Copyright © 2019 by Jewel West
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means, including
information storage and retrieval systems, without
written permission from the author, except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Wolf’s Mate
July in Texas, and the air conditioning broke. At the
Silver Star, the girls were all sweating—the ones up
on stage, dancing under the lights, and the ones on
the floor serving, like me.
It didn’t matter that we didn’t wear many
clothes to work at the Silver Star. I was wearing a
black strapless bustier and a tiny black skirt with
strappy heels, but I could feel the sweat sliding
down my neck and between my breasts. The men at
the tables didn’t fare any better, though by the look
of their eyes on my slick skin, they obviously liked
the view. One cupped my ass as I dropped off their
drinks—a hazard of the job, as I already knew after
only one week of working here. Instructions from
Cash, the bar’s manager, were strict and very clear:
Whatever the customers do, grit your teeth and put
up with it or you’re fired. So far the ass-cupping
had been the worst thing, and the tips were good. I
needed the money, so I followed the rules.
A song ended and Jenny, who was onstage
wearing only a purple wig and a few sparkles stuck
to her skin, collected her last dollar bills and left. I
returned a tray of empty drinks to the bar and
offloaded them while the DJ blathered, telling the
sweat-soaked men that the girls were taking a ten-
minute break. Jade, the bartender, gave me a
grateful look.
“You think it’s hot out there, try working the
dishwasher,” she said. She had dyed black hair and
a nose ring and liked to wear black leather. The
men came on to her all night long, and her answer
was always Look at the stage, honey.
I nodded. “At least I don’t have to dance.” I
was a server, not a dancer. My job was to dress
skimpy, look hot, serve drinks, flirt, and get my ass
fondled. If I did all of that right, I got tips. It wasn’t
the most glamorous job, but at least I didn’t have to
get naked onstage to get a paycheck. A lot of the
girls who did it loved it, but there was no way I
could be one of them.
“I keep telling you, honey, you should try it,”
Jade said. “With your body, you’d be a sensation.”
I shook my head. “No way.” My mother had
had me at seventeen, and I never knew who my
father was. There was only a succession of
boyfriends. She’s the one I got my body from, and
though I didn’t judge, I didn’t want to live her life. I
saw the men who came in here and came on to the
dancers—most of them were married, though they
took their wedding rings off and wouldn’t admit it. I
didn’t need a Prince Charming, but I at least
needed someone who would be faithful. Being a
stripper seemed to be a way to attract the worst
kind of man.
Though to tell the truth, I wasn’t much different
from the dancers. I still wore these skimpy clothes,
and honestly I kind of liked it. The bustier pushed
my breasts up and together into creamy mounds,
and the skirt molded to my ass. Mom would be
proud if she could see me. She’d finally gotten
married and moved to Florida, and I never saw her
anymore. I didn’t know anyone else in town, and I
was kind of lonely. I wouldn’t mind meeting a man,
if he was good-looking and nice and had a good
job. I was twenty-four, and it was time to settle
Except, I reminded myself, that would never
happen. Because there were good reasons no man
like that would ever have me.
I bent and put the last of the glasses away,
blinking back tears. When I stood again, I had
control of myself. I had to think positively. I had to
remember that things usually worked out for the
best. I’d find not just any man, but the right man—
one who loved and cherished me just as I was. I just
had to be patient.
I had more orders to fill, and as Jade served
customers at the end of the bar I pulled my own
beers from the tap. I turned to find Jade coming
quickly back toward me, a worried frown on her
face. “We have trouble coming,” she said.
“What?” I asked.
She shook her head. “You hear that?”
I paused and listened. With the loud pulse of
the dancers’ music temporarily off, I could hear the
men talking and laughing, glasses clinking, and—a
low, loud rumble.
I’d never heard that before. “What is it?” I
asked Jade.
“It’s a big goddamn problem is what it is,” Jade
said. She seemed concerned and even a little bit
scared, her tough persona cracking for a second.
“They never come here. I thought they’d moved on
to Barrower County. It’s the Nocturne MC.”
It took me a second to figure out what she was
saying. “Those are motorcycles?”
The roar was louder, as if whatever it was was
pulling into the parking lot outside. A vibration I
could practically hear through the floor. Some of
the men looked alarmed, and others’ faces had gone
hard. I saw Tina, one of the waitresses, slip into the
corridor to go backstage, presumably to warn the
“I don’t get it,” I said to Jade as Vin, the man
who worked the DJ booth, quickly swigged his beer
and hustled back to the booth, his break
prematurely over. “There’s a motorcycle club
coming to the bar. What’s the big deal?”
“You don’t know the Nocturne, do you?” Jade
I’d lived in Prairie all my life. I knew there
were some motorcycle clubs who prowled the back
roads and sometimes the main freeways. I knew
some of them were based down on the coast, and
others were here in central Texas. My mother had
never dated bikers, and she’d told me to stay away
from them. I’d never seen an MC up close. I shook
my head.
“Honey, they aren’t just an MC,” Jade said.
“They’re werewolves.”
I stared at her in shock. Fear crawled up my
spine. “Oh my God,” I said under my breath as Vin
shouted over the loudspeaker, “Break’s over, boys!
Here come the girls!”
Music pumped over the speakers, filling the
room. Purple lights flashed over the stage. Two girls
came out—Jenna and Tami. Jenna was in a
schoolgirl’s outfit, Tami in a cowboy hat and tied-
up plaid shirt. They started dancing on either end of
the stage, both of them moving to the music.
This wasn’t the usual show. They’d pushed the
girls onstage because the werewolves were coming.
Actual werewolves, and they were—
The rumbling outside had stopped. At the
doorway, the bouncer stepped aside and the
werewolves came in.
I had to put my beer down and step back. My
hands were shaking, my skin cold. Werewolves! The
rarest and most dangerous creatures on earth. They
had been hunted almost to extinction, because they
were killers—killers of humans. There were only a
few hundred left in the country, and they kept to
themselves in isolated packs. Most of those packs
were motorcycle clubs.
I had never in my life seen a real live werewolf.
They didn’t show their faces in cities, and most
counties moved them on as fast as they could as
soon as they showed up. Everyone knew that
werewolves were violent, depraved, and willing to
kill. And they could turn into beasts that hunted
and weren’t human at all.
And there was a pack of them coming through
the doorway.
They were big. Bigger than human men, though
they looked human. They all wore road-worn jeans
and leather jackets that had the words Nocturne
MC on the backs. Most of them had beards and
shaggy hair. Their arms were big; their hands were
big. Their eyes were hard. They came into the club
like an army on a mission, streaming through the
door and fanning out through the room. They didn’t
talk, not to the people here and not to each other. I
stepped further back behind the bar and counted
them swiftly. There were twelve.
Onstage, Jenna and Tami were taking off their
clothes, swirling around the poles. Jenna had lost
her schoolgirl top and her breasts were bouncing.
She twitched her skirt off and did and open-legged
squat, running her fingers over the panties covering
her pussy, arching her back. The men at the tables
in front of her were watching the werewolves, who
pulled out chairs at the surrounding tables and sat
down as if watching the show.
“Jesus,” I heard a voice say at my shoulder, and
I turned to find Cash, the manager, standing next to
me, staring out at the werewolf MC. He was about
thirty, pasty and scrawny, his dark hair combed
carefully back. He was one of the married ones
who liked coming on to the dancers; I heard that
Jenna had sucked his cock and got a raise. But
Cash, true to his name, liked money even more
than sex. He was all about keeping the customers
happy, no matter what. It was why we had VIP
rooms in the back where anything went—as long as
management got a cut.
I’d never been to a VIP room. I’d only been
here a week, and no one had asked. I had no idea
what I would do if I got asked—I just prayed it
wouldn’t happen.
“What am I supposed to do?” Cash said. His
voice was panicked. “I can’t have fucking
werewolves in my bar, and I can’t kick them out
without bloodshed. They’re going to terrify the girls
and chase away the customers. What the hell do I
I stared out at the tables. One of the
werewolves, bigger than the others, turned in his
seat and looked at me. Unruly black hair pushed
back from his forehead, black eyes. Black beard
framing a hard mouth. He looked at me for a long
second, his expression unreadable, and then he
turned back to the stage.
I stood frozen. I felt like a mouse feels when a
predator has just spotted it in the grass.
“Jesus, they’re big fuckers, aren’t they?” This
was Cash. “I didn’t think they hung around these
parts. I thought they just passed through.”
“Maybe we should call the cops,” Jade said.
“Those things kill cops.” This was a new voice,
and I turned to see that JC, one of our bouncers,
had joined the group behind the bar. “They can rip
off a Kevlar vest if they get close, and it takes six
or seven bullets to get one of them even on the
floor. Besides, the MC own the cops in Prairie. The
cops won’t come unless they’re stirring trouble.”
“Did they say anything to you when they came
in?” Cash asked.
JC shrugged. “Just that they wanted to see
some titty. That’s all.”
The song ended onstage, and a few of the
wolves put bills in the girls’ G-strings. The wolves
still weren’t talking, to each other or anyone else.
They were just sitting and watching. Sometimes one
or another would look over at the big, dark wolf
who had looked back at me, as if something about
him made them uneasy.
One of the other wolves—this one dark blond,
with a trim beard—turned in his chair and looked at
me. Then he glanced at the bigger werewolf, who
was staring at the stage. The big, dark werewolf
looked back at him, a scowl on his face. The blond
werewolf said something I couldn’t hear, and the
big, dark werewolf turned back to face the stage.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. I felt like I was
about to get pounced on and eaten, and the only
thing I could do was cower behind the bar and let it
I picked up my tray. “Well, it looks like
werewolves spend the same money everyone else
does,” I said. “I’m going to go serve them some
The music started up again, and Rona, who was tall
and black and gorgeous, came out wearing a pair of
skintight cutoff shorts and a lacy bra. She started a
slow dance in her strappy heels, her gaze sweeping
the audience from time to time, checking for
danger. She looked like she was doing a striptease,
but in fact she was ready to run.
I approached one of the werewolves—this one
was younger, in his early twenties, swoonily
handsome with dark curls. I figured he was the least
intimidating of the bunch. “Get you a drink?” I
asked him.
He looked up at me and gave me a smile that
would probably slay women if he wasn’t a
coldhearted killer. He had the word Jackson on the
breast of his leather jacket. “Just get me
something,” he said. “Anything.”
I frowned at him. “You don’t know what you
“I’m not picky.” He pulled out a twenty and put
it on my tray. “I’ll drink anything.”
The second wolf—older, closer to forty, with
salt-and-pepper hair and beard—said the same
thing, and so did the third. They were polite, but
they didn’t chat or flirt, and not one of them put his
hand on my ass. They didn’t react rudely to the
women onstage, either. They watched politely, and
when two of them walked up to put bills in the girls’
G-strings, I saw that they were fifties. Jesus. Maybe
werewolves weren’t so bad.
The only rude one was the big one with the
dark hair. He barely glanced at me and barely
spoke. He tossed a twenty on my tray, like the
others had, and grunted “Just get a drink.” I stood
there with my cheeks heating and the sudden urge
to take his money and throw it in his face. He
wasn’t the handsomest werewolf, or the youngest,
but there was something about him. He was the one
the others were watching, as if he was the leader.
For some reason I wanted him to look at me, to
smile. I’d even be okay if he grabbed my ass. Just
some reaction besides treating me like a piece of
I had no idea why it would matter. Why was I
so mad?
I stood glaring at the big werewolf for a minute,
but he still didn’t acknowledge me. The patch on
the breast of his leather jacket said BANE, and
beneath it was a grinning wolf skull. None of the
others had the skull insignia, and I wondered what
it meant. Beneath the jacket he wore a black tee
that stretched over his muscled chest. It was sexy,
even though he was a jerk. He had big arms in the
sleeves of his jacket, and big hands rested lightly on
the table, adorned with heavy silver rings. I half
expected he would have fur or claws, but he didn’t.
I looked at his face again. His dark hair was
longish, though not long enough to put in a
ponytail, pushed back from his forehead and
tousled. He had a beard on his jaw that was bushy
and coal-black. His eyes looked dark and hard and
had crow’s feet in the corners. He kept staring at
the stage, not acknowledging me, though for a
second his nostrils flared as if he was catching a
scent. I wondered what he could smell.
Fear, maybe.
Then I remembered that I was standing next to
a half-human killer, and I moved on to the next
werewolf without another word.
Last was with the wolf with dark blond hair. He
was good-looking in a totally different way, his hair
cropped shorter at the sides and longer on top. He
had a beard, too, though it was neatly trimmed. He
looked at me and said, “I apologize for my
crewmates, especially Bane. We don’t mean to be
I was so surprised at hearing a full sentence—
two of them!—come out of his mouth that I paused
in shock for a second. “It’s, um, okay,” I said.
The werewolf kept his gaze on me, and it
wasn’t as scary as the others’. He, too, had a patch
on his breast, though his said Tiberius. Instead of
the wolf skull there was a human handprint with
claw marks on the fingertips. Again, I had a second
of curiosity before I remembered myself.
“Get our round of drinks to satisfy your boss,”
the wolf said. “We can smell his fear from here.
When you’re finished, come back and speak to
I nodded and walked back to the bar. I dumped
out the money, had Jade pour twelve drinks—I had
no idea what—and went back to the werewolves
one by one, dropping them off.
Something was going on. The men seemed tense
now, and even the polite ones barely looked at me,
keeping their gazes away as if I was suddenly awful
to look at. A couple grunted thanks. The big one,
Bane, didn’t speak at all.
The last wolf, Tiberius, downed his whisky as
soon as I put it on the table. He put down his empty
glass. “Sweetheart,” he said, his voice gruff, “I
have bad news for you.”
I felt cold sweat mix with the hot sweat that
was already running down my back and between
my breasts. “What is it?”
“We came here to watch these titties on the
stage,” Tiberius said, “but something’s happened,
and it turns out we have business. Business
involving you.”
I gaped at him. “Me?”
“Yes. Do you know what an alpha is?”
No, but I could make a good guess. “He’s the
leader of your pack.”
“That’s right. We’re a brotherhood, but what he
says goes. We’d kill for him and we’d die for him.
He’s more important than all the rest of us put
together. Do you understand that?”
“Yes,” I said, wondering what this had to do
with me. Something bad.
Tiberius nodded, then looked back at the stage,
his expression thoughtful. “This is a good thing for
you,” he said. “It won’t look like it at first, but take
my advice and keep your mind open. You’ll see
that it can be a very good thing indeed. You have to
understand that being chosen by the alpha makes
you special. Being special isn’t always easy, but the
benefits can be beyond your imagination.”
“Wh-what?” He was well-spoken for a biker
werewolf, and he was scaring the hell out of me.
“What are you talking about?”
He turned and looked me in the eye, and I
noticed that his eyes were green. They had
kindness in them, but as I watched he shut it down
and his eyes went hard.
“Go to the VIP Room,” he said. “I’m sending in
The VIP Room was small and dark. Velvet-covered
sofas lined two of the walls. There was a stereo
system along another wall with a small lighting
board. I had to assume it was so a dancer could do
a private, intimate dance for a customer complete
with music and lights. The problem was, I wasn’t a
dancer and I didn’t know how to use any of it.
I’d argued with Cash, both of us whispering
angrily under our breath so the wolves wouldn’t
hear. Though I was starting to think they could hear
anyway. We can smell his fear from here. Maybe
they could smell mine; I was afraid.
Go to the VIP Room. I’m sending in Bane.
The big, black-haired werewolf. He had seventy
pounds on me and his hands could snap my neck in
a second. Oh, and he was a half-human killer. And I
was supposed to go alone into the VIP Room with
him to… what?
To fuck him?
“I’m not doing it,” I panic-whispered to Cash.
“I can’t. I won’t. I work here to serve drinks, not…
sell myself. That isn’t what I do.”
“Kat, what the hell kind of place do you think
this is?” Cash argued back. “We’re not a library.
The werewolf wants you in the VIP Room. They’ve
got lots of money and they can kill us all. Get the
hell back there, make him happy, and take his
money so they can all get out of here.”
“I don’t know what to do to make him happy,”
I said. “The other girls will know better. Send one
of them. They can have the money—I don’t care.”
“He didn’t ask for another girl, Kat. He asked
for you. And I’m not saying no to that big fucker.
He and his men can kill me and all my bouncers
and they won’t even think about it. They’ll just
wipe the blood off and take you anyway. Is that
what you want?”
“Oh, my God,” I said, trying to breathe.
Cash’s face was grim. “Get in there. Give him
whatever he wants—I don’t care what it is. If he
wants to spank you or fuck you up the ass or make
you call him Daddy, you just say ‘Yes, sir.’ You do
what it takes to get these monsters out of here. Do
you understand?”
I did understand. For some reason I’d been
chosen, and there was no help coming. No one was
going to get me out of this. So I went to the VIP
room and sat on the velvet sofa, trying not to panic.
The door opened, and Bane walked in. Jesus, he
was so big. Solid and packed with muscle. He was
tall, too, his thighs hard under his worn jeans, his
shoulders wide. He scowled at me impassively from
his dark eyes as he closed the door behind him.
Then he stood there, looking at me.
“Stand up,” he said, his voice rough.
I did. I was still wearing my bustier, skirt, and
heels—I didn’t have any other outfit, and even if I
did, I had no idea what he wanted. It was hot and
stuffy in here, and I felt a bead of sweat trickle
down my neck. I pushed my blonde hair back over
my shoulders and tried to stand straight instead of
cowering. Even in heels, my nose only came to his
Bane took off his jacket and set it on the sofa,
showing the black tee I’d glimpsed before. It fit
over his muscles like a second skin. Dark ink
wound its way down both his biceps in patterns I
couldn’t make out. His hands were huge and
capable, and he wore silver rings on some of his
fingers—big, blunt rings of silver, including one on
his thumb. His stomach was flat, and he wore a belt
on his jeans with a silver wolf’s head belt buckle.
He’s half wolf, I thought. He can turn into an
animal. Literally transform his body into a wolf.
I’d never seen it, had no idea what it would look
like. Maybe he wanted me back here so his wolf
could rip my throat out and have a snack.
“You’re afraid,” Bane said, and the sound of his
voice made me lift my gaze to his face. He was
watching me carefully, his face unreadable. “I can
smell your fear. I’m not going to kill you.”
Unable to speak, I nodded.
He scowled at me. “What is your name?”
“Cat?” he asked, obviously thinking of the
“Katherine,” I explained. “Everyone calls me
Something flickered across his dark eyes, but I
didn’t know what it was. “Kat,” he said, as if he
was learning a word.
My nerves broke. “Do you, um, want me to do
something?” I nearly stuttered. “I can turn on the
music. I’m not much of a dancer, but if there’s
something you want me to do, I can maybe—”
Bane reached up and touched his fingertips to
my jaw, placing his thumb on my lower lip. I gasped
and stopped talking. His gaze dropped to my
mouth, and as I stood frozen he ran his big thumb
over my bottom lip, slow and hard, as if he was
memorizing it. Some of my gloss came off on his
thumb, but he didn’t seem to notice.
He moved his thumb to my upper lip, tracing it
gently. Then he pulled my lower lip down and slid
the tip of his thumb inside my mouth.
I inhaled in surprise. His thumb was big and
warm, an intrusion into my wet mouth. He didn’t
shove it in, just pressed it lightly, exploring. I could
taste the salt and motor oil on his skin.
He stepped closer. “Hold still,” he said his voice
a low rasp. “I have to be sure.”
Sure of what? I had no idea, and I couldn’t
think. He took his thumb from my mouth, then used
both his hands to lift my hair from my neck. He slid
his hands underneath and placed them on the back
of my neck, then rubbed them down over my
His touch was big and hard and hot, his hands
molding over my bare shoulders, and suddenly my
fear was spiked with arousal. My panties were
getting wet; I was getting hot. It was the size of him
and the smell of him—he was close enough that I
could catch his scent, and he smelled good, like
sweat and leather and man. He ran his hands down
my arms, then put them on my bare waist as he
dropped his mouth to the side of my neck.
I gave a startled whimper. It certainly seemed
like he wanted to fuck me, and I wasn’t sure what I
would do. My pussy was getting wet, my heart
speeding up. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, and
I wasn’t a virgin. I’d had sex before—with
guys. Human guys, with human-sized cocks. This
man was a beast. I hadn’t had a ton of sex, and I
sure as hell had never been with anyone as big as
Bane. I thought… I thought maybe it would hurt.
And part of me wondered if I would like it.
But he didn’t push me down and he didn’t push
my skirt up. Instead he stood with his hands on me
and his mouth against my neck, and I realized he
was… inhaling. Smelling me. Tasting me. His beard
tickled my skin and his breath was warm.
Do something, Kat, instead of standing there
like an idiot. I put my hands on his upper arms,
feeling the flex of his biceps under my palms. His
skin was smooth, the muscles hard. Despite myself,
I rubbed over his biceps a little. Now I was feeling
him up—and getting wetter.
He exhaled when he felt my hands on him, and
his muscles went harder, as if he was restraining
himself. He ran his hands down my lower back,
which was bare above the waist of my skirt, and
rested them on the top of my ass. He drew his
mouth down my skin, over my collarbone, still
scenting me.
“Where are you from, Kat?” he rumbled against
I curled my hands around his triceps, indulging
myself. “Here in Prairie,” I replied. “I live on
Lowood Road.”
Bane made a hmmm sound that was distinctly
wolfish. “The club doesn’t usually come here, and
I’ve never been to Lowood Road. That’s why I
haven’t smelled you before. Then again, it hasn’t
been the right time.”
I blinked, first at the fact that he’d just said the
most words I’d heard him say in a row, and then at
what he said. “The right time for what?”
“Mating,” Bane replied. His beard was trailing
down toward the cleavage between my breasts
now, my sweat wetting his lips. “You don’t have a
man. I don’t smell one.”
Mating. Oh, my God. “No,” I said, my voice
faint. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Good. Then I don’t have to kill him.”
From any other man it might have been a joke,
but I got the idea Bane didn’t joke very often. Or at
all. “Please don’t kill anyone,” I said. “What
exactly is mating?”
“What it sounds like.” Bane was moving lower,
lower. He was down on one knee, still scenting me.
It was strange and sexy and almost… possessive.
But that couldn’t be right, because we’d just met.
His hands moved to my hips and he turned me so
he was looking at my ass. He put both his hands on
it, and I felt him nuzzle one cheek. “Here,” he said,
his voice low and dangerous as he cupped my
cheek hard. “I can smell someone here.”
I was frozen in surprise. He was scenting my
ass? Then I remembered. “One of the customers
grabbed me earlier while I was serving him a
Bane inhaled again. “I’ll know him if I smell
him. He’s losing a hand.”
Oh Jesus. The last I saw, the man who’d
grabbed me was still out there, sitting at his table
and watching the show. I remembered Cash’s
instructions. “Please—please don’t hurt anyone,” I
said, the words coming out on a stutter. “I’ll do
anything you say. Anything you want. Just please
don’t hurt us.”
