Downs Jana Born to Please130304 0803

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Pleasure Vessels 1


Born to Please

Vessel 8189, Payne, doesn’t want the man who the Facility has
deemed his perfect match. A specially designed person whose DNA

has been spliced with shifter DNA, his entire life has prepared him
for his owner and mate. However, the man they’ve chosen isn’t
the spoiled, arrogant jerk he anticipates.

Alecander Kane is the CEO of marketing for the Facility where
Payne is housed. He never wanted to take a Vessel because he

craved more of a partner than a slave. Unfortunately, his father
has other plans. He has gifted Payne as a birthday present.

After they meet, a problem at the Facility sends them rushing
back to the place Payne grew up to deal with the cleanup.

Together, they will uncover all the secrets that have been
festering for years and change the way Vessels are treated
forever, all the while discovering that being born for pleasure

doesn’t necessarily preclude falling in love.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Futuristic, Shape-shifter
Length: 37,072 words

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Pleasure Vessels 1

Jana Downs



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Jana Downs
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-607-2

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Sloan Winters
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


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Pleasure Vessels 1


Copyright © 2013


United Earth, 3004

Payne breathed a deep sigh of resignation as his Trainer delivered

a last sharp blow to his blood-smeared back. He hissed through
clenched teeth as his body relaxed and his conditioning caused him to
nearly come as the scent of sweat and leather assaulted his nostrils
and the braided tail of the whip slithered down his back.

“Very good, Payne,” his Trainer complimented. “You didn’t have

to use a safe word that time. I took you to the edge.”

Payne nodded sloppily and staggered to his feet so that he could

walk to the spot where he was expected to kneel. He stumbled and fell
to the floor and had to crawl to the spot instead. His sweaty forehead
touched the cool stone of the training center. Here at the Facility, they
believed in all measures of practicality and luxury to train their
Vessels for their inevitable placement with their future owners. The
floor was no exception to that philosophy. It was some sort of
imported marble, designed to keep cool and be easy to clean.

“I am grateful to you, my lord,” Payne spoke in the antiquated

way in which he had been trained.

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“You are welcome, Payne. You may return to your quarters after

visiting the Tech-Med Unit.” The other man’s footsteps echoed off
the floor as he exited through the Trainer’s sliding doors at the front
of the room.

Payne stayed where he was for a long time, in between sleep and

awake. He was in the final stage of his training, training he’d been
undergoing since he was a child. His final training was to be a sexual
submissive, which he was learning was vastly different than being a
slave. He’d always been a slave in the sense that he’d always
belonged to the company, but soon he’d be sold to an individual for
private use. He wondered briefly what it would be like to belong to
someone. Not just to be owned by some corporate entity and faceless
Trainers but to belong to a person with likes and dislikes and tastes
that Payne would have to learn.

“Payne, are you too injured to take yourself to the Tech-Med

Unit?” Desiree’s voice broke him out of his dazed stupor. She was his
bunk mate and fellow Vessel. She was also his twin sister.

He turned his face to the side and rested his cheek on the floor.

The lights of the room were dim and exuded a sense of calm that was
as deliberate as it was artificial.

“I am well, Desi. I could use some help, though. My legs are

shaking.” He pushed himself into a sitting position. She helped him
stand and supported him as they made their way through the Vessel
passageways and into the medical center at the far end of the hall.

“You were in there for almost two hours. You’re scoring very

highly on the submission scale lately. You’re in the top five Vessels
on base and top fifteen percent in the company.” Desi rattled off the
statistics like they were impressive, which by company standards,
they were.

They reached the far end of the hallway, and he managed to hop

up into the unit that was resting against the far wall with minimal
pain. The sterile white cube structure had been a blessing in times like

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these. From what he heard from the Trainers, it cost a fortune to have
and operate.

He keyed in his personal code and laid back to let the machine

work its magic. Payne listened to the hum of the Med Unit as it
repaired his torn tissue so he wouldn’t scar and tried to share in his
sister’s enthusiasm.

“I wasn’t aware of that,” he said as the robotic arms of the Tech-

Med Unit finished its round and told him in its mechanical voice to
exit from the healing chamber.

Desi continued. “That means you’re going to be graduating at the

‘A’ class level of Vessel. You’ll get the best placement!”

Payne rolled his eyes. “You know that isn’t how it works, Desi.

Matches with our Masters are due to complete chemical compatibility
found out through the extensive tests they give us before putting us on
the market. Once you’re paired with your future owner, they give you
a personality alignment to finish your programming. Being an ‘A’
class Vessel just means I’m more expensive. Though I don’t have to
worry about it considering I’m already promised to someone.”

Desi gave an exaggerated sigh. “God, you are no fun!”
Payne snorted. Yes, “fun.” It’s a lot of “fun” to have my original

personality rearranged to fit some fat cat with more money than
He rubbed his temples. It didn’t even matter that his owner
hadn’t been the one who purchased him. Payne was no better than an
expensive gift for a spoiled rich kid’s enjoyment.

“It’s not going to be so bad, you know,” Desi whispered.
Payne’s eyes snapped up to meet the fearful gaze of his sister. He

mentally kicked himself. She was terrified, and her placement was
next week.

“I’m sure you’ll really love the Master they match you up with,”

he assured her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He kissed her
temple as she started to tremble.

“Promise me you’ll try to be happy with yours, Payne. You’ve got

dreams that you ought not to have.” Desi hugged him more tightly.

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“You’re not like the rest of us. You were raised for a specific person,
educated to suit a certain person. You were commissioned as an infant
for him. The rest of us do not have such certain prospects.”

“I’m sorry, Desi. That was insensitive of me. I promise. I’ll try to

be happy.” He tried to think of the moment when he would finally
meet the Master in his file. He swallowed hard. “We’ll both be happy.
It’s the promised land, remember?”

She smiled, her gaze misty. He winced on the inside, well aware

of how dreams and reality often were incompatible. Change was
coming, and change in a Vessel’s world usually meant pain.

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Born to Please



Chapter One

“Happy birthday, Alec!” Joey said, blowing his noisemaker and

filling Alec’s champagne glass…again. His younger brother was
already red faced and laughing, obviously well on his way to
intoxication. Alec couldn’t help but laugh at his brother’s antics. The
family had decided to have this birthday party at the corporate office
downtown instead of the usual villa they rented in the mountains. It
suited him just fine. This way he would be able to leave straight from
the city and make his way home.

“Son.” The voice that broke through the merriment of the family

get-together dropped the temperature in the room by ten degrees. He
shivered as his father’s icy tone ricocheted off his soul. The Facility’s
seniormost CEO was a man few would cross and even fewer would
deliberately seek out.

“Hello, Father,” Alec said, turning to face the old man head-on.

“How are you?”

Ice-blue eyes met his matching ones. “Just fine. Been busy on a

new prototype at the Facility. Not that you’d know much about that.
You and your brothers are very good at living the high life from my
labors.” The old man still looked intimidating despite being well on in
years. His broad shoulders and narrow waist still bespoke of a
strength that should’ve been impossible at his age.

Alec gritted his teeth. “We’ve been over this, Father. I don’t

handle experimentation. I’m the face of the Facility. Vessels are the
high-end luxury item that is becoming a must-have for the wealthiest
members of society, and everyone wants to know about them. I’ve
been touring Europe to set up the new test facilities there. I’ve been

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working my ass off for the company. This birthday party is my last
stop on my way home and to a well-deserved rest.”

His father’s jaw tensed. “That’s why I came, boy. To give you the

birthday present I’ve been preparing for you for years.” His father
handed over a dark-blue folder embossed with the Facility’s emblem
of two crossed swords in front of a blazing sun.

Alec frowned. “What’s this?” He opened the file and was stunned

by the headshot inside. Emerald-green eyes pierced the viewer with
the intensity of their gaze, and dark-chocolate hair framed the
loveliest face Alec had ever seen.

“This is your present,” his father said. “When you were five years

old, I had a diagnostic done on you that I then used to engineer the
perfect mate for you. I was pretty surprised when I found out that
you’d grow up to be a homosexual, but such things can’t be helped
once they’re solidified in young children. His name is Payne, and you
can pick him up at the Facility in town tomorrow.”

“Dad!” Alec exclaimed, his eyes bulging. “You manipulated a

Vessel to suit me when I was five?” That was unheard of. Usually
they ran tests and paired the buyer with an existing Vessel. This level
of manipulation would only be dared by his dad.

His father snorted at his dramatic reaction. “Of course. I wanted to

give you a present that would suit you for years to come. This way he
isn’t grossly younger than you, just five years, and he won’t be
seeking you out for money and divorcing you to get alimony. You’re

“But, Father, I don’t want—”
“I have to get going,” his father interrupted. “There is another

meeting I have to attend before I can go home. Have a good
birthday.” He turned without allowing Alec to finish and walked back
through the brightly decorated living room, through the barrage of
guests, most of whom Alec didn’t even know, and out the front door.
The man certainly knew how to make an exit.

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Born to Please



He drained his champagne glass and set it on the tray of a passing

waiter. Well, it was the most interesting gift anyone had ever given
him at any rate. He drummed his fingers against his slack-covered
thigh and wondered what it would be like to have a Vessel, to be
responsible for another being. Dating the old-fashioned way was
apparently not in his future. He sighed. He didn’t know if he liked

* * * *

“Suck me.” Trainer R’s harsh, masculine voice broke through

Payne’s nightmare. His eyes slid open in disorientation. It was the
middle of the night according to the digital readout over his head.
Three a.m. It was against normal protocol for a Trainer to come to the
Vessel’s quarters at any time, even stranger for one to come in the
middle of the night.

Payne rubbed his eyes in confusion. “Trainer R, sir?” he asked,

his voice gravelly from sleep.

“I said get out of bed and suck me.” The Trainer grabbed his arm

and all but hauled him out of bed. Payne cried out in pain as thick
fingers bruised his arm and he fell heavily to his knees. He winced,
his apprehension growing. What was going on?

Desiree’s voice interrupted from the top bunk. “Excuse me, sir.”
Payne couldn’t see her, but he willed her silent. This was his

regular Trainer, and he didn’t tolerate questioning.

“You will remain silent for the duration, Vessel Desiree,” the

Trainer snapped. “This is the last test in your training, Payne. You
must be prepared to give your Master pleasure at any hour he deems
appropriate, even if that means in the middle of the night.”

Payne frowned. This sort of sporadic training wasn’t supposed to

take place until the week before placement, and it was never supposed
to be sexual. Fear began to infiltrate his body. Even if he called foul,

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he would be punished for bucking his training, and he knew it. There
was no good solution here.

The Trainer growled. “I didn’t give you permission to speak,


“Sir,” Desiree interrupted again. I don’t want you punished, sissy.

He swallowed. Please hush. If he’s going to hurt me, no one will even
. “This goes against normal protocol. If a Vessel is to be trained
in the sexual arts prior to their placement with their owner, then the
act must be witnessed in a full Facility lab with the proper witnesses.
Shall I call the Director and arrange for Payne’s transportation?”

Dead silence met her challenge. Payne started to sweat, praying it

worked. The Trainer sighed like she’d pointed out a very inconvenient
truth. He cleared his throat. “Be ready at 8:00 a.m. Your Master will
be here to pick you up at eight thirty.”

Payne sat back, stunned at the announcement. He was being

picked up tomorrow? He was leaving the Facility?

“Get some sleep, Vessel. You have a big day ahead of you.” The

Trainer gave him an indiscernible look and sighed again. He looked
as if he were about to speak again, but instead he shook his head and
left the room. Payne knew he dodged a bullet with the Trainer’s easy
surrender to Desiree’s bluff. But it wasn’t his near miss with the
Trainer that had unnerved him. It was what the Trainer had revealed.

The rest of the bunk was silent, and he knew that the others

wouldn’t say a word. They’d been trained not to comment. Payne
tucked himself back into bed. He lay awake, tossing and turning,
unable to sleep. He was surprised at the panic that raced through his
bloodstream at the thought of his long-awaited Master. Tomorrow he
would no longer be a statistic on the company’s chart. Tomorrow he’d
no longer be just Vessel number 8189, Pleasure Unit P102. Tomorrow
he’d be just Payne. Tomorrow he’d become someone’s lover.

* * * *

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Born to Please



“When do I get to see the Vessel?” Alec asked as he was given the

grand tour of the Boston-based Compound. Apparently they rolled out
the red carpet when the son of the senior CEO came calling. It was as
opulent as every other Facility Alec had been to. Marble floors, high
ceilings, and expensive lobby furniture was just the tip of the iceberg
when it came to the wealth of the place.

The chipper redheaded man gave him an easy smile as he talked

in his very distracting, flighty manner. “We’ll get to the Vessel
transfer room in another five minutes. It will be there that you get to
give the specimen a last physical examination before we do the
personality alignment, the final fitting as it were.”

“Good. Can’t wait,” Alec said a little impatiently. He’d dressed in

a black Gucci suit that emphasized his build and gave him a sharp
sexiness, or so he’d been told by his assistant. He’d also spent far too
long preening in the mirror of his hotel room arranging his hair into
perfection. He’d hoped that it would make an impression on the
Vessel, because it’d taken him forever to get ready. He’d resolved to
make the best of this situation. Besides, it would be nice not to have
to cater to a lover who would make unreasonable demands on his time
and resources. His last boyfriend had been a testament to how
incompatible his life was with a romance.

“Hey, Jimmy!” another worker called out in greeting from behind

yet another reception desk. “The Vessel is set up and ready for his
examination. They’re ready for you in room four.”

The redhead, who was apparently named Jimmy, turned his

attention to Alec with a smile. “They’re ready for us, Mr. Kane.” Alec
nodded, and his heart sped up in anticipation. About damn time.

* * * *

The redheaded Trainer that had taught him his first etiquette

lessons spoke in calm, measured tones as Payne bowed his head.

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“Payne, please step forward onto the lighted square so that your
Master may examine you.”

His eyes were trained on the floor, the training protocol

demanding he keep his eyes lowered unless given express permission
to raise them. He wanted to look though. It was almost impossible to
deny the impulse. Curiosity over his new Master was eating him alive.

A light turned on at the center of a slightly raised platform which

Payne stepped up on. He fell into a casual pose as he’d been taught.
He knew that the lighting showcased his naked body to its finest. Oil
had been slicked over his tight muscles, and he’d been forbidden to
eat anything in the last twelve hours so that the muscles of his
abdomen stood out in ropey perfection. Desiree had even been
instructed to wash and style his hair for this first meeting, and Payne
was surprised to find himself utterly terrified. What if his Master was
like his last Trainer? What if he desired to see his blood and pain
more than his pleasure? He resented how this person whom he’d
never met had this much control over him already.

“Can you give us a moment?” The voice of his Master went

straight to his cock as if some sort of signal had been given to his
body at those softly uttered words. Payne blushed as his body stirred
without provocation. He’d been engineered to be this man’s lover. If
there was a formula for fated mates, the Facility had figured it out and
tapped into it.

“Of course,” the Trainer said. “When you’re ready, press the red

call button on the wall, and I’ll be back with you.”

The door swished open and closed, and they were alone. Payne

shifted from foot to foot as silence stretched on. It was his scent. His
scent is driving me crazy.
Maybe this was what they meant when they
said they were absolutely compatible. All he could think about was
plastering his body all over whoever was in the room with him and
wallowing in his scent. A sharp intake of breath from the other man
clued Payne in that the man appreciated his oil-slicked body and his
hardened arousal.

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Born to Please



“Look at me,” his soon-to-be Master commanded. “You haven’t

looked at me once. Look at me.”

Payne raised eyes and met the man’s light-blue ones, and his

world shifted. He’d never seen anything or anyone so beautiful.
Payne’s arousal jerked. Oh my. What would it be like to touch him?

“What is your name, Vessel?” the man asked. He didn’t have a

cold voice like his instructors had.

Payne swallowed. “I’m Vessel 8189, though I prefer Payne.”
The man smiled. “I like a man who asserts himself. I expected shy

and submissive, but this is even better. Calm confidence has always
been my weakness. It’s uncanny how well the compatibility works.”

Payne shrugged. “If you say so, my lord.”
“Then I will call you Payne. May I touch you, Payne?” he asked

with a smile.

Payne was confused by his politeness. “If that is what you desire,

my lord.”

“I want you to call me by my name. Call me Alec,” Alec


“As you wish…Alec.” Payne tested the name on his tongue and

found it pleasing. His body jumped as Alec’s fingertips touched the
planes of his stomach.

“You are gorgeous,” Alec complimented.
“Thank you, my…Alec,” Payne corrected himself. This was

awkward but not uncomfortable. He could get used to this. He wasn’t
allowed to call anyone by name but his fellow Vessels. Perhaps his
new owner would fulfill some of Payne’s desires in addition to his
own. Payne could only hope.

* * * *

Alec’s hands moved freely over his skin, tracing his muscles with

barely restrained lust. Alec tried to explain his out-of-character
groping. “I don’t know why I feel like I need to touch you so badly.”

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“It’s our compatibility,” Payne explained, gasping as Alec traced

the puckered tips of both his nipples. “We are perfectly aligned. The
urge to mate is normal.” Is that my imagination, or does he seem a
little breathless

“Is it normal for people to, uh, be with their Vessels before they

leave the Facility?” Alec asked. The more he touched Payne, the more
he desired to touch and explore and—Damn, I’m acting like an
animal. He doesn’t deserve that.

“Not normally, but I’m sure they’d make an exception if you so

choose,” Payne said, leaning into Alec’s touch.

“I don’t want you to think that I am just some horny guy aiming to

get off.” Alec felt the need to explain, which was ridiculous because
that was what the Vessel was made for after all. He mentally rolled
his eyes. He wasn’t some guy Alec was aiming to pick up at a bar.
This was basically a handpicked partner or something. He wouldn’t
really be a partner, though, would he? He was a very expensive toy.
He got confused by his own marketing. But it certainly didn’t feel that

Payne chuckled, but it held an edge of resentment. “I’m a Pleasure

Unit. A Vessel designed specifically to fulfill your physical needs and
provide you whatever you need. If you desire me, I make myself
available. That is the life of a Vessel.”

The bitter edge to Payne’s voice caused Alec to look at him in

curiosity. Vessels weren’t supposed to feel resentment. They had been
bred with very specific traits. Being eager to please was one of them.
Alec reluctantly dropped his arms and took a step back to look at his
Vessel once again.

“Shall I service you, my lord Alec?” Payne asked. Alec could’ve

sworn he saw a hint of mockery in his gaze.

He hesitated an instant before replying. “No. That won’t be

necessary. I can wait.”

He looked at Payne’s body in admiration. He didn’t understand

how the Vessel was feeling anything but joy at the prospect of

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belonging to a man such as himself. He wasn’t being arrogant. He just
knew that a lot of Vessels were sold to far less generous and far
worse-looking men. It irritated him that he was found wanting by a
being who wasn’t even classified as human.

“As you wish, my lord.” Payne’s words were appropriate, but the

tone was all wrong. Gone was the almost playful soon-to-be lover,
and here stood this resentful being that was rubbing Alec the wrong

“I’m guessing this is why they do the personality alignment,” he

said, more to himself than to Payne.

Payne’s eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
“Well, it’s obvious you aren’t happy with me right now. My

eagerness for your body has brought on some misplaced bitterness
that I wasn’t even aware Vessels could feel. Even if we’re very well
suited, arguments will of course arise. A personality alignment will
fix this…disagreement between us?”

If it were possible, Payne’s lips pressed more firmly into a thin

line. “I shall be your puppet, my lord, and you shall be my puppeteer.
After the alignment, my every thought, action, and desire will be
geared toward the pursuit of yours.” Alec was shocked at the anger in
his voice. “And since that is the inevitable outcome of this
‘disagreement’ between us, you should just go ahead and press the
call button so that I can be taken immediately to the brainwash, oh,
I’m sorry, that was a slip of the tongue, the ‘realignment’ room so that
neither you nor I will be forced to put up with my ‘resentment’ or
anger for that matter over your callous disregard for the human
condition. In fact”—Payne took a step off the platform and crossed
the room to the call box—“let me press it for you. I wouldn’t want
you to trouble yourself.”

Alec finally got irritated and stalked after him, grabbing the

Vessel’s outstretched hand. With one stiff yank he pulled him close
until they were nose-to-nose. It was only then that he realized there
was only an inch or two difference in their heights.

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“What got shoved up your ass, Vessel?” he snarled. “What could I

have possibly done to you in the last five minutes to warrant such
hostility?” He knew he was gripping harder on the Vessel’s arms than
he should be. It was probably hurting him, but he was too pissed off
to care. To Alec’s surprise, Payne moaned, and he felt the straining
length of his erection press against his slacks.

“And what the fuck kind of reaction is that?” he asked with a

growl. He eased his grip.

Anger sparked in Payne’s eyes. “It’s my training. I can’t help it.

My submission training rewired my body to respond to either pain or
pleasure.” He closed his eyes and shuddered. He rubbed against Alec
as if to demonstrate. He stopped himself before he opened his eyes.
“Press the goddamn call button, Master.” He spat the word like a
curse. “Reprogram me to be the perfect fuck doll for you.”

A voice snapped from behind them as a hidden panel slid open to

reveal the employees’ hallway. “Payne!” Payne winced noticeably.
“Vessel 8189, fall into slave position three immediately!”

Payne jerked out of Alec’s astonished grip and knelt, his forehead

pressed to the cold floor. Alec looked on, stunned, and raised his gaze
to look at the Trainer who had just entered the room. Who in the
world would cause such an instant, fearful reaction? Whoever it was,
Alec had the sneaking suspicion that he wouldn’t like this man.

Eerie, gray eyes met his stare. “I apologize, Mr. Kane. I am

Trainer J. Payne is one of the ones in my charge at the Facility. I am
his primary care Trainer. I informed the board at the last meeting that
he was not ready for placement yet, but your father insisted that he be
ready for your birthday. Unfortunately, as you can see, we haven’t
managed to get out the last kinks in his personality yet. It will be
corrected within a day or two, I assure you.” The hard edge to his
voice and the way Payne’s shoulders shook at the prospect left Alec
little doubt that the way they “corrected” his personality involved
something very painful.

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“If he is so defective, why was he allowed to remain in the

program for so long?” Alec asked. It was a sick curiosity that made
him ask it. He had no intention of letting anyone touch Payne.
Fighting or not, he was strangely protective of the Vessel.

“He isn’t defective at all,” the Trainer answered with a wistful

smile. “He’s the top-ranking Pleasure Vessel on the Compound. I can
personally attest to his skills.”

