The Billionaire's Temptation 4 Deception and Surrender Cali MacKay

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Deception and Surrender

Book Four in The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

By Cali MacKay

With the bonus novella,

The Billionaire’s Reunion

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Deception and Surrender
The Billionaire’s Temptation Series
Bonus novella included- The Billionaire’s Reunion

By Cali MacKay

Copyright © 2014 by Cali MacKay

Published by Daeron Publishing


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher or author, except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review. The story contained within is the work of fiction. Names and
characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons living
or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This story contains explicit sexual scenes and adult language and is only for readers over the age of

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2014, edition 1.0

ISBN: 978194004124






The Billionaire’s Reunion (Bonus novella prequel)
Deception and Surrender

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The Billionaire’s Reunion

A novella by Cali MacKay

Chapter One

Zoe knocked on Mrs. Bryant’s front door as her heart pounded and her stomach clenched so

tight with nerves, she thought she might be ill. Morgan twined his fingers with hers and brought her

hand to his lips, trying to offer her some comfort, though she knew he was just as nervous as she was.

If all went well, Zoe and Morgan might finally get to meet their daughter—the daughter Zoe

put up for adoption three years earlier. She’d done what she thought was best for Lexie, but her

biggest regret was that she hadn’t told Morgan that their one night together had resulted in her getting


And now, everything hinged on this meeting with Lexie’s adoptive grandmother, Martha. With

luck, she and Morgan might actually get to be part of their daughter’s life.

Zoe had met with Leslie and Neil, the adoptive parents, when she’d been pregnant. They’d

been lovely people—the perfect couple to raise Lexie, and give her the life Zoe never thought she

could. Yet so much had changed since she’d made that decision, and the last thing anyone had

expected was for such tragedy to hit the Bryants.

Both of them had been killed when they were run down in the middle of the road by a drunk

driver. The very thought that Lexie could have been with them left Zoe shaken. But Lexie hadn’t been.

She’d been safe, though her parents’ deaths now had her in the care of her ailing grandmother, with no

other relatives who might be able to take Lexie should Martha’s health fail her.

The door was pulled open by a kind-looking woman in her late sixties, who immediately gave

them a smile. “Zoe and Morgan? I’m Martha. Come in, come in. I’m so glad you were able to come

and visit. I hope you had a good trip here.”

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“We did. Thank you.” Zoe shook her hand, and then Morgan followed suit, before following

Martha into her sitting room.

Zoe took it all in, despite her nerves, immediately noting the basket of toys in the corner

Lexie’s toys. Though she knew she likely wouldn’t get to see Lexie during this visit, she still

couldn’t help but be a little disappointed.

Morgan sat back on the sofa next to Zoe, his hand still linked with hers, squeezing it tight.

He’d been so on edge for the last month, and she knew it wouldn’t stop until he got to meet his

daughter—even though it was a long shot. “We were so sorry to hear about your son and daughter-in-

law. I know Zoe had remained in contact with them from the start, and thought the world of them.”

Blinking back tears, Martha dropped her gaze to the hands in her lap. “Lexie was their entire

world. They’d tried for years to get pregnant, with no luck. I’m just glad they got the chance to be

parents before…”

Doing her best to ignore the sting in her eyes and the lump in her throat, Zoe somehow

managed to get the words out. “I’m glad they had the opportunity. Because to want a child…to want to

love it and care for it…and to not have the opportunity…it’s hard. And I won’t lie to you, Martha. We

would love to be a part of Lexie’s life.”

Martha let out a weary sigh, clearly still upset. “I know circumstances were difficult for you

at the time, and you were only doing what you thought best for Lexie. We knew it couldn’t have been

easy for you, and that you were making a huge sacrifice. I hope things have gotten better for you


“They have. Morgan and I are now engaged and hope to marry this summer, and we’re doing

quite well financially.” Zoe didn’t want to push Martha, but she also couldn’t let the opportunity to be

a part of Lexie’s life pass her by. “Truth is, we’re desperate to have some sort of connection to Lexie.

Neil and Leslie used to keep me updated on her life with photos and emails, but with them gone…”

Morgan sat forward in his seat. “We know it’s a lot to ask, but Lexie…she should have the

opportunity to grow up in a family with a father and mother. We know you love her, and we can’t

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thank you enough for caring for her, but…we want to be part of her life.”

Zoe’s heart stuttered, worried Morgan was asking for too much, too soon. And yet she knew

this was hard on him, especially when he’d only found out about Lexie a month ago, and had never

consented to the adoption.

Martha took a deep breath, as if to steady herself. “I know you do. Your solicitor explained

that you weren’t aware of the pregnancy or the adoption until recently, so I can’t imagine this has been

easy on either of you. And I do understand that there are legalities surrounding the fact that you didn’t

sign away your rights as her father. But I do hope you’ll understand that Lexie is my granddaughter,

whether by blood or not. That said, I’m an old woman, and my health hasn’t been all that great most

recently. Lexie…well, she’s a precocious little girl—but she’s also the light in my heart.”

Zoe reached out and put a gentle hand on Martha’s arm. “We would never dream of keeping

her from you. You’ll always be her grandmother, and we truly only want what’s best for Lexie.”

“We all do.”


Zoe kicked off her heels the moment they got back to their hotel room, and then, with her arms

around Morgan’s waist, she slumped against his chest, feeling no less stressed than at the beginning of

their meeting with Martha. “I swear, I won’t be able to breathe until we finally have some sort of

resolution to this mess. And…I’m so sorry, Morgan.”

Despite doing what she felt was best at that point in time, she still felt solely responsible for

this mess. She had wanted Lexie to have the opportunities she’d never had, given the poverty they’d

grown up in. But it had been her decision—not Morgan’s. She’d never even given him the option to

have his say.

Morgan cupped her face in both his hands, forcing her to look at him. “It went well, Zo. It’ll

be okay. You have my word, I’ll do all I can to make this work.”

When he kissed her, slow and sweet, one kiss after the other, she lost herself in him, desperate

to escape her worries. She slipped her hands up his hard chest to the buttons of his shirt, quickly

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undoing them as he pulled her close, his hands spread across her back and tangled in her hair as his

tongue danced over hers.

Her hands shifted under the fabric of his shirt, his muscles hard under her palm, desperately

needing to feel his body up against hers, knowing it’d be the only thing capable of distracting her from

her worries. Tossing aside his shirt, he then rid her of her sweater as she got to work on the button of

his khakis.

With a flick of his expert fingers, he had her bra clasp undone. She slipped out of it, adding it

to the pile, before quickly shimmying out of her skirt and panties as Morgan finished stripping. “Fuck,

Zo…you’re gorgeous.”

She had to laugh, her mood finally lightening. “You always say that.”

Scooping her into his arms, he bit her bottom lip as his green eyes shone like a sky filled with

stars. “It’s nothing but the truth, sweetheart. Even when you’re a hundred, you’ll be the most gorgeous

thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Only because you’ll be blind by then. Senile too.” Zoe gave him a teasing smile as she

nuzzled him, his stubble rough against her cheek. “But I’ll still love you—I always will.”

“You fucking better.” Morgan tossed her onto the bed as she laughed, and he dropped between

her legs, his mouth on hers for a hungry kiss. Grabbing her ass, he sunk his hard cock into her with a

single thrust, knowing she’d be ready for him, his mere presence always enough to have her

desperately wanting him. She bit back her needy cries as he filled her, stretching her tight, his

generous size sensitizing everything she was feeling.

She hooked her leg over his hip so he could take her deeper, slow and hard as he rolled his

hips, hitting that sweet spot deep inside her with every thrust, taking her, claiming her, so she could

think of nothing but him. And she loved that he could do that to her, that he could make the rest of the

world and its problems fall away in his kiss, in his touch.

He sank his teeth into her neck, her shoulder, each bite flickering into pain and spurring her on

as she buried her cries against his chest. And then he was flipping them over, holding onto her so they

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stayed coupled, as she found herself straddling him.

Fucking hell, he was so gorgeous with his dark hair and green eyes, his broad shoulders and

long muscular limbs…he never failed to take her breath away. And yet it was the connection they’d

always had, their love for each other, that left her dizzy. He was her heart, her soul…her everything.

Bracing herself with her hands on his chest, she tilted her hips and worked her way up and

down his hard length, her clit rubbing against the base of his cock. The energy was building inside

her, and when Morgan sat up with an arm tight around her waist and his lips wrapping around her

nipple and sucking on it, it was all she could do to hold back her orgasm. “I’m going to come,


“Not yet, Zo.” Grabbing her hips, he pulled her up and off his cock as she protested, cursing

under her breath. He flipped her onto her front with ease, yanking her hips up to him as he pressed her

shoulders against the mattress. “Stay.”

The command in his voice had her going so wet, her pussy ached for him, ached for his long,

thick cock. She cried out, the slap across her ass catching her off guard—and fuck, but it only made

her want him all the more.

And then his tongue was teasing her clit and licking her slit, parting her outer lips to suck on

her juices and fuck her with his stiff tongue. Her hands knotted in the sheets as her hips tilted back

towards him, her body begging him for more. “Morgan…please…”

“You know, I love it when you beg.” The humor in his voice killed her, especially when she

could feel his laugh on her pussy.

“You’re such a damn tease, Ryker.” She cried out when he grabbed her hips, his fingers

digging into her flesh, as he buried his cock into her with a hard thrust that sent his heavy balls

slamming into her throbbing clit. The pain melted into pleasure, leaving her teetering on the edge of

coming as he pounded into her, rough and hard, knowing that she loved it like this, loved it when he

took her like he was on the verge of losing control from wanting her so badly.

His pace quickened, as her body tensed, her pussy squeezing his cock as he took her, burying

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his cock with each thrust, until she could hold back no more. “Fuck, I’m so close…can you come for

me, Zo?”

She did just that, crying out as her orgasm fired through her like a match thrown into a

tinderbox, his orgasm chasing hers as he pulsed his cum deep inside her with his final strokes. He

collapsed over her, and then turned them onto their side, spooning her from behind, his mouth at her

ear. “I love you, Zo.”

“I love you too, Ryker.”

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Chapter Two

Morgan hung up with his lawyer, and told himself that these sorts of things took time. “The

lawyer spoke with Martha, and she wants more time to think things through. She isn’t exactly sure

how she’d like to proceed, though she did say it had nothing to do with us—thought we were very

nice—but she just has to process it all.”

“Did she say when she might want to meet with us again?” Zoe’s eyes darkened with

threatening tears, making him want to kiss her worries away.

“No, she didn’t say, but…it can’t be easy for her, especially when her health isn’t great. She

must realize that her options are few, and Lexie would be better off with us.” Wrapping an arm

around her waist, he pulled her close. “And if we have to move here to make that a reality, then that’s

what we’ll do.”

“You’d do that for me? For Lexie?” She sounded so hopeful, and he knew that moving to the

UK might be a possibility if they wanted to get Lexie back. And though they’d be happy just to get

updates on their little girl if that was all they could get Martha to agree to, they couldn’t deny wanting

so much more.

“You know I’d do anything to make it happen, love. And as long as I have you—and Lexie

with me, then it doesn’t matter where we live, because I’ll be the happiest man alive.” He cupped her

cheek and kissed her, not sure how to make things right for her. “Maybe we should go away for a day

or two. It’ll give us something to do while we wait, and we’ve yet to see much of the countryside. Or

we could go visit Maddie in London. She’s back in town and working on that new project with the


She sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. “But if Martha calls—”

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“If she calls, we’ll only be a few hours away. We can stay close…maybe check out the

Cotswolds. Or hole up in a bed and breakfast so I can find new ways to distract you.” Morgan

brushed her hair from her face and kissed her, still overwhelmed by the fact that she was now his.

So many years of wanting her. An entire lifetime. And then to almost lose her because he was

a fucking idiot—and because her psycho ex had managed to get his hands on her, when Morgan

should have been protecting her.

Morgan had been stupid, and upset, and a total ass when he’d found out that Zoe had been

pregnant and gave up their daughter for adoption. And so she’d left—and he’d let her go. Like a

fucking asshole.

Her ex had grabbed her, kidnapped her, beat her, sexually assaulted her—nearly fucking

raped her—and it was Morgan’s fucking fault that she’d gone through that.

Zoe may have forgiven him, but he’d yet to forgive himself.


Morgan drove down the narrow roads that linked one village to the next, while they took in

the picturesque countryside and the quaint cottages that the Cotswolds were known for. The sun had

even come out to play, peeking out from behind the clouds as rays of light burst through the shadows,

though Zoe’s mood had remained grey.

“Sweetheart…it could be days before we hear anything. You can’t let it get you down.” He

squeezed Zoe’s hand, wishing he could somehow turn her mood around.

“I don’t want you worrying about me, Morgan. I’ll be fine—we’ll be fine. And at the very

least, we’ll get to see Lexie. Martha agreed to that much.” Zoe took a deep breath and let it out with a

sigh. “We’ve been through a lot and managed to come through it okay—and we’ll get through this


Been through a lot… The words rattled around in his head, stoking his guilt and making him

want to get his hands on that asshole ex of hers and murder the fucking bastard.

Morgan couldn’t even imagine what she’d been through, but he’d seen the bruises, the swollen

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lip, and the cuts Sean had left on her body. And yet it was what he couldn’t see—what she wouldn’t

tell him—that continued to haunt them both. Of course she wouldn’t admit to it, not wanting him to

worry, but she didn’t need to say a word when she still cried out in the middle of the night, clinging to

him as her body quivered.

“I love you, Zo. And I know you don’t want me worrying, but I’m always going to worry

about you—about Lexie—because you’re my entire fucking world.” Didn’t she know that? “You’re

mine, Zo…mine to love, mine to cherish, mine to protect. And I know I failed you, but I swear it

won’t ever happen again.”

She grabbed his hand, and gave him a pleading look. “I know it won’t, Morgan. Which is why

I don’t want you looking at me like I’m so fragile I could break. The only time you don’t is…”

He let out a sigh, knowing the answer. “Is when I fuck you.”

When they were intimate, he couldn’t possibly think of anything but her, his need for her all-

consuming. It was all he could do to not ravage her each and every time they came together, not only

because she wanted that intensity from him, but because he could seldom hold back and take things

slowly, gently—not until he’d already had her several times. It was only then that he could take his

time with her.

Pulling over in the center of the town they were driving through, Morgan parked and then

shifted in his seat to face her. “Zoe…what you went through…it’s all my fault. I should never have let

you go.”

“Stop it, Morgan. Please…I’m begging you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and bent

her head to his. “How am I supposed to let it go, how the hell am I supposed to forget what Sean did

to me, when you keep reminding me of it?”

Fucking hell…she was right, of course. And yet… “How can I let it go when I failed you,


“You didn’t fail me, Morgan. And I don’t blame you for what happened. That’s all on Sean.”

She turned away, looking broken, looking the way she did after she’d been rescued from her

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nightmare. “I’ve been thinking…when this goes to court and I have to testify…I don’t want you there.”

“How can you fucking say that, Zo?” Feeling gutted, his fury and heartbreak rolled into a

treacherous storm, making it hard for him to even take a breath.

“I know you want to be there…and I want you there—but I can’t. I can’t tell the court what

happened to me if I know you’re there. I…I can’t bear you knowing what happened, Morgan.” She

gave him a brave smile and put her hand on his, giving it a squeeze. “Besides, you’ll be busy hanging

out with Lexie.”

“Don’t you get that not knowing is worse than having the facts?” He kept imagining the worst.

Kept wondering what that fucking bastard had done to her.

“No, Morgan…it’s not. Because you can’t even imagine the things he did to break me. And

fuck…but he did break me. I thought I was strong, but I wasn’t anywhere near strong enough.” When

her tears spilled over, it fucking killed him.

He pulled her into his arms and held her close, furious with himself that he hadn’t protected

her. How could it possibly be worse than what he was imagining, and if that was truly the case, then

what the fuck had she actually gone through?

He kissed her slow and sweet, as his heart broke for her. “You’re the strongest woman I

know, Zoe. And he didn’t break you—you’re still here, living your life and finding happiness. You

did what you had to do to survive—and that was brave, and it was courageous.”

And he swore, he’d make things right for her.

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Chapter Three

Zoe tried to forget her nightmares, forcing herself to focus instead on the quaint town they

were walking through. She needed this sort of normality, so she could at least pretend that maybe one

day, everything would be fine. And she knew, if she could make Lexie a bigger part of her life, it

would be just the light she needed to push the darkness away.

Leaning into Morgan, she looked up at him and managed a smile, knowing his guilt was

tearing him apart. “You know what I want? I large pot of tea, and some scones with clotted cream and


“Anything you want, love.” The tension in Morgan’s body seemed to ease just a bit as he

leaned over and kissed her, leaving her breathing a little easier.

They found a little tea room, and before long she was sipping hot, fragrant tea, and nibbling on

the most scrumptious scones, the rich cream and fresh strawberry jam the perfect accompaniment to

the baked treat. And yet, despite the tea and the scones, despite the quaint little town and the

streaming sunlight, there was still an underlying strain between them, their conversation practically

nonexistent, no matter how hard they tried to find something to talk about.

“Maybe we should just head back to the hotel after this.” After their discussion in the car,

Zoe’s memories of Sean refused to be pushed aside, invading her thoughts. She needed to distract

herself, and sipping tea wasn’t going to cut it.

“Zoe…” He twined his fingers with hers and brought her hand to his lips, his stubble rough

against her skin, the gesture one so sweet and so familiar, it helped to remind her that her nightmare

was over. Sean was in jail and couldn’t hurt her. “I’m happy to take you back to our room, but…”

“I love you, Morgan. I just want us to be happy and move beyond what happened.” As hard as

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that might be. “I don’t want to dwell on the mistakes we’ve made. Because we’ve both made them.

And right now, Lexie is the only thing I want to focus on—and having Lexie in our lives is exactly

what I need to get my life back.”

“I swear, I’ll do what I can to get us both through this, Zo.” Morgan cupped the back of her

neck and pulled her close for a kiss that had her toes curling, and more than a few of the other patrons

looking over in their direction. “Finish your tea, sweetheart. Because I’m through with touring the

countryside for the day and have every intention of making you come repeatedly once I get us back to

the hotel.”

She knew that with Morgan at her side, they could get through this—she would once again be

whole. “I think I’d like that.”

Back at the hotel, later that night, their lawyer called. Zoe listened to Morgan as he spoke on

his cell, her stomach in knots as she tried to decipher the conversation, though she was having little


The moment he hung up, she grabbed his arm. “Well?”

He gave her a smile that lit up his green eyes like sun on spring grass, and reminded her of just

how much she loved him. “Martha thinks it’d be a good idea to have us meet Lexie.”

She leapt into his arms as the tears streamed down her cheeks. But this time, they were tears

of happiness. “When? When can we see her?”

“Tomorrow, love.” Cupping her face, Morgan brushed his thumb over her tears and then

kissed her through his smile. “We’ll get to see our little girl tomorrow.”

Though Zoe had received pictures of Lexie, she’d never gotten to see her—not since giving

birth to her. And she couldn’t believe that she was finally going to get to meet her, to spend time with

her…to hold her once again.

And damn, but her tears wouldn’t stop. Not until Morgan distracted her by kissing them away.

“Our future is coming together, love…and maybe that means we can leave our past behind.”

“I want that more than anything, Morgan. I love you. I just want to try to make this right for you

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—for us.” Because Morgan wasn’t the only one carrying an enormous amount of guilt. If she hadn’t

put Lexie up for adoption, they wouldn’t have had to go through any of this. They’d already be a


“You did what you thought was best. I know that, love.” He brushed his lips against hers,

easing her guilt so that she could enjoy the moment.

“I still can’t believe we’re going to see her. Tomorrow just can’t come soon enough.”

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Chapter Four

Once more, Morgan found himself knocking on Martha’s door with Zoe at his side, his gut in

absolute knots with anticipation. He gave Zoe’s hand a squeeze, knowing just how difficult this

journey had been for her, and hoping beyond hope that it would all turn out well.

Martha answered the door and welcomed them in. “I’m so glad you could make it. Lexie’s

excited to meet you. Her parents—my son—had always told her that she was their daughter, but that

she had another set of parents who loved her very much. I’m not sure how much she understands the

concept of being adopted, but she knows you’re her other parents.”

Morgan was blown away by the Bryants’ generosity of spirit, and that they would somehow

include Zoe and him in their daughter’s life. “Your son and his wife continue to amaze me with their

kindheartedness and generosity. I can’t imagine your loss.”

Martha nodded and wiped at her tears. “They would want this for Lexie. They would want her

to be with the two of you, if they weren’t able to care for her and you were now able to. I’d love to

raise her, but…you were right. She needs a mother and a father, someone young…and I can’t keep up,

truth be told.”

They stepped into the living room and Morgan was overwhelmed with emotion. There she

was…his daughter…and she was absolutely gorgeous, her green eyes striking against her porcelain

skin and nearly black hair.

Lexie wandered towards them, with her stuffed bear in hand, and gave them a curious smile.

“Hello. Are you my other mummy and daddy? Nana said you were coming to visit.”

Zoe wiped at her tears as she smiled at Lexie and knelt down by her side. “We are. And

we’re so very happy to finally get to meet you.”

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Morgan so desperately wanted this for Zoe—for him—and though he thought he was prepared

for the wave of emotions that hit him, the truth was nothing could have prepared him for this. He was

left speechless. Never had he felt more hopeful, more complete.

And then Lexie gave Zoe a hug. His eyes stung and burned as he fought down the lump in his

throat, never quite imagining this day would come. He knelt down by Zoe’s side, and Lexie turned to

give him a hug too. She felt so small in his arms, and he swore he’d do all he could to make her happy

and keep her safe.

When Lexie took Zoe by the hand and dragged her off to play with her dolls, Morgan shifted to

face Martha, his heart overwhelmed. “I can’t thank you enough for allowing us to see her. It means

everything to us.”

“This isn’t easy for me. I hope you know that. But just like Zoe gave her up for adoption

because she loved her enough to want the best for her, so too do I. And as much as it pains me, I know

Lexie belongs with the two of you. You’ll be able to be her parents in a way I cannot.” Martha

dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, her hands shaking with emotion. “The only thing I ask is that you

allow me to be a part of her life.”

“We wouldn’t have it any other way. And we’ll spare no expense to make sure you can see

her whenever and wherever you wish.” He’d buy the woman her own private jet if that’s what she

wanted, or move to Oxford. Anything at all, if it meant he’d get to raise Lexie with Zoe.

It would be a huge change for Lexie and Martha, but since Lexie was only three years old,

Morgan hoped she’d eventually adjust, especially if they took their time to make the transition.

They spent the day playing with Lexie, getting to know her, and giving her the chance to get

comfortable with them. It was all so perfect—and Lexie was amazing, precious, and so precocious.

Morgan could see Zoe in their little girl—but he could also see himself—and Lexie truly was a

symbol of their love.

It felt nearly impossible to leave her, when they finally had to go. Martha gave them a kind

smile, looking more relieved and relaxed than when they’d first gotten there. “I think that went well. I

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don’t want to rush things, and would like to continue taking things slow, but if you want to have your

lawyers start to draw up the paperwork, I suppose…it’s for the best.” She turned to Lexie with a

smile. “Would you like to see your mother and father again? Maybe tomorrow?”

Lexie nodded and gave Zoe a kiss on her cheek. “We can play again. Or go to the park.”

Zoe smiled, her eyes shimmering with tears. “I think that’d be lovely.”


Morgan hung up the phone with Gabe, refusing to worry about their parents after such an

amazing day. “I swear, my mother is going to hand my father his balls if he’s not careful.”

Zoe let out a laugh that was infectious—the transformation in her incredible. She had said that

having Lexie in her life would change everything, that it would chase away her demons, and it had

done just that. It felt like they’d been given a new start, their past troubles wiped away. “I think it’s

sweet that your dad’s trying to smooth things between them.”

The thought of his mother and father getting back together after being apart for so long—after

he’d lied to them and pretended to be dead for the last fifteen years—left him groaning. And fuck, but

it also left him worried that his mother would get her heart broken once again.

Zoe slipped her arms around his waist. “You worry too much, Morgan.”

“I didn’t say anything,” he protested and then stole a kiss.

“You didn’t have to.” She sidled up to him, her curves pressed against his body, making him

want to get her naked. “I’ve known you all my life. And I know what you’re like.”

“Sweetheart…I still have a few surprises left up my sleeve.”

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Chapter Five

Rose Ryker glared at her husband—as if she could really call him that. “What were you

expecting, Michael? It’s been fifteen years since you left—and the decision that forced you into that

situation was all yours.”

“I had no choice but to leave and you damn well know it. My hands were tied or I’d never

have left you and the kids.” Michael ran a hand through his still thick hair, now grey at the temples,

though the rest of it was still dark, barely salt and peppered. He might be in his early fifties, but he

was still in amazing shape and handsome enough to have her heart racing, even if she was tempted to

murder him with her bare hands.

Holding onto her anger, Rose used it to shore up her defenses, knowing she’d never been able

to resist him. “You didn’t have a choice because you’d already backed yourself into a corner by

making stupid choices that put us all at risk.”

“I was young and a complete idiot, Rose. And you’re right—I made stupid-ass mistakes that

have haunted me the rest of my life.” He let out a weary sigh that had him suddenly looking his age. “It

killed me to walk away from you and the kids. And it killed me to not have you in my life, to not be

there to watch them grow.”

“We managed just fine on our own. I did right by them—and I’m not saying we had everything

we needed, but I kept them safe and happy, they did well in school and got into great colleges.” All

while she worked three jobs. How they managed it she didn’t know, except she knew her boys

stepped up to the plate. Especially Quinn, who sacrificed so much of his own childhood to keep an

eye on his siblings while she worked. And the tears that now stung her eyes were tears for her kids,

for the fact that they had to grow up so fast and face the harsh realities of life.

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“Rose…don’t cry, sweetheart.” Michael pulled her into his arms, ignoring her struggles to get

free of him. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that—but you did an amazing job raising the kids.

They are who they are today because of you.”

She took a deep breath to steel herself, but all she managed was to breathe in his still familiar

scent. Curse him. “Why did you agree to that drug run, Michael? What the fuck were you thinking?”

“We were barely holding it together with the hauls I was bringing in on my boat, especially

once they’d restricted the fishing. We were going to lose the house if I didn’t do something.” He

cupped her cheek and dried the tears that managed to escape. “It was the one and only time, Rose. I

knew it was wrong and it was risky, but I had to do something to keep the bank from foreclosing.”

She hadn’t realized things had gotten that bad. “But…why the fuck didn’t you tell me that at

the time?” It still didn’t make any sense.

His lips quirked into a smile. “No offense, sweetheart, but you didn’t exactly give me the

chance. Not that it mattered…you were right to send me away. When my ship went down, and the

drugs went with it, I knew it’d only be a matter of time before they came looking for me if they found

out I’d survived it.”

Michael was supposed to move a package of drugs up to Canadian waters—and she knew it’d

been just the one time. But that had been enough to shatter their family. How could it not, when he’d

been dealing with violent criminals? And then once he started working with the FBI, he’d always be

in danger—and so would their family—especially when he was working undercover. It hadn’t been

easy to send him away, but she couldn’t put her children in danger. Better the world think him dead—

and the only way for that to happen was for him to leave them behind, even if it broke her heart. And

it had—he’d left her heartbroken.

“Don’t make it sound like it was an easy decision for me, Michael. Because it wasn’t. You

know I loved you. You and the kids had been my entire world.” And once he was gone, she shifted

her focus to the kids alone, doing what she could to keep them safe. Michael had tried to send them

money, but she’d sent it away, too scared that someone would trace it back to them, and the criminals

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he was pissing off and trying to put behind bars would come after her family in retaliation.

“You never did remarry…” There was such hope in his voice, it nearly killed her.

“No, I didn’t. I didn’t even date.” How could she when he’d always held her heart and she

was still married to him? “It’s not as though we’d gotten divorced.”

“I was technically dead, Rose. You could have moved on, but you didn’t—and sweetheart,

neither did I.”

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Chapter Six

They may have been apart for the last fifteen years, but Michael had never gotten over Rose.

How could he, when she’d been the love of his life from the moment he first laid eyes on her two

decades earlier? And she still looked amazing. Like the day they’d first met, with her smart green

eyes and her long, dark hair. He couldn’t keep his heart from racing, and he sure as hell couldn’t stay

away from her.

“I still love you, Rose. I never got over you—never took another woman to my bed.” As hard

as that had been. It wasn’t that he hadn’t had plenty of opportunity, but when it finally came down to

it, he couldn’t bring himself to be unfaithful to her, knowing that one day, he’d finally find a way to

win her back. Work kept him busy and he took care of his needs on his own.

And yet, holding Rose in his arms…having her so close…it reminded him of everything that

had been between them—and all that he’d been missing out on.

“I can’t do this, Michael.” She shook her head and tried to pull out of his arms, but there was

no way he could let her go.

“Sweetheart…I’ve spent the last fifteen years making up for that one mistake. I’ve spent it

changing my life around.” He’d busted his ass, working for the FBI and got himself in and out of some

hairy situations, but Rose and his family had always been on his mind, had always been the only thing

that mattered. “Now that I’m no longer working undercover, my work’s no longer a danger to you or

the kids.”

“We’re not just picking up where we left off, Michael.” She shook her head and pushed out of

his arms, anger and hurt in her eyes and voice.

“No, of course not. But, Rose…there’s got to be a reason neither of us ever moved on.”

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Snagging her hand, he leaned against the back of the sofa and pulled her to him, nestling her between

his legs. “Aren’t you at all curious to see if there’s anything still between us?”

Although she glared at him, she didn’t pull away. “No. I’m not.”

“You’re lying, sweetheart.” He cupped her cheek, his fingers tangling in her hair as he nuzzled

her, and brushed his lips against hers. And fuck, it was as if the fifteen years apart vanished in the

heat of that one tiny kiss.

And if one tiny kiss could have that sort of effect on him, then he just had to find out what

would happen if he kissed her again—and again. One kiss led to the next, his tongue finding hers as he

pulled her body to his, reminding him of just how long it’d been since he was last with anyone. And

fucking hell…but he wanted her—which is when she put a hand on his chest and pushed him away.

“No…” She shook her head as if trying to clear it, but when she tried to push him away, he

refused to let her go—not when he’d spent the last decade and a half wanting her, desperately needing

to hold her in his arms. “I’m no longer a teenager running purely on hormones—and I’ve yet to

forgive you, Michael. It’s not happening. Do you hear me?”

“Sweetheart…I’m a patient man. And I love you. So if you think I’m going to just let you cut

me out of your life again, you can guess again.”


Michael considered himself a patient man, but he’d spent the last three weeks trying to win

Rose back, and though she was starting to warm up to him, he’d yet to break down the walls she’d

built up. One thing was certain, though—she was his everything. It’s not that he’d forgotten it over the

years, but spending time with her had only reminded him of why he’d fallen in love with her in the

first place.

And he was now determined to remind her of what they’d once had, and why she’d fallen for

him all those years ago.

“Where are we going?” Rose shifted in her seat as he steered the car north along the coast

towards Maine.

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“You’ll see.” They’d met on Mermaid Isle, a quirky little island, and had their first date there,

sitting by the water to eat fried clams and onion rings during a hot summer day. Years later, it was

where they honeymooned, too poor to go anywhere extravagant or travel too far from home. And

though it was now the tail end of winter, it was still a sunny day, and the weather was cooperating

with warmer than usual temperatures.

Dividing his gaze between her and the road, he reached over and twined his fingers with hers,

bringing her hand to his lips—which earned him a glare.

“You’re a stubborn man, Michael.”

“Stubborn…determined…I’ll do what it takes, Rose. But I’m warning you now, I want you

and I know you want me just as much—and we’ve both gone without for far too long.” A goddamned

fucking eternity, as far as he was concerned.

She yanked her hand free and crossed her arms in front of her chest, pinning him with a glare.

“So…what? You’re just going to fuck me?”

He had to laugh at her use of language, though he supposed he deserved that. “You never were

one to mince words—and yes. I’m going to fuck you until you don’t remember the fifteen years we

were apart.”

She scoffed at him, looking at him like he’d lost his mind. “Well now, that’d be a clever party

trick I’d like to see.”

“Sweetheart, I’m going to happily oblige you the moment we reach our destination.” Michael

hopped onto the highway, as her brow furrowed, looking at the road signs.

“Are you kidding me? You’re taking me to Mermaid Isle?” She shifted in her seat and gave

him such an incredulous look, it nearly had him second-guessing himself—nearly.

“I even booked us the honeymoon suite, sweetheart.”

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Chapter Seven

Rose flip-flopped between being furious with Michael to…something else. Something she

wasn’t quite sure she was ready to admit to. Because the truth was that spending the past month in

Michael’s constant company had reminded her what it was like to be alive, what it was like to be

young again.

She felt as if her best years had been spent trying to keep a roof over her head and care for her

four children. And now…well, now that Michael was finally back, and her kids were grown, she

found herself forgiving him for what he’d put her through.

He had made one bad decision, but…he’d also paid dearly for it. They all had. Her life hadn’t

been an easy one, but at least she’d gotten to see her children grow, got to hold them, got to raise

them. Michael never got that opportunity, and Rose truly couldn’t imagine what that must be like.

He’d paid for his crime—and paid dearly. And when all was said and done, she couldn’t deny the

fact that she still had feelings for him.

The honeymoon suite…part of her wanted to laugh. But there was a bigger part of her that

was so nervous, it may as well be her first time. Fifteen years… Did she even know what to do

anymore? And yet her only consolation was that it’d been fifteen years for him too. She believed him

about that little detail, since Michael had always been loyal and honest with her.

Truth be told, despite her hurt, despite her anger…she still loved him. She always had. And

the last month in his company did nothing but stoke her love for him.

“Hey…are you okay, sweetheart?” Michael gave her hand a squeeze, his brow furrowed with

worry. “You know we don’t need to do this, Rose. If you need more time…” He looked so

concerned, she found it sweet. “I don’t want to bully you into something you’re not ready for.”

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She couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s been fifteen years. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready. But…it’s

not that. It’s the fact that you’ve worn down my defenses and…I hate you for that. Because I don’t like

feeling vulnerable—and you…you’ve already broken my heart once.”

“ killed me to leave you. I didn’t want to go, but you sent me away, and for good

reason.” He gave her hand a squeeze as tears stung her eyes, and she cursed herself for being weak. “I

love you—and I swear I won’t ever break your heart again. You’re my whole world—you and the

kids, though I know I still have a lot to make up for where they’re concerned. They have every right to

hate me.”

Rose could hear the pain and regret in his voice, and the truth was that she was as much to

blame for keeping him out of their lives. A day hadn’t gone by that she didn’t wonder if sending

Michael away had been the right thing to do, especially when it meant their children were growing up

without their father. But she also knew how dangerous those criminals had been, and she wouldn’t

risk her kids coming to harm.

“They don’t hate you, Michael.” And she knew that was the case, despite their hurt and anger.

“But make no mistake—if you hurt me, they won’t think twice about murdering you in the slowest,

most painful way possible.”

“That’s ’cause they’re mine—and just like me, they’d do anything to protect you.” He gave her

a smile filled with pride. “But, sweetheart…I love you all with all my heart. And I only want to make

you happy.”

She couldn’t believe she was going to go down this road, but for the first time in a very long

time, she finally felt complete. “I love you too, Michael. I always have.”

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Chapter Eight

After a month of spending time with Lexie, Zoe couldn’t believe the day she dreamed of had

finally come. She and Morgan had just signed the papers officially making Lexie their daughter and

were now on their way to take her home with them. Zoe knew it hadn’t been easy for Martha, but

they’d gotten to know her over the last month, and it was clear Martha was comfortable with her

decision, especially when her health made it difficult to keep up with Lexie.

With his brow furrowed, Morgan got off the phone with Maddie, as the car drove them to

Martha’s. “I swear, there’s something going on with my sister. I know her, and there’s something she

isn’t telling me.”

“That’s because she’s a grown woman, and she probably doesn’t want you and your brothers

grilling her about something that’s likely none of your business. And, Morgan…I don’t want us

worrying about things today.” Zoe’s emotions were already running high, and she just wanted to focus

on Lexie. “I want everything to be perfect.”

“I’m sorry, love. You’re right.” Morgan pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her

head. “I still can’t believe it, Zo…I can’t believe we’re finally going to get to take Lexie home.”

“I love you, Morgan.” And then they were there, stepping out onto the sidewalk outside

Martha’s home, as Martha and Lexie waved to them through the window.

Morgan brought their linked hands to his lips. “Come on, sweetheart. Our family awaits.”



I hope you enjoyed The Billionaire’s Reunion. Please read on for Maddie’s story, Deception

and Surrender, the fourth book in the Billionaire’s Temptation series.

