You thought the first two years were bad? The insane homework? The
comprehensive exams?”


“They were the warm up,” Edward shrugged. “I’ve watched grown men cry when they’re told they pass
the oral defense.”

“What about you?” Bella broke in.

“Too exhausted,” Edward answered. “I just sort of nodded stupidly and went back to my apartment and
slept for three days. Jasper actually had to call my parents and tell them.”

“Really?” Emmett blanched.

“Good thing that I have a really nice graduation present planned?” Edward chuckled. “Although, I’d like
to state for the record, that I intend to be the third person to call her Dr. Hale.”

“The third?” Bella laughed.

“Her advisor will be first,” Edward shrugged. “It’s tradition. Then I expect she’ll want to hear it from
Emmett next. Then me.”

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“We’ll see,” Bella giggled. “I might butt in and do it before you get the chance.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Edward teased.

“I would so,” Bella stuck her tongue out.

“For that,” Edward stood and took his bowl to the sink. “We aren’t going to tell you where we’re going.
Ready Emmett?”

“Yep,” the bodyguard shrugged. “Let’s clean Godzilla here off and motor.”

“Excuse me!” Bella broke in. “Do you think you might want to ask my permission before you kidnap
my son?”

“Nope,” Edward shook his head as he dogged around, cleaning Charlie’s face and hands. “Not going to.
We’ll see you when we get back.”

“Edward!” She shrieked as her son reached up joyfully and shoved his still banana sticky hands into her
boss’s already messy hair.

“Fine,” Edward shrugged as he shifted Charlie on his hip and looked at the child. “Charlie, what would
you rather do today? You want to stay with Mommy or go with me and Uncle Emmett?”

Bella couldn’t help the slight huff as Charlie wrapped his arms tightly around Edward’s neck and buried
his face there. Obviously she was no longer the force to be reckoned with that she’d thought she was.

“Leave for your appointment early,” Edward announced as he grabbed Charlie’s diaper bag. “Traffic
near Demetri’s office is supposed to be terrible.”

“Right!” Bella snapped and tried not to sound like she was sulking. She turned when she heard Mrs.
Cope behind her laughing. “What?”

“Nothing,” Mrs. Cope shook her head. “Just you two.”

Later that evening, Bella rolled her neck as she stepped out of her car. Edward had been right. The
traffic near Demetri’s office had been a nightmare. She couldn’t help the feeling of hope inside her
though. Her new lawyer had already torn through her old lawyer’s case files, had done some research
and was ready to ‘come out fighting’ on what he called ‘their’ case. When Bella had asked, Demetri told
her that it was no longer just her divorce and Charlie’s custody. They were partners in this and he wasn’t
going to let them fail. She knew it was just words to reassure her but for some reason she believed the
earnest man that had sat across the desk from her.

He’d seemed personally offended by what she’d told him about the voicemail from Renee and what he’d
found in her case file. Once she’d signed the papers to release her medical information for his office,
he’d sent a legal secretary to retrieve ‘everything since her father looked at her mother with that little

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glimmer of horny in his eyes’. They were meeting in one week and in that time she was supposed to try
and list every person she or Jacob had ever known, no matter how distant. Bella shivered slightly as she
remembered the look in Demetri’s eyes when he’d started working through the things they’d need for
the case. Suddenly she almost felt sorry for Jacob and anyone else who happened to cross Demetri’s
path and become his enemy.

Opening the door, she noticed the front room was empty. “Edward! Charlie!” Moving through the
house, she started looking around. “Mrs. Cope! Emmett! Rosalie!” Sighing, she pushed the intercom
button in the kitchen that would allow her to broadcast across the entire grounds of his estate. “Edward!”

“Back yard!” She heard him announce breathlessly a few moments later. Stepping out onto the patio, she
made her way to the backyard and froze.

“Oh Edward,” she moaned as she took in the scene in front of her. Mrs. Cope and Rosalie were in deck
chairs laughing hysterically at the scene in front of them. Emmett was on the ground laughing
hysterically and clutching a tennis ball, while Edward lay pinned under a very proud wolfhound puppy
standing on his chest while Charlie clung to the animal’s neck.

Chapter Eleven

“Edward!” He heard her voice through the intercom and across the hall and couldn’t help the shiver of
delight it sent through him. He felt stupid for getting so worked up over it but Bella was saying his
name. If that wasn’t enough, she was calling it to him from the kitchen, their kitchen. Well, he amended,
more like Mrs. Cope’s kitchen, but it was the kitchen in the house that he shared with Bella.

“What?” He shouted back, not bothering with the intercom as he bounded down the stairs.

“Take Felix out,” Bella demanded. “He’s at the kitchen door whining.”

“So let him out,” Edward retorted as he stepped into the kitchen and took in the sight in front of him,
immediately understanding why Bella hadn’t let the new puppy outside. She was currently engaged in a
game of keep away with Charlie-the-Octopus-Man and his eight arms of breakfast delight.

“Not. My. Puppy.” Bella snapped.

“Sorry,” Edward shrugged before shouldering the kitchen door open and letting the wolfhound outside.
Setting the door on the latch so that the puppy could get back in, he turned to get another cloth from next
to the sink and prepared to help her do battle.

“Edward!” Charlie cried out happily and reached for him. “Puppies!”

“All your fault,” Bella muttered.

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“Puppies!” Charlie demanded.

“Not today little man,” Edward answered. “Uncle Aro is busy today. We’ll take Felix to visit his
brothers and sisters this weekend. How does that sound?”

“Ball!” Charlie countered.

“Not now,” Mrs. Cope broke in as she bustled into the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late Edward, Bella. We had a
small emergency at home and I needed to take care of it before I could come in.”

“Is everything okay?” Edward looked up at her suddenly. “William isn’t having chest pains again is
he?” He knew that Mrs. Cope’s husband had suffered from a minor heart attack two years earlier and
that she was constantly concerned about him having another. “Do you need to take some time off? Take
William to the hospital?”

“Don’t I wish,” Mrs. Cope snorted. “It was more like he couldn’t find his fishing pole. He’s thoroughly
enjoying his retirement.”

“More like doing me a favor,” Edward smiled. “Can you give him a call and see if he’ll stop by the lake
house and make sure everything looks all right?”

“He was planning on it anyway,” Mrs. Cope nodded. “Thought he’d make sure everything was ready for
the summer and you didn’t need to have any repairs done.”

“Repairs?” Bella quirked her eyebrow at him.

“To the lake house,” Edward shrugged and tried to act casual. “I’ve got a small bit of property with a
vacation house on it. Mr. Cope goes up and uses the lake to fish so I have him keep an eye on the house
since I don’t get up there as much as I like.”

“A vacation house?” Bella replied. “Like a cabin?”

“Well,” Edward hedged. It was like a cabin wasn’t it? It looked like a cabin on the outside and it was
smaller than the estate. “Yeah, it’s just a cabin on a lake. Not a big deal or anything.” Just then, he was
saved by a buzz from the front intercom letting them know that someone was at the gate.

“I’ll just go get that,” Edward jerked his thumb in the direction of the front door and attempted to make
a quick escape.

“Cabin?” He heard Bella ask Mrs. Cope.

“150 acres, two floors, nine bedrooms and eleven baths.” He barely heard Mrs. Cope’s reply. “Land was
already in the family and Edward had the house built as a retreat for them. His parents used it
extensively once they retired.”

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Edward shook his head then. Why did Mrs. Cope have to tell her that? He was worried it would make
her more uncomfortable with him than she already was. They were becoming close friends -- really
close friends -- but Edward had found that with women, one of two things happened when they found
out how much money he had. The first group of women, like Jessica and Tanya, knew he had more
money than they could ever spend in a lifetime but were willing to accept the challenge whole heartedly.
The other group of women was put off by it, nervous that he was trying to buy them somehow. The only
women who hadn’t been overly impressed or threatened by his money were Rosalie, Jasper’s girlfriend,
Alice, and so far -- Bella. He didn’t want that to change.

He never saw the big deal behind his personal fortune. Cullen Industries was doing well so he was doing
well. If Cullen Industries started to do poorly then he would do poorly. All that mattered to Edward was
that he was doing something he was good at and he didn’t have to check in to a boss. Well, he amended,
besides Bella.

Without thinking, he hit the entry code for the gate. It was probably a delivery man or Emmett had
forgotten his RFID fob when he left early this morning to take Rosalie some breakfast at the lab.
Turning, he prepared to go back into the kitchen and have some breakfast, silently trying to decide if
Bella was looking at him any different because she’d found out about the lake house.

A sharp knock on the door stopped him in his tracks. Turning back to the door, he opened it curiously.
No one came directly to the main house, all packages were dropped off at security and Emmett never
bothered to knock. Pulling open the door, he looked at two stern faced men standing on his front stoop.
One was dressed in a tan police uniform, scowling underneath his sparse mustache, and the other was a
large, bulky, Native American man with a glare etched into his features.

“Hello?” Edward looked between them.

“Who are you?” The younger man snarled.

“I’m Edward Cullen,” he answered slowly. “This is my house.”

“This is my house,” the younger man repeated mockingly.

“Bella Swan,” the police officer announced.

“Is my personal assistant,” Edward replied. “Can I tell her whose here?”

“Just get her,” the police officer snapped.

“Right,” Edward felt his patience slipping. He didn’t have much of a temper but the two men in front of
him were certainly beginning to wear on it. Turning, he walked back into the kitchen and left the two
men standing in the foyer. Making his way into the kitchen, he turned to look at Bella and Mrs. Cope. “I
believe your father and your soon to be ex-husband are here,” he grimaced.

“What?” Bella looked startled.

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“There are two men here to see you,” Edward repeated. “Neither of them are what you’d call pleasant.
I’m assuming they’re your father and soon to be ex-husband.”

“I’m sorry,” Bella let her head sink to the table. “Whatever they said to you, I am so sorry.”

“They’re fine,” Edward patted her on the shoulder. “Just as delightful as you told me they could be.
Now, why don’t you leave Charlie in here with Mrs. Cope and go see your guests? I’ll meet you in the
office when you’re finished.”

“Right,” Bella grimaced.

“If you need anything,” Edward pointed to the intercom system. “You know which one is the panic
button. Emmett should be back anytime now and I’ll be just upstairs.”

“Well,” Bella shuddered. “Here goes nothing.”

Here goes nothing, Edward thought to himself. Here goes his assistant and roommate in to meet two
men who’d made her life miserable -- from the annotated version she’d given him -- but more like a
living nightmare according to the longer version Rosalie had supplied him with. He wasn’t worried
about Bella taking Jacob back, he knew she was too smart to put up with the way he treated her, and as
for her father, she was no longer subject to his whims. Bella knew she had a home here for as long as
she wanted and he was sure she wouldn’t run back to Jacob anytime soon. She didn’t, Edward
swallowed as he thought of what she’d confessed to him one day -- she never even loved the other man.
There was no way he would talk her into going back to him.

Instead of making his way to the office though, Edward stood in the kitchen nervously with Mrs. Cope.
The two of them exchanged worried glances and Edward bit his thumb nail. There was no way that she
would go back to the life they were forcing on her but he could imagine the heaps of abuse they could
pile on her before they realized that as well.

He heard the faint crackle of the intercom system and looked up. She’d hit the button that allowed the
intercom to broadcast throughout the estate, something she normally only did when she was trying to
find him or Emmett.

“Dad,” she sounded tense. “Jacob. What are you doing here?”

“We came to talk to you Bella,” one of the men snapped.

“I’m working,” Bella responded. “Perhaps you should have called and we could have met somewhere so
that my boss and everyone else wouldn’t need to hear about it.”

“Your boss,” the other man sneered and Edward knew immediately that it was Jacob. “I’m sure he hears
lots of things from you, all sorts of sounds.”

“Don’t be disgusting Jake,” he heard Bella snap. “Edward Cullen is my boss and a good friend. Nothing
more.” He felt his heart clench. Nothing more. He was nothing more.

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“I’m sure he’s the closest kind of friend,” Jacob snapped and Edward felt his fingers clench into fists.
“I’m sure he’s the type of friend with all sorts of benefits.”

“I’m not going to dignify that with a response.”

“According to Seth Clearwater, his mom isn’t watching the boy anymore,” Charlie announced. “Where
are you keeping your brat at?”

“Your grandson,” he could tell Bella was upset, “stays here every day. Mr. Cullen is nice enough to let
me bring Charlie to work so that he doesn’t need daycare and when need be, his housekeeper watches

“Isn’t that sweet,” Jacob retorted. “He’s letting you play house, just like a good little whore.”

“Is there a point to this?” Bella replied calmly. “Or did you just show up at my work to insult and harass

“Don’t you start that tone up with me young lady,” Charlie warned. “All I need is one good reason to
run you in and I’ll have you in a cell before you can blink. That boy of yours will be in foster care so
fast it’ll make your head spin and they won’t let you have him back.”

Edward saw red for a moment. How dare they threaten Bella that way? How dare that man throw around
his weight as if he had some importance here? He blindly picked up the phone as it started to ring.

“I’ll be at the house in one minute,” Emmett growled and Edward knew the other man had heard the
conversation in his foyer. “I need you standing there when I throw the bastards out though.”

“Right,” Edward replied as he stepped into the hallway and made his way to the foyer, where he could
hear Charlie and Jacob still heaping abuse on Bella.

“Enough,” Edward snapped. “It’s time for you to leave.”

“Excuse me?” Jacob growled.

“Leave now,” Edward motioned to the door with his head. “On your own before I have security remove

“Now see here son,” Charlie started in. “You can’t just bring in some bruisers to manhandle me. I’m a
member of law enforcement and I’ll have to have you arrested for assaulting an officer of the law. You
don’t want that sort of trouble over someone like Bella.”

“Actually,” Edward replied as he stepped in front of Bella. “Bella is exactly who I’d take that sort of
trouble over. But, Officer Swan,” he made a great show out of reading the other man’s name tag. “It
says on your shirt that you’re the Chief of Police for Forks.”

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“So,” Edward continued smoothly. “This isn’t Forks. This is Seattle. So, unless you have a warrant,” he
let the comment linger as Emmett stepped through the main doorway and into the foyer.

“I’m assuming by the nervous look on your face that you don’t have a warrant?” Edward kept his voice
deceptively calm. “Well, without a warrant and an accompanying member of the Seattle Police
Department, you have no jurisdiction here. So, if anyone is getting arrested, it’s you for trespassing.
Now, my head of security, Emmett, is going to escort you back to your vehicle and then off my estate. If
you attempt to return to the property or harass anyone inside this house at anytime I will call the
authorities who have jurisdiction here -- which you don’t -- and have them arrest you. Then I’ll call my
lawyer, my business manager and my company’s publicist to make sure that this story is ran on the front
page of every newspaper in Washington -- even if I have to dig deep in my pocket to do so -- and that
includes the paper in dinky little Forks. Try explaining your arrest then!”

“You can’t,” Jacob protested.

“Try me,” Edward sneered. “I’m Edward Cullen and I make more in my sleep than you make per season
trying to hit a little ball with a little bat. Harass my friend or my staff again and I will use every penny of
it to make your life a living hell. Who knows? I might just do it anyway.”

“Gentlemen,” Emmett broke in. “I think it’s time you leave.”

“Well, um, I,” Charlie stuttered as Emmett grabbed him firmly by the shoulders and pushed him out the
door and toward the police cruiser.

Turning around, Edward looked at a stunned Bella. “Call Demetri,” he patted her gently on the shoulder.
“He needs to know what’s going on now.”

“Right,” Bella nodded, still acting as if she was in shock.

“Bella,” Edward took her by the shoulders gently. “Are you all right? Do you want a cup of tea?”

“No,” Bella shook her head absently. “I’ll call Demetri now.”

“Okay,” Edward patted her on the shoulder and suddenly his arms were filled with warm flesh. She was
hugging him tightly, her arms wrapped around his neck and her face buried in the crook of his shoulder.

“Thank you,” she whispered and then pressed up on her toes so that she could kiss him on the cheek.
Edward couldn’t help the blush that formed then. He was sure it was his imagination, or just a
coincidence, but Bella’s kiss had grazed the side of his lips and if he’d have just turned his head slightly
they would have met.

“For what?” Edward felt his head buzzing.

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“No one has ever stood up for me like that before,” Bella whispered.

“That’s what friends do,” Edward told her and reminded himself that a friend was all he was to her --
nothing more -- she’d said so herself. “They take care of each other.”

“Oh Edward,” she squeezed him tighter. “You are so much more than just my mere friend.”

“I am?” He squeaked and then tried to cough so that his voice returned to a lower register.

“You’re my very best friend,” Bella pointed out. “All mixed up with this knight in shining armor who
likes comic books. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you.”

“Me either,” Edward whispered as he loosened his grip. “But you should call Demetri now. He needs to
get the paperwork started to keep Charlie and Jacob as far away from you and BG as possible.”


“Baby Godzilla,” Edward clarified.

“Right,” Bella agreed and nodded her head, wiping tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry I got so emotional.
I’ll just go call Demetri now.”

“Right,” Edward nodded awkwardly.

“Right,” Bella nodded.

“Right,” Edward replied again and headed toward his office to give her some privacy. She’d told him he
was more than a friend. Well, technically she’d told him he was her best friend and a knight in shining
armor all rolled into one. That had to mean something, didn’t it? Whatever it meant, it meant that
Edward got to be something more and that had to be a good thing. Didn’t it? Yeah, he decided, it was
definitely a good thing.

Chapter Twelve

Bella gripped Edward’s arm tightly as they made their way into Demetri’s office. He had wanted to see
her immediately after she’d called him and requested that she bring Edward and Charlie along as well.
She didn’t know why she felt the sudden urge to cling to her best friend, she’d never been the ‘clingy’
type before but right now she just needed the reassurance that he was there. Edward had been the only
person she’d ever seen stand up to Charlie, especially when he tried to bully people by using his rank as
Chief of Police, and for the first time in her life she’d felt completely safe.

“Bella Swan and Edward Cullen,” she heard him murmur politely to the receptionist. “Could you let
Demetri Markov know that we’re here if it isn’t too much trouble?”

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“It’s absolutely no trouble,” the receptionist trilled, wide eyed. “Mr. Markov told me you were coming
and said to let him know immediately.”

Turning, the receptionist looked at Bella carefully. “Are you all right darling?”

“I’m --”

“Mr. Markov was livid when you called. I haven’t seen him that worked up in a long time. Can I get you
a cup of tea? Coffee?”

“I didn’t mean to upset Mr. Markov,” Bella mumbled.

“Dear,” the receptionist patted her arm kindly, “I highly doubt you were the one who upset him. The
threats he was uttering -- you don’t have the proper equipment for him to take it out on. We’re all just
concerned about your welfare.”

“Oh,” Bella stuttered.

“Now,” the receptionist reached for her phone and hit a random button. “Mr. Cullen and Ms. Swan-
Black are here.”

Turning, she looked at Bella again. “Like I was saying, Teresa will take you to Mr. Markov’s office and
I’ll go and get some coffee for everyone. I seem to remember that you prefer tea, Ms. Swan, so I’ll bring
that in as well.”

“Thank you,” Bella smiled gratefully.

“Anytime dear,” the receptionist patted her on the back as she stepped out from behind her desk and led
them to a woman that Bella had met at her previous meeting.

Teresa nodded curtly before leading them into Demetri’s office with a kind smile. “Mr. Markov will see
you now.”

“Thank you,” Edward replied softly and shifted Charlie in his arms.

“Edward!” Bella heard Demetri announce from behind his desk and looked up to see the formidable
mass of lawyer look up with a smile. “It’s so good to see you! Not under these circumstances, of course,
but good to see you none the less.”

“Demetri,” Edward reached out his free hand to shake Demetri’s. “Sorry we’re meeting like this.”

Suddenly a man cleared his throat and Bella turned to see two men sitting on the sofa in the corner. One
was in what she recognized was a State Trooper’s uniform and the other wore an expensive looking suit.
“Right,” Demetri released Edward’s hand. “Bella, Edward, I’d like you to meet State Trooper Mike
Newton and Special Agent Tyler Crowley. They’ll be leaving for Forks later today to have a discussion
with your father, after they run a few errands.”

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“A few errands?” Edward asked cautiously and Bella felt a knot churning in her stomach.

“Well,” Demetri smiled wickedly. “Once Bella has looked over the preliminary divorce filing that I
intend to submit, and approves it, we’ll arrange to have it served on Mr. Black as he’s leaving practice.
Unsurprisingly, someone may have alerted the media about the case and they’ll be waiting to watch as
he loses his temper for all of Seattle to see.”

“You want to have him served as he leaves practice?” Bella stuttered. “You know that’s just going to
piss him off right?”

“That is exactly what I hope it does,” Demetri replied with a wicked smile. “Unfortunately Bella, your
soon to be ex-husband is a bully and like all bullies, the only way to really deal with him is to call him
out on it and embarrass him a little so that he learns to stop. Every time Mr. Black misbehaves, the press
will be watching and they will publish it. Every misstep, every insult, every threat, will make its way
into the papers and the Mariner’s management will be required to respond. They’ll be required to
explain to the press, the public, the mayor’s office, community groups, and schools, why they’re fielding
a player who is so rigorously opposed to the family values of the people of Seattle. Why they’re
supporting a bully so-to-speak.”

“Do you really think that will happen?” Bella looked at him in shock.

“I know that will happen,” Demetri replied. “The press is also going to start waylaying Phil Dwyer and
your mother every time they leave the house. Copies of your cell phone messages were ‘accidentally’
leaked by this office to the press and well, unfortunately Bella, we’re all rather busy. The injunction
against the two TV stations that have the tape -- and are running it on the news at 5 and 10 tonight -- will
get filed. Unfortunately, it will take us a few days.”

“Television news?” Bella repeated.

“It’s quite a story,” Demetri shrugged. “Local boy from the Quileute reservation beats all odds and
becomes a professional baseball player for the hometown team, marries childhood sweetheart, has a kid
and a house with a white picket fence. It sounds like the all-American love story. Meanwhile, like some
sort of prime time television movie, we find out it’s all a lie. The childhood sweetheart has been forced
to marry him by her bully Police Chief father, he’s bribed her self-involved, self centered mother and
step father into turning a blind eye, the mother is a teacher that we trust our children with, there are
allegations of abuse, false imprisonment, sex scandals, and through it all, the poor wife is just trying to
rebuild her life as the ex-husband terrorizes her. This is made for the press.”

“Right,” Bella sighed. “I just wanted to keep things private, dignified.”

“I know,” Demetri came around his desk and patted her on the shoulder. “Unfortunately, I think after
today’s stunt we need to keep the press around for both yours and Charlie’s safety. I hate to use that as a
reason Bella, and you know I wouldn’t turn this into a circus if I didn’t have to, but I really feel that if
we don’t keep the public spotlight on them, then Jacob and Charlie will do something to hurt both of

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“Okay,” Bella nodded forcefully and looked at Edward. “Edward? What do you think?”

“I think,” she could see Edward trying to find the words that best expressed what he wanted to say. “I
think that whatever Demetri feels we need to do to keep you and Charlie safe is what we’re going to do.
Your safety is always our first concern in this Bella. If he thinks the press is going to keep the two of
you safe, I’ll buy a news station and run your story 24-7.”

“Right,” Demetri nodded and rubbed his hands together. “That settles it then. We’re going to turn this
case into a full out assault on Jacob Black and your parents. To do that though, I need to know that
nothing is going to come up for him to smear you with. Or anyone you associate with. Is that going to be
a problem?”

“Absolutely not,” Bella shook her head.

“Edward,” Demetri looked at him sternly. “I know I shouldn’t have to bring this up but I just feel I need
to remind you that some of your past may come up as well.”

“That’s fine,” Edward lifted his chin slightly.

“I know that the allegations Jessica made were proved false and never went to trial, but expect that as
well as some back story on the lawsuit and your parent’s murder trial to come up. The press will dig into
your lives as much as they dig into the Dwyer’s, Charlie Swan’s and Jacob Black’s.”

“I told you,” Edward repeated. “It’s fine. I can handle a little unpleasantness.”

Allegations? Bella thought to herself. What allegations? Had there been allegations that Edward had
taken part in some type of wrong doing? Jessica was the name of the woman that he’d been engaged to,
who had committed corporate espionage against Cullen Industries. She’d seen the other woman’s name
linked to the murder trial for his parents. What sort of allegations could she have made against Edward?

“Okay then,” Demetri nodded solemnly. “Here’s what we’re going to do. Bella, I want you to tell me,
Officer Newton, and Special Agent Crowley exactly what took place today. We’re going to record it for
one of my former partners, who is now a judge. He should be here in 20 minutes and we’ll let him listen
to the tape before my paralegal transcribes it. Judge Henderson is a family court judge who will grant
you a temporary restraining order against both Jacob and your father until a hearing can be scheduled.
Having taken over this aspect of the case, he’ll also take over in hearing the matter of your divorce and
the custody hearing.”

“Does it work that way?” Bella asked skeptically. It seemed odd to her that one judge would take over
the entire caseload. Wouldn’t that make him prejudiced for one side or the other?

“It doesn’t normally,” Demetri shrugged. “This time, it’s all been handled. Internal politics you could

“All right,” Bella nodded and she heard the muffled snorts of the two men sitting behind her.

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“Judge Henderson will also want to see how you interact with Charlie and how Edward interacts with
him. He may request that Charlie be taken to a local physician of the court’s choice to be evaluated.”

“What? Why?”

“This is at our request Bella,” Demetri soothed. “It’s a preemptive maneuver. Then if Charlie or Jacob
attempt to claim that you’re neglecting or abusing Charlie we have medical documentation to say
otherwise. This is just to protect you.”

“It’ll be fine Bella,” Edward reached over and squeezed the back of her hand. “We’ll have one of Uncle
Aro’s associates look him over and everything will be perfectly fine. If you can’t be in the room I’m
sure they’ll let Aro be there since Charlie knows him.”

“Of course,” Demetri nodded. “It’s no ones intention to traumatize Charlie in any way. If he knows Aro,
we’ll make sure Dr. Volturi is in the room as a consult, if nothing else. Now, once Judge Henderson has
signed the restraining order, we’ll have Officer Newton and Special Agent Crowley serve Jacob at the
stadium -- in front of the press -- and then they’ll drive down to Forks and serve your father.”

Bella turned to look at the man Demetri had introduced as Special Agent Crowley. “Is this normal for
you? I mean do you normally serve papers to people?”

“Absolutely not,” the man laughed. “Technically, it’s Mike’s job to serve the papers on your father
because it crosses jurisdictions. I’m just going along as a friend to make it a little more official.”

“More official?”

“I don’t intend to directly serve your father,” the state trooper announced. “I’m not sure where the Chief
of Police in Forks would be, so it’s best if I take it by the mayor’s office and explain the situation. I’m
sure the mayor can track your father down and then we’ll serve him there, remind him what does and
does not pass for law enforcement in the state of Washington.”

“Right,” Bella nodded. If this was what it took to keep Charlie safe she’d do it. She still wasn’t sure that
all of this was necessary but it was what her lawyer thought was best for Charlie. What she couldn’t
understand was why Jacob even cared so much. He was the one who’d put her out after all. He didn’t
want her anymore. Why was he making their divorce so difficult? “I just don’t understand why we have
to do this.”

“What part?” Demetri asked reasonably.

“Why Jacob is making this such a fight. He was the one who decided to divorce me.”

“It’s a control issue Bella,” Edward replied as he moved his hand up to rub on the back of her neck.
“Trust me, I know what it’s like to deal with bullies and that’s what Jacob is. He’s a big bully. He didn’t
really want to divorce you; it was all a scare tactic.”

“A scare tactic?” Bella looked at him incredulously.

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“He’s right,” Demetri answered. “I see these types of cases all the time. Jacob wanted to keep you under
his thumb and prove to you that you were nothing without him. He put you out of the house with
nothing and expected you to fall apart. He’d have stayed away for a few months, let you and Charlie
suffer a bit and then he’d have offered to reconcile with you. The reconciliation would hinge on a few
things though. You would have to admit that he was right about everything and there would have been
‘new rules’ laid down. You’d have been under his thumb even more than you’d been before. Then,
whenever he wanted to tighten his control on you, he’d do it again at a later date. It would just become a
cycle of abuse that let him render you more and more helpless.

“I imagine moving into the Cullen Estate put a monkey wrench right in the middle of his plan though,
making him and Charlie nervous. That’s what today was. They hadn’t planned it out or Charlie
would’ve known better. Instead, they reacted in fear from you slipping through their grasp resulting in
today’s little stunt. What we want to do now is keep them acting out of fear. That’s why the press is
going to play such a large part in this. They’re going to keep the people who want to hurt you on the
wrong foot.”

“On the wrong foot,” Bella agreed. “That way they’ll keep making stupid mistakes?”

“Exactly,” Demetri agreed. “Now, what’s most important is that you can’t let the press take you off-
guard. We’ll arrange some interviews that you’ll be completely prepped for, every question known in
advance, but you’ll still be stopped by the press at random moments. Your answers are that you were,
and still are, a faithful wife who fears for her own and her child’s safety. Edward is your boss and your
good friend, nothing more. Even if he is more, to the press he’s nothing more.”

“Edward is my friend!” Bella protested.

“Doesn’t matter to me,” Demetri replied with a raised eyebrow. “You could be screwing in every room
of the estate for all I care as long as you look like Ward and June for the public.”

“Ward and June?” Edward stuttered.

“Completely G rated,” Demetri answered. “Neither of you can get frustrated by the press because I
expect that Jacob Black will try to use them to his own advantage if he can. Any questions that you can’t
answer with ‘I’m just looking out for the safety and welfare of my son’ should be directed to my office.

“Understood,” Bella nodded.

“Good,” Demetri smiled. “Now, let’s get your statement and open up this battle.”

“Right,” Bella wrung her hands nervously.

“Bella?” Demetri smiled at her as he reached for the mini recorder.


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“For the record, I live for the smell of cowering ex-husband style bullies. I really love the sounds they
make as I eviscerate them in court.”

“That’s,” Bella wrinkled her nose.

“Comforting to know,” Edward broke in and settled Charlie more securely in his lap before rubbing the
back of Bella’s neck soothingly again.

Chapter Thirteen

“Is there anything I can get you?” Edward asked nervously as he sat beside Bella on the large sofa in the
media room. “I mean popcorn doesn’t really sound appropriate but,” he trailed off.

“Peanut butter,” Bella replied resolutely. “I could really go for some peanut butter right now.”

“Like a sandwich?” Edward suggested.

“No,” Bella shook her head, “just peanut butter and a spoon.”

“Okay,” Edward nodded. “Peanut butter and a spoon. Anything else?”

“Chocolate milk,” Bella shrugged and he could see that she was bracing herself for what was about to

“Right,” Edward agreed. “You know we don’t have to watch this right? We can put on a movie or turn
on cable or play a game or read. Whatever you want to do we can do, but we don’t have to watch this.”

“No,” Bella shook her head distractedly. “I need to watch this.”

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “Then you’re not watching it by yourself. I’ll go get the peanut butter and the
chocolate milk and be right back.”

“Thank you,” Bella smiled as he backed out of the room and hurried toward the kitchen. He hadn’t
expected her to want to watch the news coverage of what had taken place today, even when Demetri had
called to let them know what to expect on the ten o’clock news. He understood though. He remembered
obsessively watching the television coverage around the trial related to his parents. Somehow it wasn’t
enough to take part in it every day -- he needed to see how the outside world saw it in order to put the
whole event into some sort of perspective. As if realizing he was wedged between the international news
and sports made it somehow less real that his parents had died.

“At the top of the hour,” he heard the chipper news commentator’s voice announce as he made his way
back to the media room with their late night snack. “We’ve got a shocking story regarding Seattle

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Mariner Jacob Black and his arrest today. In a story so scandalous you’ll have to watch to believe, find
out what shadows are lurking in the Seattle Mariner’s closet. That story and more at the top of the hour.”

“Bella?” He moved cautiously into the room and sat beside her, placing the milk and peanut butter on
the table in front of them. “Are you all right?”

“Did you know he was arrested?” She asked quietly.

“No,” Edward shook his head. “Demetri only told me that your case had caught the media’s attention,
like we’d hoped, and that we should watch the ten o’clock news about it. He wants you to call him
tomorrow about media training so that you aren’t overwhelmed by the news channels.”


“Of course,” Edward reached out to wrap an arm around her shoulder. “Bella, I would never lie to you.”



“Can you just hold me while we watch this?” Bella whispered. “I mean,” she stopped.

She wanted him to hold her? Really? He was going to be holding Bella Swan? Did she really just ask
him that? Play it cool Edward, he reminded himself. Cool, calm, collected, you’re her best friend. Best
friends comforted each other all the time didn’t they? Don’t act like a loser about this. Don’t geek out or
you’ll make her feel uncomfortable. Swallowing down the lump in his throat he wrapped his arms
tighter around her and pulled her in beside him on the sofa. “Like this?”

