Trading Places Shannon West

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Trading Places

Shy Redmond Powell’s always been a pushover for doing whatever
his flamboyant identical twin brother Russell asks him to do, so
when Russell begs him to trade places with him to attend the
wedding of his former lover and pretend to be him, Redmond
reluctantly agrees.

It doesn’t take long for gorgeous security expert Sloane to find
Redmond in a very compromising position, and finds this the
perfect opportunity to coerce “Russell” to go with him out of town
before he disrupts his friend’s wedding.

Making Redmond travel with him to an isolated cabin in the
woods, Sloane thinks this would be a perfect opportunity to get to
know the beautiful man a little better and maybe teach him a
lesson he won’t soon forget, but when someone tries to kill his
good-looking charge, Sloane has to take their relationship to a
whole new level.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 35,520 words

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Shannon West



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Shannon West
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-165-8

First E-book Publication: September 2012

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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To my darling boys, J and J.

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

“Russell, this is never going to work. David knows me. He’ll

never believe it.”

“You can pull this off, Redmond! And of course you’d never fool

David—you only have to fool the guards at the gate. You have to
admit, we look just alike, except for that haircut. You’ll be able to get
inside anyway, and find David.”

“Once I’m inside—then what?”
“Find David and explain. He always liked you. I think he liked

you better than me most of the time.” His twin’s tone was a little
bitter, and Redmond gave him a sharp look, but his face was still
earnest and pleading.

“And if he refuses?”
Russell leaned in and touched his arm. “Red, you have to do

whatever it takes to get that watch back for me.”

“Wait a minute. Don’t tell me you think I’m going to steal the

watch from him. You’re crazy! I’d never do something like that!”

“Then just ask him for it.” Russell ran a hand through his hair and

paced up and down the room. “Do whatever, but I have to have that
watch back!”

“How in the world did you ever get invited to this wedding

anyway? I thought David had better sense than that.”

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Russell smiled. “Maybe he thought I’d come and try to stop him. I

don’t know. He told me how rich his boyfriend is and all, how he has
the big estate in Canada with guards at the gate. Trying to make me
jealous, I think. Anyway, he sent me an e-mail a few days later asking
me not to come after all. Must have come to his senses. Imagine
giving up all that money!”

Russell shook his head. “If he sees you, he’ll probably avoid you

like the plague. Said his boyfriend would be too jealous, and there’s
been too much drama between us.”

“God knows that’s true.” Redmond frowned. “Why don’t you just

leave the poor guy alone? Maybe he’ll finally find some happiness.”

“I’m going to leave him alone—I don’t care what he does. But

first I want that watch!”

Redmond got angry again just thinking about it. “Tell me again

why in the hell you felt you had the right to give David our father’s
watch. It doesn’t belong to you, Russell, and you know it! Damn, to
steal from your own mother.”

Their father had died three years before, and Redmond had taken

the loss particularly hard. Somehow Russell had taken his father’s
Rolex watch from their mother’s home and given it to his on-again,
off-again boyfriend, David. The watch had been special to his father.
To him it had been a symbol that he’d finally “arrived,” that he’d
finally become successful in his business. He was a salesman for a
large pharmaceutical company, and he saw doctors every day casually
wearing their pricey Rolexes. It became a symbol of success to him,
almost an obsession.

He had saved for years to buy it, never skimping on anything for

his family, just stashing a few dollars here and there over thirty-five
long years. When he’d finally bought it, the least expensive watch in
the Rolex catalog, but still, a Rolex, he’d been so proud. He wore it
every single day of his life for the year and a half that was left to him.
When he passed away, their mother put the watch away, unable to
bear looking at it.

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“I know, I know.” Russell said. “It was wrong, okay? But I just

borrowed it, I didn’t steal it, exactly. I was going to get it back from
David eventually. I was just trying to impress him, I guess. After the
way I left him the last time, I felt like I had to do some kind of
extravagant gesture to win him over.”

“With our mother’s most precious keepsake? And win him over

for what? So you could dump him again a month later? What is it
with you and David anyway? The minute he tells you off and kicks
you to the curb, you take it as a personal challenge. It’s sick, Russell.
Not to mention cruel.”

“Okay, okay. I get it—you think I’m an asshole. Maybe you’re

right. But I had no idea he’d meet some rich guy and get swept off his
feet. With my watch on his arm! I’ve got to get that watch back to
Mom before she realizes it’s missing. Please, Redmond, you have to
help me.”

Redmond made a sound of disgust and turned away. He loved his

twin brother, but he’d lost respect for him long ago. His parents,
particularly his mother, had defended him and made excuses for him
for years. And who was he kidding? Redmond himself had done the
same thing.

Maybe it was something like survivor’s guilt. The identical twins

had been born a few weeks early. Redmond had been perfectly fine,
but Russell had been born with a serious heart defect. In order to
repair the defect, Russell had to undergo a few surgeries as he grew
up, and every time he had a surgery, the entire family, including
Redmond, had babied and pampered him for months afterward. All he
had to do was bat those big blue eyes and the whole family would
come running.

The fact was that Russell was a handsome but very spoiled brat

who’d never really grown up. He had continually been in trouble
since high school. In school it was a matter of not doing his work or
back-talking the teachers. He’d graduated to greater things. At first, it
was minor drug problems and DUIs. More recently, he’d begun to

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gamble heavily and make loans he couldn’t repay with actual
underworld characters. Redmond couldn’t even imagine how he’d
met such people.

His reputation with his many lovers wasn’t any better. Russell had

come out when he was sixteen. He’d made his announcement at the
dinner table, so sure he would be accepted he didn’t even seem
nervous. His parents hadn’t disappointed him either. After taking a
deep breath and giving each other a significant look, they hugged him
and soon became his biggest supporters. His mom, always Russell’s
cheerleader, had even eventually joined PFLAG and participated in a
couple of marches.

He’d known about Russell, of course, because Russell had

practiced his coming-out speech on him for the whole week prior to
the big day. Besides that, he’d seen the magazines Russell kept under
his bed. But as far as his own sexuality went, he considered himself to
be bi. Not that he’d had many girlfriends, but he’d had a couple of
lasting relationships and enjoyed them very much. He’d also had a
few hookups with guys and one actual relationship that lasted a few

Over the years, he watched Russell in his many troubles with

guys. Other than the tumultuous relationship he’d maintained with
David over the past two years, he’d had a series of unsuitable lovers,
even delving for a while into the world of BDSM. Not responsibly, of
course, but with men he met on the Internet or at sketchy clubs. After
a scene with one of them landed him in the hospital, he’d decided to
get back together with David. Maybe he saw David as some kind of
father figure, even though David was only twenty-eight. Still, that was
seven years older than Russell.

“Okay, even assuming I’m willing to help you out with this, and

that’s a big if, why in the hell do you think David would be willing to
give you back something you gave to him as a gift? He certainly has
no reason to think kindly of you, after all you’ve put him through.”

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“C’mon, Redmond, you have such a way with words. He always

liked you, too, and told me I should be more like you. Just like Mom
and Dad always did.”

The slightest tone of bitterness in his voice made Redmond look

up sharply, but Russell’s face held no hint of the resentment Redmond
could have sworn he’d heard a moment before. “Oh, c’mon,
Redmond, you know you’ve always been the good twin, the one the
teachers all liked in school. Even in college, you were the one who
made the decent grades while I flunked out. You’ve been the shining
beacon people have expected me to live up to my whole life.”

Russell touched his arm and gave him the wide-eyed gaze

Redmond called the puppy-dog eyes. “Please help me, Redmond.
Mom will die if she finds out.”

“I know, Russell. That’s the only reason I’m even considering

helping you. I just can’t figure out why you didn’t think of this when
you first took the watch. Explain to me again why you can’t just call
him. Or go yourself.”

Russell blew out his breath in a long sigh. “He won’t take my

calls, Redmond. He deleted his e-mail account, too, right after that
last e-mail he sent me. And you know I just started this new job you
got me, I haven’t been working there long enough for them to give me
any time off. You know how tight-assed they are. David’s getting
married on Friday morning. I’d have to take off the day before, too,
because the estate is supposed to be isolated. That means I’d have to
rent a car.”

“So instead, you want me to take my savings and buy an airplane

ticket to go up there. Spend my money to help you out. Not to
mention burning my vacation days.”

“C’mon, Red, say you’ll do it for me? After they get married,

they’re moving to Jonathan’s other home in South Africa. It’s now or

The wheedling tone and use of the nickname he never allowed

anyone but Russell to call him finally got to him, and he reluctantly

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nodded his head. He supposed he could use his savings for the trip,
though he’d been saving for months for a down payment on a new
car. Despite himself, he loved his twin, and was proud of him for
finally going to work. Even if it was a low-paying, entry-level job in
the mailroom of the ad agency they both worked for, it could signal a
new start for him.

“Okay, write down the address and the time. Leave the invitation,

too, in case I have to show something to get in.”

Russell laughed and jumped on him, planting a big, sloppy, wet

kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, bro, I owe you one!”

“Yeah, more like one hundred,” Redmond said, but he smiled as

he wiped his face. He didn’t know if this would work or not, but he
had to give it a try for his mother’s sake, if nothing else. Russell left
the apartment practically dancing with glee now that he’d gotten his
way. Redmond went into the bedroom to pack a few things for the
trip. He had a bad feeling about this. It just wasn’t going to end
well—he could feel it.

* * * *

“Please, Sloane. I need your help. There’s no one else I can go to

for this.”

“No, David, it’s impossible. Be reasonable and think about what

you’re asking. We’ve been close friends for a long time, but this is
above and beyond. You want me to watch out for this Russell guy and
if he shows up, grab him and take him out of the wedding. Then keep
him away not just until it’s all over, but for the rest of the week. Until
you and Jonathan leave for South Africa. It amounts to kidnapping
and false imprisonment! Oh, yeah, and did I mention, that’s against
the fucking law in Canada, just like in the States?”

“All right, all right…then get him to go with you willingly. Just

long enough to get through my wedding and until we can get out of
Canada, and then I’ll explain everything to Jonathan. C’mon, Sloane,

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you have two weeks off, you already told me. Think of this as part of
your vacation. He’s very handsome—”

“Explain it again to me, too, David, ’cause I’m having trouble

believing it. How could you have been so stupid as to invite your ex?
Your crazy ex, who broke your heart like a hundred times, I might

“You’d have to understand my whole sick history with this guy.

He’s younger than I am, but he’s always been able to talk me into
anything he wanted. He’s so…so…I don’t know what there is about
him that I can’t seem to resist.” David ran his hands through his short
blond hair. “I know he’s been jerking me around for a long time.
Whenever I get into a serious relationship, it’s like he has radar and
shows up to ruin everything for me. I had some idea of settling things
between us once and for all—to let him see I’m with someone who’s
good for me for a change.”

“I think there’s more to it than that, Dave. C’mon, we’ve been

friends a long time.”

“Okay. To be honest, I guess I had a case of cold feet, too, when I

got his e-mail asking to see me. Maybe I had some crazy romantic
idea that if he came to the wedding he’d interrupt it like in that old
movie, you know, about Mrs. Robinson, and we’d ride off in the
sunset together.”

“Jesus, Dave, don’t you love Jonathan? If you don’t, if you’re not

sure, don’t go through with this wedding. You’ll hurt him terribly.”

“I do love Jonathan! I realized it almost as soon as I sent the

invitation to Russell. I thought about losing him and knew I was being
ridiculous. Jonathan would be furious if he shows up. He’s always
been so jealous and doesn’t think I’m totally over Russell. He’d call
off the wedding, Sloane. He’d be so hurt!”

David continued to pace up and down his living room. “He knows

our history, Sloane. I had to do a lot of talking to reassure him I was
over Russell to begin with.”

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“Are you?” Sloane asked quietly. “Tell me the truth, David.

We’ve been through a lot together. You can be honest with me.”

“I am telling the truth, Sloane. Like I said, maybe it was a case of

cold feet. Anyway, it was a temporary aberration, and I was over it as
soon as I mailed the invitation. I sent him an e-mail right away asking
him not to come.”

“Maybe he won’t show then.”
“You don’t know Russell. I’ve known him since he was just a kid,

eighteen or nineteen years old. He was really too young for me then,
and I told him so. He just refused to take no for an answer. He chased
me for six months until I agreed to go out with him. When he wants
something, he’s just relentless.”

David threw himself onto the sofa across from Sloane. “He

seemed desperate to see me before the wedding for some reason. I’m
afraid he’ll show up anyway and ruin things for me and Jonathan.
Look, you’re a police officer back in the States. You know how to
deal with difficult people and make them do what you want. Can’t
you just be there early, and if you see him, head him off somehow? I
could tell the guards at the gate to refuse him entry, but he’d cause a
terrible scene. I know him.”

He leaned forward, smiling a little. “Maybe flirt with him, ask him

to go somewhere with you. He’s such a man-whore, he’d probably
jump at the chance with someone like you. Just find a way to keep
him away from me until we leave on our honeymoon. Please,

Sloane shook his head. He and David had been friends for years.

In the same unit in the Army, they’d been deployed to Iraq together
and gone through some rough times. After discovering they were both
gay, it seemed to make their bond even closer, though they were only
friends, and there was never any romantic spark between them.

They became best friends though, and shared everything, even

being wounded together in a roadside bombing of their convoy while
they were helping to secure oil tankers on the Mohammad Kassin

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Highway in central Baghdad. David may have saved his life that day
by keeping compression on Sloane’s leg wound until the medics
arrived, despite being wounded slightly himself.

Sloane sighed and nodded to his friend. “All right, all right. I can

do that, I guess. I’ll give it a shot. No kidnapping though. If he
doesn’t go with me willingly, you’ll just have to deal with it. And you
owe me one for this, David. I have no desire to spend any time in this
boy’s company. He sounds like a real jerk.”

“Oh, he is, but a beautiful one. One of the best-looking men I’ve

ever seen. Too bad his character isn’t a match for his face.”

* * * *

Redmond arrived at the large, beautiful mansion where the

wedding was to take place a little before ten in the morning. He’d
been traveling since six that morning, and he was already tired and
wondering how he’d allowed himself to be roped into this. The estate
was pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. He’d taken two planes
to get as close as possible and had been driving the rental car for over
an hour. Talk about isolated.

The way Russell had explained it, David was marrying a very

wealthy businessman from South Africa, who also had business
concerns and a home just over the border in Canada. David, who was
from a quiet little town in Georgia, had met him only three months
ago at a friend’s party in upstate Maine. Jonathan’s business concerns
were now taking him back to South Africa, and they would be moving
there indefinitely right after the wedding.

The wedding was to take place at Jonathan’s home, same-sex

marriage having been legal in Canada since 2005. Redmond hoped he
might be able to have a quiet word with David and then leave before
the wedding even began. Redmond hated the idea of intruding on
David’s special day like this. Damn, how does Russell always manage
to talk me into doing his dirty work?

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He got there a little early, arriving at the gate and showing his

invitation to the guard before being allowed in. The guard had looked
at him closely and then checked a clipboard before nodding him
through. When Redmond looked back in his rearview mirror, he saw
the guard get out his phone and speak urgently into it.

Deciding he was only being paranoid, he drove into the circular

driveway in his rental car and gave the keys to the valet parking
attendant. He had to admit he was pretty impressed and at the same
time, happy for David. He was a nice guy and deserved somebody
special, especially after all those years of putting up with Russell.

The door opened as he walked up the steps, and standing in the

doorway was a man who gave him a look that raked him from top to
bottom. Almost immediately the man made Russell feel very uneasy.
He was of medium height, graceful and lean, a couple of inches
shorter than Redmond, but he had a nice body, kind of athletic, like he
did a lot of running. He had dark eyes and sinfully long lashes, not to
mention full, sensuous lips. Shit, why am I looking at his lips? I don’t
need to forget why I’m here.
Could this be David’s fiancé? If so, he’d
really hit the jackpot. Rich and gorgeous!

The man’s gaze took in every detail of Redmond’s appearance,

too, and it seemed he didn’t much like what he saw. His full lips
turned up a bit in a sneer. He planted himself squarely in the door, so
Redmond couldn’t move past him, and his voice came out a little

“Can I help you?”
Redmond smiled at him. “Yes, I hope so. My name is, uh, Russell

Powell, and I’m here for the wedding. David is an old friend of

The man crossed his arms and again gave him the once-over. His

dark-brown eyes glittered. “Kind of early, aren’t you? The wedding’s
not for another two hours yet.”

“Well, I came a long way, and it was hard to judge the time

exactly.” He gave him his most winning look and smile—the one he’d

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seen Russell use so effectively time after time. He looked directly into
his eyes and really tried to turn on the charm. “Are you David’s

“No. My name is Sloane Devereaux. David’s a good friend.”
“Oh, me, too. I mean, he’s a friend of mine, too. A good friend.”

Why the hell am I stammering like an idiot? Something about this
good-looking man made him feel like a stupid kid. He smiled at him,
trying to be charming, but all he got in return was a scathingly
irritated glare.

Redmond took a deep breath and tried again. “I was actually

hoping for a word with David before he gets too busy. It wouldn’t
take long, really. Do you know where I might find him?” He laid his
hand on the man’s arm familiarly, like he’d seen Russell do a million
times, and leaned in with his most winning smile. It was the same
smile he’d watched Russell use to get his way over the years. God,
did I just flutter my eyelashes at this guy?
Redmond felt his face
growing warm.

No, not a blush, please, God. Redmond had the fair skin that

sometimes accompanies dark-red hair. No freckles, just a creamy
white color that was totally resistant to tanning. He was particularly
prone to the stupid blushes whenever he was embarrassed or upset in
the least. His mother hadn’t helped anything by the dumb names she
gave both of her red-haired twins the minute she saw them—Russell
and Redmond, for God’s sake, both meaning “red hair” or “red one.”

The man didn’t seem to be put off by the blushes, thankfully, but

he wasn’t entirely immune to Russell’s tricks either, it seemed. His
own dark eyes widened a bit, and he actually took an involuntary step
backward. “Uh, why don’t you come in, Russell, and have a seat. I’ll
see if I can locate him for you.”

Still mimicking what he seen Russell do so many times, Redmond

gave him the smile again. “Thank you so much. That would be
perfect, Mr. Devereaux.”

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Sloane looked down pointedly at Redmond’s hand and then back

into his eyes. Redmond pulled his hand away like he’d touched a
furnace. Redmond could have sworn he felt a little jolt of electricity
pass between them. What was the matter with him? He had to keep
his wits about him and not be distracted by the first handsome man he
ran into. Okay, fucking gorgeous man, but that was beside the point.
Why the fuck do I suddenly care what this guy looks like? Shit. This
was about talking David out of Dad’s watch, nothing else. I have to
keep that in mind.

“Follow me, Russell.” Sloane turned and walked back into the

mansion, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Redmond followed.
Redmond followed all right, unable to take his eyes of the fine glutes
swaying in front of his face. I’m looking at his ass now? Great, just
His face burned at the thought. He had to keep it together. Just
because Russell was gay didn’t mean he was. At least not totally. He
had to put on a good show, yes, but this was becoming embarrassing.
Sloane led him into a small room excellently appointed with antiques
and motioned Redmond to a chair.

“Wait here, if you don’t mind, and I’ll see if I can find David.” He

actually smiled a little at Redmond as he left, and Redmond felt a
strong jolt of something race through him again. Dropping his gaze,
he tried to get control of himself. Good grief, what was the matter
with him? Admittedly, it had been a while since he’d had sex with
anyone, but this was ridiculous. A tiny little corner of his brain
wondered why he was protesting so much before he told it to shut the
hell up.

He looked around the tiny room. Must be some kind of small

office or something. Shrugging, he took out his iPhone to check his
mail as he sat down on the delicate-looking sofa. A message from
Russell already, wanting to know if he’d arrived. He texted back that
he was inside at least and trying to get in to see David.

After about five minutes, the door reopened and Sloane

Devereaux reappeared. He held two glasses of what looked like

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champagne and orange juice in his hands and came over to offer one
to Redmond, taking a seat beside him. Sloane was devastatingly
handsome, lean and dark with those chocolate-colored eyes. Those
eyes raked him over now as he spoke softly. “David’s too busy to
speak to you now, but he asked me to keep you company. Perhaps
you can talk to him after the wedding.”

Redmond bit his lower lip and tried to think. After the wedding

would be too hectic and he’d barely get a chance to speak to him. He
took a sip of his mimosa and tried again, putting on his most
seductive smile. “I know he must be terribly busy with all kinds of
last-minute things, but if you would just explain to him that I’ve come
such a long way, and I’ll only keep him a moment. It’s really of vital
importance that I speak with him. Maybe if you could just take me to
him for a second or two…?” Deciding to keep on with Russell’s
slightly effeminate tactics, he leaned toward him, lightly touching his
leg, and made the big puppy-dog eyes Russell was famous for.

Sloane leaned closer to him, too, so close Redmond could smell

his very sexy cologne. God, what is that stuff? I need to find out and
buy a gallon
. Sloane even draped an arm around on the sofa behind
him. Not touching him, but very close, his handsome face was only
inches away. Redmond backed up nervously. Apparently, this guy is
gay or at least bi. At least he won’t try to kick my ass for flirting with

“Sorry, Russell,” he said smoothly. “But it’s just not possible.

Why don’t we get to know each other a little better while you wait?
Maybe you’d like to go with me somewhere for coffee? We have
plenty of time. As an old friend of David’s, of course, I’ve heard a lot
about you over the years. I’d love to get to know you.”

