Bad to the Bone Shannon West & Remy Devereaux

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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

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including photocopying, recording, or by any

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case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Publishers Note:

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places,
and events are the work of the author’s imagination.

Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is

Copyright Shannon West and Remy Devereaux 2011


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Bad to the Bone


Shannon West and Remy Devereaux


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Josh glanced up at the clock on the classroom

wall and sighed. It had been a long day already, and it
was not even noon. Josh rubbed his face with his hand,

but his eyes were gritty. He felt like he had not slept in
days, instead of just a couple of nights. After the awful

argument with Jack, he went to bed but tossed and
turned all night, going over and over everything they

said to each other, every angry, hopeless word. He
really thought Jack might call the next day, but he had

not heard a word from him for three days now. Josh
had never, since they first met, gone so long without

talking to Jack, and he found himself miserable and
missing him terribly.

That night, when he told Jack what he decided to

do about Maria, Jack looked at him as if he hated him.

His bitter words were still ringing in his head.


“You stupid son-of-a-bitch, you’re going to ruin

both of our lives! You love me, damn it, but you’re too

much of a coward to admit it and come out in the open.
I’ve been waiting for you for five years — five, long

years, dammit!” Jack glowered at him from those
beautiful blue eyes, even as he pushed him roughly

down onto the sofa and stood over him with his fists
clenched. Pretty intimidating, considering his body was

gym-toned and muscular; he probably outweighed Josh
by a good thirty pounds, and he was probably at least

four inches taller.

“I’ve tried to get you to come out to your parents

so many times, but you’ve been too much of a chicken-


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shit to do it. I thought if I was patient and gave you a
little more time …” Jack’s voice was getting louder and

louder, and his eyes were shooting sparks of blue fire
down at him.

Josh tried to stay calm. He knew in his mind that

Jack would not really hurt him, but that did not stop his

body from flinching away from all that testosterone.

“Look, Jack, let’s talk about this reasonably,” he

began, holding out his hand to him.

Jack slapped his hand away contemptuously. “I

have other offers, you know, all the time. I don’t have to
wait around like some damn lovesick, teenage girl.” He

unbuttoned the top button on his jeans.

“God, Jack, I know you have plenty of offers. I

know how gorgeous you are and how lucky I am to have
you. Please don’t stick your cock in my face.”

It was a beautiful cock, though, he had to admit.

Springing up from those dark brown curls, thick and

long with a purple round head, it was mouth-watering,
to say the least. Josh usually drew it on him like a

weapon, knowing he mostly could not turn down a
chance to suck it. He had to make himself turn his head

away now, as Jack loomed over him with his cock
obviously rock-hard and standing at attention.

Josh put his hand out to touch it lovingly, unable

to resist. “I love you, but I’m going to use Maria as a

cover to my parents. I’m going to tell them we’re

Jack slammed his fist into the sofa beside Josh’s

head, making Josh jump, and then he turned around to

pace the apartment floor. “You’re making a huge
mistake, damn it, and you know it yourself, but you

won’t admit it.” He ran his hands through his hair and
turned to frown at him again. “Ever since you’ve come

up with this stupid plan, I’ve been miserable. If you


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won’t think of me, then at least think of this girl. You’ll
be messing up her life too.”

Josh sighed. “We’ve been all through this, Jack, a

million times. My parents are ultra conservative. If I

have a life with you, I’ll be giving up the one I have with
them forever. Maria understands. She’s gay — she

doesn’t love me either, but she’s trying to get her
parents off her back the same way I am. She’s agreed I

can keep you on the side, and she’ll keep her girlfriend
too. It may not be the greatest plan, but I think it will


Jack walked up on him again, looking hurt, mad

and ready to do somebody an injury, yelling out his
staccato questions. “Oh, she’s agreed, huh? You think it

will work? Keep me on the side? Your whore? Your
whore you’re too ashamed of to acknowledge openly? I

don’t think so, Josh. Fuck you!”

He turned on his heel and strode angrily to the

door. “I understand you love your parents, Josh, but I
think they’ll come around in time. Hell, you’re not even

giving them a chance. But even if they don’t understand
and learn to accept you, you can’t live a lie forever. If

you can’t be true to yourself, you sure as hell can’t be
true to me. I’m nobody’s dirty secret. You’re going to

have to make a choice, damn it. If you decide to go
through with this stupid sham engagement, then say

goodbye to me.”

He slammed the door so hard behind him; Josh

thought he might have cracked the frame. He covered
his face with his hands, realizing the love of his life just

walked through the door. Stubborn as Jack was, he
would probably never come back.



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Now, back at work after only three days without

any contact with Jack, he felt terrible, lost and sick,

feeling like hell. As good looking as Jack was, he would
not have any trouble finding someone new. Just the

thought of Jack with someone else made him physically

He remembered the first time he ever saw Jack,

over five years ago.


It was a typical sweltering Friday night at the

end of August — Josh and his friends, Bill and Jagger,
were cruising aimlessly up and down Main Street,

looking for anything to cure the tedium of their small
town lives. It was the last weekend before classes

started back, and they would all be going their separate
ways. Josh back to start his senior year at the

university, Bill to his community college and Jagger —
well, Jagger had a job at the Piggly Wiggly bagging

groceries. They had been friends since high school —
ninth grade — and though they really had little in

common anymore, they still gravitated together on
most summer nights, mainly because none of them had

anything better to do.