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Deception and Surrender

By Cali MacKay

Chapter One

Cursing herself for forgetting an umbrella, Maddie dashed from the car and across the open

courtyard as the freezing rain came pouring down, her heels threatening to send her sprawling face

first in a puddle. By the time she finally made it to the sleek and modern building that housed the

offices of the Alexander Group, she was drenched, and thanks to the rain snagging traffic to a crawl,

she was also fifteen minutes late for her meeting with the one and only Damien Alexander.

She could only imagine what she must look like, and despite being already late, she had to

take another five minutes to run to the restroom to try to sort herself out. Damn…she looked a right

mess. Her hair was wet, her silk chiffon blouse was soaked and clinging to her breasts so her bra

could be seen through the delicate fabric, and her makeup was a total disaster.

There was no way in hell she could meet Damien looking like a drowned rat that had taken a

ride through a drainpipe. Not when she hadn’t seen him in a decade.

Slicking her long, dark hair back into a ponytail, she thought it looked neat, albeit a bit severe.

It’d have to do. She quickly touched up her makeup and buttoned her suit jacket, hoping the dark

fabric would mask just how drenched she was.

Normally calm and confident when it came to business, this was a completely different

situation, and Maddie was a bundle of nerves. Damien wasn’t just another investor, but rather her

brother’s college roommate and the partner on his project.

Quinn, the oldest of her three brothers and the founder of Ryker Investments, had asked her to

take over the Chelsea Market project, too busy with his other ventures and his upcoming wedding.

Under normal circumstances, she’d be ecstatic to take on a project of such importance—but Damien

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was different, and she wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

She’d met him a handful of times while visiting Quinn at college years ago. At the time, she’d

thought Damien to be the most gorgeous male to walk the earth, even though it was clear he thought of

her as a child, and likely tolerated her only because she was his roommate’s fourteen-year-old sister.

And yet…he’d been sweet to her, asking her about school, and even giving her some much-

needed pointers about talking to some guy she liked in her science class. That little bit of attention

from her brother’s much older friend was all she’d needed to fuel her teenage fantasies and hormones.

Not that he’d ever noticed her like that.

Well, she was no longer the shy girl excited to visit her big brother at college. Now in her

mid-twenties, she had her MBA from Harvard, and was in charge of the European branch of Ryker

Investments. And just because she didn’t have time to date, it didn’t mean that there weren’t plenty of

guys who’d be happy to date her. She may have always had a bit of a sweet spot for Damien

Alexander, but she didn’t need him to pay her any attention in order to validate her existence. She was

now his equal—and his business partner. Her crush on him was long gone…she hoped.

Steeling herself for business and ignoring the churning of nerves in her stomach, she took the

elevator to the top floor of the building and gave her name to the receptionist at the front desk.

“Mr. Alexander will be with you momentarily.” The perfectly coiffed woman gave her a kind

smile as her gaze quickly took in Maddie’s state of dampness. Well, there was little that could be

done for it—and she’d already managed what she could. Maddie gave her a nod and stepped to the

side to wait, her pulse kicking up as she tried to remain cool and calm.

She felt Damien enter the room before she saw him, as if the air around her had shifted with

his presence, her racing heart sputtering out of control. And damn, but the man had only gotten better-

looking in the last ten years. Not that she cared.

Well over six feet tall, his tailored suit hugged his muscular body in the most perfect way,

while his sun-kissed skin made his blue eyes striking in contrast, and his thick brown hair was just

long enough to look carefully mussed. It gave him that just-fucked look few guys could pull off

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effortlessly. He was the perfect blend of his Greek and English heritage—and most definitely off-


“Maddie…” Damien took her hands in his and kissed her cheek in greeting, his mere touch

enough to fry her brain and awaken her body in a way no man had ever done before. The smile he

gave her lit up his blue eyes, and his deep voice and polished London accent—despite his many years

of living in the States—landed the final blow, killing any hope she may have had of remaining calm

and not letting him have an effect on her. He took a step back, still holding onto her hands as he

looked her over. “Wow…you’ve…grown.”

She returned his smile, and tried her best to ignore the flutter in her stomach. “It happens. I’m

no longer fourteen years old—and it’s Madison now.” It might be a small detail, but she needed him

to take her seriously, as an adult, and an equal in this business partnership—not just as Quinn’s baby


Too often, new business associates would try to brush her off, assuming that she had her job

courtesy of her brother. They dismissed her as too young, too inexperienced and of course, too

female. Well, if they thought she didn’t know what she was doing, they didn’t think that for long. Her

brother may have started the company, but she could hold her own.

“Madison it is then.” His lips quirked into a smile filled with amusement. “This way, darling.

Would you like some tea to warm you up? The weather seems to have taken a turn for the worse.”

Her back went up at his “darling,” but wanting to keep things professional, she let it slide,

unable to deny that she kind of liked it coming from Damien. “Tea would be lovely. And I’m sorry

I’m late—the rain stalled traffic around the city.”

Instead of heading to a conference room, he showed her to his large office, complete with a

small sitting room, fireplace, and the most spectacular view of London. It was like a small apartment

that doubled as an office. The only thing missing was a bed. Though she knew Damien came from

wealth, his father being a shipping magnate, she was damn impressed, even if her own offices were

nothing to sneeze at.

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He used the intercom to send for a pot of tea, before turning back to her. “Can I take your

jacket? Although…you look chilled.”

She wanted to groan, but the truth was that her teeth were on the verge of chattering. “I’ll just

warm up by the fire you have going. If you’d like to get started on the meeting, that would be great.

Quinn’s caught me up to speed on the work that’s already been done and what he wants to

accomplish. I just need to make sure that I’m clear on the details I’ll be handling. I’d also like to go

over the financials. See where we stand.”

“Not a problem, though it’s all been taken care of, Maddie—Madison.” He leaned against his

desk, his long legs stretched out in front of him. “I’m happy for the pleasure of your company, but

honestly, I don’t really need your help.”

“But you were happy for my brother’s help.” She tried not to take offense, but anger and

annoyance still flickered to life inside her chest, as she took a deep breath. There was nothing she

hated more than someone trying to dismiss her, and it left her wondering if she’d ever have to stop

fighting for respect.

“Your brother and I go back a long way, but I wouldn’t need his help either—though, like with

you, his company would also be appreciated.” He shrugged his shoulders, an arrogant smile on his

lips, reminding her why she’d always thought him a bit of a cocky bastard. “It’s not because you’re a

woman, if that’s what you’re implying. And darling—you’re all woman these days. I have no problem

with that. None whatsoever.”

His gaze roamed her body, making her blush and bite back her curses. She could not let

Damien distract her, even if his presence sent her body thrumming like she’d brushed against a live

wire. She knew Quinn was counting on her, and after the hardships they’d endured while growing up,

she refused to be the one to fail her brothers or fall short when they all did their share. “Well, like it

or not, it doesn’t matter. You’re stuck with me until this project’s completed and I will be involved.

So, if we could please get to work, it’d be greatly appreciated.”

“As you wish.” He tipped his head towards a large table strewn with papers and blueprints,

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when a knock sounded at the door. He answered it and let his assistant through with the tray of tea.


He poured two cups as she joined him to doctor her tea with some milk and sugar, the tension

between them easing just a little, though she was still a bit frustrated with the situation. London was

her territory and this should have been her project from the start. Except that Quinn and Damien had

started discussing the project before they’d opened their London office, and Quinn had wanted her to

get up to speed first.

Of course she knew that meant he hadn’t quite trusted his unproven sister with a project of this

size, especially when it involved one of his best friends. It just gave her more of an incentive not to

muck up the project.

With her tea in hand, she headed over to the table holding the project plans—and damn, but

the hot brew had her knees going weak, cold and wet as she was. “If we could get started, that’d be


“By all means.” Damien finished his tea, and then set aside his cup before stepping to her

side. His proximity and the effect he had on her body immediately warred with her desire to keep him

at arm’s length. This was not the time to be unprofessional, and yet his mere presence was sending

her hormones into overdrive, making it so she couldn’t think straight.

It was like she was fourteen all over again, curse him. And what the hell was that about

anyway? She knew his reputation, and now that she was an adult, he was totally not her type. She

liked guys who were sweet, smart, funny—and monogamous. And Damien may be a lot of those

things, but he was also a player who made it into the tabloids on a regular basis. No different than her

brothers, really, before they’d found the loves of their lives.

She listened as he went over the plans and blueprints, and forced herself to focus, though it

was damn hard when he was so close.

“Right here, you’ll see we’re trying something different with the outdoor space surrounding

the building, and think it’ll be a great selling feature.” Damien put his hand on her lower back and

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flinched, turning to look at her with his brow furrowed. “Bloody hell, Maddie. You’re soaked. Why

didn’t you say something?”

“It’s not a big deal. And we’ve got work to do.” She didn’t need him treating her any

differently than he would any of his other business partners.

“Don’t be stubborn. You’re going to catch your death.” He shook his head and looked at her

like she was an idiot. “Let me get you home.”

“We’re not done here, and I’m not going anywhere until we are.” She wouldn’t let him derail

their meeting, even if she was still wet and freezing.

“At the very least, take that jacket off and get to the fire. Do you know what your brother will

do to me if you end up in the hospital with pneumonia because I let you sit through a meeting,

drenched, in the middle of winter?” He shook his head and went to unbutton her jacket, when she

slapped his hand away. “Just humor me, Maddie. Please—dry off and get warmed up.”

“Fine. And it’s Madison.” She undid the three buttons of her suit jacket and shrugged out of it,

a shiver working its way down her spine as she moved towards the fireplace.

“Bloody hell, woman…you’re soaked through. Did you swim here?” He walked to the coat

closet and rifled around before pulling out a towel and a t-shirt. “Here. You need to get changed.

Bathroom’s down the hall there.”

“I’m fine—and if we could get back to work, that’d be even better.”

“Except that you’re not fine. You’re freezing, wet as a drowned rat fished out of the Thames,

and sweetheart…” His lips curled into a smile as he reached out and ran a finger down her collar.

“Your shirt’s see-through.”

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Chapter Two

There was no way in hell Damien should be entertaining the sorts of thoughts that were

wandering through his head, given that Maddie was Quinn’s one and only sister, and he was a good

friend and colleague. And yet…he couldn’t help himself. The gangly teen had grown into a gorgeous

woman, with long legs and lush curves; full, fuckable lips; thick, dark hair he’d love to wrap around

his fist; and from what he could see, exquisite taste in lingerie.

There were other issues too—issues he refused to think about, as if denying their existence

would change his reality, change a reality he couldn’t quite believe, a reality that would make him

miserable and have him hating the life he’d be forced to live.

Maddie pulled him from his thoughts, snagging the towel and t-shirt from his hand and cursing

under her breath as her cheeks blushed red, leaving her looking far too innocent and all too enticing.

“I’ll only need a minute to get changed and then we can finish going over the plans. I know you’re

busy and don’t have the time in your schedule to be postponing things.”

“Sweetheart, I have all the time in the world for you. This project is a big one and we’re

really ramping up for it now, so I hope you realize, the two of us are going to have to deal with each

other on a daily basis. It was why your brother wasn’t able to handle this personally. And so you

know, he had said as much going into the project. He always planned on handing over the reins to you

or one of your other brothers, which is fine by me. I know you’re capable of dealing with this project

—even if you haven’t quite figured out how to check the weather forecast.” He couldn’t help teasing

her, even if it was for no reason but to light the fire behind her eyes, a fire he could put to good use if

she wasn’t strictly off-limits.

“I bet you think you’re really funny.” She gave him a stern look, trying to be serious, but she

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still looked too fucking gorgeous for him to not want to tease her.

“Get changed, Madison, and then maybe we can discuss this in a more comfortable

environment. I’m taking you home, so you can slip into some warm and dry clothes, and then I’m

taking you out for dinner. We can discuss the rest of the plans then.” With his hands on her slender

shoulders, he spun her around and gave her a gentle push, resisting the overwhelming urge to slap her

ass as he sent her on her way. “Bathroom’s right there.”

She didn’t take long to reappear, and damn but the sight of her wearing his t-shirt made him

hard. It’d be even better if she weren’t wearing anything else with it. He might not be able to actually

go down that road, but he could still let his imagination wander—and then go and find someone who

wasn’t Maddie, and get a bit of release.

She let out a sigh and stood up straight, her green eyes fixed on his. “Ready to go when you

are, though it’s not like you’ve given me much choice.”

“Sometimes it’s nice to give up control, and let someone else take over.” He took a deep

breath, as heat unfurled deep inside him, and he all but devoured her with his eyes.

It was hard not to flirt with her, and he had to wonder if she’d pick up on exactly what he was

implying. When it came to sex, he liked being in control—and he liked things a little edgy. Not that he

got to indulge those desires very often. It required a whole lot of trust, and finding just the right

person tended to be more difficult than it sounded.

“I don’t give up control—not when it comes to business, Damien. I’ve worked damn hard to

get to where I am and earn the respect I deserve.” She tossed him a glare over her shoulder as he

escorted her out of his office and towards the elevator. “I’m not just going to give that up to


“Then I suppose it’s a good thing I wasn’t talking about business.” Damien held the elevator

door open for her and followed behind her, resisting the urge to pin her against the wall and kiss her

until her knees went weak and she was melting into him—or even better, kneeling before him.

“Is your mind always in the gutter?” Maddie rolled her eyes and shifted her briefcase while

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juggling her wet clothes. “Do I really need to ask you to keep this professional?”

“Here…give me that.” He took her case from her and hauled it over his shoulder with his own

bag, ignoring her protests. “As for keeping it professional—I’m happy to. Though I really think we’d

both prefer it if I didn’t.”

He might be cocky, but he didn’t care. It was clear she was attracted to him, and he was damn

well attracted to her. Besides, it was just a bit of harmless flirting, knowing that he couldn’t take it

any further.

“You really are full of yourself, Damien.” She shook her head with a laugh, her smile one of

amusement as she followed him through the lobby. “I bet you’ve never had a woman turn you down,

what with your Mediterranean good looks and bright blue eyes.”

“And what about you? You must certainly leave a sea of broken hearts in your wake.” The girl

was gorgeous. Surely, she must have a boyfriend. Maybe even several, except that she didn’t seem the

type to date more than one guy at a time.

She scoffed with a shake of her head. “Are you kidding? With three big brothers constantly

scaring every guy off? Dating is practically impossible. Why do you think I offered to head up this


He couldn’t help but laugh, since he knew what the Ryker men were like, and protective

didn’t even begin to cover it. “Do you really think an ocean will be enough to keep your brothers from

interfering in your dating life? I’m not convinced, sweetheart.”

Ushering her into the lobby and towards the doors, Damien pulled her under his umbrella and

with a hand on the small of her back, led her out into the rain to a waiting car. Once the driver had her

address, Damien sat back as they took off down the road.

Maddie settled against the seat next to him, and it was all he could do to not reach out and pull

her into his arms, thinking of far too many ways to warm her up. “As for my brothers, it’s not like I

have time to date anyway.”

“There’s always time for that sort of thing, sweetheart.” He couldn’t imagine not having that

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kind of physical connection with someone—and yet, if his parents had their way, he’d be stuck

marrying someone he had no interest in.

Perhaps that was the reason why he was making the most of the time he had left, and dating as

if the end of the world was on its way. Because he knew these days would soon have to sustain him

through a loveless marriage if he couldn’t get his father to change his mind.

“But don’t you worry that they’re just after your money? Every time someone shows any

interest and is brave enough to deal with my brothers, I can’t help but wonder what they really want

from me.” She shifted to face him, her legs brushing against his, the simple contact sending a pulse of

need through him, his cock hardening in response. “The last thing I need is to somehow muck up

everything my brothers have worked so hard to accomplish by dating the wrong guy.”

Damien knew that the Rykers had grown up living in poverty, and couldn’t even fathom it. It

was no wonder she was worried, and yet… “You still have to live your life, Maddie. Or what’s the

point of it all?”

“I know you’re right, but…I feel like dating is the one thing I know absolutely nothing about.

This is all stuff I should have figured out when I was a teenager, except that I couldn’t because my

brothers growled at anyone who looked my way.” She shook her head, looking confounded as she let

out a little laugh. “Though why the hell I’m telling you any of this, I haven’t got a clue.”

“I’m liking our chat. And if we’re going to be working together, then we might as well get to

know each other better, don’t you think?” It wasn’t that he really expected her to open up to him more

than she already had, but it took all he had not to ask about her love life. He wondered just how little

she dated. She couldn’t possibly be a virgin, in this day and age—could she? “So…no dating? Not

even in college?”

“I dated a bit in college when I was an undergrad, but nothing too serious, since I needed to

focus on my studies. No…you were not just thinking that.” She slapped his arm and glared at him.

“You were wondering if I’m still a goddamn virgin. Weren’t you?”

“You can’t blame me for thinking it.” He put his hands up and laughed when she playfully

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slapped his arm again. “So…are you?”

By the gods, she was going to murder him, especially since he couldn’t help but laugh at her

reaction. The poor girl was looking utterly mortified.

“No—I’m not a virgin, if you must know. I dated a guy for a few months…and we…” The

blush that flamed across her cheeks was delectable.

“Fucked?” He just couldn’t help himself.

“You’re a pain in the ass, Damien.” But she was laughing too now. “Is it any wonder why I

don’t bother to date? I don’t think I even know how. And it’s not like I want to be a nun, but…even if

I’m interested in a guy, I just don’t know where to start.”

“Well, you’re smart and gorgeous. I’m sure you wouldn’t have too much trouble figuring it out

if you set your mind to it.” Not that he particularly liked the idea of her going out and dating a

multitude of strangers. He couldn’t tell if he was just being overprotective of her because she was his

good friend’s sister and he didn’t want anything to happen to her, or if the thought of her with another

guy made his jealous and possessive streak kick in.

“Maybe I need a dating coach.” She flicked her eyebrows up at him, and gave him a

mischievous smile as he realized just what she was insinuating.

“No…no fucking way, Maddie.” She had to be kidding. The thought was absurd. “You need to

find someone else, darling.”

“I was just kidding—although now that I’ve said it, I honestly think it might be a brilliant idea.

I still don’t know many people here in London, and frankly, it’s not like you don’t date. Hell, if the

tabloids are to be believed, you’ve been with nearly every model in the London-Paris area, which

means you know your stuff, and would be perfect for helping me…fill in the massive gaps in my

dating knowledge.” She cocked her head to one side with a smug grin, reaching over and grabbing his

arm. “Come on, Damien… You know you want to help me. Bet you can’t resist the challenge.”

“I don’t date, darling. I fuck. And you don’t look like the sort to just hook up with a guy and

not get vested. The sort of dating you’re looking for? That’s not what I do.” And yet, she wasn’t

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looking convinced.

“Maybe not, but I’m still clueless. With…” She let out a sigh and looked down at her hands as

they sat in her lap. “With everything. And being clueless when you’re twenty-four is just—odd.”

“You’re not odd, Maddie. Just inexperienced—and though I could easily help you with that,

your brothers would skin me alive, cut me into pieces and then feed me to Quinn’s pack of dogs.” The

mere thought of schooling her in the intricacies of sex, of showing her how to please him, how to

pleasure herself, had him going so hard, he ached to have her, ached to take her right then and there as

they drove through London. And yet he meant it about her brothers. They’d murder him.

“You may be right, but it doesn’t change my reality.” She held her laptop case to her chest,

suddenly looking vulnerable, which sparked a need in him to protect and take care of her. “I don’t

know what I’m doing, and at this rate, I’m going to end up being some crazy old spinster with a dozen

cats, living on a few mediocre sexual experiences and a library of steamy romances.”

“Maddie…you can’t possibly want me—want us—to go down that road. That’s an insane

suggestion.” She glared at him, but he continued, hoping he could ease her frustration with him and

make her see sense. The last thing he wanted was for Maddie to be upset with him. He took her hand

in his and gave it a squeeze. “It’s not that I don’t want you. I do. But…you’re off-limits.”

“Because of my brothers, right? Yet again! Well, you know what? I’m tired of them getting in

the way of me living my life. Each and every one of them has fucked his way through dozens of

women and now gotten engaged to someone who makes them happy and whom they love. But in the

meantime, I’m supposed to be in some sort of goddamned chastity belt.” She shook her head in

frustration, the tension pouring off her in waves. “My life is going to end up passing me by, and it’s

just not fair, Damien.”

He let out a sigh, understanding her frustration. “No, sweetheart, it isn’t.”

Damien was saved from discussing it further when they pulled up outside her home, the area

near Hyde Park fashionable, expensive, and exclusive. Safe too, which he was glad to see. He’d have

preferred for her to be in a secure building with a doorman, but given that she had the entire house to

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herself, rather than having to share the building, he supposed her security system would have to do.

Following her into the living room, he took a look around. “This is really nice, Madison.”

“Thanks. Make yourself at home. I’ll only be a minute.” Part of the second floor opened to the

area below, so he could watch her as she jogged up the stairs, before vanishing down a hall.

He turned to take in the place, stepping farther into the room where a wall of windows gave

him a view of a small but beautiful garden. The furnishings were cozy and casual, the feel of the place

airy and light, as if it were a seaside cottage, rather than a traditional townhouse. Everything was

done up in tones of weathered wood, whites, and different shades of sea glass. In a way, it reminded

him of his place in Greece, where the island homes were all painted in whites and blues, like the

summer sky and crystal-clear waters of the Aegean.

It didn’t take Maddie long to return, and bloody hell, but she was gorgeous. She looked

effortlessly casual wearing a cowl neck sweater in heathered grey, paired with a pair of dark jeans

that hugged her every curve. It had him completely rethinking whether or not he actually wanted to

keep his distance.

“You look lovely, Madison.” Damien stepped to her side and brushed the hair from her face,

letting his touch linger. And he loved that he could actually make her blush, her porcelain skin

flushing with heat from a simple touch.

She took a deep breath and leaned into his touch, her eyes slipping shut for just a moment, her

voice breathy when she spoke. “Are you sure, Damien? Are you sure you won’t reconsider?”

“I might just have to, darling.”

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Chapter Three

Maddie wasn’t quite sure what the hell had gotten into her, but the very sight of Damien, let

alone having him in close proximity, was enough to fry all her brain cells and make her want things

she really shouldn’t be wanting.

It might be absolutely insane to ask him for help when it came to dating and sex, but it could

be perfect too. After all, he’d been the first one to give her dating advice when she was just an

awkward and shy teenager. She knew that she could trust him, and since she was just looking for a bit

of guidance, then the fact that he was a player would be enough for her to make sure she didn’t

complicate things between them with emotions.

It’d be a purely physical relationship, and just because she’d never tried that before didn’t

mean she couldn’t manage it. After all, it wasn’t as if she’d had many relationships at all, and she

was a modern woman. She could have sex without getting attached. And looking up at Damien as he

cupped her cheek, she knew one thing for sure—if a mere touch from him could send her body

thrumming with excitement and anticipation, the sex would be mind-blowing.

“Maddie, you can’t really mean to do this.” His blue eyes searched her face, as if looking for

that bit of truth, and close as they were with their bodies brushing, she couldn’t remember ever

wanting anyone more.

“What if I do? I know it’s insane, and you haven’t seen me in a decade, but…I trust you. And

I’d rather it be you showing me the ropes and helping me figure things out, instead of some random

guy I don’t really know.” And who would that even be? The only men she really knew were through

work, and those were all professional relationships. Her relationship with Damien might be a

professional one, but he was also a family friend and someone she felt she could trust.

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“No fucking way, Maddie—you are not hooking up with some guy you don’t know and asking

him to fill in the blanks of your sexual education.” He shook his head, looking exasperated and pissed

off. “Don’t you dare. Do you hear me?”

“Does that mean you’ll help me?” She looked up at him, knowing there was no disguising her


“It means we’re going to get some dinner, and we’re both going to give this a whole lot of

thought.” With his hands on her shoulders, he spun her around and slapped her ass, hard enough for it

to sting just a little—and make her body feel alive in ways she’d never quite experienced. “Grab a

jacket and let’s get going. I’m starving, and if I don’t eat, I get grumpy.”

“I could cook us up something, if you’d prefer. Might be easier to go over the rest of the

project plans if we’re here where we can spread out.” In her head, she quickly ran down the list of

ingredients she had in her fridge and pantry, and thought she could put something decent together.

“You can cook?” His eyebrows raised in question, and he looked at her with such a look of

disbelief, she had to laugh.

“Don’t look so shocked, Damien. I have all sorts of talents you don’t know about.” She did

her best to toss him a flirty smile over her shoulder as she walked into her kitchen, which was open to

the rest of the area.

He shook his head with a laugh. “That’s what I’m afraid of, sweetheart.”

Now if only she could deliver on that claim—especially if things went beyond flirting.

As for now, she’d focus on what she was capable of. Cooking had always come pretty

naturally to her, and having spent the last few months in Portmore with Emma, Quinn’s fiancée, who

just happened to be an amazing chef, and her far too gorgeous and sweet coworker, Jake, she’d

picked up some good pointers.

She thought of Jake, and had to wonder if he was part of her motivation to do this crazy-ass

thing with Damien. Jake had been incredible, and she’d totally crushed on him while she was there.

Yet when it came down to flirting with him, letting him know she was interested, she’d felt

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completely out of her depth, and had missed out on the chance to pursue something with him. It was

downright embarrassing to be so clueless at her age, and she knew that if she didn’t do something

about her lack of experience, she’d keep missing out on amazing opportunities with great guys.

Pulling open the fridge door, she started digging around. “Does steak work for you?”

“Darling, I’ll never say no to a great steak. That’s the one thing I miss about living in the

States—the amazing steakhouses you get over there.” He leaned against the counter, his long legs

stretched out in front of him, and his broad shoulders making the kitchen suddenly feel small.

“That’s right—you grew up both in Boston and in London, right?” She’d nearly forgotten that,

though she knew he’d gone to the same university as Quinn.

“Yes—and summers were spent in Greece. My mom’s from London though, so we eventually

made our way back here.” He gave her a smile that lit up his eyes from within and sent her heart

skittering. “Anything I can do to help?”

“Why don’t you get us a drink? There’s wine in the chiller, and spirits over on the side table

in the living room. A fire wouldn’t go amiss, either.” She preheated the oven, and quickly peeled

some potatoes, slicing them up, before tossing them in some olive oil and a variety of spices. Setting

them to bake, she turned to the steak, searing it on both sides and basting it with some garlic truffle


“Here you go.” With a hand resting gently on the small of her back, he set down a glass of

wine for her on the counter, though he moved away before she had the chance to lean into him, her

body’s reaction to his touch immediate.

She had to laugh at herself. None of this day had turned out the way she’d expected, especially

not when she’d started the day ready to be a hard-ass businesswoman, immune to Damien’s charms.

Now she was all but begging him to fuck her. So much for being immune and keeping things


“So, Maddie…what’s spurring this sudden interest? Did you have any particular guy in

mind?” He took a sip of his wine, his gaze taking her in.

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“Well…no. Not really.” She blushed as she thought of Jake, and when Damien’s eyebrows

perked up in question and he gave her a stern look, she knew she’d have to elaborate, especially if

she had any hope of him agreeing to help her. “Jake—Emma’s sous chef—was really sweet and…

sexy. But I wouldn’t even know where to start, Damien. No matter who I date, I’ll be no less


His jaw tightened as he continued looking at her, as if analyzing her motives. “You could have

asked him to bring you up to speed.”

No. I’d be mortified, Damien. It’s…different with you. I know you.” She checked on the

potatoes, and then finished off the steak in the oven, settling against the counter across from him with

her glass of wine, desperate to change the subject. “Did I tell you that Morgan and his fiancée, Zoe,

are here in the UK? They’re up in Oxford.”

It wasn’t really Maddie’s place to tell him about their daughter, and how they’d not only

gotten to meet her, but were actually going to be a much bigger part of their little girl’s life. Though

they now had custody of Lexie, they were staying in Oxford to make the transition easier for their

daughter and to make sure Lexie’s grandmother could still spend time with her and take her for

sleepovers when she wanted.

“I didn’t realize. Will they be spending any time in London?” He bit his bottom lip and took a

sip of his wine, his brow furrowed. “Because I hope you realize that if your brother catches wind of

these plans of yours, all hell will break loose.”

“Quite frankly, I don’t care. I’m in this mess because of my brothers to begin with. I get that

they’re overprotective, but I need to live my life too. I never harassed them about the slew of women

they’d been with before finally settling down, and I’ve had it. I love them, but enough’s enough.”

Needing to distract herself from her anger, she pulled open the oven door and took out the steak,

setting it aside to let it rest, while the potatoes continued cooking.

“You really are determined to do this, aren’t you?” When he crossed his arms in front of his

chest, the fabric of his shirt pulled tight around his powerful biceps and shoulders, making her

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wonder just what he’d look like naked. Probably down right amazing.

“If you’d gone years since the last time you got laid, you’d be pretty damned determined too,

Damien.” She didn’t even want to think of how long it’d been since she’d last been with a guy, and

taking matters into her own hands barely dampened down her need.

Years? Really?” He let out a low whistle and shook his head in disbelief. “Sweetheart, that’s

a crime.”

“So, does that mean you’ll help me?” At this point, she’d get down on her knees and beg if she

had to. She needed his help, and was now convinced he might be the only one who could do this for


“Maddie…I don’t know.” He ran his hand down her arm, twining his fingers with her. “Even

if I could help you with some of the basics, my sexual preferences might not be your own.”

“You’re gay?” She could have sworn, given the number of women he was photographed with,

that he wasn’t. “Bi?”

He let out a laugh. “No, sweetheart. I’m not gay, nor bi—but…I do prefer to be…in control

when it comes to sex. I don’t want to shock you, but…I’m dominant in my sexual relationships. Given

that you’re so defensive about establishing your position and staying in control when it comes to

business, I’m not sure how much you’ll enjoy giving up control.”

“Business is different, Damien—and if we do this, we’ll keep those two parts of our lives

separate.” She wouldn’t give up what she’d worked so hard for. “But sex? Sex is different—and

given my inexperience, I need someone to take control, to tell me what to do and how to do it. I know

I could just pick some random guy and sleep with him, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking

for a teacher, someone who can be honest with me and can catch me up to speed.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, but…fine. I’ll help you—if only to keep you from the clutches

of random guys. Fuck, Maddie. It’s no wonder your brothers are so protective of you.” He let out a

weary sigh, already looking like he was regretting his decision. But she didn’t care. She was ecstatic.

She leaped into his arms and kissed his cheek, as he held onto her. “Thank you. I swear, I’ll

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be the best student ever.”

Damien let out a low grumble of resignation. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”


Maddie spent the night tossing and turning, too excited to sleep. Damien had insisted she give

it a bit more time and a lot more thought, leaving her on her own to work through it all after dinner.

Not that she’d be changing her mind.

The situation was perfect as far as she was concerned. She trusted Damien, and knew he

wouldn’t lead her astray. And maybe, just maybe, she’d finally become confident enough to take

control of her sex life and start dating.

Showered, and with a huge cup of coffee in hand, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d

had such a hard time picking out an outfit. But she’d be spending the day with Damien again, working

on their project, and she wanted to look as irresistible as possible, so he wouldn’t start to regret his

decision before they’d even started.

Knowing the weather was still cold, though thankfully not wet, she opted for a longer sweater

and paired it with leggings and knee-high suede boots. It didn’t take long for her to get to Damien’s

home. He’d figured that with a full day of work ahead of them, they’d be more comfortable where

they could spread out.

Half expecting some ultra-modern loft in the heart of London, she was surprised to find his

home was a beautiful historic Georgian. Damien let her in, looking far too delicious in dark jeans and

a perfectly tailored shirt two shades darker than his blue eyes, the color playing up his gorgeous skin


“Come on in, love.” He kissed her cheek in greeting and stepped aside, grabbing her hand and

pulling her into his home.

“This is lovely, Damien.” And it really was. The drawing room was comfortably casual, and

yet quite classic, done up in soft brown leathers, and comfortable fabrics the color of smoke and

ivory. Masculine, but without trying too hard, or feeling the need to prove something.

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“Glad you like it. I’ve got us set up to work next door, if that’s okay with you.” She followed

him into a library, which was nothing short of spectacular—the sort of thing you’d find in the pages of

a magazine. A beautiful stone fireplace was flanked by two floors of books with a catwalk running

along the top shelves, and dark mahogany paneling.

She found the schematics for their building already spread out across a massive desk, a cup of

coffee set aside. He must have already started working on it.

“Just a heads-up: my brother, Zach, is also working on the project with us, though he usually

handles the client end of things. He’ll probably pop in from time to time to touch base since he usually

knows exactly what our clients are looking for.”

“Sounds good. We’re still able to make changes at this point, so if we can easily tweak things

to give them what they want and guarantee their business, then we might as well.” She circled around

the desk to take another look at the plans, happy with the way things looked, though how she managed

to focus on anything but Damien, she didn’t have a clue.

When she caught Damien watching her, his gaze sultry and smoldering, she couldn’t help but

toss him a smile. “What?”

He leaned against the desk, taking her in as if ready to devour her. “You’re gorgeous, you

know. Did you give that crazy idea of yours any more thought?”

Maddie’s heart tripped over itself in excitement. “As a matter of fact, I did—and I think it’s

an absolutely perfect arrangement.”

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Chapter Four

Damien couldn’t believe he was agreeing to do this—and yet there was something about

Maddie he found intriguing and irresistible. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she was off-limits.

Or perhaps it was because he knew the sands were trickling down in his hourglass of freedom. “Once

we’re done with work, we’ll discuss our arrangement further. I think setting out some expectations

and ground rules is a good idea, so this doesn’t get any more complicated than it already is.”

“Definitely. And speaking of work…” Maddie tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear, and

started going over the plans, commenting on changes she might like to consider, and going over the


They worked well together, side by side, their bodies brushing from time to time, acting as a

constant reminder of the sexual tension between them. Damien had to admit, the girl was smart, of that

there was no doubt, and she also had a good grasp on the project, which surprised him.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t think her capable, but she was coming into the project with things

already underway, which usually posed a challenge. Yet, she’d caught up quickly, and other than the

occasional clarification, she was easily holding her own. From what he already knew of her, he

suspected that Quinn had not only given her a full rundown, but she’d likely taken it upon herself to

study the job and know it inside and out, before meeting with him.

Page after page, they covered the work that had already been completed on the project, and

then went over the timeline for what still needed to be done. “As you can see, we’re on schedule and

on budget. Our next step will be to secure tenants for the project, though we’ll still need to keep an

eye on the construction to make sure we don’t stray from our schedule. Things are moving quickly,

and my contractors and subs are all pretty good at keeping me apprised of delays, but it never hurts to

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stay on top of them.”

She turned to face him and leaned against the edge of his desk. “I’d like to see the jobsite. I

find it helpful to see things firsthand, in order to get a more complete feel for the site and the work

that’s being done.”

“We’ve been at this for hours. Why don’t we take a break and go grab lunch, and then swing

by the jobsite on our way back?” Unable to resist, and needing to forget about work for a moment,

Damien closed the distance between them, and shifted Maddie’s legs apart to nestle between them.

Tangling his fingers in her thick, long hair, he nuzzled her, brushing his lips against hers in a whisper

of a kiss as he leaned against her, pressing his hard cock against her heat, the thin fabric of her

leggings offering little protection.

“I think that sounds perfect.” Her words were spoken against his lips, but when she went to

kiss him, his fingers tightened in her hair, and he gently pulled her head back.

“Darling…did I give you permission to kiss me? Remember what I said about needing to be

dominant when it came to sex? Well, that means you’re the submissive one.” He knew he was being a

bit over the top when it was a simple kiss, but he needed her to understand what she was signing up

for, especially when he didn’t think it’d be easy for her to submit.

“I think I can do that.” Maddie’s eyes flicked up to look at him as she bit her bottom lip, and

close as they were, he could hear her breathing turn ragged with need, as a blush blossomed across

her cheeks, making her irresistible.

And fuck…if he had to guess, it looked like she actually enjoyed the thought of being

dominated. “Do you like the idea of submitting to me, kitten? Does it turn you on to think of yourself at

my mercy?”

Maddie’s eyes slipped shut as her breathing quickened and her blush deepened. Damien could

just imagine how fast her heart must be racing, and it took all the effort he could muster to not press

his palm to her chest to feel for himself.

It didn’t take her long to find her courage to answer him, though her gaze didn’t quite hold his.

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“The idea of submitting to anyone never really occurred to me. I mean, I’ve read it in romances and

stuff, but those are all fantasies, and I’ve certainly never had the opportunity to be adventurous like

that. But…fuck, Damien…it’s definitely a turn-on, though it’s caught me a bit off guard to realize it.

I’d never have thought…”

He loved that she was open and honest enough with him to admit such a thing, and he found it

refreshing. “Sometimes it’s nice to let someone else take charge.”

“I’ve just always been such a control freak.” Her brow furrowed as if she were trying to wrap

her head around it all.

