R G Alexander Piercing the Veil (Temptation Unveiled, #2)

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Piercing the Veil

ISBN 9781419917967
Piercing the Veil Copyright © 2008 R.G. Alexander

Edited by Briana St. James.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication September 2008

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part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
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R.G. Alexander

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For Cookie. Love is the reason.


To Cookie and my sister, for unconditional love and support. For my editor Briana

St. James for not blinking at my unusual Vikings. Linn, Lacy and William—for your
inspiration and Ren Fest knowledge. Beth and Robin L. Rotham for going above and
beyond the call of duty. And my smutketeers—Eden Bradley, Crystal Jordan and Lillian
Feisty. I couldn’t have gotten through this without you.

The eyes of the hawk

Watch over the daughter of my spirit.

A guardian of human born,

Pure and innocent in her power,

Will seek and find the light no other can behold.

The hawk of gold torn in two,

Made whole again when the key is found.

Translation from the Ogham Book of Veils, as prophesied by Áine,

High Priestess of Danu.

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Piercing the Veil

Chapter One

798 A.D. Gone a-Viking in the land of Eire

“Have any of you seen Valr this rising?”
The men, who lay in drunken disarray around the smoke of the dying fire, groaned

as if in agony. The largest, Gunnarr, rolled onto his back with a whimper. He dragged
the tangled mass of hair from his face and carefully opened one eye.

Seeing Haukr, he panicked. Pushing himself to a sitting position, he cringed in pain

even as he grabbed the sprawled Sigr by the scruff of his beard, pulling him up beside

Haukr’s eyebrow rose and his mouth quirked in resigned amusement. No matter

that he and his brother fought beside these warriors as equals, slogged in the mud with
them and drank deeper than most—they were never treated as peers. As friends.

Their men simply could not see his brother Valr as anything other than the son of

the Jarl, twin of the infamous berserker.

And Haukr? They saw him as a weapon. Something to use when needed and steer

clear of whenever possible.

The Hawk and the Falcon. Twin sons born of the Jarl and his wife—but not of this

world. The legends and stories that had been spread by gossipy women and
superstitious warriors were astonishing to say the least.

Haukr knew that the circumstances of his birth were unusual. The seer’s vision. The

nature of his gifts. But he and Valr had not accomplished half the feats they were given
credit for. And still their legend grew.

The redheaded Sigr cuffed Gunnarr on the top of his head, swearing at the larger

man before patting his beard as if to ensure it was still intact. When he noticed the
reason for his rude awakening, he paled in the early morning light.

Haukr repeated his question and Sigr nodded. “Saw him head into the old

chieftain’s hut this past moonrise. That völva mentioned something about needing to
seek a vision before Odin’s Hunt can begin.”

Gunnar snorted out a laugh and then, catching sight of Haukr once more, masked

the sound with a choking cough.

Haukr tried to put him at ease. He forced his lips to form a wicked grin and

waggled his brows. “That seid woman certainly has been having a lot of those lately,
hasn’t she? Funny how she always needs the help of a young warrior to get them, eh? If
I know Valr, he’ll show her a vision she won’t soon forget.”

He left the two groggy warriors cackling as he headed toward the thatched

dwelling in the village center.


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He looked neither left nor right as he passed the decimated clay and straw homes of

the previous residents—homes that had been set afire or damaged during the villagers
initial resistance to their arrival.

Haukr had never known a moment’s regret for his actions. He was a warrior, heir to

the leadership of his people and gifted by Odin with the predatory nature and sharp
instincts of his berserker spirit. He was what the gods intended him to be.

When the seers had said it was time to conquer more land for his swiftly growing

people, he hadn’t stopped to wonder if the land was already in use.

His twin Valr, ever the sensitive soul, was not so accepting. He had spent many a

night deep into his cups with his brother, arguing about the nature of their cause.
Shouldn’t they use their knowledge of seafaring, their strength as warriors, to protect
and create rather than conquer and destroy?

The Jarl had told his sons that what they did today would protect their people

tomorrow. Good land must be ensured if their civilization was to thrive. Thralls must
be bound and made to work that land if their people’s children were to eat.

Upon his arrival, Haukr had seen for himself that Eire and its inhabitants could not

manage their own land. Most Celts could only quibble and war amongst themselves for
leadership and religious superiority. So he’d laughed off his brother’s ramblings and
felt no regret.

Until Brígh. She was the only one who made him hesitate, made him rethink the

way his people treated hers.

The Celtic girl had sent him running in circles from the moment he’d set eyes on

her. Her innocence and her determination to spurn his advances, even when he could
see the yearning in her eyes, drove him mad and stole his heart.

He’d thought at first merely to take her as a thrall, to force her acceptance. But she

was so sweet and proud, so adorably stubborn. He just couldn’t bring himself to break
her spirit.

He was unused to spending so many nights alone with his frustration. Denying

himself merely to please another was not the Viking way. He prayed she came around
soon, before he lost his sanity.

He pushed thoughts of the innocent beauty out of his mind as he entered the home

of the old leader. Pressing open the rickety hazelwood door, he stilled. His cock
immediately stirred at the scene before him.

Valr lay sprawled across a rough pallet on the ground—his tunic and leathers

crumpled in the corner as Kára, the seer who had been so adamant that they would fail
unless they took her on this voyage, swallowed his shaft down her eager throat.

Kára was a stunning figure of a woman. Her beauty was surely a gift from Freyja

herself. Hair the color of summer wheat flowed down around her shoulders, obscuring
his view of her face, though he easily recalled its perfection.


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She knelt over his brother’s hips, her own high in the air, legs slightly spread,

gifting him with a clear view of her round, voluptuous ass and swollen sex—flushed
and dripping with arousal.

The crisp air was heated from the small peat fire and their recent activities. The

smell of sex and sweat hovered like a heavy, intoxicating cloud around them.

The scent of the seer’s unusual incense intensified, surrounding him. His vision

wavered, his thinking growing muddled and his mouth watering as he stared at the
temptation spread out before him.

He knew he should turn around and leave. There was a reason. But he could not

drag himself away, could not for the life of him recall why he shouldn’t sink himself
into the sweet nectar between this woman’s thighs.

“Had I known that this was how the seid women sought a vision, I would have

spent my youth lingering outside the völva’s longhouse to offer aid.”

Valr glanced up, unsurprised at his brother’s sudden appearance, chuckling in

agreement. Sliding his fingers through the woman’s silken hair, he held her fast when
she would have retreated. “Oh no, my insatiable Kára, we cannot let you give up so
easily. If one warrior’s sword is enough to help you on your vision quest, perhaps two
would grant you direct audience with Odin himself.”

The seid woman stilled for a heartbeat before she sounded her assent with a low

moan, her mouth once more suckling greedily on Valr’s cock. She wiggled her hips at
Haukr, thighs spreading wider in welcome.

He didn’t hesitate. He could feel the hardened ridge of his erection pressing against

the leather placket of his trousers, demanding immediate release.

Ripping open the lacings, he walked toward the couple on the floor, his eyes

narrowed with lust, jaw clenched as he knelt beside them.

His gaze lit upon the treasures littering the dirt floor and he grinned at his brother.

“Ever prepared, I see.”

Valr nodded tightly, all his attention focused the woman before him. “As any good

warrior should be.”

Haukr wasted no time in reaching for the small indigo vial, nearly hidden by the

thin rope of knotted silk, small ivory balls and the few other interesting diversions Valr
had acquired last season from the Eastern traders.

At the time, Haukr had rolled his eyes at the seemingly irresponsible trade. When

he’d seen the line of exhausted, but smiling, bond servants and thralls exiting his
brother’s rooms, he’d quickly changed his mind.

The vial contained a uniquely spiced oil. Its dark musk was arousing. It was said to

heat the flesh and ease the tightest of muscles. Haukr knew from experience that those
claims were not false.

Gripping her rounded hips, he positioned himself between the seid’s ivory thighs,

pressing them further apart with his own. He laid one broad hand firmly on her hip,


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caressing the silken curve as she pressed back aggressively against his touch, showing
him without words where she wanted his hands.

Her muffled shriek of surprise when Haukr’s cupped palm cracked sharply

between her legs caused Valr to laugh softly. “My brother is not as civilized as I, sweet
völva. You’ll find it’s best to just give him what he wants.”

Haukr watched, alert, as the golden beauty lifted her head from his twin’s lap,

looking over her shoulder with wide, dilated eyes. Her face was flushed with arousal,
body trembling. And then, slowly, her lips curled upward.

He felt a flash of triumph mixed with hunger at her easy acceptance. It often took

his bound servants months of gentle coaxing to accept his darker desires. This seid was a
lusty one indeed.

Pulling his gaze from hers, he opened the vial with one hand, the other squeezing

one ass cheek and spreading her wide. He watched the oil pour over her delicate skin,
allowing some to drip on his fingers before setting it carefully aside.

He rubbed the warming liquid into her skin, pressing his wide thumb deep into the

tight pink rosette her luscious flesh had hidden. She shuddered, but made no protest as
he coated his flushed cock with the exotic oil, replacing his thumb with the head of his

“Kára.” Valr’s voice drew her lust-filled gaze away from Haukr. He had grasped

the intricately designed balls of ivory and was spinning them lightly on his fingers,
directly in her line of vision.

Haukr held himself still. The need roaring through him, raging at him to move—to

conquer—was a living, violent thing.

He understood as he heard the soothing tones of his brother’s explanation that Valr

would insert the spheres into the seid. Then, and only then, would Haukr fill her
sweetly clenching ass with his cock.

He sensed more than saw the balls being inserted, her buttocks tightening around

his waiting arousal at the new sensation.

Valr fondled her sex, fingering her even as he pressed the balls deep, before rising

to his knees and placing his own erection once more against her lips. She complied
readily, her whimpers of need showing that the added stimulation was already having
the desired effect.

This was a game Haukr knew well. A game they had played together before. The

balls were designed to have many uses, pleasure chief among them. Rolling inside her,
they would fill her, massaging her core when her muscles tightened around them.
Haukr knew he would feel them too, pressing against his cock while he thrust deep
from behind.

It was good that Valr was controlling this play. Haukr’s mind was a storm of

conflicted emotions and repressed desires. He desperately needed this outlet, but
worried that without direction he would hurt the smaller woman in his passion.


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Haukr pressed firmly past her resilient flesh, feeling the pop when the thick head of

his cock pushed inside her snug, velvet channel. She cried out—he prayed in pleasure—
as he filled her. Filled her until his hips pressed against her fleshy curves. And then he
began to move, over and again, slinging his hips faster and deeper with each return.

His thrusts were powerful, that addictive sweet drag and pull against his cock

scorching his spine with lightening. His balls already tightened with the need for
release. Not yet.

He heard her wail of pleasure as she came closer to the peak, heard Valr groaning

as he spent himself between her lips. So close. Oh Gods, so close.

The sudden chill up his spine was his only warning. He heard another moan, only

this one could not be mistaken for pleasure. This was a sound of utter heartbreak and
pain. He opened his eyes to see Valr go eerily still, his sun-bronzed skin paling with

Haukr turned just in time to glimpse the tiny figure’s back as she ran from the

doorway, her long blue skirt whipping behind her.

Brígh. Oh Odin, no.
His mind clearing with a sudden jolt, Haukr pulled out roughly, his cock protesting

to match Kára’s indignant shriek.

He barely glanced at her. Brígh was getting away and he was conscious only of the

need to reach her. To explain.

He wrestled himself into his pants, noticing Valr do the same with an angry glare.

This was all his fault. What right did he have to look so horrified? It wasn’t as if he
loved the small Celt who had wound her way around the heart of the berserker.

He looked into his brother’s brown eyes, the only physical way outsiders had of

telling them apart other than the crude outline of a hawk Valr had carved into Haukr’s
arm when they were ten. What he saw within them was shocking.

Valr loved Brígh too. How could he have missed it? He had been so wrapped up in

his own emotions, his own awareness of what he had become and how much he
wanted his love to think highly of him, that he’d missed the signs of his brother’s fall.

Haukr hesitated for a moment, but only a moment. They would work this tangle

out between them as they always had. Right now they had to catch her. Had to explain.

Valr, obviously coming to the same conclusions, finished tying his laces as he spoke

low. “She’ll understand, Haukr. Men are not expected to be pure before they wed. Only
that they not spoil the innocent. Thralls, bound servants and the like are for release.
They simply do not count.”

No sooner had the words left his twin’s lips than Haukr found himself blinded by

an explosion of light, thrown backward into the weaker rays of the winter sun, landing
in the mud outside the small dwelling.


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The next thing he knew, his brother’s hands were gripping his shoulders, lifting

him as he blinked the spots away from his eyes.

Sweet Goddess.”
Goddess indeed. The lovely woman he’d thought was a völva, a seer and follower of

the cult of Freyja was in fact the goddess herself.

Taller than she’d been since she’d tricked her way aboard his long ship, the nimbus

around her head sparking with her ire, she was a terrifying and beautiful sight to
behold. She took a step toward them, clutching a gleaming, feathered cloak closed with
one fist. The other gripped an amber amulet around her ivory neck.

It was the Brísingamen, the fabled necklace that granted its wearer incredible

powers. Haukr had heard the stories as a child, of the havoc and the bliss Freyja could
create with her magical objects. Even now he felt the pull of the amber, his gaze drawn
to its hypnotic glow. He glanced away in time to see her smile. The expression was
anything but sweet.

Now I’m your Goddess? I thought I was merely a vessel for your release. Someone

who didn’t count. Someone whose pleasure was no concern of yours. A thrall, a seid
woman…what is the difference?” Her voice rose as she continued.

Haukr watched Valr flinch as his words were thrown back in his face.
“Do you have any idea how many warriors would kill to be with me? The Elvin

lords, Loki, Odin himself would do anything to please me.

I chose you. I chose the both of you as my warriors. I would have made you kings of

your domain. Future princes of Folkvangr. But you threw it all away for a nothing like

Haukr heard a breathless voice calling to him for help a moment before he saw her.

Brígh came racing toward him as if her life depended on it. And when he saw the
creature behind her, he was afraid that it might.

“What is that thing?” Valr’s horrified whisper sounded behind him. Haukr shook

his head, his entire body tensed and ready to spring into action, his hand reaching for a
sword that wasn’t there.

The beast stalked slowly behind her, standing tall as the cottage behind it, mouth

full of sharp white teeth. Whatever it was, it could have taken her in an instant,
swallowed her whole without batting a yellow eye. Haukr knew that this monster was
Freyja’s doing.

Brígh ran into his embrace and he watched as the hulking thing strolled up beside

the angry deity, purring and leaning its head down for a stroke. “Good kitty,” Freyja
murmured, watching them with narrowed eyes as she scratched its chin.

Haukr buried his face in Brígh’s fragrant curls, silently calling to Odin, praying for

the safety of his brother and the sobbing waif in his arms.


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It wasn’t until Valr nudged him that he noticed the crowd of men, his men,

gathered to stand in silent awe beside Freyja. Her necklace seemed to grow brighter, its
power reaching out to the mesmerized throng.

Her expression formed into a pretty pout, Freyja’s unusual eyes welling with false

tears. “Brave warriors, I came to you in the disguise of a mere seer. To protect you in
battle and guide you to victory.”

She turned toward Haukr. “The sons of your Jarl were favored by me—by Odin, the

Great Father—and so I came. But that woman in your leader’s arms is my enemy. Our
enemy. She is a sorceress. She has ensorcelled the twin heirs and attempted to take my
life. The life of your Goddess Freyja. To save your people, to save The Hawk and The
Falcon, you must kill the demon’s spawn!”

When the men turned as one to focus on Brígh, their eyes glazed with vacant

obedience, Haukr knew there would be no one coming to save them. With both their
weapons lying useless on the hut floor, the hut now guarded by Freyja’s pet “cat”, he
and Valr would be forced to defend their woman with their bare hands alone.

Thirty men—thankfully the rest had remained in the last village—all armed with

axes and swords. All blinded by the light of their Goddess. The odds were humbling.

Haukr felt the rage of battle pumping through his veins and he let it come. The fiery

haze of anger licked at the edges of his vision as his curse pushed to the surface. His jaw
went taut and he bit his tongue, the blood that filled his mouth sharpening his senses.

He seemed to separate from himself, watching from a distance as his body acted

with a will of its own, the will of the berserker. He handed Brígh to Valr just as the first
warrior reached his side.

It was a dance of unimaginable strength and violence. The swarm of men appeared

to him as insects the berserker easily squashed into the ground. Haukr’s consciousness
floated in the ether, watching the giant blond Viking below, hands clawed like the
talons of a bird of prey, rip out the throat of the first warrior. As he fell, the berserker let
loose a roar, nearly drowning out the young female’s cries to the goddess of her people.

Sweeping up the sword from the dead man’s grip, Haukr watched as his

counterpart cleaved through his attackers. Without fear. Without mercy. He heard no
sound but the pounding of his blood. Felt nothing but the need to destroy. To slaughter.
To kill.

“Brother of my blood, hear me! It is over. Come back to us.” He looked down at

Valr from his disembodied perch above, hearing that voice when he had heard no
others. Focusing all his will and energy, he felt the painful melding of flesh and spirit
once more as he returned to his blood spattered body.

Looking down at hands coated with the blood of his neighbors and relatives, a part

of himself cried out in denial. He glanced up at the smirking Freyja and his lips curled
back in a snarl. He stalked toward the goddess with dark intent.


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He had taken no more than two strides when, once again, a brilliant light flashed

before his eyes. The vision he beheld when his sight returned sent him humbly to his

An older man, larger than a mere human, sat on a steed over twenty hands high

with eight legs stomping restlessly beneath him.

Odin. The Lord of the Hunt. God to whom Haukr had sacrificed, for whom he had

celebrated and in whose name he conquered.

“Stand before me as a warrior, Jarl’s son. What havoc have you wrought this day, of

all days? Before the horns have even sounded on the first night of The Hunt?”

Haukr stood as commanded, but after one glimpse at the disappointed expression

gleaming from Odin’s one remaining eye, he hung his head in shame.

It did not matter that he had fought to save his brother and Brígh. He had still killed

the men loyal to him, his own people. Slain those whose lives his father had entrusted
to him with Odin’s blessing. He understood what would have to be done.

“Great Father. Wise Sage of the Gods. The crime here today against your

worshippers is mine and mine alone. I ask for no mercy. But as a warrior of honor, I beg
you not to include my brother or this innocent female in your punishment. They have
not wronged you in any way.”

Odin opened his mouth to speak, but Freyja’s screeching drowned him out.
“I have been wronged. I have. All three of these humans have wronged me. Insulted

and threatened—your warriors killed for daring to protect me from that savage
experiment you created. That berserker. I deserve to dole out the punishment. I alone
decide their fate.”

Odin sighed as he stroked Sleipner’s mane, calming the agitated beast. Then he

nodded in resignation to the raging woman below. “So be it.”

Freyja’s tantrum ended as quickly as it had begun, a taunting expression spreading

across her face as she fingered her amulet.

Strolling up to a stone-still Haukr, she reached up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “I

should have you hung from the World Tree by your cock from now to Ragnarök for
leaving me so completely unsatisfied.”

Freyja leaned back and smiled into his closed expression before glancing at the

mangled bodies around them. “But I believe you have suffered more with the
knowledge of what the animal in you is capable of.”

Haukr flinched, teeth grinding as she touched her cloak, plucking a single feather

from the garment and lightly tickling his arm.

She traced the ragged scar of the failed tattoo with a low chuckle. “Oh yes. As

proud as you are, you have never enjoyed knowing the berserker could control you.
Wondering who you would harm, were your brother not present to call you back. He’s
the only one that can, isn’t he?”


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Turning the feather in a swift move, she stabbed Haukr’s arm with the sharp quill,

directly into the faded indigo of the youthful design.

Haukr grimaced as a fiery pain shot up his arm. He looked down, his eyes

widening in shock when a vibrant unnatural pattern began to form on his skin.

It took the form of a hawk, wings spread in angry attack, talons outstretched. For a

moment, it seemed the wings of the drawing spread out of his skin, reaching for
freedom. The agonizing blaze spread through his body, bringing him to his knees.

Then he heard Freyja’s curse. “You are The Hawk. The berserker in its truest form.

No longer will you need to worry about control. You’ll rely on your predator’s instincts

Thrilling at the rush of power, Freyja turned to Valr, who quickly pushed Brígh

behind his back. “And how noble you suddenly seem, my peaceful, joking warrior.
You’ve never had to care about what others thought, never had to prove yourself. Not
with Haukr by your side. You could stand to be more like him. At least he knows when
to keep his mouth shut. At least he knows that a man should not find his pleasure

She took a deep breath, lowering her voice as she continued to approach him.

“More like him.” She repeated softly.

“How noble are you, twin of the mighty Haukr? Are you just a trained falcon, to do

your master’s bidding? Or are you brave enough to give your brother a chance at life?”

She smirked as Valr looked at his twin, now rolling in obvious gut-wrenching pain

on the ground. A shimmer of mist seemed to surround him, a shimmer that was even
now remolding his form into a model of the one she had stabbed into his arm.

Val turned to look directly into her eyes and said without hesitation. “My life for


Freyja laughed in delight at the young warrior. “Oh it won’t be that easy. There you

go again, trying to get out of your responsibility with a quick death.”

She twirled the bloody feather in her hand, caressing the same spot on his arm,

tracing a mark that wasn’t there. “Not your life for his, Falcon. Your life with his. Joined
forever, bound to roam until eternity come with two strong minds in one body.”

She continued to speak while stabbing the quill into his flesh. “Know the pain he

has carried with his gift. Know his innermost thoughts and desires, as he will know
yours. He can live, but only with you. Never alone. Never separated.”

“Who knows?” She chuckled as he crumpled to the ground and crawled toward his

struggling twin. “Maybe together you will finally be a decent man.”

Dropping the quill, she reached for the dagger hidden in the belt of her dress and

approached the girl. “Nothing so dramatic for you, I’m afraid.”

Brigh trembled, but refused to look away.
“Any last words?”


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She looked toward the fallen men, her expression one of deep sorrow and longing.

Then she scanned the green of the hills once more, searching for something. Or

“Danu, Mother of us all, True Queen.” Her voice rang through the cool, clear air.

She turned her eyes once more to the two Vikings. “Help them!”

Freyja curled her lip in disdain. “Your plea is so touching. Would that they had

been as faithful in their love as you are.”

She secretly gloated as Brígh paled at the reminder of their recent infidelity. Her

dagger slid true, straight into the girl’s aching heart. There was no remorse, only
satisfaction when the young human slumped to the ground.

Freyja turned to enjoy Odin’s reaction to her creative punishment, nearly falling as

the earth beneath her feet began to roll like ocean waves. She turned in the direction
Odin was gazing and saw a small white fawn staring directly at them from the edge of
the clearing.

The harmless animal lifted one dainty hoof, touching the ground lightly. Once

more, the earth rolled and Freyja gasped as she stepped over the fallen men, reaching
for Sleipnir’s bridle to hold her steady. Who was this? How could something so small
have such a power over the earth?

Odin tilted his head, listening to the wind. He nodded toward the fawn before

sliding from his mount and approaching the mist-shrouded twins. Freyja released her
hold on Sleipnir, attempting to intercept him, but he grabbed her by the shoulders and
moved her out of the way.

“You have had your female’s revenge. Trapped and condemned two warriors in a

curse I cannot unravel, all because they dared to want another. Be satisfied with that.”

Standing over the two bodies already merging, he sighed. “Stronger forces than you

know protect you, sons of the Jarl. Be worthy of their gifts. I cannot stop what has
already begun, but there is a way…a chance to right this wrong.”

His voice rose and he held up his hand, his golden ring engraved with Elvin script

glittering in the light. “For having true hearts that could not be swayed as easily as your
bodies, you were punished. An innocent love that was given freely was taken away for
vanity’s sake alone.”

Odin ignored Freyja’s indignant gasp. Chanting low, he wove his own magick into

Freyja’s spell. When he was done, he lifted the irate female in his arms, sliding smoothly
onto Sleipnir’s back.

He glanced back at the white fawn, whose head dipped in acknowledgment before

turning to disappear into the woods. “It is only a chance.”

As he opened the portal that would take them home, he prayed it would be enough.


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Chapter Two

Present Day


The Texas Renaissance Festival

“Come on, luv. Give us a taste!”
Linnea turned at the ribald laughter and saw the ale wench easily sidestep the

group of drunken men with a smile. The girl plopped their drinks down on the long
wooden table, making sure they had time to view the ample cleavage her corset
displayed before smiling coyly at the man who’d spoken.

“A taste of this fine ale is all you’ll be havin’ from me, m’lord.” She let her gaze fall

to his lap. “Lest you can prove ‘tis more than a twig you’ve got hid in your breeches.”

The crowd in the open air tavern laughed openly at the now blushing man, who

seemed to take the taunt in stride. The wench walked away and, catching Linnea’s eye,

Waving back with a chuckle, Linnea continued walking past the shops and artisans,

her steps determined and sure. She was on a mission.

Despite her current pique, she could say without hesitation that these last four years

had been a blessing. She’d had no idea when she wandered into that Faire in
Massachusetts how her life would change. Her only thought had been to hide away in
the costumed throng. To give herself time to come up with a workable plan.

She’d walked in circles for hours that day, her mind in chaos. There was nowhere

she could go that he wouldn’t find her. He was too powerful and she had no family left
to turn to. She’d found herself sitting beneath a tree, her precious cargo cradled in her
arms, her face soaked with tears.

A gallant man in full Shakespearean style regalia had come upon her. He bowed

formally and, with a gentle smile, offered her his handkerchief. His name was Ian. He
was an older man with glowing cheeks and eyes so gentle that Linnea had soon found
herself telling him everything.

Ian hadn’t hesitated. It had been the final weekend of the Faire and he told her that

they’d be moving on to the next in another state, far away from all her worries.

He’d offered her shelter, food and a job. Most importantly, he offered her a chance.

Surely the off-the-grid, vagabond lifestyle this man described was the perfect way to
ensure that the one that she was running from would never find her.

Never get his hands on her child.
“Little wren, little wren, what’s your hurry, dear?”


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Linnea turned at the familiar singsong lilt her friend used to sell her wares and

instantly changed direction. She headed toward the cloth-covered awning that held a
sign for Badger’s Brew, the shop owned by two lifelong rennies, Badger and Bear. They
were the most interesting married couple she’d ever known—and the happiest. Their
friendship had been her salvation.

Badger was Mother Earth incarnate. With her voluptuous figure, hip-length braided

hair and features that could have been sketched by DaVinci himself, she looked right at
home in her Renaissance garb.

She made specialized teas, remedies for whatever ailed you. She was very good at it

too. Several of her more interesting concoctions had been picked up in specialty stores
throughout the country, including one named The Horned God Elixir. It was Badger’s
homemade version of Viagra. Apparently, it worked very well.

“Should I ask?” Badger murmured as Linnea rounded the display counter to join


Sighing, Linnea ran her hands through her short, shaggy, very un-Faire-like brown

hair. “I’m sure you can guess. I asked Ian to watch her for one hour, just so I could catch
up on the troupe’s bookkeeping. I’ve now spent the last hour and a half on a scavenger
hunt for my daughter.

“Apparently she demanded to see King Henry and, being the doting uncle that he

is, Ian couldn’t resist. Henry, of course, had court issues to deal with, so he sent her to
play with the faeries and…well, you can imagine the rest.”

Badger nodded with a chuckle, rubbing Linnea’s back in sympathy. Her smile said

she’d heard this all before. “If it helps, I think your search has ended. I know exactly
where she is at this moment.”

Linnea peeked through her fingers and mumbled. “Do I want to know this? Is she

with the jousters again? Please tell me she’s not with the jousters.”

Her friend laughed, a loud vibrant sound that had people turning in her direction

to smile in curiosity.

“She’s not with the jousters.” She paused, no doubt waiting for Linnea to drop her

guard. “She’s perfectly fine, wren. One of the Barbarians stopped by to let me know that
he’d dropped Crystal off with the fire-eaters—”

What?” Visions of her fearless child swallowing flame or, worse, being burnt to

cinders, flashed before Linnea’s eyes. She turned to sprint away, but Badger’s strong
grip held her fast.

Pulling out the small hand carved stool that Bear had made her years ago, Badger

set Linnea’s tense frame down and looked her directly in the eye. “Joe and Jonathon are
professionals, you know that. You also know that they, along with every other member
of this great and glorious family, would lay down their lives before allowing a hair on
that child’s head to be harmed.”

Linnea nodded.


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“Of course, I sent Bear over their way, just in case. I’m not without sense.” Badger

took a deep breath. “We’ve been talking, Bear and I. We’re worried about you, Linnea. I
know when you came to us, you were running scared. From what, I’m still not sure,
though it wouldn’t change how we felt about you. I hope you know that.

“But it’s been years. Years of you taking care of Ian’s maskers, taking care of the

schedules and the websites and the accounts. Years of raising a very special little girl. A
little girl who has a hundred aunts and uncles looking out for her at all times, I might
add. The only one you haven’t taken care of is yourself.”

Linnea knew where this was going. Ian and Badger were always worried about her

being alone. And in their bohemian community it was definitely a rarity, an exception,
to be without intimate companionship.

There were always opportunities. The fact that she hadn’t been with a man in over

four years, since before Crystal was born, was apparently everyone’s favorite topic of

She’d relaxed as soon as Badger told her that her sweet, protective giant of a

husband had gone to watch over Crystal. But she was beginning to wonder if, as
wonderful a haven as the Faire circuit was, it wasn’t too dangerous a place to raise one
curious, stubborn, precocious little girl.

Special. That was the adjective everyone used to describe her. Crystal had always

been different. She was aware in a way that most adults would never be, smarter than
any other child her age and determined to give her mother a heart attack before she
reached the age of five.

Who had the time for a romantic rendezvous with a child like that? And when

Linnea recalled how blind she had been the last time she’d fallen for a man, how much
it had cost her, how could she possibly take that kind of chance again?

Badger had turned toward the hidden hotplate where she concocted her potions

and teas and drew Linnea’s gaze as she came back around, holding out a mug of
steaming liquid that smelled of apples and cinnamon. “What is that?”

“A new mixture I need you to test for me. If you do, I promise I’ll stop nagging…for


Linnea laughed and took the proffered mug, inhaling the aromatic fragrance before

raising her eyebrow suspiciously. “Would I be afraid to know what’s in this?”

Badger snorted softly and began to straighten up her counter as Linnea drank,

smiling genially at passersby, her eyes narrowing as they seemed to pause on a
particularly interesting view.

“Nothing too dangerous, I assure you. A little bit of this and that. Cinnamon, of

course, and just a pinch of pixie dust to taste.” The last was said so low that Linnea
almost missed it, although she was too busy gulping down the last of the tea to care. It
was delicious.

She stood quickly from the stool, handing Badger her empty mug. “That was

incredible! The best one yet. I don’t know how you do it.”


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Hugging her curvaceous friend, Linnea smiled. “Thank you for worrying about me,

Badger. I don’t think I tell you enough how much I appreciate all your help with Crystal
and how much your friendship means to me.

“Let me just get the hellion through this ‘gravity doesn’t exist’ phase, and maybe

then I can worry about the fact that I’ve practically forgotten how to attract a man, let
alone what to do once I catch him.”

She giggled, covering her mouth in surprise at the sound before shrugging and

walking back into the bright October sun.

“Take the garden path. It’s a lovely day for it,” Badger called.
Linnea nodded agreeably and turned in the direction of The Magic Garden.
It was a lovely day. And now that she knew Crystal was in good hands, she could

take a moment to herself to just be. When was the last time she did that? Linnea couldn’t

She wasn’t a “just be” kind of person. She organized. She planned. She worried. She

never went with the flow. She’d always thought the current too unpredictable. But right
now it seemed the perfect plan.

Linnea loved this particular path. It seemed as if she’d entered another world,

secluded by tall greenery from the loud, boisterous festival, surrounded by the fragrant
flowers and beautiful statues and sculptures that lined the twisting walk. It was even
lovelier today. The colors brighter, the flowers more aromatic than she remembered. It
was heaven.

It always surprised her how few people took advantage of the gardens.

Occasionally she would see people wandering through, taking pictures by the golden
Tree of Life or walking quickly in giggling groups on their way to see Ded Bob or The
Washing Well Wenches.

But then again, that was part of its charm for “in the know” rennies. The hidden

nooks and crannies offered a perfect amount of privacy for the romantic trysts that
happened with amusing frequency among this group of free spirits.

She chuckled softly as she walked deeper into the dappled shadows. She hadn’t

strayed from her path for four long years. She couldn’t say she was never tempted.
How could any normal, red-blooded woman not be when muscular men in kilts and
little else paraded around each day, acting out, enjoying their romanticized roles with a
lusty abandon that could make a nun break her vows.

And then there were those playtrons. “Playtron” was the name the regulars had

given to the visitors in each town who did more than pay for a ticket. They were loyal
followers of the Faire, often dressing in elaborate costumes and playing their own role
for a day, sometimes for the entire length of the festival.

The excitement of seeing a handsome playtron dressed as a Scot, Barbarian, even a

Dark Elf, was tantalizing for Linnea. Especially since she didn’t know if he was bad
with his accounts, had a wife and four kids or practiced questionable personal hygiene.


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Sexy and mysterious always got to her. Like that blond Viking she’d seemed to run

into every time she’d turned around today. In the Gypsy camp, the faerie court, with
the king. Everywhere she’d gone to look for Crystal, that glorious, golden specimen had

It wasn’t unusual to see the same faces as you wandered through the circular Faire

grounds, so Linnea thought nothing of it. But she did notice how her breath seemed to
catch if he happened to glance over and find her staring.

She noticed how he seemed to stand out, though his costume wasn’t unique by any

stretch of the imagination. Leather pants and boots, the thick strap of his sword’s sheath
crossing his broad, well-defined torso.

His well-defined, completely bare torso. She hadn’t realized abs could be so

chiseled, that a body could be that perfect—at least, not outside of airbrushed posters
and movie screens.

And that tattoo. The hawk on his biceps was so detailed and alive that she was sure

it would leave its perch at any moment in search of prey. Just thinking about him
actually made her thighs tremble. She shook her head at the unusual reaction. How

Linnea ran her hand over the simple linen bodice of her dress, noticing for the first

time how lovely it felt against her skin, how sensitive her nipples were as they poked
against the natural fiber. She’d often groused about the fact that she had no need for a
corset. There was, quite simply, nothing to pull in or push up. Her figure was hopeless.
She was plain brown wrapping from the top of her short brown crow’s nest of hair and
drab, dishwater gray eyes to her skinny chicken legs.

The only body part with any feminine cushion was her posterior, though no one

could see it in her daily costume, which seemed a shame to her now.

