JM Cartwright Winning in a Landslide

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Winning in a Landslide - 1

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Winning in a Landslide

by JM Cartwright


For my readers, who wanted to hear from Johnny and
Grissom again... I'm so glad you've taken them into your

Chapter 1

"Sheriff, your lawyer is on line one." Eleanor's voice

came across the intercom.

Sheriff Virgil Grissom's lip curled as he reached for

the phone. Goddamn, he hated lawyers. Well, actually,
he hated more that he needed a lawyer. "Grissom," he
growled into the handset.

"Wow, you sound happy."
He never had been able to intimidate Doreen Sanger.

Grunting, he clicked his ballpoint, the movement
keeping him from throwing the pen across the room.
"What's going on?"

"Well, like we thought was going to happen, Boden

filed a challenge. Toby just got word."

Shaking his head, Grissom spun his chair. Facing the

big window that overlooked the main square, he
contemplated the last forty-eight hours. This re-election
had been the toughest yet. It was his third campaign, but
the first and only to have his personal life as the main
subject of his opponent's strategy.

"Toby doesn't think there's any merit to the suit."

Tobias Caine handled the election-law side of Grissom's
business, while Doreen was Grissom's personal attorney.

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"Boden is throwing everything against the wall to see
what will stick."

"That sanctimonious jerk." Presley Boden was a

former assistant district attorney for the county, and had
announced in April that he wanted to retire Sheriff
Grissom. "He couldn't beat me at the ballot box, so he's
trying an end run."

"Well, he did say he would do whatever it takes to

get you out of office."

"You don't have to remind me." Still ragged and

exhausted from the last month of the campaign, Grissom
propped his feet on the credenza under the windowsill.
He let his head drop back against the leather of his chair.
"So what happens next?"

"Toby said to tell you not to worry. He's going to call

you later, but he wanted to start researching precedent."
He heard some noise in the background. "Look, I've got
to go. Just try to relax and enjoy your victory." Doreen
hung up before he could respond.

Sighing in disgust, Grissom closed his eyes. How

was he supposed to relax when it really wasn't over yet?


Grissom was alone on the top floor. The

administrative section shut down at five p.m., while
dispatch and the attached jail were twenty-four-hour
operations. Eleanor had left at five-fifteen and now, at
five-thirty, everyone was gone.

He shoved some paperwork into his leather case,

cursing under his breath when the zipper wouldn't close.
"What the hell am I doing?" Grissom stared at the bag
for a moment. You know you're not going to actually
work on anything tonight.
That was absolutely true. The

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only thing he wanted to do tonight was crack open a
cold beer and sit in his favorite chair.

Yanking the papers out, he tossed them onto his desk.

"It's time to get out of here." Throwing the strap over his
shoulder, he strode to the door and slapped the light
switch down.

An early snowfall had left a few inches of white

around. It had melted fairly quickly from the roadways,
so the public works department had caught a break.
They'd put salt on the road, but the plows were back in
the garages. Grissom thought it was a sign, though, that
the county was in for a long winter.

The windshield on his official vehicle was a little

iced, so he punched the defrost button, then clicked the
seat warmer function. Johnny liked to tease him about
keeping his ass warm, but Grissom refused to be
embarrassed about it. He liked the heated seats, and used
them all winter long.

Johnny. Grissom closed his eyes. He knew Johnny

would be all over him when he got home. Shit.

Grissom found he had to take it slowly going home,

which suited his mood just fine. There were patches of
ice here and there, a result of the rapid temperature drop
after sundown. He called them in so that the salt trucks
could get back out before morning.

What normally took him fifteen minutes took about a

half hour, so he was glad to finally see the turn for Rain
Dance Farm. Catching sight of the sign, Grissom
recalled when he and Johnny set the painted wood on
the hillside.

Johnny had driven Grissom nuts trying to pick a

name for the property, researching the genealogy of both
their surnames, trying combinations of words, to no
avail. Frowning, Grissom remembered snapping at his
lover to just pick something and get it over with. Then

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he'd turned up the volume on his beloved Van
Morrison's "Moondance," and the next thing Grissom
knew, he had an armful of excited man. From there it
was a short leap to name the farm with a combination of
Johnny's last name and Grissom's favorite song.

Now, pulling his Tahoe up to the detached three-bay

garage, Grissom had to admit he kind of liked the name.
Even if it had meant enduring the snickering of some of
his deputies.

Suzy and two of her offspring came to greet him as

he stepped out of the truck. The friendly cat had come to
them the previous winter with seven kittens, and the
feline brood had the run of the garage and shed
buildings. "Hey, Suzy." He reached down and scratched
the silky head butting his shin. He lifted her, carrying
her in one arm as he grabbed his briefcase. The two
youngsters followed, calling loudly.

Despite his foul mood, he had to smile at their antics.

He hadn't really been an animal person before Johnny
came into his life, and now, some days, it seemed like
Wild Kingdom around the place. "Come on, kids. We'll
see what treaters we have inside."

He could hear Fred and Barney barking in the kitchen

as he walked up the back porch stairs. The energetic
cockapoos darted out the door when he nudged it open,
so he set Suzy on the mudroom floor while he hung up
his coat. The other two cats had jumped to the railing at
the sight of the canine wrecking crew, and they leaped
through the kitchen door before he could close it.

He dropped his case on the harvest table in the center

of the kitchen, then moved straight to the fridge. The
Blue Moon chilling there was calling his name in a big
way. While the cats ducked into the pantry where their
food was kept, he fetched a glass out of the freezer and
filled it up with ice-cold beer. Topping it with an orange

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slice, he raised his glass in the general direction of the
front of the house. "Bless you, Mary." Their
housekeeper-slash-babysitter was keeping him well
supplied -- it was one of the agreements they'd arrived at
when she came on board three weeks before.

"I take it you've had one of those days?"
Johnny's famous throaty voice wrapped around him,

and he was almost too tired to feel the thrill that went
down his spine. The former singer stood in the kitchen
doorway, leaning on the jamb. Wavy blond hair was
shoved behind the ears that stuck out just a little, and the
lean body was clad in boot-cut Wranglers and a black
cashmere turtleneck. LA rocker meets country

Grissom finished half the glass before he set it down,

then groaned softly. "My eyes are so dry." He flopped
down on the banquette seat in the corner, jerking when
Johnny's big dog Gershwin stuck an inquisitive nose into
his ribs. Grissom frowned at the shaggy black head.
"What's up with you? Why are you being nice?"

Snorting a laugh, Johnny slid a knee onto the bench.

"Slide over a bit." He dug his fingers into Grissom's
shoulders, massaging some of the tension away. "Maybe
he's starting to like you. Or maybe he can tell you've had
a crappy day. Although I don't know why, since you just
won the day before yesterday."

"Gawd, that feels good." He exaggerated his West

Virginia drawl. "You do have magic fingers, Johnny
Rayne. Playing that piano surely does pay off, don't it?"

"Hah. I know when you start that shit-kicker stuff

that you're going to try to play me." Johnny's tone was

"What do you mean?" Grissom kept his eyes closed.

He hated it when Johnny called him on stuff. "Where are
the kids?"

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With one last firm dig of his fingers, Johnny moved

around the table, dropping onto the opposite bench. "I
left them upstairs with Mary. Ashlynn had a little
temperature, so she's in bed already, and Henry's getting
his bath. What's happening, Virgil? I thought the
pressure would be off now that the votes have all been
counted. It is official, isn't it?" When Grissom looked at
him but didn't answer, Johnny edged forward on his
seat. The blond curls shifted on his brow as he tilted his
head. "What's going on?"

The concern in Johnny's expression was tinged with

impatience. Grissom shook his head slightly, amused
despite the gravity of the situation. So like his volatile
lover. "Boden filed suit today."

"Christ!" Jackknifing up, Johnny strode to the counter

near the sink. He slapped the red-brown granite. "That
prick! Wasn't it enough that he made our lives hell
during the campaign? Now the dickhead has to come
after us again?"

"Whoa. That's a whole lot of cursing in a short

period, Blondie. You're lucky the kids are upstairs."

"You're lucky that's all I'm saying. You know what

that moron did, Virgil." Johnny slammed a cabinet door
for effect.

"Yeah. I do."
Leaning backward, his small butt against the counter,

Johnny shoved his hair behind an ear with one long-
fingered hand. He held up the other hand, index finger
extended. "First, he accused me of being a drug-dealing
psychopath." Another finger came up. "Then, I was
going to pollute the youth of the county with my
homosexual tendencies. I believe that's a quote." The
whiskey-brown eyes were sparking in his anger.

"Yeah. That's pretty accurate." Grissom took another

long drink of his beer.

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"Third, I had corrupted you with my sinful California

ways." Pushing off the counter, Johnny stalked back to
the table. "Christ, I told him I was from Chicago. You'd
think the asshole would at least remember!"

Grissom rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "Yeah. You

told him often enough." He heard Johnny pause in his

"I said, you told him often enough."
"Are you pissed at me?"
Grissom shot a level look across the kitchen.

"Honestly? I don't know what I am." He got to his feet.
Taking his glass with him, he stalked out of the kitchen
and headed to his man-cave.

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Chapter 2

Johnny stared after his lover, then looked down at

Gershwin. "What was that about? He sure is pissy for a
guy who just won re-election for the third time." Curling
his lip in disgust, he turned his head toward the sound of
the other dogs scratching at the door. He walked to the
back door and yanked it open. "Come on in. You're sure
as hell making enough noise out there, aren’t you?"

Despite his words, he reached down to scoop Fred

into his arms for a hug. He let out a reluctant laugh as
Barney danced around Gershwin, trying to hump the
giant schnauzer's long foreleg. "God, I admire your

Johnny pulled the pantry door shut to protect the cats

from cockapoo love. Even though the cats' food bowl
was kept up on the deep window ledge, that didn't stop
Fred and Barney from trying to jump up to visit on the
rare occasions Suzy and her brood came into the house.

"Well, boys, I guess we could see what's on TV,

right?" Shrugging, Johnny strolled into the family room,
the dogs in tow. He plopped down on the dark brown
sectional, grabbing the remote off the coffee table.
"Maybe American Pickers is on." Leaning back, he
clicked the power button. The dogs settled around him,
Gershwin at his feet and Fred and Barney curled into
one corner of the cushy leather.

Johnny grinned, sitting up. "Hey, Henry. Are you all

clean now?" He held out his arms as Mary brought
Johnny's adopted son into room.

The two-and-a-half-year-old clambered up on the

sofa, straddling Johnny's lap. Fred looked up briefly,
while Barney just moved his expressive eyebrows,

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watching Henry climb. Both dogs looked too comfy to
bother greeting the toddler.

"Did Ashlynn go down okay?" Johnny played patty-

cake with Henry as he looked over at Mary.

"I think she's adjusting to having someone besides

her 'Dondee' put her in her crib." Mary Blount was in
her forties, and had been referred to them by a dear
friend when Mary had been struggling financially after
the death of her husband. She looked down as she
smoothed the tails of her blue cotton shirt. "I've got to
invest in more of these wrinkle-free blouses, I tell you
what. It stands up fairly well to splashing from the

Johnny admired Mary's look, with crisp black slacks

topping a pair of oxford-type shoes. "You do look pretty
fresh, considering the kids have been running you
around most of the day." Though Mary was adjusting to
life at the Rayne-Grissom house, one thing Johnny had
learned in a year of fatherhood was that nothing was
routine anymore. "Sit down and relax for a minute."

Smiling briefly, Mary seated herself in the

upholstered club chair flanking the sofa. "Whew. I'm not
feeling so fresh. I'd forgotten what work small kids can
be." She smiled at Henry as he waved at her from
Johnny's lap. "So how did you get the name 'Dondee'?"

"Hmm? Oh. That." Johnny smiled wryly in memory.

"You can blame the sheriff for that. He and I were... um,
having a heated discussion about, oh, God, I don't even
remember what," he admitted. "But he kind of yelled out
the ridiculous nickname he calls me..."

