Mom and Me

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Mom and Me

Chapter 1

She was warm and snug in bed, and she had just been loved. It wasn't often that Chad put it to her
early in the morning, not anymore. But that made it just that much better when he did wake up with his
thing hard and eager. Betty pulled a pillow over her head and listened to the vague sounds in the
bathroom next door, where her husband was getting ready to go to work. She drifted back into sleep,
relaxed and content, knowing that Chad still loved her and wanted her. His semen was still sticky
between her inner thighs, and she rubbed them together in her half awake, half-asleep dreaming. It was
nice to screw languorously, as if they were teenagers again, instead of so long married and kind of in a
rut with their sex lives. She dreamed on, safe in the dark of their bedroom, the curtains tightly drawn to
keep out the light. She dreamed of Chad caressing her body, of him pushing lightly and sensuously
against the cheeks of her ass. So hard, his thing was, so nice and warm when she shifted her tail and
opened her thighs slightly so that he could slide it between her buttocks and let it nestle in her pubic hair.
His penis lifted neatly against her vulva, the length of it along the length of her labia, and she squirmed
against it, hunching her tail back against him.

Good, it was very good, and Betty was all soft and giving in her sweet dreaming, tender and limp once
the distended head of the penis began to prod gently for the opening of her vulva.

"Ummmm," she murmured aloud, sighed it between her pillows, and the tender hands fondled the cheeks
of her ass, cruised up to her waist, one of them slipping under and the other continuing higher until her
left breast was in its palm. The fingers teased her already erect nipple, tolling it between them. Betty
said, "ummmm," again. The knob of his rod pushed at the lips of her pussy, and Betty felt the spongy
thrill of it, wiggled to help it fit inside. And suddenly it was sliding on up into her vagina, very still, long
and slim and lovely. One hand on her tit, one on her belly, he pulled her ass to him, and ground his penis
deep, shoved it all the way home until Betty could feel his testicles all silken-haired against her thighs.
Somehow, it was different than it had ever been, when they made it together. There was a strange feel
to his staff, a hunger in it that she hadn't known for some years now. It even seemed to reach farther up
into her sheathing, even if it wasn't as thick as she remembered. His cock worked into her, eased back
out almost to the flanged head, thrust strongly back inside the clinging softness of her cunt. Stroke and
stroke and the head of it churning, seeking, pushing; Betty moaned into the pillow, muffling the sound so
she wouldn't disturb anyone in the other room.

Nicole was asleep in one bedroom, and her brother Danny in the other; it wouldn't do for their two
youngest children to wake and listen to their parents screwing. But-it was different, different, and even
in Betty's dreams; screwing Chad shouldn't be all that odd. His was the only penis she had ever known;
from the time he first put it to her at sixteen until now. So she ought to recognize the thrusting of it,
should know the feel and length and heft of the meaty staff. She had screwed it thousands of times.
Betty's eyes came open between her pillows, and the seesawing movements of the cock within her
vagina didn't stop. Her clitoris was throbbing, stimulated again by the satiny-hard passage of the stiff
organ reaching in and out of her quivering- pussy-again!

She wasn't asleep now, she was awake, and the hard cock was doing a fine job in her fevered cunt,
lunging and jamming. The breath was panting hotly against the back of her neck where her hair had
fallen aside, and the hands held tightly, desperately, to her body, held tit and belly. His pelvis surged
against the cheeks of her ass and he tried frantically to bury his lurching prick impossibly deeper into her
steamy cleft.

"Chad?" She whispered. "Chad-did you come back for seconds? You'll be late for work dear." Then
the voluptuous rhythm of the fucking really got to her, and her clit thrummed madly as the sweet, hot

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feeling centered in her lower cunt. Betty rolled her ass and reached down to take the solid male balls in
her hand, to caress them while the swollen rod above hammered into her. He fingers touched, recoiled
and went stiff in shock. They weren't her husband's balls!! But the prick pounding so hungrily into her
wetly responsive pussy was lifting her to an orgasm, bringing her up and up while the good felling spread
from her clitoris to take in all her cunt, her cervix, her belly, and swept hotly down to make her anus
draw tight in ecstasy.

"Coming!" The voice panted against her neck, but softly, softly, "Oh-Ooohh! I'm coming!

Just as the first spurting of semen hurled itself wet and hot and thick into her spasming pussy, Betty
Maddox recognized the whispering voice. She knew it as well as her own, better maybe. But she didn't
want to know it now; her mind reeled even as her cunt drank thirstily of the man juice that kept flooding
into it. Her mind said oh no, oh no! And her cunt said yes, yes, yes. Betty's hand felt around, caught
the wrist of the hand on her tit, and caught the other one on the hand that was fondling down into her wet
pussy where the length of that rigid cock was still buried. She turned her head, hissed back over he
shoulder: "Danny! What are you-oh, what have you-how could you-" "Shhhh!" The murmur tickled
into her ear. "Daddy's still in the bathroom; hear the shower?"

Heart racing wildly, the pulse beating in her throat, Betty heard the pelting of waster in the bath, only
inches away from her head through the wall-only inches from their heads!

"Don't scream," Danny said as she clung numbly to his wrists. "If you do, Daddy will kill me."

"But-" she whispered back, "but-but-"

Betty couldn't make the words, couldn't untrack herself. She lay there in her bed, her own bed shared
so long with her husband, and she had Danny's thing up her. Her own son had just screwed her,
sneaked into bed and slipped his young cock into her freshly fucked vulva while she lay in a state of
semi- awareness.

And while his father took a shower only inches away! She tried to pull his hands away, and he
burrowed his still hard penis into her pussy, so that she could feel the oozing of his semen as it worked
out of her inflamed slot.

"Danny! I--- you-"

"Shhh," he murmured, "shhh, mother. Don't let him hear you."

Oh no, she thought dazedly; it was an impossible, unimagined thing, but the stark truth of it was not to be
denied: her son had his prick in her; her son had streamed a load of come into her. He'd fucked his own
mother-and she had screwed him back, loving it!

But not when she knew it was Danny's penis. She hadn't realized it was him, she thought it was he
husband. She did, she did!

"Please," Danny sighed into her ear, his staff flexing within her flesh, "oh please, mom-don't freak out.
Listen; listen to me, please, please," She couldn't yell. If she did, Chad would come roaring into the
bedroom and find his son screwing his wife, Chad's wife! He'd crush Danny, fling him into the walls.
Chad had a violent temper when he was aroused, and this-this would make him crazy.

But she couldn't just lie there with her son's semen leaking between he taut thighs. Oh lord, she
thought---it had been mixed with her husband's ejaculation. The idea made her head swim, and the
drumming of the shower in the next room sounded like a thousand arrows coming down on a tin roof.

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He hands fell limply from Danny's wrists. Immediately, he dipped them into her crotch, cupping and
fingering her mound. "Oh, mom, mom-you don't know how I've ached to get into you, to make love to
you like this. Years and years, trying to keep from getting a hard on whenever you brushed my leg with
yours, whenever I caught a peep down your robe at those beautiful tits. Oh mother-I love you, Love

"You-you can't,' she said low and quiet, just as the shower went off. "Not love me like this-only as-a
son should love his mother."

A grunt came through the thin wall, and Betty pictured her husband climbing out of the tub, hair tousled
and body dripping. He'd shave now, humming and whistling at the mirror, If he even suspected that his
wife had another penis in her body- - His lips touching her ear, his hot breath sending involuntary ripples
through her skin, Danny said: "I have loved you like this. It's wonderful, great crazy and wild as I
dreamed it might be. Oh mom, you have the loveliest body, the greatest ass, and your big, firm tits.."
Her son began to move again, to slowly stroke again, and now his fingertips massaged her pubic mound,
penetrated into her labia, touched her clitoris, and the combined sensations were maddening.

IN the bathroom, her husband whistled the melody from an old song, something from their young
married days, and Betty thought that she was going insane. She'd never dreamed of this, never. Danny
was tall and slim, handsome and of course attractive, but for her to think of him sexually-Ooohh, mom:
your pussy is as hot and tight as a girl's. It's better than any girl's pussy, mother, -- oh, oh, hot and
greasy and your cunt hair is so thick-" He was feeding it to her again, stimulating her responses, sliding
and poking, so sweet and so tender, all understanding and knowledgeable. At seventeen years old, she
thought, Danny Maddox is only seventeen years old, and he' screwing his mother for the second time,
with his father only a few feet away in the next room. She couldn't allow it to happen again. The first
time, she hadn't known who was doing it to her, but now she did, and so it must not happen. IT was
wrong and forbidden, and so sinful that the act itself was only whispered about. It was terrible---
and-and so, so thrilling. He was so young and hard, so beautiful and he used his thing as if it was an
artist's brush and he was painting a masterpiece inside her vagina.

The bathroom door opened and shut. Betty yanked the pillow off her head so she could listen better as
her husband's footsteps moved down the hall, and she sighed in relief. Then her breath hung in her
throat; Chad had stopped. Now he was turning back!

"Quick," she hissed, "get down, down---your father's coming!"

Danny withdrew from her; she felt his hard prick slide out of her vagina and rake between her thighs as
she pushed him down, rolling on her back to do so, shoving him away so that he keeled down between
the covers. There was not time for anything else; Chad was opening the bedroom door. Betty lifted he
knees, held them bent so that they tented the blankets, and she hoped that Chad wouldn't be able to see
well in the darkness of the bedroom, that he wouldn't notice the lump under the covers she was doing
her best to hide.

"Hey-you awake?" Didn't mean to wake you up, doll. Forgot my watch-it's over here on the dresser.."
Holding her breath, Betty watched the outline of him move to the tall dresser, saw him fumble over the
top, heard the clink of metal. And she felt her son's breath warm and tingling against her thigh; his head
was right there between her hip and knee.

"Go back to sleep," Chad said, and came to lean over her. Eagerly, swiftly, she raised her arms and
pulled his face down to hers, kissing him open-mouthed and with the spice of her fear on her tongue.
Anything to keep him from noticing, anything!

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"Wow", Chad said, "You keep doing that, and I won't go to work at all."

Betty let him go quickly, "Bet you're already running late." Lightly, he kissed her again. This time, she
kept her lips closed and tried not to shiver as Danny breathed against her skin beneath the blankets.
Chad said, "okay for now. I'll try to get home early."

"Fine," she said not trusting her voice. He was gone the, closing the door softly behind himself, trying to
go softly down the hall so as not to awaken the kids. The kids, she thought-one of them was still here in
bed with his mother, and he was certainly no child any more. He was-he was tickling her thigh, kissing
it! Betty held herself still, kept silent until she heard the front door click and the muffled sound of the car
starting. Then she lifted the covers and said down into the musky dark, "you get out of this bed right this
minute, Danny!" Your father-oh lord, but that was the closest thing ever-" "Yeah" Danny mumbled
against her skin, "yeah, close-but really exciting, hiding here from him with you helping me out. It turns
me on even more, and I'm already so horny for you that I'm about to go off on the sheet." "Danny
Maddox! How-how dare you? Don't-on don't do that. Get up; climb out of this bed this very instant-"
His hand cupped her cheeks, and his mouth found her upper thigh; Danny worried her skin tenderly
between his teeth. "I dig it when you're being the big mama, discipline and all. You love me,
mom-that's why you didn't scream, and why you kept hiding me form daddy when he walked in here."
"of-of course, I love you," she hissed, "you're my son and- I-" "Not like that, not only that way," he said,
nipping her flesh, feeling her ass, his hot breath reaching up and up to stir the wet curls of her pubic
hair. "This way, too, Mother. You love me as a man, as a lover, and that's how I want it, how I've
always wanted it."

"Danny, we can't-"

"We can," he insisted. "We will. I've wanted to get my prick into your gorgeous pussy since I was
about twelve years old. I've craved you, needed you so much I almost went crazy. And this morning-I
sneaked in to get one of daddy's shirts before he woke up. And there the two of you were, going at it,
fucking each other while I stood in the shadows and damned near exploded" Betty wiggled, tried to
ease her lower body away from her son's grasp, but Danny only tightened his fingers and dug them into
the deep, soft flesh of her ass. She said: "But he's supposed to do it to me; I'm his wife, and we're not
too old for it, and-you shouldn't have been in our bedroom."

He blew into her pubic hair. Betty shivered, sucked in her breath, tried to deny that the nipples were
hardening on her breasts. How long had it been since Chad had done that to her? Too long, too many
years and too much boredom in between.

Danny said, his face much nearer her mound now, the shape of his head rising bit by bit to poise above
her crotch, "I crawled around by the trunk and hid there until daddy got up. I heard the noises his
made in your pussy-this pussy;

I heard you whisper how much you like to fuck, and I had to hold my own prick to keep it from
splitting wide open." "But Danny-please; you-you've done it to me we'll just forget it ever happened."

"Forget it? No way, mom. I'm just getting started with you. Like I said, I couldn't stand it any longer
when daddy climbed off you. I just had to try you on for size, or go crazy. So I sneaked in the bed
after he left, and I hoped you'd be sleepy and think he'd come back, that it was his prick instead of
mine. At least, until I could get it into this marvelous cunt. Then I hope like hell that you were hot as
you look and act, as hot as you sounded there with daddy screwing you; I hoped that once I got
started fucking this pussy I've desired all my life-well, you didn't' yell. You protected me. You dug
being fucked by me, and we're going to swing some more. Now and every chance we get, mother, --
my darling, hot cunt mother!" Betty lay supine, shocked beyond belief. And before she could react,

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before she could slap down at him and order him from the bed he had soiled with his incestuous attack,
Danny's face dipped between her thighs and he lifted he buttocks in both his strong young hand to hike
her crotch to his mouth.

"nn-nnooooo!" She moaned. "Oh Danny-no; please don't-- no; not me-not your own mother; Danny.
Oh son, son-I'm your mother, your mother-" He groaned into he labia, his lips caressing those still
dewy lips, his face pressing down into the soft richness of her already over stimulated mound. She felt
the sweet pain of his teeth, knew the darting of his hot tongue-Her son-her only son-was going down on
his mother. He was licking into her sensitive cunt, and there was no way she could possible stop him,
except by screaming and waking up little Nicole. That would ruin everything, frighten Danny's sister
out of her wits, bring down the wrath of Danny's father.

His tongue pushed into her cunt lips, and he opened his mouth to eat her, to suck upon her juices and
those that had mingled within her torrid cavity. Danny pulled he lips into his own, and used his thick
tongue like the thrusting of a penis, passing it in and out of her puckered labia. Stretching, his mouth,
forcing it wide, he drew much of her vulva into it, then with a groan, pushed it back out and burrowed
his mouth deeply into her spasming pussy. His tongue found her clitoris. Danny curled his tongue
around her little nub of passion, then sucked it lightly and lovingly between his teeth. The sensation was
indescribably; lights flashed behind Betty's eyes and her mouth pumped for air. Somehow, her hands
had strayed down and gotten their fingers entangled into Danny's hair, into his long, thick hair.

She couldn't hold back any longer. Biting her lip, shoving down upon ; his head so that her clit worked
over his teeth, Betty began to roll her bell, to shift her ass in her son's hands while he ate lustily of her
cunt. "You---you-oh, Danny!" she gasped "oh, do it to me, darling! Eat me up-ahhh-oooh-I haven't
had it this way in so long-ahh, baby; oh yes, my darling baby, my son, my lover-- love it for me, eat it
for me-eat my pussy, darling-- darling!"

Danny sucked her the. Air escaped with bubbling sounds from his mouth as he sucked her cunt,
drawing so violently upon it that Betty thought she was turning inside out, and hoped she was. He
pulled her pussy with his teeth, sucked it into his mouth, chewed upon the rubbery rapture of her
shuddering clitoris.

"I'm coming," she hissed down at her son. "oh, baby-I'm coming, Mommy's coming!"




She was liquid; she was soft and giving, and the melted core of her body was warm, so warm. Oh lord,
she thought; I've been a terrible woman, doing something that cannot be forgiven. I have fucked my
own son. Turning her face into the pillow, Betty shuddered. There was some excuse-some minor
rationalizing-over Danny screwing her in ; that sneaky move. But after she'd hidden him from his father,
she should have ordered him from her bed, slapped him, told him sternly that there'd be no more of
such an impossible situation.

Instead, she had allowed him to go down on her, to eat into the vagina that still held both his semen and
that of his father. She twisted and squirmed upon his boyishly eager mouth and hunched her cunt to
him; she had begged her young son to eat her pussy.

Oh lord, she thought-of my lord. If Chad ever finds out, he'll kill us both; I know he will. He's big and
jealous, and he can be violent at times. If he ever somehow discovered that his son was fucking his

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wife, he'd go out of him mind with rage.

She sat up, and swinging her breasts reminded her that her body was still aroused, that she had just
gone through a sex session which was the wildest and longest lasting of her life. First Chad had
screwed her, in one of his rare early morning hungers then Danny fucked her from behind; then her son
sucked her pussy until she damned near fainted. And Betty realized that only the noise of her daughter
had prevented him from topping he at least once more. When he agreed to go out and fix his sister
breakfast, his prick had still be stiff as a broom handle, but far more beautiful.

Betty touched the swollen nipples of her tits; Danny said he loved those tits, that the sight of her ass
turned him on, and the touch of her pussy-well, that simply freaked him out. He'd told her that he cunt
was gorgeous, that I was tighter and hotter than the cunts of the young girls he'd been screwing.

Smiling to herself, Betty slid one hand down and rested it upon the hairy black mound between her
thighs. I was nice to know that she could be a real sex symbol for someone yet, that she could make a
young and handsome male raise a hard by the enticing roll of her ass and the lifting of her tits. Even if
the male was her own son. She climbed out of bed, and her thighs kissed softly. She stood awhile
before her full length bedroom mirror, staring at her newly awakened and freshly fucked body. Not
since she was sixteen years old, had she felt so thrilled; blissful sensations were still rising and falling
within her vagina.

He had called her beautiful, and the mirror affirmed that at least her body was yet firm and taut, that her
breasts stood high and the cheeks of her ass didn't sag, that her belly was almost flat and that her skin
was good. Betty preened a bit before the mirror, sweeping back her long black hair and staring from
lowered lashes at the reflection of blue eyes. Maybe not really beautiful, she thought, but still attractive
still sexy.

She found her robe and slippers, left her bedroom and went into the bath. The room still smelled of
Chad, of her husband's soap and shaving lotion, and she winced again at the almost palpable presence
of him. The fever subsided within her flesh, and she felt like a complete wanton, as if she had betrayed
Chad Maddox in the worst possible way. Betty brushed her teeth and climbed hurriedly into the
shower. The glass doors were laced with droplets left from her husband's shower, and she shivered,
picturing his big body in here with the water purling over it-while she and his son were fucking beyond
the wall. Soaping down her own skin, she felt again its tremendous sensitivity, the warm satiny texture
of it. Danny, she thought; her son Danny was so eager, so hungry to taste her skin, to love every inch
of her stimulated body. But of course, they couldn't do it again. I was finished now, over and done
with, and from here on, she would do her level best to eradicate the memory from her brain. She
rinsed in cold water and turned off the shower, to step out onto the bath mat and towel her flesh
vigorously. Betty forced her mind to other things, to her daughter Nicole. Little Nikki was small and
sweet, and she would be shocked into trauma if she even suspected an incestuous affair between her
brother and her mother.

And her older daughter, Linda; Betty found it difficult to believe that Linda had already been married for
two years, and was now a well adjusted housewife, all of twenty-one years old. Linda would go up
the all in outrage, if she learned of her mother and her younger brother clandestinely sharing illegal and
immoral sex.

But such thrilling sex. Betty wrapped the towel about her waist and stepped to the sink. How many
times had she come? Once with Chad, at least twice with Danny, and maybe even more. She'd gotten
too dizzy to count, knowing only that great surges of feeling were thundering over her clitoris and
through her pussy.

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She wondered just how long her son had been screwing, where he head leaned his cunnilingus
technique, what girl had been the first to feel his rigidly yearning young penis. Betty knew a tiny bite of
jealousy at the idea, and wished somehow that she could have been the woman to instruct her son in the
ways of the flesh. But of course, she would never have even thought of such a thing. And she had
better stop dwelling on the idea now. She had to be strong, to cut this insane affair off before it grew
any bigger, and deeper. She had to stand firm and deny any hint of physical familiarity with Danny.
Sooner or later, if they came together again-even if it was only once or twice, to slake their thirst for
each other's newly discovered bodies-- there would be the chance of their being found out, exposed.

Betty rubbed cleansing cream into her face and massaged the skin under her eyes, at their corners, then
around her mouth. Danny thought she was sensual and beautiful, that she was the best fuck he had
ever know. His father didn't say things like that anymore; Chad only screwed her once or twice a week
and then it was more like a habit or a duty. He must have had an erotic dream this morning, and come
awake with a hard on, and she'd been right there for him to stick it into.

But that worked out wonderfully, for Danny had come in to swipe one of his daddy's shirt and seen
them screwing. The sight had made him so hot that he couldn't hold out any longer, turned him on so
much he'd made the desperate gamble with her, hoping he could fuck his mother and that she wouldn't
expose him.

Wiping her face, Betty began to fix her eyes, touching up the dark lashes, seeing a new life swirling
within their dark blue depths, a new ardor that trembled upon her mouth. She stared, wondering what
her reaction would be, the nest time her husband laid her. Would she be guilty, could she respond
favorable, would she turn cold? She added a touch of pale lipstick and a dab of powder, then applied
the powder-puff and talcum liberally all over her body. Wouldn't it be awful, she thought, if Danny had
screwed her before the Pill had been invented? She was reaching for her robe, the towel still draped
across her hips, when the bathroom door swung open and Danny stepped inside.

He shut the door behind him. "Wow", he breathed, "now I can get a real good look at you, mom.
Those big tits are the greatest!"

"Get---get out," Betty said, drawing the robe up to her breasts, covering them. "Your sister is-"
"Nikki's long gone," he said. "I gave her a quarter and she took off for her friend's house, . She'll be
gone most of the day."

Betty swallowed, tried to make her voice firm. "Please let me get dressed, Danny. Then we'll sit out in
the kitchen and have a talk about-well, about what happened accidentally, and-" He grinned at her, his
smile big and bright, his blue eyes dancing. Danny was wearing only his summer shorts, no shirt, no
shoes, and Betty could see a bulge in front of the little pants. Surely, he couldn't still be having an
erection, she thought.

Danny said, "I like it fine in here. You know, when nobody else was home, and I knew you were
taking a shower, I'd sneak up here and peek through the wall in my room. I drilled little hole in it a long
time ago, and I never could see much at once, but sometimes I'd catch a glimpse of your tits, or see
that beautiful black hair around your pussy, or maybe I'd see you swinging that nicely rounded ass
when you walked to the shower. Then I'd jack off, hoping to see you do the same, hoping maybe that
dad would go into the bathroom and put the meat to you, so I could see how crazy you were when you
got fucked." "D-don't talk to me like that," she said, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue. "Its'
not right and it's not nice, and I don't want to hear you saying things like that to-- to your own mother."

He took a step toward her, his right hand running up and down over the swelling in his shorts. So
golden, she thought, so handsome and slim-hipped; all the little girls must go insane over him.

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"Sure, you want to hear it," he said. "You like the sound of the dirty words, because you're the hottest
piece of ass going. You're all sexed up right now, watching me handle my prick, and you know
damned good and well that I'm going to fuck you again, mother. Right here and right now, I'm going to
stick this hard cock back into that gorgeous cunt and fuck you until I can't get it up any more." Betty
tried again: "But you can't. You can't!! I don't want to-I won't allow-" Danny dropped his shorts. His
prick leaped out at her, long and solid, stiff and tipped in lavender. The little veins were blue in the
staff, and the brown hair curled thickly in his crotch, curly and abundant over his young balls. There
was a shiny drop of fluid upon the blunt end, a liquid gem of pre-seminal oil that glistened upon the
throbbing glans.

"Here it is, mother," he said. "This is what you had earlier, and what you want right now. And I want to
stick it in you, to climb in between your lovely thighs and work the head of my cock around in all that
deep black pussy hair. I want you lying there on your back with your thighs opened and when I get it
buried to the balls inside your hot, juicy cunt, I want to feel your long, fine legs curl up around my
back-the way you do it when dad climbs on you."

The mention of her husband shook Betty. She said, "Oh no; no, I won't do it. I won't let you-" But he
stepped close and took her wrists. The robe slipped away and left her breasts exposed, trembling, their
nipples going hard. Danny didn't touch them yet. Instead, he drew her hand down and placed it upon
his prick. Betty trembled from head to foot, and her breath rasped dryly in her throat. Instinctively,
her fingers closed around the hard young rod, clinched themselves adoringly around the stiff boyish
cock, and the rapture of its hotly pulsing maleness turned her weak. She clung to his penis for support,
and somehow his face was lowered to her breasts, somehow his breath was tickling warmly over their
quaking mounds.

"That's right, darling," he said. " Darling, passionate mother; hold onto my prick while I kiss these
terrific tits."

Her son's tongue licked out over one of her nipples, and a stab of delight lanced into her. His mouth
closed over the vibrant tip and she flinched; she tightened her grip upon his prick and leaned into him
for support because her knees were turning rubbery.

Together, they sank to the floor, and she was supine beneath his slim, muscular body. There was no
hair on his chest and non up his belly, but it was concentrated in generous clustering at Danny's crotch.
It was so thrilling to be under him, to have his prick in her hand and pinned between their bellies.

He sucked her nipple, licked over it, but tenderly upon it until she squirmed. He said wetly around her
tit: "I sucked these when I was a baby. I got fed through this nipple, and now it turns me on; now it
makes me want to eat you all over."

"Danny," she gasped, "oh my darling son!" "But I need to fuck you first," he said, and suddenly his glans
was settling into the damp hairs of her vulva, feeling it eager way into the quivering receptiveness of her
humid labia. Spongy, yet hard; giving, but insistent-her son's cock pushed against the entrance to her
vagina and slowly moved inside.

"Oh, yeah," he panted into her throat. "Oh man-that's so hot and slippery inside. It's still got some of
my come in it, and some of dad's too. Wow-what a wild pussy, and your ass is so soft, and your
legs-oh mom-oh mother-I love you, Love you.!"

And with this his prick slipping strong and hard up inside the confines of her only cunt, Betty Maddox
was once more in control. Danny was once again her little boy, and she was teaching him something;
she was in her wisdom instructing her baby boy in a new knowledge.

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"I love you, too, darling," she said, and rolled the cheeks of her ass to fit his cock even more snugly and
securely into her motherly vagina. His superb young balls nestled into the crack of her ass, and she
wished she could swallow them up with her cunt, and with her asshole, that she could fit all of this
beautiful by back into the genes of her body and give birth to him all over again. "Fuck your mother
deep, baby," she said, stroking his hair. "Fuck me strong and deep and forever. Come in your
mother's loving pussy."

"Yes, mom," Danny panted, and lunged his long rod into her vagina, pulled it back and hammered it
home once more. It was longer than his father's penis, she though; Danny's cock wasn't as thick as
Chad's, but it was considerably longer. She could feel the head of it knocking at her cervix.

Betty heaved her pelvis against him, met her son's prick stroke for stroke, and when she wrapped her
arms around his smooth shoulders, his mouth hungrily sought hers. He had dipped this finely chiseled
pair of lips into her cunt; he had used this mouth to suck the flowing juices from his mother's pussy, and
Betty had a sudden wild desire to taste the flavors of her own vagina, but it was too late. Some time
soon, she thought; she could let herself go in bitch abandon and do all the dirty things she had always
craved to do.

His tongue darted inside her lips and her teeth raked over his teeth; she knew the thrill of his tongue, the
wet seeking that only her adoring mouth could assist. As his cock thrust strongly into her clenching,
surging pussy, his tongue followed suit inside her mouth. Danny matched the movements of his tongue
with the actions of his prick, timing both rhythms in a sensual, a lascivious beat that drove her insane.

Betty bucked under her son's pelvis, rode her son's hammering staff and hunched to get another inch
inside her if she possibly could. Her legs thrashed, and she remembered that he had asked to have her
legs around him, so she lifted her feet and curled her legs around his waist. Her heels just naturally
seemed to fit into the sweaty, busy crack of his ass, and Betty locked her lower body to his as he
fucked harder and faster. Danny's cock became a battering ram that shook her with each powerful
blow; her tits bounced when the head of it slammed home; her ass shook when his balls slapped against
her hole. "Mom, mom!" he cried. "I'm coming-I'm coming!" He drove his meat down into her up
thrusting cunt, and she churned it up and around the rod as she felt the head of it flex. Danny let go
inside his mother's flaming pussy, and she knew the searing blast of his semen. Her son's come burst
forth against the womb that had once carried him, and Betty felt the splash of its wet, sticky wonder as
it flooded the walls of her vagina and filled the steamy cavity to its brim.

"Oh, my lover," she said, clamping him even tighter between her legs, digging her heels into the back of
his knees. "Oh my sweet darling! Pump it into me, Danny; squirt your mother's cunt full of that teenage
come! Just hold it stiff in me,- sweetheart-and I" roll my pussy around it. I'll hump up on its lovely rod
and-ah yes, yes, yes! 'm coming, too! Oh my love, I'm riding your marvelous prick and feeling your
hot come in my cunt, and I'm COMING!" The enchanted violence ruptured within her, radiating from
the tuning- fork quivering her clitoris to encompass her vagina, her womb, her labia, her asshole.
Slowly, lovingly, her legs came sliding down his hips, making every inch a caress along his tense thighs
and down the feathery calves of his slender legs until she was lying flat again. "Am I hurting you,
Mother? My weight on top of you like this, I mean?"

"Oh no," she murmured into the clean scent of his hair.

"No, my darling, I love your body on mine." And to prove it, she brought her legs together, sliding her
calves under his and closing her thighs to hold his incomparable prick trapped within the hot glove of her
cunt. Betty pillowed her son's face in the curve of her throat and held him near, feeling her tits move
against his smooth chest as she breathed.

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It was perfection for her, the adoring son and the loving mother blended in matchless intimacy, their
juices mixing, their skin and flesh and oils together in the closest possible coupling. He needed her
again, perhaps even more than he had needed her when he was a baby. She thought she'd lost him to
his too-swift manhood. , but now he was back with her, craving her comfort and the warmth she could
give him.

It wasn't bad, Betty told herself; something so wondrous couldn't possibly be bad or evil. IT was the
purest kind of love, the filial instinct and the maternal protection wrapped one in the other. It was so
beautiful that she wanted to cling to him for all time; she couldn't want anything else. Now he was
embryo and child; he was son and boy and husband and lover and prick and semen, the circle of life

She lay on the floor of the bathroom, her only son atop- her body with his young cock still balls deep
inside her pussy, her labia tight upon the round, slim staff, a warm overflow of their mixed juices
seeping ever so lightly into the compressed crack of her ass.

And Betty Maddox knew that this was only a beginning, that from now they would go on and on to
explore each other's bodies, to seek and find all the forbidden delights that incestuous flesh could offer.


Chapter 3

Nikki came home early, and Betty barely untangled from her son in time to dash for her bedroom and
get dressed. They heard the door slam downstairs, and for one startled moment, Betty thought that he
husband was coming in, that Chad had somehow dropped in from the office and would catch his son
and his wife clinging naked to each other in the bathroom.

"Later, Mom," Danny said, and got into his shorts to go calmly and casually down the stairwell to see
who it was. It was almost fifteen minutes later when Betty got herself together and stepped
weak-kneed down the carpeted stairs to join her son and daughter, limp with relief when she heard
Nikki's voice there instead of Chad's Shakily, she made lunch, hardly realizing what she was putting
into the sandwiches, barely listening to Nikki's running account of how her friend Sally had this poison
oak from camp and had to go to the doctor today. Chad, she thought it could just as easily have been
her husband dropping in unexpectedly. He did that sometimes. And he often came bounding up the
stairs with some bit of news. If he'd done that this time, he'd have found Danny putting the prick to his
son's mother, found his son with his cock buried in his wife's cunt.

"Wow, mom," Nikki said, "but you look great, Difference, like."

Did it show, Betty wondered. Could somebody just look at her and tell she had just come from
committing incest with her boy? Maybe it was stamped on her face like some horrible mark of

I know what it is," her daughter said brightly. "It's your hair; you're wearing it loose down your back.
You ought to keep it like that, mom-real groovy." Betty relaxed, and her son grinned across the table at
her. She found it difficult to meet his eyes, and was certain that she blushed too often for comfort. She
had done it, or rather, it had been done to her, at least the first time. But she had actually screwed
Danny and reveled in her wanton behavior; Betty couldn't quite believe it. Watching her young
daughter, she knew a stab of shame, and the usual appreciation of the girl's fresh and elfin beauty.
Nicole was a lovely little doll, and would soon be grown to womanhood. Physically, Nikki was already
a female, and no doubt boys were already besieging her. Blinking and turning her face away, Betty
wondered how on earth she could eve bring herself to discipline her child for staying out late, or

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possibly letting some eager boy paw her sweet young body when he brought her home from a date.
biting her lip, Betty thought that the child might have already-that Nikki could possibly have-but no; just
because her brother was so sexually advanced for his age didn't mean that the girl wasn't still virgin.
She looked up and Danny winked at her. Betty flushed again and took a long swallow of her soft
drink. There was just a touch of arrogance to Danny's look now, a shade of certainty and a glimmering
of the conquering male. He had the right to be pleased, she admitted; he had gambled and won. But if
Betty continued to take chances with him, she could lose everything. She loved her husband; yes-she
really loved Chad and was comfortable with him. Like an old shoe is comfortable? She looked into
her glass where ice cubes accused her. No, not like that; they had enjoyed a lot of good, exciting sex
together, right from the time when he had married her at sixteen, right from the time when he had
married her at sixteen. It was just that lately, as the years kept whipping by with frightening speed-they
kind of got bored with each other. It was the sameness, she thought, the habit patterns.

She sat bolt upright. Had Chad ever taken a mistress? He was a tall and handsome guy, and it stood
to reason that other women looked at him and wondered how he would be in bed, if he could screw
with love and excitement. Had her husband been fucking some other woman-or women-for some time
now? Maybe that's why he had cooled toward her. He'd put it to her only this morning, she thought,
and felt ashamed for rationalizing her own guilt, for projecting her own sins upon poor Chad. Even if
he had been playing around, it wasn't with his own daughter. Even if he was screwing somebody else,
the girl wasn't Linda or Nikki, and infidelity wasn't the same as incest. Not by a long shot. "Good,
mom," Danny said, and she focused upon his face with some surprise. He said, "Great sandwiches.
Anything we can do to help you around the house this afternoon?" "Hey," Nikki said, getting quickly up
from the table. "Speak for yourself. I have to get over to the pool. I mean, all the kids were talking
about going swimming today and-" "Go ahead," Danny said. "I'll give mom a hand." "Good," Nikki
said, and hurried from the kitchen and from the house.

The front door slammed after her.

Danny said, "We' alone again."

"Now look," Betty said, "don't start anything else, Danny Maddox. Do you understand? That could
just as easily have been your father coming into the house unexpectedly, and what then?"

"The same thing." he said, rising from the table. "Only a lot safer; like this time we make it in my room,
on my bed. Dad never comes in there."

