The Billionaire's Temptation 8 Scandal And Surrender Cali MacKay

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Scandal and Surrender

Book Three in The Billionaire’s Seduction Series

By Cali MacKay

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Scandal and Surrender
The Billionaire’s Seduction Series

By Cali MacKay

Copyright © 2015 by Cali MacKay

Published by Daeron Publishing


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher or author, except for the use of

brief quotations in a book review. The story contained within is the work of fiction. Names and

characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual person’s living

or dead, is entirely coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual scenes and adult language and

is only for readers over the age of 18.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2015, edition 1.0

ISBN: 9781940041339

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I’d like to dedicate this book to my family, my critique partners, and my amazing readers, for all

they do. A million thanks for the support!!!


For more information or to join a mailing list for updates, please visit


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Table of Contents

Scandal and Surrender

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Cali MacKay’s Book List

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Scandal and Surrender

Chapter 1

This could not be fucking happening. Wyatt Foley took a deep breath to keep his frustration in

check as his accountant ticked off all the reasons she was threatening to leave him in the lurch. It was

just one more problem he didn’t need.

Given the amount of trouble he was in—between thugs blackmailing him for money, and Fiona

ready to quit—one would think that he’d manage to focus on her words. Yet he’d be damned if he

could keep his thoughts from straying to all the dirty, naughty things he wanted to do to that fine body

of hers. He’d been fighting the urge to bend her over his desk for months now, and it was a battle he

was rapidly losing control of.

Forcing himself to concentrate on her complaints, Wyatt did what he could to try to get her to

stay, knowing she was a damn good accountant and there was no way his days would be the same if

she wasn’t around. “I truly appreciate all you’ve done for me and the club, and I understand that

you’ve been assigned tasks that don’t exactly fit your job description, but…I’m trying my best to find

some new hires. And I swear, I’ll do all I can to make it up to you—including an increase in your

salary. I know the last month’s been hell, but I need you, Fiona… Don’t give up on me just yet.”

The lilt of her Irish brogue had his cock going hard, as did the fire in her eyes. From the

moment he’d met her, there was something about Fiona that had left him unable to think of anyone but

her. “I appreciate the raise, but when you hired me, you said you were running a trendy nightclub—

not some BDSM sex club for the kinky and depraved. And though I’m doing all I can to deal with that,

despite the fact that me ma must be rolling in her grave, I was hired as an accountant. That means I

deal with numbers—not with alpha Doms who have their leather knickers in a twist because we’re

out of their favorite lube. And it sure as shite doesn’t mean that I know anything about which arse

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plugs or leather whips I should be ordering.”

Wyatt’s lips twitched as he fought back the need to smile at her descriptions, knowing she was

already pissed off at him, and being amused by her choice of words wouldn’t score him any brownie

points. And yet, she was the perfect distraction from all his problems. “You have my word things will

get better. And I’m happy to place all the orders, and speak to the Doms. I’ll even make it up to you

by taking you out to dinner.”

Her eyebrows perked up under the tangle of golden red hair as she glared at him. “Do I look

daft, Mr. Foley?”

“No, Ms. Carey—you certainly do not. That said, it’s just dinner—and as your boss, I’m

going to insist, since it’s getting late, I’m hungry, and you clearly still have a lot you’d like to

discuss.” Not that he wouldn’t be happy to get her naked and on her knees—or even better, draped

over his lap with her ass in the air, ready for a spanking. That might give her more of an appreciation

for the sort of fun his club had to offer.

With his club, Scandal, located in the heart of Dublin, there were several great restaurants

nearby, and since the club was only open on the weekends, except for special events, they didn’t have

to worry about rushing back for the evening. With her at his side, he forced himself to slow his pace,

knowing that with him at six foot four and her at five foot three, she’d have to practically run to keep

up to him.

A wary tension stiffened Wyatt’s muscles as he kept a keen eye on his surroundings,

especially since he had Fiona with him. Murphy and his merry band of delinquents had the nasty habit

of randomly showing up to harass him and threaten everything he’d worked far too hard for, and the

last thing he wanted was for Fiona to get caught up in this mess.

It was just over a year ago that Wyatt moved to Dublin, Ireland to build his club from the

ground up—and it’d been a huge success so far. But in typical criminal fashion, as soon as Murphy

caught wind of a profit to be made, he’d decided he wanted a cut—or rather, he and his gang


Wyatt to pay them to “keep the peace.”

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In other words, if Wyatt didn’t pay, they’d break things—and they wouldn’t stop with just him

or his club, but would also go after his employees, and even his customers. He might be able to hire

protection for the club, but it’d be impossible to keep everyone safe. Not to mention, if word got out

that his club wasn’t safe, it’d ruin everything he’d worked so hard to achieve. And yet the very

thought of giving in to those fuckers sent a burning rage coursing through him.

Wyatt already suspected that his business manager and his assistant had quit because Murphy

had harassed them, though they’d refused to say anything about it. Just phoned to say they were

quitting—not even a two weeks’ notice so he could find their replacements. He’d picked up most of

the slack, but clearly, Fiona was getting stuck with the overflow, especially when he was off with

clients and vendors or in a meeting.

“Will this do?” Wyatt tilted his head toward one of the nicer restaurants in the area.

“It will, if you like overpriced, pretentious food.” Fiona’s lips quirked into a bit of a smile,

which was a rare treat these days—and what he wouldn’t do to see her smiling at him again. “Follow

me, Mr. Foley.”

With an ass like hers, he’d follow her anywhere. “Happily, Ms. Carey.”

They ended up in a small restaurant that not only served some fantastic food, but also pulled a

great pint. He ended up ordering a hearty pork pie with hand-cut fries, while she grabbed herself a

burger—which he was happy to see she devoured. He hated that so many women starved themselves,

especially when on dates. Not that this was a date. She’d no doubt murder him if she had any idea as

to the sorts of thoughts that crossed his mind when in her company.

Somehow, he’d managed to keep things purely professional over the last four months, but the

woman was gorgeous and beyond sexy—and not in the typical way, which he got to see far too much

of at the club. With Fiona, it was more of a smoldering sexiness that was inherent in who she was,

rather than what she’d dressed herself up in—and she was weakening his defenses.

She might be just a little straightlaced and uptight, but he was sure, given half a chance, that he

could fuck that out of her—and what fun that would be, especially when he’d spent months with the

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thought rattling around his head. And yet, beyond the physical, there was so much more between them.

Or at least there could be, if they ever gave it half a chance.

“Mr. Foley. I’d appreciate an answer.” She pursed her full lips in annoyance, as he refocused

his attention on her and the present, rather than all the things he’d like to do to her once he got her

naked. He was sure her ass would look magnificent with his handprint red against her porcelain skin.

“Yet again, I’m going to ask you to call me Wyatt. You’ve been working for me for over four

months, now. I’m sure we can manage being on a first-name basis. Besides, Mr. Foley reminds me of

my father—who I’m nothing like.” She always insisted on keeping things so formal between them.

Regarding her question, he took a stab in the dark. “As for your concerns, you have my word—things

will get better. I’ve got several candidates lined up, and I’m sure one of them will be decent. I just

need you to be a little more patient with me. And I swear, I will do all I can to make this worth your

while. I like you, Fiona—and I think we work well together.”

“Work being the key word…Wyatt.” Her blue eyes narrowed at him as she popped a fry into

her mouth. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, and I know your sort. So if you think you’ll be able to

charm me into climbing into your bed, then you can guess again.”

He couldn’t help the smug grin that sprung to his lips, nor the words that popped out of his

mouth. “Who said anything about a bed, love?”

She sat back in her seat, giving him a stern look. “Does that really work on all those other


“Those other women don’t matter, Fiona. I only care as to whether or not it’s working on

you.” Wyatt found that there was probably more truth in that statement than he cared to admit.

“Well, it’s not. I’ve no interest in dating my boss, nor in being one in a long line of women,

thank you very much.” She looked away with a shake of her head, her brow furrowed in annoyance.

“And what if I wasn’t your boss? Would you date me then?” Wyatt couldn’t help but be

curious. Because she might be pushing him away and telling him she wasn’t interested, but he swore

there was an attraction between them that couldn’t be ignored, and it sure as hell wasn’t one-sided,

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even if she was denying everything.

She cocked her head and pinned him with a steely stare that may scare off some men, though it

only served to turn Wyatt on and make him more determined to have her. “I dated enough men like you

when I was too young to know any better—and I’ll be damned if I’ll make that sort of mistake now.

So if you really must have an answer, the answer is no. I wouldn’t date you even if you weren’t my

boss. I don’t need that sort of headache, thank you very much.”

“Okay…so if dating is off the table, what about fucking?”

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Chapter 2

“Go fuck yourself, Mr. Foley.” Fiona swore she’d never met a man more infuriating than

Wyatt Foley. Yet it wasn’t just the fact that he was flirting shamelessly with her. It was the fact that

for months now, he made her want to throw out all her good judgment and everything she’d worked so

hard for, and take him up on his offer.

The man was downright gorgeous. Really tall—and she’d always had a thing for tall men—

with broad, muscular shoulders. His dark hair was cropped incredibly short—the kind of short that

made you want to run your fingers over it—while stubble covered his strong jaw. And then there

were his hazel eyes that seemed to sparkle with humor and intelligence.

It was all the more reason why she had to keep her distance, even if every part of her wanted

to give in to his charms and experience all the pleasures he had to offer. “I could have you up on

sexual harassment charges, you know.”

Wyatt put his hands up with a shake of his head. “I know. And I swear I’m not normally like

this, Fiona. It’s just that, I trust you know me well enough to know your job is safe no matter what. It’s

clear you have no trouble telling me to fuck off, since you just did, so it’s not as though you’d have a

problem turning me down. I suppose I’m just putting it out there on the off chance you’d be interested

in…letting loose a little, and having a bit of fun. Because I sure as shit could do with a bit of fun right

about now.”

“Let loose? Are you trying to tell me that I’m uptight, Wyatt?” She may be rather serious,

especially when it came to her job, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t know how to have fun.

No… What I’m trying to say is that I need to blow off some steam, and think it could be

mutually beneficial—and fun, for that matter.” The intensity of Wyatt’s gaze made it difficult to hold

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without blushing.

With that glint in his eyes, she swore he was thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her,

and she had no doubt that every one of those things would feel downright amazing. Which was exactly

why she had to stand her ground and focus on work. “What’s wrong then? Is it the club?”

She had to admit, the poor man certainly seemed a hell of a lot more stressed out now

compared to when he’d hired her four months ago. Some of that might have to do with the launch of

the club, since they’d only opened their doors six weeks ago. Getting everything just right was a huge

accomplishment—but they’d pulled it off with flying colors, and had gotten rave reviews in all the

Irish entertainment blogs.

His eyes clouded over, deep in thought. But then it was as if he pushed it all aside. “What’s

wrong is that we’ve been flirting for months, and frankly, I want more.”

“Yet one more thing that’s not in my job description, Mr. Foley.”


“Let me see you home, Fiona. It’s late, and I don’t want anything happening to you.” Wyatt

knotted his fingers with hers, making her want to curse him.

His touch was electric, reminding her that it’d been an eternity since she had any sort of

physical connection to another person. “I’ve lived here all my life. No one’s going to bother me, and I

can take care of myself.”

“Well, I’m not taking that chance. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.”

When the streetlights caught the hard angles of his face, she was surprised to see genuine worry there.

“Honestly…I’ll be fine, Wyatt.” His concern was starting to unnerve her, especially when

he’d yet to tell her what the hell was bothering him as of late. “What has you looking so worried? Is

there something going on that I should know about?”

“Nothing at all, since I’m not worried—I’m sensible. And as far as I’m concerned, you have

two options—you can either let me take you home, or you can come with me back to my place. But

you’re not heading home on your own, even if you don’t live that far away.” He brought her hand to

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his lips and kissed it. “What’s it going to be, kitten?”

“First of all, I’m more hellcat than kitten.” She yanked her hand free, knowing the effect his

mere touch was having on her. And she couldn’t let him charm her. Guys like Wyatt were nothing but

trouble. “Second, I’m going home—and I suggest you do the same. Good night, Mr. Foley.”

Spinning on her heels, she turned to go, when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back around

to him, landing her firmly in his strong arms, his hold on her tightening as a sultry smile teased its way

onto his lips.

Curse him. He felt so good. His hard muscles felt solid under the palm of her hand as he

trapped her firmly against his body—and fucking hell, was that his cock?

Still caught in his grasp with his arm tight around her waist, he let his other hand drift up to

her face, tilting her chin so she’d be forced to meet his gaze. “That wasn’t one of the options you were

afforded, Ms. Carey.”

“And yet, it’s the option I’m taking. Imagine that, Mr. Foley.” He might be smart, gorgeous,

and beyond sexy, but she wasn’t going to let him finagle his way into her knickers—even if a very

vocal part of her thoughts kept insisting that she could do with getting laid, and Wyatt would certainly

show her a good time. Of that she had no doubt.

“Come home with me, Fiona…” He bent his head to hers, so he was all but a breath away,

making her want to lean in and kiss him.

Doing her best, she tried to focus on something other than how good his body felt pressed

against hers—as good as she’d imagined it would, since he’d been haunting her thoughts since the

moment she first laid eyes on him.

She needed to stay strong, and he was making it damn hard, curse him. “I know it must be a

rare thing for a woman to turn you down, but I have no interest in sleeping with you, Wyatt.”

“And that’s a bald-faced lie, kitten.” Amazingly enough, he loosened his hold on her—only to

find that his absence filled her with the bitter pang of disappointment, when she should be feeling

relieved. “That said, I can’t afford to have you quit on me, so I’ll do my best to behave myself.

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However, I’m still going to see you home safely since I’d never forgive myself if something happened

to you.”

“I suppose I can live with that, seeing as we’re both stubborn, and at the rate we’re going,

we’ll still be standing here discussing the matter as the sun rises.” As Fiona led the way back toward

the club, Wyatt settled in at her side, clearly slowing his gait to an amble so that she wouldn’t have to

run. “You know…I don’t normally walk into work, though it’s really not that far. It’s just that the

weather can often take a turn, so I usually take the bus or Luas in to work.”

“Which is why I’m going to drive you home. I can’t believe you were going to take the

commuter rail home this late at night, all on your own. You need to be more careful.” When they got

to his vehicle, he held the door open for her and gave her a hand up into his Range Rover, before

hopping into the driver’s seat. “Just lead the way.”

She did just that, giving him turn-by-turn directions, though as they got closer to her place, she

could only imagine what he must think of the neighborhood she grew up in. Although she didn’t know

Wyatt’s exact address, she had a general idea of which part of Dublin he lived in, and it was

incredibly posh and trendy. Nothing like the tired, crowded homes that lined the narrow streets of her

neighborhood—nor did he have fecking delinquents lingering on the street corners and harassing

people in the parks. “Just up ahead on the left—number one thirty-two. I appreciate the ride.”

He pulled up in front of her childhood home, where she still lived with her father. She

wouldn’t mind getting a place of her own, but her da was on his own since her ma passed after her

brother, James, ended up dead, stabbed in an alley just a block away from their home. Though her

brother had been sweet and kind, and mostly kept himself out of trouble, his friends were always

trying to drag him into their schemes—and one of their schemes resulted in his murder.

Wyatt parked and came around to open her door, acting like a gentleman, even though he had a

filthy mouth on him, and no doubt an even filthier mind. She took his offered hand and climbed down,

somehow landing herself in his arms. “Don’t suppose you’d like to invite me in for a drink? I could

do with a whiskey.”

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“So that you can hang out with me da? I’m sure you’d both love that.” She couldn’t help the

amused smile that sprung to her lips when she saw his surprised face. “Oh, no…were you expecting

some alone time?”

“You can’t blame a guy for trying.” Still in his arms, he gripped her waist in his strong hands

and pulled her close, making her gasp as her heart hammered inside her chest. He didn’t kiss her, but

rather nuzzled her, so his lips were but a breath away, making her breath catch in anticipation. And it

killed her that all his flirting now had her desperately wanting him to kiss her. “I suppose I should

walk you to the door then—unless, of course, you’d rather head back to my place. It’s not too late to

change your mind.”

He’d yet to pull away, so that his words drifted over her skin, making her want to lean into

him. “You have a one-track mind—so let me repeat myself again. I am not going to sleep with you.

Not now. Not ever.”

With a laugh, he shook his head while tsk-tsking her. “There you go with your lies again. One

of these days, it’s going to earn you a spanking over my knee.”

“I’d like to see you try it, boyo.” And yet, the mere thought of it had her wondering what it

would be like to be on the receiving end of Wyatt’s attentions if she finally gave in to the attraction

between them and played his game.

Even though she’d dated a handful of guys over the years, she’d only ever been with one man,

and that was when she was younger and far too naïve and innocent to really know what she was

getting herself into. Niall had been a friend of her brother’s and had that bad boy thing going for him.

Luckily, it didn’t take her too long to come to her senses, realizing that she wanted more from life, and

he’d offer her nothing but trouble and heartache.

“I suppose we’ll have to revisit that topic at another time.” Wyatt stepped to the side, and

escorted her past her gate and to her door. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, a surprisingly sweet

gesture, which caught her off guard, especially after all his shameless flirting. “Sweet dreams to you,

kitten, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

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Chapter 3

Wyatt didn’t know what the fuck he was thinking. If he didn’t stop pushing Fiona’s buttons, he

had no doubt she’d end up quitting on him. But after four months of behaving himself, he couldn’t hold

back any longer, and the fact that she seemed to enjoy herself to an extent only spurred him on.

He could tell she’d been hoping he’d kiss her, when he saw her to her door last night—which

was exactly why he didn’t. He wanted Fiona, desperately, but given her reluctance, he knew it’d be

more of a dance—two steps forward, one step back, a dizzying turn, and then a leap.

Things at the club had been crazy for all of them, but his college friend, Greyson, was on his

way, and had agreed to help give him a hand as Wyatt’s assistant manager. But there was more.

Greyson’s background made him uniquely suited to helping Wyatt with his current troubles.

Wyatt’s brother, Keane, had offered to help, but he’d had some recent troubles of his own, and

Wyatt didn’t want to pile any more on his plate. It was more important that Keane head back home to

Massachusetts, and take care of his fiancée after recently going through a harrowing ordeal at the

hands of her stalker.

A knock at his office door pulled him from his thoughts, a smile springing to his lips as he saw

Fiona standing there in the open doorway. “Come on in—and if you could, please close the door

behind you.”

Her eyes narrowed just a bit, as if suspecting he was up to no good, but she did as he asked. “I

just wanted to drop off this week’s reports, though I also have some questions about a sizable

withdrawal made from one of the accounts.”

She came around his desk, and plopped the papers down, pointing at a series of numbers with

a well-manicured finger. It didn’t take more than a glance to know that she’d found the withdrawal

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he’d made to pay off Murphy.

He’d fucking hated doing it, but Murphy and his men had caught him off guard, and Wyatt had

to do whatever it’d take to keep his employees and customers safe. It was just to buy him some time,

until he could figure out what to do next. It’d been enough to keep Murphy and his friends away, and

maybe that’d be the end of it, though Wyatt suspected he’d soon be back for more. This time,

however, Wyatt would be ready for them.

“I made the withdrawal. Something…came up, so I figured it’d be the easiest way to take care

of the matter.” The scolding pout on her face had him going hard, and it made it impossible for him to

resist her, especially when she smelled so fucking good, and looked even better.

She had on a plaid flared skirt that was just short enough to make him think dirty thoughts, and

had paired it with a cream V-neck sweater that looked so soft, it was hard not to reach out and run his

hands over her body. Paired with a killer pair of soft knee-high leather boots, it’d be a miracle if he

didn’t attempt to bend her over his desk.

“I get that this is your company, but if I have any hope of keeping your accounts straight and

your money accounted for, then you need to tell me about this sort of thing.” When she crossed her

arms in front of her chest, it did amazing things to her cleavage. “Oi! Eyes up here, cowboy.”

He bit his bottom lip, his self-control waning as he shifted toward her. Before he’d even

thought it through, he grabbed her waist and slowly pulled her to him, his knee slipping between her

legs so that she landed on his thigh, straddling it. “Sweetness…”

Her eyebrows perked up in dismay. “What are you doing?”

“Who? Me? Nothing at all.” Yet that didn’t mean he was ready to let her go, especially when

he could feel the heat of her pussy on his thigh, and she was showing a generous expanse of gorgeous

leg as her skirt rode up. Tightening his grip on her hips, he pulled her toward him, just enough to have

her hips ride forward over the hard muscles of his leg—and there was the response he was looking


Fiona’s breath caught as her eyes slipped shut. He let her hips rock back, before pulling them

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forward once more, and yet again, knowing that the motion was applying just enough pressure and

friction to her clit as it rubbed against his thigh. She’d yet to speak another word of protest, and

instead, her hips were now rocking of their own volition, his hands doing no more than resting on her


With his head bent to hers, their warm breath mingled, and though he’d like nothing more than

to kiss her, he dare not break the trance. Her hands found their way to his chest, fisting the fabric of

his shirt as her pace started to increase, her body rocking closer and closer to his, until her gorgeous

breasts were pressed against his chest and her cheek was nestled against his.

Knowing she was close, he slipped his arm around her waist and rocked his thigh into her, her

body meeting his as the pressure increased, faster, harder, until she was falling over that edge, crying

out as she came. Her body quivered as each wave of pleasure flowed through her, before finally

slowing to a stop, her body still tense in his arms with nothing left but the sound of her heavy

breathing and the wet warmth of her pussy against his thigh.

They stayed like that for several heartbeats, neither of them speaking a word, though he knew

there’d likely be hell to pay for it on his end, even if he did just make her come—and barely touching

her, no less. Yet, no matter what hells she cursed him to—and he had no doubt there would be many

—he’d happily do it all again.

Yet when she started to stiffen in his arms, he couldn’t help but feel like a bit of an ass.

“Sweetheart…are you okay?”

“Fucking hell, Wyatt…” She used his first name… Was that a good sign? “What the hell were

you thinking?”

Okay…so maybe it wasn’t a good sign after all. “I don’t suppose I was—and in my defense, I

don’t think overthinking matters of a sexual nature is always a good thing. Sometimes, it’s best to just

listen to what our bodies want, what they’ll enjoy. Not always, but sometimes—and this felt like one

of those times.” When she went to stand, he tightened his hold on her. “Don’t run away from me,

Fiona. Not when I could give you so much more pleasure. And just think of what I could accomplish

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if I actually touched you next time around.”

“There won’t be a next time, Mr.—”

But then he was silencing her with a hard kiss, his tongue finding hers in a heated dance as she

softened in his arms and kissed him back, her needy little moans urging him on and making him want

so much more. Except that he knew she’d likely hate him for it. And so, hard as it was, he slowed

their kisses and loosened his hold on her, his breathing ragged with need as he spoke. “I know this is

a less than ideal situation, Fie…but I really like you, and though you may not like me, I don’t think it

negates the fact that you do actually want me.”

Her jaw tightened as she glared at him, her words spoken through clenched teeth. “You’re

awfully sure of yourself.”

All he could do is shrug. “Look, love…if you didn’t want me just a little, then it would have

taken a whole lot more to get you off. Yet all I had to do is give you a little nudge, and you happily

took over.”

“You’re such an arse.” A furious blush crept across her cheeks—but when he saw her eyes

shimmer for a moment, he cursed himself.

“Yeah…I suppose I am. That said, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying yourself.”

With a gentle touch, he pulled her into his arms and held her close, worried about her. He’d hoped to

show her what might be possible if she just gave in to what was between them, not thinking he’d truly

distress her. “I hate seeing you upset, Fiona.”

She slapped his chest, clearly frustrated, though he couldn’t help but smile, especially when

she was still in his arms. “Well, then maybe you should stop being such a gobshite.”

“I could…but where would be the fun in that?” When she slapped his chest again, he couldn’t

help but laugh, tilting her chin up so she’d have to look at him. “Just give me a chance, Fie…it doesn’t

have to be anything more than a bit of fun. And if you want more, I’m happy to oblige you.” Why the

hell not, when she’d been his only thought for months now?

“Guys like you…you just don’t get it. Do you? I’m not looking for fun, Wyatt—I’m looking to

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do my job. So if you don’t mind unhanding me, I have work to do.”

“Guys like me, huh? That’s your first mistake, Fie—and now I think I’ll just have to prove you


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Chapter 4

Fiona sat at her desk, mortified, too worked up and embarrassed to even think straight. Her

entire body was vibrating and on edge—and worse still, Wyatt had her desperately wanting more, her

clit still swollen and pulsing with a need that had her wanting to go back for round two. She couldn’t

believe that she’d basically humped his leg to an amazing orgasm. And he was right…she could just

imagine what he’d be capable of if he actually touched her.

The mere thought of him and all he could do to her had her wanting to lock her office door and

slip her hands between her legs, one orgasm not nearly enough when he had her so worked up. It had

been so incredibly long since she’d been with anyone that any desire she may have had for anything

sexual seemed to have gone dormant. Until Wyatt.

She regretted accusing him of being like all the other guys out there, when the truth was that

she’d never seen him show but a passing interest in all the women who threw themselves at him on a

regular basis. It’s not that he was some sort of celibate monk, but he could easily have women

parading in and out of his office or hanging on his arm, and that just wasn’t the case, nor had it been.

But now that she’d challenged him, she had a feeling he’d be relentless in pursuing her, just to

prove her wrong. Not that it meant he wanted anything serious from her, even if he’d implied

otherwise—and she hated that it left her with a bit of a pang in her heart.

After Niall and her brother’s death, she’d figured she just didn’t need that sort of trouble or

distraction, so she’d stayed focused on her family and her job instead. Except that one year rolled into

the next, and she now found herself feeling closed off, as if romance just wasn’t in the cards for her,

and it was a bigger hassle than it was worth. Yet, Wyatt had her questioning herself, and it left her

feeling both uneasy and…excited—which did not bode well for her sanity, nor her determination to

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keep herself out of his bed.

She wrapped up for the day and got ready to head home, when Wyatt stepped before her as

she attempted to make her escape. “Fiona… Come home with me.”

“Bleedin’ hell, Wyatt… Have you lost your mind?” And yet it took all she had to stand her

ground and try to be angry with him, rather than give in and agree to anything he wanted. Because she

was finding it harder and harder to resist him.

“I don’t know. Maybe I have.” He ran his hand down her arms, and knotted his fingers with

hers, pulling her close, though he looked far more serious than she’d expected. “There’s a lot going

on, and…maybe I just need you to distract me for a bit.”

She suddenly found herself genuinely worried about him. “What’s going on, Wyatt?”

He shook his head and looked away for a moment, before turning back to her, his hazel eyes

intense enough to have her heart racing. “Nothing you need to worry yourself over. And fuck…I’m

sorry if I’ve been an ass and too forward with you, but I haven’t been able to think straight since you

came in my arms, and I need more.”

She wanted to shush him, worried someone else would hear, when the truth was, they were

the only two people there, and that would be the case until tomorrow, when the club would spring to

life with Doms and subs, the curious and the adventurous, half-naked bodies dancing to the pounding

music or finding their way to the more exclusive parts of the club, reserved for members only.

Giving his hand a squeeze, she set aside her frustration with him. “I’m sorry, but I can’t give

you what you need, Wyatt.”

“Actually…I think you’re the only one who can.” He brushed his fingers against her cheek,

and then leaned into her, catching her mouth in a tender yet passionate kiss and then another, the

tension in his body making her realize just how hard it was for him to hold back. He broke away from

their kiss, though he didn’t pull away. “Just one night, Fiona. And you can set the rules. Whatever you

want, however you want it. As long as it ends with you naked in my bed.”

“You’re my boss. Have you forgotten that little fact?” And yet, it was taking all she had not to

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simply say yes—to whatever he wanted.

“Not tonight, I’m not. Tonight, I’m not your boss. It’s just you and me, plain and simple. And

this is whatever we need it to be—because I do think you need this just as much as I do.” His rough

stubble brushed against her cheek, the mere closeness of him making her want more, even though she

knew it would be a huge mistake to go with him.

And yet…maybe he was right. Maybe she did need this. “One night, Wyatt—and none of your

kinky ball gags and spreader bars. Then it comes to an end. You’re to tell no one and we’ll never

speak of it again. It’ll be as if it never happened. Am I making myself clear?”

“You’re fucking gorgeous, Fie.” It didn’t escape her that he didn’t agree to her terms, but then

he was cupping her face in both his hands and hauling her body to his as he kissed her, slow and

sweet and with such intensity, she didn’t think they’d actually make it to his house.

His tongue found hers as their kiss deepened and he backed her up into the wall, his body hard

against hers, trapping her against him and making it impossible to ignore just how ready he was for

her—and just how much she wanted him. She’d been doing her best to ignore the attraction between

them for months now, so maybe if she gave herself this one night with him, she’d finally get him out of

her system. And it’s not like she couldn’t do with a bit of attention. It’d been five years since she’d

last been with Niall—and five years since she’d last had sex. She wasn’t even sure she knew what to

do anymore.

Luckily for her, Wyatt seemed happy enough to take charge. Grabbing her ass, he pulled her

hips to him as he raked his teeth down her neck, her back arching against him in response. “Wyatt…


“Soon, kitten…” He then dropped to his knees before her, pausing just long enough to bite her

nipples through the fabric of her sweater as his hands slipped up her thighs and under her flouncy

skirt. Hooking the sides of her panties, his thumbs stroked her clit and slit, forcing her to bite back a

needy moan, desperate for so much more. But then he was pulling the lacy fabric down her thighs, and

helping her out of them, a sultry smile on his lips as he gazed up at her. “There…that’s better.”

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Hooking one of her legs up onto his shoulder, he opened her up to him, as he trailed bites and

kisses up the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, her breath catching in anticipation, even as she fought

back her panic. Was she really doing this—letting her boss go down on her in the middle of the

hallway while at work?

Yet when he flicked his tongue against her clit and sucked it into his mouth, all she could

manage was to pull him closer with a moan, running her hands over his head, his dark hair cropped

short enough to bristle against her palm and give him that edgy, bad boy look. She didn’t know what

the hell he was doing to her, but it felt incredible—and then he slipped two fingers deep inside her,

thrusting into her as she cried out and her hips tilted toward him, trying to urge him on.

With his rough stubble brushing against her sensitive skin, he sucked and nipped on her clit as

his fingers filled and stretched her, curling against that sweet spot deep inside her as the pressure

started to build. She was already on the verge of coming, her legs trembling as she tried to remain

upright, bracing herself against the cold, hard wall as she tried not to cry out, and failed miserably.

Wyatt…I’m going to come.”

Her words seemed to spur him on, his pace quickening as he finger-fucked her and sucked her

harder—and then…fucking hell…he pressed a finger against the bud of her ass, setting her orgasm

free. She screamed out as she was hit with wave after wave of pleasure, her entire body tense and her

legs trembling as her pussy gushed and he continued to lap at her with long, broad strokes, before

finally slowing. He pulled his fingers free of her as she gasped and tried to catch her breath, her heart

hammering out a thready pulse as he gathered her up in his arms.

