Jana Downs Bound By Defiance

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Bound by Defiance

Alexis Bedlam has been chosen. Selected by the annual lottery as
a sacrifice to the alien race that saved mankind from the Great

Plague, he’s none too happy to be carted off to be some alien’s
snack pack, love slave maybe, but not someone’s dinner. Little
does he know that he’s about to come face to face with the master

of his dreams.

Elia, the twenty-seventh spawn of Prince Kranok, has been

ordered to wed. Luckily for him, the annual lottery has provided a
being that is rumored to be the perfect first concubine for him.

What the rumors didn’t tell him is that his particular human is
stubborn, sexy, and determined to make a new path for the both

of them in an alien world.

As questions about the legitimacy of Elia’s ownership arise, he will
have to decide if he will surrender to authority and follow tradition

or if defying his past is worth a future with Alexis.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Science Fiction
Length: 40,138 words

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Owned 2

Jana Downs



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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Jana Downs
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-200-2

First E-book Publication: June 2013

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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To Us, for being the Queens of good alien sex. ;)

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Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

“Sacrifice,” the elder spoke as he circled the small auditorium

with all the practiced grace of a man completely confident in his
environment. “Sacrifice is a necessary component of a civilized
society. For the past few decades, we have survived because brave
souls generation after generation have made it possible for us to do

Jess elbowed him in the arm as he came into the auditorium, late,

as per usual. “Hiya, Alexis.”

“I can’t believe you’re late to the drawing,” Alexis grumbled,

hopefully quiet enough that Elder Garet wouldn’t hear him.

“Oh please. At least I’m here. Did they announce who the poor

saps were yet?”

Alexis didn’t understand how he could be so nonchalant about

this. As men of an appropriate age, all of them were subject to the
annual lottery. Winning was not a joyous experience either. Being
chosen was akin to being banished from everything they knew. He
hadn’t paid attention for the past five years because he hadn’t yet
reached his majority but now… Now he was terrified.

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“When the great Eoeans came up from the depths of space and

offered us relief from the Great Plagues, they made but one request to
us in exchange for their vaccinations,” the elder continued, obviously
oblivious to their whispered conversation. “They required a select
number of our young men to go to their cities and offer themselves as

Oh God. I’m so nauseous. I don’t want to sacrifice anything. I

want to go work for my father at his insurance company and smooze.
I’m a good smoozer. Is smoozer even a word?

“So many volunteered the first year that a lottery was developed

to see who would be chosen for this most honorable of positions. We
continue this tradition on today. It will be a harrowing journey, one
which will require the young man to give himself completely to the
unknown. Good luck to you all.”

Alexis gripped the handle of his satchel and twisted. It was either

that or scream. He glanced around the domed room with its polished
wood floors and vaulted ceilings and looked at all the portraits of
lottery winners who had gone before him. All of them had been
beautiful in their youth. Every town had a different way of doing the
lottery, but the result was always the same. Some men left and never
returned. He couldn’t help but wonder why the Eoeans had wanted
them. What did they do to the winners?

The chosen elder for the year was dressed in his ceremonial robes

that were, oddly enough, just like the ones the elders wore to the
graduation ceremony at the college that had taken place three months
ago. Since the population had been decimated, any sort of coming-of-
age ceremony lent itself to an over the top gathering. It helped remind
them all that they were recovering thanks to the Eoeans and their

His peers were dressed similarly to the way Alexis was dressed,

three-piece suits that were probably more expensive than they were
worth. It was a “gift” from the town when they came of age. It was
the most expensive thing most of them owned. The ones who were

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eligible for the lottery were seated on the long wooden benches in
front of the podium five rows deep and two rows wide. Alexis had
chosen to sit near the back for a quick escape to vomit after the lottery
was finished.

“No worries, Alexis,” Jess said, grinning. “It’ll be over in just a

second. Look, they’re lowering the projection screen now.” The
screen slowly came down from the ceiling like a great white tongue
sticking out from the mouth of society, mocking Alexis, who
squirmed at its arrival. Why did they have this stupid ritual? Why
couldn’t they just send the winner a notification via e-mail or
something like other towns did?

Alexis’s gaze went to his father, who was sitting in his section

among other entrepreneurs of the city. What would he and Sire do if
Alexis was sent away? An artificially created offspring, Alexis was
the exact blend of his father and sire’s DNA and therefore the only
legitimate heir. They could always create another one via test tube,
but they’d have to wait another eighteen years before that child
reached majority. It seemed like a monumental risk considering the
expense of artificial procreation. The fetal survival rate wasn’t very
high, and they were prone to infections. It had been that way since the
Great Plague.

The screen flashed white, then blue, and then back to white.

Please, let it be broken. The sick feeling in Alexis’s stomach grew
with each passing second. He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to take
the tension. Why did they have to make such a process out of this?
When this was over, he was going to his father’s lounge and drowning
himself in a bottle of Turnac liquor.

“Alexis Bedlam, please come forward to accept the honor of the

lottery clasp and say good-bye to your family.” Elder Garet’s voice
might as well have been a pistol shot for the reaction it got. Alexis’s
heart tripped over itself before stopping for an insane moment before
thundering back to life in a full on gallop. “The next lottery winner
will be announced in two minutes. Alexis, step forward.”

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“Oh fuck,” Jess whispered beside him. His sentiments exactly.
Then he was being pulled to his feet, away from Jess. His sire and

father were suddenly there, crying and telling him how proud they
were of him. Alexis barely felt their hard hugs or heard their teary
declarations. The elders spoke in hushed tones of the “honor.” Honor?
Whose honor? What good was honor if he ended probably dead or
enslaved? The Eoeans were a mystery to them. Few outsiders had
ever made it back from the cities they’d built by the shores of every
continent in the world. What would they do with him?

A necklace was secured around his neck. A single metal circle

hung from it. The metal felt cold against his neck. He swallowed. He
didn’t want this, didn’t want to do this.

“So few are chosen, Alexis,” Elder Garet said, taking his wrist and

leading him away from his Sire and Father. “I know you will make us

Alexis opened his mouth to offer rebuttal, and he vomited all over

the pristine wood floors.

* * * *

A transport unit arrived for him within minutes of Elder Garet

pushing him into a small closet to change into something “more
appropriate.” The “appropriate” clothing ended up being a sheer,
gauzy blue fabric that was mostly see-through and no shoes. When
he’d complained about the possibility of cold, Elder Garet had
laughed it off and told him not to worry over such trivial things.
When he’d finally managed to get himself into a semblance of order
and stopped throwing up in the wastebasket long enough, the elder
had dragged him out of the room and down a long narrow hallway to
the back door to wait for the vehicle of his transport to hell.

“What do they look like?” Alexis whispered. He was trembling all

over, his muscles jumping like he’d stuck electrodes to them.

“I haven’t the slightest idea.”

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“What do they do to the chosen ones?”
“I haven’t a clue.”
“Do you know fucking anything?” Alexis snapped, losing his

temper. He needed some kind of reassurance, some kind of comfort
since he was facing the possibility of death or worse.

Elder Garet’s gunmetal-gray eyes seemed to look right through

him as he spoke. “No one but the ones who have gone before have
any idea what is going to happen, Alexis. I know that the Treaty
Between the Races states that you cannot be harmed in any permanent
way, but other than that, the specifics are as hazy to me as they are to
you. I’m sorry I can’t offer you any more comfort than that.”

A sharp knock to the back door interrupted whatever reply Alexis

might’ve had, and Elder Garet wasted no time in pulling open the
door. A man dressed in a gray-blue uniform made from the same
material as the outfit Alexis was wearing stepped into the room.

“Is he ready?” the stranger asked.
“As ready as he can be.”
Alexis was pretty sure he was going to throw up again.

* * * *

The ride lasted forever. Alexis lost track of time as he laid in the

backseat of the surprisingly large transporter limo and stared at the
city. He would never see it again. He knew that for sure, but the
reality of it just wouldn’t sink into his gray matter. The driver had
been absolutely silent as they drove, ignoring Alexis’s attempts at
small talk as if he were a misbehaving child acting out for attention.
So Alexis sat and stared, trying to soak up every little detail as it
whizzed past him.

He’d never been out of the city before so passing the last line of

buildings at its outskirts was a surreal experience to him. Photographs
and paintings of no-man’s-land had been a part of his regular
curriculum in school, but the impact of the vast empty grasslands

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beyond was something else entirely. Everything seemed too organic.
Too real. The wispy stalks of grass, burnt gold by the sun, were
objects of fascination and mistrust. He’d never even touched real

“Is it going to be much longer?” he asked. Silent escort had been

that way the entire trip, so Alexis didn’t know why he was trying
now, but he just couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

“We’re there,” the driver said, his black eyes boring into him in

the rearview mirror. Alexis looked back out the window. How
considerate of them to escort me out of the city with such a kind and
sympathetic driver
. The sarcasm was so thick in his head that he was
surprised it didn’t ooze out of his ears.

“What do you mean we’re there? We’re in the middle of


“Get out.”
“Yes, here. Get out. They will be coming to get you within in the

hour, and I’m supposed to be gone when they do. Get out.”

The automatic door swung open, and Alexis reluctantly climbed

out into the heat of the sun. He cursed as his feet collided with the dirt
road and small stones dug into the pads of his tender heels. The
experience of being assaulted by nature was one he could’ve done
without. He’d seen soil in his father’s gardens, and the stuff he was
standing on was not the black, rich, soft loam he’d grown accustomed
to. This was red, angry, compact dust.

“What am I supposed to do?” he shouted as the automatic door

closed behind him. He was already starting to sweat from the sun,
which was almost directly overhead, and his embarrassment tripled as
he realized that the sun also made the gauzy material he was wearing
completely transparent. He might as well have been wearing nothing.

“Wait,” the driver said, putting the transporter into gear.
“Wait for what?”

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“Them!” Without uttering another word, the driver pulled into the

grass on the opposite side of the road, turned the transporter around,
and headed back in the direction of the city.

“Fuck!” he screamed as the dust flew up to assault his eyes.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He stomped his foot on the ground only to have
another pebble bruise the bottom of his foot. Tears flooded his eyes.
He felt so damn disoriented. What was up? What was down? What
the fuck was he doing out here in this see-through outfit with a tacky
metal necklace around his neck in the blistering hot sun?

A sob got trapped in his throat as he realized how utterly pathetic

his situation was. He hobbled off the road and into the grass, which
was surprisingly soft in comparison to the dirt path they’d driven in
on. The stalks, though coarse, offered his feet a little relief. The grass
was up to his midchest, and he wondered for a brief moment if it
would do any good for him to hide among the twisted plants as they
swung in the breeze.

“What good would that do, Alex?” he asked himself. It was miles

and miles back to the city, and no doubt there were natural predators
around here. He’d most likely be eaten before he could walk halfway.
If the beasts didn’t get him, the elders would. He could already
imagine them in their little meeting chamber ranting about his shame.
“Fuck my life.” At least he hadn’t left a lover behind. The last
boyfriend had taken great pleasure in using him as a human punching
bag. When he’d left the loser a year ago, he’d told himself he would
really start living. Now he wasn’t going to get the chance.

He plopped down in the grass until he was completely surrounded

by gold. It didn’t matter if the Eoeans missed him. He just didn’t give
a damn anymore. His eyes began to droop as the sun heated him and
the breeze made the stalks whisper like the playlists of ocean sounds
that his sire had bought for his sixteenth birthday when Alexis had
started experiencing insomnia. The noise calmed him somewhat. His
eyes slid shut completely, and he didn’t force them open again.
Whatever the Eoeans had planned for him would happen regardless of

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what he did, and he was just tired enough to let himself experience a
moment’s rest. He’d face his fate in a minute…just one more

* * * *

Elia, the twenty-seventh spawn of Prince Kranok, stepped off the

gate his father had created and into the sun. He blinked his eyes as the
brightness momentarily took him off guard, and his second eyelid slid
over to protect him from the uncomfortable light.

“You are to go fetch your chosen first mate from the wastelands

on the interior of the continent,” his father had said. “Bring him back
here for your bonding ceremony.”

Elia had gotten no option in the matter. When Prince Kranok,

ruler of Erterant, spoke, one had little choice but to obey. As one of
the former six mainland princes, Kranok was not one to be messed
with. The fact that the man was his father bore no meaning to Elia. He
barely knew him and had only recently met him when Elia had finally
gotten his first set of mating horns.

His mating urges had been the first to hit this year, and as such,

Elia had been privileged enough to be granted a human as his first
concubine by the All Father by virtue of the lottery, at least according
to Kranok. Elia wasn’t convinced the man hadn’t rigged the selection
handed down from the governing body of the Eoeans at the capital,
but he wasn’t going to say anything about it. Kranok may not have
been an official monarch since they’d left Eoean, but he was still not
one to be messed with in his current position of chancellor of their

All the royal spawn were supposedly slated to be given a human

by lottery or by purchase per Kranok, but being granted a human as
his first mate was a privilege. There were Eoeans who were still
waiting for their opportunity to take a human. Since they were only
given a few per year, it only made sense that they were in high

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demand. There was a rumor that receiving a human and forming a
bond with them could allow them to achieve soul resonance, the
ability to access and amplify their powers, but it was unsubstantiated.
There was no proof that it could be done or what benefits beyond
restoring their telekinetic manipulative powers the bond would prove,
but year after year, the humans came via the lottery, and year after
year, Eoeans waited anxiously to receive one.

Still, he didn’t see why he had to do something as menial as

fetching his own concubine from the interior. He understood that the
mating to a human was a delicate process, but couldn’t it begin after
they were wed? It was hard enough to contain his urges as is. He
imagined it would be doubly hard when he found his exotic concubine
out here without a chaperone. The human was supposed to come to
Kranok’s home untouched for the ceremony. Elia hoped he could
manage it.

He made a quick glance around the area he’d arrived in. It was

grassy, flat, and dusty. What an awful place. There was no sign of his
human anywhere. His father had promised his human would be
waiting at the designated drop point.

He called out in the human tongue. “Hello?” The guttural

language felt unfamiliar and clumsy in his mouth. It sounded like two
lobsters thrown into a sack, awful. If this was the language his first
mate spoke, Elia would have to have him educated as soon as
possible. There was quick program that he could download into his
cerebrum as soon as they got home. “Hello?”

About fifteen yards from his location, the grass moved and a hint

of blue flashed. Elia blinked. Was his concubine laying on this dirty
ground in his wedding attire? Surely not.

His booted feet crunched on loose gravel as he walked toward the

spot of blue. He wondered what in the world his concubine was
thinking. Why had he laid down? Hadn’t the driver told him that
someone would be along to fetch him?

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Elia stepped into the grass and toed the exposed calf of his

concubine. The human rolled over, onto his back with his face to the
sun. The symmetry of his concubine’s face was pleasing, and the
golden hair fell over his forehead made Elia desire to sink his hands
into that hair. It was just long enough to grip, which would serve well
in the ceremony today. Lightly tanned skin, gold and so unlike his
own, posed a temptation that Elia found hard to resist as the sheer
shirt crept up the tanned stomach. Want was not going to be a
problem on any level. The boy was beautiful.

“Wake,” Elia commanded. The boy didn’t stir. Elia frowned.

“Wake, boy.” The order had no effect. He didn’t want to startle the
human, but he felt like he was probably going to have to shake his
concubine to wake him. The boy had to be ill. There was no way he
could sleep through Elia’s command. He frowned as all arousal fled.
Were humans hard of hearing?

Eyes the color of Earth’s sky blinked open and regarded him with

no small amount of confusion, followed closely by fear. Elia took a
step back as an animal noise of discomfort issued from the boy’s
mouth. He knew he shouldn’t have worn his formal wear to fetch his
human. It was intimidating and flashy.

“Calm, boy. I mean you no harm.”
“Y–you’re, um, you, uh…”
They hadn’t informed him that the boy would be an idiot. If

anything, they perpetuated the very great eligibility of his human
mate. The specs that they’d given him had been fair, Alexis Bedlam,
twenty-two cycles, athletic, intelligent, and bred from the finest stock
of the human elite. The Eoeans in his section of the world were
unapologetic snobs when it came to fine breeding. Kranok had
actually turned humans away from their city because of what he
deemed as physical imperfections. The system had worked well since
its inception, but Elia couldn’t help but wonder if the heads of the
lottery would get fed up with dealing with Kranok’s long list of

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His eyes slid over his soon-to-be concubine. Well, at least he was


* * * *

The man above him was a gorgeous pale blue almost the exact

shade of the sky above him, and what he thought was darker blue
veins were visible beneath the skin of his neck and shoulders. He
looked closer, however, and he found that the pattern wasn’t veins at
all. It was a pattern of scales that were etched into his skin almost like
a snaking finger print. It was fascinating.

His eyes were black. Not dark brown, not dark blue, black. Alexis

had never seen eyes like that either. But the knowledge that the man
was far from human was evident in the two sets of spiked horns that
decorated his brow, and the dark-blue-and-green scales that ran down
either side of his neck. They disappeared into his collar. His hair was
something out of a punk rock magazine found around Lower Baker
Street where the peasants and rebels hung out in the city. It was deep
blue, silver, and dark green.

His gaze traveled to the creature’s pointed ears as he tilted his

head as if listening for something Alexis couldn’t hear. The shells
were decorated with metal things that pierced his ears, running from
his lobe to the pointed tip. The black outfit he wore with the metal
clasps and ripples looked like something out of a top secret military
movie. If the creature brought out the knives, he was going to

“Calm, boy,” the being commanded. “You need to stand, and you

have paled. Are you well?”

“I’m−I’m going to throw up.”
The frown marring the creature’s face deepened. “What are you

throwing? And why in that direction?”

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He turned his head to the side and demonstrated with stunning

accuracy his upchuck reflex. Shame followed quickly on the heels of
misery. Fuck. I suck.

“You’ve emptied the contents of your abdomen. You are unwell.”

Strong inhuman arms wormed under him and lifted him into the air.
He started to sob.

“Everything is going to change,” he whimpered. His life hadn’t

prepared him for anything but parties, social engagements, shipping
empires, and conference calls. It was catching up with him now. The
inevitable end of his existence. This creature was going to kill him or
enslave him. He was never going to see his father or his sire ever
again. His friends were going to forget him and the elders were just
going to put up his portrait in the domed hall as both warning and
honor for some stupid tradition that shouldn’t have been in place to
begin with.

The being nodded. “Yes. All will change. However, your life is

only beginning. All that has come before this moment is obsolete and

Alexis just whimpered. He didn’t want to do this. His eyes

squeezed shut, trying to block out the sun and the sight of the creature
who held him. He wanted to go home. “Please, let me go home. Let
me go back. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”

The note of displeasure was easy to ascertain in the being’s voice

as he spoke. “You are going home. You will go to my home.”

Alexis concentrated on breathing and tried not to feel like the

world as he knew it was over. Maybe this was some horrible dream
that he would wake up from. He blinked his eyes open as he started to

“Will you hurt me?” The words came out in a whisper. He’d had

just about enough of people hurting him to last a lifetime already. If
the alien thought he was going to get away with doing the same, he
was sorely mistaken. Alexis would kill him first.

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The being looked down at him, seemingly startled by his inquiry.

“You will be mine to do as I wish. However, I do not wish to harm

“Oh. Well that’s good,” He swallowed hard. It was something at

least. “Does it take long to get to the Eoeans’ city?”

“Stop talking, human,” the being rumbled. “Your language is

giving me a headache.” He took a breath, gathering patience most
likely. “I will fix that problem soon enough. Until then, you will
speak when spoken to.”

A flash of irritation flickered through Alexis, but it was tempered

by fear. What would the being do if he protested, fought him, possibly
punched him in the face?

Golden light suddenly blinded him. He yelped as his retinas were

seared. “Motherfucker!” His hands pressed against his eyes, trying to
relieve some of the pain. Spots danced behind his eyeballs.

When he was finally able to open up his eyes after several long

minutes of intense rubbing, the sight that greeted him was not the
grassy plain of the outside that he’d expected. He looked up into a
ceiling of turquoise and white marble. They were done in overlapping
patterns that looked like something out of a modern art painting. It
was gorgeous and glittering but lacked a human element. It was all

“Holy shit.”
A chime like a dozen bells being sounded at once had him turning

his head away from the scenery above him and away from his
captor’s chest. A huge turquoise throne on top of a white stone dais
where a half dozen men in skimpy outfits similar to the one Alexis
had on sat, was a giant man who was obviously one of the Eoeans.
His hair was similar to his captor’s in that the color was a
combination of deep blue, silver, and green, but it was much, much
longer, going down to pool on the floor where some of the men who
were probably attendants or something brushed it with loving strokes
of fine-toothed combs. His horns were much larger as well, stretching

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a good two feet from his head toward the ceiling. The being’s massive
frame wasn’t much larger than his captor’s, but it had muscle on top
of muscle. Alexis swallowed.

His captor opened his mouth and emitted the same sort of noise of

bells that had sounded just the moment before. It was a really
beautiful melodic tone. Without thinking, he reached up and touched
the being’s cheek.

“L–let me down.”
Those black eyes flicked down to him, and the being slowly

nodded. Without a word, Alexis was placed on his feet. A wave of
dizziness immediately hit him. He wasn’t sure what it was from,
perhaps a combination of sun and stress, but the feeling necessitated
him reaching out and grabbing hold of the nearest thing. Which
happened to be his captor. The being’s arm wrapped around his
middle to hold him up, and Alexis felt a moment’s gratitude for the

It was then he noticed the other people in the room. On either side

of the aisle they were standing on were Eoeans of various ages and
hair colors sitting on white chairs that looked like the dining room
chairs Alexis had in his father’s dining room. It looked almost like

“Is someone getting married?”
The being’s eyes returned to him. “Yes. Us.”

* * * *

Elia was surprised that the human clung to him so tightly when he

put him down. The warm burst of heat had felt surprisingly good
against him. The fear had almost faded from the human’s face right
before he’d asked his question but had returned in full force when
Elia had admitted that the wedding that was to take place would be

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“Elia? Is your human all right? He has paled.” His father’s voice

was full of calculated concern and a measure of disinterest. In front of
the courtiers and the governors, his father rarely expressed anything
but mild interest in a given topic. It was his way.

“My human is fine, a little overwhelmed I think.” And Alexis

certainly looked like he was overwhelmed. The tremble in his limbs
said as much. No matter. He would be prepared for the life of Elia’s
concubine just as soon as they were joined before the witnesses.

“The tutor will see to his welfare after the documents are signed.”

There was a command behind his father’s words that had one of
Elia’s many sires running to go fetch the tutor out of one of the side
doors of the courtroom. There were fourteen concubines in all that his
father had sired children with and another six whom would probably
be siring children for him in the future. He hadn’t been lucky enough
to score a human yet though. Elia’s true-sire, Aile, had four sons with
Father, and it wasn’t even past Father’s breed-years, those precious
years of fertility, yet. It made perfect sense that Elia ended up being
one of thirty-four.

He looked over at Alexis. Humans tended to breed well with

Eoeans for whatever reason. Their artificial young were stronger than
Eoean children and human children. To top it off, they were immune
to the Great Plague. Elia would expect half a dozen spawn out of
Alexis at least. While there wouldn’t be a traditional incubation as if
Alexis were female, their combined genetics would be easily
accomplished in the breeding field that Elia had built in the new home
a few clicks from where they now stood. The thought made Elia
happy. He’d always wanted some spawn to dote on. He wouldn’t be
his father, a cold, distant figure who did nothing but summon his sire
whenever the urge struck.

After tonight he would be in his own home for the first time.

Though the construction had stopped a few months ago, until Elia
grew his first set of horns and was mated to his first concubine, he had
not been allowed to live on his own. It just wasn’t done in his father’s

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society. He’d heard it could be different in other Eoean cities, but
here, his father ruled. He wondered if humans were under the same

“Come,” he said, taking Alexis by the elbow and escorting him

toward the dais. Alexis whimpered. He was a creature who was easily
frightened. “No one will harm you, Alexis. Come.”

Alexis’s beautiful sky eyes looked at him. “Promise you’ll watch

over me?”

Elia furrowed his brows in confusion. Where was this trust

coming from? All things considered, he should be grateful for the
human’s cooperation, but he couldn’t help but think that he was being
categorized as the lesser of two evils.

