show chat

PHPXRef 0.7 : NEABExplorer : Function Reference: show_chat()

[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of NEABExplorer

if (gwGetCookie('xrefnav')=='off')
document.write('[ Show Explorer ]');
document.write('[ Hide Explorer ]');

[ Show Explorer ]
[ Hide Navbar ]

[Top level directory]

Function and Method Cross Reference

Defined at:
/admin_tools/location_manager/location_manager.php -> line 366

Referenced 2 times:
/admin_tools/location_manager/location_manager.php -> line 414
/admin_tools/location_manager/location_manager.php -> line 475

Generated: Sun Jul 8 18:11:25 2007
Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7


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