“Which is why it can be liberating to give up control in just one aspect of your life. It’s all

about placing your trust in another person, and in exchange, you know your partner will put you and

your pleasure above all and will not only take care of, but give you everything you truly desire—even

if you don’t know what that is yet. It’s about finding yourself by pushing your boundaries.”

She nuzzled him, so that when she spoke, her words were warm against his skin, stoking his

need for her. “But…it’s one more thing I know nothing about, Damien. With my inexperience, I’m

worried I’ll just screw things up even more, and I’m still not sure how good I’ll be at submitting.”

“Sweetheart, you can’t mess up a journey of self-discovery, and that’s exactly what this is. As

for submitting, it’ll become easier with time, especially once you realize that it’s about trusting your

partner, and knowing that whatever he does, it’s about giving you the most pleasure.” At least that

was the case if one didn’t end up with a fucking jerk on a power trip.

Yet it was a reminder that what he was about to do was to get her ready to start dating. Even if

she didn’t hook up with Jake, she could very easily end up with a guy who was a total fucking jerk.

Maybe her brothers were right to scare off any guy who looked in her direction, since the thought of

someone hurting her, using her, or breaking her heart left him wanting to punch something.

“This is about caring for you, protecting you, building you up. It’s not about breaking you

down or hurting you, and it’s not about controlling you. Are we clear? ’Cause there are a lot of

fucking dickheads out there, and they’ll want to do just that.” He needed to make sure that she

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understood that, because if she got hurt—physically, emotionally—he’d never forgive himself.

“I know—and yet I don’t. I have pretty good instincts, but I still have little firsthand

knowledge or experience.” Her green eyes locked on his as she looked up at him, stirring something

deep inside him, something he didn’t quite recognize. “That’s why I need you, Damien.”

Those words and the way she spoke them…it did something to him, awakening something

primal inside him, leaving him desperate to not only protect her, but to claim her as his. “And I’ll be

here for you, Maddie. No matter what it is you need.”

When she let out a wanton little moan, he couldn’t resist her any longer. With his hands still

tangled in her hair, he tightened his grip and pulled her head back so he could feast on her neck.

Kissing and nipping at the delicate skin, he held her to him, her back arching as he raked his teeth

over her pulse and she went liquid in his arms.

By the gods, she smelled of lavender and honey, and her skin tasted just as sweet.

Maddie let out a needy moan and wrapped her long legs around his thighs, pulling him close

so that his hard length pressed against her sex, her body supple as his lips finally found hers, hot and

hungry. He kissed her hard, his tongue dancing over hers as she gripped his shirt and pulled him

close, her hips rocking against his cock as she deepened their kiss and he swallowed her needy


Knowing he was close to taking her right then and there, atop his desk, Damien somehow

found the strength to slow his kisses, leaving them both breathing heavily and clinging to each other,

the thought of pulling away from her impossible at that very moment.

“If you’re as inexperienced as you claim, then you, darling, are a natural. Because that was

one hell of a kiss.” He bit her bottom lip and somehow found the strength to put just a little distance

between them, though hard as he was for her, the feel of her body no longer pressed against his left

him with an aching need to have her back in his arms.

“I guess I just have a really good teacher.” She slipped off his desk and tucked a stray lock of

hair behind her ear, her hands trembling just a little. The sight had Damien feeling grateful that he

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wasn’t the only one feeling a little unsettled after that kiss.

“Come on. Lunch. And then maybe when we’re done eating, we can swing by the jobsite.”

They ended up at his local Indian spot, and ordered a few different dishes and appetizers,

since Damien was starving. He loved that Maddie had a healthy appetite, especially when most of his

dates barely ate more than a few bites of anything at all. And she liked things spicy too, which was


Thoroughly enjoying himself, he couldn’t remember being in this good a mood for a very long

time. In fact, from the moment he’d laid eyes on her, she’d turned his mood around, even if she was

nothing but a temporary distraction from the realities of his life and what was expected of him.

“If we’re going to go through with this little experiment, then I suppose we should find out a

bit more about each other—and I don’t mean family history, kitten.” He found the blush that crept

across her cheeks, her innocence, refreshing. He should feel guilty about corrupting her, but he

couldn’t when he wanted her so fucking bad, he ached with need.

Maddie shrugged, her gaze avoiding his. “I dated a couple of guys once I got to college. Had a

brief relationship with one guy, but that didn’t last longer than a month since it was the end of the

semester, and other than a handful more dates since then, that’s been it.”

“How many lovers, Madison?” It was a personal question, but they’d be getting a whole lot

more up close and personal before long.

She chewed on her bottom lip. “One—and a half.”

Damien couldn’t help but laugh. “How exactly do you get half, sweetheart?”

Tearing off a bite-size piece of naan, she popped it in her mouth, looking ready to choke.

“Well, it was oral, but it didn’t go past that. We didn’t do anything else, so…”

“Did you blow him, darling, or was he the one licking your sweet pussy?” Not that it

mattered. He just needed her to become more comfortable talking about sex.

“I…” She nearly knocked her drink over when she went to grab it, though her quick reflexes

saved the glass from going over. After a long pause, she continued. “I went down on him.”

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“And did you swallow?” His eyes scanned her face, her body, taking her in, trying to read

past her nerves and loving how her skin flushed while discussing such matters.

“What does it matter, Damien?” She stabbed at her food before putting her fork down and

looking straight at him. “If you really must know, no, I didn’t, because we didn’t get that far. He didn’t

come, therefore I didn’t swallow.”

“Would you have? If he’d have come, would you have swallowed?” She didn’t look the sort

to do anything by half measures.

“I suppose so, though…it was a fucking disaster, Damien. It’s no wonder I’m such a mess

when it comes to dating.” His lips quirked into a smile when she swore, reminding him of her brother,

who could swear up a storm. “And let me tell you, if my experiences with sex are anything to go by, I

don’t see what the fuss is all about.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. “I promise you, sex is pretty damn good if you’re with someone

who knows what they’re doing. So then, how was it a disaster?”

No. No way, Damien. You do not need to know the details.” She put her hands up in protest

and shook her head as his imagination wandered. He could just imagine all the things that could go

wrong with a blow job. “There’s just got to be more to sex than what I’ve experienced, but at the rate

I’m going, I’ll never figure it out, which is why I so desperately need your help. Even the one guy that

I was actually with…we never slept together more than a few times and that was so long ago, it’s all

like a bad dream.”

Bloody hell, the girl may as well be a virgin, given her lack of a sex life, especially when the

last time she’d had sex was way back when she’d been in college. “I’ll let the details of your blow

job slide for now, though we’ll be revisiting it before long. In the meantime, do you have any

questions for me?”

“Not really. I’m assuming you know what you’re doing—and you’re…clean?” When he

nodded, she continued. “Honestly, my only real frames of reference for sex are the romance novels

and erotica that I read, so…I’m open to this as a new experience, and just hope you’ll be able to catch

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me up to speed.”

“Sweetheart, I’ll not only catch you up to speed, I’ll ruin you for any other man.”


Damien and Maddie toured the jobsite, and spoke with the contractors. Progress was coming

along nicely, and he was happy to point out where everything would be going—the buildings, the

courtyards, the pedestrian walkways and the shop-fronts. It was quite the venture in a fashionable and

up-and-coming part of London, and though he was excited about the project, he was distracted by

thoughts of getting Maddie back to his house and getting her naked.

Normally, he was a patient man. He had to be when it came to business and negotiations,

since it often gave him the upper hand. And when it came to other women, he was patient because,

quite frankly, he was bored and they didn’t exactly offer anything new or interesting. But Maddie?

She was nothing like these other women, and he knew there’d be no holding back, no taking things


Just as they were leaving, they ran into his brother, Zach, whose gaze immediately went to

Maddie. “Didn’t expect to run into you here.” He reached out and shook Maddie’s hand, his touch

lingering. “Zach Alexander.”

“Madison Ryker. It’s a pleasure. Your brother mentioned that you’re working on the project

with us.” Maddie’s green eyes sparkled as they flitted between him and his brother, leaving Damien

with the uncharacteristic thought that if his brother didn’t let go of Maddie’s hand soon, Zach was

going to end up with a fist to the face.

“Have you been in London long?” Zach finally let go of her hand and fell in step by her side,

all smiles and charm, as they walked towards the parking lot.

“I’ve lived here for the past year, but went home for a few months. I’m excited to be back,

though.” She spoke those words while tossing a smile in Damien’s direction—which didn’t go

completely unnoticed by Zach.

Damien slowed them to a stop. “Madison and I are heading back to go over the plans. We’ll

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let you know if we decide to make any changes to the current drawings, and if you could shoot me the

list of client names and what they’re looking for, that would be great. This building’s going up fast,

and I want it rented out before it’s completed.”

Zach tilted his head in acknowledgment—of both the comment about the clients, and the fact

that Damien had staked his claim. Not that it would slow Zach any. Until Damien officially started

dating Maddie—and told his brother as much—Zach would see her as fair game. And given that

Damien was engaged to another woman, courtesy of his father’s asinine promise to a dying friend,

confessing to his relationship with Maddie wasn’t something Damien could do without a whole lot of


“Madison, it’s been a pleasure. And if you ever need someone to show you around the city,

just give me a ring. I’d be honored.” Zach handed her his card, and then with a wave, headed over to

the jobsite as Maddie and Damien

continued to the car.

“Your brother seems nice.” She strapped herself in as he started the engine.

“He is, especially when he wants something—and he’s clearly set his sights on you.” Damien

couldn’t believe he was going to have to try to fend his brother off.

She waved his concerns away. “Nah…he’s probably just trying to push your buttons.”

“Well, he succeeded—though this thing we’re doing…” He let out a sigh. “It doesn’t mean

we’re a couple, Maddie. Just so there’s no misunderstanding.”

The last thing he wanted was for her to get attached to him. Not that he thought she would, but

their little experiment could easily play with their emotions, and it wasn’t a complication he needed.

Not when his father would leave him penniless if he didn’t marry Cassandra, his dad’s best friend’s


Getting attached to sweet Maddie Ryker just wasn’t an option.

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Chapter Five

Maddie’s nerves were getting the better of her, now that they were back at Damien’s home

and they’d wrapped up their work for the day. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want to do this. She did.

But…fuck. What if she disappointed him? What if there was no hope for her? She was so clueless.

“Come here, Maddie.” Damien’s blue eyes locked on hers and the command in his voice had

her moving towards him on unsteady legs, her breath suddenly all too shallow. Cupping the back of

her neck, he pulled her in close and caught her mouth in a kiss that had her moaning into his mouth, her

body leaning into his, as she knotted her hands in his shirt, desperate for more. He slowly pulled

away, his gaze taking her in. “Are you sure this is what you want, darling?”

“Yeah, it is.” Without a doubt, especially after that kiss.

“Then there’s no need to be nervous, sweetheart. I’m going to take good care of you—but

you’re going to do as I say.” He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, letting his touch linger as

her pulse quickened. “Do you think you can handle that?”

She nodded and sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. “Yeah, I think I can.”

He took her hand in his and led her to his bedroom. Maddie’s heart was beating far too fast

for her to properly appreciate how lovely his room was, but with a deep breath, she steeled herself,

telling herself this was not only what she wanted, but what she needed. “Honestly, I’m sort of


“About?” His brows perked up in question as he kicked off his shoes and started to undo the

buttons of his shirt, slowly exposing his muscular chest and that gorgeously tanned skin. There was a

smattering of hair across his chest and another line of it running down his tight abs, heading south as if

leading the way. Not one of those boyish hairless chests, but the chest of a real man who was

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experienced enough to know what he was doing.

Her body’s reaction to him was immediate, her clit throbbing with need as her pussy went wet

for him—and he hadn’t even touched her yet. It was then that she’d remembered he’d asked her a

question. “I suppose I’ve been curious about the whole dominant-submissive thing. You tend to come

across a fair amount of it in erotica and romance novels.”

He closed the distance between them as he pulled his shirt off completely, exposing his broad

shoulders and huge biceps which were, she was surprised to find, intricately tattooed in a beautiful

pattern. “And did those stories turn you on, darling?”

She was all but drooling over his muscular body—and he knew it too, if his smile was any

indication. “Yeah, they did. Until then, I hadn’t realized I liked things to be a bit edgy when it came to

sex, and maybe I don’t in real life. I just don’t know.”

“What’s your safeword, kitten?” He ran a finger down between her breasts, his touch electric,

and then grasped the end of her sweater and pulled it up over her head, sending her heart racing.

“Um…I don’t know.” She stepped out of her boots and shimmied out of her leggings, so she

stood before him naked but for a few scraps of red Parisian lace, a far cry from what she used to

wear when she was poorer than dirt.

“It needs to be something you’ll easily remember.” His hand skimmed over the curve of her

waist to her panties, fingering the edge of them, as he brushed his fingertips against her delicate skin.

Her nipples pebbled in response to his touch, and she knew that if he checked, he’d find her

so incredibly wet, it’d be embarrassing. The mere thought had her blushing—when he grabbed at her

lace panties and tore them from her body with a sharp tug. Caught off guard, she gasped as the burning

sting blossomed across her skin and her pussy gushed for him.

He stuffed the lace into the pocket of his jeans as his eyebrows perked in question, still

waiting for her answer. And then it came to her. “Brothers. That’ll be my safeword, since I somehow

doubt I’ll forget it.”

“No…I don’t think you will—and neither will I.” Reaching behind her, he flicked her bra

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undone and she let it fall to the floor, her arms crossing over her breasts with the realization that she

was now standing in front of Damien completely naked, her heart thundering against her chest. Gently,

he took her hands and pulled them away from her body, his gaze slipping over her body. “You’re

beautiful, kitten. Downright fucking gorgeous. And I don’t want you covering yourself up. Are we


“Yeah.” She nodded, since the request seemed reasonable. In business, she was confident

enough, but being naked? In a sexual situation? She’d yet to build up her confidence when it came to

that. Clearly, since her nerves were still getting the better of her.

Tilting her chin up with the crook of his finger, he forced her to look at him. “Sweetheart…

I’ve got you.”

She swore it was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard, knowing that he truly meant it. She was

safe with him, and she’d be well cared for.

Lowering his mouth to hers, Damien gave her the gentlest of kisses, and then another, and

another, the intensity slowly building, leaving her desperate for him to kiss her like he had before, to

kiss her with so much passion that her knees buckled. Her hands went to his belt, as if of their own

volition, but he grabbed her wrist, a smile dancing upon his lips. “Sweetheart, did you ask for


She groaned, still trying to wrap her head around it all. “Fuck…no.”

He let out a low rumble of a laugh. “It’s okay, love. You’re still learning and we’re both

figuring out what will work for you and what you’ll enjoy. But if we decide on certain rules, they’re

to be obeyed or there’ll be consequences. Is that something you can deal with?”

“I think so.” Fuck…the mere thought of misbehaving and having Damien put her over his knee

to spank her, just like she’d read in some of her stories, had her far too curious. Not that she was

ready to admit that. Instead, she did her best to follow his rules. “May I? I want to touch you and

you’re wearing too many clothes.”

With his hands on her hips, he pulled her to him and nuzzled her, his lips so damn close, she

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wished he’d just devour her. “Go ahead, darling. You have my permission.”

She reached down between them and, with unsteady hands, managed to get his belt undone,

before moving on to the button and zipper of his jeans. Sliding her hands under the band of his briefs,

she pushed them down and shifted his jeans off his hips so they landed in a pile around his ankles. He

kicked them aside, leaving them both standing there naked.

Slipping his fingers into her hair, Damien kissed her slowly and sweetly, his tongue finding

hers, as she reached for his cock with shaky hands, her heart thundering against her chest—when she

pulled away in shock and looked down. “Whoa…that’s…that’s not what I remember those looking


“Sweetheart, are you sure you slept with a guy? Because I can assure you that’s exactly what a

cock looks like—and a damn fine specimen at that, if I may say so myself.” His lips quirked in

amusement, and she swore she felt a bit like a fool.

“He was a guy, but clearly not a man. I didn’t even know they came supersized.” He laughed

with a shake of his head, but she couldn’t stop looking at his cock—and damn, but she wanted to

touch it. She bit her lip and gently wrapped her hand around his girth, though her fingers were

nowhere near meeting, with a good inch still left to go. Gently, she slipped her hand down his long

length, eliciting a needy moan from Damien, which only spurred her on, making her curious to see

what other sorts of reactions she could get out of him.

She tightened her grip just a little, squeezing as she stroked him, and when his lips found hers,

his kiss intensified, causing her pace to quicken as her need for him flamed into an inferno. He

scooped her into his arms and carried her to his bed, putting her down on the mattress and kneeling on

the bed in front of her, so he looked like some Greek god who had just come down from Olympus,

ready to claim what was his.

“Hold on to the spindles of the headboard and do not let go. Do you understand?” She nodded

in response, and did as she was told. “Don’t be scared to use your safeword, okay? That’s what it’s

there for. If you’re uncomfortable with something we’re doing, or you need me to stop, don’t hesitate

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to use it. I won’t think any less of you, and this is only fun if we’re both enjoying ourselves.”

“I will.” And yet…she wanted to experience it all. She trusted Damien, and though she knew

he’d likely test her limits, she felt as though he knew where to draw the line.

He ran his hands up her thighs, past her sex to cup her breasts and tease her nipples, running

his thumbs over them until they hardened into tight nubs, and she felt a corresponding tug on her clit.

Her hips rocked towards him, desperate to have him as she grew impatient, her need overriding her

nerves. “And sweetheart? You’re not to come unless I give you permission to. It might seem like I’m

being cruel, especially when you’re teetering on the edge of coming, but your orgasm will be far

greater if I make you wait and you come when I ask you to. Are we clear?”

She bit her lip and wondered if she should say anything about her lack of orgasms, when she

remembered that so much of what they were doing was based on trust and honesty. She had to tell

him, even if it was yet another embarrassment. “Damien…I’ve never come with a guy before. I don’t

know if I can.”

His brow furrowed with concern as he bent over to kiss her sweetly. “But you have orgasmed

before, right? By yourself or with the help of a vibrator?”

Her cheeks flamed with such heat, she nearly broke out in a sweat. “Yeah, though it’s still not

that easy—and certainly not like in those books I read. I mean, they’re coming left and right. The guy

barely touches them and they’re screaming out with multiples. Frankly, I just don’t believe it.”

He actually chuckled, and damn if that smile of his didn’t have her wanting him even more.

“Everyone’s a bit different, darling. We just need to see what your body’s capable of. There is no

norm, but as long as we’re enjoying ourselves, that’s all that matters. And don’t stress about coming,

since it’ll only make you tense and worried. If it happens, we’ll just consider it a bonus, okay? So

then, let me amend my original request—for now. If you feel like you’re going to come, do it. Don’t

hold back. Are we clear?”

She nodded, and did her best to ignore her racing heart and her shallow breaths as he lowered

his muscular form to her body and kissed his way down her neck, over the swell of her breasts. He

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took the time to tease and taste each nipple, biting them to hard nubs and sucking them into his mouth,

flicking them with his tongue, first one and then the other, before trailing his kisses lower over her

body. He kissed the swell of her belly, his large hands gripping her hips as he took his time to cover

her in kisses, her knees falling to the side to accommodate his broad chest as he nestled himself

between her legs.

Kissing her upper thighs, he slipped a finger against her folds, her hips immediately rocking

towards him in response, her hands tightening around the spindles of the bed to keep from sinking her

fingers in his hair.

“Sweetheart, you’re so wet and ready for me.” He dipped his finger deep inside her, pulling a

needy moan past her lips, her hips shifting forward greedily to meet his touch, to take him deeper,

desperately wanting everything he had to offer. “And you’re so fucking tight, love.”

She might be tight, but she wanted more of him, wanted to feel him filling her, her body

stretched tight around his cock, every sensation heightened from being pushed to such an extreme.

Caught off guard, she let out a needy moan when he flicked his tongue at her clit, before lapping at

her, his finger thrusting into her and curling against that sweet spot deep inside her.

It was like nothing she’d ever felt before, and she couldn’t help but rock her hips towards him

as the pressure started to build deep inside her, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she tightened

her hold on the spindles and her arms tensed. Goose bumps broke out over her skin—and then he

added a second finger, finger-fucking her until every nerve in her body was vibrating with the

building tension inside her.

But could she come? It was hard for her to get past this point—and yet Damien was so fucking

good, she just might.

His pace quickened, his fingers thrusting into her hard as he sucked and nipped at her clit,

teasing it with his tongue. When he pressed a finger against the tight bud of her ass, she cried out as

her orgasm exploded through her, her body tensing and quivering as she rode the waves of pleasure

and release, her breathing so ragged, it left her light-headed.

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Damien licked his lips, a satisfied smile on his lips. “I think you’ll manage just fine, kitten.”

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Chapter Six

By the gods, it was all Damien could do to take things slow and not ravage Maddie. He

desperately wanted her, and he’d have her every way possible—eventually. But for now? He knew

he had to ease her into things.

He rolled onto his back and pulled her to him, her sweet taste still on his tongue. “Do you

know how to put on a condom?”

Her skin was still flushed with a rosy glow from her orgasm, and her thick hair looked tousled

as it fell over her shoulders, her beauty making his heart hitch. “Kind of.”

Pulling out a condom from his nightstand, he handed it to her. He figured she should know

how to put on a condom, though the thought of her slipping one on another guy’s cock left him fighting

to tamp down his jealousy as it coiled tightly around his chest. “Carefully tear open the packet, and

then determine which side will allow it to roll down. That’s it, sweetheart. Now pinch the tip to keep

from getting an air-bubble in the tip, and put it on the head of my cock.”

She did as he asked, and then slipped it down over his hard length, the familiar scent of latex

filling the air. “How’s that?”

“It’s perfect.” He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her to him for a kiss, his lips

lingering as he braced himself to take things slow. “How do you want to do this, love? I won’t always

give you the option, but since this is your first time with me, I’ll let you choose. And we can start one

way, and change it up. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable when we first start, since you’re

really tight.”

She bit her bottom lip, and he could see her debating things in her mind—maybe thinking of

all those novels she’d read, and weighing up her options. He’d be curious to see the sort of stuff she

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was actually reading. “I think I’d like to start with me on top, but then…I think I want you to take me

from behind.”

If he lasted that long. Maddie, sweet, innocent Maddie, already had him teetering on the edge,

especially when she was so open to trying things, and was so honest with him about what she wanted.

It’d be incredibly easy for someone to take advantage of her willingness once she started dating, and

he hated the thought that the games he loved could get her into a whole lot of trouble if she hooked up

with the wrong guy.

“Come here, darling.” He took her hand and pulled her to him so she now straddled his waist,

his cock nestled between her cheeks. “At your own pace, okay?”

With her hands on his chest, she went up on her knees as he positioned his cock at her slick

opening and she lowered herself onto him, taking just the tip of him into her entrance. After a moment,

she slipped down farther, her tight body squeezing his cock and making it near impossible for him to

not grip her hips and fully impale her on his length.

“You’re so fucking big, Damien.” Yet she still eased herself the rest of the way, sinking her

teeth into her bottom lip. “I swear, you have me so full, I might come again.”

She then started to move, slowly slipping up and down his length as he gripped her hips and

helped her find her rhythm, encouraging her to rock her hips when she got to the base of his cock,

knowing it’d stroke her already swollen clit. “That’s it, darling. Just like that.”

Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around her waist, thrusting up into her while he kissed her,

greedily swallowing her needy moans as she wrapped her arms around his neck and quickened her

pace. She was so tight, so slick and so ready…and it was all so raw and primal, so stripped of

pretense, he couldn’t ever remember feeling so close to someone.

She bit back a moan, her breathing quick and ragged. “I think I’m going to come, Damien.”

“That’s what I like to hear, love.” And then she was coming undone in his arms, her body

quivering as he held her tight, continuing to thrust up into her in order to milk every bit of her orgasm

from her body.

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He finally stilled, brushing the hair from her eyes and stealing one more kiss before he shifted

her off his length. Ignoring her protests, he positioned her onto her hands and knees, and shifted

behind her, the view of her plump ass nearly doing him in.

Unable to resist and curious to see how she’d react, he slapped her ass hard, loving her needy

gasp and how her rear twitched as if searching him out. When he didn’t oblige her in any way, she let

out moan of protest. “More, Damien… Please?”

“Greedy little girl.” Grabbing her hips, he sank into her slowly, forcing her tight body to

stretch around his cock. She felt so fucking good, he couldn’t stand it, but he took a moment to gather

himself, even as the pressure started to build in his thighs and lower back.

He pulled out of her until just the head of his cock remained sheathed, and then pounded into

her, her needy gasp spurring him on as he repeated it, slow and then hard, his pace starting to quicken

as it became impossible to hold back. Needing more, he lowered himself to her, his chest pressed to

her back as he fisted her hair, pulling her head back so he could bite her neck and shoulder. And then

damn, but she was coming for him again, though this time, there was no fucking way he could hold

back, slamming into her once more as his orgasm tore through him and he came, his muscles

shuddering with the intensity of it, his cock pulsing deep inside her.

There may have been plenty of women in his past, and there may even be plenty more in his

future, but in that moment, Maddie was the only one who mattered.


The following day, Damien was forced to deal with some of his other projects, but he

promised to catch up with Maddie later that night, especially since it was a Friday. With the weekend

ahead of them, he had every intention of furthering her education, and had gone as far as picking up a

few items with exactly that thought in mind. However, trying to focus on work seemed near

impossible when his thoughts kept straying to their amazing night together and what they should tackle

next on her sexual journey.

Truth be told, her inexperience wasn’t at all a problem, since she was open and willing to try

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new things—and she was honest with him about her likes, dislikes, and her desires, in a way few

women ever were with him. Even better was that she seemed to like things a bit edgy, which suited

him perfectly.

A knock at his door had him looking up. “Hey…what’s going on?”

Zach stepped into Damien’s office and plopped himself down on the sofa. “Where’s

Madison? I thought she’d be here working with you on our joint venture.”

“I had to tackle the Covington project. Didn’t want it falling behind, and she had some other

stuff she’s working on.” Damien didn’t like his brother’s sudden interest in Maddie. Not when she

was his—for the time being, at any rate. “What did you need her for?”

“Wanted to see if she had plans for the weekend. Might give her a ring and see what she’s up

to.” Zach was wearing a taunting grin, probably knowing that Damien wanted Maddie for himself—

and knowing his sibling couldn’t stake his claim without bringing his relationship with her into


“She’s busy.” Damien shuffled some papers around and sat back at his desk. “And she’s off-

limits, unless you want all three of the Ryker brothers after you for touching their baby sister.”

“She’s not a baby anymore—and I’m sure she’s more than capable of making her own

decisions when it comes to adult matters.” Zach flicked his eyebrows up suggestively, an amused grin

on his lips, knowing full well that he was pushing Damien’s buttons. “Besides, they’re an ocean


“Just stay away, Zach—or you’ll be dealing with me.” His patience was wearing thin, and

Zach had managed to ruin his good mood.

“It’s one thing for you to fuck her, Damien—but don’t go getting attached to her. Not unless

you want to end up a penniless prat, begging her for an allowance.” Zach shook his head with a sigh.

“Look, I’m not trying to give you shit over this, but you know what Dad’s like. He wants you married

to Cassandra, and once his mind is made up, there’s no changing it, especially since he promised her

father on his deathbed, and he’s always wanted to merge our family and our fortunes with theirs. For

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fuck’s sake, you’re already engaged to her.”

Damien gritted his teeth, the ever-present tightness in his chest returning after Maddie had

managed to get it to disappear for the first time in years. “As if I had a choice. But it’s my goddamned

fucking life, Zach. And I’m so bloody tired of having someone else dictate what I’ll do with it.”

“It’s the curse of being the eldest male in a family with money, with an old-fashioned Greek

father who has his own ideas of honor and privilege. You get to inherit the business as long as you

play by his rules.” Zach got to his feet. “And since you can’t get serious with anyone, there’s no

fucking way you should have Madison in your sights. I’ve been with enough women to know that

she’s not the sort of woman you just fuck before moving on to the next.”

“Just stay away from her, Zach.” Damien dismissed his brother, and then after a few failed

attempts to get back to work, decided to call it a day, far too annoyed to do anything but stew over his


He thought of going to see Maddie, but it was still rather early, and with his brother’s words

still nagging at him, he wondered how good an idea it would be to see her again. It fucking pissed him

off that he was now second-guessing himself.

It wasn’t as though he couldn’t find plenty of other women to fuck. Except that they weren’t

what he wanted. He wasn’t ready to give up Maddie—not when they’d only just started. And he sure

as hell wasn’t ready to give up the way Maddie made him feel…like his life was actually his own, as

if he might be able to control his fate.

So, he told himself that as long as he kept things casual with Maddie and didn’t fall for her, it

really wasn’t any different than the other women he’d been with and would continue to bed—until the

point at which he could no longer put off his impending marriage.

With his anger roiling in his gut and tightening his chest, his stubbornness kicked in, and

before long he was pounding on Maddie’s door, and to hell with his father and his fucking plans.

It didn’t take Maddie long to get to the door, but the moment she pulled it open, Damien was

on her, cupping the back of her neck to pull her to him, his lips hard on hers as his anger turned to

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passion. He kicked the door closed and spun her around, pinning her against the wall, his mouth at her

neck, her ear, her throat as he gripped her hips and pulled her to him. “I’m going to fuck you, darling

—right here, right now.”

“I’d love nothing more…” The raw passion in her voice nearly did him in. “But, my brother’s

here with his fiancée.”

“Fuck.” He turned her around, and unable to resist doing so despite the risk, stole a kiss,

sweet and passionate, his fingers tangling in her hair—when footsteps had them pulling apart.

“Everything okay, Maddie?” Morgan came around the corner, concern on his face—until he

saw Damien. “Fuck me. Damien—it’s been a long time.”

“Far too long.” Damien shook Morgan’s hand, and then followed them into the living room,

where he was introduced to Morgan’s fiancée, Zoe, a beautiful woman with long black hair and bright

blue eyes. He took a seat across from Maddie, not trusting himself to be so close to her, and not give

something away. “Madison mentioned you were over here.”

“Yeah, we have some family stuff we’ve been taking care of. And you? How have you been?”

Morgan sat by Zoe’s side, and put an arm around her shoulder, so she nestled in at his side, as if the

two of them couldn’t bear to be apart. Damien envied Morgan…that he could be with the woman he

loved, while Damien would be stuck in a loveless marriage of obligation.

“Things are well. I was just coming by to update Madison on the project we’re working on.

Have to say, I’m excited about it, and it’s coming along nicely.” Damien figured it’d be best to stick

to business, since he knew what the Rykers were like.

Every one of them was damn fucking smart, and they didn’t miss a thing. If Morgan caught

wind that Damien and Maddie were more than just friends, there’d be hell to pay in the form of

Morgan breaking his face, and then further consequences when it came to working with them, likely

killing any future partnerships. Because Morgan might not know of Damien’s engagement to

Cassandra, but Quinn did.

“I’m glad it’s going well. Maddie’s better than any of us when it comes to this stuff, so you’re

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in good hands.” Morgan shot his sister a smile, but when Damien finally hazarded a look over at her,

the poor girl looked so nervous, it’d be a miracle if Morgan didn’t put two and two together and

murder Damien with his bare hands.

Maddie’s eyes darted to Zoe’s, and it was clear there was some form of silent communication

going on between the women. Sure enough, Zoe shifted free of Morgan and yawned. “I can’t believe

I’m so tired already. Do you mind if we get going? I’m ready to crawl into bed. I’m so sorry to bail

on you, Maddie.”

Morgan looked at her, confused. “But we haven’t even had dinner.”

“It’s called room service. Naked. In bed.” Zoe kissed his cheek. “I promise not to let you go


“Well, who am I to deny a lady?” Morgan stood up with a mischievous smile and pulled Zoe

to her feet. “Damien, we should do dinner soon.”

Damien and Maddie got up and saw them to the door. “And we’ll all be stateside for your

brother’s wedding before long.” Damien was one of the groomsmen, along with the other Rykers,

Emma’s sous chef, Jake, as well as her brother.

They said their goodbyes, but it wasn’t until the door was closed and double locked that

Damien—and Maddie, by the looks of it—breathed a sigh of relief.

Maddie sidled up to him and kissed the hollow of his neck, though Damien still felt on edge.

“I don’t know how good an idea this is, Maddie.”

First his brother—now hers. It was as if the world was telling him this was one colossal

mistake. That it didn’t matter if he really liked her, or if she really liked him. That it was a

relationship doomed from the start.

“Don’t you dare let Morgan scare you off. Not when we’ve only just gotten started. There’s

more you need to teach me, more things I need to experience—and you’re the only one I trust. Please,

Damien…I need you.” She kissed his neck again, running her teeth over his pulse, and nipping at his

neck, the flicker of pain melting into pleasure, so he could think of nothing but taking her against the

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And when she stroked his cock through the fabric of his trousers, he knew he was a doomed


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Chapter Seven

Maddie stroked Damien’s cock, desperate to have him take her. She’d spent her entire day

thinking of him, delightfully sore in all the right places after their late-night adventures, especially

since it had been so very long since she’d last been with anyone. Every time she’d moved, she’d been

reminded of Damien and all the things he’d done to her, her mind replaying every delicious moment in

her head. And now that he was finally here and Morgan was long gone, she was desperate for him.

Damien’s mouth was hard on hers, and the force of his kiss, the intensity behind it, had her

instantly going wet for him. It shocked her how immediately her body reacted to him, to his touch. He

spun her around and pinned her against the wall, shifting her jeans off her hips and yanking them down

along with the delicate lace panties she’d picked out with him in mind, the passion in his movements

sending her heart racing in anticipation.

She looked over her shoulder at him, knowing he was getting a condom, not quite believing

she was going to do this, but desperately wanting to know what it would feel like if he went bare.

And when she finally snapped out of her horny euphoria, she could blame the insanity on all the

cursed romance novels and erotica she’d been reading.

“Damien…I’m on the Pill, and if you’re clean, well…” Fucking hell, she was blushing like a

virgin nun. It didn’t matter that the Pill was to help keep her skin clear. She just hoped he didn’t think

she was being too forward or careless.

“I never go bare, love—but fuck, this is different. So yeah—I’m clean. And sweetheart?” He

grabbed her hands and raised them above her head, pinning them to the wall with one strong hand, as

he gripped her hip with the other and buried his cock right into her with a single deep thrust that she

felt in the marrow of her bones. “I can’t fucking wait to have my cum dripping out of your sweet

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pussy. Does the thought of it turn you on, my darling Maddie?”

With his lips and warm breath at her ear, and his huge cock filling and stretching her body, a

shiver worked its way over her skin, while his words had her going even wetter than she’d been, if

that were even possible. “I love it, Damien.”

Torturously slow, he pulled out of her, until just the head of his cock remained inside her, and

then slammed inside her. His actions sent a shudder through her body, as she reveled in him taking

her, claiming her as his. Her hips pushed back to meet his, the pleasant soreness from the night before

only adding another layer of sensation. And fucking hell, but she loved that he had a hold of her wrists

and she couldn’t get free. It was doing her head in—and she wanted more, wanted to experience

everything he was willing to share with her.

Taking her hard against the cold wall, Damien’s pace increased, his hand moving from her

hip, over the curve of her belly to stroke and tease her clit as he bit her neck, each sensation pushing

her closer to the sort of orgasm she never thought she’d ever have. “Fuck, Damien…I’m going to


“Not yet, sweetheart… not until I give you permission. Am I making myself clear?” The growl

in his voice was nearly her undoing, and there was little chance of holding off her orgasm if he didn’t

stop rubbing her clit. But he continued…continued teasing her, continued pounding into her, continued

pinning her to the wall until her orgasm escaped her, crashing over her like a rogue wave, her body

quivering in Damien’s arms.

“Darling…you shouldn’t have done that. Now there’ll be consequences to be paid.” He

pounded into her, his pace fierce, leaving her body overwhelmed, swollen and sensitive as it was. He

let out a grunt, her pain melting into pleasure when he bit her neck, pulsing his hot cum deep inside

her, as her knees went weak. And she swore if he wasn’t holding her to him, if she wasn’t impaled on

his cock, she’d have slipped down to the floor in a spent and quivering heap.

Damien continued to hold her until their breathing settled. Slowly, he pulled his cock free of

her body as his cum slipped out and trailed down her thighs, marking her as his in a most primal way.

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He let go of her wrists, and with a strong, muscular arm around her waist, he pulled her close,

nuzzling her as he spoke, his stubble rough against her cheek. “Dinner first—and then I think some

shopping might be in order. Once we get back, we can decide on a suitable punishment, since you, my

darling, came moments after I told you not to.”

Her heart raced to hear his words, and though she should balk and protest, the truth was that

her heart was racing with excitement, not fear.