Bane went very still. He let go of my ass and
stood, his chest to my back. Then he turned me to
face him again.
His face had gone hard as stone—harder even
than before. But his eyes were blazing, their dark
depths fire. He looked angry and something else I
couldn’t identify. Hurt, maybe. But that couldn’t
be, could it?
“You think I’m here to kill you?” he said softly.
I’d said something wrong. “I don’t know,” I
said, my voice a whisper. I just wanted that look on
his face to go away, whatever it was. It looked too
much like pain. “I don’t know what you want.”
He took a step forward and I took a step back,
trying not to trip in my heels. He took another, and
I took another. Then I was against the wall and he
used his big, inked arms to box me in, one hand on
either side of my shoulder, his gaze still on me.
“You’re an alpha’s mate,” he said. “My mate. I
smelled you the minute I walked in. Your body,
your tight little cunt reeling me in. We’re supposed
to be headed for the coast, but instead Jackson
wanted to stop here at this pathetic titty bar. And
now the whole crew is stuck here. Because I’m the
alpha, and once I scented you, there’s nowhere else
I can fucking go.”
I stared at him, my mouth open in shock.
“I thought I was fucking nuts,” Bane went on,
his big body blocking my view of everything but
him. “I had to get you alone, and this was the only
way to do it. I had to smell you to be sure. Twenty
years of pussy and I’ve never smelled one like
yours. I’ve got you alone in this shitty little room,
I’ve got my hands on you, and your pussy is juicy
for me. It’s fucking slick, wanting me. And you’re
asking me not to kill you?”
I could barely breathe. My heart was
hammering in my chest, and—he was right—there
was an answering pulse between my legs, beating
harder with every word. “Bane—”
“You asked me what I want,” he said. “I want
you to smell like me. Your mouth, your cunt, your
ass, between your tits. I want you so full of your
alpha’s cum that there can be no mistaking you’re
mine. I want my cock buried inside you, spreading
you open day and night until you don’t remember
anything before me, anything else but me.” He
lowered one side of my bustier, releasing a nipple,
which he pinched lightly between his big fingers.
I moaned at the sensation. He rubbed my
nipple, so hard it was almost painful, and he
watched me. He watched me moan, get wetter.
“Like that,” he said, his voice still angry. “Now get
on your knees and put my cock in your mouth.”
I gasped for air and looked up at him, meeting
his gaze. “No,” I said.
He let go of my nipple and his eyes blazed
again. The anger, the hurt. “No,” he repeated back,
as if it wasn’t a question.
“No,” I said again. I couldn’t quite believe I
was saying it, but I was. “I get that I’m just a
waitress in a strip club, but I’m not for hire. I
thought I could do it, or at least try, but I can’t.”
A muscle in Bane’s jaw twitched. “You think
I’m trying to hire you.”
“Aren’t you? I’ve never met you in my life, and
you bring me to the VIP Room, where the
customers get blow jobs—or whatever—for money.
And you want me to get on my knees and suck you
off, and I should probably do it so you don’t kill
anyone, but I don’t think I can.”
“Kat,” Bane said.
“I’ve never been that girl,” I said. “I don’t suck
off guys for money. I only do it for guys I like, and
even then, not very often.” Bane’s eyes were
blazing again, because I’d said something wrong, so
I kept talking. “It isn’t you. I actually kind of like
you, though I probably shouldn’t. And I’ve never
met a werewolf before, but I think you’re really
sexy, which you already know, because apparently
you can smell it. Which is embarrassing.”
“Kat,” Bane said again, “I’m not going to pay
you. You’re not some hooker. I’m an alpha. You’re
my mate, and I need to come inside you or I’m
going to be a very fucking angry wolf. Now get on
your knees.”
I opened my mouth—to say what, I had no
idea. But the lights flickered, the fire alarm started
blaring, and the sprinkler in the ceiling started to
I jumped, startled. Water—cold water—sprayed
down over us, trickling over my sweaty skin. I
looked at Bane and saw that his unruly black hair
was wet, dripping down over his forehead, and
there were drops of water in his beard.
He also looked very, very pissed off.
“Shit,” he said. “We have to go. It looks like my
crew has started a fight.”
The entire club was chaos. The music had stopped,
and the girls on stage had vanished. On the floor,
the human men and the werewolves were in the
middle of a fight—tables were flying, chairs were
being swung, and in the corner by the DJ booth the
velvet curtains were on fire. Smoke was filling the
room along with water sprayed from the sprinklers.
Bane stood in front of me, blocking me from
danger, but in the smoke and darkness I ducked
away from him, crouching and running for the bar.
I ducked behind it just as a chair smashed on
the bar top, wood splintering. Jade was already
crouched beneath the taps, the knife used for
cutting limes in her hands.
“I thought we kept a gun back here,” I said to
her as I crouched next to her.
“We did,” she shouted back over the ruckus.
“Cash took it.”
“Where did he go?”
She shrugged. “He probably ran.”
In front of the bar something crunched and
someone screamed. I scrambled for my purse and
phone, which I kept behind the bar. “I’m getting
out of here,” I told Jade.
“Front’s no good,” she said. She was soaked
through with water, just like I was. “Let’s go the
back way.”
We had to crouch military-style, but we got
through the dark to the back door without anyone
finding us. Now we were in the corridor where
Cash had a management office, around the corner
from the VIP rooms. It seemed to be abandoned
back here, and it was quieter, though the sprinklers
were still going. We stood up and hurried toward
the back door.
“What happened?” I asked Jade.
“Someone was dumb enough to pick a fight
with a werewolf,” she replied. “The blond one. The
next thing I knew, he picked the guy up and threw
him across the room. It seems werewolves have
short tempers.”
I shivered, thinking of Bane. He’d vanished into
the fight, and I hadn’t been able to see him in the
darkness. “Yeah, I think they’re on edge,” I said.
She looked at me. “You don’t look like you’ve
been fucked raw by that giant beast you were with.
What happened?”
“Um.” That wasn’t an easy question. “We just
“You talked?”
“That’s all that happened, yes.”
Jade sighed and shook her head. “Kat, honey,
you have a hot body, but you need to learn more
about pleasing men. You really do.”
“I know how to please a man,” I argued.
“If you did, you’d have swallowed his cum by
now and he’d be in a mellow mood instead of
probably killing half our customers.”
“He didn’t start the fight. The humans did. You
just said so.”
“Maybe he didn’t start it, but he could finish
That was probably true. Where was Bane now?
Was he hurt? I was stupid to be thinking about him,
when it was probably him who was hurting all the
others instead of the other way around. But he
thought he was my mate, and he seemed so sure
about it. I felt a little bad for abandoning him
without even a goodbye.
We were at the back door of the club now. The
sign on the door said EMERGENCY EXIT –
ALARM WILL SOUND, but I didn’t think that
mattered anymore. “Okay,” I said to Jade.
“You’ll come with me.”
We turned. Cash was standing in the hallway
behind us. The door to the office was open—he
must have come from there. He had taken the gun
from behind the bar, as Jade said. He was holding it
now, a handgun, and he was pointing it at us.
We were both so surprised that we didn’t say
anything for a second. “Excuse me?” Jade said.
“Into the office,” Cash said, still pointing the
gun and not wavering. “Both of you. Now.”
“Cash, for God’s sake—”
“Do it.” He stepped forward, the gun still up,
coming closer. He turned and pointed the gun
directly at Jade’s chest. “Kat, get into the office
right now or I’ll shoot her.”
“What the hell do you want?” Jade said, her
voice tight with fear.
“A little fun,” Cash said to her. “You’re hot, but
I know you’ll fight me. I saw Kat with that
werewolf. She’ll just do as I say.”
“Are you kidding me?” I was terrified, sure, but
I also couldn’t believe him. “Cash, your bar is on
fire. The cops and the firefighters will be here any
“Then I’ll be fast,” he said. “I like danger. It
makes me come. As you’re going to see, Kat, as
soon as you get in the office and give me the same
thing you just gave that animal in the VIP Room.”
“Don’t do it, Kat,” Jade said.
Cash cocked the hammer on the gun. “Do it,
Kat, or I shoot her,” he said. “Three, two, one.”
Behind Cash, the door from the bar smashed
open. Smoke poured through the doorway. Bane
came down the hall, smudged with soot and soaking
wet, his shirt stuck to him beneath his jacket and
his tangled hair dripping water. In three strides he
walked up to a startled Cash. He grabbed Cash’s
head and twisted it, snapping his neck. Then he
dropped the body and looked at me.
“We’re going,” he said.
“Jesus,” Jade said. She turned and ran out the
emergency door, and she was gone.
I blinked at Cash’s lifeless body. “Bane—”
“Move,” he said, “or the cops will come, and
we’ll kill them, too.”
I stared at him, and then I turned and headed
for the door. Water was still sprinkling everywhere,
and I pushed my wet hair from my face, felt rivers
trickling down my bustier between my breasts. I
was still wearing my heels and I tried not to slip on
the wet floor as I pushed open the emergency exit.
I could hear sirens outside. I looked around in
the darkness, feeling the hot breeze on my wet skin,
smelling the tang of smoke.
From the other side of the building came the
roar of a motorcycle engine coming to life. Then
another, then another. The Nocturne MC was
finished with their night at the Silver Star and they
were heading out.
Bane took my hand and led me around the
building, gently for such a big man. “Do you have a
car?” he asked roughly.
I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. “It’s
parked over there.”
He glanced at me, his eyes blazing in the dark.
“You walk through this parking lot in the middle of
the night?”
“I don’t have much choice if I want to go
home. This is the employee parking.”
“Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before?”
He drew me around the corner. The other bikes
were gone now, the last one’s taillights turning onto
the highway and disappearing. “Your crew is
leaving without you,” I said to Bane.
“My instructions.” He pulled me up to the last
bike in the lot and handed me a helmet. “They
know what to do,” he said. “Get on.”
I really had no choice. The sirens were getting
closer. I had no desire to be here when the cops
started asking questions about Cash’s body in the
back hallway. Besides, the fire was blazing high.
I put the helmet on. Bane got on the bike,
swinging one long leg over the seat. “Wait,” I said.
“I’m wearing your helmet. There’s only one.”
“I’m hard to kill,” Bane said. “Get on.”
I did the best I could in a tight miniskirt and
heels. I had to hike the skirt most of the way up—I
hoped I wasn’t going to give a show to anyone else
on the road. But I managed it, pulling forward so I
was snug around Bane’s back and thighs. I put my
arms around his waist and latched my hands
“Hold tight,” he said, and started the bike.
I’d never done this before. It was a strange
feeling, gliding through the hot night with just the
wind on my skin. My knees clenched and I gripped
Bane tight, trying not to fall off. My arms were
squeezing his stomach, but he didn’t comment. He
just drove.
And after a few minutes I relaxed. It was crazy,
but I knew that nothing would happen to me. Not
with Bane here. He was deadly and I didn’t know
him very well, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.
He’d been upset, hurt even, when I’d suggested it
back in the VIP room. He wanted to protect me. He
didn’t want me hurt.
And… he felt good. His body was so big and
warm, even through the leather jacket. The insides
of my bare legs were against the outsides of his
thighs, and I could feel his warmth and muscle as
well as the rough rub of his worn jeans. I could feel
his hard stomach under my hands. I could smell the
scent I’d smelled before, leather and sweat and
man. I snuggled tighter, pressing my pussy against
him and my breasts against his back, and I felt his
body tense as he drove. He could feel me, too.
I realized I had no idea where we were going.
I closed my eyes, because I didn’t care.
My body was raging, my mind seeing red. Inside
me, my wolf was howling, baying to get out. It was
all I could do to keep him locked down.
I had my mate on my bike with me. She was
pressed against me, her scent overwhelming even
though we were riding in the wind. When she was
this close, there was nothing else in my senses.
Nothing but the urge to protect and to mate. To
have her as mine.
Her fear of me had gone, at least for the
moment. To stand in that VIP room, which smelled
of a hundred strangers fucking, and hear my mate
beg me not to kill her had sliced me open. No
wolf’s mate should ever be afraid of him. Not ever.
When a wolf’s mate feels fear, it’s him she should
turn to. If she doesn’t, then he’s no wolf at all.
But this hadn’t happened the right way. We’d
been riding south toward the coast on a routine run
—bringing back contraband and getting paid for it
—when Jackson had had the idea to stop at a strip
club for a drink. Jackson was the youngest of us
and his ideas were usually stupid, but the crew had
been riding for days and we’d done good work—
profitable work. They were restless and not ready
to sleep. A good alpha knows how to keep his pack
happy, so I’d given in.
I’d caught her scent the second I was inside.
Wet and sweet, like honey. Impossible to ignore. A
wolf can fuck as much as he wants to, but once he
scents his mate, he knows. There was no time for
discussion or a strategy of what to do, how to talk
to her. How to make her see.
I was thirty-six years old and I’d never been hit
with mating fever. I’d had hundreds of women,
most of them women who came to our clubhouse
outside of town looking for werewolf cock. My
crew and I were always happy to give it, but this
was something I’d never thought possible. When
Kat was near me, when I saw her and smelled her,
my mind shut off like I’d been given a hit of a drug.
And when I actually touched her—Jesus. She had
only to blink those wide brown long-lashed eyes at
me and I was her fucking slave. She had no idea
what she could make me do.
Killing, for one. I’d snapped that worm’s neck
without thinking when I’d heard him threaten her.
Get in the office and give me the same thing you
just gave that animal in the VIP Room. She hadn’t
touched me, I hadn’t come in her like I needed to,
and that still wasn’t going to fucking happen. Not
I’d killed him in front of her, and I hadn’t
thought. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe it would
frighten her again. But maybe it was for the best
that she saw now, from the first, what I would do
for her. To protect her.
Because I would do anything.
It made my head spin. I rode alone; I slept
alone. I could put my cock in a woman, but then we
were done. No woman got on my bike or slept in
my bed. I could watch a woman swallow my cum
and still not tell her my last name. Those were
things for a mate, and I was old enough to believe
now that I would never have one. That I’d ride
alone forever. That was fine with me. I had my
crew and I had mindless pussy when I wanted it. A
lot of our kind had less.
We were society’s outcasts, we werewolves.
Born monsters. Only males were born wolves, so
we only ever had human women. This meant we
were always at war with human men, who thought
we were freaks. Killers. The kind of man you didn’t
want women anywhere near. And we were freaks in
human society. We had no problem with killing, but
we had problems with human rules. We ended up in
prison—where we eventually died, because no wolf
can be in captivity—or shot dead by police. It took
a dozen bullets to kill a werewolf, but it could be
So to live free, ride free, and fuck weren’t the
worst things that could happen to me. When I
needed to, I changed into my wolf and went
hunting without the constraints of being human. I’d
thought it was enough. Until I’d scented Kat.
It would never be enough again.
I knew that much. Without Kat, I’d be
miserable. I wouldn’t eat or sleep. I sure as hell
wouldn’t touch another woman. I’d be weak, which
would mean I couldn’t lead my crew. If Kat turned
me down forever, if she left me, I was finished. I
had to convince her. I had to.
My crew knew this just as well as I did. That
was why they were headed toward Houston and the
club house we kept in that part of the state while I
was headed toward our nearest one, nearly an hour
away. The central club house would be empty,
which meant I had it alone with Kat. To take my
shot at having her and keeping her. My club was
giving me space.
Kat was shifting behind me, her grip loosening,
and we were still half an hour away. She wasn’t
used to riding and she was probably uncomfortable.
I pulled off the two-lane blacktop and rode a short
way down a side service road until I coasted to a
stop. When I turned the bike off the silence was
complete except for a few katydids and the sound
of the wind. We were in darkness under a stand of
trees, grass beneath our feet. I got off the bike and
helped her off.
Kat pulled off the helmet, her blonde hair
spilling over her shoulders. “Why did we stop?” she
asked, looking around. “Where are we going?”
Her pale skin was luminous in the dark, her
neck and her shoulders flawless. I hated it that she
was wearing so few clothes. She was sexy as fuck,
with pretty tits pushed up and a small waist,
rounded hips and a heart-shaped ass. I liked looking
at her, but she didn’t look comfortable in that
outfit, those heels. A wolf never makes his mate do
something uncomfortable just to please him. That
includes starving herself to be extra skinny or any
of that shit. She isn’t there to serve him, which was
why it was so painful to hear her say she thought I
was going to pay her. It’s the other way around. A
wolf makes his mate comfortable at any cost.
But she’d asked a question, so I remembered to
stop staring at her and say something. “We’re going
to the clubhouse,” I told her. “You can rest there.”
She looked uncertain, so I said, “The crew went
somewhere else. There’s food and drink, a bath.”
“I have an apartment,” Kat said.
“You’re not going to it.” She looked startled,
and I closed my eyes briefly. I didn’t talk to women
except for the bare basics and dirty talk. I had to
remember that I was talking to my mate. “Just
come with me for the night,” I said. “You’ll be
She seemed to think that over, but she didn’t
scream or say no, so I counted it a win. “This isn’t
it, though,” she said, looking around.
“You seemed uncomfortable. I thought you
needed a rest.”
She ran a hand through her damp hair. I wanted
that hair wrapped around my fist, and for a second
I wanted it so badly everything went a little out of
focus. “I do need a rest. Thank you, Bane.”
I stared at her in shock for a second. “You
shouldn’t thank me. I haven’t done anything for
you yet.”
“Besides save my life and get me out of the
Silver Star?” She smiled at me, and I didn’t know
what to do. I honestly didn’t know. She’d been
nearly killed, her workplace had just burned down,
her boss was dead, and she was alone in the dark
with me, smiling.
“Are you all right?” I asked her. “Did that
shithead hurt you?”
“I’m fine. My feet hurt, I need a bath, and I’d
kill for a drink. But I’m not hurt.”
There should be no waiting then. “I’ll get you a
drink, a bath. Let’s go.”
“Wait,” she said as I turned to go back to my
bike. “I want to ask you something.”
I paused, waited.
“What you said to me back in the VIP Room,”
Kat said. I felt heat from her, embarrassment and
some arousal as she said the words. “About… me
being your mate. Is that true?”
“Yes,” I said, my voice rough. “You’re my
She was silent for a second, as if this still
surprised her. “How… how many mates do you
Jesus. Was that what she thought? “None,” I
said. “You’re the only one.”
“Oh. And how many have you had before me?”
“None,” I said again. “And none after, either.
That’s how it works.”
She hugged herself, cupping her elbows. “I see.
But you—you’ve had sex before.”
“Fucking is different,” I said. “It isn’t the same
as with a mate.”
She was silent for another minute, the wind
tousling her hair in the dark. “So it wasn’t just a
paid fuck you wanted,” she said finally. “What you
want is something important.”
I said nothing. It was the most important thing.
So important that my wolf was howling in my mind,
driving me insane. But I couldn’t explain it to
myself, let alone to her.
She took my silence as an answer. “Bane,” she
said softly, “if I’m your mate, then perhaps you
could try kissing me first.”
Even though I wanted her more than anything, I
paused in shock. She’d been afraid of me not long
ago. “You want me to do that?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
I didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t know
how women talked, really talked. She’d asked me
about kissing her, then said I don’t know. Did that
mean do it or not do it? I would never force her to
do anything she didn’t want.
I focused on her scent. There was no fear still.
There was some excitement and anticipation—and
I could smell her pussy, so wet it made me ache.
She had no idea how well I could smell it. How well
I would be able to smell it forever.
“Kat,” I said, “you need to be clear.”
“Okay, then,” she said in the dark. “I think… I
think I’d like to try it.”
I closed my eyes again. Kiss her? I didn’t know
how to do that, not really. I never kissed the women
I fucked. Again, that was mate treatment.
But Kat was my mate. And she wanted a kiss.
So it was now or never.
I stepped toward her, touched her face. She was
so damn soft under my fingertips. Her lips were like
a dream, soft and sweet. I thought filthy, filthy
things when I saw her lips. My cock was already
hard in my jeans.
I stroked her face again. “I don’t want to hurt
you,” I said.
She leaned in to my touch. “You’ve done okay
so far,” she said almost in a whisper. “Try it.”
I leaned down and touched my tongue lightly to
her lower lip, tasting her. Her flavor shot through
me and I nearly gasped. Beneath my touch, Kat
inhaled softly, as if she felt it too.
I touched my tongue to her again, trying to be
gentle, and then I put my mouth to hers. I parted
her lips and swept my tongue inside, taking care to
go slow.
Kat moaned. She leaned up into me and opened
wider, sucking on my tongue, taking me in, and I
pressed into her, kissing her harder, deeper. I tasted
her everywhere, letting my tongue stroke hers. And
she let me do it, every filthy thing my tongue
wanted to do, while she moaned and sucked on me,
wanting more. I could smell her arousal, how wet
and slick she was, and I knew that if I ever got my
cock in her cunt, she’d be insatiable. She’d never
get enough.
We kissed for a few long minutes, me tasting
every part of her mouth, until she pulled away. She
was breathing hard, her lips reddened and raw
where I’d licked all of her gloss off. Her pupils
were dilated. I wanted to bury my face in her pussy.
I never wanted to leave.
“Was that good?” I asked her.
She licked her red lips. “Bane,” she whispered,
so low that the night wind nearly caught her words,
though I heard them perfectly. “We have unfinished
business.” She slid her hand down over the front of
my jeans, rubbing my hard cock.
I sucked in a breath and went still.
She rubbed me down and then up again, then
down. Her heel brushed my cockhead through the
denim and I nearly came. I knew I was big, and she
licked her lips again, exploring me.
“You said no,” I reminded her.
“I thought you were paying me,” she
whispered. “You’re not paying me now.” She
tugged on my belt buckle, beginning to undo it. “I
think we should pick up where we left off. With me
getting on my knees.”
I didn’t know what came over me. No, actually I
did—it was Bane. He was big and hot and so tightly
leashed, standing there watching me, kissing me. I
knew if I did this I would make him happy. And
suddenly I wanted to please him.
I wanted to please him however I could, in
whatever way he wanted. From the first time I’d
seen him, I’d felt the urge to please him. And I
knew he wanted this.
I unbuckled his belt, then worked on the
buttons of his jeans. He watched me and he didn’t
stop me. He just looked at my face, looked into my
eyes. Then he wound his hands in my hair as I
lowered myself to the grass.
I tugged his boxer briefs down and freed his
cock. It was huge, thick and long, nested in dark
hair, his balls big and gorgeous. I wrapped my hand
around his cock and pumped it up and down, slow
and hard, getting used to it.
Both his huge hands were wound in my hair,
tugging it, cupping my skull. “Jesus,” he said as I
stroked him. “Yes.”
“You like it?” I asked. God, I loved his cock
already. I was wet for it. I wanted to squirm on my
knees in my tight skirt, get some relief.