She stared at him. "I-you mean that you still-that you haven't had enough sex for the day? That even if
I-" He patted the front of his shorts. "I watch you and think of that marvelous hot pussy, and I get a
hard on. I see you move your ass and see your big tits jiggle and know it's worse for me, in one way.
I mean, I get so hot to fuck you again that I can't wait to be alone with you. Before, when I only
dreamed about how your cunt would feel, when I only imagined how soft and wet and wonderful it
would be for me in your hairy box, my prick in there where dad is always sticking his-well, that was
torture, all right. But now I know how fabulous your cunt is, how it feels and tastes, and now I know
how you love to be fucked by me, and I'm going to get all that crazy ass I can. When he talked to her
that way, she melted in side. She looked at the growing lump in his shorts and knew that all Danny
would have to do was touch her wit it, and she'd come apart. She was turning into some kind of sex
maniac, going into heat when he said anything about sex. Already to day-just today? - - she had been
screwed three times and sucked once.

Betty glanced at the kitchen clock; it was only three p. m. They had time for a long, loving session
before Chad came home at six or so. Maybe Nikki would come back before then, but that wasn't
certain. She sat hesitating until her son came around the table and leaned down to kiss her lips. So soft

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and young and sweet his mouth was. His hand on her upper arm, she got up and said, " your room,
then" At the stairs, he had her go first, so that he could follow behind and stroke the cheeks of her ass.
When she got into the upper halls, her breasts were rising and falling with such urgency that it didn't
seem possible she had already reached orgasm so many time today. It was almost as if she was a
virgin bride, going to Chad for her initial screwing. Chad had been gentle and understanding. He had
taken her cherry with a worshipful kind of tenderness, and she had always loved her husband for that
consideration. At her son's bedroom door, she turned and said, "I-I love your father, you know."

"Sure," Danny answered. "Sure, you do. I love him, too. But I love his wife's pussy more, my
mother's rich and wild pussy."

They were inside, and he took her to his narrow bed and pushed her gently down upon it to strip away
her robe and leave her naked to his gaze once more; Betty shivered at the touch of his hands.

He was standing before her, his feet still planted firmly upon the floor, and the intriguingly shaped head
of his prick was close to her face. Betty stared at it in fascination, and moved her gaze down the length
of the shaft to the luxuriantly haired balls that had already manufactured so much lovely semen to be
jetted into her vagina.

Danny said softly, "Have you ever gone down on dad?" Betty clamped her thighs together. "I-why do
you want to know?"

"Don't be embarrassed, mother. I've eaten your cunt, and I'll do it again, and I think that oral sex is the
greatest. Have you ever eaten my father's prick?" She turned her face away from him. "Not-not
really. I-- well, I kissed it a few times, when we were first married, but he was-Chad always seemed
anxious to take it away from my lips- -- and put it into my vulva." "Eat me, mom," he said then. "Take
my cock into your pretty mouth and eat it-" She trembled. "I don't know if I can. I mean, I never did-
it-" "Not ever to any other guy?" her son asked. She whirled on the bed, angry at him. "Of course not!

I've never had another man even touch me, except-you." Danny put his hands upon her head as she
braced it upon her palm. He moved closer, prodding at her, offering the glowing head of his prick, and
she could not refuse it. It was lovely, and she wasn't afraid of it. She fought down the barricades that
had always been erected in her mind, remembering that Chad had gone down on her many times when
they were young, knowing that this beautiful son of theirs had performed masterful job of cunnilingus
upon her already. It was only that she had never taken a penis into her own mouth, and wasn't at all
certain how to go about it.

Her son moved again, and she felt the faint stickiness of the- pre-seminal fluid upon the tip of his glans.
Betty kissed the little mouth and tasted the musk, the vague saltiness of the juice, and found it good.
Pursing her lips, she opened them and allowed the head of Danny's prick to slide inside them.

"Oh mom," he breathed, and she stared at the curling hairs, the rich, light chocolate brown pubic hairs
that made a beguiling vee around the base of his cock. "Oh, mom-just lick it and bit it, and then suck
my prick until I come.!" Betty reached her left hand out and turned the palm up to cup her son's balls.
The head of his cock was past her teeth now, and he was urging it even further. She touched the tip of
her tongue into the sticky little slot and curled it around the shaping of the glans itself. Excitement raced
roaring through her mind and turned on every sensual switch in her body. She wanted this
penis-wanted it wit a maddening need she could not understand just then.

Gulping, Betty pulled Danny's strong, hard prick far into her mouth, drawing it across her tongue and
sliding it along the velvet of her mouth's roof. The head choked her throat, and she had to pull back a

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little, but she began to suck lustily upon it, eating prick for the first time in her life.

And it was good, good to feel the squirming of her crotch, to know the movement of his balls within her
hand, to taste his cock and his eagerness. Betty let go his balls and put her hand upon the modeled
cheek of his ass, urging him to her as she lowered her head to the pillow. Without taking his delectable
cock from her lips, Danny climbed upon the bed with her, swinging one knee across her chest so that
he could sit lightly upon her body, her tits flattened by the cheeks of his ass. She caressed those
downy cheeks as she sucked hungrily upon her son's wet prick, and reveled in the intimate closeness of
his testicles upon her chin.

Danny fondled her face with his fingertips, petted her cheeks as the suction indented them, ran his
thumbs tenderly over her eyelids. "Wow, mom-I didn't have to tell you anything. You're a natural
cocksucker, and you're giving great head. Man- oh man, man! I've always wanted you to eat my
prick, too. I nearly freaked out, thinking about how I'd stroke my cock into your hot mouth like this,
how your tits would feel under my ass- oh mother, mother!!"

She gnawed upon his staff, sucked his head and let go to tickle it with her tongue, and Betty found that
the longer she worked upon her son's penis, the farther she could take it into her throat, where it
seemed to thrill him more. Digging her fingernails into his taut and thrusting buttocks, Betty pulled him
deeper into her mouth, biting and licking and sucking.

He mind was spinning hotly, and she was panting for breath in the exertions of sucking off her boy, and
even though she dimly realized that she would soon experience the ejaculation of his semen into her
mouth, Betty didn't attempt to withdraw. She loved it too much; the feel and flavor, the movement and
ardor of her son's prick was so exciting. Writhing, rubbing her thighs together, her fingers digging into
the cleft of his young ass, Betty ate and sucked, pulled and licked, and when she felt him stiffening out,
when she heard him gasping she began to siphon upon his cock with all the suctioning power she could

"Mom-Mom! I'm going to let it go into your throat!! I'm coming, mother-I'm shooting off inside your
mouth-oh suck me, suck me!"

Danny caught her head between his hands and shoved his hard prick to the balls inside her mouth. She
felt the spongy head of it flex, felt it expand, knew the marvelous sensation of the hot, thick spurting of
her son's come as it drenched her throat and filled her mouth. It lay creamy and musky upon her
tongue, and oyster-like along the roof of her mouth.

Clinging to his ass, Betty swallowed the juicy stuff, drank down the luscious and foamy liquids that came
from the balls that were heaving against her face. She continued to suck the head of his prick, her
throat gulping convulsively as his come lessened in its spurts. • "Great, mom, " he moaned, rubbing his
crotch into her chin. "Oh, you're wonderful-you're terrific! I love you-your tits and your ass and your
cunt, and I love your hot mouth, too!" "Ummm," she said, around his exquisite penis, and sucked it until
it was dry, fondling the cheeks of his ass all the while. There was a potent heat built up within her cunt,
and she felt steamy between her thighs, felt the fiery need pulsing there and thought she might reach
orgasm herself, without anything ever having touched her pussy. Danny pulled his penis slowly from her
mouth, and pushed his knees back so he could lie on top of her body. Betty ground her wet mound
into the hard length of his cock and rubbed her tits across his chest. He placed his mouth upon hers,
ran his tongue into her lips and felt around the interior of her mouth. She knew what he was doing,
realized that he was seeking the spices of his own semen in the residual flavors left within her cheeks.

She reached frantically for his cock, caught it and tried to insert it into her quivering vulva. Danny
resisted, but she got the head of it into her slippery labia and wiggled violently to seat his penis into the

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yearning cavity of her vagina.

"Oh lord, oh Lord!" she panted huskily. "I'm so hot so hot! I need you, darling-I need your hard
young prick! Oh stick it to you mother, darling-fuck you mommy, fuck, fuck!!"

He fed it up into her sheath, and the first sliding of the velvet rod across her clit made her heave and fall
back, her heart pounding wildly.

Danny said, "I wanted to eat your pussy, first, but if you've got to have it, if you have to be fucked
right away-"

"Yes-oh yes!" she cried out, bucking beneath his pelvis, riding upward over his stiff cock and making
his balls touch the crack of her seesawing ass. " I can't stand not having your prick now-in men, in
your mother-screw your mom, Danny! Ram your hard young cock up into your mother's cunt!
Deep-- deeper! Screw me faster, darling-I'm about to come-to come- oh OH!"

She shuddered in the strong explosion of her climax, moaned and ripped at his beautiful naked back
with clawed fingers and pumped her cunt frantically on his rod. Wonderful-enchanted-- crazy! All
these things and much, much more; somehow brutal and somehow tender, and to be fucked by her son
was the best possible fucking by anyone. But Danny hadn't come again; there simply hadn't been time
for him to build up another ejaculation since the magnificent one he'd just loosed within her throat. She
relaxed under him, her ass going slack, her eyes closing in the gratified warmness of her completion.
He wouldn't allow her to remain quiet, to drift into sleep. He son withdrew from her cunt, pulled his still
hard cock from the jealous gripping of her pussy and lifted his body from between her legs gone limp
and weak. Danny lay beside her for only a few moments, his hands playing into the dripping hairs of her
mound, drawing the slimy juices up into the playful patterns across the skin of her lower belly.
Everything he did to her, every move, each touch- everything was stimulating. He pushed one hand
beneath the small of her back, worked his forearm under her body and lifted her bodily, turning her
belly over to his. His other hand pushed her upright, and Danny worked her knees so that one was on
each side of him as he lay upon his back.

"This way, mother," he said. "Sit on my belly and let me feel your wet pussy against my skin. I want to
just feel you all over, your beautiful thighs, the lovely cheeks of your ass, to run my hands over your
slippery belly like this-oh wow, wow!"

She smiled down at him. "do anything you want to me, my darling. Do everything to me. I'm yours
now-every inch of my body is yours, my handsome son: my legs and my breasts; my belly and ass and
my pussy. You're my son and my master; you're my lover and husband." "Your husband," he said,
caressing her thighs, moving sinuously against her humid mound. "Your husband is my father, and he
stuck his fat prick into this gorgeous cunt and fucked it until he packed you full of his come. One sperm
got into your womb and made me. It's his cunt, but now it's also mine. I came out of it, and now I
come into it, and if I could I'd crawl all the way up into this hot and glorious cunt and curl up there
again." Betty said, trembling, "You-you drive me crazy, talking that way."

Danny took he ass in both hands and lifted her up, moved her mound from his belly to his chest. "But
you love it." "I love it," she said.

"Does he ever talk like that to you?" "No, she said, "your father is kind of conventional about sex."

Danny stroked her ass, rolled his upper body so that his chest ground across her labia. "But he screws
you pretty good; I saw some of that this morning." "He-he screws me all right," she said. "I mean, I
thought it was perfect until you did it with me. but that doesn't mean I don't love your daddy; it doesn't
mean that I don't come with him; I do."

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He son lifted her again, slid her pussy close to his face. He said, "Of course you do, but we're turned
on to each other now, and we'll keep fucking."

"Of course," she said, shivering at the tingle of his hot breath in her pubic hair.

"Just inch on up," he said, "and sit down on my face. Just lower that fabulous pussy right down over my
mouth, and I'll eat you until you say enough, or faint, or something." Betty stared down at his intent
face, at his parted lips where the tip of his red tongue showed. Obediently she knelt above his head,
and with some trepidation, lowered her crotch gently down to his mouth. Danny's hands caught her
thighs and pulled her snugly to him. She flinched when the heat of his mouth touched her labia,
quivered as his tongue lapped along the eager slot of her vulva. Then that tongue slid into her vagina,
inflamed her clitoris and spread its tantalizing caresses throughout her feverish notch.

Straddling his face, Betty pressed her inner thighs closely about her son's head and began to rock back
and forth upon the furnace of his mouth. He teeth pressed her cunt lips, raked gently into the entrance
to her vagina. Then Danny had her clitoris, but he wouldn't tease it for more than a few seconds at a

It was as if he was actually devouring her pussy. He even used his hands to squeeze the lips outward so
that he could suck it like an orange, pulling its succulent juices into his mouth and letting them run down
his throat. His tongue was constantly moving, moving; it lapped into her hot and dewy well, licked up
to the clit, withdrew to slide fondly in and out of the trembling labia.

Betty ground it into this mouth, putting more pressure as she became less afraid of hurting him. She
wiggled her ass and hunched her pelvis, and felt like a wanton, and gloriously debauched, and the
tingling that warned of her orgasm was fast approaching.

So she put one hand up on her son's forehead and leaned back, reached back with the other hand to
capture the charming stiffness of his penis. She worked her fingers up and down on his prick, and
worked her pussy into his face, using the most lewd fucking motions, and the thrills leaped along her
belly and caused her entire cunt to contract. "Oh-Oh-Danny! Oh my love, my darling son! Mother's
coming, coming-oh, Danny-eat your mommy's pussy! Make me come and come and never stop!"

He moaned into her rippling cunt and Betty's head lashed back, then forward and she had to let go his
cock. She melted, collapsed, and her son eased her over onto her side, still kissing her vulva.

Chapter 4

Dinner was a disaster, but Chad didn't seem to notice, and neither did little Nicole. Betty was on edge,
fumbling her silverware, pushing food around on her plate. She avoided looking at her son as much as
possible, and when her husband said something to her, she either talked too much or missed his

Lord, she thought; ;she was tired. It was a good kind of weariness, but she felt as is she could just lie
down on the rug and sleep for at least a week. There had been so much intense living compressed into
the past few hours, and so much uprooting of all her former morals, those standards she had thought so
firmly entrenched. Guiltily, she chanced a look at her husband through lowered lashes, but Chad was
busy with his desert, and she couldn't remember serving it. She had been laid by him only this morning,
screwed once by her lawful wedded husband. Then his son had fucked her several times, and gone
down on her, and she had eaten the boy's penis. It was fantastic, some creation our of Arabian Nights,
and she wanted to think it had really been a dream.

But her tired body told her the truth, and her over stimulated tissues reminded her that she had been

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swept to fabulous heights of passion and fulfillment. But in incest, she thought; in taboo rites with her
own blood. If Chad knew---he would beat her senseless, and Danny, too. Then he would probably
throw both of them out into the street and file for divorce.

Betty shivered; Chad could ruin her in a courtroom, and there d be no question of his custody of Nikki.
Her older daughter, Betty thought: oh good lord, Linda; what would she think of a mother who had
been caught screwing Linda's seventeen year old brother?

"Got a chill, dear? Chad's voice was solicitous. She blinked at him. "What? Oh-oh no; just the
sherbet, I guess.

He stood up. "Come on, Betty. You seem a little pale, and I think it would do us both good to hit the
bed early for a change. The kids have just volunteered to run the dishwasher."

"Did we?" Nikki asked, tilting her elfin face to one side.

"I didn't hear me."

"Come on, Nikki, " Danny said. "Mom deserves a break." Chad stared at them and reached for her
arm. "Nikki seems normal, but Danny must have caught the germ, whatever it is."

Danny shrugged. "It just seems to me that mom should get a little more help from us all. Good night,
mother; see you tomorrow, when you're feeling better. In the morning." She didn't dare look at him. In
the morning, he said, making it plain that he would be eager for her body the, and ready to make lover
to her once more. The boy was insatiable, she thought, and felt a tiny lift of arousal because he craved
her fucking so much, when he could instead be out sticking that lovely meat to any number of young
and willing girls.

Meekly, she walked ahead of Chad, climbing the stairs. She jumped when he touched her butt, and he
laughed behind her. Oh no, she hoped; not from him again so soon; not tonight, after she had been so
thoroughly and almost continually screwed by her son all day long. Beside, she didn't know how she
was going to react to her husband's sexual advances; she might very well crumble and confess all to
him, or simply fly into a fine case of hysterics. Would Chad know? Could he tell? Maybe her vagina
had been loosened by so much intercourse, or maybe she had run out of lubrication for it. If her vagina
stayed dry inside, was that a sign that she had been doing too much screwing? In their bedroom, she
caught up her robe and slippers. "A bath," she mumbled, "need a quick bath, dear." "Sure," he said, his
face puzzled as he sat on the edge of their bed to take off his shoes.

Their bed; the same bed where Danny Maddox had sneaked his first piece of ass from his mother,
making her believe in her warm drowsiness that Chad had returned to fuck her some more. That bed
would never be the same for her now. And neither would Danny's room, or the bathroom she was
going into. There were only three or four more rooms where she hadn't screwed her son, and after
them, the entire house would be contaminated by their forbidden copulations. She stood on the
bathmat and stared down at it. Right there, she had spread her thighs for him, and he had wanted to
fuck her the same way his daddy did it, on top and with her long legs thrown passionately around him.
Betty took a long time in her bath, letting the hot water soak into her flesh, soaping her body over and
over again. Through the wall in her bedroom, she heard the small radio going, and knew that Chad
hadn't fallen asleep, as she'd hoped he would. She dried carefully and took a cleansing douche,
talcumed herself out of habit and put her robe back on. The, because there was not other way to delay
the move, she went back into the bedroom and climbed into the bed with Chad.

"Damn," he said, "I thought you were going to take forever."

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"Sorry," she said, and put her back to him. "Hey," he aid, and kissed the back of her neck, nuzzling into
the tender skin there and the soft curling of her nape hair. His hands slid around her and cupped her
breasts. This was the moment of truth, Betty thought; this was the time when she would know, and she
caught her breath, held it to find out her reaction. Her nipples stiffened as Chad rolled them between
his fingers, and it seemed as if her entire breasts swelled. Not cold, she thought, but suddenly warm
again-not withdrawn, but responding swiftly and with such a wave of lust that she was surprised by it,
and checked the involuntary movement of her ass. "That's more like it, " he breathed into her ear.
"That's my loving wife."

"You---you're a little more loving than usual, aren't you?" He said. "Ain't it nice?" and pushed the
thickness of his expanded staff into the crack of her ass, nestling it up and down in the hairy cleft and
shoving his balls against the smoothness of her thighs.

Up against her ass, the same way his son-her son-had made his first try at screwing her this morning;
her husband, Danny's father, hunching longingly to her tail, rubbing his heavy penis into her, needing,
wanting her. O course she could fuck him, and of course she would. Not only because it was her
wifely duty, but also because she was eager for him, and wanted him, too. It was wild, she thought; it
was crazy, but it seemed that the more she was screwed, the more she wanted it. Suppose she had
turned nymphomaniac at this time of her life? Enjoy it, she thought, and opened her thighs for her
husband to slide his big cock between them. He rubbed it along the length of her labia, and Betty felt
the heat of her steamy response. Chad had a wonderful prick, too-it was hard and massive and he
used it well. She was lucky to have him, to be so needed.

Reaching down, Betty found his cock with her fingers and steered the bulbous head of it into her hairy
entranceway of her vulva. Chad's hands tightened on her tits as he shoved his prick strongly up into the
receptive, oily slit, and her labia stretched to take him in, her ass rolled and hiked seductively.

Then she did something different. With her husband's hard staff locked into the hot sheathing of her
cunt, Betty slid her hand away from his balls and brought it instead to caress her torrid mound. As
Chad fucked into her pussy with long, sensuous rod, along the velvet skin of it turned greasy from its
dipping into her love salves. It thrilled Chad; he wiggled more, grunted into her ear and played with her
tits. She probed farther up, following the sliding prick until she found the hood that protected her
clitoris. Her finger followed the working prick, moved searchingly along her stretched cunt lips and
burrowed itself into the tender tissues surrounding the clit. The thick penis slid in and out, and she
played teasingly with her clitoris as the meaty staff passed it. The sensation was terrific, and Betty
wondered why she had never thought of checking it out before now. But then, she had never been so
constantly and completely aroused before now, either. Fucking had been good before, where now it
was sensational.

Arching her ass, Betty brought her other hand around and took his swinging balls, squeezed them and
played with them as Chad screwed her, as he laid his thick cock up into the glad gripping of her pussy.
Betty masturbated in sexy luxury, being fucked at the same time, fondling prick and balls and her own
cunt-and it was ecstatic. "Oh Chad, Chad," she moaned. "Oh my darling husband-fuck me, fuck me!"

"Yes, baby!" he panted into her ear. "Yes, darling-I'm fucking you, and about to come!"

"Come!" she said loudly. "Come into me and let me feel that hot juice wash my cunt."

"Ahh!" he said, and let it go. "Ahh-baby, baby!" It hosed sweetly within her laboring pussy, creamy
and boiling, and Chad kept stroking it into his released semen. He always did that, she knew, kind of
screwing into the extra lubrication caused by his own come. His son was different; Danny sort of froze
when he came, going all still and static. She could compare them now, their actions when they

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screwed, the way they came, the sizes of their pricks. Betty knew them both well. Her finger quivered
against her clitoris and that seat of passion shook like a reed in a high wind. The prick flexed again
within her cunt, and she rolled it, then tightened her thighs and found herself carried along in a gushing
tornado of rapture.

"Ooohhh!" she cried. "Oohhh Chad-I'm coming, too! It's so wonderful-so--- Ohhhhh!"

She was drowsy when he took his penis from her, but wiggled as it slipped out to leave a sticky path
down her thigh. Sleepily, she murmured, "That was good, Chad." "It was more than good, baby; it
was great. You-I never knew you to play with yourself like that while I was putting it to you. That
excited me."

"Excited me, too," she said, rolling over and putting her arms around him, putting her crotch to he so she
could feel the softening of his prick against her belly. "Love you, Chad."

"I love you," he said, and snuggled her, pressing her tits flat against his chest.

All her fears had been for nothing, Betty thought. Sex with her husband had been better, and for both
of them. The breaking down of old restraints had released her, made her more honest in her desires
and slaking of them. She was more alive, much more excitable, and with Danny's entrance into her
pussy, she had uncovered a flaming core of sensuality only suspected before.

But Chad-she couldn't just say to him right out: look here, darling husband of mine, I have been fucking
our son, and what's more, I've gone down on his marvelous young cock and swallowed his bursting
come. That's more than I ever did with you, isn't it?"

Betty listened to Chad's breathing grow deeper, heard the pattern of it slow and knew her husband was
falling asleep. She wanted to tell him, truly bring it out into the open and confess what she had been
doing. But she couldn't; she just could not say it.

She held him as he slept, and wondered when or it she would ever get the courage. Then she thought it
was probably a lot better that Chad didn't know. He had always been so conservative about sex, even
more so than she. He couldn't possibly accept something as wild as incest between her and his boy.

It would be nice if he could and did. Betty drifted into a warm place where Chad and Danny both
smiled at her, where each accepted the other as an equal to share in Betty's love. Like those stories
about wife swapping, she thought, only better because it was closer and more intimate in the same

But if she fucked Danny, then Chad should be able to screw Linda or even Nicole. If the mother could
fuck her son, then the father should certainly fuck the daughter. But Linda was happily married, and
had never shown the slightest inclination to stray from her marital path, much less ever cast covetous
eyes at her daddy. And Nikki-little Nicole was only a child, only fifteen years old. Danny was only

Different, she thought, turning over in bed, moving away from contact with her husband's sleeping body;
Danny was different-- he was so much more intense, so devoted, so imaginative. He was different
from his sisters, and just because two people in the same close family somehow developed an
incestuous relationship, that was no reason the other three should become involved. Betty sighed, put a
forearm across her eyes and tried to force sleep. Still, it would be nice if Danny and Chad could both
fuck her-more or less openly. It would be a crazy sensation, to turn from one set of arms right into the
other, to have one stiff prick taken from her throbbing cunt and have another stiff cock replace it,
almost without losing a stroke.

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They could all three be naked, and both me fuck her, taking turns kissing and holding her and sliding
those marvelous pricks into her pussy.

She could go down on them, surprising the hell out of Chad since she had never eaten his prick before,
and they could both fuck her and suck her and take their fill of her willing body.

Twice loved, twice adored-and could it ever be possible for the two of them to have her at one time?
Betty lowered her arm and stared up at the dark ceiling. Did anybody really have an orgy like that, just
doing whatever they wanted to, screwing and eating and taking turns? No, she thought-not in turn, but
both a once. A prick in her pussy and a cock in her mouth. Why not, why not??

She trembled, sat up and pushed her feet over the edge of the bed.

Chad mumbled and rolled over, then picked up the slow rhythm of his breathing. He husband was
asleep, but sleep wouldn't come to her, although she had been tired since dinner or before. Maybe a
glass of hot milk, she thought, and slipped on her robe. Padding barefoot down the stairs, she felt her
way into the kitchen and turned on the light' Then she gasped and pressed the back of her hand to her
mouth in shock. Danny was sitting in a chair at the table, blinking up at her.

"Better click off the light," he said.

She said, "What-what are you doing here?" "Waiting for you," he said. "I couldn't sleep, thinking of
you in there with Dad. Did he fuck you again?" Betty bit her lip. "That doesn't matter. I just came
down for some warm mil, and-" "He did," Danny said, watching her eyes. "He did screw you. Is his
stuff still in you, still juicy in your cunt, mother.?"

"I-" Betty clicked off the light and stood in the dark, lowering her voice. "I have to go now; goodnight,
Danny." He was on her before she could get back through the doorway. His voice was soft at her ear,
his hands firmly upon her waist. "No, mom-don't go yet. You couldn't sleep and neither could I; so
let's have a goodnight fuck, right here."

"Danny-your father's upstairs and your sister-"

But he was pushing her gently into the kitchen, and she felt the edge of the table bump against the backs
of her thighs. She said: "Oh, we can't; we can't!!" He lifted her easily, sat her upon the table. "We can
and we will. Let me pull your robe back-ahhh-your legs are so wonderful, so soft and smooth, and
here's your beautiful, thickly haired cunt. It's still wet, mother." "On the-the table? she breathed.

"Just right," he said. "See, I'll step in between your legs and put my prick right here, and you can wrap
your legs around me. Did you put them around daddy when he fucked you a few minutes ago?"

She was shaking. "No-I had him screw me the same way you did, that first time, from the back."
Danny felt over her cunt, felt into it, and lowered his face to kiss her tits. Around a nipple, he said,
"Feels great inside. He came in there, and it feels wonderful. I can't wait to get my own prick in where
his just was." Betty put her arms around her son's shoulders as he moved between her widespread
thighs, and his mouth rested lightly upon her lips. Probing the distended head of his hard penis for the
already frothy opening of her cunt, he said, "Fuck him good, every time; make him come a lot. I'm not
jealous of him, mother- - really I'm not. I love him and I love you, and I want the two of you of fuck
each other all you can. I just-I just want to fuck you with him, I guess."

"Oh, my darling," she aid, before his tongue entered her

mouth and his cock shoved into the wet, slippery entrance to

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her vagina. They felt alike-her wonderful son and herself-thought alike, needed the same sensual things,
even if those goals were impossible.

In his cock went, sliding deep and penetrating; longer than his father's prick, harder in its overwhelming
need. The staff was rigid and the head pulsing, and he moved his hands around, over he hips and
down to caress the cheeks of her ass as he fed the beautiful meat steadily in and out of her adoring cunt.

He kissed her and met her tongue, then eased his mouth away to whisper in ; her ear: "Mother, my
sweet and beautiful mother with the hot, wet pussy. Ahh, oh- -did you come with him?"

"Yes," she whispered back, "oh yes. I masturbated while he was fucking me, and that turned both of us
on even more. It was wild and debauched, and we enjoyed it so much. He-I think it shocked him a
little, though. Oh Danny-I love your prick so much!"

He ground his pelvis into hers, and the overflow juices of her cunt, mixed with his father's semen, turned
their pubic nests creamy and soggy. She wiggled on his sliding rod, squirmed at each thrust into her
jellied vagina, and it was terrific, all over again. She curled her legs around his slim waist and put her
ear to his mouth so she could listen to her horny boy, her mother-fucking son, tell her how beautiful and
hotly desirable she was. Danny told her, too: "Sweet cunt-hot pussy all greasy inside. Oh, I love your
legs around me when we fuck, mom. All my life, I've wanted your legs around me and my aching prick
up your juicy and fantastic cunt. I was never jealous of dad-- only envious; I need to fuck you,
too-and I want to make you come the way he does, but over and over and hotter and hotter-" "My
son," she gasped, "oh my stiff-dicked son and lover, my horny boy-oh, I'm so glad you're fucking me,
and I'd like-I want your father to share my cunt with you, too. But we can't-- not now, not yet.
Maybe later we can-ohhh! Oh lord, that feels so wonderful, your lovely cock sliding around, your balls
against my ass---" "Mom, mom," he panted, clenching his fingers strongly into the tender cheeks of her
ass, "ah, my mother-my bitchy, hot pussy mother-wow, oh wow!"

He was going rigid, his voice rasping in his throat, and Betty hurried the twisting of her cunt too match
his fast approaching climax, to meet the jet of his magnificent semen as it shot forth from the thrusting
head of his young, hard prick.

She made it. Just as the first spurt of hot juice fountained into her vagina to mix with the residue of his
father's come, Betty ground her thrumming clit against his pelvis, along the pounding staff and came
with him. "Ahh! Ahh! I'm coming, I'm coming! Darling, darling-" she rocked on the tabletop and
clamped her legs violently around his sweaty waist.

"Mom-sweet mom-ahh---it's loading your pussy; it's mixing with dad's stuff-all hot and slippery and so
great I can't stand it! Ohh-ahhh-hot and juicy, and your soft ass, and your big tits-I wish I could fuck
you forever and ever." You can, my love. You will. We'll find times and places like this. And in the
morning-oh, come to me in the morning, soon as your father goes in to take his shower." He backed
regretfully from between her thighs, and Betty dropped her legs. "Yes," he said, "in the morning, while
he's so close and yet he doesn't know what's going on, won't know that I'm fucking the cunt he thinks
is only his. It's good to kind of sneak your pussy from dad, but I wish we could share it, up front and
right out in the open." She; kissed him, finding his face in the dark as she lowered herself from the top
of the kitchen table. His prick was still hard against her belly, and she petted it with one hand, loving its
drippy head, its balls, everything about it. And loving her son more deeply than she could ever have
believed possible.

It was so much more complete, she thought, knowing now that no mother could love as she did; unless
she had eagerly and lustfully fucked her own son. To hold was love, to pamper, to discipline was love';
to care for and to feed, to teach and to fondle was love; but to fuck, to give the ultimate in happiness ,

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to eat and give the most intimate in rapture-this was the love that began where the others ended.

"Good night, son," she said, and left him to go upstairs and climb into her husband's bed, his father's
bed. Now she would sleep.

Chapter 5

Chad didn't screw her the next morning. She woke long before he did, and rubbed herself against him
in voluptuous warmth; she even played with his prick for awhile, but Chad only mumbled and stirred
beneath the sheet. When he did come to, it was just to grunt out of bed and head for the toilet.

Disappointed, Betty lay quietly in the blacked-out bedroom, glad that they both wanted their sleeping
area cut off from any light that would disturb them and cause them to awaken too early. She lay on her
back, wondering if Danny was in the room yet, or if he was waiting for the sound of the shower before
he would sneak in and crawl into bed with her.

So much, so often, she thought; only yesterday, she would have kept track of the number of times she
was screwed in any given month. Very easily, she could have counted them-on the fingers of one
hand. Now when was confused. She'd been fucked so many times she'd stopped tabulating the score,
and if there was any nicer kind of forgetfulness, Betty didn't know it.

The shower went on, loud in the morning stillness, and she felt her nipples rising. Danny, she thought:
where was her son Danny? Surely not oversleeping, when he promised to creep into her bed. he
touched her tit, and she damned near jumped off the bed. "Shhh," he hissed. "I've been lying on the rug
on your side of the bed, just waiting. Slide over a little and I'll get in."

"Be quiet," she warned, "oh, do be careful." Her heart was leaping at the touch of him, at the rattle of
water in the shower stall just inches from her head. Her son slid beneath the sheet and began to kiss her
tits, running his hot tongue over the hard nipples and biting tenderly upon the swollen mounds
themselves. She rolled to him and Danny lifted his face to her, pressed his stiff penis against the velvet
skin of her trembling belly. His lips reached her ear and tickled there, warm and whispering; "How
does he shower-- soap all over?" Does he make suds over his balls and cock, then rinse off? He's
hairy, I know-but is he real hairy in the crotch?" "Yes," she answered, "thick hair, but springy and

Shh, darling; if he heard us-"

"He didn't fuck you," he said.

"No," Betty said. "He was in a hurry this morning and besides, we don't screw all that often any more;
not the way we used to when we were young and first married." He had his hand between her thighs,
feeling and stroking, and Betty lifted her left leg to place it over Danny's slim, silken body. His prick
bent down and shoved thrillingly along the hairy nest of her vulva, lying lengthwise along the dampening
lips of her labia. So soon, she though; so much constant fucking and still she craved more. She
wanted him to screw her so much that she was willing to gamble her marriage in this bed, here and
now. Water rained in the shower stall, and through the wall, Betty could hear Chad humming as he
bathed. Chad's son nudged the head of his hard cock into her pussy lips and urged it inside. She
wiggled her ass and helped to seat it firmly into her snatch, putting her hands on Danny's buttocks,
sliding one arm under him and the other over his slim waist. His adorable pecker sunk into her, slid
hungrily into her cunt, their pubic mounds coming together as she snuggled her son close, very close.
She murmured to him, "Your father is rubbing soap over his hairy body right now-slide that hard young
prick into your mama, sweetheart. Just through that wall, he's standing naked and the water is running
off his crotch, while your crotch is tight against your mother's vulva baby. He doesn't know we're

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fucking; he doesn't know that his son-our son-is fucking his wife. He trusts me, because he knows I've
never cheated on him. I never wanted to, before now. Oh Danny, my son-fuck me more and more!"
"So good," he whispered. "so soft and hot inside, and I dig it when your belly slides over mine like this.
I enjoy screwing you in secret. You have the greatest pussy, the hottest, silkiest cunt in the world. I
don't know how dad can not fuck it, every day and night." Betty rolled her hips, worked her belly
across Danny's flat tummy, felt his sweet and symmetrical balls on her thigh. His hard cock was a slow
piston within her vagina, stroking her clit, probing far back to the cup of her womb. She said, "Your
father is tired of my pussy." "I'll never get tired of it," he promised. "No more than I could be bored
with the sky or the sea or living itself. Your cunt is the most important thing in the world to me mother.
I adore it, I worship it, I want to fuck and fuck and fuck it!"

"Shh, darling. Fuck it all you want. Fuck your mommy's cunt all you desire-but quietly, easy; we don't
want your daddy to find out."

Betty hiked her crotch, drew it back, rode the lancing thrusts of her son's rigid staff as he fed it steadily
into her vagina. She clamped it tight, gyrated her hips sot that she would fell the touch of that glorious
prick all over the inner glove of her pussy. Waves of carnal passion rolled through her, rocked he ass
and shoved the nipples of her tits into his chest she hung to the cheeks of his ass, clutched them and
pulled him powerfully into her heaving cunt, grinding and hunching.

