Lube Job Shannon West & Remy Deveraux

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Shannon West/ Remy Deveraux


(Weekend Getaway)

Shannon West

Remy Deveraux


Secret Cravings Publishing

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Shannon West/ Remy Deveraux

A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2011 by Shannon West and Remy Deveraux

E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-106-2

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Dawné Dominique

Edited by Larriane Barnard

Proof read by Keisa Burrell

All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Secret Cravings Publishing

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly



Secret Cravings Publishing

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To Larry and Hugh

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Shannon West/ Remy Deveraux



Shannon West

Remy Deveraux

Copyright © 2011

Jason woke up for work like he did every other morning, with a raging hard-on and no one

to help him out with it. Damn, it meant either eating breakfast or jacking-off. Needing very little

time to decide as his cock was already hard and throbbing, he opted for breakfast later from the

snack machine at work. Grabbing some lotion from the bedside table, Jason went to work on his

cock, fantasizing about some of the hot guys in his office and the bike messenger with the huge

cock he could always see straining against the tight blue spandex shorts. Jason was on the verge

of shooting a huge load when his cell phone rang.

Barely able to control his breathing to avoid his caller suspecting what he was doing, he

answered. “Hello.”

“Jason, where the fuck are you?” demanded Dave, his supervisor, whose voice Jason never

expected to hear while he was in his bed with his cock in his hand.

“Getting ready for work, why?” replied Jason, his cock not quite as hard as it had been

seconds ago.

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“Getting ready? Do you know what time it is?”

“It’s a little after six o’clock, Dave. I’m looking right at the clock.”

“Well, buddy, it’s time for a new battery for the backup. Guess your clock didn’t reset after

the power outage last night. It’s a little after eight and your ass is late again.”

Dave was a nice looking man. Jason had on occasion wondered what he packed in his dress

pants, sometimes catching sight of a significant bulge. However, getting chewed out first thing in

the morning, while he had his slicked and still half-hard cock in his hand was not how Jason’s

fantasy about the man or jacking off was supposed to end.

“Damn, I’m sorry Dave, I’ll be on my way as soon as I can grab a shower and get dressed.”

Jason jumped out of bed, his cock deflated and his masturbatory enjoyment forgotten for the

moment. Throwing his cell on the bed, he headed for the bathroom and turned on the shower.

While it warmed up he headed for the laundry room to grab some clothes from the dryer.

“Oh, fuck me blue!”

Jason had forgotten to turn on the dryer last night before going to bed. His clothes were still


“What a totally bullshit, fucked up day this has started out to be.” He started up the dryer

before heading to the shower, hoping his clothes might dry a little before he finished.

Sliding the shower door back and stepping into what should have been a moderately hot

shower, Jason’s body was assaulted by glacial sheets of water shooting from the shower head.

“Arrrggghhh!” Jason scrambling toward the back of the shower to escape the chill water

hitting his skin. “What the fuck!”

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Turning the hot water back and forth, he tried desperately, but in vain, to get some warm

water to issue from the shower.

“I so do not have time for all of this today.”

Jason headed for his phone to call the building manager. The manager explained because of

the storm of the previous night, the storm Jason had slept through and the same storm that caused

his alarm to be about two hours short of the real time, several apartments in his building were

experiencing issues with their hot water heaters this morning. He promised it would be fixed by

tonight, but little good that did Jason.

“Well, that is just great, thanks for nothing,” were Jason’s last words to the man before he

slammed down the phone.

“Damn, I hate cold showers,” muttered Jason to himself, knowing he was going to have to

man-up and get it done.

Jumping in the shower, Jason stepped as far away from the stream of water as he could to

lather up. Reaching between his legs to soap up, he chuckled to himself. Both his cock and his

balls barely filled up one hand.

“Don’t worry, little fellow, I promise to pull you out and play with you tonight when I get

home and I promise you’ll be warm by then.”

He jumped back under the cold stream to rinse off. Still rushing to get dressed, Jason headed

back to the laundry room to pull his clothes from the dryer.

“Shit! Fuck! Hell!” His clothes hadn’t had time to fully dry and were still damp and

clammy. Halfway considering calling Dave back and telling him he was sick, Jason was able to

shimmy his way into his skin tight jeans and although his shirt was damp too, he thought maybe

they would dry on the ride to work. At least that was one thing the summer heat in Atlanta was

good for.

