The Billionaire's Temptation 3 Love and Surrender Cali MacKay

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Love and Surrender

Book Three in The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

By Cali MacKay

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Love and Surrender
The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

By Cali MacKay

Copyright © 2014 by Cali MacKay

Published by Daeron Publishing


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher or author, except for the use of

brief quotations in a book review. The story contained within is the work of fiction. Names and

characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual person’s living

or dead, is entirely coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual scenes and adult language and

is only for readers over the age of 18.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2014, edition 1.0



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I’d like to dedicate this book to my family, my critique partners, and my amazing readers, for all

they do. A million thanks for the support!!!


For more information or to join a mailing list for updates, please visit


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Love and Surrender

Chapter One

Two weeks earlier

Zoe tried not to let her nerves show, distracting herself with her work as she prepped for the

night to come. The last thing she needed was for Sean, her boyfriend of the last year, to catch on that

she was finally going to make a clean break and leave him. After her show, she’d leave him a “Dear

John” letter, and then sneak out the back door while he was distracted with clients and business,

finally putting some distance between them.

It seemed like a cowardly way to leave, but she’d already tried breaking up with him on

multiple occasions, and yet here she was, still with him, though there really wasn’t anything left of

their relationship. Things had gotten complicated between them, and what had once been a fun

relationship eventually turned into something she hadn’t signed up for.

She had some money saved so she could drop out of sight for a little while, and she could stay

with her brother until she got back to school to finish up her graduate work. The only thing left to do

was track down a new job, since leaving Sean also meant quitting her job at the club he managed.

As Zoe walked down the steps from the stage, a man she hadn’t seen before headed across the

empty club to where Sean and a few other men seemed to be waiting for him. The stranger walked

past her, giving her a small smile and a nod, but she froze, her gaze locked on the man as if she’d just

seen a ghost—because she was almost sure she had.

With her head spinning, Zoe tried to get a better look, her heartbeat deafening in her ears. The

man was a living ghost if she’d ever seen one— and her best friend’s father at that. Yet it couldn’t be.

She had to be mistaken—one of those instances where a person’s features look similar enough to

bring to mind a different person. A doppelganger. And yet the resemblance was uncanny.

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Trying her best to not to be noticed, she moved a little closer to get a better look. Though the

man was likely in his fifties, he looked fit, and was definitely one of those strikingly handsome older

gentlemen—tall, intelligent blue eyes, thick dark hair that had gone silver at the temples and sprinkled

throughout, and chiseled features. A man who looked like an older version of the Ryker brothers—the

likeness too similar to be easily ignored.

She tried to think back to Morgan’s father, but had only met him a handful of times before his

untimely death; he had died when his lobster boat went down in a stormy sea—which meant that the

man she’d just seen couldn’t possibly be Michael Ryker. Except that her gut told her not to listen to

her logical mind, even though her heart skittered and raced as her brain told her she was insane.

Of course, she could easily be mistaken—and yet the resemblance was undeniable. The Ryker

brothers were striking men, and from what she remembered, their father had been also. They weren’t

the sort of men one could soon forget, and perhaps that was the reason she’d noticed him all those

years ago when she’d been at Morgan’s home. But there had also been family photos that had

reinforced what Michael looked like in her memory.

The similarities between the man in the club and Michael were too great to be ignored, and at

the very least warranted a bit more looking into it, especially if she was going to tell Morgan. She’d

just have to find out more, though…shit. Of all nights for this stranger to wander into the club.

Zoe thought of her packed bags, ready for her to make her escape during the course of the night

when the club would be hopping. As if Sean had read her mind and guessed that she was leaving him,

he looked up at her and gave her a smile from across the club he managed.

Sean could be so perfect—and yet he could also be an ass, depending on his mood and how it

struck him. His mood swings were so fierce, she half wondered if he was bipolar, and frankly, she’d

had enough. She was getting out of there. Tonight.

Except that Morgan’s long-dead father may have just walked past her—and something in her

gut told her she was right—that it was him. Crap.

Pulling out her cell, she pretended to check her text messages, and then, after adjusting the

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exposure on her cell phone camera and making sure the flash was off, she zoomed in on the guy and

snapped a couple of pictures of him. Hopefully they’d be good enough for Morgan to determine

whether it was his father—or if she’d lost her goddamned mind. And maybe then… maybe then she

could escape, while she still had the chance to make a run for it.

With her gear set up for her evening show, Zoe slipped into the ladies’ room to call Morgan,

her heart racing the way it did every time she thought of him. Her finger hovered over his contact

page, wondering if she might be making a mistake. How the hell did you tell someone that you thought

their father may have faked their death? And how did someone even process that information? Worse

still, what if she was wrong and ended up opening up what she knew was a raw wound?

She debated not saying anything, but knew that if she was in Morgan’s position, she’d want to

know. There was no option but to make the call. She dialed Morgan’s number, knowing full well that

she might need to postpone her escape so she could get more information on the stranger.

She owed Morgan that, at the very least.

“Morgan? It’s me, Zoe. Listen…I don’t have a lot of time, and…I don’t know how to say this.

Honestly, there’s a very good chance I could be mistaken, but…someone just walked into the club I’m

working at…Yeah, it’s off-hours, but anyway…fuck, Morgan…I think I just saw your father.”

There was silence on the other end, and then cursing. She wished she could have told him in

person, wished she could be there to give him a hug, to try to calm and comfort him. After a moment

more, he seemed to recover. “Maybe you’re mistaken, Zoe…he’s been dead for fifteen years. His

boat went down in a storm—the Coast Guard got his distress signal. Shit…can you talk to the guy

without giving anything away? Find out more?”

“I can tell you now that if it is him, he’s probably mixed up in some serious shit.” She’d

recognized some of the men in that group, and they weren’t the type you wanted to mess around with.

Yet, she knew…this was Morgan’s one chance. If that was his father—and something in her gut said it

was—then she couldn’t bail on her best friend. She let out a weary sigh. She could leave in another

week or two, once she’d found out more information. “Let me see what I can do.”

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No way, Zo. Forget about it. I don’t want you putting yourself in danger. And frankly, if it is

him, then he can go fuck himself if he’s been alive all this time and hasn’t bothered to come find us.”

The anger in Morgan’s voice was barely restrained, but she knew it was the years of hurt talking. “I

don’t want you getting involved. And what the hell are you doing there in that sort of dangerous

situation anyway?”

She’d only recently found out about Sean’s connection to Billy Sacks, and it was yet one more

reason she needed to put an end to her relationship with him. Still…in the meantime, she knew Sean

would keep her safe and away from Billy. Sean might have mood swings, but he did love her, and

wouldn’t ever hurt her.

“Don’t worry about me, Morgan. Most of them don’t even know I exist, since I’m not a threat

to them or their business. Just give me a chance to find out more about this guy since it might give you

closure. Besides, there’s a good chance it may not be him.”

She could ask Sean about the guy. Try her best to keep it sounding casual, or make up some


“Damn it, Zo. Don’t do it. Do you hear me? You need to get the hell out of there. Where are

you? I’m coming to get you.” She could hear the rage and worry in his voice, and knew he’d come

charging over if he thought she might be in trouble—not that she’d told him where she worked. He

would freak out if he knew.

“You’ll do nothing of the sort, Ryker. Look…I’ll be fine. Just give me a little more time. I

swear, I’ll be fine.” Just a few questions. That was all she needed to do and then she’d be out of


“I don’t like this, love.” He let out a weary sigh as if resigning himself. “Promise me you’ll

stay safe, and won’t do anything stupid. And send me the goddamned address of where you work. Just

to be on the safe side.”

“I promise.”

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Chapter Two

Present Day

Morgan ran a rough hand down his face, his heart pounding against his chest as anger and

frustration filled him. Zoe had always been his everything, even if they’d never really managed to

pursue things past their friendship. She was putting herself in danger—and for what? For a ghost? For

a man who may have abandoned his family and let them struggle while they mourned his sorry ass?

Two weeks had passed since she’d called to let him know about his dad, and it was two

weeks too long as far as he was concerned. Though she’d kept him updated via texts and emails, he’d

had enough of not knowing how she truly fared. In the end, she might be furious with him for showing

up and dragging her ass out of whatever situation she was trying to manage, but he didn’t give a flying

fuck. Getting Zoe out safely was his only thought. And his father could go to hell for all he cared.

If his dad hadn’t bothered to give a shit when his mother had struggled to put food on the table,

struggled to keep a roof over their heads, struggled to keep the neighborhood from claiming them, then

why on earth should he give a fuck? He hadn’t seen his father in fifteen years. Fifteen years of thinking

him dead. And if it was him…if it was truly his father, then what the hell sort of excuse could justify

his actions, could justify letting his family struggle and mourn him when he could have been there by

their side?

So he’d focus on Zoe and getting her back. Because when all was said and done, she was the

only one who truly mattered. He needed her, needed to make sure she was safe. And he’d be damned

if he’d spend another day leaving her in some precarious situation, even if she’d explicitly warned

him that he’d only make things worse for her and he needed to keep his distance.

It killed him that they’d drifted apart over the last few years. She’d been slowly distancing

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herself ever since their one and only night together back when she was still in college for her

undergraduate degree. He’d been a different man back then, not sure if he could her offer her the sort

of life she deserved. His circumstances had changed drastically since then—yet she’d been pushing

him away ever since that one night.

Maybe their one time together had made her realize that she didn’t want to be with him. And

yet he knew what was between them, and he refused to believe that they weren’t meant to be together.

The sexual tension between them was like a live wire, and their love for each other was like nothing

else. They’d grown up together and had been inseparable until just recently.

He’d been head over heels in love with her from the start, though when he was younger, he’d

been too shy and quiet to pursue things past their friendship. And then, once they’d gone off to

different universities, the distance had kept them apart.

The only time he’d come close to getting her to realize that they should be together, their

timing ended up being completely off. He’d been away at college, buried with exams, and she’d been

about to leave for a year-long internship. They’d had one night together, and damn, but it was as if that

night had cemented her determination to keep her distance.

She’d gone over to London, and before long, her phone calls and emails had trickled down to

nonexistent. It wasn’t until she’d gotten back stateside that he’d done everything he could to get back

what they’d once had. That had been nearly four years ago, and yet…things had never quite been the

same. Though they texted and called often enough, it seemed like he rarely got to see her in person.

It wasn’t as though he hadn’t tried to move on. He sure as hell had dated more than his fair

share of gorgeous and smart women, and his sexual needs were always well taken care of—and yet

he never quite felt satisfied, knowing full well that Zoe was the only one he truly wanted. How the

hell could anyone else be enough when his heart had always belonged to her?

He cleared his thoughts and focused. His priority had to be getting her out of the situation she

was in—not on getting laid. Gabe and Hadley had offered to give him any help he might need to get

Zoe back safely, and though it had felt damn good to finally tell his brother that their dad might still be

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alive, she was his responsibility, and tonight was the night he’d get her back.

She worked in a club owned by Billy Sacks, a notoriously vicious bastard—and a bastard, it

turned out, his supposed father owed a good amount of money to, according to Zoe’s snooping—

snooping he’d begged her not to do. He shouldn’t have waited to get her out of there—and if she was

working in one of Sacks’s clubs, then he also should have been keeping better tabs on her, rather than

trying to push her out of his mind.

He had to get her out of there. Had to get her some place safe. And as for his father? Well, if

the guy actually turned out to be his father, then he could rot in hell.


Morgan knew Zoe worked in some sort of club, bartending, but she’d never let him come to

visit her and he hadn’t wanted to further strain their relationship. And yet email and chatting on the

phone never felt like enough, and it left him wondering if he would ever find happiness, when no one

but Zoe would do.

He pulled up in front of the club, wondering if he had gotten the address right. The Black

Strap. It didn’t look like much from the outside, just a sleek-looking building in its own lot. Even the

location was pretty remote for it to get any of the typical foot traffic most bars counted on for


Unsure of what he was walking into, his adrenaline was pumping. Get in, grab Zoe, and get

out. From there, he’d take her some place safe, like the cabin he’d bought up in the woods.

Somewhere where they could lay low—and where he could convince her that they were meant to be


He paid an ungodly sum to get into the club, and immediately knew why the moment he

stepped into the club itself. It might be no more than some bar or dance club on most nights, but

tonight? Tonight looked like it was bondage night or something of the sort.

It wasn’t anything hardcore, since he’d been to enough of those clubs to recognize them right

off the bat. Yet it was enough to have a bolt of protectiveness and jealousy shooting through him,

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especially when he thought of Zoe working in such a place, day in and day out, exposed to…who only

knew what… He couldn’t get her the hell out of there soon enough.

He headed to the bar, expecting to see her there behind the counter, when he spotted her—on

stage under a spotlight.

Fuck! There she was. The goddamned love of his life in a leather corset, black leggings that

hugged her every curve, knee-high lace-up boots with killer heels, and a leather flogger in her hand as

she teased and whipped a nearly naked man on stage. The girl was hot—smoking! And bloody hell…

it took all he had not to go up there, toss her over his shoulder and carry her the hell out of there.

He desperately needed a drink, but he also needed to keep a clear head. So he watched as she

worked, his hard-on raging, his hands clenched in fists by his side, his frustration and anger winding

their way through his chest like tangled barbwire.

She certainly looked the part, with her thick black hair slicked back into a tight ponytail, and

the red lipstick across those plump lips of hers. Yet the whole thing was rather theatrical: more of a

show than anything—not that it fucking mattered when the guys there were getting their rocks off to his

girl. And she was his, damn it. She always had been, and now more than ever, he was ready to stake

his claim.

He still couldn’t believe she was working in this place, doing this sort of thing. She was an

amazing PhD student, brilliant and motivated. And damn, but it stung that she’d never mentioned the

sort of work she was doing, that she couldn’t trust him with this part of her life.

It pissed him off to no end. He thought he knew everything about her—her parents bailing on

Zoe and her siblings when she was only eight, having to live with a grandmother whose health was

failing by the time she was in high school, her struggles to take care of not only her siblings but her

ailing gran.

Morgan knew she was a survivor and would do whatever it took to get by. Yet he could have

helped her, if only she’d told him—if only he’d kept track of what she was doing instead of trying to

push her from his mind. Didn’t she know he’d be there for her, no matter what? Instead, she’d opted

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to make ends meet by sexually dominating total strangers who’d be coming in their pants and jerking

off to fantasies of her.

From time to time, he’d frequented more extreme clubs where actual sex was involved, and

where most of the participants on show were clubgoers. This was certainly different to a huge extent,

and much tamer—and damn, but he was grateful for that. Watching Zoe participate in anything more

intimate—especially if it didn’t involve him—would’ve had him barreling towards the stage and

hauling her out of there, to his house, to his bed, to make her realize that she was his and his alone.

Fuck. He could barely keep his anger and jealousy in check.

He told himself to calm the hell down. Forced his fists to unclench, pushing one breath after

another into his lungs. But he’d be damned if there was a single cell in his body that was anywhere

near calm, the urge to murder someone overwhelming.

Though there were other scenes playing out, Zoe’s tableau had drawn the most attention, and

damn, but she had the crowds mesmerized, teasing and cajoling the guy until he looked ready to come

then and there in front of everyone, her red leather flogger marking his skin as she artfully swung it,

his thick erection impossible to ignore since it was barely covered.

Morgan was counting down the seconds until he could get her out of there, and her act didn’t

end a moment too soon. He was already marching towards her, closing the distance between them,

ready to murder anyone who stood in his way, when she spotted him, her eyes wide with surprise.

She had told him not to come. Had said it would be too dangerous. And yet how could he just

leave her to face that danger on her own, when it was his fault that she hadn’t gotten out of there when

she’d had the chance—when he’d left her to continue working in this hellhole. Because too often, the

less serious clubs—clubs like this—were the ones where the rules weren’t respected. To have

someone disrespect her, manhandle her…it was enough to have his blood boiling in his veins.

Zoe held up a discreet finger asking him to wait, and then she was off through a side door.

Another five minutes passed, each one a goddamned fucking eternity, before he felt someone tug at his

sleeve. She pulled him into the shadows along the wall, heading towards the front of the club, not far

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from the entrance. A large black hooded sweatshirt now obscured most of her face and her stage

outfit, and she had a huge bag slung over her shoulder.

He was hoping she’d continue leading him out the door so they could get the fuck out of there,

but no such luck. She spun on him with a glare, her brow furrowed and her shoulders tensed. “What

are you doing here, Morgan? I told you not to come. It’s not safe, damn it.”

“Which is exactly why I’m here, Zo. And if you think I’m going to leave you here so you can

go back on stage for round two of your goddamned fucking act—or leave you to deal with Billy Sacks

and his men—then you’ve lost your damned mind.” Morgan grabbed her hand and started hauling her

towards the door when Zoe dug her heels in and tried to yank herself free of him.

“My act is none of your business. And I can’t just leave, Morgan. I have it planned a certain

way, so it doesn’t all go to hell. I can’t leave like this, when Sean’s around.” With worry and

frustration furrowing her brow, she looked around while cursing under her breath. “You need to go

before he catches wind that you’re here.”

Rage swept through him like a wildfire set to dry brush, his jaw clenched as he forced the

words past his gritted teeth. “Who the fuck is Sean?”

“He’s my boyfriend—ex-boyfriend. And you need to get the hell out of here.”

Her words only flamed his anger, as jealousy shot straight through him. She was his, damn it

—and no one else’s. The thought of Zoe with someone else was enough to have him seeing red.

“Boyfriend—or ex? Not that it actually matters, because you’re still coming with me.”

“I can’t, Morgan. Now go.” Her eyes were still darting around the place, but the panic in her

eyes made him fucking crazy. “Please. I promise, I’ll call you once I’m able to.”

Furious with himself for not having come to get her the moment she’d called him, he grabbed

her hand and pulled her towards the door, which was a mere thirty feet away. She tried to pull free of

his grasp, but he was determined, and nothing was going to stop him. He needed to get them out of

there, and if she wasn’t going to move, then he’d do it for her. He hauled her up onto his shoulder in a

fireman carry, bag and all, ignoring her mumbled curses.

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He was nearly at the door when some guy tried to stop them, blocking their escape. “What the

fuck do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend?”

Sean… Morgan sized him up—tall, built, good-looking, and at the moment, pissed off.

Quickly putting Zoe down, Morgan tucked her behind him. Though he could take care of himself in a

fight, he knew this was different—knew the players involved were dangerous. Pulling out his gun,

Morgan aimed it right at Sean, while grabbing Zoe’s hand, who held onto it tight. “We’re going to go

now, and you’re going to fucking forget her. She’s done here. Done with you. So don’t even think

about coming after her. She’s mine, now.”

Morgan shifted them towards the door, his aim still on Sean as they got ready to make a run

for it before security or any of the other patrons noticed his gun.

“Like fuck, she is. This is far from over, and I’ll be sure you pay for this. Zoe’s mine, and she

fucking knows it. I’ll find you, Zoe—I promise. And I’ll make him pay for taking you away from me.”

Sean was furious—but not stupid enough to lunge for them.

And then Morgan was hauling Zoe through the doors, out into the cold December air and

towards his car, knowing they didn’t have a whole lot of time to make their escape. Hitting the gas,

they raced out of the parking lot, just as Sean and his men spilled into the night from the club.

With his heart racing, Morgan hopped on the nearby highway and sped away, desperate to put

some distance between them and Sean. He didn’t know much about Sean, but if he worked for Billy

Sacks, then the guy had to be trouble.

“What the hell, Morgan? Have you lost your goddamned mind? You weren’t supposed to

come.” Zoe slipped her hood back, causing Morgan’s heart to catch at the mere sight of her, looking

like some modern day Bettie Page with her long black hair, bright blue eyes, and red, fuckable lips.

“You’ve only made matters a thousand times worse—and you could have gotten yourself killed.”

“Damn it, Zo. You never should have been there. What the hell were you thinking?” He was

so pissed off at himself for not getting her out of here when she first called. He was such an ass. If

anything had happened to her, he’d never have forgiven himself. Morgan pulled onto a smaller

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interstate highway, wanting to make sure that they weren’t being followed. “And what the hell was

that on stage? For fuck’s sake, Zo.”

“That’s called paying the bills—and frankly, it’s none of your damned business. I don’t need

you judging me.” Despite the anger in her voice, it cracked, making him feel like a complete ass. “I do

what I have to make ends meet—just like we’ve done in the past. Or have you already forgotten what

it’s like to do whatever’s needed in order to survive?”

“Fuck, Zo…no. Of course not.” He reached out and squeezed her hand, holding onto it,

desperate for that bit of contact. Instead of closing the distance between them, he was pissing her off

and pushing her away, making her think that he was judging her. And he wasn’t. He was just worried

about her, worried about her safety—and damn it, but he wanted her all to himself. “It’s just that the

thought of you on that stage…”

“Do you know the sort of college loans I’m accruing? Between undergrad and grad school,

I’ll be retired by the time I finally get my student loans paid off, and that’s if I even manage to land a

half decent job with my astronomy degree.” She let out a shattered sigh, and gave his hand a squeeze.

The tension in Morgan’s chest eased just a little with the physical contact between them. “It’s not as

bad as it looks, you know. It really is just a bit of an act, though the guys pay decent money to be on

stage with me. There’s absolutely no sex involved, and in the end it pays a hell of a lot better than

waiting tables or any other type of job I could get for the hours I put in. This way, I still have time to

study and get my research done so I can finish up with my degree.”

Morgan knew how outrageous college tuition could be, especially once you added grad

school to the mix. But he didn’t care. He’d be damned if he was going to let her do anything like that

act again. “I’ll pay off your loans then, because I’ll be fucked if you’ll be working as a dominatrix

again, Zo.”

She yanked her hand free of his. “I don’t want your money, Morgan—and you don’t get to tell

me what I will or won’t be doing. That’s exactly why I never told you. I knew you’d freak out. And

now, thanks to your stubbornness, Sean’s going to tear the country apart looking for me, after the way

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you grabbed me. Why did you have to tell him I’m yours?”

Bloody hell, the girl was going to drive him to drink.

“Because you are mine, Zo. My best friend.” And so much more if he got his way. “As for

your loans, I’m paying them whether you want me to or not. ’Cause you know what, darling? Jerks

like your ex and Billy Sacks are the sorts of guys who congregate at places like that and I’ll be

damned if I’m going to let you go back there. You can pay me back when you finally finish that PhD of

yours, Dr. Appleton.”

“I’m still years off from that title, and I pay my own way, Morgan. You know that. As for the

guys I deal with, they’re mainly regulars and are completely harmless. They’re just looking to blow

off some steam after a long day.” She shook her head and tossed him a glare. “You’d be surprised—

most of those guys have high-powered jobs and are just looking for a bit of release. They like not

having to think about anything other than what gets them hard.”

Shit, he was losing it. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what they do or what they like, as long as

they’re not fucking looking at your tits.”

“You know I love you, Morgan, but my tits are my own business. Not yours.”

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Chapter Three

Zoe was furious with Morgan. Though she’d had every intention of leaving Sean, having

Morgan haul her out of the club at gunpoint was the worst possible thing he could have done. Sean

would be incensed at the thought that someone had stolen her away from him. And now what? It

wasn’t as if she could deal with having Morgan around. There was a reason she’d been pushing him

away for the last four years, and having him in such close proximity was not a good idea.

“So, now what?” Zoe had seen the highway signs and knew they were heading north. Maybe

to Portmore, where Morgan and his brothers now lived? “I need to go home, Morgan. Even if I don’t

go back to the club, I’m going to have to deal with Sean at some point.”

“Like hell you are, sweetheart. You’re staying with me until I decide it’s safe. Do you hear

me, Zo? And for once, let someone help you.” The determination in his voice, the sheer power and

forcefulness of it, sent her heart skittering with need and reminded her why it was so dangerous to

have Morgan so close. She knew she couldn’t resist him, and yet she had to. At all cost.

“I don’t need your help—and I didn’t need you to come rescue me either.” Not that she hadn’t

already tried to break up with Sean on more than one occasion. Yet somehow, he’d always managed

to convince her to stay.

The last thing she needed was to have Sean set his sights on Morgan. With Morgan taking her

the way he did, she was worried Sean might become obsessed with getting her back. Not because he

was truly in love with her, but because he’d feel slighted, like something he owned was taken from

him. She knew what Sean could be like, and it left her worrying not only for herself, but what Sean

might do to Morgan, given half the chance. The thought was unbearable and sent a shiver of worry

down her spine.

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“You may not need rescuing, sweetheart, but I’ll be damned if I’ll stand by and just let you

come to harm. And just so I make myself clear—you’re mine, Zo. I’m tired of us playing these fucking

games. It’s you and me now, together. So you better get used to it.”

Zoe’s heart raced, as the single thought and realization nestled its way into the corners of her

mind. She was so screwed. Big time.


Zoe awoke to find herself in Morgan’s strong arms as he carried her from the car towards a

gorgeous log home, her head still groggy with sleep as her eyelids threatened to slip shut. It seemed

like they’d been driving for hours, her anger eventually fading as fatigue took over.

“I appreciate the ride, but you can put me down. You may have kidnapped me, but it doesn’t

mean I’m not capable of walking just fine.” She had to hold onto her anger, had to keep Morgan away.

Yet the way he held her as if she weighed nothing, the hardness of his muscles as he nestled

her in his arms, and with his masculine scent of cedar and flannel filling her head…it made it

impossible for her to ignore the effect he had on her body, and even worse, her heart. She’d always

loved him, but how the hell was she supposed to keep any distance between them, when he wouldn’t

let her push him away?

“You’re just so funny. But if I’ve kidnapped you, does that mean I get to tie you up and have

my way with you, sweetheart? ’Cause I’ve got to say, that works just fine with me.” His words had

her breath catching. She didn’t know what had gotten into him, but Morgan had clearly changed in the

time that she’d been pushing him away.

And damn, but it was a total turn-on to have him taking control like that. “Oh, sure…you’d just

love that. Wouldn’t you?”

“Damn right I would—but the question is, would you love it? Because I think you would, Zo.

And the mere thought of it makes me hard…makes me want to carry you straight to my bed.” There

was a determination and honesty in his voice that had her heart hitching. It’d be far too easy to picture

herself tied to his bed and at his mercy.

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Suddenly very aware of each breath he took, how his muscles flexed under her palm as she

held onto him...she knew she was in so much trouble. And by the time Morgan carried her up the

porch steps and finally put her down, she could feel her heart skittering out of control. Her body

swayed, brushing against him until he placed his large hands on her hips to steady her, his grip firm.

And damn, but his every touch had her insides fluttering, and her clit aching for release.

“You okay? Or has the thought of you being tied up and at my mercy as I ravage your body left

you weak-kneed?” He dwarfed her, his height and build making her feel small and delicate. His gaze

flicked down to her lips as his grip on her tightened, the energy between them electric.

And yet…no matter how much she wanted him, she knew she had to push him away. Keeping

him at arm’s length when he was the love of her life left her heartbroken and was the hardest thing for

her to do. And yet her choices were limited. At least this way, she still had his friendship—and that

was huge. Because if she ever chose to be completely honest with him, she knew he might never

speak to her again. Their one hookup so many years ago had ended up being disastrous in more ways

than Morgan could ever know, her emotional wounds still raw even after so many years, wounds she

didn’t think would ever heal.

“We’re just friends, Morgan. No more than that, and I’d appreciate you not forgetting it.” She

shifted out of his arms before he tried to kiss her, knowing she had to distance herself from him, the

temptation to give in to what was between them all too alluring. “So, what now? We just hide out

here indefinitely?”

“Is that so horrible, Zo? Fuck…I feel like it’s been years since we hung out.” Morgan brushed

her cheek with the back of his fingers, making her eyes want to flutter closed. And he was right. It had

been years. Four to be exact. “And don’t tell me you don’t want more when I can see how you look at

me, when I see your breath catch each time I touch you, and how the pulse in your neck races just

below your skin. You want me, love, and you’re only lying to yourself if you pretend otherwise.”

Hell… She knew he was right, but she couldn’t go down that road. Not after what had

happened, not when she was keeping secrets from him.

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Somehow she found the strength to pull away from his touch, and deny what was between

them. “Well, that’s where you’re wrong. I have no interest in pursuing anything between us. Now, can

we please go in? It’s freezing, and I didn’t get the chance to grab my winter coat.” Anything to break

their contact and give her a moment to regain some self-control.

“Yeah…of course.” With a weary sigh, Morgan took her hand in his and led her into the cabin

as she tried to contain her heartbreak, knowing she’d never manage to truly convince herself that

staying away from Morgan was for the best. At least she still had their friendship, though even that

felt like it could crumble out from under her at any moment, the same secret threatening everything

between them.

She followed in behind him, and was immediately hit with the rustic grandeur of the place.

Vaulted ceilings were criss-crossed with rough-hewn beams, smooth river rock accented the walls,

while a massive stone fireplace immediately drew her in. “Morgan, this is absolutely gorgeous…and

one hell of a long way from the tiny apartments we grew up in.”

“I’m glad you like it. I wanted a place where I could get away into the mountains and woods

without being too far from work or home, so I bought this place a few months ago.” Morgan set aside

her bag and crossed over to where she’d wandered into the great room.

She felt some of her anger at him dissipate. “I’m really happy for you and your family. You

deserve this—and I know you’ve all worked damn hard for it too.”