She patted her bottom consolingly as she meandered into a cozy little sanctuary,

complete with a wooden bench and a lovely statue of a nymph. She knew that just
behind that nymph was a barely visible path, a path that many of her friends chuckled
and gossiped about around the fires at night.

As Linnea snuck her head around the coy expression carved in marble, she

wondered what was back there. Her mind returned instantly to thoughts of her Viking.
What wouldn’t she give to spend some time in the woods with that one?

A wave of dizziness hit her and she turned to hold the statue’s shoulders for

balance. Linnea laughed under her breath, her feet crossing each other and tangling in
her sky blue skirt. She felt herself falling, wondering why she wasn’t more put out with
gravity’s strange whims, when all at once she stopped.

She opened her heavy lidded eyes and grinned. It was him. Her Viking. His thick,

strong arms were holding her up from the ground, his smile perplexed.

“Are you all right, my lady?” He rose, taking the nearly horizontal Linnea with him

until they stood upright once more, his arms still wrapped around her.


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“Not my lady.” She told him slowly around lips that tingled for some unaccountable

reason. “Li-nne-a. Are you, by any chance, following me, Viking?”

She hoped the teasing tone of her voice would let him know that the idea didn’t

bother her at all.

She stared openly. He was just as perfect close up. At any other time, she would

have been thoroughly intimidated by someone like him. Suspicious at the very least.
Movie star good looks in a man had never worked out for her. But he didn’t look
smoothly controlled or plastic. Far from it.

He looked like a warrior. And his expression as she continued to watch him was

anything but practiced. His eyes, a rich, dark brown, flashed amber, narrowing with
new purpose on her. He looked…hungry.

Just that quickly, she was hungry too. How long had she cried herself to sleep

without strong arms to comfort her? How many nights had she tossed and turned,
aroused by erotic dreams that she was too embarrassed to act on? Too many, she
decided as she took a step back.

Her Viking tightened his grip, thinking she was trying to escape. Linnea smiled,

entranced by the ever-changing color of his eyes, and took his hand. “Follow me.” She
gestured toward the narrow opening behind the nymph and his grim lips quirked
upward in understanding.

She was about to push through the brush that would lead them toward the Faire’s

equivalent to lookout point, but he stopped her. Stepping in front of her, he placed a
hand on her hip and pulled her close behind him as they entered the path. Linnea was
confused, until she realized he was protecting her from the thorny branches that hid
their destination from prying eyes.

She sighed happily, nuzzling his back in gratitude. Now she knew this was a

fantasy. Gorgeous and a gentleman.

Muscles tensed beneath her lips as she breathed him in, his scent causing that long

neglected area of her body to heat and grow moist with need. “You smell amazing.”

His hand clenched, pulling her closer, his steps lengthening as he pushed through

the last of the branches. He spun her toward him as they reached the clearing, his intent

Linnea tried to look around, curious, but she was dizzy and breathless, the tense

look of need on her Viking’s face causing her to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling
his head down toward her waiting mouth.

He leaned his forehead against hers as if fighting for control.
“Your eyes. What color are they?”
Linnea heard him groan at her question and then she was lost as he slid one hand

into her tousled hair, tilting her head to ravage her lips with his own.

His kiss wasn’t hesitant. He conquered. He demanded. And Linnea was in no mood

to resist. She even did a little conquering of her own, biting his full lower lip tauntingly.


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His growl was harsh as she sucked his tongue into her mouth to play. He tasted of ale
and cloves, dark and delicious. She couldn’t seem to get enough.

She squeaked into his mouth, laughing in delight when he raised her high in his

arms, walking without lifting his lips from hers. She felt the scrape of tree bark against
her back, smelled the fresh, woodsy mixture of sap and moss rising in the fall air.

Opening her eyes as he stepped away from her, she looked around to realize he had

set her down on an oddly shaped tree that was situated in the middle of the clearing. It
had two thick columns that joined near the base, leaving a natural seat in the middle.
The perfect height for what they both had in mind.

The Viking stared at her in silence with the eyes of a predator, the color now a solid,

glowing amber. Her heart pounded hard in her ears. He stepped between her legs, his
hips pressing them back against the tree. He lifted her skirt to her waist until she could
feel the leather of his breeches pressed against her naked thighs.

His unblinking attention should have made her nervous. Being outside, exposed,

with a stranger should have made her panicky. Why wasn’t any of this making her
uncomfortable? Truthfully, she felt amazing. And more turned on than she’d ever been
in her entire life.

“I don’t normally do this,” she felt compelled to say as she leaned her head against

one of the columns of wood. “In fact, I never do.”

He didn’t offer any response beyond methodically loosening the laces of her bodice.

Then her arms were forced down to her sides as he lowered her top. Her large nipples,
already sensitive, stiffened further under his gaze. She sat up straight and her eyes
widened as she realized she was trapped. Trapped by the snug material lodged around
her elbows, trapped by the desire in his expression.

Liquid fire lashed her pussy at the thought. He licked his lips and her legs tightened

around him, arching her back, begging for something. For him.

“Taste me.” Linnea could hardly believe the seductive command had sprung from

her lips. Neither, apparently, could her Viking.

He went completely still, his eyes rising from the skin he’d bared to clash with hers

for a breathless heartbeat. For a moment, it seemed the color in his blazing gaze would
change yet again. But the golden hue remained and he looked at her with a
determination that had her squirming against the worn grain of her seat.

“Taste you.” He repeated her words in a low, gritty voice. His eyes returned to her

peaking nipples, reaching out to take one almost casually between his fingers. He rolled
and pinched the tightened flesh, causing Linnea to arch her neck on a moan.

“Where shall I taste you?” His fingers tightened. “Here?”
Another calloused hand slid up her thigh. It traced the front of her lace panties

before pulling them aside so roughly that the lacey web-like material ripped, leaving
them dangling in tatters around her waist.


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His broad hand slid across her chest, reaching her other nipple just as his fingers

lightly grazed her clit. Linnea cried out softly, already aroused past the point of sanity—
too close to coming to be embarrassed by her actions, by the way her juices were
drenching his hand and dripping down between her thighs. “Or maybe I should taste
you here?”

Linnea nodded with a whimper, inwardly amazed at her reaction to this stranger

who seemed so determined to tease her. But he didn’t feel like a stranger. Hearing the
pained groan that came from his chest as his fingers slid through her sodden folds, she
knew that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

His breath heated her neck as he bent closer. “Where shall I taste, Linnea?” he

growled into her ear.

She opened her eyes and sought his gaze with her own. Why did he hesitate? Why

were his touches so light when it was obvious they both wanted so much more?

He seemed to read the question in her eyes and lifted the hand between her thighs

to paint her lower lip with her own gleaming arousal. Then he leaned in to lick the
wetness away, his tense whisper both an order and a plea against her mouth.

Beg me.”
Linnea didn’t hesitate. She could be horrified at her actions tomorrow. This

moment, all she knew was that she would die if he didn’t taste her, fuck her, make her
come. “Please, Viking. Anything. Anything you want, just please do it now.”

That one word galvanized him. To Linnea, it seemed that he was everywhere at

once. His full lips nipping at her own, eating at her mouth, her neck, her shoulder. He
tongued her nipples, suckling deep as he slid one arm around her back to pull her
closer. When he undid the laces of his pants and pressed closer, Linnea nearly panted at
the feel of the thick, heated length of his cock against her thigh.

His hand returned to her pussy, two fingers pressing in deep, her muscles

tightening around them in needy welcome. She could feel herself coming closer with
each stretching thrust, her hips moving jerkily against his hand in desperation. It had
been so long.

She made a sound of distress as they slid out, leaving her unsatisfied. In an instant,

he pressed the wide-flared head of his cock against her clit and lifted the hand around
her back to grasp the short hairs at her nape, pulling Linnea’s head back to look into her

“Hawk”, he gritted out, his jaw tense, face flushed with arousal. “My name is

Hawk. I want to hear you say it.”

She wished she could touch him, but her arms were still pinned by her clothing.
“Hawk,” she whispered, looking into his fever bright eyes. “Please, Hawk.”
Yes.” He pressed in, his cock spreading her wide, stretching her almost painfully

as he slid into her soaking sheath. As aroused as she was, she still wondered if she
could take all of him. Never had she felt so full. It was devastating. It was incredible.


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“Take more.” His uneven growl had her shivering. He slid his arm under her leg,

tilting her hips higher against him. His tight grip on her hair, her thigh, the only thing
keeping her upright as he continued to thrust slowly forward until she could feel his
balls pressing against the cheeks of her ass.

Oh God, he was so big.
Another flood of her arousal coated him, easing his way, and he shuddered against

her. He whispered her name beneath his breath and then he was powering into her,
hard and deep through the newly stretched tissue.

She bit her lip to keep from screaming his name, some part of her still intensely

aware of where they were, only a thin tree line away from civilization. Anyone could
hear her. The thought only aroused her more.

Her free leg tightened around his waist, the only part of her she could move. The

muscles of his ass clenched beneath it as he fucked her, his hard thrusts growing

He bent his head down and took one long nipple between his teeth, lapping at her

with his tongue, biting down gently. Electricity zapped through her to her core.

The new position pressed her clit against his hardened abs and the dual lightning-

like sensations combined to send Linnea shattering over the edge. “Hawk.”

Her sex spasmed around his cock as she came and he shouted low against her

breast at the sensation. “So fucking tight.”

He pulled back, his hand tightening its grip on her thigh. He continued to thrust,

hard and fast inside her. “I can’t—”

She heard his growled words and then he was coming inside her, hot jets of come

filling her as his hips jerked against her. She reveled in his loss of control. She reveled in
the power of the orgasm still pulsing through her limbs and the sensation of their
combined juices dripping from her sex, joining them together in the most intimate of

Her eyes popped open as she became aware of several things at once. The beautiful

fog she’d been surrounded in seemed to vanish as she realized what had just happened.
She’d just had sex with a stranger in the woods. And he hadn’t worn a condom.

The second, and perhaps more immediate, concern were the footsteps she could

hear pressing through the brush, along with what sounded like a bickering couple
arguing about the location of someone named Brad.

Hawk had released his grip on her hair and she took that opportunity to place her

foot against his belly and push. He stumbled back several steps while she leapt from her
perch and struggled to slide her arms back through the sleeves of her top.

“Someone’s coming.” She hissed, gesturing toward his breeches, her face turning

red with embarrassment and horror as she saw the evidence of her carelessness on his
still-hard erection. Felt it dripping down her thighs. Idiot.


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Hawk’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He turned toward the hidden entrance, tying his

laces with quick, familiar movements.

The tense set of his shoulders relaxed when he recognized the raised voices. “Don’t

worry, Linnea. I know them.”

He turned to put her at ease, but she was gone. His eyes narrowed and he looked

around the tiny clearing, noting as he did the flare of blue that disappeared through a
hedge wall in the far corner.

The faint sounds of a rowdy jousting tournament drifted to him from over the green

and he took an instinctive step in that direction, the predator in him demanding he go
after her. Raging that she’d left him. Left his protection. His sight.

“I think your radar is out of whack, Fairy Hood. Brad One and Two are probably at

the Alehouse, listening to those two cool chicks singing dirty ditties.”

The sassy female voice stopped Hawk in his tracks and he had to smile when he

heard her mumble, “Where we could be if you weren’t in such an all-fire hurry to find

A loud, put upon sigh sounded through the branches one moment before a tall man

with shocking auburn hair appeared. Dressed as Robin Hood, he turned and gallantly
held aside the last thorn-covered branch to allow the woman to pass.

“I told you,” He looked down at her as Hawk leaned against the tree in silent

observation. “Your cousin Meru called and told me that I had to find Hawk right away.
And you and I both know that you don’t argue with a pregnant woman. Especially that

Sheridan shrugged petulantly and turned away from Finn, spying Hawk as she did

so. “There he is!”

She smiled brightly and headed his way, looking amazing in her leather Barbarian

costume, her long blonde braid swinging behind her.

“And don’t call me Fairy Hood,” the immortal Fae grumbled under his breath as he

joined her. “At least I have clothes on. Was it too much to ask that you wear the gown
of a lady? Even a wench’s attire is more concealing. But you—you have to put on a
black bra and boots and pretend to be a warrior princess from planet Porn.”

Sheridan rolled her eyes and wrinkled her nose at him. Hawk chuckled despite his

tension. For some reason, the Tuatha noble always lost his cool around the feisty
beauty. Hawk had a feeling that one of these days the girl would push Finn too far. He
only hoped he was around to watch.

Finn tilted his head as he looked around the clearing, his senses suddenly alert.

Hawk shifted guiltily as those strange, purple eyes honed in on him.

“Who was just here?”
Hawk stared his friend down in silence.


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Finn waved his hand in irritation. “Hawk, I don’t care if you decided to grab a

woman for a quickie, in fact I wouldn’t blame you. This place is teeming with delectable

He ignored Sheridan’s glare. “But whoever was just here might be who we’ve been

looking for. The one Meru sent us here to find.”

Hawk’s body straightened in surprise. Linnea? His Linnea? And when had he

started thinking of her as his?

From the moment we saw her. The irritating voice in his head was matter-of-fact.
He ignored his feelings of guilt. Since the first hundred years of struggling and

coming to terms with Freyja’s be-damned curse, Hawk had never fought with his twin
over anything. Neither had ever begrudged the other their allotted time in control.

But from the instant Val had laid eyes on the spunky, shorthaired female, Hawk

had wanted out. The momentary jealousy that coursed through him when he realized
his twin felt the same drive, the same pull, shamed him even as he acted upon it, seizing
control as soon as he tasted her lips, touched her.

I understand, brother. More than you know. And I don’t begrudge you your time. The

voice paused. As long as I get mine as well.

“Hello? Earth to Brad. Talking to yourself again?” Sheridan chuckled at her joke,

before putting on what she often called her ‘cop face’, the one she used when
interrogating a suspect.

“Who was in here with you, Hawk? And where is she now?”
“She’s mine.” Hawk heard the words leave his lips and knew without question they

were true. “My woman.”

His expression matched the claim in his voice. “And I don’t know where she is

now. But I am damn sure going to find out.”


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Chapter Three

“Ooooooh. Not good. Not good. This is not good.” Linnea held her head in her

hands, rocking back and forth as she sat by Bear and Badger’s fire. Her skull felt too
tight for her brain, every strand of hair felt like tiny, individual stings on her scalp.
“What did you put in that tea?”

Badger sat down beside her on the ground, sliding an arm across her shoulders and

squeezing apologetically. “It was just a little something to loosen your inhibitions. All
natural, I promise. I had no idea it would affect you so strongly. I use it all the time.”

Linnea squinted at her friend in time to see her blush as Bear winked at her from

the other side of the flames. “I cannot believe you did that. I can’t believe I did…that. I
will never live this down.”

And by now she would lay odds that every rennie at the faire knew that her

unusual hands-off rule had finally been broken today.

When she’d pushed her way through the hedge, her bodice still unlaced, skirt

stained and already unruly mop of hair in extreme disarray, she’d walked into a crowd
of waiting jousters. Their backs had been to her as they enjoyed the tournament, but
they’d all turned at her less than graceful entrance. A look of comic disbelief traveled
like a wave over each knight’s face as they took in her disheveled appearance.

She’d glared as several she had recently rejected grinned evilly, then thanked the

one knight who actually took his role seriously, offering her his cloak and leading her
back toward the campground without saying a word.

Linnea had showered and changed, deciding on jeans and a t-shirt to help ground

herself more thoroughly in reality. When she’d returned to the camp, she’d seen Crystal
jumping up and down on the ever patient Bear, telling him about the new tricks she’d

She’d spent the rest of the day going about her chores, trying not to think about this

afternoon’s insanity. It was an impossible task.

Her cotton shirt felt rough and abrasive against her swollen, love-bit nipples. The

seam of her jeans rubbed against her clitoris every time she walked, sending illicit
shivers cascading through her body. She was hyper-aware, in a state of constant

Every time she closed her eyes, she saw him. Hawk. A man straight out of her

dreams. A man she could only hope went home tonight and decided not to return to the
Ren Fest ever again.

As night fell and more and more rennies wandered back to their cars, trailers and

tents, she got the distinct impression that they went out of their way to catch her eye.


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Some smiled like proud parents—others leered and chuckled under their breath. No
one could know for a fact exactly what she’d done, but everyone knew she had done
something. Something very unlike their prudish Linnea.

She groaned, wincing at the loud sound.
“You are being way too hard on yourself.” Bear’s deep, soothing voice pulled her

from her contemplation. “It’s unnatural for a lovely, passionate woman to go so long
alone. Being a mother isn’t and cannot be the only thing you are, not happily.”

“But I am happy, Bear. I swear I am. Crystal is a full time job. One I wouldn’t trade

for anything. And you two and Ian and the others, you’re my family. My friends. What
more could I possibly ask for?”

“Love?” Ian’s voice came out of the darkness, as sweet and gentle and full of

understanding as it had been all those seasons before. Still costumed, he looked a bit
weary and was sporting one heck of a shiner.

“Well, isn’t that the end? What happened to you this time, Master Ian?”
The balding man blushed and shrugged innocently as Badger began to fuss over

him, sifting through her tent to find the proper herbs for a poultice.

“It was about me, wasn’t it?” Linnea asked, dread filling her.
Ian’s guilty look said it all.
In an instant, she knew what must have happened. Some masker with more bile

than sense had decided to torment the man who’d been like a father to her, telling tales
about the state Linnea had been seen in. Possibly inferring he’d been somehow

“I’m so sorry, Ian.”
She was horrified. She’d never liked being the center of attention. That was

Crystal’s job. Badger’s job. She always related more to Bear. Giant of stature though he
was, he still managed to stay invisible in the background, proudly letting his wife shine.

She might not ever get that chance again. At least not this season. The rennies were

loving and loyal, yes. But like any other tight knit community, they were also suckers
for a good piece of gossip.

Badger began applying Ian’s poultice, looking at her husband with a helpless sigh.

Bear came around the fire to sit on the other side of Linnea, a brown hemp pouch in his
hand. “Whenever I am out of sorts or lost, I attempt to light my true path with these.”

He took out a pile of what looked like ordinary polished stones from the pouch, but

Linnea could see that each had been painstakingly painted with individual symbols.

“Badger and I collected these stones on our honeymoon in Ireland. I polished and

marked them with druid symbols. Ogham rune symbols. Each one has a very specific

He placed them in Linnea’s hands and closed her fingers around them. “Think

about what you need to know, your true path, and then toss them out upon the


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She had seen the couple give readings before. Badger actually had Bear give her a

reading prior to every financial decision she made about her tea business. It seemed to
work for them, but Linnea had never been tempted. She didn’t want to know what the
future held, didn’t want anyone to know what her past had brought her. It had been too

She looked into Bear’s dark, earnest eyes and knew that she couldn’t turn him

down. Closing her eyes, she asked herself what she wanted to know. An image of her
Viking sprang immediately to mind and she blinked him quickly away, tossing the
stones and asking what the future held for her and her daughter.

The stones fell into two obvious circles, each distinctly separated from the other, but

for one stone in the middle. Her three friends looked at the stones, then at Linnea, then
each other—all in silence.

“What? What does it mean? You’re making me nervous.”
Bear’s large paw of a hand crossed over the circle furthest from her and his melodic

voice washed over the quiet camp. “This circle represents male energy, warrior energy.
A warrior whose life has been filled with hardship and duality. He is at odds with
himself and with his true nature. A good man and honorable, he is a protector above all.
He will sacrifice himself for those he loves.”

His hand moved to the other circle before Linnea could comment. “This circle

represents you. Female energy and motherhood, you too are filled with honor. You too
are a protector. You carry a gift, a heavy burden, and your path is a twisting
one…hidden. Soon you will be faced with challenges. Choices. They will be difficult,
but of unspeakable importance. The outcome of these choices will affect many.”

Linnea was entranced and a little intimidated by his words, though she had no idea

what any of it meant. Her eyes were drawn to the symbol that connected the two stone
circles and she pointed to it. It was a sharp line with four shorter lines emerging from
the right side. “What does this one mean?”

Bear looked up at her, his expression thoughtful. “This is the symbol of the Willow

or Saille. This connection means that each of you might find your answers in the other.
That together you may achieve wholeness. Balance.”

Just then a group of knights from the tourney started heading their way. From the

looks on their faces, she had a feeling they were in the mood for some lighthearted
teasing. Linnea wasn’t sure she could take it.

Standing abruptly, she peeked in on her hard-sleeping four year old, smiling

slightly as she took in Crystal’s sprawled position. Her red gold ringlets hid her face
and a tiny little snore emerged from behind the curtain of curls. As usual, she was
oblivious to everything once her eyes closed for the night.

She looked over her shoulder at her friends. “Thank you for the reading, but I think

I need a little time alone. I’m going for a walk.”

Bear stood quickly and met her at the edge of the camp. He attached something to

her belt buckle and Linnea glanced down to find one of his intricate daggers, wrapped


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in a leather sheath and tied to the loop of her jeans. She looked at Bear in worried

“Just a precaution. That secret you’ve been running from? It might be closer to

finding you than you think.”

Linnea felt her limbs begin to tremble in shock and her eyes immediately flew to

Crystal’s tent.

“Go. Take some time for yourself, wren.” He used Badger’s nickname for her,

pulling Linnea’s gaze back his way. “We will protect that special little girl with our
lives. Nothing will touch her.”

Looking in his eyes, she couldn’t doubt his sincerity. And she needed privacy more

than ever now. She had to think. If Bear was right, it was time to run again.

* * * * *

Val walked the edge of the campground, frustration tensing his shoulders as he

searched the perimeter.

Guard duty.
It had been decided that since they couldn’t find their specific charge, they would

all take a section of the faire grounds, searching for any signs of Dark, the Sauros in
particular. Perhaps in doing so, one of them would catch sight of the ever elusive

Linnea. Simply thinking her name made his heart pound and his cock stand at

immediate attention. He had backed off when he’d realized how intense Hawk’s need
was, how on the edge. But damn, Val had wanted her too.

He’d lingered behind the scenes, torturing himself as he watched his hands

touching her, his mouth tasting her. But it wasn’t him. Val consoled himself by thinking
of all the things he’d do to the passionate little pixie the next time he saw her.

Of course, neither he nor his brother had imagined that one woman on a fifty-four

acre stretch of land would be so hard to find. Not for them. Hawk’s predator was
always alert and Finn…Well, Finn’s abilities were the whole reason they’d arrived at
this festival in the first place.

It was the mate of Damon Arkadios, Meru Tanner, who had sent them on what at

first seemed like a wild-goose chase. Damon was the leader of the Fianna, the guardians
of the North Portal, one of four of the guarded portals between Earth’s dimension and
those bastard Archons.

Meru had been adamant that they bring Finn with them. Long before he was

Fianna, Finn of Aisling was a tracker for the High Queen of the Tuatha Dé Danaan. He
could find any Fae, anywhere, by tracking the residual energy their kind left behind.
Meru had told them to look for special woman. This woman would emit a strong
energy, similar to the Fae. What she hadn’t told them was exactly where they would find


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They had been wandering the countryside for over a month, following the hints

and clues Meru received, along with the energies the Fae noble could sense. It had
finally led them here—a less likely spot Val could not imagine.

When she realized they were returning to her old stomping grounds, Sheridan had

begged to tag along. She claimed she wanted to see her old partner Kyle and come to
The Texas Renaissance Festival.

Meru and Sheridan’s mother Lily had been green with envy about this part of the

search. Apparently, coming to this Faire had always been an annual family tradition.

He supposed he could see the attraction, although Barbarians, Gypsies and

Elizabethans all living together in harmony was at best inaccurate.

Apart from Linnea, Val thought it was worth the visit just to see the disgruntled

look on Sheridan’s face when all the female fairies around Titania’s Arbor swarmed the
magnetic Finn like groupies at a rock concert. Val figured if you loved the Fae enough
to pretend to be one on a regular basis, some part of you must sense when you were
among the real thing.

After he extricated himself, Finn had spent the rest of the day following the residual

energy traces around the faire. It seemed they were everywhere. Linnea apparently got

Val had wished for a little of Finn’s powers of persuasion as he went his own way,

questioning knights and wenches about his mysterious little minx. He’d seen their
expressions close one by one, their suspicion evident as they denied any knowledge of
the woman, even though he’d seen them talking with her only a few hours earlier.

So here he was, once more in Texas. Thank the gods it wasn’t as hot as it had been

the last time. It was hard enough chasing shadows and searching in vain for the first
woman in over twelve hundred years to illicit such an intense reaction in him. In both
of them.

She’s close.
Val stilled, using his brother’s gifts to sense the changes around him, the sudden

silence of the wildlife, the new scent on the wind.

She was heading toward the small brook he’d spotted earlier, the one some of the

cast used to wash their clothing. Val moved, quiet as a jungle cat, muscles tensed,
rippling and ready to pounce as he drew closer.

She looked worried. Deep in thought, her arms wrapped protectively around her

waist as she gazed into the clear, moving water.

He pushed back the desire to lay her down upon the grass and do all he’d been

imagining, craving, since she’d run away from Hawk. As he looked at her curving
backside, beautifully encased in a snug pair of jeans that had seen better days,
restraining himself was a difficult task.


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He allowed a branch to crack under his feet as he closed the distance, and her

startled shriek and terrified gaze whipping in his direction told him he’d made the right
move. The woman was on high alert. Something was wrong.

Val looked down at her hand, the sharp dagger gleaming silver in the stray shafts of

moonlight. “This afternoon went a little differently than I’d planned, but was it really
that bad?”

He gestured to her knife with his head, holding his hands away from his sides with

what he hoped was a disarming grin.

Her shoulders drooped in relief, the hand clenching the dagger going lax as her legs

buckled beneath her. She sat down on the damp earth, burying her face in her knees.

Kneeling down beside her in concern, he reached out his hand to stroke her short

cap of gleaming chestnut hair. He heard her heave a damp sigh. “Linnea, please, baby,
tell me what’s wrong.”

Her stormy gray eyes welled with unshed tears. She raised her chin and studied his

face intently, brow crinkling a little in confusion as she stared into his eyes. She shook
her head slightly with a watery chuckle and leaned in to kiss his lips.

He froze for long moments, shocked by the feel of her lips on his. A low groan left

his mouth as he gave up the fight, pressing forward, his mouth voracious as he
followed her body down to the ground.

Linnea knew she should have run the other way as soon as she saw him standing

there in the darkness. He was the last thing she needed right now.

She needed time to think, especially after Bear’s disturbing words. But seeing him

standing there, hearing the low rasp of his voice, his teasing tone, had sent relief
flooding through her veins.

It made no sense, this innate knowledge that he would never hurt her, that he could

protect her and her daughter from whatever was coming.

When she’d gazed at his features as he tried to comfort her, she knew the desire for

him hadn’t been a side effect of Badger’s special tea. If anything, the feelings were more
intense now that she was sober.

Linnea almost laughed. She must have been more out of it earlier than she realized,

because the eyes she’d been so sure were amber were actually a warm chocolate brown.

She didn’t stop to question her actions before she kissed him. She needed to be

swept away, needed to leave behind the mountain of obstacles awaiting her, if only for
one more moment. Just a kiss. Then she could uproot her child, abandon the only real
family she’d ever known and find another place to hide.

His lips, at first so still against her own, were warm and lush. She couldn’t resist

tasting them with a teasing flick of her tongue.

That seemed to be all the impetus her Viking needed. He gave a throaty groan,

guiding her body to the moss-covered ground and pressing his steel hard cock into the


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cradle of her thighs. She echoed the harsh sound of need at the extra pressure against
her clit.

He began to thrust his hips against her, his tongue mimicking the movement in her

mouth and cream flooded her sex. His fingers lifted, scraping across the nipple poking
hard through her t-shirt.

She was no less desperate, her legs wrapped tight around his waist. Her hands, free

this time, ran greedily over the slick muscles of his back and shoulders.

He pulled back, his cheeks flushed, eyes dark with lust as he took in her needy

state. “You are so damn sexy, Linnea. So beautiful.”

Bending down, he sucked her nipple into his mouth through the cloth, one hand

lowering to open the button on her jeans.

She gasped, hearing the harsh sound of a zipper break the quiet. In a heartbeat, he

was on his knees between her thighs, lifting her legs as he pulled the jeans and
underwear beneath over her hips to her ankles. Her eyes widened when he bent her
knees back to her chest.

He met her gaze with a quiet intensity that made her shiver. “I need to taste you. I

haven’t been able to think of anything else since you ran away. I still have the tang of
you on my fingers, the smell of you on my skin.”

His blunt fingertips traced her folds, circling her clit, increasing her arousal as he

looked for her reaction.

She’d never felt so exposed. Her position, combined with the deep rasp of his voice

whispering those intimate, erotic words, was almost her undoing. She could barely
breathe, let alone form a coherent sentence.

He saw the excitement in her eyes, his own sparkling with anticipation. He raised

his arms to slide the strap of his sword belt off his shoulder and lowered his head,
disappearing beneath the denim fabric that hid him from her view.

She looked up at the night sky visible through the trees. She felt so sinful. Her

earlier invitation, the near exhibitionism, and now? Now she was groping and being
groped like an adolescent sneaking off after curfew.

This was not within her realm of experience. This was new territory. This was—oh

God, it was so good.

His fingers spread the lips of her pussy wide, she could feel his hot breath deepen

at what he’d revealed. “I want to get inside, Linnea. I want to shove my cock so deep,
take you again and again until your body knows mine, craves mine as much as I crave

He moaned, the sound vibrating against her clit. “Gods, Linnea, just thinking about

fucking you is almost enough to make me come.”

She cried out at the first broad stroke of his tongue against her sex. Shivering at the

noises of enjoyment he made against her flesh, her hands grasped the dew-covered


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grass for purchase as he pressed closer. His tongue plunged deep into her pussy,
drinking her down with voracious abandon.

One thick finger slid inside, gathering more of her juices for his tongue, and she

tightened around it with a gasp. His thumb covered her clit and rubbed the swollen
bud until Linnea thought she’d go mad.

He bit her thigh, another finger joining the first, thrusting inside her. They curved

upward to hit a spot that all the nerves in her body seemed to be connected to.

“So sweet. Never have I tasted anything so sweet, so addicting. I want more. Feed

me, sweet Linnea. Come on my tongue.”

Her body rushed to obey him, his words beyond arousing. A hot gush of liquid

soaked her folds as he pressed her knees further back against her breasts, her body laid
bare to lips and hands and tongue.

His hands caressed and spread the cheeks of her ass while his mouth ate at her,

consuming her, burning her alive. His fingers slipped through her wetness, slid
between the cheeks of her ass, pausing at her sound of surprise.

“No one’s ever touched you here.” It wasn’t a question. He continued to press

rhythmic circles against her clit with one hand, the virgin hole of her ass with the other
as he spoke in a husky growl.

I will. I’ll bend you over and fill this ass full of my cock. You’ve never felt anything

like it. You’ll scream in pleasure. The kind of pleasure you can’t even imagine.” One
finger pushed through the tight muscles and Linnea whimpered at the slight sting of

“You’re so tight, baby. That’s why we’re gonna take it slow. We’ll get you

something to stretch you out. Something to fill your ass while I fuck this luscious pussy.
Think about it, Linnea. You’ll be stuffed front and back.”

Linnea came again at his words. Her body arched and her mouth opened on a

soundless gasp. So hard. She was coming so hard. He leaned in, lapping at her flowing
juices as his finger filled her ass. And then he was gone, his large hands grasping her
hips, rolling her over and dragging her up onto all fours, jeans still gathered around her
calves, body and mind still reeling from the avalanche of sensation.

His harsh breath sounded above her head, then a ripping sound as he tugged

impatiently at his laces. “You liked that, didn’t you? Have you ever fantasized about it,
Linnea? Did you imagine two men, two cocks fucking you?” He leaned over her,
pressing his damp lips against her temple, the smell of her own musk filling her lungs.
“Tell me.”

“Yes.” Linnea gasped, unable to deny his demand with his thick cock nudging

against her slick opening. She had imagined it countless times. It was her favorite
fantasy. One she’d never shared with anyone. Until now.

His thumb pressed against her anus once more as he teased them both, thrusting

lightly with only the head of his cock inside her. Linnea tried to press back, but he
retreated, returning to torture her when she stilled once more.


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“Not yet, Linnea. I want to hear more about this fantasy of yours. Everything

you’ve imagined.”

His hips jerked, lodging his cock deeper inside her as her muscles clenched around

him at his words. “And then I’m going to fuck you so deep and hard, you won’t be able
to imagine anyone but me inside you.”

She moaned, ready to beg him as she’d done earlier in the garden. The climax still

shuddering through her body hadn’t yet faded and already the tingle was spreading
through her limbs anew, stronger than before.

She looked over her shoulder, her lips forming the words that would end his

teasing, when she saw it.

Her eyes widened in disbelief as horror gripped her heart.
“Oh no.” At her terror-filled words, her Viking lover looked up and tensed. His

head tilted as he listened to something only he could hear, then, swearing under his
breath, he moved off her and grabbed his sword in one graceful roll.

Tying his laces one handed in a knot, he looked toward the flickering flames and

sounds of yelling coming from the direction of the campgrounds. “I have to get you to
Finn. You have to be protected while I deal with—Linnea! What the hell?”

She barely heard his muffled curses. She was too busy running directly into danger.


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Chapter Four

Do not lose sight of her!
“I won’t, damn you. I can’t believe your keen, hawk-like reflexes didn’t sense the

danger.” Hawk didn’t answer the sarcastic attack, but Val understood. They’d both
been so distracted, so turned on by the sight of their woman laid out like a feast beneath

So focused on her pleasure that an army of Dark had descended not sixty feet away

and they hadn’t even noticed. It disturbed both men deeply that one little slip of a
woman could throw off centuries of training and finely honed instinct in a single day.

With her taste still lingering on his tongue, her gasping cries still echoing in his ears,

Val knew that it was more than their prolonged abstinence that had caused him to lose
his head.

Their bachelor’s home had been invaded by a newly mated woman and her

relatives and that had certainly put a crimp in his style. But never, not in all these years,
not even before Freyja’s curse, had he felt this connection, this need.

The fact that both his brother and the berserker agreed wholeheartedly told him

without a shadow of a doubt that she was his. Theirs. Now he just had to keep her out
of danger long enough to prove it to her.

Need out. Now. Kill.
Val could sense the hot rage flowing through his left arm like a burning acid, the

hawk tattoo pulsing beneath his skin. His twin had willingly called the consciousness of
the predator that slept within them, the berserker hawk, his need to protect Linnea
surpassing his usual disgust at this part of their curse.

His brother having to give his awareness up to the beast, to be out of control with

only the vaguest awareness, was something Val had never envied. He hit the
campground at a dead run, throwing back his head with a shout.

Hawk frithr berserker!
At the words, the beast within was loosed and Val braced himself for the

momentary agony that always came with the berserker’s release. A blind flash of pain
rocked him back on his heels, and then…silence.

