Skill 12[1] Collection of Urine Specimen

background image

Urine collector/bag (newborn or pediatric size as appropriate)
Specimen container
Gloves, nonsterile
Sterile water
Antiseptic solution or soap
Sterile cotton balls or 4

× 4s


1. Check physician’s order. Ensures appropriate specimen

obtained from the correct child.

2. Check child for allergies to any materials used, e.g.,


3. Prepare child and family. Enhances cooperation/partici-

pation; reduces anxiety/fear.

NOTE: Have an assistant hold/comfort the child as nec-
essary and in accordance with agency policy.

4. Gather equipment. Promotes organization and effi-


5. Wash hands. Don gloves. Reduces transmission of



1. Steps 1–5 of General Guidelines.
2. Put on nonsterile gloves. Protects nurse from contact

with body fluids and microorganisms.

3. Position child on back with legs in froglike position to

expose the genitalia. Facilitates cleansing and allows
proper placement of collection bag.

4. Cleanse genitalia.

a. Male.

1. Wipe the tip of the penis with a cotton ball

soaked with soap solution. Use a circular motion
going from the tip of the penis toward the scro-
tum. If not circumcised, retract the foreskin.
Cleans from least contaminated to most contami-
nated area. Retraction of the foreskin allows
cleaning at the meatus.

NOTE: If the foreskin does not retract easily do not force.

2. Repeat cleansing process with a cotton ball

soaked with sterile water. Rinses soap solution
from the area and prevents contamination of the
specimen with the soap solution.

3. Let air dry.
4. Replace foreskin if necessary. Prevents swelling or

injury, which may make it difficult to replace the

foreskin later and which could interfere with uri-
nary elimination.

b. Female.

1. Wipe labia majora with sterile cotton ball and

soap solution from front to back (clitoris to anus).
Wash only once with each cotton ball. Prevents
contamination of genitalia from anus and pre-
vents contamination of urine specimen.

2. Spread labia apart with one hand, using other

hand to wipe labia minora as described above.
Allows cleaning the area around the meatus.

3. Repeat procedure with sterile cotton ball satu-

rated with sterile water. Rinses soap from area
and prevents contamination of the specimen with
soap solution.

4. Let air dry.

5. Remove paper backing from adhesive surface of collec-

tion bag.

6. Apply collection bag and press adhesive firmly against

skin. Proper placement decreases possibility of needing
to repeat procedure. Prevents leakage of urine.
13A, 13B, and 13C)
a. Male: Insert penis through opening in bag.
b. Female: Apply around opening over vulva and

beneath urethral orifice.


Copyright © 2007 by Thomson Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.



Collection of Urine Specimen on Infant or
Young Child


FIGURE 13 Urine Collection. A. Protective
paper is removed from bottom half.


background image

7. Diaper child and make him or her comfortable.
8. Remove gloves. Wash hands. Reduces transmission of


9. Check every 30–60 minutes for appearance of urine in

bag. Lessens likelihood of losing specimen.

10. When child has voided, put on nonsterile gloves and

gently remove bag and place urine in specimen con-
tainer. Protects nurse from contact with body fluids and

11. Cleanse and dry area and rediaper. Prevents skin irrita-


12. Remove gloves. Wash hands. Reduces transmission of


13. Label specimen and place in appropriate bag or con-

tainer along with the laboratory requisition slip. Ensures
specimen properly identified and appropriate test is per-

14. Remove gloves. Wash hands. Reduces transmission of


15. Send specimen to laboratory.


1. Time specimen collected.
2. Amount of urine collected.
3. Color of urine.
4. Type of test to be performed.
5. Condition of skin of perineal area.


Copyright © 2007 by Thomson Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.



Collection of Urine Specimen on Infant or
Young Child



FIGURE 13 Urine Collection. B. Place bag
over penis and scrotum (or vagina). Press
adhesive to skin. Work outward pressing
adhesive firmly. Remove backing from top
half, press firmly, and keep wrinkle free.
C. Secured urine collection bag.



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