“Not sure I pegged you for a screamer, kitten.” He looked at her with a smug and satisfied

look, though there was still a sweet tenderness in his gaze—and she knew it was that juxtaposition of

him being a pushy alpha bad boy while still being caring and sweet that would weaken her defenses

and have her falling for him in no time at all.

“Not sure I pegged you for the sort of guy to get down on your knees.” She aimed for sarcastic

and cocky, though she wasn’t sure how effective it was when she was still cradled in his arms with

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her knickers nowhere to be found.

“Sweetness, I have no problem doing whatever it takes to give you pleasure—and I will

always take good care of you, even if it means getting on my knees to do it.”

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Chapter 5

Wyatt couldn’t keep his hands off Fiona, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing the

curve of her neck, her plump ass cheeks pressed against his hard length, even as he unlocked the door

to his loft. He quickly punched in the security code and let her in, before locking the door behind them

and resetting the alarm. There was no way he was taking any chances with their safety after what

happened to his brother’s fiancée, especially when Murphy was still around trying to cause trouble.

“This is really nice, Wyatt.” Fiona bit her bottom lip, looking nervous, and ready to bolt.

What she needed was a bit of a distraction—and he was more than happy to provide it in a variety of


“Glad you like it, love. And I’ll happily show you around—later. Right now, I have other

plans for you.” His smile kicked up as he closed the distance between them, even as she started to

back away from him.

She put a hand on his chest as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea, Wyatt. We’ll still be stuck working together, and sleeping with

each other is just going to make things awkward.”

“Fie…you’ve already come twice in my arms. Don’t you think we’re well past the point of no

return? You’re worrying yourself over nothing. I promise you, it won’t be an issue.” Especially since

he had no intention to stop fucking her after tonight.

Never before had he wanted someone as badly as he wanted her, and he already knew one

night would be nowhere near enough. All he had to do was make sure she wanted more—and he was

pretty sure he could accomplish that if he managed to get her naked just once. Because the truth was,

as much as he desperately needed and wanted her, he was pretty sure she could also do with the

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“Wyatt…it’s been awhile for me. This isn’t something I normally do.” The way she blushed

had him wondering just how long it’d been. Suddenly, ravishing her like he’d planned might not be

such a good idea.

“How long has it been, love?” Fucking hell… She couldn’t be a virgin, could she? They were

in Ireland, so things might be a bit different. Then again, she was also in her mid-twenties, so she

must surely have taken a few lovers by now.

“A good five years…and I’ve only ever been with that one guy.”

No wonder she’d come so easily earlier in his office, simply by straddling his leg.

Her brow furrowed, her gaze avoiding his, which had him wondering just how good an

experience it’d been for her. Probably not amazing, if she’d gone on to avoid men for the next five


He let out a sigh, and leaned against the back of the sofa, pulling her to him, so she was

nestled between his legs. He wasn’t sure if he could keep his need for her reined in, but he’d do his

best if that was what she needed. “We can take this slow, if you’d like. I’m happy to let you set the

pace. Or…you can let me take control, and just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

She played with the buttons on his shirt, her gaze avoiding his. “I think I need a drink. Do you

have a whiskey?”

“There’s always whiskey, and I’m happy to get you a drop. But we’re not doing this with you

liquored up. Am I making myself clear?” No fucking way. Especially not when it was their first time

together and she hadn’t gotten laid in ages.

“Fair enough.” She took a deep breath and managed a smile for him, before stepping away

from him so he could pass.

Unable to resist, he cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to him as he caught her mouth in a

kiss, the tense passion between them palpable as his tongue danced over hers for a moment before he

forced himself to let her go. He headed over to the bar and grabbed the bottle of his finest whiskey,

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pouring them each a finger or two—and then proceeded to nearly drop them when he turned back

around to find Fiona discarding the last of her clothing so she now stood before him naked.

“Fucking hell, you’re gorgeous, woman.” He slowly closed the distance between them, his

cock aching to be freed from the constraints of his jeans, especially since he’d been hard most of the

day after watching her come—twice now. He handed her one of the glasses and then tossed back his

drink, setting aside the empty glass so he could free his hands as quickly as possible.

Standing behind her, he ran his hands down her arms as he trailed kisses down the slope of

her shoulder, her skin cool and soft against his lips. She took a long sip and then another, pausing for

just a moment more before finishing her drink. Taking the empty glass from her, he placed it next to

his, happy to no longer have any distractions.

When she turned to face him, it was all he could do not to ravage her. Her skin was like cream

covered in a smattering of playful freckles, but it was her pert breasts that held his rapt attention.

They were the perfect size to complement her small waist and the flare of her full hips, her nipples

hard and begging to be sucked on, while her curves made him want to taste every part of her lush


“Come on, kitten.” Desperately wanting her, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to

his bedroom, the feel of her soft, warm body perfect in his arms, stoking his need. And yet he also

wanted to make sure he erased her doubts and unease, not wanting her to regret things come morning,

especially when it’d been ages since she’d last been with a guy.

Though he’d been with more than his fair share of women, he too often found himself wanting

more afterwards. But Fiona was nothing like the women he normally dated, and that didn’t bother him

one bit, not when he’d spent the last four months falling for her charms. He loved her sarcastic and

fiery wit—and he loved that she gave him shit.

Most of the women he dated seemed to just be along for the ride, always far too agreeable and

far too…generic. Like they’d all been popped out of the same mold—or worse, that they’d willingly

gone and changed what was unique about them just to fit some ideal dictated to them by trends, men,

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and the media.

He lowered her onto the bed and then made quick work of the buttons on his shirt as she undid

his belt and jeans to free his erection. He heard her suck in a breath, and then all thoughts escaped him

as she wrapped her fingers around his length, stroking him as he rid himself of what clothing


Kneeling before him on the bed, she leaned in and ran her tongue over the slit of his cock,

licking off the drop of pre-cum that had escaped, as her hands twisted along the length of his shaft. “I

swear, it’s been so long, it’s like I’ve forgotten what to do. Is that all right?”

“Fucking hell, Fie… Yeah. It’s more than all right.” When she wrapped her lips around his

cock and sucked him, he bit back a primal groan as his head fell forward so he could watch her take

more and more of him with each pass. He had to resist the urge to fist her hair and thrust his cock

deeper past those rosy lips of hers, knowing it’d likely be too much for her to handle.

With his orgasm building at the base of his spine, he let her take him just to the edge before

fisting her hair and gently pulling her away from him. “That’s too fucking good—and not the way I

want to come right now. Get on your hands and knees, love.”

Too impatient, he scooped her around the waist and shifted her around and farther back onto

the bed, before sidling up behind her, her plump ass a thing of beauty. He couldn’t help but bite the

soft flesh, loving the way she gasped and cried out, pulling away for just a moment before shifting her

ass back toward him.

And wasn’t that curious… His smile kicked up in amusement. “Did you like that, kitten?”

She gave him a frustrated glare over her shoulder, though he couldn’t help but notice the blush

that had crept across her cheeks. “For fuck’s sake, Wyatt. I’m not here to have a conversation with


“Ah…there’s my feisty little girl.” He was happy to see she was feeling more comfortable

with the situation, and had returned to more of her sarcastic self, since she’d looked so unsure and

uncertain earlier. “But I’m still waiting for an answer.”

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“And wait you will.” Well, that earned her another bite, which she clearly loved far too much.

“You’re a fecking bastard.”

“I won’t deny that. And since you don’t want to give me an answer, I suppose I’ll just have to

find the proof on my own.” He ran his fingers against her slick slit, and found her so wet for him, he

couldn’t help but plunge his fingers deep inside her, loving how she cursed up a storm under her

breath, her hips tilting to meet his hand. “Kitten…you fucking love this, don’t you?”

When he pulled free of her, he ran his slick fingers over her clit, teasing her a bit more, before

giving her ass a slap, curious to see what sort of response that would elicit. And there it was—the

beautiful sound of a needy whimper that simply begged him for more.

“Sweet Fiona…if I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you’re enjoying this little bit of pain

with your pleasure.” He didn’t expect her to say anything, nor did he need her to, since he wouldn’t

be taking things any further in that direction—not tonight, at any rate. She’d been a bit hesitant about

the sort of things that went on at the club, and though this was a far cry from all that, he didn’t want to

push her too far, especially when they hadn’t first discussed it.

Wrapping an arm around her, he cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples, teasing her as he

kissed and nipped his way up her back, taking it nice and slow. By the time he raked his teeth along

her neck, her entire body was pressing back against him, as if in search of his cock, which was

nestled between her thighs in the perfect position for his length to tease her clit. “Wyatt…please…

you’re killing me.”

“Tell me, love…” His words and warm breath danced over her skin, eliciting a shiver from

her that had her shimmying against him, making him even harder for her. “Have you spent the last four

months wanting this? Imagining what it’d be like to have me fuck you?”

“Bleedin’ hell, Wyatt. I’m still left imagining it, now aren’t I? Are we going to keep talking

about it or are you actually going to fuck me?”

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Chapter 6

Fiona was losing patience—and her nerve. If Wyatt didn’t get around to fucking her soon,

she’d come to her senses and get the hell out of there. Because everything he was doing to her felt so

damn good, she knew she’d have a hard time resisting him once they got back to work.

“You’re such a cheeky thing, Fie. You might need to have your ass spanked after all.” His

words and the feel of his stubble against the sensitive skin of her neck had her biting back a moan,

since even those few bites and single slap had left her desperately wanting him to push things further.

Before another quick retort could escape her lips, he kissed her cheek and reached over to the

nightstand to grab a condom. Ripping open the foil with his teeth, he sat back to roll it on and then

grabbed her hips in his strong grip. He brushed his cock against her slit and then slowly eased himself

in, filling and stretching her tight as her breathing went thready and her pulse went erratic.

It’d been so long…just the feel of him deep inside her was enough to do her in—and he hadn’t

even started to move.

“Are you okay, Fie?” The concern in his voice was sweet, especially when most guys

wouldn’t care about how the hell she was faring, and would just commence with fucking her. “You’re

so fucking tight, and I don’t want to hurt you, though I’ve got to tell you, you feel amazing, and I’m not

sure how slow I’ll be able to take things.”

“You’re damn big, I’ll give you that. But…I’m okay.” And she’d be even better once things

got underway. “And fuck, Wyatt…I don’t want you taking things slow. It’s been too long since I last

got laid, and I’m not looking for half measures.”

He pulled his cock out until just the tip remained and then thrust back into her, again and

again, so she felt it in the depths of her soul. “I don’t do anything in half measures, love—especially

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not when it comes to fucking.”

“I can see that now.” She barely got the words out, biting back a needy scream as he pounded

into her and slipped his hand down between her legs to stroke and tease her clit, ramping up the

energy inside her, thrust after pounding thrust until her orgasm was racing through her.

“That’s my girl.” Her hands fisted the sheets as she cried out, his name escaping her lips,

though he’d yet to slow, his thrusts milking every bit of her orgasm from her body, her legs trembling

by the time he gave her a bit of a reprieve. He pulled out just long enough to sit back and guide her

onto his lap, so that she found herself straddling him as she slipped down onto his cock, impaling

herself on his long, thick length. “I want you to look at me as we fuck—and I want you to see that I’m

the one making you come. So when we’re back at work and you’re trying to ignore me, you’ll be

reminded of this each time you see me.”

“You’re a fecking bastard, Wyatt.” And yet, as he thrust up into her and gripped her hips to set

the rhythm, he made it impossible for her to do anything but continue what was between them,

desperate for more, and knowing this night would have to sustain her for a long time to come, if her

track record was anything to go by.

And fucking hell, but the man was gorgeous. Even when he was dressed, she could tell that he

was lean and muscular, but what she hadn’t seen were the tattoos on his broad shoulders and huge

biceps, nor had she seen his ripped abs and the trail of hair that led straight to his thick, long, cock.

“I’m fine with being a bastard if it means I get to make you come again—and most especially

if it means you’ll find it hard to resist me in the future.” Gripping her hips, he kept pulling her to him

as he thrust up into her, taking her hard so she was on the verge of coming yet again. “Because I’m

telling you now, Fie… This thing between us? I don’t want it to just be one night.”

His words left her head spinning. What the hell was that supposed to mean? And yet all she

could do is hold onto him as she rode him, another orgasm barreling toward her like a freight train.

Their pace quickened as she tried to hold back her needy moans, but when he sucked her nipple into

his mouth and grazed it with his teeth, the flicker of pain was enough to push her over the edge, her

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orgasm tearing free as he joined her with a grunt, his cock pulsing deep inside her as her body

quivered in his arms.

By the time her breathing had slowed enough for her to think clearly, she was already

wondering if she’d just made a huge mistake when he was already wanting more. She slid off his lap,

annoyed with herself. “I said one night, Wyatt—and I meant it.”

He quickly discarded the condom, and then turned back to her where she was kneeling by his

side, debating whether or not she should bolt. With a gentle touch, he tangled his fingers with hers,

though when he tried to pull her to him, she refused to go, knowing that the feel of his body against

hers would do nothing but muddle her thoughts and weaken her resolve. “You can’t tell me you didn’t

enjoy yourself.”

“That’s not the point.” Because she had enjoyed herself, just like she’d known she would. But

guys like Wyatt? They were nothing but trouble, and if she was going to attempt any sort of

relationship in the near future, then it’d be something a hell of a lot more serious than anything he’d be

interested in. “I don’t get why you care anyway. It’s not like you couldn’t have your pick of women,

especially as the owner of Scandal.”

“Except that they’re not the ones I’m interested in, kitten.” The way he looked at her with such

intensity almost had her believing him. Except that she knew guys would say whatever it was they

thought she’d want to hear.

“You mean…for now. You’re not interested in them for now. Because right now you have a

new and shiny toy, and you’ve yet to grow bored. But you will, eventually, and then you’ll happily

move on to whoever catches your fancy for the night.” And that was why she had to get the hell out of

there. It’d been a mistake to give in to the way he made her feel. She was so fecking daft. “I’ve got to


Except that she was going nowhere, his grip on her hand tightening, annoyance in his gaze.

“You’re going nowhere until we sort this out, because you’ve made an awful lot of assumptions about

me, and if you think I’m not going to correct you, you can guess again.”

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“You can’t tell me you’re actually looking for a serious relationship.” And where the hell had

she abandoned all her clothes? She hated having this sort of conversation—and doing it while they

were both just sitting there naked was even worse.

With his brow furrowed in frustration, he shook his head, clearly annoyed. “I’m not going to

settle down with the wrong person just for the sake of settling down, Fiona. But that doesn’t mean I

wouldn’t want something serious if I found the right person. So if you think I’m just looking to fuck

everything that moves, and you just happened to be next in line, then you can guess again.”

She supposed that had actually been her exact thought—and yet she couldn’t be that far off the

mark. “Look, you can’t blame me for thinking it, when guys like you…well, they don’t end up with

girls like me. I’ve seen the sort of women who normally flirt with you at the club, and I’m not exactly

the BDSM supermodel-type, now am I?”

“Fucking hell, Fie. I don’t even know where to start with that statement. But it sounds to me

like you’re putting yourself down, and that’s not fucking acceptable, since you’re nothing but

gorgeous, and damned smart too.” He cupped her face in his hand and brushed his thumb over her

lips. “What I’m trying to tell you is that they’re not what I’m looking for. Maybe years ago when I was

young and stupid, but not anymore.”

This time when he pulled her into his arms, she let him. “You’re awfully sweet, Wyatt. But…

I’m not sure I believe you.”

“Then you’re nothing but a fool, Fie.” He kissed the top of her head and tightened his hold on

her as she nestled deeper against his side. “Your ex…the one from five years ago. Did he hurt you? Is

that why you’re so hesitant and cynical about relationships?”

“I’m not discussing my past with you, Wyatt.” No fecking way. Her relationship with Niall

had been nothing short of a nightmare. It’d started out hot and heavy, but he soon became controlling

and jealous when he had no need to be. And then there was the trouble he kept getting into—dragging

her brother along with him. Maybe she’d thought she could change him—or save him from the

destructive path he was on. Instead, things had only gotten worse, her brother just a casualty of it all.

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He shook his head, annoyed as if on her behalf. “Well, he was clearly an idiot to let you go.”

“I was the one who left—except that I was an idiot for dating him to begin with.”

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Chapter 7

With the club opening for the weekend, Wyatt spent the day running around, making sure

everything was all set and ready for the night’s events, even though he was desperate to find a bit of

free time to talk to Fiona and make sure things were okay between them. But every time he tried to

steal a moment to see her, she either wasn’t at her desk, or someone needed something else from him.

It was nearing five, and he knew she’d be heading home soon, since she worked normal

business hours, and wasn’t usually around when the club was open, unless she was staying late or he

needed her help with something. Yet, despite everyone being crazy busy since they were still short

staffed, he swore she was avoiding him after last night. Hell, he was convinced that if it wasn’t for

his security alarm, she probably would have tried to escape in the middle of the night.

Quickly checking the time, he cursed under his breath, and abandoned the employee he’d been

speaking to with his apologies. He caught Fiona just as she was locking the door to her office. “Sorry

things have been so crazy, Fie. Are you heading home for the night?”

Fuck…she wouldn’t even look at him for longer than a second. “Some friends want to go out

for a pint, so I said I’d meet up with them.”

“Swing by the club later once you’re done hanging out. I should be able to wrap up by then.”

When she finally looked at him with a glare, he felt the tension around his heart ease a bit. He could

deal with her sarcasm and scolding, but it killed him when she just avoided him.

“Why would I come back here, Wyatt? One night—that was all it was ever going to be. Now

if you’ll excuse me, it’s been a long week, and I’d like to get out of here.” When she turned to go, he

grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him, ignoring the heat in her eyes, and concentrating instead

on the heat between them.

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“Well, I want more, Fiona. One night wasn’t anywhere near enough, and you know it.” Wyatt

cupped the back of her neck and leaned in, brushing her lips in a kiss. “Come on, love…tell me you’ll

come by later. Or I’ll spend the whole night feeling distracted.”

She shrugged, but she didn’t pull away, which was a good sign as far as he was concerned.

“Maybe. If it’s not too late, and I’m not too tired. If not, I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Monday? That’s days away, Fie. We’re closed on Sunday, so how about we get out of the

city for a bit? Go someplace nice for the day. Head out to the country for a drive and a bite.” Busy as

he’d been with getting the club built and launched, he hadn’t gotten the chance to see much of Ireland

—and there was no better person to see it with than Fiona, especially if he could get her holed up in a

hotel for the night.

“Have you lost your fecking mind?” She shook her head, and wiggled her way out of his arms.

“What do you think this is between us? Because I can tell you now, this is not a ‘let’s go out for a

picnic’ type of relationship.”

She had him curious. “What’s wrong with picnics?”

When she scoffed at him, he couldn’t help but smile at her. “You wouldn’t be saying that if

you’d grown up with my family. Nine kids and adults crammed into a seventy-nine Ford Fiesta, with

half the adults smoking like chimneys—and all so we could have a picnic on the fecking roundabout

of all things, sitting there on the tiny patch of grass, breathing in fumes with the car barely pulled off

the road, and everyone giving us a two-finger salute as they drove around us.”

Wyatt did all he could not to burst out laughing, knowing it wouldn’t exactly earn him any

brownie points. “What if I promise not to park us on a roundabout? We can even skip the picnic

altogether and find a restaurant. Hell…we don’t even have to leave Dublin if you don’t want to.”

“Wyatt…” He could see her resolve wavering.

“Come on, Fie… Let me show you a good time. I promise to be on my very best behavior.”

And he would be, except for the small detail of seducing her into his bed once more.

A few of the servers and a bouncer walked by, chatting, and though they merely said hi and

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went on their way, it was clear they’d taken note of the close proximity between him and Fiona. As if

realizing the same, she took a step back, putting some distance between them.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” And then she was making her escape, backing away from

him as she shook her head like she was trying to clear it.

“Fie…” He called out after her, but she kept going, leaving him to watch the sway of her fine

ass, knowing that she may be running from him at the moment, but they were both hooked, and at this

point, they were just playing a game that could only end one way—with them naked.


Scandal had opened several months back to a huge crowd, and it continued to gain in

popularity, making Wyatt a happy man as he wandered across the dance floor—and better yet, the part

of the club that was reserved for members only was doing downright amazing. It seemed like there

were more than a few people in Dublin who’d taken to the scene, and liked to have an outlet for their

edgier interests.

The truth was that his own inclinations didn’t run to anything too extreme, and he didn’t have

much interest in living the lifestyle twenty-four-seven, even if his tastes were far from vanilla. He just

hoped he didn’t end up scaring Fiona away, even if he half suspected she might be more open to

experimenting than she’d let on. And if he eased her into it, he bet she’d be pretty receptive.

He found it rather amusing that his thoughts were with Fiona when there were so many

beautiful, willing, and scantily clad women vying for his attention—just like Rose, who was heading

straight for him.

Rose sidled up to him, slipping her arms around his waist as she went up onto her toes and

kissed his cheek. “I was hoping I’d see you tonight.”

Although he didn’t push her away, he didn’t encourage her. He hadn’t slept with her, but she

had been in a few scenes he’d taken part in, and she’d come at his hand—or at his command—on

more than one occasion. “Have you been having fun?”

“I’m hoping to have even more fun, now that I’ve found you. That last time…I swear, it was

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days before I could sit without squirming—and you’ve been my only thought since then.” Just in case

she hadn’t made her intentions crystal-clear, she reached down between them and stroked his hard

cock—though his arousal had nothing to do with Rose. He just hadn’t been able to stop thinking about

Fiona and their night together.

Needing to put a stop to Rose’s groping, he grabbed her hand and took a step away from her.

“You should go find Master Dominic. Tell him I sent you. I promise, he’ll take good care of you.

Now if you’ll excuse me.”

His run-in with Rose only served to remind him that he was only interested in Fiona—not that

he’d seen her. She hadn’t called either, even though it was nearly two in the morning. Disappointed,

he tried to focus instead on work, wandering through the exclusive part of the club to make sure things

were running smoothly.

He was happy to see that all was well. They had various rooms and stages, some more hidden

away, others less private, where members could either watch or participate. He’d opted to focus on

the more popular fetishes, and was happy to see it had all been well received. Although he could

have gone more extreme with the fetishes he catered to, that wasn’t really what he was trying to

achieve. This wasn’t so much a hardcore BDSM dungeon as a place where people could come to

play and experiment with various kinks—a place where couples might come to get turned on and

spice up their sex life versus a place for those living the lifestyle or looking for something extreme.

And then he saw her… Wyatt closed the distance between them, his heart racing inside his

chest. “Fie…I’m glad you came by.”

“I don’t suppose I could snag a lift from you when you wrap up here?” Fiona bit her bottom

lip, but it didn’t take him long to realize that she looked shaken up—and scared.

“Hey…what’s going on?” He pulled her close, and moved them over to a quiet corner where

they’d be afforded some privacy.

“It’s nothing really…went out with my friends and then we split, since I was on my way back

here when…I ran into someone I know—someone I’d rather not have to deal with.” She shuddered

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visibly, leaving him to wonder who the hell she’d run into and what the issue was. “And I know what

he’s like…even if I snag a taxi, he knows where I live and if he thinks I’m alone, he’ll show up just to

make me miserable.”

“So the fucker knows where you live?” Maybe he was being paranoid after Lilly, his

brother’s fiancée, had a stalker show up at her house and eventually kidnap her, but he didn’t like the

idea of this guy knowing where he could easily find her.

“He’s…my ex. The one…” She shrugged, but didn’t finish her sentence since there was no

point to it. They both knew which one she was talking about.

Wyatt did his best to keep his anger in check. The fact that her ex was harassing her pissed

him off to no end. “No offense, Fie, but if he’s just going to show up at your house to harass you,

despite knowing he’s not welcome there, then it’s not safe for you to go home.”

“So…what? I just don’t go home anymore?” Her brow furrowed with frustration.

“Tonight? You’re coming home with me. And then, tomorrow, I’m going to go find your ex,

and he and I are going to have a little…talk.”

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Chapter 8

Although Fiona knew that Wyatt would insist she go home with him, and that posed its own set

of problems, dealing with Niall would be far worse, especially when he’d been out drinking with his

friends, who were no better than he was when it came to being arses. The last thing she needed was

the whole lot of them showing up at her door. “If you could just see me home safe, that would be

greatly appreciated. I just didn’t want to get home and find him waiting for me.”

She felt horrible that she was having to bother Wyatt with her problems, but she didn’t trust

Niall to behave rationally, and…if she was being honest with herself, she hadn’t been able to stop

thinking about Wyatt all day long, even if she’d done her best not to go knocking on his office door

with the hope he’d bend her over his desk.

“Would it be such a bad thing if you came home with me?” When he cupped her cheek and

pulled her close, she let him, since even something as simple as his touch was enough to help calm

her and make her feel safe.

“I have to go home sometime, Wyatt. But…I suppose it won’t be so bad once he’s had a

chance to sober up a bit. If you don’t mind me crashing at your place for the night, I’d appreciate it.”

She settled in his arms, and though there were throngs of people milling about and the music was

thumping, it felt like it was just the two of them in that moment.

“As if not coming home with me was ever an option.” He tapped the tip of her nose as a

mischievous smile played upon his lips. “Come on, kitten. Let’s get you home.” Wyatt checked in

with Patrick, who helped manage the club on the nights they were open, and then led them out the back

door to the employee parking lot and toward his bike—a sleek, powerful, and classic-looking

Triumph that suited Wyatt perfectly. “Hope you don’t mind. Here…take my jacket. You’ll freeze with

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just what you’re wearing. And my helmet too.”

Fiona took the helmet he handed her and then slipped into his leather jacket, which was about

ten sizes too big for her. It smelled of him, his aftershave and leather. And that meant that whatever

hope she’d had of resisting him evaporated on a wave of pheromones, completely doing her in. And

yet…she eyeballed the motorcycle Wyatt was expecting her to climb onto. “I don’t know about this.”

He climbed on, righted the bike, and then tilted his head in her direction. “Hop on, kitten. It’s

a short ride, and I promise to take things nice and slow.”

“But you won’t have a helmet—and by law you need one.” When he shrugged, she just shook

her head, knowing there’d be no point in arguing with him. There was no way he’d take the helmet

and leave her unprotected. At least that much she did know about him. “Just promise me you’ll be


He stole a kiss and gave her a reassuring smile. “Always.”

She slid the helmet on, and then hopped on the bike behind him, holding onto Wyatt for dear

life as the bike roared to life beneath her with a fierce rumble. And fuck…but the feel of the bike, of

his muscular body, was so exciting. She didn’t want it to be—and she sure as hell didn’t want to be

falling under his spell. Yet she had, and it was only getting worse. He was plaguing her thoughts, and

her body was craving his touch.

After four months of working in such close proximity to him, she supposed she was lucky that

she’d managed to stay away from him for as long as she had. Because he wasn’t just smoking hot and

charming, but was also damn smart and kind too—all wrapped up in a confidence that made her want

to lose her knickers. And actually being with him? Well, that was about a million times better than

anything her imagination had managed to muster.

With her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheek pressed against his back, she held

onto him, trying to ignore what the feel of his body and the rumble of his bike were doing to her

resolve. She’d planned to sleep on his sofa, though she knew he’d likely have other ideas—and at this

point, she didn’t really care if he managed to seduce her into his bed. It was impossible not to want

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him, and quite frankly, she was tired of being alone.

Niall may have scared her away from dating, but she’d be nothing but an idiot to paint all men

with that same brush. Wyatt was nothing like Niall. And though he might present her with a whole

new set of problems, it didn’t mean her past experiences should have her swearing off all men from

now until eternity. Frankly, she had needs, and Wyatt had proved himself more than capable of

satisfying them.

It was with that little conversation rattling around in her head that she realized that she’d not

only just given herself permission to pursue whatever this thing was with Wyatt, but to also enjoy

herself and not feel guilty about it. She could finally just let loose a little, and not try to control or

overthink every little detail of her life, which was exactly what she’d been doing since her brother’s

death. But he was already gone, and holding back from life and being overly cautious wasn’t going to

necessarily keep her safe, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to bring him back to her.

Wyatt pulled around the back of his place and killed the engine, shifting so he could give her a

hand getting off his bike. Her legs were still vibrating and felt like jelly as she pulled off his helmet

and handed it back to him, before running a quick hand through her hair to help tame it.

With a sultry smile, he got off his bike, his immense height and muscular size all the more

obvious when he was standing so close to her, forcing her to tilt her head back just to look at him.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it, kitten?”

Kitten…she swore he made her panties wet each time he called her that—and she’d be

damned if she knew why. It felt like she should be protesting it for women’s rights and all that. And

yet, each time he took control, each time he called her kitten, it made her want to get down on her

knees and suck him off, his hand knotted in her hair, controlling the pace, as she gave in and let him

use her for his pleasure—knowing that all along, it would turn her on to no end and get her off too.

“No…not too bad. It was a short enough ride anyway. That head of yours might be hard as

hell, given how stubborn you are, but it wouldn’t fare too well hitting asphalt.” The thought of

something happening to him had a shudder racing down her spine and through her soul. She had no

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tolerance for tragedy and senseless loss, and it would kill her to lose someone else she cared for.

“Well, I’m touched that you’re worried about me.” He slipped an arm around her waist and

closed the distance between them so she could feel his hard muscles and erect cock press against her

body, the warmth of him such a delicious contrast to the cool night air. He tipped her chin up, so

she’d have to look at him, even though it always felt impossible to look into his eyes when they were

gazing back at her with such intensity and determination. “I just need you to know that last night we

took things slow and sweet, given that it’d been so long for you. But tonight, I’m not holding back—I

can’t. Not when I’ve had a fucking hard-on all day from thinking about you.”

She bit her bottom lip to try to contain the smile that wanted to spring to her lips. To think that

she could have that sort of effect on him wasn’t something she’d ever imagined. The man could have

any woman he wanted. Instead, if he was to be believed, he’d been thinking about her. And yet, she

couldn’t help but stand her ground with him, knowing to an extent that it was now a game they played.

“Who said anything about sex, boyo? Aren’t you jumping to conclusions?”

“You know I fucking love it when you play hard to get. But you’ve been such a tease, I think

it’s time I spanked that sweet ass of yours, especially since I know just how bad you want me to.” His

hold on her tightened as his other hand fell against her arse with a stinging slap that had her gasping

out loud, even as she went wet for him. “Did you like that, kitten?”

She did her best to glare at him, though she knew this was a battle she’d quickly be losing,

especially when her cheeks weren’t just flushed, but her nipples were hard, and her pussy was wet

and aching for more—the evidence of which he’d find before long. “Why do you always have to

discuss things? Is it just you, or is it an American thing?”

“So cheeky and brave. And is that just you, sweetheart, or is it an Irish thing? Not that it

matters when I’ll soon have you naked and draped over my knee as you curse me with each slap to

your ass, even as you secretly hope for more.” He hauled her onto his shoulder, her protests dying

upon her lips as he held her squirming body there as if she were an errant toddler.

“Put me the hell down, Wyatt.” She tried to get free, but he just let them in, locked the door

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behind them, and then continued on his way to his bedroom, where he plopped her down on the bed.