There was no time to enjoy the separation. He watched as the giant hawk dove

toward the thick of the battle. Val set out to join him, sword at the ready.

His eyebrows rose in disbelief as he looked at the chaos ensuing around him. He

caught sight of Finn as a Sauros, one of those damn Sumerian hybrids, came running
toward him.


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The things really were irritating pests. They’d been made to look like every

human’s nightmare, but the Archon who’d created them had depended more on their
massive numbers and reptilian appearance than their agility to dissuade enemies.

They weren’t any sort of challenge. And they certainly weren’t that intelligent. Val

swung his massive blade, the power behind the blow cleaving his attacker in two. There
was also the fact that their skin was as thin as paper. Not a real challenge at all.

“Why aren’t these humans frozen and shielded?” Finn shrugged at Val’s irritated

question and his lips quirked up into a sheepish smile as he flipped one of the lizards
over his shoulder.

“I was about to. I got distracted for a moment—and when I looked around, they

had all jumped into the fray.

“I slipped a little personal shielding around them, just enough to ensure the

humans had a fighting chance. But look at them. I haven’t seen fighting like that in at
least a millennia. They really don’t look like they need me to protect them at all.”

And indeed they didn’t. Val could only watch in admiration. A wave of armored

knights, barbarians with metal-spiked clubs and swashbucklers with swords were
attacking the Dark with bloodthirsty gusto.

And they were doing damage.
The mere element of surprise, had already laid several of the Sauros low. They were

a scary bunch, these ren-folk. Still, it wasn’t like Finn to take chances with human life
like that.

He saw a dark cloud speeding low to the ground and heard Finn swear in his native

tongue. It grew closer and he realized it was no cloud at all.

It was The Horde. A group of Fae who had chosen to follow a blacker kind of

magick. They had rejected Danu’s teachings, believing her long absence to be an
abandonment of their people.

Instead, they had chosen to follow those Archons who wanted to return from across

the portal and rule the earth once more. To return to their position as gods. Worshipped
by the humans on Earth.

The Horde, despite their name, were small in number, but still the most elusive

members of Dark. A true challenge. And one he would rather not deal with when the
safety of Linnea was involved. What in Odin’s name were they doing here? For that
matter, why had such an impressive army been sent to bring back a single woman?

Finn’s face grew tight with rage as he went after the shadowy forms converging on

the fight. The golden hawk soared over their heads, reaching the newly arrived enemy
with a chilling battle cry.

The beast grabbed hold of one of the dark figures and shredded it with his razor

sharp talons. His victim’s shrieks echoed across the night sky.

Val was surprised at the ease with which it was killed. All of their dealings with

The Horde had been frustrating at best.


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Their ability to transmute their vile flesh into untouchable mist for periods of time

made killing them more problematic than most members of the Dark. He noticed
several others attempting to leap onto the hawk’s back, trying to pull him to the

Linnea was in shock. The carnage around her was too real for her to fool herself into

thinking she was having a flashback from that damn tea.

She pushed her way through the edges of the brawl, holding the dagger in a white-

knuckled grip as she sought out Badger’s distinctive red tents. She had to get to Crystal.
Had to protect her daughter.

“Linnea! Over here.” She looked up, catching sight of the gallant knight who’d

given her his cloak earlier today. His sword was drawn as he and his friends fought
what looked undeniably like—well—like two hissing lizard men.

“Crystal is safe.” He tossed over his shoulder as he parried a slashing claw with a

swift strike of his blade. “Badger and Bear are standing guard while Ian gets the trailer
so they can get you two out of here. The other families have already left.”

Linnea felt a wave of relief crash over her, which turned quickly to nausea as the

still twitching, scale covered, bloody claw landed at her feet. “Please tell me this is just
practice for some new and exciting reenactment.”

The group of men laughed, high on adrenaline and the thrill of battle. Several were

bleeding from multiple lacerations, but they didn’t seem to notice.

“This one is real.” One of them chuckled as he looked for his next victim. “Finally,

some action!”

She shook her head and sped away from the young men, heading straight for the

now clearly visible Bear.

Before she reached him, she heard a loud female voice to her left and she turned in

time to see a blonde woman dressed in skimpy leather and wielding a short sword.
Linnea didn’t recognize her, but she obviously knew what she was doing.

The fighter’s leg swung out behind her, connecting solidly with the solar plexus of a

lizard creature before whipping around to knee the groin of the one in front. As they
both leaned over in pain, she slit their now defenseless throats with admirable
proficiency. She seemed unstoppable.

Until the blonde came up against a frightening shadowed creature. Linnea gaped as

its body seemed to solidify before her eyes.

It was hideous and beautiful. Its face reminiscent of an angel’s, ruined only by its

leering expression. The dusky skin of its body appeared as if it were being consumed by
darkness, large patches of its flesh necrotic, dying and rotting off.

It rose before her, hovered off the ground above the female warrior, teasing her by

staying just out of reach of her sword.


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“I’m glad you showed up, Brad.” Linnea heard her yell to the tall man who

suddenly appeared beside her. “Sauros are one thing, but what on earth are these jerks?
And where the hell is Finn?”

Linnea didn’t hear his answer, recognition whipping through her as she realized

who it was. Hawk.

Well, she supposed his real name was Brad, if that stunning woman was to be

believed. Her jaw dropped as she watched him gesture the blonde back before
whistling and executing a spinning leap into the air.

His powerful arm extended his sword as if it were part of him, cleanly slicing the

neck of the dark, hovering being threatening the woman before being grasped by the
large talons of a giant bird of prey.

Hawk’s muscles bunched and rippled with absolute control as he used the flying

beast as a spring board, diving down to deliver a felling kick to yet another of those

Her body quivered with remembered desire watching his impressive form in

action. She wove a bit in dizzy disbelief. This just didn’t add up, none of it.

But whatever it was she was seeing, the fact remained that the danger was very

real. She could deal with mutant birds and strange hobgoblins later. Right now she had
to get her daughter far, far away from this campground of the damned.

She saw Bear running toward her, his halberd raised in a two-handed swing. She

spun to the side just in time to see his axe-tipped staff chop through the shoulder of a
particularly nasty looking fellow, grimacing at the crunching sound of bone as Bear
removed his weapon, allowing the figure to fall before it faded away.

“Is this happening? Tell me this isn’t happening, Bear. Tell me that Badger added a

hallucinogen to the tea, tell me anything.”

Bear scooped her up under one of his massive arms, moving toward their tall red

tents with a speed and grace that would have shocked her any other day. “I can’t lie to
you, little wren. But don’t worry. We’ve seen these Black Faeries before. They are very
real. Difficult, but not impossible to kill. The lizards are new though.”

She didn’t ask what he was talking about, fairly certain she didn’t want to know.

And then she saw her. Standing on a large, upturned log in her footy pajamas, a giant
smile on her adorable, sleep flushed face, her copper curls flying as she cheered Badger

Crystal. Safe and alive. And looking for all the world like she was watching a

harmless sporting event.

Something over her daughter’s shoulder, in the shadows of the tree line, caught

Linnea’s gaze. Two bright eyes, narrowed with menace, their vertically slit pupils
focused on her child.

No!” Linnea wrestled herself out of Bear’s arm, falling hard to her knees before

scrambling up to run full tilt toward the oblivious Crystal.


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In her head, a nightmarish barrage of possibilities flashed by in an instant. What

would she do without her child? She couldn’t even fathom it.

It seemed her feet were running in quicksand, what should have taken moments

felt like eons—a lifetime. And then she was there.

She grabbed Crystal in her arms, turning protectively. A painful scrape of

sharpened nails ripped across her back and…nothing.

Bear had been one step behind her, halberd at the ready. With one stroke, he stilled

the attacker, using his large, booted foot to push the now dead body off his blade and
back into the brush, out of sight.

“Mommy! Mommy, look at Auntie Badger. She’s gonna teach me how to do that.

She said so. Did you know she could do that? I didn’t know—and I’ve known her
forever.” Crystal talked a mile a minute, not noticing her mother’s tears as she clutched
her tightly to her chest, so relieved that her daughter was safe she could barely think

Linnea took a deep breath, dutifully turning in the direction Crystal was pointing to

see what she was talking about.

No. She’d had no idea Badger could do that. While her husband had come to rescue

Linnea, she had been holding off a small group of those Lizard men entirely on her
own. And with something she had never before considered a weapon.

Badger used both hands to swing her flaming poi with expert motions, the actions

smooth and hypnotic. Until they met their target.

She tilted her head toward Crystal and Linnea with a grim smile. “I didn’t always

sell tea, wren. Who do you think taught Joe and Jonathon the tricks of the trade?”

Her short, voluptuous body bent and twisted like an Olympic gymnast, the chains

holding the flaming, paraffin soaked poi moving like speeding snakes through the air.

Badger wove a tapestry of deadly light, circling her prey before snapping her wrist

sharply. The smell of charred flesh and the angry cries of the wounded let them all
know her aim was true.

Whoa.” Linnea looked away from Badger in time to see a tall, gloriously handsome

man with auburn hair duck fast beneath Bear’s swinging halberd. “We come in peace.”

“Funny.” This from her Viking. He of the many names.
Linnea held her daughter protectively against her, watching as the foursome made

short work of the remaining enemies crowding around the campsite. The redhead had
no actual weapon in his hand, but she could tell something was being thrown from his
hand, maybe tiny ninja stars or something. Whatever he was doing was definitely
having an effect on the bad guys.

“Mommy, look at that bird. Have you ever seen one like that?” Crystal’s excited

voice drew Linnea’s gaze upward, where the enormous hawk was circling directly
overhead. She saw his yellow eyes glowing as they watched her.

“No, honey, I never have.”


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She heard cheering erupt all around the campsite. Looking around, she saw that the

remaining Black Fairies, as Bear had called them, were taking to the night sky, most of
the lizards dead or long gone. She couldn’t believe it.

It was hard to believe any of this was happening at all. Harder still to imagine that

supernatural beings had appeared at a Texas campground and been soundly trounced
by her costumed friends.

“That was too easy.” Badger looked toward the two strangers, tilted her head with

a sigh before tossing her flaming weapons into the fire. She placed her hands on her
hips and looked directly at the man beside Linnea’s mysterious lover.

“Why didn’t they use their powers? They could have wiped all those men out with

a single breath of their foul wind. At the very least, they could have avoided our
weapons. This stinks of a distraction. None of them even came after the girl.”

Val stepped back unobtrusively to call the hawk back to him, to call his brother

back to sanity.

He heard the woman’s words and saw Finn look at her with an intrigued

expression. The prolonged silence that followed told Val the Fae was searching her
thoughts, trying to determine how she knew what she did.

Come back to me, brother. It is done.
He heard the angry cry of the hawk, ever unwilling to give up his freedom. There

was a sensation reminiscent of steel piercing bone, then the painful burn, as if his flesh
were being ripped away, his head split in two. He looked down at his arm, the tattoo
once more present, though it still looked restless.

Thank you, my brother.
Val heard a strange undercurrent in his twin’s tone. Battle always left his brother’s

blood running hot, filled with the need to conquer. There was also weariness. He knew
Hawk harbored concerns that one day the predator would win, that not even Val’s
voice would call him back from oblivion. It was a worry they both shared.

“Well, I’ll be a son of a—we had no idea there were any of you left. Aside from—

what are you doing here?” Val turned at the sound of Finn’s awed voice.

He’d been distracted, trying to tamp down the lust and need churning through him,

the emotions stirred by his brother’s transformation affecting him as well. Especially
with Linnea so near.

“We like this life. And for the last few years, well, it was necessary. Someone had to

shield her from…that.” The curvaceous female gestured toward the recent battle zone,
her husband coming up behind her to pull her into his arms.

“Badger, what are you talking about? Do you know these people? Shield who?” Val

looked over at Linnea’s words, his eyes narrowing dangerously when he noticed Finn
walking toward her.


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“Relax, Val, I have no designs on your woman. And who is this?” Val noticed

Linnea look over Finn’s shoulder to spear him with a disgusted glare before she took a
step back.

The child in her arms stared at Finn with obvious fascination. The feeling appeared

to be mutual.

“I’m not his woman. And stop right there, whoever you are.”
The child patted her mother’s shoulder in a soothing gesture, her giant violet eyes

never straying from the man’s. “Its okay, Mommy,” she whispered loudly. “He’s one of
the good guys.”

Finn smiled at the child, enchanted. “I am indeed, little one. And you are the reason

we are here.”

Val stepped forward, confused at his friend’s proclamation. “I thought Linnea—”
“As the mother, she is surrounded by her child’s residual energy. It was a natural

mistake. But…Crystal, is it? Crystal is who Meru sent us to find. She’s the one we must
protect, the one who knows the location of the ‘light’ from the prophecy. The artifact.”

“Oh, you mean the sword.”
Crystal nodded sagely before crinkling her forehead as she worked her mouth

around the words. “The Kleeve Solish, right?”

“The Claíomh Solais. The Sword of Light.” The reverent words from the giant who’d

nearly cleaved their heads off with his halberd had a horrible effect on Linnea.

If she had gone pale when Finn seemed to instinctively know her daughter’s name,

she seemed positively green around the gills at the mention of the sword.

She looked at her daughter in surprise, holding her so tightly the child squirmed in


Finn seemed to vibrate with excitement as he glanced at Val, his eyes near dilated

with shock as he realized what it was they were looking for.

Val edged his way past his friend and took Linnea’s chin in his hand, forcing her to

meet his gaze. “You know of this sword. You recognize its name. Have you seen it?”

She didn’t have the chance to answer. Finn whirled around at the sound of a vehicle

rolling up beside them, and Hawk stirred within Val, still restless.

“Don’t worry.” The woman called Badger began gathering up the bags she’d set

beside the open flap of the tent. “It’s Ian with our ride. I wonder what took him so long.
He’ll be upset that he missed all the action. The man is fair dangerous with a staff.”

Their “ride” was a state of the art recreational vehicle of gleaming silver. Badger

caught Val’s raised eyebrow and smiled. “We love nature. But when you’re on the road
as much as we are, comfort is a necessity. And the tea business has been good to us, so
why not?”

Ian rounded the vehicle, coming toward them with an apologetic smile on his face.

“Sorry about that. For some reason, the darn thing wouldn’t start.”


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He took a step closer, then froze. His expression turned to one of confusion before

crumpling altogether as his body hit the ground with a thud.

“Ah, the heart. Such a fragile organ, that. Who can explain its workings? Not even

the gods themselves, so I’m told.” Linnea gasped and covered her daughter’s eyes even
as Val shoved her behind him, sword drawn.

It was a member of The Horde, his orange hair spiking up in all directions around

his effeminate face. Val’s eyes were drawn to his hand, holding the heart of the man on
the ground, the organ already blackened with blood and decay.

Finn held Badger’s husband at bay, raising his brow coldly. “Always one for the

dramatic entrances, aren’t you, Eonis? Forgive me if I’m not impressed.”

Eonis sneered, the heart dropping to the ground beside his victim as his hand

momentarily lost substance to the shadow.

“I’m not here to impress you, my faithful old friend. I am here for the child. Her

father misses her desperately and longs to hold her in his arms once more.” He clutched
his chest dramatically, his smile hideous in all its beauty.

“Over my—”The rest of Linnea’s sentence was muffled, Val could only assume by a

tiny, knowing hand as the little girl made a shushing sound.

“Was some powerless little mortal about to say ‘Over my dead body’?” Eonis


“That can be arranged, sweet. As a matter of fact, that was my initial plan. Use you.

Kill you. Take the child. Finding you was a bit harder than I’d imagined. I had no idea
you’d be able to escape us, that you’d be so skilled at remaining hidden. Finn,

He looked meaningfully at the redhead before shrugging. “Well, let’s just say he’s

an added bonus I wasn’t expecting. At least, not this far from civilization.”

He paused. “Speaking of civilized, you’ll pardon me if I dispense with the small

talk. I do have a job to do.” He stepped forward just as a familiar battle cry sounded
over his shoulder.

It was Sheridan Kelly. Her long braid flying behind her, sword extended as she

attempted to run the Dark through.

“Sheridan. No!” But Finn’s warning came too late.
In the blink of an eye, Eonis’ body shimmered and Sheridan lost her balance when

the short sword found no purchase. Eonis turned, solid once more as he wrapped one
strong arm around her neck, his other hand reaching up to caress her face, leaving a
trail of dark fog that seemed to cling to her skin like tar. She went limp in his arms and
he grinned.

“Sheridan, no?” He mimicked Finn’s earlier cry. “Was that concern in your voice,

Finn? Do you actually care what happens to this delicious morsel? This is an interesting
twist, isn’t it? I do love surprises.”


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The arm around Sheridan’s neck tightened in warning. “New plan. You make sure

the human brings the little brat home where she belongs. Do my job for me. Betray
Danu for your lover. There is a kind of poetry to that, don’t you think? If not, you can
spend a lifetime imagining all the wicked ways I will defile sweet Sheridan. And an
eternity regretting her loss.”

Finn dove forward, but it was too late. Eonis and the woman in his arms turned to

mist before their eyes, speeding upward and disappearing into the night sky.


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Chapter Five

The silence was deafening.
Badger’s husband lifted the now dead Ian without expression or word, moving his

body into a tent before Crystal could see it. When he was done, Val left his protective
position in front of Linnea and walked toward Finn, who’d gone still as a statue. Finn’s
hand went up to stop Val in his tracks without turning.

“It was a distraction.” He spoke without inflection. “To tire us out. To put us, all of

us,”—he looked at Linnea’s friends meaningfully—“off our guard.”

“That Eonis was no distraction. He came to kill Linnea. To steal her child.” Badger’s

voice was harsh with worry. Finn looked over his shoulder, spearing Val with a look of
such rage, such raw pain that Val almost took a step back.

“This is my fault. How could Meru not have seen? Or Myrrdin? They tracked the

child through me. And now Eonis has—”

He ran his hands through his hair with a ragged sigh. “Go with them now. Get out

of here and protect that child at all costs. I’ll send Raj to you as soon as I can.”

Light surrounded him as he flashed away without bothering to explain his cryptic


Linnea stepped away from Badger, Crystal still held tight in her arms. Did she just

see what she thought she saw? Did that man actually just disappear? Had Ian really—
she swallowed a sob—been murdered? His heart ripped out of his chest by some
grotesque figure?

What she’d seen when his body had fallen…there hadn’t been an entry wound.

That thing had pulled his heart out without even breaking skin. And then he’d taken
that woman and turned into a cloud of black smoke. This must be what going insane
feels like.

And her friends. The friends she trusted and loved. Did she know them at all?
She had to get out of here. She had to keep her baby safe from all these lunatics who

wanted something from her. Wanted to use her gifts to find some ridiculous weapon.

Oh, she knew all about that. As soon the she’d heard them mention The Sword of

Light, her mind had leapt back in time, back to the reason she’d begun running in the
first place. And now it looked like it was time to run again.

She started edging around the campground, her mind racing with possibilities. She

had an extra set of keys to Ian’s old Nash Rambler.

Oh, Ian.


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They usually towed it behind Badger’s RV, but he’d taken Linnea and Crystal

shopping in town just the other day to buy new clothes for her sprouting child.

She just had to make it across the campground to the parking area. Then she and

Crystal could get as far away from these strange people and all their hidden agendas.

The Viking bent to help Badger load their bags and Linnea took her chance.

Rounding the large vehicle, she hit the ground at a dead run, Crystal clinging in tight

“Where are we going, Mommy? Why are we leaving Auntie Badger? And where’s

Uncle Ian?” Her small voice wobbled, sounding more her age than she ever had before.

“You have to trust Mommy, sweetheart. I’ll explain later.” As soon as I understand it

myself, she thought as she continued to run. She heard the angry shout, the footsteps
racing up behind her, and she pressed harder, praying she could make it in time.

She saw the shadow of the Rambler in the lightening dawn sky.
Linnea. Damn it, woman!” It was that blasted man. And his voice was far too close.
“Crystal, you remember where Uncle Ian kept that extra set of keys, don’t you?”

Crystal nodded against her shoulder, sniffling. “Mommy needs you to run and open up
the car. Get inside and lock the door and don’t open up for anyone but me, okay?
Everything is going to be fine, baby.”

Linnea set Crystal down, watching as she dashed to the Rambler, slid the magnetic

box out from its hiding place above the wheel and hopped inside. She was locking the
door just as Linnea turned to face the approaching Hawk.

“Leave. Us. Alone.”
“Do you have a death wish?” His voice was harsh with anger and frustration, but

she didn’t flinch. Despite his deception, despite the fact that he’d been using her, she
knew he wouldn’t hurt her.

“Go away, whoever you are. Crystal is my child. Not some fucking compass for you

to use and throw away.”

He stepped closer, so close she had to strain her neck to look up into his eyes. They

were flickering again. Linnea wondered if it was a symptom of her new insanity that
she found that sexy.

“Is that what you think?” His voice was low and rough, sending fiery shivers over

her skin. “You believe I am the kind of man who would harm a child? Your child? You
must not think much of the men you fuck.”

She did flinch at that and he cursed, grabbing her shoulder’s to pull her closer.

“Linnea, I—”

“Little wren? Do you need any help?” It was Badger.
Linnea could see the RV driving slowly behind her and she sighed. She stepped

back, seeing the concern in her old friend’s eyes, knowing it was sincere.

She was so confused. She trusted them, all of them, implicitly. How could she? How

could she when the facts were so clear?


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“I’m fine, Badger. I just need to get Crystal out of here. She doesn’t deserve this. She

deserves to be free. She deserves to have a childhood. She’s only four years old.” Linnea
wiped a stray tear from her eyes, angry at herself for falling a part. She had to be strong
now. For her baby.

“Linnea. You are a wonderful mother. Crystal is a blessed child. She’s healthy and

happy…and more gifted than even you can comprehend.”

Badger took a step closer, her hands stretched out as she tried to explain. “What

you saw tonight is just the beginning. What you’ve been running from, it knows where
you are now. It knows we’ve been hiding you. It will not rest until it has what it wants.
What he wants.”

She knew it was true. She still could hardly wrap her mind around what had

happened tonight. But she knew who was behind it. And she knew he would never

“Unless we end this thing now. Working together, with Crystal’s help, we can make

sure he never hurts anyone again. We can make sure our precious little girl has her
chance to be a happy child again. A happy old woman.”

Linnea nodded in defeat. A voice in her head was still screaming at her to run, but

it wouldn’t solve anything. And alone, well, she didn’t have a chance in hell of
protecting her child from the horrors she’d witnessed tonight. She barely understood
them herself.

“No one lies to me again. No one holds anything back. If I’d been more aware, I

would have been ready. Maybe Ian—”

Her voice broke at the thought of her friend, but she lifted her chin defiantly. “I’m a

big girl, I can take it. And I am Crystal’s mother. I have a right to know everything you

Badger took two giant steps and embraced Linnea in relief. “Thank Danu.” She

heard her friend whisper shakily.

Linnea felt the tingling warmth she’d always associated with Badger as she held

her. It always made her feel as if everything was going to work out. Everything was
going to be all right.

Badger leaned back to look into her eyes. “It’s a deal. And you can tell us all about

Crystal’s father.”

Her eyes widened and her shoulders tensed, but she nodded once more, knowing it

was only fair.

She looked back at the Rambler, seeing Crystal’s smiling face pressed against the

glass, her nose smushed off to the side as she puffed out her cheeks and blew, making
her mother laugh in spite of the situation.

“We’ll follow you in Ian’s car. We’ll go to that truck stop for breakfast, the little one

will be hungry soon. We can decide where to go from there.”


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She’d already started heading in that direction when a large hand gripped her


“We should stick together.”
She glared at the handsome, golden haired warrior, her smile disappearing as she

looked pointedly at his hand. “We? Who said you were coming along?”

He growled. “I am a Fianna warrior. I was sent to protect your daughter. And I am

not letting her, or you, out of my sight.”

“You should give in on this, Linnea. He’ll only follow us. And an extra fighter is

always a good thing to have around.” Badger slid her hand into her voluminous skirts,
pulling out a small dagger, the match to the one Bear had given her earlier.

“We noticed you lost yours on your walk. Take this. Let him ride with you to the

truck stop. If he makes one wrong move, use it.” Then she turned, climbing up into the
passenger side of the RV.

“Looks like I’m riding with you.” His smile was cocky.
“Oh joy.”

Linnea crossed her arms over her chest, scooting closer to the passenger side

window. She stared out at the passing scenery with false fascination.

The car felt too confining. He was just too big. And they were alone, without Crystal

as the talkative buffer she had been for the first several hours of their trip.

They’d cleaned up their wounds in the truck stop restrooms. Her scratch still

smarted, but it hadn’t been too deep.

Then they’d eaten breakfast at the diner, the truckers barely glancing up as the

strangely dressed, fight bedraggled party shuffled into a corner booth. The regulars all
knew that at this time of the year it was normal to have faeries and knights wander in
for the cook’s famous breakfast special.

While Bear distracted Crystal with some of the games in the far corner of the room,

Badger had told Linnea how they’d known about the “Black Faeries”.

Her friends were druids. Nothing like druids as she understood them, the ones who

dressed in brown robes and wandered the Faires.

According to her, druids were from the earth, of the earth—but different than

ordinary humans. They were just genetically different enough to have abilities that
would seem unusual to the average man.

As druids, they had the ability to heal others, the ability to communicate with the

energy of every living thing, to see and practice natural magicks. What they called ‘true
sight’ and ‘true knowing’.

Badger used her herbs and teas to help people. It was part of her nature. Bear made

wands, amulets and runes out of stones and minerals of the earth, healing in that way.


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Together they had been drawn away from their small community, filled with a

similar desire to be of service. They’d seen the festival circuit as the best way to do that
without standing out. It actually made sense to Linnea, as much as anything in the last
twenty four hours could. And it was fascinating.

The Viking was just as interested. He’d told Badger about the leader of what he’d

called the Fianna, a Lycan, and how he had married a woman named Meru who was a
direct descendant of the ancient druid leader, Áine.

Badger recognized the name. Her people had passed down the story of a book that

would appear and a prophecy. The brooding warrior had glanced quickly at Linnea
before confirming that, yes, the book had appeared to this Meru person and the
prophecy was very real.

He proceeded to spin a tale about beings called Archons, dimensional portals and

one particularly nasty Archon named Enlil, who wanted to escape from his prison to
enslave all of humanity.

And her daughter was somehow involved in this?
“When the second stanza of the prophecy appeared—”
“Appeared?” Linnea fell back against the booth in silence when Hawk raised one

meaningful eyebrow in her direction. She couldn’t breathe until he turned back to

“It mentioned Linnea’s daughter.”
Badger leaned forward in fascination. “What, exactly, did it say?”
Linnea tilted her head as she studied the blush stealing up the bronze warrior’s

neck. That was interesting. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “The eyes of the hawk

watch over the daughter of my spirit. A guardian of human born, pure and innocent in her
power, will seek to find the light no other can behold.

Chills raced up Linnea’s spine. He’d stared directly into her eyes as he recited from

memory. The eyes of the hawk…those flickering, changing eyes of his. Hawk.

She felt as if she’d walked into one of those fairy stories she used to read to Crystal

before her daughter had turned two and informed her that she was too old for that sort
of thing.

Badger seemed to understand the prophecy, telling her that when she’d arrived

with Crystal, they’d seen such a powerful light in the girl that they’d known in an
instant she was special. Not like them, but still, not your average human babe.

When they’d seen how terrified Linnea had been, how protective she seemed of the

little one, they’d decided to help that protection along, shielding the child from any
magickal or non-magickal inquiries. And for three years, it had worked. Until last night.

Her friend had looked at her pointedly, obviously expecting her story in return, but

luck was on her side in the form of her daughter.


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Crystal had leapt onto Badger’s lap, regaling her with her victory over Bear. Linnea

knew she had been stalling, but she’d held her secret so close for so long, it was hard to
let it go. To trust.

They’d gotten a few things at the all-in-one shop next to the restaurant. Her Viking

had purchased a pair of black jeans and a faded black band T-shirt that matched the one
she’d purchased once she realized that hers was torn. To Linnea, he’d looked more
dangerous than he had in his brown leathers.

Apparently he’d used the phone while he’d gone to change, because he said he’d

received orders to rendezvous with someone named Raj in Tennessee. Neither Badger
nor Bear questioned his pronouncement, so Linnea kept her mouth shut. But she had a
million questions. About him. About where they were going. What she’d seen.

A few hours into their drive, Crystal had gotten grumpy. She wanted to visit with

Auntie Badger. She wanted to watch TV in Auntie Badger’s ‘bus’.

Linnea knew her daughter was overtired. None of them had gotten enough sleep

the night before, so they pulled over and let her join the couple in the RV.

Which left her alone with a stranger who knew her more intimately than anyone

she’d ever been with. A liar whose tongue had brought her to nirvana, whose cock
was…she had to stop thinking about it.

She shifted in her seat, her arousal soaking her underwear as her body remembered

what her mind was struggling to forget. It felt like he’d turned on some sexual switch
inside her and, no matter how logical her reasons for disliking him, no matter how
important it was to stay in control around him, she couldn’t turn it off.

Linnea.” There was a tone in his voice. A rough, needy tone that she had not heard

since their first encounter in the gardens. She looked at him from the corner of her eye,
noticed his white knuckled grip on the steering wheel of the Rambler, the tension in his

One hand left the steering wheel to caress her thigh. Linnea was so shocked by the

touch that she jumped. His grip tightened and she could feel the heat of his palm
through the denim, a part of her wishing the barrier away.

He released her and reached into the back seat, tossing the bag of what she’d

thought was his previous outfit on her lap. “Put this on.”

Linnea raised her eyebrow, curiosity making her open the bag to take a peek.
It was a full-length indigo blue broom skirt. It was really rather pretty. She

recognized it from her perusal of the clothing racks while they’d been waiting for him
to change. She might have chosen to wear it had he not just ordered her to.

“No, thank you.” She went to place the bag behind her, but he gripped her wrist,

turning to pin her with narrowed eyes—amber eyes.

“Okay, that weird trick of yours is starting to freak me out.” She chuckled

nervously as she attempted to dislodge his fingers. “Would you please keep your eyes
on the road?”


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He turned his head. His grip on her wrist relaxed, his thumb gently caressing the

rapid pulse there. “If you don’t take off those jeans and put that skirt on,” his voice was
almost gentle. “I will pull over and take them off for you. If I stop this car, it won’t be
going anywhere until I’ve had you again.”

“Why?” Had all the air had been sucked out of the car? She could hardly breathe.

All her attention was focused on the arousing touch of his circling thumb. The low hum
of arousal within her began to swell, just thinking about what he could do to her, what
he had already done.

“I can’t touch you through those things. And I want to touch you. I need to touch

you. I want to know I can slide my fingers through those damp curls and into your hot,
tight pussy whenever I please. To lift that skirt and take you, anytime, anywhere.”

She heard a quiet moan and realized it came from her. The raw, gritty words had

her pressing her thighs together, her hands trembling with need. She wanted him to
touch her. To press her up against a tree, the car. To take her anywhere he wanted, as
long as he took her.

Her tongue came out to wet her dry lips and she took a deep breath, trying to slow

her racing pulse. “I have a condition.”

His shoulders seemed to relax at her words, as if sensing victory was near. He

released her wrist, allowing her to pull the plastic bag back into her lap.

“I’m not unable to compromise.” His lips quirked up, his attempt at a harmless,

magnanimous smile, she supposed.

“I want answers. What your real name is for starters…HawkBradVal.”
A tense, blank expression came over his face once more, his eyes shifting in her

direction before turning back to the road. The car was silent for a few moments and she
prayed he would give in, give them both what they wanted.

“Pants first.”
She nodded jerkily, her body on fire with arousal as she pulled out the broom skirt

and ripped off the tags before setting the bag in the seat behind her. She couldn’t
believe she was doing this.

Some feminist corner of her mind was burning her bra in protest, but she couldn’t

make herself care. The reasons behind his command were too exciting, too much of
exactly what she wanted.

She slid the skirt over her shoes and up her jean clad legs, her hands beneath the

folds lowering her zipper when she caught his raised brow. “You didn’t say how I had
to put it on.”

He wisely refrained from commenting as she slipped out of the confining denim,

tossing them atop the rustling bag. She looked at him expectantly. And waited. She
shifted in her seat, the light, cool material sliding against her sensitive skin.

And waited.


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He looked pointedly down at her lap, where her hands were clenching and

unclenching with impatience.

“Those too.”
It took her a moment to catch the meaning behind his curt command. When she

did, her face turned red with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. The desire won
and she quickly shed her panties, crumpling them up in a ball and shoving them
beneath the seat.

“Anything else?” She tried to sound put out, but her voice caught. Her breath was

coming a bit too fast, her heart pounding.

He slid his hand away from the steering wheel once more, touching the fabric of the

skirt teasingly before gathering it in his hands, pulling slowly, torturing her, until he
had bared her legs to his view.

She looked down at his large calloused hand, dark bronze against the pale skin of

her thighs. He curved his palm, the tips of his fingers so close to that spot she ached for
him to touch, and he tugged. Linnea followed his silent direction, spreading her legs
wider, her fascinated gaze clouding at that first electric brush against her clit.

“The woman who was taken, Sheridan is her name. Meru’s cousin.” He tugged

slightly on the curls at the juncture of her thighs before sliding his fingers lower,
caressing here, pressing there, learning her. She leaned her head back against the seat,
turning to gaze at him through narrowed eyes.

“She calls me Brad as a joke. Thinks I look like an actor.”
He turned to wink at her and her breath came out in a sigh. “I saw a few of his

movies. Personally, I think she’s underestimated my appeal.”

She moaned her agreement as he thrust two blunt fingers deep without warning.

Her hips instinctively arched against his hand, craving the deeper contact, needing to be
filled. He answered the plea by slipping a third finger inside her. She nearly cried out at
the delicious stretch.

“Fuck, you’re wet, Linnea. Is all that for me?” He took a deep breath. “As for Hawk

and Val, well, that’s complicated. I can honestly say neither is a lie. Sometimes I’m
Hawk. Sometimes Val.”

“Wh-why? And what am I suppo-supposed to call you?” She was rocking faster,

her hips nearly lifting off her seat as she focused more on the sensations than his words.
It seemed he too had lost his train of thought, just as affected as she.

“That’s right. That is so sexy, baby. Fuck my hand.” She reached down and covered

his hand with her own, pressing him deeper, harder.

“Hawk , Linnea. I want to hear you say it. Call my name as you soak my fingers.

Come for me. Now.”

“Hawk! Oh God. Hawk.” She flew apart as she came for him, every nerve in her

body alive with sensation. She sobbed out his name over and over as the muscles of her
sex contracted around his still thrusting fingers.