“I so swear.”
Then there was no time for talking as his father made a noise of

frustration that demanded his attention. The scribes brought the
massive scrolls of the concubine contract forward and a pen for each
of them.

He reached for the sharpened blade that was a part of the shoulder

of his uniform and drew it out. With a decisive flick of his wrist he
cut the palm of his hand. The blood welled a deep burgundy, and
Alexis dropped his arm like it was a sea snake. Two of his father’s
concubines came forward and grabbed hold of Alexis, who let out a
piercing scream at the rough treatment. The impulse to growl and
warn the men off of Alexis was a strong one, but he managed to deny
it. Those men were his sires, for gods’ sake. They weren’t going to
harm him.

He had to look away when they sliced Alexis’s palm. The sight of

his blood did strange things to his stomach. Despite knowing nothing
of his future concubine, the last thing Elia wanted to see was the
human hurt.

He reached out and clasped their hands together. “It’s all right,”

he whispered, trying to soothe the struggling human.

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“You said you wouldn’t hurt me!” he snapped, his eyes wild with

animal fear. Elia raised his hand to brush a strand of the human’s
golden hair away from his forehead, and the human winced. Someone
had struck him. Was it normal for humans to strike their children?

Elia frowned. “I didn’t hurt you. It’s just a scratch.”
“Is your blood going to infect me with something?”
Oh. He was concerned about pathogens. Due to the plague, it was

understandable. Even vaccinations had their limitations when it came
to the Great Plague. The nano-virus had the curious and deadly ability
to mutate in certain conditions. It was why his people had to keep
sending the humans new vaccinations every year. “I am clean. It is a
simple blood ceremony. A marriage. Nothing more.” He really
disliked this language. He felt the insane urge to scrub his mind clean
of it. He couldn’t wait for Alexis to be implanted with a language
device that enabled him to speak Elia’s tongue.

Alexis’s eyes met his. “I can’t believe this whole time you guys

just wanted someone to marry.” He laughed, and it was just a shade
shy of hysterical. “Unbelievable.”

“Being my concubine is no laughing matter, human,” Elia spat,

annoyance trickling into his cerebrum. Once Alexis understood the
Master code and yielded to him, things would be different. He
wouldn’t find it so funny to laugh at their marriage.

“Gentle, Elia,” his true-sire, Aile, interrupted smoothly. “He

doesn’t understand our ways.”

He switched to his native tongue. “He is an infuriating creature.”

Elia knew he sounded like he was a pouting child, but he’d expected
to return with his concubine without so much delay and protest. The
humans were supposed to know the score, at least some of it.

Aile considered him. “You must have patience. You are an Arak

now.” An Arak was a head of household, a male in charge of all
others. It was a compliment that he named him one now. “Your first
concubine is a bit skittish. Lead him gently, and you will have mated

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“Yes, Sire.”
The hand at his back fell away, and he returned his attention to his

future concubine. “Nothing will harm you, Alexis. I gave you my
word. We will sign the concubine scroll now and be married.”

Alexis just shook, staring down at their joined hands like they

were snakes. He was an odd human. Other humans Elia had seen had
been more docile. He wondered if they all started out this wild.

His father stood and chanted out the ritual language, and all the

attendants clapped their hands in unison three times. He reached over
with his free hand to the scroll that the servants were holding up and
pressed his finger to the signature scrap near the bottom. It heated as
it copied his DNA onto the paper. It would be filed at the main office
from then on out.

“What, no signature?” his new concubine asked, an odd tone in

his voice.

Elia cautioned himself to have a little patience. Humans were

technologically slow creatures. “Ink signatures can be copied,
duplicated. DNA cannot be corrupted.”

Alexis rolled his eyes. “Your people don’t understand sarcasm, do


Elia ignored him. Now he was being disrespectful. He understood

sarcasm. Whatever that was. He could understand anything. Alexis
followed his lead and pressed his finger to the paper. He jerked back
as it warmed, and Elia deliberately didn’t reach out to comfort him. If
he could have sarcasm, he could deal with something new without
hand holding.

His father sat back on his throne, and the servants began to roll up

their scroll. Elia tugged Alexis toward the exit, ready to get in his
transport and head to his new home. He hoped his things arrived
ahead of them. Waiting for a change of clothes for him and his new
concubine would be annoying.

“That’s it?” Alexis asked as he tugged him away from the dais.
“What is it?”

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“We’re married?”
Elia frowned. “Yes. Well, technically we have to consummate


Consummate?” Alexis all but shrieked.
Elia winced. Yes, he couldn’t wait for him to learn his language.

Today could not get over soon enough.

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Chapter Two

This crazy alien wanted to have sex with him to consummate their

weirdo marriage. When he’d woken up this morning, this was not
how he saw the rest of the day playing out. The lottery was always
cause for anxiety, but he’d spent the last four lotteries going home
afterward with his family and eating a huge meal with his father and
sire. He’d never expected to actually have to leave his home and be
some alien’s bitch. Married or not, he didn’t think he would be
viewed as some kind of equal partner like a traditional partnership in
the human cities.

“What’s your name?” he asked. He’d just married a guy whose

name he didn’t even know. He eyed his captor. He was handsome in a
weird oh-my-dear-god-that’s-an-alien way. If Alexis looked past his
obvious alienness—Is that even a word?—he had broad shoulders, a
firm build, a lovely firm arse, all traits Alexis would have admired in
a guy he’d pick up at a bar. The horns kind of ruined that though. Did
he have a choice with this whole “consummating” thing? His cock
didn’t mind the whole “horns” deal, but his mind was one horny alien
joke away from snapping like a rubber band.

“I am Elia,” the alien said. “I am the twenty-seventh spawn of

Prince Kranok.”

Yeah. That didn’t mean squat to him but whatever. “So it’s Elia?”
The alien nodded. “Yes. It is my given name. You may call me


Alexis raised his eyebrows. “We’re married.”
“You are still my property.”

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“I am not having sex with you.” The arrogant, clearly self-

centered jerk was not going to get access to his good bits. Well,
maybe, if he checked the attitude. What the hell am I thinking? I can’t
have sex with him. I don’t even know if he has man parts.
His eyes
went down the line of Elia’s uniform to stare at the material covering
his crotch.

Elia stopped so suddenly that Alexis nearly plowed into him.

“Consummation is necessary in order for me to be considered Arak.”
Alexis dragged his gaze up, and Elia frowned. “Why are you staring
at my lower waist?”

Yeah, no way he was answering that one. “Your translator is off.

What’s an Ar-rack?”

“There is not a good word in this limited language,” Elia

grumbled. “It is something akin to the ruler of a home.”

“So like a head of household?” Alexis asked. They reached the

big archway they’d come through before the weird ceremony had
taken place.

There was a pause like Elia was working it through in his head.

“Exactly. My father would not consider me a man able to live on my
own until I took a concubine. I have already worked for a home, but I
needed my mating horns to come in before I could wed.” He puffed
out his chest like a rooster. “I am the first of my siblings to wed.”
Wow. Someone was proud of himself.

He tugged Alexis down the corridor to the right. A light shone at

the end of the blue hallway, and Alexis could only hope it led to
outside and not a flash doorway like the one Elia had brought them
through a moment ago.

“So Eoeans need us for some kind of rite-of-passage thing? Why

don’t you just use one another?” None of this was making any sense
to Alexis. Up was down, left was right, everything was a jugglers
mess of information. His idea of marriage and Elia’s were clearly
different. What was expected of him was clearly sex, but he wasn’t
sure what else.

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“I won the lottery this cycle. The timing was right for me to take a

concubine. It made sense to make you my first until I find an Eoean
mate. Until then, you will do nicely.”

Oh great. I’m filling in for his real husband until he finds one of

his own kind. The idea didn’t sit well with him. “So I’m a slave?” His
bare feet were surprisingly warm against the smooth expanse of the
hallway. They probably were heated floors.

Elia inclined his head. “Yes. You are my slave, my concubine to

be precise. I own you. It is no different than winning a sum of
currency. You will submit to me as my concubine, and we will find
pleasure with one another until we spawn.” He was not even trying to
wrap his mind around what that meant.

They reached the door at the far end of the hall and stepped out

into the sunlight. It looked to be late afternoon. The sun was starting
its descent.

Alexis winced as he stepped on a stone on the first step as they

descended toward a long clear tube with a few seats in it that hovered
an inch or two off the crowd. “Is that a transporter?”

“Of course,” Elia said, glancing at him like he was asking stupid

questions. “It’s one of the only low-level mentally powered transport
units left in the colony. My father is lending it to me to get us home.”

“Mentally powered transport? What’s that? Is your home far?”
“Always with the questions. You talk all the time. Please, be quiet

until I can download my language to you. Your tongue gives me a
headache.” He paused. “It could be the pressure of my horns coming
in, but your language isn’t helping.”

Alexis was offended, but he figured that there was no point in

telling Elia so. The Eoean probably wouldn’t give a damn. The image
of his elders waxing poetic about how much of an “honor” it was to
be chosen for the lottery selection ghosted up in his mind. “Honor my
ass. This is a freaking nightmare.”

The alien tugged him down the steps, oblivious to his discomfort,

and all but pushed him into the open tube. He stumbled and nearly

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face-planted on the bench seat for his effort. He turned, baring his
teeth. “Don’t push me.” He was not going to let someone else hurt
him again, and he did not like how much the thought of Elia hurting
him freaked him out after he’d promised not to.

Elia reached out to steady him. “I apologize. I did not mean to

make you fall. I will be more careful in the future.” He winced and
raised his hand, pressing it to the small expanse of skin on the other
side of his horns.

“You’re really hurting, huh?” Alexis asked. He had suffered from

migraines once or twice, and they were far from pleasant.

“You guys don’t have pain medicine?”
“My father doesn’t believe in it.”
It was on the tip of his tongue to ask if Elia’s father controlled

everything in Elia’s life, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He knew
nothing about the alien culture he’d been dumped in, and it really
wasn’t his place to say shit about it. He had his own stuff to figure
out. Like how he was going to live in this new and crazy world of his.
He couldn’t go back. It would be punishable by death if he tried, and
that was if he could even get away from the Eoean to begin with. He
needed to find a way to content himself with this new existence of his.
He just hoped that he would be able to find some kind of happiness in
this place.

Alexis reached out and grabbed one of Elia’s hands, and the alien

jerked at the contact. “What are you doing?” he groused. He certainly
was a surly alien.

“I don’t know if you guys have the same pressure points, but my

therapist showed me this technique to get rid of my headaches. It
won’t hurt.” He applied pressure to the place between his pointer
finger and his thumb. Shock crossed Elia’s features. “Give me your
other hand, and I’ll make it even better.” Elia did. He groaned almost
instantly as Alexis applied additional pressure. The noise went right to
the erection that had flagged right after Elia had pushed him. It had to

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be the alien’s smell or something. He smelled sweet, like honey or
something. “Better?”

“Much. Thank you.” Elia was staring at him with those

unimaginably deep black eyes. “Maybe I have heard correctly. Maybe
humans are an untold blessing.”

Alexis wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Did he want to

be invaluable or ignored? Which was better?

“You may continue this when we return to my home,” Elia said,

pulling his hands from Alexis’s. He pointed to the dash of the weird
tube thing they were in. “The tutor will download some information
for you as we travel. You will be more secure once you know what is
expected of you.”

A sheath slid forward to encapsulate them in the transport tube.

Alexis tensed, but when a gentle air flow started in the vents in front
of them, they relaxed. A small vid-screen popped up. “How exactly
does this ‘download’ happ—” His sentence was abruptly cut off as the
sensation of falling hit him like a freight train.

Distantly he heard Elia speak. “I apologize for the disorienting

manner of the download. We usually do this when you sleep. But I
thought it was necessary before we arrived home.”

Alexis tried to reply with a sharp retort, but the spiraling only

increased as words and images seemed to be trying to physically
staple themselves to his brain.

Some things he knew already. The Eoeans, who had been refugees

from their own planet God knew where, had colonized Earth’s
coastlines, and the humans had drawn more into the interior per their
arrangement. Everything had been fine and dandy for a time, but then
the Great Plague had swept through the populations and took out
eighty percent of the human population before they could even figure
out what hit them. The Eoeans had offered up yearly vaccinations in
exchange for a number of humans.

What he hadn’t known was that the Eoeans had lost the ability to

use most of their alien technologies when they’d entered Earth’s

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atmosphere. The inventor of the vaccinations claimed that mating to
humans could produce a bond that would enable them to bypass
whatever it was on Earth that blocked those parts of their cortexes. So
every year they got more humans, but there were only rumors of this
weird “soul resonance” that the original scientist claimed was

The history lesson was apparently over because then the Eoean

language wrapped itself around his temporal lobe and squeezed. The
way the vocalization was done was almost like music, and despite the
discomfort, he couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love with the
cadence of the words. He could only imagine what it would be like to
have that language whispered in his ear when they fucked.

The stray thought seemed to send his “tutor” onto a different path.

The rules flashed in rapid succession, the “Master Code” was pretty
basic. He could’ve summed it up in a sentence, “Obey your Master,
idiot.” His erection went from halfway to full-fledged in three seconds
flat as images flashed of what he was supposed to do to “submit” to
his new husband. Holy fuck these aliens are kinky. He groaned as his
pleasure centers were tripped and he came, hard, to the image of
himself splayed and tied while Elia did things to his junk. He didn’t
have an English word for it, but, man, it looked like a lot of fun. His
hips jackknifed up as another spasm of pleasure had him smearing the
front of this see-through getup with his fluids.

Finally, the swirling barrage of images and pleasure faded, leaving

him panting beside Elia. The alien was the first thing in his range of
vision as his eyes refocused on the world around him.

“Are you well?” Elia asked. He wasn’t sure, but he could’ve

sworn Elia’s voice was a little bit husky.

“Holy cow, that should’ve been embarrassing.” He raised his head

and saw they were moving. The tube raced along a track that looked
similar to a subway line or a trolley track.

Elia chuckled, the sound sexy as hell. “You invoke a bovine


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Alexis shook his head, too exhausted to explain. So far today he’d

been a nervous wreck, violently ill, intermittently terrified, and came
to some sort of mind fuck that featured him and Elia doing the
horizontal tango. He was beyond tired.

“You may rest until we arrive at my home,” Elia said. It took him

a second to realize he was talking in that sexy, beautiful language
again and Alexis understood him.

“That’s handy,” he slurred, already slipping into unconsciousness.

He should’ve been much more concerned about the wet mark on his
sheer outfit or the fact that he’d just come really, really hard on
account of some alien mind device, but he just couldn’t summon the
energy. Between one breath and the next, he was asleep.

* * * *

Elia clamped down on the urge to mate with an iron will, but it

was a struggle. He took several deep breaths as his cocks hardened
beneath the tight confines of his uniform, demanding to be freed. The
damn things had the wits the All Father gave a bit of cosmic dust.
They rubbed together, seeking friction. He reached down and pulled
them apart. He tried to think of something other than the smell of his
new concubine’s release but failed miserably.

Alexis’s reaction to the tutor wasn’t something he was expecting.

He’d expected unease, more fear, but his response to the Master Code
had been delicious. The way he’d orgasmed as the knowledge was
implanted let Elia know exactly what sort of bed partner he could
look forward to having in the near future. If he reacted that pleasantly
to the image, he could only imagine how the human would react to
being slung tight in his mating room.

His cocks started rubbing again. They wrapped around one

another and started to massage each other, twisting together like they
were making a mating knot. “Stop that,” he rumbled under his breath.
He’d obviously been excited by his concubine’s display, and his

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mating urges were becoming more prominent. He’d need to find his
release soon.

Alexis slept like the dead, his face relaxed as he slumped against

the cushioned bench beside him. The poor human looked like he’d
been through a bit of trauma today. At least he’d achieved a release.
Relaxation was good for humans, at least according to the research
he’d done on human-Eoean relations. He could hardly believe he
would spend the first night of his life away from Kranok’s household
and the small wing he’d shared with his sire and immediate siblings.
He finally felt like he would be able to make his own decisions.

The thought of their joining tonight sent another fission of desire

through his cocks. He took another calming breath in an attempt to
settle himself. He wished he had the sort of relaxed ease Alexis was
enjoying at the moment. The tight sac below his arousals tightened
with the urge to release. It would be so easy to allow himself the
luxury of orgasm with a few well-placed touches. However, he’d
saved his first release for his concubine this long. It wouldn’t hurt him
to save it a bit longer. A true Arak had to first master his body before
he mastered the body of his concubine. It was the first thing he’d ever
been taught.

He shut his eyes, confident that the transport would find its way to

his home. He’d programmed it with his mind before they’d left. It was
the sort of low-level operation that most Eoeans could do nowadays.
Elia had been one of the last of Kranok’s spawn to have actually seen
Eoean. Their home planet had been a vast network of oceans, islands,
and inlets, much like Earth was. It was what had attracted their
leaders to the little blue planet to begin with. Granted, there was more
land on Earth than on Eoean, but still. It had seemed like home.

Their oceans were just as prime for cultivation. Under the Eoeans’

care, Earth’s oceans had thrived. Elia remembered what it was like
when the Eoeans ran their entire world with nothing more than well-
focused thoughts. It had made everything energy efficient and clean.

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There had been zero pollution back then. Maybe someday they’d
return to that sort of easy life.

He chuckled to himself. Maybe if we achieve soul resonance, I

can have it early. The thought was ridiculous of course. He didn’t
believe in such things.

* * * *

“Wake, Alexis,” Elia commanded as the transport tube came to a

stop at the end of his road. There was a good hundred yards to the
front of the house, but the tracks only went so far. Elia had designed it
that way. He hadn’t wanted anyone to be able to view his home from
the road.

The human stirred gently, his eyes fluttering open in an almost

lazy fashion. “Fuck.” The whispered word perplexed him.

“You wish to copulate?” His body begged him to follow the

human’s wishes. If Alexis gave the slightest indication that he would
be willing…

“It’s an expression. I guess not even your software is perfect with

the translations. I thought for a minute I dreamed everything, that the
lottery didn’t take place, that I didn’t have a really good orgas—and I
don’t need to talk about that.” His cheeks turned a fascinating shade
of pink.

Without meaning to, he reached out and touched the hot flesh. “I

like this color.”

“Well, uh, good. I do that when I’m embarrassed.”
Elia promised himself that he would embarrass his new concubine

more often. “We are here. Your new home awaits.” The transporter’s
outer shield slid open, and the indicator light flashed green to indicate
that it was safe to disembark.

Alexis climbed out of his side of the transport and slowly circled

around to the front. “I’m a little hungry,” Alexis said. He glanced
down at his lap. “And I really need a change of clothes.”

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“All will be provided when we enter my home,” Elia promised.

He walked the dirt path toward the patch of land he’d arranged for
himself at the end of a drop-off. He’d have to fence in a portion for
the young whenever they grew big enough.

Alexis jogged to catch up with him. “Holy cow, we’re close to the

ocean.” His eyes were wide with wonder as he took in the landscape.
Elia swelled with pride at the wonder in his new concubine’s eyes.
He’d chosen this spot for its beauty. His home was farther away from
the city over a stretch of open farmland. The rolling green was well
manicured per his instructions and would be ripe for planting very
soon. He looked forward to it.

His house sat only twenty feet away from the eight-foot drop-off

that led to the beach. The white domed structure had three offshoots
from the main structure and was large enough to accommodate others
if he chose to take on other concubines. He would stay in the main
dome, the breeding center was the left shoot, and the concubines’
quarters were in the dome to the right. It was a very efficient design.

The only servant he had in residence at the moment was the one

he’d had since birth. Task was more like family than slave and had
agreed to come ahead of him and prepare for their arrival. He hoped
he had prepared supper. The sun was setting over the water, and he
hadn’t eaten all day either. He’d been too nervous if he were being
completely honest. However, he’d never admit such a thing. An Arak
was always calm and emotionally steady.

“Holy cow,” Alexis repeated, all but skipping to the edge of the

drop-off. Elia’s heart leapt into his throat. The human was going to
get himself killed. “I’ve only seen it in pictures. It’s so big!”

“Get away from there before you fall,” Elia commanded. Having a

human around was like attempting to herd Eoean catfish.

Of course, he ignored him. “Is there a way to get down there?”
“Yes. And I will show you. Tomorrow.” Maybe. If he behaved.

His headache was coming back. His horns were starting to throb. I’m

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supposed to be his master. He was doing a piss-poor job of it. He
needed to be firmer.

“You know,” Alexis said. “This isn’t such a bad place. I might not

actually mind staying here. It’s gorgeous. Do you think—” Elia
grabbed his arm and jerked him away from the edge.

“I said, get away from there,” Elia snapped. “I don’t think you

recognize and understand the rules.”

Alexis glared up into his face. “No. I got it. Your Master Code is

pretty easy to understand. Everything comes back to silence and

“Then you need to follow it, Alexis,” Elia rumbled. “I am your

master, and you are my concubine. Obey me. Come away from the
embankment.” To emphasize the point, he gave the human’s elbow a

“Or what?” Alexis asked, defiance glittering in his gaze.
Elia cast aside any lingering notions of leniency. “Or I will tutor

you in the meaning of pain.”

Something flickered in Alexis’s eyes. It looked a little bit like

fear. “You won’t touch me.”

Elia raised his brows. “And how will you stop me?” He loomed

over the human by several inches, and he was much thicker through
the chest. He hadn’t yet developed his father’s rippling musculature
yet, but that would come with Alexis’s obedience over time.

When Alexis replied, his tone was dead and it sent a ripple of

unease through Elia’s soul. “I may not be able to stop you, but you
have to rest sometime, and when you do, I will slit your throat in your

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Chapter Three

Alexis had vowed when he’d left Carl that he would never allow

anyone else to hurt him. He’d finally started to believe that he
deserved better. He was not going to forget that, not now, not ever. He
was not going to take the Eoean’s threat lying down. He didn’t give a
rat’s ass if he was technically given to the guy like a lamb to

Elia frowned. “You’re upset.”
No shit, Sherlock. “Yes.”
“The thought of pain angers you.”
“Once upon a time, someone I thought I loved hurt me. It’s not

happening again.” He swallowed. Damn, look at me being brave. “I
get that I’m your slave. If you swear that you won’t hurt me, I swear
that I will obey you. Just…have a little patience, please.”

He held his breath as Elia considered him. The only noise was the

sound of lapping waves and crying seagulls. Slowly, Elia nodded. “I
so swear. If I need to punish you, I promise that it will be with
pleasure/pain as you saw on the tutor. I will not strike you in any
other way. I will not be cruel to you. I have no desire to see your

The tension seeped out of his shoulders. Thank God. Maybe this

wouldn’t be so bad after all. The Kranok guy had been scary as hell,
but Elia seemed gentler somehow. “Thank you.”

“You are not what I was expecting, Alexis,” Elia said. “I expected

a fearful creature.”

You got one, buddy. I just happen to be a stubborn as well. “This

isn’t what I was expecting either.”

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“Shall we go inside?” Elia asked. “I promised food and fresh


Alexis nodded. He was ready now. “A request?”
“Name it.”
“Can I have some real clothes? This fabric is a little revealing.”

They were in the middle of nowhere so he wasn’t really concerned
about someone seeing him, but it was more about the principle of the

“I don’t know what you mean,” Elia said, pulling him away from

the edge and toward the collection of white buildings a few yards
away from them. This place was really something. He hoped to get
the grand tour later. An image ghosted up in his mind of something
the tutor had inserted into his brain. The concubines’ pleasure room
was something out of his deepest fantasies. His earlier thought rose
up. Aliens sure are kinky.

“So about this consummating thing—”
“That is not up for debate,” Elia interrupted. “It is necessary. I told

you that.”

Alexis shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, are you

guys shaped like me?”

“I don’t know if I understand your question,” Elia said, turning his

eyes on him. “You can see that we are bipedal like you.”

The alien was going to drive him insane. It was hard as hell to get

any straight answers from him. They were going to have to work on
their communication. He rubbed his tired eyes. “I mean, how does sex

Elia’s lips stretched up into a very human, very satisfied,

masculine grin. “You will find out very soon.”