Bill was driving his mom’s old Buick. Josh’s

truck was in the shop again, and Jagger’s only mode of
transportation was the Hush Puppies he was wearing.

When Bill first pulled up to Josh’s house in the big
hooptie, Josh’s heart sank a little, but he ducked inside

and sat in the back, hoping no one he knew would see

It was getting late, almost eleven o’clock and the

traffic; never much to start with, had grown even

sparser. It began to look like they would have to go


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back to Jagger’s basement apartment in his mom and
dad’s house again and watch porn for lack of anything

better to do. Not an exciting prospect.

It was then that Bill got the idea to go up to

Lookout Point. “Hey, let’s ride out to the Point. I
haven’t been there in a while. Maybe we can score some

pot or something.”

Lookout Point had been a place kids went to

park for as long as anybody could remember. It was a
little out of town and out of the way; up a winding dirt

road to almost the top of Lavender Mountain, then
down another little dirt road that off shot from that and

over to the Point. It was a place where the cops seldom
came, and where people went to fuck, shoot up or get

drunk, and not necessarily in that order.

“I don’t know, man,” Josh said apathetically.

“Probably nobody up there now that we’d know. Just a
lot of high school kids and bikers.” Josh had not been up

there in years, but he did not really object. It was
probably better than Jagger’s basement apartment that

stunk of garbage and sweat. It was true that high school
kids used the Point as a place to park, and bikers often

went up there to do whatever it was that motorcycle
gangs did. None of that was Josh’s scene, although he

did not seem to know anymore just what his scene was.

Bill turned the car in the direction of the

mountain, and Josh leaned his head back against the
seat, ready for this night to be over.

He had been feeling restless and out of sorts for

some time now, and he was not sure what was wrong.

None of the girls at his school appealed to him, though
they came on to him all the time. Josh played football

for his college team, not that that was any great
achievement. His team pretty much sucked and had a

dismal record the year before. The harsh truth was that


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the only time he had a boner lately was when he
showered with the other guys after practice. It was so

bad, he had to stop altogether and wait until everyone
was finished before he went in.

He knew in high school that he might be gay, but

he resolutely pushed the idea from his mind. He purged

himself with brutal cold showers and endless workouts
to make him exhausted enough that he could fall asleep

as soon as he hit the bed, ruthlessly refusing to allow
himself to fantasize before he went to sleep. When he

could not take it anymore and his body cried out for
release, he would pull out the Playgirl magazines he

lifted from his older sister’s stash and jerk off to the
pictures in there of the naked studs.

Things were coming to a head soon, and he

knew it. He could not go on like this much longer,

denying who he really was. He was only making himself

Bill pulled into the empty parking area at the

end of the Point, and they sat there in the idling car

looking around. “I told you there probably wouldn’t be
any action up here,” Josh grumbled from the back seat.

Bill threw the car in park and got out, leaning

back inside to speak to them. “C’mon guys, get out at

least. Let’s walk around a little bit. It’s a nice view

Josh unfolded himself from the back seat with a

sigh and walked over to the Lookout. They were

probably only 2,000 feet or so up, but it was a nice view,
he supposed. The lights of their small town glowed

below to the east, and here and there lights from the
houses scattered around the area twinkled up at him.

Jagger was flipping rocks down into the drop off, while
Bill perched on the hood of the Buick smoking a



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They were about to give up and admit they

struck out, when they heard a rumble of motorcycles

coming up the mountain road.

“Shit,” Bill said, throwing down his cigarette.

“Bikers. Maybe we should get the hell out of here.”

Josh turned to look at him. “Why? Are you

scared of them?” He smiled to take the sting out of his
words, but Bill still flushed angrily.

“No, but I still don’t like to be around those guys.

They act like they’re so bad with their leather jackets

and shit. They’re probably all high on something. In the
last couple of years, they’ve claimed this Point as theirs.

They don’t like other people up here. Let’s just get out
of here and go back to town.”

Josh began to make his way back to the car,

amused at Bill’s attitude about the bikers and

wondering why he even wanted to come up here, if he
was so worried about them. But they talked about it too

long, because the group was there, pulling into the small
space at the Point and crowding around the Buick,

blocking its way out.

Josh propped up against the front fender and

considered the group. There were four of them, all
fairly young, maybe mid-twenties, and all wearing the

black leather jackets with the logo that read “Bad to the
Bone,” marking them as part of the motorcycle gang

that was legendary in the area, having been around in
one form or another since the sixties.

The guy on the lead cycle turned off his motor

and swung his leg off. Josh immediately noticed how

good-looking he was — tall with a killer body in his
tight jeans and leather. He was packing quite a bulge in

the front of those jeans, and Josh’s own jeans began to
get a little tight in the crotch. His hair was dark brown

and curly, falling over his forehead in a little wave. His


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eyes were dark too, with long, thick lashes, and his
mouth was full and sensual. He glanced over the three

young men standing or sitting on the Buick and
addressed his remarks directly to Josh. “What are you

guys doing up here?”

Before Josh could say anything, Bill spoke up.

“It’s a free country, ain’t it? You don’t own this place,
Clinton, no matter what you might think.”