“Yes,” Bane said, his voice tight. Then his
hands gripped me tighter. “Put me in your mouth,
Kat,” he said in a growl. “Put me in your fucking
I opened my mouth and slid over his cockhead,
sucking off the precum. Bane moaned, the sound
winding away in the dark. I opened wider and took
more of him, running my tongue over him. He was
uncircumcised. I’d never seen an uncut cock
before, never tasted one, and I liked it. It was blunt
and thick in my mouth. I took him as deep as I
could, relaxing my throat, letting his hands on my
head guide me down, control me.
“That’s it,” he said, moaning again. “Oh, fuck,
that’s it. Take me deep. Just like that.”
He moved me, and I let him. I slid off his cock,
licking the head, and then I took it deep again,
letting it touch my throat. Over and over. He was
getting thicker, harder, more drops of cum dripping
from the tip. I sucked each one of them and rolled
them over my tongue, swallowing them down.
“Good,” he was saying softly to me. “Very
good. That’s good, baby.” His hands on my head
were everything, his cock in my mouth everything.
I wanted to please him so much. I reached up and
cupped his balls, stroking them, rolling them in my
palm, taking in the shape of them with my fingers
as I sucked him.
“God, yes,” he said when I did that. His hands
tightened in my hair, pulling it a little, and I moaned
over his cock.
I’d never done it like this. I’d never been this
girl. A week ago I’d been a nice girl applying for a
cocktail waitress job, a girl who’d never seen a
werewolf in her life. Now I was on my knees
outdoors with a werewolf’s cock in my mouth, and
I was loving it. I wanted him pulling my hair and
pushing my head down. I wanted to swallow his
I sucked him deep as tears rolled down my
cheeks. I stroked his balls and felt them draw up
and tighten. With one stroke of my pussy I could
have come, but I didn’t touch myself. This was
about Bane, about him coming in my mouth, and I
wanted it more than anything. I wanted to taste his
cum and swallow it. I wanted to hear the sound he
made. I wanted to feel the way his cock jerked. It
was the only thing I wanted.
He was saying soft things, praising me as I
bobbed on his cock. I slid my finger back from his
balls and rubbed his ass, and he sucked in a breath.
“Ah, Kat,” he said, “that’s so dirty. That’s so
I kept circling as I sucked him, and I could feel
how much he liked it. It was the dirtiest thing I had
ever done, and it was making him crazy. His
muscles trembled and his hands wound in my hair.
His breathing was hard. His cock shifted in my
“Now,” he said in a growl. “Swallow it. Right
now, baby. Right now.”
His hands stilled my head, and I relaxed my
throat as I felt his cock spurt cum into me, hot jets
that filled my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed as
he held me still, a growl in his throat that was
almost a roar. He came and came, and I swallowed
it all, greedy.
Finally he let me go and I leaned back on my
heels, licking my lips and looking up at him. His
cock was still half hard, hanging from his jeans, and
the expression on his face was hazy with pleasure.
I had done that. To a big, bad werewolf. The
alpha werewolf. Me.
I ran my hands up his thighs, then traced my
tongue over his cockhead, catching the last drops of
cum. “Now what?” I asked him, my voice hoarse.
He looked at me and his eyes blazed. “Now we
go back to the clubhouse,” he said. “Get on the
I held on tight to Bane as we rode the rest of the
way to the clubhouse. I was still raw between my
legs, wet and throbbing. I still had tears on my
cheeks. I could still taste him, his thick cock, his
cum. A few hours ago, I had never met this man.
When I first saw him, I thought he was a jerk. Now
I was riding off into the night with him, trusting
him, wondering what he would do to me and if he’d
want me again.
He was silent as we rode. I hoped he wasn’t
unhappy with me. He’d looked pleased, but he
hadn’t spoken to me since he told me to get on his
bike. Beneath his leather jacket, his muscles
seemed tense. There wasn’t much opportunity to
talk while we were riding anyway, so I just held on.
We pulled off the road and rode down an access
road that was narrow and rough. Bane turned again
and now we were on a long driveway of gravel,
winding into the pitch-dark trees. He throttled the
bike down slow and I blinked into the darkness,
trying to see if there was a building ahead.
Finally I saw a low, dark shape, and Bane
parked the bike. I swung off and pulled off the
helmet, nearly stumbling. I was still wearing my
high heels, miniskirt, and bustier from the strip
club, and my legs were shaking, my knees weak.
A big hand took my upper arm, holding me
upright. It was so dark that I couldn’t even see the
outline of him. I could only feel him where he
touched my bare skin. “Come with me,” he said
His hand still on my arm, he led me through the
darkness. There was a step, and when I nearly
tripped on it his hands came around my waist. Then
he dropped them again and I heard the beeps of
buttons on a keypad, a door opening.
He stepped ahead of me and flipped on a light. I
could see a large open space, filled with chairs and
sofas. A bar along one wall, with shelves of liquor
behind it. It was clean, uncluttered, though it
smelled musty. There was an open doorway leading
to a kitchen, and corridors leading off of the main
room—one opening ahead, another to the right.
There was no sign that anyone was here.
Bane put his hand on my arm again as I stepped
inside. He closed the door behind us and led me
across the main room to the right-hand corridor. I
could see doors opening off—bedrooms, I assumed,
for the club members, even though they weren’t
here. He pushed open one of the doors and we
entered a large bathroom with a big bathtub.
Bane still wore his boots, his jeans, his leather
jacket. He leaned down over the tub and jerked the
water on. “Take your clothes off,” he told me.
I stood for a second, unsure. His expression was
hard, his face impossible to read. Was there
something wrong? Or maybe he was just finished
with me? He’d said back at the club that he needed
to come inside me, and now he had. Maybe that
was all that he needed before he moved on.
When I didn’t move, he took my shoulders and
turned me around. He unzipped my bustier as if he
did this every day, as if seeing me naked was no big
deal. He let it drop to the floor and I instinctively
crossed my hands over my breasts, even though my
back was to him.
Behind me, he paused, and then I felt a
fingertip travel along my back. “There are red
marks,” he said in his rough voice.
Red marks? Oh, right. “There are underwires,”
I said. “They dig into my skin.”
He grunted and unzipped my tight black
miniskirt, tugging it down my hips. Then he hooked
his fingers in my black lace thong and tugged that
too. I jumped and a small yelp escaped my throat,
though I tried to swallow it down. I was now bare-
assed in front of him, my heels on and my clothes
at my feet.
He paused when he heard me. “You don’t want
me touching you?” he asked.
I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I
liked it—sort of. I wasn’t afraid of him. At the
same time, he seemed irritated with me, maybe
even angry. It made me want to cover myself up.
When I didn’t speak, Bane bent and put a big
hand on my ankle. I lifted my foot and he slid my
high heel off, then did the same with the other. He
tossed the shoes away. “Get in the bath,” he
I tiptoed over to the bath, my arms still over my
breasts. I was tingling between my legs, and it
suddenly occurred to me that he would have been
able to see how wet I was when he saw my
underwear. It seemed to have no effect on him,
because he made no move.
I stepped in and lowered myself into the water.
It was the perfect warm temperature, and I bit back
a moan. It had been a long night, and a sweaty one,
starting with the broken air conditioning at the
Silver Star. The smoke from the fire and the dust
from the long drive—as well as the dirt that was
probably ground into my knees—didn’t make me
any cleaner. My skin sang hallelujah, and my feet
were howling opera. The bath was huge and
marble, made for a man the size of a werewolf,
with deep ledges along the sides, and in that
moment I never wanted to leave it again.
I looked up at Bane. He was looking down at
me, at my body in the water, his expression
unreadable. The corners of his mouth turned down
and he turned away. “I’ll find you some soap.”
Oh, okay. Great. Maybe I looked dirty, or
maybe I smelled bad. Maybe both. Half an hour
ago, he’d been praising me as I sucked his cock into
my mouth and made him come. I drew my knees up
in the water and hugged them.
He rummaged through the bathroom cupboard,
then found a bar of soap and some generic
drugstore shampoo. He set them on the edge of the
bath and said, “Give me your address and the keys
to your place. I’ll get you some things.”
I stared at him. “What things?”
“Something to wear.” He gestured to the scraps
of my clothes on the floor. “You can’t wear that.”
“You’re… you’re riding all the way back to
Prairie?” It was an hour away, and it was at least
midnight, maybe later.
“Yes.” Without waiting for my permission,
Bane picked up the purse I’d managed to snatch
from beneath the bar at the Silver Star. He opened
it and poked through it as I watched with my jaw
dropped, too shocked to speak.
“Is this still right?” He held up my driver’s
license with my address on it.
“Yes. Um, Bane—”
“Are these the keys?” He held up my key ring.
I felt myself blush hot—not because of the
keys, but because inside my open purse I could see
the tampons I kept in there just in case. It wasn’t
my time of month, but I had irregular periods and I
was never without them. Bane didn’t seem to
notice, or care. “Yes,” I said faintly.
“Stay here,” he said, pocketing the keys. As if I
could go anywhere, naked and stranded in the
middle of nowhere. “There’s food in the kitchen.
Liquor behind the bar. Help yourself. The
bedrooms should be clean. Pick whichever one you
want. Get some sleep.”
He strode for the door, his long powerful legs in
their battered jeans, his heavy boots clomping.
“Bane!” I said.
He turned.
Now that he was looking at me, those intense
eyes glaring and his mouth pressed into a firm line,
I had no idea what I was going to say. I settled for,
“Are you coming back?”
That seemed to make him even angrier, if such
a thing was possible. He glowered so hard I was
surprised the bathwater didn’t start boiling. “Of
course I’m coming back,” he said, and then he was
Shit, I thought as I heard the front door close
and Bane’s motorcycle roar to life. Oh, shit. What
did I do?
Maybe I gave in too early. Maybe I should have
said no. Some guys liked the chase and got bored
when a woman gave in—my mother had dated a
few men like that. And honestly, I’d just met Bane.
I’d acted like a slut tonight, offering to get on my
knees for him and doing all those dirty things.
Maybe he just thought I was an easy piece of ass
and not that interesting anymore. Maybe it had just
been a challenge to see if I’d fuck him. And I had.
Maybe he’d get me dressed and send me home,
then laugh about it with his fellow werewolves. She
got on her knees and sucked me right off! Man,
you should have seen it!
I swallowed back tears and picked up the bottle
of shampoo. Now I knew how my mother had felt,
getting dumped all those times before she finally
met the man she married. I’d dated guys before,
had breakups, but none of them had felt quite like
this. Bane had been so…. intense. It had felt
But it wasn’t.
I sunk down into the bathtub and wondered
what the rest of the night would bring.
I woke to the purring sound of a motorcycle engine.
I rolled over in bed, unsure for a second of where I
was. Then it all came back to me.
I was in the Nocturne MC club house. I was in
a strange bed. I’d taken a bath and washed my hair,
eaten food from the kitchen, tried to watch TV. But
I was too tired, and I’d gone to bed instead. I’d
found a man’s T-shirt in a dresser drawer in one of
the bedrooms, and it was the only thing I had on.
And Bane was back.
At least, I thought it was Bane. I hoped so. The
idea that the rest of the club was here while I was
mostly naked in bed was a little alarming.
But when the front door opened and closed, I
heard only one set of footsteps come through the
main room. They were heavy footsteps, definitely
motorcycle boots. They headed straight down the
corridor to my bedroom, as if he knew where I was,
even though he’d told me to pick whichever
bedroom I wanted.
A wolf’s sense of smell, maybe.
I pulled the covers up as the bedroom door
opened and a huge figure filled the door frame in
the dark. He strode into the room, snapped on a
bedside lamp, and there he was: Bane, all dark hair
and dark beard and huge werewolf body, staring
down at me.
As I watched, his eyes traveled my face, my
hair, then down my body, even though I had the T-
shirt on and the single blanket pulled up to my
shoulders. He took all of it in without comment.
“Did I wake you?” he finally said.
I was starting to get annoyed. Was he always so
rude? “Yes.”
He lifted his hand and I saw there was a duffel
bag in it. It was a bag I used to go to the gym—
even though I almost never went to the gym. Bane
dropped the bag at the foot of the bed. “I picked up
things from your apartment. Clothes, toiletries,
“Yes, underwear, unless you’d rather go
I pressed my lips together. So he did think I was
a slut.
“I found a pair of sandals, a hairbrush,” Bane
said. “I wasn’t sure what else you needed, so I
“I don’t need much, since I’m going home
tomorrow.” I looked at the bedside clock. It was
three o’clock in the morning. “Today, actually.”
That made him scowl harder. “What does that
“I’m getting kicked out, right?” I meant to
sound confident and cool, but my voice was hurt.
“You’re done with me, so I should get dressed and
go. I don’t need much in that case.”
“Kat,” Bane growled, “I have no fucking idea
what you’re talking about. You’re not going home.”
His gaze traveled down me again. “And that shirt
belongs to Tiberius, and it makes you smell like
him. Take it off.”
I yanked the blanket up higher, angry now. “I
am not taking off my shirt!”
He leaned down, closer to me. I could smell
sweat and leather and motor oil and man. And…
wolf. A smell that was sexy and a little coppery,
like blood. “Yes,” he said. “You are.”
I glared back at him. “No fucking way,” I said.
“You just dump me here and you think that you
“Dump you here?”
“Yes!” I was in full fury now. “You just use me,
then toss me in the bathtub and leave. You’ve
barely looked at me and you’ve barely said two
words since what happened in the woods. Just
‘suck my cock and shut up,’ is it? Don’t talk and
don’t ask questions.”
“I wanted to do that,” I said, poking my finger
into his huge chest. “I thought you were nice. You
gave me the big speech about mates and wanting
me and whatever, and as soon as I gave in, you
were too disgusted to look at me anymore. Well,
I’m not apologizing—I don’t care if you think I’m
just some whore. I’ll get dressed and go home, and
we can both forget it ever happened.”
Bane’s cheekbones were red, and beneath his
beard I could see his jaw twitching. For a second he
was choked into silence, as if he didn’t know what
to say. “First of all,” he growled, “you are not a
whore. You are a mate—my mate. An alpha’s
fucking mate. If you ever call yourself a whore
again, I will turn you over and spank you until you
can’t sit for days.”
I stared at him in shock.
Bane shrugged his leather jacket off and
dropped it on the floor. Then he pulled his T-shirt
off over his head, leaving me to gape at the huge
expanse of muscle on his chest, the thick pectorals,
the dark swirling hair. There was black ink on his
left pec, over his heart, in the same wolf’s skull
insignia he had on the left breast of his jacket. He
looked deadly, brutish. His gaze was fixed on me.
“Second,” he said in that growl that vibrated
straight through me, “I am not disgusted. I am
trying very hard not to fuck you. I wanted to get in
that bathtub with you and put my cock in your
mouth again. Then I wanted to put it in your cunt,
and then your ass. It didn’t seem like the right time.
You’d just had a shitty night. I was trying to be, as
you put it, nice.”
I bit my lips together. He was trying to be nice?
“Then,” Bane said, kneeling on the bed and
lowering his hands to his belt, “I got back on my
bike and rode for hours instead of fucking you. I
rode all the way back to your place to find you
things that would make you comfortable. I was
supposed to be in fucking Houston by morning, and
instead I’ve spent my night in a strip club and riding
around in the dark, alone, with my dick hard and
your nightgown in my bag. For you.” He opened his
pants and pushed them partway down his hips.
Then he grabbed the blanket and yanked it out of
my grip as easily as if I were a baby. “Now,” he
said, “I would like my reward.”
I was exposed to him from the hips down,
because the T-shirt had ridden up. I lifted one bare
foot and put it on his chest before he could lean in
between my legs. “You got a reward, remember?” I
said. “You got a blow job. A really good one, by the
way—one I’ve never done before. And your
appreciation was exactly zero.”
“My appreciation?” He ran a hand through his
thick, unruly hair. “Fuck, Kat, I’d say my
appreciation went straight down your throat, and
you swallowed it. Now take that fucking shirt off.”
“I’m not getting naked for you,” I said.
“And I am not putting up with having you smell
like my second in command,” Bane growled back.
“You are my mate, and mine alone. Get him off
your fucking skin.”
I stared at him. He meant it. He wasn’t just
trying to get me naked—the shirt really bothered
him. I realized I was missing a lot of information
about what made a werewolf tick. I already knew I
didn’t need Bane riled up any further than he
already was. And what did it matter, anyway? He’d
already seen me naked. I pulled the shirt up and off
over my head, tossing it away.
I was lying naked on the bed now, and he was
kneeling between my knees. He looked me up and
down slowly in the lamplight, taking in everything:
my blonde hair, my C-cup breasts, my waxed pussy.
“Fuck, Kat,” he groaned.
His eyes were going unfocused again, like they
had when I had my mouth on his cock. He really
did want me. I felt my breath go short. I brushed
my fingers over the small strip of hair on my pussy,
the only hair I kept there when I got it waxed. The
hair was already wet, slick with my juices. “Do you
like it?” I asked him.
“Jesus Christ.” He leaned down, braced himself
on one huge arm, and sucked a nipple into his
mouth. My back arched off the bed and I screamed.
He sucked me hard, then swirled his tongue
over my nipple and let it go. “Scream all you want,
Kat,” he said. “No one can hear you.” He sucked
my other nipple into his mouth, and I screamed
again. Sensation shot from my nipple in a straight
line down to my cunt, making it pulse, making it
wetter as my hips tried to rise off the bed.
Then his hand was there, his fingers pushing
into my cunt, his big blunt fingertips slicking into
me. He lowered his mouth to my nipple again and I
writhed, caught on his mouth and his fingers.
Nothing I’d ever done had ever felt this good
Bane lifted his mouth again as he worked his
fingers into me. “I’m dirty, Kat,” he said in his low
growl. “You shouldn’t let me touch your pretty
cunt. You shouldn’t be on your knees for me by the
side of the road, sucking me off. But you did it.
And you’ll do it again.” His fingers were hard,
callused, almost painful inside me. He curled them
so he was rubbing the inside of my cunt with his
knuckles, stretching me. It almost hurt, and I was
pushing my hips onto him because I wanted more,
“Bane,” I said, begging. “Oh, fuck, Bane. Oh,
I’m going to—”
“You’re going to come,” he said, rubbing me
harder, harsher with his big knuckles. “Because I’m
done waiting. Done waiting and looking and
smelling you. You are mine, fucking mine, and I am
going to make you come.”
He did. I came hard, pulsing over his knuckles,
howling, my hips pushing and pushing. He kept his
fingers inside me, and then he pulled them out and
pulled his cock from his jeans. He put his fist
around it and started to stroke it.
I watched it as my orgasm spun through my
brain. I watched his big hand on his big, thick,
rough cock, stroking it hard, making the foreskin
flex over and over. His cock was dark with arousal,
his balls tight. I remembered what it tasted like,
what it felt like when he fucked my mouth, and
immediately I was wet again. So wet, and wanting
him so much. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him
making himself come.
“Fuck, Kat,” he said, grunting a little as he
worked his cock. “Look at you. You are so fucking
hot, so fucking ready for me. I can see your pink
cunt. I’m going to fuck you, but you smell like him.
I can’t. I can’t.”
Bane, I thought, or maybe I whispered it, I had
no idea. I just bent my knees and spread my legs
wider so he could see.
He groaned. He leaned forward and touched the
tip of his cock to my belly, right below my belly
button. With a final stroke he grunted and came, his
cum spurting onto my skin, up my belly and onto
my chest, my breasts, in long streams. It came and
came, hot and thick on my skin, until he was
He was breathing hard. He took his hand from
his cock and smeared it into the cum on my breast,
smoothing it over my chest. Then he lifted his
coated fingers and pressed them to my lips. I
opened my mouth and sucked the cum from him,
tasting the flavor I remembered, plus the salt and
motor oil on his big, harsh fingers. I swirled my
tongue over his calluses, sucking harder.
Bane watched, his eyes dark. He pulled his
fingers from my mouth, scooped more cum from
my breast, and fed me again. I sucked greedily.
“Very good,” he said. He was calmer now, more
relaxed, less frantic. I realized it was because he’d
replaced the scent from the T-shirt with his own.
But he wasn’t finished with me, I realized. Not by a
long shot. He picked up my hand and placed it on
his cock, which was hot and half-hard, getting
harder. “Do you feel that?” he said, and I nodded.
“That was just a warmup. I’m already getting hard
for you again. I’m going to put my cock in you, my
cum. All night, and tomorrow, and the day after
that. My cock is hard for you all the time, Kat.”
“Yes,” I breathed.
He nodded, then pulled my hand from him. He
got off the bed and kicked off his boots, pushed his
jeans and boxers off so he was fully naked. Then he
stood and picked his T-shirt off the floor.
“Mine, not his,” he said, as if it was important.
“Clean yourself with this.”
I did as I was told, running the shirt over my
skin, mopping up the mess. I was still a little sticky,
and I probably needed another bath. But Bane liked
the way I smelled right now—like him—and I
wanted to please him again.
He got back on the bed again and pushed my
knees apart, wide all the way so I was completely
open to him. He could see everything, and he took
a long, dark look. Then he took his cock in hand
again and pressed his hips forward, rubbing the tip
against my entrance. I groaned.
“I’m going to fuck you bare,” he said.
“Werewolves can’t catch diseases, do you
understand?” I nodded. “If I get you pregnant, so
be it. But I’m fucking you bare.”
A small shiver of ice went down the back of my
neck, a tiny slice of reality. “I won’t get pregnant,”
I said.
“So you’re on the pill.” He pressed the head of
his cock inside my entrance, just half an inch, and
both of us moaned at the pleasure. “I don’t care. I
just need to be inside your sweet cunt. I’ve been
smelling it for hours. I need you to take me now. All
of me.”
Oh, I wanted that. A lot. “Yes, Bane,” I
He pushed further into me, and we both made a
sound. He withdrew and pushed further, then
withdrew and pushed further again. His eyes were
half closed. “God, you’re fucking tight,” he
moaned. “You’re squeezing my cock.”
Was it uncomfortable? “I’m sorry.”
“Do not fucking apologize. Just tell me if it
hurts.” He pushed harder and I cried out. It felt like
he was splitting me open, but at the same time it
felt so good. I pulled my knees up, spreading wider,
and I felt a rush of pleasure when he moaned, “Yes.
That’s good. Spread for me, Kat.”
“It won’t fit,” I cried out as more and more of
him pushed into me. God, it was endless!
“You’re made for me,” he replied, his muscled
hips flexing. His eyes were dark with pleasure,
fixed on my pussy where his cock was pushing in.
Where I was stretching around him. “You’re
squeezing me like a goddamned vise. Open for me,
Kat. Open wide and take me deep.”
I was panting and squirming, uncomfortable and
moaning with pleasure. I couldn’t believe I had this
big, dark, bearded werewolf shoving his big cock
into me. I couldn’t believe I liked it. Loved it. I’d
only ever had human guys with regular-sized dicks,
and not too many of those. I’d never had one this
big, one that made me stretch and moan like it
would never be over. I was slick with my juices and
I wanted to come again. I wanted him to split me
open and I never wanted him to stop.
“More?” he said in a low growl. “All the way?”