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Jason remembered to grab his cell phone and to spray on a bit of cologne. He was at least

starting to feel a bit human after the crappy start to his day. Reaching his car in the parking lot,

Jason said a silent little prayer.

“Please, oh, please, let it start, please, please, please,” he begged, sliding in behind the

steering wheel and turning the ignition.

Amazed and pleased when it cranked right up on the first try brought the first smile to his

face since he’d had his cock in his hand. Rolling down the windows on both the passenger and

driver’s side, Jason hoped the breeze from the drive would dry his damp clothes. The air quit

working on his car about a month ago and he hadn’t had the time or the money to have it fixed.

Honestly, he wasn’t sure he wanted to no matter how uncomfortable it was driving in the

summer heat. The car was probably about on its last leg anyway.

Racing to work, morning rush hour avoided by sleeping late, Jason’s mind went back to his

earlier plans to relieve his morning wood. Maybe today would be the day he would get lucky and

the bike messenger or one of the horny married guys in his office would realize he was checking

them out and give him some real relief. It had been a while since he’d been with anyone and

resorted to self-administration. He’d been working entirely too much to have free time to seek

out any cock and he sure wouldn’t turn down any offers of a live partner if they presented


Dreading seeing Dave and getting more ass chewing for being late, Jason headed straight for

his desk when he got to the office. A couple of the guys made good natured comments about his

late arrival, “Glad you could join us,” and “If you can’t get here on time, then get here when you

can,” were the jibes he heard as he walked past a couple of his hot co-workers.

Jason took it in stride wondering if those guys would be this nice to him if they knew how

much he wanted to suck their cocks, or would they be even nicer? He smiled slyly, letting them

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think they got him with their jokes even though he was actually picturing himself with their

cocks in his mouth.

Sitting at his desk, damp jeans still chilling his nuts under the refrigerated air, Jason turned

on his computer ready to get to work and get the day over with. Nothing happened. No power, no

log on screen, nothing.

“What the fuck is wrong with me this morning? Why the fuck does nothing work?”

Waiting on tech support to take him off hold, Jason leaned back in his chair, phone to his ear

and enjoyed the view several feet away. Ron was one of the guys razzing Jason earlier and Jason

was pretty sure even though Ron was married, he would let Jason suck his cock in the right

situation. Jason was also pretty sure Ron knew Jason could see his ample crotch beneath his desk

and often played with himself while Jason watched. This morning was no exception.

Jason felt his own cock begin to come back to life as Ron’s big hand reach down between

his legs and tugged on his nuts. Ron grabbed onto what appeared to be a pretty good sized piece

of meat also hanging between his legs and rearranged it to a more comfortable position. Jason

could never tell if Ron wore underwear or not, but he could tell Ron’s cock was half hard. The

length of its outline resting plainly on top of Ron’s left leg. Ron continued to rub and squeeze his

cock while he talked on the phone. Jason continued to enjoy the view. When tech support came

on the line, they had to ask twice how they could help before Jason heard them.

“My system is down,” replied Jason, hoping for some fast fix.

“We seem to have had several systems taken out by the storm last night. Someone will be

around shortly to replace yours with a new unit.”

Well, it seems like absolutely nothing is going to go right today, thought Jason for what

seemed like the millionth time. He might as well go take a piss while he waited.

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Heading to the men’s room, Jason wasn’t really shocked to see the “out of order” sign on the

door considering the way his day had been going. At least there was another men’s room on the

first floor and the walk would probably do him some good.

Standing at the urinal, cock in hand, Jason was joined by some guy he didn’t know who

obviously did not know the “urinal rule.” This guy wasn’t one of the office workers. One quick

glance told Jason the guy was young, hot and muscular. Maybe about twenty-five, with tanned

firm skin and arms covered in dark hair, he was dressed like a mechanic in blue work pants and

shirt with a wife beater underneath. Dark chest hair peeked out around the top of the undershirt

to tease Jason’s imagination.