The word hissed out of her, sibilant and low between her clenched teeth: "Oh, you beautiful mother
fucker! Oh, my hard cock son, fuck your mamma-you sneaky little cunt stealer-- shoot it into
me-into-me-into me! Ooohhh! I can't stand it! I'm going out of my mind-ahh---ooohhh-Danny, you
wonderful mother fucker!" His come burst forth, roared out of the head of his prick to wash her cervix,
to inundate the walls of her shuddering pussy, to make her thrillingly greasy and creamily slick. Young,
eager- semen-teenage come-thick and spurting and ecstatic. Betty's cunt sucked on the pumping cock
and her own orgasm rose swiftly, so that she bucked on his imbedded tool so hard that the bed shook
and rattled. Chad's voice came through the wall: "You okay, Betty? Is anything wrong?"

"N-no," she called quickly. "I just-I just banged my arm into the wall when I turned over."

He son stroked his slippery, greasy cock into her slot, each long move a tantalizing reach that made her
tremble. "Sure you're all right?" her husband asked.

"Fine," she said, "just fine."

"Fucking fine" her son breathed into her ear. "Tell daddy you have a hard cock up your pussy and
you're fucking just fine."

"Hush," she warned, and listened to the sounds in the bathroom, a little frightened, but more excited.
She'd like to say just that, she thought-she'd get a kick out of seeing Chad's face if she ever told him
that she had another male's prick in her cunt. But she couldn't do that; it would ruin everything, destroy
this delicious relationship she had discovered with her stiff pronged son. Swiftly then, she jerked her
cunt away from him, snapped his wet rod out and shoved against his hairless chest. "He's coming
back! Get down on the floor, quick-quick!!" Danny slid away, dropped softly to the carpet and she
rolled to her back, pressed a forearm across her eyes and tried to slow her frantic breathing.

Her thighs pressed together, and she could feel the warm seepage of Danny's semen between them; her
nipples refused to soften.

The door opened, and Chad came to the edge of the bed, sat down upon it in the room that was now
semi-dark; there was light coming through the partly open door from the bathroom. Stay hidden, she
though; oh, Danny---keep quiet and stay hidden.

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Chad reached over, dropped an exploring hand that found her breast and moved up her throat to her
face. Leaning down, he said, "Sure you didn't hurt yourself? Sounded like you fell out of bed. Maybe
you knocked off the lamp on your side. I'll go see...."

She clutched his wrist. "Oh no! I didn't knock anything over, just bumped my elbow on the wall,
tossing around." He tugged. "Probably dreaming and didn't know what you were doing. I'd better

She rolled to him and pressed her face into the shower-damp stomach; it was hairy and smelled faintly
of soap. She said into it; " I was dreaming about you. I mean-all the things you and I have never done,
never tried. We're not getting any younger, to coin a phrase, and maybe-maybe we've been cheating

He caressed her head. "Hey-that must have been some dream, to shake you up like this. What do you
mean, the things we never tried? Like going to Europe or something?" Betty had his attention diverted,
and she had to keep it away from the imaginary lamp accident, had to hold him physically away from
the other side of the bed where their naked son lay in hiding. She touched her tongue to his belly hair
and felt him flinch.

"Hey, Betty---what the hell are you doing? Look, I have to grab some toast and coffee, get to work-"
She knew him too well; she realized he wouldn't forget a possible broken lamp, that he would fret over
a broken bulb or frayed cord, until he checked it out. She had to make him forget it, so that her son
would be protected, so that her marriage would be kept intact.

"I'm doing something I always wanted to do," she said, nibbling into this belly with insistent teeth.
"Something I should have done a lot of years ago- -and would have, except that I was so worried you
might think I was a wanton. Now-" She put her arms around his waist, dipped her face toward his-
towel- wrapped hips and pulled away the covering with her teeth.

"Hey!" Chad said, but she wasn't listening any more. He smelled of soap and manhood and a new
excitement. Danny was listening, she knew; their son was only a few feet away, and he would hear, if
not peep at, everything that was going on. He'd wanted to watch her screw his father, had he? She'd
give him something else just as stimulating, and it would sure as hell take Chad's mind off the lamp. She
snapped away the towel, and rubbed her mouth, her cheeks ; and chin, into her husband's crotch,
breathing into the furry tangle of his pubic hair, touching his limp penis with her lips.

Chad said, "Betty! I don't know what's gotten into you-you know damned well that you never-" She
pushed farther down, and his testicles were heavy, only hanging in their wrinkled sack. She licked over
them, suddenly opened her lips wide and sucked them into her mouth as if she was going to crack hem
between her teeth. Her husband's hands darted to her head, tried to lift her away, but she felt the
tremble of his belly and the lifting of his cock as it began to stiffen. Blissfully, she sucked upon his balls,
drew her tongue over them, and felt his prick rise against her face.

Betty spit out his balls then, dug her fingernails into his hips and snapped her mouth over the distended
head of his rod. Bit it was, and spongy, and the flange around it had been soaked thousands of times in
the love oils of her pussy. But never had she held it in her lips, or curled her wet tongue around it as
she was doing now. She bit down on it when Chad tried feebly to withdraw, and shoved the tips of her
tongue into the tiny slot where fluid was beginning to rise.

"you-you can't do this," her husband said above her, somewhere in the swirling clouds over her busy
head. "Betty, Betty, darling-we never-you couldn't-ahhhhhh!" She drew that lovely blunt end far back
into her mouth, moved it devotedly along the velvet roof of her mouth, moved it back into the fever of

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her throat. Using her tongue as a rammer, she shoved Chad's prick back to the outer confines of her
lips, then swiftly sucked it back in again, her cheeks indenting with the power of her pulling.
"Ummmm," she moaned, and slipped her hands from his hips, one of them going to his damp balls, the
other searching between the cheeks of his ass to find the wooly ring that was his anus. She'd never
done that, even with Danny, and she didn't know what impelled her to do it the, except some innate
instinct hitherto wedged deeply within her inner core.

Sucking, licking, biting at his hard cock, Betty ate her husband's organ for the first time, realizing that it
should have been done many times before this. She ought to have devoured his prick , made it a part
of her mouth as it had been made a vital piece of her cunt. She had taken his semen and made it into
three beautiful children; ;she could eat it was well, make it into a love meal for the empty places of her

Chad grunted. "You-you bitch! You-bitch---sucking my prick! Never-my wife-you
never---ahhhhhhhh, your wonderful- cocksucker-eat my prick; EAT IT UP, YOU BITCH!! SUCK
ME OFF!!!"

Betty sucked; she drew upon the swollen, leaking head and slid her mouth up and down, wobbled her
face from side to side so that his now pumping cock could know the fondling of every hell, every valley
of her mouth, her tongue and teeth, her lips and throat.

Blindly, she squeezed his balls and bent her head to force his driving cock farther back into her throat.
He other hand caressed his asshole, fingered its tip into the hairy ring, and she sucked, sucked, her
head moving more rapidly up and down.

Chad hesitated, breaking his rhythm, his hands tugging weakly at her hair, and she wanted to tell him
never mind, that she wanted him to come in her throat, that she wanted to swallow his spray of semen.

Shuddering, he jerked his belly into her face, crushed her head with his hands and gave a great, final
lunge of his thick cock. His ejaculation was huge, a thundering Vesuvius of semen that erupted in her
throat, hot and heavy and saturating. Betty accepted its homage gladly, happily. She gulped down the
rush of fluids, sucked joyfully upon the flexing head of her husband's massive prick to drain more the
excitingly flavored stuff.

As Chad sighed back to rest upon his elbows, she held to his cock, teasing it with her tongue, and only
then did she remember that their son had probably been watching from the dark corner of the heaving
bed. Danny had at least heard the sucking noises, the slippery sounds of wet prick in a hungry mouth;
he had listened tot he rhythm of the bed and to his father's diminishing protests. Danny must have a
champion hard on, she thought, and came very close to giggling around Chad's softening prick, as her
husband said, "I-I enjoyed that very much, Betty. And I'm sorry I called you those names."

She lifted her mouth from his penis, gave the shrinking head a last kiss. "You just called me a bitch and
a cocksucker-and I am. It's nice being bitchy, and even nicer to at last suck your cock."

"I meant-oh hell," he said, and she moved her mouth up his belly to his chest, up his brushy chest to his
throat and then to his chin. Chad wiggled uncomfortably, and she smiled.

"Oh no," : she said. "Don't go all revolted on me now. I ate your prick and swallowed your semen, and
you loved every moment of it. So now you can just taste your own flavors." Clamping her mouth over
his, she thrust her still oily tongue deeply into his mouth. Chad shivered, and that was all; a moment
later, he returned the kiss, sliding his tongue over hers. Betty crushed her tits into his chest and began to
rub her wet mound over his thigh. Now she had an excuse for it to be wet, and she wondered what
her son was feeling then, if he was going out of his skill with desire. It was a good thing that they had

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already fucked, she thought; otherwise Danny might be jacking off right now.

Maybe he was, anyhow; it was possible that he was holding his tiff cock in his hand and squirming
bare-assed on the rug, about to let go his own orgasm. That would be a waste. The precious fluid
should be put into her body. Chad pulled back to get his breath. "Damn; I guess I'll just call in to the
office and tell them I can't make it this morning."

She thought of Danny on the floor. "Oh no, Chad. Go ahead to work-I-I have an appointment with
Miss Carothers, anyway. You know---the lady who want me to help with the charity campaign: I'd
rather be here with you, but she'll get very upset if I'm not on time, and-" "Okay," he said. "I just
wanted to lie here and talk with you about-well, about what you just did and about how passionate
you're getting lately. I don't mean you weren't always hot, but well, it seems as if the past couple of
days have changed you, made you wild."

She eased off his body, lay back and pulled the sheet over her legs. "Are you complaining, Chad?"
"No," he answered, "oh hell, no. It's just-something I can't figure out."

She forced a gentle laugh. "We'll discuss it later. This weekend, when we have a lot of time together.
All right?" "Sure. Besides, the kids are home this summer, and-what did I do with my towel? Here it
is, on the floor." He stood uncertainly beside the bed, then blew a kiss down at her and went back into
the bathroom, closing the bedroom door behind him.

Things rattled in the bath, and the toilet flushed. the bed sagged, and Betty put out a warning hand to
touch her son's naked body. When he slid in beside her and snuggled to her flesh, she
whispered---"Keep still and keep quiet. All your father's habit patterns were broken just the, and now
there's no telling what he'll do, which way he'll turn, what he'll forget and have to come back for."
Danny nuzzled into her hair, breathed into her ear, very softly: "I peeked from the corner, just lifting my
eyes above your pillow. I couldn't see much because it's so black in here, but I could make out the
outline of your head and his body, when you went down on him. Wow!! All those wet sounds, those
eating noises, and the way the bed was going up and down. I almost freaked out." "Shhhh," she said,
"be quiet."

They lay softly together, waiting together and Betty knew they had to work out something, to develop
some way of either bringing Chad into the situation fully, or of hiding it completely from him. This was
more than dangerous, sharing the bed with her son while her husband was so close by; this was

Chad went down the hallway, down the stairs, and Betty continued to listen, her heartbeat faster than
usual, her pulse still racing from oral sex and from the fright she had undergone.

Danny began to stroke her body, to push his rigid penis against her leg. She shook her head and hissed
at him:

"Wait, Dammit! We have to be sure of him; we must be certain your father isn't going to blow up if he
finds out about us. I don't know how in the hell we can be sure of that, but-" Her son said softly, "He
has to be brought in. I suggest Linda."

Betty blinked. "Linda? How-what can she-"

"She can seduce him," Danny explained. "My older sister can get dad to fuck her, and then he'll be too
guilty to think of anything else for awhile."

Sucking in her breath, Betty said, Linda?" But what makes you think she'd do anything like that with

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your father-that your sister would commit incest?"

She stopped talking, foundering on the shoal of the incestuous image, because she and her son were
already into it. But Linda was happily married, and she'd never go for her own father, and- it was an
idea, Betty admitted. It probably was a pretty good idea, if it could possibly be worked our in detail.

She said, "How, Danny? How do we get your sister to lay her father?"

He said, "She's been dropping hints; like sex is getting to be a habit with her husband, like maybe she'd
soon try looking around for a little new romance ." Betty frowned. "But a romance with your
father--?" "I know my sister," Danny said. "Better than anybody knows her; she opens up with me,
tells me things that she doesn't mention to the rest of the family. No, I don't believe she'd go for dad
right away --- but if I make the right moves and feed her enough juice, I believe she'll go for me."

"You?" Betty sat up in bed, stunned despite the casual tone that had been coming into the conversation
between she and her son. "You'd screw Linda, and she'd-she would let you-


"Just as you did," Danny said. "She has to get smashed to be honest, but I think if I can get her to
talking about her sex life and petting her some, and if she thinks we're alone and all safe, Linda will
screw me. If she doesn't-I'll rape her, and once I get my cock into my sweet sister's cunt, she'll forget
about anything else. She's that much like you, mother. Now-I heard daddy's car pull out of the
driveway, so lie back and relax. Or do I have to rape you too?"

Betty lay back upon the pillow. "You would too-you horny little cocksman. Linda and you, then Linda
and her dad. And what do I do, all that time?"

He fingered into her pussy. "There'll always be some prick for you..."

Chapter 6

When Betty gave her younger daughter two dollars and told her to take her friend to the movies, Nikki
grabbed the bills and flew out of the house without argument. Danny looked after her, and said, "She's
going to get suspicious, after a while."

"We'll worry about that when it happens," Betty said. "Right now, we have to get the situation ironed
out with Linda. Danny, are you sure-" "Sure as I can be," he said. "did you call Linda?" "While you
were taking a bath. She's on her way over; said she was bored at home and needed a change." Danny
laughed. "I'll try to give her a change, all right. Linda's about ripe for a new cock, and mine is certainly

Betty shook her head and poured glasses of cold punch. Tasting the mix, she made a face. "How
much rum did you put in this?"

"The whole bottle," he said. "Linda never could hold her juice, and if she get smashed right away, we
can get it on that much sooner. Otherwise, it's going to be a long, dry weekend, with dad home all the
time and us not able to get together for even one quick fuck."

She drank down the cold punch and felt a little shiver in her tummy. It was the way her son talked
about everything, as if they were discussing his schoolwork, or the grocery list. He was casual about
discussing their sex acts, and this plan for the seduction of his married sister. She stared at him as he
slouched in the kitchen chair, his slim, bare legs stuck out, the feathering of hair on them bronzed by the
sun. The table, she thought; oh lord-he had screwed her right on this very table last night, when

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everyone else in the house was asleep. He'd lifted her to the tabletop and spread her legs to walk in
between them with his perpetually hard prick in his hand. Her son had fucked her as eagerly as if he'd
never touched her before, and it had been good, wild for both of them.. "Where will you-do it?" she
asked. "If your sister goes along, that is." Betty felt like a procurer, or some equally bad kind of
traitor. She was helping her daughter to break her marriage vows, and being instrumental in bringing
Linda into incest.

"The family room," Danny said. "I'll get the stereo going with her favorite tapes, and put the punch on
ice in there. We can get her talking, and drinking, and then-I guess we have to play it by ear. If she
pays too much attention to you being around, you'll have to slip out-at least for awhile."

"All right," Betty said, and drank another glass of potent punch before carrying the punch bowl into the
family room and placing it on the little bar there. He son followed her and put his hands on her waist as
she stood at the bar. Betty was wearing a pair of white shorts that accented her pale and lustrous skin,
and a thin, see-through blouse that showed her lacy cup bra. She felt wicked in the outfit, and of
course she was. Leaning back against him, Betty felt her son's erection, felt him pushing against her
buttocks. He kissed the back of her neck and cupped her heavy tits with both hands. "You have the
most fabulous tits I ever felt, mother." She turned her face, kissed his cheek, and snuggled her ass
tightly to his rod, to the hard bulge in his cutoff jeans. "How many tits have you felt?"

"A few; not too many, I guess. I felt up six or eight girls before I screwed any of them, so I guess they
don't count; only the ones I fucked."

Betty knew a delicious intimacy. A curious gnawing of something else-jealousy? She said, "How many
did you-- fuck?"

"Just four," Danny said. "Three chicks in class and my English teacher."

"Your teacher?"

He ground his crotch into the cheeks of her ass. "Sure; she's only twenty-eight, and I had this thing for
older women, since I was so horny to lay you. It took some work, because she's cute and half the
guys in class were trying to make her. But she's not nearly as good a fuck as you are, mom. I mean,
you're just the best, the greatest." She moved away from him then, mollified, feeling the jolt of rum she
wasn't used to drinking, feeling more than a little bitchy, too. "You'd better save that hard on for your
sister; she should be here any minute now. Remember, she's an older woman, too."

He grinned. "Only twenty-one; just four years older than me. I like them riper-like you; but I'll admit I
always had an idea about screwing Linda. She was always had an idea about screwing Linda. She
was always flitting around and showing her legs clear to her ass, or letting me get a good peep at her
tits. And lots of times, she'd come in from a date and tell me how guys were feeling her up, especially
Glenn, before she married him. I think she was trying to turn me on."

Betty felt a little better, and a little drunker. She poured herself another small cup of the punch and
sipped it. Maybe it ran in the blood, she thought; something slightly twisted in her genes that had been
passed along to her children. She had always wanted to be screwed by her son; she confessed that to
herself now. Oh, it hadn't been out in the open, but she'd always liked to touch him, and she had often
cast glances at his tightly shaped ass, as his lumpy crotch.

And these impulses had been inherited by Danny, thank goodness, or badness, whichever. He
possessed this dark and overwhelming passion that demanded he fuck his mother, that drove him to
come into the vagina that had given him birth. She was glad; she was damned happy for that urge.
Linda, then; very attractive Linda Maddox Forrester. The young housewife was shorter than her

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mother, at five feet, six inches; she had rich brown hair, a shade darker than Danny's, Betty
remembered, and was proud of the girl's exceptional figure.

Had Linda received the same hot combination of genes that made incest so compelling for her mother
and her brother? They would soon find out; Betty heard the car pull up in the driveway, and smiled at
Danny. "Here she is." Danny stroked his softened penis. "Yeah. I hope she's anxious for this. But I'll
be cool." Linda bounced into the house, full of energy and blooming with youthful vitality. "Hi! What
was all the big secret, getting me over here in the middle of the day? Not that I wasn't glad to get out
of that damned apartment." Betty kissed her daughter's cheek, and felt the brush of her breast against
Linda's. It felt tingly, now that she had more in mind than a motherly embrace. But Danny just loved
motherly embraces.

"Hey now," Linda said. "You've been juicing it up. What's the occasion?"

Danny came from the family room bearing gifts-two cups of the powerful punch. "Mom and I just
decided to spend the afternoon with you. You look wonderful, sis; prettier than ever.

Linda took the cup and gave him a fleeting kiss on the mouth as Betty watched. "My favorite brother,"
Linda said. "You're growing up every day."

Linda was wearing a mini, and Betty looked over the flawless thighs and well-shaped legs the skirt
exposed. As her son had said, Linda' breasts weren't as big as her mother's, but they were high and

"you never acted bratty, like a brother," Linda was saying.

"I always felt as if I could talk to you, Danny." "You can," he said. "Come on in and sit. I've got your
old tapes on."

Betty followed after, not quite certain of her role, but eager to be part of it, to be in on the action from
the start. Linda's tail had a suggestive swing to it, she noticed, and found herself wondering if her
son-in-law had gotten into Linda before they were married. Probably, she decided; the girl was
passionate and lovely. Why not? Glenn would have been some kind of fool if he hadn't kept trying until
he fucked her.

And Betty's son-in-law didn't look that foolish; he looked yummy and lithe, and Betty wondered how
screwing him could become tiresome. She'd have to ask her daughter. Linda was laughing on the
couch, and Danny was sitting beside her refilling her glass. Betty went to the punchbowl, but hesitated;
her head was already light and there was a warmly woozy sensation in her veins. "Great," Danny said,
"just great. And that's a fab skirt, Linda. You should never hide legs that wonderful." The music
swirled through the room, and Linda stretched out her legs for them to admire. Downing her second
drink, she said, "Glenn kind of ignores them now. I don't mean he forget them, but he doesn't eye them
the way he used to. Marriage---- yekk."

Betty said carefully, "Doesn't he-love you as often?" Linda turned her head. "Why, mom!" Have you
been nipping at this tasty punch for awhile? I never heard you ask anything like that before."

Danny said, "You'd be surprised at how mom is blossoming out. Didn't you dig those while shorts?"
Linda stuck out her lips while Danny poured some more juice into her glass. "I always wished my legs
were that long and sleek. But wiggling around in shorts and a see-through--- have you gotten yourself
a lover, mom?" Laughing, Linda drank some more, and spluttered when her brother said, "Yes; mother
has a lover, and a good one." "Damn!" Linda said, with feeling. "I was kidding around,- but-you,
mom? Making it on the side with another man?" Betty took a deep breath, but her head was still a little

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fuzzy. "Is that so difficult to believe? Does it shock you that much?"

Her daughter shook her head. "N-no, but you-you've always been so uptight about sex, and-well, hell;
good for you! I hope you have a great time balling the guy, and I wish I could find somebody just as
exciting. Look, I don't mean that Glenn and I don't make it; we do. It's just that after two years, we
know everything that each other is going to do. It's kind of boring, and I think if I get laid by some
other man, it might actually stimulate my sex life with my husband."

"It will," said Betty. "It really will." "Wow, Linda breathed, her rich drown hair falling over one side of
her face and her lips just a little slack. "Never thought I could talk to you like this, mom. Now ol'
Danny here- -" She put one hand on her brother's bare leg, and Danny slid closer on the couch, moved
his butt down a bit so that her hand was pushed up his thigh. He said, "You know the guy mom's
swinging with."

"I do?" Linda's head wobbled, but she tried to focus on her mother. "Who is it, mom?"

Danny had a hard on now; Betty could see the heavy bulge in his short jeans. He took his sister's hand
and lay it upon his stiff cock. He said, "Guess who, sis." Linda's head swiveled back so fast it threw
her off balance and she almost fell off the couch. Her brother used his other hand to help her catch her
balance, and it was no accident that it moved from the small of her back down to the trimly modeled

"Wh-what? What?" Linda asked. "You and-and mother? - How-what----" Danny had a good grip on
the cheek of his sister's ass now, and in her shock, she hadn't even tried to remove her hand from the
erection at his crotch. He hunched it against her hand and played with her ass. Linda's eyes looked
blurred, and he said to her: "Sure, me and mom. Why not? She's beautiful and hot, and I dig her like
crazy; she digs me, too. we fuck day and night."

"I-don't-daddy-what about daddy?"

Danny unzipped his jeans and shoved his long, hard prick into his sister's limp had. "He doesn't
know-but now you do. And we want you to swing with us, with mom and me." "I can't get my head
straight," Linda said. "It's all so--

I'd say you were putting me on, except mom's standing there and watching you put your cock into my
hand. I don't know-I can't- think-" "You don't have to think," Danny said, easing his hand up his sister's
thigh. "Just lie back and let me show you what I do to mom, how I put this prick into her juicy, rich
pussy. Linda-- you know I always wanted to stick it to you, and you know you always teased me into
it. Well, we don't have to play games anymore; now we can get it on." She was sinking back, and
Betty saw her son's hand cup her daughter's mound, that delectably swollen mound snugged by Linda's
silken panties.

Linda said, "But-with mom right here?" "Sure; she wants to see how we swing, and she'll even help me
get your clothes off, won't you, mom?" "Yes," Betty said through numb lips, and moved toward them
with her own nipples gone stiff and her own crotch turning dewy. She had gone too far now; there was
no backing out, no- escape-and she didn't really want to get away. She needed to be here, a witness to
what was about to happen. She had to be part of this magnificently thrilling episode, and she would.
Moving like a robot, she approached her older daughter and her only son.

Danny was pulling off his sister's stockings, peeling down the nylon pantyhose and working off the frilly
panties. Bending over the couch, Betty took hold of Linda's blouse and eased it up and over her limp
arms. Her daughter had her eyes closed, the thick lashes lying curled and long upon the delicate curve
of her cheek. "Look at the hair on this cunt," Danny was saying softly.

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"Mom, isn't that the curliest pussy hair you ever saw?" And indeed it was, thick and deep and luxuriant,
curling in a million tightly rolled brown springs, making a heavy bush between the fair and silken skin of
Linda's thighs. Then Betty unhooked the girl's bra and saw the delightfully shaped mounds of her
young, firm tits leap forth. The pinkish brown nipples were erect and trembling, and the disrobing was
done. Linda lay naked upon the couch, all her vibrantly lovely body exposed to the avid eyes of her
mother and brother.

"Beautiful," Danny breathed, and Betty saw that he had shucked out of his jeans and was kneeling on
the couch at his sister's feet. "Smooth and beautiful, sis. You don't have to think about anything-just lie
there and feel good. I'm going to be your new lover, and because I'm also your brother, it'll be better
for both of us. I love you as my sister and as a beautiful young woman, and as a wife ready for some
fun, and I'm just about to love you as a hot, juicy cunt."

"Danny," Linda breathed through lax lip. "Oh yes, yes!!"

Betty stepped back and began to remove her own clothing. Anything upon her fevered flesh felt
constrictive, choking, and she simply had to rip it away. Her shorts and panties, bra and blouse
fluttered to the floor; Betty also stood naked as her children, and the air felt wonderful upon her skin.

Danny bent low and licked his sister's toes. She flinched and squirmed, and the boy kissed wetly over
her foot, bit gently upon her calf and licked her shins. Sliding up her legs, he continued to kiss her skin,
to fondle and nip at her legs, her thighs. Danny planted a lingering kiss into the deep drown pubic hair,
and Betty thought for a moment that she was going to see her son eat his sister's pussy. But as she sank
to the carpet close by the couch, only an arm's length away from the beautiful naked figures, she
watched Danny move on up Linda's belly. His rigid penis was gripped in one hand, and his hairy balls
were swinging pendulously between his thighs.

Betty's voice surprised her, coming of its own accord from her lips: "Fuck her, Danny---oh, please
hurry and fuck her!" "Yes, mom," he answered, and crawled between her knee-lifted legs to guide the
bulging head of his eager prick into the shaggy forest of his sister's pubic mound. "Fuck her," Betty
repeated in an intense whisper. "Fuck you sister; stick it on into your sister's pussy, son." "I am
mother. Watch it slide on inside Linda's cunt. She's boiling inside, tight and hot-hot and slimy. Oh,
Linda-oh- sis-my prick's moving right into your cunt." Linda's head swung from side to side, a silent
metronome; her arms lay limp at her sides as her brother took her buttocks and hiked her bushy pelvis
to meet his first plunge into her vulva. Fascinated, Betty sat on the floor and stared as the slim, hard
penis inched into the readily accepting lips of his sister's labia. Round and smooth, Betty's ass was
lifted, tilted from the couch, and her brother's prick pushed steadily, powerfully, on into the hairy nest.
His balls came to rest in her crack, and the full length of his cock was imbedded into her vagina.

"Ummm," Linda murmured. "Omm-long and hard; good, good," His chest lowered to hers, and her tits
were flattened sweetly to him as the lower part of her body began to move with slow and studied
lasciviousness. Danny kissed her open mouth, and Betty watched her children couple in lovely intimacy,
belly to belly and mouth to mouth. Linda wrapped her arms around her brother and ground her pelvis
into Danny's crotch.

Betty stared; the boy's cock slid out of her pussy, came back glistening with his sister's love juices,
hesitated with the head of it still buried into her feminine softness, thrust forward once more, slipped in
to the root. "Uuummm," Linda said, between dartings of her tongue into her lips, "oh baby, that's so
hard and so good. Wow---I thought my husband could fuck, but you've got it on him, Danny.
Uuummmm-- feels wild, when the head of it pokes away back in me. Do it to your sister, baby-I
haven't been screwed in three days, and I need your fantastic prick!!" Betty's tits were so swollen that
they ached, the nipples hard and ready to break off. She slid one hand into her lap, fondled her mound

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and found it wetly throbbing. She used a finger to slowly caress her labia as she watched the action
directly before her.

Pretty well smashed, turned on by her first impalement upon her brother's expertly and hungrily used
cock, Linda had thrown all coyness to the winds. She was clinging to Danny and hammering her cunt
up at his strokes, absorbing each push of his rod and gyrating sensuously upon his meat. "You-you little
son of a bitch!" she panted, pounding her crotch into his, grinding and shuddering. "You sneaky little-
bastard-fucking mom, and now me. Wowy-oh hey-you have the greatest cock-fuck me hard,
brother-little baby brother with the far out fuck pole-fuck me hard-HARD!" Danny responded by
speeding up his thrusts, by ganging his prick into her cunt so violently that her ass cheeks jiggled and
her tits shook with each heavy stroke. "Good, good-hard! Fuck me-fuck me-I-I'm coming---
coming-oh son of a bitch-I'm coming, baby brother. "Sis-sis!" Danny gasped. He drove his cock into
her pussy, lunged and bucked it up his sister's shivering wet cunt, and Betty saw him stiffen out, saw his
legs stretch back and looked closely at the way his balls leaped upward. He was coming. Betty knew
exactly the sensation of his hot semen leaping forth into a cunt, knew to the last quiver of feeling how
his come splashed and drenched the walls of an inflamed pussy. Now his older sister was feeling it, too;
now Linda was being bathed in the sticky cream of her brother's ejaculating penis. Linda was adoring
it. Betty saw her twist and heave, watched her claw at her brother's slim ass, and heard the sloshing
noise as Linda worked her vagina frantically over Danny's immersed staff. "I-oohhhh" Oh, Danny! Oh,
baby-soak my vagina; flood my cunt; pack me with your semen, my darling!" Betty's finger manipulated
her clit, teased it, but she didn't stroke herself to a climax. Not yet, she thought;

Danny will be ready to go again, in just a little while. And if Linda isn't too shaken up, or too smashed,
then maybe she can watch him pack that fabulous meat to his mother. Her mother, too. That would
make it all immeasurably better, add that spicy fillip to the sharing that could now be theirs, all three of
them. A lift of anticipation surged within Betty. She stopped playing with her cunt and moved the hand
out to drift it lightly over the silken cheeks of her son's ass. The first step of the plan had been
accomplished: Linda Maddox Forester had been seduced by Danny, and she knew that her mother had
been screwing him, too.

That eased the way for their next move, Linda making it with her father. It could take a little more time
and effort, but the end result would certainly be worth any trouble. Maybe they could work on it this
weekend; Linda could bring Glenn over and stay until late Sunday night. From now until then, she
should be able to contrive a method of getting her father to stick his thick penis into her yearning cunt.

Linda had wanted some new and exciting action, Betty thought. The girl was finding it now, and would
come up with more. First her stiff-dicked brother; then her daddy. If that wasn't enough newness for
her, she'd better hang onto Glenn.

Glenn, Betty thought; oh lord, what were they going to do with Linda's husband? The house would be
crowded, and every additional guest increased the chances of discovery that much ; more. Glenn was
active and virile; he couldn't be conned into getting smashed on rum punch, to keep him out of the way.

But he could be drawn into something else, she decided. Like screwing his mother-in-law. Now that
she'd pushed aside most of the old, confining barriers, Betty could excite him, make him so hot to got
that he couldn't draw back. She would fuck h him so thoroughly, so completely, that he wouldn't be
interested in roaming around the house. Smiling, Betty continued to sit on the carpet beside the couch,
and to caress her son's ass. Sometimes her fingers strayed down the crack of his buttocks and over his
balls, and sometimes they went even farther, to barely touch the curly, springy pubic hairs of her
daughter, there at the spot where Danny's prick was shoved into them, right to the hilt.

She could feel her son relax, feel his back muscles soften. He turned his face toward his mother and

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smiled. Betty couldn't resist. She moved closer and kissed his mouth, accepted the penetration of his

Chapter 7

Linda said, "Are you sure the doors are locked?"

Danny laughed. "Look who's being uptight now." "No," Linda said, curling her smooth and shapely legs
under her body. "It's just that if somebody walks in and catches us all sitting around bare assed like
this, they'll think we've all freaked out-and maybe we have. If daddy comes home, or Nikki, or wow!
-- if my husband drives up-" "we thought of the possibilities," Betty said. "The doors are locked and
we more or less have an idea where everyone else in the family is right now."

"I hope so," Linda said. "I sure hope the hell so. I mean-getting snockered and getting laid by my
brother is one thing, but getting caught at it is another. And mom, if daddy caught- you-or even me-I
hate to think of what he'd do."

"That's what we have to take care of, "Betty said. "That's why you have to screw your father."

Linda dropped her glass, but Danny caught it before it hit the rug. She said, "Oh-hey! Hey, that's the
wildest, craziest thing I ever-" "Oh come on," Danny said. "You know damned well that you've had the
hots for him ever since you started growing up. Now's your chance to do something about it." Linda
took another cold glass of rum punch, drank half of it, then giggled. "I guess I just can't get used to this,
to the whole goofy idea. I mean, sitting here naked with my brother and my mom, and talking about
screwing my daddy. It's too much."

"You enjoyed balling me," Danny said. "It'll be terrific with dad. I love putting it to you, Linda, but
there's something just a little extra, when I fuck mom." Linda flinched visibly and drank the rest of her
punch. She said, "When I look at you, mother-nude and beautiful like that, I wonder why I grew up
thinking of you as old. You're something- else-those big round breasts and that lovely black hair on
your mound, and I've always admired your long, provocative legs. I mean, you really have a gorgeous
body. But-thinking about you and Danny, I don't know. It all seems sort of unreal."

"Oh, it's real," Betty said, herself fortified heavily by the rum and as yet ungratified. "but I guess we'd
better prove it. Danny?"

"Any time, mom, I was just getting back my energy, and seeing you there waiting for me-that brought it
back in a hurry. See it growing?"

She smiled at his half-risen erection, always drawn to the splendid charm of his cock and to the
perfection of his naked body. Such a beautiful boy, and such a lovely girl with him. She was very
proud of them both. "Ill lie down on the floor, and you can mount me. Linda, our mom is some
exquisite piece of ass; she's as hot and tight in the cunt as you are, and she really eats up a prick."

Betty kneeled on the carpet as her son stretched himself flat on it, his slim legs reaching to her, his sun
bronzed skin gleaming beguilingly and his penis lifting, turning harder with each moment. It was an
alluring erection, and she slid forward on her knees. Opening them, she passed over his legs and sat
erect and poised above his lavender headed penis. She could not resist playing with it, toying with the
balls and running her fingertips lightly up and down the throbbing staff. She felt the oiliness left by his
recent ejaculation, the residue of her daughter's vaginal lubrication.

Danny was caressing her thighs, smiling up at her as he cupped the cheeks of her ass and finger walked
through the tufted shag of her cunt hair. She trembled above him, prolonging her screwing, drawing out

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the anticipation of feeling her son's singular prick entering her quaking vulva.

"Lovely, mom," Danny said, peering up into her crotch. "I can see your cuntlips all red and waiting. So
beautiful, so sexy."

"Darling," she breathed, forgetting for the moment that her daughter was sitting only inches away and
staring with open mouthed fascination. "Oh darling, give mommy your sweet you prick!"

She inched down upon its upthrust head, positioning her slot carefully upon the blunt end of her son's
swollen rod. The head touched into her humid labia, probed lovingly into the thick forest of her pubic
hair and found the slippery entrance to ecstasy.

