Born To Please GA Hauser

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Born to Please

G.A. Hauser

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Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2011

Cover design by Mark Richfield

ISBN Trade paperback: 978-1453-8338-1-0

The G.A. Hauser Collection

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

All Rights Are Reserved

. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief

quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully
where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

First The G.A. Hauser Collection publication: January 2011



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Chapter 1

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Cary ‘Colt’ St. John never complained about the smog or traffic of LA. He loved every dirty minute of it.

The window from his high-rise office space had a view of the Santa Monica Mountain range off in the distance. The snarl of motorcycle and sports car
engines vibrated the glass when he pressed his palm against it.

A light rap of knuckles hit his office door.

When Colt turned to look, his paralegal assistant, Belle Parks had poked her head in to remind him, “You have to be in court in fifteen minutes.”

Colt checked his watch in confusion. “Which case?”

“Felicia mentioned t o m e that Paul Southwood has decided he wants you t o second chair for him o n hi s case.” S he waved paperwork a t him. Her
expression of apprehension told Colt she knew he’d be angry. “She made me do the dirty work and tell you. She knows you can’t stand these last minute

Colt kept a poker face though he wanted to grimace. “Thank you, Belle.”

Belle placed a file on his desk and left. “Sorry, Colt. But you know Southwood would be lost without you.”

“Yeah. I know.” He glanced a t the file, hearing the door close. Colt gazed out at the span of a city that went on forever to the coast. His good mood

Southwood. Retire you rancid old shit-pile. Second chair to you?

What a joke.

But it wasn’t polite, nor in an associate lawyer’s best interest to tell the senior partner to die,



Every time Colt laid eyes on Paul he imagined the character from

Boston Legal

. ‘

Denny Crane

’. He could hear Paul saying his name with the same

bravado. “

Paul Southwood. Paul Southwood.

” As if his name alone would bring opposing council to their knees.

“Hardly, you over-rated, pompous ass.”

His door opened.

“Let’s go,” Paul Southwood ordered, not said, like Colt was a law clerk and not the attorney who never lost a case in his career. Without an answer, Colt
made sure he had everything he needed in his briefcase and followed behind the man who stunk of too much aftershave and what unfortunately smelled to
Colt like crotch rot or a dirty ass.

Inside the courthouse, Colt eyed the sharply dressed men with their designer attire and shiny leather shoes. He gave the gorgeous blond, attorney Jack
Larsen a wink as they passed. Jack was out and proud, fighting for every gay rights issue he could get his big handsome paws on.

Jack gave Colt a sly turn of the corner of his mouth in return. Their shared secret.

Colt was not out. And other than Jack’s appearances in the news and his associating with the delectable Mark Antonious Richfield, LA’s top model, Colt
didn’t know Jack on a personal level. More was the pity. Jack C. Larsen was not free to play, so what was the point?

Yet they smiled at each other as they passed in the courthouse, giving each other that ‘knowing smirk’. Gay brothers.

Oh yes. Love



A slouched, sloppy, middle-aged woman was waiting for them, their defendant in a civil law suit. Being second chair, Colt had to sit with these people in a
courtroom while Paul postured and flung his arms around when his intellect failed.

He didn’t give the woman much of his attention as Paul took over in every way. Colt shook her hand and began eyeing the man-candy again. A fabulous
black security guard in his uniform, his gun hanging on his hip, stood in the hall. The courthouse guards were mostly ex-LAPD or ex-prison guards. It didn’t
matter to Colt. He loved giving them a good once over and fantasized binding them, gagging them and fucking them senseless with vibrating dildos. The
guard caught his eye so Colt looked away. He preferred shy, petrified men. Uniforms usually came with confidence. They were fun to make up daydreams
about, but rarely fulfilled Colt’s real need. He was a Dom. Pure and simple.

The assigned courtroom smelled old and stale to him. He figured he must have a very keen sense of smell because he noticed aromas too much. Dust?
Mold? What? Whatever it was, it wasn’t enjoyable. The bailiff called everyone to rise. Another old man in a black robe entered the room. Colt wondered
when the next generation would take over. H e wa s twenty-nine a nd everyone i n authority around him seemed like dinosaurs; computer illiterates,
reminiscing about the good old days, waving their fists, spouting from their soapbox everything they thought that ‘America and family’ stood for, no matter
whose rights they trampled. Gun-toting-right-wingbible-waving-tea-party-douche-bags. Colt couldn’t wait for that generation to die off so new ideas and
freedom for everyone to do as they liked took over.

As the two senior citizens representing the prosecution and the defense railed on about civil law nonsense, Colt imagined a world where anyone could
marry and raise a family, drugs and prostitution were legal, taxed, and cleaned up and their legalization would rid the streets of nearly all crime and


It was coming close to six when he stood outside the courthouse with Paul. Paul slapped Colt’s chest with a file. “Take these back to the office.”

Catching the paperwork before it fell and blew in the breeze, Colt held it tightly and watched Paul waddle stiffly off into the dim February evening.

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“Fuck head.” Colt squatted down and put the file into his briefcase. “Don’t blame me because you lost, ya piece of shit.” Colt tried to warn Paul his tactics
in this little civil suit were flawed, but he was ignored.

Colt flagged down a cab and headed to his office to finish up for the night. He could have walked, but he was too tired. “Thank fuck it’s Friday.”

The security guard was already manning the lobby when Colt arrived. No one hung around on a Friday night. By now the local bars were overflowing with
office workers, blue-collar studs, and gogo boys jiggling their balls.

“Hey.” Colt greeted him. He knew the man by face, not by name, and never bothered to read his name tag.

“Working late, Mr. St. John?”

“Always,” Colt replied, smiling. He entered the elevator and heard his own loud sigh echo in the small space as he ascended to the top floor. Either the
building was vacant or no one wanted to ride to the top floor just to head to the lobby to go home. The elevator did not stop once.

The halls were dim as the night drew near and only security spotlights lit his way. He was about to use his key to get into the offices when he found the
door unlocked. He pushed it back and looked around. No one was at their desk, but he did hear noises. Walking to his office to drop off his briefcase,
Colt noticed a young man in a blue jumpsuit emptying trash pails.

When the man heard Colt behind him in the hall, he looked over his shoulder at him.

Colt stopped in his tracks.

Bright blue eyes met his stare. Colt’s mouth watered as he inspected the man, estimating him to be in his early to mid-twenties, closely cropped brown
hair showing off a tattoo on the back of his neck and a sleek build.

The man didn’t seem quite as mesmerized as Colt and went back to cleaning.

Colt continued on his way to his office and removed the paperwork from his briefcase to secure in a file cabinet. That done, he stood in the stillness of his
work space to listen. His cock twitched as he heard the sound of this man, the janitor, cleaning. No other noise came to his senses. Colt knew he and this
man were alone.

He snuck back, watching. Leaning into the room, Colt inhaled. The scent of a man and either musky cologne or deodorant made his skin rise in goose
flesh. Delicious.

The man spun with a start, very shy to Colt’s predatory gaze.

“Am I in your office? I’m sorry.”

“No. You’re not.” Colt entered the room, staring at the tattoo poking out of his rolled up cuff. Colt couldn’t see what i t was but expected it was covering
most of this man’s left forearm. The man appeared nervous as he replaced the trashcan under the desk and used a cloth to dust the computer and

“Are you new?” Colt asked, intrigued.

“No. I’ve been here over a year.”

“Really?” Colt feigned surprise and extended his hand. “Funny I’ve never met you before. I’m Cary St. John, but everyone calls me Colt.”

The man went a deep shade of crimson and wiped his palm off on his jumpsuit. He mumbled his name.

Colt gripped his hand, leaned in closer and asked, “Sorry? I missed your name.”

“Ashton. Ashton Lake.” The man didn’t look directly into Colt’s eyes.

“Ashton,” Colt said as he took a deep inhale of him. “Nice name.” He knew Ashton wanted to get his hand back, but he held it longer, because he wanted
to. “So nice to finally meet the man who is responsible for keeping our place so clean.”

Ashton didn’t reply, his eyes cast down.

Colt released his hand reluctantly. “You have something. Some soot. Right there.” Colt used his index finger t o wipe a t a nonexistent spot on Ashton’s
cheek. Ashton reacted, stepping back.

Ah…the touch of a man is unfamiliar to you

. Yummy! Colt couldn’t be any more pleased. “It’s still there.” Colt licked his fingertip and went back for more


Ashton retreated, wiping his own face. “I got it.”

“How often do you clean here?” Colt stared at Ashton’s crotch, trying to judge the size of his package.

“Monday through Friday. Every night.” Ashton began to wipe shelves again, but appeared paranoid and anxiety ridden.

“Really? Every night?” Colt had an erection that was throbbing in his suit slacks. “At the same time every night?”

“Sometimes later. It just depends if I can finish other jobs first.”

“Other jobs?” Colt sat on the corner of the desk.

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“I clean two other floors here. It takes me a while.”

“All alone?” Colt pouted out his lower lip.

“I can do it.”

“Well...” Colt stood. “In that case, I’m sure I’ll see you again, Ash…You mind me calling you ‘Ash’?”

Ashton shook his head, but kept busy, not looking at Colt.

“Goodnight, Ash. See you soon.”


Colt licked his lips as he got a look at Ashton’s tight ass when he went back to his cleaning.

Heading to the elevator, Colt put his hand into his pocket and rubbed his stiff cock through the lining.

Got you, you gorgeous

motherfucker. Once you’re in

my line of fire, I always strike my


Home finally, the minute Colt walked into his bedroom he unknotted his necktie in the loft condominium o f his posh unit. He let the tie hang loose and
opened his shirt buttons, his mobile phone to his ear.

On the other end of the call was Lionel Valley, his best friend, and occasional partner in crime. “Lion?”

“Yes, pretty boy?”

Colt could hear the smile in his voice. “You hitting the club?”

“Yes, I have a few sessions lined up. Why?”

Colt stroked his hard-on, staring down at his black work slacks.

“Just curious.”

Lionel laughed.

“What outfit are you wearing tonight?”

“Chaps, leather harness, hat, you know.”


“I know you have some clients booked tonight. Don’t you? If not, I’d love a wing man.”

“You don’t need a wing man, you fucking stud.” Colt unzipped his pants, exposing his dick to stroke.

“Love you, Colt. Love you to fucking death. Let me whip you.”

Colt laughed. “Let me whip you,” he echoed.

Lionel also thought the comment was funny. “If you’re not coming to the club, what the hell will you do all night? Jack off?”

“Am already.” Colt smoothed his hand over his cock.

“If I had my way…” Lionel sucked in a slurping breath of air.

“You will. Just not with me. Two Doms don’t make a Sub.”

“True. Seriously, babe. Come play.”

Colt caught his reflection in his dresser mirror. “I’m bored with the club and the sessions. I want fresh blood. I’ve done the same subs too many times.
They’re so cliché in their whimpering. Yawn.”

“One of these days I will drug you and have my way with you.”

“Dream on.”

“Right. I’m planning whipping prefect sub ass tonight. You can stay at home and fantasize about it.”

“Thanks for your permission.” Colt admired his long cock in the reflection.

“You never need permission.” Colt heard Lionel hiss seductively.

“Maybe I’ll join you tomorrow. I’ll call you if I get the urge.”

“Good. Love it when you’re on the prowl.”

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“Have fun.” Colt disconnected the call and closed his eyes as he jacked off. “Ash…on your knees. On. Your. Knees!” He tossed the cordless phone on his
bed and moaned.

How long will it take to court

you? Hm?

Colt stared into the mirror at his dark eyes. He knew looks were deceiving. If he were to judge himself as if he were a stranger, he’d say he was sweet,
kind, gentle.



He stared at his hand as it worked his length. In reality, he never hurt anyone. Not more than they wanted to be hurt. That was the point. Sensual fun, not
black and blue bruises.

Envisioning his perfect slave, Colt imagined Ashton.


Straight as an arrow, you masculine fucker. Never touched a cock

other than your own

…never tasted spunk.


Colt walked to the bathroom, aiming his dick at the sink. With the interior of the room dark, but for a small lamp lit on his nightstand, he spied his image in
the mirror. He spread his shirt t o expose his hairless ripped chest and abs. He knew Ashton’s body would be perfect. That jumpsuit. That one-piece
janitor outfit. It was like some porn fantasy.

“Fuck. Fuck.” Colt fisted himself and closed his eyes. When the orgasm hit he pointed his dick into the sink basin and gasped. It erupted with enough
force to splash against his hot skin. Milking his dick and catching his breath, Colt looked into the basin at the load of white cream. He wiped his slit with
his thumb and rinsed his hands, sending the cum down the drain.

With his palms on the vanity counter, he caught his stare i n the reflection and read the yearning in them. He bit his lip, wanting the weekend to pass.
Monday never used to be desirable, until now. Chapter 2

Monday morning, Colt could smell the sugar and cinnamon in the assortment of muffins in the conference room. The small staff sat at the oblong table,
chatting about their weekend.

He grew weary as they awaited ‘the beast’, Paul Southwood, while sipping lattes and nibbling muffins.

Colt sat across from Jerry Douglas, their copyright attorney and next to Wes Krug, the divorce law expert, and catty-corner to Barb Wertle, the only one
who even entertained criminal cases. Paul’s secretary, Felicia, was on hand to take notes, since it had been years since Colt had seen the old man lift a
pen. Wes and Barb were both married, in their thirties with small children, while Jerry was in his fifties and divorced.

“Did you do anything exciting this weekend, Colt?” Barb asked.

“Nope. Just sat around being lazy.”

“How can you sit around being lazy and not get fat?” She laughed as she chewed a muffin.

“I don’t count the gym.” Colt winked. He glanced at Paul’s secretary and smiled seductively at her. His cover had to be maintained, after all. She blushed
crimson and scribbled doodles on the yellow pad.

Colt smelled him before he entered the room. That overpowering odor nearly made him cover his nose with revulsion. Paul cleared his throat and to Colt’s
dismay, he closed the conference room door behind him, trapping the stink. The contempt he felt for Paul was beginning to make him question his choice
of firms. Unfortunately he’d developed a large client base over the last few years and it was illegal to steal them.

Paul moved with his usual old-man limp to his large leather chair and sat, the cushions blew out like a fart toy. He thumbed through a pile of paperwork in
front of him.

As Paul ordered each attorney to take cases, Colt brought the box of sweet baked goods closer on the pretext of choosing one, when in reality he just
wanted to mask Paul’s stench of cologne. After each attorney heard their personal assignments, since there was never a debate or disagreement of
Paul’s opinion, the meetings were usually brief. If Colt was honest with himself, each attorney did have their specialty, so there was no reason to debate.
Paul opened the forum up for any comments or questions. As Wes discussed new clients, and Jerry updated Paul on a case he was already working on,
Colt daydreamed.

Ashton Lake.

I want to play with you, Ashton Lake


“If that’s all there is, meeting adjourned.” Paul stood, leaving first as he always did.

Colt fanned his face with his files. “What is that? Seriously. Anyone know why he puts so much cologne on?”

Wes chuckled.

Barb waited for Paul’s secretary, Felicia, to leave. When she had, Barb leaned across the table and whispered, “He needs a good hot bath, that’s what it

“Gross.” Jerry curled his nose.

“Too bad the pay is so good.” Wes rose up, his files in his hand.

“Someone needs t o drop a hint.” Jerry took another muffin, wrapping it in a napkin, obviously intending on eating it in his office. Barb said, “You say
something, Colt. You’re the sweet one.”

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Colt nearly choked and fell over. “Uh. No. Thanks. Ask one of the paralegals.”

“They’d never do it.” Wes glanced out of the open door in paranoia.

“Leave him an anonymous note.” Barb tilted her head in the direction of Paul’s office.

“I’ll leave it up to you to decide.” Wes left, fanning the files near his face as he did.

“Chicken!” Barb laughed as she said it. “Come on, Colt. Paul respects you. You always second chair for him.”

Colt made a face of disapproval at Barb, next at Jerry who seemed to be giving him the same pleading eyes.

“Go. I have to get out of here before I gag.” Colt waved his hand to the door. Just as he exited the stuffy room, Barb leaned against his shoulder and said,
“Felicia has one mean crush on you.”

“That’s very flattering.”

“Ask her out.”

Colt headed to his office, the same direction as Barb was going.

“Don’t shit where you eat.”

Instead of reacting to the crass comment in dismay, Barb laughed loudly and patted Colt’s arm as she did.

While she walked away, Colt smiled, entering his office, tossing his paperwork on the desk. “Unless they’re the janitorial staff.” He grinned.


After eight hours of phone calls, emails, research and meeting with new clients, Colt was tired, but anxious.

“’Night!” Jerry waved as he walked by Colt’s office on his way out.

“’Night!” Colt responded.

One by one everyone left. Colt sat at his computer tapping keys, appearing to be the diligent employee. And he


working. But reading case law at the

moment was like deciphering hieroglyphs. His eyes were shot. He rubbed them as they burned, scooting his chair back from the keyboard and screen.

Five-thirty. Tick, tock, tick, tock…

Where are you?

Six o’clock.

Colt heard a door.

Rising to his feet he looked over the cubicles. The light from the hall showed a cart with cleaning products on it and a large plastic garbage bag attached
in a square metal clamp.

The rustling of wastepaper baskets came next.

Colt licked his lips and waited; a spider craving a juicy bug. The light was on in his office. The temptation Colt had to shut it and jump out at Ashton to get
an adrenalin rush from him was almost too good to resist. But he didn’t.

As Ashton advanced from desk to desk, dutifully cleaning and dumping trash, Colt watched.

The noise of a vacuum cleaner echoed in the dim space. Colt looked over at his computer and made it around his desk to shut it down. He put the files
into the locked cabinet and straightened his desk. The hum of the vacuum stopped. Colt could see the silhouette of a man moving closer.

The light of his office shone like a harbor beacon. It was the only one left on and Ashton either must have assumed someone was working late, or had left
it on by mistake.

Colt didn’t think Ashton realized he was being observed. He crossed his arms and leaned against the door staring at this fantastic man.

When Ashton turned the corner of a cubicle and spotted him, he reacted with a start but soon regained his composure. Colt grinned in delight. “Sorry.
Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s all right. You’re not the only one who works late in this building. I just thought someone left the light on.”

Colt’s cock went thick in his suit trousers at the sight of Ashton’s rounded chest showing through his blue jumpsuit. “I figured you’d find me sooner or later.”

Ashton continued doing his job, ducking in and out of workspaces.

Colt was mesmerized. He didn’t move. Finally Ashton made it close enough so Colt could catch a whiff of him. He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. His
dick went completely stiff down one leg of his trousers.

“Do you not want me to clean your office?” Ashton pointed shyly.

“By all means.” Colt stepped aside and gestured grandly. After hesitating, even giving a slightly nervous shift of his eyes, Ashton passed Colt in the tight

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Colt inhaled. The scent of the man and his delightful musky aftershave was tantalizing.

Holy fuck

. Colt was about to jack off on him. With an effort, Colt

came out of his daydream. “It must be hard supporting a family nowadays.”

“Huh?” Ashton picked up the wastebasket from under Colt’s desk.

“A family. You know. Supporting a wife and kids.”

“I’m not married.”

Colt stared at Ashton’s fingers. No rings. No rings indeed. Though Colt knew Ashton needed to walk passed him to empty the basket into the cart, he
didn’t move back right away. “Oh. I suppose it’s easier if it’s just you.”

“I…I have to…” Ashton pointed to the hall, holding up the pail.

“Oh. Sorry.” Colt stepped back politely. While Ashton dumped the trash, Colt gave his ass a good inspection.

So perfect. My God.

The things I can put

up there…mmm.

On his return trip, Colt smiled, once again allowing Ashton to enter his office to return his pail under his desk.

“I bet it’s rough on your girlfriend working these late hours.” Colt leaned on the doorframe again.

Ashton appeared seriously put upon by his questions. Colt didn’t care. “I know how hard it is,” Colt said, “with just normal working hours. I have to feel
sorry for you, Ash.”

He shrugged, using a cloth he had in his pocket to wipe the computer and desk.

“Do you have family close by?”

“No.” Ashton bit his lip and squeezed out of the office to move on to the next.

“No? All alone in L.A.? You’re not serious.” Colt watched him push the cart down to Barb’s office, next to his.

He didn’t answer.

Colt leaned the same way against Barb’s door, watching Ashton go through the identical ritual. Before Ashton had to say, ‘Excuse me’, to get beyond Colt
to the cart, Colt blocked his way. Ashton glanced at him, appearing anxious to the extreme.

“Been a while since you had sex?” Colt deliberately made a sweep of Ashton’s body. “Bet you’re dying for some action.”

Even in the dim light, Colt could see Ashton’s cheeks go crimson. Ashton pointed to the cart, but didn’t verbalize his need to get to it. Colt stepped out of
the way. He could see Ashton tremble as he dumped the trash.

“You know. Nothing like a hot sexual bout to get the blood moving. Hm?”

“I have to clean this office faster if I’m going to get finished on time.” Ashton spoke so softly, Colt barely heard him.

“Oh. Sorry, Ash. I didn’t mean to hold you back.”

“It’s okay.” Ashton returned the pail to under Barb’s desk.

“See ya.”

“See ya.”

Colt waited for eye contact and gave Ashton a broad smile. Ashton’s lips quivered as he tried to smile back.

Before he left, Colt watched Ashton for a moment longer, inhaling deeply his scent into his lungs. Ashton never met his gaze.


Filled with tension, Ashton held his breath until Colt left the area. He heard the elevator ding as the door opened. His heart pounding, Ashton walked to the
hall to make sure Colt had gone. The corridor was empty and he could see the numeric lights flashing, indicating the elevator was on its way down.

He removed his cell phone from his pocket and hit a number on speed dial. “Max?”

“Ashton? You okay?”

Ashton rubbed his hand over his short hair. “Just getting a serious craving. Can I see you after work?”

“Meet at our usual café?”

“Be there at ten.”

“Okay, Ashton.”

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“Thank you, Max.”

“That’s what I’m here for.”

Ashton looked at his phone as he disconnected the call. Pocketing it, he absorbed himself in his work and tried not to panic.

At ten minutes to ten, Ashton jogged down the dark alley where he had parked, to the street lights of Sunset Boulevard. Having shed his work uniform and
leaving it in the storage closet with his equipment, he wore faded jeans, a black t-shirt, beige work boots, and his brown leather jacket.

Ashton entered the coffee shop, immediately overwhelmed with the scent of ground coffee beans and espresso, not to mention loud noise of foaming milk
nozzles and conversations.

Max waved at him from a corner spot.

The table was as private as it could get in the surroundings. Seeing the line for a beverage was long, Ashton decided to skip the caffeine and sat across
from Max.

“You’ve been very stable between meetings. This is the first time in months you’ve called me like this.”

Ashton studied Max’s goatee and shaved head. “I know. I had to.”

“Why?” Max finished the last sip of coffee in his paper cup.

“Got a feeling of stress really bad at work the last few days.”

Ashton rubbed his forearms over his supple leather jacket.

“Craving a fix?”

“Fuck yeah. Bad.” Ashton eyed the room. No one was paying attention to them.

Max rested his hand on top of Ashton’s. “What triggered it? What happened at work?”

There was no way Ashton was going to tell Max about Colt. He wasn’t supposed to keep anything from his sponsor, but telling him?

Telling him a man made him hot? Not going to happen.

“Just shit. You know. And when I get nervous I want to do smack.” Ashton rubbed his knuckles. The high from heroin was like nothing else he’d done. The
urge to do it was unbearable.

“Let me get you a cup of coffee.” Max patted his pockets as if checking for his wallet.

“No. No, thanks. I think it’ll fuck up my sleep if I drink it now.”

“Have you eaten?”

“ I had a sandwich earlier. I don’t want any food.” Ashton kept checking the area around them. When he was a junkie i t was paranoia about the law
snooping around. Back then he always had a spoon and a needle on him.

“Come to a meeting tomorrow.”

“I’m working.”

“I’ll get you into one before work.”

“But that’ll fuck up your work schedule.”


He looked directly at Max, something he avoided doing with everyone lately. Direct eye contact.

“I’m your sponsor. I will pick you up at three and we will find a meeting.”

“K.” Ashton nodded, rubbing the skin on the back of his hand.


Chapter 3

Colt kept glancing at his watch. He was at the courthouse and it was getting late. As the days grew shorter and February nights grew longer, it seemed as
if Colt had more work than he could keep up with. He didn’t know how Southwood did it, but through his chamber o f commerce business committees,
personal cronies, and church connections, the man brought in clients. More than any of the associates did individually.

“You ole bastard. You may be past your prime, but you can talk it up good with your cigar-smokin’ pals at the V.A.” Colt managed to finally flag down a cab
and sat in the back seat rubbing his hands in the cold, giving the driver his destination. “Damn, where’d fall go?”

The cab driver laughed. “Left months ago, buddy.”

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“Yeah. Man, the time is flying. I must be getting old.”

The driver glanced at Colt in the rear view mirror. Colt could tell the man was in his fifties so he shut up about age.

It was after six when Colt raced into the lobby, waved at the security guard and pounded the elevator button with his palm.

“Come on. Come on.”

He’d use the stairs but eight flights were just too much at the moment, and he’d be dripping in sweat. The doors slid back. Colt entered and hit the number
to his suite of offices.

Tapping his toe, rapping his fingers on his arm, he was growing impatient.

The doors opened and Colt stood still in the corridor, sniffing out his prey as the elevator doors closed silently behind him. His offices were dark. “No. No
way.” He read his watch. Six-thirty.

Ash said he did other floors. Which floors? You have to be

kidding me? I have to hunt for him on each floor?

Colt didn’t like that idea. It was annoying. If anything, he wanted Ashton to pursue


, not the other way around. He unlocked a door, headed to his office,

and locked up his briefcase.

Done. I’m going



Before Colt again stood at the elevator, he stopped at the men’s room. The minute he pushed back the door he realized the light was on and a cart with
cleaning supplies was in it.

Colt heard water swishing in one of the stalls.


His heart pounded in his chest. Tiptoeing, Colt walked towards the urinal and spotted the back of a

man in a blue jumpsuit, wearing yellow rubber gloves, using a toilet brush in the bowl.

Not very sexy, but still, has potential


Colt stood at the urinal. He had to piss and that wasn’t something that could wait. While he pointed his dick, he glanced over his shoulder. Ashton had
indeed heard someone and stood tall, looking out of the stall.

“We have to stop meeting like this.” Colt grinned.

Ashton went pale, his bowl brush dangling from his hand. Colt finished what he was doing, giving his dick a shake and making sure he faced Ashton as
he tucked himself in, moving slowly.

The color of Ashton’s cheeks made him look like Old Glory. Red blush, white skin, and blue eyes. Very patriotic.

Ashton spun away without a word, and Colt heard more swishing. He flushed the urinal and stood at the sink, washing his hands, studying every move
Ashton made through the mirror’s reflection. After cleaning one toilet, Ashton moved to the next, not focusing on anything but his task.

Colt closed the gap between them, standing at the opened stall door, leaning on it. “Men make a mess, don’t we?”

A heavy exhale was his reply.

Colt stared at the curve of Ashton’s ass as he bent over the toilet. His legs were long and perfect. Colt could see the stitching of jeans through the cotton

“Almost done? Or do you still have other floors to do?”

Ashton backed up, inadvertently stumbling into Colt, as if he had no idea he was so close.

Even over the odor of ammonia, Colt inhaled Ashton’s spicy masculine scent.


“I know you are.” Colt smiled sweetly.

“I…I have to keep cleaning.”

Colt had Ashton trapped in the tiny space.

“You do.”

Beg me

. “I know. I keep getting in your way.”

Beg me

to move.

Colt took a moment to see if he would get even a ‘please move’, but stepped

back, gesturing gallantly for Ashton to resume his job.

Colt once again was hard in his pants. Just the sight of this straight man, the chase, and the possibility of the conquest drove him crazy. He slid his right
hand into his pants’ pocket. Through the lining, he straightened out his dick and pressed it against the fabric of his zipper flap so it showed.

Ashton’s gaze traveled downwards before he moved to the next stall. Colt knew he’d seen it. It was too big to miss.

“God, it’s been so long since I’ve been laid, you know?” Colt moaned dramatically. “Just the idea of putting my dick in a wet hole gets me hot. How about

The toilet brushed swished loudly as if Ashton had increased his speed and power of cleaning.

“Ohh,” Colt moaned, loudly, echoing in the chamber-like space.

“I can just picture humping a hot body. Damn, what is it about orgasms? Hm? Ash?” Colt kept stroking himself under cover. “You like orgasms?”

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Colt thought he heard a very faint, “Yes.”

“What’s not to like? You know. Your dick gets hot, hard, and tingly. The sensation of your balls tightening up…mmm.”

When Ashton made a move to get to the next stall, Colt played it up, biting his lower lip, humping his hand. “It always feels so nice.”

Ashton nearly fell back against the next open stall door as he caught Colt’s posture.

“Don’t you think, Ash?” Colt gripped his fingers around the base of his dick and pushed it as hard as he could against the material of his pants. It tented
them like a pole.

While Colt waited for his answer, he heard Ashton’s huffing breath. Something had accelerated Ashton’s blood pressure and respiration. But if Ashton
was a gay man, he would have lunged for Colt’s dick by now. Nope. Straight.


Colt could only be more delighted.

Ashton suddenly looked anywhere but at Colt. As if it took him a moment to gather his thoughts, Ashton finished tending the stalls and put the toilet brush
into the cart. He removed a bottle of glass cleaner and stood at the sinks, spraying the mirrors.

Colt stood behind him, still playing in his pants. “It’s that moment right before you come.” Colt could not catch Ashton’s eyes.

“I love that. Don’t you?”

Another faint, “Yes,” reached Colt’s ears.

“It’s like being high.”

Instantly Ashton connected to Colt’s stare. The intensity of the blue color made Colt’s cock pulsate and he actually had to pinch his dick not to come. “Isn’t
sex like a drug, Ash? It is for me. Is it for you?”

“I…have to finish. I…can’t not get this done on time.”

“You have to finish. Yes. You do. You have to be a good boy and do your job. You like doing a good job, don’t you, Ash?”

A small whimper echoed in the space.

“Yes. You do a very good job. I bet you give your best to everything you do. Right, Ashton? You’re a good listener.”

“I…I try.”

That blush was back and Colt was going mad for it.

“That’s all a boss can expect from his worker. Isn’t it? To do as he’s told and to do his best.”

Ashton nodded, wiping the glass.

“You have a good night, Ashton. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Colt caught Ashton’s glance in the mirror. He gave him a sensuous smile and
removed his hand from his pants finally.



Colt left the bathroom and didn’t know if the dizziness was the chemical cleaning fluids or his powerful craving for Ashton. “My God. You are unbelievable.”
Colt shook his head and removed his car keys from his pocket. As he stood at the elevator he texted on his mobile phone. “

Where u at


Lionel texted back, “

Our usual


B there asap




Aston peeked out of the men’s room. The corridor was empty. He leaned his back on the wall and slid down to crouch while he recuperated. His crotch
was damp and he was sweating under his jumpsuit and street clothing. He ran his hand up and down the forearm with the tattoo covering it, craving
something. He hoped it wasn’t drugs, but right now he’d sell his soul to buy a bag and nod. He needed something, and needed it soon.


Dressed in black leather and his steel toed boots, Colt navigated the darkness of the alley to the club. The bouncer recognized him immediately. Colt
handed him tip money and he bypassed the line waiting to enter.

The top Doms got preferential treatment. Free booze, free weed, free anything.

“Where ‘you been, stud?” Cal, the manager asked as Colt passed him. “Too many asking about you here. Can’t make money if you don’t book sessions.”

“Think I give a shit?”

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“I know you don’t.”

Colt headed to the back room. He could smell the sweat of fear before he opened the door. Lionel had a man dangling in a webbed sling, a dog-bone
shaped gag in his mouth, his nuts tied up in a ring that had a metal extension up his ass. While the man writhed, Lionel stood over another sub, bound in a
leather harness, who was licking his boots.

Same fucking subs. I’m already bored out of my wits

. Lionel gave Colt a slight nod to acknowledge him, then ordered the sub, “Keep licking, scumbag.”

Colt inspected a few items on a counter. He picked up nipple clamps and stood next to the man in the sling. “Want it?’

The man whimpered through his gag, nodding.

“Dip shit. Want it?” Colt asked loudly.

The man jerked his body and nodded with more enthusiasm. Colt clamped the alligator shaped teeth on the man’s nipple, connecting the two nibs with a

He glanced at the man’s cock. It was running with pre-cum. Making his way over to Lionel, Colt stood behind the kneeling sub and ran the toe of his boot
up his ass crack. The sub howled in pleasure.

Colt stood next to Lionel.

Lionel kept prodding the sub, “Lick it, douche bag.”

The sub lowered down to lick Lionel’s boot.

Colt leaned against Lionel. “Why does this bore the living snot out of me?”

“Don’t know. Get boozed up.”

“That won’t help. It only makes me angry.” He peered down at the sub at his feet. “Lick it! You call that a clean boot?”

“Take over,” Lionel said as he walked to the first man in the webbing. He ran a penis whip through his fingers. “You lowlife. You deserve to be pissed on
and dragged through the dirt.” Lionel took a swipe at the man’s stiff cock with the feathery cock whip. The man humped the air and moaned through the

“Lick my boot.” Colt nudged the crouching man. “The one I wiped your ass with.”

The man hurried to obey.

“Dick-wad. You’re both a couple of pathetic dick-wads!” Colt used to think this was fun. It wasn’t. It sucked.


Ashton parked his car on the street near his apartment. A few homeless people were lingering, some sitting in the alcoves keeping warm as the weather
changed to cool nights.

He tossed coins into an old man’s cup.

“Bless you, son. Bless you.”