Redmond’s cock actually stirred, more than a little interested.

Heat rushed through his body and up into his cheeks. He had to admit
he hadn’t completely thought through what he would do if the flirting
was returned. Now as he looked into Sloane’s deep brown eyes,
fringed with those absolutely sinful lashes, he felt a little confused. He

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shook his head firmly though. “No, I don’t think so, Sloane. Maybe
some other time. I need to stay here and see if there’s any chance to
talk to David.”

Sloane leaned even closer. He brought his lips close to

Redmond’s. “Are you sure, Russell? I’d like to ‘talk’ to you myself.”
His lips came forward and brushed against Redmond’s, and a spark
seemed to jump between them again and this time it settled right in
Redmond’s cock. Redmond jerked his head away, unable to speak
coherently with so many strong feelings rushing through him. To buy
time Redmond took a sip of his drink.

Sloane plucked the glass neatly from his hand and put it on the

table in front of them. Okay, a dominant type. Smiling into
Redmond’s eyes, he put his hand behind his head, holding him there
as he brought his lips down to touch Redmond’s. Even though
Redmond was the larger man, he felt frozen, as if he were a helpless
little canary confronted by a big bad tomcat. How the hell did he just
make me feel like a bottom?

Sloane’s tongue nudged Redmond’s lips apart as he licked and

nibbled at his mouth until Redmond thought he might faint. Redmond
felt the kiss jolting steadily through his body and settling firmly in his
lower regions. He knew he’d probably asked for this with his flirting,
but he was still uneasy. He was used to being in control, but no
longer. This gorgeous man had just taken it deftly away from him and
made him like it. Shit.

Almost without realizing it he found his hips were moving

restlessly on the sofa. He knew that Sloane was pushing him
inexorably down to his back, and Redmond was letting it happen.
Hell, he was powerless to stop it. It was as if his body had taken over
and shoved his mind to one side. Sloane actually repositioned himself
over Redmond’s body, never breaking the long, slow, lazy kiss,
grinding his huge erection into Redmond’s groin. To his horror, he
felt his own erection straining against his pants.

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The kiss continued, becoming rough and urgent, neither of them

apparently wanting to stop. Redmond’s cock was throbbing, and he
couldn’t seem to break this kiss. He actually whimpered against
Sloane’s lips, the small noise seemingly wrung from him against his
will. He felt Sloane’s hands busy at his waistband, unbuttoning his
trousers, pulling his shirt out, and slipping his hand inside. At the first
warm graze of his hand over his throbbing cock, Redmond almost
came in his pants. Jesus, what was happening to him? He didn’t
usually react so strongly to such an obviously toppy guy, but this one
was hitting all his buttons.

Dragging his mind back to the forefront, Redmond gasped and

pushed against Sloane’s chest. “I’m sorry. I–I think I need to go to the
bathroom.” Pushing Sloane away, he scrambled to his feet and made
it to the door, straightening his clothes. “I–I’m sorry, Sloane.
I…uh…I just have to talk to David right now. Maybe I’ll see you
after the wedding.”

Seeing Sloane spring to his feet, he quickly eased out the door,

managing to slip the lock as he left the room. He immediately ducked
behind a group of large, leafy potted plants next to the door. He
listened nervously to Sloane fumbling with the lock and then coming
out in a hurry. Russell ducked down as low as he could, losing
himself in the dense foliage and sliding around the corner. He heard
Sloane curse and then walk quickly across the room and disappear
into a hallway.

He wasn’t sure what was going on, and he didn’t even want to

think about his body’s reaction to the good-looking guard. What the
hell was that about? When he had time, he needed to take a long hard
look at what had happened just then. But right now, it was pretty
damn obvious he was deliberately being kept away from David at the
very least. Had David been afraid Russell would show up and given
orders to security to keep him away? Damn Russell! He probably
figured this would happen, and as usual had left the dirty work to

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Making a sudden decision, Redmond darted to the stairway and up

the stairs to the second floor. He had to find David and let him know
it was him and not Russell. He saw a bathroom and ducked inside,
locking the door behind him. He really did need to use the facilities
after that run-in with the good-looking guard, and he did so quickly,
washing his hands afterward and staring into the mirror. With his dark
red hair combed over to the side like this, he did look exactly like
Russell. He must be getting as stupid as Russell could be at times, too,
for ever agreeing to come here like this in the first place.

He opened the bathroom door carefully, checking the hallway for

Sloane or any other sign of security guards. As he gazed down the
hallway, he noticed a big double door at the end of the hall. That must
be the master suite, and Redmond had the sudden idea that David was
inside, getting ready for his big day. He made his way quietly down
the hall and knocked softly at the door. No answer. He pressed his ear
against the door and listened for a moment. Nothing. He was about to
turn away when he heard footsteps on the stairs. Afraid it might be
Sloane still after him, he tried the door, and when it opened easily, he
slipped inside.

Listening at the door, he heard the footsteps go down to the other

end of the hall. Breathing a sigh of relief, he decided to wait a few
seconds before leaving. He looked casually around the opulent room.
Luxury was evident everywhere, from the dark cherry furnishings to
the extravagant draperies on the tall windows. As his gaze traveled
appreciatively over the room he saw an object glinting in the sunlight
shining through the tall windows. Lying out on top of the dresser was
his father’s watch! He crossed over to the dresser to make certain, and
sure enough, his father’s initials were engraved on the bezel.

He heard a slight noise behind him as the door opened, and he was

startled, whirling around and shoving the watch behind his back.

Sloane Devereaux stood in the doorway, a strangely triumphant

look on his face. “What are you doing up here, Russell?” His voice
was deceptively soft as he walked slowly toward him.

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Redmond was unnerved, and felt his feet backing up. He knew his

face must be flushing in embarrassment at being caught someplace he
wasn’t supposed to be. He heard himself stammering. What the hell? I
never stammer. Why does this guy make me so nervous?
“I–I was j–
just looking for David. I must have t–taken a wrong turn when I came
out of the bathroom.”

“Mm-hm. What’s that behind your back, Russell?” Sloane was

still walking toward him, closing in on him. He didn’t look angry, just
arrogant and somehow dangerous. He wasn’t smiling, though his eyes
twinkled with what looked like amusement. Redmond wanted to wipe
that arrogant look off his face. He wanted to knock him on his ass and
have his way with him. A little shiver of embarrassment went through
Redmond as he kept backing up. This wasn’t going to end well. Not at
all. He came up against a piece of furniture and could move no
further. Defiantly he looked into Sloane’s dark eyes, almost on a level
with his own, and slid the watch into his back pocket.

He held his hands out in front of him, feeling like a child as he did

it, and his felt his face flush even more. “Nothing, see? I don’t have

Sloane moved even closer. Standing so near him, Redmond was

aware of how much leaner the man was than he. Redmond probably
outweighed him by thirty pounds of mostly muscle, but he still felt a
bit like a lumbering ox standing next to a gazelle. When Sloane
reached him, he pulled him into his arms and put both hands on his
ass. Redmond’s face turned an instant red, and he squirmed restlessly,
wanting to move away. He could have broken the hold easily, but
something about this man made him hold still.

Sloane held him in his arms. “Settle down. I’m not going to fight

you, but I want whatever it is you’re hiding behind your back. And
you’re going to give it to me—make no mistake about that,

His arrogance finally made Redmond resentful. He remembered

that he was supposed to be Russell, and Russell had a history of

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getting off on being dominated. Redmond was a very different man,
and he was about to let Sloane realize that.

Sloane pressed himself against him, and Redmond had nowhere to

go. He could feel Sloane’s rigid cock against his groin, and his knees
actually went a little weak, not from fear but from desire. He held still
to see what would happen next. Sloane actually smiled into his eyes,
but rubbed his hands over Redmond’s hips, feeling for the object. It
took him only seconds to find it, of course, and fish it out of
Redmond’s back pocket. Held so tightly in his arms, Redmond could
feel Sloane’s erection still burning into his groin. It almost took his
breath away.

“Were you stealing this, Russell?” Sloane’s gaze grew cold and

hard as he stared down at him. “You really are a bad boy, aren’t you?
Are you really so hard up that you’d steal David’s watch? Or is it
some kind of revenge thing?”

Redmond stood absolutely still, embarrassed not only at his

finding the watch hidden in his back pocket, but also at his
condescending tone. He pushed Sloane away, breaking his hold
easily, and was gratified to see surprise register in Sloane’s beautiful

“Are you interested in an explanation, or do you want to continue

being an asshole?”

Sloane stepped back, letting him go for a moment and crossing his

arms. He was still standing very close to him—trying apparently to
intimidate him with his nearness. “This should be entertaining. Go
ahead. Explain.”

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Chapter Two

“The watch belonged to my father.” Redmond tried to explain.

“It’s a family heirloom. See, it has my father’s initials engraved on
it—MJP. He passed away three years ago, and it really belongs to my
mother. She’ll be devastated to find it’s missing. I have to get it back
to her.”

“How come, if the watch is so important as a family heirloom,

David has it in the first place? Didn’t you give it to him?”

“Yes, I–uh–I gave it to him. But I meant to get it back. I need to

get it back to my mother before she finds out it’s missing.”

“So let me get this straight—you stole your father’s watch, a

family keepsake, from your own mother. Then you gave it to David.
And now you’re desperate to get it back before your mother finds out,
so you sneaked in here to steal it back.”

Redmond bit his lip and looked down, feeling mortified. “Yes—I

mean no,” he whispered softly. “I know it sounds bad. I just saw it
and picked it up, but I was going to ask David about it. Really. Let me
ask David if I can take it back to my mother.” God, was he begging
the guy now? Something was happening to him, and he didn’t like it.
It was like the guy had taken his balls away and put them in his

“No, I don’t think so.” Sloane took his arm firmly in his. “You’re

coming with me.”

Holding onto his arm with a surprisingly firm grip, he led him

from the room and over to a back staircase at the other end of the
hallway. Deciding not to struggle and make an even bigger fool of
himself, he followed him meekly. He took Redmond down the steps

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into a deserted entry hall that must have been on the back of the
house. Pulling him relentlessly behind him, they traveled outside to a
big truck with enormous wheels parked by the back driveway. He
opened the door and half shoved, half picked him up and threw him
into the passenger side. Redmond was amazed. As big as he was,
Sloane handled him like he was a little boy. Damn it!

Redmond waited till Sloane got around to the back of the truck

before opening the door and jumping out. He took only a few steps
toward the house, having some half-baked idea of making it to David
somehow, thinking David would explain to Sloane who he really was,
when Sloane grabbed his arm, turning him around angrily. He pushed
his face menacingly into his. “One more time and I’ll call the cops. Is
that what you want?”

A sudden image of himself in a Canadian jail surrounded by

frowning Canadian Mounties in red coats made him uneasy. He shook
his head. Slowly he turned and walked back to the truck.

“That’s what I thought,” Sloane said with another frowning look.
Sloane walked around and got into the front seat, started the

engine, and drove quickly down the driveway. The big truck picked
up speed as they went through the gate and down the road about a
mile until he came to a little dirt side road. He turned onto this road
and drove for another quarter of a mile or so before pulling the truck
over onto a shady patch on the side of the road. He turned off the
motor and regarded Redmond closely. He waited a full minute before
he said a word. If he was trying for intimidation, Redmond thought, it
was working. Asshole.

“Here’s the deal, Russell. I’m an old friend of David’s, like I said,

and I’ve been hearing stories about you for a while now. I’ve never
understood what he saw in a guy like you, but I know how many
times David put his trust in you only for you to let him down. David
was afraid you’d come today, and he asked me as a friend to look out
for you and keep you away from him and his fiancé. I think you were
planning on stealing that watch from David, and that’s exactly what

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I’ll tell the police. That watch is worth a lot of money, and they’ll
charge you with theft. It’ll probably mean some jail time.”

“Look, I…”
“Shut up. I’m not interested in your lies. I found the watch in your

pocket. Now I’m going to offer you a one-time good deal. Take it or
leave it, it doesn’t much matter to me.”

Redmond was angry, but he was also a bit afraid. It must have

looked really bad to Sloane when he walked into that bedroom. There
I was, in a private bedroom, holding an expensive piece of jewelry.
That I promptly hid behind my back and slipped into my pocket. Oh,

He tried not to show his anxiety as he faced Sloane. “A deal?

What kind of deal?”

“You agree to go away with me for one week. You won’t have

any contact with the outside world during that time, certainly not with
David, and you won’t try to get away. One week, and I’ll let you go
back home. No cops have to be involved. Is it a deal?”

“A week? But I have a job! What the hell is the point of that? And

the watch! Sloane, let me ask him about the watch at least.”

“I don’t think you fully understand the situation you find yourself

in. If I turn you over to the police, I think it’s fair to say you won’t get
back home in time to work on Monday morning. Maybe not for a very
long time.” The truth of Sloane’s words hit Redmond suddenly, and
he got very quiet.

Sloane regarded him closely and without any trace of pity. “If

what you say happens to pan out, and to tell you the truth, I doubt it,
David will probably let you have the watch. He’s a nice guy, and not
interested in your ‘gifts.’ But I’ll talk to him, not you. You stay far
away from David until he leaves for South Africa. You have this way
of getting into David’s head and making him feel sorry for you.
You’ll be released when he leaves the country. In a week.”

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Redmond felt trapped. He was humiliated and exhausted from the

adrenaline rush. He slumped down into the seat. “I can’t just…my
family will be…my boss will never… Oh, shit.”

Sloane shrugged and said again in a harsh, unforgiving voice,

“Make up your mind, Russell. I’m not David, and I don’t have any
sympathy for your pitiful little ploys. If you don’t want to do this, I
take you back to the guardhouse, and they call the cops. Totally up to

Redmond cast him an angry glance. He was certainly right about

one thing. There was not a bit of sympathy in his steady gaze.
Redmond’s shoulders slumped even farther, and he nodded curtly.
“Okay, damn it. I’ll do it. I’ll go with you. But what are you going to
do? Am I supposed to be your fucking prisoner?”

“I’m taking you a long way from here so you can’t contact David.

Actually, I’ll insist you sign a paper saying you’ve agreed to
everything and came with me willingly and of your own accord. We
don’t want you changing your mind and pressing charges later on.
And if you’re a very good boy, I’ll bring you back in a week. For
now, sit back and relax. Oh, and hand over your cell phone and
passport. You won’t be needing either of them for a while.”

Sullenly, Redmond handed the items over, watching as Sloane

switched off his phone and slipped it into his pocket. “W–Why do you
need my passport?” Actually, his passport and driver’s license
belonged to Russell. Redmond didn’t have a passport, so because of
the time crunch, he used Russell’s. Russell had gotten his when he
took a cruise his senior year in high school. Redmond hadn’t gone
because his parents couldn’t afford for both of them to take the cruise.
As usual, Redmond had deferred to Russell.

They’d been using each other’s identities like that for years, but

never before on an international scale. He began to think it might not
have been the brightest idea. Redmond was in the country illegally.
Another good reason to avoid the cops being involved if at all

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possible. He decided that maybe Russell wasn’t the only reckless one
in the family.

“Where are you taking me?”
“Don’t worry. Somewhere safe, and you’ll be fine. I’m in control

now—just the way you like it, right? I’ve heard about your little
experimenting with BDSM. For this week, you obey my orders. Just
do as you’re told, and I’ll keep you away from David until he leaves
on his honeymoon.”

“My car? And my things?”
“Hold on.” He reached for his cell phone and punched in a

number. “Ben? This is Sloane. I’ll be back there in a minute, so get
the paperwork ready for me. About his car. Yeah, it’s a rental. Take it
back to the rental agency for me. Take out his suitcase and other
things and put them in the house—guest bedroom. I’ll let David
know. Thanks.” He ended the call and dialed another number.

“David? Can you talk? Okay, I have him. Yeah, he’s fine. No, I

didn’t hurt him.” Redmond bristled at the idea that Sloane could hurt
him. What the hell?

Sloane glanced over at Redmond. “He’s agreed to go away with

me for a week until you guys get out of the country.” Redmond felt
humiliated sitting there listening to himself being discussed like he
was some kind of punk. In a way, he guessed he was. At least he was
to Sloane. He could hear David’s excited tones over the phone.

“Well, I caught him jacking your watch. Yeah, your Rolex.

Claims he gave it to you even though it belonged to his late father,
and his mother will be upset if she finds out it’s missing. He agreed to
go with me if I didn’t call the cops. Okay. Okay, I’ll tell him. Have a
nice wedding, man.”

He hung up and stared at Redmond so long he began to feel

intimidated again. He figured that was the point anyway. Finally, he
spoke up. “David agreed to give the watch back to your mother. He’s
going to have it delivered to her himself, later in the week. He said he
has your address.”

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“Oh, good,” Redmond said with a sigh of relief. Russell wouldn’t

be happy about it, but at this point, he wasn’t too concerned about
Russell. He’d gotten him into a mess of major proportions. As usual.

Sloane turned around in the seat, started up the truck, and turned

around in the road. Heading back the way he came, he began
whistling a little tune under his breath. Redmond let his head fall back
against the seat. How was he going to explain his weeklong absence
to his boss when Sloane wouldn’t even allow him to use the phone?
God, he was probably sooo fired.
Listlessly, he stared out the window
at the scenery they passed by. One thing was for sure—when he got
his hands on Russell again, he was going to strangle him!

* * * *

Sloane was enjoying himself more than he’d ever dreamed

possible. He’d driven back to the guardhouse and retrieved an already
prepared statement he had drafted when he first agreed to try this.
He’d written in the last bit, stating that Russell agreed to come with
Sloane for a week to avoid being arrested for trying to steal a watch.
Legally, it may not have been worth the paper it was written on, but it
made Sloane feel a little better anyway.

Russell had read it silently and bit his bottom lip in confusion. “Is

this some kind of confession? Because I didn’t intend to steal the
watch, and I refuse to say I did.”

“Sign the damn thing, Russell, and stop wasting my time. I caught

you red-handed, and you know it. If you don’t agree, then tell your
story to the Canadian authorities.”

“Hold your horses. I’ll sign it.” He wrote his name on the bottom,

and the guard witnessed it. Russell shot him a dirty look that made
him smile. He escorted Russell to the truck then, and they were on
their way.

Now Russell was asleep on the seat next to him, his long, dark

lashes lying against his creamy skin as his head tilted toward Sloane.

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His dark red hair fell across his forehead, and his lips were slightly
parted. He breathed heavily, like an exhausted child. Those soft,
luscious lips were too tempting. Sloane shook himself mentally. This
good-looking young man was dangerous—he had to keep reminding
himself of that fact. No matter that he looked like an angel. Sloane
knew all too well what he was capable of.

Still, he’d been surprised when he opened the front door of the

mansion and laid eyes on him for the first time. He’d seen plenty of
pictures over the past two years, but pictures hadn’t done him justice.
He really was beautiful, like David always said. He was much larger
than he’d pictured him—at least six feet one or two and muscular. He
looked even younger than twenty-one. His hair was a lovely shade of
dark red, and his eyes were a startling shade of blue. Though he was
large, he was perfectly formed, with broad shoulders and a trim waist.

Wearing a black suit and a tie to rival the color of his eyes, he

smiled at Sloane, and Sloane felt his world tilt slightly off its axis.
And that kiss later when he’d brought him the mimosa. God, his lips
were soft and sweet. Before he knew it, he’d had him pushed back on
the sofa, and in another minute, if Russell himself hadn’t called a halt
to things, he might have had his pants off right there. He hadn’t had
that immediate and strong a reaction to anyone in years. The
knowledge that Russell, this big beautiful guy, was also a submissive
made his cock really stand up and take notice. Sloane usually didn’t
like guys who were bigger than he was, but with this one he could
certainly make an exception. That brief feel of Russell’s dick when
Sloane put his hand down into his pants only made him want to see
and feel more. Much more.

When he’d slipped away, Sloane had been desperate to find him,

and not just for David’s sake. Finding him with the watch had been
like an answer to a prayer. That was the perfect way to keep him away
from David and all to himself for over a week. He didn’t even want to
examine that thought too closely.

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His plan was to take Russell to an out-of-the-way little Canadian

village in New Brunswick called Hedgewick. Located in the
Appalachian Mountains in the central part of the province,
Hedgewick was approximately forty-five miles southwest of
Campbellton and nine miles east of the Restigouche River along a
road that ran from the United States border into New Brunswick’s
northern regions.

Hedgewick’s population was about a thousand people, and it was

a quiet, scenic little village. The old farmhouse there belonged to
David’s fiancé Jonathan, who used it from time to time when he went
hunting and fishing in the area. It was nothing fancy, just an old
farmhouse on an old dirt road. David had given Sloane the keys when
he’d agreed to try this thing. It was as far away from civilization as
Russell had no doubt ever been, and would be way out of his comfort
zone, which was exactly what Sloane had in mind.