“Hmm,” Bella squirmed slightly and soon they were adjusted so that his back was against the arm of the
sofa and she was leaning with the side of her face pressed against his chest. “Better.”

“Right,” Edward nodded and let his grip tighten slightly. All he had to do now was keep breathing, keep
breathing and act natural. She was his best friend and she wanted comfort not some pervert copping a
feel. Cold showers, Edward chanted to himself. Hockey statistics, great Aunt Myrtle getting out of the
bathtub when he was seven -- that did it, he breathed a sigh of relief. Pervert moment over, red alert
status is no more. Letting out a deep breath he let that image linger slightly in his mind -- just in case.

The news came back from commercial and Edward watched the screen as the perky in-studio newscaster
smiled at the camera. “Like we mentioned before the commercial break, shocking news and allegations
today have rocked the Seattle Mariners. Jacob Black, star pitcher for the Mariners, was arrested today
for the assault of a state police officer who attempted to serve him with divorce papers and a restraining
order filed by his wife Isabella Swan-Black. On location is Eric Yorkie with all the details. Eric?”

“Hello Lauren,” a slender Asian man smiled at the camera. “This is a case that you have to see to
believe. Earlier today, Channel Nine newscasters were on hand to witness the violent assault of State

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Police Officer Mike Newton when he arrived to serve Mariner’s pitcher Jacob Black with divorce papers
and a restraining order filed by the pitcher’s wife, Isabella Swan-Black.”

Edward grimaced as he watched the news footage from this afternoon roll. Officer Newton had handed
Jacob the papers and turned to walk away when the larger man had launched himself at the Officer from
behind and began to beat on him. Bella shivered and Edward pulled her closer. “Lauren,” Eric broke in,
“that’s just the beginning of this strange and twisted case. Sources have let Channel Nine news into the
twisted world of sports marriages and what you’re about to hear is so shocking that even we find it hard
to believe.”

Edward watched as a childhood picture of Bella popped onto the television screen and then a picture of a
similar aged Jacob appeared next to her. “Lauren,” Eric’s voice continued in voice over. “To people who
knew them Jacob and Isabella Black always appeared to be meant for each other. Childhood friends,
they soon became high school sweethearts and their father’s best friends as well. They were building
what many called the All American life but behind the All American facade were dark secrets.”

“Chief Swan was always a bit of a bully,” an older woman announced to the television screen. “It isn’t
popular to say so because the crime rate here in Forks is so low but that doesn’t have anything to do with
the Chief, it’s always been a quiet town. He was a bully as a child and it didn’t change when he became
an adult. Isabella was always his favorite target too. She was a good girl, smart as a whip, but he bullied
her like she was a slave. Not that his slut of an ex-wife was any better though.”

Edward coughed slightly as he looked down at a wide eyed Isabella. “Are you okay?”

“That’s Mrs. Hendrix from the library. He’s going to make her life miserable for this.” Bella groaned.

“No he’s not,” Edward pulled her tighter. “You’ll be amazed at how many people will come out of the
woodwork now.”

“Why?” Bella looked at him speculatively. “Why come out of the woodwork?”

“Attention,” Edward answered. “Some will actually think it’s the right thing to do because they can’t be
targeted anymore, some just like to take on the weak when they get the chance, but for quite a few others
it’s simply attention.”

“We’re not supposed to say anything,” he watched Bella’s head jerk up as a middle aged woman’s face
came on screen. “But he forced her to marry that Jacob Black. She wasn’t even here when they got the
marriage license, didn’t know naught about it until that day even. He wouldn’t even buy the poor thing a
dress -- made her borrow my own girl’s prom dress for her wedding.”

“There may have been some hesitation on Isabella’s part,” a stern faced man in a gray suit announced
and Edward read the title of Judge underneath his picture. “Charlie assured me it was just nerves since
her mother hadn’t made it to the wedding.”

“That,” the newscaster’s now grim face appeared on screen, “wasn’t the case. Through interviews today
with former co-workers and friends of Isabella Swan-Black and others it seems that she never had a

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chance. Former friends talk of a young woman terrified of her husband and father, forced into marriage.
Neighbors recount how she was afraid to even leave the house without his permission.”

Edward looked down and could see Bella shivering against him. Pulling her tighter against him, he
buried his face in her hair. “Shhh,” he crooned. “We’ll turn it off. You don’t have to see this.”

“No,” Bella gasped out. “I want to see this. I want to see what’s going to be said.”

“But the dark world of Jacob Black only got darker a few months ago,” the newscaster announced.
“Documents released to Channel Nine News show that Mr. Black attempted to have his wife put under
surveillance at local treatment centers claiming alcohol and substance abuse. When the centers refused
to cater to the baseball player’s delusions about his wife, neighbors say things took a turn for the worse.”

“He and that father of hers locked her in the house.” An elderly man’s face appeared on screen. “She
was a good girl. Took good care of that boy of hers and that crazy family locked her up inside the house.
We all knew they were up to no good but we couldn’t prove enough for the police to get past the front
door. The crazy old man even drew a gun on me and tried to claim I was having an affair with her.
Absolute rubbish considering she’s young enough to be my granddaughter,” he snorted.

“That’s Mr. Wilson?” Edward couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Yeah,” he felt Bella smile. “He’s feisty for an old man.”

“If you’re going to go geriatric,” Edward let his voice trail off suggestively.

“Shut up,” Bella snorted.

“The family,” the newscaster announced, “includes Mr. Black, his father-in-law Chief Swan, his mother-
in-law, Renee Dwyer, and her husband, Phil Dwyer. Neighbors say the four kept Swan-Black prisoner in
her home for over six weeks, claiming to be treating her for addictions, before she made her escape.

“While waiting at the pitcher’s home today, our Channel Nine correspondent met Mr. Black’s new
roommate -- a dancer at the Hazard Pay Lounge near the stadium.”

Edward grimaced as the young woman on screen tried to push past news cameras and toward her car.
“Miss! Miss! Can you clarify your relationship with Mr. Black? Did you know he was still married?” A
reporter off camera called out.

“Fuck you,” the young woman sneered. “His wife is a bitch for calling all of you and she’ll get what she

Edward felt Bella stiffen next to him and grasped her tighter. This couldn’t be easy for her to watch.

“Meanwhile, Lauren,” Eric Yorkie’s eager face returned to the screen, “I caught up with Renee and Phil
Dwyer regarding the newest piece of evidence in this on going family drama -- a voicemail message
from Isabella Swan-Black’s mother, Renee, to her daughter.”

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Edward felt his stomach tense as the message was played and just how much cruelty was laced in the
voice of a woman who dared to call herself Bella’s mother. Once the message had played, with the
transcripts printed on screen, they returned to prerecorded video of a woman who vaguely resembled
Bella attempting to get to her car in a crowded parking lot.

“Mrs. Dwyer, is the voicemail message leaked to the press accurate?” One reporter called out.

“No comment,” the woman muttered.

“Is it true that you once abandoned your daughter, at the age of 7, with neighbors to go on a three month
vacation to the Bahamas with a boyfriend?”

“No comment,” she insisted again firmly.

“Did you routinely leave your daughter in the company of strangers while you dated?”

“No comment,” she seemed angry now and Edward could see the explosion coming.

“Were the allegations in your former husband’s custody filing that you neglected Isabella true?”

“No comment,” she growled.

“Mrs. Dwyer, can you comment about allegations made by your ex-husband about inappropriate
behavior by your current husband toward Isabella?”

Edward looked down in horror at the woman now cowering on his chest, her shoulders shaking as she
cried. Bella had never mentioned to either him or Demetri that there had been any sort of sexual abuse.
He wasn’t surprised, seeing everything that had occurred, but it was still something that obviously and
understandably upset her.

“It’s not true,” the woman snapped. “Isabella has always been a horrid child and a liar. She hated Phil
because he made me happy and she did everything she could to destroy us -- just like she’s trying to
destroy everyone’s life with her selfishness now. She’s a selfish, horrible girl and I wish I’d never given
birth to her!” Renee screeched suddenly and Edward felt Bella’s shoulder’s jerk, as if she’d been
violently struck, as the words left her mother’s mouth.

“What about the charges against your husband in Alabama by another young woman in 2004?” The
reporter seemed unfazed by Renee’s outburst and followed the now silent woman to her car. “Did your
husband settle out of court with the young woman?”

“Bella?” Edward murmured. “Bella are you all right?”

“No,” she sobbed loudly into his chest. “No, I most definitely am not all right.”

“Shh,” Edward crooned. “We shouldn’t have watched this. I’m so sorry we watched this.”

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“Why?” Bella sniffled. “It’s not like she hasn’t told me all of this to my face before.”

Edward felt his heart break at the thought of someone’s mother telling them such a thing. His own
mother had told him every day how much she loved him -- even when he was across the country in
Boston she’d made sure to call him each day and remind him of her love. How could anyone not have
done the same for Bella?

“Eric,” the young newscaster in the studio, Lauren, broke into his silent reverie suddenly. “Do we have
any comment from Mrs. Swan-Black?”

“No, Lauren, when contacted, her lawyer gave us no comment besides that Mrs. Swan-Black would like
to keep her privacy and that of her son. What we do know is that she currently works as an assistant at
Cullen Industries and when contacted, they made the following statement.”

Edward watched as the words Jasper had sent him in the press release were placed on screen and Eric
Yorkie read them. “Bella Swan-Black is a valued and essential member of the Cullen Industries family
and we support her and her son during these troubling times. It is our hope that Mrs. Swan-Black’s
privacy can be respected in this matter for her sake and that of her son.”

“Thank you Eric, and as we all know Cullen Industries is not new to the game when controversial press
is concerned, nor is their current CEO,” Lauren smiled. “Meanwhile, we here at Channel Nine will keep
you updated about the ongoing trial regarding the popular Mariner’s pitcher and what is to come; next
up, the weather forecast from Trent Meyers in the Doppler Weather Center. Trent?”

“Edward,” Bella whispered as he reached over to turn off the television set.


“What are they talking about? What controversial press? Is it the same thing Demetri brought up?”

“Um,” Edward paused. How was he supposed to tell her all of this without watching her pull away from
him? She would hate him after this.

“You don’t have to tell me,” Bella sighed. “I just thought --”

“No,” Edward shook his head. Bella was his friend, he wanted her to be more than a friend when this
was over, and he needed to tell her the truth before someone else did. “I don’t mind, it’s just really

“Edward?” Bella murmured as she pressed closer against him.


“My mother just told all of Seattle that she regretted that I was ever born.”

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“Good point,” Edward conceded. “Well, um, a few years ago I hired a computer engineer who I thought
was brilliant. She is brilliant,” he corrected.

Edward sighed and released one arm from around Bella’s shoulders to run the fingers through his hair.
“The thing is, well, we sort of got involved.”


“Dated,” Edward muttered. “Seriously dated.”


“She liked, um, stuff,” Edward stuttered, feeling his face flame.

“Stuff?” Bella kept her face buried in his chest and he took a deep breath to steady himself.

“She liked things to be rough,” Edward tried delicately, “and she had a bit of an exhibitionist streak.”

“Oh,” he looked down and saw Bella’s face color.

“Well, um,” Edward stuttered again. “I was in love with her and I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to
get married,” he continued.

“Okay,” Bella prompted.

“Well,” Edward sighed. “It turns out that she wasn’t quite as serious about me as I was about her.”

“What do you mean?”

“She was with me so that she could spy on my company and sell one of our largest research projects to
another firm.”

“Anderson Corp?”

“Yeah,” Edward clenched his fists. “Anderson Corp. Meanwhile, she thought that to keep us from suing
her it would be in her best interest to give me a reason to let her just go away.”

“Just go away? How did she expect to do that?”

“She accused me of rape,” Edward whispered quietly. “She had taped a few of our, um, uh,”

“Interludes?” Bella suggested.

“That works,” Edward mumbled. “Including one in the parking garage at Cullen Industries that didn’t
have any sound so no one could hear what was actually being said, they could only see what was taking
place on the video. It was pretty bad.”

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“What happened?”

“Well,” Edward sighed. “Luckily, I have very loyal staff who told the police that we were in a
relationship, she lived here for another month after the ‘rape’, and Emmett and half of Seattle’s elite
could attest for our whereabouts two hours later. It was difficult to claim she was a victim when the
Seattle Post-Gazette had pictures of her smiling and kissing me at an Opera Benefit two hours later.”

“She didn’t think that through did she?” Bella said angrily.

“She didn’t think she needed to,” Edward answered. “She thought that I would just let her take all our
hard research to another company rather than embarrass my parents with the public accusation.”

“You fought her though?”

“Yes,” Edward muttered. “I wish now that I wouldn’t have, that I would have just settled out of court
with her and let her go, but I was angry and hurt. I thought I loved her and I found out that she didn’t
even like me. That she’d never cared about me. I found out I’d been a pawn, a mark that she’d intended
to use all along.”

“Edward,” Bella rubbed his shoulder soothingly. “You can’t just let people take advantage of you.”

“They,” Edward swallowed. “They dropped the charges pretty quickly and we sued her and Anderson
Corp for corporate espionage. They knew that they were caught and the repercussions were severe.
Anderson Corp. made most of its profits in government contracts and they were being pulled because of
this. That’s when,” Edward froze. He couldn’t actually say it out loud. He never had been able to say it
out loud.

“That’s when your car was bombed?” Bella whispered.

Edward nodded slowly. “My parents were taking it out to dinner. I didn’t want them to drive themselves
because of the case so I had my driver at the time take them instead. I was worried about the press
chasing after them on their anniversary but instead,” he stopped.

“Shh,” Bella moved closer, almost straddling his lap as she held his face to her chest, soothing him. “It
wasn’t your fault.”

“If I’d have just let her go,” Edward muttered into her collar bone and wrapped his arms around Bella’s
waist, pulling her closer.

“You couldn’t have known,” Bella crooned. “There was no way you could have known.”

“It will all come out again and they’ll tie this to you Bella,” he gasped out and tried to regain his
composure. “They’re going to rake you over the coals for your friendship with me.”

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“Let them,” Bella insisted stoutly and then pulled his face up so that he was staring at her. “Do you hear
me? You are my very best friend and if you can sit here and watch the horror story that is my life play
out on the ten o’clock news and not flinch then I can do the same for you. Do you understand?”

They were nose to nose and Edward couldn’t help the sharp breath he took in as he noticed how close
they were to each other. He could feel the air passing between her soft pink lips and see the indents
where she had been biting the lower one. He pulled his arms slightly tighter and felt Bella’s breath
quicken as her hands made their way into his unruly hair. They were so close it would take just the
slightest movement, the slightest shift to have her mouth against his.

“Bella,” he whispered quietly, wanting to give her one last out before he did something they’d both
regret in the morning. Instead of responding she just gripped his hair tighter and let her mouth move
toward his.

“Mommy! Eddie!” The baby monitor shrieked to life and they jerked apart instantly. “Mommy!” Charlie
cried out again.

“I’ll, um,” Bella jumped from the sofa and ran nervous fingers through her own hair. “I’ll go check on

“Right,” Edward sighed. “I’ll clean up in here and then I think I’ll go to bed.”

“Bed,” Bella nodded distractedly, “right, bed.”

“Goodnight Bella,” he whispered as she raced from the room. Once he’d heard her feet on the steps he
looked balefully at the baby monitor. “Cockblocker,” he muttered as he shut the handset off -- not sure if
he was talking about the technology or the toddler.

Chapter Fourteen

She watched him carefully from her spot at the kitchen counter, cutting up a banana for Charlie to
mutilate for breakfast. He was moving awkwardly, pouring a cup of coffee and not glancing at her. She
watched as he grabbed a muffin and then set both on the table. Suddenly, he was standing next to her.
“Do you want me to pour him some Cheerios?” Edward asked her suddenly.

“If you don’t mind,” she replied quietly. He obviously regretted what almost happened between them
last night. Add to that what they’d shown about her on the news and it was fairly obvious that it had
changed his perceptions of her. Whatever was going to happen last night had been sympathy for what
he’d seen and not really related to how he felt.

“What time do you have to meet with the media trainer?” Edward asked suddenly.

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“Jasper said he’d come to the house with the Cullen Industries media people around noon,” Bella
answered softly.

“Do you want me to take Charlie over to Aro’s?” Edward asked just as quietly.

“No,” Bella shook her head. “I don’t want to take any chances of the press stopping you with Charlie.”

“Oh,” Edward shifted, “right.”

“That’s,” she realized how what she had said sounded. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, that came out
wrong. What I wanted to say was I’m worried about the press swarming outside and,”

“Bella,” Edward cut her off. “I understand what you’re saying.”

“You do?”

“It’s not that you don’t want me around Charlie,” Edward explained slowly before he set a bowl of
Cheerios in front of Charlie and came back to lean against the counter next to her, arms crossed over his
chest. “It’s not that you’re ashamed of my being your friend and being around your son as your friend,
it’s that you don’t want the press shoving cameras in your toddler’s face at all. I understand that. What I
was going to suggest is for Emmett and I to take the limo and load Charlie into it through the garage
where no one could see. Then, when the press saw the limo leave, they’d just assume that it was me in it
alone, possibly on my way to the downtown office.”

“Oh,” Bella stopped. “You really thought this through didn’t you?”

“You could say that,” Edward shrugged. “I just thought that, considering everything, you wouldn’t want
Charlie to hear what might come out in the media training. I mean, I know that he isn’t old enough to
understand but I thought it might bother you if he was here.”

“I’m not really comfortable with it,” Bella shrugged, “but I don’t really see a choice.”

“I had another idea,” Edward suggested.


“I have a friend at the Seattle Zoo,” Edward started. “I talked to him about possibly bringing Charlie in
for a private tour of the petting zoo and the animal clinic and instead, he offered to bring some of the
animals here if we want.”

“He’s going to bring the zoo to your house?”

“Not the entire zoo,” Edward answered, “just some of the smaller animals in the petting zoo and maybe
a few of the more stable baby animals. I know how much Charlie likes animals and I thought it would be
something you would both enjoy. It’s not a big deal really. The Seattle Zoo runs private tours all the
time, you just have to reserve one.”

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“But they don’t usually bring the animals to you,” Bella pointed out.

“Their educational programs department takes them to schools sometimes,” Edward answered. “Since
Cullen Industries is opening an on-site child care center, it’s possible that we could decide to use the
Zoo’s educational and summer programs, look at it as though they’re willing to be a little
accommodating to secure the account.”

“And you’re Edward Cullen,” Bella smirked, “richest man in the Pacific Northwest.”

“Well,” Edward looked sheepish, “that may be part of it. I’d hope they’d do this for any potential client

“How long do you think it will take to set up?”

“For anyone else?” Edward shrugged. “A week, possibly two.”

“I have media training today,” Bella pointed out, slightly disappointed because Charlie would have
enjoyed the animals.

“Yes,” Edward agreed. “But like you said, I’m Edward Cullen, richest man in the Pacific Northwest. For
anyone else it would take a week or possibly two, I can have them here by 11.”

“Are you kidding?”

“Nope,” Edward smirked as he reached for the phone. “Give me five minutes.”

“Okay,” Bella smiled. “Go for it.” Turning toward Charlie she handed him the banana that she had
managed to mince into tiny pieces while she was talking to Edward. It wouldn’t matter, he’d still
attempt to body paint with it.

“Are you ready to see some animals today baby?”

“Animals,” Charlie cooed as he began to slam his fist into the highchair table, mashing the banana.

“Edward is going to have some animals brought to the house for you to play with,” Bella explained.
“Won’t that be fun?”

“Eddie!” Charlie shrieked in delight. “Animals! Here Felix! Felix!”

Bella tried to stifle a groan as the puppy raced into the room, knocking her off her feet as he raced
toward the high chair and started to bark.

“What is this chaos?” Mrs. Cope asked loudly as she pushed into the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late dears, it
took forever to get through that mess of cars out there.”

“Mess of cars?” Bella asked warily.

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“Oh dear,” Mrs. Cope patted her on the hand. “I wouldn’t go out there if I were you. Just stay inside.”

“I was planning on it,” Bella muttered. “Edward’s on the phone with a friend of his at the Zoo, they’re
going to bring some animals over to keep Charlie busy while the media trainer is here.”

“Oh Laurent is bringing over some animals?” Mrs. Cope laughed happily. “Make sure you take at least a
small break and see the animals while they’re here!”

“He’s had the Zoo come out before? He didn’t mention that.”

“Well,” Mrs. Cope shrugged, “it wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“I don’t mind,” Bella shrugged. “He just didn’t mention it is all.”

“Oh,” Mrs. Cope smiled. “Edward hosted a second birthday party for Rosalie’s godson and he had the
Zoo come out for all the kids. We thought they would just bring out some rabbits and lambs, maybe a
pony or two.”


“Well, Laurent always likes to go over the top and anything he can manage to take out he will.”

“Let’s hope he doesn’t go too overboard,” Bella shrugged.

“Define too overboard,” Mrs. Cope snorted as Edward hung up the phone.

“Good morning Mrs. Cope,” Edward smiled as he noticed her. “How do things look outside?”

“Meh,” Mrs. Cope shrugged as she took the tray off the high chair. “We’ve had worse.”

“You know what to do right?”

“Don’t stop outside the gates, don’t answer any questions, and if they get too wild I’m to leave my car at
home and Emmett will take me back and forth each day.”

“Right,” Edward nodded.

“We’ve dealt with it before,” Mrs. Cope smiled, “we’ll handle them again. I hear we’re having visitors

“Laurent promised to keep it small,” Edward answered.

“Small for Laurent or small for reasonable people?”

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “You know how Laurent is.”

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“I’ll call the lawn service so that they come in tomorrow and ‘clean up’ for us,” Mrs. Cope laughed as
she picked Charlie up. “Otherwise, we’ll all be stepping around land mines for the next week. Come on
lovey,” she patted the toddler on his bottom. “That butt feels soggy and you’ll need to be clean or those
icky animals will give you a bath with their dirty tongues.”

“Memaw,” Charlie cooed. “Animals! Animals, Memaw!”

“I know,” Mrs. Cope cooed. “We’re having animals coming! That means we need to go take a bath so
you can go outside and get all dirty again afterwards.”

“No bath!” Charlie pouted. “Animals, Memaw!”

“Bath first,” Mrs. Cope said firmly, “then animals.”

Bella shook her head as she watched Mrs. Cope take Charlie from the room and listened to her walking
up the steps and toward the bathroom. “Bella,” Edward asked quietly.


“Are you sure about this?”

“Sure about what?”

“I don’t want you to think I’m overstepping my bounds with Charlie. He’s your son and I know that.”

“I know silly,” Bella agreed.

“I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to step on your toes.” Edward rephrased.

“Edward,” Bella leaned against his shoulder. “I know you’re just trying to be a good friend and you have
to know how much I appreciate that.”

“There’s nothing to appreciate,” Edward answered and bumped her shoulder. “We’re friends and that’s
what friends do.”

“My best friend,” Bella emphasized.

“Okay,” Edward agreed, “that’s what best friends do. Don’t worry about it.”

“Edward,” Bella took a deep breath.


“About last night,” Bella started.


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“I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated you being there for me during all of that last night.”

“Once again,” Edward ran his fingers up through his hair. “That’s what best friends do Bella. Although -
- if we’re thanking each other -- then I owe you one as well.”

“For what?”

“For not pulling away from me when you found out what happened with Jessica and that whole
disgusting mess.”

“What are best friends for?” Bella repeated his earlier sentiments reassuringly. “I’m going to go get
some work done before Jasper gets here.”

“I didn’t know we had anything that had come up?”

“We don’t,” Bella answered. “I just want to make sure I’ve got everything up to date for the next week
in case things get more hectic.”

“Right,” Edward agreed. “Bella?”


“About last night,” Edward stepped toward her and she felt her breathe catch in her chest as he glanced
between her eyes and her lips a few times.

“Yeah?” What was he thinking about? Was he going to tell her how what had almost happened was a
mistake? That he really just wanted to stay friends? What would she tell him then?

Edward wrapped his arm around her waist and let his other hand trail along her cheekbone. Before she
could say anything, gentle lips pressed against hers and she felt her breath come out shakily. She
wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth back against his firmly. She let her tongue slip
out and trail along his lower lip. Edward groaned softly and pressed against her gently, deepening the
kiss. Bella let her tongue caress his until she had to pull back and catch her breathe.

“Um,” Edward pulled back shakily.

“You were saying something about last night?” Bella prompted.

“I just wanted to let you know I regretted the baby monitor going off when it did,” Edward stammered,
blushing crimson.

“Me too,” Bella felt her own cheeks flare. “Um, obviously. Well, I guess I should go check on your
schedule for next week.”

“Right,” Edward agreed. “I’m going to go empty all the memory cards and double check the batteries on
the cameras before I call Rosalie. Do you mind if we invite a few other children over? My cousins Kate

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and Irina have kids a little older than Charlie. It seems a waste to not let as many kids as possible enjoy
the animals if the Zoo’s bringing them out.”

“Absolutely,” Bella nodded enthusiastically. “I’d love for Charlie to get some playmates.”

“Okay,” Edward nodded and then jerked his thumb toward the phone. “I’ll just go, um, call Kate and
Irina then.”

“Okay,” Bella nodded again awkwardly. “Right.”

“Right,” Edward agreed and then thankfully turned around and headed back into the kitchen to use the
phone, giving her the chance to escape upstairs. Who knew kissing her best friend would be so
awkward? Or that it would be so amazing?

Amazing, Bella snorted, that was an understatement.

Chapter Fifteen

“Bella,” Jasper reached out to take her hand warmly as he led two men and a woman into the foyer of
Edward’s home. “How are you?”

“I’d like to say I’m doing well,” Bella tried her best to hide the glow on her cheeks from Edward kissing
her a few hours earlier. “But given recent events --”

“Right,” Jasper nodded. “You know that if you need anything, anything at all, it’s handled don’t you?”

“I know that,” Bella agreed. “Edward’s been very supportive and I couldn’t ask for a better boss.”

“Well,” Jasper nodded. “Don’t just rely on Edward. I had to promise half the support staff that I would
send you their love and Angela even offered to take her kickboxing classmates to stake out anyone you
felt needed it.”

“Well,” Bella smiled and felt her face flare up in embarrassment. “Tell Angela I appreciate it but I don’t
think it’s necessary.”

“Where are Edward and Charlie?” Jasper looked around.

“Edward made arrangements to keep Charlie occupied outside while we used his office for the media
training,” Bella replied.


“The zoo is bringing some animals over.”

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“Really?” Jasper asked enthusiastically. Turning around he looked at the others. “We’ll all need to take a
break so that we can go outside and enjoy the animals. Edward’s friend Laurent is just insane about
these things. Rosalie, Emmett in security’s wife, hosted a birthday party here and they brought so many
animals it was just amazing.”

“Right,” the woman nodded. “Well, I think we should perhaps set up then? What do you think Mr.

“Right, right,” Jasper agreed distractedly, looking out the windows to see if the truck from the zoo had
arrived yet.

“If you’ll follow me,” Bella led the way to the stairs, trying her hardest not to giggle at Jasper. He was
almost as excited as Edward had been when he’d arranged the visit.

Bella led the media people into the room and tried her best not to appear nervous. “Okay Bella?” A
sandy haired young man asked. “I’m James. While Victoria and Alistair set up the video camera why
don’t you and I work through some basics?”

“Sure,” Bella tried to smile.

“Good,” the man smiled. “First, the media strategy we’ve come up with for you, after discussing your
concerns with Jasper, is that its best if we try to keep your contact with them as minimal as possible and
your son’s absolutely nonexistent. We can all understand that you don’t want the media pressing camera
lenses into your son’s face.”

“Thank you,” Bella sighed.

“Not a problem,” James smiled. “Now, we’re not going to be able to keep you entirely out of the media
and at some point you may need to do an interview or two -- that’s why Victoria is setting up the video
equipment. But that’s only going to happen if we have absolutely no choice.”

“No choice?”

“I don’t think it will become necessary,” James soothed. “But if the Mariners or Mr. Black decide to
fight back against you, then we may need you to do a few interviews as damage control. I promise
though, the only way we’ll ask it of you is if it’s the only possible step to save your reputation.”

“Right,” Bella swallowed shakily. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“It won’t,” James shook his head confidently. “I just always like to take my grandfather’s advice when it
comes to things.”

“What’s that?”

“When did Noah build the Ark?” James asked.

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“Noah built the Ark before the rain,” James explained. “My grandfather always used to tell me that.
That’s what we’re doing -- building your Ark before the rain. Now, let’s get started.”

“What do I do?”

“If you get caught by the press your standard answer to everything is that ‘you just want what’s best for
your son.’ Don’t say his name even. Keep it generic. Your main stock answer is ‘I just want what’s best
for my son.’ Got it?”

“Got it,” Bella smiled.

“Now some questions won’t be answerable that way, for those you reply with ‘please speak to my
attorney’. Under no conditions do you do what your mother did on television last night. Losing it with
the media is the worse thing you can do for your case.”

“Right,” Bella nodded.

“Okay let’s start with some questions you might get hit with. Bella are the allegations that you’re an
alcoholic true?”

“Please speak to my attorney,” Bella answered slowly.

“Good, right.” James encouraged. “Sound a little outraged though. It’s an insulting thing for your ex-
husband to suggest. You can have some emotions, that’s normal, but don’t fly off the handle. Now,
Bella is it true that you were investigated for inappropriate conduct with a minor?”

“Speak to my attorney,” Bella snapped that time.

“Perfect, righteous indignation. Now, Bella are the rumors that your son is not Jacob Black’s true?”

“Speak to my attorney,” Bella replied.

“You’ve got this. Now let’s move onto some other questions. Is it true, as Mr. Black suggested, that this
is all an extortion attempt on your part?”

“I just want what’s best for my son,” Bella argued. “Please speak to my attorney.”

“Double whammy!” James cried. “Very good! Now is it true that you’ve chosen to take your son to
work with you at Cullen Industries each day rather than allow a member of Jacob Black’s extended
family care for him?”

“I just want what’s best for my son,” Bella answered.

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“You’ve got this down Babe,” James reassured her. “The press is sympathetic as hell to you right now
anyway so they’re going to lob you softballs. You’ve already won this in the court of public opinion and
the press is just going to reinforce it.”

“I’m more worried about winning in family court,” Bella sighed.

“They’re not going against the public,” James responded. “Don’t let them lie about justice being blind.
Every judge watches the news and reads the papers. You just stay the calm, demure, loving mother who
was trapped in a hellish marriage and wants what’s best for her son and the crowd will lynch any judge
who so much as looks at you cross eyed. All you need is apple pie and an apron and they’d give you
your own 1950’s sitcom.”

“I don’t bake,” Bella replied dryly.

“Damn,” James chuckled. “You were fueling my ‘Father Knows Best’ fetish there for a minute.”

“James,” the redheaded woman broke in dryly. “Could you quit sexually harassing Mrs. Swan-Black
and let her get some face time with a video camera?”

“Of course my fair love,” James replied smoothly.

“Ms. Swan-Black?” Victoria rolled her eyes at James.

“Just Bella please.”

“Okay,” Victoria smiled. “Bella. I’d like you to sit down in this chair and we’re going to do a mock
interview so we can analyze how you appear on camera.”

Three hours later, Bella rolled her shoulders gently and turned her head from side to side. Taking the
steps two at a time, she pulled her arms up over her head to stretch and then walked through the kitchen
to see Felix staring forlornly outside.

“Did they leave you in here puppy?” Bella smirked. “Were you chasing the bunnies?”

Felix barked back at her and hid behind her legs whimpering. “What is it Felix? A donkey? You afraid
of a pony maybe?” Bella turned around and looked out the French doors. “Shit!”

“Bella,” Jasper called out from the front room. “Is everything okay?”

“There’s an elephant in the back yard!” Bella shrieked. “And my child is riding it!”

“What?” Jasper yelped and she heard rapid footsteps as Jasper raced to the doors. “Oh cool! Laurent
outdid himself this time!”

Bella tore out the doors and ran face first into Edward’s chest. “Edward! My child is riding an

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“I know,” he agreed happily. “You missed him on the camel, don’t worry I got pictures.”

“What?” Bella hissed.

“Bella,” Edward said soothingly and turned her to face the backyard. “There’s a trainer up there with
him. She won’t let Charlie fall. All the kids have taken turns riding them.”

“But,” Bella looked up at Edward in terror. “What if he bolts? What if he gets angry and kicks Charlie
off the back and stomps on him?”

“She,” a smooth voice broke in and Bella turned to look at a handsome African American man standing
next to her in a Seattle Zoo polo shirt, “won’t bolt. Carmen and Tiye are both accustomed to being
ridden. In fact, they’re the only two animals in the Seattle Zoo that you can ride.”