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After a few moments, she opened her eyes and rolled her head lazily in his

direction. He was still touching her, twirling his fingers through her saturated curls,
tenderly pressing the lips of her sex. Her eyes lowered. His jeans looked uncomfortable,
barely containing his erection now straining against the shiny silver buttons. Her hand
began to slide across the seat. Maybe she could help.

“No.” She jerked her hand back, looking up at him in question. “If you touch me

now, I’ll have to take you. I won’t care who’s looking on. I want you too much. And
now is not the time.”

“Why?” She was surprised at her boldness. It wasn’t like her. She wanted him to

pull over. She wanted him to fuck her. She wanted to kneel right there on the side of the
road before him and take his cock into her mouth.

She had no shame.
His fingers lifted and she protested, gripping his wrist with both hands. He was too

strong. He pressed them to her lips, looking at her as the car slowed. “Lick.”

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, skin tingling with excitement. Her tongue came out

as she held his gaze, tentative at first, then greedy.

She sucked his fingers into her mouth, loving the glow of his eyes, loving the growl

rumbling in his chest.

Enough.” He pulled his hand away, pulling it close to his face, breathing in deep

before licking her remaining juices off himself.

The car had stopped. Would he take her now? But no, the RV holding her friends,

holding her child, had stopped as well just ahead. What had she been thinking? She
lowered her skirt and ran a shaking hand through her tangled hair.

“Why are we stopping?” She couldn’t look at him. How could she have lost herself

so completely? With her child only a car length ahead of her? What kind of mother was

“Linnea, stop.” Hawk stopped her from opening the car door. “We did nothing

wrong. You did nothing wrong. You will not regret this.”

“I will not regret this? Are you actually trying to order my feelings? That isn’t how

it works, Hawk.” She saw him sigh heavily, closing his eyes for a moment as if trying to
find the words.

“Please, don’t regret this.” The rough whisper melted Linnea’s already shattered

defenses and she couldn’t resist the impulse to raise her hand to his cheek. His lids
lifted, the golden amber searching her own plain gaze, finding what he needed as he
pressed his stubbled cheek against her palm.

“Mommy! Mommy? What are you guys doing in there? Come see, Mommy. Hurry.

You’re missing it.” The little fist pounding on the glass behind Hawk made Linnea smile.

She hopped out of the car quickly, leaving Hawk behind as she smiled at her

daughter’s obvious excitement. “What am I missing, Boo? What has you jumping
around like you’ve got ants in your pants?”


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Crystal giggled at her mother’s words before grabbing her hand and tugging, using

her other to point at the sky. Linnea saw Badger and Bear standing beside their vehicle,
squinting upward as well.

She followed their rapt gazes and saw…nothing. Well, a few white clouds, a whole

lot of blue sky, but other than that, nothing. Not even a plane.

“Can someone give me a hint?”
Her daughter looked over at her, shocked. “You can’t see him? You really can’t see


Linnea felt Hawk’s hot hands on her shoulders, pulling her back against him as he

looked down at her child. “Crystal, he doesn’t like for everybody to see him. Not
everybody can see what you can, isn’t that right?”

“Yes.” Crystal murmured, looking properly chastened. “But Mommy isn’t

everybody. She’s Mommy. And he’s so big.”

She was tensing up. So there was some giant male thing hovering in the sky that

everyone could see but her? She didn’t like the sound of that.

“Can you show a little courtesy, Dragon Boy? Drop the illusion for the lady.”

Dragon Boy? Linnea pulled her child closer and pressed back against Hawk’s powerful
chest. She blinked rapidly, hardly believing her eyes as the outline of a figure began to
descend from above her down onto the grassy roadside.

It was a dragon. Fiercely beautiful—more so than any depiction she’d ever seen. Its

long, serpentine body glimmered like a jewel in the sky.

The sun reflected off its gold and ruby scales as it landed lightly on the ground

before her, folding the deceptively thin, iridescent wings into its body.

The face was beautiful, noble. Its golden snout lowered respectfully toward its

audience, emerald eyes so kind that Linnea could feel no fear. And then something

A light green mist enveloped the mythical animal, shrouding its body, hiding it

from view. When it dissipated, a man stood where the dragon had been.

Linnea heard Badger’s inhalation even as she sighed. Magnificent. Just as regal and

glorious as he had been in his other form.

He stood silent as they all took him in, seeming to understand they needed a

moment to process his transformation. His eyes were the same brilliant emerald they’d
been in his other form. His features had a decidedly Asian feel, the exotic tilt of his eyes,
the high cheekbones. A long braid of thick ebony hair curved over one shoulder, dark
against the white of his shirt. For some reason, Linnea felt the urge to bow.

“Enough posing, D.B., I thought we were meeting you in Memphis.”
The man smiled at Hawk’s irritated words, but his eyes were focused on Crystal.

“Just a slight change in plans. And please, at least introduce me correctly before you
start in with the nicknames.” His voice was like a melody and Linnea found herself
leaning toward him, entranced.


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He stepped toward her child and the bubble burst. She stood in front of her

daughter protectively. His smile only widened. “Now that is a beautiful thing to see.
And exactly as it should be. Especially for this particular little one.”

He took her hand in his, bowing formally at the waist. She glanced back at the

stewing Hawk, unsure what to think. The man lifted his head and caught her gaze once

“I am called Raj. And I am yours to command.”


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Chapter Six

Hawk shifted uncomfortably as he watched the studious dragon prince charm

Linnea. And while his strongest inclination was to throw that fire starter off the nearest
pier, he knew that he could not face a Horde attack like last night’s on his own. Not
while ensuring the safety of Linnea and her child.

Not helping matters was the hostility he was sensing from Val. He had felt his

twin’s mental withdrawal, his anger, but he had no idea how to resolve the situation.

It was neither the time nor place to explain everything to the already overwhelmed

Linnea. Just imagine her reaction if he’d informed her that he was two men in one, three
beings if you counted the primal berserker spirit. She would have thought him a

Even if she believed him, he knew she would eventually ask him how it had

happened. How they had been cursed. And what was he to tell her then? That an angry
Archon, posing as a goddess who in turn was posing as a seer, had been angry that he
hadn’t brought her to climax? That she had been jealous of the simple Celtic lass that
held his heart?

You think she would find it any harder to believe than all you have told her, all she has

witnessed so far? She seems ready enough to accept a man who just flew down from the sky in
the form of a dragon. I think Linnea’s strong enough to handle it.

“But I may not be.” Hawk mumbled under his breath. He knew his brother was

right. In truth, he had no idea why he had hesitated.

When she’d demanded answers, his blood had chilled in his veins. He hadn’t

wanted to tell her. So he’d distracted her instead. A distraction he had wanted to
continue more than he wanted to take his next breath.

She’d been so responsive to his commands, to his touch. It had taken all his

concentration to keep the car on the road.

When he’d seen the dragon flying overhead and Bear pulling over, he’d inwardly

cursed the distraction. He knew this was neither the time nor the place for what he had
in mind. But soon. It had to be soon. He had to have her again.

You have to tell her.
He knew it. But now was not the time. Hawk stepped forward and gestured Raj

over to the other side of the vehicle. “Finn?”

Raj lost his urbane smile, his expression instantly serious. “Unknown. He came and

informed me of the circumstances, then disappeared. Both he and Sheridan are off our


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A nearly impossible task, Hawk knew. Between Myrrdin, a powerful Archon and

friend to the Fianna, Meru’s special gifts and Raj, being unable to find those two could
only mean trouble.

“How are the others?”
“Meru and Lily are beside themselves with grief and worry. Meru is blaming

herself and Fletcher had to sedate Lily to keep her from going off to find her daughter.”

Hawk was not surprised that Fletcher, the strange blue Changeling who was

attached to Myrrdin’s hip, and now by association to Lily’s, would do whatever it took
to protect his charges. He was a loyal, if pompous, little man.

“So what is the plan?”
“I’m here in Finn’s stead. The girl is half Fae, Hawk. Not only that, Finn is fairly

certain she’s of noble blood. That is why he was able to track her energy. When he saw
her, he knew. The energy wasn’t just similar, it was identical in almost every way.”

Hawk looked over his shoulder at Linnea, who was talking intently with Badger, a

very energetic Crystal soaring around them with her arms outstretched. Pretending to
be a dragon, no doubt. “And that means what exactly?”

Raj leaned against the bumper of the RV, folding his arms across his chest. “You

know the Tuatha Dé Danaan have a very interesting hierarchy. Levels of nobles, each
caste or family house charged with certain tasks, from maintaining the portal to
recording family histories…to guarding enchanted objects of unimaginable power. One
house in particular has the job of protecting the Claíomh Solais, the Sword of Light. It has
been kept from sight with a very powerful spell made eons ago.

“It can only be seen by the firstborn of the house in question. Each time a child is

born, the ability to see and touch it leaves the previous heir and is transferred to their
eldest child.

“It is that child’s job to keep the Sword hidden until they pass on their legacy to the

next generation or until such time as they deem the situation dire enough, the cause
noble enough, to grant its use to another. It is their responsibility, and theirs alone, to
make that determination. Or should I say, it was their responsibility.”

Raj looked over at Crystal as he continued, in a much softer voice. “Apparently the

heir to this legacy died and, as the only child, it was believed the Claíomh Solais was lost
forever. But his death does not explain how a new heir, only four years of age, can have
suddenly appeared. Not when the son in question was supposedly lost in battle with
the Dark more than two hundred years ago.”

Hawk had a bad feeling as to where this was heading. “So her existence means…”
“Her existence means that the son and heir of the house of Morrigan, the house of

the High Queen—is still alive. Still alive for all these years without returning home to
claim his title. And from what you heard Eonis say before he took Sheridan, he wants
his daughter back. Which can only mean he wants the sword.”


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Linnea had conceived a child with the High Prince of the Tuatha? He’d met the

bastard long ago. Egotistical, vainglorious prick.

Never had a lack of female companionship, though Hawk had always thought that

had more to do with his position than his winning personality. The High Queen had
indulged him beyond reason.

Which is why they’d all been surprised when he’d run off to battle a rogue group of

Dark with just a small contingent of Faerie Guards. None of them had ever returned.

The queen had been mad with grief. She had recalled Finn, begging him to find her

child. To find those who attacked him. But there was no trace. He was gone.

Raj nodded somberly. “Torin.”
He stood and looked around alertly. “The open road is not a safe place to be. There

is a place nearby, off-beat and off the beaten path. We need to decide on a course of

“And I need to determine exactly what the child knows. Teach her what she’ll need

to learn before she faces any further danger. Finn should be guiding her, but I have
studied the Tuatha’s scrolls in detail over the years. I will do what I can.”

Hawk nodded and headed back to the Rambler, gesturing to Linnea. He didn’t

know what to think of what he’d learned. He couldn’t wrap his brain around it. How
could she have fallen for that slimy Faerie Prince? Had she any idea who she’d been
dealing with?

He looked at Crystal and felt his heart melt. She was a happy, adorable little girl.

He could see Linnea in her smile. How could he begrudge Linnea the daughter she so
obviously adored because he was jealous that another man, a man he disdained, had
had her first? He consoled himself that no matter who she’d known before, he would be
her last.

Linnea looked over at him, hand on her hip, eyebrow raised at his wordless

command. Picking her chattering daughter up in her arms, she followed a grinning
Badger into the large RV, closing the door with a resounding snap behind her.

Raj strolled over to the passenger side of the Rambler, trying, without much

success, to repress his mirth.

“I guess I’ll be riding with you.”
“Oh joy.”

* * * * *

This is where we’re staying?” Linnea looked up at the saddest looking shack of a

motel she’d ever seen. The porch roof drooped under the weight of the partially lit neon
sign. “The Heartbreak Motel?”


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“Well, we are close to Memphis. Elvis is still the King around here.” Badger

chuckled as she threw her backpack over her shoulder, followed closely by her quiet,
smiling husband.

“E., the proprietress, is a bit unusual.” Raj informed her with a quirk of his lips.

“And she is certainly a big fan of you-know-who, but she’s very discreet. Not to
mention she has a wonderful collection of books on the widespread cultural
ramifications of Rock and Roll. Trust me, this is literally the safest place on Earth.”

She rolled her eyes. The beautiful man-dragon was swiftly losing his charm.

Especially since he’d brought them to this eyesore and told her they’d be staying for the
night. Safest place on Earth? She snorted.

The dingy glass door opened to a bell tinkling that sounded suspiciously like Love

me Tender—and her eyes were immediately drawn to where her daughter stood on a
chair in front of the counter, stuffing her face with candy corn.

Jack-o’-lanterns and black cats made out of plastic lined every available space on

the wall. That is, those spaces that weren’t taken up with paintings, drawings, mounted
plates and velvet renderings of the King of Rock and Roll.

She had almost forgotten that Halloween was so close. Two days away. Crystal

loved Halloween. They’d have to forgo it this year. She’d make it up to her as soon as
all this insanity was over.

“Welcome to The Heartbreak Motel. Not to be confused with The Heartbreak

Hotel—which was created and sanctioned by Graceland Estates. Under no
circumstances are the Motel and Hotel affiliated in any way, shape or form, barring the
similar sounding names.”

The older woman with the large beehive wig and false eyelashes took a breath, then

shrugged in apology. “Sorry. I have to say that. Court order. Hey there, Raj, my boy!”

Raj smiled and nodded genially, leaning over the counter to buss the lady’s

blushing cheek. “We need two rooms for the night, E. You have anything available?”

Linnea, who hadn’t noticed a single vehicle parked in front, raised her eyebrows at

Raj. Hawk closed in behind her and she was immediately distracted.

E. looked over her head at the broad shouldered blond and grinned knowingly as

she fiddled with a necklace shaped like a tiny golden flute around her neck.

“I have just the thing. Two perfect rooms.” She turned and grasped the distinctive

key rings. Both with small, dangling Elvis figurines.

She handed one to Crystal, who opened her sticky orange fingers to grasp the large

ring. “The Jungle Room. You should have a blast in there, young one.”

She reached across the counter and placed the other in front of Linnea and Hawk.

“And there is the key to the only other room that is fit for guests.”

She giggled like a schoolgirl as she looked over at Raj. “I call it The Blue Hawaii. It’s

the Honeymoon Suite. I think you two will enjoy it.”


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Hawk grabbed the keys and rushed Linnea out the door. She whirled around to

glare up at him suspiciously. His expression was far too innocent. She had a feeling he
had given the interesting E. some sort of gesture or facial expression that would lead
her to believe they were a couple that desired privacy.

Crystal led the others, skipping ahead up the stairs, chattering a mile a minute on

the start of a sugar high that Linnea knew would last for hours.

Hawk drew her attention, sliding his arm around her waist and pulling her up

against him and underneath the staircase. She immediately lost her ire at the look in his

“You and I have some unfinished business, Linnea.” He slid his large hands down,

gripping her bare ass beneath the thin material of her skirt. She was embarrassed to
realize that not only had she forgotten her state of undress, but her underwear was still
balled up under the seat of the Rambler. He pulled her snugly into the vee of his thighs,
the length of his hardening shaft pressed against her belly, distracting her.

“I want you.” The breath rushed out of her lungs. Those three simple, desire-laced

words filled her with a matching need. She wanted him too.

She couldn’t explain it. This was neither the time nor the place. But she couldn’t

deny the attraction. She hadn’t forgotten how he had made her feel in the woods, in the
car, every time he touched her. Her body responded to his as if it belonged to him.
She’d never felt this way before.

“We’ll get everyone settled first.” Hawk released her without waiting for an

answer, though it wasn’t in her mind to resist. His hand was hot against her back as he
guided her up the stairs, dropping her off at The Jungle Room before taking her bag to
the room they would share.

The door to the room was ajar and she could hear the melodic, sensual tones of Raj

mingling with her daughter’s sweet, light voice as they spoke.

Raj was kneeling beside her, Crystal nodding as she listened with rapt attention. “I

will help to teach you what you’ve asked, I vow it, little one. But first you must tell me
what you know of The Sword of Light. And how. Did your mother tell you?”

Linnea was about to go and box his ears for harassing her daughter, dragon or no,

when Crystal answered. “No. She never talked about it. Not ever. I’ve always known,
though. I wanted to tell her where it is. I wanted to give it to her. But she is too afraid of
the bad man.”

“The bad man?”
Crystal leaned toward Raj and whispered. “She has dreams about him sometimes. I

think he’s my Daddy. But he’s a bad man. He wanted to use me to see the sword, since
he couldn’t anymore. He hadn’t been able to for a long, long time, cause it won’t show
itself to bad guys. Then he was going to kill me and Mommy too.”

She lifted her chin, pride in her large, violet eyes. “Mommy is a hero. She saved us.

But she needs help too. So I’ve been learning.”


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“I carried the jouster’s bags so they’d train me about the horses. I know a Gypsy

curse and I’m not afraid of fire. Jonathon said he would teach me to eat it! If the bad
man comes to get her, I can save her too.”

She got a calculating look in her eyes as she gazed at Raj. “I bet you can show me

how to breathe fire for real. Maybe even how to fly.”

Raj began to explain to Crystal that dragons didn’t actually breathe fire, that that

was just a story and in reality they used an ability similar to the one called pyrokinesis.

“Pyro! That’s what Mommy calls Joe and Jonathon. See, it’s the same thing.”
Linnea took a step back, her shoulders shaking with surprised laughter. One finger

wiped a stray tear that had fallen from her eyes. She looked up at Hawk, overcome.

“She knew. How could she know, Hawk? I never told anyone and she wasn’t

even—and she’s been protecting me—” She broke off on a sob that he quickly muffled
by pulling her into his embrace. So different from the way he’d touched her only
moments ago, but just as right.

She’d always said Crystal was special, always known, but she’d never fully grasped

it until this moment. That her baby knew about Tory, knew that her father was a “bad
man”. Knew about that damn sword he cared for more than he cared for his own flesh
and blood.

Heck, she thought as she sobbed into Hawk’s chest, Crystal probably knew far

more about it than she did. How could she protect her? Even the four year old she had
been so determined to shelter had her doubts.

“You love her.” The voice behind her had her turning quickly and wiping her eyes.

Raj stood alone in the doorway, the sound of Bear’s grumbles and Crystal’s squealing
laughter ringing through the opening.

“You heard her just now. You are her mother. It is natural for you to wish to take

this burden from her. To know that you can’t must make your own burden that much
harder. But you love her. She knew, even as a babe, that you loved her enough to risk
your life to save her. And she loves you just as much. She will need that love to help her
through to her destiny and all that will follow.”

Linnea couldn’t help but be eased by what Raj was saying. Though she wished she

didn’t feel so helpless. She was no swooning, big bosomed heroine straight off a
romance cover. She was a modern woman. She had a degree in marketing and she kept
the books for a group of highly disorganized actors, all while raising a prodigy on the

And yet in this situation, where everyone seemed to have abilities beyond her

comprehension, including her own offspring, she felt lost.

Love would not save her daughter from the monsters that had come after them the

other night. While it could ease the sting of harsh words or a stubbed toe, love could not
shield her from physical harm—no matter how much she wished otherwise.


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“Thank you, Dragon Boy. That was as eloquent and enigmatic as ever.”
“Mommy! Look what I can do.” Linnea smiled at the men as she headed through

the door, needing to be with her child.

A few hours later, after the inevitable candy corn crash, Crystal was asleep. Badger

was knitting as she reclined on the bed beside her and Bear lay on the floor at the foot of
the leopard print king, his halberd within gripping distance, his snoring so loud that
Linnea could swear the room was vibrating.

Raj walked her to the door. “I will keep watch. You are only two doors down. And

there is nothing you can do here tonight but listen to our friend’s sweet nasal lullaby.”

She chuckled, though she couldn’t help her nervousness. Hawk had gone to ‘their’

room an hour ago, his look meaningful as he left. She knew that he was waiting. And a
part of her felt like a virgin on her wedding night. This would be the first time they’d
done anything in a private room with a bed. Could she handle it? Could she handle

“They are good men.”
“They?” She looked at Raj, confused.
His eyes widened for a moment. A quick surprised expression before smoothing

out into his usual serene expression. “They all are—the Fianna. I guess what I meant to
say is that you can trust him.”

“Aren’t you a part of their group too?”
Raj shrugged, looking a bit uncomfortable. “In a way, I suppose I am. Though I’m

more researcher than guardian. But we all do our part to protect this world from the

She smiled and hugged him, something in his voice sounding so lonely and…lost.

Raj looked down at her and grinned. “Sweet dreams, good mother.”

Linnea said a soft goodnight and slipped out the door. Walking past the vacant

room on her way to the Hawaiian Honeymoon Suite, her nerves fired, her hands grew

She placed her hand on the knob, but before she could turn it, it was wrenched out

of her hands as the door opened from the inside.

A shirtless Hawk stood with the light of the room behind him. So tall and imposing.

Impatient. He didn’t say a word, just stepped back and to the side, silently inviting her
in. Daring her.

Her jaw dropped as she looked around the room they were to share. Blue Hawaii

indeed, she thought with an inward snort. The only relationship to a Hawaiian theme
could be seen on the far wall.

It was a huge mural of a lovely beach, filled with barely clad hula dancers

surrounding a gyrating Elvis.


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Other than that, she thought the room looked as if someone had said, “Take the

tackiest, most mismatched pile of seventies porno furniture you can find and place it all
in this one room.”

That sweet Mrs. E. did this?
Where The Jungle Room had had a sitting area, this room was all about the bed. It

was massive. Large and heart shaped, it was draped in dark red velvet.

Against the wall where the headboard should be, she saw red silk rope, tied

together lattice style, climbing up the wall. What on earth was that for?

She took another, more hesitant step in, her feet sinking into the lush zebra striped

carpet as she noticed the whirlpool tub. Right in the middle of the room it sat in the
shape of the biggest champagne glass she had ever seen.

Real champagne was chilling in an ice bucket beside it, along with an assortment of

chocolate. Mrs. E. must have come in while they were with the others.

Over in the far corner, near the mural, there was a large, gaudily painted chest

labeled Honeymoon Sweets. She wasn’t going near that.

Above the chest, a swing dangled from a strong, black cord connected to the ceiling.

The ceiling. Linnea choked, laughing and gasping at the same time. The section of
ceiling above the bed was mirrored. How was she supposed to sleep in this room?

“I’m almost afraid to look in the bathroom.” She looked over her shoulder,

laughing, certain she would find Hawk convulsed in the same state of mirth that she
was feeling. She was wrong.

He stood exactly where she’d left him, beside the now closed door. His arms down

at his sides, fists clenched with restraint. His cheekbones were flushed and dark, those
full lips tight. His amber eyes were burning as he stared, unblinking, with clear intent.

“Take them off.”
She tilted her head in question, her heart pounding like a jackhammer in her chest.

“Take what off?”

His eyes closed and he inhaled sharply, obviously struggling for patience. “The

clothes, Linnea. All of them. Take them off now.”

Shock and a surprising avalanche of need overwhelmed her. She should walk out.

She should slap his dictatorial face. But she was instantly trembling with arousal at his
words. At the obvious need on his face. The evidence of his desire straining against his
partially undone jeans.

She stared at the sparse trail of golden hair beneath his navel, thickening as it

disappeared under the denim. She licked her lips and he growled in warning.

Swallowing at the sudden dryness in her throat, she nodded jerkily and lifted her

hands to the hem of her shirt, pulling it quickly over her head and tossing it on the
ground beside her. She slid off her shoes and shimmied quickly out of her skirt, looking
toward the mural, the bed, anywhere but in his direction.


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“Linnea. Linnea, look at me.” She couldn’t deny the harsh plea in his voice. His eyes

were a physical caress on her skin as he studied her. When he caught her gaze, she

There could be no doubting his approval, his arousal at the sight of her. All her

insecurities flew out the window. This man—this sexy, amazingly strong warrior,
wanted her.

His hands went to the remaining buttons on his jeans. He undid them slowly,

watching her watch him until the last one was free. He slid them down and stepped out
of them until he was standing there as naked as she.

Glorious. She couldn’t help but stare. He was impossibly beautiful. She was no

artist and yet her hands itched to sculpt him. His torso, bare of hair and golden bronze,
rippled with muscle. His thighs were thick, powerful. Even his feet were things of
beauty. How fair was that?

But it was the area framed by the soft thatch of golden curls that drew and held her

attention. Linnea felt a rush of liquid pool at her thighs, drenching her as she tried but
failed to pull her gaze away from the erection hardening further before her eyes. The
inner walls of her sex tightened, aching and empty, longing to be filled with him.

He was so big. The head of his cock was wide, the shaft thick, the skin stretched so

tight she could see the veins pulsing with the beat of his heart. Linnea felt that insane
mixture of feminine fear and yearning. The desire to run combined with the need to

Hawk walked to where she stood beside the bed. His hand gripped his cock tightly,

milking his shaft as he continued to watch her without a word. He sat on the edge of the
bed beside her and she took an instinctive step toward him.

“I should spank you.”
She froze at his words.
“I should bend you over my knees and spank that sweet ass until it glows a pretty

pink for making me wait.” She shivered at the sensual threat, her nipples tightening to
diamond points before his eyes.

He groaned, his hand leaving his cock to pull her closer. His mouth latched on to

her breast, sucking one nipple hard against the roof of his mouth, hands sliding around
to grip the cheeks of her ass.

He lightly traced her breast with his tongue, his breath harsh against her skin. “For

an hour, Linnea, I paced this room, imagining all the things I wanted to do to you.
Forcing myself not to come over there and throw you over my shoulder. Telling myself
to wait for you to decide to come to me. I wasn’t sure you would.”

Linnea heard the rough confession and felt her heart skip. She heard the naked

need in his voice. She pulled back from his talented mouth and the hands gripping her
ass tightened in warning.


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“Let me.” She looked into his eyes and smiled, lowering her body until she was

kneeling between his thighs, his hands sliding up her back to her shoulders. She
wrapped her slender fingers around the base of his shaft and he hissed, his eyes
narrowing dangerously.

“Thank you for waiting.” She leaned forward and placed her mouth around the

silken head of his cock.

His hoarse shout as her tongue swiped the plum shaped head made her shiver. She

moaned against his heated flesh, distracted by the dark, salty taste of him, the scent of
his arousal.

She licked his shaft, paying close attention to each curve, each vein, the sensitive

area beneath the head of his cock. Her fingers barely met around his thickness as she
held him tight in her fist, holding him still for her pleasure.

Hawk slid his fingers into her short, cropped hair and tugged. She peered up,

seeing him, seeing herself in the mirror above them. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks
flushed and her lips damp and swollen.

She looked like a willing concubine, kneeling in sexual supplication. She’d never

felt so sexy. His grasp tightened, drawing her attention to his eyes.

“You’re teasing me.” His thumb reached down to press against her lips. Slipping it

quickly inside her mouth, she sucked hard as she challenged him with her eyes.

“And you know it, don’t you? If you want to thank me, Linnea, thank me properly.

Take me in your mouth.” He guided her with a gentle tug, watching her reactions
closely as he slipped his thumb out of her mouth and nudged his cock against her lips.

She allowed her lips to part and slide down his shaft, doing exactly as he asked.

Technically. She wasn’t sure what imp was making her push him, to see how far she
could go before he lost control.

Hawk’s hands tightened on her hair convulsively. He slid one of them down to play

with her breasts, flicking her nipples until she moaned, the vibration causing him to
growl, low and needy. “I love how responsive you are here. How sensitive you are to
my touch.”

He rolled one hardened point between his finger and thumb and she gasped. So


Hawk pressed his length deeper. He hit the back of her throat and she gave up the

struggle, closing her lips tight around him, her cheeks hollowing as she swallowed him
down greedily.

“Oh Gods, Linnea, yes. Suck me. Suck my cock. Just like that.”
He was lifting his hips off the bed, fucking her mouth, his head thrown back, eyes

closed. It thrilled her more than she’d ever imagined. Made her feel powerful.

She had brought him here. She had done this. She relaxed her throat and took him

deeper, her mouth stretched tight around his thick erection.


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She slid one hand down between her legs, desperately seeking relief from her

aching arousal, but he sensed the movement. The hand on her breast dropped down to
grab her wrist. She looked up in surprise.

“Not this way, Linnea. I need to be inside you. I need to feel you come around my

cock. I’ve thought of nothing else.” In one quick, flowing maneuver that had her
gasping, Hawk slid out of her mouth, lifted her off her knees and tossed her on the bed,
face down.

She tried to lift up to look over her shoulder, but he raised her hips high, her legs

dangling off the edge as he stood between them beside the bed, every inch the
conquering warrior.

Hawk spread the cheeks of her delectable ass wide with his thumbs, his breathing

harsh as he stared at her, spread open for him like a feast. His body trembled with the
restraint it took not to plunge his cock into that tight tempting hole. He was hard as
steel at the thought of fucking her there.

She wasn’t ready and he knew it. She seemed so fragile. Willowy and slender, he

worried he might break her in his grip. And yet she teased him, pushed him. Accepted
whatever he gave.

He pressed closer, his cock slipping through the thick cream that dripped from her

swollen pussy, coated her thighs. Odin’s beard, she was burning him alive. He slid his
now dripping cock up the crevice of her ass, tempted beyond all endurance.

His jaw clenched, teeth grinding as he heard the voice of reason shouting in his

head. He groaned aloud, changing direction and thrusting hard.

He heard her scream his name, her back bowing off the bed as he pressed through

her swollen folds, fucking her hard and fast, as deep as he could go.

It was better than he remembered. Better than anything he’d ever felt in his life. He

watched as she grasped the coverlet, clenching the red velvet for purchase as he
stretched her wide, cramming her full of his cock.

Hawk felt the predator within him rise up, reveling in the claiming of its mate. His

mate. His woman. Linnea.

He reached across the bed for a large, velvet covered pillow, placing it under her

hips to keep them tilted high, never slowing his merciless pace even as she cried out in
pleasure, the flood of her arousal further easing his way, the scent of her filling his

He leaned forward, his knees pressed hard against the bed, hands reaching up to

cup her breasts in a rough caress. His lips pressed against her shoulder and she turned
her head, blindly seeking his mouth with her own.

An electric lash of sensation whipped up his legs, his spine, and he knew he was

close. He wanted to hold off, wanted it to last, wanted to go on fucking his woman until


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he died from it, from the ecstasy. And then she was coming again, her muscles milking
him, so tight around his aching shaft that he shouted, pumping her full of every drop of
his come until he stilled, his body trembling with the force of his climax.

After a moment, he became aware of his weight resting heavily on the trembling

body beneath him.

Guilt washed over him at his rough treatment. She deserved more than some coarse

uncivilized oaf in full rut. He was a bastard.

He stood and lifted her lax body from the bed in silence, carrying her to the suite’s

large, garish bathroom. He washed her beneath the soothing warmth of the shower,
from head to toe. Trying to show her without words how precious she was to him, how

She barely opened her eyes, but her lips were curled in a soft, satisfied smile and

her body curled into his gentled hands as if she enjoyed his touch, as if she trusted him.
It was an encouraging sign.

Drying her off with quick, thorough motions, he carried his sleepy woman back to

bed, curling up beside her.

The restlessness that had filled him was gone. The hot blood of the berserker that he

had felt from the moment of his birth cooled, at peace as he held her in his arms. He
would never let her go. There was a smile on his face as he closed his eyes.

My turn.


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Chapter Seven

Linnea lingered in a sensual fog between dreaming and wakefulness. The cotton

sheet was cool against her sleep-warmed skin, the velvet coverlet caressing her breasts.

Her mind kept playing and replaying her recent encounter with Hawk. How

passionate he was. How out of control. And then, afterward, the tender way he’d taken
care of her. She’d never been so pampered. If she’d been a cat, she would have purred.
It was wonderful.

He was such a contradiction. So vulnerable and yet so sexually dominant. The

dichotomy was compelling. And unbelievably attractive.

The way he took charge, the way he showed her, told her what he wanted. For

someone who’d always been the one in control, the one who organized and planned
and made lists and took care of people, especially in relationships, it was appealing.

She wrinkled her nose, feeling a strange tickling sensation. She reached to scratch

the itching appendage, opening her eyes in shock when she realized that her wrists
were tied together above her head.

She saw her reflection in the mirrored ceiling. Some of the red silk that had climbed

the wall was partially undone, connected to her wrists with snug knots.

For a moment, fear invaded her limbs, but then she saw him. The tousled, dark

blond mane that settled on his broad shoulders as he watched her. The hand that was
currently dragging down the sheets and covers, baring her body inch by inch. Hawk.

“I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”
She glanced at the Elvis clock beside the bed, realizing it had only been a few hours

since they’d cuddled together. She’d been so happily exhausted that she’d passed out as
soon as her head hit the pillow.

She gazed up sleepily, smiling in question. Rich chocolate brown eyes.
His alert gaze took in the surprise in her expression, his smile dimming for a


He stood quickly, she had only a moment to take in his already impressive arousal

as he leaned over her, working the knots that connected her wrists to the wall.

“I was imagining all the things I could do to you as you were lying here, but then I

remembered that.” He nodded toward the far wall behind him.

She lowered her still bound arms to her chest as he lifted her easily off the bed.

When she noticed what he was heading toward, she tensed in his arms. It was the
swing she’d noticed earlier. Not an average swing, she realized as they got closer.


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A chain from the ceiling attached to a triangular metal bar which held strips of

nylon covered in leopard print cloth. Constructed of two holes to slide her legs through
and one thick swath of material to support her back. Voila, a swing.

She’d heard about these contraptions, but she’d never seen one up close before.
The chest on the floor beside it had been opened and several plastic packages

littered the floor beside it. He had been busy while she slept, she thought with not a
little trepidation. He turned her in his arms and helped her slide her legs through the
two openings.

“Wait, shouldn’t I—” She thought the strap was supposed to go across her back.
“Don’t worry, baby, I know exactly what I’m doing.” As he tied the loose cord of

silk dangling from her wrists to the iron bar with swift, efficient movements, she
couldn’t doubt it.

She tugged at her bonds a bit. They didn’t give, but they didn’t hurt at all. The

slight sway of the swing, the gentle pull of the harness, seemed as if it were
encouraging her to spread her legs in invitation, heightening her excitement.

The soft cloth of the swing’s strap landed just beneath her breasts, pushing the tiny

mounds up like an offering. He walked in a slow circle around her, the carnal glitter in
his eyes, the confidence and catlike grace of his movements utterly arousing.
And…different. She couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was, but it was more than
the color of his eyes.

“Now. We play.” He stepped up to Linnea, spreading her legs with his own.
His fingers gripped her chin and she raised her eyes to his, amazed to feel herself

trembling. He lowered his mouth, holding her gaze as he pressed his lips to hers,

As if they had all the time in the world, he sipped at her lips. Nibbling here,

pressing there. He kept the pressure light, his fingers caressing her jaw with feather
light strokes.

She found herself leaning forward, opening her mouth against his and teasing the

seam of his lips with her tongue. But he held back, never giving in to her silent pleas for

“Kiss me, Hawk.”
He pulled back sharply, looking down at her with narrowed eyes, his expression

hard. She could see the desire on his darkly flushed cheeks, feel it in the rigid erection
pressing against her belly.