“You know, I love the look of you in my clothing. Maybe you need to get naked and then put

my jacket back on.” With his eyes wandering over her body, he yanked his muscle-hugging black t-

shirt off, sending her heart racing as she took him in and waited in anticipation for what he’d do next.

“Pick a safeword, kitten.”

She may be an accountant, but given her place of employment, she knew exactly what a

safeword was and when it was used. “I don’t see why I’ll need one when I have every intention of

sleeping out on the sofa.”

“Kitten…keep it up, and I’ll actually hold you to that and make you sleep on the sofa just to

teach you a lesson. So behave yourself, since I know that’s something neither of us wants.” When she

started to protest, he stopped her. “Don’t even try to deny it. Not when you’re desperate to have me

fuck you.”

“You’re awfully sure of yourself.” And he was—even though it came across as confidence,

not conceit.

“When it comes to you? Yeah…I am. Though if you’d rather put off fucking until you’ve told

me more about your ex harassing you, we can do that too.” His jaw tightened and genuine anger flared

behind his hazel eyes, a warmth enveloping her to know that he truly cared about her and her well-


“The last thing I want is to discuss that arse. Besides, there’s nothing to say. He lives down

the road from me, so I’m bound to run into him from time to time.” Maybe someday she’d get the

chance to move, but she worried about leaving her father alone, given how difficult her mother and

brother’s deaths had been on him. However, he had mentioned that he might go to live with his

brother in the country, where he’d grown up before heading to Dublin for work in his late teens, and it

was a plan she’d certainly encourage, knowing it’d be good for him. “The only reason I didn’t want to

deal with that bastard tonight was because he was drunk as a fool and he was with his friends, which

means he’d feel like he had something to prove.”

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“And what the hell does that mean, Fie?” Wyatt’s eyes narrowed as the muscles in his jaw

tensed. “I swear, if that fucking asshole touches you, I’m going to murder him.”

“I appreciate your concern, Wyatt, but I can take care of myself. Besides, it’s not like you

don’t have problems of your own to deal with. And don’t try to deny it. You’ve been stressed out for

months now, and the club’s doing well, so it’s not that.” She half wondered… “Do you have a

gambling problem? Is that it?”

He looked disgusted with the idea. “Fuck no. I like making money, not losing it. And if I had a

gambling problem, there’d be a hell of a lot less money in the club accounts—and not just one


Still…it didn’t make any sense, and at this point she wanted answers, so that she’d know what

she was walking into. “Then what is it? Because if you want more than just one night with me, then I

want to get to know you better, Wyatt. And I mean the real you—not just the sexy, confident club

owner who has his accountant buying giant-sized bottles of lube.”

“Sexy and confident, huh? I think I like that. As for the rest, I’ve got it under control. I even

have help on the way to deal with my little problem—not to mention, take over the duties you’ve

gotten stuck with.” He closed the distance between them, as if tiring with her questions, and the only

way he was going to stay entertained was if they were both naked. “I promise, love. There’s nothing

to worry about.”

“And yet, I don’t believe you.” She wasn’t born yesterday—and he was feeding her a load of

shite. “You know, it’s annoying that you expect me to suck your cock, but you won’t trust me with

what’s going on.”

His lips quirked up in a lazy smile that made her want him all the more. Curse him. “I don’t

expect it, kitten, though it is an awfully nice bonus when it happens.”

Maybe that was what she needed to do. He clearly had a one-track mind, and she wanted to

know what the hell was going on—so maybe a trade was in order. She shrugged out of his jacket and

wiggled her way out of her jeans and top, so she was sitting there in nothing but her lingerie. “I want

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information, Wyatt. And I want to get to know you better. So if you want to fuck me, then you better

start talking.”

“Fine—what do you want to know about me?” He undid the button and zipper on his jeans and

shrugged out of them, as he continued talking, his massive erection impossible to ignore and already

making her resolve weaken. “I’ve got three older brothers and one younger sister. My mother’s sweet,

but my father was truly a bastard, although he’s dead now, and good fucking riddance. I grew up in

Massachusetts, in the suburbs of Boston, and went to a good school. I like both dogs and cats. And my

favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla—though that’s not my choice of flavor when it comes to sex.”

“And what about whatever it is that’s been stressing you out?” He’d just skipped right over

that. But after the troubles she’d had constantly circling her life, not knowing what was going on did

nothing but bite her in the ass. “It might not be any of my business—but it is if you expect this to be

more than just one night. I don’t like surprises, Wyatt, and I try to avoid trouble. So if something’s

going on, and I highly suspect there is, then I want to know about it.”

He stripped out of the last of his clothing, so she was left attempting to concentrate on the

matter at hand, rather than his impressive and all too tempting body, with his hard, rippled abs and

defined muscles. “It’s just a few thugs who think they can squeeze me for money because the club is

doing well. That’s it. And like I said, I’m dealing with it.”

“Wyatt…” She didn’t even know what to say. Of course, she’d heard of this sort of thing

happening. Criminals would offer “protection” in exchange for a cut of the profits—except that the

only people one needed protection from were from those offering their services. “You need to go to

the cops. They won’t just go away—nor will they stop. Is that what the withdrawal from the account

was for?”

“I’m done talking about it, sweetheart, and you now know everything about me. But my

impatience with not being able to fuck you is pushing me to the edge, so I suggest we stop talking and

get to what really matters.” Standing before her, he lifted her leg and kissed her bare ankle, before

nipping his way to the inside of her knee. “Besides, I still owe you a spanking. What’s your safeword,

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“I somehow doubt that’s all there is to know about you, but…I’ll let it go for now.”

Especially since he was busy distracting her, his mouth wandering up her inner thigh, forcing her to

bite back a needy moan.

Yet she wasn’t happy with herself for wanting to just throw caution to the wind when it came

to Wyatt. She may not have had an adventurous sex life before this—or any sort of sex life at all,

really—but after working at the club for the last four months, she couldn’t help but be curious. And if

she was actually going to go through with something like this, then there was no better person to do it


All she had to do is pick a safeword. “Carrots. I hate them.”

His lips quirked into an amused smile. “Good to know. For me, it’s celery. Disgusting. You

know…just in case you were wondering.”

“I’ll make a mental note of it.” She tried for sarcasm, though it was hard to do when he was

running his fingers over the delicate lace of her boy shorts, applying just enough pressure to tease her

and have her wanting more.

“So cheeky.” He hooked the sides and slid the scrap of lace down her legs as she undid the

clasp of her bra and tossed it aside, so she was finally naked. “On your hands and knees, kitten.”

Before she had the chance to either comply or protest with a smart-arsed remark, he slipped

his hands onto her hips and turned her over, lifting her farther up the bed, as if she weighed nothing.

Kneeling by her side, he ran his large hand over her arse in a lazy circle, the feel of it hot and a little

rough against her delicate skin. She could feel herself getting wet, her pussy aching in anticipation as

she waited, her muscles tightening even as his touch attempted to soothe her.

“You feel tense, kitten. Maybe we need to go about this a different way—for your first time at

least. Ease you into this…” Wyatt gave her an easy smile that set her mind at ease, and then lay back

against the pillows. “Come here, Fie.”

She took his offered hand, and let him guide her over his body, her legs straddling him, with

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his erect cock trapped between them, and her chest pressed against his. And though she was still

nervous, she was a lot calmer than she had been now that he had her cradled in his arms. Pressing her

lips to his neck, she breathed in his already familiar scent, her body slowly relaxing against his.

When her hips rocked along his length, he tightened his hold around her waist, the slap to her

arse falling hard and quick as she cried out, her face buried against the crook of his neck as the

stinging pain flared hot for a few moments, before mellowing into a pleasure that had her aching for

him. She could feel herself go wet, as her clit ached for a bit of release, especially when his hand

gently rubbed the sting from her skin.

The next slap hit her other cheek, harder than the first blow, with another on its tail,

alternating back to the first cheek, her eyes watering from the sting of it. She muffled her cries against

the crook of his neck as the pain flared and mellowed once more—and her need for him increased


“You’re such a sweet thing.” Wyatt brushed the hair from her eyes and stole a slow, lingering

kiss that she was desperate to deepen, her tongue clashing with his as her hips rocked against him,

frantic with need.

Her slick lips rode along his cock, making her wish he’d just slip in and fuck her, the lack of a

condom be damned. And though she desperately wanted him, she knew better than to make that sort of

mistake, even if she was on the Pill for other things.

With her thoughts swirling in her head, she felt an ache in her chest as he took hold of her

heart with the tenderness he’d shown her. And she knew how daft that must sound when he was

tanning her arse. Yet he’d noticed she was tense, knew she was inexperienced, but instead of just

going through with his original plan like most guys would likely have done, he’d first tried to ease her

worries and fears.

So it was with the thought of just how sweet and tender a lover he was, and with the

acceptance that she was truly falling for him, that she deepened their kiss as the next few blows fell,

all semblance of self-control slipping through her fingers. And as she felt her heart ache with her

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newfound emotions, the pace of her hips quickened as she rode along his cock, her aching clit

brushing against his swollen head and hard shaft, the mere friction of his cock against her clit pushing

her toward an orgasm and leaving her desperate to feel him deep inside her with her body stretched

tight around him.

But as the next slap set her skin on fire and he swallowed her cries with his hungry kisses, the

intensity of everything that was happening was enough to have her coming undone in his arms, her

body tensing as the waves of her orgasm pulsed through her, their kisses finally slowing to a stop as

she sucked in one ragged breath after another.

“I fucking love it when you come, especially when I haven’t even fucked you yet.” He brushed

the hair from her eyes, his touch scorching hot as he trailed his fingers down her cheek, before leaning

in to kiss her sweetly. “Is it safe to say then, that you enjoyed having me spank your ass red?”

“Well, it’d be awfully hard for me to deny that, now wouldn’t it?”

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Chapter 9

Wyatt couldn’t remember ever wanting anyone more, and it was the juxtaposition of how

feisty Fiona was, with how vulnerable she could be, that was doing him in. He’d been with his share

of women, but none of them had ever stirred in him this sort of emotion.

She made him want to protect her and keep her safe at all costs—and she made him want to

claim her as his own. The thought of anyone else touching her was enough to have him seeing red.

And that jealousy, in and of itself, was odd, since he wasn’t usually with any one woman long enough

to care what they were doing the day after, let alone care whose bed they might stumble into next.

He stole another kiss, her body still draped over his as her breathing slowed from her orgasm,

his hand still hot and tingling from the slaps to that plump ass of hers. But with his raging hard-on

trapped between them, he needed a hell of a lot more, especially when she’d been grinding her wet

pussy against his cock. Fuck…turned on as he was, he was lucky he hadn’t shot his load all over


Holding her to him, he rolled them over, pinning her under him as he resisted the urge to slip

his cock into her sweet cunt. With a groan, he thought about the condoms in the drawer, knowing it

was a strict rule of his. One he never broke. And yet… “Fucking hell, Fie…I swear, I’ve never done

this without protection, but it’s taking all I have not to sink into you right now.”

Her eyes narrowed as if scrutinizing him—and the truth of his words—even as her hips

rocked along his length, making it all the harder to resist her. “Never? I don’t believe that.”

“I swear to you—never.” And he wasn’t sure why, but he wanted this connection between

them. He wanted her to trust him with that sort of intimacy—and it might be a primal sort of thing, but

he needed to mark her as his.

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It looked like she was mulling it over, but with his hips rocking against her so his cock

slowly, intensely, slipped back and forth along her slit, he didn’t think either one of them was going to

be able to hold out much longer. “I’m on the Pill—not that you look like you care about any of that at

this moment.”

But she was smiling at him, and he could see her freckles and the way her blue eyes sparkled,

and he couldn’t resist her any longer. He thrust into her slick heat, her body tight around his cock, and

he swore, nothing had ever felt so good. “Fucking hell, Fie…I think I just fell in love. You feel

fucking amazing.”

Her lips quirked in amusement as he thrust into her again, her eyes alight. “Well, I’m glad

you’ve found your soul mate in my pussy.”

So cheeky. I guess you really do like having your ass spanked.” He bit her lip and quickened

his pace, unable to hold back as each thrust stoked the energy building at the base of his spine. He

was already so close, riding that delicious edge like never before, the feel of her supple and tight

body leaving him drunk and dizzy on her.

Her legs wrapped around his thighs, pulling him to her and urging him on, as he took her hard

and rough, his mouth on hers in a greedy kiss. And then he was swallowing her cries as she came, her

body shuddering beneath him as he chased her orgasm with his own, the energy crashing through him

like an electrical storm, his cum shooting deep inside her with a primal groan. Wave after wave of

pleasure hit him as his cock pulsed in its release and their bodies finally stilled, though his heart still

thrashed against his chest.

He swore, if there was ever a woman he could fall for, it’d be Fiona. He stole another kiss

with a smile. “Best soul mate pussy ever.”

Her eyes lit up with humor and contentment. “And you call me cheeky.”


“I could get used to this, you know. Spending every morning together…” Wyatt kissed Fiona’s

cheek, before pulling out the ingredients he’d need for breakfast, as she poured them each a cup of

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“I’ll admit, your bed’s a hell of a lot more comfortable than mine.” She then tilted her head

toward the eggs he was beating in a bowl. “And you can cook. Better be careful or you’ll spoil me.”

“Kitten, I’d happily spoil you if it meant I’d get to wake up with you naked in my bed.” After

cooking up a breakfast even Wyatt’s chef-brother, Jake, would be impressed with, Wyatt talked Fiona

into getting out of the house for a bit and spending the day under the rare sunny sky.

Half an hour later, they were out of the city and driving along the coast in the south of Dublin,

to the quaint seaside town of Blackrock. Gulls flew overhead, crying out and riding on the brisk

winds as they wandered down the walkways that skirted the sea, her hand in his. The waves crashed

on the rocks below as he tucked her in at his side, to keep her warm and protected from the wind that

came whipping in off the water.

“Come on…this way.” Fiona looked up at him with an easy smile—something he hadn’t seen

anywhere near enough of, stressed out as she’d been as of late.

“You know I’d follow you to the ends of the earth and then back, Fie.” He couldn’t resist

stealing a kiss, as she steered him down a side road. Even he was feeling more relaxed, knowing that

there was little chance they’d be running into Murphy here.

“You always know the right thing to say, don’t you?” She looked up at him with a teasing

smile, leading him down an alley filled with a variety of vendors.

“This is a nice surprise.” It was a mishmash of vendors selling everything from antiques and

clothing, to artisans selling their crafts, and food stalls tempting them with luscious bites. People

milled around, and they wove through the crowds, the buildings sheltering them from wind gusts. “I

have to say, I’m starving, and all this food smells way too good.”

“My favorite place is right around the corner here. This old Indian woman serves up the best

onion bhaji and samosas. It’s not exactly a full meal, if you’re really hungry, but they are incredibly

good—if you like spicy Indian food.” She looked up at him in question as he pulled her to him and

wrapped his arms around her, her soft curves pressed against him.

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“I love it. The spicier the better.” Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her, her lips warm

and soft as he deepened their kiss, making him want to take her back to his place. “Let’s grab a quick

bite, and head back home. I want to get you naked again before I have to leave for the club. I need to

have you one more time if I have any hope of making it through the night until I can see you again.

You’ll come back to my place tonight, right?”

“Wyatt…” Fiona was suddenly looking a bit antsy, though he tightened his hold on her, not

ready to let her go just yet. “Me da’s going to be wondering what I’ve been getting up to—and with

whom. I need to get home, unless you’re ready to have your arse hauled before a priest for a quickie


He paused for a moment, half terrified at the thought—when he realized she was pulling his

leg. “You’re awfully funny—and damn sexy.”

“And you just about looked like you’d shat your knickers, boyo.” Her laugh was infectious,

especially as he hauled her off her feet in a hug and swung her around before stealing a kiss.

“For the record—I have no problem with marriage. Or having kids and starting a family, when

the time comes.” And yet, he thought of his brother, Marshall, who had just gotten through a nightmare

of a divorce, and though Marshall was finally happy, there was a lesson there. “But it won’t happen

until I know I’m with the right person.”

“Now that we can agree on. I had an auntie, and she was married to the biggest gobshite.

Nearly put me off marriage altogether, especially after Niall… You’re just lucky you’re charming and

sweet, and…talented.” She bit his lip and then pulled back to look up at him as he slipped his hands

over the nape of her neck and scooped her hair free of her jacket, his heart hammering inside his chest

when she smiled at him.

“Tell me you’ll come by the club tonight. Or are you going to make me wait until tomorrow?”

He nuzzled her, breathing in her familiar scent of honey and citrus, ignoring the people who were

milling about the place. “Because I can’t stop thinking of all the things I want to do to you.”

“It’ll do you some good to wait—and no offense, but at the rate we’re going, it’ll be days

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before I’m able to walk right again. Besides—you’ll have your friend to keep you company.” Fiona

tilted her head, loosening her hold on him. “Come on… Food. Then you can take me home, and I’ll

see you tomorrow, if you’re still up for that ride in the country.”

Fuck… “About that…I might have to help Greyson get settled. Don’t suppose you’d be

willing to come hang out? Maybe give me a hand? Though he’s pretty self-sufficient and will

probably send me on my way.”

“Since you’re fecking adorable and apologetic, I’d be happy to.” She slipped her fingers into

his hand and led the way to the tiny food stall. She was right—the food was fantastic, and spicy, and

they made sure to pick up enough to keep his hunger at bay.

By the time they got on the road, the sun was hiding behind large grey clouds and a mist was

falling. But as they drove back to the city and into her neighborhood, he now saw in the light of day

what he’d missed when he’d driven her home the other night. The buildings looked worn, while

chipped walls surrounded unkempt gardens containing a mishmash of discarded items, as gangs of

teens and twenty-somethings hung around on stoops and street corners.

As Wyatt pulled up in front of her house—one of the few homes that was kept clean and tidy,

and looked like it’d seen a paintbrush—it was clear that his presence hadn’t gone unnoticed. “Fie…I

know it’s not my place, but fuck…this doesn’t exactly seem to be the safest of neighborhoods.”

“No one’s going to bother me here—although it’s sweet of you to worry.” She unbuckled her

seat belt and leaned in to kiss his cheek, her soft breasts brushing against his shoulder.

And yet, he refused to be distracted by her charms. “You mean no one but your ex-boyfriend.

Or have you already forgotten that you were scared to come home last night?”

“That was different.” Her brow furrowed as she knotted her fingers with his, her touch so soft

and gentle. “He was drunk and hoping he could convince me to get back in his bed.”

The mere thought of her in another man’s bed, especially after the night they’d spent together,

made him want to punch something. “You’re mine, Fie. Am I making myself clear? He doesn’t get to

touch you. And I don’t like him coming around and thinking he can somehow convince you to fuck

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him. Because it’s not a leap to think his attempts could turn a lot more violent and abusive.”

Wyatt couldn’t help but think of his good friend, Lilly. She’d gone through hell after being

raped years ago, and she’d turned to Wyatt after it got to be too much. And it fucking killed him to see

her go through all that. So if Fiona thought he’d let her take risks with her safety, she could guess


“I have no interest in anyone but you, Wyatt—but that goes both ways. If you want this

relationship to be just between the two of us, I’m perfectly fine with that—as long as you understand

that it means you don’t get to fuck around either. As for my ex, he and my brother were best friends.

He wouldn’t do such a thing.” But there was a hesitation in her voice, as if she was trying to convince

herself—and it was more than he needed as proof.

“Fucking hell, Fie. Even you don’t believe that to be the case. You need to move. Now.” Hell,

she could move in with him until he found her a home in a nice, safe neighborhood.

“Don’t you think I’d like to get out of this fecking place? But I can’t. Me da…he won’t go, and

I can’t leave him.” She let out a ragged breath. “I keep hoping he’ll head south to the country to stay

with his brother, but he always finds an excuse not to go.”

“Well, maybe he’d go if he realized how fucking dangerous it is for you to stay here.” And it

wasn’t like her father wasn’t a grown man. “Is it his health? Is that the problem? Is that why you

won’t go?”

“No. He’s fit as a fiddle, physically. But after me brother’s murder, and me ma passing on,

he’s all alone and prone to too much melancholy if he’s left to his own devices.” Simply discussing

the matter seemed to sap her of the brightness that always had her eyes alight. Yet Wyatt could barely

think past the one word she’d spoken…murder. “I’d love to get a place of my own, but it’s just not

going to happen any time soon, Wyatt.”

“Your brother was murdered? Here?” There was no fucking way she was staying in this


“Yeah…though it was more about the trouble his friends had gotten into—”

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“You mean your ex.” Wyatt was going to fucking lose it.

She nodded, not speaking a word, as her eyes refused to meet his, focusing instead on their

linked hands. And then he saw the tears slipping down her cheeks. “I know it seems like I’m just in

denial about my brother, but I swear, James was a good man. He never did anything bad—he just

hung around with the wrong group of friends. And he died for it as a result. Another group they were

at odds with wanted to send a message and figured James was an easy target.”

“Fucking hell, Fie…” Wyatt pulled her into his arms and held her tightly to him, wishing he

could take away her pain. He couldn’t imagine losing one of his siblings, especially when they were

all so close. It’d be a devastating loss. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that—but that’s why I’m

worried about you staying here. It’s not safe—and if you can’t leave your father, then take him with

you. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen—whatever you need.”

She pulled out of his arms, her brow furrowed and her eyes dark. “Though I appreciate your

generous offer, I’m not some charity case. And don’t you think I’ve thought of getting a new place and

having him come with me? But he won’t go—won’t leave when his memories are all of this place,

when our family was whole.”

“I get that, Fie—I really do. But the people he’s lost and their memories live in his heart—not

within those four walls. And he’s running the risk of losing you too, if you stay, and I’m not going to

fucking let that happen just to make your old man happy.”

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Chapter 10

“You don’t need to walk me to my front door in the middle of the day—though it’s a sweet

gesture.” Fiona was trying to cling to the amazing time she’d spent with Wyatt, rather than the

argument they’d just had, especially when there was little she could do about her living situation

when her father refused to move.

“It’s the least I can do—and fuck, Fie…but I don’t want to leave things on a sour note

between us. I had an amazing time last night—this morning, too—and I know it’s not my place to say

anything or make demands, but I’m going to anyway because I care about you and it’d fucking kill me

if anything happened to you.” Cupping the back of her neck, Wyatt brushed her cheek with his thumb

and pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead, such a sweet gesture from such a strong man.

“Things aren’t sour between us, Wyatt. I had a lovely time—and I truly appreciate you

worrying about me.” She looked up at him and managed a smile, not wanting things to be awkward or

uncertain between them. “Besides, if we really are going to keep this relationship exclusive, then I

feel like that means something more—and that also means that we can discuss things and even

disagree, and it won’t mean that things aren’t all right between us. Or…am I mistaken about what you

want this thing between us to be?”

She hated the fragility of new relationships, when everything was still so unclear and

uncertain. It always felt like she was walking on eggshells, trying not to upset the delicate balance of

what the other person wanted or expected, and whether or not those were the same things she was


With a smile on his lips, he caught her mouth in a slow, lingering kiss that had her melting in

his arms as her body came alive with her need for him. Even though he’d already taken her so many

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times, she could still feel his touch like an echo on her skin. It seemed like now that she’d given in to

what was between them, she’d never get her fill. “You’re not mistaken, Fie—I want to explore what’s

between us, and I have no interest in taking anyone else to my bed.”

“Good. Because I try not to be the jealous sort, but you’ve got half-naked women throwing

themselves at you all night long, and I’ve got to say, it’s hard to keep it all reined in when there’s that

sort of temptation easily available.” She’d seen how women were constantly flirting with Wyatt and

pawing at him, and had to imagine that it’d take an immense amount of willpower not to give in to that

sort of thing.

“I’ve no interest in those women, Fie. Not when I can have you.” This time when he kissed

her, it was as if he was claiming a part of her soul, his fingers tangling in her hair and the intensity,

the tension in his body left her feeling consumed by the passion between them, and by what he was

starting to mean to her. She’d never really

been in love before, but she swore, no one had ever made

her heart ache and swell the way Wyatt did.

By the time they finally managed to slow their kissing to a stop, she was half hoping he’d drag

her back to his place or insist she visit him tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. And yet, she

knew a little time apart would do them both some good, and it would also give her time to sit back

and really think things through and get a better perspective on what she was doing. “Have fun with

your friend—and if you need anything at the club tonight, just call me.”

“I don’t suppose I could convince you to swing by the club or my place later?” He sounded so

hopeful and she had to admit, it felt damn good to be wanted.

“Get your friend settled in, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” She stole another kiss and then

somehow managed to find the strength to pull out of his arms, and let herself into the house with a

final good-bye.

She tried to ignore the way he made her heart race, knowing she was slipping down a slippery

slope that could end up with her getting her heart broken. And Wyatt might be trouble, but he was

nothing like Niall.

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She kicked off her heels, and headed down the hall to see if her father was around, when there

was a knock at the door. She smiled at the thought of Wyatt standing there, perhaps returning for one

last kiss—except that by the time she pulled the door open, she realized just how wrong she was.

“Bleedin’ Nora. What the fuck do you want?”

As if the mere thought of him had been enough to conjure the bastard, Niall stood there with a

smug look on his face. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about a mutual acquaintance of ours.”

As if that narrowed it down. They’d grown up in the same neighborhood, so it could be any

one of a dozen people. But when he tried to push his way into her home, she held firm, tightening her

grasp on the door. “You’re not welcome here, Niall, and you fecking well know it. It’s not as if I

didn’t remind you last night that I want nothing to do with you.”

“After all we meant to each other?” Niall leaned against the doorjamb, doing his best to look

sexy, though she’d grown immune to his bad boy charms. “Is it because of your new boss?”

How the hell did he know Wyatt was her boss? “Leave me the hell alone, Niall.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t do that. You see, it turns out I need your help with a little

matter.” He took a step toward her, and though she didn’t want him in her house, she was forced to

take a step back, his body pressing against hers as he gripped her hips.

“Let go of me, Niall, or I swear, I’ll kick you so hard, your tonsils will be playing goalie with

your balls.” Fiona gave him a hard shove, and luckily he let go of her. “Get the fuck out. Now.

“Not until you agree to help. And believe me when I tell you, darling, it’s in your best interest

to help me. Especially since your poor father’s getting on in years. Wouldn’t want him to have a

horrible fall while crossing the busy street.” Niall winked at her with a cocky smile, as her blood ran


She let loose and slapped him hard enough that her hand burned with the sting of it and his

skin flamed red. “You fucking bastard. How dare you threaten the only family I have left after you got

my brother murdered?”

Niall ran his hand over his cheek, her handprint visible there—and then backhanded her, her

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head snapping to the side as her vision turned to black and he pinned her to the wall with his hand

around her throat. “You always were too feisty for your own good. Now this is what’s going to

happen—you’re going to go back to work on Monday, and you’re going to get me a full accounting of

all the monies going in and out of that place, as well as all his account numbers—and you’re going to

do anything else I ask of you, or your father will meet with a horrible end and you’ll be right on his


Fiona struggled to get free, lashing and kicking out at him, when he tightened his hold around

her neck and slammed her against the wall, pain splintering at the back of her skull. “I’m not going to

fucking spy for you, you useless piece of shite.”

“You can and you will, darling. So for your own sake, I hope you come to that little

realization before I have to find other ways to persuade you. Because once I’m done with your father,

don’t think I won’t go after that wee tosser you’re now fucking. I want my cut from him, and I know

he’s fucking playing games. And how do you think he’ll feel once I let him know that you’re the whole

reason I found him in the first place? You and your fancy accounting job…I just knew he’d have a bit

of money to spare—and with you having access to his accounts, I couldn’t have imagined a better

setup.” Niall pressed his body against hers, trapping her against him with no escape, even as she

realized that Niall must have been the thug trying to squeeze Wyatt for money.

Dread filled her at the thought of Niall targeting Wyatt because of her. She needed to get him

out of her house—and then what? How the hell was she supposed to make things right for Wyatt?

Well, one thing was certain—she sure as shite wasn’t going to help Niall.

“I’m not telling you a fecking thing, you gobshite. Now get the fuck out of my house.”

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Chapter 11

“What the hell are you doing here? And with Greyson no less.” Wyatt smiled as his little

sister, Paige, jumped up into his arms, catching her in a big hug, her feet dangling in the air, before he

put her down and turned to hug Greyson, people milling about them at the outside curb of the airport


“I was heading this way for a conference on equine medicine, and happened to mention it

online, when Greyson commented and said he was already heading this way, and had a jet booked.”

Paige had graduated as a vet just a year ago, and Wyatt was damn proud of her.

Although Greyson was one of his very best friends, Wyatt hated to admit that he was glad that

Paige had just hitched a ride along, and that was all there was between them. She might only be a year

younger than Wyatt, but she was his little sister—and he knew the sort of trouble Greyson liked to get

himself into. Fighting, boozing, and more than his share of women… And Wyatt was completely

willing to admit that that double standard made him a hypocrite when he was dealing with his little


Wyatt turned to Greyson and clasped his friend on the back. “I can’t thank you enough for

coming. I could really do with the extra help, though the club’s been doing exceedingly well.”

“Hey, I’m always happy to help out a friend. Especially when it comes to help out at a

nightclub filled with half-naked women—sorry, Paige.” Greyson turned up the charm with a killer

smile and a wink in Paige’s direction.

“Don’t be apologizing to me. It’s not as if I don’t know what you guys are like, when I’ve got

four older brothers. And as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing wrong with sex.” She gave them a

nonchalant shrug. “Nothing more natural, short of eating and breathing.”

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Wyatt squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “No sex for you—not until you’re eighty. Or

I’m dead, so I don’t have to think about it.”

“No offense, Wy, but if you think I’m some sort of twenty-seven-year-old virgin, you can

guess again. And eww…there’s no way you should be thinking about it, period.” Paige crinkled her

nose and let Wyatt take her bags, as she hopped into the back of his SUV so Greyson could ride


Conversation was kept light as Wyatt drove them to his place, figuring it was as good a place

as any until he figured out who was crashing where. He certainly had enough guest bedrooms, though

he’d be leaving for the club before long, and Greyson would likely be coming with him.

Wyatt got everyone settled in the living room, grabbing Greyson a Guinness and his sister a

cider. “How long are you staying in town?”

“I’ve got to head to Waterford tomorrow for the conference, but I’m only there for the week,

and then I’ll have a few days free after that. I could come hang out for a bit if you want since I don’t

start my new job for another few months and don’t have anywhere to be. You can catch me up on all

the trouble you’ve been getting yourself into.” She plopped herself down on the couch next to

Greyson, almost as if she was doing it just to make Wyatt crazy and push his buttons. Which was

exactly what Greyson was doing when he draped his arm across the back of the sofa.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to head to the club early so you can give me the layout of the land,

as it were.” Greyson took a long swig of his pint, and then tilted his head to Paige. “Sorry if I’m

stealing your brother away from you.”

Her smile kicked up with mischief so that her blue eyes lit up in contrast to her dark hair,

reminding Wyatt of Snow White. “Not at all. Actually, I was thinking I might join you.”