“Yes, Bane,” I said. “Yes.”
“Fucking hell.” He braced a big, dark hand on
my lower belly and thrust, his muscled hips
working, going balls deep into me.
It hurt, and at the same time pleasure exploded
through me. “Oh God!” I shouted.
Bane’s expression had gone black. I couldn’t
tell if he could see or hear me. He braced himself
on the mattress and withdrew his cock, then
slammed into me again, a moan of bliss in his
throat. Then he did it again, and again.
He found a rhythm, and now he was fucking
me, his cock pulling out of me and slamming into
me, splitting me open over and over. I felt my body
being rammed into the mattress, my tits bouncing as
he fucked me. Mated with me. I gripped the sheets
and held on for dear life.
“Fuck, Kat,” he growled in my ear as he fucked
into me again and again. “I can’t stop. I don’t want
to hurt you. But I have to—Fuck, I have to—”
“Please, Bane,” I begged him, taking him deep,
spreading my knees as wide as they would go with
his big body between them. “Please.”
He ran his teeth over the side of my neck,
making the skin sting as he bit me. “I have to come
inside you,” he growled. “I fucking have to. I have
to fill your cunt. I can’t stop.”
I didn’t care. “More,” I begged him. “More.
Please. Please.”
He bit me again. “Come on my cock, Kat,” he
commanded. “Milk me.”
I didn’t think it was possible. It hurt too much.
But I felt the orgasm come over me, making my
pussy clench and squeeze as I nearly sobbed. I dug
my nails into his back and held on as hard as I
could as my hips bucked beneath his heavy weight,
my cunt sucking him in and getting slicker, wetter,
hotter. Bane made a grunt of pleasure and fucked
me even harder. He was slamming into me now, his
big balls hitting my flesh, his cock driving into me
over and over without mercy. He lifted a hand and
shoved a thumb roughly into my mouth. “Beg me,”
he commanded.
“Please!” I cried around his big, rough thumb. I
was still coming, still coating his cock with my
juices as he moved in me. “Please come inside me,
Bane! Please!”
He grunted and stilled, his muscles going hard
as stone. His body arched over me, his cock inside
my pussy, his thumb inside my mouth. He
possessed me completely. And he flexed and came.
I could feel his cock inside me, jerking as it spurted
cum deep in my cunt. I tilted my hips and pushed
my knees apart and took it, accepted all of it,
whimpering “Yes, yes” against his thumb.
He came for a long moment, filling me. Then he
slowly relaxed. He took his thumb from my mouth
and leaned down, putting his mouth on mine
possessively. I felt the scratch of his beard as he
opened my mouth and took it. I was soft and pliant
beneath him and I let him do it, let him inside my
mouth when he was already inside my cunt. I
wanted him everywhere.
He pulled back and reared up, still between my
legs. I moaned softly as his cock left me. He put his
hands on the backs of my knees and pulled them
apart, looking down between my legs where I could
feel his warm cum trickling from me. His gaze was
still dark.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked roughly.
“No, Bane,” I panted.
He glanced at me, then lowered a hand between
my legs. He rubbed his fingers over me, smearing
his cum on my pussy, up over my clit, then down
again, over my slit and up against my ass. I
squirmed a little and he held me still, rubbing his
cum against my tight hole with his fingertips.
“This is mine,” he declared. “All of it is mine.”
I made a little sound, because his fingers were
big and hard, and no man had ever touched me
there. It was dirty, but it was making me hot again.
Again! I was sore and practically turned inside out,
and I’d never had a man in my ass, and yet when
Bane rubbed me in his dirty, commanding way, I
thought about it. How would he fit? There was no
way, was there? Would he want to try?
I looked up and saw he was smiling a little, his
teeth white against his dark beard. It was like he
was reading my mind.
“Kat, my little mate,” he said. “We are going to
do everything.”
She had no idea what she did to me. None. Lying
on the bed like that, her hair spread over the pillow,
her eyes dark, her lips rubbed raw by my thumb
and my mouth, her pussy wet and milky with my
cum, squirming against my fingers because she
wanted it again. In the ass this time. God, she was
perfect. Incredible.
I’d never felt a cunt like that in my life. They
said it was different with your mate, but they didn’t
say why. They didn’t say that being inside your
mate made your blood sing, set your whole body
afire with pleasure, made you lose your fucking
mind. They didn’t say that once you’d been inside
it, just the thought of your mate’s cunt would make
you walk a thousand miles or kill a thousand men.
That nothing would stop you from claiming and
protecting it.
I’d gone crazy, I knew. Unable to stop. And
she’d liked it. She’d come, and she wanted more.
Because she was made for me, just like I suspected.
I wanted to do it again. I wanted to fuck her
over and over, but it was the witching hour of night,
and she’d had an exhausting day. One that would
change her life if I was lucky.
She was already drifting, her body relaxing into
the bed with pleasure. With trust. She wouldn’t be
this calm with me if she didn’t trust me—that she
did was a miracle. I didn’t want to see that wary
look in her eyes again.
I left the place between her legs and stretched
out next to her on the bed. “Sleep,” I told her.
“I’m not tired,” she said, but her voice was soft,
her eyes already drifting closed. She shifted on the
bed, pressing her knees together because she was
still aroused. She rolled to her side toward me and
touched my chest. “Are you leaving again?”
“No,” I told her. Though I wouldn’t sleep.
Werewolves required very little sleep, and we were
But I lay there as Kat closed her eyes, and I
waited until her breathing was deep and even. Then
I got out of bed silently and left the bedroom.
I walked naked into the main room and picked
up my phone. I texted Tiberius, my second-in-
command. I’d known him since we were ten years
old and we were as close as brothers. Where are
you? I texted him.
His reply was immediate. Reached Houston
half an hour ago. All under control here. Martinez
has our money.
Martinez was a man the Nocturne had done a
job for, transporting illegal weapons over the border
from Mexico. Good, I wrote. Collect it as soon as
you can.
You want me to meet with Franco? Ty asked.
Franco was another business contact. The
reason we’d been heading to Houston was to meet
with him for a potential job. However, we’d been
derailed—I had been derailed. Now the club was in
Houston for the meeting, but they had no alpha
with them.
It was possible that would make us look weak
—since humans didn’t have our mating instinct,
Franco wouldn’t understand the diversion. But
there was nothing to be done. It wasn’t the best
solution, but I trusted Ty to handle it. Meet with
Franco and bring the whole crew, I told him.
Without the alpha, the Nocturne would have to
make a different show of strength. Get the deal
done and report back when you can.
Fine. Are things in place there?
He meant Kat. As in, had she run screaming
yet? Still tentative, I wrote. Working on it.
Work fast, Ty wrote. We’ll be back in two days.
We’ll have to do the Claiming.
I ran a hand through my hair as my stomach
sank. Fuck. The Claiming. I wasn’t ready for that
yet, and neither was Kat. She’d only just met me a
few hours ago. Only just fucked me for the first
time. I needed time before I told her about that.
I dropped the phone on the table and walked
naked to the back door of the club house. It was a
glass sliding door, bulletproof, sealed with an alarm
while the club was away. I keyed in the alarm code
and opened the doors, letting in the dark, sultry
Texas heat. Outside was nothing but darkness and
the sound of the wind in the trees, with night
creatures calling. I stepped out into the trees, my
senses rising, my wolf coming to the surface.
I needed to run. To hunt.
She’ll never do the Claiming. She’ll think
you’re crazy. She’ll say no. And then she’ll leave.
She couldn’t leave. Everything ended for me if
she left. I’d be a weak alpha, and a weak alpha
invited attack. Either from a rival pack or from
within. If I was weak, a stronger wolf would take
over. It was inevitable.
And in order to supplant me, that wolf—
whoever he was—would have to kill me.
I believed my crew was solid. We were brothers
—there wasn’t a member who was looking to take
the alpha spot. But if I was weak, and I couldn’t
lead, the club wouldn’t stand for it for long. They’d
find another leader in order to survive. It was either
that or be taken over by a rival club.
There were three other werewolf clubs in this
part of the country: the Dark Fang, the Savage
Saints, and the Blood Price, who ran a crew
through SoCal. All three were as powerful as the
Nocturne, if not more. The fact that the Nocturne’s
alpha was taking a mate would make it to the other
clubs like wildfire, because the mating process was
risky. If my mate accepted me, I would have a
weakness going forward: her. And if she left me, I
would be permanently weak.
But an alpha with a mate—a strong, successful
mate—was stronger than he was alone. And once
his mate had his children, he would be stronger still.
Jesus. I’d only barely come inside her, and
already the situation was moving to the Claiming.
And children. And possible war.
She was a sweet, normal woman. Someone
good. She hadn’t chosen this life—she didn’t even
know what it was yet. And once she learned, she
wouldn’t want it.
She’s going to run and never look back.
I sprinted into the darkness of the trees as my
wolf broke the skin. I leapt, and when I landed on
the ground again I was a wolf, big and savage. My
wolf’s senses changed everything: I could see and
hear things I couldn’t as a man. I scented every
creature in the woods, every bird overhead. My
wolf wanted to hunt.
I ran into the trees, the tangles of thought in my
human brain vanishing as I caught the scent of
I hunted until the sky turned gray, then pink.
Until the dew rose on the grass. My stomach was
full—I’d caught two rabbits—and I’d run my wolf
nearly to exhaustion. There were three things I
needed for existence: to ride my bike, to run as my
wolf, and to fuck my mate. To lose any one of those
things would make me weak or drive me mad.
When I had those three things, nearly nothing
could kill me.
A mile from the club house, I caught her scent.
Kat. She had a sweet smell, impossible to ignore,
one that my wolf could sense tenfold. It came to me
on the wind, so I knew she wasn’t where I left her
in bed. She was outside.
I ran swiftly, my paws sure on the ground. And
when I came to the club house, there she was.
Standing in the clearing, outside the sliding doors.
Dressed and beautiful.
And looking at me—with terror.
I woke up sore, satisfied—and alone. The bed was
rumpled and smelled like sex. It was damp and
sticky between my legs. And Bane was gone.
“Bane?” I called. No answer.
I rolled out of bed, groaning. Walked to the
bathroom. Turned on the shower, hot, and cleaned
myself. I ached in places I’d never known existed
before. I had pulled muscles in my thighs, my hips.
My pussy was sore and the skin of my neck was
scraped raw from Bane’s beard. My nipples felt like
someone had rubbed sandpaper on them.
Everything stung.
It felt fantastic.
I stretched in the shower like a satisfied she-cat.
When I was finished, I dried myself off. I still heard
nothing from the club house outside. I’d asked
Bane if he was going to leave, and he’d said no.
Was he lying? I didn’t think so, but I didn’t really
know, did I? I didn’t really know him. I’d given him
everything, and I didn’t really know him all that
I went back to the bedroom and found the bag
he’d packed for me. He’d ridden all the way back
to my apartment in the middle of the night to bring
me my things—had I let him do that? Let him just
walk into my apartment? I was possessed with
some kind of insanity. And yet I still felt like it
wasn’t the wrong thing to do.
He’d done pretty well, actually, packing my
bag. Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush. No styling
products, because I couldn’t imagine a werewolf
using those. He’d remembered deodorant and one
bra: my sexiest one, made of sheer lace. Of course
he hadn’t packed my boring, stretched-out,
everyday bra. He hadn’t packed my everyday
panties, but he’d packed the tiny lace ones that
matched the bra.
For clothes, he’d picked out two of my
flowered sundresses, one pair of leggings, and a T-
shirt. Not bad. I put on the panties, the leggings,
and the tee, leaving off the bra for now. I was alone
except for Bane—wherever he was—and he’d
already seen everything. If he couldn’t handle a
little jiggling, he’d have to deal.
I walked into the main room, which was dark
and silent. The sky was turning pink outside, the
whole place silent with the hush of dawn. How long
had I slept? Two hours, maybe? Three? I felt
refreshed, like I’d had a full night’s sleep. Maybe
sleep after two orgasms and a deep fucking was
better than normal sleep. I wouldn’t know, because
I’d never had sex like that in my life.
But the bringer of that good sex, Bane, was
nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had an errand to run
at six o’clock in the morning. Maybe he was gone. I
tried not to think that way as I wandered the club
house, which I hadn’t really looked at before. It
was surprisingly nice and comfortable—a big, open
room with a bar, a flat screen TV, and soft couches
and chairs. It didn’t look like a bunch of biker
wolves lived here. But then again it didn’t look like
anyone lived here at all. Maybe the Nocturne MC
hadn’t been here in a while. The place had
definitely been cleaned from top to bottom—by
professionals, I assumed, since I couldn’t picture
the men from the bar last night doing it.
One door off the main room led into a meeting
room with a round table in it. I supposed that was
where they did their club/werewolf business,
whatever it was. Another door off the kitchen led
to a garage, which had two broken-down bikes in it
and a dusty pickup truck. I wondered where the
keys to the truck were—my car was still at the
Silver Star, but I had no idea how to go get it, or if it
was even still there. Maybe it had burned, or
someone had hotwired it and driven it off. Last
night was so strange, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I closed the garage door and raided the kitchen.
I ate a handful of almonds and made a slice of
toast. I needed coffee, and I was trying to figure out
how to make some when I noticed the doors.
There were glass doors at the back of the club
house, and they were open an inch. As if someone
had opened them and closed them again, carelessly.
As if someone had gone out that way.
I walked to the door and pushed it open,
stepping outside. It was hot already, even with the
sun not up yet. The air was close and still, the heat
still rising but getting heavy. It was going to be
another sweltering day.
Behind the club house there was only forest—
trees stretching away from the clearing, thick and
shadowy. It was peaceful and a little creepy at the
same time, like this was a place you could relax—
or it was a place where you could go for a walk and
never be seen again.
Bane was out here somewhere. That was why
the door was open. Right?
Or was there another reason?
I couldn’t see any sign of him. I took another
step outside and looked around. He was nowhere to
be seen, so I was about to go back in the club house
when a shadow emerged from the trees.
It was a big shadow. Very fucking big. I froze,
any idea of sound leaving my throat. The… thing…
I had never seen anything like it before.
It was a wolf. But it was big—its back much
higher than my waist, its head bigger than mine. It
was also pure black, with yellow eyes that stared at
me unblinkingly. Even in the dark, I could see the
white of its teeth where its lip was raised.
My blood went cold and I felt my eyes widen,
my lips part. I should probably run back into the
house, but I wasn’t sure I could make it. Wasn’t
sure I could get my feet to move. And as the wolf
came toward me, walking slowly on its huge paws,
I realized it was watching me like it knew me.
I forced myself to say it. “Bane?”
The wolf paused, his ears moving, and then he
came forward again.
This… this was Bane? I knew werewolves
existed, but it was hard to see this creature and the
man I knew as the same being. Hard to imagine that
one could turn into the other and back again. Hard
to believe that this wolf might have Bane’s thoughts
going through his head, his memories. Or did he?
It seemed like the wolf recognized me. Was
Bane in there? Behind those eyes?
The wolf came closer, and I stayed still. His
yellow eyes were still fixed on me. He came close
enough to sniff me, and then he touched my hip
with his snout, pressing it.
“I hope you’re Bane,” I said as I tentatively put
a hand on his massive head. “I really do. Otherwise
you’re going to rip my arm off.”
The wolf nuzzled me again, pressing into me.
I ran my hand over his head, his ears. It seemed
like it should be like petting a dog, except it was
nothing like petting a dog. The wolf’s fur was harsh
and a little wiry. I could feel ripples of muscles in
his back and shoulders. He smelled like dirt and
water and blood.
But I touched him until he pulled away. He
crossed the clearing, crouched on his haunches, and
sprinted. He jumped into the air, and when he
landed he was Bane. Human, bearded, fully naked
He turned and faced me. I knew I was gaping at
him, but I’d never seen anything like that in my life.
It had been so fast, and it had been scary and
beautiful at the same time.
“Hi,” I managed.
Bane stared at me for a minute. I held his eyes,
though I really wanted to drop my gaze and take in
the rest of him. I’d seen most of it, but I’d never
seen him completely naked in daylight.
“Kat,” he said.
“You were a wolf,” I breathed.
He nodded.
“How… how do you do that?”
He came toward me, and I let my gaze drop.
Oh, he looked good. Broad chest, muscled hips. He
had the tattoo of the wolf skull over his left pec,
dark hair on his chest and trailing down his
stomach, dark hair between his legs. His big
uncircumcised cock was half-hard. Even his balls
looked sexy, hairy and swinging between his legs. I
licked my lips as I felt my pussy get wet.
“I’ve always been able to do it,” Bane said,
coming toward me without any hesitation. “For as
long as I remember.”
“Does it hurt?”
“No.” He reached me and picked me up as if I
weighed nothing. I wrapped my legs around his
waist and held on. I could feel his cock thick and
hard between us, pressing on the fabric of my
“What do you do when you’re a wolf?” I asked,
gripping his shoulders as he started to walk.
“Run. Hunt. Eat.” He took us through the glass
doors and slid them shut behind us, holding me one-
armed as he tapped in the security code to lock the
doors. “This morning I found rabbits.”
“You ate a rabbit?” I stared at him. That
explained the smell of blood. “The whole thing?”
“Two of them. The whole thing.” He looked at
me, and for the first time I read a little uncertainty
in his eyes. He thought I might be disgusted. “What
I do as a wolf is different from what I do as a
human,” he said gruffly. “It just is.”
“But when you’re a wolf, you’re… you,” I said,
trying to figure it out. “You have thoughts and
everything. You know who you are?”
“When the wolf is dominant, the man isn’t as
strong,” Bane said. He turned from the door and
carried me across the main room toward the
hallway where the bedrooms were. “He is still in
there, but he doesn’t make the decisions. The wolf
“But the wolf knew me,” I said, still wrapped
around his waist, holding his shoulders. My weight
didn’t seem to bother him at all.
“Both of us knew you,” Bane corrected me.
“Both of us would know you anywhere.”
That was scary. And maybe a little sweet. And
it was definitely turning me on. “So are you
hungry,” I asked him, “or did the rabbits fill you
“You have a lot of questions.” He walked us
into our bedroom and dropped me on my back on
the bed.
“It’s kind of an unusual situation,” I said, my
voice breathless as he stood over me. God, he was
big. And his cock… I wanted to squirm on the bed,
but he’d see. He could probably smell how wet I
was. “I’ve never dated a werewolf before.”
He leaned over me and hooked his big fingers
into the waistband of my leggings. “We’re not
dating,” he declared, peeling them off me.
He dropped the leggings and slid my panties off
next. “We’re not?” I breathed, watching him,
feeling the cool air hit my overheated pussy.
“Take off the shirt,” Bane said, and instead of
arguing with him I did it. I wanted to feel the air on
my nipples, which were hard as stone. I tossed the
shirt away and looked up at him.
He was taking me in, his dark eyes moving up
and down my body. His face looked stormy, but
then again he always looked stormy. Bane didn’t
seem to have a mellow expression.
He reached a hand down—he had dirt ground
into his fingertips and under his blunt nails—and
stroked my breast. I arched up into him, sucking in
a breath.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, which was a
compliment. Then he added, “Running as my wolf
always makes me want to fuck.”
I glanced down. No kidding—his cock was hard
as iron, jutting out from between his legs. “Who do
you normally fuck after you go running?” I asked.
“No one,” Bane replied, rubbing his thumb over
my nipple and nearly making me moan. “I jerk
myself off.” His dark eyes lit up for a brief second.
“I don’t have to do that this time. This time, I get to
fuck you.”
I couldn’t really deny it, considering I was
naked, spread-legged and panting for him. Still, I
managed to say, “You didn’t ask.”
“No?” he said. He put his hands on my hips and
jerked me forward so my butt was at the edge of
the bed. Then he got on his knees between my
spread legs.
“No,” I said. “And you didn’t answer the
question about whether we’re dating, and—Oh,
God, Bane!” I arched off the bed as he put his
mouth on my pussy, rubbing his tongue into my slit.
His tongue was big and hot and his beard rasped
against my bare, waxed skin. He moved his open
mouth over my clit and sucked on it as I writhed
under his mouth and tried not to scream. I failed.
He moved his mouth down again, his hands
keeping my thighs spread wide, and slid his tongue
into my hole, rubbing. It felt so good. So good. I
ground my cunt into his mouth, his beard, aching
for more, and he gave it to me. He licked his tongue
out of me and replaced it with three of his big
fingers, rubbing harshly into me, stretching me. I
cried out and he put his mouth on my clit again,
sucking it hotly and softly.
I could do nothing but lie there pinned as my
body climbed quick and hard toward orgasm. When
I was close—and he knew it—Bane lifted his head,
though he kept his fingers inside me. His eyes were
black. I could see my juices on his beard. “This is
mine,” he growled, rubbing. “This hot little cunt is
mine, Kat.”
Nothing had ever felt this good. Nothing, ever,
had felt like Bane did between my legs. “Yes,
Bane,” I panted. “Yes.”
“It belongs to me and only me,” he said, still
rubbing. “You’re my mate, Kat. I’m going to want
your cunt all the time. Get used to it. Your mouth
and your ass, too. All of it is mine. But I promise,
when I take you I’ll make you come every time.
Now tell me what you want.”
I closed my eyes. I was so close. I couldn’t
stand it. “Make me come,” I panted. “And fuck
me. Please, Bane. Fuck me.”
He didn’t say anything more. I felt his mouth
come down on my clit again, his tongue rubbing it
without mercy, and I came, screaming into the
silence, my juices running down his fingers as I
convulsed on them over and over. I writhed on him,
and then he pulled his fingers out of me and I heard
him stand up. In one motion he flipped me over
onto my stomach, lifted my hips, and rammed into
me from behind.
I cried out. He’d come into me slowly last night,
but not today. Today he fucked his big cock hard
into me with no mercy, and I felt that same feeling
of being split open, torn apart. I gripped the sheets
and bit the pillow and held on.
He fucked me hard, his hips slamming into me,
his cock punishing me. His fingers dug into my hips
and his balls slapped my skin. I felt myself opening
to him, wider and wider, my body taking him
deeper. It hurt, and yet it didn’t. It was like his cock
was pushing an ache I had deep inside me,
something I didn’t know I could feel. Bane’s cock
was hitting it, giving me relief at last, and even
though it hurt I didn’t want him to stop.
“Fuck, Kat,” he panted, “you feel so fucking
good. So fucking good.”
I arched my back and pressed my ass up into
him, taking him deeper, my breasts bouncing
against the bed, my hands twisted in the sheets as I
tried to stay in place. I couldn’t speak. I just wanted
him there. Right there…
Bane gave a low roar and came, his fingers
digging deep enough into my hips to bruise me. He
was flexed deep into me, his cum jetting inside me,
for a long minute. Then he slowly let me go, his
breath coming in harsh pants.
He pulled out of me and ran a hand through his
dark hair. “Damn it, Kat, did I hurt you? If I did,
I’m fucking sorry.”
I lowered myself to the bed and rolled onto my
back. I looked up at him, big and harsh and
tormented. “Come here,” I said.