"Ah. Yes, I've heard him. Blondie."
Johnny couldn't quite tell what Mary thought about

that. "Henry repeated it, then tried to say Daddy, too."
Lifting one shoulder in resignation, Johnny puffed out a
breath. "Somehow, the two words got combined --

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Blondie and Daddy -- and there you go." He shouldn't be
embarrassed in front of his new employee, should he?
The fact that the nickname still gave him a thrill was his
own business.

He changed the subject. "When I was with Storm, I

liked to check in with the team every now and then to
see how things were going. Especially when I'd bring on
someone new." He swung one jeans-clad leg onto the
sofa, bending his knee to keep Henry from sliding off
his lap. "You've been here just about three weeks now.
How has it been going? Any problems with the kids or
issues I should know about? Anything worrying you?"

Mary looked a little taken aback at the direct

question. "Oh. Um, well, I... the kids are great. They
seem fairly calm and well-adjusted, given what they
went through just a year ago." The story of how Johnny
and Grissom had acquired a family had gone through the
area like wildfire. "And your house -- well, it's fairly
big, but I'm pretty sure I can keep up."

Watching her, Johnny tried to get a bead on what was

bothering him. There was still something a little off.
"And what about Virgil? You getting along with him

"The sheriff?" Mary bit her lip as she looked down at

her hands.

Alert now, Johnny slid an arm around Henry's back,

tucking the boy closer. He straightened a bit, his foot
dropping back to the floor. "Yes. The sheriff."

"Well, to be honest, I haven't talked to him that

much. We spent that time, you know, my second day
here, talking about what you all like for dinner, things
you all want from the grocery, that kind of thing. He's
usually gone when I get here in the mornings, and
mostly I'm headed home before he gets back."

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Nodding, Johnny nuzzled the hand Henry held up.

"Yeah, it was absolutely nuts around here with the
campaign in full swing." He whispered in Henry's ear as
the boy fidgeted, trying to keep him entertained. "Thank
God that's over." Stretching one arm along the sofa, he
got a finger around the plushy toy horse that was next to
Fred. "Here, bud. Play with this for a minute." Glancing
up, he caught Mary watching them both closely.

"It's just amazing."
Prepared to be defensive for some reason, Johnny

frowned. "What is?"

"Well, you are. You both are." Mary wasn't specific,

but Johnny assumed she was including Grissom in her
assessment. "I didn't quite know what I was letting
myself in for here."

"I'm pretty sure Livvie told you you'd be working for

two... gay men." Even now, Johnny had a hard time
saying it.

"Oh, Mrs. Sanders did tell me about you. You and the

sheriff, I mean. It's just that... well, I just wasn't prepared
for it, that's all."

Belly clenching with tension, Johnny took a deep

breath, steeling himself to lose the brand-new
housekeeper. It had taken eight months of fighting about
cooking and cleaning before he and Grissom agreed to
hire someone else to do most of it. Now, after a long
search, their first attempt was about to go down in
flames. "I'm sorry you feel that way." He hugged his son
closer to his body. "I assume you'll be handing in your
notice, then?"

Mary looked blank. "What? Are you firing me?"
"What? No. Aren't you quitting?"
Mary's mouth hung open for a second. "No! No, I'm

not. Why would you think that?"

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"I thought that's what you were just talking about.

You said you weren't prepared for being around two gay
guys, right?"

Mary waved both hands in a negative motion, making

a face. "No! No, Johnny. That's not what I was talking

"Well, what then?" Geez, it was like pulling teeth.
"Um. Well, you mentioned the sheriff and his

campaign and all. I just wasn't prepared to work for..."

"What?" What in the hell was she talking about?
"Um. A Republican."
Nonplussed, keeping one hand on Henry as the boy

wiggled around, Johnny bit the inside of one cheek. He
tried to sport a serious mien, since it seemed as though
this was a big issue for Mary. It was tough, though.
Scratching the corner of one eye, he coughed. Avoiding
Mary's gaze, he tilted his head down for a second, then
covered his mouth to muffle a snort.

"You're laughing, aren't you?"
He couldn't quite tell if she was pissed. He quickly

shook his head, trying for a mask of innocence.

"It's all right. I just realized how ridiculous that

sounded." Mary sighed, then chuckled. "You have to
understand, though, I come from a long line of southern
Democrats. Voting for a Republican is kind of unheard-
of around here. In fact, Sheriff Grissom might be the
first one we've elected in decades."

Mystified, Johnny slouched backward, tugging Henry

along his chest. "But you've elected him three times

Grimacing, Mary shrugged. "I know. I don't get it

either. Unless it's because he's so darned good-looking."

Johnny had to agree with that. Damn the man.

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"Anyway, I had these preconceived notions, about

you and the sheriff, well -- you're just kind of normal."

Feeling like the kid who poked the hornet's nest,

Johnny pushed a little further. "Other than the fact that
we sleep in the same bed, you mean?" He could feel his
face heat up.

He watched the redness flare in Mary's face. "Well,

yes, there is that."

"Are you sure it doesn't bother you? What about all

that stuff Boden said during the campaign?" A time
when Johnny had made sure he stayed at the farm,
keeping on the downlow. Well, most of that time.

"That nitwit," she scoffed. "My husband went to

school with that man." Mary didn't sound too admiring.
"Vaughn always did say Presley Boden was getting too
far above his raising. Now, I'm not saying I think y'all
should be able to get married or anything, but I don't
hold truck with that Bible stuff saying you're an

Thinking about it, Johnny thought he should probably

take what he could get. It could be argued that, although
West Virginia had been created out of secession from
Virginia during the Civil War, he was technically living
in the South. And the South, after all, was not primarily
known for welcoming homosexuals. "Yes, ma'am. I
appreciate that."

"Anyway, I mind my own business, and I thank other

folks to do the same." Mary got to her feet. "Now, if it's
all right with you, I'd like to be heading home. I don't
much like driving when it's so dark. I hadn't planned on
staying so late."

Hauling Henry up, Johnny stood as well. "Oh, yeah.

Absolutely. Would you like us to drive you home? I
could pick you up tomorrow morning. It's kind of our
fault you're here so late." He'd been counting on

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Grissom to get home sooner, now that the sheriff was
back on regular office hours.

Mary looked surprised. "Oh, that would be very nice,

thank you. I'll just get my bag and put on my coat."

"Henry, hang out with your pony for a sec, okay?"

Setting the boy down on the oriental rug, Johnny walked
down the hall. Poking his head in Grissom's man-cave,
he spotted Grissom stretched out on the ugly-as-sin
recliner that the sheriff had brought into the house last
year. "Hey. You up for driving Mary home tonight? I
can pick her up tomorrow morning."

Without turning his head, Grissom took another drink

of his Blue Moon. "Nope."

Stepping fully into the wood-paneled room, Johnny

frowned. "What?" He spotted an empty bottle on the
glossy section of fir-tree trunk that served as a side table.
"How many of those have you had?" He knew that
Grissom kept the beer fridge well stocked in the cave.
Apparently, his lover was taking advantage of not
having to walk very far for a refill.

"Not enough, I guess." Grissom's head was still

turned toward the fireplace, though he hadn't started a
fire in it. The logs were piled waiting, just as Johnny had
left them the day before.

Dick. "All righty, then. I'm not going to even ask

what the fuck your problem is." Deciding whatever it
was, Grissom could deal with it his own damn self,
Johnny sneered as he stopped at the doorway.
"Ashlynn's upstairs asleep. You better get the baby
monitor, if you don't mind getting off your ass to do it."

He went to the closet for his coat. "C'mon, Henry," he

called. "We're going for a ride."

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Chapter 3

Determined not to deal with Grissom's moodiness,

Johnny didn't bother looking for his lover when he got
back to the house. He let the cats out on his way inside.

"Hey, Henry, how about we get you upstairs to bed?

You look sleepy." The toddler's dark brown curls were
quivering as Henry yawned hugely.

"Yep. It's upstairs for you." Johnny slung Henry on

one hip. "I can't believe it's been almost a year for us all.
This Thanksgiving will be our first anniversary, in a lot
of ways."

Johnny thought about the preceding twelve months.

Good God, how his life had changed. "Let's take a look
in on Ashlynn, then we'll get your jammies on." Being a
dad was something he'd longed for the last few years he
toured as a musician, but he hadn't quite believed it
could happen to someone in the L.A. rocker lifestyle.
"But it did, Henry. Just goes to show, you should never
say never."

He had to laugh at the way Henry ignored him

completely. Pajamas on, the toddler snuggled into his
blankets and rolled onto his side. "Yeah, I guess you
have your priorities straight, bud." He peeked at
Ashlynn before he went downstairs, reassured when he
found her sound asleep.

Stopping in the kitchen, Johnny poured himself a

glass of his favorite Oregon red, then picked up his
Nook as he ambled to the master suite. He'd just
downloaded The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and he
was dying to read it.

The new addition along the back of the house had

enlarged the kitchen area to create the family room, and
with a clever architect's help, they'd managed to include
a large suite that projected out on three sides, off the

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northeast end of the house. The result was a bedroom
and ensuite bathroom that were cloaked in conifers and
deciduous trees, and Johnny still marveled at the feeling
of walking into the outdoors when he entered the rooms.

He checked the baby monitors to make sure they

were working. Being a dad was something that he just
wouldn't take for granted, and while he knew he drove
Grissom nuts with his constant checking and double-
checking of things, Johnny couldn't relax until he'd gone
through his nightly routine of verifying that windows
and doors were locked, the monitors were broadcasting,
the cell phones were charged, and the cordless landline
was sitting in its cradle. He didn't want to be caught
without access to outside help if something happened to
one of the kids.

An hour later, he was deep into chapter five when

Grissom strolled into the bedroom. Looking over the top
of his Nook, Johnny watched as his lover disappeared
into the huge walk-in closet. He surreptitiously eyed the
sheriff as the other man reappeared, shoes and uniform
shirt gone, the heavy chest and arm muscles apparent in
the sleeveless undershirt. That black, brush-cut hair and
craggy, tanned face drew his gaze. Even the big man's
feet were sexy, he noted with a frown. What wasn't sexy
was the tight-lipped look on Grissom's face.

Tired of waiting for Grissom to volunteer what had

his shorts in knot, Johnny got up and followed him into
the bathroom. "What in the hell is bothering you?"

When Grissom looked at him in the mirror, Johnny

got confused. The man looked... tired, not cranky. "Are
you going to talk to me?"

"What's there to say?" Grissom stepped out of his

worn jeans, kicking them aside.

Despite the irritation Johnny was feeling, he couldn't

help but admire the muscled butt and strong thighs

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showing in the black boxer briefs. God, he was a sucker
for a nice ass. When Grissom kicked off the briefs, too,
Johnny's eyes went to the wide mirror over the long
counter. Grissom's package was nicely displayed. His
mouth watered just a little bit. Dragging his eyes away,
he forced himself to focus. "You decide if you're pissed
at me or not?"

"Why would I be pissed at you?" Grissom cranked

the lever in the glass shower enclosure, and the
oversized waterfall showerhead came on. Stepping
inside, he pulled the heavy door closed.

Wait. What the heck? I thought I was the moody

bastard around here. Shucking his clothes, determined
to get to the bottom of Grissom's issue, Johnny yanked
the glass open and stepped in. "You know, I swore I
wasn't going to play this game. It's what bugged me the
most about being with women. Never knew what the
fuck was going through their heads." Johnny spoke to
Grissom's muscled back as his big lover stood directly
under the flow of water.

Head back, eyes closed, Grissom heaved a big sigh

before slowly turning to face Johnny. He stepped back
enough to make room under the water. Reaching out a
long arm, he picked up the bar of soap and ran it across
his chest muscles. "I'm sorry, J. I was just disgusted
when I left work, and I've been taking it out on you."

"Never could resist you when you apologize so

nicely." Moving in, Johnny took over the job of soaping
up Grissom's torso. "Here, Virgil. Let me." He pushed
gently, directing Grissom to lean against the stone-tiled
wall. Pouring some of his favorite shower gel on a
loofah, he slowly rubbed Grissom's chest, dragging the
sponge down the muscled belly. He followed the
treasure trail there, easing past Grissom's quiescent
cock. "You must be out of sorts if the little guy here isn't

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perking up." Johnny's own dick was halfway hard,
getting firmer by the second as he performed his shower
attendant ritual.