Jason wasn’t a prude and wasn’t ashamed of his meat, even after a cold shower, but the rule

every guy followed was if there was someone at a urinal, you never took the one right next to

them unless there were no others available. This new guy not only stepped up to Jason’s side, but

Jason could swear the guy blatantly looked directly at his cock.

After the morning he had, Jason thought he might be a bit off his game, reading signals

wrong. He stared straight ahead and continued taking care of business. Being a connoisseur of

cock, Jason couldn’t help but to sneak a glance down toward the guy’s crotch as he pulled out his

cock. Jason’s quick glance quickly turned into a shocked stare. The guy was not simply pulling

out his cock; he unfolded it in order to take get it free of his pants. Jason’s jaw actually dropped.

“Some storm last night, huh?” questioned the horse-hung guy in casual conversation.

Jason, barely able to recover and stop himself from falling to his knees right then and there,

managed to respond with only an idiot sounding, “Uh-huh.” Realizing how stupid he must

sound, he quickly added, “I guess. Apparently I slept through it.” Did he see a smirk forming on

the obviously Italian man’s face?

“Must be a hard sleeper,” responded the guy with maybe a little too much emphasis on hard.

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Honestly, Jason did feel his cock growing slightly in his hand. Hurrying to finish his piss

before the guy could notice or before he got fully hard, he shook off the last few drops, did a

quick tuck and zip, turning to wash his hands. He had a perfect view of the guy’s back in the

mirror above the sink. Watching his ass as Monster Dick finished his piss, Jason marveled at the

time it took to stuff the magnificent cock back into his pants. Jason didn’t know the man, but he

was having serious thoughts of asking—no begging—him to fuck his brains out right there on

the bathroom floor.

The horse-hung man quickly washed his hands and left. Jason, fantasy once again smashed,

found his way back to his desk and his new computer. The rest of his day turned out to be

uneventful. With his mind often returning to thoughts of cock and jacking off, he looked forward

to getting home.

Finally five o’clock rolled around and Jason headed for the parking lot. Thinking things had

finally taken a turn for the better, his car once again started on the first try. Jason pulled out into

traffic. He turned toward home and the well deserved release of a good jack off session.

About halfway home, the first sign of the powers that be were not finished having their fun

materialized. Jason’s was sitting in traffic when his car made a strange fluttering sound and gave

a little out of sync shudder.

“Come on.” He urged the light to change and the traffic to move. “Let’s go.” The light

flashed from red to green and traffic started to flow, but once again the car shook and the engine

missed. As he was about to go under the light and through the intersection the car sputtered.

Not for the first time, Jason cussed at his car, banging his fist on the steering wheel.

“Fucking bitch, don’t you dare break down on me in five o’clock traffic right here in this busy,

fucking intersection!”

Unfortunately, all the cussing and pleading with the mechanical beast failed in effectiveness.

The motor sputtered to a stop and the car lurched, jumped and lurched again before finally

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coming to a stop directly in the middle of the congested intersection. Jason leaned his head over

on his steering wheel on the verge of tears. As intelligent as Jason knew himself to be, he was

just as mechanically challenged. He’d also had about all he could take for today and had no clue

what he needed to do when attempt after attempt to get it restarted failed. Of course, if he’d been

truly intelligent, he would have kept up his AAA membership instead of letting it lapse. Cursing

loudly, he wondered if he should call for help or first try to push the beast out of the intersection.

Horns blared and Jason’s desperation deepened as he tried to decide what to do. Turning on

his flashers as he got out of the car to give those assholes blowing their horns behind him a clue

that there was nothing he could do. He desperately tried to calm himself down, digging out his

wallet for his insurance card. If he remembered right, he had towing coverage. As he searched

vainly for his card, he remembered that he had taken out some cards the night before because

they were making his wallet too fat. Apparently the insurance card had been mixed up among

them by mistake. As he was about to start banging his head against the hood, he was shocked to

see a wrecker pulling out of the backed-up traffic and heading in his direction. Maybe his

guardian angel was watching out for him today after all.

Leaning back against the car, wiping sweat from his face, Jason watched as the tow truck

pulled into the intersection in front of his immobile vehicle and backed slowly and carefully up

to his car. Jason was even more relieved when the driver turned on the flashing light bar on top

of the tow truck. If that didn’t quiet the horn blowers and let them know he would be out of their

way shortly, then they could all kiss his ass.