“Then why is he so hostile?” Alec demanded. He couldn’t

explain, even to himself, why he was so pissed off over the fact that
the Trainer had experienced any of Payne’s “skills.” The fact was that
the other man had obviously done something to hurt Payne, and it
really pissed Alec off. No human being should be treated in such a
fashion. By law, they weren’t technically human, but there was no
denying the intelligence and awareness the Vessel had.

The Trainer shrugged. “Again, I am so sorry he was hostile

toward you. I have some idea on how to find out though. I’ll interview
his Twin Vessel Desiree. She knows everything about him. They talk
far more than is protocol, and he tends to tell her things that he
doesn’t tell his counselor. Once that is established, we’ll put him into
personality rehabilitation and have him ready for you by Friday.”

Alec regarded the Trainer with mounting unease. He looked at the

ground where his Vessel knelt, his shoulders trembling harder than
before. “Personality rehabilitation? What’s that?”

“It’s a simple procedure really. We go in with three needles and

inject a cocktail into certain parts of the brain. We then subject them
to flash images and chemical suggestions to correct the problem.
Minor procedure, like I said.”

“Is it painful?” Alec asked.
“Well, it’s moderately painful but nothing to write home about. In

fact, it’s not nearly as painful as the personality alignment is. The
results are completely worth the process.”

“What if they don’t want the alignment? What if they chose not to

continue on as Pleasure Units?”

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The Trainer laughed. “They are Vessels. They don’t know what

they want until we tell them what they want. Besides, have you ever
seen a Vessel that has a chemical match with a person and then finds
the person abhorrent? It’s awful! Better that we make them happy in
their mating than let both Master and Vessel be miserable. Please, Mr.
Kane, you have to understand that, just because they look human and
share human characteristics, it doesn’t mean they are human. They are
marvels of engineering, but they aren’t like us.” He patted Alec on the
shoulder like he was lecturing a young boy on the facts of life. “Like I
said, I’ll personally deliver him to your home in a few days. Come
along, Payne.”

Payne stood, biting his bottom lip, his eyes filled with sheer terror.
“Wait a second,” Alec interrupted, standing in between Payne and

the Trainer. “I want my Vessel today, and we’re going to be leaving
soon, so there won’t be time for an alignment.” Payne’s gaze snapped
to his face, searching his visage with barely concealed confusion. “In
fact, we’re leaving immediately, so feel free to hand over some
clothing for him, and we’ll be on our way.” Alec didn’t know why he
was so protective over the spirited Vessel, but he just knew that it
would kill him to see that light extinguished, even if it did irritate him.

The Trainer hesitated. “Are you sure, Mr. Kane? It will only take

a little while to do an alignment.” He sounded annoyed with Alec, but
Alec didn’t give a damn. His father had spent enough money on the
Vessel that if Alec wanted a full wardrobe included, he felt like he
wouldn’t be asking too much.

“I’m sure,” Alec said firmly. “I want him packed and ready to go

in fifteen minutes.” He reached down and pulled Payne to his feet,
placing him just a step behind him just in case the Trainer got any
bright ideas. He glanced back at his Vessel.

Payne’s face broke into a grateful smile. “Thank you,” he

whispered. “I’ll go to the Vessels’ quarters to collect my things.
They’re already packed. I just need to grab the bag. They’ll have you
pick out an outfit for me at the exiting station at the reception desk.

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I’ll meet you there if that’s all right?” The Vessel hesitated as if
unsure of Alec’s reaction to his suggestions.

Alec smiled encouragingly. “That’ll be great, Payne. I’ll meet you

at the desk.” He paused before pointing to the Trainer. “Stay away
from that guy.” He didn’t give a damn if Trainer J was insulted.

With another smile that melted Alec’s heart a little, Payne walked

past the Trainer and into the hidden hallway.

The Trainer frowned at their exchange. “Well, if that’s the way

you want it, I will of course support your decision. However, if you
want to come back and get the alignment done, I’ll put my card into
the file you’ll be receiving at checkout.”

“Excellent. If you’ll point me in the direction of the checkout?”

Alec asked, straightening his suit jacket.

The other man nodded, barely restrained anger shimmering on his

face. “Follow me.”

* * * *

“Desi!” Payne called out as he burst into the Vessels’ quarters.

The barrack-like place they were held in was sparsely furnished and
simply decorated. It was the epitome of efficiency like everything
dealing with the Vessels in the Facility. Other Vessels were in their
bunks in between lessons, and some gave him sour looks at his loud
intrusion. Desiree popped her head around the corner of their set of

“What is it? Oh God, Payne, are you all right?” Desi asked,

concern lacing every word. She smiled as she saw the beaming smile
on his face. “I’m guessing it went well?”

“Yes,” Payne bragged, relief washing over him as he realized that

his owner was not what he thought he would be. “My owner was such
an ass at first, we started to argue, and then Trainer J came in and was
about to drag me off to the Alignment Room for reprogramming.” His
grin widened exponentially as he remembered the look of shock and

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anger on Trainer J’s face. “Then he stood up for me and decided not
to let them do it.” Desiree gasped. Payne giggled in giddy glee. “I was
so shocked it was ridiculous. He told me to get my stuff, and we’re
leaving in ten minutes!”

“You argued with him? Payne, you could’ve got rehabilitation for

that!” His words seemed to penetrate her mind then. She blinked. “He
stood up for you? Really? That’s fantastic!”

“He was…great.” Payne sighed. He knew he was gushing a little

bit, but he’d been so shocked and thrilled that his owner hadn’t turned
out to be a total douche.

He gathered his small Holo-Pic of him and Desi from his

nightstand and tucked it into the side pocket of his Facility-issued
blue-and-white gym bag. A Service Vessel came in and put a neatly
folded pile of clothes on the bed. Service Vessels were the least
respected out of the three types of Vessels. As a Pleasure Vessel,
Payne was the most valuable type. The middle class were the
Working Vessels, who did skilled working jobs and worked as
personal servants and the like. Lastly, the Service Vessels were the
house servants and labor workers of the Vessel world.

Out of curiosity, Desiree picked up the pants. They glanced at one

another and burst out laughing. She giggled. “He put you in blue

“I’ve never worn blue jeans,” Payne said with a laugh. “I was

expecting leather, latex, or a suit.” He chuckled. “I didn’t even know
the Facility had blue jeans.”

“I hope he gives you even more surprises in the future, Payne,”

Desi said. “He seems like an interesting guy.” They shared another
smile between them. “I love you, brother.”

“I love you, too, sis.” He hugged her, trying to convey without

words how much he appreciated her. “If there is a way, I’ll come back
for you.”

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“Oh, hush. That’s never going to happen. But thank you. Be

happy, Payne,” she whispered against his hair. Oddly enough, for the
first time, he felt like he actually could be.

* * * *

Payne took Alec’s breath away when he came into view. He was

dressed exactly per his instructions. A white button-up shirt over a
skintight pair of dark-wash blue jeans accentuated his lighter build
and perfect form to flawlessness.

“God help me, he is beautiful,” Alec murmured, letting himself

look his fill at the beautiful man before him.

“He’s the best-looking Pleasure Vessel I’ve seen leave the

Facility,” the pretty blonde receptionist agreed. She had given him a
thick file folder of Payne’s personal history as well as some Holo-
Files of some of his training sessions, which Alec was looking
forward to watching. Maybe they would reassure him a little bit of the
validity of the program. His father had developed it and had sworn to
the ethics of the schedule, but his father wasn’t the most warm and
fuzzy person in the world.

Payne bowed before Alec in a courtly manner that Alec had only

seen in a Holo-File. The first thing they would have to knock off was
the formality. Outside of work, Alec wasn’t formal at all.

“I am ready, my lord,” Payne said, training his eyes on the floor


“What’d I tell you about that?” Alec corrected gently. “Call me

Alec, and for god’s sake, look at me. This subservience of yours
doesn’t suit you.”

Payne raised his eyes. “Then I will face you always, Alec.”
Alec winked. “I hope that is true, beautiful, because I look

forward to seeing your eyes lit up with passion.”

Payne blushed but did not otherwise react. Alec found it

endearing. Vessels were taught about the theory of love words and

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dirty talk, but he imagined he wasn’t used to the practice. That was all
right, though. Alec would get him used to it.

“You are sexy when you do that. The blush turns your skin the

shade of golden rose.”

Payne blushed all the harder for the compliment.

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Chapter Two

Two Days Later
Norfolk, Virginia

Two days spent on the road had given them time to get to know

one another. Payne was still very reserved when Alec asked his
opinion, but for the most part they conversed freely about numerous
subjects. Alec was growing more at ease with every new fact he
learned about his Vessel. He was very glad that he hadn’t had Payne’s
personality “fixed.” The little tiffs and debates that they got into made
Payne more fascinating with each mental wrestling match they had.

Finally they rounded the last bend on the way to his Virginia

home. Alec watched Payne’s expression as they pulled up to his
home. His expression had been guarded the entire trip, but Alec could
tell he’d never seen the tall skyscrapers they’d passed and had
probably never been in the Lamborghini transport unit that Alec had
rented to drive them home. His house wasn’t too extravagant, just
three stories. In comparison to his father’s multiwinged monstrosity, it
was downright quaint. But it was cozy and well manicured. On either
side of the house farther away from the road was a good ninety acres
of untouched woodland that was really Alec’s pride and joy. He
hunted and fished on his land a lot more when he wasn’t the
spokesman for the Facility, but he was looking forward to getting
back to it. After a few months of traveling, he was going to take a
much-needed break.

“It’s beautiful,” Payne breathed as he took in the well-mannered

brick home with tall Grecian columns. “I’ve never seen something so

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beautiful. It looks like a magazine.” The awe on his face was cute as

“I’m happy you like it,” Alec said. He hadn’t been this pleased

with someone complimenting his house since he bought the place. He
had high hopes that his birthday present was going to work out nicely.

* * * *

He knew his training was failing him at the moment. The Facility

had schooled him on how to express himself when confronted with
the outside world. He had been instructed on vehicle models, home
décor, cooking, modern technology, history, politics, and five
different languages. He’d been prepared to take care of and provide
any manner of sexual desire that his future Master could ever want.
He’d been taught not to show his opinions until his Master expressed
his own. Yet here he was, awed by the house before him and aching
to tell Alec in great detail the things he loved about the home.
Unfortunately, he was utterly speechless.

“I think it does the job. It’s home at any rate,” Alec said, a smile

creeping onto his face. Payne noticed the corners of his eyes crinkled
with his laughter. Someday he’d have little wrinkles there that would
only serve to enhance the masculine beauty of his owner. “There are
three spare bedrooms on the third floor down the hallway from mine.
You can have your pick.” Payne nodded and continued to stare as the
car pulled into the drive and stopped. “Payne? Are you all right?”

Payne gave him his full attention. “I’m fine. I’m sorry, Alec. I

am…a bit overwhelmed.”

Alec nodded and looked satisfied with his answer. “Well, once

you pick out a room, you’re welcome to take a nap until dinner.
Otherwise, I’ll answer any questions you may have.”

“I would like that,” Payne said, smiling shyly. His owner was

really quite kind.

“Take all the time you need.”

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* * * *

Payne chose the bedroom closest to Alec’s master suite. It was a

lovely spring-green-and-cream room which bespoke a quiet elegance.
It suited Payne’s tastes perfectly. He put up his entire wardrobe,
which took up two of the five drawers of his dresser, and gave himself
another tour of the room. He put the Holo-Pic of his sister by his
bedside and then stripped off his clothing to slide between the sheets.

Alec was gone to shower and had left him alone to collect his

thoughts and nap before they broke their fast. But now that he was
alone, all he could think about was his new Master. His body came to
life at the thought. He pictured Alec’s piercing blue eyes and found
his hand slipping beneath the sheets to stroke his growing erection.

“Oh…” Payne breathed as he stroked himself from root to tip.

“Ah.” That was nice. He wasn’t usually allowed to touch himself
unless given express permission. Self-pleasuring had been a
designated half-hour session that was blocked between his visual
presentation lesson and his aftercare lesson.

He moaned as he fantasized about Alec, soaped and slick, pinning

him to the shower wall and using that delicious body to pound his
way into his heart. He’d never felt such an overwhelming hunger for
someone. He’d never been free enough to jerk his own cock to
completion, and he found himself thoroughly enjoying the newfound
privilege. After all, his new Master hadn’t forbidden it.

With a kick he threw off the comforter and sheets and arched into

the tight circle of his hands. “Oh god,” he muttered as he rubbed the
head of his already pre-cum-slicked prick. “Alec,” he whispered,
testing the name on his lips as he pumped his hips in a counterthrust
to his pumping hand. It felt right to say it. He was close to orgasm,
already panting and moist with sweat. His balls drew up painfully.

A soft gasp from the doorway drew his attention.

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* * * *

“Oh fuck.” Payne hadn’t even noticed that Alec had knocked on

the door to check on him. He’d opened the door at the sound of a
moan on the other side and found himself starring at the gorgeous
display Payne was unwittingly putting on for him.

Payne froze. His eyes widened, and he bit his bottom lip like a

child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Oh, please continue,” Alec said in a strangled voice. He had been

instantly hard since he’d opened the door, and all the blood was not in
his brain to carry on intelligent conversation. Those pretty white teeth
sank harder into Payne’s bottom lip.

Payne stammered. “I–I’m sorry—I’d just never been allowed—I

didn’t think you’d mind…”

“I don’t mind, sweetheart,” Alec assured, his eyes glued to his

cock. “Continue.” He licked his dry lips and raked Payne with his

“You…want to watch me?” Payne asked, looking unsure of


Alec smiled and gestured to his very aroused body. “If you’re

comfortable with that, I’d love to.”

Payne didn’t reply but instead continued to work his cock for

Alec’s pleasure. He made the most sensual sounds in the back of his
throat as he met Alec’s eyes with a face clouded with pleasure. His
hand moved quickly on his cock, obviously racing toward the
finishing line.

Payne inhaled sharply. “You smell so good.” He moaned again,

and Alec nearly moaned with him. “I want you like nothing—never
felt like this—Oh god! Sorry, not making sense.” His aroused
rambling just made Alec all the hotter. His right hand came down on
its own volition and rubbed himself through the soft material of his
boxer briefs.

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Alec growled despite himself. “That’s it. Show me how much you

want me.” He didn’t want to scare his new Vessel with his blatant
“come fuck me” attitude, but ever since Payne had whispered his
name, he’d been dying to get the guy in the sack.

Payne moaned at his guttural words. Alec couldn’t help but grin at

that. He really was made just for him.

“I’m going to touch myself, Payne. I’m going to jerk off while I

watch you. Are you okay with that?”

“Oh, yes, please,” Payne begged. “I’m close.” He groaned.
“Oh fuck,” Alec growled, jerking at the button of his boxer briefs,

popping it off in his hurry and sending it flying across the room. He
took himself roughly in hand.

“Can I come, Alec?” Payne asked. He was perched on the edge of

completion, pre-cum slicking every movement of his hand. He was
beautiful like that. He watched as Alec jerked his own straining cock.
Alec’s mouth watered at the thought of taking Payne’s long, thick
length down his throat.

“Come for me,” Alec commanded in a low, gravelly voice that

showed his need. Payne shuddered and obeyed. Alec groaned, and his
entire body tensed as Payne’s figure jerked upward. He came in long
pearly jets over his chest and abdomen. Alec kept jerking until the
tingling at the base of his spine threw him headlong into orgasm and
swamped him with pleasure. He wrung every ounce of pleasure from
his prick as he shuddered through wave after wave of ecstasy. Finally,
he sagged against the doorframe.

It was then the mess he’d made registered. Hmmm, well, I’m

going to have to come up with a better system for this.

* * * *

Payne’s lids slid open languidly as his panting breaths slowed. His

heart regained a normal rhythm, and he sighed.

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“God, you are so hot when you do that,” Alec complimented.

“You have the prettiest dick I have ever seen.”

Desire speared Payne all over again at his words. His earlier

fantasy rushed back to him as he rolled out of bed and dropped to his
knees before his owner.

“Alec,” he whispered. “May I suck you?”
Alec swallowed. “Yes. I don’t know how useful I will be,

considering how hard I came. But…” He gestured to his slowly
hardening length, and Payne dropped his head forward and licked the
slit of Alec’s straining cock. Alec groaned and wound his hands
through Payne’s hair. Payne put his hands gently on Alec’s hips to
steady himself as he bobbed his head up and down his owner’s hard

More. Payne was almost giddy as he slid farther down, nearly

choking himself. Give me more. I need this. He wasn’t sure why he
was so desperate, but he knew that he had to consume Alec in every
way possible. He’d never been so enamored with someone. Though
he was technically a virgin, he was educated in all ways to please his

Alec obliged his thought and pumped himself desperately into

Payne’s willing mouth. Payne sucked his body harder. He hoped he
was doing it right. He’d practiced on a carrot stick more than once at
his lessons, but it really wasn’t the same. Nothing had prepared him
for the scent, the taste, and the texture of the hard cock in his mouth.

“Payne, I’m going to come,” Alec warned, his whole body

straining toward completion.

Payne slid down until Alec’s body met the back of his throat. His

eyes watered and his head spun as his air was momentarily cut off. If
blow jobs were this good, Payne was going to die when they got to
actual intercourse. Alec emptied his cum into his mouth with a moan
of gratitude.

* * * *

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Payne pulled back with a dazzled look on his face, and his eyes

practically shining with satisfaction. He licked his lips to catch an
errant drop of semen, and Alec nearly groaned. His sexy Vessel’s
mouth looked swollen from the ordeal and somehow undeniably sexy.

“Thank you,” Alec said, his voice hoarse from growling out his

pleasure a moment before. His legs were shaking from the intensity,
and he couldn’t remember the last time he had came twice in one
tussle. He looked down at the angel of a Vessel at his feet and cupped
Payne’s cheek as their eyes locked without a word passing between
them. Something shifted, and the moment took on a poignant quality
and filled the silence with the promise of more.

He cleared his throat and attempted to speak again to break the

heaviness. “Still want to take that nap?” Alec asked after an endless
moment. Payne nodded, and Alec helped him to his feet. His Vessel
padded toward the bathroom, no doubt looking for a rag to wipe up
with. “Mind if I sleep with you?”

Payne paused before half turning back to him. “If it pleases you.”
Alec came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his

shoulders to nuzzle the back of his neck. “That’s not what I asked,
Payne. It doesn’t matter what would please me. Would you like for
me to sleep beside you?” Despite the Facility’s training, Alec didn’t
want a mindless automaton. Even if he was a nontraditional
boyfriend, Payne would hopefully fit into the role nicely.

Payne sighed and leaned into Alec’s touch. “Yes. That would

please me very much.”

Alec gave him another squeeze before releasing him. They would

get along just fine. Alec was a cuddler, and he hoped that Payne was
the same. They’d already proved themselves to be very compatible
with the sexual aspect of their new relationship. He sincerely wanted
the rest to fall easily into place.

“Alec, I am happy with our sex,” Payne murmured as he

reemerged from the bathroom with a couple of washcloths. Payne’s

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cheeks reddened as Alec started chuckling. “What I mean is, I really
enjoyed what we, er, did. Is—” He swallowed. “Is actual sex as

Alec laughed. “You’re seriously a virgin? You’re a Pleasure


Payne turned almost purple. “We are kept pure for our future


“Ah. I didn’t know that. I’m the face, but the details are my dad’s

jurisdiction. I apologize for the assumption.” I really should keep up
with training protocols
. He knew next to nothing about the Vessels
outside the advertisements. Unlike his biomedical-engineer father,
he’d majored in business and marketing.

“I’m not insulted. It’s a legitimate assumption. Pleasure Vessels

have a reputation for skill. They just don’t tell people that we’re
skilled more in theory than practice.” Payne mopped up his chest
before kneeling at Alec’s feet to clean his spent cock.

When he finished, he stood and motioned Alec toward the bed.

“I’ve also been trained in massage therapy if you care for—” He
yawned so wide his jaw cracked. “Sorry, if you would care for a rub
down before you rest.”

Alec chuckled. “I think we both just need a few minutes of shut-


Payne gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks.”
They slipped beneath the covers of the bed without ceremony, and

he drew Payne into the protective circle of his arms. Alec’s breath
teased the back of his neck as he fell into a doze almost immediately.
Encircling him in a cage of steely flesh made Alec feel protective
rather than trapped in an unwanted commitment. He breathed in
Payne’s soft, clean scent of shampoo and evergreen soap, and as sleep
claimed him, Alec could only think of how good it felt to hold him.

* * * *

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Alec came awake slowly. He couldn’t have been asleep more than

an hour or two, but he felt as if he’d had a full night’s rest. He was a
little disoriented waking up in a bedroom that wasn’t his own, but
he’d quickly remembered the whole ordeal as his new Vessel stirred
against the wall of his chest. They must have rearranged themselves at
some point, because Alec was now reclining on his back with Payne’s
face buried in his chest and his leg sprawled over Alec’s own. He had
a little frown on his face in his sleep as if he were displeased by his
dream, which was absolutely adorable. Alec raised a hand and traced
the most perfect nose he’d ever seen, which twitched, to his delight.
Best present ever.

Payne’s sleepy eyes blinked open at the touch. “Mmmm,” Payne

murmured, a slow smile spreading over his face. “Hi.” His slim hand
rested gently on Alec’s chest.

“Hi, yourself,” Alec replied, giving Payne a squeeze. “How’s my

sexy Vessel feeling?”

“Good. Rested.” Payne nuzzled his chest as he spoke, seemingly

fascinated by the brown nipple near his face. “Can I?”

Alec chuckled and nodded. Payne leaned forward and captured

the bead of flesh between his lips, alternating teasing the point with
his teeth and tongue. Alec shivered under the sensual assault. The boy
may have been a virgin, but his sexual curiosity and exploration was
sexier than any experienced man Alec had ever had.

“They certainly taught you well,” Alec said with a gasp.
Payne stilled instantly. He removed his lips from Alec’s nipples

and sat up, irritation flickering over his face. “Yeah. They did,” he
snapped. “Want to see how well my ass takes a whip? Want to invite
a few friends over and watch them take turns fucking me? Is that what
turns your buttons?”

