A Taboo Love 3 Crossing The Line M D Saperstein

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Crossing the Line

a Taboo Love series (book #3)


M.D. Saperstein


Andria Large

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Copyright © 2014 by Philly Coconuts, LLC

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or
dead is purely coincidental.

Except for the original material written by the author(s), all songs, song titles, and lyrics mentioned in
this novel are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, scanned, distributed, or used in any manner
whatsoever, via the Internet, electronic, or print, without the express written permission of the
authors, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

For more information, or information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the authors:


M.D Saperstein at:


Andria Large at:


Our joint page at:


Edited by: Megan Hershenson
Cover Design by: Andria Large

Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, September 2014
ISBN: 978-1502342416

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Parker Hamilton - movie star! That's what the world knows about me. Oscar winner, prominent

bloodline, playboy. But there is so much more to me. My friends are my real family, and they are
what matters most. But I’d be lying if I said that I’m not concerned about my reputation. Everyone
who lives in the spotlight is.

Listen, I can play any role - drama, comedy, romance. You name it. I can act my ass off, and I

have the proof on a shelf in my office. But when my agent calls me into his office to offer me the role
of a lifetime, I am hesitant. Not only would I have to act opposite Chance Steele, the most egotistical
schmuck I know, but we would also have to pretend to be intimate. Really intimate. As in gay lovers.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I am as open-minded as they come. People can love whom they want,

screw whom they want, even marry whom they want. But when you ask me to make out with a dude,
pretend to roll around in a bed with him, well, that’s where I draw the line.


Sometimes lines are blurry. And sometimes lines are just meant to be crossed.

Crossing the Line is book 3 of the Taboo Love series and picks up where Unmasking Charlotte

left off. As with Hey There, Delilah and Unmasking Charlotte, it is a standalone - so don’t worry if
you haven’t read them yet - with a HEA. That means no cliffhanger! Oh, and expect to see some of
your favorite characters.

Contains graphic m/m scenes. Not intended for readers under 18.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
About the Authors

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Money doesn't buy happiness. New money, maybe. There’s all that excitement about winning the

lottery or starting a successful business. But not old money. Nope, no way. With old money comes
obligations and responsibilities. You won’t find happiness there. Well, at least not “real” happiness.
Everything is fake and superficial. Everything except the Prada handbags, Gucci shoes, and over the
top jewelry – for the men and the women. It’s a world filled with fake smiles and flimsy handshakes.
Faces lifted so tightly, you can’t figure out which generation you are speaking to – grandmother or
granddaughter. You have to watch your back because the person kissing your ass today will be the
one stabbing you in the back tomorrow. You have to wear the perfect clothes, don the perfect smile,
inherit the perfect pedigree, and drive the perfect car. Your house and wallet must be big, and your…
well, nothing should be small. Bigger is always better, including your ego. You know everything and
have been everywhere, and everyone else is jealous.

I should know. I grew up in old money. Yep, that’s right. I’m a Hamilton. Yes, one of those

Hamiltons - a Hampton Hamilton. Wait! Shit. Was… was a Hampton Hamilton. Nowadays, I am
Parker Hamilton – movie star! Earning my own living, in spite of my name, not because of it. And the
best part? It pisses my father the fuck off.

Now, I am not saying that being born into that kind of wealth is the worst thing in the word. I

never really wanted for anything, except maybe the love and acceptance of my parents. But that’s not
really what I was there for. My older brother and I were born to continue the Hamilton name. To be
the sole heirs of the largest oil magnate on the east coast. Crude oil. Ironic, isn’t it? That’s what my
family’s lineage is built on. Something crude. Doesn’t get much more apropos than that.

Fortunately, I have an older brother, but I don’t have much of a relationship with him. He is

seven years older than I am and spends most of his time out on the rigs. Inspecting, supervising,
doling out orders, and just being an overall dickhead. He is the epitome of old money. Miserable
bastard that he is. I don’t think he would know what fun was if it bit him on the ass. He actually found
a wife to put up with his bullshit, but that’s probably just because she is just as miserable. I would
kill myself if I had to wake up every day to her. So they are pretty much perfect for one another.

I know what you’re thinking. Why did I say fortunately if I just ripped him and his wife apart?

Simple. My father’s name is Archibald Alistair Hamilton IV. Get where I am going? Are you
laughing, too? So, my older brother – Archibald Alistair Hamilton V – is the lucky first son, and has
the privilege of carrying on the family tradition of being named after the long line of Hamilton
descendants. It suits him, though, pretentious asshole. Since my mother, Melina Parker, lost that
battle, I was lucky enough to be the winner of the only battle that she ever did win. That is how I
became Parker Hamilton, and I actually really like it. It screams Hollywood, doesn’t it?

My childhood started out like every other kid on my block, raised by a nanny until I was old

enough to hit on her. I think my parents realized that I was nothing like my brother early on. He was a

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straight laced, brown nosing, kiss ass. Kind of like he is now. I didn’t like to follow the rules. Not
their rules necessarily, I am talking about the rules. The ones set up by this upper echelon of not so
perfect, perfect people. The kind of rules that say you can’t put your elbows on the table, greet
everyone with a smile and a handshake, and never ever use inappropriate language. Fuck that. They
had my brother, Archie, in their pocket for that nonsense. I was the rebellious one. No, I am not
talking about drugs, sex, and rock & roll. Okay, maybe two of the three. I am talking about being me –
smile when happy, pout when I’m not. I am talking about telling offensive jokes and loving the
reaction I got from those stiffs. I am talking about hitting on the nanny and not worrying about looking
bad or inappropriate or however else they labelled me. I wasn’t embarrassed to be me. Wish I could
say the same for my parents.

By the time I hit middle school, they were ready to ship me off to boarding school, as they did

with Archie. But I threatened to run away or made sure to get kicked out. Knowing how that would
make them look to their “friends,” they opted to send me to a private Catholic school, nice Irish boy
that I am. The nuns loved me. Until I started hitting on them, too. But, ultimately, I respected them
too much and appreciated the fact that they showed me respect for the first time in my life, so I
straightened my own ass out. I also knew that my father was expecting me to join the family business
once I was done with schooling. Another thing that was already predetermined for me. So I focused
on my academics and did all that I could to try to make my parents proud. And I did, but not for long.

I survived Catholic school by surrounding myself with good friends, and keeping my nose in the

books. That’s not to say that I didn’t have fun. Weekends were the perfect time to blow off steam, and
I made sure to be the life of the party. Finding the ladies was never a problem for me, either. In fact,
they seemed to flock to me whenever I entered the room. Fawning all over me like a celebrity. Kind
of ironic, isn’t it? Anyway, between my movie star looks and penchant for being the center of
attention, fun followed me wherever I went. And although I never wanted a white collar job or be a
nine to fiver, Archibald had other ideas for me, so I made sure to keep my grades up and my ass out of
trouble. Next stop on my predetermined – not by me - life plan? Law school.

Law school was, well, law school. Just like everyone says, it’s the worst best three years of my

educational life. It’s exactly as it’s portrayed in the movies. They knock you down, only to lift you
back up. It’s a process, and if you don’t have thick skin or the heart for it, you’re never going to make
it to graduation day. Look left, look right, only one of you are going to survive. And If you do, only a
small percentage will actually be practicing law in a few years. That was the day I met Nick and
Calvin. And imagine that…only one of us three are practicing attorneys. Calvin quit school and I
quit the law. But I did as I was expected and graduated. Maybe not with honors like good ole Nick,
but I walked nonetheless. A feat that earned me brownie points in the Hamilton household. Add in
passing the Bar, and hot damn I was the perfect son. For about a year. That’s how long it took me to
quit practicing law.


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Anyone who says that money can’t buy happiness is a fucking liar. Either that or they were born

with a silver spoon in their mouth and have no concept of what’s it’s like to go without. And I don’t
care if you’re talking about old money, new money, found money, or blue money. Money is money and
now I sound like fucking Dr. Seuss. Listen, if you have money, you have money. Don’t act like it’s a
curse or it’s an impairment. And if you have money, nobody needs to know about it. You don’t need
to flaunt it, wave it around, or rub it in. Those who don’t have, know who does have. Do I sound
bitter? Yes. Jealous? Not so much. But we’re not talking about me…yet. My story isn’t unique. It’s
not exciting. I lived a shit poor life and now I don’t. You don’t need to know how much is in my bank
account. I don’t need to drive a hundred thousand dollar car to show you the size of my junk. I am
who I am. How did I become me? Here’s my story. But don’t cry for me Argentina. Shit, I need to
stay away from Broadway!

My mother is a whore. No, really, check this out. I don’t know much of this firsthand, but as far

as I know, my father didn’t know she was even pregnant. He was her trick, her mark, her John.
Unable to take care of me, and unwilling to tell her parents that she got knocked up, at only a few days
old, she tracked down my father and terminated her parental rights. I then became my father’s
problem. I lived with him until I could talk; that’s when I told any one that would listen that he drinks
smelly brown liquid then falls asleep for days. I would go days without eating… so I’ve been told.
With no legal mother (she terminated her rights), a drunk for a father, and no other blood relatives
willing to claim me, I became a ward of the state. I haven’t seen or heard from either one of them
since. Clearly, they have no idea who I am, or they’d probably be knocking down my door for money.
Isn’t that when all of the greedy bastards come out of the woodwork? When they can smell a
windfall. So basically, except for the names of random dirt bags on my birth certificate, I have no
parents. Come from a stellar lineage, don’t I? If the public only knew…

Let’s get this over with. I’ve never loved, and have never been loved. I lived in different foster

homes and group homes for a decade or so, finally running away and not turning back one Christmas
Eve. I never stayed in one home long enough to get attached to anyone. But that doesn’t matter
because even if I tried, I would have failed. I was only a paycheck to the foster parents. It was in my
last foster home that I learned that I was truly on my own.

He was the biological son of the foster parents I last lived with. I don’t know how old he was at

the time, but I know he went to the local community college during the day. At night, he was my
problem. Sneaking into my room, holding a hand over my mouth, and telling me I had to earn my
keep. I knew what he was doing to me was wrong. I knew better. I also knew that nobody would
believe me over him. One night after he left me crying and in agony because I tried fighting against
him, I knew I only had one option. I waited until my state money came in and stole it from the mail.
Christmas Eve I grabbed some of the gifts from under the tree that I knew I could sell on the streets,
then took off and didn’t look back. I’ve been on my own ever since.

Moving on. With the exception of one person that ran the homeless shelter for men that I was

living in, I’ve never trusted anyone or counted on anyone for anything. I’ve never been in a
relationship with a woman beyond casual flings and one night stands, I’ve never been intimate with
another man since, and I’ve never once even considered loving anyone or anything. And so with no
family, pets, or future plans, I did the only logical thing – I joined the Army.

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Chapter One


I drag my ass out of bed extra early this morning because Eddie Dugan – the top talent agent in

the country - told me to come in to see him today. Apparently, he has a “role of a lifetime for me.”
His words, not mine. After the past few months that I have been having, between attackers, weddings,
and babies, it’s time for me to refocus myself back on my career. And I need something good.
Something to get my name back out in lights. I miss the rush, the excitement, and the energy of the red
carpet. I even miss the paparazzi, but don’t tell anyone I said that; I would deny it if you did.

He didn't give me any hints about the plot or the characters, but he said that I am perfect for the

part. I try texting Charlie a few times about it, but she keeps changing the subject. She agrees that I
am perfect for the part, but won’t tell me anymore than that. I love that girl, but…Bitch! I step off the
elevator and into the outer office of the agency – Top Talent Agency. How apropos. The secretary, a
young, pretty, red head smiles wide and bats her eyelashes at me as she always does.

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton," she purrs. I can never remember her name.

"Hey, Charlie in?" I ask simply with a smile.

She nods and points in the direction of her office. I offer a “thanks” and quickly head for

Charlie's office, not giving Red a chance to ask me out. Not that I wouldn’t love to tap that, but if I
have learned one thing, it’s don’t shit where you eat. Nick taught me that. Then again, he did a bang
up job following his own rule, marrying his secretary. Smart kid; I would have snatched Delilah up if
I would have gotten to her first. Lucky bastard!

I’ve known Charlie for what feels like forever. She was the first face to greet me when I joined

the agency. And of course I used my charms to get her to go out with me. One date and one kiss later,
she told me that kissing me was like sucking face with her brother and that she didn’t feel any sexual
chemistry between us. Thank god she is a cool chick because we have been tight ever since. Now,
years later, and she is married to one of my best friends, Calvin. And her best friend, Delilah, is
married to my other best friend, Nick. Small world considering everyone met by chance, not by
introductions. Our lives are intertwined and have endured enough drama to support many seasons of a
soap opera, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. They have become my family, and I love and
respect each one of them.

I knock on her door before pushing it open. A beautiful, smiling, and very pregnant Charlie

greets me with a huge hug.

“Sadie Sadie married lady. How does it feel to be Mrs. Calvin King III?”

Charlie laughs and I can’t help joining in. Did I really just quote a line from Funny Girl? I really

need to stay away from Broadway for a while.

“Can you believe he dragged me straight to the courthouse from his hospital bed?”

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Now it’s my turn to laugh. Calvin really was in a rush to claim Charlie as his wife. He had been

attacked, stabbed, and rushed into major surgery only days earlier. “He would have had the Justice
of the Peace come down to the hospital if you would have agreed.”

“Yeah, he’s a crazy one, that husband of mine, but I think I’ll keep him.”

“Good to know.” I snicker. “How are you feeling?” I pat my hand on my own tummy, clarifying

what I am asking about. Charlie and Calvin are having twins. I like to call them the miracle babies
because Charlie was led to believe her whole life that she was medically unable to get pregnant.

“Like I am about to burst.” She groans.

“Well, you look gorgeous,” I tell her sincerely.

“Please, next you are going to tell me that I am simply glowing,” she guffaws.

“What the hell does that mean anyway?”

“Fuck if I know. I am so ready for them to get here so we can have a proper reception with all of

our family and friends,” she answers then changes the subject. “Have you seen Eddie yet?”

“Nope. Are you going to tell me anything about this script?”

Charlie laughs mischievously and I’m a little worried. What am I getting myself into?

“Nope, but I think Eddie is ready for you if you want to go find out for yourself.”

“Bitch,” I call her affectionately, as I turn toward the door.

“Pain in my ass…and I have three!” she hollers at my back, and I leave her office.

I round the corner to Eddie’s office and stick my head in to find him on the phone, as usual. He

looks up and waves me in, shoving the phone between his face and shoulder, while he types on his
computer. I go in and shut the door behind me, dropping down onto one of the chairs in front of his

Eddie hangs up the phone a minute later and smiles across the desk, the wrinkles at the corners of

his eyes deepening. "Hamilton, my favorite client. How’s it hangin’?" he asks.

I narrow my eyes across the desk at the older man. For being sixty-five, he looks great. His hair

is all white, but he has a full head of it, which he parts on the side and brushes over. He has a few
wrinkles, mostly around his eyes and mouth, and wears squared tortoise shell glasses that make him
look suave. He’s wearing his usual polo shirt and khakis.

"Whatcha got for me, Eddie?" I ask, eyebrow raised.

"Straight to business as usual, huh?" he murmurs with a soft smile before tossing a script on the

desk in front of me.

I just smirk, reach for the script, and read the first few pages, glancing up at Eddie, unimpressed.

I really don’t know what all of the hub-bub has been about. "Okay, so it's a couple of FBI agents

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going after a serial arsonist, what's the catch?"

"Take the script home, read it, and let me know what you think when you're finished," he tells me.

"Who am I supposed to be cast as?" I ask, looking back down at the script for the two names of

the lead characters.

"If you take the role, you will be playing Jackson Hart," Eddie replies, his face impassive.

I eye him warily. Something is up and I want to know right now. "Just tell me." I sigh in irritation.

"Read it and get back to me," he reiterates with a mischievous smirk.

I grind my teeth in frustration. "Fine, was anyone cast as Wade Burns?"

Eddie's grin got wider. "Chance Steele has taken the part."

I lean back in the seat and groan. I don't exactly get along with Chance. We've done a few

movies together, and the movies were major hits, but behind the scenes we were anything but the best
of friends that we played on screen. Chance just gets on my nerves; he is so arrogant, kind of a
douche, really.

"Why do we keep getting cast together?" I mumble, rubbing my forehead.

"You two are great together; you have fantastic chemistry even though you don't actually get

along." Eddie shrugs.

I sigh in resignation as I shove to my feet. "I'll call you later," I mutter, heading for the door with

the script in hand.

Eddie chuckles as I walk to the door. I then glare at him over my shoulder, causing him to laugh

even harder. Something is up with the script that Eddie thinks is hilarious. Maybe it’s just a funny
movie. I kind of doubt that since it’s supposed to be about FBI agents going after a serial arsonist. I
look at the title printed on the first page of the script. Burning Hearts.

Still Parker…

I was able to get home without any incidents from fans or paparazzi. I kick off my shoes at the

door then walk into the kitchen of my penthouse suite. In the kitchen, my housekeeper, Maribel, is
doing a thorough cleaning of the counters. I give her a smile and a nod then grab a bottle of water out
of the fridge. I walk over to the table and sit down, cracking open the bottle and taking a sip. I flip
open the script to where I left off and continue reading.

About fifty pages in, and I am getting even more suspicious. As I take another sip of water and

turn the page, my eyes skim the first line of the page. Immediately, I spew the water that is still in my
mouth across the table and start choking. What the fuck? My character, Jackson, just kissed Chance’s

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character, Wade!

"You alright, Señor?" Maribel asks, as she rushes over with a towel to clean the water off the


"Fine." I wheeze, as I continue to cough.

Once I get myself under control, I grab the script and flip through it a little faster. This has to be a

mistake. Eddie would never give me a gay role...would he? Not that I am homophobic or anything, but
I’ve never even thought about taking on a role like that. The more I continue to read, the more kissing
and sex occurs. I cringe as I read one of the sex scenes and swallow hard. I don't think that I can do it.
Can I?

I’m not sure why everybody was telling me that I am perfect for this role. But they were right

about one thing. This would be a game changer. Either it’s a genius move or career suicide.

More importantly, I don't think that I can get that close to Chance Steele. It is one thing to play

friends on screen with someone you don’t like, but to play lovers? That is much more difficult. I have
a hard enough time dealing with some of the actresses that I’ve had to pretend to be intimate with,
especially if there was no attraction. Now, to act like that with another man? Impossible. I know it is
just acting, but still. I don't think that I can do what the script is calling for. I have to kiss and touch
Chance. I shiver at the thought.

I pull out my phone and call Eddie, who picks up on the third ring. "Are you fucking crazy?" I ask

without even a hello.

Eddie laughs. "I’m guessing that you read the script," he responds, no need to ask.

"How the hell did you figure that I am perfect for this role?" I snap.

"Well first off, you fit the description of the character; second, your love/hate relationship with

Chance is almost exactly like the two characters in the script. I thought that this would be an easy role
for you."

"Did you forget that I'd be playing a gay man?" I grind out, slamming my fist on the table.

Eddie chuckles. "No, I didn't forget. What's the matter? You're not a homophobe, are you?"

"No, I just...I don't give a shit who people fuck, but that doesn't mean that I want to get that close

to another man," I say, squeezing the bridge of my nose against the oncoming headache.

"This movie is going to be huge. It's based off a book series that is extremely popular amongst the

ladies," Eddie states. "If you don't take the role, someone else is going to swoop in and snatch it up
and make shitloads of money. This is it - the once in a lifetime role, kid. The one you’ve been
waiting for. After this, you will be able to name your price. Scripts will be written for you. You will
be the golden boy of Hollywood. Fuck that, you will be the king."

I snort. "Yeah, right...so Chance already accepted the role?" I ask.

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"Yup. In all seriousness, Parker, it’s only acting; just pretend that Chance is a chick,” Eddie


I chew my bottom lip as I mull it over. "Let me think about it. I'll give you my answer tomorrow


"Okay, but I'm telling you, this will be fantastic for your career," Eddie says matter-of-factly

before he hangs up.

I sag into my chair and rub my face roughly before looking back down at the script. I decide to

finish reading it and then make my final decision. I grab the script and head into my office. I drop
down into the chair behind the desk and place the script in front of me. As I settle back into my chair,
I start reading again.

I just finished reading the script and am now pacing in front of my desk. I have to admit, it is

going to be a great movie. There is a shitload of action and suspense. But there are also a couple of
sex scenes and some other more tender moments as both men struggle with their emotions for each
other. I shove my hands into my hair and lace them on top of my head. This is insane. I can do this. I
am a freakin' Oscar winner for Christ's sake! I can play a gay man. It is just something else to add to
my resume. I’ve always wanted to be versatile, to be known as an actor who can play any role. And
so far, I’ve done just that. I’ve done drama and action and comedy. You name it and I’ve done it, and I
can do this, too.

I glance at the clock. 11:00 pm. I rub my tired eyes and head out of my office to go down the hall

to my bedroom, turning off the lights as I go. My penthouse has six bedrooms and three and a half
baths, in a high-rise in the heart of New York City. I love the city and as soon as I got my first real
break in the movie industry, I purchased it. I would have never been able to afford it as a public
defender, or even a first year associate at a law firm.

I walk into the sitting room that leads into my bedroom. It’s a little cozy sitting area with a couple

of big plush armchairs, a floor lamp, and an ottoman, which has my two favorite magazines sitting on
it - Maxim and Men's Health. I pass through and go into the main bedroom, where my giant
California king is the focus of the room. It is decked out in navy blue satin sheets and has a ton of
throw pillows placed artfully at the head of the bed, all Maribel’s doing, of course. I don’t have the
time or patience to make my bed every day. The mattress is surrounded by a modern black leather
head and foot board that looks great with the sheets.

I strip down because I sleep nude, hating anything on my skin except for the satin of my sheets. I

walk into my bathroom first to do my thing, and then go over to the floor to ceiling tinted windows. I
pull the curtain back to look out for a moment. The city is gorgeous at night all lit up. I let the curtain
drop back down before moving back toward the bed and climb in, tossing the throw pillows on the
floor, and plopping down on my stomach in the middle of it. I pull the sheet up over my bare ass then
grab my pillow and hug it to my chest. After a deep relaxing breath, I start to drift off.

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Chapter Two


I yawn as I get out of the limo that drove me to the studio. It is the first day on set after months of

waiting. I’ve been getting ready, doing my research, going through an FBI training course and shit like
that. I was assured that my "Partner" had been doing the same thing, just at different times. I am
actually surprised that Parker Hamilton hasn’t sought me out. On past movies, we always went over
the script before the first day on set.

I’m excited to play this character, Wade Burns. I made sure to read the books the screenplay was

based on, and actually really liked them. Yeah, there is a ton of gay sex in them, but so what? It was
actually kind of hot, in my opinion. I’m not gay, but I have been with a man before. It may not be my
preference, but I have an open mind. I can’t say that I haven’t thought about being with a man again - it
has been years - and I am willing to go there now that the opportunity has presented itself. I’m also
going to take pleasure in seeing Parker squirm.

Now that I think about it, I’m not all that surprised that Parker hasn’t sought me out. He’s

probably backing out at this very moment. Pussy. He’s probably freaking the fuck out about having to
kiss another man. I know Parker pretty well. We’ve done a lot of movies together. We aren’t exactly
the best of friends, but we are civil to each other...for the most part. Parker riles easily and it’s fun to
get him going. There has been a time or two when Parker has pushed me away because I’d gotten into
his personal space. It was never sexual in nature, but I think a lot of guys are like that. He never came
off as a homophobe, though.

I head right to my trailer where my hair and makeup chick is waiting for me. As I get all prettied

up, I go over the script for the scenes that we are shooting today. No kissing just yet, which I guess is
good. I want to get Parker alone so that we can get over the awkwardness before doing it on film.

After my hair and makeup are done, I get dressed then head out to meet up with the rest of the cast

and crew. I walk on set and find the director and producers. I chat with them for a few minutes while
waiting for Parker to arrive. He shows up about twenty minutes later looking sharp in a tailored dark
gray suit. His role in the beginning of the story is a straight-laced FBI agent who has a stick up his
ass. Well, he definitely looks the part.

"Hey, Steele," Parker mutters, barely able to meet my eyes.

"What up, Hamlet?" I say in greeting and clap him on the shoulder.

"Dude, you know that’s a play about revenge, right?” Parker says, his tone bored.

I shrug. “Meh, I was just thinking of it as a play off your name. Hamilton. You’re an actor,

Shakespeare wrote a play, which actors acted in. Hamlet, get it?”

Parker sighs in irritation and shakes his head. I look him over and damn, he looks tense. Not that I

expected him to laugh, but maybe a little snicker or something. He is really wound up. Why did he

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even take this role if he doesn't want to do this? I don't have time to comment because the director
wants to get started. We are actually starting with the opening scene where the two agents are paired
together for the first time. I mentally shake myself and take on the role of being Wade Burns.

Later that night, when they call cut for the final time of the evening, I sigh wearily and head back

to my trailer. Damn, I’m beat. We shot a lot of film today with minimal breaks. I take a quick shower
in the tiny bathroom, get dressed in my own clothes, and then head out to go back to the studio
apartment I’m renting nearby. I have a beautiful home on the West Coast, but because we are shooting
the movie in New York City, I decided to rent a studio instead of staying at the hotel with the rest of
the cast and crew that don’t live locally. Studios are roomier and more private. As I walk out to the
waiting limo, Parker is walking to his BMW.

"Hey, Hamilton. Can we talk?" I call to him.

I watch as Parker freezes with his hand on the door handle. He then drops his head and sags his

shoulders. He turns to give me a wary look. "Sure, what's up?" he asks tightly.

I walk over and stop in front of him. "Only the fact that we're gonna have to kiss and get into each

other's personal space in the very near future," I say, feigning nonchalance as I shrug.

I look into the man's bright blue eyes. There are many emotions swirling around in those eyes.

We are just about the same height and build, only Parker has blonde hair and mine is brown, as are
my eyes.

Parker’s jaw bulges slightly as he clenches his teeth. He nods jerkily, his eyes swinging away.

"Man, why did you take this role if you're so uncomfortable with what needs to be done?" I


He sighs heavily and rakes a hand through his blonde hair. "I'm just...damn it...I'm just nervous.

I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to go through with it when it comes down to it," he struggles.

I give him a sympathetic look, debating if I should just jump him right now to get it over with or

wait until we are somewhere private. Oh, fuck it. I quickly grasp the back of Parker’s neck and yank
him forward until our lips meet in a hard crush. Parker’s arms flail for a moment before finding
purchase on my chest. He pushes...hard, making me stumble back and land on my ass.

"What the FUCK?" Parker bellows, fists clenched at his sides, chest heaving, blue eyes flashing


I sit there on the ground, leaning back on my hands, my head cocked to the side as I watch Parker

seethe. "Dude, if you can't kiss me, then this isn't going to work," I say calmly, my eyes scanning over
his whole body.

"You could have warned me," Parker says, his words clipped.

I have to admit, the man is attractive. He is the blonde haired, blue eyed, pretty boy type. He has

broad shoulders that taper down into a trim waist and long legs. His face is clean-shaven at the
moment, but that will change later on as his character changes. He has a dimple on each cheek, even

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when he isn’t smiling. His light eyes are framed with long lashes. His nose is straight and fits his face
perfectly. And his lips are full and firm looking. He is definitely a man's man, though.

Parker doesn't utter another word, but just stares at me. Stewing. His arms crossed, a scowl on

his face. I stare back and can actually see his jaw tick. In all of my years working with him, I’ve
never seen him this livid… and I’ve seen him pissed. He stalks toward me, and I'm at a disadvantage
still being on my ass. He squats down in front of me and leans inches from my face. I don't know if he
is going to kiss me or kill me.

With a stern face and deadly serious tone, I find out. "I'm going to tell you this one time and I’m

not going to repeat myself, Steele. The next time you fucking touch me while the cameras aren't
rolling, I’m going to shove my foot so far up your ass you’re going to choke on my Pradas!”

With that last parting gem, he stands, gets into his car and peels out of the parking lot, leaving me

on my ass in a cloud of burning rubber.


What the hell was he thinking? I hop into my BMW strung so tightly that I feel like my shoulders

are going to snap. There is only one way to solve this problem. Who can I get to take the edge off? I
have a couple of women that I call every now and then for a booty call. Maybe Olivia? Yeah, I’ll call
Olivia and see if she is free tonight. Olivia is an old friend, with benefits. We have never been in a
relationship, never wanted anything more from each other. We just use each other for sex every now
and again. Really good sex. Plus, she completely respects my privacy. I never worry about her
running to the press with my business. That’s probably because I have just as much shit on her.

"Hey Parker," Olivia answers fondly.

"Hey baby, you free tonight?" I ask, a smile curling my lips.

"Hmmm, maybe, what's in it for me?" Olivia asks, her voice lowering seductively.

"A whole lot of me." I chuckle.

Olivia laughs. "Sounds good, come pick me up?"

"Be there in twenty," I say then hang up.

I start my car and pull out of the lot. I pull up to Olivia's house twenty-five minutes later and honk

the horn. She knows the drill. She’s out the door and in my car in five minutes. I lean over and kiss the
gorgeous blonde on her lips then head towards our usual place. Neither of us wants to do it in our
homes – it’s too personal - so we get a room at an upscale hotel. In fact, I’ve never had sex in my own
bed. We chat in the car as I drive, catching up some. We haven’t seen each other in about a month.

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I made sure to call ahead and set things up with the concierge. I pull into the underground parking

garage about thirty minutes later and he is waiting for us with our room key in hand. I slip him a
Benjamin, and he makes sure that we get in and out inconspicuously.

We are in the suite within minutes. As soon as the door is closed and locked, the talking ends.

Olivia grabs me and shoves me up against the door. I smile. She’s a take control, holds no prisoners,
kind of gal. She likes it loud and rough, and I have no problem going along for the ride. Her lips meet
mine in a hard crush. She moans. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her body flush against
mine. I palm her luscious ass and rub my growing erection against her pelvis.

She grabs my hair and yanks my head back, exposing my neck. She nips, licks, and sucks at my

neck. I hiss as jolts of pleasure race down to my groin. Olivia’s hands leave my hair so she can rip
my shirt up over my head. Her hands snake down my chest and stomach as she devours my mouth
again. My breath catches when her hand grips me through my pants. The roughness in which Chance
grabbed me and kissed me flashes through my mind. For a second, I imagine that it is Chance’s mouth
attacking mine, and his hand palming me through my pants. I gasp, pushing Olivia back as my eyes fly
open. She gives me a questioning look.

I swallow hard and shake my head. “Bed, let’s move over to the bed,” I rasp.

She smiles seductively and backs up, hooking her fingers into the top of my pants, tugging me

with her. She shoves me onto the bed then crawls on top of me. She pushes up onto her knees as she
straddles my thighs and undoes my fly so she can pull off my pants and underwear. I watch her
hungrily as she shoves my legs apart. My engorged cock is throbbing and in desperate need of relief.
She settles on her knees between my legs, pushing her blonde hair to one side as she leans down and
takes me into her hot little mouth. I moan as my eyes slide closed.

Again, my mind betrays me. I imagine that it’s Chance’s mouth wrapped around my cock. That

it’s Chance’s hands massaging my thighs and balls. What the fuck is going on? My eyes flip open and
I lift my head to stare down at the woman going to town between my legs. Her hair is brushed to one
side so that I can see her face and watch my dick slide between her plump lips. Okay, no more
closing my eyes. I need to watch Olivia so that I don’t think of Chance again.

I have to stop her when I get close because I want to be inside of her when I come. Olivia slips

off the bed and slowly strips for me. She grabs a condom from her purse before rejoining me on the
bed, but I snatch it from her and tear it open so I can roll it on. Olivia climbs on top of me, her knees
on either side of my hips. She guides me into her as she sinks down. I hiss out a breath, baring my
teeth as she starts to move. Fuck! She’s so warm and tight. I grip her hips tight, slamming up into her
as she comes down on me.

My eyes slip closed involuntarily. Goddammit! I picture that it’s Chance riding me, my cock

shoving into his tight ass. I bite my bottom lip. Fuck me! I hear a female voice cry out and I know it’s
Olivia, but I can’t force myself away from the image playing in my head. Chance’s hard body moving
over mine - his face a mask of ecstasy, his skin glistening with sweat, making the hair at his temples
damp. I shout as my orgasm shoots through me, rocking my whole body. I shove in deep, holding
myself there as my cock pulses and empties into the condom.

