086 Sascha Illyvich Surrender to Love

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Surrender to Love
Copyright 2012 by Sascha Illyvich
ISBN: 978-1-61333-216-0
Cover art by Fiona Jayde
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in
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Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC
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Also by Sascha Illyvich

The Playground

A 1Night Stand Story


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A 1Night Stand Story


Sascha Illyvich


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The real life woman this was based on, here's to having control of your own life.


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Chapter One

“I want to know true freedom. I’m tired of living this life where I’m afraid all the time and
I don’t feel in control.” Livia stood from her chair, aware of the therapist’s intense gaze.

Dr. Gena tapped her pen on the yellow legal bad beside her but didn’t look up. “How do
you fare with change, Livia?”

She shuddered visibly. Who was Dr. Gena kidding? Livia looked down at the beige carpet
and blinked, speaking softly. “I don’t like it.”

“Because you can’t control things.”
“Yes.” Livia nodded and looked at her therapist. A cream-colored top stretched over the

doctor’s figure while a pair of gray suit pants hugged motherly hips. Her hair was held up
by pins, exposing a slender neckline. A little makeup helped take off years and the cool

stare Dr. Gena gave her showed more wisdom than the average person. “Because I have
no control.”

Dr. Gena looked up from her notes and twirled the pen around her fingers. “Have you
considered the idea that maybe you can ride the change, letting it take you to new

experiences, while you control how you behave, how you respond to it?”
Was her therapist insane? Livia wrung her hands together. “No.”

“Then maybe it’s time you look into the idea of moving beyond what and who you think
you are. If the dead no longer help you, then they only serve to weigh you down.”

It became harder to breath suddenly. Her past wasn’t anything special, it just was. A life
of fear of going outside, of being around other people, and not being understood.

Dr. Gena rose and set a hand on Livia’s chin. With a little pressure, she tipped Livia’s eyes
to meet hers. “You truly are a strong woman. You’ve survived a lot in your lifetime. I have

some friends in Las Vegas I can recommend you to. It will be a shock to your system, but
I think you’ll adjust pretty quickly, given what we’ve discussed in your sessions over the

last few years.”
She gasped, exhaling the breath she didn’t realize she’d held. The idea was ludicrous!

Her? Move out of her sleepy, one-horse town and into a den of iniquity? She began
chewing her lower lip. “You’re asking me to uproot my entire life? Here and now, to leave

Colorado and move to Las Vegas?”
Dr. Gena nodded. Her expression warmed and she cocked her head slightly to one side,

offering compassion to Livia. “Some of the toughest things I’ve ever asked of you as a
patient have brought about surprising results. You’ve made a home for yourself. You’re a

successful artist. My male secretary no longer frightens you.”
The corners of Livia’s lips turned upward. “Yeah.”

“There’s the twinkle in your eye. You know you do that often when I’m right?”
An eyebrow rose. “Yeah?”

Dr. Gena nodded again. “Yup. Moving to Las Vegas will help you gain control over your
life. As I said, I have some friends who can help you. I’ll make phone calls tomorrow and

set things up. Besides, what you probably need is a good fuck.”
Livia’s eyes widened in abject horror. “You want me to what?”

Dr. Gena’s released Livia’s chin and sat back down. Her tone remained static though
Livia detected a hint of amusement in her voice. “You need to learn the adult world now.

You’re ready for this.”
She couldn’t believe how nonchalant her therapist had just been with what she’d

proposed. “You’re suggesting I go out and find a man. I’ve never done something like that

“No, I’m suggesting something I’ll set you up with. And the stranger will be vetted just
like you will be.” Dr. Gena’s lips pursed together in a thin line. “Any man you’ll meet in

Las Vegas will either be a charmer, a bastard, a drunk, or a cheater. At least with this
service you’ll know ahead of time what to expect. You’re no virgin, but you’re new to life.

And this experience will change you.”
Her eyes narrowed. She stamped her foot. “I don’t want change. I want control!”