As if reading her mind, he slipped his fingers over her swollen and sensitive clit in a lazy

circle, his mere touch enough to have her melting against him as she tried to stifle her needy cries.

“Why is it that I think you’re looking forward to your punishment?” He let out a low rumble of a

laugh. “Well, Maddie?”

She moaned in protest, finding it hard to get the words out when he was still teasing her.

“Yeah…I am. I want to know what it feels like.”

“That’s my girl. Though you’ll need to be patient.” He slapped her ass hard enough for it to

sting with a hot pain that flared into pleasure, making it so she wanted him yet again. Reaching down

as he stood behind her, he pulled her panties and jeans back over her hips, before he let go of her

with a quick kiss, and then zipped his pants back up. “Come on, love. I’m starving, and I only intend

to work up more of an appetite once I’m fed.”

Damien took her to a trendy and expensive restaurant that had the most exquisite food, offering

French bistro fare with an Asian twist. Every morsel was scrumptious, but Maddie could think of

little more than getting back home so she could get him naked again. The delicious soreness between

her legs only served to remind her of what it was like to be on the receiving end of his sexual

attentions, and damn, but he’d been right that he’d spoil her for any other man. She hadn’t even thought

it possible to have such mind-blowing orgasms, especially when no other man had even made her


Damien cut through his steak, swiping it through the shitake bourguignon glaze. “So,

sweetheart…I’d love to know what went wrong with that blow job.”

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Maddie pounded on her chest as she nearly choked on her chicken. “You can’t be serious.”

When his brows perked up in question, and he gave her a stern look, her pussy went wet for him,

making her wonder how the hell he could have such an effect on her. “I’m sure the fact that I didn’t

know what I was doing probably played a significant role—as did the fact that I had a cold. I just

couldn’t breathe, and though I can hold my breath underwater for a decent amount of time, it’s not the

same thing, now is it?”

A low rumble of laughter rocked him, as he gave her a look of apology. “I’m sorry, love. I

swear I’m not laughing at you.”

“Yes you are! And I want my punishment reduced for that.” Or potentially increased, since she

had a good feeling she might end up enjoying herself far too much.

When his lips quirked with amusement, it was as if his eyes were looking at her very soul.

She couldn’t help but squirm in her seat, desperate for a bit of release, her clit aching and swollen

with need. “Your punishment isn’t up for debate, darling—and it’s awfully bold of you to even ask

such a thing. I will, however let you pick your outfit for tonight—once I pick the store.”

That caught her off guard. “Tonight? Where are we going?”

“You’ll see, sweetheart. Now, eat up. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”


Maddie sucked in a deep breath as the saleswoman stood behind her, tightening the cording on

the red velvet corset Damien had picked out for her. It was the last piece of clothing in the ensemble,

and though she’d caught a few glimpses of herself in the mirror, she’d yet to see what she truly looked


“There you go, my dear. You look…divine.” The sweet woman turned her around with gentle

hands on her shoulders. “He doesn’t stand a chance.”

Holy fuck. Maddie couldn’t believe her eyes. “Wow.”

She didn’t quite know where the hell she’d be going in such a risqué outfit, but damn…one

thing was certain—she’d be getting laid. From the red velvet corset and red plaid mini-skirt, to the

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smoky grey knee-high lace-up boots and soft thigh-high black stockings, complete with little silk

bows on the back, she looked downright naughty.

She pulled aside the silk curtain and stepped out into the private sitting area where Damien

was waiting for her. The look on his face said it all, and she couldn’t help but blush.

“Fucking hell, Maddie… You look…delectable.” The way he said that last word made her

think of a wolf ready to devour his prey—and she was the main course.

He crossed to her side and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close, though his

touch felt so different through the boning and fitted fabric of the corset. And when he nuzzled her, with

his stubble rough against her cheek and his breath warm against her skin, she couldn’t help but sigh

with contentment.

“I’m glad you like it.” And it was the truth. She found herself wanting to please him in every

little way, just as she knew he’d do whatever he could to please her.

“I know I said you could pick the outfit of your choice, but I’ll admit, I’d have been

disappointed if you hadn’t picked this one. You’re stunning—and you’re all mine.” His words were

spoken as a rumble against her skin, his hold on her tightening as if someone might take her from him.

“Why don’t we head back to my place, then? Or yours.” It made no difference as long as he

was there with her.

“Soon enough, darling—and believe me, I’d like nothing more than to take you home and fuck

you until you don’t even remember your name. But first, we’re going to further your education.” He

tilted her chin up and kissed her, before calling to the saleswoman who’d stepped away to give them

some privacy. “If you could ring us up, that’d be great. She’ll be wearing the outfit out.”

“Well, heads will certainly turn, sir.”

They paid, and took the car to a part of London she’d yet to visit. “It’s a very exclusive and

private club, one where you don’t have to worry about your name getting out into the paparazzi’s


Damien put a protective hand on Maddie’s lower back and escorted her in, flashing the huge,

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but well-dressed doorman some sort of membership card. If Maddie had any worries about her outfit

being too extreme and provocative, she needn’t have bothered, since it quickly became apparent that

Damien had taken her to some sort of exclusive BDSM sex club. The music thumped and the lights

flashed, but that’s where the similarities to a “normal” club ended.

Everyone was scantily clad or different degrees of naked, with most of the subs wearing

collars of some sort, and the doms not needing anything to mark them as such. Small stages were set

up where club-goers could participate in a variety of scenes, and where muscular bouncers stood

guard to make sure everyone followed the rules. With a protective arm around her waist, Damien led

her to a booth that would allow them to watch what was going on, but was set back enough to keep

them somewhat hidden away in the shadows.

“Don’t worry, darling. We’re not here to participate. I just want you to watch and get a feel

for everything that’s out there.” Damien pulled her close to his muscular body, tucking her in at his

side with an arm around her shoulders. “But if this isn’t your thing, just let me know, and we can go.


She bit her lip and nodded, before leaning over and kissing his cheek, her lips lingering on his

skin as she breathed in his spicy clean scent, which was already so incredibly familiar to her and a

total turn-on. And though Damien was definitely not the sort of man she should get attached to, she

knew with crystal clarity that she was doing just that.

Watching the different scenes that were going on, she took it all in from the safety of Damien’s

arms. There was a lot happening, and some of the scenes were intense. A woman, intricately bound,

hung from the ceiling as her dom fucked her mouth. On a different stage, a dominatrix was flogging a

woman bound to a large wooden X, getting her ass and upper thighs marked as a man knelt in front of

the bound woman, his face buried between her legs. And then there was a scene playing out with two

men and one woman, and yet another involving a male sub completely wrapped in latex for some sort

of sensory deprivation experience.

Some of the scenes were quite loving, but there were other scenes that she found more

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difficult to watch, her body tensing as things played out before them. And yet…it was hard to ignore

her swollen clit and her aching, wet pussy.

Damien pointed out one thing and then another, explaining things and answering her questions.

Though she found it all fascinating, she wasn’t sure she could ever get up on a stage like that, even if

she wanted nothing more than for Damien to take her back to his place and have his way with her. She

trusted him to know what she’d like and how much she could take, and she liked the thought of him

pushing her limits.

They continued to watch, and with the air charged with sexual energy, it was impossible for

Maddie to ignore how badly she wanted Damien, how she wanted to feel him take her, fill her, claim

her as his, and make her come. She was so aroused, and every nerve in her body felt sensitive to his

touch, to his proximity, so when he slipped his hand up her thigh, she couldn’t help but moan against

his neck, her lips pressed to his skin, her breathing heavy.

Yet they were in a public place, and with his hand slipping farther and farther up her thigh and

under her skirt, he had her heart racing. She blushed in embarrassment, knowing that if he continued,

he’d soon have her coming in a public place in front of a group of strangers. She shivered at the

realization that the shadows provided nowhere near enough cover for people not to notice.

She grabbed his hand to stop him from going farther, but he bent his head towards hers, humor

in his voice as he spoke. “Sweetheart, if this truly makes you uncomfortable, then you’d best use your

safeword. But if you don’t use your safeword, and you don’t let my hand continue on its way, then I’m

going to take it as disobedience, and I’ll tie you to my bed and keep you on the verge of orgasm,

without ever letting you find relief. The choice is yours, love.” Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip,

Maddie let go of his hand. “That’s a good girl. Now remember…you’re not to come until I give you

permission, or I might just have to tie you up on that cross and spank your bare ass red while

everyone watches.”

The thought had her mortified—and totally turned on. In other words, she was doomed. So

fucking doomed.

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Chapter Eight

Desperately needing her, Damien pulled Maddie into his arms as he pushed the lace of her

panties out of the way, not caring that they were in the club and people might be able to see them. It

only added another layer of excitement.

As his fingers slipped against her slick folds, her head fell back on his shoulder with a needy

sigh, bringing out the protective dominant in him. “That’s my girl. I’m going to take such good care of


She turned her head and buried it in the crook of his neck as his fingers slipped inside her,

thrusting, and then pulling out to circle and tease her swollen clit. “I know you will.”

“I think you like watching the couples on stage—and I think you love watching the subs submit

to their doms. Because, sweetheart…you’re so fucking wet.” Damien was tempted to pull her onto his

lap and take her then and there, not caring if they were watched by all. “Am I right, love?”

She groaned, and tilted her hips towards his hand. “You know you’re right, Damien. Do you

really need me to repeat it?”

“Such a cheeky thing.” He thrust into her, curling his fingers against that sweet spot as she

nipped at his neck in desperation, knowing she was close to coming, his own cock rock hard and

craving some form of release. “Do you want to come, darling?”

“Fuck…yes, Damien. Please…” She was all but squirming in his arms, and any hesitation she

may have had at having sex in a public place had disappeared as he’d pushed her closer to her


“But, sweetheart…aren’t you worried someone will see you, will hear you scream? All these

people…they could be watching as we speak.” Damien did a poor job of masking the humor in his

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voice as he kept her teetering on the edge, teasing her clit and thrusting into her, but changing it up to

keep her from coming.

“It’s not funny—and at this point, I don’t care who sees me come, as long as I finally get to.”

Maddie gripped his arm as if pleading with him, her hips writhing against his hand in search of


“Maybe we should wait until I get you home…wait until I’ve served up your punishment.” She

moaned in protest as he continued to finger-fuck her, her body so responsive to his touch, so pliant in

his arms. “Or should I let you come now?”

“Please, Damien. I swear, I promise to behave.” He could hear the desperation in her voice

and knew she’d do whatever it was he asked of her if he’d just let her come.

“I suppose you’ve been good…” He kissed her and then nipped at her neck, as he increased

his pace while running his thumb over her clit. “Come for me, Maddie.”

The moment he gave her permission, she cried out, her body quivering and shuddering in his

arms as her orgasm tore through her, her pussy swollen and slick with her juices. He nuzzled her, his

face bent to hers as he pulled his fingers free of her body, and then slipped them across her lips, her

tongue darting out to lick his fingers. He pushed them into her mouth as she sucked them clean, making

his cock ache with a corresponding tug.

“You’re so good, darling. Let’s get you home, yeah? And maybe once I’ve spanked your ass

red, we’ll have you revisit blow jobs—now that you can breathe.”


“For you.” Back in his bedroom, Damien handed her a red bag with a pretty silk ribbon tied to


Her brow furrowed in surprise, as a smile danced upon her lips. “That’s really sweet of you,


When she sidled up to him and gave him a kiss, he cupped her ass and held her to him. “Don’t

thank me yet, kitten.”

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She pulled away and took another look at him. “What are you up to, Damien?”

“Clearly, no good.” He tilted his head towards the bag he’d picked up earlier in the day when

he couldn’t get her off his mind.

“No way…” She pulled out a vibrator and held it up, her brows perked in disbelief. “Really?

This would have been perfect before I met you—but now I have you. And believe me when I tell you,

you’re far better than any battery-operated boyfriend.”

“Keep looking, Maddie.” One by one, she emptied the bag of the items he’d hand-selected for

her and laid them out on the king-sized bed. And there were a lot of items, since he’d picked up

anything he thought might interest her. Damien skipped over the butt plugs, vibrators, cuffs and dildos,

and pulled out the soft leather collar he’d bought. “What do you think, love? Would you do me the

honor of becoming my sub for the evening?”

“Just for the evening?” She gave him a flirty smile that had his cock aching to fuck that pretty

little mouth of hers, to see her lips wrapped tight around his girth as his length disappeared down her

throat. “One night might not be enough, but I’d like nothing more.”

He’d never collared anyone before, but with Maddie, it felt right. He fastened the delicate

collar around her neck, knowing it was more symbolic, and didn’t need to be heavy duty—at least not

at this point in her adventure. She looked up over her shoulder at him, and bloody hell, the collar

looked amazing on her. With her back pressed to his chest, he ran his hands down her arms and then

pressed a kiss to the slope of her shoulder. “You’re beautiful, darling.”

Somehow he found the strength to pull away and turn his attention back to the toys, setting

aside a flogger, paddle, and crop. “You have your choice of any of these, if you’re interested in

experimenting with them—or I can use my hand on that fine ass of yours. But one way or the other,

you’ll be thinking of me every time you sit tomorrow.”

“Your hand.” He could see both an excitement and uncertainty in her green eyes.

Pulling her to him, he held her close, cupping her face in his hand as he kissed her slow and

sweet, breathing in her scent, tasting her lush lips, and taking his time to ease her worries until she

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softened in his arms. “You don’t have to do this, Maddie. These are just fun and games, yeah? This is

about you—about you discovering what you like, what you enjoy. And if you’re not going to enjoy

yourself, then there’s no real point to it, now is there?”

“I want this.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her, biting his bottom lip, so a flicker of

pain flared into need, and then kissed him again. “I’m ready.”

“Good. Because I’ve been looking forward to getting my hands on those perfect cheeks of

yours all night long.” He spun her around in his arms and undid the lacing of her corset, tossing it

aside as she shimmied out of her skirt and then got rid of her boots and stockings. He quickly

followed suit, wanting as little between them as possible. “Get on the bed—on your hands and


She did as he asked, and with her ass high in the air, he slipped his hand over her plump

cheeks, admiring her pearly white skin and knowing it’d mark up beautifully.

“Do you remember what you did to land yourself in such a precarious situation?” He knew

most would think this was about control or pain, but it wasn’t. It was about trust—and pleasure.

She tossed him a wicked grin over her shoulder, her eyes alight with mischief. “Yeah…I

believe it had something to do with me asking you to bring me up to speed sexually.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. “Darling…you amuse the hell out of me.” More than any other

woman ever had. Truth was, Damien was absolutely smitten with her. “Do you remember coming

when you weren’t supposed to?”

“I remember coming multiple times when I thought I never would. Is that what you mean?” She

flicked her brows up teasingly, still looking far too mischievous.

He ran his hand down her spine to her ass, and nipped at the soft flesh hard enough to make

her gasp. “You’re such a cheeky little thing.” He couldn’t keep the amusement from his voice, though

it did nothing to taper the blow to her backside, making her cry out and gasp, his hand stinging with

heat as his cock went even harder than it’d been.

Running his hand over her ass which had blossomed to red, he then covered the area in gentle

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kisses. “Do you want to count them off? I figured five would be sufficient punishment, given that this

is your first time. Or should I just play it by ear…”

She bit her lip and looked over at him, taking a ragged breath. “One—though I’m curious to

know how many I’d get if this wasn’t my first time.”

“Ten…twelve…depending on my mood.” He slapped her ass again, alternating to the other

cheek, loving how she cried out and grabbed at the cover on his bed, fisting it in her small hands.

Two. And I don’t need you cutting me slack. I’ll take the twelve.”

“Sweetheart…you seem to forget that I’m the one in charge.” With a laugh, he shook his head.

By the gods, he couldn’t help but fall for her. She was unlike any other creature he’d ever met—

independent and smart, but willing to learn and willing to submit, funny, and always questioning, so

open to what the world had to offer. “Just in case you need a reminder, I decide what you’ll take. And

if you think there aren’t other ways I can punish you—since I do believe you might be enjoying

yourself far too much—then you can guess again.”

Another slap, a bit harder this time, and yet another, had her gasping and breathing heavily,

her head hanging low as she caught her breath and his cock ached to take her, to ravage her, to claim

her in every way possible. “Three and four.”

Kneeling behind her, he grabbed her marked cheeks and spread them wide, tilting her ass up

to give him full access to her sweet cunt, desperate to taste her. He ran his tongue along her slit to her

bud as she shifted her hips and spread her legs for him, offering herself up with a needy moan, her red

skin flaming hot to the touch. “You’re so fucking wet, kitten. You just love this, don’t you?”

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah…I do. I love everything you do to me, Damien.”

“One more, sweetheart.” The last blow fell hard—harder than the rest of them—and he

swore, she nearly came for him, crying out as her hands fisted the covers.


He licked the handprints on her skin, and blew on them, knowing it’d help cool the sting, and

add yet another layer of sensation that would only serve to heighten what she was feeling. Lowering

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himself to her, he cradled her against him, wrapping an arm across her chest as he kissed her cheek

and nuzzled her. “You were so good, darling. So fearless…”

Pushing her hips back, she shifted her ass against his cock, making him want to sink into her

mercilessly, to take her hard and rough so that she felt their lovemaking in the marrow of her bones,

felt the aftermath of him ravaging her a week later, every time she walked, every time she moved.

He didn’t know if he’d ever get his fill of her, and she made him want to give it all up—made

him want to toss his fortune away if it meant he could have her whenever he wanted, if it meant he

could fall asleep with her in his arms and wake with her tucking in by his side.

Pulling away from her felt near impossible, but he knew it’d be worth it shortly. “Sit back,


She did as he asked, sitting back on her heels before him and striking the perfect image of a

sub, with the collar around her neck and her hands on her thighs, waiting for him to tell her what to do

next. And yet he knew it wasn’t easy for her to sit back like that after having her rear paddled, though

he loved watching her squirm as she fought to find a comfortable position as her heels dug into the

tender skin of her ass.

“See, kitten? Each time you sit, you’ll think of me.” Reaching over, he shifted the toys around

on the bed, so he could find what he was looking for. “Is there anything here you wouldn’t use?”

She shook her head no. “I want to experience it all. And I trust you, Damien. I know I’m safe

in your hands.”

“Always.” Damien picked up a slender butt plug. “Have you ever used one of these?”

“No…never.” The blush that spread across her cheeks was beautiful, and there was an

excitement in her eyes, her breath quickening in anticipation of what he’d do to her.

“And has anyone ever fucked that sweet ass of yours?” He highly doubted it, given her lack of

experience, but there was always the chance someone had gone there.

“No. But…” She let out a sigh and looked down at her hands. And Damien swore she was

getting ready to tell him that it wasn’t something she’d ever want to do. “But, I think I’d like to try it.”

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The pride, the deepening affection he had for her—and damn, but there was no avoiding the

fact that he was developing genuine feelings for Maddie—had him pulling her to him for a kiss, that

was both intense and heartfelt. “We will, though probably not tonight, yeah? Let’s start with this first.

Forward onto your hands and knees, love.”

He generously lubed the plug and then ran a hand over her cheeks, still red from where he’d

slapped them. “Can you relax for me? That’s a good girl.”

Applying a gentle pressure against the bud of her ass, he teased the tight pink opening with the

tip of the plug, and then gently pushed it past the tight ring of muscle until it was perfectly seated, a

small gasp escaping Maddie’s lips.

He kissed her, long and sweet. “Such a brave girl. Are you okay?”

“Yeah…it just feels…different.” She took a few more ragged breaths as her body adjusted to

the intrusion, before her shoulders relaxed a little. “Just takes a bit of getting used to.”

He sat back on the pile of pillows against the headboard, his cock rock hard, not only in

anticipation, but from being so intimate with Maddie. Never before had he experienced such a

connection with another person, and it was a total fucking turn-on.

“Come here, darling.” He pulled her to him, so that she now knelt between his legs, her ass

wiggling just a little as she adjusted her position to accommodate the butt plug and her marked

cheeks. “I want you to take my cock in that pretty little mouth of yours, and I want you to suck me off

until I come. I’ll offer you guidance if I feel it’s necessary, but you’ve been remarkable with

everything we’ve done so far, and I think you’ll excel at this too, especially since you don’t have a

cold to contend with. Do you have any questions for me?”

“Do you want me to swallow?” Her brows furrowed as unease tainted her green eyes.

“At this point, that will be your decision, love. Don’t feel as if you have to, especially when

you’re just figuring all this out. But in the future, there may come a time when I’ll ask it of you.” He

brushed the hair from her eyes, and ran his hand down her cheek, nearly groaning when she turned her

head and sucked his finger into her mouth. “Fuck, Maddie…keep that up and I’ll have little self-

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control when I finally get to fuck that pretty mouth of yours.”

She let his finger slip free with a teasing smile. “Good. I want to push you over the edge and

see you lose control, because I swear, I feel like I’m the only one whose head is spinning.”

He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close, his cheek brushing against hers as he

breathed in her scent, and savored the feel of her in his arms. “Sweetheart…believe me when I tell

you, you’re not the only one.”

It was hard to believe that she’d captured his heart in so little time, but she had. She’d become

his one and only thought, and he had no desire to see it come to an end. He was truly a goner where

Maddie was concerned, and he never wanted to escape her spell.

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Chapter Nine

Maddie tried not to let her nerves get the better of her. It was just a blow job. No big deal.

His cock. Her mouth. And now that she didn’t have a cold, it should be smooth sailing. Except that

Damien’s cock was no ordinary cock. It was magnificent—and it was huge.

With her heart racing, she reached out and stroked his steely length, lifting his cock towards

her so she could run her tongue along the slit, the drop of pre-cum salty on her tongue. Shifting back,

she took him in her mouth, her heels pushing against her spanked cheeks, so that pain blossomed into

pleasure, spurring her on. Moaning against his cock with each flicker of pain and pleasure, she lost

herself in her need for him, her passion overtaking any worries she may have had.

“That’s it, darling. Take a little more with each pass.” His hungry gaze took her in, watching

her as she sucked his cock, her pace quickening as he thrust into her mouth, his fingers tangling in her

hair. “You’re fucking amazing, Maddie.”

There was so much to take in. The plug in her ass, the lingering ache from her spanking, the

way he controlled her head, exerting just enough tension and pressure with his fist in her hair to let

her know he was still in control… It all had her so wet, she was sure that if he touched her clit, she’d

come in a heartbeat.

Desperate for some release, as her own need pushed her for more, she stroked his cock and

sucked him hard, teasing his length with her tongue as she forced herself to take him deeper, her eyes

watering as he hit the back of her throat. The thought of him taking her roughly, the thought of what she

must look like as he fucked her mouth, had her so turned on she sucked him even harder, and she

knew, despite her inexperience, that he was close to coming. The thought that she could get him to

come with her mouth, that she could pleasure him, was empowering, especially after her first attempt

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had been such a disaster—and she loved it, loved that Damien wanted her as much as she wanted


“Use your teeth, love. Just a little.” She did as he asked, and she felt him tense. “Fuck…that’s

it…I’m going to come.”

But she didn’t pull away. She couldn’t. All she could do was keep sucking him as he let loose

with a primal grunt, doing her best to swallow what he gave her, one hot salty pulse after another, his

cum shooting down her throat, until she was dizzy with her need for him.

By the time Damien finally stilled, his breathing was quick and ragged, like he’d just sprinted

a mile. He pulled her up into his arms, and cradled her against him, kissing the top of her head as she

felt his heart race. “You’re amazing, sweetheart…un-fucking-believable.”

“Was that okay, then? I didn’t screw it up too bad?” Sure, she’d gotten him to come, but her

past experience still had her feeling uncertain as to whether or not she’d actually been any good, since

it wasn’t as if she knew what she was doing.

“Sweetheart, I don’t know what sort of romances you’ve been reading, but they’ve given you

one hell of an education. It was so fucking perfect—you were perfect.” Damien rolled her onto her

back and kissed her, soft and sweet, trailing kisses over her face and down her neck. “Now, it’s my

turn to take care of you. But first…”

Damien grabbed a long length of silky white cord from the pile of toys he’d bought for her,

sending her heart hammering in anticipation, her swollen clit aching for release. Pausing to suck her

nipple into his mouth and tease it to a hard nub with his tongue, she couldn’t help but wrap her legs

around his hips, wanting nothing more than for him to take her.

Straddling her hips, he pinned her to the mattress and grabbed her wrists, binding them

together before raising them above her head and tying them to the headboard. Her eyes roamed his

muscular body with his tattooed arms and cut abs, before looking up into his blue eyes and that sultry

smile. He was absolutely heart-stoppingly gorgeous. She may never have been in love before, but she

was starting to think Damien had somehow managed to steal her heart.

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“Are you all right, love?” She nodded as he ran a finger down between her breasts to his

cock, now hard once more, and stroked himself as he shifted off her, before settling himself between

her legs and pushing them apart. “I won’t tie your legs down, but only if you think you can behave


“I promise, I will.” At least she damn well hoped so. Her gaze flicked to the pile of toys, and

knew there’d be no controlling herself if he decided to use any more of them, the plug already

heightening everything she was experiencing.

Taking his cock in hand, he rubbed the head of it against her throbbing clit, slick with her

juices, back and forth, teasing her as she tried not to squirm. “Sweetheart, you’re so fucking turned on,

aren’t you?”

She bit her lip and nodded, her breath ragged as she tried not to come. She’d been on the edge

for so long, and yet she knew now—he hadn’t given her permission, and she didn’t want to disappoint

him. “Please, Damien…fuck me. I’m already so close to coming.”

“Such a needy little thing.” He pushed his cock into her pussy. The feeling of being filled so

completely overwhelmed her, as the plug in her ass competed for space with his cock. “Darling…

you’re so fucking tight, and it feels so fucking good.”

“So…close…” She was trying so hard to be good, but her orgasm was building quickly and it

felt like it was going to get away from her. It was like trying to hold onto a stampede of wild horses,

and she knew her chances of holding back her orgasm were slim to none.

“I’m changing the rules this time. I want you to come, and keep coming…until you’re nothing

but a spent, quivering heap.” He reached over and grabbed a leaf-shaped vibrator, turning it on as he

gave her a mischievous smile that reached his eyes and made them light up from within—all while

continuing to thrust into her, taking her, so she teetered on the edge, her orgasm ready to let loose.

“Fuck…no, Damien.” She shook her head, mortified at the thought of him using the vibrator

and making her come repeatedly, though she wasn’t quite sure why she couldn’t bear the thought of it.

“Maddie…you can use your safeword if it’s something that makes you uncomfortable.” He

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looked at her in question, but she shook her head no.

“I just…I’m going to come—the moment you touch my clit with that thing. I swear, I won’t be

able to hold back.” She was already set to let loose as he slowly took her, his thick cock stretching

her until she could take no more.

“I don’t want you holding back, love. I want you to come for me.” He pressed the vibrator to

her clit, her breath immediately catching, as the energy built inside her and he pushed her up and over

that delicious edge, his name on her lips as she came so hard, white lights flickered across her field

of vision. “Such a good girl. I love watching you come undone.”

Leaving the vibrator between them, he continued to fuck her, lowering his body to hers, and

capturing her mouth in a kiss as she started to climb back towards yet another orgasm, her clit so

sensitive from having just come. She struggled against her bonds, desperate to get free of the vibrator,

the feel of it overwhelming as he continued to pound into her, swallowing her cries with his kisses, as

she came once more, the orgasm even stronger than the one before.

“You’re so tight, so fucking amazing…and I swear, I’m ready to come again.” Hooking her leg

behind her knee, he opened her up to him further, taking her harder, deeper, making her cry out with

each thrust, the vibrations too intense to ignore.

And this time, when she came, he joined her, swallowing her cries as her body quivered

beneath him, completely spent and used, and never happier, never more satisfied or more complete.

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Chapter Ten

“Come on, darling.” Damien pulled Maddie into his arms, kissed her temple, and then slapped

her rear as he let her go, sending her on her way. “Get dressed. I’m starving.”

“Hell…I can barely walk, I’m so sore.” Her words sent a flicker of worry straight to

Damien’s heart, but then she tossed him a flirty smile over her shoulder. “And I fucking love it.”

Relief washed over him. She had him worried there for a minute, wondering if he’d been too

rough with her. He knew he was big, and she was still so tight, so inexperienced—not that he’d have

known it based on the sex they’d had. Maddie was nothing short of amazing, and though she might

need some guidance every now and then, she gave him all of herself, each and every time, and she

made up for her lack of expertise with her enthusiasm and open-mindedness.

“Make me worry about you again, and you’ll truly be sore after I slap your ass so red, you

won’t be able to sit for a week.” He aimed for a stern look, but a smile still managed to escape.

“Promises, promises…” She wiggled her bare ass at him as if daring him to put her over his


“Cheeky…you’re just lucky I love that feistiness.” A stricter dom, one who lived the lifestyle

twenty-four-seven, would likely have little tolerance for her insubordination. And fuck, but the

thought of her ending up in that sort of situation—hell, the thought of her with any other guy at all—

was enough to do him in. They’d gone into this with the mindset that they’d still be dating other

people, but he’d yet to do that. How could he when he spent his days desperate to see her, and his

nights with her in his arms? Not that he could let any of this bother him when he was still engaged to

another woman.

Cassandra knew he was a long way from settling down, and she also likely knew he continued

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to fuck a slew of women—and she seemed to accept that, as long as he didn’t grow attached to any of

them. But fuck, he had grown attached to Maddie, and the thought of having to give her up pissed him

off to no end.

If Maddie ever found out about Cassie…he knew she’d put an end to what they were doing.

Maddie knew he dated, but there was no commitment to those other women. But with Cassie? If

Maddie found out he was engaged while sleeping with her, he didn’t think she’d ever forgive him,

especially when she’d been so trusting and open with him.

What he needed to do is convince his father that it’d be a mistake to have him marry Cassie.

It’d be easier to do if Cassandra didn’t want to marry him, but he knew she’d always had feelings for

him. Damien had tried to make himself fall in love with her, but just couldn’t find his way to it. And

his father—the stubborn old Greek—refused to go back on a promise he’d made to Cassie’s father

when his friend was on his deathbed. His dad had promised him that Cassandra would marry his son

and would be well taken care of, so that his friend could finally pass peacefully, without having to

worry about his family.

Never mind that Cassie’s family had just as much money, and she could take care of herself.

Damien had to find a way out of the marriage. He’d always known it. But now? It was with a

sense of panic. There was no fucking way he could marry Cassie. Not when he’d finally gotten a taste

of what true happiness could be like.

“Hey…are you okay?” Maddie sidled up to him and slipped her arms around his waist, only

half dressed, wearing not much more than her collar from the night before and a sweater, her bare

legs peeking out from under the knit. And damn, but seeing that collar around her pretty neck had him

going so fucking hard, he didn’t think he’d ever get his fill of her. “You had such a scowl on your


Damien forced his worries and anger away, refusing to let his problems ruin what remaining

time he had with Maddie. He shook his head clear, managing a bit of a smile to keep her from looking

so concerned, and kissed the top of her head. “Sorry…just got a bit distracted. Work stuff—different

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project than what we’re working on.”

She took him at his word, looking up at him and stealing a kiss, her lips soft and warm. “What

do you want to do after breakfast?”

“Sweetheart, I’m happy to stay in bed from sunup to sundown if I’ve got you in my arms.” He

fisted her hair and pulled her head back so he could kiss her, nipping at her neck, her shoulder, loving

how her back arched to give him better access. Her phone buzzed, but they both ignored it, as his

hands slipped down over her rear, and pulled her to him with a gentle squeeze, knowing the area was

likely still a little tender.

She moaned in response, reaching down to stroke him, though he knew if she continued, he’d

have her bent over his bed and his cock buried deep inside her, breakfast be damned. And yet it had

him thinking…

“Maybe we should do a little something for breakfast…” He went to the bag of toys and

pulled out the ones he wanted, loving that her eyes went wide. Without a word, he pulled her panties

off and shifted her towards his bed. Then with a gentle hand on her back, he pushed her chest down

towards the mattress, so her ass was up in the air, exposed to him.

“Grab that sweet ass of yours, darling, and spread your cheeks for me.” He popped open the

bottle of lube and squeezed out a generous amount onto her tight pink bud, pressing with his finger

until it slipped past the tight ring of muscle. “Relax, love… It’ll make things easier for you.”

He gently pushed his finger in deeper, working the lube into the opening as he slowly finger-

fucked her, her needy moans swallowed by the mattress as she buried her head and pushed back

against his finger. He pulled his finger free, and added a little more lube to the butt plug. “This plug is

larger than the one we used last, so it might take a little more getting used to, especially when you’re

sitting on it during breakfast.”

Pressing it against her ass, he applied gentle pressure so that the plug slowly slipped in,

stretching her until it was passed the widest spot on the plug. With it seated securely inside her,

Maddie’s moans increased as her back arched enough to have her shifting around in search of him.

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“Are you all right, darling? How does it feel?”

“It feels so…odd, and fuck…it has my clit throbbing, Damien. I’m so fucking wet.” The

desperation in her voice and the honesty of her words was nearly his undoing.

“Don’t worry, love. I’m not through with you yet, and I have every intention of taking good

care of you.” He took the wireless vibrating egg and—fuck, she really was so incredibly wet—

slipped it into her slick pussy, as she groaned.

“Damien…what the hell is that?” He clicked on the remote by way of demonstration, as she

cried out and grasped at the covers, her knees nearly going out from under her when he turned it off.

“You can’t…I can’t go out in public like that.”

“You can and you will, darling. At least it’s incredibly quiet. No one will ever know—unless

you let them see the effect it’s having on you.” He helped her up off the bed, and with her hands on his

shoulders for support, he knelt at her feet and slipped her red lace panties back up her legs, reverently

placing a kiss on her pussy before pulling the lace up the rest of the way. “We’ll get going once you

finish getting dressed.”

And then, just because he couldn’t resist, he flicked on the vibe, though he left it on the lowest

setting. She groaned and squirmed, but managed to get her jeans on, although it took her a hell of a lot

longer to finish the simple task.

“Damien…please…” She grabbed at his arm for support, her body tensing in waves, and he

knew she’d be coming soon if he left the vibrator on.

“Very well, love. We’ll save it for a bit later.” He clicked it off, as she let loose a ragged

breath, the tension in her body finally starting to ease. Tilting her head back, he kissed her sweetly,

when the doorbell sounded. “Come on, love. Though I have no clue who the hell would be stopping

by on a Saturday morning.”

Damien pulled the door open, and cursed under his breath. “Zach, what are you even doing up

this early on a weekend?”

“Well, I had been hoping to take Madison out to breakfast, but I couldn’t get a hold of her.”

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He gave them a smug grin. “Now I know why. Don’t suppose you’re heading out for a bite?”

Damien wanted to groan, but there was little he could do, short of telling his brother to bugger

the fuck off. And though Damien was tempted, there was no point to it, since his brother now knew the

extent of his relationship with Maddie. “I suppose you’ll be joining us?”

Zach gave him a smug grin. “Why thank you, Damien. So kind of you to ask. And Madison, I

must say…I love the collar. Sort of a retro punk look.”

Her hand slipped over the leather. “Thanks. I like it too.”

Fuck. Damien was going to murder Zach. His brother knew full well what the implication of

the collar was, though he was relieved that Maddie didn’t seem too fazed by his comment.

Damien made sure that they stayed local, not wanting to prolong Zach’s visit. They ordered

breakfast and luckily it didn’t take long for them to get their meals. Damien sucked down his first cup

of coffee and got himself a second, feeling far more relaxed afterwards. His brother might be trying to

push his buttons and get his hands on Maddie, but Damien knew whose bed she was sharing. His. And

from what he’d seen, she was in no hurry to leave it.

“You grew up in South Boston, Madison? I was thinking of spending some time in New

England after your brother’s wedding. I have some friends there I’d like to visit. Haven’t seen them

in awhile.” Zach’s attention was focused on Maddie, as if they were the only two people in the whole

restaurant, and he was definitely turning on the charm, smiling and leaning towards her, his eyes

bright with interest.

“I did, though in recent years my entire family seems to have shifted farther north. I’m happy

you’ll be joining us for my brother’s wedding. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we won’t

get slammed with any late season snowstorms.” Maddie gave him a smile as she munched on a piece

of buttered toast. “Will you be staying in New England long? Damien’s going to be there for the

wedding too, so if you’d like, I’d be happy to show you around Portmore, if you’re not familiar with

the area.”

“I’m sure Zach will be busy visiting those friends he mentioned.” Damien was going to have a

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hard enough time keeping his interest in Maddie a secret from her brothers while visiting, without

also having to fend off his own sibling.

“I’d happily make time to see Madison, and would love nothing more than for her to show me

around.” Zach all but reached out to squeeze her hand, and probably would have if Damien hadn’t

glared at him. “Will you be bringing Cassandra along, Damien?”