Jagger rolled his eyes and sank down on the

bumper. “Shut up, man, you’re making it worse.”

The handsome biker turned his head to look at

Bill, and a little smile played around his lips. “Well, now

I never said we did own it, Billy boy. I was just asking a

The other guys on the cycles reacted to Bill’s

belligerent tone by getting off the bikes, and while they

had not made any moves other than dismounting, Josh
began to get a little uneasy at the turn in the


“Why don’t you introduce me to your friend,

Bill?” Josh asked in what he hoped was a calmer, more
conversational tone.

The eyes of the entire group shifted to him, and

he straightened up, feeling a little more nervous.

Bill lowered his eyes and muttered, “This is Jack

Clinton. I had some classes with him. Jack, this is my

friend, Josh.”

Josh nodded at him. “Nice to meet you, Jack. We

were just riding around and came up here to see the
view. Nothin’ goin’ on.” He spread his hands in a

conciliatory way and smiled. “We were actually just
leaving, weren’t we, Bill?”

Jack looked him up and down and smiled,

showing white teeth in his tanned face. “Don’t leave on

our account, boys.” He walked over a little closer to


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Josh. “It’s a nice night for a ride, actually, but not in that
old clunker.” He jerked his head contemptuously

toward the Buick. “Why don’t you take a ride with me?”

Josh’s mouth suddenly went dry, and he looked

around at Bill nervously. Bill would not meet his eyes,
and Jagger took a sudden interest in his fingernails.

“With … with you?” he managed to say over the

lump in his throat. He backed up a couple of steps, until

he came up against the bumper of the car again. “No, I
think I’d better get on home. Thanks for the offer


Jack came closer and leaned over him, putting a

hand on either side of the bumper so that Josh was
trapped and looking up into his eyes. He smelled of

leather, cigarettes and a heady, male scent that was
delicious. Josh could feel himself getting rock-hard.

“No?” Jack said quizzically. He smiled again.

“Now I think I’m gonna have to insist. It’s way too early

to go home, and I have a feeling that you might like a
ride with me.”

He straightened up and walked back over to his

bike, his hips swaying sensuously as he went. He threw

a leg over the side and started his engine, revving it up
louder and louder so that it echoed around the little cul

de sac. He jerked his head at Josh. “C’mon Josh. Get
on.” He held his hand out impatiently, his eyes sultry

and unsmiling.

Josh cleared his throat and walked slowly over

to the bike. Part of him wanted to run, but he had a
feeling that if he did, Jack would just go after him and

make him come back. Hesitantly, he swung his leg over
the back of the bike and settled into the small seat there.

He had never been on a motorcycle before and did not
relish the idea now.


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Jack called out to his friends. “Catch you guys

later.” He looked over at Bill and Jagger still standing

hesitantly by the car. “Why don’t you boys run along
home now? I’ll take good care of your friend.”

Flushing and unable to meet Josh’s eyes, they

both climbed into the Buick and drove quickly away.

Josh’s heart sank a little as he watched the tail lights
fade into the night. His stomach was full of butterflies,

and he wondered what he had gotten himself into. He
did not completely understand what Jack wanted with

him, and he had to admit he was a little scared.

Jack swung the bike around in the cul de sac and

started out. He called over his shoulder to Josh, “Put
your arms around my waist, Josh.” When Josh

tentatively grabbed hold of him, he jerked his hands
around his waist impatiently and said, “Now hold on


He took off fast, racing through the night. He

turned and started to climb the mountain road, taking
the twists and turns at breakneck speed. Josh was

terrified, and all he could do was hold on as tightly as he
could, slightly sickened by the hairpin turns they were

making. Jack seemed to be an expert, though, and he
handled the bike beautifully. After a few minutes, Josh

settled down and began to enjoy the ride just a little.

Without warning, Jack pulled into a side road

that led down a rough trail. Josh’s stomach tightened
and he wondered again what Jack had planned. They

bumped down the track, until they suddenly came out
on a little clearing in the road where it dead ended.

There was a beautiful view of the valley below. Jack
pulled his cycle to a stop and switched off the motor.

“Get off, Josh,” he said over his shoulder, and Josh

scrambled to dismount.


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Josh did not know what was going to happen

next, but he found Jack just staring at him broodingly.

He walked over to the lookout and stood there gazing
down for few minutes. When he felt Jack walk up

behind him, Josh turned to Jack and spoke quietly. “I …
uh … I’m sorry for invading your private space up there.

We were just bored and looking for something to do.”

Jack said nothing, but began to advance on Josh,

walking slowly toward him. Josh backed away as he
advanced. Something about Jack made him nervous and

uneasy, and had since the first moment he saw him. He
was almost frightened by him now. He looked big and

dangerous, though sexy as hell. Jack kept coming until a
tree halted Josh’s retreat, and he clenched his fists,

ready to fight if Jack made it necessary. What was
wrong with this guy? Could he not see he did not want

any trouble?

He looked up into Jack’s face defiantly and then

froze in shock as Jack’s mouth came down on his
roughly and fiercely. He pulled Josh up against him and

ground his cock into Josh’s. After the first shocked
moment, Josh tried to push him angrily away, but Jack's

chest was like stone. He wrapped his arms around Josh,
and he was trapped, barely able to move against his

strong embrace. Meanwhile, the assault on his mouth
continued. Jack bent his head back and thrust his

tongue between his lips, teasing and playing with
Josh’s tongue, making him gasp for breath and go weak

in his knees.