Lowering her crotch slowly, Betty settled upon his cock. It eased into her fevered vagina, slid teasingly
over her tremulous clit and went all the way up when she sat upon his pelvis. His balls were forced
against the lips of her pussy, and she liked that.

"All the way in," Danny said. "My cock's locked into your pussy, mother. You're so juicy inside, it's
almost as if daddy had been fucking you before I got my prick in. so slimy and good, so tickly-and
when you rock your beautiful ass back and forth like that, I go ape." "Betty leaned over him, pushed
one of her nipples at his face. "Here, darling-suck this; you love your mommy's tit so much, just suck
away on this, while mommy screws you." Wetly, his lips pulled it in, and his teeth gnawed tenderly
upon her nub. Danny sucked it then, sucked on it as is he was a baby again, and she was feeding him
mild instead of cunt. His hands held both her jiggling breasts and he rubbed his forehead into the one
he wasn't sucking. Betty rolled her ass and lifted upon her knees, pulling her pussy up his cock until she
felt the rounded flange of the head against her inner labia. Then she pushed down again, swivelling her
crotch as she did so, and heard her vagina make gulping, liquid noises.

Danny pulled on her nipple, his hands clenching her ass cheeks, his belly arching and sliding over hers,
dampening with sweat. She fucked him with long, deliberate movements of her lower body, seesawing
and pumping, hunching and grinding, giving him all the delight she could, thrilling herself with each
slickened thrust.

Suddenly he tore his hungry mouth away from her wet tit, and grunted out his needs: "Oh-ah, mother!!
Yes, oh yes-that magic cunt. But-not yet; don't make me come yet. I want to eat my sister's cunt!"

Surprised, Betty slowed her ass movements, allowed his stiff prick to nestle motionless within the velvet
clasping of her pussy. "but Danny-how-" "Linda," he said. "Sis-get off the couch and stand over me.
Put one foot on each side of my body." As if she was mesmerized, Linda stood up, moved stiltedly to
where they lay upon the floor and obeyed her brother's gasped commands, placing one of her feet on
each side of his head. His arms lifted, and he ran his hands over her ass, her thighs, down to her
spread calves and back up again, searching and embracing.

"Just sit down on me," he said. "Like mom's doing, but you sit on my face, sis-please, oh please. I
want to taste your pussy."

"All right," Linda answered breathlessly, and bent her knees, brought her crotch down and down until
the mossy and lathered mound was just over his mouth. She kneeled then, and allowed him to pull her
cunt into position for his probing tongue.

They were so close, so near. Sitting upon her son's prick, Betty stared at the red reaching of his tongue
as it darted into her daughter's vulva. Linda squirmed, and her thickly woolen mound covered her
brother's mouth, leaving only his chin exposed; her milky white thighs closed around his head, and
Betty was afraid that Danny would be smothered in pussy, that he couldn't breathe.

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But evidently he was reveling in the envelopment, for he wiggled and his prick moved within Betty's
vagina. Betty sat quietly upon Danny's rod until it moved again; then she began to stroke on it, taking
up where she had left off, her orgasm postponed by the long hesitation, but her longing was even

"Mom," Linda said softly, "Oh, mom!"

Betty looked into her daughter's face, into Linda's eyes. She reached for her daughter's hands and held
them as they both rocked upon the boy's body beneath theirs.

"Linda---it's so-"

"Yes, mom-yes!"

Betty pumped sensuously upon the prick within her pussy, and Linda ground lightly upon the mouth that
was eating into her cunt. Betty saw the perfectly modeled tits of her daughter bounce, saw the stunning
nipples weaving from side to side as Linda rode her brother's face.

When her daughter released her hands, and felt out to take Betty's tits, her fingers spread to encompass
the pale mounds and the palms pressing down upon the hard nipples Betty arched her back and thrust
her breasts against the adoring hands, and before she knew it, she was fondling the sweet young tits so
appealingly moving before her. Holding each other's breasts, they moved in unison, one of them
screwing Danny's cock, the other fucking his mouth. Caressing, squeezing, moaning softly and
whispering endearments, they leaned closer and closer, until their lips met.

Betty shuddered from head to toe as her mouth slid over Linda's, as her daughter's lips opened to take
in the tentative probing of her tongue. Then they were kissing in earnest, their tits together, their arms
around one another, tongues running wild and their teeth clashing as their gushing breaths mixed hotly.

"Baby-my wonderful girl-"

"Mamma-oh mamma-kiss me, love me-"•

Heaving, burrowing up and around, Danny poked hard with his cock, and Betty responded to its
stabbing by riding it, by twisting its meaty rod within the silked gloved clenching of her soapy cunt, and
she could sense that he was going to let go his load at any second.

She took her mouth an inch away from Linda's to say: "Ride him, sweetheart-he's ready to come!!"
"Ahh! Uuumm!! Danny-Danny, eat me! suck my pussy like- that-like THAT!!"

Churning her own ass, Betty crushed her mouth into her daughter's just as the girl came, and the spasms
racked them both, for Betty was rising to her own climax, coming fiercely upon the spiraling prick of
her son that was feeling into the very cup of her womb. Beneath them, Danny Maddox bucked like a
mustang, pounding his cock madly into his mother's dripping vagina, biting into this sister's buttery
pussy-and when he came, the spurting was the foaming jet of a fire hose, a solid striking of thick fluid
up into Betty's sheath. The juices boiled over the flexing head of her son's prick and called forth an
answering release of her own jellies, an increase in greasy slaves that their interlocked sex organs didn't

Gasping in her mother's mouth, Linda moaned and went limp all over. She sagged to one side, her
crotch lifting from Danny's still devouring mouth with a wet and plopping sound. Betty supported her,
held to her until the descending weight grew to be too much, then she drifted sideways with her
daughter, letting Danny's hard penis pull out of her snatch.

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They lay crumpled into a heap, softened and drained, and the warm looseness was an exquisite feeling
in itself. Danny was spent, Betty thought; he had fired such a tremendous load into her pussy that it
was leaking out along her thighs, hot and sticky. And only a short time before, he had fucked his sister
deeply and strongly. Linda too-Betty kissed her daughter's soft cheek. Dear Linda had passed through
a pair of blazing orgasms with her adoring brother-one on his penis, one in his mouth. She was
quivering and her moaning took a long time to subside. Such enchanted fucking. Betty thought, lying
there with her darling children. It had been a thing of pure beauty, an event of wonder to cherish and
remember always. She had known such a rush of love, of desire, for Linda that it had been irresistible.

The sharing; the giving and receiving at the same time, one for the other, selfish yet selfless. The
devotion-attentive and dedicated to making the other person happy as humanly possible. And perhaps
that was the key word, Betty thought: to be human. Not imitation immortals upon contrived hilltops,
but human and earthy and filled with a healthy lust. It was so damned wonderful to be wanton and free
and not have to pretend.

She slept, or perhaps she only dreamed, but Betty's pleasant lethargy was shattered by a sound. She
sat up, a sudden chill upon her breasts, upon her mound where the semen was drying. What made the
noise-or rather, who made it? Betty listened hard. Had it been at one of the doors, a window? She
climbed up, unsteady upon her feet, and hurried to put on her clothing, scrabbling among the tossed
discards for her own things. Bras and panties - her son's cut off jeans, her daughter's miniskirt and
blouse; Betty wiggled into a bra, found it too tight, and knew it wasn't her own. But it was too late to
change, and she slipped on the see-through blouse.

The side window, she thought; the small window where the walk ran along the house, between wall and
hedge. The noise had emanated from that direction, she was sure now. She touched a foot to the
nude, supine body of her son, nudged Linda heavily.

"Come on, kids-somebody's hanging around the house. Get dressed and scatter. I'll go see who it is."
Danny muttered and Linda leaped straight up, "Who-what? Oh- my-it must be Glenn!! Wow-I have to
get out of here right now!"

Betty ran fingers through her hair and walked quickly to the kitchen, through it and onto the service
porch, where she unlocked the back door and opened it. Stepping out onto the steps, she looked
around and waited and listened. "Hi, mom."

Betty flinched and tried to compose her face before turning.

"Nikki'; I thought you'd be gone most of the afternoon." Nicole Maddox tilted her pert face to one
side. "I was; it's kind of late, and I figured you'd want me home for dinner."

"Ohh lord," Betty said, "dinner. Linda's here and we were -gossiping so much I completely for got.
Your father will be furious, and Linda should have called Glenn, and-" "Danny, can drive me to the
chicken place," Nikki volunteered, "if you'll give me some money." "Of course; that's a great idea.
Come with me while I find my purse, Nikki. I'll call Danny downstairs." If he could get himself
together, she thought. And if Linda could bluff it through, both with her younger sister, and on the
phone to her husband. But no backing down, Betty thought. The weekend would be too long and
dreary, without the sexual freedom three of them had found. They'd have to go through with the plan,
work things around so that Linda could seduce her father, and Glenn kept busy-and satisfied-by his
newly awakened- mother-in-law. That took care of four people, if everything worked out. And left
two. Nikki and Danny. The boy had been catalyst for all this, and certainly wouldn't cut himself out of
the action. but how could they handle Nicole? She had been sent here and there for days, and by now
she was beginning to wonder what was going on around her home. Nikki and Danny, Betty thought,

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and sternly told herself no. The girl was far too young, an immature kid of fifteen. To draw her into the
spreading net of family fornication would be a terrible thing. It was unthinkable. Nikki was a virgin,
and not on the pill, and would probably be frightened silly of anything even remotely resembling incest.

In the kitchen, Nicole pushed past her, brushed a small but rounded thigh against Betty's, and bent to
poke her head in the refrigerator. Betty stared at the dainty buttocks of her youngest child, at the svelte
waist and graceful shaping of Nicole's's rear. She hadn't noticed it before, because she hadn't really
looked, but the girl wasn't all that immature. Nikki was tiny, and that tended to confuse the observer's
eye, but although what she had was in miniature, it was all there.

Was she still a cherry?

Yes, Betty decided; of course. They'd solve the problem of Nikki's presence some way, and bring
Danny into the screwing. Smiling, Betty maneuvered her hips only a bit lewdly and went to call her
other children.


Chapter 8

They got a break concerning both Glenn and Nikki. Glenn had to work late at his office, and Nikki
was booked for a party at a friend's house. That left the plan open and fluid, if they moved reasonably
fast and got the job done before the others returned to the house.

Linda met Betty in the kitchen after they'd tidied up the table and the men were at the TV set. Chad
and his son were watching a ball game.

Linda said, "How do I go about it, mom?" I mean, it seems like this afternoon was a dream, and now
daddy's here and everything is just like it was before." "It's not like before," Betty said. "You and I
have both been laid by your brother, and if we're going to continue to have any real fun, then you have
to take care of your father, keep him busy and guilty and unsuspicious." Her daughter shook her head
and tucked the last plate into the dishwasher. "But there's Glenn; my husband is no dummy, and- -" "I'll
take care of Glenn," Betty said. "The same thing will work for him."

Linda stared. "You mean you and my husband?"

"Why not? It's also you and my husband!" "Far out," Linda breathed. "I think Glenn had a thing for
you, even before we were married. He's always looking at you and saying what a fine looking woman
you are. But I never thought you would encourage him, or that he'd ever get the nerve to make a

"Thank your brother for starting it all," Betty said. "I'm getting a little excited, thinking of Glenn. He's so
strong and active. Tell me, Linda-is he a good lay, a fine lover?"

He daughter giggled. "You're turning me on, talking like this. I never imagined discussing my husband's
sexual ability with my mother. Yes, he is good. He's eager and he's tender, although a little square. It'
not that I don't love him, mom-- or love to screw him. It's just that I was getting bored with an
everyday kind of sex. Maybe Glenn is too."

"Probably," Betty said. "The same with your father, but I stirred him up by going down on him." "You
did? Wow! I've tried to do that to Glenn, but he backs off. You see, before I married him, I had this
oral affair going with another boy. I was scared to screw, so we just went down on each other, and
this went on for months. I was still cherry when I married Glenn, but I've yearned for some oral sex,

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Smiling, Betty said, "I'll try to see to it. Maybe he'll got for eating, if it's not with his wife. Men are
funny." Linda stepped close to her, and Betty hung the dish-cloth on the rack. Her daughter said,
"you're terrific, mom. I freaked out when we were kissing and feeling each other's tits, and I- thought-I
mean, I wondered if we couldn't do more."

Betty lifted her arms and Linda came into them. Their bodies moved sinuously against each other, and
Betty felt the ripe shaping of her daughter's mound pressing her own, knew the thrusting of Linda's tits.

"I wondered, too," she said. "I don't know anything about two women, but I'll try to learn. Sweet
Linda, my lovely daughter with the charming, graceful body and the passionate mouth. Kiss me,
darling-then we'll have to get about seducing your father. We'll get together some time later, though; I
promise. Just you and I." "I'll like that," Linda breathed, and put her warm, mobile lips upon Betty's.
"O-okay," Linda panted. "First daddy, I know. But how am I going to go about it? I don't just grab
him, or something."

I'll take Danny out, pretend he has to go somewhere he forgot. Of course, we won't really go. We're
going to watch, and maybe get in some screwing of our own. I know how Danny gets excited, just
talking about his father fucking, and when he sees him put it to you, I know I'll have to keep him busy.
Not that I'll mind. but you and Chad-let's see: how about you starting to drink with him, get you both
loosened up? Then start telling him how frustrated you are, confess that Glenn is impotent and can't
satisfy you, and pretend that it's driving you crazy. go into some details, and that will stimulate your
dad, hearing it. Drink some more and push it at him. Climb on his lap like you used to do when you
were little, and don't wear any pants under that mini. If he doesn't get a hard on, he's dead."

Pursing her lips and lifting one eyebrow, Linda said thoughtfully, "That just might work. I can be so hot
that I'm forgetting he's my father, and tell him I have to fuck somebody, or I'll run out in the street and
grab the first man who comes along.

"He'll save you from that," Betty laughed, and they giggled together.

When they were in the family room, Danny said o hell yes, he remembered promising Eddie, and could
mom run him over there? Sure, Betty answered, and went into a long explanation about how she and
Eddie's mother had some administrative work to do on that charity affair, and would Chad mind if they
stayed a few hours. Eyes on the TV ball game, Chad grunted agreement and waved them out. Betty
and her son went through the living room, slammed the outer door, then backtracked to find places at
the louvered window above a couch. They had to kneel on the couch to see, but when their faces
were side by side, they could make out the family room and those in it, very well.

Linda made the first move by clicking off the TV set. "Dad, I want to talk to you, It's very important,
but I need a drink before I can say anything."

Watching, Betty saw the girl pour two big drinks of straight rum over rocks. Linda gave her father one
and sat on the arm of his leather chair. "Here's to a happy love live-which I don't have."

Cute, Betty thought, and to the point! and downing her drink- bottoms-up would force Chad to do the
same. • Chad said, voice roughed a little by the straight rum, "I though you and Glenn got along
okay." Linda moved from chair to bar and back again, carrying glasses. Putting one into her father's
hand, she sought the chair arm again, swinging her hip close to him. "we get along fine. The trouble
is-oh, how can I tell you? The trouble is- I'm going out of my mind because he doesn't, because
Glenn- can't-have sex with me." She gulped her drink and Betty thought: be careful, girl; you'll get
smashed before you can turn on your daddy. But Glenn downed his shot, too. Then he said, "What the

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hell-you mean he can't-" "Impotent is the word," Linda half-sobbed. "He kind of plays with me when
I'm all naked, and kisses my breasts, and puts his hands in between my legs. The he rubs his-his soft
thing against me, and tries to make it go inside my-well, my vulva. But he can't and I'm g-going
crazy!!" Betty bit her lips to keep from laughing. Linda was one hell of an actress, and she kept edging
her hip closer, pushing her sleek body nearer to his arm. "Hell kid, Chad said, " that's rough. but I
don't know what I can do, unless it's to make Glenn go see a doctor." Linda started to cry. She said
brokenly, "Oh-oh, I can't wait that long. I need it now, now! You don't know what the torture is, and
it's not as if I'm a virgin, and I need it, need it. I'm going to just run out in the street and grab the first
guy I see, and beg him to-to do it to me!" "You can't do that," Chad said, putting an arm around his
daughter's shoulders. "Come on, kid-settle down, and-" "Oh daddy, daddy, you've always been so
understanding, so helpful." Linda slid over onto his lap and snuggled to him, her face into the side of his
corded throat, her rounded ass squirming upon his lap.

And with no panties on, Betty thought. Chad couldn't take that for long, especially with two double
shots of rum racing through his blood. Linda was wiggling, rubbing her tail and her tits into her father,
and Betty saw Chad try to move her off his lap, saw him attempt to lift his daughter away. But then
Linda kissed him, open-mouthed and panting, and while he was pinned in his seat by the shock of her
tongue racing over his teeth, she swung one foot around and the leg over, so that she was facing her
father, straddling him.

"Wow," Danny breathed in his mother's ear. "She's really going to work on dad."

"Shh," Betty admonished. "Let's keep still and just watch." Chad grunted and pulled his mouth from
Linda's. "Kid-baby- you don't know what you're doing."

"I do, I do!" Linda sobbed, and tore off her blouse to push the erect nipples of her shapely young
breasts at him. When her father leaned back, she leaned forward, and he lifted his hands to ward her
off. Instead, she pushed a tit at his mouth and his hands cupped her breasts, hesitated there a moment
too long.

Linda shipped off her mini and was bare-assed against him. Her lovely legs were up and over the arms
of the chair, her naked buttocks rolling and moving over his lap, his crotch. Chad's legs pushed slowly
out, opening at the ankles, and Betty couldn't see his face because Linda's breasts covered it. but she
could watch her Daughter's busy, deft hands as they worked feverishly at her father's pants. It was only
a second before she had his huge penis out, and was riding it between the cheeks of her active ass. the
swollen dark head of it peeped out from her buttocks, disappeared again as Linda wiggled and

Chad was beyond resisting; Betty saw him move, watched his dark and hairy hands clench around his
daughter's trim waist, saw him lift the girl's ass high so that his rigid prick could lift its head up and find
the springy, curly pubic hair of her dewy mound.

"Oh daddy, daddy! Please stick it in me. I'd rather be screwed by you than anyone else in the world.
Oh please, daddy- put it-put it in!

Staring wide-eyed, her son's breath husking raggedly in her ear, Betty saw the big, distended head of
her husband's cock as it worked into her daughter's thickly haired pussy. Linda sank gasping down
upon the rod that was stretching her labia wide; inch by thick and veined inch, Chad's staff slid up into
the hot and grasping of his daughter's young and excited cunt.

"Baby," Chad said, "oh my baby girl. You're tight and slick, and so beautiful, so hot-" "Oh yes, daddy.
Oh my darling daddy, you have such a big prick. Oh-ahh-I've never had my cunt filled so well, never

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had it packed so long and so wide by a man's meat. Big prick, glorious prick-ahh, I can feel it all the
way up to my belly. Oh sweet daddy, darling father-fuck me, fuck your baby girl!!"

"Here, Linda, take it, baby! Here's your daddy's big prick-screw it off, it you want to. It's all yours,
sweetheart-all this cock is yours-I'm fucking you, Linda baby-"I'm socking my stiff prick home into my
daughter's beautiful pussy-ahh, what a t tight, sweet ass-oh, baby-oh, Linda!"

Betty felt the nipples on her tits rise, and pressed them against the louvered window as she observed her
husband fucking his older daughter, his heavy cock slipping in and out as Linda's ass rose and fell.
Beside her, his son's arm slipped around her shoulders and dropped to take hold of her right tit. She
felt Danny turn and press against her thigh, felt the rigid length of his cock nudging her hip and knew that
he had already dropped his shorts. Hypnotically, her eyes held to the sensuous scene in the other
room, and she breathed hard as Linda increased the movements of her churning ass. Chad's fingers
were dug into the soft cheeks of his daughter's ass now, and he was driving his thick staff solidly up into
her juicy sheath with every movement. Betty could see his hairy balls flop with every upward stroke,
and hear the slushy noises his prick was making inside the liquid suctions of Linda's hot cunt.

Daddy-Lay it to me-feed me that crazy big prick-make my teeth rattle with your cock-oh, fuck me,
screw me, ram me-oh- daddy-daddy, darling-I'm going to come! I'm coming, daddy- - oh please hurry
and come with me, come in me!!" "Yeah, baby-oh yes, kid-tight and hot and slippery-you hot little juicy
bitch, fucking your own daddy like this-you hot little slippery cunt with the wild ass-oh here it come,

Betty saw her husband's balls leap up and hang against the crack of her daughter's pistoning ass, then
watched them flex and drop slowly back down. He was shooting his load of semen into Linda's
vagina, pumping forth his come into this daughter's pussy, filling her with the hot and sticky cream of his
eager manhood.

Chad had fucked his daughter, and fucked her well. Betty sighed, and kept her eyes glued to Linda and
Chad, while her son eased her own shorts down her thighs. She was kneeling upon the couch
cushions, so he couldn't get them over her legs. Still, he left room enough for his anxious cock to reach
her dripping vulva. Betty turned her body to meet him, keeping her face at the louvered window,
staring at the temporary collapse of Chad and Linda in her husband's big leather chair.

Danny prodded the head of his prick into his mother's public hairs, pushed gently but firmly until the
found the wet and ready entranceway. Then he took the pulsating cheeks of her ass in two gentle
hands as he forced his glans, then the length of his stiff young penis all the way inside her lubricated

Kneeling with her thighs spread, Betty watched the couple in the other room, and felt Danny's cheek
beside hers at the peephole. They kneeled together, fucking slowly and with a slippery affection as
they stared at their counterparts across the way. Mother and son fucking, father and daughter
fucking-- and a series of tremors quaked through Betty's body as she knew the matchless intimacy of it
all, as she rode her son's cock and watched her husband's cock move within the tight confines of her
daughter's pussy. It was magic and wondrous; it was so wildly exciting that Betty wanted to shout
through the window that she loved everybody, that she adored every prick and cunt in the world-- but
that most of all, she worshiped the peerless screwing her own immediate family could perform. She
closed her teeth on the impending shout of disclosure, and worked her belly back and forth so that her
son could use his prick better. It was exciting to fuck this way, she thought, to grind belly to belly,
rubbing each other's pelvis. She flattened her tits against his smooth and hairless chest, and mingled the
hairs of her mound into the hairs of his crotch with every long greasy stroke Danny made into her
clasping pussy.

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In the other room, Linda lifted herself slowly from her father's rod, placing her feet on the floor and
rising to slip his prick out of her vagina. Betty saw the jism on its head, the gleaming of love oils and
semen mixed on the swollen and purplish glans, and she saw the froth left in her daughter's shaggy hair.

She expected Linda to move back, to step away and give her father a chance to recover, but her older
daughter did no such thing. Instead, since she was standing over Chad's legs, with her feet spread
wide, Linda's belly was on a level with his eyes, or near to it. The girl tucked her fingers into her
father's brown-gray hair and said down to him: "Oh daddy, father, lover-how I dug that screwing. I
think I'm still coming, still hitting little quick orgasms. What a massive, hard prick you have. I envy
mom for getting it all the time."

Betty seesawed upon her son's cock, and Danny rubbed his chest across her hardened nipples,
tantalizing her, stroking his cock into her with deep, slow thrusts. Beyond their peephole, Chad said: "I
can't believe I've screwed my own daughter; I just can't believe it. But when I felt you bare ass on me,
felt all that rich pubic hair and knew you were naked under that little skirt-I couldn't control myself any
longer. Oh baby, was I so wrong?" Linda moved her tits over his face, drew her nipples teasingly
across his lips and caressed his head. "Darling daddy, you did me such a favor; you made me
complete. I want to be fucked by you, over and over again. I'll never get enough of this wonderful
prick. Love me, sweetheart; fuck me and kiss me and eat me up. Here, darling-here, my lover-move
your sweet mouth on down and kiss my belly while I stand here. Daddy-oh- daddy-kiss me lower,
lower yet-" Betty caught her breath. Chad was going to do it; he was going to eat his daughter's cunt,
going down on her as she forced his face sliding over her belly and into the opulent growth of hair at the
vee of her femininity. Chad was giving oral love to his daughter, something he had never done to his
wife. And only seconds after he had fucker her, just these few short moments since he had let go a
mighty load of come into that same steamy little box. He would be tasting his won semen, Betty
thought; he would be eating into the wetly spiced flavors of Linda's pussy, and he would be knowing the
salty musk of his own ejaculation. It was weird and it was exciting, so much so that Betty grabbed for
Danny's shoulders and began to hammer her pelvis roughly into his, fucking fast and furiously, her
inflamed cunt sucking upon him.

She couldn't see her husband's face, couldn't actually watch him lap into Linda's creamy pussy, but she
could stare hungrily at their daughter's modeled ass as it rolled and bucked, gyrated and heaved,
tightened and loosened. And she could listen.

"Eat it, father," Linda said. "Lick on into my cunt and just eat me-that's right daddy-oohh, yes, that's
fine! Up to the clit, darling-on up some more-feel around with your sweet tongue and find the little
nubbin there. OH! OH YES!! Now lick it hard, suck it-suck my clit, daddy! Bite it! Eat it-oh daddy,
daddy, just bury your face in my cunt and suck it, SUCK IT!

Linda's ass bumped forward, pulled back. She shook it and hunched it, and her hands pushed her
father's head savagely against her crotch as she screwed his mouth and rocked on his teeth and fucked
his tongue.

Marvelous, Betty thought, grinding her own cunt wildly on Danny's hammering cock, flopping her big
tits against his sweaty- chest-oh marvelous, to see such primitive need unleashed. Linda was
dominating her father, conquering him, making him eat her cunt and making him love it. Linda was
letting it all go, swinging her ass and pouring hotly whispered word over him.

"Oh, darling-oh my incestuous father-not dirty, not old-- but you fuck your own daughter and you eat
her pussy-you love it, you love that wet taste and the juice running down your throat. Suck it harder!
Swallow it! You cunt-eating bastard-- you daughter fucker! You sexy, horny, loving daddy-oooo!
I'm- coming-I'm coming!" Betty hissed it: "I'm coming, too. Hit it, Danny---hammer that sweet prick

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up your mother's cunt and spray me with your come!"

"Yes, mom," her son grunted quietly. "Yes, darling cunt, sweet mother pussy- -I'm letting it go right
now in your cunt. Oh mom-oh mother-feel it squirt in you!" It was ecstasy, and Betty quivered in its
grip as the hot come flushed into her clutching vagina. Her asshole drew tight and her buttocks
clenched. She wanted to scream, and held it back only with a major effort of will. Within her cunt, her
son's prick flexed, oozed some more glorious boy semen into her tube, flexed again, and she felt his
balls slide down her thigh as they were temporarily drained. Her eyes had difficulty getting into focus,
but Betty managed to peer at Linda and Chad in time to see them going to the floor together, nakedly
entwined. Linda was kissing her father's hairy chest and nipping the skin of his upper belly, and Betty
knew exactly what was going to happen next. Linda was preparing to suck her father's cock, to blow
him in the fashion she had learned as a virginal girl afraid of intercourse.

A long time since she'd been eaten, Linda said; a long time since she had known the joys of oral sex,
and never with her bashful husband. Now she had gotten it from her daddy, and would soon give it
back, sucking that massive prick until it exploded into her mouth and flooded her throat. Regretfully,
Betty gave a twist of her pelvis that flipped Danny's cock from her hole. She had to leave now, to dress
and take the car to pick up Glenn from his office-and to screw him.

Chapter 9

Betty parked the station wagon on the dark street, half a block from the house and in front of a vacant
lot, shutting off lights and ignition and turning on the front seat to face her- son-in-law.

"Hey, Betty-What's up?"

She lifted her knees to the seat and drew her feet under her buttocks, touching her kneecaps lightly
against his left thigh. "I'd like to talk to you, Glenn." "Sure; anything wrong?" It was too dark to see
more than the outline of his face, but his voice was serious. She wriggled, making an accidental
movement that pushed her knees against him a bit more, and Betty noticed that he didn't try to slide
away. She said, "I understand that you and Linda are not as ardent as you used to be. That's bad in a
couple so young and not married any longer than you two. It took Chad and me many more years to
drift apart, become bored."

"Linda said that? I'll be damned. I didn't think she'd talk about it, and-yeah, Betty; I guess the
honeymoon's over. I don't mean I've stopped loving my wife; I just don't get excited- enough-to well,
love her as often. Betty smiled in the dark. She was wearing a heavy and exotic perfume, and feeling
like an utter bitch. The while shorts stood out, accented her hips and belly and called attention to the
fact that she wasn't an old mother- in-law type lady.

She said, "The honeymoon doesn't have to be over just because the first bloom wore off. There
are-other blooms to be picked, Glenn. And I can promise that knowing them will bring back the
excitement of the first few weeks with Linda."

He was quiet for awhile, then said, "That's another surprise, hearing that from you. I'll admit that I've
been eyeing one of the secretaries, but I thought......" Betty stretched, pushing her tits against the pale
blouse, making certain that he could smell her perfume. She said, "You shouldn't have any trouble
finding a suitable partner, Glenn. You're such an exciting young man." "Oh? I always thought you were
kind of exciting too, Betty." That's why I could never call you mom, or mother, or even Mother Betty.
You're too-pretty and young to be motherly."

She laughed in her throat, growing more certain of her prey, feeling catlike and female. "Oh, I don't
know. Sometimes being a mother is a good thing-a real good thing. You have no idea how thrilling it

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can be. Linda knows now, but you don't; not yet, Glenn."

He sounded puzzled. "Betty, I don't know what in hell you're talking about. Linda's not pregnant, is
she? "No," she answered. "What I mean is this: you don't have to eye any secretaries, Glenn. Look
closer to home. Look at me."

She heard his sharply indrawn breath: "Betty-do you mean---" "Exactly."

"B-but-you're Linda's mother, and, and-"

She lifted her knees, shoved her tail nearer and put her knees into his lap. "And I'm a woman who can
excite you, who can spice up your sex life. Here, Glenn-give me your hands."

Finding them in the dark, Betty placed them upon her trembling breasts, and squirmed even closer on
the seat, leaning the found softness of her tits into his palms. "You've stared at these often enough,
dear; here they are." "Man," Glenn breathed. "This is wild, like a crazy dream. but these tits are real.
Betty, Betty, do you really mean you'll lay me?"

She laughed. "There's a foam rubber pad in the back of the wagon. Think you can get undressed back
there?" He was over the seat and tearing off his pants, his shorts; his coat vanished somewhere, but
before he could get off his shirt, Betty was on top of him, reaching for his erection, squeezing her eager
fingers around his penis. It was a nice, hard prick, not as big as Chad's, not as long as Danny's, but a
nice cock with a wide and flaring head. It had taken her daughter's cherry, and fucked Linda's richly
haired you pussy many, many times. Now it was hers, and she meant to make the most of the
opportunity. His hands raced over her as they lay side by side, felling her tits, her back, her ass; Glenn's
cock pressed into her belly and she lifted one leg to drape it over him. "You don't give a damn if
anybody walks up on us or not, do you?" Glenn's voice was husky against her throat. "No," she
gasped. "All I give a damn about is you fucking me. Here, darling-here, feel how eager I am, how
damp and anxious."

His hand cupped her mound, toyed with the dewy hairs of her humid vulva. "Damn! That's a soft and
juicy pussy, Mrs. Maddox. And I'm sure as hell ready for it. I've wanted to get into your cunt ever
since I started going out with your daughter, but I thought-I figured you were so quiet and- straight-oh,
what a piece of ass you're going to be!" "All yours, darling," she said, "but you talk too much." And
she found his mouth with hers to thrust her tongue inside. His teeth clashed against hers, and his mouth
was hot, sexy. It was if she had two sons, she thought, and this was the second one.

His prick was fumbling for the entrance to her cunt, so she slid one hand down between their bodies
and guided the flared glans into the wetly receptive labia. With a gently roll of her ass and a slow hunch
of her pelvis, she settled the head of his hard cock into the lips of her pussy. another push, and the
head popped into her hungry vagina, the stiff rod following with a sliding rush until her son-in-law's prick
was buried to the balls inside her feverish body.

Against his teeth, into his hot breath, she said it, demanded it: "Fuck me, Glenn! Oh, fuck me good."
"You hot cunt woman," he hissed back. "Oh man, what a pussy! It feels like it's biting down on the
head of my cock! An I'm screwing it, fucking you in between those long, slim legs that drive me out of
my head, sticking it in next to that ass that wiggles me our of my mind. Oh Betty, oh Mrs.
Maddox-I'm ramming it deep into your cunt, feeding all my meat up your hot, velvet pussy. O wow,
oh man, oh man-what a lucky son of a bitch I am." Stimulated, around to a fever pitch by the strange
cock sloshing within her tremulous cunt, Betty bucked on it, heaved and surged and rolled her vagina in
the most abandoned manner she knew. His balls flapped to her ass crack, and she reached down
behind her buttocks to take them, to cup them in admiration as the rigid staff plunged in and out of her

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slit with a rapid and deeply gratifying series of strokes.

"Oh wonderful, she panted. "Glenn, that's wonderful! You have such a strong young prick, and you
use it so well. Ah,- darling-stick it in me, ram it in my cunt where Chad's cock has come so often. You
fuck marvelously, darling-you fuck al most like Chad."

"Uh! he said, pounding his meaty pole up her pussy. "Uh--

uh! Chad-Chad fucks this crazy pussy all the time. Oh man-he's lucky, you're so hot and ripe, so

"Darling-your sweet cock-oh, oh! Does Linda screw you like this, and does she roll her trim ass like
that, and does she grind her cunt on your prick this way, that way?" "Uh-wow-Linda-your daughter
fucks like a mink-eats up my cock-but-oh Betty-Betty, Mrs. Maddox-the way you shake your
ass-oh, these big tits in my face-ah-ohh! I'm going to come, I can't hold it back. You're so slick and
hot and wiggly-I'm going to come! How, now-now!" Betty rode him, curled her leg across him and
dug her feel into the hairy, thrusting crack of his sweaty ass, pulling his lancing prick deeper with every
stroke, meeting him pelvis to pelvis, hammer for hammer. Glenn exploded inside her pulsating cunt, that
big, wedge head of his prick letting go a powerful blast of semen that rained like hot hailstones against
the cup of her cervix. Globs struck her vaginal walls, heavy and oyster-like spurts of man come that
bathed her pussy and made his stiffly throbbing prick so greasy it slid around sloppily. "Coming,
coming!" he kept saying. "Shooting my come into my- mother-in- law's wild cunt-packing Mrs.
Maddox with my boiling come. Oh you adorable cunt, you crazy, far-out bitch!"

Shuddering, stiffening out and throwing back her head, Betty moaned between her clenched teeth:
"AHHH! oh my darling, AHHH! Yes, my young lover, my second son-I'm coming, too. My orgasm-
- my climax-ahh, AHHH! Moving on the wet, slippery prick that my daughter rides, all buttery in the
come my daughter feels, AAHHH!"

They sagged together, and Betty seemed to be drifting on a summery lake, a placid blue lake where
lotus grew and the breeze was a soft, warm caress. But she could feel the slow pulsing of Glenn's cock
within her sheath, and knew the oozing of his semen as it leaked from the stretched lips of her cunt and
slid down her thigh to make a sticky puddle around the root of his penis.

