Shannon West Dark Hollow Wolf Pack Wolfsbane

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Shannon West



Shannon West

Erotic Romance

Secret Cravings Publishing

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


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Shannon West

A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2012 Shannon West

E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-441-4

First E-book Publication: November 2012

Cover design by Dawne Dominique

Edited by Lori Paige

Proofread by Elaine Meyler

All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Secret Cravings Publishing

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strictly coincidental.


Secret Cravings Publishing

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)



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Shannon West

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


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Shannon West



Shannon West

Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

The first time Evan saw the wolf shifter, the guards were bringing him past his guard station

in the basement of the huge Hunter’s complex. He’d been surprised at how handsome he was—

how downright, fucking hot! Even though they’d said he would be well-built and good-looking,

Evan was still surprised at his size and muscles, and so damned turned on he hadn’t really slept

well since. This wolf was nothing like he’d imagined.

The man they dragged past him was really large, at least six feet four, with an amazingly

large, ripped body. Evan had never seen anyone like him before. Russet-colored, shaggy hair fell

over his face, almost hiding his eyes, but as they passed him, the man had raised his gaze to

sweep over him, and it felt like a red hot poker had been passed over his body. The wolf’s eyes

were an incredible shade of emerald green, an unusual color for a wolf, from what he

understood. Wolves were usually dark-haired with dark brown, almost black eyes. This man’s

green eyes seemed to glitter at him from underneath all that hair falling down across his brow,

and his lips—good God, his lips. They were lush and full and sinful, and when he glanced over

at Evan, he could have sworn the corners turned up in a mocking little smile.

Now as Evan sat across from his commanding officer, he tried his best to concentrate on

what the man was saying about the wolf shifter. The offer he’d made him was so incredible,

Evan was having trouble wrapping his mind around it. “You’re perfect for our requirements,

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


Grant. We’re offering you a chance to literally strike at the heart of these wolf creatures. How

can you even think of refusing?”

“Well, let’s see...from what I’ve been told, they’re vicious killers. My death might be a


The major leaned back in his chair and gave Evan Grant a hard stare. Quite obviously, he

wasn’t too amused by Evan’s flippant attitude. “They don’t kill their sexual partners, Grant.

They dominate them. You’d actually like that, wouldn’t you? Isn’t that what you enjoy sexually?

Our investigations discovered you were in a relationship like that for over a year. We understand

you’re gay.”

Evan’s flush was almost painful. He had always tried to keep his sexual orientation private,

let alone the bit of kink he enjoyed in his private life. Living in the Bible Belt south, with very

conservative parents and family, he had never chosen to make his sex life publicly known in any

way. He’d only just begun to recover from the break-up of the very serious relationship the

major referred to so casually. There was no one special in his life at the moment. Sure, he’d

sometimes visited the big, anonymous clubs in places like Atlanta and Charlotte since Eric left,

and he’d done a few chats online, but he had no idea anyone had been watching him, spying on

him. Damn! He still had no idea how the leadership had found out. His cheeks burned at the idea.

He shifted uncomfortably in the chair and raised his gaze defiantly. “I could point out that

you apparently have a strange idea about what being gay means. No, sir, I do not live any kind of

BDSM lifestyle. I suppose it’s beside the point to protest this intolerable intrusion into my

private life.”

The major returned his gaze. “You applied to be a Hunter, Grant. You didn’t think we’d be

interested in every facet of your life? It may not be politically correct, but it’s no secret our

leader, Elias Winters, doesn’t exactly have a warm feeling about gays, especially after what

happened with his son, Logan. Look, our operation is top secret here. We need to know

everything about everyone who’s a member of our organization.”

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Shannon West

“And if I refuse this so-called offer of yours?”

The major shrugged. “Then you refuse. You’re only the first of many that I’m interviewing.

We’ve found these creatures to be insatiable, and our plans are to stud out this wolf-shifter to our

other volunteers once he finishes with you. The more willing subjects we can have, the better.

For our doctor’s experiments, that is.”

When Evan still sat nervously biting the inside of his cheek, the major continued. “Up until

now, we’ve only tried the wolf bites, using some of our captured rogues with, shall we say,

mixed success. Look, if you don’t want to be involved, say so, though if you were really serious

about joining one of the combat units, I could guarantee you a spot if you complete this


“Really. Despite the fact that I’m gay?”

“I said Winters has a problem with homosexuals, but that doesn’t mean he overlooks their

value as soldiers in this war against the wolves. And Winters doesn’t interfere with decisions I

make about the men I choose for combat.”

“What exactly would I have to do again? Explain it to me one more time, because I’m a little

freaked out here.”

“Have sex with the captured wolfman. Of course, he’d be in his human form. They call

themselves shapeshifters. Look, I realize this is quite unconventional, but nothing about these

creatures is exactly standard operating procedure. Most all of them are very powerful, very

sexually active males. Handsome too, they tell me, if you like the overgrown, muscle-bound

types. You may have heard of Logan Winters? Our commander’s son?”

“Yes, a little. Didn’t he live with the Dark Hollow pack as one of their...uh...mates? Until

they killed him?”

The major frowned. “Yes. I’m afraid that’s true. He was their prisoner too, at one time, and

the bastards forced him to mate with one of them, then assimilated him into their pack. We got

our hands on him once, but lost him again and that time for good. They came for him and took

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


him right out of our complex. Later we learned he was murdered by them, trying to escape. One

of our top commanders, Major Dawson, was also brutally murdered, trying to help him.”

“So now you want to pimp me out to one of them and expect me to sacrifice myself too?

What good will that do?”

At the major’s stern look, Evan realized he may have gone a tad too far, using the word

‘pimp.’ But shit, this was his body the major was so willing to give over to a monster. What if

the fiend decided to kill him instead of have sex with him?

“Grant, I know this is unconventional, to say the least, and if there were any other way...the

doctors tell us we have to get blood samples of the creatures’ sexual partners for them.

Something made Logan different from the subjects we have tested. He never shifted his form the

entire time we had him here as long as he drank the blood of the wolf who mated with him. The

others we’ve experimented on have changed form during a full moon. We need to find out why

Logan never changed and what the substance was in his blood that prevented it. How else can we

do it? We’ve tried to kidnap one of their mates, but it’s not possible. They’re too closely

guarded. No, we need to create our own test subjects from a combination of the bite and the sex.”

The major stood up and paced around the room. “I assure you we’ll keep this a controlled

experiment. You won’t be physically harmed in any way. Everything will happen here at the

compound. Once the captive with you we can take blood tests, examine you.

See what chemicals the bite excretes into your blood, if any. Possibly we can come up with

some kind of antidote. If we’d had one when we had Logan Winters back with us, we might have

been able to save him.”

“Didn’t you have him back here at the compound for a while? Why didn’t you take some of

his blood then? And back up—a few minutes ago, you said you’d had ‘mixed success’ with the

bites. What exactly did you mean?”

“We did tests on Logan. And we found nothing, but Logan was bitten weeks before we got

our hands on him. The chemicals could have already dissipated or been absorbed into his body.

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Shannon West

If we had a controlled experiment here in our facility, and we could test the blood immediately

after the victim was bitten, then we might be able to find an answer. As to the last part of your

question, nothing serious or fatal happened with just the bite to change our subjects. Many of

them are in training now as a special force we call Wolfsbane. You’ll join them after the

experiment. For now, we just want more information about how the sex might change the


He stopped to perch on the edge of his desk and lean forward. “Don’t you see, Grant? If we

find an antidote, we could possibly free all of the unwilling human victims of these monsters.”

“Yeah, well, what if you don’t?” Evan ran a hand over his face. “Then I’m stuck being this

‘test subject’—this mate thing forever?”

The major looked annoyed. “You’re not a blood mate, Grant. They’re the only ones who get

‘stuck’ as far as we know.”

“What about Logan Winters? Was he a blood mate?”

“Logan was a special case. They wanted to make an example of him because of his father.”

The major fixed him with a direct stare. “Look, Grant, we finally have a shifter captive here

ready for you. Our doctors are top notch. They’re confident they’ll find an antidote.”

Evan was silent. This was all a bit much to take in at once. Something didn’t ring true about

all of this.

“I realize this is potentially life-changing, Grant, and a huge sacrifice on your part, but think

of what you’ll be doing for humanity—for those poor victims. As an extra incentive, the blood

gives you more strength and agility, even makes you better looking, they tell me. Much longer

life too, so it’s not all negative. It will greatly advance your career here with us, I can promise

you. We’ll give you a little time—think it over and make your decision. Meet the captive before

you decide, if you want. Have a conversation with him. I can have you assigned to be one of his

personal guards. Look, the mating is only for one night. What do you say? Will you do it?”

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


Taking a deep breath, Evan nodded. This was what he’d signed up for after all, the chance

to be a hero, to make a difference. If this experiment could actually save some of the victims,

how could he say no?

The major clasped his hand and slapped him on the shoulder. ”Good man! I’ll get the

paperwork processed right away. In the meantime, wait to hear from me, and we’ll contact you

just as soon as we find a test subject.”

Ushering Evan to the door, the major was all business now that he’d secured his agreement.

In no time at all, Evan found himself outside in the corridor, wondering what in the hell he’d

gotten himself into. An image of the shifter’s beautiful, glittering, dangerous eyes popped into

his head, and he got weak in the knees. Damn, this thing might just be the death of him after all.

* * * *

Evan walked slowly down the hall toward the cell where the wolf was being held. Damn it,

not just held—he was being chained, half-starved, beaten and tortured. The major had informed

Evan his wolf had been “a bit combative.” Their answer to his resistance was apparently to beat

him half to death from what the other guards told him. Evan hadn’t signed on for this kind of

cruelty, and one of his first demands, he decided, would be to improve the captive wolf’s living

conditions. Strange how he already felt a crazy kind of possessiveness toward the wolfman.

It had been almost two weeks since his initial conversation with the major, followed by

intensive physical and psychological exams. As promised, now that he’d been cleared for the

experiment, Evan had been assigned as one of his night guards so he could get to know and

befriend him. He had been given the private number of the doctor in charge of the experiment

and told to call when he was ready to begin the mating process. In the meantime, Evan had been

encouraged to visit him, get to know him. He was told by the doctor in charge of the experiment

that this would make it easier for him to have sex with the wolf when the time came. Evan

shuddered just thinking of it. Whether the idea filled him with fear or longing, he didn’t want to

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Shannon West

examine too closely. After seeing the captive just the one time, he hadn’t been able to get him

out of his mind. Still, he was a little frightened. Logan Winters was dead at the hands of these

creatures, not to mention countless numbers of Hunters. Evan quietly put his hand on the

doorknob as he unlocked the door, and eased it open. The wolfman was chained to the far wall,

and the light was so dim, Evan couldn’t really see him. He could hear him though, his breathing

slow and even in the small room, a few little stirring movements letting Evan know that the man

was awake and aware of his presence in the room. He could smell him too—not a bad smell at

all, but something musky and sweet.

Evan lit a small candle he’d brought with him, not wanting to put on a light for fear of

hurting the wolf’s eyes after he’d been so long in the dark. The other guards had been warned

never to be alone with the wolf, and if he needed something they were to call for backup.

Otherwise, they were to leave him strictly alone, and never go into the cell with him unless

backup was waiting outside. Of course, that was for the other guards—not for Evan. Evan had

resisted as long as he could. He knew the wolf had been interrogated and tortured every day

since he’d been there. He had to wonder if this torture weren’t some way to coerce Evan into

mating with the wolf more quickly. He knew the brass was upset with him for taking time to get

used to the wolf.

Evan had made no secret of the fact he hated the violent treatment of the wolf captives.

When they had their last conversation, the major even implied that Evan’s greater haste in doing

the doctor’s experiment would end the daily suffering of the creature, and it was true he couldn’t

continue to stand by and do nothing while this wolfman was tortured and beaten. Not in all good

conscience. He abhorred this cruelty and didn’t see any need to treat him like this.

If he were being honest, it wasn’t just his strong sense of right and wrong. He’d never felt

as drawn to anyone so quickly before in his life, since the first moment he’d seen the huge man

being escorted down the corridor to his cell.

When they’d first brought the wolf shifter past his guard station in the basement of the huge

Hunter’s complex, he’d been surprised at how handsome he was. Even though they’d said he

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


would be well-built and good-looking, he was still surprised at his size and muscles, and so

damned turned on he hadn’t really slept well since. This wolf was nothing like he’d imagined.

The light from the candle now allowed Evan to just make out the prisoner across the room,

his hands chained to hooks in the floor, along with his ankles. He had only a few inches that he

could move in any direction, and he couldn’t even lie down if he wanted to. All he could do was

lean back against the cell wall, as he was doing now, though the pain of that contact on his

whipped back must be excruciating.

He was blindfolded, a strip of leather wound tightly around his eyes, so that even if he

tipped back his head, he couldn’t catch a glimpse of his surroundings. Evan knew from his recent

training that this was more a form of psychological torture, denying the prisoner knowledge of

his surroundings or of what was about to happen to him next.

The wolf sat quietly in his chains, waiting. As Evan walked a little closer, the man tipped up

his chin, sniffing the air ever so slightly. Again, Evan wondered if, like an animal, the wolfman

could smell him, his fear, his hesitation, his raging damn hormones, because goddamn, the man

was gorgeous. Even in the dim light of the candle, his hair gleamed and the sun darkened skin of

his chest looked silky smooth. Evan wanted to touch that skin so badly. He wanted to run his

tongue over those dark brown nipples and tease them between his teeth. Fuck, admit it. He

wanted to bang him like a drum.

Evan took a deep breath. Up close, the musky-sweet smell was even stronger. He stepped

closer, keeping his voice low and steady. “I’ve brought you some food. Not that awful swill

they’ve been giving you, but some stuff I brought from home. Just some sandwiches and juice,

but…” His voice trailed off as the wolf made no sign that he’d even heard him, just a brief

tightening of his perfect lips.

Evan set the sandwiches down within reach of his hand and then quickly stepped back. “I

brought some aspirin too. It’s there on top of the sandwiches. It’s not going to help much, I

know, but it’s all I had at home.”

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Shannon West

Evan stood there for another second or two, feeling stupid. He began to back slowly toward

the door. He’d been a fool to come, but he’d felt he had to do something. He knew the Hunters

were the most hated enemies of the wolves—the guy probably felt nothing but the deepest

contempt for him. He might even be afraid to eat the sandwiches, thinking they were poisoned or

something. As he backed slowly toward the door, Evan thought he should say something,

anything to break this strange tension in the room.

“They’re not poisoned or drugged or anything. I wouldn’t do that. I just don’t like how

they’re treating you. It’s not right.”

The man still sat stolidly in the same place. Evan didn’t think he’d moved the whole time

he’d been in the room with him. Sighing, he turned and started out the door when he heard a

deep, well-modulated voice from behind him, so quiet he couldn’t even be sure he’d heard it.

“Just how am I supposed to eat this? Should I lap it from the floor like the dog you people

think I am?”

Evan whirled around to face him, but he still hadn’t moved, and he half wondered if he had

hallucinated hearing the words. “I’m sorry.” He moved back to kneel beside the man. “I don’t

think that, no. I mean that you’re a dog, or anything. Can I feed it to you? Would that be all


The man sat so quietly that for a moment Evan thought he wasn’t going to answer. Then just

as Evan began feeling really foolish kneeling there by his feet, he inclined his head.

Evan felt unreasonably pleased. He quickly unscrewed the cap from the bottle of juice and

took the aspirin first, holding the tablets to the man’s lips.

When the tip of his tongue, his beautiful, pink tongue, came out between his lips and ever so

slightly touched Evan’s fingers as he accepted the aspirin, Evan felt weak in the knees. He had to

sit down beside him.

Over the course of the next few minutes, Evan carefully held the sandwich halves to his lips

for him to take a bite, and watched him while he chewed. Occasionally, his lips would touch

Evan’s fingers and once, his tongue. Each time it happened, the slight contact went straight to

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


Evan’s cock. God, he was so perfect, from his even white teeth to his perfectly sculpted jaw line,

and his straight, aquiline nose that twitched from time to time ever so slightly, as if he smelled

something he couldn’t quite identify, though once he made a soft little moaning sound deep in

his throat afterward, like he was moved by the scent in some way.

When he finished feeding him, Evan didn’t quite know what to say or do. He got unsteadily

to his feet. “Well, uh..that’s it. I can bring more tomorrow, if you like.”

The wolf didn’t say anything. There was just a slight twitching at the corner of his mouth as

if to indicate it was a stupid question, not really worth answering.

“Uh, okay, so see you later then.” Evan turned and stumbled his way toward the door in the

dim light, something about this man making him feel unsure of himself.

As he got to the door, he heard the deep tones behind him again.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said quickly and turned, feeling unreasonably pleased.

Evan retreated back to his guard station. Usually, third shift was very quiet, so he didn’t

have any real duties to perform. He could have stayed longer and the doctors would have been

pleased for him to do so, but the wolfman made him feel nervous and off balance. When he was

with him all he wanted to do was touch him.

Did the wolfman realize how he had affected him? Could a man who was half beast actually

smell his raging hormones and the pre-cum that started leaking from his stupid cock the minute

he smelled the guy? Because, oh yeah, the smell he’d been noticing was radiating off the wolf, a

crazy, delicious smell like cookies baking in an oven, for Christ’s sake. He would have thought it

was only his imagination, but he had to admit to himself that the odor was all too familiar—he’d

been noticing that particular scent at his house for over two weeks, and even in his clean clothes

he took straight out of the dresser drawer. Evan had no idea how that was even possible, but

there it was. There it bloody well was, and he thought he might just be going out of his mind.

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Evan didn’t sleep well at all that day, and when it was time for his shift to start, he felt

exhausted and overwhelmed. Yet he found himself eagerly looking forward to seeing his

wolfman. Henderson, the guard he relieved, told him the brass had “interrogated” the wolf for

hours that day, and it had taken four of them to drag his body back into the cell when they were

through with him. He was still refusing to say a word, though, about why he’d been caught

lurking around the compound before they captured him. The top brass feared some kind of

attack, and had been trying to get him to confess whether or not he was a rogue or part of a pack.

All Evan could think about while the guard was talking was how badly they might have hurt

his wolf. Unthinkable—he needed to stop it somehow, but could he really agree to the doctor’s

plan? He’d fed him again earlier that afternoon, stopping by the guard desk in the middle of the

day when he should have been home sleeping, pretending to have left something behind the night

before that he needed. When Evan offered to stay while the day guard, Henderson, took a quick

cigarette break, it gave him the chance he wanted.

He’d sneaked in to check on him and was alarmed and concerned to hear his panting breaths

and see the rapid rise and fall of his chest. That smell of his was tinged now with the coppery

smell of blood. “They hurt you again,” he said softly. “Where?”

There was a moment’s hesitation and then the man leaned forward, ever so slightly, his

breath catching in his throat at even that slight movement. Evan caught his breath too at the sight

of his bloody, ruined back. There were places where the blood had crusted over, but many of the

stripes from the lashes still oozed bright red. The stripes were crisscrossed in a pattern that

stretched from his shoulders to his waist, and Evan suspected that they trailed even further down

past his jeans into his buttocks and thighs. The person who had wielded the whip hadn’t been

kidding around either. The cuts were deep and gouged into his perfect skin. The pain alone

would have probably killed a human.

“God,” he said in horror, pity wrenching his stomach. Without thinking, he reached to touch

him, and the man winced sharply away. Evan pulled his hand back and dug into his pocket. He’d

brought the aspirin with him before he left the house, and even though it was like bringing a

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


knife to a gun fight, he thought they might be better than nothing at all. He grabbed his bottle of

water he’d brought with him and held the aspirin to his lips. “Please,” he said. “I know it’s not

much, but swallow these.”

The wolf turned his head toward him, and opened his mouth to allow Evan to place the

aspirin on his tongue and give him a drink from the water bottle. Evan wondered what he might

see in his eyes if he hadn’t been blindfolded. Would he look at him with gratitude? With hatred?

He didn’t know, but he had to try to help him, no matter how the wolf might feel about him. The

man turned his head back around and sank back against the wall, and Evan reluctantly left before

the other guard came back from his break.

All that evening he worried about the prisoner’s condition and when he returned at eleven

o’clock for his shift, he had not only food, but antiseptic cream and some extra strength pain

reliever he‘d bought at the pharmacy on the way in. The pharmacist had promised it was the

strongest you could buy over the counter.

The second shift guy he relieved said things had been very quiet, and the prisoner hadn’t

made a peep. As soon as he left, Evan grabbed a candle and tore off down the corridor. The

sweet smell of the wolf was getting stronger all the time, so strong it was almost overpowering to

him as he walked down the hall. As soon as he stepped inside, the wolf raised his face and

sniffed the air slightly. Evan went quickly to his side and laid his hand upon his arm without

even thinking about what he was doing. The instant he touched him, the wolf jumped and sharply

drew back his arm as far as the chains would allow.

“I’m sorry,” Evan stammered. I didn’t mean to…” His voice trailed off, as he realized he

had no idea how to finish that statement. What in the hell had he been doing touching him like

that? This was a fucking werewolf, a monster, and he had to remember that fact. Another

thought that he would soon be required to be fucked by this same monster quickly followed, but

surprisingly, the idea didn’t alarm him like it should. Instead it made his cock fill out and strain

against his jeans.

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Shannon West

He cleared his throat and sat back on his heels. “I brought you some cream for your back. If

you’ll let me, I’ll put it on. It’s just some antibiotic cream with a little pain reliever in it. Can I?

Will you lean up a little?”

The man hesitated for a long moment before slowly leaning forward and twisting to put his

back to Evan. Evan opened the bag he’d brought from home and first removed the still warm,

wet washcloth he’d brought with him, wrapped in aluminum foil. Carefully, he ran the cloth over

the stripes, trying to clean off some of the dried blood. The wolf drew in a breath through his

teeth as Evan worked, but never made any other sound. Next, Evan smoothed the antibiotic

cream over the welts, trying to soothe him, and when he was finished, he sat back to survey his


“Well, that should help a little, but you really need to see a doctor.” Evan heard how stupid

the words were the second they left his lips, and he bit his lip, wishing he could call them back.

Still blushing, he touched him softly on top of his shoulder. “If you’ll slide down your jeans, I

can take care of that too. The welts, I mean,” he said, blushing furiously.

The wolf didn’t move, and Evan thought at first he was going to ignore him, but then he

lifted his hips and slid the jeans down to the top of his thighs. He wasn’t wearing any underwear,

and Evan thought for a moment his heart would stop—shudder to a halt and quit.

The man was uncut, and the sight, while certainly not unheard of, was rare enough with the

younger men he’d been with to look a bit alien, even primitive. Not only was he enormous, long

and thick, he was so hard he could hammer nails with his cock if he wanted to. Most strange of

all, he had a strange roundish bulge around the base of his penis. It circled right around and

caused his cock to have the circumference of a small baseball at its largest point. It sat right at

the root, half hidden by his reddish bush of pubic hair. The doctors had told him about this knot

and suspected some of the chemicals involved in the mating process came from this anomaly. It

sounded kind of gross when they told him about it, but it wasn’t at all. It was beautiful, like all of

his wolf.

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Evan consciously tried to tell himself to calm down and get his breathing under control. In a

few more seconds, he was able to calm down enough to really see in the dim light that whoever

had whipped his wolf hadn’t confined the damage only to his back. He had seemed to take great

pleasure in laying the lashes of the whip right across the wolf’s penis and scrotum.

“Oh God,” Evan whispered. “I’m so sorry.” He reached out to touch the bloody stripes,

feeling strangely out of control. That smell coming off his skin was clouding his brain, and he

couldn’t seem to think straight. He felt overpowered by it, as if he had to get closer, had to

connect somehow with this beautiful creature.

Without any prior thought at all, he bent his head and pressed his lips to the head of his

wolf’s penis gently, pulling back the foreskin and using his tongue to swirl around the wide,

silky smooth head, trying his best to kiss it better. Instead of flinching away, the wolf thrust his

hips upward and a deep groan escaped his lips.

Evan’s own hand turned traitor next and reached out to touch the wolf. He was hesitant at

first, afraid he would cause him further pain, but he found his hand moving toward the knot. He

couldn’t have stopped it if he’d wanted to. He took one finger and touched it, waiting for the

wolf to pull violently away. Instead he pushed his hips up again into Evan’s touch with a quick,

urgent motion that both thrilled and terrified Evan. Evan moved his hand carefully up the shaft,

thrilling to the response he received. When he reached the head, Evan’s thumb rubbed back and

forth across the slit, smearing the pre-cum leaking from it over the top.

The wolf cried out in pleasure and bit his bottom lip, moaning. Evan put his tongue down to

the head and licked it. He tasted so sweet and salty at the same time. Evan licked his way slowly

down his shaft, to the knot and let his tongue circle it gently. He sat back on his heels and then

put his mouth over his length, trying to take it all in. He couldn’t take it all, but he managed to

get his lips down to the knot. Whenever his lips skimmed over it, nuzzling down with his nose,

the wolf seriously went crazy, bucking his hips and making a sound half way between a moan

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and a growl. The sound should have frightened Evan, but it only made him more and more

excited. He redoubled his efforts to give the wolf pleasure.

One of Evan’s hands reached out to fondle and caress his poor, abused balls, as he took the

wolf’s cock into his mouth again. The wolf rocked his hips upward, thrusting his huge cock even

deeper into Evan’s mouth. Evan had sucked plenty of guys off before, but never had it been so

intense, so incredible. He wanted nothing but to pleasure him, to make him cry out again from

the mindless intensity. The wolf pulled at his restraints, and Evan knew he wanted to put his

hands at the back of his head to hold him in place, but he didn’t need to. Evan had no intentions

of going anywhere.

Another deep thrust and the wolf was spilling into his mouth. Though Evan had rarely ever

swallowed another man’s spunk before, he wanted this wolf’s in a way he wouldn’t have thought

possible. Condoms weren’t necessary with a wolf, the doctor had told him, as they were mostly

immune to human disease. His cum was salty, yet had a sweet taste that Evan could get used to.

He swallowed it down and then raised his head to cover the wolf’s mouth with his own, letting

him taste himself on his lips.

The wolf kissed him back, but turned his head slightly to the side to whisper, “Blindfold.”

Blushing, half afraid to remove his blindfold and look him in the eye, Evan hesitated.

“I can’t.”

The wolf’s voice became firmer. “Evan, take off my blindfold.”

Evan reached out without any further thought. Then, with his hand halfway up to the man’s

head, he stopped and caught his breath sharply. “Wait. How do you know my name?”

Another slight hesitation, a tightening of the luscious lips, then, “Take it off, damn it.”

Evan shook his head, seeming to wake as if out of a dream. He felt like he’d been under

some kind of spell and was just coming back to reality. He jumped to his feet and backed toward

the door. “No,” he said firmly. He took in the scene before him—the man chained to the wall, his

jeans pushed down onto his thighs and his magnificent cock still curving upward proudly, only

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now beginning to soften a little. What in God’s name had he done? Evan turned and ran from the

room, slamming the door behind him.

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Chapter Two

Brett sighed and let his head fall back against the wall in frustration. He’d been so close to

getting Evan where he wanted him. If he could have gotten him to remove his blindfold, even for

a minute, he might not have had to go through with this elaborate game. He could possibly have

seduced him into untying him, and then he could have escaped with him. He had just enough

play in the chains to pull his pants back up over his hips, and then he sank back, too wiped out to

bother fastening them at the moment.

He cursed himself for trying to push the young man too hard. Evan seemed a little

frightened of Brett whenever he allowed himself to think about what he was doing instead of just

reacting. Brett had to remember to take things slow. He was too close to having what he wanted

to blow this thing now. Brett’s ears pricked as he heard the key turn in the lock again and the

slight noise made by the door as the hinges squeaked open. He raised his nose in the air and

sniffed as the pungent odor of his mate hit him. Evan was back. He’d hoped he wouldn’t be able

to stay away long. He forced himself to be as still and non-threatening as he possibly could.

Soft footsteps approached him slowly, and he sensed Evan’s nearness. He remained

absolutely unmoving, not wanting to scare his skittish mate. Finally he felt the heat radiating

slightly from his warm body as Evan sank to his knees beside him, and a tentative voice spoke

next to him.

“I’m back. I’m sorry I ran out of here like that, but I got a little freaked out.” He took a deep

breath. “Listen, I never should have taken advantage of you like that. It was totally my fault and

I’m sorry.”

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Brett took a deep breath, almost afraid to speak and chase him away again. Instead he

remained silent, allowing Evan to say whatever he needed to say.

“I don’t know what came over me to treat you like that—to do that to you when you were

tied and helpless.”