Jason turned toward the driver’s side of the truck in time to see a pair of long legs wrapped

in the blue of the work pants mechanics seemed to favor. Letting his eyes travel up the length of

those tightly clad legs as the driver started to climb down to the street, Jason’s eyes lingered on

the equally tightly packed crotch area where a considerable strain pressed against the worn

material. The guy most definitely packed a serious mechanic’s tool in those pants. Tearing his

eyes away from what had to be a mouth watering cock barely contained behind the thin fiber,

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Jason looked up the remainder of the body, not at all expecting what he saw. The driver wore a

familiar white wife beater or one which used to be white, currently stained with dirt, grease, and

grime from a day at the job. The body under it still appeared to be fucking fine. It was the man

from the bathroom earlier that morning. Jason felt a familiar stir in his stomach and crotch when

he saw the big grin on the handsome face, as he walked purposefully in his direction. Jason felt a

grin of his own take shape.

“Looks like I was in the right place at the right time, twice,” said the hunky tow truck driver

with the same little smirk on his face he’d worn that morning. “Could you use a little help?”

Jason wanted to say, I could use some help with my car, and oh, would you mind putting

your giant cock in my mouth, too? He settled for, “Hell, yes! Damn thing quit right here in the

intersection and as you can hear those people I’m blocking are none too happy about it. Can you

help me out? Maybe tow me home?”

“A broken down car won’t do you much good at home if you don’t know how to fix it. The

shop I work for is right down the road.” He mopped sweat from his brow, throwing back a mass

of black hair from his forehead. “Why don’t I pull you there and take a look at it?”

Jason blushed; obviously the driver had sized him up and realized Jason didn’t know a damn

thing about cars. He wondered if being gay was as obvious. Men like that always had a way of

picking up on those things, even if he hadn’t seen Jason gawking at his cock earlier with what

had to be an expression of deep longing on his face.

“Uh, yeah, sounds good,” Jason said, hoping to save himself further embarrassment.

“Why don’t you jump into the truck while I hook it up? The AC’s on and you look very


Jason did a double take. Was the guy toying with him? Surely there was no way this guy

was giving him the look, or was he? Jason was sure he saw a twinkle in the driver’s eye when he

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said Jason looked very hot. Jason shook his head. He must be imagining things. Chalking it up to

the stress of the day, breaking down, the heat and wishful thinking, Jason sadly decided he had

misread the look from the driver and walked over to climb up into the cab of the tow truck.

As soon as Jason opened the door, he became lightheaded, almost overcome with the man

smell. Not a bad smell, only the smell of grease, sweat, and male, almost like some after-hours

gay bars without the cigarette smoke. The strong aroma of testosterone and maybe an underlying

odor of spent semen teased his senses. Jason was sure he could make out the distinct smell of

cum in the cab. Pushing the driver’s soiled blue work shirt over to the center of the seat, he

noticed the name monogrammed on the left side, Armando.

Jason fantasized, saying to him, Fuck me, Armando. Fuck me hard with your fat cock,

Armando. I want to feel those big low hanging nuts slapping against my ass as you fuck me hard

and fast.

Probably not the smartest thing to do at the moment since it resulted in him springing a hard-

on. Pulling over the work shirt to hold in his lap and hopefully help hide his boner before

Armando got back in the truck, Jason touched something wet and sticky. A towel under the shirt

he hadn’t noticed before where the smell of cum emanated from.

Damn! He found this guy’s cum rag, used not long ago. He couldn’t let on he’d found it and

put the shirt back over it. The damage was done though, and his cock was harder than before,

and his jeans did nothing to hide the bulge. He’d decided to go to work commando today,

wearing tight pants instead of loose slacks. Probably not one of his best ideas. The outline of his

throbbing cock could clearly be seen snaking down the leg of his jeans without time or privacy to

do any rearranging.

To his horror, hooking up the car didn’t take any time at all and the driver climbed back up

into the cab with him and his hard cock.

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Jason glanced over at Armando as he got into the truck and knew he was not mistaken.

Armando looking directly at his hard cock straining at the material of his pant leg. Jason thought

he would die of embarrassment, but Armando didn’t say a word, only got in, and put the truck in


“All set?” he asked.