When Josh finally stopped struggling and went

limp, he felt Jack’s hands pulling down his jeans. He
wanted to protest, but found he could not move, could

not even cry out. He began to kiss Jack back, breathing
hard, hating and yet loving the hard feel of his muscles

and this feeling of being overpowered and swept away.


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He definitely was not in charge of any of this, and he felt
controlled, yet at the same time he was not afraid.

Jack’s hands caressed his cock, which had risen

up to stand rock-hard against his hands. He could not

catch his breath as Jack turned him around and
bent him over. With one hand he held him there as he

gently, slowly filled him. He groaned and shivered as
Jack reached below him to fist his cock, moving over it

faster and faster as he matched his own rhythm to the
movement. It seemed to go on for a long time, and Josh

felt completely overcome and out of control, yet excited.
He came so hard he screamed out, and Jack laughed

softly behind him. Then Jack came too with a hard
groan and surge that was half pleasure, half pain to Josh.

For a moment, they stood there, still joined,

breathing hard. Josh was still in shock and trembling all

over. Then Jack released him and pulled him around to
face him, holding onto his cock and stroking it with one

hand, while he gently kissed his lips, his cheeks, his
throat. When Josh’s breathing was back to normal, Jack

stepped away. Josh blushingly tried to pull up his jeans.

Jack put his hand out to cover his and stop him.

“Not yet, baby. I may not be through with you yet.”

Josh flushed bright red and could feel an angry,

shocked look on his face. Jack continued to hold his
hand, and finally Josh turned his over to grip it and

allow himself to be pulled down on the grass, his face
still darkly red and embarrassed.

“Wasn’t that what you wanted, baby? “ Jack

asked, rubbing his thumb along the back of Josh’s hand.

Josh turned his head angrily toward him, and

Jack held up a hand. “Now don’t lie. Tell me the truth.

You’ve never done it before, but you’ve been wanting to
for a long time, haven’t you?”


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Josh felt a blush coming up from his toes and

suffusing his whole body. He turned his head away.

Jack pulled his face around to look in his eyes. Josh was
angry and spoke roughly. “So how did you know? Do I

look like a fag or something? Am I so obvious?”

Jack looked back at him steadily. “Am I?”

Josh was startled by the simplicity of his answer

and shook his head slowly.

“I didn’t know,” Jack explained, “but I hoped.” He

smiled almost shyly. “Do you believe in love at first


Josh gazed back at him wonderingly and

shrugged slightly.

Jack smiled at him again and dropped a brief,

warm kiss on his lips, bringing another bright blush to
Josh’s cheeks. “Well, I don’t know if I do either, but

when I saw you standing there by that old Buick in the
moonlight with that body and your pretty blonde hair

and those blue eyes, something sure was happening to
me. I figured if you weren’t interested, you’d just refuse

to come with me and that would be that.” He laughed.
“I got such a hard on I could barely get off my bike.”

Josh thought about the bulge he had noticed in

Jack’s jeans back at the Point and smiled. “Yeah, I kinda


“Oh, so you were checking me out, huh? I

thought so.”

Josh leaned up against his shoulder. “Now

what?” he asked quietly. “I’m supposed to go back to
college in a couple of weeks. No one can know about

this. My parents would have a stroke.”

“Yeah? Well, plans have been known to change,

and parents have been known to understand and want
their kids to be happy. Anyway, nothing has to be

decided right now. A lot can happen in the next two


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weeks.” He pulled Josh around to face him. “In the
meantime, I’ve noticed you can’t keep your eyes off my

dick. Like what you see?”

Josh nodded, his eyes feasting on Jack’s large,

thick cock, already hard again and oozing pre-cum.
“Well, help yourself, sugar.”

Josh reached out a tremulous hand and touched

him. “I — I never did this before.”

“Okay, no problem. Let me give you a little

hands-on instruction. “

He helped Josh up to his feet and knelt in front of

him, caressing his cock and kneading his heavy balls.

“Hang on, baby,” he said. “This is going to be a wild


They had carried on a long distance relationship

during his last year in college, and Josh came home
every weekend he could. Jack would take him to their

“spot” up on Lavender Mountain, and they would make
love under the stars. Sometimes they even slept in each

other’s arms until the sun came up. They were wildly,
desperately in love, and he hated being away from Jack.

Jack dropped out of school and became a

motorcycle mechanic, and a good one. After Josh

graduated, Jack wanted Josh to come back home to live
with him, but Josh was never able to tell his parents

about himself. There was simply no way he could move
back to his home town and move in with Jack, no matter

how much he wanted to. Instead, he threw himself into
his career and applied for a Master’s program at his

college. He wanted to teach and decided to prepare
himself to teach in a college setting. This meant a lot


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more college, and Jack was not been happy about it. As
a matter of fact, they had a terrible fight over it.

The night he told him, they were in Jack’s small

apartment over the garage. It was the summer after

graduation for Josh, and he just received his acceptance
into Grad school. He dreaded telling Jack about it,

knowing there would be an explosion.