Why did he look so angry?
“What is it?”
He took a step back, his gaze never leaving hers as he bent to pick something up.

He stepped between her thighs once more, his hand still out of sight. “You’re a
beautiful woman, Linnea. Sexy and smart and curious.”


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Something cool and firm rubbed along her inner thigh. She tried to look down, but

he gripped her chin once more, keeping her eyes on him.

“For the last few days, you have seen things that would drive most people mad.

Sauros and Dark Fae—even a dragon.”

It was slightly cone shaped, with a jelly-like flexibility. She could feel it as he rolled

it against the folds of her sex, lubricating the object with her arousal before dragging it
down her other thigh.

“You’ve accepted that beings exist just beyond a dimensional portal, beings with

capabilities and technology far more advanced than any you know. That your own
daughter is a part of an ancient druid prophecy. That my boss is a Lycan.”

The object stilled on her leg.
“Did you never wonder, sweet Linnea, with all of these unusual people around

you, what I might be?”

The blood froze in her veins as she looked up at him. Had she? There were

moments she’d almost—but no, she had never allowed herself to think about it. She’d
never asked him. Maybe because she didn’t want to spoil this, whatever this was. She
didn’t want reality to taint it. And she honestly wasn’t sure how she would react if she
found out he was a vampire or worse.

She’d known there was something about him. “Your eyes…”
“I am Val, Linnea. Valr Jarlsen. Twin brother of Haukr Jarlsen, the Viking berserker

you know as Hawk. Cursed by the Archon Freyja to be joined as one throughout
eternity. Two minds. Two souls. One body.”

“Tw-two?” She heard herself stuttering, overwhelmed by his blurted confession. He

nodded sharply, and before she could say anymore, he was there, kissing her with an
almost violent passion. He used the swing’s momentum to pull her tight against him,
every part of him connected to every part of her.

She felt drugged, drowning in sensation, her confusion doing nothing to stem the

growing tide of arousal.

He pressed his mouth against her ear. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but he…we

weren’t sure how you’d react. If you’d still want this.”

He pulled back to study her expression. A flash of vulnerability clear in his dark


She didn’t know what to say, what to think.
She believed him. That much she knew without a doubt. Not only because of all

she’d seen, but because of what she’d known him to be from the moment she’d first laid
eyes on him.

A warrior. Proud, a bit arrogant, yes, but honorable. She trusted him. Them. As

she’d never trusted anyone before. Regardless of his confession, she knew that that fact
was true, however many people were sharing his body.


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“So when you say Vikings, you really mean…?” His lips kicked up slightly at the

corners, some of the twinkle returning to his eyes.

“The big horned hats, plundering and pillaging kind. Although that hat thing is

completely untrue. All it took was one little carving and an opera and we were branded
for life.”

He let the hand holding the mysterious object press against her clit, teasing once

more. “What’s the matter, Linnea? Don’t you like older men?”

She chuckled, unable to stop her instinctive response to his playfulness. Or her

arousal at his wicked actions.

She could see it now, the difference. It was more than eye color, more than


Val was more relaxed, comfortable in his skin, even playful. Hawk was intense, a

bit more serious. Hawk emanated a power she was drawn to, was mesmerized by. Val’s
charm was just as irresistible. She suddenly realized she hadn’t been far off when she’d
called him her Viking.

Val lifted his hand from between her legs and her eyes focused on the unusual hot

pink colored thing he held in his hands. “The last time we were together, I promised
that I would get you something. Something to help ease the way for all the things I plan
to do with you. To you.”

Her breath caught as she recalled that conversation by the stream. So he wanted to

put that—

“It’s too big.” She knew she sounded panicky. She was a little panicky.
He walked behind her. She tugged again at her bonds, trying to see what he was up

to. Val’s breath heated her neck as he closed in behind her.

She was in the perfect position for what he planned. Leaning against the wide strap

of cloth, legs spread, her ass bare and tilted at a slight upward angle. He’d placed her
this way on purpose.

“It took all my efforts to keep Hawk from fucking you this way, Linnea. He wanted

to. He saw you there, face down across the bed, and all he could think of was spreading
you wide and filling you up.”

She heard the sound of a bottle being opened, then felt a thick, cool liquid being

rubbed between her cheeks by his knowing fingers.

“We are very different, my brother and I, in spite of, or maybe because of all these

years together. But about you, we are of one mind.”

His rough voice lowered to a sultry whisper as one blunt finger pushed through the

resistant muscles. “Both of us want you, Linnea. Want to be inside you anyway and
everyway we can.”


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He added a second finger and Linnea whimpered, pressing instinctively back

against them, an unconscious request for more. His other hand slid through her sodden
curls, massaging her clit, sending lightning bolts of sensation zinging through her body.

“You’re so wet. I knew. I knew you would love this. You were made for this, baby.

Made to be filled. Made to be loved. Made for us.”

She shivered at the pull as he dragged his fingers slowly out, placing the head of

the plug, covered with that same cool liquid, against her in their place.

“Shh, its okay.” His fingers thrust into her sex, the pleasure distracting her,

scattering her thoughts, robbing her of control. “I want you to breathe for me. Relax,
Linnea, that’s it. Now push out.”

Linnea followed his instructions, taking a deep breath and pushing out as the soft,

pink device pressed forward slowly. He adjusted, twisted, pulled it slowly out and
pushed back in, helping her body adapt to the new invasion. There was a near painful
pressure, dulled by the sound of Val’s encouraging growl.

“So good, baby. You’re doing so good. Almost there. So pretty. You are so beautiful

like this, baby.” Between his words, his hands and the incredible fullness, the strange
stretch of the plug, she was lost to her own arousal. Trembling in reaction, she opened
her eyes to find him once more in front of her.

Val had never seen anyone more beautiful. She was tied to the swing, her big,

delicious nipples swaying toward him, tempting him. Her legs were spread wide in the
harness, pussy dripping with a need that only he could fill. And her ass. That luscious
bounty even now stuffed full, she would be so tight it might actually kill him from
pleasure alone.

Her eyes were dark storm clouds, pupils dilated, her lower lip puffy from where

she’d bitten it to hold back her cries.

She was a goddess.
His hand fisted around his cock, tightening around the base as he felt the liquid

dripping from the tip. How did she do this? He had never lost himself this quickly to a
woman before. Never felt that he could come just by looking at her, hearing her soft
moans. But none of them had been his. None of them had been Linnea.

“Now say it. Let me hear you say my name.” He didn’t know why he needed to

hear it, only that he did. He needed to know she knew who had brought her to this
point of need. He stepped closer, gliding the head of his cock against her pussy, rubbing
back and forth, circling her swollen clit.

“Valr Jarlsen—Val, if you don’t fuck me right now, I’ll—Oh!”
He heard her cry out as he powered into her swollen sheath. He gripped her thighs

and spread them wide as they could go, pressing deep, working his cock into her tight,
hot sex.


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She shattered him. Decimated his control when she’d uttered his true name. Valr. A

name he hadn’t heard from another’s lips in far too many centuries to count.

Her inner muscles clenched his cock like a vise, her rich sweet cream easing his

way. Deeper. Gods, yes. He could feel the plug through the thin wall that separated it
from his shaft and knew she felt it too.

“You are so fucking tight, baby.” He cupped her ass in his palms, pulling her tight

against him as he fingered the toy.

His lips moved on hers, hot puffs of air against her skin as he whispered. “You’re

gonna love this.”

He twisted the base of the plug and dove in to eat at her mouth with hungry


Linnea went wild in his arms when the plug began to vibrate. She pulled against

her bindings, her head shaking back and forth, nearly dislodging his mouth as she tried
to make sense of the new feelings.

He swallowed her cries, his own hoarse shouts joining hers as the plug vibrated

against his thrusting cock.

He’d wanted to make this memorable for her. Their first time together. He had

watched while Hawk took her, touched her. And while he could sense what his twin
was thinking, feeling, it just wasn’t the same.

Being inside Linnea was like coming home. And this, well, he would be taking this

new toy with them wherever they went.

Val. Oh my God, Val.” Linnea was repeating his name against his mouth, elating

Val as nothing else could. He fucked her fast and hard now, her sweet arousal flowing
hotly, melting him, spurring him on.

She started coming, nearly bruising his cock with the force of her climax. She cried

out and arched her back, ripping her mouth from his as she came. And came.

He bit his lip until he tasted blood, desperate to hold out as long as he could. He

never wanted to leave her body. Wanted to drown in her sweet cream. Wanted to die in
her arms.

Her pussy clamped down, milking his shaft, trapping him deep inside her heat, and

Val was lost.

Shouting her name, his cock jerked powerfully as he came inside her. His legs

nearly collapsed from the force of it.

He turned off the vibration, caressing her back as his hips pumped against hers

slowly, drawing it out, loving the softening spasms as her body gentled around him.

He kissed her softly, reaching up to untie her wrists. Rubbing the circulation back

into her hands, still nibbling and lapping at her lips, he lifted her from the leg harnesses
and stood her on her wavering feet beside him.

She looked down as his come seeped down her legs. Incredibly, he felt his cock

stirring at the sight. He reached down to run his fingers through the evidence of his


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claim, his voice deep with arousal. “I love seeing you covered in my seed. Marked.
Mine. Not very modern, I know, but then, I never claimed to be a modern man.”

Linnea paled and her hazy gray eyes turned sharp and alert once more. “I’m such

an idiot,” she mumbled.

“Tell me, Viking, with all your gifts, do you have magical semen as well?”
He barked out a confused laugh, dragging her chin up to look into her eyes in


“We didn’t use a condom. Again. I should know better after—” she ran a shaky

hand through her mop of hair.

“In over twelve hundred years, neither my brother nor I have caught a single

disease or gotten anyone with child. I don’t think we can. Trust me. Trust us. We would
never endanger you in this way.” He watched her sag beside him in relief and swooped
her up in his arms, turning a few hidden dials before depositing her in the rapidly
filling whirlpool bath.

Linnea smiled. She was sitting in a giant champagne glass in a gaudy motel with,

she squirmed in restless awareness, a butt plug still firmly lodged inside her.

She had gone to take it out when they’d first entered the tub, but Val had given her

a warning look, shaking his head, so she’d refrained.

She barely recalled the sensible young yuppie she had been so determined to be.

Barely recognized the distrusting, protective mother hen she had become. In their place
was a new woman. Sensual and free, wild, passionate and impulsive. Still organized,
still protective, just…more.

He joined her in the full tub, swirling blissful jets of hot, massaging water soothing

her weary muscles.

She leaned her head against the cushioned rim, smiling slightly as she watched

Val’s eyes focus with unerring accuracy on her large nipples poking out above the
foam. “So. Now that I’m not tied up and at your mercy.”

He looked up, deep brown eyes alert. “Tell me again slowly and don’t leave out any

details. Tell me about this curse of yours.”

* * * * *

“So she actually did that just because—”
“Yes. Well, she’d never been known as a consistent goddess. One minute gracious

and helpful, the next a harpy filled with spite and malice. It was not a good day to cross

“And Brígh?” Linnea could hear the hesitation in her voice as she spoke the name

of the woman the twins had loved and she tried to push it aside.


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She didn’t want to admit, even to herself, that she was jealous of a woman who had

been dead for over a thousand years. But he’d spoken about her with a kind of
reverence that made Linnea wish he’d been talking about her.

“Before everything went black, I could hear her praying for our salvation with her

last breath. She didn’t deserve to die. Especially not for us. On her last day of life, we
betrayed her with another. The fact that Freyja had used her abilities to ensnare us is
irrelevant. She loved us and she was killed because of our infidelity.”

“Were you married? Were vows exchanged?” She forced his gaze to meet her own.
“Yes, it sucks that you couldn’t keep it in your pants. And it sucks that she had to

see that before she died. But I don’t think she would have done what she did if she
hadn’t forgiven you, even then.”

She looked at his bent head and sighed. “She knew you loved her.”
Val’s dark eyes swirled with emotion for a moment and Linnea caught her breath.

Hawk was in there too. Listening. The thought would have been arousing if she didn’t
feel her heart tearing from her chest at this obvious sign of emotion.

Emotion focused on another woman.
She watched as his hands clenched into fists beneath the water for a moment before

pulling Linnea into his arms as they floated in the soothing bath.

“That’s just it. We thought what we felt for her was the truest kind of love. The soul

bond that our parents had for each other. We believed we would never feel that way
again.” He tilted her head up to look into her eyes.

“We have since learned our feelings were but a shadow of the real thing. She was

not our mate. We did not love her as she deserved to be loved. She died for a childhood
fancy, a youthful crush. And knowing that makes it harder to bear.”

Linnea felt the air halt in her lungs. His look, his words, all seemed to be saying

something she wasn’t sure she was ready to hear. That she was the reason they realized
their love for the young Irish girl wasn’t real. Did that mean what she thought it did?

She shifted away from him, dropping her gaze as her hands skimmed the surface of

bubbles created by the water jets. She needed to change the subject.

“So, what then? How did you and Hawk join the Fianna?”
Val smiled a bit, leaning back and dragging her foot into his lap, the rough,

calloused pads of his fingers soothing aches she didn’t know she had.

“Fate and, I believe, a little help from the Tuatha’s Great Queen Danu.”
He shrugged, watching his hands work the knots out of her arches. “We wouldn’t

have survived the change. Not only the merging of my thoughts and Hawk’s, but the
constant conscious presence of the predator, the berserker, trying to take control as well.
It was…difficult.”

Linnea knew he was understating the situation. She couldn’t begin to fathom what

it would be like, sharing her consciousness with another.


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And that hawk, that giant hawk that she’d seen flying over the campground during

the battle, was her Hawk. Well, sort of. He shared that form with his berserker.

The only way he could experience life as a man, not trapped in the instinctual

whims of the predator, was within the body of his twin. Of Val. How horrible it must
have been for both of them.

“We were wandering, aimless. Too focused on the battle raging inside us to sleep or

eat, mad with rage and confusion.”

He paused, tilting his head as if in memory. “The Tuatha de Danaan had apparently

been informed of our situation. All I can remember is waking up to find we’d been
taken to Ríocht an Áthais, the Realm of Joy, home of the Fae.”

“Realm of Joy?” She sighed dreamily at the name. At the feel of Val’s continuing

massage, moving up toward her calves. She couldn’t recall anyone ever doing this for
her. Or getting this much enjoyment from touch alone. She struggled to concentrate.

“It’s difficult to explain where and what it is, but it is. Several cities exist in the

Realm, each one more beautiful than the next.

We were taken to the capital, fed and clothed. And then we met Myrrdin.”
She was drifting closer once more, floating on her back as his magical fingers

caressed her thighs, his voice soft and hypnotic.

“Myrrdin knew us, knew exactly what had happened. He knew every facet of the

curse. He taught me—us, how to step back mentally, to allow the other to take control.
He taught us how to repress the berserker’s animal. How to use it to our advantage in

“When he told us that the gods we had worshipped were merely more advanced

beings from another dimension toying with the ignorant humans for sport, well, rage
was an understatement for what we felt. Especially since they’d used those abilities on

Linnea touched his hand, offering comfort as he relieved his memories.
“Apart from Myrddin, there aren’t many Archons alive we trust. The Elder’s on the

Archon council, but he’s definitely on our side. And he helped us through the first of
several difficult separations.”

“With the hawk?” He was gently stroking her inner thighs and, though she was

riveted by his story, she couldn’t help but hope he would continue with his sensual

“Actually, no. The curse had a strange…loophole we hadn’t expected. I don’t know if

it was Freyja’s oversight or her way of torturing us with a taste of what we could never
have again.

“Once a year, on the first night of Odin’s Hunt, the holiday you know as Samhain

or Halloween, Hawk and I become as we once were. Brothers, separate in mind and
body, free to go anywhere we want, do anything we want, just as we did all those years
ago. From sunset to sunrise.”


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Linnea stiffened in surprise, her body dropping like a stone beneath the bubbling

water. She flailed for a moment, brushing back her long floppy bangs and wiping the
water from her face in chagrin.

“How? Why?”
He pulled her forward until she straddled his lap, as if to prevent her from another

dunking. His heavy erection pressed against her tender sex and she swayed closer. “We
don’t know. But the first dozen times it happened, Hawk and I thought that perhaps it
was a way out, a chance to escape the curse. We tried everything. Even had Finn and
Myrrdin flash us to opposite ends of the globe. The further apart we were at sunrise, the
more painful the reintegration was.”

He began fiddling with the plug still imbedded within her, distracting her.
“Now we go our separate ways, but only for the night. We revel in the freedom to

laugh, to drink, to be intimate without the presence of the other.”

He slanted her a look. “We hold the memories of these times closely to us, those few

hours when our thoughts are our own. Not having to share them unless we choose to.
Not having to suffer the agony of watching, but not touching, eating, but not tasting.”

“Halloween is less than two days away. I guess you’ll probably be leaving then—

for the night.” She couldn’t blame him. If she had only one night a year of freedom, she
would take it and never look back.

After all they’d been through, she more than understood. But her heart hurt at the

prospect that she would not be with them. She didn’t understand why her feelings for
him—them, had been so strong from the start. But she couldn’t deny it. She cared for
both of them, wanted both of them. The thought excited her. The thought terrified her.

Linnea looked into eyes gone gold with denial. “No. We will not leave you.”
The eyes swirled and rich, chocolate brown shone once more. She was a little

disconcerted, but Val smiled and shrugged in apology.

“He obviously feels just as strongly as I. We aren’t going anywhere, Linnea. For the

first time we agree. Being away from you is a punishment too great to endure. We need
you more than we need a few hours apart.”

She melted at the look of desire and possession in his gaze. He reached between

their bodies to graze her clit with his fingers and she arched her hips suggestively
against them, grazing his cock.

Her hand slid over his biceps, fingers tingling with something akin to electric shock

as they caressed his tattoo purposefully. His breath came out in a surprised hiss, his
eyes going dark with need. Val’s hands slid back to the toy, rimming it teasingly with
his fingers.

“I seem to remember having my hands full of this perfect ass and hearing you

mention something about a fantasy.”

Linnea felt the head of his cock lodge itself at the entrance of her sex. She clenched

around him and his grip tightened on her curves in warning.


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She knew exactly what he was talking about. Two men. Her two Vikings. Her mind

filled with images of the three of them together.

When Val raised his hips and pulled her down forcefully on his cock, Linnea

imagined Hawk was behind her, that his cock filled her instead of the toy.

Val’s fingers grasped the plug and he tugged and pressed, tiny thrusts matching the

rhythm of her hips as she rode him.

“Imagine it, Linnea.”
Val’s harsh voice seemed to echo her thoughts. “Both of us filling you. Both of us

fucking you. Yes , love, your pussy feels so good. That’s right, baby, ride me.”

He leaned forward and kissed her, a quick, hungry kiss. He lowered his head and

latched on to one hard nipple, opening his mouth wide, gorging himself on her breast.

She cried out, already so close to the strongest orgasm she’d ever experienced, her

fantasies fueling her arousal. His cock was hitting that perfect secret spot, her ass
stretched and filled.

Her Vikings. They belonged to her. She held Val’s head to her chest and she called

out both their names as she came, feeling him join her in oblivion.

She heard his whispered endearments against her breasts as he held her, her body

still quivering with aftershocks.

Something had changed tonight. A place in her heart that had been locked and

bolted shut had just burst open. Nothing would ever be the same.


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Chapter Eight

“Mommy, is that a swing? Or a trapezoid like the kind that Danny’s mommy let me

play on once?”

“Trapeze, baby-doll, not trapezoid. And yes, it’s a swing, and no, you may not get

on it.”

“Aww, Mom.”
Val stood just around the corner in the bathroom doorway, a towel around his neck

and a goofy grin on his face.

Crystal was an adorable imp. Hawk was still nervous around her, he wasn’t sure he

knew how to talk to a child, but he felt the same. They’d both fallen a little bit in love
with the girl. Her mother too.

A little?
Val’s brows rose in surprise as he heard Hawk’s humorous mental aside. His

brother was more relaxed and sated than Val could ever recall him being before.

Linnea’s reactions to their story, to the thought of being with both of them, to

everything, had been miraculous. Val too could scarcely believe their good fortune. But
he wanted more. He wanted her to love him. Them.

Once the danger was past, he wanted her at their side. For as long as they could

have her.

He heard Raj enter the room and stepped into sight. “What’s going on, DB?”
The bookish dragon took in the suggestive décor with a single raised eyebrow. Val

saw Linnea blush, embarrassed, and he strong-armed Raj back toward the open door.
“Let me throw a shirt on and we’ll meet you and the others in your room.”

Raj nodded, his smile barely noticeable as he backed out as quickly as he’d arrived.

Val looked over at the two females on the bed. “I’m starving. There’s a delivery menu
by the phone. What do you ladies think of ordering three of everything?”

Linnea smiled as Crystal giggled, hopping up and down on the bed in delight.
“Looks like a yes to me,” she said, wrestling her daughter down on the heart

shaped monstrosity and tickling without mercy.

He slipped on his t-shirt and made the call, unable to wipe the smile off his face or

stop the warm feeling in his heart as he watched them play.

Family. He’d forgotten what it felt like. Memories of his own childhood filled his

mind. It had been too long since he and his brother had run wild through the large
dining hall of their longhouse, his mother and father smiling with pride at their antics.


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They’d always been so affectionate with their children, with each other. Always

touching one another, sneaking glances when they thought no one was looking,
disappearing from the hall. The brothers had grown up surrounded by love. Val
suddenly found himself wanting the same thing for Crystal.

He hung up the phone and turned to find a pair of curious violet eyes staring

straight at him. He felt a tingling rush, a little mental push. It was similar, though far
weaker, to the sensation he got whenever Finn attempted to read his thoughts. The little
devil was trying to probe his mind!

It’s not polite to do that without permission. He kept his inner voice gentle.
Crystal’s eyes grew wide. She was obviously surprised he had realized what she’d

been attempting to do.

Linnea had walked over to stand beside him, looking between the two curiously.
He kept his gaze on the worried looking girl standing still upon the bed. Just because

you have an ability doesn’t mean you have the right to use it whenever you’d like. Do you

Crystal studied him intently. It was clear she had heard his silent words. Auntie

Badger says that too. I just wanted to make sure your intentions were honorable.

Ahh, I see. Yes, little one. My intentions couldn’t be more honorable. But you can see that,

can’t you? And Hawk as well? You can sense him?

Crystal smiled and nodded. With the trusting innocence of a child, she hopped

without preamble into Val’s arms. A bit disconcerted, he looked over at Linnea. The
soft, maternal expression on her face warmed his heart.

He wanted to take her into his arms as well, to hold her and Crystal tightly and

keep them safe. They walked out of the motel room together, Val swinging the laughing
child in his arms, his mate beside him, her hand on his lower back.

A family.

* * * * *

Linnea leaned her head back against the sofa in The Jungle Room, her stomach full

and her mind reeling.

She’d been listening to Raj as he told them more about The Book of Veils. It still

sounded like something out of a movie or a fiction novel. He spoke about Áine, the
druid priestess who had created the book.

Her concern for humanity had caused her to request a boon from Danu, The True

Queen of the Tuatha and a being of considerable power.

Danu had created an enchanted object, something that would allow Áine to extend

her ability to look far into the future. Apparently what it had shown her had been so
disturbing that she had decided to create The Book of Veils, imbuing it with her spirit,
her knowledge and everything she was.


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With the help of Myrddin, Áine hid the book and made sure that no one would

learn about or even remember its existence until the time came when the knowledge
would be needed.

A few months ago, that time arrived. And according to Raj, according to all of them,

the prophecy within the book mentioned her baby girl.

“A guardian of human born, pure and innocent in her power, will seek and find the

light no other can behold.” Raj repeated what Hawk had told them earlier.

“The ‘human born’ part still bothers me. Isn’t she—” Val went silent as Linnea

turned her startled gaze his way. How could he possibly know about that? She’d only
put all the pieces together yesterday.

Her eyes flew to where her child was dangling off the bed, her head upside down

as she watched cartoons, oblivious to the conversation.

“I think its time for you to tell us about Crystal’s father, little wren.” Badger had

come to sit down on the floor in front of her, her comforting hand resting on Linnea’s
knee, soothing her with her gifts.

She had known this time was coming, she’d just hoped to avoid it for a little while

longer. Keeping her tone subdued, her eyes on her precious little girl, she began to

Tory Morgan had seemed to be a made to order Prince Charming. Unbelievably

wealthy, he was charismatic and handsome, every woman’s dream.

The solitary Linnea had been surprised and even a little overwhelmed by the

amount of attention and time the Boston business mogul had lavished on her.

Growing up in one foster home after another, usually one of several children, she

was used to being overlooked. Used to taking care of herself.

Tory had given her his undivided attention. He’d swept her off her feet. And she’d

let him. Apparently it didn’t matter how educated or independent you were. Loneliness
could make you do some incredibly foolish things.

Crystal had been conceived the very night he proposed. His reaction to the news

had been everything she’d dreamed. Linnea believed she would finally have the family
she’d always longed for.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.
“By the time I realized I was nothing more to him than an incubator, that Crystal

was going to be used, traded in some insane plan to placate one of his dangerous
associates, I was trapped.”

She jumped as Val thrust himself violently from the chair beside her, as if he

couldn’t stand to be near her anymore. She couldn’t blame him. She’d been such a weak

“I realized why Eonis’ name sounded so familiar yesterday. He was Tory’s

assistant. He brokered the deal. Although he didn’t look like that when I knew him.”

“What deal, Linnea? Did you ever hear them talking about it?”


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She nodded absently at Raj’s question.
She had soon discovered the advantage of being underestimated. If she acted

helpless and malleable—no one questioned her movements around the lavish island
fortress that had become her prison.

It didn’t stop her from being the target of his unique punishments, but they

occurred with much less frequency once she’d pretended to accept her fate.

She remembered with great clarity the day she had discovered Tory’s true plans.

He’d been in the den with Eonis, his handsome assistant.

Eonis had always given Linnea the creeps. There’d been something in his eyes

when he looked at her. Something twisted.

“How much longer?”
Linnea stopped in the hall by the partially open door, pretending to fiddle with an

arrangement of flowers.

“Another month. Disgusting, isn’t she? Who knew that she would get so…obese

during pregnancy? As if plain and boyish hadn’t been hard enough to stomach.”

Linnea winced slightly. After eight months cooped up with him, even the romantic

Caribbean backdrop hadn’t blinded her to his true feelings for her. Or lack of them.

He isn’t a very forgiving sort, sire. How do you know that a half-breed heir will

still have the abilities we need? The ability the Lord of the Air requires?” The way Eonis
had referred to her unborn child made her blood boil.

“I know. The babe will have access to The Sword of Light as long as my blood runs

through her veins. And as soon as she is old enough to rip from that woman’s teat, we
will use her to get Him what he needs.

“We’ve already waited centuries. A few more months of keeping that naïve twit

here ‘for her protection’ is worth it if He finally ensures I get what, by birthright, I
deserve. And I have you to thank for it all, Eonis. You showed me my destined path.
You found a way to communicate with Him. You and our helpful little spy—”

“What of Linnea, then? What will you do with her when the child is ready?” Eonis

had interrupted almost impatiently. Linnea held her breath as she waited to hear the
answer. Though with the direction this conversation had been going, she was afraid she
already knew the answer.

“You can have her, if you wish. I know how you like to play. And I trust you, of all

people, will make sure there is nothing left of your toy when you are done.”

Linnea had rushed to her bathroom after that, nauseated at what she’d heard. She’d

known less than a month into this so called vacation that Tory had lost all feeling for
her, if he’d ever felt more than contempt.

She’d known when the guards had followed her on her nightly walks along the

shore, armed to the teeth and watching her every move, that she was a veritable
prisoner. But nothing in her wildest imaginings had led her to believe that she would be
murdered. That he’d gotten her pregnant on purpose to seal some lecherous deal.


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“I thought it was the mob or drugs.”
She looked toward the silent group as she finished her story. “It was the only time

I’d ever heard that type of respect…of fear in their voices. I thought he was going to use
my baby to help some criminal.”

She sat up a little straighter. “I befriended one of the older guards. I could tell he

wasn’t one of them, just a sweet old man doing his job. But he seemed to know what
was going on, that some insane stranger believed my daughter could get him this
sword. And he was just as unhappy with it as I was. Very long story short, he helped
me to escape. I ran with what little money he’d been able to get me back to
Massachusetts, where Crystal was born.

“Once we left the hospital, I had just enough to buy a ticket for the Faire. It was the

last place someone like Tory would go and I wanted to be near as many people as I
could. The rest you know. “

She laughed and shook her head wearily. “Until recently, I’d thought The Sword of

Light was just a euphemism or the name of some priceless jewel or piece of artwork.
But it’s an actual sword, isn’t it? Something that only she can see? And now here we are
and all of you want the same thing, don’t you? Even if you’re so sure you mean it for
good, you would still put my daughter in harm’s way.”

Raj looked over his shoulder in surprise at the vehement denial coming from Val.

He sighed, his eyes once more upon Linnea as he nodded.

“I will not lie to you. You weren’t wrong, Linnea. Tory—Torin, does plan to use

your daughter to help a criminal. The Lord of the Air he mentioned is Enlil, the worst
criminal your dimension or the next has ever known.

“We don’t know how he’s been communicating with his followers or how he

convinced the son of the Fae High Queen to betray his own people, but we have to stop
Torin before he gets his hands on the sword. Your little ball of fire told me where it is,
that she’ll get it for us.”

She watched as his lip curled up slightly at the memory. “Of course, she tried to

make me promise to teach her how to be a dragon first.

“If Enlil thinks he’s found a way to use it to his advantage, to escape his prison, no

one will be safe…least of all Crystal. The only way to remove the danger is to get to it
before he can get to her.”

Linnea recalled what Hawk had told them about Enlil. He wanted to destroy the

Earth, to enslave its people. And he was powerful enough to do it if he was free, which
is why their friend Myrrdin had imprisoned him in the first place, all those years ago.
But what would someone like that need with a sword?

“So when do we leave?” Bear, who’d been silent until now, drew Linnea’s attention.

In the four years she’d known the gentle giant, she had never seen that expression on
his face, such anger. She was so taken aback, it took a moment for his words to register.


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“Leave? Where are we going?”
Badger had gotten up at her husband’s words and began to gather their belongings.

“Raj told us we were going to Boston, where this Torin fellow is.”

Linnea felt the tremors begin in her legs, then swiftly spread through the rest of her

body. She looked at Raj in disbelief, but he turned away, his expression guilty. “No.

She jumped up, ducking away from Badger’s reaching arms, running over to scoop

Crystal up from where she was lying on the bed. “I didn’t tell you—it doesn’t matter. If
you’d told me the plan from the start, I could have saved you all this time you’ve taken
softening me up. You are not taking my child anywhere near that man. That wasn’t part
of the deal.”

“Linnea, you don’t understand—”
“No, I don’t. I don’t understand any of this. All I know is that I will not subject my

baby to that psychotic, heartless—” She turned, Crystal hugged tight in her arms, and
strode out the door.

She caught Raj holding Val back from the corner of her eye. Her heart ached at the

thought that, after the last few days, he was still willing to betray her by endangering
her daughter’s life. None of them knew what Tory was capable of.

She stood for a moment on the concrete walk, unsure which way to go. The keys to

the Rambler were still in the room she shared with—him.

She was calling herself ten kinds of fool for being swept along on this ridiculous

quest. Her instincts had said she could trust them. Hawk, Val and the others.

The same instincts that told you Tory was a peach of a guy? Her inner voice dripped


It hurt so much to imagine she could have been wrong. To think that she’d actually

been falling—but no, anyone who would put an innocent baby in harm’s way wasn’t
worth caring about.

“Mommy, don’t be sad. No one was gonna make me go see Daddy.”
Linnea patted her daughter on the back as she started walking to the room


“Uncle Raj said that this was the safest place on Earth, that as long as we stayed

here no one could hurt us. He said he and Auntie Badger and the others were going to
find Daddy and make sure he couldn’t hurt us anymore. But we can stay here until they
get back.”

“So he’s Uncle Raj already, huh?” But she had stopped, loosening her grip so she

could look into her daughter’s beautiful violet eyes. “What about the sword?”

“It’s with me. It’s always been with me.” She still didn’t understand how it could

be, but her shoulders slumped in relief. There was no reason for them to go to Boston at


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She’d have known that if that close-mouthed dragon had kept her up to speed. Or if

she hadn’t been so…distracted lately.

“Boo, one of these days you’re going to have to sit down and explain all this to your

out-of-the-loop mother.”

Crystal’s words had erased her indignation. Now she just felt foolish. She set her

daughter down, determined to find out everything her little genius knew before going
back inside. Just as she opened her mouth to talk, she heard a set of squealing tires and
a pain-filled cry.

“What the—” Linnea looked over the railing toward the street. She saw a black

sports car race away at top speed, leaving behind an old, frail looking man.

He was lying still in the middle of the road. It was obvious he’d been hit by the

retreating vehicle. She didn’t stop to think before motioning to Crystal to stay still and
running down the stairs and across the parking lot.

She could hear the worry in her daughter’s voice and she sought to calm it even as

she hurried toward the prone, moaning figure. “It’s okay, sweetie, this man’s been hurt
and I need to make sure he’s all right. Go back inside and have Auntie Badger call an

“But, Mom—”
She turned and looked up at her daughter, smiling as she walked backward,

stepping off the graveled parking lot and onto the street. “I’ll be fine. Remember what
Raj said? This is the safest place on Earth.”

“I do believe the dragon suffers from a mild case of overconfidence.”
She was whirled around by the rough hands of the old, blood spattered man. He

was standing, smile sinister, not in pain at all.

Linnea gasped as his face began to morph before her eyes. In moments, she found

herself staring at a battered and freshly scarred Eonis. He looked worse than he had the
last time she’d seen him…and that was saying something.

“The pathetic muse that runs this heap of a safe house only ensures protection

within its boundaries.”

He looked pointedly at the line that separated the gravel from the main road. “You

are no longer on her property.”

Eonis curled his lip in disdain. “Euterpe. I knew she had a sanctuary. And since

Finn obviously didn’t care enough about that obstinate bitch to follow my instructions
and Myrddin is too busy chasing his tail with the Council, we figured this was the only
place you could have gone.

“It wasn’t too difficult to find. Not when you know the right people. You’d think

with all that power at their fingertips, they’d at least make the place a bit more pleasant
to look at.”


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His distracted gaze focused on her once more. “You shouldn’t always be such a

predictable Good Samaritan.” He clucked his tongue mockingly. “Such an easy mark.”

A cloud seemed to pass over the afternoon sun and then she sensed the presence of

others around her.