This time, Wyatt and Greyson were both in complete agreement, both of them responding in

unison, “No.”

“And why’s that? Because my brother went and opened up a kinky BDSM club?” Her smile

kicked up as she gave Wyatt a look he knew all too well. “Tsk, tsk. Does Mom know?”

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He groaned at the thought. “You’re still a brat, Paige. You know that, right?”

“But you love me anyway.”


Wyatt gave Greyson a tour of Scandal, though it was still empty except for the employees

getting ready for the night. In just a few hours, the place would be packed with half-naked bodies

writhing around to the beat of the music in the front of the club, while others got to experiment and

explore their fantasies in the exclusive part of the club.

They settled in back at Wyatt’s office, as Greyson took the whiskey Wyatt handed him. Though

Wyatt had gone through the basics of the club and had let Greyson take it all in, they now needed to

get to the heart of the matter, and why Wyatt needed his friend’s help. “So what do you think of the


“Looks fucking amazing, man. And I’m sure it’ll be even better once it’s packed with bodies.

But, what I really need to know is what’s truly going on. You mentioned some trouble when we last

spoke.” It was always like Greyson to get straight to the point. His friend might love a good time and

have a great sense of humor, but he was also smart as any Ivy-Leaguer, loyal, and direct—especially

when it came to business or anything of a serious nature.

“Yeah…there are some fuckers who think they can squeeze me for cash, and on a regular

basis, no less. It’s why I’ve been left shorthanded. Already lost a couple of people to their threats,

and I fucking hate to admit it, but I was forced to pay those assholes to keep my employees and

patrons safe.” Wyatt threw back his whiskey, too annoyed with himself and the situation. It fucking

burned him that he’d given those bastards a single penny. “But I can tell you now, there’s no fucking

way I’m going to let that continue. I’m just not sure how to go about it, so it doesn’t result in some

poor sod getting stuck in the crossfire.”

Greyson sat back, his jaw locked tight as his light brown eyes glowed gold from within. And

Greyson might be just as muscular and tall as Wyatt, at six four, but there was a feral quality to him—

something that had come in handy when he’d made extra money in college as a cage fighter. “What do

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we know about this asshole?”

“Not a whole lot. The one in charge…his last name’s Murphy. Usually has a few guys with

him—O’Leary and Moynihan, from what I’ve overheard when they’ve been talking to each other.

There are a few others too, though I don’t know their names. Caught them on the surveillance

cameras, though. Just not sure whether or not the cops can do anything about it without any real proof,

when the threats have been verbal and the cameras don’t pick up audio.” Of course, Murphy had also

threatened all sorts of chaos and destruction if Wyatt involved the police.

“We’ll see if we can handle this in-house first, since the last thing you need is for the threats

to become public record and have them ruin your business. That said, I have a few friends locally,

who have connections on the force. We’ll see if there’s a way we can get this addressed quietly.”

Greyson ran a hand over his stubbled chin, as if giving it all some thought. “How crazy is this


“I wish I knew. I think he’s looking for an easy payday. But I also think that if things don’t go

his way, he has no problem upping the stakes and his retaliation. So far, it’s just been verbal threats—

but they’ve held enough of an edge to have two of my employees quit, and for me to hand over enough

money to keep the peace. But that’s not happening again, so I need to find a solution.” There was no

way he was going to keep paying Murphy off. He’d never go away—and it was Wyatt’s hard-earned

money. He’d be damned if he was going to let some fucker just take it from him.

A knock at the door had him getting to his feet to answer it—though the last person he’d

expected to see was Fiona. With a smile on his lips, he stole a kiss and stepped aside to let her into

his office. “Hey, I’m glad you decided to come in. This is my friend Greyson. He’ll be helping us out

here at the club—Greyson, this is Fiona. She’s the club’s accountant, and has been indispensable

while we’ve been shorthanded.”

Greyson stood and shook her hand, even as his gaze shifted to Wyatt in question—and then

understanding. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Glad you’ve been keeping my man here sane.”

“Not sure I managed to do much of anything where his sanity is concerned.” It was then that

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Wyatt realized something was wrong, her smile stiff as she exchanged niceties with Greyson, and then

turned to him. “I can’t stay, but…if I could talk to you for a second.”

Greyson stepped toward the door. “I’m going to go introduce myself to a few of the other

employees I may have missed the first time around.”

Wyatt nodded, turning back to Fiona once it was just the two of them, and then sat them down

on the sofa. “Hey…what’s going on?”

“Something’s come up, and I’m afraid I need to give you my notice.” Her eyes reddened as if

she was struggling to hold back her tears, and Wyatt had to admit, he didn’t know where the hell this

was all coming from.

He knotted his fingers with hers, needing some sort of physical contact, as if to reassure

himself that she wouldn’t take off on him. “Talk to me, Fie… What’s happened? Is it your father? Is

he making you quit because you didn’t make it home last night?”

“No…though he was none too pleased with my gallivanting, as he so put it.” She sucked in a

ragged breath, and pulled her hands free of his. “I’m sorry…I just can’t do this anymore—can’t do

this thing between us. And this job…it’s just not the right fit for me. You’d be better off with someone

who has more experience doing finances for this sort of industry—for a club or restaurant. I’ve never

dealt with the finances for a place this size.”

“No, Fie… No fucking way.” What the hell was going on? He couldn’t lose her—and it went

well beyond work. “There’s no way I’m giving you up, love. It’s not fucking happening.”

“You don’t get a say in this, Wyatt. I’m sorry. I truly am. But I can’t work at the club—and I

can’t keep ending up in your bed.” She got up to go as her tears escaped, though there was no way he

was letting her go. He got to his feet and grabbed her hand, needing to stop her, needing to make her

see sense.

“If you truly wanted this, Fiona, then you wouldn’t be so upset. Just talk to me, love…tell me

what’s going on, and I swear, I’ll make it right.” He tried to think if it was something he’d done,

something he’d said—but he came up empty. And then he thought of Murphy—and how he’d already

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lost two employees to the bastard’s threats. “Did Murphy threaten you like he did with Connor and

Paul? Because I swear, I’ll fucking murder him with my own hands.”

“Just leave it be, Wyatt. I don’t know why I ever took the job here, and sleeping with you was

nothing but a mistake. A big one.” She pulled free of his grasp and glared at him. “So just move on to

the next in line. We all know it’s what you’d eventually end up doing anyway.”

“Now that’s not fucking fair. Is it?”

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Chapter 12

“Please, Wyatt. Just let me go. It’s not like you can’t find another accountant—and it sure as

shite will be easy enough for you to find another woman to warm your bed.” Fiona hated this—but

what choice did she have? If she went back to Niall and told him she no longer worked at the club,

then she’d be useless to him, and more importantly, it’d limit the extent of the damage he could do.

And though she might regret walking away from Wyatt, it was better than being forced to betray him.

“I don’t want anyone else, Fie, and you fucking well know it.” Wyatt cupped the back of her

neck and pulled her in close, weakening her resolve as he bent his head to hers, leaving her to wonder

if he was telling her the truth, and he really didn’t want to be with anyone but her. “Just talk to me,

love…tell me what’s really going on.”

“There’s nothing to say. Hasn’t anyone ever broken things off with you before?” Fiona rolled

at her eyes when he shrugged in response. Of course he’d never had anyone break up with him. Who

in their right mind would? Which explained a lot when it came to her current state of mental well-

being. “This isn’t up for debate, Wyatt. When one person wants out, the other’s shit out of luck. And

you may not have had anyone break up with you before, but I can guarantee you’ve dumped more than

your fair share of women, so don’t go acting like you’re daft.”

“What’s daft is that you’re walking away from what’s between us, when you know that what

we have is damn fucking good and we’re both going to be nothing but miserable if you go through

with this.” He cursed under his breath and shook his head in frustration, even as her eyes stung with

threatening tears. “See…you’re already hating this. Which is why there’s no way in hell I’m letting

you go.”

And then he pulled her close, his head bent to hers as he caught her mouth in a kiss that

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stripped her soul raw and made her heart ache. Her tears spilled over as their kiss deepened, leaving

her to wonder if there was another way out of her nightmare. As their kiss came to an end, he dried

her tears and then pulled her close, holding her in the safety of his arms as she clung to him as if she

might get carried away into a tumultuous sea that threatened to swallow her into its murky depths.

What the hell was she going to do? She thought of telling Wyatt, even though Niall had

threatened her and her father if she gave him any clue or indication as to what was going on. And yet,

there was more. What if Wyatt wrongly suspected her of working with Niall all along? Because in a

way, it was her fault that Niall had targeted Wyatt and his club.

Niall had heard around the neighborhood that she’d gotten a fancy accounting job working at

Scandal, and decided to check it out. That was when he’d realized that with the sort of money Wyatt

was putting into the club, he might be willing to spare some cash to keep his investment safe—and

with her working there, he knew he’d be able to manipulate her into helping him if need be, which

was exactly what he’d done once he’d hit a brick wall with Wyatt, who was now refusing to pay him

any more money to keep the peace.

Pulling her from her thoughts, Wyatt brushed the hair from her face and cupped her cheeks,

tilting her head up so she’d be forced to look at him. “Tell me you’ll stay, Fie…and whatever’s

bothering you, whatever you’re scared of, I promise you, we’ll deal with it. Together. Okay?”

All she could do was nod in response as he wiped her cheeks dry, leaving her to wonder if

she might find a way to pull this off—to keep Wyatt and her father safe, until she could figure out a

way to make Niall pay for being such a fecking bastard.

“Good.” Wyatt kissed her sweetly and held her close. “Let me take you home, okay? Or if

you’d like, you can crash at my place. My sister’s there…” He gave her a crooked smile. “Or is it too

soon for you to be meeting the family?”

“Wyatt…what are we doing here?” Things had gone from him getting her off in his office to—

what? She didn’t have a clue. But one thing she was sure of was that things were getting far too

serious, far too fast, and there was far too much at stake, especially once Niall got thrown into the

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“What we’re doing is enjoying each other’s company, and seeing if we can make each other

happy. I meant it when I said I didn’t want anyone else. Fucking hell, Fie…you’ve had me distracted

for months now, and things have only gotten worse now that I know what it’s like to sink into you, to

have you screaming my name…” And then he was kissing her with such an intensity, she couldn’t help

but feel overwhelmed by what was between them. Because the truth was that she, too, had been

fighting her growing feelings for Wyatt since the moment she first laid eyes on him.

She managed to pull away just enough to break their kiss, but she now knew that walking

away from him would be near impossible if she couldn’t put some real distance between them. And

with kisses like that, any resolve she’d mustered to put an end to what was between them was now

long gone. “Just…don’t break my heart, Wyatt. Because my life is already banjaxed, and I don’t need

to make matters worse.”

“You have my word, love.”


Come Sunday morning, Fiona knocked on Wyatt’s door for their daytrip around Dublin or into

the country, not quite sure why she was feeling like a nervous wreck. Maybe it had to do with the

little fact that she now felt like she was lying to Wyatt, by not making a complete confession about

Niall’s threats and what he wanted her to do. And yet, she’d be damned if she’d just roll over and let

Niall manipulate her into doing something so utterly wrong.

“Fie…I’m glad you came.” Wyatt pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead, the gesture

both sweet and reassuring, and yet so unexpected from a guy who was so tall, muscular, and tattooed.

“My sister’s about to head out of town, but I’m glad you’ll at least have the chance to meet her.”

She tried not to panic at the thought of meeting a member of Wyatt’s family. It made what was

between them feel far too serious all of a sudden—especially when Niall was still expecting her to

betray Wyatt.

She didn’t know how the hell she was going to keep it all from going to pot, her betrayal made

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all the worse if things were truly starting to get more serious between them—which is exactly how it

was starting to feel. And though she might be open to what was between them under normal

circumstances, it was now feeling like there was so much more at risk, and frankly, she didn’t know

how to deal with it all.

Wyatt linked his fingers with hers and led her into the open area that combined the kitchen and

living room into a large open space, with soaring ceilings and walls of glass, although everyone was

congregating around the kitchen bar, where there was a bit of food laid out. “Fiona, this is my sister,

Paige—Paige, this is Fiona, who also happens to be the club’s accountant.”

Paige’s gaze immediately fell to their linked hands, as a smile sprung to her lips, and she

pulled Fiona into a hug, making Fiona hate herself for what Niall was forcing her to do. “It’s a

pleasure to finally meet you, Fiona. Wyatt’s told us just how indispensable you’ve been to him these

last few months.”

“That’s sweet of him to say, though I’m assuming he’s left out all the times I’ve made him

crazy and threatened to quit.” When Wyatt pulled her back to him and wrapped his arms around her

shoulders, pressing a kiss to her cheek, Fiona couldn’t help but blush at him being so openly

affectionate in front of his friend and sister.

It wasn’t that Wyatt had ever pushed her away, and yet she hadn’t really expected him to be so

open about whatever it was they were doing. She’d supposed he’d keep it a secret so people would

continue to think he was single and available. And though the growing seriousness of what was

between them only complicated things, she found that it felt damn good that he hadn’t tried to keep her

tucked away like a dirty little secret that held no importance. “But you didn’t quit—and your threats

only helped me realize what truly matters.”

Again, his words only served to reinforce what was developing between them, and though

she’d probably be thrilled under normal circumstances, she couldn’t help but now panic. Before

Wyatt noticed something was wrong—and smart as he was, she had no doubt he’d pick up on every

little nuance—she forced herself to push aside her thoughts of Niall and her potential demise, and

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instead focused on something else, like the group assembled before her.

There was certainly a resemblance between Wyatt and Paige, with their dark hair and light

eyes, making them both striking to look at it, even if Paige’s look was no-frills and casual, with little

more than a bit of gloss slicked across her already red lips, and a bit of eyeliner. And then there was

Greyson… Fiona had met him last night, and yet she still found herself taking him in again. He was as

tall as Wyatt, and just as muscular—and yet there was something about him that made her think he

was far more lethal. Feral, too. Hell…even his name made her think of a wild beast.

“I hate that I’ll have to run before getting the chance to sit down and meet with you properly,

Fiona. But maybe once I get back from my conference, we can plan a girls’ day out or something.”

Paige checked her watch. “My ride should be here any minute.”

Greyson tilted his head toward the hall where the bedrooms were stashed. “Let me give you a

hand with your bags.”

When it was just the two of them, Fiona turned to face Wyatt, still not completely at ease when

Niall’s threat was looming like a shit-storm waiting to rain down on her. “I should let you get

Greyson settled. Let you guys catch up, since you haven’t seen each other in a while.”

“Greyson’s got all of a single bag to move into the apartment over the club, and once they

deliver him his bike tomorrow, he’ll also have a way of getting around. Believe me—it doesn’t take

much to get him settled, and he’s capable of adjusting to any town or city, and any situation.” His

brow furrowed and he gave her a pout that made her heart hitch for him. “That said, there’s been

something bothering you, and I want to get to the bottom of it.”

So much for hiding her problems—though she supposed attempting to quit last night had

probably been a big clue. And knowing Wyatt, she had no doubt he’d keep digging around until he

found out about Niall—especially if she didn’t get some distance between them and do a better job of

hiding her emotions. “It’s nothing. I’m just feeling a bit out of sorts today.”

Luckily, Paige and Greyson returned with her bags, sparing Fiona from having to continue

making excuses. Paige gave Fiona a warm hug and a kind smile. “Keep these two out of trouble for

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“Hey… You make it sound like we’re always getting ourselves into mischief—when we all

know you were the one who nearly got yourself arrested,” Wyatt protested as his sister turned to give

him a hug.

“For peacefully protesting against the inhumane use of lab animals—not for getting drunk,

fighting, or disturbing the peace.” Paige stepped out of her brother’s arms, and gave Greyson a hug,

leaving Fiona to wonder if there might be something between them. “My car’s here, so I’ll see you

guys next weekend—you too, Fiona.”

Wyatt walked her to the door, leaving Fiona with Greyson for a bit, who was now casually

leaning against the back of the sofa, his long muscular legs stretched out in front of him. “I’m sorry

you guys have been experiencing some trouble at the club, but I swear, we’ll get it taken care of.

Wyatt mentioned you were thinking of quitting, but I don’t want you to worry about your safety.

There’s no way we’ll let anything happen to you.”

“I appreciate it.” Except that she was most certainly still worried. How could she not be,

when Niall’s threats went far beyond causing just her bodily harm? She couldn’t take the risk—and

yet, she couldn’t betray Wyatt, either. She just had to give it some thought so she could figure a way

out of her dilemma. “Just make sure you guys don’t underestimate this arse. I’ve grown up with that

sort, and they’re dangerous.”

She couldn’t let them know that she knew Niall—and that Niall was Murphy. Not when she

was part of the reason why Niall had targeted Wyatt and his club.

“It’s sweet of you to worry—but Wyatt and I make a good team, and we’ve got this under

control.” Greyson looked over at Wyatt as he rejoined them.

“Greyson’s right, love. We’re going to put a stop to this shit and nail that fucker. But if that

asshole even looks in your direction, you’re to tell me immediately. Okay? He’s already run off two

of my employees, and I refuse to have him scaring you too.” Wyatt draped his arm around her

shoulder and tucked her in at his side, stealing a quick kiss before turning to his friend. “We should

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get you settled in at the apartment.”

“Honestly, I’ve got it under control, as long as you don’t mind me stealing one of your

vehicles for the night. I’m still a bit jet-lagged, and wouldn’t mind crashing so I’m fresh for work

tomorrow.” Greyson caught the keys Wyatt tossed over to him. “Excellent. I’ll see you in the morning

then. Fiona—once again, it was a pleasure.”

“Pleasure’s mine.” And she meant it. Greyson would be a great addition to Scandal—and if

he could help Wyatt get rid of Niall and give that bastard what he was due, then all the better.

Once Wyatt saw Greyson out, he returned to her side, wrapping his arm around her waist and

pulling her close, the hungry look in his eyes sending her heart racing as he backed her up against the

counter. “Finally—just the two of us. And it may have been mere days since I last had you in my bed,

but that’s days too long, as far as I’m concerned.”

She wanted to groan. How the hell was she supposed to continue any sort of relationship with

Wyatt when she was being forced to betray him, to lie to him? It would never work. And maybe if she

put some distance between them, she could figure out a way out of this mess before Wyatt figured out

what the hell was going on. “Wyatt—I’m sorry, but I still can’t do this.”

“Why the fuck not, Fie?” He picked her up as if she weighed nothing, and sat her down on the

counter, so they were eye to eye, and with his arms now propped on either side of her, there was no

chance of escaping. “I’m not an idiot—something’s going on. Something’s changed. And you’re not

telling me about it.”

“My life is my own, Wyatt. And just because I sucked your cock and let you slap me arse,

doesn’t mean we’re in some sort of committed relationship where we tell each other everything and

share all our secrets.” Yet the pang in her heart told her that it’d be damn nice to have someone like

that in her life—and not just anyone, but Wyatt.

She’d been alone and on her own for most of her life, and the truth was it’d left her weary and

exhausted from not ever having anyone to lean on, the loneliness unbearable at times. Yet at the same

time, it was what made her strong, what kept her resilient, despite the never-ending piles of shite that

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life insisted on throwing in her path.

“Is that what this is about? That you want some sort of commitment from me—even though

I’ve told you I won’t see other women? Then fine—I’m happy to give you what you want, since…I

can’t get you out of my head. It’s been months, and I haven’t been able to shake free of the hold you

have on me. And now that we’ve been together, it’s only gotten worse. You’re my constant, Fie. Even

when I’m working, or dealing with other people, you’re always there, distracting me, consuming my

every thought, until I can’t help but seek you out.” She could sense his frustration, and frankly, it

mirrored her own. “So having you tell me that you can’t do this, that you need to walk away from

what’s between us, just isn’t happening.”

“Well, I’m glad I get a say in all this.”

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Chapter 13

Wyatt didn’t know what the hell was fueling the sudden change in Fiona’s attitude toward

what was between them, but he swore, she was making him fucking crazy. It was as if they were back

to square one, except that now, she was even more standoffish.

“Is it something I did? Is it because of the club or the women there? I just don’t get it, Fie.”

Had she seen Rose stroking his cock that Friday night before he ran into Fiona in his office, and

thought there might be something going on? Or was it something else?

“Look, when it comes to the club and the women—I trust you. So if you say you won’t be with

them, then that’s what I’ll believe.” She shook her head, her brow still furrowed with worry. “But

that’s not it, Wyatt. This is just a bad idea. It always has been from the very start, which is why

everything feels so damn complicated.”

“This thing between us isn’t complicated unless we make it that way, Fie. I like you—you like

me. It’s as simple as that, and the fact that I’m your boss doesn’t matter one bit. We both know that.

Which means there’s something else holding you back, something else that’s got you scared and

skittish. Fuck—did that asshole, Murphy, get to you? Did he threaten you?” The mere thought of

Murphy harassing her had him seeing red. And then he saw her eyes darken with worry, and knew that

was it. “That fucker—I’m going to kill him.”

“That’s not it—and the last thing I need is for you to go on some rampage against some insane

criminal. Because if you think he’ll hesitate to do you real harm, then you can guess again.” She shook

her head as her voice grew thick with emotion, tearing at his heart. “I’ve already buried my brother

for making that sort of mistake, and I refuse to lose anyone else I care about.”

Fucking hell…her brother… No wonder she’d been so on edge with everything that was

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happening. When he pulled her close and held her to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and

nestled her head against his neck, his heart aching for her loss, even as the tension in his chest eased a

little to know that she cared enough to be worried about him. “I swear, Fie…I’m not going anywhere.

And I’m not going to let him hurt you.”

“Don’t you get it, you gombeen? It’s not just me I’m worried about—it’s you. You don’t know

what lengths these guys will go to.” Fiona looked so genuinely worried and upset, it had Wyatt

wanting to find Murphy once and for all, and put an end to his threats.

Cupping her face in both his hands, he forced her to look at him. “I’m going to take care of

this, Fie. You’re safe, okay? And nothing’s going to happen to either one of us.” Yet, he had to

wonder if there was something else bothering her. Something still felt off…felt larger than Fie

worrying about Murphy’s extortion and threats. “But, listen to me, love…if there’s something else

bothering you…I hope you know you can talk to me about anything at all.”

She looked like she wanted to say something, and then she pulled back, leaving him convinced

that he was right. There was still more bothering her, even if she refused to tell him what it was. She

gave him a halfhearted shrug that did little to alleviate his worries. “There’s nothing else.”

And yet, Wyatt knew that was a lie—and it fucking killed him that she couldn’t trust him with

whatever truth was haunting her. “Maybe I should take you home. Because you know what, Fie? If you

can’t trust me, if you’re going to lie straight to my face, then all of this is pointless.”

“I do trust you—but we’ve only been together for days—and even the months we’ve known

each other aren’t enough. That said…” She ran her fingers over his rough stubble, before leaning in

and kissing him, her lips soft and warm against his. “It doesn’t mean I don’t want to someday get to

the point where we know each other better and can be open about everything that’s going on in our

lives. But that takes time—though I’m sure we can think of more than a few ways to keep ourselves

busy until then.”

He supposed it’d have to do for now. “Well, if you’re trying to distract me from the matter at

hand, it’ll take more than just a chaste kiss, though it’s a good start.”

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She raked her teeth down the length of his neck, while reaching down between their bodies to

stroke his hard cock through his jeans, making him push aside their problems and instead focus on

what was between them in the here and now. “If you want more, then maybe you should take it.”

Fucking hell… He fisted her hair and pulled her back so she’d be forced to look at him.

“Those are loaded words, and you’re playing a dangerous game, kitten… You know that, right?”

“I just want to forget all our problems, Wyatt.” She tried to lean in toward him to steal another

kiss, but he tightened his fist in her hair and held her firmly where he wanted her.

“Is that all, sweetheart? Because I’m starting to wonder if curiosity has gotten the better of

you.” If her goal was to distract him from the fact that she refused to open up to him, then she was

doing a damn fine job of it. “That said, you can’t tell me to just take what I want—because it’s not

about me, love. And if you ever give anyone that sort of power, then you better trust them implicitly.”

“I do trust you, Wyatt. Completely.” She bit her bottom lip, a blush creeping across her

cheeks, making his heart hitch and his cock ache for her. “And maybe you’re right. Maybe I have

grown a little curious after all these months of working at the club. And though you’ve given me a

small taste of what’s possible, I know you’ve been holding back—and I want you to know that you

don’t have to. I want to experience it all, and I want it to be with you, since…I know you’ll take good

care of me.”

“Always, Fiona.” Fucking hell. It’s not as though he hadn’t imagined this scenario in his mind

a million times over. But was he really going to go down this road with her? Especially when she

was still so green? “Listen…I’m not sure I want you making that sort of decision until you truly know

what you’re getting yourself into.”

Having her see what went on at the club would probably be the best introduction, especially if

he took her to the exclusive part of the club, though they’d have to wait nearly a whole week before

the club was open again. Or he could just ease her into things.

“I think I have a pretty good idea—and isn’t that what I have my safeword for?” She looked

so matter-of-fact about it all that it definitely had him thinking that she had no clue what she was

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asking him for. And though they could play with just the stuff she really liked, it was a process, and

not something that should be rushed.

And there was one surefire way to prove his point. “Tell me, sweetheart…what aspects

would you like to experiment with?”

Her eyes narrowed at him, and he loved that it took her all of a split second to know what he

was up to. “Given that you’re more experienced with this sort of thing, I’m happy to let you decide.

Like I said—take what you want, Wyatt. I’m letting you have complete control—and if I’m not

comfortable with something, I’ll let you know.”

“So, then maybe I’ll have Greyson come back here, and he can watch as I paddle your ass red

for thinking you’ve gotten the upper hand, and then fuck you until you’re screaming my name as he

jerks off to the sight of you coming. What do you think about that?” Not that he’d let anyone touch her

or look at her gorgeous naked body. No fucking way was he sharing her, though he was hoping to

prove his point.

Her cheeks flushed bright red as her eyes blazed—and she called his bluff. “Go for it, boyo.”

Fucking hell… “You’re a smart ass, Fie—and it may have just landed you in a world of

trouble. So I hope you’re ready—and remember, this was your own doing.”

“Two gorgeous men? Why would I mind?” Though she was obstinately continuing to play this

game, he swore her face was so scarlet, he had no doubt that if he were to touch her cheek, it’d burn

his fingers.

“You’re stubborn. You know that, right?” When she gave him a cocky shrug, he pulled out his

phone and called Greyson, not quite believing that he was actually going to do this. “Hey…do you

mind coming back here for a bit? Everything’s fine. It’s just that Fiona and I were chatting, and we

have a bit of a…proposition for you. Yeah…that kind of proposition. No—I’m not fucking kidding. I

know. Thanks…see you soon.”

Wyatt’s eyes narrowed as he took her in, his chest tight with jealousy, and the need to mark

her as his. It was something so primal, and the need to make her his own had his cock steel hard and

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primed to take her—and there was a part of him that was frustrated and angry that he was being

forced into sharing her, even if it was completely his fault that he was in the situation to begin with.

“Strip naked, Fiona. And do you remember your safeword? Because I can guarantee you, there’s a

good chance you’ll need it.”

“Carrots.” When she spoke this time, she sounded a little less confident, even as she pulled

her top up over her head and then flicked off her bra, setting her gorgeous breasts free.

“It’s not too late to back out of this, Fie—especially if you’re doing this because you think it’s

what I want.” Fucking hell, the woman was making him crazy.

“What if it’s what I want?” She slipped down from the counter where he’d propped her up,

kicked off her shoes and then undid her jeans before shimmying them down past her hips, stepping out

of them so she now stood before him naked.

“Then I suppose you’ll get your wish.” Wyatt couldn’t think straight as she stood there with

her full breasts, pert nipples, and a slender waist that flared to the lush curves of her hips and ass. But

the thought of Greyson admiring her, wanting her, getting himself off was doing Wyatt in, even as a

little part of him knew that this might very well be something she’d truly enjoy.

There were plenty of people who liked the added excitement of being watched while they

were having sex, and if Wyatt was helping Fiona figure out her likes and dislikes, then he felt

obligated to rein in his emotions on the matter. This was about her—about her pleasure and her needs,

and if she wanted to experiment, then he should do what he could to help her figure things out.

Frustrated, and beyond turned on, Wyatt hooked an arm around her naked waist, her skin

smooth and warm to the touch, and tossed her over his shoulder, slapping her ass hard as she

squealed in surprise. If she wanted him to take control, then that was exactly what he’d do.

He carried her to his bedroom, knowing he’d have access to whatever he needed. It wasn’t as

if he and Greyson hadn’t found each other in these sorts of situations before—and some a bit more

complicated than even that—yet this felt completely different, and it was doing his fucking head in.

As he lowered her to the bed, his jealousy spurred on his frustration. “What do you want from

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this experience, Fie?”

She gave him a bit of a shrug, her golden red hair draping down over her milky white,

freckled shoulder. “I’m not sure I know, Wyatt. But what I do want is a big enough distraction so all

other thoughts, all other problems, disappear and I’m forced to focus on just what’s happening in this

very moment.”

If that was the case, then he couldn’t deny her—and yet that also meant one very important

thing. They had problems brewing, and sex would be nothing but a distraction to something that

clearly needed a solution.

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Chapter 14

At some point, Fiona must have lost her fecking mind. How the hell did she go from trying to

distance herself from Wyatt, to not only agreeing to sleep with him again, but to let another man watch

—a man she barely knew and one she’d soon be working with and would have to face on a daily

basis? Her mother had always said she was too stubborn and pig-headed for her own good, and it

would seem that, just this once, she’d have to agree with her.

Yet, what she’d told Wyatt was true. She was desperate for something to help her forget about

Niall. She just wasn’t sure she could go through with any of this, though she also didn’t know if she

had it in her to back away from a challenge. Wyatt had thrown down the gauntlet, thinking she’d shy

away, but that had only served to strengthen her resolve, especially when he’d fisted her hair and

looked at her with that hungry look in his eyes.

Though she was mortified and feeling unsure, there was also a part of her that relished that bit

of the unknown so that adrenaline flooded her system and left her clit pounding with a need like she’d

never experienced. It made her want to throw caution to the wind and stop overthinking and

overanalyzing things, and just give in to the white-hot passion between them.

Needing to distract herself from her churning thoughts—though at least they were no longer

about Niall—she sat up and closed the distance between her and Wyatt, her hands stroking his huge

erection through the fabric of his jeans. But when she started to undo his button and zipper, he caught

both her wrists in a single fist and pulled them away. “Did I give you permission to touch me, Fie?”

She groaned and fought against his hold, trying to get herself free. “What if I don’t want to ask

for permission? What if I just want to free that glorious cock of yours so I can suck you until you


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In all her life, she’d never been so bold or forward—and yet she couldn’t help herself, even if

she knew better than to challenge a Dom. That much at least, she’d managed to pick up while working

at Scandal.

His eyes darkened as he hauled her naked body against his broad, muscular chest, even as she

continued to struggle in an attempt to get free. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Fie—because under

normal circumstances I’d tan your ass so red, half of Dublin would hear you crying out for that sort of

disobedience from a submissive. So I’ll ask you one last time—is this what you really want?”