Brett shook his head and spoke up quietly. “Don’t be sorry. You only thought to bring me

comfort. I wanted it too.”

“How did you know my name?”

Brett hesitated a moment, thinking of the most non-threatening way he could claim to have

learned his name. Even if it meant being untruthful, he couldn’t afford to have Evan panic and

rush out again. Time was running out. He pushed his shoulders up slightly in a shrug and lied. “I

asked the other guard who you were.”

“You did?” Brett could hear the surprise and skepticism in his voice, but Brett kept his face

stoic, revealing nothing. “I didn’t know he came in here to talk to you.”

Was that a hint of jealousy Brett detected in Evan’s tone? A thrill ran through him at the

idea and he decided to test the theory a little

“Yes,” he said quietly. “He came in yesterday and took off these cuffs from my ankles so I

could stretch out my legs. I’ve had such bad cramps—he massaged my legs for me.”

“Henderson did that?” Evan’s tone was sharp. Brett couldn’t see him, but he’d bet he had a

deep frown on his face. He could plainly hear the displeasure in his voice.

“Yes. He told me he’d take my blindfold off later on today, just for a few minutes.” He

sighed a little. “I guess I can wait until he gets here, since it makes you uncomfortable.”

Right away, he felt Evan’s hands at the back of his head, untying and pulling off the

blindfold. He blinked a few moments even though the light was dim, and then he was gazing

directly into a pair of the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever seen. Of course, he’d admired Evan

from a distance—even from a few feet away once when he’d been at the guard desk as he was

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brought by on the way to his cell. He’d never been this close, however, and Evan’s beauty almost

took his breath away.

He was young, and his skin still had a dewy freshness. His hair shone almost platinum

blond, and those cornflower blue eyes—they were now regarding Brett solemnly. Brett

wondered what he was thinking. He tried to focus enough to smile at him. “Thank you.”

Evan looked down, fiddling with a piece of lint on his pants. His breath was coming more

rapidly. “Would you tell me your name?”

“It’s Brett,” he replied softly.

“Brett...” The sound of his name on Evan’s lips suddenly made Brett’s crotch tighten. “Do you know what they have planned for you?”

“Yes,” Brett said quietly. “They’re going to torture me again.” He shrugged. “It’s what they

do here.”

Evan shot his gaze up in shock. “I’m so sorry. That’s...that’s...”

Brett gazed steadily back at him. “Does it bother you, little Hunter? I thought you Hunters

hated all wolves.”

Evan jumped to his feet and paced back and forth across the small room. “No, I hate this

cruelty. I don’t want you hurt like this!” He ran his hands through his hair, looking frantic. “God,

I don’t know what to do.”

“You could let me go.”

Brett had spoken very quietly, but the words fell like a bomb in the quiet room. Evan

stopped in mid-stride and stared at him, his jaw dropping open. “, I can’t do that. I can’t

just let you go. Besides you’d never get out of here alive. They have armed security upstairs. No,

it’s not possible.”

“Evan, if you help me, I can get out of here. Let me handle the details. All you’d have to do

is get me out of these chains, and I’d make it look like I overpowered you so you wouldn’t get in

trouble. Please help me, Evan.”

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


Brett actually felt sorry for Evan as he watched him struggle with himself. He was so torn

between wanting to please him on the one hand and do what he thought was the right thing and

keep his oath to the Hunters on the other.

“I know you swore an oath to obey the commands of the Hunter officers, but an unlawful

order should be disobeyed, Evan. They should never ask you to violate your own moral code—to

be an accomplice to their war crimes.”

“We’re not at war.”

Brett smiled. “Aren’t we? Sure feels like it.”

Evan flinched and lifted confused eyes to gaze into Brett’s. His jaw tightened and he seemed

to come to some kind of decision. Brett prayed it would be the right one. His next words dashed

his hopes though.

“I can’t let you go. I’m sorry. But I will help you—I promise.” He turned and this time ran

from the room and Brett smiled to himself. His man had some backbone. He wondered how long

it would take him to do what he was counting on him doing. Probably better to stick with the

plan anyway. Brett didn’t think he had much longer to wait.

* * * *

Evan had no idea, really, what he’d gotten himself into when he’d first accepted a friend’s

invitation a few months ago to come to a Hunter’s assembly. He’d been horrified and fascinated

right away at the notion that such creatures as werewolves actually existed outside of horror

movies. Not just existed, but thrived in large communities the Hunters called the Dark Hollow

Clans throughout the southern Blue Ridge mountains. Once he found out the truth, he was


To be honest, he’d been desperate to make a complete change in his life. After breaking up

with Eric, a man he’d lived with for over a year, he needed to get completely away from his old

life and the apartment they’d shared together. He’d been totally blindsided by Eric’s betrayal, but

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he’d suffered through the black sea of depression he’d had a hard time swimming out of.

Without realizing it, he had ordered his whole life around Eric, and his loss made him feel as if

he were floundering. It took a while, but once he managed to pull himself out, he’d left

everything and everyone he’d known behind and had thrown himself into this new life. That was

one reason he was so desperate to make a success of it. He couldn’t stand to fail again.

If the wolfman—Brett—continued to try to talk him into letting him go, he didn’t think he’d

be strong enough to keep turning him down. Brett was gorgeous and compelling, and most of all,

he was right. They’d probably wind up torturing and killing him in the end. Evan could at least

put an end to this daily torture. He’d figure the rest out later. Evan realized he’d never been so

attracted to anyone before in his life, surprisingly not even Eric.

He’d contacted the doctor first thing the morning following his last confrontation with the

wolf, telling him he’d go through right away with the planned experiment.

The doctor in charge of the experiment was Dr. Cornsilk. A tall, dark haired man in his mid-

thirties, he gave Evan a sympathetic look as he led him into the bedroom he’d set up for the


“Now if anything were to happen, there’s a panic button in here, by the side of the bed.

Anything too extreme, you understand, or if you’re frightened for any reason. Push that and the

guards will be in here immediately.”

“Okay.” Evan’s voice sounded nervous even to his own ears.

He’d thought it would take a couple of days to make preparations, but the doctor had

surprised him by asking him to come in for a briefing immediately.

Evan glanced nervously at the big, king sized bed. “Will we—will he—get started right

away, then?”

“Oh yes, I think so. He’s been in captivity for a few days, and these creatures are quite

insatiable sexually.”

“But what makes you think he’ll give me a mating bite? What if he doesn’t like me that


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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


The doctor looked him up and down and smiled slightly. “Of course we don’t understand

exactly how they make their choices for mates yet, but we’ll cross that bridge if and when we

come to it. You’re a very nice looking young man. I think nature will take its course.”

He patted Evan on the back when he blushed. “Don’t worry. You’ll have complete privacy

with him. This room is even soundproofed, thus the need for the panic button. We don’t think

he’ll try to hurt you in any way, but stand near the panic button when he comes in, just in case.

This room is absolutely escape-proof too, so you need have no worries on that score. For the next

two to three days, you’ll be mostly alone with him, though I will be in to check you from time to

time and bring the wolf food. From what we understand, he’ll provide you with all the

nourishment you’ll need for the next few days.”

Evan sat down on the edge of the bed. The doctor laid a hand on his shoulder. “Ready?

Don’t be so scared. All of the victims we’ve ever spoken to claimed to enjoy this experience very

much, though I understand it can be quite—intense.”

“Intense like how?”

“The wolf’s penis has that gland I told you about that encircles the base. Perhaps you’ve

seen it? It’s called the bulbus glandis, which is present in most canine creatures. It was designed

to ensure the females became pregnant when they received it inside them, and is always a part of

the first mating. With males, apparently it provides extreme stimulation to the prostate gland,

causing multiple and very intense orgasms. The first mating can take a long time, and you’ll be

‘tied together’ for the duration.”


“Yes, I’m afraid so, but only the first time. Are you wearing the anal plug I sent over for you

last night?”

Evan’s face flamed as he nodded. Hell, yes, he was wearing it and it was damned

uncomfortable. It took him almost an hour to get the thing inserted the night before, because it

was so damn big he had to keep stopping, and then trying to shove it a little higher. Once he’d

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finally got it in, he could barely walk. He’d managed to get to sleep, but he couldn’t wait to

remove the thing.

“It should have helped to stretch you properly for this first experience. If he has relations

with your afterward, his gland won’t You have experienced anal sex before,

you told me. There’s lube in the drawer. Oh, and insist he use plenty of it.”

Evan nodded, his face flaming again.

The doctor smiled. “No second thoughts? Cold feet?” When Evan shook his head, he patted

his shoulder and went to the door, stopping with his hand on the knob. “I’m about to bring him

in. Get ready.”

* * * *

The first thing Brett saw when he walked in the door was Evan, standing by the bed

nervously. He wasn’t in his Hunter green uniform, but was wearing simple jeans and a t-shirt.

Nothing simple about the way they fit his body though. The t-shirt hugged his torso, showing off

every lean muscle, and the jeans...God, they were sinfully tight, and left little to the imagination.

The idea that he’d been wearing them in front of other men made Brett furious. Soon, baby. Soon

I’ll tell you what you can wear on that gorgeous body, and it won’t be anything to show yourself

off to anyone but me. Brett wanted him out of those jeans and naked on that bed just as fast as he

could get him there. He willed himself to slow down and take his time. After all, they’d have a

lifetime together.

He was standing next to the head of the bed, near what Brett knew must be a panic button.

Dr. Cornsilk had explained the set-up carefully. He stopped a few steps inside the room and let

his eyes sweep up and down his boy. Brett had to play this game with him just right, if he was to

believe it. He set his shoulders and made his voice harsh.

“You? What are you doing here? What’s all this for?”

Brett saw Evan wet his lips and drop his eyes downward. “Didn’t they tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

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Evan stared back up at him, his eyes very large and blue. He was breathing through his

mouth and looked scared to death.

“They want you mate with me.”


“To mate with me. It’s an experiment. They think you might secrete something in my blood

either with the mating bite or the—the gland thing on your...”

“Is that right?” He sauntered over to the bed as Evan backed away. He flopped down on the

bed on his back. A little smile played around his lips. “What makes them think I’d mate with


The heat rose to Evan’s cheeks. “You don’t have to, of course. They can find you someone

else if the idea of having sex with me is so repugnant to you.”

He started for the door, but not before Brett saw a hurt look in his eyes. Brett called out to

him from the bed. “Stop right there.” Evan hesitated, then turned slowly around to look at the

man. “Bring your ass back over here.”

“What if I don’t feel like bringing my ass back over there?”

Brett smiled. “Please, Evan, would you please move your sweet little ass back over here?”

Evan hesitated, giving the wolf a dirty look, his blue eyes flashing. In the end, he walked

slowly back toward the bed, his feet moving like they were stuck in quicksand. But he was

coming, and that was the important thing. You’ll learn to follow my commands more quickly in

the future, sweetheart. Brett gave him plenty of time, holding out a hand to him as he got closer.

He took his hand and pulled him down onto the bed to sit beside him. Brett noticed he winced a

little when he sat, and leaned to the side. What was going on with his little Hunter?

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to mate with you, sweetheart. I just wondered what made them

come up with the idea? And what made you agree to it?”

Evan ventured a look directly up into his eyes and answered the first part of his question,

ignoring the last. “They told me Elias Winters is trying to come up with an antidote for the

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blood match thing. Winters says it’s too late for his son, but maybe it will help someone else if

they can get their hand on another mate. They think it must be something from your gland, or

something in the bite. They think if you...mate with me, then they can check my blood afterward.

See what they find.”

Brett put back his head and laughed. “Well, good luck with that one! I think we might be as

happy to find that antidote as the Hunters are.”

Evan tilted his head. “Why would you say that?”

“Because some of us think it’s a damned pain in the ass. The Blood Match is no respecter of

sexual orientation, or age, or desire or anything else. You just see someone or smell them, more

accurately, and that’s it. No matter how ill-suited you might be for each other.”

“Smell them?”

“The blood mate has a unique odor to the other mate. Sort of sweet. Hard to explain, but it’s

compelling. It draws us in and won’t let us go. Then, after the mating bite, it’s impossible to

ignore, no matter what. Like I said, a pain in the ass.”

“What if they’re already mated to someone else?”

“That’s what I mean—they could be. There have even been a few rare cases of three people

sharing the match. Unless they’re into ménage, one of them is screwed. And wolves don’t share!

Don’t even get me started about the human equation. My alpha Marco has a human mate. He’s a

brat and nothing but trouble. They fight all the time and then make up with embarrassingly loud

sex. The human is gorgeous and smart, but to my way of thinking he takes way too much effort.

Always running away or storming off in a huff. Our beta has a human mate too. Both of them

lead their mates a merry chase. It’s stupid. My mate will never be allowed to act that way.”

“So you don’t like humans? I’m guessing you would never mate with one. So where does

that leave me? I guess they can’t make you mate with me.” Evan’s voice seemed a little hurt, and

Brett mentally chastised himself. He was talking too much. What was there about this human

that had him spilling his guts to him and saying way more than he should have?

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“No, I like humans all right. I didn’t mean to give that impression. Some of them are quite

beautiful and sweet. Hell, they’re all interesting. And I can’t help who I mate with—that’s the

point, sweetheart.” He lifted his hand to the side of Evan’s face. “Like you, for instance.”

“Me? But I’m not your blood mate.”

“Who says?” He reached out and took a lock of Evan’s hair in his fingers, rubbing it against

his thumb gently.

“What do you mean? How can that be? I volunteered to do this. When they first approached

me, you hadn’t even been captured yet.”

“And why do you think I allowed myself to be captured?”

Evan looked stunned. His mouth opened and closed. Alarmed, he started to stand up, but

Brett pulled him back down, lying back against the pillows and holding Evan across his chest as

he looked down at him. “Listen, baby. I know this is hard to understand. All this is a set-up, all

right. But it’s my set-up. Dr. Cornsilk is one of us. He’s related to the wolves, though not by

blood. He’s the stepson of a wolf. The wolf’s human mate was a widow, and he lived with the

clan since he was a baby. He infiltrated the Hunters years ago. He’s only one of several people

we have on the inside here.”

Evan’s face was almost blank in shock. His mouth opened and closed several times. Brett

smiled and put a finger to his lips. “Shhh...they’re in deep cover, babe.”

“Then why are you telling me this? I don’t understand.”

“I’m telling you because I know you’ll never get a chance to tell anyone. I’m taking you out

of here with me, Evan.”

“No!” Evan cried out in alarm and this time he made it all the way to his feet before Brett

pulled him back down and across his body.

Brett put a hand to his back and began rubbing gently. “Don’t get scared, honey. I’m right

here and nothing is going to hurt you. I did all this for you.”

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Evan straightened up, pushing Brett away. His face registered surprise and skepticism. “I’m

not scared, I’m confused! You’re saying you allowed yourself to be captured to be with me?”

“That’s right. First, I guess, you need to know that most all of what you’ve been told about

my people is lies. We’re not monsters. We don’t prey on humans, or go out looking for trouble

of any kind. We only want only to be left alone to live our lives. We’ll defend ourselves if

attacked, and we protect what’s ours, but I think that’s different from being a monster, don’t


Evan nodded very slightly, but Brett could see that he was listening carefully.

“And this experiment thing is not about what they told you at all. You were set up too,

sweetheart. These bastards know just enough about the wolves to be dangerous. They know that

once we mate with a human or even bite them, they have to feed from us. From our blood. If that

doesn’t happen, they become feral creatures, half wolf, half men. That’s what they had planned

for you, sweetheart.”

Evan’s eyes grew wider and he tried to pull away. “No! I can’t believe it!”

Brett shrugged. “Suit yourself, but it’s the truth. Elias Winters wants to create a new breed

of soldier. He thinks he’ll be able to create a squadron of feral Hunters to fight us. He even has a

name for the plan—Operation Wolfsbane. You were to be the first.”

“Why should I believe any of this? You’re lying!”

Brett tightened his grip on Evan’s arm. “Watch your mouth, love. I’m a lot of things, but I’m

no liar. I’m a gamma in the Dark Hollow Wolf Pack. That’s sort of like a soldier. Rank and file,

you know? It’s pretty large—three branches of the family spread out all over these mountains.

That’s what we are, I guess. A family. Many of us are related, and since we have the same ideas

about marrying cousins that you humans do, we have always brought in humans to mate with us,

if other wolf packs weren’t around or we couldn’t find our mate among them. We don’t force

our mates, though, or almost never. The beta of our pack did take a captive Hunter as his mate,

but that was so they wouldn’t have to execute him. I understand they’re very happy now.”

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For the first time, Evan looked up and nodded. “He’s still alive? But you’re talking about

Logan Winters. He the son of our leader and went missing over a year ago. We were told

he was dead, murdered by the wolves.“

“A total lie put out by his crazy father. I’ll introduce you to Logan if you want. We hate the

Hunters, but we’re not murderers. Besides, he’s the beloved pet of the beta of our pack. Why

would we kill him?”

“The beloved what? Wait a minute—you hate Hunters? Do you hate me because of who I


“Absolutely not! Totally different situation, honey. Logan was a soldier, part of a Hunter

squad that attacked the alpha and almost killed him. They also shot the mate of the battle

commander. As the son of old Elias, Logan was totally brainwashed too. It took our beta a lot of

work to get that shit out of his head. No, those Hunters put themselves in a bad situation and they

were well armed.”

“Still, I’m a Hunter.”

“I know. Luckily you haven’t been one for very long, though I do have to question your

judgment in joining up to start with. We’ll have to talk about that little lapse. No, I’m not crazy

about the idea of your being a Hunter, but I can’t hate you, honey. Blood match, remember?”

“Why me, Brett? I’m confused! How did you find me? I never saw you before that night

they brought you past the guard station!” His voice was becoming a little hysterical, rising higher

and higher.

Brett took Evan by the shoulders and gave him a little shake. He calmed down some, though

his eyes widened at Brett’s action. He seemed to all at once realize he was half lying across the

body of a very aroused wolf, and he squirmed uncomfortably, trying to move away from Brett’s

erection. When he licked his lips, the tip of his pink tongue darting out between his luscious lips,

Brett was almost done for.

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Brett closed his eyes and bit his own lip. “Goddamn, man, you’re going to have to stop

squirming around and looking at me like that. I’m hanging on by a thread as it is.”

Immediately, Evan stilled, almost holding his breath until Brett got control. “Sorry,” Evan

said with a tiny smile. “Didn’t mean to get you know...aroused.” Another deep breath

and Brett started again.

“You know I was only captured because of you, Evan.”

He looked startled as his gaze bored into Brett’s eyes. “But how?”

“I first saw you in that little steak place in Brevard. You know the one with the cowboy

theme?” At Evan’s nod, he continued. “You were with a group of Hunters, and I could smell you

all the way across the room.”

Smell me?”

Brett chuckled. “Not because you stink, honey. To me you smell absolutely delicious. Like

something sweet. Have you ever noticed that about me?”

Evan turned his head as he thought about it. “Yes, a couple of times when I came in your

cell. I thought I was going crazy.”

“It will get even more intense after I bite...uh, after we mate. That smell is a sign of our

blood mate. Some chemical in our blood—some wolves say it’s supernatural—calls to us when

we see our blood mate, the one we’re fated to be with forever. Wolves mate for life, and we only

get one blood mate. Well, that’s the theory, anyway. For me, it’s you.”

“Me? No, you must be mistaken!” Evan shook his head in disbelief. “Why me?”

“No one knows. Anyway, I have to tell you I was pissed at first. Now don’t get upset again,

but I didn’t want a human and especially not a Hunter. I actually struggled against it—that was

before I met you.” He had to stop and drop a kiss on Evan’s face because of the hurt look that

had lodged there. “Once I met you, I was totally hooked.”

“We met in the prison.”

“Right. I went back to Brevard to try to find you, but you’d moved inside the complex and

rarely came out. I got inside...” He stopped again at Evan’s look. “Yeah, we can get in the

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barracks if we need to. It’s not so heavily guarded, and people are always leaving the back

entrance unlocked. Very careless. Since Logan joined the pack...let’s just say we know more

now. I went to your room and looked around.”

“That’s where the smell in my room came from! It was you!” Evan had a slightly accusing

look as he realized why his clothing and underwear and even his bed smelled like Brett.

Brett blushed. “Yeah, it was me. I lay on your bed, sat at your computer, sniffed at your

clothes. The more I saw you and smelled your scent, the more I had to be near you. The blood

mate thing is a bitch, baby. It drives you crazy!”

Evan smiled a little, seeming to be fascinated by the story as Brett continued.

“I live with the North Carolina wolf pack. They have a big lodge called Mountainwood. I’m

sure you know about it. We’re the largest pack. Sometimes we’re called the Mountain Pack, and

we’ve had a lot of Hunter attacks.”

Evan nodded. “Yes, we know exactly where it is.”

“Right. So anyway, Dr. Cornsilk had alerted us to the latest harebrained scheme of Elias

Winters. Winters doesn’t really give a shit about Logan, you know. He’s just pissed because he’s

ashamed to have a son mated to a male wolf—a powerful beta, at that. Marco, our alpha, called a

meeting and I sat in as one of the gammas. That’s when I came up with this plan.”

“Was that after you saw me in Brevard?”

“A couple of days after, yeah. I got an idea to use their own plan against them. I convinced

the alpha to get Dr. Cornsilk to suggest you for the experiment, and I allowed myself to be

picked up outside the compound.”

“How did you know they’d pick me?”

“I told you I was in your rooms, honey. I saw your internet browser. That’s when I knew

you were gay. Cornsilk used that to help get you chosen. To Winters, you were more expendable

than a straight Hunter.”

“Oh my God!”

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“Sorry, baby, but it’s true. That’s the kind of shit outfit you joined up with.”

“It was so dangerous for you to be captured like that. And they beat you! Wasn’t there some

other way?”

“Probably, but it was also a chance to see the inside of this operation and claim my mate

right under their noses. Too good not to go for it.”

“Pretty damn arrogant.” He looked up into Brett’s eyes.. “So you actually think I’m


“I don’t just think it, I know it. And I have to tell you, it’s forever. I’ll never let you go once

we’re mated.”

“What? What do you mean you’ll never let me go? I just agreed to let you fuck me, that’s


“No,” Brett pulled his body tight against his possessively. “You’re mine, Evan. Get used to

it. Everything you knew is about to change.”

“Change? W-What do you mean? The major told me some stuff and so did Dr. Cornsilk. Is

it all true?”

“Probably—you’ll be stronger and faster and even more gorgeous. You’ll have

to...uh...drink my blood.”

“No, I won’t do that! It’s like a vampire.” He struggled to get up again and move away, but

Brett held him down again until he collapsed with a defeated sigh and a dirty look at Brett.

“Damn it, let me go!”

“No. Not until you listen. The blood drinking is only once every couple of weeks once you

settle in, and it will taste good to you, I promise.”

“What do you mean, settle in? You mean, like forever? That’s bullshit! I don’t even know

you! You even said you don’t much like humans. I’m just something this blood match thing

forced on you. Go find someone else.”

“Just because I’m hooked doesn’t mean I don’t like it. We both still have free will to reject

each other if we wanted to.”

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“Well, I want to!” Evan cried out, pushing against Brett’s chest.

“Hush. It would make you miserable. We could do it, but I promise you that you’ll be

sorry. You were all I thought about in my cell once I met you. I spent most of my time thinking

about you, wondering when you’d be back, hoping you’d come soon.”

“Really?” Evan shook his head. “No, I-I can’t think straight. That damn scent radiating off

you makes me feel almost drunk. What are you doing to me?”

“Just loving you, sweetheart.” He touched Evan’s face again. “You’re so beautiful. Pretty

blond hair, big blue eyes. And this were made just for me.” Brett drew his face down

to kiss his lips.

The second their lips met, a spark flew straight to Brett’s cock. He deepened the kiss,

licking at the seam of Evan’s mouth until it fell open. He filled it with his plundering tongue, and

swept over the inside possessively, mapping out his territory. “Mine,” he whispered urgently

against his lips, moving his hands down to wrap around Evan’s rigid cock, straining against the

material of his jeans and pushing eagerly against Brett’s hand.

“Be my mate, darlin’,” Brett looked down in Evan’s face. “Say yes.”

“Yes,” Evan said in a dreamy, breathless tone, his eyes closed. “I-I mean…I don’t know…I

just want to be close to you, to feel your arms around me. Damn it, what’s happening to me?”

“This is what you want, what you need, baby. Just leave it all up to me.”

Evan took a deep breath and fluttered his eyelashes open. “Y-Yes, I want it. I want you.”

Brett smiled and tilted up his chin with his knuckle. “Then let’s take off those clothes,

sweetheart. I’ve been wanting to make love to you since that last night in my cell.” And it was

true. He hadn’t been able to get Evan off his mind for more than a few minutes at a time.

Damned blood match! Yet he knew it was more than just the blood match. His kindness in caring

for him, bringing him aspirin and sandwiches, even antiseptic cream for the lash marks on his

skin. Then when Evan put his sweet tongue on his skin—good God, Brett thought he’d lose his


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Brett pulled at their clothes until they were bare, and then he reached for Evan, who was half

swooning on the bed beside him, drawing him closer in his arms again. He was so near to having

his mate now, and he didn’t want to do anything to scare him away.

Pulling Evan’s body on top of his, he ran his hands down over his rounded ass, grinding his

body into his groin. His hand drifted down to his rim and stilled as he made contact with the butt

plug. “What the hell?”

Brett pushed Evan back and peered into his face. “What the hell is that?” Moving Evan off

to fall on the mattress, Brett rolled him to his side, his hands busily prying apart the crevice

between Evan’s cheeks.

He touched the end of the plug sticking out of Evan’s formerly tight little hole, making Evan

shiver as it jiggled against his prostate. Brett chuckled. “What the hell have you done to yourself,


Evan struggled to move away from Brett’s confining hands, but gave up after a few seconds

when Brett made it clear he wasn’t going anywhere until this new development had been

thoroughly explored. “Evan?”

Evan slumped, his whole body going red and hot with embarrassment. “Damn it, it’s a plug.

Dr. Cornsilk said to wear the damn thing until we mated. He said it would make it easier for me.”

“Oh really?” Brett moved it again, teasing Evan and making him jump and gasp.

“Stop, Brett. Let me take it out.”

“Are you sure you want it out, honey?” he jiggled it again and tapped on the end of it. “It’s

in there nice and tight. Does it feel good?”

“No, it’s miserable.” Brett tapped it again. “Oh God!”

“Okay, hold still, babe. I’ll take it out.” Brett grasped the end of the plug and pulled it

gently, unable to resist wiggling and twisting it just a little on the way out. Evan squirmed and

breathed hard through his mouth.

“Let me up, Brett. Please.”

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Brett rolled him back over on his back, tossing the plug on the bedside table. “Where do you

think you’re going, sweetheart? Like you said, the plug has you nice and ready for me.” He

reached for Evan’s rigid cock and ran his hand up and down the shaft, making Evan twist and

groan. He leaned down and parted Evan’s lips, letting his tongue go inside the other man’s

mouth to play. A prickling need was building up in Brett’s body and he couldn’t hold back much

longer. He bent down and tasted the tip of Evan’s dripping cock.

A strangled moan escaped Evan’s lips and he arched his back as Brett swallowed him, teeth

and tongue working over his shaft. Evan tried to retreat a little, the sensations maybe too intense,

but Brett hauled him back, holding him by the hips. “Mine!” he growled and put a finger under

his hips and into his crease.

When he stuck the finger deep inside and crooked it over his sweet spot, Evan was

overcome and his hips bucked wildly. “I’m coming! God, I can’t stop!’

“Come for me, darlin’, come in my hand.” Evan’s body twitched, and he arched up, almost

screaming in ecstasy. Brett put his mouth back over his straining cock and caught every drop in

his mouth, keeping the suction up until Evan was squirming and moaning.

Brett turned him over and trailed hot kisses down his back, while his fingers went

underneath him, holding Evan’s chest tightly, tweaking at his nipples. Evan was sagging, already

seeming drunk with Brett’s lovemaking, but Brett was far from being done. He moved down his

back and his tongue bathed and teased at Evan’s abused and stretched entrance. Evan’s hole

began to quiver and pulse, and Brett smiled in anticipation. “See how your body responds to me,

baby? That’s because you’re mine.”

Evan trembled and clutched the pillow under his head while Brett opened the drawer next to

the bed and pulled out the lube. He lavished it over his cock and Evan’s hole. Evan writhed and

bit into the pillow he held to him so desperately. The gamma wolf pulled Evan’s hips up to put

his ass in the air. Thick fingers in his ass had him groaning, yet pushing back for more.