It was a beautiful summer night, and they went

for a ride earlier. Jack got some beers out of the
refrigerator as they entered the apartment. Josh took

one and took a long swig to get up his courage. Jack was
still standing by refrigerator looking for something to

eat when Josh broke the news.

“I ... uh ... I’ve decided to go back to school —

Graduate school — back at the university. I’m leaving in
two weeks.”

Jack turned around to look at him with a puzzled

frown. “Surely, I must be hearing things.”

“Honey, please try to understand. If I want to

teach college students, and I do, I have to get my

Master’s and probably my Doctorate. I’ll make a lot
more money in the long run, and it’s what I have a

passion for — can you understand?” He reached for
Jack’s hand and held it, rubbing his thumb across the


Jack pulled his hand away abruptly. “Yeah, I

understand. I understand you don’t give a shit about
me — about us. I understand that you made this

decision all by yourself, without even asking me what I
thought about it.” His face was furious, and he looked

like he was ready to do Josh an injury.

Josh started backing up, but Jack pulled him

roughly back, holding him at arm’s length. “No, you
don’t, damn it. No more running away. Are you


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breaking up with me, Josh? Is that what you can’t just
come out and tell me?”

“No, no!” Josh cried, moving closer to him, unable

to bear the look of hurt in his beautiful eyes.

Tentatively, afraid he would slap it away; he put his
hand on Jack’s cheek and caressed it. “I love you so

much, darling. You must know I do.”

“Josh, for five years, I’ve been playing your damn

games. You make decisions without me. You won’t
experiment with me; you won’t let me try anything new.

You want to call all the shots, and I don’t think I like
being your bitch anymore.”

“What can I do? I do love you. I’m sorry if I’ve

been so uptight, but it’s hard for me to do some of the

things you want. My life was so conservative until you
came into it.”

Jack allowed him to caress his face, and even

ducked his head down for a kiss. As Josh kissed him

thoroughly, he suddenly roughly pushed him away.

“You want me to go along with this dipshit plan

of yours? Then things are going to change. From now
on, you’ll do what I want. I’ll allow you to go to school,

but I’m moving with you to the city. I can start up my
shop there just as well as here. That is, if you want me

near you?”

“Yes, darling, I do. That would be wonderful!”

“From now on, though, I call the shots. You’ll do

what I say in the bedroom. Agreed?”

“Anything you say, Jack. I love you, and I’ll do

anything you want me to.”

“Show me,” Jack said harshly. “If you love me so

much, show me.”

“What can I do? Show me what you want.”
Taking the beers from Josh’s hands, Jack pulled

him into the bedroom and shoved him roughly onto the


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bed. Josh was not sure where this was going, but he did
not resist as Jack leaned down over him and started

unbuttoning Josh’s shirt, grinding his crotch into Josh’s.
Jack ran his hands over Josh’s torso, pinching and

tugging on each of Josh’s nipples in turn as he continued
to grind his crotch against Josh’s. Josh was sure Jack’s

pants were going to split any moment and free that
beast of a cock he had hidden there.

Jack quickly shoved him back onto the bed,

pulling his legs up in the air and stepping in between

them. He pulled Josh’s ass over to the edge of the bed.
At the same time, he reached down to unbuckle and

unzip Josh's jeans. Before Josh knew it, he was naked
with his legs up in the air, and Jack was stripping off his

own pants, freeing that huge cock he had been keeping

Josh had always been fascinated by Jack’s cock.

It was a perfect beauty with an olive color and at least

nine inches of uncut, pre-cum dripping, rock-hard, man
meat rising from a dense mass of dark, curly hair with

two of the biggest and most perfectly shaped nuts Josh
had ever seen.

As Jack placed Josh’s legs over his shoulders, he

reached first for a condom and then for the lube gun he

had next to Josh on the bed. He squirted a large glob of
lubricant into his big hand and began spreading it

generously up and down the shaft of his cock, placing
large amounts on the head of his dick too.

“I think you need a lube job. You ready for it?”

inquired Jack, pulling Josh closer and pressing the well

greased head of his cock against Josh’s rosebud. Not
giving Josh a chance to answer, Jack forced the entire

nine plus inches deep into Josh's ass in one fell swoop.
The only sound Josh was able to make was a feeble



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Jack groaned with pleasure, being gentler then,

barely moving his cock back and forth, just a bit to give

Josh some time to catch his breath and start to enjoy it.
Josh loved the gentle rocking motion Jack started, and

he loved the way Jack’s big nuts felt as they slapped
against his ass. Josh thought he never felt pain turn so

fast to such incredible pleasure and never been more
turned on or as hard as he was at this moment.

As Jack picked up the pace and started to really

fuck Josh hard, nuts now really slapping against Josh’s

ass, Josh was able to reach up and grab hold of Jack’s
well rounded ass. He pulled him in even closer,

muttering, “Fuck me, Jack. Fuck me hard, baby.”
Guttural moans came from them both.