Alec’s eyes widened, and he sat up to be on equal terms with the

suddenly surly Vessel. “What is your problem? I gave you a

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“No. You complimented my training. Like I’m without skills that

are independent from the Facility’s little check sheet they gave you at
the door. What happens when I’m defective? Going to send me

Where the fuck is this coming from? They had been getting along

so well last night. “Christ, you are a specialized Vessel whose primary
function is to be a sexual object. Of course I compliment your
training. Until I teach you something else, I’m assuming that
everything you have learned thus far is from the Facility.”

“I—” Payne started, going red faced. “Don’t know why I just

ripped your head off.” He swallowed hard and looked absolutely
bewildered. “I’m sorry.”

“You are the strangest Vessel I have ever seen,” Alec said, rolling

out of bed and grabbing his pants from the floor. “You’re giving me
whiplash with your personality changes. One minute you’re this
amazing angelic sex kitten and the next you’re ripping my head off
and filling the room with so much testosterone that I’m choking on it.
Pick a personality already.” He knew he should’ve been more
sympathetic considering Payne was adjusting to a new environment
and a new would-be lover, but this was a little ridiculous. He didn’t
need that much drama in his life.

Payne remained where he was, drawing the comforter up to his

chin and starring at the floor. “Maybe you should have given me the
personality alignment,” he whispered. “I’m a horrible Vessel.”

“Maybe I should have,” Alec agreed in exasperation. “I’m going

to go cook up some dinner. Do you have preferences?”

Payne looked up. “My preferences are yours. I don’t know what

else I like. I was raised on your favorite foods.” That sounded
infinitely sadder to Alec than it should have. It made sense, but it
seemed so…inhuman.

“Of course you were,” Alec said, annoyed all over again. “Get

dressed and come downstairs.”

He slammed the door on his way out.

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* * * *

“Hey, Father. Do you have time to talk?” Alec asked as he

brought up his father’s messenger in the 3-D screen beside him. He
hardly ever answered the phone because the signal went in and out in
the lab, but he always had his laptop and answered his IMs.

The senior Kane answered in his usual gruff manner, his blue eyes

piercing him even through the screen. “I wouldn’t have answered
otherwise. What is it?”

“I’m having issues with the Vessel you bought me,” Alec said. He

felt a twinge of guilt for essentially telling on Payne, but he was a
little unnerved by his seemingly erratic emotions. He didn’t mind if
he was just adjusting, but if there was something wrong with him,
Alec needed to know. “He’s having these…” He paused, searching
for a word. “Outbursts of… Hell, I don’t even know what you’d call
it. Rebellion, maybe? He seems moody, and whenever he’s reminded
of the Facility, he gets really agitated.”

His father was silent as he pulled up Payne’s file on the master

database with a few clicks of his fingers. It always amazed Alec how
much access his father had. “It’s noted in his file that you overrode
the Trainer’s suggestion for a personality alignment and that you had
an altercation with the Vessel before you left which you failed to
allow rehabilitation for.”

“He was terrified of it. You should have seen him, Dad. He was

shaking like a leaf.”

His father studied his expression for a good minute without

speaking. “You are aware that you’re speaking of the Vessel as if he
were a new boyfriend? He’s supposed to be your life partner, but he is
still very unused to you despite knowing all of your preferences.”

Alec winced at the condescending tone.
His father’s eyes narrowed even further. “He is an intelligent,

able-bodied, and well-engineered partner, Alecander. Your

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expectations of him as an instant reward are very typical of the
immaturity I have been lecturing you about for months.” His father’s
reprimand made him wince. “And for that matter, why are you
cooking? He’s been trained in food preparation rather extensively.
Giving him tasks of which he’s trained for will help him adjust faster.
Had you gone ahead with the initial suggestion the Trainers gave you
about his alignment, he would be adjusting better, but doing it
naturally makes it slower.”

“I haven’t had a chance to show him around the kitchen yet,” Alec

grumbled. He hated how his father made him feel like a child. He’d
asked a simple question. Why couldn’t his father ever be supportive?

“He would’ve figured it out. I didn’t breed you a simpleton.”
Alec rolled his eyes. “Father, I called you for some advice on how

to deal with him, not a lecture on how I’m babying my Vessel.”

His father snorted. “Well, if you stopped treating him like a stupid

person and like well trained, well-bred Vessel, he wouldn’t be acting
like a petulant child. Vessels thrive on order and dominance. They can
be trained to be tops, but they’re bred to be submissive. This one is no
different. I made sure he was better educated than most. I made sure
he shared your interests and that he was a strong personality to rival
yours. Even though he’s perfectly compatible with you, you have to
keep in mind that he needs you to be stern with him if you’re not
going to get his personality aligned. Bring him into the room, and I’ll
show you a few things from the packet that you obviously haven’t

Alec sighed. Condescending dick. “All right. Hold on just a


“No need. I’m here,” Payne interrupted from behind him. He

made a formal bow and entered the room from the hallway. “Sorry to
keep you waiting, Alec.” He turned toward the Holo-Pic of Alec’s
father and gave another bow. “Hello, sir.”

“You’re letting the Vessel call you by your first name?” Kane

senior asked, ignoring Payne’s greeting.

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Great. Just what I need, more lecturing. “Yeah. It’s weird to have

someone calling me ‘Master’ or ‘my lord’ all the time. It’s creepy.”

His father sighed heavily. “If you say so. He’s going to end up as

unruly as your mother before long.” The last was said with a hint of a
smile. They both knew that he preferred her that way. His eyes went
to Payne. “Vessel 8189, face the vid screen full on.”

Payne fell into position one slave stance like an old pro. Contrary

to his father’s declaration, Alec had read parts of the manual. It
wasn’t his fault he found that stuff archaic and demeaning.

“Good,” his father complimented. “Your stance is perfect. Now,

for my son’s personal knowledge, recite the credence of a Vessel.”

Payne didn’t hesitate, but Alec could practically see the vibrant

man he’d been getting to know vanish and an automaton take his
place. “I am a Vessel for my Master’s will. I belong to my Master and
my Master alone. I desire nothing but his pleasure. I know nothing
that does not please my Master. I do nothing that does not please my
Master. I say nothing that does not please my Master. And I will think
nothing that does not please my Master. I am nothing without his

“Good. Now, Vessel 8189, look at my son,” his father

commanded. “Tell him what you desire above all things.”

Payne’s eyes sparked with something that looked like anger, but

there was a sadness as well. “I desire your joy above all things, my
lord.” He paused before continuing. “After all, I am nothing but your
toy, and I can’t think for myself. Shall I pleasure you now in front of
your father, or should I cook you your meal?”

Alec nearly laughed aloud as his father’s eyes bulged out of his

skull. God, I love that fire.

His father snapped. “Vessel 8189, Odynia.”
Payne’s eyes widened and then rolled into the back of his head.

With a pain-filled groan, his muscles started jumping under his skin
like he’d been plugged into an outlet. Convulsing, he fell to the floor
where he continued to seize.

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“Fuck! Father, what the hell did you do?” Alec snapped, dropping

to his knees beside Payne and trying to still his jerking limbs. “Stop!”

“Vessel 8189, Hypnos.”
Payne settled instantly, his body relaxing into a languid state that

resembled sleep. He looked almost dead, staring at the ceiling

“What the hell was that?” Alec demanded, rocking Payne’s limp


“That was a verbal reprimand that is hardwired into his mind via

nanos. If you had bothered to read the packet, you would have found
that there are certain words that can trigger a keyed response in a
Vessel. Odynia is the word you would use to reprimand the Vessel
when they display a grossly inappropriate behavior. It causes severe
pain. You also have the word Hypnos. That is the word to calm a
Vessel when they are experiencing high levels of stress. It’s almost a
dream state, but he’s still conscious. The other two words are
Eudaimonia and Eros. The first will induce a state of joy, and the
second…” His father chuckled as if remembering something pleasant.
“The second is used as a reward and reinforcement tool. It induces
extreme pleasure in a Vessel. So you see, son, you have all the tools
you need to keep him happy and let him know how he fits into your
life without treating him like a simpleton. He’s flesh and blood, but
he’s also more than that. I would suggest using the tools given in the
beginning. He seems rather aggressive for a Vessel, but then again he
is supposed to be compatible with you, and God knows that you prefer
your lovers to be a bit barbaric.”

Alec didn’t agree, but he didn’t say so. Vessels could have human

children and didn’t have a damn off switch. This could get infinitely
complicated if he allowed it and beyond that he had the sneaking
suspicion that if he tried to use those words in any sort of regimented
way Payne would not react kindly to it. He seemed more free spirited
than any other Vessel he’d met, with the exception of his mother.

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“Thanks for the assistance, Dad. I’ll try to be more firm with him and
read the damn packet.”

His father nodded as if nothing unusual had happened during their

conversation. “Good luck,” his father said, hanging up.

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Chapter Three

Alec carried Payne into the living room and deposited him onto

the couch. As he turned and crossed the carpet to head back to the
kitchen, a muffled sob interrupted his progress. He stopped and turned
around. Payne lay exactly where he left him, except he’d grabbed a
pillow from the couch to put over his face to muffle the sound of
those pitiful sobbing noises he was making. The training isn’t right. I
wouldn’t even do this to an animal

“Oh, Payne,” Alec whispered, coming to stand beside the couch

before kneeling there. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”

“Don’t concern yourself with me,” Payne said, sounding

strangled. He wiped furiously at his face as if pissed beyond words at
his tears. “He’s right. I’m just a toy.”

Alec stroked his forehead, pushing the hair back off his face. “He

wasn’t really saying that. My dad is a bit of a hard-ass with Vessels,
but you should see him with my mother. Once he gets to know you as
a person he’ll stop acting like you’re a…” He didn’t even have a word
for the box his father was trying to put Payne into. A lot of other
people only thought of Vessels as expensive toys, himself included
until quite recently. He’d never viewed his mother as less than human,
but everything in their marketing and treatment seemed to rank new
Vessels as subhuman somehow. He cleared his throat. “It really
bothers you that people don’t consider you human, doesn’t it?”

Miserable emerald met his gaze. “How would you feel if someone

told you tomorrow that every thought you’d ever had, every emotion
you’d ever felt, and every opinion you’d ever formed was not only
unimportant but inhuman? I’m better educated and more opinionated

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than ninety percent of the population, but I’m so inferior to them just
by my being a Vessel.” He shook his head, obviously chastising
himself. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m even telling you this. I
usually only tell my sister about my issues.” He sighed before draping
his arm over his eyes as if to block Alec out. “God, you probably
think I’m even a bigger failure now. You should have my personality
aligned. Then I wouldn’t know I was unhappy.”

“Shut up about that,” Alec said sternly. “I’m not going to mess

with your personality. I want you to talk to me when you’re having an
issue. Then we can talk through it instead of you bottling up how
you’re feeling and then exploding at me over something small. Look,
I know that I’m not supposed to look at you like you’re a boyfriend,
but I’ll be honest with you, over the last few days I’ve seen very little
that resembles an inferior being. I want you to be my boyfriend. No
one but me and you have to know you’re a Vessel at all. Let’s get to
know one another. I’m not promising anything, and our chemical
compatibility doesn’t guarantee happily ever after, but I think we
could really make this work.”

Payne looked downright astonished at his suggestion. Every bit of

literature that Alec had read cautioned against letting Vessels assume
independence or a separate existence from their owners. However, his
father had just as adamantly claimed that anyone who wrote those
books were full of shit. He claimed that only books written by him on
the subject were anywhere close to being unbiased. Alec wasn’t sure
about that, but he figured that dad knew best considering he’d
invented Vessels to begin with. Alec never was one for tradition or for
the warnings of people who were motivated by greed. If Vessels
suddenly had independent thought, they wouldn’t make very good
servants to the wealthy, spoiled masses. He supposed he shouldn’t
complain too much given that the Facility paid his paycheck and he
was one of the top earners in the company, but his heart wasn’t in it. It
never had been. He had taken the job at his father’s company after
graduation because he hadn’t been passionate about anything else.

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“Really?” Payne asked, obviously still incredulous.
Alec smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “Really.”
Payne’s answering smile was his undoing. He leaned over and

captured the Vessel’s lips with his own.

Their first kiss was magic. The spark that erupted between them

every time they touched was unnerving. Had Payne been the smallest
bit openly aggressive, it would’ve been too much, but the razor’s edge
they’d been dancing on the past few days was perfect. Alec coaxed
Payne’s mouth opened, and a lusty ache formed in the pit of his
stomach. He’d never wanted anyone like he wanted Payne. Maybe it
was because the man was literally made for him, but whatever the
reason, he could see himself doing a lot more than enjoying the
company of the Vessel who wanted to be his equal.

Payne’s arms crept around Alec’s shoulders to hold him close. “I

really like you,” Payne whispered against his lips. “I always thought
that I could resist you when I finally met you, but now that I’ve felt
you, known you, I am yours.” The knowledge that Alec affected him
that way was better than any aphrodisiac known to man. He was
intoxicated by Payne’s genuine desire for him.

Alec pulled back reluctantly. They couldn’t spend the whole day

lounging about in bed ravishing each other. They needed to eat at
some point. He didn’t want to let Payne go. He compromised with
himself by taking Payne’s hand in his own to maintain that

“You hungry?” Alec asked. He couldn’t remember the last time

he’d seen the Vessel eat. He frowned at the thought. He recalled that
when they’d stopped for food on the way to his home Payne had only
gotten a bottle of water each time. “When was the last time you ate?”

Payne looked puzzled by his frown. “The day before we left the

Facility. Vessels aren’t allowed to eat in the last twelve hours before
being displayed. It emphasizes the muscular system when they restrict
our diets.” He paused. “And yes, I am hungry if you’re willing to
share your meal.”

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Alec’s anger ricocheted in his chest, shooting up again. “You

haven’t eaten in almost three days? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Vessels are taught not to complain. I’m sorry if that made you

angry, but I wasn’t sure you’d welcome the reminder.”

Alec slowly counted backward from ten. “For future reference,

whatever the Facility taught you is out.” He couldn’t believe his
father would approve of those sorts of training methods. That seemed
insane. “I always want you to tell me what you need. You’re my
responsibility now. I take that seriously.”

“All right. I’ll let you know. Alec?”
“What is it, Payne?”
“I’m really hungry now.” His stomach growled as if to emphasize

the point.

Alec couldn’t help but laugh. His Vessel was going to be the death

of him. He just knew it.

* * * *

Payne had taken over the cooking halfway through Alec’s

preparation of shrimp scampi with linguini. His father had been right
when he’d said that the Vessel had extensive food preparation
training. He was a dervish whirling around the kitchen, tossing spices
and bits of food in pans and mixing sauces. Alec had always been a
sucker for a man who knew how to cook.

“Can you hand me the lemon and the parsley leaves?” Payne

asked in a chipper voice. He seemed very happy in the kitchen. The
pasta smelled phenomenal, and the last bit of ingredients was the final
touch to a beautiful meal.

Alec handed them over and placed a kiss on Payne’s cheek. “Just

so you know, I’m never cooking again. That smells fantastic,” he

Payne smiled. “Thanks. I actually really like to cook. It was my

favorite set of lessons. So I’m okay with doing the cooking.”

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“Okay with doing it? I like the independent side of you,” Alec

teased. “You practically shoved me out of the way when I wasn’t
doing it right.”

“I was hungry,” Payne protested with a blush. He seemed to be

getting used to Alec’s new insistence that he speak his mind and
pursue his own happiness. It made Alec feel good, like he wasn’t
taking care of a child so much as taking care of his boyfriend.

Payne took a pair of tongs out of one of the drawers and scooped

out a helping into two plates. “What would you like to drink?” he

“I’ve got wine in the cellar. I’ll get it. Red or white?” Alec asked,

heading to the far side of the kitchen to the set of doors that led down
to a small cellar that he’d had designed for his extensive wine

“White. It’s shrimp,” Payne called after him.
Alec nearly laughed at his tone. He sounded as if he was sniffing

at the very idea that Alec would prefer red wine to white while eating
shrimp. His attitude amused the hell out of him. It was like he was
discovering the world, and Alec supposed that he was. He was
enjoying watching it happen. It was rare to walk a lover through a
new experience, a rarer one to enjoy the experience with someone so

He jogged down the eight steps into the cellar and was

immediately surrounded by the thick white stone he’d had flown in
from Greece for the construction of this room. The cherry-oak wine
racks were ideal for easiest access to the bottles. He ran his hand over
the clear bottles until he came to a vintage that he was sure that Payne
would like.

After making his selection from the chardonnay cabinet, he made

his way back into the kitchen. He was surprised to find Payne
arranging silverware at the table that he never used. He was more of
an eating-supper-on-the-couch-so-he-could-watch-TV kind of guy.

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However, the arrangement did look rather lovely, and he preferred to
see his dates when he dined with them.

“Is this all right that we eat in here?” Payne asked as he watched

Alec’s perusal of his movements. “I thought it’d be easier to talk in
the dining room. I mean, it’s a nice table and doesn’t look used at all.”

“You don’t need to justify it, sweetheart,” Alec reassured. “When

it was just me, I ate on the couch. But since it’s the two of us, I see no
reason not to use the table.”

Payne smiled at him, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt

that he’d made the correct decision. He planned on spoiling his Vessel
rotten to the pleasure of the both of them if given his way. He sat at
the head of the table where Payne had indicated he sit and waited for
Payne to join them. He poured them both a glass of wine before
sitting in his own chair opposite Alec.

“I hope you enjoy,” Payne said, smiling and ducking his head as

he spoke. The unexpected humility was a nice touch.

“If it tastes as good as it smells, that will be no problem, sweet.”

He picked up his utensils and wrestled a bit of pasta onto his fork.
“Eat up, Payne. From now on, it’s three meals a day for you.”

They ate in companionable silence for a while, neither one willing

to break the truce set between them. Payne’s earlier freak-out was
forgotten. The man obviously just wanted to be treated like a man,
and Alec was more than ready to provide that.

* * * *

“So what do you do, Alec?” Payne asked after a sip of his wine. “I

mean, I know that your file says you’re one of the higher-ups at the
Facility, but I don’t really know what that is.”

“So they gave you a file on me as well?” Alec asked. When Payne

nodded, he continued. “I do a lot of the public-image sections of the
company, advertisement, that sort of thing. I travel a lot.”

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“Is that why you don’t have a husband?” Payne wondered if he

was crossing the line by asking such a personal question. It went
against protocol, but he was learning that Alec really didn’t like
standard protocol at all anyway.

Alec leaned back in his seat and toyed with his wineglass. “I’ve

dated a few men here and there, but none of them really fit me. It’s
hard on a relationship when one partner is married to the job and
travels and the other is stuck at home at another job. I was single
almost a year before my birthday, and I was actually thinking of
buying a Vessel myself. That way I could have a companion to come
with me on business trips and I wouldn’t have to worry about my
partner’s family and all that. I have a few colleagues that are very
happy with their Vessels, and it was highly recommended by them.
But my dad surprised me at my birthday party with you. Were you
aware that you were commissioned to be mine from birth?”

Payne nodded. “Yes. That’s why all my preferences are keyed to

yours. They’ve been telling me since I was six or seven that I
belonged to you.”

Alec finished off his wine. “Does that bother you?”
Payne shrugged. “Better to be personally commissioned than to be

wondering what kind of person was going to buy me when I got old
enough. I feel bad for my sister. She is still waiting for placement. If
she doesn’t place within the next five years, she will be considered
defective and lowered in status to a Service Vessel. That’s the kindest
punishment she would incur for her failure.” He swallowed as the
possibility played itself out in his mind. He shook his head to clear
away the wisps of fear that the words invoked. She would get a good
placement. Her nature would allow for nothing less. He dragged his
mind back to better thoughts. “Now that I’ve met you, I can’t imagine
being with anyone else. I’m sorry about my freak-out earlier.”

“It’s okay. You’ll learn that I have my moods as well. What do

you say to a movie and then an early night?” Alec purred the

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sentence, causing goose bumps to break out over Payne’s arms.
Alec’s following chuckle went straight to his cock.

“That sounds great,” Payne said, lust choking him. He didn’t have

this much trouble keeping his arousal in check before he’d come to
his house. Everything inside him was screaming that Alec was his and
he needed to get naked with him and consummate this passion
building between them. It was the oddest sensation, like a foreign
being had taken up residence in his mind.

“You like horror movies, right?” Alec asked, pushing back from

the table and picking up his now-empty plate.

Payne nodded. “Yes. The weirder the better.” Payne watched Alec

walk back into the kitchen and put his dishes in the sink. He turned,
and his sexy blue eyes met his from across the room.

“Of course you do,” Alec said, smiling. His movie preferences

reflected Alec’s perfectly. It was a wonder they found anything to
argue about. “I have a collection in the den. Go pick one out if you’re

Payne nodded and pushed back his own seat. He stood and walked

into the connecting living room.

“Hey, Payne,” Alec called at Payne’s back before he rounded the

corner and got deeper into the living room. Payne half turned. “Why
don’t you change into something comfortable? Preferably shirtless.”

Payne blushed and nodded. He was nervous and more than a little

aroused at the prospect of lying beside Alec half-naked. He couldn’t
wait to ratchet up the tension. Maybe he would be ready to actually
have sex with Alec. The idea made his stomach flutter in nervousness.
He was trained to the last detail on sex, but actually doing it was
another thing entirely. He thought of Alec and how patient he’d been
thus far. He would be a great lover. He would be as gentle and
wonderful as he had been since they’d met.

Payne picked an old 2000 movie from Alec’s collection by

pressing the big LCD screen that was built into the wall. With a few
touches he brought up Alec’s available titles and made his selection.

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He knew it was one of Alec’s favorites, and it was also one of his
own. The clinking sounds coming from the kitchen said that Alec was
still cleaning up, so he brought up the main menu of the movie before
turning to the hallway and the direction of the stairs. The dresser in
his bedroom held several options for comfortable lounge wear that
was at least a little bit sexy.

He made his way back to his room without a problem and took in

the messy state they’d left the space. He took a minute to fold up the
clothes they’d left on the floor and make the bed. It was mostly for his
own mental health that he did so. He needed a second to collect his
thoughts, and keeping his hands occupied was the way for him to do

Finally, he finished picking up, and he had to make a decision

about what to wear. He chose a pair of blue silk boxers and fussed
over whether or not to sit down on the couch or go in search of his
new owner when he left. Why is this so hard? He didn’t want to care
so much about Alec’s opinion, but if they had met randomly, if Payne
had been a free man, he thought he would’ve liked him anyway. He
just hoped things would continue to go as well now that they were in
Alec’s territory. If he’d had a personality alignment, Payne would be
a slave to Alec’s will, but Payne was opinionated and could be kind of
dogged in his arguments. He wanted Alec to like him for that. If that
was possible.