With a reluctant snort, Grissom's expression finally

relaxed. He quirked a half-smile without opening his
eyes. "Yeah. Can't even blame that on the Blue Moon. I
didn't have that much."

"Well, let's see what we can do about him." Johnny

opened one of the other valves and grabbed the handheld
shower, rinsing Grissom's big body. Once the soap
bubbles were circling the floor drain, Johnny knelt
down. This position sent such a thrill through him,
tightening his nipples and making his gut clench. Who'd
have thought it a year or so ago? Rocker Johnny Rayne,
leader of the band Storm, on his knees in front of
another man.

Virgil Grissom had pushed his way into Johnny's life,

shoving aggressively to be noticed. From the first day
they'd met, Grissom had been a nagging presence, as if
unwilling to allow Johnny to hide from him.

"You look good down there."
Johnny tilted his head back, meeting Grissom's lazy

look. "You do seem to like me down here."

"Uh-huh. And you like it as much as I do."
Knowing it was true, Johnny didn't bother to protest.

He'd definitely embraced man-love since meeting the

Eyeing Grissom's growing cock, Johnny circled it

with one hand. "I certainly like this little guy. Oh, wait...
not so little." The hot water from the waterfall
showerhead on the ceiling felt good on his shoulders and
head, and he spread his knees a little more on the floor.
"Mmm." That sent heated wetness over his hole, and it
spasmed in response.

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Taking Grissom into his mouth, he molded his lips

around the thickness. After a year together, he knew a
lot of what Grissom liked: strong suction around the
head, then some up and down sucking and pulling, a tiny
bit of teeth on occasion. His other hand cupped
Grissom's sac, rolling the orbs inside, kneading them

The grunts drifting down told him he was doing well.

He spent several long minutes loving on Grissom, jaw
loosening as the sheriff's girth and length expanded.
Grissom was fairly thick and long, and it was a source of
great satisfaction to Johnny that he'd gotten to the point
where he could take his lover's cock almost all the way

Grissom began thrusting lightly, running his dick

over Johnny's tongue. "That's it. Take it. Take me."

Johnny pushed two fingers on Grissom's perineum,

and was rewarded when the other man jerked forward a
smidge and rose up on tiptoe.

Easing his head back, Johnny gave Grissom a sly

smile. "Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about."

The tube of Astroglide they kept in the shower had

ended up on the floor in the corner during their last
shower session. Snagging the lube, he popped it with
one hand, the other one busy tugging and rolling
Grissom's balls. "Let me make you feel good, Virgil."
Trying to keep the slickness on his fingers from getting
washed away, he brought that hand up and around
Grissom's hip. He slid those fingers into the crease of
Grissom's ass, probing for the puckered opening there.

Grissom stilled all movement, and Johnny took his

shaft back inside, sucking strongly, trying to distract
him. Most of the playing they'd done thus far had been
with Grissom as the aggressor and Johnny the willing
student, and Grissom hadn't been on the receiving end

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very often. In fact, thus far Johnny had been able to play
back there with fingers only.

"Uh, you better--" Grissom's voice was low, hesitant.
"Just let me." Johnny slid his index finger inside.

"God, Virgil. You're so wet here, so hot." He moved
deeper, circling and pressing, conscious of Grissom's
comfort level. It was time for them to move past that
unspoken boundary. He needed to be inside Grissom,
and he knew he could make it good for his lover. He'd
certainly had a very good teacher over the last year.

He eased a second finger into Grissom's hole, and the

strong muscle tightened, trying to refuse him. "Easy.
Easy, big guy." He gently stretched and loosened the
tense ring, not rushing it.

Grissom tugged on Johnny's hair, demanding his

attention. "You... I know I said--" Grissom took a deep
breath and began again. "J, I know what you want to
do." The green eyes were a little shadowed. "I just -- it's
been a while, you know?"

"Uh, yeah. I do know, remember? When it was my

first time, you took good care of me. Let me do the same
for you." He could see the exact moment Grissom
decided to relax. The fingers in his hair pulled back as
Grissom swallowed hard.

Johnny withdrew his fingers, then pushed off the

floor. "Here. Let's turn you around, 'kay?" He urged
Grissom to face the long wall of the shower. "Spread
'em," he joked softly, shoving one foot between
Grissom's. "Let's get it a little hotter, help you relax
some more." He nudged the temperature lever up a little

Grissom's long arms were stretched to the sides. With

his feet now farther apart, his height and Johnny's were
closely matched.

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"That's it, Tiger." Letting his stiff cock push teasingly

against the cheeks of Grissom's ass, Johnny ran his
hands over Grissom's chest and down to his belly. "I'm
going to love you so good." He circled Grissom's dick
with one hand, cupping the heavy balls with the other.
"Going to make you shoot all over the tile, watch it drip
down the wall..." He continued to murmur in Grissom's
ear, jacking the heavy cock and rolling those sweet,
sweet balls.

Panting, Grissom let his head drop forward with a


Johnny licked the water from one shoulder, savoring

the salty skin. Grissom's taste was addictive, and Johnny
bit down, needing the connection.

Grunting, Grissom reacted by moving his feet a few

inches farther apart and shoving backward, the action
separating the cheeks of his ass enough for Johnny's
dick to slide between.

Hissing at the contact, Johnny thrust forward,

relishing the feeling of bumping against Grissom's sac.
"Oh, yeah, Virgil. Just like that." Johnny's hips jerked a
few times before he got control of himself. "God.
Imagine how good it will be when I'm doing this inside

"I am. Believe me." Grissom looked over his


Johnny searched his lover's pretty eyes. "I'll take care

of you."

Craning his neck as far as he could, Grissom pressed

his lips against Johnny's. "I know, Blondie. I know you

Hearing the beloved nickname, Johnny sighed,

resting his cheek along Grissom's shoulder. "Thanks,
Tiger." He nestled close, rubbing his nose along the
trapezius muscle. Johnny reached down and snagged the

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lube once more, slicking his fingers and drizzling some
into Grissom's crease. "Easy, Virgil. Going to just slick
you up a bit, 'kay?" Tossing the lube onto the corner
shelf, Johnny pressed two fingers back inside.

Grissom's ass was hot and wet, and Johnny was

gladdened to see his sheriff push back against his
invading hand. His other hand tracing the arch in
Grissom's spine, Johnny delved deep, searching for
Grissom's prostate.

A low moan confirmed the spot, and Johnny nudged

the small gland repeatedly. Grissom began fucking
himself on Johnny's hand, hips rolling and surging.
"That's it, sweetheart. That's it. Doesn't it feel good?"

"Yeah. Oh, yeah. Keep... keep going. Keep doing it."

Grissom leaned his face against the stone, eyes closed.
His lips were parted as he breathed heavily. The flush on
his cheeks darkened as Johnny pushed a third finger in.

"I will." Heart pounding in excitement, Johnny

spread Grissom's hole wide one last time before pulling
back. He quickly slicked up his own dick, then inched
forward, the head of his cock bumping Grissom's

Slowly invading Grissom's heat, Johnny moaned

shakily as the head popped inside. "Shit, Virgil!"

Grissom's eyes were now scrunched closed, a slight

frown on his face. Panting and groaning, Grissom's ass
clenched against Johnny's invasion. "Stop. Stop. Wait."

Johnny leaned his weight on one forearm, his mouth

above Grissom's ear. "I'm good, Virgil. You just relax."
He slid his other arm down, once again tugging on
Grissom's cock. His man had softened slightly, but
Johnny quickly got him back to fullness. He alternated
his jacking motion with caresses to Grissom's balls, and
soon the sheriff was moaning and moving between
Johnny's dick and his hand.

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Sinking deeper with every movement, Johnny hissed

as Grissom's tight ass gloved his cock completely. He
began shallow thrusts, timing them with the squeezing
motions of his hand, and was rewarded when Grissom
arched even further, wordlessly demanding more.

Johnny shifted his weight, resting one hand on the

wall above Grissom's shoulder, leaning as he began
thrusting in earnest. He opened his other hand and
flattened it on Grissom's belly, bringing his lover in

Never had he felt anything like this. Never had a

woman's pussy been this tight around his dick. The
heated, slippery feel was so intense; he never wanted it
to end. "God, Virgil. You feel incredible. So hot. So
good." Mumbling, he leaned down and nipped Grissom's
ear, sucking the lobe rhythmically as he shoved his hips
harder, deeper.

Without warning, Grissom began spurting, warm

semen running over Johnny's hand. Johnny groaned as
Grissom's ass clamped down on him, and shivers ran
down his spine. "God!" He began driving mindlessly,
trying to shove his cock as deeply inside his lover as he
could. "I've got to... got to get deep... want you to feel--"

Grunting, Grissom collapsed against the shower wall,

head pillowed on one arm. Johnny staggered before
catching his weight and pushed all the way back inside.
Now he pressed Grissom hard against the wall, thrusting
over and over, wanting to imprint himself on the tough,
rangy body in front of him.

Two more jerks of his hips and he exploded,

rejoicing at the thought of coming inside his lover.
"Jesus, Virgil." Exhaling harshly, he stood on tiptoe,

The hot water ran out at that moment. "Shit!"

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Chapter 4

"You going to tell me what's going on?" Johnny's

voice was low.

Grissom rolled his head on the pillow. His brush-cut

hair rasped on the six hundred thread count, sounding
loud to his ears.

Johnny lay beside him, snuggled under the heavy

down comforter. Grissom had pulled just the sheet and
cotton blanket over himself, lassitude overtaking him
after their monumental shower sex. His lips tilted as he
ran his eyes over his high maintenance lover.

The two of them had had to compromise on many

things in the last year, but one of the biggest was the
temperature in the house. Coming from more than
fifteen years in California, Johnny was not used to the
colder temperatures in the Appalachian town of Elkins.
Grissom, who had grown up in Pittsburgh before
moving to West Virginia, was no stranger to cold
weather and considered the Elkins climate to be
temperate. "My sun-loving California baby."

Propping himself on an elbow, Johnny eyed Grissom

astutely. "Don't try to distract me, Virgil. What's going

Resigning himself to talking when he really wanted

to sleep, Grissom sighed. He folded both arms beneath
his head. "I told you. Presley Boden is filing suit. He's
contesting the ballots from some of the precincts."

"Yeah. You did tell me. And I still think the guy's an

asshat." Johnny slid one arm out from under the covers
and pulled the duvet snug to his chest. "He doesn't have
a chance to reverse the decision, does he?"

Snorting, Grissom rolled his eyes. "No. But he can

still make a big stink and drag this thing out for another
few weeks. He's saying that some of the machines

Winning in a Landslide - 25

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weren't working correctly. But I happen to know that the
manufacturer's rep certified every machine a week prior
to the election." He punched his pillow. He could feel
Johnny's gaze, and he stared at the ceiling to avoid it.

"But that doesn't tell me what's really bothering you."
Grissom frowned. "Nothing's bothering me."
"Come on! Are you kidding me? You've been

pouting since you got home."

Grissom slapped the covers and leaned up on both

elbows. "I do not pout." He glared at Johnny.

"Whoa." Johnny widened his eyes dramatically.

"Okay, then. Maybe I should have said you've been on
the rag since you got home."

Cringing at that phrase, Grissom huffed in response.

"Do you mind? Feel free to join me in the twenty-first

"Whatever." Since Johnny flopped onto his back and

stared at Grissom with a sly grin, he clearly wasn't
bothered by Grissom's censure.

"Fine." Grissom began talking to the ceiling. "I've

just really had enough, that's all. This was the first time
that any part of my personal life was brought into the
campaign. I wasn't prepared for that."

"I tried to warn you, Virgil." Johnny's voice was

completely serious now, all traces of mirth gone.

"I know you did, Johnny. I know. But knowing it,

and experiencing it, are two different things."

Gusting out a sigh, Johnny reached out a hand to

Grissom. "Virgil, this thing with us is... well, it's pretty
good, and I don't want to fuck it up. But I never wanted
to endanger your career."

Grissom tucked Johnny's fingers tightly into his own.