“Even after that plug, this is gonna hurt. Push back as hard as you can, okay?”

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Brett pushed the head of his cock into Evan’s ass slowly, making him drop his head to the

mattress, his dick softening at the pain. “You’re stretched pretty well, but you’re tense. Relax,

baby. I won’t move much at first. Just get used to feeling filled up with me inside you. My cock

is pretty thick, so the knot is not too much bigger. We’ll take this nice and slow.” He reached

around and pumped Evan’s dick with his fist, his thumb rubbing across the sensitive slit.

“This is it, baby. You’ll belong to me, now. I own you..” He began to move slowly,

thrusting deeper and deeper. Evan thrust back against him, tentatively at first and then stronger

as he became more excited.

“Fuck me, Brett. Harder!”

“I will, baby. But you don’t need to come just yet. Not until my knot is inside.” He began to

work it slowly in, stretching Evan’s hole. He reached for more lube with one hand and worked it

around his gland. Evan screamed and tried to pull away, but Brett held him tightly to him and

pushed him from the front back onto his cock.

Then, with a sudden plop, it was in and Evan screamed again. “I can’t! I’m tearing!”

“No, you’re not. Be still and push out.” He licked the back of Evan’s neck and bit down

hard, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. Instantly Evan relaxed, and Brett knew he was

experiencing the rush of pleasure the bite brought to mates. Evan moaned in ecstasy and pushed

out and back onto his cock, his ass now seated against Brett’s groin. Brett held the bite for a long

time, and then pulled away, leaving a mark that would be a permanent scar on the back of Evan’s

neck. He licked at it to sweep away the blood and help the pain, then held tightly to his mate for

the orgasms that would by now be slowly building in his body.

The bulbus glandis brought on extremely intense multiple orgasms, bathing the prostate in

chemicals and creating a steady pressure against it. Most mates didn’t stay conscious for all of

the orgasms, and once Evan’s started, they were so extreme, Brett thought he would soon pass


He screamed and clawed at the bed, trying to alternately get away from Brett and then to

reach back to him for comfort. Brett held on as tightly as he could, crooning to him and kissing

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him, unable to pull out until he was finished. Once inside, the gland had swelled even more and

wouldn’t release for a long time yet. All Brett could do for his mate was comfort him. After

about the fourth or fifth intense orgasm, Evan slumped in his arms. Brett checked his pulse and

kissed him tenderly, but there was nothing else he could do. He was tied inside his mate and

couldn’t pull out without injuring them both. He checked Evan’s cock and it was still rigid and

straining, though no more semen remained in his balls to pump out. Even in his unconscious

state, his hips still jerked and thrust. Finally after almost thirty minutes, the thrusts slowed and

Brett could feel a softening in his gland.

Evan was awake and had been for some time, too exhausted to move or do much more than

moan occasionally. Brett pulled and his cock came out with a plop. Immediately, he rolled Evan

over and saw his eyelids fluttering. He bit his wrist and held it to his lips. “Drink, baby. Drink as

much as you can. It will help you.”

At first the blood ran down his chin and onto his chest, but finally he latched on and sucked.

His eyelids fluttered and once he looked up into Brett’s eyes. He was so beautiful with his red

lips and blue eyes it almost took Brett’s breath away.

Once Brett was sure he’d fed enough, he pulled his wrist away and turned Evan over on his

side, pushing down his still reaching arms, and spooning him. Once Evan stopped moaning and

trying to turn back over to get to him, he finally let the exhaustion overtake him and fell into a

deep sleep.

Brett felt almost too exhausted to sleep, the ordeal of the past few days still keying him up

with adrenalin. Eventually, the soft snores of his mate and the comfort of his soft, warm body in

his arms relaxed him and he drifted down into dreams of running under the moon, howling with

his brothers. He didn’t know how long he slept, but he came instantly awake as Evan was pulled

roughly from his arms.

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Chapter Three

Groggy with sleep, Brett sat up rubbing his eyes. He saw two men wearing the green

uniforms of the Hunters pulling an unconscious Evan from the bed and dragging him to the door.

He roared in anger and tried to leap from the bed when a huge net was thrown over him, making

him claw and growl as he felt himself shifting into his wolf.

Dr. Cornsilk stepped into his line of vision, holding up his hands. “Stop, Brett. No one is

hurting him. I’ll be with him every minute, and I promise you we’ll bring him right back.” He

turned and hurried for the door to follow Evan.

Some of what the doctor said filtered through to Brett’s brain, but he wasn’t able to

completely stop his shift. He felt his claws ripping at the net, shredding it so he could leap free

and hurl himself against the locked door over and over. The heavy steel door sustained a few

dents, but held against his onslaught. Slowly, he came back to himself and his claws and hair

retreated back to his body. He was furious and restless though, pacing up and down in front of

the door. He’d known they would do this, take Evan away to test him like this, but he hadn’t

been prepared for how it would feel. It was agonizing.

The door opened quickly and Evan was shoved inside, still wearing a hospital gown, barely

able to stand on his own two feet. Brett caught him in his arms, ripping away the gown and

picking him up to carry him to the bed. As Evan rolled his head back and forth on the pillows,

whimpering in need, his erection hard and urgent, Brett examined every inch of him. He found

the place on his arm where they had drawn his blood and he licked at it to heal it. Satisfied his

mate was in good condition, he pulled him back into his arms and took his throbbing cock in

hand, pumping it hard and giving him release while he kissed his neck soothingly. Evan came in

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seconds and once he was spent, he turned toward Brett to throw his arms around his neck and

bury his face in Brett’s neck. He held on as tightly as he could, while Brett held him close and

rubbed his back.

Over the next few hours he fed him again and made love to him twice. He finally settled him

down and was able to snatch a few hours of sleep for himself, dreading the next time they would

come for his mate. He couldn’t stay here much longer. As soon as Evan was able to travel, he’d

get him out of this place and take him home. At the very least, they could make it to

Mountainwood. Once there, Evan could rest and assimilate into his new life.

Late in the evening, a soft knock on the door came, and Dr. Cornsilk opened the door. Brett

immediately tightened his hold on the sleeping Evan. “No. He’s been through enough.”

“I’m not here to take him, Brett. Calm down.”

Brett pulled the covers over his mate and sat up on the side of the bed, turning to face the

doctor. “Sorry, but it’s been hard on him. I’ve had to give him a lot of my blood, and I’m a little

lightheaded myself.”

“I’ll have a tray sent in to you. It will do you good to eat and drink something. I’ll give you

some iron supplements too.” He held up a hand at Brett’s protest. “It can’t hurt, and it’ll make

me feel like I’m doing something to help.”

Brett shrugged. “How were the tests? Do they show anything?”

“Too soon to tell yet, but I don’t think they’ll show a thing. I’ve tested my own blood for

years and never found anything.” The doctor had been mated for the last few years to a female

wolf who lived in the Dark Hollow pack. His home was in the mountains, about fifteen miles

away from the wolf lodge, and his mate spent most nights with him, careful to sneak in only at

night to circumvent any prying into his personal life. They were well respected in the wolf

community for sacrificing so much for the good of the pack. After so many years, the Hunters

barely bothered checking him anymore, other than routinely, but he was still careful to keep his


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He nodded over at Evan. “How is he? Did he have any problems with the knot? Do I need

to examine him?”

Brett shook his head. “No, he’s fine. I’ve checked him. The orgasms were pretty bad, so

they took a lot out of him. He’s responding well to the blood. By this time tomorrow, I’m getting

him out of here.”

The doctor nodded. “I’m staying at the complex until the experiment is over, so I’ll be

around. The guards will come for him again tomorrow evening around five o’clock. They mean

to separate the two of you then. You have to make your move. Be ready for them.” He glanced

over at Evan. “He should be better by morning.”

Brett nodded and the doctor left. As he sat on the bed, he went over his escape plan in his

mind. If everything went according to plan, he’d soon be on his way back to the mountains and

away from the hated complex. He lay back down and gathered Evan in his arms. Just a few more

hours, baby. Then no one will ever take you away from me again.

* * * *

The next afternoon, Evan awoke, stretching his arms over his head and reaching for Brett.

Brett must have showered earlier that morning as he now sat on the bed next to him, still wearing

the same filthy jeans he was captured in.

“Hi, beautiful. Feeling better?” He took Evan in his arms and kissed his neck gently.

“Yes, I guess...I feel surprisingly good. Sore,” he said, blushing, “but good. What time is


“About three thirty. You need to get up and take a shower, sweetheart. The guards will come


Evan looked down at himself for the first time. Crusty bits of dried cum covered his

stomach. “Oh God. Yeah, I’d better do that. He went to bounce from the bed and shuddered to a

halt as the soreness really hit him. “Damn. I can barely walk.”

“A hot shower will help, baby. Hurry now, before they get here.”

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Evan hobbled into the bathroom as quickly as he could, feeling the burn deep inside. Good

thing that knot thing only happened on a first mating and then rarely after that, he thought. His

ass would never hold up. He hesitated then, his hand still soaping up his chest as he realized

what he’d just been thinking. This was a one-time thing for him, no matter what Brett had said.

He was a Hunter, and had no intention of becoming Brett’s bloodmate. They’d come to extract

him soon, and he’d probably never even see Brett again, and that’s the way it was supposed to

be. So why did the idea make his chest hurt and his stomach churn with nausea?

He stood under the shower spray for a long time, relishing the feel of the hot water on his

sore muscles. He scrubbed at himself and washed his hair with the shampoo the complex had

provided. He got out and toweled himself dry, then wrapped the towel around himself and went

back in to Brett.

Brett looked up and smiled at him, his green eyes lighting up. He pointed to the towel.

“Take that off. When I get you home, you’ll be naked most of the time in our rooms.”

Evan pulled the towel away and dropped it on the bed, stepping between his legs. “Get me

home? Look Brett. This is just a one-time deal. I like you and you’re good looking and all, but

I’m not your bloodmate.” Brett sighed. “Evan, we’ve been all through this. Yes, you are. We’re

mated now and you belong with me. We’re getting out of here, and I’m taking you with me to

the mountains. You’re just feeling confused, baby. You’ll feel better when I get you away from

here.” He smacked Evan’s ass lightly. “Now get dressed before those asshole guards come in and

see you again. This time I might have to rip off their faces for putting their hands on you.”

Evan stepped over to retrieve his jeans from the floor and pulled them on, then slipped his

T- shirt over his head. He needed to find some way to get through to Brett. He didn’t want to go

anywhere with him. Did he? He turned back to Brett and held out his hands. “Better?”

Brett growled at him. “Not much. They’re too damn tight. Once we’re back at the lodge, you

won’t wear something so tight again.”

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“Jealous, much? You keep saying when you get me home, but I’m trying to explain to you

that this is just a temporary thing. I mean, I only agreed to this as an experiment. I appreciate

the sentiment and all, but my life is here with the Hunters. Besides, what do you have in mind?

You think they’ll just let you walk out of here? We’re stuck in here till they let us out.”

“Patience, baby. We’re leaving tonight. I told you that you belong to me now, and you

agreed, remember? You’re not thinking straight. If you don’t drink my blood, you’ll become

feral and play right into their hands. Unless you want to be in their fuckin’ feral army?”

At the confused, yet horrified look on Evan’s face, Brett nodded. “Right. Get your shoes

on. They’ll be here soon.”

“Wait! No, Brett. Promise me you won’t do anything crazy. Don’t hurt anybody!”

Brett nodded solemnly. “I promise.” And he meant every word. He had no intention of

hurting anyone—if they didn’t mess with him. He only wanted to get out of there with his mate.

“But what...” A slight noise at the door made him turn around quickly, and that was when

Brett moved so fast it was frightening.

He wrapped one strong arm around Evan’s neck, the other around his waist, pulling his back

and hips up close to his body. Brett could feel Evan’s sweet body nestled against his crotch and a

strong feeling of protectiveness washed over him. His scent clogged Brett’s nostrils, and it was

all he could do not to take him down to the floor and make love to him.

“Be still, Evan. Look scared.”

“Not a problem,” Evan said in a choked voice. “Let me go, Brett!” He didn’t know what

was going on, and he really didn’t think Brett would hurt him, but this violence scared him more

than a little. He put both hands around Brett’s strong forearm and tried to pull it down from his

throat. He couldn’t budge it, and that was when apprehension and anxiety overcame him. What if

this had all been a lie? What if the Hunters were right and he wanted to kill them all? His throat

went dry and he struggled in earnest.

The door opened and the guards came in.

* * * *

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Brett was amused to see the guards do an almost comical double take and then quickly draw

their weapons.

“Stop right there,” one of them yelled frantically, as the other one went for his assault rifle

and took up a position behind the door. “Release that man!”

“Don’t shoot!” Evan managed to yell as Brett made his way almost casually across to

confront them. He still gripped Brett around the throat and waist, but was totally unarmed. Brett

hated using Evan as a shield this way, but there was no other choice if he was to get them both

out of there alive. They had to believe that Evan was his prisoner.

“Shoot and I’ll snap his neck before I die,” he said in a low, menacing voice. “I promise

you, I’ll take him with me.”

Evan gasped at the words and began to struggle harder, forcing Brett to tighten his grip

around Evan’s neck. In his peripheral vision, he could see Evan’s face growing alarmingly red,

and his legs stopped moving as he was deprived of oxygen. Horrified that he might have hurt his

mate, he loosened his grip just a bit, but the sight of Evan’s slump was enough to make the

guards back off.

“Let him go!” one of them yelled.

Brett laughed shortly. “Not fuckin’ likely! Now back off and put your weapons down or I’ll

kill him.”

He could hear the guards’ sharp intakes of breath at the words, and felt Evan’s heart

thumping wildly in his chest. His mate was frightened of him! Surely he knew Brett’s rough

voice was only for the guards’ sakes. Their only chance lay in making the guards think he’d go

through with it.

There was a tense silence as the guards tried to figure out what they should do next. Brett

yelled at them. “I said put the goddamned guns down or I’ll kill this worthless human! Do you

think I won’t do it?”

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He tightened his grip slightly again and Evan choked, clawing at his arm in a vain attempt to

get air. He kept up the pressure for about ten seconds, or until he was sure he had the guard’s

attention before easing off. This time Evan collapsed over his arm, and Brett saw that he’d

passed out, probably as much from fear and anxiety as from the grip he had on his throat. He

pulled his body up more securely and watched the guard drop their weapons.

Backing up a few steps, he called out to them. “Slide those rifles and cell phones over here.


They put them on the floor and quickly slid them toward him. He laid Evan on the floor

carefully, his eyes never leaving the guards and picked up the rifle closest to him. “Get in that

closet over there,” he said tersely, nodding toward it.

They scrambled over to get inside, and he closed the door on them, dragged a chair over

with one hand to jam it in the door handle and called to them. “You can save your breath, boys.

This room is sound proof. Sleep tight. Somebody should be along by morning.”

Brett chuckled and went back over to Evan. He was waking back up and flinched when Brett

pulled him back into his arms. It killed Brett to see it, but he had to make it look good to protect

the doctor, not to mention Evan if anything went wrong. He dragged Evan out into the corridor,

looking around quickly, spotting the security cameras right away. Once he escaped, they’d be

sure to pore over the tapes, so he had to make it look good. He held Evan up with one arm

around his waist, but made sure his toes were dragging the ground, so it would look at lot

rougher than it actually felt to Evan. Evan was making breathy little moans that tore at Brett’s

heart. He hated having to scare him this way.

He wanted to whisper reassurances in Evan’s ear, but this had to look real. Evan’s body was

limp as Brett dragged him up the steps and out into the main corridor. Moving with supernatural

speed, Brett made it down the hall to the central lobby, completely surprising the guard on duty


He stepped out of the shadows with Evan in one arm and an AK-47 cradled in the other.

“Throw your weapon over here, and I might not kill you both. Cell phone too.”

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Caught completely by surprise, the guard took one look at Evan’s panicky expression and

put his phone and handgun on the floor, sliding it over to Brett. Brett bent over to pick it up,

motioning with his head to a nearby broom closet. “Get in there.”

The guard quickly complied and Brett closed the door, then with one hand pulled a big

display case over in front of it.

He smashed the phone casually with his foot then gathered up the gun. Holding both guns in

one arm and Evan in the other, he again moved with supernatural speed, tearing out the door and

running toward Evan’s car. He already knew from his investigations into Evan’s routine exactly

where he parked it every day. He put Evan in the front seat beside him, buckling him into a seat

belt. He found Evan’s car key on the ring in the dash, started the car and drove quickly toward

the gate.

The guards, no doubt recognizing Evan’s car, stepped out routinely to check him. With the

gate still closed in front of him, Brett floored the gas pedal. As the guards jumped to get out of

his way, he slammed through the gate, smashing the front of Evan’s car, but tearing through and

out onto the highway and freedom.

Driving swiftly down the road, the wind in his hair and his mate beside him, Brett

experienced complete exhilaration. The adrenalin pumping through his body made hair sprout

out on the back of his neck and his claws extend. Evan was slumped beside him, the only

movement the rapid rise and fall of his chest. When Brett started to shift, he suddenly opened big

blue eyes to gaze directly at Evan.

He didn’t react at all for about three seconds, and then it hit him—he was alone in his car

with a big, bad wolf already about a quarter way through a shift, and it seemed to be the last

straw for him. He startled violently, unsnapping his seat belt and shying away from Brett as far

as he could. He probably would have jumped from the car had Brett not been using the child-

proof locks. When he saw he couldn’t get out, he backed up against the door as far as he could

and stared wild eyed at Brett.

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Brett tried his best to force his wolf back down. He couldn’t speak very well when he was

shifting, so he stayed silent, concentrating on calming down until he felt his claws retracting.

Finally, he felt as if he could articulate normally and turned toward Evan, who was clearly

panicked and almost in shock.

“Settle down, baby,” Brett said, keeping his voice steady and low-pitched. “I’m not going to

hurt you.”

Evan simply kept staring at him, his breathing ragged and harsh. He wet his lips, looking as

if he wanted to say something. At first nothing came out, and Brett winced, cursing himself for

not knowing his own strength when dealing with him. He must have hurt his throat. It had been

so long since he’d been this intimate with a human he’d forgotten how fragile they could be.

Evan tried again, and this time his voice came out, though hoarse and slightly cracked.

“You already did. W-where are you taking me?”

“Don’t be scared. I’m taking you to the wolf pack.”

Evan’s big blue eyes opened even wider than Brett thought possible. “Just let me go, okay?

Please—put me out here on the side of the road, and I won’t tell them anything. Just let me go!”

Brett could see he was quickly becoming hysterical, so he pulled him away from the door

and slid Evan over toward him. “Calm down, damn it,” he said sternly. “I told you I’m not going

to hurt you again.”

“Let me go, Brett.”

“What the hell are you talking about? You’re my mate. I told you I’d never let you go!”

Even though his back was now pressed against the seat instead of the door, Evan was clearly

a wreck. His hands were clenched so tightly they were white, and his eyes were wide and staring.

Brett must have scared him more than he’d thought when they made their escape. Of course, it

hadn’t helped that he’d seen him as less than human for the first time.

His voice came again, this time speaking to him like he was some kind of beast he was

trying to calm. “I helped you, remember? I wasn’t the one who hurt you, Brett. If you’ll let me

go, I swear I won’t say anything. Just stop the car.”

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“I’m not going to kill you, damn it!” Brett yelled at him and he watched Evan shut his eyes

tightly and bite his lower lip. “Please, baby, be calm. Of course I remember,” he said softly,

cursing himself for losing his patience. He was scaring him pretty badly. He had to remind Evan

of his earlier feelings. And he really needed to feed him again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Evan’s hand snaking slowly down toward his boot. It

occurred to Brett he might have a weapon hidden in that boot.

“Evan,” he said, trying to defuse the situation, “why are you so scared of me? I know you

saw me partly shifted, but you know who I am. It was all that adrenalin, honey. I’m back now,

and I won’t shift again. I promise. I told you I won’t hurt you, sweetheart. I’m your mate.” Brett

glanced over at him. “You weren’t so scared of me before, back at the complex.”

Evan was silent, biting his lower lip and looking down. His hand continued to move

downward whenever he thought Brett’s attention wasn’t on him.

“Talk to me, Evan. What’s changed?”

“You weren’t an animal back at the complex—I forgot for a while what you are.”

“Oh? What I am?”

“A fucking werewolf!” He shuddered and cast another frightened glance over at Brett. His

hand had reached his boot, and now swung upward wildly, holding a wicked looking

switchblade. Brett’s reflexes were lightning fast. His hand flashed out and struck Evan’s wrist,

knocking the knife and Evan’s wrist away at the same time, causing Evan to cry out and clutch

his wrist to his chest his face filled with pain, while Brett fought for control of the car. Brett

cursed loudly. He had miscalculated his strength again. Damn it! He’d wind up hurting his own

mate if he wasn’t more careful with him.

A road was coming up to the left—or more of a grassy track, really, leading off up the

mountain. Brett suddenly turned off the headlights and veered into the small, deeply rutted path.

Evan cried out in fear and bounced on the front seat, grasping desperately with his good hand at

the dash. Brett drove up the track at what must have seemed a breakneck speed to Evan.

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Actually, wolves could see quite well in the dark, and he knew every crook of this trail. He was

aware of Evan ricocheting back and forth from the back of his seat to the dash, crying out in

alarm. Brett threw out his arm protectively to hold him in the seat. He pulled the car over and cut

the engine, turned in his seat and hauled Evan roughly into his arms.

Evan’s face was right up against his, and Brett briefly registered how terrified he looked

before he bent his head and took his lips in a searing kiss. He thrust his tongue inside Evan’s

mouth, sweeping it over his lips and the inside of his mouth, teasing with his teeth, holding him

there until Evan went limp in his arms.

He allowed him to fall back against his arm then and look up at him with glazed-over eyes.

“I’m sorry I hurt you! Let me see it.” He pulled Evan’s wrist toward him and felt around it

as gently as he could. “Damn, it’s bruised pretty badly, sweetheart, but it’s not broken. Still, I’d

like to get you to one of our doctors right away.”

He bent down and kissed his wrist, then turned to his lips, licking at them until they fell

open. He whispered into his mouth. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I forget

sometimes how fragile humans can be.”

Evan closed his eyes. “It hurts like hell, damn it! And what do you mean, fragile?” He

struggled a little to get away, but Brett’s arms were like steel bands around him. He slumped in

defeat and moaned a little.

“Take off your shirt.”


“Take off your shirt. I have to make a sling for your wrist.” He opened the car door and

dragged Evan’s unresisting body along with him, leaning him up against the car. Evan took it off

awkwardly, using only one hand and handed it over to Brett. Brett tore it in a long strip to make a

sling. “This trail plays out up ahead, so I have to run with you for a while. Hook this around

your neck and put your wrist in.”

Evan followed his directions sullenly, his lips white with pain. “We’ll be going pretty fast,

so just close your eyes and hang on. When we get to the top of this hill there’s a small cave I

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know about and we’ll stop to rest for a while. I can’t take the time to do anything for you right

now in case they’re after us. Hang on, baby.” He bent down and kissed his lips again. Evan

didn’t pull away, but he closed his eyes and flinched. Brett pulled him closer.

“Don’t flinch away from me.” He bent Evan back across the hood of the car, taking him

down until his feet were off the ground and he hung suspended by Brett’s weight. Brett ground

his erection against him. “You’re mine now, Evan. I will touch you whenever I want.


Evan nodded slightly, a frown still creasing his brow, but Brett let him down to stand on his

feet. “Okay, I know you’ll hate this, but I have to carry you. You’d never be able to keep up.” He

swept him up in his arms and began to climb, concentrating on the terrain around him, comforted

by the smaller, warm body in his arms. Evan strained away from him as he climbed rapidly up

the hill, and though Brett could still feel his heartbeat racing, he seemed to have calmed down

marginally, at least. Whenever Brett held him close in his arms, he seemed to be calmer, even

though he knew he was angry and frightened, trying not to show it. Okay, he was pissed because

of his wrist. Not surprising, and not a problem either. He hated for him to be in pain, even

temporarily, but as soon as he got him somewhere safe, he would feed him so he would heal

more quickly. As a matter of fact, he planned on biting his wrist when they stopped to rest. It

would provide a temporary pain relief.

The night air on the mountain became cooler as they climbed, and he snuggled Evan closer

to his body for warmth. Soon they’d be at the cave he remembered near the top of the mountain.

He could already hear the stream splashing against the rocks leading up to the little falls near the

cave. He headed toward the stream now, shallow enough that it only came up to his knees. After

moving along in the water for about twenty minutes, he came out onto the bank some ways

upstream, hoping it would be enough to throw off any dogs they might set on their trail.

Evan had roused when they walked through the stream, and Brett was aware of him gazing

steadily up at his face with curiosity and something else. Fear? Anger? He couldn’t quite figure

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out all the emotions the young man was feeling yet. Brett already felt a strong mating bond with

him, but it wouldn’t be fully forged for a couple of days. Once they’d fully bonded, he would be

able to read every emotion, even read his mind at short distances. He glanced down at his pretty

face once to make sure he was okay and saw that he was still fairly calm. Once he got him to the

privacy of the cave, he’d explain things to him. He hoped Evan would forgive him for scaring

him so badly.

He hoped he wasn’t still having second thoughts because of his training as a Hunter. Brett

wasn’t sure how he’d come to be a Hunter, but he wouldn’t hold it against him. He hadn’t always

felt that way. As a matter of fact, when he first learned his mate was a Hunter, he’d been furious

and vowed to live alone the rest of his life rather than take him on. His alpha, Marco, had merely

shaken his head at him.

“You won’t be able to do it. You won’t even be able to stay away from him for long. The

magic in the blood match is strong. You’ll only wind up making yourself miserable. Go see him

again. Try to talk to him and see what kind of a man he is. If you condemn him just because he’s

a Hunter, then you’re no better than they are.”

Brett ran a hand through his hair miserably. “It’s not only the fact that he’s a Hunter, Marco.

He’s human too! I never wanted anything to do much with humans, you know that. No offense

intended to Nicky, but all the human pets seem a little crazy to me. Unpredictable, ill-mannered,

defiant—they can’t settle into life as a Werekin very well, and it only causes problems for any

wolf who tries to tame them.”

He glanced sideways at his alpha, hoping he hadn’t said too much. It hadn’t been long since

Marco and his human mate, Nicky, had reconciled after Nicky and Ian’s mate, Logan, ran away

and hid out for two weeks. They’d almost been captured by Hunters and had worried their mates

half to death. Since then, a lot of changes had been made to allow the pets more freedom. Some

of the human pets were even being trained in various support positions in their small army. Even

with all the changes there were still loud, contentious arguments between Marco and Nicky

regularly, usually followed by even louder sex.

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Marco smiled at his gamma. “Yes, Brett, humans are unpredictable. Definitely ill-mannered

and defiant, or at least Nicky is. They’re also loyal, brave, beautiful and passionate. Not a bad

trade-off, all things considered. Go see your human up close before you make a decision. Talk to

him. Give him a chance. You owe it to yourself, because without a doubt he’s also the love of

your life.”

Brett made a dismissive sound, but nodded his agreement to try. He’d come down to

Brevard to see his blood mate the next day. He’d been almost arrogant, thinking that he must

have overestimated his attraction. No one could look that good and smell so sweet. It was

impossible. When he found that Evan had moved into the Hunter compound, and there was no

way of getting in to find him, he’d been surprised at how furious he’d felt, and how determined

he was to get him back.

He could hear the roar of the small falls as they neared the cave, and he set Evan down on

his feet to shimmy out of his jeans. Brett nodded at Evan’s jeans. “Better take those off and roll

them up in a tight bundle. We have to go behind the falls and the spray will wet you clean

through. When we get inside there you’ll want some dry pants, because it might be cool.”

Evan stepped back and instinctively raised his hands. “No, I’m not taking off my jeans. I’ll

just take my chances.”

“Oh for God’s sake, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked. Take them off, or I’ll do it for

you. Stop acting like some stupid little virgin.”

“Then stop treating me like one! All right, I’ll take them off, but because I’ve changed my

mind and I think it’s a good idea. Not because you tell me to, or because I’m scared of you.”

Brett simply stared at him with an unreadable expression on his face and waited.

Evan tightened his lips, toed off his shoes and jerked angrily at the button on his jeans,

awkwardly trying to push them down with one hand. Brett made a sound of impatience and

pulled his pants down and helped him step out of them. He pulled off the makeshift sling and

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stood looking him up and down when he had him naked before shoving both his own jeans and

Evan’s clothes into his hands.