He made his way back downstairs and plopped down on the

couch. He tried to arrange himself in what he hoped was a sexy pose
before turning his attention to the TV.

“Damn, you have the best ass I’ve ever seen,” Alec complimented

from the doorway.

Payne turned his head and winked, feeling suddenly saucy. “All

for you, sexy man.” This wasn’t as hard as he thought.

Alec barked out a surprised laugh at the comment. “What movie

are we watching?” he asked once he’d managed to stop chuckling.

Ice Zombies from Pluto,” Payne supplied.

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“One of my favorites.” He was glad he’d done well. “Shall we?”

Alec motioned toward the couch as the previews began to play.
“Lights, switch to dim for viewing mode.” The lights complied, and
Payne was once again drawn into Alec’s comforting arms. “I could
get used to this,” Alec murmured against Payne’s forehead. Payne
didn’t say it, but he completely agreed.

Payne wasn’t planning on starting the kissing so close to the start

of the movie, but he was glad that they did. Alec turned his head with
a finger to his chin. His nervousness faded, and he tilted his head up
and pressed their lips together.

It was slow and thorough, building the tension between them to a

fever pitch. Alec nipped at Payne’s lips, seeking entrance to that
mouth that had just a few hours before brought him pleasure. With a
sigh of surrender, Payne opened his lips. Their tongues tangled until
they were eating at one another’s mouths like they were desperate for
one another. Alec’s hands caressed Payne’s chest, pinching his
nipples into hardened points and eliciting a gasp from his chest. Payne
was incredibly sensitive to his touch, and all he could think was that
he wanted more.

Alec’s hands traveled downward to trace the swell of Payne’s

burgeoning erection. The silk-encased hardness was firm and weeping
in his fist. Payne whimpered as Alec’s grip tightened almost

“God you make me hot,” Alec rumbled against Payne’s mouth.

“Ever since I saw your picture in the file, I wanted you.”

“Want you, too. When you touched me at the Facility, I wanted

you to take me,” Payne admitted, arching his hips into the circle of
Alec’s grip. “Please. Kiss me. Keep kissing me.”

His mind spun with the want for more. He was ready, so ready, to

take this sexual tension to the next level. He’d held onto his virginity
long enough in the wake of his sexy owner’s appeal. It was time to
show Alec exactly how compatible they were in the bedroom.

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Their tongues continued to clash at his pleading, and Payne could

think of nothing better than Alec sinking into Payne’s tight ass in the
comfort of his bed. He tore his mouth away from Payne’s and turned
his attention to the soft column of his neck. He sucked at the pulse,
leaving a hickey there like a teenager marking up his prom partner.
Payne jerked at the slight pain, his breath coming out in soft pants.

“Like that, do you?” Alec asked, nipping at his neck before

licking the shell of Payne’s ear.

“Oh yes,” Payne murmured breathlessly. Alec pressed him back

against the soft leather of his couch so that their bodies came flush
together. Payne moaned and dug his fingers into Alec’s back as their
clothed cocks rubbed. “So hot. Never felt like this before, Alec.”

They rubbed against one another for endless moments before

Payne’s patience began to run out. “Alec, please, fuck me,” Payne
pleaded. His head spun with lust and heady desire. “I need you. I need
you in me.” He didn’t even know how to do it, but Payne knew he
needed Alec filling him. He’d shoved his fingers in his ass when he’d
masturbated before, but he knew it would be vastly different with the
hard cock rubbing against him.

“My pretty little virgin Vessel.” He growled. “You like this,

sweetheart?” Alec asked, licking those pink nipples and putting the
hard edge of his teeth to tease the tip. He sounded possessive, and it
turned Payne on.

“No. I need it. I need you.” Payne was on fire. His mind was

spinning out of control as triggers that he hadn’t even realized were
imprinted in him were tripped, turning him into a mass of desire and
want. The desire to join, to have Alec come deep inside him, was
paramount to his sanity. Perfect compatibility didn’t even begin to
describe how much he wanted the man touching him.

The movie was forgotten as they tangled.
Alec gasped as Payne tore at his clothing and nipped at his throat.

“Christ, you are on fire, lover. You’re so fucking hot.”

“Take me to bed, Alec,” Payne begged. “Fuck me.”

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“With pleasure, sweetheart. You’re going to have to let me go

first,” Alec said with a laugh as he tried to untangle himself from
Payne’s embrace. He pushed himself to unsteady feet and offered
Payne a hand up.

They stumbled up the stairs on the way to Alec’s room, rubbing

against one another and stopping frequently to kiss and nip at each
other’s lips. Finally they burst into the master suite. He barely
registered the royal-blue comforter and dark-oak bed posts before he
was pressed into the soft, cotton embrace.

Alec stripped him with one hand, pushing the silk boxers to his

knees before finally pulling them off completely. Payne sat up on his
elbows to watch Alec as he ripped at his own shirt and pants. The hiss
of the zipper caused Payne to moan as Alec bared his sexy body to his
gaze. Alec had been so damn careful on the way here, always so
respectful and distant on the two-day trek from the Facility. Even
their earlier tussle had been because Payne had caught him off guard.
He licked his bottom lip and gripped the comforter to keep from
running his hands down his body and taking himself in hand. He was
starving for Alec’s touch.

“I love that look,” Alec rumbled. His eyes were darkened with

desire. “I like that you’re scared but still hot for me.”

“You look like you want to eat me alive,” Payne murmured,

surprised at the husky timbre of his own voice. “I like it.”

Alec groaned at his words before reaching over to his nightstand

and retrieving small bottle of lubrication from the drawer. He squirted
some on his hand and wrapped it around his weeping erection. Like
before, seeing him pleasure himself with his hands made Payne hot.
He squirmed as he waited for Alec to touch him.

“Oh,” Payne sighed as Alec let out a low moan of want, and his

knuckles went white as he gripped harder on the covers. The sight of
Alec stroking himself with the slick until his cock glistened was
nearly his undoing. His body threatened to erupt without Alec ever

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touching him. Alec extended a knowing hand to Payne’s dick and
applied pressure to the base of his cock to halt his impending orgasm.

“Wait,” Alec commanded. Payne made a noise of frustration and

squirmed all the more. Didn’t Alec realize it was killing him not to
plaster himself all over Alec’s rippling body? “Hush, sweetheart. I
can’t concentrate when you do that. Let me get you ready to take me.”

Payne watched with interest as Alec spread his legs with his hands

and trailed a hand down the cleft of his buttocks. He jumped as his
cheeks were spread for Alec’s perusal. A skilled digit circled the tight
rosette of his ass, eliciting another groan. His eyes clenched shut as
nerve endings he didn’t even know he had fired, demanding they
move the process along. A finger sank into his heat, fucking slowly
inside as Payne arched into the motion. Another finger joined the first
after a few pumps, the stretch becoming a pleasant burn.

“Like that?” Alec asked. Payne’s eyes popped open. Sweat

dripped down Alec’s forehead and neck from the restraint he was
showing, and Payne was grateful for it. He needed the intimacy of the
moment. This was his first time, and he needed it to be something
more than a meaningless fuck to be satisfied. “You doing all right,

“Yeah,” Payne panted. “More. Give me more.” Mine. For the first

time, the possessive deeper part of himself raised its head and had a
voice. Mine. Mate. Any other time Payne would analyze why he was
suddenly hearing voices, but he was too enamored with the man
inflicting pleasure on him to worry about much except for getting off.

Alec squeezed out more lube onto his hand before putting it back

on the nightstand. He circled Payne’s entrance with careful fingers
and pressed another finger inside him. The burn became almost too
much for a second, and Payne wondered if he could take it. He closed
his eyes and concentrated on relaxing. Moments later he managed it,
and Alec proceeded to finger-fuck him mercilessly as he bucked his
hips in time with his thrusts. His insides all but writhed in pleasure as

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sensation speared him. He had needed this for so long, and he hadn’t
even realized it. “I’m going to press inside you, Payne. I’ll go slow.”

Payne shook his head vehemently. “Not slow. God, not slow.

Please, Alec.” Alec growled at his passion-filled words. Mine. Yes.
Alec was his. In that moment, it didn’t matter that Alec was
technically his owner. He belonged to Payne as surely as he belonged
to Alec.

“Damn,” Alec cursed, putting a restraining hand on his own cock.

“No talking either. I won’t last two minutes with you talking like

Alec put Payne’s legs on either side of his hips and spread his ass

cheeks even wider. This is it. Payne’s heart pounded in his ears, and
he felt like all of his senses were narrowed down to this single
moment. Alec pushed the first inch of his dick inside Payne. Payne
arched and opened his legs wider, digging his heels into the bed to
deepen the penetration.

“Oh yeah. Just like that,” Payne moaned. The stretch was

incredible, and the feeling of rightness swamped him as Alec buried
himself inch by inch into his ass. Payne panted, and he tried to grip
onto Alec’s shoulders, but they were too slick with sweat from his
restraint to grab ahold of.

As Alec got halfway inside, the edge of pleasure and pain that

Payne had been dancing along shifted the other way. “Stop!” he
yelped, fear washing over him. “Hurts, Alec.”

“Shh, it’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you.” He looked like he was

in a level of pain as well, but he paused, holding still to let Payne
adjust. “Easy, sweet. Breathe for me. It’s probably the position. Let’s
try another that might be a little easier.”

Payne nodded. “I’m sorry.” He felt like he’d failed at something.
“No apologies necessary, sweetheart.” Alec sounded strained, but

he gave Payne a smile nonetheless. He kissed him hard as he pulled
from Payne’s body.

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Payne groaned at the loss of his body as Alec pulled back and out

of him.

“Flip to your front,” Alec instructed, seizing Payne by the

shoulders and kissing him gently. Maybe I can’t do this. Maybe I’m
not good enough. Maybe
—He licked at Payne’s lips, coaxing them
open. Then Payne lost his mind again as the taste of him invaded his
mouth. Everything was infinitely better when he wasn’t thinking so
much. His entire body molded to Alec then. Alec took both their
cocks in hand and jerked them off in unison.

“Oh!” Payne murmured against his mouth. His balls tightened

exponentially. “Gonna come.”

Alec chuckled. “Not yet. Going to come around my cock,

sweetheart.” He broke their kiss. “Flip over.”

Payne rolled as he was told, hissing as his cock collided with the

soft sheets. His heart thundered as images of them joining over and
over again flashed through his mind. “Alec, please!” He twisted his
hips and pressed them against Alec’s weeping length. The fear of the
moment was forgotten.

Payne squirmed, and Alec slapped his flank with a stern

instruction to be still. He took the time to slick the tip of his dick with
another dollop of lube before spreading Payne’s cheeks and doing the
same to Payne’s hole. He pressed the tip against his virginal entrance
again, and Payne moaned.

“It’ll be easier for you to take this way first,” Alec said through

gritted teeth. “Next time we’ll do face-to-face, promise.” He pressed
the first bit of cock through the tight ring of muscle to enter his lover.
Payne whimpered beneath him. “Easy, sweetheart. Breathe out.” His
hands stilled Payne’s hips as he tried to move.

“Hurts,” Payne protested as Alec continued to push inside. He was

breathing like he had been running a marathon.

“I know, sweetheart. You’ve got to relax. Breathe out,” Alec

whispered, kissing the back of Payne’s neck and rubbing his back to
release some of the tension. He had to be in absolute agony as the

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instinct to increase the pace, to slam into Payne without care, drove
him toward orgasm.

“I’m sorry,” Payne whispered.
“Stop apologizing, Payne. You’re perfect.” Alec fucked himself

forward just a little more. He groaned. “You’re amazing, in fact. God,
Payne, you’re just so fucking tight.”

Finally Payne relaxed a fraction of an inch and breathed out,

causing Alec to slip past the tight ring and sink all the way inside
Payne’s backside. He slid home with a sigh. He stayed still, allowing
Payne to get used to having his body invaded so completely. Payne’s
body throbbed, and new instincts he didn’t even know he had
swamped him. He wanted to move, wanted to be impaled over and
over again on his thick cock.

“Alec,” Payne whispered, his head spinning.
“What is it, baby?” Alec asked.
“You can move now.”
Alec barked out a short laugh before his hips jerked and he

pounded himself into Payne’s depths. Payne moaned and gripped the
bedspread hard, using the leverage to push back against Alec’s
thrusts. It took his breath away as Alec angled his thrusts and grazed a
spot within Payne which caused him to nearly howl in pleasure. Right
there. Right there. Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
Sex was even more
incredible than he imagined it would be.

He gasped. “God!”
Alec chuckled and increased the power of his thrusts, deliberately

angling to graze that spot over and over again. “No, sweetheart. It’s
just me.”

They continued at a rough pace, the speed and intensity of Alec’s

thrusts carrying them across the bed until Payne could brace against
the headboard to push back against Alec’s dick. His sac tightened as
orgasm burned at the base of his spine. His cock throbbed,
continuously smearing his pre-cum on the white linen under his hips.

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“Please, Alec, I’m so close,” Payne begged as he chased the

orgasm that seemed to stay just outside his reach.

His lover growled. “Touch yourself,” Alec commanded.
Payne obeyed without question and reached beneath his body with

one hand to grip his aching cockhead. His eyes rolled back into his
head as overwhelming pleasure racked him. His ass clenched around
Alec as his body fell over the cliff and threw him headlong into
orgasm. Alec groaned and lost the rhythm of his lunges. His body
pounded inside Payne, and Payne cried out at the mind-numbing
pleasure. Payne spilled himself in unending streams against the bed,
screaming his release as he was emptied of everything that wasn’t
Alecander Kane. Alec grunted, and Payne’s release seemed to be the
trigger that threw him over the edge of the abyss to join him. His body
jerked and spilled into the hot recesses of Payne’s body. The feeling
of Alec filling him up with his sticky release created a sense of
contentment he’d never experienced before.

“Alec,” Payne whispered reverently as Alec pulled them both

down into the soft embrace of the bed, still embedded inside him.
“That was amazing.” It was like everything in his life was now
complete. He was finally exactly where he wanted to be. Funny that it
was where the Facility sent him to begin with. Mine, the voice said
with note of satisfaction in its tone. Yeah. He is.

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Chapter Four

“Imprinting complete,” a mechanized voice sounded from Alec’s

cell phone a few minutes later.

“What the hell is that?” Alec asked, just having regained his

breath. He was still draped over Payne’s body as his Vessel laid
beside him. He loved the connection between them. Neither one of
them were willing to give up the intimacy of their coupling.

“Facility notes successful bonding of Vessel numbered 8189 to

one Mr. Alecander Kane. Thank you for your purchase.”

Alec groaned and rolled away, slipping from the comfort of

Payne’s lithe body. He grabbed his cell phone and pressed the black
screen to view the new mail message. He frowned as he read the brief
letter from the Facility stating that the imprinting and therefore his
purchase had been completed and that if he had any questions to
contact the Facility directly.

Payne stirred languidly. “Message?” His voice was a distracting

purr of satisfaction.

“Yes. From the Facility. Something about imprinting. No idea

what it is,” Alec said with a shrug, throwing the phone back onto the
nightstand and turning back to Payne. His Vessel froze at Alec’s
statement. He kicked off the top comforter, which was smeared with
their combined desires.

Alec raised a brow. “Do you know something about it?”
Payne was quiet for a moment before answering. “Imprinting is

when a Vessel’s bonding is sealed by a chemical release to his
Master. You can’t return me now because it creates a bond that is
almost unbreakable. It’s supposed to solidify loyalty.” He paused. “I

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wasn’t aware that I could imprint on you without a personality
alignment. That is usually what does it to create an artificial mate
bond.” He seemed to draw inward at the last, turning into himself in

“What does it matter, sweetheart?” Alec asked, drawing him into

the shelter of his arms. Payne came willingly, but he seemed to be a
million miles away.

“I guess it doesn’t really. I just, I’ve been feeling all these

emotions for you. I like you a lot, Alec.” Payne kissed Alec’s lips
softly. “I want to love you. I know it has only been a couple days, but
I want to love you very badly. I want us to work like you said. I just
don’t know if that’s possible. How am I supposed to know what’s me
and what is my programming?”

Alec frowned and held Payne close. “Is there a way to drop the

programming? To make you a normal man?”

Payne shrugged. “Not that I know of. I’ve never heard of a Vessel

who didn’t suit his programming surviving.”

Alec’s soul chilled. “What do you mean surviving? If a Vessel

doesn’t suit the program, he or she is trained in an area and sold to an
industry so that they can make their own living without belonging to a
single man or woman.”

Payne snorted. “Facility lies. If a Vessel made too much trouble,

the doctors of the Facility would have ‘accidents’ during
rehabilitation. The ones that did survive are vegetables.”

“You’re telling me that no Vessel you know of has gotten out of

the program?” Alec demanded. Fuck no. Please tell me that what he’s
saying is bullshit

“I’m telling you that no Vessel has gotten out of the program

except in a body bag,” Payne said. There was a definite bitter note in
his voice. “That’s how they teach us to be grateful even if our Masters
are monsters. At least the humans who buy us think we’re too
expensive to kill. They make us to have heirs for millionaires or toys
for rich business aristocrats. We are grateful even in misery because if

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we weren’t there, we’d be dead. They started the personality
alignment five years ago, and it dropped the number of deaths from
about thirty percent to about twelve percent.”

“How do you know this?” Alec asked. He was horrified by the

pillow talk. It was hard to believe just a moment ago he was balls-
deep inside his beautiful Vessel and thinking about how lucky he was
to have had such a beautiful man commissioned for him.

“You’d be surprised how much you hear when people look right

through you. I’ve been present in many rooms where Trainers have
been discussing it,” Payne said. “Any of the Vessels could tell you.”

“Payne, if what you’re saying is true, and not just a scare tactic,

that practice violates international law. My father couldn’t have been
aware of this. He views artificial human Vessels as the epitome of
human technological advancement. I mean, hell, he had his own
children by his Vessel. He thinks your kind is the closest thing to
intelligent design that humans can imitate.”

“I only know what I’ve heard and seen, Alec.” Payne shuddered

and snuggled closer to Alec’s warmth. “I’m so glad it was you,” he
murmured. “I’m so glad you are mine.”

Alec softened at the achingly gentle tones of Payne’s voice.

“Payne, look at me.” He needed to reassure his Vessel that he would
do whatever he needed to make the situation between Payne and
himself right. Payne’s eyes turned up to meet Alec’s. “You may not
know whether or not your emotions are your own in regards to me,
but I know where mine originate. When I went to the Facility, I
thought that I was getting an expensive toy. A beautiful, intelligent
toy, but still a toy. When you confronted me in that room a few days
ago, I was completely thrown. You are a Vessel, yes, but you are a
man, Payne. You have your own opinions and ideals and thoughts,
and I like you because of them, not in spite of them. Over the past
days, you’ve made me want to pull my hair out sometimes, but I’ve
enjoyed your company. You are bossy and contrary and opinionated,
and I love that about you.” Alec knew that Payne would have a hard

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time accepting his affection now, but he planned on spending the rest
of their lives proving to him how in love he really was.

“You don’t mean that. It’s our chemical compatibility,” Payne

protested, looking a little unnerved by the prospect.

“Hush,” Alec said, silencing him with a kiss. “Even if you

disagree with me now, give us a chance to be happy. Forget about the
Facility for now.” He’d do his own investigating tomorrow and get
his people looking into Payne’s accusations. Though his father would
probably know more information than he could gather.

Payne sighed and relaxed against him, kissing him back with a

lazy grace. “Fine, Alec. If you really want a chance, far be it for me to
deny you that.”

“That’s all I ask,” Alec said with a slight smile. He was gaining

ground with Payne whether the Vessel knew it or not. On a more
serious note, he said, “First thing next week, we’re going to go to my
father’s house in New York and talking to him about what you told
me. He’s the senior CEO and will be able to get to the bottom of it
faster than I would.”

A stray strand of chocolate hair fell into Payne’s face, and his

emerald eyes widened with disbelief. “You’re really going to do
something about what’s happening to the Vessels? We’re not even

“You are human, Payne. You’ve proven that to me. You’re just

different. They tweaked your nature to a degree, but where it counts
you are as human as me,” Alec said firmly. He brought Payne’s hand
to his lips and kissed his palm.

“You’re blinded by our sex,” Payne murmured.
Alec just chuckled at him. “You are so damn stubborn.” He tipped

Payne’s head back and gave him an excruciatingly slow kiss. He drew
back slowly with a sigh. “Let me get a spare blanket out of the closet,
and we can go to sleep. Do you want to sleep with me or in your own

Payne hesitated, clearly torn.

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“Don’t feel obligated to sleep in here, Payne. If you want to sleep

in your own room, I won’t be offended.”

Payne seemed relieved at his statement. “I think I want to sleep in

my own room tonight if that’s all right. I want to think and get used to
all of this.” He gestured to Alec and the rest of the house. Alec

“That’s fine, sweetheart.”
Alec smiled at him before rolling out of bed and padding to the

closet in the bathroom. He dragged a quilted blanket that his mother
had made from the top of his cream-colored closet and threw it on the
bottom of the bed. Payne followed him out of bed, picking up the torn
remains of his boxers with a hiss of discomfort. “You’re going to be
sore in the morning.”

“I’m already sore,” Payne complained with another wince as he

took a step. “I don’t think my thighs and ass were equipped to handle
our lovemaking.”

Alec winced. “I shouldn’t have taken you so roughly. Hold on

before you go. Let me put some healing salve on you. It’ll help the
muscle soreness.” He’d been as gentle as he knew how, but still,
Payne had been a virgin and Alec had been more than a little vigorous
with him.

* * * *

Payne stood still as Alec disappeared into the massive bath at the

far side of the room. His legs were shaking, and the muscles of his ass
were protesting the hard ride. The loss of his virginity had hurt, but it
had also been oh so right. This isn’t so bad. This isn’t like getting
beaten by a Trainer. This soreness is delicious. Every time I move I
am reminded of his possession
. He warmed at his word choice. It was
possession. He felt Alec in every pore of his being, and his promises
of equality were still echoing in his mind like love words.

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Alec’s voice echoed from the bathroom as he found the salve he

was looking for. “Found it.” The declaration brought Payne out of his
thoughts, and a second later Alec exited the bathroom with a small jar
in his hand.

“Lie down on the bed and let me rub you down,” Alec


Payne’s arousal stirred in interest. Damn, I love that gruff voice.