"You didn't. I did. I was the one who thought it wouldn't
matter -- that we could be who we are, as long as I was
good at my job. For Christ's sake, I've been doing the

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job for nine years, counting the first partial term. If the
people around here don't know who I am and what I
believe in, then what the fuck have I been trying for?"

Johnny scooted closer, rubbing his cheek along

Grissom's chest, tucking his head into the hollow of
Grissom's shoulder. "You're forgetting that you won
with seventy-three percent of the vote, Virgil. I don't
think most of the people of this county are the problem.
It's the few redneck troglodytes like Boden who are
bound and determined to hang on to yesterday. I'm
surprised they don't try to fly the Stars and Bars when
they're gathering."

Snorting in reluctant laughter, Grissom tried to

imagine a campaign rally for Boden with the
Confederate flag hanging on prominent display. "I only
wish he was that stupid. Make my life a hell of a lot
simpler." Chuckling, relaxing at last, Grissom lowered
his head to nuzzle Johnny's cheek. "You're too much,
Blondie. You know that, right?"

"Uh-huh. I've been trying to tell you that for a year

now. Too much man for you. You're going to have to
get some more game, Virgil, to keep up with me."

The slam against his masculinity went in one ear and

out the other. "Uh-huh. We'll see about that, baby."
Grissom rolled on top of Johnny, flinging the covers out
of the way. "We'll just see about that."


"You need to go get Mary this morning, Virgil. I've

got a score to finish. Got an emergency email from the
producer of that heist flick. They moved up the deadline.
I just found out how way behind I am." Yawning,
Johnny tucked a royal blue turtleneck into black chinos.
He leaned over the dresser, rubbing his jaw as he looked

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into the mirror. "Good thing you like the scruffy
musician look." He pulled their bedroom door open.

Busy clipping his holster onto his belt, Grissom

looked up with a frown. "Huh? I have a meeting at eight

"Well, if you would have taken Mary home last night,

I'd go get her this morning." Johnny shrugged as he
walked away. He sounded reasonable, but Grissom
couldn't always tell.

Grissom stepped into the hallway outside the master

suite. "Wait. Wait a minute. Where are you going?" He
stared across the great room to where Johnny stood at
the long kitchen counter, pulling coffee supplies

Johnny looked innocent. "I'm making coffee, then I'm

going to get the kids up. It's your turn to make breakfast,
and, since I had to drive Mary home last night, you need
to go get her. Her car's in our driveway."

"What the..." Grissom muttered as he stomped his

feet into Roper boots. He looked over at the clock. "It's
seven-fifteen. I need to get out of here."

Johnny slapped a mug down on the granite counter,

and Grissom cringed as the ceramic hit the stone. "Look,
Virgil." Johnny turned to face him. "You and I had a
deal. I covered your shift with the kids for the last month
while you were out having breakfast with every local
yokel community group around here. Now, I need you
to get your head out of your ass and back in the game.
Ashlynn still had a tiny fever when I checked at four
o'clock. I'm starting to get worried, and I've got to get
some work done."

"Whoa. I guess the glow from last night is long


"You're not the only one living here, you know."

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Aggravated, but recognizing the accuracy of the

accusation, Grissom backed down. He raised his hands
in surrender. "You're right, J. I've been slacking off here
at home for a while. I admit I got carried away with the
craziness of the campaign. One more sin to lay at
Presley Boden's door." Lip curling as he said the name,
Grissom pulled his cell phone off his belt. "Where does
Mary live?"

Johnny rattled off the address as he headed for the


Grissom ran through the breakfast inventory in his

head as he walked to the fridge. "If I can't go to work, I
guess I'll bring work here." He dialed his secretary's cell
number. "Eleanor? Hey, I need you to rearrange the
meeting this morning. We're going to have to hold it
here at the house. Let's push it back to nine, okay?"

Continuing to mutter under his breath, Grissom got a

pot of oatmeal going, then started slicing fruit for a
salad. He clicked on the kitchen television, tuning in to
the morning show he liked. Forcing himself to relax, he
pulled out a tub of vanilla yogurt. "Ain't nothing you can
do but go with the flow, Virgil." Besides, he had missed
having time with the kids. The campaign had utterly up-
dumped his life routines. And wasn't it too damned bad
he couldn't blame that on Presley Boden?

When Johnny and the kids came downstairs, Grissom

had the corner banquette all set. The HandySitt was
ready for Henry, and the high chair was pulled up for
Ashlynn. Watching the noisy troop come into the
kitchen, Grissom paused for a second to marvel at how
his life had changed in the last year.

Catching him staring at the two kids, Johnny said, "I

know, right? Are you remembering when your mornings
were quiet?"

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"Actually, I was just thinking of how, I don't know...

empty my life was before all three of you crashed into
it." The look of surprise and pleasure that Johnny sent
his way was more than worth having to admit to any
squishy feelings.

"Just when I'm cranky with you, Virgil, you always

manage to pull it together." Transferring Ashlynn to
Grissom's care, Johnny leaned in with a thorough kiss,
one hand coming up to caress Grissom's ear.

Glad he'd made the effort to talk about feelings,

Grissom grinned. "You know that's right." He snuggled
Ashlynn in for a hug, then frowned at the warmth he
could feel from the little girl. "You feeling poorly, little
one?" He looked a little closer, seeing the faint flush on
the baby's skin, and the unhappy expression on her face.

With a sigh, Johnny helped Henry into the

combination child chair. "I don’t know, Virgil. She
doesn't look right to me. I brought down some of the
med supplies, just in case."

"Should we call Dr. Hensen?" They had the

pediatrician on speed dial.

"Well, I was thinking we should try my mom first,

see what she says." Johnny finished buckling Henry into
the seat.

"Your mother does pretty much know everything

there is to know about kids."

"You call her, Virgil." Johnny slid the cordless across

the table.

Suspicious, Grissom considered that. Was there a

gleam in the brown eyes? "Why me?"

Johnny put a bowl of oatmeal in front of Henry and

handed the boy a spoon. "Weren't you just saying the
other day that you like my mother?"

Sliding Ashlynn into her chair, Grissom made a face.

When that succeeded in getting a faint giggle from the

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child, Grissom smiled for real. "Okay, Blondie.
Whatever you say." He nuzzled the toddler, concerned
when Ashlynn's energy seemed to dissipate again. "How
about we call your grandmother, okay, Sweet Pea? Let's
see if she can help you feel better." He leaned toward the
high chair to whisper, "I just hope she doesn't make me
feel worse."

"I heard that."
Sneaking a peek at his lover, Grissom tried for

innocent. "What?"

"Just call her, you dope. She doesn't bite." Johnny

dished up a bowl of fruit salad for himself.

"Much." Manning up, Grissom dialed Rita's number.

He handed Ashlynn a sippy-cup filled with apple juice,
then took a gulp of coffee as he waited for Rita to

"Hey, handsome." Rita's voice was warm, if a little

hoarse. "It's a little early to be calling."

"Uh, hi, Rita." Catching sight of the clock again,

Grissom realized it was an hour earlier in Chicago and
Rita might still in bed. He darted a look at Johnny,
frowning when he spotted the amused speculation on his
lover's face.

"Oh. It's you."
The welcome in his mother-in-law's voice was

overwhelming. His glare across the table promised
retribution. "Yes, Rita. It's me."

"What can I do for you?" Her tone was business-like.
"Well, I'm sorry to bother you this early." He ignored

the faint snort that generated. "Ashlynn is looking a little
poorly, and we thought we could run her symptoms by
you, to see what you thought."

"Of course." Rita sounded a little warmer. "What's

going on?"

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Grissom relayed the information Johnny passed

along. "She had a temp of ninety-nine-three early this
morning, about four a.m. Hang on, I'll check it again."
He took the temporal artery unit and slid it up the baby's
forehead. "Whoa. It's up, just under a hundred and one."
He shot an anxious glance at Johnny.

"What are her other symptoms?"
"Well, she's listless. Didn't drink any of the juice I

just gave her, and she doesn't look hungry. She's
coughing a little, off and on. She's not saying much,
either. Wait, Johnny wants to talk to you." He handed
the phone over.

"Hey, Mom. Yeah. We're worried too. She seems to

be going downhill while I'm looking at her." Johnny
waved Grissom to his feet. "Uh-huh. Yeah." Pushing
Henry's chair back, Johnny got up. "Okay. We'll call you
later." Tossing the cordless on the table, he met
Grissom's gaze. "Mom says we should take her to the
urgent care center right away. Not that we have one. I'll
take her to Dr. Hensen's now. You go get Mary so she
can watch Henry, then you can follow me over."

Not even caring about Johnny's usual bossiness,

Grissom nodded his head. "Okay. No, wait. I can take
her in my truck and get there faster with the lights and
siren." Grissom's black Tahoe was his official sheriff's

"Is that legal?"
Johnny focused on the damnedest things sometimes.

"If I'm in the rig, it is."

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Chapter 5

Grissom got up from the long table in the farm's

dining room. "Anybody need more coffee?" He held up
the stainless steel carafe, gesturing to the members of his
administrative staff.

The meeting at the house had been delayed until four.

Now it was almost six o'clock, and Grissom was ready
to be done for the day. He and his team had been
brainstorming budgets and other department business in
their monthly session, and everyone was looking a little

"I'm coffee'd out, Sheriff." Donnie Skobel, warden

for the county's correctional facility, held up a hand,
palm out. Next to him, Owen Tate, his chief of staff,
waved off too.

Not finding any takers among the other five people at

the table, Grissom set the carafe back on the sideboard.
"You're right. We've all had enough. Let's wind this up
so everyone can head home to dinner." Johnny and
Henry were in the kitchen, and the dinner Mary had
prepared was smelling mighty good.

Quickly summarizing what had been accomplished,

Grissom laid out assignments for his staff. "Okay, Brent,
let me have the revised budget by Monday, please.
Donnie, we need to settle that staffing issue, so I'm
going to set up a call with the county's attorney. I'll let
you know when he's available." He pushed back from
the table. "Everybody, get home to your families."

Owen shoved papers into his briefcase. "How's your

little girl, Sheriff?"

Appreciating the inquiry, Grissom smiled for the first

time that afternoon. "She's okay. Thanks for asking.
Scared us this morning that maybe it was pneumonia,
but turns out it's just a nasty cold with a touch of the flu.

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But we had to spend three and a half hours at the
pediatrician's office to find that out. They sent us back
and forth between the ER and their office."

"Be kind of nice if we had one of those urgent care

clinics right here in Elkins. You know, where they have
x-ray equipment and everything." Dawn Stamper, the
sheriff's department finance director, pulled her coat on.
"I know the county board has talked about trying to
attract one from time to time, but it never seems to go

"Yeah." Grissom sighed. It was the same old

discussion they'd been having for the last five years.
"With the way all government agencies are going to
have to cut spending, I don't see that changing, Dawn.
Not unless we can figure out a way to generate new
revenue sources. And I don't mean taxes." Grissom's
stance on that was well-known.

With his team commiserating on the status of budgets

everywhere, Grissom walked them to the front door. He
stood on the wide veranda, watching everyone get into
their cars. The security fixture out front cast a big arc of
light over where they were parked along the frosted
grass. Winter came early in the mountains, even at the
lower elevations.

Johnny's probably wearing his silk long underwear


Chuckling to himself at that, Grissom gave a final

wave. Back in the great room, most of his little family
was over by the fireplace. Johnny had started a fire, and
he and Henry were wrestling on the thick wool area rug
that lay in front of the hearth. Fred and Barney were
helping, with a benevolent Gershwin looking on.

"Hey, Virgil -- we were just going to come get you."

Johnny grinned.

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"You're looking a hell of a lot happier than this

morning, J." Grissom plopped down onto the club chair
that flanked the sectional. "You must have got some
work done this afternoon." He loosened the top button
on his uniform shirt. Sometimes he was required to put
on the whole magilla and wear a suit and tie, but most
days, he got away with jeans and his shirt.

"Once I calmed down, I did," Johnny said with

feeling. "I don't mind telling you that scared me this
morning. I don't like not knowing what to do." He
shifted Henry to the side and sat up, pushing Fred away
from his lap. "I was thinking of asking my mom to move
up the road from us. The Price place is for sale. And you
know she could get a job at any of the places around
here. Especially the hospital."