"Fine ass," he whispered, "oh, what a fine and rich piece of ass. I knew you'd be hot and sexy; I just
knew you'd screw a man's dick down to a nub. Wow' I could fuck you again and again, but right now
I'm getting a little scared. I mean-- suppose Chad finds out? He'd kill me." She rolled her belly over
his, made his staff caress her clit. "And Linda? How about your wife?" Glenn's prick softened swiftly,
and she was sorry she'd mentioned Linda. He said, "Damn; I've fucked my wife's mother, and she'll
never forgive me for it, if she ever does find out."

"Oh, I don't know," Betty said, lifting her leg and allowing him to turn over onto his back. "But don't
you want me again? We have so many things to discover about each other's body,- Glenn-so much
fucking ahead of us." He reached for her as she turned also, and lay his hand upon the wet and steamy
mound where her hair grew heavy, where his come had left a trail of glistening juice. "Yeah, I want to
screw you some more. I don't think I'll be able to stay away from you now, once I've had my prick into
that sizzling pussy. but we're bound to get caught sooner of later, and we don't want that."

Betty drew a deep breath and said, "Suppose I tell you that Linda already knows? She and I planned
this, planned for me to seduce you. We thought you'd go along, that you wouldn't resist too much.
Linda's quite proud of your sexual prowess."

He swallowed loudly and his hand quivered upon her pussy.

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"Y- - you and Linda? My wife and her mother---I don't get-


"Variety," Betty explained, "excitement; our sex live spiced up. Yours and Linda's and mine; and my
husband's." "Shit!" Glenn said, "It's all coming so fast. You-you mean that Chad is in on this, too?"

"In a way," Betty said. "He doesn't know that you and I have fucked, not yet. And he doesn't know a
few other things, but he will, in time. But right now-right this minute, he's pretty drunk and trying to
believe his crazy good luck, because his older daughter has given him one of the wildest screwings of
his life."

"Linda?" And her old man? That's --- goddamnit, that's incest!"

Betty put her hand over his, pushed down a little so that he was fully aware of the steamy mound he
was cupping. "That's fun," she said. "More fun than anyone can imagine, who hasn't done it. I have,
too-but that's something else my husband doesn't yet know."

She heard him gulp again, and Glenn said in wonder: "but that means that you-Danny and you,
fucking?!? Danny fucked his own mother?"

"At first," she said, "but now we fuck equally as hard." "I'm a son of a bitch," Glenn breathed. "My
wife-you and- Danny-Chad. And me, too. Hell yes-me, too!! This has been a real kick in the balls for
me, but you know something? I-I think I like the idea fine. I know damned well that I enjoy screwing
you, and I can't stop now. You know that, didn't you? You knew that once I got into your juicy cunt
that I'd be hooked on it, and would do anything to keep screwing it."

Betty said softly, "We hoped so. Linda and I; it was the only way we could think of. You and I can
fuck; Linda and her father can fuck-and Danny can pitch in between times, or during!"

"Him too?" Glenn asked. "Has he gotten into my wife's cunt, too?"

"Yes; they make a beautiful picture, screwing together. Linda was about to go looking for an outside
lover, so we thought it best to keep it in the family. Linda and Danny have always had a thing for each
other, and now they've gratified their desires. Just as I've always wanted to lay you, Glenn-- except I
was too uptight, too bound by a lot of outdated and silly morals to ever say so, or to allow myself to
consciously think so."

"Wait a second," he said, his fingers straying into her cunt hair and feeling around over the still sudsy
labia. "I can't absorb this all at once. Linda screwed her brother and father, all in one day; then she
sent her mom out to fuck me, to protect herself. But where does that leave Chad?" You dais he
doesn't know about you and me. How about Danny-does he know that Danny's been dickin'

Betty caressed his wrist and moved her pelvis against his palm.. "Chad's in the dark about everything
except the fact that he's fucked his daughter, and that she forced him to go down on her. But we think
that he'll accept you and me, in kind of a swap deal-so he can get more of Linda's incestuous ass. He's
never gone down on me, so he must be stunned by screwing his daughter, and she can make him do
anything, anything at all."

Glenn's hand tightened upon her mound. "Man' I'd like to see my wife taking Chad's meat. I always
wondered what it would be like, to watch her fuck another guy. And her own father-wow! But what
do we do, just walk in and say, hey there Chad, we've just been screwing out in the station wagon."

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Betty said, "If you don't stop laying with my pussy, we'll be screwing again, here and now. And I think
it's best if we stay all hot for the meeting with Chad and Linda. They're pretty well smashed, but
they're probably higher on sex and each other. Come on, Glenn-let's go get with it." He was silent as
they dressed and she drove the car into the driveway beside the house. When she parked it, Glenn
asked, "How about Nikki?"

Betty shook her head. "Hot her; she's too young. She's at a party and we have the whole evening
ahead of us." "Funny," Glenn said. "If I'd considered any bit incest orgy swinging around here, I'd have
thought Nikki would be right in the middle of it. She's got that real sexy look." "Too young," Betty
repeated, "and innocent, I'm sure. We may even have to send he out of the state, to visit her grandpa.
Can't have a kid like her finding out what we're all doing!"

Chapter 10

Linda was dancing with her father when they came in, and Danny was nowhere in sight. The music was
slow and easy, and Betty could see that Chad was so wrapped up in their daughter that he hadn't even
heard them enter the house. Both Chad and Linda wore robes, and were barefoot. The robes, Betty
knew were a concession to propriety, considering that the shock of Linda's husband seeing her nude
with her equally naked daddy might shake things up too much.

As it was, Glenn went along the wall to the bar and drank deeply from the mouth of a bottle, paused
and drank again, only glancing at this wife and Chad as they turned slowly and tightly together, moving
to the music. Betty watched them for a while, seeing her husband's face buried in their daughter's curly
brown hair, seeing them glide and snuggle, the robes falling open as their bodies touched and kissed in
rhythm. Then she moved to them and tapped Chad on the shoulder.

"May I cut in?"

His face whipped around to stare at her. "Huh? Hey-well,- now-Betty. What-" She slid into his arms
as Linda moved back. Chad was really snockered, but he could still dance. Betty moved to him and
with him as Linda walked somewhat unsteadily over to discuss things with here still shocked husband.
Lips against her husband's ear, Betty said, "Did Linda have time to talk to you, dear?"

"Yeah," he grunted, dancing more stiffly now, trying to be sober and perhaps dignified. "Betty, I don't
know how-I man, I didn't intend to-but it happened and-oh, hell." "I know just how you feel," she
soothed, "and isn't it wonderful?"

"maybe. You and-and Glenn: I don't know how to take that. But I guess-I guess I don't have any grip
coming. Tit for tat, and at least you're not screwing your own kid." "Darling" she said, and kept her
belly close to his, kept moving her breasts into the opening of his robe as they danced. "Don't worry
about that; honestly, don't fret. It isn't like it used to be, a long time ago. Women are much freer now,
and can be happier. Look, Chad: I don't mind if you screw Linda, and now that her husband and I
have had a little fun, I'm sure Glenn doesn't mind either. In fact, he's kind of excited about, all stirred
up and ready to go some more."

"Dammit," he answered. "You're talking about is as if-lie it's all some kind of game, and-" "It is a game,"
she said, "a wonderful sex game we can all play. Tel the truth, Chad-you've never been so aroused,
have you? And you want to lay your daughter again, to have her do all the sensual tricks to you."
"Yeah, damn it," he said gruffly. "But-a man's different,- and-" "Different, hell!" Betty said sharply.
"You want to screw another woman-your daughter-but you don't want me fucking another man. Well,
I already have, and I'm going to fuck him some more. And if you want to stick that half-hard on you're-
carrying-if you want to stick that into Linda's pussy again, you'll have to face the facts." She left him

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standing in the middle of the room, wearing a dazed expression on his face. At the bar, she said, "Pour
one for mamma, please."

Linda said, "Did daddy-"

"He will," Betty promised. "He's wrestling with his conscience, but he's going to win out. Your father
has no other choice.

Glenn blinked at her. "Hey, Mrs. Maddox-I'm sure glad you came to pick me up. I've been telling
Linda what a ball we had, and I've been feeling up my wife under her robe." "Good," Betty said.
"Don't get too drunk, though. Just hang tight and see how Chad reacts to this move." She whipped off
her blouse and unhooked the bra. , dropping them to the floor; then she wiggled out of her white shorts
and peeled down her lacy panties, seeing a wet spot in them. Putting one foot up on the bar rail, Betty
Maddox took her time and drank a long, clod drink, keeping her naked back to her staring husband.

"Look at those tits," Glenn breathed in awe, and Linda said, "Aren't they wonderful?"

Betty poured herself another glass of liquor, and said to her daughter. "Slip out of that robe. We'll
show him two naked women."

Linda stood nude beside her mother, their smooth, warm hips touching, and in the bar mirror, Betty saw
her husband move, saw him come hesitantly toward them. She said, "Glenn-might as well get
undressed, too.. Chad just pinned his conscience in three straight falls." "Betty," he said at her shoulder,
"Betty, you're right and-- migod, seeing the two of you bare-assed and side by side like this, it drives
me crazy."

She turned to face him, her large breasts lifting, her nipples hard and pointy. "Take your choice, Chad.
You and fuck you wife or your daughter-or both of us." "Take your pick, Chad," Glenn chortled. "I'll
take the other one."

"I-I don't know if I can do it right here, with everybody in the room," Chad muttered. "It's all so mixed
up, and they're both so beautiful, so sexy-" Betty reached down and petted her erection, then threw
back the robe so that all could see his massive cock. Working his arms from the sleeves, she said, "I'll
make it easy for you, darling. You're still eager for more of the new stuff, for that young cunt of your
daughter's. So I'll just take Glenn over here on the couch and start the ball rolling.

You can stay and watch, or go somewhere else to fuck Linda." Linda said quickly, "Here, daddy. Oh
please, stay here with me so I can see how Glenn screws mom. She saw us do it, so it's only fair!"

"Linda, I don't know---"

She said: "I'm staying and you'd better." Smiling at the tone of command in her daughter's voice, Betty
took her son- in-law by the hand and led him to the couch. Seen in the light like this, Glenn was a well
put up, heavily muscled young man; the hair on his wide chest was blonde, and around his crotch it was
a deeper gold. Their pubic hair would blend well together, Betty thought, gold hairs and black hairs

She lay down upon the couch and tilted a table lamp so that there would be no shadow between her
thighs, so that everyone could see in bright light as she took Glenn's prick into her vulva. She wanted
her husband to see it all, and she knew that from some hidden vantage point, her son was watching
every movement. Danny would have such a hard on, she thought.

"Glenn, take your time, darling. Kiss me and hold me and do anything you like---and when you're

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ready, fuck me" "Yes, ma'am." Naked and trembling in eagerness, stimulated beyond himself by the
presence of his wife and Betty's husband, Glenn Forester sat beside her as she lay full length upon the
couch and began to caress her tits. "My husband likes to play with my tits," Betty said. "He like to
suck on them, too."

"Yes, Mrs. Maddox," Glenn said huskily, and kissed her mouth first, then her breasts. He took the
right nipple into his mouth first, licking and sucking on it, while his other hand cupped her left breast.

She said, looking across the room to where her husband stood, with his daughter's fingers closed
around his stiff cock, "His mouth feels good on my nipple, Chad-and look how I'm stroking his prick.
It's a nice prick, darling-so hot and hard."

"Man, man," Glenn panted, and leaned across her to switch nipples, his hand sliding to her hips, one of
them continuing to move over her taut belly and to find her hairy, pulsing mound. His finger tickled her
labia, then pushed on inside her vagina where it was hot and wet. She stroked his head and rolled her
hips, her eyes fixed upon her husband, upon their daughter. Glenn paid no attention to anything but the
woman he had his hand on, the lush female body he was kissing and fondling. His mouth trailed down
from her tit to her belly, and he slid his tongue into her navel while Betty writhed in rapture. But he only
kissed he vulva lightly, and climbed up on the couch to kneel between her legs.

His prick was in one hand, the widely flared head leaking a clear and shining drop of pre-seminal fluid:
he pointed it down and moved forward, aiming for the black forest between her thighs.

"What a beautiful cunt," Glenn said. "Those lips are ripe and red, all surrounded by lovely black hair,
just waiting for the head of my prick."

"Put it in, darling," Betty said. "Can you see all right, you two? Can you see Glenn's cock going into my
pussy?" "Come on," her daughter said, "come on, daddy---I want to see it all!"

Betty saw her husband tugged nearer, saw his hairy body tense as Linda made him stand close to where
his wife was just about to be fucked. His own cock was straight, stiff and thick, the heavy balls
swinging below. His pubic hair was lighter than their daughter's, Betty saw with interest;

Linda's pussy hair was a deeper, richer brown. "Go ahead, Glenn," Linda said breathlessly. "go on and
fuck my mother."

Glenn shoved the head of his prick into her labia. It was stiffly spongy, and shaking with eagerness.
Betty lifted her ass and moved her crotch just so, and the swollen glans pushed neatly into the lips of
her cunt, while her husband watched, while her daughter watched. "Lovely prick," she crooned "sliding
hard and round up into my pussy; another man's cock in the cunt you screw, Chad. Another woman's
vagina around the prick you fuck, Linda. Oh Linda dear---- your mother is fucking your husband, and
his cock is wonderful, wonderful!"

"Look at him," Chad whispered, his eyes gleaming. "Look at that son of a bitch push it up into your
mother. His balls are right up against her ass, and he's got it stuffed in her all the way to the root."

"Yes," Linda murmured, "and isn't it beautiful. Watch them fuck, daddy-look how Chad's penis slides
in and out of her gorgeous pussy, and see how she takes it in, the way she rolls her ass. Oh, beautiful!"

Glenn shoved it deep, pulled it back and grinned around at his wife and at Chad. "Your wife has some
hot cunt, Chad-it's tight as your daughter's and all slippery-juicy. Moan, oh man-- I can feel my come
in here, where I shot it awhile ago, the first time I fucked her. Oh wow-hot and sticky and clinging-
jelly-oh, Mrs. Maddox fuck me good!" "Hard!" Linda gasped. "Glenn-fuck her hard, hard! Mamma,

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mamma darling-shake your ass and make your beautiful pussy eat up his hard prick!"

Betty stared up into her husband's eyes, her head being jolted from each deep and savage thrust of her
son-in-law's enthusiastic prick, her tits bouncing up and down as he rammed home his stuff. She said:
"Chad, Chad-it feels so good, so wild and hard! Oh Chad-isn't it nice to watch your wife get fucked
like this?"

Chad moved then. He reached out and put his hand on Glenn's muscular ass, and shoved down,
forcing the man's cock to embed itself to the balls in Betty's cunt. "Hard and deep son," he panted.
"That's the way she loved it-cram your prick clear up to her womb."

"Daddy, daddy!" Linda was tugging at her father, pulling him down to the floor beside the couch.
"Fuck me now, daddy-right on top, just the way Glenn is doing it to mamma. Come on, fuck me!"

Betty turned her head to watch her husband mount her daughter, and it was a thrilling sight as Chad's
huge cock was steered into Linda's luxuriantly springy pubic hairs. Linda held tightly to the swollen
rod, her slim fingers wrapped around the veined shaft to urge it avidly into her slot. Approvingly, Betty
nodded at her daughter, and stared at the meaty penis of her husband as it slid inch by inch up into
Linda's juicy pussy.

"Man, oh man," Glenn said. "Look at that cock!" Look at her take it up her cunt, big and long as that
thing is-Wow-Linda really digs that big prick, doesn't she." "I dig it," Linda gasped. "Oh Glenn, oh
daddy, I love this big, hard cock! fuck me, daddy-fuck me until I pass out. Glenn, my darling-my
husband-I love you, too-and I love this stiff prick that filling my vagina like a barber pole. Oh daddy,
screw your loving daughter-feed me that meat, while Glenn sticks it to mamma."

Betty ground on Glenn's cock, rode it and slithered back on its probing length; she couldn't take her
eyes off the action on the carpet, and she tried to match her daughter's action, tried to duplicate her
gyrations and the rapid heaving of Linda's crotch as the girl's pussy ate up her father's prick.

On top her, Glenn was panting and pounding his cock, and by the speed and rhythm of his strokes,
Betty realized that her son- in-law was fast approaching his orgasm. She was about to come, too; she
was so turned on, so stimulated by the sight of her daughter and her husband fucking that only that
would have been enough to bring her to climax, if she hadn't fought valiantly to hold it off. Now it was
building swiftly behind her knees, and she threw her legs high, to bring them across the small of Glenn's
surging back. She crossed her ankles and applied leg pressure to the man fucking her, helping his cock
to slam to the hilt inside the soggy, sloppy sheath of her cunt. Linda raised her legs, too, but her toes
pointed straight up at the ceiling, and she never got them back down. Chad rolled his girl back on her
shoulder blades and camped his big hands on her slim white thighs; then he hammered his massive prick
into her cunt like a battering ram, drilled that thick and heavy cock into his daughter's shuddering pussy
with savage and brutal slams.

"Wow, man! Glenn yelled out. "fuck her, fuck her!" His own crest broke foaming from the thrusting
head of his penis, spitting a wad of semen into Betty's vagina, flexing and spurting another wet, heavy
clot of come that reached the cup of her cervix. Flinching, squirming, Betty hike her cunt and forced
his wet prick to burrow around inside the satin walls; her ass drove and recovered, lifted and fell, and
she moaned in the throes of her mighty orgasm, coming and coming and coming until it seemed as if she
could never stop.

"Daddy!" Linda screamed from the floor. "Mamma! Oh Glenn--- everybody-I'm coming ,

Through blurred eyes, Betty watched Linda's legs droop, saw her husband catch them behind the knees

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and hold her spread apart as he kept up the terrific pace of his powerful screwing, as he continued to
churn his giant penis in and out of the girl's dripping pussy.

Linda's tits jiggled, and her head flopped from side to side. Her eyes were closed and he mouth hung
open. Still, Chad fucked her, stabbing that meat pole up her limply unresisting cunt with long and brutal
strokes. "Little bitch!" he grunted, pouring the prick to her without a letup. "Little cocksucker-you
wanted to be fucked. Okay-- get "fucked! :

Like this-take my cock, you hot assed little girl! Like- that-feel the head of it in your belly, you sexy little
slut! I'll fuck, fuck you....."

"uh-uh-uh!" Linda grunted. "Uh-please, daddy-oh lord, o that prick-so big, so strong-yes! yes! yes!
Keep it up, because I can take it, damn you! Screw me forever, because I can fuck you down you
big-cocked bastard, I can fuck you until your nose bleeds!"

Betty stared as she saw the girl come alert again, awake and violent again. Linda clawed her father's
hairy back and bit his chest; her heels beat a tattoo on the cheeks of his ass and her belly slapped wetly
against his crotch at every thrust he made." Come on!!" Linda called out. "Come on!" In and it was
her father who let go, her daddy who lost the battle and in losing somehow was not defeated. His great
balls leaped and his root swelled, and Betty knew that the jetting of his semen was flushing hotly into his
daughter's cunt, packing her with his come.

Betty's eyes closed, and she cuddled her arms about the young man on top of her, compressing her
thighs to caress his buried prick with her vagina and to make her thighs tenderly fondle his balls. It had
been a furious few minutes, a topsy- turvy spinning of naked bodies, and she felt spent emptied of all
need for the moment. She had been fucked twice by her son-in-law, by her older daughter's husband.
The new prick was delightful, adorable as her own husband's monstrous cock, but somehow, she still
preferred her son's long, slim tool. It was nice to be able to make the comparisons, though; she squired
in a little backwash of bitchiness, and her tits slid over Glenn's sweaty chest.

"Tired?" he asked softly.

"A little," she admitted, and thought of what poor Danny must be going through, wherever he had
hidden to watch the orgy scene. For orgy, it had been, and Betty felt a belated rush of blood to her
face as she realized she had been fucked by her daughter's husband, with her daughter and Betty's man
locked in frenzied embrace so close she could have reached out and touched them. Defiantly, she
thought that she would touch them, that she would caress and stroke and feel them as they fucked. , so
that she could become a part of them in their ecstasy. But now; new she had to get them all together
and tucked away before Nikki came home.

Ad of course, Betty would have to do something for Danny, ease his hard on. but his father couldn't
know yet; not just yet. He had been too reluctant to let Glenn screw his wife; surely he would balk at
his son doing the fucking.


She helped Linda steer her wobbly father into Danny's room and put him to bed. "He'll be all right,
dear. If you'd rather stay with Glenn and me-" "No, ,mom. I'd like to be with you, but later, okay? I
want to get used to daddy, to see that he feels really comfortable with me. And I get so turned on,
because I can order him to do anything I want, and he does it. Besides, there's poor Danny-" "He's
waiting in my bed, " Betty said. "When Glenn finishes taking his shower, I'll work something out with
both of them."

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Linda kissed her mother's cheek, then took her in her arms, and kissed her mouth. "Mother, you're
wonderful. Don't tire yourself too much, now."

Betty touched the tip of her tongue to her daughter's. "won't dear. Once in awhile I think I'm getting
tired, but then something real sexy happens, and I'm enthusiastic again. Take care of your father,
now." Linda put her hands upon Betty's tits, hefted them and rolled the nipples lightly between her
thumbs and forefingers. Then she slid both hands down to her mother's waist, down over the glossy
hips, and once of them moved gently to touch Betty's mound, to tenderly explore the pubic hair.

"You take care of Danny and Glenn, " she said, kissing Betty again, fondling between her legs. "I envy
those boys, and soon as we all catch our breath, it will be you and me, mom."

"Soon, baby," Betty promised, and felt a tingle all over her body at the prospect. With regret, she
closed the bedroom door upon Chad and Linda, then switched on the table lamp in Little Nicole's
room, as she always did when the girl was out late.

Pausing at the bathroom door, she listened a moment to the shower going, then walked into their own
bedroom, or rather the room she shared with her husband. And now with their son. She stood inside
the door and let the robe fall from her shoulders, looking across the room at Danny Maddox as he lay
naked upon the bed.

Her son was on his back, his feet spread wide apart, and as he looked back at her, he slid one hand up
and down upon his stiff prick. Betty could see the juice upon its lavender head and the beautiful hairy
cluster of his crotch, then veined and wrinkled sack of his youthful testicles. "Mom," he said, "oh
mom-you handled everything perfectly down there. I tried to hold it back, but when daddy was
fucking Linda so hard, and there you were with Glenn between your legs-- I came all over my hand
and onto the couch, too. Wow-I never realized how huge dad's prick is, and to see it ramming into my
sister's snatch that way-to watch you control it all and screw Glenn so smoothly, all I can say is terrific."

"I worried about you suffering," she said, moving slowly toward the bed. "Oh Danny, how much I
wanted you to come on in and join us, to have you fuck me and your sister. But you heard how your
father was about me, even though he was feeling guilty about screwing Linda. He really didn't want
Glenn to lay me, even though he'd been sticking his daughter and going down on her too. So I was
afraid you'd cause an uproar by coming in, at that moment. I suspect that we're going to have to keep
your daddy full of liquor, as it is."

Danny said, "I was hoping, after Linda-"

Betty sat upon the edge of the bed. "I know, dear, I know. But don't be too disappointed. We'll get
to him yet. All he needs is time and the release of his inhibitions. He has to learn not to be jealous, but
to love that was the lesson you taught me."

He kissed the outthrust nipple of her tit, and continued to play with his hard cock. "Okay, mother; so
long as I can fuck you, that's all that counts, really. Does Glenn know about me?"

"Yes, darling," Betty said, turning sot that her son could better take her nipple into his warm mouth. "I
thought we might show him how you and I love each other, and if you like, we'll have him join us."

Danny ran his tongue around her nipple bit down tenderly upon it, • then shoved it out of his lips with
the end of his tongue. "Both of us fucking you? At the same time?" "Or whatever," Betty said, stroking
her son's hair. "We'll make it a real nightcap, before your younger sister come home. I've always
wanted to have two men make love to me, together."

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"Yeah," Danny breathed, his eyes shining. "Like you're our slave, and we can make you do anything.
Like suck us off and fuck us and-oh wow; this is going to be far out, mom." "Listen," she said, "Glenn
has turned off the shower. He'll be here in a minute."

She lay down upon the bed beside Danny, who propped himself up on an elbow and ran his free hand
over her body, from tits to box and back again. Glenn came into the room, a towel around his middle,
and stopped to look wide-eyed at them.

"Hi, Glenn," Danny said. "We're glad you're here. Come over and help me fuck my mother. She
wants us both to dick her."

Glenn dropped the towel and came over to the bed, his cock rising and swelling with each step he
took. "You know, I always wanted to screw my mom, but I never had the guts to try. She's only in
her forties now, so maybe it's no too late yet."

Betty looked up at the pulsing cock, at the bronze hair between h is legs and the muscled body; she
said: "Your mother will no doubt love it. There's mother better than being screwed by a son-unless it's
also by a son-in-law." "Damn," Glenn said, "I thought I was through for the night, after blasting two
loads into that pretty black pussy, but now I'm ready to go again. What do we do first, Danny?"
Danny looked at Glenn. "Did you ever eat her?" "N-no; I never did that to anybody, not even Linda. I
mean, it doesn't seem like I'd enjoy that, and-" "Man, it's great," Danny said. "Here, let me show you-"
Betty spread her legs and Danny crawled between them. He kissed her tits and her rib cage, and drew
a hot wet trail down her belly with his tongue. When his face was poised inches from the humid
mound, he said, "It's beautiful. Oh mother, your cunt is so beautiful. I'm going to kiss it now, and stick
in my tongue, and then I'm going to suck your pussy until you come. I just love eating your cunt, mom."

"All right, dear," she murmured, and lifted her hips slightly as her son plunged his seeking mouth deeply
into the steamy dampness of her labia. As he worked his tongue and teeth, she reached for Glenn's
hand and drew him down to the bed with them.

"Oh," she said, "it's so wonderful, feeling his mouth in me, feeling his wet tongue running around inside
my vagina and tickling my clitoris. Danny is such a fantastic cunt eater."

Glenn wet his lips with his tongue, staring down at the sight of Danny burrowing his face hungrily into his
mother's hairy pussy. "Yeah," he said, "that looks okay. Excites me."

Betty took hold of his stubby cock and ran her thumb around the widely flaring head. "It's lovely,
Glenn. It's so soft and intimate, ooohh, Danny! Oh yes, darling---mother loves you, loves your hot
mouth, your teeth, loves your tongue in her cunt.. Uh, uh! Oh Glenn, see how I'm fucking him, but
instead of riding his beautiful prick, I'm fucking my son in his handsome face."

Glenn moved his cock in her fingers, and she could hear the harsh rasping of his breath. Then Danny
lifted his face from his mother's cunt and said through dripping lips, "Come on, Glenn. You just do
what comes naturally, and while you eat mom's pussy, I'll climb up and titty fuck her while she blows
me. After you make her come by sucking her sweet cunt, just climb on up and lift her ass so you can
shove your cock where your tongue was." Wordlessly, Glenn moved to take Danny's place, lying
down on his belly and taking hold of Betty's thighs. Danny slid his crotch up her body, up across her
belly, and she stared at the approach of his prick. It was distended from head to root, shiny with
leaking jism, and she adored the sight of it so slim and eager.

Glenn was uncertain in his movements, first lightly kissing her belly, breathing into her pubic hair and
caressing her inner thighs. But as Betty rolled her hips and hunched her pussy up at him, he became
bolder and touched his mouth to her wet mound. Then, with something like a sob, her buried his face

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into the lubricated hairs, rubbing his cheeks into her labia, his chin, his nose. Glenn fastened his
widespread mouth to the trembling lips of her cunt and tried to draw it all between his open teeth.
Shuddering from that sensation, she felt her son take her big breasts and press them together, after first
dripping his seminal fluid into their valley. Danny held them squeezed close and began to work the
spongy head of his cock between the, screwing her in the tits, sliding back and forth in the fold of
warmly throbbing flesh he had created. She held to his buttocks as he fed the greasy cock in and out of
the valley between her mounded breasts, and watched the polished head come closer to her chin with
each long stroke.

Between her thighs, Glenn said arrgghh and burrowed his teeth deep to catch her clit, worrying it with
his tongue and teeth, then gulping at her frothing cavity as if he wanted to swallow her down. It was
loosing a tempest within the walls of her vagina, creating a wet storm of passions that swirled and
tumbled against his mouth. Betty opened her own mouth, smiled as her son brought his lunging prick
closer, and when it tapped her chin, she reached down to capture the rubbery head of it with her avid
lips. Danny edged closer on his knees, his slim belly heaving back and forth, his balls dangling in a
captivating rhythm against her tits.

"Love it," she mumbled around the head of his cock, and sucked it on into her mouth to have it, caress it
adoringly with the hot workings of her tongue and the gentle biting of her teeth.

Her ass tightened and her pussy seemed to contract as a hot flash burst through it. She sucked hard
upon her son's prick as Glenn sucked violently upon her cunt, upon her expanding clit. She came
suddenly, furiously, in a rush of emotion and a flooding of love oils that Glenn lapped down. Her cunt
thrust against his face, and she clamped down savagely with her thighs, holding his head pinned
between them.

Drawing Danny's prick far back into the velvet sleeve of her throat, Betty pushed it back along the roof
of her mouth by using her tongue as a• tender ramrod. She chewed on the head, ran the tip of her
tongue into the sticky little slot, and sucked it back inside. Her hands held his balls, squeezed the, and
her nose nuzzled into this crisply curling public hair. Clutching at his ass, she found one fingertip at his
hole, and held it there, pushing and wiggling while he thrust his prick back and forth in her mouth.

She felt Glenn raise his face from her crotch, knew the wobbling of the bed as her son-in-law ran his
hands under the quaking cheeks of her ass and lifted her pelvis so that he could shove in his stiff cock.
It slammed right into her wetly open pussy, pushed all the way up into her juicy vagina until his balls
were in the crack of her ass. One man's prick in her cunt; one man's prick in her mouth. Oh, it was
good, good---Betty went wild with the combined joys of her fucking and sucking. Heaving and arching
her back, her tits slapped up into her son's balls, and he pulled so heavily on upon the head of his cock
that her cheeks dipped in against it. His ass wheeled and churned, and Glenn pumped his penis
strongly into her, dragging her ass toward him with each ramming thrust, bouncing his balls into her
dripping anus, flop-flop- flop! "Mom-oh sweet mom! Oh baby, my mother-my sweet prick- eater-I'm
about to come! I'm going to let it go in your mouth, mom. IT will flood down your throat-all my come,
all my hot semen! Here, mother-darling-here it comes-take it!!"

She sighed in ecstasy as the delicious stream hissed into the back of her throat. Thick and hot, slippery
and creamy, her son's come splashed the roof of her mouth and saturated her tongue, drenched the
insides of her suctioning cheeks and filled her mouth to the teeth. Betty clung to his balls and moved her
finger in his ass and sucked, sucked, while the head of his young prick expanded and contracted, and
the ejaculation of his semen slowly diminished.

"Fucking her!" Glenn grunted, pouring the cock into her shuddering vagina. "Man, am I ever fucking
your mother!" Laying this prick up into her hot, greasy pussy that you and me just went down on. I

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ate her and made her come, man--- and now I'm screwing the same juicy snatch! Ahh, Mrs.
Maddox-oh yeah, honey-shake that beautiful ass and hunch your pussy up on my prick.
Danny-Danny! I'm about to come in your mother's cunt!!"

Danny turned his head; his cock was still captured in Betty's mouth, and he said: "Beautiful, man! Let it
all go into her lovely pussy-pump it on into mom's hot snatch-come in her, COME IN HER!!!"

As he called out, his pelvis ground into Betty's face and his prick was in her throat. She clung happily to
his ass, bucked and groaned in a debauched rapture as she possessed two young pricks, and as
Glenn's went off inside her with a roar of semen that was a boiling inundation her womb received with

She came very close to fainting; her head spun and a soft darkness wrapped itself all about her. But
Betty was still in this new, exotic world, still conscious of the men on her and in her. Danny had come
first, withdrawing his penis from her lips and lifting one knee, raising himself from atop her breasts.

Her eyelids fluttered and she wanted to tell him how exquisite it had been for her, but her mouth couldn't
form the words; it was still filled with the magic flavor of her son's cock. She only wiggled a little bit as
Glenn backed his prick out of her lathered vagina, and when they were gone from her, she wanted to
call them both back, to retain them forever within her flesh.

But the drowsiness was in her and on her, a perfumed kind of twilight sleep that carried her gently along
to a special nirvana. Never had she been so loved, and never had she been granted the boon of two
worshippers using her willing and ardent body at the same time. Betty Maddox had been an altar, and
they had brought gifts to her, the precious offerings of themselves and their passions. "She's tired out,"
she heard her son say, "but man, didn't she give us both a ride?"

"Didn't she," Glenn answered. "That was the greatest thing I've ever been into-first, eating that elegant
cunt, then fucking her while she gave you a blow job. Man, oh man-I thought my backbone was
squirting out through the head of my cock, when I came."

"She always effects me that way," Danny said. "Let's sleep with her now, and we can screw her some
more in the morning."


Chapter 12

But the morning meant Nicole, and the girl was curious to the point where it worried Betty. She'd only
had time for a quick shower and to brush her teeth before Nikki was banging things in the kitchen,
throwing together some kind of breakfast.

Reminded of her duty to her youngest child, Betty threw on her pink robe and the furry scuffs to match,
then hurried down to take care of the girl. There'd be breakfast to get for the rest of the family, too;
ham and eggs and hash-browns, she thought; juice and hot biscuits with butter and homemade jam.
Everyone needed replenishing, she knew-herself as much as any of the men.

The men; that was a thrilling thought: not a man, but the plural of man, and more than a couple-three.
Fantastic, incredible, but meek and square Betty Maddox had fucked three males in the past two days;
Chad, Danny and Glenn. Their names made a bouncy little refrain in her head as she practically
skipped into the kitchen. "Why so happy?" Nikki asked, over a glass of orange juice. "No reasons,"
Betty answered. "You made a mess at the blender again. "

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"I meant to clean it up. Where'd everybody sleep? I saw Glenn and Linda's car outside."

Betty busied herself with more oranges. "Oh-they were in your brother's room, and Danny slept on the
couch." "Not when I came in, and not when I came downstairs." Betty said, "Where's the big iron pan,
the one I use for hash browns."

"Right there. What's the big occasion? We only have hash browns when something big is happening."
Betty couldn't look at her. She said, " Why-your sister and brother-in- law are visiting for the weekend;
that's an event."

"Big deal," Nikki grunted, and sat at the counter on the tall stool, swinging one sun-browned and
exceptionally shapely leg. "I wonder where Danny really was, all last night."

"I told you," Betty said sharply. "Wash your hands and set the table." She watched her daughter's trim
little tail as it twitched away in the cutoff jeans. Fifteen years old, and a pocket sized Venus, it you
know where and how to look; the Maddoxes had been blessed with three beautiful children.