Just that easily, he wanted him all over again. Alec’s eyes filled with
knowledge as his gaze snagged on Payne’s arousal. “I can’t take you
again tonight or else you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

Payne almost told him he didn’t care. Instead he sat down on the

bed and spread his legs again. “I seem to be kicking off my clothing
more in the past day than I have in my entire life.”

Alec answered him with a grin. “Yes. I can understand that. If it

makes you feel any better, I’m going to have to sew my best casual
slacks because I popped the button off in my haste to get to you

Payne laughed. “I am capable of sewing. I hate it, but I’ve been

trained to do it.”

Alec snorted. “No thank you. I don’t like the Stepford wife thing

the Facility favors. I can sew my own buttons and take care of myself.
Thanks.” He cleared his throat and spread Payne’s legs wider with
careful hands. “This may hurt just a bit, but it’ll fade in just a second,”
Alec murmured.

He took the dark-red jar and spooned out some salve on two

fingers. The salve smelled of soft mint and lavender and was a frosted
white color. Payne liked its scent. He kneaded Payne’s thighs, rubbing
the ointment into the muscles. It warmed under his ministrations, and
the muscles relaxed gradually. By the time he worked his way to the
center of his spread thighs, Payne was panting lightly. He didn’t
understand why. In all reality he should’ve never wanted to have sex
again as sore as he was.

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Alec’s careful fingers traced the outline of Payne’s hole with the

salve, inserting just the tips of two fingers inside to massage the
muscle. “Try to relax, sweetheart.”

Payne hissed, and his arousal thickened at the invasion. Alec

continued to circle, not really penetrating but continuing his slow

“I can’t fuck you,” Alec warned as he rubbed the salve deeper

inside the tight recesses. Payne whimpered and angled his hips for a
deeper penetration. Alec chuckled at his determination. “What is it
with you? You manage to get aroused frequently and still beg for
more. I’ve gotten off more today than I have ever gotten off before.”

“The benefits of being a Vessel,” Payne explained with a gasp.

“My body’s been conditioned to be ready for pleasure at any time.
Over and—ah—over again.”

“Good to know,” Alec said with a growl. “I want to give you a

send-off to bed, a little something to remember when you’re slipping
off to dream land in a bit.” Alec finished his ministrations. It hadn’t
been as painful as it was arousing. He closed his eyes and breathed as
the salve worked its magic on his muscles and hole.

Payne groaned aloud as Alec suddenly sucked the entire length of

his cock into the back of his throat. He whimpered. “Never had
anyone do that.” He gave another gasp as Alec’s throat contracted
around his tip. “Oh God, definitely never had anyone do that!”

Alec continued to work him until he was a mass of stimulated

nerves. He cried out as Alec sucked him like a lollipop, seemingly
resisting the urge to breathe with relative ease as he deep-throated his
length and worked him into near orgasm in seconds.

“Like getting sucked, Vessel?” Alec asked, drawing off him for a


“Yes, Alec. Please, more,” Payne rumbled.
Alec went back to his task, bobbing up and down on his dick like

he was just as intoxicated with Payne’s taste as Payne was with his.
Payne started murmuring incomprehensively as the pleasure

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overwhelmed him once again. Alec’s suction increased, and Payne’s
hips shot skyward. He ignored the twinge of pain that shot through his
buttocks. He wanted to come, needed to.

“Alec,” he warned, gasping for breath. He’d been taught at the

Facility that it was improper to come in his owner’s mouth, but he
didn’t know if Alec would follow that word of wisdom any more than
he followed the others the Facility had told him about.

Alec pushed his head down his cock, choking himself on Payne’s

length. Payne surged upward and erupted into his lover’s willing
mouth. Alec didn’t disappoint. He just drank him down in sucking
pulls of his mouth. Payne’s head spun as he was rocked with the
second most intense orgasm of his life.

* * * *

Payne was asleep before Alec lifted his head from his lover’s

arousal to wipe his mouth. He smiled to himself as Payne sighed in
his sleep.

“Sweet dreams, lover,” he murmured. Alec scooped him up in his

arms, and Payne didn’t even stir. He crossed the bedroom and took
the short walk to the room—Payne’s room now—that was adjacent to
his own. He tucked his Vessel into his bed and pulled the covers up to
his chin. He kissed his forehead and then took a last, lingering look at
his new lover before carting himself back to his room. Payne was
everything he wanted and everything he needed, and he was going to
set about proving that to him tomorrow. His mind made up, he
climbed into his bed after changing the sheets and slipped into a
dreamless sleep.

At a quarter after four the phone rang, jarring Alec out of a

peaceful dream. With a groan Alec rolled over and grabbed the cell
off his nightstand and pressed the call button.

“Someone better be dying,” he growled into the headset.

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“Alec? This is Marjorie from Facility PR. I’m sorry to wake you,

but we have a major PR crisis on our hands. Can you pull up your
viewing network?”

He groaned but did as she asked. “Visual, open a viewing screen

on News Network channel.”

Late in the twenty-first century, all news organizations had

combined to form one international network called the International
News Network. If anything of international importance was
happening, it would be on that channel. A Holo-File popped up in the
area at the foot of his bed, displaying a petite blonde woman dressed
in a business suit.

“If you are just joining us, we are the first to broadcast to you live

from the scene.” A reel of video began to roll across the screen.
Yellow body bags were being dragged up a steep embankment out of
a river. “What you are looking at is over a dozen bodies being fished
out of a river near a Facility center near the border between New York
and Pennsylvania. It is suspected that the bodies of the people within
the river are indeed Vessels. We are waiting for either confirmation or
denial from the Facility Corporation and will come to you with the
latest news concerning this incident.”

“All right. Turn it off,” Alec commanded. Sickness churned in his

gut. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “When do you want me to go on?” He would
have to give the official version of what was happening, but he
needed to know what the real story was. Was this a dumping ground
for the people Payne claimed were being murdered?

“As soon as you get here, we’ll contact the local version of News

Network,” Marjorie said, sounding as exhausted and heartsick as
Alec. “As soon as you reach the office, we’ll have a brief for you and
then we’ll have you go on and make a statement. Your father is
having a fit. He’s already called four times to ask if you’re here. I’ve
got the company jet on standby waiting for you. Are you bringing
your new Vessel with you?”

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Alec hesitated. Finally he spoke. “Yes. I’ll bring him. He’ll be

safer and more comfortable at my father’s house. Contact Mother and
tell her that we will have an extra guest at the house and to install him
into the room next to mine.” If his father was this upset, he couldn’t
have anything to do with it, could he?

“Okay, got it,” Marjorie said, obviously taking notes. “So I’ll see

you in about two hours?”

“Give me two and a half to get there. Put together my brief while

I’m in transit. I’ll talk to you when I get into the office.”

“See you then.”
Alec rolled from the bed and instantly began to dress. It was at

moments like this that his partners would typically get irritated at him
for having to leave in the wee hours of the morning and an inevitable
fight about working too much would ensue. Despite the fact that
Payne had the uncanny habit of pleasantly surprising him, Alec still
felt the unease as he crossed the hallway to wake him up. He took a
deep breath and knocked on the door.

A shuffle sounded on the other side of the door before it was

opened to reveal Payne’s sleepy face. “Hi, Alec,” Payne said, rubbing
his eyes and looking dazed.

“Um, hi,” Alec greeted. “Sorry to wake you, but there has been an

incident at one of the Facility centers near New York. We’re going to
have to leave for the offices there after stopping by the local offices
here in Norfolk. I’m afraid we’ve got a busy day ahead of us. I’d
hoped that I could let you rest today, but at least you can meet my
mom. She’s a Vessel, too.” He knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t
seem to help himself.

Payne held up a hand to silence his tirade. “I just woke up, and

that is a lot to digest. I’ll get dressed. Explain later.” He disappeared
back in the bedroom and closed the door in Alec’s astonished face.

“Are you angry with me?” Alec called through the door.

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“No.” A muffled reply came through the wood. “Can’t think. I’m

tired. Trying to rush. I’ll be out in a minute.” Clipped, half-formed
sentences finished the communication and were followed closely by
silence. Payne was obviously not a morning person. Alec hesitated
before going back to his own room. He hoped Payne would

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Chapter Five

Payne hadn’t said a word when Alec had brought the car around.

In fact, he hadn’t spoken the entire ride to the airport. They pulled
onto the darkened tarmac and came to a halt beside the sleek white jet
that had Facility Inc. scrawled across the side. The driver got out and
opened their door for them.

“There are two bags in back,” Alec said, motioning to the trunk.

“Have the crew load it behind us.”

“Yes, sir,” the driver said.
He took Payne’s hand and pulled him along with him. “We can

eat something on the plane if you like. They usually keep it stocked.”

Payne grunted but otherwise made no other acknowledgement.
They climbed the steps to the plane and were greeted by the co-

captain and the flight attendant. “Welcome aboard, Mr. Kane,” the
flight attendant, whose name tag said Fatima, greeted. “The captain
says he’ll be looking to leave in another fifteen minutes if you’d like
to get comfortable.”

Payne looked at the caramel-skinned beauty with appreciation,

and Alec felt a spark of jealousy at the look. Payne was devoted to
him, and he knew it. Not to mention he was gay. He had no interest in

He ignored the jealousy and offered her a smile. “Thank you,

Fatima. Can you please make sure Payne is comfortable? It’s his first
plane ride.”

She was the Captain Joshua’s Vessel and always traveled with

him when he flew Alec around the world. She was a very sweet girl
with easy smiles and an uncanny attention to detail. When she wasn’t

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flying the world with Josh, she could be found at their other business
in New York as an interior decorator. The inside of the private jet
reflected her influence because the entire space was designed to calm
even the weariest travelers. The interior of the plane was a soft tan-
and-cream color with olive-green reclining chairs and fresh flowers in
little vases around the walls.

“Don’t make a fuss on my account,” Payne protested.
Alec half turned toward him. “I want to make a fuss over you,

sweetheart. I want you as comfortable as possible.”

Payne crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I can find a chair

myself,” he said, clearly sulking. Confusion flickered through Alec.
Was he pissed over having to leave in the middle of the night?

“If I may, my lord?” Fatima interrupted their exchange. Alec

turned back to her and nodded. “You talk to your Vessel as if he were
a small child or simple. He gets offended because he is neither a
toddler nor stupid. Josh used to do the same to me when he first
purchased me. We may not be human, but we are perfectly capable of
taking care of ourselves. He might be nervous about a plane ride, but
he won’t get hysterical like a toddler.”

“Is that true, Payne?” Alec asked, turning to look at his Vessel. “Is

that the reason you’re getting so angry with me?” If so, that was a
relief. He didn’t want him to get pissed every time he had to go on a
business trip.

Payne nodded. “I swear I can take care of myself, Alec. Can I just

go sit down now?”

“Of course you can. Sorry for being overbearing. I’ll try not to do

it in the future.” Alec kissed Payne’s cheek. His Vessel favored him
with a smile and went to find his seat.

A few minutes later they were in the air, and Payne was asleep

again in his chair. He had no problems other than a white-knuckled
arm clutch at takeoff. He dropped off into dreamland right after that.

“He is a beauty, Mr. Kane,” Fatima commented as she handed

him a bottle of Evian water.

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“Thanks,” Alec said. She always remembered his water


Fatima smiled. “One of the many skills of a Vessel. To be honest

with you I never pictured you with a Vessel.”

“Oh? Why is that?” Alec asked in surprise.
“You are one of those rare males in power that wants a partner,

not a servant. I always pictured you finding a nice boy, probably
another corporate type, and getting married.”

“What about you and Josh? He treats you like an equal.”
Fatima got a dreamy look on her face as she slowly smiled. “He

does now. It took many years before he figured out that he wanted me
to take care of him and not the other way around. However, don’t
doubt that the power dynamic still exists. When he makes a decision,
he is more comfortable just making the decision and informing me of
what to do than consulting me beforehand. You want to talk with your
Vessel, compromise, fall in love.” She looked at his shocked
expression and laughed. “Or are you already in love with your sulky
Vessel?” She shook her head at him, clearly amused. “Maybe there is
hope for you two yet. He’s unsure of you still, but he already feels the
affection or else he wouldn’t get upset with you talking over him. It
won’t be long before real feelings overwhelm the chemical

“Can that happen? He’s worried that he won’t be able to love me

because he won’t know if it’s really him or just the Vessel training.”

“Oh yes, that can happen. It happened with Joshua and me. At

first I liked him because my training had prepared me to, and then I
loved him because of the man he was. Not all Vessels love their
Masters, Alec. If I’m any kind of judge, then I’d say that yours is well
on his way to falling in love with you. Give it time. Talk to your
mother when you get a chance. She’ll be able to give you a better
insight once she’s interacted with him.”

“Thanks for the advice, Fatima,” Alec said. His father had been

next to useless when it came to how do deal with his Vessel

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respectfully, and he’d scoff at the very notion that Alec wanted him to
be his equal in and out of the bedroom. His father believed there was
only one way to do things and if it didn’t happen in the order he
thought it should, Alec was being ridiculous. It was hard to tell what
his father really thought about anything really. “When it comes to
him, I’m so lost. I try to treat him like a regular guy for the most part,
but I sometimes find myself falling into the mindset that he’s a pet
and I have to take care of him.”

Fatima gave him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder. “You’ll

find your way soon enough, Alec. You’re a smart boy.”

The overhead speaker sounded with Joshua’s familiar voice.

“Fatima, can you come to the captain’s cabin please?”

Fatima crossed over to the wall panel and placed her hand on the

wall mount to activate the communication box. “Of course, honey.
Need some coffee?”

The panel lit up green in response. “Yes, please,” Joshua said.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Fatima said, patting Alec on the shoulder

as she passed him. “Try to get some rest for the press conference.”

* * * *

Alec swallowed as he stood behind the podium on the front steps

of the massive corporate building behind him while the rain drizzled
on the entire swarm of people on the front sidewalk. “The incident is
under investigation by our own Facility teams. When we find the
people responsible for this tragedy, we fully intend to press criminal
as well as civil charges against them. We can neither confirm nor
deny that all the bodies they’re bringing up are Vessels or civilian
workers. My family and I are going to be working closely with the
authorities to bring a conclusion to the situation. At this time, we can
only hope that whoever is responsible for this is brought to justice
swiftly. If you have any information in regards to the investigation,
contact your local police station. They’ve been instructed to send all

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tips to the investigators in New York that are working on the case.
Thank you.” A hundred different camera flashes went off, and another
dozen microphones were shoved into Alec’s face.

“Mr. Kane! Mr. Kane!” they screamed at him as he made his way

off the stage and hurried toward the waiting car that would take them
to his father’s house. As he stepped down the last step, they broke
through the sparse security lines in front of them and swarmed around
him. Oh Christ. Alec stepped around one who got in his way, and he
increased the speed of his walk.

“Get back!” The security guards were barking at the reporters,

who paid them little heed. He was surrounded, barely able to move as
they all clamored for his attention. A hand reached through the mass
of bodies and grabbed his arm to pull him through the crowd. Alec
was surprised when Payne’s grim set face came into view. He had
changed in the car into a black-and-gray suit and had his hair brushed
back in a more formal style.

“Come on, Alec,” Payne commanded, taking Alec’s arm and

practically dragging him toward the car.

A reporter yelled as Payne pushed him roughly out of their way,

“Who are you?”

Another called out, “Are you a Vessel?”
“Do you belong to Mr. Kane?” yet another asked, pushing a

camera into Payne’s annoyed-looking face.

Payne growled. “I’m his boyfriend and his Vessel, and if you

don’t get that out of my face, you’re going to lose it.” Alec shivered at
the possessive tone of his voice. Who was this confident, sexy man
that had come to his rescue? Damn, that’s attractive. Payne was
continually surprising him.

Finally they reached the shiny black limo that awaited them. “Get

in,” Payne said, holding back some of the reporters as they continued
to shout their questions and try to get closer to Alec. Alec did as he
was bid and slid into the leather seat. Payne followed and slammed
the door with a thud.

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He sighed and turned his gaze on Alec. “Is it always like that?”

Payne asked as the limo pulled off.

“Not usually,” Alec muttered, loosening his tie and breathing a

sigh of relief that it was over. “Thanks for helping me out, by the
way.” He just hoped that he could make good on his promises to get
to the bottom of the situation quickly. This is a disaster.

Payne tapped his fingers lightly on his pants leg. “I saw that they

were all over you. I hoped you weren’t going to get angry with me.
You did tell me to stay in the car.”

“I really appreciated it, sweetheart,” Alec said, tugging on Payne’s

arm until he could kiss his sweet lips. “I’m sorry I dragged you out of
bed this morning.”

Payne smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t really mind. I just don’t wake

up that easily. Don’t take it personally if I can’t think before ten in the

Alec let out a laugh at that. “And here I thought you were mad at

me for interrupting your beauty sleep.”

“Did you mind that I said I was your boyfriend?” Payne asked


Alec smiled. “Not at all. To be honest with you, I was a little

turned on when you said it.”

Payne’s apparent embarrassment was endearing. “I’m glad.” He

hesitated for an instant before reaching down and entwining his
fingers with Alec’s. He sighed and snuggled up to Alec’s side. Alec
smiled in contentment and squeezed Payne’s hand in thanks. It
seemed that Alec had passed some sort of test in Payne’s eyes, and
Alec couldn’t say that it made him unhappy to have been on the
winning side of the battle for once.

They fell silent for a few minutes, apparently caught up in their

own thoughts. Alec glanced out the window and saw the familiar trees
that led to his family’s home. The massive estate ringed in woodlands
was one of the largest on the continent. It seemed a little ostentatious
to him, but that was his father’s lifestyle.

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“You really are going to find out what’s going on with the

Vessels?” Payne asked.

“Of course I am. If what you said is true, this could just be the tip

of the iceberg. I want to talk to my father when we arrive and see if
he’s made any headway. After this fiasco is dealt with, I’m thinking
about taking a much-needed vacation,” Alec said. “I could book the
honeymoon suite at the Radisson on the big island in Hawaii. What do
you think? Just me, you, and the beach for a two-week vacation? We
could even go scuba diving if you’d like.”

Payne seemed to contemplate the possibility. “I’ve never seen the

ocean. I’d love that.” He favored Alec with a smile. “How many
boyfriends have you whisked away for a Hawaiian vacation?”

“None. We usually don’t make it that far into a relationship. I’ve

been there a couple times by myself, though,” Alec said, nipping
Payne’s ear in retaliation for his teasing.

“Ouch,” Payne breathed, and he evened the score by latching onto

Alec’s neck that was an inch above his face. Alec gasped, and his
head fell back to give Payne better access.

“Oh fuck. That’s a sweet spot.” Alec sighed. His mind glazed over

instantly with lust despite being tired. He figured he’d spend a lot of
time being aroused with Payne around. His Vessel understood and
fulfilled his desires better than anyone ever had.

* * * *

Payne bit harder at his reaction, sucking at the place and licking it

to soothe away his bite. He’d never played the aggressor before, and
he found a well of desire within himself to be just that. He wanted to
bite Alec and mark him for the world to see. He wanted to see if Alec
liked a man pounding inside him as much as he liked Alec doing it to
him. He wanted to fuck Alec until he couldn’t remember his own
name. The realization was so shocking that he let go of Alec’s neck

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“Why’d you stop?” Alec wondered, his erection pressing at the

front of his slacks insistently.

“I—nothing,” Payne stammered. He cleared his throat. “Are we

going to get there soon?”

Alec looked puzzled by his reaction but chose to let it slide.

“Yeah. We’ll be at the house in ten minutes or so.”

Payne nodded and stared out the window to watch the countryside

pass. He rubbed his eyes and rested his forehead against the glass.
The estate was huge and seemed to stretch on for miles. It was a
wonder that they were so close to the city. In actuality they’d only
been in the car for a few minutes. The woods gave it the illusion of
complete privacy.

They pulled down the long drive and circled to the front of a

house that looked more than a little intimidating. The towering
structure was not set up to elicit feelings of comfort. It had the same
feel to it as the Facility building he grew up in. Where Alec’s house
was warm and welcoming, the senior Kane’s house was downright

“Just relax,” Alec said. “My father is a bit of a hard-ass, but as

long as you stay out of his way, you should be fine. You’re going to
love Mom though. She’s the sweetest lady I know.” He opened the
door and rolled out before offering a hand out.

They climbed up a dozen steps onto a large stone porch that was

overwhelmed with tall, white Grecian columns that were designed to
make the approaching person feel small and insignificant. When two
servant-class androids opened the doors, Payne found himself in a
dark-brown-and-gold cavernous room that made their footsteps echo
around the room.

“I’m getting flashbacks to Gone with the Wind,” Payne muttered

as yet another massive staircase loomed before them.

Alec laughed. “Try growing up here. We Kanes are a lot like old

Southern aristocracy.”

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An old familiar voice sounded to their right. “And you’d do well

to remember it, Alecander.”

Payne’s stomach dropped as he heard Alec’s father speak. He still

remembered the last time they’d spoken and how painful it had been
when he’d made him convulse on the floor. The elder Mr. Kane
must’ve come out of the lighted hallway that ran along the right side
of the staircase. Despite his age, he walked with a swagger that
bespoke an arrogance of someone who was used to ruling his world
with an iron fist.

“Good morning, Father. Did you see the press conference?” Alec

asked, not batting a lash at his interruption.

The older man nodded. “I did. You did well with your speech. I’ll

give you updates to make an additional speech tomorrow. Send your
Vessel up to the Green Room. Your mother would like to have coffee
with him.”

“Only if he wants to go. Would you like to go meet my mother,

sweetheart?” Alec asked. Payne was a little intimidated by the
prospect. “If you don’t want to, I can take you up to my room and you
can nap there. I’ll come get you when my father and I are done

“I’d like to meet your mother. She’s a Vessel, right?” Payne

asked, trying to sound more confident than he felt. He hadn’t expected
his lover to keep his word about asking him instead of ordering him

Alec’s warm smile went a long way to reassuring him. “Yes, she

is, and she’s dying to finally meet you.”

“Will you take me there?” Payne bit his lip in nervousness. He

didn’t want to be a kid about it, but androids had always freaked him
out. Whereas Vessels were flesh and blood, androids were over
seventy-five percent machine. They had this eerie calmness about
them that Payne had always seen as unnatural. He didn’t like to be
alone with them.

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“Of course I will,” Alec said, kissing his cheek. “Father, shall I

meet you in the study?”

“Fine, but hurry up,” his father rumbled. “I swear you spoil that

Vessel worse than I do your mother.”