They reached the front of the building, and a heavy white door

swung outward. A figure took two steps in their direction before
dropping to its knees on the lawn. He was dressed in a loose material
similar to the one that Alexis had on, except his was a soft dove gray
and wasn’t see-through.

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“My lord,” the figure greeted. “You are punctual as per usual.”
“Task, stand. Meet my first concubine.” The wealth of warmth in

Elia’s voice said that he knew the man very well or at least had a great
affection for the man. A spark of jealousy flared bright. He wasn’t
sure why. Maybe it was the whole “marriage” thing. But whatever the
reason, he did not like the idea of Elia and Task being intimate.

Elia turned and pulled Alexis forward, wrapping a hand around

his waist. “Alexis, this is my dearest companion, Task. He has been
my servant since I was born, and he will serve until I go into the
Beyond. He will be here to serve you as well.”

Task stood, and his hood fell back. He was Eoean as well. He

looked young though, way too young to have been Elia’s servant
since Elia was born. Come to think of it, none of them looked like
they were older than their late twenties at most. “Are you guys
immortal or something?” The question popped out before he could
think better of it. I’m really going to have to learn to develop a filter.

Elia and Task laughed, the sound jingling like bells. The way they

used their voices really was beautiful. Elia squeezed his waist. “I
apologize for my laughter. It’s just an odd question. We don’t show
outward signs of aging like you humans. But we do age. When we
die, we just go.”

“Oh. Cool. So you guys are like sharks. Right on. That clears that

up.” He looked up into Elia’s handsome face. “Food?”

Elia smiled. “Are all humans like you?”
“How am I like?”
“So curious.”
Alexis shrugged. “I don’t know. Some.” Their eyes met, and

awareness flickered. The rest of the world faded away, and there was
nothing but Elia’s black eyes and his soft blue lips. Kissing him
seemed out of the question. If someone would’ve told him yesterday
that he would be contemplating lip-locking one of the fabled Eoeans,
he would’ve said that person was twelve kinds of crazy.

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He wetted his bottom lip and leaned up at the same time Alexis

leaned down. Their mouths touched, merged. Elia’s mouth felt the
same as any human mouth he’d ever touched. His soft lips felt good
pressed against his own. His eyes slid shut, and his mind spun. Wow.
The man was a hell of a kisser. Elia’s tongue demanded entrance,
commanding his body to follow the silent demands he made. Alexis
plastered himself against Elia’s uniformed body, uncaring of the
metal clasps that dug into his practically naked flesh. For the first time
in his life, he was right where he belonged. He was nearly drunk on
Elia’s taste. He might’ve smelled like honey, but he tasted even

Elia made a low sound of want and gripped Alexis’s ass, nearly

hoisting him in the air to get better access. Alexis’s dick rubbed
against the front of Elia’s pants. The hard swell was just what he
wanted to feel. He clung to Elia’s shoulders and gave a slow grind
against him. Then something, another hard knot, bracketed his cock
on the other side. The sensation was so foreign that Alexis jerked

Elia growled and squeezed his ass in protest. “What’s wrong?”
“What is that?” Alexis asked, squirming against him. Elia was a

lot stronger than he’d imagined. Alexis didn’t need a translator for the
“what the hell do you think it is” look Elia was aiming his way. It was
on the tip of his tongue to ask what the additional bit was, but he
wasn’t sure if he wanted to know. “Uh, never mind.”

“That was enjoyable,” Elia rumbled. “We can do that again.” He

slowly let Alexis slide down his body. If the skill hadn’t been there,
he would’ve sworn the guy hadn’t done that before.

Alexis swallowed. He hadn’t reacted to anyone like that since his

ex. Hell, if he were honest, he had never had such a visceral reaction
to anyone. It was unnerving.

“My lord, shall I go prepare your table?” Task asked, interrupting

their moment. “Or shall I go prepare the concubines’ quarters for your

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Elia hesitated, and panic doused Alexis’s insides. Nope. He was

not ready for this consummating thing. “I’m really hungry,” he
blurted out, all but throwing a beseeching look Elia’s way. He knew
logically that he was postponing something that he didn’t have much
choice in the matter about, but still. He needed to wrap his mind
around everything that had happened before he did the horizontal
mambo with Tall, Dark, and Blue-skinned. His erection did not have
the same hang-ups. It demanded attention right that second and tented
the front of his already cum-stained outfit like a flag of surrender.

“Fine,” Elia said. He waved Task on. “Go prepare our plate. I’ll

give my new concubine a brief tour while you do.” His black eyes
met Alexis’s. “And then we will consummate.”

Alexis’s erection threw a party. Alexis groaned, whether in protest

or celebration he wasn’t entirely sure.

* * * *

The platter of meat, veggies, bread, and fruit piled high made for

an excellent meal. It reminded Alexis of one of the buffet plates at
one of his family’s functions. But the veggies were like nothing he’d
ever seen before.

“We brought those with us,” Elia explained. “Your soil on the

coasts is very good for growing our foods. It was why we requested
the area for our refuge when we arrived here.”

“Was your planet a lot like ours?” Alexis asked. For all Elia’s

I’m-the-master-you’re-the-slave business, he didn’t really treat him
like he was any lesser than him. Maybe this was an Eoean version of

Elia nodded. “There were more oceans but yes, basically the

same. Actually, it’s more reminiscent of what your Pangaea was
once.” He sipped on his glass of light green juice from a champagne
glass. It seemed to Alexis that the Eoeans had snatched up more than

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a few human things since coming here. The table they sat at was a
good example of that.

“It sounds beautiful.”
“It is,” Elia agreed. “At least what I remember of it.”
Alexis sipped on his own juice. He still couldn’t find a

comparison to something he’d had before. It was light, almost
creamy, like coconut juice but with a little tang. He couldn’t place it.
“I can’t wait to see the ocean up close. It looked amazing.” He put his
glass down and reached for a little orange veggie, or maybe it was a
fruit. He wasn’t sure. “So why did you leave your home world? Was
it the Plague like what hit our world?”

“No,” Elia said. His expression darkened. “We were conquered

and expelled by a race you’ve never encountered on this planet.
Pressians still demand a sacrifice in exchange for leaving us alone.
Some of the lottery winners go to them.”

Holy crap. “I guess it’s a good thing I got you then, huh?” If these

Pressians were such bad guys, he was a lucky SOB to be given to
Elia. He didn’t know the guy from Adam, and he hadn’t exactly been
a great judge of character in the past, but Elia didn’t seem like the
type. He had a lot more patience with Alexis than his ex had anyway.

“I cannot say for sure what happens to the humans who leave

Earth, but I can say that you are all too valuable to slaughter like you
are thinking,” Elia said. “I consider myself fortunate to have received
you. You are quite beautiful, Alexis. Your skin is unlike any I have

Warmth infused Alexis’s body. It had been a long time since

anyone had complimented him like that. Dating had been next on his
agenda of stuff to do to qualify as really living since the breakup, but
he hadn’t managed to get around to it yet. “Yours is pretty cool, too.”

“What does the temperature have to do with my skin? I assure

you. I am quite warm,” Elia said, frowning.

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Despite the fact that he could now speak Elia’s language, there

were still barriers apparently. “It’s an expression. A compliment. It
means you’re handsome, too.”

“Ah. I see.” Elia didn’t look any less confused, but he let it slide.

He seemed to let a lot slide, like he wasn’t sure of what he was really
supposed to be doing. Alexis couldn’t help but to think the guy had
been living in a bubble until today.

“So this whole silence and obedience thing, when does it apply?”

Alexis asked. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask him if he’d been
serious about the whole “not leaving his father’s house” thing, but he
refrained. He didn’t think Elia wanted him to notice the fact that he
wasn’t exactly comfortable in being another man’s master yet.

Elia hesitated for a second. “So long as it is just us two, I suppose

it will be all right for you to ask questions. I understand that humans
are naturally inquisitive creatures and you are unfamiliar with Eoean
ways. My sire cautioned me to have patience. I will try. However,
when other Eoeans are around, I will expect you to be silent and obey
the rules your tutor taught you.”

Alexis nodded. “I can live with that.”
“I feel like you will grow spoiled given enough time,” Elia teased.

He popped something red and round in his mouth. “I apologize that I
didn’t get to show you the whole house yet.”

He was very proud of his house. Alexis could tell just by the

warm tone of his voice. “Well, since I’m your slave and all, I suppose
I’ll be seeing a lot of it in the future.”

Elia tilted his head to the side, studying him. “You do not seem

nearly as unnerved by the prospect as you were before.”

Alexis shrugged. “I think I was more wigged about you eating me

or something than of actually leaving. You don’t appear to be the
cannibal human-eating type. Plus I promised myself that I would start
living a little. What better way than to go somewhere no human has
ever gone before? There is no going back to my home, and that sucks,

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but there isn’t much I can do to change my circumstance. I might as
well make the most of it.”

“I find your optimism intriguing.”
Alexis was naturally optimistic. At least he had been before he’d

let himself get beaten on a regular basis for over a year. He
deliberately turned his thoughts off of the subject. He didn’t want bad
mojo clouding up the good thing that was happening here. Marrying
an alien may have been the best thing to happen to his stagnant life.
This was adventure, way more than he was originally looking for, but

He turned his attention back to Elia. Now that he wasn’t freaking

out about the whole “alien” thing, he could fully appreciate Elia’s
appearance. He looked him up and down, taking in his hard muscle,
beautiful skin, and strong, angular features. His cock firmed right
back up. It was weird how the guy could give him insta-hard-on.

Elia’s posture shifted, a lusty glint coming into his eyes. “Alexis?”
“Yes?” Is my voice really that breathless?
“Are you ready to be mine?” Something about the way he said it

was sexy as hell. Flickers of images from the tutor pasted themselves
on the inside of his skull. After all the stresses of the day, he just
wanted to turn off for a minute. Sex would go a long way to helping
out with that.

Alexis nodded. “Take me to the concubines’ room?”
“With pleasure.” Elia reached out and took Alexis’s hand, pulling

him to his feet in one fluid motion. “Task,” he rumbled, not taking his
eyes off of Alexis. He hadn’t even realized the man was even in the
room with them until Elia said his name. “We’re not to be disturbed
until morning. Take my messages.”

“Yes, Arak.”

* * * *

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Elia’s skin felt brittle as he escorted his new concubine down the

long hallway that led to the concubines’ building. He could admit that
he was a mite nervous about what was to follow. His cocks were more
than ready to join with the beautiful human, but his logical mind was
screaming at him that he didn’t know what he was doing. He’d never
even reached an ejaculatory state before, as per tradition. He’d saved
his first seed for his concubine. He’d been tutored in his role but had
never actually acted out the sexual impulses that were now streaking
through his bloodstream like Dream serum through an addict’s

With every step they took, Alexis rubbed along his body,

tightening Elia’s arousal and making his horns pulse with his erratic
heartbeat. He swore the human was deliberately teasing him. No
wonder Eoeans valued humans as concubines so highly. It wasn’t the
fabled “soul resonance.” It was their sexual appeal.

“It’s been a while,” Alexis admitted as they crossed the threshold.

“You’ll have to go slow.”

The admission pleased Elia for some reason. “This will be a

learning experience for the both of us. Slow is a good way to go about
it.” He tried to convey all the confidence he’d been told new lovers
needed. He trusted his instincts to guide him where his body had
never gone.

“So you’ve never had a human lover before?” Alexis asked. He

was definitely a curious one. He liked his bravery in most things but
this wasn’t one of them. There were entirely too many questions
floating around for Elia’s comfort level.

He turned on Alexis, tilting his chin back to allow him access to

Alexis’s mouth. He pressed their lips together as Alexis had done to
him on the front lawn. He’d been caught so off guard when Alexis
had kissed him, but the pleasure had been unquestionable. This time
was no different. As their lips locked and their tongues pressed
together in a push and withdrawal so similar to sex that it should’ve

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been obscene to witness in public, Elia made a sound of want in the
back of his throat.

He walked backward, not allowing them to part mouths for a

second as he went further into the room. The concubines’ joining
room setup was one he’d memorized a long time ago, and he walked
him from the entryway to the pleasure room with little difficulty or
need to see. It was the same setup as the one in his sire’s dwelling. Of
course he hadn’t been allowed in the pleasure room itself until he’d
been given the tour only a few months ago after getting his horns.

Alexis jumped, wrapping his legs around Elia’s waist as he

walked. Elia absorbed the additional weight with ease. Human beings
had much less dense bone structures than he’d anticipated, and Elia’s
musculature was designed to take on far more weight than the slight
human could provide. He couldn’t resist reaching down and kneading
the soft flesh of his soon-to-be lover’s backside. Joinings between
Eoean and human males worked the same way, and he couldn’t wait
to sink into Alexis’s beautiful body. He’d fantasized about this
moment since he’d started getting mating impulses.

“God, you’re so hot,” Alexis murmured, breaking their kiss with a

gasp. “I want you to fuck me so bad.”

Elia’s cocks lurched at the words. Fuck was a fun word. It was the

first human word he’d found that appealed. It was punchy, and the
connotation was delicious. He felt like it was a good word to sum up
the act. “I will fuck you,” Elia promised, using the word for the first
time. It was odd, but it seemed to elicit a good response from his

Alexis groaned. “Man, we’re wearing too many clothes. We’re

definitely in need of less clothes. Don’t you think?”

The human babbled when he was aroused. He made mental note

of it for future reference. Elia walked through the open archway that
led into the pleasure room. He tried to put Alexis down, but the
human clung to him like a Numerian monkey. He was all hands and

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limbs, clinging, sucking and kissing him until Elia’s head swam. All
Father above, he’s so responsive

“Alexis, down,” Elia commanded. He was having a difficult time

fighting both his own desires and his human’s.

Blue eyes met his. “Wha?”
Elia chuckled. “Down.” Slowly, Alexis unwound his legs from his

waist and slid to his feet. Elia maneuvered him into the circle at the
center of the room. With a short command in Eoean, the walls emitted
a soft green light as the pleasure room came alive. Alexis jumped
before giving him a look of curiosity.

“Check the information the tutor gave you,” Elia said, unbuckling

the stays on his uniform. Out of all of his brothers, he had the firmest
musculature. His older siblings might have had more natural bulk, but
Elia had worked the hardest to tone every bit of muscle he had. Every
inch was a pleasing ripple, and he wasn’t the least bit ashamed of
revealing it to his first concubine now.

“Holy cow, you’re hot,” Alexis murmured. He had the oddest

habit of invoking a bovine deity when he was surprised. Elia made a
mental note to look up his invocation later.

“You have the oddest sayings, my honor.” The endearment just

popped out like it was nothing. He hadn’t realized that it was possible
to form such an intense attachment so early on in an acquaintance. His
boots would take more to wrestle off. He’d save it for after he got
Alexis arranged.

Alexis’s lips tilted upward in a ghost of a smile. “My honor? I like

that. It’s sweet.” He pulled the gossamer shift over his head and
tossed it to the side. “We’re going to have to discuss the need for
shoes at a later date.”

He barely registered the words as his vision was filled with the

image of his naked concubine. The shift had teased him with glimpses
of the beauty underneath, but nothing had prepared him for the sheer
appeal of Alexis’s lightly muscled frame, a swimmer’s build, and his

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thick cock nestled in the most fascinating patch of golden curls above
his tight sac. He was a beautiful creature.

Alexis licked his lips. “How do you want me?” He glanced around

the deceptively bare room.

Elia popped the button on his uniform and made the hand signal to

begin the consummation sequence. The light switched from green to a
light blue, and the air was perfumed with the pleasing scent of
lavender and Eoean night flowers. It was supposed to be a potent
aphrodisiac. One of the wall panels fell forward to reveal a pair of
hanging disc restraints. The repressed gravity plank would be a good
place to begin. It would hold a person aloft but allow access to all
areas of the body. It also didn’t have a deliberate shape and therefore
allowed Elia to manipulate at his leisure.

Alexis must’ve figured out that he couldn’t leave the circle Elia

had put him in because he frowned. “The restraints aren’t necessary,”
he said, pushing against the invisible barrier.

Elia walked over to the hanging cuffs and plucked them from the

air. “No. But they are traditional.”

“So all you Eoeans have kinky S&M fetishes?” Alexis asked.
“I do not understand your question.” He took the cuffs and

motioned for Alexis to give him his hands. He held his breath as he
waited for his submission to his will. A part of him that had never
broken the surface rose up. He wanted to dominate Alexis, to take
him beneath his body and darken his tanned flesh with his palms. He
wanted— The desires unnerved him a bit, and he cut himself off mid-
thought. He’d promised Alexis he wouldn’t hurt him. This was a
problem. He wanted to experience pleasure/pain with him. He
frowned. How was he supposed to fulfill his duties and desires and
keep his promise at the same time? He swallowed. He would have to
figure out a way.

Alexis extended his wrist, and Elia breathed a sigh of relief. It was

considered sacrilege for an Eoean to take an unwilling submissive. It
pleased him that Alexis trusted him so readily. He extended his other

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hand, and Elia fashioned the cuff accordingly. He took both his wrists
and activated them with a unified press of his pointer fingers.

The human yelped as he was elevated off the ground. He was easy

to move in the position. There was no resistance, no gravity to get in
his way.

“Holy cow!”
The human was odd.
Elia snatched up the ankle cuffs and attached them to his legs.

They spread obligingly. The instrument tray rose from the floor at the
same time the vid screen on the opposite wall shimmered into

“What is that?” Alexis asked, eyeing the thing wearily.
“Be of ease, my honor. It’s simply going to record the event. It

has to be witnessed, and I didn’t think you would want Task to be
here to do so.” He had to find a way to make Alexis hush though. He
needed Alexis to focus on sensation, not on all the many things the
human was curious about.

Alexis’s cock jerked before a drop of pre-cum formed on the tip.

“I’ve never seen myself on camera for…you know.”

“We can watch it after it’s been reviewed by the magistrate if that

is your wish.” None of the implements on the top tray would do. They
were all meant to administer pleasure/pain. He opened up the second
level of the tray, the one with the smaller objects laid out in it. Cock
rings, cages, sounds, clamps— Ah that will work
. He pulled out a
Zorian gag and commanded the zero gravity restraint lower. “Open
your mouth, my honor.”

Alexis opened dutifully. Elia’s secondary cock wrapped around

his primary one and started rubbing, milking the flesh so that pleasure
raced up and down his length. Elia didn’t pull them apart this time. He
needed some kind of relief from the ache building in his balls.

He inserted the gag, and Alexis’s eyes widened. A strangled noise

issued from his throat, and Elia made a soothing sound of his own.

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“Easy, my honor. It is designed to fill your mouth. You can still
breathe through it. You just can’t talk through it.”

Slowly, Alexis nodded.
“Good boy,” Elia complimented as Alexis settled. “If you need to

stop for any reason raise two fingers, like this.” He demonstrated, and
Alexis nodded again.

Elia stepped back from his concubine after pressing another kiss

to his lips. “Recording begin. First consummation. Date and time.
Prepare file for official Eoean record 001 of Arak Elia Thenanraken,
twenty-seventh spawn of Prince Kranok.”

A mechanized voice hummed over head. “Recording.”
This was typically where he would warm up his concubine with

pleasure/pain, but Elia didn’t think he would be disrupting tradition
too much by skipping over it for the time being. Alexis was
restrained. It was still an act of submission.

He snatched the Eoean coupling oil from small enclave by the

pleasure center. It was then he remembered that he had to take off his
boots and pants before he would be in any position to couple. He
cursed. He was getting ahead of himself. Taking in the image of
Alexis bound, spread, and hovering beside him, gorgeous and ready to
join, Elia didn’t think anyone would blame him.

* * * *

Alexis’s eyes bugged as Elia toed off his boots and chucked his

pants. What the hell is that? The guy had two dicks. Not a joke. Two
cocks that looked like they were writhing against one another, jerking
each other off in unison. His mouth started to water. All of his
kinkiest fantasies hadn’t prepared him for the sheer awesomeness of
the sight.

Holy cow. Oh my. I wanna touch it. He strained against the cuffs

that held him suspended in the air. His mind still wasn’t wrapping
around that nifty little trick. He tried to ask how it worked, but he

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couldn’t. Maybe Elia was onto something with this whole restraint
thing. It was making his head spin and his body tighten impossibly.
He swore he’d leaked more pre-cum in the last five minutes than he
had in the past year. The fact that later they would be watching this,
like he and Elia were some sort of very X-rated porno stars, turned his
buttons like nothing else. He didn’t know why the idea appealed so
much, but it did.

It was good in the beginning with Carl, too. The insidious voice in

the back of his head was unwelcome in this moment of pleasure. He
didn’t want to think about his ex or the fact that he’d once called the
man Master. He’d never been good enough for him and had failed
continuously in their relationship. Carl had turned to violence in his
frustration. It hadn’t been Alexis’s fault. He saw that now, and
wouldn’t accept abuse from anyone else again. There was a difference
between a kinky bedroom spanking and an ass kicking. However, he
couldn’t help but think he’d been the root cause of everything when it
came right down to it. He’d asked Carl to play Dom, after all.

Elia’s eyes burned into him as he wrapped his hand around

Alexis’s erection and tugged. “I do like the way this feels in my
hand.” Alexis’s eyes rolled, and he tried to buck up into the touch.
“It’s different from mine, though it is similar.”

Yes. Please. God. Want to come really bad. He screwed his eyes

shut and squirmed. The device held him tightly. Fuck me. Please, fuck
. His toys hadn’t been enough in the intervening months since his
last lover. He wanted flesh and blood against him, inside him. He’d
never had two cocks before. He didn’t know if he could
accommodate, but he sure as fuck wanted to try.

“Platform,” Elia commanded. The room obeyed, and a

shimmering white surface appeared just in front of Alexis. Wow this
place is handy
. He remembered the flashes from the tutor. The
thought of Elia’s hands spreading his cheeks and fucking him while
spanking his ass raw just made him want to come right then and there.

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The platform had been what the Eoean had used on the tutor’s images
to achieve that particular end. He wanted it, craved it.

Elia gently pressed on Alexis’s back and bent him forward so that

he was ass up for his pleasure. Alexis’s palms pressed against the
platform’s warm surface, and he wasn’t surprised that he couldn’t
move them from the position. His cheek rested there as well, and his
breath created a smear of condensation on the clear surface.

As something warm and wet was dribbled between the valley of

his buttock, he shivered. His hole was begging to be filled. He was
surprised when something inorganic pressed against his opening. He
relaxed into the sensation, trusting Elia. He’d said he wouldn’t hurt
him. Whatever he was pressing inside him filled him in gradual
increments, taking up the space inside him with timed pulses. The
vibrations began, and he couldn’t help but scream around the weird
gag in his mouth. Talk about being probed by a horny alien. He
chuckled a little at the thought, but it skated away as the pulsing
flexible thing started to do some major stretching.

He managed to raise his eyes to check out the view screen and

was supremely pleased by what he saw. Elia’s cock had turned a
deeper shade of blue and a cotton candy colored drip of pre-cum was
lubing the plum tip. The second cock was rippling faster on the other
one, milking more. Elia’s expression told Alexis that he better stretch
soon because he was nearing the edge of no return. Lust had
transformed his face into a mask of pleasure mixed with the pain of
denial. Alexis understood the feeling all too well.

“Raise platform two units.”
Alexis’s body rose higher. What was he doing? The thought had

no sooner ghosted through his mind when he got his answer. Elia
dropped to his knees and sucked Alexis’s cock into his mouth. Alexis
screamed as the toy fucked his ass, spreading him as Elia clumsily
bobbed his head on his cock. It wasn’t practiced, but it was certainly
enthusiastic. It made Alexis wonder if he’d ever given a blow job

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He shut his eyes, unable to take the image of Elia on his knees for

him. His ass stretched wider than he’d ever had before. The toy slid
over his pleasure spot over and over, fucking him better than any of
his own toys ever had.

“All Father above, you taste good,” Elia murmured as he pulled

off his cock. “I can’t take anymore, Alexis. Forgive me if this makes
you uncomfortable, my honor.” He gave the head of his dick one last
lick before getting to his feet and circling around behind Alexis’s
prone body.