Guiltily, she thought-and at least two of them are the sexiest things going; does the same sensuous blood
run in Nikki? Has she also been casting covetous eyes at her father, or at her brother? Was she
exposing that lovely wee body somewhere besides the swimming pool? Betty shook her head, started
the sausage under a cover, and decided that the continuous and exotic screwing she had been getting
was affecting her way of thinking. Nicole was so young; why, at her age Betty had been only thinking
about parties and new dresses and-boys. Of course, boys. And she had been wondering how they
did it, what made her penises jump up and go hard, why they chased after a fat and ugly girl who only
did it with them. Was Nikki thinking about those things? Kids grew up faster now, learning all about
sex in class-and maybe in the locker rooms, too. Certainly at the drive-in movie, and if not on the
screen in those X-rated films, then in the backseat of a car. Front seats of cars dropped down now,
she remembered. They wouldn't even have to climb over. And so many kids drove those VW buses
with curtains all around. Who knew what the hell went on back there? She was reaching; she was
trying to rationalize her own behavior, and that of the rest of the family. If Nikki was out screwing, that
made it all okay. If Nikki was getting it put to her by some hard-dicked boy, that took the moral
pressure off her mother. That's how Betty was thinking, and it didn't make a lot of sense.

But her youngest child was in the way. The rest of them could never get together openly while she was
around. And so much yet had to be done in the matter of bringing Chad around, to making him face
the fact that his son was fucking his own mother, who incidentally was Chad's lawful wedded wife. She
still wasn't at all certain just how to go about that-but it had to happen.

Chad had broken down and watched another man shove the cock to his wife, but only because his
older daughter had screwed him and boozed him into a state of shock , and because she had him tightly
by his own prick at the time. "You're burning the sausage, mom."

Betty jumped to rescue it, fanning away smoke and avoiding her daughter's quizzical eyes. Would it be
possible to send the girl away for a week or so?

Nikki said, "It's good to be home, for a change. Even if Linda and Glenn are here. I mean, every time I
turn around, you chase me out of the house, like there's some dark and sinister plot afoot, and you
don't want me nosing around." "Put on the jam," Betty said, "The frozen blackberry from the freezer."

"It is a special breakfast," Nikki said. "That's holiday kind of jam and no time else."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Betty flared. Nicole hesitated, the said: "Nothing, I guess. You
look pretty in that pink robe and sexy scuffs." Betty put down the spatula and took here child in her

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arms, pressing her close and saying into the soft hair as long and black as her own: "I'm sorry, Nikki;
really I am. We-I've been under a sort of strain lately, and I don't know-" Nikki snuggled close, so
small and helpless-sized, putting her face in her mother's breasts. "Can I help?" "I-" Betty wet her lips
with a nervous tongue, but couldn't bring herself to say it. "No, I guess not." But the girl could. Not
necessarily by staying away from home all weekend, but certainly by---Betty blinked and held the
perfectly formed little body even tighter, squeezing Nikki's face into her tits.

Suppose-just suppose-the girl could be brought into it, really into the family circle so recently and so
excitingly formed? If she could be taught the things she didn't know, if she could adjust to the idea that
everyone else in her immediate family was screwing each other, then perhaps Nikki would no longer be
a problem.

And she would undoubtedly be the absolute answer to Chad's stubborn reluctance to freely exchange
his wife with his son, as well as his son-in- law. If Chad got to fuck Nicole, if he shoved that massive
dick into his baby daughter as well as his married one, he'd have no comeback at all if Betty and Danny
wanted to screw. Would the girl, could she-Betty found herself trembling in excitement, in an erotic
anticipation. Nikki and her dad;

Linda and her dad; Danny and his mother-as well as his sisters. And Glenn-dear, muscular, thrilling
Glenn-he could have three softly willing cunts at his disposal. Three males and three females; Betty
shivered again, and her hand were strong upon the delicate curving of her daughter's back, her thighs
pushing unconsciously against the girl's slight body.

"Hey, mom-you're strangling me. Wow; do you think I'll ever grow big boobies like yours?"

It would be perfect, Betty saw it would work out just fine, but not with her father at first. His prick was
too massive for this diminutive girl to take into her compact body, and if Nikki was still a virgin, such a
task would be impossible-and even the attempt could bring on such a traumatic experience that the girl
would be ruined for open, honest sex ever after.

Who, then? Danny would be fine, with his slim prick. But she and her brother were always yammering
at each other; maybe Nikki wouldn't go for Danny right at first. That left Glenn; his cock was thicker,
but he was a very attractive man, and since he belonged to Nikki's sister, there might be spice added to
the seduction. If not Glenn, then Danny would have to replace h him, and if a tender kind of rape had
to be performed, so be it. The girl had Betty's hot blood in her, and Chad's voluptuous nature; once
well fucked, she would respond. That much stood to reason.

"Well?" Nicole asked. "Will I ever get big ones? I know they'll never grow as big as your boobs, but I
mean big for my size."

Betty let go her daughter and stepped back to smile down at Nikki. "Yours are just fine; they're
beautiful as they are."

"You think so, mom? Really?"

"Of course, and the rest of you is superb, too. You have a jeweled little body, Nicole, pertly formed
and saucy. Men will go wild over you, give the chance." Nikki's mouth twitched and she turned
quickly away. "Hey!

Now the biscuits are smoking!"

Danny came into the kitchen just then, followed closely by Glenn. Turning on the ceiling fan to clear the
smoke, Betty could hear water running in the pipes, which meant someone else was in the shower. She

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wouldn't have to wake Chad and Linda, then.

Although she had singed just about everything, breakfast vanished in hungry mouths, and there wasn't
the strain she had- expected-but for Chad. He kept his eyes on his plate and only grunted when
somebody spoke to him. He'd have to get over both his hangover and his attitude, Betty thought.
Chad had no squawk coming; he had jumped right into an incestuous affair with his older daughter,
without a struggle. If he was sorry, he couldn't just take it all back-- especially that oral love he had
given Linda, nor that friendly push on Glenn's ass to help the boy drive home his prick into Betty's
pussy. Those acts were irrevocable, and Chad might as well admit it. Betty brought him a Bloody
Mary, anyhow, and nodded at his grunt of thanks. The others eddied out into the living room, or onto
the patio, but Linda stayed to help. "Daddy's kind of surly this morning. He wouldn't even look at me
when he woke up in bed together, much less touch me; just jumped up and ran into the bath." "He's
being the repentant sinner, dear, and if we don't handle him right, soon he'll be the martyr. I'll leave it to
you to take care of him. Nobody else ever bossed him around the way you can."

Linda grinned. "Isn't that fabulous? I mean the way he just folds up if I act mad. It's a lot of fun for
me. Let him have a drink or two, and then I'll take care of him, if I have to make a little whip and wear
black boots." Betty laughed, then told Linda of her plan to use Nikki for further softening of Chad's
wall of resistance. "I think that's wonderful," Linda exclaimed. "Start her in young, and she won't miss
all the years the rest of us have lost. And you know what, mom? I'll bet that Little Nikki isn't that
sweet innocent you think." "Maybe not," Betty said. "But who ought to do the job on her first?"

Linda thought that over. "look-I'll go into the family room and work daddy over, pour a little more juice
into him. The neighbors can't see into our patio, so if you tell the other guys and let them work on her
until she indicates her choice, that should do it. And so you won't be left out in the cold, after a little
while you can come on in with daddy and me. We'll put him through the jumps together, if you like."

The idea tingled in Betty's tummy, spread to her tits, and she said, "Great. You and I and your father;
that ought to break him down-or do him in."

"Yeah," Linda chuckled. "See you later." From the liquor closet, Betty brought out two big pitchers
which she filled with ice cubes. She poured gin into them, filled them the rest of the way with domestic
champagne. French 75s, she remembered; a sneaky drink she'd know while she was a single girl. A
glass or two of the mixture, and Nikki should be ready for just about any suggestion. It went well from
the beginning. Danny brought his tape deck and speakers to the patio; there were snacks and the
highly volatile French 75s, smooth to the taste and explosive in the stomach. Nikki had been surprised
to be served drinks with the rest , but she covered it pretty well, pretending she was as grownup as her
brother, but since he was taking the drinks in stride, so did she. Nikki didn't question the absence of
her father and sister, assuming they were doing something in the house. Which indeed they were, Betty
thought; by now Linda would have her recalcitrant father well in hand, or between her legs, or

Betty started dancing with Glenn, moving to slower music, graceful in her pink robe and the jazzy
scuffs. There was nothing under the robe but her own tingling flesh, and she kept that covered for now,
holding her son-in-law only a little closer than propriety called for. Danny and Nikki looked nice
together, Betty thought, watching them grind and bump through the sensuous dancing they favored, and
when she took her son for a partner, Nikki blended as well with Glenn. s they moved to the changing
rhythms of the tapes, Danny sneaked a feel here and there, cupping the cheek of her ass with a quick
motion, or rubbing his chest back and forth across her breasts, and sometimes slipping his knee
between her thighs.

Betty said in his ear: "Watch it! Don't scare her off." Danny whispered back, "Scare her off, hell---look

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at her shaking it at Glenn; she's just about rubbing it on him." "Give her another drink, next chance you
get. do you think she's settled on Glenn, that she'll lay him if he really tries?"

"I don't know," Danny said. "She may be afraid-here at the house, with Linda's husband, and Linda
somewhere around. To say nothing of you and dad. If you don't mind swinging with Glenn again, I
guess I'd better try it with Nikki, take her up to her own room. That way, you could open the hall door
and see what's happening." "All right," Betty agreed. "But I'll miss your own special screwing, dear;
and I desperately want to get us all together. You understand."

"Sure, mom. I want to get into Nikki, anyhow, to see what she's got. She's really a cute little kid, and if
she's as hot as the rest of the family, she'll be a great screw. I'd better get to her now; she looks
wobbly because of the drinks."

Sipping tall glasses, Betty and Glenn watched the boy talking to his sister, watched him lead her gently
from the patio and into the house. Glenn said, "She was hanging back from me. Think Danny will dick
her?" Betty nodded. "He's taking her into her own room where she'll feel safer, hidden. Give him a
few minutes, and the we'll sneak up into the hall and take a peep. He promised to leave the door open
just a crack." Glenn took a long drink. "I married into a terrific family. Of course, I've only fucked two
of the girls so far, but I'll get to stick Nikki, too. And I sure get turned on, seeing all the- sights-like
Chad laying his own daughter, my wife; like watching your son with his cock in your mouth, while I'm
cramming mine into that hot, juicy box of yours. Now I'll see Danny fuck his little sister, and pretty
soon, Linda will take him on, too. Man, oh man; I sure wish my own mother was in town."

Betty touched his arm. "She will be; you can bring her into the group any time you think she's ready.
After all, she's practically one of the family, isn't she?" Glenn put his hand on his cock. His own
terrycloth robe had fallen open to expose his erection, and it was lovely, Betty saw. He drew his
fingertips gently over the staff and around the head. "I'll bring mother here; and if she doesn't swing
easily, I'll rape her. I know she needs some cock; she's been a widow for more than eight years, and
hasn't been fucked in all that time. I'd love to stick this up her cunt, and I'll bet she'd dig it, once she
got over the idea that incest is such a terrible thing." "Come on," Betty said, "let's go upstairs. We'd
better not hesitate at the family room, either. I don't know what your wife is doing to her father, but if
we hang around to watch, we'll never find out how Nikki is reacting to her brother."

"This is going to be a long, crazy weekend," Glenn said, and took her hand. The head of his penis kept
poking out of his robe as they went inside, skirted the family room and climbed the stairs.

Finger to her lips, Betty led her eager son-in-law to the doorway of Nicole's room. The door itself was
closed, but the lock hadn't caught. Betty thought her son had only pretended to lock the door, to make
his sister fell safer. She listened and heard murmuring, but no raised voices, so they weren't fighting it
out. Pushing gently upon the door, she swung it open an inch or two, so she could see the bed.

Nikki was lying across the bed, on the pink and frilly spread. She still had on her cutoffs, but her feet
were now bare, so were her tits. They were gorgeous little things, daintily pointed and rounded and
nippled with exciting small points. They were pale white, where the bra of Nikki's swimsuit had
covered the skin, but the rest of her was golden brown, and somehow the two- tone colors were more
stimulating than an even shade would be. Danny was sitting beside his younger sister, more deeply
bronzed than she, but he still had on his shorts. There was the now familiar bulge in them, Betty saw; he
had been talking and approaching the ultimate moment with care, and now the time was at hand.

Nikki said: "Are they pretty? Mom said they were, and she never saw them naked like this."

He reached to touch her breasts, to trace their taut circles with a fingertip. "They're very beautiful,

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Nikki, but I'd bet you've heard that before."

She smiled up at him, wet-lipped and with mischievous eyes. "sure, but those guys would say anything
when they've got a hard on. I wanted to hear it from you." "I've got a hard on, too."

"I know," Nikki giggled, "but you're honest. Those other- guys-they'd lie like crazy, just to dip their
things into a girl. But if you say my boobies are pretty, I guess they are. I just wish they were a lot
bigger and softer, like mom's. Wow; did you ever see such tits!" Danny kept fondling her small
breasts, leaning over her, his hands gentle and knowing. Watching, Betty knew a tremble of fear within
her body, and a darting of anticipation. They were so beautiful, her children there; together, making
love, they would be so charming her heart would break to see them.

"You swung with many other guys?" Danny asked. "Just two," Nikki said, running her hand along his
forearms as he caressed her tits. "But plenty of times with both of them. Sally and me kind of change
off between the guys and it's a real, kick. Oh wow; all that gin is making me dizzy, but I still want to
know how come you've got an itch for me, all of a sudden."

Danny leaned back and used his thumbs to pull down his shorts. His long, slim prick stood tall and
throbbing. "It's not all of a sudden, Nikki; I just didn't know if you were mature enough for me yet.
I've admired your trim little ass for a long time. And I don't mean if you were mature enough to screw,
but to screw your brother; you have to be open and grown up for that."

"Your prong is longer than theirs," Nikki said, staring with interest at her brother's penis. "And I'm
grownup enough for incest. Who do you think was hiding in the alley the other night?"

"That noise we heard---- mom and me?"

Nikki giggled again. "That was me, falling into an ashcan. Had my jeans around my knees and a finger
up myself. Oh wow---I never saw anything like it; not with Sally anyhow." Danny unzipped his sister's
cutoffs, and Nikki lifted her butt so he could slide them down her slim legs. Betty caught her breath at
the sight of her daughter's little vee. The girl had only a faint feathering of pubic hair, lightly seeded over
her lovely mini-mound, but the few hairs were jet black, and singularly appealing against the untanned
whiteness of her skin there. At Betty's ear, Glenn Forester whispered, " Hey now! That's a sweet,
little- girl pussy.."

Betty put her hand out to hush him, but lowered it to take hold of his swollen cock. She squeezed that
in warning, for they certainly didn't want to frighten Nikki now; not when she was just about to take her
brother's prick into her cunt for the first time.

Other guys, Nikki had said; she and her friend Sally had been changing off with two boys, screwing
them both in what might be termed a small and blessedly restricted kind of early teenage swap club.
And Betty had been fretting that Nikki would be a cherry. No chance, with her mother's not blood
racing within her.

"Kiss it a little, Danny," the girl said softly, and her brother obediently lowered himself to draw his mouth
over her flat and boyish belly, to lick into her tiny navel while Nikki heaved and squirmed.

Entranced, Betty stared as her son stroked her daughter's hips and belly and thighs, as he moved his
handsome face down into the valley between Nikki's sleek legs. His mouth covered the nearly hairless
mound, and Danny closed his eyes as he manipulated his tongue into the childish vagina. "Great," Nikki
panted, "oh Danny-that's really wild. You know how to do it better-oh, oh-great! His head came up
and he said, "I'll finish that after. But first I want to fuck this beautiful little hole. First mom, then Linda,
and now you."

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Nikki said, "You screwed Linda, too?" Did Glenn know?" "Not at first; he does now. We're all
swinging , Nikki-- dad's sticking Linda, too, and mom had a couple of sessions with Glenn."

The girl made a low, whistling sound. "Then you'd better hurry and initiate me. Daddy and
Glenn-wow! Will they screw me, too?"

Danny said, "Pay attention to what you're doing," and closed his mouth over hers, one arm around her
neck and one around her miniature waist. His cockhead was feeling for her delicate vulva, and Nikki
twisted her ass to guide him home.

Betty watched the solid length of Danny's prick slide slowly, wonderfully, up into the clenching hotness
of his younger sister's yearning pussy. They were competing the circle, adding yet another length to the
enchanted chain of tempestuous events that had begun in this house such a short time ago.

"Look at that," Glenn whispered, hunching his groin sot that his own hard prick slid back and forth in
Betty's hand. "Look at him stick that prick into his little sister's cunt."

Excitedly, Glenn's hands caught at Betty, one on the cheek of her ass, one gripping her left tit. She
continued to clasp his cock, but could not take her eyes away from the magic scene in the bedroom.

There, Nikki was hissing, "That's the way, baby. Stick me deep, man-run it right up my pussy-had
cock, hard peter-oh baby, baby-fuck me, Danny-fuck me!"

Betty watched the boy's prick work, saw it back out shining with Nikki's lubrications, saw it shove
back inside the gripping little cunt, saw her son's balls swing into the uplifted crack of her daughter's
ass. Trembles shook the girl and shook Betty, too. It was so sweet and hot, so vibrant and moving.
The children blended, handsome and beautiful, and the spicy rhythm of their youthful fucking was the
heartbeat of the universe.

"I love them so, " Betty sighed, and turned slightly so that she could back her ass into Glenn.

He lifted her robe and prodded the blunt end of his rod into the crevice between her cheeks, sliding it
off her contracted asshole and along the fiery lips of her aroused cunt. Betty leaned forward a little,
reached between her thighs and took his cock so she could set the spongy, slippery head of it into her
own throbbing slot. Glenn pushed it up and in, lancing her deep and solidly, settling the widely flanged
head of his prick into her moist vagina, bringing the golden haired sack of his balls up between the tops
her soft thighs. Having his meat in her pussy involved Betty even more deeply in the scene she was
watching, made her more a true participant in the beguiling love making her children were giving and
receiving. Being fucked gently and slowly from behind, Glenn's hands on her quaking tits and his belly
pushed against her ass, Betty was at once Nikki Maddox and herself, and Glenn's prick was his, and
yet her son's prick working within the worshiping glove of her wet pussy. She was young and she was
mature; she was mother and daughter, the fucking and the fucked. Oh the bed, Danny murmured into
this sister's mouth: "Oh- Nikki-you're so tight, so slimy inside your little cunt. Man! What a grip it's
got-you're a crazy piece of ass, little sister, and anybody who gets to screw you is a lucky guy."

Nikki bent her knees and drew her heels far back, until they were under the fragile appearing cheeks of
her dainty ass. Knees thrown wide then, using her heels as leverage, she used her pelvis like an
elevator, hiking her pussy and her brother up off the bed, lowering him again, and when she reached the
top of her arching, Nikki rolled her ass to give that additional fillip of wantonness. Nikki panted,
twisted her small crotch on her brother's surging cock, and said, "Danny-oh Danny! You're the best I
ever had-the hardest, longest prick, the nicest way of- screwing-I love your prick, Danny' I love you!"
He fed the meat to his elfin little sister, packed his rigid staff into her with corkscrewing motions, his
balls swinging, his belly turning wet with sweat and dipping in and out. "Nikki, sweet little Nicole! I

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love you, too. I love your narrow puss and your darling, tiny ass, and I love your fascinating mini tits.
Fuck your brother, baby sister-oh, fuck me hot and dirty, because I'm just about to come! I'm -
-ahhh! -- I'm coming into you Nikki! I'm pouring my come into your little girl- cunt-uh-UH! ---


"Shove that prick to me!" Nikki called out loud and ringing. Her ass pumped furiously, and she ground
her pelvis in a wringing undulation that chewed at her bother's cock. Tiny slippery with sweat, gasping
and fucking madly, she suddenly lifted Danny off the bed with a tremendous humping of her entire
lower body.

"I'm coming-coming-coming!" she chanted. "Come in me-- hard prick-shoot the sweet jism to
me-coming-coming! Betty swiveled her own ass, took the wetly heaving strokes of Glenn's penis in her
convulsing pussy, and tried to make it to her own orgasm in the wake of her children's captivating
climaxes. Her son-in-law thrust it to her, fed his round meat eagerly into the blistering velvet of her cunt,
and his balls went slap-slap against her thighs. Using her tits for hand holds, Glenn stuck her deep and
wiggled it around when he hit bottom; Betty rode that prong with enthusiasm, hunched back and
clamped her thighs together to make that slippery rod give more pressure to her clitoris.

Into her hear, Glenn hissed: "Look at 'em lying there together, just a couple of horny kids. While I'm
fucking their- mama-while I'm screwing their mama's nice hot cunt-and I'm going to shoot off into their
mama's pussy-pumping my cock into their mama's sweet juicy pussy-oh, your soft ass, Mrs. -
Maddox-your soft, greasy cunt-and these fine tits like- pillows---" She came almost at the split second
Glenn loosed his geyser of semen, her vagina clenching and shivering around the length and the
thickness of his flexing prick. She clung to the doorknob, her knees going weak as the wild feeling, the
hotly erotic joy splashed throughout her body and bubbled echoing in the far corners of her mind.
Weakly, she dropped forward, and might have fallen, if he hadn't held to her tits and pulled her ass
back once more upon his impaling cock, wringing the last sticky drop of semen from its pulsing head.

Helping her, Glenn backed away, pulled her with him, and she slowly straightened up, clamping his
penis strongly within the grip of her pussy, sided by the tightening of her buttocks. They made it into
her bedroom lock- stepping that way, because her legs were long and sleek, and she could keep his
meat inside her as they maneuvered along the way.

She collapsed face down across her bed, dragging her lover with her. Into the coverlet she said, "Nikki
is hot, too. She just fucked her brother, so the next thing to do is move her along to you, Glenn. And
then to her daddy. Once Chad screws Nikki, he can't drag his feet any longer; he'll have to agree to
hiss on fucking me. At last, it will all be out in the open, all our screwing turned honest and above

Glenn lay lightly on top of her, his prick softening, slipping tenderly and wetly from the seizure of her
cunt lips. He said, "The cheeks of your ass are so soft and smooth. I'd like to put it right on up your
ass, Betty. I've never done that to anybody since I was a little kid, and then it was to another boy. We
took turns cornholing each other, but I never really got my cock deep into his asshole. I'd like to try it
with you, Mrs. Maddox.

Chapter 13

Downstairs, Betty locked the kitchen door, then passed to the front and bolted that one, also. On a
Saturday, no telling who might drop by unexpectedly, and she certainly didn't want anybody visiting.
No Disturbances, she thought; no interference with the ultimate closeness that was so fast developing in
her family. They needed nobody but themselves, for who could offer them more? Wearing her robe,

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but barefoot now, Betty moved toward the family room, not sure of what she would find there, but
needing some kind of communication with her husband. She did love him, and right now, possibly
more than she had ever loved him in their entire married life. For love wasn't all taking, and it wasn't
hiding, nor jealousy, and love wasn't composed of tight little restrictions and a whole list of no-noes.

Love was giving, and sharing, and what better way to share than the ecstasies of their bodies and the
invitational openings of their minds? When Betty screwed her son, she accepted his love, the adoration
of his hard young prick for her soft and motherly cunt. When her son fucked his sisters, he was going
beyond the sibling affection required by convention; he was truly showing his sentiment for them, in the
most solid form possible.

Chad had screwed his older daughter, and at the end, it had turned into a battle, a frantic attempt for
who dispensed largess and discipline. But Linda had won the contest, and now Chad had retreated.

She had to bring him back, Betty thought, not as the domineering father figure, but as the lover she
knew him to be, gentle and sexy and sometimes impetuous. He could be the same to his daughters,
fucking and ardent, sucking and devoted, giving them the benefit of his years of experience. They
would be enchanted with him, as Betty had been, and was quickly becoming again. Just inside the
archway, Betty paused, peering into the half gloom caused by drawn drapes. She made them out
across the room by the bar, where her daughter sat naked and leg-spread upon one of the stools, her
heels hooked onto a rung. She had a glass of whiskey in one had, and as Betty watched, Linda spilled
some of the dark liquid down her belly, and into the deep, springy bush of her pubic hair. Only then
did Betty see her husband, and Linda's daddy, there at the girl's feet, crouched and appearing curiously
defenseless in his nudity.

Linda said, "Here's a drink for you, daddy. Come lick it off my tummy, and out of my cunt hairs.
Come on, daddy-before I get mad at you."

"Baby," Chad said, "I love you, you know that, but-" Linda gestured imperiously, and splashed more of
the liquor into her crotch. "But if you want to fuck me again, you have to do as I tell you. And you like
being told what to do, really, you love me bossing you, making you my slave. Now, father; lick me!!"

Betty took a step forward and put out one hand, but let it fall, Maybe Chad did like to be dominated by
his daughter, to be humbled and even degraded. If he did, she had no right to horn into his pleasures.
She waited quietly, standing and looking at the naked back of her husband as he kneeled before Linda
; and Licked the whiskey from her pale white belly.

"All over," she commanded. "My hips, and deep into my belly button. Ah, yes-now you're being a
good boy. Lick right on down into my pussy, daddy dear-stick your nice not tongue on into my hair
and suck them all dry."

"Yes, darling," Chad mumbled, and hurried to complete his task, lapping and nuzzling at the spilled
whiskey, cleaning the stuff from his daughter's mound with his eager mouth. Betty moved closer, her tits
lifting, their nipples hard with a sudden ache as she watched the scene. It was exciting, the girl
dominant, the man passive and obedient, docile. It might be a kick to do it herself, she thought-but
Chad probably wouldn't want it, from her. Linda saw her the, and smiled, beckoned to her with one
had; the other lay upon her father's head, holding his face into her pussy. "hi, mom."

Chad tried to move, and his daughter lifted one leg to curl around his neck and shoulders. "No, daddy!
Don't you move. Stay right there, you hear? Mom isn't he sweet? Just like a big puppy dog, but a
puppy with a hard on-and he'd have to be a Saint Bernard to have a cock like that." Betty said softly,
"I thought you and I-now that the other thing is done?"

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Linda held one hand over her father's head, and Betty took it, standing so close that her knees brushed
her husband's back. Linda said, "That's where Glenn is, then-getting his share?"

Nodding, Betty squeezed her daughter's strong, smooth hand. "But I was also fretting over Chad.
There's so much to do yet, and I wondered-" "It's just perfect," Linda said. "we're here now, and
everyone else is busy, so why don't you and I and daddy ----


Chad trembled against her knees, and Betty shivered in response. "You mean-you and I---with Chad
watching, or-" "Or joining in, when he has a the room and the inclination. Why not? Poor daddy; I
haven't let him screw me yet today, and his big, angry prick must be about to split!" "But his wife and
his daughter?"

Linda removed her leg, put one small foot against her daddy's hairy chest and nudged him aside. The
rich brown hairs of her cunt gleamed, where he had been licking them. She said, "You've never had a
woman, huh, mom? Remember I told you about the oral love with a boy before I married Glenn?
Well, there was a girl, also. And it's as much fun with one as the other-more, in some ways. Gee, I'm
glad to be the one to teach you."

Betty said, "Chad," but he climbed up and poured himself a big drink, his back to her and his stiff rod
pushing against the padded leatherette of the bar front. "Daddy," Linda said, " you just sit and watch if
you want to, but if you want to jump in, later-you can. You have my permission. And you can fuck
either of us, or both of us." Betty saw her husband's shoulders quiver, but there wasn't time to say
anything else to him, because her daughter slid off the barstool and advanced toward her, both arms
held wide, and Betty just naturally went into them. Her large breasts covered Linda's smaller, firm ones,
and their bellies merged, their mounds pushing tenderly against each other. Betty was slightly taller, and
more full bodied, but her daughter was well modeled, and with a wickedly longing stare in her eyes, an
intent dampness about her mouth."

"Just hold me the way you do daddy, or Glenn, " Linda said. "oooh, mother' your big tits feel so good,
all soft and cuddly, and your belly is like white satin, your mound-ooohhh, mom-- your pussy is so
hairy and deep; oh wow, how wonderful it is; how fabulous it must be to fuck such a tender cunt."

Betty looked past her daughter's shoulder, held her very closely and squirmy and looked at Chad as he
turned slowly on the barstool; his penis was huge it knob glowing, purple, and wet. He stared at them,
his eyes fixed and his mouth slightly open. His chest was rising and falling with the rapid pace of his

That's when Linda moved her mother back a step or two, then pulled her gently to the floor, going
down to the soft carpet with her. "Lie back, mom; you be the woman and I'll be the man."

Feeling warm and relaxed all over, Betty sank back, her thighs falling open, her arms upheld for her
lovely daughter. And Linda came into them, but slowly and with a tantalizing fondling of her mother's
body. The girl's soft hand ran over Betty's breasts, pinching the nipples, pressing the mounds almost
flat and letting them pop up again.

She caressed her mother's rib cage, then her hips and belly, and put both hands delicately between
Betty's thighs to cup the quivering softness of her mound. But only for a moment, only for the space of
time it takes to deposit a fleeting caress. Then the girl lay down atop Betty's pulsating body, as a male
lover would mount her. Linda's mouth sought Betty's, and her lips were sweet, her tongue a flickering
blaze that searched over Betty's tongue, asking love in return.

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Tit to tit, belly to belly, they lay gasping together, and Betty arched her back, lifted her knees high so
that she could wrap her long legs around her daughter's slim waist. They were rocking, heaving
together, the lips of the cunts rubbing wetly, their hairy crotches meeting and twisting in a primeval

Why, Betty thought dizzily, it's very much like being fucked by a• man, except there's no real
penetration-only the thrilling kiss of pussy to pussy, and the massaging of one clitoris upon the other.
Linda had such a rich cunt, she thought, and her flesh was satiny, her mouth a damply demanding
furnace that drew her mother's tongue in and halfway down her throat.

Joyously, Betty abandoned any residual clinging to outmoded restrictions, and surged strongly,
positively, against the hot caress of her daughter's pussy. Each time their clits touched, a violent thrill
shot through her body, and the sweaty rubbing on their bellies, the slippery hunching and squirming of
their mounds, made every sensation erotic, electric.

"Oh mama, " Linda breathed, "oh sweet mother-what a soft pussy you have! • We're screwing each
other, mama dear; we're fucking, you and I-rubbing our cunts together and I'm in between your thighs,
just like daddy make it. Fuck me back, mama darling-oh, rub that crazy pussy into mine until we

Yes, baby!" Betty gasped. "Oh, yes, my lovely daughter. Oh, your mouth, your tits-that steamy young
cunt against mine- oohhh, I could just squeeze you to death with my legs. Sweet baby, pretty girl with
the boiling hot pussy-oh, how your mother loves you!"

Twisting, pulling her daughter's crotch violently down into her own, Betty fucked savagely into the
voluptuous cunt that pushed into her, and in turn, covered hers. Slippery and skidding, wet and greasy,
their hairy labia shook and quivered. They humped and shoved, wiggled and churned, and Linda was
the first to cry out.

"Mama-oh, mama!" she moaned, rolling her belly. "I'm about to come, sweetheart-oh mother dear,
my cunt is on fire-- I coming---I'm coming!"

Desperately, she clamped the girl in her arms her teeth raking across Linda's, her cunt slamming into her
daughter's, her legs squeezing the girl's waist. Betty's head whirled and she couldn't get her breath.
She fell back panting, and Linda fastened her mouth to one of her nipples. Waves of foaming orgasm
heaved and fell within Betty's pussy, and her asshole contracted in jealous reaction. Inside her thighs,
tremors raced up and down, and every time her daughter's cunt flexed, Betty felt it against her own
lascivious mound.

They embraced only for a little while longer, then, sighing, Linda raised her body from her mother's
supine one; their cunts came apart with a suctioning noise, and Linda murmured, "You're very sweet,
mother-and very beautiful." The girl climbed erect and Betty lay still, resting, still melted together inside
her body. She looked up at her daughter, at the shapely legs and thick, brown vee, at the satiny belly
and the firmly jutting tits and thought what a lucky man Glenn was, to have picked this lovely, highly
passionate girl for his wife.

Only then did Betty remember that her own husband had been close by, all the time she and her
daughter had been fucking, that Chad had been staring transfixed at this wife and his oldest child as
they ground and humped and screwed together.

But Linda had kept it in mind all the time, evidently. She posed sexily for her father, stood imperiously
with her cunt thrust forward and her tits proudly high. Chin up, she strode past where he sat on the
barstool with his massive penis erectly throbbing. When she came from behind the bar, Linda carried a

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thin riding crop. They'd brought it back from Mexico some summers ago, and it was part of the wall
decoration. Now Linda was about to put it to use. She pointed it at her father. "Dad-go lie down over
there, right beside mother. Do as I say!"

Chad seemed to fold into himself, to actually cringe as Linda shook the crop at him, but he didn't climb
off the stool. Embarrassed, Betty got off the floor and stood uncertainly, enthralled by this sexual
domination their daughter had achieved over her father. For Betty could see that Chad actually wanted
to be mastered by Linda, that he was waiting eagerly for it. And his daughter did not disappoint him.

Moving forward, regal as a queen, Linda flicked her daddy on the head of his swollen prick with the
end of the leather riding crop. He winced, but Betty could see white juice spring from the slot of his
glans and realized that he enjoyed the dollop of pain, or perhaps the symbol of chastisement. He
climbed from the stool and moved stiffly to the middle of the carpet, standing with his hairy back to
them until his daughter popped the crop across his ass. Then he lay down quickly, rolling over onto his
back with his monstrous staff pointing straight up and perhaps distended farther than Betty had ever
seen it before. It was a magnificent erection!

"Now, mom," Linda said, "since I'm bossing this little affair, I want you to go around and stand at
daddy's head. That's the way, darling-and my, but your nice round ass jiggles so sweetly when you
walk; you're sexy, mom. Now; put one foot on each side of his head-got ahead; he'll lie still for it. Just
stand there with your legs apart a little so he can stare up into the juicy lips of your lovely pussy.

Linda moved toward them, swaying her svelte hips, making an exaggerated roll of her belly and ass.
The leather riding crop was tapping against the calf of her leg-tap-tap-tap. For a crazy moment, Betty
herself felt a strange exultation touched with terror, as if her daughter was going to beat her naked flesh,
to be torture mistress over all. Betty would be punished for her transgressions, with whip and spur, and
the hairy wet cunt would be queen forever. Linda positioned herself over her father's waiting body,
standing with opened thighs directly above his upstanding cock. Chad lay quietly, passive, his arms at
his side, but his eyes were open and his chest heaving. Most alive was his prick, tall and thick with its
head practically bathed in the gleaming juices leaking from its tiny mouth. The girl said, "We'll use him
between us, darling. You have him eat your lovely cunt, and I'll take the swelling out of that big, eager
cock of his."

Chad said, "I-I never did that before. I never went down on any woman, not even your mother."