She gave his hand a squeeze, so proud of him and how far he’d come. They’d lived such a

hard life when they were young, so it meant everything to her that he’d been able to break away from

the sort of hardships one seldom escaped.

“I’d willingly share all of it with you, Zo, if you’d only let me.” With a frustrated sigh, he

shook his head, hands on his hips, and looking so gorgeous, it made her heart trip. He was so tall and

muscular, and those intelligent green eyes of his were like emeralds held to a flame. She didn’t think

there was ever a day when she hadn’t loved him.

His deep voice, like smoke over silk, pulled her from his thoughts, the mere sound of it

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enough to have her going wet, desperate for him to take her, to fuck her, to make her forget all their

problems. “I don’t mean to be a pain in the ass, but I need to know exactly what we’re dealing with

when it comes to your asshole boyfriend.”

Ex. Ex-boyfriend.” How many times had she tried breaking up with Sean? Too many to

count. Every time she tried to leave after a Mr. Hyde moment, sweet caring Dr. Jekyll would

convince her to stay, would promise to get help for his mood swings. He’d always been good to her,

but his amazingly sweet mood could turn on a dime. When she’d found out the sort of business

partners he was keeping, it was enough to convince her to make her escape. “What do you want to


“For starters, I’d like to know why the fuck you were with him. What the hell were you

thinking, Zo?” Morgan’s eyes flared alight with the passion she loved in her dearest of friends who

could be far too quiet, too brooding, and too contained—and at the same time could be so intense, so

passionate, so all-consuming.

“Despite Sean’s criminal associations—which I didn’t find out about until recently—he’s

usually sweet and caring.” She could count the number of guys she’d been with on just a few fingers,

and most of them had been incredibly nice, Sean included—most of the time. But she’d also never felt

passionate about any of them. After all, it wasn’t like her relationship with Sean, or any other guy,

ever stood a chance when they weren’t Morgan. “I didn’t realize who owned the club, Morgan. Sean

was just the club manager, as far as I knew, and I’m still not convinced he’s really involved in the

stuff Billy Sacks has going, other than letting them host meetings at the club off-hours. And if Billy

owns the club, it’s not like Sean can refuse him.”

“Isn’t it enough that he works for scum like that? You don’t need that sort of shit in your life.”

He shook his head and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to him as he weakened her defenses

and her resolve to keep him at arm’s length. “Don’t you get it, Zo? If anything ever happened to you, it

would kill me. I’d be lost without you.”

Unable to resist him, Zoe slipped her arms around his waist, and rested her head on his chest,

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his heart beating strong and steady—just like him. “And I’d be lost without you—but I worry that we

just kicked a hornet’s nest. Sean won’t let this rest, Morgan. And I worry about what he’ll do.”

“I swear, I’ll keep you safe, Zo. You’re my everything.” He cupped her face, and covered her

mouth in a bruising kiss, his tongue dancing over hers as he claimed her, refusing to let her push him

away. Zoe gripped his hips and leaned into him as his fingers tangled into her hair, holding her to him

so there’d be no escape, kissing her until she was kissing him back, until she was dizzy with her need

for him.

Yet she couldn’t give in to what was between them. She fought to gain control of her emotions

and find the strength to stop him, to push him away before she did something she regretted. She had to.

If she had any hope of salvaging what was between them, she had to distance herself. “Morgan, I can’t

do this…”

The coiled tension in his body, his strength, their love for each other… She so desperately

wanted to give in to it, and yet…if he ever found she’d gotten pregnant with his child and had given

up their daughter for adoption, he’d never forgive her. And losing Morgan, after losing their little girl,

after losing Lexie, would break her. Completely and utterly, into a million pieces so small there’d be

nothing left of her but darkness and heartache.

She took a deep breath, his familiar scent filling her head as she savored the feel of his

muscular form. Morgan ran his hands down her back, his fingers splayed possessively as he held her

close, making it impossible to ignore his rock hard length. It pressed against her in promise, making

her want to rock her hips against it in search of relief, molten heat spiking through to her core and

turning her liquid in his arms.

Her pulse kicked up and she couldn’t help but nuzzle him, his thick stubble rough against her

cheek as he nipped at her ear, her neck, her skin pebbling with a shiver as she bit back a wanton

moan. She felt herself go wet, her desire, her need for him, thrumming through every nerve in her

body, even as her brain told her not to be stupid, not to take the risk.

Snapping herself out of it, she held onto her determination to keep some distance between

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them. “You need to take me home, Morgan. I can’t do this. I can’t do ‘us.’

“Why the fuck not? You know we’re meant to be together, Zo. So why the hell are you pushing

me away?” Morgan wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her against his strong body.

Looking ready to devour her like some wild animal that had caught its prey, his fingers tangled

in her hair and gripped it tight as he ran his thumb across her bottom lip, making her want to suck it

into her mouth. His hand shifted from her back to her waist before slipping up to her breast, cupping it

through the leather of the corset until she was leaning against his touch, as he lowered his head to hers

and captured her lips in a kiss. She couldn’t help but whimper with how desperately she wanted to

give in to him, her body leaning against his, as his cock pressed against the curve of her belly, making

her want to stroke him, take him, taste him.

When he spoke, his words were kisses against her skin. “Are you going to deny that you don’t

feel anything between us? Are you really going to tell me that you don’t want me? That you’ve

experienced this sort of connection with anyone but me?”

“Morgan—” He silenced her with his mouth hard on hers, kissing her until she felt it down to

her very core, a kiss that she would feel in her bones for all of eternity. With his body pressed to hers,

he claimed her mouth until she couldn’t help but kiss him back, her fingers knotting in his shirt to hold

on as her knees gave way, her need for him like a wildfire and just as dangerous, threatening to

consume her until there was nothing left.

She forced herself to come to her senses. Forced herself to pull away, her hands firm on his

chest, as he held onto her, her heart shattered, when she wanted nothing more than to give in to what

was between them. “I can’t, Morgan. I’m not ready for this—and I don’t know that I’ll ever be.”

“How can you even say that, Zo?” The frustration in his voice mirrored her own, though she

felt like there was little she could do about it. If she got involved with Morgan, she’d eventually have

to tell him about Lexie, and she knew he’d hate her for what she had done.

“I won’t risk what we have. And the two of us together? It’d do nothing but make a mess of

our friendship. It’s not that I don’t want you—and you know I love you, but you’re my best friend,

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Morgan, and I can’t take the risk.” She took a ragged breath and tried to put some distance between

them, though it was impossible for her to keep her need out of her voice when she spoke. “It’s late

and I’m tired. If you’re not planning on taking me home, then could you please show me to my room?”

“Zoe…” He brushed the hair from her face as she looked up at him, his gaze so intense, it

made her breath hitch.

The air crackled with energy, the tension between them palpable. It’d be so easy to just kiss

him again, so easy to pull him towards the bedroom, and maybe...maybe she could make it work. But

could she take that sort of risk when everything was on the line?

“Sorry, Morgan... It’s just been a really long night.” She told herself it was for the best, though

she was far from convinced when she could still feel the ghostly whisper of his hands on her body,

his lips on hers.

His weary sigh nearly killed her. “Come on then. Your room’s this way.” He took a step away

from her, and tilted his head down the hallway. “You’ve got your own bath, and the kitchen’s fully

stocked. If you need anything at all, just holler. I’ll be right across the hall.”

The one thing she needed was the one thing that was strictly off-limits, and she’d best keep

reminding herself of what was at stake, before she did something stupid. He lingered in the doorway

as she took her bag from him, her eyes locked on his as her heart thundered away. “Morgan… Thanks

for coming to get me. It may not have been the smartest thing to do, but…I’m really glad you were

there. I don’t know that Sean would have ever let me go.”

When he leaned in and nuzzled her, she let him, his stubbled cheek rough against hers as his

strong hands gripped her hips and pulled her to him, making her heart skitter. His fingers dug into her

waist possessively, making her breath catch as she breathed in his familiar scent. “You know I’ll

always be here for you, Zo—and this thing between us? It’s not over. Not by a long shot.”

“No…I don’t suppose it is.”

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Chapter Four

Morgan woke up the next morning, having had a miserable night—in an empty bed. And

whose fault was that? He could blame no one but himself. He should have pursued Zoe ages ago.

Gotten his head out of his ass and made her see they were meant to be together. But instead of

dragging her to his bed last night, he’d let her go, just like he’d done a million times before that.

What the hell was his problem? He must be a goddamned idiot. It wasn’t as if he ever had a

problem with women—except when it came to the one and only woman who mattered. Zoe.

Fucking hell. Well, he’d had enough. Enough worrying about pushing her away, enough

worrying that she’d break his heart—and enough letting her drive a wedge between them. Enough,

already. Especially when she ended up dating assholes instead.

Being run off the road and nearly dying a month earlier was enough to motivate him to do

something about Zoe. Though he’d fully healed from his injuries, his near fatal experience had given

him a new perspective on life, and he refused to let any more time pass him by without her in his


He just had to pull his head out of his ass and man the fuck up. He was no longer the shy, quiet

boy he’d once been. And it was time he showed her that they were meant to be together.

Yet he knew, if he took that next step—and not just fumbling around drunk at some party—

there’d be no hope of ever turning back, no hope of ever finding anyone who could even come close

to Zoe if it all went wrong. He’d be crushed if she walked away from him, and in for a lifetime of

misery. Not that he was far from that now. So fuck it…what did he have to lose?

Now all he had to do is convince her that this could work. Them. As a couple.

He was so fucking doomed.

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They didn’t get up until late in the morning, given that it had been the middle of the night by the

time they’d crawled into bed. After a quick breakfast, Morgan spent his time catching up on work so

Zoe could take care of contacting her family using a burner phone he’d given her. She was worried

that Sean might try to contact them and she wanted to give them ample warning, not quite sure what

Sean might do in retaliation.

Needing to find out more about his father and Zoe’s ex, Morgan called Gabe to enlist

Hadley’s help with those investigations, since his brother’s fiancée had access to all sorts of

databases, given her work in security. He still wasn’t sure if the guy Zoe had seen was his father, but

she had managed to discreetly snap a picture of him, and Morgan had to agree, it looked a lot like

him. Now all they had to do is track down the guy.

“How’s it going, Zo? Do you think Sean will try to contact them? Does he know where they

live?” Her grandmother had passed away a few years ago, but that still left her brother and sister.

Morgan didn’t know the sort of relationship she’d had with Sean, or how intertwined their

lives had been. Yet the mere thought of that bastard being with Zoe, touching her, taking her, was

enough to send his blood boiling.

“No, I don’t think he knows where they live, and they haven’t heard from him yet.” She tucked

her dark hair behind her ear like she’d always done when it wasn’t pulled into a ponytail. “They’re

unlisted too, though I doubt that’d slow him down if he was motivated. Even if he breaks into my

place, I don’t think I’ve got their addresses hanging around. It’d all be on my laptop, which I have

with me.”

At least that was something. She hadn’t been living with Sean, nor had she given him a key.

“Let me have their addresses. I’ll make sure they stay safe.” Once she gave him the

information he needed, he quickly sent off an email to have a security detail sent over to watch her

family. Make sure everyone stayed safe. “Is there anyone else who might be in danger? Anyone who

might be able to point Sean in our direction? Friends? Coworkers?”

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She shook her head no, the tension in her shoulders, in her body, all too evident. “I kept to

myself at work, and I’ve got friends at school, but Sean never met any of them other than in passing. I

doubt he’d remember any of them, though I suppose he could show up at the astronomy department

and start harassing my professors.”

The worry in her eyes was infuriating, and he knew, as seriously as she took her studies, the

last thing she’d want is for her ex to make a scene. “Don’t let it get to you, Zo. Even if he thought to go

to your school, they’d just call security—and he likely knows it too. Not to mention, your professors

probably wouldn’t have your family info on file anyway. That sort of stuff is usually with


“How can I not worry, Morgan? Sean’s going to be crazed by now, and I don’t even want to

think of what he might do.” Zoe fingered the cell phone in her hand, and he could tell she was tempted

to contact him.

“You can’t call him, Zo. No fucking way. I can keep you safe, but only if you stay the fuck

away from him.” The thought of Sean coming after her was enough to have his anger flaring. Morgan

would murder the bastard if he hurt Zoe.

“I can’t hide out here forever. Eventually I’m going to have to get back to the real world, and

he’ll just be waiting for me. Let me use the burner to call him. Calm him down.” She reached over

and gave his hand a squeeze, her touch immediately going right to his core, making him want to

protect her—and claim her as his. “I know you’re worried about me, but taking me the way you did

likely pushed him over the edge. Think about it. What would you be like if he just walked in here,

threw me over his shoulder, and took me at gunpoint?”

“Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the greatest of plans, but all I could think about was getting you

out of there safely, and I was insane with the thought that you might get hurt.” Morgan knew she was

right, but the thought of Billy Sacks setting his sights on her, and the fact that she’d repeatedly tried to

break things off with Sean, and he wouldn’t let her, had been enough to push him over the edge and

have him acting irrationally. “I’ll have my lawyers deal with getting some sort of restraining order on

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your behalf.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose, and squeezed her eyes shut, looking overwhelmed. “This

has gotten so out of control.”

“I’ll get you through this, Zo. I promise.” Morgan pulled her into his arms, his touch insistent

when she started to resist. He needed her to know she could count on him to keep her safe, to be there

for her.

“Morgan…you know you mean the world to me, but…”

Fucking hell. He’d had enough, and since trying to move on and forget her clearly hadn’t

worked, there was just one alternative. “No more excuses, Zo. Enough’s enough and I refuse to let

you push me away when I know you want me.”

Cupping her face in both his hands, his fingers tangled in her thick, dark hair as he tilted her

face towards him, and captured her mouth in a bruising kiss, refusing to let her go until she softened in

his arms and finally kissed him back. His mouth was hot on hers as his tongue clashed with hers,

feeling their kiss down to the marrow of his bones, leaving him drunk with his need for her. Never

had he wanted anyone more.

By the time he finally slowed his kiss, his breathing was heavy and his heart was thundering

inside his chest. And damn…the last thing he expected to see was tears in her eyes. “Zo…”

She pushed away from him, even as he tried to pull her back into his arms. And damn, but it

made him feel like an ass. Why the hell did things have to be so difficult between them? None of it

made any fucking sense.

“I need to go. Head home and grab the rest of my stuff. Find a new place to stay. Not to

mention, I’ve got to get a new job now.” She wouldn’t even look at him, as she hastily swiped at the

tears that ran down her cheeks.

“Zoe, for fuck’s sake… Talk to me.” He was so frustrated and confused. “And for the record,

you’re going nowhere. Or have you forgotten about your asshole of an ex already?”

She tossed up her hands and got up to pace, the tears now streaming down her cheeks. “How

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could I possibly forget, Morgan? It’s not like my mistakes don’t haunt me every day of my damned


Morgan had known her a long time, and even in the worst of situations, she was never one for

tears. He closed the distance between them, her words rattling around in his head like shards of glass.

What the hell did that mean? What mistakes? Sean?

“Zoe, talk to me… You don’t get to shut me out. Not after you’ve been my everything since the

very beginning.” He pulled her into his arms, desperate to feel some sort of connection to her,

desperate to make sense of what the hell was going on, even as she struggled to get away from him.

“You can’t tell me this is because I kissed you, or because of your asshole ex-boyfriend.”

“What if it is?” She glared at him with those fierce blue eyes of hers, making him want to kiss

her until she could no longer deny what was between them, making him want to take her until she

could think of no man but him.

“Then I’m going to call you a liar.” Cupping her face in his hands, Morgan gently brushed the

tears from her cheeks, his heart so heavy with worry, he could barely take a breath.

Yet he knew that pushing her at this moment would only make her back go up, and stubborn as

she was, he’d get nowhere. He needed to take a step back and give her a chance to calm down. She

was all worked up, and she’d only put more distance between them if he kept pushing her when she

was this upset.

“You know what I think?” Morgan forced himself to stop badgering her, deciding to distract

her instead. “I think we need to get out of the house for a bit. Maybe buy you some clothes, since I

doubt you have any in that bag of yours.”

“It’s not like I packed for a kidnapping, Morgan.” She let out a deep, ragged breath, though

she already seemed a little more relaxed, her shoulders finally loosening. “I suppose going to my

house to get my things is out of the question.”

“Not a fucking chance in hell, sweetheart.” Ignoring the glare she tossed him, he managed to

get her bundled in her sweatshirt—not even a proper jacket when it was December in New England.

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“That said, if you behave yourself, I’ll take you to this amazing hole-in-the-wall burrito place with an

entire bar of homemade salsas.”

“Pineapple salsa?” Her eyebrows perked up and her blue eyes lit up as if a candle had been

placed behind a pane of artisan stained glass.

“The best I’ve ever had.” He gave her a teasing smile as he ushered her out the door, relieved

to see her mood had started to turn around.

“For the record, that’s cheating. You know that’s my one weakness.” She glared at him, but

there was no heat or anger in her eyes—just resignation and…sorrow? He didn’t know what the hell

was going on with her, but he was going to get to the bottom of it—and soon.

“I’m willing to play dirty if it’ll get you out of that goddamned corset. You still look like a

dominatrix, Zo.” Either that or the image of her on stage had been permanently seared into his brain.

“It’s driving me nuts.”

“That’s usually the point with an outfit like this.” They hopped into his SUV and pulled out of

the driveway. “I’d have packed if I knew you were coming. All I have with me is my laptop, since I

always take that with me, and a handful of my gear from my show, since it’s expensive and I don’t

like leaving it around. Why? Are you trying to tell me you don’t like my outfit?”

“Fucking hell, Zo…the outfit’s amazing, but every guy in town will be walking around with a

goddamned hard-on for you.” Himself included, his cock already stiff and straining against his jeans.

“Morgan…” She let out a deep breath and shifted in her seat to face him. “I’m sorry for

having a meltdown back there. Things have just been a bit crazy as of late, and I’ve been stressed out.

But I really do appreciate that you care so much. I hope you know that your friendship means the

world to me, and I’d never do anything to jeopardize it.”

“I know, Zo.” Morgan reached over and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Yet, if she

thought he was buying her excuses and lies about being stressed out, she could guess again. There was

more to it, even if she wasn’t ready to tell him. He’d bide his time, though. When he needed to, he

could be a very patient man.

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He just had to get back the close relationship they once had, when they could tell each other

anything. He needed her to realize that he’d always be there for her. And in the meantime, he’d have a

careful balancing act on his hands—giving her space to open up to him about what was bothering her,

while pushing her physically so that she couldn’t deny what was between them. Once he’d gotten her

to give in to her needs, it’d be a lot easier to get her to trust him with the rest.

They wrapped up their shopping trip, which didn’t take long at all, since Zoe was efficient

and quick at picking out a temporary wardrobe. No real surprise when she’d never enjoyed shopping,

no doubt due to the fact that she’d grown up as poor as he had, if not worse. And when you were that

poor? Shopping usually meant not being able to afford any of the things you truly wanted. It was about

the basics. Food, basic clothes, making sure they’d have the rent money.

She’d spent a lifetime budgeting her entire family’s survival on her grandmother’s meager

retirement money and whatever money she managed to scrape together with side jobs. Having to be

so frugal for that long made it hard for her to enjoy getting herself new clothes, even if he’d insisted

on paying for them—and that privilege had been hard won, since she hadn’t wanted his help. Still…it

felt damn good to be in her company again, and things between them were feeling less strained and

more natural, giving him hope that they might get past whatever was pushing them apart.

They both ordered burrito bowls so they could pile on the pineapple salsa, grabbed a booth

tucked in at the back of the restaurant, and dug into their meals. Morgan watched her as she took those

first few bites, wanting to make sure that she found the food to be as delicious as he’d promised.


“It’s damn good, Morgan.” And there it was. The first genuine ear-to-ear smile of the day. A

smile he was determined to see more of.

Whatever demons were haunting her needed to be slayed, because he couldn’t go back to her

distancing herself from him. He was tired of holding back, tired of hoping she’d come around. He

was a determined man—determined to show her there was more between them than just their


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Seeing her with a guy like Sean, seeing the type of work she was doing to make ends meet,

had his gut in knots, especially since he could easily give her the sort of life she deserved to have.

She was smart, kind, generous, and totally gorgeous. And he could make her happy—would make her

happy. Because he refused to let her run from what was between them, from what was meant to be.

He let her enjoy her meal in peace, but the moment they were outside in the bitter cold

December air, he slipped his arm around her waist, and pulled her to him as they made their way

back to his car, flurries falling all around them. She felt perfect, nestled up against his side where he

could keep her close, keep her safe. And he knew what was between them was far from one-sided,

even if she kept trying to push him away. What they had was undeniable. Unbreakable.

They got to his car, but he’d be damned if he was going to let her go. He dropped their bags,

and with his arm still around her waist, spun her so she’d be forced to face him, keeping her trapped

up against the side of his car, gently pressing his body against hers.

“Morgan, please…” Her eyes dropped to his lips, her breathing going shallow and fast, and

her hands tightened around his arms, flakes of snow melting on her warm skin.

“Please…what, sweetheart? Please kiss me? Please fuck me? Please make me forget all the

guys who weren’t you?” He ran his thumb over her warm lips, his fingers tangling in her thick dark

hair. Pulling her to him, he lowered his head to hers, nuzzling her, her skin soft against his rough

cheek as he brushed his lips against hers in a whisper. “Why do you fight what’s between us, Zo? Just

give in. I promise I’ll make you happy. I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

Unable to resist her any longer, he kissed her, kissed her until she was kissing him back, her

hands fisting his jacket as she held onto him, his tongue clashing against hers as their kiss deepened

with years of pent-up passion between them finally unleashed. Fuck, he’d never wanted anyone but

her, and he’d be damned if he’d be fool enough to let her get away.

He nipped at her neck as his cock pressed against her, and she softened in his arms, her needy

little moans only spurring him on. Her hips rolled against his length as her small hands pulled him

even closer. When she sucked his tongue and bit his lower lip, he wasn’t sure how he’d find the

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strength to slow things down. He just knew if he kept this up, he’d be fucking her against his car in the

middle of the day in a public parking lot.

Morgan somehow managed to slow their kisses, his breathing heavy as his heart raced and his

hard-on raged. “Bloody hell, Zo…this is far from over.”

She shook her head with a look of apology, regret and sorrow returning to her gaze where just

moments earlier there had been need. “Actually, I think it is.”

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Chapter Five

Zoe tried to pull free of Morgan’s grasp, knowing she couldn’t resist him if he was touching

her, if he was so close. She so desperately wanted to give in to what was between them, yet what was

the goddamned point? Her heart might be breaking now, but it’d be shattered if she finally let down

her defenses and let him fully into her life, only to have him hate her afterwards. It might be hard to

push him away now, but it’d be even harder to have to pick up the pieces later, when he hated her.

Someday she’d tell him about Lexie, but as raw a wound as it still was, she couldn’t bring

herself to tell him without having the devastation and her guilt ruin her completely, especially if she

lost his friendship in the process. It wasn’t that it was easy to keep her secret even when they were

simply friends, but keeping something like that from Morgan if she was in an intimate relationship

with him would be nearly impossible.

“Please…let go of me, Morgan.” She glared at him, refusing to let her tears take hold.

“Like hell I will.” He cupped her face in both his hands and hauled her to him for a bruising

kiss, his mouth hot and demanding on hers as her body immediately reacted to his touch, flaming the

fire he’d already stoked, her body aching for him to take her.

With his hard cock pressing against her and his car at her back, her pussy clenched in its

emptiness, going slick and wet in response to his touch, his kiss, leaving her desperate to have him,

even as her head told her it was a dire mistake. All she could do is hold onto him and kiss him back,

her love for him, her need, refusing to be ignored.

And damn, but he kissed her like she’d never been kissed before, seducing her with each

intimate touch. She could no longer think about anything but getting him naked so he could take her,

claim her as his, and let her worries burn up in the passion between them. By the time his kiss finally

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slowed, she swore, she’d have done whatever he asked.

With their breathing still heavy and his head still bent to hers, he stole one final kiss. “You’re

mine, love… Mine. You may not want to admit it, but you are. You’re mine, and I’m staking my


“I know, Morgan. I’ve always known.” She was in so much trouble.

They said little during the car ride back to the cabin, but she knew if she couldn’t get away

from Morgan, if she couldn’t put some serious distance between them, it’d be impossible to push him

away, and she’d give in to him, give in to everything that was between them, everything she so

desperately wanted. The connection between them was too strong to be denied, and she’d never seen

him so determined—which was saying a lot.

She was hoping for a bit of a reprieve, some time to clear her head and formulate a plan, but

Morgan clearly had a different opinion on the matter. They were barely through the door when he

dropped her shopping bags, rid her of the ones she was holding, and scooped her up onto his

shoulder, carrying her off to his room.

“Put me the hell down, Morgan.” She struggled to get free of him, but moments later, he was

dropping her onto his bed, shrugging out of his jacket, as she cursed under her breath and got to her

feet, putting some distance between them, ready to make her escape before she did something she

might regret.

“This is long overdue, Zo.” Morgan stalked towards her as she stammered out her protests,

but then his mouth was claiming hers in a kiss that silenced her objections. He pressed her against the

wall, as his tongue swept over hers, his kiss deepening as his hands skimmed down her body, to cup

her ass and press the length of his body against hers.

Holding her to him, he hooked her thighs and lifted her off her feet, her legs automatically

wrapping around his waist, leaving her all too aware of his hard cock as it pressed against her heat.

Her hips rocked along his length as she held onto him with her arms around his neck, sucking on his

tongue as he swallowed her needy moans.

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She wanted him like she’d wanted no other, and every touch, every kiss between them, left her

body aching for him, their passion consuming her, until she felt as if she might combust if he didn’t

release the energy building up inside her. All her worries, her concerns ignited in his kiss as he

carried her towards the bed, before finally lowering her legs to the ground, his mouth still on hers,

swallowing her needy moans.

“Morgan…” Was she really going to do this?

“No overthinking this, Zo. Or I’ll have you tied to my bed as I take you.” Before she could

stammer out her protests, his fingers tangled in her hair as his tongue bullied its way past her lips,

hauling her up to him as her heart skittered and raced. The passion between them, the intensity of their

kiss left her dizzy, and she swore she’d never wanted him more than she had that very moment, the

stress of the last few days heightening her need for him.

She couldn’t keep herself from reacting to him. It was as if his very touch sent shockwaves

through to her core, making it impossible to pull away from him and forcing her to yield to all that

was between them. Hungry for him, she was desperate for everything he had to offer, for everything

that could be, even as her mind told her it could be a huge mistake, that she could lose all that she

held dear. Yet his hands, his mouth, silenced her thoughts and forced her to focus on him, on the two

of them, so that the passion between them was enough to keep her worries at bay.

She pulled at the long-sleeve tee he wore, getting it up and over his head as he quickly rid her

of her baggy sweatshirt, revealing her corset and leggings. “You’re so fucking hot, Zo, it kills me.”

And then he was pulling her to him, his hands gripping her waist as his tongue found hers,

clashing, taking, as her hand slipped down to stroke his cock through his jeans. She felt herself go wet

with need, her body aching to have him take her, claim her, dominate her. “Tell me you want me,

Zo… Tell me you’ll have me…”

“I’ve always wanted you, Morgan...always loved you…” She should stop him, push him

away, and yet she didn’t have it in her. All she could do is think about him taking her, think about how

much she loved him, how much he loved her.

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He trailed kisses over her skin, awakening her body, before capturing her mouth with his. She

could feel his heart thundering against his chest as her eager hands quickly undid the button and zipper

of his jeans and freed his length. She palmed his cock, heavy and thick in her hand, the feel of him like

smooth silk over steel, warm and hard, and fuck…but she’d never realized just how big he was.

Nipping his way down her jaw and neck, she arched against his muscular body as he quickly rid

himself of his jeans so he was standing before her naked, in all his amazing glory.

Wrapping her fingers around his thick girth, she stroked him as he thrust into her hands, his

cock pulsing against her palm in anticipation of what was to come. To know how much he wanted

her, how much she meant to him, was enough to capture her heart and push her over the edge.

Breaking from their kiss, she dropped to her knees as he swore under his breath, her name on his lips

as she ran her tongue up the length of his cock while her hand worked its way down his shaft with a

little twist, not quite believing she was about to take this next step.

Morgan brushed the head of his cock across her lips as her tongue licked at the jewel of pre-

cum glistening at the tip. “Fucking hell, Zo… You’re so perfect.”

His voice was thick and gruff with need; the sound of it, knowing just how much he wanted

her, went right through her like a bolt of lightning, tugging on her clit so it throbbed in response.

Flicking her tongue at his tip, she stroked his thick length as her lips wrapped around the head of his

cock, the salty taste of him spurring her on. Slowly, she took him, sucked him, going deeper with each

pass, working her way up and down his steely cock as she teased him with her tongue.

He buried his hands in her hair, tugging it as he thrust into her mouth, making her clit throb and

ache with need as her wanton moans vibrated against his length. His hips rocked towards her as he

slowly fucked her mouth, and yet she wanted more. After so many years of denial, she wanted to give

in to what was between them and stop holding back.

Breathing in his musky clean scent, she tried to take his full length as her pace quickened,

though his generous size left her wondering if she’d manage it. She was already so wet for him, so

needy, and so desperate for everything he had to offer—and more. So many years of wanting him, so

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many years apart. It left her wondering whether or not they could find a way around their problems.