Eonis had a bruising grip on her chin, keeping her eyes focused on him. “Call

Crystal over. I don’t have to hurt her. Just tell her to give me the Claíomh Solais and I’ll
go. Make the right choice this time.”

She knew he was lying. And she knew now that as long as Crystal stayed within the

boundaries of the motel, the Horde that had appeared around her couldn’t touch her
child. She had to give her daughter time to get to safety.

“You have really gone to seed since I first met you, Eonis. So much so I didn’t

recognize you at first. And now it seems you’ve been on the losing end of a beating.
Have anything to do with that woman you hid behind the last time I saw you?”

His eyes darkened with a hatred so profound Linnea almost stumbled from it. “You

shouldn’t talk about things of which you know nothing, Linnea. Or are you just jealous
that I took her instead of you?”

His eyes greedily skimmed her body. “I’ve always had a fondness for you. Tell the

girl to hand over the Sword and you and I will celebrate. I promise it won’t hurt.”

He leaned close and bit down hard on her earlobe, causing her to flinch. “At first.”
“Tempting as that offer—well, isn’t, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. And as long as I live

and breathe, you will not lay hands on my child. Or that bloody sword.”

“That was really the wrong answer, my dear.”

* * * * *

“I think she’s been alone long enough.”
“Give her time, Viking. She’s had quite a bit to ingest the past few days. For

someone not born, or cursed, to this life, she’s doing remarkably well.”

Val looked over at Bear, the giant’s demeanor admirably defensive as he spoke of

Linnea. “You should have seen her when we first met her. It was two years before I saw
her truly let down her guard, before she stopped jumping at every shadow. She always
put on a brave face for Crystal, but you could tell she was terrified of something.”

Badger was also glancing worriedly toward the door as her husband came up

behind her, his enormous hand cupping her shoulder affectionately.

“We have to move out soon. Torin may be our one chance to find out Enlil’s plans.

To discover how he’s been able to communicate from the Hell he’s been banished to. To
see just how wide the breach has become. There is also the fact that I’ve still received no
word from Finn or Myrddin. The longer Sheridan is with Eonis—” Raj didn’t finish his
thought, though everyone knew what he wasn’t saying.


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Val paced the room, a trapped animal. He did not like the look in her eyes as she’d

walked away. She didn’t trust him. With her body, yes, but not her child. How could
she think he would put either of them in danger? How could he truly win her trust?
Her heart?

He heard Badger asking Raj if “her girls” would truly be safe here while they went

to fight the High Prince. “E. volunteered to run the sanctuary—it’s a safe house for
guardians who needed shelter from the Dark. The land this motel is on is sacred ground,
no one with evil intent would be able to step a foot onto the property.”

I don’t like the idea of letting her out of our sight.
Val couldn’t help but agree with his brother’s thoughts. He’d just found her. Was he

willing to entrust her well-being to another? Even one as powerful as Euterpe? But
what other choice did he have? He had to find out what Torin knew about the powerful
Archon and his plans.

Th e desire to punish him, to destroy him for even touching his mate was welling

strong within him.

The sadistic dandy would taste sword and talon before this was done.
“Crystal! What is it, little one?” Raj’s words drew Val’s gaze to the open doorway.

He rushed toward the door and lifted the pale girl into his arms, instinctively offering
comfort even as his heart pounded a frantic beat in his chest.

“What is it, Crystal? What’s wrong? Where’s your mother?”
Crystal was gasping for breath, her panicky sobs making it difficult for her to

communicate. I didn’t protect her. I’m supposed to protect her.

The shame and fear she transmitted was painful to hear and Val held her closer. “Its

okay, sweetheart. You are protecting her. You came to get me. Tell me where she is.”

That man who hurt Uncle Ian…i—in the road.
Val handed her to Badger with a gentle kiss on her forehead before turning to stride

out the room, growling at Raj as he followed close behind. “Safest place on Earth?”

Raj pulled Val’s sword from the air, his ability to transport objects and people

similar to the Fae.

Val caught it in midair as he leapt down the stairs, nearly colliding with the small

Euterpe as she barreled angrily into the parking lot.

“E., please, let us handle it.”
The women harrumphed in Raj’s direction, her body tight with indignation. “No

one has ever been harmed or endangered on my watch. She is a guest and under my
protection—and any moron should know what that means.”

She raised her voice at the last and The Horde’s laughter traveled easily to them

across the short distance.

“She wasn’t on your property, muse. Maybe someone should have filled the naïve

little human in on your precious Council rules.” Eonis tightened his grip, his arm tight
around Linnea’s neck.


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Val felt the predator in him beating against his flesh, Hawk’s blood rage at seeing

the necrotic hands of that sadistic bastard on his woman difficult to control. His mind
kept flashing back to the way Eonis had taken Sheridan without warning. He was
terrified he would do the same to Linnea.

Holding his sword away from his body, his other hand out to show he hid nothing,

Val came closer to the road. “Release the woman and we can talk. We just want to know
why Enlil wants the Sword of Light. What are his plans?”

“You surprise me, Viking. A thinking barbarian. How…unique. But you seem

unaware of exactly who has the advantage in this situation. I have Linnea. I know, I
know—she’s not much to look at. But you seem to like her. And the child would be
devastated if anything happened to her. All I want is what I deserve.

“Do you know how long I’ve had to kowtow to that pompous windbag of a prince?

How much patience it has taken to convince him to give me an heir that might have his
gift? He didn’t want another whose power could equal his. Didn’t want someone who
could see the sword he had been robbed of, the weapon he could see and gift, but never
use himself. And then, after he had tasted Dark Fae magick, he couldn’t see it at all.”

Eonis had loosened his grip on Linnea as he spoke. Val could feel her eyes on him

and he silently willed her to trust him. The Dark Fae only had to move a few inches to
the left, just far enough away from his mate and he’d be his.

“When the Lord of the Air came to me, spoke within my mind, I knew that I had

found my incentive. The Claíomh Solais would be mine and I would free him, earning
his eternal gratitude even as he destroyed all those who had stood against his
enslavement of this inferior world. The Lord promised Torin the Realm of Joy, absolute
power over Danu’s people.”

“Danu would never allow that to happen, you misguided fool.” Raj was vibrating

with suppressed rage, his emerald eyes darkening, the pupils flickering as if flames
were flickering within.

“That’s the greatest gift of all, dragon. When Enlil is free, his first order of business

is to put an end to Danu’s interference once and for all. He wants the traitor wizard, his
brother, to die knowing that freak of nature is gone for good. And with her, humanity’s
only hope.”

A heartbeat later, the Dark standing on the outer edge of the circle burst into flames,

too distracted by their leader’s speech to transform to shadow.

Eonis looked around in angry surprise and Val knew that Raj had given him his

moment to strike.

Linnea seemed to sense his plan, dropping out of the loose grip Eonis had

maintained and rolling back toward the relative safety of the parking lot. Raj and Val
immediately dove into the fray.

Eonis laughed as Val found himself swinging at nothing but blackened mist. “You

are a fool. Do you think we came alone?”


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Val heard that familiar lightning crack, saw the clouds descend from the sky even

as he caught the appearance of the Sauros, those prolific lizards under Enlil’s charge.

Damn. There were so many of them. Raj was a good fighter, but it was rare that he

allowed himself to be put in a situation like this. He chose not to be a guardian, to
instead aid them with information, assisting Myrddin. He was holding his own, but Val
knew the two of them alone didn’t stand a chance.

Out. Kill. Now.
Val heard the guttural tone in his brother’s voice, signaling the need to merge with

the berserker and be released on the throng. “Hawk frith—”

“Oh no, you don’t.” Eonis had slid closer while Val was preoccupied with the

hissing Sauros, and before the berserker hawk could be released, he shoved his
shadowed hand into Val’s arm, where the tattoo pulsed viciously.

Val heard the agonized screech inside his head as the insidious poison mist did its

work on the spirit of the predator inside Val. And on his brother.

He fell to his knees, the soul deep pain almost more than he could bear. The curse

ensured they wouldn’t die, but for now they might wish they could. And the berserker
was immobilized. This was not good.

Val! Hawk!” He could hear Linnea scream in terror, but he was unable to reassure

her. The edge of his vision grew hazy and gray. The beautiful gray of Linnea’s eyes.

He wanted to see them again filled with passion. He wanted to watch them as they

glittered with maternal fire, a lioness protecting her young. She was so beautiful. If only
he could tell her…

No!” Eonis? Why did he sound so angry? Wasn’t this what he wanted? Just before

blackness consumed him, Val smiled. He wasn’t sure if it was an illusion, but an army
of Tuatha suddenly appeared behind his executioner.

Thank Danu.


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Chapter Nine

“Wake up, Viking.”
Val groaned as he woke to a throbbing in his head and a body that felt as if it had

been some mad Fae’s punching bag. Come to think of it…

“Linnea?” His body tensed as he remembered the feeling of helpless rage that had

flayed him at the sight of her in enemy hands.

He tried to rise from his prone position on the large bed, surprised and frustrated

when he was easily pushed down once more.

“She’s fine. Safe. As is the child. Don’t rush. You were in a bad way when you

arrived and you’ve been out cold for at least a day. You’re no good to any of us if you
fall flat on your face.”

Val pried open his eyes and tried to hide his grimace. “Nyctimus.”
“In the flesh, buddy. Thought we lost you there for a bit. None of us knew Eonis

could do something like that.”

Neither had Val. In all his years of fighting the Dark, he’d never experienced the

like. The Horde leader had seemed to reach inside him, grasping the hawk and his
brother’s spirit in his blackened grip. It had felt as if they were all being torn apart.

I am here, brother. A bit shaken…but here.
“Where are we?”
“At my place.” Val shot up once more, looking around the room in shock.
Though Nyc seemed to consider himself a part of Damon Arkadios’ family, he was

actually a bit more. Nyctimus was the product of an affair between the Archon Zeus
and the Queen of Arcadia.

When the queen’s husband, King Lycaon, had discovered that the child was not his,

he gave the queen to his roughest soldiers and sent Nyctimus off to the kitchens to be
served to his patron god Zeus at the Feast of the Wolf.

Damon, an illegitimate son of Lycaon who’d been treated like a slave for most of his

life, had warned Zeus of the king’s treachery. In payment, Zeus had thoughtlessly
included Damon in Arcadia’s punishment. The entire male population had been turned
into beasts, Lycans, and Arcadia had run red with the blood of innocent women and

The Archon had saved his own child, though Nyc didn’t thank him for it. He and

Zeus had been at odds once he’d discovered what his father had done.


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Ever since he’d helped Damon save Meru from that twisted Nimue, he’d been

hanging around the Fianna like a bad penny. A bad half Archon penny. If they were at
his place, that could only mean—

Nyc laughed, nodding as if he’d heard Val’s thoughts. “Your woman had a similar

expression on her face when I showed her where she was.”

He stood and crossed to the marble columned archway that led to an outer balcony.

Pulling back the curtains with a flourish, he stepped back to allow Val a clear view of
the three bright moons gracing the sky. “Welcome to Olympus, Viking.”

Val was stunned. Never in all his years had he imagined being allowed to cross the

portal and enter the Archon dimension. It was unheard of. He’d been to the Tuatha’s
realm many times, and he’d seen the portal there, a giant wall of shimmering light,
guarded and protected day and night.

Finn had been, in the course of his work as the High Queen’s Hunter, forced to

travel to this dimension once or twice. He’d been very closed-mouthed about his

Nyc stood looking out at the moonlit mountains, his serious expression

highlighting the jagged, silver scar across his cheek. “The Council doesn’t know you’re
here. Myrddin is attempting to distract them. When we realized you were in trouble,
Damon and Meru asked me to help. There is a lot more going on here than meets the

“I was wondering why we weren’t taken to The Realm of Joy. What is going on,

Nyc? Why would you risk yourself by going against The Council’s law?”

“There is a spy in The Realm, there can no longer be any doubt. Eonis and his

Horde know too much. Finn informed the High Queen about the situation, including
her wayward son and granddaughter. Myrddin and I agreed that, for the moment, this
was the safest place for you to be.”

“You’ve heard from Finn?”
“He’s here. He arrived with Sheridan only hours before you. He’s with her now.”
The tenor in Nyc’s voice had Val reaching for his jeans where they lay at the edge of

the bed. If that decomposing Dark had done anything to Sheridan, the Fianna would
ensure he suffered greatly.

Nyc didn’t try to stop him, just led him down the hall. Val desperately wanted to

see Linnea, to take her into his arms, but he needed more information. He was hoping
Finn would be able to give it to him.

The room, similar in design to the one he’d just left, was dark and quiet. Val saw the

still figure on the bed, the blonde hair spilling over the coverlet the only part of
Sheridan he could see. He took one step into the room, only to be stopped short by an
arm across his chest. Val turned and stilled in stunned surprise.


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The arrogant Fae he’d always known was gone, replaced by this haunted shadow.

Finn looked like a man on the edge, lavender eyes red-rimmed and filled with pain, jaw
clenched, cheeks hollow. His friend was in agony.

Finn nodded toward the door and the three men stepped back into the hallway. He

left the door open a crack and stood beside it. Close enough that he could hear the
slightest rustle coming from the bedroom.

Val watched as his friend leaned against the wall. Finn ran a shaky hand over his

face, dragging it through his short red hair before catching Val’s worried gaze. “She’ll
be fine. She just couldn’t—she begged me not to take her back to the house. She said she
couldn’t see her mother or Meru yet. She needed time. This was the only place I could
think of. She isn’t too fond of Fae right now, Dark or not.”

Finn heaved a sigh and Val shifted, uncomfortable to witness this warrior’s


“Eonis looked pretty bruised up when he came after us at Euterpe’s place. You have

anything to do with that?”

The Fae pinned Val with a look. “If I had gotten my hands on him, you wouldn’t

have seen him at E.’s. I would have killed him. Those marks were all Sheridan’s doing.”
A glimmer of pride crossed his expression as he glanced back toward the door.

“I have a strong desire to kill him myself after what he’s put Linnea through.”
“Not if I get to him first.” The grim determination in Finn’s voice couldn’t be


“So what’s our next move?” Val felt Hawk stir restlessly, ready for action. He too

couldn’t seem to stand still. His skin was starting to tighten, his body flushing with that
familiar adrenaline.

Nyc took a step closer. “We’ve got a few more hours of peace. That’s as much time

as we can spare before The Council is alerted and all Hades breaks loose. Until then, I
say we let Sheridan get some much needed rest. And you…well…I’m thinking you
need to find the lovely Linnea and some privacy yourself. You may be on Olympus, but
on Earth, it’s less than an hour away from sunset on the first night of Odin’s Hunt.”

October thirty-first. Odin’s Hunt. The electric energy pulsing through him, growing

in strength as each moment passed, suddenly made sense.

It was time.
Since the moment Freyja had cursed them to their intimate prison, they had been

searching for ways to keep parts of themselves separate, savoring each moment of their
time apart. Now their hearts beat as one, the drumbeat a mantra echoing a single name.

* * * * *


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“Uncle Nyc said the three moons are always in the sky, that the light never changes

so you can never tell when its time to go to sleep. Does that mean I can stay up as long
as I want?”

“No, it does not. And seriously, Boo, you can’t just go around adopting Uncles.”

Linnea sighed as she flopped down beside her daughter, who was gazing innocently
out the window.

“Uncle Nyc told me to call him that.”
Nyc had told them a lot of things in the last twenty-four hours. Linnea was still

reeling from his first revelation. A fact she didn’t believe until he took her outside.

They were in another dimension. On another planet. A planet that had three moons.

A planet called Olympus, the home of the gods in Greek myth.

After the beings clad in golden armor had appeared around their attackers,

everything had gone a little crazy.

Linnea was grabbed and zapped away, along with her daughter and an

unconscious Val, to what looked like a giant wall of shimmering energy in an enormous

A woman surrounded by yet more armed guards had been waiting. She had been

stunning, almost too beautiful to look at. But Linnea was struck most of all by how very
much she looked like Crystal.

Her violet eyes had welled with unshed tears. She looked at the curious little girl

and then gripped Linnea tightly in her arms.

“Thank you.” The words were soft, but heartfelt.
Before she could question the stranger, another appeared at her side. The man was

glorious. Long golden brown hair flying past his shoulders, his eyes lit as if by some
internal flame, the silver scar that marred one side of his face only enhancing his

“There’s no time for reunions, Your Highness. It isn’t safe.” The woman nodded

quickly and stepped back as the man lifted Val over his shoulder with ease and nodded
to Linnea.

“Follow me.” He stepped through the energy wall, disappearing from sight with

Val in his arms. Linnea hesitated for a moment, but unwilling to lose sight of her
wounded Viking, picked Crystal up in her arms, took a deep breath and stepped into
the light.

Nyctimus, or Nyc, as he’d asked her to call him, had explained who he was and

why they had been brought here.

He’d told her that Raj had stayed behind at the motel with Badger and Bear. It had

been the only option. Sneaking the three of them through the portal had been hard
enough. Too many would have signaled the alarm immediately.


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The Archon Council had apparently forbidden non-Archon traffic through the

portal. They were quite adamant about enforcing that rule. Nyc hadn’t seemed too

“Who was that woman?” Linnea hadn’t been able to get her out of her mind.
“That was the High Queen of Morrigan. Crystal’s grandmother. When she realized

what her son had done, what he was planning to do to his own child and the family
legacy, she sent her guards to help you immediately. She wanted to keep you both with
her, but with a traitor in her midst, she knew she couldn’t take that chance.”

“A traitor?”
“Someone has been feeding the Dark information. On your whereabouts, Fianna

weaknesses. We’ve been caught too many times with our pants down. The only
explanation is that there is a spy in Ríocht an Áthais. The High Queen has her own
suspicions, but until they can be confirmed, we can’t take any chances with your
daughter’s safety.”

“Mommy, do you know they have twelve planets here? All of them full of aliens.”

Her daughter’s voice brought her back to the present.

“I think we’re the aliens here, sweetie. Did you understand what Uncle Nyc had to

say about the Sword?”

Nyc said Finn had told him that the Claíomh Solais was the basis of the Excalibur

myth. In fact, it was the High Queen herself who had bestowed the sword on the noble
warrior that brought Briton together.

Since Arthur, there had been none worthy enough, of honorable cause and the

sword had remained a part of the Morrigan heir…waiting.

“Your daughter is High Princess of Morrigan by blood and heir to the power of the

Sword of Light.”

Like any other enchanted artifact, it had a sentience all its own, a power that when

released was difficult to control.

“It is said it can cut through any obstacle, break any barrier and restore balance to

chaos. The Lord of Air,” Nyc sneered the title— “will have it used to release him from
the prison his brother Enki, the man we call Myrddin, placed him in so long ago. And if
he escapes, the world will be in more danger than you can imagine.

“That is why there are so many after your daughter. That is why as long as she

retains possession of it, she will be in danger. The crux of it is, only she will know when
or if the time is right. And only she will know if there is one noble enough to hold the

Linnea came back to the present and looked down at her daughter’s strawberry

curls that bounced as she nodded.

It was too much pressure to put on a child as far as she was concerned. How could

someone so small be entrusted with something so powerful, coveted by so many? It
wasn’t fair.


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She wished she could take the burden away from her. Wished Crystal could have

had a normal life, with a loving father. A safe childhood.

She lifted Crystal up into her arms and inhaled her sweet scent. “Have I told you

how proud I am of you, Boo? How very much I love you?”

Crystal’s big, violet eyes twinkled up at her mother as she leaned back in her arms.

“Its okay, Mommy. I know. I love you too.”

Crystal looked down at her hands, unable to hide the smile on her cute bow shaped

lips. “You know who else I like a lot? Val. And Hawk.”

Linnea knew her jaw must have dropped. Her daughter knew about that? That

there were two of them?

“I think they’d make good daddies.”
Daddies? No wonder she hadn’t dubbed them with the uncle title. The little urchin

had other plans. She hadn’t even gotten that far. Would this gifted girl always be ten
steps ahead of her?

She took a moment to consider how she felt about that possibility. It was an

understatement to say that she was drawn to them. The mere thought of her Vikings
and her body reacted, a melting heat she could not control.

When Eonis had seemed to reach inside the kneeling Val, she’d forgotten her fear,

forgotten everything in her need to get to him, to protect him. If the others hadn’t been
holding her back, if those Faerie guards hadn’t arrived when they did, she would have
done whatever she had to do to save him.

It was almost as if she loved him—them. In fact, it felt exactly like that. But how did

they feel? What was she to them? She didn’t have the greatest track record when it came
to falling in love. She didn’t feel half of what she felt now for Tory—Torin, she silently
amended, and he’d had her completely fooled. She had a feeling if she lost her Vikings,
her heart would never be the same again.

“Don’t worry, Mommy. They lov—”
Linnea looked up to find Nyc leaning casually against the archway. It struck her

that, despite the fact that this opulent villa was his residence, he did not seem remotely
at home here.

He was like a wild caged thing, his prison made of marbled columns and silks. If

anyone would recognize that type of prison, it was Linnea. Hadn’t she been in her own
gilded cage?

Of course, Tory had never for a moment let her forget how much he despised her

and the child growing inside her. But what about Nyc?

Why did he seem so desperate to escape?
“I told Crystal I would show her our version of a movie tonight. I even made some

popcorn and some of that candy corn she loves for the occasion, which was an
interesting experience for the food processor, I’m sure.”


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Crystal squeaked in excitement and scrambled off her mother’s lap. His face

softened when he smiled down at the precocious little girl. Linnea stood as if to follow,
but the knowing twinkle in Nyc’s gaze stopped her.

“We have to celebrate Samhain, right? It’s a very special night, after all. Oh and

Linnea? You’ll find Val is waiting for you on the balcony.”

Her breath came faster and her skin began to tingle as she realized what her host

was trying to say.

It was time.
Tonight, Val and Hawk would separate from dusk to dawn, whenever that was in

this tri-moon system. But this time, as they’d promised, they wouldn’t go off in
opposite directions. This time they had plans that included her.

She watched her daughter disappear with a smiling wave and ran her hands

nervously down her chiton, a Grecian styled dress that Nyc had given her to wear.

The material was unusual, light and comfortable, held together by a single jeweled

pin. She worried, wondering if they would like her in it. If both of them would still find
her attractive? Would they change once they were no longer merged?

She walked over the cool marble floor, sporadically covered with intricate tapestry

rugs, and stepped out onto the open aired archway that led to the main balcony. She
saw him, bare-chested, the top button of his jeans undone, looking out at the glittering
lights of the city interspersed through the high mountain range.

Linnea felt her breath catch, a silent sob welling up in her chest. She’d checked on

his sleeping form a dozen times, regardless of Nyc’s assertions, determined to see with
her own eyes that he was all right.

He must have heard her muffled gasp. He turned, his eyes a deep, rich brown,

studying her as intently as she was studying him. Neither spoke a word, though it felt
to her as if the very air between them was charged.

Her body responded to his gaze as if it were a physical caress. She looked away for

a moment, desperate to gain some control before she knelt at his feet and begged him to
love her, to make love to her now, here, when her eyes lit upon a table set for two.

“Food.” She breathed gratefully, walking closer to the table as he watched her, his

entire body eerily still, only his eyes following her movements.

“You’re probably starved, aren’t you? Do you know that they actually have those

science fiction machines that make pretty much whatever you want? Of course, you
have to read the language and figure out all the—”

She closed her eyes on a moan as he took her mouth. He didn’t touch her anywhere

else, just her lips. But those he demanded. Those he consumed.

He ravaged her mouth, a tangle of tongues and teeth, gentle suction and rough

bites, all combined to leave her too weak to stand. He caught her as her knees gave out,
pulling back to kiss her neck, breathing her in deeply.


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“Linnea, I—” He went silent, his body trembling with restraint. She leaned back,

looking into eyes now swirling with color, amber and brown hues sparking beneath lids
lowered in pain. “Val?”

He gripped her shoulders in a bruising hold. “Stay, Linnea. See us.” He released her,

taking several steps back before arching his back in apparent agony, his arms spread
wide, muscles rippling.

A light mist began to shroud him, making it difficult for her to see. The tattoo on his

biceps was suddenly vibrant, a beacon in the hazy light. The attacking hawk seemed to
be fighting for its life, fighting to escape.

She could hear its angry screeching as it began to fade and change. She stepped

closer, horrified and fascinated at once.

It looked painful. She could see one body thrashing, now on the ground, and then

two. The second image, translucent at first, seemed to be wrenching itself from its twin.
She heard a howl of pain and fell to her own knees beside the mist, tears flowing down
her cheeks as she looked on, helpless.

It felt like hours, but it was over in moments. The mist began to dissipate, her eyes

never blinking as she made out the outlines of two.

One still and silent on all fours, his dark blond, shoulder length hair hiding his face,

the tattoo on his arm a faded indigo, the mere suggestion of a hawk in the tribal lines.
The other lay, chest rising rapidly, on his back, his eyes closed, both arms bare of

The man on his knees whipped his head up, his hair flying back to reveal burning

eyes the color of molten gold. The color of amber.

Instantly, heat pooled low in Linnea’s belly, her thighs trembling as she recognized

the predator. He was Viking. He was berserker. He was hers.

A groan brought her eyes back to Val, who’d rolled onto his side, his gaze on his

brother. “It is good to see you, my brother.”

“It is good to be seen.” His voice was a bit deeper, raspier, as if he were unused to

speaking. It was sexy as hell, she decided.

Val caught her eye, the lust in their depths his own, and all for her. Something

inside her sighed in relief. They wanted her. They both still felt the same.

They stood and she could only look on in awe. Twins. Identical in nearly every

way. Their eyes and Hawk’s tattoo the only physical way to tell them a part. Unless you
looked closer.

Hawk wore danger and responsibility around him like a cloak. He was a leader.

Born and raised to it—and it shone from him. Strong as he was, she could see his
weariness, his need to be seen and loved for himself.


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Val stayed to the side, allowing his brother the reins, his body seemingly relaxed,

though he was just as much the predator, the leader, as his twin. He hid his needs
behind his roguish grin.

In a burst of insight and emotion, she knew them. And she also admitted to herself

that she was, in fact, in love with them.

“Sweet Linnea.” Two hands reached out to help her up, two gentle grips guided her

dazed form to the table and tenderly lowered her into the seat.

Pulling another chair to the table, Hawk sat down on her right side, Val the left. She

couldn’t stop looking at them, both of them. They appeared to be waiting for her

It was a bit of a shock. She’d believed them when they’d told her, but actually

seeing it, seeing them separate…was something else altogether.

How they must suffer. She couldn’t fathom that kind of personal invasion or how

hard they must fight to keep their individuality intact. And yet, they’d been like this for
over twelve hundred years.

What could she say to these men to let them know that she felt the same? That she

wanted to be with them, curse or no curse? She smiled at the intent Hawk, then turned
to catch Val’s sparkling gaze, a soft smile of acknowledgement on her face. “Let’s eat.”

She placed the two plates in front of her men, filling them as she tried to calm her

breathing. Being this close to two such profoundly attractive, thrillingly primal male
specimens was something to make the bravest soul tremble.

The sight of them, their scent, made her hands shake as she set large mugs of some

of the delicious ale Nyc favored in front of them. She started to rise, needing to go get a
mug for herself, some liquid courage, but a hand on each shoulder stopped her.

She looked curiously at Val as his fingers softly caressed her cheek, slipping one

wayward strand of hair behind her ear. “It is traditional that we feed you from our
plates. Allow us this pleasure, Linnea. Let us take care of you.”

She slid a sidelong glance in Hawk’s direction to find his gaze riveted to her mouth.

She bit her lip and he hissed out a rough breath, amber eyes flaring as he looked up.

Hawk took a small morsel from the plate between his fingers, raising it slowly to

her lips as though she might object. It was something Linnea had eaten yesterday and
she wasn’t sure what it was, but it tasted absolutely divine…and a little bit like chicken.

He pressed for entry and her mouth opened, causing him to groan softly as he fed

her. Then Val got her attention with the bit of fruit he rubbed teasingly across her lips.

She had no idea the act of eating could be so erotic, but between the two of them,

she was soon satiated and so turned on she thought she might cry if they didn’t take
her. One of them. Both of them. She didn’t care.

Hawk was savoring his meal, licking his fingers as he finished off his plate,

watching with interest as Val dipped his own into his mug of ale. He rubbed the


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ambrosia-like liquid over Linnea’s full, delicious lips, catching Hawk’s eye and nodding

She saw him nod in return, smiling at her as he reached for the pin on her shoulder,

releasing it with a flourish. She lifted her arms in time to catch the loosened folds of
fabric, her cheeks heating. She’d been with them before, but somehow this felt new,
more intense, more intimate.

Val tsked teasingly, the small wicked grin quirking his lips an attempt to put her at

ease, she knew, though it had the opposite effect. He kissed her, a light brush of his lips,
his tongue slipping out to taste the drops of ale.

She closed her eyes at the erotic sensation, her body vibrating with need. He leaned

back, satisfaction stamped across his features as he took her in.

“Another tradition, Linnea. We fed you. It’s our turn. We’re hungry, baby. Starving.

Will you feed us?”

Her thighs already damp with arousal, her hands loosened on the fabric as fingers

tugged the white material down until it pooled in her lap.


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Chapter Ten

“Gotta love that dress.”
Val’s voice rasped across her bare shoulder, his hot breath tightening her nipples,

causing her to shiver in response. Hawk’s calloused palm grazed her arm and she
jumped, opening her eyes to see two blond heads bending toward her breasts.

“Hawk—Val—someone could—”
Hawk, plumped her small breast, covering its tip with ale from his own cup. He

didn’t even look up as he assured her, “Nyctimus knows we are here. We won’t be

Linnea arched her back on a moan as two hot mouths began to nip and suck at her

breasts. They ate at the hardened buds, sending fire to her womb. She could feel how
wet she was, and when, as one, they spread her thighs, sliding beneath the fabric, she
knew what they’d find.

She’d never imagined…never felt anything like this. They caressed her, tormenting

her in tandem until she was arching into their touch, their mouths. Two blunt fingers
traced her soaking pussy, pressing for entrance. “Oh God.

They thrust inside, stretching her, fucking her with their fingers, dual groans at her

breasts as they felt how ready she was for them. How hot. She slid her own fingers into
their hair, her body a livewire of need.

More. I need to taste.” Hawk’s guttural demand against her painfully tight nipple

sent electric arcs of fire through her body.

Val nodded, standing quickly, leaving her side to slide his damp fingers under the

table. “Myrddin showed me one of these once. I think its—there you go.”

He clicked some sort of hidden switch, his other hand lifting a tray of what Linnea

had decided must be a kind of butter-like substance a heartbeat before all the dishes
and what was left of their Archonian feast disappeared before her eyes, leaving the
table magically empty.

A heartbeat later, Val was beside her, lifting her in his arms as Hawk stood frozen,

his cheeks flushed, chest rising rapidly with each harsh breath.

“He needs you, baby,” Val whispered in her ear as he easily divested her of the rest

of her gown, lowering her to a kneeling position on the smooth table. “We both do.
Give him what he needs.”

He scooted her to the end of the table and he pressed down on her back. She found

herself on all fours, ass in the air, feeling the cool, sweet breeze caress her damp thighs.
More aroused than she’d ever been, she jumped, startled, as she heard the rustling
behind her.


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Hawk and Val were removing their jeans, their eyes blazing as they studied her

prone figure. “Spread your legs. Further. Yes. Oh Linnea, you are so beautiful, baby.
The most beautiful thing we’ve ever seen.”

She could have said the same. They were almost too handsome, too perfect to look

at. Broad shoulders, smooth sexy chests, lean muscles rippling with tension and lust.
And their cocks. She’d been stretched full with one, how would she possibly take two?

She found it hard to believe they really wanted her. They could have anyone. Their

expressions brooked no argument. It was her. She was the focus of their desire.

Hawk sat down slowly in the vacant chair between her legs, the perfect height for

what he had in mind. He’d said he wanted to taste her. Linnea couldn’t contain the
moan that bubbled in her throat.

“So pink and swollen, so full of sweet cream. Give him your pussy, baby. Feed

him.” Val stalked around the table as he spoke.

She followed his progress, watching his thick thighs flex with each step. Her breath

came in pants as she pressed backward, spreading her legs even wider in offering.

A groan of pure need sounded behind her and then he was there, drinking her

down. His tongue filled her, thrusting deep, his hands clenching and unclenching as he
spread her ass cheeks wide, burying his face between her legs.

She cried out, her neck arching, wild-eyed gaze clashing with Val’s. He stood in

front of her, his fist tight around his flushed cock. Hard and thick and wider than she
remembered, she watched as he pleasured himself, and suddenly she was desperate to
have him in her mouth.

“Please, Val.” He inhaled sharply, his fingers tightening around the base of his shaft

as pearly liquid leaked from the tip.

He stepped closer, so close she could smell his heated skin, feel the damp tip of his

cock as it brushed past her lower lip. She looked up at him, licking her lips to absorb his
taste. Val’s eyes narrowed.

“You want my cock, Linnea? Gods know I want to fuck that hot little mouth of

yours. I’ve been dreaming of it.” She nodded, eyes riveted to his rigid erection.

Her body quaked as Hawk pulled her back against his mouth, controlling her

movements with his tight grip as he licked her from anus to clit and back again.

Hawk’s tongue rimmed the tight rosette of her ass just as Val’s cock slid into her

waiting mouth. She jerked back, trying to look behind her in shock, her behind
wiggling. Hawk looked up, his eyes dilated, face damp with her juices.

His growl would not be denied. His gaze daring her to move, he bent to his task

once more, making sure she was watching as he licked her, holding the cheeks of her
ass spread wide. Linnea trembled. A dark, sinful feeling crashed over her like a tidal
wave. It felt good.


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When Val gripped her head in his hands, turning her back to his waiting cock, she

was more than ready. She felt greedy. For him. For this. For anything they wanted.

Hawk slid two fingers, then three into her dripping sex and she moaned around

Val’s salty shaft, taking him as deep into her mouth as she could go. She pressed her
tongue against the underside of his shaft, beneath the head. He called her name, his
hips jerking instinctively, the taste of pre-come filling her mouth.

“I knew it would feel like this. I knew…made for this. You were made for this, baby.

Made for us.” His words faded and he gripped her hair, thrusting lightly into her
mouth, in time with Hawk’s fingers in her pussy.

It was too much. More than she could take. She leapt off the cliff and instead of

falling, she soared as she came apart between her two Vikings.

Hawk swore as her tight sheath milked his fingers. His cock was pulsing, throbbing

with the need to get inside, to make her come again and again.

He stood so abruptly he heard the chair clatter behind him, his eyes catching Val’s

expression of agonized pleasure as he gripped his shaft tight and rubbed the head
against the puffy red lips of her sex, coating himself with her come.

Val held her steady and he stilled the thrust of his hips against her mouth, her

moan of disappointment turning into one of pleasure as Hawk stretched her wide with
his cock.