Ashton kept heading to his apartment lobby door, fingering his keys. Another young man, appearing jumpy, stood at the corner where Ashton needed to
cross the street.

“Nickel…dime…” the young man uttered, as if he were afraid to say it. Ashton figured with his closely cropped hair and clean shaven face he could look
like a narc.

Temptation was intense.

Ashton asked, “What do ya got?”

“Woo-woo an’ moonrock.”

Ashton closed his eyes trying to resist. He had nothing to cook it up but knew if he bought a bag he could do it with the kid. The kid held out his hand,
showing off the baggies, tiny balls of lust and forbidden fruit.

Ashton had a ten in his wallet.

“Come on, man. Don’t take too long.” The kid danced around impatiently.

Ashton kept walking, head down, repeating the Serenity Prayer in his head.

Chapter 4

The next evening, Ashton finished the sixth floor and headed up the elevator to the seventh. Without drugs, his life felt empty. During the day he sat in his
one bedroom apartment in East LA and watched TV, slept, and brooded. At night he worked his shift, on weekends he went to meetings and tried to stay
sober. All his old friends pushed booze and drugs on him. The peer pressure was too much to stand, so he avoided them. The men in his support group

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didn’t socialize outside of meetings and occasional ‘clean’ gatherings. He didn’t own a computer or anything electronic other than a pay-as-you-go basic
mobile phone.

The seventh floor was just a s silent a s the sixth. He usually started a t the to p a nd worked down, b ut something about the potential o f meeting Colt
frightened him a little. He assumed if he worked his method backwards, it would be too late for Colt to be in his office. No way Colt would be hanging
around between nine and ten.

In the quiet of the dead office space Ashton got the job done quickly. Headed t o the eighth floor, the vacuum and cart i n the elevator with him, Ashton
dragged both items out of the confined space into the corridor.

“Hello, Ash.”

Ashton nearly shouted in fear to see Colt standing in the shadows.

“What are you doing here so late?” Ashton regained his composure and brought the cart to the main office door.

“I was about to ask you the same thing.”

Ashton unlocked the door and pulled the cart inside with him, turning o n a light. Knowing Colt was watching him, Ashton began his ritual of cleaning,
beginning to sweat.

“I thought I’d missed you.”

And I thought I’d miss you

. Ashton bit his lip, dumping pails of paper into the cart’s big garage bag.

“I bet you still haven’t been laid.”

Ashton closed his eyes and felt his body tense. It was hell continuing what he was doing with a man as handsome as Colt discussing getting laid.

“Me neither. But I love fucking. Do you love having sex, Ash?”

Ashton caught the scent of Colt’s cologne mixed with his masculine aroma, dripping in testosterone. He kept cleaning, keeping his back to Colt.

“…that amazing sensation of working your cock in a hot tight hole. Wow. Bet you jack off to that at night in your bed.”

Ashton dusted the keyboard but his heart was no longer in it. Was it ever? He envisioned doing just that. Lying on his bed jacking off before he slept.

“I spread my legs wide while I masturbate, you know? So I can stroke my balls.”

Ashton shivered but kept cleaning.

“If you play with your balls it makes the climax stronger. Do you play with your balls when you masturbate, Ash?”

Ashton shook his head, moving to the next cubicle.

“You should. You should rub against your balls.”

“I…have to keep cleaning.” Ashton craved a shot of booze, a hit of weed, a needle filled with heroin, anything and everything.

“Yes. You do. You have to follow orders. You follow orders well. I bet your boss is very happy with you. Is he, Ashton?”

Ashton nodded, his lips tight over his teeth. He didn’t want to, but he peeked back at Colt. Colt had his hand in his trouser pocket and the outline of a huge
cock was visible through the material.

“Yes. You are a good employee. You’re here every night, doing your job. No one can complain about you, Ashton. Can they? You’re the perfect

Ashton felt nervous, but he wanted to ask if Colt had just been hired on as a lawyer here. He didn’t remember seeing Colt once the entire time he’d been
the office janitor.

“I know you get lonely working on your own. I would. You like me here to keep you company. Don’t you, Ash?”

Ashton was beginning to expect Colt to be here. He couldn’t decide if he liked his company or not. Other than his meetings and his sponsor, Ashton didn’t
talk to many people.

He moved on to the next cubicle, his craving for smack growing and he didn’t know why each time he contacted Colt, he needed a fix.

Ashton turned on the vacuum cleaner. As the noise blocked conversation, he felt Colt’s eyes traveling over him, like a ghost or fine mist coating his back
and legs.

He glanced behind him, just to make sure Colt hadn’t left. Colt was reclining against the wall, one hand in his trouser pocket the other under his suit jacket
on his chest. It was so sexual, so seductive, Ashton turned away and felt his cock thicken and pulsate under his jeans. His ass puckered and tingled.

He finished his vacuuming and shut off the annoying sound. As he wrapped up the cord he looked for Colt. He didn’t see him. Would Colt leave without
saying goodbye?

Ashton completed the cleaning and pushed the cart and vacuum to the hall, shutting the lights and locking the door.

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He jumped and spun around. Colt was smiling at him, his hips thrust forward as he stood near the elevator.

“I…I just have to dump the garbage.”

“Where do you do that?”

Ashton didn’t answer. He stared at Colt’s expensive suit and shining leather shoes. Trying not to be distracted, Ashton pushed the elevator call button. The
door opened and Colt politely held it back from closing until Ashton brought all his gear inside. He pushed the

‘B’ on the panel for the basement. Ashton could hear Colt’s breathing next to him. The scent of this man was intoxicating. The long ride down was silent
except for the rustle of fabric. Ashton imagined Colt’s hand was back in his trouser pocket. The basement was dimly lit and smelled o f dust, mold and
cement. Ashton wheeled his cart out and put the vacuum cleaner into a closet with the cart. He unclamped the plastic bag and twisted the top to tie it
closed. Sensing Colt’s penetrating stare, Ashton dumped the bag into a shoot which led to a compactor and a dumpster.

“Is that it? Done?”

Ashton stared at Colt and swallowed back his nerves with a gulp.

“You don’t wear that home, do you?” Colt pointed to the jumpsuit. “Why don’t you take it off?”

Ashton touched the fabric near the top where the zipper pull was located.

“Take it off. I want to see you in your street clothing.”

No, Ashton did not wear his jumpsuit outside of work. His hand shook as he began dragging the zipper down.

“Keep going. All the way down. That’s it.”

The zipper stopped right below Ashton’s crotch.

“Now step out of it. I want to see you take it off.”

It felt as if he would be naked without it. But Ashton had a t-shirt and jeans on, so that was absurd.

“Take it off now. What are you waiting for?”

Ashton choked and couldn’t move.

“You don’t wear it outside, do you? Do you wear that outside? I know you don’t. I can see your clothing under it. Ash, take off the jumpsuit.”

Shrugging off one shoulder at a time, Ashton stepped out of it, folding it up to put in the closet. He made sure he had his coat and keys, and locked the
supply closet up.

Before he could put on his leather jacket, Colt was standing so close they were puffing breaths on each other’s lips.

“Have you ever touched a cock beside your own, Ash?”

Ashton inhaled audibly, staring at Colt’s dark eyes. They were hypnotic. Colt was incredibly handsome. “No.” The word nearly got lost in Ashton’s throat.

“Has another man ever touched yours?”

“No.” Ashton’s eyes burned and watered.

“It feels similar to touching yourself.” Colt’s lashes lowered.

“Touch yourself.”

Ashton backed up and hit the wall near the closet.

“I can see how hard you are.” Colt licked his top lip slowly. “I want you to touch yourself, Ash. Now.”

His dick began throbbing strongly in his pants. Ashton didn’t know what to do.

“Drop your jacket. I want you to use both hands.”

The leather jacket fell to the floor.

“Just touch yourself through your jeans. Like this.” Colt stroked his own zipper flap. “Do it, Ash.”

The excitement in Ashley was making him dizzy. His hand shook. He ran the tips of two fingers up his own crotch.

“Isn’t that nice?” Colt smiled. “Keep doing it until I say to stop.”

His breathing beginning to intensify with his yearning, Ashton ran his fingers up and down his own fly.

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“Is it nice? Touching cock?”

Though his mouth felt dry, Ashton managed to say, “Yes.”

“You can press a little harder. I know you can barely feel it through the jeans. Press harder.”

Ashton glanced around the empty basement. Not even the drip of water was heard in the vast space.

“You jack off all the time, Ash.” Colt laughed. “You know how to touch yourself. All men do. Show me how you touch yourself. Do it like a man, not a little

The surge between Ashton’s legs made him squeeze his whole dick in his palm. He parted his legs and felt his cock harden and his briefs grow damp.

“I want you to feel how nice your dick is in your hand. Doesn’t holding a cock feel amazing?”

Ashton stared at Colt’s face. Colt’s dark eyes seemed to be on fire. His cheekbones shined in the dim light and the hollows underneath them made him
look like a Hollywood icon. Ashton tried to fist himself through the thick material of his jeans.

“You want to share your orgasm with someone. Isn’t doing it alone a drag?”

Ashton felt his cheeks heat up. He didn’t remember his last sexual partner. Maybe an addict-hooker and he did something to each other before they
nodded out after their fix. He couldn’t remember anything through that drug haze. But he hadn’t fucked anyone since he was clean.

“Open your pants. You don’t want to get jizz on yourself.” Colt pointed to Ashton’s crotch. “I said open your jeans, Ash. I want you to open your jeans.”

Ashton didn’t hesitate. He didn’t want spunk in his underwear either. He opened the zipper and cupped his hand over his dick as he held it.

“I can’t see it. Hold the base. Hold the base with two hands and show me your dick.”

Ashton glanced around again, doing what Colt said.

“What a cock. Ashton Lake, you have an amazing fucking dick on you. Cut, straight, big…what more can a man want?”

The adrenalin dump was beginning to feel familiar to Ashton; the whirling in his stomach, the lightheaded sensation in his brain.

“Now jack off. Jack off hard.”

Biting his lip, watching Colt watch him, Ashton fisted himself like he meant it.

“Doesn’t holding a man’s cock feel amazing, Ash? Feel how tight the skin gets. And it rolls when you pull it. Pull it over the head. That’s it. You’re dripping
pre-cum. It must feel really good, Ash. Does it feel really good?”

“Uh…huh…” Ashton couldn’t hold back. “I’m going to shoot.”

“That’s okay. You can. I want you to orgasm now.”

Arching his back against the wall, Ashton ground his jaw and shut his eyes. He squeezed his dick tight and ejaculated. When he opened his eyes he saw
his sperm spattering the dusty cement floor.

“Was that nice?”

“Yes.” Ashton cleared his throat and felt humiliated to have done that in front of someone. He never had.

“There’s a drop coming from the slit. Wipe it with your finger.”

Ashton leaned down to look, pointing his dick upward. He swiped it off.

“Lick your finger.” Colt leaned one hand on the wall beside him. With a seductive lilt he repeated, “Lick your finger.”

His whole body shaking in spasms, Ashton felt the heat of Colt’s body and his aphrodisiac scent surrounding him. Ashton stuck his index finger into his
mouth and sucked it.

A deep masculine voice said, “You like the taste of spunk?”

It made Ashton shiver. He didn’t answer.

“I bet you want to lick up that spill from the floor. Such a waste of good cum. Huh, Ash?”

Shivers washed up Ashton’s back. He continued to suck on his finger, his eyes shut tight.

“Suck it deeper. Just a little.”

Ashton felt the brush of Colt’s lips on his cheek. He increased his suction on his finger while the cool air from the basement softened his exposed dick.

“You suck it so well.”

As Colt’s body heat and scent receded, Ashton opened his eyes.

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“Have to go.” Colt smiled. “Bye.”

Before Ashton could reply, Colt left him, entering a stairwell door. It took a long moment before Ashton could think. When his brain cells kicked in, he
tucked his dick inside his pants and zipped them, picked up his jacket and put it on, then used his shoe to grind the spatter into the dusty floor.

As he continued to shake from the experience, it finally occurred to him why this sensation felt so familiar. It was like a drug. The dizziness, the lack of
control, the whirling inside his gut at the deed and the guilt.

Ashton squatted down to take a moment to get himself under control. There was nothing he could do to stop the trembling of his hands.


Colt whistled to himself as he headed to his car in the nearly deserted parking garage. There was one other car in it. An older sedan, possibly Ashton’s.

He spun his keys around his finger and loved every minute of his little training session with Ashton.

“You are so willing. My perfect sub. Yes! The best is yet to come!” Colt smiled wickedly and glanced around as he unlocked his car doors with a remote.
“Oh, my bottom boy, the best is yet to


Chapter 5

Saturday morning, Aston sat on a folding chair in a church basement, a cup of coffee in his hand.

“Hello, my name is Dale, and I’m a drug addict…”

“Hello, Dale,” the group greeted him back.

Someone sat on the chair next to him. Ashton greeted his sponsor,

“Hi, Max.”

“Hello, Ashton.” Max crossed his legs and gave his attention to the new member of the group who was explaining his love of crack cocaine.

Ashton had zoned out. It was the same story with different twists. Addiction.

A rose by any other name


“And then I knew I hit rock bottom,” Dale said, “So I came here for help.”

A nudge on his arm almost made him spill his coffee. Ashton caught Max’s curious stare.

No way

. Ashton shook his head, trying to tell Max ‘nothing’ as he

read Max’s ‘What’s wrong?’ glance. As individuals had their chance to speak, Ashton relived what he had done in the basement of the office building last
Wednesday. He had looked for Colt for the next two nights but Colt didn’t show up. He was still deciding whether he was happy or disappointed. Before
the meeting ended, they stood and recited the Serenity Prayer in unison, holding hands. When the meeting was over, Max tapped Ashton and tilted his
head in a gesture to step outside the building. They walked up a few cement stairs to a door and stood in the cool sunshine. Steam swirled over Ashton’s
coffee cup in the breeze.

“Have you used?”


“You’re acting like you have. I know when you use, Ashton.”

“I haven’t, Max. Honest.”

“Still craving badly?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Not sure?” Max touched Ashton’s arm to escort him farther from the crowd which was breaking up into satellite groups in the parking lot. “What do you
mean? You either are craving, like you were last time we talked, or you’re not.”

“I’m craving something, but not smack.”

“What? What new shit did you try?” Max appeared very angry. Ashton sipped his coffee, reluctant t o explain, yet knowing opening up to Max always
helped. “No new shit. Nothing like that.”

“Booze? You back on booze?”


“I can’t help you if you shut down. You know that.”

“I’m not sure what’s going on. If I knew I’d tell you.”

“That’s addict crap-talk. I’m out of here. Call me when you want to be real.”

“Max!” Ashton watched him leave. He spotted a bench near a stand of swaying trees. With his coffee propped on his lap, Ashton watched the cars leave

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the parking lot. All his life he’d been dependent on something. Something chemical. Was that need morphing into something human?

He sucked at relationships. The few he’d maintained were with fellow dopers. Women. Women addicts. One he met in high school, Maria, who introduced
him to drugs in the first place, and two he’d met at meetings and they fell off the wagon together. His experience with Colt was something totally alien.
Though he tied to understand it, he couldn’t comprehend what it was about. All he knew was he craved Colt. And when Colt vanished o n him, he grew


Colt surfed the internet for new toys. Last Wednesday night with Ashton was superb. But he wanted Ashton to miss him. So he deliberately left early from
the courthouse Thursday and Friday. It was his tactic. You break them in too quickly and the chase is gone, the hunt goes cold, yawn, boredom kicks in.

“Ooh…what’s this?” Colt knew so much about the art of bondage and sadomasochism, he could write a book. But he had no interest in sharing his
intimate secrets. People paid him to do nasty things. He could quit his day job and be a full time Dom. The club wanted him to because of their cut, their
piece of the action. If Colt had the desire to punish subs full time, he could do it from home. He wouldn’t split his earnings with a club. “Bad enough I sold
my soul to Southwood.”

Colt sneered at the thought.

“Oh, I like those!” Colt clicked on the ‘add to cart button’ for vibrating eggs. “I know just who I would use them on.” Thinking of Ashton made Colt stroke
between his legs. He’d already had his workout and lunch with Lionel to discuss tactics and results of their sessions. It didn’t hurt to have someone in the
same trade to bounce ideas off of. He picked up his mobile phone and hit Lionel’s number, putting the phone to his ear.

“Hey, babe.”

“Hey. You use vibrating eggs?”

“Not a whole lot. Why? Are they any good?”

“I just spotted them and figured I’d give them a try. Vibrating ass toys aren’t new, but I like the shape of these.”

“What site are you on?”

Colt heard Lionel clicking keys as he too must be at his computer.

“I’ll email you the link. Hang on.” Colt cut and pasted. A moment later, Lionel said, “Not bad. Give them a shot and let me know. You going to shove it up
your own ass?”

“I wasn’t going to. I have another ass in mind.” Colt inspected the clothing for sale on the site but he had all there was to own.

“Where are you having your sessions? Did you find a new fetish club?”

“No. I’m in the process of grooming a sub. One for only me.”

“Oh, I see!” Lionel sounded intrigued. “And you met him…where?”

“Ha. No way. I know you. This baby’s got ‘born to please’

written all over him. You’d spot him a mile away if I gave up my intel.”

“Selfish. I thought we were a team.”

“We still can be. But not with him.”

“Did you meet him in a bar in Weho?”

“Nope. He’s straight.”

“Yeah, right.”

“I’m serious, Lion. Straight. As in S-T-R-Eight!”

Lionel laughed. “Charming the briefs off a straight man. And you think you’ll make him a sub?”

“I’m thinking he’s bi-curious. Something is unusual about him.”

“What’s he look like?”

Colt split his attention as he checked-out, paying for his items and getting them shipped overnight. “Uh, I guess he’s about five ten, one-eighty, short dark
hair, blue eyes. Fucking built. Cut, nearly eight inches.”

“You’ve already seen his dick? What the hell? Colt, he’s gay.”

“Nope. I’m telling you, he’s never had cock. I wouldn’t lie. Why would I?”

“Bragging rights?”

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“I already got that. No. He’s a straight boy.”

“How old?”

“Mid-twenties? Can’t be older than me. But he’s not a twinkiepie either. He’s a real man’s man. So fucking hot, I’m ready to spurt jizz on my keyboard.”

“Get a photo.”

“Only when I got him bound and gagged.”

“Oh, hell yeah. When you do that I want a front row seat. I have never turned a real straight-


man. They always say they’re into women, but you can

tell they’re fucking liars. They pull out their dicks quick and are on their knees in two seconds flat with their lips around your prick.”

“I know the type. He’s not that type.”

“Sure. How many dates have you had and you’ve already seen his cut dick?”

“Swear to God, he’s straight. And we don’t ‘date’.”

“Don’t date? What the hell do you do? You seriously think you’re going to take a real straight guy and turn him into your private slave?”

“That’s the goal. I’m not saying I’ll succeed.”

“Hell, Colt. You already saw his dick. You will succeed.”

“He jacked off for me. Christ.” Colt opened his pants. “I’m about to fist myself. Want to watch?”

Before he could get a reply, Lionel’s webcam was asking permission to open on his instant messenger. “I take that as a yes.”

Colt accepted his request and pointed the camera down at his lap.

“Hang on.” He put the phone down, hurried to the bathroom for a towel, threw it over the keyboard, took off his pants and sat back down. When he did,
Lionel had done the same thing, and was sliding a penis ring onto his semi-erection.

“Ready, babe.” Colt tucked the phone between his shoulder and ear and made sure the camera had a good shot.

“Tell me about straight-boy.”

Colt held the phone again and straddled wide. “He’s got two tats that I’m aware of; one behind his neck and one down his left forearm. I don’t know what
they’re of yet. I haven’t concentrated on anything but his face and package.”

“Nice. You see his tits?”

“Not yet, but judging through his t-shirt he’s got a pair of fabulous pecs.”

“How’d you get him to jack off?”

Colt’s gaze was on the screen, watching Lionel fisting his huge cock. “I told him I knew he needed to jerk off. This guy isn’t getting sex regularly.”

“No? Why not? He looks that good and he’s not fucking?”

“No. Something’s up with him. And I love it.” Colt massaged his balls for a minute, grabbing his dick again after.

“So how did you get him to flip it out?” Lionel’s fisting became a blur of motion.

“Kept telling him to.” Colt felt a wash of pleasure and wanted to see Lionel spurt. “Told him to touch himself through his pants.” Colt took a deep breath as
his excitement began to take it away. “Kept telling him to open his pants.”

“Holy crap.”

“He fucking shot jizz all over the floor. Made him suck the cum off his finger.”

“Agh! Agh!”

As Lionel milked his dick, spattering white cream, Colt did the same, spraying the towel he had placed on his keyboard. They listened to each other pant
for a moment as they recovered.

“You son of a bitch,” Lionel huffed. “You’ll get him.”

“I don’t want to stop ‘til I do.” Colt watched Lionel remove the cock-ring. “That thing didn’t do jack to keep you from coming.”

“Nothing could after that story. Look, I know you want this virgin ass for yourself but I get jacking rights over the details.”



Colt hung up and looked at the milky cum on the dark towel. He closed his eyes and shivered at the thought of Ashton being his new sub playmate.

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Chapter 6

Ashton drove to work early, which was silly because he couldn’t begin cleaning until after hours. Mondays weren’t like Fridays. No one left work before
five. It was as if the week progressed in reverse. By Wednesday many people were leaving a little early, but on Friday they were gone by four.

He parked his car i n the multi-story garage and displayed his permit. Checking the time o n his watch manically, Ashton walked through the parking
garage to the street level and entered a coffee shop right next door to the office high-rise. The ubiquitous aroma of roasted beans and steamed lattes
filled his sinuses. It was four-fortyfive, so in reality, he could begin his cleaning i n fifteen minutes, though i t was easier after six when the building was
nearly completely empty.

He stood in line, ordering a single espresso and when his order was called, he carried it to an unoccupied table with two chairs. Removing his leather
jacket, he draped it over the seat back and allowed the boiling coffee to cool before attempting to bring it to his lips.

He gazed at his left forearm. It was colorful in its artwork. He got all his tattoos done while he was stoned. He wasn’t sure he regretted them. Everyone had
them now. Even women.

On the back of his neck he had a scrolling piece of barbed wire, on his forearm was a topless woman riding a leopard. The only thing stopping him a few
years ago from getting covered in ink was cash. When he earned it, or begged for it, it went for his next fix. Heroin was just too fucking nice a high. He
wished that fucking woman he dated when he was a senior, Maria, had never turned him on to it in the first place. He quit college after his first year for her,
moved from Pittsburgh to LA for her, sank into the streets of the worst area of the city

for her

, and waited for her to turn tricks to buy them both a bag.

They’d share the needle, needing more and more to get the same buzz. She taught him how to inject the shit. He never went near a needle before he met
her. Even vaccines at the doctor used to make him queasy.

He hit bottom when he woke up alone in an alley and had pissed himself. His pockets were turned out and everything he owned, which wasn’t much at the
time, was stolen. He was a filthy strung-out mess. His parents disowned him, shunning his cries for money, and refusing to allow him to come home.

A man from DAA found him and took him to a meeting. Detoxing was murder. He had no idea how he survived the constant chills and nausea. Max opted
to be his sponsor and had kept him straight for two years.

The woman who had done all the damage? Poor Maria? She died of an overdose. The only reason he found out was because Max made a point of
showing the clipping of her obituary to him. Maria dead at twenty-three horrified Ashton. Sharing a needle with a hooker for three years wasn’t very bright
either. Somehow Ashton hadn’t contracted hepatitis or HIV.

Ashton knew he had a severely addictive personality. Through his first year o f college he was drunk every night, snorted cocaine and was stoned on
weed, working his way higher on the drug ladder. He smoked weed since he was fifteen and was wasted all through highschool. His relationships were
the same. He was needy, co-dependent, obsessive. Trying to keep his life together was the toughest thing he’d ever done.

Two years clean and sober.

One year of working steadily.

He had a valid driver’s license, a car, and a one bedroom apartment. He wasn’t in debt and he didn’t have any health problems.

He had survived.

Laughter woke Ashton from his thoughts.

Colt held the coffee shop door open for a woman and she was either teasing him or making a joke, because they were both chuckling.

At first Ashton was jealous, but the woman was older and wore a wedding ring.


? He sipped his espresso now that it had time to cool.

Colt did a scan of the room, possibly for an open table and spotted him. Ashton actually saw Colt physically jolt at the sight. He said something t o the
woman. She nodded, looking over at Ashton.

As Colt approached, the assertive strut alone was enough to make Ashton shiver. Colt placed both palms on the table and leaned close to Ashton, smiling
wickedly. “Hello there.”


“Passing the time before your shift?”

“Yes.” Ashton’s skin felt like it was licked by fire.

“May I join you?”

“Alone?” Ashton cursed himself and bit his lip.

“Yes. Alone. Barb is a work associate. She’s going home after she gets her coffee.”

Ashton nodded, glad for the information.

“Be right back.” Colt rejoined Barb in line. Barb appeared to ask Colt something, and Colt replied, looking back at Ashton with a sexual smirk that set
Ashton’s dick wagging in his jeans. Trying not to stare, paranoid of what that woman would think of him, Ashton finished his coffee just as Colt joined him
and the woman left.

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Colt loosened his necktie and opened the top button. “I bet you’ve been thinking about Wednesday night all weekend.”

He had been. Ashton didn’t reply.

“I’ll admit I was. I jerked off reliving you doing that to yourself. Did you?”

Yes, but I’ll never admit it


Colt gripped Ashton’s wrist and drew it over to inspect the design. “Naked woman. How macho. Nice tits, huh?”

“I was stoned when I got it.”

“Aren’t we all when we do things like that?”

“You have a tattoo?”

“Maybe. Would you like to inspect my body to find out?”

“I’m not gay.” Ashton felt stupid saying that.

“No. Me neither.” The smirk on Colt’s expression was unnerving.

“I’d never want to touch another man’s cock. Taste his cum. Run my fingers over his ball sack…”

Ashton closed his eyes and crossed his legs. When he looked at Colt, Colt continued, “Lick his rim. You know. Stuff like that.” Colt sipped his coffee
calmly. “It is nice touching your own cock though.”

Ashton cleared his throat and glanced around at the other patrons. He noticed a woman across the room trying to get Colt’s attention. She was very pretty.
“That woman is flirting with you.”

Colt took notice. “Very nice.” He blew her a kiss dramatically.

“Don’t you have to be at work soon?”

Ashton checked his watch and nodded. “I do.” He carried his cup to the trash and returned for his jacket. “You uh…you uh…”

“Uh?” Colt batted his lashes.

“You headed home?”

“I was. Why?”

Ashton shrugged. “Guess I’ll see ya.”

Colt held Ashton’s fingers to stop him from moving. “You want to see me?”

Nerves kicked in. He shrugged again, not making eye contact.


“I…I don’t mind the company. You know. When I clean. It sort of makes the time go by. But I don’t want to ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Oh, sweetie, don’t worry. I never will do anything I don’t want to do.” Colt toyed with the very tips of Ashton’s fingers. “So, you want me to see you while
you’re cleaning the offices?”


“Maybe? I don’t respond to maybe.” Colt withdrew his hand.

“Yes.” Ashton shifted his weight from leg to leg.

“Yes? Yes what?”

“Yes, please. If you have some time.”

“It’d be my pleasure.” Colt’s gaze went to Ashton’s crotch. Ashton knew he was sporting wood. “K. See ya.”

“See ya.”

Feeling Colt’s stare on his back as he walked out, Ashton had no idea why he needed Colt to be with him. But all he knew was he did.


Colt relaxed in the chair and drank his coffee drink. He heard giggling behind him and didn’t bother to look. He figured it’d be the female he was obligated
to engage while Ashton was still here. He ignored her.

Envisioning Ashton going down to the basement, putting on that blue jumpsuit, and readying his cart for another night of cleaning, Colt sipped his drink,
staring into space. He’d give him a couple of hours. Maybe wait until nearly ten, when he could be certain Ashton was done for the night.

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What will I do with you?

One side Colt’s mouth curled into a smile.

You want to see me? Do you, Mr. ‘I’m not gay.’ No. Of course

you’re not



Ashton was nearly finished working. He’d been checking his watch manically, figuring Colt would not show up.

He mopped the men’s room floor, his heart jumping at every sound.

I’ve been let down so many times, why would someone like Colt

want to be friends with me? He won’t show


The amount Ashton ha d been hurt b y family a nd friends had made hi m slightly reclusive. Trust wasn’t a n easy thing t o earn between two people,
particularly two strangers.

It was nearing ten. Ashton used the basement sink t o dump the dirty mop water. He stood a t the supply closet a nd loaded the cart into it. Once he
removed his gloves he ran his hand over his hair and yawned. He peeled off the jumpsuit, folding it and laying it on a shelf. Shutting the light, Ashton put on
his jacket and headed one floor up to the parking garage.

It seemed empty and sterile in the building that late. Lonely. Slumped over, staring at his feet as he walked, he noticed car headlights flick on and off.
While he headed towards his car he saw another one was near it. The headlights blinked again. Ashton’s pulse rocketed. He picked up his pace and
stood near the sleek silver Porsche. The driver’s window lowered revealing Colt in casual, but smart, attire. No suit. Black leather jacket, black jeans and
a smile that could melt an iceberg.

Ashton crouched down to be at eye level with him. “Hi.”


Shy to Colt’s gaze, Ashton looked around the empty parking garage, one hand balancing him on the car.

“Done for the night?”

“Yes.” Ashton could see the high sheen on the car even in the dim light. He almost removed his hand and wiped off his fingerprints.

“Going home?”

“Guess so.”

“To…an empty apartment?”

Ashton shrugged. He forced himself to look at Colt. The shadows from the high spot-lighting gave Colt’s angular features a stark appearance. Like a
black and white painting of a Roman god.

“Yeah. Me too.” Colt pouted out his lower lip. “Oh well.”

“Did…did you come here to meet me?” Ashton wondered if Colt would just drive off.

“You said you wanted me to. Remember?”

“Yes. I thought you’d keep me company while I cleaned.”

“If I came too late I can go.” Colt reached for his dangling ignition keys.

“No. Please don’t.”

“I love it when you say please.” Colt grinned, his eyes sparkling.

“Say it again.”

The blush went right to Ashton’s cheeks. He lowered his eyes.


“Mm. Tingles all over.” Colt exaggerated a shiver. “Say ‘Please, Colt, stay with me’.”

“No…come on…” Ashton chuckled shyly.

“I want you to say it. Go on.”

Ashton glanced around the emptiness first. “Please, Colt. Stay with me. Please.”

“Oh! I got an extra please. I like that. Come on, get in.”

Ashton walked around the front of the car and sat down next to Colt. Colt spun in the leather bucket seat and leaned against the driver’s door so he was
facing him.

“You look different in jeans.”

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“Do I?”

“I like it better.”

“Why is that?”

“I don’t know. You just look more like a regular guy.” Ashton fidgeted.

“Yes. That’s me. Just a regular guy.”

Ashton felt shy to his inspection.

“Can I tell you what I like?”


“I like the way your crotch looks when you’re sitting. Look at it.”

Ashton peeked down.

“Look at how your big cock under your jeans makes it bulge.”

At the dirty talk, Ashton’s dick throbbed and his ‘bulge’ grew.

“I want you to touch yourself again. I really enjoyed it last time.”

“I don’t know if I can do that. That was kind of embarrassing.”

“You think so? No. How could it be? It was just me and you.”

Colt rested one arm on the steering wheel. “Take off your jacket then. Just your jacket.”

After thinking about it, since he was feeling slightly warm from the closeness of Colt’s body, Ashton took off his jacket and placed it on his lap.

“No. Not there. Put it behind the seat.”

Ashton pushed his jacket behind him and sat forward, staring at his old beater Ford which was parked nearby.

“I’d like to see your chest.”

He gulped and knew Colt heard it. “My chest?” Ashton touched his t-shirt nervously. The scent o f Colt’s cologne wa s starting to make his stomach
grumble. The man was edible.

“Do you have any tattoos on your chest?”


“Show me.”

Ashton shifted, untucking his t-shirt from his jeans. Using two hands he drew up the material.


Ashton revealed his two erect nipples.

“Nope. No tattoos. Not even higher on your chest?”

“No. I have one on the back of my neck though.”

“Do you? Take off your shirt. Show it to me.”

Ashton tried to turn around, yanking the shirt so Colt could see it without removing it.

“No. I can’t see it. Just take it off for a moment.”

Another glance around the stark vacant parking area and Ashton took his shirt over his head, twisting in his seat to show off his barbed wire.


When Colt’s fingertips brushed the design, Ashton’s dick throbbed and hardened down one leg of his jeans.

“You look really nice without your shirt on. It feels kind of sexy, doesn’t it, Ash? To be half naked?”

Ashton made a move to put the shirt on.

“No. Don’t do that. Don’t put your shirt on.”

Staring at the fabric in his hand, Ashton caught sight of his rounded pectoral muscles and dark erect nipples.

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“Put it behind the seat with your jacket.”

That adrenalin rush was back like a blast of smack to his veins. Ashton put the shirt with his jacket.

“I can see how hot it makes you. You have a beautiful hard-on under your jeans. I know you want to touch yourself.”

Ashton groaned and slouched in the seat, closing his eyes and straddling his knees wider.

“Touch yourself, Ash.”

Keeping his eyes closed, Ashton ran his fingers over the length of his cock where it’d grown hard. This kind of play made him so excited, he was high
from it.

“Open your jeans. Take your beautiful prick out of your briefs.”

A battle began in Ashton, but it wasn’t a losing one. He asked Colt to meet him. He wanted Colt’s attention. There was no denying he craved Colt like a fix
now. Licking his dry lips, Ashton unfastened his button and tugged the zipper down.

“Let me see it.”

He reached inside his pants and exposed his erection.