He looked at me, confused. “Where?”
“Here.” I patted the bed next to me. I shifted
myself up so I wasn’t on the edge anymore. “Lie
down here.”
He hesitated for the briefest second, as if he
thought I had some ulterior motive. Then he slowly
lowered himself to the bed. “Kat—”
“Ssh. Be quiet,” I said. I rolled over on top of
him and kissed his mouth.
He froze at first. Then he kissed me back, his
hand moving to the back of my head. Our mouths
opened and our tongues tangled.
I pulled away. “I like kissing you,” I said.
“Kat,” Bane said, his voice helpless.
“I liked it,” I told him. “Now kiss me again.”
Kat kissed my mouth, and when she was done she
kissed her way down my neck, through my beard,
along my collarbones. Then she kissed down my
I felt myself stiffen under her touch. I wasn’t
used to affection. When I took a woman, it was
always a transaction: she sucked me or fucked me
until I came, I fingered her or tongued her until she
came, and we both moved on. Kissing was never
part of the transaction.
But Kat was kissing me. She was trailing her
pretty blond hair over my chest, kissing my nipple,
then up my pec and along my shoulder. Her
delicate hands were resting on my chest, running
down the muscles of my stomach and then up
again. Her gorgeous sweet tits were pressing against
my stomach, her taut ass in the air, and already I
was hard for her again.
I like kissing you, she’d said. No woman had
ever said that to me before.
I liked it. Kiss me again.
I wound my hand into her hair, my dirty fingers
against her pretty blond strands, and pulled her
head up. She obeyed, and I brought her down to my
mouth again. Our tongues tangled and I felt my
beard scraping her skin. She moaned and opened
her mouth further, letting me inside to do whatever
I wanted.
I licked the inside of her mouth and then let her
go. Her pupils were dilated, her mouth reddened
from where I’d scraped it. “Again,” she whispered.
I ran my thumb along her bottom lip, my skin
dark against her perfect clean whiteness. “The
Her hand slid down between us, rubbing me.
“Your cock.”
Jesus. Jesus Christ. “I hurt you,” I protested.
“You must be sore.”
She shook her head, moving against my thumb.
“I’m okay. Just… be gentle this time.”
I stared at her helplessly. I had no idea what to
fucking do. No idea how to treat this woman, how
to be gentle with her, how to treat her the way she
deserved. My wolf was howling beneath the
surface. I’d told the truth when I said that running
as my wolf made me want to fuck, but my wolf
made me want to do it rough. Be gentle was not in
my vocabulary. It never had been.
But I’d been too rough with her just now. Kat
had taken it because she was a sweet girl, but if I
wanted a long-term mate, I’d have to come up with
something different. A way to be gentle for once.
“Tell me what to do,” I told her.
Kat gave a little smile, one that made my chest
go weak. She was so fucking beautiful, with her
sex-tousled blond hair and her brown eyes. Her
white skin and rosy nipples and sweet cunt, bare
except for a tiny strip. If I never saw her again, I’d
be picturing all of it until the day I died. She leaned
in and kissed my mouth again, sucking my tongue,
and she moved to straddle my leg. I felt something
warm and wet on my thigh: cum. My own cum.
This woman hadn’t even washed my cum out of
her, and she already wanted more. I could smell
her. She was ready for it.
I rolled her onto her back, kissing her some
more. I leaned down and sucked a nipple into my
mouth as she moaned. She tasted like strawberries.
She was an angel, my Kat. A perfect white-skinned
angel, and I was a devil, a monster. I’d broken a
man’s neck in front of her and I’d shed blood in the
woods as an animal. I had an uncut cock and dirt
ground into my skin, and still she let me defile her.
She opened her legs and moaned for me. My
perfect angel who wanted to be fucked.
I pressed my cock into her and she hissed in a
breath, as if it stung. “Baby,” I said into her ear—
another first, because I’d never called another
woman that before. Never thought about it. “We
don’t have to do this if it hurts.”
“It hurts a little,” she admitted, squirming
beneath me, “but I like it.” She ran her fingers over
my jaw, my beard, my cheekbones. “Bane, I like it
so much.”
I bottomed out, my balls pressing against her
pussy, and then I withdrew again, slowly. She was
tight as a fist, but she was also wet as an oil slick,
because she still had my cum in her. She’d taken
my cum once already and she wanted it again. I
flexed my hips and fucked my cock into her again,
all the way.
“Oh,” she said, and she was wincing and
pressing her hips up into me at the same time. “It’s
good. It’s so good. Just go slow this time.”
I slid out of her, then in again, out then in. She
panted and I pressed my fingertips to her wet little
clit, finding it slick with my cum like the rest of her.
I circled it over and over as I fucked her slowly,
pressing the head of my cock deep inside her every
time, bottoming out as far as I could go.
Kat’s eyes were closed, her lips parted, her
head tilted back. Her nipples were hard against my
chest, dark red with how hot she was. Her waxed
cunt was open to me, the flesh hot and wet and
swollen as I moved my bare cock in and out of her.
My cock was slick with her juices and my own
“Come on my cock,” I coaxed her, still rubbing
her tight little clit, pressing my fingertips over the
tight nub. I licked her bottom lip. “Come on it, my
dirty little mate. Come with your alpha’s cock
inside you.”
“Oh,” she said, and she came, her body
shaking, her cunt squeezing me. This was heaven. It
was fucking heaven, the greatest thing that had
ever happened to me, and I didn’t deserve the least
of it. I deserved to be left to die a loner, not fucked
by the sweetest angel on earth for the second time.
I would kill for her. I would die for her. She had no
idea, but she owned me so completely that I would
do anything for her. Anything at all.
I felt my balls draw up and I pressed deep
inside her, my own orgasm overtaking me. I pulsed
cum into her over and over, just like I’d done
before. “Kat,” I said in her ear as I came. “Kat.”
She tangled her hands in my hair and kissed me, her
mouth open for me as I pulsed into her. “Kat,” I
said against her mouth as it finally eased off.
She sighed and ran her hands over my jawline
again, my cheekbones. Looking at me. As if she
actually liked me.
No woman had ever actually liked me.
Kat did. I didn’t deserve it, but she kissed me
and touched me like she liked me. Like she wanted
me near.
She was my woman. My Kat. And she came
first. Before anything. Before everything.
She cupped my jaw in her hands and smiled up
at me.
I was hers. Completely. She had no idea.
And I had no idea what she was going to do
with me. And what I would do if she walked away.
“The Silver Star is ashes,” Jade said. “There’s
barely anything left.”
I sipped the smoothie I’d made and walked to
the front window of the club house, looking out.
“Really?” I said into the phone.
“Yes, really. And apparently Cash isn’t the only
dead person they found inside. There were two
I lowered my cup. It was daytime again, and
Bane was out front, fixing something on his
motorcycle. I could see him from the window. He
was wearing jeans and a black tee, his motorcycle
boots on his feet, a wrench in his hand. He was
bent over the front wheel of the bike, and in the
pose I could see the perfect line of his big, wide
shoulders. Shoulders I’d dug my fingers into while
he fucked me.
Three dead people? “I don’t, um, I don’t think
Bane killed all of those people,” I said, though of
course I wasn’t sure. I had no idea at all.
“Who knows?” Jade said. “The official reports
aren’t in, but there’s a cop who used to come into
the club all the time. He says one of the men died
of smoke inhalation, and the other had a knife
wound in the back of his neck.”
I licked my lip, my gaze still on Bane. He was
looking at the motorcycle, not at me. He changed
the angle as he stared down at it, and I saw his dark
hair falling over his forehead, the thick growth of
his beard. The nice mouth framed by dark hair.
He’d had that mouth between my legs yesterday,
and I’d screamed when I came. “That can’t be
Bane,” I said, because I really wanted it to be true.
“Werewolves don’t use knives. And smoke
inhalation isn’t murder at all.”
“Unless he was knocked out and left to die,”
Jade pointed out. “And what do you know about
werewolf weapons?”
Nothing. I knew nothing. Except I’d seen Bane
snap Cash’s neck with his bare hands, so I saw no
reason he’d use a knife.
Which reminded me that the man I’d fucked
like crazy had snapped a man’s neck with his bare
Maybe being here wasn’t my smartest decision.
I had no idea what else Bane had done—probably a
lot. But I couldn’t help it—I felt safe. Even when
he had his hands on me. Especially when he had his
hands on me.
I’m going to put my cock in you, my cum. All
night, and tomorrow, and the day after that. My
cock is hard for you all the time, Kat.
Come on my cock, my dirty little mate. Come
with your alpha’s cock inside you.
After that round, I really was sore. We’d slept
for hours, and when I woke up it was morning,
Bane had left the bed, and there were fresh
groceries on the counter, including fruit and yogurt.
Once again it all seemed like a dream, except the
man who made me so sore was outside fixing his
motorcycle right now. He turned to grab a tool and
I got a look at his ass in his low-slung jeans, and I
nearly drooled into my smoothie glass. Good, holy,
sweet God.
“Anyway,” Jade said, “I called to let you know
you can still have a job. The owners are moving a
lot of employees to their other location, the Gold
“The Gold Star?” This surprised me. The Gold
Star was the nicest, swankiest strip club in the
county, much better than the Silver Star. Only the
very best employees and the very hottest girls got
moved up to the Gold Star.
“Well, you have to apply,” Jade said, “and you
have to interview in person. But they said they
have openings. And they already said they’d take
That made sense, because Jade was a great
bartender. I was another story. “They won’t take
me. I’d only been at the Silver Star a week.”
“But you’re hot, girl. You know that. At least
apply. The pay is better at the Gold Star, and I hear
that with the rich guys who go there, the tips are
better too.”
I bit my lip and looked at Bane again. He
dropped the wrench in an easy motion and ran a
hand through his hair. He wouldn’t like me working
at the Gold Star—I knew that already. He wouldn’t
like me dressing skimpy and flirting with men, and
he wouldn’t like me getting my ass grabbed. I
remembered him in the VIP room at the Silver Star,
scenting where a customer had grabbed me and
saying He’s going to lose a hand.
Still, Bane was a stranger to me. I’d spent all of
two nights with him. Two fantastic nights, but still.
Was I going to let him dictate what I could and
couldn’t do?
And the fact was, I was out of a job. I needed a
paycheck. I couldn’t just live on werewolf charity
and sex for the rest of my life.
Though part of me sort of wished I could. At
least the sex part.
“Okay, I’ll think about it,” I said to Jade.
“Good. What happened with that crazy
werewolf, by the way?” Jade said. “I ran after he
did what he did to Cash. I’m sorry I just left you
there, but it was pretty intense.”
“It’s okay,” I said. “It turned out okay. He
didn’t hurt me. Actually he got me out of there.”
“Well, that’s good. He seemed pretty into you,
even though you didn’t fuck him. Just be careful
with werewolves, okay?”
“Why? What does that mean?”
She paused. “The fact that you’re asking that
means that you’re seeing him. Or thinking about it.”
I flinched, watching Bane through the window.
I hated lying, but what he and I had was so new and
so strange, I didn’t feel like explaining it. I didn’t
even think I could. “I’m thinking about it,” I said.
“Well, werewolves are known to have a temper.
Which you saw when he got angry at Cash. I mean,
they have a serious temper.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
“And they don’t really date. They tend to just
fuck and forget you. They’re not romantics, Kat.”
I felt my eyebrows go up. “You think I want a
“Honey, please. You’re pretty much the sweet
princess in a fairy tale. It feels weird to think of
some werewolf using you and dumping you like a
filled-up condom. You’ll get your heart broken, I
Jade obviously didn’t know about the mating
stuff that Bane had told me about. But I still
wanted her advice—I had no one else to ask. “I
don’t know. You said yourself he seemed really into
“Yeah, I’ve never seen that before. Usually
women are like used Kleenexes to them. And he
was pretty hot. If he really wants to call you, and
you really want to see him, give it a shot. Just be
careful, okay?”
I agreed and hung up, feeling like a heel. For
not telling Jade what was really going on—that I
was at the Nocturne club house right now, after two
nights of crazy sex with Bane. And I felt like a heel
for talking about Bane behind his back. Even
though every girl did that with every guy she dated.
Werewolves are known to have a temper.
Just be careful, okay?
He said he wanted me to be his mate. But what
the hell did that even mean?
I downed my smoothie and walked back to the
kitchen. I was rinsing the glass when the door
opened and Bane walked in, the hot Texas air
swirling in behind him.
He paused and looked me up and down. I was
wearing one of the sundresses he’d packed for me
from my apartment—a blue-and-white flowered
pattern. The dress had spaghetti straps and fell to
my knees. It was a nice dress, the kind you could
wear to a church picnic if you put a light sweater
over your shoulders. I was clean and showered, my
hair falling softly to my shoulders, only a little
makeup on from the stuff I kept in my purse,
sandals on my feet. I looked like any normal, sweet
girl, but when Bane looked at me I felt naked and
deliciously dirty. Maybe because underneath the
dress I was wearing the tiny, lacy underwear he’d
brought me.
Come on my cock, my dirty little mate. Come
with your alpha’s cock inside you.
As if he could read my thoughts, Bane’s eyes
went dark. He cleared his throat. “Is everything
okay?” he asked me, his voice rough.
I nodded. The memory of sex seemed to swirl
heavily in the air between us. Women are like used
Kleenexes to them, Jade had said. I didn’t think
anyone had looked at a used Kleenex the way Bane
was looking at me.
Then again, maybe he wasn’t done using me
yet. I didn’t really know, did I? We hadn’t done a
lot of talking.
“The truck in the garage,” I said to him. “I’m
wondering if it runs. If I can borrow it.”
Bane’s eyebrows went down. “For what?”
“To go to the Silver Star and find my own car. If
it isn’t there, then to go to my apartment.”
He blinked once. “You’re leaving?”
“Well, I have to.” It seemed obvious to me. I
looked around. “I don’t live here. I can’t stay here
“The crew comes back today,” Bane said. “All
of them.”
I felt my eyes go wide. “Oh. I really should go,
He scowled harder. “No, you shouldn’t.”
I thought of all the big, terrifying werewolves
who’d come into the Silver Star the night of the
fire. Bane was the biggest of them, but none of
them were much smaller than him. They were all
Banes with maybe an inch less height, and there
were a dozen of them. Just the idea of being the
only woman alone in a room with them was
intimidating. “Don’t you have club business to
discuss with them?” I asked. “Wolf pack business?”
Bane took a step closer to me. “Yes. Some of
that business is you.”
“You’re going to discuss me?”
“How many times do I have to explain it?
You’re my mate. You’re the most important
business the pack has seen in years. You need to be
here to meet them.”
That made me mad. “Apparently you have to
explain it a few more times,” I said. “I didn’t
realize when you took me from the Silver Star that
you expected me to drop my life and move in with
“I didn’t say that,” Bane said. “Though it’s
probably best if you move into the club house, it’s
I gaped at him. I couldn’t believe he was
suggesting it. “Don’t you think that’s maybe a little
fast, Bane?”
“No, because you’re my mate. As I’m
explaining yet again.”
“Bane,” I said, “I like you.” My cheeks went
hot. “A lot. I like you a lot, okay? But we’re not
“Werewolves don’t get married,” he said.
I threw my hands up. “Whatever. What I’m
saying is that we should date for a while and—”
“I told you, we’re not dating.”
“Then what are we doing?” I practically
shouted. “I don’t even know your last name!”
He ran a hand through his hair, then scrubbed it
over his face. And damn it, I noticed that the
motion made the muscles in his chest flex. “It’s
Cross,” he said finally. “My last name is Cross.”
He looked almost pained, telling me that. Like
he didn’t say his last name very often. “Okay,” I
“Now will you stay?” he growled.
Honestly, he was going to make me insane.
“No,” I said, and when he flinched I lowered my
voice. “I just need to go home for a while,” I said.
“What if I come back tonight?”
“The crew will be back by tonight.” He still
sounded pained, and I realized that even though he
was being a stubborn ass, this seemed to really
matter to him. “If they come back and find me
alone, without my mate, it means I’ve failed to
keep you. It means I’ve failed as an alpha.”
I crossed my arms. “Well, that’s silly. Your mate
can’t go pick up her car? Aren’t you the alpha no
matter what?”
“Usually, yes. But the worst thing an alpha can
do is show weakness.” His gaze darted away. “A
mate is a weakness.”
“So now I’m a weakness?” Great. “You know, I
was warned that werewolves aren’t romantic. I
guess that’s true.”
Bane looked frustrated. “I don’t know what
that means.”
It was like talking to an alien from another
planet. He really wasn’t entirely human, I
remembered. I stepped forward and put a hand on
his wrist, feeling the pulse under his warm skin.
“Okay, let’s try something else.”
Bane took a breath, and I saw his shoulders
relax a little, his muscles loosen. Because I was
touching him. My hand on him was soothing him,
even though he was so much bigger than me, his
arm like solid rock.
I could do that to him, just by putting a hand on
his wrist.
“Come with me,” I said to him. “We’ll both go
get my car and go to my apartment. We’ll come
back together. That way you don’t look weak.
What do you think?”
Bane hesitated. I could see him calculating the
angles, the possible objections. Bane was rough, but
he was far from stupid; he just thought like a wolf,
and calculated things according to the way wolves
did things. He was looking at angles I couldn’t see.
And he was still uneasy. “Now I’m forcing you,” he
said. “I don’t want to force you to do something
you don’t want.”
“You’re not forcing me,” I said. I slid my palm
halfway up his forearm, feeling the tendons and
muscles under his skin. It made a spark of energy
ignite in me, but I pushed it down. “I’d like you to
come with me. I just assumed you wouldn’t want to
He could feel the same spark I felt—I could
tell. His eyes went dark as he looked at me, but he
was breathing evenly, the tension in his body under
control. “We’ll go on my bike,” he said.
“No,” I told him, keeping my hand on him. “I
don’t have the right clothes for a motorcycle. The
gravel…” I glanced down. I had scrapes on my
shins and calves from riding behind him the other
night, wearing my short skirt. There was a reason
bikers always wore jeans or leather pants.
Bane’s gaze followed mine and his expression
changed again. He looked stricken. “I didn’t notice
that,” he said. “Your legs are torn up and I didn’t
even see. Fuck, Kat.”
“They’re not torn up,” I said. “They barely
sting. I’m fine. But I need to go in the truck. I can
pick up jeans at my place.”
He was still fixated on my legs. “I didn’t even
think about it. I should have thought of that. I
should have noticed.”
“Bane.” This time I stepped close to him, letting
my body brush his, my stomach and my breasts. He
was going to tear himself to pieces if I didn’t stop
him. I looked up into his face, and after a second he
looked down at me, his gaze clearing.
“Let’s go in the truck,” I said. “And by the way,
my last name is Washington.”
Kat was right. I had no idea what I was doing, no
idea how to take care of a human mate. No idea
what to do with a pretty woman like her. I’d fucked
her like she belonged to me, and I’d never asked
her full name.
I took her in the truck. It wasn’t a very nice
truck—it was old, and the shocks were mostly
gone, so Kat jolted in the passenger seat every time
we rode over a pothole. I could smell her fresh
smell, could still feel her hand on my arm, and I
wanted her again. I kept thinking of her mouth on
my cock that first night, the way she’d sucked me
so greedily. I was supposed to be doing things like
asking her last name, making conversation, making
her feel like she wanted to stay with me. Instead I
kept thinking of my cock in her throat.
She had lip gloss on, like she had that first night.
Kat liked lip gloss. It would coat my cock when she
sucked me.
Be civilized, Bane.
Kat Washington. It was a nice name. Classy,
like she was. “Where are your parents?” I asked
She looked at me, surprised, and then she said,
“I don’t know who my father is. My mother is in
“You don’t know who your father is?”
“No.” She gave a secretive smile. “My mother
used to be a bit of a slut, you could say. The apple
doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
Had someone insulted her? “You are not a slut,”
I growled.
“No?” She laughed, the sound genuinely
amused. “I’m a slut with you, or haven’t you
The way she was with me was hot as fuck, and
I didn’t want her to change it. If I ever got to have
her again. “You are not a slut,” I said again.
“Sure,” she said, still smiling. She looked out
the window. “It doesn’t matter. My mother married
a nice guy a few years ago and moved to Florida
with him. So she isn’t a slut anymore.”
“You get along with her?” I asked.
“Sure I do. My mother is actually nice. She’s
friendly and fun. I talk to her at least once a week.”
She looked at me. “What about your parents?”
“Dead,” I said. “My mother was hit by a drunk
driver when I was ten. My father was a werewolf,
the alpha of a club called the Bone Brothers. The
club was destroyed in the last pack war, and my
father was killed.”
The smile had left Kat’s face. She stared at me.
“Pack war?”
“It happens from time to time,” I said. “If any
pack gets too big, or too ambitious, the others come
together to eliminate it.”
“Kill every member. It’s the only way to make
sure a club goes down and stays down.” I glanced
at her, saw her expression. “What? Don’t worry.
We don’t have a pack war right now. The last one,
the one that killed my father, was a major war. No
one wants that again.” I pointed ahead. “That’s the
Silver Star.”
I pulled into the parking lot. The fire trucks and
ambulances had long gone, and all that was left was
an empty, burnt-out shell. I opened the driver’s
door, and Kat put her hand on the passenger
handle. “Wait,” I told her.
I got out of the truck, circled it, and opened her
door for her. The truck was high from the ground. I
put my hands on her waist and helped her out. My
palms burned through the thin fabric of her dress.
Be civilized, Bane.
She paused when I set her down, looking at the
building. There were black scars of ashes framing
the doors and windows, and the sign that said Silver
Star in lights was blasted with smoke. Kat, with her
pretty dress and her pretty blond hair, looked like
she didn’t belong here, in this shitty, burned-out
place. It was hard for me to remember that I’d
found her here, wearing a tiny black top and a tiny
black skirt, getting groped by every man who liked
her ass.
It still made me angry. No man was ever
groping her again.
She sighed. “So much for that job,” she said.
“You didn’t like it.” My voice came out in a
growl; I couldn’t help it.
“It wasn’t so bad,” Kat said. “It was better tips
than my last job, which was hostess at Olive
“Did they send you to work the VIP Room at
Olive Garden?”
She turned and looked at me over her shoulder.
“You’re blaming them for that? It was your
“They should never have sent you in there
alone with me.”
She looked at me for a moment. “I don’t really
understand how you think, Bane. But all right.” She
turned back and started walking across the parking
I followed her. I couldn’t help it—I watched
how her ass moved beneath the soft fabric of her
skirt. It was fucking gorgeous, that ass. I’d first
seen it in a tight black skirt, and it didn’t look any
less fucking gorgeous now. I wanted to get inside it,
make it mine. No man would have that ass except
She was making a beeline across the lot to the
only other car here, a small black hatchback. “Is
that your car?” I asked her, peeling my gaze from
her ass.
“Yes. Oh, shit.” She got closer. “It’s got fire
damage.” She pulled her keys from her purse and
beeped the doors. “I’m not sure it will even run.”