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“Shit,” I grunt and scrub my face with my hands. I hate him, simple as that.

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Chapter Three


I don’t even recognize myself anymore. Everyone knows me as an easy going, fun guy. The life

of the party. Always a smile on my face. The person you go to when you need cheering up or a
shoulder to lean on. I’m “that guy.” At least I used to be. But once again, I’m in a shit mood. Ever
since I took this role, I find myself in this predicament. And it’s not the long hours thing or the gay
thing. It’s the goddamn Chance Steele thing. That dick is going to be the death of me. After the stunt
he pulled yesterday, kissing me after final cut, I haven’t been able to get that shit out of my head. I
can’t get him out of my head, and that pisses me off to no end.

We are sitting with the director, Jerry, his assistant, Morgan, a few producers, other actors, etc.,

to do a table reading of the script, just to get a feel for the next few scenes that we are going to have to
shoot. Chance is sitting across from me, a stupid shit-eatin’ grin on his face. It’s like he knows that he
got to me and he’s being smug about it.

Chance reads one of his lines, but he doesn’t say it with the right inflection. It is supposed to be a

question, but he read it as a statement because he’s just reading it, not acting it, which is annoying…
and lazy. I’m not saying go all out, but shit, put some effort into it.

“Can you read it the right way?” I ask in annoyance.

Chance blows me a kiss and winks. “For you, baby, anything,” he purrs.

I give him a disgusted look. “Don’t fucking do that shit to me, asshole,” I growl.

“What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll like it?” he challenges, cocking an eyebrow.

I shoot to my feet and immediately reach across the table, grabbing him by his collar and yanking

him up to his feet. I get in his face. “I’m about two seconds away from smashing your face in, Steele,
you better knock that shit off,” I snarl.

A slow grin curls his lips and I realize a second too late what he’s planning to do; otherwise, I

would have backed up. Fucker kisses me on the mouth…..again. That’s it! I scramble over the table,
still holding onto his shirt. Chairs and papers go flying as I tackle him to the ground. The scuffle
begins. We’re both giving shots as much as taking them while we roll around, grappling on the floor. I
end up on top. I still have his collar, which is now ripped, and I’m wailing on his face and head. He
has his arms up, trying to cover himself as best as he can until someone finally has the balls to break it
up. A couple of the other guys that are in the room grab me and haul me off of Chance. I glare at him
as I’m forced into a chair. I can hear yelling but I’m not really paying attention to what is being said.
I’m trying to catch my breath when the director, Jerry, steps in front of me.

“What the fuck is your problem?” he squawks.

I gape at the man. “My problem? That fucking asshole just kissed me!” I shout, pointing at

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Chance, who is now sitting in a chair also.

“And? You’re playing a gay couple! You’re gonna have to get comfortable enough with him to

kiss him!” he barks.

“I get that! But we weren’t reading a kissing scene! He did it to fucking harass me!”

Jerry looks back and forth between us. “You think I don’t know that you two don’t get along? I

can see the hostility when you two look at each other. This can’t continue. We’re going to take a week
break, and on this break, you two better learn how to get along or I will replace you both,” Jerry says

“What the hell are we supposed to do?” I ask in confusion.

“I don’t give a shit. Hang out, take dance lessons, go to a club, go to dinner - just get together and

get along; otherwise, you’re both out. And don’t think I won’t have Morgan check up on you two.
We’re done for the day, everyone go home.”

With a parting disapproving glance, Jerry leaves. Chance and I sit in the chairs that we were

placed in and watch as everyone gathers their things and leaves us. After the final person leaves and
the door shuts, I point a finger at Chance.

“This is all your fucking fault,” I snap angrily.

“Oh, grow the fuck up, Parker,” Chance mutters in irritation as he dabs his bloody nose with the

hem of his T-shirt.

I gape at him, speechless. Not only did he tell me to grow the fuck up, but also he called me by

my name, not one of his dumbass nicknames that he likes to call me.

“This was one of my favorite shirts,” he grumbles to himself as he tugs it over his head and wads

it up under his nose.

I can only roll my eyes and look away. If I have to be chained to this dickhead, it’s going to be

on my terms. I pull out my cell and text Calvin.

Parker: Hey, man! Need a favor

Calvin: Anything

Parker: Just got into it with Chance. Director ordered us to work it out

Calvin: That sucks bro

Parker: Fuck! Tell me about it. Can I bring him to the club?

Calvin: Send me his info & I’ll rush a background request

Parker: Thanks, my man. Talk soon

Calvin: No problem. Later

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“I’m going to my trailer. I need a shower,” I say to nobody in particular.

“Shall I join you, Ham hock?” he asks, cocking an eyebrow. "Or do you prefer Ham cock?"

I just don’t have it in me to banter with this prick, so I continue out the door. But I just can’t let it

go, needing to have the last word. Just as the door is about to close, I throw a “Fuck you, Steele,”
over my shoulder. But satisfaction never comes as I hear him chuckling as the door slams shut. Son
of a bitch!


Parker called me late last night and asked if I had any ideas on how to do our punishment without

killing each other. It seems the only thing we really have in common is that we both like working out.
Looks like we’ll be spending a lot of time at the gym this week.

I'm not in the mood to lift weights, so I head right toward the treadmills. A nice long run will do

me good. Parker follows me. I pick a machine and step onto it, placing my bottle of water in the cup
holder and my towel over the rail. My phone is attached to my bicep, so I place my ear buds in my
ears and turn on my running music, which is pretty much anything loud with a good beat that I can lose
myself in. My mood today dictates a little Nine Inch Nails. I, too, would rather die than give him
control. I see Parker out of the corner of my eye, doing the same thing and roll my eyes in annoyance.

I start the treadmill at a slower warm up pace. 2% incline and about 3.0 mph. Parker follows,

glancing at my screen to see what speed I'm at. He ups his by a couple of numbers. I smile to myself
and shake my head. He has no idea what he's starting. Doesn't he realize that I was in the army and
could run all day if I had to? He thinks he can beat me? Run faster than I can? A longer amount of
time? He's got another thing coming. I let it go for the moment, just until my muscles warm up, and
then he's in for it.

Five minutes later, I up my incline and speed. 4% incline and 7.0 mph. I'm not sprinting yet, just a

fast jog. Parker ups his speed as well, setting it just a little higher than mine. I glance over at him and
raise an eyebrow in question. He gives me a smug smirk before turning away. Idiot.

I let another couple of minutes pass before upping the incline and speed again. 6% and 10.0 mph.

I see Parker up his out of the corner of my eye. We are no longer jogging; we are now running. I can
see that Parker is already breaking a sweat and panting a little bit. I up my speed again. 7% incline
and 12.0 mph. I am pushing myself, but still have more juice if need be.

Parker's eyes flick to my speed and widen a little before he ups his. I shake my head. He's gonna

freaking hurt himself.

"Dude, stop. I can run circles around you in my sleep, you're not going to win this," I tell him.

Parker's gaze settles on mine; apparently, I just threw down the gauntlet. His blue eyes are full of

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challenge and stubbornness. I can't help but think how sexy he looks when he looks at me like that.

"Fuck...you," he wheezes.

I purse my lips to fight off the smile that threatens. I shrug. "You asked for it."

I up my speed to where I am full out sprinting. I don't think the machine can go any higher. Parker

follows. Sonofabitch! He's going to kill himself! I'm just about to stop this nonsense when I hear a
strangled cry from my dumbass running partner. Just as I look over at him, he stumbles, going down
hard before being shot off the treadmill like a bullet out of a gun. He summersaults across the floor
until he slams into the mirrored wall behind us. I quickly jump my feet onto the sides and shut down
the machine. Sucking in air, I turn around to see Parker upside down against the wall with his feet
over his head. I burst out laughing at the ridiculous sight in front of me. He slides to the side, his
drenched shirt leaving a streak across the mirror as he falls over. I hop off the treadmill and walk
over to him. Panting, I stand over him with my hands on my hips. He's breathing hard, lying in the fetal
position on the floor. I notice that his forearms, knees, and shins are rubbed raw from the belt of the

"I told you to stop." I pant, still trying to catch my breath from running and laughing.

Parker flips me the bird. "I hate you."

I can't help but burst out laughing all over again as the scene replays in my mind. I will never,

ever let him live this down. Never.

"Don't just fucking stand there, help me up." Parker grunts, holding out his hand.

I reach down and pull him to his feet. He hisses in pain and folds his arm to look at the belt burn

that has rubbed his skin off.

"You're lucky you didn't hit your face." I snicker.

He gives me a dirty look. "I'm sure you would have just loved that."

I gasp in mock offense. "Who me? No way."

Parker's lip lifts in a sneer. "You're a dick. I might not be able to out run you, but I bet I can do

more pull ups than you."

I sigh and shake my head. "No, you can't."

"I'll bet you I can," he insists.

"What do you want if you win?" I ask, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"You at my every beck and call for a full 24 hours," he states.

“Who am I? Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman?” I snicker.

He just raises an eyebrow.

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I nod. "Fine," I agree, rolling my eyes.

"What do you want if you win?" he asks me.

"I want a make out session," I answer.

"What does that entail?" Parker asks tightly.

"Kissing - with tongues, some groping, and it has to last for at least five minutes," I tell him and

hold out my hand to seal the deal.

Parker stares at my hand for a moment. I can see the wheels turning and can tell that he's debating

whether or not to back out. Suddenly, he clasps my hand and shakes it. I smile slowly; he has no idea
how badly he's going to lose. And I am seriously looking forward to getting my hands on him. My
fingers are itching to run all over him, to grab onto his muscular arms, to squeeze his taut ass. I shake
those thoughts free before I pop a boner in the middle of the gym.

We head over to the pull up bars and get situated on two that are side by side. Basically, we're

going to keep going until someone falls off. I don't know why he feels the need to challenge me. I must
invoke his competitive nature or something.

We both jump up and grip the bars above our heads. I give us a three count and we're off. At first,

we are keeping pace with each other. Once we get to fifty, Parker starts to slow slightly, doing one
for every two that I do. After I reach seventy-five, he is seriously struggling. I can see his arms
shaking and the tendons in his neck straining. His face is bright red and he's grunting loudly.

"Just...give...up..." I grit out between pull-ups. "I...can...go...on...forever."

Parker hangs from the bar, his chin to his chest, his breathing coming fast and hard. "Fuck me," he

breathes before dropping to the floor. He immediately folds his legs and drops to his ass.

I do a few more pull ups just for show then drop to my feet. I stretch my arms above my head,

linking my hands together leaning to the side. I need to stretch my Lats to make sure they don’t tighten
up. "I hope you’re done with trying to outdo me, Parker," I mumble. I use his proper name because,
well, I really don't want to compete with him anymore, especially since he is a sore loser.

"I'm done." He sighs.

"Good, let’s go get showered up and get out of here so I can collect on our bet," I say and take a

long drink of my water.

Parker groans but doesn't argue. We head for the locker room and each take a quick shower.

After we get dressed, Parker drops me off at home, tells me to pack some clothes and shit, and says
that he has to run some errand before picking me back up in about an hour.


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I got a call from Calvin just before I jumped into the shower at the gym and he said that the

background check was in and he wanted to discuss it with me in person. Why he couldn’t just tell me
on the phone, I don’t know. So now my stomach is roiling. I feel like I’ve been summoned to the
principal’s office. I didn’t tell Chance that I had asked Calvin to do a check on him, so I make an
excuse to drop him at home and head to the club. I tell him that I’ll pick him up in an hour. I guess I
am going to be his chauffer for the week since he doesn’t have a car here. I kind of like it that way
anyway, makes me feel more in control of the situation.

We both agreed not to spend too much time apart in case Morgan does in fact check up on us. As

much as we dislike each other, neither of us wants to lose this job. Not only is the movie going to be
a blockbuster, but we also don’t want to get the reputation for being difficult to work with. That will
kill a career faster than you can say Kardashian sex tape. Although, that’s what made her career isn’t
it? Shit, well, you know what I mean. Anyway, by going to the gym every day, if she calls, we can
just tell her that we needed to shower after our workouts or whatnots so that we are not glued to each
other 24/7.

I say a quick hello to Monica at the entrance and slide on my mask. She asks if I need a room key,

but I politely decline. I also decide to not wear my nametag since I’m not here to meet anyone. It’s
against the rules, but Calvin doesn’t enforce it on me, Nick, or Delilah. I push through the double
wooden doors and head straight to Calvin’s office, making sure not to make eye contact with any of
the women.

“What do you mean you are denying him access?” I ask Calvin, clearly not happy with this piece

of news.

“He didn’t pass background,” he states calmly. “What happened to your arms?”

“I need you guys as a buffer, man, come on!” I respond, not so calmly and ignore his question

about my arms.

“Sorry, dude, but there a few things on there I can’t look past,” he tells me, still calm as a


“Like what?” I shout. “There can’t be anything that bad. The prick’s ex-military.”

“He is? I didn’t see that on his record. You know I can’t tell you what’s on there,” Calvin tells

me as he picks up the background check and re-examines it.

“Yeah, man. See? So, he couldn’t have done anything that bad if the military accepted him,” I say

emphatically. I really need Calvin to let him come here with me.

“Okay, give me time to do a more thorough check. I just did a cursory one since you wanted it


“Alright, Cal, thanks. Keep me in the loop,” I say, feeling deflated and defeated.

“Keep your chin up and stay out of trouble,” he says in parting.

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I give him a head nod and walk out of his office fuming. I am not mad at him, per se, I know the

importance of keeping the club a safe place. And since he married Charlie, he has been even more
cautious, if that’s possible. But if I can’t bring him here, what the hell am I going to do with him all
week? I am so angry that I head straight for the exit, not taking a minute to see who’s around.

I push back through the opulent double doors, ripping the mask from my face. Just as I am about

to leave, I hear the distinct sound of flip-flops slapping on the marble floor, the cadence a clear
wobble. Charlie.

“Parker, wait up!” she shouts, knowing I have one foot out the door. I could never walk away

from her, so I turn to greet her.

“Hey, mama. How are you feeling?” I ask because I genuinely want to know.

“Me? I’m fine. Ready to pop. Forget about me, though. What’s going on with you? Your face is

beet red.”

Unable to hold my tongue today, I let her know about my frustrations. “Your husband is a pain in

my ass,” I say maybe a little too loudly because I hear Monica snickering on the other side of the

“What’s the big lug done now?” she asks, a wide smile on her face.

She’s so naturally beautiful, but when she talks about Calvin, her whole face lights up. I can’t

help but smile back at her. “Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart” I answer because I really
don’t want to burden her with this bullshit.

“Spill it, Hamilton” she demands.

I huff then sigh. “Fine. I wanted to bring Chance to the club with me but your husband denied his

membership,” I complain. Now I feel like a tattletale.

“Oh, well, I’m sure he has good reason. He would never just deny him knowing how important it

is to you,” she says, trying to placate.

“Maybe. I don’t know. He won’t tell me what’s on the report.”

“Come on Parker, you’re a lawyer, you know what could happen if he told you that kind of stuff.”

“I know, I know.” I whine.

Charlie gasps, her hands flying in the air. “I have an idea!” she shouts.

“Shit. I don’t like the sound of that.” I rub my face waiting to hear her latest hair brain scheme.

“Why don’t you and Chance come over for dinner one night? I will invite Nick and LaLa, and

we can have a nice dinner. Maybe play some games. That way Calvin can get to know Chance, and
maybe change his perception of him. And we can also get to know the dude who you are chained to
for the next week.”

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“As fun as that seems,” I say sarcastically, “don’t you have enough on your plate planning for the

babies’ arrival?”

“Nah. I got that all under control. The registry is done, the bags are packed, the nursery is ready,

and my mom has completely taken over all of the remaining little details. Plus, you boys weren’t at
my shower, so it can be my last hurrah. Lord only knows how much longer I can keep these suckers

“How far are you now?” I can’t keep track.

“Thirty-five weeks. The doctor says it can be any day now. Please say ‘yes,’” she begs, giving

me those puppy dog eyes. And seeing puppy dog eyes in crystal blue is undeniably the most
impossible kind to deny.

“Fine. Just text me when and what I can bring. I will talk to Chance when I see him later.”

“Yay!” she screeches excitedly, jumping up and down.

“Whoa, lady! Keep those swollen feet on the ground. I don’t want Calvin blaming me for

sending you into labor.”

Charlie giggles then smacks me on the arm. “Shut up, fool!”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. I give her a huge hug and kiss on the cheek, then head to my car. My

annoyance with Calvin’s decision is no longer weighing on my mind. I love that girl. With no more
excuses or reasons to stall, I head to pick up Chance. It’s time to make good on that bet. Fuck me.

Parker still…

I go right from Club M to Chance's place. I knock on his door and wait for him to answer. It takes

him a couple of minutes and when he answers the door, he looks like he just crawled out of bed. His
eyes are heavy lidded and he's wearing only his jeans with the top button undone. I can't help but
notice how his muscles ripple under his skin every time he moves. My stomach flutters nervously.

"Were you sleeping?" I ask as he motions me into the studio apartment.

"Yeah, just needed a power nap," he rasps, his voice gravelly from sleep.

He rubs his eyes as he shuts the door. I glance around the neatly organized apartment. Everything

is clean and tidy and in its place. It must have something to do with him being former military.

I follow him into the kitchen. Or at least what is supposed to be the kitchen. Since it’s a studio

apartment, everything is just one big room. He grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge and holds it out
to me. I take it and thank him. He grabs another one for himself before leading me into the “living
room.” We both sit on the couch. Chance cracks open his bottle of water and takes a swig. I follow
his lead and open mine. After I take a sip, Chance sets his on the coffee table and throws an arm

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around the back of the couch. We're not sitting right next to each other, but close enough that his hand
lands on the back of my neck.

"So...how about I collect on that bet since we're alone?" he rumbles.

I whip my head around to look at him wide eyed. I swallow hard. "Now?" I squawk.

A sexy smile curls one side of his mouth...wait, did I just say it was sexy? Oh, fuck me! His eyes

twinkle in amusement as he nods, while his fingers play with the hair at the back of my neck.

"A bet's a bet." He shrugs.

I bite out a curse and set my bottle on the table. "Alright fine." I sigh heavily, slapping my hands

on the tops of my thighs. "Let’s just get this over with."

Chance grabs my jaw and turns my head so that I'm facing him. His face is a mask of desire so

potent that I can’t help but shudder. He leans in, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. My
breath catches. I'm really about to kiss a man…on purpose. I can't tell if the butterflies in my stomach
are from excitement or dread, and that just adds to my anxiousness.

His eyes close as his lips brush mine. I shut my eyes, trying to picture a woman - any woman -

but when his lips press more firmly against mine, I can't picture anyone but Chance. His hand slips up
my jaw to cup my neck right under my ear. He tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss. His lips
move gently against mine. The stubble on his face scrapes against mine, which is weird as hell. A
low moan escapes him, sending a jolt of lust right to my cock. His mouth opens against mine, forcing
me to open, too. Next, his tongue swipes into my mouth, touching mine. My heart is pounding madly in
my chest. An odd mix of emotions is flowing through me. I fight the urge to pull away. Can you like
something but hate it at the same time? Can you want to keep going but simultaneously want to stop?
The contradictions that I’m feeling are endless. I don't know what the hell is going on anymore!

His tongue swipes mine again, coaxing me out to play. I want to, but then again, I don't. Argh!

Finally, I decide to try to kiss him back a little bit. I move my tongue against his. He makes an
appreciative noise and kisses me a little more fervently. There is no way that I could ever mistake
Chance for a woman. Not only is he a little rougher and more forceful, but also his lips are firmer,
and of course the stubble on his face keeps scratching me. If I kiss a woman whose facial hair
scratches me, we've got problems.

The hand on my neck starts to slide down. It moves slowly over my chest then down my stomach,

my muscles twitching under his caress. Where does he think he's going? Fingers touch my belt. Oh
hell no! He's not going to...yep, he is...his hand cups me through my jeans, giving my semi-hard cock a

My eyes fly open and I shove him back. "What the fuck are you doing?" I bark roughly.

Chance's desire laden gaze stares at me. "I said in the bet that there would be groping."

"Groping my dick is off limits!" I snap, shooting to my feet. "I never would have agreed if I knew

that's what you meant!"

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"Oh come on, you were enjoying it, I could tell," he says, giving me a pointed look, his eyes

shifting between mine and my semi-erect dick.

I give him a seething look before stomping toward the door. "Grab your shit, let's go, I'm done

with this."

He sighs heavily and heaves to his feet. "Whatever. Let me grab a shirt and shoes," he mutters

before heading toward his closet in the opposite corner from where we were sitting.

I stare at his bare back and his nicely rounded ass...oh good god, now I'm checking out the man's

ass! I roll my lips in to try to stop them from tingling. What the hell is going on with me? This is really
freaking me out. This - attraction - for lack of a better word, to Chance. This week is going to be the
death of me, for sure.

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Chapter Four


We started our punishment a few days ago and it feels like I haven’t had a minute alone. If I take

a dump, the guy knows about it. We’ve been hitting the gym every day, eating every meal together,
and we have watched more shows on Netflix than I care to admit. Although, that has been my favorite
part – hanging out, being lazy, and getting to know Parker a little better. He’s actually not as much as
a douche when he is relaxed at home. Surprisingly, we have been getting along pretty well.

Now Parker is dragging me to his friend's dinner party and I'm not sure if I'm entirely

comfortable with the idea. He tells me that his one friend owns a nightclub while the other is fucking
Nick Santino. I don't know the guy personally, but I've heard of him. Anyone who's ever been in the
prison system, or knows someone who’s been in the prison system, has heard of him. The guy is one
of the top criminal defense attorneys in New York City. And honestly, he kinda scares the shit out of
me. I know I've left that life behind, but it doesn't stop my stomach from churning nervously.

Parker is oblivious to my unease as we walk up the stairs to the front door of his friend,

Charlie's, house. I rub my sweaty hands on the front of my jeans. Jesus, why am I so freaking nervous?
I'm Chance Steele, academy award winner and multi-millionaire for Christ's sake. But these are
Parker's people - his best friends, his extended family. What if I don't fit in? And why the hell do I
care whether or not I fit in? We're barely on speaking terms. I was hoping that the kiss would have
brought us closer, not cause a bigger rift. At this point, I'm only here because I'm forced to be; I have
no other choice.

He knocks on the door then just walks in. I follow, entering the house and closing the door behind

me. I hesitantly follow him through the house and into the kitchen where everyone is hanging out
around the island counter.

A very gorgeous and very pregnant blonde is the first to greet us. She waddles over to Parker and

gives him a kiss and a hug. She then turns to me as Parker moves on to say ‘hi’ to the others. She
beams at me, and I instantly relax.

"Hi, Chance! I'm Charlie!" she smiles warmly and extends her hand.

I grin lopsidedly at how stinkin' cute she is and shake her hand. "Hi, Charlie, nice to meet you."

Next to greet me is the other woman. She is also extremely beautiful. "I'm Delilah."

I shake her hand. "Hey there, Delilah." I smirk.

She snorts and rolls her eyes.

"Hey! That's my line!" says Nick Santino as he comes up next to Delilah and slips his arm around

her shoulder.

He holds out his hand. "Chance Steele, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm..."

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"Nick Santino, yes, I know," I reply as I shake his hand.

Nick's eyebrows shoot up. "You've heard of me?"

I nod.

"Well, shit, that's pretty awesome," Nick says in awe. "A famous actor has heard of me!"

"What the fuck am I?" Parker huffs.

"Oh, you don't count," Nick says dismissively. "I knew you before you were famous."

Parker scowls at his friend. Nick just chuckles and gives him a shove. The last person to greet

me is the only black man of the group. He eyes me warily as he reaches out to shake my hand.

"Calvin King," he says.

"Hey, man," I reply.

I don't understand why he is looking at me like that. I brush it off for now.

"Chance, would you like a drink? We have beer, wine, hard liquor?" Charlie asks sweetly.

"I...uh...I don't drink, water is fine," I tell her.

I glance at Parker who is looking at me as if I have two heads. "What?" I sigh.

"Nothing," he says quickly and shakes his head.

Calvin is the one who grabs me a bottle of water. I thank him and take a sip. Even though I’m

used to being stared at, I get this weird vibe rolling off him, then catch him watching me. I raise an
eyebrow in question. Calvin basically ignores my silent question and turns to talk quietly to Parker.
I'm not sure I like this Calvin guy. He seems shady.

Charlie and Delilah put out some appetizers while Calvin orders some pizza. I chat with the girls

until the pizza arrives. We all move into the dining room and sit around a large round table so that we
can eat. I end up next to Parker since the couples have all sat down together. Nick, Calvin, and Parker
are already on their third beers and I can tell that Parker is starting to get a little buzzed. He seems
more relaxed and is smiling more than I've ever seen him smile, which certainly helps to take my edge
off. He has a really nice smile. His teeth are perfectly straight and white. He has this little dimple at
the corner of his mouth, too. Damn, I am way too attracted to this guy.

"How about a little game of Truth or Dare while we eat?" Charlie asks with a mischievous

smile. Oh man, Calvin must have his hands full with this girl.

We all agree to play. Parker offers to go first. He turns to me. I roll my eyes. Here we go.

"Truth or dare?" he asks me.

"Truth," I say. No way in hell would I choose dare with him.

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"Why don't you drink?"

"Because I don't like alcohol," I say with a shrug.

"Why not?" Parker asks around a mouthful of pizza.

"That's two questions," I tell him with a pointed look.

"Come on, don't be a dick," he huffs.

"I'm not being a dick; you asked me truth or dare, I picked truth, you asked your question, and I

answered. Truthfully. Move on."

Nick chuckles. "I like this guy."

"My turn, right?" I ask to no one specific.

"Yep!" Charlie chirps.

I glance around the table. Who do I want to ask truth or dare to? My gaze lands on Delilah. I grin.

"Delilah, truth or dare?"

"Hmm...truth," she answers.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before?" I ask.

"Oh, kinky." She giggles. "No, I haven't." She frowns.

Nick gives her an incredulous look. "You say that like it's something you want to do."

She shrugs. "I'd try it."

I laugh as Nick's mouth falls open.

"Who are you?" He gapes at his wife.

Parker chuckles next to me and I can't help but check him out.

"My turn!" Delilah squeals. "Nick, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he says with a cocky smirk.

Her eyes sparkle naughtily. Oh man, he should not have chosen dare.

"I dare you to kiss Calvin on the lips for ten seconds," she says with triumph.

Parker, being the dumbass that he is, took a sip of his beer right before Delilah spoke. So now,

after spewing the beer from his mouth, he is now choking. I clap him on the back a couple of times
while laughing at him. I take advantage of the moment by leaning in close to whisper in his ear, “I
would love to devour your mouth again.”

Parker visibly shivers, and then shakes it off. He sends me a look, but instead of anger in his

eyes, I see...lust? I take a gulp of my water and adjust the crotch of my pants, hoping nobody notices

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my now hard cock. I nonchalantly look back at him and his eyes are focused on my hands, which are
still laying on my lap. He’s going to be the death of me. It takes Calvin’s bellyaching to pull us out of
the trance.

"Wait a minute! Don't I get a say in this?" Calvin squawks, looking horrified.

"Nope!" Charlie giggles. "Just do it, ya big baby!"

Nick turns to his best friend and shrugs. Calvin sighs heavily.

"Who's counting?" Calvin asks, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'll count," Parker offers.

Calvin sends him a death glare. "Don't you dare drag it out, I will take away your Club M

membership," he threatens.

Parker gasps. "You wouldn't dare!" I’ve never been to Club M. I’ve heard of it, but don’t really

know much about it. It must be a kickass place for Parker to be upset about not being able to go. I’m
going to have to ask him about it later.

"Try me," Calvin grunts then turns toward Nick. "Let’s do this."

Nick chuckles. "Okay. Annnd...go!" Parker shouts.

Nick and Calvin close their eyes and press their lips together. Parker started counting to ten out

loud at a somewhat quick pace. Delilah and Charlie are dying laughing, which is making me laugh.
Parker yells "Ten!" and they break apart.

"Mmm, Cal, your lips are really soft, my man," Nick says, an amused twinkle in his eye.

The whole table erupts into hysterics. I can barely catch my breath. That is really the best thing

I've ever heard.

"Fuck you, asshole." Calvin laughs.


Everyone is finished eating and the game came to a natural end. We are all sitting around chatting

when Charlie suggests that we move to the family room so that we can be more comfortable. Nick
and Delilah snuggle on the love seat, whispering back and forth to each other. Charlie and Calvin are
perpendicular to them, sitting at opposite ends of the sofa with her legs in his lap. His hands
subconsciously find her feet and automatically begin to rub them. Chance and I are sitting in the club
seats on the other side of the coffee table, all of us facing each other.

Nick takes a sip of his beer and I see Delilah looking at Charlie, then cocking her head. “Are you

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allowed to be lying on your back?” she asks Charlie.

“I’m not technically lying on my back. But, yeah, at some point my doctor told me to sleep on my

side,” she answers. I can see on Charlie’s face that her wheels are turning, but she doesn’t say
anything else.

“The time frame seems to be different considering which source you are reading,” Delilah

retorts, and we are all now looking at her, wondering what’s going on.

But we are all clueless, except for Charlie, who knows Delilah so well they might as well share

a brain. We are all caught off guard when Charlie suddenly bounces off the couch, stands up and
points at Delilah. “Tell me now, sister!” she shouts.

All of us men look at each other as if we are watching a foreign film with no subtitles. “What the

hell is going on?” Calvin barks.

Charlie is still looking at Delilah, but addresses the rest of us morons. “Would you like to tell

everyone, or should I?” she asks mischievously.

Nick lets out a laugh then takes a sip of beer. “She’s got your number, Doll. Might as well


Delilah leans in and gives Nick a kiss then turns to us. “You may or may not have to push your

wedding reception back a few more months…”

“I knew it!” Charlie yells then runs – okay, maybe waddles - over to Delilah and tackles – okay,

maybe falls on top of – Nick and Delilah then starts kissing her all over her face.

She then leans back and smacks Delilah on the arm. “When were you going to tell me, bitch?

How far along are you? When did you find out? Are you drinking a screwdriver?” she starts rapidly
firing questions as she attempts to push herself up, but she is unable to, so Calvin and I leap out of our
seats to help her up and back to her place on the sofa.

Meanwhile, I hear Chance snickering in the background. His first experience with my friends,

and boy did we give him a show. Then again, anything’s better than my family; that’s one place I will
never take him. Doesn’t matter anyway because after this week, I will be nice and civil, but we will
not be hanging out socially anymore.

Once everyone settles back down, Delilah fills us in on all of the details. Apparently, she will

be twelve weeks next week, ending her first trimester. She is also, by the way, just drinking orange
juice. We all just assumed it was a screwdriver. I guess it kind of is, minus the vodka.

“Do you know the sex?” Chance asks.

“No, you can’t find that out until about twenty weeks,” Delilah answers.

“Oh, okay. Charlie, do you know the sex of your baby?”

“Babies,” Calvin answers for her.

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“Well, shit. I had no idea. Congrats, man. You, too, Charlie. I did think she was kinda big,

but...damn.” Chance shakes his head. “You’re gonna have your hands full,” he adds.

“Tell me about it,” Calvin agrees. “But my boys will keep me in shape. Calvin IV and Calvin V,”

he announces while rubbing Charlie’s huge belly.

“Like George?” Chance asks out of the blue.

Nick raises his beer in cheers. “Yeah, man,” he agrees with Chance even though nobody else has

a clue what he is talking about. I am starting to feel like every conversation is in code and I don’t
have the key to crack it. I mean, I know I am drinking, but I am not stupid drunk.

“Huh? What are you two talking about?” Delilah asks in confusion, pretty much for all of us.

“George Foreman,” Chance explains. Well not really.

Calvin lets out a laugh, apparently now “in” on the joke. “Yeah, like George,” he adds.

Charlie starts getting frustrated. “Will someone please explain to the rest of us what you guys are

talking about before I start throwing shit? Don’t make me take my shoes off!” she roars, yet unable to
hide her smile.

“Calm down, baby. Watch your blood pressure,” Calvin soothes. “George Foreman has five sons

named George and a daughter named Georgetta.”

“Hell to the no!” Delilah and Charlie both shout at the same time.

I try to steer the conversation back to Chance’s original question. “You’re having boys?” I ask

incredulously, since nobody bothered to tell me this interesting piece of information.