Still holding onto Jack’s ass with one hand, Josh

managed to wrap his other hand around his own cock;

because he knew he could not take a fucking like this
much longer and not cum very soon. Jack’s rhythm

increased, and he was moaning louder. Josh suspected
he would not be able to hold out much longer either, so

he stroked his cock in unison with Jack, matching each
thrust with a stroke of his own. Maybe just a brief

second after Josh felt the head of Jack’s cock grow larger
and Jack start to shudder indicating his orgasm deep

inside Josh, Josh’s own cum began shooting in streams
up in the air, striking Jack across the chest and falling

back down onto Josh’s own chest. Jack continued
fucking Josh after his balls were drained, but his cock

not yet softened, until finally he collapsed on top of Josh.
Their sweaty bodies slid against each other as they each

breathed hard, recovering from the intense orgasms.
Josh’s sticky cum on both of their chests worked deeply

into their chest hairs, as they continued to rub their
bodies against each other.


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“I don’t believe you’ll squeak quite so much

anymore, after all the lube I just packed in there,” joked

Jack. “But that was just round one, baby. I want you to
lube up little John over there,” said Jack, indicating the

large, rubber cock he pulled from a drawer on the side
table. “Because you’re going to mount him while you

suck my dick,” he said softly. “We’re going to use all the
toys you’d never let me use before. This is a full service

mechanic shop, and I aim to please. You don’t get to
leave until you’ve been fully serviced.”


That was five years ago. Jack eventually moved

with Josh to the university town and set up a motorcycle
shop there. He moved into Josh’s apartment, and they

had been happily cohabitating ever since. They
probably did not have a typical dominant-submissive

relationship, if there was such a thing as typical. Jack
always naturally took the leading role, and Josh was just

naturally more willing to let Jack make the decisions. In
the bedroom, Jack definitely was the dominant partner,

and Josh liked that just fine. He never made him do
anything he did not really want to, but did encourage

him to try new things. He only gently coerced him if he
flatly refused to even experiment.

About six months ago, his parents started in

about a girlfriend for Josh, and they were on his back

ever since. They had no idea about his relationship with
Jack, and Josh could not even imagine their reaction if

they found out. He told his friend, Marie, another
graduate assistant he was friendly with, about his

problem with his parents. He knew Marie was a lesbian,
in a very committed relationship with a woman and

having similar parent issues.


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Marie suddenly leaned across the table where

they were having lunch and told him she had an idea.

“You know, Josh, my parents are getting very suspicious
about my living arrangements too. I don’t know how

much longer they’re going to buy my excuses. I wonder
if you would be my cover with them.”

“Your cover? What do you mean?”
“Pretend to be my boyfriend. It wouldn’t take up

much of your time. Just an occasional Thanksgiving or
Christmas dinner, and then we can both go on with our

lives. I could do the same for you and get your parents
off your back too.”

“I don’t know. I’d have to talk to Jack about it.

He probably wouldn’t like it — he’s been wanting me to

come out to my parents for years now.”

“Well, ultimately, it’s your parents, and it’s your

decision. We can keep our partners on the side and get
our parents off our backs too. After a while, we can tell

them we’re engaged, and we’ll just have a long, long
engagement.” She laughed. “It’s a win-win situation.”

“Really, Jack wouldn’t even have to know at first,

I guess,” Josh mused. “When I talk to my parents, I can

just tell them about this new girlfriend and that will
help get them off my back.”

“Then it’s a deal?” she asked, smiling.
“Yeah — deal,” he said, and they shook hands

laughingly across the table.


That was six months ago, and it worked just as

Maria said it would. He told his parents he was dating a

girl named Maria, and it kept them happy for a while. It
was only at Thanksgiving that the trouble started. He


background image

told Jack that Maria, his friend from work, was going
with him to his parent’s house for Thanksgiving.

“Why’s that?” he asked mildly, at first not

indicating he was bothered by it in the least.

“Well, you know my friend, Maria, is gay, and her

parents have been on her ass about getting a boyfriend,

so I’m going to be that boyfriend. We’re going to her
house first and then later to my parents, and they can

see us both in the flesh. We think that will help us to
calm them down a little.”

“I see,” Jack said. “What am I supposed to do all

Thanksgiving Day while you’re out having fun? Go get a


Jack’s parents were divorced and living in

separate states, and he had not seen either of them in

Josh flushed. “I’m sorry. Honey, I’d much rather

be with you, but I just need to do this for my parents.

You understand, don’t you? When I come home, I’ll take
you out to a nice dinner downtown.”

He sighed and turned away. “I’m trying to

understand, Josh. I really am.”

Things did not work out as planned, and Josh

was so late getting home that Jack had already gone to

bed. Josh took off his clothes and crawled in next to
him, spooning him and caressing him, but Jack

pretended to be asleep.

When Christmas came around, it was a similar

story, and this time when he came home later than
expected on Christmas Eve, Jack was not at home. He

did not come in until three a.m., and when he fell into
bed, he reeked of strong liquor.

The next morning, Christmas morning, he told

Josh he needed to work all day and spent the day in the

shop, regardless of how many times Jack begged him to


background image

come upstairs. He did not even open his Christmas
present, nor did he give Josh one either.

Things just got worse after that, until the middle

of January, when Josh broke the news to Jack; over the

holiday, he and Maria decided on a sham engagement.
That was when Jack stormed out of the house and had

not been home since, despite his work in the cycle shop.

Now, three days later, Josh was despondent.