Grissom smacked one ear a couple times with the

heel of his hand. "I must be hearing things."

"Seriously. Don't you think it would be a good idea to

have a nurse just up the road?"

Grissom refused to believe what he was hearing.

"Why don't you have her move in upstairs, then?"

Seemingly struck by that idea, Johnny hummed as he

considered. "Huh. That's an idea. I didn't think you'd go
for anything like that."

"Because I wouldn't," Grissom shot back. "Your

mother is not moving in here. Period." The feeling of
relaxation was beginning to burn off.

Mouth open, Johnny stared at him. "Well, I just

thought... you know, that we could use somebody
around who knows how to take care of kids. That's all."

Jackknifing forward, Grissom glared at Johnny. He

used his index finger to emphasize his words. "You are
not short-cutting learning how to be a parent, John
Michael Rayne. And I am not putting up with your
mother here twenty-four-seven in order for you to do it."

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Offended, Johnny tossed a floor pillow at Grissom.

"When you first met my mother, you had plenty of nice
things to say about her."

Grissom had to admit that was true. "Yeah. Well,

she's okay, I just don't want her breathing down my
neck, checking to see if I'm taking care of her baby
boy." He shook his head, a humorless snort escaping

All of a sudden Johnny was purring. "You do take

care of her baby boy. If I say so myself." He passed
Henry a small action figure without taking his eyes off

A thrill chased over Grissom's body. "I take it I'm

forgiven for not wanting my mother-in-law to live with

"I don't know. We'll talk about it later." A promise

gleamed in the whiskey-brown eyes before Johnny
turned to Henry and ran a caressing hand over the boy's
hair. "And thank God Ashlynn is finally sleeping
soundly." He exhaled slowly. "Antibiotics are a
wonderful thing."

"Oh, yes indeed." Grissom meant that with every

fiber in his body. He slouched backward again,
unfastening a couple more buttons.

"So. Sounded like you were talking serious stuff in

there with your crew."

"Don't remind me. God, I thought that meeting would

never end." Closing his eyes, Grissom absorbed the
peace of the evening. The crackle of the fire was
soothing to his frazzled nerves. "Everybody's singing the
same tune. Not enough money and too many people to
serve." It had been the same story the day he was sworn
in. "We need more revenue in the county. Since nobody
in his right mind is expanding a business now, I don't
see how that's going to happen. We can't increase taxes

Winning in a Landslide - 36

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on the businesses and people here -- they'll hightail it
down to Florida or Texas."

He heard Johnny stand up. "You want to keep Daddy

company for a sec, Henry? I'm going to pour him a beer,

"God, you're a mind reader." Grissom's lips quirked

as Henry clambered onto the chair.

"Daddy. Play, Daddy." The two-year old waved a

small Transformers doll, nearly smacking Grissom in
the nose.

"Whoa, easy there, Hank. Daddy needs this nose to

sniff out the trouble you and Dondee get into."

A glass of Blue Moon was shoved under said nose.

"Uh-huh." Stretching his lean body out on the leather
sofa, Johnny batted his eyelashes. "I seem to recall you
like me getting into trouble."

Relaxed once more, and letting himself be amused,

Grissom smirked at his lover. "You mean when I had to
pull you off that redneck who was mouthing off at that
last rally over in Belington? That kind of trouble? Where
you almost got your butt kicked by the Holden boys?"

"I did not almost get my butt kicked. I had it under


Rolling his eyes, Grissom spoke to Henry. "Hank,

you got to watch out for Dondee when he gets wound
up. Before you know it, he's threatening to cut a man's
jewels off and shove them somewhere strategic. Several
men, actually. I think that was the highlight of the rally,
as a matter of fact. Good thing those crazy Holdens are
universally disliked." When Henry responded with a
goofy grin and waved his doll again, Grissom laughed.

"I told you not to call him Hank. And you can't talk

to a two-year old like that. What if he repeats that to

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"I don't think she likes the Holdens, either, so we're

probably okay."


Occasionally on Saturday mornings, Johnny and

Grissom would take the kids out for breakfast. Grissom
liked to visit the businesses throughout the county, and
every so often, they'd end up at the Waffle Palace in
Elkins. Johnny still had to contain his snicker every time
he saw the sign for the restaurant. The neon castle was
just a little too much for his L.A.-cool sensibilities.

This late Saturday morning marked the first time the

family had been out together since the election the week

"Hey, Sheriff! Congratulations!"
Johnny felt a secret pride as Grissom was repeatedly

hailed while they walked to their table. In spite of the
rancor of the campaign and the ugly allegations that had
been made, his man had triumphed.

"I think I'm buying today." Johnny slid into the booth

seat after Henry.

"Really? You feeling generous today, Blondie?"
"Well, we haven't really celebrated your win. Not just

us, anyway." Johnny had been at the restaurant where
they'd waited for election returns, but he'd stayed
somewhat in the background. "I didn't get to dance
around the room and scream and yell on election night."
He leaned back as a server poured coffee.

"Uh-huh. You were definitely Undercover Johnny

that night, with your Poindexter glasses and your nerd
clothes." Grissom's sage look undercut Johnny's attempt
to look bashful.

"I was trying to blend!"

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Shouting with laughter, Grissom jiggled Ashlynn as

she rode in his arms. "Ha ha, that's a good one. Blend.
You. Mr. L.A." Snorting, he nuzzled the baby girl's

"Thanks. I was trying to not be the crazy gay rocker

who was dragging your campaign down." Feeling sour
all of a sudden, Johnny grimaced as he lifted his cup to
his lips.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad by acting all


"No!" Stung, Johnny lowered his cup too quickly,

and coffee sloshed over the rim. He could feel his face
heat up. "Why are you saying that? I was trying to help
that night." Avoiding looking at Grissom, he leaned over
to help Henry choose a crayon from the jelly jar on the

"As I recall it," Grissom mused, "I was looking

around for you and couldn't find you most of the night."

Shrugging, Johnny focused on the outline of Optimus

Prime in the coloring book.

"Now that I think of it, you didn't have much to say

that last week of the campaign. And you haven't said
anything about it since election day."

Johnny hated it when Grissom actually started to

think about things, since it often meant the sheriff would
pinpoint something Johnny didn't want to discuss. He
picked up a menu. "Are you ready to order?"

Grissom reached out to tug it down. Johnny pulled

back, trying to hold the laminated folder upright,
blocking his face from his too-smart lover. They
engaged in a tug-of-war for about five seconds.

"I see you boys are having fun this morning."
Startled, Johnny looked up. "Livvie!" Gladdened at

the distraction, he hopped to his feet. "I've missed you."
He hugged the older woman, her lavender scent familiar

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and comforting. He must have held on a little too long,
because Olivia Sanders' face was concerned when she
pushed away.

"You okay, honey?" She reached up a wrinkled hand

to brush the hair out of his eyes. Just like his mother had
done when Johnny was eight.

"Livvie. I'm not a kid." Feeling awkward for some

reason, he avoided looking at Grissom.

Seventy-five-year-old Livvie had met Johnny when

he'd rescued her dogs from the county pound. They'd
become good friends, especially since Livvie was a
fountain of information on raising children.

Meanwhile, Grissom had gotten to his feet. "Hey,

Livvie. Good to see you." He bent down to hug their

"Would you like to join us?" Johnny asked brightly.

Anything to stop Grissom from poking his nose where it
didn't belong.

"Sorry, dear. Ordinarily I'd love to have breakfast

with my honorary grandbabies. But today I'm here with
Warren Drucker. He's parking the car."

"Warren Drucker? The pharmacist over at Walmart?"

Grissom's eyebrows rose.

Long past being surprised that Grissom knew just

about everybody around, Johnny was fascinated to see a
blush rise in Livvie's cheeks. "Livvie? Is this a date?"

She giggled. Actually giggled. "No. Last night was a

date. This morning is follow-up."

Staring at his friend in awe, Johnny ran his eyes over

her. From shiny silver hair, cut in a short, fashionable
shag, to her librarian-ish tweed jacket and wool slacks,
Olivia Sanders cut a nice figure. "You do look extra
special today. Must have been a fun night. Any chance
he's using some of those little blue pills he dispenses?"

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Livvie tilted her head to the side, then gasped when

she realized what he meant. "Johnny!" She smacked him
on the arm. "What makes you think I'd tell you?" With
that, she headed off with a laugh.

Still chuckling, Grissom sat back down. He settled

Ashlynn into the high chair brought over by their server.
"I see you're back to normal. Want to tell me what's
bugging you?"

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Chapter 6

In the fourteen months Johnny had been living in

West Virginia, he'd come to love the land and its people.
He'd made a home in the mountain community, unlike
the fifteen years he'd spent in L.A. He'd been raised in
Chicago, but he'd been gone from the staid Midwestern
life for a long time -- a lifetime even -- and here in this
small town, he'd begun to create the kind of life he'd
longed for as a boy. He knew intellectually that deciding
to take the drastic step of leaving his band at the top of
the charts, leaving behind L.A. and all that he knew, had
constituted the moment in time when he'd begun to do
things differently. But the day he met Grissom, just after
coming to West Virginia, had started him down a road
he'd never anticipated.

Adopting the two kids had put icing on his cake.

They made everything he and Grissom had gone through
-- and were going through -- worthwhile. In his head, he
knew that.

Facing Grissom now, with the kids clamoring for

pancakes and normal all around them, it was hard to
verbalize what he'd been feeling.

"It's just... you didn't -- and then they wanted you to--

" Giving up, Johnny subsided with a groan. "I don't

Their meals were placed in front of them.
Cutting his sausage into little pieces, Grissom forked

up a bite. "Mmm. They make it just the way I like it."
Swallowing, he followed with a sip of coffee.

Irritated, Johnny sat back and shoved his plate away

from the edge. "You ever think about anything but your
stomach?" While that was patently unfair, Johnny didn't
much care at that moment.

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Amused, Grissom ate another piece of waffle while

his green eyes gleamed at Johnny. "What do you want
me to say? I've never been able to get you to tell me
anything you don't want to. So you're either going to tell
me now, or not. I already told you I want to know what's
going on."

The utter reasonableness in Grissom's tone soothed

Johnny's ruffled feathers. Sheepish now, he tugged his
plate closer and picked up his fork. "Sorry." His voice
was meek. He shoveled a pile of pancake chunks toward
his mouth.

Henry yanked on his sleeve, and he nearly stabbed

his cheek. "Dondee! Want choc' milk."

"Easy, there, Henry. Geez. You almost nailed me."
Grinning, Henry patted him with a syrupy hand.

Rolling his eyes, Johnny dipped his napkin in his water
glass, then dabbed at the stickiness on his skin.

"If I were sitting next to you, I could lick that off."
Johnny looked at Grissom from under his brows.

"What?" He checked to see if anyone was listening to
their conversation. "Stop that. What if someone hears

"Is that what's bothering you? Are we back to that

jerkoff Presley Boden and all the crap he was spewing
the last few months?"

Looking at the ceiling for a second, Johnny pinched

his lips together. "I swear to God, if Henry repeats any
of that in front of my mother, you're going to get it."
Grabbing his orange juice, he took a big swig.

Grissom was nodding his head, making an ah-hah

sound. "So. We are back to that." Between sips of coffee
and bites of waffle, the sheriff continued on the same
track. "Tell me what's going on. I can't help you if you
won't tell me."

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"I don't need you to help me." Affronted male,

Johnny puffed up, almost knocking over his coffee.
"Oops." Rescuing the cup, he applied himself to eating
once more. When Grissom didn't say anything else, he
relaxed a bit. "Okay. I'll tell you."

Johnny ignored the snide comment. He knew how to

handle the big sheriff, after all. "Boden wasn't saying
anything that some other people weren't saying." He
paused. Did that even make sense? "I mean, he was
saying what they were saying." When Grissom
snickered behind his coffee cup, Johnny narrowed his
eyes. "Whatever. What I'm trying to say is that there are
people around here that don't like the idea of two guys
together. And they really don't like those two guys
raising kids."

"I thought we had this conversation a year ago."