“You like touching a cock. Admit it, Ash.” Colt waited for a response. “Ash? Admit it.”

Ashton stared at his thick dick, touching its base. “Yes.”

“I know you’re not gay, Ash. I know.”

That comment embarrassed Ashton. He closed his eyes for a moment. It had to be a lie. He was extremely attracted to Colt.

“Why don’t you use one hand to stroke your balls and one to fist your cock? Let me see your balls. Do you shave them?”

Ashton revealed his sack from his clothing. “No.”

“Play with yourself. You like the feel of cock and balls, Ash. I know you do.”

Another whimper came from Ashton. His slit was glistening with a dewy drop. “I’m afraid I’ll get spunk on your car.”

“No. You’ll catch it in your palm. All of it.”

Ashton nodded. He cupped one hand over the tip and edged the climax. He was close.


Colt went wild. He was so excited seeing nearly all of Ashton nude, he was about to come as well. Those fabulous tits of his! The vision of clamping them
was causing Colt to grind his jaw. Images of strapping Ashton up, forcing him to beg for something to get put up his ass, were making Colt so hot he was
about to pop. “Jack it. Jack it.”

Ashton’s hand moved with more purpose.

Colt needed to hump something, namely Ashton. The man was astonishing. His head leaned against the headrest, his Adam’s apple moved while he
struggled with a dry throat, and his egg carton abs tightened to steel. As a deep guttural growl filled the compartment, Colt watched Ashton catch his seed,
milking that gorgeous cock into his palm.

Fuck. Oh, fuck

The urge Colt had to come nearly overwhelmed him. But he had to keep still, keep strong, and keep in control.

The sound of Ashton catching his breath, the aroma of male essence and Ashton’s sweat sent Colt reeling. He inhaled it like cocaine on a mirror, snorting
it into his lungs.

“Let me see how much you came.” Colt had to calm down or he’d go nuts.

Ashton held out his hand. A wonderful creamy puddle was in it.

“Touch it with your index finger.”

Ashton did.

Colt reached for Ashton’s hand and licked the tip of his finger quickly, pushing Ashton’s arm away.

I had to taste you, you bastard.

Holy shit I want more

of that.

The act made Ashton huff loudly and his chest rise and fall. His sagging dick wagged and rested against his open jeans.

“Do…” Ashton panted loudly. “Do you have anything to help wipe this up?”

“No. You already tasted it. And so have I. Just lick it clean.”

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“Lick it?”

“Yes. I don’t have anything. Clean it. If you touch my car with that hand I’ll be upset.” Colt wanted to lick it. He’d have that taste in his mouth again. Oh yes
he would.

Ashton made a move to get his shirt, Colt figured it was to use to wipe it. “No. Don’t get your t-shirt a mess. I said lick it off.”

Ashton brought his hand to his mouth and touched it with his tongue.

Colt nearly passed out.

You will enjoy cum, my pet. You will.

It didn’t take much time for Ashton to figure out he had no choice. So he did what he had to


The sight of Ashton lapping at cum was something Colt was going to relive every night for a week. Until something even better happened between them.

“Let me see.” Colt inspected Ashton’s hand before he wiped his saliva on his jeans. He touched his palm to check if it was sticky.

“Good job. You did a very efficient job.” Colt rubbed a t the dampness with his fingers, drying it for Ashton. “Wasn’t that great? I told you you’d enjoy
touching a cock. And now you have an idea of what cum is like. I bet you could swallow someone’s cum easily. Right, Ash?”

Ashton shrugged, not answering.

“Well, I have to go.” Colt released Ashton’s hand and faced forward in his seat.


Colt blinked in simulated surprise. “No? I’m not going home now?”

“I thought we could hang out. You know.”

“Go to a bar? What?”

“I don’t drink.”

“Don’t drink?” Colt narrowed his eyes at him. A light came on in his head.

Oh, I got it. Recovering alcoholic. Yes. This is making more

sense now

. “AA?”

Ashton didn’t answer, looking out of his side of the car into the dim lot.

“You can put your dick away.”

Reacting slowly, Ashton tucked his soft cock back into his jeans and closed them.

“Your shirt and jacket too. It’s okay now.”

While he dressed, Ashton asked, “You want me to go, don’t you?”

“I’m surprised you don’t want to. I would think you’re tired.”

Ashton tucked in his shirt and put on his jacket. “I can take a hint.”

“Hint?” Colt said. “I don’t hint. If I want you to do something I’ll tell you. There’s no ‘hinting’.” He watched Ashton blink. “You understand, Ash?”

“Yes. Thank you. I like it better when people are direct. You know? I can’t stand not knowing what they’re thinking.”

That took Colt aback. “Really?”


“So if I said I’d like you to come over to my place one day, you’d say…”

“I’d say yes.”

“Very good.” Colt smiled.

“When do you want me to come over?”

“Well, with you working nights and me working days…” Colt tapped his jaw and put on a mock thinking face.

“I can come by on the weekend.”

“Yes. You can, can’t you?”

Come into my web said the spider to

the fly.

“I’d like that.”

“Would you? Really?” Colt batted his lashes. “Why would you like that?”

“Because I like you.”

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Colt jolted.

Like me? How can you like me?

“Oh. I’m very flattered.” The wheels turned in Colt’s head, and he was trying to figure out if Ashton was a sub

to a woman’s dominatrix. Was this not new to him? Was it just a gender transfer?

What is going on?

“What time Saturday?”

“Huh?” Colt tried to focus. “How about in the evening? Things are always better in the dark.”

“Do you want to have dinner out somewhere?”


The expression on Ashton’s face showed both suspicion and confusion. “What were you thinking? I really don’t want to go to a bar.”

“Just come to my home. My abode.” Colt removed a business card from his visor and a pen from a compartment on the console. He wrote his address
down. “Seven p.m.”

“Should I bring anything? Pizza?”

What on earth?

Colt figured he was giving back the same quizzical look Ashton had just given him.

Are we friends? Pals?


“Let’s worry about that then. Shall we?” He handed Ashton the card. “Have a good night, Ash.”

“You too. Bye.” Ashton got out and didn’t look back as he walked to his car.

Colt started his, buckled up and left the parking garage, trying to figure out where he had gone wrong.

Pizza? Where the hell did that

idea come from?

Dom/Sub…not BFF.

Chapter 7

The next day Wes caught Colt daydreaming at his desk.

“Colt to earth? Hello?”

“Huh?” Colt sat up and tried to look normal.

“A civil case worrying you?”

“No. Nothing worries me. I’m the unshakable Mr. St. John.”

“True.” Wes saluted comically as he walked away.

Colt tried to get back to his law statute reading but his mind kept wandering. He took his cell phone out of his pocket and called Lionel, getting up to shut
his office door.

“Hey, babe.”

“Sorry to bug you at work, Lion.”

“No problemo. What’s up?”

“What do you do when the sub thinks you’re his friend?”

“What?” Lionel laughed. “Uh oh…your straight-ass male think he’s found a beer buddy?”

“I don’t know what I fucking did wrong. I had him jack off for me twice, and made him lick his own spunk off his hand. Now we’re best friends?”

“Where did you find this guy?”

“Never mind. How do I get him back on track for just the sexual act?”

“Sweetheart…” Lionell sighed loudly. “You changed the rules.”

“I did?” Colt sat down at his desk and struggled to figure out how.

“Yes. How do we usually find our subs?”

“The club.”

“What do they expect when they get there?”

“Anonymous BDSM.”

“You just answered your own question.”

“Do I just tell him?”

“What will he do if he knows that’s all you’re after?”

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“Kill me? What do straight men do? Hell if I know. I don’t socialize with them.” Colt ran his hand through his hair. “I didn’t expect this.”

“Heck. Work with it. You can still get something out of it.”

“This is a serious problem, Lion. I mean it.”

“Abort the plan. Nothing lost nothing gained.”

Colt sat up in his chair. “Not see him?”

“Uh oh. You like him.”

“I do not!”

Do I?

“Ha. The straight fucker got you hooked. You are so fucked.”

“Stop laughing.”

“Serves you right! Serves your penis-whipping ass right!”

“If you don’t stop laughing, Lionel…”

“I got to get back to work. Good luck, babe.”

Colt disconnected his mobile phone and stared into space. “Do I like you, Ashton Lake?”


Ashton had his feet propped up on the coffee table. The television was on, but the sound was muted. He wasn’t watching it. He was thinking about last
night in Colt’s car.

He picked up the business card and read the address. He had already driven by the posh condominium complex that morning to scope it out. It was what
he expected. Colt was very well off. The designer suits, the law job, the Porsche.

He’s after my ass. What else can it be?

But Colt hadn’t made a move to seduce him like that. And thinking hard about it, Colt hadn’t done much to make contact with him physically.

“What the hell is this about?” Ashton struggled to decipher the master plan. He assumed Colt was either gay or bi. But he was okay with that. He never did
mind what a person’s sexual orientation was. Being a junkie and living on the streets was well below anything Colt had done. Or is.

Ashton held no bias or opinion over Colt’s lifestyle. It was about choice. He had chosen very poorly in his life, who was he to judge anyone else?

Why do you want me over at your place? Play video games?

Watch a movie?


Ashton glanced down at his own crotch.

Watch me jerk off? Is

that what turns you on, Colt? Making me do things?

Though Ashton bounced many worries off Max, he couldn’t even imagine telling Max about this one. He knew Max would warn him not to see Colt again.

Ashton wanted to see Colt. He couldn’t stop thinking about him.

“I must be gay or bi. The guy gets me really hot.” Ashton rubbed his dick through his pants.

Closing his eyes, Ashton relived the sensation of sitting next to Colt in his car, nearly naked, exposed, obeying every command Colt gave him.

“Oh, fuck.” Ashton took his stiff cock out of his pants. “Fucking loved it!” He wished Colt was there right now. “Tell me to jack off. Tell me to eat my spunk.
Tell me to fuck a monkey…God! What is it about you?”

He fisted his cock faster. “Colt. Oh, holy fuck. Colt.”

Raising his shirt at the last minute, Ashton sprayed cream all over his chest and his hips jerked off the couch. He stared at the ceiling light fixture, milking
his cock, recuperating. Once he caught his breath, he gazed down at his spattered skin. With one hand still holding up his shirt, he rubbed the sticky cum
over his nipples. “I’d sell my ex-addict soul to fuck your gorgeous ass, Mr. St. John.”


As the time neared five, Colt had a decision to make. Find the delectable Ashton Lake, or avoid him until Saturday. He wanted to do more to him than ask
him t o jack off. Ashton was willing to oblige in that little act. Soon it wouldn’t turn Colt on. The pleasure was in the humiliation and domination, not a
volunteer. There wasn’t much Colt could do to Ashton in the limits of the basement, the office, or his car. He wasn’t about t o bring items to work which
could be found. Must keep up the façade of the straight working man. Tsch, tsch…no naughty toys allowed.

Yeah but if they find a Penthouse or a bottle of scotch in my


Colt sneered to himself

. I’d be one of the boys. Me and Mr.

Southwood could go

to the country club, play a few rounds of golf,

talk about polo and the Mrs.


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But Colt also didn’t want to anger Ashton. If he ignored him all week, Ashton may reconsider coming by on Saturday. And that couldn’t happen.

“Must improvise. Hmm.”

Colt’s phone rang on his desk. He snapped back into work-mode and left the daydreaming behind.

By six Colt wrapped up his day and pondered his minor dilemma.

“’Night, Colt!’ Barb waved as she walked by his open office door.

“’Night, Barb!” Colt called after her.

He shut hi s computer down a nd reclined i n hi s chair, rocking gently. “Want you, you fucker. Want you.” Gnawing at his nail as he craved Ashton’s
submissive personality, Colt decided to wing it. There was no reason he couldn’t play…


the man a visit. Besides, Ashton said he liked the company.

“So what if he thinks I’m his friend. When he’s bound and gagged in my toy room, he may change his mind.”

Colt rose to his feet, secured the confidential files and buttoned his suit jacket. He shut his light, locked the office door behind him, and headed to the
men’s room to splash his face and relieve himself. The floor of his office was nearly empty. One by one, lights switched off and doors clattered shut. The
darkness of late February closed in on the interior.

Colt went about his business in the men’s room, standing at the sink to wash his hands and face and see how the long day had affected his appearance.

He leaned on the sink with both hands and wondered if at twentynine he had everything he had strived for. The job, the house, the car, gadgets to amuse
him; Wifi, HDTV. Only law partnership eluded him, and eventually when Paul Southwood retired or died, that would come as well.

“What else do you want, Colt?”

He didn’t look happy. Was anyone happy nowadays? Some of his co-workers seemed pretty content. Barb going home t o he r hubby and kids, his
paralegal was engaged, the receptionist married and pregnant…

Shaking himself out of his depressing thoughts, Colt dried his hands under the blower and headed out into the hall. The noise of a vacuum cleaner alerted
him to Ashton’s presence. That-made him smile.

He straightened his tie and hurried down the long corridor. A janitor in a blue jumpsuit was dutifully doing his duty.


my man

. He crept up to Ashton,

who had the long hose under a desk, sucking dirt. “Boo!” He jolted him from behind.

Ashton jumped and spun around, his eyes wide. “Christ!”

“Nice adrenalin high?”

He shut off the vacuum and laughed. “You seriously gave me heart failure.”

Colt grabbed his own chest and feigned an attack.

“Shut up.” Ashton nudged him, appearing shy.

The familiarity was strange. Maybe they were friends. Colt tried to think. Other than Lionel, who was he good friends with?

Acquaintances? Clients? Many. Good friends? One?

Really? Just


And he had no sexual interest i n Lionel. Their relationship was borderline

business. The business of being the master Dom. Did he go out to dinner with Lion? Drinks? Have him over for a night of videos or computer games?


“Can you hang out? I just started.” Ashton leaned the vacuum hose against the desk.

Colt chewed on his bottom lip, ad-libbing as he went. “No. I can’t.” He grabbed Ashton by one elbow and escorted him to his office. The entire area was
dim and deserted.

Though Ashton didn’t ask him where they were headed, Colt heard his breathing quicken and felt his muscles twitch under his hand.

Colt unlocked his office and made Ashton enter in front of him closing the door.

When Ashton spun around he was nearly hyperventilating.

“Face the window.”

His mouth opened as if he wanted to ask why, but Ashton shut it and obeyed.

The willingness of Ashton was once again making Colt wild.

“Strip down the top of your jumpsuit.”

Ashton didn’t hesitate. He peeled the blue fabric down, hanging it from his hips.


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The jumpsuit was brought to his knees.

The wash of chills that the act sent over Colt was intense. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. All i t did was make him more excited. The scent of
Ashton was too good to be true.

“Loosen your jeans.”

A rustle of fabric followed.

“Take them down to where the jumpsuit is. Briefs too.”

Colt heard Ashton take a huge inhale of air before he jerked his pants down, exposing an ass that made Colt nearly swoon. Forcing himself to control his
emotions, Colt covered his face and counted down from ten. His other senses kicked in, and nothing could calm his passion.

“Lace your fingers behind your head.” Colt spoke with his teeth clenched he was so hot for this man.

Ashton rested his interlaced hands on the nape of his neck.

Fuck. Fuck!

Colt pinched his dick to stop it from spontaneously combusting i n hi s suit

trousers. He clamped his hand to trap Ashton’s fingers together. Leaning near Ashton’s ear from behind, Colt asked, “You ever have anything in your ass,

Ashton shook his head.

Colt could see his back expand and contract as he nearly gasped for air.

“Are you hard?”

Ashton nodded.

“Do you want me to touch your ass?”

He received another nod.

“What?” Colt was barely holding it together he was so pent up. “I can’t hear you. What?”



“Yes…I want you…to…”


“To touch my…”


“My ass.”

“I thought you weren’t gay, Ash. Why would you want another man to touch your ass?” Colt gazed at his perfect bubble butt and the urge to kneel and part
those cheeks and lap like a mutt was overwhelming. Had he ever been this turned on by someone?

Ashton didn’t answer.

“If you don’t verbalize your thoughts, I’ll just go on my merry way home.”

Yeah, fat chance of me doing that


“I want you to touch my ass.”

“Do you?”

“Please. Yes, please.”

Colt squeezed the fingers of Ashton’s hand as hard as he could to brace him, then he dug his free hand between those solid cheeks and rubbed with

Ashton’s whole body jolted and he choked out a gasp, arching is back.

“Don’t blow spunk on my desk.” Trying to heed his own advice, Colt was about to orgasm in his pants. He ran his hand over Ashton’s rim like a knife edge,
giving it hot friction.

“Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Colt! I’m going to come. I can’t…”

With a tug, Colt pointed Ashton towards the window, dark with night and stars. He pressed Ashton hard against the glass and quickened his hand action.
“You like your ass rubbed by a man but you’re not gay?”

“Ah! Fuck!”

“A straight guy loves his ass touched? Do you, Ashton?”

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“Yes! Oh, fuck!”

Colt felt Ashton’s body go rigid and his ass cheeks tighten. “Are you coming, Ash?”

Ashton squeaked out, “Yes.”

Colt rested his forehead against Ashton’s back and wanted to own him.

Own him!

He slowed down his rubbing, caressing the globes of Ashton’s ass

gently, savoring the curves. “You do like a man’s touch. Say it. Admit it.”

“I like your touch.”

“I’m a man, Ashton.” Colt released Ashton’s fingers. “Admit you like men.” He heard Ashton’s dry swallow. “Did you hear me?”

“I like men.”

“Good boy. I think you’ve been in the closet a very long time. Am I right?”

Ashton’s head lowered and he huffed out a loud sigh. Colt stepped back, breaking contact. “Look at the mess you made of my window.”

“I’ll clean it up.” Ashton began dragging up his jeans and jumpsuit.

“You’d better. I don’t want to see any smears when I get here in the morning.”

“You won’t.” Ashton hurried to the cart once he had his clothing straightened.

Colt looked at the spatter on the window. He dabbed it with his index finger and tasted it, closing his eyes. “I should make you lick that off,” he said to

A roll of paper towels in one hand and cleaner in the other, Ashton went to work.

“See you, Ashton.”

Ashton spun around, his eyes glistening. “See you.”

The urge to blow him a kiss was strong, but Colt didn’t. He left the office, headed to the elevator.

Once he was sitting in his car he stared into space, inhaling the strong scent of Ashton that was still on one hand.

Wow. I have never

met anyone like you

in my life. What the fuck is going on?

He started the car and drove off.


Making sure the glass was spotless, Ashton kept wiping the area over and over, the pile of used paper towels growing on the floor beside him. Once he
was sure it was perfect, Ashton felt a lump in his throat that made him stop what he was doing. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor, covering his face
in his hands. Chapter 7

Saturday at seven, Ashton waited in his car and stared at the condominium complex. He arrived early. Anxious. If he could have scored a bag on the way
over, he’d be sticking a needle in his arm right now. For three days he dialed half of Max’s phone number and didn’t call him.

I’m not doing drugs. I’m not drinking.

“What am I doing?” Ashton shifted in the driver’s seat. “And if I’m gay or bi that’s not part of the twelve steps. I can be gay.”

Ashton wondered if he was kidding himself. This wasn’t a relationship. It was a sexual addiction. Or at least it was beginning to seem like it.

He climbed out of his car and wiped his clammy hands on his trousers. The lobby door was secure with access to an intercom. He buzzed the key pad
button with ‘St. John’ written near it. Without a word or comment from the man within, Ashton heard the door unlock. He entered and stood at the elevator,
pushing the top floor button.

The lobby was spotless. Abstract prints hung on the walls, potted fern plants sagged from brass pots, manicured and groomed like the property
surrounding the high-rise.

He tried to see his reflection in the chrome elevator walls, but gave up preening.

I tried my best

. He had a pair of nice black slacks on, a long sleeved light

blue cotton shirt and his brown leather jacket.

Checking the unit numbers as he walked down the hall, Ashton stopped at Colt’s door. He stared at the peep hole as he knocked. It took a moment, but
the door opened.

Ashton swept his vision over Colt. A black silk shirt opened low on his chest, tight black leather pants clung to his legs, and he was wearing pointy leather
boots. The scent of musky cologne made Ashton’s mouth water.

“Come in.” Colt smiled wickedly and it caused the hair to rise on Ashton’s neck.

The open floor plan allowed Ashton to see the entire unit at once. It was sleek and clutter-free with modern appliances, and stark primary shades. The
floors were polished wood and gleamed.

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“I’d offer you an alcoholic drink, but…” Colt held out his hand.

“I’ll take your coat.”

Ashton removed his jacket and kept inspecting the interior. There were so many wonderful things in it to discover; a wall of electronics, flat screen TV,
stereo equipment, and contraptions for the spoiled rotten. Soft music floated in the room from unseen speakers. It was jazzy and soothing.

“Can I get you a soda? Or water?” Colt hung Ashton’s jacket in a closet.

“Water, please. Thank you.” Ashton didn’t feel like a friend. He felt like an intruder. Staring at Colt’s legs in the tight fitted leather, he stood near a black-
marble topped island as Colt removed a bottle of water from a spotless black refrigerator.

“Thank you.” Ashton opened it and gulped half of it down he was so anxious. After he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, Ashton said, “I’d tell you
you have a great place, but you already know.”

“I’m not interested in idle chitchat either.” Colt relaxed on his elbows over his half of the island counter.

“What…what are you interested in?” Ashton had a feeling he already knew.

“I have all sorts of interests, Ash.”

Ashton finished the water quickly. Colt took the empty from him and tossed it into the trash. “Come here.” He left the room. Fidgeting, rubbing his hand
over his head, wiping his palms on his pockets, Ashton glanced into rooms as they walked down a small corridor. Before he opened a door on the end,
Colt stopped and glanced at him, smiling. “Ready?”

“I guess.” Ashton didn’t know for what.

Colt swung back the door, guiding Ashton in first with a hand on his shoulder.

His eyes straining in the low light, Ashton tried to understand what he was seeing. The room was small, maybe eleven by fifteen, and unusual things were
inside it.

“What is this?”

Colt urged Ashton deeper into the room and stood behind him, whispering near his ear from behind, “My play room.”

“What do you play?”

Colt sauntered over to a webbed leather device hanging from the ceiling in the corner of the room. He swung it and gave Ashton a grin.

“What is that?”

Without answering, Colt faced Ashton and thrust his hips forward, placing a hand on either side of an obviously erect cock under his leather jeans. “I know
why you came here tonight, Ash. Do you?”

Do I? Sex? Sex with a guy?

Ashton watched hypnotized as Colt closed the gap between them.

“I like your outfit. Very nice.” Colt touched the fabric of Ashton’s trousers near his growing bulge. “Take it off.”

Even after a bottle of water, Ashton’s mouth went dry. He knew. He knew why he came. Colt was right. There was no question why he showed up here. The
high. The rush. Fabulous Colt St. John wanting to see him naked and jack off.

“Ashton.” Colt wagged his finger playfully. “I asked you to take off your pretty outfit.”

What was Ashton going to do? Refuse? Leave? Not a chance. Though his hands were trembling, Ashton opened the buttons of his shirt. His stare was
riveted to Colt’s which was glued to the skin Ashton began revealing. Ashton shrugged off his shirt.

“Put it there.”

He spun around and noticed a stool with a black round cushion top. Once he’d draped his shirt over it, he gazed back at Colt. Colt gave him an obvious
nod to his trousers.

His heart beating hard behind his ribs, Ashton yanked off his shoes and socks and unzipped his slacks. Colt licked his lips hungrily.

The moment Ashton dragged his pants and briefs down, his cock stood upright, slapping his low abdomen before it aimed Colt’s way like a compass
needle. He gulped the air in anxiety and placed the rest of his clothing in the same pile.

Colt crossed his arms and walked around him slowly.

The inspection made Ashton’s cock wag but he stood still.

“Do you like being naked in front of me?”

After a swallow, Ashton said, “Yes.” Why lie? He did. Loved every fucking minute.

When Colt stopped behind him, Ashton tensed up, remembering the crack rub and craving another.

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“Gay boy.” Colt made a hissing noise behind Ashton’s ear. “You do know you’re not straight. You’re a gay man.”

Ashton began to think Colt may be correct. He didn’t know how else to explain this intense rush.

“Say it.”

“Say it?” Ashton tried not to lose track of what Colt was asking, but he was so stimulated it wasn’t easy.

“Say you’re gay and you want a man to fuck you.”

Do I? To fuck me? Don’t I want to fuck him?

“I’m waiting for your reply.”

“I’m…I’m a gay man and…”


“And,” Ashton bit his lip and said, “And I want to fuck you.”

He heard Colt bite back his laugh. “Do you?”

“Holy fuck, yes.”

“Well, my pet. I have news for you. If you want to fuck my tight ass, you are as gay as they come.”

“Yes. I’m as gay as they come.” Ashton’s cock nodded for him.

“Go on. Touch yourself. You love to touch cock. I’m not stopping you.”

Ashton gripped his dick and pulled on it, widening his stance.

“Careful. You don’t want to fall. Come here. Sit down.”

Blinking, feeling that incredible high beginning to fill his veins, Ashton allowed Colt to lead him to the webbing.

“You just lay back on this. It’s very comfortable.”

Ashton had no idea how to get on the strange swing. Colt helped him sit on it but it didn’t feel like a seat. There was a wall mirror near it so if Ashton
looked he could see himself in the swing.

“Relax. Lay back. Become pliable like a ragdoll so I can show you how to feel snug in it.”

Ashton couldn’t imagine feeling snug in a strange leather sling, but he did as he was asked. Scooting up, facing the ceiling, Ashton felt Colt trying to get
him to spread his legs and rest them on opposite sides of the leather webbing. “You sure this is how to sit in it?”

“You do ask stupid questions.”

The leather creaked slightly as Colt maneuvered Ashton to a vulnerable position.

“I have a feeling I will not be doing the fucking.” Ashton gripped the leather above his head for balance.

“Sweetheart,” Colt pressed his lips to Ashton’s ear. “I want you to pick a word.”


“Yes. A word. And when you say that word, I will stop what I’m doing instantly. Can you think with your blood filling that enormous cock of yours?”

“A word?”

Colt chewed on his earlobe, sending Ashton’s dick straight up.

“Uh…uh. A word.” He heard Colt chuckle. “Dime.” It was all that came to his head.

Dime. Dime bag of smack. And this is my fix, isn’t




“You got it. You say, ‘dime’ and I will stop what I’m doing. Okay?”

“Okay. What are you going to do?” Ashton gripped the webbing tighter.

Colt stood back, opening his shirt with a tug and exposing his chest. Ashton drooled at the sight of his ripped pectoral muscles and six-pack abs. A tattoo.
There it was. A little symbol above Colt’s belly button. Ashton had no idea what it meant, but it was fucking sexy.

“Do you want me to touch you, Ash?”


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“Yes, please. Please.”

“You crave a man to touch you sexually? And you think you’re straight?”

“I’m not straight. I’m gay.” Ashton bit his lip, his dick was nearly purple it was so engorged.

“Yes. You are gay. Has a man ever touched you sexually before, Ash?”

“No. No…only you.”

“Is that the truth?”

“Yes. So help me God.”

“Where do you want me to touch you?”

“My cock.” Ashton gripped the leather tighter.

“Your cock? Not your ass?”

The memory of the grinding friction on his crack zapped through Ashton’s body. He closed his eyes in a swoon.

It’s heroin. This is the

high I’m after.



“Did you say you want me to touch your ass?”

“Yes. Please.”

Colt stood between Ashton’s spread legs, pushing his thighs even wider apart.

The sensation of having his body exposed was making Ashton so dizzy the room was spinning. His was hot from humiliation and knew his cheeks were
as red as his dick.

“What do you want in your ass, Ashton?”

“Holy Christ. I don’t know.”

“But you do want something?”

“Yes. Yes, please, Colt.” Ashton got a nudge. He opened his eyes and saw Colt holding a hand mirror. Ashton took it, but had no idea what he was
supposed to do with it.

“Watch me.”


“Hold it here.” Colt drew Ashton’s hand downward. “Can you see your tight puckered rim, Ash?”

“Yes.” Ashton was growing disoriented this experience was so strange.

“Good. I want you to enjoy the sight as well as the feel of something going up your ass.”

Holy shit. Holy shit

. The adrenalin dump increased to an electrifying level.

Colt walked to a cabinet and opened a cupboard door. He held up a pair of leather gloves and as he put them on he stared at Ashton. Making a show of
getting them snug and fitted on his hands, Colt returned to his position holding a bottle.

Ashton split his attention from the live action to the mirror. He was trying not to tremble and ended up bracing the mirror on his inner thigh.

“Want me to touch your ass?”


“How badly?”


“Tell me how gay you are.”

“Gay. Very gay.”

At the first touch of one finger to his rim, Ashton jolted and closed his eyes, throwing his head back.

“Are you watching?”

“Ah…” Ashton felt his eyes roll back in his head and shook it to clear it. The pleasure was surreal. He forced himself to see into the mirror. A black leather

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hand was using one index finger to slip in and out of his ass. “What the fuck? Colt! I can’t hold it. I can’t.”

“You have to.”

Ashton gripped the base of his dick and squeezed to stop the orgasm.

“Here. I can help with that.”

As Colt removed his finger, Ashton caught his breath. Another trip to the cabinet and Colt returned with something soft and round.

“Move your hand.”

While Ashton watched in awe, Colt pushed a rubber ring down his cock to the base. “Better?”

Ashton couldn’t breathe enough to answer. He was gasping as too much stimulation was hitting him at the same time.

“Where were we?” Colt said, “Mirror?”

It took all of Ashton’s focus to function. He held the mirror up to look at the act.

The sight of that black digit fucking his ass was beyond Ashton’s comprehension. It was the most intense sensation he’d experienced physically and yet
the actual view was slightly unnerving.

“Do you like me putting something up your ass, Ashton?”


“Good boy.”

Ashton closed his eyes and felt his cock pulsate against the tight rubber ring. The massage was keeping him on the edge of a climax and making him
crave one simultaneously.

Colt removed his finger.

Ashton wanted him to continue but did nothing but observe. Once again Colt went to the cabinet. “You’ll like this.”

I’m sure I will

. Ashton tried to keep alert while his senses became a blur. Something cool slipped inside his back passage. Using the mirror, Ashton tried

to see what it was. A silvery shaped egg connected to a little string or wire was placed inside him. Then another. Two metallic objects were in his ass.

“Hang on to your hat.”

Not knowing what to expect, Ashton tensed up his body. A click of a switch and the items vibrated. “Oh my God.” Ashton began humping the air. “I have to
come. I have to come.”

“Do you love it?’ Colt leaned on the inside of Ashton’s thigh.

“Tell me how much you love toys up your ass.”

Ashton couldn’t do much of anything at the moment. He thought he had had sex before. He was mistaken. He thought the high from drugs was the ultimate
pleasure. No. Again, he was mistaken. A long running string of pre-cum was shimmering from his slit to his treasure trail, vibrating with the slight tremors
of his body. Never had he witnessed himself drip like this. Never.

“Ash? Tell me.”

“I love toys up my ass.” Ashton arched his back and felt his dick engorge so much the cock ring tightened almost painfully.

“I know you do. I love putting them there.”


“Yes, my pet.”



“Please let me come.”

“You ready?”

“Yes. Please. Please.”

Colt took the hand mirror from him. “Grab it and go, handsome.”

Ashton instantly wrapped both his hands around his dick and humped into his palms. The vibrating eggs grew more intense, as if the ‘high’ switch had
been turned on.

“Holy shit. Holy shit!” Ashton clamped his eyes and jaw shut and came, feeling his cum splash his chest, his jaw, and his neck in an explosion of hot liquid.

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“Holy shit. Holy shit!” Ashton clamped his eyes and jaw shut and came, feeling his cum splash his chest, his jaw, and his neck in an explosion of hot liquid.

Jamming his hips into the air, Ashton kept jacking off more and more until he couldn’t breathe. He choked for air and splayed out, arms limp, legs wide,
his chest heaving.


Colt was so damp inside his leathers he was dripping as much as Ashton. He removed the metal eggs and his gloves and placed them on the counter
behind him. With a hand towel, he approached Ashton and stared down at the white blobs that had erupted with force from his slit.

You are unbelievable


Colt couldn’t resist. He leaned over Ashton and took a lick.

“Mm.” Colt smiled at him. He placed the towel on Ashton’s chest and worked off the cock-ring. “Okay, stud. Clean yourself up.”

Ashton appeared clumsy and half asleep as he mopped up his spill. “What about you?”

“Hm?” Colt gazed at him.

“What about you? What can I do to get you off?”

Colt’s smile dropped. Subs never asked him that in the club. It was his job to get his submissive clients off. He enjoyed the act as well, but it was a one
way deal when pay was involved.

“Colt.” Ashton sat up in the swing, his legs dangling over the floor, the towel covering his crotch.

“Look at the time.” Colt exaggerated checking his watch. “Where did the evening go?”

“Fine.” Ashton managed to get off the sling and tossed the towel on the counter with the other toys. He began dressing, his back facing Colt.

Colt wasn’t prepared for the wave of unhappiness after this event. While Ashton was under his control, Colt was delirious. But seeing him getting dressed,
about to leave, Colt didn’t know how he felt. Ashton sat on the stool and put his socks and shoes on. Once he was dressed, tucking in his shirt, he asked,
“Where’s my jacket?”

“I’ll get it.” Colt couldn’t stop the tight sensation in his chest. And he couldn’t understand it. He’d done this game hundreds of times. Not once did he feel a
sense of loss when a client left. Ashton was not a client. What the hell was he?

He removed the supple brown leather from the hanger, hugging it to his naked skin for a deep sniff before he handed it over.

“See ya.” Ashton left before Colt could say another word. And given the chance, Colt didn’t know what he would have said. Chapter 8

Monday night Colt headed to the club. His mobile phone and text messages were non-stop all weekend with requests for him to take on clients for their
after-work sessions.