That maybe their love for each other would be enough for him to grant her forgiveness.

She changed her rhythm, fast and then slow, twisting her hand as she stroked him, loosening

her throat to take him deep, to take everything he had to give her.

With her eyes on his, she felt her heart hitch. He was just so devastatingly gorgeous, with his

thick dark hair and chiseled features, not to mention those amazing green eyes that looked into her

very soul. And he was so sweet, so caring, beyond intelligent, and just so…Morgan—unlike no other

man she’d ever come across. How could she possibly have thought that any other man could ever do?

“Damn, Zo. I’m not going to last much longer. You’re fucking amazing, love.” His voice was

ragged with his approaching orgasm as he tightened his hold on her hair and increased their pace,

fucking her mouth until her pussy gushed with the need to be filled. He groaned and she knew he was

on that delicious edge. “I’m going to come…”

It was clearly his way of giving her an out if she didn’t want to swallow, but all she could do

is suck him harder, faster, teasing him with her tongue, desperate to taste him, to have everything he

had to offer. And then he came with a primal grunt, shooting his cum down her throat as she

swallowed every drop and then licked him clean, his eyes locked on hers, his breathing still heavy.

“Zo…I don’t even know what to say. That was downright mind blowing.” He took her hand

and lifted her up off her knees, cupping her face in both his hands and hauling her to him for a kiss that

had her knees weakening. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him for a kiss that

had her melting in his arms, her body supple against his.

She tried to calm her racing thoughts, knowing she was playing a dangerous game. It would be

so damn easy to let her guard down, to let Morgan into her life—and it would be so easy for them to

get their hearts broken. Yet she desperately wanted him, and he’d made it clear that he wasn’t letting

her go. He wouldn’t let her keep pushing him away, and if they were going to do this, then she might

as well enjoy herself, make the most of their love for each other, and maybe, just maybe, he could

erase the pain in her heart and heal her wounds.

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And so she’d hope…hope that he’d forgive her if she ever found the courage to be honest with


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Chapter Six

Morgan’s mind was racing even faster than his heart was thundering, and after a lifetime of

wanting Zoe, he was more than ready to have this happen. Their one night together so many years ago

just hadn’t been anywhere near enough.

He gathered her up into his arms and then shifted them onto the bed, desperate to have her, to

possess her, to make love to her until the rest of the world fell away and there was nothing but the two

of them coming together with him buried deep inside her, just as it was always meant to be. With his

hands running down her sides to grip her hips, she kissed and nipped at his neck, the sharp pain

mingling with his need for her, so that she already had him hard again, despite having just come

minutes earlier.

“I love the fucking outfit, Zo. But it’s got to go, and I’m not making any promises that it won’t

be in pieces by the time I’m through with it, since I need you naked now, and that outfit’s only

standing in my way.” How the hell did she even get into that corset alone?

She gave him a flirty smile that made him want to ravage her, made him want to shut out the

rest of the world until it was no one but the two of them. “If you promise to behave yourself, I’ll let

you in on a little secret for getting this corset off lickety-split. Though if you’re going to misbehave—

and I think you will—then I might just have to let you do it the hard way.”

“Sweetheart, I don’t care how it comes off as long as it does.” And if she thought he wasn’t up

to the task, she’d be gravely mistaken.

Kneeling on the bed by her side, he ran his hands down her legs to the edge of her boots, and

after a quick bit of finagling, pulled them off her long legs, tossing the boots haphazardly aside. His

heart pounded as he moved onto her black leggings, fisting them at the waist and yanking them off her,

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taking whatever she’d had underneath it along for the ride so she was now bared to him from the

waist down.

“You’re so gorgeous, love.” He lifted one leg onto his shoulder, kissing and nipping his way

from the soft spot by her knee, all the way down to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, her skin warm

and velvety smooth against his lips, making him want to cover her in kisses and taste every inch of


Desperate to experience everything she had to offer, to taste her, to claim her as his, he

nestled himself between her legs and licked at her slick pussy, letting his tongue part her soft folds

before flicking at her swollen clit and sucking on it. She tasted like sex, pure and raw, and he could

easily get drunk on her.

“You’re so fucking wet for me, sweetheart…and you taste so damn sweet.” He slipped a

finger inside her, slowly thrusting before adding a second as he continued to suck and tease her clit,

stroking it with a firm tongue. He couldn’t believe he was there, nestled between her legs, with her

taste, her scent, filling his head.

Her hips thrust against his eager mouth and her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him even

closer as her breathing grew more shallow. More than anything, he wanted to give her pleasure,

wanted to make her come. With his free hand, he reached up and yanked her corset down to expose a

perfectly pert breast, pinching her nipple while increasing the pace of his thrusting fingers, his own

cock once again ready and aching to take her.

Curling his fingers deep inside her, he hit that sweet spot while thrusting into her time and

again, increasing his pace and the force with which he took her. And when he held her clit between

his teeth and flicked it with his tongue, her legs tightened around his shoulders as she cried out and

her body quivered in his arms, her orgasm tearing through her as he lapped at her slick core.

Barely giving her time to recover, he flipped her onto her stomach, and tackled the lacing of

her corset, hungry for the rest of her, especially when he had such a perfect view of her plump ass.

After a lifetime of wanting her, and with his need raging once more, he didn’t know that he’d be able

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to take it slow. And fuck, but that fine ass of hers had him wanting to bury his cock deep inside her

sweet pussy, inside her tight ass…left him wanting to take her hard and rough until she couldn’t

remember ever being with anyone but him, until he’d claimed every part of her body as his.

He finally finished with the lacings on that cursed corset, swearing under his breath as he

finally got to toss it aside. And he swore, if there had been scissors or a knife around, he’d have

already cut her free.

“Come here, love.” With a strong grip on her hips, he pulled her up onto her hands and knees,

before quickly grabbing a condom and rolling it on.

Telling himself to take things slow, before he scared the girl, he teased her entrance with the

head of his cock, until she was pushing back against him. Unable to hold back any longer, he buried

himself with a single thrust as she cried out. “Sweetheart…you okay?”

She hadn’t been the first woman to comment on his size, and he’d just been a total ass and

taken her without giving her time to adjust. Yet nothing had ever felt so goddamned fucking good. Her

body was so tight and slick around his cock, it’d be a miracle if he lasted.

“I’m fine—I can take whatever it is you have to give me.” Yet her voice sounded tight and

strained, her breathing shallow. He had to take things slow for her or he’d never forgive himself for

being an insensitive jerk and scaring her off.

Not wanting to hurt her, he forced himself to keep his pace slow, to let her body adjust to his

size. Every muscle in his body was coiled with the tension of holding back, a sweat breaking out over

his skin as he did his best to not tear into her. He slowly pulled out of her until just the head of his

cock was left, and then slowly thrust back into her, rolling his hips to hit her G-spot.

“You’re so tight, Zo…and you feel amazing. Incredible.” Before he knew it, his hands had

tightened on her hips and he was starting to drive into her, his pace quickening a little more with each

and every thrust as her hips pushed back to meet him. She gasped and let out those wanton little

moans of hers, which drove him to increase his pace, despite doing his best to hold back, his efforts

now futile as he took her, one thrust after the other, leaving him blind and thoughtless with need and

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“More, Morgan…I’m so close.” The need in her voice had his head spinning. After a lifetime

of waiting, he still couldn’t believe this was happening.

He bent towards her, her back to his chest as he nipped at her ear, and cupped her breasts,

pinching her nipples as he pounded into her, the burning energy of his orgasm building inside him. His

hand drifted up to her throat, applying just enough pressure to have her breath increasing and her body

arching back against him, adding to the intensity of their fucking.

He could feel her tightening around him, milking his cock as he took her, her breathing

becoming shallow as it quickened, and he knew they were teetering on that delicious edge. Slipping

his other hand over the curve of her belly and down between her legs, his fingers brushed over her

swollen clit, slick and slippery with her juices. She was so utterly wet, it left him dizzy, his mouth at

her ear as his words were spoken on heady breaths. “I want you to come for me, love. Can you do


“Fuck…yes.” And then she was doing just that, crying out as she came undone for him, his

own orgasm following hers, barreling through him in an explosion of energy, his cock pulsing deep

inside her, her name on his lips.


Morgan awoke the next morning as Zoe started to slip away from him. Tightening his hold on

her, he snuggled her up against his side, still not believing she was in his arms—and naked, no less.

“Morning, love.” He kissed the top of her head. “Did you sleep okay?”

“Yeah…” Zoe’s smile was too small and stiff to be anything but forced. “Thanks.” The tone of

her voice carried an emotion that didn’t go along with waking up blissfully in a lover’s arms.

Fucking hell…something was still wrong. He had hoped that last night would have been

enough to make her realize what she meant to him, to make her realize that she wasn’t alone. She was

his everything. Didn’t she see that? He thought he’d gotten through to her, made her realize that they

were good together. Clearly, he was mistaken.

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He pulled away enough to look at her, only to find her avoiding his gaze. A sinking feeling

settled in the pit of his stomach. He hated that she wasn’t happy, especially after such an amazing

night together.

“Zo, what’s going on? Talk to me, babe.” Had he been too rough? Too big? Fuck… Had he

hurt her? Or was it whatever had her looking haunted well before last night? “Are you okay?”

“It’s nothing. But I should really go. Find a new apartment, new job, check in with my brother

and sister.” She started to pull away again, but Morgan held firm, refusing to let her go. She wouldn’t

even fucking look at him.

“Zo…I’m sorry, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting you go when there’s clearly something

wrong.” He shook his head and tightened his hold, refusing to let her pull a runner. “You’ve been out

of sorts for ages—and I don’t think I realized just how much until yesterday. What’s going on in that

pretty little head of yours? And don’t lie to me, love. Not when I’m just trying to help you.”

“No offense but, that’s none of your business. Last night was a simple hookup, Morgan, so

don’t go reading more into it than it actually is.” Her words cut like jagged glass, and yet…her voice

had far too much emotion in it for it to be a simple brush-off and she’d avoided his gaze the entire

time she’d spoken to him.

“Yeah? Then look me in the eyes and tell me that again. You’re lying to me, and it’s not

fucking acceptable.” How the hell could this still be so screwed up between them? Here he’d thought

they’d finally gotten over whatever it was that was standing in their way, only to find himself back at

square one.

She held his gaze with a fierce glare, despite the tears that shimmered in her eyes. “It didn’t

mean anything. I was just bored and horny. It was nothing more, Morgan.”

“Then why the goddamned tears, Zo? I know there’s more to this, even if you refuse to say so.

And don’t tell me you didn’t feel anything between us, that you were just in it for the sex.” She

struggled in his arms, but he wasn’t letting her go. “And just so we’re clear—it’s too dangerous for

you to go traipsing back to your house for any reason at this point. Or do you think Sean has already

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forgotten you?”

“I know he hasn’t, Morgan. But I swear if you don’t let me go, I’m going to lose it.” When her

tears spilled over, he let out a weary sigh, frustration knotting in his chest and threatening to strangle


Gently cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her tears away. This time she didn’t pull away,

giving him the chance to try to soothe her, his heart racing to think that this thing between them might

end before it ever really got started. “Zoe…you know I’d do anything for you. Just tell me what’s


“What’s wrong is that if I stick around, this is all going to end with you hating me. And I can’t

take that sort of risk.” She got out of bed and started grabbing at her clothes, as more tears spilled

over, though he was right on her tail. “Last night was lovely—but it was a mistake. A mistake that

can’t ever happen again.”

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Chapter Seven

What the hell had she been thinking? Zoe tried to put some distance between her and

Morgan, knowing he wanted answers—answers she couldn’t give him. And yet pushing him away

while staying in his home was proving beyond difficult when her traitorous body wanted nothing

more but to feel his strong hands on her, to feel him take her, fuck her, make her his. “Please,

Morgan…I can’t do this. Just let it go—let me go. I do nothing but make you miserable anyway.”

“Only because you’re pushing me away. You have been for years now. For fuck’s sake, Zo.

And how the hell can you say that last night was a mistake, when it was the first real thing between us

in ages?” He hung his head with a shake and then glared at her, frustration evident in those amazing

green eyes of his. “Is this because I carried you out of the club instead of letting you deal with Sean

on your own? Do you still have feelings for him? Because I’ve got to tell you, I’m at a bit of a fucking

loss as to why you feel the need to keep pushing me away.”

“No…it’s not that. Not at all. But…” Crap. It killed her to see him looking so miserable—and

she was the one doing that to him. Whatever problems they had were all her fault. “You need to find

someone who’ll make you happy, Morgan. Someone who can give you everything you deserve.”

“Don’t you get it? You’re the only one who can make me happy, love. I could be with a

million different women, and never find what I’m looking for, because none of those women are you.”

She needed to get dressed, needed to get out of there, her eyes stinging with hot tears. She

never should have slept with him, never should have given in. But then he was touching her, running

his hands down her bare arms, before gathering her close, the warmth of his body enveloping her, her

resistance fading with each passing moment, melting her resolve to keep her distance.

Breathing in his scent, she tried to untangle her jumbled thoughts and emotions and make sense

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of it all. She hadn’t a clue as to what she should do, and it was killing her.

“I’ll break your heart, Morgan. You know I will.” And he’d break hers. It was just a matter of

time. Because if she finally confessed it all, he’d hate her for what she’d done. He’d never understand

why she had given up their baby for adoption.

“You’ve been breaking my heart since I first laid eyes on you, Zo, back in the fourth-grade. I

have nothing to lose. And I don’t know what’s happened to make you think that you need to push me

away, but I’m willing to do whatever it is you need.” He tilted her chin up so she’d be forced to look

at him, and damn but even that simple touch had her heart melting, had her body aching for him.

Brushing her lips with his thumb, he bent his head to hers and stole a kiss, and another, weakening her

defenses, his words spoken between kisses. “You’re my everything. There’s never been anyone but

you. Just give me a chance, love.”

“How can I do that and risk our friendship?” It’d be irresponsible and careless of her, and

she’d never forgive herself if it all went to hell. And yet…what if she was missing out on something

amazing—something that could withstand her betrayal? Her love for Morgan—and his love for her—

were like no other, and maybe with time, their relationship might grow strong enough to withstand the

shock of what she’d done.

“Let me be here for you, Zo.” He brushed his thumb across her cheek, nestling her close,

refusing to let her go. “Let me prove to you that I can give you what you need. That I can make you

happy. And I swear, the only thing that could put our friendship at risk is you constantly pushing me

away and driving a wedge between us. So for both our sakes, Zo, please give me a chance.”

Her emotions were a jumbled mess as she finally gave in and rested her head against his chest

as he held her tight, his heartbeat strong and steady. “I don’t know if I can do this, Morgan. It scares

the crap out of me.”

“Me too, love. But the only thing scarier is not having you in my arms—and I fucking refuse to

let that happen.” He tilted her chin up so she’d be forced to look at him, to see the emotion and

determination in his eyes, and damn, but it made her heart catch and her resolve weaken. “We can

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take this as slow as you need, but you need to deal with the fact that I’m not letting you go.”

And then he was pulling her back into his bed, with his mouth hard on hers, silencing her

arguments, and dampening her fears...for now.


Zoe cursed under her breath, and flipped the screen down on her laptop, trying to fight back

her anger and worries. Though she’d pulled the battery and SIM card out of her phone, her cell

carrier still sent her texts and voice messages to her via email—and damn, but Sean was not happy,

just as she’d anticipated, and he was not dealing well with the fact that she was gone.

Morgan looked up from his own laptop where he’d been working, his eyes darkening as they

narrowed, his protective streak clearly kicking in. “What’s going on, love?”

“Nothing I didn’t expect to happen.” When he pulled her into his arms, she hesitated for a

moment and then let him, still trying to get used to the idea of them as an actual couple. After denying

what was between them for so long, it felt odd to finally give in to it.

“If that bastard is threatening you, then I need to know about it.” Nestled against him, she

could feel his entire body vibrate with the tension running through him, his anger with Sean barely

kept in check. Morgan had always been protective of her, but now? She had no doubt he’d lay it all on

the line for her.

And damn, but it made her hope they could survive anything life threw their way. She knew

that if Morgan ever found out the truth, he’d be furious with her. But she’d had her reasons. She just

hoped he’d see it that way.

“Maybe I should talk to Sean. Try to calm him down—let him know that I’m safe, but that it’s

over between us.” Zoe knew Sean, and taking off the way she had, and not getting in touch, would be

enough to push him over the edge. If she could speak with him, though, she could make Sean see sense

before he worked himself up into a frenzy. “Ignoring him will only make things worse, and you can’t

keep an eye on me and my family twenty-four-seven.”

Morgan twined his fingers with hers, his gaze so intense, so determined, it made her heart

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race. “Do you trust me, Zo?”

“With my life.” And she did. “But, at some point he’ll catch up with me, Morgan. The only

way to deal with this is to nip it in the bud. Not calling him, not letting him get some sort of closure is

going to push him over the edge. I could use the burner, so he can’t trace my location.”

“No fucking way, babe. And what about my dad? Does Sean know you have a connection to

my father or was he simply suspicious that you were asking questions? Because I don’t need that ass

of a father giving Sean my name. There’s no way we’ll be able to stay safe then.” A flash of concern

tainted his green eyes before he pushed it away and waited for her answer.

“Sean might be a lot of things, but he’s not stupid, and if he suspects your dad might know

where we are or if he thinks he can use him to sway you, then he’ll be damn resourceful.” Yet another

reason to try to contact Sean and make sure she smoothed things over between them. “I know you

don’t like the idea, but the sooner I call Sean, the better.”

Morgan quickly got a fire going in the massive stone fireplace and then pulled her into his

arms, though he was still looking distracted. “I’ll make a few calls about my father and check in with

the security detail that I have watching your family. Make sure they’re staying safe, and up the level of

protection if need be. What about your laptop? Or your email accounts? Does he have access to


“My laptop’s here, and I never gave him access to my accounts, though…” Crap. Sean

probably knew her passwords. “He knows where I have email accounts and could likely guess my


“I need you to go in and change your passwords and security details.” Morgan ran a hand

through his thick, dark hair, tousling it and giving him a just fucked look that had her wanting him,

despite the seriousness of their discussion. “He’ll easily be able to figure out who I am if he gets a

hold of your emails. Do you still have your accounts up? And please tell me he’s not some computer


She bit her lip as she pulled up her email accounts and made the changes Morgan wanted.

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“No. He’s not a computer genius, though he’s not stupid either.”

“I need to know more about Sean and what you think he’s capable of. Is he likely to move on

and be reasonable or is he going to be a long-term problem?” The fierce protectiveness in Morgan’s

eyes made Zoe’s heart hitch.

He’d always been there, watching over her—until she’d pushed him away, knowing his

scrutiny would be too much with the sort of secret she was keeping. Yet now, especially with all that

was going on, it felt good to have him by her side, helping her, even if she was still worried it would

all soon go to hell.

Zoe didn’t want to worry Morgan further or push him over the edge and send him on the

offensive, but she couldn’t really lie about Sean if she had any hope of staying safe. “He can be

reasonable. But he can also be stubborn, especially if he thinks he’s been wronged in some way. And

right now, he’ll likely feel that you stole me away from him, and I doubt that’s sitting well with him,

especially since I haven’t been able to call him to try to smooth things over.”

Morgan shook his head, his jaw clenched and his broad shoulders tense. “Yeah…that’s not

fucking happening, sweetheart. You’re not to contact him. If he manages to track you, I don’t want him

turning up on our doorstep.”

“Eventually, I’m going to have to get on with my life, and I won’t be able to do that if I don’t

deal with him. I can’t hide out forever, Morgan.” Sean wasn’t the sort of guy who’d be levelheaded if

he thought he’d been somehow wronged. “If I can call him, then I might get him to be reasonable.”

“We’ll deal with him legally, and eventually, he’ll catch on that you don’t want to be with

him, and he’ll move on. We just need to avoid him for a bit, and if that means holing up here for a

little while, then we’ll do just that. But you’re not fucking calling him, Zo.” Morgan shook his head

no, his jaw clenched as anger flared in his green eyes. He pulled her into his arms, and held her tight,

his body coiled in tension as if ready to attack and annihilate any threat. “I swear, the thought of that

ass coming after you…it makes me fucking crazy.”

She pulled away just enough to look at him, and what she saw made her heart hitch. The love

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in his eyes was fierce and so utterly complete. And he was just so gorgeous. How could she possibly

not be in love with him? Seeing him like this only took the love she’d always had for him and

multiplied it by a million.

Slipping her arms around his neck, she leaned in and kissed him, a tentative little kiss that

somehow made her more fully aware of the risk she was taking, despite the fact that she’d woken up

naked in his arms. Because in the end, it was less about giving in to him physically. She was putting

her heart on the line and it scared the hell out of her, especially when she knew it was a huge risk,

given the secret she was keeping.

She couldn’t even begin to imagine how he’d react, beyond knowing that he’d be furious and

he’d feel betrayed, likely ending whatever relationship—friendship or otherwise—that they currently

had. But there was more to it than just that. What if he decided to challenge the adoption? Given that

she hadn’t gotten his permission to put Lexie up for adoption, he could easily take it to court. Between

the top-notch lawyers Morgan could hire, and the influence the Ryker name carried, Morgan could

make this a legal nightmare.

The thought of that sort of upheaval in Lexie’s life, the thought of plunging her into the

spotlight and sticking her at the center of a custody battle that could take years, was unbearable. She

had done what she believed was best for their daughter, and the last thing she wanted was to ruin her

childhood with courts and lawyers, and confusing Lexie with concepts she might not fully understand.

It was yet another reason she should avoid Morgan, and yet…she was finding it nearly

impossible. When he touched her, she couldn’t help but give in to what was between them, and when

he took her, claimed her body, her mind, her soul, she knew she could only ever feel complete with

him in her life as her partner, her lover, her friend. “Promise me you’ll never leave me, Morgan. That

no matter what gets thrown our way, we’ll get through it together.”

“You have my word, Zo. And I swear, I won’t let Sean near you.” It was no surprise that

Morgan thought she was worried about Sean, and she didn’t bother to correct him. Not when the truth

wasn’t something she could discuss. “I’ll fucking kill him if he touches you, Zo.”

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“I know you’ll protect me. I just worry that things will get a whole lot worse before they get

better.” Zoe ran her hands up his hard chest and then, closing the distance between them, sidled up to

him, and nipped at his bottom lip, before stealing one kiss and then another.

Slowly, her teasing kisses grew into more passionate ones, her tongue flicking against his, as

she pushed away her worries. If she was going to do this, then she needed to do it wholeheartedly and

banish her demons, hard as that might be. Because she knew Morgan saw everything—every worry

that darkened her eyes, every sorrow-filled breath. She had to focus on the only thing that mattered at

this point, and her only connection to Lexie—Morgan. And damn, but he made her feel alive, made

her hope that she could find the person she once was before guilt and difficult decisions robbed her of

her chance at happiness.

When she stroked his hard cock and deepened their kisses, Morgan let out a primal grunt, his

hands running down her back to cup her ass and haul her against his length. “Zo…if you’re trying to

distract me from finding Sean and fucking pummeling him, I’ll admit, you’re doing a damn good job of


Morgan trailed kisses down her jawline to her neck as he cupped her breasts and teased her

nipples into sensitive nubs, the sensation of it running straight through her to tug on her clit.

She bit back her needy moan, trying to hold onto some semblance of control, and failed

miserably as he slipped his large hands under her shirt and against her skin, pulling her top off and

then discarding her bra haphazardly. Cupping her breasts, his thumbs ran a lazy circle around her

nipples as he trailed kisses over her skin, catching her nipples between his teeth through the lace of

her bra, before laying her down along the length of the sofa.

“Morgan…” His name was but a needy whisper on her lips, as he trailed kisses down over

the curves of her belly—and sent a shard of panic through to her heart. Though the pregnancy hadn’t

been a difficult one and her body had easily recovered, there were still the faintest of stretch marks

visible, and he might easily notice them, especially if the light hit them just right.

She must have tensed—and he must have felt it. He looked up at her with green eyes that had

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darkened with worry and confusion. “Hey, love…you okay?”

With a deep breath, she forced herself to relax and managed a smile, running her hand through

his hair with fingers that nearly trembled as she fought to find an excuse. “Yeah…fine. Though you’re

wearing too many clothes when all I can think of is getting you naked.”

“That can easily be remedied, sweetheart.” His smile kicked up as he kissed her belly, and

then obliging her, he pulled off his t-shirt and got to his feet, quickly ridding himself of his jeans and

briefs. Fucking hell, he was such a sight…classically handsome, tall, muscular, with broad shoulders,

washboard abs, and the largest cock Zoe had ever seen. If ever there was a “boyfriend jackpot,”

Morgan would be it. “Better?”

“Yeah…definitely better.” Not that she’d yet to fully wrap her brain around the fact that she

was actually going down this treacherous road. Her brain screamed that she’d lost her mind, and it’d

all end with her crashing and burning in an inferno of heartache, even as her body told her brain to

shut the hell up and enjoy the ride.

“Glad you think so. Because I’m going to fuck you, darling.” His large hands made quick work

of the jeans she was wearing, quickly tossing them aside before grabbing her silky panties and tearing

them from her body, the flicker of pain as the fabric tore making her pussy ache for him. “I’m going to

fuck you and make you come so hard, you won’t remember any of your worries—you won’t even

remember who the fuck Sean is. Would you like that, love?”

She swore, she was so wet from him, from his words, his actions, that she could feel her

juices slip onto her thighs, her need for Morgan undeniable. How the hell could she have ever thought

that they’d end up any way but together, with their bodies entwined, and their hearts as one?

“Answer me, sweetheart.” The glint in his eyes and the passion there, the command in his

voice, spoke of a dominance she’d seen little of up until recently. And one thing was clear: she may

have known Morgan for most of her life, but the guy in front of her had long since left the shy boy

behind, and was all man. Smart, smoking hot, and panty-wetting gorgeous.

“Yeah…I think I’d really like that.” Her heart raced, not quite believing she’d admitted such a

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thing, and to Morgan no less.

He stalked towards her, shifting her knees apart with his thighs as his hands slowly ran up the

length of her legs, knowing that if he checked, there’d be no hiding just how bad she wanted him. His

fingers teased the opening of her slit, as the corners of his mouth curled seductively into a smile.

“Sweetheart, you’re already so wet for me, so ready…I’m going to make good use of this body of

yours, and it’ll be so fucking good, Zo…you won’t even remember your own name, let alone Sean’s.”

“Fuck…yes.” She could hear the own desperate need in her voice, and it had her blushing,

heat flaming across her cheeks and down her chest. Had she ever wanted anyone more? Somehow she

doubted it.

“Sweetheart…” He teased her swollen clit with his thumb and then slipped two fingers inside

her. Lazily, he finger fucked her until her hips were tilting up to meet his thrusts and she was biting

her lip to keep her moans from escaping. She didn’t know that she’d ever be able to push him away

again. Not when he was her everything.

He had her on the verge of coming when he pulled his fingers free of her, and brought them to

her lips, slipping them into her mouth as she sucked them clean, tasting herself on his skin. “See how

sweet you taste, love? Not that I’m ready to let you come just yet.”

Ignoring her needy groan of protest, he pulled his fingers free of her lips and gripped her hips,

flipping her onto her stomach before pulling her up onto her knees. With her elbows resting on the

arm of the sofa, he slipped in behind her, his muscular thighs brushing against her as he nestled

between her legs, pushing them apart. Yet the moment was broken by a shard of panic. “Condom.

Please, Morgan.”

It didn’t matter that she was now on the Pill, and she was clean. Hell, she hadn’t even slept

with Sean for several months since she’d been trying to end it. But years ago, a condom clearly hadn’t

been enough, and she couldn’t bear to make the same mistake twice.

Morgan’s touch gentled as he ran a hand over her lower back, soothing her. “Yeah, of course,

love. Though if it helps set your mind at ease, I’m clean. I’ve never gone bare with anyone before.”

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“I haven’t either, but…I guess I’m paranoid.” All she could do is give him a shrug and a small

smile over her shoulder, hoping she hadn’t sounded shrill and panicked. Yet her doubts and fears

returned, leaving her to wonder if she was making a huge mistake.

“Sure, love. Whatever sets your mind at ease.” He didn’t give her much time to panic though,

grabbing a condom out of his discarded jeans and tearing the wrapper open. A few moments later, he

was teasing her slick opening with the thick head of his cock. “Sweetheart…tell me again that you

want this…because I swear, I’ve never wanted anyone more.”

His body tensed behind her, waiting for her answer. And damn, but it was impossible to

ignore the worry in his voice, making her feel guilty that she was letting her fears ruin what was

between them.

“I want you, Morgan. I always have. Just…take me hard, okay? Hard enough to forget the

outside world exists.” She needed him to do that for her. Needed him to make her forget her mistakes,

make her forget her worries.

“Whatever you need, Zo. Anything for you, love.”

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Chapter Eight

Morgan sighed in relief when Zoe gave him the answer he so desperately wanted to hear, and

pushed his thick cock against her slick heat. Her tight body surrounded him, as pleasure and need shot

through to his core, drowning out the voice inside his head that told him something wasn’t quite right.

Yet it was easy enough to write it off as Zoe just being rattled about Sean, and nervous about him

coming after her or her family.