“Uh, no, no, and no!” Charlie interjects. She answers my first question by letting everyone know

that they don’t know the sex of the babies, they want it to be a surprise. Then she tells Calvin that in
no way or fashion will all of her children be named Calvin.

They get into a somewhat heated discussion that none of us can really hear. Then Charlie climbs

on to Calvin’s lap, straddling him. They keep on arguing, and even though I can only minimally make
out what is being said, I can’t stop watching. Like a goddamned train wreck. Look away. Look away.
You don’t want to see what happens next.

I hear Charlie saying something about a watermelon coming out of a penis when all of the sudden

Calvin grabs Charlie’s face, trying to get her attention, looking serious and directly in her eyes.

“Pinky, baby, did you just pee on me?” Calvin asks, dead serious.

That got all of our attention.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Why would I pee on you?” she balks.

Charlie stands up and looks down at Calvin’s lap and it is soaked. So is the sofa… and the

hardwood at his feet.

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“Oh my god!” she screams. “My water just broke!”

Like a movie in slow motion, mass hysteria breaks out. Everyone is on their feet yelling over

each other. Nobody making sense. Half of us silly drunk. From somewhere I hear a whistle. You
know that kind of whistle that gets everyone’s attention. Then there is silence, everyone turning to
face Chance.


I guess it doesn’t matter how educated you are or how much money you have – panic is panic.

And when you are emotionally vested, it’s hard to see through the fog. But after serving so many
years, not too much phases me. I try to get everyone’s attention, but they can’t hear me over the
chatter, so I stick my middle fingers in my mouth and whistle as loudly as possible. That got their

“Charlie, do you have a bag packed?” I ask calmly.

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Okay, Parker, go get her bag and drop it at the front door. Then grab a few towels to dry the

floor so the wood doesn’t warp. Delilah, I need you to take Charlie and get her cleaned up. Calvin, go
change your pants, then call the doctor and hospital to let them know that we are on our way.”

“What do you need me to do?” Nick asks.

Charlie shouts on her way to the bathroom, “Call my parents! You have Bron’s number, right?”

“Got it!” Nick shouts back to her.

I continue to dole out orders. “Nick, after you call her parents, your job is to keep Calvin calm.”

We all hear Charlie moaning from the bathroom and assume she is having a contraction. I look at

my watch, do some math in my head, and instruct. “I want everyone at the front door within five
minutes. Delilah and I are the only sober ones here. Let’s put Charlie in the Range Rover since it is
roomy and I will drive her and Calvin. They can give me directions. Delilah, why don’t you take
Parker and Nick in Parker’s Beemer; there’s plenty of room in it for the three of you.”

Everyone nods in agreement and in less than five minutes, all six of us are on our way to meet the



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I am staring at two of the most beautiful girls that I have ever seen in my life. Caroline and Cate

King were born an hour ago. We made it to the hospital just in time to deliver. Charlie had to push for
less than an hour and all without drugs. She is one strong woman, but we already knew that. Mom and
the babies are happy and healthy and it’s all because of Chance. That asshole. I can’t even say
anything bad about him right now and that makes me hate him even more. With these beauties staring
back at me, the world is a perfect place. Man, but when he was barking out those orders, I was
finding it kinda…sexy? Fuck, no! This is not the time or place to think about that shit right now.

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Chapter Five


It’s been years since I’ve seen the inside of a church. Decades even. Except for my dickhead

brother’s wedding. But that doesn’t count because I arrived last minute, did my brotherly duty of
standing next to him, then escaped as soon as everyone was occupied to get back to the movie set I
was working on. Thank fuck for that excuse. After enduring a childhood filled with being dragged to
Sunday mass, forced to attend religious school, fighting the fate of an altar boy, receiving communion,
making confirmation, and being endlessly tortured by the droning keyboard chords of tone-deaf Agnes
O’Leary, I never thought that I would willingly and joyfully cross the threshold of one again.
Especially not voluntarily.

I’m sitting in the last row of the most beautiful Catholic church in New York City – St. Patrick’s

Cathedral. It’s huge and grand and absolutely breathtaking. As I look around at the room full of
churchgoers, I wonder how my life would have been had I never went to law school. Had I never met
Nick and Calvin. Had I never become the most important man in a little girl’s life. Had I not been
named her godfather. A shiver runs up my spine and a sneaky tear escapes an eye. I couldn’t ask for
more special people in my life. My friends have become my family, and I couldn’t have chosen a
better crew. My heart is full and I couldn’t ask for anything else.

Just then, I spot Nick and Delilah and Calvin and Charlie sitting toward the front of the room. I

see Nick lean over and whisper in Delilah’s ear and she blushes then smacks him on the arm. I can
only imagine the dirty shit he is saying to her and that makes me chuckle. Then it makes me a little
sad that I am sitting here in a room full of people. Alone. All by myself. With nobody to whisper in
my ear. Okay, so maybe there is one thing I am missing in my life - the love of a good woman.

I’m brought back to the sermon as I hear people mumbling, “Amen.” I continue to listen to the

priest ramble on for another ten minutes, proud of myself for perfectly timing my arrival to coincide
with the end. Lost in my thoughts once again, I am startled when I feel my cell vibrate. I thought I
turned that thing off.

Chance: You can’t pray away the gay

Parker: What the hell are you talking about?

Chance: Are you listening to this douche? Interpreting Leviticus 18 & 20 to fit his cause

I look around to see if I can find him. Is he here? What is he doing here? My phone buzzes


Chance: Yes, I’m here. Yes, I can see you

Parker: What are you doing here?

Chance: What are you doing here? Finding more reasons to avoid me?

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Parker: Fuck you, Steele

Chance: Aw, come on, Hamilton. That’s not very Christian of you

I don’t have the chance to answer because people start getting up, shaking hands, and hugging

each other. And honestly, I just don’t have a witty comeback, so I pocket my phone. My good
manners dictate that I stand up and follow along. My mind is spinning. Where is he and why is here?
I see my friends approach the priest while the other churchgoers begin to file out. With my head
down, trying to keep incognito, I make my way to the front so that I can get my instructions. Just as I
am about to reach them, my arm is grabbed and I spin around to see him. Fucking asshole. Bane of my
existence. And now he’s in a god damned, motherfucking, personally tailored, form fitting Armani
two-button suit from Barney’s of New York. And he looks… he looks… fucking delicious!

“What are you doing here?” I ask accusingly.

“I was invited,” he answers calmly, but smirks at me and I want to kiss that shit right off his face.

“What are you doing here?” He is egging me on and he knows it.

“Are you fucking kidding me? These are my friends. I am Cate’s godfather.”

“Who invited you?” I ask harshly.

“Charlie.” He shrugs.

I am going to kill that sneaky little witch. I walk away shaking my head and refocus myself on

why I am here. Cate and Caroline’s Christening. That’s what is important, and I’m not going to let
this pain in the ass ruin it for me. I am going to be a godfather. I smile to myself as I approach my

“What’s with the goofy-ass smile?” Calvin asks.

“I’m going to become a godfather today,” I answer, giddy like a schoolgirl.

“I see your friend came to show some support.”

“Whatever, my man. I don’t know why the hell he is here.”

“Charlie invited him, and I completely condoned it. Oh, and he’s welcome at the club anytime.”

“Why would you go and do some stupid shit like that? She’s got you pussy whipped already.” I

duck then chuckle knowing that both Charlie and Delilah have my boys strung out. And who could
blame them, really? I just wanted to make sure he didn’t punch me in the face for saying it out loud.

“Happy wife, happy life,” is all he answers in return then lets out a laugh, too.

Calvin slaps me on the back and squeezes my shoulder. “Just wait until you find your perfect

woman. Don’t think she won’t cast a spell on your dick. We are all looking forward to that day.”

Of course that would be the exact moment that Chance walks up to shake Calvin’s hand and

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thanks him for the invite. Doesn’t this prick have anything better to do than to be up my ass. Shit! I
didn’t mean that. God damn it, he always gets into my head. And now I’m taking the Lord’s name in
vain. While in church. Fuck me, I’m going to hell.


Damn, he’s gorgeous. Parker is up on the altar with his friends and I can’t keep my eyes off him.

After I shook Calvin’s hand, which I purposefully did first because I just wanted to be close to him, I
next went to Charlie to congratulate her. She then took me around to meet everybody and told each
and every one of them the story of how I saved her delivery day. I’m not used to being shown so
much warmth and affection from others – except maybe from star struck fans, but that’s not real, they
don’t know me. It made me a little uncomfortable if I’m honest about it. I didn’t do anything special.
I’m no hero.

I met her parents and brother. Wasn’t that a little surprise I wasn’t expecting? Nick’s father and

Delilah’s father arrived together. Nick’s receptionist, Carmella, who everyone is supposedly close
to, is here. Calvin’s parents, sister, and grandfather are here, too. I felt a weird vibe from his sister
toward Charlie, but the cool chick that she is, just blew her off. And Charlie’s boss, who is Parker’s
agent, Eddie, is here. The only people I didn’t see were Parker’s family. I know he has parents and a
brother that live close to here so I am curious as to why they are not here to watch their son become a
godfather. Even I can tell how excited he is about it.

Parker is now facing the Priest, his back is to me and my eyes are glued to his ass. That firm,

delectable, bitable, fuckable ass. No, I don’t care that I’m having impure homosexual thoughts in a
church. Don’t judge. Nick and Delilah are standing all the way to the left, holding Caroline, as they
are her godparents. Charlie and Calvin are in the middle with the priest beside the pulpit, which has
the holy water sitting on it. And Parker is standing all the way to the right, holding Cate, his
goddaughter. He is concentrating very hard on every word the Priest says, trying to soak in every bit
of knowledge he is offering. I’ve gained a new level of respect for him, and an odd sense of pride
warms my heart. Enough of that shit. I let him get off – get your mind out of the gutter - too easy
earlier. Times to spice things up. I shoot him a test text to see if his phone is on. If he checks it, there
is no way he won’t be tempted to answer this.

Chance: Hey, Parky!

Success! Not only does he take the bait, but he responds….while holding the baby!

Parker: Fuck off

I laugh a little too loudly and Calvin’s sister turns around and sends me an evil eye. What

crawled up her butt? She needs to get laid.

Chance: Parkaroonie?

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Parker: Come on man. Can’t you just call me Parker, like a grown up?

Chance: Just Parker?

Parker: Exactly. Now stop

Chance: What? You’re a worldwide celebrity. Too good for two names?

Oh, this is too much fun to quit now!

Parker: Sounds about right.

Chance: So, just Parker.

Parker: You’re catching on, slick.

Chance: Kinda like just Madonna? Or just Cher?

Parker: On the right track. Maybe something a little less gay.

Chance: Like just Elton?

Parker: I said less gay, dickhead

Chance: You weren’t asking for less gay while I had my tongue down your throat

Radio silence. And with that, I slid my phone back into my pocket and enjoyed the rest of my day

with my new friends, er, Parker’s friends.

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Chapter Six


I am exhausted. Not the ‘I stayed up late getting laid exhausted.’ Or the ‘I was at a Hollywood

premier with A List celebrities exhausted.’ We’re talking the ‘I work all day and then stay up to feed
two screaming babies all night exhausted.’ I don’t care what anybody says - being a parent is the
most thankless, stressful, grueling, yet rewarding, pleasure filling job. These girls fill my heart and
suck the life out of me at the same time. It is the best worst thing I have ever experienced.

It’s been a little over a month since the Christening, and I have been going over to their house

after work three to four times a week, trying to help Charlie and give her a break and time to rest.
Calvin works nights and even though he has been trying to get home earlier than his usual, I don’t
want them to be alone. Plus, I have to live up to my godfatherly duties. I don’t take that shit lightly.
Fuck, maybe I should stop swearing so much. Crap! I did it again.

Delilah and I finally convinced them to hire a night nanny to help them so that they can get some

sleep. You may know her, actually. Her name is Carmella. She works at Nick’s firm, and was friends
with Delilah’s mother. When Delilah found out that she was pregnant, they asked her if she would like
to be their full time nanny and she was so flattered. She took the job, but in the meantime, she is going
to help with the twins. I will still go over to see my girls, but it definitely frees up my nights. I need a

Chance and I successfully finished out our week of punishment together. After the dinner party

and whole hospital scene, I grew a new respect for him. That made it easier to be a little nicer. It’s
been over a month, and there hasn’t been any new incidents on set or off. We get along in a
professional manner. Cordial, I guess you can say. It certainly helps that we haven’t yet filmed any
intimate scenes or any that make me uncomfortable around him. Shockingly, he hasn’t invaded my
personal space again, involuntarily or on purpose.

We don’t socialize outside of work. There have been a few instances that the crew invited us

both out for happy hour or a party and we both ended up there, but we would just say hello then keep
our distance. Like I said, cordial. And that’s exactly what happened tonight.

I am at a local bar to celebrate one of the crewmembers’ birthdays and Chance is here. He is on

the other side of the bar talking to some leggy blonde. I don’t enjoy picking up randoms in bars. It’s
too risky in our profession, that’s why I stick with Club M. While checking out the blonde’s ass, I
accidentally make eye contact with Chance. He raises an eyebrow, then his glass of water in
acknowledgment. I raise my beer back at him, then swivel around on my stool to face the bartender,
hoping he gets the hint that I don’t want to socialize with him.

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This blonde is working my last nerve. Don’t get me wrong, she is sexy as fuck, but all she wants

to talk about is trying to break in to the business. Show business. All I want to do is break into her
business. But the more I talk to her, the more I find myself thinking about a different gorgeous blonde.
One that is right over her shoulder. One that just gave me the most smoldering look. One that I really
want to get my lips on again. One that won’t let me touch him. I think it’s time to remedy that. I ditch
the chick and walk over to where he is sitting.

"I think we need to get together tonight and get this shit over with so that we'll be more

comfortable when the time comes to do it on camera. We were a sloppy mess last time and that’s not
gonna cut it for the critics. Or the audience. They need to believe that we actually like each other, not
just tolerate it for the sake of the movie. "

Parker visibly blanches. He swallows hard as his anger ebbs away. He nods. "Yeah...okay."

"Are you going home soon? I could just come with you," I offer.

He stares at me for a moment before nodding again. "Yeah, sure, let’s get this over with" he

mutters. We both head out of the bar, Parker heads to his car, opens the door and climbs in.

I quickly tell the limo driver that took me here that I’m getting another ride, then get into Parker’s

sweet BMW. I look over at him as he pulls out of the parking lot. The guy is super tense. How can I
ease him? We aren’t exactly buddy-buddy and I’m not great at the whole consoling thing.

"Listen, Parker, it's just acting. Pretend I'm a chick or something. You’re making this bigger than

it has to be," I say gently, watching Parker’s face through the darkness of the car.

"It's easier said than done." He sighs, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck.

"Well, that's why we're going to do some more kissing and touching back at your place, so it will

be easier," I say.

He sends me a wary glance. "But I don't even like you."

I bark out a laugh. "Dude, you don't have to like me, you just have to kiss me."

Parker frowns. "Other than the bet, and we know how that went, I've never purposefully kissed

someone that I don't like before."

I snort. "That's a lie."

I’m shocked when he actually smirks. "Yeah, okay, maybe it was."

I chuckle. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't really like you either. You’re really kind of a


Parker hums his acceptance, a small smile curling his lips. He really is a good-looking dude,

especially when he smiles and those dimples deepen. I don’t know much of anything about Parker’s

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sex life, but I bet the guy can get any girl he wants without even really trying. He'd just have to smile
at them. I can get women just as easily; I’m just as good looking as Parker, fuck you very much. I try
not to be a dick, though. I don’t want a bad reputation with the ladies.

We pull into the parking garage of Parker’s penthouse about twenty minutes later. I whistle low

as we pull up to the gate at the entrance. Armed security guards man the little gatehouse, most likely to
keep out unwanted obsessive fans and paparazzi. I understand. He flashes the guard his parking pass
and they give him the go-ahead. After Parker clears the gate, it slowly closes behind us.

"Fancy," I tease as we make our way through the garage to his assigned spot.

"Shut up," Parker grumbles, seeming more tense now that we are here.

I roll my lips in to try to hide the smile that threatens. I really do enjoy seeing Parker squirm. I am

curious as to how this is going to play out. Are we going to end up fist fighting? Or will we end up in
bed together? There are so many ways that this can go; it’s making my heart race and stomach quiver


I lead Chance into my kitchen, needing a drink before we do anything. My whole body is so tense

that I’m starting to feel the ache in my muscles, so I go over to the liquor cabinet that is located under
my island and grab a bottle of scotch. As I grab a glass for myself, I send Chance a questioning look.
He gives me a brow raise, so I grab a bottle of water for him. I keep forgetting that he doesn’t drink. I
need to get to the bottom of that. No, I don’t…why do I give a shit? This isn’t personal. He is
currently sitting on a stool on the other side of the island counter while I pour scotch into my glass. I
hand the water to him then hold my glass up in a silent toast before throwing the whole contents of the
glass down my throat.

Chance watches me with wide eyes, mouth agape as I pour another shot. I down that one, too,

hissing as it burns my throat and gut. Chance shakes his head in disgust and takes a sip of his drink.

"I still don't understand why you took this role," Chance mutters.

I slam my fist on the counter. "I don’t fucking know!" I shout.

Chance rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

"I've never wanted to kiss or do anything with a man in my life, so excuse me if this is hard for

me," I snap, heat flushing my cheeks from the alcohol.

"Then you shouldn't have taken the part. Someone else might have had an easier time with it."

Chance grunts, taking another sip of his drink.

"What the hell is going on with you? You're all for this kissing and shit. Did you turn gay without

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me knowing?" I ask, glaring at him.

He shrugs. "It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't curious," he says quietly, his brown eyes lifting to meet


“You know what they say about guys with brown eyes?” I ask, the scotch loosening me up.

“No, what?” he asks, hesitantly.

“They’re full of shit,” I tell him, laughing at my own joke, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckles softly, not a full out bark like I was expecting. Maybe he’s not lying. I swallow hard

at the look in Chance’s eyes. He is curious. That much is clear. I’m not curious but I’ll do what I have
to, to get the job done. And if that means kissing and touching Chance, then so be it. I’m kind of glad
it’s Chance, actually. He’s a well-built, good-looking guy. If I have to be touching another guy, at
least it will be someone attractive.

Chance looks somewhat scruffy today. His hair is longer than I’ve ever seen it and he has a

couple of days’ worth of facial hair. His eyes are a medium brown, he has a strong jaw line, high
cheekbones, and full lips. He is in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that shows off his lean muscular body.

"So are we gonna do this or what?" he asks, his voice going low and husky, his eyes dropping to

my mouth.

My heart starts to pound. "I...uh...I...let me make sure no one is here," I stutter before racing off to

make sure that all of the maids and cooks and whoever else is gone. I don't need any witnesses to the
upcoming disaster.

When I return to the kitchen, Chance isn’t there. I do another shot before I go into the

entertainment room that is just off the kitchen. I figure that is the only place he could have gone. And
I’m right. Chance is slouched back at the end of the huge sectional, looking utterly relaxed, hands
tucked behind his head. He smirks and pats the couch next to him.

I take a deep breath. I can do this. I HAVE to do this. I walk over and sit next to Chance, our

thighs touching. I cross my arms over my chest, not knowing what else to do with them. I stare straight
ahead, afraid to look at Chance.

He sighs, obviously irritated by my behavior.

"You're gonna make me do all the work, huh?" he mumbles as he turns slightly to face me. "Put

your back to me," he instructs.

I turn to look at him, eyebrow raised in question.

"Just do it," Chance demands, brows furrowing in anger.

I shift on the couch to put my back to Chance. I tuck one leg under while the other remains off the

couch. I uncross my arms and let my hands sit in my lap. Chance shifts some more behind me before
he places his hands on my shoulders. I stiffen immediately.

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"Jesus, relax. I'm not going to try to fuck you," Chance snaps, his hands starting to knead at the

tight muscles of my shoulders.

I force myself to calm down. He isn’t doing anything unusual. Guys can rub other guys shoulders.

No big deal. He digs his thumbs in, pulling a groan from me. I didn't mean for it to come out, but it
did. Chance keeps quiet, which makes me relax a little more. I hang my head and let Chance rub my

"That's better," he murmurs quietly as he continues to work his magic on my aching shoulders and


I take a deep breath, blowing out some tension as I exhale. I need to chill, get myself ready for

the inevitable. I have to kiss Chance - really kiss him. Not just a peck on the lips, but full out, dueling
tongues kiss him. And I have to make it look believable. I can do it.

Chance’s hands move from my shoulders and slide down my arms then back up, repeating the

movement then changing direction when he reaches my shoulders again. His hands smooth down over
my chest from behind. He then presses his lips on me, right where my neck and shoulder meet. I jerk,
tearing myself away to land on my ass on the floor between the couch and the ottoman.

Chance sighs and hangs his head. "This is never going to work."

"Fucking warn me, man!" I growl, placing a hand over the spot that Chance had kissed. It’s


Chance’s lip curls up in disgust. "Okay then, be prepared because I'm gonna kiss you," he says

mockingly, "Fucking idiot, why do you think I'm here?"

I get up off the floor and sit back on the couch. I lean forward, put my elbows on my knees, and

shove my hands into my hair. Chance is muttering angrily to himself when out of nowhere, he attacks
me. He shoves me down onto the couch and covers me with his body. I’m so stunned that I do nothing.
I stare up into his blazing brown eyes in shock. Before I can do anything, though, he pins my hands
over my head with one of his hands and grabs my face with the other.

The next thing I know, Chance’s mouth is on mine. A hard, punishing kiss to the lips. My first

instinct is to turn my head to get away, but his hand holding my jaw won’t budge. He tilts his head,
switching the angle and making the kiss softer. His tongue flicks out to run across my bottom lip. I
whimper, keeping my lips firmly shut. God, this is not something I want.

"Kiss me back, asshole," Chance growls against my lips, his tongue running along the seam of my

lips, trying to get in.

He grunts in annoyance and roughly turns my head to the side. He then bends down and starts

licking and sucking at my neck. My neck is one of my more sensitive areas, and it is the easiest way to
get me turned on. No way Chance could have known this when he went for my neck. I try my fucking
hardest not to let it affect me, but my body betrays me. Chance nips at the most sensitive spot just
under my ear and I gasp in pleasure.

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I feel the smile creep across Chance’s mouth since it is still pressed against my skin. I then feel

his hot breath against my ear. "Have I just found the on button?" he whispers, sending shivers down
my spine.

I squirm under him, desperately wanting to get away. "Chance," I breathe pleadingly. I don't want

to do this. Not anymore. I’m ready to drop the movie. Fuck it. I can’t do this. A guy is turning me on
and it’s freaking me the fuck out!

Chance is strong and he holds me down despite my efforts to get away. His tongue flicks over the

sensitive skin just under my ear and I feel the desire and lust coiling in my gut. The next thing he does
is lightly suck on the spot, which makes me groan low in my throat.

He continues to kiss his way up my jaw as he slowly turns my head back, his kisses returning to

my mouth. I close my eyes as my breathing becomes a bit more rapid than normal, and my cock begins
to throb angrily in my jeans. Chance’s lips are soft against mine, his beard scratching my chin, making
it extremely difficult to pretend he is a woman.

"Kiss me back," Chance murmurs against my lips, his hand moving away from my jaw and up

into my hair.

I hesitantly part my lips, which he takes full advantage of. He dives his tongue into my mouth and

sweeps it across my tongue. The grip on my hair tightens and I can feel Chance’s heart pounding
against my own chest. I also feel his hard on pressing against my lower abs; apparently, he is enjoying
this. My stomach flutters, kind of turning me on more knowing that he is turned on, too.

I honestly start to try to kiss him back. Our tongues swirl around each other’s and fight for

dominance. Chance moans into my mouth as the kiss becomes seriously heated. He lets go of my
hands so that he can run his hand down my side and grip my hip. I bring my hands down to rest lightly
on his sides.

He pulls back breathless a moment later, both of us panting heavily. I slowly open my eyes to

find Chance staring down at me, his eyes heavy lidded and blazing with desire. "Was that so bad?" he
asks, his voice hoarse.

I shake my head jerkily. Hesitant to admit that I am, in fact, extremely turned on, and it is because

of another man. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that another man would give me a hard on;
however, I have one, and I am positive that Chance can feel it. He grunts then drops his head back
down, nudging my face to the side. He starts kissing and licking the other side of my neck. My breath
hisses out, my hands involuntarily squeeze his sides, and my own hips unconsciously roll up, trying to
get my cock some relief.

That freaks me out enough that I come back to my senses. I bite out a vicious curse and push

Chance onto the floor, him landing with a thud and an "oof." I sit up, breathing heavily. I reluctantly
glance down at Chance, who is lying on the floor, wedged between the couch and the ottoman. His
eyes are closed, his lips parted, and one hand is between his bent knees, shifting his erection in his

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"I can't do this," I rasp.

Chance snorts. "Quit being so dramatic, you were enjoying it a second ago."

"That's the problem," I say, swallowing hard.

His eyes pop open to glare at me, his mouth turned down into a frown. "Seriously?"

I don’t reply, I just turn away. I do not want to be turned on by a guy. I don’t want to kiss a guy.

This is just too much.

"So...what? Are you going to drop out of the movie then?" Chance asks evenly, not making any

moves to get up off the floor.

"Yeah, I think so," I rasp. I feel like a failure, but I’ll get over it.

Chance grips the side of the couch and ottoman as he pulls himself up into a sitting position.

"Parker, it's okay, you know? Whatever you’re feeling, it's just a reaction, it doesn't mean anything,"
he says softly, placing his hand on my knee.

"It's not...I don't like it," I whisper.

Chance struggles to his knees. He then uses my legs to turn me so that I’m facing him. He is now

kneeling between my legs, his hands resting on the tops of my thighs. My heart pounds. I don’t like
this position, it is too suggestive.

"What are you so afraid of?" he asks, looking up at me.

I shake my head. "I'm not afraid of anything. I just don't like the fact that my body is betraying

me," I admit before I can think better of it.

Chance smirks. "Pleasure is pleasure; does it really matter where it's coming from?"

“Yes!" I snap, brushing his hands off my legs.

His smile fades. "This movie could be huge for both of us. This part was made for you. Are you

really going to ruin it because of this?"

I keep my face blank but inside I know that he’s right. "I thought that you'd be happy that I was

quitting," I say evenly.

He smiles softly and shakes his head. "I thought so, too, but apparently that's changed. I can't see

this movie working with anyone else as my partner; plus, you’re one of very few guys that I actually
find attractive," he says, finishing with a wink.

I let out a choked laugh despite myself. I rub my face with both hands then close my eyes and rest

my head on the back of the couch. "How can you be so calm about this? I mean, you've never been
with a guy, right?" I ask, lifting my head back up to look down at Chance, who is still kneeling
between my legs.

He shrugs. "Not willingly.”

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“What the fuck does that mean? ‘Not willingly.’ You’ve been with a man before? Sexually?” I

ask, caught off guard by his answer.

“That means that yes, I have been with a man before. No, it wasn’t voluntary. And yes, again, it

was sexual,” he answers, unable to look at me.

Well, don’t I just feel like the fucking asshole. I don’t even know what to say at this point. He

obviously had nonconsensual sex with a man at some point in his life. And after supporting Charlie
throughout her whole ordeal, as big of an insensitive jerk I know I can be, I also know what being
sexually assaulted can do to a person. I really don’t know if I should address the pink elephant now
staring me in the face or…before I get the chance to say anything, Chance interrupts my thoughts.

“Listen, pretty boy, don’t get all sensitive and shit on me. Nobody knows what I’ve just told you

and I would appreciate it if you keep it that way. That being said, forget I said anything. It’s in my
past and I want to leave it there. What happened happened and I’ve moved on. It has nothing to do
with what’s going on here,” he spews, letting me off the hook.

Those are almost the exact words that Charlie said just before she accepted her fate was to be

with Calvin. I guess if she can say them and believe them, so can this dickhead. He is giving me the
evil eye right now as well, apparently waiting for me to say something. So instead of saying anything
that would piss him off further, I go with a standard prick line. Something I would say as though he
never told me anything personal.

"So you wanna fuck some guy in his ass?" I ask, void of all emotion, my eyes watching his

handsome face for his reaction. Shit! Did I just say handsome?

Chance smiles and shakes his head at my obnoxious comment. Almost instantly, his eyes darken

and his cheeks flush slightly. "Not just ‘some’ guy," he says, his voice gruff.

I stare at him disbelievingly. "You have someone particular in mind?” I ask incredulously.

"Hell fucking yeah, I do," he replies without hesitation.

I open and close my mouth a few times, unable to find the words. I just shut my mouth and drop

my face into my hands. This is a nightmare. I have a co-star who wants to have sex with me while I,
on the other hand, am ready to run away from the whole thing. Chance has definitely thought about this
in detail to be able to give answers that quickly.

He gets my attention again as he raises up on his knees, still on the floor between my legs. "Come

on, Hammy, let’s try again,” he challenges.

But I am thrown off by what he calls me. “What the hell is with you and these fucking nicknames?

‘Hammy?’ Do I look like a child-sized pork product?”

“No, but you do look like a nice, juicy, Grade-A, piece of...”

“Okay, okay, I get it...” I huff, resigned to the fact that he is always trying to get under my skin.

Chance barks out a laugh. “You are just so fun to fuck with, that’s why I do it.”

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I just grunt at his response and shake my head.

His hands slide back onto my thighs. “Maybe the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll

be," he says softly.

I glance down at the big hands on my thighs then back up at Chance. "I don't want to be

comfortable with it," I huff.

"Stop being a pussy, Parker." Chance sighs before he pushes to his feet, using my thighs to push


He walks out of the entertainment room and into the kitchen. That asshole! He knows that I hate

being called a pussy. And I know that he said it on purpose to get me all riled up. He has outright
admitted to like fucking with me. And admitted to wanting to fuck me, cocksucker! Shit, he
probably wants to suck my cock, too! Son of a bitch!

I shove to my feet and follow him into the kitchen. He just finished grabbing himself another

bottle of water when I walk in. He chugs it down then sets the bottle back on the counter, raising an
eyebrow at me in challenge. Goddammit!


I know I poked one of Parker’s soft spots, but I really don’t care. The guy needs a push. And

Parker’s temper is the way to go. The man hates being called anything that could be construed as
weak. I found that out the first day we met ten years ago. I called him a "baby" because he was
whining and complaining about his broken finger that happened during a fight scene. Well, he flipped
out on me, even took a swing at me. I dodged it and tried to diffuse the situation by apologizing. But
now, whenever Parker needs that extra oomph, I call him something like "Baby" or "Pussy." It really
gets his goat, and I love it.

Parker skirts the counter and grabs me up by the front of my shirt as soon as he is in reaching

distance. He then shoves me back against the adjacent counter, our bodies touching from lower
abdomen to thigh. His face is so close that I can only see his bright blue eyes, which are smoldering
with anger and something else that I can’t name.

"Fucking dick, is this what you want?" Parker breathes before attacking my mouth.

I scramble to grab hold of the back of his upper arms to gain some leverage. Parker is bending

me back over the counter slightly, whether he knows it or not, I can’t be sure. His mouth is hot and
demanding, making my stomach flip. The earlier kiss was decent, but I knew that Parker wasn't all
that into it. This one, however, is burning my blood. He’s holding nothing back, kissing me like he
actually wants to, has a desire to. So I kiss him back with the same fevered passion.

I’m so turned on that I can barely stand it! I want more than just this ravaging of mouths - I want

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to be touched, I want to touch Parker. But I know if I do, it will be the end of this. If I go anywhere
near his raging hard on, this will be finished. And I definitely don’t want that, I want this to keep

Parker tears his mouth away, panting frantically, our chests heaving against each other’s. Our

arms have somehow tangled around each other, and our groins are pressed tightly together. I can feel
all of Parker’s impressive length right alongside of my own. His head drops back on his shoulders,
his eyes closed and mouth parted, as he tries to catch his breath. I wonder what he’s thinking, but I
don’t want to press him. He hasn’t moved away yet, so that’s a good sign. Right?

After a minute or so, Parker still hasn’t moved. His breathing has slowed, but his head is still

back and his eyes are still closed. I lean in and start kissing his neck. His breathing hitches and his
hands tighten on the back of my T-shirt, where they were earlier while we were kissing. I squeeze his

"Let me make you feel good," I whisper against Parker’s neck before licking a line up to his ear.