Focusing on Johnny, Grissom reached out a hand to
Ashlynn, keeping her entertained.

"Maybe. And maybe I thought I could handle it back

then. Maybe I thought you could handle it, too."

The server interrupted them. "How are y'all doing?

Can I get you anything?"

"Yes, please. Will you bring some chocolate milk for

Henry, here?" Johnny smiled up at the high-schooler.

"Sure thing, Johnny." The teenager grinned as she

moved to the next table.

"I think you're more well-known around here than I

am. I don't know whether I like that or not."

Snorting, Johnny slouched in the booth and crossed

one ankle over his knee. "I think you're twisted enough
to like it, and to like sticking it in the noses of some of
these rednecks. That's what I was trying to avoid during
the last part of the campaign, you dope. I was trying to
stay on the downlow."

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"Dope. Dope." Henry banged his fork on his plate.
"I believe you were worried about him quoting me?"

Grissom could sound so innocent when he wanted.

Just about gnashing his teeth, Johnny took the fork

away from Henry. "Easy there, little guy." He scooped
up some pancake and fed it to the boy as he looked back
at Grissom. He lowered his voice. "Weren't you worried,
Virgil? I could tell some days when you came home that
Boden had been on a rant. The guy is a hater, and I'm so
glad you beat him. But he could have cost you your job.
Because of me."

"Not because of you." Rearranging himself on the

booth seat, Grissom fiddled with the handle of his coffee
mug. "Because Boden's a homophobic a-- jerk."

"Nice save." Looking around at the crowded

restaurant, he saw families and couples everywhere.
"Virgil, I didn't plan on any of this when I came here."

"Just what did you plan, then?"
Taken aback by the aggression in his lover's voice,

Johnny stared for a moment. "Well... I was going to just
move to the farm, get as far away from L.A. as I could.
Then I was going to, um, adopt someday..."

"Yeah? Well, you got all that. So what's your


What was his problem? With Grissom's usual lack of

tact, the sheriff had pointed out a basic truth. Johnny had
gotten what he'd set out to obtain when he left Los
Angeles. "Okay. I guess when you put it that way, it
does sound like I've gotten what I wanted."

"Uh-huh." Grissom pulled out a hand-wipe and

removed the syrup from Ashlynn's hands and face. He
lifted her out of her seat. "Sometimes Dondee doesn't
make a lot of sense, does he, baby girl?" He snuggled
the child to his chest. "I think you should think about
this." His eyes drilled into Johnny's. "You might not

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have really known what you were getting into when you
left L.A. with your dreams and plans, but you got a
whole heck of a lot more. And it's a good more, unless
you let your fears screw it up."

Whoa. Grissom was sounding a little pissed. "I didn't

mean to--"

"Good morning, Johnny. Good morning, Sheriff."

Mary Blount stood next to their table.

Saved by the bell. Or rather, the housekeeper. "Oh,

hey, Mary." Johnny started to get to his feet.

"Oh, no, don't get up. Y'all look so comfortable there

with the kids." Mary fluttered her fingers at the two
toddlers. "And don't you both look adorable today?"

"Yeah. Ralph Lauren should open a store here in

Elkins. Johnny would keep him busy."

Pasting on a smile, Johnny shot a warning glare at

Grissom, then looked up at Mary. "Don't pay any
attention to him, Mary. He thinks he's so funny."

"Oh, that's all right. I just wanted to say hi before I

left. My friend Joanie and I just finished breakfast."

Johnny hadn't noticed the quiet woman standing off

to one side. "Gosh, I'm sorry." He got to his feet and
held out his hand. "I'm Johnny."

Joanie stepped forward and shook briefly.
"And that's Virgil." Johnny motioned Grissom to his


"Joanie and I were just talking about the election,

Sheriff. I think she was a Boden fan, but I've been
telling her all about you two and the terrific thing you
did taking in these kids."

Joanie flushed, looking uncomfortable. "Sorry,

Sheriff," she mumbled.

Grissom shrugged, moving Ashlynn to his other

shoulder. "No problem, Joanie. Mr. Boden had some

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good ideas for the county. I just disagreed with some of
his other ideas."

"That's just what we were talking about." Mary

nodded her head in emphasis. "Since Johnny and I
talked earlier in the week, I've been thinking about you
Republicans and all. I even told Joanie that I was a little
worried going to work for y'all."

When Grissom turned those green eyes on him,

Johnny coughed behind his hand and looked at his
watch. "Holy cow, Virgil, we've got to get going. We've
got that thing back at the house."

"Oh, sure. Don't mind us. We're heading over to

Buckhannon for some shopping, anyway." Mary hitched
her purse higher on her shoulder. Joanie just looked
grateful to be leaving.

"We'll see you on Monday, then?" He'd meant it to be

a declaratory sentence, but then thought perhaps he
should make sure Mary was coming back to work.

"Bright and early!" She waved as she followed her

friend out of the restaurant.

"Wow. Good old Joanie couldn't get away from us

fast enough, could she?" Grissom's tone was wry.

"That's just what I was talking about, you know."

Johnny dug in his pocket for his wallet. "She's going to
talk to her friends, and they'll talk to their friends..."

"Is that like the old shampoo commercial? You know,

back in the eighties or something."

Completely blank, Johnny shook his head. "What? I

don't know what the heck you're talking about." He
handed the waitress his card without stopping to check
the bill. He was itching to leave such a public place.

"You know. 'I'll tell two friends about it, and they'll

tell two friends about it.' Remember?" Grissom seemed
to be laughing at him, which pissed Johnny off even

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"You better start taking this stuff seriously." He

busied himself getting Henry's coat on. "What if Boden
wins this suit? What are you going to do then?" Johnny
tugged the boy out of the booth seat. "Let's go, little guy.
The dogs are waiting for us at home. Want to play with
them outside?"

At Henry's enthusiastic nod and happy yell, Johnny

hauled him up onto one hip. "I'll be outside."


Grissom's eyes followed Johnny's exit from the

Waffle Palace.

Jesus Christ, that man was excitable. "Ash, if that

man weren't the hottest thing I've ever been fortunate
enough to shag, I'm not so sure I'd put up with his silly
ways." Not expecting a coherent answer from the
seventeen-month-old baby, Grissom got her clad in her
jacket and hat. He was tugging the tiny mittens on when
the server came back.

"Here's Johnny's card, Sheriff."
"Yeah. He was in kind of a hurry." Grissom quickly

added a big tip and signed his name with a flourish. "See
you around, Cheryl."

Outside, he found Johnny waiting impatiently by the

Tahoe. Snowflakes were drifting down, blanketing the
town in a quiet bubble. "Weatherman says we'll get a
couple of inches out of this." Grissom popped the locks
with his key fob.

Busy helping Henry buckle his car seat straps,

Johnny ignored the comment.

Rolling his eyes, Grissom loaded Ashlynn into her

car seat. "You need to stop anywhere on the way
home?" When all that generated was a shake of the
head, Grissom gave up. "Okay." He started the truck,

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turned on some music, then adjusted the temperature on
the climate control. "You want your seat warmer on?
Your butt's pretty hot, but I figure a California boy like
you might appreciate it today." He looked in the
rearview mirror. "We like Johnny's butt, don't we,

At least that got a response. "What?" Grissom backed

out of the parking space, then pulled out onto U.S. 219.
"He's a baby. Don't worry about it."

It was about a twenty-minute ride to the farm from

the center of town. Since Johnny spent the time
checking email, Grissom was glad when his phone rang
about fifteen minutes later, breaking the silence. He
answered through the Bluetooth sync. "Grissom."

"Hey, Gris, it's Toby." The attorney's voice came

through the audio system speakers.

Raising his brows, Grissom glanced significantly at

Johnny. "Hey, Toby. What's up?"

"I hope you're happy I'm working on a Saturday for

you." The humor in Toby's voice was clear.

"Always. Johnny thanks you too, since he's been

really uptight about this whole Boden thing."

Scoffing, Johnny shook his head. "Like you weren't.

The other day you came home like a growly old bear. I
was so ready to kick your ass."

Nice. Grissom shot him another look. Johnny's eyes

had gone wide, and he darted a guilty look back at
Henry. "Oh, yeah. Good job, Blondie. Cursing in front
of the kids. We'll be talking about that later." And
Grissom knew just how to handle Johnny when it came
to that.

In fact, he could remember a time or two when

spankings and handcuffs were involved.

Have to look into that when we get home.

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Chapter 7

"Ahem. Still listening here," Toby reminded them.
"Sorry, Tobe. What's up? Do you have anything

new?" Grissom wasn't thinking Boden would walk
away, but he had hopes there'd be some good news on
the other end of the phone.

"When have I ever let you down?"
"You've never lacked confidence, that's for sure."

Grissom had known the brash attorney for most of the
time he'd been in West Virginia. As much as Grissom
was not a fan of members of the legal profession, Toby's
integrity and bulldog determination had convinced him
that this lawyer, at least, could be a good friend.

"He's always struck me as obnoxious." Johnny's lips

were scrunched, as if he'd sucked on a lemon.

"Hey... I was always a fan of yours, Stormy." Toby

didn't sound bothered in the least.

"Oh. Really? Okay, then. Maybe it's just my natural

response to ambulance-chasing lawyers."

Laughing, Grissom cuffed Johnny on the back of his

blond head. "Johnny had a few run-ins with your kind
during the Storm years, Toby. More than one guy tried
to take him to the cleaners, apparently." Grissom slowed
for the turnoff to Rain Dance. The farm was just a mile
ahead. "So what's going on?"

"Good news, actually. Boden's attorney called me to

say that they're dropping the suit."

Despite his professed laissez-faire attitude, Grissom

was amazed that it had happened that quickly.
"Seriously? I thought that nutcase would take this to the
last hour, and the last judge, if he could." He patted
Johnny's tight thigh muscle. "See, J? This worked out,
just like we hoped it would." Squeezing the sexy thigh
one last time, Grissom stepped on the gas.

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Grunting, Johnny was unconvinced. "Right.

Whatever. What's the catch, Caine?"

"Well, I promised to pass this along. Don't shoot the

messenger, though, Gris."

"Why?" What the heck did that slimy redneck want


"He wants to work in your administration."
"What?" What the fuck? Standing on the brakes a

little too hard, Grissom just made the turn up the private
road to the farm. "Who does that guy think he is? Is that
his condition for dropping the suit? If he can't beat me at
the ballot box, he'll infiltrate and defeat me from the

"Nah. I think he knows he isn't going anywhere with

the suit. Maybe he thinks this is the way to redeem
himself? And the guy has some campaign debt, so he
needs to quit spending money on his lawyer."

"Yes, and causing us to spend money on ours."

Johnny's acidic comment sparked a gust of laughter
from Grissom.

"Baby, this kind of news is worth every penny."

Bringing the truck to a stop at the side of the farmhouse,
Grissom through the gearshift into park. "Come on. I
want to put the kids down for a nap, so that we can go
back to our room and do the same."

Snickering, Caine signed off. "I'll talk to you

Monday, Gris. Enjoy your nap."


Damn the man. Virgil Grissom kept Johnny on his

toes -- and he didn't know whether to be thankful for
that, or to pull out his hair in frustration.

"Is he gay?" Johnny confronted Grissom as soon as

the kids were asleep upstairs and the adults were in the

Winning in a Landslide - 51

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master suite. He kicked his shoes off inside the walk-in
closet, then flung his socks to the side.

"What? Who?" Grissom followed into the large

space. They'd divided it up after the renovation of the
farmhouse; Grissom's space was on the west side, and
Johnny's on the east side. Now, however, Grissom was
standing in Johnny's half, unbuttoning his blue
chambray shirt and shrugging it off.

"You're in my space. And you know who." Pulling

off his cashmere sweater, Johnny peeled off his

"Yeah. I'm in your space. You like me in your space."

Grissom unfastened his belt, tugging it through the loops
at his waist. His white T-shirt accentuated the heavy
muscles of his chest and arms, and Johnny's eyes were
drawn there. Damn the man.

"Is Tobias Caine gay?" Johnny was not going to be

sidetracked. He just knew that Caine had the hots for
Grissom. He'd certainly heard the guy make enough
remarks laden with innuendo during the last six months.