He knew she had a lot on her mind, and if she was worried, then what better way to distract

her than to give her pleasure and intimacy, to let her know that he was there for her? And if she

wanted him to take her hard, then he sure as hell was capable of that, since being near her always had

his self-control slipping.

“Zoe…fuck…you feel so good.” Shifting his hips, he slowly pulled his cock out of her until

just the swollen head remained in her sweet pussy, and then slammed into her, thrusting hard as he

forced her body to take his full length. With a deep breath, he took a long moment to savor the feel of

her body quivering around his length, before slowly pulling out again and rocking his hips deep into

her, his fingers digging into her hips as he held her in place, forcing her to take all he had to give her.

She was so tight around his cock that he couldn’t help but quicken his pace, taking her slowly

but roughly, driving his cock into her, as the energy inside him coiled at the base of his spine.

Lowering himself to her, he pressed his chest against her back and held her to him as he took her,

savoring each needy little moan he pulled past those sweet lips of hers. Grinding each thrust into her,

he cupped her breasts and teased her nipples into hard nubs, sinking his teeth into her shoulder, her

neck, marking her as his for all the world to see.

Her breathing quickened and grew shallow as her pussy tightened around his length, milking

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him as she dropped her head against her arm, her voice strained with her building orgasm. “I’m going

to come, Morgan…”

“Fuck, Zo…” How many times had he imagined her saying those very words, though it was

usually with his own hand wrapped around his cock as he jerked himself off to his fantasies of her.

And yet nothing he’d ever imagined could compare to this, to the feel of her warm body tight around

his, their bodies joined as one as pleasure overtook them.

Morgan increased his pace, slamming into her as one hand shifted from her breast to her clit,

slipping over her swollen nub with quick circles until she cried out and came, her orgasm tearing

through her as she quivered in his arms. His own orgasm was so close, yet this wasn’t how he wanted

to come. He wanted to see her face as he claimed her, wanted to watch her come undone for him—

and he wanted her to see what she did to him, wanted her to see that there could be no one else for

either of them.

Pulling out of her, he sat down on the leather sofa and pulled her to him so she straddled his

lap. He gripped her hips and lowered her down onto his length, a needy whimper escaping her lips as

she took him, as he filled her completely, forcing her body to stretch around his girth and length.

“Zoe…you’re so tight.”

“I swear, Morgan, you’re so big, you already have me on the verge of coming again.” With a

ragged breath, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and bent her head to kiss him as she started to

work her hips up and down his rigid length.

He loved being able to see her like this, loved to see the effect he had on her as he took her,

her body impaled on his cock, claiming her as his, the way she’d claimed his heart so many years

earlier. And fuck, but she was so beautiful…with her long dark hair and porcelain skin, the smattering

of freckles across her cheeks, and those eyes of hers… Eyes of the deepest blue, they were the

mirrors to his very soul and the keepers of his heart.

He nipped at her bottom lip and swallowed her needy moans with his greedy kisses as he

thrust up into her, his hands rough on her hips. She took all of him, rocking her hips as she rode him,

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her clit rubbing against the base of his cock while he ran his teeth down the delicate skin of her neck

to feast on her breasts, his name now a mantra on those sweet lips of hers.

“You’re so perfect, Zo.” Gripping her ass, he took her roughly, forcing each thrust into her as

their pace quickened and he felt her body tighten and grip his cock. He kissed her as if he’d just

trekked through a desert and she was his oasis, as if she was sunlight on a cold winter day, his mouth

hard on hers, taking, claiming, possessing her.

And then she was coming, his name on her lips as she cried out, his own orgasm building until

he could hold back no more, and he came with a grunt, holding her to him as his cock pulsed in

release, buried deep inside her.

With his lips still pressed to hers, he tried to slow his breathing. He’d never get his fill of her,

and his life was nothing if she wasn’t in it. “I love you, Zoe…you’re my everything.”

“And you’re mine. I just hope that it’ll be enough.” She slipped off his lap as he got up to

quickly dispose of the condom, though the worry in her voice caught him by surprise.

“Fucking hell, Zo. Why wouldn’t it be enough? What more could we need if we have each

other?” Was she still worried about Sean? “I’ll keep you safe, and I swear, I won’t let him hurt you.

Is that what’s bothering you?”

He crossed to her side and knelt before her where she was curled up on the sofa, naked.

Pulling the throw off the back of the sofa, he wrapped it around her shoulders, truly worried about


It caught him off guard to see her looking so incredibly vulnerable. She’d always been the

strong one, the one who stood tall and survived whatever crap life threw her way—and made sure

everyone around her got through it fine, too.

She reached out and cupped his cheek before leaning and brushing his lips with a kiss. “I’m

fine, Morgan. I promise. More than fine now that I have you with me.”

And yet, he didn’t believe her. “Zoe…I don’t know what’s going on, love, but…fuck. You’ve

changed. Something about you feels different. A sadness…and it’s killing me to not know what the

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hell is going on with you.”

“What do you want me to say, Morgan? Things have been crazy, and now I’m worried that I’m

putting you and my family in danger. And it’s not like my life was simple and happy-go-lucky before

this mess with Sean.” Her dark hair tumbled down around her shoulders as she shifted the blanket

around, looking like a piece of art that had come to life. And fuck, but his heart ached for her. “It’s

just a lot to deal with all at once. But I’ll manage. Right? I always do.”

“You do—but you don’t have to deal with this on your own, love.” He sat by her side, and

gathered her into his arms. “I’m here for you, Zo. No matter what it is, I’m here for you. I’ll help you

get through it.”

He was determined to do right by her—and would do whatever it took.


Morgan shrugged into his winter coat before zipping up Zoe’s new down jacket and wrapping

his scarf around her neck, loving how she looked wearing something of his. “Come on. Some fresh air

will do us good.”

The flurries that had been falling on and off the last few days had finally turned into a proper

snowstorm, dumping over a foot of snow on the ground, before heading east. It had left them with a

beautiful winter night, and a full moon hanging up in the sky against a million stars as the snow

sparkled in the moonlight. Morgan knew Zoe was still stressed out and worried, but he also knew

how much she enjoyed the snow—or had, at one point—and was hoping this would turn her mood


“You realize it’s nearly midnight and it’s still freezing out.” She glared at him when he stuffed

a knit hat on her head and pulled her outside, the cold air stealing his breath.

He poked her in the chest with a gloved finger and got ready to make a run for it. “Wimp.”

Her eyes went wide, and he saw the fire behind them flare. A smile slipped onto her lips, as

she gathered up a fistful of snow, looking far too gorgeous when she was happy. “You’re going to pay

for that.”

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Morgan dodged the snowball she chucked at him, and sent his own flying, hitting her in the

shoulder and running farther into the yard for more ammunition as she chased after him, closing the

distance between them as her next snowball exploded on his chest, spraying his face with cold snow.

“You’re toast, Ryker.” She dodged the snowball he threw at her and sent another one flying at

him, missing him by mere inches, before she took off running towards the tree line, laughing as he

chased after her, and she attempted to toss half-made snowballs at him, too hastily made to do

anything but spray him in a cloud of snow as he closed the distance between them.

She giggled and screamed as he lunged for her and tackled her into a powdery snowdrift,

landing on top of her as she squirmed underneath him, laughing. And damn, but it was the sweetest

sound to Morgan’s ears.

He nuzzled her as her struggles slowed, her hands now pulling him to her. Capturing her

mouth in a passionate kiss, his tongue teased hers until their kiss deepened and his cock ached to have

her once more, his hips thrusting against her with a primal rhythm that left him desperate enough to

contemplate taking her right there in the freezing snow.

“Bloody hell, Zoe…each time I have you I think that maybe it’ll sustain me for a little while,

but you’re like the air I breathe. One breath is never enough, and the moment I exhale, I need another

breath. That’s what being with you is like…the moment I’m done having you, I need you once again…

desperately…as if my life depended on it.”

She brushed her lips against his, her breath warm and sweet as it mingled with his, her mood

turning more serious. “Then it’s a good thing that you’re my everything, Morgan. Without you, my life

feels cold and gray, like I’m living in a deep, dark void that’s going to consume me. But you…you’re

the fire that’s kept me warm, and the light that’s kept me on the path, moving forward. And you

probably don’t realize just how often you’ve saved me. But you have…”

Morgan’s head was spinning. He’d never felt more fiercely protective of anyone in all his

life. He knew things had been tough for her in the past, but maybe he hadn’t realized just how bad

they’d been. “I fucking love you, Zoe. I’ll always be here for you. Always. You know that, right?”

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She nodded as her eyes shimmered in the moonlight. “I think I do.”

Yet it wasn’t enough. He needed her to know it with every fiber in her being. He needed to

erase any doubt she may have.

Standing, he pulled her up into his arms as snow drifted down off the tree branches and caught

the moonlight, making the air around them sparkle like a million stars drifting down from the heavens.

He stole one last lingering kiss, her lips a warm contrast to the chill of the night and the snow,

wishing they could stay this way, in a world where it was just the two of them.

“Come on, love…I’ve got plans, and they involve you naked with your fine body wrapped

around my stiff cock while you scream my name.” Time to distract her, to get her mind off things. If

she liked things hard and rough so that her worries faded away, then he’d do just that for her,

desperate to erase the darkness in her eyes, and shut out the rest of the world for her.

They were barely in the door when he was on her, his lips hard on hers as he pinned her

against the wall and tore at her clothing, desperate to get her naked and hear her needy little moans,

which were already so familiar. “I need you to fuck me, Morgan…please.”

He groaned, her words spurring him on towards his single-minded goal. “I have every

intention of doing just that, love.”

Zoe pulled at his clothing, her hands cold against his skin, his abs tightening under her touch.

Freeing his cock, she shifted his jeans down over his hips so he could kick them off as he helped her

shimmy out of hers. They abandoned their clothes in a wet heap, as he caught her bottom lip with his

teeth and then kissed her, his tongue clashing with hers as he grabbed her ass and pulled her to him.

She sucked on his tongue while she stroked him, her cold fingers wrapping around his girth

and stroking him until he could think of nothing but sinking his cock deep inside her warmth. He

trapped her against the wall, his hard cock searching her out, his primal instincts taking over until he

could think of nothing but fucking her until they were both spent.

Fuck…condom. With a groan, he broke off their kiss and dug his jeans out of the pile. Fishing

out the foil pack, he tore it open with his teeth and slipped it over his swollen length, before hooking

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her leg and plunging deep inside her as she cried out and kissed him as if she’d never get enough. And

damn, but it did him in that she wanted him that much.

With her arms wrapped around his neck, she held onto him as his tongue clashed with hers

and he took her rough, pinned to the wall, each thrust, each kiss, claiming her as his. “Mine, Zoe…

you’re fucking mine. No one will touch you. No one will hurt you. I swear it.”

Grabbing her ass with both his hands, he tilted her hips so he could take her deeper, hitting

that sweet spot deep inside her with each thrust as she bit his neck, the flicker of pain spurring him on.

Never had sex been so intense, so all-consuming, and he swore, he’d never get his fill of her.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, as he continued driving into her, his orgasm coiling

and gathering deep inside him. And then she was coming in his arms as he continued to take her,

swallowing her cries in a heated kiss as her body quivered and he let loose his release with an

orgasm he felt down to his bones.

With his head spinning, they held each other, his thoughts finally slowing now that he’d had

her once more. “I swear it’ll never be enough, Zoe.”

Her breathing was heavy as she spoke, her lips still pressed against his. “No…I don’t think it

ever will be.”

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Chapter Nine

The next morning, Zoe was debating breakfast, wearing nothing but Morgan’s flannel shirt,

when he stole a kiss and went to answer his cell phone. She couldn’t remember ever being so happy,

despite her worries. And yet, her bliss was short-lived as she listened to Morgan curse out loud.

From what she could tell, Morgan was on the phone with Gabe and there was no mistaking the

topic of conversation. The man she’d spotted in Sean’s club was indeed Morgan’s father. So many

years of them thinking him dead…she couldn’t help but wonder why he’d stayed away.

When she walked to him to give his hand a squeeze, he pulled her into a one-armed hug. She

slipped her arms around his waist, while he continued to speak with Gabe a little while longer before

finally hanging up.

“I’m so sorry, Morgan. I can’t even imagine.” She held onto him tight, her heart breaking for


He said nothing for a long while, but his hold on her was fierce and she could hear his heart

pounding away as she rested her head against his chest. With a forced breath, he kissed the top of her

head and loosened his hold on her. “Gabe’s getting everyone together at noon to break the news. I’d

like you there with me, love.”

“Yeah, of course. Anything you need.” She didn’t want him to go through this alone, and truth

be told, she felt guilty for bringing this to their doorstep. It couldn’t be easy for the Ryker siblings to

know that their father had been alive all this time, and yet had stayed away, even as they’d struggled

to make ends meet.

“What I need is answers. And if that bastard of a father of mine doesn’t give me the right ones,

then he’s as good as dead to me.” The anger Morgan was holding onto left him vibrating with coiled

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tension—and left her desperate to try to find a way to soothe him. Not that she got the chance. “If you

don’t mind, I’d like to get ready. I’ve got some errands I need to run before we head over to Quinn’s

for the meeting.”

Zoe hadn’t fully realized just how much work Morgan was setting aside so he could spend

time with her. Though he’d spent a bit of time on his laptop, it was something completely different to

see him at their company’s Portmore headquarters, efficiently delegating and approving aspects of the

projects he was working on. He then picked up a package over in the security office, linking his hand

with hers before he escorted her back to his car.

Opening the package, Morgan pulled out a cell phone, turned it on and after giving it a quick

inspection, handed it over to her. “It’s completely secure if you still want to call Sean to try to calm


“Are you sure it’ll be safe?” Zoe looked at the phone, her nerves getting the better of her as

she thought of having to talk to Sean. And what the hell could she say to make him realize it was

over? It had seemed like such a good idea mere days ago, and now the mere thought of speaking to

him had her gut in knots.

“He’d have to have a computer hacker at his disposal to track us, and even then, there’s still a

good chance he wouldn’t manage it since any calls from this phone will have the signal bounced all

over the world.” Morgan cupped her cheek and gave her a lingering kiss. “Not that you have to call

him. I’m still not convinced it’ll do any good.”

“I can at least try. If not, my family—and yours—could easily be in trouble if he decides to go

after them.” The thought was unbearable and she couldn’t let her fears get in the way. She just had to

brave through it, though she was nervous as hell about making the call with Morgan right there,

listening to her conversation. “Morgan…I need you to know that I’m going to say whatever it is I think

will calm him down—and it may not be the truth. Just don’t go reading anything into what I tell him.

I’m not normally one for lies, but these are difficult circumstances, and I need to tell him whatever it

is he needs to hear to keep him from becoming a threat.”

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“I want it on speaker, Zo. I need to know where we stand with him—and I promise not to take

anything you say to him to heart. I know you’ll be doing this to appease him.” And yet, she could see

the tension in his shoulders, in the tight line of his jaw, and knew this wouldn’t be easy for him,

especially when he had so many other issues to deal with.

She wanted to protest about putting the call on speaker, but knew he was right. If the

conversation shifted away from a simple breakup, then it’d be best if Morgan heard it all, since

chances were good that she’d miss the details with her nerves getting the better of her.

Taking a deep breath to try to calm herself, she dialed Sean’s number and put it on speaker,

her heart thundering as he answered the phone. “Sean…it’s me.”

“Fuck, baby…where the hell are you? Are you okay? Are you safe? ’Cause I’ll fucking kill

that bastard if he touched you.” She could hear Sean’s jealousy war with his genuine concern for her,

and it was that affection that she’d need to play on.

“I’m fine—and I’m safe. But…I’m where I want to be and I can’t come back to you, Sean. It’s

for the best. You know that, right?” She tried to keep her voice steady, and did her best not to think of

Morgan sitting by her side, knowing she had to focus on Sean.

“What I know is that I fucking love you and you love me too. You need to come back here,

Zoe. I’m going fucking nuts without you—and if I can’t have you, then no one can. Don’t make me do

something we’ll both regret. Come on, baby…just come home to me. I swear I’ll make you happy.”

“You know you’re important to me, but you’re also better off without me—and that’s why I

have to go. I make you crazy and piss you off, not to mention your boss doesn’t like me much. I’m

holding you back from really finding someone who can make you happy—and you deserve someone

who can give you everything. But that’s not me, Sean. You know it’s not.”

“Fucking hell, Zoe…I swear I’m going to lose it if you don’t come back.” And she could tell

he meant it. He was barely holding on, his mood ready to swing. “Is it because I won’t get help?

Well, fuck it. Come home and I’ll go talk to someone about my moods, take the meds they give me.

Please, Zoe…I fucking love you.”

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“I love you too, Sean. But it’s better this way. Promise me you you’ll stay safe—and you’ll

get that help anyway. Promise me you’ll stay out of trouble, and you’ll take care of yourself.” She

couldn’t keep her voice from cracking, tears stinging her eyes.

“Don’t go, baby… Don’t do this, Zoe.”

“Goodbye, Sean.” And then before he could say anything more, she hung up and wiped at the

tears that escaped, letting out a ragged breath as she got her emotions under control. “I don’t know

that it did any good, but he might see it as more of a simple breakup, rather than you kidnapping me,

so he doesn’t feel like he needs to avenge me or save me from you.”

Morgan said nothing for a long moment, his hands tight enough on the steering wheel to make

her grateful that they were still sitting in the parking garage. “Fucking hell, Zo. Do you actually love


“Like I said, he wasn’t always like this. And I did care about him at one point. Before his

mood swings, before his involvement with Billy Sacks…back when he was sweet and hot and fucking

amazing. So, yeah…I guess you could say that in a way I did love him, though I’m not sure I was ever

in love with him.” She refused to apologize for her feelings or for her past, even if it pissed Morgan

off. And yet she knew that her feelings for Morgan blew away what she’d had with anyone else. “But

Morgan…I swear to you, my feelings for you are like nothing I’ve ever experienced with anyone else.

I haven’t even slept with Sean in over four months. And I may have cared for other men, but I swear,

I’ve only ever been in love with you. You’ve always held my heart.”

He cursed under his breath, and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her close as he bent his

head to hers for a moment, before shaking his head. “I get that you cared about him, but fuck…I’m

sorry if I’m a jealous ass, but the thought of you with him—”

“It’s not like you don’t have a past, Morgan. You’ve been with so many women, I’m surprised

you don’t have a revolving door on your damn bedroom. And don’t try to deny it when the tabloids

are more than happy to run photos of you with a different woman every single night of the week. At

least I’ve only been with a couple of guys my entire life.” Not that she cared about who he’d been

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with…not really, anyway.

“Fuck, Zo… But there’s a huge difference. I’ve never loved anyone but you. Never. Never

even came close to falling for someone else. Never even dated someone for longer than a week.”

Morgan let out a frustrated sigh, before cupping the back of her neck and capturing her mouth in a kiss

so intense, it was all-consuming. By the time he pulled away, they were both breathing heavily.

“You’re mine, love. In my heart, you’ve always been mine. And the thought of you loving someone

else, however long ago, kills me, even if I know I have no right to feel that way.”

Shifting in his seat, he gathered her in his arms as best he could, and held her tightly against

his muscular form, as she tried to push away worries. “Morgan…I hope you know no one could

possibly be all that you are to me. No one could even come close, especially now. But I have a past

—just like you do—and we can’t hold it against each other.”

“I know you’re right, love. But I need Sean to know and understand that you’re now his past.

I’m not giving you up—and he’s not taking you away from me.”


Morgan pulled down the driveway to Quinn’s house for the family meeting and parked next to

a few other vehicles. As rough a day as this was turning out to be, Zoe was left to wonder if she

actually had it in her to deal with all the Ryker men at once—not that she had much of a choice when

they were already knocking on the door to Quinn’s magnificent home, the stormy winter sea raging

just beyond. The Rykers were an intense bunch, and she didn’t know what the mood would be like in

there, given the topic of discussion.

Though Zoe got a huge hug from each of Morgan’s brothers, the biggest hug came from his

sister. It’d been years since Zoe last had the chance to see Maddie, though they’d always been close.

“Morgan didn’t say you were in town. It’s been way too long, Maddie.”

Maddie pulled her aside once Morgan had finished introducing Zoe to his brothers’ fiancées.

“I was supposed to be back in London already. But my brothers want me to deal with a project

they’ve got going, so I’ve decided to stick around a little while longer. Not that they can’t handle

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whatever they’ve got on their plate. Something’s up, but no one’s saying. You know what it’s like

with them. Three protective big brothers.”

Zoe had to laugh, and damn but it felt good to set aside her worries for a bit. “You were

always the baby in the family—not to mention the only girl. Just be glad they actually let you go off to

college without them tagging along and threatening every potential boyfriend who glanced your way.”

“As if high school hadn’t been bad enough. They’d been unbearable. And I’m still single. I

swear they’ve got some sort of protective brother force field going on. Even if a guy manages to slip

past it, the minute he finds out who I am—or rather, who my brothers are—he hightails it faster than a

rat off a sinking ship. And now, every time I start dating someone, I can’t help but wonder if he’s

interested in me or the family fortune. Imagine that, after the way we grew up.” Maddie shook her

head with a laugh. “But enough about me…what the hell’s going on with you and Morgan? Don’t tell

me he finally convinced you to give him a chance?”

“Is it that obvious?” Zoe couldn’t hide her smile—or how happy she actually was. Things

might be complicated, but Morgan truly made her happy. She just hoped she didn’t end up screwing it

all up.

“Fucking hell… It’s about time.” Zoe couldn’t help but smile at the Ryker trademark of

swearing like a pissed-off truck driver. With a shake of her head, Maddie gave her a huge hug. “Do

you know what a grump he is when you’re not around? We’re lucky if we can get him to say two

words or leave the house.”

“He was always a bit of a loner.” Even as a kid, he was the quiet one. Always so serious.

“Except when it came to you. You always managed to get him to have some fun and not

overthink everything.” Maddie spotted Morgan as he approached, giving her brother a big grin. “Just

don’t go and fuck things up, Morgan. Or I’ll have your ass.”

“Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours, Maddie…I’m not letting her go.” Morgan

matched his sister’s grin with one of his own as he pulled Zoe in to a hug. “Come on. We’ve got to get

to business. Let everyone know what’s going on.”

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Maddie looked over at her in question, and Zoe really felt bad for her—for all of them.

Morgan had told Gabe about their father since his fiancée, Hadley, had been helping to track Michael

down, but they’d decided to keep things quiet until they could find out more information. However,

now that the truth was about to be revealed about their dad, well…Zoe had no doubt that the shit was

about to hit the fan. It was time to decide what they should do, and at the very least, let the others

know their dad was alive.

Morgan didn’t waste any time getting the meeting started. “What I’ve got to say isn’t going to

be easy for any of us to deal with, but you all need to know what’s going on. A few weeks ago, Zoe

was working at a club when she spotted someone who looked familiar to her. She contacted me, and

after looking into it a bit further, it turns out that the man she saw is Dad. He’s been alive all these

years.” Morgan let out a sigh with a shake of his head. “The fucking bastard is alive.”

Zoe pulled Maddie into her arms, giving her a hug as her friend dealt with a rollercoaster of

emotions, shock and disbelief clearly evident in her face. Zoe’s own parents had skipped out on her

and her siblings, and she’d had to deal with a lifetime of wondering if her parents were still alive and

just didn’t care enough to check in, or if they’d OD’d in some crack house. Yet to think your father

was dead, and then to find out you were wrong all those years—that the man had likely faked his

death—had to be a total shock to the system.

Quinn swore up a storm and then got up to pace, running a rough hand through his thick hair.

“You’re sure? Zoe? You said you saw him? Can you really be sure after all these years?”

Zoe nodded, feeling miserable that she’d brought this to them. And yet how could she not say

anything? “I looked into it a bit further, and I believe it’s him. I’m sorry.”

Morgan put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “There’s more, Quinn. Hadley’s been digging

around, since I didn’t want to start this ball rolling until we had as much information as possible.

Hadley? Could you fill us in on what you’ve found?”

Zoe hadn’t met Hadley before today, but the woman seemed smart and efficient—a perfect

match for Gabe, who could be intense and determined. From what she could see, Emma also seemed

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a perfect match for Quinn, the two couples clearly head over heels in love, despite their present

worries. It left her wondering if she and Morgan would be that happy someday, or would he leave her

once he knew what she had done? Because she knew that day was coming, when she’d soon have to

confess it all.

Morgan took a seat by Zoe’s side, taking her hand in his, his touch comforting when she was

so on edge. And if she was this stressed, she could only imagine what Morgan must be going through.

Hadley got started on her findings, pulling Zoe from her thoughts and forcing her to focus on

the here and now. “Zoe was able to find out that your dad kept his first name, Michael, but is now

using the last name Tyler. He’s been living in the Salem, MA area for the last fifteen years, working a

variety of construction jobs. You all know that it was believed his lobster boat went down in stormy

seas, but it didn’t take long for him to resurface as Michael Tyler just a year after his supposed

drowning. Recently, he’s gotten mixed up with Billy Sacks, to whom he owes approximately twenty

grand—not sure how the debt came about. It’s not a huge amount, but it’s increasing with each day

that it doesn’t get paid, and Billy Sacks isn’t exactly known for his generosity. Sacks has been

garnering more and more police attention as of late, though the files are sealed, which leads me to

believe that he’s likely involved in something bigger than low-level stakes. Probably drug running or

guns. Something the Feds would be interested in.”

Maddie swore under her breath. “What the hell are we going to tell Mom?”

Morgan sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Nothing until we find out more. Which is my next

question—do we even want to start digging into this mess? Billy Sacks is a hornet’s nest we don’t

exactly want to go kicking. Capaldi was bad enough to deal with. And if Dad’s been around all this

time and hasn’t bothered to pick up a fucking phone, then should we even give a shit? He can rot, for

all I care.”

Quinn stopped pacing, but the tension in him was palpable, every muscle visible, completely

tensed—until Emma reached out and took his hand, her effect on him immediate as he calmed down.

“At the very least, I’d like a fucking explanation. Morgan, did you pay his debt?”

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“No, I didn’t, since I didn’t want to draw Sacks’s attention in our direction. And just a heads-

up—there could be more trouble. Zoe’s ex happens to be one of Sacks’s men, and let’s just say he’s

not happy that she’s no longer with him—or that I took her from him at gunpoint.” Morgan’s gaze on

her was intense, as if to make sure everyone understood that he’d claimed her as his, and daring

anyone to defy his actions.

“Fucking hell, Morgan.” Gabe ran a hand down his face. “We could have helped you, you


“It wouldn’t have changed anything. She needed to get out of there, and she did. As for Sean

Adams, Zoe’s ex, he might suspect some sort of connection to Dad, since she tried to get what

information she could, so I’d have enough to go on. It’s just another complication when it comes to


Zoe felt horrible that her snooping had been so easily detected, though in her defense, it had

less to do with her screwing up, and more to do with Sean being smart enough to notice every little

damn thing. Intelligence was such a turn-on for her, but damn, it’d have been a hell of a lot easier if

Sean hadn’t always been so quick on the uptake.

And now she was worried, not just because Sean might go after her and her family—not to

mention the Rykers—but because she probably should have kept her mouth shut. Telling the Rykers

about their father, and bringing them the realization that they’d been lied to for the last fifteen years,

that their father hadn’t cared enough to contact them even when they’d been struggling to make ends

meet…well, she was the one who just tipped their reality on its ass. And she felt miserable about it.

The Rykers agreed it’d be best if Hadley used her contacts to dig deeper. They wanted more

information to go on, before coming to any sort of conclusion. Except, they decided, that once they did

know more, they’d have to tell their mother.

And that was not a conversation anyone was looking forward to.

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Chapter Ten

Morgan’s gut had been in knots all day, and despite getting through the meeting with his

siblings, it had done little to ease the tension in his shoulders. Between dealing with the reality of his

father, and also realizing just how involved Zoe had been with Sean, every muscle in his body ached

with the tension of his anger, and he hated that he was subjecting Zoe to his foul mood.

He finished building a fire in the fireplace and then stood with a sigh that rankled of

frustration. Zoe snuggled against him and wrapped her arms around his waist, though pissed off as he

was about Sean and his father, he still couldn’t manage to let his anger go. “I’m sorry I’m such poor

company today.”

“Maybe you need a distraction.” She slid her body up against his, leaning against him as she

trailed kisses along his neck and jawline, while reaching down to stroke his cock.

He groaned as he knotted his hands in her hair and kissed her hard, the day’s frustration

fueling his need for her, his tongue thrusting against hers as his head spun, desperate for her, his

control slipping. And that was when he knew he had to pull away. “I can’t do this, love. In the mood

I’m in, I’m worried I’ll be too rough and hard, and it’s not a risk I can take.”

She grabbed his hips and pulled him to her, trapping his solid length between them as she

nipped at his bottom lip and stole a lingering kiss laced with heat and passion, her words spoken

against his lips. “But I want you again, Morgan…I want you to fuck me until we forget all our

problems. Until the rest of the world falls away and there’s nothing but you holding me…taking me…

claiming me as yours.”

“Fucking hell, Zo…” Her words left him aching and dizzy for her, his voice thick with need.