Alexis squirmed as much as he could. The toy in his ass was

removed, and his cheeks were spread wide. Yes. Take me. Elia.

Task’s voice sounded from some kind of microphone system

above their heads. “Proceed with caution, Arak. Humans aren’t used
to accommodating two cocks. Use your primary only this first time.”

Elia made a noise of frustration, and Alexis echoed the sound. He

wanted both dammit. He didn’t care if it hurt.

As if Task read his mind, his voice came over the speaker again.

“You promised not to harm him. This would cause him pain.”

Fuck my life! Stop listening to other people, Elia. Fuck me! The

stupid gag in his mouth wouldn’t let him say what he wanted to. He
squirmed. Elia cursed and pulled back for two seconds. When he
returned, he jerked his ass cheeks wide and then entered Alexis’s
body in one brutal thrust. The motion stole the breath from his lungs
as he struggled to adjust to the girth of one of Elia’s cocks. Okay.
Maybe Task was right.

Elia made an animal sound of pleasure and pulled almost all the

way out before thrusting back inside again. The motion sent off an
explosion of sensation through Alexis’s nerve endings. Yes! This was
just what he wanted. His alien’s other cock slid against his taint to
brush the underside of his balls with each forward plunge. Elia set an
intense pace, and the barrage of stimuli had Alexis crying out every
time Elia sank back inside him.

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The rhythm was impossible to maintain for any time however, and

it wasn’t too long before Elia’s thrusts started to falter. Alexis
would’ve been babbling had he been able to speak because nothing
had ever felt as good as what he was feeling at this moment. He could
easily become addicted to sex with an Eoean, at least sex with Elia
anyway. He jerked and Elia groaned as his release coated Alexis’s
internal walls.

Alexis screamed as his balls tightened as his own want spiraled

out of control. Elia’s top cock was pulled from his body, and the other
one thrust in. It was the stimulation he needed to push him over the
edge. His spunk shot from his cock in a never-ending stream onto the
floor beneath them. He fucked him furiously, making animal noises of
need that ended in a guttural howl of completion. Alexis felt like his
balls had been wrung out as Elia collapsed on top of him. The
platform supported them easily. Alexis panted in the aftermath of the
most intense orgasm of his life, and he had only one thought. I am
right where I want to be

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Chapter Four

Something happened. He wasn’t exactly sure what, but something

shifted as they panted for breath, regaining their composure in the
aftermath of the most intense act in Elia’s life. Orgasm had burned
him alive. He’d released with his first cock only to have the demands
of his second one drive him into another release. The double release
had left him dizzy enough, but this was strange. It was like they were
joined by more than just their bodies.

Unable to take the intensity without looking at his human, he

pulled his still-pulsing secondary cock from the confines of Alexis’s
still-milking ass and flipped the human around. Glittering blue eyes
met his, and whatever the connection was deepened. Elia couldn’t
even form words as he pulled the gag from Alexis’s mouth before
covering it with his own. Energy infused him unlike any he’d felt
previously. The entire room lit up, all the lights firing at once. His
instruments bleeped before fizzling as they were overloaded by his
sudden stream of mental power.

He jerked back, confused. The connection faded, and with it, the

power. It left him feeling weak. “It’s real,” he whispered the words,
staring down at Alexis in wonder. “You’re real.”

Alexis smiled at him, his eyes laughing. “I hope so.” He closed his

eyes, bliss filling his expression. “Are you the cuddling type?”

“I don’t know,” Elia answered honestly. He swallowed. Act

normal. Act as if you haven’t just discovered the greatest treasure on
the planet right here in your own concubine enclave
. He raised his
fingers to brush against the human’s cheeks. He was beautiful and

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perfect and, All Father above, a gift of the greatest degree. “I’ve never
had a lover before.”

Alexis’s eyes widened. “I was your first?”
Elia nodded. “Yes. Eoeans do not take lovers before their first

concubines or their first Araks as the reverse situation implies. We do
not even have our first orgasm until then.”

“You never had an orgasm?”
“No.” Elia tilted his head. “This is strange to you.”
“Not strange,” Alexis murmured, looking up at him almost shyly.

“I am really happy I was your first. If this is what you do in
inexperience, when you get experience, you’re going to blow my
fucking mind all over again.”

Confusion flickered all over again. “My honor, why is your mind

fornicating? And why would I blow it?”

Alexis laughed. “Never mind, my sexy Eoean. It’s just more

expressions. You’ll get used to them.” He flexed his fingers. “So, this
cuddling thing?”

“How?” Elia asked. He yearned to feel that moment of connection

again, but he wasn’t sure how to gain it again. He needed to consult
with his sire, maybe do some research. But first…

“You take me to a bed, and we bask in the afterglow, relax,”

Alexis said. “Some people talk. I’m not really about pillow talk, but
some dudes are into it.”

“Then we will do that,” Elia murmured. He depressed the release

buttons on the cuffs and caught Alexis before he nearly fell into the
floor. “Are you well?”

“Yeah,” Alexis said, laughing. “My legs are like Jell-O. Before

you ask, that’s a good thing. It means the sex was good.”

Elia’s chest swelled with pride. Sex had been as good as all the

texts and tutors said it would be, and his experienced concubine
complimented his technique. He swung his lover up into his arms and
felt like a king as he strode out of the pleasure room toward the
concubines’ sleeping quarters. The low-lying bed was made of the

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finest Eoean stitched daggen thread and had cost a fortune. It was
native to the Eoean homeland. It was dyed a rich, vibrant red that Elia
had thought was particularly exotic. He knew Alexis would sleep well

He laid Alexis down gently before following him to the soft

mattress. “So we just lay here?” he asked, unsure of what he was
supposed to be doing.

Alexis rolled on the mattress, groaning as he did. “I’m going to

rub all over this damn thing. What is this material? Christ, it’s like
rolling on a marshmallow.”

“What’s a marshmallow?”
“It’s food, kind of.”
Elia frowned. “It is either food or it is not.” He was never going to

understand half of what the human said. “Come here and show me
this cuddling.”

Alexis laughed and rolled to the side to make room for Elia to join

him. “Are you going to get us anything to clean off with?”

“I can, or we could go to the concubines’ bathing pool. The water

would take away any discomfort you may be feeling.” He should’ve
thought about this more. He’d focused his education almost solely on
sex. He should’ve focused more on what he was supposed to do

Alexis put his firm hand on Elia’s chest and pushed him slowly

backward until he was reclined against the bed. “Okay. That sounds
good. After cuddling.” Then he put his head on the heavy muscle of
Elia’s chest and wrapped his leg over Elia’s waist. Warmth flooded
him again, but it wasn’t the scorching heat of arousal. No, this was the
closeness that had risen in him as they’d shared their moment of
whatever that had been. He still refused to accept that soul resonance
might be real. It had to have been his imagination, a surge of
adrenaline or something.

“What are you thinking about?” Alexis asked. “You tensed.”

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Surprised flickered. “You’re very attuned to my emotions, my


Alexis rubbed his cheek against Elia’s chest and absently traced

his abdomen. “I’ve gotten really good at reading body language.”

“Is this a trait all humans share?” It would explain why some of

them made such good concubines.

Alexis shrugged. “Some. When you’re around volatile people, the

skill sharpens.” Something about the way he said it led Elia to believe
there was more to the story than just a skill sharpened through

“I would kill this person to avenge your loss of dignity, my honor.

It would be easy enough to get the permits from my father. He has
connections.” The offer came easily. He might’ve been mildly
angered at the thought of someone hurting his concubine before. Now
it made him downright furious.

“No,” Alexis said quickly. “It doesn’t matter now. It’s not like I’ll

ever see him again. No one comes back from the Eoeans’ lands

“I suppose that is true.” It was a law that was meant to protect

both species. The more they learned about the other, the more
questions would be asked, the more conflicts could arise. The system
worked, and he was not going to be the first to break it. “When I take
a second concubine, I will allow you independence. You will not have
to cater to me or my wishes. It isn’t true freedom in all senses of the
word, but it is all I can do.” The offer was reckless, stupid, especially
given what he’d felt beforehand. However, Alexis seemed to have
sacrificed much in a short span of time. And for all Elia’s faults, he
wasn’t a cruel man. His father would probably call him soft for it, but
he was his own Arak now. He could make a decision like this by law.

Alexis pushed himself into a sitting position. “Why would you

offer that?” he asked, a frown marring his beautiful face.

“I thought it might please you,” Elia answered. “You seem to have

suffered much in the human lands. I only want you to experience

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good things here.” Yes, his concubine would be spoiled, but it was his
choice to make. The more he told himself that, the more he believed

“When would you take your next concubine?” Alexis asked,

suspicion crowding his expression. “And what would I do afterward?”

“There are many hobbies you could pursue,” Elia said. “I could

take you into the markets here and see if we can find you something
to occupy you. There are livestock, fishing, swimming. There is much
to do here. That was one of the reasons I picked this particular spot.
Of course there would be spawn to occupy you as well. I can’t take
another concubine until you give me at least one, but if you don’t
want to be bothered overmuch, Task is trained to care for the little

Alexis blinked. “Spawn?” The word was a squeak of sound. “As

in children?” He gave a nervous chuckle. “You are aware that human
men can’t have babies right?”

Elia nodded. “I am aware that males can’t carry offspring. That’s

what the breeding centers were designed for.”

“Excuse me?” The question was so shrill that Elia winced. He

rubbed his suddenly pulsing horns.

“That was the section of the house I wasn’t able to show you yet.

It’s the most current model equipment on Earth right now.”

Alexis paled and scuttled backward. “Uh, no offense but I don’t

want to have kids. At least not right now. Maybe never.”

Elia frowned. “It’s tradition. I’m not asking for many. Three or

four spawn would be sufficient.” He couldn’t take his place as a
voting Arak until he did. Beyond that, he adored children and had
wanted a house full of them since he was a little spawn himself.

“Three or four?” Alexis echoed. “Are you aware that humans only

have two or three most of the time? I’m an only child myself.”

“I am one of thirty-four,” Elia said. “I want a large family, and I

can’t have one if you don’t give me at least one spawn to begin with.”
It was against the law to take multiple concubines without at first

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producing offspring. The humans might not have been trying to
rebuild their numbers, but the Eoeans certainly were after the
intergalactic escape and almost extinction of their kind.

Alexis shook his head. “No way.”
Elia rolled to his feet. This cuddling thing was not a comfortable

thing at all. “Come. At least see the breeding center before you say no
to children.” He pulled Alexis off the bed and padded toward the
opening. Once the human saw all the hard work and thought he put
into the space, he would see that Elia would make a good father. He
wouldn’t be his father. He would be warm and welcoming,
supportive, not tyrannical.

“Elia, wait, I don’t think this is such a good idea,” Alexis said,

tugging his hand out of Elia’s grip. “Let’s talk about this first.”

“No. I want you to see it.” Elia didn’t understand why the human

was being so stubborn. He’d offered him more than any Arak had
offered any concubine ever. All he required was essentially broken
down to a sperm donation and sex until he could find another eligible
candidate for second concubine.

Alexis sighed but thankfully didn’t argue. Elia pulled him along

until they were out of the concubines’ quarters and then tugged him
down the other corridor that led to the breeding center. It was the first
time he was seeing the finished product himself and resented the fact
that he wasn’t as excited as he should’ve been because of his
concubine’s reaction.

He pressed his hand against the security panel, and the door

melted away. The space was just as he designed it. The creation
section was white and soft blue and the lighting reflected the same.
The incubation and infancy stations were already filled with hand
carved cribs and blankets made by his true-sire and his other sires as
gifts. The technology was blended so that it would be unobtrusive,
and glowing images of Eoean nursery stories across them added to the
state of whimsy.

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Stepping into the room, he turned to Alexis. “Look.” He dropped

his hand and walked over to the sample cart. “All you have to do is
deposit a sample here. I’ll do the same.” He pointed to another
machine. This one was the largest in the room. “Then a child will be
created using our combined DNA there and then deposited in the
incubation chamber here.” He walked over to the first crib. “For the
first few days, we can keep him here to monitor him or her. I’m not
opposed to a girl.”

“I don’t see why you are being stubborn. I ask very little of you.”

Elia turned and crossed his arms over his chest. “I offer much more
than I require.”

“You want me to give you a child. A child. In my world, that is a

big freaking commitment,” Alexis said, shifting from foot to foot.

“We are married,” Elia countered. “We’ve signed the registry and

consummated our union. That is a commitment that cannot be
undone. You are my concubine now until you die. You’ve said
yourself you can’t go back to your human life. Why not embrace the
one you’ve been given?”

“Maybe I’m not being clear, I don’t know you well enough to

create a baby with you,” Alexis snapped.

Elia tried for compromise. “You will have time to get used to the


“I don’t want time. I don’t want to be pressured into this!” The

human’s breath was coming out more rapidly than it had a moment
ago, and his skin had paled out like it had when he’d first seen him on
the dusty road in the interior.

“Alexis, breathe,” Elia commanded.
Alexis shook his head rapidly, his eyes darting around the room.

“This is too much. I can’t—God, Elia, please.”

Elia pulled his human into his arms and held him tightly.

Apparently the thought of offspring was the final straw to an
overwhelming day for the human. He would let it go for now even

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though his heart broke at the prospect of never being a father. “Easy,”
he whispered. “Be easy, Alexis.” He led the human from the room
and back into the concubines’ quarters.

Alexis’s breathing evened out, but he was still as pale as white

stone. He led him into his bedchamber and pushed him down to his
bed. “Elia, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin tonight.”

“It’s fine. Just rest. I shouldn’t have brought it up. You’ve had a

trying day.” Elia turned from him, his mood plummeting. This was
supposed to be the best day of his life. Unfortunately, it was turning
into his worst.

* * * *

Alexis woke up the next day with a million things on his mind. He

needed to go by the company today to check in with the new project
manager on the task his father had put him in charge of. Besides that,
he had a date with the cute barista who he was planning on asking out.
He had finally decided to work up his courage. After the nightmare
he’d had about the lottery, he was ready to make that move. He
stretched, his bed a comforting embrace. He just had to convince his
body to get with the program.

He rolled to his stomach and winced as pain shot down his thighs.

Memory rushed up to greet him, reminding him that yesterday had
definitely not been a nightmare. His eyes popped open. Damn. He
really had been chosen for the lottery, he really had amazing sex with
an alien, and he really had ruined it with his freak-out over having
kids. He ran a hand over his face. Holy crap.

They’d had this amazing moment, and he’d thought that maybe,

just maybe, this lottery thing wouldn’t turn out so bad. Then the
“breeding center” had been brought up and, holy cow, had that been a
doozy. His day had gone from nightmare to deepest fantasy to
nightmare all over again. He’d known the guy for eight hours, and
then suddenly he was being told he had to breed with him.

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He rolled over and forced himself to a sitting position. There were

sticky patches on his skin. He really needed a shower. He could figure
out how to take a bath, surely. Elia had mentioned that there was a
bathing area. He just had to know how to work it.

“Happy to see you are awake, Alexis,” a voice said from the

doorway. Alexis nearly jumped out of his skin. He pulled the covers
that felt like sex around his waist. The whole thing felt like one big
caress. If he hadn’t gotten off so hard last night, he probably would’ve
had a wet dream with how clingy the material was. Task, Elia’s
servant or whatever, bowed from the doorway. “You slept in quite
late. How are you?”

“Um, fine?” Alexis said. He eyeballed the Eoean. Maybe he just

had an alien fetish. Maybe that was why he’d reacted so strongly to
Elia last night. He tried to think of Task and sex and came up blank.
Nope. Apparently, he only had an Elia fetish. He sighed. “Is there a
way I can get a bath?”

Task nodded, giving another half bow. “Of course. I have already

prepared the water for bathing when the environmental unit indicated
you were coming out of REM sleep. I have also prepared a repast for
you while our Arak attends to some business.”

“That’s Elia, right?” Alexis asked, rubbing his eyes. He hadn’t

really talked to him last night after his big freak-out. He didn’t
especially want to talk about it, but he also didn’t want Elia to be
pissed at him for the rest of his life. There was still no way he was
going to contribute DNA to kids he didn’t want, but he could maybe
articulate his argument better in the cold light of day.

Task nodded. “Yes. Now that he is Arak, he has inherited his

portion of his father’s estate as well as a portion of his regulations
company. He has to learn how to run it as well as his household. We
will begin planting and harvesting soon as well.”

“So he helps run a company?” Alexis asked.
Task handed him what looked like a blue terry robe he’d had

under one arm. “For your modesty’s sake.” He turned his back so

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Alexis could get out of the covers. “In Eoean society, every household
is expected to contribute in some way. It’s not how you think of a
‘job’ per se. It’s more a duty, though the Eoean government does pay
out a sum of currency. Prince Kranok is the head of the regulation
committee, and each of his spawn will manage a section of it when
they come of age. In turn, Elia’s spawn will choose either to take over
his position when they are of age, or they will choose other sections
of government to work in.”

Generational governmental duties, interesting. “It seems like a lot

of work.” He pulled on the robe and secured it with a weird little
buckle, clasp at his waist. “Okay, I’m decent.” Task didn’t turn
around though. Instead he strode out the door, obviously expecting
Alexis to follow.

He waved Alexis over to a large pool that seemed to have just

appeared in the middle of the circular room. Like most of the pieces
of furniture around the space, he imagined it was put away when not
in use.

He paused at the lip of the pool. “Um, awkward question. Where

is the bathroom?”

Task sat down on a chair over by the door that led to the tunnel

and Elia’s main house. He tilted his head to the side in a distinctly
human way. “This is the bathing room.”

Alexis felt a blush steal over his cheeks. “I mean, where do you

know relieve yourself?”

Confusion gave way to understanding. “Ah, I see.” He pointed to

a small door that was nearly invisible against the far wall. “The waste
disposal unit is through there. If you should need it.”

Alexis nodded before quickly crossing the room and ducking

inside. He took care of business and reemerged within minutes. He
was definitely ready for his bath now. He was surprised to see Task
still sitting there. He assumed the guy would have more things to do
than babysit him.

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He mentally shrugged before dropping the robe and stepping off

the edge into the water. He hissed as he was submerged in water that
was just shy of being too hot. The hiss ended in a groan though as his
sore muscles absorbed the heat and relaxed. It felt so good to be clean.
“I guess a shower is a novel concept, huh?”

“A cascading bathing experience is not unheard of. But Elia didn’t

feel the need to include one in the current design. If you are a good
concubine and please him, I’m sure you can convince him.” Task
leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees. “Though if you ever
hurt him like you did last night, you won’t have to worry all that
terribly much about it because I will make life for you here very, very

Alexis’s eyes widened in shock. “Excuse me?” Apparently, he had

made an enemy without even meaning to.

Task glared. “He’s like a son to me, and he did not seek his rest

like he should have last night. He wandered the beach for hours,
worrying, I imagine. When I asked him this morning, he told me you
refused to consider spawning with him. He is a good man and would
make an excellent father.”

“Hey, man, chill,” Alexis said, holding his hands up in surrender.

Nothing like being attacked while I’m naked and in unfamiliar
territory to make me feel like a million bucks
. “I will work out stuff
with him today. I had a really weird day yesterday, and I might’ve
overreacted to Mister I-wanna-huge-family, but it’s not like I can
avoid him. We’ll work it out. How about you mind your own

“Minding my own business is Elia’s business. You are his first

concubine, and for that I will respect your wishes this one time.
However, if you do that ever again, I will create a difficult situation
for you here.”

“Yeah?” Alexis asked. “How’s that?”
“Test me and find out.”

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Alexis felt like the gauntlet had been thrown down. Maybe he

needed to worry about more than whether or not his new Eoean
husband wanted a few kids running around.

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Chapter Five

“I’ve reviewed your consummation video, Elia, and I’ve come to

the conclusion that you are being far too soft on him.” When Kranok
offered up an opinion, it was more like a god coming down and
making a declaration. At least it sounded that way. Elia rubbed the
bridge of his nose.

It had been several days since his concubine had thrown a fit over

the breeding center and had approached him the following day like
nothing had happened. Elia had let it go, but he was biding his time
until he could bring it up again. Alexis spent an extraordinary amount
of time sleeping and had apparently abandoned his excitement of
seeing the ocean or anything outside the realm of the concubines’
quarters. He feared Alexis was wasting away, and he was helpless to
stop it.

“I did not call for a lecture,” Elia said. Kranok shifted on the view

screen, clearly unhappy with Elia’s tone. Elia really wanted to talk to
his true-sire, but in Kranok’s house, the only one with a vid-screen
was him. “I called for advice.”

“And what advice do you need?”
“My first concubine is unhappy,” Elia began.
Kranok snorted. “Join with him more, and he would be happier, I

assure you.”

A muscle in Elia’s jaw ticked. “Sex does not solve everything. We

had a moment of perfect unity, and I swore power rushed through me,
but now even our conversations are awkward.”

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“You achieved synchronicity with him?” Kranok asked, leaning

forward on his throne. “You were able to access your mental power?
Was it soul resonance?”

Elia shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought so, but I can’t be sure

now.” He paused. “Do you really think sex could help?”

“It usually helps with my concubines.” He flexed his massive

biceps as he pushed his bulk out of his seat. “It also might help you
regain soul resonance. Your ability would make you invaluable to me.
If you did, I imagine I would find more duties for you to perform.”
That wouldn’t exactly make Elia’s life easier, but it would be
considered an honor of sorts. If he did achieve soul resonance, he sure
as hell wasn’t going to tell his father so he could exploit it.

“I have to get him to talk to me first,” Elia said, watching as his

father washed his hands in a basin brought to him by one of his

“Wooing a human shouldn’t be that difficult. Do something kind

and then take him to bed. It’s simple.”

His father had clearly never had a human. Alexis would see right

through his attempts and probably resent him for them anyway. He
sighed. This wasn’t an easy feat by any stretch of the imagination.

“Elia?” Kranok asked.
Elia raised his eyes to meet his father’s on the digital screen.


“You will not embarrass me when you bring him to my home next

week. You will have your concubine properly trained and submitting
to you.” He snapped his fingers, and one of Elia’s sires ran to him and
knelt on the ground at his side. If he thought the demonstration would
make Alexis look less of a challenge, he was out of his mind.

“I’ll do my best, Father,” Elia murmured.
Kranok nodded. He squeezed Elia’s sire’s shoulder, and the other

man stood. “See that you do. There is another thing I wanted to
discuss with you before I let you go.” He deposited a kiss on his sire’s
face before pointing in the general direction of his sleeping quarters.

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His sire bowed his head before turning and walking toward where
father had pointed. No doubt it was his turn with Kranok.

“What, Father?”
“There have been…inquiries into the recent lottery winners. If

someone should contact you, let me know immediately.”

Elia frowned. It was an odd request. “I will do so, Father.”
“Excellent. I will call on you tomorrow to complete the

assignment I gave you. Happy planting.”

“Happy planting to you as well, Father.”
The connection cut out.
“So how exactly will I be properly trained?” a voice asked from

the doorway. Elia started before turning to see Alexis in the doorway.
He looked like he’d just woken up, which was a possibility given how
much he was sleeping. The fact that it was early evening had no
bearing on the sleep pattern.

“My father will expect you to know obedience as my sires are

obedient to him. I am not planning on a strict household, but I would
prefer if you would at least obey me in public.” He expected some
kind of rise from the human, but Alexis just shrugged.

“I can play pretend in public. Can you get Task to get me some

food? I’m starving, and he has locked the preservation unit again.”
Alexis shifted, and the light caught the concubine’s outfit just right so
that he caught a glimpse of the teasing flesh underneath. His body
threatened to awaken at the sight. His sexual impulses hadn’t lessened
at all since having sex the first time, and he craved to join with his
lover once again. However, he wanted Alexis hot for him, not
indifferent to his presence.

His words finally registered. “Task locked the preservation unit?”
“Yeah. The bastard is really picky about who raids the fridge.” He

crossed his arms across his chest, drawing his attention to the light
muscles of his lover’s chest. “So, about this unlocking thing?”

Elia nodded. “It will be done. I will instruct him to leave it

unlocked so you may get what you want at your leisure. However,

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why don’t I have Task prepare us a meal that we can have down at the
beach? I promised to show you the ocean.”