He shudders as his breath hisses out. He doesn’t reply, so I take it as a green light. I let my

fingers drift along the waistband of his jeans until I get to the button and zipper. I pop the button and
slide the zipper down slowly, making sure not to abrade his swelling dick. He tenses and I brace
myself for a blow. I wait, watching as Parker brings his head up and looks at me, his expression
confused and wary.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "Don't...just...let me touch you. If it is

really that fucking horrible then I swear I'll stop."

Parker swallows hard and nods, his eyes fluttering shut. I bite back a smile. He’s really trying to

be brave. I plan to reward him for that.

I push his jeans down his thighs, making his erection spring free. Apparently, the guy goes

commando. I slide my hand down the underside of Parker’s large cock to cup his balls, giving them a
gentle squeeze and tug. He chokes back a moan. I can tell that he didn't mean to do it, but it came out
anyway. I move back up to wrap my hand around the smooth shaft. I start pumping my fist up and
down at a leisurely pace to let Parker get used to it. I wonder if he is imagining that it’s a woman
doing this to him?

I look down to watch myself as I jerk off a guy for the first time ever. Yes, I have had sex with a

man before, but never by choice, and never anything beyond being bent over. I lick my lips, I’m
definitely having an urge to drop to my knees and take Parker into my mouth. I wonder if Parker
would let me? His shirt keeps getting in the way, so I tug on it signaling him to take it off. He grabs it
by the collar and drags it over his head while I go back to jerking him off. I look over his muscled
frame and feel my cock harden even more, if that’s even possible. The man is ripped. He has a light
dusting of blonde hair on his defined chest and a line that runs down the middle of his cut abs to his
groin where he keeps it short and trim.

I can’t fight the urge anymore. My dick is aching and I need to taste him. Never having sucked a

man off before, I just do what I know I like. I drop down to my knees and take Parker’s cock into my

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mouth before he can protest. Parker bites out an "Oh Fuuuuuck" as his hands slam down on the counter
to hold himself up on his suddenly shaky legs. I moan around the cock filling my mouth, which in turn
makes Parker let out a high-pitched whimper. I grip his bare hips as I suck him off. My own cock is
throbbing so hard in my jeans that I have to reach down and free myself.

I jerk myself off with one hand while the other stays on Parker’s hip. I roll my eyes up to see how

he’s doing and get the shock of my life. He’s watching, his lips parted, his eyes wide. I keep my eyes
on him, loving the fact that he is actually watching and not pretending that I’m someone else. I have no
idea if I’m doing this right or if it’s feeling good or not. Only one way to find out.

I pull back just enough that his cock pops out of my mouth. "Feel good?" I pant, looking up at


He just nods and tilts his hips forward, obviously wanting me to continue. I smile and flick my

tongue over the tip of his cock. He moans, his eyes sliding closed. I then take him back into my mouth,
loving the taste, the feel, and his reaction. I’m still shocked that I haven’t been punched in the face yet.


I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, but Chance’s mouth on me is turning my brain to mush. I

think that I should be fighting more, but I just can’t bring myself to care. How the hell did I end up
with a guy sucking my dick in my kitchen? Chance’s tongue swirls around the tip of my cock, making
me lose all train of thought.

I can feel the beginnings of my orgasm take root. My balls tighten and the base of my spine

tingles. I groan, my hips thrusting forward of their own accord. Chance hums his approval, his free
hand now wrapped around the shaft of my cock, stroking while he sucks. He’s also jerking himself
off. Apparently, Chance can multitask.

I grip the edge of the counter, my whole body trembling. Jesus, this is the best head that I’ve ever

gotten. I shove my hand into Chance’s short hair and try to grip it. I drop my gaze to watch my dick
slide between his full lips. Holy shit, that’s hot. Chance’s normally brown eyes - which now look
black - are rolled up, watching me in return.

My breaths are coming in short pants and I am seriously on the verge of exploding. "Chance, I'm

close,” I rasp, not recognizing my own voice.

Chance hums his approval, speeds up, and sucks harder. I realize after a moment that he’s not

going to pull away. I let out a strangled cry, still watching Chance as I come hard, my whole body
jerking. A swipe of Chance’s tongue along the underside of the tip of my cock nearly brings me to my
knees. Chance then moans loud, his mouth still around me as he finds his own release.

He finally releases me. I bend over to place my forehead on my forearms on the counter. What

the fuck just happened? No...HOW had I let that happen? I just let Chance give me a blowjob! What

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the hell is wrong with me? I was just so turned on and in need of release that it hadn't mattered at the
moment whose hands and mouth were on me.

Chance gives my leg a pat and a little push to the side. I shift to let him get up, but keep my head

down on my arms. I roll my head to look over at Chance, who has gotten to his feet. He goes over to
the sink - pants still open, cock hanging out - and washes his hands. He stuffs his semi-hard cock back
into his jeans and zips up, then turns to look over at me, a small smile playing across his lips. He
leans his ass back against the counter in front of the sink and crosses his arms over his chest.

"You taste good," he murmurs, his smile changing into a naughty smirk.

I suck in a sharp breath as I straighten. My eyes widen for a second on the man who just sucked

me dry. His words send shivers down my spine. I realize that I’m standing there with my jeans around
my knees when I see Chance’s eyes wandering down my body. He chuckles when I hastily yank my
jeans back up and tuck myself away.

Chance then grabs a paper towel and cleans up the mess he made on the floor. I can do nothing

but watch him. I don't know what to say. Anything that comes to mind just sounds stupid. So I just
stand there like an idiot instead. Chance tosses the paper towel in the trash before coming to stand in
front of me. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down for a slow languid kiss. I begin to push
him away as I’m caught off guard and slightly put off by the thought of tasting myself on him. But to
my surprise, I like it. I want it. I pull him closer as some of the awkwardness that I’ve been feeling
begins to melt away.

Moments later, he pulls away slowly, laying a couple of lighter pecks on my lips before pulling

completely away. We stare at each other for a moment. Something passes between us. Something that
I don’t want to even acknowledge any time soon.

I clear my throat. "It's uh...it's late."

Chance raises an amused eyebrow. "Yeah, and I don't have a car. You gonna drive me home?"

I frown. I forgot about that. "I have a guest room, you can crash here if you want," I say.

Chance nods. "Sounds good."

I take him upstairs and show him the room he'll be staying in, which is at the opposite end of the

hallway from my room. I need space. I need Chance as far away as possible. I need to think. I need to
go over what just happened and figure out what the hell it means. I leave Chance at the door of the
guest room and hurry down the hall to my room, where I stumble through the door, quickly turning to
shut it. I lean my forehead against the door and try to keep myself from hyperventilating.

I just let a guy, a guy I’ve known for ten years, a guy that I don’t even like, suck me off. Does that

make me gay? I’m so confused. I move away from the door and go over to the windows. I press my
hands against the cool glass and hang my head. That was the best blowjob of my life. No woman that
I’ve ever been with could even compare to what Chance has just done.

I shiver slightly, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. What worries me the most is that I want

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more. I want Chance to go down on me again. I want to kiss him again. I push away from the windows
and pull the sheer white curtains across them. Stripping as I walk, I climb into my large bed, naked. I
roll onto my stomach, pull the covers up to my waist, and shove my head under my pillows. It takes a
little while, but I finally fall asleep.

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Chapter Seven


I wake up to the sun in my face. I groan and throw my arm over my eyes. I slept pretty well; the

bed is super comfortable. Cracking an eye, I look over at the clock on the nightstand. 7:00 am. Damn,
we have to get up or we’re going to be late. I throw the covers off and take a quick shower in the
bathroom that is attached to the bedroom I slept in. I dress in my clothes from yesterday, not really
caring because I’m going to change at the set anyway. I brush my fingers through my still wet hair and
head out of the room to go wake Parker up.

I stop outside of the door I saw Parker go into last night. I knock softly before I open it. "Parker?"

I call softly.

I walk in a little farther, passing through a cozy little sitting area. My eyes are drawn first to the

sheer curtains covering large floor to ceiling windows. I glance to the left. The sight I’m met with has
my cock hard in two-seconds. Parker is sprawled out on a giant California king bed covered in navy
blue satin sheets. He’s on his back, completely nude, both arms tossed above his head. One leg pulled
up slightly and his morning wood laying heavy on his stomach, reaching to just under his navel. I
swipe a hand over my mouth because I swear I’m drooling. Damn, the man is seriously stunning.

It takes everything that I have to not crawl up onto the bed and take him into my mouth again.

Instead, I shove my hands into my pockets and step up to the end of the bed.

"Hey, Parker?" I call a little louder.

Parker pulls in a sharp breath and lifts his head. He blinks sleepily at me, trying to focus on me.

"Huh?" he grunts as he brings his arms down.

"We gotta get going soon," I say, unable to rip my eyes away from the gorgeous man in front of


Parker groans and flops his head back down. He shifts slightly and stretches his long lean body.

Once he relaxes, he uses one hand to rub down the underside of his erection before he tugs lightly on
his balls when he reaches them. His hips tilt forward and a small moan leaves his parted lips.

I shift on my feet, wanting to pounce on the man. "Listen, dude, if you don't want me in bed with

you, I suggest you get up," I say, my voice gone hoarse.

Parker’s hand freezes and his head comes back up. He looks at me, his eyes clearer than they

were a couple of seconds ago. He then shoots up into a sitting position and rubs his face hard. He
drops his hands to look at me again, like to make sure that I’m really here.

"Shit," he mutters, dropping his head back into his hands.

I swallow hard. "Want me to take care of that for you?" I ask, hoping and praying that Parker says

yes because I so want to put my mouth on him again.

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Parker’s head shoots up again, his eyes wide, his mouth working but nothing comes out. I can see

the desire in his eyes, but his uncertainty and confusion are much more prominent. His mouth snaps
shut, a defeated look in his eyes. He swallows hard and nods. My heart leaps up in my throat. I can’t
stop the smile that curls my lips.

I crawl up onto the end of the bed and over to Parker. I plant a kiss on his lips then place a hand

on his chest and push, sending him back down to the mattress. I then start by kissing his neck. I slowly
kiss my way down Parker’s sexy body to settle on my stomach between his spread legs. Parker is
already breathing heavy, but I’m not sure if it’s from desire or nervousness.

I decide to tease Parker a little, just to get him to relax some. He is very tense. So I lick and nip

at his hips and run my palm up the underside of his cock. He moans and squirms under my
ministrations. I’m shocked when Parker’s fingers thread through my now longer dark hair. It also
sends a shot of desire zinging through me like electricity. Maybe I won’t get my usual buzz next time,
loving how it feels. I’m done teasing.


I cry out when Chance wraps his mouth around my cock and sucks me in deep. My fingers tighten

in his hair and my hips roll forward, seeming to have a mind of their own. I’m in a fog. The pleasure
is so overwhelming that nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter whose mouth it is as long as it keeps
sucking me into oblivion. I dig my head back into my pillow and cry out when Chance swirls his
tongue around the head of my cock. Chance groans in response.

"Fuck!" I grit out, my hands leaving Chance’s hair to shove into my own.

One of Chance’s hands grips my hip while the other wraps around the base of my dick. He

continues to suck and lick. His hand starts to pump up and down my shaft. I’m moaning constantly and
my hips thrust forward again on their own accord. I’ve never felt pleasure like this - pure ecstasy. I
feel my orgasm building, making my breathing come out in harsh pants.

"Chance...shit...I'm gonna..." I breathe, shoving my fingers into his hair again.

I come with a strangled cry into his mouth, lying limp on the bed. I don’t know when my hands

had fallen away from Chance’s head, but they have. He releases me and starts kissing his way back up
my body. I just lie there and let him, physically unable to do anything other than try and catch my
breath. As he gets to my neck, he places a couple of kisses there before moving over my jaw to kiss
my mouth.

"You know… when you come, you are seriously the sexiest thing that I've ever seen," Chance

murmurs before kissing me softly on the lips.

I just grunt in reply. I can’t form words just yet.

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"You better get up, we gotta go," he says and starts to climb off the bed.

I grab his wrist, stopping him. He pauses, one foot on the floor, looking back at me. I roll my

head to the side to look at him. "I...I feel bad. I feel like I should return the favor," I say quietly,
barely able to meet his eyes.

He smirks and gives my wrist a squeeze. "It's fine. You’re not ready for that yet, so don't worry

about it."

"You sure?" I ask warily.

Chance nods. "Positive."

I nod and reluctantly let him go. Chance heads for the door, sending a wink my way before

walking out and shutting the door behind him. My heart flops over in my chest. What the hell is it
about this guy all of a sudden that has my stomach in knots? I can’t think about it right now.

I get up, take a quick shower, and get dressed, pulling on a pair of worn jeans and a white V-neck

t-shirt. I shove my feet into a pair of flip flops and rake my hand through my still damp hair as I head
out of my bedroom to go find Chance so that we can get outta here and head to the set.

I find him in the kitchen, talking to Maribel - my maid - in Spanish. I had no idea that he speaks

Spanish. Damn, that’s sexy! He’s leaning on his forearms on the counter, smiling easily at her where
she stands on the other side. He is acting flirty, touching her hand where it rests on the counter
between them and winking at her occasionally. Maribel is an older woman, maybe in her sixties, but
she’s blushing like a teenager and giving Chance a shy smile. I’m shocked when I feel a twinge of
jealousy. I wonder briefly if she heard Chance sucking my cock earlier, but then file it away. There’s
no way she would be flirting with him if she had.

I clear my throat and walk farther into the kitchen. Maribel jumps back, her head whipping

around to look at me, her eyes wide. She mutters an apology in her broken English and hurries out of
the kitchen. Chance gives me an annoyed look.

"What? I didn't say anything," I complain.

"You didn't have to, your disapproval was obvious," he says, rolling his eyes as he pushes off the


"I didn't know that you speak Spanish," I mutter as I lead the way to the garage.

Chance follows, shoving his hands in his front pockets. "My great-grandmother is from Spain."

I glance over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow. "Really?" I say in surprise.

"No, not really" he answers snidely.

I stop walking to eyeball him. “Don’t be a dick,” I spit out.

He mustn’t have realized that I stopped walking because he practically skids to a halt, almost

knocking into me.

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He steps into my personal space, meeting me square in the eye. Then he has the balls to poke me

in the shoulder, spewing the greatest line I’ve ever heard. “I’m Moby motherfucking Dick, asshole,
and you’re swimming in my waters.”

I just stare at him in shock. And awe. Shock and awe. If it were anyone else, I’d punch the fucker

in the face. Instead, I lean my head back and let out the loudest, deepest bark of a laugh. Damn, I
needed that. Chance is still inches away, so I lean in to kiss him quickly, chastely. I must have caught
him off guard because he didn’t even have time to kiss me back. I shoulder past him and start walking
toward my car again, but he seems frozen in place. Oh yeah, I just shocked him the fuck back.

I smile to myself as I hit the key fob to unlock my car. “What’s the matter Moby, Ahab stuck in

your blowhole?”

Chance doesn’t say another word. He just stares me down - eyes squinted, trying to figure out my

angle. Seconds later, he shakes his head and proceeds toward my car. As he folds his sexy ass in, I
notice his lips quirked up at the sides, trying to hold back a smile.

We remain mostly quiet as I drive to the set. Once there, we go to our separate trailers to get our

hair and make-up done. I replay what happened this morning in my head, trying to figure out how I
feel about it. Aroused, obviously. I definitely want it to happen some more. I don't necessarily want to
do the same to Chance, but I feel like I should do something because it isn’t fair just to take and not
give. But can I touch him like that? Can I put my mouth on him? I stifle a shudder, I don't think so.
Kissing Chance is one thing, but sucking his dick? I don’t think that is ever going to happen.

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Chapter Eight


I’m sitting in my trailer messing around on my phone when there comes a knock on the door. I

glance up then back down at my phone as I call for whomever it is to come in. The door squeaks
open. I glance up again to see Parker stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. I straighten a
little on the couch I’m sitting on.

Parker has been keeping me at an arm's length ever since that night I stayed over his house, which

was two weeks ago. There has been no more kissing or anything else since. I’m trying not to feel hurt
about it because I know that Parker is freaked out by the whole thing, but it’s hard not to feel
something. I watch the man now as he stops just inside the door and shoves his hands in his pockets,
shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably.

"Hey man, what's up?" I ask, trying to sound casual, setting my phone down on the couch next to


Parker glances at me nervously, his hand going to the back of his neck to rub it. He clears his

throat. "Jerry is ready to do the first sex scene," he says hoarsely.

Jerry is the director. I nod. "Okay," I drawl, looking over Parker’s obvious nervousness. "Are

you ready?" I ask carefully.

Parker’s worried blue eyes meet mine. He licks his lips, a movement I can’t help but follow with

my eyes. Parker runs a shaky hand down his face and shakes his head. "I...what if..." he stammers,
dropping his hand so it slaps against his thigh.

I bite back a smile as I realize exactly what’s making Parker so upset. He doesn’t want to get all

hot and bothered in front of the crew. "How long until we start shooting?"

"Ten minutes," he says distractedly as he starts to pace, one hand on his hip, the other squeezing

the bridge of his nose.

I push up from the couch and go to him. I take his arm, stopping his pacing. Parker sighs heavily

and turns to look down at me grimly. I rub my hand up and down his arm to try to calm him. He looks
really good at the moment in dress pants and a dress shirt that has the first couple of buttons undone.
He is clean-shaven, which makes the dimples on his cheeks more pronounced.

"I could take the edge off for you, that way you'd already be drained and wouldn't get hard as

quickly, if at all," I suggest, stepping in closer so that my body brushes against his.

His breath catches and his eyes widen. He takes a step back and bumps into the counter of the

little kitchenette. "I can't...no, you don't have to," he breathes.

I roll my eyes and step up to Parker. "Parker, we're going to be naked on set, pretending to have

sex. I know you don't want to get hard in front of the crew and I'm giving you a solution here that will

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most likely help, just let me take care of you, alright?" I say, ducking my head to try to catch his eyes
that are staring down at the floor.

Parker’s nostrils flare with the force of his breaths, his mouth is set in a grim line and his body is

trembling slightly. His light eyes lift to meet mine. I have my answer without Parker ever having to
say a word. It’s all in his eyes. He wants it. He wants me to make him come.

I clasp the sides of Parker’s face and kiss him. He freezes for a moment before sinking into the

kiss, his hands tentatively settling on my hips. I press my body against his, loving the feel of the hard
muscles under his clothing. I’m seriously psyched about us getting naked together. I have seen Parker
naked already, but I’m dying for another look. The man is perfection. I could care less if I get hard in
front of the crew. It’s mostly men anyway and I’m not ashamed of my body's reaction to physical
contact, whether it’s with a woman or a man. But Parker, he is so concerned about what people will
think of him. That people will think he is gay.

Parker kisses me back, but it’s nothing like the heated one that we shared at his place. I drag my

hands down over his neck and down his chest. Parker’s grip on my hips tightens slightly as he pulls a
breath in through his nose. My hands slip lower, over his rock hard abs before stopping at the top of
his dress pants.

"You’re gonna have to do better than this," I rasp against his lips.

Parker pulls back slightly. "What do you want from me?" he asks, his voice pained.

"At least act like you fucking want it and enjoy it. How are you going to do it on screen if you

can't do it when it's just the two of us?" I snap as I start yanking at his belt buckle to get it open.

Parker’s head falls forward, his forehead landing on my shoulder. He sighs heavily, his hands

sliding around my waist to hug me. "I'm sorry, Chance, I'm just...you have no idea how torn up I am
inside, how utterly lost I am, how confused and scared I am," he whispers.

I sigh and place a hand on the back of his head. "This is not going to make you gay. This movie

is...it's just a part you're playing. You are not your character. So what if you get turned on in the
process? Find me a guy who wouldn't. Us men, we're easy, it's just our nature."

Parker lets out a reluctant chuckle and lifts his head. His blue eyes glittering with amusement.

"You know, you're making it really hard to keep disliking you," he murmurs, a hint of a smile on his

I bark out a laugh and shake his head. “Yeah, ditto."

He snorts.

I watch him for a moment and something passes between us. Some kind of connection that hadn't

been there before. We are wrapped in each other’s arms, staring at each other. My heart is pounding. I
have a feeling that I’m not going to be coming out of this experience the same man. I like this feeling
of being in another man's arms way too much for me to ever go back. Well, not exactly any man's
arms. It’s Parker’s arms that I enjoy. I don’t think that I’d feel this way about any other man.

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Parker then bends his head down and captures my lips. I immediately moan. This is what I’ve

been craving for two weeks now, being back in Parker’s arms. I am just about to undo his pants when
there is a knock on the trailer door. Parker jumps back so fast that he ends up pushing me, and I almost
fall into the door. He quickly buckles his belt then moves to sit on the couch. He leans forward,
putting his elbows on his knees, and clasping his hands together in front of his mouth.

"Yeah?" I growl in frustration at the door.

The door opens and the director's assistant Morgan peeks her head in. "Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Steele,

Jerry is ready for you now," she says, glancing between the two of us.

"Thanks, Morgan, we'll be right there," I say with a tight smile.

She nods before leaving, shutting the door behind her.

Parker lets out a breath that he has apparently been holding and covers his face with his hands.

"Looks like we're out of time," I mutter. "Come on, Ramone.” I use a new nickname to lighten the

tension now surrounding us. It’s suffocating. “Pull yourself together. We have a sex scene to shoot."

“Ramone? Seriously. And where did you come up with that gem?” he asks sarcastically, and I’m

glad he took the bait.

“I don’t know, I was just thinking. Hamilton. Shortened to Hamil. Dorothy Hamil. Dorothy. She’s

from the Wizard of Oz. Ooh, Ozzy Osborne. He’s in the band Black Sabbath. Which made me
ponder...What is my favorite band? Then I came up with the Ramones. See? That’s how I got from
Hamilton to Ramone,” I state, as simply as if I was telling him that the sky is blue. I am the king of

He looks at me disbelievingly. “I don’t know if I should be offended that you got Ramone from

Hamilton, or embarrassed for you that your favorite band is the Ramones,” Parker says incredulously.
Why isn’t he laughing?

I smile wryly. “Well, it was either that or Hendrix. I didn’t think you would appreciate being

called Jimi.” I laugh nervously.

Parker leans his head back and lets out a bark of a laugh. I needed that. He shakes his head at me

and starts to walk away. “No, Steele, I don’t suppose I would.”

With that, I head out of the trailer and follow him to the set.


I stare at the open set door. Fuck! It’s now or never. I was just kissing Chance and we would

have gone even further if we weren’t interrupted. My mind is swirling. What would Chance have
done to me had he been able to keep going? Did it matter? Whatever it was, I had wanted it, and

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wanted it bad. This is going to be a disaster. I am already hard and now the crew will think I’ve
switched teams. Which I haven’t. Have I?

I groan then push my feet to step on set. When I walked out of the trailer, I shut the door behind

me, only to see Chance open it again, walking behind me toward the set. The sneak distracted me with
that Ramone ditty, but now I’m back to being caught up in my own thoughts. My body slows down as
my mind continues to race, giving him the opportunity to strut past me. I have to admit, the man is built
perfectly. I watch him walk...no...swagger, is more like it. Something about it, I find attractive. He
doesn’t have anything feminine about him, he is all male, and it makes my heart race for whatever

Chance slows then comes to a stop at the door to the set. He turns, his eyes immediately meeting

mine. He motions with his head for me to follow as he goes inside. I take a deep breath and force
myself to move.

When I walk on set, it is set up like the hotel room Wade and Jackson are staying in. I walk over

to the director and Chance so that we can go over how the scene is going to go. Once we are all clear,
we take our places. Both of us are shirtless and Jackson is supposed to be helping Wade clean up
some cuts on his back before the scene gets more heated. And boy does it get steamy.

"CUT!" calls Jerry, the director.

I collapse down next to Chance in the bed, shifting the sheet that covers us so that I can lie on my

back. We are both sweaty, and I am so turned on that I am just about ready to fuck Chance for real,
which scares the shit out of me. Chance is lying on his stomach under the sheet. We are both naked
underneath, having both opted out of the modesty pouch thingy; it wouldn't have stayed, anyway, as
we are both hard as rocks. I throw my arm over my eyes and try to slow my heart rate and control my
desire. Thank god for the sheet, otherwise everyone would have known that I was literally rubbing my
erection between Chance’s ass cheeks. It felt incredible and I almost came right before Jerry called
“cut.” Chance must have been close, too, because he was panting and his moans were sounding very

Chance’s hand stretches out and pats me on the chest. "Good job, buddy," he mutters.

"Shit, man, I almost lost it. A couple more seconds and you would have had jizz on your back," I


I feel Chance shift next to me so I lift my arm to see what he is doing. He has lifted his head and

is now smiling lazily at me. I can’t help but return the smile.

"What?" I ask, curious about the look on his face.

"Nothin’," he says, shaking his head.

I narrow my eyes at him but let it go. "I think I'm gonna need to get laid tonight," I mutter, staring

up at the ceiling.

Chance shifts closer and I can feel his breath on my lips. "You can fuck me," he whispers so

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quietly that I’m not sure I hear him right.

I lift my arm again, my eyes wide. "What?" I breathe.

Chance’s face is mere inches away from my own, his dark brown eyes boring into mine. "I want

you to finish what we started here," he says so quietly that only I can hear him.

I shake my head, slowly at first before speeding up. "No, definitely not, not gonna happen,

Chance," I blurt.

Chance’s face hardens. His jaw clenches and he looks away. He doesn't say another word, just

rolls away and takes the towel that one of the assistants left on the bed for us. He wraps it around his
waist before heading off set. My gut twists. Shit, he’s upset now. Or pissed. Whatever he is, I feel
like an ass. But what did he expect? I have barely touched him, other than what I had to do for this
scene. There is no way that I’m ready or even willing to do more than what I already have.

I take the other towel from the bed and wrap it around my waist as I climb out of the bed. I’m not

going to sleep with Chance. So who can I get to take the edge off this time? I’m not in the mood for
Olivia again, or any of the other women I could booty call. Nah, none of them interest me. Time for
new blood. Looks like I’m going to be dropping in on old Calvin tonight at Club Masquerade.

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Chapter Nine


Club Masquerade – or as those familiar with it, Club M – is an exclusive upscale sex club

owned by one of my best friends, Calvin King, better known to you as Charlie’s husband. It is a
membership only club, and all precautions are taken to ensure everyone’s safety, including
background checks. It’s perfect for me because it is also completely anonymous. Everyone has to
wear a mask, and nobody can speak. See? Perfect.

I’m in a piss poor mood, so I’m not as friendly with Monica, the girl at the door, as I usually am.

She must see it on my face because she doesn’t press me. I grab my nametag and in-house messenger
from her as I slide my mask down my forehead. She raises an eyebrow in question and I know
exactly what she is asking. Yes, I need a key for a VIP room tonight. She hands me an oversized
brass key and I briefly enjoy the familiar bite of sharp, cold metal on my palm. The irony not lost on
me that I’ve already unlocked one too many doors today.

An attractive red head catches my eye from across the room. She is tall and statuesque. Not my

usual go to type – soft and petite - but today of all days is time to shake it up. We text back and forth
a few times, trying to feel her out, see what she is looking for. When she writes the magic words “no
strings attached,” I send her the room number and ask her to meet me up there in ten minutes. I need to
have another drink first. Work today was nothing short of a mind fuck, and I can’t seem to shake it.
Please let this girl solve my problem, I send up a silent prayer.

I shut and lock the bedroom door before turning to find Big Red, as I’ve dubbed her, standing by

the end of the bed. I rip my shirt over my head as I cross the room to her and wrap my arms around
her waist, pulling her tight against me as my lips descend on hers. She moans and grips my shoulders.

I lift her so that she wraps her arms and legs around me, then I crawl up onto the bed with her,

putting her under me. Something feels off about it. I try to ignore it, try not to think about how wrong it
feels to have this woman under me. What the fuck is wrong with me? She is gorgeous and she has
huge boobs. I’ve always loved a big rack. Loved? I am momentarily shocked by my past tense
thoughts. I lift my head and stare down at her beautifully flushed face, at least what I can see of it.

She draws her brows in concern as if to ask, "You okay?"

I shake my head to clear it and try to give her a smile. Nodding down at her. But I am completely

distracted, my mind drifting to a hard body with firm lips.

She pouts, clearly seeing that I’m not all here with her. Trying to keep my attention, she rolls us

so that she is on top, and then wiggles her way down my body.

I wait for the curl of desire to hit me, but it never happens. Even as she undoes my jeans and

pulls them off, I remain soft. Big Red kneels between my legs, her eyebrows furrowed.

I follow her line of sight to find my flaccid cock, laying across my hip. I gently push her head

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back toward my limp dick, encouraging her to keep going, hoping that if she touches me I will get

She shrugs before bending down to drag her tongue down the length of my cock. I close

my eyes and let her do her thing. She licks me a few more times before pulling me into her mouth. No
matter how good it feels, the only thing that I can think is that it’s not Chance and his capable mouth.
Fuck! This can’t be happening! I shove Chance from my mind and try to focus on Big Red and what
she’s doing. Even after a couple of minutes of her sucking my dick, I still haven't gotten hard.

Thank god I didn’t call one of my fuck buddies. Anonymity is my best friend. Can you just picture

the headlines: Parker Hamilton has a new role…the eunuch!

Big Red pulls back, sitting on her heels, giving me an expectant look.

I groan and cover my face with my hands. I feel the bed move as she gets up to gather her clothes.

I feel bad. Awful. I wish I could tell her that it isn’t her, but rules are rules and I can’t speak. She
starts dressing quickly, probably trying to escape humiliation. Meanwhile, I’m the one who should be
mortified. I send her a quick message telling her, hoping to soften the blow.

Ham Bone #069: I’m sorry. It isn’t u

Red Apple #331: Whatever, asshole

Ham Bone #069: Come on, don’t be like that

Red Apple #331: Fuck you. 1


some Nico asshole throws me out of his room…this same room…

and now u? wtf

I frown at her. Nico? Shit, this chick gets around apparently. Now I’m really glad that I didn’t go

there. Parker Hamilton doesn’t do sloppy seconds.

Ham Bone #069: I’m just having some personal issues, really, it has nothing to do with u

Red Apple #331: Don’t give a shit. Don’t text me again

She storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her. I flop back and make an aggravated

noise in my throat. Dammit! Fucking Chance!

Still Parker…

I find myself a comfortable seat at the bar and nod at the bartender. He knows what I want. I am

here often enough. I’m not ready to be alone with my thoughts, but I don’t really want to be bothered
by anyone, so I remove my name tag with my number on it so nobody can contact me. I see Calvin
doing a sweep of the floor, making sure everyone is safe and following the rules so I lift my beer at
him in a “cheers” fashion, hoping he doesn’t come over here. I lean my head back and take a swig of
my Heineken, needing to feel the heady sensation of my way-too-tense muscles beginning to relax

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some. Just as my buzz helps to fog my brain, a warm body slides into the stool next to me. Shit, I
really don’t want to deal with anyone.

Without turning toward them, I allow my eyes to wander in their direction, curiosity getting the

best of me. Oh thank god, it’s just Charlie. I look at her sitting there looking so beautiful, willing
myself to get turned on. Something. Anything. Nothing. I don’t for the life of me understand what has
shifted in me in a matter of days. No, hours, if I’m being completely honest with myself. I must be
staring at her longer than I should because all of a sudden her brows furrow. Then my messenger

Mrs. King #228: Hey, sweetie

I laugh as her text comes through. I know who’s idea that was.

Ham Bone #069: Nice new nametag

She laughs, covering her heart with her hand. She rubs it affectionately.

Mrs. King #228: That’s your friend

Ham Bone #069: You married him

Mrs. King #228: True & I’d do it all over again. Wait until Nick finds out that changing

nicknames is an option. Delilah is screwed. lol

I smile absentmindedly, a little jealous of their relationships. Up until now, it’s never bothered

me to see how in love they all are.

Mrs. King #228: Hey…u ok?

Ham Bone #069: Fine

Mrs. King #228: I know u better than that

I laugh – on the inside. Yeah, I guess she does know me pretty well.

Ham Bone #069: I’ll be fine. Just got some stuff on my mind

Mrs. King #228: Anything u want to talk about?

Do I? Yeah, maybe getting a woman’s perspective would help.