Morgan shook his head, trying to clear it before he pulled away just enough to look at her. His gaze

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met hers, and the intensity between them sent his heart skittering inside his chest as he brushed her

cheek and tried to think straight. “You know I want you, love. More than anything. But, fuck…I can’t,

Zo. It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”

“Then let me take control.” She bit his lip and stroked his cock through his jeans, giving him a

confident and flirty smile which reminded him far too much of the sexy dominatrix she played on

stage—clearly a role she’d mastered and excelled at. If she wanted to distract him from his worries

and give him an outlet for his pent-up energy and frustration, then she was doing a damn good job of


Grabbing his hand, she started pulling him down the hall with a seductive look, heading

towards his bedroom—their bedroom, because fuck…he wasn’t ever letting her go. “Come on,

lover…I’ve got plans for you.”

“I don’t know what you’re up to, Zo, but I fucking love it.” His cock ached in anticipation,

pushing against the denim of his jeans. Though he liked being in control under most circumstances and

especially when it came to sex, not knowing what Zoe was up to added another level of excitement,

and helped distract him from his anger.

Pulling her into his arms, they kissed their way to their bedroom, his hands all over her body,

so that by the time they got there, they were naked, their clothing shed like a trail of breadcrumbs. She

pressed her lips to his throat, his jaw, his shoulder, her naked body and lush curves gliding over his

skin as she shifted in his arms and stroked his raging hard-on.

Her touch was like magic, and he couldn’t help but moan as he cupped her face in both his

hands and hauled her to him, his lips hard on hers as his tongue thrust into her mouth.

Still stroking him, she broke from their kiss and pushed him back against the mattress, before

shifting farther down his body to trail bites and kisses over his skin. “You know, you have the most

magnificent cock—the stuff legends are made of.”

And then she was hovering over him, her long hair brushing up against his stomach as she ran

her tongue along the slit of his cock while her hands worked down his shaft. All words escaped him

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as he fought the urge to fist her hair and fuck that pretty mouth of hers, knowing exactly what it was

capable of.

She flicked her tongue at the head of his cock, still stroking him with one hand, squeezing his

shaft while twisting her hand, all as she looked up at him with those big blue eyes of hers. “Do you

trust me, love?”

“With my whole life.” And he meant it, without a doubt.

Slipping away from him, she took a moment to go through her big bag, her absence sorely felt

as he craved her touch, the feel of her body against his, the intimacy between them. Not that it took her

long to return with a long silk scarf, looking victorious while she expertly bound his hands to the

headboard. He wasn’t used to giving up control like this, but giving her his trust, putting his pleasure

solely in her hands, not only pushed the day’s frustrations away, but was damn exciting, since it

wasn’t something he’d ever done before. The anticipation of being at her mercy and not knowing what

was to come only heightened his need for her, the feel of her touch electric.

Zoe gave him a sultry smile as she bit her bottom lip, her eyes alight with mischief. “I love

this look on you, Morgan. Tied to the bed so I can have my way with you.”

“Anything to make you happy, sweetheart.” His voice was thick and gravelly with need, his

hands already straining against his bindings, desperate to sit up and hold her to him as he wrapped his

lips around a nipple and sucked it to a hard nub, her back arching to offer herself to him.

“Just sit back and enjoy, Ryker. I promise to take good care of you.” With her eyes still locked

on his, she shimmied her way down his body, kissing and nipping a trail over his skin, the flicker of

pain mellowing into pleasure. And then he felt her warm breath on his cock, making him even harder

for her, if that were even possible. The anticipation had him aching for her, and he swore, he’d never

wanted her more.

Her hands slipped over his length as she flicked her tongue along his slit before wrapping her

lips around the swollen head of his cock, a needy groan rumbling in his chest as he thrust up towards

her mouth. His breath caught as she sucked his cock, working that pretty mouth of hers down his

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length, taking more of him with each pass until he could feel her muscles loosening to let him slip

even farther down her throat as she took him in his entirety.

“Fucking hell, Zo…I’m not going to last if you keep that up, and I still want to fuck that sweet

pussy of yours.” He bit his lip and tried to hold back, but fuck, she was far too good at this. He

strained at his bindings, desperate to sink his fingers in her hair and fuck that pretty mouth of hers.

Being tied down and at her mercy only heightened what she was doing to him.

She pulled free of him for a moment, just long enough to speak. “Don’t worry, Ryker. I’ll get

you hard again after you come, since I have every intention of riding this amazing cock of yours after

I’ve sucked you off.”

And then her lips were wrapped around his cock with a new fervor, her eyes watering as his

cock hit the back of her throat, her fingers teasing his balls and stroking the spot just behind them as

the tension inside him started to build, every nerve ending on fire as his orgasm built.

“Sweetheart…I’m going to come.” Her pace increased then, and she sucked him harder, took

him deeper, letting her teeth gently graze his length, until it was all he could take. His orgasm crashed

over him as he growled out his release, thrusting down her throat and shooting his hot cum as she

swallowed every last drop and then licked him clean, his breathing still ragged and heavy. “I’m so

totally in love with you, Zoe.”

“I’m not through with you yet, love. Far from it.” She leaned over and kissed him, his taste

still on her lips, and then wandered back over to her bag. His heart kicked up its pace, since he

wasn’t quite sure of what she’d stashed in there, given that it was the bag she’d had when she left the


He didn’t know what she had planned, but bloody hell, the mere anticipation had him starting

to get aroused again, despite having just come minutes earlier.

She returned with a flogger made of soft suede and ran it up his thighs, and then over his balls

and cock, teasing him with a delicate touch, before continuing upwards. She flicked it expertly across

his chest, the slight sting quickly melting into pleasure as his cock grew even harder, and he was

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forced to bite back the moans that wanted to escape. She continued like that, letting the suede tendrils

dance and tease over his more delicate skin before flicking the flogger to sting his thighs, his chest,

his sides, slowly increasing the force behind the lashes until he was rock solid once more.

In all his life, he’d never experienced anything quite like it, but the stinging heat so quickly

turned to pleasure that he could barely contain his need for her, desperate to come once more, and

aching to have her.

“Do you like that, Ryker?” Her voice was thick and sultry, speaking of her own need for him,

and he knew if he were to touch her, he’d find her dripping wet.

“Fuck…yeah, I do.” Truth be told, he’d like anything she wanted to do to him, her mere touch

like that of a siren calling him to pleasures unknown. This time she sent a gentle flick to his balls and

cock, barely enough to sting, and damn if it didn’t have him aching for her, his cock throbbing with

need. “Though I might have to put you over my lap and paddle your sweet ass in return. Would you

like that, love?”

“I think you know I’d like that very much.” When she ran a finger down his lips, he sucked her

finger into his mouth, loving the look on her face, the way she bit her bottom lip, and looked at him

with smoldering eyes.

She pulled her finger free and then nipped at his lips as he thought of the things he could do to

her, if she didn’t mind sex with a bit of an edge. “Sweetheart, the things I’ve got planned for you…”

“Maybe so, but right now, you’re mine, Ryker, and I’m the one in control.” She casually let

the flogger drift along his cock as she spoke. “You’re going to make me come now. Am I clear? And

you’ll only be allowed to use your mouth and your tongue to get me off, since you’ll still be tied

down. Do you think you can manage it, love?”

“Or you could impale that beautiful pussy of yours on my cock, and get us both off.” At this

point, he’d beg—and never mind that she’d gotten him off just minutes ago.

Another flick at his cock, this one a little harder, though engorged as he was, the pain barely

registered as he ached to fuck her. “You’ll do as you’re told, or I’ll make better use of this flogger,

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He groaned at the thought, his cock throbbing in desperation, when she straddled him, her

back to him as she faced his cock, and then lowered herself onto his mouth. As he lapped at her slick

folds and teased her clit with his tongue, she leaned forward and licked his cock, his own efforts

doubling as she spurred him on. Her taste filled his head, salty sweet, while he thrust his stiff tongue

deep inside her before flicking it at her clit and running it to the pink bud of her ass, as she sucked him

again, her hips writhing against his mouth.

Fucking hell, she was driving him insane. Lifting his head, he buried himself in her pussy,

licking along her slit to her ass, teasing her clit and fucking her with his tongue until she was wild,

sucking him hard as she pressed her hips against his mouth. She cried out his name as her orgasm tore

loose and jolted through her, her body quivering before she went limp, sprawled across his body. She

slowly licked his cock as she came to, and then turned herself around to kiss him hard, ready to take

him when he stopped her. “There are condoms in the nightstand, Zo.”

“I love you, Morgan. If it’s okay with you…I’d like to go bare.” She chewed her lip, looking

downright shy.

Hell, there was only one answer to taking Zoe skin to skin. He nodded, and then she was

straddling his cock, slipping her tight body down his length with a cry. It felt so good…so insanely

good… To have her skin to skin, to feel her tight heat, and to know above all, that she’d given him

something special, was blowing his fucking mind.

“You’re so big and hard…and I’m so sensitive right now.” Her eyes slipped shut as she bit

her bottom lip and rode him, her focus completely on what she was doing.

“Damn, Zo. I’m nearly there.” Taking her bare like that was like nothing else he’d ever

experienced. He was desperate to kiss her, to hold her in his arms as he came. But then she was

leaning towards him, as if reading his mind, and kissing him as she came undone for him once more,

his own orgasm exploding forth, as he pumped his hot cum deep inside her, his heart one with hers.


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Morgan awoke the next day to find the spot in bed next to him was empty. The smell of coffee

and bacon drifted through the air, pulling him towards the kitchen where his heart hitched at the sight

of Zoe, wearing nothing but one of his flannel shirts, as she stood in his kitchen, looking incredibly

domestic. It was certainly a sight he’d happily wake up to every morning of his life.

His brothers had recently started joking about the Ryker men, and how when they finally fell

in love, they fell hard. Well, shit…Morgan could have told them that ages ago. Because when it came

to Zoe, he’d been no different. From the moment she’d walked into his fourth-grade homeroom, he’d

been a goner.

“Morning, love.” Sidling up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her

neck, still on a total high after the night they had. She’d taken what had been one hell of a rotten and

shitty day, and turned it into something amazing.

“Coffee’s made if you want to grab a cup, and I’ve got to say that for a bachelor, you have one

hell of a well-stocked kitchen.” Zoe moved away and plated some bacon, sliding it over for him to

pick at, as he stole another kiss and grabbed a slice of crisp salty goodness.

“I knew there was a good chance we might be heading this way, so I made sure to stock it.”

He leaned against the counter and watched her cook the pancakes, unable to remember ever being

happier. “I know it’s a bit sudden, but I want you to move in with me. And not just until this thing with

Sean blows over. I want you, sweetheart—and not on a part-time basis.”

He knew he was moving fast, but it’s not like they’d just met. And he’d been waiting for a

goddamned fucking lifetime to have her in his arms, to finally feel whole, and there was no way he

was going to pussyfoot around.

Except that instead of smiling and throwing her arms around his neck, Zoe’s relaxed stance

stiffened. She was suddenly completely focused on the pancake she was making, as if it were fucking

brain surgery, with her brow furrowed and her gaze most definitely avoiding his. “That’s a big step,


“So what if it is? I love you, Zo—and if you love me too, then I don’t understand the

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problem.” He turned her towards him, forcing her to face him. “Fuck, babe…talk to me.”

“I wish I could, Morgan. But I can’t.”

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Chapter Eleven

Zoe tried not to panic as she shrugged out of Morgan’s grasp, tried not to let the stinging in her

eyes turn to tears, tried not to let her fears overcome her. She wanted to be ecstatic that he’d asked

her to move in, but how could she possibly say yes and then not tell him about their daughter? And if

she told him, he’d hate her for it, hate her for keeping it a secret, hate her for what she’d done.

She ran the same old arguments through her head, debating whether she should or shouldn’t

tell him. A huge part of her wanted to just pour her heart out to him, but fear kept her from doing so. It

wasn’t as though he could change the outcome of the adoption without ruining the peace she’d found

for their daughter. As well-known as the Rykers now were, the press would have a field day with that

sort of custody battle. Yet she knew that if she continued her relationship with Morgan, she’d have to

find a way to tell him—or she’d have to keep him at arm’s length and end what was between them.

Except that losing Morgan would kill her, and she was desperate to hold onto him just a little

while longer, though she was damned if she could find a solution to her problem.

“For fuck’s sake, Zo…talk to me…What the hell is going on, love?” Morgan leaned against

the counter, facing her, so it’d be impossible not to feel the full brunt of his forceful gaze and

powerful presence.

“There’s nothing going on other than the fact that I’m not ready to move in with you.” Zoe

flipped the pancake she was cooking, cursing under her breath when it was darker than what she

liked. “This discussion is burning the pancakes, so if I could please get back to cooking, I’d

appreciate it.”

“Fine. Finish with the pancakes, but then we’re going to sit down and sort out what’s going on

in that pretty little head of yours.” He crossed his arms over his chest, making his biceps look huge—

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and she’d be damned if she could ignore the effect he had on her body when he was near, even if her

mind was in a panic.

Zoe finished up with the pancakes, knowing Morgan’s patience was wearing thin. But once all

the food had made it over to the table, he cornered her in the kitchen when she went to grab the syrup,

his gaze intense. “We’re going to discuss this before we sit down to eat, or there’s no point, since I’m

so fucking frustrated, I won’t be able to eat anyway.”

“There’s nothing to discuss.” She grabbed the jug of maple syrup, but he pulled it out of her

hand and set it back on the counter none too gently, forcing her to deal with him.

“Is this because of Sean? Are you worried he’s going to find you? ’Cause I swear, I’ll murder

the bastard if he tries to hurt you or take you away from me. But you need to talk to me, Zo. We’re in

this together. No matter what it is that’s got you worried, we’ll deal with it. You’re safe, love. I

promise.” When he cupped her cheek, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch.

“It’s not just that, Morgan. It’s everything.” And this time when she looked at him, there were

tears in her eyes, all her worries and concerns piling on top of her secret and leaving her

overwhelmed. “I never should have told you about your father. I should have just let it go. And I

should have dealt with Sean on my own.”

It might not be the whole truth, but it was part of what was still bothering her, her guilt for

bringing his father’s lies to his reality only amplifying everything she was feeling.

“Hell, Zo. What good would have come out of that?” He shook his head and cupped the back

of her neck, pulling her to him. “I know you’ve spent a lifetime worrying about others, and dealing

with everything on your own, but you don’t have to carry that weight alone anymore.”

“But if I hadn’t said anything, then you’d at least still have the memory of a father who loved

you, a father who’d have been there for you if he’d been able to. Instead I’ve replaced your memories

of him with bitterness and lies. I knew it couldn’t be good if he was involved with Sacks, and yet I

told you anyway.” She pressed her forehead to his chest, unable to look at him when she was such a

mess. Yet breathing in his scent, having him so close, soothed her like nothing else could. And what if

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she told him about their daughter? Confessed it all? Would he still hold her? Comfort her? Or would

he look at her in disgust? Hate her for what she’d done? “As for Sean, I’ve only made things worse by

dragging you into my breakup when I should have dealt with it on my own. And…what if this thing

between us is a mistake? What if I’ve gone and messed up our friendship?”

“You know what I think? I think you’re stressed out and worried, and as a result you’re taking

the responsibility and the blame for everything.” He nestled her in his arms so her cheek was resting

on his chest. She listened to his heart beat as he kissed the top of her head, and ran a soothing hand

over her back, his touch like magic, until she finally softened in his arms and her thoughts slowed.

“None of this stuff with my father is in any way your fault, and you had no option but to tell me. How

could you not? As for Sean, he’s not the sort of guy you could deal with on your own. You know that,

right? He’d have never let you go, Zo. And fuck, but I’d be pissed off if you hadn’t told me you were

in trouble. So I’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it, love—you won’t ever lose my

friendship or my love.”

“You can’t be sure of that, Morgan.” Especially when he didn’t know the enormity of the

secret she was keeping. “As for Sean, I never should have gotten involved with him.”

Morgan shook his head with a sigh. “I can’t say I’m happy you dated the guy, but did you truly

know what you were getting into when you first started seeing him?”

Forcing a weary breath past her lips, she looked up him, before slipping her eyes shut for a

moment. “No, I suppose I didn’t. I’d met him when I was bartending at a different club. We started

dating, and then I went to work with him because the hours and pay were so much better. It really

wasn’t until I got to see a lot more of him that I realized what he might be mixed up in. But even then,

he was still sweet until several months ago…he was stressed about work, no doubt something with

Sacks. It pushed his mood over the edge.”

“Then how can you really blame yourself, Zo?” He pulled her into his arms and she let him,

tired of dealing with life alone.

“Tell me again that things will be okay between us…that I won’t somehow screw this up.”

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She looked up at him, so worried that he might leave once he knew the truth—and knowing the day

was nearing when she’d have to tell him everything, though after four years of keeping her secret, she

didn’t know how she’d ever get the words out.

“You couldn’t screw this up even if you tried, because I love you, Zoe. And that means we

don’t just walk away from our problems, but rather face them together. That’s what friends and lovers

do. It means someone will always have your back; they’ll pick you up if you stumble and fall—and

they’ll be with you through all the good and the bad. That someone is me. We can get through this—

and be happy. But only if you’re not trying to push me away and keep things bottled up.”

She held onto him, and with a shuddering breath, she finally let some of the tension in her

body slip free.

“Come on, babe…I’m starving, and we both need to keep up our energy, since I’ve got plans

that involve the both of us naked.” He looked out the kitchen window. “Besides, it looks like we’re in

for a bit of snow, and I don’t want you getting bored.”

“You’re too good to me, Morgan.” She nuzzled him and then stole a lingering kiss as she

gripped his hips and pulled him to her, his hard-on pressing against her in promise, his mere touch

making her feel like anything might be possible. When his hold on her tightened and he bit her lip, she

felt her need for him all the way to the marrow of her bones.

“Fuck, Zo…” He deepened their kiss as his hand grazed over a breast, cupping it and pinching

the nipple through the soft flannel of his own shirt, stolen from his closet so she could be wrapped up

in his familiar scent, in something that was his.

Lifting her up onto the counter, he sat her down on the edge, as she stroked his engorged cock,

pulling his sweats down and out of the way, her legs wrapping around his hips to pull him close.


He brushed his length against her slick opening, and then slowly pushed into her until he was

filling her and stretching her tight, the sheer fullness of him enough to bring her close to coming. And

the fact that she was trusting him…trusting fate…and not using a condom. The intimacy alone was like

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nothing she’d ever felt.

“You’re mine, Zo.” He pulled out of her slowly, and thrust into her forcefully, sending a jolt

of pleasure through her. “Mine.” Again, he pushed into her hard, needy little moans escaping her lips

as he sent wave after wave of pleasure through her. Each thrust, each touch, helped distract her from

her worries, as he forced her to focus on them, on what he was doing to her, the intensity of it too

much for stray thoughts. “Say it, love. Tell me…”

She gasped as he drove into her, her legs holding him tightly to her, raking her nails down his

bare back, and spurring him on to take her harder, to push all other thoughts from her mind. “I’m

yours, Morgan…I always have been.”

“Sweetheart…” He bit her neck, as her body tightened around his cock in response, unable to

keep her needy little moans from escaping as her orgasm built and barreled towards her. “Not yet,


“Please…” She groaned as he lowered his head to her breasts, pulling her shirt off and

tossing it aside. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he continued to pound

into her, her clit swollen and aching with the heaviness of her impending orgasm.

“Sweetheart…I’m going to fucking pillage and plunder that sweet body of yours, until you

don’t remember any of your worries.” He scooped her off the counter with his cock still buried deep

inside her and her legs wrapped around his waist, as he carried her back to his bedroom, breakfast

long forgotten. “Do you have a problem with that?”

With her arms wrapped around his neck, and her pussy grinding against his cock, she bit his

lip, her answer spoken between kisses. “That sounds perfect…just please…I’m so close to coming,


“Not yet, darling.” He pulled free of her body as he lowered her onto the bed, ignoring her

protests, as she ached with the emptiness. “Do you trust me, love?”

“Always.” She reached out to stroke him, but he grasped her hand to stop her.

“Good. Because I’m going to push your limits, love. I’m going to fuck you so thoroughly and

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in so many different ways that your worries and problems will fade into the background, and you

won’t remember anything—or anyone—but me fucking you.” The command and seriousness of his

voice would have her agreeing to anything he proposed, and truth be told, she’d like nothing more

than for him to take charge, to dominate her. “Would you like that, sweetheart?”

“Fuck, yes.” Her heart slammed against her ribs at the thought of it. She’d always liked things

a bit edgy, but to have that sort of relationship with Morgan was one more connection between them.

“On your hands and knees, Zo. I told you I was going to spank your ass, and I have every

intention of doing just that.” He knelt by her side, his hands grasping her hips as he positioned her just

the way he wanted her, as she felt herself go so wet, she could feel it slip onto her thighs, his words

rattling around in her head. “I want you to hold onto the bedposts—and don’t let go, or I’ll tie them


Morgan’s large hand cupped one ass cheek and then the other, her anticipation building as he

gently stroked her. The first blow flamed against her skin, the sting of it flaring quickly into pleasure,

as she gasped with the shock of it. And then his lips were pressing against her hot flesh, his tongue

lapping over her stinging skin, before he blew on it, the sensation of cold air over her hot skin sending

a shiver of need up her spine.

“More, Morgan…” The need in her voice had her blushing, but she wouldn’t apologize or feel

ashamed about something that brought her pleasure.

“Sweetheart, I fucking love you.”

She cried out as the next blow fell hard across her other ass cheek, making her skin flame and

tingle, pain and pleasure blossoming into one. Her clit throbbed and left her so desperate to feel

Morgan’s touch, that she couldn’t help it when her hips rocked towards him, searching him out.

Morgan obliged her by running a finger along her slick slit, dipping it inside her before

circling her clit, forcing her to bite back the needy moan that escaped her lips. “Love…you’re so wet

—you’re dripping down your thighs. You just crave this, don’t you?”

“Yeah…I do.” How could she deny it when her body had already given him her answer?

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He slapped her ass again and again, sparks of pain and waves of pleasure flooding her body,

as the heavy pressure of need built up deep around her clit. When he shifted behind her, her hips

thrust back towards him, her heart racing as he ran a gentle hand down her spine before thrusting two

fingers deep inside her, slowly finger fucking her. “Do you still want me to test your limits,


“Please, Morgan…” She was so desperate for him, she’d beg if she had to.

“I love you, Zo.” He pulled his fingers free of her body and rubbed the head of his cock

against her slick opening, pushing into her as she gasped, already so close to coming. Slowly he thrust

into her wet pussy, filling her completely, using her juices as he worked the tip of a slick finger

against the tight pink bud of her ass, pushing gently until he was in past his knuckle. The feeling was at

once overwhelming and electric, pain and pleasure that sent tingles up and down her spine, especially

when she was already so close to coming. “Do you like it, love?”

“Yes…” She let out a breath, and forced her body to relax, slowly pushing back against his

finger. He slowly pulled both his cock and finger nearly out, before slowly thrusting them back into

her tight body, pushing his finger deeper, as she let out another needy whimper. Every sensation was

already so heightened and sensitive from the spanking he’d given her that her clit throbbed with the

aching need to come.

“Do you want more, love? Tell me…tell me what you want next.”

She wanted everything he had to offer, wanted to forget everything except for what was

between them in that very moment, knowing that it’d take them to another level of intimacy, one she’d

never shared with anyone else, had never wanted with anyone else, a level that might be able to

overcome what could tear them apart.

“More…please, Morgan…I want more.” And fuck, but she did. She wanted him so

desperately. She pushed back against him, as he slowly worked a second finger into her tight ass,

giving her some time to let her body adjust before he started to thrust his fingers in and out of her.

“That’s it, love. Just relax for me.” Gripping her hip with his free hand to pin her in place, he

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thrust into her, his cock filling her tight pussy and his fingers filling her ass, with nothing but the

delicate membrane between her two channels, the added tightness and friction from his fingers enough

to have her teetering on the edge of coming, desperate. “You’re so fucking wet, Zo.”

Her hips were tilting back against him, meeting his thrusts with her own, as she increased

their pace, needy gasps escaping her lips. “I’m going to come, Morgan. Please…I can’t hold back.”

“Come for me, love. Come for me now.” He pounded into her while thrusting his fingers into

her tight ass, until her body clenched around him and she was crying out as her orgasm crashed over

her, leaving her overwhelmed by the intensity of it.

And yet, he hadn’t come. Not yet anyway. He pulled free of her, leaving her body aching from

his absence, despite her mind-blowing orgasm. She wasn’t sure what he had planned, but she didn’t

care. She was up for anything and trusted him completely.

“Tell me again that you’re mine, sweetheart.” His voice was thick, so deep with need, it only

stoked her own desires.

“I’m yours and yours alone, Morgan. Completely.” Hadn’t that always been the case?

He flipped her onto her back and pulled her towards him before he lowered himself to her and

captured her mouth in a hungry kiss. “I love you, Zoe. With all that I am, I love you, and a million

lifetimes won’t ever change that. My heart has always been yours.”

And she knew it was the truth. Despite their years apart, he’d always belonged to her and no


“I love you, Morgan.” She tried to slow her racing heart, but to no avail. “Please...”

“Tell me what you need, sweetheart.” He stole another kiss and another, before trailing bites

down the slope of her shoulder.

“I want you to take me so hard I forget our problems. Please, Morgan…I want to be lost in

you…and I want us to be happy.” It left her daring to think they could get through this.

“We will be, love. I’d put it all on the line to make you happy, Zo. I’d gather every sparkling

star in the sky and lay it at your feet.” His mouth closed around one of her nipples as her back arched

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towards him in offering, the length of his engorged cock rubbing against her swollen clit. He teased

her with his tongue, flicking her nipples and sucking them, sinking his teeth in just enough to send a

flicker of pain and pleasure straight through her, leaving every cell in her body vibrating with how

much she wanted him. “Where, love…where should I bury my cock now? Should I fuck that pretty

mouth of yours? Your sweet pussy again? Or maybe I should fuck that lovely ass of yours. Is that what

you want, sweetheart?”

Please, Morgan…I love you.” She nodded her response, hoping he wouldn’t make her say it,

knowing how difficult it would be to get the words out.

The thought of him taking her in that most intimate of places had her going so damn wet. And

though she was loath to admit it, she knew that having him fuck her ass turned her on to no end and

would give her another connection to him that she’d had with no one else. She also wanted to push

herself, even if the thought of Morgan’s size left her heart racing.

“Zo…has anyone ever taken you like that?” He brushed her cheek and kissed her, his eyes

searching hers.

“No. No one.” She pressed her lips against the hollow of his throat and tilted her hips against

his thick cock, desperately wanting him to take her, to use her for his pleasure. ’Cause in the end? She

knew he’d give her back that pleasure in return. And yet…her heart raced in anticipation and the

slightest spark of fear, since Morgan was a far cry from being small.

“I promise, I’ll be gentle, love.” He cupped her cheek and kissed her, his stubble rough

against her cheek. “But if it gets to be too much, or you want me to stop, just say so. We can put an

end to it at any point. Don’t give it a second thought, okay?”

She nodded and stole one last kiss, before he rustled around in the nightstand for some lube.

Yet instead of placing her on her hands and knees, he scooped her into his arms and laid them back

against the pillows on their sides, so he was spooning her from behind. Gently pushing her forward

just a little, he added some lube to her ass and worked it into her tight hole, before applying some to

his cock.

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“We’re going to take this slow. Okay? I just need you to try to relax.” Hooking her leg over

his, he nestled his thick cock between her ass cheeks, and with a firm arm around her waist, he gently

tilted his hips forward, guiding his cock against the bud of her ass. Pressing against her slick opening,

he slowly eased himself in past the tight ring of muscle, little by little, by gently rocking his hips. He

whispered sweet words of encouragement and kissed her neck, her ear, giving her body time to adjust

to the intrusion and for the burning pain to subside into pleasure.

Wanting more, she rocked her hips against him, slowly working his cock deeper, her pace

gradually starting to increase as her tight ass stretched around his wide girth, which was slowly

filling her further with each pass. The sensation was unlike anything she’d felt before, her skin

breaking out in a fine sweat and goose bumps, as a shiver worked its way through her with his every

touch. And yet, despite the unease, the pleasure and need that blossomed inside her were unlike

anything she’d ever felt before.

“Fuck, Zo…you’re so tight. Are you okay?” When she nodded, unable to find the air to speak,

he trailed kisses over her face, her neck, as he reached up to cup her breast and pinch her nipple,

gently thrusting himself deeper until he was nearly seated fully inside her. “You’re fucking amazing,

love. Nearly there.”

Desperate to take all of him, she pushed back against him as another shiver worked its way

through her body. It took several deep breaths for her to adjust to his full length, but then they were

moving, her hips slowly rocking against his as he worked his thick cock in and out of her ass, fucking

her slowly as her pussy gushed in its emptiness, longing to be filled. He was so sweet with her, so

tender, that it made her heart hitch, the rest of the world falling away.

Their rhythm slowly increased, and yet she needed more, now that she’d taken him fully. As if

understanding her every need, he rolled them onto their hands and knees, his strong arm pinning her

body to his to keep himself buried. “I’m going to fuck you now, love. But if you need me to slow

down or stop, you just need to tell me.”