“Try to hold them close and tucked under your body so they won’t get so wet. I’ll take us up

as fast as I can.” He picked him up, threw him over his shoulder and took off up the hill,

climbing to the cave.

The stream came from farther up the mountain and where it cascaded down the hill, a

rockfall sometime in the past had left only a small hole for the water to flow through. It had

created a small waterfall as the water rushed through and hit the rocks below. To get to the small

cave, they had to pass right by this cascade and the spray would totally soak them.

Brett climbed steadily up the jagged rocks to reach the small opening of the cave. Once

inside, Brett put Evan back on his feet and began to gather some dry twigs and wood left in the

far back corner by previous visitors. This was a spot well known to the wolves, and they often

spent the night here if they were caught out late on the trails. He snatched up his jeans, finding

them only a little damp, pulled them on, and then got a fire started. After a few minutes he sat

back on his heels to watch Evan. He had put on his jeans too, and now knelt by the scant blaze,

holding out his one good hand and shivering slightly. Brett was pretty sure Evan was aware of

his steady regard, but refused to look up at him directly. As Brett watched, he cradled his wrist to

his body, his face white with pain.

He stood up and walked over to him. “Stand up, Evan. Please.”

Evan stood and looked at him nervously. Very slowly, so as not to spook him, Brett reached

out and took his wrist. “When I was in the cell, I yearned for you, you know. Every minute. And

when you came in the door and took care of me, I was so grateful. When you fed me, and put

medicine on my back, I wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms and show you how

grateful I felt. Let me help you now, Evan. This might hurt a little, but I only want to help.”

Evan looked confused, staring up at Brett as he slowly brought his wrist to his mouth.

Quickly, before Evan could react, Brett sank his teeth into his wrist, fastening onto it as Evan

screamed in fright and pain, sinking to his knees and trying his best to twist away. Brett followed

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him to the floor of the cave. He knew he was scaring Evan again, but this was the only way he

knew to help ease the pain. He pulled his teeth out and licked the marks while Evan panted for


“You bastard!” Evan was furious, his face deep red with outrage.

Brett looked down at him calmly before he spoke. “In a minute, your wrist will be numb.

Can you feel it working?” Brett waited until he finally nodded sullenly. “Good. It’s all I could do

to help, baby. When I get you to the pack, the doctor can look at it. Now you’re going to drink

some of my blood, so it will heal quickly.” He reached out with one finger and ran it along his

cheek. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Evan said, nodding. He gave Brett a searing glance. “But I don’t want to drink your

damn blood. I’ll just take my chances.”

“I don’t remember giving you an option. Why in hell are you acting like this? Are you

scared of me?”

“Do you blame me?” He put his uninjured hand over his face and sighed. “Since I woke up,

you’ve threatened me, choked me, hurt my wrist and now bitten the hell out of me. Damn right

you scare me!”

Brett smiled down at Evan, aware his heart was still racing, though it was slowing down.

“I only did those things to make the guards believe I hated you and would kill you if I had

to. I had to make it look good.”

“Well, you succeeded. I sure as hell believed you.”

Brett folded his legs and sank down beside him, picking him up and pulling his legs around

him so they wrapped around his waist, bringing their bodies together and making Evan sit in his

lap. Evan pushed back against his chest with his good hand, but soon realized it was futile. He

gave up and sagged in his arms, his head dropping down against Brett’s chest.

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Brett loved the feel of his sweet body so close to his. He rubbed his hands along Evan’s back

and tenderly kissed his neck as he trembled. He bent lower to whisper in his ear. “I’m sorry I

scared you, darlin’. I love you.”

Evan raised his gaze and whispered back. His voice was almost frantic. “Oh hell, I love you

too. Is it because of that thing in my blood, like the doctors said? What the fuck am I going to

do? ”

A little laugh was startled right out of Brett’s throat. “What are you going to do?” He rubbed

little circles across his back. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I don’t know what to do! I can’t be in love with a wolf. I can’t! And now I’ve let

you mate with me! What the fuck am I doing? I must be crazy!” He shuddered and dropped his

head down on Brett’s chest. “Shit! What’s wrong with me?”

Brett was actually at a loss. He decided to stay quiet and let him calm down a little.

Continuing to rub his back, he kissed him on the sides of his neck, making him arch his back and

moan. His cock strained against his jeans and rubbed on Brett’s stomach and Evan squirmed to

get comfortable sitting on Brett’s now-rigid cock.

“There’s nothing wrong with you at all. You’re just about perfect as far as I can tell.

Sweetheart, I’m not sure what’s going on in your head, but let me feed you and calm you down



“I’m not asking permission, sweetheart.” Ignoring his protests, Brett bit into his wrist and

pressed it to Evan’s lips. He tried to twist away for a few moments but Brett followed his every

move with his wrist. Huffing in defeat, Evan allowed Brett to put his wrist to his mouth. He

latched onto it and soon closed his eyes to suck.

Brett watched him as his eyelids fluttered again, and he became intoxicated with the blood.

Evan moved his hand down to the bulge in his jeans and rubbed his hand against his erection.

Smiling, Brett unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper, pulling Evan’s cock free. It

sprang forward, a dark red color, with a beautiful blue vein throbbing up its length. Brett pushed

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Evan’s hand away and concentrated on it himself using long, slow strokes that made Evan hump

against his hand. Brett rubbed his thumb over the sensitive head and dipped down into his slit,

smearing pre-cum all over the head and down the velvety smooth skin. Evan sucked harder,

making Brett’s own cock throb and ache.

Brett increased his speed and Evan sucked even harder, the blood dripping out around the

corners of his mouth as he tried to take too much in. Soon Brett would have to pull away, but for

now, he wanted Evan to come all over his hand. “Come for me, sweetheart. You know you want

to. Come, baby.”

Evan’s head fell back and he screamed as he came, shooting cum all over his stomach and

lap as well as Brett’s. “Yell out my name, baby, because I’m the only man you’ll ever be with

again. C’mon, honey, give it up for me.”

Teasing him, Brett stroked and milked his cock for every last drop.

“Brett! Oh my God, Brett, please!” he yelled hoarsely, more than a little drunk with the

blood and the pleasure. The movement of Brett’s hand over his softening cock must have been

almost painful now.

“Please what, darlin’? No, I’m still not feeling it. Who do you love baby?”

“Uhn, you! Please!”

“Since you ask so nicely...”

Evan collapsed on Brett’s chest as he crooned to Evan and kissed his neck, sucking in the

skin and bringing up a blood blister, marking and claiming him as his own.

Evan was already sleeping deeply when he laid him down on the floor of the cave and went

outside. The moon was riding high in the night sky, casting its silver light on the water and the

rocks. He needed to shift to help his own healing and also to hunt. He hadn’t eaten much in the

days he’d been captive. The only food that had been palatable to him had been Evan’s

sandwiches and the food the doctor had managed to bring in to him. He crouched down on the

ground and let himself shift to his wolf. He sprang from the rocks and ran into the woods, feeling

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the strength and the power flowing through his body. He felt exhilarated. He looked up and saw

the full moon. Perfect! He had done it! He’d gone into the lion’s den, found his mate and claimed

him. A surge of sheer sexual power ran through his body, and he put back his head and howled.

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Chapter Four

“Damn good to see you, man!” Casey slapped Brett on the back and pumped his hand in

greeting. “We got a little worried that it was taking too long. Thought we’d have to break in there

and bring you back out.”

Brett snorted. “No problem, Casey. I was practically on vacation in there.”

Casey, Brett had told Evan, was the battle commander of the North Carolina Dark Hollow

Pack. Like most of the wolves he was big and handsome. He laughed out loud at Brett’s

swagger. Casey looked to the man Brett held tightly by the hand. “This must be Evan.” He

looked him up and down. “Very nice to meet you, Evan. Welcome to our home.” He turned and

gestured behind him to a smaller man, standing quietly by his side. “This is my mate, Rory.”

A cute young man with curly brown hair stepped forward. Like the other wolves, he was

muscular and well built, but not so tall. He was more human-sized, like Evan. His eyes were kind

as he smiled at Evan. “I know this is all new for you. Let us know if we can help you with


Evan held out his hand to shake hands with him, but Rory shook his head slightly and

stepped back. Brett pulled his hand down. “No, Evan. You don’t touch the other wolves.”

Evan felt confused. What? No touching? He felt like a child whose hand had been slapped.

He flushed when Brett looked back up apologetically to Casey and Rory. “Sorry.”

Rory waved his hand. “No problem. Brett, would you let him come with me to find him

some clothes, or would you feel more comfortable with one of the pets taking care of him?”

Brett shifted his feet uncomfortably. “Uh, he’s still pretty nervous. Maybe...”

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Casey laughed out loud at the expression on Brett’s face. “No worries, Brett. I know exactly

how you feel.” He put his arm around Rory’s waist and pulled him to his side. “I didn’t want my

mate out of my sight for weeks.”

Evan was fascinated to see the color rising in Rory’s cheeks. Was he blushing? A wolf?

Brett made a dismissive noise. “It’s not that. I’m tired, that’s all. I want to get a little rest,

and then later this afternoon I can deal with his clothes.”

“Sure, no problem. You can use the guest room until we can make you a new assignment.

You can’t very well keep him in the barracks. Rory and I have to go out to the training field, but

Marco will be home soon. He took Nicky down to buy art supplies.” Casey nodded to Evan.

“Nice to meet you, Evan.” He looked back up at Brett. “Very sweet for a Hunter, Brett. You

have him almost trained already.” He waved, taking Rory by the arm and leaving by the front


Quietly fuming, Evan pulled Brett around to face him. “Trained? Is he kidding? What a


A melodious voice behind them made Evan whirl around. “He is a big jerk—always has

been. He doesn’t mean anything by it, though. He just can’t help himself. Don’t let him bother

you.” Standing near a back entrance was a handsome young blond, his blue eyes twinkling. He

was wearing almost sinfully tight black leather pants and a black T-shirt. Next to him, a large

wolf, darkly handsome, was loaded down with canvasses and packages.

“Hi, I’m Nicky. I’m the mate of the alpha, Marco.” The young blond stepped forward,

holding out his hand. “You must be Evan.”

Evan shook his hand hesitantly, glancing up at Brett to see if he reacted to his touching this

young man, but he was smiling and greeting the other wolf. What the hell?

Nicky, sensing his confusion, lowered his voice conspiratorially. “It’s because Rory and

Casey are both wolves, so pets can’t touch them and vice versa. It’s okay for me, because I’m

another pet. Stupid wolf rules.”

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Evan laughed, a little startled by the candidness of the young man. His mate, the alpha of the

pack, apparently, stepped up beside him, having put down all the packages. “Nicky, I’m going to

want to have a word with you about your attitude this morning, just as soon as I have a chance.”

He gave the young blond a stern look and Evan watched in fascination as the young man

dropped his gaze, looked up through his lashes and said, “Yes, Marco, I’m sorry.”

The big, handsome wolf turned to Evan. “I’m Marco, Evan, and I see Nicky has already

introduced himself. I know this must all be confusing to you, and you both look exhausted. I’m

glad to see you both in one piece. I must admit I was worried about this scheme of yours, Brett.”

Brett smiled. “As you see, we’re fine, and I took my little man here right out from under

their noses.”

As Marco and Brett laughed, Evan and Nicky exchanged glances over the “little man”

remark. Nicky’s rolled eyes and look of disgust when the two wolves weren’t looking had Evan

trying desperately to hold back his laughter. Nicky looked Evan up and down and drew him off

to the side while Brett was still conversing with Marco. “You look ready to drop. Make him give

you some real food to eat, and I’ll send up some clothes for you. We have jeans and leathers—

whichever you prefer. I think Brett is pretty old school so he may want you in leathers.” He

looked down at his wrist. It didn’t hurt anymore, but Evan still held it at an odd angle next to his

chest. “What’s wrong with your wrist?”

“Brett hurt it.”

At Nicky’s look of outrage, Evan smiled again. “It was my fault, really. I pulled a knife on

him, and he was trying to knock it out of my hand. He forgot his own strength—he didn’t mean

to do it.”

Nicky turned around and addressed Marco. “Evan needs to see the doctor, Marco. His wrist

may be broken.” He looked pointedly at Brett. “Seems Evan didn’t quite get out in one piece

after all.”

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Brett tightened his lips. “Sorry, Evan, of course you need to see the doctor right away, but

it’s not broken. Just bruised.” He looked pointedly at Nicky until again, Nicky dropped his gaze.

“I’ve apologized over and over for it.” Brett said, taking Evan’s arm and nodding to Marco.

“We’ll see you later this afternoon, sir. If you’ll excuse us, I need to get Evan downstairs.”

“Of course.”

“I’ll take him,” Nicky said. “I promise I’ll bring him right back to your room, Brett, after the

doctor looks at it.”

He took Evan’s other arm, and Brett looked for a moment like he might get into a tug of war

with the alpha’s pet, but finally he dropped his hand and smiled tightly. “Thank you, Nicky. Very

nice of you.”

Nicky drew Evan away, and Evan couldn’t stop himself from looking back over his shoulder

a bit longingly at Brett, who seemed a bit tense and nervous watching Nicky lead Evan away.

Nicky took Evan down a flight of stairs to a large corridor with rooms opening off each side.

Evan looked around himself in wonder. “I had no idea this place was so huge. It’s more like

a big hotel than a lodge. That big room upstairs is massive.”

Nicky smiled and looked around at him. “It is big, isn’t it? I forget what it must look like to

newcomers. We’ve had to add on a lot this past year or so. All the smaller branches of the pack

have come together and moved in here because of the Hunter threat.” They came to a small door

marked Clinic and Nicky took him inside. An older man came forward to greet them and

examine Evan’s wrist.

He made Evan get up on the examining table, pronounced the wrist a little sprained, but

already healing and then turned away to go find a wrap for it in a large store room off the

examining room.

Nicky, who’d been leaning against the wall, watching curiously, now came over to sit near

Evan. “You know, Evan, Brett seems to be a lot like Marco and Casey and all the other wolves in

this pack. Old school.”

“Yeah, you said that once before. What does that mean?”

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Nicky leaned back in his chair. “Most wolves are old-fashioned and domineering. They like

their pets nice and submissive. When I first came here a little over two years ago, Marco hauled

me around on a leash.”

“Will Brett try to do that to me? I’d hate that!”

Nicky smiled. “The leash? No, they don’t do it anymore. I put a stop to most of that, at least.

He might want to collar you. Some people like it, and others hate it. Doesn’t much matter,

because it’s up to your wolf. They used to have some ideas about mates going feral if they

weren’t controlled and restrained. They don’t do that anymore, unless, of course, your wolf is

old-fashioned.” He looked at Evan with interest. “All the wolves are a little dominant by nature.

Sometimes they get really lucky and their blood mate turns out to be a submissive.” He

shrugged. “At least in the bedroom. Nature is kind to them, I guess. I must admit, I am a bit

submissive myself at times, but just not all the time, like my wolf wants me to be.” He laughed a

little and ran his fingers around his neck. He wasn’t currently wearing any kind of collar, but

Evan wondered if he didn’t wear one at private times with his wolf.

“The collar is more of a warning to other wolves that you’re taken,” Nicky continued. “It’s

a pride thing for them. Like I said, they’re all very controlling, but it’s just a big bluff. Brett

won’t hurt you—he couldn’t, even if he wanted to. Of course, like with your wrist, they don’t

always know their own strength. So you have to set some hard limits with him. Especially if you

like to play it a little, shall we say, rough in the bedroom.”

At the look of horror on Evan’s face, Nicky laughed. “Marco and I had some issues last year

and again just a couple of months ago. He’s been tightening up on me a little lately. That little

remark he made about having ‘a word’ with me. That’s code for he’s probably going to spank

my ass for me later on tonight.”

“Oh God,” Evan said, laughing and blushing furiously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll probably love every minute of it. It’s just sexual play for us. I’m sorry, I

don’t mean to be too blunt, but I wish I’d had someone to talk to when I first came. Look, I’m

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telling you this, because you can expect it to be the same for you. I’m crazy about Marco and

he’s really good to me—protective, and sweet, and gives me whatever I want. Still, he’s the boss,

or so I let him think.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

Nicky rolled his eyes. “Tell me about it. I ran away a couple months ago to prove a point to


“Did it work?”

“Yes and no,” Nicky grinned. “I got some of what I was asking for, but I’ve kind of been on

lockdown ever since. He’s tightened way up with me in other ways since then.”


“Look, don’t be scared of Brett. I can see how crazy he is about you, and he’d never hurt

you on purpose. It’s like ingrained in their DNA or something. He won’t harm his mate. Not

really. You might get a spanking or two—actually they can be kind of hot.” He winked at Evan,

and Evan had to laugh at him again. “Just remember that you’re dealing with a very dominating

personality. They can take some teasing, and Lord knows I’ve been an awful brat at times, but be

careful. Don’t push him too far. I’ve made that mistake with Marco in the past.”

The doctor returned with a type of tight bandage and wrapped it around his wrist, gave him

some instructions and let him get down from the table. The wrap was lightweight and actually

felt pretty good on his wrist, giving it extra support.

As they walked back down the hall, Nicky nodded toward it. “You won’t have to wear it

long. Their blood gives us fast healing abilities. Just one of the perks.”

“Are there others?” Evan realized his tone sounded a bit bitter, and he blushed. Nicky

stopped and turned to him, looking amazed at the question.

“Oh hell, yes. I probably said too much, but I wanted you to understand. Despite everything,

wolves are gorgeous and sweet, and wonderful lovers. Hell, they’re hot as fuck, as I’m sure

you’ve noticed. Wolves mate for life, and he’ll love you more than anyone ever has. You love

Brett, don’t you?”

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“I feel—I feel like I have to be with him, and God knows I’m attracted to him. I only

wonder if it’s just the chemicals from the bite and the blood.”

Nicky regarded him curiously. “You’re overthinking this. Maybe because of your Hunter

background. When Logan first came, he felt the same way.”

“Logan Winters? So he really is still alive?”

“Of course. I told you, Evan, they’d never hurt us. They love us too much. Just be patient

with Brett, and he’ll come around. You really hold the majority of the power, you know. Most

subs do, regardless of what it looks to the outside world. The wolves spend all their time just

trying to make us safe and happy.”

“And controlled...”

Nicky smiled. “That too.”

Smiling, he led Evan upstairs and then to a long hallway off the large main area. “First door

on the left is the guest room. Brett’s probably already in there. If not, have a shower and relax.

I’ll have those clothes sent over if Marco hasn’t already taken care of it. See you tonight at


Evan opened the door and went in, seeing Brett stretched out on the bed already, half asleep.

He roused when Evan came in and held out a hand to him. Evan went over to sit beside him and

Brett took his wrist and gently inspected it. He kissed it and looked up at Evan soberly. “I’m so

sorry I hurt your wrist, sweetheart. Even if you were about to skewer me with that wicked little

switchblade of yours.”

Evan smiled and lowered his head. “I wouldn’t have cut you. I only wanted to make you let

me go.” He reached out and ran a finger along Brett’s bare chest. “I think I’m glad you didn’t.”

Brett pulled his head down for a kiss. “If you had really wanted to leave, I’d have taken you

back. It would have killed me, but I’d have taken you.”

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“I don’t want to leave you, Brett. Not ever.” He leaned over and kissed his lips, and sighed.

“Can I get my things from the barracks? Like my laptop and my iPod and clothes and stuff? You

said you could get in there if you needed to.”

“Yeah, if we need to, but that’s too great a risk just for your stuff. I’ll buy you some new

clothes and a new iPod, and whatever else you want. Ashville’s not too far from here, and we

can go up there and get whatever you need, okay? No computers, though. Or cell phones. You

can use the computer in the common areas, because they’re censored, but until Winters backs off

a little, we’re keeping a low profile online.”

“But my parents will be worried about me!”

“Write them a letter and I’ll get it sent off right away.”

“A letter? Snail mail? Why can’t I have my cell phone? Damn it, it’s like the fucking Dark

Ages around here. My mom will want to talk to me...besides, the Hunters know where your

lodge is located. It’s not exactly top secret.”

“They know where we are, but not our numbers or where we have our traps set up, or what

kind of munitions we have, or who our contacts are in Brevard. They try to raid us all the time,

but why do you think we’re still here? Because of our safeguards and our rules. They’re in place

for a reason. No, I’m sorry, honey, but it’s the best I can do for you right now. When things get a

little better, I’ll take you to see your parents if you want, but not for a while. For now, just send

the letter and your mom can write you back if she wants.”

“Damn, I feel like a prisoner.” He caught an intense gaze from Brett and flushed a bit. “I’m

sorry. I love you, and I don’t want to leave. It’s just that it’s all so new and strange.”

“I know it’s a lot to get used to, honey, but give it a chance. Lie down here beside me and

rest until dinnertime. We’ve both been through a lot in the past day or so. You’ll feel better about

things once you’ve settled in.”

Evan allowed himself to be pulled down beside Brett, but he wasn’t too sure about getting

used to things and feeling better about them in a few days. As a matter of fact, he already felt a

little stir crazy. Brett rolled over and put a heavy leg across his thighs and snuggled his face into

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Evan’s neck. His lips brushed softly against his throat. A feeling of such passion and love for the

man swept over him that it left him a little shaken. Well, damn.

He snuggled in a little closer to Brett, feeling Brett’s large erection brushing his thighs.

Maybe he could get used to some of it after all.

* * * *

“I’m going to help Logan with the self-defense training for the other pets. Please, Brett.

Marco has approved the training, and it’s for the good of the pets. I’m going to go crazy sitting

around here doing nothing all day.”

Brett folded his arms over his chest and frowned. “So if you’ve made up your mind, I guess

it doesn’t matter what I think about it.”

Evan stood his ground, glaring back at Brett, only dropping his gaze when it became clear

Brett was growing more irritated. “Of course it matters! Please, Brett. I don’t want to fight with

you over this, but I don’t want to sit at home like your little bitch.”

Brett drew back, astonishment on his face. “I never said that! I never treated you like my

bitch, for God’s sake!”

“No? What about how you acted when I got that letter from Eric last week?”

Brett pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes, saying nothing.

When Evan sent his mother a letter letting her know he was okay and telling her where he

was, he got back two replies, one from his mother and one from his former lover, Eric. Brett had

been furious, throwing the letters down on the sofa beside him and glaring down at him.

“Who the fuck is Eric?”

“What?” The name still made him flinch a little, and of course Brett picked up on that


“Who is he? What is he to you? Where the fuck do you know him from? Why is he writing to


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“Wait a minute, Brett, give me a chance to answer! He’s an old boyfriend and I have no

idea why he’s writing to me.”

“Open it. I know you’re dying to find out.”

“You mean you’re dying to find out.” He blushed a little when Brett growled low in his

throat. “Please calm down. I don’t want to open it with you looming over me. Go sit over there

on the chair and I’ll see why he’s writing.”

With a long, warning glare in his direction, Brett went over to the chair and plopped down

in it, leaning forward a little.

Evan shook his head, by now used to these little displays every time another man so much as

looked at him. He’d found it best to try and ignore Brett until he finally realized what an ass he

was being and apologized, wanting make-up sex. This was the tactic Evan was using now.

He opened his mother’s letter first and read it eagerly, scanning over it to see if his family

had suffered any retaliation of any kind from the Hunters. They were fine, if worried about him,

and his mother was full of questions about when she could meet this new man in his life and

whether or not he was being treated well. Apparently the Hunters had notified her of his

“kidnapping” and made her think he was in the hands of a killer, so her relief at knowing he was

fine came through loud and clear, with only a hint of skepticism. She told him she’d feel better

when she could talk to him and see him in person so she could make sure he wasn’t being

coerced to say he was all right.

While Evan was reading his mother’s letter, he was aware that Brett was fuming and

fidgeting around in his chair. He had to admit he loved the fact that Brett was so damn jealous of

him. Eric had never seemed to care much one way or the other. Evan sort of enjoyed making

Brett suffer just a little, but he knew he was pushing it a bit. Later, when Brett took him to bed,

Brett always made sure to leave no doubt in his mind about exactly whom he belonged to.

Deliberately dragging it out as long as he could to make his man suffer, he took another sip

of his soda before finally opening the letter from Eric. Evan could almost feel the waves of fury

emanating off Brett.

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“What do you mean by an old boyfriend? In high school? Or more recently? Was he your


“Yes, Brett, he was my lover up until about six months before you and I met. I did have a life

before that, you know. I wasn’t a monk. Eric and I were together for about a year and then he

cheated on me.”

“So he left you? Does that mean you still have feelings for him?”

“No, baby, I don’t have feelings for him at all. As intense as you are, I don’t have room in

my head for anybody but you.”

“You’d better not,” Brett mumbled, still glaring across at him as he read his letter. The

letter only expressed concern for him, saying he’d read in the newspapers that he’d been

kidnapped by some kind of homegrown terrorists, and was so relieved when he’d called Evan’s

mother, and she’d told him the truth. He gave him his new cell phone number and asked him to

call. He hinted that he had an exciting new job, and he’d love to tell him all about it.

Evan looked up from the letter and over at Brett. His handsome face was creased with

worry. “What is it? What did he say?”

Evan tossed the letter over to him, not wanting to cause him any more pain. “Nothing, love.

Nothing at all. Read it for yourself, and then throw it in the trash. I have no interest in his phone

number or anything else he has to say. You have nothing to be jealous about, and you know it.”

Brett caught the letter, jammed it in his pocket and came over to wrap his arms around

Evan. “I’m sorry—I guess I can be a little jealous sometimes.”

Evan laughed out loud. “You think?”

“I’m just so crazy about you—I can’t get enough of you, no matter how many times we make

love. I love you so much, baby.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.” He put his head back and let Brett claim his mouth. Brett

pushed him down on the sofa and started pulling at his jeans. Evan smiled, knowing Brett had to

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reclaim his mate whenever his jealous rages overcame him. Since Evan usually got fucked into

the nearest available surface whenever that happened, he wasn’t complaining too much.

Brett pulled his own jeans down, freeing his cock and pressing it against the length of

Evan’s. He bent to push Evan’s mouth open, scraping his teeth against his mate’s hot tongue.

Brett pushed Evan’s shirt up and began working his nipples, one at a time, licking and biting.

His hand moved down to massage Evan’s balls, not roughly, but not exactly gentle. Their cocks

continued to rub together, driving Evan wild with desire.

All of Evan’s senses felt filled up with Brett. His mouth was being attacked, his cock

stimulated and his balls still being massaged by Brett’s talented fingers. He felt like he was

drowning in a flood of sensations.

Brett pulled his head back from Evan’s mouth long enough to whisper, “Lube?” It took

Evan a couple of seconds to process what he was asking, and then he nodded. “Um, on the end

table, I think, where you left it last night.”

Brett reared up and reached behind him, finding it and squeezing some onto his fingers. He

began to rub it over his cock, knowing Evan was watching, taking his time. He bent down and

lifted Evan’s leg, setting his calf on his shoulder. He leaned in then and spread the lube slowly

over Evan’s sensitive skin. He slipped in one finger, teasing it in and out as Evan bit back a


“Feel good, darlin’? Right there? Hmmm? How’s that?”

“God, Brett,” Evan groaned hoarsely. “Are you going to fuck me or talk me to death?”

“Maybe a little of both if you don’t watch that smart mouth.” Brett chuckled and pushed in

another finger deeply, working it in and out. Evan flinched at the invasion of two fingers, and

Brett pressed up, searching for his sweet spot again. He found it and Evan arched up with a deep

guttural sound.

“Gettin’ tight again, sweetheart. I might have to make you wear that plug again for me.” He

slid his fingers in and out at the same time he palmed Evan’s cock, drawing his hand down over

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the length. He slid his thumb over the slit and Evan began to spurt, straining for breath and

coming all over Brett’s chest and his own stomach.

Brett milked Evan’s orgasm, pumping his cock with his other hand as he guided his cock to

his entrance and slid inside. His cock went in deep at the first thrust, then slowed down, sliding

all the way in with a slow stroke and then pulling back out, setting up a rhythm that drove Evan

crazy. “Harder. Do it!” Evan urged him, and after only a few strokes, Brett came with a deep

groan, pulling Evan closer and then collapsing on top of him.

He lay there for a few moments, his body between Evan’s strong thighs, his head on his

chest, trying to get his breath. He levered himself up and nipped at Evan’s nipple as he rose,

causing him to jump in surprise. “Damn it, Brett. You’re such an asshole.”

Brett turned him over and slapped his butt three times in rapid succession.

“Ow!” Evan cried out.

“Apologize or you’ll go over my knee, smart ass.”

Evan rapidly swallowed down the sharp retort on his lips and looked over his shoulder at

him as meekly as he could.