“Is that what I am? Your submissive?” She found it rather surprising that she liked the idea—

that it somehow meant that she belonged to another and would be taken care of, protected, cherished.

“You’re mine—that’s the one thing I’m certain of. As for the submissive part, I think that’s yet

to be determined.” Still holding her wrists firmly in his grip, he leaned over and grabbed a pair of

leather cuffs from his nightstand. “Are you going to behave while I cuff you or do I need to pin you to

the bed and wrestle these on?”

Bleedin’ Nora…the man wasn’t kidding—and why the hell did the mere thought of being

completely at his mercy turn her on to no end? “I’ve never been known to behave myself.”

“Kitten…” He shook his head with a tsk-tsk, and then before she’d even realized what had

just happened, he had her flipped onto her stomach. Pinning her under his weight, he made quick work

of cuffing her wrists behind her back and then slapping her ass for good measure, the sting blossoming

over her skin. “You see…because you didn’t want to behave yourself, your arms will now be bound

behind your back instead of in front of you, where you’d still have some use of them.”

Curse him to hell…he was right. She couldn’t even sit herself up without a whole lot of effort

if she didn’t have the use of her arms. Luckily, he took mercy on her, scooping her up and plopping

her down so she was kneeling before him, a smug look on his face that only had him all the more

irresistible. And though she knew she was asking for trouble, her mouth had a mind all its own.

“What’s next, cowboy?”

“Fucking hell, Fie…” He pulled his t-shirt up over his head, exposing a ladder of rock-hard

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abs, broad shoulders, and muscular arms. “Never in a million years would I have expected you to go

for this sort of thing.” He tilted her chin up so she was forced to look into those intelligent hazel eyes

of his. “And I’m still not convinced. Tell me this isn’t you trying to cover up what’s been bothering

you the last few days.”

How the hell was she supposed to lie straight to his face? And why the hell couldn’t he just be

like most guys, who’d be happy to just take advantage of her willingness? “Please, Wyatt…I just want

to forget my problems, and if having you fuck me until I can think of nothing else will help, then what

does it matter if that’s my motivation? If you’re worried it’ll mess with my head or that it’ll

traumatize me, you need not worry.”

“Don’t you worry, sweetheart—I’m going to fuck you until your legs tremble.” Wyatt slipped

his hand down between her legs and ran his fingers over her clit and into her wet pussy, her body

aching for so much more. And then he was pulling his hand away, leaving her to curse him in protest.

“But that’s only going to happen once you tell me everything that’s going on.”

She couldn’t tell him—not when so much was on the line. “Then undo me, and I’ll get the hell

out of your hair if you don’t want me.”

She hated the tears that stung her eyes as his jaw tensed and he reached around and quickly

unbound her. “You know I want you more than anything, Fiona—but not if we can’t have honesty

between us. I’ll get you your clothes from the living room.”

He then pulled out his phone and with a quick call, apologized to Greyson and told him not to

bother coming over, as he walked out of the room, leaving her all on her own. She wanted to curse

him to hell, and yet she knew it was her fault. She was the one keeping things from him.

When he returned, he sat on the edge of the bed and handed her her clothing, his mood serious.

“I like you, Fiona. More than is wise. But that also means that I can’t tolerate there being secrets

between us—especially when the secrets feel this big. I want to help you, and more than anything, I

want you to feel like you can come to me with whatever’s bothering you. But until then, I think it’s

best if we put this thing between us on hold.”

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She hadn’t expected his words to hurt as much as they did. Maybe it was just the last straw

getting piled onto the heap of shite she was already dealing with, but it was too much, and when her

tears spilled over, she was helpless to stop them. “I need to go.”

But before she could get to her feet, before she’d even gotten her clothes on, he wiped her

tears away and scooped her into his arms, lying against the pile of pillows with her cradled in his

arms. “Just talk to me, Fie. It’s making me fucking crazy to see that you’re clearly dealing with

something serious, and yet you won’t let me help you. I swear, I’ll do what I can to make things better,

but I can only manage that if you tell me what’s going on.”

Maybe if she gave him half the truth? Or left it vague? But if Niall found out, she’d have no

way of keeping herself, her father, or Wyatt safe. And Niall was crazy enough to not care of the

consequences. He’d hurt them just to prove his point. “It’s family stuff. Nothing more.”

“And now you’re lying straight to my face—unless you’ve suddenly become scared of your

father. Because I know what fear looks like, Fie. But I can’t help you if you won’t let me.” His voice

was tainted with frustration, and she could feel the tension in his muscles, his entire body vibrating

with it. “I’m going to ask you again—and don’t you dare lie to me, Fie. Is this about Murphy? Did he

threaten you?”

The words caught in her throat, refusing to admit or deny any of it, caught as she was between

two hells. And so she pulled out of his arms, rather than lie to him again, and got herself dressed.

“I’m sorry, Wyatt. I truly am.”

And just like that, she walked away from him, her heart breaking with the loss of something

she hadn’t even realized she’d so desperately wanted until that very moment.

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Chapter 15

Wyatt sat at his desk in a foul mood, having spent a miserable night on his own after Fiona

walked away from him and what was between them. He still couldn’t believe the way everything had

unfolded. Such a damn cluster fuck, when what he should have done was just fuck them into blissful

oblivion like she’d wanted.

Instead, he’d gone and done the honorable thing, knowing it would mess with her head if she

got herself into a situation she wasn’t mentally ready for. But what truly pissed him off was that she

wouldn’t talk to him about her problems. She would rather walk away from what was between them

than let him help her.

Greyson knocked on Wyatt’s open door. “Got a minute?”

“Sure.” Wyatt gestured for him to come inside with a tilt of his head. Greyson closed the door

behind him, before grabbing a seat in the soft leather chair on the other side of Wyatt’s desk. “How’s

everything going?”

The two of them had spent the morning going over the running of the club, getting Greyson

familiar with how they ran things and what he’d be in charge of. With them only being open on Friday

and Saturday nights, the only people usually at the club during the week were just the essential


“I’m settling in just fine. Should be up to speed before we open again on Friday.” Greyson

shifted in his seat, his large frame making his huge office suddenly feel small. “I wanted to talk to you

about your little problem. How aggressive do you want to be? I just need to know if we’re playing

offense or defense, so I can figure out how we’re going to approach this.”

“I don’t want to land either of us in prison, but if we can go on the offensive to take these guys

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out before things get any worse, or their threats escalate, I’d prefer to go that route.” Wyatt thought

back to just a few months ago, when his brother’s fiancée had gotten kidnapped. The detectives in

charge had really been on their game—but Keane had also used an outside agency, which was able to

track down Lilly’s stalker. “I don’t want the press catching wind of this, but I’m thinking of hiring an

outside security firm that might be able to wrangle enough information on these guys to get them

locked up and out of our hair.”

“Can’t hurt to give them a try—or at the very least talk to them. And the police might be able

to help if we’re able to deal with a department on organized crime, rather than the local Gardai.”

Greyson’s gold eyes flashed with intelligence as he ran a rough hand over his rough jaw, so even the

finest movements had the huge muscles of his arm jumping and shifting under his tanned skin. “I highly

doubt you’re the first business to get hit by these guys, which means that the police likely know about

them already. They just may not have enough to bring them down.”

“I’ll make the call to that security firm then. See if they’ll tackle this, despite being overseas,

and if not, see if there’s anyone they’d recommend.” Wyatt needed this taken care of, and the sooner

the better. He highly suspected Murphy had threatened Fiona, and she was too scared to involve

anyone else—and that was fucking unacceptable. He needed her back—in his bed, in his life—and he

needed whatever distractions and problems were standing in their way to be gone, once and for all,

so they could figure things out between them. Because there was definitely something there, something

undeniable and true, something he’d never felt before, and he’d be damned if he was going to let some

asshole thug take that away from him.

“Do you want me to make the call and deal with them?” Greyson was already getting to his

feet, not one to sit for any length of time.

“Yeah…I’ll send you Hadley’s contact information—she’s the owner of the security firm. Just

let me know if there’s anything you need. And tell her you’re working with me—that should give her a

point of reference.” Wyatt would tackle it himself, except for the fact that Greyson had far more

knowledge and experience when it came to this sort of thing, and Wyatt needed to track Fiona down

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and sort things out between them.

“Will do. I’ll keep you updated.” Greyson headed out, even as Wyatt sent him all of Hadley’s


Wyatt had done all he could to keep his distance and give Fiona a bit of time to think things

over, knowing he was still way too annoyed not to let his frustration get the better of him. Given how

things had ended when Fiona left his place yesterday, he was surprised she’d even come in to work.

But his thoughts had been scattered all day as a result of their argument, and she was making him


Knowing he’d get nothing truly accomplished while things were still a mess between them, he

headed for the door, his brisk stride eating up the distance to Fiona’s office. Reminding himself not to

shake her until he made her see sense, he took a deep breath and forced himself to relax a little, his

muscles knotted with tension.

With a quick knock on her door, he let himself in. “We need to talk, Fie.”

Fucking hell, she was so gorgeous with her long and thick coppery-gold hair, and the face of a

pixie, with bright, intelligent eyes, and lush red lips. Except one thing was missing—she didn’t look

happy, and that fucking killed him.

“I don’t know that there’s anything to talk about. I’m truly sorry, Wyatt.” She handed him an

envelope as she stood up, and then started to gather her things, making his heart pound with the

realization of what she was doing. “I wish I could give you more notice, but I can’t. I need to go.”

He caught her before she went dashing for the door, doing his best to rein in his anger and his

emotions, knowing it’d do neither of them any good. And as soon as he got this thing sorted with Fie,

he was going to find Murphy and fucking murder him. “Did Murphy threaten you? Is that why you’re

leaving? Tell me what happened.”

“It’s not as if I haven’t been threatening to quit for months now, so I don’t know why you’re

suddenly surprised that I’ve finally gone and done just that. Things have gotten far too complicated

between us, when this should have been nothing more than a paycheck. Now let go of me. Please.

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Her blue eyes shimmered with tears, like rough waters at open sea.

He forced her to sit down on the nearby sofa, taking her hands in his. “If this is about last

night, then I’m sorry. But I swear, I only had your best interest in mind. It’s one thing to be

adventurous and to experiment—and I’m happy to help you figure out what sorts of things turn you on

—but, Fie…I won’t let you put yourself in a situation you might later regret because you’re not in the

right headspace or because you’re doing this to try to forget your problems.”

“For fuck’s sake, Wyatt—aren’t half the people who come to your club here because they’re

trying to avoid or forget their problems? You’d think you’d be happy just to get laid.” With a glare,

she shook her head in frustration.

“Listen, sweetheart, if all I cared about was getting laid, we wouldn’t be having this

conversation—and no offense, but there are dozens of far more willing participants to be had with a

simple phone call.” Fucking hell, the girl was going to drive him to drink.

“Then what are you waiting for, boyo? Call them, and leave me the hell alone.” When she

tried to yank her hands free, he tightened his grip, beyond annoyed and frustrated with her. “Let go of

me, Wyatt, or I swear I’m going to scream so loud, the cops in fucking Tipperary will hear me.”

“Don’t you fucking get it? I don’t want any of those women. I don’t want anyone but you.

You’re the only one who matters, so if you think I’m going to idly stand by and let you walk out of my

life, then you can fucking guess again.” When her eyes shimmered with threatening tears, he let go of

her, though he stood before her, not ready to let her take off on him. “Fiona…please. Fucking talk to

me. This is killing me.”

“My problems are my own and there’s no way I’m dragging you into my mess. So if you can’t

deal with that, then there’s no point to any of this.” She tried to move around him, but he was blocking

the door, and he refused to just let her walk away from what was between them.

“I just want to help you.” Wyatt cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close, her body

leaning into his as his heart thudded against his chest, too worried that she’d walk out that door and

not ever come back, leaving his heart shattered. “I care about you, more than I’ve ever cared for any

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other woman—and it’s fucking killing me that you’re pushing me away.”


But then he was putting an end to her excuses, his mouth hard on hers as she softened in his

arms and returned his kisses, a glimmer of hope sparking inside his chest. His tongue danced over

hers as their kiss deepened and he hauled her body against his, spinning them around to pin her

against the wall while kicking the door shut.

After getting so worked up last night and then having it all come crashing down, he was dying

to have her, not just because he needed to sink his cock into that tight body of hers, but because he

needed to remind her of what was between them. Hiking up her skirt, he reached down between them

and tore her lace panties from her body with a fierce tug, swallowing her gasp with his kisses as he

freed his cock from his jeans. Grabbing her leg, he opened her up to him and buried himself to the hilt

in one go, his thrusts quick and hard as he claimed her body once more. He pounded into her, their

days apart spurring him on, as each thrust pulled a gasp past her lips, her arms holding onto him tight.

He was already so close to coming. It was all he could do to hold off, wanting her to come

with such a mind-blowing orgasm, it’d be impossible for her to walk away from what was between

them. Needing more, he lifted her legs up off the floor and hiked them up over his hips and around his

waist, positioning her at just the right angle so he could take her deep and hard.

Their pace was frantic, her legs tightening to pull him in as her body squeezed around his hard

length. And then she was coming, crying out as he pounded into her with one more thrust and then

finally gave over to his release, his cock pulsing his hot cum deep inside her, their bodies finally

stilling but for the tremors that racked their bodies.

They stayed that way for what felt like an eternity, as if neither one of them wanted to break

the spell, knowing that once their bodies were uncoupled, they’d have to face their reality once more.

Yet the thought of losing her, the thought of her walking away from him, had him uttering words that

had never before passed his lips. “I love you, Fiona. Please…don’t go.”

She looked up at him in disbelief, her eyes shimmering with tears once more. “Don’t. Don’t

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say shite like that if it’s not true. Because I swear…if you’re just saying that so I won’t leave, then

you’re a cruel fecking bastard.”

“Fie…I swear it’s nothing but the truth, even if I’m not quite sure how it all happened. I’ve

never spoken those words to any woman I’ve been with, but…fuck…you have to believe me, because

you’ve become my everything. So if you think I’m going to let you walk out here and into danger, I can

tell you right now, that’s not fucking happening.” He’d lose his goddamned mind worrying about her.

“I’m not sure I can stay, Wyatt. And you know that I have feelings for you. But…you don’t

realize what you’re asking me to do.” She looked so distraught, it left him desperate to protect her, to

make sure no one ever threatened her again.

Even though their bodies had finally uncoupled, he still held her close, pressing a kiss to her

forehead. “If you can’t tell me what’s going on, then fine—I’ll learn to live with it until you can

finally talk to me. As long as you promise not to push me away.”

“All I can do is try my best. But you have to cut me some slack, Wyatt. I need to do this my

way. Can you deal with it?”

He didn’t love the idea, but what choice did he have? And for now…it’d have to do—

especially since he was going to find Murphy and murder him. “It’s better than losing you, love.”

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Chapter 16

Fiona sat there at her desk, trying to focus on her work, and yet unable to get anything done

when she was sitting there knickerless. And even more distracting was the delightful soreness

between her legs, which only acted to remind her of how Wyatt had taken her hard and rough against

the wall, claiming not only her body but her heart.

She didn’t know if it was a mistake not to walk away from him, but she’d found it near

impossible to do. Each time she tried to put some distance between them, he somehow convinced her

to stay.

Her plan had been to quit her job so that Niall would be forced to keep her out of his idiotic

schemes, but clearly quitting was going to be harder than she’d anticipated, since Wyatt was refusing

to let her go. That meant she needed to find another way. Needed to find a way to incriminate Niall so

she could give the cops enough proof of his blackmail and extortion. And she needed to do it before

Wyatt and Greyson came to blows with Niall and his crew. She knew Niall, and that meant he’d fight

dirty, and the last thing she wanted was for Wyatt or Greyson to get knifed.

And yet…even if she could get her hands on proof to send Niall to jail on extortion charges,

she worried it would do little good. If they arrested Niall, one of his many goons would likely step

into his place, and in all likelihood, Niall would still be able to run things straight from prison. There

was no real way to put an end to this…unless…

What if she found a way to get Niall to lose interest? What if she could convince him that

Wyatt didn’t have any money…that he was strapped for cash after building the club? She could make

dummy accounts and transfer just enough in there to make it look like Wyatt was in the hole. And she

could play with the accounting ledgers. It was definitely a long shot, especially since there were

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crowds filling the club on the weekend, but it was all she could think of at this point, and she needed

to do whatever it took to keep everyone safe.

She’d just have to convince Niall that the funds were gone before they even came in through

the door. It had to work. Because if it didn’t, she’d be in a right ole mess, since Niall was already

running on crazy, his patience with her gone. He’d already gotten rough with her once, and things

were only escalating.

Niall had never struck her when they were together, but he also wasn’t the same person as the

young man she’d dated. No…he was now ruthless and insane. And he may have been on the wrong

path back then, but the things he was doing now put him at a whole different level, his actions no

longer simply mischievous, but criminal.

Fiona spent the rest of the afternoon attempting to perfect her plan and put it into action, even

if she found it hard to concentrate when she knew Wyatt was wandering about the building with

Greyson at his side. At least it was easier to put her plan into action without Wyatt hovering over her

shoulder, since she was still moving funds that didn’t belong to her.

She hated that she was being forced into doing something illegal, and she still wasn’t sure it

would even work. It wasn’t as if it was easy to shake off a criminal. But what choice did she have?

Niall wanted her to give him Wyatt’s accounts, and that was what she was doing—she just wasn’t

giving him the actual club accounts with all of Wyatt’s money. And with luck, Niall would think that

Scandal wasn’t worth the effort.

She thought of telling Wyatt, especially after such a confession from him, and yet that now

meant there was even more at stake. Because it was her fault Niall had Wyatt in his crosshairs and

she had to find a way to make things right.

She was wrapping up for the day, grabbing the information she’d need for Niall, when there

was a knock at her door. Wyatt. She took a deep breath, and tried to push aside her nerves, not

wanting him to get suspicious of what she was doing. He gave her a charming smile, though she could

see that his face was still lined with worry. “Don’t suppose I can convince you to come home with

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“Sorry, but I can’t. I really need to head home. Da’s expecting me.” And Niall, the fecking


“Fie… You know I’m here for you. Whatever’s going on, you don’t have to deal with this on

your own.” Wyatt came into her office and leaned against the arm of the sofa, his long legs stretched

out in front of him, as he took her hand in his and slowly reeled her in until she found herself just a

breath away from him. “Is it your father? Does he disapprove of me because of the club?”

“Sweet lad, do you really think I gave my father any details about the club? Although I

suppose the way all those ole biddies in the neighborhood gossip, he may have finally heard

something by now. But…maybe we can meet up later tonight, if you have time.” She just needed to get

Niall off her back—and off Wyatt’s. And if she could somehow manage that, then it truly felt like

happiness might finally be within her reach. She’d spent far too much time being miserable and alone,

and Wyatt was the first guy in her life that she’d developed real feelings for.

“I always have time for you, kitten. Just give me a call when you’re ready, and I’ll be happy to

come and get you.” He cupped her cheek, brushing it gently, his touch so powerful and yet so gentle,

such a contrast to Niall’s.

When he leaned in and kissed her soft and sweet, with his stubble rough against her skin, it

felt like the rest of the world just fell away and it was just the two of them. And when his kiss

deepened, her body came alive and her heart hitched, swelling with something that could only be

love. By the time their kiss slowed, she was clinging to him, his strong arms holding her protectively

to his broad chest.

“I may not have said it earlier, but…I do love you, Wyatt.” And she truly meant every word,

even if it left her feeling terrified. There was just so much at stake…so much to lose. She slipped her

arms around his neck as he held her close, their heads bent together, as she tried not to think of all the

ways this could go so wrong.

He pulled back just enough to look at her, brushing the hair from her eyes, his touch lingering

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on her skin so she couldn’t help but turn in to his touch and kiss his palm. “You don’t know how

happy a man that makes me. But Fie…you’ve got me fucking worried. I’d put everything on the line to

keep you from coming to harm. You know that, right?”

“I know—but I also need you to trust me. For now, I need to deal with this on my own, and I

need you to respect that.” She just needed a few more days to get rid of Niall, just a few more days to

try to keep everyone safe—and not just her and her father, but Wyatt and the club, also.

“For fuck’s sake…I swear, I’ll lose it if anything happens to you.” Wyatt growled in protest

with a shake of his head. “But I’ll try to take a step back if that’s what you need me to do. That said…

if anyone fucking hurts you, I’m going to tear them to pieces. Understood?”

“Understood. And just so you know…I do appreciate how concerned you are about me.”

Other than her family and a few close friends, no one had ever really cared about her. Certainly not

Niall. “It’s really sweet.”

“It may be sweet, but you’re making me fucking crazy, and if you think I won’t tan your bottom

for it, you’re mistaken.” The intensity of him, of his words, immediately had her body aching for his

touch, and anything else he wanted to do to her.

She may have gone about things the wrong way last night, when she asked him to do as he

pleased, but the truth of the matter was that she wanted him to take control. It wasn’t something she’d

ever realized about herself, but being with Wyatt awakened something in her, something she never

knew existed. And now that she’d had a little taste of all he had to offer, she wanted a whole lot

more. She may not want to fully experience everything there was, nor was she ready for something so

public as the club, but when it was just her and Wyatt, she was willing to trust him and let him take

the lead.

“Let me give you a ride. Murphy’s a loose cannon, and I’ll feel better knowing you got home

safe. Then you can call me when you’re ready and I can come pick you up.” Wyatt looked at her as if

he was analyzing her every move, every nuance.

Fiona knew she might be taking a risk by letting him drive her home, since there was always

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the chance they could run into Niall. And yet if she didn’t let Wyatt take her, then he’d definitely start

to get suspicious. “Sure. Let me just grab my things—unless I’m taking you away from your work

here. Greyson can’t be settled in yet.”

“Greyson’s a big boy and can manage on his own just fine. Come on.” Wyatt escorted her out

to the back parking lot, his large hand resting protectively at the small of her back, his presence


Once again, Fiona found herself straddling his motorbike as she clung to him for dear life

while they flew down the city streets. She’d thought it sweet that he’d thought to have an extra helmet

for her, as if anticipating that she might need a lift.

The rumble of the engine vibrated through her, reminding her what it was like to have her

newfound sex drive stoked, her body already aching with need, since each time Wyatt touched her,

fucked her, it only made her want him all the more. She’d be lucky if she managed not to lock herself

away in her room once she got home, and take care of the desperate hunger that kept rearing its head,

her need seemingly insatiable as of late.

And at the very least, being on a bike instead of a car also meant that Wyatt wasn’t able to

question her again about what was going on. She couldn’t bear lying to him, but if he kept grilling her

about everything, then she’d be forced to do just that.

Wyatt pulled up in front of her house, removed his helmet and then took hers from her. She

climbed off the bike, trying to push aside her nerves, worried that Niall might be lurking, or that

Wyatt might see him. “I appreciate the ride. I’ll call you either way, to let you know whether I can

escape for the night.”

“Sweetness, even if it’s two in the morning, I want you to call. I’d happily forgo sleep to have

you naked in my bed.” He bit his bottom lip and pulled her close with a strong arm around her waist,

catching her mouth in a hungry kiss that left her moaning in response and leaning in against his body.

By the time Wyatt’s kiss finally slowed, she was fighting the urge to climb into his lap and to

let Niall go fuck himself. She stole another kiss, her lips lingering on his before she forced herself to

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take a step back and out of Wyatt’s arms. “I promise to call.”

With a wave over her shoulder, she let herself into her home, thinking it sweet that Wyatt

waited to make sure she got in okay. She then heard the rumble of his engine, and heard him pull

away, as she dropped her keys on the hall table, and then wandered to the kitchen.

Fuck.” Niall sat at the kitchen table alone, drinking her father’s whiskey with a smug smile

on his lips. “What the hell are you doing here? And where’s me da? What did you do with him, you

fecking bastard?”

“Relax, darling. He was heading down to the pub to get himself a pint, so I figured I’d let

myself in. Figured you wouldn’t mind since, this way, we could have the house to ourselves.” Niall

shoved the chair closest to him with his foot, tilting his head toward it—not that she’d be sitting down

next to him. “Sit, Fiona. ’Cause I can tell you right now, I’m in no mood for your games. I want my

fucking payday.”

“Payday, me arse. You’re putting yourself in an awful lot of trouble for chump change. I’m

sure you were expecting some sort of rich American with money coming out of his arse, but the lad’s

in the hole after building such an extravagant club. There’s barely anything in the accounts—and

you’re stirring up a hornet’s nest.” She dug around in her bag and pulled out the files she’d prepared,

holding onto her anger to try to mask just how worried and scared she was that he’d see through her

plan. She tossed the files across the table at him with a glare. “You think you’ve found some gombeen

—but you’re wrong. And he’s bringing reinforcements to kick your arse, so if you’re smart, you’ll be

happy with what you’ve gotten out of him, and you’ll move on your way.”

“Bleedin’ Nora…I can’t believe you’ve gone and fallen for that rich wanker—and him into

all that weird kinky shite, no less.” He shook his head and gave her a sly smile. “If you’d wanted me

to spank your arse and gag you while my friends watched me fuck you, all you had to do is ask.”

“As if I’d ever submit to you.” That fecking arsehole… She was fed up and pissed off,

especially after all the trouble he was causing—and especially after he dare lay a hand on her the

other day. “Sex with you was more than enough to turn me off it altogether. Thank fuck Wyatt came

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around and showed me what it’s like to be with a real man.”

Niall kicked his chair back and got to his feet, but if he thought she’d let him get close to her

again, he could guess again. “You fucking bitch. Maybe I need to send that boyfriend of yours a


He closed the distance between them, when she grabbed a knife from the block on the counter

behind her. “Don’t you fucking lay a finger on me or I swear I’ll gut you, and then feed you your balls

as you bleed out on my floor.”

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Fiona. You’re just lucky I like you.”

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Chapter 17

“Yeah…that’s Murphy. Right there.” With his blood boiling in anger, Wyatt pointed to the

screen where he and Greyson were monitoring the video feeds from the surveillance cameras around

Scandal. “And those are a few of his friends.”

“How do you want to handle this?” Greyson sat back in his seat, waiting for Wyatt’s decision.

“I’m ready to fuck him up. I’ve had it with his threats, and him going after my employees.”

Especially if Murphy was the one behind Fiona’s skittishness.

“Let’s start by talking to him. See if we can get him to see reason—and if not, I’m right at your

side.” Greyson pushed out of his seat as Wyatt headed for the door, adrenaline already coursing

through his veins.

There was a fine mist of rain falling and there was a brisk chill in the air as they stepped out

onto the street and wandered around Scandal to find Murphy and his friends. There…leaning against

Wyatt’s car in the employee parking lot, smoking with his friends. The fucking bastard.

“Do you have the money you owe me?” Murphy flicked his cigarette butt toward Wyatt’s feet

and pushed off the car to face them.

“The only thing I owe you is a trip to the fucking hospital. Be grateful you got anything at all

out of me—because that’s all you’re getting. Now get the fuck off my property. You’re trespassing.”

Wyatt’s hands curled into fists, getting ready for a fight. He wanted this so fucking bad, and though he

wouldn’t start a fight, he’d sure as hell finish it. He’d been studying martial arts since he was a kid,

and would happily put his skills as a black belt to the test.

Wyatt got his wish. Murphy swung at him, but Wyatt blocked the blow while sidestepping

him, and with a quick flick of his wrist, grabbed Murphy’s wrist and yanked him forward as Wyatt

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planted a punch that connected with Murphy’s temple and sent him stumbling.

Greyson had already eliminated one threat and was onto the next as Wyatt dealt with Murphy,

who now had a knife out and was lunging for him, as he once again blocked the blow, grabbed

Murphy’s wrist and this time bent it backward until he dropped the knife. A palm strike to Murphy’s

face sent him reeling back with blood spurting from his nose, as Wyatt then kicked Murphy’s knee out

from under him.

Murphy’s friends were already on the run, and though Murphy put some distance between him

and Wyatt, he paused and glared at him. “This is far from over—and you won’t be the only one who

pays for this.”

“Try it, and I’ll break every one of your limbs into so many pieces, you’ll need your friend’s

help just to take a piss.”


It was nearly ten when Wyatt found himself knocking on Fiona’s door after she’d called him to

come get her. But as he stood there, waiting for someone to answer the door, he braced himself for the

possibility that he might actually meet Fiona’s father, even if it was a meeting he was half hoping for.

Wyatt was dead serious about his feelings for Fiona, and he wanted both Fiona and her father to know

it. In the end, it was Fiona who answered the door and slipped out into the night, pulling the door

behind her, an overnight bag slung over her shoulder.

Unable to resist her and happy that she’d actually called him, he slipped an arm around her

waist and pulled her close for a kiss. “I’m so fucking happy to see you.”

She pulled back and looked at him with a confused smile. “You just saw me a few hours ago.”

“Sweetness, now that I know that you love me, I can’t stand to be away from you.” He cupped

her cheek, his fingers tangled in her thick hair, taking her in as her face caught the light of the nearly

full moon and his heart hitched to have her so close. “You’re mine, Fie…and I take care of my own.”

He’d been giving things some thought, and though he wasn’t sure she’d go for it, it was worth

a shot, especially as he looked around at the neighborhood she lived in, saw the dirt and grime, the

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tired-looking homes, the delinquents wandering the streets. He just had to pick the right time to bring

it up, and he had to make sure everything was perfect, so there would be no way she could turn him


“Though I don’t need you to take care of me—it’s sweet that you want to.” She wrapped her

fingers around his soft leather jacket and went up onto the tips of her toes to kiss him, her lips warm

and soft against his—when he realized she was all but shaking in his arms.

“Fie…” He pulled back to look at her—to really look at her—and he swore, there was

something there, something scaring her. “What’s going on, love? What’s happened?”

“Nothing. I just missed you.” She leaned in and kissed him once more, and whatever had been

there, making him worry, seemed to have disappeared.

He sank his fingers in her hair and deepened their kiss, her lush curves pressing against his

body as his cock went rock hard in response, leaving him barely able to pull himself away. “Come

on, love…I need to get you home and naked in my bed.”

“I want you to take me to the club.” She stole a kiss, her nervous energy a clear indication of

what she had in mind. Maybe that was the nervous energy he’d felt? “Please, Wyatt…I know this is

part of you—part of what you enjoy. And I feel like you’re always holding back when it comes to me.

But this…it’s something I want, something I need to try, not just because of you, but because I’m

curious and I trust you to bring me through it all.”

She was giving him something precious, and he knew that. “If that’s what you want, Fie, then

I’m happy to oblige you.”

She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling in the light of the moon. “It is what I want, Wyatt. I

want you to show me all there is, to take me on that wild ride, to make it so I can’t think of anything

but what’s between us. I want you to claim every inch of me, so that I know you to the marrow of my

bones and the reaches of my soul.”

Fucking hell…her words were doing him in. He had to have her, and would take all she had to

offer—except there was one question still lingering in his mind. “Sweetness, I’m going to fuck you so

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hard, you’ll forget anyone who came before me, and you won’t want anyone else afterwards. But if

you want Greyson to watch—if you want him to also fuck you—then I need to know that now, because

I’m not sure I have it in me to share you with anyone, even if I know you’re still mine.”