Russell was used to using his incredible good looks to get his way

in things. So far Russell had been skating along the razor’s edge of
trouble, and if he wasn’t careful, he’d slip off into real difficulties
with the law soon. All this activity with gambling and loan sharks was

Over the years, he’d learned from David that Russell was a

spoiled, selfish brat. He was an occasional drug user, and a gambler.
He made stupid loans from loan sharks to pay his gambling debts, and
he was something of a slut. According to the profile he’d studied
before agreeing to do this, Russell actually got off on being
dominated, when it suited him. He’d even been injured once in a
domination scene that got a little too violent. Sloane wasn’t exactly a
Dom, though he enjoyed a little kink and had a few sex toys. He could
play it a bit rough, if Russell responded to that. The thought of that
beautiful body tied up and helpless actually made him rock hard

He wanted him to be uncomfortable and off guard. He wanted him

submissive and compliant. Hell, he wanted him any way he could get

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him. Breaking him down a bit could be a way to reach the real person
beneath the perfect exterior. So far, everything about this young man
beside him was deliciously enticing, but also false. There was
something about him that didn’t ring true. Sloane had been a police
officer long enough to have a finely honed instinct for people, and
something about this kid was definitely off. Like a beautiful flower,
marred only by the little snake hiding under it.

Russell came from a nice family, according to David, but

somehow he’d gotten off track. None of that prevented Sloane from
being interested. The young beauty beside him obviously needed to be
reformed, and Sloane loved a project. If he couldn’t do it, so be it.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But if he could reform him, train
him even a little, the gains could be enormous. David got hurt by him
because his heart was involved. Sloane wouldn’t allow that to happen
to him. He was terribly attracted to his beautiful body, but that was as
far as it went. Teaching this big boy a lesson he’d never forget was
right up his alley.

He actually was a sworn officer working at a Youth Detention

Camp, a boot camp for turning young men around so they could
straighten themselves out and live productive lives. If he could
straighten them out at boot camp, chances were good they wouldn’t
get into a lifetime cycle of crime and punishment. He enjoyed his job,
and he was damn good at it. Russell was only a few years older than
some of his boys. Yet he was totally legal and tempting as hell.

They’d been driving for about three hours when Russell stirred

and woke up. He looked at Sloane uncomprehendingly for a moment
until memory returned, and he rubbed his hands over his face.

“Hi.” Sloane said cheerfully. “Decide to finally wake up?”
“God, how long have I been asleep?”
“Almost three hours.”
“Damn. I must have been more exhausted than I thought. I’m

starving, too.” He looked around at the landscape they were passing.

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Nothing but trees and forest as far as the eye could see. “I don’t guess
we’ll run across a McDonald’s anytime soon.”

“Actually, we’re not too far from Campbellton, New Brunswick.

According to my iPhone there are several restaurants there, including
a McDonald’s. I think we can do better than that, though. We’re going
to stop there for the night. We’re not more than an hour or so away
from our destination, but it’s pretty remote. I don’t want to try to find
it in the dark.”

“Dark? It’s only about two o’clock.”
“It gets dark pretty early this far north, Russell. Especially this

time of year, with winter coming on. Probably in another hour or so.”

“You know I have no clothes at all to change into.”
“We’ll be in Campbellton in a few minutes. We’ll find a store,

and I’ll buy you some things.”

“I could’ve brought my own, if you’d let me get my things from

the car before we left.” Russell’s tone was sulky, but Sloane decided
to ignore it and stay upbeat.

They were starting to come into a small town, and Russell looked

around. “This is a town? What a shithole. They even have a hotel

“Absolutely. We have our choice of a Super 8 or a Howard

Johnson’s. What will it be?”

Russell made a snorting sound through his nose and shrugged,

looking pointedly away. Oh, it was like that, was it? He was going to
be sullen. Sloane smiled. This was going to be more fun than he’d

As they pulled into town, Sloane saw the Howard Johnson’s, a

smallish, brick, two-story hotel on a quiet street. He pulled in and got
out of the truck, coming around to Russell’s side and opening the
door. “C’mon, Red. You’re going in with me.”

“Don’t call me that. I hate it. This whole thing is so stupid. I don’t

know why I ever agreed to it in the first place.” He stepped out of the
truck to follow Sloane into the hotel, but as he came around to the

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front of the truck, Sloane turned to face him, crowding him so his ass
hit the truck and he fell off balance onto the hood. Startled, he stared
up into Sloane’s dark eyes.

“I’m getting sick of your bitching. Lighten up, boy, or I’ll put a

gag in that smart mouth. You’d look pretty good with a gag, so don’t
tempt me. Are we clear?”

Russell nodded his head and dropped his gaze.
Satisfied with his intimidation, Sloane went into the hotel and up

to the clerk to arrange for a room. They had two rooms left—one with
two queen beds or one with a king. Sloane looked over his shoulder at
Russell, who was standing sullenly on the other side of the room,
staring off into space. “The king, please,” Sloane said with a smile.
“Just one key will be fine.” He took the key and walked over to
collect Russell, taking him by the wrist and leading him out to the
truck. “Let’s go find you some clothes, Red.”

Russell gave him a withering glance, ineffectually trying to pull

away. When Sloane only tightened his grip, he subsided, but gave
Sloane an angry, embarrassed glance. Sloane’s smile grew broader.

Driving down the street, looking for some kind of clothing store,

Sloane passed right by a Walmart. He was surprised at first to find
one so easily, until he remembered there were only about three main
streets in the small town.

Russell followed him inside and turned to him at the door. “I need

to go to the bathroom.”

“Sure, let’s find it.” He saw the men’s room over on the right and

pointed to it. Russell started toward it, with Sloane right behind him.

“Seriously? You’re going to follow me in the bathroom?”
“Damn straight, honey.”
Russell pressed his lips together and stalked into a stall. Sloane

used the one next to him, hurrying to get out before he did. He still
didn’t trust him not to run. He was washing his hands when Russell
finally reappeared. Not so much as glancing in Sloane’s direction,
Russell washed up and then turned to go shopping. Sloane allowed

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him to get a shopping cart and followed him as he went to the men’s
section, picking up a couple of changes of underwear and socks. He
also chose two pairs of jeans, two long-sleeved flannel shirts, two
pairs of sweatpants, and a black hoodie.

“Better add a jacket and a cap. It’s already getting cold up here.

And don’t forget to get yourself a razor and toothbrush,” Sloane said

Russell went over to a rack of jackets and pulled out a brown one

with a hood. Barely glancing at Sloane or acknowledging him in any
way, he went to the toiletries section and selected a few supplies,
including deodorant and shampoo, and pushed his cart to the register.
He stepped back to let Sloane pay for his things. Sloane knew he was
a little embarrassed, so deliberately he turned to him at the register
and smiled. “Anything else you need, sweetheart?”

Sloane enjoyed seeing his face flame bright red, and Russell tried

to walk away. Sloane grabbed his arm. “Uh-uh, honey. Wait for
Daddy to pay for your things.”

Russell jerked away, his face getting even redder if that was

possible. The young girl checking them out just smiled vacantly and
handed Sloane his change.

“Stop trying to embarrass me,” Russell growled as Sloane

escorted him out of the store.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sloane said, but he

burst out laughing so hard he had to lean up against the truck. “Your
face was priceless!”

“Very funny. Ha-ha.” Russell frowned at him and got back in the

truck, holding his bags. He sat stiffly on the seat, refusing to unbend
in the least, his back straight and tense.

Sloane started the truck and found a restaurant that claimed to

have “Family Meals.” A waitress came over to take their order, and
Sloane couldn’t resist. “What would you like, sweetheart?”

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Russell’s face flamed again, and he directed his attention to the

fascinated waitress. “I’ll just have a salad, please, and a glass of

“Now, honey, I don’t want you getting hungry in the middle of the

night. You’re a growing boy, you know. Bring us both the baked
chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. Some green beans, too. And
a nice glass of milk for my boy here.”

“I don’t like milk, thank you very much.”
Sloane smiled at the waitress. “Kids today. Can’t do a thing with

them. Bring him the milk, please.”

The waitress closed her mouth and turned away shaking her head,

writing furiously on her little notepad. Russell leaned forward in a
fury. “Was that absolutely necessary?”

“No, not at all, but it was kind of fun. Don’t be such a little bitch.

Try to enjoy yourself.”

Enjoy myself? Hmmph!” Russell turned his face away and

refused to look over at Sloane until the waitress returned. It was okay
with Sloane, who was enjoying the view of his sulky, pretty profile.

The food when it came actually wasn’t too bad, and both he and

Russell ate without talking for a good while. Finally, Sloane sat back
and regarded him over the remains of his chicken dinner. “This can be
a pleasant little trip, or it can be miserable. Your choice.”

“I’m trying to make the best of it. What more do you want from


“C’mon, Russell, you and I both know you’re acting like a spoiled


Russell started with surprise. He flushed and sat back in his chair.

“I’m sorry. I’ve never responded to teasing very well. And I guess
I’m mad at myself for getting into this. I’m afraid I’ll lose my job if I
stay away so long. Especially if I don’t even call in.”

“I’ll call for you, if that’s the problem. I’ll even lie and say you

have the flu or something. Would that suit you?”

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“Could you do that? But just let me talk to him—I won’t say

anything, really. I’ll just say I’m sick. Please?”

Sloane reached over and took his hand. Russell allowed it, leaning

forward toward him.

“Now you know I can’t do that, sweetheart. I’ll call for you.”
Russell snatched his hand away. “Why? What do you think I’m

going to say?”

“I have no idea, but I’m not taking any chances.”
Russell got to his feet and without another word, walked out

toward the truck, leaving Sloane scrambling to pay the bill and go
after him. He rushed out to the parking lot to find Russell leaning
against the door. He strode up to him angrily, put a hand on either
side of his head, and leaned in. “Don’t ever do that again.”

Russell looked up into his eyes. “Or what?”
“This.” He angled his head up a bit and took his mouth hungrily,

thrusting his tongue up against his lips until he parted them and then
sticking his tongue down his throat. This kiss was more about
punishment than enjoyment, and he wanted to see Russell’s reaction
to it. Somewhere in the middle of it, though, it became much more.
Russell’s tongue stopped fighting his and began to twine around his
sweetly. He tasted so good Sloane almost threw him down in the seat
and had his way with him right then and there.

Grinding his crotch up against Russell’s, he kissed him until they

were both almost breathless, then pulled away and glared at him,
trying to regain control. “Mind what I say, Russell. This bad boy act
is going to get you more than you bargained for.”

Russell looked dazed and chastened as he climbed into the truck

and scooted over to his side. Neither of them said a word as Sloane
negotiated the dark streets. Sloane was angry with himself for losing
control with him like that. He didn’t want to take advantage of him or
hurt him. He was still too young for him, even if he was past his
twenty-first birthday. Then he reminded himself that he was the one
who probably had to be careful—this was no ordinary twenty-one-

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year-old. From all he knew about him, he was savvy, selfish, and
totally ruthless when it came to getting his own way.

It was still fairly early, only about six in the evening, but it was

dark as midnight. Sloane pulled into the hotel parking lot and grabbed
his bag from behind the seat. Russell gripped his Walmart bags tightly
and followed him inside, seeming almost subdued. That’s right, baby.
That’s the way I want you.

When they got into the room, Russell took one look at the king-

sized bed and glanced at Sloane. Sloane shrugged. “This is all they

“You don’t expect me to share a bed with you, do you?” His

creamy skin was flushed again.

“Relax, Russell. It’s just a bed. I won’t touch you. Unless you ask

me to.” He smiled and raised one eyebrow at Russell, enjoying his

Sloane turned on the TV and flopped down on the bed, flipping

channels, trying not to look at Russell, though he was aware of every
move he made. Russell stood still for a long while, then wandered
into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later, wearing only the
sweatpants and a thin T-shirt that left little to the imagination.

From what Sloane could see of his abs, they were amazing, cut

and defined. It looked natural, not like he constantly worked out or
anything. The sweatpants showed off his package quite nicely, too.
Sloane felt his mouth grow dry, but he kept his eyes resolutely on the

Russell got into bed next to him, but so far over on his own side of

the bed Sloane was afraid he’d tumble to the floor during the night.
He sat propped up by his pillows, watching Sloane flip the channels
from one station to the next. Finally, Sloane muted the TV with an
irritated sigh and turned to Russell. “Why so quiet, Russell?
Something’s been eating you all day, besides your being so pissed off
at getting caught. What’s on your mind?”

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He bit his lip and looked away, but not before Sloane saw his eyes

glitter with unshed tears. He reached over and grabbed his chin,
making him turn toward him. “What is it?” he asked softly. “Tell me.”

“No, it’s stupid.”
Sloane’s voice dropped even softer. “Tell me, Red.”
He sighed a little. “I hate being treated like I’m a–a criminal. It

makes me feel cheap and dirty. I’m not like that, but I know you don’t
believe me. I did a stupid thing, I admit, but now I’ll probably lose my
job and worry my family. I guess I have no one to blame but myself.”
Biting his lower lip, he raised his blue gaze to Sloane’s, and Sloane
again felt the little jolt that passed between them. Shit, Russell had
tears standing in his beautiful blue eyes.

He wanted nothing more than to take this sweet boy in his arms

and dry his tears. His hands fairly itched to touch him. Trouble was,
he didn’t trust him. Not as far as he could throw him. He had a feeling
this was all an act, designed to make him feel sympathy. Steeling
himself to the tears, he turned away and kept flipping channels.
“Should have thought of that before you decided to steal, buddy. Now
it’s time to pay the piper.”

Russell closed his eyes and turned on his side away from Sloane.

Sloane settled on a Discovery Channel program and settled to watch
it. Or tried to. He was too aware of Russell beside him, sniffing
quietly. God, was he actually crying? After lying beside him listening
to it for fifteen minutes or so, he finally heard Russell’s breathing
evening out. He’d fallen asleep. Cried himself to sleep, damn it, like a
kid. It irritated him and touched him all at the same time. What the
hell was he going to do with him for a week?

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Chapter Three

Redmond awoke at the sound of the shower. He rolled over on his

side and groaned. What the hell had he allowed to happen the night
before? He had actually cried in front of this guy. He didn’t remember
crying in years. He should never have shown so much vulnerability,
only he’d been feeling so alone and isolated. Not that I got any
It was okay though. He hadn’t been looking for any. Not
exactly. He just had a momentary weakness and gave into it for a
while, and he didn’t need to get too friendly with this guy.

No matter that he was sexy as hell and as handsome as a movie

star. He was the enemy right now—his fucking jailer for all intents
and purposes. If only he wasn’t so damned cocksure of himself.
Arrogant asshole. Sexy bastard.

He’d thought dozens of times about telling him he wasn’t really

Russell, but he knew he wouldn’t believe him. He had all of Russell’s
identification with him, and nothing much of his own except a credit
card. The only one who could ID him for sure would be David, and
Sloane refused to let him anywhere near David. Besides, it didn’t
much matter which twin he was, he was the one who was caught in
David’s bedroom with his watch in his pocket. He sighed again and
rolled to his back. He had to just tough out this week, and then he
could go back home and never think of Canada or David or even
Sloane ever again. Well, maybe I’ll think of Sloane a little.

Damn, he couldn’t be attracted to this guy. He was the enemy. At

least that’s what he kept telling himself. This Sloane was so
damn…attractive. Attractive and sexy and fucking gorgeous. He put
an arm over his eyes. Damn it!

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He had to keep reminding himself Sloane wasn’t his boyfriend.

And he had the annoying habit of treating Redmond like he was a not-
very-bright child who had to be taken care of, instead of a grown man.
He hated the way he tried to embarrass him and tease him. Asshole.
Cute, but an asshole, and he wasn’t attracted to him at all. Not a bit.

Sloane walked out of the bathroom, and Redmond raised his

eyebrows almost to his hairline. He was wearing a towel slung low
across his hips, and it looked to be in imminent danger of falling at
any moment. Redmond wondered what his cock looked like under
that towel. He saw Redmond looking at him and smiled a sexy little
smile before he pulled the towel away. His cock, thick and long and
absolutely rigid bobbed against his stomach as he walked toward him.

“Like what you see, Red? You can have all you want.”
Redmond felt himself blushing, knowing he was only saying it to

make him feel embarrassed. He dropped his gaze and turned over in
bed. Still, he had to admit, Sloane’s body was amazing. Damn! Why
do I feel so excited by it?

He got out of bed to take his own shower. “Very funny. I’m not

the whore you seem to think I am.”

Sloane caught hold of him as he passed, pulled his body up to his,

and slid his hands onto Redmond’s hips, his thumbs rubbing up and
down gently on his sides. Redmond felt his knees go weak. Oh, God,
is that his cock rubbing against my leg?

“I never said you were a whore, darlin’, but you are kind of

delicious. Makes me want to lick you all over like a lollipop.”

“Stop!” Redmond pulled away, though his damn traitorous cock

stood up enthusiastically in response to the sexy, naked man, tenting
out his sweatpants.

Letting him go, Sloane patted his erection affectionately. “See, he

likes the idea, too.” He laughed before sauntering over to his suitcase
to find some clothes. And thank God he did, because he didn’t see
Redmond sag almost to his knees as he let him go.

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“They have some kind of breakfast downstairs,” Sloane said.

“When you get through, we’ll go down and check it out.”

Redmond raced from the room and closed the bathroom door

firmly behind him, leaning up against it. He was sweating like a pig.
He would have locked it, but he knew Sloane would just tell him to
unlock it again. If he told him to go fuck himself, he’d probably
knock the damn door down. He took a quick shower and shave, then
went out to the bedroom where Sloane was waiting, idly flipping
channels on TV. Redmond was wearing the towel now, and his whole
body burned as he walked over to his bags. Sloane said nothing
though, just gave Redmond a long look as he waited for him to get

Redmond bent over to put on his boxers, and while he was off-

balance, Sloane came over to his suitcase, “accidentally” bumping
into him and knocking him down on the bed. Sloane stood over him,
looking down at him appreciatively. “Well, sweetheart, you are a big
boy, aren’t you?”

Redmond felt like telling him to go fuck himself, but he held still

instead, very turned on by Sloane’s gaze. He could feel his cock
stiffening and curving back toward his stomach.

Sloane bent over him slowly and brushed his lips across the head

of his dick. Redmond held very still, locking eyes with him. Sloane
smiled and stood back up. “Get dressed, baby.”

Redmond was relieved when he turned away. Wasn’t he? He sat

up, his underwear still clutched in his trembling hand. He took a deep
breath and stood up again. After pulling on a pair of the new jeans, an
undershirt, and the hoodie, he glanced over at Sloane. “Um…mind if I
put this stuff in your suitcase till we get there?”

“Sure, go ahead.” Sloane was seemingly absorbed in the TV and

barely glanced at him. It was as if the last few minutes had never
happened. Redmond took out his new things and put his dirty clothes
in the empty Walmart bag, packing all of it inside Sloane’s suitcase.
As he started to turn away, he saw a hint of a blue color sticking up on

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the side of Sloane’s bag. His phone’s OtterBox was blue. Glancing
over his shoulder, he pulled it out and slipped it into his pocket,
closed the lid of the bag, and zipped it up.

“All set!”
Sloane got up and stretched and waited for Redmond to precede

him from the room before closing the door. They went downstairs and
found a small room off the lobby that was set up with some bagels,
toast, and cereal, along with coffee and juice. After getting coffee,
juice, and a bagel, Redmond followed Sloane to a table, put down his
things, and nodded toward the men’s room. “Actually I forgot to go to
the bathroom. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Sloane glanced up and nodded, but Redmond could feel his gaze

on his back all the way to the door of the bathroom. He ducked into a
stall and quickly pulled out the phone and turned it on. The battery
was almost dead, but he managed to send a quick text message to

Caught with watch. They want to keep me away from David till he

leaves in a week. I’ll be in place called Hedgewick.

Redmond heard the door open and Sloane call his name. “I’ll be

out in just a minute.”

He jammed the phone back in his hoodie pocket and flushed the

toilet. Stepping out, he met Sloane’s suspicious gaze. He washed his
hands and stepped past Sloane to go back to the table. Sloane stopped
him with a hand on his arm. “What were you doing in here, Red?”

Redmond flushed and pulled away. “Going to piss, what did you


“I don’t know. We just left the room, and you seem a little


“No—I just don’t like to be interrogated about every little thing.”
His phone took that opportunity to make a little dinging sound,

indicating a message coming in. Sloane looked down at him,
narrowing his eyes and holding out his hand. “Hand it over, Red.”

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Redmond sighed heavily and pulled out the phone, slapping it in

his hand. He tried to turn away, but Sloane pulled him back around.
“Who did you text message?”

“Just a friend. Nobody.”
“A friend, huh? You’re lying.”
Redmond tried to pull away, but he couldn’t free himself. Angrily,

he looked down into the shorter man’s eyes. “What do you want from
me? I texted a friend to let him know I was okay. No big deal.”

Sloane’s lips tightened. “A boyfriend? From what David’s told

me, you’re never without one for long. What’s his name?”

Sloane was pressing his arm tightly, actually hurting him, but he

wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of flinching. Staring at Sloane
defiantly, he spat out, “None of your damn business.”

Sloane pushed him back against the wall so quickly and

unexpectedly, his head cracked a little against the tile. Using his feet,
he pushed Redmond’s feet from under him so he slid down the tiled
wall, barely catching himself on the sink beside him. Now looming
over him, Sloane put a hand on either side of his head and leaned over
into his face. “Get this straight, Red. For the next week, you are my
business. Now who the fuck were you texting?”

He knew Sloane was trying to intimidate him. Trouble was, it was

working just fine. “M–my brother. I didn’t want my family to be
worried, that’s all.”

Keeping one hand by his head, he fished the phone out of his

pocket and pulled up the message. He read it and gave Redmond a
disapproving look. “Caught with the watch, huh? So this brother of
yours knew you were going to try to steal it back, too?”

