130123125815 130123 vwitn tourists take on shark

BBC Learning English
Words in the News
23 January 2013
Tourists take on shark
In a scene reminiscent of the film Jaws, a shark approaches the shore of an
Australian beach.
However, unlike the film, beachgoers don t flee from the fish, they wrestle it and
attempt to coax it back out to sea.
The shark was also spotted in the shallow waters of a creek by frightened parents,
children and tourists before finding its way back to open water.
reminiscent of
bringing back memories of
flee from
run away from, escape from
fight by grabbing hold of
to coax
to encourage or persuade in a gentle way
seen or noticed
Watch the video online: Tourists take on shark http://bbc.in/XyYkJo
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from
news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence
reminiscent of / flee from / wrestle / to coax / spotted
1. She was quite actively crawling round the glass and I had ___________ her
into one of our insect jars while making sure not to get bitten.
2. The Although there was no sign of any of these music stars, one rock star has
been ___________ around Park City - Dave Grohl, making his directing debut
in a documentary &
3. Pyongyang's New Year's message for the first time in nearly two decades came in
the form of an authoritative speech by the country's top leader, underscoring the
regime's efforts to portray Kim Jong-un as a bold and dynamic leader
___________ the late leader Kim Il-sung.
4. Ahmed Dogan, leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) was
unharmed and the unidentified man was ___________ to the ground by
security guards.
5. A series of air attacks by French helicopters and fighter planes reportedly sent the
rebels ___________ two of the main northern towns, Gao and Timbuktu.
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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1. She was quite actively crawling round the glass and I had to coax her into one
of our insect jars while making sure not to get bitten.
Source: Arachnophobic pest controller faces Norfolk black widow
2. The Although there was no sign of any of these music stars, one rock star has
been spotted around Park City - Dave Grohl, making his directing debut in a
documentary &
Source: Sundance Film Festival attracts Hollywood's brightest stars
3. Pyongyang's New Year's message for the first time in nearly two decades came in
the form of an authoritative speech by the country's top leader, underscoring the
regime's efforts to portray Kim Jong-un as a bold and dynamic leader
reminiscent of the late leader Kim Il-sung.
Source: South Korea press cynical of Kim Jong-un's speech
4. Ahmed Dogan, leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) was
unharmed and the unidentified man was wrestled to the ground by security
Source: Ahmed Dogan attacked by armed assailant in Bulgaria
5. A series of air attacks by French helicopters and fighter planes reportedly sent the
rebels fleeing from two of the main northern towns, Gao and Timbuktu.
Source: France military says Mali town Konna 'not recaptured'
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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