“Carmen and Tiye?”

“Carmen,” the man continued, “is our African Elephant cow that we acquired from a circus two years
ago and Tiye is an Australian camel that we acquired at the same time. Both have been trained to have
riders since they were young and were used by the circus in a sort of petting zoo for children as well.”

“Oh,” Bella sighed. “Okay then.”

“Take a deep breath,” Edward smiled. “Calm down a little bit and let him have some fun.”

“Mommy!” Charlie yelled suddenly and when Bella looked up he waved to her. “Elephant!”

“I see baby!” Bella smiled and waved back. “Keep hold of the elephant!” Turning she looked directly at
Edward. “Tell me you have pictures!”

“Um,” Edward looked at the camera in his hand. “I’ve only taken about 150 but Emmett’s been over
there clicking away like crazy.”

Bella looked up to see the head of security snapping photos of Charlie and the other children as they
rode the elephant and the camel or played with the various animals in temporary pens in the backyard.
“He seems to be having fun.”

“Emmett loves this stuff,” Edward shrugged. “Now come on, let me show you the rest of the animals.”

“I don’t know,” Bella shrugged. “After a camel and an elephant the rest may be a let down.”

“Come on,” Edward grabbed her hand and Bella couldn’t help the tingle she felt wrapping her fingers
through his and letting him drag her along. As they walked between the pens she understood what Mrs.
Cope had meant by ‘small for Laurent.’ There were three zebras, a zonkey, a pen full of goats with
bottles for the children to feed them, two cows, six piglets, four bunnies, various cages of exotic birds
and reptiles, a butterfly screen and last but not least -- a full grown kangaroo.

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“He’s got the same color hair you do,” Bella giggled.

“Really?” Edward blushed. “I didn’t notice. Mine’s not that red is it?”

“Yes,” Bella laughed and leaned her head over so that it rested against his shoulder. “You two are the
exact same shade.”

“Oh, well,” Edward shrugged. “I guess it could be worse.”

“Hmm,” Bella nodded in agreement. “You know --” she trailed off.


“Never mind.”

“Nope, no never mind out of you missy.” Edward laughed. “What were you going to say?”

“I always did have a thing for kangaroos,” Bella shrugged.

“Really?” Edward’s voice rose at the end of the statement.

“Mmhmm,” Bella giggled. “I’ve always wanted to go to Australia.”

“Oh, um,” Edward shrugged. Bella looked around and noticed that no one was watching them before she
leaned up on her toes to plant a soft kiss on Edward’s cheek. “Uh,” Edward stuttered.


“Yep?” He sounded slightly strangled.

“We will be finishing up where we started earlier,” Bella giggled.


“As soon as everyone leaves and Charlie’s in bed.”

“Oh, um,” Edward stuttered. “You get Charlie from the elephant trainer, I’ll run everyone off and then
we can try to lay him down for a nap?”

“Good try,” Bella giggled. “But no. You’ll just have to be patient.”

“I’m not very good at that,” Edward whined.

“I know,” Bella laughed as she pulled away from his shoulder and turned to saunter off toward where
Rose and some other women were standing. She couldn’t help making her hips sway a little as she
walked, she knew he was looking, and for the first time in her life she enjoyed being stared at by a man.

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Chapter Sixteen

“So?” Edward shuffled his feet awkwardly as Bella came down the stairs from putting Charlie to bed.

“Dead to the world,” she giggled. “I think he’s dreaming about riding the elephant though. He kept
mumbling ‘faster’ and kicking his little feet.”

“So he had a good time today?”

“You couldn’t tell? I mean the tears when Laurent packed up all the animals, the babbling all night
about the animals, the fact that he wouldn’t leave your lap because you brought the animals, none of that
tipped you off?”

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “You never know.”

“Come here,” Bella reached out for his hand and pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“It was perfect.”

“Oh, well,” Edward wrapped his arms around her shoulders and let out a small sigh. “I’m glad he liked

“Edward,” Bella mumbled against his chest and the vibrations caused his nerves to tingle. She pulled
him toward the couch gently and pushed so that he was sitting down with her pressed against his side.

“Huh?” He tried to keep his brain from becoming incoherent.

“I was hoping we could finish what we started this morning,” Bella purred.

She wanted to finish what they started? Did she want him to kiss her again? He thought she wanted him
to kiss her again. After all, she’d kissed him earlier today so he took that to mean she wanted him to kiss
her again. Did she want him to do something else besides kiss her? Should he pull out all his best
moves? ‘Wait,’ Edward groaned internally. He didn’t have any moves.

“Um,” he shifted slightly. “Okay.” He shifted so that he was facing her and leaned his head down to kiss
her lightly on the mouth, unsure of what exactly she considered ‘finishing what they started.’

“Oh,” Bella whimpered softly as she parted her lips for him and her tongue came out to delicately sweep
against his lower lip. It seemed like Bella knew what she wanted and he decided to let her lead. Opening
his mouth he let her slip her tongue inside and began to delicately move his tongue against hers, letting
her stay in control the entire time.

He felt small fingers lace through his hair and she tugged him closer toward her, pressing their mouths
together more firmly. He gripped the side of the sofa and clenched his other fist to keep from palming
her hips. He was going to let her control this, not grab or manhandle her like some animal. They would

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only go as far as Bella was comfortable with no matter how much he wanted to start tearing at her
clothes and worshipping her body.

He let out a low groan as Bella shifted onto her knees, her mouth never leaving his, and straddled his
lap. Her tongue began to move against his more forcefully and he whimpered as her jeans rubbed against
his straining cock. He felt her hands leave his hair and reach for his arms, wrapping them around her

“Bella,” he moaned, half in delight and half in warning.

“Edward,” she panted before pulling her lips away from his and pressing her mouth to the pulse point
beneath his jaw as her hands returned to his hair. His head clouded at the sound of her voice calling to
him and he shifted to get closer to her, pressing her back into the couch so that he could hover over the
top of her. His hands swept up from her waist, along the side of her breasts to cradle her face between
his hands.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured before pressing his face back down to hers.

Bella whimpered and let her hands leave his hair to wrap around his neck, tugging him closer to her. She
pressed every inch of her body against his and began to squirm. Edward moaned at the jolts of pleasure
that shot through his body as she ground against him demandingly.

“Edward,” she moaned and began to push at his shoulders. He pulled away, thinking that she wanted to
stop, but Bella lifted her head and began to attack his mouth again aggressively. Taken off guard,
Edward shifted and then fell off the narrow couch, pulling Bella on top of him.

“Oof,” Edward felt the air shoot out of him as he landed on his back and Bella bounced off of his ribs.

“Mmm,” Bella giggled as she planted her lips back against his jaw and pressed herself against his
throbbing erection, beginning to squirm against him again.

“Bella,” Edward moaned, pulling the edges of his sanity together to give her one last opportunity to stop
before he lost his mind entirely.

“Edward,” she giggled again and began to move down his body, trailing hot kisses down his neck and
flicking her tongue along his collar bone. He almost jumped when he felt her fingers trailing up his
stomach, pushing his t-shirt up, tugging on it. “Off,” she giggled again.

He struggled to lift up and yanked the t-shirt off over his head and began to tug on the hem of her own t-
shirt. Bella sat up, straddling his waist, and pulled her own shirt off, giving him a shy smile.

Edward gasped at the sight of her straddling him in nothing but her bra and a pair of tight jeans. She was
phenomenal looking. Her ivory skin glowed in the lamp light and the innocent, white cotton bra she was
wearing clung to her delicate curves. He tried not to groan as his eyes lingered on the royal blue bow
between her breasts and the bows attached to each strap, nestled in the hollow of her shoulders.

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He’d only ever been with one other person, Jessica, and her tastes in lingerie had ran to black and red
stretch lace or more exotic creations. At the time he’d thought it was insanely sexy but now he realized
that it paled in comparison to the innocent eroticism of Bella’s white cotton bra. He wanted to touch her
so badly, wanted to trail his fingers up from her waist and palm her breasts but he was afraid to push her
too far. But he couldn’t not touch her; he didn’t want to be a selfish lover and at some point not touching
her to be a gentleman would cross the line to being a lousy lover who wasn’t fulfilling her needs. Taking
a deep breath he let his hands trail up her sides again and palmed her breasts gently.

“Oh,” Bella moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts more demandingly into his hands and her
warm core against the straining in his jeans. If he wasn’t careful they wouldn’t get too much farther
tonight because he was going to explode from her touch.

He let his hands trail around to the front of her body and let his thumbs graze across her still clothed
nipples. Bella shuddered and let out another delicate groan. “Edward,” she mewled and ran her fingers
up through her hair, shuddering. He rubbed his thumbs against her experimentally and then reached back
to unhook her, letting her soft, plump breasts fill his hands. Running his thumbs back across her rose
colored nipples he watched in awe as they hardened immediately from his touch. Bella shuddered and
collapsed against him.

Edward shifted his hands to her waist and lifted Bella slightly, bringing her breasts up to his mouth.
Glancing down, he licked his lips and then pressed his lips against the flesh tempting him. “Oh,” Bella
jerked her hips against his abdomen, and then let out a moan. Edward licked between her breasts and let
his tongue sweep over her left nipple.

“Oh,” Bella shivered against him and pressed her breast more demandingly against his mouth. Taking
that as a sign she was enjoying his attentions, Edward began to nip and suckle at her breasts, listening to
her breathless moans and letting her squirm ineffectually against him.

“Mmm,” Bella groaned as he licked the underside of her left breast and broke away from him. Pressing
back onto her knees she looked down at him and smirked teasingly. She gave him a soft kiss on the lips
and when he raised his head to deepen it she pulled away, letting her lips trail down his neck and
shoulders while her bare breasts dragged against his chest. It was his turn to whimper and moan as she
began to lick slowly downward, stopping to suck occasionally at the flesh in front of her or trail her
fingers along his muscles. He dug his fingers into the carpet when she began to lick lightly on his
abdominal muscles, planting tiny kisses between longer licks and nibbles.

“Bella,” he groaned as he felt soft, nimble fingers at the button of his jeans. “We don’t,” he managed to
stutter out before the button popped free and he felt the zipper slide across his aching cock. ‘Damn it, he
was going to be a gentleman about this’, he reminded himself. He wasn’t going to push her to do
anything she wasn’t comfortable with. He wasn’t going to ask her for anything she wasn’t prepared to
give him voluntarily. He felt the tips of her fingers underneath the band of his boxer briefs and his hips
lifted involuntarily. Swallowing, he tried again. “Bella, love, we don’t have to do anything you don’t
want to do,” he managed to gasp out as she slid both his jeans and his underwear down his body in one
smooth stroke.

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He reached for her but she had maneuvered so that her head was next to his hip and the rest of her body
was out of his reach. He wanted her as naked as he was but he couldn’t reach her jeans. ‘Just have to
make taking them off of her as mind blowing for her as this feels for me,’ he thought determinedly.
Jessica had loved when he -- Bella suddenly bent her head down and swirled her tongue over the tip of
his cock and all thoughts of Jessica and what she’d enjoyed vanished from his memory.

Reaching down, he tried to tangle his fingers in the lovely mahogany curls tempting him and felt Bella
jerk away from his hand. That didn’t seem right. Maybe she was afraid he’d try to push her further
down? He just wanted to tangle his fingers in her hair and maybe run his fingers along the sensitive skin
at the back of her ear. He’d dreamed about that spot on her so many times, it seemed a shame not to
actually touch it now. He needed to touch her to make sure this was actually happening and not some
extremely vivid dream he’d be embarrassed about in the morning. He reached out to touch her hair again
and she jerked further out of his reach, sucking more demandingly on the head of his cock.

“Bella,” he groaned as she wrapped her tiny fingers around his shaft and began to let her head bob,
taking more of him into her mouth. She glanced up at him and Edward froze, feeling his erection
immediately soften in her mouth at the look in her eyes. He swallowed hard and jerked away from her.
Her eyes were dead, robotic. They weren’t the shining pools of chocolate he had grown accustomed to.
“Stop,” he managed to pull away from her and reached down to hurriedly pull up his jeans and boxers.

Grabbing his t-shirt he hastily sat up and pulled her toward him, pushing it over her delectable curves to
avoid temptation as she began to sob. He pulled her into his lap and let her bury her head in the curve of
his neck as her tears flowed and sobs racked her body. “Shhh,” he soothed as he ran his hands over her
back and let his chin rest on the crown of her head.

“I’m sorry,” she managed to gasp out between sobs. “I’m so sorry. I thought you wanted,” she managed
to gasp out and then began to sob harder.

“Bella,” he groaned in frustration. She thought he didn’t want her? Was she insane? All he spent his
time doing anymore was trying to hide just how much he wanted her!

“I’m sorry,” she tried to push off his lap and he kept his arms curled around her. “I’ll get my things
together and tomorrow Charlie and I will go.”

“What?” He yelped and pulled back slightly so that he could look at her. “Why?”

Bella sniffled again. “After I just threw myself at you I can’t imagine you’re comfortable with me living
in your house. I’ll start looking for a new job immediately.”

“Bella,” Edward growled and put his hands on her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You are not quitting
your job and you and Charlie will be staying right here.”

“But --”

Edward leaned forward to kiss the tears trailing down her red cheeks and let his fingers tangle in her
hair. “Do you know why I stopped what we were doing?”

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Bella shook her head and buried it into his chest. Edward knew she was doing it to hide her
embarrassment but instead of making her look at him he simply cradled her in his arms and began to run
his hands along her back to make her more comfortable. “I don’t want to just have sex with you,”
Edward whispered. “I don’t do that. I’m not that type of guy.”

“Um,” Bella whispered into his chest.

“I’ve only ever been with one other person,” Edward confessed. It wasn’t something he was ashamed to
admit even if he did regret that it was Jessica in hindsight. “And even though she screwed me over
royally at the time I really, really did love her and I thought she loved me. I don’t want to make love
with you unless you love me. It’s not fair to either of us.”

“I do love you,” Bella whispered into his neck and his heart soared. She loved him. Did she really love
him or was it just something she was saying to keep from hurting his feelings? Was it a way of letting
him down easy?

“You weren’t enjoying what we were doing,” Edward pointed out.

“I was,” Bella insisted. “It felt amazing!”

“What I was doing to you,” Edward argued. “You didn’t want to put my cock in your mouth.”

“I didn’t mind,” Bella argued.

“Bella,” Edward tilted his head back and fought the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I don’t want
you not to mind. I want you to only do things that you want to do. Did,” he swallowed.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just wanted to please you.”

“Bella,” suddenly he understood exactly what had happened between them. Reaching out with his finger
he tilted her chin up so that she was looking at him. “That was how you had sex with Jacob isn’t it?”

Bella squirmed, trying to hide her face from him. “It was like a grocery list wasn’t it?” Edward pushed.
“He wanted certain things and you just did them by rote didn’t you?”

“I’m sorry,” she whimpered again.

“Don’t be sorry,” Edward pleaded. “Just tell me the truth. That’s what happened with Jacob isn’t it?”

Bella nodded her head slowly and he released her chin. She buried her face back into his chest and
began to sob again. “Jacob is the only person you’ve ever,” Edward let his words trail off as he thought
about their situation. The only person who’d ever touched her was a man who’d she’d been forced to
marry that had abused her.

Bella shook her head against his chest and sobbed harder. Edward looked down at her in confusion and
then remembered the news report from the night before. “Mrs. Dwyer is there any truth to your ex-

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husband’s allegations about Mr. Dwyer...” He could guess that her sobs answered that question

“That doesn’t,” he swallowed. “That doesn’t count, Bella. Neither does Jacob in my opinion.”

“You’d be in a pretty small minority then considering we have a child together,” Bella sniffed.

“Did you want to have sex with Jacob?” Edward asked her quietly. “Or were you having sex with Jacob
because you were expected to?”

Bella began to quiver and Edward pulled her in tighter to his chest. “That’s what I thought,” he
murmured into her hair. He swallowed and asked the question he knew he needed an answer to but was
afraid of more than anything. “Do you, I mean with me, do you actually want to --”

“Yes,” Bella whispered and burrowed into his chest again.


“Yes,” she nodded.

Edward took a shaky breath and beat his baser instincts into submission before continuing. “Okay, then
there has to be some ground rules.”

“Ground rules?”

“Yes,” Edward nodded and tilted his head back to get a breath of air not tinged with the smell of
strawberries and Bella. “First rule, I want you to make love to me because you want to make love. Not
because you think it’s something I’m expecting. Agree?”

“Agreed,” Bella whispered.

“Second rule, I’m not Jacob Black.” He felt her shoulders hunch. “There is no itemized list of things that
you must do when we’re together. I don’t want you checking things off in your mind. I want you to do
what feels right and comfortable to you. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” Bella said a little louder.

“Three, I never, ever want you to do something you don’t want to do. It doesn’t matter what it is. If
there’s a position you don’t like, we won’t do it. If you don’t want to go down on me, then for heaven’s
sake, don’t do it. I only want to do things that you enjoy. Agreed?”

“Only if you agree as well,” Bella murmured softly.

“The rules work both ways,” Edward agreed. “I won’t do anything that I don’t feel comfortable with or
want to do. Agreed then?”

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“Agreed,” Bella looked up at him and bit her lip.

“Although,” Edward stopped.


“Bella,” he felt himself blush. “I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t want to do with you.”

“Oh, well,” she blushed in return.

“But tonight,” Edward shifted so that he could stand with Bella still wrapped in his arms. “I think we
should go to bed and just try being close to each other. I think we both need that.”

“Yeah,” Bella snuggled into his chest. “That would be nice.”

“So,” Edward bounced her in his arms slightly. “Where are we having our sleepover? My room, or

“Do you mind if we do it in mine?” Bella asked. “I know your room is probably nicer but I don’t want to
take the chance of Charlie getting scared if I’m not in my room in the morning.”

“Gladly,” Edward agreed, glad she had considered Charlie since the little boy was currently the farthest
thought from his mind with Bella nestled in his arms.

He managed to get them upstairs and into her bed with only a little trouble at the doorway and tucked
her in under the covers. “I’ll be right back,” he whispered as he bent down to kiss her hair.

“You’re leaving?”

“Pajamas,” Edward answered. “I thought it would be best -- in case Charlie came in tomorrow before we
were awake -- if I had pajama pants on.”

“Probably,” Bella blushed. “But I don’t mind if you go without. I like you naked.”

“Let’s not push it,” Edward sighed and bit back his comment about how willing he would be to get
naked if she did as well. Hurrying to his room, he kicked his jeans off at the door and scrambled to find
pajama pants. Pushing both legs in at the same time, he rushed to pull them up and hurried back to
Bella’s room. Slipping into bed behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and found that she had
traded her jeans for a tiny pair of shorts but was still wearing his t-shirt. Burying his head in her hair he
let out a relieved sigh and kissed the back of her neck. It was going to hurt when he woke up tomorrow
and realized this was all a dream.

“You didn’t say it back,” Bella mumbled sleepily.

“Say what back?”

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“You said you had only been with one other person and you actually did really, really love her.” Bella

“Oh,” Edward pulled back slightly. She had told him she loved him and he’d been so worried about
what had just happened between them he hadn’t said it back. Shit, she must think he was a complete ass!
“I thought it was obvious.”

“It’s still nice to hear,” Bella grumbled into her pillow.

“Isabella Marie Swan,” he nuzzled her ear. “I am completely, totally and madly in love with you. I adore
you, I worship you. I love your son more than I can even say and all I want is for Jacob to go far away
and leave us alone so that we can make a life together if that’s what you want.”

“Wow,” Bella whispered.

“Was that what you wanted to hear?” Edward asked nervously.

“It wasn’t what I was expecting,” she admitted softly. “But I have to say it was much, much better.”

“What were you expecting?”

“Love you too?” Bella shrugged.

“Glad I exceeded your expectations,” Edward chuckled. “Now go to sleep.”

“Mmm,” Bella sighed and Edward watched as she drifted off into what he hoped were good dreams.

Chapter Seventeen

She was in a beautiful, perfectly circular meadow with high grass and blooming flowers. Edward lay on
a blanket next to her and though neither of them spoke the silence didn’t bother her. Everything between
them was simply comfortable. She felt a butterfly tickle her cheek and smiled. The butterfly moved
lower, brushing its wings against her collarbone and then down the line of her breast. It fluttered its
wings flirtatiously against her navel and then dipped down to brush across her hips.

“Bella,” Edward whispered in her dream and she turned to smile at him. The butterfly continued to
tickle her hips and she tried not to laugh. She knew Charlie was somewhere safe nearby, she couldn’t
say how she knew, but she was sure of it -- Edward wouldn’t allow Charlie to be anywhere that wasn’t
completely safe. Deep down, she trusted him more than she had ever trusted anyone else.

“Bella,” Edward whispered again and she tried to focus on what he was saying instead of the way his
lips looked as he used them to shape her name.

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“Hmmm?” She moaned.

The butterfly dipped lower and Bella gasped. The butterfly pressed between her thighs and her eyes
fluttered open. “Thank goodness,” Edward murmured against her inner thigh before trailing his tongue
along the sensitive skin there and letting his eyelashes bat against the crease of her hip. “My ego was
taking a bit of a blow.”

“What are you doing?” Bella giggled as Edward shifted, planting his chin on top of her mound and
smiling at her mischievously.

“The first thing on my to-do list for today,” Edward smirked and then dipped his head down to trail his
tongue seductively along her folds.

“And what’s that?” Bella arched slightly at the feel of his tongue. No one had ever done this to her
before and she wasn’t sure how to respond. She thought that he intended for her to enjoy his attentions
but she thought he might be a bit put out if she grabbed him by the hair and pushed his face in between
her thighs immediately. It would be best if she tried to keep her cool instead.

“Hmm,” Edward purred against her skin. “Let’s see,” he kissed the top of her sex. “My day looks
something like this,” lick. “Worship my beautiful Bella, breakfast with my beautiful Bella, attempting to
work while staring at my beautiful Bella,” another long lick. “Lunch with my beautiful Bella, put
Charlie down for a nap, worship my beautiful Bella some more,” she felt a slight nip on her clit and

“Pretend to work for the rest of the afternoon while gazing at my Bella, play with Charlie a bit, dinner,
put Charlie to bed, and worship my beautiful Bella for the rest of the night.” Edward looked up again
and smirked at her before burrowing his face back between her thighs.

“Um,” Bella arched her back again as his tongue began to lap at her enthusiastically. “Rule Three?”

“You want me to stop?” Edward pulled back and looked at her with a grin.

“Nuh uh,” Bella moaned and tried to squirm closer to his mouth. “But I don’t want you to do anything
you don’t --”

“Bella,” Edward cut her off and began to trail his tongue along the length of her folds again. “This is
very much something I want to do. Repeatedly.”

“Repeatedly?” She moaned and let her fingers trail up into her hair.

“Every second of the day, if I had my way,” Edward moaned as he began to nuzzle against her flesh

“Oh holy,” Bella moaned as she felt his teeth graze across her swollen nub and her hips began to jerk
against him. She felt firm fingers press into the side of her hips as Edward applied just enough pressure
to keep her pinned against the bed.

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“Mmmm,” Edward groaned against her and began to lap more enthusiastically. “My beautiful Bella.”

“Ugh,” Bella whimpered. She felt hot suddenly and the urge to wiggle was almost uncontrollable. She
needed to get closer to him but at the same time, part of her felt like she needed to get away from him
and the heated reaction he was causing almost as much. Sparks shot through her as she tried to regulate
her breathing, fought to keep herself calm and collected under the onslaught of his mouth. A slight bit of
pressure and then she let out a cry of pleasure as the tip of his tongue poked inside of her. She couldn’t
help herself as she squirmed against the vibrations he made as he hummed against her overheated flesh.

“Ed,” she gasped and tried to swallow. “Edwa --”

“Hmm?” He murmured against her skin and she felt her hips buck. Glancing down she was momentarily
worried she might have broken his nose but instead found that two emerald eyes were glancing up at her
merrily as he returned to his task.

He knew what he was doing to her, Bella realized. He knew he was making her come apart at the seams
and he was enjoying it. “Edward,” she managed to pant out the two syllables of his name before another
moan escaped her lips.

“Let go my beautiful Bella,” he crooned into her flesh and she felt all her muscles tighten and bunch
before she began to shake violently. Thrashing her head from side to side, trying to regain her sense of
equilibrium, she felt her muscles constrict and then an explosion of pure euphoria washed over her.

“Hmm,” Edward lifted his head up and propped his chin on Bella’s stomach. “Good morning.”

“Good,” she looked at him in shock.

“Morning?” Edward prompted.

“Uh, yeah,” Bella managed to stutter. “Good morning. That’s what you could call it.”

“What would you call it?”

“Amazing,” Bella stuttered. “Wonderful, unexpected, fabulous, glorious, uh I’m not really sure.”

“I love you,” Edward kissed the slight swell of her stomach.

“I love you too,” Bella ran her fingers through his ruffled hair. “I wasn’t expecting that though this

“Why not?” Edward shrugged and nuzzled her stomach again. “You were laying there looking beautiful
and I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Oh,” Bella blushed.

“Is that strange?” Edward looked at her curiously.

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“No,” she felt her skin flush darker. “It’s just no one has ever --”

“Has ever?” Edward prompted.

“Well,” Bella tried to twist away from him and bury her head in the pillow she was laying on.

“Oh,” Edward’s ears flushed slightly. “Sorry, I didn’t think it would bother you.”

“It didn’t,” Bella mumbled and wished to herself that the bed would have a hole open up in the middle
so that she could sink into it.

“Good,” Edward smiled and laid his face against her stomach, nuzzling his cheek back and forth.

“So,” Bella tried to screw up her courage and not blush. “Now that I’m awake what did you have in

“You want some breakfast?” Edward suggested.

“Breakfast?” Bella tried not to roll her eyes. Why did guys always think that was a clever line?

“Yeah, I can run downstairs and make us some toast and a couple of cups of coffee while you get a
quick shower,” Edward shrugged. “Or we could just lay here and cuddle?”

“Cuddle?” Bella looked at him and felt her jaw drop open. “You want to cuddle?”

“Well,” Edward shifted and she could see that he was blushing. “I guess we don’t have to. Like I said, I
can run downstairs and make us a quick breakfast while you take a shower. I thought, if you wanted to,
we could cuddle in bed and eat?” She noticed that his voice rose slightly at the end.

“Get up here,” Bella giggled and tugged lightly at his hair. “Cuddle me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Edward,” Bella laughed as he scooted up the bed and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Can I
give you a little tip about women?”

“Only if it applies directly to you,” Edward mumbled as he pressed kisses into the side of her neck.

“It is extremely unlikely that any woman is ever going to tell you no if you ask to cuddle. Especially
after,” Bella trailed off and felt her face flame again. “Well, let’s just say we’re sort of programmed to
cuddle afterwards.”

“Really?” Edward pressed closer and Bella could feel his erection pressing against her through his thin
pajama pants. “That’s good.”

“It is?” Bella let her head rest against his shoulder. Jacob had always hated to cuddle.

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“This is the first time I’ve ever cuddled anyone,” Edward whispered into her hair. “Not to sound girly or
anything, but I have to say I’m becoming a pretty big fan of it. Can we skip the rest of the day and just
do this instead?”

“Mmm,” Bella murmured as he brushed his cheek against the back of her shoulders. “Tempting, but you
have a meeting with Jasper after lunch -- projections for the next quarter.”

“I’ll cancel,” Edward suggested hopefully.

“You mean I’ll cancel?” Bella laughed. “What excuse am I supposed to give him?”

“I’m dying of a rare disease,” Edward suggested.

“Dying of a rare disease?”

“If you leave this bed and put clothes on, I’m going to die of misery,” Edward replied and gave her a
lingering kiss on the neck.

“Sounds serious,” Bella laughed.

“Oh it is,” Edward murmured. “I just won’t be able to function and I’ll curl up in the bed and die alone
and miserable, missing you. It’ll be a tragic end. You and Jasper don’t want that do you?”

“Of course not,” Bella giggled. “I think you may be a little overdramatic though.”

“Overdramatic? Me?”

“Just slightly,” Bella nodded.

“Maybe,” Edward pouted. “Let’s not chance it though. Trust me.”

“Trust you?”

“I am a doctor,” Edward added helpfully.

“You’re not that type of doctor,” Bella retorted.

“Could have been,” Edward mumbled into her shoulder.

“But you’re not,” she pointed out again.

“Oh shut up and cuddle me some more woman,” Edward growled. “I’m not ready to start the day yet.”

“Mommy!” Charlie wailed suddenly and Bella sighed.

“So much for that,” she grumped.

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“Not necessarily,” Edward whispered conspiratorially. “Be really quiet and maybe he’ll go back to


“Okay,” he rolled away from her and stood up. “You get in the shower. I’ll get Charlie. We’ll see you in
the kitchen.”

“Are you sure?” Bella looked at Edward speculatively. “I can get him and you can go take a shower if
you want?”

“You’re naked,” Edward pointed out. “And Charlie’s just what I need right now.”

“If you say so,” Bella shrugged.

“Trust me,” Edward nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose before he leaned down to give her a kiss
on the cheek. “Go take a shower and I’ll let the soothing sounds of a crying toddler act as the world’s
most effective form of birth control.”

“Birth control?” Bella giggled.

“Guaranteed to ruin the mood quicker than anything else,” Edward retorted with a smile. “Now go enjoy
your hot shower.”

“I’ll miss you,” Bella smirked over her shoulder as she scurried from the bed and toward the bathroom.

“Not nearly as much as I’ll miss you,” Edward smiled.

“Mommy!” Charlie screeched, louder this time.

“Go,” Edward made shooing motions before leaving the bedroom. She heard him in the nursery a few
moments later as she brushed her teeth.

“Charlie,” she heard his muffled voice through the second door. “We have really got to talk about your
timing little man. Come on, I’ll buy you whatever you want for forever, just learn to sleep a little later
huh? What will it take? Uncle Eddie will buy you a pony. How about a Ferrari? I’ll get you a nice red
Ferrari for your sixteenth birthday if you just let me have a late morning with your mom? How’s that

“Berries!” Charlie giggled and Bella heard Edward blowing loud raspberries against her son’s stomach.

“I’ll get you a Swiss au pair with legs that defy gravity that specializes in raspberries for some privacy
with your mom,” Edward announced between blowing air on a giggling Charlie’s stomach. “I’ll even
tell your mom that it’s perfectly reasonable for a boy to have a Swiss supermodel au pair who
specializes in raspberries until he graduates from college. Just please sleep a little later buddy.”

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Bella had her hand over her mouth and had sunk to the floor against the door. Grabbing a towel, she
buried her face in it to muffle the laughter as she heard Edward pick Charlie up and move toward the
hallway. “Otherwise Uncle Eddie’s going to have to lace your bedtime bottle with Dramamine,” she
heard him mutter and barely made it to the toilet she was laughing so hard.

Special Chapter

Bella walked slowly into Edward’s office. “Um, Edward?”

“Yes?” Edward swiveled around in his chair and looked up at her expectantly.

“I ran down that problem you were concerned with,” Bella smiled. “I think we have it fixed.”

“Problem?” Edward peered at her speculatively. “Oh, you mean the productivity issue?”

“Yeah, that.” Bella smiled. “I made a few calls, sent a couple of emails and it didn’t take long to work
things out.”

“So?” Edward prompted. “It’s fixed?”

“Well,” Bella shrugged. “Not really.”

“It’s not fixed?”

“Not completely,” Bella slumped into the sofa and put her feet up. “But we’ve come up with a

“Why don’t you start at the beginning?” Edward suggested as he stood up and came over to the couch to
rub her feet. “Why isn’t Nash updating us? Her beta doesn’t even have the next chapter, that’s going to
lead to serious delays in getting this story out. We’re never going to get to the really good chapters if she
doesn’t hurry it up!”

“Anxious much?” Bella giggled.

“I may have consulted on a few chapters,” Edward sniffed. “But it was purely for professional reasons.”


“Made suggestions,” Edward hedged. “You know, just things that I thought you and the readers might

“It’s all pure smut isn’t it?” Bella laughed.

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“Not entirely,” Edward shifted. “There may be ‘smutty’ aspects to it but I prefer to see it as a romantic
expression of our feelings for each other that you and the readers will all enjoy.”

“And you?”

“Well,” Edward blushed. “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your work. That’s not important. What
is important is why are we having delays?”

“Well,” Bella shrugged. “It seems Nash went into labor and they wouldn’t let her take the computer into
the actual delivery room with her.”

“Why not? I mean, they say labor takes hours. She could have gotten at least one chapter written!”