Redmond cast his eyes down. He hated himself for it, but his

breathing was getting rapid. “Y–yes. I mean, no, I told you I wasn’t
going to steal it—I told you I wanted to speak to David as soon as I
arrived. I meant to ask him for the watch.”

“Sure you were. That’s why I found you in his bedroom with the

watch in your pocket,” Sloane said, shaking his head. He put the

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phone back in his pocket and put out a hand to help Redmond up. “Go
back to the table and eat something. We need to get on the road.”

“I’m not hungry,” he mumbled.
“I said, eat something. Go.”
Feeling his face flush hotly, he went back into the small dining

area and sat down. His coffee was cold by now, but he drank it
anyway, and choked down the bagel. He was furious and humiliated
by Sloane’s treatment, and still angry at Russell for getting him into
this. Sloane sat next to him and drank his coffee, silently watching
him. When Redmond finished eating, he stood up and pulled
Redmond to his feet.

Redmond jerked his arm away. “I’m not a damn child.”
“I’m beginning to wonder,” Sloane said softly, grabbing his wrist

in a punishing grip and pulling him along behind.

Embarrassed, Redmond practically had to run to keep up as

Sloane hauled him up the stairs. When they got to the room, Sloane
deposited him on the end of the bed and stood over him. “We need to
get a few things straight between us, and now is as good a time as

“Like what?”
“I know who you are, Russell. I’ve watched you jerk David

around for the past two years, while I told him to get rid of you. I’m
not David, and I won’t let you play your games with me, have you got
that? I won’t put up with it—I’ll turn you over to the police so fast
it’ll make you dizzy. You made a deal with me, and you’ve already
broken your word. There won’t be any more chances after this, Red.
Be very clear about that.”

“I’m clear.” Redmond clenched his fists, but made no move to

rise. Sloane had succeeded in making him feel guilty and humiliated.
After another thirty seconds or so of intimidation, Sloane stepped
back and looked at him speculatively. “So what should your
punishment be, Russell? Something quick to get it over with, or a
longer punishment?”

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“W–what are you talking about?”
“You need to learn that every time you lie or try to screw with me,

it carries consequences. Punishment being one of them. Now what
will it be?”

“The hell with you…”
“Okay, you’re leaving it up to me. Good—quick it is. Stand up.”
“No. What the fuck are you going to do?” He hated the way his

voice trembled, but he couldn’t help it. Sloane made him feel uneasy
when he got like this.

Sloane pitched his voice low and firm. “I said, get up.”
He thought about telling him to go to hell, then thought better of it

as he looked into Sloane’s eyes. Warily, wondering what he had in
mind, Redmond stood up. Punishment? What was he talking about?
Sloane took him by the shoulders and turned him around, and pushed
him down onto the bed. He caught himself with his hands, and looked
back over his shoulder wonderingly at Sloane. “What the fuck?”

“Something your parents should have done a long time ago. We’ll

start by taking down your pants.” He grabbed his waistband and
jerked his pants down past his ass so quickly he could hardly believe
what was happening.

Redmond’s stupid cock sat up right away and took notice,

bobbing around in front of him. “What? What are you doing?” He
tried to get up and reach for his pants, but Sloane put a hand in the
middle of his back and pushed him facedown into the mattress.

“Time for a spanking, sweetheart. Long overdue, I might add.”
“Spanking? No!” Humiliation raced through him, and he felt like

his skin was on fire.

A stinging blow came down hard on his backside, so that he

jumped and tried his best to push up off the bed. He was being half
smothered in the mattress, and Sloane’s hand was like iron on his
back. He managed to raise himself almost up off the bed when Sloane
put a knee in the middle of his back and pushed him down again.

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“Oh, no, you don’t!” Another stinging slap hit his ass, and he

cried out in embarrassment and anger. He tried his best to buck him
off, but he couldn’t get any purchase with his feet. He felt Sloane
remove his knee then and bend down to touch his tongue to the place
he’d just slapped. A white-hot heat raced through Redmond, and he
drew in a sharp breath and lay perfectly still. Another slap and then
came Sloane’s tongue again, bathing away the sting. Redmond
moaned, feeling his cock growing beneath him. Little thrills of
pleasure were making him so hard he shivered and trembled.

“Oh, God, please.”
“Please what, baby? More?” Sloane slapped his cheeks again, this

time near his balls, and Redmond stiffened, arching his back.
Immediately he felt the sweet, hot tongue sweeping over him, silky
smooth and wet, lavishing comfort on his balls.

Breathing hard, he tried again to get up, but Sloane pushed him

back down again, and he stayed where he was. He was so afraid he
was about to embarrass himself by coming. His cock was so hard it
hurt, and he rubbed it against the bedspread beneath him, trying to get
some relief.

Redmond felt Sloane’s fingers stroking his ass. Slowly he moved

his wicked fingers closer to Redmond’s tight hole. He circled it with
his finger, dropping another kiss on his spanked butt.

Sloane was breathing hard as he leaned down and spoke into

Redmond’s ear. “Are you going to be a good boy for me the rest of
the week?”

“Please, Sloane!”
Sloane licked him from the bottom of his crease to the top,

causing Redmond to almost lift off the bed.

“Say it.”
Redmond bit his lower lip, knowing he wanted to humiliate him

and that was his real punishment. “I–I’ll be a good boy.” And you
better sleep with one eye open, damn it…

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Sloane ran his hand down his back and into the crevice between

Redmond’s ass cheeks. Redmond made a squeaky little noise and felt
his whole body turn even redder.

“Will you be a very good boy?” Sloane moved his fingers up and

onto his rim, circling around and around it slowly. Redmond
squirmed uncontrollably.

“Y–yes,” he said, moaning low in his chest.
Sloane bent down and kissed each red ass cheek tenderly. He

rolled him onto his back and looked down at Redmond’s rigid cock.

“Did you enjoy your spanking, darling?”
Redmond blushed from his head to his toes. Turning his head

away, he whispered, “Yes.”

“Good. Get up, baby.” Redmond’s ass burned not from the

spanking but from the kisses.

Still blushing all over, Redmond scrambled to his feet, pulling up

his pants. He was so angry and embarrassed and confused he didn’t
trust himself to speak, just stood there looking down at his feet. He
wished the floor would open up and swallow him. He stood facing
Sloane and pulled his fist back, ready to knock him down.

Sloane smiled at him mockingly. “You got something you want to

do? Huh?”

When Redmond hesitated, he stepped up and kissed him on the

lips, nudging his mouth open with his tongue. Redmond dropped his
fist and tried to pull his head back, but Sloane grabbed the back of his
head and held him in place, kissing him thoroughly.

He pulled his head back and gazed deeply into his eyes. “Get your

coat on, honey, and let’s get on our way.”

Redmond walked stiffly to the closet to retrieve his new coat. His

damn cock was throbbing, terribly excited by the last few minutes.
His damn balls ached abominably. What the hell is wrong with me?
How can I be excited?
He hated Sloane. Someday he’d have a chance
to get back at him. Someday he’d show him no mercy and embarrass
him, too. He kept that thought in his mind as he put the jacket on and

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turned to face the door. Sloane stood right behind him, and though he
hated himself for doing it, he flinched in fear.

Sloane stood silently, surveying him from head to foot. He

reached out and snapped his jacket closed. “It’s cold outside,
sweetheart. Don’t want you to get sick.”

He reached up and gently brushed his lips against Redmond’s.

Redmond closed his eyes and felt himself trembling all over. Why
was it so hard to catch his breath?

He took him by the wrist again and dragged him from the room.

Sloane stopped on the top of the stairs. “Do you have everything?”

“Yes, sir.”
“Don’t be a smartass. When you act like an adult, I’ll treat you

like one.” Sloane stared down into his eyes until Redmond dropped
his gaze, hating himself for his submission.

Not releasing his wrist, he pulled Redmond downstairs and out to

the truck. He opened the door and stowed his bag inside before
standing back for Redmond to climb in and scoot over to the
passenger seat. Surreptitiously, Redmond rubbed his wrist. He’d
gripped him so hard he’d probably have a bruise there tomorrow.

Redmond sat on his side of the truck, not looking at Sloane, not

saying a word. Sloane seemed oblivious of his anger, or maybe just
indifferent to it. He switched on the radio and began scanning
channels. What was the matter with this man? Redmond thought
bitterly. Couldn’t he ever be satisfied? He’d done the same thing with
the TV the night before. He finally turned it off when no station came
in clearly.

Where the hell were they? Bumfuck, Egypt? No radio, no houses,

no cars to speak of on the highway. Talk about being in the middle of
nowhere. Redmond began to feel uneasy. He was out in the wilds of
Canada, a country he knew next to nothing about, with a man who
embarrassed him every chance he got. He was beginning to wonder if
he’d ever get back home in one piece.

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As if sensing he was feeling uneasy, Sloane glanced over at him

and smiled. Damn him, he has a beautiful smile. Sexy dimples, too.

“Stop being pouty, and talk to me.”
“Talk about what? You already know all there is to know about

me, don’t you?”

“Do I? I just know a little of the history. What about this brother

of yours? What’s he like?”

Redmond shrugged. This was getting into dangerous territory.

How much had David told him? Was he trying to set him up again for
another lie? A damn spanking? Sadist. Toppy bastard.

“Not much to tell, really. His name is Redmond.”
“Older or younger?”
“Uh…younger.” And he was, by six minutes.
“Does he look like you?”
“So did you grow up in Georgia, like David?”
“Yes. David met me in Athens, Georgia. He was a graduate

student, and I was a freshman.”

“Didn’t the age difference bother you?”
“No, David’s handsome and very cool.”
“If he’s so cool, why did you keep jerking him around? Winning

him back just to break up with him again a couple months later?”

“Um, it’s complicated.”
“I think I can keep up.”
“I don’t know, really. We’re just very different people in a way.

He’s handsome and all, but he’s too…” Redmond looked up,
searching for a word. He’d never really understood the dynamic
between Russell and David, so he couldn’t very well explain it.

“Too responsible? Too adult?”
Redmond shrugged, at a loss for something to say. He knew this

conversation was making Russell, and thereby him, look bad, but he
wanted to try to tell him the truth as much as he knew. He wasn’t

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about to give him another excuse for spanking his ass. “I guess so. I
don’t know. Can’t we change the subject? David’s married now.”

“Yes, he is, and I want him to stay that way. You’ve always had

some kind of hold over David. I get that you’re beautiful and all, but
there has to be something more.”

Redmond snorted. “Beautiful? That’s what people call girls.”
Sloane smiled again and kept driving.
“I’m not a damn girl.” Redmond glared at Sloane angrily. For

some reason it was important to emphasize just how manly he was.

Sloane glanced over at him and continued to smile.
“Are you saying I’m effeminate? Because I’m not.”
“I didn’t say anything, honey. You’re the one getting all hot and

bothered. Believe me, if you were a girl, I wouldn’t be nearly so

Redmond cleared his throat. “You–you’re interested? In me?”
“I’m interested,” he said after a long pause. “Like I said, very

beautiful.” He reached for the radio again and began to fiddle with it.
Apparently the little attempt at conversation was over with.

Redmond relaxed a little in his seat and began feeling sleepy

again. Ever since he was a kid, riding on long trips made him want to
go to sleep. Especially if the scenery was monotonous or boring like
this was. He felt himself nodding off. He began to dream about going
to the park with Russell when he was a small child, maybe four years

Russell was sliding on the big slide, and Redmond wanted to do it

too. He remembered how he climbed all the way to the top of the
ladder. Russell was poised to slide down. He saw Russell looking
back over his shoulder at him, and just as he got to the top of the
slide, Russell put a hand on his chest and shoved him—hard.

Falling back off the ladder, he was knocked unconscious for a few

minutes. When he woke up his mother alternated between kissing him
with relief and chiding him for being so careless. He never told on
Russell, because as he woke up in the hospital, Russell put a soft little

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hand inside his and whispered in his ear. “If you tell, I’ll get you
tonight when you go to sleep.” Redmond remembered he had no
doubt that he would, too.

Redmond came awake with a start and looked over at Sloane.

Sloane smiled at him. “Taking a little nap, again? If I ever have
trouble getting you to go to sleep, I know what to do.”

Redmond frowned and straightened up. Getting him to go to

sleep, indeed. He treated him like he was a small child sometimes. He
shook his head, trying to clear away the remaining vestiges of the
dream. Why would he think about something like that now? It had
happened so long ago.

“Bad dream?”
“Huh? Oh, kind of. I don’t know why, but I dreamed about the

time a kid pushed me off the slide when we were little.”

“The top of the slide?” Sloane’s voice sounded incredulous.
“Yeah—we were just little kids. He was only playing.”
“If you say so.” Sloane shook his head. “Sounds to me like he was

trying to kill you.”

“We were four years old!”
“Mm-hm. Wonder what kinds of things Hitler did on the

playground when he was four years old?”

Redmond looked straight ahead, thinning his lips, deciding to

ignore Sloane and his smart mouth. He’d like to slap that mouth. He’d
like to lick it and kiss it until he begged for mercy. Shit!

“Sorry, honey, I was only teasing.” Sloane laughed a little. “Was

this a good friend of yours?”

“No, not really,” Redmond replied sadly, realizing he was telling

the truth. He and Russell had never been close as children. Not like all
the stories about identical twins being able to read each other’s
thoughts and feelings. He and Russell had never been like that.
Russell had always been vying for his parents’ attention, and usually
Redmond just let him have it. He wanted to be close to his brother,
but it never really happened.

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“Probably just as well. Otherwise, you might not have survived.”
Redmond felt stung by Sloane’s criticism of Russell, even if he

didn’t know who it was he was talking about. Redmond had a long
history of taking care of Russell. One of the reasons he’d got himself
into this current mess.

“Well, wake up. We’re almost there.”
Redmond looked with interest out the windows, expecting to see

some signs of civilization. Instead he saw a scattering of houses and
what looked like a glorified dollar store. Sloane pulled into the dusty
parking lot and motioned for Redmond to get out. “Let’s go get a few
groceries for the week.”

Sloane threw a smile over his shoulder as he climbed out of the

truck and went inside. Redmond trailed along after him. It was a little
better inside than he had anticipated from the outward appearance, but
still there wasn’t much to be seen. Sloane got a small basket and then
handed Redmond one, too. Sloane walked up and down the aisles
putting milk, butter, and bread inside. “Get some eggs and bacon,” he
told Redmond, who was standing around in confusion. “Any snacks
you want, too.”

Redmond found a cooler and picked up eggs and bacon. He found

some chocolate chip cookies and potato chips. Sloane walked up, and
Redmond saw hot dogs and hamburger meat inside the basket now,
too. “Not a large selection,” Sloane whispered. “C’mon, let’s check

Sloane paid the gray-haired lady behind the counter for their

purchases and charmed her with his sexy smile, so that she chatted
happily with him as she rang up his food. “You boys staying round

“Yes, ma’am. Up at Jonathan Quincy’s farmhouse. Are you

familiar with it?”

“Oh, yes, the old Abernathy place. Mary and Jim Abernathy lived

up there for years. Sold out and went to Quebec to live with their son,

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four or five years ago. So, did you come to hunt or fish? Just to

“Mostly to relax. Maybe some hiking on the trails, too.”
“Supposed to be some bad weather coming in later this week.

Might get some snow.”

“Oh, great,” Redmond mumbled.
Sloan glanced at him and back at the lady behind the counter. “Is

that right? Something to look forward to, then. I love the snow.”

“Well, if you boys need any gear, come back. We have boots and

all that.”

“Yes, ma’am. We surely will. Thanks for everything.”
He loaded Redmond down with bags and pushed him toward the

door. A quick glance over his shoulder told him Sloane wasn’t
carrying a thing.

After putting the bags in the car, Sloane herded Redmond into the

front seat and headed out of “town.” They found the house with no
problem. It actually didn’t look as bad as Redmond anticipated. It was
probably fifty years old, but someone had given it a recent coat of
paint and the yard was neat and clean. Once inside, Redmond saw that
the décor was late sixties, at best, but again, very neat and clean, if a
little shabby.

It was exactly as advertised, an old farmhouse. Nothing fancy, but

the rooms were large and the whole place was sort of—homey.
Redmond felt comfortable there right away. His mother was a good
mother, and loved him and his brother very much. But she hadn’t
exactly been Suzie Homemaker, preferring her job as an office
manager at a high-powered doctor’s office to any kind of domestic
concerns. He didn’t blame her at all, but it would have been nice on
occasion to have her go to one of his baseball games or even mix up a
batch of cookies.

He carried the bags into the large kitchen, complete with an old-

fashioned stove and a tiny, efficiency-sized refrigerator. Without
waiting for Sloane to boss him around, he unpacked the bags and put

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the groceries away. He noticed Sloane leaning against the door,
watching him. When he finished, he turned and tried to walk past
Sloane to go to the living room, but Sloane was blocking the door and
wouldn’t budge.

“Excuse me,” Redmond said, not making eye contact. He was still

angry, and his ass was sore.

Lazily, Sloane reached for him, put his hands on his waist, and

pulled him close. He didn’t resist, because as before, Sloane’s touch
caused a white-hot heat to rush through his body. Redmond’s
breathing quickened, making a funny little catch in his throat. He
glanced down and caught Sloane’s gaze. He wasn’t smiling. He had a
serious, intense expression on his face as he brought his lips up to
graze Redmond’s ear. He whispered, “Thanks for putting the
groceries away, sweetheart.”

Redmond shivered and shrugged. “Sure.” He tried to act

nonchalant and pull away at the same time. He wouldn’t even think
about the fact that he had a little warm spot in the middle of his chest
at the kind words. Not to mention the warm, wet drops of pre-cum
dripping from his cock.

Why did it matter so much to him if this man approved of him?

He didn’t know, but it seemed as if it did. He shifted his feet
nervously, but Sloane settled Redmond against his chest more closely.
He knew Sloane noticed his erection. He had to since it was poking
him in the stomach.

“Have you decided where you’re going to sleep? My room has a

king-sized bed. I’ll be happy to share.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet you would. No, thanks, Sloane, I’ll sleep

somewhere else. Isn’t there another bedroom?”

“Sure. Of course, it is the haunted bedroom…”
“What?” Even Redmond could hear the slight catch in his voice.
“Yeah. The legend goes that the farmer who lived here had a

beautiful daughter. Her fiancé died in the war, and she hung herself in
that bedroom.”

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Redmond’s eyebrows rose slightly. “Really?”
Sloane burst out laughing. “Sorry, Red, I couldn’t resist. No, not

really. But if you do get scared during the night, I’m here for you.”

Redmond pulled away and scowled at him. “Another joke at my


“Just teasing, honey, lighten up. You must admit you are a little

gullible—makes me want to tease, but I promise I’ll stop if it makes
you mad. You know, I haven’t seen you smile since that first day at
the mansion when you were flirting with me.”

“I wasn’t flirting,” he murmured, looking up down at his shoes.

“And I haven’t exactly had a lot to smile about!”

“Good point. Okay, Red, go find your room.” Sloane stood aside

to let him pass. “If you need anything, let me know, and when you get
settled in, come back out to the living room. I’ll have your chores list

“My what?” Surely he was still teasing.
“Your chores list. You didn’t think this was a vacation, did you?

Prisoners have to work. Haven’t you ever heard of hard labor? I’m
putting you to work, my man.”

“Great,” Redmond said under his breath. “Just fucking great. And

I suppose you’ll be watching TV and lounging around while I do all
the work?”

“What’s that, Red?”
“Nothing,” he said sullenly. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He went

out to the hallway and found his room next to the bathroom. It wasn’t
large, but it held a full-sized bed, draped with quilts, and a small
dresser. He unpacked his few belongings and sat down on the bed for
a moment to think. The wedding had been on Saturday, and now it
was Sunday afternoon, and it seemed like he had been on this journey
with Sloane for days and days instead of such a short time. If things
hadn’t gone so wrong, he’d have been back home by now, getting
ready for work in the morning.

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He was pretty sure he’d lose his job. His boss was not exactly a

forgiving guy, and without a doctor’s excuse, there was no way in hell
he’d let him stay out for a week. Redmond fell back on the bed for a
moment, staring up at the ceiling. Who was he kidding? It was a crap
job anyway. The pay was lousy and the benefits worse. He’d only
taken it because the economy was so bad when he’d graduated
college, and there were very few jobs even available, especially for
someone without any job experience. He sighed and closed his eyes.
Maybe it was time for a change.

He heard Sloane clear his throat and jumped with guilt. Sloane

was standing in the doorway, watching him with that same serious
expression again. “Taking another little nap, honey?”

“Oh,” he said, jumping to his feet. “Sorry. I was just coming out. I

only sat down for a minute.”

“Okay, no problem. You must be pretty exhausted—after all,

you’ve only napped like twice today. Maybe you can get another one
in before bedtime.”

Sloane was teasing, but Redmond still felt his face getting warm.

Did Sloane just like to make him blush? He had a feeling he did.

“Let’s go over your chores. Join me in the living room?”
Resigned, Redmond followed him into the other room and sat

down on the sofa across from him. Sloane pushed a piece of paper
toward him. “As you see, your day starts at eight o’clock. Fix
breakfast—you can cook, right? Then clean the house. That shouldn’t
take too long with just the two of us here. Then fix lunch for both of
us, and maybe there’ll be some afternoon chores. Like chopping wood
for the fireplace, things like that. Nothing too strenuous. Then you’ll
have some free time until you cook supper. I’ll take you into town if
you need any more supplies, but you should have enough for a couple
of days.”