“I-I’m sorry, Brett.”

Brett leaned over and kissed and licked the red marks on his skin. “You know you love it,”

he said, moving toward the bathroom to get a warm washcloth.

Evan sighed deeply, still feeling the burn and ache on his tender ass and the boneless,

languid feeling that he’d just been well and truly fucked. “Yes, I do,” he said quietly. “God help


Evan came back to the present, and looked back over at Brett, who was standing beside him

brooding quietly as Evan pulled out his new camo outfit and his boots from the closet.

“This is such bullshit, Brett. I’m doing this thing, and unless you plan to lock me in this

room, you need to just go back to work and let me get ready.” At the look on Brett’s face, Evan

took a backward step. He made himself drop his gaze. “Please, Brett.”

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“If I thought locking you in this room would do any good, I’d have already done it. Don’t

push your luck, Evan. Go ahead with this if you must, but if you get hurt, don’t complain.” Brett

turned and strode toward the door without even saying goodbye to him.

He’d never left him before without kissing him goodbye, and Evan felt a momentary twinge.

However, where this training was concerned, he had to reassert himself and not let Brett get

away with his shit. Being jealous and possessive was one thing, but trying to control him and tell

him what he could and couldn’t do was quite another.

“I’m training with Logan, starting today, Brett. I won’t get hurt,” Evan called after him.

Brett turned at the door and started to say something and then apparently thought better of it.

He tightened his lips though and thrust out his jaw belligerently. “If you do, don’t come crying to


Evan rolled his eyes. “They’re pets, Brett—mostly women and children and a few young

guys, not sumo wrestlers. How the heck am I going to get hurt?”

“Just remember what I said.”

“Oh, I definitely will. No crying to you—check.”

“Smartass. I think your friends are a bad influence on you.” Brett growled, turning on his

heel, slamming the door behind him and leaving Evan alone in their room. Evan turned wearily

back to the closet and started getting dressed in a pair of camos that Logan had sent over when

the door suddenly opened again and Brett marched over to him and pulled Evan in his arms,

leaning him back so far Evan had to stick a leg out to keep his balance. Brett kissed him so hard

he left him breathless, then still holding him in the same position Brett growled at him again.

“Damn you.”

He straightened him back up and stormed out of the room again, leaving Evan blushing and

smiling, shaking his head. Life with Brett was always interesting. Most days now, Evan felt like

he was walking a tightrope between wanting to please Brett and wanting to just be himself. The

two didn’t always match up very well.

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Once he finished dressing, Evan went out to the little training area Nicky made Marco set up

by the side of the lodge. Nicky and Evan were already there, along with about twenty-five young

men and women, all dressed in their new green and tan Woodland camo outfits supplied by the

pack. They were standing around laughing and joking until Logan stepped forward.

Logan had changed greatly since his days as a Hunter, and Evan had seen plenty of pictures

of him during his time in training with them. They used to use him at the Hunter complex as a

kind of warning of what could happen to you if you were captured. In the pictures he’d been a

nice-looking, fairly buff young man of average height and size. Now the man who stood before

him was more than just good-looking. He was downright movie-star gorgeous. He was much

bigger too, lean in the stomach and waist, but his chest and shoulders were larger, and he seemed

to have grown a couple of inches. He looked tougher, like the kind of man you wouldn’t want to

face in a fight.

Nicky stood behind him, and despite the fact that his face was as beautiful as a girl’s, with

long, thick eyelashes and all that curly, golden blond hair, he, too, had a body that was manly,

toned and muscular. They looked like Hollywood extras or models. Evan wondered if he would

look like that one day. The doctors had told him he’d get bigger and better-looking once he was

mated to a wolf, and now he was beginning to believe it.

Logan fixed the crowd of young people with a serious look. “I know most of you are here

because the alpha told you to come, but this is serious business. No one wants to become a

victim of violence, but we’re at war with a smart, relentless and determined enemy. They want

you and the wolves annihilated, wiped off the face of the earth.” He looked around to see if his

message was being taken seriously and saw that it was. A few of them were chewing nervously

on their lips and were standing closer to each other.

“The leaders of The Hunters have decided the best way to do this is to fight us with feral

creatures. As you may have heard, Nicky here, our alpha’s mate, once became such a creature

because he went without blood too long. This is the method they intend to use on you if they can

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catch you. And make no mistake, they’ll be after you.” He fixed them with another hard stare

and continued. “So why is it that these predators, these Hunters, are so successful against people

like you? They rely on the fact that you tend to think of them as having already won. You can’t

defend yourself against someone that’s already succeeded in your mind, and if you’re concerned

at all with your attacker’s well-being, you’ve already given him the only advantage he needs to

win. Raw, unadulterated violence is the Hunter’s best weapon, because it terrorizes your mind as

well as your body.

“This is not marital arts. There’s nothing pretty about what we’re going to teach you.

Prepare yourself to get down and dirty, and you’ll walk away with your life. Are you guys ready

to get started?”

Evan found himself nodding right along with the rest of them. Damn, this sounded like fun.

Logan had already been teaching Nicky some of these techniques, and he’d asked for Evan in

this first training class because of his former training. He knew it would kick in once he’d

learned a few of these techniques, and he could be a big help.

He wasn’t kidding about the violence of the techniques, though. Over the next hour, Logan

showed the pets how to gouge, kick, stomp, and generally maim any attacker foolish enough to

try something with them. He was aware that a few of the wolves had gathered to watch from a

distance. When they broke for a few minutes, he spotted Brett coming up to stand beside Casey.

The two of them exchanged a few words, and Evan noticed the disapproving looks on both their


Nicky came up beside him and followed his gaze with a smile. “They don’t like it because

they think we might use some of these techniques on them.”

“How can they be so shortsighted?” Evan said with a shake of his head. “Can’t they see how

this can help them in the long run?”

“No, they can’t,” Nicky replied. “It hurts their pride for them to admit they need any help in

protecting their own mates. Kind of a slap in their faces, you know? Marco hates it too, but he’s

smart enough to know he has to let us train for the good of the pets. Plus he made a promise to

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me, and he won’t go back on it.” He slapped Evan on the back and followed his gaze over to

where Brett was staring at him. “Don’t be too hard on him. This is all really new to them, and

they do just want to protect us. We have to show them they’re wrong. Prove it to them so they’ll


“How do we do that?”

Behind them, Logan said “An exhibition fight, maybe? To show our skills?”

Nicky shrugged. “Fight who? If we fight against each other, they wouldn’t be impressed. If

it we fight against some of them, and they lost, they’d say it was because they were afraid they’d

hurt us so they pulled their punches and let us win.”

Evan spoke up. “What if we fought against our own mates?”

Nicky held up a hand. “Hell, no. I did that once, and never again. He took it as a challenge to

his leadership and told me if I didn’t submit to him, he’d lose the respect of the pack. So I had to

get down on my knees to him and totally submit. Even offer him my throat. Not pleasant.

Especially since I thought at the time that he might rip it out.”

“But, Nicky, that was because you two were in the ancestral ring. Ian told me about it,”

Logan said. “Much too public a challenge, and Marco was right. If he’d been defeated by his

own pet, he would have lost the respect of all the wolves.”

“Then how?”

“Keep it more private. Ian has already agreed to let me fight beside him if the time comes.

He said he wants me by his side so he can protect me. What about Marco? Will he let you fight

alongside him?”

“Ha!” Nicky scoffed. “He has a plan to put me in one of the safe rooms downstairs, along

with all the other pets—Brett will put you there too, Evan—and then we’ll wait there till they

defeat the Hunters and come for us. If they were to lose, then the guards they’ll put in there with

us have orders for no one to be taken alive.”

“My God,” Evan said quietly. “We’d be sitting ducks—helpless.”

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“Right,” Nicky said bitterly. “I’d rather go out fighting any day. How can I get Marco to

change his mind and let me stay near him?”

“Make a wager with him—he won’t be able to resist, especially if you make it worth his

while,” Logan suggested.

“A wager? Like what?”

“Like if he wins, you’ll do something for him—something submissive that he’d love. But if

he loses, he’ll have to let you stay near him if the fight ever comes to us. Then make damn sure

you win.”

Nicky looked skeptical. “Marco outweighs me by forty pounds of pure muscle. What the

heck can I bet with him?”

“Bet him you can beat him in a wrestling match in your bedroom.”

Nicky looked at Logan as if he’d lost his mind. “What part of ‘forty pounds of muscle’ do

you not understand?”

“Remember what I told the pets the first day—if you already think he’s going to win, then

you’re already defeated.”

“I’m not going to try to gouge Marco’s eyes or knee him in the balls. I don’t want to try to

hurt him.”

Evan nodded. “Yeah, I’m not willing to try that on Brett either.”

“So don’t—just put them on the floor. That’s all you have to do. A little martial arts move. I

can show you how it’s done,“ Logan said with a little smirk.

“Wait a minute,” Nicky said. “You said Ian had agreed to let you fight alongside him. Did

you do that to Ian?” A slow grin spread over his face. “You did, didn’t you?”

Logan shrugged. “Maybe. We may have had a private little wager going on. Maybe with an

extra little something to sweeten the pot.”

“Like what?” Nicky asked, fascinated.

“You remember when they found us at the cave? When I woke up, Ian was so furious and

crazy he told me I was going to spend thirty days naked in bed. Of course, he backed off that

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later, but it never quite sat right with me. So I wagered that if I put him on the ground, he’d

spend an entire weekend naked in bed, and I could have my wicked way with him as often as I

wanted to. If he won, I’d do it.”

“Oh, my God,” Nicky said. “You fucked him? You did, didn’t you? Wait a minute—didn’t

Ian have a stomach virus a couple of weekends ago—we didn’t see him for two days.”

Logan just smiled wickedly while Nicky’s mouth dropped. “Was that it?” Nicky laughed so

hard he had to lean against Evan for support. “Oh my God, I’d like to do that to Marco.

Especially the topping thing. You really think I could?”

“I think you can, Nicky, and I think you should. Just be sure you’re ready when you do.”

Nicky got a wicked little smile on his face. “Oh yeah. I can definitely handle this. Logan, I

think you need to show me some moves.”

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Chapter Five

“Nicky, I really don’t want to discuss this anymore,” Marco said irritably. It was just after

dinner and Nicky had been relentless the whole time he was eating. Nicky could exasperate

Marco more than anyone he’d ever met. He loved the young man so much it frightened him

sometimes, but he could also get under Marco’s skin like nobody he’d ever met.

“You don’t want to discuss it because you know I’m right, and you don’t have a good


“You’re not fighting the Hunters, either by my side or not. It’s ridiculous and out of the


“Ridiculous?” Nicky narrowed his eyes and cocked his head. “How do you mean that,

Marco? Do you mean that it’s ridiculous to suppose that I could defend my home and my

family? Do you think so little of me?”

“Of course not, Nicky, you know what I mean. I’m not about to let you get yourself hurt or

worse fighting trained soldiers. With guns! You can get mad all you want and call me all the

names you want, but I’m not going to allow it.”

“I’m not really asking your permission, Marco.”

“Damn it, Nicky!” Marco stood up, trying to be as large and intimidating as possible, but

Nicky had seen it all before and was not overly impressed.

He jumped to his feet and stared right back at him. “Damn it, Marco! Don’t cuss at me, and

don’t try to throw your weight around. You can’t stop me.”

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He bent over at the waist to put his face right up to Nicky’s. “You wait and see if I can’t. I’ll

take a lot from you, Nicky, but one thing I won’t compromise on is your safety. If I have to tie

you up and throw you in that safe room I’ll do it.”

At a standoff, Nicky crossed his arms over his chest. “What if I could prove to you that I can

take care of myself? That I don’t need you to protect me?”

Marco rolled his eyes. “How are you going to do that, Nicky?”

“By challenging you to a fight.” Nicky smiled archly at him, as Marco waved his hand and

turned away.

“Again? That didn’t work out so great the last time, did it?” He smiled but got only a stony

stare in response. “Look, Nicky, I’m not going to fight you, baby. It wouldn’t exactly be a fair


“Oh, really? And why is that? Because you think you’re so much better a fighter than I am?”

Marco sat down on the sofa and put his hands behind his head. “Well, yeah. That and the

fact that I wouldn’t want to hurt you, so I would pull my punches. I wouldn’t think you’d want to

hurt me either. Or would you like to kick me and gouge out my eyes like Logan is teaching you


“I don’t, baby,” Nicky said, standing in front of him. “I’d never want to really hurt you.

That’s why I’ll just put you down on the floor and keep you there until I let you get up.”

“And just how do you plan to do that?”

Nicky shrugged. “I can’t give away my secrets, but l’ll bet you I can, and I’m so confident I

can do it, I’ll make it worth your while.”

It was Marco’s turn to narrow his eyes. “How would you do that?”

“If I can’t do as I say, then I’ll-I’ll get up every morning and cook breakfast for you, and I’ll

never bring up the subject of fighting alongside you again.”

Marco looked skeptical.

“I promise!” Nicky held up a hand to swear.

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“You’re going to get up every morning at six o’clock? To cook?” Marco’s highly dubious

tone instantly made Nicky furious.

“Well, if I lost the bet I would, but I won’t have to because I’ll win.” Nicky snapped back at


“Okay.” Marco stood up and walked lazily toward Nicky. “Go ahead.”

“First, you have to promise to let me keep training and fight at your side if it comes to an all-

out war. No safe room! I’d rather die—you know I can’t stand closed places, and not knowing if

you were alive or dead—it would kill me.”

“Nicky, I appreciate all that, sweetheart, but...”

Nicky held up his hand. “Wait. I’m not through. If I do this, I also get to have sex with you

any way I want to tonight.”

Marco smiled and reached for him. “Not a problem, sweetheart. We don’t have to do all this

silly fighting for that.”

Nicky allowed Marco to kiss him for a few minutes and then pulled back. “Any way I want

to. Promise, Marco.”

Marco sighed. “Okay, any way you want to. Now can we get on with this? I have some

things I need to do before bed tonight.”

“Okay, sure. I have some things I need to do before bed tonight too. So stand up, and come

at me. Just like you’re going to hit me.”

Smiling a little, Marco stepped forward with an arm upraised. Nicky stepped forward, just as

he’d seen Logan do, and with his left hand struck Marco a light blow to his Adam’s apple. Marco

stopped dead in his tracks, got a surprised, choking look on his face and grabbed his throat.

Nicky moved his left hand down to his shirtfront and pushed on Marco’s chest as hard as he

could. At the same time, he bent over and stuck his right hand between Marco’s legs, grabbed his

belt from the back and yanked hard.

Nothing happened.

Marco stared down at him. “Why did you hit me in the throat?”

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Desperately, Nicky repositioned himself, pushed again on Marco’s chest as hard as he could

while sticking his hand between his legs and grabbing his belt. Marco stood solidly still, staring

down at him curiously.

“Is something supposed to be happening?” Marco asked.

Nicky straightened back up and glared at Marco. “You’re supposed to fall down on your

back, damn it!”

“Oh,” he said, smiling. “Should I do that for you now, baby? Will you come with me?”

He pulled Nicky in his arms and sat down on the floor, then lay on his back with him still

tightly wrapped in his arms. Nicky tried to pull away and finally sagged against his chest. “No,

damn it. I was supposed to be on my feet with you on your back.” He pouted a little. “I was

going to fuck you tonight.”

Marco raised his eyebrows with interest. “Oh? Okay.”

“You mean you’d let me?”

“Sure. Sounds good to me, sweetheart.”

“But-but Logan says Ian hates it and Logan makes him do it anyway.”

Marco put back his head and laughed. “Well, that’s fine for Ian, but I like you any way I can

get you. Sounds pretty sexy to me.” He leaned up and kissed Nicky. “Hey, did you want me to

dislike it? I can resist and everything, if you want me to.”

Nicky laughed. “Idiot! Okay, yes, I want to fuck you very much. Pull those pants off, buddy,

and I’ll go get the lube.”

He jumped up and ran to the bedroom and just when he found it and was on his way back,

Marco called out, “Oh and Nicky? I think I’ll have bacon and eggs tomorrow, baby. Eggs over

easy, please.”

Nicky stalked back into the room and glared down at him.

Marco smiled back up at him, unable to resist teasing him. “Did you think I forgot our bet,

baby? No way. I’m going to enjoy every minute of this.”

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* * * *

“So it didn’t work at all?” Evan asked.

“Hell no!” Nicky looked up sullenly at Logan and Evan, who was having a hard time trying

to look totally supportive and not smile at all. “The big gorilla. I did exactly like you told me,

Logan. It was like trying to push over a damn tree.”

“Well, did he at least let you top him?”

“Oh, sure. If you can call it that. He was just full of helpful little hints and directions. Talk

about a backseat driver.”

Evan put a companionable arm around Nicky’s shoulders. “I’m sorry you didn’t have any

fun, Nicky.”

“Now I didn’t say all that. Sex with Marco is always fun. Hell, it’s fantastic. It wasn’t so

great, though, when I had to get up this morning at five-thirty to fix his breakfast. Oh, and he

rubbed it in too. ‘Can you bring me some juice, Nicky? Next time don’t cook my eggs quite so

long, Nicky. Can you make pancakes, Nicky? I think I’d like some sausage tomorrow too,

Nicky,’” Nicky said in a mocking, sing-song voice. “He’s such an asshole!”

Evan smiled. “Well, he did win the bet...”

“Not helpful, Evan,” Nicky said.

Nicky looked down at his watch and frowned. ”It’s almost nine o’clock. You guys please

come help me. Marco decided to get cute and invite over his council for a breakfast meeting at

nine. He wants me to cook.”

“Seriously?” Evan looked shocked. “He wants you to cook?”

“Yeah, and I kind of volunteered you two as waiters. C’mon, Logan, don’t look at me like

that. You got me into this mess with your ‘Ah, go ahead Nicky, you can do it. If you think you’re

defeated, you already are,’ bullshit.”

Logan laughed. “Okay, I’ll help. You coming, Evan?”

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“Oh, yeah, I want to make sure Nicky doesn’t poison all of them. I’m still kind of partial to

my wolf.”

An hour later, Nicky was still making pancakes, pushing his curly hair off his hot face and

shooting dark glances at Marco every chance he got. Evan and Logan were doing all they could

to help by serving and washing up, but if looks could kill, Marco and the entire council would

already be laid out dead on the floor, Evan thought with amusement. Around the table sat Marco,

Ian, Casey, Rory and Brett. Evan had just finished pouring coffee in everyone’s cups, and was

now leaning against Brett, who was there in his new role as Lead Gamma. Rory had recently

given up the post to help Casey in his job as Battle Commander. Logan had already started on

the mountain of dishes while Nicky was at the stove, finishing up another batch of pancakes for

Marco. Somehow, Evan didn’t think this new job of Nicky’s would last much longer after today,

no matter what the bet had been.

Ian pushed back his chair and took a big sip of his coffee. “Thank you, Nicky, that was

delicious.” The distinct growling sound that came from Nicky’s direction seemed to surprise

even Marco.

“Uh, Nicky...honey, you don’t have to keep cooking. I think everyone is full now.”

Nicky slammed his spatula down and whirled around to face Marco. “Well, if they’re not,

they ought to be. It’s like trying to feed a herd of horses. As far as I’m concerned, the kitchen is

closed. If anybody else wants anything, they can damn well fix it themselves.” He turned off the

stove and perched himself on one of the stools at the bar, lips stuck out in a full-on pout. Evan

watched in fascination.

A bit red-faced, Marco turned back to his guests and cleared his throat. “

where were we? Oh yes, Ian, you were about to give us the latest report from Dr. Cornsilk.”

Marco was interrupted by the loud banging of pots as Nicky, who had now moved over to

help Logan, began to slam pots and pans around in the sink.


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“What? I’m not doing anything...” Nicky’s voice was unrepentant, but he did stop banging

things around.

“Where was I?” Ian asked. “Oh yes, he sent this over yesterday, I believe. Apparently there

was real uproar after Brett escaped with Evan. Elias Winters was furious. Dr. Cornsilk has only

been working with this Operation Wolfsbane for about five months now, and he still doesn’t

have full access to all the records from before he was assigned to the project. After all the leaks

and escapes recently, Winters is really tightening up. Dr. Cornsilk may not be able to bring us

many more reports for a while or it will jeopardize his position.”

Marco nodded. “Understandable. We should let him lie very low for a long while. He was

too close to Evan’s situation not to be under suspicion.”

“Right,” Ian said. “Anyway, he said there have been rumors that some of the soldiers in this

Operation Wolfsbane of his are already at a secret camp somewhere in the mountains, but

nobody knows exactly where. We thought Evan might be the first of them, but apparently

they’ve been training there for months—much longer than we’ve known about before now. And

one more thing—some of the rumors say the men are already feral.”

“Damn!” Casey said, speaking up for the first time. “It can’t be true. How would he manage

to keep them alive? If it were, we could really be in some trouble. If Winters set them loose on

innocent humans, people will be sure to blame us. We could be in serious danger here.”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Marco said. “Brett, while you were being held captive, did

they ever bring in any more soldiers other than Evan?”

“No, but I wasn’t there long. They took a lot of my blood, but that’s about it. That and the

whippings,” Brett said bitterly.

“So we have no reason to think this is true, necessarily. They took a lot of Brett’s blood, but

surely not enough to feed a whole group of feral soldiers. Like Casey said, they would have died

soon without blood.”

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“Well, not necessarily,” Nicky said, looking over his shoulder as he helped Logan wash

dishes. “I mean, Gabe certainly didn’t die, and he said he’d been bitten for over a year before

Zack found him.”

“Who?” Marco’s tone was sharp in the suddenly quiet kitchen.

Nicky turned. “Uh...nothing. I didn’t say anything.” He turned back around and started

busily swiping at a dish.

“Nicky? Are you talking about the Georgia Alpha’s pet? Gabe? What do you mean he was


“You must have misunderstood me. I said he went sterile. A real young too.”

“Nicky, look at me.”

“No, Marco.” Nicky turned and Evan saw tears standing his eyes. He threw down the dish

towel he’d been using, and squared off to face his mate. “I’m tired and I’ve been working since I

got up this morning at five thirty! My back hurts and my feet hurt and my fingers are all pruney.

And now you’re yelling at me!”

Evan had to smother a smile. No one, including Marco, had raised his voice to Nicky, but

Nicky was playing this like an Academy Award winning actor. He even let his lower lip tremble

just a bit.

Evan could see every wolf at the table flinch. This was the kind of behavior that raised their

hackles but also brought out every protective bone in their bodies. Evan knew each and every

one of them was dying to go over and comfort Nicky and tell him it was going to be fine. They

probably also wanted very badly to put him across their knee.

Marco recovered first. Probably, Evan figured, because he’d had so much experience with

Nicky’s wiles. He stood up and advanced on Nicky, stopping only inches away. Apparently

unable to resist, he pulled him into his arms to comfort him but still held his gaze with a stern


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“Settle down, sweetheart. Tell me what you know about Gabe, and stop trying to distract

me. I know you’re tired, and you can go lie down in a few minutes, but now you’re going to

explain what you were talking about.”

Nicky fiddled with the buttons on the front of Marco’s shirt and sighed. “Okay. You know,

Gabe the Georgia pack’s alpha’s mate? Zack’s the alpha, right? Well, Gabe and I were talking

about how they met, you know, just passing the time, and he told me he was feral for about a

year before Zack found him and mated with him. He said he didn’t like changing at the full

moon, or whenever he got too upset, but other than that, it wasn’t too bad.”

Marco tipped his chin up. “Nicky, are you sure of this? Be serious, now, and don’t lie about


He looked up at Marco in amazement. “I never lie, Marco.” His voice was so hurt, so sincere

and innocent that Evan was stunned for a moment. Nicky was playing Marco like a virtuoso

plays a violin. Evan settled back to watch the master work. “Gabe told me. He was feral for a

year after that wolf bit him and killed his mother. He said he changed at the full moon or if he

got too stressed out. Like that time with me, remember? Only you thought I would die if you

didn’t give me all that blood.” He shrugged. “Guess you were wrong.” He patted Marco’s chest a

little to take the sting out of the words. “Gabe said he just went to sleep and then woke up the

next morning back to normal. Until the next time.”

Still holding him, Marco turned to Ian. “Why would Zack not have given us this

information? We need to contact Zack right away and get him and Gabe up here to verify all of

this. We need to question Gabe more too. Find out if he ever attacked anyone and how he

controlled his urges.”

“Wait a minute!” Nicky cried. “Gabe told me that in confidence. I don’t think he wanted

anyone to know. I would hate for anyone to think I was a gossip or I spread rumors.”

“Too late for that,” Rory said, laughing. “That train left the station a long time ago. Good

job, Nicky.”

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Nicky made a fist and tried to get to Rory, Marco’s nephew, and a young man with whom

he’d always had a close, but somewhat contentious, and teasing relationship. Marco held onto

Nicky and raised his eyebrows at Rory in censure. Rory smiled and dropped his gaze.

Nicky turned back to Marco. “You can’t say anything, Marco, or Gabe will know I told


“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this is too important. I won’t tell him how we found out, okay?

Zack should have told us months ago. Any information we can have about the ferals is vital


Ian jumped up from the table. “I’m on it—I’ll call Zack right now.”

“Just tell him we heard about it, and ask them to come prepared to stay a few days,” Marco

called after him. He finally released Nicky, who tried hard to catch Rory’s eye. Failing, he sat

down at the counter, somewhat subdued.

Rory spoke to Marco as he sat back down at the table. “Since Nicky went feral once, why

not let him go again? He’s always wanting to fight, so this would be his big chance. He and I

could finally face off in the ancestral ring, man to man.”

“Oh yeah?” Nicky asked. “I could do that but where would we find the other man in your

little scenario?” Nicky sneered at him as Rory started out of his seat, and this time it was Casey’s

turn to pull his mate back down.

Marco frowned at both Rory and Nicky. “Will you two stop it? In fact, let’s just adjourn for

now and meet later when we know for sure when Zack and his mate are coming.”

Everyone got up and filed outside, including Logan and Evan, who called out a promise to

Nicky they’d help him clean up later on. As the door closed behind them, Evan heard Marco

telling Nicky he needed to “take him back to bedroom for a while to have a little talk.”

Chuckling, he walked down the hallway to catch up with Brett, who’d gone ahead to check the

little box that held their incoming mail. He found Brett standing thoughtfully in front of the box,

holding a letter in his hand.

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“Hi, babe. Are you ready to go back to our room?”

“Oh, I’m ready, all right,” Brett turned a furious face toward him. “Ready to find out why

this son-of-a-bitch thinks he can keep sending letters to my mate!”

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Chapter Six

“What are you talking about, Brett? Is that my mail? Let me see.”

Brett turned his back on him and walked quickly down the hall to their room, Evan behind

him, half running to keep up with him. Brett slammed the door back on its hinges and threw

himself down on the sofa, glaring up at Evan. He held up the letter and then flipped it over to

him contemptuously. “Here. Read it if you want to, and then I’m writing a return.”

Evan caught the letter, shaking his head at the display of jealousy. “You have no reason to

act like this, you know. I didn’t do anything. I certainly didn’t ask him to write to me again.”

“I know,” he said through gritted teeth. “That’s why I’m so calm.”

Evan raised his eyebrows. “This is your idea of calm?”

“He knows you’re with me, damn it. Why does he keep writing?”

“I have no idea. Eric is flirtatious and thinks he’s charming.” Evan opened the letter and sat

down beside him so he could read it along with him. “Look, let’s read it together—you’ll see I

haven’t been secretly corresponding with him.”

“No, I don’t need to do that. I trust you—it’s this guy I don’t trust.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing.” Evan ripped into the back of the letter and began to read. “Dear

Evan—I know I should have thought of this sooner, but since I got your mother’s letter, all I can

think about...” Evan’s voice trailed off, and he got a dumbfounded look on his face. “Oh God...”

“What?” Brett pulled the letter out of Evan’s hand and continued to read. “...since I got your

mother’s letter, all I can think about is you, sweetheart. I made the biggest mistake of my life

letting you go, and I know it now. Please come back to me...” The timbre of Brett’s voice

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dropped at least an octave as he read, and his eyes started to glow. He crumpled the paper in his

hand and glared unbelievingly at Evan. He turned slowly back to the letter, straightening it out,

then holding it up out of reach and pushing Evan back as he made a dive for it. “All I can think

about are your luscious lips, and your sweet little ass I fit into so perfectly. You were mine first,

and you’ll be mine again. All you have to do is get away from him and then call me and tell me

where to meet you. Waiting for you, my little bunny.” Brett turned an incredulous, stunned gaze

on Evan. “His little bunny? His fucking little bunny! Oh my God! I’ll show that motherfucker

whose goddamn bunny you are!”