Colt had a list of regulars. That was the problem. They were boring him to death because they were mannequins who he had no interest in dominating.
He’d played this role for five years. Everything he’d done had already been done, every man he had met, he found flat and uninteresting. A few women
begged for him to use and abuse them, but Colt refused. Even the scent of women’s perfume nauseated him, and that didn’t count for their body odor.
Lionel dominated both sexes. He was the master of detachment and never tired of the game.

There was still a slight sexual stimulation for Colt when he first walked into the room and began his session with someone new. Even more so with paying
spectators if the sub wanted to be publically humiliated. Then Colt got his sexual twinge of pleasure over the task. Though men from all over the LA gay
scene were making overtures to share a lovely rough bout of fucking, Colt never took them up on their offer.

He had become a celibate Dom. Did that make sense to anyone?

“There he is,” Cal seemed to have the same line whenever Colt made an appearance, which was less and less lately. “Let Nando get you a drink.” Cal
nodded to the bartender.

Colt stood at the bar, feeling particularly mean and nasty. His body covered in black leather, a cap on his head, chains hanging from his belt loops, neck
and wrists, a cock-whip and nipple clamps dangling from his jacket lacings.

He took the shot of vodka from Nando and threw it down his throat. With a bang he slapped the glass on the counter. “Thanks.”

Cal said, “You’re booked. Busy night ahead, Colt. They backed up when you didn’t come in over the weekend.”

“Subs don’t make my schedule. I do.” Colt licked the booze off his lips and knew all the eyes were on him as he strutted like a gamecock back to the
private rooms.

Fuck all of you. Fuck you all!

He opened a door and found a man already waiting, kneeling in the corner, naked, harnessed up, a plastic gag i n his mouth. Colt slammed the door
behind him and stood over the sub. “What are you staring at?”

The sub turned his eyes away.

Colt knew this man. Knew him too well. Married, with kids, a bank manager with three holiday houses in different countries and probably grandchildren on
the way, judging by his age. Colt took his cock out of his leather pants and peed on the man’s leg. The man moaned and writhed against the wall.

Colt tugged the gag out of his mouth. “I got some on my boot. Lick it off.”

The man eagerly lowered to his hands and knees and lapped at the tip of Colt’s pointy boot.

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Crossing his arms, knowing this part time job of being everyone’s brutal Dom was coming to an end, Colt sighed heavily. It didn’t turn him on any longer.
He was sick of it.


Ashton wouldn’t look Max in the eye.

They were seated across from each other in a coffee shop, not talking at the moment.

Max shifted in his seat. “Admit your using.”

With anger, Ashton met Max’s gaze. “Test me. Go ahead. Take a piss sample, take blood.”

“What’s with the attitude? You do realize you’ve not been yourself for the last two weeks.”

“Who am I then?”

“Some pissed off schmuck who uses smack.”

Ashton was furious. He rolled up both sleeves and held his veins out for inspection. “Look. Okay? Look. You see any marks?”

“You can inject anywhere. What am I, a moron? I’m an ex-addict like you. You think I don’t know all the tricks?”

“Yeah, you do.” Ashton stood, reaching for his zipper. “I inject into my dick, wanna see?”

“Sit your stupid ass down.” Max’s eyes narrowed and he showed his teeth.

Ashton dropped to the chair and slumped over.

“If you don’t want to be in the program, quit. No one is forcing you. This isn’t court ordered. Find a new sponsor.”

“No.” Ashton caught Max’s wrist as he stood to leave. “I’m sorry.”

Max deflated and stared at him. “Just tell me what the hell is going on.”

In agony, rubbing his eyes, dreading Max’s reaction to the truth, Ashton leaned his elbows on the table so he could whisper and be heard in the noisy café.

Max appeared patient, not moving.

Ashton didn’t think this would be as hard as it is. He’d rather tell Max he’d fallen off the wagon than say what he was about to say. After a glance around
the area, Ashton said through a tight jaw, “I think I might be gay.”

The look on Max’s face was of disbelief. “Yeah. So?”

“Gay!” Ashton choked, trying to scream it in silence. “Max, I can’t be gay.”

“Give me a break. Is this what’s been up all week? Seriously?

Christ, I thought you were back on fucking smack. I was sure of it.”

“Come on, Max. This is huge for me.”

“Okay.” Max mirrored Ashton’s posture, getting closer to him.

“And what’s wrong if you’re gay? You don’t speak to your family, it won’t affect your job.” Max opened his palms in question. “So? Just the internal macho
jock in you doing battle?”

He knew he wasn’t being totally honest. But he wasn’t lying either. “Maybe.”

“Is it one particular man you’re attracted to?”


“Does he know?”


“Is he gay?”

Looking around first, Ashton nodded, “Yes.”

“I don’t see a problem. The only person besides me you have to

‘come out’ to, is yourself. And if you want to have him as your boyfriend, what’s the big deal?”

Ashton knew what the big deal was and wasn’t going to say.

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“Is he a user?”

“No. He’s not. He’s a lawyer.”

Max blinked. “From the building you clean?”


“Wow. That’s awesome, Ashton. Aren’t you sick of being alone?”

“We’re not together.”

“Just dating?”

Ashton clammed up. Max had a way of getting information out of him he didn’t always want to share. “I have to get to work.”

“Okay. Ashton, it’s okay that you’re gay. I’m proud of you for coming out and admitting it to me. It took courage, Ashton. I’m very proud.”

“Thanks, Max.” He stood, put on his jacket and tossed both their paper cups into the trash. “See ya.” As he left he noticed a concerned look in Max’s eyes.
Max knew he wasn’t being totally honest and Ashton didn’t know if he could be.

Ashton had no idea if he should expect Colt or not.

When it came to Mr. St. John, Ashton made no assumptions. Not only was Ashton admitting to himself he was gay, he had to acknowledge he was not the
‘man’ in this relationship. He was the submissive female. Begging for sex, begging for an orgasm.

He stepped into his jumpsuit, zipping it over his jeans and t-shirt.

Submissive. Me

. Ashton shook his head. He did the fucking. The women he’d laid?

Maria…Stephanie, and a host of other addict/hookers. He couldn’t even remember their names…




. They laid there in their nodding stupor,

or wild-eyed as the high began, and he humped them.

There was a battle going on inside Ashton. A few wars on several fronts, like Iraq and Afghanistan, not winning conflicts.

One; gay? Me?

Two; get fucked? Not do the fucking?

The amount he was beginning to crave ramming his cock into Colt, if only to prove his manhood, which of course seemed insane when you figure it’s still
fucking a man, not a woman…

Ashton’s head hurt he was so confused.

The preoccupation this sex was causing him was a blessing and a curse. He loved it. Craved it. Spent all day Sunday wishing Colt would call and stick
vibrating metal things into his ass, but he was struggling with everything about it. All the images he had of himself as a man’s man, the aggressor in the
sack with women, Colt making him repeat he was gay, liked things up his ass…

“Argh!” Ashton closed his eyes and ground his jaw in frustration.

“Can’t you just be my friend? Like me?”

I can’t deal with this. This is what I went to DAA for, to get rid of

unhealthy addictions like this. I can’t do this to myself

. He dragged the cart out of the

storage closet with the vacuum and tired to focus on his job.


It was nearing ten. The room stunk of sweat, piss, ass, cum…

Colt had enough. The cleaner disinfected the room as he disinfected himself. He stripped off his leather and changed into jeans and a muscle tee. His
leather gear bagged for the cleaners, he walked into the cool black night to his car.

Tossing the leather into the trunk, Colt sat behind the wheel and thought about Ashton. During all his sessions all he wanted to do was be with him.


the hell? Why?

Colt parked in the empty multi-story lot beside Ashton’s vehicle and climbed out of his car. He spun his keys on his index finger, feeling spent but looking
forward to seeing his man. He used his security key in the elevator since it was locked after hours. Before he went up to his office floor, since it was late,
Colt pushed the button for the basement.

Just as the door opened, he could hear water running in a sink and smell ammonia and bleach.

Why do I always smile when I know I’m going to see you?

Colt walked quietly.

Ashton was still in his uniform, emptying a bucket and cleaning a mop in the large double industrial sized sink.

“Hey.” He didn’t want to scare him.

Ashton spun around. He didn’t appear pleased.

“Bad day?” Colt approached him.

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“What do you want?”

“What do I want?” Colt laughed uneasily. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Ashton continued what he was doing, setting the mop and pail in the closet, snapping off his rubber gloves.

“Ash? You mad at me?” Colt didn’t know why he cared.

“No. Just go home.”

Colt rushed toward him and made him look into his eyes. “Did I hurt you Saturday? Are you sore?”

“No.” Ashton turned his face aside.

“You sure?”

“I’m not sore.” Ashton stepped out of his personal space and took off his jumpsuit.

Colt was puzzled. While he watched Ashton fold his jumpsuit and place it on a shelf in the closet, he wondered if Ashton had fallen off the wagon or
something. “Did what we did make you have a drink?”

The expression on Ashton’s was of disbelief. “You’re so full of yourself, aren’t you? You think everything you do to me is going to shake my world? That I
actually want you to be around?”

Colt did indeed think that.

“I’m straight!” Ashton shouted into his face. “I only say I’m gay to get you to shut up!”

The pain that shot through Colt was so unexpected he reached back to steady himself on the wall behind him.

“Go away. Just leave me alone.” Ashton shut the light inside the storage closet, put on his jacket and locked the door. He stood by the elevator, glanced
over his shoulder, obviously reconsidering waiting for it, and took the stairs up to the parking garage. Colt tried to analyze what just happened.

The worst part for Colt was the ego slap. This hit him at a deep emotional level. He wasn’t prepared for that. Nothing fazed him deeply. Nothing.

Gathering his wits, Colt raced up the stairs after him. He slammed open the parking garage door so hard, the sound ricocheted all over the empty area.

Even so, Ashton didn’t turn to look, head down, hands in pockets, walking to his car.

Colt jogged to catch up. “Hang on.”

Ashton didn’t.

“Hang on!” Colt spun Ashton around just as they made it to their cars. The force he used made Ashton lean back against his car door. Colt trapped Ashton
with his hips, pressing their cocks together.

“Look at me.”

Ashton didn’t. He didn’t shove Colt away either.

Colt hooked a finger into each side of Ashton’s jeans through a belt loop and jerked his body closer so they were tightly sealed from the crotch to the

“I don’t care if you say you’re gay just to shut me up.” Colt yanked on Ashton’s belt loops. “I don’t care if you’re straight and curious.”

“You don’t care about shit.”

“That’s unfair. You don’t even know me.”

Ashton’s enraged glare finally made it to Colt’s eyes. “And why won’t you let me know you?”

“Why do you want to?”

“Stop turning the point!” Ashton closed his eyes and was the picture of frustration. “After what we did? You don’t even like me, do you? What the hell was I
to you? Some bet? Some turn the straight guy contest you had for an office pool?”

“You couldn’t be more wrong.”

Ashton’s expression softened.

Colt felt his cock move next to his.

Ashton said, “I know you don’t want me as a friend. Is it because you think I’m the lowest rung of the ladder? Huh? The janitor?”

Colt laughed and shook his head. “I don’t care what the fuck you do.”

“Sure you don’t. You in your penthouse with your Porsche.”

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Ashton tilted his head over to Colt’s car.

“It’s all shit. Material shit. You think that crap makes me feel good inside?”

Ashton looked confused.

“Babe, it’s a façade. I have to look this way. Would you want your five hundred buck an hour lawyer to be living in a one bed flat driving a fifteen year old
rusty Buick? My firm and clients make me live up to an image of what they need. The shit makes me feel empty.”

When Ashton cupped Colt’s cheek, Colt nearly backed away in reflex. He wasn’t used to kindness and affection and resisted the urge to repel it. “Why am
I telling you this? I don’t tell anyone anything about me.”

Ashton moved his hand t o the back o f Colt’s head and i t felt to Colt as if Ashton was about to lean forward for a kiss. There was no wa y Colt was
prepared for that. He jerked away, making space between them. “What are you doing?”

Ashton appeared pale and shook his head in denial.

“If you want me, it’s on my terms.”

“Why?” Ashton crossed his arms.

“Don’t you get it?”

“No! I don’t get any of this. I don’t know what the hell you are, or why you seem to only want to dominate me with your orders and demands.”

Colt choked in amazement. “You do get it! You just fucking said it.”

Again Ashton seemed completely lost.

“What did you just tell me, Ash?” Colt crossed his arms at the futility.

It took a moment for Ashton to recall his own words. “You want to dominate me? Order me around?”

“I’m a Dom!”

“A Dom.” Ashton shrugged. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Please tell me you’re not completely naïve to the world of Domination and Submission.”

Ashton seemed to stagger back though he was already against his car. “What the fuck? Are you kidding me?”

“Do I sound like I’m kidding you?”

“You…you…” Ashton pointed to Colt and stammered incoherently.


“You mean, your only interest in me is to sexually dominate me?”

Seeing pain in Ashton’s eyes, Colt wasn’t sure what his interest was any longer. It had certainly gotten beyond the surface of a platonic master-slave set
up. This was nothing like his sessions in the club. Not even close.

“Holy crap, are you an asshole or what? Get the hell away from me.” Ashton tried to open his door but in his confusion he hadn’t unlocked it, and was
standing on the passenger’s side.

“Ash. Hang on. Let me explain.” Colt raced after him as he headed to the correct side of the car and tried to contain him. Ashton cocked his arm back for
a punch. Colt couldn’t believe the fury. When he made a decision to see Ashton tonight he imagined another delightful bout of play not a battle. With both
his hands held up in surrender, Colt backed up.

“You have no idea how betrayed I feel at the moment.” Ashton’s chest heaved.

“I didn’t do anything to betray you.”

Ashton’s veins showed in his neck. “You pretended to be my friend! I thought we had something here. Something…”

“Calm down.”

“Is that an order? Master to slave? Or Dom, or whatever the fuck you think you are?”

Moving slowly so he wouldn’t to get a slug to the jaw, Colt took out his wallet and removed a card, not his law business card, a different one. He held it up
so Ashton could see it, even if he didn’t take it.

“You…” Ashton leaned in to read it. “You make money tying people up and shit?”


“What the fuck? Are you going to tell me I owe you money?”

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“No. I’m not going to tell you that. I just do this shit on the side.”

“You’re fucking sick.” Ashton twisted away.

“As sick as an ex-alchy?”

“That’s a low blow.” Ashton pointed towards him.

“Everyone has their weakness, Ashton. Even me.”

“But, what the hell did I have to do with it?”

Colt ventured a step closer. “You loved it. You know you did or you wouldn’t do it.”

Ashton’s cheeks burned bright red and he turned away. The desire was back the minute Colt spotted that rosy skin. He dared to close the gap between
them, figuring if he got shoved or punched he’d deal with it. “You



As he hoped, Ashton’s breathing accelerated to a runner’s pace.

“Loved it,” Colt came within Ashton’s aura so his lips could brush his cheek. “Admit it. Admit to me how hot it made you.



A slight whimper came from Ashton’s throat.

Colt once again hooked one finger into the belt loop on Ashton’s hip. He slid his business card into his back jean’s pocket, squeezing Ashton’s ass as he

Ashton’s entire body released and rested against him. Colt felt his cock thick and throbbing against his own. “Let’s not fool each other, Ash.”

In what felt like complete capitulation, Ashton rested both his arms over Colt’s shoulder and his forehead on his neck. Colt rocked him in a slow dance,
sniffing his hair, his skin, his jacket. With Emerson, Lake and Palmer’s song, ‘

Lend Your Love to

Me Tonight

,’ playing in his head, Colt held Ashton

around the waist, dancing with him as they enjoyed the contact of their bodies. Of course, Colt led.


Ashton knew his demand for all of Colt’s affection may never be met. Colt basically laid it on the line. No more wondering what was going on between
them. Colt was a trained master and would accept nothing more than Ashton’s submission.

As Colt waltzed them, softly singing words to a song in his ear, one that was so fitting to their situation it made his skin tingle, Ashton unwound his anger.

In a tantalizing rhythm that felt like foreplay, Ashton was ready to strip and jack off for him. He had to be content with what Colt was willing to give him. It
had to be better than nothing. The exhaustion was catching up to Ashton. It was nearly ten thirty and he had cleaned three floors of office space and had a
stressful meeting with Max earlier that day. Though Colt felt good, smelled good, and he figured tasted good if he licked his neck, which was so close
…right near his lips, Ashton parted from their dance and looked into his brown eyes. “I’m wiped.”

“I know.”

“I guess I’ll head home.”

“Okay.” Colt released contact with him and gave him space.

“So…” Ashton didn’t even dream of asking him if he would see him soon.

Not the ‘Dom’! Oh, God forbid


“So…see ya.”

“Yeah. See ya.” Ashton unlocked his door and dropped down on the driver’s seat. He didn’t wait for Colt to get into his car. Instead he drove off to the exit.
While he waited for the security gate to open, he remembered the business card Colt put in his back pocket. He removed it and read it again. “Un-

Chapter 9

Not owning a computer never annoyed Ashton before. But with this new world o f ‘Dom and Sub’ t o investigate, not t o mention Colt actually having a
website devoted to his ‘art’ Ashton had to figure it out. Having no alternative, he drove to the club and figured he’d get a firsthand look at this strange

The bar wasn’t unusual looking from outside; neon lights, darkened glass window fronts, a few legal notices o n the door for underage individuals and
firearm restrictions.

He entered the club and was overwhelmed with horrible earblasting music. Since it was only four in the afternoon on a weekday the crowd was sparse.
The card in his hand, Ashton tried to look confident and approached the bartender, waiting for his attention.

“What can I get for you?”

“This.” Ashton handed him Colt’s card.

The man gave Ashton a closer inspection. “He makes appointments only. And you have to pay a deposit up front.”

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“I’m new at this. What does he do to you when he gets you for an appointment?” Ashton sat on a barstool

“You can pay to watch a session. It’s with another Dom, but you’ll get the idea.”


“Yes. Along that wall,” the man pointed behind him, “There’s a room with video monitors. You can watch the action live.”

“How much is it?”

“You pay by the minute.”


“Yeah. Fifteen minutes, twenty minutes…the sessions aren’t very long.”

“How much for five minutes?”


“I should get the idea by then.”

The bartender raised an eyebrow. “Let me see some ID.”

As Ashton took his wallet out of his pocket he laughed. “You think I’m a cop?”

The man inspected Ashton’s driver’s license. He gave it back.

“Since you’re brand new at it, I’ll let it you see it for ten bucks for five minutes.”

After returning his license to his wallet, Ashton handed the man a ten.

“Do you want a drink?”

“No thanks.”

“Go down that hall. The door says ‘viewing’ on it. Your monitor is number two.”

“Okay.” Ashton passed a few people in the hall as he went. He spotted the correct door and opened it, looking in first. The nearly black room was a series
of video screens with blinders on either side to shield one voyeur from the next. Stools were placed in front of each one. There were a few men already
there. Ashton could hear them drooling and panting and didn’t even look at them. He assumed this was jack-off paradise.

A glance at the floor made him wary of his shoes. But it was relatively clean. He located number two, seeing the unoccupied screens were blank, and sat
down. Playing on his monitor was a topless muscle-bound-tattoo-covered man, dressed in black leather pants. He was wearing a Batman-like mask with
winged edges, covering the top half of his face, leaving his mouth and jaw exposed. The second man was older, heavyset, naked, tied to protruding rings,
spread eagle, with his back to the wall. The older man was on the receiving end of a flogging. On closer inspection, Ashton could see something weighing
down his balls. He winced because it looked painful. A button with the word ‘volume’ wa s under the screen. Ashton touched it and could hear the
conversation inside the room.

“Beg me! Beg me!”

“More! More!”

Ashton shut off the sound, not interested in this horrible session in the least. He checked his watch and wondered why anyone would pay for this

The big man or ‘Dom’ approached the older man, or ‘Sub’ with the leather whip. He coated it in liquid and began putting the handle up the sub’s ass.
When he had inserted it, the leather straps hung like a horse’s tail between the sub’s straddled legs.

The sub’s cock pointed to the ceiling and wagged in delight. Ashton scooted closer to the screen to see better, hearing some heavier breathing from the
men behind him.

Lips moved, meaning, more words were exchanged between the actors, which to Ashton seemed like what they were. The dom clamped something to
each of the sub’s nipples.

Ashton winced and rubbed his own tits. The screen went dark. Obviously it was on an automatic timer. He stood and made for the door.

Without a glance around him as he left the club, Ashton walked into the dark February afternoon and tried to imagine Colt doing things like that to other
men. It wasn’t very hard to envision. Colt had the perfect personality for that bullshit.

Climbing into his car, Ashton headed to work since it was nearly five. He parked in the multistory garage, shut off the engine and slouched in his seat to


Colt stood before a judge for his closing statement. Though he was spouting his memorized monologue, Colt was somewhere else in his mind. He hadn’t
slept last night, tossing and turning after seeing Ashton and revealing to him what his fetish was.

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“So you see, Your Honor, this litigation is a waste of your time, the taxpayers’ time, and the defendant’s time…”

Yeah, yeah, blah,

blah…just agree with

me or I’ll tell your wife you like to suck life-

like dildos while you wear a mask without eyeholes.

There was power in knowing dirty little secrets. Colt

knew many. But the club rules were as powerful as client/attorney privilege. You shut up about it.

“Thank you, Mr. St. John. The court will adjourn while I make my ruling.”

Everyone stood as the bailiff yelled, “All rise!”

The judge left the courtroom and the room erupted in conversation and movement.

Colt walked back to his client. “He’ll toss it out.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sure, I’m sure. You do realize this is a frivolous claim. I have no idea why we’re even here. Like I said, it’s a waste of everyone’s time and your money.”

“How long before he decides the verdict?”

Colt checked his watch. “It’s nearly five now. If he doesn’t come back within a half hour, he’ll recess ‘til the morning. Judges don’t like to be home late for
dinner.” Colt patted his client’s shoulder.

“Go get a cup of coffee. I have your mobile phone number.”

“Join me?”

“No, thanks. I have a few calls to make.”

The client nodded and left the courtroom.

Colt stood still as the area emptied of people. Once he was alone, he sat in the same chair he occupied during the hearing and stared into space.

Thinking about Ashton was not helping him focus. He took out his mobile phone and put it up to his ear to check his voicemail. All the messages were
from the club.

The fucking club! More

clients…more appointments

. “Gaad!” He shook his head. He didn’t need the money and the pleasure had waned.

“What’s the point?”

In frustration he tossed his phone on the table, and rested his jaw on his palm. The scent of Ashton washed over him. He sniffed at his hands and shirt
cuffs to see where it originated. Not on him. It must be in his mind. He closed his eyes and danced with him again, humming softly that same song.

A door opened.

Colt slowly raised his eyelids to see who had come in. The bailiff appeared surprised he was there. “The judge has made his decision.”

“Why didn’t he just d o i t when everyone was here?” Under his breath, Colt mumbled, “Ass.” He dialed his client’s number. “Hey. The judge is calling
everyone back to session. He’s made a ruling.”

“Is that good or bad that it was so fast?”

“Good. Don’t worry. Did you get your coffee?”

“I did. On my way.”

Colt disconnected the phone and wanted t o rest his head o n his arms and take a nap. Instead he stood, straightened his suit jacket, picked up his
briefcase and waited in the corridor for his client.


Ashton mopped the floor of the women’s restroom. His head, his body, his veins, craved a fix. He thought he had been over the need to score something
and inject it, but maybe this situation with Colt was creating anxiety he couldn’t cope with.

One of the reasons he avoided establishing friendships was their tendency to use peer pressure on him to make bad decisions. He knew he was easily
led. He had a compulsive personality that needed every ounce of willpower to contain.

If he took one puff of a cigarette, he’d be a chain smoker, one sip of a beer, back to an alcoholic, one nickel bag of heroin…

One bag. Can’t I just do one hit? Wouldn’t it make me lose

interest in this crazy man with the ‘toy room’?

The problem was how easy the drugs were to find. He knew from years of experience how to get them. On the street where he lived there were two gangs
competing for business. It kept the prices down and the shootings up.

Setting the mop into the bucket, Ashton finished wiping the sinks and mirrors before he wheeled the mop bucket out to the hall. He was on the eighth floor.
Colt’s floor. But the office was completely dark.

That didn’t mean Colt wouldn’t show up. Part of a predator’s method of operation was stealth.

He left the mop behind for the moment and wheeled his cart to the law office’s door. Using his master key, he unlocked it and rolled the cart with him to
empty the wastebaskets.

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Using the same routine he did every night, he began a t one end and worked his way methodically around the perimeter so he didn’t miss anyone’s
cubicle or office.

By the time he got around to Colt’s, the man himself was standing there leaning against his open doorframe, in the dark. It didn’t startle Ashton. He was
growing used to this vampire tactic.

“Shall we dance?” Colt raised his arms in an obvious gesture. Ashton finished dumping the pail he had in his hand. “I went to your ‘club’.”


“Sick shit.”

“Yeah. Some of it is. When did you go?”

Ashton replaced the wastebasket and stood still to reply. “Four.”

Colt tapped his jaw in a cliché gesture of thinking. “Big Dom?

Tats and a mask?”


“That’s Lion.”

“Lion? Colt? What is that place? A zoo?”

“Good one.” Colt smiled. “And yes. It’s a zoo.”

“Why don’t you go by Cary?”

Colt blinked in surprise. “You remember my real name?”

“Yes. The first day we met you said Cary St. John but you go by Colt.”

Colt appeared speechless.

Ashton moved by him to get inside his office to his trash pail. When Colt didn’t answer, Ashton figured he’d never find out why. He brushed by him as he
emptied the paper into the cart trash bag. “Do you hate the name Cary?”


Ashton returned the pail to its spot under his desk. He removed the cloth from his pocket and wiped down the keyboard and computer. “I don’t want you to
do stuff like that to me.”

“What stuff?”

Ashton put his hands on his hips. “Stick a horsetail up my ass and make people watch.”

Colt chuckled.

On his way back to the cart to move to the next office, Colt stopped him. “What do you want?”


. “I don’t know.”

“You like it a little. Huh?” Colt pinched Ashton’s nipple through the jumpsuit and his t-shirt.

The zap of the sting made his dick pulsate. Ashton lowered his eyes. His talk was a bunch of bullshit bravado. He’d d o anything Colt wanted. Including
allow him to stick a horsetail up his ass. In private.

While Ashton stood still as a statue, Colt lowered the zipper of the blue material. Once it was to his mid-section, Colt began inching Ashton’s white t-shirt

Ashton’s respirations went into overdrive and his dick engorged down the leg of his jeans.

Touch me. Touch me. Please. Who needs

heroin when I can

have this?

His nipples were exposed and they were both hard even though only one had been touched. Colt drew the shirt as high as he could and used a hand on
each tit to tug on them.

Ashton closed his eyes and rested the back of his head on the doorframe. They were both trapped in the tight space, like a gate made of two men. The
pressure to his nipples increased in measured doses. When slight pain mixed with the intense pleasure, Ashton gripped the wood frame over his head
and moaned, crossing his legs as the yearning tore into him.

“Tell me how much you like it.”

“I like it.”

“How much?”

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“A lot.”

Colt rubbed his thumb and index finger together making hot friction with each nipple trapped between.

The surge to Ashton’s groin became unbearable. He writhed against the wood frame and whimpered, thrusting his hips out to brush against Colt’s.

When Ashton managed to open his eyes, he met Colt’s gaze. Colt was splitting his attention between Ashton’s expression and the nipple tweaking.

“Why won’t you kiss me?”

“What?” Colt tugged at Ashton’s nipples, distracted.

“Kiss me!” Ashton grabbed Colt’s head in a tight grip and planted his mouth on his.

Colt recoiled and slammed into his side of the doorframe, using both hands on Ashton’s chest to try and hold him off. Ashton pressed his tongue against
Colt’s clenched teeth, grinding his cock on his, feeling Colt’s stiff length throbbing in the same heartbeat rhythm as his own cock.


Colt’s mind went haywire. Kissing meant mutual love, mutual passion and his own sense of releasing his will to another. He couldn’t remember the last
man he kissed. He had no desire to kiss them. No one meant anything to him.

The pressure of Ashton’s hands on his head was increasing and Colt grew angry. He broke the contact and pushed Ashton off, making him stumble into
the cart in the hallway.

They were both panting in fury and mistrust.

“What are you doing?” Colt snarled, showing his teeth. Ashton backed up like a beaten mongrel, his breathing was uneven and his lip quivered.

“You ask! If I say yes, you do it! You get me?” Colt’s chest was heaving.

“I’m sorry!”

“How sorry?”

“Really sorry.” Ashton wiped at his eyes.

“Kiss my fucking shoe, asshole.”

“What? No!”

“Then you’re not sorry at all.” Colt shoved the cart out of his way and stormed out, a lump in his throat of agony and pain. The amount he wanted Ashton
was getting out of hand. And if they kissed…

If they shared a tongue swirling mouth-watering kiss…

He’d lose himself on him.

Colt punched the call button on the elevator with his palm and could not calm down. He had every intention of heading to the club and taking out his rage
on a sub.


Ashton wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sat on the floor and tried to recuperate. His eyes burned with tears of heartbreak and the lingering
sensation of Colt’s fingers o n his nipples tore through him. Slowly he lowered his t-shirt and zipped his jumpsuit. It took him a long time to get under
control. When he did, he continued cleaning, lost in his head and wishing he’d never met Colt.


Late that night, unable to sleep, Ashton slipped on a pair of jeans and his jacket. He stepped out into the deepest winter night and his breath vaporized in
the cool air. Low riding cars cruised by, the music thumping bass which vibrated in his chest. One car stopped at the corner and a young man hurried to
meet it, leaning into the window.

Ashton knew what was going on. He hung back, a ten dollar bill crushed in his hand.

The car drove off and the young man eyed him.

“Dime bag?” Ashton asked.

“Smack or weed?”


The young man held the item in his hand. Ashton gave him the ten. The pinky-nail-sized bag was dropped into his palm. Ashton turned on his heels and
walked back to his apartment. He shivered from the cold and returned to his unit. Tossing the jacket on the couch, Ashton sat down and rubbed his naked
arms to warm them. He placed the baggie on the coffee table and stared at it.

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Colt gazed out at the lights of LA as he sipped cognac. He couldn’t sleep. The head and taillights of cars were few at that hour, unlike the daytime when
traffic was constant.

Other than Lionel, Colt had no one he could consult. He’d been out of the relationship game since high-school. He had no need for the interference being
a couple caused. And what man would want him to work two jobs, one all day ‘til dark, and one from dark to nearly dawn. Not to mention, spanking and
shoving toys up businessmen’s holes? That would take one heck of an open relationship.

Lionel didn’t bother either. They were both single and Colt had no idea if Lionel even got laid. He never asked. It wasn’t his business.

If Ashton was getting attached emotionally, Colt had to stop seeking him out.

Kiss him? Kiss him?

Colt licked the cognac off his lip.

If I kiss you, I’m over. I’m done.

I’m yours.

Chapter 10

Saturday Ashton hit the needle exchange program at the neighborhood clinic. He filled his pockets with condoms and one clean hypodermic needle.

The area where the prostitutes lingered wasn’t far. He walked to his old haunt and immediately spotted the working girls already out mid-day.

He didn’t know any of their names anymore. He assumed the women he used to hang out with were either dead or in jail. He caught eyes with one woman
out of three that were lingering near a boarded up business, keeping out of the cool wind in the doorway.

The woman smiled at him, as if seeing if he was interested. He was. He smiled back.

She approached him. “Hey.”


“Can I do anything for you, handsome?”

“Split a hit of smack?”

She glanced at the other two women and gave her attention back to Ashton. “For? A BJ?”

“Maybe. But I just don’t want to do the shit alone.”

“You have a car?”


“You’re not a cop, are you?”

“No. I’m a janitor.”

“Oh.” She waved to the two other women and walked with Ashton to where he’d parked.

In silence they approached Ashton’s car. He got in and leaned over to unlock the passenger’s side. The woman climbed in. “I’m Celeste.”

“I’m Ashton.” He produced the rock and the needle. “You have a spoon?”

Opening her purse she held up the burnt spoon and Ashton opened the miniature parcel and tipped the rock into the spoon’s bowl. Celeste put her lighter
under the spoon.

Ashton could see her yellow fingers from the habit of cigarettes, smoking crack, and burning dope on spoons.

Now that they were inside his car, he could smell the nicotine on her, barely covered by a strong perfume.

“How old are you?” he asked.

“Twenty-two. You?”


“You don’t look like you use. First time?”

“No. Been going to DAA.”

“Can’t stick to it?”


“Me neither.”

Ashton took off his coat and used an elastic tube to get his vein ready. He tightened it on his biceps and took off the needle cap with his teeth.

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Both of them waited for the rock to liquefy. When it did, Ashton drew it up through the needle tip, filling the syringe. He pumped his fist to get a vein to pop
out and injected half the liquid, handing it to Celeste. She yanked down her sleeve at the shoulder and injected the rest into a scab on her arm. Ashton
removed the rubber tube and slouched in the seat, waiting for the high.

“You need this?” She held up the needle.

“No.” He handed her the cap. She put it on and stuck the needle into her purse with the spoon and lighter.

Ashton stared at the graffiti on a wall near where he had parked. Gang tags, the police number for homicide painted in red over rival’s names. The threat
of murder in gang sign language.

“Want your dick sucked?”

“Just touch it.”

Celeste rubbed between his legs.

As the heroin worked its magic, Ashton closed his eyes and spread his legs.

Colt. Colt. Want you


Euphoria hit. It’d been so long since he did this drug he had forgotten how amazing the high was. He gripped Celeste’s hand and used it to rub hard,
under his balls.

“I can suck it.”

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“No. I’m good.”