She nodded as his hands ran over her skin and to her hips, gripping her in his firm grasp as he

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slowly started to thrust in and out of her ass, his pace increasing with each thrust until he was taking

her, holding nothing back. Her breathing was ragged and she was overcome with the sensations,

pleasure and pain, the energy inside her building and crackling, firing across every nerve ending,

though she was still missing the vital piece that would let her come.

He was pounding into her now, claiming her like she’d never been claimed before, his name

falling from her lips like rain during a summer storm. But she needed more and as always, he knew

just what she wanted, leaning forward with his chest against her back, slipping his fingers between

her legs and over her throbbing clit, circling it while applying just enough pressure.

She came so hard, lights flashed behind her eyes as she cried out, and he joined her with a

primal grunt, his cock pulsing deep inside her ass, filling her with his hot cum, their bodies still

linked as they collapsed in spent ecstasy.

Zoe had never felt so overwhelmed and yet at the same time, had never felt such peace. And

she knew then, as Morgan gathered her up in his arms, his cock softening deep inside her, that she’d

never love another man the way she loved him.

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Chapter Twelve

After such intimacy, Morgan wanted to make sure he kept Zoe focused on what was between

them, and what they could have together, knowing it would be too easy for her worries to have her

pulling away from him once more. If he could keep her focused on them, on what they had and what

could be, then maybe he could drive away the sorrow in her eyes. He still didn’t know what caused

it, but it made him want to protect her and banish the darkness from her world.

Morgan pulled Zoe into his arms, as the hot water from the shower fell over them, her slick

curves slipping against his body. Snuggling her from behind, he pressed his lips to the back of her

neck as his cock nestled between her ass cheeks, the fruity scent of her shampoo filling his head.

He slid his hand up the curve of her belly to cup her breasts, the feel of them soft and heavy in

his palm, pinching her nipples and running his teeth down her neck to her shoulder. A needy whimper

escaped her lips when he sank his teeth in, her back arching against him, leaving him ready to take her

against the shower wall. “What if we go away for a bit? We could go spend a few days at a bed and

breakfast up in the mountains or take the company jet someplace warm. Christmas shopping in Paris

or London?”

Zoe shifted in his arms to face him, nipping her way across his jawline as she wrapped her

fingers around his cock and stroked him, making his pulse pound through his veins. When she spoke, it

was between nips and kisses, her warm breath tickling his ear as he bit back a groan. “Been too

distracted. Totally forgot that the holidays are less than a month away.”

“Then let me distract you further.” He pressed her against the wall and lifted her legs up off

the ground, wrapping them around his waist as he sunk his cock deep inside her with a needy grunt.

“Zo…I’d be happy never to leave the house again if it meant I could have you whenever I wanted. I

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don’t need anything but you in my arms.”

With her arms around his neck, he thrust into her, burying himself as he greedily kissed her,

swallowing her needy moans. He took her hard against the wall, knowing he’d never get enough of


“Promise me you won’t leave, Morgan. That we’ll get through whatever problems come our

way.” Her words were a whispered plea pressed against his lips, spoken between kisses.

With her words washing over him, his pace slowed to a stop as his eyes searched hers,

confusion and hurt settling around his heart. “Zoe…” He brushed a wet lock of hair from her face,

cupping her cheek in his hand. “How could you ever think that I’d leave you? What would make you

think such a thing?”

Her eyes slipped shut as she leaned into his touch. “Because, Morgan...sometimes things get


“Fucking hell, Zo. Hell, love. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change the way I feel

about you.” With his jaw clenched, he thrust into her, as if trying to drive his point home with each

thrust, needing her to know what she meant to him. “I love you. I always have and I always will,


“Tell me again.” She gasped as he took her, her hold tightening as she held onto him, her

pussy squeezing around his cock as he took her.

“I love you, Zo. I always will. Even if the sun stops rising, and the moon stops pulling on the

tide, I’ll still be there loving you.” He didn’t know how to convince her of what she meant to him. But

he knew there was something worrying her, and he was damned if he could figure out what the

problem was, since he was now starting to realize it may not have anything to do with Sean or his

father. “Tell me you believe me.”

“I want to, Morgan. More than anything, I’d like to believe that.” With her gaze locked on his,

she rocked her hips, taking him deeper, increasing their pace until he could hold back no more. “Tell

me again.”

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“You’re mine, Zoe. And I’m never letting you go.” Holding her tightly to him, pinned between

his body and the stone tile wall, he fucked her, loved her, until there were no thoughts left. Just the

meeting of their bodies and their souls, their connection deepening until she was crying out as her

body tightened around his cock and quivered in his arms, his own orgasm chasing hers.

And maybe, just maybe, he’d managed to chase her demons away.


Morgan hung up the phone with Quinn, cursing under his breath as Zoe stepped into the

bedroom, towel-drying her hair, their abandoned breakfast long gone cold.

“What’s going on? Is everyone okay?” Her brow furrowed with worry, even as he pulled her

into his arms and kissed her, still desperately needing that contact between them, especially when he

was still worried about whatever it was that was bothering her. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken her

the way he did—though he thought they felt closer to each other as a result of it.

“It’s my dad. He’s made contact through Hadley, since she was the one looking into him, and

he wants to meet with us. Quinn’s letting Maddie know too, though we don’t want her there until we

can make sure he’s not a total ass.” He knew they’d have to tackle meeting with their father

eventually, and though he did want answers, he was still too fucking pissed off to deal with the


“Morgan…what if it’s a trap? What if he’s told Sacks about you? Or he’s told Sean?” She

shook her head and bit her bottom lip, making him want to kiss and fuck away her worries. “I can’t

lose you. It’d kill me, Morgan.”

And fuck, but it felt good to know she was so worried about him. “We’ll stay safe. I promise,


His protective streak kicked in as he thought of Sean attempting to take her back—or worse.

During Zoe’s call, Sean had said that if he couldn’t have her then no one would, and the thought of

what that fucking bastard might do was enough to have him seeing red.

Zoe chewed her bottom lip, her brow furrowed. “What if Billy Sacks has gotten involved? It

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won’t be a simple meeting, Morgan.”

“Look at me, love.” Morgan cupped her face and tilted her head back so she’d be forced to

look at him. “I swear I won’t let anything or anyone come between us. But that’s also why I need you

to stay here.”

“So…it’s fine for you to go traipsing into danger, but I’m supposed to stay here and worry

about you.” The worry in her eyes flashed to anger. “Let me think about that… Mmm…No fucking

way, Morgan.”


“Don’t you dare sweetheart me, when you know nothing about these guys.” The fire in her

eyes and the heat in her voice had him wanting to put all that passion to good use.

Sweetheart…you have my word we’ll be safe and we’ll stay out of trouble. But I sure as

hell am not going to take you with me, and if you can’t promise me that you’ll behave yourself and

stay out of trouble until I get back, then I’m going to make good use of those silk scarves of yours and

leave you tied to my bed, after I spank your ass again.” The thought had him going hard again, as he

pulled her to him with a strong arm around her waist and nipped at her bottom lip. “Though I suspect

you might misbehave just to find yourself at my mercy again. Am I right, love? Did you enjoy it when

I spanked your bottom red and then fucked that sweet ass of yours?”

He heard her breath hitch as he nuzzled her, knowing full well just how wet he’d find her if he

checked. She then cursed and gave him the answer he already knew. “Fuck, Morgan…you know I


“Sweetheart…” He couldn’t help the grin that popped up onto his lips, as he stole a long,

lingering kiss. “I promise we’ll have more fun and games once I get back. I’m not sure how long I’ll

be, but I want you to promise me you’ll stay out of trouble—and give my sister a call since she’ll

likely be just as pissed off for being left behind.”

“Of that I have no doubt.”


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They opted to meet their father at the penthouse suite Gabe once used to live in, at the hotel

they owned in Portmore, figuring it might be more neutral ground than one of their homes. Morgan

cursed and paced the floor as they waited, though they still had another ten minutes before their father

was due to show. He was already a jagged jumble of raw nerves, and he doubted things would get

any better anytime soon.

“There isn’t anywhere near enough whiskey in this apartment for what we’re about to do.”

Gabe poured himself another glass and then raised the bottle in offer, though in the end he was the

only one to sit down with a drink.

Another five minutes passed before there was a knock at the door, sending Morgan’s heart

racing, and his hands clenched into fists. Seeing one’s long-lost father might be a joyous occasion for

some, but how could Morgan be anything but pissed off?

Quinn answered the door, but little was said as their security detail let their father through.

And shit, Morgan felt like he’d just seen a ghost, his stomach in knots as he looked at the man he’d

once called Dad.

“Boys…I honestly don’t know what to say.” Michael Tyler ran a rough hand down his face—

a face that looked far too much like Morgan’s own—and then let out a rough breath. “Not that you’re

boys anymore. Men…and fine ones at that.”

Quinn glared at his dad, and Morgan swore Quinn looked ready to punch him. “How about

you start at the fucking beginning then?” Quinn grabbed his father by his shirt and shook him before

pushing him away, his self-control looking tenuous at best. “How about you fucking start with how

you could leave your entire family without a penny to their name? You let us think you were dead

while we struggled to fucking survive. Do you know how tough it was on Mom? On all of us?”

Michael—since Morgan refused to keep thinking of him as Dad—hung his head before turning

fierce blue eyes on his sons. “If you boys think it was easy for me to stay away, you can guess again.

But times were tight and I got myself in a bit of trouble while trying to better our situation. It just

didn’t turn out the way I’d planned, and for everyone’s safety and best interests, I decided it’d be best

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if I turned up dead.”

Gabe gave him a contemptuous look, his body stiff with tension, yet another of his brothers

looking ready to throw a punch. “You mean, you got involved in something illegal and ended up

putting all our lives in danger. Not that you learned your lesson if you still owe money to the likes of

Billy Sacks.”

“There’s more to it than that, though it’s complicated. It’s not what you think, even if I can’t

blame you for thinking the worst of me.” He tilted his head towards Gabe’s glass. “I don’t suppose

I’ve earned a drink, but I’d appreciate the offer of one all the same.”

Gabe pointed to the bar, not bothering to get up. “Help yourself.”

Michael grabbed a glass and poured himself a whiskey, taking a long sip of it before returning

to the conversation. “Though I can’t say much about the last fifteen years, just know that I didn’t stay

away by choice.”

“Well, that’s a poor fucking excuse as far as I’m concerned.” Morgan continued to pace, his

anger and frustration from the last few days reaching a pinnacle now that he was faced with his father.

“Billy Sacks and Sean Adams—do you just owe them money or is there any other involvement? And

do they know of your connection to us?”

He let out a weary sigh and tossed back a large swig of his drink. “My involvement with them

is complicated, though it’s primarily Billy Sacks that I’m interested in. As for them knowing you’re

my sons—no, they don’t know of our relationship.”

“I swear, you better not be fucking lying to me, because this could easily involve someone’s

life.” Morgan still felt guilty about having Zoe look into his father, and if she came to harm because

Sean figured out the connection and tracked Zoe down, he’d be beside himself.

“Are you talking about that pretty thing who was asking about me?” Michael finished his drink

and set his glass aside before grabbing a seat. “If she’s a friend of yours, I’d recommend she cuts her

ties with those guys.”

“No shit.” Morgan shook his head in frustration. “She hung around because of you—because

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she recognized you from when we were kids, back when you were still around. You know…before

you abandoned us and let us think that you were fucking dead.”

“I can’t blame you all for being angry with me, but I’d love nothing more than to mend things

between us. I don’t presume to be able to make up for the time we lost together, but I’d hate for us to

also not have a future together.” Michael looked around and then shifted in his seat. “How are your

sister and mother? Do they know I’m back?”

“Back from the dead, you mean? Maddie knows—and they’re both just fine, no thanks to you.”

Morgan didn’t know how they’d tell their mother. He couldn’t imagine the hurt, the betrayal she’d

feel. How could they do that to her?

And then he realized just what Zoe must have been feeling. She was the one who’d brought

him this new reality, and was now carrying the burden of that guilt. His heart ached for her, and yet…

she still seemed too hurt, too broken for it to be simply his dad and Sean weighing on her. Though

she’d always been strong, she was also sweet and caring, and whatever it was that was bothering her

felt like a true heartache rather than just guilt.

Had someone hurt her? Physically…mentally…? He thought back to their years apart while at

separate universities, and then her year in London. Had something happened and she just never told

him, knowing he’d likely murder the bastard who hurt her? What sort of guys had she been dating? It

wasn’t as if Sean had been a sane choice. If only he’d gotten his head out of his ass sooner and made

her realize they were meant to be together…he could have spared her whatever she was now having

to deal with.

The conversation between his brothers and father pulled him back from his thoughts, as Quinn

shook his head no. “You’re not to contact our mother until we’ve had a chance to speak to her—and

that’s even if we decide to tell her at all. I’m not at all convinced that she needs to know you’re back,

especially when you’re clearly still mixed up in shit with dangerous people.”

“I appreciate that you want to protect her, but she’s tougher than you think, and Sacks won’t be

an issue for much longer. I’ll hold off on speaking to her for now, since I respect the fact that you

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want to find the right time to tell her I’m back, but son…I still love her, and she’s my wife.”

“Yeah…and a great fucking husband you’ve been.” Gabe glared at Michael, his anger


“Like I said, I’d like to try to make amends. I don’t want to spend any more time away from

my family, though I understand it’ll take time and a huge effort on my part to mend things between us.”

Michael sat forward, his gaze fierce. “I’ll do whatever it takes, and maybe once I’m able to give you

all the facts, you’ll see that I’m not as big a bastard as you thought me to be.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Morgan got up to pace, his anger too pent-up for

him to sit still.

“It means that I had my reasons for leaving. And sometimes, hard decisions have to be made.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Zoe handed Maddie a mug filled with freshly brewed coffee, and then grabbed her own before

heading over to the great room of Morgan’s cabin to get settled as they waited for him to return.

Maddie looked around and then shook her head with a smile. “I didn’t even know my brother

had this place. Since I’m in London most of the time, I haven’t been able to keep up with all the little

details of their lives—not that I’ll be moving back any time soon. I need an ocean between me and my

brothers if I have any hope of living my life.”

“Yeah…they’ve always been a wee bit overprotective.” Especially since they felt they had to

step into the role their father should have been there to play. “Maddie…if you want to talk about your

dad coming back, or anything at all…I’m here for you. I can’t imagine what it must be like to suddenly

find out that your dad’s alive after all these years, and I feel horrible that I’ve caused such upheaval

in your lives…”

“You know you had no choice, right? Besides, I think I’m sort of fine with it if he’s got a valid

reason for leaving. I know my brothers are on the warpath, but I see it as an opportunity to get to

know my father—and that’s not an opportunity I ever thought I’d have. I get that he should have been

around, and that things weren’t easy because he was gone, but…I don’t know. I guess I’m willing to

hear him out and give him a second chance. We all make mistakes, right?”

“Yeah…we do.” Zoe took a long sip of her coffee, hoping to hide behind her mug. Would

Morgan be so forgiving of her mistakes? She thought he might forgive her a lot of things. But hiding

her pregnancy from him? Their daughter? She didn’t think so.

“Hey, Zoe…you okay?” Maddie gave her a worried look, her blue eyes taking her in as if she

might be able to uncover the secrets hidden within. “I have to say, for someone in a new relationship,

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you don’t exactly have that honeymoon glow and carefree happy thing going.”

Zoe shook her head clear and managed a smile for her friend. “There’s just been a lot going


“Because if Morgan’s being a shit, I’m happy to beat him up for you.” She put up a fist, and

gave Zoe a sly smile that had them both laughing. “But seriously, if there’s something going on, or you

need to talk, I’m here for you. You’ve always been like the big sister I never had in a sea of big

brothers. You can tell me anything, Zoe. Your secret will be safe with me.”

“I appreciate it—more than you know.” As much as Zoe would love to get her secret off her

chest, she couldn’t do that to Maddie. It would put her in an awkward position, leaving her torn

between two loyalties. It was Zoe’s burden to carry, and hers alone.

“Zoe…does this have to do with Morgan? You know he loves you, right? He always has, so

please…don’t fucking break his heart.” Maddie gave her a pleading look that had Zoe fighting back

tears. “It would ruin him.”

Shit…what the hell was she doing? She needed to go. Needed to leave. Put some distance

between herself and Morgan, because she knew, just like she’d known all along, that this could only

end badly. Except that she had no car, and shit…not that Maddie would let her pull a runner.

“I swear, Maddie. I’d never want to hurt him, though I’m afraid I’ll do just that.” A tear

slipped down her cheek as she quickly swiped at it, trying not to panic.

Hey…” Maddie ran a hand over her shoulder, trying to comfort her, though nothing truly

could. “I don’t know what you’re dealing with, and I’m not trying to pry, but shit, Zoe…you need to

talk to someone. And as much as Morgan loves you, you know he’ll help you through whatever it is

your dealing with.”

Zoe forced a smile onto her lips. “Here I am being melodramatic over nothing when you’re

dealing with finding out your father’s not dead.”

As if on cue, Morgan walked through the front door, shrugging out of his winter coat, and

stomping the snow off his boots, before joining them in the great room. Yet the moment he saw her,

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his eyes narrowed and darkened with worry. “What’s going on? Zoe?”

“Just girl talk. How’d it go with your father?” Zoe waved his concerns away with a small

smile, though Morgan clearly wasn’t buying it, and one glance over at his sister’s glum face told him

there was definitely something wrong.

“It went as expected. He says he had a reason for staying away, though he won’t say what that

reason is. He’d like to make up for lost time…try to get to know us. I suppose it’ll be up to each of us

to decide how forgiving we want to be.” Morgan’s eyes flicked to Maddie as he spoke, quickly

summarizing the day’s events, but his gaze remained largely on Zoe, who all but squirmed under his

scrutiny. “Maddie…do you want to tell me why Zoe’s looking so upset?”

Maddie got to her feet, and touched Zoe’s arm with a look of apology. “I don’t really know…

but the two of you need to talk. I’m going to go. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

Morgan waited until Maddie was gone, not bothering to show his sister to the door and then

took a seat on the sofa next to Zoe, whose heart was tripping over itself as she debated her next move.

He twined his fingers with hers, his hands feeling strong and capable, as he let out a sigh that spoke

volumes. Her secrets were starting to frustrate him, and frankly, she couldn’t blame him. He was

smart enough to know something was wrong, and yet she refused to open up to him, even though she’d

told him that she loved him, and they were intimately involved.

“Zoe…I want to be here for you, but I can’t do that if you don’t let me in. I’m not asking you to

tell me your secrets if you’re not ready to, but I do need for there to be honesty between us.” He

cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her lip. “Can you at least promise me that?”

She nodded, the knot around her heart easing just a little. It didn’t get her completely off the

hook, but it gave her a bit more time to figure out what she should do. “You have my word.”

“That said, I wish you could trust me with your problems, Zo. I see something tearing you up

inside, haunting you, and it kills me that you won’t let me help you.” He bit his lip with a shake of his

head and a sigh that went straight to her heart. “No matter what it is, I’m here for you, love. And I can

help you get through it—but only if you let me.”

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“What if I tell you and it pushes us apart? What then, Morgan?” Her eyes burned once more

and her tears threatened, though she managed to hold them back. “Once something like that is out,

there’s no taking it back. There’s no going back to the way things were. Losing you would kill me,

Morgan…and I worry I’d do just that.”

“You’d never lose me, Zo. I swear it. But fuck…you’re killing me.” He pulled her to him for a

bruising kiss, his head still bent to hers as he took a deep breath, his body stiff. “Did someone hurt

you? Is that what happened—when you were in London?”

His worry for her, his concern, sent her tears spilling over. “No, love… No one hurt me.”

She felt the tension in him ease as he kissed her, slow and sweet, as if it were everything, as if

their kiss, at that very moment, was all that mattered. Yet, the fact that he’d been so worried, that his

mind had gone to someone hurting her, told her just how dire things were. And she now knew that

she’d soon have to tell him—or break things off between them. The mere thought had her heart

breaking, and she swore she didn’t know if she’d ever survive it.

“Tell me again that you love me…that we can get through anything together.” Her words were

spoken between kisses, as her pulse thundered away. Could she actually do this? Could she actually

tell him of their daughter and have their love survive it?

“We can get through anything, Zo, because I love you. I always have, and I’ll never stop.”

“I love you too, Morgan…”

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Chapter Fourteen

Morgan’s mind raced, and he honestly didn’t know what Zoe was finally going to confess to.

But he needed her to know that no matter what had happened to her, he’d be there for her. The fact

that she thought he’d hate her…there was nothing he could think of that would lend himself to those

sorts of feelings.

He pulled her into his arms, knowing that whatever she had to tell him would be difficult to

get out—and knowing damn well that whatever this was, it was likely the reason she’d been trying to

push him away, the reason she’d refused to move in with him. And fuck, but he wanted this damn

secret out in the open so they could get on with their lives, so they could be happy together. “I’m here

for you, Zo. Just tell me, love…you’ll feel better when you’re no longer dealing with this alone.”

She pushed off him and got to her feet, utter panic in her eyes. “I can’t do this, Morgan. This

has been a mistake. From the very start. And I need to go. I need to go before Sean finds me, before he

hurts you.”

“No fucking way, Zo. Sean’s no more than an excuse, and you’re not going anywhere. You

need to tell me what the hell you’re keeping from me.” He was on his feet, and had grabbed her arms,

desperate to make her see sense. “I can’t bear to see you so broken over something when I don’t even

know what it is. How can I fucking help you when you won’t let me in? For both our sakes, Zo…just

tell me.”

“Let go of me, Morgan. Please…” When her tears spilled over in a flood, it killed him. She’d

always been so strong, so sure, never a tear shed through the hardest of times. Yet something had

broken her, and she wouldn’t even let him close enough to pick up the pieces to try to put her back


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“I’m not letting you go, Zo. Just talk to me. That’s all I’m asking.” He pulled her into his arms,

ignoring her struggles, just holding on tight until she finally melted against him and wept.

Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her off to his bed, laying them down so he could hold

her close as her tears racked her body, his heart breaking for her. Would she ever tell him what

happened—or would she let it tear them apart and drive a wedge between them?

And then, as if reading his mind, she looked up at him, through her tears, her voice so small

and broken, he swore he barely heard her. “I had a baby, Morgan…a little girl. And I gave her away.

I gave away our baby.”

And then she was sobbing in his arms as he held her in shock, her words piercing straight

through to his heart. He grabbed her and pushed her away, needing to look at her, needing to know he

hadn’t misheard her. And yet the truth was there in her face, plain as day, leaving him numb,

shattered, furious.

“Zoe…what the hell do you mean?” He all but shook her as if it would give him the answers

he needed.

“When I was in London...I found out I was pregnant after our one night together. I didn’t know

what else to do. I’m so sorry, Morgan…” She hung her head, trying to close the distance between

them, though he could do nothing but hold her at arm’s length, his anger, his shock, coursing through

him like he was biting on a live wire.

“You could have fucking told me, for starters.” He had a child…a daughter…out there in the

world…without his protection…without her even knowing he existed. He was frantic…panicked…

and absolutely furious with Zoe. “How could you do that to me, Zoe? How could you fucking do


“We were both beyond poor, and we were both still in school, trying to get our degrees so we

could have a chance at a better life. I knew that if I told you I was pregnant, you’d have dropped out

of college…we’d have both had to put our degrees on hold, and the chance of going back to school

would be slim to none once we had the expense of a child.” She shook her head, his gaze anywhere

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but him, as if facing him was too much to bear. “And I did it for her. I wanted her to have a better life

than we’d had. I didn’t want her to know our struggles, to have to go through that.”

Fucking hell. He’d told her she could tell him anything and he’d be there for her, told her

nothing could come between them—but he hadn’t seen this coming. It had completely blindsided him,

and he felt betrayed, like his heart had been torn from his chest.

“I would have been there for you, Zoe…I’d have been there for her.” He got up to pace,

feeling like he was going to crawl out of his skin, like he was going to be ill. “How the fuck could


“Do you think it was an easy decision? Well, it fucking wasn’t, Morgan. It was the hardest

decision I’ve ever had to make.” Her voice cracked as another wave of tears overtook her, and

though he wanted to comfort her, he couldn’t. He couldn’t even look at her.

“Where is she now? What’s her name?” He had to swallow down the lump in his throat, and

resist the urge to put his fist through the wall. “Fuck, Zo…what the hell?”

“Her name is Lexie, and she’s in the west of England with a couple who couldn’t have

children of their own.” Zoe slipped off the bed and wiped her tears away, though more continued to

fall. Not that he could even bear to look at her. “I really am sorry, Morgan. But I did what I thought

was best for all of us, Lexie included. I couldn’t have known Quinn would start his company and it’d

be so successful. I just didn’t want to trap us—trap Lexie—in poverty when we were so close to

breaking free of it.”

“If you had told me, I would have let you know that things were looking up, that Quinn had

made his first investment, and it was doing well. But you didn’t give me the chance, Zo.” His hands

clenched as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. “You took that away from me. You took her

away from me. Took away whatever chance we had to be happy, to be a family.”

“And for that, you’ll never know how sorry I am.” When Zoe walked out of his room, Morgan

let her, needing to be alone, needing to process everything she’d told him.

He’d never felt so many different emotions all at once. He was a father—or could have been a

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father—to a little girl. She’d be…what? Three years old now? Three years stolen away from him.

Three years where he hadn’t gotten to watch her grow up, hadn’t gotten to be in her life, hadn’t gotten

to take care of her. And what about the future? Had his future with his daughter been stolen away too?

Would she ever get to know him? Would she ever get to call him Dad? How the hell was he supposed

to stay away from her? It’d be impossible.

Zoe had done what she thought was right. He knew that. But fuck…he was absolutely furious

with her. He knew things had been tough for them growing up, and Zoe had to bear the worst of it,

carrying the weight of her family on her young shoulders. College and a career had been their way out

of poverty, their way to a future that held promise—and she’d been right that he would have left

school to take care of her and their child. Of course he would have. But to cut him out of the decision-

making process entirely was so fucking wrong. It wasn’t as if he’d been some one-night stand, even if

they’d only been together that one time. He was her best friend.

He needed to clear his head, needed to burn off his anger so he could think straight. And for

him, that meant getting lost in the woods, walking until all thoughts had fallen away and the wild of

the forest had settled his soul. Because right now? He was still feeling toxic, and if he had to talk to

Zoe, he’d say something he’d no doubt eventually regret.

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Chapter Fifteen

Zoe swiped at her tears, though they kept on falling, shoving things in her bag as she got ready

to go. She couldn’t stay there, not when Morgan was so angry with her. And pissed off as he was, he

likely wouldn’t care that she’d left anyway.

She heard the front door slam shut, and knew he’d gone, though where, she hadn’t a clue. Not

that it mattered. He hated her and she couldn’t blame him—not when she hated herself for what she’d


It made her desperate to get out of there before she’d have to face him again and see the hurt

and anger in his eyes once more. Not that she had a clue as to how she’d manage it, short of stealing

Morgan’s car.

She pulled out the cell phone Morgan had given her, tracked down her location via the GPS

since she didn’t even know the address to the cabin, and called herself a cab. She’d just lay low at

her apartment until she could figure out what to do next.

With Morgan gone, she jotted down a quick note for him, and then dug out one of the few

pictures she had of Lexie, leaving the note and picture on Morgan’s bed, her heart so shattered and the

pieces so scattered, it’d never be whole again. With a fresh wave of tears falling, she headed out the

door into the freezing cold and down the driveway to wait for her ride on the main road, grateful that

it didn’t take long for the cab to show up and take her home.

She was exhausted and emotionally drained by the time she let herself into her small

apartment, tossing her bag on a chair with a weary sigh, as she tried to hold her tears back. Looking

around the stark room, her heart clenched at its emptiness. Though it was home, it felt lacking and

lonely, now that she’d gotten used to having Morgan around.

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And whose fault was that? she chastised herself. It wasn’t as if the outcome had been a

surprise. She’d known exactly how Morgan would react to the news, which was why she hadn’t

wanted to tell him. After all, it wasn’t like they could turn back time.

She never should have gotten involved with him. At least then she’d still have their friendship,

even if it had been strained in recent years. Grabbing a beer from her fridge, she plopped herself

down on her sofa with her cell phone by her side on the off chance Morgan might call. And then,

without ever taking a sip of her beer, she cried herself to sleep.


Zoe awoke the next morning still feeling like someone had emptied her soul from her body and

had filled it with nothing but heartache. The feeling only got worse when a quick glance at her phone

told her all she needed to know. Morgan hadn’t bothered to call, hadn’t cared that she’d left. A sob

wanted to break free, but she kept it painfully wedged in her throat, refusing to let it out, even if it

took all her might to keep it in.

No more crying. No more fucking tears. It was time she swallowed her medicine like a big

girl. She’d made her mess and now it was time she dealt with the consequences of her actions. Life

went on, whether she was ready to deal with it or not, and she had bigger problems than just a broken

heart. Like rent and bills—and having no job.

There was no way she could go back to working at the club. Not when Sean was the manager.

She’d figure something out, though. She was smart and resourceful, and she was a goddamned

survivor. She’d do whatever it took.

All she had to do is muster past the aching pain and heartache that left her wanting to curl up

into a ball, and never bother to see sunlight again.

She took a quick shower, hiding the tears that escaped, and got dressed in a comfortable

oversized sweater and her favorite pair of jeans, checking her phone again to see if Morgan had

called while she was in the shower. With disappointment rocketing straight to her heart, she pocketed

her phone so she wouldn’t have to go searching for it if he actually did reach out to her. Not that there

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was any chance of that actually happening.