He jumped to his feet, murder in his eye, and began to pace back and forth like a wild

animal. Evan had seen him shift once before and he thought he was near that state again. His

claws came out as he gripped the letter and hair began to sprout on his chest and face. With his

already glowing eyes, he was a frightening sight to behold. He picked up a vase from beside the

sofa and threw it against the wall and then he put his fist into the wall next to it, shattering the

drywall and causing bits of plaster and insulation to float around the room. He picked up a chair

next and bounced it off the door, splintering the legs and looked around for something else to

throw as the door suddenly flew open, and Casey and Rory stood looking in with concern.

Evan knew what they must be seeing—him cowering on the couch with his arms over his

head to avoid the flying debris and Evan, half-shifted, wildly looking around for more objects to

toss around the room. They only hesitated a fraction of a second before Casey made it over to

Brett and put him in a headlock, while Rory, ignoring pack law, threw Evan over his shoulder

and ran out of the room with him. He put him down outside when he saw Logan hurrying toward


“Logan, watch out for Evan!” Then he rushed back in to help subdue Brett. Evan made one

attempt to go back in, worried that Brett might be hurt, before Logan took him out to the main

room and sat him down.

“They won’t hurt him. They’ll just stay with him until he calms down. Did he shift?”

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Evan nodded. Logan smiled and patted his arm. “A wolf in full tantrum mode is pretty scary.

He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Shaking his head, Evan folded his trembling hands together. “No, the furniture and walls got

the worst of it.”

“What in hell happened?”

Evan put his head in his hands. “I got a letter from my stupid ex-boyfriend asking me to

come back home to him.”

Logan’s eyes opened wide. “Oh, shit.”

“Yeah, and he was saying stuff about my body and he c-called me his little bunny.”

Logan looked astonished for a moment and then convulsed in laughter, leaning over and

holding his sides. “I’m so sorry, Evan, I’m not laughing at you, really. I just got a sudden image

of Ian’s face if I got a letter like that. God, to a wolf, that’s justifiable homicide.”

“I haven’t led him on, Logan, really. The last letter I got I just threw away. Brett saw me

throw it away.”

“Yeah, Brett has left the building right now, Evan, or his rational self has. From the sound of

things in there, he’s now in full wolf mode.” Brett could see reinforcements running toward their

room as snarls, loud thuds and shouts drifted down the hall.

“C’mon with me, and let’s go upstairs. We need to help Nicky anyway, and you can’t go

back in there anytime soon. You’ll just remind him how much he wants to kill your ex.”

“But Nicky and Marco...” he trailed off as he saw Marco sprinting down the steps on the

way to their room, barefoot and still fastening up his jeans. Evan’s shoulders slumped. “Now

Nicky will be pissed off too.”

Logan looked speculatively after Marco. “Oh, he finished his with Nicky. Why

do you think he’s the last to arrive?” Laughing at the look on Evan’s face, he pulled him up the

stairs and over to the alpha’s quarters.

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Rapping his knuckles on the door as he entered, Logan called out. “Nicky! Evan and I are

here. Get decent and come out to the living room.”

Nicky appeared a few moments later, blond hair tousled and sticking up all over his head,

cheeks reddened from Marco’s beard, and still managing to look gorgeous. “What’s all the

commotion downstairs? Marco took off out of here like the place was on fire.”

Logan told Nicky about the letter and he chuckled sympathetically. “First time he partially

shifted in front of you?”

“No, the second,” Evan said, “but I didn’t like it any better.”

Nicky plopped down on the sofa and put his bare feet up on the coffee table. “They’ll get

him calmed down in a few minutes. Now before they get here, tell me about this guy who wrote

the letter. Were you guys together long?”

“A little over a year. We met in college and moved in together for a year or so after we

graduated. He cheated on me almost from the beginning. The last time was with another friend of

ours, and I walked in on them. It was an ugly breakup and I don’t even know why my mother

talked to him about me. She was angry with him for a long time.”

“Better the devil you know...” Logan said.

“Maybe. Anyway, she’s the one who gave him my address.” He wrung his hands together

for a moment, realized what he was doing and jammed them in his pockets. “Will they punish

him now? They wouldn’t hurt him, right?”

Nicky snorted. “More likely help him plan your ex-boyfriend’s murder. No, they’ll just calm

him down some, empathize with him, slap him on the back and tell him not to take it out on the

furniture next time.”

“Brett won’t go after my ex or anything, will he? I mean, they wouldn’t really m-murder

him...would they?”

Logan laughed and shook his head. “No, Evan, don’t worry. He should be perfectly safe so

long as he stays away from the compound. That’s not to say Brett won’t have a word with him if

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he keeps bothering you, but they’re not savages.” Nicky rolled his eyes, and Logan smiled at

him. “Well, not totally.”

Nicky cocked his head to one side as they heard loud voices on the stairs. “Oh hell, here

they come. Logan, you can help me with the dishes. Evan’s going to be busy for a while.”

Evan stood up and backed toward the kitchen. “Oh no, he’s not coming near me. He scared

the shit out of me just now. What if he starts thinking about it again and starts to shift all over


Logan patted his shoulder sympathetically. “You don’t have to go with him. Tell Marco if

you want to stay here for a while.”

Nicky shrugged. “You can, but Marco may not want to get involved in this one. My advice

is just to go with him. Let him fuss over you and apologize and have his way. If you don’t he’ll

just get even more jealous and think you don’t want to be with him.”

Marco came in the room, followed by a somewhat subdued Brett, who was back to his

human form. Brett came immediately over to Evan and put his arms around him. “I’m sorry,

honey. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you.”

The minute Evan saw him, his handsome face creased with worry and concern, he melted

and allowed Brett to pull him into his arms. What was there about these wolves that made them

so compelling and hard to resist? Other than the fact that they were beautiful. And sexy. And hot

as fuck.

Murmuring to him, Brett drew him to the door. Evan looked back over his shoulder in time

to see one of Nicky’s eyelids drop in a slow, deliberate wink.

* * * *

Brett led him downstairs and back to their room. He watched Evan look around the main

sitting area to see that the debris of the chair and vase had been cleaned up and the room

straightened. The pets they called in from the clean-up crew worked pretty fast. He wondered if

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this kind of losing control thing happened often enough with a wolf that they had the clean-up

down to a science. Maybe all the wolves needed to learn a little better self-control. Okay, make

that definitely.

Brett wasted no time either, turning to kiss his mate the minute he closed the door behind

them and then walking Evan backward to the bed until the backs of his knees hit the mattress. He

let his hands fall to the fastening of Evan’s jeans, and then he pushed Evan down to pull off his

shoes and tug his jeans, underwear and socks off in one practiced pull. His own jeans hit the

floor beside Evan’s, and he picked Evan up with one arm around his waist to move them both

farther up onto the bed.

Unable to help himself a moment longer, he dragged Evan closer and gave him a hard and

possessive kiss. Too hard. Evan could taste a hint of blood on his tongue as his lips jammed

against Brett’s teeth, and he made a loud cry of alarm. Instantly, Brett drew back, looking at him

with concern. “I-I’m sorry, baby! I’m having a hard time being gentle.” He seemed to make

himself fall away from Evan onto the bed beside him to give himself a minute to gain control. He

glanced over at Evan and the tears gathering in his eyes must have shamed him

“I should have left you alone for a while. I should do it now. I should get up off the bed,

apologize and go for a run or something. I’m sorry, babe.”

Evan leaned over him and kissed him gently. Brett’s mouth was hot, his sweet tongue

slipping past Evan’s lips to touch his tongue and sweep over the inside. Brett opened his arms

and drew him in closer, tasting him. He rolled Evan back under him and pushed his knees up.

Evan knew this wasn’t going to last very long—Brett was too keyed up, wanted to possess him,

to own him too much. Brett reached blindly for the lube on the table beside the bed and smeared

some on his cock.

Trying hard to slow himself down, he took a deep breath and eased one lubed finger inside

Evan, desperate but still unwilling to hurt him without stretching him a bit first. Evan’s thighs

opened wide, giving him access. For a moment their eyes met and rather than the possessive rage

he thought he might see in Brett’s eyes, he saw a haze of lust before his eyelids closed again.

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Evan’s mouth squirmed as Brett’s finger probed inside him, locating the spongy gland he was

searching for. Brett swept his finger over it and Evan came undone, arching his back and

gripping his knees until his knuckles turned white as his cock spurted cum onto Brett’s chest.

Before he even finished, Brett pulled out his finger and replaced it with his cock, plunging

inside and fucking his lover hard. Evan moved his hands to Brett’s shoulders and clutched him

just as hard, clenching his teeth and taking everything Brett had to give.

Passion and love filled him at the sight of Brett’s beautiful face so close to his. This man

was his, and he wanted him to mark him as his own. He felt Brett sink his teeth into his neck,

hoping to leave such a mark. Evan turned to give him more access, leaning toward him, baring

his neck. Brett pulled back afterward and licked at the bite, noting the teeth marks with apparent


He pushed into Evan’s body, embedding himself as he emptied his seed into him. Evan felt

his body go lax as he collapsed on top of Evan and finally pulled away, falling off to the side and

pulling Evan with him.

Brett lay on his back for a long time, trying to catch his breath, stroking Evan’s back. Evan

rolled off after a while and moved shakily to the bathroom. After a few minutes, Brett got up and

came in to find Evan staring at himself in the mirror. Brett walked up behind him and put his

arms around his waist. Evan leaned back into him and closed his eyes.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I was just admiring your handiwork.” He opened his eyes and put a hand to his throat,

where the full set of teeth marks were already standing out against his pale skin.

Brett touched the marks with his fingertips. “I’m sorry I hurt you, love.”

Evan smiled back at him in the mirror. “I’m fine. I kind of like it because it marks me as


Brett groaned and pulled him even closer, feeling his cock hardening again at the words.

“One thing I don’t understand,” Evan said, peering at himself more closely.

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“Yeah? What’s that, baby?”

“Why in the hell he called me his bunny? And then you did it too. What is there about me

that screams rabbit?”

Brett smiled, his hands roaming over Evan’s body. “Well, you’re soft and warm and cuddly

and awfully cute.”

Evan made a sound of outrage and tried, not very hard, to pull away. He arched a look over

his shoulder at him. “Do wolves eat rabbits?”

Brett kissed his neck again. “I’m not really sure,” he said with a smile. “C’mon bunny

rabbit,” he said, pulling him back toward the bed. “Let me see how you taste, and I’ll tell you.”

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Chapter Seven

The big Ford pickup holding the alpha of the Georgia branch of the wolf pack and his mate

pulled up in front of the lodge. Zack, the big Alpha got out first and was joined by his mate,

Gabe. Evan stood to the side next to Rory, watching them greet their alpha and Nicky who had

come out to meet them. Zack looked a lot like Marco, actually, both a little larger than most of

the other wolves with dark brown hair and the high cheekbones of the clan. He knew a lot of the

wolves were related, and wondered if these two were cousins or something and decided they

probably were.

Gabe, on the other hand, looked like Nicky with dark hair. Where Nicky’s hair was blond,

his was shiny black. His skin was fair, like Nicky’s, and they were about the same size and both

had toned, muscular chests tapering to slim waists. When he turned, however, his eyes were

much lighter blue than Nicky’s and were striking with his black hair and eyelashes. He was

wearing a bit of eyeliner too, making the contrast even more remarkable. He wore a wide gold

choker necklace around his neck that Evan was fascinated by. He’d been in enough gay bars to

know that necklace was a collar.

Nicky drew him over to where Evan and Rory were standing. “Gabe, you remember Rory,

of course, and this is a new member of our pack, Evan.”

“Hi Evan. You’re very pretty,” he said and then laughed at Evan’s shocked expression. He

held up his hand to show off a wide gold band studded with diamonds. “I’m happily married,

honey, so you have nothing to worry about. My big stud keeps me very satisfied.” He turned to

wink at Nicky. “But I’m not dead.”

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“You will be if Zack catches you flirting,” Nicky said, smiling. “C’mon in and have some

lunch. I warn you, there’ll be an interrogation afterward.”

“You’re the one who let it slip, aren’t you?” Gabe asked. Nicky blushed and Gabe put his

arm around his shoulders. “It’s no big deal. Never was to me, but Zack wanted it kept quiet. It

was his cousin, Tim, who bit me, you know, and killed my mother. I think he was pretty

ashamed of that for his family’s sake. Then too, a lot of the Werekin have some strange ideas

about becoming feral, thinking we’re wild and unpredictable most of the time other than just at

the full moon. No matter how much we feed. I don’t think he ever even considered the Hunters.

We don’t see nearly as much of them as you do over here.”

“Apparently the Hunters have made some of their own soldiers feral, according to one of our

sources,” Rory said. “They’re experimenting with synthetic blood, maybe to gain better control,

and trying to figure out a way to duplicate the mating bite to see how it factors in.”

Gabe looked surprised. “We hadn’t heard about all that. What’s the point with the feral

soldiers? Would they use them in an attack?”

Nicky sighed. “We’re not sure.”

“Well, I’ll be happy to tell your alpha about my experiences.”

From behind them, Marco spoke up. “Good, Gabe. I’m glad to hear it. Zack and I have just

been talking about it. I understand he was only trying to protect you by not telling us about your

past. Nicky faced negative comments too after his change.”

Nicky shrugged. “Yes, some. It didn’t help that I shifted in front of the whole pack. It’s

mostly forgotten now that they see nothing happens to me at the full moon.”

Gabe shuddered. “Thank God, right? I hated it.”

Zack came around to his side and pulled him close. Gabe smiled up at him and they all

walked toward the dining hall off the main room. Tables had been set up there for the visitors

and soon everyone had filled their plates at the small buffet set up on the side of the room.

Evan and Brett sat at a long table near the back. After he finished, Evan leaned against his

mate. “Do you think Gabe is nice-looking?”

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Brett glanced up and then back at him. “He’s gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as you, of course,

but then nobody is.”

Evan smiled at him. “Good answer.” Brett leaned down to kiss Evan and then went back to

shoveling in his lunch. Since the incident with the letter, Brett had been extra-attentive to Evan.

He’d written a letter to Eric and let Evan read it before he sent it off. It was a very nice letter,

considering how angry he’d been, and it simply stated that Evan was not interested in receiving

any more letters, as he was now quite totally and irrevocably involved with someone else.

Namely him. He asked that he refrain from sending anymore letters, and he would refrain from

rearranging his face. Evan thought it was a pretty nice letter, all things considered, and gave his

permission to send it.

As the meal drew to a close and the various members of the pack went back to work, Marco

and his group still sat at the table and he motioned for Brett and Evan to come over and join

them. Marco introduced Brett as his lead gamma, and while he shook Zack’s hand and

exchanged a few words, Evan slipped down to the end of the table where Nicky, Logan and

Gabe were sitting, still laughing at some of Gabe’s outrageous stories of his adventures as a feral

creature before he met Zack.

“One night,” he told them, “I’d had one too many...okay I’d had eight or nine too many,” he

said, laughing. “But I was dancing and having a good time in one of the gay bars off Ponce de

Leon Street in Atlanta. I’d kind of let the days slip up on me, and didn’t even realize it was

supposed to be a full moon that night. I was doing a few drugs, and smoking pretty bad in those

days, and I don’t mean cigarettes. Anyway, I let this guy talk me into going out back for a quick

blow job. So there I was, on my knees, doing my thing, you know, out in the alley. All of a

sudden the clouds parted and this big, beautiful moon came out and I looked up and saw it. I

could feel the change coming over me, so I was trying to get away from this dude so I wouldn’t

accidentally hurt him. He was an asshole, really, so when he realized I was stopping he put his

hand on the back of my head and pushed me back on his dick. Then he looked down and got a

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good look at what had his dick in its mouth.” He held his sides and fell back in his chair. “You

should have seen his face.”

Evan was a little shocked but had to admit it was funny. He was laughing along with them

when Brett came up beside him. His lips were a little tight, and he pulled Evan out of his chair a

little too hard. “Go back to the room, baby and I’ll be along in a few minutes.” When Evan didn’t

move, but just looked at him curiously, he took his wrist and pulled him along to their room.

Rather than embarrass himself by resisting, he went along, but when Brett tried to put him in the

room, he pulled away. “What’s the matter, Brett? I was talking with my friends.”

“Yeah, I heard some of that and I don’t like that kind of talk around you.”

“What the hell, Brett? I’m not twelve. Gabe’s an interesting guy—I mean, he’s a lot more

open about his sexuality than I ever was, but I like him.”

“Well, if he was mine, I’d bust his little butt for him. He’s the alpha’s mate now, and he

disrespects Zack by talking about putting his mouth on other guy’s dicks.”

“It’s not like I haven’t done it, and you too for that matter. Hell, just this morning....”

“Enough. What we do in private is our business. We’re mates. No, you stay away from that


A rush of anger swept over Evan. He was tired of always being treated like a child. “You

mean stay home like a good little wife? Fuck you, Brett. I’m going back to talk to my friends.”

He took off down the hallway and made it about five steps before one big hand took his arm and

another swatted his ass so hard it lifted him off his feet.

He whirled around with his mouth open and Brett backed him up against the wall, putting a

hand on either side of his head. “Fuck me, huh? If the alpha didn’t want me in on this discussion,

I’d take you in there and show you who’s going to get fucked. Now you go back in the room and

wait for me, or I’ll put you over my knee right here. You don’t talk back to me, understand?

Nicky and Gabe are both wild, and I don’t like their influence on you. We’ll talk about this when

I get back.”

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Huffing angrily, but knowing he would carry out his threat, Evan didn’t dare say the words

trembling on his lips, but did give him one more searing look and stalked back to their room.

Once he got there, he was so angry he paced up and down for several minutes before hurling

himself into a chair. About ten minutes later, a knock came on the door and the door opened to

reveal Nicky. “Hey, Evan, I was worried about you. You...uh, left so abruptly.” He regarded him

sympathetically. “Brett’s pissed, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Evan said. “That jealous, controlling, infuriating jerk! He spanked me on my ass and

told me to stay away from Gabe.”

Nicky smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I could have guessed. I saw that he overheard Gabe. But

Gabe is really a nice person. He was a small-town boy from Alabama when he was attacked and

his mother killed right in front of him. He woke up to find that he’d been turned into this

monster, and there was no one around to explain to him what had happened. Most people would

have probably killed themselves, but he’s really strong. He left his home and started working

construction jobs wherever he could find them, just bumming around, with no home and no one

to love him. When the urges came on him, he went up into the mountains to hide and stay away

from humans because he didn’t want to hurt anybody. That’s where Zack found him.”

“God, he must have been scared out of his mind.”

“I’m sure he was. I was terrified when it happened to me, and Marco found me in only

minutes. Gabe went for a whole year. Sure he drank too much and partied too hard. Maybe it was

sort of like anesthesia, in a way, to help him forget about everything. I hope Brett will lighten up

and let you guys be friends.”

“I’m beginning not to care what Brett thinks. He’s acting like an idiot and if he tries to hit

me again, I’m out of here.”

“You don’t really mean that. I know how you feel, Evan, believe me, but in his mind, he was

just laying down the law by giving you a swat on the butt. Did he tell you he never wanted to

marry a human? He told Marco they were way too much trouble. Jealous as he is, I can see why

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he’s having such a hard time.” He patted his arm. “Just don’t fight him so much. If you do, he’ll

dig in his heels.”

Nicky got up and went to the door. “I’ve got to head back. Marco wants to question Gabe

and the council has some questions for me too. I’ll talk to you later.” He left and Evan was left

alone to worry about what Brett would do when he got home. It made him even angrier that he

was worried about it. Since when had Brett become his boss? He had to put a stop to this and

right away. He needed to lay down a few laws of his own.

He got up and prowled around the room, feeling defiant and restless. He went over to the

wastebasket, dug around a minute and pulled out the letter from Eric. When he’d watched Brett

answer the letter the day before, Evan had caught a glimpse of more writing at the bottom of the

page that he never got a chance to read. He didn’t want to say anything at the time to further

upset Brett, but he had to admit to a little curiosity about what else Eric had said. In his current

defiant mood, he decided to get the letter out of the basket and look at it again before the trash

went out in the morning. Finding it, he walked back over to the sofa and opened it back up

scanning down to the bottom of the page.

I have a new job, Evan. Elias Winters himself called after you were taken, and asked me to

join the Hunters. He said he wanted me for a special operation called Wolfsbane. By the time

you get this, I should already be training.

Evan jumped back to his feet in shock. Elias Winters had recruited Eric! He was going to

make him a feral creature, at war with the wolf pack. Why would he do such a thing? Was

Winters angry over what he must have thought was Evan’s defection and betrayal? It had to be

some kind of sick revenge thing. Another sudden idea made him stop dead in his tracks. What if

he thought he could lure Evan back this way?

He had to warn Eric. Even though he didn’t love Eric anymore and hadn’t for a long time,

he couldn’t stand by while Winters did that to someone who used to be important to him. Hell,

he couldn’t stand by and let it happen to anybody if he could stop it. Somehow he had to get

word to him. He had to warn him. He’d tell Brett—he’d know what to do.

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The door opened and Brett came in, filling up the room with his presence, like he usually

did. Before Evan could open his mouth, Brett looked from the letter in Evan’s hand, back up to

his face. He looked so surprised and hurt all at the same time that Evan panicked and thrust the

letter behind his back. “Brett! I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”

“Oh yeah?” Brett’s voice was low pitched and quiet. He took a step further into the room.

“What’s that behind your back, there, Evan? Catching up on a little correspondence?”

“What? Oh, this?” So much for his fine words and earlier defiance. The minute Brett walked

in the room, Evan felt like a stupid kid again.

He pulled the letter from behind his back, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. “Brett, I can


“Oh? Okay, this should be good. Go ahead, Evan. Explain why I walked in to find my mate

poring over his old boyfriend’s love letter. Rereading the part about his cock up your ass?”

“No, Brett! Don’t be so crude. It’s not like that at all. I just remembered that there was a part

at the end of Eric’s letter I didn’t read, and I was kind of curious, you know. Then too, I was kind

of mad at you...”

Brett started walking toward him. Evan couldn’t stop himself from backing up. Trouble was

he had nowhere to go as his legs were up against the sofa. Brett walked up to him until he was

almost touching him, making Evan stare up at him. He reached out and took the letter from

Evan’s nerveless fingers, ripped it in half and let the pieces fall down between them.

“So you thought you’d get back at me by taking up with your lover? Is he what you want,

Evan? Do you want to leave me and go to him like he asked you to?”

“What? No, I don’t want him. I just told you, I was finishing his letter. Why are you acting

like this?”

Brett stepped away from him and sat down in the chair across from the sofa, just staring at

him. Nervous, Evan went over to stand in front of him. Almost automatically, it seemed, Brett

opened his knees to let Evan stand close.

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“I found something in his letter, Brett. I was coming to find you to tell you about it when

you came in. Eric says in his letter that he was recruited by Elias Winters.”

Brett looked up at him and shrugged. “So?”

“So? Didn’t you hear me? Elias Winters recruited Eric. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? He’s

going to make Eric feral! You told me that’s what he was doing with gay men. We have to stop


“I don’t give a shit about your lover, Evan. Although it’s pretty damn obvious you do.”

“Stop calling him my lover, damn it! Of course I care, like I would about any human being,

and like you would if you weren’t being such a dick.”

Brett’s lips tightened and he turned his head away, refusing to even look at him. Evan was at

a loss. He stood for a moment and then turned away in defeat. Maybe if he wrote a letter and got

Nicky to mail it for him...

Before he got more than two steps away, Brett grabbed his wrist and pulled him into his lap.

He landed with a surprised chuff of breath as Brett covered his mouth fiercely and plunged his

tongue into Evan’s mouth. He kissed him literally breathless and then pulled Evan up so close to

his chest he was squirming to get away and get some air. Finally, Evan held him away and

looked deeply into his eyes.

“I love you, Evan. Damn it, I don’t like acting so crazy, scaring you, and pushing you away.

I hate it, but I can’t seem to stop it. The thought of you leaving me—I couldn’t stand it, baby.

I’m not letting you go!” He pulled him back to his chest again, but Evan got both hands up in

time to push him away a bit.

“I have no intention of going anywhere. I love you too, but you hit me and made me come

back in here like a kid or something. It has to stop, Brett.”

Brett stared at him moodily, but his head did drop in a barely perceptible nod. Evan smiled

and cupped his face in his hands. “You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart. I never loved

Eric anywhere close to the way I love you, and I’m not going to suddenly start wearing makeup

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and acting like Gabe, because I happen to like his company. I mean, damn, give me some credit.

I just barely met the guy.”

Brett remained quiet, content to just hold Evan in his lap, apparently and rub his knuckles

absently across Evan’s rapidly growing erection. “Uh, Brett? Either take care of that or stop

handling it, please. It’s getting uncomfortable.”

For the first time since entering the room, Brett smiled. “I’d love to, baby, but I have to get

back to the meeting. They just broke for a few minutes, so I came here to check on you. I wanted

to apologize.” He blushed a little, and Evan leaned in to kiss him again.

“I’m glad you did.”

“Do you want to come back in there with me? They’re still in the main hall and a few other

wolves and pets are listening. That way I can...” His voice trailed off, and a slow blush stained

his cheeks again.

“Keep an eye on me?”

“No. I mean, yeah, in a way. I like to look at you, and I want to show you I’m sorry about

what I did, you know, earlier?”

“Spanking my ass? Sending me to my room?”

“I said I was sorry about that.” Brett’s red cheeks looked as if they might become

permanent, so Evan put him out of his misery by smiling at him.

“Actually you didn’t, but that was a nice apology for you, so I’ll take it. I still want to talk

about this Eric thing. I have to warn him, Brett. Or you can do it, whatever. It may be already too

late, but I have to at least try.”

“Okay,” he said, showing just a trace of his earlier bad temper at the mention of his name

again. “I’ll tell Marco and he can figure out a way to get word to him, if it’s not too late already.”

He pointed a finger in Evan’s face. “You stay away from him though. Is that clear?”

Evan leaned forward and took Brett’s long finger in his mouth, swirling his tongue over the

back side and sucking it inside. Brett’s eyebrows rose, he made a funny, choking sound and

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lifted Evan up in his arms as he strode toward the bed with him, Evan’s legs wrapped around his


Laughing, Evan said, “I thought you didn’t have enough time.”

He threw Evan down and began jerking on the fastenings of his jeans. “I don’t, so get those

clothes off.” As Evan wiggled out of his jeans, his erection popped free of his tight pants and

bounced off his stomach.

Brett watched in fascination and he swallowed hard a couple of times. “Don’t worry. This

isn’t going to take much time at all,” he said, as he dived into the bed after him.

* * * *

The meeting was already in full swing as they entered from the back of the room. Evan

found a table where he could watch and listen and still not be too conspicuous as he

eavesdropped, though he noticed several other Werekin in the room, doing the same thing.

Brett slipped in and sat at the end of the table with the other council members, receiving a slight

raising of the eyebrow from Marco.

“Glad you could join us, Brett.” He waited until Brett mumbled an apology and then focused

his attention back on Gabe, who was being questioned by the council. He was sitting by his mate,

Zack, who had a protective arm around him, and Gabe looked a little nervous.

“I don’t know what else to tell you, Marco. Tim bit me, that’s about it. He killed my poor

mom, and left me for dead there in that rest stop. If it hadn’t been for the state patrolman

following the trucker in there, he probably would have killed me too.”

Zack spoke up beside him. “That’s not exactly true, honey. Before he died, Tim said he

wanted you for his mate. Your mother just got in the way.”

Casey leaned forward. “If that’s what he was trying to do, then why didn’t he mate with


Gabe bit his lip and looked helplessly at Zack, who immediately pulled him closer and

spoke up. “He did. Or at least he tried to. He was in the middle of it when the patrolman arrived

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and heard Gabe’s screams. Tim never got a chance to finish, and that’s all either of us is going to

say on that subject.” He glared around the table at all of them and there was an awkward little


Marco cleared his throat. “Of course. That does raise some questions though, and I wonder

if even the–uh—brief contact was enough to make a difference in his ability to survive. Most of

our oral traditions passed down by the family say that if a person is bitten by a wolf and not

cared for with the blood, then they die. Period.”

Ian shook his head. “Maybe not true, Marco. Logan said Winters had been conducting some

kind of experiments for a while before he came to us. He could have been making ferals all this

time, using rogue wolves and other captive wolves to turn them. When I was in their prison, I

overheard them say they were going to use my bite for the next batch of recruits. I had no idea at

the time what that meant.”