Linda reached down with the riding crop, tapped his penis with it. "Then it's time you learned, Daddy.
Mom has such a beautiful pussy, you should have eaten her years and years ago. Glenn did it to her.
My husband got his tongue inside your wife's cunt and made her come, so now mom know how good
it feels. And you'll do a super job, daddy---I'm sure you will, because you'd better!" Smiling at her
mother, lowering herself to her knees so that her profusely feathered crotch was just above the blunt
head of her daddy's cock; Linda said, "Just do the same as I'm doing, darling. Kneel down and let him
quiver for awhile." Betty kneeled, her kneecaps touching the biceps of her husbands arms, a tremor
moving excitedly in her tummy, and she thought of Glenn's semen still within her vagina, of the recent
fucking she had taken from her impetuous son-in- law. Chad was going to put his tongue inside; she
was going to actually sit down on his mouth and he was going to eat her cunt, for the first time in their
married lives. And as Linda said, it was about time. "Now, mom, ," her daughter said, lowering her
crotch just a bit and using her hand to guide the shuddering, anxious head of her father's prick into the
springy depths of that curly brown pubic hair. Her other had reached out to her mother, and Betty put
her fingers into Linda's soft, warm palm as she sat gently down upon Chad's waiting, helpless face. A
hot, wet shock jolted through her body as he sticky labia came in contact with his lips. For an
indecisive moment, her husband hesitated, then uttering a groan, his mouth opened and his tongue

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shoved in and up, piercing the wet folds of flesh and entering the wet cave of the vagina itself.

"Ah! OOOHH! Oh, Linda-he's doing it! Your father is eating me, sticking in his tongue and licking.
OOOHHH!" "Good," Linda answered, clenching her hand. "And look how his big dick is easing up
into me. Hard and rubbery; thick and- long-oh wow; this is some rod, mama! This is a terrific prick,
and I'm fucking it just like you do, fucking my daddy's big cock while he eats my mama's sweet pussy.
Ahh, daddy-oh yes, stiff prick-ah- oh-the head of it is away up inside me, knocking at my cervix.
Ahh! Oh-oh mama, oh daddy!"

Staring, Betty watched her husband's thick staff working its way up into the readily clinging lips of her
daughter's young pussy. It was a wonderful sight, a thrilling picture, and she ground sensuously upon
Chad's mouth as she saw the engorged rod progress inch by veined inch until it was swallowed up.

He mumbled something into her blazing cunt, and his tongue lapped puppy- dog style into her slit; she
slid forward and back, making him reach her clit, grinding it into his chin and back to his nose. And on
one of her forward slides, Betty found herself only inches from her daughter's face. It was so natural
that she kiss Linda's passionate mouth, that her daughter's tongue should melt lovingly over her own,
and their teeth clash sweetly. Straining, leaning forward, they held arms around each other's bodies,
and mashed their tits together.

"Oh, baby," Betty gasped. "Oh, how wonderful, to kiss you and feel your breasts against mine-oh, how
wild-because we're sharing your father and each other, too." "Great, mom-far, far out! Oh, how I dig
this kind of swinging! Kiss me, mama-kiss me as I ride your husband's cock, my daddy's cock!"

"Darling, darling-" Betty hunched faster upon Chad's face, because he was getting the hang of it,
working his tongue over her clit and beginning to suck, to siphon upon the lining of her pussy and to
drain the hot oils and her son-in-laws warm juice into his throat.

"Fuck me!" Linda screamed, and slammed her tits hard into her mother's larger breasts. "Oh, daddy,
you big-dicked bastard- - shove it up my cunt-bang it up my pussy!" Betty shook and trembled, her tits
bouncing as she rode her husband's mouth, for her climax was swiftly burgeoning within her spasming
vagina. She clamped her mouth onto her daughter's, and urged her tits into Linda's; Betty's ass was
swinging and sliding, and she forced her tongue deep into Linda's mouth.

Her daughter clawed her nails into Betty's back, and raked her teeth across her mother's. They sucked
tongue and moaned in explosive rapture, moaned together as they came-one upon the man's prick, one
upon his suctioning mouth, • mother and daughter blending in ecstasy upon the male they both had in

They held to each other, kissing, sliding wet tongues, wiggling more gently in the subsiding of their
simultaneous orgasm. Chad turned his face aside, panting into Betty's thigh, and she realized that he
had also come, that he had fired his monstrous cock into his daughter's inflamed cunt, pumping that
narrow sheath full of his thickly foaming semen.

How long they stayed glued together, Betty didn't know; she really didn't come to herself until Linda
stood up and helped her to her feet. They left Chad on the carpet, but not for long; he climbed up and
joined them at the bar. Betty saw that her husband's massive dick was still hard, and glistening all over
with the juices he had released into Linda's vagina, with his daughter's shining pussy oils.

Gruffly, he said, "I-oh hell, women; I don't know how to put it, but I-well, I think this is terrific. The
three of us making it together. And Betty-I enjoyed going down on you; I really did."

He put his arms around them, stood between them as they sat naked on the barstools. His long staff

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poked between them the purple head lustrous and glowing. Betty turned her head and kissed him on
the cheek.

"It is good, isn't it dear?" So intimate, so exciting. I wasn't a bit jealous of you screwing your screwing
our daughter. In fact, I was thrilled that you should get the chance to enjoy the beauty of her cunt'
you're a lucky man, because so few father ever realize their yearnings and actually fuck their

Chad stroked her back, brought his hand down and caressed the cheek of her ass. Betty glanced
across his back and saw that he was doing the same to Linda. He said, "I'll admit I didn't like it at first,
when Glenn was putting the dick to you, Betty. I mean, you're my wife, and I'm supposed to be jealous
of you. But there was Linda, and Glenn was really shoving it to you and you looked like you were
getting a kick out of fucking him, so I- - well, I figured it you let me screw Linda, then we'd
compromise, and I'd let you screw Glenn."

Linda chuckled, and poured drinks all around. "Daddy, you're trying so hard not to be a male
chauvinist. You really want to say that it's okay for a man to fuck anything he can find, but that a
woman should stay pure-whatever the hell that is."

"Now wait a minute," he said.

And Linda cut in: "But you get high on fucking me, so it's okay for mother to have a little staring cock on
the side. But don't you see how much better it is, how much more fun it is, to share our love-making?
You and me and mother-and when Glenn was there last night, wasn't that fun?" "I guess so," he said.
"but-well I don't think I can have as much fun when somebody else sees you bossing me around.
There are some things a man has to keep private." "Why?" Linda asked. " If anything turns you on,
nobody here is going to laugh at it. We all have our kinks and our little hang-ups, but that's what we're
doing now, together---we're trying to rid ourselves of all our hang-ups, trying to be honest with each
other, and most of all with ourselves."

Chad continued to fondle their asses. Betty downed her drink and felt the warmth of it, the needed
strength of the alcohol . Then her husband said, "I guess you're right, Linda. now that we've gone
ahead like this, screwing and sucking and all---we can make it fine together. You and me and your
mother and Glenn; we can have a real wife-swapping setup here, as long as we keep it from the kids,
that is. I mean, we're adult and they're so young, and I don't think I could conceive of those kids even
thinking-" Linda poured more drinks. "You mean it's all right for mom to eat my husband's cock, it that
what they both want?" Chad bit his lips, and Betty noticed that his penis was slumping. He said, "Well,
I guess so. Glenn's a good guy, and your husband, and----" "And you're getting the best of the deal,"
Linda said. "Here you are, swapping wives with Glenn, but you get a bonus, because I'm your
daughter, too. So you not only trade wives, but get to dig some incest, besides. Would you be as
willing if Glenn was your son, and I was just another girl?"

Chad took his hand from Betty's ass and reached for his drink. "Hey now, wait a minute! That would
make him a-a-" "A mother fucker? Is that so terrible? Is that any worse name than daughter fucker, or
daddy fucker?" "You're mixing things up," Chad said. "Dammit, you're getting everything all screwed
around." Linda turned on the stool, so that she could hold his body between her legs and draw him into
the softly feminine vee of her thighs. "Daddy, you're the one who's getting screwed up-- and screwed.
But would you disown me, back off from me right now, if I told you that I've already fucked my
brother, too? I have, you know; Danny and I had a good, solid screwing together, even before I
seduced you last night."

"That-that kid?"

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"He's no kid; he's a good, erotic lover with a strong prick longer than your own."

"Dammit, Linda-Betty---"

Betty watched her daughter tug her husband closer with her legs, saw her rub her high, firm tits into his
hairy chest and use her had to fondle the thick, drooping cock. Linda said, "There's plenty of this
pussy left for you. Al you want, daddy- dear-if you stop being so straight and hungup and just let it all
hang out. I can fuck you and Danny and my husband, and thrill all of you-and so can mom." Betty saw
his back stiffen, and she gulped the rest of her drink hurriedly. Now was the moment, when he would
either resist or give in.

Chad said, "Hold on; that's going to damned far. The boy and- you-and me and you-Glenn-you're
going out of your head, if you think I'm going to stand still for Danny and his mother-" Before Linda
could hold to him, Chad pulled himself from between her legs and strode off, vanishing from the family
room without a word.

Betty said, "Well, I guess that's it." "The hell it is," Linda answered. "There's' still Nikki; you notice
how carefully he avoided mentioning her name? Dad has a hard-on for Nikki, too, and don't doubt
that. And he's pretty well smashed right now; I poured enough juice into him today for him to be high
as a mountain top. He's only going to his own bed. We'll get him there. Are you game for a family
council of the rest of us?" "All right," Betty said. "Son as I can get some clothing-" "No," Linda said.
"All of us bare-assed and honest, okay?" "Okay, then. Oh, I hope we can straighten out your father."

The girl smiled. "We will; don't you worry."

Chapter 14

They were a beautiful group, Betty thought, self-consciously crossing her legs and wishing that she had
something with which to cover her breasts as she sat at the bar and watched Linda herd the others into
the room for a council. It must have been quite a session upstairs, she thought. Glenn was sheepish and
his cock was shrunken as he came to the bar for a drink. Her son's penis was partly erect, but well
used and reddened. And Little Nikki-the girl was trying to be very casual, but the goosebumps on her
naked skin and the blush on her piquant face gave away her inner emotional turmoil.

Impulsively, Betty held out her arms to her youngest child, and with a sigh, Nicole ran into them. It felt
strange to hold her like this, Betty thought, both of them naked, and with Nikki pressing her elfin body
against her mother's hairy mound, Nikki burying her face into the milky globes of her mother's breasts.

But it felt wonderful, too. There was nothing between them-no cloth or plastic or dishonesty, and when
Nikki lifted a fearful face, Betty kissed her daughter's eyes, then, her cheeks, and lastly her tremulous
young mouth. It was a different kiss-love and passion mixed, a darting of their tongues, a promise of
things to be between them, and Nikki said breathlessly, "Oh mom-you're so great!" "Thank you,
darling; I think you're great too." Danny came to stand with them, and Glenn moved to kiss his wife,
then to stand uncertainly beside her. Linda said, "We have to do something about daddy. He's sulking
in his room, and it's all because he can't conceive of Danny screwing mom. Everything else is all right,
it seems, but he went into a state of shock when I talked about Danny. But there's a real tip-off in her
reaction: he didn't mention Nicole's name. He's been screwing me, as you all know, and I can control
him on just about everything, but I think his real yen now is for little Nicole." • Nikki looked into her
mother's eyes. "Mom? Will it-can I swing with daddy, and it'll be okay with you?" "Of course, dear,
"Betty said, and patted the sleek little flank. "But your father has a very large penis. Do you think you
cant take that?"

"I-I don't know," Nikki said, dropping her eyes. "Sure she can," Danny added. "She's tight and narrow,

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but Glenn loosened her up some, after me. She's still all greasy inside, so that'll help dad get it in."
Nikki said into Betty's breasts, "I'd like to try it. Especially if it will keep us all together, without any

"Good," Linda said. "We'll get him into your room, Nikki; then mom and Danny can get in Danny's
room. That adjoining door will work out just right. I mean, once we can get daddy sticking it to Nikki,
we can open the door and show him Danny mounted on Mom. That ought to knock hell out of any
inhibitions he has left."

"That's a wild idea," Glenn said. "How about Chad-is he drinking?"

Linda grinned. "We'll be lucky if he isn't sleeping it off.

What do you say, Nikki? Are you ready?" "May I have a small drink?" Nikki asked. "He-well, the
idea scares me a little bit. And how do I go about it?" "I'll help things along, " Linda said. "But give us
time to get started, before the rest of you come upstairs. Maybe just you, mom, so you can peep
through and see how it's all going. After awhile, Danny and Glenn can come up. We'll get it all
together one way or another, because if daddy doesn't go for putting it to Nikki, then we'll just have to
hold him down and have her climb on top. Rape him, if we get forced to that."

Glenn chuckled. "Once he get a fell of Nikki's little ass, nobody will have to rape old Chad: he'll go ape
like I did. Mrs. Maddox, you sure raised some girls with educated cunts."

"Ready, Nikki?" her sister wanted to know. "I guess," the girl said, and Betty hold her daughter's hand
as they followed Linda up the stairs. Betty looked at her older daughter's tail, saw it swinging in
gracefully erotic movement, and wondered again about the rest of love-making with Linda, about them
giving oral gratification to each other. Would it be so much different, with another woman? She
remembered the thrill of their pussy-to-pussy encounter, and shivered in delicious anticipation. "I'm
going to take a shower-clean myself up," Betty said, "Then open the door between Nikki's room and
Danny's just a crack. If your father gets going good, hold him back a little, don't let him reach orgasm
until Danny gets her." "I'll be sure," Linda said, and kissed Betty's mouth. "Here we go, mom-wish us

" you're two beautiful girls," Betty said. "Your daddy has all the luck."

"Thanks," Linda said, and took her little sister's hand.

Betty stepped into the shower and scrubbed herself all over,

but quickly. She was eager to see what the girls would do

with Chad, anxious to know how he would respond to their

combined attack. Rinsing, Betty hopped from the tub

enclosure and dried hurriedly, then used cologne and

powder. If all went well, in just a few minutes, Chad would be putting the prick to Nikki, and Danny
would be mounting his mother, long, stiff cock in his hand. Then it would all be out in the open, all gone
honest, and aboveboard. Chad would have to accept a single sexual standard for the entire family, and
grant her the right to copulation with their boy, as well as his fucking their girls. Glenn was in a enviable
position, because he could lay all three of the women, without any kind of moral hindrance or objection
put up by Chad. But they were also available to Chad, and to each other, and if Chad was stupid and
stubborn enough to continue to resist letting Danny into the family party, then they would have to take

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some other drastic action-such as cutting Chad off entirely from any pussy.

She went damp from the bathroom into Danny's bedroom, and straight to the connecting door, which
she found already cracked open just about the required amount. Kneeling to be more comfortable,
Betty peered into the next room, thinking that half the fun of all this was in the watching of it, the
voyeurism that turned her on so. And why not, she thought; she could do the things she like best now;
any of them could, if Chad just cooperated properly. She saw Chad sitting upon the bed, and realized
that he had sneaked a fifth of bourbon from the bar when he departed in such a huff. It was on the
bedside table, and Chad was weaving back and forth as he sat there. Linda was furious with him;
Betty could see that, see the tapping of the riding crop along the girl's thigh. Nikki was standing to one
side, one hand demurely over her mound. "Damn you," Linda grated, swishing the quirt. "You want all
the goodies, but you want them on your own terms. Well, daddy- dear---that's not how it's going to
be. You've fucked me, and watched my husband screw mother, so you're not going to go moral on us

Linda slapped his belly with the riding crop, and Chad jerked erect, his penis immediately beginning to
swell, to climb upright to its great length and breadth. Chad tried to cover it with his hands, ashamed
because his younger daughter was in the room and seeing his nudity, witnessing his humiliation.

But Linda flicked the leather at his hands, and Chad flinched back, exposing his erect cock. His
daughter said, "You're going to screw Nikki-and right now, do you hear? You're damned lucky to
even get the chance, and don't worry about her being a cherry. She's not. Little Nicole has been
balling two kids her own age, and she has also taken on Danny and Glenn, so that only makes you fifth
in line, daddy dear. But you're lucky to have the opportunity to stick that big cock into her tiny pussy,
because if you weren't being forced to lay Nikki, you'd never get up the nerve to fuck her yourself. But
you've got eyes for her, all right; I've watched you sweat her out for years, when you thought nobody
else was looking, when you thought you could eye this trim little ass and dream about someday getting
into it. Well, darling-here's the place and the time."

She strode around the bed and snatched down two pillows, put them one atop the other and positioned
them halfway down the bed. Then Linda motioned to her sister, and Nikki went shyly to her, moving
with her face held down and her eyes almost closed. Watching, Betty saw that her youngest child's
nipples were erect, showing her passionate need, an urgency that defied her retiring nature. Nikki
hesitated beside the bed, glanced at her father's back, then climbed up as her sister pointed the riding
crop at the pillow. "up there, Nikki," Linda said. "Since dad has such a big, thick penis, and since
you're built so small, that lovely little cunt is so tight, it's best if you put your ass up here, so you can
spread your legs wide and kind of tilt your pelvis up at him. It spreads your vagina wider, opens you up
more. Of course, once he's got that hard prick socked home, then you can act as you please, but I can
tell you now, he'll sure as hell hit bottom."

Nikki took her position, lay back with her small tits up and her ass on the double pillows, angling her
crotch up. Betty saw the gorgeous little cunt lips , and the polished cheeks of the delightfully trim ass,
the flat belly lustrous with youth and health.

The girl asked doubtfully: "Linda-are you sure I can take that big thing into me? I mean-it's so long and
big around. I never tried anything that big, before!" Her sister patted Nikki's belly, then dropped her
hand to caress the small, shapely mound. "Sure you can take it baby. You can hold it all the way to
his balls, and then you can screw it right off, if you want to. You're the boss, Nikki you're stronger
than he is." Chad sat stiffly on the side of the bed, his back to his girls, but he wheeled around quickly
enough when Linda tapped him with the leather whip. She said, "Get over her; kneel right there in front
of Nikki-there between her legs, . Isn't that a beautiful pussy she's showing? Haven't you wanted that

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for years?"

"I-I-" Chad said, "yes, damnit; yes, I have. She's so petite, such a tiny charmer. It's like having a little
girl and a miniature woman wrapped into the same sexy package. And yes-- I've wanted to screw
Nicole. I've needed to stick this hard cock into my sensuous little daughter ever since she started to
grow tits and to shake her ass the way she does."

"Now you're putting it all up front," Linda said. "There's nothing to stop you from fucking that fabulous
pussy now, daddy. There's nobody to tell and nobody to point a finger and nobody to scream or run
or call you a dirty old man. Nikki wants you to fuck her, and I want you to fuck her-so go ahead.
Fuck her, daddy."

Betty stared through the crack of the door and saw her husband bending forward, saw him choke his
swollen, eager prick in one hand while he caressed the darling little slit between his younger child's
thighs. Chad felt over the trembling mound as if he couldn't believe its size and shape, as if its velvet
softness and the damp beauty was overwhelming to him.

And perhaps it was she though; Chad was touching a long cherished dram, face to crotch with a dark
desire he had kept hidden all these years.

"Daddy," Nikki said to him, and that broke his stasis, that single, yearning word shattered the hesitation
that fixed Chad.

Groaning, he moved forward and steered the head of his pulsing cock into the softly trembling labia
awaiting it. Betty knew a moment of doubt as she stared at that huge, flanged glans almost hiding the
girl's slot, and there was a rush of fear that Chad might hurt the tiny box, that his massive prick might
tear the delicate tissues within the childish vagina.

But the girl had already been broken in; Nikki had screwed three boys and none man-and Glenn
Forester's penis wasn't a small one. And, Betty remembered, Nikki had been fucked only a few
minutes before; she would still be wet and open, with her brother's semen held inside her as an
additional lubricant, and made even more slippery by the retention of Glenn's come. Nikki could
stretch to take in her father's huge penis, and if he was gentle and waited for her to adjust, she would be
thrilled by the complete stuffing of her mini-vagina and the constant pressure on her clitoris. Chad
began to push, using a steady pressure to shove the blunt end of his cock into Nikki's small entrance,
and Betty could see the intense strain upon her husband's face, the concentration there as he watched
the glans work into his daughter's little slot.

"ooh, daddy!" Nikki gasped, "ooohhh, that feels so good!

Push it deeper in me, daddy-oohh! Deeper!" Chad responded by moving his hips and working another
inch of meat into the squirming snatch, and Nikki hiked her ass even higher, to take it in. Her small,
slim legs were hoisted into the air, her fairy feet pointing their little pink toes at the ceiling. Nikki's
sweet white ass was twitching, shuddering, moving and moving in an up and down motion that changed
often to a rolling, side to side hunching that was one of the most sensual Betty had ever witnessed.

"Dd-addy! Oh, my sweet daddy! Stick you thing to me, feed me all that wonderful groovy meat.
Deeper-give it all to me!"

"All right," Chad grunted. "All right, you beautiful little- cunt-here it comes-packing it into your tight
snatch. Ah, what a grip inside your vagina, baby-hot and wet and slick, but to tight-like a virgin pussy
for me! Oh! Ah! Right to the balls, Nikki!" The girl heaved violently, bucked against her father's
thickly haired pelvis and threw back her head, rolling her eyes and gritting her teeth fiercely. "Ahh!

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Ohh! Now I've got it-- I've got all your cock in me, because I can feel it stretching me open. I can
feel the head bulging against my belly, and your big balls---they're in the crack of my ass. Oh daddy,
daddy! Fuck me, fuck your little girl-oh, FUCK ME!"

Chad moaned and shook his ass. He put his hands under his daughter's little surging tail, and held her
belly to his as he started to stroke-in and out, twisting and lunging, pulling it back and burying it deep.
Betty watched the veined rod as it turned red, as it turned slippery with the lubrication of Nikki's cunt
and the leftover greasiness of the pricks that had let go in her only a short while before.

Nikki tried to get her short, sleek legs around her father's body, but they kept slipping off as he lunged
his distended staff into her aching body. So she contented herself with planting her heels into the
hollows behind his knees, and bracing herself for the long, burrowing strokes her daddy was putting
into her steamy, stretched pussy. Betty was enthralled; her mound turned wet and her tits felt as if they
would swell and burst. Chad was feeding the meat into the tight little cunt he had dreamed about, and
the slight form of his youngest child was wiggling and humping to him, turning all slimy with the sweat
that was upon her finely textured skin.

Linda walked to the doorway and cut off her mother's view of the exciting copulation. She said softly
through the crack, "I hear the guys coming up the stairs, mother. Better get on the bed and make
yourself ready for Danny. Wow! Is this going to be a kick in the balls for daddy." "All right," Betty
answered. "I'm ready for my son right now."

Her thighs quietly kissed each other as she walked to the bed and lay down upon it. Smiling to herself,
she took the pillows from the head of the bed and placed them under her ass, hiking her lower body to
fit them there. Her position would be the same as Nikki's , and she would even use her heels in the
same manner, duplicating the fucking of her daughter and her husband as closely as she could. But
with her own very special lover, and by riding the always eager, always hard prick of her son Danny.
The hall door swung open, and Danny entered, closely followed by his brother-in-law. Both held their
cocks in their hands, but Betty motioned Glenn off to one side and out of sight where he couldn't be
observed from the other bedroom, once that door was also opened wide. She wanted her husband to
get the full effect of seeing their son mounted on his mother and sticking that long, slim prick into her
cunt. She wanted Chad to receive the full shock value of watching her being fucked by their son while
Chad was fucking their daughter.

Danny came to his mother and without preliminary, climbed onto the bed and between her legs. Smiling
down at her, he fondled her breasts for a tender moment before aiming the head of his rigid penis into
the waiting hairiness of her dewy mound. It touched her labia with an electric shock, for each time with
Danny was almost like the first time he had fucked his mother, a thrilling kind of adoration that would
always by out of the ordinary for them both. "Now," he said, "my father's going to see my prick in
you. He's going to watch me fuck you, mom-and we can all swing together."

"Yes," she said, "push it on into your mother, darling."

Chapter 15

Danny thrust it mightily into her, slid his strong young prick full length into her ready and anxious vagina.
His smooth belly came to rest atop her own, and she spread her thighs wide to receive this beautiful
boy's wonderful cock. Her son's balls came to rest in the feathery cleft of her flexing ass, and as they
touched, Betty wondered again, wondered briefly, how it would feel to have that enchanted want eased
into the tube of her ass. Soon, she thought, perhaps soon, when they were all more at ease with each

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"Mom, mom," he breathed, "you have the very greatest cunt in the world. I love to fuck both my
sisters, but fucking you is always so far out, so exciting, that I just about freak out as quick as I'm
buried in your pussy." "Darling," she said, stroking her hands along his naked back, feeling the sleek
shaping of the cheeks of her son's ass. "Oh my darling, lovely boy. It will always be this way with us; I
Love your prick in me, and no matter who I fuck, or how many I fuck, yours will always be the best
for me. So sexy, darling-- so long and hard, and you use your beautiful cock like an artist."

"I love you, " he said. "Like my mother and like my wife and like the best piece of ass I know." " And I
love you, too," Betty said. " Fuck me pretty now, because Linda's going to open that door any second,
so your father can see us."

He ground his pelvis into hers, and started to lower his hot mouth to one of the nipples he so dearly
loved to suck, but changed his mind and stared at the door. As if his gaze was an Open Sesame, the
door flung itself open, and Linda stood in the opening, regal in her nakedness, her head poised high and
the rich curls of her mound shining like a beacon. Linda stepped back, and Betty heard her daughter's
call out in a sharply commanding voice: "Dad-daddy! Look here!!" Betty watched her husband's face
as it swung to her, and she saw the shock that opened his eyes wide and dropped his jaw. Chad
stared at his son between his wife's legs, stared at Danny as the boy continued to put the prick to his
mother with long, slow and sensual thrusts. Chad froze atop his own daughter, his thick rod halfway
out of the red-lipped clinging of Nikki's pussy.

Linda said, "That's right, Daddy. The circle is complete now. Danny is screwing mother, and you're
fucking Nikki, just as you fucked me.

There's no difference now; we're are all involved in our incestuous games, and not one of us is going to
back away. Nikki! fuck him faster; shake that sweet little ass and make your father come into your
pussy. Mom-you do the same with- Danny-fuck your son; make your educated cunt just eat up
Danny's cock."

Chad stared, and when Nikki bounced against him, his prick vanished into her eager cunt once more.
Looking directly into her husband's eyes, Betty swung her pelvis and ground her pussy onto the driving
length of their son's stiff prick, smiling wet and wide as she did so. Chad managed to say: "Betty"-what
the hell!!" She replied loud and clear; "I'm ding the same thing you are, Chad. I'm fucking one of our
children, just as you are. And I love it, darling-I love being fucked by my son!"

Nikki wiggled on her father's dick, forced him to move with her in the sinuous tangling of crotch and
legs and sex organs. He had to be close to orgasm anyhow, Betty thought, since he'd been stroking
into that tight little box for so long already. Chad wouldn't be able to hold back much longer; as it was,
the chock of seeing his son putting the meat to his wife had probably stopped Chad from reaching a
climax sooner.

Then Danny capped the scene by saying, "Dad-this is a fine rich cunt you've been fucking all these
years. Mother has the greatest pussy I've ever stuck this cock into. I love her ass, and I love to kiss
and hold these big tits, and I want to screw her as often as I can. Man, man-I can see how she turns
you on, dad. She's really a hot piece of ass!"

Betty smiled at her husband, at Danny's father, and rolled her ass to thrill her son more, to fondle his
penetrating rod with the wet satin walls of her vagina, and to squeeze his piston with the lips of her
cunt. Gasping as his thrusting thrilled her more and more, Betty raised her legs to wrap them around
their son's slim waist. He called to his father, "See? Just like she fucks you, dad. al slippery inside her
juicy cunt, and her ass cheeks right against my balls."

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Chad's mouth opened as his younger daughter rolled her narrow, clinging pussy upon his own massive
staff. He said, the words jolted from him by the pounding of Nikki's young belly against his hairy one,
"Go-go ahead, Danny! Go on, son-fuck your mother well. Fuck her pussy, son, deep and solid; just
ram your prick up your mom's cunt until you both come-and then fuck her some more, for me! Lay the
meat to her, boy---screw her good!"

Success! Betty thought, hiking her ass in a frenzy of passion, heaving and corkscrewing in a furious
burst of abandonment. Success- the ultimate goal had been reached, the one they'd pointed for ever
since the first wondrous morning when her son sneaked into his father's warm bed to steal a drowsy
fuck from his father's freshly screwed wife. Now they had Chad with them, one with them, agreeable to
each of them fucking and being fucked as suited their inclinations and temperaments. Now they could
share and share alike, giving and taking the penultimate in sensations from their closest blood ties,
reveling in what had hitherto been forbidden flesh.

"Baby!" Betty cried out, as much to her husband as to her son who was hammering his long rod
violently albeit lovingly, into her snatch. "Oh bay, baby! Mommy is about to come! Just stick that
gorgeous prick to me, and make-ooohhh! Make your mommy come all over it!"

Clawing at her buttocks, ramming her deep and strong, Danny rode her crotch when she tilted it up,
stayed with her when her ass bucked and when her belly surged high. Betty came, and came, and
came. And when she had reached the quivering crest of her orgasm, she felt the boiling ejaculation
burst forth from the flexing head of Danny's prick, felt the hot juices splash and ripples within her
vagina, against the cup of her womb and her clitoris thrummed like a tuning fork. Her son's semen filled
her pussy, packed her hungry cunt with its thick cream, and the leakage seeped down to wet the crack
of her ass, to puddle around his testicles. Through the doorway and in the other room, she heard Nikki
cry out: "Ooohhh! Daddy, daddy-it's wonderful to-to come with you like this. Ahhh--- ooohhh!
You're flooding me, daddy-- -- it's spilling out onto the bed! Oh, how I love your hot come, daddy!"

Betty's eyes closed and her head fell back as her thighs dropped slowly down her son's sweaty back
and fell to the bed. It was an end and the beginning, the sweetness and the release of honeyed semen,
the fluid that would dissolve their differences into its sentient streaming and make them sperm, each
wiggling individual going its own ambitious way, but somehow banded more closely together than they
had ever been before.

Tenderly, her son lifted from between her thighs, drawing out his beloved penis and moving from her,
but only after leaning to drift a kiss across her mouth, a kiss that was leaf soft and sugared with his
devotion. Without surprise, Betty felt his place taken by another man, and she recognized the widely
flanged glans that shoved into her dripping slot. Glenn was mounting her now, sliding his prick into the
juiciness just vacated by Danny. Gently, she rolled her ass to fit him better into the sheath of her
vagina, and softly she took him deep into the loving places of her body. Her satin walls caressed his
prick, sucked adoringly upon his glans, and her labia fondled the sack of his balls with each stroke her
son-in-law made into her.

But the fury had died within her, and the fucking was easy, wet, nice. Glenn thrust strongly into her
receptive vagina, and she responded, but with a relaxed tenderness, enjoying being screwed by him,
but not up so high that she would tear at him and try to savage his flesh. It was good to fuck this way,
she thought, wiggling slowly and taking the honest lunges of his cock in her own rhythm. "Mrs.
Maddox," he panted, "oh Betty, dearest. so hot and sloppy in your pussy, so good-man, those fine
tits---" And his mouth found a nipple as his hard penis continued to rise and fall in the suctioning well of
her stimulated cavity, a plunger in the encompassing well of her cunt. Glenn sucked avidly upon her
breasts and fondled her ass, her belly, while the staff of his penis gained speed and penetration,

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swiftened in its poking until Betty sensed that he was about to come.

She crushed his face into her tit and ground her pelvis into his, gyrated her ass and her belly, and helped
him explode the semen from the head of his prick. For the second time within minutes, a man was
releasing his hotly spurting inner juices into her welcoming vagina, and she followed his orgasm with a
quick and shuddering convulsion of her own.

Kissing her closed eyelids, Glenn too was gone from her pussy and from her body, and Betty rolled
over, lifting one knee and sighing into the sheet. Her son lover her, and Glenn loved her; proof of their
loves was contained in her vagina, soaking there warmly. She stretched, smiled, and saw against the
dark screen of her eyelids the image of her youngest daughter and Chad, interlocked and worshipping
each other's bodies.

She sighed again as hands touched her waist and the tips of fingers went trailing down over the curves
of her flaccid buttocks. Dreamy, she was willing for Glenn to put it to her again, but she would exert
no effort to help him along, at least not right away.

The hands fondled her ass, urged her completely over onto her belly, and she spread her legs in reflex.
Then one hand slid around her hip and beneath her tummy, down to her mound still steamy and oozing
from the two fuckings she had already taken. It lifted her, brought her tail up so that the searching head
of his prick could find the wet slot of her vaginal opening.

Chad! When the swollen head of that huge cock touched her labia, Betty was certain that it belonged
to her husband. Her eyes flew open and her head snapped up, but he was pulling her ass higher and
working the spearhead of his penis into the easily stretched lips of her pussy. And before she could
more than give a small wiggle, Chad had driven his belly forward and buried the bulk of his giant cock
into her cunt.

"Chad-oh, Chad-you want me now?"

He had his hand locked into her waist, and began to drive his heavy pole up her pussy, ramming it home
full length, then drawing it back to the ridged head before seeking the wet glove of her womb cup

"More than ever, Betty," he panted, feeding her his thick rod, pulling her ass back to him to meet his
strokes. "Seeing the boy screw you-that drove me wild; then Glenn got to fuck you, before I could
leave little Nikki. And me with my prick hard as it's ever been, even when I was a kid. One after the
other, they screwed my wife, fucked this fabulous cunt I've had all these years. And when I watched
their pricks slide into you, when I saw you fuck our son until he popped off inside his mother, then take
on Glenn and make him come in you, too---well, I just had to get my own cock in you again. Only I
wanted to fuck you this way-uuhh! ---this way so I can feel the round cheeks of your ass against my
pelvis when I stick it deep. Ohh! Oh yeah, Betty-the boys are right; you're really a hot, wet piece of

She rolled her haunches to him, reached back and between her thighs to catch his balls while he
screwed her dog fashion. Her tits dangled and swung, and the sensation they gave her was bitchy in
itself. Humping, squeezing his hairy sack, Betty fucked her husband, and as her head swung from side
to side in the drumbeat tempo of their screwing, she became conscious that they were being watched.
Glenn forester stood there with his arm around his own wife Linda, his penis softened and leaking a
clear fluid. Beside them stood Danny and Nicole, their naked hips together, a beautiful pair of young
people with the nude bodies gleaming. Three of them were their children, and one an in-law; all of
them stood silently and watched Chad fuck her.

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The bed rocked and Betty heaved with it, her long hair flying as her husband poured the prick to her
with hammering thrusts, his veined prong a piston that beat steadily back and forth into the sloshy hole
of her surging pussy. Betty grunted as each stroke bounced her head and swung her tits, but she held to
his balls and to her one-handed balance, rocking on her knees to take the pounding Chad was giving

"Lay it to her, dad!" Danny called out.

Glenn said, "Yeah-fuck her, Chad!"

And the girls murmured approval, swaying from side to side and holding to their own males, partaking
vicariously in the sex act of their mother and father, staring entranced at the action of the prick and the
cunt that had combined in love and passion to produce them.

"Going to let it go!" Chad grunted, working his staff furiously into her cum- dripping snatch. "Going to
shoot it in there where the others came. Here it is, Betty-here it is, you hot ass bitch-take it! I'm
coming!" He went stiff against her, and his pole throbbed inside the clenching of her vagina, releasing
squirts of semen that was hot and creamy, and Betty reveled in the washing of it through her pussy.