Redmond frowned and looked up at him. “You seriously want me

to do all this? I’m not a damn slave, you know! Or a fucking cook!
How come I have to do all the cooking?”

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“I thought you were clear on this, Red. You do whatever I tell you

to do. You’re mine for a whole week, and I like to get good value.”

Redmond clenched his fists. “And if I refuse?”
Sloane leaned back on the chair and smiled his slow, sexy smile.

“I think you already know the answer to that, unless you’d like
another little demonstration?” He reached for him, and Redmond
jumped to his feet, pulling his hand away.

“Okay, I get it. Is that all for now, sir? Or do you have some

chores you want me to do?”

Sloane’s grin got even wider, if that were possible. “As a matter

of fact, fix me something to eat. I’m getting a little hungry, and we
missed lunch. I’ll have two of those hot dogs, mustard only. With, I
think, a Coke to drink. With ice, if there is any. If not, be sure to fill
those ice trays. I like ice in my sodas.” He put his feet up on the
coffee table and gazed serenely at Redmond as he clenched his fists
tightly by his sides. Redmond turned and stalked into the kitchen,
wishing he had the nerve to put something in his food to poison
him—okay, maybe not poison, but something to make him a little
sick, anyway.

As if he thought Redmond might be tempted to do that very thing,

Sloane followed him into the kitchen and sat on a chair at the big
farmhouse table, watching his every move. Redmond found a pot to
boil the hot dogs in and got them started while he went over to the
little refrigerator and found some ice in the trays, filled a glass, and
then refilled the trays. He got out the buns and found the mustard, and
then leaned against the counter waiting for the hot dogs to be ready.
He was hyperaware that Sloane was staring at him, but he never even
glanced in his direction.

When the hot dogs were ready, he put them in the buns and

slathered them with mustard. He carried the hot dogs and the drink
over to Sloane and put them down, a bit too forcefully, on the table in
front of him.

“Thanks, Red. Looks good. Aren’t you having anything?”

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“No, not hungry.” He was so choked with anger he could barely

get the words to come out of his mouth, let alone force food down his

“Okay. I guess you can go to your room now for that little nap and

clean all this up later. Wouldn’t want you to fall asleep standing up at
the sink. Should I just set my plate in the sink for you?”

Redmond knew he was baiting him, but he wouldn’t give him the

satisfaction. “Sure, why not?”

“Good. Okay, thanks.”
He started to walk away, but Sloane pulled him back to stand in

front of him between his thighs. He held both his hands so he couldn’t
move. “Give me a kiss good-bye, darlin’.”

Redmond wanted to pull away, but he held him steady until it

became embarrassing. He could get away easily enough if he wanted
to, but he knew Sloane wouldn’t let it go. Sighing, Redmond bent
down and pecked him on his cheek. His skin felt scratchy and rough
and goddamned perfect against his lips. Sloane laughed and patted
him on the ass.

“Go take your nap, baby.”
Redmond stalked into his bedroom, at a loss for anything to do. It

was only afternoon, though already getting darker, and so far he
hadn’t seen anything to read. No TV either. Damn, how did people
ever live like this? He wandered into the living room and plopped
down on the sofa, waiting for Sloane to finish eating. He supposed if
he were not to die of boredom this week, he’d have to talk to Sloane,
even though he was furious with him at the moment. He just wished
his cock wasn’t so hard after that last confrontation. Damn him. He
tried to adjust himself before Sloane came out of the kitchen.

Sloane walked in just then and seemed surprised to see him sitting

on the sofa. “Oh, I thought you’d gone to the bedroom to lie down. I
know how you like your little snoozes. I was wondering, Red, should
I have scheduled you some nap time in the middle of your chores?”

“Very funny. I’m so glad I can offer you so much amusement.”

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Sloane fell onto the chair across from him and regarded him with

a smile. “What’s up, buttercup? I’m beginning to know that little
pouty look pretty well.”

“There’s no computer here, or TV, or even a radio. Nothing to

read, either. How do people stand it?”

“There’s a TV in my room—no cable, but there’s a pretty good

selection of DVDs. We can watch a couple of movies if you want to.”

“We can do that? Really? Sure, that would be great,” Redmond

said eagerly. “If you don’t mind, that is.”

“C’mon, Red, go pick one out and we’ll watch.” Redmond

jumped to his feet and went to Sloane’s bedroom. Sloane showed him
where the DVDs were located, and he went through them, finding a
few adventure movies and some comedies. “Do…uh…Do you have
any preference?”

“Nah, whatever. Just pick one you like.” Sloane lay down on the

bed and pulled a couple of pillows behind his head. Redmond found a
comedy he liked and put that in. He sat on the end of the bed to
watch, but Sloane shook his head. “Grab a pillow and lie down up
here. You know you want to. Get comfortable.”

Redmond moved warily to the head of the bed and leaned against

the pillows stacked there, trying to get comfortable. Being so close to
Sloane made him nervous and uneasy. He noticed that Sloane glanced
over at him and frowned a little. Screw it, he wanted to watch this
movie. It had been a long time, it seemed, since he’d had the time to
sit and relax in front of a film. Soon he was lost in the story, and
barely even noticed when his eyelids began to droop.

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Chapter Four

Sloane reached over to straighten Russell on the bed. He’d fallen

asleep sitting up, and now his head had fallen over to the side. He was
so sound asleep he didn’t move as he straightened his body out.
Sloane had to steel himself not to reach out and touch him all over. He
knew Russell was angry with him though about the chores list, not to
mention the spanking, so he decided not to push him anymore tonight.
He saw his eyelids close partway through the movie, but he figured
he’d wake up as he put another movie on. Instead, he stayed out like a
light, breathing hard and making an occasional little moaning sound
in his sleep. Another bad dream?

Sloane put a hand on his leg, and he hushed. He slept through the

second movie, and Sloane checked his watch with a yawn. Time for
bed. He shook Russell gently and he stirred and opened one eye.

“Bedtime, Sleeping Beauty. Do you want to sleep in here or in

your room?”

He mumbled something unintelligible and closed his eyes again.

“Right,” Sloane said softly. “Let’s get your shoes and jeans off then.”
He slipped off his shoes and socks and unsnapped his jeans to pull
them off. Right away, he realized Russell was commando under the
jeans. Raising his eyes heavenward, he pulled them off anyway, and
tucked him under the covers. The boy turned over immediately and
pulled the blanket up to cuddle into it.

Sloane got in next to him and lay on his back, very aware that

Russell was so close to him and mostly naked on top of it. He’d been
attracted to this beautiful man from the first moment he saw him, and
the attraction had only grown stronger. As the hours passed in his

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company, he began to realize what it was David found so irresistible
about him. He almost regretted having to be so harsh with him.
Reminding himself it could all be an act—the sweetness, the
vulnerability, all could be calculated to gain his sympathy, he lay on
his back and tried to get his mind on something else. The plain fact
was he just couldn’t trust him.

Yet lying so close to him was a true measure of his willpower, and

Sloane itched to touch him. Resolutely, he closed his eyes and willed
himself to go to sleep. After tossing and turning for a bit, he finally
managed to drift off.

It was much later during the night when he woke to find Russell

cuddled up next to him, his leg thrown across his, and an arm
wrapped around his waist. He could feel Russell’s naked, semi-erect
cock burning against his leg. “Russell?” he shoved him gently.
“Russell, are you awake?”

“Mm-hm, ‘s cold.”
“Damn, baby, I’m only human. You’re killing me.”
“Hmmm? Sleepy.”
Sloane sighed. “Okay, stay here. Go back to sleep, honey.”
Russell cuddled even closer, and Sloane wondered if this was his

idea of some kind of wicked payback. Sloane’s swollen cock throbbed
against the material of his underpants, and he shifted in the bed,
turning his back on Russell, trying to get some ease. Almost
immediately, Russell scooted closer so he was cuddled up against
Sloane’s ass, his cock searing him. Not a great improvement.

Sloane gave up and tried to get some sleep. Lying so close to him

was exquisite torture, but he was surprised at how protective and
possessive he felt toward him. He was even jealous of the time David
had spent with him. He had to get his feelings for Russell under
control. If only he weren’t so very attracted to him.

He closed his eyes and resolutely convinced himself to go back to

sleep. A few hours later, he was awakened by movement near him. He
opened his eyes and saw Russell slipping from the bed.

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“Going back to your room?” He said the words quietly, but he saw

Russell almost jump out of his skin. He whirled around to face him.

“Oh, you’re awake. Yeah, uh, I’m just going back to my room

now. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on your bed.”

“No problem,” Sloane said quietly.
“Um, one question.”
“Why am I naked? Did we? Uh? I mean, we didn’t, did we?”
“No, darlin’, I managed to fight you off. I just helped you out of

your clothes when you insisted on sleeping in my bed. Who knew you
preferred commando? Very naughty, sweetheart.”

The dark red stain suffused his face again, and Sloane saw it even

in the dimness of the room. He loved to make him blush, and it was so

“Well, I’ll just go to my room, now.” He turned around and

moved toward the door.

“Yeah, it should be fine. If you see anything in there, or hear

anything, just pull the covers up over your head and give a shout.”

Russell turned around and glared at him. “Very funny. If I see

anything, I’ll just send them in here to you.”

“Yeah, run ’em on in here—especially if it’s a cute one. You

know, red hair, nice little bubble butt.”

Russell turned and stalked out of the room. Sloane could hear him

banging around in his room for a few minutes before things got quiet
again, and he chuckled softly to himself. He was going to have to do
something about that very soon. He reached down and pulled his
aching cock and sighed. Definitely very soon.

Sloane awoke to the smell of burning bacon. “What the hell?” he

muttered, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. As he neared the
kitchen, the burning smell got worse and worse.

Walking into the kitchen, he saw low flames and smoke billowing

out of the frying pan on the stove. As he rounded the corner, he saw
Russell with a glass of water in his hand, getting ready to throw it

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onto the pan. He made it over to him in about two steps and pushed
him hard on his chest back against the counter.

“No, damn it! Are you crazy? You never throw water on a grease


He grabbed a cookie tin lying beside the stove and slid it over the

top of the pan to smother the flames, then pushed the pan to the back
eye before he turned to face Russell. He was standing near the sink,
holding a hand to his chest, his face pale. Sloane stepped closer to him
and pulled his hand down to look at it. He had a vivid burn mark on
his wrist.

“Damn, Russell!” He turned him around to the sink and turned on

the cold water, then shoved Russell’s hand under the spigot.
Flinching, Russell tried to pull his hand away, but Sloane gripped his
elbow and made him keep it under the water. As he leaned against
him, he could feel his body trembling. “Stand still.” Sloane ran his
free hand through his hair, visualizing what might have happened if
he hadn’t come in the kitchen when he did. He remembered a training
film he’d seen a few years ago. Just one cup of water on a grease fire
made the room practically explode in scalding steam and flames.
Sloane found he was shaking with fear at the image in his mind.

“Don’t you know you could have been hurt or even killed? People

die from doing that, Russell! Jesus Christ, you need a keeper!”

He pulled him away from the sink and over to the kitchen table.

Pushing him down in a chair, he pulled his wrist over to take a better
look. Though it was an angry red, and probably painful, it wasn’t as
bad as he’d first thought.

“Stay here. Don’t move.” Sloane went to the bathroom and came

back with a wet washcloth and some aloe vera. He laid the cloth over
the burn and looked up into Russell’s eyes. “Leave the cloth on it for
a little while, and then we’ll put the aloe on it. Does it hurt?”

Russell bit his lip and nodded. “A little. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what, honey? The water? I know you didn’t know what

it would do if it hit that hot grease.”

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“No, I’m sorry about the bacon. I didn’t do it on purpose, Sloane,

I really didn’t. I put it on high, and then I went to make the toast.” He
hung his head. “I forgot about the bacon. I know you probably think I
messed up on purpose so I could get out of doing it, but I…”

“Fuck the bacon, baby. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t think you

did it on purpose.”

A look of relief came over his face. “Oh, good. I didn’t want you

to think… I am trying, really.”

“It’s okay. And I’m sorry I pushed you so hard, but I had to stop

you.” He looked into Russell’s pretty blue eyes. “Did I hurt you,

“No, not really.” Sloane pulled up his T-shirt and saw a red mark

in the middle of his chest. Sloane leaned over and brushed his lips
against the mark. Russell shivered and moaned. Sloane looked up at
him and smiled sweetly.

He kissed the spot again then trailed his tongue over to Russell’s

nipple. He teased it with his tongue and his teeth for a long moment,
looking up at his face from under his lashes, and then moved over to
the other nipple. Russell’s breath was coming in short gasps. He
grabbed Sloane’s arm, his fingers biting into his flesh. “Oh, oh God,

“Feel good, babe?” Sloane whispered against his chest.
Russell stumbled to his feet. “I–I should go and clean this all up.”

He waved his hand at the kitchen.

“Okay,” Sloane said quietly, leaning back in his chair.
Russell stood still, biting his lip and looking down at his feet, but

not moving. He began to sway a bit. Sloane stood up and took him in
his arms. Russell came into them willingly, putting his hands around
Sloane’s waist and his head on his shoulder. Sloane could feel his
heart beating wildly in his chest.

Sloane pulled his face up so that he was looking directly at him.

He kissed his sweet lips, holding the back of his head, so he couldn’t
move away.

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When Russell sighed against his lips, he began to walk him slowly

backward into his bedroom. “I want to make love to you, sweetheart.”

Russell nodded as if he were in a daze, still holding the kiss and

making that little whimpering sound that drove Sloane crazy. “Is that
okay with you?”

Russell nodded and whimpered again as Sloane nibbled on his

lips. He was breathing so rapidly Sloane looked down at him. “Are
you okay, hon?”

Russell swallowed and gripped Sloane harder, looking terrified.
“What is it, baby? Don’t you want this?”
Russell threw his arms around his neck again, nodding into his

shoulder. “Yes, I–I want it.”

“Then are you in pain? Is it your burn?”
“N–No.” Russell put his hands over his face.
“God, honey, tell me what’s wrong.” Sloane pulled away to look

at him, but Russell pulled him back.

“Don’t stop!”
“I’m not stopping, baby, but you have to tell me what’s wrong. I

just want this to be good for you.” Sloane began to kiss him again,
and moved his hands across the smooth, hairless skin on his chest.
Russell lowered his hands and regarded Sloane as he moved his
fingers along his chest, barely skimming and causing little goose
bumps to rise. Sloane watched Russell’s beautiful face, listening to
the little catch in his throat whenever he moved lower and touched his
cock or his balls through his pants.

Sloane began to undress him, pulling his T-shirt over his head,

pushing his pants down over his hips. When he had him naked, he
pushed him gently down on the bed and smiled at him while he
slowly took off his own boxers. Russell watched him like he’d never
seen a man get naked before. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he
watched his every move. It was strangely erotic, and made Sloane
even harder than he thought possible.

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He sat down beside Russell on the bed, and gently continued

stroking his chest. Moving slowly, he began to kiss and lick his skin
as he traveled downward. Russell was moving around so much he had
to put both hands on his hips to hold him still. He nipped at his navel,
and when he cried out, he smiled and lowered his head to his stomach.
His beautiful cock had made a little wet spot there, and Russell cried
out as Sloane licked it off.

“Oh, God, Sloane!”
Sloane laughed, cocking his head and looking at him strangely.

He wasn’t acting as experienced and worldly as he thought he would.
Sloane continued his downward journey, landing squarely on
Russell’s cock, licking the head and sucking it into his mouth like it
was a delicious ice-cream cone. Russell made an incoherent sound
and tried to buck his hips toward him. Sloane tightened his grip and
teased him gently. “Easy, baby. Not yet. Just lay back and relax.”

Russell moaned and arched up, hands digging into Sloane’s back.

Sloane continued his movements up and down his dick, paying most
of his attention to the sensitive head, while Russell fell apart beneath

Sloane moved to stretch his naked body over Russell’s. He lined

his dick up with Russell’s and slid them together, using his hips to set
up a rhythm. A noise came from Russell that he’d never heard before
and made him even more excited. Sloane kissed him, nudging his
mouth open wide and shoving his tongue inside to stroke Russell’s.
He took one of Russell’s legs and moved it up toward his stomach,
and Russell drew in his breath sharply. Sloane didn’t pay much
attention as he was trying to get to the lube in the drawer by his bed.
He put some on his finger and rubbed it gently across Russell’s rim.
Russell made a little gulping noise and tried to sit up.

“What is it? Did I hurt you? Want me to stop?”
Russell grabbed him and pulled him closer. “No! God, don’t stop,

Sloane. It just startled me. I–I’m okay.”

“Yeah? You’re sure?”

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Russell pulled him close to him and kissed him frantically. He

thrust his tongue into Sloane’s mouth and sucked on Sloane’s tongue.
He began to moan against his lips. “Don’t stop. Please.” He lay back
down and pulled up his leg obediently. He clenched his fists as if he
were about to be tortured. “I–I’m ready.”

Sloane was pretty sure he couldn’t have stopped if he’d wanted to.

This man was so damned delicious. He put the lube on his finger and
gently moved it into Russell’s tight little hole. Looking down at it, he
thought that it was almost perfect—tight and puckered and pink. He
wanted to be gentle with it, so he eased his finger inside. Russell
flinched a little, but relaxed as Sloane began to move the finger
slowly in and out. He eased another finger in, twisting both his fingers
a little, trying to make it good for him, and Russell cried out,
clenching tightly around his fingers. “Easy, honey, what’s the

“Nothing, nothing. Please keep going.”
Sloane pulled on a condom as Russell watched him with his eyes

open wide. He slicked it with lube and lined it up with Russell’s hole.
He eased his way inside, and immediately Russell clenched again.
Sloane kept pushing gently, until finally there was a noticeable
relaxing of his inner muscles. Russell was breathing oddly quick,
short breaths.

Sloane pulled out a little and looked down at him. “Russell, baby,

tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing. It just hurts a little.”
“Hurts? But…”
Russell leaned forward and threw his arms around his neck again.

He whispered urgently in his ear. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. It’s—it’s
my first time to bottom.”

“What do you mean?” He pushed Russell back down on the bed

and leaned over into his face. He couldn’t have heard him correctly.
“What are you talking about?”

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Russell turned his face to the wall and bit down on his lip. “I

thought I could do it, and you wouldn’t know. I want you so much.”
His beautiful blue eyes were filled with tears.

Sloane held his cock at the entrance of Russell’s hole. He rubbed

the lubed condom slowly up and down against it, trying to calm him.
Trying to calm himself. He pulled his chin around to make him face
him. “Talk to me, baby. I don’t understand.”

“I’ve never done anal before, Sloane. I’m so sorry.”
Sloane sat back on his heels, unable to wrap his mind around

whatever it was Russell was trying to tell him. “What are you talking
about, Russell? I know you’re no virgin. Never done anal? Never
bottomed? I know that can’t be true. What kind of game is this?”

Russell put his elbows on the bed and looked directly at Sloane

again. “I–I’m not Russell. I’m Redmond, his twin brother.”

Sloane narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. He was so angry he

wanted to throttle him. What kind of stupid game was Russell playing
with him? Get him excited and then fuck with him?

“Oh, really? Well, that’s too bad, Redmond, ’cause I’m not

stopping now.”

He lay back on top of him and thrust into him, causing Russell to

cry out. He pounded at him once, twice, but Russell’s groans finally
got to him. Could he really be hurting him? He slowed his motions
down and began moving slowly, sensuously. He bent his head to kiss
Russell’s lips and tasted tears. He stopped his motions and held still,
breathing hard.

“Should I stop? I don’t know what you want. I–I don’t know if I

can, but I’ll try.”

“No, please. It feels wonderful now. I–I want you, Sloane, so


“Russell, you’re killing me.”
“No, no, darling. I want you to make love to me.” Russell reached

up and pulled him back down on top of him.

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With a groan, Sloane shrugged off his arms, pulled out, and

ground his aching member against Russell’s. Reaching for him, he
fisted his cock and rubbed it slowly, sensuously up and down. Russell
moaned and rolled his eyes back in his head. He leaned forward to
touch his lips to Sloane’s, and it was as if he’d ignited a powder keg.
Sloane looked down at Russell’s cock and the glistening wetness on
the tip.

He looked up to see Russell’s fascinated gaze on his rock-hard

cock as well. Russell’s hand crept toward it with a pleading look.
Sloane nodded, breathless, as Russell’s soft, warm hand encircled him
and applied firm pressure, forcing a harsh groan from Sloane’s throat.

Sloane took his lips, pushing his way into his mouth until his

tongue tangled with his. Every hot lick and nibble made him grind his
cock harder against Russell’s belly. He felt a whimper rising in his
throat. He’d never wanted anyone so badly. “Lie on your side, baby.”

Russell rolled obediently to his side and gave him a shaky little

smile over his shoulder. Sloane almost lost it right then. Russell
obeyed every order without question. Maybe later, he’d tie him to this
bed and make him beg for mercy. Make him tell him what kind of
silly game he was playing. Make him scream his name, and forget
every other man he’d ever been with.

Possession riding him strongly, Sloane pushed him into place and

made sure his knees were up high. He reached for his beautiful cock
then and played with him until he had him gasping for breath. Just as
he sensed he was getting close to coming, he stopped his
manipulations and bent to whisper in his ear. “Not yet, sugar.

Unable to stop himself, Russell bucked his hips and tried to push

himself back in Sloane’s hand. Sloane laughed gently and kissed his
back, before drawing back and positioning himself against his rim.
“Ready, baby?”