That was a low fucking blow, and his brother knew it too. Damien’s temper got the better of

him, and he had more than a few choice words and warnings for his brother, though he opted for

Greek, where swearing was elevated to an art form.

Maddie looked at him, but only for a moment, before focusing her gaze on her meal, shifting

the food around on her plate. Damien put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him, ready to

fucking murder his brother. “I won’t be bringing Cassandra, because she’s nothing more than a family


And that would be the case by the time he got through talking to his dad. He’d never been

more determined to put an end to the fucking nonsense.

Zach gave him a look of apology, maybe not realizing just how upset he’d made Maddie.

“That’s true. I don’t know why I was thinking she’d tag along.”

Maddie seemed to relax a little, but Damien could sense her pulling away, even though they’d

made it clear from the start that they would continue to see other people. And he couldn’t blame her

for being upset, especially given the intensity of their relationship.

“If you’ll excuse me…I need to make a call.” Zach held up his phone and then got to his feet,

though it was clearly no more than an excuse to give them some time alone.

“Maddie…” Damien took her hand in his, needing that physical connection.

“No, it’s fine, Damien. We said this was no more than a bit of an experiment, and we both

agreed that we’d continue to be…free agents. I’m not exactly oblivious to the number of women you

normally date, and I never expected you to suddenly change your ways.” She shrugged as if she was

fine, though he could tell she was far from it. “I know I’m just one of many.”

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Fuck. “But that’s just it, Maddie. You’re not just one of many. You’re the only one I’ve been

with since we started this—and I truly have no interest in anyone but you. I don’t want us dating

anyone else. Do you hear me? As of now, you’re mine and mine alone—just as I’m yours.”

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Chapter Eleven

“Damien…don’t say crap like that unless you mean it.” Maddie’s heart was thundering at his

words. Given the fact that he was notorious for dating a steady stream of models, she couldn’t quite

believe he’d be willing to give all that up—and for her, no less.

“I mean it, Maddie. The thought of losing you, the thought of you with someone else, and what

we have coming to an end, kills me.” He cupped her face and brushed his thumb across her cheek. “I

know it’s not been long, but you mean the world to me.”

“So…Cassandra? She really is just a family friend?” She had to know, had to ask, since Zach

had made it feel like so much more.

“I’ll admit that it’s a bit more complicated than that, but…she’s never been more than a family

friend to me, and I have no interest in pursuing anything at all with her. I swear it’s the truth, love.”

He nuzzled her, his stubble rough and thick, since he hadn’t shaved. And then he kissed her, soft and

sweet as he held her face in his hands, easing her worries as she melted against him.

“Don’t break my heart, Damien. Promise me…because I swear, I’m starting to fall for you.

And I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. I don’t want anyone but you.” She was so fucking

doomed. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t liked other guys before, but this felt so completely different than

anything she’d ever experienced.

“You have my word, love.” He kissed her and held her close, tucking her in at his side, as

Zach returned, his eyes shifting from her to his brother.

“Listen…I’m going to run.” Gone was Zach’s smile, replaced by something far more serious.

“I hope you guys have a good weekend, and I’ll catch up with you on Monday.”

Damien’s brow furrowed in question, and when he spoke, there was concern in his voice. “If

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you need anything, Zach…anything at all, let me know.”

Zach nodded, and squeezed his brother’s shoulder as he headed out the door, leaving the two

of them alone. “Sorry about all that, love. I wanted you to have a good time, and it got all sorts of

fucked up.”

“It’s fine. Besides, if anyone can relate to sibling drama, it’s me. You know what my brothers

are like.” Though she had to admit, they’d come a long way, especially now that they were engaged to

amazing women. “Do you really think there’s something serious going on?”

“Zach tends not to say a whole lot, but if he needs help, he’s usually pretty good about asking

for it.” Damien linked his hand with hers and brought it to his lips. “Let’s get going, love. I’m itching

to use that remote, so unless you want to come in the middle of the restaurant like you’re doing some

sort of When Harry Met Sally reenactment, I suggest we get out of here.”

They were barely a block from the restaurant when Maddie’s body was suddenly jolted with

waves of intense vibrations. Her knees turned to jelly as Damien put an arm around her waist and

held her to him while they continued walking down the road. “I can’t believe you.”

“Truly? Because I thought I made it pretty clear that I’d be turning it on.” His smug smile

should have been infuriating, but it only had her wanting him more.

“Hurry…I can’t…” She nearly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to ride through the

waves of pleasure that were coursing through her, her feet refusing to cooperate.

And then, as if she weighed nothing more than hopes and dreams, he scooped her into his arms

and carried her the rest of the way to his home, all while she teetered on the edge of coming. “I’m

going to put you down now, so I can unlock the door.”

But it was too late… With her arms tight around his neck and her face buried in the crook of

his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent, she cried out, her body quaking and quivering as her

orgasm tore through her with waves of pleasure. And yet, there was no relief. Not when the vibrator

had yet to stop, her body already so swollen and sensitive, especially when she still had that butt plug

up firmly seated inside her.

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“Fuck, Damien…turn it off. I can’t take much more…” Her head was spinning, and luckily,

Damien managed to get the door unlocked without having to put her down, since she’d have ended up

a quivering heap at his feet if he’d let her go.

He carried her up the stairs and put her down on his bed so he could turn off the vibrator,

peace and calm finally washing over her. He gently brushed the hair from her eyes. “There you go,

love. It’s all over.”

Her breathing was still ragged and it felt as if her heart was trying to punch its way through

her chest. “Damien, I love you dearly, but you’re a fucking brat.”

“Sweetheart…did you just say you loved me?” There was an eagerness and satisfaction in his

tone, an intensity in his gaze, that she hadn’t quite expected to find.

Maddie wanted to groan, not quite believing she’d been stupid enough to say such a thing,

especially when she wasn’t actually in love with him. Or was she? “Well, I certainly didn’t mean it

in the way you’re implying. Obviously. And clearly, you’ve managed to fry my brain with that

vibrator-egg-thingy, not to mention I was totally under post-orgasmic duress.”

“Post-orgasmic duress?” Damien’s lips twitched into a smile. “Got to say, kitten, that’s a

new one.”


Damien twined his fingers with hers as she leaned back against him, nestled between his legs

as they lounged on his wide, butter-soft leather sofa and watched a movie. It all felt so incredibly

normal, and for the first time in her life, she felt like she could relax in a relationship and enjoy


With Damien, she didn’t have to worry about the physical stuff and wonder if she was

screwing up or if the guy was actually enjoying himself, nor did she have to worry about someone

being in the relationship just to get her hands on the money her family had worked so hard for. She

could be herself with Damien—even when it came to her kinkier likes—and not only would he not

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judge her, but he seemed to enjoy the same things.

Snuggling into him, she pulled his strong arms tight around her as he pressed a kiss to her

cheek, loving how protected he made her feel. She never could have imagined that her crazy idea to

have him catch her up to speed sexually would have resulted in the most amazing relationship. There

were no pretenses between them, nothing but honesty and genuine feelings, despite the fact that it was

all so new. She could be herself with Damien, tell him her likes and dislikes, without worrying about

what he’d think of her—and without worrying that she was somehow screwing up with her

inexperience. And now that she knew it would be just the two of them and neither of them would be

dating anyone else, she couldn’t be happier. Jake had been great for hanging out with, but her heart

and her body belonged to Damien and Damien alone.

“I was thinking it’d be nice to take a quick little trip to Greece. Get a bit of sun.” Slipping his

hand under her shirt, he cupped her breast and ran a thumb across her nipple, teasing it to a hard

point, making her shift in his arms and arch her back, Maddie clearly wanting more of what he could

offer her. “And if you don’t mind swinging by to see my parents, that would be great. There’s some

business I need to speak to my father about. It needs to be done in person, and it really can’t wait

much longer.”

“That could be nice, since I haven’t been to Greece yet. Though I’ll admit, meeting your

parents will probably be nerve-racking.” She couldn’t believe he actually wanted to take her with

him. It would certainly be a new experience, that was for sure.

“Maddie…” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her temple, holding her tight to his

muscular form, his thick stubble tickling her skin, even as the tone in his voice sent a sliver of worry

to her heart, disrupting the bliss she’d been contemplating just moments earlier. “My parents are sort

of old-fashioned, and though I want them to meet you, I think it’d be best if I introduce you as my

friend and business associate this time around. Do you mind?”

She shook her head and shifted in his arms so she could lay her head against his chest, the

steady beat of his heart soothing. “No, not at all. I get it. Families can be weird about stuff like

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relationships, and it’s not as though we’ve been together for any length of time. I mean, look at my

brothers. They’d pitch a total fit, given your history with women—as if any of them were any better.”

“It’s different when it’s their little sister.” He let out a sigh as if troubled by something, though

she didn’t know what was bothering him. “I know I’ve been a bit of a player, but those women…they

were nothing more than a distraction. Life isn’t always as perfect as it might seem, and sometimes…

well, sometimes you need an outlet for your frustrations.”

“I’m not judging you, Damien. But…I need to know that it’s in your past—or you need to be

honest with me if this isn’t working for you.” It’d be one thing for him to not want a serious

relationship, and another for him to lie to her about it. Because as hard and as fast as she was falling

for him, she’d end up getting her heart trounced if she found out he’d cheated on her.

“Whereas my concern is that you haven’t dated anywhere near enough to be ready to settle

into any sort of relationship. It’s not that I want you seeing other guys—because I fucking don’t. The

thought alone is enough to drive me mad with jealousy. But…you’re still so young, and there’s so

much you’ve yet to experience.” He brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes and stole a lingering

kiss. “I just don’t want you to eventually look back on this and think of it as a mistake.”

“How could I when you’ve been nothing but caring and honest with me? You mean the world

to me, Damien.” She managed a smile, needing to lighten their mood after so much serious talk. “The

only mistake would be you not kissing me at this very moment.”

“Sweetheart, I have a hell of a lot more planned than just kissing you.”

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Chapter Twelve

The week seemed to fly by for Damien. He spent some days working with Maddie, other days

working alone, though every single night was spent with her in his arms. He’d never been happier in

all his life, though his plan to meet with his father about Cassandra was weighing heavily on his mind.

His mother only wanted his happiness, but his father had given his word to his friend, and to

him, his word was binding. It didn’t matter that Damien’s life wasn’t his to give away. As far as his

father was concerned, if Damien wanted his money, then he better do as was asked of him. And

stubborn as his dad was, there’d be no making him see sense.

Well, it’d all get sorted soon enough, since they’d be leaving for Athens in the morning.

They’d spend a few days alone at his beach house, and then they’d visit his parents. Just a quick trip

to sort things out, and with luck, they’d see just how happy Maddie made him, and would be willing

to let him live his life the way he wanted to.

Maddie wrapped her arms around his waist, as he undid his tie and the top button of his shirt,

both of them finally back at his place after grabbing a quick dinner. She studied him, her head cocked

to one side. “You okay? You’ve seemed a bit on edge today.”

“Just have a lot going on. I’m better now that I can get you naked.” Except that he really

wasn’t. She was right. The thought of confronting his father had him feeling like a bundle of raw

nerves and he hated that Maddie could sense his unease. The sooner he got this fucking mess sorted,

the better for everyone involved. And it would feel damn good to finally be free of this nightmare, so

he could start living his life instead of trying to cram what living he could into the time he had left

before being forced to marry someone he didn’t love.

“Sweetheart…the things I want to do to you tonight…” He just wanted to focus on them, on the

now, too worried that things would go to shit by the time he got through speaking with his dad.

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Because if his dad insisted on him marrying Cassandra, his options would be to go through with it or

walk away from everything—homes, cars, businesses, fortunes, family, income…Maddie.

“Just tonight?” Maddie bit his neck as she reached down between them and stroked his hard


“Every fucking night, love.” Without a second thought, he tossed her over his shoulder as she

screamed and giggled, carrying her off to his bedroom so he could have his way with her. Because…

fuck…he couldn’t shake the feeling that this could all be coming to an end soon.

She slapped his ass hard, still giggling. “You have the finest ass.”

“The same could be said for you, darling—and it’ll look even better once I’ve spanked it

red.” Something was fueling him tonight…was pushing him to take all she could offer, like he might

not get the chance again. “And, sweetheart? I want you something fierce tonight. Do you remember

your safeword?”

He put her on the bed as she nodded, her breathing suddenly shallow and her eyes wide.


“That’s right.” He tilted her chin up and kissed her sweetly. “You never need to be scared

with me, love. Not ever.”

“I’m not. I trust you, Damien.”

“Good. Get naked, Maddie. And be quick about it.” There was a tension thrumming through

him, and he knew this would not be a slow and languid lovemaking.

She did as he asked, as he quickly rid himself of his own clothing, taking a moment to admire

her gorgeous body—long legs, pert breasts, and the most perfect ass—before grabbing her, and

flipping her onto her hands and knees. The first blows fell hard and fast across her cheeks, before he

fisted her hair and pulled her head back, forcing her to look at him. “Is this what you want, Maddie?”

“Yes. This…and more. Everything you have.” He could only imagine how difficult it must be

to actually ask for what she wanted, especially when she was still so inexperienced with that sort of


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He let go of her hair and ran his hand down her spine and over her ass, slapping it repeatedly,

first one cheek and then the other, as she cried out with a needy moan, his handprints red against her

porcelain skin. With his cock rock hard, he knelt by her side and slipped his fingers against her slick

folds, finding her dripping wet. It made him want to sink his cock into her…to fuck that sweet pussy,

that pretty mouth, and most of all, her tight ass.

“Do you know how badly I want you, love?” He plunged his fingers deep inside her sweet

cunt while spanking her with his other hand, knowing the pain and pleasure would become one,

heightening every sensation.

“Then take me, Damien. I may not have my collar on, but I am yours.” The way she said it,

with such conviction, let him know that she wasn’t just saying whatever he wanted to hear. She meant

it. She was submitting to him in the only way she knew how, and it was his responsibility to care for


“Then maybe we need to fix that.” He pulled his fingers free of her body and went to the

drawer in his nightstand where he’d placed all the toys he’d bought her. Picking up the soft piece of

leather, he put it around her neck and fastened it around her throat. “That looks gorgeous on you, love,

especially when you want to submit to me. And you do, darling…don’t you?”

She nodded as he stroked his hard cock with a sure hand and then brushed the tip of it across

her lips, smearing them with pre-cum. Fuck, she was so gorgeous, so willing, and her submission to

him was doing him in, claiming him, claiming his heart, in a way no one ever had. He wanted her in

every sense of the word, wanted to protect her and keep her safe, wanted to make her happy.

He fisted her hair, holding her head in place, and thrust past those full lips of hers, slowly

fucking her pretty mouth, and loving the way she took him, took all he had to give her as she looked up

at him doe-eyed. “That’s it, sweetheart…all of it.”

She sucked him, teased him with her tongue…and when her needy little moans escaped her,

the vibrations against his length left him groaning. He tightened his fist in her hair and held her where

he wanted her, pausing with his cock down her throat for a few seconds before pulling back to let her

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catch her breath, and then repeating it, making her eyes water.

“Such a good girl.” He pulled free of her, needing to know. “Did you like that, love? Do you

like it when I take you hard?”

“More than anything.” The way she looked at him, like he was her everything, made his heart

hitch. By the gods, he didn’t think he’d ever recover from being with her. No other woman would

ever do.

His entire world, his entire focus narrowed and centered on her and her alone, as he realized

in that moment that she was the only thing that mattered. “Fucking hell, Maddie…you leave me dizzy.”

In so many ways.

And then she was leaning forward, wrapping her lips around his cock, and sucking him until

her cheeks hollowed. He couldn’t help but thrust into her mouth with an anguished grunt, incapable of

holding back as he took her hard, her hair wrapped tight around his fist, fucking her mouth until he

came so hard, he cried out, pinning her head to the base of his cock, as he shot his cum down her

throat, forcing her to swallow, his cock pulsing his release until he was finally spent.

He pulled free of her lips and cupped her face in his hands, covering her skin in gentle kisses,

his breathing still rough and ragged as his heart hammered inside his chest.

“Are you okay, love?” He worried it’d been too much for her, that he’d been too rough. She

had her safeword, but how could she have used it when he had his cock stuffed down her throat while

his hand kept her from pulling away—not that she’d tried to. He would have felt it, would have let her

go…he hoped. Her breathing was still shallow and quick, and when she looked at him, he only

worried further. “Fuck…I was too rough…”

She shook her head, though he still didn’t quite understand the look in her eyes. “No, you

weren’t. It was perfect. Beyond perfect.”

“I don’t know if we should continue, Maddie.” Something felt off.

“It’s not what you think.” She let out a sigh and pressed her cheek against his chest. “It’s just

that…I’m falling for you, Damien. And I know that’s insane, right? But that’s my problem, not yours. I

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know that’s not what you signed on for when we started this, and the last thing I want to do is let any

of this get in the way of our evening.”

“Sweetheart…” He tilted her chin up so she’d be forced to look at him. “Believe me when I

tell you that it’s not a problem. Don’t you know how hard I’ve fallen for you? I’m serious, Maddie.

You’re so fucking perfect for me—and I swear no one else will ever do.”

He stole a lingering kiss, his own words and the truth of them rattling around in his head, as

his tongue found hers, his musky taste still on her tongue. Sitting back against the pillows, he took her

hand and guided her to sit between his legs. “Lay back against me, sweetheart. With your back to my


Pulling her close, he nuzzled her and kissed her cheek as one hand reached up to cup her

breast while the other slipped down between her legs. He loved being able to hold onto her like this,

loved how the length of her body pressed against his, so he could feel her every breath, every arch of

her back, every tilt of her hips.

And fuck, but she was so wet, even her thighs were slick with her juices. Her knees fell open

for him as his fingers slipped in and out of her and his thumb teased her clit, while he pinched her

nipple with his other hand, tugging it to a hard nub. “Do you see, love? This right here…” He pushed

his fingers deep inside her, making her back arch in response. “You might think it’s yours, but it’s not.

Not anymore, darling. It’s mine, Maddie. You’re mine.”

“I don’t want anyone but you, Damien.” She leaned back, nestling her head in the crook of his


He pulled his fingers free of her, eliciting a needy moan from Maddie, and brought his fingers

to her lips, slipping them into her hot, wet mouth so she could suck on them. “You see how delicious

you taste? I could feast on you all night, sweetheart.”

While she sucked his fingers clean, he felt each tug on his groin, his cock hard once more,

pressed against her back. He pulled his fingers free of her mouth and took her hand in his, guiding her

hand between her legs. “I want you to touch yourself… But don’t come until I tell you. Am I clear?”

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“Damien…” He could hear the protest in her voice and knew this wouldn’t be easy for her.

“You said you’ve masturbated before. Am I right? Or did you always use a vibrator?” He

wanted her to feel completely comfortable around him, and the only way for that to happen would be

for her to work through the things she was shy about.

“Not always, but…I don’t come very easily when it’s just me, myself, and I.” She started to

pull her hand away but he tightened his grip, preventing her from going any farther. “I don’t think I can

do this.”

“Are you disobeying me, Maddie?” Humor seeped into his voice, as he thought of putting her

over his knee and dishing out her punishment for disobeying him.

“No…well, technically, yes, but not because I’m trying to be cheeky or anything.” She tried to

turn in his arms, but he tightened his hold, pinning her against him.

“Stay right there, Maddie.” Damien reached over into the nightstand drawer where he’d

stashed all the toys he’d bought her, and found the length of silk fabric. Fastening it around her eyes,

he hoped it’d help to ease her shyness. “That should help. And since I’m feeling generous, I’ll even

get you started.”

He grabbed one of the vibrators, added some warming lube, knowing it’d sensitize things and

make it easier for her to come. Turning it on to a medium speed, he slipped it into her hand, before

guiding it down between her legs, ignoring Maddie’s protests. She squirmed against him, her hips

rolling against the vibe as he stroked it against her clit and then deep inside her, her hand trapped

under his.

“It’s just the two of us, sweetheart… Lose yourself in the darkness, if it helps. Don’t think,

just feel.” He brushed his cheek against hers, pressing his lips to her flushed, warm skin. “There’s

nothing to be embarrassed or uneasy about.”

“I’m not really…it’s just…” She bit back her needy moan, as the vibrator relentlessly buzzed

against her clit, his hand keeping her from pulling it away. “I’m just not used to having someone


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“I know, darling. But I want to watch you get yourself off because it turns me on to no end.”

He let his hand slip free from hers. “I’m asking you to do this for me.”

She nodded and pressed back against him, burying her head in the crook of his neck, her body

molding to his as her hips shifted against the vibe, and her breathing became ragged and heavy.

Knowing it’d help, he cupped her breasts and played with her nipples, rolling them between his

thumbs and fingers, tugging on the hard nubs, so the rhythm of her breathing changed to shallow gasps

of air.

“Damien…I’m going to come.” Her pace had quickened, so the vibe now dipped into her wet

pussy before gliding over her clit, the surface glistening with her juices. And then she was crying out,

quivering in his arms as he cradled her tight, her orgasm tearing through her like a lightning storm.

He pressed a kiss to her cheek, his cock aching to have her once more. “You’re such a good

girl. But I’m far from through with you yet, darling.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Maddie had lost all sense of time, unable to focus on anything but Damien’s touch, his kisses,

the feel of his body as it claimed hers. She was his. She knew that now. It hadn’t been her intention to

fall in love with him, but she had. Heart, body, and soul. He was her everything and she’d do anything

to please him, just as she trusted he’d do anything to bring her pleasure and keep her safe.

It was late and she was tired, but it didn’t matter. Sleep wasn’t what she wanted.

He covered her in kisses, his lips warm and his stubble rough, as she lost herself in him, his

body pressed against hers, the heat between them threatening to set her heart alight. His hand trailed

down over her ribs, his fingers splayed possessively as he gripped her waist and flipped her onto her

stomach, pulling her hips up to him, her ass in the air.

His hard length pressed against her slick lips, her clit swollen and heavy with need and her

body pleasantly sore from him taking her enough times to leave his mark. Not that she minded.

She liked being reminded of how he’d taken her, sweet and slow, hard and rough, time and

time again, as if he couldn’t stop himself from wanting her. And truth be told, the sliver of pain that

melted into pleasure only turned her on further.

“Fuck, Maddie…” He thrust into her slowly, easing his way in, inch by delicious inch, filling

her and stretching her tight. “You always feel so good. I swear I’ll never get enough of you.” He

pulled back and then thrust into her again, harder this time as he pressed his slick finger against the

bud of her ass, sliding it in as he took her, yet another sensation to heighten her pleasure. “But I want

more, sweetheart.”

“Whatever you want, Damien…” She trusted him completely, trusted him to know what she

wanted, what she needed, and to know her limits. “I’m yours, and I trust you completely.”

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“Even if I want to fuck this sweet ass of yours?” He slowly thrust his finger in and out of her

ass while he continued to fuck her nice and slow, the sensations overwhelming her as his words

rattled around in her head.

With her forehead propped against the crook of her arm, she tried to slow her racing thoughts,

knowing that if just his finger inside her could feel so overwhelming, his cock might just push her

over the edge.

“I want to try it, but…you’re not exactly small and no one’s ever done that to me before.” And

yet the mere thought of him taking her in such a way, in a way that was a bit taboo, had her clit aching

and her pussy wet.

“We don’t need to do this today if you’re not ready, but we’ve been working up to it.” When

he added a second finger, she let out a needy groan as he thrust in and out of her slowly. The pinch of

pain heightened her pleasure, allowing her body to relax against the added intrusion, no different than

the butt plugs they’d been using, their size slowly increasing so that her body would have time to

adjust. “Can you trust me to do this for you…to help you get through this?”

“Yeah, I trust you, Damien. Completely.” All she had to do was ignore her racing heart and

the sliver of panic that was knifing at her chest.

The lube quickly warmed as he worked it into her tight hole with his fingers, murmuring

words of encouragement. “You’ll need to focus on getting your body to relax. Can you do that for me,


She took a deep breath and let go of the tension in her muscles so her body relaxed around his

fingers as he thrust them in and out of her. When he pulled his fingers free of her body, she let out a

needy moan, her head dizzy from the lingering sensation and her anticipation of what was to come.

He added more lube, and then with a hand on her hip to steady her, pushed the head of his

cock against the bud of her ass. Slowly applying a bit more pressure, he slipped in past the tight ring

of muscle. Maddie breathed in sharply as pain flared and burned before subsiding into an odd

pleasure as her muscles eased around his cock.

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“Fucking hell, that feels so good.” He slipped farther in, pausing to allow her body time to

adjust, and then eased in until he had taken her fully, with his slick cock buried deep inside her.

“There’s my good girl. How are you doing, love?”

Maddie took one deep breath after another as her body slowly relaxed around the intrusion

and adjusted to his girth and fullness, even though the sensations had her head spinning and every

nerve in her body felt like it’d been electrified. “I’m okay.”

Damien gripped her hips with both hands, and slowly started to move, pulling out until just the

head of his cock remained buried, before slowly rocking his hips back into her, his pace starting to

increase with each thrust. Her pussy gushed in its emptiness and her clit throbbed, swollen and

desperate for release as the sensations of her ass being taken, being stretched tight, left her light-

headed and needy, her entire world narrowing to that one point where her body came together with

his, linking them as one.

The pain had subsided and she now found herself wanting more. She pushed back against him

as he thrust forward, letting him know that she wanted this, wanted him, and all he had to give her,

and Damien responded by quickening his pace. He lowered himself to her, pressing his chest against

her back as he held her tightly to him with a strong arm across her chest and his mouth at her ear,

grinding his cock into her with each thrust, his breath warm against her skin. “You’re mine, Maddie.

I’m never letting you go.”

He left her dizzy with how badly she wanted him, with how much she loved him, as if her

heart might burst from being so full. It might be the first time she’d ever truly been in love, but she

swore, she wanted it to be her last.

Damien’s pace had increased so he was no longer holding back, slamming into her with each

stroke, as he held her to him, pinning her body against his. “Touch yourself, love…I want you to

come, because I’m so fucking close…I don’t know that I can last much longer.”

She did as he asked, knowing it’d be the only way for her to come. Slipping her hands down

between her legs, she found herself drenched, so turned on and ready to be fucked, her emptiness

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begging to be filled. She slipped two fingers deep inside, pressing her palm against her clit and

fucking herself as he took her, her cries escaping her with each thrust, until she was coming undone,

shattering into a million pieces.

He joined her with a fierce grunt, her body pinned to his as he pulsed his hot seed deep inside

her, claiming yet another part of her. He stayed there for several moments more, the weight of his

body heavy as his breathing finally slowed and he rolled them to their sides.

She bit back a whimper as his cock gently slipped free of her and he held her to him, nuzzling

her hair and kissing the top of her head, as his cum slid out of her tender ass and down her legs. And

she swore, she’d never felt happier or more at peace.

“Maddie…I need you to know that I love you. No matter what happens between us, know that

that’s the truth.”

Fucking hell… What was that supposed to mean? She shifted in his arms to face him, but the

look on his face—a face that should have looked blissfully content—left her feeling nervous. “I love

you too, Damien—but you have me worried now. What could happen between us? What’s going on?”

He shook his head and gathered her into his arms. “Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing will happen

and there’s nothing going on. I swear, I won’t ever let anything come between us, because you’re my

everything, Maddie. You’re the only thing that matters—and my heart’s yours. It always will be.”


Maddie took Damien’s hand as he helped her out of the car, and into the bright Greek sun.

Their flight aboard Damien’s family jet had been relatively quick, with Damien’s home just over an

hour outside the center of Athens, in a little town that sat on the coast.

Though the sex right before they’d left London had been amazing, his words from the night

before continued to nag at the back of her mind, especially when he still seemed slightly distracted.

All she could do is hope that the sun and warm weather would help improve his mood.

“This way, love.” Damien linked her hand with his and led her up the stairs of the terraced

garden, the view of the crystal-blue waters just beyond absolutely breathtaking.

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“The water is so different from what I’m used to. The Atlantic always seems so dark and

brooding.” And dangerous…dangerous enough for her to think her father had died in its waters. A

shiver went right through her, and though there was still a chill to the air, given that it was January, it

was far milder than anything she’d experienced before—not that the shiver had anything to do with the


Damien pulled her close and ran his hands down his arms. “Are you okay, love?”

“Yeah. Just can’t believe how gorgeous and calm the water looks.” The last thing she wanted

to do is have Damien worrying about her, especially when she was still wondering if he had concerns

and worries of his own.

“The water is incredibly warm in the summer. It’s a pity it’s too cold to go for a swim,

although we do have a heated pool if you don’t mind braving the chilly air.” Damien unlocked the

massive front door and stepped aside to let her in. “Welcome to my home, darling.”

Maddie stepped into the entry and was immediately hit with the grandeur of the home. White

and grey marble floors spread out before her, while the ceilings soared high above, giving the space

an open and airy feel. Walls of a butter yellow added a warmth to what could have felt cold and stark

had a cool color been chosen, and just beyond was a wall of glass with the most breathtaking view of

the Mediterranean, the blue waters sparkling in the sun.

“It’s stunning, Damien.” She looked up over her shoulder at him, as he wrapped his arms

around her waist and kissed her cheek. “Did you grow up coming here—to this home?”

“No… My parents have their own place, though we primarily spent our summers on the

islands. The rest of my childhood was spent living in Boston and London, since my father ran his

business in both cities. My parents retired here recently—as much as my father will ever retire.” He

took her by the hand and pulled her farther into the home, giving her the grand tour of the place, each

room more impressive than the one before. “I bought this place a few years back when it looked like

property prices were going to soar. I could stay at one of my parents’ many homes, and I do, when I

go to the islands, but I wanted this place to be mine.”

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“Do you come here often then?” If it were her place, she didn’t think she’d ever leave,

especially not when the beach was just feet away.

“Often enough, though the summers can get too hot and crowded for my liking. Spring and

autumn are perfect, though. And the water is so incredibly warm in September.” He turned her around

in his arms so she was now facing him, her heart hitching at the mere sight of him looking at her so

intently. And when he kissed her, she swore every kiss still felt like the first time, her heart fluttering

to have him close. “If you’d like, we can head out. I’ll show you around, maybe get a bite to eat.”

“That sounds perfect. I can’t wait to see the area. I’ve always wanted to come here, but we

never had the money to travel when we were young, and now, things have been so busy, that I haven’t

really taken any time off.” She pressed her lips against his throat, breathing in his familiar scent.

“We’ll have to change that. You work far too hard, sweetheart.” He kissed her slow and

sweet, making her rethink about going out. “Come on. I know just the place I’d like to take you to.”

The winding drive along the rocky coast was breathtaking, the smells so different from what

she was used to. Not only could she smell the ocean, but there were also eucalyptus trees throwing off

their unique scent. And the water…it was so blue and so incredibly clear. And though clouds

gathered off in the distance, the bright sun and blue skies still managed to keep them at bay.

Pulling down a side road, Damien parked and then came around to get the door for her. “It’s

just a tiny place run by this old couple and their sons, but the food can’t be beat.”

Damien was immediately recognized by the staff, and though Maddie couldn’t understand a

word they were saying, it was clear they were happy to see him. As if spotting her as a foreigner at

first glance, the staff immediately switched to English when welcoming her to their establishment and

showing them to their table. They were seated in front of the most magnificent view, and everywhere

she turned, it was postcard perfect.

“You’re going to have to teach me some Greek.” She leaned over and grabbed Damien’s arm,

her excitement refusing to be contained. Though he was certainly at home in the UK, it was something

else to see him switch so easily and effortlessly to his Greek side, seemingly just as comfortable here

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as he was in London, and it only endeared him to her further.

“I’ll happily teach you whatever it is you’d like to know.” He linked his fingers with hers and

brought her hand to his lips. “And maybe by the time we return in the summer, you’ll be well on your

way to speaking enough to get by.”

“This summer?” He still expected them to be together…and damn, but she couldn’t help the

excitement that thrummed through her. “I think I’d love that.”

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Chapter Fourteen

The food at the restaurant was not only delicious, but nostalgic for Damien—and he loved that

he could not only share it with Maddie, but she seemed to be enjoying herself as much as he was.

Pointing to one of the dishes, he cut her a piece as he spoke and put it on her plate. “This is one of my

favorites. It’s tangy and soft feta cheese wrapped in phyllo dough, baked—or maybe it’s fried—and

then drizzled with a honey syrup. Careful, it’s still hot.”

She took a bite, and then fanned her mouth before finally swallowing it. “Oh…my…that’s the

most amazing thing I’ve ever eaten.”

He pointed to the rest of the plates and gave her a brief description of each, on the off chance

she didn’t recognize the items. “Baby lamb chops grilled with oregano and lemon; pastitsio, which is

a baked pasta with ground beef and a béchamel sauce; grape leaves stuffed with ground beef and rice;

souvlaki, both chicken and pork; hand-cut fries; tzatziki, which is a garlic-y yogurt sauce; a tomato

and cucumber salad topped with feta; and those are little fried fish, which you eat whole.”

She took a long sip of her wine, her cheeks flushed with the alcohol, and her lips stained red

and far too kissable. Cupping the back of her neck, he nuzzled her. “I dare you to try the little fish.

You eat them whole—head, tail and all, since they’re so tiny.” All of a couple inches in length.

“Ha! You think I won’t eat them? My dad was a fisherman—in a former life—and though we

didn’t have anything quite like this, I’ve eaten my fair share of bizarre things.” Maddie picked up one

of the little fish and popped it in her mouth before grabbing another. “Damn…those are really good.

Nice and salty.”

“You’ve got to eat them while they’re hot. Once they cool down, they taste a bit too fishy.” He

heaped more food onto her plate, excited that she was enjoying it —and loving that she actually had

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an appetite. Too many of the women he’d dated would do no more than push the food around their

plate, caring more about being seen with him on the off chance the paparazzi would spot them and

they’d get themselves a bit of notoriety.

“Emma—Quinn’s fiancée—would love this place.” She took a bite of the warm honeyed feta,

her pink tongue darting out to lick the honey off her lips, as he resisted the urge to skip the rest of

dinner and drag her back to his bed. “She once made something similar to this. All this food, it’s just

so incredible, so fresh and…of this place. I know that sounds weird.” She shook her head and gave

him an infectious smile.

“I completely understand. Sometimes, so much of a recipe, or the taste of a food, is based on

the ingredients themselves and where they came from. You have the recipe, you do everything the

same, and yet it turns out completely different.” He knew that firsthand, when trying to make Greek

recipes in London, and vice versa.

He thought of Quinn and the upcoming wedding, and knew that as serious as things were

getting between himself and Maddie, he needed to speak to her brother, especially since Damien was

in the wedding party. Quinn wouldn’t be happy, but there was little to be done for it. He loved

Maddie, and he refused to give her up. Not in this fucking lifetime. Not when they were so perfectly

matched—and they were. He truly believed that. And it wasn’t as if he hadn’t dated enough women to


“Maddie…I think it’s best if we let Quinn know we’re together. We’ve got the wedding

coming up, and if he sees us together, he’s going to know something is up.” Damien brushed her

cheek, the feel of her skin soft and warm. “Besides…I don’t want to keep our relationship a secret.”

Which was why he needed to speak to his father. At first he’d been thinking of leaving it for a

few days so they could enjoy themselves, but it was nagging at his thoughts and annoying him. He

hated not being in charge of his own life, his destiny, hated being told what he could and couldn’t do.

He’d rebelled against it by fucking his way through Europe, hoping someone would call the wedding

off. But now? He was tired of playing his father’s game, especially when he knew what he wanted—

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“I don’t know, Damien. It’s not that I want to keep our relationship a secret, but you don’t

know what my brothers are like. And it won’t just be Quinn.” She chewed on her bottom lip, making

him want to kiss her. “Morgan’s still in England. He’s probably the worst one of the whole lot. And

believe me, you don’t want him getting a hold of you.”

“I can hold my own, sweetheart, though it’s sweet of you to worry.” The last thing he wanted

was to get into a fight with her brothers, but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t defend himself—and he was

fully capable of doing just that. “And, love…your brothers are smart men. They’ll figure out that

we’re together, and that’ll only make matters worse if we’ve been keeping it from them.”

“Probably, though…fuck. Does Quinn know about your…likes—in bed? Did you go to those

sorts of clubs with my brother?” The worry in her eyes had him grabbing her hand to try to calm her.

He knew what she was thinking—that if Quinn knew of his sexual preferences for BDSM,

he’d assume she’d been on the receiving end of it. And she was. There was no denying it. “Yes, I’ve

been to similar clubs with Quinn, but sweetheart…it doesn’t mean anything. He wanted to go to those

clubs as much as I did.”

She cringed and made a face that had him smiling. “That was definitely too much information.

I did not need to know that, Damien.”

“Maybe not, but there are more people into that sort of thing than you’d expect. Not the

hardcore, live the lifestyle sort of thing, but people certainly like to experiment.” He gave her a look

that had her squirming in her seat, a look that said he was ready to devour her. “It keeps things from

getting boring.”