“You don’t need it.” The truck wasn’t the only
vehicle the club owned—far from it. We knew a lot
of the local garages and we were passed cheap
vehicles pretty often. “I can get you a car.”
“This is my car, though.” She sounded
crestfallen. She opened the driver’s door, bent and
peered inside. “This is the first car I ever bought for
myself with my own money. I worked at Olive
Garden for years to save up for it.” She put the key
in the ignition and turned it, and when nothing
happened, she sighed. “I can put in an insurance
claim, I guess. But I’m so bummed.”
Jesus. I’d never been with a woman who said
I’m so bummed. It should have been ridiculous, but
it just made me want to fuck her more. Also, if this
was her first car, I had another question. “Kat, how
old are you?”
She pulled out of the car and closed the door,
turning to me. “I’m twenty-four,” she said with a
smile. “Right, I guess we don’t know that about
each other. How old are you?”
I stared at her, and for a second I couldn’t say
it. “Older than you.”
She crossed her arms over her breasts. “How
much older?”
“A lot.”
“Nope,” she said, and she tapped one finger on
my chest. “You don’t get to dodge it. Tell me.”
My stomach dropped. This was impossible. She
was never going to want me, to want to come back
to the club house and be part of the life. She was
never going to want a dirty werewolf who was so
fucking much older than her. I didn’t even have any
fucking manners. She was going to walk away, and
I was going to be finished as alpha. Still, I made
myself say it. Because she told me to.
“I’m thirty-six,” I said.
Kat looked me up and down, taking in every
inch of me. “Hmm,” she said. She reached out and
lightly squeezed my bicep, sending a jolt of lust
straight down to my cock. “You’re pretty fit for
thirty-six, Bane,” she said. “Let’s go to my
It bothered him, the age difference. Twelve years. It
didn’t bother me. I thought it was hot that Bane
was thirty-six. Then again, I thought everything
about him was hot.
His thoughts were tearing him up, I could tell.
He was still worried about the pack, about his
position as alpha. He needed me for that. Well, I’d
thought about it, and if he wanted my help, he
could have it. It wasn’t like I had anywhere else to
go or anything better to do.
We’d just have to negotiate a few things.
Besides, this was Bane. And we hadn’t had sex
in over twelve whole hours. He had no idea, but he
could probably make me do anything.
I brought him to my apartment. He’d been here
before, when he came to get me my clothes and
toiletries. Still, he looked out of place here, his big
body taking up my tiny space. A big, dark, bearded
werewolf in my girly apartment. He shadowed me
in silence as I bustled around, collecting more
clothes and things to bring with me back to the club
house, taking out the garbage in the kitchen, pulling
out the clothes that I’d left in the dryer days ago.
He followed me like all of that was the most
interesting thing he’d ever seen.
“What?” I asked him as I zipped up a bag.
“What is it?”
“I don’t smell a man in this place,” Bane said.
“Well, I hope not,” I said. “That would mean
someone broke in. I’ve never had a man here.”
“But you’ve had men,” he said, the words
choking in his throat.
I put my hands on my hips and looked at him.
“I wasn’t a virgin, as you well know. But I’ve never
had a man here.”
“Good,” he said, glancing down at the bed
between us, where I had set the bag I was packing.
“Because I’d have to kill him.”
Honestly. Werewolves and their promises to kill
“That seems fair,” I said. “I’ll just kill every
woman you’ve had. Seems to me I’ll have to kill
half the population of Texas.”
He scowled at me. “That isn’t the same thing.”
“Isn’t it?” I looked him in the eye.
“No,” Bane said, very confident in this. “That
was just fucking. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Right. Throwing women away like used
“Just an expression. My point is, I’ve had men,
and it’s none of your business. Maybe it was just
fucking, as you say.”
His eyes blazed. We were standing on either
side of the bed, facing each other, and for a second
I thought he’d leap over it and grab me. “Who?” he
said. “Give me a list of names.”
“I don’t think so. Maybe the list would be as
long as your arm. Who knows?”
It wouldn’t be as long as his arm—not nearly. It
would have exactly four names on it, in fact: my
high school boyfriend, the guy I met at the pool the
summer after my boyfriend dumped me, my last
boyfriend Tad, and Bane. But I was trying to make
a point.
Bane leaned forward, put his hands on the bed.
“Damn it, Kat. You’re my mate.”
“So you keep saying. But if it’s true, that also
means you’re my mate. So maybe I should get a list
of names.”
I didn’t want a list of names. I really, really
didn’t. Already I hated the idea of Bane doing with
some other woman the things he did with me. But
he was thirty-six and definitely not a virgin. I just
didn’t want to think about that.
“Names?” Bane said. “I can’t do that even if I
wanted to. I don’t know most of their names.”
“Well, I guess I should count myself lucky that
at least you knew my first name before you fucked
He was fast. Werewolf-fast. He put a knee on
the bed, leaned across, and one big arm hooked
around my waist. In a split second I was on my
back on the bed and he was braced over me on his
big arms.
“Say that again,” he said.
I blinked up at him. He looked… big, braced
above me like that. “You knew my name before
you fucked me?” I said.
Bane leaned down and brushed his mouth along
the side of my neck, his beard scratching me. “I
knew a lot more than that when I fucked you,” he
growled. “I knew you were my mate. And I knew
you were wet for me. Just like you are now.”
The breath left my throat. I was wet for him—
there was no hiding it, especially from a werewolf.
“Well, you’re very big,” I explained. “And you
have a lot of muscles, and you smell good. And I’ve
seen you naked, and I keep picturing it in my head.
And I’ve had a lot of orgasms in the past few days,
because you have a very nice—”
He stopped me by putting his mouth on mine,
claiming it. He swept his tongue into my mouth as I
moaned. My knees were open, and I didn’t even
remember opening them. It was like they opened
automatically whenever Bane was near.
“Bane,” I said when he broke away, “if we’re
not dating, then what are we doing?”
“I’m going to make you understand,” he said as
he pushed my panties aside and pushed two fingers
into my wet pussy. “I swear to God I’m going to
make you understand.”
I arched my back beneath him. “I can’t—oh—I
can’t introduce you to my mother or my friends.
You’re not—oh, God, Bane—you’re not going to
take me to dinner.”
“I’m never going to take you to dinner,” he
said, pumping his fingers slowly in and out of me,
making a slick sound in my wetness. “I’ve never
taken any woman to dinner, and that includes you.”
“Why—why not?” I panted.
“Because there are better things to do.” He
pulled his fingers out of me, reared back, and
unbuckled his heavy belt as he knelt between my
spread legs. He unbuttoned his jeans and yanked
them down just enough to free his big cock, which
was hard and ready. He gave it a stroke.
He leaned forward and cupped the back of my
head with his other hand. Still holding me, he
walked up on his knees until he was straddling me,
his hand on his cock. “Come here, Kat,” he said.
“Put my cock in your pretty mouth.”
My jaw relaxed and my lips fell open, watching
him. I licked my lips as he leaned forward and fed
his cockhead into my mouth, feeding it into me inch
by inch. I moaned around him, tasting him. He
tasted as good as I remembered when I’d gone
down on my knees for him that first night.
“That’s it,” he said, pressing in and out of me,
still holding the back of my head. “Suck me nice
and deep. Rub your sweet pussy while you do it.”
I sucked him, hollowing my cheeks. I ran my
tongue over him as he thrust into my mouth, tracing
his veins, the line of his foreskin as it pushed back
with every thrust. I sucked his cockhead as he
pulled it out past my lips, then sucked the rest of
him when he pushed it inside. I lowered my hand
inside my panties and stroked my bare pussy,
finding my clit and rubbing it.
“You like that,” he said. I did. I sucked him and
sucked him, my fingers rubbing, and when he
pulled out of my mouth I used my free hand to take
his cock and pump it. I looked up at him and licked
my lips.
Bane’s eyes flared. He changed position as I
opened my mouth wider, moving forward. He
positioned himself so his balls were above my
mouth, and then he lowered himself. I sucked his
balls into my mouth, big and heavy and hot,
running my tongue over them.
His head fell back in pleasure when I did that,
his back bowing. “Oh, good Christ,” he said. “Oh
fuck, that’s so fucking good.” I kept my jaw
relaxed, using my lips and my tongue, tracing the
outline of his balls, tasting them. My hand kept
between my legs as the pleasure built and built. My
hips bucked and I sucked on him, using a little
pressure and then a little more, not too much. It
drove him crazy—I could feel his thighs tensing, his
big body flexing above me. I’d never done anything
like this before. It was dirty and filthy, and I had
Bane’s balls deep in my mouth, and I never wanted
to stop because I was going to come. I was going to
come hard.
“Fuck,” he shouted at the ceiling. “You’re
going to make me come, Kat.” I could feel his balls
tightening, pulling up. I whimpered and sucked
them down, and he made a strangled sound. Then
he moved his body, pulling them out of my mouth
and looking down at me with his dark eyes.
“You like that, don’t you?” he said hoarsely.
“You’d do that every day, dirty girl.”
I nodded, my hand still working between my
He slid his cock into my mouth once more, and
I sucked it greedily. Then he moved back down my
body, pulled my hand away, ripped off my panties,
and put his mouth to my clit.
I came, the orgasm ripping over me and through
me, my body thrashing on the bed. Bane held me
down, and then he lifted his head and knelt again,
stroking his cock. “Show me your tits, Kat.”
I pulled the straps of my sundress down and
pushed it to my waist, baring my breasts, arching
my back. Bane stroked his cock hard, almost
punishingly, and then he groaned and came, the
warm liquid coating my breasts, my nipples, my
chest. When he was finished we were both panting
as if we’d run an Olympic race.
I felt filthy and wonderful, but like always with
Bane, I moved my hips restlessly, licking my lips as
I looked at him. I ran my hands under his tee, up his
stomach and his chest, then down again, taking his
cock in my hand. “Can you go again?” I asked him.
“I want you inside me.”
He let out a harsh breath. “You’re going to kill
me.” But his cock was already going hard again in
my hands, stiffening as I pumped it with my fist. He
groaned. “My cock can’t say no to you, Kat.”
“I don’t want it to,” I breathed, and I stroked it,
coaxing it harder and harder. Werewolves, I was
learning, had extra stamina that humans didn’t
have. Bane let me do it, his hips leaning into me, his
cock going hot under my touch. I changed position
on the bed, opening my legs.
“God, look at you,” he said, taking me in.
“You’re still coated in my cum.”
“Fuck me,” I begged him.
“Good God, Kat.” He braced himself on his
arms, positioning himself between my legs. I put my
feet on the hard muscles of his shoulders and he
thrust into me, taking me deep. I cried out.
“So fucking good,” he moaned, and he started a
rhythm, pounding me into the mattress. I took him
as deep as I could, feeling him hit that spot that
only Bane could hit, his cock pressing it over and
over again. I was slick all the way inside, squeezing
him, and he fucked me harder and harder, the bed
creaking and the headboard banging against the
This time, when I came, I barely made a sound
except for a gasp. I clenched his cock, my dress
twisted down and ruined, his cum covering my bare
tits, his balls slapping my ass, the taste of his cock
and his balls still in my mouth. I came and came
and came, like it would never stop.
It wasn’t until later that I realized there really
was a reason Bane would never take me to dinner.
There would always be something better to do.
When we got back to the club house, it was hot as
fuck and nearly dark. I took my time coming back
with Kat. We’d showered first, me washing her
gently and thoroughly, then her washing me. Then
she’d ordered takeout, me taking in a few bites
while she ate it ravenously. Sex, it seemed, made
my mate hungry—especially wicked, hot, filthy
I planned to keep her hungry for a long time.
I didn’t eat much because werewolves don’t
require much sustenance. We get most of it when
we hunt and kill, and then we aren’t hungry for a
while again. But feeding Kat was part of my duty
now, making sure she always had what she wanted.
When she had finished eating, she picked
another outfit from her closet—the dress I’d fucked
her in was pretty much wrecked, sticky with cum—
and got ready. She sat in a chair in front of a mirror
in her little apartment and put makeup on, carefully
outlining her eyes and glossing her lips. Then she
brushed out her blonde hair and tied it up off her
neck. I lay on the bed, dressed in my jeans and T-
shirt, and watched her.
“You don’t need to put makeup on for the
club,” I told her. She looked beautiful without it. Or
with it. I didn’t give a fuck, and neither would my
“I want to impress them,” Kat said, tilting her
head in the mirror this way and that.
It was ridiculous. She was fucking gorgeous.
Already my wolf wanted to fuck her again, but the
man was in control and I behaved. I’d wait until
later, when I had her in bed at the club house
tonight. By then she’d be ready for me again.
“Do you think they’ll like me?” she asked as we
drove back to the club house in the truck, Kat
bouncing every time we went over a bump. I’d
have to find a more comfortable ride for her; I was
too used to living rough.
“They’ve already met you,” I said. “You served
them drinks at the strip club.”
“None of them seemed very impressed with me,
though. Especially you.”
I grunted. I’d been trying to keep control that
night, because I was feeling the mating call and I’d
never felt it before. My wolf had nearly jumped out
of my skin. “You’re their alpha’s mate. They’ll like
I’d said something wrong. Her lips pressed into
a line. Even when she was annoyed she was still
sexy, and I tried not to picture those lips wrapped
around my cock, my balls. “That doesn’t count,”
she said. “I don’t want them to like me just because
they’re supposed to. What if they don’t like me for
I ran a hand through my hair. “Does anyone not
like you for you?”
She thought this over. “My fifth grade teacher,
maybe? I always thought she hated me. But no
one’s ever said. And everyone I’ve known so far is
human. I’ve never tried to impress a werewolf.”
“You impressed me,” I said.
I thought it was the right thing to say for once,
but Kat frowned. “I gave you a blow job the first
night I met you.”
“That isn’t what impressed me.” Shit, wrong
again. “I mean, it was impressive. It was.”
She still looked uncertain. “Well, I’m not giving
your whole club a blow job. So I guess they’ll just
have to like me.”
When we pulled up to the club house in the
near-dark, I could see the unmistakable shape of a
line of bikes parked outside, lined up like soldiers.
It was a sight that always soothed my wolf. This
was my pack; these were my brothers. Not by
blood, but by oath. There were so few werewolves
left in the world, and we were so hated and
persecuted, that we had no choice but to band
together. We had each other’s backs. We shed
blood together, shared living quarters, pooled the
money we earned, and—I hadn’t mentioned this to
Kat, and I didn’t intend to—we shared women.
There were always human women who were
curious about werewolf cock and wanted it
regularly. Since none of us had a mate, we were
happy to give them what they wanted.
I had a mate now. I wouldn’t be fucking random
women ever again, which was fine with me. My
crew would still do it, because I was the only one
who had a mate. Twelve of us in the club, all of us
full-grown werewolves, and I was the only one who
had a mate—at age thirty-six. There was a reason
there were so few werewolves left in the world.
There was also a reason we didn’t want a pack
war and hadn’t had one in a generation. The last
war had reduced our numbers. The focus now was
to increase them again.
When Kat and I had children, our sons would
be wolves. We would start the next generation. But
it was too soon to think about that—not for me, but
for her.
But Jesus, she was only twenty-four. We had
time to have lots of kids if she wanted them.
Normally, after coming back from a job, tonight
would be party night for the club. We’d been
staying in other club houses around the state for the
past months as we worked jobs and rode free,
leaving this club house empty to be cleaned.
Usually we’d break in a club house we hadn’t been
to in a while.
But I already knew I’d find no partying
happening. Tonight was far too important—the club
meeting the alpha’s official mate. Kat wasn’t the
only one who would try to make an impression
tonight. The club in full party mode was so raunchy
most normal women would run. I had to keep Kat,
which meant we had to keep Kat. To scare her
away would mean the end of the club.
I parked the truck, happy to get out of the cage,
and helped Kat out. She was wearing a pretty knee-
length burgundy dress in some fabric that swung
from her hips. Short sleeves and heels with straps.
Makeup and her hair pulled up. She looked like she
was going on a special date, not being introduced to
a murderous gang of dirty, dangerous half-human
beasts. I was wearing my jeans and tee—rumpled
from the fucking I’d given her at her place—and
motorcycle boots, my hair and beard probably in
need of a trim. To an everyday human I looked like
a criminal, a thug. Well, if anyone ever tried to hurt
Kat, they’d find out just what kind of thug I could
We stepped through the door to find all of the
club in the main room. Some of them were on the
sofa, watching TV. A few were shooting pool at the
pool table. Others were hanging around the bar,
swigging beer and talking. There was music on, but
it wasn’t blasting, and there were no women. As I’d
predicted, the boys were behaving tonight.
They all turned when we walked in. Someone
turned off the TV, and someone else turned down
the music. The guys on the sofa stood up.
The first one to approach was Tiberius, my
veep. His dark blond hair was brushed back from
his forehead and his T-shirt was relatively clean.
This was formal dress for a Nocturne brother. He
was holding a cold beer, and he smiled at Kat
before he turned and barked over his shoulder:
“Everyone,” I said loudly, getting it over with,
“this is Kat. My mate.” I touched my hand to the
back of her neck, feeling how tense she was with
nerves, and then I added, “Kat, this is my crew.”
She met them all one by one. Ty first; she gave
him a smile and said, “I remember you.” I made a
mental note to ask him later what the hell that
meant—he was the one who had told her to go
back to the VIP room the first night I met her. What
else had he said? Ty was a good-looking fucker and
probably had the best manners of all of us. He gave
her his handsome smile and kissed the back of her
hand. If I hadn’t known him since we were ten—
and if I didn’t know his personal mating situation,
which was complicated—I probably would have
ripped his lips off.
The others followed. Ice, my sergeant-at-arms.
Jonny, our business master. Kriss, our oldest
member at forty-two, who shook her small hand in
his huge, tattooed one. Jackson, our youngest
member at twenty-two, with his movie-star looks
and dark eyes. He looked smitten, and I didn’t
blame him: Kat was his age and fucking gorgeous.
Kat blushed with pleasure when he smiled at her.
They were all smitten with her, but they
wouldn’t touch her or make a move. All of them
could smell me. On her. Everywhere. It was clear
by scent that I’d fucked her, that I’d touched her,
that I’d come in her. It was clear that we’d done it
more than once, and only an hour ago. I could smell
it, and so could the others. She was clearly mine,
and no werewolf in existence would touch a
woman who belonged to another wolf.
So I backed off as my brothers took over, taking
her over to the bar and getting her a seat, getting
her a drink, getting her something to eat. They were
trying to make her comfortable. Kat’s cheeks were
a little flushed and her eyes sparkled. She laughed
at one of Ty’s jokes, and when Jackson said
something she nodded. The TV went back on and
the crew went back to what they had been doing,
putting her at ease. She sipped her beer and smiled
at something else someone said, and she glanced at
me. I nodded at her and walked to the kitchen.
I needed a fucking beer.
* * *
“She’s beautiful,” Tiberius said quietly in my ear as
I twisted off a beer cap. He had moved over to me,
though he was still watching Kat sitting at the bar,
talking to the others.
I tilted the bottle back and downed half of it in
a few swigs. “I know.”
“Nicely done.”
He meant the fact that I’d claimed her instead
of losing her before the others returned. “It isn’t
entirely finished,” I said. “She still isn’t sure. She
wants to live in her own place.”
Ty ran a hand through his hair and shrugged.
“We’re twelve hairy, dirty, farting werewolves,” he
pointed out. “If I was her I wouldn’t want to live
with us either.”
I ground my teeth. He was right, but it put me in
a difficult position. Having my mate stay
somewhere else at night would make my wolf howl
in misery. If I stayed at Kat’s place, I left my club
vulnerable to attack by being away from them.
“This mate thing is fucking complicated,” I
“I agree. Though the boys are happy,” Ty said.
He reached past me, opened the fridge, and got his
own beer. “She’s the most quality piece of ass
we’ve ever seen in here. Me included. I knew it the
second I saw her at the Silver Star.”
“She served you a drink,” I gritted out.
“In that tiny top and that tiny skirt,” he said.
“That body. Her tits alone are like a wet dream.
Add in that mouth, and Jesus. And to top it all off,
she has an innocent sweetness about her. She’s
really something. Jackson is practically coming in
his jeans.”
“The last I heard, you weren’t available,” I
said. “Or did that change?”
Ty knew who his mate was. The problem was,
she hated his guts, and if he ever went near her,
he’d get killed, the club annihilated. It was
complicated. Talking about his fucked-up situation
usually pissed Ty off, but this time he only
shrugged. “There’s no rule against looking.”
I grabbed another beer and drank half of it. It
took a lot of liquor to make a werewolf drunk, and I
had a long way to go. Ty was pushing me for a
reason. He was trying to keep my head on straight.
Also, he was better with women than me. Hell, a
moss-covered rock was better with women than
me. “Fuck off,” I said.
“Does she know about the Claiming?” he
I downed the other half of my beer. “She’ll
run,” I said, my voice short. “I guarantee it.”
He looked thoughtful. “And yet you can’t not
tell her. Not forever.”
Yes, forever. I wanted to forget about the
Claiming forever. Just have Kat and the sweet way
she looked at me, the sweet way she took me. Just
that. But nothing was ever that simple. Which, of
course, Ty was pointing out. “It’s only been a few
days,” I said. “It’s a lot for her to take in. I’m lucky
she’s even giving me the time of day at this point.”
“Don’t be so sure. She seems to like you.”
“Fuck if I know why.”
“It’s your charm, maybe.”
I grabbed yet another beer. I’d told Kat tonight
that I’d never take her out to dinner. Then I’d
straddled her and put my balls in her mouth. And
then I’d come all over her tits.
Yeah, I was charming.
But fuck, that was the hottest thing I’d ever
All those club whores over the years, and
nothing I’d done had turned me on the way Kat did.
Already I wanted her again. She was laughing at
something Jonny said, and I wanted to kick his
bearded, tattooed ass and haul her off to the
bedroom. Find something else dirty to do to her.
Find lots of things.
And she was dirtier than she looked, my Kat.
She’d swallowed my cock that first night by the
side of the road, and she’d rubbed my ass, and
she’d almost come she’d liked it so much. I knew
without asking her that she wasn’t like that with
any other man. (I still wanted that fucking list.) She
was only like that with me. It wasn’t much of an
achievement on my part, but it was something.
“Okay, we’ll start small,” Ty said as he sipped
his beer. “We’ll start with a party tomorrow night.”
He meant a club party—a real one, not the
subdued one we were having right now. A party
where the boys drank how they wanted and invited
the women to come.
“She won’t like it,” I said.
“Prepare her,” Ty advised. “This is the life. She
has to learn about it sooner or later. Once she’s
used to what it’s like here, we can ease her into the
idea of the Claiming. But we can’t leave it too long.
It’s going well so far, but until she’s initiated the
Nocturne has a weakness.”
“I fucking know,” I grumbled. I was taking it
out on him, but Ty was used to it. He’d been my
veep for a long time. “You got Martinez’s money?”