Surprise flickered across Alexis’s expression. “You’re not still

pissed at me?”

“No. I’m not angry with you,” Elia promised. He’d spent several

hours downloading human slang in order to understand his concubine
better. “I haven’t been angry with you. I assumed you were upset over
the breeding center. Why do you ask if I’m angry?”

“You haven’t really talked to me or come to my room even. I

assumed you were pissed about the baby thing.”

Elia shook his head. “It’s against tradition for me to come to your

room without your express permission. The pleasure room is an
exception, but I’ve gone there every evening since you’ve arrived,
and you haven’t come. The tutor should’ve downloaded that
information to you.”

Alexis paused like he was racking his brains for what Elia said.

Slowly, he nodded. “I didn’t think about it.” He raised his eyes so that
they met Elia’s. “We’ve got to work on this communication thing. I
don’t get your alien signals sometimes.”

“Nor do I understand your human ones.” At least he’s talking to

me. “Allow me to take you down to the beach, my honor. We can talk

Alexis offered him a tentative smile. “Sure.”

* * * *

Task had followed through perfectly with his threat to make

Alexis miserable. Half his meals had been inedible, all the doors to
the outside were locked so he couldn’t go anywhere but Elia’s part of
the structure. He’d started sleeping a lot in retaliation. It was the only
kind of rebellion he could pull off with only a scrap of clothing and a
blanket that was soft as sin to his name.

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He followed Elia to the kitchen where Task was chopping some

sort of veggie before throwing it into some kind of basin that
appeared to be boiling. “Supper will be ready in just a minute, Arak,”
he said, not looking up. “I’ll carry some to your concubine as soon as
I—” He looked up. “Oh. He’s here. You’re dining together then?”
Alexis did not miss the displeased look he sent in Alexis’s direction.

“We’d actually like a plate to take down to the beach,” Elia said,

clearly oblivious. “We’ll be dining there tonight.”

Task bowed his head. “I’ll bring supper out to the table just off the

surf along with some Tilra juice.”

Elia turned from him toward the doorway, motioning Alexis to

follow. “It is appreciated, Task.” He paused. “Oh and can you please
not lock the food up. My concubine enjoys snacking on his own

Task looked mutinous for a split second before it glossed over. “If

that is what you desire, my Arak.”

“Yes, Arak?”
“Do not punish my concubine again. He is mine, and as his Arak,

I will handle his punishment should he need it.”

Relief shot through Alexis. He’d thought that Elia hadn’t known

or cared that Task had started restricting his diet and cutting him off
from the outside.

“But, Elia—” Task began.
“I’m not a child anymore, Task,” Elia interrupted “You will obey

me, or you will be sent back to my father’s house.”

Task looked like he’d been struck in the face. “I, uh, yes, my


Yeah, take that, asshat! He really shouldn’t have gloated, but he

imagined that the ha-ha-fuck-you was written all over his mug. Elia’s
hand gripped his wrist and tugged him along out the door and into the
open air.

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It was later in the day than he originally thought it was. The sun

was low in the sky, and the heat of the day was absent, but it wasn’t
cold. It was comfortable. He was again struck by the feeling of grass
against his bare feet. It tickled a little. He raised his eyes and tried to
wrap his mind around the sheer scale of the open world around him.
Humans didn’t use the oceans anymore because the Eoeans had taken
up the coasts and air flight hadn’t been seen since the Great Plague

They circled to the back of the structure, near where the breeding

center dome was. It was then the steps came into view. They were
heavy wood and stone and led out to a small picnic area.

“What’s that?” Alexis asked, pointing toward the white and tan

stuff that littered the beach. It was grainy, like small bits of gravel. He
walked down the steps ahead of Elia, anxious to experience this for
the first time. He knelt but hesitated before he touched it. “Is it soft?”

“It’s sand,” Elia said, kneeling beside him. “Go ahead. Touch it.

It’s like dirt.”

Wow. Was it really the stuff they sold in bottles at novelty stores?

It seemed unreal. “I’ve never seen so much sand before. But I didn’t
think so much existed in one place.” He scooped up a handful and let
it sift through his fingers. “It feels cool.”

Elia chuckled. “Your fascination is beautiful.” He raised his hand

and smoothed it over his shoulder. “Come. It’s time for you to see the

Alexis let his alien lover pull him to his feet, and the warm sand

squished between his toes as they approached the surf. He nearly
swallowed his tongue as Elia pulled his gauzy blue shirt the same
shade as Alexis’s concubine outfit over his head before tossing it
away from the surf. He seemed to have gotten bigger in the past few
days, his muscle heavier and more defined. His long, neglected cock
swelled under his shift. Without thinking, he pulled off his robe and
tossed it away with Elia’s shirt. His alien master turned and took in
his image, his nostrils flaring and a growl issuing from his throat.

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“You are perfection, my honor.” His compliment made Alexis

warm all over. The sun felt good on every inch of him. Since coming
to the Eoean’s home, he’d spent an extraordinary amount of time
naked. He resisted the urge to preen for Elia. Sexual attraction sure as
hell wasn’t the problem between them. If they could find some kind
of common ground, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad between them.

“I haven’t seen waves like this outside of a wave pool,” Alexis

admitted, stepping just outside of where the wave lapped the beach.
“It’s beautiful.”

Elia smiled at him. “I’m happy you think so. Step into the surf.

The sand is pushed out to sea right under your feet. It’s an interesting
experience.” He toed off his boots before tossing them to his
discarded shirt. Apparently, his Eoean husband was going to join him
in his naked state. Alexis wouldn’t complain.

Alexis waited until he finished stripping before he stepped into the

water. His eyes widened as the disorienting sensation of the ground
shifting beneath his feet. He grinned at Elia. “Holy cow. That’s
freakin’ cool.”

“I thought you might enjoy it,” Elia said. He offered his hand and

Alexis took it. “Come, we can walk along the surf and talk if you
wish. The tide will be coming in soon.”

Alexis nodded as the water washed over his feet and teased his

ankles before rushing back out to sea. He wasn’t entirely sure what a
tide was, but if it was coming, he wanted to see it. They walked hand
in hand as the sun made its slow move toward the horizon.

Elia pointed to some black stakes about fifty yards out. “Those are

some of the fishing pins where we raise our fishing stock and raise
our water vegetables. I’ll show you how we harvest them in the next
few weeks. Our energy fields keep other animals away from the pens
while keeping our livestock inside it so it’s low impact on the

He didn’t think that he’d ever be able to absorb all the new things

that this world had to offer, most of them were absolutely fascinating.

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“That’s neat. Do you have any other livestock other than the ones
you’ve got in the ocean?” He was a city boy through and through.
He’d never even seen real grass until he’d been dumped outside the

Elia nodded. “Yes. I have a fondness for your Earth horses and

have several head of Eoean Marknads as well.”

“Yes. The closest word I can find in your language is cattle. They

look a little like your cows except they are amphibious.” Elia picked
up a shell and handed it to Alexis. It was a beautiful white half-moon
exterior with a soft pink-and-blue interior shell. “We can make
jewelry out of the whole pieces if you keep it.”

Alexis wasn’t normally big on jewelry, but he could make an

exception for this little shell. “Cool. I think I’d like that.” He fell
silent as they continued to make their way down the beach. When Elia
was around, Alexis didn’t feel as uncomfortable as he should’ve given
the fact that he was technically Elia’s slave. “Is it just me or are you
getting bigger?”

Elia glanced over at him before a smile flirted with his lips. “It

isn’t just you. Since I’ve reached my sexual maturity, I will continue
to grow so long as I continue to join with my concubine. I don’t know
if I will grow as large as my father, but I will be close.”

“Whoa,” Alexis murmured, looking him up and down. “So how

does me and you doing the dirty make you bigger?”

Elia nodded. “It’s something to do with the hormones that are

released when an Eoean male dominates and joins with a more
submissive partner. That’s why Araks are the biggest of our species.”

“And why you guys do the kinky BDSM stuff,” Alexis finished

for him. “Your biology is wicked, man.”

“I’m not entirely sure what your acronym means, but I believe I

should say thank you?” The question reflected the confusion playing
over Elia’s face.

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“Yeah, that’d be the thing to say.” Alexis grinned. Elia was the

most interesting person he’d ever met and not just because he was
another species. He had some of the most fascinating expressions and
seemed to genuinely listen to Alexis whenever he talked. He certainly
had more patience than any other boyfriend Alexis had.

“You don’t seem very unnerved by submission to me,” Elia said.

“You seemed to really enjoy it in fact. I didn’t expect that. I expected
to alleviate your fears on the subject.”

Alexis hesitated. “I used to dabble in Dominance and submission

games with my ex-boyfriend.”

“The one who hurt you?”
“Yeah.” He hadn’t talked to anyone about what had happened. He

had lost most of his friends over the course of his relationship and
hadn’t been really comfortable telling his parents about it either. “I
wanted him to be my…” He searched for a word, but only one came
to mind. “Well, I wanted him to be my Master, to Dominate me and
take care of me. That sort of thing.” The change from comfortable
subjects to uncomfortable ones should’ve made him want to pull
away from Elia, but it only made him want to go closer. He felt safe.

“You wanted him to be your Arak,” Elia said, a thoughtful look on

his face. “I wonder if our government is pickier about the lottery
winners than they propagate. I just assumed they were choosing
humans at random. Perhaps not.” He stopped walking, and Alexis was
forced to either drop his hand or stop as well. When Elia opened his
arms, Alexis went into them. He was a big fan of all the hard muscles
underneath his cheek, and he was developing a real hard-on for Eoean
blue. However, he wasn’t thinking of sex as he laid his cheek on
Elia’s pectoral muscle. He was thinking about how good it felt to not
be judged. Elia sighed and held him tighter. “Tell me what

“There isn’t much to tell,” Alexis hedged. “He was always a

controlling guy. I really got off on the control in the bedroom, so in
my mind it was okay. I didn’t realize that it wasn’t really healthy until

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it was way too late to put the brakes on. We moved in together, and he
started hurting me.” He shuddered at the memory, but the fear was
quickly dispelled by the anger on its heels. “I finally broke away from
the relationship after I graduated and swore I’d never get into another
relationship like that. I really wanted to live again. So I reconnected
with one of my friends, Jess, recently and was on track with that plan
until I got selected with the lottery.”

Elia was silent for a long moment. “I do not want to harm you,

Alexis. If our sex was too similar to your former lover, then I will
concede to stop.”

Alexis raised his head and looked into Elia’s eyes. They were

pools of liquid night, endless, deep, and sincere. “You are nothing like
him.” He leaned up and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss.
“You’re kind of amazing actually. You’re definitely the kindest
Master I’ve ever had.” As Elia’s possessive hands settled on his waist,
he felt his lover’s twin cocks caress his own. “Elia?”

“Yes, my honor? I apologize for my appendages. They like you.”

Elia sounded supremely embarrassed about the fact, which only made
Alexis laugh.

“Good. I like that they like me.” He licked his bottom lip. “I don’t

want to stop, Elia. I liked what happened the other day.” He
swallowed. “I liked it a lot.”

Elia groaned, and the sound went straight to his already half-hard

cock. It felt like the two of them were the only people in the world.
Here, on this isolated stretch of beach, the only thing that existed was
Elia. “You go to my head like low oxygen in high orbit.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Alexis teased, rubbing his

face against Elia’s chest. “So enough about me and my bad
relationships from before. I know you never slept with anyone, but
did you ever have a boyfriend or wannabe boyfriend?”

“No,” Elia said, shaking his head. “Before we reach maturity,

we’re kept at home for the most part. The only men who came to my
home were all Araks from other houses and business associates of my

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father. None appealed. I didn’t even think about sex at that point. It
was only in the last six months, when my horns began to grow, that I
even got the urge.”

“I kind of like being your one and only,” Alexis said. It was then

the meaning of the words penetrated. “I mean, until you find another
concubine.” He said the words quickly, but they didn’t sit right. The
idea of another man, Eoean, human, or whatever, touching Elia,
making him grow, bringing him the size that he seemed to value as a
Arak, made Alexis want to growl.

“Let’s not talk about that,” Elia said. Elia released Alexis and he

felt the loss of the touch. He continued on down the beach. Alexis’s
gaze glued itself to his ass. He had a magnificent muscled buttock. It
was a lighter shade of blue than the rest of him which told Alexis that
he didn’t spend much time out in the sun naked. I just want to sink my
teeth into him
. “Let’s talk about something lighter.”

“How about how beautiful your ass is? Seriously, I could write

sonnets.” It was out of his mouth before he could filter it. Elia threw
an incredulous look over his shoulder an instant before he tripped and
fell to his knees in the surf. “Oh shit!” Alexis yelped, hurrying to help
him up. “I’m so sorry.”

Elia laughed, his whole face losing its normally humorless

countenance and gaining this whole other light. Alexis was captured.
“You are the most inappropriate concubine,” Elia rumbled, pulling
him down so that their lips smashed together. The Eoean flipped him
to his back, and Alexis laughed into Elia’s mouth. He wrapped his
arms around the Eoean’s neck and spread his legs to accommodate his
hips. Feeling him pressed against every inch of him like this, he could
easily feel the extra bulk Elia was carrying around. Holy cow, that’s

“I will suck you,” Elia rumbled, breaking their kiss for an instant.
Alexis panted. “Fuck yes.”
Elia slithered down his body and engulfed his cock in the warm,

wet heat of his mouth. Alexis cried out, his body bucking into the

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warm confines of his mouth. His tongue, slightly longer than a regular
guy’s, wrapped around the head of his cock, pushing him higher. The
water rushed beneath him, the dual sensations heightening everything
impossibly. He wanted to come, needed to.

“I want to be yours, Elia,” Alexis gasped. “I want you to be my

Arak.” He trusted Elia not to hurt him and to give him what he needed
in the bedroom. He craved a master, and he knew Elia would give him
what he craved without turning into a condescending asshole in the
process. Everything else was just details. They were stuck together
forever. They would find a way to make it work, no matter what. The
picture of Elia with a dozen concubines flashed through his head, and
a growl of possession tore itself from his throat. Chill out, Alexis. You
and the guy have one meaningful conversation and you go all “mine”
on his ass. Calm down.
It would’ve been comical had his emotions
not been so damn intense. He couldn’t explain it. He had never felt
this intensely with anyone else.

Elia popped off his cock, continuing to jerk him off with his hands

as he looked up the line of Alexis’s body with those glittering black
eyes of his. “Come for me then, my honor. Prove that you’re mine.”

Alexis’s orgasm was torn out of his body, and there was nothing

he could do to stop the instant obedience his body gave at the guttural
command. He shuddered as Elia sealed his mouth over to tip, catching
some of his release on his tongue, demanding he give him more. The
only thing that would’ve made it better was the possibility that Elia’s
thick cocks would be buried inside him later. He still wanted both of
them at once. With a little practice, he’d have it.

He sucked and licked him until he was so sensitive to touch that

he squirmed under the touch. “Please, Elia, I’m done.”

Elia pulled off his cock with an audible pop. He looked up and

grimaced. “I need, Alexis.”

Alexis pushed himself up on his elbows. “Then let me give you

what you need, Elia.” He liked Arak better than “Master.” It felt

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fresher, better, right. He was what he’d been searching for in the other
men he’d dated. He just hadn’t realized it yet.

“Your mouth, Alexis.”
“Yes, Arak.” He pushed Elia back, and he obligingly moved so he

could roll to his knees. “Sit, Arak. Let me suck you.” He had no idea
how he was going to give a blowjob to two cocks at once, but he’d
seen enough porn vids in his life to pull it off with a reasonable
degree of accuracy.

He used his mouth and his hands to lick both heads of his cocks.

He was fascinated to see that they twined together, moving in unison
to create pre-cum on the tips. He licked it away and was fascinated by
the sweet taste mixed with the salt of the sea. He groaned. Yes.

“All Father above!” Elia gasped. “So good. Almost as good as

when I was inside you. More.” The command when straight to his
spent cock. It tried valiantly to stir despite the fact that he’d just come.

He kneaded the heavy sac beneath his cocks as he alternated

licking, sucking, and using his other hand to jerk off them each in
turn. Elia made the most fascinating noises of pleasure as he worked
to drive his alien master mad with his touch. They twined together,
and Alexis had to open his mouth even wider to suck in the heads in
unison, using his hand to jerk him off as best he could. The only thing
he could think of was making Elia come. He wanted to pleasure him
so well that he’d forget every awkward moment between them.

“Alexis, close.” The disjointed sentence drove him on. He shot a

pleading look at Elia, and the Eoean let his head fall back in pleasure.
He made another moaning sound in the back of his throat an instant
before sweet-tasting orgasm shot between his lips. The taste was
sweet, and he sucked rhythmically to keep up with the flow. He raised
his eyes, and their gazes met.

The spark made the fine hairs on his arms stand on end. He gave

another lap to his cockheads and pulled back. Elia grabbed his arms
and dragged him up the long line of his torso before he smashed their
mouths together. The kiss was broken abruptly as they both gasped at

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the increasing feeling of intimacy. Alexis raised his hands and traced
his features, marveling at their similarities and their differences. Their
features were similar enough. Elia had strong cheek bones, a firm
jawline, and plush lips, all traits he found attractive in a man. He
raised his fingers to touch the inch-long horns right above his
eyebrows. They were warm to the touch and pulsed with his odd four-
count heartbeat. He traced each one lovingly before running his hand
through Elia’s phenomenal multicolored hair.

“Alexis,” Elia whispered. The tone was reverent. He took Alexis’s

hand and placed it on his chest. Alexis knew exactly what he meant.
He felt the answering emotions rise up in his chest, and it was so
strange and alien and wonderful he gasped. Elia echoed the sound.

“What is that?” Alexis asked, shuddering as Elia nuzzled his neck.
“It’s resonance. Soul resonance to be specific. I didn’t think it

actually existed.” Elia held him tightly as the water rushed over them
a little higher.

“What’s that?”
“Something rare and unimaginable,” Elia murmured. “It doesn’t

seem to be complete though.”

“Yes. It keeps fading after. True soul resonance is a permanent

state from what I understand. I don’t have a lot of information on it
because it’s so rare. I will look into it further though if you like.” Elia
pressed a kiss to Alexis’s lips before moving to stand. “Come, let’s
wash off in the surf.”

Alexis nodded. “Okay.” He let Elia help him up and walked

further into the waves. He stepped down into deeper water and was
surprised at how cold the water was. At midthigh Elia pulled them to
a stop and cupped water to splash on their sand, sweat, and cum-
covered bodies. Alexis took a deep breath and went to his knees so
that the water came to his chest. The current pulled on his body as the
sand moved under his knees. He looked up in time to see Elia sink
down beside him.

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Something brushed Alexis under the water, and he yelped.

“Something just touched me.” Images of sea monsters, sharks, and
things that stung flashed through his mind.

Elia chuckled. “It’s just seaweed. Calm down.” He looked over

Alexis’s shoulder. “Task is bringing the food down. Are you done

“Yeah. I am.” He waved his arms experimentally. It wasn’t like

swimming in the rec pool back home. There were currents and stuff
that he couldn’t see floating in the water. He stood with Elia’s help,
and it was surprisingly difficult to make his way back toward the
shore. Elia’s broad shoulders were his anchor point as he followed the
man farther up the beach and into the looser sand. “So, what were you
and your father talking about when I walked in?” he asked, making
conversation as the gulls sounded overhead.

“He was advising me on how to properly treat you. Basically so I

wouldn’t embarrass him at his Araks meeting in the next few weeks.
He expects me to have a well-trained concubine and do an exhibition
for them.” He paused. “We will discuss that over our meal. I need to
know what you are comfortable doing in front of others.”

The idea of performing for a room full of other men had him hard

in no time flat. The thought of Elia forcing him into a higher plane of
pleasure thrilled him. “Whatever my Arak wants.” The promise was
out of his mouth before he could really think of the consequences.
Elia paused, and he nearly ran into his back.

“You would be willing to try pleasure/pain?” He did a good job of

not letting any sort of eagerness show on his face, but Alexis had
heard that hungry note before. Elia wanted to master him in every
way. Alexis had been reluctant to go back to pleasure/pain when the
want of it had made him excuse his ex’s behavior. But he hadn’t been
kidding. Elia was nothing like his ex. He felt different.

“If you promise to go slow and experiment at home first.”
Elia turned. “You consider this your home?”

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“Isn’t it?” Alexis asked, suddenly nervous. Had he misread Elia’s

whole speech about them being a forever thing?

Elia nodded. “Of course. This is your home always.” He paused.

“I wish to try pleasure/pain on you here. If you enjoy it and it doesn’t
trigger any trauma, then perhaps we could consider an exhibition for
the Araks. However, it’s not mandatory. I would never put you in a
position that would disturb you to a great degree.”

The fierceness with which he spoke made something click into

place. “Your dad is a bit of a tyrant, huh?”

His alien opened his mouth to respond, but he never got the


“Our Arak would never speak ill of his father,” a familiar voice

cut in.

He leaned to look around Elia and saw Task standing there, arms

crossed, and glaring. Look who has his feathers in fluff, again. “Your
meal is prepared, Arak. If you and your concubine would care to join
me over at the table.”

Elia looked a little miffed at the interruption. “We are coming.

You may leave, Task.” Task gave a half bow and turned from the both
of them but not before throwing another look of disdain in Alexis’s

He sighed. “That guy really doesn’t like me.”
“He is a servant. He has to like you,” Elia said. But he didn’t seem

as sure of himself as Alexis would’ve liked. “I apologize for his less
than welcoming attitude.”

Alexis twined their hands. “It’s not your fault. Maybe he’ll start

liking me when he figures out that you and I are getting along again.
He seemed fine until our big blowout. So, what were you going to say
about your dad?”

“My father is not the warmest person.” Alexis figured that was the

closest Elia came to telling someone that they were a douche bag. He
gave his lover’s hand a squeeze. Elia continued. “He is a very hard
man and treats his concubines more like possessions than people. His

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spawns aren’t much better. I never wanted a household like his. Task
is very affectionate toward my father. I believe the only reason my
father released him to my service was to keep an eye on me.”

“Sounds controlling,” Alexis said. “I guess I’m not the only one

who has been in a controlling relationship. It’s just not the same type
of relationship.” They had more in common than Alexis had
originally thought. “We’ll make a new normal, my Arak. We won’t
live in the shadows of either one of our pasts. How’s that sound?”

Elia tilted his chin up and gave him a hint of a kiss. “Thank you,

my honor.”

Alexis wasn’t sure exactly what he was thanking him for, but he

knew one thing. Elia was a good man.

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Chapter Six

Elia’s hand fell twice more on Alexis’s gorgeous bubble butt

before his lover cried out and came against the juncture of Elia’s
thighs. He was bent over Elia’s lap in the pleasure room, receiving the
spanking he’d asked for at supper.

The days that had passed between them had been happy ones. Elia

attended his duties as Arak during the morning, tended the crops and
livestock during the day with his concubine’s help, swam with Alexis
in the ocean before supper, and then practiced their sex and
submission during the hours before rest. Elia was finding it harder and
harder to leave his concubine at night. Their conversations warmed
him, and even when they disagreed, they grew closer. He was
becoming an expert on compromising and had agreed to wait on
spawn until his first concubine was ready. He wanted to spend every
possible second with his human lover. The only thing that held him
back was the knowledge that it went against tradition and if his father
found out, there would be hell to pay, to use one of Alexis’s

Elia had grown four inches since their first time at the beach, and

his muscle was starting to swell with each session his lover allowed
him to perform. So far they’d done spanking, cropping, and whipping,
all with Alexis tied or restrained in cuffs. However, Elia’s favorite
submission had to be the one they were in currently. He loved
warming Alexis’s tight ass with his own hands.

“Are you ready for my cocks, my honor?” Elia rumbled.

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“Yes, Arak.” Alexis slid off his lap and onto the floor, spreading

his legs wide to accommodate Elia’s hips. Face-to-face, everything
was more intense. “Come inside me, Elia. Please.”

Elia couldn’t wait to oblige him. His lover had been eager for the

past several times they’d joined to take both of his cocks at once. He
still wasn’t sure if his lover was capable, but he was going to try.