Russell moaned. “Yes, please!”

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He eased himself past the first tight ring of muscle, and he was in.

He pushed in slowly until he was buried to the groin, so that he was
flush with Russell’s lovely little ass. Russell thrashed his head and
whimpered pitifully, and Sloane, unable to wait, moved slowly
against him, in and out. He knew he was reaching his prostate by his
ecstatic moans and cries. “Good boy,” he encouraged. “Does that feel

He looked down at himself and Russell joined together and

groaned in excitement. He pulled out almost to the tip of his cock and
then rammed it home again, slapping his balls against him, loving
Russell’s moans and cries. Smiling, he leaned down and said, “Say
my name, baby.”

Stubbornly, Russell acted as if he hadn’t heard, turning his head

and biting his bottom lip. Sloane pounded into him again and grabbed
his cock in his hand to rub the tip with his fingers. “Whose is this,
darling? Say my name.”

Finally, as if it were wrung from him, a single cry escaped his soft

lips. “Sloane.”

“That’s right, baby. All mine.” He pulled out again so just his tip

was teasing Russell’s rim. Russell desperately tried to slide down onto
him, but he held him back. He waggled the head of his cock against
his hole, driving him crazy. When he had Russell thrashing his head
on the pillow, whimpering, he finally relented, thrusting into him over
and over, giving it to him as fast as he wanted it.

“Come now, baby.”
Within seconds, Russell began spurting his cum onto the sheets,

and Sloane followed him, joining so tightly with him as they strained
together, he felt as if they almost fused their bodies.

Sloane lay for a few minutes slumped still deep inside Russell, his

cum gluing them together. He kissed his back and then pulled himself
out and pulled Russell over on his back to kiss his sweet lips, their
spent cocks rubbing softly together. Sloane rolled off to the side, and

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lay panting quietly for a moment before turning to press his lips
against Russell’s shoulder.

“When I can breathe again, baby, we’re going to sit down and

have a talk.”

Russell nodded, still catching his breath, too. “Okay.”
Sloane got up and went to the bathroom for a warm washcloth.

After he cleaned himself up, he went back to Russell and tenderly
cleaned him. Russell lay on his back with his eyes tightly closed.
Sloane put on his boxers, pulled on a pair of jeans and held out a hand
to Russell. “C’mon, babe.”

Russell stood up and reached for his clothes, but Sloane smiled

and shook his head. “Oh, no. Not till I get my answers. Come with
me, sweetheart.”

Russell blushed all over again. Sloane loved the color that

suffused his gorgeous big body from time to time. His cock even
turned a deeper reddish purple. Adorable. Sexy as hell. God, he
couldn’t get enough of this man.

Looking trustingly into Sloane’s eyes, though, Russell gave him

his hand and followed him into the living room. Sloane felt his cock
stirring again. Damn. Sloane sat him on the sofa and took the big
chair opposite. Russell sat awkwardly, his hands in his lap.

Sloane leaned forward and covered Russell’s hands with his own.

“Relax, darlin’. I’m not trying to embarrass you or punish you for
anything. He dropped a quick kiss on his lips and leaned back.
“You’re beautiful, by the way, and have no need to hide anything.”

Russell smiled a bit hesitantly. “Then why…?” He motioned

down to himself. “Like this.”

“Well, besides the fact that I like to look at you, I’ve noticed

something about you over the last few days.”

“Something about me?”
“Whenever you get upset, or embarrassed, or…tell me something

that’s not true…you turn that lovely shade of red. Kind of like a built-
in lie detector.”

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“Oh, God,” Russell moaned, turning that exact shade.
“So it’s truth time, baby. Whatever it is, I need to hear it. You’ve

made some strange comments lately, and I don’t understand them.
The way you acted just now…I need to know what’s going on with
you, sweetheart.”

Russell actually began to twist his fingers together in his lap.

Wasn’t that called wringing your hands? Shit, what was going on with
his boy?

“Honey, don’t be so nervous. I know quite a bit about your past,

and you’re not going to shock me. Just tell me, and I’ll try to help

Russell took a deep breath, and looked up bravely. “Okay. But

you won’t like it.”

Sloane shrugged and smiled encouragingly. “Go ahead.”
He ducked his head. “Sloane, my name isn’t Russell. It’s

Redmond. I’m his twin brother, like I tried to tell you. Russell asked
me to come and pretend to be him to get in the gate.” He looked up
quickly to see how Sloane was reacting. Sloane felt like someone
punched him in the gut, but he tried to make his face blank.

“Russell said David always liked me pretty well, and he would

probably let me have the watch. I wasn’t there to steal it—honest! But
then you walked in and caught me in his room with the watch and I
panicked. I was going to tell you then, but I figured it wouldn’t make
that much difference. After all, I was the one with the watch in my
back pocket.”

He glanced up to see how Sloane was reacting and dropped his

head again quickly. “I got scared, too, when you said that stuff about
the Canadian police. I was using Russell’s passport.” He looked up
and met Sloane’s eyes and took a deep breath. “Do you hate me now?
Have I fucked things up between us forever? I know you hate it when
I lie to you. I’m so sorry.”

Sloane felt like he’d been hit by a truck. He couldn’t wrap his

mind around this shit. This was Redmond, not Russell. Not Russell.

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He wondered how he could have been so stupid. He’d heard David
say that Russell had heart surgery as a baby, yet there were no scars
on this beautiful chest in front of him. The same chest he’d seen
several times now, and it had never even registered. Probably because
he’d been so hot for this man he couldn’t think with his big head and
his little one at the same time. Damn it!

“Redmond,” he said, just to feel the word in his mouth.
“You’re Redmond.”
“Yes. Please don’t be mad.”
“Redmond, are you…? I don’t understand. David always said

Redmond was straight.” He looked at the other man like he was
hearing things. “I thought David said you were straight. Oh, God, am
I your first?” His eyebrows rose, and he jumped to his feet to cross
over to the sofa and pull him to his feet. He shook him a little. “Am

Instantly, Sloane felt stricken by the look on his face and pulled

him into his arms. “Oh, honey, don’t you understand? I could have
hurt you. You should have told me!”

“I’m not straight. I’m bi, but I never did much more than have oral

sex or let somebody jack me off. I–I tried to tell you, but you got

“Oh, shit!” Sloane kissed him tenderly on his lips and rubbed his

back. “I’m such an asshole. Sweetheart, did I hurt you? You can tell
me the truth.”

“A little, but it was good, Sloane. So good. I never knew it could

be that way.”

“Are you just saying that because you don’t want to hurt my

feelings? You don’t feel that you were…that I took advantage of you,
do you?”

“No! No, I wanted it so much. I do want it so much with you. I’ve

been curious for a long time, but I never found anyone I wanted that
way. Then when you kissed me and held me in your arms. I knew I

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wanted to be with you. It sounds stupid when I say it out loud like
that. From the first minute I saw you, Sloane. I wanted you.” His face
and his whole body took on that lovely rosy shade. “I want you.”

Sloane held him close and ran his hands down his body. “Oh,

Jesus, baby. I’m your first, your only. You don’t know what that does
to me.” He sat down next to him on the sofa and spent an enjoyable
half hour with those incredible, soul-sucking kisses that he could
fucking live on if he had to, while he explored every inch of
Redmond’s sexy body. He palmed his dick and played with his balls
until Redmond’s head fell back and he made those little sounds
Sloane loved so much. Redmond made little animal-like noises as
Sloane bent to tongue his nipples and bite on them gently.

After a while, he heard Redmond’s stomach make a little growly

noise and he lifted his head and smiled. “I’ve got to get you fed,
sweetheart. C’mon, go in the bedroom and get dressed so I can think
straight, and I’ll fix us something to eat. I’ve got to wrap my mind
around this whole thing.”

Redmond got up to go to his room, moving slowly. Sloane smiled.

It was hard to walk with a cock that stiff. He’d take care of that for
him soon. Now he had to feed his boy. He took down some bowls and
a box of cereal and got out the milk. When Redmond came back in
the room a few minutes later, Sloane was eating his cereal.

“Sit down and have some cornflakes, sweetheart. Coffee will be

ready in a minute.”

Redmond sat down slowly next to him, watching his face

carefully, trying to figure out his mood. Sloane smiled and kept
eating. Finally, Redmond poured himself a bowl and ate, too. When
the coffeemaker signaled it was finished, however, he jumped to his
feet and poured them both a cup of coffee, even putting creamer in
Sloane’s the way Sloane liked it. Observant boy, Sloane thought. So
sweet. So fucking sexy. Sloane was definitely having an excellent

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When he finished, Redmond got up and carried the dishes to the

sink and began running the water to wash dishes. Sloane stood up and
stretched. “I need to get a shower, honey.”

“Okay. Hey, Sloane?”
“Yes, babe?”
“You know, I was thinking.” His face had turned a very adorable

shade of pink.

“I feel sort of guilty for lying to you about my name and

everything. Really guilty.”

Sloane cocked his head and regarded him with interest. What

exactly was he getting at?

“Okay. I told you I understood.”
“Yeah, but I think I might feel better, you know, get over it

quicker if I was able to be…punished for it.”

Sloane’s cock paid immediate attention. God, this man would kill

him yet. “Oh, really? Punished, huh? Like another spanking?”

Redmond turned even pinker. “Whatever you think—I could leave

it up to you—if you want?”

“Well, if you think it might make you feel better?”
“Yes,” he said quickly. I really think it would.”
“Okay, then give me until tomorrow to think about your

punishment, okay? I’ll come up with something for you.”

“Okay.” Redmond smiled at him and turned back to the sink,

continuing to clean up. Sloane turned to walk out, and it was his turn
to walk stiffly. His cock had never been so hard.

He chuckled to himself as he got into the shower. So Redmond

shared one other thing with his brother besides incredible good looks.
He liked a little kink. Sloane couldn’t deny his overwhelming
attraction to him. Not just attraction either. He was feeling very
possessive of him, and loved the idea that he hadn’t been with anyone
else. He just hoped that he didn’t have any of the same tendencies as
his brother to play around.

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Keep him naked, submissive, and on his knees—maybe with a

chastity device firmly in place—that would be the ticket. He laughed
at his thoughts, but the image that brought to his mind gave him an
aching erection he had to take care of with a blast of cold water from
the shower nozzle. The boy was getting under his skin for sure.
Thinking up a proper “punishment” for him would be exquisite. He
thought he might just have brought the very thing he needed with him.

After his shower, he was in his room dressing in jeans and a

sweatshirt when he heard the ancient vacuum cleaner starting up.
Smiling, he went to the door and leaned against the frame, watching
Redmond as he worked. The young man really did have a beautifully
sculpted body. He was wearing a T-shirt that was a bit too tight and
his usual tight jeans. He had one of those high, tight bubble butts that
Sloane found so attractive, and as he pushed the old-style vacuum
hose over the rug, his muscles bunched and tightened. Definitely sexy
as hell. He walked over and squeezed his ass with both hands.

Redmond jumped and straightened up with an embarrassed flush

on his handsome face. “I was just cleaning up a little.”

“You don’t have to do that. I was mostly teasing about the chores


Redmond turned off the vacuum cleaner and turned to face him

with his arms crossed. “Do you want me to do these ‘chores’ of yours
or not?” He smiled to show he was teasing, and leaned heavily against
him. Sloane thought he looked adorable when he was being playful.
He regarded him gravely and nodded.

“Sorry, baby. You’re absolutely right. I’m going outside to check

out the firewood situation. You get back to your housework.” He
pulled him into his arms and kissed him, a long, slow kiss that made
Redmond whimper a little deep in his throat. Sloane moved his hands
down his sides and onto his sweet butt again, kneading and
massaging, pulling him up close so he could grind him a little.

Moving his lips down to his chin and onto his throat, he trailed

kisses downward until he reached the hollow between his neck and

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his shoulder. Redmond shivered and bent his head toward him with a
little sigh. Sloane smiled again and pulled gently away, leaving him
standing in the middle of the floor looking dazed. Sloane felt a little
dazed himself. He walked to the doorway and turned back to see him
still standing beside his vacuum, the hose tightly clutched in his hand.

* * * *

Redmond made up the bed in Sloane’s room and straightened up

the bathroom, picking up the towels off the floor and wiping down the
shower stall. About halfway through the morning, he remembered that
he hadn’t asked Sloane to call his boss, and for a moment, fear
clutched at his stomach. To just not call in at all was really
inexcusable. No way would his boss forgive that. He might still be
able to call Sloane in and give him the number, but all of a sudden the
idea of going back to that dead-end job made his stomach hurt even

Or was it the idea of leaving Sloane? Sloane said he had two

weeks off before he went back to work. He could stay, and they could
explore each other for two whole weeks. The idea made him get hard
all over again.

He heard Sloane come in the back door and went to meet him. He

glanced up and smiled when he saw Redmond, and Redmond’s heart
skipped a little beat. He was so good looking. And sexy. “Could I ask
you to do something for me, Sloane?’

“Sure, baby. Give me a minute to catch my breath, and I’m your

man.” Sloane gave him a cheeky little grin.

“No. Well, uh, that, too, but um, would you send my boss an e-

mail for me?”

“Oh, damn, honey! Of course I will. You should have reminded

me sooner. I’ll call him now.”

“No, that’s just it. I’ve kind of made a decision. I’m going to quit

that job. It’s a dead end, anyway, and I don’t want to still be there ten

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years from now, just because I got into a rut. I can do better than

Sloane leaned against the kitchen counter and looked concerned.

“Hey, slow down. You’re making some big decisions this morning.
Are you sure about this, honey? I hate to think you lost your job
because of me.”

“No, I’ve made up my mind. Would you just take my phone and

send a text for me?”

“Your phone’s probably dead by now. I can send it from mine.”
“Okay. If you’ll give it to me, I can send my boss a text.”
“Good try, but no dice. I’ll send it. Until I can figure this whole

thing out, I still have to be cautious, Redmond. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, I get it. Guess it’s hard to trust me now since I’ve told you

so many different things. Um, okay. I’ll put in the number for you,
okay? Say, ‘Brian, I’m really sorry but I have to resign my
employment. Unfortunately, I’m out of the country and unable to give
notice. I’m sorry, and thank you for everything.’ Got all that?”

“Just a minute…” Sloane typed in the message, then looked up at

him. “Okay, got it. Sign it just Redmond?” Before he hit the send
button, he looked at him gravely. “You really want me to send this?
I’ll be glad to call him and give him a good excuse.”

“No, go ahead and send it. I’m sure. The more I think about it, the

more I’m sure I need to get a fresh start somewhere else.”

“Okay…here it goes. I hope you didn’t quit your job because of

all this, Red. I think we could have come up with something for your

“No, that’s not the reason. It’s other things, too.” He thought

about his brother again and how he’d allowed him to rule his life for
such a very long time. It was totally his own fault really, not
Russell’s. He’d been giving in to him for so long, it was second nature
now. A clean start—maybe even in a new town—was probably what
he needed. This episode with David was just the latest in a very long

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line stretching back to their childhood. It was time to end Russell’s
dependence on him.

“Thanks, Sloane. I’ve finished my inside chores. Did you want me

to do something outside?”

“Tell you what. We need some wood, but let’s do it together. I

found a carrier outside. Let’s go carry some in.”

Redmond smiled gratefully and followed Sloane outside. Outside

the weather really had turned decidedly more chilly. The wind had
picked up, too, and there were strange looking clouds in the
northwest. Sloane looked up at the clouds. “Snow clouds. We could
get snowed in here for a few days if we’re not careful. Maybe we
should go to town later and get a few more supplies. Put on some
snow tires, too.”

Redmond nodded, kind of excited about the notion of being

snowed in with his handsome stud for a few days. Especially now that
he didn’t have to worry about getting back home for anything in
particular. “How much time do you have off from work?” he tried to
ask casually.

“At least two weeks. I have more time if I need to take it. I

haven’t taken much time off in the past few years. David’s been after
me for a while to come up to Canada with him and Jonathan and just
veg out for a while.”

They stacked firewood on the carrier, till they had all they could

carry. Then each of them picked up a side to carry the wood inside.
Redmond heard the rumble of a car coming slowly down their road,
kicking up a little dust behind it. It was the first car he’d heard since
they’d been there, so he looked up curiously.

Coming past the old farmhouse was a dark, late-model sedan with

darkened windows. Something about it seemed out of place here in
the backwoods of Canada, and Redmond stopped for a moment and
stared at it. The windshield was tinted dark, as were all the other
windows in the vehicle, so Redmond couldn’t tell who was driving.

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He noticed Sloane looking at it oddly, too. Then he smiled and said,
“Hurry up, babe, this shit is heavy.”

Redmond laughed, loving the way his sexy dimples changed his

whole face from stern to adorable, and forgot all about the strange car.
After stacking the wood by the fireplace, Sloane got his keys and they
drove into town, stopping first by a small garage so the attendants
could put Sloane’s snow tires on. He had them stacked in the bed of
the truck with the black rain screen pulled over them. It only took a
short time, and then they were on their way to the tiny general store to
load up on a few supplies. They both grabbed a basket as before and
walked down the aisles together this time, putting in the things they
were running low on already, and a few new items they thought they
might need. When they were loaded down, they brought their
purchases back up to the same older lady at the cash register.

“You boys enjoying your stay?” she asked with some interest,

eyeing them while her hands nimbly rung up and bagged their

“Sure are,” Sloane replied enthusiastically. “Love the peace and

quiet around here.”

“Mmm. Well, I guess you ain’t enjoying your company, then?”
“Company?” Sloane looked blank. “What do you mean?”
“Two young city fellows came in this morning looking for you

two. At least they described this one.” Here she nodded toward
Redmond. “Right to a T. Said they were going to surprise you with a

Sloane narrowed his eyes and shot Redmond a dark look full of

fury. “No, ma’am. Haven’t seen anyone. Did they say who they

“Nope. Didn’t ask ‘em.”
“Thanks,” Sloane ground out tersely and grabbed Redmond’s arm

to haul him from the store. As before, Redmond was loaded down
with all the bags, so he found it hard to keep up with Sloane’s long
legs. When they got outside, Sloane took him by the arm and pushed

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him against the side of the truck. Somehow he managed to keep hold
of the bags he was carrying, but just barely.

“What the hell?” Redmond managed to say before Sloane put his

hands on either side of his face and held him firmly in place.

“Who did you tell, damn it? Tell me!”
Redmond looked puzzled, his eyes wide. “What are you talking

about? How could I have told anybody anything? Carrier pigeon?”

“Very fucking funny. You had me text someone this morning.

Who was it really, damn it? Your fucking boyfriend? Has it all been
lies, Redmond? Or should I say Russell? What, is he staging some
kind of half-assed rescue? Over my goddamned dead body!”

“Please, Sloane, people are looking at us!”
“Let ’em fucking look! Tell me, damn it, or so help me God!”
“Sloane, be reasonable,” Redmond pleaded. “I wouldn’t do that! I


Sloane grabbed Redmond’s arm, put him firmly into the truck,

and scooted in behind him. He pulled quickly out of the parking lot
and drove down the road until they were out of town before he pulled
over on the side. Turning to face Redmond, he took a deep breath.

“Tell me how you did it. Did you have some code worked out

with your brother so that when you texted him in Campbellton, he
sent the rescue squad? Then that text this morning was coded
somehow. That has to be it, Russell.”

“No! I’m Redmond! I swear it! If Russell did send them, I don’t

know anything about it!”

“Yeah, well, fuck it, I don’t believe you. Hell, I don’t even know

what to believe anymore. The lady at the grocery store said they gave
a description of you, not me. So that means they’re looking for you,
cupcake. Now tell me who they are so I can figure out what to do
about it.”

Redmond doggedly shook his head. “I swear to God I don’t


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* * * *

In disgust, Sloane slammed the truck in drive and took off down

the highway. He knew Redmond was lying to him, and it made him
furious. He’d actually been feeling good about the two of them that
morning, thinking they’d finally connected. Hopeful that since this
was Redmond and not Russell, they might actually have a chance.
Now in the span of a couple of hours, everything had changed. This
boy was just as fucked up as his brother.

In minutes they were pulling into the yard of the old farmhouse.

Redmond kept sneaking little worried glances at him, and Sloane
wondered what he was thinking. He sat still while Redmond climbed
down wearily from the truck and grabbed all the bags to carry them
inside. Sloane followed him in and leaned against the counter, moody
and tense. Angry as hell. Redmond put the groceries away and came
to stand in front of him.

“What can I do? I know you don’t believe me, but I’m telling the


When Sloane looked down instead of making eye contact,

Redmond sighed and walked toward the kitchen door.

Oh, hell, no, you’re not getting out of this as easy as that.
Sloane caught up with him in two steps, grabbed him, and turned

him roughly around, then slammed him up against the wall. Redmond
grunted at the force of the hit, but grabbed him around the neck and
lifted his lips up to him. Plastering his lips against Redmond’s, he put
his arms around his waist, walked with him, still kissing him into the
bedroom. Still holding him in his arms, Sloane crashed them down on
the bed, his elbows and knees taking most of the weight.

Sloane went for Redmond’s jeans, yanking both his pants and his

briefs down his thighs. Redmond’s hard cock sprang out of his pants,
and it was immediately engulfed by Sloane’s hot mouth. Redmond
yelled out in pleasure and surprise, and Sloane deep throated him,

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coming back up to the head of his cock with a little bite that made
Redmond scream.