What if Jack was right about everything? He was
twenty-five years old, and he was still letting his parents

dictate his life. He would have to talk to Maria and tell
her it just wasn’t going to work. Afterward, he would

find Jack and grovel, if he had to, to get him back. If Jack
were truly gone from his life, he did not know if

anything would have meaning any more.

Deeply depressed, he prepared for his next class.

He taught World History at the university as an adjunct
professor, and it was the only bright spot left in his life

for now, he supposed. Students began to file in, no
happier to be there than he was, when suddenly there

was a commotion at the back of the class. Instinctively,
Josh turned to see a large, angry man approaching fast,

knocking desks out of his way as he neared the podium.
Incredibly, it was Jack looking sexy, large and gorgeous

in his old, black leather jacket as he walked purposefully
and grimly toward the front of the room.

Josh turned to face him and whatever was

coming. He was not a coward, and if he had to fight this

man, he would, no doubt landing in the hospital as a
result. He tensed, ready to take the punch that he knew

was coming from the furious look on Jack’s face. He
would not strike first, but he would defend himself if he

had to.

Jack charged right up to him and stopped mere

inches away, probably trying to intimidate him, Josh


background image

thought. If that was his purpose, it was working pretty
well. He scowled down at Josh, and Josh stared back at

him, irrelevantly noticing how very long his eyelashes
were seen up so close. He raised his chin to look

directly into those eyes, not backing down an inch.

Without warning, Jack’s arms shot out, not to

punch Josh as he thought, but to enfold him in them. His
arms were like steel bands that enclosed him and

captured him, holding him almost motionless. Josh was
so surprised his mouth fell open. Jack lowered his head

and took control of that mouth, thrusting his tongue
inside and tasting him as he bent him back against the

desk. He ground his cock into Josh’s own, and Josh felt
his traitorous member instantly grow harder than he

ever felt it before, so hard it was actually physically
painful. Josh was gasping for breath and embarrassed

by their audience. He tried to struggle, but he could
barely move. Jack showed him no mercy, holding him

captive and ravaging him, until he finally surrendered,
going limp and sagging against him, trembling and

weak. Finally, as he sensed Josh’s surrender, he pulled
his head back and stared down at him. “Had enough?

Ready to admit you’re wrong about everything?”

“What ... what?” Josh whispered dazedly.

Jack chuckled and moved his hands down to

Josh’s ass, caressing and kneading it in his hands. He

moved his hands back around to Josh’s belt and
unbuckled it quickly, unbuttoned his pants and then

stuck his hand down inside his shorts to find his fully
erect cock. Josh’s face burned hotly with shame, and he

tried to pull away as Jack held onto him by his cock.
Jack pulled him back toward him, rubbing the head with

his thumb and smiling down into his eyes. He moved
his hand down to cup his balls and give them a squeeze.


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Josh gasped and turned even redder. “Please,” he
moaned softly.

“Please what, baby? Do you even know what it

is you want?” He shook his head and pulled his hands

away. He looked deep into Josh’s frightened eyes again
and dropped a kiss lightly on his lips. “Now get your ass

over there and get your things. My bike’s outside, and
you’re coming with me.”

He pushed him gently over to the desk at the

front of the room and then turned to the class, gaping

avidly at the scene going on at the front of the room.
Josh sat, trying to button up his pants, dazed and

amazed at his huge hard-on.

Jack smiled good naturedly at the students and

said, “Class dismissed. Your professor is going to be tied
up all day.”

As the students filed out, smiling and poking

each other in the ribs, Jack turned back to Josh. “Well,

how about it? Are you coming willingly, or do I have to
carry you out of here?”

“I’m coming,” Josh said quickly.
Jack held out his hand impatiently and snapped

his fingers. Josh got up and ran over to him. He took
Josh by the arm and towed him outside to his

motorcycle illegally parked by the curb. Pulling Josh’s
bag from him, he stowed it away and then handed Josh a

helmet. “Put it on, and get your ass on here.”

Josh scrambled onto the back and barely had

time to put his arms around Jack before he pulled away.
The ride back to the apartment was a wild one. Jack

exceeded the speed limit at every opportunity and ran
red lights, if nothing was coming.

Finally, he pulled up into the garage, and Josh

jumped off the back, happy to be standing on his own

two feet again. Jack turned to him and spoke tersely.


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“Get upstairs and take off your clothes, and wait for me
in the bedroom.”

Josh looked at him nervously, but was afraid to

argue. He started up the stairs, and Jack called out to

him. “Oh, and be on your knees when I get there.”

Josh thought that probably was not a good sign,

but he obediently went up the narrow stairs and into
the bedroom. He took off his clothes and hung them

neatly in the closet, then was not sure what to do next.
He was so happy that Jack was apparently taking him

back that he did not want to do anything else to upset
him. He sat down on the side of the bed for a few

minutes, until he heard Jack’s footsteps on the stairs;
then he sank to his knees by the side of the bed,

trembling a little and not knowing what to expect.

Jack came in and glanced at him approvingly and

then sat down on the bed beside him.

“You understand that things are going to change

around here, don’t you?”

“Jack, listen, I’m really sorry...”