Ham Bone #069: Ok, but not here

Mrs. King #228: Want me to get a room upstairs?

I laugh, again – on the inside. Oh, the irony. Another beautiful woman wants to go upstairs to a

room with me, and all that will be going on is talking.

Ham Bone #069: Already got one

We head up to the room I got earlier. Nick and Delilah’s old room, it’s now been dubbed. I take

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a seat on the end of the bed and Charlie sits next to be. Man, I am having the worst case of déjà vu.
Only, this time, it’s me spilling my guts about my sexual history. I hope she takes this better than I did
when she told me that she was raped as a teenager.

Charlie moves closer then turns with her knee up on the bed, facing me. She places her hand on

my chest. "Parker, talk to me, what’s going on?" she asks, a hint of concern in her voice.

I scrub my face with my hands before turning my head to look at her. "Swear to me that you won't

tell a soul."

She actually looks a little hurt by that statement. "Parker, you of all people know how well I can

keep things to myself."

I give her a sharp nod before I turn to stare up at the ceiling. "So, I’m sure that you know this

already…I'm shooting this movie with Chance Steele and we have to play gay men.”

“Don’t tell me that you guys are still at each other’s throats. You seemed fine at the dinner party.

You guys need to get over whatever beef you have with each other.”

I stare at her incredulously. If she only knew the “beef” we had with each other. I shake my head,

trying to clear the image of Chance’s hard cock from my mind.

“We just had to do our first sex scene today..." I pause, not sure if I am ready to admit my

feelings to Charlie.

"That's why you are sitting at the bar drinking alone?" she asks softly, rubbing my back in

soothing circles. “Were you not able to do it? Is the director angry?”

I shake my head. "The complete opposite, Char. I was so revved up, that I ran here because I

needed to find a woman to finish what I started."

She nods in understanding, "That's understandable."

"But...I...I couldn’t stop thinking that the woman I brought up here wasn’t Chance," I rasp.

She watches me, her face neutral. "What do you mean?" she asks carefully.

I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, preparing to confess the biggest thing. "Chance...a

few weeks after you had the girls…I ran into him at a bar and he came to my house afterwards so that
we can get the awkwardness out of the way for when we had to kiss and do other shit..." I start.

"Okay." Charlie drawls when I fall silent.

"We kissed and he ended up going down on me." I wince.

Charlie gasps, the hand that had been on my chest flies up to cover her mouth. "What? But I

thought that Chance was straight!"

"He is...was...shit, I don't know. He said that he's open minded and curious, but that's not the

problem; the problem is that I fucking enjoyed it. I'm talking best blow job ever," I say, glancing at

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her from the corner of my eye to see her reaction.

She rolls her lips in and looks as if she’s fighting not to laugh. I gape at her.

"You think this is funny?" I say in astonishment.

She waves her hand and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, no it's not funny," she chokes, obviously

trying not to laugh.

"Charlie," I groan. "What? Why are you laughing?"

She shrugs, letting her smile go. "It's nothing. I just never thought that you'd let a guy do that to

you, and your discomfort about it is kinda funny."

"I didn't want it to feel good, but it did. And earlier, when Big Red was doing it, it just didn't

feel the same, he fucking ruined it for me."

"Maybe you just need to explore this with Chance, he's obviously willing." She shrugs.

"He wants to have sex with me, Char. I don't think that I can do that. I'm straight, never wanted a

guy in my life..." I start.

"Until now," she says, cutting me off with a pointed look. "Maybe you're not as straight as you


"What? No! I’m straight, not bi or gay, just straight," I insist.

"Then you should have been able to fuck that chick as soon as your pants came off; apparently,

pussy doesn't turn you on anymore," she says, an amused glint in her eye.

Well, shit. Thank god for Charlotte and her say it like it is, take no prisoners, doesn’t sugar coat

anything, attitude. I grit my teeth. But, can Charlie be right? Can I really have changed that quickly to
being bi? Or even gay? I turn to my side to face her, my knee now on the bed hitting hers. I check her
out again, trying to prove to her - and to myself - that I am still straight. Beautiful face, curly blonde
hair, ice blue eyes, pouty lips, perky breasts…nothing, my dick doesn’t even twitch. Fuck me! My
hand skims down to the front of my pants and I squeeze gently, trying to get some movement. Anything.
I feel nothing.

Charlie’s eyes are sparkling in laughter. “Thou dost protest too much, methinks.”

I let the words swirl in my head for a few seconds, dawning on me what that’s from. No she

didn’t. “What did you just say?”

“It’s a quote from Haml…” she starts, but I stand up abruptly, essentially cutting her off. I guess

if I would have asked for a sign that would be it.

I lean down and kiss her on the cheek, thanking her for her words of wisdom, in a bit of a daze.

And this time, it has nothing to do with the beer I was nursing. There is someone else that I need to
have this conversation with.

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Chapter Ten


"I'm coming! Fuck!" I yell as I make my way toward the front door of my studio in nothing but a


The pounding on my door started a couple of minutes ago while I was in the shower. I had

shampoo in my hair, so I had to quickly rinse it out and hop out so I could get to the door. I have no
idea who the fuck could be pounding on my door at friggin' eleven o'clock at night, but whoever it is,
wants in.

I fling open the door angrily. "What?" I snap, and then freeze when I see Parker standing there,

his head bowed, one hand stuffed into the front pocket of his jeans.

He slowly raises his head. He stiffens when he sees me. Apparently, he had not been expecting

me to be naked, clutching a towel to my waist. My heart flutters wildly. We hadn't exactly parted on
good terms earlier and I’m nervous about why he’s standing at my door. I watch as Parker’s eyes rake
over my naked upper body before dropping lower, my cock stirring from his dirty perusal. When his
eyes come back up to meet mine, they are dark with desire.

I open my mouth to say something, but Parker attacks me instead. He shoots forward, crushing his

mouth to mine as he kicks the door shut behind him. I flail, grabbing at Parker for something to hold
onto before I fall over. Parker grips the sides of my neck, just under my ears and just ravages my
mouth. The towel is suddenly gone, my body still dripping wet. Parker turns us and slams me against
the hallway wall before pressing his body against mine and I involuntarily moan.

Parker pulls back long enough to yank his t-shirt over his head, and then he’s back at my mouth,

licking and sucking at my lips and tongue. Holy shit, this is so hot. I moan again, when our bare chests
meet. Then I gasp when his hand slides down my side, thumb catching my nipple, and comes to a stop
on my bare hip where he grips me tight.

"I thought...you were going...to get laid," I mutter between kisses, my hands settling on his hips.

Parker drags his mouth along my jaw and nips at my ear before answering. "I tried," he rasps,

sucking on my neck lightly. "I couldn't...perform...you fucking ruined me," he accuses halfheartedly.

His words sink in and the shock has me pushing him back far enough so that I can look at his face.

"What do you mean you couldn't ‘perform’?" I ask, brow furrowed.

Parker sighs heavily. "Nothing she did turned me on. I couldn’t even get it up," he admits quietly,

not meeting my intense gaze.

“Sounds like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

“More like a cock…and it’s already hard…and in place,” he answers wryly, quirking an

eyebrow. Then he not so subtly palms his dick.

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I stare at him for a moment. Is he saying what I think he’s saying? "So you've changed your mind

about my earlier offer?" I ask hoarsely, my stomach flipping excitedly.

Parker licks his lips nervously and meets my eyes. He nods and I lose it. I grab the back of his

neck and pull him back into a hungry kiss. I wrap my hands around his hard biceps and turn us so that
Parker is now against the wall. I press my naked body against his. He already has a raging hard on.
As soon as Parker leers at me with that dark look, I am hard as a rock. Every damn time.

I go to work on his jeans while we continue to kiss. Once he is free of his pants, Parker wraps

his arms around me and yanks me close. Our bodies fit together perfectly - in my opinion. Parker
groans and tilts his hips forward, causing our cocks to slide against each other’s. My breath catches at
the zing of pleasure that tightens my groin. We weren’t face to face on the set. Now I realize that if we
had been, we both would have orgasmed for sure.

Parker’s touch is tentative and hesitant, like he still doesn’t really want to do this, but his body is

giving him no choice. I brush off the hurt I feel over it. I can’t change the way he feels about being
with another man. I can only hope that he will get over it. I snake my hand down in between us and
wrap it around both of our cocks, slowly jerking us off together. The pleasure is nothing less than

Parker curses loudly and groans as his head falls back against the wall. Fuck! He is so sexy. I

take advantage of his exposed neck, licking and sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin.

"Let’s move to the bed," I murmur against his neck before pulling away and taking his hand to

lead him to the bed area.

I shove Parker onto the bed then crawl over him. He watches me in silence, his jaw gritted. His

nostrils flare from the force of his breaths. His hands clench the sheets next to his hips. I pause on my
hands and knees over him.

"You okay?" I ask softly.

He swallows hard and licks his lips again. "I just...don't know how… what to do."

I smile and thread my fingers into his blonde hair. I lean down and kiss him gently. "Just relax,

touch me the same way you would touch yourself and just try to enjoy this," I murmur then kiss him

He nods even though he still looks unsure. I nuzzle the side of Parker’s face, nudging it to the side

so that I can kiss his neck some more. He complies, his eyes slipping closed. He takes a couple of
deep breaths and I feel his body relaxing.

I straddle Parker’s hips while I tease his neck. I feel his hands come up, settling lightly on my

hips, before skimming up my sides then back down. He then slides one hand around tentatively to
touch my cock. I inhale sharply, surprised at what such a little touch from him does to me. I push up so
that I am sitting on his thighs, and his eyes widened when I grab his hand and force it to fist my cock. I
keep my hand on his to prevent him from pulling away then I slowly start moving both our hands to
stroke up and down my shaft. I shudder, my hips jutting forward in time with our strokes.

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I watch wide-eyed as we both jerk him off. I am touching another man. I wait for the panic to set

in, but it never comes; instead, curiosity flares. And desire so fierce that I am ready to flip Chance
over and take him right now. But we need to go slowly, we need to feel each other out. I need to come
to terms with what is happening. Chance looks magnificent above me - his eyes closed, his lips
parted, his head thrown back, and his hips thrusting forward into our hands. Fuck, this really has my
blood pumping.

I can’t take it anymore, so I push Chance off, following him as we roll. I settle on top of him, my

mouth immediately finding his. We both groan and grunt against each other. Hands gripping flesh. I am
so turned on that I can barely stand it. I tear my mouth away from Chance’s.

"Condoms?" I rasp.

He points to the bedside table. I have to crawl off him to get to it. I rummage through the drawer

until I find the condoms and a bottle of lube. I move back towards Chance, who is slowly stroking
himself, and kneel between his legs. I sit back onto my heels and watch him for a moment.

"Are we really doing this?" I whisper.

Chance smirks. "Looks like it to me."

"You know this is going to hurt you, right?" I ask warily.

"Not my first rodeo, cowboy." He nods.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask nervously.

"Are you chickening out on me?" he asks, eyebrow rising in challenge. Fucker.

I clench my jaw. "No," I bite out.

"Then let’s do this before I fucking explode," he breathes, his eyes darkening.

I bite my bottom lip and nod. Yeah, we’re really doing this. I’m about to fuck a man and I’m to

the point where I can’t really find it in myself to care. I am so revved up with no other outlet other
than to jerk off, and I don’t want to do that. I roll the condom on then lube up.

“Use a lot. Put it on me, too,” Chance says.

I nod and do what he says. I fist myself and move closer to Chance, rubbing my cock against his

hole to spread the lube around some more. I glance down at him; he nods and lifts his legs up higher. I
didn’t even know that men could have sex in this position; I just assumed that it would have to be
from behind. Surprisingly, I like being able to see his face. My heart pounds as I rest a hand on the
back of his thigh to hold his leg up. I then position myself and start to push in.

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Chance hisses at the invasion. When I look up, his eyes are closed and his jaw is clenched tight. I

keep pushing past the tight rim of muscles that are trying to keep me out. I pause when the head of my
cock is finally all the way in.

"Chance?" I ask tightly.

He blows out a breath. "What?" he grunts.

"Keep going?" I ask.

"Yeah...fuck. It’s been a long time, I just need to adjust,” he bites out, his eyes squeezed tightly


I push forward, resting my other hand on his elevated thigh. He groans and claws at the sheets. I

grit my teeth. I don’t know if he’s in pain or if it’s pleasurable for him. It feels incredible for me,
though, hot and extremely tight. I cry out when I’m finally all the way in. I’m trembling from the
immense pleasure that I’m feeling. I lean over, placing my hands on the bed next to Chance’s
shoulders. His cock lay soft on his belly and his face is flushed.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?" I pant.

"Shut the fuck up and keep going," Chance says through gritted teeth.

I pull back, groaning as I go. I thrust back in a little faster than before. I bite out a curse. I’m not

going to last long, it feels too damn good. I drop my head to watch my cock push into Chance.

"Fuuuuuck," I groan low, my breathing coming out in harsh pants.

I lift my eyes to look at Chance, who growled low. His eyes are turned down also, watching our

connection. He doesn’t seem to be in pain or anything, so that’s good. I pick up the pace slightly.
Chance moans, his hand wrapping around his now semi-hard cock. I drop down, gathering Chance in
my arms and kiss him soundly. Chance’s free hand is now in my hair, gripping it tightly. I cry out in
ecstasy against his mouth. It feels so good, so fucking good.

Chance pulls my head back by my hair, causing me to let out a strangled cry. "Fuck me harder,"

he growls against my mouth.

"I'll lose it man, I'm already close," I pant, shaking my head as much as I can with Chance holding

my hair.

"So am I, I need more," he groans.

I push up so that I am just on my knees. I grab the back of his knees and hold his legs up. I then

start pounding into him. He shouts and speeds up his hand. We both get louder the closer we get to
coming. I desperately try to hold back until he comes.

"Come on!" I grit out.

Chance cries out as he comes hard, his whole body bowing off the bed. I curse something nasty

as I feel him pulsing around me. I follow, coming harder than I’ve ever come before. I slam into him

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two more times before shoving in to the hilt and staying there. I close my eyes against the stars I’m
seeing. Jesus Christ! I have seriously never come so hard in my life.

I open my eyes and look down at Chance. Is it possible for a man to be beautiful? Because that's

the only word that I can use to describe him right now. His eyes are closed, his lips are parted, and
his chest is rising and falling frantically as he tries to catch his breath. White ribbons of his come
stripe his neck and chest. Something shifts inside my heart. An emotion that I don't even want to
acknowledge. A soft, tender emotion that is way too close to the "L" word. Could I really be falling
for a man?

I slowly pull out - both of us are groaning - and I collapse on the bed next to Chance. We both

just lie there in silence, trying to catch our breaths. I drape my arm over my eyes and put my other
hand on my chest. My heart is pounding madly. Holy shit, that was insane.


I lie on the bed, panting and sated. That had to have been the best sex of my life. Nothing has ever

felt so good. Yeah, it was uncomfortable at first and I have no doubt that I’ll be sore for a couple of
days, but it was so worth it. The pleasure was so intense, so sharp. When I came, it was so hard that it
shot all the way up to my neck. I’ve never had that happen before.

I roll my head to look over at Parker, his arm is thrown over his eyes and he's panting. I reach

over and run my hand across his chest. He lifts his arm from his eyes and looks at me. Tons of
emotions are swirling around in their blue depths. He then rolls towards me and captures my lips for
a slow, languid kiss. My heart flutters wildly. God, I'm feeling way too many things for this guy that
he's probably never going to feel for me. Nice, asshole, great way to set yourself up for heartache.

Parker pulls away and rolls onto his back with a sated and somewhat defeated sigh, as if he's

done fighting what is apparently going on between us. "That was...incredible," he murmurs softly,
staring up at the ceiling.

"Agreed," I reply. "I need another shower, want to join me?"

He glances at me, a small smile curling his sexy mouth. "Sure."

Somehow, my exhausted cock twitches at the thought of getting to see Parker naked and wet. We

make our way into the bathroom. The one feature I love about this bathroom is the large walk-in glass
shower that has a large bench at one end.

I turn the shower on and adjust the water. Once it's warm, we both step in. I step under the spray

first and rinse the jizz off my chest and neck. I'm shocked when Parker sidles up behind me, pressing
the length of his body against my back. His hands slide along my hips and around to my stomach. His
mouth finds the back of my neck. I sigh and lean back into him. I really love all of the affection he's
giving me. I never realized how much I crave and need affection until I started receiving it. I reach up

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and grasp the back of his neck. He sighs and wraps his arms around me tighter as he leaves a trail of
kisses down my neck to my shoulder.

I turn in his arms and am met with a kiss. For someone who had a hard time kissing another man,

he really seems to like doing it. Both of us are already starting to get hard again. I reach out for the
shelf next to me and fumble around for my bar of soap, because honestly, I don't want to stop kissing
this delicious man in my arms. I finally find it. I lather up my hands behind Parker's back, then while
keeping the bar in my right hand, I use both of them to start washing his body. Parker moans his
agreement into my mouth.

I wrap a soapy hand around his rock hard erection and pump lazily. He tears his mouth away

from mine and groans as he drops his head back on his shoulders. I put the soap back on the shelf,
because there is something else I want to do to him - if he'll let me.

"Turn around and put your hands on the bench," I rasp.

Parker lifts his head up and eyes me warily. "Why?"

I smirk. "I'm not gonna fuck you, but there is something else I want to do to you," I tell him.

"What is it?" he asks.

"Trust me, you're gonna like it," I say and motion for him to turn around and bend over.

He hesitates but eventually turns and puts his hands on the bench. His asshole and heavy sack are

in full view and Jesus, what a beautiful sight it is. I step up behind him and run my hands over the
muscled mounds of his ass before running them up his back. My cock fits snuggly between his cheeks
as I bend over him. I can feel him tense under me.

"I thought you said..." he starts hoarsely but I cut him off.

"Just trust me," I whisper before nipping at the back of his shoulder.

I slowly kiss and lick my way down his back until I'm kneeling behind him. I lean in and suck one

of his balls into my mouth. He sucks in a sharp breath, probably figuring out what I plan on doing.

"Chance, I don't think..." he starts again.

I shut him up by running my tongue up his perineum to his puckered hole. He makes a strangled

noise and clenches. I use my hands to massage his ass cheeks while I slowly run my tongue around his
hole to let him get used to the feeling. Slowly, he starts to relax. I use one hand to reach between his
legs to fist his semi-hard cock, lazily jerking him off while I torture him with my tongue.

Parker's moaning and gasping become louder and more frequent as I continue to fuck him with my

tongue...literally. He slaps my hand away from his dick and takes over. He's practically shoving his
ass back against my face and I'm loving it. I use my hands to open him up for better access.

"Fuck! Don't stop!" Parker pants.

"Don't plan on it," I mutter then dive back in with renewed fervor.

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I shove my tongue past the tight ring of muscle, as far as I can reach, and that does the trick.

Parker shouts and curses as his tight hole clenches around my tongue and refuses to let go. I moan and
grasp his hips, keeping him from pulling away before he's done coming. His arm gives out and he
drops down to his forearm. He rests his head on his arm and pants furiously. I give his hole a couple
of flicks that have him groaning and moving away. I chuckle and sit back on my haunches to take a
look at what I've created. His dick is now hanging limply between his legs and his knees are
shaking...just gorgeous. I give his ass a smack and get to my feet. He grunts and shakily straightens up.

"So? Did you like it?" I ask as he turns around to face me.

He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "That's a dumb question."

I laugh. Grabbing his hand, I pull him into the now lukewarm spray. We quickly get washed up

then get out. We dry off then crawl back into my bed. Lying side by side, facing each other, with the
sheet pulled up to our waists, I have a feeling of deep contentment. This is the first time in my life that
being with someone - man or woman - feels right.

"Hey, Parker?" I murmur into the darkness.


"I have a couple tickets to the Yankees game next weekend, will you go with me?" I ask.

"Like as buddies going to a game or like on a date?" he asks in return.

"A date," I reply without hesitation because that was my intention when I first asked.

After a moment of silence that made me nervous he was going to say no, he says, "Okay."

I smile. "Good."

Parker's hand finds mine and he laces our fingers together. I bring his hand up to my mouth and

kiss the back of it. Whatever is going on between us seems to be moving quickly and is serious, at
least to me. I never thought I’d be in this place with this man. I like the way it's going, though, and I
just hope it continues. We end up falling asleep still holding hands.

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Chapter Eleven


I’m on my way to pick up Parker for our first date. I can’t believe he actually agreed to go out

with me. In public. It must have been the post euphoric orgasm talking. I’m sure it helps that we are
going to be surrounded by thousands of people and I won’t be able to touch him. Damn, that sucks. I
should have thought that through better. At least we’ll be alone in the limo for a little while since we
have to drive to the stadium in this traffic.

We pull up to Parker’s condo and I call to let him know that we are waiting outside. The

security is so tight that it’s not worth trying to get through when he can just come down. I notice him
coming out of the lobby five minutes later, but I don’t get out of the limo to greet him. I know the
chauffeur is watching, and even though he is discreet and respectful, the production company
ultimately employs him, and I don’t want to give him any reason to report back to anyone. No more
making waves.

As he walks out the doors, my breath is taken. Parker looks absolutely stunning. His blonde hair

looks shiny and golden, and as the sun reflects off his sexy as fuck aviators, I am blinded. But that’s
not what has me hard in my jeans. It’s the shit-eating grin he flashes me, his pearly whites begging to
be licked. What? Shit, I want to lick his teeth I am so hot for him. His skintight navy blue Henley and
khaki carpenter pants are going to be the death of me. He looks so calm and confident and downright
fuckable. Damn, I think I am really starting to fall for this cat.

“Hey, P Diddy,” I greet him as he slides in next to me, bumping knees. The sight, now the smell,

and then the feel of him. If I was hard when I spotted him, I am solid now. I give him my sexiest
smile and wink and I see him blush a little. I think I can explode at that visual.

Parker looks up at the chauffeur and gives him a head nod. Shaking his head, he chuckles at my

greeting. “Dude, if I can tap J Lo, then you can call me P Diddy, Puff Daddy, Mark Anthony, Casper
whatshisname. Hell, you can call me Ben Affleck.”

I suddenly have green tunnel vision and know that I need to raise the partition. I know that he is

worried about his image. Our image. This conversation is not meant for other ears and I am not
prepared to hold my tongue.

“If you can what?” I ask, the jealousy dripping off my tongue.

“If I can screw her,” he repeats slowly, a devilish smile gracing his gorgeous face.

“Are you fucking with me?” I shout petulantly.

“Ah, baby, are you jealous of J Lo?” He rubs it in.

“You would hit that?” I ask incredulously.

“Come on, you know she’s on my fuck it list,” he tells me.

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I think I am going to blow a gasket. “Your what?”

“My fuck it list,” he says as a matter of fact, like everyone in the world has one.

“What the hell is a fuck it list?” Suddenly sorry for asking.

“It’s like a bucket list. But instead of all of the things that I want to do before I die, it’s all of the

people I wanna…” but I cut him off before he finishes that sentence, silencing him with a brutal kiss.

We both pull away out of breath. What started as a kiss to shut him up, ends up turning my

jealousy into lust. My cock is painfully straining against my jeans. I adjust myself, not so discreetly.
When I look back at Parker, his heavy-lidded eyes are focused on my crotch. My dick jumps at the
prospect of keeping his attention.

“Who else is on your fuck it list?” I ask, pushing my luck.

Parker doesn’t answer; instead, he slides down my body, settling on his knees, between my

thighs. He looks back up at me, his irises a stormy gray, his lips swollen from my kisses, and his jaw
clenched. He grips onto my thighs tightly and I think my heart is going to jump out of my chest it is
beating so hard. There is no way in hell that he is going to do what I am so desperate for.

His hands drift slowly to the top button of my jeans and I stop breathing. My eyes are locked on

his deft fingers and everything else fades away. Seconds feel like minutes, which feel like hours. I
hear nothing but the sound of my own heartbeat. And another loud beep. What the hell is that? Again
that beep infiltrates my fantasy followed by an unwelcomed voice.

“Mr. Steele, Mr. Hamiton, we are here.”

Parker jumps back into his seat and slides as far away from me as possible. The mood is

completely broken, and I am painfully aroused. Well, shit.


Yankee Stadium. Yankee fucking Stadium. Who knew? Not me. Yes, I was born and raised in

New York, but I’ve never been to a baseball game. My parents aren’t exactly sports enthusiasts and
my nanny never took me. I couldn’t count on my dickhead brother to teach me about this stuff, so I
never bothered. Come to think of it, I don’t think I ever dated a woman who was into sports. I know
Nick and Calvin go to hockey games often; they invited me once but the look on my face probably told
them everything they needed to know. I am lucky to be invited to their poker nights as it is. But now
I’m dating a dude. Holy shit, I’m dating a dude! I want to say I dodged a bullet back there, but really,
I think I am ready to try it. I’m not ready to take it up the ass. I don’t know if I ever will be, but I am
willing to try giving him head. I feel like I owe the poor guy already, he does so much for me – to me.
Nevertheless, ultimately, I’m a top, and I think that if Chance really wants to be with me, he is going
to have to be okay with that.

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The limo pulls into the underground parking lot where the athletes are usually dropped off. Being

so high profile, and not having bodyguards with us, we thought it was the best idea. Even though we
are sitting in what Chance calls “suite box seats,” we are still pretty vulnerable to the public, so he
made some calls to ensure that there would be added security for us. We are also getting a private
VIP tour of the locker room, the field, and Monument Park – a museum honoring distinguished
Yankees - before the game. Oh, and did I forget to tell you that we are supposed to be throwing out
the first pitch. Scratch that…Chance is going to throw out the first pitch. I’m going to be catching…
the ball…the baseball. Dammit!

As we make our way through Monument Park, we see pictures and memorabilia of all of the lates

and greats. I’m walking with my chin up, chest out - all confident and macho. I have no fucking clue
who they are. I did a little research before Chance picked me up so I wouldn’t look like a total dumb
ass. Actually, I had Nick teach me some stuff, but I’m still not confident. He thinks that Chance and I
are going to this game as a movie promotion. The whole throwing out the first pitch thing backing up
my story. If he only knew.

“Holy shit! Look over here!” Chance yells, and I go see what all of the excitement is over. “Babe

Ruth,” he says in awe.

“He started as a pitcher but became the greatest home run hitter of all time,” I repeat Nick’s

words exactly.

Chance looks impressed and I smile inwardly. It makes me happy knowing that I make him


“And here… look. Joe DiMaggio! He holds the longest consecutive hitting streak in MLB

history,” he tells me.

“Fuck that, he was banging Marilyn Monroe,” I add smugly.

Chance laughs and my heart warms. Nick’s tips are working like a charm.

He then spits out an obscure name, trying to throw me a curve ball. Is he testing me? But I answer

with facts that I remember reading on Wikipedia. Nick didn’t even mention that guy. When I finish, I
see Chance raise an eyebrow in question. I know he is wondering how I knew who that guy was.
Fortunately, I have a photographic memory; it comes in handy when trying to memorize a script.

As he drools over the rest of the memorabilia, I take the opportunity to watch him. I mean really

look at him. He is so gorgeous in his low-slung jeans and Yankee Jersey. His hair is cut short again –
military crew - but is sporting a five o’clock shadow. He has his Ray-Bans on covering his eyes and
they make him look almost dangerous. A chill runs up my spine. We are all alone out here and I use
that to my advantage. I stalk over to him with one thing on my mind. I need to taste his lips. As I get
closer, Chance turns to talk to me and he sees. I mean really sees what I need. We both eat up the few
feet left between us, our lips crashing into each other. It isn’t sweet and tender. It isn’t loving and
gentle. It’s passionate and rough. It’s teeth mashing and dirty. It’s perfect. We pull apart, both
breathless, and just in time. The tour guide walks in and lets us know that it’s time for our next stop.

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We leave Monument Park and I am relieved that I don’t have to pretend like I know who these

people are anymore. The tour guide then tells us that we are going to have the opportunity to meet
some staff members – an owner, some coaches, and the general manager. I really have no interest in
meeting these people but I can see the excitement on Chance’s face. I once again have this nagging
need to impress him. We fall back a few steps from the guide and I lean in to whisper in his ear.

“Is this where we meet George Costanza?”

“Huh? You mean George Steinbrenner?” he asks and I don’t understand why he’s confused. He

knows everything and anything there is to know about the damn Yankees.

“No, George Costanza. Doesn’t he work for the owner, George Steinbrenner?”

Chance smiles like the Cheshire cat but doesn’t correct me. And that’s how I lost all of my street



Parker doesn’t know shit about the Yankees, but I love that he tried to memorize a bunch of

useless facts for me. It makes me fall even more for him, which is really kind of freaking me out. I’ve
never let anyone in, never gotten this close to anyone. Why him? Why now? I have no answers. I just
know that I couldn’t stop, even if I wanted to. Maybe it’s time for me to let him in a little.

The game is already in the seventh inning and I think that Parker is having a good time. We stand

up for our stretch, still laughing about the opening throw. I was so turned on at the pitcher’s mound
seeing him squatting covering home plate. I couldn’t concentrate. I was so wrapped up in the fact
that 50,000 fans were seeing my hard on that I completely flubbed my pitch. I should probably be
embarrassed, but the lustful look on Parker’s face, knowing that he knew exactly what happened,
made it worthwhile. This guy is going to be the death of me.

Parker points over to the bar in the back of our suite to let me know he is heading over there.

“I’m gonna go grab a beer. Want one?” he asks coolly, completely forgetting that I don’t drink.

“Nah, man, thanks. Just a fresh bottle of water. Please,” I respond casually.

Parker nods and smiles, probably just remembering that I don’t drink. “You ever gonna tell me

why you only drink water?”

I take a deep breath. I guess now is as good a time as any. I was just telling myself that it was

time to start opening up to him, anyway.

I look away, not wanting to see his reaction. It’s not something that I’m excited to share. “My

dad was an alcoholic. I promised myself that I would never be like him. The closest I’ve ever been
to tasting it is when I’m sucking it off your tongue.”

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But his reaction is not something I ever expected. Parker raises his sunglasses to his head, and

then takes a few steps back toward me, invading my personal space. We are surrounded by people
and I get nervous all of a sudden. I scan my eyes around, reminding him that we are not alone. But at
this moment, I don’t think he cares. He pulls off my sunglasses, grips my chin, and forces me to look
him in the eyes.

“Thank you for sharing that with me, Babe.”

Babe? Oh holy hell, I think I just creamed myself. I can’t respond, a knot forming in my throat, so

he continues.

“If you don’t want me to drink around you, I completely understand. All you have to do is ask.”

In love. That is what I am with this man. “Thank you, P. Just the fact that you are willing to do

that for me means more than you could fathom, but I couldn’t ask that of you.”

Parker lets go of my chin and takes a step back. He offers me a beautiful smile, one I don’t think

that I’ve ever really seen on him before. This one reaches his eyes, and they are smiling, too. He
slides his shades back on and heads to the bar. I flop back onto my seat and take a few deep breaths.
I can’t believe that I just shared that with him. And I’m even more stunned of his, albeit brief, show of
affection. In public. Fuck me!

Parker returns about ten minutes later with two bottles of water, a bag of peanuts, and a box of

cracker jacks. I raise an eyebrow.

“You took me out to a ball game. I brought you peanuts and Cracker Jacks.” He sings.

I let out a laugh and it feels so good. He doesn’t bring up my father and I am thankful. We share

the peanuts and cracker jacks, and every time we reach into the bag at the same time, our fingers
linger an extra few seconds longer than necessary.

I lean in to whisper in his ear, not wanting anyone around us to hear. “Two more innings and

you’re all mine.”

Parker’s bag of peanuts on his lap shakes a little and knowing that his cock is that hard for me

makes me groan. It’s gonna be a long few innings.


My first and last baseball game. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time, but that’s only because

of who I was with. That was the longest three hours of my life. It doesn’t help that I was hard the
entire time, either. Damn, I need to get my rocks off and soon.

We are back in the limo and were able to escape the screaming fans. They all knew we were

there because of the opening pitch debacle. I’m not going to let him live that one down for a while.

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We also appeared on the “kiss cam” during the eighth inning. Chance and I decided to punk everyone
and pretended to kiss. I put my hand over his mouth and pretended to make out with him, crawling
onto his lap and making a big dramatic scene about it. The fans were hooting and hollering, finding it
hysterical. It did nothing to help with the situation, though. We were both hotter than ever after
rubbing all over each other.