“Well,” Bella laughed. “She said she tried writing it long hand but she couldn’t seem to focus due to the
pain caused by biology attempting to violate the Laws of Newtonian Physics. I’m still not sure what that

“That means she was trying to push something the size of a watermelon out of something,” Edward
blushed, “probably much smaller than a watermelon. So how does she intend to handle it now?”

“Well,” Bella smiled. “Originally she told me we were just going to have to wait but I pinched the tube
on her epidural and she agreed to start writing again as soon as possible. She thought that should be two
weeks, I thought it should be as soon as she came out of the pain medication.”


“We negotiated and she’ll be updating again next week.”

“Great!” Edward enthused. “That’s only a minor delay. When you send her the basket we picked out for
her tell her how much I appreciate it.”

“Well,” Bella looked down nervously. “You may not appreciate it when you find out what I had to

“What did you agree to?” Edward looked nervous. “She wants a vacation right? As soon as Bella and
the Billionaire
is done we’ll send her on a nice trip to wherever she wants to go. Beachside hut in Tahiti
with no phones and no contact with the outside world if that’s what she wants.”

“She might appreciate it,” Bella smiled weakly. “But no.”

“What then?”

“Well,” Bella glanced down again before rushing out, “you-may-have-to-go-fix-all-her-reviewers-


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“Her reviewers,” Bella clarified, “the people who are loyally reading this story and giving feedback?”

“I’m aware of the idea, yes.”

“You have to go do a home maintenance call for all of them.”

“Home maintenance?”

“They need their computers fixed.”

“All of them?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“All of them?” Edward repeated.

“Yep, all of them. Some of them will require Emmett’s help.”

“Why? Emmett doesn’t know anything about computers. Wait! That’s a euphemism isn’t it?”

“No,” Bella shook her head quickly. “She promised. All of them just need their computers fixed.”



“All right then,” Edward agreed. “If it gets her writing again and keeps the reviewers happy. Do you
have a schedule and directions to each of their houses?”

“I’ve emailed it to you.”

“I hate fixing computers,” Edward muttered as he closed down his computer and started to collect his
stuff. “But if that’s what it takes to get you in that Princess Leia outfit –“

“What was that?”

“Um, nothing?” Edward smiled. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Okay,” Bella smirked. “Just try to stick to your timetable because you don’t want to run into the other
two Edwards as they’re making their house calls. Nash said something about the space time continuum,
rifts, the end of time and space. She was on some pretty good meds so I tuned her out but it sounded sort
of serious.”

“Well,” Edward nodded. “If there are other Edwards in other alternate universes and we met it could
disrupt not only the flow of the space time continuum but also really screw with Nash’s head and
confuse all of her plots. Wait! What other Edwards?”

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“There are two other Edwards,” Bella explained.

“Two other Edwards?”

“I’ve been told one is called Priestward and another called Vampward. They’ll both be making house
calls as well. So be careful to follow your schedule so there’s no rift in the fabric of reality or something
like that.”

“I feel,” Edward sniffed.

“What’s wrong honey?”

“I feel so dirty,” Edward confessed. “I mean I thought I was her only Edward and now I find out she’s
having an affair with not one but two other versions of me!”

“Oh Edward,” Bella laughed. “You know how writers are. She just wants to explore all the different
aspects of your personality. It’s not personal. Besides, she told me you’re her favorite Edward. The other
two are just a phase she’s working through --too many pregnancy hormones.”

“Oh,” Edward looked relieved. “If that’s the case, then I guess I’ll go start on those computer calls

“Okay,” Bella smiled reassuringly and watched as he left the room. Reaching over for the phone, she
quickly dialed Rosalie.

“Rose? We’ve been scheduled to have ‘dinner’ with Vampward in 30 minutes. Nope, nope, Edward’s
gone. How soon can you get rid of Emmett?”

Chapter Eighteen

“Edward,” Jasper looked concerned and Bella looked up to notice that Edward was sniffling and
blowing his nose. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Edward shrugged. “Just a bit of a cold; I’ve got the sniffles.”

The sniffles? Bella looked at him skeptically. He’d seemed fine this morning. She blushed as she
remembered their before breakfast make out session. Had he gotten sick since then?

“Do you need anything else?” She interrupted the two men politely as she stood by the door.

“I don’t think so,” Edward shook his head. “Why don’t you go rest since Charlie’s taking a nap? I’m
sure Mrs. Cope could use the company.”

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“Would you like me to bring up some coffee for either of you?” Bella suggested.

“I wouldn’t ask you to do that Bella,” Edward replied. “If we need anything I’ll retrieve it.”

She noticed Jasper trying to stifle his laughter and reach into his briefcase as a distraction. “Bella?” He
asked suddenly and she was sure that he knew that something was going on between the two of them.

“Yes? Is there something I can get you?”

“No,” Jasper shook his head. “It’s just that Alice is coming for a visit next weekend and she was hoping
that the two of you could spend time together. I know things are tense and that there’s a press presence
now but she had hoped that perhaps you could do lunch?”

“Oh Jasper!” Bella smiled at the thought. “That sounds wonderful! Tell Alice I definitely want to have
lunch with her. Perhaps we could meet here? Or, if need be, I’ll just get a disguise of some sort and
sneak out? Maybe Rosalie could stuff me in her trunk and then the three of us could do lunch together?”

“I think she’ll be fine having lunch here,” Jasper smirked. “It will give her a chance to see Edward and
Emmett as well.”

“Do you know Alice too?” Bella asked Edward excitedly. Somehow she’d always thought that there was
a step of removal between Edward and Alice. Alice had suggested to Jasper that he get Bella a job and
then Jasper had gone to Edward. She had never considered that perhaps Alice and Edward were

“I have had the immense pleasure,” Edward smirked at her and she could see that he wanted to laugh.

“She’s an experience isn’t she?” Bella giggled.

“An experience is perhaps an understatement,” Edward replied dryly and smiled at Jasper.

“I’ll admit she’s a chatty one, but for the record, Edward didn’t tell me that when he set me up with her
on a blind date.”

“You set up Alice and Jasper?” Bella giggled.

“I prefer to think of it as clever manipulation of two willing participants. We’d had a get together at my
family’s cabin. Emmett brought Alice along since she was his sister and studying here in Seattle at the
time. Jasper had come alone and the rest of us spent the entire day watching as they took turns trying to
secretly stare at each other when they thought no one was looking. So, Rosalie convinced Alice that she
absolutely had to go on a date with ‘poor, heartbroken Edward’ to help me get over an imaginary
girlfriend who had dumped me and I convinced Jasper to cover for me at a dinner meeting with a new,
extremely difficult client that could use his persuasive touch.”

“So they both show up at the restaurant and run into each other?” Bella suggested.

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“She called Rosalie from the bathroom and announced that Jasper was the man she was going to marry
before the salads had been cleared.” Edward confirmed.

“There’s nothing wrong with a girl who has that sort of confidence,” Jasper announced.

“Well,” Bella replied. “Alice told me that she knew immediately that you were perfect for her.”

Jasper brightened immediately and Bella couldn’t help but smile. Her only friend from Forks and
Edward’s business manager were two good people who deserved a happy life together. Glancing over at
Edward she could see that he was staring at her and strangely enough he seemed to be glowing as well.
Did he really feel that strongly towards her? Bella felt a warm tingling inside her stomach and smiled at
him. She’d never felt like this before but she had to admit it felt good -- strange, scary, but really, really

“I’ll just,” Bella motioned toward the door. “Call me over the intercom if you need anything at all.”

“We will,” Edward promised.

“Don’t worry,” Jasper added. “Once Edward and I have everything settled I’ll take it back to my office
and have Angela email you all the details. I know how absent minded Edward can be -- especially when
it comes to Board of Director meetings. It’s amazing how the memos on those meeting times always
seem to get lost when you email them to Edward.”

“Its voodoo I tell you,” Edward teased back. It was well known by everyone that Edward Cullen hated
any form of bureaurocratic meeting and attempted to avoid them at all costs. He’d only gone to the last
one because Bella had tricked him into the car with a promised trip to the comic book store and then
scolded him until he guiltily went to the meeting.

Bella smiled at the both of them before she made her way out of Edward’s office and downstairs. Mrs.
Cope was doing laundry and Bella persuaded the older woman to let her help with the folding --
enjoying the soothing repetition of the task of folding towels.

The two women chatted idly and before long Bella saw Jasper making his way down the stairs. “Are you
finished with your meeting already?”

“Edward isn’t feeling well,” Jasper answered. “We got through everything as quickly as possible and I
figured it was best to let him rest. Edward doesn’t get sick often but when he does he’s miserable.”

“Edward’s sick?” Mrs. Cope broke in suddenly.

“It might not be that bad,” Bella tried to soothe the situation. “I’ll go upstairs and check on him,
persuade him to take the rest of the day off, but I’m sure he’ll be right as rain by tomorrow.”

“I hope so,” Mrs. Cope began to wring her hands. “I’ll go start on him some soup. Perhaps I should call
Dr. Volturi?”

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“Well,” Bella could see Jasper fighting to hide his smile. “I don’t think it’s necessary to call a doctor.
Edward assures me it’s just a small case of the sniffles.”

“I’ll check on him and let you know,” Bella assured her.

“Well,” Jasper broke in. “I should go. Bella, I’ll have Angela email you everything from the meeting.
Tell Edward I hope he’s feeling better.”

“I will,” she agreed. “Tell Alice I can’t wait to see her this weekend.”

Once Jasper left, Mrs. Cope turned to look at Bella speculatively. “So, did I act concerned enough for


“Please,” the other woman swatted her shoulder. “This isn’t the first time he’s gotten ‘sniffles’ to cut a
meeting short.”

“You know he’s not sick?”

“Of course,” Mrs. Cope snorted. “What I don’t know is why his bed was made this morning but yours,
my dear, looked decidedly more rumpled than usual. Care to enlighten me?”

“Well,” Bella felt herself blush. “I’ll just go check on Edward now.”

“You do that,” Mrs. Cope laughed as Bella scurried out of the front room and up the main staircase.
Once she reached the second floor, she hurried down the corridor and knocked urgently at the office


She took a step back as the door flew open and a pale, masculine hand reached out to pull her into the
room. “Mmm,” Edward purred as he pulled her into his arms. “Time for my afternoon snack.”

“Afternoon snack?” Bella squeaked.

“Mhmm,” Edward purred again as he began to kiss along the length of her neck. “I was thinking about
having Bella a la mode.”

She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped as what he suggested sunk into her mind. He wanted to have
Bella a la mode? Did that mean he wanted to cover her in ice cream and then lick it off? She’d certainly
heard of people playing with their food but she’d never actually, that was, she’d never expected that to
be something Edward would be interested in. Jake had certainly, and then she cut herself off from that
line of thinking. Edward wasn’t Jacob, she reminded herself. He was a very different man and he would
want very different things. She’d learned that first hand this morning.

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“But,” Edward’s voice brought her out of her reverie. “Since Mrs. Cope is here I thought Bella a la
mode is something we should hold off on. Perhaps as a midnight snack?”

“Um,” Bella tried to form a coherent sentence. “That might be a good idea?”

“So,” Edward continued as he spun her so that her back was pressed flush against his chest and then
maneuvered them before dropping onto the couch and pulling her into his lap. “I thought I’d try a
different worship Bella tactic this afternoon.”

“Worship Bella tactic?”

“Didn’t I make myself clear this morning?” Edward asked smoothly. “I intend to worship every inch of
you in every way I can imagine until you force me to stop.”

“Well,” Bella sighed as he began to massage her shoulders. “I don’t think that will be happening
anytime soon.”

“Good,” Edward kissed the nape of her neck and let his fingers work slowly down her back, still
massaging. “I was thinking about doing your feet next.”

“Oooh,” Bella sighed and slumped against him.

“And there’s something I want to talk with you about,” Edward said slowly.

“Talk?” Bella was instantly nervous.

“This is sort of awkward,” Edward admitted and buried his face in her hair, still massaging.

“Edward?” She was instantly worried. Did he not want to be with her anymore? Did he not want anyone
to know they were together? Was this something that he wanted to keep hidden?

“I,” she felt Edward swallow. “I don’t think we should have sex until after your divorce is final.”

“Huh?” Bella was taken back by the way he’d blurted the last sentence out.

Another deep breath and Edward repeated himself. “I don’t think we should have sex until after your
divorce is final.”

“Okay,” Bella took a shaky breath to calm her nerves. “Can I ask why?”

“I loved this morning,” Edward said quickly. “I mean really loved this morning and I want to continue
doing things like this morning -- especially the cuddling afterwards.”

“You do?”

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“I very much do,” Edward said fervently into her hair. “I just think that we shouldn’t have actual, you
know -- intercourse -- until after you’re done with the divorce and any custody battle that Jacob might
mount. I also think that I should sleep, actually sleep, in my own bed.”

“Once again,” Bella repeated. “Why?”

“Because,” Edward sighed. “When you go to court and if they ask you to testify it could be awkward.”


“Yes,” Edward repeated. “It could be awkward, especially in a custody hearing. If Jacob’s lawyer asks
you if we’re sleeping together and we are you either have to perjure yourself and say ‘no’ or take the
chance that they’ll turn it around and make it something dirty so that you look like a bad mother.”

“What we have,” Bella began to protest.

“Isn’t bad or dirty?” Edward suggested.

“Isn’t something I’m ashamed of,” Bella answered.

“Me either,” Edward agreed. “But it is something that can be used against you in court. Jacob is going to
try to paint you as a bad mother and a bad wife. The more like the Virgin Mary you appear, the more
ridiculous he’ll look. If you’re living with, and sleeping with, your boss it could look bad.”

“That’s not fair,” Bella argued.

“No, it isn’t,” Edward agreed. “That doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

“You’re right,” Bella agreed.


“So, no sleeping together of any style until after my divorce and any custody battles are final.” Bella
agreed. “Edward?”


“Any way that we can arrange to have the divorce fast tracked?”

Chapter Nineteen

“Edward?” He watched carefully as she stalked toward him wearing nothing but his button down from

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Swallowing, he tried to keep his composure. Why had he instituted that stupid rule last week about no
sleeping together? She’d been, well he had to admit she’d agreed with him wholeheartedly, but at the
same time she’d been taunting him ever since. Sometimes it was blatant, like now, and other times it
was subtle, like the way she managed to get him hard this morning by reaching all the way to the back of
the bottom shelf of the lowest cabinet in his kitchen for a fresh jar of jam. He’d almost fallen to his
knees this morning to thank God himself for creating the gorgeous ass he’d gotten an eye full of but he
was afraid that the urge to take Bella on the kitchen floor would overwhelm him.

“Yes?” He managed to stutter, breaking out of his internal reverie.

“Charlie’s asleep,” she smiled wickedly.

“Is he now?” Edward swallowed again and realized how idiotic he sounded.

“Mmhmm,” Bella nodded and slunk toward him seductively. He tried to focus on the painting behind
her head on the opposite wall, but somehow his eyes kept wandering to her rolling hips, or the shadow
cast when her long, creamy legs crossed each other in mid stride, or the bottomless pools of chocolate
sparkling back at him from her eyes.

“Well,” he took a shaky breath. “What did you have planned for the evening? Would you like to watch a

“No,” she giggled and stepped closer.

“Um, we could listen to music?” He felt his voice raise an octave.

“Nah,” she was so close now he could feel her breath against his collar bone and he was pressed into a
corner of the room.

“Cuddle?” He was almost squeaking.

“Maybe later,” Bella smiled wickedly and then lowered herself slowly to her knees.

“Bella,” he couldn’t help but groan as he felt her tiny fingers working the button on his now too tight


“You don’t,” he managed to gasp out as she lowered the zipper down across his engorged cock. She
didn’t have to do this. He suspected this was something she didn’t particularly enjoy doing and he didn’t
want her to do anything she didn’t want. But fucking hell, he wanted to let her do this if she really

“Rule Number Three, Edward,” she announced and then began to lick a long, slow stripe along the
underside of his cock. “Now shut up and enjoy already.”

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Rule Number Three, he thought to himself as his hands curled into fists and he had to fight the urge to
bury them in her hair. Thank you to whatever had inspired him to make Rule Number Fucking Three.
That particular rule had allowed him to relax enough to do all the things he’d dreamed of doing to Bella
without worrying about the consequences. It was a safety valve he’d never thought would be so
liberating to have in place.

“Bella,” he groaned as he felt a warm hand cup his balls and begin to massage them.

“Enjoy,” she giggled and then he felt her lips slide around him again.

Shit, Edward thought to himself and tried to keep his hips still, pressed against the wall behind him.
Sexually, well sexually he wasn’t a complete neophyte. Jessica had been adventurous and Edward had
willingly gone along for the ride because it made her happy. By default then, he’d found himself
completely comfortable in the sexual aspects of a relationship but an absolute wreck when it came to
anything that didn’t involve touching and was not clothing optional.

He felt the slight scrape of teeth along his shaft and let out a guttural moan as his hips bucked
involuntarily against Bella’s succulent, pink mouth. Throwing his head back, he tried to take a deep
breath through his nose and reign himself in. He’d thought that the bedroom was the one place where he
wasn’t self conscious but he’d found that notion severely tested with Bella. He was comfortable doing
things for Bella but was having a hard time reigning himself in during moments like this.

Bella was a lady, he reminded himself as his body tried to mutiny so that he could shove himself farther
into her mouth. She was beautiful and glorious and there was no way she would ever forgive him for
acting like some type of animal if he lost control. He took another deep breath through his nose and
reminded himself that it was Bella on her knees in front of him, doing things with her mouth that had his
toes permanently curled under and he was certain was illegal in at least four states. This was the woman
he was in love with. The woman he was going to marry, even though she didn’t know it yet. She was the
mother of his eventual step son and as many more children as he could convince her to have. If she
didn’t stop twirling her tongue over the head of his cock like an ice cream cone every time she reached
it, he wasn’t going to be responsible for his actions in about 30 seconds.

“Relax Edward,” she purred before engulfing his cock with her mouth again. He felt the tip of one of her
tiny fingers tickle lightly behind his balls and his hips jerked automatically forward, shoving him farther
into his mouth. He felt the vibration of her light chuckle and then her free hand reached out to his own
and guided it into her hair. Another light tickle with her fingers and he found himself in the exact
position he’d fantasized about just a moment before -- Bella on her knees with his hands tangled in her
hair and his cock shoved down her throat.

“Bella,” he managed to gasp out as she began to pick up her pace, urging his body to follow her rhythm.

It was, fuck, it was just fast enough and her mouth was just tight enough that it felt glorious. He was
right at the cusp of the most amazing orgasm of his life, followed by either waking up to find this was a
dream or spontaneous self combustion, and she was somehow keeping him just at that edge, just there
and not doing enough to tip him over the side. His toes were starting to cramp and his eyes were
probably permanently crossed and she was just at that perfect trifecta of suction, tempo and movement

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that was going to drive him mad as it teased him with the world’s most outstanding orgasm and then
pulled it away at the last minute.

His hips were jerking and his higher level brain was trying to find reason again so that it could remind
him that this was not how he wanted to treat Bella. Meanwhile, his lower, reptilian, brain had declared
anarchy and thrown his higher reasoning into the closet after beating it with a stick. His base instincts
had taken over and regardless of what his mind told him was right, his body was eagerly trying to get
further into hers in any way possible.

“Oh fuck,” he managed to groan as he felt his head start tossing back and forth. He’d never managed to
feel like this before. This was better than he’d even fantasized it could be and he’d fantasized about
having sex with Bella every moment that he wasn’t completely focused on something else.

He felt her mouth pull away from his cock and glanced down at her in horror. She was stopping? No, no,
no, please don’t let her be stopping! He’d lose his mind if she was stopping! He’d be a gibbering mess if
she stopped now!

“You said we couldn’t fuck,” Bella teased lightly and then leaned back into him, flicking her tongue
against his tip.

“No,” Edward shook his head back and forth and remembered that wasn’t exactly what he’d said. Even
in his completely unhinged state he needed to make Bella understand.


“I don’t want to fuck you,” Edward panted and felt her pull away slightly. “I want to make love to you,”
he continued hurriedly. “Worship you. Kneel at your feet and do your bidding.”

“It seems we have that reversed,” Bella murmured against his aching flesh and he had to bite his lip to
keep from whimpering like a school girl. “But do keep talking. What else would you like to do to me?”

“Keep you locked in my bedroom for an entire weekend,” he moaned as she resumed her torturous
ministrations. “Make love to you till you can’t stand up. I want,” he gasped.

“You want?” Bella purred as she pulled slightly away from his tip.

“I want to make it a challenge to see if we can have sex in every country in the world, at major world
landmarks, at UN World Heritage sites, on the Equator, crossing the International dateline, christening
the stupid corporate airplane Jasper insisted we buy, on my parent’s boat that I don’t know how to sail,
and across the hood of very expensive and rare cars that I don’t currently own but I am completely
willing to buy if you just go and pick out the ones you want,” Edward gasped for breath then.

He felt her left hand tighten on his hip and the finger that had been tickling behind his testicles trailed
further back, causing him to shiver at the feel of her pressing against the now sensitive nerves. He felt
his own hands tighten in her hair and then he felt his eyes literally roll back into his head as she
swallowed around him, pulling him back into her throat. He felt a strange pressure at his ass and then the

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world exploded around him as his knees buckled beneath him. Once Bella had pulled away, swallowing
like a cat who’d tricked the canary, he collapsed onto the floor in front of her and felt his mouth gaping

“How? What? Um?” He managed to stutter and wondered if he’d ever regain his powers of speech after
the climax he’d just experienced. Surely there had to be some medical history of intense orgasms
causing permanent and irrevocable brain damage.

He saw the triumph dulling in her eyes and then she scooted slightly away from him. “I’m sorry,” she
whispered and he could see that she was on the verge of tears.

“Uh,” he tried to force his mouth to shape the words he wanted to say. “Wow?”


“Uh huh,” he felt his knees solidify and grabbed her around the waist, dragging her towards the bed he’d
taken to referring as ‘theirs’ even if it was in her room and he never got to actually sleep in it. Pulling
back the blankets, he deposited her in the bed and clambered in behind her. He noticed that his hand was
shaking and, looking down, saw that his whole body was suffering from a slight tremor.

“So,” he could see the blush creeping up her neck. “You enjoyed it then?”

“Uh huh,” he groaned as he buried his face into her neck and began to kiss and suckle on it in devotion.

“Am I going to get anything more coherent out of you tonight?” She giggled. “Or just more caveman
style grunts?”

“Love you,” Edward insisted into her delicate skin. “Thank you.”

“For?” He felt Bella squirm against his tender cock and let his hands slip down to her inner thighs,
delighted at the wetness he found on them.

“Loving me,” Edward replied shyly as he slipped two of his fingers inside of her, pressing his thumb
insistently against her clit to distract her from his words.

“Oh, um,” he smiled as Bella began to make her own incoherent sounds and let his other hand alternate
between fondling each of her breasts. After barely a minute she arched back against him, tiny whimpers
escaping her as she tightened around his fingers. “You’re welcome.”

He cradled her against him, back to front, as she slipped into sleep then. Every night, he held her in his
arms until she drifted into a sound sleep. Every night, he lay there, smelling her hair and fantasized
about what it would be like to drift off to sleep and wake beside her in the morning. Every night, he
slipped from her bed and padded softly back to his own, cold one to sleep alone. Every night, he dreamt
about finally having the courage to tell her how he felt while they were in public, around people, without
the fear of her rejection. Every night, he dreamed about saying the words, ‘I love you Bella’, somewhere
besides the confines of her bed. Every night, he worried she’d never say the same thing in return.

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Chapter Twenty

“So,” Alice smirked at Bella over her tea cup. “Jasper tells me that you and Edward have gotten close.”

“It’s complicated,” Bella muttered.

“Bella,” Alice let her voice take on a gravelly quality.

“Alice,” Bella chided back.

“What’s going on with you two, Bella?” Alice asked and she could see Rosalie trying not to laugh
hysterically from her place across from both of them.

“I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Rosalie giggled. “They’re christening every surface in the house while
making out like horny teenagers and neither of them are getting any relief from it.”

“What?” Alice gasped. “You and Edward are together?”

“I don’t know if he would define it as together,” Bella mumbled.

“Would you define it as together?” Rosalie asked sharply.

“I want to,” Bella nodded slightly. “I really care for Edward. I don’t want this to just be some sort of
thing that we have going.”

“Bella,” Rosalie stared at her, open mouthed. “I thought you knew.”

“Knew?” Bella felt her stomach drop. Her suspicions had been right about what was happening between
her and Edward. He, she swallowed, he didn’t feel for her like she felt for him. He tended to fall for the
women who worked for him and it was usually a phase.

“Edward doesn’t have things,” Rosalie enunciated slowly. “You and that bitch, Jessica, are the only two
women to ever make it more than two dates with Edward.”

“Seriously?” Alice giggled.

“Only one girl has ever gone on two dates with Edward,” Rosalie added, “and our mothers forced us to
go on the second one.”

“You?” Bella felt her stomach clench even harder. If Edward had dated Rosalie then certainly he
couldn’t have any real interest in her.

“You’re not listening,” Rosalie batted her across the back of the head gently. “Edward was my date to
the debutante ball because I couldn’t stand anyone else in our social set and he and I could actually hold

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a conversation. Afterwards, we both told our mothers that we would be better as friends but Esme and
my mother demanded that we go on one more date just so we could ‘give it a chance to gel’.”

“How did it go?” Bella muttered.

“You were a deb?” Alice exclaimed at the same time.

“Yes, I was a deb. My parents are in the same social set as Edward’s were and they hate Emmett. We
were on the outs about my choice of career when I met him and they formally disowned me when I got
married. I see very little of them, and most of my older family, because of it.”

“Oh Rosalie,” Bella felt horrible for the young woman sitting next to her. She had never realized that
there was anyone that didn’t like Emmett, and she’d never even thought to ask the other woman about
her family.

“As far as my date with Edward,” Rosalie continued, “we had a wonderful time and racked up what
should have been the only arrest either of us had.”

“Wait,” Alice giggled. “I haven’t heard this story. You and Edward were arrested?”

“We may,” Rosalie shifted uncomfortably, “have gotten detained by the police after breaking into the
University of Washington’s robotics lab to borrow some components necessary for the battlebot we
were building.”

“May?” Bella giggled.

“Battlebot?” Alice repeated.

“And,” Rosalie continued. “It may have led to the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department
offering me a scholarship so that I could do something more than learn how to drink tea and catch a
husband on my parent’s dime.”

“So,” Bella prompted.

“So,” Rosalie sighed. “To make a long story short, I met Emmett at college while he was checking out
the school on his leave and introduced him to Edward, who then hired him on as head of security.
Emmett introduced us to Alice, and then Edward set up his college roommate, Jasper, with her.”

“What about Edward?” Bella asked quietly and noticed Alice glancing at Rosalie warily.

“That,” Rosalie took a sip of tea, “was during the Jessica period.”

“The Jessica period?” Bella repeated.

“Look,” Rosalie set her cup down and stared hard at Bella. “What exactly has Edward told you about his
relationship with Jessica?”

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“Nothing really,” Bella swallowed. “Just that he had been with her and that he’d thought he loved her
and it didn’t work out. I know a little bit more from what I read in the papers before I took the job but
not much.”

“Shit,” Rosalie put her fingers into her perfectly styled waves and tugged at them in frustration. “He
really should have been up front and honest about all of this.”

“All of what?”

“Look,” Rosalie took her hands out of her hair and straightened in her seat. “It’s really not my place to
tell you any of this, but apparently Edward isn’t going to and you really do deserve to know. You love
him right?”

“Yes,” Bella looked at her in exasperation. “It’s not me who isn’t in love with him, it’s him that isn’t in
love with me.”

“That’s your first mistake,” Rosalie retorted. “Edward is so far past love and into puppy dog adoration
that it isn’t even funny. Now, the second thing I need to know is this -- promise me that you won’t use
anything I tell you to hurt Edward.”

“I’d never do anything like that,” Bella swore vehemently. “I wouldn’t dream of hurting him that way.
But I have to tell you Rose, I don’t think he sees it the way that you do.”

“What makes you think that Bella?”

“He’s contradictory,” Bella replied. “I mean, I know when we’re working, well we’re working and it has
to remain professional, but he doesn’t even touch me. He’s actually more distant now than when I first
started, and all he seemed to do back then was blush whenever I caught him staring at me. It’s like he
doesn’t want me around anymore. But once Charlie’s in bed and everyone has gone home, he’s suddenly
demonstrative again, at least physically.”

“Physically?” Alice prompted.

“Well,” Bella sighed, “as physical as he can be with the stupid rule he set in place about not actually
having intercourse or sleeping in the same bed because of my divorce hearing. I mean, I know it’s a
good idea, all things considered, but that doesn’t make it anymore pleasant. It just seems like,” Bella

“Seems like?” Rosalie pushed.

“Unless one of us is at least partially undressed, he isn’t really with me. Do you know what I mean? It’s
like he’s only with me for the physical aspect of what’s going on between us.”

“Does he know that you want more?” Rosalie sighed. “I mean, have you come straight out and told him
you want more?”

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“I told him I loved him,” Bella offered. “I keep telling him that every time I get the chance but with as
quiet as he is when we’re working, I don’t want to overstep that boundary that he’s put in place.”

“So stupid,” Rosalie muttered. “He’s just so stupid when it comes to you.”


“Look, Bella,” Rosalie answered. “I believe what you’re telling me about Edward and your feelings for
him. I also have to tell you that while he’s massively screwing things up with you that it isn’t his
intention. Edward really does love you and I can’t tell you exactly how I know that right now but trust
me on this one -- if he could show you right now how exactly he feels for you it could actually scare you

“He could never scare me away,” Bella said resolutely. “I love him. I’m in love with him.”

“What about your husband?”

“Rosalie,” Alice gasped in horror.

“Look,” Rosalie stared levelly at Bella. “I understand that your marriage wasn’t something you chose to
do, but are you telling me that there are no feelings toward your husband at all? You’ve never felt that
way about him?”

“I thought I did,” Bella admitted truthfully. “When it started out I loved him as a friend but it never
blossomed to being ‘in love’ with him. When I was pregnant with Charlie I thought for sure it would
happen, he’s the father of my baby, but it never did. I’ve never even imagined I could feel what I have
with Edward so I didn’t even know that it was what I should have strived for with Jacob.”

“I believe you,” Rosalie sighed. “That’s what’s going to make this so incredibly hard to tell you about.”

“Rose,” Bella looked at her and knew that her eyes were pleading. She wanted to know everything there
was to know about Edward, the things that he kept locked away that made him so cautious around
others. Who had hurt him and how had they made such a wonderful man so insecure?

“First, you need to realize that Edward and Jessica weren’t just lovers,” Rosalie started. “She was quite
literally his protégé. If you can believe this, he met her at a coffee shop near the University while he was
over there to give a guest lecture to an upper level computer science course.”

“She’s a computer programmer?”

“No,” Rosalie shook her head. “Jessica was a mathematician who couldn’t code a simple ‘Hello World’
program. Edward saw her literally hitting her laptop, trying to get it to work, and went over to offer to
help her. Apparently the code she was trying to work with was junk that a graduate student in computer
science had given her without understanding what it really needed to do.”

“What it needed to do?”

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“Jessica researched in an advanced form of game theory known as combinatorical multiplayer,
multimove game theory. It’s a very complex field where the models developed are used for predicative
purposes. For Jessica’s dissertation, she had developed a model that allowed for the prediction of
political elections. Hundreds of variables were considered, given a weighting, and then factored into the
model. She could add in all the details about two political candidates who were running against each
other -- political affiliation, religious preference, age, eye color, previous experience, whether they were
born in the political area they were seeking election in -- and determine who was most likely to win. The
problem was, Jessica could do the math but to do the analysis long hand would take months for every
single race, and while a computer would make it possible to do the analysis in about five minutes, she
didn’t know how to do the advanced coding techniques necessary to make the program work.

“That’s where Edward came in. By the time he’d finished his cup of coffee, he was entranced with the
way her mind worked and very rapidly realized just what an asset she could be to the software division.
So he hired her to start immediately. She worked part time until her defense was completed and then
came to work as a mathematician.”

“Why did they need a mathematician?” Bella inquired.

“First, because it allowed them to build software programs based on her design, the primary one being
the Law Enforcement Riot Analysis software that has made Edward millions, and is used by every major
metro area to predict a riot in the same way she was predicting elections. She also helped the Games
Division with some of their game engines to make the games more lifelike and made the random
elements more random. Edward funded all of it and pretty soon everyone expected that the pair of them
would make Cullen Technologies the leading software firm in the world.

“Meanwhile, Edward had let his guard down and they were no longer Dr. Cullen and Dr. Stanley,
perfect working team. After hours they were Edward and Jessica, really good friends, and soon they
became Edward and Jessica who are living together, and he began carrying his grandmother’s ring in his
pocket, nervous about proposing.