Gabe shrugged. “All I know is nothing happened with me. At least, I never got sick or

anything. It scared the shit out of me the first time I shifted. I was alone at my house after my

mom died, and I woke up in the middle of the night and it—happened. I could feel my body

changing and my first thought was to call 911, but my mouth wouldn’t work right. So I ran

outside to drive myself to a hospital. I looked up and saw the full moon and just...went. Shifted

into this creature you guys call feral. I was so freaked out I just took off running. I had this urge,

you know? To just run under the moonlight. I ran till I dropped. Then I guess I passed out or

something, because I woke up the next morning and I was myself again.”

Nicky, sitting next to him, shook his head. “God, you must have been so terrified.”

Gabe smiled. “I was. I was scared out of my mind the next night, but it didn’t happen. Then

I was beginning to think I’d dreamed the whole thing when it happened again at the next full

moon. That’s when I packed up my old truck and got the hell out of there. Just left and never

went back. I was afraid I’d wake up some time after I changed and find out I’d killed somebody.

Maybe even some of my friends or neighbors. I mean, I’d seen the werewolf movies. Scary shit.”

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Zack said, “I found him not quite a year later, camping out in one of the national forests near

my land. Actually, just over the line into my land. He smelled a little like a wolf, and I knew he

was some kind of Werekin. I just couldn’t figure out exactly what he was. I gave him the mating

bite shortly after that, and fed him my blood. He’s never changed since.”

“How did you feel when you changed into the feral creature, Gabe?” Ian asked.

“Not bad, really. At least not after the physical change itself, which hurts like hell. Then

mostly angry, bitter, kind of mad at the world in general.”

“That’s the way I felt too,” Nicky said. “I wasn’t in that state long before Marco tackled

me,” he glanced up at Marco. “But I do remember feeling so angry. Just furious, really, like I

wanted to hurt somebody.”

Marco nodded. “So these feral creatures would be fierce soldiers, if Winters could find a

way to control them. Maybe that’s why he wanted to experiment with the mating bite, thinking

that might be a way.”

Ian spoke again. “One thing I don’t understand. What happened to Tim? What made him go

after Gabe that way? Was there an autopsy done on his body?”

Zack looked uncomfortable. “Yes, but it was inconclusive. No brain tumors or drugs or

anything in his system. We really have no idea.”

Marco shook his head. “Something doesn’t add up. I knew Tim, and remember him well. He

left your pack for a while when he turned twenty-one and came to us. He worked for a while in

the mines. He was a nice kid, bright and smart. The person I knew would never have done what

he did to Gabe and his mother. It’s unthinkable.”

Nicky looked up at Marco’s words and straight at Zack. “He left for a while? Why did he

leave your pack and come to Marco’s, Zack? That’s a little odd, isn’t it?”

When Zack hesitated, Marco said, “It was because he was an alpha wolf. Isn’t that right,


“What difference does that make?” Nicky asked.

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“There can only be one alpha of a pack, Nicky.” All eyes shifted down to Casey as he spoke

up. “That’s why I had to become the battle commander when I joined your pack. It was a good

compromise for me, because I love fighting and training soldiers, but it wouldn’t have worked

for everybody. That’s why so many rogues are actually alpha males. And why so many strong

alpha wolves get captured by Winters and his Hunters.”

“I wondered about that,” Nicky said thoughtfully. “There are an awful lot of them roaming

around, it seems.”

“It’s true,” Marco said. “Many of them aren’t happy if they can’t lead a pack, so they wind

up leaving and trying to find a new place for themselves. Is that what happened to Tim, Zack?”

“Yes. We were both alphas and when the time came for a new leader, we both wanted to

lead the pack. We had to fight for the position in the ancestral ring. I won, and Tim never

completely got over it. Finally, he left to go to you. When he came back two years later, he was

quieter, more subdued. I gave him a council seat. Did everything I could to keep him satisfied.”

“Wait a minute,” Marco said. “He wasn’t with us for two years. He left after a year and said

he was going back home.”

“Well, he never made it.” A puzzled silence dropped over the table. Zack looked confused.

“He told us he’d been with you the whole time. If he wasn’t with you, then where...?”

“Elias Winters,” Nicky said quietly. “What if he got him and used Tim in his experiments

and tortures?” He turned toward Marco, who had put a warning hand on his arm. “Well, it’s

possible, Marco. It would explain the missing time, plus the change in him when he returned. If

he did things to his mind, it might even explain why he attacked Gabe and killed his innocent


“That could be an explanation, I guess. I never questioned him all that much after he came

back,” Zack said thoughtfully. “I thought it would be best to leave him alone and let him find his

own way. God, if that’s true, what the hell did Winters do to him?”

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“Good question,” Ian said. “When they had me, they had just begun injecting things into me.

Logan objected, saying it might taint my blood, and they were feeding it to him, so the injections

stopped. Who knows what might have happened if it hadn’t been for that?”

“Is there any way to prove whether or not Winters captured Tim? I wonder if the people we

have on the inside would recognize a picture of him? Do you have any recent pictures of him,


“My aunt, his mother, would have some. I don’t know that she’s forgiven me for killing

him—if I’ve forgiven myself, for that matter—but if this might be a chance to at least partially

clear his name, or explain what happened, I’m sure we could get them from her.”

“Good.” Marco leaned back in his chair. “As soon as you can get those, I’ll contact our

inside sources. I don’t know if we’ve answered all the questions we had about ferals, but we’ve

made a start. Does anyone else have any questions they’d like to bring up?”

Casey spoke up. “I have one, actually. It’s always been rumored that once a pet has gone

feral, they’re never exactly the same. They’re wilder, harder to handle. Would you agree with

that, Zack?”

Marco glared down the table at Casey, angry over the implied insult to both Gabe and his

own mate, Nicky.

Zack didn’t seem to take offense though, particularly. He put a fond hand on Gabe’s thigh.

“Wild, unpredictable, passionate and beautiful—those are all adjectives I’d use to describe Gabe.

It’s true we had a few problems at the start of our relationship, but that’s only to be expected

from a human pet. He wears my collar now and my ring on his finger. That’s usually more than

enough to remind him who he belongs to. If not, I take whatever steps I need to. Does that

answer your question, Casey?”

Casey nodded with a grin on his face, and from where Evan sat, he could see the remark

made both Gabe and Nicky’s faces flush red, and they looked angry. The meeting was breaking

up. Marco, Casey, Ian and Brett all came over to speak to Zack and all of them looked pointedly

at the wide gold collar Gabe was wearing while, to Evan’s mind, Zack preened like a peacock.

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While the wolves talked, Gabe and Nicky quietly got up and walked out of the large room, their

heads together. Evan got up to meet them.

Nicky spoke first. “Hi, Evan. Did your master let you out for a few minutes?” At Evan’s

look of surprise, he shook his head and smiled at him. “I’m sorry. I’m just so damned mad at

Casey’s question and Zack’s answer.”

Evan shot a look at Gabe, but he smiled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that’s my man.

Insufferable, conceited, full of himself—pretty typical wolf behavior, I’d say.” All three of them

smiled, and Gabe touched his collar self-consciously. “I went into this whole thing kicking and

screaming, especially the whole domination thing, but now I kind of like it. The collar’s pretty

and kind of makes me feel protected. But I’m probably different from you guys. I like a little

kink myself, and I like it when Zack goes all Dom on me. I have a feeling Nicky would hate it.”

Nicky touched the collar too, and looked thoughtful. “I wouldn’t wear it. I’ve worn them

before when I first came and much uglier than this one, but for me, it represents what I’ve been

fighting against for a long time. It would please Marco, but it wouldn’t be real for me. It

represents real submission, and I don’t have that. What about you, Evan?”

“No, I wouldn’t wear it either. I really like the rings though.”

“Oh, hell yes, they’re gorgeous. I noticed Zack was wearing one too, for all his talk about

‘he’s wearing my ring.’”

Gabe smiled and put a companionable arm around both Nicky and Evan. “I have an idea,

boys. A way to get back at Zack for his little remark about the collar and your wolves for how

much they admired it. Will you help me?” Nicky looked eager and laughingly nodded his head.

Evan pulled back a little.

“I don’t know about this. What kind of lesson exactly? I don’t want to make Brett mad at me


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“These collars they think control us so much—what if we all wore one and yet acted

completely out of their control? Let them know that when the collar goes on, our so-called good

behavior goes out the window.”

Just then Brett called out. “Evan!”

Evan turned to see him standing near the hallway to their room, his face scowling because

he was talking to Nicky and Gabe. He snapped his fingers at him. “Over here! Now!”

Back to this shit again? Evan turned back to Nicky and Gabe, his face dark with outrage.

“Count me in, Gabe, whatever it is. I think my mate could use a little lesson too.”

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Chapter Eight

Brett could hear the music from the moment they stepped out of the room, loud country

music, the raucous kind with a boisterous, urgent beat. Nicky had picked a country-western

theme for this party and it sounded like he already had it in full swing. Brett hadn’t wanted to go

to the party in honor of Zack and Gabe, but he didn’t exactly know how he could get out of it

gracefully either without pissing Marco off. Reluctantly he’d taken a hot shower and tried to get

all the paint off his fingers, clean up and look respectable for the evening. He’d been working

hard all day, priming and painting over at the new addition, and he wasn’t in much of a party


Evan looked happy, though, as he stood by the sink shaving, a skimpy towel wrapped

around his cute ass. Tempting, very tempting. Brett sighed. He’d like nothing better than to curl

up on the sofa with a cold beer in one hand and Evan’s cock in the other tonight. He certainly

didn’t feel like dancing, or watching the two alphas’ pets shaking their asses this evening, like he

knew they probably would be.

Really, it was plain embarrassing. Both young men were gorgeous, if a little too flamboyant

for his taste. If they got out there tonight dancing around and grinding their hips, what was a red-

blooded young wolf supposed to look at? Better not be his alpha’s mate, if he knew what was

good for him. Besides, he’d much rather look at his own mate’s shapely hips, and he could do

that just as well at home.

Evan passed him on the way out of the bathroom, tossing him a flirtatious little glance as he

went, pulling the towel off at the door so he could get a good look at that shapely little ass.

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Damn, now he had a raging hard-on to contend with on top of everything else. He turned a blast

of cold water on for as long as he could stand it, and then got out of the shower and dried himself

off. He peered at himself in the mirror for a moment, decided he didn’t really need a shave, then

used the blow dryer for a few minutes on his mane of auburn hair. He walked out to the bedroom

and stopped dead in his tracks.

Evan was wearing perhaps the tightest pair of leather pants he’d ever seen. He must have

lain down on the bed to get them zipped. He’d paired it with a black t-shirt, also skin-tight, and a

pair of black boots that laced up the front and went all the way to his knees. His blond hair was a

little tousled and held in place with a touch of hair gel. He looked hot as hell and he knew it. He

turned and gave Brett a little smile, and just as Brett opened his mouth to tell him to take off that

fuck-me-please outfit, he whipped out a black leather strip from the dresser and held it out to

Brett. “Would you like me to wear this too, babe? I saw how much you admired Gabe’s collar.”

Brett took the leather strip in his hands and looked up at Evan wonderingly. “Really?”

Brett’s mouth had gone instantly dry as his cock raised up again so fast it almost bounced. He

had a hard time talking as he took it from his mate, and when he finally managed to speak his

voice came out hoarse and ragged. “ made you decide to do this?”

“Well, I noticed how much you admired Gabe’s gold collar. What is it you like about them

so much, Brett? Are they like a symbol of something for you?” He angled another coquettish

look up at him. “You do like the way it looks, don’t you, Brett?”

Brett nodded and cleared his throat. “Oh hell, yeah. Yeah, I like it.” He stepped forward and

buckled the thin leather strip around Evan’s throat, running a finger under it to make sure it

wasn’t too tight. Then he bent down and trailed kisses down his throat, stopping just above his

collarbone, where he sucked the tender skin up into his mouth to raise a mark. When he pulled

away, he was happy to see a little hickey placed strategically beneath the collar where it couldn’t

be missed or mistaken for anything else.

Evan clapped a hand over his neck and pushed Brett away. “Damn it, Brett!”

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Brett just smiled and slapped him on his ass as he walked to the bed to pick up his own

clothes, jeans and white, long-sleeved button-up shirt. He pulled on leather cowboy boots to

complete his outfit and stood up, holding out his arms. “How do I look, sweetheart? Do I look l

country enough for this party of Nicky’s?”

“Well you act like a redneck, that’s for sure. Come on, let’s go to the party. I feel like

dancing tonight.”

Brett followed him, but the first hint of unease hit him as he walked along behind his mate,

his ass swinging along provocatively in his too-tight leather pants. When they walked into the

main room, he was distracted at first by the dim lights, the loud music and the large number of

people in the room. Evan slipped into the crowd and Brett lost sight of him right away, but he

saw a table where Casey was sitting with Rory and made his way over to it. They were both

eating from the buffet tables, so before he sat down, he walked over to fill a plate. He was

starving and hadn’t eaten since early that morning, so for a while all his focus was on the food

laid out for them on the buffet. He looked around again for Evan, but didn’t see him right away.

He filled his plate and sat down with Casey and Rory.

“Your boy’s looking good, Brett,” Casey nodded across the room. “He and Nicky could

almost be twins.”

Brett jerked his attention up to where Casey was pointing. Evan was standing with Nicky

near the little dance floor, and he could see they were dressed almost exactly alike. Same leather

pants, black t-shirt and laced up boots. Nicky, too, was wearing the little strap of leather around

his neck. Since both the good-looking men were blond and about the same size, they almost did

look like brothers. Two more people joined them and Brett felt steam rising. It was Gabe and

Logan, wearing the exact same outfits and sporting the little black leather collars. They looked

like some kind of little gang, and the twinges of unease he’d felt earlier became full pangs of

alarm. What the hell were they planning?

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The music started, some loud twangy party song about rowdy friends “gettin’ down”, and all

four of the men pulled off their t-shirts and threw them on a nearby table. They stood in a little

circle and started to dance, but not just regular dancing. This dancing was dirty, raw and hot as

hell. All of them gorgeous, young and buff, they were thrusting their hips at each other and

generally looked like they were having sex on the dance floor.

Casey started laughing and looked over at Brett, who had half-risen from his chair. “Better

tighten up on that, Brett, before somebody else does.”

Brett threw down his fork and stood all the way up, shooting a look of pure fury around him.

He saw everybody’s attention had been drawn to the four young men, and he didn’t at all like the

kind of attention they were getting. A few of the unattached young gammas were pointing and

nudging each other and one or two even moved over next to the group and were dancing

alongside them. One of them looked up and caught Brett’s eye as he stalked toward them, froze

and melted back into the crowd. The other one made the mistake of standing behind Nicky,

making a motion like he was humping him.

Nicky pushed him away and climbed up on a table to dance. Evan climbed up beside him.

With wicked looks directed at their respective mates, they both slowly unsnapped their tight

pants and began to pull them ever so slowly down their hips. Before Brett could arrive, the

young gamma, who was practically salivating by now, had been thrown halfway across the room

as Marco arrived on the scene. He then turned, snatched Nicky off the table, and strode off the

dance floor with him.

The music stopped as people started trying to gather close to see what was going on, and

jostled each other excitedly as the wolf mates arrived. Zack and Brett arrived at the same time,

each one snatching up their mates in their arms. Brett saw Ian looming over Logan with his

hands on both Logan’s wrists, but he wasted no time with anyone else. He had problems of his


He’d thrown Evan over his shoulder to take him from the room, and Evan was making his

displeasure known. Yelling and trying to raise up off his shoulders, Evan was furious, but no

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more so than Brett. He swatted Evan’s backside hard as he took him to their room and threw him

down on the bed. Evan tried to jump back up and Brett pushed him back down again.

“What the hell did you think you were doing, Evan? You made a spectacle of yourselves!

All of you! Whose brilliant plan was this anyway? Nicky’s? Gabe’s? And you were stupid

enough to go along with it.”

“Leave me alone, Brett. How dare you drag me out of there like some kind of fucking


“How do I dare? You belong to me, damn it! I’ll do whatever I want to with you!”

Evan opened his mouth in surprise. “Stop saying that! I belong to myself, not you!” He

reached up and unbuckled the collar from around his neck and tossed it on the bed. “I wore this

tonight to show you it’s a bunch of crap. My wearing a stupid collar means nothing to me. You

don’t control me. I’m your mate, and I love you. But I’m not your possession. It’s fine for Gabe,

because he and Zack have that kind of relationship. It’s something Gabe wants. But this collar is

something you want because of your pride. It has to be about both of us or it’s meaningless.”

“You and Nicky both were flaunting your bodies!”

“If I was, then it’s mine to flaunt! I can do whatever I want, Brett, and you don’t control


“You can do whatever you want, huh? I don’t control you? I think it’s time to explain a few

things to you, Evan.” He leaned over the bed and began to take off Evan’s boots. “Don’t fight

me, Evan,” he said as he started to struggle and kick. “I’ve let you get away with far too much,

and it’s over. As Casey told me, it’s time for me to tighten up.”

* * * *

Nicky was having a second cup of coffee when Logan tapped on the door and came in.

“Is the coast clear?” he asked with a smile. At Nicky’s nod, he came all the way inside and

sat at the bar beside him. “Is Marco still mad?

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“Oh hell, yes, but he’s always mad at me about something, though I must admit this one is

worse than usual. It wasn’t the dancing that pissed him off so much—he’s seen me do that before

and even joined me on the dance floor. He hated me unsnapping my pants. I tried to convince

him I was only teasing, but he wasn’t buying it. He says I’m ‘an instigator’ again too. Heck, it

was Gabe’s idea, I only went along with it. Although I guess I did go a little too far.” He dipped

his head in embarrassment. “What about you?”

“Yeah, Ian huffed and puffed about it for a while, but it’s pretty much blown over now. He

was not too pleased about the leathers and the collars. He said some of the older human pets still

wear them, and we shouldn’t make fun of things we don’t understand. I can see his point, but

that wasn’t what we were doing exactly. I mean, Gabe’s a submissive who wears his all the time,

and that’s his choice. I respect that. I still don’t like it when it’s forced on someone, and I didn’t

much like Casey’s and Zack’s attitudes about human pets and collars when you told me,” he


“I tried to explain to Marco it was just a joke, but he said it wasn’t funny to a lot of people.

Brett got really mad at Evan, I understand.”

“Really? Have you talked to him?”

“No. Brett’s got him locked down in his room. Marco told me to stay out of it, but I was

actually getting ready to go check on him. You want to go with me?”

“Sure, I have time. The self-defense class doesn’t start for another hour yet. Can we get in to

see him?”

Nicky smiled. “I have the passkey. I stole it off Marco’s key ring this morning. C’mon, Brett

should be at work by now.”

They walked downstairs down halls that were mostly empty this time of day until they

reached Brett and Evan’s door. Using his key, Nicky opened the door. “Anyone home?” he

called softly. There was no answer, and he glanced over at Logan uneasily.

“You don’t think he’s done something to him, do you?”

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Logan laughed. “Nicky, you’re so dramatic. Let’s look in the bedroom.” Logan eased open

the door and they saw Evan sound asleep on the bed, one hand over his head and cuffed to the


“What the hell?” Nicky crossed over to the bed and sat down beside Evan, shaking him

gently. He never moved. He was naked and had bite marks on his neck and shoulders. Nicky

shook him harder and finally one eye opened just a little.

“Whassa matter?” Evan said in a weak voice. “Sleepy...”

Nicky looked up at Logan. “Damn Brett! He’s been feeding him too much. Probably fucking

him half to death too, the asshole. Look over in that drawer for a key to this cuff.”

Logan opened a few drawers until he found another cuff and a key. He used the key to

unlock Evan and he chafed his reddened wrist in his hands, while Nicky sat fuming.

“This is bullshit, Logan. I’m getting him out of here.”

“Nicky, calm down. He’s not hurt, and yeah, it looks like Brett’s been feeding him too

much, probably to keep him calm. We may just need to stay out of this.”

“No, I won’t stay out of it. Look at those marks on him. This is what Marco did to me when

I first came. He used to feed me too much blood to make me sleep all the time, and he locked me

in cuffs a couple of times. The wolves used to claim it calmed pets down to be ‘controlled’ and

put in restraints. I hated it then and I hate it now. It’s why Marco and I almost broke up, and I

thought I’d managed to put a stop to this kind of thing.”

“At least go get Marco and tell him about it. If he’s really changed the laws, then he’ll back

you up. You don’t need to get between a wolf and his mate without Marco’s support.”

Nicky set his jaw firmly. “I’ll tell Marco, just as soon as I get Evan out of here. Help me

with him, Logan. I’m taking him home with me.”

* * * *

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Brett stood in front of Marco, anxious and tense about Evan. He wondered where he was

and if he was okay. What was Evan thinking? Did he hate him now? Was he asking to leave? He

finally became aware that Marco had asked him a question.

“What? Uh..sir? I didn’t hear you.”

“I asked you if you put hands on him, Brett? Did you hit him?”

“No!” Brett replied indignantly. “I would never hurt Evan! I-uh-I took his clothes off. He

didn’t like that too much.” He shifted his feet. “And I made him drink blood, but I never hit him

at all. Did he say I hit him?” His tone was incredulous, and Marco shook his head.

“No, but I wanted to ask you to make sure he wasn’t trying to protect you.” Marco sat back

in his chair and gazed at him sternly. “He did have bite marks on his neck. He said you’d been

having a lot of sex with him too.”

Brett could feel a flush come over his whole body. It was true he’d gotten a little possessive

and carried away the last couple of days. Okay, a lot carried away, and he’d planned on coming

home that afternoon after work and releasing Evan and trying to patch things up between them.

He’d always heard from the older wolves that feeding the human pets would calm them, and

Evan had needed a lot of calming down after he stripped his clothes off him the other night. They

said to tie him up or put him in cuffs and it would help him to regain his temper. Boy, they’d

been wrong about that. When he’d tied Evan up the night before, he’d practically tried to claw

his eyes out and kicked him off the bed before he’d managed to subdue him. After he’d cuffed

him that morning, he’d had to feed him again just so he could leave for work.

Marco was speaking to him and he tried hard to focus. “I used to feel the same way you do,

Brett. I almost lost Nicky a couple of times because I was too stubborn to really hear what he

was saying to me. I tried to just bluster my way through an argument. Hell, I still do from time to

time. I used the fact that I was bigger and stronger than he is to try to make him do what I wanted

him to do. It didn’t work, Brett, and it won’t work with Evan.”

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Brett looked down at his feet for a long moment and then back up at the alpha. “Can I see

him? I won’t—I mean I don’t have to touch him. I just need to see him, Marco. I need to see if

he hates me for what I did.”

Marco sighed. “I don’t think he hates you, Brett, but I don’t think he’ll come home right

away, either. I’ve already spoken to both Nicky and Logan for their parts in this. Both of them

are independent and strong-willed, and they’re veterans by now at fighting with their mates.

They never should have allowed Evan to get so involved, as new as he is to Werekin life, and as

new as your relationship is.” He took a deep breath and stood up. “There was no excuse for it,

but no excuse for your behavior, either.”

“I know, Alpha. I’m sorry.”

Marco gestured to him. “Come on. I’ll let you see him and talk to him. He’s still a little

confused. I’m afraid you’ll face punishment for your treatment of him, Brett. It’s time for the

older wolves and for some of the younger ones, too, to realize that things have changed. They

can no longer hide behind tradition to make excuses for abusive behavior. I’ll talk to Ian and

decide on a fitting punishment for your actions. In the meantime, I don’t suppose it would hurt

for you to see Evan for a few minutes, if he agrees.” He left the council room and led him down

the hall to his quarters.

“Stay here and I’ll see if he’ll agree to see you.”

Brett stood in the hallway, feeling miserable and torn. On the one hand, he needed to see

Evan almost as much as he needed air to breathe. On the other, he was ashamed and afraid. What

if Evan didn’t want to see him? Or worse, what if he told him he hated him and rejected him as

his mate?

Marco came back to the door and gestured for him to come in. Heaving a sigh, he stepped

inside the door. Evan was reclining on the sofa, covered by a blanket, and Nicky had been

reading in a chair next to him. Nicky scowled at Brett when he walked in, but Brett’s attention

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was focused on Evan. He had scooted to a sitting position and was picking at little pieces of lint

on the blanket, looking down to avoid eye contact with Brett.

Marco motioned for Nicky to come with him, and they both stepped outside to give the

couple some privacy. Brett noticed right away how nervous Evan seemed. He perched himself on

the arm of the sofa to give him some space.

For a moment, neither of them said a word. Brett reached out cautiously to touch Evan’s

foot under the blanket, but he pulled it away sharply. Brett pulled back his hand, literally at a loss

for words. He gave a little ragged sigh.

“What do you want to do?”

For a moment he thought Evan wasn’t going to answer. Still looking down, Evan said, “I

don’t know. I don’t want to come back, though.”

Even though he knew he was going to say those words, they still speared right through him.

“Okay, I understand.” He stood up—he had to get out of there before he did something stupid,

like fall to his knees and beg him. “If-if you need me for anything, just tell Marco.”

“I won’t,” Evan said shortly, ripping his heart out with those two little words.

“Oh. Okay...well...” He backed toward the door, afraid to say another word in case he started

crying. He could feel the tears clogging up the back of his throat now, threatening to burst out

and embarrass him completely. He had to ask the question though that was uppermost in his

mind. He swallowed down the tears and forced the words out.

“Do you...have you rejected me, Evan?”

There was a long silence and Brett allowed himself to feel a bit of hope that Evan hadn’t

said yes immediately. His next words dashed that hope.

“Not yet. Not officially, but I don’t think we have any future, Brett. You never really wanted

a human mate in the first place. You told me so several times. You need someone who will let

you boss them around, and I need someone who will respect me.”

Brett turned blindly toward the door, incapable of saying anything more. Evan was his life.

He couldn’t live without his mate. He couldn’t live without his soul. He fumbled for the door

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handle when he heard Evan speak softly behind him. “Aren’t you even going to say you’re


He turned back to face him, but he couldn’t speak. If he did, the sobs would burst from his

throat. “Sorry,” he finally choked out, then turned and took off through the door and ran down

the hall, passing Nicky and Marco on the way but unable to even speak to them. He saw Marco’s

face filled with concern and then he was back inside the council room, slamming the door behind

him. He couldn’t stand to face anyone right now.

He wished he was outside in the woods. He could pull his clothes off and shift to his wolf.

He wanted only to get away. There was no way he could stay, knowing how much he’d hurt his

mate—how he’d ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him. He’d lost him for good, it

seemed. He put back his head and howled with the pain, the disappointment and the shame, and

then he slumped down at the council table. He knew Marco was coming to mete out his

punishment. He hoped he would be banished, sent far away. He couldn’t stay and watch as Evan

took up with someone else. It would, quite literally, kill him. He’d rather be banished, and stay in

his wolf form. He wouldn’t feel the pain quite so keenly then. He closed his eyes and let the pain

crash down on him.

* * * *

Nicky leaned over Marco’s shoulder as he read his email from the inside contacts at the

Hunter complex. Marco had forwarded the picture of Tim that Zack had sent him to several of

these contacts over the last few days and almost all of them recognized him as a young wolf who

had been held captive at the prison complex for over six months. None of them were in a

position to know what was done to him, but at least they’d confirmed his presence. It was a part

of the puzzle of what had happened to Tim to turn him into a rapist and murderer.

“Have you told Zack yet?” Nicky asked.

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“I’m forwarding everything to him. It might give his parents comfort to know about it, but it

could only cause them more pain. Hard to say.” Marco turned around to face his mate. “Well, I

guess I better go see Evan. You’re coming with me, right?”

“Oh, of course. It will be hard for him to feed from someone else this first time. I want to be

there for him.” Nicky sat down in Marco’s lap and kissed the side of his neck. “Thanks for doing

this for Evan. Rory offered too, but I don’t think Casey really liked the idea much—jealous pig

that he is.”

Marco smiled. “I don’t mind, sweetheart. I just wish we’d hear something from Brett. I’m

worried about him. Tomorrow will be two weeks since anyone has seen or heard from him, and

it’s just not like him. When I sentenced him to thirty days in jail, I never thought he’d just take

off like that. Brett’s the kind of man who makes mistakes, yes, but faces up to them. This

behavior is unlike him, but then I’ve never seen him so distraught and upset.”

“Evan’s a wreck. He won’t admit it but he is. He’s scared to death that Brett will never come

back, or that something has happened to him. We’d have heard if Winters got him, wouldn’t


Marco nodded. “Yes, I’ve alerted all out contacts, even got word to Dr. Cornsilk. No one has

seen any sign of him.”