So here we are in the limo, alone, with the exception of the driver of course, but the privacy

shield is up. My thoughts are running wild and I can feel the sexual tension buzzing off Chance. He is
wound tight as shit. He must be able to feel my eyes roaming all over him because his eyes suddenly
become hooded and he is biting his lower lip. My eyes drift down to his cock and it is calling to me.
Before my head has a chance to talk me out of it, I hit the floor between his legs, unbuttoning his jeans
as quickly as humanly possible.

I get them opened and unzipped in record time, yanking hard on them. He lifts his ass to help me

drag them down, his cock standing at attention. Freaking asshole has been commando all day. Damn, I
forgot how big he is. Chance lets out a snicker, presumably at me, which turns into a hard hiss though
his teeth when my hand finally lands on his rock solid cock. I pump it slowly up and down when the
realization hits me that I have no idea what I am doing.

As good of an actor as I am, I just can’t hide my anxiety. He strokes my hair and speaks

adoringly. “Just do what you like done to yourself,” he instructs.

I continue to pump as I let his calming words settle over me. I can do that. I lean forward, close

enough so that his cock is now inches from my mouth. My tongue takes a swipe at his engorged tip.
It’s purple and angry, and I feel the need to lessen its burden.

“Fuuuuck!” he bellows, his back arching off the seat.

His pre-come coats my tongue and instead of being disgusted, it turns me on even that much

more. I perch myself back up onto my knees so I have more leverage. With my hands gripping his
thighs like they are my life line, I take his dick completely into my mouth until his head hits the back
of my throat. Chance groans and grabs hard on to my wrists. I guess he likes what I’m doing.

My cock is now achingly hard, but I’m still a rookie, and the thought of multi-tasking throws me

off my rhythm. I take one of my hands off his thigh and grip the base of his erection, pumping up and
down, giving it a little twist as I get close to the top. My mouth is still working his head and he starts
to fidget.

“I’m not going to last much longer, Babe,” he whimpers, and the sound of him calling me “Babe”

fuels me.

I smile at him without removing his cock from my mouth and just keep pumping. My hand and my

mouth are in perfect sync. Up, down, twist. Up, down, twist. Shit, I forgot about his balls! I remove
my other hand from his thigh and grip his balls. I start gently, adding more pressure as I see his
excitement rise. Up, down, twist, squeeze. Up, down, twist, squeeze. I can do this. Why the hell do
women complain so much about this?

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“Parker…Babe…please. I can’t hold back anymore. If you don’t want me to bust in your mouth,

you need to back away,” he warns.

Hell to the no. If I’m going to do this, I’m going balls to the wall. I shake my head so that he

knows that I’m not pulling back then up my game. I take my middle finger from the hand that’s
squeezing his balls and spit on it, getting it nice and wet. I slide my hand back down to grip his balls,
then glide my middle finger into his ass.

His legs begin to shake and hands come to grip my hair. His fingers lace through and he tugs.

Hard. And I fucking like it.

“Oh shit…Oh fuck…Oh God,” he moans, “Please don’t stop!”

No way in hell would I stop now. I grip his shaft a little tighter and hollow out my cheeks to add

more pressure to the suction. I squeeze his balls roughly and begin making a ‘come here’ motion with
my middle finger, slipping back and forth against his prostate. That does the trick. Two pumps later
and Chance explodes in my mouth, his come slipping down my throat like an exotic cocktail.

He loosens his grip on my hair and I fall back onto my ass, stretching out my legs. Chance’s

body is slumped; his head is leaning back on the headrest, his breaths rapid and erratic. Neither of us
says a word.

Moments later, he lifts his head, a serious look on his face. “You didn’t have to do that but I’m

not complaining.”

“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. Was it okay?” I ask, now insecure.

Chance lets out a loud laugh then covers his face with his hands, rubbing it up and down. “Are

you fucking kidding?” he asks, pulling up his pants and tucking in his semi-erect cock.

My eyes remain locked on his crotch. “Are you still hard? How is that even possible?” I ask him

in wonder.

“Have you looked in the mirror? I just had the hottest guy on the planet suck me off,” he tells me

in jest, but I know he means it. “And he is sitting in front of me with a tent in his pants and a look like
he wants to eat me alive. Fuck, yeah, I am still hard. You’re lucky we are in this tiny space or your
ass would be mine!”

Thank god for small miracles because if we were anywhere else, I just might let him.

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Chapter Twelve


When I first asked Chance to come with me to my great-grandmother's 100th birthday party, it

was because I was being selfish and I didn't want to deal with my family on my own. Now that we are
on our way, my gut is rolling. I'm afraid that my family, especially my douchebag brother, will say
something to completely embarrass me in front of Chance. Or even worse, chase him away. We've
been together now for close to three months, and they have been great, but no one knows yet; well,
except for Charlie.

Chance's hand lands on my thigh and I jump. He frowns in concern. "You okay?"

I blink at him. "Huh? Oh, yeah...I guess."

“Are we going in? We've been sitting here for about five minutes now," he says, watching me


I glance around, only then realizing that we are still sitting in my car, in the driveway, in front of

my parents’ estate. Damn.

"Shit, sorry, I was lost in thought," I mutter and scrub my hands over my face.

"I noticed," he smirks.

"Listen, I'm just warning you now, my family...they aren't like me. They think they are better than

everyone else, like their shit doesn’t stink, and they aren't afraid to let you know that."

"And that's different from you how?" he teases, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Fucker," I sneer.

Chance laughs and reaches over to grab the back of my neck. He pulls me close so that he can

place a tender kiss on my lips. It has become so natural now, I don’t even think twice about it.

"It'll be fine."

"There can be none of this either," I murmur against his lips.

He sighs and nods. "Alright."

"Thank you."

He kisses me one more time before we both get out of the car. We are both wearing suits, mine is

dark gray while Chance's is navy blue. And damn does he look good in it. He has a white shirt and no
tie. The top button of his shirt is undone and he looks utterly relaxed. He has a bit of scruff on his face
that it about the same length as his dark hair. His lightly tanned skin looks fabulous against the navy
blue and white of the suit and shirt.

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As we reach the front door, it opens, revealing my parents’ butler, Milton. His face is forever

stoic as he motions us in. He closes the door behind us.

"Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Steele," he greets us with a small bow.

"Hey, bud," I reply, knowing that he hates it when I'm not formal with him.

I see his left eye twitch, but that's the only indicator that I irritated him.

"The party is out back, surely you remember the way?" Milton says.

"But of course, Lovey," I say in my very best Mr. Howell voice.

Chance snickers as I turn to make my way through the mansion that my parents call a home. I get a

quick thrill knowing that he got my Gilligan’s Island reference.

"You grew up here?" Chance asks a minute later.

I glance over at him to see him looking all around in awe.

"Sadly, yes," I mutter.

We approach the back of the mansion, which is a wall of windows that are also sliding glass

doors that open, leaving the room inside kind of like an enclosed patio. Beyond that, there is an
enormous outdoor patio and garden, and a gigantic swimming pool, complete with a slide, waterfall,
bar with underwater stools, and a hot tub.

"Holy shit," Chance breathes.

I look over at him to find him scanning the area, his eyes wide and his mouth open. My top lip

lifts in disgust all on its own. Not at Chance, but at my family. I find this extravagant lifestyle to be
unnecessary and over the top. There are so many people out there that could use the money, if only
they were willing to share. Which they are not. Fucking assholes.

There are at least two hundred people, all high society, milling around the tables inside a

massive tent that has been set up. All of them dressed to out-do one another. I know my great-
grandmother could give two shits about these people, but she just lets my my mother do whatever the
hell she wants, it's not worth it to argue.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my little brother, the big time Hollywood actor," comes my brother's

voice from my left.

I look over to see Archibald strolling toward me, a flute of champagne in one hand. He is the

epitome of a rich spoiled brat. He's wearing white pants, a pale pink button down shirt, and tan boat
shoes. His blonde hair is parted on the side and swept over, while his face is clean-shaven. He just
radiates douchieness. Even though he's a good-looking guy, he's just an ugly person. And his wife,
who is a fucking super model, is just as ugly of a person as he is. They are the perfect match.

"Archibald," I reply in greeting. He hates it when I use his whole name.

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His jaw ticks as his blue eyes flash in annoyance. "Parker, how many times do I have to tell you

not to call me that?"

"As many times as it takes for you to realize that I will always call you that," I offer. Dumb ass.

"Prick," he snarls before turning his attention to Chance. "Chance Steele, am I right?" he asks,

holding out his hand.

Chance shakes it. "That's right."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Parker's older brother..."

"Archibald, got it," Chance says with a devilish smirk.

Archibald sneers before quickly catching himself and clearing his throat. "Yes, well, I prefer not

to use my full given name. Please just call me Archie," he says, his voice tight.

I don't even bother to try and hide my smile just because I know it will piss off Archibald. My

brother looks at me, a glint of revenge in his eyes. Shit, whatever is coming out of his mouth next is
not going to be good.

"So word around town is that you two are playing a couple of faggots in your next movie," he

says and takes a sip of his drink.

I close my eyes to try to rein in my temper.

"Yeah, and?" Chance replies, his tone asking, "Your point is?"

"Well, I'm sure you heard the rumors saying that you two are actually together off set, too. I'm

sure that has to smart," Archie says with a hoity-toity chuckle.

"Really? You think I give a shit about what high society assholes like you think about me? Please,

I've been through much worse in my life," Chance scoffs.

I open my eyes just in time to see my brother turn a furious shade of red. "Do you have any idea

who you are talking to?" Archie grits through his clenched teeth.

Chance turns, squaring off with him. "Does it look like I give a fuck?" he spits.

As much as I love Chance – holy hell did I say love? - for standing up to my dickhead brother, I

can't let this continue. Because knowing my brother, he is about two seconds away from having
Chance thrown out of the party and I don’t want to ruin my great-grandmother’s party.

"Alright, that's enough," I say. "Archibald, if you'll excuse us, I would like to say hello to


I grab the back of Chance's neck and lead him away from my dickhead brother.

"What a fucking turd," Chance grumbles when we're out of earshot.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I grunt.

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I see my great-grandmother sitting at the head table and make a beeline for her with Chance in

tow. Before I can get to her, a cool, thin hand grabs mine and stops me. I turn to see my mother,

"Parker, darling, so glad you took time out of your busy schedule to join us," she says, her face

passive but the sarcasm is evident in her tone.

I give her a tight smile. "Anything for Grams," I tell her.

She purses her fat injected lips and narrows her eyes at me before glancing at Chance. She gives

him a flirty smile. "Oh my, I didn't realize we would have such a famous guest. Melina Hamilton," she
says, introducing herself.

I clench my teeth at her dig. Apparently, she considers Chance famous, but I'm just a

disappointment to her. Bitch. Chance shakes her hand and gives her a fake smile.

"Hi," he says.

"Parker, why didn't you tell me that you were bringing such a high profile celebrity?" she asks

without taking her eyes off Chance.

I'm kind of grossed out by the way she's eye-fucking him. I look over at Chance to find him

shifting uncomfortably next to me. He obviously sees it, too.

"I didn't think that it would make a difference," I mumble.

Her eyes snap over to glare at me. "Of course it makes a difference! I could have ordered better

hors d'oeuvres and cocktails had I known!" she barks at me.

"I...it really doesn't matter to me," Chance says with a frown.

Melina turns back to Chance, a seductive smile on her botoxed face. "I'm sure you are used to

better than this. I apologize in advance if something is not up to par. Just let me know if there
is...anything...I can do to make your visit here any better," she practically purrs and I can feel the bile
rising in my throat.

"Uh...okaaay," Chance replies, frowning hard.

I grab Chance's arm and drag him away from my disgusting mother.

"What the fuck, man? I thought my upbringing was bad, shit," Chance whispers harshly.

"Luckily, I wasn't exactly raised by my parents; I had a nanny for that." I laugh bitterly.

"Jesus Christ," he breathes. "Are they all like that?"

"Everyone except my Grams," I reply with a sad smile.

Chance stops walking, forcing me to stop, too, since I still have his arm. I turn to look at him. My

heart skips a beat at the look on his face - understanding, sympathy and pride. I know him well enough
now to be able to see all of those emotions in his dark eyes. He steps a little closer to me, his hands

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finding my shoulders.

"I am so glad that you didn't turn out like them," he whispers, his eyes scanning over my face


I roll my lips in and nod, dropping my gaze to my shoes.

"You are so much better than them," he says, ducking his head to catch my eyes. "You hear me,

asshole? Don't let them hurt you," he says fiercely.

I swallow hard and nod. "I hear you."

"Good. Let’s go meet your Grams then," he says and claps me on the shoulder.

I lead the way over to the table where my beautiful great-grandmother is sitting, talking to a

couple of my aunts. She sees me coming and smiles brightly. She shoos away my aunts, who all give
me dirty looks and opens her arms to me. I lean down and give her a big, warm hug. She kisses me on
the cheek, which I'm sure left lipstick behind.

"My baby boy, how are you?" she coos as we separate.

I take the recently vacated seat next to her. "Better, now that I am with you."

"Mmm, tell me about it," she grunts in agreement.

I smirk.

"Who's your boyfriend?" she asks, looking curiously at Chance, who is standing behind me.

I stare at her for a moment. Did she mean that the way it came out or does she mean it as my

friend who is a guy? I can't tell.

"Chance Steele, ma'am," Chance answers, holding out his hand to her.

Grams takes his hand and he bends over to give her knuckles a kiss. “They tell me that it’s

someone’s 100


birthday, but certainly it can’t be you.”

She chuckles and pats his face. "Oh, you little devil, you," she says and shakes her finger at him.

I glance back at him to find him grinning from ear to ear. I smile. The charmer has arrived.

"Lovely to meet the only decent person in this family...beside Parker of course," Chance


Grams barks out a laugh and slaps me on the knee. "I like this one!"

I chuckle as Chance sits down next to me.

"For being a hundred, I gotta say that you look fantastic," Chance says, laying on the charm thick,

but he is also being sincere.

"Thank you, my dear. I'm surprised that I've lasted this long as well. I thought for sure one of

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those money hungry mongers would have taken me out by now." She snorts.

Now it's Chance's turn to bark out a laugh. I watch him with a smile. He has no idea how

ridiculously happy it makes me that he's getting along with my great-grandmother. She's the only
person that I really care about in this family and I need her to approve of him. She leans in closer to
me, bringing my attention back to her.

"How long has this been going on?" she asks, motioning between Chance and me.

I blink at her. "What do you mean?"

"You don't have to play stupid with me, sweetheart. I'm not blind, I can see that you two are a

couple," she hisses.

I flounder. How the hell did she know? It's not like we were all over each other. "How..."

"Parker, I've been around for a hundred years - I've seen everything, I've heard everything and

I’ve done, well, almost everything. I see the way you two have been looking at each other since you
walked in, stealing glances and sharing secrets. Others probably won't pick up on it, but I do," she

"Well, shit," Chance mutters with an awe-filled smile.

"Grams, you...you can't say anything..." I say, a bit panicked.

"Hush now, your secret is safe with me," she shushes.

"Thanks, Grams," I breathe in relief.

"So how long?" she asks again.

I glance at Chance, who sends me an encouraging smile. "Almost three months," I tell her.

She smiles softly. "That's lovely. You two are a gorgeous couple," she says quietly. She looks

past me to pin Chance with a stern look. "You take good care of him, you hear? This one is my
favorite and he deserves the best."

Chance grins and sends her a wink. "You got it, Grams."

"Hrmph, it's no wonder you like him, Parker, the man is sexy as sin," she murmurs.

Chance throws his head back and laughs. All I can do is smile and shake my head. That's my



After talking with Parker's crazy awesome great-grandmother for a while, Parker said we had to

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go and say hi to his father. After meeting his brother and mother, I'm really not looking forward to it. I
know my childhood was fucked up, but this...this is just as bad, only in a completely different way.

We find his father over by the bar. Not the bar by the pool, but a second bar that is set up in the

tent. I had no idea how loaded Parker's family was until we showed up here today. They are not just
stinking rich, but they are wealthy, and that fortune goes back generations. In-fucking-sane.

I can see where Parker gets his good looks. He looks exactly like his father, just a much younger

and blonder version. His father's hair is now gray. He looks to be in decent shape for his age and I'll
bet any amount of money that he's had a facelift.

"Ah, here is my youngest son, Parker. He used to be a lawyer but now he's just an actor," his

father says to the men surrounding him as we walk up.

I see Parker's shoulders tense and his hands ball into fists. "Hey, dad," he mutters.

"Oh, I see you've brought your co-star, Mr. Steele. Thanks so much for coming," his father says,

offering his hand to me.

"Mr. Hamilton," I reply with a sharp nod as I shake his hand.

"So, son, Archie was telling me about this new role you are playing. Is he right that you are

playing a gay man?" he asks, his eyebrows raised.

"Actually, I am playing a detective who happens to be gay," Parker mutters, his cheeks turning

pink under the blatant scrutiny.

"Why take a role like that? You aren't gay!" his father squawks.

"It's just acting, dad," Parker replies half-heartedly.

"Speaking of fruits," comes Parker's brother's voice from behind us, "I brought you a plate full."

He chuckles, handing Parker the plate of fruit he is carrying.

The group of men start chuckling. I clench my teeth together to stop myself from calling them

some not so nice names because inside I’m seething. I wish I could punch Parker's brother in his damn

"Good thing neither of my sons are gay; that shit is unacceptable and disgusting. It would not go

over well in this house," the senior Archibald says, his disgust in gay people clear in his tone.

Well shit, that's not good. I look over at Parker to see him putting the plate of fruit down on the

nearest table. His face is pale and his hands are shaking. My heart breaks for him. When I was
younger, I had always wished for a family, any family. But now I see that I would never have wanted
this family. I guess sometimes having nothing is better than having something like this. These people
are horrendous.

A gorgeous brunette saunters up next to the younger of the two Archibalds. "Archie, you said you

were going to introduce me to Chance Steele," she whines while eyeing me up over her very large

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white-framed sunglasses.

His eyes flash angrily. "Allison, didn't I also tell you not to bother me while I am in the company

of my father and his associates?" he barks and grabs the top of her arm in a brutal grip.

My turn to clench my fists. I can't stand when men manhandle women like this. Something like

this is what got me arrested back in the day. I don't know what it is, but it just pisses me the fuck off
when guys beat on women, and I have to step in. Archibald shoves who I am assuming is his wife
away, making her stumble into a table. I try to bite my tongue but it doesn't work. I take a step toward
her helping her up.

"That was unnecessary, Archibald," I growl, purposely using his name to piss him off.

He turns to me, eyebrow raised. "Excuse me?"

"I really don't appreciate you treating your woman like that in front of me," I tell him.

Archibald gives me a shit-eating grin and repeats my earlier words back to me, "Do I look like a

give a fuck?"

"You sonofabitch," I grind out and take a step toward him.

Parker steps in front of me. "That's enough, we're leaving," he snaps.

We stare at each other for a second before I give him a curt nod before turning and walking back

toward the mansion. Fuck, that dickhead almost got me into trouble. No doubt, he would have called
the cops on me if I had gone after him. Thank God for Parker and his level head.

Without saying goodbye to anyone, we leave. Parker doesn't say a word, he just guns it out of

there. I stare out the window as he speeds down the road. When I had first met Parker over ten years
ago and had heard about who his family was and where he came from, I figured that he had had the
good life. He must have gotten everything he wanted, had everything handed to him, didn't have to
work a day in his life. I had been jealous, so jealous of how privileged he was.

Now, my heart hurts for him. I glance over to see him looking straight ahead, his lips pressed

together in a thin angry line. Oh, how much we have in common that we never even realized. We have
both had terrible childhoods, even though they were at different extremes.

“I’m sorry I lost my temper back there,” I say, feeling guilty that we had to leave because of me.

“Don’t be. He had it coming. I always knew he was a douchebag, but I never realized how bad.

What made you snap?” he asks cautiously.

Parker bringing me here today was a big step in our relationship. It was his way of opening

himself up to me, exposing himself and being vulnerable. It’s my turn.

I look straight ahead, once again not wanting to see his reaction. It also makes it easier to tell him

my humiliating life story. “When I was a teen, I was homeless, lived in a shelter. I saw women
constantly being taken advantage of, having to prostitute themselves just to have money to buy

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themselves or their kids food. One day I saw a woman I knew from the shelter being attacked in a
back alley. I didn’t even think, I just jumped in and started wailing on the guy. She ran to get me
help, but by the time she returned with back-up, I was being arrested, charged with assault.”

I take a break from my story to check on his reaction, but he is just shaking his head. I don’t

know what that means, so I continue. I hope it doesn’t change the way he sees me.

“Anyway, I was charged with assault but refused to take a plea so we went to trial. The woman

that was being beaten testified on my behalf, along with a few other people from my shelter, and
ultimately, I was found not guilty by reason of self-defense. When I joined the Army, they helped me
get the record sealed, but anyone checking into my background can see it if they try hard enough. Up
until now, I’ve never had reason to talk about it.”

Parker’s hand landed on my thigh sometime during my story, but I was so engrossed in my self-

pity that I hadn’t noticed. He gives me a squeeze but doesn’t say much for a few minutes. I let him
soak it all in.

“Why were you homeless?” is the only thing he asks.

“You want the whole shebang, huh? You sure you’re ready for this? Cause once I tell you,

there’s no un-knowing…” I ask, hoping that he doesn’t want to hear anymore.

“There’s nothing you can tell me that will make me lo…like you any less. I just brought you

home to meet my family. Do you think less of me now that you know where I came from?”

“Of course not. I’ve gained a whole new respect for you. Thank god you escaped them.”

He smiles. “Thank you. Now lay it on me.” He chuckles.

Here goes nothing. "My mother was a prostitute, and as you already know, my father was a

drunk. I grew up in foster care. At the last house I lived in, their biological son raped me almost every
night. I was seventeen when I ran away and never looked back. I thought I had it bad and would have
given anything to grow up in a mansion and have tons of money, but now I see that growing up with a
family like that is just as bad," I murmur into the silence.

Parker's head whips around to stare at me in shock. "You were raped? Is that what you meant

when you said that you were with a man, involuntarily?"

I shrug. "Yeah, it was a long time ago, I've dealt with it and moved on," I say softly.

Parker nods in acceptance but doesn’t say another thing about it. He reaches over and grabs my

hand, lacing his fingers in mine. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I don't feel so alone in knowing
that my family sucks ass."

I snort. "Your family is atrocious."

Parker chuckles, but then it turns into a full-blown laugh. I start to laugh, too. Soon we're laughing

so hard that we have tears running down our faces. It's a relief. Such a huge relief. When we finally
quiet and dry our eyes, Parker leans over and gives me a loving kiss. A horn blows behind us,

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breaking the moment. We chuckle as Parker hits the gas. And just like that, all is good in the world…
well, at least in our little world.

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Chapter Thirteen


I wake to a warm body covering mine, and a hot mouth at my neck. Mmm, Parker. He nips at my

earlobe before dragging his tongue down my throat. I slip my arms and legs around him. I feel him
smile against my chest.

"Morning," he murmurs.

I just hum and thread my fingers into the back of his blonde hair. I take a deep breath, pulling in

his masculine scent. He always smells like the Aveeno body wash that he uses. He rocks his hips,
which are cradled between my thighs, rubbing his hard length against mine. We both moan softly.

"Do we have time?" I mutter, turning my head to try to see the clock, but I can't.

"Plenty," Parker rasps.

We have to be at the studio by eight and if Parker says we have plenty of time, then it's probably

six in the morning. Ugh, too early. But if it means that we get to have sex before work, then hell, I'm
up. This has been our routine for the past couple of months. I've practically moved into Parker's
condo. We have been spending our days and some nights at the studio making the movie while our
non-working nights are spent hanging out, watching movies, getting to know each other better, and
fucking. Lots of fucking.

I’ve tried. I’ve tried really hard to keep my feelings out of this - relationship? - that we have

going. I've never opened my heart to anyone before, so I don't know how I let this happen. But
somehow, Parker has gotten under my skin and sunk in his claws. The more I get to know him, the
more I learn about what he likes and dislikes, the more I find out how much we actually have in
common. It just embeds those claws deeper.

His hand dips down between us and wraps around both of our cocks. He strokes us slowly,

lazily, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. I roll my hips and dig my heels into the backs of his
thighs to try to get more - more friction, more pleasure, more something!

"Parker," I gasp and claw at his back.

Parker lifts his head, his blazing blue gaze meeting mine. "I fucking love it when you say my

name," he breathes.

"I will say your name a million times if you tighten your grip," I groan.

His hand squeezes tighter and starts to move faster.

"Parker! Ugh...shit..." I cry as a jolt of raw pleasure shoots through me.

I open my eyes, not realizing that I've closed them, and see Parker watching me. The look on his

face speaks volumes of his feelings. His face is very expressive and everything he's thinking is

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written all over it. I can see the affection and adoration he has for me. It warms my heart and latches
those claws into the bone.

Parker's hand slips over the head of my cock and that's it for me. My orgasm hits me hard and

without warning. A guttural shout rips up my throat as my back bows off the bed. Parker's eyes never
leave my face. He comes with a low grunt.

We lay there for a moment to catch our breaths before getting up and hopping in the shower. We

keep our hands to ourselves in the shower because we are now running short on time.

I watch him as we get dressed in the bedroom. This is the happiest that I've been in years. Not

only with Parker, but also with myself. I feel like I'm who I'm supposed to be. I never thought that I
was gay, but being with Parker - being with a man - feels right. I know that I've accepted this part of
me and I'm coming to the point where I want to share it with everyone. I want people to know who I
really am. I don't want to hide this person that I just found. I'm not ashamed of myself or who I've
become, so why hide? I just don't think Parker is anywhere near as ready as I am.

I pull my t-shirt over my head and clear my throat. "There is, uh, something I want to talk to you

about," I say into the comfortable silence.

Parker glances up at me from his seat on the bed where he's putting on his shoes. "Okay."

"What are your thoughts about going public?" I ask hesitantly.

He frowns in confusion. "Public with what?"

"Us. Our relationship."

His eyes widen in horror. "What? Fuck no! Are you crazy?" he exclaims, shooting to his feet.

My anger immediately flares at his reaction. "So, what? Are we just going to live in hiding for

however long this lasts?" I snap. "I'm not planning on ending this anytime soon, but I'm not going to
live the rest of my life behind closed doors either."

"Have you lost your mind? We can't tell people about us!" he squawks, throwing his arms up in

the air.

"Why the hell not?"

He sputters for a second before spewing some more bullshit, "We just can't! My family..."

"...Are a bunch of bigoted douchebags." I finish his thought.

"My dad will do everything he can to kill my career! Believe me, he's threatened to do it before.

This would make him do it for real," Parker says.

He shoulders past me, leaving the room. I blink. Is he fucking kidding me? I turn on my heel and

follow him out of the room.

"So you're going to live the rest of your life in the closet?" I bark at his back.

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He just shrugs. "If I have to," I hear him mutter.

Parker grabs his keys and starts for the door.

"Parker!" I snap. I stop myself from stomping my foot like a child.

He stops, his hand on the doorknob. He looks over his shoulder at me, a defeated look in his

eyes. "We're going to be late," he says then walks out the door.



We stop at a bagel place to grab some breakfast. The ride there is completely silent. The tension

in the car is palpable. I still can't believe that Chance even brought that up. Did he really think that I
would ever...come out? It's absurd! Not only because I'm straight...I mean, everyone still thinks I'm
straight, but because my family is so closed minded about the gay nation. Not that I care what my
family thinks, it's more about what they can do to me and my career that I'm concerned about.

We're both wearing dark sunglasses and baseball caps in the bagel place, hoping to get in and out

quickly without getting recognized. Chance is standing next to me on my right, arms crossed over his
chest, anger just radiating off him. Even if he got recognized, I don't think anyone would approach

We order our sandwiches and coffee then pay and move to the side to wait. I'm leaning with my

hip against the counter staring out the window when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over to see
Olivia smiling brightly at me.

"Parker, hi!" she whispers as she throws her arms around my neck and plants a kiss square on my


"Oh, hey, Olivia," I reply and belatedly hug her back.

I catch Chance's infuriated gaze. Even with the sunglasses on, I can feel his eyes boring into me.

His normally full lips are a thin angry line and his jaw is bulging, most likely from clenching his teeth.

"We haven't gotten together in a while, are you free tonight?" she asks with a saucy smile as she

lets her hand trail suggestively down my arm.

"I...uh...no, I'm working tonight..." I stutter and swallow hard.

I hear Chance mutter something that sounds like "Un-fucking-believable," before he snatches the

bag from the guy holding it out for him and storms toward the door. Olivia gives him a curious look
before brushing it off and turning back to me.

"Okay, well how about another night?" she suggests.

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"I can't, I'm kinda with someone," I tell her.

She smiles warmly. "Aw, that's great Parker, I'm glad. Never mind then," she says sweetly and

winks at me before she turns and heads for the counter to order.

I quickly make my way outside. I see Chance pacing the sidewalk next to where I’ve parked. I

make my way toward him. He spots me and stomps over to me, getting in my face.

"Who the fuck was that?" he hisses.

"She was one of my fuck buddies," I reply. No point in beating around the bush. He's already

pissed; lying would just make him angrier.

"Get in the fucking car," he growls and gives me a shove toward the car.

What a fucking horrible day this is turning out to be. I get in the car. As soon as we're closed in,

Chance turns to me and rips off his sunglasses.

"Have you been fucking her while we've been together?" he asks, low and deadly.

I turn to look at him. I take my sunglasses off so he can see my eyes and know that I'm telling him

the truth. "Absolutely not. I haven't been with anyone but you."

He searches my eyes for a moment. "I know we never said it out loud but I assume this is an

exclusive relationship?"

I nod. "I also assumed that."

"What did you tell her?" he asks.

I start the car and pull out. "That I'm with someone."

"I guess you didn't mention who you’re with." He snorts bitterly.

"You guessed right," I reply in annoyance.

Chance shakes his head in disgust. "Fucking dick," he mutters before digging into the bag in his


He pulls out my sandwich and hands it to me. He opens his own and takes a big bite. We both

finish our sandwiches before getting to the studio. Without a word, we head to our separate trailers. I
keep replaying the morning in my head. I'm angry over the whole argument, but also disappointed and

This relationship is still new. Who knows if it's going to last? If it doesn't, will I date another

man? I don't know. I want to say no, but I just don't know. Do I want to come out as bi or gay and then
Chance and I break up and I start dating women again? I don't fucking know. I mean, it's not like I
can't. People do it all the time. I just...the whole thing is so confusing right now. Why can't we just
live in the moment, have fun, and just be. Why do we have to tell everyone? Why do we have to come
out? Can't our private life stay private? So we forfeit PDA. I can live with that. I get plenty of

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affection behind closed doors.

More Parker…

The day is long and grueling. We have to shoot some action scenes. They are tough and

physically demanding. Jerry finally calls final cut at around one in the morning. I trudge back to my
trailer and take a quick shower. Other than our lines, Chance and I haven't spoken to each other all
day and it's killing me. I don't like fighting with him anymore. I don't like this distance between us.

I step out of my trailer and see Chance leaning against the hood of my car, his dark hair wet. He

looks exhausted. I'm sure I do, too. Luckily, the ride back to my place isn't long. I shove my hands into
my pockets as I make my way over to my car. I stop in front of Chance.

"Should I take you to your apartment?" I ask quietly.

"Do you want to take me to my apartment?" he replies wearily.

"No." I sigh and shake my head.

"Then don't," he murmurs with a shrug.

Okay. That's a start. We both get into my car and I start it. The ride is quiet, but it's more like a

too-tired-to-talk kind of quiet, not a tension filled quiet. We walk into my condo and I shut and lock
the door behind us. As soon as I turn around, Chance wraps me up in his strong arms. I sigh heavily
and sink into him. I tuck my face in his neck and just hold onto him.

"I don't want to fight with you," I whisper.

"I don't want to fight, either. I'm sorry about earlier," Chance murmurs softly.

"I'm sorry, too. Can we please just not worry about that right now?"

"Yeah, okay," he agrees.

"I like where we are, I like being with you, you are all I need right now," I tell him, lifting my

head to look at him.

Chance nods and drops his forehead to mine. "Me, too."

I lean in and kiss him softly. The kiss slowly heats up. The next thing I know, we're tearing each

other clothes off. I pin Chance face first to the front door, one hand at his throat while the other jerks
him off. Chance moans and shoves his ass back against my aching cock.