“Then, Edward goes on a business trip to New York and Jessica doesn’t go with him. She tells Mrs.
Cope that she’s going to visit her family for a few days and packs a bag. Mrs. Cope doesn’t realize that
all her other bags have already been snuck to the car and tells her to have a lovely trip. Edward came
home at the end of the week and found a Dear John letter from her telling him ‘she just didn’t think it
would work out between them’ and a formal letter of resignation attached to it.”

“That must have been horrible,” Bella clamped a hand over her mouth in horror at the idea that someone
could hurt someone as wonderful as Edward that way.

“He was devastated,” Alice broke in, “utterly heartbroken.”

“Then,” Rosalie continued, “a few weeks later, Anderson Corp announces that they’re launching a piece
of software that does exactly what the piece he and Jessica had developed together did. A little checking
made him realize that he had an incomplete version of the program and hadn’t noticed before because
working on it tore him up too much. Jessica had taken all of their work from the past six months, left

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Edward with the faulty shell of a program, and then sold the finished version to Anderson Corp. for a
hefty payout and a corner office.”

“What did Edward do?”

“He wanted to just let it go,” Rosalie sighed. “He told everyone to let her just have it because the idea
was hers anyway. Jasper refused though and between him and the board they forced Edward into filing
suit against her and Anderson Corp. She met with him once afterward and tried to seduce him into
dropping the charges. Edward had been so damaged by her betrayal though that he didn’t trust anyone
anymore except his inner circle -- which she was no longer a part of.

“Two days later, the Seattle Police showed up to arrest him for rape. She claimed that he had been
sexually harassing her and raping her the whole time she was his employee, forcing her to have sex with
him so that she could keep her job.”

“But Edward --”

“Edward would never dream of doing such a thing,” Rosalie nodded at her. “The problem was that
Jessica had what Edward thought was a fetish of sorts for more aggressive sexual practices.”

“Aggressive?” Bella asked as she tried to reconcile the Edward she had come to know and love with the
Edward that Rosalie was telling her about now, trying hard to fit them both together into one man.

“Bitch liked him to fake rape her,” Rosalie snorted in disgust. “Or at least that’s what she told him.
Emmett told me later that Edward had talked to him about it and the whole idea of it all made him
queasy, but he loved her and if that was what she wanted, then he’d do it.

“Well, when seducing him didn’t work, Jessica thought blackmail would do the trick. She had sex tapes
that looked incriminating and took it to the police – not letting on that they were actually role playing.
The one that made it onto the news, of him and her in the parking garage, it was played at the initial trial
proceedings by the prosecution and was actually the tamest of the bunch. Apparently, they had wanted
to hold back the real damning evidence until trial. That didn’t stop copies from somehow making it to
the board though, once the charges were dismissed. Within days, tapes of Edward and Jessica’s exploits
had been shipped to all of the board, the major shareholders, even his parents.”

“That,” Bella felt fury welling up in her.

“She’d warned him though,” Rosalie shook her head. “After the charges were dropped, she offered to
walk away if he’d just drop the suit. By that point, Edward was angry and if you don’t know this yet, an
angry Edward is a stubborn Edward. So he told her, in no uncertain terms, that he wasn’t interested in
making a deal with her. That’s when the tapes were leaked. It didn’t matter though, Edward was
determined to see the lawsuit through and pushed for it to be taken to court.”

“What happened?”

“The case went to court and Edward realized that Jessica had been a plant all along.”

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“A plant? You mean she was a fake?”

“No,” Rosalie shook her head. “She really was a mathematician who couldn’t code to save her life and
her dissertation really was on game theory. What Edward didn’t know was that she was also employed
by Anderson Corp to lure him into hiring her so that she could spy on him and, while she was at it, get
him to develop her program so that they could reap the potentially substantial profits without any
development costs.”

“But they were --” Bella replied.

“It was all a ruse,” Rosalie shook her head. “She was just sleeping with him as a way to get into his files
and spy on him. The supposed fetish, all of it, was designed so that she had something over Edward to
control him if she needed to. One Anderson Corp. executive even mentioned that they had floated
around the idea of her trying to pretend she was pregnant with Edward’s baby to get better access and
then fake a miscarriage.”

“That would have devastated Edward.”

“He already was,” Rosalie corrected. “Something like that would have killed him. He was utterly broken
in that courtroom -- humiliated, heartbroken, almost despondent. Anderson Corp knew they would lose
and tried to settle out of court and everyone thought it was a good idea but Edward refused. That was the
point when he got angry. She’d taken everything, publicly humiliated him, and put their private life
together on display, exposing it as a farce. Edward refused to deal and the morning they were set to rule
on the case, his towncar exploded with Eleazear in it.”


“His former head of security,” Rosalie explained. “He’d asked Eleazear to drive his parents to their
cabin and had planned to join them for a very long sabbatical away from Cullen Technologies to let the
furor die down and give himself time to heal from the mess. He hadn’t even intended to go to court that
day, the only reason he wasn’t with them was because he took a last minute conference call that Jasper
insisted upon.”

“He was supposed to be in the car,” Bella whispered.

“Yeah,” Rosalie nodded. “The only people who knew he wasn’t going to be at the courthouse that day
were Edward, his parents, Eleazer, and Jasper. Everyone else expected him to do what he did every day -
- get in the car and drive to the court building for the hearing -- so they planted a bomb in his car and
figured that once Edward was dead the board would be willing to take the settlement that Edward had


“The bomb traced back to a militia group that was more than happy to turn over the Anderson Corp
executive that hired them. He in turn rolled on Jessica and Lauren, the daughter of Anderson Corp’s
CEO and heir apparent. The bomb maker, Alec Dramani, took a plea of second degree murder and they

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convicted the two women for hiring a hit man and killing Carlisle and Esme. Edward though, always
thought it was his own fault for how he’d acted; first, by falling in love with her and then by refusing to
forgive her and just make a deal to get the whole mess to go away.”

“That’s,” Bella started to protest and Rosalie cut her off.

“That’s how he felt. I think it might be how he still feels. After that, he suffered a lot of anxiety and
that’s when he started closing himself in. Soon, he was working from home instead of the office; he
never went out, rarely saw people. I mean, he was never exactly social before but after that he became
almost reclusive.”


“So, that was how he was until you came along and knocked our Edward back out of his shell. The way
he acts now is more like the old Edward than you can imagine. I know he’s awkward and shy,” Rosalie
continued. “He’s not very good at talking to anyone -- especially women -- and he’ll probably make
stupid mistakes because he’s trying so damn hard to do everything right. All that aside though, if
Edward’s with you, he wants to be with you -- no second guesses and no half way. You just have to
push him so that he realizes its okay to show it. Unfortunately, that means going out on a limb some,

Out on a limb? Bella swallowed nervously. She’d never gone out on a limb before. Before this, all of her
decisions had been made for her and there had been no risks brought on by making her own decisions.
But, she decided, there was a first time for everything and if she had to choose, there was only one
person she was willing to risk everything for besides Charlie, and that was Edward.

“Tell me what you think I should do,” she announced decisively and couldn’t help but giggle nervously
when Alice and Rosalie both beamed at her.

Chapter Twenty-one

She looked around carefully before bounding up the stairs and toward Edward’s office. It had once been
his childhood playroom, as much as Edward had ever really played. By the time she met Edward, when
she was 11 and he was 13, he had already converted it into a robotics lab and he was trying to persuade
Carlisle into buying him the necessary equipment to build his own supercomputer.

“Edward?” She tapped on the door urgently and looked around. The last thing she needed was for
anyone to see her.

The door jerked open and she found herself looking at a disheveled and distracted looking Edward.

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“You’re screwing it up stupid,” she announced quietly and reached out to slap him upside the back of
the head.


“You’re screwing it up,” she repeated.

“I know,” he sighed. “It’s repeatedly refusing to compile and I can’t figure out what the error is. It’s a
simple enough section of code.”

“Edward,” Rosalie growled as she stepped into his office and shut the door behind her with a decisive
click. “I’m not talking about your stupid program.”

“What are you talking about then?”

“I’m talking about Bella, stupid.”


“You’re screwing it up with Bella,” Rosalie enunciated slowly.

“I know,” Edward sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“You know?”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “I just don’t know how to make it work. I love her so much, Rose, you just can’t

“Then quit groping her all the damn time,” Rosalie snorted.


“Love doesn’t mean squeezing her breasts all the time.”

“But --”


“That’s what Bella wants isn’t it?” Edward looked perplexed.

“You think Bella wants you to do nothing but grope her and try to get in her pants?” Rosalie looked at
him incredulously. “I know you’ve spent most of your life stuck in books but Esme taught you better
manners, Edward. That’s not how you treat a woman who is madly in love with you.”

“Madly in love with me?”

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“Duh,” Rosalie rolled her eyes, “like you couldn’t tell.”

“Rose,” Edward shook his head. “I don’t think it’s --”

“You don’t think, Edward,” Rosalie cut him off. “Women are not your strong subject and that’s why
you’re screwing this up so bad.”

“Um --”

“Look,” Rosalie sighed and pushed him to sit down on the couch and took the seat across from him.
“Bella loves you, you stupid man. But you’re going to lose her if you don’t stop with the groping and
start with the talking. Bella feels like you’re just into her for the physical part of your relationship.”

“She thinks --”

“She says that the only time you seem interested in her is when the two of you are being physical.”

“I don’t,” Edward looked up at her in confusion.

“I know how you are when you’re working and ‘in the zone’ so-to-speak. You know I understand what
that’s like, Edward. I’m the same way when I’m in my lab. You get to working and you just focus
completely on that. Bella doesn’t want to shake your focus, she even said that she understands that you
need to keep your distance during office hours for propriety’s sake, but she needs to know that you care
about her somewhere other than the bedroom.”

“I don’t mean to,” Edward stuttered.

“Look,” Rosalie pushed forward, “I know the adjustment is hard. Just, whenever you take a break, pay
her a little attention. After you’re done working for the day, focus on Bella and Charlie. Be a little more
affectionate in a nonphysical way. Make her dinner one night. Buy her flowers. I know you can’t take
her out on a date just yet but pull out all the stops romance-wise. Bella needs to know that you think
she’s special.”

“She is special!” Edward’s eyes bugged out. “But I don’t understand what you’re saying, Rose.”

“Where did I lose you Edward?”

“You said,” Edward swallowed.

“I said?”

“You said that Bella loved me,” Edward spluttered. “Did she tell you that?”

“Not that I needed her to,” Rosalie snorted. “But yes, Bella told me she’s in love with you. That’s why
I’m here. Bella’s in love with you but somehow has gotten the stupid impression that you don’t love her

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back. Now, since I happen to know that’s not true, I’m assuming that it’s because you’re screwing up
with her. A little prompting and she told me that all you’re into is her body.”

“That’s not true!” Edward protested.

“Why do you think I’m up here stupid?”

“Because I’m screwing up?” Edward asked as he leaned back against the couch and tilted his head back
in exasperation.

“Edward,” Rosalie let her expression soften and moved to sit next to him on the couch, wrapping an arm
around his shoulder.

“Hmm?” She felt his arm come down to wrap around her shoulder and pull her close against his side.

“You really suck with girls don’t you, Penny?”

She felt Edward grimace and then sigh. “You know I hate that nickname, right?”

“Too bad Mrs. King died of cancer two years ago or you could go kick her for saddling you with it.”

“Yeah,” Edward snorted, “like I’d ever kick Mrs. King. Do you know I’m such a sap that I donated
$50,000 last year to Roy so they could put a new roof on the church in that old harpy’s name?”

“Yeah,” Rosalie laughed. “I didn’t want to say anything though. I think it’s good that you’ve forgiven
him enough to donate to the church.”

“We were kids,” Edward shrugged. “Besides, he was just jealous that you were spending so much time
with me when he was trying to get your attention.”

“Ugh,” Rosalie shuddered at the thought of Roysten King. He had always been so creepy, and her
mother had constantly pushed for her to form a relationship with him. “I can’t believe he ended up
becoming a priest.”

“He was so heartbroken over you,” Edward teased, “especially after that summer at the country club.”

“Serves him right,” Rosalie snorted. “Like I would really have ended up dating him if he told me you
were gay.”

“We were seventeen,” Edward laughed. “To a seventeen year old boy that’s the worst insult you can say
about someone else. ‘He’s a dork’ usually works but he knew you got turned on by brains and he didn’t
have many. He didn’t expect you to punch him in the nose and then announce that you knew for a fact I
wasn’t gay in front of an entire pool full of people.”

“I wasn’t thinking,” Rosalie giggled at the memory. “I didn’t expect him to ask me if we were sleeping

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“Well,” Edward laughed again and shrugged his shoulders, “try being on my end. One minute I’m
playing chess with my father, then the next thing I know, Esme is demanding to talk to him in private
‘right bloody now’. Then he’s trying to -- very awkwardly -- talk to me about being a responsible adult
and how you and I shouldn’t be making any progress in our relationship that we weren’t both mature
enough for. Stupid me, I thought he was talking about the robot we were building. Then he lays it on me
that you’ve just announced to half the country club that, not only are you and I sleeping together, but
I’m so good that I completely rocked your world. Repeatedly.”

“God,” Rosalie laughed. “I can’t believe I got us into that situation.”

“I can,” Edward snorted. “Besides, you wouldn’t believe how much leverage it got me that summer. I
was constantly sneaking away to ‘make out’ with the Rosalie Hale, and everyone finally quit calling me
‘Penny’ because of the color of my hair. You know what the best part of donating to Roysten’s church
building fund was?”


“That big of a donation and he had to take the time to meet with me in person instead of just having me
mail him a check.”


“I took Emmett with me and introduced him as your husband. Meanwhile, Emmett knew the whole story
and you know Emmett.”

“Oh no,” Rosalie moaned. “Is that why I no longer get solicitation calls from the Ladies Auxillary?
What did you two do?”

“Well, Father White may be under the impression that we’re having some weird, kinky free-for-alls with
supermodels who are only attracted to my excessive wealth.”

“Oh man,” Rosalie laughed and leaned her head back to rest on his shoulder. “I can’t believe he fell for
that. Some of the people we grew up with are so stupid.”

“Yeah,” Edward sighed. “I’m one of them.”

“No you’re not.”

“What am I going to do about Bella?”

“Start being romantic, show her you love her.”

“You really think she’s in love with me?”

“You’d have to be pretty stupid not to notice,” Rosalie pointed out. “What makes you think she

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“She doesn’t ever say it unless we’re in the bedroom.”

“Do you?”

“No,” Edward shrugged. “But I don’t want to say it until she does.”

“Edward,” Rosalie laughed. “You know that if neither of you take the first step to say it outside of when
you’re screwing -- you sort of end up in this situation.”

“Are you saying that Bella doesn’t tell me she loves me somewhere other than the bedroom because
she’s waiting for me to say it first?”

“And people wonder how you ever made it into the Ivy League while the rest of us were in high school.”
Rosalie sighed.

“So you’re saying I should pull out all the stops, do something romantic, and then quit being a pussy and
tell her how I feel?”

“That about covers it.” Rosalie agreed. “And I’d definitely do that before you tell her about the bank trip
you and Emmett took last week.”

“You know about that?”

“Did you think Emmett would keep it a secret?” Rosalie snorted. “Mrs. Cope knows as well. Don’t
worry. We’ll keep it a secret from Bella.”

“Mrs. Cope knows?”

“Edward, why else would you go to the bank?”

“Maybe I needed a business line of credit?” She could hear his voice rising out of nerves.

“Edward,” Rosalie poked him in the ribs and stood up. “We know better. Besides,” she smirked as she
opened the door and slipped out. “You’re rich enough that the bank comes to you if you need money.”

Chapter Twenty-two

“Edward?” Bella dropped her purse onto the side table in the foyer and reached for the intercom button.
Pressing it with her thumb, she slumped her shoulders and reached down to push off her heels.
“Edward?” She called out again.

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“Ms. Swan?” She jerked at the sound of a soft, feminine voice saying her name. Turning, she saw a
petite Asian woman standing on the staircase to her right wearing a purple polo shirt and a pair of


“I’m Sarah.”

“Sarah?” Bella looked at the woman questioningly. Did she really think that by giving her a name that
Bella would immediately understand what was going on?

“Your masseuse,” the woman continued. “Dr. Cullen said that you were under a great deal of stress with
all the deadlines that the two of you were under and booked my services for a private massage.”

“A private massage?”

“Yes,” the woman nodded. “He also requested that I ask you to wear the clothing he has laid out for you
after our massage.”

“He’s choosing my clothing?” Bella huffed.

“I think,” the other woman smiled. “It was more of a suggestion of the type of outfit that would be
necessary for the events he has planned for the rest of the evening.”

“Rest of the events?”

“I’m sorry ma’am,” Sarah smiled and then held her hand out to Bella. “Dr. Cullen told me specifically
that I wasn’t allowed to tell you anything else.”

“What did he promise you?” Bella smirked, knowing that Edward didn’t work by threats but by lavish
rewards instead.

“I really can’t say, ma’am,” Sarah smiled in return.

“I’ll double it.”

“It wouldn’t be fair to let you, Ms. Swan, since he told me that he knew you would offer a bribe and he
didn’t want me to feel compromised. So he didn’t tell me what he had planned.”

“That sneaking, sneaky,” Bella growled.

“Sneak?” The other woman smiled at her as Bella nodded her head and walked toward her. “Why don’t
you go up to your room? Undress as far as you’re comfortable and lie down under the sheet on the
massage table. I’ll be there in just a few moments.”

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“As far as I’m comfortable?” Bella looked at her questioningly. This woman actually wanted her to get

“If you decide to keep a bra on, Ms. Swan,” the other woman nodded sympathetically, “then can I
recommend you wear a tank top instead? It will cover just as much but you’ll be less constricted.”

“Oh,” Bella nodded her head. “Okay. Thank you.”

Hurrying upstairs to her room, she tried to process what was going on with her day. She had met with
Demetri today in preparation for her divorce hearing on Monday. The court wouldn’t be hearing the
formal custody hearing but would determine temporary custody during the hearing. Demetri assured her
that because she already had physical custody of Charlie that unless Jacob could prove that she was a
danger to him, the judge wouldn’t want to upset the current arrangement. Meanwhile, they would be
asking for a temporary order of child support and she had been shocked at the amount of Jacob’s
earnings that Demetri claimed she was entitled to.

Bella had argued that she was willing to give up on child support, afraid that the court order would just
make Jacob angry and he’d then try to take Charlie out of revenge. Demetri had sensed her reluctance
and had then promised her that he wouldn’t allow that to happen. Bella wasn’t sure exactly what
Demetri could do but a quick call to Edward for his opinion had found her agreeing with Demetri that
Charlie was entitled to child support.

Bella sighed as she pulled off her skirt and then yanked down the pantyhose she was no longer
accustomed to wearing after so long in casual wear. She didn’t know why Edward could always
persuade her to do things his way but it just seemed that he always managed to make it somehow make
sense to her -- even if she’d been dead set in doing something different instead.

Demetri is the best family lawyer in the Pacific Northwest,” Edward had pointed out to her, patient as
always, when they were on the phone.

I know that,” Bella sighed. “That doesn’t make him perfect, though. No offense Demetri, but what if we
lose? What if he gets full custody of Charlie?”

Then we file an appeal,” Edward answered quickly. “And another appeal. And we keep filing appeals
until someone realizes that the judge made a mistake and gives Charlie back to you.”

Edward,” Bella argued.

Bella,” he answered indulgently.

That will cost a lot of money,” she pointed out.

Luckily, according to most people on the street, I’m made of it. According to one business reporter, I
apparently make it in my sleep.”

That’s your money,” Bella snapped.

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And, if it ever comes to that, protecting Charlie and keeping him with you is the best thing I can do with
it. Now, allow Demetri to do what he thinks best and do me a favor and screw that bastard out of as
much money and property as possible.”

But Edward,” she wanted to tell him that the money didn’t matter to her.

I couldn’t care less about the money, Bella. I’d like to think I pay you enough for you and Charlie to
live on but if you ever need more you know I’d give you a raise. You were his wife and that means
you’re entitled to the assets from your marriage. I don’t care what you do with the money, Bella; buy
shoes, take a vacation, drain the swimming pool, fill it with the cash and skinny dip in it, give it to
charity, heck, we can use it to fuel a bonfire and have all our friends over to roast marshmallows. I
don’t care what you do with it, Bella, but don’t let that prick keep you from having it.”

Edward,” she giggled at the thought of Jacob’s face if she lit half their savings on fire and then roasted
marshmallows with it.

Besides,” he continued. “Think about Demetri.”


Don’t deprive Demetri of one of his favorite pleasures. Think about what that would do to him. Demetri
lives for inflicting pain on his enemies and right now Jacob is Demetri’s enemy of choice. How could
you take that pleasure away from someone you like so much?”

Demetri?” She looked at the lawyer sitting across the desk from her and smiling like a wolf faced with
a warren of trapped rabbits.

Yeah, Bella,” the wolfish grin glittered with the addition of sparkling white teeth. “You wouldn’t want
to deprive me of my fun would you?”

No,” she couldn’t help but smile. “I’m just worried --”

He’s not going to get revenge, Bella,” Edward had broken in from the cell phone. “I won’t allow it to

But --”

Do you trust me?”

You don’t know Jacob.”

That doesn’t matter,” Edward said firmly. “Do you trust me? Not anyone else. Do you trust me?”

Yes,” she had looked away from Demetri then, feeling foolish as she answered the question.

Then don’t worry about Jacob. I promise you that he isn’t going to harm you or Charlie in anyway.”

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Okay,” she nodded at Demetri as she said it.

Good,” Edward had sounded pleased. “I’ll see you tonight. I have a surprise for you.”

He definitely had a surprise for her, Bella thought as she slipped between the cool white sheets on the
massage table and waited for Sarah to come in. A few moments later a quiet knock announced the
masseuse’s presence and she let herself melt into the table as the knots were kneaded from her stiff back.

Bella drifted off to sleep and only wakened briefly to turn over so that Sarah could massage her front.
She drifted into a pleasant dream where Edward spent the entire time running his fingers delicately
through her hair, massaging her scalp as he went.

“Ms. Swan?”

“Hmmm?” She moaned slightly as she drifted back into consciousness.

“How are you feeling?” She noticed that the other woman had stopped working her tired muscles.

“Wonderful. Are you finished?”

“Yes,” the masseuse nodded as she stepped back from the table and made her way to the door. “If you’d
like to dress in the clothes on your bed, I’ll be back in a few moments to pack up my things and then I’ll
be out of your way.”

“Oh,” Bella smiled. “You couldn’t be in my way. In fact, Dr. Cullen has an entire wing that I would be
more than willing to use his money to use as a bribe to get you to move into it.”

“Thank you,” Sarah smiled. “But I think my husband would rather I come home. Although, if one of the
rooms has a large bathtub, I’d be willing to negotiate.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Bella laughed as the other woman slipped from the room. Once the door clicked
closed, she pushed up from the massage table and stepped onto the carpet. Padding over to her bed, she
noticed one of Edward’s MIT t-shirts, a pair of baggy gray sweatpants, a pair of thick white socks, and a
hair tie.

Clothing chosen especially for tonight’s activities? What did Edward have in mind -- a run in the park?
Not at all likely now that her body felt like a very warm, very happy pile of goo. Slipping into the super
comfy clothes he’d left for her, she tied her hair back in a messy ponytail and left the room.

In the hallway, Sarah handed her a bottle of cold water and a cream colored envelope. Smiling, she
stepped into Bella’s room to pack her things. Bella took a long swig of water and opened the envelope.
Meet me in the Great Room, the note inside read in Edward’s elegant handwriting. Taking another sip of
water she made her way down the stairs and down the hallway towards the Great Room.

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Pushing open the door she felt her mouth drop open in shock. The room was lit only by the light of the
fire crackling away inside the formal fireplace and Edward had scattered pillows and sleeping bags on
the floor.

“What’s this?” She gasped.

“Bella,” Edward stood from where he was sitting cross legged on the floor and came to stand in front of
her. He looked at his feet and then reached out to take her hands in his own. “Would you have dinner
with me?”

“Dinner? You mean like dinner? As in a date dinner?”

“Please?” She noticed that his face was flushed in embarrassment.

“I would love to have dinner with you,” she smiled. “I’m just shocked. What is all this? The massage
and then the special clothes and now this?”

“Well,” Edward shuffled his feet. “I know you’re stressed out with the divorce hearing coming on
Monday. So, I arranged for Emmett and Rosalie to take Charlie for the night so you could take some
time to decompress. Then I decided the best way for you to do that wasn’t by going someplace fancy
where you’d have to dress up and worry about us being seen out together. So instead I thought you’d
like something to make you relax -- a massage to ease your muscles, the comfiest clothes I could find,
and dinner in front of the fire. Then, if you’d like, I thought we could watch a movie or two and just

“A movie?” Bella found that she was excited about the idea of a night at home with dinner and a movie.

“Sure,” Edward nodded. “We can watch whatever you like. I even made Rosalie go to the video store
and get chick movies in case you wanted to watch some of those.”

“Chick movies?”

“Is that not what they’re called?”

Bella made her way over to the pile of rental movies and began to look through them. “Tristan and
Isolde, Becoming Jane, Mrs. Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha, Beaches, What a Girl Wants, He’s Just Not
That In To You? You had Rosalie get romance movies and romantic comedies?”

“Was that a bad idea?” He looked mortified now.

“No,” she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “That might be the most romantic thing
anyone has ever done for me. Although, if you actually watch Beaches, then you will have to have wild,
unrestrained, passionate sex on the floor with me.”

“Huh?” She giggled as his jaw dropped open.

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“Trust me,” Bella leaned in to kiss his cheek and then pulled him toward the table where he’d spread out
finger foods and a bottle of wine. “It would be the only way to save your masculinity at that point.
Beaches could emasculate an entire NFL team if they weren’t careful.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. No Beaches until after you have full custody of Charlie.” She smirked as she
watched him toss the case for Beaches behind the sofa. “There, out of sight, out of mind until a later
date. So, what do you want to watch?”

“How about 300?” Bella suggested.


“Then, if you’re up for it we could watch V for Vendetta, or Watchman, or -- I know -- I haven’t seen
Sin City in forever.”

“I love you,” Edward announced suddenly.


“I mean it,” Edward continued. “I love you. Not just the fact that you want to watch dark comic book
movies, or the fact that you’re so smart it takes my breath away. I mean there’s that and your sense of
humor and what a good mom you are, and your empathy and the fact that you’re such a good friend to
me. Not to mention the fact that you’re so beautiful that there are times that I feel like if I reach out and
touch you, you’ll disappear because you must be an illusion. I mean, beyond all of that, I don’t know -- I
just, I can’t imagine life without you anymore. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Bella felt the tears welling up in her eyes as she buried her head in his chest. “But I’m
so scared.”

“Of Jacob?”

“Partially,” Bella nodded.

“I won’t let him get to you or Charlie,” Edward squeezed her tighter against his chest. “I promise you
that if it comes to that, we will get on a plane and we will run Bella. I will not let him hurt you and I will
do whatever it takes to stop him.”

“I know.”

“Then why else are you scared?”

“Because one day I’m going to wake up,” Bella fought back a sob and breathed in Edward’s soothing
scent. “One day I will wake up and be back in my bed in the house I had with Jacob and this will have
all been a dream. One day I’ll wake up and find that you, this, us, none of it really happened. None of it
exists. Then what will I do?”

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“I exist, Bella. This is real. And every fiber of my being loves you. Okay?”

“Yeah,” she nodded and pulled back from him, taking his hand and dragging him toward the pillows.

“I love you,” Edward repeated as he sunk in behind her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his
head on top of hers as they stared at the crackling fire, movie forgotten.

“And I love you,” she took strength from finally being able to say the words and know that he felt the
same. No matter what happened on Monday she felt certain that they would be stronger for it.

Chapter Twenty-three

“Will you stop it already?” Emmett snarled as Edward sat slumped in the back seat of the town car,
tapping his thumbs absently against his phone.

“What’s taking Rosalie so long?” Edward muttered. “Do you think something’s wrong?”

“Bean Pole,” Emmett shook his head. “It’s only been three minutes since you texted the woman; give
her a chance to respond. She’s busy, not hovering over her phone waiting for your paranoid texts.”

“I’m not paranoid,” Edward grumbled. “Just --”

“Nervous as all hell?” Emmett suggested.

“Yeah,” Edward nodded and then sighed in relief as his phone chirped.

We’re fine asshole. You are interrupting Horton Hears a Who.’ The text read and he couldn’t help but
smile. Flicking his thumb over the screen, he hastily brought up his text program and selected Bella.

Rosalie said Charlie’s fine.’ He typed out quickly and then glanced at the clock. “How long has she
been in there?”

“32 minutes,” Emmett sighed. “Wish I could be in there playing bodyguard on her.”

“Me too,” Edward looked out the tinted window and sighed again. He knew why he couldn’t go into the
courthouse with her. He hadn’t needed either her or Demetri to explain to him just what a catastrophe it
would be if he arrived.

Demetri hadn’t even wanted him to drive with her today but there was no way he could let his Bella go
through this alone -- even if he was waiting in the back seat of his car like some sort of stalker. The
other man had explained the consequences of what could happen if somehow Jacob Black or his lawyer
saw Edward waiting outside; it would instantly lend credibility to Jacob’s suggestions that she was an
unfaithful wife and it would ruin him when it came time for him to take the stand as a character witness

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during the custody hearing. He couldn’t look like he had anything personal to gain out of testifying for
Bella. That she hadn’t somehow seduced him into saying she was a good parent. As if he’d need that,
Edward snorted. A large part of the reason he’d fallen in love with Bella was from watching her interact
with Charlie. He had liked her before he knew about her son. He’d admit to a fascination, a crush, even
an infatuation with his beautiful assistant but he hadn’t really fallen for her until the day he’d seen her
cradling Charlie in her arms while Aro checked him over. The enormity of her love for her son had
overwhelmed him, washing away all of his previous feelings in his astonishment at the sheer capacity
she had for love.

“He does anything to her,” Emmett growled from the front seat, “I’m hog tying him and throwing him in
the trunk.”

“The trunk? Doesn’t sound very creative,” Edward scoffed.

“It’s not,” Emmett agreed. “But I need plenty of space, tools, an Anatomy textbook and a sound proofed
working area for the creative parts.”

“I can arrange those,” Edward shrugged, “provided the plan meets my standards.”


“Call them requests if you like,” Edward answered carefully. “I want there to be pain. If he hurts Bella I
want there to be lots and lots of pain.”

He glanced up and saw Emmett smirking at him in the rearview window as he cracked his knuckles.
“Oh I promise,” the large man chuckled darkly. “Rosalie will make his ass suffer before she lets me end
him. Especially if she thinks he’s a threat to Charlie.”

“Rosalie,” Edward shook his head and smiled ruefully.

“What?” Emmett shrugged. “You know how Rosalie is -- hurt someone she loves and she will end you
without a second thought.”

“She’s loyal,” Edward agreed.

“Forget loyal,” Emmett replied. “Loyal is watching your kids so you can go to court. Loyal is not talking
trash about you to the press. What Rosalie is? Rosalie is protective. Hurt something she sees as her own
and I suggest you off yourself before she finds you. Especially a kid. She’s sensitive to that man.”

“That’s true,” Edward said. “She’ll be one hell of a mother someday.”

He looked up and noticed Emmett squirming uncomfortably in his seat. “Don’t tell me we’re going to
find that out sooner rather than later?” He couldn’t help the slight note of teasing in his voice as he
imagined Emmett as a father. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? You can’t stay in that crummy apartment
anymore -- I’ll arrange the permits to start construction on the guest house Dad always wanted to put in
so you’ve got somewhere with more room.”

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“No man,” Emmett cut him off.

“What?” Edward looked at him dumbfounded. “You’re going to need the room.”

“Nah,” Emmett shifted in his seat nervously. “Um, well...”

“Well?” Edward coaxed.

“You can’t tell Rose I told you, Bean Pole. Promise me!”

“My lips are sealed,” Edward agreed.

“Rose went to the doc to get checked over. She wanted to make sure she was healthy because once her
defense was over she wanted to start trying for a family. The University has already hired her as a
researcher so it’s not like she’s worried about a job and now that everything is finally in line, ‘ducks in a
row’ she called it, she wanted to focus on a family.”


“Doc found something wrong,” Emmett muttered. “Some sort of abnormality. Told Rose he doesn’t
think she’ll ever be able to manage carrying a child to term without serious risks to herself and the child.
He told her that for her own health we shouldn’t even consider trying.”

“Wow,” Edward stuttered. “I’m so sorry.”

“So’s she,” Emmett answered.

“What about you?”