“Stupid, stubborn wolf! Why would he just run away like that?”

“Well, from what Brett told me, Evan really didn’t give Brett much hope he’d forgive him.

Brett said he was going to reject him as his mate.”

Nicky blew out a skeptical breath. “Like he cared. Evan said he hardly even said he was

sorry, and then only after he prompted him to. I wonder if he even cared about what he did to


“You didn’t see him after their talk, Nicky. I did. He was practically destroyed. He cared

deeply, believe me. I think his heart was broken, and I’m afraid something may have happened

to him.”

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A little gasping sound by the door made them both look up to see Evan standing just inside

the door. He’d overheard what Marco said. His face registered a direct hit, and he swayed on his

feet. Nicky jumped up to put a hand on his shoulder and guide him into the room. “It’s okay,

Evan. He’s coming back, I’m sure of it.”

“What if he doesn’t, Nicky? I was so damn mad at him when he came to see me, I couldn’t

even stand for him to touch me. I was awful to him—really hateful. He thinks I hate him now, so

there’s no reason for him to come back.”

“You were just giving him some tough love, and it’s what he needed. He had to realize how

serious it was and how much he hurt you emotionally. It was the only way for the two of you to

ever make it work between you. You remember what I told you the first day I met you? He’s a

wolf, and wolves mate for life. They have all these stupid wolf laws, but that’s one I always

liked. That’s one I could always get behind.”

Evan gave Nicky a shaky little smile. “I hope you’re right.”

Nicky smiled at him encouragingly. “Come on over here now and you can feed from

Marco. It won’t taste as good to you as Brett’s does, but it will nourish you.”

A knock on the door interrupted them, and Nicky went over to open it. It was Ian, and he

looked serious and a little grim. He glanced over at Evan and then back at Marco. “It’s Brett,

Marco. Dr. Cornsilk has gotten word to us. The Hunters have had him for over a week and the

doctor just discovered it and has managed to get in and see him. They’ve been experimenting on

him, Marco. Dr. Cornsilk says he’s afraid they’ve completely destroyed his mind.”

* * * *

“We have to move quickly if this is going to work. The doctor said the Hunters think Brett

has outlived his usefulness now, and they’re ready to execute him. ‘Put him out of his misery,’ as

they put it.” Casey slammed his hand down on the table in front of him, contempt for the Hunters

and their cruelty twisting his lips.

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“We still have to be smart about it.” Marco stood up and paced around the council room that

was packed, not only with all of his advisors, but all of Zack’s advisors as well. Zack and his

entire clan had come to help as soon as they learned of Marco’s plan.

Marco had declared an all-out war on the Hunters, and further declared that it was time to

end this thing once and for all. His desire for peace and need for privacy all these years to escape

detection by the outside world had forced his clan to simply defend themselves from the

Hunters’ increasingly vicious attacks. Elias Winters and his psychotic behavior had finally

driven him too far. They would attack the complex and destroy it, along with Winters and

anyone else in his command who resisted. If any of the Hunters wished to put down their arms,

and become Werekin, they’d be spared. Otherwise, the wolves would take no prisoners. They

hadn’t started this war, but they could no longer stand by and allow their families to be in danger.

The wolves had had enough.

Deciding against the safe rooms in the basement, Marco had moved all of the older pets and

the children to Zack’s lodge, along with some of the older men and teenaged boys to act as

protection. Everyone else would be in on the fight—even the pets who wanted to help. This last

provision had been hard won for Logan and Nicky and the others, but an impassioned plea by

Evan had finally turned the tide in their favor. It was his mate who had been injured, he argued,

and he was going in after him, regardless of what anybody thought. When Logan, Nicky, Gabe

and all the other human pets backed him, the wolves had finally given in.

“Like I said, we have to be smart about this thing. They have plenty of firepower so we’re

not going to rush in, guns blasting.”

“We have a plan,” Casey said confidently. “We’ve had this in mind for a long time, but we

were hoping we wouldn’t have to use it. We still want to avoid exposure, so we’re going to have

to make this look good to any outsiders. That’s one reason we’ll take no prisoners. Each person

who surrenders must become Werekin. All the feral soldiers will be given blood as well. It looks

like our community is about to experience a huge growth spurt.”

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“What’s the plan, Casey?” Evan asked quietly. He was standing between Logan and Nicky

and this was one of the first days he’d wanted to be around other people. The thought of what

Brett was going through, and not knowing if he were alive or dead had taken its toll on him, and

he was pale and had lost a lot of weight, even though both Ian and Marco had been feeding him

as often as he would allow.

Casey turned toward him. “We’re going to use the tunnel that Ian, Rory, Nicky and Logan

used the night they helped Ian escape from the complex.”

Logan frowned. “Surely they would have destroyed that tunnel by now.”

“No, they didn’t,” Casey replied. “According to our sources, they did seal it off with a

heavily locked and bolted steel door at the end that comes out on the mountainside, and they

have it guarded now, but they kept it as an escape route for themselves if their compound walls

are ever breached.”

“So how can we get inside if it’s so secured?” Logan asked.

“Simple. Our guys on the inside. When we send the signal, they’ll overpower the guards and

open the door. We’ll be there to waltz right in,” Casey said.

Meanwhile, to keep their attention focused somewhere else, Zack and I will take a small

group of four and come in the front gate,” Marco said. “We’ll be hiding in Dr. Cornsilk’s car and

come in right under their noses. When he lets us out, two of us will go immediately to Elias

Winter’s quarters and take him prisoner. If he resists, we’ll kill him. Another two will go to the

other general’s quarters and secure that area. We’ll cut off the head of the snake right away and

hope the body flounders.

Our boys will be coming in the tunnel and going from building to

building. We’ll go in quietly and have the element of surprise on our side. It’ll be just like the

Trojan horse.” Casey turned to Rory. “Rory, I’d like you to lead a small group to the prison cells

and find Brett, and anyone else they may be holding.” He cast a quick glance at Evan. “From

what I understand about his condition, you may have to subdue him, because I don’t think he’ll

know you. Take at least two more wolves with you in case he puts up a fight.” He turned to Evan

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and smiled at him. “Yes, I know, Evan, you’ll want to be with them too. Of course, and you can

take Nicky with you.”

Nicky frowned. “But I thought I could go with Marco...”

“Not a chance, baby,” Marco said. “Where I’ll be is too damn dangerous, and besides, Evan

will need you. No, I’ll take Zack and Ian and...”

“And me,” Logan said quietly. “I have the right to be there, Marco, when you go after my

father. I’ll be able to keep up just fine.” He glanced over at Ian as if to gauge his support, but Ian

was smiling warmly at him.

Marco considered it gravely for a moment. The pack had never willingly put a pet in such

jeopardy before, but Logan had a point. After all the things his father had done to him, he did

deserve a chance. “All right,” he said, nodding. “We’ll make sure our contacts are in place and

we’ll attack at dawn tomorrow. Any questions?” He looked around the table, but found only

determined faces staring back at him. “All right, get some rest. See you in the morning.”

* * * *

Logan was pressed up tight against Ian’s big body in the trunk of the doctor’s car. He could

feel the slow, steady heartbeat of his mate, and it calmed him. Soon now, they’d be passing

through the checkpoint at the gate, and he had to be ready. Zack and Marco were folded up

between the back seat and the floor board under some blankets, and he knew it had to be

uncomfortable for them. The guards rarely stopped Dr. Cornsilk’s car, but if they did, they had to

be ready. Logan’s finger rested lightly on the safety of his assault rifle as he felt the car slow to a

stop. He could hear some muffled conversation and a snatch of a short laugh. Then the car

started up again, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. He felt Ian’s hand on his thigh, gripping

him tightly in reassurance, letting him know he was there and would protect him with his life.

Logan felt the same way toward Ian and pressed his body back into him for a second. He felt

a soft kiss graze his temple and smiled to himself. How many other soldiers about to go into

battle stayed up half the night making love, he wondered? The time spent with his lover had

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strengthened and sustained him through the night, and he felt ready to face whatever he had to

this morning, no matter how difficult.

The car came to a stop and in a few seconds, the trunk opened so they could crawl out. They

stood stretching for a moment before following Marco’s hand signals and moving into the

building that housed the generals. Marco had the codes to the door and punched them in quickly.

Once inside, Marco and Zack nodded to show they were headed to the upstairs quarters of Elias

Winters’ next in command while Ian and Logan moved quietly to Winters’ door.

Breathing a quick prayer that Winters hadn’t changed his keypad code, Logan punched it in,

and they flung open the door and dived inside, each one rolling to either side of the door before

jumping back to their feet. As expected, Winters had heard the slight tones of the keypad and had

been ready for them, firing the pistol he kept on his night stand and missing Logan by inches.

Logan had actually felt the breeze of the bullet as it passed his face.

Before Logan could make another move, Ian had fired, striking Winters in the chest. He fell

back against the pillows and lay still, his face drained of color. Logan approached the bed

cautiously and stood over his father. He was aware of shouts coming from the hall and Ian

running to secure the doorway. Winters opened his eyes and stared directly at Logan.

“You,” he said bitterly. “I might have known it would be you, you bastard.”

“Your bastard,” Logan said quietly.

Winters gave a short bark of laughter, but Logan could see the light fading from his eyes. “I

wonder if that’s even true. Your mother always was a whore.”

“Father, don’t...”

“Don’t what? Speak the truth? She was a filthy whore, and I’m glad I killed her. You didn’t

really think she died in any car accident, did you? She wanted to protect her little sissy boy.

Well, I showed her and I’ll show you too! Nobody gets the best of Elias Winters! Nobody!” He

raised the gun he still had clutched in his hand and pointed it straight at Logan’s heart.

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Before Winters could make a move, a red spot of blood blossomed in the center of his

forehead, as Ian killed him with a single shot. He pulled Logan into his arms and pressed his face

against his chest. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but he had it coming.”

“I know,” Logan said softly. “I thought I could do it, but...”

“No one expected you to—nobody’s that strong.” Ian turned him away from the bed.

“C’mon. let’s go find Marco.”

They found Marco coming down the stairs, pushing the general, his hands tied in front of

him. Marco looked a little shaken, and Zack was behind them speaking urgently on his radio.

“Are you all right, Marco?” Ian noticed the paleness on Marco’s face and was a little


“Some bastard surprised me on the way to the general’s bedroom. Came out of nowhere and

jabbed me with a hyprodermic needle.”

“A hypodermic needle? What was in it?”

“No idea. Not poison, thank God, or I’d be dead by now. Probably some of their crazy

concoctions—like most of them, it didn’t work. I’m fine. I’m sure it was nothing, just made me

feel a little woozy.”

“Yeah, and he didn’t live long enough to tell us much. I’m afraid I just reacted when I saw

him stabbing at Marco. I killed the son-of-a-bitch.” He looked remarkably unrepentant as he

turned to Marco. “They’re inside the compound, Marco,” Zack said with obvious excitement.

They’ve already secured two buildings with minimum casualties and Hunters are surrendering all

over the place.”

“Any word on Nicky?”

“Rory’s group has entered the prison building. Only minimal resistance, with a few

casualties—Nicky’s not one of them,” he said quickly at the look on Marco’s face. “He and Evan

and Gabe are on their way down with Rory and the wolves to find Brett.”

“Thank God,” Marco said softly as Ian slapped him on the back. “Never again,” he said with

a laugh, shaking his head. “I’m a nervous wreck.”

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“They’ve done well so far, though,” Ian said with pride, looking at Logan. “You have to

admit that.”

“I do admit it,” Marco said. “But I still wish this was over with so I could get my hands on

him again. You do realize what this means, don’t you, Ian? From now on, Nicky will want to sit

in on all our council meetings.”

Ian regarded him with horror as Logan stood beside them and smiled a little as he leaned

against the wall.

* * * *

Evan followed Rory and the other two gammas down the dark, familiar hallway of the

prison where he’d first seen Brett only a few months ago. Then he’d been shackled to the floor in

chains. He wondered what condition he would find him in this time. They checked each cell as

they went down the hall and found them empty until they reached the third door down. From

within they could hear what sounded like an animal in pain, howling and whimpering. The sound

made the hair stand up on the back of Evan’s neck. Nicky squeezed his arm reassuringly as they

waited for Rory and the others to get the door open. When they did, all three of the wolves

rushed inside and over to a figure chained to the wall. Evan caught a glimpse of something not

quite human and couldn’t be sure if it was Brett or not.

They wrestled with the creature, forcing him to the ground and trying not to hurt him,

though he fought them desperately. One of the big gammas got the creature in a headlock so that

Rory could inject him with the sedative prescribed by Dr. Cornsilk. It took almost five minutes

for it to calm him down enough so that some of the hair and claws receded from him and Evan

was finally able to recognize Brett. He ran over to him, but he saw no recognition on his face as

he growled at him from beneath the press of arms holding him down. Evan put a hand on his

thigh and spoke to him softly, calling his name, but he shut his eyes tightly and screamed so

loudly Evan drew back his hand.

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Finally, the sedative took full effect and Brett’s big body relaxed into a deep sleep, only

twitching occasionally. They picked him up carefully and carried him outside to lay him on the

grass. There was a kind of controlled chaos all around them as Evan knelt down next to Brett and

held his hand, with Nicky by his side. Evan was shocked by Brett’s appearance. He was filthy

and gaunt, with almost purple shadows under his beautiful eyes, now sunken and hollow. There

were deep cuts all along his arm, which were crusted with blood, swollen and infected. He was

burning with fever, and his body jerked from time to time and shuddered.

Dr. Cornfield arrived to examine him and immediately called Marco over. Marco warmly

glanced once at Nicky and then focused all his attention on the doctor.

“I need to get him to the clinic right away, Marco. I wish I could take him to the hospital,

but I know it’s impossible. We’ll need to transfuse him as soon as possible with alpha blood.”

Marco nodded. “You’ll have three of us as donors.”

“Good. He’s going to need it.” Marco ran off to obtain transport and Dr. Cornfield looked

over at Evan for the first time. “He’s bad, Evan. He’s only made it this long because he’s so

young and strong. After I transfuse him and get him stabilized, I can find the records to see what

they’ve been injecting him with. “I’m sorry, Evan. I’ll do the best I can.”

Evan nodded as Nicky grasped his shoulder. “He’ll make it. Just keep telling yourself that

and don’t give up hope.”

“I know he will, Nicky. He has to—I don’t think I can live without him.”

* * * *

“Stop pacing, Evan. You’re beginning to make me nervous,” Nicky said, trying to

concentrate on his painting. He was working at an easel set up in his and Marco’s quarters. It was

the first time Evan had ever seen him work, though he’d heard that he was a really good artist.

Evan stood behind him for a few minutes, looking at his painting. It was a landscape of a

mountain view in a picture he had taped to the top of his easel. It was beautifully done, and Evan

was a little amazed that Nicky had painted it. Nicky was a great guy and had been a good friend

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to Evan, but he never seemed to be serious about much of anything, always making jokes and

fooling around. Nicky always surprised him when he displayed just how smart and talented he

really was.

Six weeks had passed since the night at the Hunters’ complex. The total number of Hunters

who had decided to surrender and join them that night numbered seventy-five, including the feral

soldiers. They had decided to divide the numbers up by three, with a third going to live at Zack’s

home in Georgia, a third going to the alpha in Tennessee, and the rest living in a big encampment

near Mountainwood. The young gamma male and female wolves had been encouraged to find a

mate among their numbers and quite a few had done so. The rest were being supplied with blood

from the other wolves on a rotating basis until a mate could be found for them. Marco grumbled

that he felt like he was running a dating service these days instead of a pack.

Ironically, the general who had been captured was one of the first to find a mate. An older

widower from Zack’s pack had asked for him. Now that he was Werekin, they had to accept him

and not make fun of him, but Logan was finding it hard not to be just a little gleeful that the

previously homophobic general was now the mate of a wolf, and from all accounts, very happy.

The most worrisome problem, of course, had been Brett. When Evan was finally allowed to

see him after a few days of intensive treatment, he had still looked terrible, and had gazed at

Evan with no recognition evident on his face.

The doctor had discovered the records showing the various chemicals that he’d been injected

with, an assortment of acids and poisons. He said the only treatment was the alpha blood and

they gave him as much as he could hold. After about a week, he’d begun to show improvement

and his recovery had been steady after that. He knew who Evan was, but he still wouldn’t meet

his gaze or talk to him, turning his head to the wall whenever Evan came in.

Evan wanted to throw his arms around him, and tell him how much he loved him, but Brett

was somehow distant and unyielding. Evan contented himself with sitting by him quietly and

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holding his hand occasionally when he’d allow it. Evan went to see him less and less though,

thinking Brett preferred him to stay away and not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

Marco walked in and Nicky turned to smile at him. He came over right away and dropped a

kiss on his lips, rubbing a hand over his shoulders. Evan couldn’t help wishing that he had a

close relationship like that with his own mate.

“Hi, Evan,” he said. “How’s Brett today?”

Evan dropped his gaze. “I-I don’t know, Marco. I haven’t been to see him today. Yesterday

when I came in to see him, he gave a big sigh, like, oh God, not him again. I think I’m just

making him miserable. He obviously doesn’t want to see me.”

Marco made a sound of exasperation. “I think this has gone on long enough, damn it. Evan,

come with me. I’m putting a stop to this right now.”

Marco turned and strode off, obviously expecting Evan to follow him so he trailed along

behind him down the stairs to the basement clinic, where Brett was.

As they walked in, Brett sat up in bed and looked from Evan back to Marco with a little

apprehension. He swallowed hard and nodded at them. “Alpha, Evan, how are you both this


Marco folded his arms and gave Brett the look he usually saved for Nicky when he was

doing something outrageous. “Brett, have you decided to come back to the pack and take up your

duties here?”

“Yes, Alpha, if you’ll have me. I know I’ve shirked my duties as lead gamma, and ruined

all that, but I’ll come back in any capacity you’ll let me.”

“We can talk about that later. First there’s a little matter of thirty days of jail time you owe

me. You’ve been confined in here for two weeks. I’ll count that toward your time. If the doctor

says you can be released, then I’d like you to start the rest of your time tomorrow.”

Brett flushed a deep red and looked down. “Yes, Alpha, of course.”

“Since you’ve been so ill, I’m going to allow you to serve the rest of your sentence on house

arrest. Evan, here, will be your jailer.”

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Evan and Brett both turned looks of astonishment on Marco, but he stared steadily down at

Brett. Without turning from Brett, he addressed Evan. “Evan, you are not to allow him out of

your room for the full two weeks, is that clear?”

“Uh—yes sir.”

“Good. And Brett, you will do everything Evan tells you to do, is that understood?”

“Alpha, I—uh...”

“Are you questioning my ruling, Brett?”

“No, sir, I was just going to say that Evan might not...”

“Evan?” Marco said. “Do you have a problem with it?”

“No, Marco.”

“Then that’s settled. I’ll go talk to the doctor and then get someone to help move you.” He

turned on his heel and left them alone together, with an awkward silence between them. Evan

knew Marco was trying to help, but help what, he wondered. Brett was so cold and distant. His

mind seemed to be a thousand miles away as Evan sat waiting beside him. Evan wondered what

he’d been doing the past week he’d spent away from him. Maybe it had been a relief not to have

to be with his mate—a human mate, that he’d never wanted in the first place because humans

were too wild and unpredictable. Wasn’t that what he’d said?

When the silence between them went from awkward to excruciating Brett finally spoke. Not

looking directly at Evan, he said, “If you don’t want to do this, don’t feel you have to. I can talk

to Marco and probably get you out of it.”

“No, that’s okay. I don’t mind. I mean, I want to help you, Brett. I’d much rather have you at

home than in some jail cell after all you’ve been through.”

Brett glanced up at him for the first time, his eyes dark and sad. “I really fucked things up

between us, Evan, and I want to tell you how sorry I am.”

“Okay,” Evan said, surprised at the depth of hurt he saw in Brett’s eyes.

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“No, it’s not okay, but I want you to know I tried to make things right. When I first left here,

before I ran into those damn Hunters, I tried to figure out what I could do to give you back your

old life. The fact is, you have to feed for the rest of your life, and there’s not anything I can do

about that, unless the doctors really do come up with an antidote or a synthetic substitute. Until

then, I promise I’ll always make myself available to give you what you need—you have my

promise on that.”

“I-uh...” Evan was at a loss for words. Brett was talking like he was going to leave again.

Did he hate him so much he couldn’t wait to get away from him again? It sure sounded like he

was giving him his freedom—a freedom Evan didn’t want.

“I found Eric for you.”

“You did what?”

Brett looked up at him almost shyly. “I said I found Eric for you. He hadn’t gone yet to be a

Hunter, so I told him to stay away. I told him exactly what they would do to him, and he—he

thanked me, and said he wouldn’t go anywhere near that place.”

“Oh,” Evan said softly. “Brett, that was very kind of you to do that. I—”

“I told him you were free now, and he said he still wants you back.”

Evan sat very still. “I’m sorry, say that again.”

“He’s waiting for you, baby, I mean, Evan, and I told him I’d bring you to him. Of course,

that was a few weeks ago, but I’m sure he’d still do it. He-he seemed like a pretty nice guy,

Evan. It could be just the same for you. Well, almost the same. It’s the best I can do to fix things,

you know? To get things back to the way they were. Just as soon as these two weeks are up, I

can help you pack up, and we can get started back down the mountain.”

“Oh really? Can’t wait to get rid of me, huh?”

“No, I didn’t mean that. What’s the matter, baby—I mean, Evan? Why are you looking at

me like that?”

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“Why are you just now telling me all this, Brett? I sat here with you almost every day the

first week until you made it plain you didn’t want me here anymore. You never once mentioned

any of this.”

Brett looked confused. “Well, I don’t know, Evan. My mind has been kind of mixed up, you

know, and I just remembered some of this. And I don’t know why you thought I didn’t want you

here. I never said that.”

“No, you didn’t say much of anything, actually. Just turned your face to the wall most days

and ignored me.”

Brett looked embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to give you that impression. All I could remember

at first was that last time I talked to you was when you told told me you didn’t want to

be with me and that you rejected me as your mate. I figured you were coming to see me to be


“I’m not an object that you and Eric can pass back and forth between you, Brett.”

Brett looked amazed. “I know that, honey. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“And I never told you I was rejecting you as my mate. I told you I hadn’t made up my mind

yet. You’re tired of me, so you’re taking me back to where you found me like some puppy you

don’t want anymore.”

“No!” Brett cried. “That’s not it at all! I was only trying to make things right again for you.”

“Did you ever think of asking me how you could do that? Did my wants and needs ever

enter into the equation at all?”

“Of course they did, Evan.”

“Really? Because all I ever wanted after that mess was a sincere apology, which you

apparently were unwilling to give me, and so terrified by the idea of it, and of us, that you ran

away from me. I had no idea if you were ever coming back, and then we got the news that

Winters had you and they were torturing you. Ian said...he said you were out of your mind, and

do you have any idea how I felt?

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“But Evan, of course, I’d come back. I was coming back when those Hunters got me. I was

sort of distracted, you know, and I wasn’t paying attention. I ran right into them.”

Evan simply stared at him saying nothing for a long moment. “I was so worried about you,”

he said softly. “I thought you stayed away on purpose.”

“Evan, I can’t stay away from you. That’s the whole point.”

“Well, you did a pretty damn good job of it. And how dare you take it upon yourself to

decide who I am going to spend the rest of my life with? I told you I didn’t want Eric. Did I

stutter? How can you treat me like some stupid puppy you just take back to the pound and


“But baby...I thought we established this.” Brett leaned forward and took his hand. He gazed

into his eyes very solemnly. “You’re not a puppy at all. You’re my bunny.”

There was the briefest moment of stunned silence and then Evan looked into those big,

green eyes and burst into laughter. “Idiot!” he said, punching him on the shoulder. When he

stopped laughing, he fixed him with a hard stare. “Do you or do you not want me as your mate?”

Brett looked at him blankly, blinking his eyes rapidly.

“It’s a simple question, Brett. Do you want me or not?” Evan folded his arms and stared

straight into his mate’s eyes.

Brett looked so confused he almost took pity on him. Almost.

“Of course, I want you. Evan, I’ve been such an idiot. I almost threw everything away, and I

hurt you. It was the last thing I ever wanted to do. I didn’t blame you for hating me.”

“I didn’t hate you,” Evan said. “Exactly. I just wanted you to realize what an idiot you were,

and apologize. Why didn’t you say you were sorry that day in Marco’s apartment when you

came to see me?”

Brett looked down at his lap. “I thought you were leaving me, baby. I was so hurt I couldn’t

even talk. I thought my life was over.” He raised his eyes to meet Evan’s.

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


A long silence fell between them as they stared at each other. Finally, when it dawned on

Brett that Evan was waiting for him to make the next move, he smiled broadly at Evan and

started to move toward him. He caught himself halfway and drew back. “Can I kiss you, baby?”

“You damn well better.”

Brett almost lunged toward him and pulled him over into his lap. For the next few minutes,

he kissed every available surface and then breathlessly, he picked Evan up in his arms and took

him to the bed, laying him down almost reverently. Evan began scooting out of his clothes and

Brett took his off at record speed, then lay down beside him to just gaze at him, like he couldn’t

believe it was actually happening. Evan never wanted to kiss anyone so badly in his life.

Brett seemed to recover and trailed a hot line of kisses down Evan’s neck ending at his

nipples. He spent some time licking and nipping at them before he slid lower down his body. He

moved his tongue over the head, lapping at the drops of pre-cum forming there.

Unable to wait any longer, Evan said, “Oh, God, do something!”

Brett laughed and pulled Evan’s legs up and licked at his entrance. He inserted a finger and

stretched him carefully. Evan tried to stop his trembling and make this good for his lover.

“Lube?” Evan asked, and Brett looked wildly around the room finally spotting a jar on a

nearby table. He reached for it and quickly spread it over his cock. Unable to wait a second

longer, Evan pulled Brett down inside him and he pushed until he was all the way in. Evan loved

the little whimpers and sweet sounds he made as he held himself there. Then once there he

waited, as if letting Evan get used to him again and savoring the sensation of Evan’s tight hold

around him.

Evan punched him on his shoulder again. “Hey, do something. Move!”

“Oh, like this, baby?” he moved his hips back and forth, nailing Evan’s prostate until he

writhed against him in a frenzy of need. Brett wrapped his hand around Evan’s cock and pumped

it in concert with the movement of his hips. “Come for me, sweetheart.”

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Shannon West

Evan came, his cock and balls and whole body spasming as Brett worked him and then Brett

was crying out as he came too, filling him full of cum. He bit down on Evan’s neck as he

climaxed, perhaps needing to claim him again in some way. Evan screamed and clung to his

shoulders, boneless, lost in the sensations flooding his body.

Brett collapsed on top of him and Evan breathed in his scent deeply, loving the smell and

feel of him. Not moving from inside him, he bit into his wrist and held it up in an offering to

Evan’s lips. Evan smiled and pulled it to his lips greedily, sucking down the sweet, hot blood and

looking up at Brett through his lashes occasionally to make Brett gasp and slowly harden again.

When he was done, Brett fucked him again, unable to help himself, and Evan wrapped his

legs around his waist and held on tight. This time when he finished, he fell off to the side, almost

unable to breathe. Evan followed him over and threw a leg over him and wrapped an arm around

his waist.

He wondered idly what could have happened to Marco and decided he had left them alone

for this very reason. Probably waiting outside for us to finish, he thought, chuckling to himself.

Evan knew he really did need to move before someone came in. He had to get his man home and

then keep him prisoner for the next two weeks. He imagined Brett naked in their bed, totally

dependent on him for a while. Not that he would make him suffer. No, on the contrary, he would

be a benevolent jailer and keep his prisoner well satisfied. The idea made him harden all over


“Mine,” Evan said contentedly and snuggled his cheek against Brett’s chest.

*The End*

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


About The Author

Shannon West lives in the mountains of North Carolina, and loves to write erotica
and paranormal. This is her fifth novel in the Dark Hollow series, but definitely
not her last. The next one in this series has already been written, with hopefully a
few more to come until her readers want her to stop.

Other Books by Shannon

Winning Bette

Street Angel

Lube Job

Georgia Heat

Come Hell or High Water

Fire and Ice

Training Tristan

The Alpha’s Pet (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 1)

Cry Wolf (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 2)

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Shannon West

Logan’s Choice (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 3)

Remember When

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Gabe's Alpha (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 4)

Hot on His Trail

Taking Charge of Brandon

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Wolfsbane (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 5)


Secret Cravings Publishing


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