"What do you want?" I purr in his ear.

"I want you to fuck me," Chance rasps.

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"Mmm, sounds good, let me grab a condom."

"No, no condom," Chance pants.

I know we're both clean, we've had the conversation before and had gotten physical exams and

blood work done before we were able to start shooting the movie. I'm just so used to using one, I
guess, that it's weird to not have to.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I want to feel you," he breathes.

Fuck, he doesn't have to tell me twice. I lube up with some spit. It's not the greatest, but with as

much sex as we've been having, I think Chance can handle it. I position myself at his tight hole and
slowly push in. I gasp as the head of my cock pushes past the tight muscles. That always feels so
good. Once I'm completely inside of him, I go back to jerking him off while I fuck him. Every one of
Chance's moans and cries just fuels my desire.

Chance takes over jerking himself off, which works for me because now I can grab both his hips

and slam into him. Chance braces one hand against the door so that he's not banging his head.

"Oh fuck, baby don't stop," Chance cries.

It feels so fucking good without a condom. The heat is incredible. I reach up and grab his

shoulder, pumping into him harder.

"Ahhh! Motherfucker!" he shouts as he comes, his body convulsing around me, sending me to my

own end.

I come inside of Chance for the first time without a condom and damn it is good. Chance

collapses against the door, I collapse against his back. We're both shaking and sweaty. I slowly pull
out. Chance grunts but doesn't move. I watch as my come starts seeping out of his hole. Fuck, that's
hot. I take a finger and push it back in.

"What are you doing?" Chance moans.

"I want my come to stay in there." I chuckle.

Chance starts laughing and that's it, we fall into a fit of hysterics. We're so tired that we're

delirious. We're hanging on each other, barely keeping one another on our feet while we try and make
our way down the hall to my bedroom. Fuck showers. We do a quick clean up with a washcloth,
climb into my bed, and fall the fuck asleep once we're able to stop laughing.

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Chapter Fourteen


We are finally getting a much needed break from filming. Our schedule has been grueling and

Parker and I haven’t had two minutes alone where we weren’t too exhausted to do anything. This will
only be our second time – if you don’t count his great-grandmother’s party - actually going out in
public together, other than grabbing a quick coffee or breakfast before work. Parker suggested Club
Masquerade because we can get away without being recognized.

I follow Parker up the steps to this Club M place that he apparently frequents. He gave me the

low down in the car on the way over. It has crazy rules – you have to wear a mask and no talking is
permitted - and supposedly, you have to be a member to get in, so I am not completely sure how I am
going to be able to walk right in. He also told me that his buddy, Calvin, owns it. Maybe he asked
him to let me in as a favor. Who knows? They have different themes throughout the month, and tonight
is LGBTQ night. I'm surprised that Parker wants to go tonight, with Calvin being the owner and some
of the other workers knowing him, but he said that Calvin has the night off tonight and so does the girl
who usually runs the front door. Besides, once our masks are in place, nobody should be able to
recognize us.

We sign in, get our nametags and texting devices, put our masks on, and head into the club. I'm

shocked by what I see. The place is gorgeous. And packed. There are men dancing with men. Women
dancing with women. Drag queens dancing with themselves. I take a moment to soak in the scene and
I feel free. I can be whomever I want to be tonight; I can be myself, I don't have to hide my attraction
and feelings for Parker. And I hope that he doesn't hide anything that he's feeling for me. Because after
four months of being together, he has to be feeling something, especially if he's brought me here

We start at the bar, getting a few drinks down before I text Parker. But instead of his usual, he

orders two waters. He really is trying. The music is bumpin' and I am itching to dance. I can't help but
dance in my seat. Pitbull starts singing about fireballs and I want someone else's set on me right now.

HardAsSteele #666: I wanna dance!

Parker reads his device screen then turns to me and nods. He finishes off his drink then slides off

his stool. He holds out his hand to me, his lips curved up in a sexy smirk. I lift my eyes to his to find
those baby blues sparkling with amusement and excitement as he waits for me. This is the Parker I've
fallen in love with. This is the Parker that I want to always be around. Not the uptight fucker he is
when we're in public…in hiding. I'm so damn tired of hiding. Shit, did I just say that I love him? I sigh
inwardly. Too late now, can't do anything about it.

I slip my hand into his strong, masculine, waiting hand and let him lead me onto the dance floor.

Once we find a semi-empty spot toward the middle, I pull him against me and start moving to the
music. Parker's hands grip my waist as we grind against each other, our thighs between each other's

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Our eyes are locked on each other and I can see the desire rising in his eyes. I can also feel

something else rising against my thigh. I shudder at just the thought of having his hard cock inside of
me again. I find myself getting hard just thinking about it. My hands roam over his back and down to
his ass where I give it a good squeeze. His lips part and his breath hitches. I'm hoping that sometime
soon I can convince him to bottom. He doesn't know what he’s missing.

The songs never end; one just blends right into the next one. I don't know how long we've been

dancing, but I think it's been about five or so songs. Right now, I have my ass pressed against his rock
hard dick. He has one hand grasping my stomach while the other is at my throat. His mouth is by my
ear. He's breathing heavily and moaning every now and then. I'm clutching his hips to keep him
against me so that I can torture him. Everyone else has faded away, and it feels like it’s just him and
me on the dance floor. I want nothing more than to throw him down and take him right here.

Suddenly, Parker spins me back around and I'm met with a ferocious kiss that has me clawing at

his shirt for something to hold onto. His hands are holding my neck, just under my ears, so he has
pretty much complete control over me. Fuck, I love it when he manhandles me. I slide my hands up his
back to cling to the back of his shoulders. Our groins are pressed together so tightly that I can feel him
pulsing through his jeans.

We both moan and gasp for air between kisses. If he's trying to make my knees go weak, he's very

close to succeeding. The emotion that is pouring out of him is palpable. He breathes my name against
my lips, even though he's not supposed to talk.

Before anything else can happen, I feel a vibration in Parker's pocket. He tears his mouth away

from mine and frowns as he yanks his device out of his pocket. He's panting as he looks at the screen.
I'm watching his face, so I see the exact moment when he pales. His head shoots up and starts
whipping around as if he's looking for someone. I take a peek at the messenger to see what made him
react like that.

C-Dog #413: What. The. Fuck.

Oh shit, someone he knows saw us. I look up just in time to see a very large, very angry black

man stop next to us. Fuck, it's worse than I thought. It's Calvin. His eyes are blazing and his jaw is
bulging as he works it back and forth. He quickly types something and both of our devices buzz. I look
down to see...

C-Dog #413: My office. NOW.

I close my eyes. This is not going to go well. I glance over at Parker to see the easy laid-back

man that was here a couple of minutes ago completely gone. In his place, the uptight fucker. Shit. This
is going to suck.


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Shitfuckshit! I hesitate for a moment before following Calvin toward his office. I don't even want

to know what he saw. He probably saw most, if not everything that went on, on that dance floor.
Chance's hand comes down on my shoulder from behind and squeezes. I tense under his touch for the
first time in months. We've been...in a relationship...I guess you can say, for - almost four? five? -
months now and this is the first time that we’re actually able to be affectionate in public. I thought
Calvin was off. What is he doing here?

We walk into Calvin's office. He slams the door shut behind us and rips off his mask. His angry

eyes meet mine.

"What the fuck is going on? Why the fuck did I walk in to see my ‘straight’ friend here on

LGBTQ night, sucking face with another dude?" he growls demandingly.

I push my mask up and so does Chance. I glance at him before lying right to one of my best

friend's faces. "We were just rehearsing for an upcoming scene. Figured tonight would be a good
night to do that."

I sneak another glance at Chance just in time to catch the hurt in his eyes before he covers it up.

He crosses his arms over his chest and turns away from me, his expression cold. Goddammit! I look
back at Calvin to find him watching me through narrowed eyes.

"I call bullshit. Man, I've known you too damn long to know when you're lying to me. Now, why

you decided to lie to me, I don't understand," he mutters, shaking his head. "Frankly, that pisses me off
even more. So, how about you take another shot at telling me what the fuck is going on?" Calvin says,
crossing his large arms over his even larger chest.

I gape at him for a moment. I can't believe he just called bullshit on me. I sigh and shove my

hands through my hair. "I...I don't really know, Cal. We've been seeing each other for the past few

"Seeing each other? That's what you're gonna call this?" Chance grunts in annoyance.

Calvin lifts an eyebrow at Chance. "He obviously thinks it's more," Calvin says, motioning

toward Chance.

I go to reply but Chance beats me.

"I thought we were in a relationship. Ya know, I thought that's what dating and sleeping together

meant. I thought that’s what getting to fuck me every night for the past four months meant," he hisses,
obviously pissed.

Calvin's eyes widen as he looks back and forth between us.

"Chance," I warn. "Stop."

I really don't want him telling my best friend - who just found out that I've been dating a guy - all

about our sex life.

"You have had a boyfriend for four months and didn't think to tell your friends?" Calvin blurts

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"Listen, I'm still not sure of where this is going, so I didn't want to say anything," I huff


Chance lets out a bitter laugh. "Oh, that's rich, Parker. I thought that we were in this together. And

to think I let myself fall for you," he says as he starts for the door.

My heart stops in my chest. What did he just say? I grab his arm before he can open the door.

"What?" I wheeze. Surely he didn't say what I think he said.

Chance rips his arm out of my grasp. "Forget it, you obviously don't give a shit about me or my

feelings so just fuck off," he snarls. He tugs his mask back into place before storming out of the office,
slamming the door behind him.

I spin around to glare at Calvin. "You had to make a scene, didn't you? You couldn't have just

waited to say something until tomorrow?" I bark.

"Don't fucking blame this on me! You can imagine my shock at what I saw. There was no way I

could just let it go until tomorrow," he retorts. "And maybe if you had quit being a little bitch and told
me the fucking truth, he wouldn't have stormed out."

"I did tell you the truth!" I shout angrily at him.

Calvin gives me a “get real" look.

"You just told me that you didn't know where this thing with you two is going when it’s obvious

that something serious is happening. You clearly have deep feelings for each other or he wouldn’t
have looked like you just killed his dog. It's your fault that he left. You lied to cover up your own
insecurities. Nobody here was judging you. So own your own shit and don’t put it on me," he accuses,
pointing at me.

I can feel the heat from my anger rise up my face. "I don't have to listen to this bullshit from you,"

I snap before yanking down my mask and storming out of his office, too.

I find Chance outside trying to hail a cab. He sees me coming toward him so he turns and starts

walking quickly down the block.

"Chance, talk to me, will ya?" I call after him as I follow.

I have to jog to catch up to him. I grab his arm and spin him around. His livid gaze bores into


"Look, I'm sorry..." I start, but he cuts me off.

"No, you're not. And I don't want to hear any of your excuses. We've been arguing about this for

the past month and it's never going to change. You’re never gonna want to come out. And I'm not going
to live my life in the closet. I don’t want to be your dirty little secret. You couldn't even tell your best
friend about us," he rasps.

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"Charlie knows," I tell him sheepishly.

"Good for Charlie. What about the rest of the fucking world, huh?” he asks accusingly, stretching

and raising his arms in the air.

But I have no answer for that. None that he would want to hear.

“You’re falling in love with me?” I whisper, taking a step toward him. The enormity of what he

said finally hitting me.

He takes a step back away from me. “You know what…no, I didn't fall in love with you… you

fucking tripped me. And now...now it's over because I'm done," he says sadly.

"Chance, please, don't do this," I plead, reaching out for him.

He steps out of my reach and shakes his head. "I'm done. I've told you twice now that I'm in love

with you and you can't even say it back."

"I really don't think this is the best time to say it back, Chance. You probably wouldn't believe

me if I did," I argue.

"At least if you did I would feel like you were actually trying to fight for me," he croaks. "I don't

think you want this as badly as I do."

"Come on, man, you know that's not true." I sigh. I know nothing I say is getting through to him

right now; he's too hurt and upset. Plus, I’m not sure if I do want it as badly. Am I prepared to come
out? To tell my family, my friends…fuck, the whole world that I’m gay?

He shakes his head. "I'll see you on set," he says before turning and darting down the street.

At the end of the block, he's able to quickly catch a cab and drive away. Shit. I really fucked up

this time. I need a drink.

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Chapter Fifteen


I never thought that there would come a day where I would hate going to work. But for the past

two weeks, I have utterly dreaded having to go to work every day. Outside of filming the movie,
Chance and I no longer speak to each other. It's not that I don't want to, but he's closed himself off big
time. He barely even looks at me whenever we're not filming. And the only reason that he looks at me
while we are filming is because he HAS to.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is filming romantic or even happy scenes with someone

who you once had all of that with in real life but no longer do? It's pure torture. I long so badly to
have back what's been lost. My heart physically hurts in my chest every day at the loss of my
relationship with Chance, and it’s all my fault - my insecurity, my stupidity.

If I had just told Calvin that Chance and I were together, and not tried to dumb down what we

shared, we would still be together. Or at least I think we would. Chance was starting to get a little
itchy about telling the world about us, and he had every right to feel that way. I understand now that
all he wanted to do was tell everyone how happy he was – with me, with himself, with what we
found. He was in love with me. He wanted to share that with everyone. I get it. And even though I
think he understood my anxiety about coming out, he probably saw it as me being embarrassed to be
with him. I’m such an insensitive prick.

I wonder every day if he still loves me or if I ruined that forever. I realize now that the heartache

that I'm feeling is because I'm in love with him, too. I didn't even know it was happening. Why does
that goddamn saying always have to be right? You don't know what you got ‘til it's gone.

“Guess which two Oscar winners don't keep just their shoes in the closet?”

I'm jolted out of my thoughts and focus back on the TV and TMZ.

"Rumors of the possible love affair between Parker Hamilton and Chance Steele have been

confirmed by a close relative of Hamilton..."

I blink stupidly as they continue to talk about Chance and me, spewing out things that only

someone very close to me would know. Then...then the pictures start popping up.

“…That's right, you heard it here first - Parker Hamilton and Chance Steel are more than

just costars...”

Grainy, yet completely recognizable pictures of Chance and me flash before my eyes. Holy

fucking mother of fuck! They look like they were taken through my windows!

There is one of the two of us snuggled on the couch watching TV. There is one of us in the

kitchen, Chance standing at the counter cooking while I'm wrapped around him from behind. There is
another one of us on the couch, making out with Chance on top of me. And the last one they show is

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the mother of them all! It was from the night I fucked Chance against the front door. We're naked but
my ass is blurred.

My heart is pounding so hard that I can barely hear the TV anymore. Who the fuck would do this?

Certainly none of my friends. And no way Chance would do this to me or himself. I rack my brain for
someone, anyone, who I know that would fuck me over like this. I call Chance’s cell phone but it goes
straight to voicemail.

"…This close family source says that Hamilton has already brought Steele home to meet

the family..."

That sonofabitch! My brother! He is the only person I know that would do this to me. My family

has completely betrayed me. The fury that I feel right now is nothing I've ever in my life felt before.
My whole body is shaking and I'm trying to choke back tears of hatred at the one group of people in
the world who are supposed to love me but don't.

The next twenty or so minutes are a blur. All I know is that I end up parked out front of my

brother's mini-mansion. It probably wasn't smart to drive, especially since I don't even remember
driving here. I get out of my car and make my way to his front door. I see that my dad's car is here,
too. Perfect. I only have to say what I have to say once.

I pound on the door and wait. The large wooden door opens a minute later to reveal Allison in

all her supermodel glory.

"Parker? What are you doing here?" she asks in confusion.

I shove past her without a word.

"Hey!" she complains at my back.

I make a direct line for the library where I know my brother and father like to sit, chat, and drink

their fucking brandy. The double doors are closed. Without knocking, I shove them open, both doors
slamming into their respective wall, leaving holes in the drywall. Both my brother and father jump up
from their seats in surprise.

"Dammit Parker! What is the meaning of this?" my father demands.

I ignore him and glare at my brother. "It was you, wasn't it?" I growl.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "What are you talking about?"

"You hired someone to spy on me, didn't you?" I shout at him, my fist balling at my sides.

A smug smirk curls his mouth. "Ah, that, well I had some suspicions that needed confirming. And

boy, were they ever confirmed," he says with a snort.

"I cannot believe you have been...been...consorting with a man, Parker!" my dad booms,


I turn toward him. "Who I'm with is none of your damn business," I tell him.

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"It is a reflection on your family and you're giving us a bad name!" he barks angrily.

"FUCK THIS FAMILY!" I scream at him, completely at the end of my rope.

"What is going on in here?" comes my mother's grating voice from the doorway.

"Nothing mother, just your queer son having a hissy fit," my brother says to my mom, his tone


Something inside me snaps. The next thing I know, I tackle my brother to the floor and start

punching the ever living shit out of his face. My mother is screaming in the background and my dad
rushes over to try to pull me away. My brother is almost unconscious and bleeding from his nose,
mouth, and a cut over his eye; but I can't stop, there is too much anger, too much resentment.

My dad finally yanks me away and shoves me into a chair. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he

pants furiously.

"What's wrong with me? He's the one who had someone spy on me, take private pictures of me in

my house without my knowledge, and then showed them to the fucking world! And you're asking
what's wrong with me?" I shout and shove to my feet.

"Listen here boy, you've become a disgrace to this family and I will not tolerate such behavior.

As soon as you leave here, your career is over. I will make sure you never work in Hollywood again,
you hear me? You will not destroy this family's good name with your disgusting behavior," he growls.

I step up to him and get in his face. We're pretty much the same height. This is what I've been

afraid of since starting the relationship with Chance. And here it is, my worst nightmare coming true.
But then I remember...

"Try it asshole. You fuck with me and you will be opening up a can of worms that you do not

want to open. You seem to have forgotten that I was the company's attorney for a year. I know all your
dirty little secrets and I will expose each and every one of them if you try to fuck up my career," I
snap, never breaking eye contact so he knows that I have no problem fucking this family over. They’re
no longer my family, anyway.

My father just stares at me. He's got nothing and he knows it.

And you, I point at my pathetic excuse of a brother’s battered and bloody face. “Your money

would have been put to better use with a private investigator tailing your whore wife.”

I hear my mother gasp, but I’ve had enough. I back away then turn for the door. "I hope I never

have to see you people again," I mutter before walking out on them for what I hope is the last time I
ever have to look at their horrible faces.

Before I can even think about fixing this with Chance, I need to find my real family and tell them

all the truth. I hop in my car and call Calvin. I explain to him what’s going on and he offers to come
finish what I’ve started over here. I love that guy. Now that’s what real family does for each other.
Since he is off from work today, I get him to agree to call everyone and have them gather at his place.

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The paparazzi is going to be brutal once they find me and I can’t go home. I guess the security isn’t as
good as I once thought.

I need to make one more important call before I get to Calvin’s pad. The most important one of

all. Sitting in my car out front of Calvin's house, I call my Grams. The phone rings three times before
she picks up. Just the sound of her sweet "Hello?" eases me.

"Hey, Grams, it's me," I say.

"Oh, Parker, honey, I've been worried about you. I saw what the TV said, are you okay?" she


"Not really." I sigh. "But it has nothing to do with what was said; it was how they got the

information and the pictures."

"Okay," she replies cautiously.

"It was Archibald, Grams. He hired someone to spy on me. I just left his place. It didn't go well,"

I tell her.

"What happened?" she asks, an edge of anger in her tone that wasn't there a minute ago.

"I kicked the shit out of him, then dad threatened to ruin my career, but I threatened to ruin his in

return. Of course, this was after dad called me a disgrace to the family. I'm done with them, Grams. I
never want to see them again."

"How dare they treat you like this! Why I never!" she exclaims. "I am absolutely furious!"

"I'm sorry. I wasn’t calling to upset you. I just wanted to give you my side of the story before they

twisted it. I’m sorry," I tell her wearily.

"Even if they twisted it and got to me first, I never would have believed it, sweetheart. You have

nothing to apologize for. I am proud of you and the man you’ve become," she murmurs.

"Thanks, Grams. That means the world to me," I say with a small smile.

"How's Chance?"

"I don't know, we broke up a couple of weeks ago," I whisper, my heart clenching.

"Oh no, what happened? I thought you guys were doing well?"

"We were until I messed everything up," I grunt.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Parker dear. I'm sure if you want things with Chance to work out, you

will find a way. Fight for what you want, you've been doing it your whole life, why stop now?" says
the wisest woman in the world.

"You’re the best, you know that, right?" I smirk.

"Yes, I know," she chuckles. "I love you, darling. I'm honored to be able to call you my

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"Thank you, Grams. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you, too."

After we say goodbye and I hang up, I let out a huge sigh. Damn, that woman always has a way of

making me feel better. Determination building, I get out of my car and head into Calvin’s.


Well, it’s finally happened. I’m doing the one thing I swore that I would never do. Drink like my

father. And where am I? In a fucking bar, drunk as a skunk.

Parker fucking Hamilton finally got the best of me. It’s my fault, really. I mean, did I actually

think that he would come out of the closet for me? He has a family and friends to worry about. I have
nothing. I am nothing. Except a drunk, just like dear old dad.

With my Yankees baseball hat pulled down low on my head and the fact that I haven’t shaved my

face since the day my world came crashing down, I’ve pretty much been able to be incognito in this
bar. I came to this place because it’s in walking distance to my studio. I knew I was going to get
blasted, so why bother going anywhere for the “atmosphere.” It’s mostly all toothless regulars sitting
at the bar with me and a few yuppy business men around the corner at the tables enjoying their happy
hour. I haven’t had a happy hour in who knows how long. I haven’t seen any women yet, either. So
basically, there is nobody here to bother me or that would have reason to know who I am.

I call the bartender over, signaling to him that I need another beer. I tell him to add a few shots

into the mix. I’m not numb yet, and it’s taking way too long to get there. A college age kid slides in
close to me, wanting to order another round for his buddies. When did they get here? He tries to
make small talk with me, but I just offer one word answers; he’s not taking the hint. He is droning on
and on about how there are no hot women here when something catches my attention on the TV

"Rumors of the possible love affair between Parker Hamilton and Chance Steele have been

confirmed by a close relative of Hamilton..."

What the fuck? I must be really drunk. There is no way…

“Hey, man, anyone ever tell you that you look just like that Chance Steele dude they’re talking

about?” the dumbass asks, pointing at Harvey Levin from TMZ.

“Nope,” is all I answer, popping the “p.” I immediately throw back my shot.

This has got be a joke. He keeps on trying to talk to me but I completely ignore the tool and take

another sip of beer. Then it gets worse. Much worse. Intimate pictures start appearing on the screen
of us in very compromising positions. Parker must be freaking the fuck out. My stomach drops and I
think I’m going to hurl. I drag my drunk ass to the bathroom and upchuck the entire contents of my

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stomach, which is mostly alcohol. My chest is burning something fierce, and it’s not from all of the
alcohol that just took two trips through my body.

I make my way back to my barstool, and the douchebag is back with his friends. I didn’t even

know that there are pool tables back here. Guess that’s why I didn’t see them before. As I approach
my stool, I see two beautiful women sitting at a table a few feet from my stool. A bottle of water and
an appletini. As I get closer, I notice that the brunette is pregnant. A wild mess of curly blond hair
comes in to view. Shitshitshitshitshit. I put my hand to my mouth to smell my breath. Son of a bitch, I
reek of alcohol. Maybe if I just walk past them nonchalantly, they won’t notice me and I can…

“Chance?” I hear my name. Do I ignore it? Can I pretend not to hear her? Motherfucker! Of

course not, these ladies have been nothing but wonderful to me.

I turn around and pretend to be surprised to see them. That’s where my exceptional acting skills

come in handy.

“Hey there, Delilah… Charlie-Q…” Shit, I’m wasted.

“Chance, what are you doing here?” Delilah asks with a frown.

I stop next to their table and shove my hands in my pockets. Is the room moving or is it just me?

“Having a drink?”

“But I thought you didn’t drink,” Charlie says.

I shrug and sway on my feet.

“Shit’s changed,” I mutter.

“Does this have to do with Parker?” Charlie asks sadly.

“I don’t want to talk about that mothafuckin’ pussy cuntbag,” I growl.

Both of their eyes widen. Before either have an opportunity to say another thing, both of their cell

phones bing with texts. All of our brows furrow. Both of the girls read their texts, and then look at
each other inquisitively.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, worried. “Did something happen to Parker?” Panic setting in.

Charlie stands, grabbing my hand. “Of course not, sweetie. Calvin is calling a family meeting at

our house. There were no other details.”

I nod in understanding but my head is full of all different scenarios. Does this have to do the

TMZ report? Does he think that I have something to do with it? I feel the bile creeping back up and
my hand slams to my mouth.

“Oh god, I think I’m going to be sick.”

Charlie runs to the bar to grab me some water and a damp paper towel. Delilah grabs my hand

pulling me to the table. “Sit down, honey. Try to breathe; you are having a bit of an anxiety attack.”

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I notice then that my breathing has picked up and I am light headed. I see Delilah send a quick

text and I can only assume it’s to let Calvin know that they are going to be a few minutes. I hope she
isn’t telling him about the condition they found me in.

Charlie hands me a glass of ice water and I gulp it down. Holy crap, brain freeze! I slump back

in the chair and try to get my shit together. My breathing is still unsteady so Delilah has me lean
forward with my head between my knees. Nope, that’s worse. The room is spinning and I just want to
go home and crawl in to bed. I’m a fucking mess.

“How you doing, ya big dummy?” Charlie asks, smiling.

“Better.” I lie.

“Do you want us to drive you home?” Delilah asks, ever the sweetheart.

“Naw, I’m good. I just live up the block.”

“You sure?” Charlie eyes me warily. “Parker would kill us if anything should happen to you.”

“Pshaw. That would probably make his life a whole lot easier.”

“Oh, Chance. He’s not in much better shape than your stubborn ass,” Charlie confesses.

That makes me happy in a sick and twisted kind of way.

“I’m going to head home ladies. My bed is calling my name. Don’t keep your men waiting long.

You don’t want them to worry. ” I stand up, lean down to kiss them both on the cheek, then head for
the door. I love these girls, but all I can think about is Parker and how much I miss him.

“Okay. You’re still coming to my wedding, right?”

Shit. “Wouldn’t miss it,” I call over my shoulder as I exit. Damn, how am I going to get out of

this one?


We’ve been waiting for Charlie and Delilah to show up for close to an hour already. They are

out enjoying Delilah’s final hurrah before the baby arrives. Calvin’s phone vibrates; a text must be
coming through. He looks frustrated at whatever he is reading, then shakes his head and hands it to

“No doubt this has something to do with you,” he says accusingly.

I read the message:

Delilah: Will be there asap. Have a Chance situation to deal with

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I hear Calvin telling Nick what Delilah said but he must have gotten the same text. I read it about

five more times before I hand it back to him. That was cryptic and kind of freaking me out.

“What the fuck is she talking about?” I ask Calvin.

He shrugs. “Hell if I know.”

The three of us waste time over the next hour talking about useless shit. Nick and Calvin whirr

on and on about different sports’ teams and stats and scores. They compare fantasy league points and
talk trash about winning. It’s bad enough dealing with real sports, but now there are fantasy teams.
It’s just…stupid.

The door finally swings open and Charlie and Delilah saunter in. They look gorgeous as always,

but also worried. The troubled looks on their beautiful faces have the men jumping to their sides.

“Hey there, Delilah.” He kisses her sweetly. “You gonna tell us what’s going on?” Nick chimes

in first.

Delilah pats him on the chest. “Nothing we couldn’t take care of, Boss,” Delilah reassures.

“Anyone going to tell us why we had to cut our girl’s night out short for a family meeting?

What’s so important that couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Charlie complains.

I clear my throat and raise my hand. “Yeah, um, that would be my fault,” I answer sheepishly.

“Do you think we can all go sit in the living room? I have something really important I need to
discuss with you all.”

We all take the same seats in the living room as we did the night of the dinner party. Only this

time, I don’t have Chance by my side. The sense of loss becomes intensified as memories begin to
flood my brain. I take a deep breath, feeling completely defeated. I just told my biological family that
I want nothing more to do with them. If my chosen family disowns me after my confession, I will
literally have no one – except Grams, but she’s 100.

“I don’t know where to start. I guess first I need to ask, did any of you see TMZ tonight?” I ask,

praying I know my friends well enough to know that they won’t watch trash TV.

They all look at each other, shaking their heads ‘no.’

“Does that have something to do with why we found Chance piss drunk?” Delilah asks.

“He was drunk?” I bellow. I shoot up out of my seat and start to pace. I rub my hands over my

face and through my overgrown beard. Damn, I need to shave.

“Sit down, Parker, and tell us what’s going on,” Calvin orders, angling his head to the chair I just

vacated. We both know that he knows, so I listen and take my seat again.

Charlie eyes me curiously. She begins to speak but then is quiet again. I’m almost positive she

knows what’s going on, too. We had a conversation months back about how confused I was at the

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It’s quiet for a minute, giving me time to gather my thoughts and grab my balls. Then Delilah

chimes in again.

“Why do you and Chance both look like homeless men with your scruffy faces and grown out

hair? You look like you haven’t showered in a week and have dark circles under your eyes. Is this
for the movie?” she asks innocently, and I so love her kindness. I hope she still feels that way toward
me in a few minutes.

“No, LaLa, it’s not for the movie. It’s…we…” but I’m unable to say it. I look at Charlie and she

gives me a sad smile but nods her head in encouragement.

“We broke up,” I spit out then take a deep breath. There, I said it. “Or rather, he broke up with

me,” I repeat sadly, unshed tears threatening to spill.

“Come again,” Nick requests. “Why would they have you break up in the movie? Isn’t there

supposed to be a love story between the FBI agents?” he asks naively. Interestingly, he’s the smartest
dude in the room and I’m still going to have to spell this out for him.

I feel like such a dick. Why can’t I just say the words? I look at my four best friends. Each one

has been there for me in a different way, but they have always supported me. From law school to
leaving my job to starting acting to just needing advice, not one of them has ever let me down. And
Chance should be here with us. He belongs here, next to my side.

“Just spit it out, my man. Nothing you can say is going to change a thing,” Calvin tells me,

throwing me a bone. He knows exactly what to say.

I nod my head at him in understanding and take a deep breath. I scoot forward in my chair, taking

control of my shit. Time to own it. I make sure to look directly at them and not at the floor. I’m
freaking the fuck out on the inside. Here goes nothing.

“I’m gay.”

“You’re what? But I’ve seen you with multiple women,” Nick says in confusion.

“Yeah, I know. I don’t know if ‘gay’ is the right word. I’ve been in a relationship with Chance

for about five months now, but we recently broke up,” I say.

“Okay,” he says slowly. “You’ve been sleeping together, yeah?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Do you think you’d ever want to go out with a woman again?”

“Doubt it, I only want Chance.” I frown.

“Well, I won’t so much call you ‘gay’ either since you’ve spent most of your life as a straight

man, but you can’t help who you love and if that’s a guy, then so be it. If he’s the only person – man or
woman - you want to be with, then go get him back.” Nick shrugs.

“I concur,” Calvin states.

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“Me, too,” Charlie cheers. Only one person left. I hold my breath, all eyes now on Delilah.

“I totally agree, but I want to add one thing.” Delilah smiles. “That’s hot!” She fans herself, a

blush creeping up her cheeks. She is so cute!

We all burst out laughing, and just like that, I know now more than ever that: one, this is my

family, blood or not, because they offer me unconditional acceptance and love; and two, I will stop
at nothing to get Chance back.

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Chapter Sixteen


I paste on my best charming smile, step out of the limo and onto the red carpet. Damn, it's hot out

here; maybe leather pants were a bad choice. Flashing cameras immediately blind me. Screaming
from fans erupts, causing my ears to ring. I smile and wave. How did they know that I’d be here?
Reporters start shouting my name and vying for my attention. They all want an interview. Both Parker
and my publicists already warned them all that we would not be answering any questions about our
rumored romance – now or ever - so I don’t really know why they are here. It's been a month and a
half since that ended anyway. Our love life can’t be the most important piece of news out there.

Wondering where I am that has a red carpet and vultures? It's Calvin and Charlie’s wedding.

Well, not their wedding wedding, because they are already married, of course. This is their reception
that they never had because Charlie was already pregnant, and she wanted to wait until the babies
were born. Since Charlie is connected to the Hollywood world, she wanted to have her reception set
up like an award ceremony, red carpet and all. I guess the paparazzi and screaming fans make it all
that more realistic.