“I told her that it didn’t matter. Told her we could adopt if she wanted. Told her that I had all I needed
just waking up to her and anything else was simply a bonus. If she wanted to be a mother I’d move
Heaven and Earth for her but I wouldn’t let her risk herself in the process. It doesn’t mean anything to
me if she isn’t there to share it.”

“What’d Rose say?”

“Not much,” Emmett sighed. “Just sort of nodded and patted my hand. I think she’s still coming to terms
with it. All she ever really wanted was to be a mother. I mean she loves her work, it’s her passion, but
being a mom has always been this sort of goal for her you know?”

“Yeah,” Edward laughed. “When we were kids the first robot she ever made was a robot baby. All it
ever did was coo and bat its eyes. I programmed it to make farting sounds and cry at random intervals
between midnight and 6 am and she threw a soldering gun at my head the next time she saw me.”

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“Sounds like Rose, the epitome of tough love until you find her warm, nougaty center. If Jacob tries to
hurt Charlie or Bella though -- I don’t think we’ll be able to rein Rose in. Not after the emotional blow
she just took.”

“Could we rein her in anyway?”

“No,” Emmett laughed bleakly. “She’ll just be more ruthless this time. I gotta ask though --”

“Gotta ask?”

“Why don’t you do it for real?”

“For real? Do what for real?”

“Get rid of that bastard,” Emmett raised an eyebrow. “I mean, it’s not like anyone who’s worth anything
would miss the bastard. Who’s going to really put up a fuss? His psycho father in law? Bella’s stepdad
who’s been mooching off of him? The stripper? His father hasn’t even come out of the woodwork
during all the publicity. That one interview he did was ambiguous as anything.”

“That’s true,” Edward mumbled and thought about the brief interview that Jacob Black’s father had
given during the media frenzy around the case. Billy Black was a retired police officer, injured in the
line of duty and confined to a wheelchair. He hadn’t badmouthed Bella or glorified his son as everyone
expected when the press finally cornered him after a tribal council meeting. Instead he’d called Bella ‘an
exceptional young woman’ and talked about how kind she was. Then he called his son ‘hot headed and
rash’, claiming Jacob had a tendency to get wild ideas in his head and refused to be dissuaded. It was a
damning blow to the baseball player to have his own father coming out essentially against him and
Edward knew that Demetri was hoping to bring the man in as a witness to undermine Black even

“So why don’t you do it?” Emmett persisted.

“Do it?”

“Are you going to make me say it?” Emmett rolled his eyes dramatically. “Why don’t you just kill Jacob
Black? It would solve so many problems. If he just disappears before the custody hearing then Bella
never has to worry about him again. She doesn’t have to go through all of this if he’s missing or dead.”

“You want me to hire someone to kill Jacob Black? Seattle Mariner, Jacob Black? You don’t think
someone will notice he’s gone?”

“Oh I think they’ll notice,” Emmett shrugged. “I think they’ll even have a really good idea what
happened to him -- I just don’t think anyone will care. He’s causing the Mariners enough embarrassment
that I think they’d honestly be glad to get rid of him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s traded quietly once
all of this blows over.”

“So you think I should just hire a hit man?”

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“Nope,” Emmett popped the ‘p’ sound. “I think you should just give it some thought and then one
weekend between now and the custody hearing you should slip Rosalie and me the keys to the family’s
retreat and let us have a long, romantic weekend. Then take a deep breath and prepare to act surprised
when the police show up to tell Bella he’s missing.”

“You don’t think I should tell her?”

“She wouldn’t let you do it,” Emmett replied. “She’d tell you it wasn’t worth the risk, beg about how
she didn’t want him hurt. Bella is soft hearted and she’d be devastated that someone was hurt because of
her. She’d be right but he’d be alive and that would be wrong.”

“So you think I should let you kidnap Jacob Black, take him to the cabin, kill him and then what? Bury
him in the garden?”

“Nope again,” Emmett shook his head. “I think you should let me kidnap Jacob, tell you I’m taking him
to the cabin, then drive him to my cousin’s pig farm in Idaho and let the pigs do the work. Someone
might find him in the garden.”

“You know, there are days you really scare the hell out of me. It reminds me why I pay you so well to
work for me and not the competition.”


“Bella’s going to win the custody hearing,” Edward answered confidently. “It’s all just speculation on
our part regarding a worst case scenario that will never happen. A judge would be out of their mind to
grant Jacob custody. His own lawyer has called Demetri sounding him out about reaching a potential
joint custody agreement that they could take to the judge today to keep from having a second hearing.”


“Demetri countered that he’d be willing to give Jacob supervised visitation with a neutral third party
every other weekend and for two hours a week.”

“Neutral third party?”

“Sue Clearwater knows both Bella and Jacob. She used to watch Charlie and he’s not nervous around

“What did the lawyer say?”

“He countered with unsupervised visitation every other weekend and four hours a week.”


“Demetri told him no deal and hung up.”

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“Sounds open and shut if the other lawyer is trying to deal on it. He’s giving up a lot if Jacob’s asking
for full custody.”

“The lawyer isn’t stupid,” Edward muttered contemptuously. “He’s a bloodsucking leech to represent a
bastard like Jacob but he isn’t stupid. He knows Black doesn’t have a chance in hell at custody and if
they get the right judge he’ll end up paying through the nose and barely seeing Charlie --”

“He’ll see more of that boy than he deserves too,” Emmett muttered angrily.

“Can’t disagree there,” Edward slumped further into his seat and glanced out the window -- hoping to
see Bella. “The lawyer knows it’s open and shut but he can’t persuade Jacob to see reason.”

“He doesn’t want Charlie,” Emmett suggested.

“I doubt it,” Edward agreed. “He’s spent long enough claiming the boy wasn’t his to begin with. He just
wants to hurt Bella and drag her through the mud. She didn’t do what he wanted and now he’s going to
try and make her suffer.”

“Bastard,” Emmett growled.

“Shut up about it,” Edward snapped. “I see Bella.”

Sliding over into the far side of the car, Edward hunched down and drew his knees up to his chest, trying
to make himself as small as possible so that he couldn’t be seen from outside the car as Emmett pulled
up to the curb next to where she was standing. Emmett slipped from the car and moved around to open
the door for Bella.

“Fancy,” Edward heard someone sneer and immediately recognized the voice as Jacob’s. “I see it pays
well to act the whore.”

“Jacob,” he heard her exasperated huff. “Emmett’s just here to give me a ride back to work so I didn’t
get lost.”

“Sure, sure,” he could hear the condescension dripping out of the other man’s words. “Whatever you
say, Bella. I just wouldn’t get too comfortable. I don’t care what some judge says -- you still belong to

“Jacob,” Edward heard the panic in Bella’s voice and it took everything in him not to lurch out of the car
to confront the bully terrorizing her.

“Mr. Black?” He heard Emmett’s voice go deceptively soft and pressed back into his seat. “I think it
would be in your best interest to let Ms. Swan’s arm go.”

“Or what?”

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“Or,” Emmett’s voice stayed reasonable but Edward could hear the edge in it. “I’m going to be forced
into summoning security and then breaking every finger in your hand before they get here. It will be a
shame when I overreact but my first thought would be to protect Ms. Swan. You can sue of course, for
my ruining your career by destroying your hand, but I have to tell you I don’t think you’ll find a
sympathetic jury.”

“You’re fucking her too then?” He heard Jacob snap and clenched his fists together.

“I’m a happily married man,” Emmett retorted. “And I think you should apologize to Ms. Swan for your
tone but I know that something that civilized is beyond you, so if you’ll kindly take your hand off my
friend I won’t break it.”

“Slut,” he heard the other man hiss.

“Ms. Swan,” Emmett broke in and suddenly he was helping her into the car, slamming the door before
Jacob Black could continue. A moment later Emmett was in the driver’s seat and they were pulling away
from the courthouse.

Edward looked at Bella and noticed that her face was pale and she was wringing her hands, obviously
upset. “Did everything go all right?” He asked gently.

“Until we got outside,” she nodded and then glanced at Emmett. “I’m so sorry Emmett. He shouldn’t
have said those things to you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Emmett shrugged her off. “Just tell me he was lashing out because the judge
handed him his ass in court.”

Edward noticed Bella smiled as she ducked her head. “I think that might be the reason.”

“So?” He reached out to wrap his fingers around hers, still astounded by how right it felt to hold her
hand and amazed still that she wasn’t pushing him away.

“In thirty days my divorce will be final,” Bella smiled. “Jacob wasn’t as forthcoming as the judge
wanted about our assets so he’s assigned a court trustee to distribute them evenly.”

“What about Charlie?” Edward squeezed her fingers with his own in encouragement.

“He has supervised visitation with Charlie from 9 am till 9 pm every other weekend and 4 hours with
him each Wednesday at Sue Clearwater’s. They’ve set the custody hearing for six weeks from now and
the judge very bluntly told Jacob that he would not consider him for full custody because of the travel
demands related to his baseball career. He suggested that Jacob amend his petition to seek joint custody
and attempt to resolve the issue with me before we meet again.”


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“I don’t trust him,” Bella whispered. “I don’t trust him or my parents not to do something to Charlie to
hurt me.”

“We won’t let that happen,” Edward soothed.


“I won’t let anything happen,” Emmett cut in. “And I don’t care how big your father or Jacob Black
think they are. They have to go through me to get to Charlie and that won’t happen.”

“Thank you,” Bella smiled and Edward couldn’t help the jolt of pleasure that went through him as she
cuddled into his side. His Bella was finally free and he was beginning to hope that the future he’d been
fantasizing about just might become reality -- if he was really, really lucky.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“The bastard!” She spat as she stormed into the house -- Emmett following behind her with Charlie on
his shoulders, playing horsey.

“Bella? Honey,” she could hear Edward rushing from the kitchen, bottle of Mountain Dew in hand.
“What happened? Did Jacob do something to Charlie? Did he hurt you? I’ll call Demetri, sweetheart.”

“He didn’t show up,” she snarled.

“Pardon?” She could tell he was confused.


“He didn’t show up?” She could see that he was trying to wrap his head around the concept.

“Bells?” Emmett broke in.

“Yeah,” she sighed wearily and turned to look at the mountain of a man holding her son.

“We’re going to take Felix out to play and then maybe over to see Rose. Is that all right?”

“Thank you,” she smiled weakly and let out a shaky breath. “I think that’s a good idea. First things first
though, mommy needs a kiss.”

“All right!” Emmett announced and puckered his lips up.

“Am I your mommy?” She couldn’t help laughing. “Don’t answer that in any way that isn’t appropriate
for my son to hear!”

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“Okay,” Emmett winked and pretended to huff. “Charlie, I guess you’ve got to kiss your mommy.
Careful though, remember what we talked about.”

“Talked about?” Bella raised an eyebrow.

“Cooties!” Charlie yelled enthusiastically and began to wiggle his fingers at her almost like claws.
“Mommy cooties!”

“Emmett!” she laughed, stooping so that Charlie could lean in and kiss her. “Why did you tell my son I
had cooties?”

“Because it’s my job?” He answered nonchalantly as he stood straight again and began to lope through
the door, jostling Charlie about as he went.

“You want to talk about it?” Edward asked as he thoughtfully opened his arms to her.

“It’s stupid,” she muttered as she stepped into his embrace and rested her cheek against his chest.

“No it’s not,” he argued. “Tell me what it is. I’m sure it’s not stupid.”

“We sat at Sue Clearwater’s for four hours -- four hours -- so that he could come and see his son. He’s
spending tens of thousands of dollars to fight me for custody so you’d think he’d actually want to see
Charlie. See the son he’s fighting so hard for.”


“Nothing,” Bella sighed. “He couldn’t even be bothered to call with an excuse. Didn’t even answer his
cell phone when Sue called him. Nothing. He just couldn’t even be bothered.”

“Bella,” she could hear the sympathy in Edward’s voice.

“I know,” she muttered. “He doesn’t love me and he doesn’t love Charlie. He loves controlling us. All of
this fight is a mix of trying to get us back under his thumb and putting up a show for the public. I
shouldn’t even care that he doesn’t want to see his son. I shouldn’t have expected any better from him.”

“So --”

“So,” she felt her shoulders sag. “Is it bad that I wanted him to want to see his son? I mean, I wanted
him to have missed Charlie, to realize that he wanted to be a father to his son. That he fucking loved
him. If I hadn’t seen Charlie in all this time I would have died. I mean it Edward, I would have literally

“I know you would have.” He squeezed her reassuringly and slowly maneuvered them into the front
room and onto a large wingback chair that held both of them comfortably.

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“Jacob couldn’t even bother to show up for a four hour visit with his son. At 8:30 I called Demetri to see
what I should do, if he’d heard about Jacob being in some sort of accident or something.”


“Demetri called Jacob’s attorney, who apparently tracked him down and then called Demetri back to tell
him that Jacob was feeling bad and wouldn’t be able to make it and wanted to reschedule for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” She could hear the incredulity in Edward’s voice and knew he thought it was as bad a
suggestion as she did. “What did Demtri say?”

“Well, while Jake’s lawyer was running him down, Demetri called a friend of his to go find him as well.
Turns out that Jake’s version of ‘under the weather’ is being stinking drunk in a strip club. So Demetri
told Jake’s lawyer that he knew exactly what the issue was and we weren’t rescheduling around his
alcohol addictions.”

“Ouch,” she felt Edward wince and then snuggled closer.

“I can’t believe he’d rather be in a strip club than with his son! What kind of man does that and then
claims to be a father?”

“I don’t want to say anything about your ex-husband,” Edward said carefully.

“You don’t have to,” she couldn’t help snapping at him. “I know he’s an ass.”

She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a long sigh. “I guess this is really not what you want to
hear. I mean it just sounds --”

“Like you’re pissed off?” Edward suggested. “I can’t blame you.”

“You can’t?”

“No,” Edward shook his head. “I can’t. I don’t blame you either.”

“You don’t?”

“Look,” Edward squeezed her tight against him. “I can’t tell you that I understand where you’re coming
from because I can’t -- I don’t have children. What I can tell you is that it pisses me off that Jacob didn’t
show up to see Charlie and I’m not his parent so I can’t really imagine how you feel.”

“I just don’t --” Bella pushed back from him and ran her fingers through her hair and pinched the bridge
of her nose.

“Hey now,” Edward reached for her hand and pulled it away from her nose. “No picking up my bad

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“I just don’t want you to think I have, well --”

“Feelings for your ex-husband?”

“Yeah,” she muttered.

“Well, right now,” Edward replied. “I expect you have feelings for him. Probably hate, disgust, anger,
and a lot more hate right now. Romantically? I think any romantic feelings you had for Jacob Black died
a long time ago and any residue left went through a nuclear holocaust of additional hatred this evening.”

“You’re not jealous?”

“Why would I be jealous? Because you’re upset that he didn’t show up? No, that’s perfectly reasonable
as far as I’m concerned.”

“It is?”

“Definitely.” Edward ran his fingers through her hair soothingly. “Look, you’re Charlie’s mother and
you love him above everything else in the world right?”


“Would willingly die for him?”

“Of course.”

“Kill for him?”

“Without a doubt. What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Well,” Edward shrugged against her, “you’re his mother and you love him like there’s no tomorrow
and that’s understandable. You don’t like seeing people hurt him.”

“It’s not just that,” Bella muttered.

“Plus, Jacob is his father. I can’t understand why he doesn’t feel the exact same way about Charlie as
you do. I don’t want to be a bastard but if I had a son you wouldn’t be able to get me away from him. I
would have been at your door every night, sitting outside and begging until you let me see my son each
day. I couldn’t imagine being away from him for as long as Jacob already has.”

“You couldn’t?”

“Duh,” Edward shook his head. “I don’t think I could be away from Charlie that long now without
knowing how he’s doing. I’ve gotten attached to him and he’s not mine.”

“I just --”

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“You don’t understand why he’s acting like he is?”

“No,” she shook her head. “He claims that he wants full custody but he can’t even show up for

“I don’t understand either,” Edward shook his head. “I hate to say this, because I’m afraid it will hurt
you, but I think Jacob is only fighting you on custody for Charlie and about your divorce because he
wants to try to reassert control over you. If he’s made your divorce painful and he’s taken Charlie -- then
you’ll come back to him on his terms and I have a feeling his terms will be ugly.”

“Yeah,” Bella shivered. “I don’t want to think about that. Why not show up for visitation though?”

“Because Charlie isn’t really important to him except for as a means to an end. Charlie is Jacob’s way of
getting to you.”

“Why though?”

“Because he wants to control you. Why? Maybe he does love you in some sick way; more likely it’s
because he’s got a point to prove and he thinks of you as a possession and not as a person with feelings.
Either way, Charlie is just his way of getting at you. If Charlie doesn’t provide a way to hurt or control
you, then Jacob isn’t interested.”

“That’s just --”

“Ridiculous, stupid, short sighted, callous, cruel? Stop me when I hit the right sentiment.”

“Sad,” Bella sighed.

“It most certainly is that,” Edward nodded, shifting out of the chair and depositing her on the couch,
curling up around her.

“So what do we do about it?”

“Honestly? You keep taking Charlie to visitation and every time he misses or doesn’t pay his child
support you call Demetri so he’s got it going into the custody case. You can’t control Jacob’s actions but
you can make sure they don’t continue to hurt Charlie. But for right now I thought we could just watch a
movie and forget about him for the night.”

“That’s --”


“No, perfect,” Bella smiled as she leaned up to give him a light peck on the cheek.

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Chapter Twenty-Five

“Bella,” she heard him crooning and rolled over, burying her head in the pillow. It was Saturday and she
didn’t care if his company was being taken over -- she was sleeping in as long as possible. “Bella,” long
fingers began to stroke her hair and she growled into the pillow. No, no, Sweetward was not going to
win -- Rosalie and Emmett had Charlie and she was sleeping in.

“I know you’re awake, Bella,” he murmured.

“No, I’m not,” she huffed, the pillow garbling it.

“You’re talking to me,” he pointed out.

“I’m sleep talking,” she grumbled.

“You need to get up,” he persisted and she didn’t bother to stifle the groan bubbling in her throat. “I
have breakfast.”

“Fine,” she huffed and rolled over. “Why is it so important that I get up anyway? Why can’t we just lie
in bed and snuggle?”

“We have plans,” Edward shrugged.

“We have the house to ourselves,” Bella pointed out.

“Tempting,” he nodded absently as he placed the tray of food across her lap. “But we have plans.”

“Cancel them,” Bella suggested.


“Fine,” she huffed. “What sort of plans?”

“Um,” he hedged. “I’m not sure what to call them but it’s me, you, and Charlie today so you need to
dress comfortably.”

“Me, you, and Charlie?”

“Yep,” he shrugged and then looked down. “Unless you don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, I don’t
want to presume --”


“Well, about us and you and Charlie --”

“About us dating?” Bella suggested.

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“Are we --? I mean do you want to be --?”


“Yeah?” He sounded hesitant. “I mean, we don’t have to be. There’s no pressure or anything.”



“I sort of assumed we were dating but if you want to make it official or something all you have to do is
let me know and I’ll draw up the internal memo.”

“Oh,” Edward’s eyes brightened. “I don’t think that’s necessary, I just wasn’t sure --”

“Edward, we’re dating okay?”

“Okay.” He leaned in to kiss her gently, caressing her tongue with his.

“And you don’t have to ask my permission to plan family time with me and Charlie. Nor do you have to
dance around calling it that.”

“It doesn’t bother you?”

“That you want to spend time with my son? Edward, that’s like a single mother’s dream -- a man who
not only likes her kid but wants to spend time with them as well.”

“You know I adore Charlie, right?”

“And he adores you.” Bella nuzzled into his shoulder. “So what do you have planned for the day?”

“How does a trip to my cabin sound? We could get outside and play without worrying about people
watching us. If you pack a swimsuit we could go in the pool, maybe spend some time in the hot tub
while Charlie’s taking his nap. Just take a nice, relaxing weekend for the three of us.”

“Away?” Bella’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You mean like away, away?” They hadn’t had any real
alone time since her divorce was finalized. Rosalie and Emmett had taken Charlie that night so they
could have dinner but he’d had a nightmare and ended up back in the house with them before dessert
had turned into anything else. Since then, Edward had faced a major deadline and two board meetings
while she had been busy keeping up with their work, Charlie, and meeting with Felix about the custody
hearing. The one time they had managed to have alone time -- last night -- she couldn’t stop herself from
yawning in the middle of their make out session, multiple times, and Edward had suggested they go to
sleep since they were both exhausted.

“Well,” Edward shrugged. “As away as we can get until Monday is over.”

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“Right.” Bella felt her shoulders tense immediately. Charlie’s custody hearing was Monday morning at 9
am and, even though Felix assured her that she had nothing to worry about, the mere idea of seeing
Jacob again made her nervous. Not once had her ex-husband shown up for his court appointed
visitations nor had he paid any of the child support ordered against him. Felix had told her that they
would make the motion on Monday to begin having it removed from his paycheck -- along with all the
back support the judge had ordered -- but she expected him to find some way out of paying it. Her fists
curled up in anger as she thought about how Jacob was behaving toward Charlie.

“I already have plans to celebrate once it’s over,” Edward murmured as he kissed her neck. “That’s how
confident I am.”


“How what?”

“How can you be so confident?”

“Because you’re an amazing mother,” Edward insisted. “And you have six people willing to get on the
stand and vouch for that.”

“But my own parents are planning on testifying as character witnesses for Jacob,” Bella countered.

“Your father–in-law is a witness for you,” Edward pointed out. “And I hate to say this, but Felix has
enough stuff on your parents that you’ll actually want them as character witnesses for the other side.”

“I know,” Bella sighed. “Is it bad that I feel guilty about that?”

“About the fact that if need be, your attorney is going to destroy their reputations in court?”


“No, love,” Edward pulled the tray off her lap and wrapped his arms around her. “You should feel bad
about the fact that Felix needs to do this to keep you safe but, you listen to me, none of this is your fault.
You can feel bad that it’s necessary to do this but, Bella, it’s not your fault they treated you like they did.
Your parents are supposed to love you, protect you, and do what’s best for you. They’re not supposed to
use you to get them what they want. You’re not supposed to be something they profited off of.”

“They aren’t the only parents who do that,” Bella argued.

“That doesn’t make it okay,” Edward countered. “What they did to you Bella, they need to be made to
face, and shown that it was wrong. Personally, I think they should be punished for it because surely
something they did was illegal.”

“Edward --”

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“I know,” he squeezed her tighter. “I just can’t stand the idea of anyone hurting you in that way. They
deserve to pay for how they treated you but even if that doesn’t happen you need to stand up and have it
on record how they are.”

“But --”

“Do you really want them to have any part of Charlie’s life?”

“God, no!”

“Then protect him from them, Bella,” Edward urged. “Show the judge that these people will destroy him
if you give them a chance. They will use him and hurt him just like they did you. I know it’s hard, love,
but you’ve got to stand up to them and protect Charlie.”

“I know,” she groaned and tried to wiggle out of his grasp in frustration. “That doesn’t mean I have to
like it.”

“And that’s why we’re not going to think about it today,” Edward insisted. “Instead, you’re getting up
and getting dressed while I go retrieve our favorite bundle of energy from Rosalie and Emmet’s.”

“How long will it take us to reach your cabin?”

“About 90 minutes, give or take a little depending on how well Charlie travels and the weather. We
should be there in plenty of time for lunch and Charlie’s nap.”

“And what do you have planned for naptime? Huh?” Bella giggled as she slipped from the bed and made
her way to the closet to retrieve some clothes.

“Well,” Edward flushed crimson and she couldn’t help but laugh. She had learned by now what that
blush and the sheepish look on his face meant -- Edward had a fantasy he was embarrassed to let her in

“Well?” Bella knew the best way to get it out of him was to just go at his pace but not retreat either. A
slow, steady push and Edward would tell her anything she desired.

“Did I mention I had a concert piano in the family room at the cabin?”

‘Bingo!’ Bella thought to herself. An innocuous statement was the beginning of the end for Edward’s
secrets. “Really? Will you play for me while we’re there?”

“Sure.” He shuffled his feet and she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. “I’d love to play
for you.”

“During naptime?”

“If you’d like.” He shuffled his feet again.

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“Did you have something else in mind?” She teased.

“No,” he mumbled and his face flamed so she knew he did in fact have something else in mind related to
her and that piano. “Just the thought of having you spread across the top of my piano, seeing what kind
of music I could persuade you to make.”

“Really? Isn’t that bad for a piano?”

“Given the opportunity to make you --” Edward glanced down at his hands and she couldn’t help but
giggle. They had done every sort of foreplay that she could imagine together and when they were
actively pleasuring each other, Edward was anything but shy. When they were discussing the physical
part of their relationship with their clothes on, however, he acted like a nervous teenager. “Let’s just say
there are more important things than a piano I can replace.”

“Well,” Bella felt herself grow wet at the image in her mind of what it would be like to be splayed
across a piano in front of Edward, his face buried between her legs. God, she hoped Charlie took a nice
long nap.

“So,” Edward cleared his throat. “I’ll just go get Charlie, huh?”

“Um,” Bella felt herself blush to the roots of her hair as she brought herself out of her imaginings.
“Yeah, sure.” What she wouldn’t give right now to leave Charlie at Rosalie and Emmet’s for a few more
hours so that she could explore some of the other fantasies running rampant in Edward Cullen’s head.

“So ten minutes?”

“Give me twenty?” She tried to keep her voice light. “I need a shower before we go.” Did she ever need
a shower, she thought. With the fantasy of being intimate with him fresh in her mind, she knew she’d
need to relieve some of her sexual tension before they left or there would be no way she could keep her
hands to herself on the drive to the cabin. Especially if Charlie fell asleep -- which he was prone to do on
any car ride that took longer than ten minutes.

Chapter Twenty-Six

He watched as she wandered around the cabin; looking at pictures of his family, stroking the books his
father had collected reverently. He shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to keep his mind off of
what it would be like if he could see her like this everyday. He glanced out the window at the back yard,
the gazebo that Emmett and Rosalie had gotten married in.

The box was in his messenger bag, ready, waiting for him to work up the bravery to show it to her. It
was too soon, he reminded himself. She’d barely been divorced a month and custody of Charlie still
wasn’t finalized. He didn’t think she’d be willing to make another commitment until she was completely
free of the first.

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‘What if she never wants to make that kind of commitment?’ His inner monologue asked bleakly.
‘Think about what marriage was like for her the first time. Would you want to go back after that and try
a second time?’

‘I am,’ Edward replied angrily. ‘I swore I was never going to do this again, I wasn’t going to take the
risk and here I am, acting like an idiot and taking the same risks; terrified that the results will be the
same in the end.’

‘She’d never do that to you,’ his inner monologue argued defensively and he couldn’t help but grin. The
voice inside his head constantly chipped away at his self confidence when it came to Bella but was,
ironically, fiercely loyal to her as well. ‘She’d never hurt you that way.’

‘No,’ Edward shook his head. ‘She’d do worse to me. She could leave, take Charlie with her and shatter
every single piece of my soul into a million tiny little pieces that I could never put back together again.’

“Edward?” She called out and he pulled himself out of his bleak thoughts and focused on her smile
instead. “Are you okay?”

“Of course.” He forced a smile and tried to make it look convincing. She bit her lower lip and he could
tell she was nervous. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head quickly and reached her hand out for his. He gave it to her and looked at
her again quizzically, watching as her cheeks flushed.

“What is it?” He pressed.

“Play for me,” she blurted out suddenly.


“I’ve never heard you play before,” Bella replied. “I didn’t even know that you played until Rosalie
mentioned you were classically trained. She said you were considered a prodigy when you were
younger. I didn’t even realize you knew how to play.”

“Oh, um,” Edward shrugged. “Yeah, I’ve been playing since I was small.”


“Yeah,” he nodded and then swallowed thickly. “My, um, my mom taught me to play. She was a concert
pianist when she met my father. When they decided to start a family she retired from performing
because of all the traveling it required.”

“Really?” He could see Bella trying her hardest to smile at him. “That’s nice. She sounds like she was a
really amazing woman.”

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“She was,” Edward agreed. “She had this ability to make everyone in a room happy by just walking into
it. It was like, no matter what, she could make you feel as if you were exactly where you were supposed
to be.”

“Wow,” Bella smiled at him tremulously.

“Um,” Edward fidgeted slightly. They’d never really discussed their parents before. He knew that their
upbringings had been on entirely opposite ends of the scale from each other and hadn’t wanted to make
her uncomfortable by bringing it up. ‘Other end of the scale?’ His inner monologue shrieked with
laughter. ‘The fuck ups she had as parents weren’t even on the same scale as Carlisle and Esme.’

“I always wanted to learn piano,” Bella shrugged.

“Really? I could teach you?” Edward suggested hopefully.

“I don’t know,” Bella hedged.

“Why not?”

“Well,” she shrugged, “it’s not like I’ll get much chance to practice or anything.”

“Why wouldn’t you practice?”

“You don’t have a piano back in Seattle,” Bella answered sheepishly. “How would I practice if your
piano is here?”

“I have a piano in Seattle,” Edward froze suddenly as he remembered where the piano was at -- the East
Wing, his parent’s wing. “I mean --”

“Play for me,” Bella insisted as she tugged at his hand. “Just play for me, Edward.”

“Okay,” he nodded and followed her dumbly to the piano bench. Letting her sit first, he slid in beside
her and placed one hand behind her on the bench and the other on her neck, pulling her closer. He
brought his lips down and fitted them gently against hers, letting his tongue sweep out across her lower
lip, seeking entrance to her mouth like it was a shrine and he was a pilgrim. She was his miracle, his life,
and if given half the chance he’d spend every moment of the rest of his life worshipping her.

Instead of deepening the kiss, Bella pulled back slowly and peered up at him with her rich, chocolate
eyes, making his breath come short. “Play for me,” she repeated, firmer this time, as she took his hands
and placed them on the keys. “I need to hear you play.”

He took in the need inside of her eyes and nodded slowly, pressing gently on the keys. Closing his eyes,
focusing on the melody he was weaving he began to play the music that ran through his head every time
he saw her. It was a lullaby that he tried to weave like a blanket around the three of them, soft and
gentle, meant to keep her warm but with steel threads laced through it to protect her from harm.

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He poured his emotions into the keys, not daring to look at her as he added more complexity to the
melody. Now the blanket wasn’t meant to just keep them safe and warm, it was meant to hide them
away from the world, leaving them inside a bubble where the world couldn’t reach them. It diverged
again and expanded, making room inside of it for more to flow between them, tying them closer together
as it progressed, swelling around them. He let notes hang, leaving them as open possibilities for the lives
they could lead together, the futures that they could shape for each other. A crescendo could be their
wedding, another child, the day Charlie graduated high school, college. A diminuendo could be a
Sunday morning in bed, the children at Rosalie and Emmett’s so they could cuddle. It could be the way
she looked as she chewed the end of her pen cap, busy making sure his schedule was manageable. The
counter melody was fights over whose turn it was to do the dishes, why he never took the trash out until
the last minute, why she wouldn’t let him lavish the kids with extravagant gifts. He wove in Charlie’s
first love, the day Felix would eventually die, the first time they sat up waiting for Charlie after he broke
curfew, rainy days, vacations, illness, pillow fights, everything he wanted in a life with Bella Swan.
Finally, he let the melody slow, repeating the leit motif a final time as he let it fade around them.

Glancing up he saw the tears streaming down her face as she stared at his hands, mesmerized. “Bella?”

She reached up silently and brushed her thumbs along his cheekbones, wiping away the tears he hadn’t
realized he’d been silently shedding as he played. “I love you,” she said fiercely before she pressed her
lips against his.

“I love you too,” he whispered when she pulled away, slightly breathless.

“I am so terrified,” she confessed suddenly and then pulled away from him. He grabbed her hands and
pulled her back to him, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest, pressing his lips to
her hair.

“Everything will be fine,” he soothed her. “There’s no way a sane judge would ever listen to anything
Jacob Black has to say. If he’d had a case before your divorce he’s blown it since with the way he’s been
acting. I can’t promise that it’s going to be perfect, or that Monday won’t be hard, but it will be better
afterwards. At least, after Monday, there will be parameters and certainty of some sort.”

“It’s not,” Bella took in a deep breath, “it’s not that.”

“It’s not what?”

“It’s not the custody hearing,” Bella whispered into his chest. “That’s not what scares me.”

“I won’t let him hurt you Bella,” Edward reassured her.

“Edward? It’s not Jacob that scares me. It’s you.”

“Me?” He pulled away from her aghast. Why would he scare her?

“One day,” Bella swallowed, “you’re going to find someone who deserves you.”

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“Someone who deserves me?” He stuttered.