“And are you bored, Damien?” Though she was teasing him, he could see a flicker of worry

spark in her eyes and furrowed brow.

“Never, darling. Not when you’re in my bed and your sweet body’s wrapped around my

cock.” He watched her blush, loving that he could so easily have such an effect on her. “Come on,

sweet girl. The night’s still young.”

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After a stroll along the beach, they got themselves some gelato, and then eventually ended up

at a club he often frequented. The music was loud, and the beat thumped down to his bones, but with

Maddie’s body moving against his as she danced to one song after another, she was his only thought.

His girl had some moves, and with his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close, he

could feel every one of them. He’d been sorely tempted to pull her into a dark corner and hike up her

tiny skirt, so he could fuck her against the wall—all with the added rush of getting caught and being


When the song came to an end, she pulled him off the dance floor. “Do you mind? I need

something to drink.”

Damien tipped her chin back and kissed her. “Grab us a seat over there. I’ll be right back with

our drinks.”

The bar was busy, and would only get busier as they headed into the wee hours of the

morning, since most Greeks didn’t even eat dinner until ten at night. He ordered himself a pint and got

Maddie another mojito, though it’d be the last one he got her. She was a tiny thing, and though she

seemed fine, she’d also had a fair amount to drink.

He was waiting for their drinks when he felt a small hand on his arm. “Damien… Why didn’t

you call? I can’t believe you’re home.”

“Daphne…” He kissed each cheek, which was the most common greeting among friends in

Greece, although he made sure to keep his distance, wanting to make sure she understood that he had

no interest in picking up where they’d left off. Daphne was one of the women he often slept with when

he got to town, but that felt like a lifetime ago—a lifetime before Maddie. And surprisingly enough, it

wasn’t a life he had any interest in returning to. “It was an unexpected trip.”

Daphne sidled up against him with a smile, reaching down between them to stroke his cock.

“What do you say we get out of here?”

“No…I’m sorry, but…I’m with someone now. In a relationship.” And damn but it felt good to

say that out loud, to claim it.

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“That’s never stopped you before, and she doesn’t need to know. I promise not to tell.” She

pressed her body against his, but he saw his escape when the bartender slid his drinks over, and took


“I’m still not interested, Daphne. Sorry…I’ve got to grab these. It was good seeing you,

though.” He paid for the drinks, and headed in the direction Maddie had gone, immediately spotting

her talking to another guy who was getting far too close, even as Maddie tried to put some distance

between them.

Damien stalked towards them and put the drinks down, with a few choice words in Greek,

which had him declaring Maddie as his—and more than willing to fight for his claim. And that, in

and of itself, was a change, since Maddie was the first woman he’d cared enough about to fight over.

The guy sized Damien up, and putting his hands up like he’d meant no offense, was quick to

walk away, clearly not wanting to get into a fight. Damien watched him go, wanting to make sure

there’d be no trouble, before turning to Maddie, who was coming to his side.

He pulled her close, an arm tight around her waist. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…I’m fine. He just wouldn’t listen when I told him I was with someone and wasn’t

interested.” She held onto him as he tightened his hold on her.

“Let’s get out of here, sweetheart. I think I’ve had enough for one night.” Between running into

Daphne and that jerk, all he wanted was to get Maddie home and naked in his arms so he could burn

off the tension racing through him.

The night air was brisk, and the scents were so familiar, as were the roads he took to get them

back to his home in record time, his mind on one thing and one thing only—Maddie. The moment she

stepped out of the car, he was on her, pulling her body to his with a strong arm around her waist, his

lips claiming her mouth in a hard kiss as his tongue bullied its way past her lips.

He spun her around and pressed her against the hood of his Aston Martin, the metal still warm

from their short ride home, not even capable of waiting until he got her inside, and not caring if

anyone saw him take her or heard her needy moans. Hiking her skirt up over her waist, he kicked her

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feet apart and freed his already hard cock before grabbing at her panties, and tearing them free of her

body. Ignoring her cry of shock, he gripped her hips and plunged into her, pinning her against the hard

metal as he took her, one deep thrust after another, forcing her to take all of him.

“You’re mine, Maddie. No one touches you but me. Understood?” He growled out the words

as he took her rough and hard, lifting her off her feet with each thrust, her arms spread out in front of

her against the hood of his car to brace herself as he fucked her, pinning her under the weight of his

body, so there’d be no escape.

“You’re the only one I want, Damien.” Her words, her needy little moans, and her tight, wet

pussy only spurred him on to quicken his pace, to mark her soul just as she’d marked his.

His hand slipped up to her throat and tightened around it gently, clasping her to him as his

cock drove into her, impaling her, claiming her as his own, his breathing heavy and his head spinning

with need. And then she was coming in his arms, gasping as she cried out into the night and quivered

in his arms, his own release barreling towards him like a runaway freight train as his cock pulsed and

he shot his cum deep inside her with a primal grunt.

“I fucking love you, Maddie—with every fiber of my being. And I swear, I’ll never get

enough of you.”

“Good…because I don’t think I could ever love anyone but you, Damien. Not with what’s

between us.”


Damien knew his parents would still be home, given that it was still fairly early in the

morning. He had to speak to them, and could put it off no longer. “I hope you don’t mind, but I need to

swing by my parents’ house. Afterwards, I’m happy to take you into Athens and show you the sights.

Spend the day in the city.”

“That sounds lovely, though I’ll admit, seeing your parents has me a bit anxious. I’ve never

done anything like this before.” She sidled up to him as he took her hand and pulled her close,

stealing a long kiss.

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“You have nothing to worry about, darling.”

The forty-five-minute ride to his parents’ home did little to calm his nerves, especially when

he knew he had to confront his father about his asinine arrangement to marry him off to Cassie. He got

the gate open and pulled down the drive, before coming around to give Maddie a hand out of the car

and steal a kiss. “You okay, love?”

“No. I’m nervous as hell, but I’ll manage as long as you’re with me.” She let out a laugh that

had him kissing her again, his original thought to pass her off as no more than a business acquaintance

vanishing in the heat of their kiss and the intensity of his feelings for her. He didn’t want to hide what

was between them—not when he loved her so profoundly.

He gave her hand a squeeze, and led Maddie to the front door, his mind racing through his

options as they waited for someone to answer. His mum… “Damien. What a surprise. You should

have called to let us know you were coming.”

Pulling his mother into a hug, he kissed her cheek and then introduced Maddie. “This is

Madison Ryker. I believe I told you about the project we were working on together.”

“Yes, of course. I’m Elizabeth. It’s a pleasure.” His mum gave Maddie a hug and then stepped

aside to let them in. “Your father was just having a coffee out on the veranda.”

Though his mother smiled and welcomed Maddie, he could see the tension in her smile,

especially once her gaze drifted to his hand, which was still linked with Maddie’s. His mother had

questioned his dad about the arrangement, argued with him, and even shed some tears, but there was

little chance of anyone ever changing his father’s mind once the old man’s stubborn streak kicked in.

His father put down his newspaper the moment he spotted them heading his way, surprise on

his face as he gave Damien a warm smile, happy to see him, even though Damien knew very little

slipped by his father, and he hadn’t missed the linked hands either.

“Dad… This is Maddie—Madison Ryker. Quinn—my college roommate—is her brother.”

“Ah, yes—you’re working on that project together. Correct?” His father shook her hand and

gave her a genuine smile, though when he turned to Damien, it was clear he and his father would be

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having one of his famous talks.

His mum brought out decadent chocolate pastries and strong coffee, while conversation was

kept light. They discussed the project they were working on in London and their plans while they

were in Athens, though it didn’t take long for his father to want to know what the hell was going on.

“Damien, do you mind helping me with something? My email…it’s giving me problems

again.” His father stood, and then turned to Maddie. “If you’ll excuse me, my dear. I promise we

won’t be long.”

The moment they were in his father’s office, his dad started cursing. “What the hell’s going

on, Damien? It’s one thing for you to go fucking those whores of yours, but another for you to start

getting serious about someone when you’re marrying Cassandra.”

“I can’t marry her, Dad. I refuse to spend my life being miserable. It’s not as though I’ll make

her happy, so why ruin two lives?” How many times had they had this conversation? But it was

different this time, now that there was so much more at stake. He couldn’t give up Maddie. Refused


“I gave my word, which means it’s done.” He swiped his hand through the air, as if some king

on a throne, giving out orders that would be executed without question. “Madison seems like a very

nice girl, but you’re ending things with her, marrying Cassandra, and giving me grandchildren.”

“No, Dad…I’m not. I didn’t make the promise. You did.” Damien could barely get the words

out past his clenched jaw, his frustration and anger with the situation too much to bear. “I love

Maddie, and I refuse to break things off with her just so I can get sucked into some arranged marriage

like it’s the fucking Middle Ages.”

“Watch your mouth when you’re speaking to me. And if you want to continue living the

lifestyle to which you’ve become accustomed, you’ll marry Cassandra. Don’t be stubborn about it,

Damien. You can’t win this one.”

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Chapter Fifteen

Maddie watched Damien and his dad return from whatever they’d gone to sort out, but if the

lines of frustration and anger on Damien’s face were anything to go by, it had not gone well—and

Maddie doubted it had anything to do with email.

Damien crossed to her side and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. “We should get going.”

“But you only just got here.” His mom stood and grabbed Damien’s arm, looking worried

and…guilty? Definitely distraught. “Please stay.”

“I wish we could, but I’d like to show Maddie the city and then get ready for our departure

tomorrow.” He kissed his mother’s cheek, and with barely a word in his father’s direction, he pulled

Maddie towards the door as she attempted to say her goodbyes.

He slammed the car door and pounded the steering wheel, cursing under his breath as he

pulled away. Maddie worried she was the cause of whatever had transpired between Damien and his

father, leaving her gut in knots, making her feel as if she might be ill. “Damien…what happened?”

“I’m sorry you got dragged into that. My dad and I…we butt heads sometimes.” He managed a

smile that looked forced. “Don’t look so worried, love. Things will sort themselves out one way or

another, and I really don’t want it to ruin our day.” He twined his fingers with hers and brought her

hand to his lips, dividing his attention between her and the road. “I love you, Maddie.”

“I love you too, Damien.” She gave his hand a squeeze, desperately wanting to make things

right for him.

She wished he’d open up to her, but knew that things were never easy when it came to family.

Sometimes it wasn’t worth rehashing issues that seemed to never really resolve themselves, given the

fact that a family’s dynamic, their history, and their personalities were usually too difficult to change.

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By the time they got into the center of Athens, Damien had done a good job of pushing aside

whatever had happened at his parents’ house. They walked through the city hand in hand, the view

from the Acropolis breathtaking as they wandered through the ancient ruins, while Pláka, the old part

of the city just below the Acropolis, was quaint with tiny shops and restaurants all perched on the

hillside below. There was also the more cosmopolitan side of the city, with fashionable shops and

expensive boutiques lining the streets, while trendy Athenians wandered down the walkways and sat

in the open-air cafés.

And yet, Maddie now knew Damien well enough to know that whatever happened with his

dad was still nagging at his thoughts.

This was their last day in Athens, and though she was enjoying herself, it’d all been tainted

with her worry. And maybe she was overthinking things, reading more into his mood than was

actually there. It wasn’t as though he’d let it ruin their day. It might still be bugging him, but he’d done

a pretty damn good job of letting it go.

Ordering a coffee at an outdoor café, they sat side by side to people watch as the crowds

strolled up and down the street. She nestled herself up against his side as he draped an arm over her

shoulders and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head, though she could still feel the tension

running through him.

Damien let out a weary sigh. “I love this place, but I’ll be glad to get back home.”

“Look…I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I do get it. Family can be…difficult.” She

shifted in his arms so she could talk to him. “There’s a reason I jumped at the chance to take over the

office in London.”

He let out a deep breath and brushed her lips in a kiss that had her melting against him. “I

appreciate you being here for me, Maddie. But this…it’s such a fucking mess, and…and it doesn’t

matter, quite frankly. I have a few options, but I don’t want to discuss things and ruin what’s left of

our time here.”

Except that it did. It hung over their little world like a grey cloud ready to pour misery down

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on them.


Maddie was hoping that once they were back in London, everything would get back to normal,

and Damien’s mood would improve—and it did to an extent, each passing day bringing them closer to

what they’d had before they left for Greece. Work certainly kept them busy, and if anything was still

bothering him, he seemed to be doing a decent job of holding it at bay.

“Right here…” Maddie pointed to the blueprints, trying to address some issues they were

having while planning the third phase of their project, the first and second phases already well

underway. It was getting late, and she wanted to wrap things up for the evening. Everyone else had

already left for the night, and she could think of little else but grabbing a quick bit of dinner and

getting Damien naked once they got to his place. “If we can cluster some of the restaurants in this

area, the courtyard can serve as outdoor seating in good weather.”

Damien rested a hand on her lower back as he leaned in to look over her shoulder, his

muscular body brushing against hers. “That’ll be perfect, as long as we can convince the tenants

who’ve already signed leases for that phase of the project that it’ll be to their advantage to switch


“Well, we’ve got the client dinner that we’re hosting this weekend. We can make the

suggestion then and play up the advantages.” She smiled when he grabbed her hips and turned her

towards him, pinning her to his desk as his hard cock pressed against her.

“I can’t fucking wait to see you in a skimpy little cocktail dress.” His hands ran up her waist

and his thumbs brushed over her nipples, making them harden under his touch as he nuzzled her, his

stubble rough against her cheek, his lips claiming hers with a kiss that had her hips rocking against


“Who says I’ll be wearing a cocktail dress? Perhaps I was thinking of wearing a conservative

pantsuit.” She flicked her eyebrows up teasingly as she sat back on his desk and wrapped her legs

around his long, muscular thighs, pulling him to her.

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He nipped a trail of bites down her neck, his grip firm as his large hands splayed over her

sides. “A dress—so I can hike it up and fuck you in some dark corner.”

“Promises, promises…”

A knock on the door sent her heart skittering as they pulled apart and found Zach standing

there, leaning against the doorjamb wearing a shit-eating grin. “Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to

catch you before you headed out.”

“What’s going on?” Damien shifted to lean against the desk next to her. At this point, Zach

clearly knew they were together and there was little point in hiding it, though it made her think

Damien might be right about telling her brothers about their relationship.

“Spoke with the parents…”

“And I’m going to stop you right there.” Damien shook his head in frustration, so that Maddie

now knew that whatever had gone down between Damien and his father was still an issue. “I’ve

heard it all before, and I’m tired of it.”

“Damien…you know what’s at stake, yeah?” Zach ran a rough hand across his stubbled jaw,

tossing an uneasy glance in Maddie’s direction. “I’m just trying to warn you.”

“Then consider me warned.” Damien draped an arm around Maddie’s shoulders and pulled

her close, though the whole thing left her worried once more.

Maddie slipped off the desk. “Maybe I should let you guys talk. I can catch up with you later,


“Stay, Maddie. Honestly, there’s nothing more to discuss—is there, Zach?” Damien looked

over at his brother with a stern look, though his brother sure as hell wasn’t looking intimidated.

“Man, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s your neck that’s on the line.” Zach turned his

attention to her. “Madison, as always, it’s been a pleasure. My apologies for interrupting your


“No worries, Zach.” Maddie tilted her head in farewell, waiting for him to go before turning

to Damien. She couldn’t let it go any longer. “Damien, please…talk to me. Tell me what’s going on

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with you and your parents. You have me so worried.”

“The last thing I want is for you to be worrying about me, Maddie.” He cupped the back of her

neck and pulled her to him, dropping his forehead to hers and brushing her lips in a kiss. “Whatever

issues I have with my parents aren’t your concern. I’m dealing with it, okay? All you need to know is

that I love you.”

“But it’s not okay, especially if dating me is causing you problems with your parents.” Was it

because she didn’t come from money, despite having enough of it now? Or was it something else?

They’d seemed to like her, but maybe they were just being polite.

“My issues have nothing to do with you, love, and I don’t want to discuss them. Now if you

don’t mind, I’d like to head home and get you naked.” He tipped her chin up so she’d look at him, his

gaze stern in a way that had her going wet for him. “You’re all that matters, sweetheart. No more

discussions about my parents. Understood?”

What she understood was that he was keeping things from her. She might be inexperienced

when it came to relationships, and maybe she was wanting more than their brief time together

warranted, but she didn’t care. “Then why does Zach look so concerned? If something’s going on in

your life, I want you to feel like you can share that with me. It doesn’t have to be all fancy dinners and

plane rides. And you don’t need to protect me from whatever’s going on. I’m tougher than I look.”

“I have no doubt that you can handle anything life throws at you, Maddie. But this is my mess

and my life, and I’m not going to ruin what we have by tainting it with my problems.” Cupping her

face in both his hands, he kissed her, pressing her against the desk once more, his hard cock

impossible to ignore.

She wanted to argue with him, wanted to tell him that relationships also involved trusting each

other with their problems, and having each other’s back when things got rough.

But with his mouth hard on hers in a passionate kiss—tasting, taking, giving, until she was

light-headed—she could do little but lean into him, desperate for more of his touch. She knew he was

trying to distract her—and doing a damn fine job of it too. And yet she wanted to get to the bottom of

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Somehow, she managed to break away from their kiss, though she didn’t quite have the

strength to pull away from him, nestling her head against the crook of his neck and breathing in his

familiar scent. “Let’s get home, yeah? But Damien…you can’t shut me out of your life, especially if I

actually mean something to you.”

“You do, Maddie. You mean the world to me, but it’s the reason why I can’t drag you into my

mess of a family life.” He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his touch lingering warm on her

skin. “I swear, I’ll get it all sorted so it’s no longer an issue, but in the meantime, I need you to

promise me that you won’t let it get in the way of what we have.”

“How can I promise you such a thing when I haven’t a clue as to what the issue is?” Didn’t he

understand that? “I know I haven’t been in many relationships, but I’d think it’d involve sharing our

lives—the good and the bad. And I want to be here for you when things aren’t going well—I want to

know that you trust me enough to open up to me. I want to know that we have no secrets between us.

Because you know what? I just had a father come back from the fucking dead, and frankly I don’t need

any more secrets coming back to bite me in the ass.”

“Madison…there’s nothing to share. I have a rich, conservative, old-fashioned father who’s

too used to getting his way and doesn’t like it when things don’t go according to his plan. There’s

really nothing more to it, love—and I’m trying to get it all sorted out.” He twined his fingers with hers

and pulled her towards the door with a tilt of his head. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stop

discussing my father. He’s not what I want to be thinking about.”

She did her best to set her worries aside, not wanting to push things more than she already

had. At least now, he knew what she wanted from him and their relationship, and maybe with time,

he’d open up to her.

Not wanting things to be awkward, she managed a small flirty smile as she reached down and

stroked him. “So then, what do you want to be thinking of?”

“Keep that up, and there will be consequences, darling.” The growl in his voice sent a bolt of

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heat racing through her body and straight to her clit, the stern tone in his voice making her want to

misbehave with the hope that he’d put her over his knee and spank her ass.

“What kind of consequences?” She took him in with a teasing smile and continued to stroke

him, loving the way his body reacted to her touch. And damn but he was so fucking gorgeous, he

nearly did her heart in.

“On your knees, Maddie.” His gaze was stern and filled with fire, making her pussy clench

and go wet in response as she dropped to her knees while he undid his belt and trousers, freeing his

hard length. He then grabbed at her silk blouse and tore it open, sending buttons scattering across the

floor, exposing her breasts held perfectly high in a French lace demi-cup.

Maddie knew everyone had gone home for the evening, but there was always the chance

someone might walk in on them—like Zach. And yet, she still found herself kneeling before his

exposed cock, her breasts on display with no hope of closing her shirt properly, eagerly waiting for

him to fuck her mouth.

Damien grabbed the thick shaft of his cock with one hand, while fisting her hair with the other,

his hold on her tight, pinning her exactly where he wanted her as he smeared pre-cum across her lips.

Her tongue darted out to taste him, but when she leaned forward to take him into her mouth, he pulled

her head back, making it impossible for her to shift forward.

“You’re an eager little thing, aren’t you? But I’ve yet to give you permission to suck me off,

sweet girl.” The corner of his mouth twitched with humor, making her want him even more, especially

when he was still brushing the tip of his cock across her lips, stroking his length as he did so. “Maybe

I don’t want you to suck me…maybe I want to jerk myself off so I can cover your perfect tits and that

gorgeous face of yours in my cum. Or maybe I’ll first fuck those sweet lips of yours and then come all

over you, leaving you desperate for me until I can get you home and punish you properly. And then

maybe, once I have you tied to my bed, I’ll fuck those perfect tits of yours, before flipping you over

and making good use of your fine ass—not that I’ll have let you come, mind you.”

Maddie all but groaned, her panties now soaked as her clit throbbed, leaving her desperate to

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relieve the building pressure. Worked up as she was, it wouldn’t take much, and she was already

squirming in search of some relief.

She nearly laughed at the thought of what it used to take to get her to come before Damien got

his hands on her. Now the mere look of him, or just a few words spoken in that velvety voice of his—

especially when he always knew exactly what to say—and it was enough to practically have her

coming on the spot.

“Please, Damien… May I?” She bit her bottom lip hard enough to feel the sting of pain,

hoping it’d distract her from how badly she wanted him.

It amused her to think of how inexperienced and naïve she’d been just a month ago. And now,

she might still be trying to figure a lot of it out, but at the very least, she was experiencing a hell of a

lot more than she could have even imagined.

She couldn’t help but think of what else he’d show her—and she couldn’t help but imagine a

future with him. It left her wondering if their relationship would always be so sexually charged, even

after they’d been together for years. And fuck…she knew she shouldn’t let herself go there. But how

could she not think of their relationship as something long-term when they loved each other?

“What is it you want, sweetheart? And look at you…kneeling so obediently.” He brushed his

cock against her lips once more, and though her tongue flicked out to taste him, his hand was still

knotted in her hair, still keeping her from moving forward to take him. She let out a needy moan in

protest. “Are you wet for me, Maddie?”

“Yes…so fucking wet…I can feel it, Damien.” She didn’t know why she was giving him such

details, other than she hoped he’d show her some mercy and help her come.

He let out a deep laugh that set his blue eyes alight, and only had her wanting him, falling for

him, all the more. “I fucking love it that you’re so honest and open with me. Tell me, darling…do you

want to come while I fuck your mouth?”

“More than anything.” She felt a blush heat her cheeks, and knew that with her pale skin,

there’d be no hiding it.

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Letting go of his cock, he tilted her chin up so she’d be forced to look at him, though it only

made her blush more deeply. “Maddie, there’s no reason to blush or be ashamed of something that

brings you pleasure. Don’t ever be embarrassed of your sexuality or deny it, just because of what

people might think. We’re both consenting adults. And you need to be true to yourself and your needs

or you’ll never truly be happy—and believe me, love, that’s something I know all too well. That said,

you’re gorgeous when you blush. It reminds me that you trusted me with your innocence—and that’s a

precious gift I’ll always cherish.”

He cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her lips before leaning down to kiss her sweetly.

Wrapping his hand around his thick girth, he stroked his cock while watching her. Maddie’s breath

came in shallow pants under such scrutiny, especially when she couldn’t keep her gaze from drifting

to his cock. There was something about watching him pleasure himself in front of her that totally

turned her on, her body’s reaction to the sight of him instantaneous, her pussy so wet she could feel it

on her thighs.

“I want you to touch yourself, sweetheart…” When she groaned in protest, his lips kicked up

in a smile. “Maddie…hike up that skirt and do as you’re told. Understood? Or I’ll paddle your bum

so red, you’ll spend the next week standing.”

Sitting forward, she hiked up her skirt so it sat up around her hips, knowing that with her

blouse torn open, she must look like such a sight. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she

slipped her hand between her thighs and pushed the small bit of lace aside. Fuck, she was so wet—

and watching Damien stroke himself, listening to his breathing, knowing that he was watching her

touch herself, only made matters worse and had her so on edge already, she swore she might come

with the lightest touch.

And damn, but it must have been obvious. “You’re not to get yourself off just yet, love. I want

to paint that pretty face of yours with my cum as I watch you come undone. Only then. And it’ll be up

to you to watch me so you can time your orgasm just right. Not before I come, and not after. Am I


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“Damien…I don’t think I can.” She bit her lip, though the flicker of pain only made it worse,

her fingers sliding over her swollen clit as the pressure built heavy and aching, her pussy desperate to

be filled.

“You can and you will.” His pace quickened now, her focus on his cock as it thrust through

his fist, the only sound that of their breathing and the sound of skin against skin as he jerked off inches

from her face.

She was so fucking close—and she could tell he was damn close too. Applying more pressure

to her clit, she let her fingers slip inside her, filling her and adding that little extra that could push her

over the edge.

With a grunt, he let loose, shooting hot pearly jewels over her breasts, her neck, her lips, as

she cried out, her own orgasm crashing over her, her body quivering under her touch, her fingers

finally stilling as she let the final waves of pleasure course through her.

“You look fucking amazing, Maddie.” He slipped his cock against her lips as her mouth

opened to take him, licking him clean, as he brushed the cum over her skin, smearing it, claiming her,

marking her in a way no man ever had.

And she knew then, more than ever, that she was his: body, heart, and soul.

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Chapter Sixteen

Fuck. Damien sent the call to voicemail, in absolutely no mood to deal with Cassandra. She’d

texted and called, as had his parents, and though he knew he’d eventually have to deal with them, for

now, he just wanted to live in oblivion a little longer, having finally found happiness for the first time

in a very long while.

Stepping up behind Maddie, he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him,

brushing the hair from her neck so he could kiss her shoulder. “You’re breathtaking, love. The men

won’t be able to keep their eyes off you in this dress.”

It was a little black lace number with a fitted bodice and full flirty skirt, short enough to show

off her amazing legs.

“As long as they know that I’m with you.” She spun around to face him and slid her hands up

his tux, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to hide the fact that we’re together. I know

my brothers can be overly protective, and I love them dearly, but it’s my life, and I’m tired of them

butting in. I won’t let them ruin what we have, Damien.”

“Maddie…” It wasn’t that he didn’t want to come out as a couple, but when he’d first

suggested it, he’d been hoping to get things sorted with his father when they’d gone to Greece. “I

don’t know. Maybe it’s best we hold off until we’ve had a chance to sit down with Quinn and let him

know. The wedding’s just a month away, and the bachelor and bachelorette parties are even sooner.

After we’ve spoken to him, I’d love to let the world know that we’re together.” And with luck, he’d

have everything sorted with his father and Cassie by then.

She pouted, but only for a moment before leaning into him with her lush curves and trailing

kisses up his neck. “I guess I can wait, though I’m impatient. I want the world to know I’m yours.”

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“They’ll know.” He ran his hands up her thighs and under her skirt to fist her skimpy lace

panties in his hand. “These need to go, Maddie. I want easy access.”

With a sharp yank, he tore the delicate lace from her body, loving how she gasped. He brought

the lace to his face and took a deep breath, letting her sweet scent fill his head, and loving the thought

of her being bare under her pretty little dress, a secret for just the two of them.

“There’s one more thing.” Damien turned her around so her back was now to him, and

reached into his pocket, pulling out the necklace he’d bought for her. He draped it around her neck

and fastened it, running his hands against the nape of her neck to free her dark hair, her skin soft and

warm as he kissed the slope of her shoulder. “I hope you like it.”

She touched the necklace—a string of white diamonds with a large pink diamond that cost him

a small fortune—and turned around to face him, leaping into his arms, kissing him as he held her tight.

“Damien… It’s gorgeous. No one’s ever…”

“That’s because other men are fools and not worthy of your affection.” He cupped the back of

her neck and pulled her to him, nuzzling her with a kiss. “I love you, Maddie. Now, let’s get going

before we’re late. I want to get this over with, since I can think of nothing but dragging you back here

so I can fuck you while you wear nothing but this necklace.”

“I’m surprised you’re willing to wait until we get back.” She licked her lips and reached

down to stroke him, his cock already hard and aching to take her, to make her submit to him.

“Sweetheart, by the time I finish fucking you tonight, you’ll be hoarse from screaming my

name, from screaming out your pleasure. So unless you want an audience, you better hope I have the

self-control to wait until we get back.”


As the night progressed, Damien found it harder and harder to stay away from Maddie.

Keeping his hands off her was near impossible, especially when he knew she was bare under the skirt

of her dress, her lace panties still in his pocket.

Up until that moment, he hadn’t quite realized just how often he touched her, those small

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caresses between lovers: a hand on the small of her back, a kiss to the temple, twining his fingers

with hers… And now that he had to keep their relationship a secret—especially since her brother

Morgan had shown up to the event—he was desperate for that physical contact.

There were plenty of prospective clients at their event, and with Zach, Maddie, and Morgan

present, not to mention the rest of their employees, things seemed to be going smoothly. Except for the

fact that he couldn’t get his hands on Maddie. And fuck, but he’d never seen anyone look more

gorgeous. She’d pulled her dark hair into some sort of twisted side ponytail, making him want to

wrap it around his fist so he could pull her head back and feast on her neck.

Zach wandered over, his keen gaze taking him in. “Her brother will fucking kill you—as will

Cassie if she finds out.”

“I’m working on it, Zach. And in the meantime, I’m not fucking discussing it.” Damien knew

his brother meant well, but he was being a fucking thorn in his side. “It’s not as though I’m not fully

aware of Maddie’s brothers and their inclination towards dismemberment when it comes to any guy

who shows an interest in their sister. As for Cassandra, that’s not happening. I’m not marrying

someone I don’t love, and I refuse to let Dad blackmail me into something that’ll affect the rest of my

life. It’s not fucking happening.”

“Then I sure as hell hope Maddie feels like supporting the sort of life you’ve grown

accustomed to, because you know Dad means it when he says he’ll cut you off completely.” Zach let

out a sigh. “He won’t even let you keep your job, Damien, so fucking think this through if Maddie’s

nothing more than another distraction.”

“She’s not just a distraction, Zach.” He shook his head and let out a weary sigh as his eyes

drifted over to Maddie, sending his heart pounding. “I fucking love her.”

“I don’t believe it…” Zach took him in, his eyes narrowing as if trying to see something that

he might have missed. “Fuck…you really have fallen for her.”

“Which is why I need to make Dad see sense. I can’t give Maddie up—and I also can’t have

her thinking that I’m with her as a way to get out of some stupid arranged marriage and still have

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access to money—hers.” Especially since he already knew she was paranoid about guys hooking up

with her because of her family’s newfound fortunes.

Her worry about guys using her for her money wouldn’t be an issue—unless his dad cut him

off. If he suddenly found himself without a job, without his family’s support, and worse, if Maddie

found out about Cassie, then there was a good chance she’d question everything between them,

including why he was with her to begin with. And losing Maddie? That would fucking devastate him.

“I’ve tried talking to him for you—as has Mum—but you know what he’s like.” Zach shook

his head. “I’m sorry, man. I really like Maddie, and I want nothing more than for you to be happy.

Maybe if you talk to her? She seems like she’d be understanding.”

“Yeah…she’ll completely understand that I’ve pursued her while being engaged to another

woman.” And now Morgan was heading their way. Fuck. “Not a word, Zach.”

“You’re insane if you think I’m sticking around for this conversation.” Zach slipped away,

pausing for a moment to say something to Morgan and shake his hand, before continuing on his way.

“Nice job with the event.” Morgan joined him as they looked out at the crowds. Things were

starting to wind down and overall, it’d been a success with enough interest shown to fill the rest of

the vacancies they had for the current project, in addition to some future projects. “My sister’s had

nothing but good things to say about working with the two of you and your company.”

“Well, she’s smart and professional. Really knows her stuff.” Damien tilted his head in

Maddie’s direction, where she stood speaking to Zoe and a few clients. “Working with her has been a

real pleasure.”

Morgan’s eyes narrowed imperceptibly, as if analyzing him, leaving Damien to wonder if

he’d given something away when he looked at Maddie. “I’m sure it has. I’d love to keep Maddie in

Portmore with the rest of us, but London seems to suit her. Although, I do worry about people taking

advantage of her good nature—and her inexperience. She tends to be too trusting, when most men are


“I’m sorry—are we still discussing work?” Damien held Morgan’s gaze, refusing to be

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intimidated. The Ryker brothers might be overprotective, but Maddie was an adult and could make

her own decisions.

Morgan shifted to face him, his jaw tense and his gaze fierce. “I know you won’t admit it, but

I’m her brother, and I know my baby sister. There’s something going on between you, so let me just

make myself clear—if you hurt Maddie, you’ll wish you were dead by the time my brothers and I get

through with you.”

“I’ve no intention of hurting her, Morgan.” Damien wouldn’t tell Morgan that he was in love

with Maddie. It wasn’t his business, and if Maddie wanted to tell her brother, then that was up to her.

Yet it just reiterated the fact that he needed to finally put an end to this situation with his father

and Cassandra. Damien might be worried about Maddie thinking he was just with her to get out of his

engagement and still maintain his lifestyle by using her for her money, but it’d be a million times

worse if he didn’t tell her and she found out about it from someone other than him.

“I’m glad to hear it. However, I won’t be telling Quinn—and neither will you, if you know

what’s good for you. Just be glad that Zoe’s threatened to have my balls if I interfere in what’s going

on with you and Maddie—but all bets are off if you mistreat her in any way.” Morgan shifted to look

back at the crowd, when Damien’s gaze fell on Maddie—and some guy who looked like he was

getting far too friendly. Morgan stiffened at his side and all but growled. “You have this, right?”

“Damn fucking right I do.” Damien crossed the room, his stride brisk, and a good thing too,

since the guy—Winston Black, if he recalled correctly—had just put a hand on Maddie’s hip, pulling

her in close and leaning forward as if to say something to her, even as she tried to push him away.

Damien stepped to her side, earning him a glare from Winston. “I’d take your hands off her, if I were


Winston had yet to let go of Maddie, and it was fucking pissing Damien off. “Damien…I’d

love to discuss our business arrangement further—but as you can see, I’m busy at the moment.”

“And you’ll be busy picking up your teeth if you don’t let go of her.” When Damien pulled her

to his side, Winston let go of her.

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With his jaw clenched and his lips pressed into a thin line, it was a miracle Winston was able

to get any words out. “You can forget about me renting that space from your company.”

“That suits us just fine. Now, show yourself out before I do it for you.” Damien watched as

the man stormed out, before finally pulling Maddie into his arms and holding her tight. “Are you


She struggled to pull away. “People are going to see us, Damien.”

“Your brother already knows. He figured it out, and I for one am glad for it. As for everyone

else knowing, I don’t fucking care. Let them know that you’re with me…that you’re mine.” He cupped

her cheek and kissed her, long and hard, not caring that there were other people around. He wanted

the world to know they were together, that he loved her. “Let’s wrap this up, yeah? Because I

desperately need to take you back to my place and fuck you until neither of us can walk straight.”

“Such promises.” Maddie leaned up against him, nuzzling his cheek and making it impossible

for him to think straight when her curves brushed up against him like that. “It makes me wonder what

else you’re capable of.”

“Maybe it’s time you found out.”

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Chapter Seventeen

Maddie was barely through the front door when Damien pinned her to the wall, his mouth

rough on hers in a bruising kiss as she fumbled with his trousers, desperate to free his cock. She

stroked him, the feel of him like silk over steel, as his tongue clashed with hers, pinning her to the

wall with an all-consuming passion. Grabbing her leg, he hiked it up over his hip, opening her up to

him as he thrust into her, taking her in one go, filling her completely and forcing her body to stretch

around his girth and length.

She knew at that moment that she would never get enough of him, especially when he took her

like this, hard and rough, as though he wanted her so badly, he’d lost all control. And she loved it…

loved that things between them were raw and primal, driven by need and desire.

He pounded each thrust into her, lifting her up off her feet with each one, as she held onto him,

bracing herself. And when he hooked her other leg over his hip, she was left at his mercy, pinned to

the wall with his cock as he took her roughly, the energy building inside her like a coming storm.

Damien bit her shoulder as his speed quickened, the flicker of pain pushing her closer to the

edge, her orgasm barreling towards her as she tried to hold back, not wanting to come until he’d given

her permission. And yet the mere thought of being submissive to him, of giving over that sort of

control, only turned her on all the more.

She was teetering on the edge, so close to coming, when he wrapped his hand around her

throat and squeezed gently. It was such a rush, it had her pussy tightening in response until she was

coming hard, flashes of white flickering behind her eyes as she cried out, her orgasm tearing through

her like white lightning. Her body quivered in his grasp as he continued to drive into her mercilessly

until he too was coming, his cock pulsing deep inside her with those final thrusts, her body locked

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around his as they finally stilled, the only sound that of their heavy breathing and pounding hearts.