“I only want you, Wyatt…I only ever wanted you. Although…” She chewed her bottom lip,

looking unsure of herself. “I’d be willing to try anything if it’d make you happy.”

You make me happy, Fie. You’re all I need—as long as I can get you naked. I haven’t been

able to stop thinking about sinking into you, and it’s messing with my fucking head.” He gripped her

hips and pulled her close, his mouth hard on hers in a hungry kiss. “I can’t think straight when we’re

apart, and when we’re together, my only thought is of pinning you to the nearest surface and fucking

you until half of Dublin knows my name.”

Her lips quirked up with a teasing smile. “Just half?”

“Well…it’s a start.”


“This isn’t the club.” Fiona looked over at Wyatt in question as he pulled down his driveway,

making him want to lean over and kiss her.

“And you, my dear, are no longer the one in control.” Might as well get this game started

early. “Do you remember your safeword?”

“I do.” He swore, even in the moonlight, he could see that she was blushing.

“Come on then—and just be grateful that you’ve been allowed to keep your clothes on up until

now, since I know my neighbors would love to see your gorgeous naked body walking to my front

door—or even better, as I fucked you against the hood of my car, your cries echoing out in the night.”

He filed that away, knowing just how tempted he’d be to do just that. “Maybe we’ll leave that for

tomorrow, and we’ll be sure to get here while there’s still a bit of light in the sky, in case my

neighbors want to watch.”

“You wouldn’t.” Though she sounded mortified, there was also an element of excitement in

her voice, an anticipation, that had him wondering just how wet he’d find her right about now.

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“I would—and I’m betting you’d love every minute of it.” Wyatt undid his seat belt and

shifted in his seat to face her. “Shimmy those jeans down past your hips and touch yourself.”

“Wyatt.” Her protests died when he gave her a stern look. And then she was doing just as he

asked, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. She arched her hips out of her seat and pushed her jeans

and panties down to her knees, before planting that sweet ass of hers back in the leather seat of his

car. But that’s where she stopped, looking at him with a pleading look.

“Touch yourself, kitten—or there will be consequences.” It was enough to spur her into

action, her hand slipping down over the curve of her belly as her legs fell to the side. Slowly, her

hand slipped to her cunt, a needy moan escaping her lips. “So, tell me…did the thought of my

neighbors watching me fuck you against my car turn you on?”

“Curse you, Wyatt…yes.” Even though she hesitated, she still managed to give him a truthful


“That’s my good girl. Now switch hands, and bring those fingers over here so I can have a

taste of just how wet you are for me.” He couldn’t help but smile as she cursed him under her breath,

even as she did as he asked.

Clamping his fingers around her wrist, he sucked her two fingers into his mouth, her juices

salty on his tongue, as he pulled one desperate moan after another from her lips with each hard tug of

his mouth. And the more he sucked her fingers, the faster she fingered herself, until he knew she was

on the verge of coming.

“That’s enough. You can stop now.” And just to ensure that she did as she was told, he

reached over and pulled her hand free of her body, as she cursed him to a thousand hells.

“Sweetness…surely you didn’t mean that.”

“I’m so close, Wyatt…” There was such desperation in her voice as she pleaded with him that

he was sorely tempted to give in and let her have some relief—except that he had other plans for her.

“I promise, kitten. You’ll get to come—if you behave yourself.” He stole a chaste kiss, and

then went around to get her door, as she pulled her jeans back up.

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He let them in, locked up, and escorted her to his bedroom, ready to show her the playroom

hidden behind the sliding paneled wall. As busy as he’d been with the club, he hadn’t gotten to use it,

and now that he had Fiona at his side, he was glad she’d be the one to break it in.

It was a simple touch of a button, but the result was always impressive. The wall of his

bedroom slid aside, doubling the size of his room and revealing the playroom just beyond, while still

giving him full and easy access to his bed and master bath. “Here you go, sweetness. What do you

think? You’re the first to see it.”

“Really?” She looked up at him with a smile that sent his heart racing. He knew what she must

think of him, given the women he’d been with, and it’d be hard for him to deny most of it. Except that

in the last year or two, his interest had shifted to wanting something more serious. “I’ve got to say,

this is pretty impressive. I hadn’t realized the wall did that.”

“I’m glad you like. And just so we’re clear, I’d never lie to you, Fie. You have my word on

that—just like you have my word that I’d do everything to protect you, to keep you from ever coming

to harm.” Wyatt spun her around to face him, even as he yanked her top up over her head, and flicked

the clasp on her bra, freeing her gorgeous breasts, as he hastily discarded her clothing. He

desperately needed her, needed to solidify what was between them, to let her know that he’d never

been more serious about anything or anyone in his life.

With an arm around her waist, he sucked her nipple into his mouth, first one and then the other,

loving how her back arched up as if she were offering herself up to him. The nubs of flesh tightened

and hardened as he flicked them with his tongue, eliciting a needy moan from her lips each time he

nipped and sucked at them, as she held onto him as if to keep from drowning.

Somehow he found the strength to pull away from her, taking a step back and regaining

control. They both needed this, and that meant he couldn’t just lose himself in her, even if he wanted

to. And that was fine, because he knew that in the end, the payoff would be worth the wait. “Strip

down to nothing, Fie.”

She did as he asked, quickly shimmying out of her jeans and panties, and kicking off her shoes,

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as he rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, exposing his tattooed forearms. A smile kicked up on his lips

knowing she was watching his every move and trying to anticipate the next.

Closing the distance between them, he cupped her cheek, her skin soft and warm to the touch,

as he tilted her head back and brushed her lips in a sweet kiss, his words spoken against her skin.

“You look nervous, sweetheart—but I don’t want you to run away from those fears or from the tension

that has your chest knotted tight. Instead, run into them and know you’ll be stronger for having faced


She nodded, her breath catching as she watched him reach over and grab a pair of leather

cuffs, lined with a soft fabric so as not to dig in or chafe. With a tilt of his head toward her wrists, she

offered them up to him and he quickly bound the cuffs around her delicate wrists before linking them

together and then lifting them up over her head, hooking them to a chain that was attached to the


“Spread your legs, kitten. That’s it. Such a good girl.” A quick adjustment, and he put her at

just the right height, giving her just enough slack to allow her to be comfortable.

With her arms now raised, her breasts were lifted up as if in offering, and her skin was pulled

taut, so that the feel of each touch would be amplified. Unable to resist, he ran his fingertips over her

skin, taking in each luscious curve and voluptuous swell, each sensuous dip…loving that her pearly

skin pebbled in response to his touch and her nipples tightened. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Fie…


And then he let his hand drift down past the swell of her belly, slipping his fingers against her

sweet cunt, only to find her dripping wet for him, and her clit swollen. She moaned in response to his

touch, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Fie…you’re so ready for me, aren’t you?”

“Well, it’s not like you let me come in the car. Bleedin’ hell, Wyatt…were you really

expecting to find me bone dry?” She gave him a frustrated glare, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“You make an awful submissive, Fie. Such a mouth on you.” And he absolutely loved her for

it. “But don’t you worry, love…I’ll put that mouth to good use shortly—once I’ve flogged that pretty

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little ass of yours. And though you may be glaring at me, we both know that deep down, you’ll love

every minute of it, love every lash as leather meets your soft, smooth flesh. And then later, you’ll look

at the red stripes across your milky white skin, and you’ll think of me and just how much you enjoyed


She didn’t say a word. Just stood there trying not to squirm in anticipation as he went to the

wall and selected the flogger he wanted. It was leather rather than suede, but still soft so it’d deliver

just enough sting and bite without being too much for her to handle. But first…he grabbed just a few

more items.

“What are those?” Her eyes went wide and she started to squirm, though they both knew she

wasn’t going anywhere.

“Just a little something to keep you focused on your situation, sweetheart.” He leaned in and

stole a quick kiss, to reassure her before he attached the first nipple clamp and then the second. He

made the adjustments needed to ensure they stayed on but weren’t too tight, and then stepped back to

admire her, the chain between the clamps sent swinging as she moaned in response.

“You’re an evil fecking bastard.” And yet all he could do was smile, tilt her chin up and steal

yet another kiss, knowing he’d never get his fill, and he was well and truly a goner. She might be the

one bound and tied, but the truth was that she had all the power, and he was at her mercy, even if they

continued to play their little game.

“If you think me evil now, kitten, just you wait.” And just to prove his point, he kicked her

legs open, as wide as they would go, and then cradled her against his chest as he slipped a lubed butt

plug against the bud of her ass, gently applying some pressure. “Relax your muscles…there you go,

love. How are you doing?”

“Fucking hell….”

Letting go of her felt nearly impossible, but he forced himself to do just that so he could take

her in and make sure she was all right. Her breathing had increased to shallow gasps, but other than

looking flushed and ready to come, she looked okay.

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“Just one more little detail…” This time, no lube was needed as he slipped the vibrating egg

deep inside her wet pussy, and then used the remote to turn it on and find a setting he was happy with.

“Did you know that my brother designed most of these toys?”

“Sweet mother of...” She could barely get the words out between the gasps, her entire body

tensing in waves as the energy no doubt started to build.

With the handle of the flogger placed gently under her chin, he tilted her head up and covered

her mouth in a hard kiss, swallowing her moans as her body writhed in response, before he was

finally able to pull himself away and get to the matter at hand. “Now I think we’re ready to start.”

He let the tendrils of the flogger drift teasingly over her skin like a lover’s touch, before

pulling it back and letting the first lash fall against her ass cheeks as she bucked and cried out in

response. The second lash quickly followed the first, and then yet another and another, alternating and

shifting his aim so as not to hit one area too often.

Red stripes dashed across the porcelain skin of her ass like modern art, and he couldn’t help

but pause to admire his handiwork, running a gentle hand over her heated skin. “How are you holding

up, sweetheart?”

“I’d be doing a hell of a lot better if you’d let me come.” The need in her voice was palpable,

and she was so wet, he could see her juices had slipped down onto her thigh.

“Do you know how hard you have me, Fie?” His cock was straining against his jeans,

pounding and aching to be freed so he could sink into her. It was all he could do to stay focused on

what he was doing when all he really wanted to do was fuck her until neither of them could stand.

This time, he eased up on the next few blows, landing the straps between her spread legs as he

lashed her pussy just hard enough to make it sting, knowing that the pain would melt into pleasure,

even if it wasn’t enough to push her over the edge. And yet he knew, worked up as she was, that it

wouldn’t take much. No more than a simple touch, and he had no doubt she’d be screaming out as she

came—which was why he had no intention of touching her just yet.

“Catch your breath, kitten.” Wyatt undid the buttons of his shirt, happy to see that, even in her

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current condition, she couldn’t help but look at him, especially when he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She had really done his head and heart in, to the point that his entire day, his every thought, revolved

around her.

He tossed aside his shirt and then quickly finished stripping down until he stood before her

naked, his erection heavy and hard and aching for release. Her eyes shifted down the length of his

body with a needy moan, as if even the simplest words now escaped her with all the sensations she

was experiencing.

“Come on, love…let’s give your arms a bit of a rest.” With an arm around her waist for

support and her soft curves pressed against his body, he reached up and unhooked her arms from the

chain above, freeing her. “There we go.”

“Wyatt…please…I need to come.” She bit her bottom lip, and her eyes slipped shut. Although

he was tempted to give her the release she so desperately wanted, he knew that by holding off just a

little bit longer, her orgasm would be explosive when she finally came.

“Soon, kitten.” He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead. “But for now, get

on your knees.”

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Chapter 18

Fiona did as Wyatt asked, without a single thought, her brain too overwhelmed by all the

sensations coursing through her body, especially as her movement sent the chain between the nipple

clamps swinging. And then there was the vibrator and butt plug vying for what little space there was,

filling her so completely that it heightened every sensation. Each and every nerve in her body was

buzzing, so that she was now running on pure primal instinct and need, chasing that orgasm and the

amazing release it would bring.

“That’s my good girl…you’re so fucking gorgeous, especially when you finally submit to

what’s between us.” Wyatt dragged his erect cock across her lips, smearing them with pre-cum as her

tongue darted out to taste him. “Such an eager little thing. Is this what you want?”

His hips thrust toward her as she sucked his hard cock into her mouth, raising her bound hands

up to stroke him, when he fisted her hair and pulled her away. “Just your mouth, kitten.”

The control he took and the command in his voice left her pussy aching for him, as she

immediately followed his orders, not just because he’d asked, but because she realized that she

desperately wanted to please him. And so she ran her tongue up his shaft and wrapped her lips around

his cock as he controlled her pace with a fistful of hair, leaving her clit aching and heavy with need as

she teetered on the edge of coming.

She took him deep, sucking him and teasing him with her tongue, as her desperate moans

vibrated against his hard shaft and he groaned in response, even as the vibrator continued to buzz

deep inside her. His pace quickened and deepened, pushing her to take more of him, which she did

with wanton abandon, even as her eyes watered in response. She loved that she could have this sort

of effect on him, that she had him on the verge of coming, on the verge of losing control as he fucked

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her mouth, and used her for his pleasure.

And yet, giving him pleasure made her heart swell and ache with the love that was between

them, and it was then that she began to understand how someone could turn themselves over to

become a submissive. It wasn’t about giving up control, but rather giving in to what would give their

partner pleasure—and would in turn also pleasure them. And by giving their partner pleasure, they

were the ones who were truly in control.

“Fucking hell, Fie…you shatter me.” And then he was coming with his cock buried down her

throat, shooting his hot cum in pulses as she eagerly swallowed every drop, her needy moans still

escaping her when he finally pulled free.

He had her head spinning with a soul-gripping need and desire to be all he could ever ask for,

and it left her feeling as if she might break into a thousand pieces if she didn’t have him, if he wasn’t

there to make her whole again.

And then, as if knowing her every thought, her every need, he gently scooped her up in his

strong arms, and cradled her to him as he carried her to his bed, leaving her feeling protected and

loved, and above all cherished. Nestling himself between her legs, he slowly, sweetly, covered her in

kisses, trailing his lips over every curve, pausing just long enough to tease the delicate spots, running

his tongue around the hollow of her hips, before finally opening her up to him.

He stroked her tender folds and swollen clit with a stiff tongue, and that was all it took to

have her crying out with an earth-shattering orgasm. Her body tensed and quivered as he continued to

tease her and milk one orgasm into the next, his strong arms now wrapped around her thighs to keep

her from escaping his attentions. Everything was so sensitive, so overwhelming, and yet he kept

pushing her, lapping at her and nipping at her swollen clit, while fucking her with his tongue, even as

he cranked the vibe up another notch, so she could do nothing but squirm and scream as he forced her

to have one orgasm after another, until her body simply lay there spent, her muscles quivering


“There’s my sweet girl…” Mercifully, he turned off the vibe and pulled it free of her body,

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along with the plug, before removing the nipple clamps. Tingling pain rushed through her nipples as

he gently caressed them, before gathering her up in his arms and holding her to him, whispering sweet

words to her as she clung to him and her breathing slowly returned to normal. “Shall we leave the rest

for later?”

She couldn’t help but laugh and nod her head, even as he tightened his hold on her and pressed

a kiss to her forehead. “Probably a wise idea, since I think having you actually fuck me right now

would only result in me having a heart attack.”

“Later it is, then.” He gave her a content smile and stole a kiss. “And just think…if you moved

in with me, we could do this sort of thing all the time.”

He couldn’t have possibly meant…and yet, she could tell by the look on his face that he did.

“Wyatt…I truly do love you. But don’t you think it’s a bit soon to be moving in together?”

He gave her a shrug, not looking too concerned or bothered. “Maybe. But I’m going insane

worrying about you when you’re not here, so I figure, it’s worth rushing things a little if it’ll save me

my sanity.”

She sat up out of his arms so she could look at him, and damn it…but he made her heart hitch.

“I honestly would like nothing more, but me da… He hasn’t fared too well on his own since me ma

and brother passed. And your place is on the other side of town.”

“Which is why I think he should move into the apartment I have just down the street from here.

I stayed there while having this place renovated, and though it’s nothing elaborate or fancy, it’s really

nice, and it has more than enough space.” He cupped her cheek and stole a slow, lingering kiss that

would have her agreeing to just about anything he wanted. “Come on, Fie…say yes. I could have

movers at your place today to take care of everything. You wouldn’t have to lift a finger.”

“That’s really generous of you, Wyatt. Honestly, I don’t even know what to say. But…I’d still

have to talk to me da about it first. I don’t know if he’d be willing to move when it’s been his home

for the last thirty years. And you should really give it a little more thought. Moving in together sort of

feels like a really big step, you know?” Could she really just move out of her place and start fresh?

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Granted, Niall still could find her at the club, but at least it’d allow her a bit of distance from the

memories that caused her so much heartache. And maybe Niall would decide that she and Wyatt

weren’t worth the effort.

“Falling in love is the big step—after that, it’s all easy, especially since it’ll give me peace of

mind to know you’re here safe with me. But I know this might not be easy for your father. That said, I

still want you to move in with me, even if he decides to stay. I can’t imagine you’d planned on living

at home for the rest of your life, so now’s as good a time as any.” Wyatt linked his hand with hers and

brought it to his lips. “We can go by there and see him every day.”

She’d like nothing more than to get away from it all, especially when she felt so trapped.

“Maybe I will then. Just give me a few days, okay?”

“I’d find a way to give you the sun and the moon and every star in the sky if it’d make you

happy, Fiona.” There was such conviction and passion in his voice, she knew he meant every word—

and if she didn’t already love him, that would have been the final push in sealing her fate as he truly

and thoroughly stole her heart.

“Funny thing is, Wyatt…all I need is you.”


The following morning, Fiona’s blissful happiness was yanked into reality before she’d even

finished her first cup of coffee. Wyatt’s phone had started ringing and didn’t seem to show any signs

of stopping. She’d watched him wander off to his office, and then come back twice already, in the

span of a half hour. “What’s going on? Is it the club?”

“Everything’s fine, love.” He kissed the top of her head and then poured himself a cup of

coffee and munched on his slice of toast. “Greyson and I are just tackling our little problem from a

different angle. Nothing to worry about. We have it all under control.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” She tried to push aside her nerves, knowing Wyatt would

pick up on it. Yet she couldn’t help but worry, first and foremost about Wyatt and Greyson getting hurt

if Niall did something stupid, and also because she wasn’t sure what they were up to, and as of

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yesterday, she was shifting money around that she had no right to be shifting.

“Nothing at all. Actually…it might be best if you take the day off. Maybe you can head home

and talk to your father…pack up a few of your things, so you can start spending the night.” His eyes lit

up as he gave her a sexy smile and dug into his pocket, pulling out house and car keys. “These are for

you. And I’ll text you the security code so you can come and go as you wish.”

“Wyatt…are you sure?” The gesture sent her heart racing, but now more than ever, there

seemed to be so much at stake.

He gave her a sexy pout, though he was looking genuinely worried. “I want you in my life,

Fie. I want to fall asleep at night with you in my arms, and not have to worry if you’re safe or if some

thug is harassing you. And I want us to be happy—together.”

When he wrapped her up in his arms, she nestled against him, and held onto him, as if he

alone was the one who could save her when she knew he might very well be her demise. “I want all

that too. I’m just worried it will all go to hell.”

“I’m not going to let that happen, Fie. I will make you happy. And if I need to raise hell to do

it, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.” His determination only made her love him more, even as she felt

her world teeter on an edge hanging over a darkness that wanted to swallow her whole.

If anything happened to him, it’d break her, especially when she was the one who’d brought

these troubles to his doorstep. “Just promise me you’ll stay safe.”

“Always, love.” He stole a final kiss and then was off to work, leaving her behind to deal

with her thoughts and the mess she had on her hands.

She’d have to talk to her father about moving, though it was doubtful he’d go for it. The only

thing that might get him to agree to it would be the fact that she genuinely wanted him to move, and at

this point, both their safety was at stake.

Her da had already left for work by the time she pulled up in Wyatt’s SUV, which suited her

just fine for now. She wanted some time to pack a few essentials to take back to Wyatt’s place, since

she’d likely be spending nights there on and off, for the foreseeable future, even if she didn’t move in

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with him.

It didn’t take her long to gather up her things, and though she was excited to be taking this next

step with Wyatt—if she could convince her da that it was a good move for the both of them—she

wished she could just be happy in the moment, rather than be worried sick over everything that was

going on.

And then she heard the car alarm going off right outside her house. She dashed for the door

and spilled out into her yard, only to find Niall holding a tire iron and smashing the hell out of

Wyatt’s car, glass flying everywhere as she screamed. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

He came around the car, stalking toward her, a tire iron in his hand. “Who? Me? I’m sending

that fucking wanker boyfriend of yours a message. Maybe now the two of you will understand that you

can’t go fucking with me.”

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Chapter 19

Wyatt listened to what Hadley’s security expert had to say as they sat in a nearby restaurant,

relieved that they now had a professional taking care of the matter. Though Wyatt could defend

himself, he still couldn’t protect each and every one of his employees and customers. “So you’ll work

directly with the detectives handling this sort of crime?”

Stark sat back in his seat, looking at ease, even though his long, muscular frame seemed to

carry a certain amount of tension, as if he’d be ready to fend off an attack at any moment. “Though I

normally work out of the States and in the UK, I’ve dealt with this team before here in the Dublin

police force, and they’re a good team to work with. They’ve been wanting Murphy and his group for

some time now, so they’ll be happy to help.”

Greyson sat forward with a nod. “We just want to make sure that the club’s employees and

patrons aren’t put in harm’s way. I have no doubt Murphy will escalate things by hitting on easy

targets just to send us a message.”

“The last thing we want to do is tip him off, and I’ll make sure the others are fully aware of

what’s at stake.” Stark pushed his chair back, and shook their hands. “I’ll keep you both updated.

Hopefully we can get this resolved quickly for you.”

Wyatt fucking hoped so. He knew what Keane had gone through with Lilly, and the thought of

Fiona going through anything like that was enough to do his head in, especially after that fight. Though

it had felt damn good to put his fist through Murphy’s face, it had left Wyatt worried about who

Murphy would go after instead.

Wyatt shifted to face Greyson, as he took a long draw from his pint. “Tell me we have this

under control and it’ll fucking be over soon.”

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“They’ll likely need to get evidence on Murphy, which should be easy enough for them to set

up in a sting, since I doubt our little skirmish did anything to dissuade him from coming after you. But

if they need to send one of us in, it’s going to have to be me.” Wyatt started to protest, but Greyson’s

gold eyes lit up as if from within, his mood serious and deadly. “I get that it’s your club and you can

take care of yourself but I have a hell of a lot more experience with these sorts of situations, and it’s

the reason you had me come here to help you in the first place.”

Wyatt knew Greyson’s background, and he’d not only put himself through college cage

fighting, he’d also done some shit that was scary enough that he wouldn’t even talk about it. “You’re

not going to budge on this, are you?”

“Not a chance in hell. I need you in one piece—or I’m out of a job and some pretty nice digs.”

Greyson gave him a shit-eating grin and polished off his pint.

“Sort this shit out for me, and you can stay in the apartment rent-free for as long as you’d like.

’Cause I swear I’m ready to murder the bastard with my bare hands.” Wyatt tossed enough money on

the table to cover the bill and leave a generous tip, so they could head back to Scandal, a light rain

now falling.

It was all but a five-minute walk, but the grey day was matching his mood, especially as he sat

down to tackle everything on his plate: the work schedule, making sure they had a variety of DJs

booked for upcoming weekends, making sure they had ample security hired, and then finally double-

checking the orders they’d need for the bar. And though he had more than enough to keep himself

busy, his thoughts kept wandering back to Fiona, and seeing her once again.

Asking her to move in with him was a big step, but it was one he was happy to have made. He

just wished things weren’t so complicated. If he didn’t have the club, he’d have stolen her away on a

nice long vacation somewhere warm and tropical, somewhere free of distractions and problems, so

they could just enjoy each other’s company. And though they may not be able to do that sort of thing at

the moment, he promised himself they’d get away for a bit—as soon as they got this shit show taken

care of. There was no point to working hard and being successful if you didn’t take the time to enjoy

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life and all it had to offer.

Wyatt checked his email, happy to find that Stark had already sent him a file on Murphy—and

from the looks of it, it was one hell of a file. From his arrest record to his address, names of his

immediate family, known associates, and then a huge document on suspected crimes and involvements

—things the police didn’t have hard evidence for.

But there was more. The file went way back, since he’d been getting himself into trouble even

as a teen—and if it hadn’t gone that far back, then it’s likely Wyatt would have never known that Niall

Murphy was Fiona’s ex.

A jealous rage gripped him, only to be stoked by hurt and betrayal. Fiona had known who

Murphy was from the start—and yet she’d never said a word. She knew the problems he was having,

knew that Murphy was harassing his other employees and trying to extort money from the club, and

she still didn’t mention that the guy who’d been causing Wyatt nothing but misery and problems was

the very same guy who’d taken her virginity, the same guy she’d dated for close to a year.

Though she had told him her brother and her ex had been friends, it put a new spin on it to

know that her ex was actually Murphy. Her brother and Murphy had been getting into trouble together

when things took a turn and got ugly, and Fiona’s brother ended up dead. And Wyatt would be

devastated for her under normal circumstances, but he wasn’t feeling terribly generous with his

sympathy at the moment, since the sting of her betrayal had him reeling.

He hated thinking the worst of her, especially when he truly did love her, but he couldn’t

understand how she could just leave out that sort of detail, and that only made him wonder if the

reason she hadn’t said anything was deliberate. Second-guessing her made him feel like a fucking ass

—and yet how could he not question her motives?

Murphy had shown up soon after Fiona started working for him. Was it simply a coincidence

—or was she in on it? And if she’d been in on it from the start, then how perfect that she was working

as the club’s accountant, giving her access to all his accounts.

The mere thought was enough to make him ill, to make him want to find Murphy and fucking

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tear him to pieces. As for Fiona…he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but the fact that she’d

known Murphy this whole time and hadn’t said a word left him wondering if she’d been playing him

for a fool from the very start.

Dreading what he might find, Wyatt logged in to the club’s bank accounts, his heart

hammering. Other than him, Fiona was the only one with access to his bank accounts.

He was still holding onto some semblance of hope that there’d be a logical explanation for her

not mentioning Murphy. But then…he saw his accounts…saw the transactions…saw the withdrawals.

It turned out the woman he’d fallen head over heels for had shifted twenty grand out of his bank


Fucking hell.

He didn’t even know what the fuck to do with that—what to do with her. But if she thought he

was an idiot, she could guess again.

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Chapter 20

Fiona couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks, nor the shaking of her hands as she

unlocked the door to Wyatt’s home, the security system already disarmed. She had to get herself

together, but she hadn’t a clue as to how she’d tell Wyatt about his car. Taking a ragged breath, she

did her best to wipe away her tears as she wandered into the living room to find him.

“Hey, love…what’s happened?” Worry and concern darkened Wyatt’s eyes as he crossed to

her side and pulled her into his arms, holding her close. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine. But your SUV… I’d gone home to pack up a few of my things when I heard the car

alarm going off. They smashed the windows in and battered the body—banjaxed it to hell. I’m so

sorry, Wyatt. I swear, I never imagined those fecking hooligans would dare do such a thing or I’d

have taken a taxi home.” How the hell was she going to tell him of Niall’s threats? Her plan

backfired. Now that Niall knew she had access to Wyatt’s accounts and could move funds around,

Niall wanted her to empty the club accounts.

“All that matters is that you’re safe. Do you hear me, Fiona? The car doesn’t matter—the

insurance will take care of it, as soon as we file a report.” His brow furrowed as he looked at her, his

eyes darkening and his mood serious. “It wasn’t Murphy, was it? Because I’ll fucking kill him if he

threatened you.”

She did her best to skirt his question, desperate to keep her lies as small as possible. It was

already bad enough that she was forced to be dishonest with him. “I didn’t really get a good look at


“Well, none of it matters, as long as you’re safe. I mean that, love. You’re all I care about—

and Murphy will get what’s coming to him. It’s only a matter of time now.” His gaze was so intense,

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and there was a new fire there, a new hatred for Niall.

“Just stay safe, Wyatt. Promise me.” Fiona nestled deeper into his embrace, worried that Niall

would come after Wyatt next. She knew Niall, and he was on the edge of doing something stupid, just

to prove a point. Insurance might fix a car, but it wouldn’t heal broken bones or stab wounds.

“I will, Fie. You don’t have to worry about me.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed

her slow and sweet, though before long the passion started to build between them.

When his kiss deepened, her body came alive with the clear recollection of all the amazing

things he’d done to her, and all he was capable of, even as her heart ached with the love she had for

him. He left her desperately wanting more of what was between them, knowing he was the only one

who could truly make her happy and help her escape her reality. Because when she was with him,

when he was pushing her from one orgasm to the next, when their bodies and souls were linked as

one, there wasn’t any room for anything but what was between them.

As if understanding her every need, he lifted her up off her feet, so her legs wrapped around

his waist, their kisses never slowing as he carried her to his bedroom. He let her slip free, but only so

he could tear the clothing from her body, hastily discarding it as he raked his teeth down her neck and

bit her shoulder, the sharp pain making her cry out even as it spurred her on, her need for him

overtaking all other thoughts.

He cuffed her, stringing her up once more, as her clit ached in rhythm to her heartbeat and her

wetness slipped past her slick lips and onto the inside of her thighs. Never had she wanted anyone or

anything as much as she wanted Wyatt, like an aching need desperate to be filled, a hunger that

couldn’t be satiated. She could have him a million times, and she’d still want him a million more.

With her arms raised overhead, her skin was pulled taut so that his every touch, his every kiss,

his every bite, felt more pronounced, as if amplified, leaving her crying out for so much more. And

when he sucked on her nipples and bit them, she swore she nearly came just like that.

“Please, Wyatt… I need more…” She could hear the need and desperation in her voice, but

didn’t care. She’d do anything for the pleasure he could give her, for the escape he could afford her,

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and for the love he always showed her.

Except that, instead of giving her what she so desperately wanted, he instead stepped away

from her, and undid the buttons of his shirt, slowly exposing his hard, broad chest and ripped abs, his

tattoos peeking out from under the fabric. He tossed the shirt aside, her eyes now drifting to his

muscular arms and shoulders, before finally wandering over his stubbled jaw, and those keen hazel

eyes, no man more magnificent to ever walk the earth. And the way his tightly buzzed hair and rough

stubble felt when he was nestled between her legs only had her wanting him even more.

His jeans were next to go, and before long he was standing before her naked, a smile kicking

up on his lips. “What is it, sweetheart? Do you like what you see?”

She couldn’t help but groan and tighten her legs together in search of some relief. “More than

anything—though you already know that, now don’t you?”

“Maybe I do.” He stepped closer to her so their bodies brushed against each other, his huge

erection dragging over the curves of her belly. She couldn’t help but lean into him, wanting him to

touch her, to fuck her, to make her scream his name.