Alec took his hand and led him up the massive staircase. Payne

felt safer when Alec was touching him. It steadied him.

“Do you think she’ll like me?” Payne asked as they rounded the

left side of the staircase and headed toward the sign that said “West
Wing.” He’d never imagined a private residence large enough to
necessitate signage. This place was creepy. He hoped they weren’t
staying long.

“I know she will. Besides, I like you. So it wouldn’t matter if she

didn’t.” Alec squeezed his hand, and warmth radiated from him.
Mine, the now-familiar internal voice said.

“Thank you, Alec,” Payne said. “Thank you for being so kind to


“I told you I want you to be my boyfriend, sweetheart. That means

loving you right.” Payne’s heart tripped over itself at the “loving you”
part. He hadn’t imagined he’d ever get the chance for such a thing.
Alec pulled him to a stop in the carpeted hallway to kiss him gently.
“You’re going to do just fine. I’m going to tell my father what you
said about the Trainers at your Facility center disposing of Vessels. I
may need to call on you as a witness.”

“Sure thing, Alec. Whatever you need me to say.” If he could stop

the Facility from unfairly murdering Vessels, he would do it. His
heart constricted as a thought struck him. “Do you think you could
check on my sister, Desiree? She’s supposed to have a placement, and
I’m worried about her being there without me.”

“I’ll check on her when I go to my dad’s office,” Alec assured. He

pulled them along the hallway at a leisurely pace despite his father’s
urgings to hurry. “The Green Room is my mother’s haven. She spends
most of her free time there. When Joey and I were kids, she read to us
there.” He stopped them in front of a heavy oak door. It was dark in

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color and had a strange lettering above the doorframe. Mille mores
delecto. Quisque est diversus

“A thousand ways to love. Each one is different,” Alec translated

for him. “My father had my mother learn Latin when he brought her
home. It’s his secret passion. He loves classical languages. He carved
that himself above the door when they found out they were pregnant
with me. Sweet, isn’t it?”

“How did he go from being the guy who writes love phrases

above a door to the guy who is as unfeeling as a marble statue and
tortures Vessels for fun?” Payne asked. Okay, he had no proof that he
was torturing people other than Payne when he was mouthy, but he
seemed like the type.

Irritation flickered over Alec’s face, and Payne knew he shouldn’t

have said anything. “He’s not unfeeling,” Alec said. “He just—He’s a
man who doesn’t believe in a big show of emotion. He takes his work
very seriously, but he loves us.”

“If you say so,” Payne replied. Doubt saturated his thoughts, and

he hoped it didn’t translate into his voice.

Alec didn’t respond. Instead, he knocked twice on the heavy door.

They both stood back and waited.

Payne was so nervous he held his breath. The door swung open

without drama to reveal a tall, thin woman whose hair at one time
may have been the same shade of platinum blonde her son’s was. Her
eyes were a lovely shade of light brown that seemed to glow with

“Welcome home, my son,” the Vessel said. “And I’m so happy to

finally meet you, Payne. I’ve been reading about you since you were a
child. How are you finding this wonderful son of mine?”

“He’s been a kind Master, ma’am,” Payne said, unsure of how to

address her. Technically she was another Vessel, but she was also
Alec’s mother.

She laughed at his words, which caused Payne to shift

uncomfortably. She winked at him. “Master indeed. My son is no

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more Master than his father is. Though I wager, if he’s anything like
his father, he rates a nine on a scale of ten as a lover.”

Alec’s blue eyes went wide. “Mother!” Alec exclaimed. “I’m not

supposed to hear shit like that. God!”

“Oh hush,” she admonished, clearly not concerned with her son’s

embarrassment. “You are an adult, and he is a Pleasure Vessel. Leave
us alone, Alecander. Go play with your father for a while. I’ll
entertain your Payne.” She turned her pretty brown eyes to him, and
he nearly laughed. He liked her. “Good to know you have a bit of
spirit in you. Come in and leave the humans to their play.” She took
Payne by his arm and pulled him from the surprised arms of her son.
Without effort, she shut the door in Alec’s face.

Payne was immediately encased in a room of warmth. She turned

them from the door and into the room, revealing a space built for
comfort. Lounge chairs were scattered about the surprisingly large
space intermingled with plush couches. The walls were lined with
bookshelves that stretched from floor to ceiling, and at the center of
the room sat a small tea table that had a white porcelain tea set on it
along with a rather large leather-bound book.

“I’ve never seen so many printed books,” Payne exclaimed in

amazement. “The library at the Facility never had printed books. Too
expensive. All the books we had were accessed through our PDA

Alec’s mother nodded. “Yes. That’s how I remember my time

there. A lot of people are following that example and getting rid of the
paper versions. The EPA even tried to ban the use of print books a
few years ago. Now they’re all printed on recyclable material that the
company will pick up if the book becomes damaged and replace it.
David, that’s Alec’s father’s first name, and I just couldn’t give up
our books. There is something to be said about literature that has a
sensory aspect. The smell of a new book as opposed to an old one, or
a leather-bound as opposed to a cardboard one, even the weight in
your palm, gives the book a uniqueness. Do you read much?”

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“I don’t usually read a lot for pleasure. At the Facility I read a lot

on advertisement and finance. Guess I know why now, with Alec
being in advertising. I was also schooled on rhetoric and a lot of
philosophy dealing with communications.”

“How about fiction?” Mrs. Kane asked, her brow drawing down

to frown at Payne’s words.

“No, ma’am. Fiction was discouraged. The Facility was so

centered on our education, pleasure reading was seen as a way to
distract from that.”

Her face broke out into a grin. “Then I have just the thing for you.

A romance novel that David gave to me when we first lived together.”
She crossed the room with firm, purposeful strides and took a book
off the shelf that was almost at the top. “Here you go. Since Alec is
always busy, you might as well have a little something to read.”

Payne took the novel from her with a smile and glimpsed at the

cover. He blanched and turned twelve shades of scarlet. A tall burly
man stood on the cover, shirtless, with a willowy, blonde-haired
woman, also half-clothed, in apparent ecstasy in his arms. The title
blazed in gold on the cover. To Love a Vessel, an anthology of stories
about Vessels and the men and women who love them

“I–I am very well educated in that, ma’am,” he stuttered. God,

Alec’s mom is downright scandalous!

Alec’s mother burst out laughing at his horrified expression. “It

isn’t a book on sex, Payne. It’s a collection of stories about different
Vessels who fall in love with their Masters. It’s a lovely collection
really. The writer is a male Vessel commissioned for a wife and
husband pair in Connecticut, I believe. Why don’t you sit with me and
have some coffee?” She motioned to the table, and they both walked
over to it before sitting in opposite chairs.

“You are not what I expected, ma’am,” Payne said, sipping at the

bitter liquid before making a face and setting it back down as
delicately as he could. She laughed at him again.

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“Please call me Amber. This ‘ma’am’ business is silly. We’re

practically in-laws now.” She continued to laugh softly, the sound
delicate and feminine. Where her husband was cold and laughed
seldom, Amber was light and laughter. It was an interesting
juxtaposition. “And I hope I am not what you expected. I bet you
expected a sour-faced crone who was the obedient Vessel.”

Payne blushed. “Something like that.”
She continued to smile. “You’ve got to get out the mindset that

the propaganda of the Trainers is truth. They give you generalities
about the expectations of Vessels. But what they don’t tell you is that
every pairing is different and every one is a unique relationship
experience. Has my son said he loves you yet?”

Payne looked down at the book in his lap and wondered why he

felt compelled to answer her prying questions. She’s his mother, and
whether he says so or not, she has influence
. He sighed. “No.”

“And how do you feel about him?”
Payne considered his own feelings for a second. “I care for him.

He’s kind to me and patient with my adjustment. He gives me
everything I could ever want and treats me like an equal. He values
me. But, I was made for him. So I don’t know what is me and what is
my training.”

“Just because you were predisposed to like him doesn’t mean you

would love him,” Amber admonished. “Haven’t you heard that
strange inner voice in the back of your mind that looks at him and
tells you that he is yours absolutely?”

“How did you know about that?” he asked, shocked. He thought it

was strange but hadn’t mentioned anything because he didn’t want his
love to think he was defective.

Her brown eyes sparkled with mirth. “Because when a Vessel

bonds to their owner, when they imprint, the new voice arises. It
happens to all Vessels who mate with their owners. Not even a
personality alignment guarantees an imprinting. It’s relatively rare.”

“Huh. Any idea why?”

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She shrugged delicately. “No idea. We’re not scientists, so I

couldn’t tell you. I’m sure there is a reason, but I don’t know it.”

Payne grew quiet as he looked inward and considered her words.

This was a lot of information to process. If they weren’t just
programmed to love someone, then what he felt for Alec was one
hundred percent real. His heart pounded with the words that echoed
with the beat of his heart. I love him.

She took a long sip from her cup and regarded him knowingly.

“Ah, so now you see what you’ve been lying to yourself about for the
past few days. Instant affection and almost instantaneous love is
something we’re taught can’t be real. But it is. Whatever is inside us
is never wrong, Payne. What you feel for him won’t go away now or
a hundred years from now.”

“What about them? Do they love us just as fast?” Payne asked.

The idea of it being one-sided, that Alec wouldn’t love him in return,
was horrifying.

“I think they struggle with it more than we do just because they

don’t have that reassurance in their heads. But I believe they fall just
as fast for us as we do for them, yes.” She poured herself another cup
of coffee. “I’m not saying the road ahead is easy, but I’m saying it can
be rewarding. My son is a wonderful man, and I hope you two are
happy together.”

“Me, too,” Payne murmured, stirring his coffee cup with no

intention of drinking it. He hoped that they would have something
more than sex between them, more than courtesy. He wanted them to
love like Amber described. He just had to convince Alec that his
moody, stubborn, sometimes surly Vessel was worth it.

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Chapter Six

“You seem to be very affectionate with your Vessel already,”

Father said, sitting in his high wing-backed chair in front of his
study’s fireplace. It was the same spot he was usually in when Alec
had lived at home. Father had been at the labs more often than not
when he was growing up but on the rare occasion that he was in, this
was his domain.

“I like him. He likes me. We want to have a relationship,” Alec

said. Why do I always feel like I have to defend my relationship with

His father practically rolled his eyes. “A Vessel has to prove their

loyalty before you give them your heart, Alec. Please don’t get too
attached until you know if he’ll stick. You’re rushing into this as per

Alec frowned. “Um, you commissioned him for me, Dad. He was

literally born for me, and it seems to be working out really, really well
to be honest.” He hated admitting that his father had known better
than he had about what would make him happy, but Payne was
everything he had ever hoped for in a partner.

“This is the honeymoon stage, boy. Don’t get carried away with it.

Sometimes Vessels just don’t work out as they’re supposed to,”
Father said, beckoning him over. “Go to my desk and get the file out
of the top drawer.”

Alec nodded and did as he was bid. “You and Mom are not the

best example of how Vessels and owners don’t work out. You guys
have been in love for how long?”

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“She wasn’t the first Vessel I had, son,” Father said. A bomb

exploding or spontaneous combustion would’ve been less shocking.

“What?” Alec asked, his steps faltering.
He waved Alec closer, looking impatient. “Your mother was my

second. My first Vessel matched fourteen of my twenty-seven point
criteria. We only need ten for it to be considered a viable union, so I
brought her home and we stayed together for six months before I
figured out it wouldn’t work out. Even with the personality alignment,
she wasn’t happy with me. Vessels are strange creatures, son.
Sometimes not even my fail-proof measures stack up to full

“Well, Payne isn’t like that.” Alec paused. “Why didn’t I know


His father shrugged. “Because there was never a reason to tell you

about her. Your mother and I have been together, happily, for almost
thirty years now, and it never came up. It wasn’t her fault I sent her
back to the Facility for a new placement. It’s the nature of a Vessel.
It’s the shifter bit of them.”

“The what bit?” Alec asked. He frowned.
His father rolled his eyes, his annoyance level clearly rising. He

hated repeating himself more than anything else. “The shifter part.
Have you never read your full mockup of their DNA patterns?”

“Why would I ever read all that?” Alec asked dryly. “For Christ’s

sake, Dad, I’m not a masochist. The book of Vessels that outlines
their construction, education, and birth process is over four hundred
pages long.”

Father shoved himself to his feet. “I can’t help it if you paper-

pushing types don’t read what I send you. Hold on. I’ll get it. I can’t
say it better than I wrote it.” He went over to his wall of books. The
man was obsessed with hardcopies of everything. He pulled the
massive tome from the wall and put it on his desk, flipping through
the pages like he’d done it a thousand times. He probably had.

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“Here,” he said about midway through the book. “Come read. It’ll

save me some time and effort re-educating you on what you should
already know.”

Alec sighed and pushed himself to his feet. His father couldn’t

just tell him about it. Nope. Instead he had to sit him down like a
schoolkid and give him reading material. He turned the book toward
him as he sat down in his father’s desk chair. He spent the next
several moments reading.

“You spliced their DNA with the DNA of ‘animorphical

hybridized Homo sapiens.’ What the hell does that mean?” Alec
asked when he finished.

His father took his time opening a chocolate bar wrapped in

aluminum foil before answering. “It means that my team of
researchers and myself tracked down and obtained pure strands of
shape-shifter DNA in order to use it as a base for a Vessel. Vessels
mate the same way that shifters do for that reason. We disabled their
ability to physically transform from one form to another, though. It
was determined to be too messy and dangerous for the owner. If a
Vessel imprints on the owner, then the owner gets a ready-made mate
with a bond that is almost impossible to break. The personality
alignment guides the Vessel’s internal instincts toward mating with
his or her chosen owner, but it’s not an exact science.”

“Shifters haven’t been around for almost a thousand years, Dad,”

Alec reminded, frowning. This sounded like some Frankenstein-type
science out of a fiction novel. “They were subsequently bred out by
the turn of the century. Mating with humans and mixing their
bloodlines eventually caused the gene that enabled them to morph
into another form to disappear from the gene pool. There are only
traces of that heritage left.”

“Ah, but the remote populations in South America and parts of

Russia remained intact,” Father said, a bemused look on his face. “It
took a little convincing, but we managed to make them all right with
giving us some blood and tissue samples to work with. As soon as I

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was able to replicate the genes, Vessels were a done deal. The science
is fascinating.”

“I bet.” He really disliked when his father talked about people like

they were specimens. He shouldn’t have been so offended, though. He
talked that way about everyone, man, woman, child, human, Vessel,
or animal. “So Vessels essentially mate bond with their owners?”

Father nodded. “Yes. That’s why they have to meet at least ten

points on the criteria list. Any less than ten and the personality
alignment won’t take. I’m glad you think your Vessel has imprinted
on you. I’d like to have him come down to the lab and make doubly
sure before you get thoroughly committed though, just in case. He is
one of the most spirited Vessels I’ve ever seen. But then again, you’re
one of the most stubborn creatures on the planet as well.” The jab
didn’t go unnoticed.

I need to get him off the subject. “So what are the initial reports

coming in from the incident with the bodies in the river?”

Pain flickered across the old man’s face. “They’re Vessels. Some

of them were labeled defective for the program, but there is no reason
for them to have ended up in the river.”

Alec quickly told him everything that Payne had shared with him

about the Facility, and the more he spoke, the more white-faced his
father got. “It’s possible that someone at the Facility is committing
these crimes,” Father allowed, his voice tight. “I’ll start another
internal investigation.”

“I think we need to get an outside investigations team together,”

Alec said. “If it is internal, then it only makes sense that they would
have ways to circumvent Facility inquiries.”

“That’s a good point. I’ll make a call.”
He churned the information he had over in his head as his father

took out his tablet and began pulling up numbers and sending e-mails.


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He took a deep breath, knowing his father’s initial reaction would

be to get pissed. “We need to talk about reworking the current system
of education and chemical suggestion programming we use. Vessels
are people, not animals or toys.”

The older Mr. Kane raised his head, and their eyes met. “You’re

stepping out of line, boy. I don’t market them like animals or toys. I
market them as companions, though we emphasize the ‘pleasure’
aspect in a lot of ways. This is a business. To a certain degree, I have
to be able to market them to clients. Our cliental is largely male. I
can’t market love to them even if that’s what I’m giving them.
Besides, I highly doubt the training is as harsh as Payne seems to
think it is. I didn’t design it that way. Though my official reports
recently have noted an abnormal amount of shifter behavior, which is
why I had to approve a more rigid structure in order to maintain their
humanity.” He frowned. “It’s for their health as well as their long-
term happiness.”

“Well…” Alec swallowed. “Maybe this shouldn’t be a business.

There are innocent people suffering because we have defined Vessels
as a commodity, a possession.”

His father whipped around and advanced on him. “Don’t tell me

what we define them as. I built this company from the ground up and
have spent millions of dollars and countless hours training the beings
we create. I even took the time to splice their DNA with those of
shifters so that I knew when they were compatible, it meant they were
mated. I screen clients extensively and reject those who don’t meet
our vigorous standards. I’ve done everything to ensure the health and
well-being of my Vessels. If you are implying that something that I
have done or failed to do is the reason behind this massacre, I
wholeheartedly disagree.”

“Dad, I’m not attacking you. I’m telling you that some Vessels are

miserable. There has to be an element of choice that doesn’t lead them
to either hard labor or being dumped in a river like a bit of trash,”
Alec said, steeling himself for another round of arguments. The old

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man was stubborn, but so was he. He had to see reason where Vessels
were concerned. He kicked himself for never having looked closer at
the details of the business he’d done marketing on in some form or
fashion since he’d been a senior in high school. Maybe he could’ve
prevented this situation entirely.

“Pleasure Vessels need a strict hierarchy to thrive. It is proven that

their animal instincts require a certain amount of rigidity—”

“Do they also need internal triggers to punish them? Come on,

Dad. We both know that it’s for the convenience of the client that
they have personality alignments or correctional nano triggers. When
we get to the bottom of this horrible incident, we’re going to have to
make some changes. Would you perform a personality alignment on

Father’s face reddened. “Of course not. It would be unnecessary!”
“Then why would you do it to someone else?” Alec asked. Silence

met his question, so he pressed forward. “Is it fair to say that the
educational and training parts of the Facility implemented the
protocols that I have issues with?”

“They did the research. They said it was necessary,” Father

defended, looking uneasy for the first time since they began the

“Well, I think it would be a good idea for us to go through the

training protocol and see if that is actually true,” Alec said gently.
“The public is going to demand answers, and we don’t want the
Department of Civil Liberties to get up in arms over our

Father nodded. “That is true. All right. I’m going to call a halt to

all training for Facilities in North America. The European one just
opened, so it doesn’t even have Vessels yet, correct?”

Alec nodded.
“Good. We’ll just have them have a two-week suspension of

operations there with pay to keep them happy. I need you to contact
some psychologists, animorphologists, and some top educators to

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confer on what a good environment and curriculum for our Vessels
are. Set it up for next week.”

Alec’s eyes widened. “It’s not really my area of expertise—”
“You are the one who claims that the Vessels are being

inappropriately treated,” Father interrupted, leveling a stern look at
him. “You are the one who will head up the restructuring of our
company. Other than the news conferences, you’ll be refocused
permanently on the new department of Vessel mental and physical

“Our company?”
“Son, it was always my intention that you take over on a

permanent basis someday. The initiative you’ve shown in this
situation leads me to believe that you are ready. I think having a
Vessel around has matured you a bit. It’s only been a few days, but I
can see his influence on you.” The fact that his father sounded
impressed floored him. His father was never impressed by what Alec
did. Most of the time he barely acknowledged he did any work at all.

Alec cleared his throat. “Well, thank you, Dad. Do you think it

would be appropriate for me to bring Payne on as a Vessel advisor?”

Father pulled a pack of gum from his pocket and extracted two

sticks. “I believe that would be fine. You could use your mother for
all I care. The entire unit will be your responsibility. I’ll expect
updates of course, but for the most part it will be entirely up to you
how to run the new department.”

Alec hoped Payne would be pleased with this new change of

events. Which reminded him…“Do you happen to have the Facility
number where Payne is from on your phone? I promised him I’d
check on his sister for him.”

“He formed an attachment to a sibling?” Father asked.
Alec nodded. “They’re quite close from what I understand. I was

thinking about buying her if she’s still available. Payne would like
that, I think.”

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“Spoiled rotten,” Father rumbled under his breath just loud

enough for Alec to hear. But the edges of his lips twitched as if he
were fighting a smile. Louder he said, “Do what you like. The number
for the Facility should be in the directory on my desk.”

Alec got the number and dialed.

* * * *

Alec had to force himself not to run down the hallway. He

couldn’t wait to get back to Payne.

“Sweetheart,” he called, all but skipping down the hall. His

surprise was the surprise to end all surprises. Payne was going to have
purple kittens when he found out.

The door to his mother’s study swung open, and Alec was

surprised when Payne all but threw himself into his arms.

“Well, hi there,” Alec said, grinning.
Payne snuggled into his arms and held him tightly. “You were

gone forever,” he murmured. “Your mother is a gem, though. I love

“I won’t be gone again for a while, I promise.” Alec kissed him

before he thought better of it. “I’m very happy you’re getting on with
my mother. My father is looking into the Facility matter personally,
and he said to thank you for your information. We’re also starting a
new division at the Facility that is for the betterment of Vessels. I
hope you will consider advising me on it since Father put me in
charge of it.”

Payne’s eyes widened. “You listened to me.”
“Of course I did. You were adamant, and I hate the idea of people

suffering at the hands of an organization that I am so closely tied to. I
gave you my word, and I intend to keep it,” Alec said, squeezing his
lover tighter. He was well on his way to falling for the brilliant and
yet fragile man in his arms.

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His mother stepped from the Green Room and into the hallway. “I

like the two of you together. I’d imagined it in my head since you
were both small, but I didn’t do it justice.”

“I’m glad you like the picture, Mom. I had hoped you two were

getting along.” Alec was very pleased with the fact. “You think Joey
will like him?”

She smiled. “He might try to steal him. He’s a beauty, in body and

in mind.”

Payne looked both pleased and embarrassed by their compliments.

“Enough about me all ready.”

Alec laughed. “All right. We’ll stop. I think I’m going to drag my

lover off for a nap before supper, Mom. Would you excuse us?”

She waved them on, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Go on. I’ll

go down to the study and see if I can rouse your father from his

“I’ll see you later then,” Alec said, steering his Vessel toward his

old bedroom. The sound of her heels echoed down the wood floor as
she headed in the opposite direction toward the stairs. “Now you’ll
get to see my old set of rooms.”