Gods, she was wet, the muscles of her pussy still tightening with the last ripples of

her orgasm. He breathed deeply, counted to ten and began to move.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d last, it felt so good. And those feelings were his. It

was his cock she was pushing her hips back against, his hands squeezing her hips as he
powered into her warm, welcoming sex.

His gaze was drawn to her perfect ass. The ass he was going to be the first to take.
“I can’t take much more. Her mouth is too—ahh, damn that feels so…” Hawk heard

his brother’s plea, knew what he wanted, but he was greedy. He wanted to feel her
come again, this time around his cock.

His hand slid around to tangle in the dew covered curls of her pussy, rubbing her

clit as he thrust so hard against her he could hear the slap of heated flesh echo in the air.

“Come, Linnea. Come for me.” A gasping breath later, he heard her muffled


He looked up in time to see Val pulling out of her mouth, bending to press his lips

passionately against hers as she shook in their arms.

Hawk clenched his jaw at the painful pleasure, her climax tightening around him,

near bruising him with its force.

He slid out of her, wanting nothing more than to return. To bury himself in her

depths and never leave. His fist gripped his weeping cock in a white knuckled grip as
he watched Val lift her up, sliding beneath her on the table to position her above him.


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He could hear his brother’s voice, a low rumble explaining what they were planning to

He couldn’t speak. Val had always been better with words. All he could do was

stare at the sumptuous perfection of her ass, reaching for the plate his brother had
purposely salvaged…and wait.

He watched her lower herself onto his brother’s cock, wondering that he felt no

jealousy. He’d had ages to ponder their “love” for the sweet, innocent Brígh. He’d often
wondered if he would be more possessive with someone who truly held his heart.

He was still berserker. Still carried the flame of the hawkish predator inside him,

though in his separate form, it was less sentient than it seemed within the confines of
their curse.

The hawk mated for life. It wasn’t in his nature to share. And there could be no

doubt Linnea was his mate in every way. What he felt for her was like nothing he’d
ever known. He simply could not imagine life without her and it had only been a few
days since they’d met.

Maybe it was all these years of being joined. Maybe it was because Val was his

twin, the only voice he heard in the darkness. They were connected in a way that defied
logic. And yet they had not only survived, but found a way to use it to their advantage.
And his brother loved her too. Just as completely, just as possessively as he did. How
could he take that gift away from either of them? Why would he want to?


Linnea burned with the need to move, the position too delicious, arousing her to yet

another fever pitch of desire as she sat astride Val. He’d whispered the naughtiest
things as he joined her on the table. All the things they were planning to do to her, with

The twinkling lights of the beautiful houses below caught her eye, the mountains an

astounding bluish gold that would have warranted awe at any other time.

Now all she could think was that here she was again, outside where anyone could

see, this time with two Vikings instead of one.

She always thought she was vanilla and boring. Who could have known she’d have

this latent streak of exhibitionism?

Val placed his hand on her back and pulled her down over his body, kissing her so

softly, so tenderly it almost brought tears to her eyes.

He pulled back, grinning in that playful way of his that always sent butterflies

racing around in her stomach. “Tell Hawk you’re ready for him, baby.”

Suddenly nervous, her voice came out not so much breathy as high-pitched.


She looked over her shoulder and her heart stopped as she took in his powerful

frame. He stood like a conqueror of worlds, and it seemed she was his next challenge.


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He skimmed his fingers over the golden mound of butter, scooping up a dollop,

and her throat went dry.

He stepped closer and she trembled at the cool, slick substance on her skin. His

coated fingers traced the tight ring of muscles, one sliding inside before he quickly
withdrew it with a growl.

She watched as he slathered his reddened cock until it gleamed in the moonlight

before dropping the plate and reaching for her hips. The wide flared head pushed for
entrance and she tried to breathe, pressing outward as she’d done with the plug.
Though he was so much thicker, she worried her lip between her teeth.

His face grim with control, jaw clenching, Hawk pressed home. She moaned,

unable to help herself, her back bowing at the overwhelming sensation of being filled
front and back.

As one, they stilled. She tried to come to grips with what her body was feeling. Her

brain had short-circuited. Too many sensations. Pain. Pleasure. Excitement. Lust. They
all swirled together, elevating her need.

“So…fucking…tight. Gods, my sweet Linnea.” Hawk’s harsh groan came moments

before he started to move. She felt the drag of his slowly retreating cock everywhere.
Too intense. Too much. The hands on her hips pressed her down on Val’s shaft, lifting
her up as Hawk filled her once more.

The rhythm was all consuming. Her body was on fire, a burning flame of emotion.

It was her fantasy come to life, but more primal, more brutally erotic than anything she
could have imagined.

Each nerve ending felt exposed as their two cocks pounded into her, the stretch

indescribable, the pleasure so intense she couldn’t contain her cries. Again and again
she raised herself up, pressing down hard on Val’s cock, thrusting her hips back against
Hawk, calling their names as her actions caused their control to slip. Their movements
turned frenzied, each reaching, striving for that end goal…together.

Linnea.” Hawk’s loud cry rang in her ears as the hot jets filled her, signaling his


Val reached up at that same moment to take a sharply pointed nipple in his mouth,

sucking hard on her breast as his hips rose off the table. The sharp suction went straight
to her womb and she joined Hawk in his release.

It seemed every cell in her body erupted with ecstasy and love for the men

surrounding her. Through the haze of pleasure, she heard Val as he too cried out her
name, his hips grinded upward as he climaxed.

Sweat-soaked and shivering, she lay down fully on Val’s broad chest, his lips

caressing her hair as both tried to catch their breath. She could feel them within her still,
cocks stirring as if ready for another round.

Impossible. No one recovered that quickly.


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Hawk’s mouth was on her shoulder. She smiled sleepily. Her heavy lids lifted,

startled, as he raised himself off her, lifting her out of Val’s arms to stand beside him,
despite her pouting protest.

She looked down with a slight grimace at the creamy liquid dripping down her

legs. She needed a shower. Val rose to stand behind her, caressing her shoulders.

“Linnea.” Hawk’s quiet voice had her raising her eyes to his. Amber with flecks of

gold. He had such beautiful eyes, she thought dreamily.

He took her hands in his. “You belong to me. I have crossed rivers and sailed the

world’s oceans to find you. In Odin’s wisdom, you were made for me. All I have
conquered is nothing. All that I own meaningless. But you belong to me…and I to you.”

Tears slipped down her cheeks at his quietly adamant declaration. Never in her

life…she swallowed a sob. Before she could take him in her arms, thank him,
something, Hawk resolutely turned her to face Val.

The twins shared a moment of silent communication over her head. She could feel

the powerful current in the air. When Val’s rich, chocolate colored eyes lowered to hers,
they twinkled with more than mischief.

He raised her hands to his lips, kissing each in turn. “You belong to me.” He

whispered. “I have crossed rivers and sailed the world’s oceans to find you. In Odin’s
wisdom, you were made for me. All I have conquered is nothing. All that I own
meaningless. But you belong to me. And I belong to you.”

As they surrounded her, each touching her with a reverence that shattered her, she

marveled. It sounded like vows. As if they’d both pledged themselves to her. She could
hardly dare believe it. Not with her past.

She’d never belonged to anyone. And no one but Crystal had ever really belonged

to her. She didn’t know what to say.

After a moment, Val stepped back. He was smiling, but his eyes held a touch of

sadness. Had she done something wrong?

Reaching down, he scooped up the fabric of her chiton, draping the cloth around

her. “The balcony walk leads to our room. Three doorways down. Go. Shower. We’ll
join you soon.”

There was a promise in his voice that distracted her, her body quivering with

remembered desire. She looked at them both, her smile bright and joyous as she hurried
around the curving walkway.

She almost giggled as she headed to their room, her eyes captivated by those

strange orbs in the sky. Like spotlights, they lit up the world, and she wondered, like
her daughter, how anyone ever knew what time it was.

“I didn’t know the Brads could do that.”
Linnea whirled around at the sound of the subdued voice. The woman who’d been

taken by Eonis, Sheridan Kelly, was standing in one of the curtain-covered archways
that led to her bedroom.


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Had she seen them? Linnea felt her face heat.
When she didn’t say anything, Sheridan continued, arms crossed defensively over

her chest. “Separate like that. I didn’t know. They’d always seemed the most normal of
the bunch…apart from the giant hawk—and that eye thing.”

Linnea felt her back stiffen in offense at the woman’s tone. She took a closer look.

Sheridan’s eyes were haunted. She stood uncomfortably still, but her gaze never
stopped moving.

There were no marks on her face, but starting at the collar of her shirt, she could see

scratches and bruising. She knew Eonis. Oh not as he was now. But even when he’d
been playing the part of human, he had a horrific love of inflicting pain. A love that
Torin had shared.

They’d always been careful with her. She had been pregnant with their bargaining

chip, after all. But they’d managed to find ways to hurt her. She could only imagine
what this beautiful warrior woman had gone through.

“Are you okay?”
Sheridan glared. “Sure, I’m peachy. Glorious. Don’t worry about me. Just go back to

your little threesome and have a blast. At least they’re human…sort of. Just be thankful
you don’t have to deal with those alien Faeries.”

Linnea wrapped herself more tightly in the white fabric, her voice quiet with

warning. “My daughter is one of those Faeries, Miss Kelly.”

The blonde tossed her braid, her shoulders slumping as she sighed, the fight

leaving her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—I just—” Linnea reached out to softly touch the
other woman’s shoulder.

“They aren’t all bad. The Fae? They saved our lives. Just like humans, some are

good, others…are not. We just have to be able to tell the difference.”

Sheridan shook her head. “I appreciate that you believe that. But personally, I want

nothing more to do with this insanity. No more shifters or prophecies or wizards. And
if I never see another Fae again, it will be too soon.”

Linnea caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. The door behind Sheridan

was open.

Standing there, bathed in light, was Finn. There was so much pain on his face. It

was obvious he’d heard every word.

Linnea’s heart went out to him. He loved her. It was so easy to see. He caught her

stare, shaking his head in a request for silence. He left the way he’d come, closing the
door behind him without a sound.

“You just need time.” Linnea hoped that was all it was. She hoped Eonis hadn’t

scarred her too badly. But she knew from experience that some wounds simply
wouldn’t heal.

“Maybe.” Sheridan was noncommittal and she stepped back into her room without

another word, leaving Linnea alone to continue down the walkway.


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* * * * *

You had to give it up for the Archons. They knew what technology was really made


Linnea sighed beneath the hot, soothing shower. Instant four-star worthy food,

incredibly sensual, sensible fabrics. Beds that felt like heaven and adapted to any size or
need, a miracle she’d discovered quite by accident tucking Crystal in last night—and
bathrooms that could rival any spa she’d ever heard of.

The tiles beneath her feet heated to a perfect temperature, massaging her arches as

she stood under the spray. A warm breeze carrying the soothing scent of jasmine
whirled around her, caressing her skin from some unseen vent.

The water not only seemed to magically ease her aching muscles, she could swear

she heard music, a relaxing new age kind of music coming from the showerhead. After
years of cramped motel rooms and the tiny cubicle in Badger’s RV, this was Heaven.

She sensed a presence and opened her eyes, so relaxed she wasn’t even startled to

see Hawk naked and aroused as he watched her from the other side of the steamy
room. She took her time rinsing off, feeling a bit as if she were performing for him.

Her hands slid over her tiny breasts, the breasts she had always disliked, tweaking

her nipples. Her fingers slid past her belly, guiding the water between her legs,
widening her stance so he could see everything.

Hawk didn’t move. His eyes blazed as they followed the trail of her hands, but he

didn’t step closer. Linnea felt her body heat with need.

She wanted to touch him. Needed to show him how she felt. She grabbed the soft

cloth from the windowsill, the wonderful cloth that never ran out of delicious smelling
foam soap, and walked toward him.

The water followed her. Soothing her as she reached Hawk’s side.
He was glorious. His bronzed body glittered with moisture, his hair slicked back,

darker now and lying like silk on his shoulders.

Hers. She smiled, flirting a bit as she began to caress his body with the cloth. His

muscles flexed with every touch, but he didn’t try to stop her.

She reached up to cover his massive shoulders in foam, his pecs. She scrubbed

every part of him with erotic efficiency, even kneeling to reach his calves and each sexy
toe, until all that was left was his need-flushed cock.

She wrapped the soft as down cloth around his thick width, rubbing in gliding

strokes until she heard him growl, the first sound he’d made since he’d come in. He
stepped around her, washing the foam quickly off his body before turning to face her
once more.

Linnea was still on her knees. She gripped his hips, pulling him closer as she

opened her mouth around his wet cock, taking him deep. Hawk groaned as his hands
sifted through her short, damp hair. He tasted different. Still the salty tang of male, but


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more…Hawk. She moaned against him, licking and suckling him greedily. Learning

He gently pulled her head back, joining her on the tiled floor to take her mouth in a

devastating kiss. His tongue plunged deep, fighting with hers, biting at her lips in a
sensual sting that had her gasping. His hand reached down between her legs, spearing
his fingers inside her soaking pussy, and she responded in kind, gripping him in her fist
and pumping him in time with his strokes.

“I can’t get enough. It will never be enough.” He leaned on his side, taking her

thighs in his hands and spreading her wide, his mouth rooting through her glimmering
curls, finding and circling her clit with his tongue.

“Hawk. Oh God, Hawk.”
She followed him down, the cock still pulsing in her hand too tempting to resist.

The tiles warmed to her body, seeming to join in the love play with their subtle massage
as she took him in her mouth once more.

His rumble of need against her clit as she breathed out, swallowing him down her

throat, made her arch her hips against his face.

She was dripping with need and he was there, drinking in every drop, rooting for


He bit her thigh as she fondled his tight sac. “You taste so good, love. Give me

more. Yes, Linnea. Swallow—oh Gods, again. Do it again.”

He lowered his head, spearing her depths with his tongue. Fucking her with his

fingers and mouth as she tried to take more of him.

She could taste the small, hot bursts of liquid on her tongue, and she knew he was

close. She too, felt the clenching of her belly, the electric sparks up her spine that
signaled her nearing orgasm.

He lifted her leg high, opening her wider for his voracious tongue. She cried out,

the vibration sending his cock down her throat as he groaned her name.

They came together, starbursts of sensation as she flew, her climax shaking her to

her core.

She swallowed the hot, salty sweetness of his come, laving his cock, not wanting to

miss a drop. He too was loathe to stop, licking her thighs, her curls, his hands gentling
her with soft circular touches.

“That’s one way to get clean.”
Linnea felt Hawk still, then chuckle against her clit. The sound was so lighthearted

she had to smile. She was still grinning as she released him, rolling over on her stomach
to look up at Val.

The shower had adapted to his presence, the stream of water caressing him as he

rinsed the foam off his golden skin. He must have been here a while, she thought,
amazed that she hadn’t noticed.


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She blushed a little as she thought about him watching. But she wasn’t

embarrassed. She didn’t imagine she would ever be embarrassed around these two
again. It would be a futile exercise.

Hawk stood behind her, his hands gripping her elbows to help her rise from her

sprawled position on the floor. He looked at her, his fingers light on her chin as he
kissed her. They tasted of each other and she deepened the kiss, enjoying the intimacy.

Hawk leaned his forehead against hers as the kiss ended. “I love you.” The words,

so low she had to strain to hear, blew her away.

Before she could respond, he nudged her toward the entrance, toward Val. “I’ll

finish up in here. You two go…dry off.”

He turned back toward the water’s spray. Val winked, scooping her up in his arms

and out of the shower. The outer rooms of the bath blasted them with fresh, sweet air
that had them dry in the time it took him to reach the archway that led to the bedroom.

Val silently thanked his brother for understanding. When he’d walked in and seen

them together, pleasuring each other, he’d felt a moment’s jealousy.

He had no desire to take time away from his brother, but his feelings for Linnea

were so intense, so consuming, that at times it seemed to border on obsession. When he
and Hawk had taken Linnea together, they had been unified. Focused only on bringing
her satisfaction. He had enjoyed her screams of climax, not caring who had caused

Now he was filled with the need to claim her. The need to take her. To make her his

own. And Hawk had understood.

To have no thoughts in his head but his own as he entered her sweet, hot sheath.

Just the two of them together. Bliss. He also had to admit that there was a small part of
him, as there had always been, that was afraid he wouldn’t measure up.

His brother had always been the leader. People had always looked to him, loved

him, before they’d even noticed Val.

Hawk was the berserker. Val…just a man. He wanted Linnea to love him too. To

look at him as tenderly as he had seen her look at his twin.

He startled, noticing that he was standing frozen in the center of the spacious

bedroom, Linnea held fast in his arms. “Yes?”

“Are you planning on letting me go anytime soon?” His hold tightened

instinctively at her words.

“Never, Linnea.” He watched her beautiful gray eyes widen, saw her full lips part

as she took in his words. He couldn’t resist leaning in for a taste.

Kissing her was better than anything he’d done with another. Kissing her was

coming home in a way he’d never expected.


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He outlined her soft mouth with his tongue, explored the recesses of her mouth as if

he had all the time in the world. She moaned and wrapped her arms tightly around his

Her hard nipples poked like firebrands into his chest, her skin was like satin against

his fingers. His cock, already rock hard from the show in the shower, pulsed in an
agony of need.

While he still had the strength, he walked toward the bed, laying her across the

luxurious mattress and covering her body with his own. He didn’t stop, not even when
the bed began to widen, preparing for their needs.

He wanted to worship her body. His lips left hers and went exploring. Her soft

cheek, the tiny pink shell of her ear. He stopped at her neck and breathed her in. She
smelled like the jasmine breeze from the shower—and something else, something
purely Linnea.

He journeyed lower, his mouth straying over the rise of her breast. Gods, he loved

her nipples. So sensitive, so delectable. He took one into his mouth and sucked hard,
pressing the sharp point against the roof of his mouth, enjoying her reaction as she
arched off the bed with a cry of need.

A sparkle of green caught his eye as his lips passed over the small rise of her belly.

Val smiled. Trust Nyc. The bedside table was filled with vials of what he knew were
massage oils. He smiled against her hip, reaching up to grab one of the bottles.

Linnea was already turned on, close to the point of begging, when she saw Val

wave a small bottle in front of her, his eyebrows waggling playfully. She tossed her
head in frustration.

He pulled the top off and a sensual scent she couldn’t quite place drifted down to

where she lay. It was entrancing. He tilted the vial and liquid pooled onto her belly,
heating quickly on her skin.

Everywhere his fingers touched tingled erotically. There was something in that oil,

she thought, dazed, when he got to the soles of her feet. Who was she kidding?
Anytime either man touched her, she went up in flames.

There was something different about their lovemaking tonight. Something so

intimate and loving. She felt adored.

He spread her legs slowly, massaging back up her body, her calves, her inner

thighs. The tingling increased until every part of her throbbed with the hard beat of her
heart. She ached for him.

He smiled, pouring more oil into his palm before setting the bottle down. He coated

his fingers, lifting her spread knees until her feet were flat on the mattress, and slid his
hand between her legs.


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“Was it all you imagined it would be? Having both of us inside you? Did we fulfill

your fantasy, baby?”

Her breath caught as she nodded. Val’s fingers circled her clit, covering the swelling

bud with heated oil until her hips couldn’t still. She needed something. Needed more.
But he wasn’t finished.

“Did you like having your ass fucked?” Why did the way he said that sound so

erotic? He followed his words up by sliding two fingers over her drenched pussy,
pressing back further until they rimmed her ass, the oil easing his entry.

“Oh God.”
“Tell me, baby. Tell me you liked it. Tell me you loved it. Feeling this tight hole

crammed full.” He thrust his fingers deep, the strange oil setting all the sensitive nerves

“Yes, Val. Yes. I loved it.” She pushed down, taking his fingers deeper, loving his

groan of lust, the way his body jerked against her.

“I knew you would. Just like I know what you want now. Ask me, baby.” Yes, yes

she wanted that. More than anything. Her whole body felt raw, aroused beyond
coherent thought.

Why wouldn’t he take her? Words. He wanted her speak. “Fuck me. Fuck my ass.


Was that her voice? Where had her inhibitions gone? But none of that mattered. All

that mattered was the knowledge as he lifted her legs over his shoulders that he was
finally going to do what she was dying for him to do.

“Anything you want, baby. Anything.” He slid his hand over his cock, hissing as

the oil took effect. The wide head probed her ass and she felt the pop as he pushed
through the tight ring of muscles and gasped.

The unbelievably arousing pressure was there, causing her empty pussy to clench

with need. But all discomfort was gone. Instinctively, she knew that it was that miracle

“We have to take some of that with us.” Val huffed out a surprised laugh at her

breathless comment, kissing her quickly, joyously. He slid his cock further, not stopping
until she could feel his hips flush against her flesh.

“Whatever you say, Linnea. Gods, this feels good. I don’t know how long I can take

it.” There were no more words. Only moans and gasps as they focused on the intensity
of their lovemaking.

Everything seemed magnified. Her feelings for this man whose eyes never left hers,

deepening the intimacy. The sharp stab of pleasure as he dragged his cock ever so
slowly, nearly withdrawing before pressing back in with enough force to leave her


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His fingers slid through the thick cream soaking her sex, wetting them with her

juices. Coating her nipples, he leaned down to suckle deep as he thrust inside her. She
was so close, she could feel it. She called out his name and he lifted his head.

“Come, my love. I want to see you, Linnea.” His hips powered against her, harder

than before and she screamed, coming in wave after wave of a climax so powerful she
saw stars. She heard his growl, felt him fill her, his face a mask of pained pleasure.

He collapsed against her, both of them slick with sweat. She wrapped her arms

around him. She was just drifting off into an exhausted, satisfied sleep when she heard
the hard banging on the bedroom door.

“Val? Hawk?” It sounded like Finn.
“We may have a problem.”


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Chapter Eleven

“How could you betray my trust, our trust this way? You knew the law. You

deliberately did this to punish me. “

“Dear, please. There’s no need to be overdramatic.”
“Overdr—Hera, I could use a little support from your end. The boy is insolent. A

troublemaker. “

“I’m also standing right here in front of you.”
Linnea heard Nyc’s sarcastic drawl just as their slightly bedraggled group entered

the main living area.

Standing in front of her were figures out of her childhood history class. Greek gods.

She shook her head with a sigh. Her life had become so surreal.

Zeus, it could only be Zeus, paced the room angrily, his body draped in white

robes, his golden eyes glowing. All that was missing was a thunderbolt. Then she saw
the gold chain around his neck, complete with a lightning shaped pendant. She spoke
too soon.

Hera, portrayed in all the stories as a jealous peacock of a wife, actually looked

quite…sweet. If she wasn’t clothed in a chiton, her body dripping with jewels, she
would have seemed almost normal. And she was obviously protective of Nyc, which
also didn’t jibe with the stories.

Wasn’t she the one that punished all of Zeus’ girlfriends and their progeny? Or was

that just in that television series? Linnea chuckled to herself before something small
with bouncy red curls caught her eye.

Her daughter was hidden behind the couch, attempting to make herself as small as

possible and looking terribly frightened. Suddenly it wasn’t remotely funny.

Okay, enough of this. How dare they scare her daughter? She stepped into the

room, the others swearing and shuffling in slowly behind her.

She pointed at Zeus as she headed to the couch to scoop up her child. “You will

keep your voice down and talk in a civilized manner. You’re a father. You should know
better than to frighten a helpless little girl.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t kn—”
“And I don’t care if you do turn me to stone or whack me with a thunderbolt, but I

don’t think you should be talking to Nyc like that. I assume this Council I’ve heard so
much about found out we’re here?”

“Yes! Exactly. And I just came—”


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“You just came to yell at your son for doing the right thing? For helping to save the

life of an innocent child? According to the books I’ve read, you seemed to have no
qualms interfering with human business. You do it quite a bit in fact—and never for
heroic reasons. No offense, ma’am.” She looked at the grinning Hera.

“Oh none taken, my dear.”
“Hey! What’s that sup—”
“All I’m trying to say is that you should be proud of Nyctimus. We’d all be dead if

it wasn’t for him.”

She looked around the room. All eyes were turned her way, some wide in shock,

others glittering with repressed laughter and pride. Nyc looked completely

“He’s stunned, Lady Linnea. I don’t believe our Nyc has ever had anyone stand up

for him before. He’s used to taking care of himself.”

“Myrddin.” Linnea heard the respect in Val’s voice and she remembered how he’d

told her this man had helped them in their time of need.

“It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”
Zeus harrumphed, crossing his arms, while the man in the flowing purple robes

threw back his head with a laugh.

“Don’t be jealous, old man, it doesn’t become you. And please, Linnea, there’s no

need for formality among friends.”

His eyes, the color of liquid mercury, turned somber as he looked at the men behind

her. “Sheridan?”

“I’m here.” Dressed in jeans and a turtleneck, Sheridan came out from around the

corner, not meeting anyone’s eyes.

“Thank Danu.” Myrrdin breathed out softly.
Linnea watched him as his shoulders slumped in relief. But Sheridan didn’t look up

from the marble floor to notice.

“May I speak now?” Zeus was tapping his sandaled foot on the floor impatiently.
“I don’t know, dear, you haven’t been doing very well so far.” Hera dimpled and

Nyc snorted, throwing his long hair back as he laughed with abandon.

“Have I told you lately that I love you?” Nyc winked and Hera blushed, but Linnea

could see the warmth and the compassion in her eyes as she looked at the younger man.

“They cannot stay here, Myrddin. Not another cycle, not another minute. The harm

to Nyctimus may already be irreparable. I can’t take the chance that my whole family
could be seen as co-conspirators.”

“We’re leaving, Zeus. But I’ll be back. The Council has to understand that we are in

a time of crisis. Now is not the time to be bickering over old rules. No one will be safe if
Enlil gains his freedom. Especially them.”


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He gestured toward the door and everyone was quick to obey. Hawk and Val stood

behind Linnea as she held Crystal tightly in her arms.

She’d just told the father of the Greek gods off! She was a little embarrassed now—

but she still thought he deserved it. She was stepping past the threshold when she
heard Zeus’ voice once more.

“Nyctimus, if you go with them, I can’t guarantee you’ll be allowed back.”
There was a moment of charged silence. And then Linnea heard the determined

sound of footsteps behind them.

Nyc had made his choice.

* * * * *

She watched as Hawk stepped through the opalescent portal and heard a strange

buzz as the protective force field rose to seal it.

Myrddin turned to the group, his voice commanding. “Finn, you need to take

Sheridan back to her mother. Damon will be waiting for you. He knows what we have
to do. Nyc, you’re already in enough trouble. I know you don’t care, but as a member of
the Council, I can’t allow you to fight with the others.”

The younger Archon looked as if he would argue, but something in Myrddin’s eyes

made him step back, turning to walk angrily out of the cavern.

The silver-eyed wizard turned his gaze toward Hawk and Val. “We have no choice.

We have to take the fight to them and quickly. The Horde seems to be mobilizing in
large numbers, we’re not sure why, but we can’t let them continue. We’re still a long
way from dawn, so you’ll need to be careful. Without the hawk, you two will be at a
slight disadvantage.”

“No, they won’t.”
Linnea turned toward her daughter, who stood calmly beside her, clutching her


Kneeling down until they were at eye level, Linnea tilted her head with a worried

smile. “What do you mean, Boo? They won’t what?”

“They won’t be at a dist—dissa—that word, because they can use the sword.”
Linnea heard several gasps and she turned to find their small group was no longer

alone. Several beautiful female Fae had come to stand beside the warriors, all looking at
Crystal with reverence and concern.

“Lady Linnea, you mustn’t let her. It’s too dangerous. The princess is too young. No

one that young has ever harnessed the power of the Claíomh Solais. To draw on that
much energy is hazardous even to those more prepared.”

Crystal took a step closer to her mother, unfazed by her new title, her eyes worried,

but her expression resolute. “But it’s time, Mommy. I know it’s time. It wants to be with


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Her daughter’s urgent whisper made Linnea shiver in trepidation. All her fears for

her daughter’s well-being were about this moment.

“If there’s a chance you could be hurt, sweetie… I can’t…” Her throat closed.
“Crystal, we’ll be fine. Hawk and I have shared many a battle together. A good

piece of steel is all we’ll need.” Linnea looked up at Val thankfully, watching as Hawk
knelt beside her daughter, his eyes kind.

“Val is right. But we are honored that you considered us worthy, little one.” Crystal

blew out a frustrated breath, looking at the adults around her in annoyance.

“It isn’t her choice to make. The Sword chooses the time and place. We are just its

vessel. That is something my son never understood.”

“Queen Morrigan. Your Highness.” Finn and Myrddin bowed toward the woman

as she walked closer to Crystal and Linnea. She smiled, love and relief clear in her eyes
as she looked at her grandchild.

Her gaze shifted to capture Linnea’s. “I can never repay you for what you have

given me. New life. Hope for the future. And I can never repent enough for all you have
suffered at the hands of my son.”

She inhaled sharply, her eyes misting. “If the Sword of Light wishes to fight this

cause, then there is nothing we can do to stop it. There is danger. Her life force is too
weak as yet, she may not be able to deal with the energy required. She will need help if
she is—”

“Me. I will. Help, I mean. She’s my daughter. If she has to do this, I choose to give

her what she needs.”

Choice. Linnea thought back to that night at the campground. Bear’s rune reading.

He’d told her she had choices to make. Was this one of them?

If so, it wasn’t a difficult one at all. Crystal was her child. There was no choice.
The queen smiled and raised her voice for all to hear. “Danu chose the Guardian

Mother of the High Princess with wisdom and foresight. Surely there is no other in all
The Realm as self-sacrificing and willing to give of herself as Lady Linnea.”

The Fae within hearing distance murmured their agreement. Linnea raised her

eyebrow at the queen, who shook her auburn curls subtly, conveying the need for

“A human has never been a touchstone before. It is entirely possible she wouldn’t

survive it. Surely we can find another?” Linnea glared at the woman who’d spoken. Her
unusual eyes went wide before she blushed, bowing her head respectfully.

“What do I need to do?” She didn’t glance at Hawk or Val.
She could feel their worry, their grim disapproval without needing to see it etched

on their faces. She was afraid, of course she was afraid. But she knew, somehow, that
this is what Raj had meant. This was the way her love could protect Crystal. If it meant
her life, then she would give it gladly and with no regret.


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She had been gifted with her precious charge, as well as the hearts of two of the

most loving and honorable men she had ever known. That was as much good fortune as
anyone could ask for in a single lifetime.

She looked around at the people in whom she had entrusted her child’s safety. All

of them looked a bit concerned, which was unsettling. Even Sheridan had a strange
expression on her face.

The queen drew her gaze once more. “Hold her. Kneel down behind her and wrap

your arms around her securely.”

“That’s all?” Linnea was confused. She’d been ready to walk on hot coals, hang

from her ankles or something.

The queen nodded. “Trust me. It is enough. Just think about how much you love

her. And no matter how frightened you are, no matter what happens, don’t let go.”

Linnea looked at her daughter, her smile a little wobbly. “Are you sure its time,

Boo? Cause we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Crystal smiled and put her hands on her mother’s cheeks. “It’ll be okay, Mommy. I

promise. I won’t ever let anything happen to you.”

She hesitated. “You won’t let go?” A moment of pure, childlike worry glittered in

her violet eyes.

“Oh sweetheart.” Linnea wrapped her arms around her daughter and squeezed.

“There is no force in this dimension or any other that can make that happen.”

Crystal nodded and turned in her mother’s arms to face their rapt audience. “You

should all stand back.”

All but Hawk and Val followed her suggestion, but Crystal didn’t chastise. She held

out her arms and closed her eyes, Linnea holding tight.

Hawk was terrified. He could see by his brother’s worried expression that Val

wasn’t faring much better.

How could the queen allow her own granddaughter to do something this

dangerous? And Linnea. She was human. Mortal. How was she going to help control
what even beings as evolved as the Tuatha had trouble with?

Damn Danu and these enchantments anyway. What had possessed her to make

things so powerful that they couldn’t be unmade? He wanted to whisk them both away
from here and run like hell, but he knew it would solve nothing.

Every muscle in his body froze as he watched a blue energy pool like water that

came from nowhere, rising to cover Crystal’s small shoes.

The Fae were all chanting low, sending pulses of warm, soothing energy toward the

child as the “water” rose. She didn’t move as it covered up her legs. Neither did Linnea.
The liquid light was covering her too and her eyes went wide as she watched it flowing
upward, higher.


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There was a flare of panic in her dilated gray eyes as it reached her neck. She caught

Hawk’s gaze. She looked at him, then Val for one heartbreaking moment. As if she were
trying to convey some message. And then she was gone, immersed in the funnel of
solid light that surrounded them both.

“Hawk, wait.” Myrddin’s sharp command made him flinch. He hadn’t realized he’d

moved closer, the horror at watching his woman and her child disappear from view
filling his mind.

Then he saw it, a movement. The light that had swallowed them seemed to expand,

taking the form of what looked to be a woman made entirely of this watery energy. She
looked at the twins, each in turn…and smiled.

“I have waited ages for a true battle.” Her voice seemed hollow and strange. “But

still I will have your vow. Haukr and Valr Jarlsen, twins of the North, kneel.”

The brothers knelt without hesitation.
“Will you give your lives to protect the innocent? Use the power you are granted to

equal the balance, not to glorify or seek vengeance?”

The twins gave their assent, but Hawk realized that the Lady of the Sword had

noticed his hesitation as her strange, inhuman eyes narrowed on him.

“Berserker, do you doubt your own heart? Let your own words to your leader, the

Lycan, advise you. The predator within you is a part of you. It will not destroy those
you love. Trust in yourself, in your warrior’s heart. Just as I entrust myself to you.”

With that enigmatic phrase, the energy began to swirl. It tightened and narrowed,

spinning faster and faster until Hawk could see Crystal, Linnea’s arms still tightly
wrapped around her. The four year old still held her hands out and the energy was
focusing there. Out of the spiraling blue ripples there appeared a sword. The Sword of

The Claíomh Solais.
The markings etched in the blade were glowing with a magical light as they formed

before his eyes. They were similar to the Celtic runes he’d seen, and at the base, closest
to the hilt, was the mark of Danu. The symbol like ocean waves that was her signature,
similar to the one on the Cup of Inspiration, the artifact Damon’s mate had been
charged with.

Embedded in the hilt were four jewels—blue sapphire, yellow diamond, a blood

red ruby and an emerald of glittering green. It was truly a thing of beauty. The sword
flashed, so bright it nearly blinded him.

“Val! Hawk! Take it. Now!” The twins reached for it at Myrddin’s command, two

hands gripping the hilt as one.

Hawk felt a burning pain race up his arm, but he refused to let go. There was

another flash as the energy dissipated, a wave of power that knocked him off his knees
and on to the hard ground of the cavern.