He could hear Celeste beginning to get off as well. Her voice was low and her body slumped deeper into the seat.

“I’m good,” Ashton echoed, “I’m good.”


“You do realize you’re booked from eight pm to one am.”

“Ask me if I care, Lion.”

“Why? I know you don’t. Quit. If you don’t want to do it, stop.”

“I don’t know what I want to do.” Colt had his bare feet up on his glass and stainless steel coffee table, a glass of wine in his hand, staring at the television
which was not on. His favorite CD was playing, but the songs were getting him depressed. Love songs. How droll.

“You’re hung up on this straight guy.”

Colt didn’t answer, sipping the merlot and letting it linger on his tongue before he swallowed.


“He went to the club last week and watched you through the monitor.”


“I’m not sure if it was his thing.”


“So? And? What are you my therapist?”

“No. I’m your friend. And I can tell something is fucking wrong.”

“Are you my friend?”

“What kind of a question is that?”

“Do we get together for dinner? Go out to a movie?”

“Have you lost your mind? I’m not your date.”

Colt finished the wine in his glass.

“Did you try to get close to him and he pulled the straight card on you?”

“No. The opposite.”

“You pulled the straight card on him?”

“Do you act stupid on purpose?” Colt put the empty glass on the table near his foot. “He tried to kiss me and I freaked.”



“So, Mr. Straight wants to kiss you. And?”

“And? Why do you keep asking me that? And I don’t fucking know.”

“So? Kiss him? Do you want to kiss him?”

“I want him so much I’m terrified.” Colt heard Lionel choke.

“Now you see my problem?”

“Yes. You’re so fucked.”

“So nice of you, Lion.” Colt tinged his words with sarcasm. “My good friend…”

“Do you want to get involved with a straight guy?”

“No! Maybe. I don’t know. You and I, we don’t do the couple thing.”

“Nope. Not me.”

“Well for nearly thirty years, not me either.”

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“Try it. You can always break up.”

“Ew. Break up, try a relationship. Makes me sick thinking about it.”

“Then don’t see him. Man, you’re making this complicated.”

“I like him! Don’t you see what this is about?”

“Yup. I do. You don’t like him. You love him.”

“Fuck you.” Colt hung up and tossed the cordless phone on the sofa beside him. The CD song he’d been craving and dreading simultaneously played.
The one he’d had i n his head when he and Ashton danced. Colt rested his head on the cushions and closed his eyes.

I don’t love him. I don’t love

anyone. Love means pain. Love

means betrayal, love means hell!




“Come get me.”

“Where are you?”

“In my car. I can’t drive.”

“Shit. Give me the address.”

Ashton did and hung up his little pay-as-you-go phone. He was alone in his car. Celeste had gone back to her street corner and Ashton was feeling the
low after the high. While his head nodded from the heroin slump, he slept on and off.

The sound of tires on gravel woke him. A taxi cab was parked at his bumper. Max paid the driver and stood looking at Ashton through the windshield as
the taxi left.

“Move over.” Max pointed to the passenger’s seat.

With a supreme effort, Ashton picked himself up to scoot across the console.

Max grabbed his left wrist and inspected the dribble of dried blood on his skin. “Why?”

Ashton covered his eyes with his right hand and held back a shudder. He reached for his jacket which was wedged behind Max. After he sat up, letting
Ashton get his jacket, Max started the car and drove out of the parking lot. “I knew you had started using.”

“First time. Honest.”

As if he didn’t believe him, Max blew out a loud breath. “You didn’t come to the last meeting.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Is this all because you’re gay?”

“I don’t know.”

After driving fifteen minutes in silence, Max parked on the street near Ashton’s apartment house and exited the vehicle, waiting for Ashton.

Every task was difficult at the moment. He hated that drug. The high never lasted and the residual sensation sucked. Leaning on the building, Ashton
watched Max open the lobby. The whole event was hazy for Ashton.

“Go.” Max directed him inside.

They made it to Ashton’s unit and again, Ashton used the wall to prop himself up as Max opened his door.

A hand on his shoulder, Max directed Ashton inside his home and closed the door behind him, putting the keys on the kitchen counter. Ashton headed to
the bathroom, took a piss and washed his hands and face. He got a look at the blood on his arm and collapsed in shame to the linoleum floor, sobbing
into his hands. Ashton was angry at himself for ruining his two years of being clean and sober. Max obviously heard him and opened the door, crouching
next to him. “Okay. Come on. Start from page one. You can do this.”

“I can’t.” Ashton shook his head, tears running down his face. Max got him to his feet and sat him down on the threadbare sofa before heading to the
kitchen. “I’ll make a pot of coffee.” Max filled the carafe with water. “Please tell me what’s going on. I know this is about you accepting yourself as a gay
man, Ashton.”

Ashton wiped his eyes and staggered to the kitchen, sitting at a small folding table that had a second chair with it. “This guy.”

“This guy…” Max put coffee grinds into a filter as he spoke.


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“He’s a Dom.”

Max stopped in his tracks and blinked.

“You know what that is?” Ashton asked.

“Yes, Ashton. I do. So did he do things to you you didn’t like?”

“No. I liked it.”

“And you feel guilty?” Max finished setting up the coffeemaker and joined Ashton at the table.

The machine sputtered and began dripping, sending the aroma of brewed beans throughout the room.

“No. I’m madly in love with him.”

Max said nothing.

“I want him so much, I’m losing it.”

“He doesn’t want you?”

“Not in the same way. He just wants to dominate me.”

Max nodded. “And the rejection is so bad, you ruined two years of being clean.”

Ashton covered his face and choked back a sob.

“Is this guy worth it?”


“I’m not sure, Ashton. Some rich lawyer using you?”

“I know. I don’t know what to do.” Ashton sat up and tried to compose himself again. It’s what heroin did. Made him a wreck.

“Have you told him your feelings?”

“I sort of did. I just don’t think he’s into a relationship. He works at a club where they do this weird crap to people.”

“So he works as a Dom as well as a lawyer.”

“Yes. I went to the club to check it out. I didn’t see him there, but I watched another session.”


“I don’t know. I like it a little.”

“It’s okay.” Max touched Ashton’s hand. “Not worth scoring a fix over. Ashton, people have all different ways of getting off sexually. And as long as it’s
consenting adults…” Max stood and removed two mugs from the cupboard. “Do you have milk?”


Ashton waited for Max to sit down, two cups of steaming coffee on the table in front of them. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome…So big deal,” Max continued his thoughts.

“You like a little fetish with your sex. So?”

“I thought you’d be angry.”

“Why? Is it booze? Is it heroin?”

“No. It’s a sex addiction.”

“Is it? You have that diagnosed already?” Max blew on his cup.

“Isn’t it? Craving it? Wanting it like drugs?”

“Are you going to make an appointment at that club to get bound up?”


“Are you going to answer ads in the paper for subs and beg a dom to have sex with you?”

“No.” Ashton tried to concentrate with his weary after-smack brain.

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“I think you just fell for this guy.”

“So, it’s not another addiction?”

Max smiled. “Maybe love is.” He shrugged. “But it’s not an unhealthy one if it’s not obsessive or stalking.”

“I think about him night and day.”

“Do you follow him? Try to see what he’s doing all the time?”

“No. I don’t. He comes to me when I’m working. I never sought him out.” Ashton caught Max’s wry smile. “What?”

“I think you have him hooked, not the other way around.”

“He won’t kiss me.”

“How long have you known each other?”

“Couple weeks.”

Max sipped his coffee, his smile still planted on his face.

“We danced.” Ashton felt better being able to bounce this off of Max. Maybe it wasn’t as sick as he thought.

“Did you?”

“Yes. In the parking garage. He just held me and we slow danced.”

“Imagine that.”

“I fucked up with the fix today, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but now is a new beginning. One day at a time, Ashton. Don’t look back.”

“You really think he has some feelings for me?”

“I don’t know. But how many people danced with you in a parking garage?”

Ashton smiled, picking up his cup to see if it was cool enough to drink.

“But let me warn you,” Max said.

“Knew this was coming.” Ashton paid attention.

“If it doesn’t work out, come to a meeting and discuss it. Don’t beat yourself up and spiral back down. You’ve come so far, Ashton. And if a relationship
doesn’t work, it’s not all your fault.”

“You’re divorced right?”

“Yes. She left me before I was clean and sober. I don’t blame her. I blame me.”

“I’m sorry, Max.”

“Don’t be. Live and learn.”

“I hope he likes me.”

“I hope so too.” Max patted Ashton’s hand.

Chapter 11

Colt sat at his desk in his office Monday afternoon.

“Colt?” Felicia asked.

“Hm?” He woke out of his trance.

“You’re second chair for Mr. Southwood on a suit filed against a contractor. Here’s the information. Court at three.”

“K.” Colt took the folder.

“You all right?”

“Yes.” Colt sat upright in his chair, trying to look conscious and alert.

“If you have any questions, you know where my desk is.”

“Thanks.” Colt looked down at the file and opened it to read. Even hearing he was second chair to Southwood with no time to prepare didn’t annoy him.

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I’m in big trouble. Mr. Lake, what have

you done to me?

By the time Colt was through listening to the inane posturing of his senior partner, zoning in and out of focus through the hearing, Colt wandered back to
the office with the files in his briefcase. It was dark but in February that didn’t mean it was late.

The building was nearly vacant. He waved to the security guard and headed into the elevator to his floor. On autopilot, Colt walked to his firm’s main door
and noticed a light on in Barb’s office. The door was unlocked. After he secured the client’s files, Colt took a peek. “Well! Mrs. Wertle. Working late?”

“I do on occasion. Not as much as you, but I am known to work for a living.”

He sat on the corner of her desk. “You never work late. You and the rest of you married employees have special privileges with the old man.”

“He’s just jealous of your good looks and youth.” She stuck her tongue in her cheek.

“There is that…” He winked.

A noise made them both glance at her open office door.

“Who else is here?” she asked.

“That’s probably the janitor.”

“Oh.” She nodded.

“Well, don’t work too long. This place empties pretty quickly, and you don’t want to be alone walking to the parking garage.”

“I can always ask the security guy to walk with me.”

As he stood off her desk, Colt tapped his head. “Smart…very smart. That’s why you don’t work late often.”

“Go home, Mr. St. John.”

“Goodnight, Barb.” He left her office and looked over the dividers. A man was inside the doorway, the backlighting of the hall silhouetting his form.

Colt made sure his own file cabinet was secured, but left the office unlocked to assist Ashton.

He made his way towards him, watching him do his work as efficiently as ever.

Ashton heard him and stood straight, an empty pail in his hand. Colt drew near enough to sniff him. “Hi.”


He tilted his head to the lighted office. “Barb’s here.”


Did he want that kiss? Colt stared at Ashton’s supple lips.

“I should keep working.” Ashton put the trashcan back under the desk.

“Do you want to come to my place again?”


“For?” Colt ran his finger down Ashton’s chest.


“I’m so glad.”


“I haven’t been sleeping lately. You can stop by when you finish.”

“Why haven’t you been sleeping? Too much work at the club?”

“No. So, tonight?”

“Okay. I’ll try to hurry.”

“I know you will.” Colt winked and ran his hand over Ashton’s body as he walked passed him. He heard Ashton sigh.


Ashton worked quickly, but efficiently. He noticed the woman on a computer in her office and tried to intrude on her concentration as little as possible. She
was very sweet and handed him her wastepaper basket.

He thanked her shyly and kept cleaning, anxious to see Colt again.

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By ten-thirty Ashton put his jacket on and locked the storage closet. He heard his heels echo in the hollowness of the garage and sat behind the wheel of
his car. He was a little tired but knew the minute he met with Colt he’d get a second wind.

Ashton turned off the radio so he could think more clearly as he waited at a traffic signal. What did the night have in store for him?

When it came to Colt, he could only speculate.

He parked in a visitor’s space and pocketed his keys as he walked to the fancy exterior pathway which was lined with flowering shrubs, gone dormant for
the winter. With his ear cocked to the intercom, Ashton buzzed Colt’s unit. The metallic door click came shortly after.

Tucking in his shirt and giving himself a sniff to see if he stunk, Ashton was aware Colt knew he had just come from work. Colt didn’t seem to mind his
scent or if he did, he didn’t mention it. Just as the elevator opened to the top floor Ashton could see Colt standing seductively, in leather, waiting in his
doorway. The rush of fire was instant. Ashton’s cheeks grew warm and he stuck his hands deep into his jacket pockets.

“Come right in,” Colt said in a silly sing-song way. “Can I get you anything? Water, soda, vibrating balls?”

While Colt took his jacket from him, Ashton chuckled. “You are unusual, Mr. St. John.”

“Been called worse.” Colt hung up Ashton’s jacket.

Ashton noticed him press the leather jacket sleeve to his nose before he shut the closet door. “Do I stink from work?”

With a smirk of amusement on his face as he approached, Colt moved right into Ashton’s personal space and sniffed him. “Yes. Take off all your clothing
at once.”

Seeing a twinkle in Colt’s eye, Ashton knew he was kidding. Or was he? “Do we get to talk about anything or just head to your toy room?”

“Come. No time for babbling.” Colt craned his finger over his shoulder as he walked.

Ashton watched his tight ass in the snug fitting leather jeans and wanted to impale it with his dick.

The room was less formidable now that he had used it. Ashton sat on the stool and removed his shoes and socks a s Colt opened the cabinet and
selected items.

In just his briefs and jeans, Ashton asked, “Everything?”

“Of course. Silly question.”

Down went his clothing, draped over the stool.

“Put this on.” Colt held up a strange item with buckles and leather, like connecting belts.


Colt put the straps over Ashton’s head. Two leather pieces rested on his shoulders and another around his chest. Colt secured the belt buckles a s he
went. Another wide leather strap hugged Ashton’s waist and a leather flap dangled in front of his crotch hooked to a rubber ring. Colt inserted Ashton’s
cock through the rubber. At his touch, Ashton inhaled sharply and his dick responded. A cuff was placed on Ashton’s right wrist, as Colt rested Ashton’s
hand against his chest to secure the left, Colt stopped short. Ashton dreaded him noticing it. But he had.

In the dim light, Colt held Ashton’s arm and drew it closer to inspect. “Did you donate blood?”

“Yes.” Ashton bit his lip at the lie.

“The fuckers bruised you good. I hate when they do that. Incompetent twits.” Colt placed the second cuff on, rings dangled from the silver buckles. “They
won’t let gay men donate. Like we’re all infected lepers.”

“Sorry.” Ashton was surprised Colt didn’t assume he was an exjunkie.

“No matter.” Colt waved it off. “Okay. How do you feel? You look so fucking hot I could cream.”

Ashton peeked down at himself. He touched the wide black leather straps curiously.

“Here.” Colt led him by his shoulders from behind to the full length mirror. “Have a better look.”

It was a similar harness to the one the old man was wearing at the club. Now he was a true sub. No question.

“We still going with ‘dime’ to stop the action?”

Colt physically turned Ashton to face him, hooking short chrome chains to the cuffs on the wrists and escorting Ashton to the wall. Metal plates with hooks
were in an X pattern on it. His wrists were secured to the hooks.

“Ash? Dime?”

Suddenly Ashton couldn’t think. He yanked at the bindings and felt its confining limit.

“Would you mind if I used cuffs on your ankles? Or not yet?”

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“Huh?” Ashton began hyperventilating he was so excited. “Do what you want.”

Colt stood nose to nose with him. “You say all the right things.”

Just as he thought Colt may peck him on the lips, Colt headed back to the cabinet. Ashton glanced down. The rubber ring was tightening as his cock
became engorged. Staring down at his body in this contraption was getting him extremely excited. He wished Colt was wearing one too.

“Spread your legs.” Colt wrapped a cuff around each ankle.

“Can…can you wear one of these as well?”

“One of what?” Colt secured his ankles to the hooks on the wall.

“An outfit like mine.”

Standing, giving Ashton a once over, Colt smirked. “You want to see me naked, straight boy?”


“Say please.”

“Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.” Ashton bit his lip. While Colt stared directly into his eyes, he removed his shirt.

“More. More.” Ashton shut up when he realized he sounded just like the man in the session at the club.

After he hung his shirt on a hook, Colt turned back to give Ashton a sultry look.

His cock began to bounce up and down as his heart pumped under his ribs. “Please.”

Making a striptease out of his performance, Colt stretched to his calves and unzipped the leather pants to the knee. He removed them, revealing a black
fishnet thong and his pointy boots. The sight o f Colt’s cock through the mesh made Ashton’s skin prickle. He tugged against the four corners o f his
containment and licked the sweat off his top lip. “Look at you. Fucking look at you.”

Colt swaggered back to where Ashton was, tugging on the edges of his leather gloves as he did.

Though Colt’s cock was completely erect, it was pressed down against his balls in the tight g-string that contained his package like a netted sack. Ashton
wished he wasn’t bound. The thought of pinning Colt down and licking every inch of him was maddening.

“You don’t sound like a straight boy.” Colt stood close enough so that when Ashton’s cock throbbed it brushed the mesh thong with the tip.

“The more I look at you, the more gay I am,” Ashton said.

“How about the back view?” Colt spun around and bent over.

“Just as good?”

The blood rushing to his groin at the sight of Colt’s perfect ass with a thin string of fabric down the crack was so much better than the nasty heroin he had.
He shivered and jerked at the leather bindings.


“Yes. Oh, God, yes.” Ashton clenched his fists and punched the air as far as the bindings would allow.

“Shall we get busy?” Colt hung a small chain from the string at his hip and lubed up the fingers of one glove.

Ashton rolled his head against the wall, unable to contain the urgency this was creating in him. Closing his eyes, he thrust out his hips, fucking nothing, and
in his mind, fucking Colt.

“My prefect slave is very eager tonight.” Colt smiled at him, leaning down to lick at one of Ashton’s nipples.

“Suck it. Suck it.” Ashton was out of breath he was gasping so hard.

“Suck what?”

“My nipple. Please.”

“Love it when you say please.”

“Please. Please…” Ashton writhed against the wall, rubbing his bottom against it.

Colt leaned down and nibbled Ashton’s nipple between his teeth. As Ashton went into a swoon from it, he felt Colt reaching under his balls with his gel-
covered glove.

When Colt neared his rim, Ashton went wild tugging on the cuffs and bolts he was attached to.

“Be still.”

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Obeying, but with an enormous effort, Ashton forced himself to stop resisting the confinement.

Colt gently teethed on Ashton’s left nipple, moving one finger against his rim.

“You’re gonna make me come.” Ashton ground his jaw to edge the climax.

Halting his penetration temporarily, Colt removed the light chain from his thong and placed a n alligator clamp o n Ashton’s already wet and erect left

Ashton never thought he’d see one of those on his own tit. He tried not to flash back over the session with Lion and the old man. How could that session
seem revolting but his own bout put him over the moon?

The second nipple was sucked, chewed and clamped. A little glittering chain connected the two in a soft scallop. Colt knelt down, eye level with Ashton’s
seeping cock. Though he wanted to say something, Ashton was beyond words. Everything Colt was doing to him rocketed him to outer space. One finger
again was slid inside his ass, gently, lovingly, as Colt’s lips were so close to Ashton’s protruding cock all Ashton had to do was swing it over to hit Colt in
the face. But he had a feeling that was a bad idea.

“Does this feel good?”


You sucking my dick would feel even better.

Two more fingers opened Ashton’s tight ring and entered inside him.

“You sure you’re straight, Ash? I think you said that the other day to be funny.” Colt blew on Ashton’s swollen cock.

“I did. I was. I am.” Ashton tried to aim his cock at Colt’s lips discreetly.

Colt chuckled. “I have no idea what you just said.”

“Me neither.”

As Colt got into a delicious rhythm, and Ashton swayed with it, Colt suddenly stood and walked to the cabinet. Ashton shook his head to clear it, having
gone to a higher plane with the internal massage.

“Lookie, lookie!” Colt waved something in front of Ashton teasingly.

“Oh no.”


Ashton closed his eyes and trembled as Colt knelt down. Slowly the horsetail phallus was inserted up Ashton’s ass.

Clenching and unclenching his muscles, Ashton couldn’t believe he was suddenly in the exact same position as the man at the club. Did he regret telling
Colt? No. Not one single minute. Colt stood back to admire his work. “You have to see this, Ash.”

He brought over the hand mirror and aimed it at the dangling straps between Ashton’s legs. “Can you see it? You have a tail.”

Dying of embarrassment and seeping pre-cum from the humiliation, Ashton didn’t know what to say.

Colt put the mirror aside and shook his head. “What a fabulous image. Shall I take your photo?”

“Please no.”

Colt positioned himself in front of Ashton, placing his feet shoulder width apart. He flipped his cock out of the mesh thong bag. Ashton went mad, tugging
at the wall clamps feeling his ass tighten around the leather up his back passage. “Colt. Colt…”

“Yes?” Colt fingered himself, pinching his own nipple.

“Please. Please.”

“Please? Please what?”

Ashton wanted him so much he was in agony.

“Jack off for you?” Colt fisted his cock a few times.

“Let me fuck you.”

“Let you?” Colt grinned, then laughed loudly. “Let you fuck me?

Did you really say that?”

Ashton thrust his hips as far as the binding would allow, beating the wall with his fists behind him.

“Stop that.” Colt did not look happy.

Ashton went limp, panting.

Colt leaned his hand o n the wall beside him. With o ne finger, Colt tugged o n the chain between Ashton’s nipples, making him wince. “We are not

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“I know.”

“We are not in a relationship.”

“I know.” Ashton’s cock began to deflate.

“I am your Dom and you are my Sub.”


They had both gone soft. “You ruined the session.”

“I’m sorry.”

Colt opened the nipple clamps and tossed the chain on the counter of the cabinet. He removed the phallus slowly and that too was set aside. One by one
Colt opened the wrist and ankle buckles, releasing Ashton’s limbs.

Ashton felt terrible. His cock hung flaccid over the rubber ring. Colt finally got to the harness, taking it over Ashton’s head and tossing it on the floor. The
moment Ashton was naked and free from all the leather adorning him, he lunged at Colt.

Colt flinched and reacted, pushing Ashton back. “What are you doing?” Colt snarled, showing his teeth.

The sub turned aggressor, Ashton forced Colt to the floor, trapping him.

“Get up! Get off!”

The sweat and trace of lubricant on them made their hips slide against each other. Ashton felt the coarse netted fabric of Colt’s thong scratch his cock
and a new surge of excitement brought his dick alive. He ground down on it, trapping Colt’s hands at the wrist under his gloves.

Leaning up, looking at Colt’s fury, Ashton said, “I fucking love you!”

“I don’t give a shit! Get off!” Colt bucked under him. Though his words were painful, Ashton felt Colt’s cock swell against his. He ground down harder,
riding friction over that thick prick with his own.

Colt closed his eyes and an expression of euphoria passed over his stunning face.

“Colt! Kiss me! For fuck’s sake! Please! Just kiss me!”

Colt worked his hands free from Ashton’s grip and just as Ashton thought he would get a palm to his jaw in retaliation, Colt ripped off his leather gloves,
throwing them against the wall.


That scent! The blueness o f Ashton’s eyes! The slippery perspiration sealing their bodies together! Colt was losing his grip on reality. H e grabbed
Ashton’s face so hard he made Ashton flinch. Watching Ashton’s lips as he drew closer, Colt felt his body charge with static electricity.

He opened his mouth and sucked at Ashton’s tongue and mashed their lips together.

Ashton moaned loudly, echoing in the small space. He spread his legs wide and humped Colt’s body, digging his hands through Colt’s hair on each side
of his head.

The sandpaper of Ashton’s coarse jaw rubbing him raw, the feel of Ashton’s cock pounding at the thong between Colt’s legs, sent Colt into an altered

A deep roar of a growl came from Ashton which set the hair standing on end all over Colt. The kissing was manic-painful-and so intoxicating Colt wanted
to do it all night.

The kiss sealed Colt’s fate. He was gone. Way gone.

Hearing his own whimpering, feeling Ashton’s mouth against his lips, Colt was so stimulated by this contact he was coating the skin between them in pre-
cum. With a snarl, Colt rolled to the top, pinning Ashton under him. He flipped out his stiff dick from the mesh and dragged the thong down his legs.

Ashton’s chest heaved as he sucked in air, staring at Colt with wide eyes.

Colt spread Ashton’s thighs with his knees and pushed the head of his dick against Ashton’s ass. Without realizing it, the head of his cock slipped inside
Ashton’s well oiled ass. He gasped and pulled out.

“What are you doing? Don’t stop! Fuck me!”

“Not bareback. No fucking way.” Colt glanced around the room in anxiety.

“Colt. Colt!”

He knew Ashton’s urgency was great, but no way was that going to happen.

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“You’ll change your mind!” Ashton grabbed after Colt as he crawled to the cabinet wearing just his leather boots.

“Stay there!” Colt opened a drawer and searched frantically. He found what he needed and crept back on his hands and knees. “You want it?”

“Yes!” Ashton spread his knees with his hands.

“Are you straight?” Colt slid the condom on. “If I fuck you, you’re gay, straight boy!”

“Colt! Please.”

Colt pointed his dick at Ashton’s rim. Once he was pressed against it he made his way to those lips. Ashton grasped his head and released a mournful
sound as Colt’s cock burrowed into his ass. Colt couldn’t remember the last fuck he’d had. He never met anyone he wanted t o screw.

Boy, di d that


He devoured Ashton’s mouth, growing raw from his new beard growth and loving every painful moment.

When neither of them could gain enough air from their excitement, Colt sat up and looked down as he hammered into Ashton. “My cock looks incredible
up your ass.”

“Take it. Take the straight boy.”

A chill raced up Colt’s spine. He smiled.

Ash knows just what to

say to me. My living fantasy.

“I took your gay cherry, straight boy. Took it.” Colt inhaled and gave Ashton’s body a good inspection, head to toe. “Yes. That’s it.”

Colt piston fucked his lover and choked on his grunting, the orgasm was so intense. His body jerked deeper into Ashton as he came. Riding out the wave,
Colt sucked in air and was dripping with sweat. As the aftershocks subsided, he pulled out, removed the spent condom, and wiped his forehead.

Ashton tackled him to the floor. Colt was so stunned he didn’t react. While Colt was trying to come back to earth from his swoon, Ashton rolled on a rubber
and spread Colt’s ass cheeks wide. Before he could object, Ashton dove in, tongue first, licking Colt’s ass and balls coating him in saliva.

“Oh my God!” Colt gripped at the wood flooring, his nails trying to find a hold without success.

Ashton pushed Colt’s legs against his chest and thrust his dick into Colt’s hole.

The shock was numbing Colt. He was delirious and figured either this was a sexual induced euphoria or one hell of a dream.


Bending Colt’s body in half, Ashton fucked him like he wanted to fuck him. The heat, the tightness, the scent of Colt’s essence made the smack high feel
like nothing. That horrid junk was no comparison to fucking a man like Colt. A man he was so madly in love with, he had lost his heart and soul to him.

Peeking down at Colt, seeing the pleasure on his face and his cock oozing along his treasure trail and tiny tattoo, Ashton came. He burrowed in deep and
sucked in a breath as his dick vibrated inside a man. A man. For the first time i n his life he fucked a man, a nd it made him believe he had never
experienced love making before. Still reverberating post-orgasmic waves of bliss, Ashton crooned,

“I love you. I love you.” Sated beyond his wildest dreams, Ashton pulled out, taking off the rubber, and dropping down exhausted on top of Colt.

Colt lay limp on the floor under him, touching Ashton’s dewy skin with his fingertips, his eyes closed.


Colt could fall asleep where he was. On the floor of his ‘toy room’. Ashton was resting on his chest, caressing his skin as they both cooled off from their

“I have work in the morning, unfortunately.” Colt brushed his hand over Ashton’s short hair.

“I know. I’ll get going.”

With an effort they moved apart. Colt stood with the help of Ashton hauling him to his feet. As Ashton dragged his clothing on, Colt looked around at the
mess. It wasn’t like the club. He didn’t have an instant cleaner. But he didn’t have to tend it now, either. He put on his leather pants, just so he wasn’t naked
at the door when he showed Ashton out.

“Would have loved a shared shower and to sleep in your arms.”

Ashton tied his shoe, sitting on the stool.

“Oh? Would you, now.” Colt shook his head. “If you had your way, we’d be walking down the aisle to get hitched. Right, straight boy?”

“Yeah. Sure. I can see you doing that.” Ashton chuckled at the absurdity. “Not in this lifetime.”

“I’m glad you understand. I would hate for you to have any type of expectations.”

Ashton stood, tucking in his shirt. “I know better than that. I get what I get when it comes to you.”

“And you got a hell of a lot tonight, babe. More than anyone ever does.”

“What?” Ashton stopped fussing and closed the gap between them. “You don’t make love to anyone?”

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“Never mind.” Colt waved his hand to disregard the comment.

“When was the last time you had sex? I mean, intercourse, not the sessions at the club?”

“Goodnight, Mr. Lake.” Colt smiled slyly at him. He tried to guide Ashton out as Ashton seemed intrigued.

“No, seriously, Colt. How long has it been? Come on.”

Colt took Ashton’s jacket from the closet, holding it out to him.

“Behave or it won’t happen again.”

Ashton rushed him, taking him into his arms. “You want it again?

You want us to make love again? Like that?”

As hope sparked in Ashton’s light eyes, Colt felt dread. He had opened Pandora’s Box. “It’s late. Let’s just get some rest.”

Never taking his gaze from Colt’s, Ashton put on his jacket. “I meant what I said.”

“You said so many things. First and foremost in my head was

‘Take the straight boy.’ Loved that one.” Colt pressed his thumbs over his own naked nipples as they hardened in the cool room.

“I said something else. When you think back, you’ll remember it. Goodnight…



Colt smiled. “Sweet dreams, straight boy.”

Ashton pecked him on the lips. Though he shouldn’t have been, Colt was surprised by it. He backed up in reflex and showed him to the door. “Drive safe.
It’s late.”

“I will. See ya.”

“See ya.” Colt waited until Ashton had entered the elevator. Once he vanished, Colt closed and bolted his door, heading back to the play room. The scent
of both their sweat and sex was heavy in the air. Colt tossed the handful of items into a box to clean later and threw away the used condoms.

Finally out of his leathers and boots, he rinsed off in the shower quickly, then lay in bed, his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

I know what you

told me. And it scaring the shit out of me.


Ashton touched the skin b y his mouth. It felt raw from Colt’s rough jaw. The kissing was the magic that made them unite. Yes, their intercourse was
fabulous, but when they first touched tongues?

Exquisite. Was he always curious? Bi-tendencies?

Ashton didn’t think so. He didn’t sit in public places and imagine touching handsome guys as they passed. He never snuck glances at the jocks in the
locker room. He’d heard the right man can change a man. Was there truth in that?

Thinking about telling Max, Ashton slightly deflated. He parked on the street and noticed the usual drug dealers and hookers were out a t that hour. The
young man he had bought the heroin from was lingering on the corner.

As he entered the relative safety of his home, Ashton knew to heed Max’s warning. If the relationship doesn’t work, don’t escape with drugs.

Once he was inside his apartment, he stripped and washed in the shower before he went to bed. He was lucky. He didn’t have to get up early.

The cotton blankets feeling snug and warm, Ashton felt weary, but content. If he could let go of the pressure to be a couple with Colt, maybe he could have
him for a brief moment in time. Chapter 12

The alarm felt like a kick in the head of a mule. Colt slapped the snooze button and dug under the pillow. Another scream from his clock warned him he
had to get up. Turning off the noise, Colt groaned and sat upright, feet on the floor. His ass was telling him he got a good, not well-lubricated, fucking.
Yawning, he managed to get to his feet and scuffed his heels to the bathroom. Even his cock felt worn out. It’d been too long since he had a sexual bout
like last night.

Staring at his dick, he smiled. “And what a bout it was. Ashton Lake, you closet gay Dom you.”

Roughing me up, pinning me to the

floor, fucking me

senseless. Ha. How about that


Colt turned on the shower and leaned on the wall as the water warmed, still yawning, craving a few double-espressos. After his shower he wiped off the
steamy mirror and gasped. His whole mouth area was reddish from the wild kissing. “No! Please tell me this is a joke.” Colt had to shave over this
irritation as well. He slumped over, elbows on the basin and covered his face.


Ashton sat in a folding chair in the church basement. As they went around the circle of members, Ashton knew Max expected him to admit his relapse. A
polite nod from the group leader after someone had confessed their sins and Ashton stood, feeing shy. “My name is Ashton.”

“Hello, Ashton.” The group members seemed so wholesome and friendly, but Ashton knew each was in a war zone with themselves.

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“I was clean and sober for two years, but I fell off the wagon and did a dime of smack.”

A murmur of sympathy surrounded him.

“I’m going to take it a day at a time and begin again.”

“Good for you.” “Well done.” “Hang in there.”

Ashton nodded and sat back down, allowing the next person their say.

When the meeting adjourned Max met Ashton by a table of refreshments. “Why is your face so red?”

Ashton touched his sore skin. He peered around first and said,

“From Colt and I kissing.”

Max smiled. “Beard burn? My wife used to complain about that. Shave closer.”

“I shave when I shower in the morning. We were together late last night.”

“So? You two doing okay?”

Sipping a cup of coffee, Ashton nodded. “I have to admit, I never expected him to kiss me. We even made love.”

“So far so good?”

“Yes. I think I told him I loved him too early though.”

“Uh oh. You have to be careful.”

“I’m trying to. But…” Ashton sighed.

Max put his own cup down and made sure he had the undivided attention of Ashton. “If it doesn’t work out…please. Don’t buy heroin. Call me. Will you

His lip quivering at the thought of it not working out with Colt, Ashton agreed. “I will. But I really want this to last a little longer. I mean, we can’t be together
forever, like real couples…”

Remembering Max’s divorce, Ashton said, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I know what you mean.”