I asked him, changing the subject. Martinez was the
man the crew was supposed to collect from in
“In the safe,” Ty said.
“And Franco? What happened?” This was the
contact we were supposed to meet in Houston for a
potential job. The brothers had gone to the meeting
without me.
“Franco wants to hire us,” Ty said. “He has a
shipment of coke coming in from a Colombian
cartel, and he needs security at the docks. Full
force. The fee is a hundred thousand.”
I nodded. It was good money for a night’s work
—we’d earn it because we’d all be risking our lives.
“Three weeks.” Ty put down his beer. “He was
thinking of talking to the Dark Fang.”
So Franco hadn’t decided which club to hire,
then. If he heard that the Nocturne had a weakness
because of Kat, we’d lose the job.
We had so much to fucking lose if I lost Kat.
And she had so much to learn that would make
her potentially walk away.
Still, Ty was right. We’d start with something.
Then we’d work up to something else.
And the first something was a party.
“Okay,” I said to him. “The party is tomorrow
night. I’ll prepare her.”
I drifted out of sleep and into wakefulness when I
heard the bedroom door close softly. Bane’s
familiar shadow entered the dark room, bringing in
the smell of leather and sweat. I rolled over in bed
and watched him take off his cut, then sit on the
edge of the bed to unlace his boots.
“It’s late,” I whispered. The clock on my phone
said it was four o’clock in the morning.
“I was running,” Bane said. “Hunting.”
He had told me he was going. I caught a whiff
of pine needles and dirt as he kicked off his boots
and unbuckled his belt.
I lay in the dark and watched him. I liked
watching Bane take his clothes off. Every inch of
him was gorgeous, even the dip of his lower back
and the dusting of dark hair on his thighs. There
was no sound from outside the door or anywhere in
the club house. The brothers had all gone to bed—
or were still out running.
Bane pulled off his shirt, showing me an
expanse of muscled back. I’d never been with a
man even half his size. My last boyfriend had liked
to go to the gym, which was laughable next to
Bane’s powerful body. He’d also liked to pretend
he was witty on internet forums, something I
couldn’t imagine Bane even comprehending, much
less doing.
He turned around to get into bed with me, and
there was his cock, huge and half-hard. If I liked all
of Bane’s body, I really, really loved his cock. I
loved its shape and its size and the thick veins
beneath the skin. I loved its cloaked, almost
threatening head. I loved the root, where the
sensitive skin connected with his balls. I loved his
balls, too, the weight and heft of them. I stared at
them without shame as he lifted the covers and got
“You like what you see?” he growled.
“Yes,” I said honestly, too sleepy to come up
with something clever.
“Mm.” Another growl. He pulled me to him,
propping himself on one elbow and looking down at
me. I could feel the wall of muscles that was his
body against mine, could feel his wonderful cock
resting against my thigh, but he didn’t make a move
to fuck me. Just looked into my face, taking me in
with those dark eyes as his hair fell over his
I looked back up at him, enjoying the sight of
his cheekbones and the line of his mouth. To think
that when I’d first met him I thought him surly and
mean. I’d had a hard time getting him to kiss me
that first night. I didn’t have such a hard time
getting him to kiss me now.
“Your crew seems nice,” I said.
That made him look darkly amused. “They are
not nice,” he said. “They like you, and you’re mine,
so they’ll always be nice to you. But they are not
“Okay, well, no one hunted me and ate me for a
snack, so I’ll call it a win.”
“We never eat humans,” Bane said, as if I’d
asked him a serious question. “Never.”
“That’s good, I guess?” I said, blinking up at
“I just thought you should know.”
I put my hand on his chest, feeling the light
layer of springy hair under my palm, his warm skin
beneath. Bane inhaled a breath and let it out more
slowly. I was reminded again that he was soothed
when I touched him.
“Tell me what the club does,” I said. “For
money. I know you’re not all living on rabbits.”
He frowned a little, but he decided to tell me.
“We take jobs. Protection. Transport.”
“Transport of illegal things,” I specified.
“Guns. Other weapons. Drugs. There’s a gang
that does back-door pharmaceuticals that uses us
every month to transport Oxy, fentanyl, whatever
else can be sold on the street for money.”
I kept my hand on his chest. “Do you hurt
people? Kill them?”
He looked grim. “We’ve delivered a few
beatings, yes. Messages. We haven’t done a paid hit
while I’m alpha, though we’ve done it in the history
of the club.”
“What about… women?” I bit my lip.
“Whores? No, we don’t trade in whores. We
have a controlling interest in a studio an hour
outside Dallas that makes movies for the internet.”
My eyes went wide. “Porn.”
“Yeah,” Bane said. “We make sure to keep the
operation clean. The girls are there by choice, none
of them are on drugs, and we pay them all right.
The guys, too. Even now it’s good money.”
I had to repeat this, for myself. “You run a porn
studio,” I said.
Bane frowned at me. “Not me personally. The
club. We have a financial interest. We don’t make
the movies ourselves.”
“Uh huh. But you’ve been to the studio.”
“Of course I’ve been to the studio. We have to
see how it’s running.”
I ran my hand down his chest. “Are the girls
Now he finally caught my meaning. He ran his
thumb along my lip, letting the pad of it drag
through my mouth, and then he bent down and
kissed me, pushing my mouth open, his tongue
stroking me, his beard brushing my skin. Then he
pulled away. “They aren’t as pretty as you,” he
They were simple words, but I felt a little thrill.
“But the other things you do are dangerous,” I said.
“Sometimes. Cops don’t like us, and no town
wants us to settle in. That’s why the club house is
on a property in the middle of nowhere, why we
move around a lot between club houses. We have
other properties in the state, but none of them are
in a town.”
I could see that. I had met the brothers, and I
wasn’t stupid. The club was terrifying; I’d been
scared out of my wits myself when they first
walked in the Silver Star. “Am I a distraction for
you?” I asked him.
“Kat,” he said.
“It’s important for me to know. I saw you
talking to Tiberius earlier, and you looked like—”
“Never mind Tiberius,” Bane said. “Pay no
attention to him at all.”
I punched his pec lightly, though it was like
punching brick. “I thought you wanted your crew
to be nice to me.”
“There’s nice and then there’s nice,” Bane said.
I smiled up at him. “Now who’s jealous? You
don’t have to worry, Bane. I know whose mate I
am, and your crew does too. Even I know that.” I
reached down between us and took his cock in my
hand, stroking it. “This keeps me very happy,” I
His eyes were black in the darkness. I felt his
body go tense and relaxed at the same time, the
way it always did when I touched his cock. “Does
“Yes. This, and these.” I moved my hand down
to his balls and stroked them too. “And this.” I
raised my other hand and traced his mouth. I really
like this.”
“That’s all you like?” Bane asked.
What did that mean? Was he asking if I liked
him? I did, I really did. I liked him more every time
I was with him. But this was mating—he’d said so
himself, many times. His wolf had chosen me for
some kind of biological reason, that was all. It had
chosen me without seeing me or even knowing my
name. Mating wasn’t about romance or even about
liking. Mating was about Bane satisfying his wolf,
which in turn made him a better leader. It was also
about him pleasing me, which I was happy to let
him do.
But that was all it was. He’d made that clear.
Mating was mating, that was all.
“I’d rather know what you like,” I said, moving
beneath him and spreading my legs, arching my
back. I was naked, of course. Bane gave a low
moan. “Maybe there’s something you see.”
He looked down between us to where I’d
spread my legs, my pussy showing pink and wet
between my waxed lips. “Jesus, Kat,” he said, and
he moved down my body quickly for such a big
man, pressing his mouth between my legs without
further invitation.
I moaned and arched into him, rubbing on him,
getting friction from his beard. He tongued my clit,
not bothering to be gentle, and then he moved
down and slid his tongue into my cunt, licking and
tasting while his big, hard fingers rubbed my clit.
“Oh, fuck, Bane,” I panted. I wondered briefly
if any of the other members could hear me through
the bedroom walls. Maybe they could, but I
couldn’t help the sounds I made. Bane tongued my
cunt again, gently pinching my clit with his fingers,
and I gasped.
“Can they hear me?” I whispered, trying to
keep my voice down.
Bane lifted his mouth from my cunt long
enough to say, “Of course they can. They have
werewolf hearing.”
“Let them,” Bane growled. “Let them hear you.
Let them hear how your alpha pleasures you. How
he fucks you, how he makes you come. Let them
hear how their alpha’s mate begs for him.”
He bent his head again, and I gasped as his
tongue swiped me. This time his fingers moved
back, playing with my cunt and my ass as his
tongue licked my clit, and I arched my back off the
bed. “Oh, fuck, Bane, fuck,” I moaned, and he was
right. Let all of them hear. Let all of them wish it
was them in this bed instead of Bane. Let all of
them hear what he did to me.
He bent to work fiercely, his beard fully in my
open, glistening pussy, his tongue working my clit,
his fingers pumping into my cunt, then back into
my ass—one big finger, then two. It ached and it
pushed me open, and I pressed into it, wanting
He slid his tongue down to my hole again as his
fingers worked my ass. “This cunt,” he said, his
voice low. “This fucking cunt. It makes me insane. I
would kill men for this cunt.”
“Don’t kill anyone,” I panted. “Just fuck me
and make me come.”
“You want my cock, sweet girl?”
“Yes. Yes.”
“Here?” He pumped my ass again, vigorous, not
being gentle, making it sting.
“Yes,” I said, because I would do anything he
said. Anything.
“Not tonight,” he said, rolling me over onto my
stomach. “But tonight I’m going to prepare you.”
He slid his fingers into my ass again, rubbing,
pressing me open. “You’re going to be ready when
I put my cock in you. Your ass is going to be so
ready for me.”
I moaned as he stroked me and stroked me. I’d
never had a man in my ass before, never thought
about it. “Yes, Bane.”
He lifted my hips and pressed his cock into my
pussy, keeping his fingers in me at the same time.
Both his cock and his fingers were spreading me,
splitting me, pushing me open for him. “Fuck, so
good,” he said. “This hot little cunt on me. Taking
my cock so tight and slow. And your sweet, tight,
virgin ass taking my dirty fingers. Take all of it, Kat.
Take it.”
I moaned into the pillow and took it. It took him
a minute to get his cock all the way into me, seated
deep, his balls brushing my clit. He kept my legs
spread and my body angled forward, my head in
the pillows, so he had full access to my ass. “God,
you are so fucking ready for me,” he said, and he
started to pump me, to fuck me, at the same time
sliding a third finger into my ass.
I cried out into the pillows. It hurt, but Bane
didn’t stop. He pounded me harder, pushed his
fingers into me further. I panted and moaned as he
took me both places, making them both hurt,
making tears run down my face as I cried out his
name. I came so hard I bit the pillow, stuffed it into
my mouth, feeling the pleasure and the pain spiral
together, my cunt contracting over his huge cock,
my ass contracting over his huge fingers, all of me
throbbing and trying to take him in deeper while I
came and came. Bane angled me wide open and
thrust his cock deep into me, releasing his cum,
pulsing hot liquid deep inside me as his fingers still
massaged my ass.
“That’s going to be my cock,” he said. He was
out of breath. He slid his fingers out of me. “I’m
going to come in your ass, Kat. I’m going to be
your first.”
“Yes, Bane,” I said, melting into the bed as his
cock slid out of me.
Everyone had definitely heard that. No
question. And the idea not only didn’t bother me, it
made me feel good. Because Bane was right—the
pack alpha was pleasuring his mate. Everyone may
as well know. Maybe some of them had jerked off
to the sound of me coming. I liked that, too.
I was the alpha’s mate. They could jerk off to
But that was all they could do.
The club had work to do the next day. The local
cops were planning to shut down a meth lab, and
they needed some backup.
Yes, the local cops. The cops in these parts
weren’t picky about hiring werewolf muscle when
they needed it. It didn’t change the fact that at
other times we broke the law—and did our best to
avoid them. If the cops offered us money to risk
our necks, we were happy to take it.
Besides, meth labs were bad for business. They
brought in too much suspicion, too many feds and
cops of all levels. Not to mention the actual meth
heads that hung around, robbing people for drug
money. If you wanted to cook meth, you could do it
somewhere hundreds of miles from Nocturne
territory, so we wouldn’t have to deal with the
I left Kat at the club house—though I left her
the keys to the truck, because I was learning—and
the brothers rode out. For the entire hour-and-a-
half ride I pictured Kat in my head, the sexy jeans
she’d had on this morning, the way they cupped her
ass. The flowy white shirt she’d topped it with. Her
blonde hair, clean and gleaming around her
shoulders. She looked sweet and hot, and her
cheeks had gone a little pink when she looked at
me, because I knew she was remembering how I’d
had three fingers inside her ass last night, getting
her ready. Because her ass was going to be mine.
When we got to the cops’ meetup place, we got
down to business. Some guys from the DEA were
there, plus some staties and other cops I didn’t
really want to get to know. The club’s job was exit
patrol: that is, once the cops busted the lab, we
catch anyone running out in any direction. This was
perfect werewolf business because of our sense of
smell and hearing. A werewolf can track someone
on foot for miles—hundreds of miles, if need be.
Once you’re on the run, there’s no hiding from us
no matter where you go.
The lab was in the middle of nowhere,
surrounded by scrub and a mile of trees, so we
would have to cover a lot of ground. We split up,
some of the wolves going left and some going right,
heading into the trees, pulling their shirts off over
their head as they got ready to change into their
animals. The Nocturne didn’t exactly pull jobs in
the orthodox way. My crew would change into
wolves to patrol the perimeter, using their speed,
enhanced hearing, and enhanced sense of smell to
track any escapees.
“No killing,” I reminded them.
The cops gave us wary looks.
“What?” I said to them. “You guys are the ones
with guns.”
It was true. Though the club owned plenty of
firepower and we knew how to use it, we hadn’t
brought any with us today. A wolf isn’t exactly
capable of shooting. He has other weapons.
I stayed in human form, because I was the
alpha. I was the leader that the cops needed to be
able to see, be able to talk to. I was the one who
would reassure them that my crew was following
directions. If I changed into my wolf, the cops
would feel like the situation was out of control, and
that would be bad for everyone.
So I sat in the back of a police van and watched
as the show went down.
It went like clockwork at first. The guys in the
lab had no idea what was coming, and when the
cops broke in they were caught by surprise. A few
of them were nailed right away, the cops bringing
them out in handcuffs. A few others bolted out a
back door and into the woods for my brothers to
take care of. Then it was quiet and it looked like it
was done.
But at the last minute the cops found a trap
door, and a guy came out shooting. One of the cops
took a hit to his bulletproof vest—it knocked him to
the floor with broken ribs. Then the guy took off,
and when Ice, my sergeant-at-arms—in wolf form
—bolted in to head him off, the guy took a shot and
got lucky. He hit Ice in the shoulder and Ice went
down, his wolf giving a strangled howl.
I flinched and felt a companion pain in my own
shoulder. The wound wouldn’t kill Ice—
werewolves were very, very hard to kill. But it
would hurt like a motherfucker, and it would slow
Ice down for a few days. Something he’d hate. Plus
it would have to go into the cops’ final report of the
takedown. The bullet was a headache no one
wanted, least of all Ice.
Another wolf shot out of the trees—Jackson—
and took the man down while the cops sprinted out
to make an arrest. I watched with concern, but I
had no reason to. Jackson remembered the rules.
He didn’t kill the guy. He didn’t even maim him.
With the secret compartment emptied, the
operation really was over. A complete success. I
whistled and gave a signal, and a few minutes later
my brothers emerged from the trees in human form
again, pulling on their shirts and tying their boots.
We headed back to our bikes. The paramedics
offered to take Ice, but he waved them off. They
didn’t insist. The paramedics, like everyone else,
were fucking terrified of us.
“Okay,” I said to the leader, getting up and
heading for my own bike. “Our job is done. We’ll
leave you to it.”
The cop squinted at me but didn’t get any
closer. “Are you sure your guy doesn’t need
stitches or something?”
“He’ll be fine. Just take care of payment.”
“It’ll be ready next week.”
Cash. We always took cash. Where the cops got
it, I never asked—probably from the meth cooks.
Not my problem.
Someone tore a strip off his shirt and tied it
around Ice’s shoulder. He put his cut on over it and
we started our ride.
A good, successful, profitable day. Now it was
time to party.
* * *
It was dark by the time we got back to the club
house. The boys got busy on their phones,
messaging the club girls that a party was on. Kriss
took one of the SUV’s for a booze and supply run.
Ice washed his shoulder and re-bandaged it. Kat
was gone, along with the truck, so I took a shower
and then I texted her. Where are you?
Her reply was immediate. I was getting my hair
done. Also put in applications for a few jobs. She
added a smiley face. No one on my phone ever
used a smiley face. Ever.
Getting her hair done? Her hair was already
fucking gorgeous. Applying for jobs? What jobs?
She didn’t need to worry about money. I would
take care of that.
But I couldn’t say any of that over text, so
instead I wrote, Come to the club house. We are
throwing a big party tonight.
There was a pause. A werewolf biker party?
Did she think someone else would be attending?
Yes, I wrote.
Another pause. It sounds hardcore. Will I be
It was a fair question. We weren’t exactly tame.
I promise, I wrote.
Okay, Kat wrote. On my way.
It did something to me, seeing those words. I
didn’t want to think about it too much. I wanted
Kat—I wanted to smell her, hear her voice. I
wanted to see her face. I wanted to listen to
whatever she felt like talking about. Before Kat, at
this point I would be headed to the party to get
some random pussy from the girls who would
inevitably show up. Tonight I wasn’t interested.
I dressed and walked out to the main room,
where the lights were dimmed and the music was
thumping. The TV was on mute. A few people were
at the pool table, and a few others were on the
sofas. Some of the first girls had showed up, and
there was at least one couple making out. I knew
my brothers—they were in a mood tonight. The
more women who came, the better. Not a single
one of them would go unfulfilled after the day we
Kriss had returned with the supplies, and we
were stocked to the rafters with booze. Werewolves
are hard drinkers—we go all in, just like we do with
everything else, and we don’t get hangovers. Most
of the brothers were into the hard stuff already,
pouring shots.
I took a beer and talked with Tiberius, who as
usual wasn’t participating as hard as the rest. Due
to his mating situation, Ty never fucked the club
women. Technically, he could have: he was pretty,
and the women came on to him nonstop. He could
have all the pussy he wanted. The problem was that
he didn’t want it. Ty couldn’t fuck random women
any more than I could now that I had Kat. But he
couldn’t fuck his mate either.
It had been three years. I had no idea how my
veep was even sane.
We discussed today’s raid, the money, other
potential jobs. We talked about rumors Ty had
heard about the other werewolf clubs—we all kept
tabs on each other like nervous neighbors. But at
the moment the other clubs were quiet and we
weren’t at war. No one was disturbing the peace.
The party got rowdier around us, the music
louder. More girls showed up, then more again. The
brothers were happy to see them. The room started
to smell of sex—the sex that was going to happen
and the sex that was already happening.
Werewolves, as Kat had found out, have a lot of
Kat. Where was she?
There was a cheer from the main room, and one
of the club girls got up on a table, doing a dance
move. She lifted her top off, showing her bare tits.
The boys cheered again.
That was when the door opened and my mate
walked in.
I expected a werewolf biker party to be rowdy. But
what the hell was this?
The lights in the club house were dimmed, lit
mostly by the flash of the muted TV screen. Music
pulsed through the speakers. There were people
everywhere and the strong smell of smoke—maybe
cigarettes, maybe pot, maybe the whole house
burning down. It was hard to tell.
I blinked to adjust my eyes in the darkness, and
the first thing I saw was tits. A strange woman’s
tits, bare and jiggling as she stood on one of the
tables, dancing and laughing as the guys cheered
her on.
Tits didn’t shock me; I’d worked in a strip club.
But when I moved my gaze away from them I saw
Ice on one of the sofas, bare-chested with a
bandage wrapped around one shoulder. There was a
blonde kneeling between his legs, her head bowed
over the open fly of his jeans, blowing him as he
watched and sipped his beer.
I blinked, startled. I stepped into the house,
trying to peel my gaze off of them. The girl on the
table did something—took the rest of her clothes
off, I assumed—and the boys cheered. Casually,
Ice reached out and put a hand on the back of the
blonde’s head, pushing her further down on his
Jesus. I managed to stop staring and look
around. There were other couples in the shadows,
doing God knew what. There were shots lined up
on the bar, dozens of them, the guys helping
themselves and knocking them back as they walked
by. There was another cheer, and I turned and saw
that the girl on the table, fully naked now, was
bending over. She beckoned to Jackson, who stood
up, stepped behind her, spread her ass cheeks, and
gave her a long, slow lick from her pussy all the
way up.
I had never thought I was an innocent, but—it
was right there. These were the men who had been
friendly, if a little rough, the first time I’d met them.
Courteous, in their way. And the women I didn’t
know at all. Jackson had told me jokes last night,
offered me drinks. Tonight he was licking ass right
in front of me.
I shifted my gaze, and there was Bane. Standing
across the room in the shadows, beer in hand.
Watching me.
Was this what his parties were usually like?
Were these the kinds of things he usually did before
I came along?
Were they the kinds of things he was still going
to do, even though he had me?
He had warned me that there would be a party
tonight. Was he warning me about what he was
going to be doing?
Jackson gave the girl another lick, then stepped
back to let another brother step in. I ducked back
into the shadows and hurried toward the bedroom
I’d claimed with Bane. Already behind one of the
other doors I heard a headboard banging and a
woman crying in orgasmic pleasure, a man
grunting. Then another man’s voice: “Hurry the
fuck up, I want my turn.”
I slipped into the bedroom and closed the door,
thinking about what Bane and I had done last night.
It had seemed hot and decadent then, but now I
wasn’t so sure. Maybe the club brothers thought I
was just like another of their club whores.
I didn’t blame the women, who were just here
to have a good time. No one was forcing them into
anything. But that didn’t mean I wanted to be one
of them.
I tossed my purse aside and pulled off my jeans
and top, changing into a pair of slim black pants
and a sleeveless black shirt. I added silver hoop
earrings and twisted my hair up in a loose bun,
letting tendrils fall down against my neck. Bane had
said this was a party, and I was the alpha’s mate. I
wasn’t going to turn tail and run at the sight of a
little ass-licking. I could at least have a drink.
There was a knock on the bedroom door.
“Kat,” Bane’s voice said.
“I’m coming out,” I said, but he ignored me and
came into the room anyway. He was wearing his
usual worn jeans and tee, his black leather cut over
it. He looked clean and showered and sexy. He
crossed his arms over his chest, which did fun
things to his biceps.
“You okay?” he said.
“Sure,” I said, glancing at him as I secured my
hair in a clip. “I’m fine.”
“Our parties are a little wild.”
“I see that. Go out and have fun.”
He scowled at me. “What?”