He used Alexis’s spunk to slick his pricks before probing his

fingers into Alexis’s stretched passage. The boy couldn’t get much
readier. He took his primary cock in hand and slid it deep into his
lover with one feral thrust. Alexis’s passage spasmed around his
length, and his concubine gasped. He fucked against him, in and out
until they were both writhing at the sensation.

Their minds merged completely, and Elia’s head swam as he was

assaulted with the combined sensations of both his and Alexis’s
feelings. It was a surreal experience but one he’d been repeating with
regularity since they’d come to their agreement. He felt Alexis’s
eagerness for more, and it nearly made his primary cock shoot. It was
so hard maintaining control when he felt Alexis’s wants along with
his own.

He reached up and twisted both of Alexis’s nipple clamps in turn.

The human screamed and clawed at his back, urging him on. He just
loved how responsive his concubine was. Their eyes locked.

“Elia.” The name was a plea that Elia found impossible to resist.

He added more slick to his second prick and pushed the two heads
against Alexis’s stretched passage. Alexis cried out, and Elia paused.

“Are you all right, my honor?” His voice sounded strangled by his


“Yes, God, yes. More!”
He would’ve chuckled at the enthusiastic response if he hadn’t

been so turned on. He sank deeper into Alexis’s body, trembling with
the effort to go slow and not thrust like he wanted to. The heat and the
pressure on his cocks was intense. He pulled back slightly before
thrusting forward again.

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“My honor, so beautiful,” Elia murmured, gripping his lover’s

hips. His lover’s skin contrasted beautifully with the blue hue of his
own. He groaned as Alexis leaned up to kiss him once more.

One final push forward and he was fully seated inside his lover’s

body. He trembled at the sensation of being fully joined with his
lover. All Father, if he doesn’t let me start moving soon, I’m going to
go crazy

“Move,” Alexis snapped, tugging on his shoulders. “Please, Arak.

Have mercy here.”

Elia chuckled. He loved his eagerness, truly. Then he thought

about nothing as his body’s instincts took over and commanded him
to set a driving rhythm. Both his cocks had never been engaged like
this, and it was enough to make him groan his pleasure to the ceiling.
Alexis was right and perfect and his.

In no time at all, he felt his balls contract with the urge to come.

“Close,” he warned as he pounded inside the silken confines of
Alexis’s tight ass.

“Come inside me, Master,” Alexis urged. “I’m close, too.” He

reached between them and gripped his cock. He squeezed it twice
before he erupted all over the planes of Elia’s abdomen. The
contractions that reverberated along their connection sent him
spiraling off into pleasure. He was thrown violently into release, and
both his cocks erupted in a series of multiple orgasms that had him
screaming and thrashing as his mind was thrown into space. He’d
never experience pleasure so sharply as he did when he was pouring
the sticky proof of his pleasure deep in the welcoming confines of his
lover’s body.

He gasped, shuddering through the act. Alexis petted his sweaty

back, nuzzling his neck as he held him through it all. In the aftermath,
he panted for breath as contentment swamped him. He never wanted
anyone like he wanted Alexis. No matter what happened, he knew one
irrefutable fact. Alexis was his everything.

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Afterward Elia picked him up and brought him back to the

concubines’ room. He kissed Alexis over and over, unable to help
himself as their closeness grew and the feeling of unity grew in leaps
and bounds. He could operate most of the technology inlaid in his
home with his mind at this point, though it was low-level. It was
getting stronger, but there was something holding them back from
achieving true soul resonance. He just couldn’t figure out what. The
research he’d done indicated that if he could harness the full depth of
the resonance, he would unlock all his capabilities to manipulate
Eoean technology, a thing they’d lost since coming to earth, and a
lesser-known study had claimed that it allowed for immortality. That
belief was a bit far stretched, even if he was starting to believe.

“Everything is going to change tomorrow,” Alexis murmured as

Elia tucked him into his bed before settling down beside him.

“Nothing will change, my honor,” Elia promised, gathering his

lover into his arms. “We’ll just go to my father’s home, play nice with
him and the Araks for an evening, and then return home to our life

Alexis nipped his chest, and Elia jumped. His lover was forever

doing things like that, touching him expectantly even without sex.
He’d grown used to the constant touches and grew to love each and
every one. “Hey, Elia?”

“Yes, my honor?”
“Stay the night with me?” Alexis asked, vulnerability evident in

his wide blue eyes. They were beautiful Eoean blue. “I want to wake
up with you in the morning. I’ll be your good boy for you in front of
everyone tomorrow, but tonight, I just want you.”

His normal hesitancy vanished. He could do it, just this once.

“Yes, my honor. I’ll stay with you. I’ll hold you until the sun rises.”

Alexis settled against his chest and traced the indents of his

abdomen. “I’m loving the extra muscle. I just love how big you’re
getting. I’ve never really had a hard-on for gym bunnies, but I am all
about you.”

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Again, he had no idea exactly what that meant, but he got the gist.

“I accept your compliment.” He resisted the impulse to roll Alexis
onto his back and kiss him senseless. It would just start their sex all
over again, and Alexis would be too sore tomorrow to enjoy what he
planned to do to him. “I care for you, Alexis. I just wanted you to
know that before tomorrow.”

Alexis raised his head so their eyes met. “You don’t think it’s too


“What does time have to do with feelings?” This wasn’t the

reaction he’d been expecting. He shifted, uncomfortable. “I’m not
good at this. Perhaps I expressed them wrongly. My family doesn’t do
these things well.” At all. But he wasn’t going to tell Alexis that.

Alexis shook his head. “I’m not attacking you.” Slowly he raised

his hand to trace Elia’s bottom lip. “You’re right. Time has nothing to
do with it.” He gave him a shaky smile. “I was just surprised is all. I
care for you, too. A lot. More than I should considering.” He kissed
his mouth. “You’re just so damn sweet.” He pulled back, grinned.
“And all mine.”

Elia laughed at the possessiveness he heard in his tone. “Yes. For

now I am all yours.” He returned his smile. “You will get sick of my
affections given enough time and be glad I will take other
concubines.” He said it as a joke, but the look that crossed Alexis’s
face told him that he’d been far from funny. In fact, he looked more
like he’d been struck in the face than close to laughing. “Alexis?”

“Wow,” Alexis said, pulling away. He felt the loss acutely.
“Don’t, my honor. I was playing.”
“You can’t say you care about me in one breath and then talk

about taking another lover with the next. Humans are possessive, Elia.
I’m possessive.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the
ceiling. Glared would’ve been a more accurate description.

Elia frowned. “You want to be my only concubine?”
“I—uh, well,” he sighed, his muscles visibly tensing. “I wouldn’t


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“Answer me honestly, Alexis.” He’d never considered the

possibility that he would only have one concubine. His father was
traditional Eoean all the way. He expected his sons to follow tradition
despite the fact that most Eoeans hadn’t since they arrived on earth.

“Yes, dammit,” Alexis snapped. “I want to be your only


Elia stayed silent, perplexed. “I will consider it.”
That seemed to give Alexis pause. “You mean it?”
“Yes, my honor. I do not express my feelings easily, and the fact

that I have them means more to me than I expected it to. I am willing
to do many things for you.” Things he hadn’t ever considered, like
spending the night in the concubines’ quarters.

“Where I come from, they call that love,” Alexis whispered.
“Then perhaps that is what this is,” Elia said, pulling his human

back into his arms. He held him tight. He felt oddly liberated by the
admission. Their connection flared for an instant, and Elia was
startled that sex hadn’t been necessary to make it happen.

“I think I’m going to like this soul resonance thing,” Alexis said,

cuddling to Elia closer. “It feels awesome.”

Elia couldn’t help but to agree.
A ripple of sound came over the speakers. “Incoming

communications,” a mechanized voice announced.

Elia cursed. “I’ve got to get that. Anyone calling at this hour…”
Alexis made a shooing motion with his hand. “I understand. Go

on. Just come back to me.”

“Hold the call,” he said to the ceiling. “I’ll be there in just a

moment.” He deposited one last kiss on his lover’s mouth before
rolling from bed and padding toward his side of the house.

He grabbed one of the robes he’d left by the pleasure room and

wrapped it around himself. He’d taken to just wearing them in this
section of the house. Collecting all his clothes after they got done had
gotten a bit redundant.

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Task nodded to him as he passed the threshold from the

concubines’ quarters to the main structure. He wasn’t entirely sure
why the Eoean was still up, but he waved a hand in greeting
nonetheless. Typically, Task was in bed well before this hour. Of
course he’d been acting rather odd lately. He was really going to have
to sit him down and talk about this ridiculous feud he seemed to be
carrying on with Alexis.

Finally, he managed to make it to his work room. It was a simple

place with only a work station and a computer grid as furniture with
minimal abstract wall art hanging in the area behind him. It was the
only room in the house with a communication vid.

Elia placed his hand over the activation screen. “Answer call.”
The clear screen rippled before filling in with a picture. The caller

was an Eoean he’d never seen before. The male wasn’t an Arak.
Despite the length of his horns, he was relatively thin and short. He
frowned. “May I help you?”

Arak Elia,” he began. “I’m Richt Landa of the internal

regulations division of Eoean distributions.”

Elia’s frown deepened. “You’re from the lottery?”
Richt nodded. “I am. It is come to the attention of the Eoean

government that your region received a higher than average number
of humans from the lottery populace.”

It was news to him. “We are very blessed.” His father would say

that it was because he was such a fine Arak to his family that the All
Father had been kind enough to bless his people with human
treasures. “I don’t understand why you would call in the middle of the
night to tell me this.”

“I call, Arak, because there have been certain accusations against

some people connected with the winnings that amount to some very
serious charges if they are founded.” The Eoean leaned forward, his
face becoming larger in the view screen. “I know you’re traveling to
visit your father tomorrow at the regional Araks’ meeting and wanted
to contact you before you left.”

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“I don’t understand exactly what you want from me,” Elia said,

shifting in his work chair. What he was talking about was almost
tantamount to treason. Humans were seen as invaluable resources.
After owning one, he could see why. They were perfect companions.
He smiled as he thought of Alexis waiting for him back in his room.
He caught himself before it developed into a full-on grin and
smoothed his expression over. “I was given my human per the lottery
guidelines. My father sent me to fetch him from the interior and had
us wed in the traditional fashion when we arrived.”

“So to your knowledge, all humans were assigned and given in a

legal fashion?” Richt pressed.

“Of course,” Elia said, beginning to get annoyed with his inquiry.

Alexis was his by all rights, and the thought of someone saying that
he had no rights to him really rubbed his scales wrong. “There is no
way to tamper with the lottery. Regulations oversees part of that, but
other agencies are easily able to monitor the distribution as well. It
would be stupid for someone to try and illegally obtain a human.
Especially when you can purchase them from the intended lottery
winners if said recipient is willing to sell.”

Slowly, Richt nodded. “I can see your earnestness. All right. I’ll

make a note in the file of your statement. How is your human faring?”

The new question seemed supremely easy. “Alexis is all I had

hoped for in a concubine, and he is assimilating nicely.”

“Good,” the other Eoean said. “I am happy to know that he is

well. You are required to take him for a six-week check. Are you
aware of the stipulation?”

Elia frowned. “I was not. However, I will have my servant make

note of it so I do not miss it.”

“As a lottery recipient, you should’ve received a packet of


Elia raised an eyebrow at the pointed statement. “My father most

likely forgot to hand over the data before we departed. I will inquire

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about it when I go to his home tomorrow. Now, if that is all, I would
like to rejoin my concubine.”

Richt sat back in his hair, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Of

course. I didn’t mean to keep you. Good night, Arak Elia.”

“Good night.” He cut the connection. What a strange conversation

that had been. His earlier conversation with his father came back to
him. That’s what he meant by “inquiries.” He knew logically that he’d
done nothing wrong, but there was still a part of him that was worried
about the implication of Richt contacting him. Now that he’d had
Alexis, had grown close to him, he couldn’t imagine his life without

“My Arak,” Task said from the doorway, “is everything all right?”
He pushed back from his work station and stood. “Yes.

Everything is fine, Task.” He now stood a good three inches taller
than Task. It was strange considering he’d had to look up at the man
his entire life. “Task?”

“Yes, Arak?”
“Why do you dislike my concubine?” He needed to know the

answer. If Task was going to stay at his household in his employment,
Elia needed to get things sorted out with him now. He would not have
him causing problems for Alexis any longer.

Task’s blue cheeks flushed a darker shade of blue. “I do not

dislike him.”

“Tell me the truth, Task,” Elia commanded. “I know the kind of

servant you are. You anticipate my needs before I even have to ask,
and you’ve never made my life difficult. Yet Alexis has to constantly
remind you to do the simplest tasks, and you make him ask for
everything no matter the situation. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your

Task shifted from foot to foot, looking uneasy. “You know that I

worked in your father’s house for many years and that I consider you
my own spawn.”

Elia nodded.

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“Then you understand why I see his constant corruption of your

upbringing disturbing. You haven’t even attempted breeding yet
despite the fact that he is your first concubine and you can take no
others until you do.” Task ticked off his reasons on his fingers, the
same way he did when he’d told Elia not to do something as a child.
“You compromise with him constantly just to avoid his discomfort.
You allow him to work the land beside you and treat him like an
equal instead of a lesser. You stay later and later in the concubines’
quarters every night. Your father is more regimented in the time he
spends with his concubines and always has been. You speak with him
like he is a trusted friend. He is a concubine. It isn’t tradition.”

Elia felt a tick of anger start in his jaw. “I told you when you were

assigned that I would not run my father’s household.”

“But I did not expect you to throw off all ideas of family and

propriety,” Task said, clearly getting as agitated. “You’re turning into
a liberal-minded Modern!”

“We aren’t on Eoean anymore,” Elia reminded. “Some things will

change. I have respected my father’s wishes to keep his household
traditional, but I am not. I love my Alexis. He is human and is not like
most Eoeans, and I like him just the way he is. If you don’t like it, you
are welcome to return to my father’s house and I will hire another.
There are plenty of Eoean servants who are in need of work who
would be willing to work in a nontraditional household.” He would
miss Task, and it would be a pain to have to train another, but he
would do it in the pursuit of peace. He didn’t want Alexis to feel
uncomfortable in his own home.

Task opened and closed his mouth several times like he was in

shock. “You’d send me back to Prince Kranok over the opinion of a
concubine you’ve know a week and some odd days?”

“My father isn’t even a prince anymore, Task. That’s the point.

He still rules over us and our daily lives like a monarch, but we are
not in Eoean anymore. Earth has new rules. And, Task, yes, I will
send you back if you refuse to play nice with my beloved.” He’d been

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terrified to say that aloud since they’d come here, but now it seemed
like it was simply another fact of life. Kranok hadn’t been a prince
since they’d left their home planet, and Elia was not required to live
his way.

Finally, Task spoke. “I will accept your changes, Arak, and I will

treat your concubine accordingly.”

Elia nodded, satisfied. “Good.” He gave Task’s shoulder a

squeeze. “Now, seek your own bed, my friend. You’ll find me in
Alexis’s come morning. Bring my clothing there when you wake.”

Task’s eyes widened, but he didn’t offer up a protest for once.
Elia turned and strode back down the hallway. He wanted to

return to his lover and rest up for tomorrow. They had a lot to get

* * * *

Alexis kept his head bowed as they entered the main sitting room

of Prince Kranok, Elia’s Grade-A asshat of a daddy. He wasn’t
entirely sure why he disliked the guy so much, but he seemed to have
instilled an equal measure of fear and resentment in Elia, and though
he didn’t know the full extent of the story, it made Alexis mistrust
him. From what he gathered from the few times they’d talked about
Elia’s childhood, the guy was a tyrant and cold as a dead fish. The
frosty greeting he’d received from Kranok on their arrival at the house
didn’t dissuade him of the notion either.

“Your concubine is quite lovely, Elia,” a huge male opposite Elia

at the round table said as they sat at their chairs. The first concubines
were all standing behind their respective Araks, all of them with their
eyes trained on the floor or the backs of their lovers’ heads. Alexis
was doing his best, but it was killing him. Curiosity wouldn’t make
him embarrass Elia though. Alexis had spent several hours with the
tutor learning what traditional Eoean Araks expected of their first
concubines at meetings like this. Elia had apologized ahead of time,

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which helped the fact that he equated traditional Eoean ideas of
concubine expectations to the equivalency of a bunch of show dogs
paraded around for other Araks in a really fucked-up pissing contest.

The meets were originally about introducing new concubines to an

exclusive peer group of Araks, the aristocracy of their world. But it
had become twisted since they’d come back to earth. Now it was
really a way for the older Araks who’d lost power to relive the glory
days. Alexis thought it was pretty stupid to cater to Elia’s father’s
obsession with the old ways, but so long as Elia wanted to, Alexis
would put up with it. Elia’s admission of affection probably had a lot
to do with his willingness to compromise, but that was neither here
nor there.

“I think he is,” Elia rumbled, clearly pleased with the compliment.
“Your father expressed some concern about his behavior at supper

last night, and I’d heard that some Eoeans who have mated humans
have found their tamings difficult. Yours does not seem to have this
problem.” The big male raised his glass to Elia and gave him a grin.
“I hear we’re going to be given an exhibition of his submission.”

Elia nodded. “Yes. My concubine has agreed to do a

demonstration after we finish here if you care to watch.” Alexis was
proud of him for his steadiness. He’d been a little jittery when they’d
gotten dressed this morning.

Elia’s father snorted. “Let’s hope that he remembers his lines


Alexis stamped down on the urge to growl but barely. Elia was

doing fine, and the condescending tone in Kranok’s voice was enough
to put his teeth on edge.

“My concubine is perfection, Father,” Elia rumbled, a thread of

steel in his voice. “I don’t take kindly to you speaking of him as
anything less than that.”

“I have heard rumors about his ‘perfection,’” Kranok said. The

remark was snide. The bastard. “At any rate, I have a surprise for

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“Rumors?” Elia asked, ignoring the last half of his sentence. “We

haven’t been out to have rumors. Your spy is getting tedious, father.”

I’m going to kick Task’s stupid ass. Alexis clenched his fists at his

side. Task lived in Elia’s house, ate his food, worked for him, and still
reported back to Elia’s dad like Elia was an unruly child. We’re going
to have to talk about this when we get to our room
. Task needed to go.

Kranok cracked his knuckles and sat back more in his chair. “I

just watch over you, Elia. Nothing more. Concubines are difficult to
manage when they’re not properly trained. Your size is coming along
nicely. At least he’s not dominating you.”

“Now, Kranok, there is no need to stab at your spawn’s manhood

like that. We all feel a deeper affection toward our first concubines
because we’re young,” the Eoean who had complimented Elia a
moment ago said, coming to his defense. “When he takes a second
concubine, he will assume a more traditional disposition.”

Alexis’s heart constricted at the thought. He didn’t want that.

They were in love, not just in lust, though there was plenty of that,
too. He hadn’t been able to tell him yet, but it was coming. He was
going to just as soon as they got back to their own home.

“I agree. Which is why I am going to bend the rules for him once

more,” Kranok said, looking far too pleased with himself. “Since his
first concubine wasn’t traditional, I see no reason why I shouldn’t
give him another. A triad will allow for better balance I think.”

Utter silence greeted his announcement.
Elia’s back was one long thread of tension. “What are you saying,


“Deme,” Kranok said, motioning for his first concubine to come

forward. “Can you please go fetch our spawn’s surprise?”

Deme bowed his head before turning back toward the exit and

walking out with a graceful sashay of his hips. Alexis trembled with
the urge to snap at Kranok and tell him he was being a real piss head.
He had such a smug look on his face that hitting him would’ve been a
pleasurable experience.

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Conversation resumed, but he noticed that Elia wasn’t

participating anymore. He ached to go to him and give him the
comfort he so clearly needed, but he held his position. There would be
time for that later. Without thinking, he summoned up an image of the
two of them together, just holding one another in the privacy of the
concubines’ quarters. The connection that usually only happened
when they were neck-deep in sexual intimacy flared bright, and the
sconces in the room flickered as they connected.

“Damn power grid keeps giving us fits,” one of the Araks

rumbled. “You’d think they’d be able to maintain something as
simple as a power connection. It’s mostly solar powered anyway.” He
sighed. “Oh how the mighty Eoean powers have fallen.”

“Agreed,” the older Araks echoed in unison.
Elia glanced over his shoulder, and their eyes met. Alexis gave

him a soft smile, and he felt Elia’s gratitude in his mind somehow. He
couldn’t explain it but the feeling of safety arose when they were
linked like this. He just knew when it happened, they were going to be
all right no matter what. Maybe it was an Eoean thing, or maybe it
was the soul resonance that Elia had hinted at a week ago. Whatever
the reason, it felt good to feel Elia deep inside his mind.

“Ah, there we are,” Kranok rumbled in his gravel-filled voice.

“Deme, bring Dekic forward. Son, let me introduce you to your
second concubine.”

Another Eoean stepped up beside the newly returned Deme. Even

Alexis could acknowledge that he was pretty, masculine yet delicate
at the same time. He had a lovely swimmers’ build and blue skin that
was paler than Elia’s with a deep-purple-and-green sheen to his hair.
He bowed low.

Alexis felt the panic reverberate through the connection between

Elia and himself. Quick on its heels was fear and anger. He couldn’t
tell who the anger was coming from because he was pretty pissed
himself. He couldn’t wait to see Elia tell his dad that he’d told Alexis

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that he wouldn’t take another concubine. He would savor the shock
and disbelief written all over Kranok’s stupid face.

“Father, I don’t know what to say,” Elia began. “I–I hadn’t

expected…” He trailed off and waved toward the new Eoean. Go on.
Tell him. Tell him you’re mine
. When he didn’t continue, Alexis’s
heart fell to his toes and the connection abruptly cut out as a new
sense of betrayal filled him.

“I am honored,” Elia murmured, staring at the tabletop.
“Honored? Are you fucking kidding me?” Alexis snapped. So

much for being the good concubine. “You’re mine.”

Elia whipped around in his chair and shot him a pleading look.

“Alexis, I—”

“You promised!” he hissed. “You can’t be his servant and my

Master at the same time. Come on, Elia. Be my Arak.”

“Be quiet,” Elia commanded, glaring at him. There was something

in his tone that reminded him of David, and Alexis descended into
some place dark and cold.

“Fuck you, Elia,” he whispered. Even though he was screaming

on the inside, he couldn’t manage more than that level of sound.

“At least he wants to fornicate,” one of the Araks rumbled,

laughing. “Even when he’s upset, he wants his Arak. I need to get one
of these humans.” Alexis opened his mouth to correct that asinine
statement when Elia’s chair scraping the floor sounded.

“I’ll be right back,” Elia said, pushing up from the table. “Alexis,

come here.”

He couldn’t believe he’d fallen for it again. He couldn’t believe he

was going to be stuck in another relationship where he wasn’t valued
as a person. He raised his eyes, a denial on the tip of his tongue.

“My honor, trust me,” Elia pleaded. “Believe in me. I am not

David.” He had to have read his mind. There was no other
explanation for why he would know that was what he’d been
thinking. His deep black eyes flicked to the other Araks. “My
concubine needs me. I will be back shortly.” With that, he swept

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Alexis up in his arms and carried him from the room. A smart-ass
remark about being able to walk on his own nearly popped out of his
mouth, but he managed to bite his tongue in time.

He gripped his lover’s shoulders and prayed that Elia wouldn’t

disappoint him.

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Chapter Seven

Elia knew he’d messed up and not reacted properly. He just hoped

that he hadn’t messed up any chance for Alexis to trust him enough to
go through the rest of the day. He knew his lack of immediate denial
of his father’s “gift” and then his subsequent command had him
looking like a liar to Alexis.

He carried his human lover straight to his old room, ignoring

everyone else they passed in the hallways. He’d tolerated the cold
atmosphere when he’d lived here, but now it felt uncomfortable and
oppressive in a way that made him want to run back to his home and
never leave it again.

“I am sorry, my honor,” Elia murmured as the door swished

closed behind them, ensconcing them in his former bedroom. “I was
trying to approach my father’s gift diplomatically and didn’t think
about how you would interpret it.”