“So I’m trying to convince myself, whatever I get out of him is going to be enough.”

Max didn’t look pleased. “It’s easy to say, but once you’re in love, it’s painful when it’s over. You know you’ll go through a huge downward spiral.”

“I know.”

“Just be strong. Please, Ashton. Promise me you won’t use again.”

“I…” Ashton knew promising may be a lie. If Colt hurt him, hurt him badly, well…

“Ashton. Give me your word.”

“All I can tell you is when it happens, I’ll call you for your help.”

It was as if Max knew it was the best he was going to get. “Okay, Ashton. I get it.”


Colt hid the bottom half of his face behind paperwork, his hand, anything, to avoid questions. His co-workers must have thought he was crazy.

Felicia poked her head into his office. “Mr. Southwood would like to see you.”

Immediately Colt cupped his hand over his mouth. “Okay.”

She tilted her head. “Do you feel okay? You were weird in this morning’s briefing.”

“Maybe I’m getting a cold.” Colt coughed into his hand.

“Did you get a flu shot?”

“Yes.” He stared at her. “Anything else?”

“Nope.” She walked away.

Colt exhaled and touched his upper lip and chin wondering if it was as red as it felt. Before he headed to Paul’s office, he stopped quickly at the men’s

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room, leaning close to the mirror. The rawness had subsided to just a slight pink near his top lip.

“It’s what I get for kissing a man.”

He backed up a step to see how noticeable it was from a foot away.

Wes entered the room and smiled at him. “Don’t worry. Every hair on your head is in place.”

“Ha. Ha.” Colt cocked his eyebrow.

Laughing, Wes stood at the urinal to take care of business. Colt straightened his slouching posture and headed to the senior partner to see what he had
in mind for him this time. As he stood right outside his door, Colt could see the big man behind his equally big desk. He rapped his knuckles o n the
doorframe. “Paul? You wanted to see me?”

Paul lowered his reading glasses and waved him in. “A good friend of mine has a problem. Close the door.”

Colt did and sat on the leather seat across from Paul’s desk.

“He’s an old buddy of mine who’s been a friend of the family for years.” Paul laced his hands over his stomach and rocked in his chair. “After twenty years
of marriage and becoming a grandfather, he divorced and married a trophy wife who is out for his money.”

Colt made a sympathetic noise, assuring Paul he was listening, wishing the door was open so the cologne odor wasn’t so strong.

“Well, the irony is…” Paul frowned, his jowls deepening. “She hired a private investigator because she thought


was cheating on



Colt stifled an amused chuckle in his throat, keeping a straight face.

“The problem he has…” Paul rubbed his forehead appearing very distressed.

“Paul, our conversation is confidential. I don’t need to remind you.”

“He’s not cheating with a mistress, but he is going to a club that entertains a strange fetish of his.”

Colt stiffened in his chair and blinked.

“It seems Charles, that’s our man’s name, Charles Penny, was allowing himself to get tied up and sexually molested.”

“Molested?” Colt took deep insult. “Non-consensual?”

“No. Consensual. The details surrounding what his wife found out is certainly enough for her to file for divorce and fight the prenuptial. Charles is terrified
this information will go public. He’s a very well respected member of the community and a local business man.”

“She isn’t blackmailing him if she’s seeking a divorce.”

“Let’s call it ‘legal blackmail’.”

“Can I see the file?”

Paul picked up a folder on the desk. “Let me warn you, there are photos in here that are shocking.”

“I don’t shock easily, Paul.” Colt held out his hand. It was handed over.

Resting the paperwork on his lap, Colt opened the cover and read through the allegation. He noted the age gap between the parties was more than thirty

Serves ya right for robbing the cradle,


. Colt thumbed through the court documents, the original prenuptial, and marriage license. Inside

the thick wad of paperwork was a small manila folder. Colt removed the items from inside it. Snapshots of the accused man, in a black harness with a
gag in his mouth acting as submissive to…to…

He peeked up at Paul, his face on fire, but not from the beard burn.

“I tried to warn you.” Paul looked dismayed.

Colt forced himself to leaf through the selection of pictures.

Thank fuck I’m wearing a mask! Well, there’s my tattoo. Yes, Your

Honor, I’m not only the

defendant’s council I’m the opposing

council’s star witness


“Tell him to settle this out of court, Paul. Just tell him to pay her.”

“She wants thirty million. That will wipe him out completely, his retirement, his investments, his share of the business, his vacation homes, everything.”

Colt held up a photo. “And this won’t? He’ll be out cash but his reputation and career will be intact. Let me try to negotiate a settlement.”

“I was hoping you would.”

“I’ll arrange a meeting.” Colt closed the file.

“Keep me up to date on how it progresses. Charles is a very good man, and I don’t want this to ruin him. So do your best.”

“I intend to.” Colt stood, the folder under his arm.

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“Have you gotten some sun?”

“Hm?” Colt spun around.

Paul pointed to his own face around his mouth. “You’re slightly sun-kissed.”

“Oh. Uh. No. Allergic reaction to shellfish. What can ya do?”

Colt cleared his throat. “I’ll call Charles now and get opposing council in ASAP.”


Colt hurried to his office and shut the door behind him. He sat down and flipped open the file, inspecting the photos under a bright light o n his desk.
“Motherfucker! I can see it’s me even with the mask. Paul, thank Christ you’re a complete moron.”

Staring at the information on the paperwork, Colt called Mr. Penny. “Yes, this is Mr. St. John from Southwood Legal Associates. May I speak to Mr. Penny?

“One moment, sir.”

Colt touched his tender lip and then drummed his fingers on his desk.

“Hello, this is Charles Penny, may I help you?”

“Mr. Penny, I’m Cary St. John. Paul Southwood advised me to contact you.”


Colt could hear his humiliation over the phone and wondered if it was giving Charles an erection. “I suggest you come to my office as soon as possible. I
want to discuss a settlement with you before we have a meeting with your wife and her attorney.”

“She’ll take me for everything I have if I settle.”

“She may do that to you anyway, and you will lose everything else in the process.”

“I can be there in a half hour.”

“Good.” Colt hung up and said to himself, “Wait ‘til you see who your attorney is, Mr. Penny.” Colt shook his head as he gazed at the session captured on


Ashton stopped at the drugstore for moisturizing cream for his sore skin. With a basket on his arm, he picked up a few essentials and browsed the aisles.
He came upon the greeting cards and read the categories.

Anything for wishing the Dom a happy day?

He grinned. A few with interesting pictures on

the front drew his interest. He read the little poems and one line jokes. As he kept moving slowly, eyeing the selection, he noticed ‘Thank-you’ cards. He
picked one up and all it said inside was ‘

Thanks for being you

’. On the front was an abstract design of overlapping shapes and primary colors. Ashton

put it into his basket. A second later he took it out and replaced it on the rack. “Am I out of my mind?”

He brought his basket up to the cashier, wishing Colt would be the type to receive a card like that and get sentimental. But he was kidding himself.

Colt wasn’t the sentimental type. He was slightly cold-hearted. Didn’t you have to be to work in that profession? Not to mention he was a Dom!


“Mr. Penny is here for you, Colt.” Felicia stood at his doorway.

“I’ll tell Mr. Southwood.”

“No.” Colt stood quickly and walked around his desk. “Let me talk to Mr. Penny alone first.”

“Mr. Southwood won’t like that.”

“Blame me. Closed session. I’ll let you know when Paul can join us.”

Felicia appeared upset. “He’ll get angry with me.”

“Tell him to take a valium!” Colt lowered his voice. “Fine. Show Mr. Penny into the conference room and let me tell Paul myself.”

“Thanks, Colt.”

The file in his hand, Colt hurried to Paul’s office seeing Mr. Penny being escorted down the hall.


“Are we ready?” Paul met Colt’s eye.

“Look. Give me five minutes alone with him.”

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“Will you just trust me? Five.” Colt held up his hand showing his five fingers. Before Paul could object, Colt spun on his heels and straightened his tie and
jacket. He met Felicia coming out of the conference room, apparently she had given Mr. Penny a cup of coffee while he waited.

“I took care of it.”

“Thanks, Colt.”

“No problem.” Colt stepped into the room, closing the door quickly.

Mr. Penny lowered the steaming coffee from his mouth and his eyes went wide as golf balls. “What? Colt? What are you doing here?

Did they subpoena you?”

Colt held up his hand to quiet Charles and sat next to him. “I’m your attorney. I work with Paul Southwood. Listen to me.”

“I can’t believe this! Does anyone know you’re the dom in the photographs?”

“No. That cat’s not out of the bag yet. Let me get you out of this.”


“Let me talk to her.”

“She won’t listen. She’s mortified over finding out what I did behind her back and is out for revenge.”

“She’ll listen to me. What’s your top settlement?”

“Five hundred thousand.”

“Charles,” Colt shook his head sadly. “Give me a reasonable number. She knows what you’re worth.”

“Why did she do this to me? Why? I gave her everything she wanted.”

“Including sex?” Colt leaned his elbow on the table. Charles was reluctant to meet his eye.

“You’re near sixty, she’s in her twenties. Charles…how much are you willing to part with?”

“Three mill. Tops.”

“Better. I can have opposing council here within an hour. I already spoke to him over the phone. Believe me, your wife is more eager for the money than
the court case.”

“I hope you’re right. If this gets out, it’ll ruin me.”

“I’m hoping I don’t have the same problem.”

“Colt, let Paul handle it or let me get another attorney.”

“Trust me. Can you trust me?” Colt touched Charles’ forearm. Charles breathing became raspy as he stared at Colt. “Why aren’t you at the club much
anymore? Every time I call they say you’re booked or not taking anymore appointments.”

“I’m just losing my interest in it.” Colt massaged Charles knee affectionately. “Lion will take good care of you.”

“He has been in your absence, but he’s not you.” Charles cupped Colt’s jaw.

“Sorry. It’s just life. Sometimes circumstances throw things at you.” Colt gently urged Charles’ hand away from his face. “You know that better than anyone
at the moment.”

“Will she recognize you from the photos?”

“I doubt it. But if she does, I may be able to use it to my advantage.”


Colt straddled his legs and showed off his large bulge. “Trust me.”

Charles’ hand hovered over it. “May I?”

“Last squeeze, for old time’s sake.”

Inhaling loudly, Charles rested his palm over Colt’s groin. “I’ll miss you.”

“You too, ya charming old bastard.” Colt cupped his hand over Charles’. “Go grab a bite of lunch with Paul and I’ll contact you when your soon-to-be-ex
shows up.”

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“Does Paul know about…”

“No.” Colt met Charles’ gaze and conveyed his seriousness. Charles made a motion to turn a key against his lips.

“See? You can trust me, and I can trust you.” Colt patted Charles’


“Anything for you.”


“Private session?”

“Except that.” Colt laughed and rose to his feet. “Enjoy your lunch. Stop fretting. I have it under control.”

“Thank you, Colt.” Charles reached out his hand.

“You’re welcome.” He opened the door and called to Felicia,

“Can you escort Mr. Penny to Mr. Southwood’s office?”

“Yes.” Felicia gestured for Charles to follow her.

As he went, Charles glanced over his shoulder at Colt. Colt gave him a reassuring wink. He walked back t o hi s desk a nd sighed tiredly.

That’s it.

Finished. I can’t risk this ridiculous shit again

. He made his phone call to Mrs. Penny’s attorney.

While he waited in his office for his meeting, Colt reclined in his chair, rocking it gently. His gaze was out of the window at the drifting clouds and hazy sky.
He removed a lip salve-stick from his pocket to coat his raw mouth and stuffed it back into his pocket. He relived last night with Ashton. Over and over and

If he gave up the second job, he’d get horny. Ashton could be the solution to his pent up sexual desire. The sessions at the club fulfilled a need to
dominate, but really didn’t amount to actual sexual fulfillment unless he jacked off to the memory, or on a client. Though he and Ashton had shared some
intense physical moments, they were strangers. Colt didn’t know anything about the man, other than he was a janitor who joined AA. Had Ashton ever
been married? Did he have children in another state he never saw?

Did he have any aspirations other than what he was doing?

Who are you, Ashton Lake?

“Your appointment is here, Colt.”

“Thank you, Felicia.” Colt hopped to his feet, taking his paperwork with him. He met Paul and Charles standing and talking in the hall.

“Are we ready?” Paul made a move to join them.

Colt stopped him. “Let me handle it.”

He could see Paul gearing up for a caustic rebuttal. Charles quickly intervened. “I think Mr. St. John can take care of this on his own, Paul.”

The backing of his good old buddy only seemed to enrage Paul. Before anything more could be said, Colt hooked Charles’ elbow and hurried him to the
conference room. “Southwood would freak at the tactic I’m about to use.”

“I can imagine!” Charles gave him a sly grin.

“You go inside first. Not a word.” Colt wagged his finger playfully at him. “I am your voice. Got it?”

“Got it.” Charles grew rosy.

“Behave,” Colt whispered to him from behind as they entered the room.

Upon entering Colt greeted ‘Jr.’ Wright, opposing council; a man he’d never encountered before, but knew the type. He had Rush Limbaugh and Glenn
Beck written all over his rightwing ass. The court reporter was sitting in the background her fingers hovering over keys.

Lastly Colt got his look at the woman responsible for discovering Charles’ fetish. No surprise there. She was extremely attractive and dripped jewelry,
manicures and pampering. In reality, Colt didn’t blame her for her shocking discovery and reaction. It would have been easier if her husband was simply
having an affair with another woman.

“Mrs. Penny.” He reached out to shake her hand.

She responded, shifting nervously. Her hand was cool and slightly clammy from her nerves.

“I’m Cary St. John. Sorry to meet you under such unpleasant circumstances.” He unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat across from her and her attorney, with
Mr. Penny by his side. “Now, I know your complaints, as well as your demands, and I read all the terms of the divorce filing. So we don’t need t o waste
time. What we need is a resolution and a number which pleases both parties.”

“Thirty million,” Mrs. Penny said, sneering.

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“What a nice round number.” Colt smiled. “Love the number of zeros.”

“I don’t think there’s room for negotiation, Mr. St. John. I imagine this will be determined in a courtroom,” Jr. Wright said. Colt felt Charles flinch beside him.
“Yes. It does sometimes come to that. Two people who had exchanged vows of love throwing mud at each other.”

“He can’t throw mud at me. I didn’t do anything.” Mrs. Penny shifted in her seat. “He’s disgusting.”

Colt leaned his elbows on the table to be closer to her when he spoke. “You’re a beautiful woman, Mrs. Penny.”

She appeared slightly surprised.

“Young…what? Twenty-three?” He knew her age but it never hurt to tell a woman she looked younger than she was.

“Twenty-five.” She lowered her lashes.

“Some may question such a lovely young woman with a fiftynine year old man, and call it, ‘disgusting’.”

Jr. Wright said, “If this is all you can come up with when we want a settlement figure, then we’re finished here.”

Colt ignored him. “I bet when you’re out in LA shopping, walking Rodeo Drive, everyone mistakes you for a model or celebrity. Am I right, Mrs. Penny?
Can I call you Juniper? It’s such a lovely name.”

The tough exterior of Mrs. Penny began to falter and she blushed.

“When I look at you…” Colt hissed a breath of air between his teeth. “I get…well…hard.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Penny covered mouth with her hand and blinked, but Colt knew she was flattered.

“If I was your pool boy…” Colt licked his lips seductively.


“Is this going anywhere?” Jr. Wright sounded annoyed.

“I hope so.” Colt winked at Mrs. Penny. “Let me get to my point.” He stretched one hand across the table, opening his palm.


Mrs. Penny gave her attorney a nervous look, but placed her hand into Colt’s. He massaged the skin of the back of her hand with his thumb. “You beautiful
woman, you can get any man you want with a snap of your finger.” He ignored the glare from Jr. Wright.

“But your husband…” Colt pouted his lip in exaggeration. “He’s past his prime, Juniper. He knew he could never hold onto a woman of your quality. I
assume he anticipated you would not want him in bed and would never do the things to him that he wanted you to do.”

“Ew! No!”

Colt held her hand tighter, anticipating a recoil at the topic.

“Exactly. Poor man. H e needs help, no t more pain. W e both know this partnership had short term written all over it from the start. You did sign a

“This nullifies it.”

“If I had gotten to you first,” Colt said, bringing Juniper’s hand near his lips. “He’d be divorcing you for adultery.”

“I object to this tactic, Mr. St. John!”

“Shh!” Mrs. Penny nudged her attorney. “Let him finish.”

Colt gave Jr. Wright a smug glance. “Let’s be honest here, Juniper. We don’t want to damage already damaged goods.” He held her hand in both of his,
massaging her fingers. “Your husband has unusual taste, I agree. But don’t you crave…” Colt almost brushed his lips against her knuckles but didn’t.
“Have cravings for anyone or anything, other than your husband?”

Jr. Wright raised his hand to object again, but Mrs. Penny elbowed him to be quiet. “Sometimes,” she said, batting her lashes.

“This settlement will free you and give you…opportunities.” Colt tugged at her wedding rings. “But a long drawn out court case?” Colt eyed Jr. Wright.
“You’ll make your attorney a rich man, and you will be two to three years older by the final decree.” Colt licked his lips close to her knuckles, as if he craved
tasting them. “Don’t you want to be a free woman?”

She cleared her throat. “How…how much is he offering?”

“How much am I worth?” Colt grinned.

She giggled shyly.

Jr. Wright slammed his hand on the table in annoyance. “This is absurd!”

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He felt Charles squeeze his thigh quickly. Colt knew the man approved of the unorthodox method of getting him out of a jam.

“Let’s be reasonable, beautiful Juniper. You already are worth millions. You won the genetic lottery. Like I said, snap your fingers and any rich man will be
yours, even if you didn’t have…a ‘penny’. He winked, tilting his head towards Charles Penny.

“Can I have a word in private with Mr. St. John?” Mrs. Penny took her hand back and sat up in her chair, prim and proper.

“You can’t speak to him without representation,” Jr. Wright said.

“She can do as she pleases.” Colt addressed the court reporter.

“Off the record.” The woman stopped typing. Colt gave Jr. Wright a snarl. “You are being paid by your client. You do as she wishes, not the other way
around. That’s the concept.”

“She hired me—”

Mrs. Penny cut in. “Let me talk to Mr. St. John for a minute. He’s right. I’m paying you! You have to listen to me.”

Colt grinned at Jr. Wright’s expression. “Shoo. Bye-bye, Jr.”

When Jr. Wright rose to his feet, Colt said to Charles, “Almost there, babe.”

Charles stood and left the room with the court reporter and Jr. Wright.

Colt closed the door and walked around the table. “Isn’t this better?”

“Much.” She gave him a warm smile.

He took the chair next to her. “Sorry if I stare. You are astonishing. How can you waste your life on an old man when there are hot young studs around to
service you?”

“You are something else, Mr. St. John.”

“I know.” He gave her his best boyish grin. “Can I give you my advice even though I’m opposing council?”


He glanced at the closed door then back at her eyes. “If this shit goes to court, people will judge you.”

She appeared surprised.

“They will ask themselves how you managed to marry and hook up physically with a freak like him.”

“Oh God.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

“The tabloids will go nuts with it. And even though you are the victim here.” Colt made a gesture meaning, you never know, opening his hands and
shrugging. “If I wanted to ask you out, and I found out you were sleeping in the same bed as a guy who…” Colt made a sour face. “Liked to get peed on?
Come on, Juniper. Would you touch someone like you with a ten foot pole?”

“Oh, Mr. St. John. I didn’t think of that.”

“I know. Your attorney is out for one thing. Money. And you’re not like that. I can see.” He softened his tone. “You want love. Real love from a real man.” Colt
straddled his legs and fingered his bulge casually. He watched her eyes get drawn to it and nudged his balls for effect. She bit her nail.

“So. Now that we know you’re not into it for the money.” Colt touched Juniper’s wrist and caressed her fingers. “You want to be rid of this freak.” He laid her
hand across his thigh. “And you don’t want the stigma of having slept or touched, one of those…” He brought her hand closer to his crotch.

“What do you want? How much? I want out. You’re right.” She stared at his dick as she spoke.

“Three million. Easy. Instant cash into your account. No rebuttals, no trials, no waiting, and he’ll pay all your legal fees.”

“Only three?”

He brushed the side of her hand against his genitals. “Three million is a lot of money. I don’t have three million, but you bet I’d date a hot number like you,
with or without it.”

“Are you single?”


“God, you’re so handsome!”

“So, pretty lady? Do we have a deal?”

“One condition.”

“Name it.”

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“May I?” She pointed to his dick.

“Be my guest.” He released her hand, loving the fact that her husband had requested the same thing only an hour earlier. She cupped over his crotch and
massaged it. “Nice package.”

“Thank you. Can’t get that from a fifty-nine year old fetish fiend.”

“Wow. No kidding.”

“You keep groping and I’m dropping it to two mill,” he teased. She stopped touching him and held out her hand for a shake.

“Three mill. Deal.”

“You are a delightful woman. Charles’ loss, surely.”

“I wish you were my attorney.”

“Here I am, baby. Next time you need me.” He opened his arms. She flung herself against him and hugged him, humming. Colt grinned in triumph over her
head, petting her hair.


Ashton finished his work for the night, disappointed Colt never showed up. Inside his gut he had a bad feeling he’d seen the last of him.

His jumpsuit folded and placed on the shelf, Ashton shut the storage cabinet light and locked the door. As he put his jacket on he headed to the parking
garage. The minute he stepped into the cavernous space he spotted the silver Porsche parked next to his car. His pulse quickened.

Colt climbed out of the car and was smiling sweetly as he walked to meet him, a single rose in his hand.

At the sight of the flower, Ashton choked in awe.

“Hello, baby!” Colt put the rose between his teeth and swung Ashton into the air. When Ashton landed back on his feet, Colt began dancing with him.

“Wow!” Ashton was stunned.

“For you, my pet.” Colt held out the rose and bowed.

“I almost bought you a card.” Ashton took the rose and sniffed it.

“Great minds think alike.”

“Did you win a big case or something?”

“Or something.” Colt spun him into a dance again, dipping him.

“Congratulations. I’m always impressed with you, Colt.”

“How was your day, handsome?” Colt danced them over the expanse of concrete and pylons.

“Not bad. Hung out, went to a DAA meeting…did some shopping.”

Colt stopped short. “A DAA meeting?”

Ashton felt pale.

“Don’t you mean AA?”

“Yes. AA! Duh.” Ashton tried to resume their dance but Colt not only resisted, he appeared mean.

“You didn’t donate blood.” Colt stepped back.

“I did! No. I meant AA.” An ice ball formed in Ashton’s gut.

“You’re a junkie?”

“No! No. Colt. I’m not.” Ashton felt the thorn of the rose as he clenched it.

“Crack? Heroin? What?”

“I’m clean! I don’t do anything.”

“Lying scum! You had track marks on your arm. You told me you donated blood!”

“No. Look.” Ashton shook his head, approaching him.

“I can overlook a lot, Ash. I don’t give a shit about your job, your education, your religion…”

“Colt. It’s not what you think.”

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“But I’m not dating a needle user.” Colt stormed to his car.

“Colt! No. I don’t! I’m clean!”

The Porsche’s tires made an ear piercing chirp as Colt sped out of the area.

Ashton was devastated and squeezed the roses so tightly a thorn pricked his skin. He looked down at it and spotted the bead of blood. He crushed the
petals until they fell to the floor and dropped the stem.

Chapter 13

Driving to his apartment, Ashton wasn’t aware of anything around him. Only pain. Pain inside him.

As he turned the corner to his building, he spotted the young man on the corner doing business. Ashton pulled up and rolled down his window. “Dime
…smack.” He took a ten dollar bill out of his wallet.

“Here, man.” The young guy obviously recognized him and showed no hesitation giving him the drug. They made the exchange. Ashton put the tiny bag
into his wallet and parallel parked on the street. His heart heavy as the load on his back, he headed to his apartment, fighting back the anger, loss, and
devastation. Home, he kicked off his shoes and sat on his sofa, placing the tiny parcel of heroin on his coffee table. He set his mobile phone beside it and
stared at both. Call Max, or ingest the dope. All he had to do was decide.


Colt entered the club with so much rage inside him he knew if he engaged in a session he’d beat someone up. But he went where he was familiar and
known. He sat at the bar and leaned his elbows on the counter.

“Hey, babe.” Nando poured him a shot of vodka. “Cal didn’t know you were showing up tonight.”

Colt threw the alcohol down his throat. He set the glass aside and put forty dollars on the counter. “Give me the bottle.”

He got a surprised reaction and a brand new bottle of vodka. Once another glass was poured, Colt was left alone to his brooding. One hand on the glass,
the other on the bottle, Colt kept filling up his shot as he emptied it.

Fucking dope addict. Where the hell did I find that one?

Colt clenched his jaw.

I knew it. I knew something had to be seriously wrong. Nothing

goes right with me when it comes to men. That’s why I should stay

away. Lion doesn’t

need a partner, why do I? Fuck it.

Colt did one more shot and stopped, interlacing his fingers on the counter in front of him to sulk.

Now I have to avoid

you, you bastard.

Don’t shit where you eat! I just fucking did. Nice one, St. John. You

motherfucking moron.

At a touch to his back, Colt jolted up and spun around. Lionel reacted to Colt’s over-the-top reflex. “Whoa! Easy fella.”

Lionel sat on the stool next to him, obviously taking a break between sessions. His top half was covered in a studded harness, his legs in black leather,
tight armbands surrounded his bulging biceps, silver spurs were on his black boots and he was wearing a leather cap. The bartender set a drink in front of
Lionel. “Thanks.” Lionel raised his glass to him and sipped it. “You here for some sessions? I wouldn’t mind handing one over and taking a break.”

“No. I’m too furious. I’d go overboard.”

“At least you know when to pass.”

Colt spun on the stool to face Lionel. “Would you date a junkie?”

“Fuck no.”

Colt swiveled back to his slouched posture, elbows on the bar.

“Wait a minute.” Lionel leaned against Colt’s shoulder. “Straight boy is a junkie?”

Colt rubbed his face in agony.

“Well, that answers your question about whether it was worth pursuing.”

“Charles P. was in my office this morning.”

Lionel chuckled. “Good ole, Chuckie the banker.”

“His wife hired a PI and they took photos of me and ‘Chuckie’

via the monitor room.

Lionel didn’t answer right away as if he had to think. Then he said, “Charles’ sessions aren’t supposed to be public.”

“I know.”

“Hang on.” Lionel looked around the room. “Hey! Nando!”

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The bartender perked up and headed closer.

“Where’s Cal?”

“Back room? Haven’t seen him.”

Lionel stood off the stool. “I don’t believe that. Each client has to okay the video viewing. Only the ones who want public humiliation are supposed to be
watched. Charles isn’t one of them.”

“Good luck arguing with Cal.” Colt tilted the last drop from his glass onto his tongue. “You know how much he makes a minute from that set up?”

“So what happened at your office?”

“His wife filed for divorce and tried to nullify the pre-nup.”

“Did she win?”

“Yes and no. She got her divorce and cash, but not as much as she wanted. What she got Charles can handle.”

“This isn’t right.”

“Nothing i n life i s right a t the moment, Lion.” Before Colt said another word, Lionel stormed off to find Cal. “Good luck. I think I’m moving to another
country.” Colt poured another shot.


There was a knock at Ashton’s door. He stood tiredly and opened it.

“Give me the shit.” Max held out his hand immediately as he entered.

“It’s on the table.”

Max rushed in and picked the tiny parcel up. He left the room and Ashton heard the flush of the toilet. When Max returned he folded his arms and stared at

Ashton dropped heavily to the sofa and rubbed his hands over his head. “Colt asked me what I did today. I mistakenly said I went to a DAA meeting. I
should have said, AA.”

Max softened his tough posture.

“He was so happy to see me.” Ashton’s lip trembled. “He had a single red rose and we danced again. It was like he was on a cloud.”

Crossing the room towards him, Max sat down and put his arm around Ashton.

Ashton rested against him. “The minute he remembered my needle mark on my arm, he knew.”

“You never mentioned to him you were a recovering addict?”

“No. And if I did? After he spotted the injection site he would have known I was lying.”

“What did you tell him it was when he saw it?”

“He made the assumption I donated blood.” Ashton felt Max exhale loudly.

“Honesty is part of the program.”

“I couldn’t. You see what knowing what I am did? He was so pissed off he couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”

“Does he know you’re recovered, or recovering? Or does he think you’re just using.”

“Probably he thinks I’m just using.” Ashton pointed to where the dope had been. “Aren’t I?”

“No. You didn’t do it. You called me.”

Ashton sat up, tucking one leg under him so he could face Max.

“You were right. The minute this relationship vanished I was devastated. Am devastated.”

“I know. It’s hard. When my wife left me, I was crushed too.”

“The worst part is, I may see him at work. I don’t know if I can tolerate the sneers of disgust.”

“Can you go in later? Try to not cross paths?”

“I’ll try. I’ll do his floor last.”

“I think he’ll do his best to avoid you as well.”

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“Yeah. Most likely.” Ashton rubbed his eyes. He was exhausted but doubted he could sleep. “I’m sunk, Max. No one but an ex-addict wants another ex-
addict. And with two people craving dope it’s easier to fall off the wagon.”

“Not if you’re both dedicated to sticking to the program. Ashton, give yourself credit. You were clean and sober for two years.”

“Two days. Not years.”

“Ashton,” Max said, “One relapse. Let it go. If you continue to beat yourself up over it, you won’t move on. One day at a time.”

Ashton leaned back on the arm of the sofa and closed his eyes. “I lost him. I can’t believe I lost him.”


Colt left the half bottle of vodka behind and tried to walk off the buzz before he drove. Hands in his pockets, he lowered his head against the cold breeze
and looked into the clubs as he passed. It was nearing midnight and plenty of night clubs were still active. Couples walked together on the street, locked
elbows, smiling and snuggling. Colt’s lips tightened in anger at the show of affection. He thought he had it. He was wrong.

Though Colt was tough in many respects, he was queasy when it came to needles. He didn’t look when he was vaccinated with the flu shot. How could
someone stick a needle into their own arm?


And people think what I do is demented?

Colt noticed a street vagrant had set up for the night in an alcove of a closed business. The man was on a cardboard bed with a worn blanket, and a cup
nearby in case someone wanted to toss a few coins his way. Colt paused to look at him.

The man was in his late sixties, maybe older. “Spare some change?”

“You going to use it for dope?”

“No, sir. Don’t do drugs. Just booze and smokes.”

“Least you’re honest.” Colt handed him some cash.

“Bless you.”

“Keep warm.” Colt kept walking.

Even street people don’t have

to use hypodermic needles, do they, Ashton?

Once he felt sober enough to drive, Colt walked back to his car. He sat a moment as it warmed up and checked the time again. He was exhausted. Done.
Done with the club. Done with Ashton, and I think I am done with LA.

Chapter 14

Ashton parked in the nearly vacant parking garage the next night. He deliberately drove through to see if the Porsche was there. It wasn’t. He didn’t know
if he felt relief or more upset. Once he was on his way to the basement and his storage cart and jumpsuit, he felt the presence of Colt so much it made him

If he just had a chance to explain. If he was given five minutes to tell Colt why he had done drugs in the first place, how he had stayed clean but for one

Ashton didn’t think he’d get that chance.


Colt headed to a nightclub on Sunset Boulevard. Go-go boys thrust their overloaded g-strings in elevated cages. He didn’t want to go back to the fetish
club. Somehow after the betrayal of a client’s privacy and his own boredom with the BDSM scene had caught up to him.

After the vague sense of a relationship with Ashton, Colt wondered if having a partner might be a nice change. It suddenly felt as if his life of solitary
bachelorhood was lacking. The interior of the club was dim and loud with dance music and men shouting to communicate over it. The room was packed
and the scent of sweat and cologne nearly overwhelmed Colt. He pushed through the crowd to the bar and waited with a twenty in his hand. Someone
pressed up against his bottom. Colt peeked over his shoulder at a young drunk frat-boy-type.

“Buy me a drink?” the frat boy gave him a smile.

“What are you having?”

“How about a shot of tequila?”

Colt ordered the shot and his own vodka martini. He spun around and handed the young man the booze. “You are over twenty-one, right?”

“Nope.” The young man raised the glass and shot it down.

“Twenty-one today.”

“Happy birthday.” Colt smirked, seeing how wasted the guy was.

“Twenty-one and looking for a sugar daddy to fuck my brains out.”

Colt glanced around the boisterous room. “First of all, I’m not that old. Secondly, why me? Look at all those men out there dancing half naked.”

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“I like the way you’re dressed. You look rich.”

Colt inspected the young man’s expression. “Rich? You think I’m going to give you money? Adopt you? Are you nuts?” They had to lean close to be heard
in the noise.

“Yeah. How about it?” The young man thrust out his hips as if showing his wares.

“Go back to campus keg parties.” Colt gave him his shoulder. The young man turned Colt back around. “I want you as my birthday present.” He glanced at
a group of men his age. They were pumping their fists, egging him on. “We all saw you come in. We picked you.”

“Fuck off.” Colt remembered why he had given up on the club scene. Being hit on by men he had no interest in sucked.

“Come on. Let me fuck you. It’s why you’re here, isn’t it? For a sex hook up? Most of these older guys would kill for someone like me.”

Colt put his hand on the man’s chest and shoved him so hard the young guy fell back against several other men. Colt shot down his drink, stuck the empty
glass on the bar, and left.


Ashton heard the echo of his movements in the vacated building. It seemed as if every sound he made was amplified in the vacuum of silence. Friday
nights were the worst. No one was in the entire eight floor structure but a couple of cleaners and one security guard who left when they did. Added to that
sense of loss, was his coming weekend alone. He had one meeting with DAA and if he was seriously craving, he could contact Max.

It’s not what he wanted. He wanted Colt.