Unsure of quite what to do with herself, she went through the motions of breakfast, making

herself a cup of coffee and even managing to put together some cereal, though why she bothered, she

hadn’t a clue. Short of mixing some cream and sugar into her coffee, and pushing her cornflakes

around the bowl until they got soggy, she didn’t eat a single bite or drink a single drop.

And then there was a knock at her door. With her heart thundering, she raced to it as hope

flooded through her and she yanked the door open. “Morgan…”

Except that it wasn’t Morgan. It was Sean. And he wasn’t looking too happy as he grabbed her

arm and pushed his way into her apartment. “Morgan, huh? Is that who I have to thank for stealing you

away from me?”

Zoe went on the offensive, knowing it was the only way to deal with his hurt and anger.

Making him see the truth was the only hope she had of maintaining any control over the situation.

“You have no one but yourself to thank for that, and you fucking know it, Sean. How many times did I

ask you to get help? Because if you think I’m the sort to wait until your temper gets bad enough for me

to start sporting bruises, you can guess again.”

“I’m not that kind of guy and you know it, Zoe.” His anger softened to dismay, and when she

glared at his grip on her arm, he let her go.

“How do I really know that when you’ve got a rotten temper and you’re working with thugs

like Billy Sacks?” She shook her head, and turned away from him, her mind racing to think of a way

to get rid of him. “You know I tried to make it work, but sometimes people are better apart and that’s

why I need you to go.”

“I love you, Zoe… You’re making me crazy. Do you know that I’ve been coming by your

apartment every day with the hope you’d come back? That I drove around every town in the county,

frantically looking for you, worried out of my head? And the guys at the club…they keep asking when

you’ll be back. It’s just not the same without you there.” He cupped her cheek, and bent his head to

hers for a kiss, but when she turned away, anger flared behind his amber eyes. “Like that, is it?

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You’re hung up on this guy, Morgan, and suddenly I’m not good enough? Well, maybe you’d like to

talk to Billy about him, since he’s got some questions for you about the guy. See, it turns out your new

boyfriend’s father is actually FBI, and Billy wants some information.”

Fucking hell…FBI…and Billy was onto him. Shit. Shit. Shit. Zoe had to think fast. “How the

hell would I know anything? There must be a mistake. Morgan’s father died when he was eight. Not

exactly useful information, now, is it?”

Sean grabbed her arm, pain shooting through it where his fingers dug in, and practically

hauled her up off her feet. “The information he wants isn’t just on his dad…it’s also on his sons—and

I know for a fact that you have plenty of information on them. Don’t you, babe?”

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Chapter Sixteen

Morgan didn’t know what time he finally managed to drift off, but with his anger like a vise

around his chest and his heart aching with loss, he was surprised he got any sleep at all. Zoe had left,

and he’d let her go, frustrated and hurt that she’d lied to him all these years, even if it was a lie of

omission. Her note had said nothing more than “Sorry…”, and really, what else could she say?

Nothing could change what she’d done.

He ran a finger over the picture Zoe left him. It was of Lexie, when she was about two years

old. She was gorgeous, with dark curls and big green eyes—a perfect mix of him and Zoe. He

couldn’t help but wonder if Zoe was in touch with the family who had adopted their daughter. Maybe

she’d arranged for an open adoption? Or perhaps the family might consider it. Morgan was willing to

throw money at the situation if it’d allow him any sort of access to his daughter, and would guarantee

that she was well taken care of, that she’d want for nothing.

It was easy enough to see Zoe’s point of view and why she’d thought of adoption. It wasn’t as

though he hadn’t understood her reasoning, having lived the sort of poverty she’d been worried they’d

never escape—and would inadvertently drag their daughter into. Yet, she should have trusted him.

Should have let him help her. And maybe that was what hurt the most. The fact that she’d felt she

couldn’t tell him she was pregnant.

He could only imagine what it must have been like for her to go through it all alone, with no

one to turn to, to have no one for support. And he knew that’d been the case because she’d known no

one over in the UK at the time. To deal with the fear of finding out she was pregnant when it hadn’t

been planned…when she was still dealing with getting her degree…to deal with making the decision

to put their daughter up for adoption… He wished he could have been there for her, and the fact that

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he hadn’t, pissed him off to no end.

He’d have taken care of her, taken care of their daughter, and he would have made damn sure

they had everything they needed. They would have been a happy family. If only she had trusted him.

But she hadn’t, and then, even after all was said and done, she’d kept it from him. She’d gotten

back from England and pushed him away, had driven a wedge between them, and hadn’t spoken a

word of their daughter.

And here he’d finally thought they’d get to be together. After a lifetime of wanting to be with

her, he’d finally gotten the chance, and had never been happier—until she’d gone and derailed

whatever chance they had of a future together.

Torn up and heartbroken, Morgan made himself some coffee, though he felt at a loss with Zoe

gone. His nerves were raw, like someone had run a razor blade over them and then doused them in

alcohol, and he didn’t know if the pain would ever fade.

Maybe work would get his mind off things, and distracted as he’d been with Zoe, he had more

than enough work to catch up on. Maybe head back home, and leave the cabin behind. He’d certainly

be in no hurry to rush back here, when the bad memories suddenly outweighed the good.

He checked his cell but other than a few missed calls from his brothers, there was nothing

from Zoe. Not that he expected her to reach out to him, after the way they’d left things. After all their

years as friends, Morgan knew well enough that the ball was in his court. She wouldn’t pursue him, or

push things, not wanting to anger him further. And she knew him well enough to know that he’d need

some time to cool down. That he was riding his anger white-hot, and he’d have to burn through it,

before he could contemplate any other thought.

He was in no mood to call anyone, and since he’d be heading in to the office, he figured he’d

catch up with everyone there. Except that his brothers had other plans—his phone rang and the

display showed Quinn’s ugly mug. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“Where the hell have you been? And please tell me Zoe’s with you.” His brother sounded

panicked, and it sent a shard of cold ice through him.

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“We had an…argument. She left yesterday soon after I got home from the meeting with

Michael…Dad.” Worry knitted its way through his head, especially when Quinn spoke with someone

else in the room to let them know Zoe wasn’t with him. “What the fuck’s going on, Quinn?”

“Dad’s here—he thinks Billy Sacks has Zoe, and he’s going to use her as leverage.”

“For the twenty grand he owes him? For fuck’s sake, just pay it.” But there was more…there

had to be. Quinn would have spent twenty grand to keep Zoe safe even when he didn’t have that sort

of money. “What aren’t you telling me, Quinn?”

Quinn swore under his breath. “It’s Dad…he’s FBI…been working undercover to try to nail

Sacks for a laundry list of crimes. Except that Sacks somehow figured it out…maybe when Zoe

started asking about him. Anyway, the FBI picked up a conversation about them having some girl and

using her to get information on Dad, which means that there’s a good chance he knows of Zoe’s

connection to us and they’ve figured out Dad’s undercover.”

It took all of a heartbeat for his anger with Zoe to be replaced by worry, all of a heartbeat for

him to forgive her. “Zoe… Fucking hell…” FBI? He couldn’t fucking believe it. “They probably have

her over at Sacks’s club. It’s called the Black Strap. Over in Summersglen.”

He was already grabbing his jacket and his keys, and heading for the door, even as he listened

to his brother try to stop him. “You can’t go there, Morgan. It could get her killed, yeah? And you

don’t even know if that’s where they’re holding her. We’re all at Gabe’s. Dad’s here—he’ll fill us in.

But the FBI is already on this, so don’t go doing anything stupid. Do you hear me, Morgan? Don’t.

Fucking. Do. It.”

“Yeah, I hear you. But tell that worthless asshole of a father of ours that if anything happens to

Zoe, I’m holding him personally responsible, and I’ll put him in a fucking grave permanently this



Bloody hell… Morgan couldn’t think straight as he raced down the road. What the fuck had he

done? He’d known Sean was out there waiting for Zoe to resurface, and he’d fucking let her walk

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away from him and right into Sean’s clutches. It was one thing for him to be angry with her, but

another to let her walk out of his life and into harm’s way, and not lift a fucking finger to stop her. He

was such a goddamned fucking ass.

If anything happened to her, he’d never forgive himself. Never. They may have issues to sort

through, but fuck…this wasn’t what he wanted. He should have been looking out for her—and not just

now. If he’d gotten his head out of his ass ages ago, then none of this would have happened. She

wouldn’t have dated assholes—and if she had gotten pregnant, she’d have known that she could trust

him to be there for her.

As for his father…the fucking FBI? Was Quinn actually trying to tell him that the reason their

father had dropped out of their lives was because he was working undercover?

How the hell had Morgan’s life turned into a goddamned soap opera? Mobsters, a father back

from the dead, undercover agents, and a secret baby? He couldn’t have made the stuff up if he’d tried.

It was one thing for Zoe to be involved with Sean—but Billy Sacks taking an interest in her

was due to his father and his father alone. That was on his father’s shoulders. And Morgan was not

happy about it.

He didn’t care if his father was a goddamned fucking superhero. It didn’t change the fact that

he’d abandoned them—and now Zoe was in danger because of some deal he was trying to nail Sacks

with. Not that it wasn’t also Morgan’s fault that he’d let Zoe take off. He was just as guilty for the fact

that he hadn’t checked up on her and hadn’t tracked her down even after he’d realized that she’d left

his cabin.

The thought of Zoe with Sean…of what he might do to her, especially given their past

relationship… Would Sean think that just because they’d once been intimate, that he had the right to

pursue something physical? The thought of it made Morgan’s blood run like molten iron in his veins.

He’d fucking murder the bastard if he touched her—and the same went for Sacks if Zoe came to harm.

By the time he pulled down Gabe’s driveway and knocked on his brother’s door, he was in a

barely contained rage—and for now, the focus of his rage was his father. “Where the fuck is he?”

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Morgan was barreling towards his dad like an enraged bull seeing red, as his two brothers

and Maddie did their best to hold him back. “Calm down, Morgan. It won’t help.”

But he didn’t fucking care. He was beyond all logical thought.

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Chapter Seventeen

“How can you do this to me, Sean, when you know what Sacks is like? And then I’m supposed

to believe that you love me? Well, you have some way of showing it.” Zoe tried to shrug out of

Sean’s grasp, but his fingers just dug in deeper, shooting stinging pain into her arm, as he dragged her

out of his car and into the club.

“So now my love for you matters? And did it matter when you were screwing that prick of

yours like a whore? It sure as hell didn’t take you long to move on—or had you already started

fucking him when we were still together?” Sean glared at her, yanking her arm up so she was

practically off her feet. “Is that why you stopped fucking me? Huh? Is it? Always one excuse after the

other for keeping me out of your bed. You fucking cunt.”

She didn’t see the backhand coming until pain erupted across her cheek and lip, stars

splintering across her blackened vision. Forcing her way through the darkness, she pushed aside the

pain and brought her hand up to her lip, coating her fingers with blood and then holding them up for

Sean to see. “Can’t say I expected you to prove me right quite so soon.”

He shrugged, though there was venom in his eyes. “I aim to please, Zoe. You should know that

by now.”

Sean steered her towards the back of the club where Sacks was waiting for them, eating his

lunch, before he deposited her roughly in a seat in front of his boss, sending her heart racing. She

knew she was in deep, and there was little chance she’d be getting out of the situation she was in. Not

without a whole lot of pain or telling them what they wanted to know.

“I’ve seen you work up on stage. Pretty impressive. The men all love you…your pretty face…

that sexy little body… But I suggest you tell me what I want to know, or that pretty face of yours might

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not be so pretty by the time I’m done. Are we clear?” Sacks wasn’t a big guy—but he didn’t have to

be. And maybe that made him even scarier.

“We’re clear.” She held his gaze, though it was all she could do to hide her nerves and keep

her body from shaking. Billy Sacks had a reputation and she knew she was in majorly deep shit.

Though she’d do her damnedest to keep Billy from finding out anything of importance on the Rykers,

she’d rather not have her face filleted off her body, especially when she didn’t really know of

anything that couldn’t be found out with a simple search on the Internet.

“Tell me…why such an interest in Michael Tyler?” Billy cut a chunk of rare steak and stuffed

it in his mouth, pausing to look at his knife as he slowly shifted it to catch the light, while one of his

goons stood stoically behind him, looking like some Tony Soprano wannabe.

“He reminded me of someone I knew is all. Back from the old neighborhood I grew up in. But

the guy I knew would only be in his early thirties by now. Different name too.” She tried to stick as

close to the truth as possible, knowing it’d help her keep a straight face.

She wasn’t sure if Billy was buying any of it, but given the amount of money the Rykers now

had, she didn’t want to give Billy a reason to bleed them dry. And he would. Of that, Zoe had no


“So then, you’d know nothing of Michael Tyler being the father of the guy who pulled you out

of the club a week ago?” Billy gestured with his knife, making his threat clear. He could do things

with that knife. Not so nice things that would leave her screaming in pain and telling him whatever it

was he wanted to know.

“My friend had never heard of this Michael guy. As for it being his father, I don’t see how.

My friend’s dad died at sea. He was a lobsterman out of Gloucester and got caught in a bad storm.

His boat went down when my friend was just eight years old.” Zoe watched as he sliced through his

steak and stuffed another bite into his mouth, leaving her not quite sure where the conversation was

going, but likely nowhere good if Billy suspected Morgan’s dad of being with the FBI.

“So you know nothing about Michael Tyler being FBI, then?” Billy’s eyebrows perked up in

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question as he held her gaze and waved the knife around as he spoke.

“The first I heard of it was from Sean, who mentioned it when he came to pick me up.

Honestly, I don’t know why I’m here. I’ve always been a good employee, and I keep my nose out of

everyone’s business. I’m just trying to pay my bills and go to school.” Zoe shifted in her seat, trying

not to get antsy, but sure she was failing miserably at it.

“What did you do to make Sean angry?” Billy gestured to her swollen lip, long forgotten in

her panic when facing far bigger dangers.

“I’m not quite sure. Maybe you should ask him?” Her snark and anger got the better of her—

and she soon found out she’d made a mistake.

“Did you hear that, Sean? She’s not sure why she has a fat lip? I’m through with her for now,

so maybe you need to take her upstairs and make sure you clarify your reasons with her.”


“Why’d you have to go and be sarcastic, Zoe?” Sean pushed her into the small studio

apartment above the club. She’d been there before, when Sean stayed there some nights, especially if

the club had been exceptionally busy. “Now Billy’s going to be looking to see if I taught you a lesson

—when I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry for hitting you, babe…and now…”

“So you’re going to go from being sorry you hit me, to hitting me again, just to prove a point to

your thug of a boss?” She shook her head, her stomach knotting with anger and fear until she thought

she might be ill. And she thought of Morgan, thought of the pain and anger in his eyes, thought of how

he hadn’t even bothered to call her after she’d left, hadn’t bothered to check in and make sure she was

safe, despite knowing that Sean might be looking for her.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Zoe…and I fucking won’t, even if it’s to prove to you how badly I

feel about hitting you the first time. I’ll deal with Billy and the consequences—but you’re with me

now. You’re mine—and I won’t be fucking sharing you with anyone.” He ran a finger down her

cheek, but she turned away from him, her body physically recoiling from his touch. Pissed off, he

fisted her hair and pulled her head back, pain firing through her scalp. “Zoe…which part of you’re

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mine did you not understand?”

“Fucking let go of me, Sean.” And then, with the worst timing ever, the phone in her pocket

buzzed. Still fisting her hair, he wrenched her head back, and dug her cell out of her pocket,

answering it as she struggled to get free.

Sean gave her a sly smile. “Morgan…I think I have something you want. Yeah…don’t worry,

though…I’m taking really good care of her. I’ll make sure she’s nicely broken in before letting you

have her back—but only if you meet our terms. Ready to deal?”

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Chapter Eighteen

“I’ll fucking kill you.” Morgan lost it as he heard Zoe scream, desperately wanting to reach

through his phone and save her. “Fucking stop. Stop…just tell me what you want… Yeah…I can do

that. I’ll meet you there. Just don’t fucking touch her.”

But the line had gone dead over Zoe’s next scream, cutting her off and making him feel like he

was crawling out of his skin. He swore and cursed, rage flooding his veins. This time, when he

lunged for his father, his fist connected before his brothers were able to pull him back.

“The bastards are hurting her—because of you. And you’re going to fix this. Do you hear

me?” Morgan fisted his father’s shirt and shook him, his anger white-hot. “You’re going to take her

place and get her back. And you’re going to make this right, even if it’s the last thing you fucking do.”

His father ignored the punch, despite his bloody nose, and ignored Morgan’s anger, tilting his

head to the FBI agent monitoring the call Morgan had made.

The agent nodded and looked up from his electronics, spread out across a table. “We’ve got

her location—same place as the location given for the trade to go down.”

Michael turned back to Morgan. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you’re going to need

to stay here. It’s going to get dangerous since we’re going to go in hot. Sacks and his men know this

won’t be a simple trade since they’re fully aware that we’re coming in force, and they’ll be waiting

for us. You’ll only put her in danger and get in the way.”

“I’m going with you. You didn’t hear her fucking screams as they hurt her.” But his brothers

were pulling him away, and forcing him into Gabe’s living room, away from the FBI commotion in

the dining room.

Gabe held his gaze and made Morgan focus on him. “You need to trust that they’ll get her out

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of there safely. I know it’s hard—I of all people know how fucking hard it is since I went through it

when Hadley got taken. I know how helpless you feel, how fucking furious you are. And I know that it

feels like time’s moving both too slow and too fast all at once, and you feel like you might fucking


Morgan shook his head. “Except that I could hear that bastard hurting her. I could hear her

screams. And this is her ex, ex who feels like he was wronged when I took her. And I was

such a fucking ass to her…”

Gabe’s eyes narrowed and darkened with confusion. “You’ve always worshipped that girl,

Morgan. I highly doubt you were even close to being a jerk, let alone a total ass. That’s just your guilt

talking, man…”

“If only…” He hung his head, overwhelmed with utter despair and rage. “I was even worse

than that, Gabe. She finally found the courage to confess to me her darkest secret, her biggest regret,

and I all but fucking pushed her out the door and closed it behind her. Instead of being there to help

through the pain, I turned my back on her, even though I knew Sean was out there looking for her.”

“It can’t be that bad, can it?” But even Gabe didn’t sound like he was buying it. “Fuck,

Morgan…what the hell happened?”

“She had my baby—and put her up for adoption without ever telling me. And I pushed her

away, furious with her.”

Silence fell among his siblings as they turned to him, their faces stunned in shock with his

admission. And though his brothers muttered curses of disbelief under their breath, Maddie was the

one who stalked over to him.

She shoved at his chest, fury in her eyes. “Please fucking tell me you didn’t actually give her

shit over something that’s probably torn her up inside for years.”

“Maddie…” He took a step back, feeling even more miserable. “I was devastated…I felt


With her brow furrowed, she let out an angry sigh and then wrapped her arms around him in a

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big hug. “You guys can be such fucking idiots sometimes. Just make sure we get her back safely,

Morgan—and then you better make it up to her.”

“I will, Maddie…I won’t let her out of my damned sight again.”


To Morgan, it felt like there was an entire SWAT team there, ready to go in after Billy Sacks

and Sean Adams—and most importantly, to get Zoe out of there. Morgan had been allowed to go with

them, but had been forced to stay in one of the FBI vans, which made him feel like a caged wild

animal, as every part of him itched to go find her.

It felt like the hours slowly ticked by while he waited for something to happen. There were

teams of all sorts, from hostage negotiators and emergency services, to a bomb squad. And fuck,

knowing all the different ways this could go so horribly wrong did little to help calm him—especially

when he was left with nothing but his thoughts for company, thoughts that told him he was a fucking

ass, and it was his fault she was in the mess she was in.

He’d finally found happiness with Zoe, the love of his life, and then instead of dealing with

their problems, like he’d promised her they’d do, he’d essentially shown her the door. Let her walk

away when he should have fought for her. Turned his back on her after a lifetime of wanting no one

but her. What the hell had he thought he’d accomplish? It wasn’t like he could love anyone but Zoe.

How many women had he dated, tried to distract himself with—and failed miserably? He’d tried to

move past her, and never managed it. And now, he might not ever get the chance to be happy again.

There was a flurry of commotion, movement, orders being given, distracting Morgan from his

misery. He listened, with his heart in his throat, trying to figure out what was going on, desperate to

catch any glimpse that might let him know that Zoe was safe.

It seemed like an eternity, but eventually his father came in and found him, leading him out into

the dark and freezing cold night. “We’ve got Sean in custody. Billy Sacks wasn’t there, though we’re

working on Sean. See if we can get him to turn on Sacks and give him up. And we’ve got Zoe.

They’re taking her to the hospital if you want to meet them there. Morgan…I’m sorry…she’s in rough

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His rage turned to anguish, and all he could think of was being with Zoe. “I want to go with

her. Where the hell is she? I have to see her.”

“I’m sorry, son…but she doesn’t want to see you.”

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Chapter Nineteen

Zoe hurt all over. Sean’s “love” had left her with a split and swollen lip, a bruised cheek, a

scrape by her eye, swollen fingers, and scraped knuckles. Yet she knew the cuts and bruises would

eventually heal. What wouldn’t heal anytime soon were the marks on her soul. Sean had broken her,

and she hated to admit it, but she’d broken a hell of a lot easier than she’d expected, leaving her

feeling shameful, damaged, and weak. She’d done whatever it was he wanted to get the pain to stop,

knowing too well that her struggles and her fight would result in nothing but more pain.

She knew Morgan wanted to see her, but she couldn’t bear the thought of him seeing her in the

condition she was in. And though it didn’t make sense for her to blame him for what happened to her,

a small part of her did. He was the goddamned love of her life, and he’d turned his back on her when

she needed him most. He hadn’t been there for her, too angry with her to deal with their problems.

And damn, but it was her fault too. She totally knew that. One stupid mistake after the other.

Since the doctors had done all they could for her, she refused to spend the night in the

hospital. All she wanted was to get away from the bright lights and from all the people who couldn’t

help but look at her with sympathy in their eyes. She wanted to crawl into her bed, and not emerge for

an entire century. Maybe by then she’d have forgotten just how much her life sucked.

She was going to ask them to call her a taxi, when a knock sounded, and Maddie popped her

head in. “Zoe… Can I come in? Morgan’s not with me. I promise.”

Zoe closed her eyes against the tears that suddenly stung her eyes, finally breaking past her

defenses even though she’d managed to keep them at bay through her questioning and examination.

Truth was, she didn’t want to see anyone she knew, but she couldn’t send Maddie away. She gave her

friend a nod so she’d know it was okay to come in.

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“Zoe…I’m so truly sorry.” The look in Maddie’s eyes nearly did Zoe in, and when Maddie

gently wrapped her arms around her, she came unhinged, her tears coming down in a torrent as sobs

escaped her, before she managed to rein in her emotions. “Can you please take me home? I don’t want

to stay here, and I have no car…I can’t…”

“Yeah. Of course.” Maddie nodded and got to her feet. “Let me just get rid of my brothers.

They’ve been out in the waiting room. Unless…Zoe…Morgan’s desperate to see you. I know he

fucked up, and you probably don’t want to see him, but…I think it’ll only be harder for the two of you

if you don’t do this now.”

“I can’t, Maddie.” She shook her head, and felt like an even bigger coward as Maddie begged

her to reconsider. “No good will come of it. It doesn’t change what I did to Morgan and after Sean…I

just can’t bear it.”

She knew that Sean was the only one to blame for her physical injuries, but she also felt like

Morgan had given her few options but to go home, even though she realized she was probably being

unfair and irrational. But she was hurting and broken and angry, and at the moment, Morgan was

getting the brunt of it, even if it wasn’t justified.

“Zoe…he’s broken up over this. It’s killing him—and he knows he was wrong to push you

away.” Maddie put a gentle hand on Zoe’s arm.

Yet, before Zoe had the chance to think it through, there was a knock at the doorway.

Morgan… Zoe couldn’t even bring herself to look at him. “Maddie, I’d like to speak to Zoe. Alone.”

Maddie looked at her in question, clearly stuck in the middle. Zoe let out a ragged breath and

nodded, knowing it’d be impossible to avoid Morgan for long. She might as well get it over with.

“It’s okay, Maddie.”

Morgan moved towards her bedside as his sister headed for the door, only pausing for a

moment as she whispered something to him under her breath as they passed each other. He sat down

on the edge of her bed, though Zoe couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She could only imagine what

she must look like—and what he must be thinking.

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“Zoe…love, please forgive me…” She could hear the tension in Morgan’s voice, the hurt, the

anger, the devastation, the sincerity, but when he touched her arm, she flinched and swallowed a

whimper. “I’m so fucking sorry, love…”

“This isn’t your fault. It’s Sean’s. But I can’t do this, Morgan… Please just go.” What was the

point of him staying? Whatever they’d had seemed like a lifetime ago.

“No fucking way, Zo. I’m never leaving you…never again.” Morgan gathered her into his

strong arms, and though she knew she should push him away, she didn’t, releasing the floodgates as

her fear and hurt, her regrets and her shame, came pouring out of her in body-racking sobs. Holding

her tightly, he murmured soothing words against her hair until she was spent and felt hollow, nothing

but an empty shell.

Yet once she had no more tears to cry, his touch only reminded her of all that was lost

between them. Somehow, she found the strength to pull away. “Morgan…what happened to me today

doesn’t change what I did. Once this day fades away, we’ll still be left to face what I did and the

consequences of it. That will still be our reality, and I doubt your anger with me will just vanish.” He

might be feeling guilty and remorseful about the way he’d dealt with her after she’d told him about

Lexie, but eventually his guilt would fade away and they’d still be left to deal with what she’d done.

“I may still be frustrated with the situation as time goes by, but I’m not angry with you, Zoe.

Not anymore. I know that you did what you thought was right.” When he took her hand in his, she

didn’t fight him this time around, letting their linked hands anchor her to him and soothe some of her

jagged edges. “I know I overreacted and let my anger get the better of me, but I need you to cut me

some slack, love. It was a shock.”

“I know it was—and I swear I never meant to hurt you.” Zoe so desperately wanted things to

be right between them, but after everything that’d happened, everything that had been said, she didn’t

know if they’d manage it.

“I know you didn’t—and I’m not saying this will be easy. But, Zo, what’s between us is worth

the effort, and at the very least, we need to try to work through our problems.” Morgan cupped her

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cheek, his green eyes locked on hers. “We owe ourselves that much, don’t you think?”

She wanted to believe they could work their way through their problems, but she wasn’t

convinced he’d truly be able to forgive her for what she’d done. “I don’t know, Morgan. And frankly,

it’s been a really rough day. I just want to go home.”

“Come stay with me, love. At my home in Portmore. You can stay in the guest room, if you

prefer, or I can stay with you at your apartment. Either way, though, I can tell you now, there’s

absolutely no fucking way I’m letting you stay anywhere alone. Not when Sacks is still on the loose.”

His protective streak kicked in, but instead of making her feel safe and loved, it only reminded her

that he’d been too angry to come after her when she’d gone home the day before.

From what she’d been told of the day’s events, Morgan hadn’t even called her until after

Quinn told him there was a good chance Sean and Sacks had her with them. And if Sean hadn’t

needed to exchange her for Michael, if the FBI hadn’t been watching Sacks, then who knows how

long Sean would have held onto her—and what he would have done to her—before Morgan figured

out she was in trouble.

Yet she wasn’t sure she could face going back to her apartment just yet, when it was the place

where Sean had grabbed her and her nightmare started. “If I could stay in the guest bedroom, I’d

appreciate it. Just until I can make arrangements to stay with my brother or sister.”

“Zoe…they’re both still in school, living in tiny college apartments with housemates—not to

mention that they’re living at the opposite end of the state. I want you close, love. Sacks is still on the

loose, and so are his men. It still may not be safe.” His brow furrowed and his jaw clenched as he ran

his thumb over the back of her hand. “I never should have let you go home, Zoe. I should have been

there to protect you and keep you safe.”

She wanted to yell at him and tell him that he should have been by her side, wanted to pound

on his chest and wail, but in the end, she knew what had happened wasn’t Morgan’s fault. It was


Going back to her apartment had been a mistake, but at the time, she’d felt like her options had

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been few. And though she’d known that Sean might come around, she supposed she’d never quite

thought him capable of hurting her. He had a temper, but he’d never hurt her before. Maybe the way

she’d left made something inside him snap. She wasn’t sure, and frankly, it didn’t matter. He had hurt

her. Badly.

“Though I appreciate a place to stay, I need you to understand that it doesn’t mean things are

back to normal between us. I can’t…not after everything that’s happened. I’m sorry, Morgan. I really

am.” She wanted nothing more than to pick up where they’d left off before her confession, but after

what she’d been through, she couldn’t go back to what they had and pretend everything was fine

between them.

“What happened, Zoe?” He almost growled out the words, pain lacing every one of them.

All she could do is shake her head, and try to hold back the rush of tears.

“Zoe…” She could see, could feel the tension in Morgan as he ran his hands down her arms,

and she swore he was wound so tight, he might snap in half. “I don’t even fucking know what to say,

but…shit…please forgive me.”

She shook her head, her gaze avoiding his. “I don’t know that I can, Morgan.”

