Taken by Tby789 and Kyla713

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Taken by Tby789 and Kyla713

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Married for 6 years and haunted by secrets, Bella thinks true love has passed her by. Fresh from
residency Dr. Edward Cullen moves back to Seattle to begin his life. What happens when you meet
the love of your life, and they’re already taken? AU-Human

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Chapter 1.

Ah, a young couple in love, lost in each other's eyes and unable to get enough of each other.

Gentle loving kisses, long intimate embraces. So much the way we once were.

There was a time when we looked at each other like that. Jacob had been my first and only
boyfriend. I had known him my entire life. Our fathers, Billy and Charlie, had been best friends
since they were kids. And by the time we got to high school, we just made sense. We got along so
well, we cared about each other, we took care of each other. We were truly in love once. And our
friends and family were thrilled when we announced our engagement. I still saw our wedding as
one of the most amazing days of my life.

But after it happened, everything began to change. We never really fought. But even fighting
would have been better than the silence. He was rarely home, and when he was, I almost felt like
he had no idea how to relate to me anymore. I'm his wife and he couldn’t relate to me. Our routine
became so mechanical. He would give me a light kiss on my cheek when he left for work in the
morning, more out of habit than anything else. If we were ever sexual anymore, it was duty rather

than desire. Everything just felt so empty.

We walked together, close but not touching, along with our friends through the crowds of people.
Today was a happy day. I just kept telling myself that, hoping one day it would be enough. But I
was just empty inside, hollow. Hollow was a word I hated these days. It stuck to my very being,
anchoring itself to my soul, suffocating me. But I smiled to the world. I kept it inside. This was my
life, and though not the life I envisioned, it was enough. It would have to be.

The carnival danced around us. The sun had set and a dizzying array of lights and sounds filled the
still air. Children laughing, music playing, the mechanical whir of the rides, but I shut it all out. I
was so lost in my own thoughts that I was startled by the nudge to my arm. “Hey did you hear

me?” Jake asked.

“Oh, sorry. I guess I kind of checked out there for a minute. What did you say?” I looked up at my
husband. He was very handsome, maybe even more so than when we married. His once long dark
hair had recently been cut into an attractive short style. It suited him well. His skin was dark and
warm; it complimented the almost black of his eyes perfectly. And he had such an adorable smile.
It was my favorite part of him. He was very tall and muscular and at 6’ 6”, he towered over my 5’
4” frame. It seemed like all the boys on the reservation grew like weeds. People in Forks swore it
was something in the water, whereas the tribe had other theories. Jake was a member of the

Quileute tribe in La Push, and we lived on the reservation in a cute yellow house with a blue door.

He sighed and shook his head with a light laugh. “Sometimes I wonder where you go, Bells. I said
I'm going to check out the bungee ride with Quil and Embry. You'll be alright here with Ang, right?”
Just the sound of the word 'bungee' made my stomach drop, and I quickly nodded. “That's fine.
Maybe Angela and I will walk around for a bit, play some games. You’ve got your cell on you,


Jake pulled it off his belt clip and waved it at me before sliding it back into place. He leaned down

to peck my forehead and left without another word.

I sighed and turned to Angela, placing a smile on my face. I missed the days when he would
actually lift me up to reach his lips and kiss me like he loved me. Since Jake was so much taller
than I was, it was actually an effort for our faces to meet. I always felt like a little kid trying to
reach up and kiss him. It was such a small thing to be upset about, but lately there seemed to be
so many of them. One more pebble in the jar. I could tell by the look on Angela's face as we began
to walk that she didn't buy my facade for a second, but to her credit, she never said a word.

Instead, she quickly tried to distract me.

“Oh look, there's a fortune teller, Bella. Come on, let's try it,” Angela smiled excitedly, tugging my

hand gently.

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“Are you serious, Ang? You know those things are a rip off, don't you?” I replied with a raised
eyebrow, and shook my head. “There's nothing she could tell me that is of anyvalue because none

of it is valid, and I can think of a million other things I could do with my ten bucks.”

But Angela wouldn't relent, and grabbed my hand. “Bella, lighten up. It's all in good fun. You're not

going to make me do this alone, so it's my treat.”

“Angela!” I whined half-heartedly as she dragged me along with her to the fortune teller tent. The
heavy scent of incense struck me the moment the curtain door opened. Inside it was eerily dark,
save for a few scattered candles. In the center of the space was the stereotypical table– small,
wooden, and round– with a crystal ball in the center, and a stack of Tarot cards to the side; but no

sign of the fortune teller. “See, no one is here, let's go.”

“Good evening, my dears,” a soft and spooky voice startled us from behind, and we both gasped
softly. She was a small, stout woman, looking very much like an elderly traveling gypsies and
dressed in a collage of blues, greens and violets. But her face was kind, and her smile seemed

sincere. “How may I help you tonight?”

I stammered for a few moments, before Angela rolled her eyes. “We'd like to have our palms

read,” she replied simply, handing the lady a $20.

The lady took the bill and pushed it into one of the seemingly many folds of her dress, gesturing
with her hands toward the table. Angela pulled me along and once we were all seated, the woman

took Angela's hand and began tracing her palm with her index finger.

“You have a very warm heart. Very loving and compassionate. But you have had difficulty in love.”

Pfft, I tried hard not to roll my eyes. Who hadn’t?“You still long for it. But it has not yet found you.”

Ha, gotcha! Eric proposed six months ago. Angela began to protest but the lady held up her hand.
“No, he is not the one. It will show itself in time, and this too shall fade. Your love will be found
over water. You will take a journey over the ocean, and it is there you will find him. But only if you

have your eyes open for him. His name will begin with a B.”

Well, that was oddly specific,I thought to myself. I looked over at Angela and she was completely
entranced in this. I had always known Angela to be more level-headed than this; I couldn't believe
she was buying into this crap. 'His name will begin with a B'? That could be Bartholamew the

Barbarian for all anyone knew.

“You will have four children. The last pregnancy will result in a pair.” Angela's eyes widened and
looked over to me, and I merely shrugged. How anyone could know see what a hokey line of shit

this was, was beyond me.

She released Angela's hand and reached for mine. I sighed and let it rest in her hand. She closed
her eyes and took a sharp inhale of breath as she leaned her head back. “You have a very strong
aura about you, my dear,” she said gently and brought her gaze back down to me as she opened
her eyes. “Your heart is so full of sadness. Something haunts you; a secret. But worry not, he is


I rolled my eyes and tried to pull my hand away. “He?” I asked confused.

“Yes. He.” She looked at me so intently; I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “He will

soothe the ache in your heart. He will take your burden from you and make it his own.”

“This is ridiculous. I’m married. Come on Angela, let's go.”

But the woman would not let go of my hand as I stood, and she shook her head. “The heart wants
what the heart wants, Bella.” I started as she said my name, but realized that perhaps she must

have heard Angela say it at some point.

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“There will be two children in your life. One is more clear than the other. Great change is coming.
But you must be ready to let the past go.” She locked eyes with me. “The love of your life is on a

journey to find you.”



The voice from the over head speaker broke me from my thoughts.

Attention passengers, United flight 1025 leaving forSeattleInternationalAirportis ready to begin the
boarding process. We would like to welcome ourFirst Class and Elite Club Member passengers, and
ask them to begin boarding the plane at this time.

I stood from my seat and retrieved my carry-on from the chair next to me. “Here goes nothing,” I
muttered quietly. I took a deep breath and made my way to the gate. It was too late to turn back



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