Jerking madly, she was spun helplessly in the throes of her own climax, and her knees buckled as her
muscles let go and sagged her body down, dropped it forward in the backwash of her orgasm. Betty
collapsed upon the bed, crushing her breasts into the sheet, and Chad was on top of her, his rigid prick
still- balls-deep into her cunt, locked into her so solidly it was as if it had grown there. Betty was
through. She had been fucked by three men, each of them strong and hard, each of them bringing her
to orgasm, and now she was finished. Weakly, she lifted her head, and knew a great relief as she felt
her husband's cock back out of her slit, and his weight lift from her buttocks. The bed moved when he
got off it, and for Betty it was like being caught up in the primal movement of the planet itself, unable to
choose her time or place. They murmured around her, hovered over her, and their hands were gentle.
She was kissed by many mouths, and touched by many soft hands. Mother, they said, and mom, and
Betty-and Mrs. Maddox; darling, they said, and dearest, and baby. Drowsily, she accepted the
attentions and as they didn't seem to mind, she drifted off into a deep and restful sleep.

Chapter 16

Somehow, it was morning. It was a fragrant and rosy morning, and Betty wiggled luxuriously in her bed
as she awoke to it. The events of the night filed past in her mind, touched with moonlight and lace,
spiced with all the sultry perfumes of the Orient.

Indeed, she felt like an empress, or rather a favored houri, and would not be surprised to find a ruby set
in her navel, nor sandalwood upon her nipples. She was alone in bed, and rose in languor to put on a
filmy robe and go to the bathroom.

Washing, listening, she heard movement downstairs and knew they were still in the house. Where else
would they be, with so much at hand and so willing? She climbed into the shower stall and closed the
glass doors. Maybe they would, at some time in the future, go outside their own family circle for
additional sex, but just now Betty could see no reason for even seeking variety.

Variety was with them-three women of varying ages and sizes, three men different in appearance and
imagination; the combinations were many and exciting. Betty thought that she would try them all, go
through all the duo and trio and other mathematical possibilities six people could offer en masse and

Soaping her body, she wondered that she wasn't tired, that no part of her ached after the repeated

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handling she had taken the day and night before. There was gentle screwing and strong fucking, and she
had known them both. There had been the beauty of woman love, and oral gratification, and the
interchanging of three men within her vagina. Rinsing and stepping from the shower, Betty felt
marvelously refreshed; she was alert and ready for more of anything, of everything. And she wondered
what the day would bring, as she dried her skin and dusted it with bath powder. The see- through robe
wrapped around her body, beguiling rather than concealing, she found high-heel pumps to accent the
length and attractiveness of her legs. Hair swept back and held in place with a bit of bright ribbon, Betty
swept downstairs, queen of herself, and therefore ruler of all she might survey.

Only the girls were in the kitchen, cleaning up remains of breakfast. Linda bounced over to kiss Betty's
cheek and ask, "Over easy, mom?"

"Okay; where are the men?"

"Out. We chased them out for awhile. They're going to get some beer and salami and stuff, but we
asked them to stay gone until we cleaned up an---until you and I and Nikki got to know each other
better; a whole lot better." Nikki stooped over Betty where she sat at the table and kissed her cheek,
too. "I'm buttering your toast, and I'll get your juice."

"Thanks, doll, " Betty said, and to her older daughter: "You and me and Nikki?"

"Why not? We'll never find more lovely and more exciting partners, will we?"

Betty shook her head. "I-I guess not, but Nikki-so young-" Nikki laughed. "Only technically, mom. I'll
admit I've never played around with another girl, but I'm sure willing to learn."

Betty lowered her face and paid close attention to the breakfast her daughters had prepared for her.
Surprisingly, she had a good and hearty appetite, and went for a second cup of hot coffee after cleaning
her plate. It was all the sex- ersize, she thought, and giggled. When she looked up, Nikki and Linda
were smiling with her, and again she thought how lovely they were, how fresh and shiny. Linda had on a
thin robe that showed both the movements and convolutions of her body, and little Nicole had on a
shortie nightgown of pale green; it accented the dainty curves of her ass and called attention to how it
dropped from the points of the small breasts.

"When your food is settled," Linda suggested. "Maybe we'll Maybe we'll take a walk around the patio
until then, and kind of get in shape."

"It's a good thing we have that high fence around the back," Betty said. "Delicious as you girls look, our
patio would be stormed by the first men who caught sight of you." Nikki grinned. "You look every bit as
tasty, mom. Now I know what the kids mean, when they say what a great mom I've got; the guys mean
they'd like to stick you, and the girls are all kind of jealous of how beautiful, how sexy, you are."

"Come on, " Betty said, "let's walk around and settle our breakfasts, before all this flattery goes to our
head." But she was flattered, and she was pleased, to be able to hold her own with her young and lovely
girls, to be desirable to all ages of males.

In the garden, they spoke of their new freedoms, of the high excitement created by fucking their father,
their brother, their son; Linda said she'd traded her husband for two lovers, and Nikki exulted at being
able to screw so many men. Betty told them how she felt about making it with her own son, at how
delighted she was to fuck Glenn, and described the erotic stimulation she received from watching her
daughters dicked by Chad and the others. The dialogue itself was thrilling, and Betty felt the warm rising
of her lusts. It was so good, so thrilling, to talk about such one-taboo intimacies with her utterly
charming daughters. When they paused under the patio shelter, Betty said, "I think it's time."

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Linda said, "Past the time."

And Nikki breathed, "Wow!"

They went into the family room and toasted each other with chilled wine. Betty noticed that her glass
trembled as she held it high and moved it to her lips. How many mothers, she wondered, could be calm
if they stood on the threshold of a lesbian affair with not one of their children, but two of them. A
daughter twenty- one, and a daughter fifteen, both lovely and sexually talented, both eager to taste the
forbidden fruits of each other's female bodies-and their mother's ripe flesh as well.

What they were all missing, Betty thought-all the closeness, the wondrous nearness, the terrific
sensations of incestuous feminine love and passion. She would wonder about it no longer; here it was.

Taking a deep and steadying breath, she unfastened the front of her robe and let it fall open. The girls
eyed her as she lifted her arms and took off the filmy covering to stand tall and naked before them. Her
nipples pushed out, arched outward and a tremor moved down her stomach to nestle expectantly in her
moist mound.

Linda moved next, peeling away her thin pink robe, whipping it from her shapely body as a matador
passes his cape, with fluid brace and style. Her tits were high and stately, her mound a thick and rich
brown hairiness, her legs sleek and satiny.

Hands quivering, little Nikki took off her shortie, sliding the pale green and whispery material from her
lustrous white skin with a sweet hesitation that was all the more sensuously appealing for its girlish
uncertainty. Small breasts, pointy nipples; that tiny, perfect body and its focal point of faintly haired,
almost childish pussy. As always, Linda took the initiative, and moved toward her mother with a special
hot look in her eyes. When their tits were brushing, Linda asked, "You never swung with a woman

"Only you," Betty answered.

"That was for starters," Linda said. "But we never went down on each other, and since Nikki doesn't
know anything about that, either, I'll have to be the middle girl. Mom-I realize you've never done this to
a woman, but you've had it done to you by Glenn and Danny, so you have some idea how to go about
it. I'll show Nikki by demonstration, eating that little cunt until my baby sister just freaks out-while you
do down on me. Afterward, we'll sort of change around." Linda lay down on the carpet and opened her
legs, bending her knees and spreading her smooth thighs to expose the dewy lips of her ready labia. She
said: "First Nikki; come on down here with me, pretty little sister. Now, sit over my face with that
gorgeous ass pointing down toward my belly. That's right baby-oh my, but doesn't that tiny cunt look
delicious. Just kneel there while I play with it for awhile. And mom-suppose you come in between my
legs and kiss my pussy."

"Oh yes," Betty sighed, and lowered herself to the floor, going first to her knees, then flat upon her belly
to lay her cheek against her older daughter's warm belly. She caressed the strong thighs and the gentle
curving of Linda's stomach; she reached up to finger delicately over Linda's breasts, to feel the stiffness
of the nipples, and when her hands came down again, it was to fondle the springy pubic hairs of the girls'

She saw Nikki's sleek young ass poised above her sister's face, and watched it lower tenderly to the
urgings of Linda's hands upon its dainty cheeks. Nicole's crotch came down and Linda's mouth opened
to take it in, to plunge an eager tongue into the humid cavern of the girl's vagina. Then there was no time
to see more, no time to watch Nikki squirm and heave as Linda's trained mouth ate into her cunt, found
her clitoris and began to tease it, to suck. For Betty was rubbing her cheek into Linda's pussy, and

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kissing the petal- soft skin around it, licking lightly and damply over the groin, down into the impossibly
smooth inside of the thighs and where they were joined so cunningly to the pelvis. The hair itself
intrigued Betty, and she tickled it with her tongue tip, probed into the curly depth of it to find the velvet
wetness of the ready labia. A spicy odor rose from the mouth of Linda's cunt, a pungent aroma that was
thrillingly different, that beckoned Betty to know the flavor of it. She remembered how Danny had
inserted his tongue into her own pussy, how he had worked it around, licking and eating, and she thought
it would be the same for her first experience in giving oral pleasure to her daughter.

Betty pressed her lips down into the hair, slid her tongue along the tremulous labia and found the taste
enthralling as honey in her mouth. Her teeth raked gently over the pussy lips, and her tongue pushed its
avid way inside the steamy opening. then she was doing it, loving it, performing the art of cunnilingus as
if she had been doing it all her life. Mouthing her daughter's cunt, she lapped into the wet vagina,
delighting in the slippery flavors she discovered there, licking back out to tantalize the lips, diving deep
once more to feel along the slimy walls. Digging her fingertips into Linda's thighs, Betty moaned into the
torrid slot, burrowed sucking into its juicy sheath to find the clit.

There it was---throbbing, pulsating, and out-thrusting of sugared flesh that was the seat of Linda's erotic

Betty built a suction within her cheeks and drew the little nubbin into her lips, pulled it against her teeth
where she could worry it. Rubbery and wet, slippery and arousing , the clitoris seemed to leap with a
life of its own, and Betty responded to its twitching with nips and sucking. Linda's belly rolled and her
ass bounced. Betty could hear both her daughters groaning, as one of them was sucked and one of
them sucked. She continued to eat into Linda's vagina, to roll and pull the clit, easing up now and then
to either suck the hotly flowing juices or to lick into the girl's convulsive pussy in order to give a different
kind of stimulation.

Fondling the belly, cupping the cheeks of Linda's ass, Betty worked diligently into her older daughter's
cunt, returning always to the target of the vibrating clitoris. She heard Nikki cry out" "Oh, Linda! Oh
wow-I'm freaking out, going out of my head! Oooh, darling---it's so hot and wet and sweet-I feel
it-your tongue and teeth in my cunt-oh far out! Linda-Linda, eat me; eat me!"

Betty felt the rippling of Linda's vagina and the hunching of her pelvis. Both girls were about to come,
and their mother hurried her ministrations so they could match and blend their orgasms.

"Uhhh!" Linda groaned, her mouth buried in her sister's pussy.

Betty sucked harder, faster, and used her fingernails cruelly on Linda's shivering ass. The girl came then,
hammering her cunt against her mother's teeth, rolling and bucking in the overwhelming ecstasy of her
climax. "I-oohhh!--I can't stand it!" Nikki screamed, and bounced her knees against the floor.
"Linda-mama-oh, I'm coming!" Betty's chin was wet, and her cheeks. She scrubbed her teeth daintily
across Linda's cunt lips, into the dripping pubic hair, and moved her face upward to caress the sweaty,
heaving belly with it. Kissing her daughter's belly, she lapped into the navel, came up along the belly to
the rib cage and lightly bit the girl there. As she reached Linda's breasts, Nikki lifted herself from her
sister's face and dropped to one side, staring back at the thrilling mouth she had left, looking down at the
closeness of her mother's approaching face.

Before Betty realized it, she was fucking cunt to cunt with Linda, so hot that she stroked her clit against
her daughter's like a man would use his cock, strong and solid, pounding her wet pussy into Linda's
dripping cunt with rapid thrusts.

They hugged and kissed, and Betty knew the spices of Nikki's darling young vagina from the wiggling of

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Linda's tongue. Gasping, screwing her pelvis, Linda said: "Oh-oh mom! So fierce and loving! Oh my
darling mother, you did such a fabulous job eating me. I thought my pussy was going to explode, it was
so good, don't-oh, let me-ooh! Ahh, that's marvelous-so greasy, so tickly-I'm about to come again!"
Maybe Betty slept; she was never certain. so long as they were together, nothing else seemed to hold
any importance. But all the world wasn't theirs; there was another population with meaty ropes swinging
between their legs, and that was also good. So they awoke, or didn't ever sleep, and split into three
individuals once more, but only with lingering kisses and the touching of tongues, the gyrations of
slippery pussy upon another one.

She would never be the same, Betty knew. Now she was a true bi-sexual, and would never be sorry
for that.

Chapter 17------ The Conclusion.

They were pretty high on wine as well as sex, and left the family room to Linda, Nikki and Glenn. Betty
kissed them all before she left them to their own imaginative devices. it would be exciting for Glenn,
she thought, since he hadn't screwed his own wife since the wild affair began, and for him to have the
eager services of his wife's sister at the same time. Glenn would be a busy and well gratified man,
before the day was over.

As for Betty-one of her lovers was awaiting her upstairs in the master bedroom, where it had all started,
and the other was now following her up the steps, holding warmly to her hand. Her son was upstairs,
her husband with her, and the thought of sharing herself between the two men turned her on even more
than she had imagined. Her mind raced, creating vivid images of sexual congress between her husband
and her son and herself. The pictures were brightly erotic, arousing her anticipation to a fever pitch---a
big, heavy prick, and a long, slim one; a hairy man and a boy with hair only between his legs. There
would be yearning and release, a deeply involved screwing that should rid each and all of them of any
remaining hang-ups. In the upper hallway, Chad hesitated, tugging at her hand. - "Betty-it's still kind of
strange for me, a little difficult. That's our son in there, and-----" "And he want to fuck me with you,"
she cut in. "Don't be shy, Chad; and don't worry. Everything will be just fine, I know. We're not
strangers' we're part of a fine, warm family and our bonds have been strengthened by the sex we've

She led him into their bedroom and stopped just inside the door. Danny lay upon the bed, the sheet
drawn loosely over his lower body and his head upon the pillow. Betty understood then that their son
was somewhat embarrassed, too, or he'd have been exposing his nudity. She started to shut the door,
but changed her mind and left it wide open, thinking that there would be no secrets in the family; not
any more.

"Hello, mom," their son said, looking up at them as they stood naked beside the be. "Hi, dad." Betty
sat down beside him, while Chad shifted his feet and headed for the bottle on the dresser. She said,
"What would you like to do , son?" Since this whole wonderful situation was of your making, we've
decided to give you the choice. Is there anything special you want from me, from your father-any
tricky positions or just anything that will thrill you?"

She lay her hand upon the sheet and felt the swift, solid rise of Danny's penis beneath her questing
fingers. Betty drew back the sheet so it would be exposed in all its youthful glory and exceptional
hardness. She touched the head, that lavender glow of the blunted glans where a seepage of teenage
pre-seminal fluid was already beginning. Gently then, Betty leaned down and kissed that droplet of
clear liquid, drawing it into her lips where it lay upon her tongue like some jewel of great price. Danny
said then, "I really want dad to fuck you, to watch the two of you fuck and maybe handle you while you
make it. And-- and just as soon as dad comes, I want to see it pulled out and make room for me to

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climb immediately between your legs, so I can shove my prick right into your wet pussy and feel the
semen he pumped into it. Is that okay, mom?"

She caressed his swollen balls and ran her fingers lightly into his crotch, then over one hip and tingling
along the curve of his smooth b buttock. "Of course, darling. I'm sure your father would like that, too.
And after---- we can do all sorts of things together; there's something I've always wanted, and now I
can have it."

She lay down upon the bed beside her son, thankful that it was a king-sized bed with room enough for
them all. She said to her husband, "Come on, dear; you don't need that bottle any more." Then to her
son she said, "Kiss my body, darling. Get me all wet and ready for your father's cock." "Yes, mother,"
Danny breathed, and turned so he could kiss her nipples, so his deft hands could fondle the mounds of
her tits. As she relaxed under the caresses of her son's mouth and hands, Betty felt the bed sag at her
husband's weight, and Chad was on her other side. She lifted an arm and put it around his neck, then
drew him down to her left tit. Her husband sucked that nipple, and her son sucked the right one. She
stared down at their heads so close together, then brown gray hair and the light brown hair, and her
body arched in rapture as their hands moved teasingly over her ribs and belly. Betty thought it was
Danny's hand that first slid into her crotch and handled her mound, but she wasn't certain, since four
hands were everywhere upon her flesh and she was squirming so. "Oh," She murmured, "I love you
both-so very much, so very much!"

And when Danny's mouth slipped wetly from her nipple to trace a path down her belly, Chad lifted his
mouth to find and cover hers. Betty opened her lips and gave him her tongue, slashing her teeth against
her husband's in growing eagerness.

Danny reached her navel and bored into it with the tip of her tongue, sending delicious spasms up her
spine and spreading electric shocks into her vagina. Then he skidded lower and began to probe her
mound, Betty reached down and worked her fingers into his hair, holding him tenderly until he slipped
his tongue several times into her moist labia. Then she urged him up and aside. "Darling---if you keep
that up, I'll faint. I'm all wet inside now, all ready for your father's prick. Chad?" "You'd better believe
it," he answered, and swung over between her up tilted thighs.

"Just a second, dad," Danny said huskily. "I-I'd like to guide it in."

Chad looked down into Betty's eyes and rubbed his hairy chest back and forth across the aching of her
distended nipples. His ass was hiked, and he was bracing his weight upon elbows and knees. She
turned her head to one side and twisted her neck so that she could look down and watch Danny's hand
come trembling between his father's hairy thighs to wrap fingers around the thick and throbbing shaft.

Hand shaking, breath sobbing raggedly in his throat, her son guided the massive head of his father's
prick into the wet and waiting slot of his mother's pussy. As Chad pushed it inside, spreading the
elastic lips of her cunt, Danny's fingers slid back to the dangling balls and hesitated there for but a
moment before drifting away. "Hot and juicy," Chad grunted, pushing the full length and ballbat
roundness of his cock home to the root inside her shuddering pussy. "That's how I like to sock my
cock to you,- Betty-right up to the balls! Ahhh, baby, you're as tight in the cunt as Linda, and almost as
tight as Nikki, and are you hot inside, damned near boiling!" "Oh Chad, Chad-that's such a wonderful
prick; so big and heavy, and it fills me up. Oh, I love to fuck you, dear--- more so than ever now.

Stick it to me, sweet man; fuck me, fuck me!" Danny said, "Yeah, daddy-fuck her. Man' I really dig
seeing that big prick slide in and out of mom's cunt. It's all greasy and shiny, and those balls cover the
crack of her ass when you drive your cock deep. Oh wow, mother-shake that sweet ass and hump it
to him. Lift your legs and warp them around his back and ride up on your shoulders while he feeds all

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that heavy meat to you!" She did just that, locked her ankles behind Chad's back and rolled her belly,
feeling the huge head of her husband's prick as it reached the bottom of her slot and pushed against the
cup of her cervix.

Chad panted: "You're hotter than you've been in years-all bubbly in your cunt. You always were a
great piece of ass, Betty, but now you're even better-ahhh, baby, when you squeeze down on my prick
like that-oh yeah---soft ass and big tits and a blazing pussy."

Betty ground it to him, gyrated her belly and humped her vagina around his big piston, and said, "Ahh!
Ooohh! And you're better, too. Ever since you screwed your daughters, you're the randiest, horniest
man! Oh, fuck me deep, darling-- screw me long!"

He pounded his meat pole into her, sloshed it and crammed it into her cunt and she cried out that she
was coming, coming! That's when her son leaned over and kissed her mouth.

"Mom---mom-oh come, darling-come, mother!"

"Yes, baby---I'm-AHHHHH!"

And several quick strokes behind her, Chad stiffened out and released his foaming ejaculation into the
ecstatic sheath of Betty's vagina. She felt the jetting of its hot thickness, the hosing of its stream, and
moaned softly to her son:

"Nnn-now-- darling! He's coming into the right now!"

"Dad! Oh, dad, please---"

Bending her neck again, Betty could make out her son's hand tugging at this father's embedded penis,
and she gave a roll of her ass, a backward twist that slipped Chad's still squirting cock from her wet
and steamy cunt. Her husband was startled, slowed in his reactions, and Betty rolled from him to throw
one warm leg over her prone son, to catch his vibrant prick and to thrust it deeply into the liquidy slot
of her creamy cunt, her freshly fucked cunt. Danny groaned and gave a might, twisting stroke that
buried his cock into his mother's buttery pussy, that pushed it clear to the hilt and snuggled his young
balls into the cushion of her hairy mound.

"There! Oh wow---oh, it feels so good, so wild, so crazy inside. Ohh-my father's semen is in there,
hot and slippery, sticky and greasy in my mother's cunt-oh-oh!" She tired to kiss him, but could not
capture his mouth; his breath gushed fiercely into her lips and away. He clutched the cheeks of her ass
and sent his long prick hammering into her- semen-filled pussy, slapped his meat quick and deep into
her, groaning and humping for all he was worth. He wanted her so much, needed her so very much----
and she reveled in his hunger for her cunt, joyed in the heaving and surging of her son's rigid dick.
"I-I'm fucking you, mother! Look, dad---I'm driving my cock home into my mother's sweet
pussy---ramming my prick in and out of her juicy cunt---fucking my mother, fucking your wife--
fucking this pussy that's hot enough and rich enough for both of us! See my prick, daddy---- watch it
pound into mom's snatch, and listen to the noise it makes-so sloppy and good! Oh mom-- mom, tell
me how you love my prick-tell him!"

Betty was mounting her own swift drive toward another wild orgasm, rocking and seesawing upon her
son's hard rod. "Oh yes- I love you, Danny! I love my handsome son's prick in my pussy-- -I love to
have you fuck me! Oh Chad-isn't it beautiful? Isn't it terrific, to see your son---our son--- fuck me this
way? Oh, look at how he uses this stiff young cock---he sticks me just like you do, darling---only he
isn't you-he's Danny, my son, my boy---oh-fuck me and fuck me some more! Stick it to my hot cunt,
you gorgeous little MOTHER FUCKER!"

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Chad put both hands on her ass, helped her roll it and flex it, pushed his wife's ass forward so that her
flaming cunt gulped at their son's prick, wiggled her cheeks to assist in giving as much ecstasy to both
of them as was physically possible.

"Go!" he cried. "Oh Danny, Danny! Screw your mother-ram that cock in her pussy where I just let go
all my come. Fuck her, son---fuck her cunt, my cunt, your cunt. Yeah, yeah, -- your balls are flapping
up into the crack of your mom's soft ass, and I can see how greasy your cock is. Screw her, fuck her,
shove the meat to her---ah, ah, ah-look how she's sucking and hunching, how she's riding your prick.
She's about to come,- boy---your hot-ass mom is close to coming-so feed her that hard prick and
come with her. Yeah---yeah, go! Lay your mother, boy-come with her-come in her-pack her full of
your come so it can mix with mine!"

"Daddy-mother! Oh-ah-" Danny's ass blurred as he drove his cock home. He went, "uh-uh-uh! and
let go a tremendous blast of semen into Betty's feverish pussy. It splashed the walls of her vagina and
flooded the entrance to her womb; she felt the head of his prick expand and contract, felt even more of
the precious male fluids wash her cunt. She was so wet inside, so greasy and slippery; she hiked her
ass and ground her belly into her son's, humping and screwing to reach for her own enchanted cresting,
to make her own orgasm with her clitoris leaping and jerking. For the second time within a matter of a
few short minutes, she came, and came gloriously, magnificently. They collapsed together, mother and
son, locked in each other's arms, his prick snuggled by the jealous grasp of her cunt. Betty drifted and
flowed, but knew it when her husband pressed to her from behind, when Chad lay down with them to
shove his upright staff lengthwise into the feathery cleft of her buttocks. He caressed her ass, her back,
her shoulders, and lifted her hair to kiss the nape of her neck. And all the while, his sturdy cock was
fondling her buttocks.

Once again, there were three of them, only now it was husband and wife and son-or son, mother and
father. Whichever way it was assembled, Betty thought, it was marvelous. She had enjoyed being
eaten by Glenn and eating Danny; three were swinging there, but now was even better. She'd made it
with Nikki and Linda, and now she was balling with Chad and Danny.

The only possible way it could be any more exciting, and more fulfilling, was if she had another son to
join them. Danny got up first, drawing his hard penis from his mother's clinging cunt and climbing off the
bed to go to the dresser and bring back the bottle of whiskey. "I think we all need this," he said. "Gee,
mom-dad-that was the greatest ever, and something that I've always dreamed of doing. I love both
you guys, and now I'll do anything for you." Chad sat up and accepted the bottle, drank deeply from it
and gave it back. His prick had softened slightly, and was drooping, but Betty saw that it would ready
itself again very soon. Before they had all started fucking each other, Chad was good for only one
screwing-and that only once or twice a week. Now look at him, she thought: eager to get it on some

He said to his son, "I'm sure glad you started this, boy. A few days back, I'd have stomped anybody
who suggested that I'd get a kick out of my wife fucking some other guy-much less our own son."

Danny took a drink and gave the bottle to Betty. She shook her head, since she was already high
enough on sex. Danny dais to his father: I'm glad I started it, too. Sneaking into this bed while you
took a shower right next door--- well, that scared the hell out of me. But I just had to screw mom, or
go crazy. I watched her and dreamed about her and jacked off when things got too rough. And now
my dreams have come true. I've fucked her and gone down on that fabulous pussy, and mom has
eaten my prick. There's not much more to do, especially since you and I have taken turns fucking her."

Chad said, "It's been wonderful for me, too. While you were eyeing your mother and wondering how
she would be to screw, needing to fuck her, I was doing the same thing to your sisters. Man-I was

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even jealous of Glenn, getting to fuck Linda when I couldn't just because I was her daddy. And little-
Nicole-I'm sorry, Betty, but I used to get a hard on for her and screw you with it, pretending that your
hot cunt was my little girl's."

Betty stretched, sat up and felt the heavy swinging of her large tits. "That's all behind us now, and isn't it
grand? No more sneaking and hiding. We're so lucky, tearing down all those silly barriers, and
progressing to where we can enjoy loving each other with our bodies as well as our minds. But there is
something I've always wanted to do--- once I admitted the possibility to myself." "What's that, mom?"
Danny asked. "I'll do anything for you, anything at all. Just ask me." "Well," Betty said, "I'd kind of
like to take it from the back, to have a penis in my ass."

They were silent for a moment, then Chad said: "Can't be mine; I'm too big. My cock would tear you
apart." "Mine is just right," Danny said, "long but thin. I can do it to you, mom-and it would turn me on,
too." "How about you?" Betty asked. "Chad-while our boy is putting it to me that way, I can go down
on you, so you won't be left out."

"Better than that," Danny said. "I've never tried it but it sounds real far out-the sandwich. Dad, you and
I can make a sandwich out of mom. I'll screw her in the ass while you fuck her pussy again. We can
all swing together, if we make it like that. What do you say?" "That sounds fine to me, son," Chad
said. "I never get tired of that cunt---or I won't again, that is." And Betty asked, "Can you do that,
really? I mean-one prick up my rear and another prick up my front? Is there room enough?"

"We won't hurt you," Danny said. "I promise, mom. And I think it'll freak you out, heighten all the
sensations and make them sharper. Wow, just talking about it is making my cock hard- again---and
dad's getting stiff, too; just look at that big thing grow!"

Betty said thoughtfully, "I don't know; it seems as if I'd be pretty small back there, since nothing's ever
been in my ass. Maybe it'll be too tight, or too dry." Danny approached the bed, stood close to her
with his newly reawakened cock standing out. "You could wet the head down real good for me."

"Of course," Betty said, and opened her lips sot hat the boy could slide the head of his distended cock
into the warmth and slipperiness of his mother's mouth. Wetting it down thoroughly, Betty backed her
mouth off the tasty glans before she was tempted to follow through with a dedicated blow job.

"Thanks, mom-you lips are as good as your pussy, and I could hold my cock in them forever, but if I'm
going to back road you, I'd better not play around any longer." "Damn," Chad said, "but I never
thought I'd be able to just sit by and watch anybody slip a cock into my wife's mouth. Now I don't get
upset, I just get more horny." Danny smiled as said, "Mother, I'm not sure how we go about this. If
you're on your hands and knees, then dad has to be lying on his back between your knees. And if he
feeds that huge prick into your cunt first, maybe I won't be able to work my cock into your ass at all."

"How would it be," she asked, "if I lay on my side, and Danny puts in his penis first, works it all the way
in and then I can lift my leg and expose my mound so that Chad can start in his cock?"

"That sounds best," Chad said, "and it'll really arouse me, tangling my legs in with his while he got it
socked into you."

So Betty turned and stretched, putting her rear to her son and her tits toward her husband. Chad put
both hands on them, held them gently and massaged their nipples with his thumbs. They exchanged
smiles and Danny lay down behind her, first caressing her shoulders, then the long curve of her back,
and finally the upper curves of her trembling buttocks.

His fingers were slow and teasing, and when they stroked into the cleft of her ass itself, Betty shivered

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from head to toe.

"The head of my prick is still wet," Danny murmured, "Still drippy. I think some pre-seminal fluid is
mixing with what you left on it, mom. I'll just push it against your little brown- ring-now, if you'll kind of
hike back your ass and lift your top leg high, so I can kind of spread your cheeks with my hands-- -"
Betty adjusted the lower part of her body and did as her son suggested. She knew the tender, wet
push of his glans against her anus, and wiggled slightly, moving back slowly and easily to help the
entrance of Danny's prick. A Flame of excitement beat through her body and she cupped one hand
over her mound to feel the dampness there, wishing he could transfer some of the lubrication to her
other hole. But Danny was doing all right with what oils he had; the very tip was moving into her flesh,
pushing inexorably into her narrow tube, and the feeling was tremendous. It was something like losing
her cherry, but not nearly so frightening, since she wanted this even more than she had desired that.

"Oh mom-oh wow-it's tight, tight-but I can fell it going inside, feel that marvelous heat in your flesh. The
head of it's slipping in-in-I'm shoving, mom, pushing hard. If it hurts you, say so and I'll stop."

"Don't you dare," she said. "You've gone this far and it-ooh, darling, it hurts a little, but the pain is small
and very sweet. Push some more, baby, while mother wiggles like this and pushes back like that, and
---OOHHH!!" Betty felt it slide powerfully into her ass, and her tube expanded elastically to accept it,
to take the hard young meat into her bowels. Stretching, she took her son's prick, knew it as it went
deep and far, and the wrinkled sack of his hairy balls gave joyous pressure to the backs of her upper

"It's in, Chad!" she cried to her husband. "Oh-Ahh! It's in me, buried in my ass, and it's like I'm
impaled upon a pole, but the feeling is so good, so good!" Chad moved closer to her on the bed,
pushing his thickly haired belly near to hers, cupping and handling her tits. "Now, Betty? do you want
me to put my prick in you now?" "Yes, dear," she said. "If I start to wiggle on Danny's, the poor boy
won't be able to hold off, and he'll come right away. We don't want that, do we? We'll try to make it
all together, sharing and blending and meshing-all together."

"Lift your leg," her husband said. "Let's see if I can get my legs in there through Danny's-yeah!" yeah,
okay." You're all wet, Betty---- your pussy is juicy, so that'll make it easier. I'll take it very easy, but
I'm shaking so hard, and my cock's threatening to let go on its own." She kissed Chad as he scooted
down to press the blunt end of his warm glans into the steamy pubic hairs of her mound. She could
only move slightly to assist her husband's penis, since she was so securely locked in from behind. "Easy
doll; the head's going in, and you seem tighter--- ahhh, Betty, such a fine, hot cunt. Yeah,
baby---getting it in you now."

She wiggled, felt the big head of her husband's cock setting itself into the sheath of her vagina, felt her
labia close in behind it as the staff itself followed and plunged home in her pussy. Betty was packed,
front and rear, and she could feel the forces in her vagina and anus that were separated only by a thin
wall of tissue and flesh. They began to move in her, Danny stroking his long, slim rod daintily in her ass,
Chad thrusting his big penis in her cunt. The fed their meat slowly to her, carefully, and it seemed as is
she was being blown up, as if the hard cocks inside her body would surely rip her apart. But the good
feeling came too, and her two beloved men continued to fuck her, making her the sandwich between
their heaving bodies, using the pricks steadily and with love. Her husband burrowed his rod into her
quaking pussy, and her son slid his staff in and out of the gripping of her tube. Good and hot, good and
joyful, and Betty twisted slowly between them, spitted upon the steely impalements of their cocks,
blazing outside and in, wet and slimy and sweating against them.

They held her tits and the cheeks of her ass; they kissed the nape of her neck and her mouth, and all the
while, they just kept slipping those prongs in and out of her interior, screwing their wife and mother and

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bitch, and making her love every tiny movement.

"Fucking you in the ass, mom," Danny panted, his movements more jerky, his breath ragged.

"And in the cunt, darling," Chad gasped, his thrusting turning more spasmodic.

They were about to come, she knew; both her men were on the verge of ejaculating into her, anus and
pussy. Her own orgasm was swiftly rising to meet them, and she thrilled to the powerful surges of the
liquid tides within her flesh. "M-mom-oh, mother! I'm coming, darling---I'm coming into you."

Chad began to stiffen out, to jab his thick cock in a broken rhythm. "Betty-Betty, baby-I'm letting it
go---" She trembled, gasped, gyrated madly upon the pair of their pricks imbedded into her fevered
flesh, bucking her ass and humping her pelvis, and felt the almost simultaneous release of semen in front
and rear. Chad blasted the thick rush of sizzling come that jetted all the way up to the cup of her

Danny pumped a big load of juice into the tight but giving rectum and she felt its creamy effect all the
way up the curling of her backbone.

Betty came then, a shattering experience that tore her vagina and her asshole from seam to seam, that
flung the flaming bits of her body and her soul into a star hot spiraling that raced across the universe and
back. Moaning, she collapsed between them, the lances of their cocks holding her to earth, to the bed,
to each other. Somehow she knew that their legs were intertwined and that their balls were pushed

This was the epitome, the zenith of fucking, and Betty reeled down from the dizzying heights, her head
wobbling and her mouth sucking for air. She melted and ran together, and the marrow of her bones
dissolved. No woman had ever been screwed so well, and would never be again. She lay warm and
adored, until they withdrew themselves from her, until they had taken the partially softened rods of
meat from the lower entrances of her body. Dreamily, Betty realized that she could take another man,
this one in her mouth, and some part of her mind registered this fact for future reference.

Danny and Chad and Glenn; she could use them all and serve them all, ride their cocks and make them
come in all the old ways, in all the new fashions she was discovering. There was so much to do, so
many positions and sensations to explore, and she knew that she would go through them all, one by

She was free, and they were free. She could soar to the clouds and they could wheel like eagles
around her, dipping and banking in the flight that wasn't escape, but a new and more lasting reality.

Betty Maddox sat up. Her husband took one had and her son took the other. They helped her from
the bed and led her downstairs between them, two nude men and a naked woman. In the family room
were he daughters, regal Linda and gamin Nikki, and the man who had married into this best of all
possible blood lines.

"Hi, mom," they said.

And she said hi back, because she was now truly mother to them all.


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