The cleaning task of his usual three floors seemed nearly insurmountable. He tried to do his best, but in reality, he was doing the least. Fed up, tired and
wanting to go home and sulk in private, Ashton finished his last mopping job of a restroom and rolled all his supplies into the elevator with him to head to
the basement. With his mind preoccupied, Ashton dumped the dirty mop water and replaced all the equipment into the storage cabinet. His jumpsuit
folded and on a shelf, Ashton washed his hands quickly and put his jacket on. The craving in him for something was strong. He didn’t know if heroin was
what would be the top on his list if someone was offering a cure for his desires.

His leather soles making clicking noises as he walked, Ashton stared at the cement floor, lost in thought.

When he approached his car with his key in his hand, he noticed Colt leaning against the trunk, staring at him.

Ashton’s heart pumped in excitement.

Though Colt was there obviously to meet him, he did not look pleased. He seemed very unhappy.

Ashton leaned beside him brushing shoulders, but didn’t say anything.

“Why do you do drugs?”

“I was young and stupid when I tried it.”

Ashton heard Colt exhale loudly.

“I got involved with a girl in high-school who did it. We ran away from home and lived on the streets when we were freshmen in college.”

Colt said nothing.

“I had been clean and sober for two years. I was back on my feet. Got this job, got an apartment…” Ashton rubbed his face.


“And…I don’t know. After one of the crazy nights with you…I…”

“Stuck a needle in your arm.”

“Yes. I did. I have a sponsor who is keeping me back on track.”

“So…” Colt stood off the car, crossed his arms and faced Ashton.

“If I’m interested in pursuing this…”

“This?” Ashton’s skin broke out in sweat at the implications there was still hope of a relationship.

“Will I be dealing with a nasty crack or heroin addict?”

“I never did crack and I can only live one day at a time in my promise to never do smack again.” Ashton’s eyes burned. But he wouldn’t lie. He was forever
an ex-addict and that would not change. Colt stuck his hands into his pocket and wandered off, as if considering things.

“I love you, Colt. For you I can do it.”

Colt spun back. “Don’t do it for me. Do it for you.”

“I have been. That’s why I was clean and sober and was able to get a job and an apartment. It was the hardest thing I ever did.”

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As Colt closed the gap between them, Ashton began to pant in excitement. Colt cupped Ashton’s jaw tenderly. It made a lump form in Ashton’s throat.

“I don’t want to date a junkie.”

“I know. I’m not touching the stuff again. The high I get from you far outweighs the shitty feeling from anything else I’ve done.”

The edge of Colt’s lip curled into a wry smile. “I can be your drug of choice.”

“I want that.” Ashton resisted the urge to run his hands all over Colt, but Colt didn’t have to fight his. He was the Dom, after all.

“Have you ever tried drugs, Colt?”

“I did experiment. Never anything that would require a needle in my arm, but before law school, I did try speed, cocaine…ecstasy.”

Ashton nodded as Colt’s fingers caressed his neck gently. “Some people have addictive personalities, some don’t.”

“True.” Colt walked his fingertips down Ashton’s chest. “I used to think I had a sex addiction.”

“Oh?” Ashton grew excited as Colt’s hand drew closer to his crotch.

“Yeah. But I looked it up. I think my need for domination isn’t the same thing. I never fuck or get my cock sucked by anyone. I think sex addicts want to be
buried in holes non-stop.”

Ashton chuckled softly, looking down as Colt’s hand cupped his groin. “Forgive me, Colt. It was a one-time deal and I’m going to try to stay clean from this
day on. I swear.”

“I have no idea what to do about you, Ash.”

“I know. It’s one of the reasons I’ve shunned relationships. People who don’t do drugs can’t relate to those that did or do.”

“My parents are both alcoholics.” Colt massaged Ashton where he’d grown hard in his jeans. “But with the rich I suppose it’s fashionable to be seen with a
mixed drink in your hand constantly. And they have a nice cache of prescription pills too. So? Are they any better or worse than what you went through?”

Ashton widened his straddle, leaning back on his car as Colt’s fondling was beginning to become distracting. “It isn’t but people see it as different. Maybe
it’s a class thing.”

“I suppose. Even some A-list Hollywood stars are in rehab for heavy shit. No one bats an eyelash, as if it’s expected behavior from the Hollywood elite.”

Ashton began to swoon from the friction Colt was using to rub against his dick. “Am I forgiven?”

“I forgive you. It’s a trust issue now. It’s about what you will do in the future.”

“I will be your sex slave.” Ashton thrust his hips forward.

“Colt…you own me. You know you do.”

“I need to get something concrete in the way of a vow.” Colt popped open Ashton’s button, lowering his zipper.

“Name it.”

“If you ever feel the need to buy that junk again, you’ll make sure you see me first and I will…


…the desire to ingest that poison out of you. Deal?”

Ashton’s stiff dick was exposed from his clothing. The thrill of having Colt toy with him in the parking garage was giving him that delicious high he craved.
“Deal. What you’re doing to me now is so much better than anything on the street, believe me.”

“Touch yourself, straight boy.”

Ashton instantly gripped the base of his cock.

Colt stepped back to admire him.

“Please,” Ashton said, “Tell me how to make you happy.”

“Stay the fuck off drugs.”

“Yes, Colt.” Ashton stroked himself, staring at him. He scooped his balls out of his briefs and massaged them as he pulled on his long cock.

Colt seemed to get a high of his own, shivering visibly and rubbing his hand over his hair as he gazed at what Ashton was doing.

“You are so incredible, Mr. Lake,” Colt shook his head as he spoke,

“and to waste that body, those looks, that spunk…”

“It’s yours, Colt. Nothing will be wasted.”

“What will you do if we don’t work out as a couple?” Colt stepped closer, touching Ashton’s balls, taking over tugging and playing with them. “I don’t need
your OD on my conscience.”

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“I’m in DAA. I have a great sponsor. I don’t know what other reassurances I can give you and not lie.”

Colt used both hands to stretch Ashton’s testicles and move the globes around inside the soft tissue. “At least you’re not bullshitting to me and giving me
false promises…but.”

“But?” Ashton leaned both his hands on the car behind him and enjoyed Colt’s sack rub.

“You never told me you were in recovery, and that day I asked you about the mark on your arm, you said you donated blood.”

“Actually, you said I did, I just didn’t disagree.” Ashton tugged his jeans lower on his hips, exposing more of his groin. “And you never told me you were a
Dom who had sessions at a club, pissing and whipping men for a living.”

Colt chuckled. His fondling included Ashton’s stiff seeping dick now as well as his balls. “Two pretenders.”

“Yes. We are. And you’re not even out to your law firm. More secrets?”

“Don’t get cocky with your master.” Colt smiled and squeezed Ashton’s cock teasingly.

“Aren’t we all hiding something, Colt?”

“Some ‘things’ are worse than others.”

“I agree. You don’t think I know being an ex-junkie makes me the lowest scum on the planet?”

“Excuse me?” Colt stopped massaging Ashton’s dick, but kept a hold of it. “Have you killed someone?”


“Molested children?”

“Fuck no.”

“Raped a woman?”


“There are worse creatures on the planet than you. You did selfinflicted damage. You never hurt anyone, right?”

“No. Never.”

“Do you have a criminal record?”


Colt shrugged and continued pulling on Ashton’s cock, hand over hand. “Okay…so we have you in a higher ladder rung, don’t we?”

“God that feels good.” Ashton moaned and went limp on the trunk of his car.

“And look at me? Into fetish clubs? Urinating on people? Not to mention I’m a lawyer.” Colt shivered comically. “Talk about bottom feeders.”

“So? Are we a matched pair?”

“This is a matched pair.” Colt cupped Ashton’s balls in two hands.

“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make a go of this, Colt.”

“It seems I am too.” Colt went back to his hand over hand fisting of Ashton’s big dick.

“I’m going to come if you keep that up.” Ashton closed his eyes but quickly opened them so he could watch.

“I want to warn you. I suck at relationships. I mean, I don’t even try.”

“Me neither. Ahh! Colt…” Ashton ground his jaw to keep from coming.

“So the odds of us actually succeeding, well…” Colt increased his fisting.

Ashton couldn’t hold back any longer. “I’m going to blow…

move or you’re going to get nailed.”

Casually stepping to one side, Colt worked Ashton’s cock with more intent and Ashton tightened up his back muscles and slapped his hands against the
car in reaction. His cock shuddered in Colt’s grasp and a fountain of cream erupted in an arc to the floor of the parking garage.

They both took a minute to enjoy the after-glow, Colt milking Ashton’s cock for the last few pulsating waves, and Ashton catching his breath.


Before Colt could comment on the delicious way Ashton looked when he came, Colt was pushed backwards. He stumbled at the unexpected jolt but a

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second later, Ashton was on his knees with Colt’s hard dick in his mouth.

Years of playing dominating games had made Colt angry of someone touching him without his order or implied consent. His first impulse was to stop
Ashton and scold him.

But as Ashton whimpered, holding the base of Colt’s cock with one hand and his hip with the other, Colt didn’t do or say a thing to prevent it.

When was the last time he had a lover? A real lover who acted as a partner and not an appointment for a session?

The thoughts were blown out of his head as he stared at this

‘straight boy’ sucking his dick with zeal. Not only was the physical pleasure intense, but Colt was attached to Ashton despite the stigma of the former
heroin addiction. Put simply, he liked Ashton. A lot. Ashton’s inexperience showed when he attempted to suck Colt deeply and quickly drew back. Gag
reflexes had to be contained with practice. Colt smiled, petting Ashton’s hair affectionately.

You’ll get

used to sucking me deep, pretty boy


Colt didn’t know if he could come, but it felt wonderful. Besides, a mouthful of spunk may make Ashton puke. Colt had no idea what he was prepared to

Ashton, as if sensing Colt’s thoughts, looked up at him. “Am I doing this right?” He wiped his mouth and huffed for a deep breath.

“Yes…it’s wonderful.”

“I like it.” Ashton’s smile was adorable.

“I wonder how you’ll like it with a shit load of my cum in your mouth.”

“Can you come if I keep going?”

Colt glanced around the empty parking area. Yeah, maybe there were security cameras…he didn’t think they’d be close enough to see anything in detail.
Most of those systems didn’t even record. Colt tugged his trousers lower and brought Ashton’s hand between his legs. “You give me a good prostate rub
and suck, and you’ll get a mouthful, straight boy.”

Ashton didn’t hesitate. He wriggled his hand between Colt’s legs and aimed his cock back at his mouth.

Colt widened his stance and held Ashton’s shoulders for balance. He smiled.

Let’s see how the novice handles a load

. Staring at Ashton as he tried, oh

so hard, to please, Colt sensed the potential for a climax looming. He began to fuck Ashton’s mouth gently, not pushing too deep because there was
nothing worse to blow the mood than hearing your partner gag.

Ashton found Colt’s rim and fearlessly rubbed hot friction in a circle around his hole. Colt knew he shot out a blast of pre-cum. “Get ready, straight boy.”

Ashton’s posture shifted and he sucked harder, rubbed faster and it appeared all systems were go.

Colt gripped Ashton by the back of his head and came, climaxing into his hot slippery mouth. The rush was spectacular. Colt couldn’t recall his last

Ashton stopped all his actions and seemed to be considering his options.

Feeling sympathy for the guy, Colt released his hold on Ashton and waited.

Ashton leaned back from Colt and spit onto the cement floor. He wiped his mouth and peeked up sheepishly at Colt. “I’ll have to get used to that.”

“You will. I hate when my spunk goes to waste.”

“There was so much. I didn’t think I could get it down.”

“Get the hell up here.” Colt stifled his laugh and yanked on Ashton’s shirt to make him stand.

Staring into Ashton’s brilliant blue eyes, Colt smiled adoringly.


straight bastard…can’t swallow…ex-junkie. What on earth have I

gotten myself into?

“I love you, Cary.”

Colt melted. He had fallen for this man. And there was no going back. Before they tucked in their dicks and straightened out their clothing, Colt embraced
him. They rocked, feeling the soft heat of their groins pressing together. Colt stuck his nose into Ashton’s neck inhaling his intoxicating aroma, closing his
eyes, and they danced. Chapter 15

Ashton was thrilled when Colt said, “Follow me home.”

He tailed the Porsche and imagined several scenarios. One, he’d be led to the ‘play room’ tied up or splayed out in the sling, dildos would be stuffed up
his ass…or…

Maybe he and Colt could actually spend time together as friends. Partners.

Knowing Colt…or not knowing Colt, Ashton couldn’t predict either outcome. If he was honest with himself, just the fact that he was with Colt was the most
important thing. He wasn’t pushed away after two blowjobs and told, bye.

Had something changed in Colt?

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Ashton never thought after him finding out he was an ex-heroin addict that Colt would want anything to do with him again.

Look at me. I’m in love with a

gay Dom, sucking a guy’s dick,

craving his dominancy and bondage more than smack, and I’m

happy. I’ve come a long way since dating the high-

school prom

queen and becoming a drug addict with her


Pulling into the guest parking area of Colt’s posh high-rise, Ashton muttered t o himself, “If you could see m e now, Mom and Dad, that would take the

Ashton figured they’d rather have him addicted to drugs than sucking cock.

He met Colt at the main entrance lobby. Colt put a code into a keypad and the door opened.

To Ashton’s surprise, Colt held his hand as they waited for the elevator. Ashton squeezed it tight in return. In silence they continued to Colt’s luxury home
and Ashton removed his coat and handed it to Colt as he offered to hang it up for him.

“How about a soft drink?”

“Sure. Thanks.” Ashton followed him to the kitchen and waited by the island counter. He was handed a bottle of water. He uncapped it and gulped it down
as Colt did the same.

It was nearing midnight and though Ashton was physically tired his mind felt wide awake. “Can I ask you questions about your family?”

Colt made a choking noise in his throat which sounded like sarcasm to Ashton. “What family?”

Ashton nodded. “I get it. Same here.”

“I can’t imagine them being upset with having a straight son. So I assume they knew about the dope habit.” Colt sat on a high stool at the island counter.

Ashton did as well, next to him. “The first time I got caught using weed was in high-school. Their top athlete son with prospects of a scholarship for football
went out the window.”

“Ah.” Colt nodded.

“I think Mom hated me from then on. Dad just gave me dirty looks and grounded me for life.”

“Yeah, that works.” Colt rolled his eyes.

“I climbed out of a second story window every night, down the rose trestle and met up with my girlfriend to do more weed.”

“Sur-fucking-prize.” Colt shook his head.

“The second time I was caught at school because they searched my locker. I got suspended.”


Ashton shut up and met Colt’s gaze.

“I’m not your DAA mentor. Unless you need to unload, I don’t care about your past.”


Colt shrugged, finishing his water. “You don’t want to know all the sordid details of my deranged childhood, believe me.”

“Doesn’t that make us who we are?”

“Yes, and no.” Colt tossed out the empty bottle of water and stood beside Ashton. “Come to bed.”

Ashton brightened up. He was going to ask if Colt meant he was sleeping over, but didn’t want to sound like a complete moron. He drank the rest of the
water and trailed Colt to his bedroom. The room was beautiful, obviously professionally designed with crisp clean matching dark lacquered furniture and
Asian inspired wall hangings and window dressings.

Colt turned on a light in a bathroom.

Ashton stood where he could see him, but kept still waiting instructions. Colt held up a toothbrush.

Ashton nearly jumped into the air pumping his fist in joy. He joined Colt in a bathroom that was nearly the size of Ashton’s living room. Side by side at
double basins they washed up for bed. Once they were through with their evening routine, Ashton stood near the enormous king-sized bed and watched
Colt undress. Immediately he did the same. Being naked and crawling under silky soft blankets in a bed fit for royalty was making Ashton slightly giddy.

Colt turned off the light on the nightstand, but as his eyes adjusted, Ashton could see Colt lying on his side facing him, head propped up on a pillow. When
Colt caressed Ashton’s cheek, Ashton closed the gap between their bodies and interlaced their legs. A brush of Colt’s cock against his made Ashton’s
dick throb and bounce against Colt’s crotch.

“Tie me up. Tie me down,” Ashton whispered so softly, he didn’t know if Colt could hear.

Colt pounced, pinning Ashton under him, spreading Ashton’s legs with his knees.

Ashton was glad Colt heard. He stared up into his face, a face so handsome, Ashton had never been so smitten in his life. He parted his lips hoping for a

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Colt’s cock throbbed against the heat of Ashton’s balls. Though years of crappy relationships tried to edge out any hope of success, Colt went against his
better judgment with this ‘straight boy’ and told himself he would try once more. If his heart got trampled, he’d throw in the towel, move to Hawaii and give
up on the world. He met Ashton’s lips with his own. The enthusiastic response from Ashton made Colt’s dick pulsate. They swirled tongues gently. Colt
didn’t know how Ashton felt about it, but one day of raw skin was enough to curb the passionate kissing unless they were both closely shaven. And this late
in the day, neither was. Even without the mad mouth mashing, Colt enjoyed the delicate touch of Ashton’s tongue, the brush of his lips, and the bold caress
of hands that made their way down Colt’s back to his ass, where they squeezed and held on. From below, Ashton ground his crotch into Colt’s, creating
friction that sent Colt reeling.

Am I falling in love?

Colt didn’t know. He knew what he felt for Ashton was strong. Strong enough to override all his common sense about Ashton’s drug use, his newly
changed sexual orientation, and Lord knew what else. But Colt was living a mirror image of Ashton’s life. His addiction to BDSM, his estrangement from
his family, his poor choices in relationships, lack of true friends…weren’t they soul-mates?

Colt paused from their kissing and he and Ashton stared at each other in the dimness.

Ashton caressed Colt’s cheek with more tenderness than his own mother had when Colt was a small boy. It brought tears to Colt’s eyes. “You really love

“With all my heart.”



Colt bit his lip. Being perceived as weak and vulnerable was a role he was not eager to play.

“Do you think you’re not worthy of love?”

Colt didn’t answer.

“Cary, beneath your hard shell and defense mechanisms, you’re just a man. And men need love, not just sex.”

“If you breathe that secret to a soul I’ll have your nuts in a sling.”

Colt smiled wickedly.

“Mm!” Ashton wriggled under him. “No. Seriously, Cary…don’t you crave someone to love you unconditionally?”

“I don’t know. I never thought love came without conditions. It never has for me.”

“It does with me.”

“Will you crave pussy? Will you eventually go back to your straight ‘roots’ and want a family, conventional wedding…you know.”

“No. I had already decided against all of that two years ago when I went into DAA. I don’t want kids, and it was the women I dated that led me to a life of

Colt tried to judge him. Words were so easy to say. Deeds? Now that was the hard part.


yo u loved someone. Anyone could spout pretty

sentences. Colt had heard it all before.

“Cary, you have to trust me. I can’t do anything to change how you think or feel about me or anyone.”

“I know that one. That’s part of your recovery.” Colt smiled slyly.

“You can’t change a fucking thing but your own behavior.”


Colt rolled to his side and lightly caressed Ashton’s chest and belly. “I’m ashamed to admit this terrifies me.”

“Join the club. I’m in a constant state of terror.”

Colt grinned at the admission. He dug his hand through Ashton’s pubic hair, tangling his fingers into it. “When I was seven m y dad brought me to the

Ashton seemed to perk up, propping his head on the pillow. After a deep inhale, Colt said, “He was addicted t o gambling, booze…sex with underage
minors…you know. I had a healthy wholesome childhood.” Colt bit his lip at the irony. “Well, there we were, checking out the races, Dad stunk of bourbon,
and he points to a horse and jockey and says, ‘That’ll be you one day.’ I asked,

‘Why? I don’t want to be a jockey.’ He says, ‘No. A horse’s ass.’”

Ashton’s expression soured.

“I didn’t think much of it. Dad had a habit of belittling me, usually in front of his peers.” Colt toyed with Ashton’s flaccid cock.

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“We get home, of course Dad had lost a mint but it never seemed to faze him. He meets Mom in the kitchen to tell her his new nickname for me. ‘Horse

“Jesus,” Ashton said, looking mortified.

“Mom said, ‘Oh, no, Henry. He’s more like a colt. He’s not old enough to be a horse’s ass yet. Give him a few years.” Colt could see Ashton’s expression
of disdain. “So from then on, they all called me Colt. To be honest, I didn’t mind it. I imagined I was a wild stallion in the making. So, it stuck.”

After what seemed like Ashton was digesting the information, he asked, “How many people have you told that story to?”




Ashton’s eyes grew wider in the darkened room. He slowly curled Colt into an embrace and squeezed.

Colt hadn’t felt safe in a man’s arms in any of his recollections. Maybe he didn’t allow anyone t o get into his life. O r perhaps his need fo r complete
domination prevented any vulnerability. Colt didn’t know. All he did know was Ashton felt really good to hug.


Ashton knew with that confession grew a deeper bond. With Colt’s career and his fetish pastime, the man gave off an aura of power and invulnerability.
But most ‘super’men hid a soft side. It was Clark Kent petrified of Lois Lane’s craving for a deep relationship. In his leather get-up Colt was almighty. But
take away his whip and dog collar and the man behind the costume was just a man.

Ashton kissed Colt’s cheek and leaned back enough t o see his face. “Whatever your family did t o demean you, you still are successful, Cary. You’re
smart, good at what you do, and all things considered, mentally stable.”

Colt chuckled.

“High praise coming from a junkie?” Ashton felt embarrassed.


“Ex-junkie.” Ashton caressed Colt’s hair. “I won’t let you down.”

Another ironic smile appeared on Colt’s face.

“Okay,” Ashton said, “I will try my damnedest not to? Will that work for the disclaimer, Mr. Attorney?”


“I want to hold you and talk all night. But if you’re nearly as tired as I am…”

“I know. I need to shut my eyes too.” Colt held Ashton tight.

“Do I have to split first thing in the morning?”

“Not unless you have plans.”

“Don’t set the alarm,” Ashton said with a smile.

“You got it.”

They pecked lips and Ashton cradled Colt in his arms and fell asleep.

Chapter 16

A bizarre dream had a hold of Colt. He was at the club, performing a session, dressed in black leather jeans and a harness top. The fury Colt felt for the
sub was so intense he was whipping the man until he bled from welts on his back. When the sub turned to look at Colt, Colt realized he had been beating
his own image the whole time. He forced himself to come to the surface of the nightmare and opened his eyes. It was light in the room and he heard deep
breathing beside him.

It took a while, but Colt recalled the dream with perfect clarity, trying t o understand the implications a s meaningful, o r brushing it off a s nonsense. He
rubbed his face and yawned, stretching out his back.

At his stirring, Ashton began to wake. He rolled over and Colt connected with those bright blue eyes.

What a sight to see…how beautiful

. Colt curled the pillow under his head and stared at every detail of Ashton’s features.

“Hi.” Ashton’s cheeks grew rosy.


“First time waking up in another man’s bed. Wow.” Ashton mirrored Colt’s position, the pillow propping up his head.

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“Straight boy…” Colt ran his hand down Ashton’s throat.

“Ex-straight boy?” Ashton smiled shyly.

“I never believed it was possible to turn a man.” Colt drew circles around Ashton’s nipple. “I figure you either are or you’re not.”

When Colt pinched Ashton’s nipple, Ashton flinched, whimpering softly. “I never thought it would be possible to give up heroin. I suppose I believe anything

Colt pushed the sheet down, revealing Ashton’s tattooed forearm. He ran his hand over it, inspecting Ashton’s body as he did. It was Ashton who dragged
the covers to his knees, revealing his engorged dick.

The urge to dominate Ashton was immediate. It had been from the first second he laid eyes on him. “You have no idea the things I want to do to you.”

“Don’t I?” Ashton chuckled and his cheeks blushed once again.

“Ashton, Ashton, Ashton….” Colt hissed a breath through his teeth and held Ashton’s dick-head between his thumb and index finger, squeezing it.

“Do what you want to me.”

The chill that coursed over Colt’s body at being given carteblanche was intense. “You sure?”

Ashton didn’t appear sure. “Ah…like what kind of stuff? Like the swing thing?”

“Yes…And…” Colt used his thumb to rub over Ashton’s slit. Ashton closed his eyes and pressed his head into the pillow, moving his hips forward in a
gesture of tacit approval.

“I need to get you ready.” Colt tossed off the covers and got out of bed. “Come, my love.”

Ashton moved more slowly, as if he was timid about allowing himself to be taken over completely.

Colt led him to the bathroom and asked, “You ever have a colonic cleanse?”


After Ashton had been put through a cleaning ritual of a kind that made a hot bath seem like a wipe-down with a moist towelette, he was slightly

What Colt had referred to as a ‘colonic cleanse’ was an enema. Ashton was not only mortified, he was becoming intimidated. But he trusted Colt and had
said the words that could not be retracted,


what you want to me.”

With the attention Colt had given Ashton’s back passage, Ashton had a feeling his ass was going to be the center of attention. He hadn’t been excited
since before the little ritual began. And Colt didn’t say anything to him, other than instructions, barely meeting his eye.

Doubt formed in Ashton as once again his sense of insecurity and faith were tested.

He was naked, led into the toy room. Colt turned on a red colored lamp which gave the sense of either a dark room for photography or hell. Ashton didn’t
want it to be either.

“Okay, babe…time to play.” Colt dressed in a pair of tight leather black slacks and lace up boots. He held out the harness Ashton had worn once before.

“Dime?” Ashton asked nervously. “Are we still using dime?”

Colt laughed in a breath. “Now I know what that word means. I thought you were into pocket change.” Colt latched the belts around Ashton’s chest and
waist. “Up to you. Dime is fine. The implications suck, however.”

Ashton had lost his ability to think. As Colt wrapped him up in the silver buckles and leather, looking like a rock-star in his Jim Morrison pants, that tattoo
visible on his ripped torso, Ashton kept his mouth shut and was roped up like a calf ready for branding. Colt directed him to the sling and made Ashton lie
on it face down.

Ashton’s legs were spread as Colt adjusted him to become pliable so he could fit him into the hanging sling properly. Though the feel of being bound, the
sense of allowing Colt to take his body over was exciting, Ashton was not hard. Once Colt stopped manipulating Ashton’s limbs as if he were a puppet, he
stood beside Ashton and caressed the nape of Ashton’s neck where the tattoo was.

“Ready, lover?”

Lover? Am I your lover or your sub?

Ashton assumed lovers stayed in bed and took turns making each other come.

“I asked if you were ready.”



“Yes, please,” Ashton said. Knowing his ass was in a vulnerable position was slightly unsettling, but he had a dildo, vibrating toys and Colt’s dick in it. And
liked it.

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“That’s it, straight boy.” Colt caressed Ashton’s hair. Through a full length mirror near the sling, Ashton watched Colt head to the toy cabinet. He put his
leather gloves on, glancing back at Ashton to wink, and brought items with him. Ashton’s breathing began to accelerate. Who was he kidding? He loved
this. That adrenalin high was beginning to flow like smack through his veins. Colt stood where Ashton could watch and squeezed lubrication on his gloved
right hand. Colt licked Ashton’s shoulder quickly, just for a taste, and ran his hand up and down Ashton’s ass crack. An immediate jolt of delight coursed
through Ashton’s body to his cock.

Colt found Ashton’s rim and used one finger to circle around it until Ashton was humping the webbing of the sling. His arms weren’t bound, but wrist cuffs
were on them, as if he was going to be. Ashton held the webbing over his head and rested his cheek on the straps, able to witness everything Colt was
doing through the mirror. The sight of Colt’s powerful build accentuated by the black pants and boots was extra stimulation.

You are so fucking hot

. His

ass was penetrated by Colt’s finger. Ashton inhaled sharply and jammed his pelvis downwards. In the reflection he could see his stiff erection poking
through the sling and felt the rubber cock-ring tighten as his dick engorged.

The internal rub was as exquisite as Ashton remembered.

“You like this, straight boy?”

“Yes. More please.” Ashton writhed, tightening his hold on the mesh straps over his head and trying t o spread his thighs wider, which was impossible
since the contraption already had him performing a near split.

Colt stopped what he was doing.

Ashton wiped his sweaty forehead on his arm and kept an eye on the mirror. Colt returned with clips. He secured Ashton’s wrists to a ring hook near
where he had been holding the sling. Only now, he could not reach for Colt nor move his arms.

“Still okay, straight boy?”

“Yes.” Ashton looked at his cock in the mirror. A string of precum was beginning to dangle from it.

“Good boy.” Colt walked to the cabinet again. He returned showing off a fleshy dildo. Ashton’s ass tingled at the sight. The fake dick was not small. Ashton
wasn’t an expert in cock size, but judging by his own and Colt’s, the rubbery thing appeared to be a battering ram.

Colt stood again where Ashton could watch. He poured liquid lubrication liberally over the dildo.

“You…you’re not really going to…” Ashton gulped loudly. Colt didn’t answer. He stood between Ashton’s open thighs and began rubbing the head of the
squishy thing between his legs. Ashton focused on the mirror’s reflection, but soon the stimulation to his anal area was making him swoon. He closed his
eyes and relaxed every muscle in his body. He stopped tugging on the cuffs, stopped clenching his legs and let go.

As if Colt sensed his release, he began penetrating Ashton with the dildo. When it began to vibrate in Ashton’s ass, Ashton groaned and jammed his hips
against the webbing, fucking air. The cock ring prevented him from spontaneously combusting.

“Mother-fucker!” Ashton rode the humming latex, raising his ass into the air for more. He heard Colt chuckle softly, felt his lips kiss his inner thighs, his free
hand caressing his round ass-cheeks. Ashton left the planet momentarily. The surrendering of his human body to Colt’s domination was sublime. Ashton
knew his self-control was minimal at best, so being a receptacle of pure pleasure was where he wanted to be. That’s what heroin did. It took him over,
made him high and forced him to surrender himself to its power.

“Colt…ahh, Colt.” Ashton used whatever leverage he had to continue fucking air and getting fucked. The more Ashton pumped his hips, the deeper the
vibration went. He forced himself to look into the mirror. The string of pre-cum was whipping around with his movements, but still connected to his piss-slit.
And to his delight, Colt had his erect dick out of his leathers and exposed as he continued to fuck Ashton with the dildo.

“I want yours. I want yours!” Ashton clenched his ass tightly.

“You what?” Colt asked calmly.

“Please. Please, Colt. Give me your cock. Please.”

“Better.” Colt gently removed the dildo, setting it aside. Colt again headed to the cabinet, where he picked up a condom. Swaggering, his engorged dick
swaying with every step, Colt returned to the spot beside the sling. He held the base of his cock and slapped the head gently against Ashton’s face.

Ashton opened his mouth, tugging at the cuffs to get his lips around Colt’s cock. “Please.”

Colt held still, touching the tip of his dick to Ashton’s mouth. It was still out of reach. Ashton darted his tongue to get a taste. He touched the dewy drop on
the end of Colt’s cock and savored it in his mouth.

“You will swallow.”

“Yes.” Ashton had no idea if he could.

“No spitting it out.”

“Yes. No spitting.”

“Open your mouth.”

Ashton did immediately. Colt put the head of his dick into it. Closing his eyes, Ashton moaned, grinding his hips against air and webbing, his ass empty
and craving hot cock, his dick dangling and oozing but getting no friction. He was pent up to a state of sexual arousal much more powerful than any

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addiction he’d had previously. Beginning slowly at first, Colt held the base of his dick and orally fucked Ashton. Ashton fought his gag reflex, knowing Colt
would indeed pass his comfort zone. He used his mind to relax his mouth and throat the way he had with his tense legs and arms. He imagined he was
just a receptacle again for Colt’s pleasure. He loved that idea. Fucking loved it!

As Colt tested Ashton’s ability to take it orally, Colt said, “Very good, straight boy.”

Ashton moaned and sucked, inhaling Colt’s clean-fresh from the shower scent and his masculine essence. H e started bucking o n the swing again,
allowing Colt’s cock so deep into his mouth he was inhaling through his nostrils quickly to keep up with his demand for oxygen.

He forced his eyes open and struggled t o see Colt’s expression from his odd position o f bondage. But the moment he was able, Ashton caught the
orgasmic pleasure washing across Colt’s face. The length of Colt’s cock pulsated strongly and Ashton tasted a pool of pre-cum on the back of his tongue.
He prepared himself for what was next.

Colt threw back his head and grunted, thrusting his hips forward. Ashton fought back the urge t o retreat, gag and fight. His mouth filled with cum. He
swallowed quickly again and again as load after load of spunk ejaculated out of Colt’s dick.

Before Ashton could react or swallow the last taste, Colt jerked his hips away sheathed his cock and rushed behind Ashton’s sling. Ashton started in reflex
as Colt’s dick filled him. Colt hammered away and rested his upper half against Ashton.

When Ashton felt Colt’s grip on his dick, fisting him as wildly as he was fucking him, Ashton arched his back, tightened every muscle in his body and
came. He moaned so loudly he didn’t recognize his own voice. The manipulation Colt did to his restricted dick was so unusual, Ashton knew this man was
master of all things male. Colt knew all the secrets.

The pleasure centered in Ashton’s groin but soon engulfed his entire body sending chills to his fingertips and toes. Colt ground his dick against Ashton’s
ass, not coming, but certainly giving Ashton a prostate massage to remember.

The fact that Colt could maintain an erection after the amount of cum he had deposited in Ashton’s mouth was impressive. But again, Ashton knew he was
dealing with a master with the libido of a giant. Slowly the circling waves of pleasure began to subside. Ashton caught his breath as Colt dropped like a
dead weight on his back, letting go of Ashton’s cock and pulling out of his ass. They both lay sweating and recuperating for a long moment. Ashton closed
his eyes and even with the leather harness and restraining cuffs he felt as if he could sleep where he was. Just as he imagined dozing off, he felt a gentle
touch to his upper back. Colt was licking the sweat off his skin. He could hear Colt deeply inhaling him, as if his scent was welcome.