He set his lover down gingerly, and his human immediately

crossed the room to put as much distance between them as possible.
He logically understood, but it still made his chest constrict. “Are you
or are you not going to take that damn Eoean guy as a second

“Yes or no, Elia. That’s all I want to hear.”
Elia took a deep breath. “I only want you, Alexis. Only you.” He

tried to convey in those short sentences all the feelings that had
bubbled up in the short time he’d known Alexis. The phrase that had
been on the tip of his tongue since last night sounded. “I love you.”

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Slowly, the tension in Alexis’s shoulders relaxed. “So I’m your

only concubine?”

“From now until I breathe my last breath,” Elia promised.
Alexis’s expression softened, and he opened his mouth to say

something else, but the door opened, interrupting him.

Kranok ducked through the doorway, his expression furious. Elia

knew that expression well. He internally cringed, knowing the tongue
lashing he was about to get. “How dare you embarrass me in front of
the other Araks,” Kranok snapped. He pointed his meaty finger over
at Alexis, and Elia stepped protectively in front of him. “You let that
human turn you into something weak and pathetic. I thought the
power and immortality that soul resonance granted would be worth
whatever cultural hardship having a human for a first concubine
placed on you, but nothing is worth you turning your back on your

“I’ve done my duty,” Elia snapped, advancing on his father for the

first time in his life. He looked up into the face of the man who had
tormented him since childhood and glared. “I have done nothing but
my duty to my people and this family. I am not a child anymore, and I
will not accept your dictates any longer.”

Kranok reached out and picked up Elia by his throat, his nostrils

flaring in anger. “Who do you think you’re talking to, boy? What
stupid human habit have you picked up to talk to me in such a
fashion?” His grip tightened, and Elia gasped for air, clawing at the
hand on his neck. Memories of being picked up and shook when he
was an unruly spawn assaulted him, compiling his humiliation.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a streak of tanned flesh and

blue fabric. “Get off of him, you sack of shit!” His eyes bulged as his
lover swung a chunk of Eoean sculpture at his father’s head. It
connected with Kranok’s jaw, and his hand fell away from the column
of his throat.

Kranok roared, reaching for Alexis. Elia jumped in between them

and shoved Kranok backward. “Stop it, Father!” Elia shouted. “You

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have no right to touch me or my concubine. I am Arak.” He’d finally
had enough of his father’s control. Alexis was more than worth his
father’s wrath. The connection, their soul resonance, snapped in place
like a rubber band, and he was so flooded with mental energy that the
power in the room blazed bright enough to overload the lights and
send all the Eoean technologies into a kaleidoscope of color as they
popped and sparked.

Kranok froze. “I see,” he whispered, looking between Elia and

Alexis with a new calculating look on his face. He rubbed his jaw. “If
you leave now and disrespect my present to you, you’re no longer
welcome here. You will not see your sire or your siblings ever after.”

The threat was a knife twisted in his gut, but Elia had had enough

of Kranok bullying him. “So be it. We’ll collect our things and be
gone within the hour. Expect Task to be back at your house

Kranok turned from the both of them without another word and

stalked out their room. The adrenaline that had kept him on his feet
during the confrontation left in a rush. He trembled as the reality of
what he’d just done sank in.

Alexis came over to him and wrapped his arms around Elia’s

waist. “I guess there will be no exhibition, huh?” He was shaking.
Elia held onto him tightly.

“No, my honor. There will not.” He paused, chuckled. It sounded

a bit forced, but the relief was evident. “I am glad actually. I don’t fit
this anymore.” He probably had never fit. It had taken his concubine
demanding another kind of life for him to see that. He shook his head
to clear it. “Let’s go, my honor. We need to leave this place.”

“I’ll get the bag packed,” Alexis said, giving him a squeeze.
“Please do, my honor.” He wanted to get moving as soon as


* * * *

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The ride back to his home was a quiet event. Neither one of them

seemed to know what to say as the transport took them back to their
own private oasis. Alexis wasn’t sure when he’d stopped thinking of
his home back in the human cities as home, but he had. He now
looked forward to stepping into Elia’s home with the eagerness of a
man who’d been away from home for ten long years.

“I’m sorry,” Alexis said as the transport came to a stop at the

entrance to their long dirt road. The Marknads were in the pasture that
was near the pond on the south end of their lands, grazing on the rich
earth grasses. Truth be told, they looked more like skinny hippos than
cows, but they moved a lot like cows. They had friendly little
personalities though. Alexis actually enjoyed going out and putting
out their feed with Elia in the early afternoons. They usually went on
horseback, but occasionally he’d get to hop down and caress their
slick skins. He wasn’t sure he’d actually be able to eat them come
harvesting season. He was very attached to the little buggers.

“Why are you apologizing?” Elia asked, climbing out of transport

before offering Alexis a hand out. “This shame isn’t yours, my honor.
It is my father’s. He knew I would have to choose between following
his dictates and choosing the path I’d set out on. He just didn’t wager
I would choose you when confronted.”

Alexis took his hand and let him pull him the rest of the way out

of the vehicle. “What about your sire and the rest of your siblings?
You gave up everything just because I’m selfish.” Guilt was eating
him alive. Alexis hadn’t been thinking when he’d creamed Kranok in
the face with a chunk of Eoean sculpture. All he’d seen was someone
hurting Elia, and he’d reacted. He’d half expected Elia to cave once
Kranok had laid down his ultimatum. The prick. However, he’d been
floored by Elia’s firm assurance and unwillingness to compromise his

Elia reached back into the transport and pulled out their overnight

bag. It was programmed to hover and tag along behind them, so with
a press of the button it did just that. “You gave up your entire life for

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me,” Elia murmured, twining their hands. “It only makes sense that I
should sacrifice just as profoundly as you, my honor.” They walked
down the road the exact same way they’d done Alexis’s first day here,
but it felt different this time around. He felt like he’d finally come
into his own and was at last right where he belonged.

“You make me incredibly happy, Elia.” He paused and swallowed

hard, working up courage to say exactly what was on his mind and
tongue. “I love you.”

Elia pulled him into a bear hug before leaning down and claiming

his lips in a kiss. Alexis sighed and let the kiss deepen, enjoying the
way his lover felt pressed against him. He reached up and ran his
hands down Elia’s face, tracing his forehead and small horns with
appreciative hands. He was beautiful. How he’d ever been frightened
of him, Alexis didn’t know. When he took a breath for air, Elia spoke.
“I had hoped my hesitation hadn’t ruined the feelings you had for

Alexis shook his head. “I thought for a second that you hadn’t

meant what you said. I thought you were just going to order me to be
quiet and do what you wanted anyway.”

“I am not that type of Arak, my honor. Though I understand where

the thought comes from.”

“You’re nothing like him,” Alexis said for what had to be the

millionth time. He had no doubts. Elia wasn’t exaggerating or playing
him. He really cared. He pointed toward the field. “It looks like the
fence will need mending before long.” Even after the short period
he’d been here, he could spot the imperfections in the wood’s line. It
was a trick Elia had taught him on day three.

Elia nodded. “I saw that. Your eyes are getting good. Which of the

Marknads are about to spawn?”

Alexis’s eyes went to the ones he could see, and he racked his

brain, trying to recall the signs Elia had taught him before. The
grayish blue tones of the animals had something to do with it. He

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pointed to the two large females near the pond. “Those two. The flesh
turns almost white along the line of their backs right?”

Elia grinned. “Very good. I’ll make a gardener out of you yet.”
Gardener was the weird translation of what a human would

consider a farmer to be. Apparently the word farmer had the
connotation of some sort of indentured servant. He supposed that no
translation system, no matter how sophisticated, was perfect. “I
actually really enjoy this,” he admitted as Elia tugged him along back
toward the house. “I was always bored in the city. Everything was
computers and systems and management. This is better.” He didn’t
know how else to explain it. This life would be considered rustic and
simple by the measure of the people he’d left behind, but to him, this
was fresh and golden. Perfect.

“You are my perfect match then. My father made farmers do most

of our land work and had everything brought to our home via
transport from his lands. He is a city creature at heart. He always
expected me to follow suit in more ways than one.” Elia took a deep
breath. “I am free now.”

“We can be free together,” Alexis said, meaning it.
“That is my wish, my concubine.”
They reached the front entrance of the house, and it swished open

on its own. Task stood in the doorway, head bowed. Elia’s good mood
vanished. Alexis felt the warmth fade to be replaced by cold, black

He stalked forward, tilting Task’s chin up so their eyes met. “You

are no longer welcome in my home. You have tonight to gather your
things. My father should send a transport to collect you in the

Arak, please. I only wish for your happiness.”
“No,” Elia interrupted. “You wish for my father’s happiness.

Mine is of no concern to you. You’ve proven you can’t be trusted,
Task. I will mourn the memories I have of you that are pleasant but
will be glad to see you gone.”

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Task’s eyes widened, hurt swimming in their depths. “I am sorry,

Elia. Truly. May I have one more chance?”

Elia shook his head. “No. I will not have my concubine

uncomfortable in the presence of my servant. You’re dismissed for
the night.”

Task sent a pleading look in Alexis’s direction, but the man was

barking up the wrong tree. Alexis had his Arak’s best wishes at heart.
He didn’t give a damn about the servant’s feelings. The guy had been
a real snake.

“You’ve ruined him,” Task said as he pushed off the doorframe.

“I hope you’re happy.”

Alexis raised his chin, sure of his place. “I freed him, and he freed


Task raised the right corner of his lip in a sneer. “You’ll send him

to a prison yet.” With that, he disappeared into the interior of the

“Do you want me to toss him out now?” Elia asked, stepping into

the doorway.

Alexis shook his head. “I think he deserves it, but I’m not that

cruel. Let’s just go get some lunch and then feed the animals.” He
really wanted a nap, but things didn’t run themselves.

Elia hesitated. “Alexis, after your bath this evening, you will come

to my rooms and stay there for the night.”

On the surface, the command was simple, but Alexis knew the

significance of the order. The tutor had explained everything
perfectly. Araks never invited their concubines to their rooms. It went
back to yet another arcane practice where Araks were kept separated
from their lesser at rest. Elia was taking the final step. He smiled at
him. “I’d love to come to your room, Elia. May I have a spanking
when I get there?”

Elia frowned, his eyebrows lowering in puzzlement. “You don’t

have to. There will be no exhibition or anything of that nature.”

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Alexis bit his bottom lip. “I want it. I told you before I enjoyed

submission in the bedroom. I really enjoy it with you.”

“Are you certain?” Elia asked. “I don’t wish to pressure you.”
“You’re not, my Arak. I promise.” He smiled to himself this time.

Elia was terribly considerate, unnecessarily so to some degree. “Let’s
get out of the doorway, Elia. I’m hungry.” He was starving actually.
Breakfast had been early and light. No one could be expected to thrive
on that amount of food.

“I will grant your wishes with pleasure, my honor,” Elia said,

giving him a wink. It was such a human gesture, Alexis laughed. He
must’ve picked it up when they were hanging out together.

“You’re a mess, love,” Alexis told his alien master.
“I am in no way disheveled,” Elia said, his lips dipping down into

a frown.

Alexis rolled his eyes. “It’s another expression. It means—”
“I know what it means, my honor,” Elia cut in. “I was kidding.”
Shock washed over him an instant before amusement. “I did say

you needed a sense of humor.”

“Indeed.” With that his lover turned and walked further on into

the house. Alexis followed. He’d follow him anywhere.

* * * *

Elia broke the seal on the supplement bin and threw a handful of it

to the waiting Marknads as they ambled to the fence line. Out of the
corner of his eye he saw Alexis twist the knotting tool around the wire
of the fencing to secure the wood to the post. He’d stripped off his
shirt because of the heat of the midafternoon sun, and his lovely
tanned flesh was on full display as sweat formed on the developing
muscles. Alexis didn’t seem to be getting the cut in his muscle as
quickly as Elia did, but it wouldn’t be long before he did. The work
was more strenuous from what he was used to. At least that was what
he’d gathered from their many conversations.

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He grabbed another handful of feed and tossed it out. He wished

there was a quicker way to get this done so he could get his Alexis
back to his bedroom. His heart did a weird stuttering rhythm at the
thought. It went against his training to even contemplate bringing his
lover to his space, but he was pleased with his decision.

Maybe he’d purchase some equipment from some of the junk

fields at the end of the month. The old Eoean technologies were pretty
useless nowadays, but with his soul resonance, he wanted to try and
see if he could get them to work. It would be an interesting
experiment at any rate. He did a quick mental calculation. He could
use his discretionary credits to get some smaller pieces relatively
cheaply at the end of the month.

Alexis pushed himself to his feet and wiped his forearm across his

forehead. “It shouldn’t move now.”

“Good job, my honor,” Elia complimented. “Do you wish to

return to the house for that nap or go swimming?” He needed to go
weed the vegetable field and check on the newling fish in the nursery,
but that could wait until tomorrow.

Alexis cracked his knuckles before stretching his shoulders one by

one. “You didn’t go check the fish pens.”

“They will keep till tomorrow,” Elia said. They’d both had a hard

day, but the land wouldn’t tend to itself. Normally Elia would’ve
assigned Task to the job, but he no longer trusted the man to do
anything for him or his concubine.

“Why don’t you pop down there and check it out?” Alexis asked.

“I know it’ll bother you if you don’t. I’m going to go grab a shower,
and then I’ll meet you in the sitting room when you finish.”

Elia hesitated for a minute before he nodded. There was no reason

that he shouldn’t allow his concubine to return the house without him.
Task was harmless. He might sulk, but he wouldn’t do anything
remotely threatening. “Go ahead, my honor. I’ll run down to the
beach and check my equipment.”

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He watched Alexis’s retreat back to their home. The fields were

easily navigable, though they’d have to be mowed by the end of the
week. He looked forward to the prospect. Maybe that was the
equipment he needed to buy.

“Alexis!” he called. His lover paused, turned. “Don’t make me

wait. I want to have you before the star’s light fades.”

Alexis gave him a brilliant smile before he shouted back. “Okay,


Elia nodded and finished tossing out the supplements to the herd.

Today would be the beginning of the rest of their lives together, free
from the burdens of their pasts. It only made sense that it would be an
ordinary day. He was happy that the confrontation with his father had
been reasonably anticlimactic. They didn’t need to start their lives
with any more pain than was necessary. Yes, he would miss his sire
and his siblings, but seeing them wasn’t worth his freedom or his
relationship with Alexis. He could still send them private
communications at least. Not even his father controlled those.

He collapsed the feeding bucket and put it in the incineration unit

that was on the fence post. Once the unit filled with the residue of the
field buckets, he’d take the entire thing to recycling in town. He
turned from the fence and followed the line down to the embankment
where another set of steps led to the beach. Checking the nursery and
the pens wouldn’t take very much time at all.

A smile flirted with his mouth as he thought of what awaited him

back at his home. A new sense of eagerness filled him. He wanted to
reaffirm his connection with his lover after the misunderstandings of
this morning. His cocks stirred. And he knew just the way to do it.

* * * *

Alexis sighed as he sank to his nose in the warm bath of the

concubines’ quarters. Truth be told, the bath resembled more of an
underground hot tub than any bathing unit he had at home. It

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reminded him of lush harems from an earlier period of human history,
a time before the Great Plague. His muscles, sore from tending to the
fence, finally started to relax.

He picked up what he supposed passed as shampoo for Eoeans

that smelled like mint and cotton and had the consistency of
bodywash with little granule scrubbers in it. It felt fantastic on his
scalp and on the rougher parts of his skin. He had the sneaking
suspicion he would be begging Elia in the near future to wash his hair
for him. He absolutely loved when people washed his hair. He had
loved going to the hair salon for that very reason.

The swish of the door behind him made him grin. His lover had

certainly rushed checking on the pens down by the beach.

“You didn’t have to rush on my account,” he said, laughter in his

voice. Though he was more than pleased at his lover’s eagerness to
return to him. He turned to continue but stopped short. He frowned.
“What are you doing in here? I thought Elia told you to go to your
room and leave us alone.” He suddenly felt very vulnerable.

Task was quiet for a long time, just staring at him. “I do not take

my orders from Elia anymore.” The sentence seemed “off” to him
somehow, like the guy was a second away from losing it. Time to get
out of the bath
. He moved toward the step, and Task came over to
block his path.

“Don’t do something stupid,” Alexis warned. The look in the

servant’s eyes said he was just this side of dangerous. “Come on,
Task. I know you’re pissed about me being here, but it’s Elia’s

“You need to hush, human,” Task rumbled. “I’m debating

whether to drown you or walk away. At the moment, I’m leaning
toward the former.”

Alexis swallowed. “Why?”
“Elia’s father was just arrested by the authorities for tampering

with the lottery.” Task dropped the bomb with vicious efficiency.
“And though I know logically that you couldn’t have known, my

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visceral reaction is to eliminate the evidence.” He took out something
that looked like a small baseball bat and swung it in a lazy half arc.
Alexis’s heart skipped a beat.

“It won’t protect Kranok now,” Alexis said, tilting his chin up in

defiance. If he was going to him with that thing, he wasn’t going to
cringe away from it like a coward.

“It’s not Kranok that I am concerned about!” Task snapped, rage

transforming his features into something black and hateful. His blue
skin even darkened a shade like he was flushing. Alexis was
bewildered. The way Task had always behaved favored Kranok and
his lifestyle. It just didn’t make any sense that he didn’t care about the
man’s predicament.

“Then what?” Alexis asked, glaring daggers at the man. “Why are

you threatening me with that damn pipe thing?”

“Elia will be the one to suffer for this. He’s going to be the one

who loses his first concubine. He’s the one who has thrown off his
heritage for you. And now you will be torn from him like the
misplaced property you are.” He stared down at Alexis, and his black
eyes were the only thing he saw. “If I could spare him the pain of
knowing you would belong to another, I would. It’s not fair that you
should get another chance when he will be the laughingstock of all of

The words sank into his chest like tiny hooks intent on tearing off

the muscle surrounding his heart. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“The authorities—”
“Fuck the authorities!” Alexis interrupted, uncaring if the guy

swung at him at this point. “I’m never leaving him.”

Task’s eyes narrowed. “Then you will breed with him? Care for

him? Fight for him? Not many concubines would do so.”

That wasn’t even a question. “You obviously have never met a

human in love, man. He’s stuck with me until death do us part. And
we’ve talked about the kid thing. When the time comes, we’ll make a
dozen beautiful babies for him to fawn over. But we’ll both be ready

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for it when it happens.” No matter what happened, he was going to
stick by his lover’s side. Period.

The servant considered him for a long time, staring at him as if he

could read a lie if it were evident on Alexis’s face. Finally, he nodded.
“I believe you.” He sighed. “It would’ve been easier to kill you. Then
he could’ve buried you. I need you to come with me. We have to hide
you. Now. They’re probably already on their way from Prince

Alexis’s eyes widened. “No offense, but I don’t trust you as far as

I can throw you. I’m not going anywhere with you.” Confident that he
wasn’t going to get smacked with the bat, he ascended the steps and
pushed past Task, uncaring if he got the other man wet in the process.
He grabbed the towel where it was warming on the shelf and wrapped
it around his waist.

“We have to find somewhere to hide you until they leave.” Task

grabbed his arm and Alexis growled at the manhandling. No one was
allowed to touch him but his Arak.

“Let go of me,” Alexis commanded. He pulled back, but Task

didn’t let him go. He growled and tried to extricate himself. “Stop it,
Task. Lemme go!” The servant dragged him toward the side entrance
that led to the breeding center.

“There is a side exit in case the main house catches fire,” Task

murmured, ignoring his protest completely. “It’s to evacuate the little
ones. We’ll leave from there. Down by the beach there is an
evacuation unit. I’ll put you in there until after they leave.”

“No! Stop it!”
“He’ll forgive me if I save you. Then he’ll let me stay,” Task

continued to babble.

Alexis dug his heels in as best he could on the slick floor. Dammit

to hell and back. “Is that what this is about? Him letting you stay?”

“Of course!” Task snapped. “I want him happy, and I don’t want

to go back to Kranok’s house. It’ll be in shambles. I chose to leave for
a reason.”

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“What in the name of the eight galaxies of Eoean are you doing,

Task?” a voice snapped from the entryway to the main house.

Hot relief pierced him. “Thank fuck. Elia, get him off of me!”
Task turned pleading eyes on their Arak. “Please, Elia,

understand. The government is coming with enforcers to take him
from you. They’ve arrested your father for tampering with the lottery
and are confiscating all humans given as winnings in the past cycle
from this area. They’re going to take him from you. Don’t you see?
I’m loyal, Elia. Don’t make me return to your father’s house.”

Elia took three strides from the doorway to reach them, and he had

“pissed” written all over his face. His nostrils were flaring, his eyes
narrowed, and his jaw so tense that it looked like it would shatter with
the least provocation. He reached out and grabbed Task’s free arm
and twisted. “Let. Him. Go. Now.” The low rumbled growl would’ve
been a total turn-on had Alexis not been so damn worried about what
Task had said.

Task’s grip eased, and Alexis nearly lost his towel as he stumbled

backward. Elia reached out to steady him, a concerned look on his
face. “My honor, are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” Alexis said a bit sheepishly. “I’m apparently clutzy

today.” He nodded toward Task. “Is what he said true?”

Elia shrugged. “I have no idea.” That tick on his jaw got more

intense. “I will find out. Task, bring it up on the vid screen in my
study. Now.”

“Yes, Arak.” Task paused. “Please, Arak, consider my staying.”
Elia growled. “I’ll consider you dead if you don’t hurry up and

confirm the information I need.” Task turned and all but scrambled
from the room at that.

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Chapter Eight

Elia immediately pulled Alexis into his arms and gave him a tight

squeeze. “When you weren’t in my room, I worried.”

“I’m okay,” Alexis whispered. “Today has been a hell of a day.”

He tried not to shake like he really wanted to. The thought of leaving
Elia left him cold.

“I will not allow anyone to take you from me, my honor,” he

promised. “I swear it to you. If there is a way to keep you—”

“Communication is open between your office and Prince

Kranok’s home,” Task interrupted. Damn that had been fast. “Prince
Noss is on the line.”

Elia nodded, his expression hardening once more. “Very well.

Fetch a concubine shift from Alexis’s room and bring it to my study.”

“Does that mean I can stay?” Task asked, a hopeful note in his


“It means you’re on probation and I will discuss with Alexis

whether or not you can stay after I sort all this out. Until then, go to
your damn room and stay there.” In all the time he’d been around
Elia, he’d never heard him utter a human curse before or any curse for
that matter. He had to be really on edge.

Task beamed. “Yes, my Arak.”
Elia just rolled his eyes and pulled Alexis with him around the

bath and down the hallway. Alexis’s towel slipped, and he nearly fell
trying to keep it up and walk at the same time. “Elia, I love you, but
lemme walk by myself, huh?”

Elia’s eyes widened. “I apologize, my honor.” He released him

but continued moving at a clipped pace. “Just stay near me, please. I

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don’t want to believe what Task said.” But he did. The uncertainty in
his voice was unmistakable.

They finally made it to the study, and Elia tossed him a blanket to

wrap around himself as an Eoean who looked very similar to Elia
blinked at them on the screen. They were closely related. “Your
brother, right?”

Elia nodded. “My fellow spawn, though we have different true-

sires. Greetings, Noss.”

Noss lowered his head in a half bow. “Greetings to you, Arak

Elia.” The words were stiff, formal, too formal to be between two
siblings. Their house had been a damn cold place if this was how they

“Task told me Father has been arrested.”
Noss winced. “It’s true. I have taken over the household as best I

can until I attain a concubine. I was going to call you in a bit to tell
you. Have the lottery enforcers shown up yet?”

Elia shook his head. “Not as of yet.”
Noss’s eyes went to Alexis, and Alexis gave an awkward wave of

greeting. “Hi. Are you Elia’s younger brother?”

“Not at all. I am four years his senior. I was delaying my joining

until after I finished my studies at the academy. I am by nature an
academic, not an Arak. However, with father’s arrest, I will take up
my duties as interim Arak until he is freed.”