The whispered words sparked a grin from Payne. “I get to see

where you grew up. That should be an interesting view of you. I got
reports when I was younger, but seeing it in person is going to be

“Was I the only person in this family who didn’t get reports?”

Alec asked.

Payne winked. “I was a surprise, remember?”
Alec gave him a firm pinch to his backside. “I remember. You


“I could definitely do with that nap you were talking about.”
“I was hoping you would be. Today has been emotionally trying

already, and I imagine I’ll have to do a few more press conferences
before the week is out.” He pulled him over to the left side of the
hallway where the entrance to his room was.

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His door was significantly less ornate than his mother’s had been,

but it was still the same heavy oak. He turned the knob and pushed it

* * * *

Payne was looking forward to sleeping for a few hours. He

seemed to have gotten surprisingly little since leaving the Facility.
Between the driving, the lovemaking, and the waking up in the middle
of the night, he was pretty damn tired. This napping thing wasn’t
enough to sustain a body. Speaking of bodies

“So what news of the Vessels? They were Vessels, right?” Payne

asked. His stomach twisted at the thought. “And my sister? Is she all

“They were Vessels. We still don’t know what happened. And

your sister is fine.” Alec answered all his questions as he pushed open
the heavy door.

Immediately, the smell of jasmine assaulted his nostrils. The

permeation of the scent wasn’t unpleasant. It was lovely. The room
was a deep navy blue with white and lighter-blue trim. It seemed to be
in a sailing theme. There were countless sketches framed on the walls
and a couple models on the shelves. The hardwood floor had a blue-
and-white circular rug thrown on it, and the massive canopy bed had
matching draperies.

“I didn’t know you liked boats,” Payne murmured. “There was

nothing in your file that said you did. I had all your favorite foods and
hobbies. But nothing about boats.”

Alec chuckled. “That’s because it was a silly obsession that

neither of my parents wanted me to pursue. I was a little fanatical
about ships and sailing when I was younger. I guess until I was about
sixteen I told them both I was going to sail around the world and
leave the company to rot.”

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“Why didn’t you go sailing then?” Payne asked, walking further

into the room. There was a desk and chair pushed to the back of the
room by the bay of windows. The room was as large as the entire
barrack at the Facility where he and seventeen other Vessels had
slept. The two bookshelves beside what looked like the closet door
was an evolution of age. The children’s books were thin and colorful
and took up the top selves, and from there the books got older until he
reached the bottom shelf which was lined with old college text books.
He’d expected Alec to live in a room like this.

“Honestly?” Alec asked. “My dad is terrified of the ocean. His

cousins and uncle sunk their yacht in the Caribbean and drowned. He
wouldn’t let me anywhere near a boat.”

“Hmm, you shouldn’t let that ruin your dream. Maybe we could

go sailing one day. We could, um, learn together. Or something.” Was
that out of line
? He wasn’t entirely sure. He was still a little awkward
when it came to giving his opinions or making suggestions, but he
was getting there.

“I’d like that,” Alec said, unbuttoning his shirt. “I think my

parents still keep some clothes in the armoire if you want to change
out of your business casual.”

“I’ll get them out if you want to strip down,” Payne offered. He

went over to the armoire and opened up the top drawer and found it
full of company T-shirts. “Where did our suitcases run off to?”

Alec motioned over to the closet. “They probably hung everything

up in the closet, but I didn’t want to dirty any of the clothes I’m going
to have to take home and wash if I can help it.”

“Good point.” Payne was not a fan of doing laundry. At the

Facility each Vessel had been in charge of doing it once a week at a
designated time. Payne had always talked Desiree into doing his load
because he always seemed to end up with clothes four sizes too small
and then get punished for it.

Even though they ended up naked, neither one seemed inclined to

shift their minds toward lusty thoughts. Payne was just too tired from

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lack of sleep and high anxiety from press events and the news of his
fellow Vessels being discarded in a river like bits of trash. He
imagined that Alec felt the same.

They climbed beneath the covers of his blue-and-white sheets and

Payne couldn’t help but feel a little shy over the fact. He’d been given
his own room. He should in theory be rambling off to his own space.
However, this big, cold house in combination with the chilling news
of the Vessels left him feeling very much in need of some hardcore

As he settled into Alec’s arms, his lover’s breath warming his

neck, he almost immediately started to drift. “I forgot that I got you
your own room,” Alec murmured, kissing the line of his neck gently.
“I can walk you over there if you like.”

“I’ll go tonight when it’s bedtime. I just want to sleep here with

you if that’s all right,” Payne said.

Alec squeezed him tightly. “That’s more than all right. I like you

beside me.”

They stayed that way for a few minutes, and Payne felt himself

drifting in a comfortable warmth. He thought of everything that had
led to this moment. His Alec was a kind man, a sexy man, too. Their
compatibility was undeniable. Mine. The voice was right. Alec was
his. It didn’t matter that it had only been a few days. “Hey, Alec?”

He swallowed. “I kind of love you, okay? And maybe, soon, you

could love me back.” Alec stiffened behind him, and he was afraid
that he had said something wrong. “You don’t have to or anything. I
was just letting you know. I know, um, it’s kinda sudden.”

Alec turned him in his arms so that they were face-to-face. Payne

stared up at him, his heart pounding so loud he could swear Alec
could hear it. He kissed his nose. “Payne, you beautiful, frustrating
Vessel of mine, how am I supposed to give you your space to grow
and be independent when you constantly make me want to hold you

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“So that means you’ll consider it?”
“Consider it? Payne, I’m half in love with you already. I loathe

admitting when my father is right about anything, but he was dead on
with you. You and I will get along just fine, sweetheart. I’m not
saying I’m there yet. But I will be.” Alec pressed Payne’s head
against his chest and breathed deeply. The sound of his heart beating
made Payne smile. He really was the luckiest Vessel ever. Alec
laughed suddenly. “You’ve ruined the nap. I’m not tired anymore.”

“Sorry,” Payne said, not feeling one bit sorry for saying it. He was

the lover of a powerful man who was going to change the way
Vessels were treated, and Payne was going to make a difference in the
lives of his fellow Vessels by helping him. On top of that, his owner
was falling in love with him. Life was very, very good despite the bad
news of the day.

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Chapter Seven

Payne took a bite out of the lemon-zest chicken on penne noodles

and nearly moaned aloud at the taste. He was going to have to get the
recipe from Amber before they left. Alec’s mother was an even better
cook than Payne was, and that was saying something. They were all
seated around the dining-room table with the exception of the older
Mr. Kane. The Kanes’ dining room was just as elegant as the rest of
the house. With high-vaulted ceilings and a hand-carved and highly
elaborate stone fireplace with a table to match, the place was
something out of a high-end magazine.

Alec and he had re-dressed a half hour ago after showering, and

Alec was still shooting him heated looks when his mother wasn’t
looking. It seemed that Payne’s declaration had done something to
raise his libido, because he’d been insatiable since they’d woken up. It
was one of the reasons they were eating later. Alec couldn’t seem to
get enough.

“Boys, I could cut the tension between you two with a knife. If

you don’t behave, I’m sending you both off to bed without supper,”
Amber said, clearly laughing at the two of them as she took a bite off
of her plate. She pointed her fork at them. “Alec, you are worse than
when you brought your first boyfriend home freshman year of

Alec groaned. “Oh god, Mother. Don’t bring that up.”
Payne smiled at their exchange. It was nice to see the two of them

interacting. They were really quite cute together. He was grateful that
the older Mr. Kane was still locked up in his study making business
calls. The man was creepy in a way that was hard to shake off. He

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looked at Payne like he was an unruly experiment. He half expected
the man to want to dissect him. He reminded him too well of the
scientists and Trainers that had strapped them down and injected them
with this and that in an effort to fulfill whatever reaction they wanted.

The door to the dining room swung open, and Alec’s father

walked in as if summoned by Payne’s thoughts. “We need to go,
now,” Mr. Kane said, grabbing a roll off the table.

“But, David, we’ve only just sat down—”
“Amber, love, this is an emergency. I wouldn’t interrupt your

delicious meal otherwise. Have the droids box it up and we’ll take it
with us.” His eyes went to Alec. “I found some discrepancies in the
experimentation log. Some of these experiments are—” He searched
for a word. “Well, they’re awful. I didn’t okay the correction of
behaviors through chemical modification. They even bastardized my
alignment procedure. I don’t know what is going on exactly, but it
seems that the Facility that Payne originated from is our source. I’m
going to find out exactly who is to blame for this, and heads are going
to roll.”

Payne’s eyes shot wide. He’d always assumed that his Facility

was like all the others.

Alec’s father pointed at him. “I need you to come with me and tell

me which of these were done with any frequency. I need to know
which Vessels you know of that they have been done to and if you
had any of them performed on yourself. You’re the only inside person
I have that has any sort of reliability.”

Payne steeled himself. This is what he’d wanted. He wanted to be

an advocate for Vessels. “Whatever you need.”

“Good lad. The outside security and investigative group I hired

sent me the logs that someone at the Facility was dumping, and I
about shit kittens—”

“David!” Amber exclaimed.
He huffed. “Not now, Amber. I’m extremely agitated, and these

boys have heard worse language, I’m sure.” She rolled her eyes but

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didn’t say anything. He continued, “If they performed half of the
experiments we found in the files, we might have our licenses
revoked for failure to address biological concerns. The human rights
organization is going to have a field day.”

“We’re ready to leave anytime you are, Father,” Alec said,

looking grim. “I knew there was something wrong when I went to
pick up Payne. They didn’t tolerate him acting human very well at

“It’s disgraceful,” his father growled. “I did not set up Vessels to

be treated like lab rats. I set up the Facility to provide true soul mates
for people by means of compatibility testing and the reassurance of a
shifter’s mate bond. I never wanted our Vessels to be turned into little
better than programmed zombies.”

It gave Payne a little hope that the older man was so outraged on

their behalf. “It’s nice to know I wasn’t created to be a fuck doll, sir.”
Everyone’s eyes turned on him. He cleared his throat, his
embarrassment rising. “Sorry.”

“No need to be sorry, boy,” Mr. Kane said. “I thought my son was

being too soft on you, and he probably is, but no wonder you have
psychological scars, growing up in that environment. I’m going to kill
someone. Every experiment I’ve pioneered was for the betterment of
the client and the Vessel. This abomination is blasphemous in the
worst sort of way.” He waved them toward the door. “There is a car
waiting to take us to the airport.”

“All right,” Alec said, pushing back from the table. He leaned

over and pressed a kiss to his mother’s cheek. “We’ll see you soon,
Mom. If we don’t come back, can you have someone send our things
back to my house?”

She nodded and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “Of course, honey.

You be careful and try to keep your father from getting too upset. His
blood pressure has been up lately.”

Mr. Kane snorted. “I’m fine, Amber. You worry over nothing. Get

the lead out, Alecander. I’m impatient to get there.”

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Payne scooted back from the table and stood. He took a step

toward the door only to have Amber grab his hand. “Where do you
think you’re going?” she asked. “I think my new son-in-law needs to
give me a hug.”

Payne blinked. While it was nice to be a newly acknowledged

member of the family, it was strange nonetheless. He hugged her
neck, and she placed a kiss on his cheek the same she had with Alec.

She patted his head. “Be safe. Take care of my Alec.”
Payne nodded. “I’m planning on it.”
She released him, and then they were walking after Mr. Kane,

who was moving surprisingly fast for a man his age. Alec fell into
step beside him and twined their hands. “I’m sorry the first week with
me has been rather eventful,” he said.

Payne shrugged. “It’s all right. At least now I can do something

about it. I’ve been looking at life out of a fish bowl for years. I’m just
happy to be participating for once.”

“I promise things will settle down. We can do the normal couple

thing and travel or something.”

“Sounds great,” Payne said, smiling at his lover. He was so

considerate of him. “As long as we get to do ‘the couple thing,’ I
think I’ll be content.”

Alec winked. “You’re stuck with me.”
“Would you two stop with the star-struck eyes all ready? I

understand it’s the honeymoon period with you two, but we have a
crisis on our hands,” Mr. Kane rumbled as they descended the steps to
the driveway where the black limo waited.

“Dad,” Alec said. “I’m going to have to go with Mom on this one

and ask you to chill. Nothing is going to get solved by being angry at

Mr. Kane stopped abruptly, turning around and glaring at Alec,

who stood a few steps above him. “Don’t take that patronizing tone
with me, boy. I don’t think you have any idea what this could do to

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not only our reputation but to the entire industry in general. I don’t
want people to think it is acceptable for humans to treat Vessels like
they’re not people just because of this.”

“But, Dad, that’s how we’ve been marketing them for years,”

Alec said. “I’m not patronizing you. I’m trying to ask you to have a
level head about the situation. I’m telling you that we’re basically
going to have to start from the ground up through marketing and
reorganization in order to bring the company back up to its former

“Well, add that to your list of duties. I’m going to be too busy

correcting the chaos that these butchers have created with their
unregistered experimentation.” He whipped around and descended the
last remaining steps. The driver opened up the door, and he ducked
inside, clearly expecting them to follow after him.

“Don’t mind him. He’ll calm down,” Alec said. “I haven’t seen

him this upset about work in years.”

“Maybe you should advertise it as sort of the ultimate

matchmaking service,” Payne suggested, his mind going over some of
the things he’d learned about the organizational process. “You
prescreen candidates anyway, and that way it’s not like you’re selling
people. It’s a fee for a service.”

Alec blinked. “That’s brilliant. We could still charge the same


Payne nodded. “The only difference will be in whether or not the

Vessel wants the match or not. If you drop the personality alignment,
it will enable the Vessels to make a choice. Trust me when I say our
instincts will tell us in about five seconds whether or not the person is
for us.”

“Five seconds, huh,” Alec said, grinning. “Was that the five

seconds before or after you bit my head off?”

“Before actually,” Payne snipped. “And the nanos in the brain is

going to have to go. That’s fucking sick that you can say a word and
take away my free will.”

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Alec nodded. “Agreed. We’ll talk that bit over with my dad. I

don’t know if he’ll go with it.”

They reached the car and ducked inside.

* * * *

Alec was nearly certain Payne had never been in this area of the

Facility. However, the grim set of his mouth said he wasn’t happy
about being in the sterile white corridor that was barren of any speck
of color from one end of the hall to the other.

“Are you all right?” Alec asked as the security team met his father

halfway down the hall with a large purple binder. Their dark-gray
uniforms were in stark contrast to the washed-out space.

“I don’t know. I feel a little queasy.” He also looked a little pale,

but Alec didn’t say so. “This reminds me too much of the punishment
and pain-training rooms.”

“I’m not into the whips-and-chains stuff. Why would they make

you train for it?” Alec asked, trying to keep his mind off of his fear.

Payne tapped his fingers nervously on his pants leg. “A lot of

owners don’t like to admit their true tastes. We’re trained for all
situations. That’s why.” His color really wasn’t getting any better.

Alec reached out and grabbed his arm. “Hey, stop for a minute

and look at me.”

Payne stopped and turned to face him. “What?”
“Take a deep breath. If this is too much, I can send you back to

wait in the lobby,” Alec offered. He would cushion his lover as best
he could. This place had obviously inflicted some trauma on him.

Payne shook his head. “I’m all right. I’m just thinking too hard

about what happened and not about what I have to do. I’ll refocus.
I’m sorry to make you worry.”

Alec rubbed Payne’s arm in comfort. “None of that. It’s all right

to be scared. I’m pretty freaked by this place as well. It’s not natural,

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and the horrors that have gone on here are enough to give anyone
nightmares. No one is blaming you for being unnerved.”

“Thanks, Alec,” Payne said. He sighed and leaned into Alec,

snuggling close. Alec immediately wrapped his arms around Payne’s
shoulders. “You know, the newness will wear off.”

Alec blinked. “What?”
“The newness, the infatuation. What happens when you wake up

one day and don’t want me to be a partner anymore?” The
vulnerability in the question struck Alec.

“Look, I’m thinking of this as an arranged marriage of sorts.

Happily enough, it’s turned into something that is ten kinds of rare.
You care for me, and I care for you. There isn’t going to come a point
when I shrug you off like an old coat.”

“But what if I fall out of love with you?” Payne asked, clearly

pushing. Alec’s heart constricted at the thought. Damn. It shouldn’t
hurt so much to think of him walking away

He swallowed. “Then I guess you’d leave me.”
“You’d let me? Just like that?”
“Just like that. I don’t want you unwilling, Payne. I thought I

made that clear.” As much as it would kill him to do so, he would
walk away and give Payne the tools he needed to make it on his own.

Payne hugged him tightly. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
Haven’t I said it over and over, sweetheart? When are you going

to believe me? “You ready to go on?”

Payne nodded. “Let’s do it.”

* * * *

Payne pointed out the procedures that had been performed on him

with a rioting stomach. He really, really wanted out of the lab, but if
this helped Mr. Kane get whoever had killed the Vessels, he was
going to put up with the discomfort.

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He pointed to a procedure in the book Mr. Kane had put in front

of him. “This one was done on my sister when she slapped her
education specialist when she was eight. She couldn’t form complete
sentences for a week.”

Mr. Kane let out a string of angry curses. “Animals,” he snarled

under his breath. He scribbled something on the massive ledger he
was keeping records on.

They were only a quarter of the way through the book, and Payne

was already exhausted. All the procedures were summarized in this
book in neat little paragraphs that failed to convey the true extent of
the pain they caused. Even the little “side effects” warnings were mild
in comparison to the reality.

A familiar voice rumbled from the doorway. “What are you all

doing in here?”

Payne looked up in time to see the security team they’d come in

with step in between Trainer J and the rest of the lab.

“Jack?” Mr. Kane asked, his brow furrowing. “How is this

possible? Jack Raines?”

“David Kane,” Trainer J said, his mouth dipping down into a

frown. “I didn’t expect you to be involved in this.”

“Involved in what exactly?” Mr. Kane asked. “I’ve taken over the

lab to find out what they’ve done to the place.” He paused. “How did
you get here? The last time I saw you, you were just a kit in Brazil.”

“Father?” Alec asked from his place a couple of computers over.

“What is going on?”

Mr. Kane waved the security guys off. “This is one of the shifters

from the clan I told you about. He was the son of the chieftain there.”

“Father went to be with the all-mother a few years ago,” Trainer J,

who was apparently named Jack, said.

“I’m sorry to hear that. But what are you doing here? And why are

you dressed as a Trainer?” Mr. Kane asked.

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“So you didn’t know about this?” Jack asked. His eyes went to

Payne, and they softened. It was a look Payne had never seen before.
“Hi, Payne. Is your match working out?”

Payne nodded, unnerved. “Yes, sir. My owner is the epitome of

kindness. I love him very much already.”

Relief washed over Trainer J’s expression. “Thank God. I was

afraid he’d bring you back for a personality alignment and I wouldn’t
be there to intercept.”

“Jack, what is going on?” Mr. Kane demanded, interrupting their

very confusing conversation.

Jack considered them for a moment before he spoke. “You swear

you had nothing to do with the things they did here?”

“I swear, Jack. I would never hurt a Vessel. You know that. I’m

trying to figure out who did and plan to bring them up on charges,”
Mr. Kane promised.

Jack snorted. “They should be taken out and murdered like the

butchers they are,” he muttered under his breath just loud enough for
Payne to hear. Louder he said, “A few years ago a group of Vessels
escaped the Facility and made their way down to our tribes in South
America. My father was outraged at how they’d been treated. When
you came with your scientists when I was young, you promised that
what you intended to create was a way for human beings to enjoy the
same sort of fated mating bonds that we had. It was why father agreed
to begin with. For a thousand years, humans had lost their ability to
connect, but through a mate bond we hoped that your race would heal.
The only thing we asked was that you not allow them to shift as we do
because it is a gift that must be trained and guided through another

Mr. Kane nodded. “And that is what I did. My wife is a Vessel,

and she is the mother of my children. Our mate bond is solid as rock,
and none of the Vessels I’ve made can shift.”

Jack shook his head. “You’re wrong on both accounts.”

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Shock jolted Payne’s spine. He’d always known he was part-

shifter due to the manual he’d had to read growing up on his own
biology. However, the ability to change shapes had been disabled. “I

“No, you can’t. It hasn’t awakened in you, and it might never

awaken in you. But there have been Vessels in the past whose bodies
somehow retained the ability. Those are some of the bodies that
they’re pulling out of the river. Failed suppression techniques ended
in death in ninety percent of the cases studied. The rest are those who
didn’t measure up to protocol. I’ve been working for years running an
underground railroad for those who failed to live up to Facility
standards. We infiltrated your company to set it up. It was my father’s
wish that we did so.”

Mr. Kane looked floored. “Why didn’t you come to me? I

would’ve stopped it.”

“We had no way to know if you were involved, and we couldn’t

risk tipping you off that we were secretly working to export the
Vessels from your labs.” He sighed. “We’ve got a colony of over two-
hundred Vessels now to think of, and it keeps growing.” He motioned
to the labs. “This place is a butcher shop. We’ve shielded the Vessels
under our care as best we could, but there was only so much we could

“But some pairings work out,” Alec said. “Not every Vessel who

is matched is miserable.”

“Of course not,” Jack said. “When the mate bond is present, it

works out fine. It serves the original purpose for which we allowed
Mr. Kane to use our DNA to begin with. However, the people here
have been manipulating it for years. Ninety-three percent of those
Vessels placed aren’t compatible with their owners. When we were
ordered from the Facility I knew something was going to be done. I
came back to get what Vessels I could out.”

Payne pushed himself to his feet, anger firing in his chest. He

pointed a finger at Alec and his father. “How could you have not

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known about this?” He was furious and had no one but them to direct
his anger toward. “All this suffering and you never even suspected?”

“Payne, I told you, I just work the marketing side. We have

safeguards in place—”

“Safeguards that only work if the people following them adhere to

them! You were so worried about advertising about the luxury and
making money that you failed to take in the most basic of concerns
for the people whose lives you were toying with!” He wanted to hit
something, hard. He wanted to burn the entire building to the ground
and wash away the horror of his childhood. It hadn’t been as bad as
others, but it had been bad enough. The constant fear and the worry
over whether he’d be good enough had eaten him alive until the day
Alec walked into the room.

“I’m sorry,” Alec whispered, shame and pity coloring his

expression. “I’m sorry you suffered. I’ll do whatever I can to fix the
problem, but I can’t undo what has already been done.”