Calvin actually rented out a castle overlooking the Adirondacks, and the close family and a few

friends are staying there. I politely declined his offer. Knowing that Parker is sleeping in the next
room would be pure torture.

Parker and I had initially planned on showing up together as “friends.” I was going to be his plus

one, but that obviously isn't happening. And since we are not speaking outside of work, I have no idea
if he even knows that Charlie invited me. I hope it doesn’t piss him off that I came, but I really
wanted to be here for Charlie and Calvin…and maybe salvage whatever I can from our friendship.
We are stuck with each other for a while now between finishing the movie, then promos and TV
appearances. It's bad enough that I still have to shoot the movie with him in silence, I can’t bear the
thought of living this way much longer.

My heart breaks every time I see him. I hate going to work everyday, looking at his handsome

face and knowing that he'll probably never be mine again. I guess I was right when I said that I didn't
think that he wanted it as badly as I did. He did nothing to fight for us. After everything we shared, he
just let me walk away without a word. Not only did I lose the man I love, but we had become best
friends, so I lost that, too.

I dig deep to put on a good show for everyone. It's really hard to smile and act normal when you

feel like drowning your sorrows with a bottle of Jack. I probably should stop drinking, but right now
it's been helping dull the pain.

I just finish my first interview when I hear the crowd roar. I turn around to see Parker getting out

of a limo. My heart skips a beat. Why does he have to look so gorgeous? The paparazzi starts yelling
for pictures of us together. Aw, fuck me. I really don't want to get that close to Parker right now. One
whiff of him and I’ll need more than that bottle of Jack.

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He turns and spots me. A soft, hesitant smile playing across his full lips. I can't help but watch

him as he starts toward me. He's wearing a sharp navy blue suit with a crisp white shirt with the top
button undone, no tie, and matching navy Chuck Taylors. Damn him for looking so spectacular!

Putting on a show for the camera, we act as if nothing is amiss between us. We greet each other

with a big hug and slaps on the back. And it kills me to do it. The flashes are blinding. When we
separate, we stand next to each other, arms around each other's shoulders and pose for pictures.

We walk the red carpet together, do interviews together, and chat with other wedding guests as if

nothing is wrong, as if we're best buddies. We make it inside and I break away from Parker, finding a
bathroom to go hide in for a few minutes. Luckily, there is a couch in there for me to flop down on. I
rest my elbows on my knees and drop my head into my hands. I fight the urge to scream.

The bathroom door opens with a creak. I don't even care who it is and if they see me like this so I

don't bother looking up. The footsteps head right for me. Shit. I'd know that cadence anywhere. The
couch dips next to me as Parker sits down.

"Hey," he says softly. "Are you okay?"

I sigh and straighten up. I refuse to look at him, though. "Yeah, fine. I just needed some space," I

tell him briskly.

"I tried calling you," he murmurs.

"Yeah, I know. I was out."

"With someone?" he asks, the hurt in his voice is clear.

I can’t help but turn my head to glare at him. "That's none of your goddamn business," I snap.

Parker flinches but nods. I hate that look in his blue eyes. That guilt, that sorrow, that regret.

"Chance..." he starts, his eyes searching mine. His brows are furrowed deeply, letting me know

how truly upset he is right now. "...Fuck..." he sighs heavily and hangs his head.


When Charlie first told me that she invited Chance, I have to admit, I was annoyed. Not that she

did it, per se, but that I would have to endure another night of seeing him. Watching him. Knowing
that I can’t reach out and touch him or hold him. That he will never be mine again. But when I
stepped out of the limo and saw his sexy ass in those fuck hot leather pants, my heart began to race,
my dick got hard instantly, and I knew. I knew for sure that I will never want to be with another
person again - man or woman. I knew that I had to make this right. It’s time to listen to my Grams and
fight for him – my best friend, my soul mate, my one true love.

Seeing him on the sofa in the bathroom is heartbreaking. He looks so…broken... so tormented…

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so gorgeous. I take a deep breath, it’s now or never. I have to do this. I have to apologize while I
have him here with me. I need to fight for him. Because I want him in my life. I need him in my life. I
don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks. Chance’s opinion is the only one that matters. I'm so
in love with him. I lift my head and look into his dark brown eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Chance. I'm sorry I was such a pussy. I'm sorry I didn't fight harder for you – for us.

It was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I hope that one day you can forgive me and maybe give us
another try. I want nothing more than to be with you.”

He doesn’t say a word so I keep talking. Anything to keep him here with me as long as possible.

“And just so you know, it was my brother who hired someone to spy on us, but don't worry, I

kicked his fucking ass," I tell him.

Chance's face is passive, except for the tiniest hint of a smirk. "Did you really kick his ass?"

I nod. "Yeah, pretty sure I broke his nose. He definitely had a busted lip, too. And quite possibly

needed stitches for a cut above his eye."

Chance rolls his lips in to fight off a full-fledged smile and nods. "Nice."

“And I told Nick and Delilah.”

His head whips around and eyes snap to mine. “You’ve been busy,” is all he says.

With unshed tears and a sad smile, I place my hand on his knee and squeeze. "Busy as fuck

missing you, Chance."

His dark eyes lift to meet mine, but he doesn't say anything in return. I sigh and stand. I said what

I had to say and now I need to go before I attack his mouth. He's obviously trying to play it cool, so
I'll leave him alone, but I am nowhere close to giving up. I exit the bathroom and head into the crowd
that’s lingering in the lobby.


I give myself a few minutes to get my shit together after Parker leaves, trying to digest all of the

shit that he just laid on me. His apology was sincere; I saw it in his eyes. And he outed himself to his
friends and family. Wow, that’s big…for him. He said that he wanted us to be together, but does that
mean publicly? I just don’t know if I’m ready to jump back in with him not knowing if he is ready to
step out of the closet and not live in hiding. Because as far as I’m concerned, the next reporter who
asks me if I am gay is going to get the story of his career.

I finally step out of the bathroom to see that the lobby is completely full of guests. There is extra

security at the front doors, as well as, placed around the whole building. There are also undercover
police inside trolling around, the guests completely unaware. Calvin did this for not only Parker and

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me, but also because some of the guests are the politicians from his club, and others are just worth a
lot of money. Windows are covered with beautiful linens to ensure scoping cameras aren’t used – we
learned that the hard way - and everyone here knows that they are not permitted to post any pictures
on social media of anyone without their specific permission.

An announcement comes over the speaker system, letting us know that the grand ballroom is

going to be opening and that we should find our seats when we enter. As I enter through the floor to
ceiling glass doors, there are beautiful vases on a table immediately to the right with our table
assignments written in calligraphy on the flower petals. As I head toward my table, I stop and take a
look around. The extravagance and grandeur of this room, if you can call it a “room,” is nothing short
of spectacular. The largest crystal chandeliers one can dream of are hanging from the gold leaf
ceiling. Chihuly sconces adorn the tapestry-covered walls with matching centerpieces as high as the
eye can see. There is a bar at each corner of the room and a dance floor in the middle. Behind the
dance floor are two separate stages. One for what looks like an eight piece orchestra, the other for a
band. Damn, Calvin spared no expense.

Distracted by the magnificence and clear opulence of the room, I am surprised when I bump into

a table. Lucky for me, it’s my table. Aw, hell, Charlie and Delilah are sneaky little schemers.

The table is full of guests, including Nick and Delilah, with the exception of one empty seat right

smack dab in between Parker and Calvin’s sister, Carla King. She has a sour puss and a drink in her
hand, looking pissed off and a little tipsy at the same time. But she has the perfect idea. Instead of
sitting, I beeline it to the nearest bar.


Chance takes one look at me, and instead of sitting next to me, he’d rather drink. I can’t believe

that Charlie and Delilah were right. I’ve never seen him drink and I’m devastated that I am the reason
he started.

He comes back to the table with a beer in his hand and introduces himself to the few people he

doesn’t know. Most of them know who he is, but they are polite and shake hands with him.

He continues to drink through dinner and I can tell that he is getting drunk. He is swaying a little

and brooding. Still sexy as fuck. We continue to eat in companionable silence, the guests at our table
pretty much keeping to themselves. Nick and Delilah are telling the story about the drama that went
down at their wedding between Charlie and Calvin. And I hear Carla snort. Not like she is laughing,
but a loud, obnoxious displeased noise.

Chance opens his mouth for the first time in what seems like forever, and I brace myself for an

argument; thankfully, this time I am not the intended target.

“What the hell crawled up your ass and died?” he asks, swinging his head toward Carla.

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She chokes on her drink. "Excuse me?" she asks him incredulously.

"What. Crawled. Up. Your. Ass. And. Died?" he reiterates, but this time talking slowly as if she

were deaf or really dumb.

Oh god, this is not going to be good. She gapes at him; probably finding it hard to believe that a

movie star just asked her that.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." She huffs.

"Sure you do. You've been evil eyeing Charlie the entire time. What's the problem?"

"Nothing, I just don't like her," she replies briskly.

Chance frowns. "You don't like her? What the hell is there not to like? She's super sweet and

funny and Calvin is lucky to have found such a wonderful, caring woman."

I smile warmly. It makes me so happy that Chance thinks so highly of my friends.

"Yeah, well, it would have been better if she were black," Carla mutters.

Now it's Chance's turn to choke on his drink. "What? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Carla just glares at him, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Wow, just wow. That's unbelievable. I can't even believe that you just said that. You don't like

your brother's wife just because of the color of her skin? What year are we in? Parker, what year is

"2014," I supply.

"Oh right! 2014! You do know it's 2014, right, Carla?" Chance asks her.

She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything.

"So do you hate your nieces too since they are half white?" he asks.

She gasps. "Of course not!" she squawks. Then she adds, "They can't help who their mother is."

I turn slowly to look at her. Is she for real? I can't even believe she just said that.

"Damn, you're just a straight up bitch, aren't you? No wonder you are here alone, I can't imagine

any man wanting to be with a bitter, jealous, snot like you," Chance says in disgust.

She gives Chance a dirty look before snapping back. "And what would a fudge packer like you

know about what a man wants in a woman?"

"Fudge packer?" Chance murmurs as if trying to figure out what it means. "Oh, you mean cause I

fuck guys in the ass and it packs it all in there? Ha! Nice one! Getting creative in calling me a fag, I
like it!" he barks, slapping his knee. “Let me help you expand your homophobic vocabulary since you
are so ignorant. You forgot about butt pirate, bone smuggler, back door bandit, cock jockey, peter
puffer…shall I go on?”

“You’re disgusting.” She sneers.

His chuckles die down and he turns to Carla with a straight face and says, "Do you know what a

twunt is?"

She gives him a bewildered look. "No."

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"It's a cunt and a twat rolled into one. I figured you would know since you are one." He grunts

and sips his beer.

I bite back a laugh and shake my head. This guy...I can't...

Carla makes an offended noise and pushes out of her seat. "I'm done listening to you; you're the

biggest asshole I've ever met."

"Besides you, you mean," he says, grinning wickedly up at her.

She gives him the evil eye before storming off. I can't hold in my laughter anymore. And

apparently, neither could the rest of the table who couldn’t help but hear the whole heated exchange.

I take a few more trips to the bar, but realize what I am doing, and stop myself quickly. On the

third trip back, I come back with a soda, a seltzer, and a bottle of water. As I sit, I lean into Chance’s
somewhat inebriated ear and ask which he wants. I’m done with the drinking bullshit, and so is he.
Whether he wants to be or not, we are going to sober the fuck up. He reluctantly takes the bottle of
water I offered and nods in appreciation. That’s probably the best I’m going to get, so I quietly say,
“you’re welcome.”

I slide my hand onto his thigh under the table. He stiffens and it flexes beneath my fingers, but he

doesn’t remove it. Progress. As the guests finish their dinners, the music begins to transition from the
orchestra to the band. People start to get up and dance and an idea hits me.

“I’ll be right back, want another?” I ask and head to the bar.

He smiles and I just melt. “Please,” is all he says but it tells me so much.

Before I grab our drinks, I head to the band and make a request. It’s time to man up and make big



The music is finally pumping and people are dancing. I want nothing more than to grind against

Parker like we did at the club, but I know there is no way he will do that. Not here. Not with me.
Maybe I should have brought a date.

I see Nick and Delilah head to the dance floor, meeting up with Charlie and Calvin. They all hug

and kiss and laugh, and I am insanely jealous. It would be so easy to find a woman and live the
straight life. I would be lying to myself and the world, but it would be so much easier. Maybe if
Parker moves on with a woman, I can do the same. Maybe we can both get wives, and secretly be
together. No, shit. Why am I thinking about different ways to be straight? And living in the closet?
I’m gay, dammit. This is my life, it’s not a choice, but I can choose to be happy and live it out and

I’m deep in thought when I suddenly hear the band covering an Ed Sheeran song. They are singing

Kiss Me, and I know that is not something Charlie would have chosen. There is only one person…

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“Dance with me.” It’s not a question. Parker is now standing next to me, his hand outstretched.

I stand up and meet him nose to nose, a goofy ass grin on his face. “Are you drunk?”

“No, I’m not drunk, and I’m not asking. Dance. With. Me.” He punctuates each word with a kiss

on each cheek, then my nose.

“Who the hell are you and what have you done with my Ham…”

I don’t get the rest of the question out because I’m silenced with a kiss. It’s quick and dirty and I

am hard as a rock. Before I can deepen it, we are walking toward the dance floor, holding hands.
Did I get hit on the head or something?

We greet the other couples on the dance floor and I feel like I am living a dream. But I am still

wary of his intentions, so I don’t relent. He pulls me up against him and wraps his arms around me.
We start swaying slowly to the music. Damn, I’ve missed being in his arms.

“One slow dance is not going to fix this.”

“It’s a slow dance, in front of hundreds of people. I’m trying.”

“I know you are, and it’s a start. But I’m gay, P. This is who I am, and I’m tired of apologizing

for it.”

“Who’s asking you to?” Parker leans in and kisses me again, this time deeper. As he lets out a

moan, I use that opportunity to stick my tongue in his mouth and take control. Our hips are touching
and our cocks are rubbing against each other. If we were anywhere else, I’d have him bent over a
table by now. Not that he would let me.

I pull away breathless, rock hard, and annoyed at my thoughts. I take a couple of steps back. This

will never work. “What was that?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” His eyes are a combination of lust and hurt and confusion, exactly what

I’m feeling.

“Don’t fuck with me, Hamilton. I’m not doing this with you again. I’m not living in hiding. I

want to be with a man who wants to be with me. Everywhere. Not just behind closed doors.”

“I’m that man, Chance. I love you,” he says calmly.

“Prove it.”

“How? Anyone in this room that’s been paying attention pretty much just witnessed me come


“That’s for everyone else’s benefit. Prove it to me.” I point my thumbs to my chest and poke. I

am desperate to be with him, but not at the expense of my sanity.

Parker takes a step forward and looks me dead in the eyes. “Fuck me.”

“Come again?” I ask – no pun intended – sure that I didn’t hear him right.

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He takes another step forward so that there is no space between us. He grabs my hands and leans

his forehead on mine. “I’m ready. I love you and I want to be with you. It may take me a little time to
out myself to the world, but I promise you that I will do it. In the meantime, I want you to make me
yours. I want you to fuck me.”

I pull my head back a little so I can look in to his eyes. “Are you sure that’s what you want?

Because once I do, there’s no going back. At this point, you still have plausible deniability.”

“I don’t want to deny anything. I want to take this step with you and I want to do it now.”

“Right now? In the middle of your best friends’ wedding reception?”

“Yes, my room, right now.” Parker insists, already walking off the dance floor.

“Okay, lead the way, Virginia.”

Parker stops so short that I practically bump in to him. “Do I wanna l know?” he asks cautiously.

I shrug. “Virginia ham. Thought that was an easy one.”

More Chance…

The trek up to Parker's room is short, practically running the whole way. We don't want to be

gone for so long that people will start to wonder where we are. Parker hastily opens the door and we
stumble in, then makes sure it is shut and locked. We are immediately on each other, tearing each
other's clothes off. I unbutton Parker's shirt as quickly as I can and shove it off his shoulders. His deft
fingers undo the cuffs and he tosses the shirt aside. Mine is the next to go.

Parker is killing me with a devastating kiss while his hands are down the back of my leather

pants, squeezing my ass cheeks roughly in his large hands. I grab his hair and yank his head back. He
lets out a strangled cry as I latch onto his exposed neck. I drag my mouth down to his bare chest and
nip at his nipples. Parker growls and clasps the sides of my head, holding me to him. I then shove him
back. He lands on the end of the large four-poster bed. The bed is freaking gigantic. And high. High
enough for me to comfortably bend him over the end of it. I grab him and flip him onto his stomach
then cover him with my body. I grab his wrists and hold them above his head.

Grinding my still leather covered cock against his ass, I lean down next to his ear. "Are you sure

this is what you want?"

"Yes!" he pants.

"Don't move," I command before straightening up.

I need lube. There is no way I can pop Parker's cherry with just spit. I rummage through his

toiletry bag until I find it. Parker hasn't moved from his spot on the edge of the bed. He's on his
stomach, bent over with his feet still on the floor. Damn, that's a beautiful sight. I place the lube on the

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bed and step up behind him. I bend over and kiss the back of his shoulders and neck before working
my way down to the small of his back. I shove my hand under him and undo his fly so I can get his
pants off. As I slide them over his ass, I give it a nip, causing him to clench and his breathing to hitch.

I stand back up, shove my own pants down and kick them aside. I slide my hand over Parker's ass

and up his back before moving back down again. He squirms under my touch. I grab the lube and pour
some into my hand. I lube up my cock really good before pouring a little more into my hand. I use that
to rub around Parker's tight hole. He moans. I slowly slip my middle finger inside of him. He gasps at
the invasion. He shoves his face into the bedspread and shouts in pleasure. See, he didn't know what
he was missing.

After a minute, I slide in a second finger, just to help open him up a bit. I start making a scissor

motion as he moans low and fists the bedspread.

"You like that, baby?" I purr.

"Yeah," he breathes.

"Do you think you're ready for my cock?"

"Yes, I want you, Chance. I need you," Parker moans.

I close my eyes at his words. My heart pounds madly in my chest. This is really happening. Here

we are, back together, with me about to fuck Parker. I honestly never thought that we would get back
together, let alone have Parker ask me to fuck him.

I remove my fingers and take hold of my cock. I rub it over his puckered hole a few times, letting

him feel it. I slowly push forward, using one hand to guide myself, while the other is gripping Parker's
hip. Parker lets out a slew of nasty curses, one of his hands coming back to claw at my thigh.

"Ah! It's too much, Chance, I can't..." he grunts.

I lean over him and gather him up in my arms. I press my lips to the side of his neck. He's so

fucking tight and hot that I know I won't be lasting too long.

"Shhh, you'll be fine. I know it feels like too much, but it's not, you just have to adjust," I whisper

to him. "And breathe."


"Breathe," he tells me. Okay, okay, I can do that. I take a deep breath and blow it out. Chance

pushes in a bit further. My breath catches again. It's not that it hurts so much as I just feel so
incredibly...full. It's an odd feeling.

Chance litters my shoulder with kisses while he pushes all of the way in. His arms are wrapped

around my chest and his front is plastered to my back. He slowly pulls back before thrusting forward.

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"Motherffff..." Chance groans and drops his forehead to my shoulder.

He starts a slow rhythm. As he continues to move, I start to relax. The more he moves, the better

it feels.

"You okay?" he asks tightly.

"I'm good," I reply breathily.

"Good," he grunts and picks up the pace.

I let out a strangled moan as pleasure shoots through me. After a few more thrusts, Chance pulls

out. Before I can protest, he flips me over and shoves my legs apart. I blink up at him. His eyes are
blazing with desire and love. He lines himself up again and pushes in, this time much faster. He once
again covers me with his body, wrapping his arms around me. I reach up and kiss him hard. I moan
into his mouth. Goddamn, it feels so fucking good to have him inside of me. Chance's whole body is
trembling. It really revs me up to know that I'm the one making him tremble. I slide my hands down
his back to cup his ass. I love the way the muscle flexes under my hands with each thrust and roll of
his hips.

"Ah, shit, babe, you're gonna make me come," Chance rasps in my ear.

"That’s the idea," I pant.

His mouth slams down onto mine. The kiss is savage and ruthless and he's pouring everything

he's feeling into it. All of the anger and hurt over our break up, but also all of the hope and love and
want that he's feeling right now. I got it all. And I give him back as good as I'm getting. His thrusts
become frantic and erratic. I know he's close.

He suddenly tears his mouth away from mine and slams into me a couple more times, shouting

through gritted teeth and fisting my hair. He collapses on top of me, his hard body somehow fitting
perfectly against mine. I wrap my arms around his and stroke my hands up and down his back.

"I love you, Chance," I whisper.

He snuggles his face into the crook of my neck. "I love you, too, Parker."

Once we are able to move, we get cleaned up. I'm in the middle of buttoning up my shirt when

Chance stops me by placing his hand over mine.

"Hey, I just realized that you didn't come," he says with a frown.

I steal a small kiss and shake my head. "This wasn't about me. This was for you," I murmur.

Chance's frown deepens. "This was for us," he clarifies.

"Don't worry about it right now, we have to get back to the party," I tell him.

He narrows his eyes and stares at me for a minute before he gives me a nod and finishes getting

dressed. Once we're decent, we head back downstairs to the party. When we walk into the room,

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Charlie practically attacks us.

"Where the hell were you two?" she squawks.

"Uhh...why, what'd we miss?" I ask.

"Delilah went into labor! They just took her away in an ambulance!" she shrieks.

My mouth falls open in surprise. Well, shit, I wasn't expecting her to say that. Chance slips his

arm around my waist and gives me a squeeze.

"Aw, another baby, how exciting," he muses.

Charlie's hands slam down on her hips and she narrows her eyes at us. "You two just had sex,

didn't you?" she accuses, pointing her finger at each of us.

I feel the heat immediately rise up my face as I flounder for some words, any words.

"Why yes, yes we did. And it was fan-fucking-tastic," Chance answers, a devilish grin on his


Face, meet palm.

"Jesus Christ..." I breathe.

"Thank god! I was afraid you two were never going to get back together," Charlie smirks and

punches me in the shoulder.

I give her a dirty look, which makes her laugh.

"Well, I think we're cutting this party short. I have to go meet my new nephew, Lucas!" Charlie

squeals and clasps her hands together.

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Chapter Seventeen


It's only been a few weeks since Charlie and Calvin's reception and I've pretty much spent them

in Parker's bed. Well, when we're not working that is. The filming is almost complete. Then the
movie will go into its editing phase. And we're already starting promotions for it. Tonight we're going
on Jimmy Kimmel.

We are sitting in the dressing room waiting to be called to go on. I glance over at Parker who is

fixing his hair in the mirror. We haven't really decided on what is going to be said about our
relationship on the show. We need to be on the same page either way, though.

"You look great, stop messing with it," I say.

"This one piece is pissing me off," he grunts and tries to smooth down an errant piece of hair.

"It's fine."

He sighs and gives up. He plops down onto the couch next to me. I place my hand on his knee,

palm up. Parker immediately laces his fingers in mine.

"What's the plan for tonight?" I ask, knowing that Parker knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Parker leans over and places a light kiss on my cheek. "I'm comfortable with whatever you


I turn to look at him. I search his eyes. He looks completely at peace with his decision to leave it

up to me. I nod. "Okay."

There is a knock on the door and a producer sticks her head in. "Two minutes," she tells us.

"Be right there," Parker says.

She nods and shuts the door. We stand and Parker pulls me into his arms. He kisses me tenderly

on the lips.

"I love you," he whispers against my lips.

I smile. "I love you, too."

We make our way to the side of the stage just as Jimmy is introducing us. We walk out to a round

of applause and screams from the audience. We shake Jimmy's hand and have a seat on the couch next
to his desk. Parker is directly next to the desk and I'm next to Parker.

"It's so great to have you guys here, it's been a while," Jimmy says.

"It's been too long, Jimmy," Parker replies with his Hollywood smile.

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"So, tell me about this movie that you guys are in, Burning Hearts," Jimmy says.

"Well, it's about a couple of FBI Agents who are chasing after a serial arsonist. This guy has lit

infernos all over New York and has killed multiple people in the process. But no one can figure out
who it is," I supply.

"But that's not the only story in this movie; there is also a love story. Am I right?" Jimmy asks.

"Ah, yes, the love story. Our characters are also gay, and even though they are not the greatest of

friends at first, they somehow fall in love during all of the chaos," Parker says.

"I hear there are some pretty steamy love scenes. How was it filming those?"

"It was pretty rough at first because we weren't all that comfortable with each other," Parker


I clear my throat. "It was more like Parker wasn't all that comfortable with it."

Parker whips his head around and gapes at me. "Just throw me under the bus, why don't ya?"

We all chuckle.

"Now, you know I have to ask the burning question about the rumors that have been floating

around since you guys first started shooting this movie. Are you two, in fact, in a romantic
relationship off screen, too?"

Parker sits back and turns to me. He nods, giving me the go-ahead. I take a deep breath. It's now

or never.

"Yes, Jimmy, we are," I answer.

The audience gasps and Jimmy looks rightfully shocked. I think a couple of women even yelled


"Really? How did it happen? I mean, you two only ever dated women that I know of. Guillermo,

did you know this?" Jimmy says.

"No Jimmy, I did not," Guillermo replies.

"Long story short, it started after our first kiss and just grew from there. There was a lot of

denial on my part, but there is no denying that I'm in love with Chance," Parker says, looking at me
with a goofy grin on his face.

I smile back at him and reach over to take his hand. We lace our fingers together. Jimmy narrows

his eyes at us.

"Are you sure that you're not just saying all of this to promote the movie?"

Parker and I laugh.

"No, we're seriously together and in love," I say. "All of the rumors are true."

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Parker leans over and gives me a peck on the lips…on TV… in front of millions. Damn, that's


"That's incredible," Jimmy smiles. "I'm really happy for you guys," he says before turning to the

camera. "Coming soon to theaters, Burning Hearts, starring Parker Hamilton and Chance Steele.
Don’t miss it!"


A weight - that I didn't even know I was carrying - lifted from my shoulders as soon as the truth

was out. I feel lighter and happier than ever. We leave the show like giddy little kids hopped up on
sugar. No more hiding, no more denying, no more faking.

We get back to my condo, planning to celebrate with a shit-ton of hot sex. I unlock the door and

push it open; Chance is hugging me from behind as we walk in. We are immediately covered in
rainbow-colored confetti and streamers. Standing in my foyer are Charlie, Delilah, Nick, and Calvin.

"Happy Coming Out to the World Day!" Charlie and Delilah exclaim and throw more confetti on


I blink in utter shock while Chance starts laughing. We are then enveloped in a huge group hug.

"We're so proud of you guys," Charlie says with a quivering chin and teary eyes.

Damn her! A rush of tears hit me and I can't stop them from streaming down my face. I wrap her

up in a bear hug and tuck my face in her neck. What would I do without my friends? I would never
survive without them. I pull back just enough to see her beautiful face.

"Thanks Char," I murmur as she wipes the tears from my face.

"Love you, butt munch," she teases.

"Love you, too, bitch."

She laughs and gives me a shove. I chuckle then go give Delilah, Nick, and Calvin a hug. We all

hang out for a little while before they all leave. Chance and I snuggle on the couch, basking in our
post coming out glory. I never expected that this is where my life would lead, but I'm glad it did. I
couldn't have asked for a better group of friends. And I definitely couldn't have asked for a better
lover and best friend. I am truly the luckiest man alive. I guess that's what happens when you choose
to take a ‘chance’ and cross the line.

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Six Months Later...


I make an aggravated noise and once again undo the knot of my tie. I just can't get it right tonight.

It's probably because my hands are shaking like leaves. I'm so fucking nervous about what I have
planned that I can barely function.

"Here, let me," Chance says, turning me away from the mirror to face him.

I sigh heavily and let Chance tie my tie. I study his face. God, he's so handsome. His dark hair

has grown out a lot since we first met. He's been keeping it longer so that I can grab it during our hot
sex sessions. He's also been keeping his face scruffy, which I really like. His dark eyes are focused
on what he's doing and he's got his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrates. I
can't help but smile at how cute he looks right now.

"Why are you so nervous? It's not like you've never been to a premiere of one of your movies

before," Chance says.

"I know, I just...I guess I'm just afraid of what people are going to think with the sex scenes and

stuff," I lie.

"Pfft, ain't no thang. Who gives a shit what anyone thinks?" he replies.

I smirk. "Yeah, you're right."

His brown eyes lift to meet mine. "There, perfecto!" He smooths down my tie before leaning in

and stealing a kiss.

"Thanks, babe."

He sends me a wink before going to finish getting ready himself. While he goes to the bathroom, I

go into my closet and grab the little square box that I've been hiding in the pocket of one of my suit
jackets. I slip it into the inside pocket of my tux jacket and make my way out of the bedroom.

Chance officially moved in with me shortly after we finished filming. He kept his home on the

West Coast, saying that it can be our vacation home, but he has moved all of his clothes and other
essentials into my condo. It hasn't been perfect; we've had our share of fights, mostly over stupid
things that every couple fights about, but we're in this for the long haul. We want to spend the rest of
our lives together.

Once we're ready, we climb into the limo that is going to take us to the premiere. This is it, the

time has finally come. The limo rolls to a stop in front of the theater. A red carpet is rolled out and
there are reporters and cameras everywhere. There are other celebrities making their way up the red
carpet. There are fans screaming. Here we go. An usher opens the limo door and Chance steps out
while the music starts playing. I sneak out the other side of the limo and head to my destination. I'll
see Chance in a few minutes.

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Music starts playing as soon as I step out of the limo. I turn to look at Parker but he's gone. What

the fuck? I recognize the song just as Bruno Mars appears in front of me with a microphone and starts
singing his Marry You song. My heart leaps up into my throat. Is this what I think it is?

Bruno grabs my arm and starts to lead me down the red carpet. Suddenly, everyone jumps into

position and starts dancing to the music. Holy shit! I'm being flash mobbed by celebrities and
reporters! I laugh and shake my head. I can't believe Parker did this! The dancing celebrities -
everyone from Channing Tatum to Meryl Streep - part to let me walk through the middle of them.
Bruno continues to lead me through the crowd. Another group of dancers begin and I realize that it's
the other cast and crew from the movie. I can't stop the tears that well up in my eyes. This is

They part, too, and Bruno and I continue walking. I'm stunned when Charlie, Delilah, Nick,

Calvin, and Grams are the next people I see. I slap a hand over my mouth as my emotions threaten to
overwhelm me. They are all smiling, singing, and dancing like a doo-wop group. Bruno then goes to
stand in front of them as the song comes to an end. As the music fades out, they part to reveal Parker.
That bastard is smiling from ear to ear. No one has ever done anything so extravagant for me, I am
completely speechless. He walks forward until he's about a foot away from me. He drops down to
one knee. The tears start rolling down my face and I don't even bother wiping them away.

"Hey, baby, I think I wanna marry you," Parker smiles brightly. "I love you, Chance. Please do

me the honor of being my husband." He opens the ring box that he's holding, showing me a beautiful
diamond encrusted platinum band.

I nod furiously and think I choke out a "Yes." Parker's smile widens, if that's even possible. He

quickly shoots to his feet, takes the band, and slips it on my finger before pulling me in for a crushing
hug. I pull back only enough to grab his face and kiss him stupid.

Once we part and I look around, I find everyone involved standing around us smiling, crying,

clapping, and whistling. And I also realize that the whole thing has been playing live on TV.
Unbelievable. I turn back to Parker.

"I can't believe you did this," I say.

"I had to make sure that there was no way you could say no." He snickers.

I bark out a laugh and pull him in for another kiss. "I can't wait to marry you," I tell him when we


He smiles. "I can't wait to marry you either."

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Hamaroo!"

The End

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About the Authors

We hope that you enjoyed meeting our Taboo gang. We appreciate all of the support we have gotten
from our families, friends, bloggers, Beta readers, and especially our fans. Our stories would have
never been told without all of your support and encouragement.

For more information on future books, come find us!

Our joint page:


M.D. Saperstein



Andria Large




Andria is currently working on her new series named Renegade. She already has the first two out!
Also, don’t forget to check out her already successful series, The Beck Brothers.

Document Outline


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