"I'm not getting my nuts in a sling by commenting

either way. I know you, Blondie. You've already
decided, so it won't matter what I say." Thick fingers
slipped open the buttons on Grissom's fly.

"Hah. Right. I knew it. You know he's been panting

after you for months." Wrenching open the tab on his
chinos, Johnny yanked them off. He sent his abbreviated
boxers down after them.

"God, I love those undies. You know that, right?"
Diverted despite himself, Johnny preened for a few

seconds. The La Perla briefs were sweet. He loved the
soft knit feel of them against his skin -- and the colors
were very sexy. Grissom's hands cupped his behind,
pulling him snug to the sheriff's big body.

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"I like the way they look on you, but I like you even

better without them."

Grissom's growly voice had desire churning in his

balls. Johnny was damned glad he got his lazy ass out of
bed every morning and onto the elliptical. "Don't try to
get around me." He nudged his hardening dick against
the heavy placket of Grissom's jeans, just missing the
zipper teeth. God, that was close to the line between
pleasure and pain on the tender tip of his cock.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Grissom used his body to

herd Johnny into the bedroom. "I take you very
seriously." Edging toward the side of the king-sized bed,
Grissom's thick cock bulged through the open fly of his
jeans. He held the loosened waistband with one hand as
he yanked back the covers with the other. "In fact, I'd
like to take you really seriously right now." He shoved
Johnny down onto the mattress.

"Virgil, you are an arrogant pain in the ass, you know


"Uh-huh. I know." Grissom kicked off his jeans and

briefs. "But you like when I make your ass hurt, right?
In fact, I seem to recall you spouting off in the truck."

Johnny inched backward, climbing toward the

pillows. He piled a couple behind his head. "Maybe I
did. Maybe I didn't."

Grissom put a knee between Johnny's legs, then

brought both hands down to cage him in. "I know you
did. What are we going to do about that?" Grissom
leaned down to give Johnny a full body caress, chest
hair rasping against Johnny's sensitive nipples.

Hissing in a breath, Johnny arched, pushing his little

bits upward, rubbing the leaking head of his dick against
Grissom's. "Virgil..."

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God, he loved how quickly this man turned him on.

He rocked his hips, nudging Grissom's dick, enjoying
the anticipation.

"Ah-ah-ah." Grissom sat up, then reached for

Johnny's left leg. He yanked, forcing Johnny to flip face

"Oomph!" Damn it, he really did like when Grissom

got forceful. It turned his crank something fierce.
Johnny spread his knees and pushed his dick into the
softness of the memory foam mattress. "God."

"Hey. Not yet, Blondie." Grissom wrapped his

fingers around Johnny's hips and pulled backward. The
head of his cock bumped Johnny's balls, and Johnny
couldn't help but groan. "You like that, huh?" Grissom
repeated the motion several times.

"Uh. Uh-huh." Already almost stupid with desire,

Johnny pushed his hips back farther. "More."

Grissom answered with a smack on one ass cheek.

Squirming, Johnny began to pant. Rewarded with
another smack, this time on the other cheek, Johnny dug
his head into the pillow. A few more slaps had him
almost gnawing at the pillowcase. A thought flashed
into his head, and he opened his mouth before he could
think. "I used to wonder -- ohh -- why the Brits call gay
guys... pillow-biters. Now... now," he gasped at another
slap, "I get it."

Shouting with laughter, Grissom dropped over

Johnny, using his superior weight to push Johnny down.
"Ha, ha, J -- you're something else." Grissom hugged
him tight, snugging his dick into Johnny's crease. "God,
I love you."

"If you really love me, you'll get the slick -- and

you'll get it now." Back to rubbing his face against the
bedding, Johnny was sweating, his heart starting to
pound. "I need you to fuck me. I need it."

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"Me, too... Jesus, me too." Grissom lifted himself on

one arm, sliding a hand to the nightstand. "Just let me --
almost... got it!" He snagged the tube of Astroglide and
settled back on his heels.

Johnny could hear the sounds of Grissom prepping,

and two slick fingers were then at his opening. Grissom
tapped them, circling the snug muscle, spreading the
lube. "Virgil -- quit teasing!"

"Damn, you're impatient."
He could hear the humor in Grissom's voice. The two

fingers pressed inward, and Johnny sighed at the feeling
inside his ass. "Good. It's good." His ring was spread,
the fingers scissoring, then plunging over and over.
When Grissom nudged his prostate, Johnny moaned.
"Oh, yeah, right there. Don't stop."

"Just a little more slick, baby." Grissom withdrew his

hand, then came back with three fingers this time. "God,
you're so hot inside, so soft."

His hole was worked until the muscle guarding it

eased. Johnny spread his knees even farther, bringing
them up the bed. He loved how it felt to be wide open
with Grissom behind him. It made him feel vulnerable
and sexy at the same time. "Now, Virgil. Please."

"God, yes." Grissom's voice was throaty. He moved

up and over Johnny quickly, his weight once again
pressing Johnny down.

The head of Grissom's cock pushed firmly, and

Johnny sucked in a breath as his opening was stretched
around it. When Grissom inched forward, he couldn't
help but groan again.

"God, you've become a moaner." Grissom grunted as

Johnny's ass muscles fisted around him. "Yeah, like that.
You're so good at that." He shoved inside all the way in.

Exulting in the feeling of being invaded, Johnny

rolled his hips, trying to lead with the rhythm. If he

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arched in just the right way, Grissom's dick hit just the
right spot. Grinning to himself, he continued to press

Pulling out and thrusting forward again, Grissom

took over.

The strong movements sent Johnny upward on the

mattress, and he slapped one hand on the headboard to
halt his momentum. He slid the other under his belly to
circle his aching cock. "Virgil, please. Harder."

"Whatever you say, J." Grissom started pile-driving.
"You're so deep. You're hitting me so deep inside."

Grunting with the force of Grissom's movements,
Johnny alternated his moans with hissing as he yanked
at his cock. He was getting so close.

"I've got to." Grissom was practically growling.

"Want you to remember this." His words were staccato
as he rammed himself into Johnny. "Remember who you
belong to."

"God, I'm going to... keep going," Johnny ordered.

"There. There!" Jerking his dick hard, Johnny
convulsed, spurting hot semen onto the mattress. He
shouted as his ass gripped Grissom tight, causing the
sheriff to stutter to a halt behind him.

"God, Johnny. God! So tight." Grissom murmured

more words as he dropped down over Johnny, beginning
to thrust again. "Keep squeezing me so good." Braced
on a forearm, he lifted Johnny's left leg, spreading him
even wider.

Still shuddering from his orgasm, Johnny cried out

hoarsely as he was impaled further.

Grissom was now ramming feverishly to the finish,

only the occasional grunt accompanying the sweat that
dripped onto Johnny's back. With one last plunge, he
froze, shivering as he shot into Johnny's willing ass.

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"God, baby," he gasped. "God. It -- I didn't think... it
could keep getting better."

Panting like he'd run a four-minute mile, Johnny

couldn't even respond. He moved his hand, trying to
shove one pillow out of his way. Finally getting a piece
of it, he pushed it off the side of the bed. Lying flat, his
legs now stretched out, he rested under Grissom's

They stayed that way for long minutes. Johnny

couldn't quite catch a full breath with the sheriff's
heavier body on his, and loath as he was to ruin the
moment, he had to speak up. "I... I can't -- can't breathe,

Mumbling something incoherent, Grissom shifted to

the side.

Filling his lungs completely, Johnny let out a huge

sigh. Then, as the glow began to wear off, he frowned.
"Shit. I'm in the wet spot." And Grissom's ejaculate was
beginning to leak out of his ass. "Guh." Groaning, he
pushed himself to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Grissom sounded sleepy.
"To get cleaned up." Johnny brightened at the

thought of a shared shower. "Want to join me?"

Grissom rolled onto his back. He stretched his arms

and legs out wide, moaning. "Oh, God, do I have to? I
just want to lie here for a while. You wore me out,

He should be nice and let Grissom enjoy the

afterglow, right? "Okay, Virgil. You just relax yourself
there. I'm going to take a quick shower, then I'll be right
back. But I'm calling the other side." He sent a pointed
glance to the wet spot.

Laughing, Grissom waved him on. "Sure thing,


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Snorting at the absurd nickname, Johnny headed for

the shower. He pulled up short at the sound of one of the
kids through the baby monitor.

"Oops, he's calling your name, Virgil. No rest for the

wicked after all." Grinning, Johnny dodged the pillow
Grissom aimed his way.

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Chapter 8

Grissom frowned at his attorney. "So now what's

going to happen? He's just going to quietly slink away
into the night?" He sipped his coffee.

"I wouldn't bet the farm on that." Toby looked out the

window of the House of Java in downtown Elkins. The
coffee house was a block from the courthouse, where
Grissom's offices were located, and now, at ten o'clock
on a Monday morning, there was a lot of foot traffic
going past. "You know, the people-watching in this little
burg isn't too bad."

"Could you pay attention to me for a minute and take

your eyes off that guy's ass? You're being a little
obvious, Toby." Grissom kept his voice down. Despite
the general acceptance -- or perhaps to be fair, just
tolerance -- of his relationship with Johnny, Grissom
was mindful that Elkins was definitely small-town

The cocky attorney had a grin on his face when he

turned back to Grissom. "Sorry. But that was an ass
worth watching."

Brows knit, Grissom tried to figure out who Toby

had been leering at, but whoever it was had disappeared.
He turned back to face his lawyer. "You're hopeless."

"I'm always open to opportunity. Maybe that's the

difference between you and me, Gris. You hid yourself
away here for eight years, and then, through no effort of
your own -- which still boggles my mind -- you had a
gem like Johnny fall right into your lap. But you sure as
hell weren't out there looking. Still aren't, from what I
can see." Toby took a sip from his caramel macchiato,
and a dash of foam stuck to his upper lip.

Exasperated with Toby, Presley Boden, and just

about everything else that had to do with the election,

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Grissom gestured with one hand. "You look like an
eight-year old. Will you get rid of the milk mustache?"

With an unrepentant smirk, Toby swiped a paper

napkin across his mouth. "Yes, sir, Sheriff, sir. But I still
can't figure out how a stick-in-the-mud like you ended
up with Johnny Rayne."

Resigned to wasting a little more time with idle

chitchat, Grissom leaned back in his chair. Crossing one
leg over the other, he made a show of looking around
the semi-deserted coffee house. "One thing I thought
you knew about me, Toby -- I never take no for an

"So he did turn you down at first." Toby sounded

somehow satisfied.

"At first," Grissom conceded. "That lasted about a

day and a half." Toby didn't need to know all the details,

"Still the strangest thing." When Grissom didn't

respond, Toby gave up. "Okay, okay."

Grissom did have to admit that the attorney was an

attractive man, especially when Toby was being playful.
But he compared it to viewing a piece of art on someone
else's wall -- he could admire it, maybe even think about
what it would look like in his house, but he wasn't going
to take it off the wall. Not when Grissom had something
akin to Michelangelo's David at home.

He gave a tiny headshake at his fanciful thoughts.

This election stuff was getting to him.

Toby was still talking. "Anyway. Boden has gone

underground, at least for now. He still technically has
his ADA job, even with the leave of absence he took for
the campaign. I heard he was asking to start back to
work right after Thanksgiving. You'll be seeing him
around the courthouse, for sure. Who knows? The guy
may try again in four years." Toby leaned forward. "I'd

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say watch for him trying to undercut you down at the
jail and in court, but you and the guy are on the same
side. Hopefully, he's going to realize he'll be digging his
own grave if he tries to take you down that way."

Grissom sat thinking about it, appreciating the

relative quiet inside the coffee shop. He could relax now
that it truly was over for this election cycle. He'd worry
about the next election in three years... if he even
decided to run again.

Toby made some notes on the file in front of him.