“Have fun,” I repeated. “That’s the point of a
party, right?” As if to punctuate what I was saying,
there was a delighted shriek in the hallway outside
the door and a man’s low growl said, “Come here
baby. Suck my dick.”
Then both voices went quiet, and I sighed. “Are
they doing that right outside? It’s awkward. Should
I wait until they’re done, or what?”
“Kat,” Bane said.
“I worked at the Silver Dollar,” I said. “I get it,
Bane. I’m not a little girl.”
“This is the life,” he said. “This is what it’s
“Right. So go enjoy it, right?” He didn’t move,
so I walked toward the door. “Fine, I will.”
His hand landed on my arm, stopping me. I
looked in his face to find him scowling at me, as if
I’d done something wrong. “We’re not nice men,”
he said. “I warned you.”
“I know.” I pulled my arm away, and he let it go
from his big hand. “I’m going to have a drink.”
I pulled open the door and immediately put a
hand to the side of my eyes, shading me from what
was going on in the hallway. One of the brothers
was definitely getting his dick sucked, and by the
sound of it it was extremely enthusiastic. Since I
didn’t want to stick around and hear the finish, I
quickly walked back to the main room.
It wasn’t much better here. The girl on the table
had gotten off and was now bent over one of the
sofas, with one brother taking her and two more
waiting in line. Ice had finished his blow job from
the blonde and had moved on to a brunette, who
was stroking him with one hand while licking the
head of his cock. I quickly moved to the kitchen,
picking up one of the shots as I passed the counter
and downing it as fast as I could, trying not to
cough and gag too much.
I walked to the fridge to get a beer and Tiberius
was there, standing at my shoulder. “He didn’t
warn you,” he said softly so only I could hear. “I
can tell by your face.”
I gave him a smile, the best one I could muster.
He wasn’t wearing his cut, and I could see patterns
of ink on his arms below the sleeves of his tee. He
was smaller than Bane but he had a cut body, a
hard chest and a flat stomach, his biceps quietly
bulging beneath the fabric. “It’s fine,” I said,
focusing on his handsome face, his green eyes. “It’s
totally fine.”
His expression said he didn’t believe me, but he
didn’t call me out. “This is just the first part,” he
said. “The boys like coke when they party. It’ll
come out soon. Then things sometimes get out of
And you? I wondered. What do you do? Do you
get out of hand? But my stomach hurt, and I didn’t
want to know the answer. I didn’t want to know if
Tiberius was going to snort coke and get a blow job
in the middle of the room. I didn’t want to know if
Bane was going to, either.
“He knows you’re upset,” Ty said, reading my
mind. “He doesn’t know what to do about it. So
he’s going to settle for glaring at you from across
the room.”
I turned to see that Bane was, in fact, doing just
that. He was standing by the wall, half in shadows,
his arms crossed over his chest, ignoring the wild
partying that was going on around him. His gaze
was fixed on me, and he didn’t look happy.
“He should just enjoy himself,” I said to Ty,
turning away from Bane and opening my beer.
“He doesn’t know how to anymore. Not with
you here.”
I shrugged, taking a drink. Anymore meant that
Bane knew how to enjoy himself before I came
along. “I’m sorry I’m a drag,” I said. “I didn’t ask
to be.”
“He really doesn’t know how to do this,”
Tiberius said. “Like, not at all.”
“How to have a mate?”
“Yes. The things that don’t involve the physical
part. He has no experience with it. With how to
actually be with a woman out of bed.”
I looked at him, because looking at him was
much easier than looking at what was going on
around me. “What about you? I guess you don’t
have a mate, either.”
He laughed softly, the sound bitter for some
reason. “I’m the last person to be giving out advice
for dealing with mates, it’s true. My situation is
very fucked up. But I learn faster than Bane does.”
He shrugged. He really was gorgeous, in a different
way than Bane was. I had no idea why he wasn’t
out in the middle of the party, getting laid like the
others. “Frankly, I’m in no hurry,” he said. “From
what I can tell, a mate turns your life upside down.
And that’s before the babies come.”
I was lifting my beer to my lips, but I froze.
Ty nodded. “That’s the point of mating, isn’t it?
It’s the same throughout the animal world.
Reproduction. Continuation of the line. There
aren’t that many werewolves left, which makes
having babies important. Very important.” He saw
my expression. “Don’t worry, there’s no rush.
You’re young and healthy. There’s plenty of time.”
I lowered my beer, my stomach suddenly sour
over the alcohol I had drunk. Babies. Of course. It
made sense, but I hadn’t thought about it as a
serious thing. Yet Ty was right: mating, for
werewolves, was about babies.
Bane’s babies. With me.
Oh, God. This was a problem.
I swallowed, my throat dry. “Do I have a
choice?” I asked Ty. “About the babies?”
He frowned, and then his gaze moved past my
shoulder. “Uh oh,” he said. “I think this might be
I turned to see one of the club girls approaching
me, a fake smile on her face. She wore tight jeans, a
low-cut top, lots of expert makeup, and lip gloss.
Her brown hair was long and highlighted. She
wasn’t the girl currently servicing the lineup of
brothers, and she wasn’t one of the girls I’d seen
with her head in Ice’s lap. She was tall and willowy
and pretty, and she took my arm as if we already
knew each other.
“So you’re Bane’s mate!” she said with cheer
that I didn’t believe for a second. “You want a
“No,” I managed.
“Daphne,” Tiberius said, his tone a warning.
Daphne turned to him, looked him up and
down, and licked her lip. “I’ll deal with you later,
hot stuff,” she said with the kind of confidence I’d
seen in the strippers at the Silver Star. “Girlie and I
are gonna have a gossip.”
I leaned away from her. “I don’t—”
“Honey,” she broke in without letting me finish,
“you look green. Let me help you. Okay?”
And with that she took my arm again and led
me out a side door into the darkness.
“You should thank me,” Daphne said as we stood
in the hot night and she pulled her cigarettes from
her back pocket. “That party was too much for
you, honey.”
“My name is Kat,” I said, because something
about the way she called me honey bothered me.
She just smiled and didn’t answer that. She put
a cigarette to her lips. “Want one?”
“No, thank you.”
That made her smile again. “A good girl, I see.”
She flicked her lighter and touched the end of the
cigarette. “I never thought Bane would end up with
a good girl.” She exhaled. “I never thought Bane
would end up with any girl. He’s not that type.”
“He’s a werewolf,” I said. “They claim mates.
That’s how it works.” Babies, I thought. For
“Oh, I know.” Daphne’s smile this time was
different from the last one—sort of knowing and
still unpleasant. “I know what mating is, honey. All
of us girls do. That’s why we hang around here.”
“What does that mean?” I didn’t want to ask
this woman anything, but the words were out
before I could stop them.
“It means that unmated werewolves are very
fucking horny,” she answered me bluntly. “They
like to fuck you until you can’t stand up, and they
don’t want anything else. When a girl wants to be
sore in the morning, these boys are the best.” She
took another drag of her cigarette. “When they get
mated they don’t fuck anymore. At least, no one
except their mate, or so I hear. Makes them no fun
to party with.”
I was getting an uneasy feeling. Why had she
brought me out here? I didn’t think it was to help
me, like she claimed. “Okay, well—”
“Of course, none of the Nocturne have ever
had a mate before,” Daphne said. “It’ll make things
interesting. Have you done the Claiming yet?” She
saw my blank expression and laughed. “Oh, honey.
They haven’t even told you about it. This is going
to be fun.”
My cheeks burned. I knew there were things I
didn’t know yet—but until tonight I had no idea
just how much I didn’t know. Orgies. Babies.
Claiming. Bane hadn’t exactly been talkative when
he’d told me about the Nocturne MC. “I haven’t
been in the club long,” I said, even though it
sounded pathetic even to my own ears.
I sounded naïve. Stupid. A good girl next to
Daphne, who wasn’t a good girl at all. And we both
knew which kind of girl the Nocturne brothers
What kind of girl Bane preferred.
It wasn’t me. Of course it wasn’t. Bane would
never have chosen me on his own if his instincts
hadn’t forced him to. I already knew that, and this
woman knew it too. The look in her eyes confirmed
“Does he fuck you properly, Good Girl?” she
asked. “At least tell me he holds his nose and does
that much. His wolf will insist on it, after all, so he
can continue the line.”
“That’s none of your business,” I snapped.
Daphne laughed and dropped her cigarette to
the ground, stamping it out. “That’s rich,” she said,
“telling me Bane’s sex life is none of my business.
Because honey, I’ve fucked him more than you
She was trying to hurt me; I knew that. She was
jealous—she wanted Bane for herself, maybe, or
she didn’t want to give him up. At least, not to a
girl like me. She had me in a corner and she was
closing in for the kill.
And still her words stabbed me in the ribcage,
sharp and right on target.
She didn’t let me answer, but kept talking. “All
those girls in there,” she said, motioning to the club
house behind her. “He’s fucked every one of them.
Janice, the blonde—she’s sucked his dick more
times than I’ve had birthdays. Karen and Mia
double-teamed him a few weeks ago, one on his
face and one on his cock. And me?” She took a
step closer, tossing her hair. “He likes to fuck me.
Sometimes my pussy, sometimes my ass. Sometimes
both. He has a nice cock, doesn’t he, Good Girl? I
have a weakness for uncut dicks. Especially ones as
big as Bane’s. His cum tastes good, too. Yeah, Bane
has always been my favorite cock. I’ll take it
anywhere he’s willing to put it, as often as he wants
it. And I have. Can you say the same?”
I just stared at her. I felt like throwing up. This
was awful, horrible. What was I doing here? In this
place where I didn’t belong, where Bane didn’t
even want me except for his instincts—for
something I couldn’t give him?
I didn’t want to be in an orgy, I didn’t want to
snort coke, and I didn’t want to watch Bane put his
cock in this girl’s ass. I didn’t want to go back in to
that party and pretend I didn’t care that every
woman there had fucked my mate. Done things
with him I’d never done.
Daphne was watching me. She could probably
read every emotion on my face. “Good Girl,” she
said, “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I really am
trying to help you. This isn’t the life for you. You
should get out while you can.”
With that, she turned and walked back into the
club house, leaving me alone.
I couldn’t find her.
I couldn’t fucking find Kat.
She wasn’t in the shadowy corners of the party.
She wasn’t in the kitchen. She wasn’t in our
bedroom, or—according to my sense of smell—any
of the others. She wasn’t in the bathrooms. She had
been in the kitchen talking to Ty, and then one of
the brothers had talked to me, and when I turned
back around she was gone.
I found Ty sitting on one of the broken-down
old picnic benches behind the house, rolling a joint.
Ty never went for the harder drugs at our parties,
just like I didn’t. I stayed away from them because
I was the alpha, and the alpha could never be weak,
even for a few hours. Ty stayed away from them
because he hated to lose control.
Weed was as far as Ty went, and he licked his
rolling paper and looked at me. “Daphne came to
talk to her,” he said, reading my face instantly. “She
took her somewhere. Said they needed to have a
girl talk.”
A girl talk? What the fuck did that mean?
Daphne had nothing to say to Kat. Or she should
have nothing to say to her. Kat was my mate, which
put her head and shoulders above Daphne anyway.
Kate was already above Daphne—in looks,
personality, everything—but her status as my mate
only confirmed it.
Which Daphne might not like. At all.
I was starting to get a bad feeling in my gut.
“Where did they go?” I asked Ty.
He shrugged and lit his joint. “I have no idea.”
“You didn’t watch her?”
I meant Kat, of course. There was no reason to
watch Daphne. But Ty only looked at me, and for
the first time I noticed that his eyes were hard.
“No,” he said.
“What? What is it?”
“That party in there,” he said. “Kat had no
fucking idea what was about to happen. You didn’t
prepare her at all, did you?”
I felt myself scowling. “We were busy today, if
you forgot.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “A fucking phone
call. A conversation. Have you talked to her about
the Claiming?” When I didn’t answer, he nodded.
“I thought so. You fucked this up, Bane. And
Daphne walked right through the opening you left
and fucked it up for you further. My guess is that
whatever Kat didn’t know an hour ago, she
probably knows now. And she didn’t hear it from
I ran a hand through my hair. “Fuck.” Then it
occurred to me. “The truck. Is it still here?”
“That’s a good question,” Ty said calmly.
“Good luck with it.”
I left him and strode around the side of the club
house to the garage. It was a hot night, with barely
any breeze, the sky pitch dark. I could see clearly
with my wolf’s night vision, and I could hear and
smell prey in the woods. My wolf shifted restlessly,
wanting to run, and I silenced him. Not now.
I walked to the garage and flung open the door.
The truck was gone.
There was a piece of paper on the floor of the
garage, neatly folded. With my name on it. I picked
it up and read it.
I’m sorry. This isn’t going to work. I know you
probably think I’m running away for stupid
reasons, but I promise you I’m not. My reasons are
real and once I tell you what they are, I think
you’ll agree I’ve done the right thing.
I don’t belong here. That’s one reason. I’m not
a motorcycle club girl. I don’t know what kind of
girl I actually am, but this life is not for me. I can
see from tonight’s party that the pack were just
being polite to me before, and this is how they like
to have fun. I’m not sure I can handle it. I’m just
being honest. I’m not a prude but I feel strange
and out of place.
I’m not ideal for you. That’s the second reason,
and you have to admit it’s true. Be honest with
yourself, Bane—if you could choose any one
woman to be a mate with for the rest of your life, it
wouldn’t be me. It would be one of the girls in the
club house right now. How can a relationship work
when the only reason we’re together is that your
mating instinct wants it?
You didn’t pick me—your human didn’t, and
neither did your wolf. It’s just random chance that
your mating instinct reacted to me. That isn’t a
man choosing a woman. And I suppose I didn’t
choose you either, except that maybe if we had met
under different circumstances… I just don’t know.
But those aren’t the biggest reasons. This is too
hard for me to say out loud to your face, so I’m
sorry I took the coward’s way out and wrote a
letter instead. It’s hard to even write it down,
actually, but here goes.
I can’t have children. It’s a medical fact. If you
want to get technical, it’s because of a certain kind
of cyst that grew on both of my ovaries and
damaged them when I was a teenager. It isn’t
speculation, and it isn’t that I have a lower chance
of getting pregnant. It’s that I can’t get pregnant at
all. Ever. The doctors have all confirmed it.
It’s impossible for me to talk about it, because
I’m only twenty-four and I always thought I’d be a
mother. I want to be a mother. But I never will be.
And that means you will never be a father—that
your mate will never have the children needed to
carry on the line.
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. But there is no point in
you taking me as your mate. It will never lead to
the result you want. It’s best you know now, so that
you can move on and hopefully find another mate
to have your children. I hope she’s pretty and that
she appreciates you. I’m sorry she won’t be me.
Just writing that hurts. Because I really am
sorry she won’t be me.
I have to go now, and I have to do it quick or
I’ll start crying again.
Don’t worry about me. Don’t look for me. I’m
not going back to my apartment, so don’t look for
me there. I have somewhere I can go where I’ll be
safe. I’m going to try and forget you for a little
while, because this is all too painful. You should
try and forget about me too. You have lots of
Goodbye, Bane. I hope the next girl gets to see
how sweet you are underneath.
* * *
Gone. She was gone.
Kat. My mate.
My woman.
I read the letter again. She couldn’t have
children. That would be a problem—for the pack,
for the club, for the few werewolves left in the
world. For me.
She didn’t think she was a club girl. What did
that mean? Daphne had said something to her,
made her feel like she shouldn’t be here. Like she
didn’t belong. Why? I had no idea what Daphne
was after, but I intended to find out.
She didn’t think I had chosen her. I read that
and I felt the pain lance through my chest, under
the layers of muscle and bone and into the soft
tissue beneath.
If you could choose any one woman to be a
mate with for the rest of your life, it wouldn’t be
It was true, my mating instinct had led me to
Kat in the first place. Had led me to the Silver Star
that hot night, to sit at a table not seeing the
strippers, only seeing Kat and her tiny top and tight
skirt. The way her hips moved when she walked.
The way her blonde hair brushed against her back,
the way she gave each wolf a smile that was wary
and brave at the same time. The way the top
cupped the curves of her tits. The way she put her
shoulders back and served every one of us a drink
instead of cowering behind the bar with the rest of
My mating instinct had led me there, to that
dark VIP room alone with her. But from there, I
had taken over.
If you could choose any one woman to be a
mate with for the rest of your life, it wouldn’t be
I had taken her from the bar that night. I had
taken her to my home, shown her the inner sanctum
of the Nocturne MC. My club, my brothers. I had
touched her. I had fucked her. I had kissed her—
fuck, I never kissed anyone. Did she even know
that? Had I even told her?
I had come inside her. Her sweet mouth, her
throat working as she swallowed my cum. Her tight,
incredible cunt. I had come inside her over and
over, sometimes slow and sometimes hard and
brutal, feeling her body take me every time, feeling
her come around me and squeeze my cock, milking
me. Hearing her pant and scream my name, hearing
her beg me as her nails dug into my skin as I fucked
her and took her. As I made her mine.
Because she was mine.
Fuck having children. Fuck Daphne and
whatever she’d said. Fuck Kat not feeling like she
was a club girl—I’d fix that however I had to, do
what it took to make her feel like she belonged.
Fuck continuing the lineage and the continuation of
the race. There were other wolves who could do
that. It wouldn’t be me. The only reason I’d
thought about children was because it was so
obvious Kat should be a mother. But if she
couldn’t, then she couldn’t. She would still be mine.
She was mine.
It must cause her pain, to know she couldn’t be
a mother. I knew enough of Kat to know that much.
It would kill her confidence, make her wonder what
to do with her life. That was why I’d found her
working in a strip club when she so obviously
didn’t belong there. Why she even gave the time of
day to people she was too good for—like me.
Because it had shaken her up to know so young
that she could never have a baby of her own. That
she could never marry a man who wanted his own
kids. That she couldn’t do the thing that would let
her sweet, loving heart love a baby as much as it
wanted to.
And of all things to happen to her, she had been
claimed by a werewolf who needed a woman to
continue his fucking line. Who only needed her for
that—or so she thought.
She was wrong. I didn’t need her for that. I
needed her for something entirely different.
I needed her for me.
I’d spent thirty-six years alone. Thirty-six years
living a dirty, violent life with no goodness in it, no
softness. No hope.
I’d thought that was my fate. After thirty-six
years, I’d assumed I would die as I had lived—
worthless, dirty, and entirely alone.
Then I’d taken a mate, and all of that had
If she thought she wasn’t my mate anymore,
she was wrong.
If she thought I’d ever look at another woman,
she was wrong.
If she thought I’d let another man touch her
from now until the end of her life, she was very
fucking wrong.
I was an alpha wolf. I had killed for her once. I
would kill a thousand men if I had to. Ten thousand.
Because I only cared about one fucking thing from
now until the end of my existence: Her.
I had fucked this up. But I would fix it.
It was time to find her.
* * *
Kat and Bane’s story is continued in the next book,
Wolf ’s Mate!
Wolf’s Mate
I wondered if Bane would look for me.
I wondered if he would even try.
Did I want him to?
I tried not to think about that question as I
stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for work.
I was fresh out of the shower, and I dropped the
towel I was wearing and picked up the clothes I
was going to wear.
I tried not to look at myself naked. At the skin
that was nice and white now, instead of scraped
from Bane’s beard and bruised from his kisses. At
the breasts and hips that he’d liked so much. Or so
it had seemed.
The truth was, I didn’t really know how a
werewolf thought, or what he liked. I’d had a
werewolf—a werewolf biker, to be exact—walk
into my life one night and claim that I was his mate.
I was a waitress at a strip club. His name was Bane,
he was the alpha of the Nocturne MC, and he was
big and bearded and scary. He’d demanded I be
sent to the VIP Room with him—the room where
all the girls went to give special, paid performances.
And I’d gone.
I hadn’t given him a performance that night. His
club had started a fight and burned down the Silver
Star instead.
That was my first lesson in the danger of the
Nocturne MC.
The Nocturne, made up exclusively of
werewolves—a race that were rare and quickly
dying out—was pure chaos. Long, hot rides and
shady business and parties. And sex—lots and lots
of sex. I was Bane’s mate, and he wanted me. And
to be honest, as soon as he touched me I wanted
But that didn’t change the fact that I wasn’t a
chaos girl. I was just an average twenty-four-year-
old blonde, whose mother lived in Florida instead
of here in Texas, and who hadn’t been to college or
ever really found herself. I’d worked in an Olive
Garden until I got the job waiting tables at the
Silver Star. I liked shopping (when I had money)
and movies. I’d had exactly two boyfriends in my
life and slept with exactly three men. Until Bane.
Bane wasn’t my boyfriend. He’d told me as
much. An alpha doesn’t take his mate on dates—he
simply takes her. Which Bane had done, in ways
I’d never dreamed were possible. Or at least
wouldn’t be pleasurable if they were. In fact, they
were so pleasurable I’d screamed his name over
and over.
That wasn’t love, though—it was mating.
Bane’s mating instinct took over with me. I wasn’t
his type of woman, and until I met him, he hadn’t
been my type of man. The fact that we had sex that
was so good it was nearly blinding didn’t change
that fact. We were incompatible, and Bane hadn’t
chosen me. Not really. It was instinct, that was all.
I could have dealt with some of that, but the
killing blow had been final. How could I have been
so blind not to see? Mating was about reproduction.
About babies. Bane’s and mine. And what he
didn’t know was that I couldn’t have children. Not
now, not ever. It wasn’t medically possible. Even if
we worked through all of the other problems, I still
couldn’t be the mate he wanted and needed in life.
I could never be the mother of his children.
What kind of alpha wolf takes a mate who can’t
have children? I wasn’t a werewolf, but I already
knew the answer. The alpha was all-powerful, the
top of his pack. He matters more than the rest of us
put together, his VP, Tiberius, had said the first
night we met. We would all die for him. The pack
alpha was pure strength, a leader, the most
powerful wolf of all. And he had to stay strong to
keep his power. An alpha who couldn’t sire
children on his mate would be no leader at all. Bane
had admitted as much: that if he ever showed
weakness, some other wolf would decide he should
be leader instead. Which meant war.
I couldn’t have Bane’s children, which was bad
enough. But I could also cost him his position, his
pack, and maybe his life.
Staying wasn’t the right thing to do. So I wrote
Bane a letter, telling him the truth about why I
couldn’t be his mate. And then I left.
That was three weeks ago.
I couldn’t go back to my apartment, because I
knew it was the first place Bane would go. Instead
I’d driven to the apartment of the only person I
could think of to help me: Jade, who had worked as
a bartender at the Silver Star before it burned
down. She had been kind to me, sympathetic. I
knew she would help me out for a while.
And she had. She’d put me up and helped me
ditch the truck I’d taken from the Nocturne club
house when I left. She’d helped me get my own car
repaired and returned to me.
And then she’d helped me get a job.
I picked up a black lace thong and stepped into
it, slipping it up over my hips. My heart was starting
to pound in my chest. Do I really want to do this?
Do I really have a choice?