“Sweetheart…I don’t recall giving you permission to come.” He pressed his lips to hers, both

of them still trying to catch their breath even as his words sent her heart racing. “And since that was

fucking amazing, I’m far from being through with you.”

“Maybe I like being bad.” She nipped at his lip, as the thought of him punishing her had her

going wet once more, her juices mixing with his cum and trailing down her thighs, evidence that he’d

claimed her as his, the mere thought of it overwhelmingly erotic to her.

“And maybe you’re looking to have me put you over my knee.” He continued to hold onto her,

and with her legs still wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck, he carried her to his

large bedroom as she covered his face with kisses in between nipping at his neck.

She loved how strong he was, that he could carry her as if she weighed nothing, and that he

could take care of her every need. Never in a million years had she imagined that sex—and love—

could be like this, so all-consuming, while at the same time making her feel so whole. It was as if

she’d discovered her true self.

Damien let her legs slip down to the floor, and then once she was steady on her feet, he turned

her around and unzipped her dress. When his hands brushed over her skin slowly, her skin pebbled in

response to his touch, his fingers catching the fabric and freeing the dress from her curves, letting it

drop to the floor before he took her hand and helped her step out of it. She stood there, her back to his

chest so she could feel the heat of his body radiating through the fabric of his shirt, as he pressed

kisses to her shoulders and ran his hands down her arms.

Maddie spun to face him, her naked body brushing against his as she slipped her hands up his

chest and undid his tie, tossing it aside before starting on the buttons of his shirt. Little by little, she

uncovered more and more of his firm pecs and ripped stomach, his skin hot to the touch as she trailed

her fingers over his abs and chest to the lines of his tattoos, tracing the intricate lines with her fingers.

She loved that little bit of an edge to him, so unexpected under the suit and tie—and she loved that the

tattoos were done in a way to enhance his physical form, rather than take away or distract from it.

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Grabbing her hips, he nuzzled her, as his cock went hard once more, trapped between them

with his trousers still unzipped from taking her against the wall. “I don’t think I’ll ever get my fill of

you, Maddie.”

Her nipples hardened and pebbled as they brushed against his chest, aching to be touched.

They’d gone from something so intense, barely making it into the house before he was fucking her, to

something slow and sweet, and yet somehow just as charged. “Tell me this won’t ever end…that it’ll

always be like this.”

“You have my word, love…I swear I won’t let anything come between us.” He said it with

such intensity, it had her breath catching.

She was glad Morgan knew about them and wouldn’t try to come between them, and yet Quinn

might have more to say about it, given his friendship with Damien. Still, it sounded like Damien

would stand up to Quinn if it came to that, and she would certainly be doing the same. It was her life

—not her brother’s.

Damien ran his hands up her ribs and brushed his thumbs over the tips of her nipples, forcing

her to bite back a needy moan, even as she leaned into his touch, her breath quickening, lifting her

chest with each inhale.

Tossing his shirt aside, he quickly rid himself of the rest of his clothing as her gaze slipped

over his body while he undressed. It was impossible to keep her eyes from lingering on his cock, and

her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she thought of dropping to her knees, thought of him grabbing

her head and fucking her mouth.

“Do you know what you do to me? Especially when you’re like this…so hungry for me…so

willing to let me take control and have my way with you.” He ran a finger down the curve of her

cheek, his blue eyes so intense, it was as if she were looking into a bright summer sky. “But you know

what, love? You’re actually the one with all the control, even when you submit to me. Because I’m all

yours…I want nothing more than to make your every fantasy come true, to give you everything you

could ever want, to make you happy. You may think you’re the one at my mercy when I have you tied

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to my bed or on your knees, but the truth is you’re the one holding my heart—and I would do anything

to please you.”

His words sent a warmth straight through her, and Maddie realized she’d never been happier,

never felt more whole. She slipped her arms around his neck and nuzzled him, brushing her lips

against his. “I love you, Damien.”

“And I love you. You’re my very heart, Maddie.” He stole one more kiss and then led her into

the bathroom, quickly getting the water running in the massive tub, before lighting a myriad of


She didn’t know if he’d planned this in advance, but with the lights dimmed low so that the

candles sparkled like stars in the night sky, she couldn’t imagine anything more romantic. He helped

her into the tub, and then slipped in behind her, pulling her close, so she rested with her back against

his chest, nestled in his lap, as he poured body wash over her, the feel of it cold against her skin.

The water was hot—almost too hot—and yet somehow, it only heightened every touch, so that

when Damien reached up to lather her, to cup her breasts and pinch her nipple, when he reached

down to stroke her clit, the feeling was far more intense. Even the way her body slipped so easily

against his in the soapy water was yet another sensation that had her desperate for him to fuck her

once more. “You know, I’ve never taken a bath with a guy before.”

“I like being so many of your firsts, Maddie—and fuck, but I also want to be your last.” He

spread her legs wide and slipped his fingers inside her as his palm pressed against her clit, her hips

curling to take his fingers deeper as she bit her lip. “This is mineyou’re mine…and the thought of

you with another man is enough to make me fucking crazy.”

“I don’t want anyone but you, Damien. Everything with you has been so perfect—exactly what

I so desperately wanted and everything I need. And I don’t think I could ever truly enjoy myself if it

wasn’t…like this, if it wasn’t with you.” She couldn’t imagine going to a traditional type of sexual

relationship after being with Damien. If she ever did, she knew she’d never be happy, always

wanting, hoping, for so much more. She’d be craving Damien and all he did to her, and she knew that

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no one else would ever do. “You had said you’d ruin me for any other man, and you have.”

“Sweetheart…if you’re expecting me to feel bad about it, you can guess again.” He grabbed

her hips and shifted her onto his cock, impaling her on his full length, her body stretching around his

girth as she bit back a moan, the hot water splashing around them.

With one arm tight around her waist, he held her body to him as he thrust up into her, her pussy

already so swollen and needy. Never slowing or letting her go, he picked up a candle with his free

hand. It sent her heart racing and her body squirming as she watched him drip hot wax onto her chest,

the experience something completely new. She bit back a moan from the stinging heat, though he’d

held the candle high enough for the wax to be cool enough not to burn her by the time it hit her skin.

The pace of his thrusts was torturously slow, and yet incredibly intense, with the flicker of

pain from the hot wax only increasing her pleasure. “You can use your safeword, kitten.”

“I don’t want to.” By the gods, she loved everything he did to her.

In response, he dripped more hot wax over her wet skin, her back arching in response as pain

and pleasure became one, the air cool in contrast as she arched her chest out of the hot water. The red

wax splattered over her pearly white skin, as he continued painting her body with molten heat, all

while fucking her deeply. The sexual energy started to build within her once again. “Damien…fuck…

I’m going to come.”

“Not yet, love…I want to see you when you come undone for me.” He set aside the candle and

lifted her off his cock, turning her around and guiding her to straddle him.

She lowered her body to his, but with his hands gripping her hips, he shifted her position and

pulled her down to him, pressing his cock against her ass. She cried out, pleasure and pain leaving

her light-headed as Damien eased her down onto his cock, the soapy water aiding his way, every

sensation now heightened. A shudder worked its way through her body as he filled her, her sensitive

clit now rubbing against the lowest part of his abdomen near the base of his cock.

It took all she had to not come right then and there, especially when he kissed her so she could

feel it in the marrow of her bones. Leaving her impaled, with his cock up her ass, he teased her nipple

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with his tongue while slowly flicking the pieces of wax off, one drop and then the next, the wax

tugging at her skin with an unusual flicker of pain, only heightening the overwhelming sensations she

was already experiencing.

“Damien…please.” She didn’t know how much more she could take without coming, her skin

already prickling with goose bumps.

“As you wish, sweetheart.” Grabbing her hips, he slowly worked his cock in and out of her,

his breathing ragged as he took her, his pace already increasing, leaving her teetering on the verge of

coming, every nerve ending alight with the blaze of a thousand setting suns. “Fucking hell, Maddie…

you have me so close.”

She kissed him, barely holding it together, her body vibrating with the energy of her building

orgasm. It was all so overwhelming, that everything else fell away so there was nothing but the

joining of their bodies, their souls.

When his pace increased, pounding his cock into her, she could take no more, every muscle

tight as she held onto him as if caught in a raging storm. “I’m coming, Damien…I can’t hold it back.”

“That’s it, sweetheart…” With his mouth hard on hers, he swallowed her cries as her body

shattered with her orgasm, waves of pleasure spiraling through her as he joined her with his own

primal grunt, pulsing his hot cum deep inside her.

With ragged breaths, they stayed like that, linked in the most intimate of ways with his cock

buried deep inside her, his head bent to hers, as he held her tightly to him, the pounding of their hearts

now one. “You’re my everything, Maddie. My very heart.”

“Just as you’re mine.”


Maddie was startled awake by someone screaming in Greek, her eyes slow to focus,

struggling to take in everything that was happening so she could make sense of it. Damien was fending

off a woman who was flailing at him, while rattling off something in response as he hopped out of

bed, naked. Not bothering with his clothes, he grabbed the woman’s arm and hauled her out of the

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room, slamming the door shut behind them, without even a glance in Maddie’s direction.

Dumbfounded and shocked, Maddie slipped out of bed and with shaking hands, quickly got

dressed, as the argument between Damien and the other woman continued on just beyond the door.

Her heart was pounding with worry and dread, its beat deafening, as if sounding an alarm of

impending doom.

She didn’t know who the woman was, but it was hard to ignore Damien’s past. Was she an

ex-girlfriend? A past lover? Had they even locked the door last night, given the fact that they were

more concerned with fucking each other than with security, or did the woman have her own key?

Well, Maddie may not understand what was being said, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to

just let Damien deal with his ex on his own. She stepped into the now empty hall, following the sound

of voices down into the living room as Damien stood there, still completely naked and sporting

morning wood, no less, as the woman yelled and cried—until she saw Maddie.

Maddie may not have understood most of what was being said, but certain versions of

“whore” were understandable no matter what the language. And though the woman was looking

pissed off and hurt, with tears streaming down her face—Damien was looking…guilty.

Maddie’s heart pounded in her ears as her eyes burned with threatening tears, and she swore

she might throw up. “Damien? You need to tell me what the fuck is going on.”

The woman glared venom in Maddie’s direction, happy to explain the situation in flawless

English. “What’s happening is that you’re screwing my fiancé.” She held up her hand and wiggled her

fingers to show off a massive diamond engagement ring.

Maddie looked at Damien and at once knew that what the woman had said was true. She felt

gutted…broken…her heart torn from her chest, leaving her utterly and completely shattered. She

couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t feel anything but the breaking of her heart, the betrayal, the

loss—and the shame that she’d been made a fool.

“How could you, Damien?” Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head, and ran out

of the room, desperate to leave and salvage a little pride, her heartbreak too much to bear, especially

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with others looking on. Back in the bedroom, she grabbed her things as she choked back her sobs.

How the fuck could she have been such a fool?

It didn’t take long before Damien let himself into the room, still fucking naked. “Maddie…let

me explain, love.”

A fresh wave of tears let loose as she headed for the door. She couldn’t even look at him,

couldn’t bear to be in the same room as him, and she swore she was going to either be ill or she was

going to murder him. “I can’t fucking believe you. And I take it she’s Cassandra? The one you have

nothing to do with? You fucking liar.”

He put his hands on her arms and turned her to face him, ignoring her struggles to get free of

his touch. “I don’t love her, Maddie. I never have.”

She glared up at him. “But you have fucked her and you are engaged to her. Right?”

He let out a sigh, looking broken. “Maddie…”

“I’ll take that as a fucking yes to both fucking her and asking her to marry you.” She spun

around and tried to get loose of his grasp, but he refused to let go of her, his grip on her like iron. “Let

go of me, Damien, or I swear I’ll scream.”

“Not until you hear me out, love.” He was trying to get her to look at him, but she couldn’t

bear it, her tears streaming down her face as her heart wept and left her devastated. “My father

arranged it. His best friend was dying, and my dad promised him that he’d make sure his daughter

married into our family so she’d be well taken care of. And seeing that I was the oldest, he decided

I’d be the one to marry her.” He shook his head, his jaw clenched. “I slept with her just the one time

when we first got engaged, and I sure as hell don’t love her, nor do I have any interest in marrying

her. It’s why we’ve been engaged for years, but we’ve never married.”

“And yet you still didn’t tell me. Not a goddamned word. You fucking deceived me, Damien.

Made me think we could have something—made me fall for you.” She swiped at her tears, pissed off

at herself for being so naïve. “I need to go and you need to fucking let me go.”

“I refuse to give you up, Maddie… And I know this is shitty, but I swear, I’m trying to get the

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engagement canceled. It was the reason I took us to Greece…I’d been hoping to get my father to come

around, especially once he’d had the chance to meet you—to see how happy you make me.” He

brushed her cheek, and fuck, but she couldn’t help but lean into his touch, though in that moment, she

only hated him all the more for it. “I just can’t go through with it when I’m in love with you.”

“Don’t you fucking dare talk to me about love, Damien.” Maddie swiped angrily at her tears,

feeling gutted, devastated. “Because if you loved me, you’d have told me the truth the minute you told

me you loved me, instead of making me think we have a future together. And if you had no intention of

marrying her, then why the fuck did you get engaged? Why agree to such an asinine thing just because

your father wants you to marry her? Not that it fucking matters. And I swear if you don’t let go of me,

I’m going to lose it.”

She tried to pull free of his grasp, but he still wasn’t letting her go. “You’re not going

anywhere until we’re done discussing this. Do you really think I’d agree to marry someone I don’t

love if it were simply a matter of saying no? Well, it’s not, Maddie. It’s a goddamned fucking


She didn’t get it, especially not in this day and age. Something didn’t make sense. “Why not

just tell your father that there was no way you were going to go through with it, when he first

suggested it? None of it makes sense, Damien. I mean—she has a ring, which means you fucking

agreed to it.”

“I agreed to it because my father threatened to disown me if I didn’t follow through with it. No

houses, no cars, no businesses, and no income. Not a fucking penny—not even a fucking job. I’ve

worked hard, proved my worth to him, to the family business, yet he threatened to cut me off.

Completely.” He dropped his head with a shake, looking defeated. “But then I met you, and I knew

that for you, I’d leave everything behind if it came to that—though I still hoped my father would come


A dread started to flood into her thoughts, into her heart. “So…for me, if push came to shove,

you’d be willing to give all that up, right?”

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“How could I not?” He pulled her close and nuzzled her, reminding her of what they had, even

as it all became abundantly clear. “I love you, and I only ever wanted us to be happy. I never meant

for you to get hurt, Maddie. I tried to get my father to see sense when we were in Athens…but fuck

it…I’ll call my father right now to let him know the wedding is off, whether he disowns me or not.”

Maddie couldn’t help the fresh wave of tears that fell down her cheeks, wondering how she

could have been such a complete and total idiot. “Because, let’s face it, it’s not like being cut off will

make a huge difference to you, when I have plenty of money for you to live off of.”

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Chapter Eighteen

Damien felt like he’d just been punched in the gut. “Maddie…no…I swear…You can’t

seriously think the only reason I started dating you is for your money.”

“No…maybe it wasn’t the only reason.” She shrugged and swiped at her tears, refusing to

look at him, as if she couldn’t bear the sight of him—and it fucking killed him. “Maybe you decided

that you liked me better than her, that I was a better fit for your sexual likes, and figured it was your

way out of an engagement you didn’t want. This way, you could easily hold onto the lifestyle you’re

accustomed to, if you got me to fall for you—maybe even divorce me at a later time and that way

you’d have alimony and your freedom.”

“That’s fucking absurd. You can’t really think that.” It fucking killed him that she thought he

would manipulate her like that or use her just for her money.

“How can I not think it, Damien? And you knew… You knew that was one of my worries. It

was why I didn’t date other guys. But you had the perfect disguise, didn’t you? You already had

money, so why the hell would you need mine?” She shook her head and tried to head for the door,

though he still had her in his arms.

Slowly, he loosened his hold on her. “If that’s what you truly think of me, Maddie, then go.

But we’re far from over. I will make things right between us. I swear it.”

“Don’t bother. I’m not stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. You made a fool of me

once, but I won’t let it happen again.”

And just like that, Damien watched her walk out of his life, leaving him behind, utterly broken

and shattered. Yet, resolutely, he refused to let that be the end of them. He loved her, and he couldn’t

let her go.

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He’d been with a lot of women, but he knew none of them came close to what he had with

Maddie. No one else would ever do, and frankly, he’d rather live in a shack if he could have her by

her side, than in a mansion with someone he didn’t love. He knew that now, and with that knowledge,

he understood what had to be done if he had any hope of winning Maddie back.

He called Zach, not terribly surprised when it went straight to voicemail, since it was the

weekend and his brother had likely found more entertainment after their event came to an end. He left

Zach a message telling him he’d be going to Athens to deal with their parents and would need him to

cover the office until he got back. Another phone call had the company jet readied, and before he

knew it, he was flying over the Alps on his way to Greece, mulling over what he’d say to his parents.

There really wasn’t much to discuss when it came down to it. He wasn’t going to marry

Cassandra—and it didn’t matter whether they cut him off or not. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know

how to run a business. He was a businessman born and bred; it was in his blood. He could go it

alone, but it would mean finding investors and starting his own company from scratch. He might not

be exactly penniless, but he would be starting with close to nothing for the first time in his life. It

might not be easy, but Damien was determined to do whatever it took to get Maddie back. Not only

would he prove to his parents that he didn’t need their support or money, he’d also prove to Maddie

that he wanted to be with her because he was madly in love with her—not because her family was


Once his flight landed, he went directly to his parents’ home, desperate to get this over with,

so he could get back to Maddie and make things right between them, though he’d also have to check in

on Cassie. He didn’t love her or want to marry her, but he didn’t like the way they’d left things. She

was a nice person and a sweet girl—and none of this had been her fault. She’d been dragged into the

arrangement just as he had been.

It was late in the evening by the time he found himself pulled into his mother’s arms. “You

should have called, Damien, though we figured you might show up. Maria called—Cassandra’s

mother—and told us what happened. Come in.”

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He let out a weary sigh of frustration, his gut in knots and his entire body tense. He fucking

hated this shit, and the fact that he even had to deal with this sort of situation was ridiculous. No other

Greeks got stuck with the nonsense of arranged marriages these days. Maybe a century ago. But now?

Fucking hell. Just because his father was older and old-fashioned didn’t mean Damien had to pay the

price, even if his father had made a promise.

Damien found his father pacing the floor of the living room, something he did when he was

unhappy or stressed. The moment his father spotted him, he turned to face him, closing the distance

between them. “I’m furious with you, Damien. How could you do that to Cassandra? To our families

—our reputations?”

“If you were concerned about our family, then maybe you shouldn’t have made promises on

someone else’s behalf, when you had no right to do such a thing.” Damien shook his head, angry

beyond words. “I’m here to tell you that I’m not marrying Cassandra. I’m in love with Maddie and

I’m not going to give her up.”

“You’re marrying Cassandra, or I’m cutting you off.” He sliced through the air angrily with

his hand, his face going so red, Damien half worried his dad might drop dead of a heart attack. “Then

we’ll see just how much this Maddie girl wants you when you don’t have any money and fancy cars.”

“Lucky for me, she actually loves me—and it has nothing to do with money.” As long as he

could prove to Maddie that he truly loved her, and he wasn’t looking to replace his father’s fortune

with hers. “So if you want to cut me off—disown me for wanting to be happy, for wanting to live my

life—then go for it, because I’m not going to change my mind.”

“I’d never disown you, Damien. You’ll always be my son. But if you think I’ll continue to

fund your lifestyle after you’ve gone back on a promise made by this family, then you can guess


Damien cursed under his breath, hands clenched as he shook his head in disbelief. “You,

Dad… You made this promise. No one else in the family had any say nor did you bother to ask us. If

you had, you’d know that none of us wanted this. Not even Mum.”

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“I know full well how your mother feels about it.” Damien’s father put his hand up to stop his

wife from speaking, though he couldn’t keep her from cursing under her breath. “And I’m sure I’ll

hear yet another earful about it. But I made the promise to a dying man—to my best friend, a man

who’d saved me on more than one occasion—and I won’t go back on my word.” His dad let out a

weary sigh. “She’s a pretty girl, Damien. And she’s smart, she’s nice. Has that law degree… it could

work if you’d give it half a chance. You could learn to love her.”

“Except that I’m already in love with another woman. Cut me off if you have to, but I’m not

changing my mind.”


Damien managed to track Cassandra down to her apartment in Athens, but he was no less

frustrated with his father and the whole situation by the time he knocked on her door. He didn’t know

what to say to the poor woman, and though he felt horrible about what had happened, he still wouldn’t

be marrying her.

She answered the door, still angry and upset, her eyes puffy and red from crying. “What do

you want, Damien? Isn’t it enough that you cheated on me? That you embarrassed me? That you broke

my heart?”

“Can we talk?” He followed her to her living room, though he didn’t take a seat, since he had

no intention of staying long. And by the looks of it, by the hurt and anger in her eyes, and her arms

crossed in front of her chest, she didn’t want him around either.

“You know, I’ve put up with a lot to try to make this work, Damien. The tabloids…the

constant stream of women as you sowed your oats and enjoyed your freedom—all while I waited for

you like some nun. It wasn’t easy to ignore it all, but I did. However, when you start turning up in the

tabloids with the same woman on your arm, when you take her to restaurants and clubs frequented by

our friends, when you ignore my phone calls, and then…you actually take her to your parents’ home?

Well, I’ve had enough. You need to put an end to this.” Her brown eyes shimmered with threatening

tears, and though Damien hated that he’d been a jerk and had treated her badly, he wouldn’t keep

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Running a hand roughly through his hair, he took a deep breath before letting out a weary sigh.

“I can’t marry you, Cassandra…I’m sorry. I really am. The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt you,

but the only reason I ever agreed to this arrangement was because my father forced me into it.”

“Don’t you think I’ve fallen for other men or had other opportunities? Well, I have, Damien.

But I turned them down for you. Because we were supposed to be getting married.” Her eyes

shimmered with a fresh wave of tears as she shook her head. “And you… It’s not like your lack of

interest in getting married ever stopped you from fucking me, now did it?”

That was one of his biggest mistakes when it came to her. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t wanted

it to work, even if it was out of a sense of duty. And on paper, it looked great. His dad was right—she

was nice, smart, beautiful. She should have been a great choice—except for the fact that he hadn’t

fallen in love with her, even though at the beginning, he’d tried. “I was hoping it’d work out,

Cassandra… And I would have married you if I hadn’t fallen in love with someone else. I really am


“You’re a fucking asshole, Damien. What the hell am I supposed to tell my mother? She was

depending on me…” Her tears spilled over, leaving her to swipe at them. “I guess that’s not your

problem anymore, now is it?”

Fucking hell. What sort of problem was she dealing with? “Cassandra… If there’s anything I

can do to help...”

“Just go. And don’t ever fucking come back.” She showed him out with barely another word,

slamming the door behind him as soon as he’d crossed over the threshold. Not that he could blame


Her words nagged at him. They’d never been close despite their engagement, so it was no

surprise that she wasn’t willing to open up to him. Maybe Zach knew…

He’d have to check with his brother, but for now, he needed to focus on Maddie. Despite

being exhausted, he was desperate to get back to London. He didn’t know if Maddie would forgive

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him, but he couldn’t let her go. Now that he’d officially called off his engagement, he could only hope

to make her see that he never meant to hurt her. He needed her to forgive him, needed her to take him

back. Without her, he was a miserable fucking mess. And he was utterly heartbroken, feeling like an

empty shell.

It was early morning by the time he landed in London, giving him just enough time to shower

and head over to Maddie’s before going into the office. Though was it even his office anymore? His

project? He knew his father, and he wasn’t a man to go back on his word—which was part of the

problem with Damien not going through with the marriage. He had no doubt it’d only be a matter of

time before his father followed through with cutting him off.

Damien knocked on Maddie’s door, his gut in knots and his heart pounding. When she didn’t

answer, he rang the doorbell, impatient to see her again. He took a step back and looked up at the

windows to see if there was any sign of her, but there was nothing. Not willing to give up so easily,

he pulled out his cell and called her. Straight to voicemail.

“Maddie…we need to talk. Please…I broke off the engagement. It doesn’t matter if my father

disowns me, because you’re the only one I care about. I love you. Call me back. I need to see you.”

Still nothing at the windows. Was she even home? It was still early—just after seven in the morning.

Where the fuck was she?

He headed to the office, wondering if she’d gone there. Perhaps she’d gone in early, hoping to

distract herself with work? Or even better, hoping to run into him? Except that she wasn’t there either,

though his brother was. “Zach…where’s Maddie? Has she come into work yet?”

“No…” Zach ran a rough hand across his chin, looking apologetic. “Fuck, Damien…she’s

gone. Called me last night to let me know that she’d be turning over the project to Morgan.”

Panic gripped Damien’s broken heart, shredding it to pieces. He had to find her, had to make

her see they were meant to be together, make her see that she was his everything. “Where’d she go,

Zach? Did she say?”

“All she said was that she needed to get away for a bit to clear her head. She also said that

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she didn’t want you trying to find her. That it was over between the two of you.” The pity in Zach’s

eyes pissed him off. When the fuck had he become worthy of someone’s pity? “What the hell


“Cassandra let herself into my house. Found me with Maddie, asleep and naked in my bed. I

tried to explain to Maddie that I was calling off the engagement, told her why I’d agreed to it, but…

fuck. Of course none of it mattered when I’d lied to her the entire time we’d been together. She was

so fucking furious with me.” Not that he could blame her. He’d been an idiot. And he should have

fucking stood up to his father from the very start.

“Did you talk to Dad? To Cassie?” Zach leaned up against his desk, still looking worried

about the whole thing.

“Both—and they’re angry with me too. Not that it matters at this point. Cassandra can go on to

meet someone she’ll love. And Dad? Well, it’s not like it matters. If he wants to be a stubborn shit

and disown me, then that’s his prerogative. My house here in London is in my name, as is my one in

Greece, and I have some money saved. I’ll sell my place in Athens and just make sure I invest it

wisely.” He’d be okay…he could do this, though none of it would matter if he couldn’t win Maddie


“Fuck, man…you know I’m here for you. If there’s anything at all, Damien.” Zach raked his

hand through his short, dark hair and let out a sigh. “I wish there was some way to make Dad change

his mind.”

“You know what he’s like once he’s made his decision.” Damien shrugged, suddenly feeling

exhausted as his world crumbled around him. But he wasn’t one to give up easily, and once he had

Maddie back, he could deal with anything else that was thrown his way. “I just need to find Maddie.”

“Have you tried the airport? It sounded to me like she was thinking of heading back home. If

she was taking the company jet, she’d have to wait to get the flight plan approved and the jet fueled.”

Zach looked at his watch. “Maybe? If you hurry? And, word of warning—you better do everything

you can to avoid her brother. Morgan will fucking kill you if he finds out you hurt her.”

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That was an understatement, but he didn’t have time to think about that now. He just had to get

to Maddie. Had to stop her from leaving.

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Chapter Nineteen

Maddie was desperate to hide away from the rest of the world so she could lick her wounds.

Feeling like a gullible idiot, she couldn’t even bring herself to tell anyone what had happened. Not

that Morgan hadn’t figured it out when she’d asked him to take over what remained of the project

she’d been working on. She hated having to ask him to take her place, but she’d never have been able

to continue working with Damien after his betrayal and deception.

If she could just get the hell out of London. Maybe escape to Morgan’s cabin in the woods. It

seemed like it’d be her best bet for avoiding Damien, and then maybe, if she could stop thinking of

him, she might manage to get over her heartbreak.

Her wounds might be raw, but the first thing she had to do was stop crying over him. She was

a strong, independent woman, and he’d turned her into a sniffling, swollen-eyed mess. Well, no more.

She’d gone into their hook-up wanting to learn what she didn’t know about sex and

relationships, and she’d done just that, including what it felt like to fall in love and have her heart

crushed. Damien hadn’t cheated on her, but he’d lied to her, and he had cheated on his fiancée. He’d

made her the other woman and destroyed what she thought they’d had together, cheapened it with his

dishonesty and his betrayal.

Sitting at the bar in the airport, she checked the time and took another swig of her whiskey, not

caring that it was barely eight in the morning. If they’d just hurry up and get her flight ready, she could

get the hell out of there before—


She closed her eyes against the burning tears that rushed to the surface, as she tried to

swallow down the lump in her throat. Still standing behind her, Damien put a tentative hand on her

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shoulder, her heart hitching at his touch, reminding her of all they had and all that was lost. “I can’t do

this, Damien. Just go. I’m begging you… Leave me alone.”

“We need to talk. Please, love…I need you to hear me out.” The sound of his voice, the touch

of his hand, stirred up a flood of memories that were like a knife to her pounding heart.

Somehow, she finally found the strength to look up at him, even as she wiped her cheeks dry.

“What the hell is there to say, Damien? You were fucking me—telling me you loved me—all while

being engaged to another woman. I know I was inexperienced and more than a little naïve, but it

doesn’t make me a fucking idiot. How could you keep that sort of thing from me?”

“I should have told you. I know that. But at the beginning, this thing between us wasn’t

supposed to be serious—and afterwards, I was hoping to get it all resolved before I tried to explain it

all to you.” There were circles under his eyes, and it looked like he hadn’t had any sleep since things

went to hell. And though he’d always been impeccably dressed, he now looked like a rumpled mess.

“Maddie…it’s over with Cassandra—I’ve called off the engagement.”

“It is over, Damien, and I’m not just referring to your engagement. How could I possibly trust

you again? After all we did together—and with so much of it being about trusting each other…” She

swallowed hard, fighting against the lump in her throat and the sting in her eyes. “And I did trust you,

damn it. With everything—my body, my heart, my love—and you outright betrayed me. I loved you,

damn it. I held nothing back. And you took that love, that trust, and destroyed it with your lies.”

He shook his head, his brow creased with worry and despair. “Maddie, please…just give me

the chance to win back your trust. I told my father that I wasn’t going to give you up. I’ve called off

the engagement, and to hell with my father and his money if he wants to disown me. You’re all that

matters. Don’t you see that?”

“What I don’t understand is why you were even dating anyone at all, let alone getting into a

serious relationship? You were engaged, and sleeping around with half the women in London.” She

was such an idiot—and he was a total ass.

He tossed his hands up in frustration, his voice now loud enough that other passengers glanced

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over in their direction. “I didn’t love her, Maddie—nor did I want to be engaged. And so I acted like

I wasn’t, because as far as I was concerned, it was a nightmare I was being forced into.”

She kept her voice down, though it was an angry hiss. “And yet you still fucked her.”

Maddie’d had enough. Grabbing her bag, she slung it over her shoulder and hopped off the bar

stool, tears threatening once more. “I’m done, Damien. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on

my flight.”

“I love you, Maddie… Please, don’t go.” He pulled her to him and, cupping her face in his

hands, he kissed her, kissed her until their problems faded into the passion that had always been

between them, even if the moment was fleeting. And so she let him kiss her; she gave in to that one

last kiss, needing it for closure.

When she finally managed to pull away, she did the only thing she could. “Goodbye, Damien.”

And then, without another word, without another glance at his all too handsome face, she

turned and walked away from him, despite her aching heart.


Maddie ignored Quinn as he frowned at her, focusing instead on going over the plans they

were working on. It had been nearly a month since she returned stateside, and she wasn’t any less

miserable than she had been when she left London. Escaping to Morgan’s cabin in the woods hadn’t

helped, and burying herself in work didn’t seem to be doing the trick either.

For whatever reason, Morgan had opted not to tell Quinn about her relationship with Damien,

and she sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him. Not when his wedding was mere days away and she and

Damien were both in the wedding party. The only problem was seeing Damien again. She’d managed

to avoid seeing him during Emma and Quinn’s bachelorette and bachelor parties, but only because

Gabe had dragged the men off to Vegas.

“What the hell’s going on with you, Maddie? You’ve been out of sorts since you got back.”

He frowned and crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking her over as if trying to decipher the

problem. “If you prefer London, you can head back as soon as we’re done with the wedding.”

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As happy as she was that Quinn had found the love of his life and was getting married,

Maddie was dreading the wedding, knowing it’d be impossible to avoid Damien. “Maybe I will,

though I wouldn’t mind staying in Portmore a bit longer. With Dad back in our lives, I’d like the

chance to get to know him. I was so young when he disappeared.”

“You can stay as long as you’d like, but…I worry about you, Maddie.” He pulled her into a

one-armed hug, just like he’d always done. And for all her complaining about overprotective

brothers, it felt damn good to know someone would always have her back. “If there’s something

bothering you…I’m here for you. Always.”

“I know. I’m fine. Really. Just busy trying to get you married off so you’ll stop being a pain in

my ass.” Maddie gave her brother a smile so he wouldn’t worry about her. And yet, she was already

calculating how many times she’d have to see Damien. She figured once at the rehearsal dinner and

then at the wedding itself. Both times, they’d be surrounded by a ton of other people, which meant

there was a good chance she could either avoid him or keep him at bay. “Are you ready for the

wedding? Anything I can do to help?”

“Nah…I’ve got cars picking up our guests as they fly in, and Emma’s taking care of everything

else.” A smile slipped onto his lips at the mention of his fiancée, and it warmed her broken heart to

see her brother so happy and so in love. “Damien and Zach are flying in today. They had nothing but

good things to say about working with you. I’m tempted to join forces with them again for their next

project. What do you think?”

Quinn’s gaze suddenly felt as if it were analyzing her every move, every nuance, as if

wondering if her somber mood had to do with one of the Alexanders. Doing her best to keep her

emotions at bay, she managed a smile. “I think it’s a good partnership, though we can manage most

projects on our own without outside investment.”

“Maddie…did something happen with the project?” Quinn leaned against the desk, his eyes

taking her in, and looking all too suspicious. “Is that why you asked Morgan to wrap things up?”

“No. The project went fine, though I honestly don’t know that they needed our help—nor that

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we needed theirs.” She managed another smile and started gathering up her papers. “I’m going to get

going. If you need me for anything, just call.”

“I will, Maddie. Don’t you worry…I always take care of things.”

And yet that was exactly what had her worried.

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Chapter Twenty

This last month without Maddie in his life had left Damien feeling like a ghost of his former

self. Instead of being focused, determined, and making the most of each day, he was distracted,

miserable, and didn’t care if the sun ever bothered to rise again. Not if Maddie wasn’t there by his

side. She hadn’t returned his calls, nor his emails, hadn’t responded to the flowers he’d sent her, nor

the jewelry—both of which she’d refused and had returned to him.

And now? He and his brother had landed in Boston and were on their way to Portmore, seated

in the back of a town car. He was hours away from seeing her—and this time? There was no fucking

way he was taking no for an answer.

“What are you going to do, Damien?” Zach had never looked as worried as he had these last

several weeks. Damien swore his brother had worried years off his life, because as carefree as his

sibling normally was, he was also damn protective of the people he cared about.

“I’m going to make her see sense.” What else could he do? “Although with Dad cutting me off,

I don’t know why she’d bother with me.”

“You’re doing her a discredit if you think she was just with you for your money. Why the hell

would she be?” Zach scoffed and shook his head. “It’s not like she isn’t worth a fortune.”

“Except that now, I’m the one who’s penniless.” Well, maybe not quite that bad, but close

enough for the purpose of their conversation and how it all played out with regards to Maddie. “There

have been far too many guys trying to date her for her money, and after I lied to her, she couldn’t help

but wonder if I’d started dating her because she’s well off, and it’d get me out of my engagement.”

Zach pulled back as if to get a better look at him. “She can’t seriously think that’s the reason

you were with her?”

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“You mean after I conveniently forgot to mention to her that I was engaged, and Cassandra

walked in on us asleep and naked? Yeah…I can’t imagine why she’d think such a thing.” Even if it

was the furthest thing from his intentions. Not once had he thought of Maddie as a way out of his


“What if I can help?” Zach let out a sigh as he ran his hand across his stubbled chin. “I’ve

been giving it some thought, and there’s no reason why you need to be the one to marry Cassie. Dad

promised his friend he’d marry her to one of his sons, and he picked you because you were the oldest.

But there’s no reason why it couldn’t be me, Damien.”

Zach’s words left him shocked. His brother couldn’t really be serious. And yet, it would

appear that he was. “Look…I appreciate it. I really do. But I could never forgive myself if I let you go

through with it just to save me from Dad’s wrath and stubbornness.”

“You’ve always been there for me, Damien, so let me do this for you. And if it makes you feel

any better, I really like Cassie. I always have—not that she ever gave me the time of day with you

around.” Zach gave him a shrug, though his gaze was still contemplative. “I’ll speak to Dad, and I’ll

agree to marry Cassie if he’ll agree not to disown you. It would leave you free to pursue Maddie, and

she’d no longer have to worry about your intentions.”