“Someone who doesn’t have the complications in her life that I do,” Bella looked at her hands and
Edward ducked his head, desperately trying to find her eyes. “Someone single -- without children or
crazy family members, someone smart and successful that can play a musical instrument and paint, and
is absolutely breathtaking when she’s sick with the flu or throwing up in the toilet.”

“Huh?” He felt his jaw fall open at the sheer lunacy coming from her mouth. “Bella?”

“Yeah?” She answered dejectedly.

He reached out to put his fingers under her chin, so that she was looking him in the eye. “That is the
most insane thing I’ve ever heard. I love your complications and I don’t want to imagine my life without
you and one small complication and his toy dinosaurs in it. As far as crazy family members, remind me
one day -- far, far in the future -- to tell you about Great Uncle Earl who used to tell people he was a
train and asked women if they’d like to let him use them as a caboose.”

“Uh,” he watched as she turned bright red.

“Told you that you didn’t have the market cornered on crazy,” he snorted. “Mean, yes, dysfunctional,
sure, but crazy? Nah, I can go toe for toe in the crazies department and Rosalie has us both beat.”

“I’m not going to measure up,” she began twisting her hands together again.

“Measure up?”

“To all your expectations,” Bella whispered. “One day I’m not going to be the Bella you have inside
your head. I’ll make a mistake, or I’ll say the wrong thing, and you’ll realize how much better you
deserve than me. One day, Edward, I’m not going to be able to be everything you want.”

“No,” he shook his head. “One day you won’t be absolutely perfect in my eyes. We’ll have fights,
bicker, and find tiny, little imperfections that drive each other insane. But Bella? One day I’m going to
fall from the pedestal you’ve put me on as well. One day I won’t be absolutely perfect for you either.”

“But --”

Edward put his hands back on the keys and began to play softly. The piece was originally a trio but he
had the dexterity to manage the melody that would normally belong to a cello. “Edward?”

“Too many times I’ve wondered,” he began to sing softly, “what all the trying is for. You come around,
I feel so down, I’m gonna drown, because I know that I’ve fallen short. But do you know, it doesn’t
change the way I feel about you at the end of the day? ‘Cause I know, that all I want is what you got. All
I want is what you got.”

“That’s not how it goes,” she sniffled as he began to play the first bridge.

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“It does now,” he answered as he began the next verse. She leaned her head against his shifting shoulder
and he could hear her quiet sobs, feel her shoulders shaking slightly against him. “All I want is what you
got,” he sang.

He continued to play, pouring his emotions into the song -- trying to tell her that she wasn’t alone in her
fear. Would she get fed up with his eccentricity one day? Would she want someone who’d take her for
fancy dinners? Who didn’t get caught up in his work and forget to leave his home office until 2 am?
Someone who always knew the right thing to say to make her feel special and wanted? He knew that one
day she wouldn’t be able to stay on the pedestal that he’d built for her, but he’d followed his father’s
advice and surrounded it with his mind’s equivalent of the softest down pillows to break her fall. What
about when he fell? Would everything she felt for him shatter the first time he was wrong?

“But this moment,” he moved into the last verse, “is all that I’ve got. It’s all that I’ve got.” He let his
fingers finish the song and then stopped, keeping his fingers on the keys, terrified of looking up and
seeing the rejection in her eyes now that she’d seen him so exposed -- all his faults laid bare for her

Suddenly tiny hands gripped his shoulders, tugging him around to face her with more strength than he
realized that she possessed. “Bell--” Feverish lips pressed against his and he felt her fingers slide up,
tangling in his hair as she tugged his face toward hers urgently.

Before he could think, she’d climbed into his lap, pressing herself closer, and it felt like she was trying
to climb inside of his skin. He pulled her closer and pressed his tongue into her mouth. He’d willingly
share his skin with her, let her take up residence inside of his body, give her control of it, if that was
what she needed. She pressed closer, shifting, and Edward felt himself sliding on the polished piano
bench. He reached out to grab the piano to steady them but she grabbed frantically for his hands with
hers, knocking her off balance as she tried to wrap them around her again.

“Oof,” Edward grunted, slightly winded as his back hit the hardwood floor. She didn’t slow, keeping her
lips attached to his ferociously as she began to work the hem of his t-shirt upwards.

“I love you,” she announced decisively against his lips. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” he gasped as she broke her lips away from his and then wrenched his t-shirt up and off
his body, attacking his newly exposed skin. He tried not to drown in the feel of her hot mouth on his
chest, licking a slow trail toward his abdomen, her hands working furiously at his belt buckle. He
grabbed for the hem of her shirt and yanked, uncaring if he ripped the fabric in his desire to get it off
her. Her mouth left his navel as the shirt went over her head and then she was back, pressed more
demandingly against him as he tried to fumble with her bra clasp blind.

“I need you,” Bella announced and he’d finally reached his limit. Grabbing her arms, he pulled her up
the length of his body, pressing her against him and then rolling so that they were on their sides, facing
each other as their hands fumbled with the other’s clothing, leaving it scattered around them as they let
their mouths explore flesh they’d already tasted in a new urgency.

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“Bella?” He stopped, pulling away from her slightly, giving her one last chance to pull away, to stop
something they could never take back once the line was crossed. She gripped his hair tightly, pressing
her lips against his as she rolled onto her back, taking him with her to lay cradled between her thighs.
Her left leg came up to wrap around his hip and he sank effortlessly into her heated center.

“I love you,” she moaned as she pressed her hands against the sides of his face and met his eyes with her
own. “I love you,” she repeated as he clenched his fists beside her ears and tried to lean his weight onto
his forearms and not her chest, no matter how much he wanted to press them together, trying to force
them into sharing one skin. He didn’t want to let her live inside his skin anymore, didn’t want to give her
control of his body -- he wanted to live inside of her skin and be completely at her mercy instead.

He kept his eyes open and stared into hers, letting himself fall into their depths as his body found a
connection with hers, moving in a rhythm he didn’t know existed until he was inside her. “I love you,”
he panted as he moved to begin nibbling her ear. Instead, Bella pulled his face away from her neck and
forced his eyes to her again, fixing him in her gaze and suddenly he could no longer look away, trapped
inside her stare as her face began to flush and she began to pant in time with him. He could see her pulse
thundering at her jaw and was amazed that it beat in time with his own heart.

He felt her body begin to tense and picked up his speed, moving his hips harder against hers, pushing
her towards her orgasm, needing to feel her release around him. “Edward!” She wailed, her body
beginning to tremble suddenly, her eyes widening as she arched upward and her walls clenched around
him like a vice.

“I love you,” he moaned as it suddenly became too much and his own release poured out of him. His
arms gave out as he slumped over onto her chest and then rolled them onto their sides, slipping out of
her as he did.

“Bella, I,” he reached down to slide his hand up her outer thigh and pull it over his hip, wanting them to
be closer when he heard the air conditioner click on and a sudden, cool breeze wafted across his overly
sensitive cock. He glanced down and suddenly his stomach began to churn -- his overly sensitive, bare
cock. “Bella,” he heard his voice raise an octave as his heart leapt into his throat.

She opened her eyes slowly and then glanced down between their bodies and back up at him smirking.
“I went on the Pill the day we got the divorce court date,” she murmured as she buried her head inside
his neck.

“You did?”

“Mmhmm,” she hummed and nuzzled him gently.

“Oh,” he felt himself relax then and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer and kissing
her hair. He felt her breathing even out and let out a shaky sigh. “I wouldn’t have cared if you hadn’t,”
he mumbled and then glanced over to make sure that the green light of the portable baby monitor was
glowing reassuringly. He let his eyes drift closed, determined to enjoy what little time he had with a
naked Bella in his arms before Charlie woke them.

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

She stood nervously next to Demetri, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone in the courtroom
as the judge came in and took his seat behind the high bench. The judge cleared his throat and Bella
couldn’t help twisting her fingers together nervously, her palms sweating.

“Let’s see,” the judge’s voice reverberated through the courtroom. “We’re here today in regards to the
custody of Charles William Black is that correct? I see young Mr. Black’s mother, excuse me -- I’ve
forgotten -- did you elect to return to your maiden name or keep it the same?”

“I’ve,” Bella swallowed. “I’ve returned to Swan.”

“Swan?” The judge raised his eyebrows and then looked at the file. “I see. Your maiden name is Swan.
Lovely. So, anyway, I see we have Ms. Swan and her lawyer and Mr. Black and his lawyer. That’s
perfect, now let’s get started. Mr. Black, since you’re the one petitioning to change the current custody
agreement your lawyer shall go first.”

“Your Honor,” Jacob’s lawyer began as the rest of them sat. “We’re here out of concern for Charlie and
wish to have the custody order amended to give Mr. Black full legal custody of Charlie with supervised
visitation for Ms. Swan.”

“And why would we want to do that Mr. Parker?” The judge sounded bored and Demetri glanced over at
Bella, smirking. He had prepped her for this in an early morning meeting, letting her know how to talk
to the judge and warning her that the one thing the man hated most was people who wasted his time.

“Your Honor,” the lawyer nodded. “Ms. Swan has serious addiction problems that prevent her from
adequately caring for Charlie. Mr. Black simply wants custody to ensure his son’s welfare and, as long
as Ms. Swan is willing to enter treatment, he wants to allow her to be part of Charlie’s life.”

“Addictions?” The judge immediately perked his eyes up and looked at Demetri.

“Your Honor,” Demetri stood, smoothing his suit coat. “Mr. Parker’s allegations are completely

“We have witnesses,” Mr. Parker broke in and glanced at Bella nervously. Suddenly, she realized that he
suspected that his case was built on faulty logic but had taken it anyway -- hoping to bluff a decent
outcome for Jake.

“Hardly credible witnesses,” Demetri snorted. “But we have twice as many that will say Mr. Black’s

“Well,” the judge interrupted. “Let’s just hear from these witnesses shall we?”

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“Mr. Black?” The lawyer turned to him and Jake stood, making his way to the raised stand next to the
judge. “Mr. Black, could you tell us about your marriage and about Ms. Swan?”

“Well,” Jake straightened his shoulders. “Bella’s always been a little off in the head. She always had
strange ideas, wrapped up in her books. When her parent’s divorced she moved in with her mom but
there was some trouble and Renee asked her dad, Charlie, to take her in when she was about 16.

“Charlie was worried about her so he asked me to keep an eye on her.”

“Wanted you to keep an eye on her?” The lawyer repeated.

“Well, since there had been that trouble in Phoenix, he wanted someone to watch her so she didn’t go
off the rails again. Plus, he always worried she was a little too much like her mom. Renee’s nice and all
but she’s flighty -- bit wild in her youth.”

“So you watched out for Ms. Swan and eventually you started dating?”

“Yeah,” Jake nodded. “Dated from the time she moved to Forks until right after I finished high school
and she finished her first year of community college. I’d gotten a baseball scholarship to UDub and we
moved up there together.”

“So you lived together in college?”

“No,” Jake answered. “Her father and I discussed it and we decided it would be more respectable for us
to be married if we were living together.”

“So you got married? How did that work out?”

“It went fine for a while,” Jake shrugged. “We both had classes and then I had baseball practice while
Bella waitressed to pay the bills. After she graduated, Bella got a job in public relations and right after
my senior year I entered the draft and joined the Mariners.”

“So life was going well?” Demetri snorted next to her. He had warned her that the other lawyer would
do this -- bore them all to tears so that the judge would quit listening and allow him to gloss over the
weaker portions of their case.

“It was,” Jake nodded. “Everything was great and then we got pregnant with Charlie. It threw Bella for a
loop. She didn’t want to be a mother, wanted to get rid of him but between her father and I we finally
talked some sense into her. It took a few days but she came to her senses and I thought everything was
going fine.”

‘Is that true?’ Demetri scrawled on his legal pad and pushed it toward Bella. She glanced at him from
the corner of her eye and very deliberately looked first to the right at the bailiff and then to the left at
Jacob’s table. It was a very clear, ‘no’, and Demetri understood it for what it was.

“So it was all going fine?”

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“Until Charlie was born,” Jake answered. “Then she just didn’t connect to him. Got real depressed, if
you know what I mean. I kept telling her she had that postpartic depression and she needed to go to the
doctor for it.”

“You’re saying your ex-wife suffered from post-partum?”

“Right,” Jake agreed enthusiastically. “That’s what it’s called. Post partum. Yeah, she suffered from it
but she wouldn’t go to the doctor. Next thing I know, money’s missing from our bank account --$200,
$300 at a time. Then I come home one day to find her spaced out, high as a kite on the couch with
Charlie screaming in his swing. So I called her dad and we tried to get her into treatment. She refused to
go though, checked herself out. I kept trying to get her help, and she just kept getting worse. By the end,
I was desperate -- we all were.”

“What happened then?”

“I told Bella she had to go into treatment and she just laughed at me,” Jake muttered. “I came home from
practice the next day and she and Charlie were just gone.”

“Just gone?”

“It took me weeks to hunt her down. Then I find out she’s moved in to be some man’s paid mistress and
took Charlie with her. Charlie’s former babysitter, Sue Clearwater, had to tell me where to find them.
Her father and I find her half naked in this man’s house with Charlie in the very next room. She could
barely stand up she was so high.”

“Hmm,” the lawyer shook his head and pretended to be concerned. “No more questions your Honor.”

“Mr. Karlakoff?” The judge motioned to Demetri. “Would you like to question Mr. Black?”

“Oh yes,” Demetri shot Bella a quick wink and rubbed his hands together. “So, Mr. Black, let’s start at
the beginning shall we?”

“Sure, sure.”

“You said Bella got into some trouble when she lived in Phoenix and her mother asked her father if she
could live with him. Do you know what sort of trouble she got into?”

“Well,” Jake shifted uncomfortably. “I’m not exactly sure, I’ve gotten different stories from different
people but what her Dad told me was that Bella had gotten in with the wrong crowd, came home stoned
one day and tried to seduce her stepfather.”

“And what was Bella’s version of the events?”

“She tried to make it his fault,” Jake glanced at her and then away and Bella felt her heart clench.
Demetri had promised that he wouldn’t bring up her history with Phil unless it was absolutely necessary
or Jake’s lawyer brought it up and he had to refute it. She was thankful that the hearing was closed and

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Edward wouldn’t hear. “Claimed that he drugged her and molested her. Renee caught her in the act
though and sent her to live with Charlie Sr.”

“Really?” Demetri nodded. “Would it surprise you to know, Mr. Black, that your wife’s version of
events is what truly took place? I have the police report that states Ms. Swan was found wandering her
neighborhood, drugged with what tests later confirmed to be Rohipnol, in nothing but her underwear?”

“Um,” Jake looked flustered.

“Would it surprise you to know that a medical examination found that Ms. Swan had been sexually
assaulted and the semen found inside her body was from Mr. Dwyer?”

Jake had the grace to look at the floor, ashamed. “It wouldn’t surprise you at all would it, Mr. Black?
You know why it doesn’t surprise you? Because Mr. Dwyer has two other sexual assault complaints
against him; one that was quietly dropped by the complaining witness here in Seattle, and another in
Alabama that he served time in prison for. The girl there was 14.”

“I --” Jake stuttered. “I didn’t know.”

“Well then, when I produce the young woman he assaulted here in Seattle she won’t tell me that you
gave her a large payout so that she would drop the complaint?”

“I was trying to help Bella,” Jake protested. “I didn’t want the media digging into our lives and they
would have if Phil would have been arrested.”

“You didn’t want them digging into your life,” Demetri corrected. “Now, moving on to your marriage to
Ms. Swan. You’ve told us how you and her father decided that you should get married. How did she feel
about it?”

“She was fine with it,” Jake mumbled.

“Really?” Demetri smiled viciously at him. “That’s funny because I have a woman who worked in the
Recorder of Deeds office -- the place you go to get a marriage license -- who says that Bella wasn’t
present when you applied for the license and that she was trying to talk you out of it all the way into the
courthouse. She told me that Bella was almost in tears when she signed her marriage license. Do you
think we should get her in here to refresh your memory?”

“No,” Jake grunted.

“So, let’s try again,” Bella glanced over and saw Jake’s lawyer furiously drawing long lines across his
paper and scratching notes. “How did Ms. Swan feel about getting married at such a young age?”

“She wasn’t happy about it,” Jake snapped.

“But you did it anyway because you and her father thought it was a good idea?”

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“It was what was best!”

“And what about her feelings in the matter?”

“She adjusted to it!” Jake rose to the taunting that Demetri was giving him and Bella watched as her
lawyer smiled momentarily before returning to a serious face.

“She adjusted to it until Charlie was born,” Demetri repeated. “And then she started suffering post
partum depression?”

“Yes,” Jake agreed. “And she wouldn’t get help from her doctor and started using drugs.”

“Mr. Black,” Demetri looked back at Bella and then turned to face Jake again. “Can I let you in on a
little secret? You aren’t a very good liar. You’re actually a terrible liar and do you know why? You’re a
terrible liar because I have proof that contradicts everything you say, even though I know that you and
your lawyer decided to try this crackpot story on the hopes that I couldn’t produce the witnesses to
refute you. Ms. Swan released her medical records that include her physicians post partum screenings
done both in the hospital and at her six week appointment -- neither show signs of depression. I also
have her hospital records with notes from the nurses about how you were rarely in the room with your
wife, seemed detached from your son, and that at multiple points in her stay security was called due to
disturbances in her room. Mrs. Dwyer had to be removed from the room one time, isn’t that right?”

Jake glared at Demetri angrily but stayed silent. “Also, Mr. Black, I have the evaluation notes from
every treatment facility you attempted to admit Ms. Swan to. Do you know what all of them say? All of
them report that Ms. Swan was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and that she showed no signs
of having an addiction. I also have drug screenings taken weekly for Ms. Swan since I’ve taken on her
case; urine, blood, and hair follicle, just so we covered all our bases. You know what they say?”

“No,” Jake grumbled and Bella thought she could almost see his lower lip pouting out.

“Ms. Swan didn’t have the presence of narcotics in her system,” Demetri answered. “None at all. Not
even a baby aspirin. Ms. Swan doesn’t have a drug and alcohol problem, does she Mr. Black?”

“She --”

“The problem in your marriage to Ms. Swan had nothing to do with her imaginary addictions and
everything to do with your controlling nature. Add to that a mistress you were terrified that she would
find out about and the situation got out of control didn’t it?”

“Leave Leah out of this,” Jake hissed.

“Why?” Demetri asked shrewdly. “I think it would be interesting to talk with Ms. Clearwater. She can
let the court know exactly how long you’ve been in a relationship, why you accused your ex -wife of
sexually assaulting Ms. Clearwater’s mentally challenged younger brother and, more interestingly, she
can explain what has been so important that you’ve been unable to make any of your visitations with

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“Excuse me,” the judge cut in. “Mr. Black, have you missed your allotted visitations with your son?”

“It wasn’t like it was a constant thing,” Jake mumbled.

“I disagree, Your Honor,” Demetri answered. “Mr. Black has missed every single visitation that the
court has ordered for him. Ms. Swan has meanwhile shown up consistently early, stayed the entire
length of the visitation, in case Mr. Black were for some reason running late, and even stayed over by
ten minutes each time to be sure. He’s not shown up once and we have pictures of him leaving an adult
club with Ms. Leah Clearwater on the night of his very first visitation. Why was that Mr. Black? What
business was so important that you needed to be in a club full of scantily clad young women instead of
with your son?”

“It wasn’t like that,” Jake replied. “I just needed to blow off some steam so I went to see Leah at work
and lost track of the time.”

“If you get custody of Charlie are you going to lose track of the time when you’re out blowing off

“I told you --”

“Tell me, Mr. Black,” the judge interrupted. “Are you up to date in your child support payments?”

“Well,” Jake glanced at the rail in front of him.

“That’s what I thought,” the judge snapped. “Mr. Black, I have to tell you that there are three things that
I take a very dim view of. The first is noncustodial parents who do not show up to their court sanctioned
visitations. You are hurting your son with your selfishness as well as missing a part of his life that you
will never get back. I have no tolerance for parents who cannot be bothered with their children. Second,
I have an absolute hatred for non custodial parents who do not pay their child support. You fathered this
child, Mr. Black, and you have a responsibility to it. You don’t get to stop being responsible when it
quits being fun. Third, and most important, Mr. Black, I take an extremely dim view of people who
come into my court and waste my time with pitiful lies as they try to fight battles against their former
significant others through their children. Do you want to know something? You and your lawyer have
pressed the big, red buttons for each of my pet peeves. This is not a good position for you to be in. You
are cluttering my calendar with this nonsense and it stops now.”

“But --”

“Shut up,” the judge responded sharply. “This is what is going to happen. You are not getting full
custody of your son. You are not getting joint custody of your son. You are going to continue having
supervised visitations with your son on the days decreed, but instead of with Mrs. Sue Clearwater, they
will be with a court appointed child services worker who will report back to me monthly and that you
will pay for. You will surrender to the court your employee human resources information within 72
hours and I will forward the form to them to begin garnishing your support, including back support,
from your checks since you cannot figure out how to pay it on your own. You will not come back and

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waste mine or Ms. Swan’s time again in this matter unless you suddenly have something of value to say.
Otherwise you will not annoy this court again. Do you understand me?”

“Yes sir,” Jacob snapped.

“Good,” the judge snapped in return. “This case is dismissed.”

“May I say something, Your Honor?” Bella flinched as she heard her mother’s whiny nasal voice cut
through the din of the court room.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Renee Dwyer, Isabella’s mother,” her mother continued. “And I just thought you should know that
you’re making a huge mistake. Bella is a horrible young woman. She’s an ungrateful, self centered, little
slut that doesn’t care about anyone beside herself. You mark my words, Your Honor. As soon as my
grandson gets in the way of her lifestyle she’ll be pawning him off on Jacob.”

“And why do you believe this, Mrs. Dwyer?” Bella squeezed Demetri’s arm -- shocked that the judge
was letting her mom speak.

“Look at everything she’s done to destroy Jake,” Renee replied. “Dragging him through court like this,
humiliating him because she doesn’t know her place. You don’t know her, Your Honor, but I do. I’ve
had to put up with it myself. Can you imagine what it’s like to come home and find your own daughter
seducing your husband? Lying underneath him and squirming like a little whore, stoned out of her

“Mrs. Dwyer,” the judge looked at her sternly. “I have a police report that claims your daughter was so
heavily sedated with Rohipnol that she didn’t realize she was undressed when picked up by police. She
was drugged and assaulted by your husband and from the evidence given to me by her lawyer, she was
neither the first nor the last girl to suffer that fate.”

“In all truth, Your Honor, she’s a liar.”

“But the rape kit is not,” he countered.

“Oh grow up,” she snarled at the judge and Bella gasped in shock. “She should have been happy to
support her father and I after all we did for her. She should have been grateful that we arranged her
marriage to Jake and behaved. Instead, what did she do? She goes running off and shacks up with
someone without letting us have a dime. She owes us, Your Honor.”

“Mrs. Dwyer,” the judge looked at her sternly. “That will be all. Your daughter owes you nothing for the
priviledge of being born and you have no right to profit off her fortunes or misfortunes as an adult.”

“God you’re an idiot,” Renee snorted. “You have no idea how the real world works at all do you?”

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“And you, , are in contempt of court,” the judge replied sharply. “Bailiff, please remove her from the
court.” Bella couldn’t help the smirk that crossed her lips as the bailiff led her mother away.

“Now, the rest of you -- this case is adjourned. Get out of my courtroom before I have someone else

Bella turned and threw herself into Demetri’s arms as Jake and her family stormed out of the courtroom.
“Is it over?”

“Yes, lovely Bella, it is all over. Now, let’s get outside and let your friends know how it went. Then I’m
sure you’re ready to get home to Charlie now that all of this is behind you.”

“Oh thank you! I just don’t know what to say besides thank you!” Bella announced as Demetri led her
from the courtroom and into the hallway where Edward and Emmett were waiting.

“Bella?” Edward looked at her nervously, his thumbnail in his mouth, and she could see that his other,
normally smooth, nails were ragged and bitten.

“Let’s go home,” she announced eagerly.

“So,” Edward looked between her and Demetri cautiously. “What happened?”

“Jacob Black got on the stand and gave some cock and balls story to the judge; I got up and told him it
was all lies and I had the evidence to prove it; Jacob Black collapsed like a flan in the cupboard; and the
judge chewed his ass, threw out the case and then arrested Bella’s mom.”

“What? Why?”

“She called him an idiot,” Bella muttered and tried to hide her eyes. She was mortified about how her
mother had behaved and terrified what Edward would think if he found out that she wanted part of his
money because he was dating Bella. “And he had her arrested for contempt of court.”

“Should we go bail her out?” Edward asked cautiously.

“I wouldn’t,” Demetri shrugged. “Perhaps some time in jail would do her some good. But it is Bella’s
mother so it’s Bella’s call.”


“You know what?” She swallowed and lifted her head so she was looking Edward directly in the eye.
“Let her sit. She deserves it.”

“For calling the judge an idiot?”

“No, call it a bad mother penalty.”

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“Okay,” he agreed as he took her hand. “We’ll leave her in and teach her a lesson then. What do you
want to do now?”

“I want to go home, spend the evening with Charlie and our friends and, once he’s asleep, I want to curl
up and watch Beaches with you.”

“Beaches?” Demetri coughed.

“Sounds good to me,” Edward kept his expression smooth. “Let’s go home, spend the evening with
Charlie, and then see if we can find a copy of Beaches to watch.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Not sweepy,” Charlie muttered as Edward stood from the couch, lifting the small, formerly sleeping
boy in his arms up with him.

“Course not, buddy,” Edward crooned and patted him on the back soothingly. “Uncle Edward’s tired
though. Can you come lay down with me?”

“Where we go?” Charlie slurred.

“Your room?” Edward winked at Bella. “I like to sleep in your rocking chair. Okay?”

“Not sweepy,” Charlie insisted and stuck out his lip.

“No, no,” Edward agreed. “You just call for mommy once I’m asleep and she’ll come get you. Okay?”

“‘Kay,” Charlie laid his head back on Edward’s shoulder and began to pat his back in time with
Edward’s own patting on Charlie’s. He glanced over at Bella and could see that she was trying to repress
her smile so he winked at her. Five minutes and Mr. ‘Not Sweepy’ would be snoring like a little pig in
his sty.

When he put his first foot on the stairs he felt his pocket buzz and, since Charlie was once again asleep,
reached into his pocket for his cell phone and tapped the screen. ‘Ask her stupid --Rosalie’ it read.

‘Now?’ He typed back with his thumb and shook his head.

His phone buzzed again once he’d reached Charlie’s door so he put the heavy toddler in his crib and
then looked at the screen again. ‘Yes, NOW!!! Before you fuck is better than after.’ He couldn’t help the
snort of laughter that escaped him. Once again, Rosalie had entirely missed the point -- probably on
purpose. “Bella?” He asked as he turned on the intercom system.


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“You wanna order some food in?”

“Yeah,” he heard her agree on the other end. “I am a bit hungry. What were you thinking?”

“What are you hungry for?”

“Sandwiches?” She suggested and he knew immediately that she was talking about the all night deli that
delivered just a few miles away.

“Can you call and order it? They know the gate key.”

“Sure,” he heard her giggle. “What did you want?”

“Just a chicken salad sandwich and --”

“Vinegar and sea salt potato chips,” Bella finished. “Why do I even ask?”

“I have no idea,” Edward laughed in return. Bella knew all of his quirks, including his usuals at their
regular delivery spots. “Hey, Bella?”


“What are we going to do now that I can start taking you out to dinner properly like a normal couple?”

“Um,” she giggled again. “Be very confused?”

“Hmm,” Edward replied. “Maybe we should do it somewhere where we have no idea what’s going on?”

“And where’s that?”

“How do you feel about seafood?”

“I love it. Why?”

“We’ll need to get you and Charlie passports for our first family date then.”


“What do you say,” Edward stared longingly at the intercom as he waited for Charlie’s breathing to slow
down enough to signal that the boy was fast asleep, “we all take a nice long weekend to Aruba right
after I get your passports sorted? We’ll go down, lay on the beach, relax, and one night we’ll get Emmett
and Rosalie to watch Charlie so I can take you to this great little seafood place I know.”

“In Aruba?”

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“Why not?” He heard Charlie snuffle slightly and turned to see the boy bury his head further into the
sheets. He was finally out. “We have a corporate jet. Why not use it?”

“Edward,” he could almost hear her shaking her head through the intercom. “I’m letting go of the button

“Think about Aruba,” he said quickly.

“You’re silly.”

“While you call the deli, mind if I take a shower?”

“No, go ahead. By the time you get done they should be here.”

“Love you,” he prompted, still getting a thrill from the way it sounded to say it.

“I’m letting go of the button,” she warned.


“Oh all right you big softie,” she snorted. “I love you too. Now hurry up in that shower or I might come
up there and wash you up myself.”

“And that’s supposed to be a punishment?” He felt his pants tighten and the reason he planned on taking
a shower became more urgent. At first he’d just planned on a quick wank to take some of the edge off
and give him a bit of a buffer for later; now if he didn’t do something quickly he’d never last until their
dinner arrived and it wouldn’t take long.

“Go,” she said firmly.

“Yes ma’am,” he agreed and let go of the button, hurrying out of Charlie’s room and into his own,
tossing off his clothes as soon as the door had closed. His cock was throbbing and he turned the shower
on full blast, before running a hand up his shaft, shivering at the feeling. What Bella did he want

Kitchen Bella, his inner monologue demanded and he couldn’t help smirking. Kitchen Bella was
perhaps his favorite unfulfilled fantasy now that they’d made love in front of his piano at the cabin.
Stepping into the now steaming shower he braced his left hand against the wall and closed his eyes,
beginning to stroke himself slowly, working himself into the fantasy.

It was a Saturday morning and Charlie had spent the night at Emmett and Rosalie’s -- leaving them with
the house to themselves. He’d woken up to find that Bella wasn’t in bed beside him and had wandered
down to the first floor looking for her.
He didn’t know why he always prefaced his fantasies but Edward
had found he preferred to think his fantasies out like he did everything else.

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He turned the corner and there she was, leaning over the top of the counter, all her weight focused on
the waffle iron she was using and he couldn’t help but grin at the sight. His Bella was in the kitchen
making him waffles in nothing but a tiny blue half apron. He crept up behind her slowly and wrapped
his arms around her waist -- making her jump.

Hello gorgeous,” he crooned into her ear before planting a kiss behind it, letting his tongue slip out
then to trail down the side of her neck. He let one of his hands slide up to fondle her breast and the other
trailed down her back, pulling the apron strings loose and tossing it across the room.

Edward,” she moaned as his now free hand moved round to stroke at her flesh. He let his finger dip
into her wetness and hissed.

Tell me,” he hissed in her ear. “Tell me what it is you want.”

Please,” she mewled as he left his thumb to press on her clit and curled his fingers so that the first one
slid inside of her.

Please what?” He chuckled. He loved having her at his mercy and begging for him. Taking his hand
away from her breast he wrapped it around her waist, picking her up and scooting her down the cabinet
so that they were standing directly in front of the sink and the window that stared out into the back yard.

Edward,” she groaned as he leaned forward slightly.

You have to tell me,” he teased, twisting his fingers slightly so that they hit the spongy spot on her front
wall. He could see her hands clenched tightly onto the window sill, her thumbs grasping for purchase as
he pressed harder into her with his fingers, pressing on her clit demandingly. “Tell me what you want

Fuck me,” she gasped.

Fuck you?” He chuckled. “Are you sure?”

Yes,” she shifted her weight and pressed back against his hand. “Fuck me -- NOW!”

Awful demanding aren’t you?” Edward asked as he took the hand from around her waist and pushed
his pajama pants and underwear down in one smooth motion. Once he was free of his clothing he
slipped his fingers out of her and let that hand rest on her waist as the other moved to her shoulder and
pushed her down over the sink, letting her torso hang over it’s basin. “More room to play,” he growled
into her ear as he pressed his aching cock against her and spread her legs with his knee. Bella rose onto
her toes and he slipped inside.

Oh,” she moaned loudly and he felt her jerk forward slightly.

Stay still,” he ordered, breathless. “Just keep a tight hold on that window sill and stay very still for me
Bella. Can you do that?”

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Oh yes!” She nodded her head over the sink quickly and he watched as her hands tightened their grasp
on the window sill. Burying himself inside of her he let go of her with his hands and reached to his left
for one of the bar stools they kept next to the island -- thankfully just in reach. He dragged the stool
across the tile floor as she squirmed on his cock, panting and sighing as she sought friction.

Stay still,” Edward soothed as he brought the stool next to her and then lifted her leg, bending it at the
knee so he could place it on the stool’s cushion, drastically contorting her position.

Oh fuck,” Bella moaned as he pulled out and then sheathed himself inside her again.