Sloane smiled and flipped him face down on the bed, sitting up to

pull his jeans the rest of the way off. He pulled his own clothes off,
too, and then spread Redmond’s legs and reached for the lube. He
pulled on a condom, smeared it with lube, and then spread some onto
Redmond’s rim.

He didn’t know yet if this was Russell or Redmond. There was the

scar on the chest thing, but plastic surgery could have taken care of
that. Whether he was a player or an almost virgin, he was going to
claim him. He’d try to be gentle with him, just in case he was telling
the truth, but one thing was for sure. He was going to teach him who
he belonged to. Without any more warning, he jerked Redmond up to
his knees, and settled him on his cock.

He saw Redmond grab a pillow and bite down on it with his teeth

as his prostate got a sizzling internal rubdown. This is mine, Sloane
thought as he eased in and out against Redmond. Mine! Sloane was
determined to give Redmond a fucking he wouldn’t forget, a fucking
he would think about again and again, and one that he would compare
against every other man’s. Only there wouldn’t be any more men for
him. Not if he could help it!

Keeping Redmond impaled on his cock, he grabbed hold of

Redmond’s thickened dick and began jerking him off to the same
rhythm. He was balls-deep inside Redmond, and Redmond seemed to
have almost passed out with the pleasure. An occasional moan was
the only sign of his consciousness. Sloane smiled and whispered in
his ear. “You okay, baby? Want me to stop?”

He threw his head back on Sloane’s shoulder and started to

whimper, unable to completely catch his breath. Finally he gasped
out, “No! Don’t stop! It’s fucking incredible!”

“Time to scream my name, sweetheart. Give it up for me.”
“Sloane!” he screamed.
“Damn right it is! Now come for me. C’mon, give it up!”

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“I–I’m coming! Oh, fuck!”
With two more deep strokes, he came so hard, he shivered down

to his toes. Sloane followed him seconds later, filling him with cum
and grinding into him. Falling over on the bed, he rolled over on his
side, pulling his man with him, keeping himself inside Redmond
while he slowly softened. Redmond had spewed his cum all over his
stomach, but Sloane held onto him tightly, not letting him up to clean

He leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Are you ready to tell me

who’s in the dark sedan?”

Redmond shook his head miserably. “I don’t know, Sloane. I’d

tell you if I knew.”

Sloane pulled out and got up to stride to the bathroom to get a

warm cloth and clean himself. He could feel Redmond walk in behind
him, nervous and hesitant. He threw his washcloth in the sink and
turned to walk away, ignoring Redmond.

“It doesn’t matter who it is. You’re not leaving here. You

understand?” He threw the words back over his shoulder.

“I don’t want to leave you, Sloane. I don’t.” Redmond stood in the

doorway, looking sad and a little forlorn.

Sloane stopped in the middle of the bedroom and turned to look at

him. He was so beautiful standing in the doorway, his big, muscular
body naked. His eyes pleading with him. And he belonged to Sloane.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and held out his arms.

“Come here, sweetheart.”

Redmond went unhesitatingly into his arms, rubbing his cock

against Sloane’s as he put his arms around his waist. “I never want to
leave you, Sloane. I want to stay with you as long as you want me.”

He held Redmond at arm’s length and regarded him closely.

“Sweetheart, please. Tell me the truth. Do you have any idea who
they could be?”

“No, no, Sloane. I swear it on my father’s grave!”
Sloane ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, I believe you.”

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* * * *

By the time Redmond came out of the bedroom, Sloane was

sitting on the couch, thumbing through his phone messages. Without
looking up, he spoke to Redmond.

“Better go get some more wood. This forecast is saying the snow

will start in a couple of hours. Supposed to be pretty bad.”

He heard Redmond go outside without another word and jammed

his phone back in his pocket. Damn it, why was he acting like such a
jerk? All he knew was that he couldn’t stand the idea of anyone else
getting their hands on Redmond. The idea that Redmond might have
actually sent for them—might actually want to get away from him—
still made him livid with anger. Though he told Redmond he believed
him, he couldn’t quite shake the doubt.

He heard a car coming fast down the road and jumped to his feet.

Racing to the back door, he jerked it open and saw the same black
sedan, a Lexus maybe, flying by the house on the old dirt road. As
they came by, things seemed to slow down, like in a bad action flick,
and he could see everything with startling clarity. The window on the
passenger side rolled slowly down, and a gun barrel emerged, its dark
gray length catching a glint of the sun as it pointed straight at

Redmond stood next to the wood pile by the door, offloading

firewood. He was looking over his shoulder at the car and beginning
to straighten up. Sloane dove for him instinctively, knocking him flat
to the ground as bullets slammed into the house over their heads.

Pulling him over on his back, Sloane leaned down. For a moment

his heart stopped as he gazed down on Redmond’s tightly closed eyes.
“Redmond? Baby, can you hear me? Were you hit?”

Redmond opened his eyes, shook his head frantically, and gasped

for breath. Sloane must have knocked the wind completely from him
with his tackle. Before he could catch his breath, Sloane picked him

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up and somehow threw his big body across his shoulder, staggering
into the house with him, the jouncing on his stomach probably
aggravating Redmond’s ability to breathe, but he had to get him
inside. Once there, Sloane lowered him to the sofa. “Breathe,
sweetheart,” he said, leaning over him. “Take your time. You’re okay
now. I’ve got you.”

Gradually, Redmond’s body remembered how to breathe, and he

struggled to sit up. Sloane gathered him up in his arms, kissing the
side of his neck gently. “Damn, honey, that scared me to death. He
almost got you.”

“W–what happened? Did they shoot at me? Why, Sloane? What’s


Fear filled his eyes, but Sloane just pulled him closer and cuddled

him until he calmed down. “Yes, darlin’, they shot at you. I saw them
about the same time you did, and when the window started to come
down, I don’t know, I guess instinct took over. Thank God!”

He held him out to look at him. “What about loan sharks? David

says your brother made some loans through them before to pay off
gambling debts. Have you done the same thing? Could that be it?
Those guys are usually connected—they play very rough sometimes.”

“No, I…” Redmond broke off as he seemed to consider the idea.

He saw his face pale.

As the conflicting emotions ran across his face, Sloane shook him

gently. “Tell me! Tell me what you know, Red.”

A sudden noise by the door drew both their attention. Sloane

jumped to his feet, and he ran over to a table by the door. He pulled
open a drawer and removed his revolver. He signaled to Redmond to
get down.

Redmond whispered from across the room. “Please…what are you

going to do?”

“Get us out of this if I can. Now get down behind the sofa.” He

moved to the doorway, wanting to be ready for whatever came
through it.

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* * * *

Redmond rolled off and crawled behind the sofa, trying to remind

himself that Sloane was a cop and knew what he was doing. The
thought that there were at least two people in the sedan and only one
of Sloane came unbidden into his mind, and he pushed it away.
Feeling like he should do something to help, he peered up from
behind the sofa and saw Sloane crouching by the front door, revolver
in hand.

Redmond waited, nerves screaming at him—and nothing

happened. Nothing at all. After so much tension, the moment was so
anticlimactic he felt like laughing. He knew that was probably the
tension and shock of the past hour, so he pressed his hand against his
mouth to keep from making any noise. In a couple of minutes, he
heard the sound of a car pulling off fast and tearing down the road. He
glanced at Sloane, who was still crouching by the window but was
now peering through the blinds. Cautiously, he got up, motioning for
Redmond to stay where he was. He went to the door and opened it
slowly. Stuck in the big door knocker on the front door was an

Sloane took it down, tore it open, and read it quickly. He glanced

back at Redmond and then motioned for him to come to him.
Redmond practically ran to him, and Sloane handed the note over
without a word.

Russell—consider this a past-due notice. You either pay us the 20k

you owe us by Friday, or we come back. Your choice. Next time we
won’t miss.

Redmond looked up at Sloane in horror. “They think I’m Russell!

It is about the loans! Oh, God, Sloane, we have to warn him. We need
to call the police right away!”

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“Hold on. Sit down a minute, and let’s talk.” Sloane took him by

the arm and led him to the sofa. He put up a knee and turned to face
Redmond. He looked so serious Redmond was even more uneasy.

“Tell me what you know about the loan sharks.”
“I don’t know much. Russell has been gambling for a while now.

Both online and at the casinos within driving distance. My mother has
given him a lot of money—I don’t even know how much, because she
won’t tell me. But I think it’s a lot. I don’t know how he met these
loan guys. All he told me was he had to get the watch back from
David, and now I’m wondering if he didn’t want to get it back so he
could sell it or give it to them.” He glanced over at Sloane. “Do you
think that’s a possibility?”

Sloane glanced over at him grimly, not answering. “Has it

occurred to you how these guys knew to find you in Hedgewick?”

“No, I have no idea. Really, Sloane, I don’t.”
“Who knew you were there with me?”
“Just Russell, I guess.” He shrugged. “Wait a minute—are you

saying…no, Sloane, he wouldn’t tell people like that I was in
Hedgewick. What would be the point? He knew I didn’t have the
watch. And why would they be trying to shoot at me?”

“Don’t you have any idea how these guys work? Reputation is

important to them. They need to be seen as people you don’t want to
mess with or jerk around. When people owe them a lot of money, and
they aren’t able to come up with payment, then they pay the price in
other ways. If they’d been pressuring your brother a lot, and he made
promises he couldn’t deliver on, then the next step would be violence.
Maybe even murder.”

“What? Oh, my God! You mean they might send someone to k–

kill him? He’s in danger then! We need to warn him! Why are we

“Honey, you can’t be that naïve. Russell already knows. He must

have told them where he—you—would be.”

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His sudden intake of breath made Sloane reach a hand toward

Redmond, who sat stricken on the sofa beside him. Redmond could
feel all the blood draining from his already pale complexion. His body
began to shake so hard he was sure Sloane could feel the vibrations
from where he sat. Russell had sent loan sharks to kill him just to get
the heat off himself?

“No, no, that can’t be right. Russell would never…Russell is my


Sloane quickly reached for Redmond, and Redmond went into his

arms, his whole body shaking with pain and disbelief. “He couldn’t
have done that, Sloane. He’s my brother.”

Sloane held him tightly to his chest. “I know, sweetheart. Maybe

there’s some other explanation. We’ll get to the bottom of it, okay?
Just calm down for me. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Redmond was shaking at the idea of Russell sending the killers to

him. The thing was that intellectually he didn’t have that much
problem believing it. It was only emotionally that it was ripping him
apart. For years, Redmond had known that Russell resented him.
People were always drawing comparisons between the two of them,
with Russell coming out on the short end of the stick. Russell was
also a master at taking care of himself. He’d been using Redmond to
get himself out of tight spots for years. Could he really hate him so
much and be so cold as to send killers after Redmond to save himself?
Redmond was very afraid he knew the answer.

“No, it’s okay. I just don’t want to believe it, but I know it might

be true. Russell always takes care of number one.” A sob clogged his
throat on his last few words, and Sloane reached over to squeeze his

“Let’s just take one step at a time, okay? I think the first thing we

need to do is get out of here. Get back to the States. Go in and pack
things up for us. I’ll load the truck with some food and get ready to
go. Hurry. I want you out of here in case they decide to come back.”

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Redmond rushed to the bedrooms, throwing first Sloane’s clothes

and then his into Sloane’s bag. He went to the bathroom and found a
few more things and then looked around one last time to make sure he
had everything.

He found Sloane in the kitchen. He glanced over at him. “Got


“Yes, but what are we doing? We have to call someone. Tell them

what’s happened.”

“We will, but not from here. Not until I get with my own people.

I’m sure the constable in a small place like this is clean, but I can’t
take any chances. Besides, we’ll get tangled up in too much red tape.
We’d be here for days, and I need to get you out of here now.”

“Me? But…you think there’ll be more coming?”
“When the money’s not paid, yeah, you can count on it. I want to

get you a long way from here by then. C’mon—let’s get out of here.”

Trembling, Redmond followed Sloane out to the truck. They

stowed everything in the back, and afterward Sloane closed all the
curtains and secured the doors.

As they pulled away, Redmond gave one last glance over his

shoulder at the calm little farmhouse. Sloane reached for his hand and
squeezed it tightly. “It’ll be okay. Try to take one of your little naps.
Lie down here and put your head on my lap.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever sleep again after being shot at like that.

And when we were waiting for someone to burst in the front
door…oh, God, Sloane, I was so scared for you.”

He laid his head on his lap, but only to be close to him. Redmond

clutched his strong thigh, wrapping both hands around it, and closed
his eyes. He could still see the gun pointing out the window just
before Sloane knocked him out of the way. The adrenaline rush he’d
felt had exhausted him completely. He never even realized when he
sank into sleep.

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Chapter Five

Sloane knew exactly when Redmond fell asleep, his rapid

breathing slowly evening out and getting deeper. He always made
those little whimpering sounds in his sleep, too. The ones that settled
right in Sloane’s cock. God, he’d never meant to fall for this sweet
man, but he’d fallen hard.

He’d been so furious with him all the way back from the store,

and ready to beat his ass when he got him home. He’s been so sure
Redmond had sent some kind of coded message to a rescuer or
boyfriend when he’d asked him to send the message to his boss. He
was furious that he’d fallen for the trick, but even more furious that he
wanted to leave. He’d been livid at the idea of anyone taking
Redmond away from him. White-hot jealousy had gripped him at the
idea that Redmond wanted to get away from him—wanted someone
else. Where the hell was this coming from?

He’d promised himself he wouldn’t be taken in by Russell’s

tricks, but this was Redmond. He’d never imagined how sweet and
vulnerable he could be. The sex between them had been amazingly
hot, but it was more than just sex. Much more. At least it had been for

When he’d seen the gun pointed at Redmond through the window

of the sedan, he’d acted instinctively, even putting his own body over
Redmond’s to protect him. The thought of losing him was horrifying,
and he had to get him to safety. There was no other choice but to
make a run for home. He’d feel better when he got him back to the
States. Back to his own home, in fact.

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Sloane lived in a small town in northern Maine called Presque

Isle, where he was a senior sheriff’s deputy. Sloane had been openly
gay for years, but even so, the sudden appearance of his gorgeous new
house guest might raise a few eyebrows. That, however, wasn’t his
biggest worry. His greatest concern was that someone might be trying
to kill Redmond. Instinctively, he trusted Redmond, but he was
cautious by nature, and Redmond had been less than honest with him
in the past. He still wasn’t absolutely sure Russell hadn’t gotten
Redmond mixed up in something illegal. As soon as he woke up, they
were going to have another nice long talk. These little talks were
becoming a habit.

It was time for Sloane to lay down the law. He was going to get

him out of this shit and never let him get mixed up in anything again,
by God. Redmond cuddled his head closer into Sloane’s thigh, and a
rush of tenderness for him almost took his breath away. He put a hand
gently on his cheek and caressed him. He sped down the highway,
headed back the same way they’d come two days earlier.

* * * *

Redmond sat up sheepishly and rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t meant

to fall asleep again—Sloane already teased him unmercifully about it.
But Sloane only smiled at him in the dim light of the dash. “Feel
better, love? You slept almost two hours.”

“Oh, God, Sloane, I’m so sorry. I should have kept you company

after what happened instead of flaking out on you like that!”

“No problem, sweetheart.” He grazed the back of his hand over

Redmond’s cheek. “I told you to get some rest, and you needed it. I
think you were in shock.”

Redmond rubbed his hand over his face. “I still can’t believe what

happened.” Redmond turned to look at Sloane’s strong profile in the
greenish light coming off the dash. He loved him so much. He’d
saved his life today, and Redmond couldn’t deny the strong love he

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had for him. He turned toward him on the seat, wanting to just look at
him, to reassure himself that this was real.

“Where are we? Are we close to the estate?”
“No, darlin’. We’re not going there. Now don’t get nervous, but

we’re headed back to my home in Maine. I want to keep you there
until we get this shit straightened out. We should be pretty close to the
border by now, but I’m going to stop at the next motel we see. It’s
snowing pretty hard now, and I don’t want to drive in this any longer
than we have to. The snow plows will probably have it cleared in the

For the first time, Redmond actually looked at the roadway. The

snow was coming down hard, and the wind was blowing the snow
even further, so that it was almost white-out conditions.

Sloane gave Redmond a reassuring glance. He was chewing his

bottom lip. “Hey, stop it—that’s my job.” Redmond didn’t crack a
smile, just grasped his leg tightly. “Baby, we’ll be okay. I’m from
Maine—we’re always prepared for bad weather. I have an arctic
sleeping bag in the back if we happen to need it, and I suppose I could
share it with you if I just have to.” He gave Redmond a little grin. “I
know it wouldn’t be pleasant to be stranded, but we can definitely
survive till morning. We’ll be safe enough—nothing is moving on
these roads tonight. Then in the morning when the snow plows get
this cleared, we can be on our way.”

He finally got a little smile in return. “We have a full tank of gas.

And we have food. We’re in good shape.”

“You think we’ll really be stuck out here?” Redmond shifted to sit

closer to Sloane. “Oh, shit, Sloane.”

“Baby, I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Trust me?” He

glanced down at Redmond, and he smiled back up at him.


* * * *

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In only a few minutes, Redmond saw an exit sign ahead, half

obscured by the blowing snow. There was a sign for a motel at that
exit. Carefully, Sloane negotiated the ramp and they drove toward the
lights in the distance. When they arrived, Sloane went inside to see if
there were vacancies. In a few minutes, he returned with a key.

“Last room,” he said, smiling. “Nothing will be moving out here

tonight. The clerk said the news report was saying there might be as
much as two more feet of snow.”

“Oh, my God! We’ll be trapped here!”
“Nah, or at least, not for long. Once it stops snowing, the snow

plows will clear the roads pretty quick. We’re safe, anyway, so don’t
worry about it. You’re a long way from Georgia, my man.”

“Tell me about it. This is like an alien landscape to me.”
Sloane smiled as he pulled into a parking place and shut off the

engine. “We’ll bring in the sleeping bag, just in case. I might even let
you share it with me.”

“Well, it will be a real hardship for me, but if you insist…”
“Oh, yeah? Hardship, huh?” He tickled Redmond’s sides as he

tried to twist away. Sloane held on and followed him down until he
was lying on his back in the front seat. Redmond struggled and
begged him to stop, so Sloane hesitated, lying on top of him and
moved sensuously over his cock. “Stop, huh? What will you do for
me if I do?”

“Anything—anything you want—please!” Redmond said,

squirming beneath him.

“Mmm, the possibilities…Tell you what. You have to be my sex

slave for the rest of the night. Is it a deal?”

“Sex slave?” Redmond’s voice sounded outraged, but Sloane

started tickling again and he changed his mind. “No! Okay, okay, I’ll
be your sex slave. What do you want me to do first…master?”

The word and the cheeky grin he couldn’t resist made Sloane

smile down at him. “Tell you when we get upstairs. Let’s go.”

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They climbed out of the truck, and Sloane turned to Redmond.

“Go on inside, babe, and I’ll carry in the luggage and bags.”

“I’m not a girl, Sloane. I’ll help!”
“Okay, okay, grab something.” They both filled their arms with

bags and stumbled through the deepening snow to the door. Sloane
used the key card to get in, and they found their room on the second
floor. By this time, Redmond was shivering. He wasn’t wearing
boots, so the snow had gone into his shoes and soaked his feet. They
went in, and Sloane took one look at Redmond and pointed to the
bathroom. “Go in there and take a hot shower. Now.”

“You’re so bossy,” Redmond grumbled, but did as he was told.

After starting the shower, he took off his coat and hung it on the hook
behind the door. He peeled off his wet shoes and socks, shed his pants
and shirt, and stepped into the steamy shower. It felt wonderful. He
stood under the spray for a long time, and then stepped out, wrapping
his towel around him. He could hear the wind whistling and moaning
outside, and the steamy bathroom made him feel warm and safe.

Redmond came out in the other room just as the lights went out,

and he jumped into Sloane’s arms and threw his arms around his

“Not a girl, huh? Then that must make you my boy.” Sloane

kissed him, trailing his lips down Redmond’s throat. Taking him by
the hand, he walked over to a bag and pulled out a flashlight. “I told
you—Maine men are always prepared.”

The flashlight cast giant shadows on the walls, reminding

Redmond of the reason they were there in the first place instead of
their cozy old farmhouse. Redmond shivered and hid his face on
Sloane’s shoulder, not caring what he called him. Sloane made him
feel safe.

Sloane held him at arm’s length and pointed to the towel. “Take

that off. You’re my sex slave tonight. Time to get to it.”

“Yes, sir,” he replied, trying to regain their playful mood. Taking

off the towel, he threw it on the foot of the bed and lay down

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invitingly on his back. The room was warm, but dim. His thoughts
briefly touched on Russell, wondering where he was and what he had
done, but quickly skittered away as he tried to concentrate just on
Sloane, holding the hurt at bay.

Sloane was standing over him at the bedside, looking down with

an appreciative look on his face. “Now, play with yourself while I
watch, but don’t come until I tell you.”

Redmond was glad for the dim lights as the familiar blush started

up his body. He could hardly believe he was doing this, but somehow
it seemed playful and sexy with Sloane. Ignoring his embarrassment,
he began to stroke himself with long, slow movements. He worked his
cock as hard as he could, wanting to get this over with, so maybe
Sloane would fuck him again. Soon though, he began to get caught up
in what he was doing, as he became aware that Sloane was watching
his every move and every expression that flitted across his face.