Not that he was in any hurry. His hands drifted slowly, lightly, over her skin, and around her

curves, before dipping lower, her gasp escaping her as he ran his fingers tantalizingly close to her

sex, his touch barely brushing her slick lips, before going back for another pass and another, each one

only a breath closer than the one before it. Her hips tilted toward his hand with each teasing touch as

she searched out some relief, her entire being now merely existing. All other thoughts had simply

vanished as her body demanded she focus on Wyatt and what he was doing to her.

And then he slipped a single finger past her slick lips, running it the length of her slit until it

brushed against her swollen and aching clit, the weight of her need heavy. Yet he didn’t let his touch

linger long enough to give her any relief, just enough to frustrate her and get her all the more worked

up. “Please, Wyatt… You’re killing me.”

“Am I now?” His smile kicked up as he grabbed his cock and shifted it between her legs so he

could brush just the head of it along her wet opening, even as her hips rocked toward him in a

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desperate attempt to have him fuck her. “Is this what you want, my love?”

“Yes.” She bit her bottom lip as he stroked her clit with the head of his cock, while cupping

her breast with his free hand, teasing and pinching her nipple.

“I fucking love you…still.” His words ended on a whisper as he caught her mouth in a hungry

kiss, his arms wrapping around her and hauling her body to his, giving her just enough of an

opportunity to catch the head of his cock at her opening, and slide down his length. “You shouldn’t

have done it, Fie…”

But she had...and then he was lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist, his

hands gripping her ass as he thrust into her, taking her hard and with an intensity that rocked her to her

core, her orgasm already barreling toward her. Each thrust was pounded into her, his pace fierce, so

she could do nothing but try to hold onto him, her wrists still bound though his height gave her a bit of

slack to work with.

She couldn’t help but cry out with each thrust, the energy building until it was finally

unleashed in a mind-blowing orgasm that had her quivering in his arms as he continued to take her,

and finally let loose with a primal grunt, pumping his hot seed deep inside her, holding her close as

they rode out the last waves of their orgasms.

His head was bent to hers, his breathing heavy, and his voice filled with an emotion she didn’t

quite understand. “Tell me you love me, Fiona…”

“I do…more than anything, Wyatt.” She fought against her bindings, wanting to hold him, to

touch him.

“And I need you to tell me that you’d never betray me.” He pulled away just enough to look at

her, his cock still buried deep inside her, even as she saw the truth in his eyes.

He knew.

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Chapter 21

Wyatt pulled free of her body, and let her legs slip to the floor, still hoping he’d gotten it all

wrong, and yet knowing he hadn’t. And despite it all…he still loved her, even if she’d broken his

heart. “Tell me, Fiona…tell me you’d never deceive me.”

“Wyatt…” Her eyes shimmered with tears, as she struggled against her bindings. “I’d never

deliberately hurt you. You need to know that. I love you…you’re the only man I’ve ever truly loved.”

Wyatt reached up and undid her cuffs, his hurt like poison in his veins. “Get out, Fiona. I don’t

want to see you again.”

“Are you going to at least give me the chance to explain? Or have you already made up your

mind?” Her frustration was palpable even as her tears finally escaped and rolled down her cheeks,

and though there was a part of him that wanted to pull her into his arms and comfort her, he just

couldn’t go there.

“What is there to say, Fie?” He grabbed his jeans up off the floor and slipped them on before

tossing over her clothes none too gently, not caring if she caught them or not. “How the fuck could you

not tell me that Murphy was your ex? And please…fucking explain to me why my account is missing

twenty grand.”

“I couldn’t tell you he was my ex, because I knew you’d hate me if you found out that I was the

reason you and Scandal were even on Niall’s radar to begin with. He’d heard that I’d gotten a new

job at a fancy club, and thought you’d be an easy target, especially if he could use me to keep tabs on

what was going on with you and the club. And how many times did I try to quit? I’d been hoping that

if I left, Niall would leave you alone, and I wouldn’t be forced to lie to you.” Fiona closed the

distance between them, though she didn’t touch him. And though her words seemed genuine, there was

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still a whole lot more that needed explaining.

“I’ll give you that… You did try to leave, but when things got serious between us, you should

have told me what was going on. And that still doesn’t explain the missing money.” With a shake of

his head, he turned away, disgusted with himself for falling for her lies.

She grabbed his hand, and though he shook it off, he was now face-to-face with her, his

heartache like an open wound. “He wasn’t threatening to hurt just me, but me da and you. I just didn’t

know if I could tell you, and each time I tried to stand up to him, things only escalated and got more

ugly. But I came up with a plan, hoping I could make him think that you and the club were strapped for

cash, and it wouldn’t be worth his time to keep harassing you. I swear, I just wanted him to go away.

The money…it’s all there in a club account I opened. I’d have moved it back to the normal account

once I got Niall to go away.”

“Get dressed and go home, Fie.” Wyatt needed some time to think and he couldn’t do it with

her around. He grabbed a t-shirt and put it on, ignoring her as she got herself dressed.

“I suppose my safety is less of a concern now.” It was a sarcastic jab, but when he turned

around to face her, anger rolling fast and furious in his veins, he was confronted with her hurt and

frustration, her tears still rolling down her cheeks.

“What the fuck do you want me to do? What do you want me to say?” He put his fist through

the nearby wall, pain shooting through his hand. “I loved you, Fiona—and you lied straight to my


To protect you. And maybe it was selfish of me not to want to risk what we had together,

since for the first time in my life, I was truly happy.” She swiped at her tears, though they continued to

fall. “If you’re to believe just one thing, then believe me when I tell you that I truly love you.”

More than anything, he wanted to believe her. And maybe he did to an extent. After all, she

didn’t lie about deceiving him when he’d asked—almost as if she couldn’t bring herself to lie to him.

But a betrayal, even by omission, was still a betrayal.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore, Fie—and it doesn’t change the fact that I need you to

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Wyatt forced himself to focus as Greyson and Stark went over their plan, though he was still

distracted and more than a little pissed off at the world. At this point, he was ready to skip all the

formalities and hunt Murphy down himself, and to hell with sending the bastard to prison when he

could just put him in a grave instead.

Greyson’s eyes narrowed at him, and though Wyatt hadn’t given him any of the details, it

wasn’t really necessary since Wyatt had already told him that Fiona was gone, though she might return

to empty out her office, and if she did come back, she was to be escorted and watched. Wyatt felt like

an ass for taking such measures, especially since he didn’t think she’d betray him any further, and yet

he’d be an idiot to take that sort of chance.

Stark sat back in his seat, shaking his head. “Detective Callahan is worried about sending you

in to try to get the evidence we’ll need to send Murphy away. He’ll be far too suspicious given the

current circumstances and the animosity between you, and he doesn’t want to risk it, given how

dangerous Murphy can be when he starts to feel cornered. He’s suspected of playing a role in several

murders, even if he wasn’t there firsthand.”

“No. There’s no fucking way I’m going to let someone else go in my place, when it’s too

dangerous. If anyone’s going to take the risk, it’ll be me.” Wyatt couldn’t put someone else in that sort

of precarious position. “We’ll just wait until he makes his next demand, and I’ll give him the payment

under the guise that I’m concerned about my clients and I just want him to go away.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s not an option. The detective in charge has made his decision and it’s


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Chapter 22

Fiona didn’t know if she could get the police to press charges against Niall for smashing

Wyatt’s car, but she was happy to go on file as a witness. Maybe given Niall’s previous record, it’d

be enough to buy Wyatt some time to figure out what to do next in order to put Niall away

permanently. She walked into the police station, and someone was kind enough to take her statement,

but soon after the information was put into the computer, she was asked to wait.

It was probably close to half an hour before a man approached her. “Ms. Carey? I’m

Detective Callahan. If you have a minute, I’d like to speak to you.”

“Sure.” Fiona got up and followed the detective past rows of desks and offices, to a small

room, where she took a seat, a bare table between the two of them. It was clearly a multi-purpose

room rather than his office, the walls stark-white and the chairs utilitarian, the wood smooth and worn

from years of use. She didn’t quite understand what was going on, and hated to admit it, but it had her

nerves on edge, especially after shifting all that money out of the club account. “I don’t understand…

Am I in some sort of trouble?”

“No…not at all. However, you’re here to try to get charges pressed against Niall Murphy, and

we currently have an open and active investigation going on the man.” Callahan took a seat across the

table from her and gave her an easy smile, making him look far too young for the title of detective. He

couldn’t be more than a few years older than her, though perhaps it was his boyish good looks and

unruly red hair that made him seem younger. He opened up the file before him, and though he

referenced it, flipping through the pages, she had no doubt that he already had every detail

memorized. “It’s my understanding that you were previously involved with Murphy in a romantic


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“I was—back when I was too young and too stupid to see him for what he really is. Not that

it’s any sort of excuse.” She shook her head with a weary sigh, thinking of Wyatt, and just how good a

man he was. Though he’d kicked her out, she couldn’t blame him. He’d had every right to after she’d

betrayed his trust—even if she’d done what she could to avoid it. “Niall’s been getting away with far

too much for far too long, and I’m tired of him terrorizing me and the people I love.”

“Your brother…he was one of Murphy’s friends. Is that correct?” She nodded in response,

and he continued, glancing at the pages in his file and flipping through them, before returning his

piercing grey eyes to her. “Were you aware that Murphy’s suspected of playing a role in your

brother’s murder? We have information stating that your brother was helping us in our investigation to

bring Murphy and his associates down, and give us the evidence we needed to lock them up.

Unfortunately, Murphy must have grown suspicious of him, and decided it’d be safest to eliminate


Murderous anger racked her body as she choked back a sob. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

“Do one better—help us put him away. We just need something on him that will then allow us

to get a warrant to do a more thorough search.” Callahan leaned forward, his elbows on the table so

he was now close enough for her to see the flecks of brown in his eyes. “At the moment, Murphy has

no reason to suspect that you’re working with us. And I promise, we’ll do all we can to keep you


“I’ll do whatever it takes to put him away.” It then occurred to her that she might have the

perfect scenario already set up in place, even if it meant coming clean about taking the money out of

Wyatt’s accounts without his authorization. “What if funds from one of the club’s accounts were

shifted over to one of Niall’s accounts? Would it be enough?”

Callahan’s eyes narrowed as if in thought. “Perhaps. It’d depend on the scenario and the

setup. But in order to incriminate him, we’d need to have evidence of him being involved—of you

making the transfer at his bidding, because you’re under threat.”

It could be the perfect setup. “I’ve been trying to get him to leave Wyatt Foley and his club

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alone, so I had already shifted some funds around—not to take them, but rather to show Niall that the

club was strapped for cash, and he’d be better off trying to squeeze money out of someone else.

Unfortunately, it only resulted in him escalating things, with threats, and damages to Wyatt’s vehicle.

But…he’s already made demands that he wants the money in those accounts. Transferring them to an

account in his name would be a logical next step.”

“And as a result, he may not grow suspicious.” Callahan gave her a genuine smile that lit up

his face. “We’ll just need you to call Murphy and let him know that you’ll make the transfer. Try to

give him the impression that this is it—you’ll do what you can to give him the money in the account,

but after that, he’s to leave you and the club alone.”

“I can do that. But I need two things from you in return. You need to promise me that we’ll

nail that fecking arse to the wall. And…you can’t let Wyatt Foley know that I’m doing this. He’ll

never let me go through with it if he finds out, and…this is the only way I can make amends.”

“I don’t know how wise an idea that is, but…I suppose I can let you handle those details as

you wish.”


Fiona’s thoughts and emotions were all over the place, especially after learning that Niall had

likely had a hand in her brother’s murder. And her day was far from over. She still had to gather her

things from Scandal.

She held off as long as possible, hoping that Wyatt would have already headed for home,

since she’d waited until it was nearly the end of the business day. Seeing him would just break her,

and she couldn’t bear facing her loss, especially after finding out about her brother.

She still couldn’t believe it…James had been helping the police. Maybe that’s why her

brother had gotten deeper into trouble even though she’d begged him to stay away from it all. And

Niall…that fucking bastard had gone and killed him, all while lying straight to her face. It left her so

shaken, so furious, so broken…and yet she couldn’t let Niall know that she was aware of the role

he’d played in her brother’s demise.

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Because her day couldn’t get any worse, she walked into her office only to find Wyatt sitting

there at her desk, his dark head bent over her ledgers, but only for a moment more, his hazel eyes

turning toward her. “Fiona…”

“Sorry.” The mere sight of him had her tears racing down her cheeks, her broken heart

seemingly capable of producing an endless supply. “I can come back another time.”

“You were right, you know…” The lines of his face were hard with tension. “Never should

have mixed business with pleasure—because I’m not only completely fucked up over you, but I have

no fucking accountant either, and there’s a ton of shit that needs to get done.”

She quickly dragged her fingers across her cheeks to wipe them dry, and forced herself to

focus on helping Wyatt. “I can keep working until you find yourself a replacement—unless you don’t

trust me, which is completely understandable, given what I did.”

“Not that I have a whole lot of options at this point, do I?” He shook his head and pushed his

seat back, his eyes locked on hers. “Why the fuck didn’t you just talk to me? Am I that unreasonable

and hot-tempered?”

“No…you’re not. I should have told you—and I wanted to. But…Niall hadn’t just threatened

me, but you and me da, if I didn’t do as he asked, and I just couldn’t risk it. But I swear, Wyatt…I may

not have told you what I was up to, but I did everything I could think of to make Niall go away, to

make him think you weren’t worth the hassle, and there were easier targets out there.” She knew she

had ruined things between them, but the thought of him believing that she was out to manipulate and

purposefully deceive him for her own ends was killing her. “I never wanted to lie to you or hurt you,

but I know that’s exactly what I did. I just hope that someday you’ll eventually stop hating me for it.”

“Fucking hell, Fie…” He let out a ragged sigh with a shake of his head, and she swore she’d

never seen him look so down. “I get that Murphy put you in a difficult situation, and that you were

scared—but you knew I’d be here for you. You knew I’d take care of you.”

“Which is exactly why I couldn’t tell you.” She was so frustrated she could scream. “What

would you have done if I told you that Niall had come around to my house, let himself in, wrapped his

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fingers around my throat and smashed my head against a wall? That I had to pull a knife on him to

keep him away? What would you have done if you knew he was threatening me, hurting me?”

Her words had him jumping to his feet, the chair skittering back as he now stood mere inches

away from her, so she could feel his presence as the air shifted around her. “I’d fucking kill him—and

I may still do just that.”

“And that’s exactly why I couldn’t tell you, Wyatt.”

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Chapter 23

Fiona’s words rang through Wyatt’s head, his anger red-hot as it coursed through his veins.

The thought of Murphy hurting her was doing his head in—and yet along with his anger was his own

hurt. “If you can’t turn to the person you love, then what the fuck’s the point, Fie?”

“I couldn’t risk you getting hurt—or landing yourself in jail on murder charges. Don’t you get

it, you fecking gombeen? It’d fucking kill me if something happened to you—and don’t go thinking that

Niall isn’t capable of it, because now more than ever, I know that to be true.” Her voice cracked and

her tears spilled over as she choked back a sob, her attempt to hold her emotions back only making

things worse.

“Hey…” It tore him up to see her so upset, and though he might regret it later, he pulled her

into his arms and held her tightly to him as she wept, her sweet scent filling his head as he was

reminded of just how much she’d meant to him. “What happened?”

With the tension racking her body, she choked back another sob and then seemed to hold it

together just enough to get the words out. “I just found out that Niall likely played a part in my

brother’s murder.”

The full force of her words hit him like a freight train, leaving him devastated for her. No

wonder she was such a mess. “Fucking hell, Fie…I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.”

Still holding her to him, he leaned back against the edge of her desk, as he ran his hand over

her hair, trying to soothe her, even as he questioned how wise an idea it was to let her anywhere near

him. He’d spent far too many months trying to resist her, and knew it was nearly impossible—and

now that he’d gone and fallen for her, he was even more vulnerable. At least now he believed that she

hadn’t meant to deceive him, though he still wasn’t sure how the hell he was supposed to trust her

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Yet, before he could find the strength to push her away, she shifted out of his arms and put

some distance between them, swiping hastily at her tears. “I’m sorry about all this—and I’m sorry for

leaving you in the lurch, especially when you’re already shorthanded.”

“I don’t know what to say, Fie… The last thing I want to do is have you leave Scandal.

You’re amazing at your job, but how the hell am I supposed to let you deal with all my money when I

don’t feel like I can trust you anymore?” It was fucking killing him—as was the thought of her walking

out that door and never seeing her again.

“I don’t blame you, Wyatt. I know you’re only doing what you have to, and I’ve given you no

other option. I just wish things were different between us—but I know that’s my fault too, and for that

you’ll never know how sorry I am.” Her voice cracked and her eyes shimmered with tears, even if

she managed to blink them back.

“Maybe…maybe you can stay. Just until I find a new accountant.” He’d officially lost his

fucking mind. The woman had made him soft—and it was fucking unacceptable. Yet the only thing

worse than that was not having her in his life.

“I appreciate the offer—and I especially appreciate the trust you’re extending me.” Yet she

still looked as miserable as he felt. “But…I don’t know how wise an idea it is. Niall targeted you

because of me—and right now, he thinks he’s got the upper hand when dealing with you, because I’ve

been working here. If I’m gone, then maybe he’ll finally leave you alone.”

Suddenly, it felt like she was leaving all over again—and it was tearing him to fucking pieces.

“Leaving won’t change anything where Murphy’s concerned. Nothing’s going to stop him until he’s

either dead or behind bars. But if you want to go, no one’s going to stop you, Fiona.”

And it killed him to say it, but he was still fucking pissed off, even if another part of him

wanted nothing more than to find a reason to have her stay.

“If you truly need the help and it’s not going to be too awkward or uncomfortable for you, then

I’ll stay.” Her eyes were red from her tears, and though she managed a smile, he could tell she was

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still a wreck.

“The day’s nearly over, so why don’t you just start fresh tomorrow.” He thought of her

heading home and Murphy being there waiting for her, but knew he had to let her go. Things were

over between them, and he had his own problems to deal with, even if he couldn’t shake her from his

thoughts. “Just be careful. I’ll have Greyson see you home safely.”

“You don’t have to do that, though I appreciate the offer. Tomorrow then.” She managed a

smile, and gave him a wave before leaving him alone in her office, feeling utterly fucking miserable.

He hated that the woman he still loved, a woman who’d been so feisty and full of fire, had

been reduced to tears, her spirit broken. Before he could overthink it, he walked out into the hall, his

stride brisk so he could catch up to her. “You should stay in that spare apartment I mentioned. Just

until we have things under control with Murphy.”

She reached out and gave his hand a squeeze, before letting it go. “That’s really generous of

you, Wyatt—and you’re such a good man. But I don’t deserve your kindness after hurting you the way

I did.”

“And I won’t let you walk away from here into a dangerous situation, and have that on my

head if something happens to you.” The girl was so stubborn. And maybe it had more to do with the

fact that he wasn’t quite ready to let her go just yet—even if he wasn’t ready to forgive her. “Come

on. I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. You can stay there until this all gets sorted and

Murphy’s no longer a threat.”

“Well, hopefully he won’t be for much longer.”

The way she said it…as if there was a hope and certainty in her voice, made him wonder if

she knew something.

“What’s going on, Fie? And don’t you dare lie to me.” He could tell by the look in her eyes,

by the acknowledgment there, that she did indeed have something planned.

“What’s going on is that I’m going to do everything in my power to put that fecking arse

behind bars. I’m tired of him pushing me around and threatening me—and I hate that he came between

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us.” There it was…the fire that he loved so much. And yet, she was holding back.

“What else, Fie? What else are you up to?” Unable to resist, he tangled his fingers in her hair

and cupped her cheek.

Her eyes slipped closed as she leaned into his touch, but only for a moment. “I’m doing what I

should have done from the beginning—I’m refusing to let Niall fuck with me. I’ve had enough.”

Fuck…what the hell was she up to? He was genuinely worried about her, now more than ever.

“Then let me help you. This is far too dangerous a situation.”

“No. This is something I have to do, and it’s a risk I’m willing to take. I have to make amends

for putting you in this situation.” Her eyes were filled with such pain and sorrow, it killed him, but

then she looked away and took a step back. “You don’t need to worry about me, Wyatt. I’ll manage.”

Once again, she was walking away from him, and though his mind and heart may be in

conflict, he still went after her, cursing under his breath. He grabbed her arm and hauled her into his

office, closing the door behind them, his frustration and anger getting the better of him. “You need to

tell me exactly what’s going on—right now.”

“My problems are my own, and if I think I’m better off dealing with them on my own, then

that’s my prerogative, Wyatt.” She shook her head, a fiery heat in her eyes. “I love you—I truly do,

with all my heart—but I made this mess, and I’ll be the one to sort it out.”

“Wasn’t that the problem before? That you tried to deal with this on your own? Isn’t that why

this has all turned to shit?” He wanted to shake her until he made her see sense. “I’ve never met a

more stubborn and infuriating woman in all my life.”

“Just because I don’t want to involve you in my messes doesn’t mean I’m stubborn.” She took

a step closer to him and, with her anger softening so he could see the love in her eyes, it was all he

could do not to pull her into his arms. “I don’t need you to save me, Wyatt—I just need you to let me

make things right. And I can’t do that if you stand in my way.”

“Why can’t we tackle this together then? That’s part of being in a relationship, Fie. You’re

open and honest with each other—and you tackle your problems together.” And if she couldn’t see

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that, then what hope did they have?

“I know what needs to get done to put an end to this—but I also know that if I tell you, you

won’t let me go through with it, which means Niall will continue to make our lives miserable.” When

she reached up and cupped his cheek, her touch was enough to remind him of all that was at stake—

and all they could have together. “I want you back, Wyatt…but first I need to make amends—and I

need to make sure Niall goes away for good.”

“What the hell are you up to, Fie?”

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Chapter 24

Fiona desperately wanted to tell Wyatt her plan for bringing Niall down, but she knew without

a doubt that he’d keep her from going through with it. And if she didn’t get the evidence the police

needed, then Niall would never leave them alone and things would only escalate. “I swear, I’ll be as

careful as I can, and I’m not doing this on my own. Besides…after all I’ve put you through, I don’t

know why you care. I’m the whole reason Niall started harassing you in the first place.”

“Don’t you fucking get it? I still care because I’m still in love with you. It’s not some

goddamned fucking light switch that I can just flick on and off. I meant it when I said that I cared about

you, and that doesn’t just go away simply because you’ve been a stubborn pain in the ass who doesn’t

think she can talk to me.”

She swore, she’d never seen him look so frustrated and upset—but she couldn’t get past those

words…he still loved her.

“And I still love you, which is why I have to do this. I have to make things right.” It was the

only way she stood a chance of getting him back.

“Fie…” He pulled her close, his head bent to hers so his lips were but a breath away. “It’ll

fucking kill me if something happens to you. Don’t do this…whatever it is…putting Murphy away

isn’t worth it if I end up losing you in the process.”

Losing her? They weren’t even together anymore. And how could they be after what she did?

“There’s nothing to lose, Wyatt… I kept things from you, and you no longer trust me. And if you can’t

trust me, then there’s no hope for this to work. What I’m trying to do is gain back your trust by setting

things right. That’s the only way this thing between us will ever stand a chance.”

“It’s not worth it if you get hurt in the process, Fie. We can find a way around this…a way to

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make it work. And I get why you did what you did. I can forgive you for it. But what I won’t be able

to forgive is you getting yourself hurt or killed just to right a wrong. I can’t lose you…” And then he

caught her mouth in a hungry kiss, leaving her overwhelmed by the tumult of emotions that she’d been

dealing with for the last month as she kissed him back, her fingers gripping his shirt, clinging to him.

By the time they broke away from their kiss, her head was spinning and every nerve in her

body had sprung to life, his arms still holding her tightly to his hard, muscular body. “I promise I’ll be

safe, Wyatt. And I’m not doing this alone. I’m working with the police, so we can make sure Niall

goes away for good.”

“Fie…” Wyatt brushed her cheek and pulled her in for another kiss. “It’s not worth it—and if

anyone’s going to put Murphy away, it’ll be me. I’m not going to put you at risk.”

“The two of you have been trying to beat each other to a pulp for weeks now. He’ll never

believe you’ve given in and are just going to hand him the money. It needs to be me, since he won’t

suspect me of setting him up. I’m afraid it’s the only way.” It had to work. Because if it didn’t, she

didn’t know what she’d do.

“Come on…we’re going home, and you’re going to tell me everything. Everything that’s

happened, and everything you have planned—and if you leave out a single fucking detail, I’m going to

spank that ass of yours so red, it’ll be weeks before you can sit without cursing me.”


Fiona squirmed under Wyatt’s intense gaze as he sat them down on the sofa, facing each other,

so there’d be no escaping his scrutiny. “I don’t know what there is to say, Wyatt. I dated Niall when I

was younger. He was my brother’s friend, but I hadn’t realized the stuff he was mixed up in at the

time. My brother stayed out of trouble for the most part, but he was still hanging out with Niall and the

rest of them. We thought he’d just gotten caught up in Niall’s mess when…he was stabbed to death.

They never found out who did it, but now...”

“But now you believe that Niall was behind it all along.” Wyatt gave her hand a squeeze, his

touch comforting and strong.

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“I went to the police earlier to try to get charges pressed against Niall for the damage to your

vehicle, when they pulled me aside and had me speak to a detective who’s been dealing with Niall’s

case file. He was the one who told me that my brother had been helping the police with their

investigation, to try to put Niall away—and they also said they suspected Niall was behind my

brother’s murder.” Never in a million years would she have suspected her brother of working with

the police.

“So the police want to use you to get enough evidence to put Murphy away?” Wyatt’s brow

furrowed with anger.

“All they need is enough to get a warrant for his accounts, his home… They suspect that will

open the floodgates, and they’ll find even more evidence to finally link him to all the crimes they’ve

suspected him of, but haven’t been able to put him away for.” And if they could put Niall behind bars,

she and Wyatt might finally be able to get on with their lives, though whether that would be together

or apart, she still hadn’t a clue. Things seemed to be better between them, but…she just didn’t know

if Wyatt would ever truly trust her again.

He shook his head no, all but scowling at her. “It’s too fucking dangerous, Fie. Murphy

already has your brother’s blood on his hands. Do you really think he won’t think twice of hurting


“It’s not as if I don’t know what he’s capable of, Wyatt. But it’s the only way to get rid of him

once and for all. And after all I’ve put you through, I need to do this. It’s the only way. Because if I

don’t do it, then Niall and everything he’s done to us—and everything I was forced to do—will

continue to drive a wedge between us.” He may want to forgive her, but if Niall was still causing

problems, then they wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Fuck, Fiona… If you’re just looking for my forgiveness, then I forgive you. But don’t do this.

It’s not worth the risk.” He looked so genuinely worried about her that she couldn’t help but lean in

and kiss him, slow and sweet, relieved that he kissed her back rather than pulling away.

She didn’t know how she found the strength to put some distance between them, when all she

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wanted was for him to take her to his bed and make her forget that anything else existed past the four

walls of his room. “I need to do this—if only to ensure that he doesn’t go and hurt anyone else. And…

I need that bastard to pay for what he did to James.”

It was impossible to mask the emotion in her voice, though she hated herself for not being

stronger. When Wyatt pulled her into his arms and leaned back against the sofa, she happily went with

him. “I can only imagine what it must be like to lose family to such violence. And I understand why

you’re doing it, even if it’s killing me to think of you walking into danger like that. But…what the fuck

am I supposed to do if something happens to you?”

“Enjoy the peace and quiet?” She was hoping to lighten the mood a little. Instead, it just

pissed him off.

“This isn’t a fucking joke, Fie.” Wyatt shifted her out of his arms and got up to pace, though

she was right on his heels, her own anger rising up to meet his.

“Do you think I don’t know that? My only brother’s dead. But I’m going to do whatever it

takes to put Niall behind bars for good. I refuse to let him bully and threaten me anymore.” She was

helpless to stop the tears from sliding down her cheeks.

“I swear, we’ll put a stop to it—but I won’t have you risking your life.” Wyatt cupped her

face in both his large hands, the tension in him palpable, even as he gently wiped her tears away.

“Don’t you fucking get it? I can’t lose you. I can’t let anything happen to you because it’ll fucking kill

me. You’re mine, Fie.”

“I always will be. My heart’s never belonged to anyone but you, Wyatt.” And then her cell

phone rang—and a quick glance told her it was all going to go to hell in a hurry. “It’s Niall. I have to

take this…the police are on standby, waiting for this meeting.”

“Fucking hell, Fie.”

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Chapter 25

Wyatt was beyond frustrated as he drove Fiona to the police station, especially since she was

refusing to discuss the matter any further. But with Greyson and Stark meeting them at the police

station, and Detective Callahan as the lead on the case, Wyatt had to believe that they would

somehow manage to keep Fiona safe, since she was insisting on going through with this asinine


He parked next to Greyson’s bike, when Fiona grabbed his hand to stop him from exiting the

vehicle, and then threw her arms around his neck, his eyes slipping shut as he breathed in her sweet

scent and held her close. “Please, don’t be angry with me, Wyatt. I’m doing this for us—so we can

finally move past this, and start over without that fecker interfering in our lives.”

“Let me go in your place then. I swear, Fie…if he touches you…if he hurts you…” The

thought was unbearable, his anger and frustration consuming his soul.

“He won’t get the chance. And right now, he doesn’t suspect me, which is why I need to be the

one to go. You’ll be right there, though, along with an entire police unit, ready to jump all over him if

need be.” Wyatt could hear the uncertainty and worry in her voice, and it was killing him.

“We could go far away from here, you know. I could sell the club for a healthy profit, and we

could leave…go anywhere you’d like to go.” He hadn’t lived in Portmore or the Boston area in years,

and wouldn’t mind the chance to be closer to his family once more, especially when they were all

getting married and starting families.

“I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, Wyatt—but I can’t until Niall’s behind bars or he’ll

just take it out on me da, and I can’t let that happen.” She shook her head, her brow furrowed with

worry. “I need to put an end to this so we can all get on with our lives.”

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It seemed like there was no escaping this, even as something in his gut told him it would all go

to hell before it was finally over. “Let’s get inside then. I’m sure the team’s raring to go.”

That was an understatement. With time of the essence, the inspectors and their team quickly

brought Fiona up to speed on what they’d need her to do, and how they hoped it would all unfold. She

was to meet with Niall and then once she’d pulled up the new club accounts, she would let him

transfer the money into his own account.

The bank had already been notified and was aware of the sting, in an effort to make sure the

transfer went through without a hitch, and also to guarantee that Wyatt’s money didn’t disappear into

an account they wouldn’t be able to access at a later time. Not that Wyatt cared about the money if it

meant getting Fiona out of there safe and sound, and putting Niall behind bars.

They started to tape a mic to her, just at her breast-line, when she stopped them. “He’ll find it

there. It’ll be better off in the pocket of my hoodie or in my handbag.”

But her words had Wyatt in a furious rage as he pictured Niall’s hands on Fiona’s body,

getting intimate enough with her to find a wire buried in her breasts. “What the fuck do you mean he’d

find it there? What the hell has he been doing to you?”