Damien was stunned, left speechless. It meant everything that his brother would do this for

him—and yet he couldn’t let him. What if Zach ended up miserable? He couldn’t bear the thought of

ruining his life. “I can’t thank you enough for even considering it, Zach. But I can’t let you do that.”

“I want to, Damien. I know you love Maddie, and this is the only thing standing in your way.

Besides…I like a challenge, and I’ve always had a thing for Cassie.” He gave Damien a look that

said he was up to no good.

“And you think Cassandra will go for it?” In the mood she was in, Damien doubted she’d be


Zach gave him a shrug and a mischievous smile. “I like my chances. After all, I am smarter

and better-looking than your sorry ass.”

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Damien pulled Zach into a hug, not quite believing his brother would sacrifice his freedom for

him. Zach pulled out his cell and called their father, and after a bit of debate—and their mother

threatening to divorce their father and move back home to London if he didn’t stop the nonsense—

their father agreed not to cut Damien off, if Zach agreed to marry Cassandra.

“It’s done, Damien. Now don’t screw things up with Maddie, yeah? Make sure you get her

back, ’cause I’ve got to tell you, you’ve been one fucking miserable son of a bitch these last few

weeks, and I can’t take much more of it.”

Now all Damien had to do was convince Maddie to give him another chance.


As if fate was on his side, it turned out Maddie was staying in the hotel they were in, which

only made sense since it was owned by the Ryker family. She was in the penthouse suite, according to

Quinn, who was now sounding vaguely suspicious as they spoke on the phone. “I don’t mean to butt

in, but Maddie hasn’t been herself since she got back here. Did the job go okay in London? Or is it

something else? She’s always kept to herself about most things, so it’s hard to know.”

“The job’s been pretty typical, and honestly, she’s amazing at what she does. As for the rest,

I’m sure it can’t be easy for her to talk to her brothers, given how protective you all are of her. But I

can talk to her, if you’d like. See if I can turn her mood around.” And he’d be able to do just that if he

could convince her to forgive him and give him another chance.

“And you’d let me know if there was something wrong—something going on with her, right?”

Again, under the worry in Quinn’s voice was a tone of suspicion.

Damien thought of coming clean and telling him everything, but he didn’t think it was

something he should discuss over the phone. “We still need to grab a pint. We can catch up then, and

maybe I’ll have a better idea as to what’s going on with Maddie.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Quinn hung up, but only after a long hesitation.

It was clear Quinn knew something was up, but maybe he was giving Damien time to make

things right—or maybe he was waiting to see Damien in person so he could throttle him. One way or

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the other, Damien needed to get Maddie back, or he wouldn’t care if Quinn put him in an early grave.

He wasn’t sure if she’d even buzz him up to her suite, but once again luck was on his side, and

he caught a glimpse of her as she headed towards the elevators. Dashing around the other people in

the lobby, he raced to catch her before she made her escape, squeezing himself in past the closing

doors. “Maddie…”

“Fuck.” Maddie slammed on the buttons in a panic, trying to get the doors to open, but he

gently pulled her away from the panel as they started their ascent. “I can’t do this, Damien.”

“We need to talk, sweetheart. And I’m not taking no for an answer.” He didn’t care if he was

bullying her into seeing him. They needed to work this out, especially now that things had been sorted

with his father.

“What is there to say? You can’t undo what was done. I trusted you—I fell in love with you—

and all the while you were engaged to another woman.” Maddie’s tears spilled over, though she was

quick to swipe them away. “You could have been honest with me from the start—or when things

started to become more serious. But you didn’t. I trusted you—but you never trusted me. You lied to

me. You waited for her to catch us in your bed, you left me completely oblivious of the truth, and you

took the trust I gave you and destroyed it.”

When the doors slid open, she walked into her apartment, leaving him to follow behind her.

He barely noticed the amazing room and the views of the ocean and the city, his focus on her and her

alone. “I made a mistake, Maddie, and for that I’m sorry. But fuck—you can’t just walk away from

what we had. Especially not now that everything’s changed.”

“And yet the one thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that you deceived and manipulated me.”

She shook her head, closing her eyes as tears slipped down her cheeks. “I fucking loved you with all

my heart, and you made me feel like a fool.”

“No, love…I was the fool.” Desperate to comfort her, to touch her once again, he gently

pulled her into his arms, ignoring her struggles to get free until she melted into him, her body shaking

as she wept. He kissed the top of her head, and rested his cheek there, his heart racing to have her in

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his arms once more, even if it was only to comfort her after breaking her heart. “I should have trusted

you to be understanding—or I should have waited until I’d gotten my life sorted before pursuing you. I

just didn’t expect to fall in love with you, Maddie. But it’s over now… The engagement is off, and

things have been sorted with my father.”

Maddie slipped out of his arms and dried her eyes. “I’m happy for you that you’re free,

Damien. I truly am. But that doesn’t mean I can take you back.”

“I’m miserable without you, darling.” He cupped her cheek and lowered his head to hers,

brushing her lips in a kiss, hope flaming in his chest when she tentatively kissed him back. “I fucking

love you, Maddie. I’ve told you before, and I meant it—you’re my everything.”

“I love you too. But it doesn’t change what’s happened. I’m sorry, but I just can’t do this,

Damien.” Maddie stepped out of his embrace, and wrapped her arms around herself as if to ward off

a chill. “I need you to go. Please. If you care for me at all, you’ll leave me alone.”

“For fuck’s sake…I can’t do that. I’ve been miserable since you left—and no offense, but you

look just as fucking miserable as I do.” He clenched his fists in frustration. “I love you, and I’ve

apologized for not telling you about Cassie when things first got serious. So, what are you trying to

prove, love? That holding your ground is more important than being happy?”

“I’m not trying to prove anything, Damien.” Her tears had been replaced by anger. “I’m just

trying not to get my heart broken again. How the hell can I trust you again—especially when so much

of what we had was based on trusting each other? I just can’t do it. So please…just go.”

“Fine…I’ll go and give you some time to mull things over. But if you think I’m just going to let

you walk away from what’s between us, then you can guess again. I love you—and you love me.” He

knew he’d screwed up, but there was no way he was going to walk away from what they had. “I’m a

determined man, Maddie, so you better reconcile your issues about us being together, because I’m not

giving up on us, even if you have.”


Sitting at the hotel bar, Damien threw back his whiskey and ordered another as Quinn slipped

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onto the stool beside him and ordered the same. “You’re looking fucking miserable, Damien. Want to

talk about it?”

Damien shook his head and played with his empty glass, knowing he should come clean with

Quinn and yet not knowing how he should tell his friend that he was the one responsible for breaking

his sister’s heart. “I wouldn’t even know where to start, to be honest.”

Quinn shifted to face him, his eyes narrowing as he took Damien in, the tension in Quinn’s

body undeniable. “How about you start by telling me that you didn’t fuck my sister? That you’re not

the reason she left London and has been miserable ever since.”

Damien let out a weary sigh and cursed under his breath. “I love her, Quinn.”

“You fucker.” The fist to Damien’s face hit before he’d even registered it. Pain exploded

across every nerve ending as bone hit bone, trapping the tender flesh in between. And yet Damien

deserved it.

Cursing up a storm, Quinn grabbed him, shaking him and getting ready to throw another punch,

when Damien shrugged out of his grasp. “Don’t. I’m fucking miserable enough as it is, without you

breaking my nose on top of it all.”

Quinn shifted the punch to Damien’s ribs, the sharp pain splintering into his side as the wind

got knocked out of him. “You’ll be lucky if that’s all that’s broken by the time I’m fucking through

with you.”

“Go ahead then… Because you know what? No matter what you fucking do to me, it’s nothing

compared to the hell I’ve been going through.” Not when Maddie wouldn’t forgive him.

With his jaw clenched, Quinn shoved Damien and then grabbed his whiskey, tossing it back

before signaling the barkeep for another one. “I fucking trusted you to keep her safe. To watch over

her—not to fuck her and break her heart. You’re fucking engaged.”

Damien slowly sat back down, his side killing him as he rubbed his hand over his face where

the punch had landed, knowing he’d be sporting a purple bruise come morning. “Not anymore. Like I

said, I love Maddie. And I may have fucked up by not being completely honest with her about my

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situation, but you know I never loved Cassandra, and that engagement was nothing more than a farce.”

“All I know is that Maddie doesn’t deserve to have her heart broken—so you have two

options as far as I’m concerned. You can get the fuck out of her life and never speak to her again, so

that she can get past this, or you can make things right between the two of you. That said, if you

manage to win her back and you mistreat her again in any way, I’m going to make sure you wish you

were fucking dead and had never set eyes on her.”

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Chapter Twenty-One

“I can’t believe you fucked him, Maddie.” Quinn glared at Maddie, his words making her

cringe. “What the hell were you thinking?”

She put her hands up, refusing to let the discussion go any further. “I am not discussing this

with you, Quinn. Emma…please…can you tell him it’s none of his business?”

“If only it’d do any good. I’ve told him from the start that he needs to butt out, but…you know

he’s only a pain in the ass because he cares.” Emma gave her an apologetic shrug. “Are you going to

be okay with Damien still being in the wedding party and having to deal with him over the next few

days? He doesn’t have to be there. We can figure something out.”

“I’ll be fine. Really. The last thing I want to do is ruin your wedding or stress you guys out,

and really…he’s a great guy. It’s just that circumstances…I mean, who gets stuck in an arranged

marriage these days?” It’s not like Damien would have ever asked Cassandra to marry him, if it

weren’t for his father.

Leaning against the sofa, Quinn let out a weary sigh, his frustration with the situation seeming

to fade. “You tend to get a bit more of it in families with money, and with different cultures. As if

they’re trying to hold onto their power, traditions, and fortunes by merging them through marriage.

Damien’s situation was a bit different, though. More about loyalty and friendship, though it still

forced Damien into a situation he never wanted. Still…he knew you were off-limits, Maddie.”

“Don’t you dare start that shit with me, Quinn. Do you know what it’s been like to try to date

with three overprotective, overzealous brothers scaring off anyone with a cock?” She saw her brother

cringe, as if the thought of her even knowing what a cock was, was too much to bear. “I get that you

care about me, and with Dad gone, you felt that I was your responsibility, but I’m not a kid anymore.

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And even if things don’t work out with Damien, you and my other sweet and insane brothers are all

going to need to butt out of my love life. Do you hear me, Quinn?”

He scowled at her, clearly not happy, but Emma jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow—hard.

“Yeah…I hear you.”

“Good.” Maddie grabbed her coat and shrugged into it. “I’ll see you in just a few hours for the

rehearsal dinner.”

She gave Quinn a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before hugging Emma and heading back to the

penthouse. There’d be no way to avoid Damien over the next few days, so she’d have to just figure

out a way to deal with him. At least they’d be in public with plenty of other people around. Hopefully

that, in addition to the threat of her brothers, would be enough to keep Damien away, because she

knew after the last time she’d seen him that it would be far too easy to fall for his charms once more.

Already on edge, she decided to draw herself a bath in the giant jetted tub, adding some

aromatic salts to the steaming hot water, before she dipped a foot in and then slowly slipped her

naked body into the water. The heat and the bubbles seemed to ease the tension from her body, though

her mind refused to slow, with Damien invading her every thought. Especially when their last night

together had involved a giant tub similar to the one she was now in.

One thing was certain…her heart might be broken, and her mind might be telling her to stay

away from him, but her body had a different agenda, and after weeks apart, it had a one-track mind.

Though they’d only been together for just over a month, it’d been so intense, it felt like she could

barely remember a time when he hadn’t been in her life.

He had awakened a sexual side of her she hadn’t known ever existed, and it was like

Pandora’s Box had been opened and there’d be no going back to the way things were. She was

starting to wonder if this was what guys had to deal with, sex constantly invading their thoughts and

hampering their day, their bodies constantly aching and desperate for a bit of release. Her sex drive

was now out of control, with no real outlet for all that energy. And it was no one’s fault but Damien’s

—which only gave her yet another reason to hate him.

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Except that she didn’t. He had hurt her—of that there was no doubt—but she knew he hadn’t

done it maliciously, and the truth was that she still achingly, desperately loved him. She just wasn’t

sure she could deal with that sort of heartache again, nor was she sure she could forgive him, after

having placed such trust in him.

And it was a crying shame.

It was impossible not to think of all the times he’d fucked her, taken her rough and hard

against a wall, or slow and sweet, holding her in his strong arms. Or the times he’d pushed her limits,

and gotten her to try something new, tying her up, or spanking her, fucking her ass, or getting her to

masturbate in front of him. She’d grown under his guidance, and had managed to find a part of her she

never knew existed.

Still thinking of him and all the things he’d done to her, she cupped her breast and slipped her

other hand down between her legs, hoping to find a bit of relief. Pinching her nipple, she ran her

fingers over her clit, picturing Damien between her legs, his long, thick cock in his hand as he stroked

himself, watching her, taking in her naked form as she pleasured herself.

Her fingers slipped deep inside her, before pulling back to rub her clit with long strokes, as

she pictured him pushing her knees apart and lowering his muscular form to hers, the weight of his

body delicious as he thrust his huge cock into her, pain and pleasure melting into one intense

sensation as he filled her so completely. Thrusting her fingers deep inside, she tugged on her nipple,

though in her mind, he was the one fucking her, teasing her nipple to a hard point, claiming her body

as his.

It was that thought that pushed her over the edge, the thought of him claiming her once more

that had her crying out as she came, her body quivering in the wake of her orgasm, as the final waves

of pleasure pulsed through her body, her one and only thought of Damien.


Maddie took extra care with her appearance, making sure to pick out the perfect outfit. She

told herself it was because she was going to her brother’s rehearsal dinner, but she knew the little red

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wrap dress, which hugged her every curve, had little to do with the event she was attending and a hell

of lot more to do with the ex-lover who’d be present.

The wedding and dress rehearsal were to take place in a stunningly gorgeous seaside mansion

that had been built as a summer home over a century ago for one of the wealthy families of that era. It

was the perfect venue for a wedding, given that the ballroom was flanked with a wall of windows

that overlooked the most spectacular view of the ocean. Carved ceilings of ivory and gold, along with

an alabaster marble floor and columns, gave the room an opulent feel without being over the top.

Walking into the large space, Maddie steeled herself, knowing that if Damien wasn’t already

there, he would soon be arriving. Her heart felt ready to jump out of her chest, and the situation only

worsened when she suddenly spotted him speaking to one of the other bridesmaids and Emma’s


She hoped Damien wouldn’t notice her, but his blue eyes immediately focused on her as she

walked into the room, and by the looks of it, he’d already excused himself from the conversation he’d

been having and was now heading in her direction, closing the distance between them with his long


“Maddie…” Damien’s gaze took her in but only lingered on her face, his eyes locked on hers

as his body leaned towards her as if drawn to her by an unseen force. “You look exquisite.”

“Thanks.” His proximity had her breath catching and she wondered if she could actually pull

this night off without dragging him off to some coat closet or abandoned room in a far corner of the

venue. Yet seeing him again had also sharpened her heartache, her wounds still too fresh and painful

to ignore.

When she finally managed the strength and courage to look at him for longer than a fleeting

glance, she noticed what she had missed upon first seeing him. Without thinking, she tenderly cupped

his bruised and skinned cheek. “Your face… What the hell happened?”

“Nothing I didn’t deserve.” He covered her hand with his, and turned in to her touch, kissing

her palm.

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It was as if his touch, that simple kiss, shot straight through her like a lightning bolt. She

pulled her hand away, knowing that if she didn’t put some distance between them, there’d be little

chance of her resisting him. “We should join the others.”

It seemed as though all conversation had slowed and most of those present were glancing in

their direction. Maddie didn’t wait for Damien, but rather slipped past him, and headed for the group,

quickly taking them in. There were only a handful of people that she didn’t recognize, having met most

of them during the bridal shower and the bachelorette party, which had taken place a few weeks ago.

She went over to her mom and dad to say hi—surprised that they actually looked…really happy

and then went on to chat with Zoe and Emma, doing her best to avoid Damien.

Zoe’s brows perked up in question. “He’s dying over there, Maddie. And no offense, but you

look just as miserable. Gorgeous. But miserable.”

“Yeah—thanks for that.” She couldn’t help but let out a rueful laugh.

“You were just so happy when we saw you in London. Like you’d come alive. And…well, I

guess sometimes people think they’re doing the right thing, when they don’t realize that they’re

actually screwing things up.” Zoe gave her a shrug. “Sometimes…people need to be forgiven. Not

always, but…sometimes.”

Maddie knew Zoe was referring to her relationship with Morgan, and though things were okay

between them now, that hadn’t always been the case.

It was Emma’s turn to chime in. “Relationships always have their ups and downs. I’m not

making excuses for Damien, but it’s easy to screw up or to have feelings get hurt when emotions are

on the line. People avoid having to fess up to difficult situations, especially when they’re scared of

losing the person they love. This wedding wouldn’t be happening if I hadn’t forgiven Quinn for the

mess up with my restaurant.”

Maddie took a deep breath and glanced in Damien’s direction, their eyes meeting for a

moment before she looked away, her heart aching for his touch. “I’ve just never been through this sort

of thing before. And frankly, having your heart trounced on really sucks.”

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Both Emma and Zoe nodded. “It most certainly does.”

They got started with the rehearsal, and Maddie was relieved to find that she’d been paired

with Jake, and he’d be the one escorting her down the aisle. Just a few months ago, she’d had such a

crush on him. And now, she couldn’t even think of anyone but Damien.

They did a few run-throughs of the wedding, and then went to Emma’s restaurant for dinner.

She’d closed it for the night so that they could have their rehearsal dinner there, though Emma and

Jake had been banned from the kitchen for the night.

Maddie managed to avoid sitting with Damien, and though the food was delicious, she was

still too distracted to fully enjoy her meal. He may not have been sitting next to her, but she could feel

his gaze on her, making her all too aware of his presence.

She’d been lucky enough to get seated between Jake, who was great for hanging out with, and

Zoe, who was looking so much happier now that she was finally with Morgan, and they had gotten

their baby girl back. Yet, despite everything, she still couldn’t help but glance in Damien’s direction.

Jake smiled at her, his brown eyes sparkling with good humor. “Is Damien your ex, Maddie?

Or an ardent admirer? ’Cause I’ve got to say, he’s one determined man.”

“He’s my ex. Sort of.” Had they ever officially done the whole girlfriend-boyfriend thing if

he’d been engaged during that time, and they’d been keeping their relationship a secret? What a

mess… She shook her head and let out a little laugh filled with exasperation. “I guess it’s


Jake gave her an easy shrug. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but I can

tell you two things—he’s still in love with you, and if he screwed things up between the two of you,

then he’s an idiot.”

She shook her head with a smile, remembering why she’d been so smitten with him—even if

that was no longer the case. “I guess he is—though I suppose a lot of it wasn’t really his fault.”

“Feel free to tell me to mind my own damn business, but you clearly still care for him, and if

it really wasn’t his fault, then why haven’t you worked things out?”

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Maddie had to admit that it was as good a question as any.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Damien had gotten a thorough tongue-lashing from every one of Maddie’s brothers—and there

likely would have been blood spilt if their fiancées hadn’t been there to put a stop to his beating. It

seemed to have cleared the air between them to a large extent, and a good thing too, since the last

thing he wanted was to ruin Quinn’s wedding.

So now, Damien got to watch as Maddie chatted and smiled with Jake, who was far too good-

looking, charming, and nice. And if Maddie’s reactions were anything to go by, she was thoroughly

enjoying Jake’s company.

Fuck…but it pissed him off that someone else was getting to sit by her side, was getting her

undivided attention, especially when he knew she’d had a thing for Jake before they’d gotten together.

Sure, she’d glanced in his direction from time to time, but with things still uncertain between them, it

was killing him to not be with her.

The food was delicious, but he barely tasted it, wanting nothing more than for dinner to be

over so he could go and speak to her. And then, thank fuck, dessert and coffee were being served and

people were starting to move around.

He excused himself from the guests he’d been sitting with and wandered over to Maddie,

desperate to fix things between them once and for all. He wouldn’t rest until she was his once more,

until she was naked in his arms, screaming his name. And then he’d get down on one knee, propose,

and drag her off to Vegas or some JP to marry her before she changed her mind.

The thought of marriage should have shocked him—and maybe it would have if he hadn’t

spent the last month being absolutely miserable without Maddie in his life. Because now? He’d do

whatever it took to get her back, to make her his once more, and to never lose her again.

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Maddie was just getting up, when he slipped by her side, knotted his fingers with hers, and

pulled her off to a corner, hoping for a bit of privacy. He was surprised to find that she didn’t protest

or curse him out, nor did she pull her hand away from his—and fuck, but it gave him hope.

The moment they were alone, partially hidden from the rest of the group by a half wall and

some tall booths, Damien pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her waist, the length of her

body pressed against his. Cupping her face, he nuzzled her, breathing in her familiar scent, his heart

aching with heartbreak and hope. “You’re mine, Maddie…I can’t let you push me away. Not when

you’re my everything. You know we’re meant to be together. I’m just asking for one more chance—a

chance to make things right between us.”

“I never expected you to break my heart, Damien. And I’ve got to say, it fucking sucked.” With

his arms still around her waist, she played with his tie, her gaze avoiding his as her brow furrowed

over those gorgeous green eyes of hers. “That wasn’t the sort of experience I was looking for you to

show me.”

He felt like such an ass for hurting her, but he needed her in his life. There was no way he

could let her walk away from him.

“I never meant to hurt you, love. I’m truly sorry that I fucked things up. I was just so scared of

losing you, of losing everything…” He brushed his lips against hers, but she pulled away, just enough

to keep him from kissing her.

“I still love you, Damien, but…” She let out a weary sigh and slipped her arms around his

waist, resting her head on his chest, sending his heart pounding with hope.

“If we still love each other—and fucking hell, Maddie, but I do love you, with every fiber of

my being—then walking away from what we have will be a mistake, and I swear, I won’t ever

recover from it.” Not when she was the only one to ever capture his heart.

“You’ve left me heartbroken, Damien. But you know what? I’m strong. Stronger than anyone

gives me credit for.” Her brows were drawn together with such worry, it nearly killed him. “Right

now…I swear, I could find a way to move on with my life. But if I let you back into my life, into my

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heart, and you hurt me again, it’d break me. Utterly and completely, and I don’t know that I can take

that risk.”

He knew she was scared of getting hurt again, and he couldn’t blame her. Yet he also knew

neither of them would ever truly be happy if they were apart. “Do you truly think you’ll find

happiness if you move on? Because if you honestly think you’ll be happy, then I don’t know how I’ll

manage it, but I’ll fucking let you go. Even though I know I’ll be utterly miserable without you in my

life, Maddie—and I think you’ll be just as miserable without me. And fuck, Maddie…but that’s no

way to live.”

“No. I don’t suppose it is.” Her eyes slipped shut and she leaned against his chest, letting out

a weary sigh.

“I’m asking you to trust me once more, love.” Pulling away, he cupped her face in his hands,

so she’d see what she meant to him—and so she’d have to look him in the eyes if she was going to

turn him away.

Shaking free of his touch, she pounded on his chest, her brow furrowed with anger. “Promise

me, Damien…promise me that you won’t ever keep anything from me again, and that you won’t hurt

me. Promise me you won’t make me regret this.”

He bent his head, pressing his forehead to hers. “You have my word, Maddie. On my life. “

“Then fucking kiss me, damn it. It’s been too long.”

His lips curled into a smile filled with relief, his heart finally alight with joy. “I’m happy to

oblige you, darling.” And he did just that, capturing her mouth in a kiss that meant the world to him.


Damien grabbed Maddie and pulled her to him the moment they stepped off the elevator and

into her penthouse suite, his hands firm on her hips as he bit her lip and then kissed her, his tongue

dancing over hers. She grabbed at his tie, loosening the knot as he shrugged out of his suit jacket and

tossed it onto the back of the sofa before grabbing her rear and hauling her up off her feet.

With her arms around his neck, she held onto him, their kisses deepening as she shifted her

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hips against his hard length while he headed towards the bedrooms, aiming for anything with a bed,

before he ended up taking her up against the wall. With her lips still pressed against his, she said,

“Last one on the right.”

Once they got to the master bedroom, he lowered her legs to the floor as she bit his neck and

worked through the buttons of his shirt with deft and eager fingers. His hands skimmed up her thighs,

catching the hem of her dress and pulling it up over her head, exposing her pearly white skin and the

most delicious little red lace bra and panties.

He couldn’t fucking believe that she’d forgiven him, that she was finally back in his arms, that

he could kiss her, take her once more. And he swore, he’d never do wrong by her again.

“Fucking hell, Maddie…you’re a vision. And it’s a damn good thing I didn’t know that this

was what you had on under that dress, or I’d have dragged you off to some dark corner hours ago.”

With an arm around her waist, he pulled her close, her skin hot against his touch as he flicked the

clasp on her bra open, freeing her breasts and tossing the bit of lace aside.

He pulled the tie free from around his neck and had her wrists bound before she had much of a

chance to react—not that she didn’t want this. He could see it in the way her breath caught with

excitement and quickened, the way her nipples pebbled into hard points, the way her face flushed…

He was the luckiest man alive.

Knotting the end of the tie a few times, he shifted her back towards the door while kissing her,

tasting her, his tongue finding hers as his cock ached to have her. Raising her arms up over her head,

he draped the knotted end of the tie over the top of the door, and pushed it shut so Maddie couldn’t get


Dangling from the door, she squirmed deliciously, especially once Damien ran a finger down

between her breasts, reaching for the little piece of lace clinging to her hips. He cupped her pussy, hot

and moist against the lace, and then fisted the fabric, yanking it hard and tearing it from her body, her

gasp making his hard cock ache to have her. “Did you miss our fun and games, kitten? I know I did…

each day, each hour, each moment without you in my arms was too much to bear.”

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“I missed everything about you, Damien…and I missed this...I miss what you do to me, the

way you make me feel.” Maddie bit her bottom lip and struggled against her bindings, her body pulled

deliciously taut, making her breasts lift and her nipples harden.

“Tell me, my sweet girl…did you touch yourself?” He nuzzled her, unable to stay away. “Did

you make yourself come while thinking of me?” He sure as hell had jerked off to his memories of

their time together, and with the furious blush creeping across her cheeks, he knew he hadn’t been

alone. “And did it satisfy your need, or did it just stoke it, making you want me all the more?”

“Fuck. I couldn’t help myself. I swear, I was never like this before I met you. And it didn’t

help…I couldn’t stop thinking of you, Damien.” She hung her head as if she’d somehow failed.

He tilted her chin up so she’d be forced to look at him, while his other hand ran up between

her thighs until his fingers found her slick heat, swollen and wet with need. “Sweetheart, I love that

you couldn’t stop thinking of me, especially since there wasn’t a moment that went by that you weren’t

in my thoughts, that I didn’t ache to have you. I craved you even in my dreams, hungered for you, my

soul dying without you in my arms.”

He bit her lip and slowly slipped his fingers over her clit, sliding them back to tease her

opening, loving how she squirmed at his touch, her needy little moans so familiar. She leaned into him

as far as her bindings would allow, her nipples pressing against his bare chest where his shirt had

shifted open, nuzzling him as she raked her teeth over his chin.

When he stepped away, he loved that she moaned in protest and fought against her restraints to

get close to him once more, loved that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. He tossed his shirt

aside and pulled his leather belt free of his trousers, ridding himself of the rest of his clothing with the

belt still firm in his grip.

Standing before her naked, he stroked his cock with his free hand, rubbing his thumb over the

tip and smearing the head of his cock with his pre-cum. Closing the distance between them, he

captured her mouth in a hungry kiss and then with his hands on her hips, he spun her around, giving

him full access to her lush backside.

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“Sweetheart…did you miss this too?” Folding his belt in half, he slapped her ass with it,

putting just enough force behind the blow to make it sting a little. She cried out, arching her back as if

asking for more, looking over her shoulder at him as if pleading with him to give her what she so

desperately desired. “Answer me, Maddie.”

“Yes…I missed this so fucking much.” The need in her voice and the honesty of her words

made him feel like her heart was finally with his once more, back where it belonged. “I missed

someone knowing me, knowing my very heart, my very soul. I missed you.”

He brushed her long locks aside and kissed the slope of her shoulder. “I know you, Maddie,

because you’re my everything. My heart, my love, my very soul.”

Stepping to the side, he leaned over and kissed her as he slipped the strap of leather up the

back of her thighs, snapping it against her ass once more, a little harder this time, swallowing her

cries with his kisses. “More, Damien…”

He alternated between her cheeks, marking them several more times, swallowing her cries

before tossing the belt aside and dropping to his knees behind her. He ran his tongue over the red

marks he’d left, her skin flaming hot to the touch, before blowing over the area to cool it down. As if

unable to help herself, Maddie let out needy little moans as she shifted her delicious little bum

towards him, squirming for more.

Slipping his fingers against her slit, his cock throbbed to find her soaking wet, her juices

nearly dripping from her sweet cunt. Grabbing her thighs, he pulled her back to him and ran his tongue

from her clit to her ass. Lapping eagerly at her pussy, he sucked and nipped at her clit, loving how she

spread her legs to give him easier access as he fucked her with his stiff tongue.

She writhed at his attentions, pushing back against him for more, muttering his name as she bit

her arm to silence herself though it did little to help—and fuck, but it did him in that she couldn’t help

herself. “I’m going to come, Damien…please…”

“Come for me, Maddie.” He grasped her swollen clit between his teeth and then sucked it into

his mouth as he pressed his thumb into her tight pink bud, pushing her over the edge as she came, her

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body quivering as he sucked her pussy clean.

How he’d missed her coming undone for him…her needy cries, the way her skin flushed, and

she called out his name.

Grasping her hips, he trailed kisses up her back to her shoulder as he got to his feet and

slowly turned her to face him. His fingers danced over the skin of her abdomen, reaching up to cup

her perfect breasts. Running his thumb over her nipples, he lowered his head to them and sucked them

into his mouth, teasing her as his hard length rode the cleft of her pussy.

Biting her bottom lip to hold back her moans, Maddie shifted her hips along his cock, teasing

him until he could take no more, especially after their month apart. Damien grabbed her leg, and

hooked it up onto his hip, opening her up to him as he took her with a single thrust. “Fucking hell,

love…you’re so wet and so tight.”

The feel of her body tightly sheathing his cock left him light-headed, his forehead pressed to

hers as he kissed her, his breathing heavy. He swore, he’d never be able to take it slow. He pulled out

just enough to thrust back into her, taking her hard against the door, her hips tilting to meet his thrusts,

urging him on.

Fuck…he wasn’t going to last. Her body tightened around his and he knew she must be close

too. “I love you, Maddie…so fucking much.”

“And I love you, Damien…I missed you so much.” The need in her voice, the emotion there,

nearly did him in.

With an arm around her waist, he lifted her up and opened the door, pulling her free and

carrying her to the bed as she wrapped her bound arms around his neck. Kissing her, he lowered her

to the bed and then, slipping free of her arms, he removed the restraints and flipped her onto her hands

and knees, his gaze immediately falling on the red marks he’d left against her pearly skin.

Grabbing her hips, he plunged into her slick heat, pulling out slowly before burying himself

again with a hard thrust, repeating it over and over again, the energy building at the base of his spine

and the back of his legs. He lowered his body to hers, pinning her to him with an arm across her chest

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and a hand at her throat, gently squeezing her neck as he pounded into her.

She cried out as she came, her body tightening and quivering in his arms, as she rode the

waves of pleasure, and he finally let loose his own release. His orgasm erupted forth as he pounded

into her in his finality, pulsing his hot cum deep inside her, claiming her as his once more, finally

feeling complete.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Maddie blinked back tears as Quinn and Emma exchanged the vows they’d written for each

other. Emma was breathtakingly beautiful in an elegant gown of white silk and lace, and Quinn looked

so handsome and so incredibly happy. Unable to resist, Maddie looked over at Damien, a shy smile

tugging at her lips as his gaze unwaveringly locked on her.

Having spent the night in his arms, she knew now without a doubt that taking him back and

forgiving him had been the right thing to do. She finally felt whole again—and happy. She may have

thought she’d manage to somehow get over him, and find a way to move on and be happy, but she now

knew she’d only been lying to herself.

She loved Damien with all her heart—and she knew he loved her too. He had from the very

start, despite the circumstances. And though she may not have had many boyfriends or lovers, she

knew without a doubt that there could be no one else for her. Damien was her all. Her everything.

Quinn and Emma were declared husband and wife, and with an arm around Emma’s waist,

Quinn kissed her like they were they only two people in the room, the ballroom erupting with claps

and cheers. Maddie followed Emma down the aisle on Jake’s arm, though her thoughts were still with


Jake leaned in and whispered in her ear, a smile on his lips. “I take it things are looking up,

and the ex redeemed himself?”

She had to laugh. “How did you guess?” Not that it wouldn’t be obvious even to a blind man.

“You deserve to be happy, Madison. I’m glad it all worked out for you.” Once they stepped

out of the ballroom and into the hall, Jake stepped to the side and tilted his head in Damien’s


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Damien closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms, pulling her up off the

ground and kissing her. Quinn was too busy being blissfully wed to pay her any attention, but Morgan

and Gabe had certainly taken notice, though Zoe and Hadley had given them a quick scolding by the

looks of it. Her brothers might be overprotective, but she was happy, and she knew that was all they’d

ever wanted for her.

The food was amazing, the cake was spectacular, and everyone danced well into the night. By

the time Quinn and Emma eventually escaped to start their honeymoon, Maddie wanted nothing more

than to get Damien alone. In the comfort of his strong arms as they slowly danced around the dance

floor, she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he leaned his cheek atop her

head. “Take me home?”

“Happy to, darling.” Damien took her hand in his and escorted her to gather their things, when

she spotted Jake sitting at their table, a look of shock on his face, his normally jovial demeanor long

gone as he stared at his phone.

Tossing Damien a look of worry, she put a gentle hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Jake…are you


“Um…” He shook his head, his eyes red and his voice hoarse. “My good friend, Will…his

wife…ex-wife…called. He’s missing and…it doesn’t look good. She’d gone to check up on him and

found his place tossed…like there’d been a struggle... And there was blood…too much blood. The

cops…they’re not sure…”

“Oh, Jake. I’m so sorry.” Maddie was gutted for him. She knew what it was like to worry

about someone who’d been attacked—but she couldn’t imagine not knowing if they were alive or

dead. It would be so much worse. “Is there anything we can do? Do you need us to drive you


“I appreciate the offer. I just need to go…got to get to Hannah…it might not be safe for her.

The attacker is still out there… And we need to find Will…get him to a hospital before…it’s too

late.” Jake got to his feet, towering over Maddie. “Emma…I need to let her know.”

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“She’s already gone, but I’ll be sure to tell her.” She watched as Jake took off, more than a

little worried about him, and upset that such a joyous day had ended in tragedy for him.

Damien pulled her into his arms and held her tightly to him, kissing the top of her head. “Are

you okay, love?”

“I am—especially now that I can hold onto you once again.” Her heart broke for Jake, and

especially for Jake’s friend, Hannah. Maddie couldn’t imagine what she must be going through.

Maddie’s time apart from Damien had made her realize just how deeply she cared for him.

The thought of some tragedy befalling him left her shaken. “You’re my everything, Damien. And I

don’t think I’d ever survive not having you in my life.”

“I promise you, Maddie. I’m not going anywhere.”


Maddie awoke to Damien’s kisses slowly pulling her from her slumber. His lips trailed over

her shoulder as he spooned her from behind, his hard length nestled enticingly against her cheeks. “I

love you, Maddie.”

She wriggled in his arms, pressing herself more fully against him, knowing that she’d always

want him closer, deeper. “I love you too.”

“This isn’t what I had planned, but…after all that we’ve been through, after the wedding

yesterday…I just don’t want to wait anymore. I know what I want, and that’s you, love. I know this

hasn’t exactly been like one of your perfect romances, but you’re all I need—all I’ll ever need. And I

don’t want to spend another moment of my life where you’re not mine.” Damien kissed her cheek as

his hand came out from under the covers, holding a huge princess cut diamond ring delicately between

his finger and thumb in offering. “Maddie…would you do me the great honor of marrying me and

becoming my wife?”

She couldn’t quite believe it after everything they’d been through.

“Yes. I’d like nothing more.” Her eyes stung with tears of happiness as she held out her hand

and he slipped the ring on her finger. She then turned in his arms and kissed him, her entire world

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suddenly feeling brighter. “I love you, Damien. With all that I am, I love you.”

“And I love you, Maddie. From the very start, you’ve held my heart and soul in your hands.”


*** I hope you enjoyed Deception and Surrender. The next book in the series will be Jake’s

story, and I hope to have it released in February of 2015. For updates, please sign up for my

newsletter via my website,

, and as always, reviews are greatly

appreciated, if you’re so inclined. — Best, Cali ***

Document Outline


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