Jason nodded, too embarrassed to speak, and they were off. After a few moments, Jason

regained his composure and said, “I appreciate your doing this.” Despite his best intentions, he

looked directly at Armando’s crotch, not missing the considerable bulge Armando displayed

earlier had become even more impressive.

Armando had one hand resting on it and responded by saying, “Not a problem. I never pass

up a chance to pick up a guy who is truly in need.”

These double entendre comments were driving Jason crazy. What the hell was going on?

Was he imagining this or was this hot sweaty hunk of man meat coming on to him? And what

the hell was up with the still wet cum rag? Jason decided to let things play out and see if he was

losing his mind or not. Maybe the guy had been fucking his girlfriend or somebody’s wife before

going back to the garage for the evening.

The ride to the garage didn’t take any time at all. Armando wasn’t kidding when he said the

shop was right down the road. As Armando pulled the truck into the building, there were no

other mechanics or customers around. Jason assumed it was it was well after five, quitting time.

“I really do appreciate your doing this after normal working hours.”

“Not a problem. Like I said, I hate to see a guy in need and not offer my assistance.”

They got out of the truck and Armando slipped the grimy wife beater off over his head.

Jason stood transfixed, staring, mouth watering at the sight of thick nipples peeking up from the

mass of black curly hair on a muscular and toned chest. Jason felt his cock rising and knew he

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would soon be fully erect again. He had never completely lost his erection since Armando

climbed into the truck. If Armando noticed, he didn’t seem to mind Jason’s staring.

Opening the hood of Jason’s car, Armando exclaimed, “Damn, dude, you’re fucked.”

Jason’s heart dropped. Seeing the distress on Jason’s face, Armando laughed. “Hey, man,

I’m kidding; looks like a wire came off. Won’t take but a moment. Get in and try to crank it.”

Doing as instructed, Jason was surprised when the car started right up.

“There you go, all good, but I should tell you, you need to have your oil changed and you

need a lube job. Your suspension is really squeaky. Want me to do it while you're here?”

Jason, concerned about the cost, started to say no, but then Armando offered some additional


“I actually live in the upstairs apartment. Kitchen’s to the right as you go through the door.

If you can grab us a couple of beers, I’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

Never one to turn down drinks with a hot, sweaty, sexy man, Jason took the stairs two at a

time, locating the kitchen as described. The apartment was surprisingly clean and neat. He

grabbed the beers but before leaving, decided to have a glance around. To his left was the living

room and straight ahead, the bedroom. Stepping in quickly for a peek, Jason noted Armando

favored boxers, seeing as how a couple of pairs were strewn on the floor as if he had stepped out

of them. The thing that caught Jason’s eye was the lube gun on the table next to the bed and the

huge dildo sitting next to it. Figuring he had seen enough, Jason turned to go when Armando

stepped into the small apartment, totally filling the bedroom door with his hulking frame.

“Oh, that’s where I left it.” Armando, his body brushing against Jason as he squeezed

through the door, picked up the lube gun and returned. Standing directly in front of Jason, he

added, “This lube works great for small places and tight squeezes.”

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Totally stunned and with a beer in each hand, Jason wasn’t able to move or say anything as

Armando reached between Jason’s legs with his free hand and grabbed his cock.

Jason leaned his head forward, a moan escaping his throat and took one of Armando’s meaty

nipples between his teeth, tugging on it, causing Armando to moan in return.

Armando tossed the lube gun to the bed, took the beers from Jason’s hands in one of his and

shoved him roughly onto the bed, landing on top of him. Jason wasn’t totally sure where this was

going, but he didn’t resist as Armando set the beers on the bedside table and unbuttoned his shirt,

grinding his crotch into his. Armando ran his hands over Jason’s torso pinching and tugging on

each of Jason’s nipples in turn as he continued to hump his crotch. Jason was sure Armando’s

pants were going to split any moment and free the beast of a cock he had hidden there.

Armando pushed Jason’s legs apart and stepped between them, pulling Jason’s ass over to

the edge of the bed. He unbuckled and unzipped Jason's jeans, pulled them off and threw them in

the floor. Before Jason knew it, he was butt ass naked and Armando stripped off those worn out

work pants, freeing the huge cock he’d been keeping confined.