Redmond’s hand moved up and down his shaft again and again,

teasing himself to the edge. He remembered that Sloane said he
couldn’t come until he was given permission, and for some reason
this made him groan with excitement. Permission to come. He
couldn’t climax until he received an order to do so. Why was that
making him so hard? It was because it was Sloane telling him.

At the same time, Sloane wouldn’t allow him to stop jacking

himself off, either. He had no choice but to slow down, make himself
stop just short of coming whenever he got close. The minutes passed,
and he chanced a look at Sloane. He looked steadily back at him, and
one of his hands stretched over to tap his arm and remind him he had
to keep going. Redmond groaned, and his cock screamed in protest.
His arm and hand were cramping, too. He whimpered and looked up
pleadingly at Sloane, but he shook his head.

There was no way he could keep teasing himself like this and not

come. He started to breathe harder, and his cock was throbbing with
the urge to climax. He looked up again at Sloane and said, “Please.”
This time it seemed to work. Sloane dropped down to sit beside him

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on the bed and stopped his jerking motions. He enveloped his aching
cock with his sweet, hot mouth and sucked hard on the tip. Instantly,
Redmond began to buck his hips. “Oh, fuck, I need to come—can I
come?” he asked hoarsely.

Sloane looked up with glowing eyes. “Come for me, baby.” He

took his shaft inside his mouth again and swirled his tongue around
the head. Redmond arched his back and began to shoot streams of
cum down Sloane’s throat. His heart pounded, and he couldn’t catch
his breath. The idea of Sloane’s lips around his cock made him crazy.
Rather than pull away, as Redmond expected, Sloane swallowed
every bit of his cum, even milking his cock to the last drop, as he
shuddered with the little aftershocks of one of the most intense
orgasms he’d ever had. Redmond thrashed his head on the mattress
and almost cried his pleasure and relief. Sloane pulled his body up to
kiss him, and he could taste himself on Sloane’s lips.

Sloane didn’t even allow him time to recover. He pushed his legs

open, tore open the foil package of a condom, and rolled it over his
dick impatiently. Grabbing the lube, he squirted some in his hand and
was about to get himself ready when Redmond plucked it from his
hand, squirted some on his fingers and stuck two fingers up inside

Sloane hissed with pleasure, watching him touch himself. He

lifted Redmond’s legs and put them on his shoulders, moving
Redmond’s fingers aside, no longer able to wait. He fit himself into
Redmond slowly, gently. Then he stretched himself out to lay on top
of Redmond, holding himself up with one arm, making Redmond tilt
his hips to meet him. He shoved a pillow under his hips to help him. It
was so intimate, looking down at his beautiful face. He began to move
more quickly, pounding his balls against his ass, unable to hold back,
massaging his sweet spot over and over again until Redmond couldn’t
keep the screams from coming from his throat.

Redmond’s body rocked with the force of the thrusts, and his shaft

hardened again, tormenting him with need. Sloane looked down at his

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cock and enveloped him with his hand. Redmond leaned up into the
thrusts, moaning and screaming hoarsely as he came again, his hot
seed spraying up onto Sloane’s chest. Sloane’s thrusts continued,
steady, deep, relentless, until after a few minutes he too began to
moan uncontrollably. Suddenly he stiffened and pushed his hot seed
into Redmond’s body, claiming him, marking him as his. After a few
moments he collapsed on top of Redmond, holding onto him tightly.
“You’re mine,” he whispered. “Mine. Say it!”

“Yours,” Redmond said faintly. He had fallen back on the pillows,

half asleep already from exhaustion and the wild lovemaking.

Sloane leaned over to whisper in his ear. “You bet your sweet ass

you are. I believe I’ll put the key in this little ass and lock it up.” He
snuggled closer to Redmond, wrapping his arms and legs around him,
and fell headlong into a deep sleep.

Redmond tried to follow him, but it was no use. The wind moaned

outside, slipping around the windows, trying to get in. The clouds
covered the moon and stars outside, making the room so dark. His
thoughts drifted again to his brother. It was no use trying to hate him.
He didn’t know how. He closed his eyes, hoping he could find some
way out of the darkness of Russell’s betrayal.

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Chapter Six

They passed through the border with the guards taking only

cursory glances at their passports, and Redmond breathed a heartfelt
sigh of relief. “Damn, I’ll never do that again. I was so worried they’d
question me.”

“Never do what? Try to get through the border on someone else’s

passport? Damn right, you won’t. That was a stupid thing to do, my
man, and it would have served you right if they’d have thrown you in

Redmond dropped his gaze and shrugged, knowing Sloane was

right, but hating it when he was upset with him. His next words
brought back his smile. “Of course, I’d have had to get arrested right
along with you, damn it, so I could have shared your cell. Can’t have
anybody else getting a piece of my sweet man, and God knows I can’t
be away from you for more than ten minutes at a time.”

“Oh, yeah? I’m ‘your sweet man’ now? Does that mean you love

me?” Redmond’s tone was teasing, but he slid his gaze toward
Sloane, wanting to hear him say it again.

“I thought we had that settled last night, babe.” He sighed with

exaggeration. “Slow learner, huh? I guess I’m going to have to show
you again tonight.”

Redmond grinned. “Yes, please.”
Sloane put a possessive hand on his leg. “Now are we agreed

about tomorrow?”

Redmond made a sound of impatience. Sloane was trying to

convince him to stay behind at his home in Presque Isle while he
traveled to Atlanta to talk with his brother. They’d actually had quite

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an argument about it. Finally to shut him up, Sloane had kissed him
until he was breathless and then fucked him into the mattress. “Not
really. I’m going with you, Sloane.”

“Honey, it’s dangerous. I want you someplace safe—someplace

no one would ever think to find you. I’ll leave you the keys to my
truck, and you can chill at my house until I get home. It’s one day,
baby, one day and I’ll be back with you for the rest of our lives.
Please do this for me.”

“I thought you couldn’t stand to be away from me? What if they

tracked us somehow and came for me while you were gone? No, I’m
going with you, Sloane. I need to face Russell, one last time.”

Sloane puffed out his breath, but finally accepted it. “Okay, okay,

but what are you going to say to Russell? What are you going to do?
I’d hate for you to get all upset by this again.”

“I just need to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what

he told these guys. I want to hear it from his own mouth, Sloane.”

“Well, I’d like to make it clear to him that you’re out of this

equation—he got himself in this mess, and he can get himself out.”

Redmond looked out the side window. “I’m angry at him and hurt.

But at the same time, I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. Not
really.” He cast his gaze back at Sloane. “I guess you think I’m stupid
to feel that way. He was ready to risk my life.”

“No, I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand. He’s your

family, no matter what he’s done. If it makes you feel any better, I
think he probably knew they wouldn’t kill you—yet. Maybe he
thought he could come up with the money before that happened. He
was playing a risky game, though, with your life. I won’t forgive him
for that.”

“I don’t want to tell my mom yet, though. I’ll talk to her about it

all later, but not now. She’ll have enough to get used to when she
learns I’m moving to Maine.” He sneaked another look at Sloane.
“You’re sure about this, aren’t you? You really want me to move in
with you?”

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“Yes, sweetheart, I’m absolutely sure. I know it’s been quick, but

I want you with me for the rest of our lives. I can’t imagine my life
without you. Now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.”

Redmond smiled at him, never tiring of hearing Sloane tell him

how much he loved him.

“I’ll arrange for your furniture to be picked up and brought up to

you while we’re in Atlanta,” he continued. “When it gets to Maine,
we can decide what to keep or put in storage.”

Redmond reached over and took his hand. It was all happening so

fast. He’d only known Sloane such a short time, yet it seemed like a
lifetime. Sloane had swept into his life and changed everything, and
Redmond knew he was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
He was anxious to get to Atlanta, face Russell, and then put this all
behind him, so he could get on with the rest of his life.

* * * *

“Okay, let me do most of the talking, honey. You’re already

trembling and we’re not even inside yet.”

“I will. I just don’t understand what he’s doing here at this house.

It’s awfully big, isn’t it? Mom said he moved here a few days ago.”

“Well, she said he had a new boyfriend, right?”
“He didn’t have one when I left a week ago!”
Sloane pulled his chin over and dropped a kiss on his lips.

“Neither did you.”

Blushing, Redmond leaned into him for a moment, and Sloane

squeezed his waist.

“Did she get the watch back yet?”
“Yeah. She said David sent it by FedEx. She wasn’t even that

upset about Russell taking it. She said he didn’t realize what he’d
done, and she was sure he meant to bring it back.”

Sloane shook his head. “I hope she didn’t spoil you like that.”

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Redmond smiled. “Well, maybe a little. Guess that’s your job


“Well, it’s a bad job, but somebody’s got to do it,” Sloane said,

and dropped a kiss on his lips.

“C’mon, let’s go see this new boyfriend and have our talk so we

can get back home.”

They walked to the huge front door and Redmond rang the bell.

He half expected a butler to answer, so he was more than surprised
when Russell himself swung the door open. Both their mouths
dropped open in surprise.

Redmond was the first to recover. Russell stood at the door

barefoot, wearing nothing but the tightest pair of short cutoffs
Redmond had ever seen. Around his neck was a strip of black leather,
and he had a large gold ring dangling from one pierced nipple. Red lip
gloss and kohl-lined eyes made him look like he’d just stepped out of
a club.

“My God, Russell, what are you doing?”
Russell shifted his bare feet uncomfortably and pouted his lips.

“I’m answering the door, what does it look like?” He glanced behind
Redmond at Sloane and frowned a little, lowering his voice to a
whisper. “You can’t come in now, Red, go away.”

Behind him, a deep loud voice called out. “Russell, who’s at the

door? Who are you talking to?”

A big hand appeared on the door and pulled it open all the way. A

huge man wearing an expensive suit and tie looked them up and
down, stopping when he saw Redmond’s face. “You must be
Russell’s brother. The resemblance is amazing.” He stepped back and
motioned them forward. “Come in, please.”

When they stepped inside, he pulled Russell to stand behind him,

rather protectively, Redmond thought. Then he realized he was
peering around Sloane’s shoulder himself as Sloane stepped forward
to shake the man’s hand. “I’m Sloane Devereaux, Redmond’s

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boyfriend. Nice to meet you. We’ve come to speak to Russell about a
recent incident involving loan sharks and a late payment.”

“Dan Gibson. I’ll be glad to help you if I can, but Russell knows

nothing about any loan sharks, do you, Russell?”

He turned to gaze down at Russell, who looked like he wanted to

sink into the floor. He cast frightened eyes up at Gibson and shook his
head back and forth. “No, Sir. I don’t know what they’re talking
about.” He dropped his eyes back to the floor, unable to hold
Gibson’s gaze, but a meaty finger under his chin brought it back up.

“Russell? The man’s tone was actually quite calm, but Russell

began trembling all over. The man leaned down and whispered
something in Russell’s ear and Russell burst into tears, covering his
face with his hands.

Gibson put his arm around the younger man and took him out of

the room, calling his apologies over his shoulder and telling them
he’d be right back.

As soon as he left, Redmond turned to Sloane and whispered

furiously. “Oh, my God, did you see that? What’s going on? Should I
go check on him?”

Sloane chuckled and squeezed his hand. “He’s fine, honey. The

guy wouldn’t very well assault him with us standing in the next room.
I think he’s just taken Russell out for a private little talk. It’ll be

In another five minutes, the large man returned, without Russell

this time. He smiled and shrugged. “Sorry about that. Russell needs a
little time alone to remember why he should never lie to me.” He
smiled down at Redmond, who still looked worried. “He’s fine, I
assure you. He confessed everything, and told me he owes these loan
sharks some twenty thousand dollars. What I don’t quite understand is
how you two are involved.”

“Then he may not have confessed everything, Mr. Gibson. Russell

talked his twin brother into trying to steal a watch for him that used to
belong to their father. When that failed, he made sure the loan sharks

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thought Redmond was their target. Redmond was almost killed a
couple of days ago, by these very criminals, and they’re both still in
danger. If the loan sharks are not paid right away, they’ll try again,
and you can count on it. This time they may be more successful.”

Gibson blinked a few times and looked even more stern than

before. “I see,” he said thoughtfully. “Well, I think it’s about time
Russell learned that complete honesty is the best policy. If you two
will excuse me for a little while, I’ll get the names of these criminals
and how to contact them. I’ll pay the bills myself, Mr. Devereaux, and
I assure you this little problem will never arise again.” He nodded
toward the living room. “If you’ll make yourself comfortable, I’ll
return shortly.”

Sloane pulled Redmond into the living room and sat down beside

him. Redmond glanced at the door nervously. “What do you think
he’ll do to him? Will he hurt him?”

“Honey, you worry too much. He seems very concerned, and he

just doesn’t like Russell lying to him. I got a feeling that your brother
may straighten up soon and become a very well-behaved young man.”

Redmond whispered again. “Is that guy one of those Doms?”
Sloane laughed. “Yes, I’d say he definitely is.” From a few rooms

away, they could hear someone yelling and a sound like leather
slapping against skin.

Redmond started to stand up, but Sloane pulled him back down.

“Just wait. If it doesn’t stop soon, I’ll go in there.”

After a few more minutes, the house became silent again, and

soon Mr. Gibson walked back into the room, straightening his tie. “I
have the information I need, and I’ll take care of this today, Mr.
Devereaux. Russell will be out in a moment. He has something he
wishes to say to his brother.”

The door opened and Russell came in, looking red faced and

walking stiffly. He came over and stood next to his Dom, leaning
gently against him. The big man put his arm around him and patted
his ass, making him wince a little.

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Glancing up at Redmond, he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry,

Redmond. I never meant for you to get hurt. I was just scared and
didn’t know what to do. You’ve always been smarter than me, and I
thought you could talk your way out of it.” He stopped talking and
Gibson prodded him again with another little slap to his ass.

“I know now it was dangerous for you and how wrong I was to do

it. Please forgive me.”

Redmond opened his mouth a couple of times and then nodded.

“All right, Russell. It was my fault too, in a way, for always letting
you talk me into things. I should have stood up to you a long time

Russell looked up at him again. “Don’t tell Mom, okay? Please?”
“You should tell Mom yourself, Russell. If you’re really sorry and

want to change things.”

Russell reached for his hand. “Do you forgive me, Red? I’m sorry,


“I’ll try to, Russell. But you really hurt me. It might take a while.”

He pulled his hand away and turned toward the door. He heard Sloane
talking to Mr. Gibson, and then they were outside in the hot Georgia
sun. Sloane put an arm around his shoulders as he dashed a tear from
his eyes.

“I’m okay, this sun is just too bright.”
Sloane nodded. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s go to our hotel and rest

a little. I’m thinking one of your little naps might be in order right
about now.”

* * * *

Sloane pulled Redmond closer to him on the sofa in the hotel

room and put his arm around him. “Damn, stop touching me there, or
I’ll have to take you to bed right now.”

“Promises, promises.”

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“Okay, big boy, don’t tease me too much or I’ll give your butt

some of the same treatment Russell’s got today.”

Redmond smiled. “Is it mean of me to say he deserves this?”
“No, darlin’, not at all. He used you for a long time.” He

shrugged. “The hell of it is he’ll probably enjoy every minute of it.”
He stroked his hand along Redmond’s cheek. “By the way, you are
not all that identical. I’d know you two apart anywhere, anytime.
You’re much better looking.”

Redmond kissed the side of his neck, and Sloane batted him away.

“Stop it, or I’ll take you to bed right now and you won’t get any

“Is it really all over as easy as that?”
“Well, easy for you and me. I have a feeling Russell will be

paying for this for a long, long time in one way or another. And then,
too, I got to thinking on the way back to the hotel that I owe you some

Redmond looked puzzled. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you remember the morning you almost burned down the

kitchen? You told me you were feeling guilty for all the lies?”

Redmond smiled. “Oh, yeah…”
“Oh, yeah is right. You asked me if I would give you a little

punishment for all that, and I promised I would. Since I’m a man of
my word, I thought we might just do that tonight and get it over with.
So we can start with a clean slate.”

Redmond nodded. “I think you’re right. I’ve been very bad.”
“Yes, you have, young man. As a matter of fact, to hell with

dinner. I suggest you take off those clothes and wait for me on the

Redmond jumped up and ran over to the bed. Sloane followed

him, taking off his clothes as he went, but first stopping by the
suitcase to get out something that he hid behind his back. Soon they
were both naked and Sloane tilted his head and said, “Lie on your
stomach, boy.”

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Redmond turned over quickly, looking at Sloane over his

shoulder. “I’m going to teach you never to lie to me again, young
man.” He bent down and kissed Redmond’s lower back, making him
clench his muscles. He put his thumbs on either side of Redmond’s
hole, pulled his cheeks open roughly, and brushed a finger over it.
Redmond tried to push his hips up, but got a sharp slap for his trouble.
“Lie still. Don’t you dare move until I tell you that you can.” Paying
attention to his hole again, Sloane ringed it with small licks and quick
flicks of his tongue, more tease than touch. Redmond thought he’d go
out of his mind for sure. There was no way he could lie still.

Then Sloane put his whole tongue inside and twisted it around,

stroking him tantalizingly. Redmond went crazy, bucking his hips,
clutching the sheets and biting into the pillow. Sloane popped his ass
again. “Don’t move…”

Redmond moaned and cried out, begging him, but Sloane held

him down with one hand in the flat of his back. Finally, he pulled
back, and Redmond felt the cold, wet lube smeared across his
entrance, followed by something hard and cold. He tensed and
clenched his cheeks, unused to the alien feeling. He craned his neck
around to see what Sloane was putting inside him and got two more
hard slaps on his already stinging behind. “Lie still!”

Trembling, Redmond lay as still as he could, and then without any

warning, a cold, hard object was being eased up inside his narrow
passage. He cried out and tried to get up, but instantly, Sloane’s
mouth was by his ear, crooning to him. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Calm
down. I’m taking care of you.”

“What–what is that?”
“It’s called a butt plug, sweetheart, and you’re going to wear it for


“No! It hurts!”
“Just relax and get used to it. It wouldn’t be punishment if it felt

good, now, would it, baby? Just relax for me, and I’ll show you how I
can make it good for you.”

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Whatever it was, it was a little too big, and Redmond felt stuffed

and full. He squirmed around, and suddenly the large plug touched his
prostate and rubbed against it. He almost lost his mind. Thrashing
around, he tried to turn over, afraid he was going to come
uncontrollably, but as he turned, Sloane was ready for him. He
slipped a cock ring over his dick and his balls, holding his cock out
and making it damn near impossible for him to come. He panicked for
a moment at the unfamiliarity of the toys and tried to get away.
Calmly, Sloane held him still, stroking and soothing him, crooning to
him and calling him sweet names until he finally calmed down.

“Take it off, Sloane, please. I don’t like it.”
“Yes, you do, baby, and you’re being punished, remember? Give

it just a few minutes, and if you still don’t like them, I won’t make
you wear them long.”

“O–okay,” Redmond said with a shaky breath.
“Good boy. I thought about you wearing these for me all the way

home.” He smiled wickedly at him. “Let me check and see if the butt
plug is in good and tight.” He touched it gently, pushing it slowly in
to rub against his prostate, and smiled when Redmond thrashed his
head and moaned. “Yeah, that seems to be in there pretty good.” He
bent down and licked the head of Redmond’s cock, and Redmond

“Oh, God, Sloane, please…”
“The question is, have you learned your lesson? Are you ever

going to trade places with Russell ever again?”

“No! No, I promise!”
“Or lie to me?”
He tapped the butt plug a few times, and seemed to enjoy seeing

Redmond writhe around in pleasure and pain. “What do you want me
to do for you, honey?”

“Take it off, Sloane!”
“Tell me you love me.”

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Redmond opened his eyes and took a deep breath. “W–what?”
“I said, tell me you love me.”
“I–I do love you! So much.”
“I love you, too, baby. So much, too.” He bent down and kissed

his lips tenderly before easing the cock ring off his beautiful cock and
bathing it all over with his tongue. Sloane licked him and kissed him
and took him deep in his throat. Redmond’s hips jerked, shoving the
plug in deeper and deeper. After that, it was wet heat, sucking and
swallowing until Redmond lost it completely, coming so hard he
could hear himself shout just before everything went a little black for
a second. He’d never come so hard, and when it was over, he lay still
in Sloane’s arms while Sloane petted him and kissed his face all over.

Sloane held him till his shudders subsided, then went for a warm

cloth to clean him up.

Sloane smiled down at him. “Still don’t like my toys?”
Redmond sighed. “You know I do.” Redmond raised himself up a

little on his elbows to speak. His words were still a little slurred. “But
you didn’t come, Sloane.’

“Oh, I will. The day is still young, baby.” He got up and began

pulling on his clothes. “Now you take one of your little naps for me.
Tonight might just be a long night.”

“Wait! You forgot the–the plug.”
“No, darlin’.” Sloane said wickedly. “I didn’t forget. Like I said,

tonight might just be a very long night. Especially for beautiful, bad,
redheaded boys.”



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Shannon lives with her husband and two crazy dogs in the North

Carolina mountains. She enjoys travel, reading, and oil painting but
rarely has time for any of these because of her obsession with writing.
She works a day job to help support this writing habit, but resents
time spent away from her computer and the voices in her head.
Shannon is always working on some new project, and has several
going at any given time. She enjoys writing both contemporary
romance and paranormal.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Pristine Intra day Trading Techniques With Greg Capra
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