“Shut up. I don’t want to hear from you right

now. I’m too pissed. I thought about just leaving you,

but that idea made me miserable, and I decided I wasn’t
going to let you get away with your shit any longer. I’ve

been very patient with you, Josh, very patient. I’ve let
you have your way for far too long. My leniency has

caused nothing but trouble.”

“Well, Jack, if you want to know what I think ...”

“I said, shut the fuck up! I don’t want to know

what you think, because you don’t think, Josh, you just

react. I know you’re book smart, but you’re fucking
stupid about everything else. So I’m taking charge now,

buddy. Since you obviously don’t know how to handle
your life, I’m going to handle it for you. First, I need to

show you who your daddy really is. Put yourself across


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my knees, Josh. It’s time you got what you’ve been
asking for.”

Josh was shocked. “You don’t seriously expect

me to let you spank me, do you?”

“One ...”
“What? You’re counting! Seriously?”

“Two ... Josh, if I get to three, you’re going to get

it twice as hard.”

“Jack, please be reasonable. I’ve apologized.”
“Two and a half ...”

Josh saw the determined look in his eye and said,

“Okay, okay ... Give me a minute. I guess a little

spanking might be kind of sexy.”

He stood up and sat down awkwardly in Jack’s

lap, twisting himself over and then bracing the floor. He
finally got into position and then grunted at the

awkwardness of it. “This isn’t working for me. You’ve
had your fun now, Jack. Let me up.”

Jack put one hand on the small of his back and

with other hand slapped his ass smartly.

Josh yelled out. “Ow! That hurt! Stop!”
Instead, he began to spank him in earnest, hard

slaps that stung so badly it brought tears to his eyes
almost at once. He struggled wildly to get up, but Jack

held onto him, yelling, “The more you struggle, the
worse it’s gonna be! When you stop, I will!”

Josh ignored him, thrashing around until he fell

on the floor. Jack was on him in a minute, putting a

knee on the back of his thighs and really wearing him
out now. Finally, Josh had enough and quit struggling,

going limp and begging Jack to stop.

Jack stopped then but held him still on the floor.

“Are you sorry? Are you going to do as you’re told from
now on?”

“Yes, yes,” he sobbed. “I’ll do whatever you say.”


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“I’m not kidding, Josh. I’m in control from now

on. You don’t make a move unless I okay it.”

“Yes, yes, I understand. Please let me up.”
Jack took his knee off his back and let him get up

shaking to his feet. He took him by the arm and threw
him on the bed, unbuckling his belt. “Now get up on

your knees. You need a good fucking and that gave me a
hell of a cock stand.”

Still trembling and crying, Josh crawled up on his

knees. Jack pulled on a condom, but used no lubricant

this time, wanting it to hurt, wanting to punish him.

When Josh tried to use his hand on himself, Jack

would not allow it, pulling his hand away. “This is all
about me this time, Joshy boy. You don’t get to have any


When it was over, he left Josh lying in the middle

of the bed, left the room and locked the door behind
him. He left him locked there in the bedroom all day.

Around six o’clock in the evening, he heard Jack

in the kitchen and knocked on the door softly. “Jack, I’m

hungry. Can I get something to eat, please?”

Jack opened the door and glared at him. Josh

backed up as step or two. “Did I tell you that you could
get dressed again?” he asked softly.

Josh shook his head.
“Get them off,” Jack said softly.

Josh quickly pulled his shorts and tee-shirt off

and bent over to pick them up.

“Leave them. Get back to bed.”
“But Jack, I’m hungry. Please.”

“I’m putting you to bed without your supper,

Josh. I want you to think about what you’ve done. If

you get dressed again or get out of that bed again, I’ll
give you another spanking, is that clear?”

“Yes,” Josh said petulantly and got into bed.


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Around midnight, Jack opened the door and got

in bed with him, pulling him up close, spooning him and

playing with his cock. Josh got an immediate hard on,
but Jack just chuckled and stopped fondling it. “Oh no,

you don’t. This is part of your punishment.”

Josh turned over and tried to rub himself against

Jack, almost mad with desire, but Jack turned him firmly
back over. “Not until you’ve learned your lesson.”

“I have learned it, Jack. I promise.”
“We’re going tomorrow to tell your parents

about you. Do you understand?”


“I’ll be standing beside you, but it’s your job to

tell them. Only if you chicken out, will I say anything.”

“You’re coming out to everybody else too.

Although after today, I guess the people at school know
about it.”

“Okay, whatever you say.”
“You’re awfully easy to get along with now. I

should have spanked that ass years ago.”

“It’s not just that,” Josh said, “although it did hurt,

and I probably won’t be able to sit down tomorrow.”

“Tough shit.”

“Well, as I said, it’s not only that. It’s the thought

that I could have lost you forever. I thought I’d never

see you again, Jack. If you hadn’t come back, I don’t
know what I would’ve done.”

“So you understand how wrong you’ve been? Or

do I have to tie you to this bed, until you come to your


Josh nodded, dazedly.

Jack smiled roguishly. “Is that a yes, you want to

be tied up, or yes, you’ve come to your senses?”


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Josh smiled tremulously. “Both choices sound

pretty good right now.”

“Then come on, baby. Let’s make up properly.

Then tomorrow, we’re going over to talk to your

parents and tell them who you really are. Agreed?”

Josh nodded again, smiling at him, and Jack

reached over to take him in hand.

The End



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