Jason was fascinated by Armando’s cock. A perfect beauty, with an olive color and at least

eleven inches of uncut, precum-dripping, rock hard man meat rose from a dense mass of dark

curly hair with two of the biggest and most perfectly shaped nuts Jason had ever seen. Concern

replaced the fascination as Jason realized Armando intended to put that cock in his tight ass,

though he didn’t protest or make any move to rescue himself.

In a trance, he watched Armando cover that gorgeous hunk of meat with a condom and pick

up the lube gun from where it conveniently landed next to Jason on the bed. He squirted a large

glob into his big meaty hand and spread it generously up and down the shaft of his cock, placing

large amounts on the head of his dick, making Jason’s mouth water.

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“You ready for that lube job I said you needed?” inquired Armando, pulled Jason’s legs over

his shoulders, tipping his ass up for easy reach and pressed the well-greased head of his cock

against Jason’s rosebud.

Not giving Jason a chance to answer, he slid Jason closer with his big hands on each hip,

held him tight and drove most of the entire greased up eleven inches deep into Jason's ass, in one

fell swoop. The only sound Jason was able to make was a feeble whimper. That didn’t mean he

fought him or tried to push him away.

“Oh, baby, you're fucking tight,” said Armando, easing the intrusion by barely moving his

cock back and forth.

The man knew how to fuck and give Jason time to catch his breath and enjoy. Jason had

never taken a cock that big before, and was shocked to find he could, even though it felt like it

had split him in half the first couple of seconds. He liked the gentle rocking motion Armando

used to take away the pain and he loved the way Armando’s big nuts felt as they flopped against

his ass in the slow, easy movements. He had never felt such incredible pain turn so fast to such

incredible pleasure and had never been more turned on or as hard as he was at that moment.

Armando picked up the pace and fucked Jason deep, nuts really slapping against his ass with

each slow plunge. Jason was able to grab hold of Armando’s well-rounded ass and pulled him in

even closer, muttering, “Fuck me, Armando, fuck me hard with your big cock.”

Guttural moans came from them both. Still holding onto Armando’s ass with one hand,

Jason managed to wrap his other hand around his own cock. He knew he couldn’t take a fucking

like this much longer and not cum. Armando’s rhythm increased and he moaned louder. Jason

suspected he would not be able to hold out much longer either. Stroking his cock in unison with

Armando thrusts and the slap of Armando’s huge balls against his ass, he matched each with

double pleasure. A brief second after Armando started to shudder, Jason’s own cum shot up in

the air in streams striking Armando across the chest and dripping back down onto Jason’s.

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Armando fucked Jason after his balls were drained, his cock not yet softened. When he

finally collapsed, their sweaty bodies slid against the other. They each huffed and

puffed, recovering from the intense orgasms. Jason’s sticky cum on both of their chests worked

deeply into their chest hairs, as they rubbed their bodies together.

“I don’t believe you’re going to squeak anymore after all the lube I put in there,” joked


“Me neither. I think I like the big mechanic’s tool you used to add some additional fluid to

my tank too.”

“That was only round one, baby. I want you to lube yourself up. I won’t be using little John

tonight.” Armando indicating the large rubber cock on the side table. “We’re going to take turns

mounting each other and sucking each other’s dip sticks. This is a full service mechanic shop,

and we aim to please. You don’t get to leave ‘til you’ve been fully serviced.”

Jason was absolutely, positively sure he had no plans to go anywhere until he received

everything he had coming to him.


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About The Authors

Shannon and Remy are m/m romance authors primarily, though Shannon

sometimes dips into menage and m/f romance. In her writing, that is, but wouldn’t

like to rule it out in any case. Both are quite proudly pervs and shamelessly crazy,

which makes it easier for them to write together. When they’re not writing about

good looking guys getting it on, they like the mountains, antiques, travel, and

parties. Remy likes cats too, but not in the biblical sense. Shannon is a computer

addict, and both of them are madly in love with their respective husbands.

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Shannon West/ Remy Deveraux

Secret Cravings Publishing

Document Outline


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Job interview Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna e 1oho
Prosperity is an inside job

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