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He shook his head, his vision blurry for a moment, stilling when he heard his

brother’s cry of denial. “Linnea!”

She was lying on the ground, eyes closed, arms still firmly locked around her

weeping child.

Crystal struggled in the unconscious embrace. “Mommy? Mommy!”
She was quickly becoming hysterical and Hawk went to take her in his arms, when

he noticed something strange. He caught his brother’s eye.

“I know, Hawk. The Sword split in two.” Hawk was amazed, but the child’s tears

and his own terror were swiftly undoing him.

Handing Val his sword, he released her from Linnea’s hold and wrapped his large

arms around her, careful of his strength as he held her, rocking her gently back and
forth while Finn and Myrddin knelt beside Val to check on his woman.

He was praying to Danu, to Odin, to the Christian God for her safety. Sword or no,

he could not fight, could not live without her.

Crystal stilled and looked toward her mother moments before she opened her eyes.


He carried the wriggling little girl over to Linnea, his own voice shaking as he knelt

beside her. “Linnea? Baby? You okay?”

She smiled weakly. “I think so.”
She looked up at her daughter. “Hey, Boo, how you feeling, honey? You look


Crystal beamed, tears forgotten. “We did it, Mommy.”
“Go team.” Linnea chuckled, grimacing as she sat up. Hawk stood, determined to

help her rise, and one of the queen’s ladies tied a Tuathan scabbard to his waist.

He could see another was doing the same for Val, and he reached over to take his

half of the Claíomh Solais from his brother’s hand and slid it inside without a thought.

They both reached for Linnea and everyone began talking at once, telling her what

they’d witnessed, asking what it had been like to be inside.

Hawk felt a relief so strong he would swear his knees weakened. The color was

quickly returning to her cheeks, she was steadier on her feet with every passing minute.
She was going to be all right.


Linnea turned from the crowd just in time to see a Fae dressed in court finery wrap

his arm around her daughter and flash out of sight. Gone in a heartbeat.

She ran to where her daughter had been standing, only a few feet away and froze in

shock. How could this have happened? She only looked away for a moment and there
were so many people around.


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She knew people were speaking, but she couldn’t hear for the blood pounding in

her ears.

Her baby. Someone had taken her baby.
“Go now, Finn. Take Sheridan and Linnea. Hurry, we’ve no time to lose. Focus on

the child. We’ll meet at her location now.”

“Oh no, you don’t.” She’d heard that.
“Finn, take Sheridan. I am staying with you. They have my baby. If Torin or Eonis

hurt one hair on her head, I’ll—” She broke off on a sob, and her men stepped closer,
their warmth and strength soothing her.

“Lady Linnea is brave, indeed.” The queen’s voice wobbled, her own worry

glittering in her eyes. Eyes so like Crystal’s.

She handed Linnea a pouch. “Take this with you. There is only enough for one, but

it will not fail, no matter what state the body is in.”

Linnea nodded, tying the velvet bag to the ropelike belt on her chiton with shaking

fingers. No pockets.

She hadn’t had a chance to change back into her jeans, she thought absently. Then

she turned to Myrddin. His mercurial eyes swirled, his gaze intent on her as she stood
without flinching.

She would fight him every step of the way if he tried to stop her from rescuing her

child. After all these years of running, all that she’d gone through to insure Tory never
found her precious little girl, she would not abandon her now.

He looked at Finn, who gave a short, grim-faced nod before touching Sheridan

lightly on the shoulder.

She flinched at his touch. Linnea saw his jaw clench before they disappeared.
Myrddin came slowly toward her, bowing with respect before extending his hand.

“It will be an honor to fight beside you, Guardian Mother.”

Hawk gripped her arm and she looked up. His face was tight with worry. “I don’t

like this.”

“Nor I.”
“She’s my daughter.” Linnea was unbending. Both men nodded.
Hawk kissed her swiftly before Val turned her toward him, offering the same

treatment. “Stay between us. We will find her.”

She agreed, looking toward Myrddin impatiently. Every minute her daughter was

gone was more terrifying than the next.

It was disorienting. One moment she was in the portal cavern, the next in a park of

some kind, the chill in the night air making her shiver. She looked around. This place
was familiar. “The Common. Boston Common. We’re in Boston?”


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“The spy must have taken Crystal here for the delivery.” Finn walked up to the

group, the dark man behind him reminded Linnea a bit of her friend Bear, except this
man seemed larger.

His black eyes looked at her, widening as he turned to Myrddin in question. Val,

however, was the one who answered his unspoken query.

“This is Linnea, mother of the child who has been taken. She is our mate.”
The man acknowledged Val’s words without surprise and stepped closer. “I am

Damon Arkadios. My mate sends her greetings. I am supposed to tell you that she looks
forward to meeting you and your daughter, because there are too many men in the
house and she needs allies.”

Hawk snorted. Linnea tried to smile, unable to stop her eyes from scanning the

eerily silent park. “Where is she? Where can they be?”

Myrddin too was scanning the tree line. “Wherever they are, it will only take

moments with Crystal for them to realize she no longer has what they want. The Sword
of Light is free now, its aura of power so strong there is not an Other—Fae, Archon or
Dark, who will not sense it.”

“What will they do to her when they find out she can’t give them the Sword?”
“That is entirely up to your new boyfriends.”
Linnea whirled at the familiar voice behind her. Tory. Torin. Mahogany hair

glinting in the night, he looked the same as she remembered. And he was holding a
limp child in his arms.

Hawk and Val both held her back as she tried to run to her child. The men of the

Fianna stood defensively around her as they faced the supposedly deceased High Prince
of Morrigan.

“Let the child go, Torin.”
“Oh, Finn. Eonis told me you were around. Still sticking your nose in where it

doesn’t belong. Still playing the perfect fetch and carry boy. All I want is the Sword.
This child has given me enough grief already and I just met her. Can you believe she
actually tried to use her little Faerie powers on me? Me? She’s as irritating as her

He looked at Linnea for confirmation, as if they were having a conversation about

the weather. “How do you do it? I had to knock her out just to keep her quiet.”

“If she bothers you so much, then just give her to me, Tory. Please. You never

wanted her in the first place. I’ll take her for you.” Linnea tried to keep her voice steady,
when every part of her was screaming to rip her baby from his arms.

She knew from experience that a calm Torin was a dangerous thing. Hurting people

simply made him happy. Serene.


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“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Lin. I know one of these men has the sword. I can

sense it. It. Is. Mine. Give it to me and I will gladly let you all go. I can afford to be
magnanimous, after all. I’ll soon be King.”

A shadow covered the moon and Torin laughed. “Last chance. This could get

messy. Release the Claíomh Solais or the child dies…along with the rest of you.”

She wasn’t sure how it happened, but somehow while the oblivious Torin was

talking, Finn had gotten behind him.

He whirled with a speed that Linnea could barely follow, taking the child from his

arms before wrapping an unusual metal collar around Torin’s throat. The collar
tightened, Torin’s face turning purple as he fought to breathe.

“You shouldn’t have come alone, Prince. You always were too arrogant for your

own good. Come on, your mother wants a word.” Finn looked at the swiftly
approaching cloud, then toward Linnea with a nod as he vanished. Collared criminal in
one hand, Crystal securely held in the other.

“She’ll be fine now. She’s safe.” Linnea heard Damon’s words and tears filled her

eyes. But they were tears of relief.

Her baby was safe.
“We’ve got company, Fianna. On your toes.” As she saw the mass of necrotic flesh

and smoke that was The Horde, she stiffened her spine.

Her daughter was alive. Now it was time to make sure her Vikings were safe as


“Thank you for that. I knew if I was a little late to the party, you’d take care of my

problem for me.”

Eonis landed in a walking stride, his body forming out of the black mist, his army

solidifying behind him as he came closer. “Now give me the Sword.”

“Which one?” Hawk and Val each unsheathed their halves of the coveted weapon,

standing at the ready on either side of Linnea. Eonis looked momentarily surprised,
avarice narrowing his eyes.

“This is even better.” He sounded almost giddy. “Either will work fine, thank you.”
She wished she had a sword, a bat—anything. She heard something howl and

looked over, her throat going dry.

Where Damon Arkadios had stood, there was now some kind of werewolf, straight

out of a horror movie. A giant werewolf with long claws and fangs. Okay, she hadn’t
expected that.

Myrddin had disappeared completely. She looked around, but didn’t see him


“Don’t bother, Linnea. The Archon is gone. There are rules, you see. He’s not

allowed to interfere. He’ll be punished for having aided you at all. But the Lord of the
Air, now he will fight with his people. For his people.


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“That is why he must be freed, don’t you see? He cares. I will steal the almighty

Danu’s Sword.”

Eonis glanced at the altered Damon. “I will kill the mate of her precious druid. I


He looked around as if waiting for something, while his followers laughed.

“Nothing. Danu does nothing. She simply does not care. I wonder if she will even
notice when my Lord slits her throat with magick of her own making?”

Damon roared, diving for Eonis, his razor-like claws extended as he leapt through

the air, an impossible distance for a human.

The Horde responded, black cloaked and grotesque, swarming around the three

fighters and Linnea.

Eonis turned to mist and Damon went rolling to the ground with a frustrated


This might have been a mistake. She was terrified. She wasn’t a warrior like

Sheridan, she was just a hindrance. Why hadn’t Myrddin taken her with him? And
where had all her bravado gone?

She watched as Hawk and Val began chopping through the Dark Fae, cutting them

down regardless of their form. It could cut through anything. Perhaps they weren’t at as
much of a disadvantage as she thought, despite their small number.

Sauros!” Linnea turned to see Damon race toward what looked to be a small army

of those Lizard men she’d seen at the campgrounds and this time his claws found their

Linnea watched in awe as he took them all on alone. He was making a serious dent

in their numbers…and then she saw them…another group of Sauros appearing out of
thin air. It seemed no matter how many Dark the trio killed, more kept coming.

“Watch her.” She heard Hawk’s call to Val before he raced to aid the severely

outnumbered Damon.

She wasn’t sure what to do. Val couldn’t be distracted, the slightest misstep and

those monsters hovering just out of reach would have him.

“Need any help, little wren?”
Never had she heard a more welcome voice. “Badger!”
They were fighting their way through the shadowy Horde—Bear with his ever

present halberd, Badger swinging a fairly substantial looking mace for her small form.

“As if we’d let you have all the fun. Speaking of fun, it’s a little chilly out here

tonight, isn’t it?”

Her voice was almost casual as she twirled the deadly weapon. “I think we need

some heat.”

On cue, several explosions rocked the park, blazing balls of fire erupting around the

Dark with unerring precision, the solid parts of their bodies bursting into flames.


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The gold and ruby dragon swooping in made Linnea laugh in giddy relief. Raj. The

tide was definitely turning.

She wasn’t sure what made her still and turn to look at the small rise in the

distance. Pacing in rage, away from the fighting, stood Eonis.

She saw his mouth move and he was making strange gestures, as if drawing on the

air. Dark magick. And it was forming some kind of circle of emptiness in the air.

What was he up to? A feeling of foreboding froze her blood. She remembered the

pouch on her belt and she knew what she had to do.

“Bear! Badger! Follow me.” The couple followed without hesitation as she began to

run with all her might. She heard the angered screams of the Horde as they dove
toward her, trusting her old friends to protect her as she made her way toward Eonis.

“Linnea! Damn it, woman—” She heard Val’s angry shout, but she didn’t stop, she

couldn’t. The queen had given her the means of stopping the Horde leader, she felt it in
her bones. She had to take the chance.

He was turned away from her when she reached him, her cohorts keeping the

others at bay as she reached down to open the bag. “Do you really think you can stop
me?” He spoke in a calm, conversational voice that trapped her heart in her throat.

“I’m just curious. Torin didn’t think so, but I always knew you were a smart one.

Stronger than you looked. It’s one of the reasons I asked to take you once the child was
born. Are you trying to prove me wrong?”

He turned, the whites of his eyes filling with liquid black, and Linnea couldn’t

move. “You should learn a little about your enemy before you take him on.”

She watched in horror, her muscles refusing to follow her commands to flee as mist

from his body seemed to reach out and wrap around her, burning into her, branding
her skin.

“For example, I have now immobilized you from the neck down. All Fae can do it.

Even your half-breed as soon as she figures it out. Most, like Finn, use it for protective
suspension. So you innocent, powerless humans don’t have to witness our little fights.
But I am not bound by any law to protect you. I can simply make it impossible for you
to escape me, to fight me…while I do whatever I please.”

He looked her up and down, triumph and lust in his expression, and Linnea silently

prayed that her child would be protected. She knew her misstep was about to cost her
her life.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have time to play. And you have caused far more trouble

than you’re worth.”

A buildup of oily black mist was growing between his palms. “I must have the

Sword of Light. The doorway to his prison is opening, but it needs a key. That key.”

He raised his arms above his head, breathing deep. “Can you feel him, Linnea?

Sense his power? The Lord of the Air is watching. Reveling in your fear. Those Vikings


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are the only barrier to his freedom now. And taking away their luscious chew toy might
be exactly the distraction I need.”

Linnea closed her eyes, feeling hot tears leak from her eyes, tangling in her lashes as

she was unable to wipe them away.

Linnea!” She was pushed roughly to the side, tumbling to the ground, movement

suddenly returning to her limbs.

She realized why when she opened her eyes to see Eonis looking down at Val, who

lay writhing on the ground, clawing at his throat, seemingly unable to draw a breath.
He’d taken the blast meant for her. Oh God, no.

Val turned his head toward her and Linnea screamed. The hand that gripped the

sword went lax.

Eonis began to laugh in triumph, his victory assured.
Something welled up within her, a burning rage beyond any she’d ever known.

This man had endangered everyone she loved. This thing destroyed all he touched. He
could not be allowed to win.

Moving with a speed she would later marvel at, she scrambled to Val’s side. The

Sword was amazingly light, easy for her to maneuver. There was a slight sting on her
palms, as if it knew she was not the right handler.

She crouched beside the gasping Val, sword aimed upward with both hands. “Fix


He threw back his head, cackling. The orange spikes of his hair stuck out like a

flaming nimbus around his head. Linnea felt her arms jerk to the side, sword ripped
from her clenched fingers, and before she could blink, she was hovering in the air, one
hand holding her off the ground by her neck.

The other held the Claíomh Solais.

Hawk and Damon bumped into each other, realizing as they did that there were no

more Sauros to fight.

Damon’s body rippled with the change, his fur and fangs receding. “Either we’re

better than I remembered or the rest of those scaly bastards decided to call it a day.”

Hawk turned to smile at Damon’s wry comment, his eyes automatically searching

the surrounding area for Linnea.

A sound of primal agony, of inhuman pain ripped from his chest as his eyes caught

on the scene across the lawn. Beyond Raj and the druids, beyond those few remaining
Dark, was a scene out of his worst nightmares.

His brother lay as one dead—and their mate, their sweet Linnea, was being dangled

and shaken like a doll in Eonis’ grip.

He saw the orange red flames coloring his vision. Felt the familiar sensations of the

berserker, but in a way he hadn’t experienced since that fateful day Freyja delivered her


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curse. His grinding teeth bit into his cheek until his mouth filled with the taste of

He was floating above, watching as his body lunged away from the Lycan with a

bloodcurdling battle cry.

The body was deadly grace in motion. Shadowy figures left their other prey,

focusing on it, attempting to block the rage-driven Viking from their leader.

Hawk watched, detached, as the figure cut a path through them with the gleaming


He saw his brother’s writhing body still, felt a hollow echo of sorrow, knowing

there would be no salvation for either of them now. Neither would ever return. They’d
never get the chance to hold the woman they loved in their arms once more.

As if in slow motion, he saw the orange-haired Dark look up, his grin changing to a

grimace of horror as the berserker charged.

He flung the woman violently away, the open velvet bag she’d snuck into her hand

flinging its contents out behind her until she landed, hard, beside Val’s corpse.

Hawk, even from his lofty perch, was momentarily blinded by the painful flare of

blue light that erupted from the clashing of the two halves of the Sword. Eonis cried out
in pained surprise, dropping the jeweled hilt to clutch his hand to his chest, the sound
abruptly cut off by the removal of his head from his neck.

The black portal of energy that had formed behind him evaporated as his body

slumped, heavy to the ground.

Watching the berserker turn, knowing the blood-rage still held him in its grip,

Hawk saw him head for the woman. She was struggling to her feet, her breath shallow
as she held her ribs.

She looked up as the predator lifted his sword. She didn’t run and this surprised

him long enough to give him pause. Long enough for him to feel a glimmer of

He knew her.
Most confusing of all, she didn’t seem repulsed or frightened. Instead, she smiled,

tears falling unheeded down her face. “Hawk, my love. I need you. Come back to me.”

His body froze, arms still raised for the killing blow. Come back to me.
Hawk saw the berserker drop his sword and fall to his knees. And then he followed

his heart home.


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Chapter Twelve

“Unbelievable.” Linnea huffed as she stood on the balcony.
She had a great view. From here she could see all the glorious spires and beautiful

gardens that made up the capital city of The Realm of Joy. Being the Guardian Mother
had its perks, but she couldn’t enjoy it. Not today.

What were they thinking? If she didn’t know for a fact that they loved her, she

would think she was getting the brush off.

The women of the Tuatha made no secret of the fact that they thought the twins,

now separated for good, were welcome to any bed they chose. But they hadn’t even
glanced at another woman since they’d returned here more than three weeks ago.

Despite her inglorious past, she knew with everything that she was that her two

Vikings were in love with her. So why were they acting so odd?

When they’d first arrived, Linnea had been a little worse for wear. Several broken

ribs, an artistic collection of bruises and a broken heart.

All she could think about was that Val had died saving her life. Her relief at seeing

her daughter safe could not erase her anguish. She remembered the murmured
conversations at her bedside. A decision that had to be made. And then the queen
herself was lifting her shoulders and pressing a chalice to her lips.

“Lady Linnea, the brave. Protector of the innocent. Mother of my grandchild. From

Dagda’s Cauldron, we procured this elixir. Drink.”

Exhausted, eyes swollen from weeping, Linnea listlessly did as she was told. It was

amazingly good. As she gulped its contents down, she heard the queen murmur, “More

She’d woken two days later, all her wounds healed.
And that’s when she saw him. He came to her room at dawn, the eerie light of the

Realm’s sun just beginning to filter in through her windows. “You.”

It was the old guard. The one who had helped her to escape Torin’s prison. The

kind, one-eyed man who had saved her. He was dressed like a hunter of old, his
bearing more regal now, less slumped…but it was him.

“Yes, Lady, it is I. I am sorry for the subterfuge. As an Archon, I’m not officially

allowed to interfere. But I had to make an exception in your case.”

He came and sat on the edge of her bed, a distant expression on his face. “The twin

sons of the Jarl did not deserve their curse. Freyja is a brilliant, beautiful, utterly spiteful


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pain of a woman. I should have stopped her, if only because of their family’s loyalty to
me. But I didn’t. And I’ve had to live with the weight of my decision.”

He sighed. “When I cast my runes and they pointed to you, I knew you were the

one. Their one chance. Destiny brought you together and broke their curse. It is finally
over. Their lives are their own once more, to live out as they choose. And I, for one, am
relieved. It has been many a season since I truly enjoyed The Hunt.”

Linnea gripped his hand. “Their lives? But Val is—”
She couldn’t say it, but the older man shook his head with a smile. “Val is in perfect

health, as is my berserker. They’ve been tearing the palace apart waiting for you to
wake up.”

“But how?”
“How are they alive? You saved them. The Tuatha already call you ‘Brave Lady

Linnea’. The pouch the queen gave you contained a single vial of a very rare healing
powder. It must have broken and fallen on Val during the struggle. And you brought
Hawk back from his berserker rage. None but his brother has ever been able to
accomplish that.”

Linnea sobbed in relief, the old man patting her awkwardly. She’d thought the

queen had given her a weapon. Thank goodness she’d been wrong.

She wiped her cheeks with a shaky hand. “But the curse. I didn’t even know it could

be broken. How?”

“Odin, with a little help from Danu, added a caveat to Freyja’s twisted curse. Were

they ever to open their hearts again, to truly love another enough to lay down their lives
for her, and she for them, they would be free. The circle of Fate complete and balance
restored with the curse’s end. It was one chance in a billion. Only a chance.”

He smiled as he patted her hand. “But here you are.”
Linnea had shaken her head. It made about as much sense as anything else she’d

heard since she’d first tasted Badger’s tea. She had to ask her friend about the long-term
effects of pixie dust. The tall man rose and walked silently to the door.

“Odin?” He turned around, his eyebrow raised in surprise that she knew who he


“Thank you.” He nodded, the cheeks above his scraggly beard flushing. And then

he was gone.

He wasn’t her only visitor of the day. Myrddin had brought a beautifully

curvaceous woman, with dark curly hair and deep blue eyes.

She’d introduced herself as Damon’s mate, Meru, and over a light lunch that Linnea

couldn’t seem to get enough of, she learned more about the Fianna, Myrddin’s romance
with Sheridan’s mother, Lily, and The Book of Veils than she ever wanted to know. Not
that it wasn’t fascinating. And it was impossible not to be charmed by the kind, upbeat


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She’d told Linnea that Raj had introduced her to Badger. She and her husband Bear

were going to be staying with them until Meru’s baby was born.

Linnea knew Badger loved children and she apparently had a great deal of

experience in druid midwifery, according to Meru, so it would be for the best.

“But don’t worry.” Meru rushed to assure her. “You’re right next door to us when

you think about it. Well, right next door in a slightly different vibration. I don’t think
it’s actually a different dimension. To be honest, it’s all still a little confusing, even to
me. What I’m trying to say is that we’ll see each other all the time.”

She rolled her eyes and Linnea laughed, enchanted.
She left not long after that revelation, and for the rest of the day, Linnea’s room was

overtaken by a line of well wishers and members of the various royal houses.

The queen had been praising the High Princess’s Guardian Mother to all within

shouting distance. It didn’t take Linnea long to figure out that as a stranger of no
particularly special bloodline…a human, no less, Her Royal Highness had been
attempting to smooth the path of her acceptance. She was extremely grateful.

When night had fallen and neither Hawk nor Val had come to call, she’d sent

someone to find them. The meeting had been an awkward one.

She could see the relief, the joy in their eyes at the sight of her, but they seemed

uncomfortable around her. Around each other. Since then, they’d avoided her as if
she’d had some rare disease.

After some serious soul searching with the queen and Crystal, Linnea had decided

to stay and allow her daughter to be raised among her own kind.

Crystal deserved to have a loving family. No matter how unusual and unfamiliar it

seemed to Linnea.

She’d run across the twins often as she explored the world she would be calling her

home. She’d catch them huddled together in angry discussion, or look up from some
conversation to find them staring at her, yearning clear in their gaze.

Today she had had enough. She cornered each one alone, demanding to know why

they had been avoiding her. Each had the same reply. “We are waiting for you to

“Vikings.” She sighed disgustedly, leaning her head in her hands. A knock sounded

on her door and she swallowed, her throat gone dry with nerves.

She came in from the balcony, hands twisting anxiously in her long skirts. “It’s


Finn entered, a crooked grin curling his lips as he bowed toward her. “Lady Linnea,

I come bearing gifts.”

A group of armed Tuatha soldiers came in behind him, tugging determinedly on

two sets of chains. Finn made a motion with his hand and two hooks appeared on the


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He took the leads himself, pulling the shackled, noticeably angry brothers into the

room. He attached the ends of their chains to the ceiling, taking a step back before
turning to Linnea once more.

“Thank you, Finn.”
“Anything for the Guardian Mother.”
He raised her hand to his lips gallantly. “I must say, I find the way you deal with

relationship problems to be somewhat…inspirational.” His look was thoughtful as he
exited the room, soldiers in tow.

She tried to keep her breathing even as she took in the sight before her.
Her two men were shirtless, as requested, their arms raised above their heads,

wrists bound in handcuffs that were inescapable unless you knew the right words to
release the catch. She had seen to that inclusion personally. Sometimes she really loved

“What is the meaning of this, Linnea?” Val was really angry.
Well, she was angry too, damn it!
“This is the only way I could get you both to talk to me, really talk to me. Three

weeks. Three weeks of worrying, wondering, tossing and turning each night. Alone. And
today you give me some nonsense about choosing? What is wrong with you two?”

The men, stunned silent by her tirade, shared a look. It was Hawk who spoke at

last. “We were giving you time. To recover. To think. To decide.”

“And we needed time too,” Val added with a shrug. “More than a thousand years

we’ve been forced together. We aren’t used to all the silence. To being alone.”

The sincerity and vulnerability in his voice undid her. She took a step closer.
“I understand. But I don’t get this deciding business. What is there to decide? Why

are you asking me to choose?”

“We gave you our hearts and our vow. Our father’s marriage oath to our mother.

But things have changed. Your new position in The Realm, our new state of being…”

Val’s voice faded just as Hawk began to speak, his voice filled with self-denigration.

“I almost killed you. Though one curse is lifted, I am still berserker. I was born this way.
You pulled me out of it once. But what if it happened again?”

His eyes closed in pain at the thought as he continued. “We failed to protect you as

we promised. We would understand if you no longer wanted us. Or,” he swallowed,
unwilling to meet her eyes. “If you only wanted one.”

It all made sense now. It wasn’t that they no longer wanted her. It was her heart

they weren’t sure of.

That Hawk actually believed she would spurn him for his brother. She shook her

head. Vikings, she huffed internally, but her smile was tender as she took another step


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She laid a hand on each man’s chest, directly over his heart, waiting until both sets

of eyes were looking her way.

“You belong to me. I have crossed this great land, stayed in seedy motels and

journeyed to another dimension to find you.” She laughed through her tears as she
repeated their vow with her own unique twist.

“In Odin’s and Danu’s wisdom you were made for me. All I have is nothing. All

that I own meaningless. But you belong to me…and I to the two of you. I love you, my
Vikings. And I choose you. Both of you.”

Their gazes burned into her, dual looks of such love and devotion she was nearly

felled from the strength of it. “Release us, baby.”

She trembled at the promised heat in Val’s rasp. She whispered a few words and

the cuffs opened with a loud click.

Hawk lifted her high in the air, his tone one of mock indignation. “Brad One and

Two? Those were your magick words?”

She giggled as he tossed her on the bed. The men removed their leathers,

unwavering gazes centered on her as they stripped. Her body was instantly ready,
needy for them. She took in their naked forms and almost groaned aloud. Her men. Her
beautiful men.

Val crawled up one side of her body with catlike grace and a wicked grin. He took

her mouth in a carnal kiss that left her clinging to him, dazed. “We have quite a bit of
time to make up for. You may want to cancel your appointments for the next few days.”

“At least,” Hawk, laying on her other side, echoed with a grin more youthful than

any she’d seen. He leaned in to kiss her as well. More demanding, but with just as much

Linnea submitted eagerly. Trapped between their two heated bodies, she gave in to

the joyous abandon that she’d only felt in their arms. Finally, she was home.

“The one great thing about The Realm,” Val grinned as he leaned over toward the

bedside table. “They believe in being prepared.”

Linnea’s eyes went wide as he emptied the top drawer of its surprising contents.

She hadn’t known all that was in there. The Fae looked so otherworldly and ethereal.

Who knew the Tuatha had such a kinky streak?

A long time later, Linnea found herself leaning boneless against the roughly

chuckling Val.

They’d decided to torture her. They’d covered her body with oil that smelled of

cinnamon, licking her from head to toe until every bit of it was gone and she was
begging them to fill her. But their torment didn’t end there.

Lifting her protesting body off the bed before she could guess their destination,

they’d handcuffed her to the ceiling, kissing her breathless until she had no desire to
say the magick words that would earn her release.


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She pressed her open mouth to Val’s shoulder and bit down hard. It only made him

moan, then laugh harder. He was a wicked man.

He held her legs tight around his waist, tilting her ass in the air so the cuffs

wouldn’t scrape her wrists, his hard cock pressed against her belly as Hawk stood
behind her, surveying his handiwork.

“What do you think, brother? Does she know never to put herself in that kind of

danger again? To run off without our protection, without a weapon of any kind? Has
she learned her lesson?”

Hawk’s voice drifted over Linnea’s shoulder, so close she could feel his heat as his

hands softly caressed the tender cheeks of her bottom. “I don’t think she’ll forget
anytime soon. Not with her ass so beautifully pink. Will you, Linnea?”

She shook her head, her body trembling. When he’d started to spank her, she was

shocked, almost offended. But as his cupped hand landed rhythmically against her skin,
on one cheek, on the other, between her legs just lightly grazing her swollen sex, it
stopped feeling like a punishment. Now she was so aroused she thought she might die
from it. She desperately wanted to come.

Please.” Her voice was raw from screaming. She was ten seconds away from

opening those blasted handcuffs and making one of them, both of them, fuck her.

“She’s so wet she’s soaking my legs, Hawk. I think the lesson is over.” Val’s groan

sounded just as tortured as she felt.

She lifted her face to kiss him, desperate for more contact. Their tongues tangled

and she bit his lip as she felt a cool dollop of liquid drench the crevice of her ass.

The sweet sting of her cheeks as he spread them wide only made her clit throb

harder, her pussy clenching in need.

“I can’t wait, Linnea. I need to feel that hot, tight ass around my cock again. It’s

been too fucking long.” The thick head pressed through the tight ring, her breath
coming out in a low, agonized moan as he slid home, not stopping until every inch of
him was crammed tight inside her. So full. She was so full.

“My turn.”
Her eyes opened wide as Hawk withdrew slightly, the sensation causing her to

stiffen. And then Val was there, pushing through the tight, tender folds of her pussy.
Calling her name as he thrust deep. “Oh, baby. Oh, Linnea. So good, my love.”

This time there was no slow and steady. No slow glide and withdrawal. They were

taking her. Claiming her. Their hips slamming against hers in powerful unison.

She loved it. Sparks of light shot behind her eyelids as she cried out, gripping the

chain above her cuffs and hanging on as they stretched her past the point of pain or
pleasure. Ecstasy.

“Yes. Hawk…Val. Yes.” Something was rising within her. Something so intensely

profound, so transforming, it defied description. Her back stiffened, bowlike between
them as it crashed over her.


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Her body clenching so tight around their cocks, she heard them shout as one. They

came inside her, filling her, thrusting against her until only the last delicious shivers of
her orgasm shuddered through her limp body.

She whispered to her handcuffs, smiling in satiated exhaustion as they tossed her

onto the mattress and cuddled her between them on the bed.

Exactly where she belonged.

* * * * *

The threesome, wholesomely wrapped in soft, white robes as they ate from their

heaping plates on the balcony, looked up with matching grins as they heard a familiar

“Out here, Boo.”
Crystal skidded to a halt as she saw the three of them together. A giant smile broke

across her adorable elfin face, her violet eyes twinkling as she twirled for them. “Do you
notice anything?”

Hawk and Val both scratched their heads and rubbed their chins in dramatic

contemplation as they rose from their seats.

After walking around her twice, making several “hmmm” sounds, Val snapped his

fingers. “I’ve got it. You’ve grown another inch.”

“Nope.” Crystal shook her head, giggling.
“You have a new freckle on your nose?”
She looked at Hawk and laughed out loud, rubbing her nose just in case. “I do not.

Come on, Mommy…your turn.”

Linnea tilted her head playfully. “I’m sticking with the freckle theory.”
Crystal pointed to the top of her head and rolled her eyes. “I have a tiara! I’m a real

princess now!”

She was nearly hopping out of her skin in excitement. The trio cheered and took

turns hugging and spinning the imp in the air. She was breathless when they finally set
her down.

“A little birdie told me someone might be getting a new tiara—and having a party

to celebrate as well.” Crystal nodded vigorously at her mother. Her grandmother had
obviously mentioned the party.

“Well, all little girls with new tiaras need party dresses to match. I think there’s a

box with your name on it in my closet, sweetie. Why don’t you go take a look?”

Crystal squealed, her strawberry curls bouncing around her head as she ran into

her mother’s suite.

“We’ll need to keep an eye on her.” Hawk looked at his brother, worry in his gaze.

Linnea agreed.


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“The queen has been doing a little snooping of her own. Her people seem to think

there was more than one spy. They mentioned something about a secret sect in The
Realm. She’s pretty concerned about it. The Horde was easy to spot. Gross, but easy.
These Fae are apparently careful enough to stay beneath the radar.”

The brothers listened to Linnea, their shoulders tensing at the news. They would

have to tell Damon and the rest of the Fianna.

They’d already told them of their plans to stay with Linnea and her daughter. They

had legitimate right to remain. As the bearers of the Claíomh Solais, no one would
question them. As consorts to the Guardian Mother, they would have the freedom to do
some spying of their own.

“You know, Meru brought me something on her last visit. I wasn’t sure why—but

now I think it might help.” She rushed to her bureau, taking out a scrap of paper before
returning to the balcony. “The Book of Veils revealed another stanza in the prophecy.”
Lowering her voice, she read aloud.

Another daughter of my line

A warrior bold

Will be forced to fight the enemy

Within and without.

The path to the key is hidden in shadow

To discover the truth

She must embrace her gifts

To heal her heart and save The Realm

Her only option is to trust a child of Danu.

“She seemed a little disturbed about it. It’s clear to her that this part is talking about


Val interrupted. “And the Child of Danu. I would imagine that was Finn, right?”
Linnea nodded. “That’s what Meru thinks. But Sheridan isn’t doing very well. In

fact, she seems to be getting worse. More withdrawn. She’s not sure if her cousin is
ready to face any more challenges. Not for a while, anyway. She wants us to do what
we can here.”

Both men nodded. They looked at each other, concerned for the woman who had

been so fearless before her attack.

Linnea looked at her two warriors. She knew Sheridan had a tough road ahead, not

to mention poor Finn. If he was the one she was supposed to trust, he would have his
work cut out for him.

Especially now.
She would help in any way she could. The danger wasn’t over yet.


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But right now? Right now she could only be thankful for the wholeness Hawk and

Val had given her. The love they had brought into her life. And, most important of all,
her daughter was safe and happy. She was truly blessed.


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About the Author

Stolen away by a free-spirited gypsy as a child (though she still swears she’s my

mother), I spent my childhood roaming the countryside, meeting fascinating characters
and having amazing adventures. As the perpetual “new kid”, my friends more often
than not were found between the pages of a book…and in my own imagination. I read
everything I could get my hands on. At the age of 11, I read my first romance and I’ve
been hooked ever since.

I’ve been a nurse, a lead vocalist in several bands, a published lyricist and even a

returning student at University majoring in Anthropology and Mythology. Throughout
all of my varied careers I would sigh as I read one fantasy-filled story after another
saying, “Someday I want to write one of those.” Until one day my husband said, “So do
it.” And I did. Now I can’t imagine doing anything else.

The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

Tell Us What You Think

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Also by R.G. Alexander

Lifting the Veil
Who Needs Another Superhero?
Who Wants to Date a Superhero?

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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