“Zoe, please… You’re my everything…you’re the reason I breathe, the reason my heart

beats.” He hung his head, sounding and looking shattered. “You’re my very soul, love. Without you in

my life, I’m lost. Utterly and completely lost—like the moon without the earth, like a compass without

a way to find north. So please…forgive me, love. Don’t walk away from me…from us. Because I

wouldn’t survive it. It would break me.”

She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and let her body relax against his

as he enveloped her in the safety of his arms. “I can’t make you any promises, Morgan, but all I can

do is try.”


Zoe was relieved that Morgan took her to his home in Portmore instead of going back to the

cabin. Too much had happened between them to go back there, from intimate moments to telling him

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about Lexie—and his reaction to it. It was all still too fresh in her mind.

They’d said little during the ride, and for that she was grateful. She was also relieved to hear

that the FBI raid had been a success after Sean spilled his guts. Billy and his men were now in FBI

custody, and Sean and Billy had both been charged with a long enough list of crimes that she wouldn’t

have to worry about them getting out anytime soon.

“If you don’t mind…I’d like a bath…or a shower.” She wanted to scrub the day away. Scrub

herself raw as if it might rid her of Sean’s touch and the pain he’d inflicted.

“Fuck, Zo…” Morgan was in a barely contained rage, and though he likely wanted to murder

Sean, the FBI had taken that away from him, locking Sean up where he’d be safe and Morgan couldn’t

get to him. “I want to break that bastard for hurting you, for touching you…tear him into a million


Zoe knew Morgan was assuming the worst had happened, and though he wasn’t far off from

the truth with what she’d endured, Sean had stopped just short of raping her. He had, however, hurt

her and had touched her in ways he had no right to. “The FBI got to me just in the nick of time,

Morgan… He didn’t…”

She couldn’t get the words out, but it didn’t matter, because Morgan was pulling her in his

arms and holding her so tight, she felt every pain and ache in her body—and she didn’t care. Not

when she was safely in Morgan’s arms.

“I love you so much, Zoe…”

But she couldn’t utter a single word past the tears that clogged her throat.

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Chapter Twenty

Morgan was a complete mess. His emotions were running rampant through his head and body,

and making it so he couldn’t fucking think straight. And it wasn’t just anger and rage…it wasn’t just

wanting to protect Zoe, and feeling guilty for having failed her…or relief that she was safely back in

his arms. It was also the doubt and uncertainty of their future, whether they’d survive this, survive the

fact that he’d pushed her away after her confession, that she’d been hurt when he should have been

protecting her.

“Let me draw you a bath. You can soak in there for as long as you like.” Morgan wasn’t sure

where things stood between them. “And then I can set up the guest room, or…”

Or please stay in my bed so I can hold you and keep you safe, and so you’re never more

than a touch away.

“I…I think the guest bedroom is best. I don’t want to be alone…but I can’t…” Her eyes

shimmered with tears, destroying him.

“Then I’ll stay in a chair and watch over you. I swear, I won’t ever fail you again, Zoe.”

Though she hadn’t said much of her ordeal, she bore the marks of Sean’s violence, and worse still

was the stuff that might not leave a physical mark, but would probably scar her for a long time to

come. “I’m just so fucking sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. It’s killing me.” And it was. Even if she

eventually forgave him, he would never forgive himself.

“We’ve both made mistakes, Morgan.” Zoe ran a shaking hand up her arm. “I just need to try

to forget the consequences of them. Lexie…Sean…us…everything’s a mess.”

Fuck…he didn’t know how to make things right for her, or how they’d get through this.

Morgan was desperate to pull her into his arms, to hold her tightly to him and push away her

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nightmares, and yet shaky as she was, he couldn’t do any of that without making things worse after

what she’d just been through. And he couldn’t help but wonder if time would heal things between

them or drive them further apart.

“I can’t fix or change the way I reacted or what Sean did to you, but I swear, I’ll find a way to

make things right between us.” He carefully took her hand in his and closed the distance between

them. “But first, let’s get you that bath and a good night’s sleep.”


Morgan stood guard over Zoe as she slept. Sleep never stood a chance of taking him when his

mind kept racing and wouldn’t settle. Things between them were fragile at best, and he couldn’t help

but replay every moment of the last few weeks over and over in his head.

Some of the happiest moments of his life had been with Zoe at the cabin when it was just the

two of them. It’d been so easy to close themselves off from the rest of the world and pretend there

was little beyond the cabin. For the first time in his life, with her in his arms, he’d finally felt whole.

He’d finally felt like the aching void in his heart had been filled and happiness could finally be his.

Except that even then, he’d known there was something wrong. He’d seen the sadness in Zoe’s

bright blue eyes, and had felt her holding back, as though she couldn’t fully give herself to what was

between them. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t spent the last several years pushing him away.

It had been easy to blame their distance on Sean, rather than focus on the fact that not all was

well in his little fairytale world. But he’d been too oblivious, and instead of trying to talk to her

really talk to her—about what was bothering her, he’d quieted his worries and fears by taking her

to his bed and fucking his worries away.

Except that one couldn’t usually fuck their way out of a problem—only get themselves into a

bigger one.

When Zoe startled awake, stifling a scream, he immediately went to her side and tried to

comfort her, tried to hold her in his arms…only to have her put a small hand on his chest and push him

away. “I don’t think I can bear it, Morgan. I’m sorry. It’s just that…”

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“Hush, love… You don’t need to explain.” He swore he’d find a way to avenge Zoe for what

was done to her.

Morgan didn’t touch her, but rather than go back to his seat, he stayed in the bed and leaned

against the headboard, making sure to give her enough room. He doubted either of them would be

getting any sleep, so maybe he could distract her—and figure out if there was a way to right some of

his wrongs. “I want you to tell me about Lexie.”

Zoe shifted on her side to face him, and though she still kept some distance between them, he

felt like it was a step in the right direction. “I don’t know what to say, Morgan—nor do I know what

good it’ll do.”

“Can you bear to talk about it?” He desperately wanted to know about Lexie, and was hoping

that talking about their daughter might help Zoe focus on something other than what had happened to

her. And yet, he knew he was taking a risk by asking her to discuss something so emotionally fraught.

“Actually…after keeping Lexie a secret for so long, it might be good to finally get to talk

about her.” Zoe’s voice sounded so small in the dark of night, and yet he was grateful for the

darkness, since he didn’t think she would speak to him if they could see the hurt in each other’s eyes.

“Morgan…I need you to know that it wasn’t an easy decision to not tell you—and even harder was

the decision to put her up for adoption. Both devastated me.”

“I know they did, love. It kills me to think that you had to go through that alone.” He wanted to

hold her, to ease her pain—and to ease his own—and shit, but he hadn’t the strength to resist the need

he felt for her. He pulled her into his arms, and thankfully, she let him, nestling herself against him as

she rested her head on his chest and let out a ragged breath. “I love you, Zo. I don’t know if you’ll

ever find it in your heart to forgive me, but I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right, even

if it takes a lifetime to right my wrongs.”

“We’ve both made mistakes. I just don’t know if we’ll manage to get past everything that’s

happened.” Zoe raised her head off his chest to look at him, and though they were in the dark, there

was just enough light to make out her features, to know her lips were mere inches away. “I love you,

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Morgan, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough.”

“I’ll make sure it’s enough, sweetheart. We will get through this. I’ll do whatever it takes to

make it happen.” After everything she’d been through, he’d carry her through the fires of Hell to get

her to a safe place and to make things right for her. “Maybe we can sort something out with the

adoptive parents. I don’t know what sort of arrangement you made, but they might be open to letting us

meet with Lexie. I know it’s a far cry from raising her ourselves, but at least it’d allow us to be part

of her life.”

“I don’t know if they’d agree to it, Morgan. Leslie and Neil Bryant—they’re her adoptive

parents. They’d always been pretty forthcoming when it came to Lexie, and we’d reached a verbal

agreement that they’d send me updates. But…I’m worried they’ve changed their minds about how

much contact they want me to have with their family. They used to keep me updated on Lexie with

emails and photos, but my last few emails have gone unanswered.” She dropped her head back onto

his chest and held onto him as he tightened his hold on her, wishing he could make things right. “I’m

worried that they’ve decided to cut their ties with me, and don’t want me to have anything to do with

Lexie. The last thing I want is to disrupt Lexie’s life in any way. Her happiness is my top priority. It’s

just that receiving those updates, those pictures of her…it meant everything to me.”

“We’ll find a way to contact them, Zo. I promise. I’ll do everything I can.”


Waking up with Zoe in his arms, Morgan felt like they might stand a chance. She’d been

through so much, and though he desperately wanted her, he didn’t want to push her after Sean had laid

his hands on her. And though seeing the aftermath of her abuse was enough to push him over the edge

and want to murder Sean, he also needed to try to stay calm, knowing it wouldn’t do her any good to

have to deal with his anger again.

When Zoe shifted in his arms, her body brushed against his, and though they were both

wearing tees and boxers as pajamas, it made little difference when he could still feel her curves and

the warmth of her body. “How are you feeling, love?”

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“I’m feeling like I want to erase the last few days from my memory, but I can’t.” She took a

deep breath, and then nestled herself back in his arms, resting her head against his shoulder—and

damn, but it gave him hope that she hadn’t pulled away from him. “And…I miss how easy our

friendship used to be before things got so complicated between us.”

“I know things have been a mess, but I love you, Zoe. That’s not going to change—and I can’t

go back to just being friends.” Morgan cupped her face in his hands, his fingers tangling in her hair as

he tilted her head back and forced her to look at him, his fear of losing her spurring him on. “I’m not

giving you up, Zo. No way.”

“Tell me again that we’ll somehow get through this.” She nuzzled him hesitantly, her words

nothing but a warm whispered plea against his skin, her proximity burning up what little self-control

he had.

“We’ll not only get through this—but we’ll be happy. I swear it, Zoe. I’ll do whatever it takes

to make it happen.” He brushed his lips against hers in question, his heart slamming against his chest

when she kissed him back, despite a brief hesitation. A calm slowly eased its way around his heart,

making him hope that they might get through this.

She slowed their kisses, but instead of pulling away, she snuggled against him, holding him

tight. “I do love you, but I can’t just pick up where we left off, Morgan. But…I would like to try to

make things work between us. I just don’t know if I’m up for it—or if I ever will be.”

“We’ve got all the time in the world, love, ’cause I’m not going anywhere. And in the

meantime, maybe we can find a way to contact Lexie’s parents. Yeah?”

“You think they’ll respond?” She looked up at him with such hope in her eyes, he knew he

couldn’t fail her.

“All we can do is try, love. And maybe make it worth their while.” Morgan wasn’t one to

throw around money or power, but he was desperate to know how his daughter fared. He didn’t want

to disrupt Lexie’s life, but he’d do whatever he could to make sure she was okay.

They eventually got up to grab breakfast, but in the light of day, Morgan could feel Zoe

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distancing herself again. He knew she was dealing with a tumult of emotions, and though he was

desperate to chase her demons away and seek revenge on her behalf, he worried it’d only make things

worse for her.

He ran a gentle hand down Zoe’s back, hoping to soothe her, and needing that connection

between them. She’d been through so much, and he felt like he’d failed her by not being there to help

her, to protect her.

“I have the Bryants’ information if you’d like it. Names, address, email.” Zoe’s brow

furrowed as she took the cup of coffee Morgan handed her and let out a weary sigh. “Do you really

think you can get them to respond to us?”

“I really hope so, love.” Morgan pulled out his laptop and got started on his search.

Yet it didn’t take long for him to find Lexie’s parents. It was a blow he hadn’t expected and it

was the last thing Zoe needed to hear. He still couldn’t quite believe it.

“Zoe…I think this is them—Lexie’s parents. I’m so sorry, love.”

She shifted in her seat as he turned his laptop towards her so she could see the news article

he’d found. Covering her mouth in disbelief, her eyes shimmered with threatening tears. “I can’t

believe it, Morgan. Does it say anything about Lexie? Is she safe?”

“She wasn’t with her parents, who’d been on their way to the theater when they were killed.

Lexie must have been with a sitter.” Morgan couldn’t bear to think of what might have happened to his

little girl if she’d been with her adoptive parents that night. Both her parents had been killed crossing

the road when they were hit by a drunk driver who’d run a red light. The driver never slowed down

—nor did he stop. “That explains why they never got back to you, Zo.”

“Those poor people. I can’t believe it. And…who has Lexie then?” The fear, the shock,

flamed in Zoe’s blue eyes. “We need to find her, Morgan.”

He pulled Zoe into his arms, desperate to comfort her. This was the last thing she needed after

everything she’d been through. “We will. I’m sure she’s safe, staying with someone close to the


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Morgan was already planning their trip to England to find his daughter. It was one thing for

Lexie to be left in the care of a couple who’d been vetted by an agency and wanted her, and another to

be the person who’d “inherited” a child due to her parents’ death. The thought that she might not truly

be wanted in her current situation killed him. He could all too easily imagine a family that hadn’t

planned on the addition of a young child and the strain it would put on their time and finances. And

who was to say that the couple who now had her would be good, responsible parents?

“I’ll have an investigator track Lexie down, and then have my lawyers contact whoever’s now

her guardian. Hopefully we can come to some sort of arrangement that will, at the very least, get us

updates on how she’s doing.” He wanted more—so much more—but he didn’t want to disrupt Lexie’s

life. Above all, he wanted her to be safe and happy. That was the most important thing.

“I’m trying not to panic, Morgan, but…I’m scared. Who has her? I was so careful when I

chose the Bryants. And now…?” She ran a hand through her hair, and he hated seeing the panic in her


“You picked them because they’d be responsible parents. So until we can get more

information, we need to trust that they would have made arrangements for Lexie if something ever

happened to them. They’d want to make sure she was well taken care of.” He had to believe that,

especially since it was the only thing keeping him from hopping on a plane and tearing through

England to try to find her. “We can head over to the UK as soon as we have some sort of direction.”

Morgan called the investigator they used for overseas business, and made arrangements to

have the company jet ready to go so there’d be no delay once they had any information to go on.

“Tell me it’ll be okay, Morgan.” The tension in Zoe was palpable, as was her worry.

He couldn’t blame her. He just had to keep her calm, and after everything she’d been through,

he had to keep her positive. Cupping her face in his hands, he pulled her close and kissed her. “I

won’t let you down again, Zo. We’ve been through a lot, but you need to trust me on this. We’ll get

through this, just like we’ve gotten through everything else. I’ll make sure our daughter is safe and

happy. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

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Chapter Twenty-One

Faced with not knowing how Lexie fared, all of Zoe’s other problems faded into the

background. With his brow furrowed, Morgan pulled her into his arms, and she let him, desperate for

some sort of comfort, though she had to fight the urge to pull away from his touch after what Sean had

done to her.

She hated that he was so worried about her. He’d always been protective of her, and she

knew how hard it must be on him to see her so upset, especially after finding out about the Bryants.

She just had to stay positive. And she knew Morgan would do everything in his power to make sure

Lexie was safe.

“I don’t want you worrying about me. I’ll be okay, Morgan.” Zoe wanted nothing more than to

have Morgan distract her from her problems and make her forget about the Bryants, make her forget

about Sean and everything that happened to her. But with Sean’s abuse so recent, she wasn’t sure she

wouldn’t panic part way through, and if she did, it’d only make Morgan worry even more. She saw

how his gaze lingered on her bruised lip, how worry darkened his eyes, and how his anger slipped to

the surface when he thought she wasn’t watching him.

She was saved from her thoughts when his cell phone rang. One of his brothers, though

Morgan said little. He just agreed to what was being said, before finally hanging up. “It’s my father.

Now that he’s told us the truth about working for the FBI, he wants to meet with my mom.”

Zoe couldn’t imagine how Morgan’s mom would take the news. They’d yet to tell her anything

about her husband being alive, and though she was a strong woman, it’d be quite the blow. “Will you

guys tell your mom?”

“It’s not really our place to keep it from her. We still need to sort out how we’ll tell her, but if

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we don’t tell her and she finds out, she’ll never forgive us.” Morgan ran a rough hand through his hair

with a sigh, giving him a just fucked look, which had her body reacting to him, despite everything

she’d been through.

And damn, but she did want him. She was desperate to have him hold her, take her, claim her

as his and erase Sean’s touch, to push back her worries, even if for just a few moments. The pain and

her bruises wouldn’t let her forget what she’d been through, but if she retreated into her head and

pushed everyone away, things would only get worse. She didn’t need therapy to figure that much out.

But she wasn’t the only one who needed that physical connection. Morgan was hurting just as

bad as she was, and she worried about what would happen to their relationship, their friendship, if

she let Sean come between them. She knew Morgan felt responsible, even if it wasn’t his fault, and

he’d only feel more guilty if she didn’t get past what had happened to her.

“Your mom’s a strong woman. It’ll be hard for her to hear about your father, but she’ll get

through it, Morgan.” He was so tall, so muscular, such a presence…and he was so close. She wanted

him to envelope her in his arms and close out the rest of the world.

“I know you’ve had to deal with so much, and it feels like life won’t cut you a break, but

you’re strong too, Zo. You’ll survive this. I’ll be here to help you get through it. And I swear to you,

Lexie is safe. We’ll make sure of it.” Morgan cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close as she

wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Morgan…thank you for getting me through this.” He was still her best friend—and the man

she’d always loved. Those hours when she thought things were over between them, when she thought

she’d lost it all, were her darkest.

“I’ll always be here for you, love.” He brushed his lips against hers in a tentative kiss, as if in

question, but she only had one answer for him, deepening their kiss in response.

Her tongue slipped over his as a rush of heat flooded her and sent her heart pounding. His

hand slipped from her neck to her hair, fisting it, as his other hand moved down her back to cup her

ass and press her body against his, his thick cock impossible to ignore. Pulling her head back, he ran

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his teeth down her neck and along her jawline, his breath hot at her ear and his stubble rough against

her skin, sending a shiver of need down her spine.

“Tell me you want this, Zoe. Tell me this is what you need.” There was such an intensity in

his voice, in his every move, and he was right—it was exactly what she needed. She needed that

intensity to push away her demons, to pull her through the darkness.

“More than anything.” She gasped when he bit her neck, the pain mingling with pleasure to

shoot through to her core, making her wet as her clit ached with the pressure of wanting him.

“How do you want me to take you, Zo? This is all about you, love. Tell me what you need.”

Another bite had her sucking in a breath, her back arching to press her breasts against his chest. “Do

you want it sweet and slow? Or do you need me to claim you again? Wipe away what happened…”

“I want it all, Morgan… Fast, slow…hard, tender…I just want you to make me forget there

was ever anyone but you.” She needed this more than the air she breathed, needed his touch to erase

her nightmares—and she needed to know that he’d truly forgiven her for the secrets she’d kept and for

putting Lexie up for adoption. “I don’t want to remember a moment when we were apart.”

Zoe reached down and stroked his cock, already so ready to take her, when Morgan quickly

undid her jeans as she worked the button and zipper on his. Quickly ridding them of their clothing and

tossing them haphazardly aside, he bent her over the sofa, his hand thrusting into her hair as his thick

cock parted her folds and he impaled her on his length, her body pinned beneath the weight of him.

“You’re fucking mine, Zoe. Mine.” He growled out the words by her ear, his chest pressed to

her back as he slammed into her, taking her hard and rough, so she could focus on nothing but the feel

of him possessing her, claiming her as his. “Say it.”

She grabbed at the sofa to brace herself against his thrusts, rocking her hips back to meet him,

as she spoke her words around her needy cries, her orgasm already building in energy. “I’m yours,

Morgan. I’ve always been yours—and I always will be.”

“I love how you’re so wet for me, Zo.” Morgan nipped and kissed her neck, her ear, her

shoulders, her body’s response to his every touch immediate. “I’m going to take you over and over,

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until you’ve screamed my name so many times, your throat’s raw. And I’m going to fuck you so deep,

so long, you’ll still feel it in your bones a week from now.”

His words sent another wave of need through her, her body tightening around his hard length

as he pushed her to the cusp of her orgasm, every nerve ending in her body singing with his touch.

Cupping her pussy possessively, his fingers slipped over her swollen clit as he continued pounding

into her, the tension of her orgasm finally tearing free as she cried out his name, her body clenching

and quivering around his cock.

“Sweetheart…I’m nowhere near done with you yet.” Morgan pulled his unspent cock out of

her, and scooped her up into his strong arms, carrying her to his room as she rested her head against

his chest, his masculine scent of musk and flannel filling her head.

Lowering her onto his bed, Morgan knelt before her, and hooked her leg over his shoulder,

opening her up to him. He stroked his cock once, twice and then brushed the head of it against her

swollen clit, teasing her as he took her in, his eyes devouring her. “Tell me again that you still want

this, Zo.”

“I do…I want you, Morgan…please.” It was all she could think about—just the two of them

coming together as one.

His cock parted her slick folds, and then he was pushing inside her, forcing his girth into her

tight pussy, filling her completely and edging her towards yet another orgasm, her body already so

sensitive. She kept her eyes on his, grounding her in the moment and keeping all other distractions at

bay as her hips lifted to meet his slow thrusts. As long as she focused on Morgan and his touch, Sean

became nothing but a distant memory.

Grinding his hips against her throbbing clit, he took her with such intensity, it felt like she’d

brushed against a live wire. With her leg still over his shoulder, he was able to go so much deeper,

hitting that sweet spot deep inside her, his hands slipping up her belly to cup her breasts and tease her

nipples into rigid points.

“Morgan…you’re going to make me come again...” The sight of him was doing her in, with his

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muscular body tensing as he fucked her, and the love and passion that was so evident in his eyes.

She’d never get her fill of him.

Lowering his head as he thrust into her, he caught a nipple between his teeth before sucking it

into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue until she was biting back her needy moans and thrusting

her hips up towards him. He then kissed her hard as his pace quickened, his tongue sliding over hers.

Holding her to him, he reversed their positions so she was now straddling him, his cock still

buried deep inside her. “There… Now I can watch you take me, and I can see every little expression

on your face as you come—because you feel so fucking good, Zo, and I’m so damn close.”

“Good. ’Cause I’m not going to last in this position.” Not when her clit kept rubbing against

the base of his cock.

With her hands on his chest, she slipped her way up and down his hard length, tilting and

rocking her hips as she took him, biting her bottom lip as she focused on him, his cock, his gorgeous

body, his handsome face.

Morgan. Her lover. Her best friend. The love of her life. The father of her child…

Her pace picked up as the pressure inside her built up like electricity gathering in a storm


He sat up, wrapping his arm around her waist to pin her to his body as he thrust up into her.

And then she was coming, crying out as he murmured her name against her lips and chased her own

orgasm with his, pumping his hot cum deep inside her with a primal grunt, claiming her as his, their

hearts joined as one.

Zoe pressed her forehead to his, stealing one more kiss, her breathing heavy when she spoke.

“I love you, Morgan. Please…tell me you’ve forgiven me for my mistakes, that you don’t hate me for

the things I’ve done.”

Morgan brushed the hair from her eyes, his fingers tangling in her mussed hair as he cupped

her face and kissed her, his lips lingering on hers. “I love you, Zoe. I’ll always love you, and I know

you did what you thought was best. There’s nothing to forgive, sweetheart.”

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Chapter Twenty-Two

With his heart thundering, Morgan answered his cell phone, the caller ID showing that it was

his investigator. Pulling Zoe into his arms, he listened to the details of the Bryants’ accident, relief

washing over him to hear that Lexie was safe. Once he confirmed that the report would be emailed to

him, he hung up and got ready to tell Zoe the news.

“She’s safely with her paternal grandmother. The Bryants didn’t have any siblings, and it

sounds like the grandmother is the only relative they really had to fall back on. I’ll have my attorney

contact her, express our interest in wanting to continue to receive updates and, if at all possible, to be

a part of Lexie’s life.” Hopefully the grandmother would be willing to work with them to come to

some sort of arrangement. Though he’d be relieved to have Mrs. Bryant agree to updates on Lexie,

deep down he truly wanted so much more. He didn’t know the woman’s circumstances, but with

Lexie’s adoptive parents dead, he couldn’t help but want to be a part of his daughter’s life.

“Do you think she’ll agree to it?” Zoe chewed her bottom lip and fidgeted until he held her

tight and kissed her, hoping to ease the tension in her body.

“We’ll do everything possible to make her realize that it’ll be in Lexie’s best interest. And as

soon as we hear back from her, we’ll head over to speak to her in person.” Morgan had to make this

right for Zoe. He loved her more than life itself, and with everything that she’d been through—and

with everything that she meant to him—he didn’t want her worrying, didn’t want her guilt gnawing at

her. She already had enough to deal with without piling anything more onto her shoulders. “I swear,

I’ll make things right for you, love.”

“You shouldn’t have to, but I know you will.” Slipping her arms around his waist, she sidled

against him and pressed her lips to his throat, her chest expanding as she took a deep breath.

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“Move in with me, Zo. Here, in Portmore.” He brushed the hair from her eyes, cupping her

cheek, his touch lingering against her soft skin. “It’d be an easy enough commute for you while you

finish up with your degree, and…it’s a great place to raise a family.”

Morgan knew they might not ever have Lexie in their life, but he still wanted a life with Zoe.

A life where he got to wake up with her in his arms, with their children running around the place. He

could already picture it in his head. It’d be perfect—even more perfect if Lexie could somehow be a

part of their lives.

“Moving in would be a big step…but I think I’d like to give it a try.” Zoe looked up at him,

her blue eyes on his as her soft curves shifted against his body, making him want to take her again, his

heart thundering to know she’d be moving in with him. “As for a family…I think I’d eventually like

that too.”

“Hell, babe. You make me a happy man.” He just needed to put a ring on that finger of hers.


She wrapped her arms around his neck and went up onto her toes to kiss him, her lips soft and

sweet against his. “I’ve always loved you, Morgan. Always.”

“And I’ve always loved you, Zoe. With all my heart.”


Morgan couldn’t believe it. Finally. After a week of obsessively checking his email and

making sure he didn’t miss any calls—not to mention trying to keep Zoe from climbing the walls in a

panic—he had the answer they’d been waiting for.

He pulled Zoe into his arms, his heart racing with the news his lawyers had sent. “They spoke

with Lexie’s grandmother and expressed our interest in being as big a part of Lexie’s life as she’d be

willing to allow. She wants to meet with us, Zo—and the lawyers sound hopeful. Really hopeful.”

Zoe leapt into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. “I can’t believe

it. Your lawyers really think she’ll work with us?”

Morgan nodded and stole a quick kiss, though not all the news was good. “They believe she’s

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willing to let us be a part of Lexie’s life, though clearly that would hinge on our meeting. Though

she’s only in her late sixties, her health isn’t all that good, and since she has no other family who’d be

able to take Lexie if something happened to her, she’s worried.”

“Oh…” Zoe’s eyes darkened and her smile faded. It was hard to be so hopeful and happy

when someone’s health was on the line. “When can we go?”

After all Zoe had been through, she needed this—she needed Lexie. “We’ve got that meeting

with my mom tonight, but as soon as that’s over, we’ll take the company jet over to the UK. That’ll

also give them the time they’ll need to ready it, file a flight plan and fuel up.”

Zoe tightened her hold around his neck, and nuzzled him, making his heart race. And though

things were still uncertain when it came to Lexie, his life with Zoe was well underway, and they were

damn happy.

“I love you, Zo…I hope you know that you’re my everything.” It wasn’t what he had planned,

but it felt right after getting such good news about Lexie. Letting go of Zoe and with his heart

slamming against his ribs, he slipped down to one knee while pulling the ring from his pocket. “Marry

me, Zoe…make me the happiest man, and say yes.”

Zoe’s eyes shimmered with tears as she nodded and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes…a

million times, yes.”


Morgan and Zoe quickly packed so they’d be ready to head straight to the airport as soon as

they’d finished speaking with his mom. They decided they’d keep the engagement a secret for now,

not wanting it to interfere with breaking the news to his mom. It was just too serious a matter and

things would be complicated enough without throwing an engagement into the mix.

By the time they got to Gabe’s home, Morgan’s gut was in knots. Though he was relieved to

have Zoe by his side, along with the rest of his siblings, he was not looking forward to telling his

mother that her husband was still alive. He couldn’t imagine how she would react to such shocking

news and betrayal, but he’d soon find out.

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His mom looked at each of her children in turn, her keen gaze searching for answers as

concern lined her brow. “Why are you all looking so worried? Is everyone okay? What’s happened?”

“Mom…” Quinn took charge of the situation, though he didn’t look any more comfortable

broaching the subject than the rest of them. “It’s about Dad. I don’t know how to tell you this, but…

Dad…he’s not dead.”

Anger flamed in her blue eyes as she shook her head, her words forced through clenched teeth.

That bastard. I told him to stay away and never come back. Dragging our family into danger...

Where is he? Because by the time I’m done with him, he’ll wish he’d have stayed dead.”


*** I hope you enjoyed Love and Surrender. Maddie’s story, Deception and Surrender, the

fourth book in The Billionaire’s Temptation series, will be released in November of 2014 and is

available for pre-order. In addition, I hope you’ll join Morgan and Zoe when they finally get to meet

Lexie, in a novella that will be released in January 2015. For updates on new releases, please


up for my newsletter

. Wishing you all the best. — Cali MacKay ***

Document Outline


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