Huh. He’d been under the impression that all guys in Kranok’s

family were meant to be Araks. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“And you as well.” Noss gave another half bow. “I was pleased to

hear that my fellow spawn has made his own path. However, I must
go. The house in in shambles. There are still spawn in the breeding
center who have yet to be born. Our sires are in an uproar, and
without an Arak, we’re vulnerable to another Arak stepping up to
claim us all. I need to attain a concubine, now.”

“If you should need me, call upon me,” Elia said, returning Noss’s

bow with one of his own.

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“I will. Good-bye, Elia.” The connection cut out.
“Well, shit,” Alexis sighed. “I was hoping Task was lying.”
Elia reached for him, pulling him into tight hug. “So was I, my

honor.” They stayed that way for a few endless minutes, just taking
comfort from the presence of one another.

“We’ll run together if it comes to that. We can go to a human city

or something. Hide out,” Alexis whispered.

Elia sighed. “That will never work, my honor. I don’t exactly

blend in there.”

“I don’t want to lose you.” Alexis swallowed. He couldn’t lose

him. He’d just found him. After all the crappy relationships he’d been
in, he was determined to hold on to Elia.

“You will never lose me.”
They were interrupted by the arrival of Task and the clothing Elia

had commanded he bring. Elia let him go and extended his hand to
take the concubine shift from Task. The servant handed it over before
bowing his way out of the room. Elia in turn tossed him the clothing.
Alexis turned around, dropped the blanket, and then slipped the blue
shift over his head without preamble, trying desperately not to think
of the worst possible scenario.

Araks don’t run, Alexis. They don’t run, but I would for you,”

Elia whispered behind him. Their connection sparked, filling the room
with bright blue light as all the alien technology came alive with
Elia’s power. The Eoean chuckled. “I enjoy this thing between us.
Our soul resonance is getting deeper.”

“I know. Cool huh?”
A hard rapping on the front entrance of the main entrance made

Alexis jump. He swallowed. “Is that them?” he asked, turning around.

Elia gave his shoulder a squeeze and opened his mouth, but a

crash interrupted whatever replay he was formulating. Pounding
footsteps sounded outside the study before the door swished open to
admit half a dozen Eoeans armed with the same sort of bat that Task
had threatened him with earlier.

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“Down on your knees!” the biggest of the bunch barked, pointing

to Elia with his bat. Elia held up his hands in the universal sign of
surrender. Another Eoean stepped up and tried to grab Alexis’s arm,
but he sidestepped him. “Get the property out of here.”

“No!” Alexis snapped. “I belong to Elia. Don’t touch me!” He

struggled as the Eoean grabbed his waist and hauled him backward.
Panic set in. They were really going to take him away from Elia, and
he’d never been so scared of anything in his life, his first encounter
with Elia included. “Stop it!”

Elia jumped to his feet, and one of the Eoeans swung the bat thing

at him. An arc of electricity sped toward Elia and glanced off his side.
Elia hissed as the smell of burning flesh filled the air. “Elia!” Alexis
shouted, reaching for him with more than just his hands. “I love him.
Let. Me. Go!” Everything clicked into place, and their on-again-off-
again connection linked together, weaving into something that felt
like solid steel. He gasped at the sensation. Yes! This was the
moment, the one they’d been waiting for.

“Stop touching him!” Elia shouted. Everything in the room lit up

like the Fourth of July parade. Blue light consumed everything, and
the pop of lighting figures threw white sparks into the air.

“All Father above!” an Eoean shouted.
“Holy cow!” Alexis echoed.
“Hold!” the head Eoean barked. “They’ve achieved soul

resonance.” A murmur went through the assembled Eoeans. A sort of
awe-filled whisper followed. “This needs to be reported to the
assembly.” He pulled out some sort of device, and a small hologram
popped up. “Take them into the sitting room, and I’ll be there in a
moment. Don’t separate them.”

Well, this was looking up. Reluctant hope started shimmering in

his chest. He crossed the distance between Elia and himself. His
breath hitched as his eyes glued to the black burn mark on Elia’s side.
He turned on the Eoeans. “You better get me something to clean him

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up with, and I mean now.” He crossed his arms over his chest and

They glanced at one another before looking toward Elia, who was

doing an admirable job of keeping his face from displaying the pain
he had to have been in. “Arak, your concubine is spirited,” one of the
larger males rumbled.

“My concubine is perfect,” Elia wheezed.
Alexis stomped his foot. “Healing stuff, now.” The big one gave

him a weird look before shrugging off his pack and digging inside.
After what seemed like eternity, he handed Alexis a medi-pack…that
he had no idea how to use.

“Open the pack and take out the white jar,” Elia instructed, clearly

gritting his teeth. Alexis did as he was bid and managed not to drop
the jar since his hands were shaking. Elia somehow managed to shrug
off his shirt, and then Alexis smoothed the contents of the container
over the blackened parts of the wound. It hardened almost
immediately like a cast or something. Elia breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, my honor. It eases the pain of burning.”

Alexis glared at their captors for that.

* * * *

Elia tried very hard to concentrate on breathing through the pain.

Alexis was agitated, his movements nervous and the fear coming off
of him in waves. He understood exactly what he was feeling because
it echoed through his own chest. There was no way to describe the
intimacy of achieving perfect soul resonance with someone. He didn’t
even bother trying. He just knew Alexis, the same way he knew

“What are they going to do with us?” he asked as they waited for

the lottery enforcers’ leader to return to them. He honestly didn’t have
an answer for his lover’s question. This was unprecedented. As far as
he knew, no one had managed to successfully tamper with the lottery.

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He suspected that their original intention was to separate them and
reassign Alexis to his originally intended Eoean, but the soul
resonance had put a stop to that. They were never going to be able to
be separated, at least not in the permanent sense. He wasn’t going to
drop that little nugget of information just yet. He didn’t want Alexis
worrying about anything else right now.

“I don’t know, Alexis,” he murmured, trying not to breathe too

deeply. The stick-cast helped some with that, but the burn itself would
take some time to heal up. He’d probably need antibiotics as well. All
in good time

Alexis rested his head on Elia’s shoulder. “Does it hurt a lot? Is

there anything else I can do?”

“Calm, my honor. Everything will be all right.” He hoped


“I have pain meds if you need them,” one of the enforcers offered.

He was the one who had given him the burn wound from the electro-
wand. Elia raised his eyebrows toward his horn line. The enforcer
shifted. “It’s standard procedure when dealing with a suspect.
Especially given what your father did to us.”

Elia’s heart sank. “What did he do?”
“Put two enforcers in the med-unit,” the head enforcer said from

the doorway.

Elia raised his head and pinned him with a look. “I’m not

surprised. My father doesn’t appreciate any authority but his own. So
what is your next course of action?”

“We’re taking you to the capitol. The assembly wants to see you

and test the bond personally.” Hope singed his insides. The enforcer
crossed his arms over his chest. “They may still reassign your human
elsewhere. I want to be completely honest about that.”

“Over my dead body,” Alexis said, glaring at the men.
The enforcer snorted. “If necessary.”
Elia growled. “I would keep the threats to a minimum if I were

you, or else you’ll be next for the med unit.”

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“So noted. Now, am I going to have to separate you two, or will

you come along quietly?”

“We’ll go,” Elia whispered. He gave his lover’s arm a squeeze to

keep him quiet. There was a time to fight and a time to bide their
time. His people were reasonable. He just had to plead their case. At
least he hoped that was what was happening. Any other possibility
was immediately rejected. Optimism had served him thus far.

They dragged him up off the couch, and he did his best not to

wince too much. Alexis immediately situated himself in between
them like he was somehow going to protect him from the enforcers by
standing there. “Lean on me,” Alexis whispered. He looked up into
Elia’s eyes, and his heart expanded. This was his concubine, his love.
No matter what happened that wouldn’t change.

“I am fine, my honor. I promise.” He would be. There was no way

he would shame his lover by acting as less than Alexis’s Arak.

Alexis snorted. “Yeah. Trying telling that to someone who hasn’t

seen the third-degree burns on your ribs. I’m surprised you’re even
able to move.”

“It is not without discomfort,” Elia assured, draping his arm

around his lover’s shoulders casually. Maybe he could lean just a little
bit. Pain shot down his side, making him gasp. He cursed himself as
Alexis looked up at him in concern. “I’m fine, my honor.”

“Fine is not what I’d call it.”
Elia grunted. He wasn’t about to argue with him. That would take

far more energy than what he had to give at the moment.

“Are we traveling via transport?” Elia asked as the larger Eoeans

filed in behind. It was a little disorienting to realize he was now a half
a foot taller than most of the enforcers. The dominance showed in the
bulk of his muscles and his continuing height. He’d reach his
potential yet. He hadn’t been certain that he was going to be as big as
his father but now he had more faith in himself. He would be a hell of
an Arak when he filled out completely.

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“No,” the head enforcer said. “We’ll be traveling via space


He whipped his head around to pin the man with a look. That was

insane. His father had paid nearly half a million credits for his two-
way portal to and from the interior. They were so difficult to maintain
and run that unless it was a relatively short distance, they only went
one way. The ones to the outer galaxies only went one way anyway.

“Oh great,” Alexis huffed. “Those portal things were awful last


“They weren’t that bad, my honor.” Elia tsked. “It just seems

excessive. A transport to the capital would only take a few hours.”

“The charges, should they be levied, will be most severe,” the lead

enforcer said in a clipped voice. “The assembly for the lottery has
made it clear that they want the matter handled promptly.”

Elia nodded and gave Alexis a squeeze. “Love you,” he promised.

If this was the last time he was going to be able to say it, he was going
to belt it from the rooftops.

Alexis’s face softened. “Love you too, my Arak.”
The portal solidified in front of them in the form of a tall gray-

and-blue door. The enforcer in front of him twisted the knob and
pushed it inward. Light shimmered in the interior, and Elia knew their
judgment existed on the other side. Damn you, Father. Damn you to
. It was just sinking in, the depth of his father’s screwup.
Elia might be imprisoned, or worse, lose Alexis for this if they found
him guilty of assisting with his scheme.

He took a deep breath and gave his lover’s hand another squeeze.

Then he stepped through the door to his fate.

* * * *

Alexis squeezed his eyes shut and followed Elia’s lead. Nothing

happened. He figured there would be some nausea or some feeling,
something. However, unlike the first time when he’d been stressed

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out and sick to his stomach, this time nothing felt different. He pried
his eyes open and found himself standing in a weird room that had the
same angular décor that he was coming to expect from Eeoean
buildings, except this room was more towering than any he’d seen
before and it wasn’t Eoean blue or white. Instead it was a wash of
cool colors that matched Elia’s hair perfectly in its purple, green, and
silver tones. Above the archway that lay ahead of them was a
scrawling Eoean script. The translation popped up in his head
automatically. Here is where all Judgments are sought.

“Hush, my honor,” Elia whispered, his eyes scanning the room

like he was looking for spies or something.

They passed under the archway and into a smaller space that was

almost a Roman amphitheater in appearance. They stepped onto the
stage section and all the enforcers melted into the shadows on either
side of where they stood. The massive doors behind them shut with a
definitive thunk, and Alexis couldn’t resist raising his eyes to the
darkened seats beyond. Shadowed figures sat in black robes spread
out in a semicircle beyond the range of his sight, probably
deliberately so.

“Is this public parade really necessary?” Elia asked the figures,

clearly not happy with their current predicament. “I thought we were
going to be seen by the assembly.”

“And so you are,” a somewhat familiar voice said from the center

of the room. “Is it true that you have achieved soul resonance with the
human known as Alexis Bedlam, a vessel intended for one Yan

Elia gave a curt nod. “It is.”
“Is it also true that you had no prior knowledge that your father,

Prince Kranok, Arak of your former household, had tampered with the
lottery’s distribution system?”

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“I had no prior knowledge.” Elia lifted his chin almost defiantly,

daring them to call him a liar. It was hot as hell. Despite their
situation, Alexis was intensely attracted to his Arak, his alien master.

“Normal recourse for this situation is the removal of the

misplaced slave and a demand of restitution by your father to
compensate both you and the intended owner for loss in time and
hardship. However, due to the alleged soul resonance, this poses a
unique problem.” The speaker sighed. “Before we continue, can you
display your connection for the assembly?”

“How would you do that?”
“The light to this part of the theater has been exhausted. We no

longer have the collective ability to activate the technology. It was
built when we still had access to those higher powers before it all
faded. Supposedly it only took one Eoean with soul resonance to run
this place.” It was a test, and Alexis knew it. He looked up at his Arak
and worried his bottom lip. “Can you do it?”

“I can try,” Elia said. He didn’t appear nervous outwardly, but

Alexis could feel the sudden flare of nerves. “I’ve never tried to use
the power. It fluctuates whenever we join.”

“If the bond hasn’t solidified, it is reversible. If the bond is

formed, you should be able to do it.”

Elia took a deep breath and met Alexis’s eyes. “Come here, my

honor,” he murmured. Alexis trembled and wrapped his arms around
his waist.

“Whatever you want, my Arak.” He rested his head on Elia’s chest

and held on. “They’re not taking me away from you though.”

Elia chuckled. “Stubborn.”
“Damn straight.” Alexis held his breath, waiting for Elia to

activate his mojo. Almost instantly, the connection seemed to pull
them closer, and the lights clicked out, flooding the seats with
illumination. The gasp that arose let Alexis know that they were
impressed with his ability. “Was that as easy as I think it was?” he
whispered, raising his head so he could look at him in the face.

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Elia nodded, his eyes as wide as Alexis imagined his own were.

“Surprisingly, yes.”

“Congratulations,” the voice from the seats said. Alexis turned

around in his arms to face the assembly, Elia’s arms never leaving his
waist. Alexis felt a flicker of recognition but it wasn’t from him.

“I thought you were an investigator for the assembly,” Elia

rumbled behind him. “You called me the other night. Richt Landa,

The Eoean nodded. “Yes. I had hoped that you would recognize

me. While I commend you for your successful soul resonance with
your human, we are in a difficult situation. By law, your concubine
belongs to another.”

“Then we are in need of a solution,” Elia said, his voice velvet

over steel. “I am willing to pay for him.”

Richt waved his hand in dismissal. “That is not your burden to

bear. The assembly has already discussed calling up one of next
year’s sacrifices in order to provide the slighted male with one of his
own. It will be an early harvest, but I believe that the human
government will agree. We will make concessions, and they will give
us our way. Do any of the assembled have a problem with this

No voices sounded.
Is it really that damn easy? They dragged us out of our home, hurt

my lover, and made us think the worst just so they could have Elia
turn off the lights
? Annoyance flickered. “You guys are real assholes,
you know that?” Elia’s sharp intake of breath said it all. Okay. Maybe
he had overstepped a little bit, but they had basically strung them
along and injured him for nothing.

The Richt guy leaned back in his seat and actually chuckled. “Oh

really? I am familiar with that earth saying, Alexis. Why are you
comparing me and my companions to anuses?”

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“You guys hurt my Arak, and dragged us from our home for

what? So he can perform a magic trick? Where is the compensation
for that?”

The assemblyman’s eyes shot wide, and a low murmur percolated

through the rest of them. “Compensation for a legal arrest? You must
be joking.”

“No. I’m not joking.” He pulled out of Elia’s grip, and he growled

in protest. He looked over his shoulder and gave him what he hoped
was a trust-me expression. “The tutor said that the capital has several
medical units that would enable him to be healed in just a few
minutes. Let him use one before we go back.”

Richt laughed, the sound deep and booming, before he reached up

and scratched his six-inch horns. "Your first concubine has your best
interests at heart, Arak. For his bravery, I will agree to a healing of
your torso at the assembly’s expense.”

Alexis nodded, satisfied. “Good.”
Elia grabbed his arm. “We appreciate the assembly’s

generousness. With your permission, we will visit a medical unit and
then be on our way back to our home.”

“Fine,” Richt said, waving the two of them on. “Leave us then.”
Alexis let Elia lead him from the room, back the way they’d


He breathed a sigh of relief as the doors closed once more, cutting

them off from the assembly. “That was intense,” he said, throwing
Elia a smile.

Elia glared at him. “As happy as I am with the outcome, I may

throttle you yet. You do not demand things from the assembly,
especially not when you’ve been arrested by them. When we get
home, the punishment will be most severe.”

“Uh…huh.” Alexis poked Elia in his burned side, and Elia hissed.

“I think you ought to thank your concubine for procuring your
treatment so you weren’t permanently disfigured and offer to spank
his ass when we get home as reward for excellent behavior.”

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Elia’s lips twitched and Alexis knew he’d tickled him. “Why is

my concubine talking about himself in third person?”

“Because he’s just that amazing.” He grinned. “In fact, Eoean

monuments will be erected in my—” Elia pushed him into a nearby
wall before claiming his lips in a scorching kiss. Alexis’s mind
blanked as his mouth was forced open by the hard presses of his alien
master’s tongue. He clung to his shoulders, feeling the strength in his
Arak’s ever-growing muscles. He gasped as Elia’s strong hands ran
down his body in the same possessive way that drove him crazy on a
daily basis.

“I nearly lost you, you crazy human,” Elia said against his mouth.

“I couldn’t have stood it. I would’ve fought and died to get you back.”

Alexis swallowed, hard, tears clouding his vision as his words and

the feelings behind them sank into him. “Elia, my Arak,” he
whispered. The words weren’t even close to conveying what he meant
by them.

Elia pressed another kiss to his mouth. “I know, my honor. I

know. Let’s get to the medical unit and then go home.”

Alexis nodded. Yes. Wherever his Arak led, he would follow,

willingly, lovingly, and without any reservations. Home and Elia had
become synonymous, and there was nowhere else he’d rather be.

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Elia had been in high spirits when they crossed the portal from the

capital to their home. The assembly had been kind enough to provide
one for the return trip, and even though he was fully healed, he had
been exhausted. Too exhausted to give his concubine the spanking
he’d asked for. Between the subsequent meetings with his older
brother, who still had yet to find a concubine and who was even now
fighting off other Araks for the privilege of running his own
household, and the ongoing investigation into his father’s seemingly
endless crimes, he’d had no time to make up for it since. However, it
had been two long months, and he was going to make up for it now.

“What is it you wish of your Arak today, my honor?” he rumbled,

raking Alexis with his gaze. He was trussed up in black silk binds that
made glorious crisscrossed patterns on his tanned flesh. His cock was
wrapped the tightest, restrained lovingly though it curved upward,
begging to be taken out and played with. He’d been that way for
fifteen minutes already, and he was showing higher levels of patience
than Elia had grown to expect from his pushy bottom of a concubine.

“Whatever my Arak wishes,” Alexis said, raising his head like he

could see Elia behind the black silk tied around his eyes. “I want to
please you.”

“You please me already,” Elia reminded, tapping the thin switch

he’d picked up against his lover’s cheek. “Tell me your desire,

His Adam’s apple bobbed, revealing his desire more than he

probably wanted. “I want your hands on me. I want you to spank me
like you promised.”

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Elia reached down and hauled his lover to his feet by the center

ribbon that was crisscrossed over his chest. “Done.” He pulled his
lover over to his bed and pushed him face-first into the welcoming
softness of the mattress. They occasionally still played in the pleasure
room, but every night was spent here in the comfort of their shared
bedchamber. The transition had been surprisingly simple.

The first strike caught Alexis’s right cheek nicely, and his lover

rocked with the blow. He loved how Alexis’s flesh turned a deep
burnished pink whenever it was struck. Again and again he brought
his palm down, watching the skin redden as his cocks grew firmer
with each swat of his hand. They rubbed against one another, jerking
off without him having to touch them. When the tenth strike fell
Alexis made a little whimpering sound that Elia knew all too well. He
grabbed the stretching instrument from where he’d tossed it on the
bed and spread his concubine’s gorgeous ass and pressed the lubed tip
to his hole. The instrument reacted to the touch, gyrating and pushing
deeper. Alexis gasped and pushed back against him.

“God I love that fucking thing,” Alexis said, his voice saturated

with need.

“I know, my honor,” Elia rumbled. He pushed the toy deeper and

left it there to do its job, preparing his lover for his two cocks. He
continued Alexis’s spanking, pushing him into ever deepening levels
of submission.

Alexis’s voice trembled as he spoke. “I love you.”
“And I love you, my honor.”
In no time at all, he was stretched wide enough to accommodate

both his pleasure organs. It was Alexis’s favorite thing to do in bed,
and he had taught Elia his definition of a size queen the other night,
and the label applied to his human apparently.

“Fuck me, please, Arak. Fuck me,” Alexis begged. Babbled would

be a more accurate description. He checked the mode on the toy and
was satisfied enough with its progress to pull it out and replace it with

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his cocks. Giving in to Alexis was no hardship, and his dicks were
hard enough to bend space-time portals.

He pulled the toy out and tossed it aside before replacing it with

his cocks. There was a little resistance, but the toy had done an
excellent job of slicking and stretching the way. Nothing felt as good
as when he was balls-deep inside his lover. He nibbled his back as he
slid deep.

Alexis gasped, pushing back against him. “Yes! Elia, I love you!”
“Love. You. Too.” Each word was punctuated with a thrust of his

hips and it wasn’t long before he was shuddering with every lunge
and dancing along the edge of release.

Alexis screamed as he came hard against the bedspread, and Elia

followed him over with a cry of his own. Multiple orgasms sent his
mind scattering, and his whole world narrowed down to nothing but
his lover and the combination of sensation and feeling he evoked. His
whole life stretched on before him, and he couldn’t imagine a second
of it that didn’t involve Alexis. He knew the meaning of the human
word love. It was being unable to breathe at the thought of his human
being out of his life.

Afterward, they lay in the tangle of their sexy limbs, Alexis’s head

resting on his chest. He gave his human a squeeze. “Thank you, my

“Very fucking welcome,” Alexis murmured, tracing his stomach

muscles with careful hands. “You know, your heartbeat is the same as

“We’re both bipeds, Alexis,” Elia reminded, already drifting into

a state of utter relaxation. “We’re more alike on the inside than you
might imagine.”

His lover chuckled. “I knew that already. We’re both paroled

prisoners, both starting over. This is a good place to be.”

“Hmm agreed.” No matter what they were bound together. Soul

resonance was a permanent state, which apparently granted more than
the ability to rejuvenate old Eoean technology. It also granted

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permanent rejuvenation of the body. Apparently both of them were
going to live a very long time in their current youthful states. He
grinned at the thought. More time to love him.

“Forever is gonna be good, huh?” Alexis poked him in the ribs as

he made a noncommittal grunt. “Elia, you falling asleep already?”

“I am afraid I am, my honor. I have found that family drama is

taxing over a prolonged period of time.” He stretched a bit and
banged his fingers on the wall at the top of his bed. He winced. Damn.
He was already outgrowing this mattress. He was a foot taller than
when he’d first met Alexis. Luckily he wouldn’t be getting much
bigger. He’d almost maxed out. “I will be ever grateful when I’m
done growing.”

Alexis laughed. “Don’t complain. You look like a stud.” He

paused. “Elia?”

“Yes, love?”
Alexis lifted his head and their eyes met. “Everything is going to

be all right. I promise. One way or another. We’ll be able to work
through the family drama. So long as we’re together.”

“I know, my honor. With you by my side, I have the strength for

anything.” And he did. He finally had something to fight for, and he
would never give him up. Despite the state of his father’s house, his
life had never been better. Alexis was his strength and his world.
They would make a lovely existence here, together.

“You know,” Alexis said, a mischievous look in his eyes. “When I

stepped into that transport back home, I thought my life was over. I
didn’t think I’d be heading toward the alien master of my dreams.”

Elia chuckled, understanding the game. “And when my father sent

me through the portal to fetch my first concubine, I didn’t think I
would be getting my perfect human mate, the key to my strength.”

“We’re some lucky sons o’ bitches, right?” Alexis asked,


Elia blinked. “I agree that we are lucky. But neither of us are

children of female canines.”

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Alexis just laughed.



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Jana Downs lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North

Carolina with three cats, one dog, several dozen fish, and a very
understanding partner-in-crime who hates to read but makes
exceptions for her stories.

You can usually find her either watching bad reality TV, buying

way too many books on Amazon, or dreaming up another man or two
to occupy her time because life is good but several drop-dead
gorgeous nonexistent men is just better. You can find her on her
website, www.janadowns.com, or her blog,

For all titles by Jana Downs, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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