Yet the pleading look, the look of shame, told him more than he needed to know, even as she

stepped away from the police and came to his side. “He’s never gone that far, Wyatt. But…he hasn’t

been gentle and he’s taken more than his fair share of liberties. I’m sorry…”

“He’s the one who needs to be sorry, Fie.” He felt like an ass for pushing her away, for

blaming her, when it was clear she’d had very little control over the situations Niall had put her in.

Any doubts he may have had about them, about their relationship—about her—disappeared in that

moment. “This needs to come to an end.”

“And it will. Tonight.” Going up onto her toes, she fisted his shirt in her hands and stole a

lingering kiss before breaking away with a final look in his direction, turning back to the cops. “Will

that work if it’s in my bag or in one of my layers of clothing?”

Callahan nodded. “We’ll make it work. Just remember to keep it close to your person. As

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soon as we’re done here, we’ll have Wyatt drop you off a few blocks from your house at your local

market, on the off chance someone spots you. Go in, grab some milk or some bread, and then make

your way home, where you’ll wait for Niall. We’ll already be set up near your home, waiting close

by in a van, and there will be another few vehicles farther down on the street. If you think something’s

going wrong, mention Scandal by name.”

The police wrapped up, double-checked the equipment, and then sent them on their way.

Wyatt drove Fiona toward her place in silence, too tense to say much, before finally pulling into the

parking lot of the local market.

Wyatt wasn’t ready to let her go—and yet he knew he had to. He cupped the back of her neck

and pulled her to him, his head bent to hers as he worked his way through an onslaught of emotions.

“Fucking hell, Fie…I love you. Just promise me you’ll come back to me safe.”

I love you too. And you have my word—I’ll come back to you. Always.” And then she was

kissing him like it might be their last time, before exiting his vehicle and walking away from him with

a final lingering glance over her shoulder.

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Chapter 26

Leaving Wyatt had been one of the hardest things Fiona had ever had to do. But she knew this

was the only way out, the only way to put an end to Niall interfering with her life. With their lives.

She did as she’d been instructed, going into the market first to pick up a few groceries and

then making her way home, all too aware of her surroundings and half expecting Niall to step to her

side and start harassing her before she’d even let herself in. When he’d called earlier, she managed to

convince him to just take the money from the accounts and leave Wyatt alone. And though he agreed to

meet with her and happily take the money, he’d been vague about stopping his harassment and

extortion—just like she knew he’d be. She’d then placed a quick call to her father, begging him to

stay out of the house, hoping there’d be no complications.

All she had to do now was patiently wait for Niall to show up, desperate to have this

nightmare be over with. She knew she’d have to act normal or he may very well start to suspect

something was up, so she proceeded to put her groceries away, and got started on cooking herself a

bit of dinner, though the mere thought of eating anything when her nerves were so strained was enough

to make her want to vomit.

She put the kettle on to boil for some tea, and was making herself a quick omelet when the

front door buzzed. Niall. Opening the door, she stepped aside to let him in, glaring at him, just like

she normally would, before closing the door behind him, taking care not to lock it, just in case the

police had to swarm her home. “Let’s get this over with. I want to be done with you, once and for


She wandered toward the kitchen, and set aside the pan with her omelet so it wouldn’t burn,

and then pulled her laptop out of her bag. He watched her every move, a scheming smile on his lips.

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“Are you not going to offer me any dinner then?”

“You can feck off to hell and get your own dinner once we’re done. I’m not your

maidservant.” She logged in to her computer, and started pulling up the accounts she’d need, as he

finally sat down with his own laptop. “I’m not sending you half a pence until you promise me this will

be the end of your harassment—for both me, Wyatt, and me da.”

“Has it not been fun for you?” When she glared at him, he backed off. “Fine. Make the transfer

and then you have my word not to bother the whole lot of you again.”

She didn’t believe a word he’d spoken—not that it mattered. The police would be waiting for

him to make sure his scheming came to an end. “I need the account number you want the funds

transferred to.”

“Here you go.” Niall finished typing something, and then turned the laptop toward her, so she

could copy the account numbers.

She tapped away at the keys, thinking she was so close to having this nightmare over with.

And yet her nerves were frayed. “I hope you know that I could go to jail for this. If I can’t cover this

up, Wyatt’s going to know it was me who stole his money.”

“Tell him it’s the cost of making me go away.” Niall sat back in the chair at her kitchen table,

his thick blond hair unruly.

“Then you better stay the fuck away. Do you hear me? I’ve had it with you, Niall.” She

clicked on the transfer button, and then once she had the transaction receipt up on her screen, she

turned it to him so he could see that the money had been transferred.

“That wasn’t so hard, now was it? Of course, I’ll need to wait for verification that the transfer

was made into my account, and since that might take awhile and this is our last time together, I figure

we might as well make good use of our time.” Niall’s hand slipped up her thigh, but when she batted

it away, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and got to his feet, dragging her out of her chair and then

bending her over the counter, pinning her there under his weight. “What’s wrong, Fiona? Don’t you

want to go another round for old time’s sake? Give you something to remember me by…”

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“You fucking bastard. Let go of me.” She screamed and struggled to get free, grabbing the

kettle of boiling water and swinging it at his head, cursing when he blocked it and knocked it from her

grip, nowhere near enough of the scalding liquid hitting him.

She bolted for the door when he punched her from behind, pain exploding across her back and

spine as he knocked the wind out of her, grabbing a fistful of her hair as he pulled her head back and

put a knife to her throat.

“Not just yet, sweetheart. I’m a long way off from being done with you—and you’ve just

pissed me the fuck off.”

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Chapter 27

Wyatt struggled to get free of Greyson’s grip, as he tried to get to Fiona, knowing Murphy was

attacking her. “Fuck! Let go of me.”

Greyson did as he asked, but still tried to talk some sense into him, though he was beyond

thinking logically. “The police are storming the place as we speak, and you’re only going to get in

their way, which will make things more dangerous for her.”

His friend’s words fell on deaf ears as Wyatt stormed out of the police van where they’d been

monitoring the events and ran toward Fiona’s house—only to be stopped by the police. He spotted

Stark, who approached him, and since he was on Wyatt’s payroll, Stark actually gave him an honest

rundown of what was happening. “You’re going to need to stay calm and stay put, as the team tries to

get control of the situation. Murphy’s taken her hostage, but they’re negotiating with him to try to get

this resolved peacefully.”

Hostage… Wyatt’s blood ran cold in his veins, his world all but slowing to a stop as he tried

to figure out what he could do to save Fiona. “Tell him I’ll give him whatever he wants: money, cars,

the club…none of it matters. Fuck… Tell him he can have me instead, since he hates me so much.”

Stark shook his head no, a firm hand on Wyatt’s chest to keep him from storming the place.

“I’ll let the team know, but they have their own way of dealing with these sorts of situations—ways

that work—and they’re going to do everything they can to get Fiona out of there safely.”

“And in the meantime, I’m just supposed to sit here and wait, while that fucking asshole

threatens her life?” Wyatt had never before felt so helpless. And he was going to lose it.

Greyson joined them, and put a hand on Wyatt’s shoulder. “Come back to the van. At least

you’ll be able to hear what’s going on.”

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Wyatt shrugged Greyson’s hand off, too furious with the world and too desperate to get Fiona

back in his arms, safe and sound. “Tell them, Stark. I’ll do anything.”

But they never got that far. Detective Callahan approached them, looking grim and serious.

“He may have started with a knife, but by the time we got to her, he’d pulled out a gun. We’ve got a

negotiator speaking with him and the house is surrounded, but we haven’t been able to get a clear line

of sight from where they’re located in the kitchen. We will take the shot, though, if we get the


“It’s not worth the risk—not when Fiona could get hit in the process.” Wyatt shook his head,

frustrated with the whole situation. He never should have let her go through with this.

Callahan’s brow furrowed, taking Wyatt in. “There’s more…he wants to talk to you, though

we’re advising against it.”

“I’m going in, then. If I can get close enough, I can take him out—or at least get Fiona free.

Even if he trades her for me, I’ll stand a better chance of getting out of this alive than she will—and

he’ll have more negotiating power with me.” Wyatt would do anything to make sure Fiona stayed safe

—and if he got anywhere near Murphy, he’d have a good chance of taking him out.

“Not sure how good an idea this is, but…all right. Let’s see if we can talk him into some sort

of trade. Even if it’s just to get some distance between her and Murphy, so we can take a shot… It

might be the only way, if we can’t talk him into just turning himself in.” Callahan started walking back

toward Fiona’s house, Wyatt now at his side, with Greyson and Stark following behind in case they

were needed.

In the end, it was just Wyatt and Callahan who entered the house, the small space crowded by

a tactical team wielding guns. Callahan maneuvered them toward the kitchen, and quickly spoke to

one of the men there, though other voices could now be heard—including Murphy’s, who was calling

to him from the kitchen. “Foley—is that you, you fucking coward? Sending a girl in your place to take

me down… How’s that working out for you now?”

Wyatt’s muscles bunched with rage as he shoved his way toward the kitchen, ready to fucking

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murder the bastard, when he was stopped at the kitchen entrance, two hulking SWAT team members

holding him back. “You fucker. I’m going to fucking kill you.”

There she was… He’d never seen Fiona look so scared, as Murphy jabbed a gun into her ribs,

and there was blood…her blood from a gash that ran from her upper chest to her shoulder, her clothes

partially torn from her body, no doubt from Murphy trying to rape her. Their eyes locked, as she

shook her head no. But if she thought he was just going to walk away from her, then she was fucking


Murphy shook his head with a cocky smile. “Not if you want your precious Fiona to live.”

The SWAT guys loosened their hold and let him step into the kitchen to stand by the

negotiator’s side, giving Wyatt a better view of the situation. “If you want money, and you want to get

out of here, then Fiona isn’t the one you want. You want me. ’Cause I can tell you right now, things

aren’t looking good for you if you want to get out of this alive. Take me instead, and you have my

word I’ll cooperate.”

No! Don’t do it, Wyatt.” Fiona struggled against Murphy’s arm as he held her tightly to him,

making Wyatt worry that she’d get shot in the commotion.

Murphy jabbed her in the ribs with the gun hard enough to have her crying out. “Fine… We’ll

make the trade. But I want everyone else out. Just the three of us.”

Callahan leaned over to speak to him, keeping his voice down, so Murphy wouldn’t overhear.

“I can’t guarantee your safety if you go through with this, and I’m advising against it.”

Yet there was no other option. “I’ll manage.”

“We can still take a shot through the window, if you can maneuver him in that direction, so

Fiona’s out of the way.” Wyatt nodded as Callahan turned to his team and cleared them out of the

room with a final glance in Wyatt’s direction.

Once it was just the three of them, Wyatt shifted to face Murphy and Fiona, though he kept his

focus on Murphy, since seeing Fiona so upset and at risk was doing his head in. “Let her go, and you

can have me.”

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Wyatt took a step closer and to the left, trying to force Murphy to pivot so his back would be

to the window—not that Murphy liked that. Murphy aimed the gun at Wyatt, who was already trying to

calculate both of their next moves, all while hoping the cops would get a clear shot to take him out.

“Let her go. You already have a gun on me… You don’t need her.” He had to get Fiona to

safety—and yet seeing the fear in her eyes and the crazed look in Murphy’s, Wyatt knew it was all

going to go to hell.

“Maybe I don’t want to give her up just yet? Maybe I want her to suffer for your mistakes,

since you didn’t do as you were told. This could have been a simple transaction, and yet the two of

you just had to fuck it all up. Didn’t you?” Murphy dragged Fiona back, even as his grip shifted,

loosening just a little.

Wyatt had to time his attack just right, had to keep Murphy focused on him, instead of Fiona.

“So you pick on a helpless woman to make your point? That’s real fucking manly of you. Your mother

must be fucking proud.”

Murphy’s eyes widened, making him look even crazier than before. “You fucker. I’ll kill you


Wyatt’s gaze flashed to Fiona, hoping she’d see the warning in his eyes and would understand

what he needed her to do.

She did.

Fiona yanked herself free of Murphy’s grip as Wyatt lunged for him, all as a shot rang out, and

then another, along with the sound of shattering glass. Wyatt landed on the ground with Murphy under

him, as the police rushed the room.

Fiona… He tried to find her in the sudden crowd of people, needing to make sure she was

safe, even as his vision started to narrow.

And then it all went dark.

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Chapter 28

Fiona sat there waiting to hear news on Wyatt’s condition, though she wasn’t alone in waiting.

Paige had rushed back to Dublin from her conference, and Greyson paced the floor of the waiting

room, as Stark stood stoically propped against the wall. Wyatt’s brothers were even flying in from the

States, and would soon be there.

Not knowing what was going on with Wyatt was doing Fiona’s head in. He was still in

surgery—and had been for far too many hours after Niall shot him at point-blank range in the

commotion that ensued. She’d needed stitches herself, but her cut could have been a lot worse. And

though the gash was painful, it was nothing compared to the pain in her heart.

If Wyatt didn’t come through the surgery, she didn’t know how she’d survive losing him. Now

more than ever, she knew just how much he meant to her. And it killed her that he was lying there,

fighting for his life, and it was her fault.

All of it had been her fault from the very start.

Sitting by Fiona’s side, Paige reached over and squeezed her hand. “He’s strong and healthy.

He’ll pull through this, Fiona. He has to.”

Telling Paige what had happened to her brother was one of the hardest things Fiona had ever

had to do. And yet, she hadn’t blamed Fiona, but rather had hugged her and tried to reassure her that it

wasn’t her fault and her brother would come through this.

Fiona nodded as the tears slipped down her cheeks. They’d been waiting for the last six hours

—hours she’d spent trying to stay positive and failing miserably—when Greyson tilted his head

toward the long hallway. “It’s his surgeon.”

Fiona got to her feet as the surgeon approached, Callahan at his side. “He’s made it out of

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surgery, though the next twenty-four hours will be critical. He’s lucky to be alive.”

Relief washed over Fiona, and though Wyatt wasn’t in the clear yet, the fact that he’d made it

out of surgery was a huge weight off her chest. “Can we see him?”

“They’re moving him now. Give us another fifteen minutes, and you can go in to see him.” The

surgeon gave her a kind smile, and then left them, though Callahan remained.

Callahan looked far too serious and grim, though there was a kindness in his eyes. “I thought

you should know, Niall Murphy didn’t survive his wounds. We’ll need to speak to you about

everything that happened, but it can wait for now.”

Fiona was hit with a mix of emotions. Niall was someone she’d grown up with—someone she

knew before he became the sadistic, manipulative arse who’d held a knife to her throat, before he

became the man who’d shot Wyatt and made their lives a living hell. “He got what he deserved then.”

“That he did.”


Fiona pulled a chair up to Wyatt’s bedside, thinking he looked far too pale, no doubt due to all

the blood he’d lost. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he’d yet to awake from the surgery

and his wounds. And yet, even a breath from death’s door, he still looked so strong, with his broad

shoulders and muscular arms. He’d been healthy and vibrant, and she hoped that it would all be

enough to spur a quick recovery.

All Wyatt had to do now was wake up.

After another few hours passed, Fiona finally convinced everyone to head home and get some

rest, since they’d all been up through the night. She promised to call them as soon as he awoke, and

she hoped it’d be soon.

But it wasn’t. Nurses came and went, and his doctors also came in to check on him during

their rounds. They promised her that this was normal given the extent of his injuries. Yet she could

hear the worry in their voices.

She thought of the last few months…thought of their time together, thought of all the time she’d

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wasted pushing him away. Yet she knew now that a life without Wyatt wasn’t a life worth living. He

was her everything, her heart, her soul, her very essence, and she needed him like the air she

breathed, like the blood in her veins, like the beat of her heart. She needed them to finally start a life

together, one free of distractions and people getting in their way, one where they could finally be true

to their feelings for each other.

“Come on, Wyatt…I need you. I need you to come back to me.” She leaned in and brushed his

stubbled cheek, before kissing him, her lips lingering on his, half expecting him to come awake and

start kissing her back.

Yet he didn’t.

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Chapter 29

Wyatt fought his way out of the darkness, feeling like he might never escape its inky depths.

His eyelids felt like lead as he fought to get them open, barely remembering all that had happened—

except for one thing.


It was the thought of her, of getting to see her again, to touch her, to hold her in his arms and

know that she was finally safe that had him struggling to pull himself free of the murkiness. He

blinked against the bright light, fighting to keep his eyes open, as his eyes attempted to focus.

“Fie…” Where was she? His voice sounded hoarse and weak even to his own ears.

Wyatt…I can’t believe it.” Paige took his hand and gave it a squeeze, a smile on her lips as

tears streamed down her cheeks. “Fiona just stepped out for a moment. Let me get her, okay? She’ll

be beside herself.”

Wyatt managed a nod, desperately needing to see Fiona, and relieved that Paige was already

dashing for the door, returning with Fiona just moments later. Fucking hell, she was gorgeous.

She immediately came to his side and threw her arms around him, choking back a sob as he

slowly raised his arms to hold her to him. “It’s okay, love. I’m fine.”

She pulled away just enough to look at him, her cheeks wet from the tears that continued to

fall, and then kissed his lips before covering his face with more kisses, before finally pausing, her

head bent to his. “I thought I’d lost you for good, Wyatt…I thought you’d never come back to me.”

“Hush, love…I’m right here…I could never leave you.” It was all coming back to him…the

cut on her chest and shoulder, Niall holding her at gunpoint, the police…and the gunshots as all hell

broke loose. “Your shoulder… You weren’t hurt further, were you?”

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“No… It was just the cut—and that’s completely healed.” Her gaze took him in with such a

worried look in her eyes. “Wyatt…that was five weeks ago.”

Five weeks…fucking hell. He couldn’t believe it. It felt like a punch to the gut—and yet...

“You’ve been here the whole time?”

“I have—along with Paige, your brothers, and Greyson, when he can get away from the club.

Scandal’s doing well, by the way. Though you’ve been sorely missed by all your customers.” She

stole another sweet, lingering kiss and then pulled away just enough to look at him. “Niall…he’s

dead. And the police found enough evidence at his place to put most of his crew away for a very long

time. No one’s bothered us since that night. That nightmare’s finally over.”

Which meant that Fiona, her dad, the club…they’d all been safe while he was unconscious.

Thank fuck…and Niall, that bastard…he got no better than what he deserved. Yet Fiona was still

looking incredibly worried about something.

“What is it, Fie?” He cupped her face in his shaky hands, her skin so smooth and warm, skin

he’d never tire of kissing, of touching. She was his whole world, and he had five weeks to make up


Fiona pulled out of his arms, and sat back. “There’s something you need to know…”

He didn’t know what she had to tell him, but his mind could think of nothing good. Had she

decided that she didn’t want him after all? That there were too many bad memories? “What is it,

love? Just tell me what’s wrong.”

She pulled away from him, her eyes locked on his. “I’m so sorry, Wyatt.”

His heart sank, desperate to make sense of it all. “Just talk to me, love… Whatever’s

happened, we can figure it out.”

She then took his hand and pushed her knit cardigan aside, placing his hand on the slight swell

of her belly. “I’m pregnant, Wyatt…I think with all the commotion of trying to bring Niall down, I

must have messed up my pills.”

Was she actually saying… “You mean…it’s mine?”

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Fiona’s tears slipped free. “I’m sorry, Wyatt. I know I’d said it was safe…but this wasn’t

supposed to happen, and I get it if you don’t want the responsibility. I’m not asking or looking for

anything from you. You don’t have to be part of the child’s life if you don’t want to be. And I don’t

need your money or your time.”

“Like hell, Fie.” Wyatt was furious with her. “How the fuck could you think I wouldn’t be

there to raise my child, to be a part of its life?”

“I didn’t want to assume…”

But then Wyatt grabbed her hand and was pulling her into his arms, kissing her as if he was

trying to make up for the five weeks he’d been gone.

“I love you, Fie. I’ll always love you—and I couldn’t be happier about starting a family

together.” It was the absolute truth. He was ecstatic about having a baby with her.

“I love you too, Wyatt. You’re my whole world.”


Wyatt awoke the same way he had for the last month since being released from the hospital—

with Fiona naked in his arms. She’d moved in, and with the club doing great, no residual health

problems, and with Murphy and his friends out of their lives forever, he just couldn’t be happier,

especially as they got ready to have a baby.

She stirred awake as he pulled her close, his cock immediately going hard, nestled as it was

against her plump ass. Needing her with a hunger that would never be satiated, he pressed a kiss to

her neck, loving how she let out a contented sigh and shifted her hips against him, searching him out.

“Morning, sweetness.”

“And a good morning to you.” He could hear the smile in her voice, even if he couldn’t see it.

He continued to trail kisses down her neck and to the slope of her shoulder, as his hand drifted over

the slight swell of her belly.

His heart filled with happiness to know that, not only was Fiona finally his and they were

blissfully happy, but that before long, he’d be a father, and they’d be starting a family—and getting

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Desperately needing her, he let his hand drift down between her thighs, her legs shifting to

give him easier access as he slipped his fingers past her folds to find that she was already wet for

him. “More, Wyatt…”

His fingers circled and teased her clit before slipping deep inside her, her needy moans of

pleasure so familiar. And he loved that about her…about them…that he now knew the very heart of

her, just as she knew him, though their familiarity with each other did nothing to dampen their need

and excitement. Bored was something they’d never be with each other. Of that, he’d make sure.

Tilting her hips, she managed to catch the head of his cock at her entrance, and wet as she

was, he was sliding deep inside her with little effort, making his head spin, her body tight around his.

He thrust into her, holding her tight as he shook off the last remnants of sleep, spurred on by his

hunger for her. “I fucking love you, Fie.”

“I love you too.” She looked up at him over her shoulder, with a content and happy smile,

before stealing a hungry kiss.

With his pace quickening, he shifted her onto all fours, knowing how she loved it when he

took her rough from behind, his thrusts long and hard as his fingers gripped her hips. “Touch yourself,


With curses of protest, she did as she was told as he pressed his finger against the tight bud of

her ass, already slick from her wetness, knowing the extra tension would heighten everything and help

push her over the edge. She let out a needy moan as her hips pushed back to meet his thrusts, their

pace quickening until he could feel her body tighten around his cock.

Fucking hell, he wasn’t going to last if she kept that up. But then she was crying out as she

came, though he didn’t slow any, milking every bit of her orgasm from her as he lowered himself to

her body, his chest pressed against her back. Grinding each thrust into her, he felt the energy of his

orgasm building, cupping her breasts and biting her neck as he pounded into her, his need for her all-


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He swore, she was his everything, and with just a few more thrusts, he was coming with a

primal grunt as she cried out his name, his cock pulsing his cum deep inside her as her as she

quivered with the remnants of her own orgasm. He held onto her, his heart racing and both their

breathing ragged as he pulled free of her body, and laid back against the pillows, with her nestled in

his arms once more.

She looked up at him with a lazy smile. “You’re too good to me, Wyatt.”

“You’re my everything, Fie…you and our little girl.” Not that they knew the sex of the baby


She shook her head, her eyes alight with happiness, any and all traces of worry long gone. “It

could be a boy, you know.”

“And that’d make me just as happy. As long as the two of you are healthy, that’s all that

matters, sweetheart.” They’d both been through too much not to be thankful for what they now had


“We should get showered and dressed. Paige will be here soon.” Not that Fiona looked like

she was in any hurry to get up. The pregnancy had certainly taken its toll on her energy levels, and

though that should pass in the upcoming weeks, naps were currently a constant. “Did she mention

what she wanted to talk to you about?”

“No. She didn’t say anything, though I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Wyatt kissed

Fiona’s forehead as he mulled over what mischief his sister could possibly get into while running

around the Irish countryside. He wasn’t naïve when it came to Paige, even if he hated thinking about

what trouble she might have brewing. “Maybe she’s just going to tell us that she’s finally heading

back home. She’s been here far longer than I expected.”

His sister had stayed in Dublin while he’d been unconscious to lend a hand with the club and

give Fiona some moral support, since they’d become great friends. Even his three other brothers had

come over to offer what support they could.

Fiona shifted a bit so she could look up at him. “I find it a bit odd that she hasn’t said a word

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about it to me. Although she has been rather busy as of late, helping out that friend of hers with his


Although Paige couldn’t practice veterinary medicine in Ireland without going through all

sorts of licensing, she’d been keeping busy hanging out with one of her vet friends out in the country.

And yet Wyatt found it odd that she’d left out a lot of the details of her current circumstances. He

didn’t know where she was living, what she was doing since she had no work visa, or whom she was

hanging out with other than the vague “this vet friend of mine.”

As sweet as Paige was, she’d always had a bit of a wild and mischievous streak—and it

didn’t help that Greyson had seemed just as secretive as of late. Wyatt tried to scrub that thought from

his brain, and just couldn’t manage it. “You don’t think she and Greyson…”

“I don’t think so, though you know neither of them exactly have the gift of the gab, as it were.

Getting information out of them is like pulling teeth—though if they are together, it’d be a good thing.

No?” Fiona rolled out of bed and headed toward the shower as he followed behind her, that ass of

hers all too tempting, even as those blue eyes of hers caught him checking her out, her freckles

dancing along her cheeks as she gave him a knowing smile.

“And no—Paige and Greyson would not be a good thing.” His grumble of an answer was

enough for Fiona to have her brows perking up in disbelief. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Paige to be

happy, but he hated the thought of her getting her heart broken, or being mistreated by some asshole.

And though he loved Greyson like a brother and the man was certainly not an asshole, the man had

secrets—deep, dark, dirty secrets that not even Wyatt knew the start of. The man lived on an edge few

men ever came close to, and the thought of his baby sister getting caught up in that sort of danger

wasn’t something he could deal with.

“Well, it won’t matter what you think, because no matter what Paige has to tell us, you’ll need

to bite that tongue of yours and be supportive of her. She’s your only sister, my good friend, and we’ll

need to be there for her.” She gave him a stern look, and he could already see how easily it could

morph into one of those mom-looks that could stop any kid in its tracks. He just couldn’t wait to be a

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He grabbed her hand and reeled her to him, smiling when her belly bumped him, even as he

stole a kiss. “We have at least another hour before Paige shows up. Pity not to have a little fun while

we get clean.”

“You’re relentless—and I love it. Just so you know. Especially with all these pregnancy

hormones running amuck in my body.” Fiona stole a kiss that he was happy to deepen, his tongue

dancing over hers in an attempt to change her mind. “But your sister is notoriously early for

everything, so whatever you have planned in that head of yours can wait until later.”

Maybe he was trying to make up for lost time, or the fact that they could now give in to what

was between them, with no distractions, but the truth was, they could barely keep their hands off each

other—as it should be. “Tell me again that you’ll marry me.”

With a smile, she raised her hand and waved her fingers around, showing off the engagement

ring he’d bought her. “That’s what the ring says, boyo. So don’t you go thinking you can back out of it


Fucking hell, he loved her. “Back out of it? Never.”

In the end, Fiona was right. Paige was easily a good half an hour early and though she seemed

well, there was a nervous energy about her as she handed Wyatt her coat and went over to give Fiona

a hug. “It’s bitter cold out there. And wet. Not that I mind the rain.”

Fiona gave Paige a smile. “Well, that’s a good thing if you have any plans to stay in Ireland.

We’re nothing if not a damp country.”

“Does that mean you’re planning on staying? Was that what you wanted to talk to us about?”

And if she was staying, was it because Greyson was also sticking around—for now anyway. He’d

mentioned he’d eventually head back home to take care of some family problems that were brewing,

but he’d wait until Fiona had the baby, since Wyatt would want to take some time off to be with his

new family.

“I’m going to stay a bit longer. That’s part of what I wanted to speak to you about, though

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that’s not all of it, I’m afraid.” Paige shot Fiona a worried look that did nothing to calm his nerves.

Wyatt’s mind was racing, jumping from one horrible thing to the next. “What the fuck’s going

on, Paige?”

His sister waved him away with a shake of her head. “Why are you always so suspicious? I’m

not saying everything’s perfect—far from it, really—but even if everything was hunky-dory, you’d

still be all doom and gloom.”

“Right there—you just said everything’s far from perfect. And no offense, Paige, but you have

the uncanny ability to get yourself into all sorts of scheming mischief. You have ever since you were

little. The neighbor’s goats? Getting lost in the woods overnight? Nearly getting arrested?” Wyatt

swore he could feel the vein in his forehead throbbing.

“I was peacefully protesting—and that protest got the company to change the way they run

their labs, thank you very much.” Paige gave him a smug smile—and yet…he could tell there was

something else going on. Something a lot more serious.

“What’s going on, Paige? And don’t you dare lie to me. Something’s up. I can tell.” He looked

down at his sister, pinning her with a stern glare.

“You’re a real pain in the ass—even though I love you.” And then her gaze darted to Fiona,

and he swore he felt his heart sink as he saw all of Paige’s spunkiness disappear. “If you really must

know…I think I’ve gotten myself into a bit of trouble, and I’m afraid things are only going to get


*** THE END***

*** I hope you enjoyed Scandal and Surrender. Paige’s story,

Temptation and Surrender


the fourth book in The Billionaire’s Seduction series,

is currently available for pre-order

. Also

available for


is Greyson’s story,

Greyson, Part One

in the Silver Moon Pack Series,

where we find out his not so little secret. In addition, Hawke and Archer, the twins from Marshall’s

story, now have their own story.


, the first part of their series, is now

available for pre-



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For updates on new releases, please

sign up for my newsletter

. Wishing you all the best. —

Cali MacKay ***

Have you read them all?

Book Series by Cali MacKay

The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

Seduction and Surrender
Submission and Surrender
Love and Surrender
Deception and Surrender
Ravage and Surrender

The Billionaire’s Seduction Series

Passion and Surrender
Obsession and Surrender
Scandal and Surrender
Temptation and Surrender (available as a preorder)

Forbidden – The Townsend Twins Series

Part 1

(more parts soon to be added)

The Silver Moon Pack Series


Part 1

(more parts soon to be added)

A Maine Island Romance Series

One Sweet Summer
For Love or Treasure
Sweet Danger

The Highland Heart Series

The Highlander’s Hope
A Highland Home
A Highland Heist
Also available as a boxset (The Highland Heart Collection)

The Pirate and the Feisty Maid Series

Part One, Two and Three only available as a boxset

background image

Jack—A Grim Reaper Romance (prequel- For One Last Kiss


Document Outline


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The Billionaire s Temptation 6 Passion and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 7 Obsession and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 3 Love and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 1 Seduction and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 2 Submission and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 5 Ravage and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 4 Deception and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire and the Con Artist – Leanne Brice
The Conquest of Aleppo and the surrender of Damascus in 1259
Billionaire Boys Club 2 Beauty and the Billionaire Jessica Clare
Bella and the Billionaire by Nashstheory
Billionaires and Bridesmaids 1 The Billionaire and the Virgin Jessica Clare
A Behavioral Genetic Study of the Overlap Between Personality and Parenting
Blanchard European Unemployment The Evolution of Facts and Ideas
On The Manipulation of Money and Credit
The Hound of?ath and Other Stories
The History of the USA 9 Civil War and Reconstruction (units and)
Analysis of the Infamous Watergate Scandal
The Repentance of Compassion and Enlightenment Path

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