"Well, I've got a couple more stops before I head back to
the office. Whenever I'm down here with you, I try to
book a few more client visits along the way, so I better
get going." Toby's office in Morgantown was about an
hour and a half north of Elkins. "I'll check in with you in
a few weeks, see if the guy's making any noise. But for
now, I'd say, you'll be fine for the next term." Getting to
his feet, Toby held out a hand. "Congratulations, Sheriff.
Randolph County will be in your hands for another four

Once on his feet, Grissom had to smile as he watched

Toby grab the sophisticated leather satchel. "You might
be a headcase about guys, but you know your stuff when
it comes to this kind of thing. I'm glad you're on my side
-- and I'm glad this is over." Feeling relieved, he waved
as he watched Toby head out to the sporty Audi S5.

"That boy drives quite a flashy car." Justine Babcock,

the owner of House of Java, stopped by his table,
cleaning cloth in hand.

Grissom shrugged into his winter uniform coat. "That

he does." He picked up his grandé coffee and palmed his
western-style sheriff's hat, placing it on his head.
"Justine, the world is filled with an amazing group of
people. Some of them are clearly destined to make my
life interesting, in more ways than one."

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"Are we talking about Johnny?" Justine had a half-

smile on her face.

Grissom paused to think about it. "Well, I was really

talking about Presley Boden and his need to make my
life hell for the last six months. Add in the lawyers to
straighten everything out, and you have the mix from
hell." He arched one brow. "But, now that you mention
His Highness -- yeah, I'd have to say yes." He joined in
Justine's laughter.

"You're crazy about him, and you know it." Justine

was one of the first friends Johnny had made when he'd
come to Elkins, and Grissom had enjoyed getting to
know her. She had never made an issue of their same-
sex-couple status, and had been a staunch supporter of
theirs from the beginning.

"True." Just thinking about his lover had Grissom

anxious to head home. Glancing down at his watch, he
ran through his schedule in his head. "Damn it."

"Problem?" Justine picked up the china cup that Toby

had been using, and set it in the bus tub nearby.

Amused at his own eagerness to get home to his man,

Grissom smiled crookedly. "Not really. Just trying to
figure out if I could get home for lunch."

Laughing in delight, Justine smacked him on the arm.

"And you're not exactly hungry for food, are you?"

"Not really."


"Is Mary still here?" Grissom backed Johnny up

against the kitchen door.

"Uh-uh." Johnny grunted as his back hit the half-

glass. "She needed to pick up some stuff for tomorrow
on her way home. God. What's gotten into you?"

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"How about the kids?" Grissom rubbed against

Johnny. His jeans were snug against his expanding cock,
and he gritted his teeth at the pressure there. Reaching
down a hand, he adjusted himself with a hiss.

"They're in front of the TV." Johnny pointed over

Grissom's shoulder, then took a tight grip there instead.
"Whoa. You hungry, big guy?" He grinned. "You
usually get like this when you've had a good day at
work. Something special happen today?"

Grissom palmed Johnny's ass, lifting his lover into

his dick. He used his weight to hold Johnny against the
door, and leaned forward to slide his tongue along
Johnny's neck. "Uh-huh."

"Daddy, daddy, you're home." Henry tugged at

Grissom's pant leg.

Groaning, Grissom buried his face in Johnny's


Panting and laughing at the same time, Johnny

cupped his hand around Grissom's head. "Sorry, baby.
They've both been anxious for you to get home. They
had to listen to me playing the same section of my score
for a few hours, and I think they're sick of me." His
other hand ran soothingly up and down Grissom's back
before patting one ass cheek. "Come on. Let's have some
dinner, you can tell me about your day... and I'll tell you
all about the fight I had on the phone with CeCe."

Bowing to the inevitable, Grissom let Johnny go.

"When it comes to the contract stuff, you and your agent
are both sharks. I'm never surprised to hear the two of
you going at it." Leaning down, he swung his son into
his arms, then lifted the boy high. "And you have bad
timing, young man." He swung a giggling Henry in a
half-spin, then pulled the toddler in for a hug and a kiss.
"But I'm still glad to see you, Hank." Grissom nuzzled a
silky cheek, then leaned down to look for his daughter.

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"Hey, Ash. There you are." The little girl was standing
next to the leather sectional, using one hand on the back
for balance. "How's Daddy's girl? Come on over here."

When Johnny chuckled indulgently, Grissom looked

up with a grin. "Hey, Blondie -- how about a rain

Winning in a Landslide - 64

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Christmas Morning

The storm had tapered off during the night, and Rain

Dance Farm was now a picture postcard of a country
Christmas. Johnny stepped onto the kitchen deck and let
his gaze roam around the incredible sight of the farm in
winter. Sipping from a travel mug of Grissom's very
tasty coffee, he sighed in satisfaction as he watched Fred
and Barney hop like bunnies through the foot-high

He raised his brows at Gershwin. "Hey, bud, why

don't you go join your pals down there?" Motioning with
his chin down the stairs, Johnny chuckled when the
schnauzer's regal head turned away in answer. He
rubbed a gloved hand over the crisp canine brow
feathers. "That's my boy. Always dignified. Now your
brothers down there... those two are another story."
Giving the dog an encouraging pat, he waved toward the
cockapoos. "Well, you'd better get after them before
they get lost in all that snow. They need you to keep
them on track, you know."

"You talk to him as though he knows what you're

saying." The door opened behind him.

With an indulgent smile in his mother's direction,

Johnny gave Gershwin a gentle nudge. "Go ahead, boy.
Go have some fun."

With a last look at Johnny, Gershwin obediently

trotted down the stairs. He barked at the two curly-
coated canines, dashing across the open space behind the
house to catch up to them.

"I think he does understand me. A lot of it, anyway."

Johnny turned to lean against the wood railing, raising

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his mug to his lips. "Could be wishful thinking, but that
dog is awfully smart." He skimmed his gaze over Rita's
appearance. "I'm glad you like your Christmas present."

Running her hands up the open lapels of her hip-

length, sheared black mink, Rita grinned
conspiratorially. "God, yes. You are too generous, John
Michael. This is too much -- but somehow, I just can't
say no to this one." She leaned close. "I think Larissa is

He grinned at her conspiratorial whisper. "I think it's

amazing, Mother. It looks stunning on you." Johnny and
Rita had the same golden blond hair, and the black fur
was a gorgeous contrast to her stylish short cut. "And if
Tommy knows what's good for him, he'll make sure
Larissa gets something like it one of these days." He was
glad his brother had brought the family out to the farm.
It had meant a great deal to have Tommy's acceptance of
the all changes in his life.

Snuggling down into her coat, his mother moved in

close. "I'm not so sure. I think your brother would faint
at the price tag. Not that I know what you paid for this,
but I'm sure it wasn't cheap."

Chuckling, Johnny slung an arm around Rita. "You're

worth it, Mom. Every penny." He snuck a peek over her
shoulder through the kitchen windows. "How's General
Grissom doing in there?"

With a roll of her eyes, his mother shook her head.

"Well, he does have definite opinions on how he wants
his Christmas dinner put together. I'm telling you, he's in
the right line of work. Although putting a gun with his
attitude could be alarming."

"I know, right? I'm not ashamed to admit I'm hiding

out here. When he gets like that, I just walk away."
Grissom had been firing directions left and right, and

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when Johnny had dared to question a cooking technique,
a little spat had ensued.

"You're smarter than I am, Johnny. I think that's why

your dad and I used to argue so much. One of us wasn't
smart enough to walk away and cool off."

Automatically sneering at the mention of the father

who'd run out when Johnny was a teenager, he traced a
pattern in the snow with his Sorel boot. "Yeah, but the
sperm donor wasn't interested in making it work, was
he?" When Rita opened her mouth to respond, he raised
a hand. "I know, Mom. I know. He's not worth arguing.
Especially today."

Setting his coffee down on the rail, he tugged the

zipper on his jacket tight to his throat. "Man, I do love
this weather, but my body still tells me I'm cold." He
sent Rita a sheepish look. "Virgil says I'm still a Cali

"You've still got the style, that's for sure. I love that

Spyder jacket. Is it as warm as it looks?"

Running an appreciative hand over the bright, lime

green ski coat that had been a present from Grissom,
Johnny felt pleasure bubble up inside. "Uh-huh. When
Virgil started talking about a ski trip up to the Poconos, I
looked around for new gear. I can't wait to head up
there. I'm glad you're here for Christmas, but I'm doubly
glad you'll watch the kids for us for a couple days."

Smiling faintly, Rita shoved both hands in her

pockets. "I know it's a big deal for parents to let go
enough to have someone else watch the kids for the first

Taking a big breath, Johnny nodded. "Yeah. I'm

nervous about it. Virgil is too, even though he won't
admit it."

"Nervous about what?" Grissom's low voice came

from behind them.

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Turning, Johnny gave his lover a speculative look.

"About leaving the kids tomorrow."

"Oh." Grissom stepped through the doorway, leaving

the door ajar. "They'll be fine," he assured Johnny and
Rita. He peeked over his shoulder. "At least, that what I
tell myself when I'm being rational."

Johnny could see the kids playing on the wool rug in

the great room, with Tommy and Larissa on the sofa
nearby. "Like you were being half an hour ago?"

Hanging his head for a moment, Grissom gave

Johnny a sideways stare. "I know. I was being a dick,
wasn't I?"

Even as he made a face at Grissom's language,

Johnny had to chuckle at his lover's shamefaced appeal.
"Yes, you were. And you just said dick in front of my

"Sorry, Rita." Grissom at least sounded sincere. "But

after more than a year together, your son has definitely
rubbed off on me."

Biting his tongue on the obvious response to that,

Johnny sidled closer to his lover. "You should be
thanking your lucky stars, Virgil Grissom, for the day
that idiot freak criminal broke out of prison. You might
never have met me if you hadn't had to come warn me
about him being on the loose."

Looping his arms around Johnny's shoulders,

Grissom tugged. Johnny fell forward, and the two men
rested chest-to-chest.

Johnny laid his cheek on Grissom's muscled

shoulder. "Mom, have I told you about the way we met?
How Grissom bullied his way into my life? Here I was,
minding my own business, just trying to unpack and
move in, and the big, bad sheriff came nosing around."

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Voice very dry, Rita made a slight face. "I'm not sure

which version of the story to believe -- yours or

"You can believe that I would have found Johnny

sooner or later. Given the amount of trouble he gets into
on a regular basis, I'd say it was only a matter of time
before he popped up on my radar."

"Ooh, another pun." Johnny pinched Grissom's hard

belly. "I've gotten only one ticket since I've been here."

Squeezing Johnny's neck in a mock-headlock,

Grissom chuckled. "That's because it's been my guys
who've pulled you over every time except that once. I
told you not to mess with the state troopers. They don't
take too kindly to smart-mouthed L.A. rock stars."

Just then Gershwin came barreling toward the stairs,

taking them in one leap. The schnauzer stuck his big
nose in between the two men, and Grissom hissed and
jumped back.

"Damn it, Gershwin! I've warned you about that

damned nutcracker of yours." Grissom cupped himself
protectively. "Johnny, if you don't do something about
this mutt of yours... He's nosed me in the gonads for the
last time."

Rita began coughing, and when Grissom sent a

warning glare her way, Johnny burst into laughter. "Poor
baby. Let me put some ice on that, okay?" He lunged out
of Grissom's reach just in time. "Eep!" Shoving open the
kitchen door, Johnny darted across the threshold.

He turned around when he was safely inside the

kitchen. Tiptoeing back, Johnny felt a grin spread across
his face when he peeked outside. Grissom and Rita were
sharing a laugh, and his lover was letting Rita walk
ahead into the house.

Hard to imagine his life before West Virginia...

before Grissom. Before love. This life was richer, and

Winning in a Landslide - 69

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fuller. They had their ups and downs -- and sometimes,
even knockdown-dragouts. But it was worth it.

Johnny removed his ski jacket and nudged off his

boots, and walked toward the great room. Christmas
music was on the iPod in the kitchen. He could hear
Ashlynn laughing at something Tommy was saying, and
Henry was reading a book aloud to Larissa.

Who knew that Johnny Rayne could be a family


God, it was worth it.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living
or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of
either the author or the publisher.

Winning in a Landslide
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2011 by JM Cartwright
Cover illustration by Alessia Brio
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-728-1
All rights reserved, which includes the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright
Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO
Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: December 2011
Printed in the USA

Winning in a Landslide - 71


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