Okay. Fine. I’m crazy about you, you mother-fucking-straight-ex-



Colt didn’t remember having sex like this for a very long time. It’s just not the way his subs were treated. They didn’t get his cock. They didn’t get fucked by
him. And he certainly didn’t want to be sexual with them on an intimate level. He was there to flog them, tie them up, humiliate them, and get paid.

After getting a good taste and sniff of Ashton’s skin, Colt managed to motivate himself. He stood and unhooked Ashton everywhere he had a buckle or

Ashton moved stiffly, rolling over and being helped out of the sling. Once all the harness and leather straps were removed, Colt stripped his own clothing
off and led Ashton to his shower. Ashton appeared groggy and didn’t speak, still pliable and allowing Colt to take care of him.

After sessions, Colt was normally happy to be rid of the subs. Goodbye, take a hike, get the hell away from me.

His desire to baby Ashton, nurture him post-coital was new for Colt.

“Come on, lover.” Colt directed Ashton into the tub under the spray of steaming water. “Let me take care of you.”

Ashton stood still as Colt bathed him, washing every inch of him like he had done pre-session. “Are you sore, my pet?” Colt was careful around Ashton’s


Colt didn’t believe him, but didn’t ask again. They finished in the bathroom. Colt was spent but sexually sated.

“Let me help you now.” Ashton stopped Colt from moving. Colt tilted his head curiously. “Help me what?”

“Clean up the play room.”

Colt smiled. “We have a cleaner at the club between sessions.”

“I’m your cleaner.”

“You don’t have to—”

Ashton put his hand over Colt’s lips and asked, “Where’s the bucket and sponge?”

Colt hooked both his arms around Ashton’s neck and stared into his eyes. “Did you like it?”


It sounded to Colt as if there was going to be a ‘but’ said next. There wasn’t. “Tell me the truth.”

“What makes you think I’m not?”

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“Your expression.”

Ashton studied Colt’s gaze for a moment before he replied. “We spoke of honesty.”

“We did.”

Ashton sat with Colt at the foot of the bed. They were wearing briefs but nothing else. “I loved it.”

“Oh!” Colt had expected a different response.


A wry smile came to Colt’s mouth. “But.”

“But…” Ashton pressed his forehead against Colt’s neck, hugging him. “I want us to play more intimate games under the sheets in your bed also.”

“I see.” Colt caressed Ashton’s hair, riding his hand down his neck and shoulder.

“Mix it up a little. You know? Some snuggling kissing and fucking and a hit of hot master/slave play when we want it.”

“A hit.” Colt grinned. “I love being your drug of choice.”

Ashton flopped onto the bed, taking Colt with him. “You are.” He purred into Colt’s ear sending chills over Colt’s skin. Warmth of being close, being loved,
and being attached filled Colt. Ashton gnawed up Colt’s neck to his earlobe while he cupped Colt’s pectoral muscle and squeezed.

“Am I your little woman now?” Colt asked.

“Wanna be?” Ashton took Colt’s earlobe between his teeth and tugged.

“No one has tamed the wild stallion, Mr. Lake.”

“Has anyone tried?”

Blinking, Colt thought about it. “No!” He cracked up with laughter.

“You’re one intimidating man, Cary. I’m sure that’s why you have a job in the clubs dominating men.”

“I can’t remember one guy trying to top me, or play the aggressor.”

“I can do that.”

Colt rolled to his side, propped his head in his palm and tickled his fingers down Ashton’s jaw. “The Dom play Sub?”

“No. The lover shares his love.”

Colt choked at the seriousness of Ashton’s tone. “You really do love me? Like, really?”

Ashton rolled his eyes and dropped back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. “I’m beginning to believe you’re more screwed up emotionally than I am.”

“No doubt, Ashton, believe me. I am. You have no idea the emotional baggage I come with. I wouldn’t burden anyone with it. So I haven’t.”

Ashton moved to face him again, lying on his side. “So? We’re both damaged goods. Big deal. We said we would try.”

“We did.”


“Okay.” Colt had no idea what they should say or do next. Ashton stood, holding out his hand. Colt took it and was hauled off of the bed.

“Dance with me.”

Colt smiled in pleasure. He held Ashton and swayed. “Uh uh…I lead.”

“Not this time.” Ashton dipped him and laughed.

Colt was set upright and held Ashton tightly in his arms as they waltzed to music in their heads. He rested his cheek against Ashton’s and closed his eyes.
Maybe. Maybe this can work.


Ashton insisted he do most of the cleaning in the toy room. Colt had his supplies of disinfectants and mops, but Ashton had more efficient ways of dealing
with dirt from experience. He nudged Colt aside and did the work as Colt looked on appearing amused. The room back to perfection, Ashton snapped off
his gloves and replaced the cleaning items into their cabinet, just as if he were at work in the office building. In reflex he looked down to unzip his jumpsuit,
but of course he wasn’t wearing one. He heard Colt chuckle, obviously knowing what he was thinking.

Ashton spun around, gave Colt a reproving glance and said, “You laughing at me?”

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Still chuckling, Colt said, “I’m not.”

Ashton grabbed Colt around his waist, picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.

“Oh no you don’t!” Colt began to struggle.

Ashton held tight and carried Colt to his bedroom. Colt’s protest began to morph into hysterical laughter.

“I think it’s time the straight boy gave the Dom a lesson in who is the man in the family.”

“Shut up. Macho-man.” Colt dabbed at a tear of laughter. Ashton threw Colt on the bed and pinned him before he rolled off. For some reason Colt couldn’t
stop laughing. Ashton had a feeling it was mixed with some anxiety since no one had attempted to play the top dog with him previously. Ashton unzipped
his jeans and exposed his dick from his briefs. Instantly Colt kept quiet and stared at it, catching his breath.

On his knees, Ashton crawled up the bed, straddling Colt pointing his hard-on in the direction he was headed, Colt’s mouth.

“Hope you don’t gag.” Ashton brushed the head of his cock over Colt’s lips, feeling Colt’s chest rise and fall rapidly under him. Colt lunged for Ashton’s
cock, devouring it, sucking it deep into his mouth. The act caught Ashton off guard but soon he was leaning on one arm, holding the base o f his dick,
fucking Colt’s mouth as Colt had fucked his.

Hearing Colt whimper, feeling him wriggle on the bed, his hands under Ashton’s shirt, scrambling for the heat of his skin, Ashton was close to the edge.

Before he came, Ashton jerked his hips backwards, his cock coming out of Colt’s mouth with a loud pop from the hard suction. Ashton undid Colt’s pants
and yanked them down his thighs. The sight of Colt’s tattoo, pubic hair and cock was too tempting to resist. Ashton buried his face into his groin, sniffing
and groaning. Colt sat up, taking his pants off, huffing for breath as he did. Naked from the waist down, Colt spread his legs and cupped his own balls,
offering his ass. “Fuck me, straight boy.”

Ashton swiped the dewy drop from his own cock. “Get me a condom or I’m fucking you bareback.”

“In that drawer.” Colt pointed, tugging his own shirt off. Ashton opened the nightstand and tore one condom off the strip. He rolled it on and stared at a tube
of gel for a moment, trying to figure out which one of them to use it on, him or Colt. Colt snatched it out of his hand and said, “Take off your clothes, Ash.”

Shaking, suddenly back to sub behavior as his urge for sexual release intensified, Ashton stripped, staring a t Colt a s he bent his knees and used the
lubrication on his own ass.

“Holy Christ, Colt.” Ashton fisted himself as he watched.

“Get your dick over here.” Colt tossed the gel on the night table. Ashton crawled between Colt’s legs and leaned on his arms, pushing the head of his dick
against Colt’s rim.

Colt jammed his hips upwards, causing deep penetration and a rush to Ashton’s length of pure bliss. While Ashton tried to focus and function, Colt was
bucking like a wild bronco, fucking Ashton from below. All Ashton could do was hold on so he wouldn’t be tossed off the mattress.

Colt let out a long low moan and gripped his own dick, jacking it and fucking Ashton simultaneously.

Seeing Colt’s chest and abdominal muscles tighten, his handsome face going into the throes o f orgasm, Ashton came, choking o n the sound as it
squeezed out of his throat. As his cock pulsated quickly with his own heart beat, he felt Colt’s rim doing the same while cum shot out of his dick and
spattered his skin.

“Jesus!” Ashton thought even when




, Colt was master supreme. He had no complaints. This was the drug he was craving his entire life.

It took a moment for Colt to open his eyes and come back from his swoon but when he did, he spread out on the mattress and continued to milk his big
thick cock.

Ashton nearly fell off the bed as he pulled out, removing the condom and carefully placing it on the wrapper on the nightstand. He wiped his forehead of
sweat and stared at Colt. Colt’s breathing was returning to normal and his hand motion came to a stop on his dick. Ashton pushed Colt’s hand aside and
began licking the spent cum. Each time he tasted it it was better and better. Colt groaned and Ashton felt his body go limp under him. Lick by lick, Ashton
cleaned the cum off of Colt’s skin. Once he had, Ashton dropped on top of him and held onto him. He felt Colt trying to move his arms under Ashton so he
shifted to allow him the freedom.

Colt touched Ashton’s jaw, and made for his mouth.

The kiss was so emotionally charged, Ashton felt his eyes sting with tears.

Lying naked together, sweat sealing them, they kissed. Ashton knew if anything happened to break the connection he and Colt had made, he would go off
the deep end. Never in his life had Ashton felt so strongly for someone, and even at this stage of their relationship, the pain of losing Colt would be fatal.

Chapter 16

Monday morning Colt sat at his desk at work trying to concentrate and not succeeding.


He snapped out of his daydream and spotted Felicia standing at his open office door.

“Mr. Southwood needs you to second chair. Here’s the file.”

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Colt frowned. “We have a meeting every morning. He never mentions anything until I’m at my desk immersed in my own cases.”

“He waits for me to sort them. I’m sorry, Colt. There’s a lot of new messages and emails to go through Monday morning.”

Colt felt guilty. He reached out for the file. “I understand. Thanks, Felicia.”

“Sorry, Colt.”

“It’s okay.” He opened the file and read the complaint as she walked away. All Colt could think about was Ashton.


Ashton sat on a folding chair in the church basement next to Max. He wasn’t listening to the new attendees admit to their drug use or tell their stories. He
was still in bed, holding Colt in his arms, sniffing his scent and kissing his lips. At a noise of a chair scraping the linoleum next to him, Ashton looked at
Max. Max appeared concerned but they didn’t speak while the new member was talking. After the meeting was over, Max and Ashton stood near a table
and fixed coffee the way they liked.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. For a change, I’m fine.”

Max tilted his head for them to speak privately in a corner of the room. “I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t be.”

“What’s going on with your friend?”

“I spent the weekend at his place.” Ashton smiled before he could prevent it.


“Male bonding.”

Max did not appear pleased.

Ashton exhaled in frustration and said, “I can’t hide away and not get involved with anyone because I’m afraid that if I get hurt I’ll go back to dope.”

Max didn’t answer but looked stern.

“It’s not reasonable to expect me to be alone forever, Max. You were happy for me originally, why not now?”

“I had some time to think about it. You have never been with a man. I can see disaster written all over this. It was because of your insecurities about him
you fell off the wagon last week. I think you should be very careful.”

“I’m going to try. I’m not going to avoid him simply because of my own fear.”

“Gay relationships notoriously fail.”

“My past straight ones got me addicted to heroin and none of them lasted. I’m taking the same chance with a man than I had with women.”

Max pointed a warning finger at him. “Be careful. Gay men aren’t known for monogamous relationships.”

“That sounds homophobic.”

“No. It’s realistic.”

“And half of all straight marriages end in divorce.” Ashton opened his hand in a gesture of, ‘so’?

“Call me if you get hurt. Do not buy dope. You hear me?”

Doubt formed like a ball of fire in Ashton’s gut. What had been warmth and hope, dissolved instantly to fear and anguish. Almost as if Max felt badly for
making Ashton upset, he rubbed his back and said, “I just care about what happens to you.”

“I know. I appreciate it.”

Max nudged him to mingle with the other members.


Colt entered the courthouse still reading through a last minute law brief his paralegal had provided, just in case Southwood fell on his ass, which he never
seemed to do. The man could know nothing about the case and still posture and spout enough garbage to dazzle a jury. The judges, however, didn’t fall for
the trick any longer. Colt knew that was the reason Southwood kept him as second chair. To keep the judges in line.

“Mr. St. John?”

Colt glanced up from his paperwork and stopped his forward progress. “Mr. Larsen.”

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Jack extended his hand and as they shook he drew Colt out of the mainstream of foot traffic in the crowded hall. “I need your help.”

“Me?” Colt stuffed the paperwork into his folder and gave Jack a coy smile. “What would one of the best litigators in LA need with a lowly associate like

“You’re so full of shit.” Jack glanced around for a moment. “I’m not talking law. I’m talking bondage, Mr. St. John.”

“Oh?” Colt felt his skin prickle. Having a man as fantastic as Jack Larsen in a sling for a session would be a treat.

“Yeah…uh. I have a friend who, well…”

“Uh huh. A ‘friend’.” Colt checked his watch. The trial was going to start.

“Seriously. Not me. This guy I know loves to play sub.”

“And? He wants a session?” Colt was about to quit the business now that he had Ashton, but…Jack Larsen tied in leather? No one would pass that up.

“No.” Jack checked his watch as well. “Shit. Can I call you?”

“Of course.” Colt reached inside his jacket for his ‘alternative’ set of business cards. “I’m not really taking any more appointments, Jack. But for you?” Colt
gave his body a good once over.

“No. Not for a session. For the toys. The get up.” Jack pocketed the card and began heading down the hall. “I’ll call you!”

Colt smiled as he watched Jack rush off, then headed to his assigned courtroom, seeing it overcrowded and noisy before the judge entered and called
them to order. Southwood gave him a brief glance and continued talking to their client.

The conversation with Jack brought up a decision Colt had to make formally at the club, and to Lionel.

Do I want to quit my night


The judge entered the room, silencing the occupants after the bailiff’s shout to rise, and then he called on the attorneys to begin their trial.

Colt sat with the client, drifting off about what to do with his life, whether he should trust Ashton and continue pursuing this relationship, or …get out before
he was in too deep. Paul Southwood waved his arms, addressing the jury with his opening statement as if he were a band leader or a politician lying for
the next election.

Colt stared at the client. One of Southwood’s cronies doing dirty deeds. Nothing new. It was all Southwood did in court lately. His little

right-winged-Tea-Party-anti-everything-human-rights-golf buddies were constantly being arrested for drunk driving, caught cheating on their spouses and
taxes, using fraud to make business deals…blah blah blah.

The tedium was killing Colt. The closet door he hid behind was so thick, Colt wondered if he could ever push it back and get out. Southwood returned to
the table beside Colt. Colt used his hand in an attempt to not breathe in the man’s nasty cologne. Hours later, the court was adjourned for the day. Colt felt
as if he’d been cut free of one of his own collar and leash contraptions. He stood behind the table, gathering the paperwork to slide into his briefcase.

“What happens next?” the client asked Southwood.

“Closing statements tomorrow,” Southwood replied. “Let me take you out for a drink.”

Colt was treated as a complete subordinate by both men, and not even given polite eye contact as the two peas in a pod left. Clenching his jaw, Colt
closed his valise, not happy with any role that left him feeling less than what he was. Top Dom.

He exited the courthouse to the dim streetlight and walked back to his office. The breeze was cool, but he enjoyed the time to think as he strolled.

The office building was emptying as usual. Colt said hello to the guard and stood at the elevator, getting in when it stopped at the lobby. While it opened to
his floor he heard a vacuum cleaner and knew what that meant.

Taking care of locking up his files efficiently first, Colt hunted Ashton, hungry for his love. He found him wrapping up the cord for the vacuum cleaner,
standing in the hall a few offices down from his own.

Arms crossed, Colt admired him from afar. He leaned his head against the doorframe and sighed.

As if silent messages were being transmitted, Ashton raised his eyes slowly in Colt’s direction.

The second they connected gazes, Colt’s cock shifted in his pants.

Come to me, gorgeous


Immediately Ashton made for him. Colt may as well have said that line aloud. But he didn’t have to.

Ashton swept Colt into an embrace and kissed him.

Colt filled his lungs with Ashton’s scent and moaned as they twirled tongues.

A noise, possibly the elevator door, and the murmur of men’s voices carried down the corridor.

Colt woke from his swoon and the taste and touch of Ashton’s mouth to see a set of furious eyes glaring at him. In reflex Colt shoved Ashton back and

Ashton spun around to look.

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The expression on Paul Southwood’s face, as well as the identical look of disgust on the client’s, made Colt sick to his stomach.

“What the hell is going on here?” Southwood stormed closer to Colt to nearly spit in his face when he spoke.

Colt said to Ashton, “Go. Get lost.”

Ashton nodded and backed away, pushing his cart.

Once Ashton was safely out of Southwood’s striking distance, Colt’s posture grew defensive. “I’m gay. Okay? I’m gay. I fuck men.”

The rage in Southwood’s expression was so volatile Colt thought the man was going to either have a coronary or strike him. Southwood nudged his client
past Colt as if Colt were contagious, through the door behind him. The client leveled his sneer of contempt at Colt and kept walking deeper into the law
firm’s offices. When it was just Colt and Southwood about to ram heads, Colt said, “Just try and fire me for it.”

“Your career here is finished. You can stick around, but you won’t get any work from me.”

“You think I want your hand-outs? Second chairing for a dinosaur like you?” Ashton coughed at the joke.

“If you don’t like it here then you are welcome to leave.”

“Believe me. I want to.”

Southwood gave him a last cringe of revulsion and left him standing there.

Colt had so many things he wanted to scream at Southwood he just stood and fumed for a moment.


Colt looked up, seeing Ashton hadn’t gone very far and appeared worried. After peering behind him, Colt walked down the carpeted hall to meet up with

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault.” Ashton lowered his head.

“Like hell it is.” Colt held Ashton’s arm and led him to a more private spot where Southwood couldn’t find them. “I hate that man. I hate this office and I hate
hiding in the fucking closet.”

“Do you hate me too now?”

Colt backed Ashton against the wall. “No. I don’t.” Colt met his lips and closed his eyes.


Ashton thought his boots were melting to the floor. He had enormous respect for Colt already, but hearing him stand up to a man as imposing as Paul
Southwood and emerge from it with his dignity and poise intact, placed Colt on a whole new level for Ashton. After a moment to kiss and grind, Ashton
parted from Colt’s lips. He rested his forehead against his. “If you quit I’ll miss you like hell around this place.”

“Yeah. About that.” Colt cupped Ashton’s jaw, making him meet his eyes. “I will quit.”

“I don’t blame you.” Ashton received Colt’s reassuring embrace, returning it. “I love you. Anything you need I’m here.”

“God, that is so good to hear. You amazing man.”

“Me?” Ashton laughed and they smiled at each other.

“How much more do you have to do here? I want to bring you back to my place.”

“Done.” Ashton grinned.

“Let’s go.”

Making sure he had all his cleaning supplies on the cart, Ashton wheeled it down the hall, wary of the offices where the other two men had gone. He could
hear their deep voices through the empty rooms.

With Colt beside him, Ashton returned his equipment to the supply closet and removed his jumpsuit. “Ready.” He put his jacket on and he and Colt held
hands as they walked into the parking garage to their cars.

Before they entered separate vehicles, Colt kissed Ashton and squeezed his arm.

Ashton knew it was for reassurance, but in the pit of Ashton’s stomach he was worried for Colt.


Colt tried not to care about what just happened.

He said to himself, “I thought you were taking your client buddy out for a drink, Southwood. What the fuck were you doing bring him back to the office so
late?” Colt chuckled. “Sucking his dick?” He glanced at the rear view and could tell it was Ashton’s car behind him. “All you pompous motherfuckers are
hypocrites. I wouldn’t doubt for a minute you’re into something nasty.” Thinking of touching Southwood made Colt cringe. He physically shivered trying to

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shake off the revulsion of the image. He’d played Dom for many clients like Southwood. It seemed as if the largest percentage of Colt’s subs were older,
married men, who had let themselves go and held high-paying executive positions. “Classic.” Colt shook his head. As he pulled into the lot of his high-rise
he began a list in his head of contacts to call in the morning. If all else failed, he’d open his own law firm.

Parking the Porsche and heading out to the front of the building to meet Ashton, Colt wondered if Jack Larsen knew of anyone interested in hiring a new
attorney. Jack was out of the closet and an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bi and transgender cause. “Do you need another ‘colt’ in your stable, Larsen?”

“You talking to yourself?” Ashton smiled.

“Yes. I told you I was a basket case. You didn’t believe me.” Colt used the code in the lobby keypad.

“What are you discussing with yourself?” Ashton stood close to Colt as they entered the elevator.

“Getting a new job.”

“I figured.”

At the look of anguish on Ashton’s face, Colt caressed his hair gently. “Don’t worry.”

A loud sigh came from Ashton.

Colt opened the condo’s door and allowed Ashton to enter first. He headed to the bedroom and began taking off his suit and tie, Ashton following behind

Seeing Ashton lingering, not knowing what to do, Colt said, “Get naked.”

Immediately Ashton began taking off his clothing.

Colt hung up his suit jacket and pants, distracted by the sight of Ashton’s skin being revealed. Just as Colt took his wallet and mobile phone out o f his
pockets to set on his dresser, his phone rang. Annoyed, Colt read the display and said, “Hey, Ash, you mind if I take this?”

“No. Not at all.” Ashton sat on Colt’s bed, naked.


“Colt?” Jack mimicked Colt’s inflection.

“I’m glad you really want that gear because I have a great idea for you.” Colt relaxed next to Ashton and rubbed Ashton’s leg.

“Great. What’s the idea?”

“I’ll get everything you need. My treat.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“On condition.”

“Why is there always a condition?” Jack laughed.

Colt glanced at Ashton, grinning at him. Ashton appeared shy and that’s what Colt loved about him. “This condition is easy for you, Jack.”

“I’m listening.”

“I need to get out of Southwood and Associates.”


“Any leads on someone looking to pick up an ‘out’ gay advocate attorney?” Colt heard Ashton chuckle. He gave him a mischievous wink.

“Colt St. John finally coming out of the closet? No. You’ve kept that façade up for ages. Why now?”

“A couple of reasons.” Colt spun around on the bed so he could stare at Ashton’s light eyes while he spoke. Ashton caressed Colt’s thigh softly. “I’m tired
of the lie.”

“Took you long enough.”

“I know. But Paul Southwood isn’t you.”

Jack coughed at the absurdity of the comparison.

“And…I’m giving up the job at the fetish club as well.”

Ashton’s eyes widened in surprise.

“You don’t have to give up the night job if you come out,” Jack said, “Quite the contrary.”

“No. I’m giving up the club job for another reason. But I want to work for a firm where I can eventually become a full partner. I had no chance where I was.”

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“So without the night job, you wouldn’t mind making the same income level as the two combined.”

“That’s the idea.” Colt tugged on Ashton’s soft dick playfully.


“Look, you don’t have to give me any leads right now. I know I sprung it on you. But I don’t know another attorney as well connected in the community as
you are.”

“Will you mix it up? Do pro-bono work?”

Colt made a silly noise in his throat as if that were repugnant.

“Free? Lend my services out for free? Agh!”

Ashton cracked up, trying to keep quiet while Colt was on the phone.

“Mr. St. John,” Jack admonished, “Greed is as ugly as Southwood’s homophobia.”

“I’m teasing. Yes, of course I’d do pro-bono work.” Colt repositioned on the bed so he was lying on his belly, his arms across Ashton’s thighs, within a
breath of being able to lick his cock.

“I’d love you to work here.”

“Yeah?” Colt brightened up.

“Jennifer Bernstein left us to work for the Supreme Court. Sonja and I have picked up the slack. We have a few associates but they’re still learning the
tricks of the trade. A dominant male presence like you in the firm may be just what we need.”

“Be careful what you ask for,” Colt replied, his tongue firmly planted in his cheek.

“I know what I’m asking for, Colt. Believe me. You may not be known in the straight community, but your reputation in the gay one is as powerful as your
whip and harness.”

Colt felt so elated he popped Ashton’s cock into his mouth.

“Ya there?” Jack asked.

Just as Ashton’s dick began to grow, Colt let it fall out from his lips. “Yeah. So? What now?”

“Come by for an interview. Not that you need one. But I want you to meet the group here.”

“Do you have time tomorrow? I have a feeling being near Southwood from now on will be even more intolerable than usual.”

Colt gave Ashton’s dick head another quick suck. “And the man stinks. Seriously, Jack. I can’t stand the sight or scent of him.” Colt closed his eyes and
inhaled Ashton’s balls. He cupped the phone and said to Ashton, “You, on the other hand…” He made a face of ecstasy.

“Hello?” Jack said.

“Sorry. I have my boyfriend’s dick in front of my nose.”

“Boyfriend?” Ashton choked.

Colt put his finger to his lips to hush him playfully.

“Anyway…Okay, Jack, here’s the plan. I’ll bring over—”

“No! Not to my office,” Jack said, interrupting him. “Don’t bring your assortment of leather there. It’s for a friend. If my colleagues think it’s for me I’ll never
hear the end of it.”

“Come on, Jack. Just admit it’s for you.” Colt rubbed Ashton’s slit across his lips.

“It’s not. I would admit it. Why not? Seriously. A good friend of mine is a total sub and his husband and he would have a blast with that shit. I just don’t know
enough about it to go out and get them what they need. Hence, I sought out the advice of the master.”

Colt rubbed his stiff cock into the bed as all this talk and Ashton’s pre-cum on his tongue was getting him hot. “Okay. I’ll revise the plan. I’ll stop b y your
office tomorrow, and you can tell me where I’m bringing all the toys. How’s that?”

“Perfect. See you at ten.”

“Thanks, Jack.”

“Believe me, it’s my firm that’s going to be thanking you.”

“You got that right!” Colt laughed. “Bye.” He hung up, tossed the phone onto the nightstand and gave Ashton a big grin.

“You got a new job. Just like that?” Ashton snapped his fingers.

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“I hope so. Jack Larsen is an attorney I’ve known for a long time. We’ve both seen each other i n action.” Colt tugged o n Ashton’s balls. “I’ve always
wanted to work with him. But I got stuck where I was. Now he has a vacancy left by someone who became a judge. Just good timing.”

“Christ, I’m really happy for you, but it’ll suck not having you to play with at work.”

“We’ll manage. Now, where was I?” Colt stuck Ashton’s cock deeply into his mouth.

Ashton moaned and tried to lay back.

Colt allowed him to spread out on the bed, crawling between Ashton’s legs for a better angle. He nuzzled into Ashton’s balls inhaling deeply. “Mm!”


“Yes, my pet.” Colt licked Ashton’s wrinkled sack.

“Am I really your boyfriend?”

Colt leaned his arms on Ashton’s thighs and gazed at him. “Do you want to be?”


“Are you sure?”

Ashton put his hand on his heart. “Hope to die.”

Colt rested his cheek on Ashton’s pelvis, his lips tickled by Ashton’s pubic bush. He closed his eyes and tried to think as change came to him on so many
levels at once.

Ashton caressed Colt’s hair. “All I can give you is my word.”

Colt leaned up to meet Ashton’s stare again. “I’m going to take a leap of faith here, Ash.”

“Go on.”

“Since I’m going to be out of the office you’re working in, effective immediately…”

Ashton appeared apprehensive.

“Move in.”

“Move in where?”


“What?” Ashton inhaled sharply.

Colt knew it was madness. Asking an ex-junkie, ex-straight man to move into a home where his tiny yet costly things could be pawned for smack. But…

“You sure?” Ashton looked shocked.

Colt sat upright and scooted closer, taking Ashton’s hand. “Do I ever do anything I don’t want to do, Ash?”


“Would I ask you to live here if I didn’t want you to be available for me?”

“No, sir.”

“Will you let me down?”


Colt said, “Move in.”

Ashton flew at him and tackled him to the bed. “I love you. Love you! Love you!”

As Ashton covered him with kisses, Colt had a feeling he loved Ashton too. Ashton’s grin was so genuine, it made Colt’s heart warm at the sight.

“I was born to please you.”

“Oh?” Colt chuckled.


“Your new calling in life?”

“Absolutely.” Ashton leapt back on the bed, opened his thighs and said, “Stick a dildo up me, please, sir.”

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Colt’s chuckle soon became a full blown laugh. He shook his head. “Ashton Lake, where on earth did I find you?”

“Emptying trash, wearing a blue jumpsuit.” Ashton spread his ass cheeks wider.

The sight was making Colt’s cock wag. “How far have we both come, babe?” Colt inched closer, licked his index finger and circled Ashton’s rim.

Ashton let out a low whimper and closed his eyes. “I’m yours.”

Colt blinked. “You learn very quickly, grasshopper!”

“Tie me up…fuck me senseless.”

The rush t o Colt’s cock was intense. He didn’t waste time. Stretching to the night table, Colt located what he needed. He rolled on a condom and
squeezed a blob of gel onto his fingers. As he penetrated Ashton to get him ready, Ashton moaned and threw his head back into the pillows, holding his
legs and opening his body wide.

Colt knelt between Ashton’s thighs and pushed his cock into him.

“Play with your dick, Ash.”

“Yes, sir. Fuck me hard, please.”

“You got it, straight boy.” Colt filled Ashton’s ass until he was balls deep. Colt watched Ashton fist himself with enthusiasm.

“More, please.”

Colt braced himself and drove in deeper, his focus split between his cock inside Ashton, and Ashton’s jerking off.

Ashton’s hands became a blur of motion and his muscles tensed.

“Hold back, straight boy.”

Immediately Ashton stopped fisting and Colt could see him pinching his dick to stop the rush. “That’s my sub…very good.”

Colt used one hand to manipulate Ashton’s balls, pulling and stretching them against his sheathed dick and Ashton’s own thick cock. He felt Ashton quake
under him, trying hard not to come. With both hands back on the bed, Colt began thrusting inside Ashton’s ass with intent. “Begin again.”

Ashton used two his hands to tug on his cock, but Colt could see him more wary, waiting for the permission to come.

Colt pulled out to the tip, then pushed in to the base. Ashton rocked on the bed beneath him and the groan of pleasure sent shivers up Colt’s spine. “Okay,
Ash…party time.” Colt began to piston fuck Ashton. “Come.”

Ashton arched his back and worked his dick at the same pace Colt was fucking him.

“I’m there! Colt! Oh, Colt!”

Seeing a ribbon of white cream streaming out of Ashton’s dick onto his chest and abdomen, Colt closed his eyes and climaxed, grinding against Ashton
for the maximum pleasure.

They stayed connected until their breathing became more manageable. Colt pulled out, sitting on his heels, the sweat running down his face and pits.

“Holy fuck.” Ashton licked his lips. “I am so addicted to you.”

“Yeah. I think I’ve become an Ashton Lake junkie.” Colt removed the rubber, staggering off the bed. Ashton appeared to struggle to move as well, but they
made it to the bathroom to clean up.

Once they were horizontal, snuggled under the downy quilt, Ashton let out a long exhale of what sounded like contentment to Colt.

Colt stared at him, feeling the same inner peace, something he hadn’t felt for a very long time.

“I do feel I was born to fill your needs, Cary.”

“You silly man.” Colt flicked his finger against Ashton’s shoulder. Seeing Ashton appear slightly hurt, Colt added, “Maybe we were born to please each

The light came back to Ashton’s blue eyes. He embraced Colt and held him tight.

Colt rested his lips against Ashton’s neck and knew he had a very good man to help him through the turbulent changes he was about to encounter. But
Colt also knew, he would be Ashton’s drug, his rock, and his benefactor if he needed one.

“I got you, Ashton. I got you.”

“You do.”

Colt smiled. There was no greater compliment you could give to a Dom than all of you. In return, Colt said something he never thought he would to a man.
“I love you.”

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The End

About the Author

Award-winning author G.A. Hauser was born in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA and attended university in New York City. She moved to Seattle, Washington
where she worked as a patrol officer with the Seattle Police Department. In early 2000

G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began her writing in earnest and published her first book, In the Shadow of Alexander. Now a full-time
writer, G.A. has written over fifty novels, including several best-sellers of gay fiction and is an Honorary Board Member of Gay American Heroes for her
support of the foundation. For more information on other books by G.A., visit the author at her official website.

G.A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008,

Mile High

, and Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007,

Secrets and


, Best Author 2007.

The G.A. Hauser Collection

Single Titles

Unnecessary Roughness

Games Men Play

Born to Please

Hot Rod

Got Men?

Heart of Steele

All Man


Black Leather Phoenix

London, Bloody, London

In The Dark and What Should Never Be, Erotic Short


Mark and Sharon (formally titled A Question of Sex)

A Man’s Best Friend

It Takes a Man

The Physician and the Actor

For Love and Money

The Kiss

Naked Dragon

Secrets and Misdemeanors

Capital Games

Giving Up the Ghost

To Have and To Hostage

Love you, Loveday

The Boy Next Door

When Adam Met Jack


The Vampire and the Man-eater

Murphy's Hero

Mark Antonious deMontford

Prince of Servitude

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Calling Dr Love

The Rape of St. Peter

The Wedding Planner

Going Deep

Double Trouble


Miller's Tale

Vampire Nights

Teacher's Pet

In the Shadow of Alexander

The Rise and Fall of the Sacred Band of Thebes

The Action Series

Acting Naughty

Playing Dirty

Getting it in the End

Behaving Badly

Dripping Hot

Packing Heat

Being Screwed

Men in Motion Series

Mile High


Driving Hard

Leather Boys

Heroes Series

Man to Man

Two In Two Out

Top Men

G.A. Hauser

Writing as Amanda Winters

Sister Moonshine

Nothing Like Romance

Silent Reign

Butterfly Suicide

Mutley’s Crew


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