Still got that nice tight grip for me?” He crooned in her ear and she nodded again, her hair flying in
time. “Good,” he let one hand slip down to the apex of her raised leg and dipped it down, pressing his
finger hard against her clit. The other hand moved up her back and along her side to her breasts and he
let the backs of his fingers trail down the left one’s side until he reached her nipples. Once there he
began to pinch and roll the right one between his thumb and his forefinger, positioning his arm so that
each thrust of his cock rubbed her sensitive nipple over his wrist, just barely creating friction.

Oh I’m going to come,” she moaned and he leaned forward to bite the nape of her neck.

Don’t you dare,” he snarled into her neck, twisting his right hand so that instead of rubbing her clit he
was now pinching it forcefully.

Oh,” she whined and he could see her thighs tensing, trying to hold off her orgasm like he’d demanded.

I’m not done with you yet,” he murmured and pressed hot kisses against her neck, his own orgasm
starting to build as he snapped his hips more forcefully against her.

Fuck,” she groaned and he smiled against her heated flesh.

Talk to me, pretty girl,” he demanded, slamming his cock inside of her and making her whole body

I love you,” she announced. “I love you so much.”

Keep talking,” he urged.

I love how you feel inside of me,” she panted and he smiled in delight. He loved to listen to Bella talk
dirty. “I love the feel of your cock inside me. It makes me wet to just think about it.”

Good girl,” Edward encouraged, pressing harder into her as a reward. “Tell me what you want. Tell
me what you like.”

Harder,” she gasped. “Fuck me harder!”

He shifted his grasp, taking his hand from her breast and grabbing her hip forcefully, ramming his hips
so that his cock sunk further inside of her. “Come for me,” he ordered.

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Edward!” She shrieked and his cock exploded inside of her the minute her orgasm took hold, the
clenching of her walls pushing him over the edge.

He opened his eyes blearily and looked at the semen covering the shower wall in front of him.
“Edward!” He turned to look at the shower curtain and realized that it was Bella calling for him through
the intercom. “Edward!”

He grabbed his pajama pants and hurried down the stairs, sliding to a stop as he turned into the foyer.
There he found Bella, standing with her back to him and facing a very angry Jacob and Renee. “Bella?”
He glanced over and saw that the green security light was activated, and knew that Emmett would be
there momentarily.

“You,” Renee hissed. “I should have known you would be here.”

“Well,” Edward stopped for a second, taken back by the woman’s comment. “It is my house.”

“Get lost Cullen,” Jacob snapped. “This doesn’t concern you.”

“Actually,” he looked over at Jacob then, wondering how Bella had ever coped being around so much
obvious stupidity. “My house, my girlfriend, it does concern me. Why are you here?”

“I’ve come to talk with my wife,” Jacob snarled.

“I’m not your wife anymore, Jake,” Bella retorted, stepping closer to Edward. “We’re divorced and
you’re not allowed to be here. There’s a court order.”

“That’s what your dad said,” Jake laughed darkly. “He wouldn’t help me anymore. You know why?”

“He’s realized you’re insane?” Edward retorted.

“No,” Jake shook his head, still focused on Bella. “Your boyfriend’s little PR spot put his job in
jeopardy. Suddenly the town council was looking into how the Chief of Police might have been breaking
the law and terrorizing his own daughter. If he was bullying her, who else could he be harassing? He
told me that he couldn’t risk his job over you, told me to let you and Charlie go.”

“Sounds like he had some sense,” Emmett announced as he and Rosalie stepped through the front door
behind them. “Why don’t you just leave now Jake?”

“I’ve come for my son and my wife,” Jake retorted.

“I’m no longer your wife and you’re not taking my son,” Bella stepped back, beside Edward, blocking
the stairs.

“The hell I’m not,” Jake growled and reached for Bella’s arm, jerking her toward him.

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Instinctively Edward pushed Bella out of the way and then grabbed Jake by the shirt collar, throwing his
fist into the other man’s jaw. “The hell you are,” he snapped as Jake dropped to the floor.

“You asshole!” Renee screamed. “How dare you! We’ll sue you for assault.”

“Try it! Let’s see if I can get you arrested again! Show the world just what sort of mother you are!”
Edward stepped forward, looming over Renee.

“Wait,” she simpered, hands in front of her as her anger turned off as if on a switch. “We can make this
go away. Jake, he’s hot headed but really we can just make this all go away with no more trouble. You’ll
never have to see any of us again.”

“How much?” Edward glanced over at Bella. “How much to get rid of all of you for good?”

“10 million,” Renee said quickly. “10 million and I guarantee Jake will sign the papers to give up his

“Fuck you,” Edward said firmly and motioned to Emmett who took her upper arm forcibly. “I wouldn’t
give you a plug nickel. Get out of my house and take your trash out with you, Renee.”

“I’ll go to the papers,” Renee threatened. “I’ll tell them everything. I’ll destroy you if I have to.”

“Are you blackmailing me?” Edward laughed. “How pathetic are you? I’m not giving you a dime. Now,

“I’ll,” he glanced down and saw that the hand around her bicep was no longer Emmett’s; it had long,
red, manicured nails instead. Rosalie swung Renee around forcefully, throwing her face first into the
door jamb.

“You should be more careful,” Rosalie snapped. “You’ll hurt yourself being so clumsy. You might trip,”
Edward watched as she kicked Renee’s ankles knocking her feet out from underneath her and the other
woman wheezed through her bloody nose.

“I’d hate for you to break a rib or something on these marble floors,” Rosalie announced as she brought
her right foot back and kicked Renee hard. Edward couldn’t help but wince as he watched. Rosalie Hale
had played four years of prep school soccer, and he knew for a fact she routinely kick-boxed for

He saw red lights glaring through the door’s glass cutouts as Rosalie landed another heavy kick. “Oh
yeah,” Emmett shrugged as he pulled Rosalie away from Renee’s slumped form. “I called the cops on
my way over. That would be them.” Spinning Rosalie around, he slapped her hard and Edward felt his
jaw drop as Rosalie smiled at her husband.

“Self defense,” Emmett shrugged as he glanced pointedly at Renee and then at the crimson handprint on
Rosalie’s cheek.

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Two hours later they were huddled together under a blanket on the couch, the police had just left, taking
a furious Jacob and a wheezing Renee along with them. The phone rang and they both glanced at it
before Edward picked up. “Hello?” His voice sounded hollow.

“Edward!” Demetri sounded frantic. “Is everyone okay?”

“We’re fine,” he answered. “Bella’s fine, I’m fine, Charlie never even woke up.”

“Have the police left?”

“Just now,” Edward replied.

“Do you know yet how --”

“They drove in after the delivery guy,” Edward answered, still shaken that their security had been so
easily breached with the accidental help of a high school dropout delivering sandwiches and smelling
like a steam shower full of pot.

“It’s okay,” Demetri answered. “Everyone’s safe and that’s what’s important. Tell Bella I woke Judge
Matthews up and we have an emergency hearing tomorrow morning at 8 am.”

“An emergency hearing?”

“To further restrict Jacob’s access to Charlie -- another safety precaution. If we’re lucky the judge will
terminate his visitation after this -- the man is clearly unstable.”

“Right,” Edward nodded and wrapped his arms around a shivering Bella. “We’ll see you in the morning,



“I know it’s going to be hard but both of you need to try to sleep. I promise we will get this handled first
thing tomorrow morning.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

She stood next to Demetri, her arms wrapped around her middle as Edward paced the hallway outside
the courtroom. A pair of Seattle police officers stood between them, Jacob, Renee, and Phil. Her father
was no where in sight.

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“Swan vs. Black, Emergency Hearing,” a bailiff announced as he came out of the courtroom’s door.
“Ms. Swan and her witness will be seated first,” he informed the police officer, who nodded in return.

Bella let Demetri guide her into the same courtroom they had been in yesterday and sat in the same seat.
What the hell had Jacob been thinking last night? Her mother, Bella knew, had been making a play for
money but she couldn’t believe that Jacob was so stupid that he let her manipulate him into going along
with it. She heard Edward shift as he sat behind her and then reached forward to place his hand against
the side of her neck. She breathed in deeply, taking in his scent, and then exhaled shakily.

She heard her mother storm into the courtroom, her heels clicking angrily against the tile floor. Jake
slunk in behind her and Phil, following his very weary looking attorney. She kept her eyes forward and
tried her best not to glance at Jake, who she knew was furiously glaring at her.

A door at the side of the courtroom opened and a white haired judge that Bella had never seen before
took his place on the bench. He nodded to all of them and then looked at the file folder in his hands.
“Judge Matthews had a meeting he couldn’t reschedule this morning so I’ve taken over hearing this case
at present,” the judge announced. “Let’s see,” he glanced at the file again and then looked at Bella
sharply. “You are Ms. Swan, yes?”

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Okay, Ms. Swan,” the judge looked at her sternly. “Let’s talk through this together so that I know
what’s going on.”

“Okay.” She was instantly frightened. This judge wasn’t nearly as warm as Judge Matthews had been.
She had no idea why Demetri looked so pleased the minute he had walked in.

“Okay,” the judge agreed. “At one point you and Mr. Black,” he pointed at Jacob, “were married?”

“Yes,” Bella agreed.

“Then you had your son Charlie?”


“And some point after that, you and Mr. Black decided to no longer remain married, you took the child,
and filed for divorce?”

“Yes?” She glanced over at Demetri who had lounged back in his chair, hands crossed over his waist
and when he caught her staring, looked up and winked at her.

“After that, you got a job as Mr. Cullen’s personal assistant and he allowed you to move into his home
with your son. And this,” he nodded to Edward, “would be Mr. Cullen?”

“I am,” she turned to see Edward rise and answer the judge, with a wide smile.

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“Go ahead and sit, I don’t need to talk to you just yet.”

Edward sat and Bella looked at the judge again. “So you were living in Mr. Cullen’s house. Were you
living together as a couple?”

“No,” Bella shook her head. “We didn’t start dating until after my divorce hearing.”

“Oh,” the judge looked up at her from the file. “You and Mr. Cullen are dating?”

“We started seeing each other after my divorce,” Bella let her eyes fall.

“Probably a good idea,” the judge answered. “Best to get out of one thing before you fall into another.
Now, you and Charlie were staying with Mr. Cullen and one day, it seems, Mr. Black and your father
arrived at the house and started an altercation. That’s when you filed for the restraining order against
Mr. Black?”

“Yes,” Bella nodded.

“Okay, so following that in short order was a divorce hearing, where temporary custody was decided,
and then a hearing yesterday to finalize that custody, yes?”

“Yes,” Bella agreed.

“Your Honor,” Jake broke in.

She watched as the judge turned to glare at Jacob. “Did I ask you, Mr. Black?”

“Um,” Jake swallowed. “No?”

“No,” the judge shook his head. “I did not ask for you to interrupt. This is warning one.” He picked one
finger up and set it on the rail. “You do not wish to see what happens when you hit warning two or three.

“Now, Ms. Swan,” the judge turned back to her. “Everything seems like it was going all right, barring
this disturbing restraining order, and then last night happened. I am looking at this police report and
have not yet had my first cup of coffee so I have to ask you, Ms. Swan, exactly what sort of total fuckery
is this?”

“Um,” she felt her eyes bugging out. Were judges allowed to cuss in court?

“Because, you see,” the judge glared at Jacob and then focused on her again. “I see here that last night,
Mr. Black and your mother -- who is the woman sitting behind him with the black eye -- violated his
restraining order, showed up at Mr. Cullen’s home, and accosted you in the foyer. Then they began to
berate and harass you. At some point, you hit the emergency button on Mr. Cullen’s alarm system and
then he and Mr. and Mrs. McCarty arrived. Do I have the situation right so far?”

“Yes,” Bella nodded.

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“Okay, now I want to talk to Mr. Cullen. Mr. Cullen?”

“Yes?” Edward stood again.

“Explain to me exactly how your fist ended up connected to Mr. Black’s jaw.”

“He was arguing with Bella,” Edward said and then cleared his throat. “He wanted to take Charlie and
when she told him no he grabbed her arm.”

“So,” the judge looked at him and then Bella sternly. “You grabbed him, protecting Ms. Swan?”


“Ms. Swan is that what happened?”

“Yes, it was.”

“That is total bullshit,” Jake announced and the judge simply turned to glare at him, raising a second
finger in warning. Bella watched as Jake swallowed and then sat back in his seat -- silent.

“Now, I have a police statement saying that Mrs. Dwyer attacked your head of security’s wife -- Mrs.
Rosalie McCarty -- and according to her police statement she hit her back in self defense, at which point
Mrs. Dwyer fell. Is Mrs. McCarty here?”

“She is, your honor,” Demetri said from his seat. “We left Mr. and Mrs. McCarty in the waiting area in
case they weren’t necessary for this hearing.

“Bring them in,” the judge informed his bailiff, who then stepped out to retrieve Emmett and Rosalie.
Bella watched as Rosalie came quietly up the aisle, dressed extremely modestly and acting deferential to
both the bailiff and Emmett. Looking at her, one wouldn’t imagine Rosalie Hale McCarty could hurt a
fly. The blackening bruise on her cheek played up that perception. Bella looked over and noticed that
Phil had his arm around her mother’s shoulders -- almost restraining her.

“Mrs. McCarty,” Bella noticed the judge’s voice had gone very sympathetic as Rosalie went to the
raised seat next to his. “Can you tell me what happened last night?”

“Well,” Rosalie shrugged her shoulders and glanced at the judge and then looked studiously at her
hands. “Emmett and I were finishing the dinner dishes when the security alarm went off at the main
house. I followed Emmett over in case something had happened so that I could help Bella with Charlie.”

“Do you do that a lot? Help Ms. Swan with Charlie?”

“I love kids,” Rosalie said softly. “Emmett and I can’t have any and Bella, well she’s let me become an
aunt to Charlie. I love him so much, Your Honor, and the thought that something could have happened
to him,” Rosalie’s eyes filled with tears and Bella didn’t think that it was an act for sympathy.

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“What happened when you went to the main house?” The judge handed her a tissue.

“Jacob and Mrs. Dwyer were there and Jacob was demanding that Bella leave with him. He said he had
come to get his wife and his son. When Bella got between him and the staircase -- trying to keep him
from Charlie -- he grabbed her arm and pulled. That’s when Edward punched him in the jaw.”

“What happened then?”

“Well, then Mrs. Dwyer started screaming obscenities at Edward about how they’re going to have him
arrested for assault and they were going to sue him.”

“And that’s when you stepped in? To protect your childhood friend, Edward Cullen?”

“No,” Rosalie answered. “Edward told her to have him arrested. They were in his house and Jacob had
assaulted Bella. That’s when Mrs. Dwyer tried to get him to give her money so that they would go

“Go away?” The judge asked. “As in leave the house and not call the police?”

“No,” Rosalie shook her head. “Go away, as in leave the house and never have any contact with Bella or
Charlie again. She offered to essentially sell Bella and Charlie to Edward.”

“Sell them?” The judge raised his eyebrows. “How much did she want?”

“10 million dollars,” Rosalie answered. “The thought though, it just made me so mad, that I stepped in
and I told Mrs. Dwyer she needed to leave. Then I told her what a horrible mother she was and how she
should be ashamed of herself to be behaving that way. That’s when she slapped me,” Rosalie glanced
over at Bella, who tried to keep her face emotionless as her friend lied through her teeth.

“I can see the bruise,” the judge sympathized. “And that’s when you hit her back?”

“Yes,” Rosalie replied. “I hit her and she fell down. That’s when the police arrived and arrested them.”

“Okay, thank you, Mrs. McCarty. You can step down.”

Rosalie stepped demurely off the stand and the bailiff led her over to sit beside Emmett and Edward in
the first row of the gallery.

“Your Honor,” Jake’s lawyer stood. “May I speak?”

“No,” the judge glared at him. “You may not. Nor can your client. The police report has done all the
speaking necessary for both of you and Mrs. Dwyer. You got your say by your actions as recorded in the
police report, Ms. Swan and her witnesses have spoken, and now it’s my turn.”

Bella swallowed as the judge picked up his pen and began to scribble furiously. “Mr. Black, your actions
last night could have had far more serious consequences than a bruised jaw for you and a few bruises on

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Mrs. Dwyer. You think that you are above the law and because of that you are now in my courtroom.
Then I find out that you attempted to sell your wife and son to another man in a desperate attempt for
money. If I had my way, I would remand you to criminal court on that matter but, alas, all I can do is
wait and hope that the criminal division of this court decides to pursue this as it’s already in the police
report. What I can do is revoke your visitation with your son for the next 180 days. You will have no
visitation, supervised or otherwise, with your son during that time. During that time you will also begin
seeing a court appointed psychiatrist at your own expense, a minimum of twice per week. You will also
attend anger management classes and, because this police report says you were under the influence of
alcohol at the scene, I am also ordering drug and alcohol abuse education courses. If you fail to meet any
of these requirements, Mr. Black, I will permanently revoke your visitation with your son. As it stands,
we will reconvene to determine a change in custody in 180 days if you have met your court
requirements. Child support will remain in effect. Are we clear, Mr. Black?”

“Yes sir,” Jake grumbled.

“Don’t give me the stink eye, Mr. Black,” the judge warned. “I have a grandson just your age and he’ll
tell you I don’t tolerate disrespect from him and I won’t tolerate it from you.

“Now,” the judge glared at Renee. “You, madam, are an entirely different kettle of fish. I have many
things that I would love to say to you but none of them are appropriate to say to a lady. While I highly
doubt that you are, in fact, a lady, the fact that you are a female and it would have distressed my dearly
departed mother to hear me speak to you in that matter, I will skip my lecture. Instead I will simply tell
you what you are and aren’t going to do and the consequences should you try to act against my decree.
Do you understand?”

Renee nodded, glaring at the judge.

“I asked if you understood!” The judge roared. “I expect an answer!”

“Yes,” Renee swallowed and her eyes were wide.

“I am signing an order of protection against you, Mrs. Dwyer, for both Isabella Swan and Charles Black.
You are, at no time, to get within 500 feet of them. You are not to contact them in any manner and you
are, for no reason, to set foot on Mr. Cullen’s property or contact him in any manner. If you violate this
order I will have you arrested and you will spend time in jail. Are we understood?”

“Yes,” Renee spat.

“I am also ordering that you enter anger management classes, at your own expense, and domestic abuse
classes because of your assault on Mrs. McCarty. You, along with Mr. Black, have 10 business days to
enroll in these classes or I will swear out a warrant for your arrest. Are we understood?”

“Yes,” Bella glanced over to see Renee glaring at her.

“Good, now if I ever see you in my courtroom again I will have you thrown into a cell just because I
can, Mrs. Dwyer. Mr. Black, if I see you before those 180 days are over, your instructors and

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psychiatrist tell me that you haven’t shown up for an appointment, or if you’re pulled over for a traffic
ticket, I will revoke your parental rights. Are we crystal clear?”

“Yes,” Bella noticed that Jake was pale and his eyes wide.

“Good,” the judge snarled as he banged his gavel against the bench. “We are dismissed. Now get out of
my courtroom. Immediately!”

Bella watched as Jake’s lawyer rushed them all out of the courtroom and then turned, wide eyed, to
Demetri. “Did that just happen?”

Demetri turned to smirk at Edward. “Have I ever mentioned that I love your Uncle Caius?”

“Your Uncle Caius?” Bella stared wide eyed at Edward. “You were related to the judge?”

“Not exactly,” Edward blushed. “He’s my aunt Sully’s brother.”

“Your Aunt Sully?”

“Uncle Aro’s wife,” he added.

“Oh,” Bella nodded.

“Even if he wasn’t Edward’s aunt’s brother, he’d have sided for us,” Demetri interjected. “Caius hates
spousal and child abusers. He’s very active in domestic violence charities and before he became a judge,
he and his son acted as the hospital’s legal advisors in relation to child abuse victims. Jake was toast
from the moment Caius walked in the door and your mother’s lucky. If he’d have already gotten his
caffeine for the day she’d probably be suffering one of his creative punishments.”

“Creative punishments?”

“He once made a man stand on the street corner next to his office building wearing a sign that said ‘I Hit
My Wife and Son’ for four hours a day for an entire week. And he decreed that three of the days had to
be at 8 am and the other two required him to be there until 7 at night. It guaranteed his coworkers would
see him.”

“Bella?” Edward broke in.


“Can we go home now?”

“Oh,” Bella hugged Demetri and then reached over to take Edward’s hand. “Yes, please. Let’s go

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Chapter Thirty

He reached into his pocket and felt the box nervously. He had wanted to wait. He was going to give it
six months; let them try out living together as a family before he suggested they make it legal. He didn’t
want her to feel like he was rushing her.

Then, last week happened and now he realized just how precarious their lives were with Jake in it. What
would have happened if Jake would have hurt Bella? Or even worse, managed to take Charlie? What if
Bella had been upstairs or in the bathtub or in the kitchen and not heard them in the foyer? Leah had
found Demetri’s number and called him the afternoon after the emergency hearing to tell him that Jake
and Renee had planned to kidnap Charlie and she was afraid they still were. She had gone into his office
the very next day to give her statement about how they had been at Jake’s talking about kidnapping
Charlie and she hadn’t taken them seriously until she heard they had shown up at Edward’s house. Now
she was terrified that they would try again. He didn’t know how either of them would survive if
something happened to Charlie.

“He’s asleep,” Bella interrupted his thoughts as she came into his office from putting Charlie down for
his nap. “I’m going to email Angela your talking points for next week’s board meeting so she can pass
them along to Jasper. Is there anything else you want from the main office?”

“Main office?” Edward shook his head. “No, can you come here for a second though?” He got up and
walked over toward her -- pulling her to sit on the couch with him.

“Edward?” She looked nervous. “Is something wrong?”

He took her hands in his and glanced down at them before reaching into his trouser pocket and pulling
out the box. “Marry me?”

He was mentally berating himself for just blurting it out instead of following the carefully devised,
romantic, script that Rosalie had helped him with --he’d forgotten to tell her that she and Charlie were
his world and how much he adored her -- when she flew into his lap, hitting him solidly across the chest.
Grabbing his hair she pulled his face anxiously toward hers and crashed their noses together.

“Ow!” She shrieked and jerked backward, flinging out an elbow and cracking it against Edward’s skull.

“Ugh,” he groaned. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Quit beating me up! All you had to do was say no!”

“No?” Bella looked at him curiously as she stood up and started tearing off her clothing. “Why would I
say no? And why are you still dressed?”

“Huh?” Edward stared at her blankly, his mouth hanging open.

“Get naked -- NOW!”

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“Um,” he swallowed and then started pulling his own clothes off, slightly worried. “Okay.”

As soon as he had his pants off, Bella was on top of him, mounting him without another word. “Oh,”
Edward’s eyes widened as he realized that she was dripping wet already. He hadn’t thought she would
be in the mood for a naptime quickie today. Maybe he should have waited until dinner to propose?

Her hands trailed up his neck and gripped the hair at the base of his scalp as she began to rock back and
forth, moving her hips forcefully as she rode him. “Oh God,” he let his head fall forward to rest on her
shoulder. “Bella, shit baby, you’ve got to slow down or I’m not going to last.”

“Ask me again,” she panted.


“Ask. Me. Again.”

“Will you marry me?” He moaned and almost instantaneously he felt her walls clench around him as she
tossed her head back and bit her lip. “Please marry me Bella.”

“Yes!” She shrieked and her body went rigid as she rode out her orgasm. “Oh yes!”

“Yes?” Did she mean it? Was she really willing to marry him?

Bella let her head fall forward and pulled his face up to meet hers. “Yes,” she nodded as she looked into
his eyes.

He crushed her lips to his and then shifted slightly, putting his hands under her hips and flipping them so
she lay on her back on the couch with him over her. His tongue tangled with hers and he began to thrust
into her with abandon. She had agreed to be his wife and he had every intention of claiming every inch
of her immediately. His orgasm hit him unaware and he groaned loudly into her mouth as he spilled his
seed inside her.

When the shock waves of his orgasm stopped, he pulled away from her lips, shuddering. “I love you,”
he whispered.

“I love you too,” she agreed as she slipped her arms around his neck while he pulled out and flopped
onto his side on the couch behind her. “So, when do you want to get married?”

“It depends on what you want,” Edward rested his forehead against hers. “I know it will take you a
while to plan something. Just tell me the day and I’ll be there.”

“Do you think your Uncle Caius is busy next Thursday?” Bella nuzzled into his chest.

“Next Thursday? The day of the board meeting?”

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“Yeah,” Bella snuggled in next to him. “I was thinking that we could go tomorrow to apply for the
license and then have your Uncle Caius marry us after the board meeting. You have a few days free after
that and we could take a honeymoon.”

“Bella,” Edward glanced down at her. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ll pay whatever it takes but the venue
might be booked. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

“Booked?” She arched an eyebrow. “Who would book the backyard?”

“The backyard?”

“Yes,” Bella nodded. “You said we could have whatever wedding I wanted. I want to invite Rosalie,
Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Mrs. Cope, and your remaining family to the house after the board meeting next
Thursday for dinner. While everyone we care about is here, I thought we could go out into the backyard
and get married. Just us and the people who love us.”

“That’s what you want?”

“Yes,” Bella nodded. “That’s what I want.”

“Then that’s what’s going to happen,” Edward decided. “You just tell me what needs done between now
and then. I am your willing slave.”

“My willing slave?”

Your willing slave,” Edward confirmed.

“Well, then,” Bella reached her tiny hand down and he felt it wrap around his already restiffening cock.
“Willing slave -- your first order is to fuck me again.”

“Fuck you again?”

“Right here, right now,” Bella answered and grabbed his face, pressing her lips back against his.

“Your wish is my command,” Edward groaned against her mouth. “One thing though.”


“Would you like to see your ring?” He reached over her to rummage in his pants pocket for the black
velvet box. Pulling it out of his pocket, he opened it and then set the box on her chest. Taking out the
ring, he slipped it delicately onto her left ring finger and then brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her
palm and then each of her fingers, lingering slightly where the ring rested.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered and he could see her eyes filling with tears.

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“Not nearly as beautiful as you,” he murmured as she put the ring box on the coffee table and pulled him
on top of her.

“I love you,” Bella whispered. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” Edward leaned in to kiss her gently and felt her hips shift against his.


“Huh?” She shifted her hips again and felt the head of his cock slip inside of her. “Oh, right,” he pushed
forward and sheathed himself inside her again. “Where were we?”


“I’m going to kill you!” Edward heard Esme shriek through the intercom and groaned. “Daddy!”

He sighed and then looked at the woman sitting across from him. “Could you give me a moment please?
Just one moment?”

“Uh, okay,” she nodded and Edward grimaced as he stood up and walked to the door of his office.
Crossing the landing to the family’s wing of the house, he made his way to the third floor where his
children were standing in the hallway glaring at each other.

“I am trying to interview a new secretary,” Edward snapped. “And your mother is resting. What is so
important that you’re screaming like a bunch of heathens at each other?”

“Anthony stole my cell phone,” Esme, his and Bella’s twelve year old daughter snapped and pointed at
her six year old brother. He was constantly amazed by Esme -- she was her mother’s clone looks wise,
but her personality was much more reminiscent of Rosalie’s.

“Charlie told me too,” Anthony pointed at the smirking sixteen year old.

“And then Charlie changed my voice mail message!” Esme announced.

“Give it here,” Edward motioned toward Charlie who handed him the phone, his smile growing. Edward
punched in the code for Esme’s voicemail. “Hi!” Anthony’s chipper voice rang out. “This is Esme and I
am way too cool to talk to you so don’t leave me a message because I’m too stuck up to call back.
Unless this is Brad and then I’ll call you back as soon as I can because you’re so gorgeous and I just
can’t stop drooling over you when I sleep.” Edward had to fight to keep the smile off his face and he
could see Charlie’s eyes dancing with mischief.

“I wuv you Bwad,” he heard Carlisle announce suddenly and the message ended.

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“You got your two year old brother involved in this prank?” He sighed as he glanced at Charlie and
Anthony, shaking his head. “Boys, there will be no stealing of cell phones, no changing of voice mail
messages, and no using your brother’s lisp as part of a practical joke. Esme, go rerecord your voicemail
message. It’s not the end of the world. I’m sure no one actually heard it.”


“Oh have a sense of humor Es,” Charlie snorted.

“I’ll show you sense of humor,” she snapped. “I’ll laugh my butt off when Uncle Emmett finds out that
you and Lily were in bed together! He’s going to kill you and I’m going to laugh like a lunatic.”

Edward stopped and glanced at his oldest. “Excuse me?”

“Charlie and Lily were in his room together lying in the bed,” Esme tattled triumphantly.

The sound of shuffling feet drew their attention and they all watched as Carlisle stumbled into the
hallway. “Hewo,” he smiled and his green eyes sparkled at the sight of everyone. “Daddy, Lilly and
Charlie naked.”

“Um,” Edward looked at his now beet red son. If Charlie had inherited nothing else from Bella, he, like
all their other children, were cursed with her blush. He looked at Charlie sternly. “We will talk after the
others are in bed tonight. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” Charlie mumbled and looked down.

“Now,” Edward gave them all the gimlet eye. “Back to your rooms and finish your school work. Carlisle
and I are going to check on your mother.” Just then he heard a wail and sighed, pinching the bridge of
his nose. Of course they had woken Alec as well. He should have known -- their ten month old was a
much lighter sleeper than Carlisle.

He stepped into the shared nursery, holding Carlisle, and stopped in the doorway when he saw Bella.
“You’re supposed to be resting,” he pointed out to his very pregnant wife.

“You’re supposed to be replacing me,” she sniffed.

“Bella,” he sighed. “It’s not like that. I just thought you had better things to do than be my assistant.
With all the kids and --”

“Has my work slipped any?” Bella snapped. “Are you any less organized than before?”

“No,” Edward swallowed, “but you’re supposed to be resting now --”

“A temporary replacement from the secretarial pool,” Bella argued. “Just until I’m off maternity leave.
It’s worked every other time.”

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“I know,” Edward ran his free hand through his hair. “I just don’t want you to get overwhelmed.”

“I’ll tell you if I’m overwhelmed.”



“Fine,” Edward agreed. “I’ll get someone from the pool until you’re ready to come back to work.
Promise me you won’t rush it.”

“You follow the guidelines we laid down with Esme and everything will be fine.”

“Over fifty, overweight, and very married?”

“Yep,” Bella nodded and handed him Alec.

“Will you go rest now? Please?”

“Yes,” Bella giggled. “Two things first.”


“Come tuck me in?”

“Of course,” Edward nodded as he leaned in to give his beautiful wife a kiss, and then stooped so his
sons could give her kisses as well. Following her into their bedroom from the nursery, he smiled and sat
both boys on the bed.

“And tell me what you and Charlie need to talk about tonight when the rest of the kids are in bed?”

“Well,” Edward hedged.


“I can’t tell you until I know myself but if what our two year old says is true, don’t be surprised if
Emmett is over here with a shotgun to defend his daughter’s honor and kill our oldest.”

“Rosalie won’t let him do that,” Bella giggled. “She promised Lilly she’d keep Emmett in line.”

“Wait,” Edward looked at her. “You knew?”

“Rose and I both went with her to get birth control,” Bella shrugged. “Better to be safe than end up

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

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“I didn’t know how you would respond,” Bella giggled. “Besides, we haven’t had any alone time and we
only took Lilly last week.”

“Oh,” Edward nodded as he thought about the fact that apparently his son and his goddaughter were
serious enough that they had moved to the clothing optional part of their relationship.

“So what are you going to tell him tonight during your talk?”

“Our talk,” Edward blanched. “Well, let’s see, I thought I’d hit the highlights -- too young to be parents,
birth control is good, sex is a serious thing and they shouldn’t do it unless they love each other. Then
I’m conflicted about whether I want to pat him on the back or strangle him and lock him in his room
until he’s 30. I mean, as his Dad, I want to sort of pat him on the back but then I think about the fact that
Lilly is only four years older than Esme and that in a few years that could be some boy and Esme, so
then I want to strangle him.”


“So,” Edward shrugged and tucked her under the covers before picking up their sons. “I do know that
I’m going to tell him not to have sex with her where his younger sibling can catch them. Especially
Carlisle -- he tells everyone everything. He’s lucky Carlisle hasn’t told Emmett yet.”

“And what are you going to do if Emmett finds out?” Bella chuckled.

“If Emmett finds out? If Emmett finds out, Charlie’s on his own.”

“You won’t protect him?”

“Are you kidding?” Edward raised his eyebrows at her. “Emmett is bigger than me. He’ll beat me up!”

“Chicken,” Bella snorted.

“Bwok, bwok, bwok,” Edward clucked as he carried the boys out of their room. He’d need to get rid of
the current applicant in his office and then deal with the kids. One thing he could say about his and
Bella’s life together -- it was never dull.

~ The End ~


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