Payne knew that logically. He also knew that there was no

relationship as satisfying as the one between Vessel and owner if the
system worked properly. It just hurt to realize that the people
supposed to be watching their backs had failed so utterly.

“I want names,” Mr. Kane rumbled. “Jack, if you give me the

names of the people and your investigative notes, I will have them
brought up on so many charges that by the time they get out of cryo-
prison they won’t recognize the world.”

“And the Vessels who have escaped?” Jack asked.
“I have an idea where they’re concerned,” Payne said, speaking

up. He ignored the hand Alec offered to him. He was still too pissed
off for that. “Alec and I were discussing it earlier, but maybe this idea
will work out to the benefit of all of us. We’re thinking of reworking
the Facility as more of a matchmaking service. If Vessels don’t want
to become Vessels, they can move to a place set aside for them, like
the one you have in South America. It might cut into your profit

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margins.” He spat that bit. “But it will alleviate all humanitarian
concerns once the new measures for education are implemented.”

“You’re going to have a Vessel consult on the reorganization?”

Jack asked.

“Yes. Payne is going to be the consultant on the project,” Mr.

Kane said, looking at Payne with an expression of pride written across
his face. “He makes a fine in-law, doesn’t he, Jack?”

Jack nodded. “You’re lucky to have him. Payne is one of my

brightest. I was going get him out if you opted for a personality

“You were planning on doing that anyway. You encouraged me to

opt for it,” Alec said, looking displeased by the idea.

“Payne never wanted to be someone’s pet. I was afraid you’d try

to make him be.”

“Well, I don’t want him as a pet.” Alec shot Payne a look that he

couldn’t place and turned the screen of the computer toward them. “I
found the files that outline which Vessels these procedures were done

“Good,” Mr. Kane said. “Jack, would you like to come with me so

we can discuss what else needs to be done with this? I’ll have my
security team summon the police, and then you can give a statement.”

“I’ll be happy to. I have some additional demands that come from

my council to add to your list of proposed changes.” Jack extracted a
small data chip from his pocket. “Most of what you need is here.”

“Excellent. Alec, why don’t you take Payne to see his sister? I’m

sure he needs to relax a bit. We’ll need to do a press conference
later,” Mr. Kane said, beckoning Jack to follow him. They and half
the security team left. The PIs Mr. Kane had brought in were still
going through computers and lab reports, though.

“I know the way if you get me to the lobby. You don’t have to

walk me,” Payne said. He felt raw on the inside. He just wanted his

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“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Payne, are you angry with

me?” Alec asked, following him out into the hallway.

“Yes. I’m furious. It’s not your fault, but I’m so angry at life. I

just need someone to direct this toward, and you’re a convenient
target,” Payne said apologetically. He took a deep breath in an effort
to calm the rage.

He let himself be pulled into Alec’s strong arms, and he rested his

head against the firm swell of his lover’s chest. Alec’s touch steadied
him. They were bonded, imprinted, joined. It meant something. “I
love you. Even angry, I love you.”

“That’s all right, sweetheart. I love you, too,” Alec murmured,

rocking them back and forth in a steady motion designed to comfort.

His words sank in slowly, and his heart skipped a beat. “You said

you weren’t there yet.”

“There is no point in denying it. It seems sudden to me, but I do,

Payne. You make me feel so much more than anyone I’ve ever met.”
He gave him a squeeze. “And I’m so sorry you had to go through all
this stuff to be mine. Truly. If I could undo everything, I would.”

“Thank you,” Payne whispered. “I really needed to hear that.” He

drew back and gave Alec a kiss. “Can I go see my sister now?”

“Well, there is something about that you should know…”

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Chapter Eight

Payne couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to have Alec as a

lover. While his sister had been optimistic about her chances of
finding a true love in the process, she hadn’t wanted a pairing any
more than he had. The knowledge that she would be coming to live
with them made him happier than he’d been in a long time. She would
get the opportunity to pick a love for herself, and Alec had even
promised to set her up on a few dates with his friends if she wanted.
Yeah, I really lucked out when it came to getting a grade A lover.
Alec continually surprised him with his thoughtfulness. So what if he
was a workaholic? Payne could handle that and could travel with him
anytime he needed to. They could make this work.

He walked down the familiar hall toward the bunk rooms. The

quiet murmur of voices said the Vessels were all together. He
couldn’t remember the last time they were all allowed in the bunks at
the same time. He ran his hand over the entry pad, and the door
swished open.

A dozen pairs of eyes looked his way. “Payne?” Chaz, one of his

acquaintances and fellow Pleasure Vessels, asked. “What’s going on?
No one told us anything.”

A chorus of voices joined his inquiry, and Payne was

overwhelmed by all the questions. He held up a hand for silence.
“Calm down and shut it and I’ll tell you.” They did, and he gave the
Reader’s Digest version of the events that had taken place over the
past few days.

“So we won’t be punished if we don’t like our placements?” Chaz


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Payne shook his head. “No. We’re going to make this new system

good for everyone.” Their bunks were designated by age groups. This
room was the one where those old enough to be placed were held.
There were three more bunk houses down the hall that were separated
by age group, and he hoped he wouldn’t have to explain the same
thing to everyone.

They all glanced at one another. Chaz spoke up again. “The

Trainers cleared out, and we weren’t sure what was going to happen.
There was only one left running around the last time we checked. Do
you think we could get some food? They haven’t fed us in two days.”

Payne felt the blood drain out of his face. “Is that true for all the

age levels?”

Chaz shrugged. “We don’t know. They seriously just locked us in

and left.” He waved toward the door. “It was on perma lock from the
outside. You unlocked it when you keyed in.”

A chill went down his spine. He cursed. He hoped they would

catch the monsters and kill them all. “Go to the kitchens and start
cooking everything in there. We’re going to have a whole slew of
people to feed. Where’s Desiree?”

A hand rose up from the middle of the pack. “Right here,” she

said, poking her head up. She gave him a grin. “Hi, brother.”

“Hi, sissy. Can you take a few of the girls and have some formula

made up for the little ones? They’re going to need feeding.” He
pointed to Derek, a big, hulking service Vessel who helped out in the
nursery occasionally. “Get a couple of your friends down to the
nursery and start cleaning up the little ones and getting them ready to
be fed. I also need a volunteer to go the middle age groups and gather
them to take them to the mess hall.”

Derek nodded. “There are a few Service Vessels that were left

down there so the babies haven’t been without care like the rest of us
have. Though I imagine they need some help, nonetheless.”

“That’s a relief. Go help them out anyway and let the ones who

have been caring for them get some of the food from the mess hall.”

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He was born for this. Something inside him reveled in the position

of leader. It was like he stepped into shoes that fit for the first time.
“Move, guys,” he commanded. Everyone did, obeying him without
question. He breathed a sigh of relief. He reached out and grabbed
Desiree as she passed. “Hey, I’ve got something to tell you when this
is done.”

She nodded. “Okay.” She kissed his cheek. “You look good.”
“I’m happy,” Payne agreed. “When you meet him, you’ll know

why. He’s amazing.”

She winked. “Good. You deserve it.” Then she turned from him

and went to the task he’d given her.

He took a deep breath. This was as it needed to be. Everyone

cleared the room in less than a minute, and Payne was fairly confident
that they were going to do as he asked. He turned toward the door to
follow them and saw Alec leaning against the doorframe.

“You were really something in there. You looked natural,” Alec


Payne smiled at him. “It felt right.” The new confidence, the

rightness, made him bolder. “Come here. The bunk is empty.”

Alec’s eyes widened. “Here?”
“Yeah.” Payne sauntered toward his old bunk at the end of the

barracks. It was neatly made and narrow, but it would do. “I need
you.” He needed to solidify his place and a reaffirmation of life or
something. He didn’t just want him to take him either. “Alec?”

“Can I be on top?”
A brief pause answered his question, followed by a chuckle. “If

you want to. I’ve enjoyed it in the past.”

Payne whipped around. “Mine.” No one else was allowed to top

his owner. He was his. Didn’t he know that?

“Okay, wild man. Yours.” That settled that weird animal part of

him somewhat. Alec glanced around the bunk. “Lotion?”

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“My sister has some.” He dug in her trunk. “It’s going to have to

be fast. I need to check on everyone.”

“Whatever you want, Payne. I just want you to feel good.”
“Don’t pity-fuck me, Alec,” Payne said, finding the small bottle of

hand lotion at the bottom of the trunk.

Alec’s blue eyes lit up with something like amusement. “I’d never

pity-fuck you, Payne. I want you all the damn time. It’s hard to do
anything but want you. Guess that’s the mate bond, huh?”

“Must be.” Alec was the one thing in life he was sure of. There

was no doubt in his mind that they belonged together. They were
imprinted, mated, whatever people wanted to call it. He raised his
head in time to see his lover take off his pants and shoes before
folding the former and laying them in a neat pile beside the bunk. He
stood there in his black boxer-briefs and dress shirt, and the
combination turned Payne on for some reason. “Get on the bed, all
fours like you did me.” Payne’s cock jerked at the sight of Alec
obeying his directive. “Is this okay?” he asked, suddenly unsure of
himself as he popped the button on his slacks.

Alec turned his head and looked at Payne over his shoulder.

“We’re lovers, partners, everything between us is right if we agree to
it. I want to feel you like this, too, Payne. It’s not just you. I’m not
saying we’ll do it all the time, but every once in a while, changing it
up is not a bad thing.”

“Good. I really want to take you, Alec.” Something beyond

instincts demanded that they come together like this if just one time.
He needed this. He shoved his pants and boxers down his hips and let
them puddle on the floor with his shoes.

“Tell me if I hurt you,” he murmured, coating his fingers with a

generous dollop of lotion. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his
lover. Alec had been infinitely kind to him, and he wanted to make
the man feel good.

He circled the tight entrance to his lover’s body with one finger,

pressing it just the tiniest bit inside before pulling back and dipping it

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just a little further inside. It wasn’t long before he was fingering Alec
in earnest and he was rocking in counter rhythm to Payne’s plunging
fingers. Payne was so hard he was almost ready to explode without
ever touching his beloved’s sweet ass with his cock.

He pressed another finger inside, adding more slick to ease his

way. Alec groaned and rocked back. “Come on, Payne. Get that
gorgeous cock of yours inside me.”

Payne continued to stretch him for a few more endless minutes

before he withdrew his hand and replaced it with his steadily dripping
cock. He gritted his teeth to keep from crying out as his dick was
enveloped in tight, slick heat. He pushed his hips forward, fucking his
lover in small increments until he managed to seat himself fully inside
Alec’s firm, round ass.

“God, you’re incredible,” Payne murmured, panting for breath.

His balls were so tight he thought if he moved wrong right then he
would come and it would be all over.

Alec moved restlessly under him, pushing back against him,

demanding he move. “Payne,” he rumbled. “Fuck me already.”

The words took away the last vestiges of Payne’s sanity, and he

drew his hips back before plunging forward in one smooth stroke.
They both groaned at the motion. Then they were fucking like they
were desperate to reach the pinnacle together. Payne slammed into his
lover over and over, all instinct and raw need. He was making
animalistic noises in the back of his throat, the part of him that kept
snarling “mine” almost in complete control of his actions. He eyed the
place where Alec’s neck met his shoulder, and he impulsively bent
forward and latched onto it with his teeth.

His teeth popped through the skin, and a sense of rightness

flooded him. Alec writhed like a fish on a hook, screaming out his
pleasure as his cock jerked and spilled onto the narrow mattress
beneath them. Payne slammed forward and groaned, his arousal
jerking and spilling the sticky proof of his pleasure deep inside the
confines of his lover’s clenching ass.

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He pulled his mouth free, panting. He shuddered as he came down

from the intensity of his orgasm. He stayed where he was, loving the
closeness of the moment.

“Wow,” he murmured when he regained the ability to speak.
“No kidding,” Alec agreed. “That was intense.”
“Yeah.” Short sentences were all he could manage with only three

brain cells firing. He felt like they’d been woven together even more
tightly than they’d been before.

“Can you get out of me, please? We can’t linger.”
How was he talking? He pulled back and out of his lover before

pulling his pants clumsily up and staggering toward the bathroom to
get some disposable towels. He’d completely forgotten them in his
haste to get naked.

He got the towels and went back to the bunk before handing them

to his lover. “Sorry about the mess.”

“What did you do when you bit me?” Alec asked, mopping up the

mess as best he could. “It felt…incredible.”

Payne shrugged. “I have no clue. I just know it felt right.”
Alec pulled his briefs back up and stood. “Hmmm, well, next time

I’m going to do you, and you’re definitely going to bite me again.”

Payne laughed. “All right. It’s a deal.” A sudden feeling of being

watched tickled the back of his neck, and he turned his head in time to
see his submission Trainer, Trainer R, standing in the aisle. The man
had inflicted every manner of physical torture on him available, and
the feeling of unease transformed into a raw fear. He hated this man.

“What are you doing, Payne? You are the one who ordered the

others to disobey me?” Trainer R asked.

“You’re the one who locked them in here to starve?” Payne asked,

his hands balling into fists at his sides. Alec scrambled to pull his
pants on.

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“They were scheduled for immediate termination,” Trainer R said

calmly. “I was fulfilling my duties as a Trainer.”

“They were not,” Alec said, coming to stand beside Payne. “You

were all told to leave the Facility.”

Trainer R snorted. “So you can give rights and wills to those we

trained so diligently? I think not.”

“You’ll be arrested for this,” Alec said. “What you have done is


“Hmmm, I just came back to get something. I’ll be leaving

promptly, I assure you.” Trainer R drew a pistol from this pocket.
Payne’s heart skipped a beat. “I thought you were lost to me, Payne.
But now that I know you’re not, I can’t very well leave you behind.
You were always meant to belong to me. I was going to switch your
identifiers when you were ready for placement, but Jack was always
there, interfering. No matter. I’ve got a plane chartered for Europe
that leaves in half an hour. You’re going to be on the plane with me,

“I’ve imprinted on Alec. There is no one else for me. I’ll be

physically ill if someone else touches me in a sexual manner,” Payne
reminded him. There was a lump in his throat that he was surprised he
could speak around.

“Good point,” Trainer R said. The weapon moved slightly to

Payne’s right, and it didn’t register at first what was happening.
Payne’s eyes widened, and he turned toward Alec in time to see the
ghastly red stain appear on his chest.

Something in him snapped, and he threw himself at the man who

had tormented him for weeks prior to his placement. His vision
flashed white, and teeth exploded in his mouth. His entire body
twisted into something heavy, and between the fangs and claws he
suddenly had, the Trainer didn’t stand a chance.

Two more shots went off, and a pinch formed in his chest. He

sealed his teeth over the Trainer’s throat and bit down until something
popped. The Trainer went still, and Payne pulled off of him. He stood

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up and was surprised to see the tops of the bunk beds. It was
disorienting. He looked down at his hands only to find them to be
massive paws with wicked-looking claws on the end. He made a noise
of distress as he looked down and saw Alec.

Fuck! It looks like I’m one of the lucky ones to shift. The sounds of

footsteps echoed down the hallways and the door swished open. Jack
and the rest of the security team crowded into the room, weapons

“Payne?” Trainer J asked. He sniffed the air, and his eyes widened

as they went from the floor where the mangled remains of Trainer R
lay. He let out a string of curses. “Get a medical team in here. Alec
Kane has been shot. I’ll deal with the bear. He’s one of my line.”

I’m a bear? God! No wonder I’m so huge.
“I’ll never get over the fact that we thought you shifters were

extinct,” one of the security guys mumbled, clearly terrified. “You
heard him, gents. Let’s get medical in here.”

Payne went to all fours beside Alec and whined in his throat. He

had to be all right. He didn’t know what he would do if Alec died.
The thought made his heart twist painfully in his chest. He looked so
pale on the wood floor, and the angry red stain spread around him like
a halo.

“Payne,” Jack said, drawing his attention away from his lover.

Payne drew back his lip in a snarl. “I know your instincts tell you to
stand guard over him, but I need you to move so the medics can get to
him. It’s all right, little bear. Come over to the corner with me.” There
was something in his voice, an underlying thread of command that
rankled. Jack’s eyes widened as Payne growled. Understanding
seemed to dawn. “Ah, you’re an Alpha, huh? Nice, inconvenient but
nice. Please, come away from Alec. We can stay in the room, but you
have to let us help him or else he may die. Do you understand?”

Payne nodded and shot one last look at his unconscious lover

before taking an agonizing step away from him.

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* * * *

Alec woke up in his bed. He blinked as the soft light of the room

momentarily blinded him. The steady beep of a machine near his head
was head-splitting, and the stiffness in his limbs said he’d been lying
here a while.

“Yeah. I’ve got the reports back from Europe. It seems like the

new system I sent over is working well for the European set. I think
measures A, B, and E are going to work well at the Pennsylvania
center. How is the migration going? Desiree told me there was a
holdup in New York.” A pause. “No. I made sure the permits went
through perfectly. Fax them up there and get our Vessels out of the
hotel rooms please. I swear, there is so much red tape I could mail a
million and five red-wrapped packages to the U.S. Government. Jack
says we’re good otherwise, yeah?” Another pause. “Good. Call me
with the updates at five. Better yet, e-mail them to me. Mr. Kane will
want a forwarded copy for the insurance. Yes. You, too. Bye.”

“Payne?” Alec asked, his voice hoarse. His lover sat at a massive

desk that had been dragged into his room and piled high with stacks
of paper and open laptops. “What happened?”

He pushed back from the desk and all but ran over to Alec’s side.

“Thank God, you’re awake!” He jostled the mattress as he sat beside
him on the bed.

Alec swallowed. “Water?”
“Of course. Hold on just a second.” He bounced up and ran over

to the minifridge that was sitting by his desk. He got out a water bottle
and ran back over to him. “Here.” He unscrewed the lid and held it up
so he could drink.

Alec took a few deep swallows before he drew back. “What

happened?” he repeated.

“Trainer R was the muscle of the group. He shot you and tried to

get me to come with him. The trauma apparently activated my shifter
genes, and I shifted. Jack had to talk me back to my human form.”

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Payne cupped his cheek. “You’ve been in a coma for two weeks. We
only brought you home a couple days ago. The nurses come in and
out during the day, but I took care of you for the most part.”

“So you’re working for the company?” Alec asked, his mind

spinning with possibilities. He stayed with me. He took care of me. He
loves me

Payne beamed at him. “Yes. Between your father and me, we took

care of the entire reorganization and migration effort of those Vessels
who decided not to be Vessels anymore. Jack and his tribe are really
helping the process. I’ve been running the education and care
department since you’ve been unavailable. Your accountant has been
helping me with bills. I knew nothing about them beforehand. I’m
thinking about including a practical matters course for the older
Vessels so that they won’t have this kind of problem. What do you

“I think that there was a whole lot of information just thrown at

me,” Alec murmured, rubbing his temples with one hand. “So
everything is all right? We’re good?” You stayed? That bit went

“We’re great. Your father is actually quite a sweetheart. He’s been

really supportive.” Payne leaned up and kissed his lips before he had a
chance to reply. “I missed you,” he whispered against his mouth.

“Hmm,” Alec said. “I missed you, too. Why didn’t you leave?”
“Because I love you, stupid,” Payne said. “We’re a forever kind of

deal, Alec.”

Hot relief washed over him. “Good. I love you, too, Payne.” There

were a thousand more questions that needed answering, and there
were a thousand more things to do. But Payne had proven he would
be there through thick and thin, and that meant more than all the to-do
lists in the world. He laced their hands. He could face anything so
long as he had a beautiful partner like Payne here beside him. “We
have a lot of work to do.”

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Born to Please



“We’ll do it together,” Payne said, smiling at him in that

reassuring way he always did. “Jack is apparently my genetic brother
of sorts, by the way. So that’s pretty cool. He’s staying here at the
house to teach me how to control the new instincts. I can shift.”

“Holy shit,” Alec said, quiet awe filling him. “Can I see?”
Payne nodded. “Once the doctors okay it I don’t see why not.

Since I’m an Alpha, Jack’s council put me in charge of the North
American Vessels who can shift but don’t want to relocate to South
America. I have a clan now.” He bit his bottom lip. “It’s sort of a big
deal. I’m in charge of a lot of people. Are you going to be okay with

“Sweetheart, of course I will be.” Whatever they had to do, they’d

make it work.

Payne favored him with a smile. “I knew you’d be all right with

it.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. “A lot of things
are already changing, Alec. It’s very exciting. Exhausting but very

“I’ve no doubt that you’ll do your best to make everything run

smoothly.” He paused. “You still want to be with me, right?”

Payne nodded vigorously. “Of course. I thought we established

that with the “I love yous.’” He adjusted the IV drip that was
connected to Alec’s arm. “I adjusted the pain meds to make you a
little more comfortable. You’ll be there as my mate to work with me,

“Whatever you need me to be I will be.” At this rate, he was

taking on even more than Alec would be when he recovered. He
looked his lover up and down. “Alpha, huh? That’s hot. I like the idea
of being imprinted to an Alpha.”

Payne grinned. “Good to know. We can explore that more in

depth once you get an okay from the doctor. I’ll let them know you’re
awake. Want to watch some TV until they get here? I don’t want you
to start working just yet.”

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Alec laughed. He couldn’t help it. Wasn’t he the one supposed to

be doting on his lover? “That’s fine. Just hand me the remote.” The
bottom of the bed opened, and the viewing screen rose from the panel.
Payne handed over the clicker that changed the channels and gave
him another kiss.

“I’ll be working over here if you need anything. I will shut

everything down at five thirty, and we can talk some more.” His mate
went back over to the desk, leaving Alec alone on the bed once more.

Alec sagged into the embrace of his bed, and his muscles relaxed.

He still had some healing to do, but he knew that Payne would take
care of things. The man who had been born to be his Pleasure Vessel
was the man Alec had been born to love. And everything was just as it
should be. He watched the images on the screen flicker as he waited
for the next part of his day and his new life to begin. For now there
would be rest, tomorrow there would be healing, and someday soon,
there would be a happily ever after. Alec smiled at the thought,
confident that it was much closer than he thought.




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Jana Downs lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North

Carolina with three cats, one dog, several dozen fish, and a very
understanding partner-in-crime who hates to read but makes
exceptions for her stories.

You can usually find her either watching bad reality TV, buying

way too many books on Amazon, or dreaming up another man or two
to occupy her time because life is good but several drop-dead
gorgeous nonexistent men is just better.

For all titles by Jana Downs, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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