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The therapist leaned back and crossed one leg over the other. She met Livia’s gaze. “You’ll
have total control. Trust me.”

Livia continued chewing her lip. Thoughts spun around wildly in her head. What if she
screwed up? She couldn’t possibly recover from embarrassment like that. She’d never

had a good lover. The few she’d taken in the past had been mediocre at best. Since the
last one two years ago, she hadn’t had another sexual experience.

Dr. Gena continued, “It’s not the only way to regain control over your life, and learn to go
outside of yourself. But it is a primal way. What,” she paused, tapped her pad, “I mean to

say is that you’re an artist. Don’t you use life experiences to create? And haven’t you been
in a slump lately?”

Livia nodded slowly. She saw where this was going and hated her therapist for being
right. “Yes, but those experiences I’ve been able to mimic. To pull from other sources—”

Dr. Gena leaned forward, setting a hand on Livia’s shoulder. “And not get hurt in the
process. Therefore you don’t learn, you don’t grow. Who knows? You might not get hurt

from this.”
Tension formed in Livia’s body.

Her therapist’s light touch eased some of that stress from her. “I know you can do this.”
Livia swallowed the lump in her throat. She could do this. She could regain control of her

life, starting with sex. That made sense, right? Somewhere in the back of her twisted
mind, it had to.

Slowly, the doctor pulled away from Livia, running her hand through her patient’s thick
brown curls before setting both hands on her shoulders. Then she looked her straight in

the eyes. “I think you’re ready for the world, babycakes.”

Two days later, Livia found herself in Vegas. Having filled out tons of paperwork, she’d
submitted it to her therapist for approval and then found out it was to be sent to a

Madame Eve, the woman who owned the matchmaking service she’d been told about.
Within hours, a match had been found and scheduled to meet Livia in her hotel room.

Vegas differed immensely from nondescript Colorado. For one thing, the city never
seemed to sleep. Walking down the strip, she noted the multitude of tourists, escorts,

hookers, and finally those who lived in Las Vegas. Everything swarmed around in a hustle
and bustle of what seemed like organized chaos and disorganized sound, though that

could be because she wasn’t used to the loudness coming from the numerous casinos
lining the Strip.

Too bad the dry air was killing her. Murderous heat bore down like a heavy weight during
the day and at night it wasn’t much better. In her hotel, she couldn’t get used to the air

conditioner fully chilling the room to what felt like below freezing. Adjusting the
thermostat didn’t help; the room was either too warm or too cold.

She made her way back to the hotel and through the huge lobby where slot machines and
gamblers made a lot of noise. At least she was only here long enough to find a permanent

residence. Plus, if her date did go wrong, he wouldn’t have her address.
Luckily her room was high enough above the noise that once she shut the door, she was

free to enjoy peace and quiet. Her stomach rumbled. She sighed, set her purse down on
the bed, kicked off her heels, and pulled out the desk chair out. Room service was a safe

bet at the Castillo Resort; fuck, it had better be! The money she’d spent on coming out
here to find herself and discover control didn’t bother her. Her therapist had taught her

that all objects held value and if the object exchanged for money wasn’t worth it, then she
should save her cash and spend it elsewhere.

She still couldn’t believe Dr. Gena had suggested a one-night stand with a stranger. The
thought frightened her despite the mountain of paperwork she’d had to fill out about

herself. Her therapist reassured her that the match for her one-night stand would be
compatible and not a psychopath.

At least she would have tonight to herself.


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Sometime during the next day a man would show up to her room and orchestrate a
scenario Dr. Gena had designed to help her move through her issues. She’d brought new

lingerie, though she had no idea how she was going to seduce some man. She didn’t know
much about sex, other than what she’d learned from porno. That had been an interesting

session with her therapist, too. She probably shouldn’t have told Dr. Gena about the

She picked up the menu and a card fell out and onto the carpet. Curious, she picked it up
and flipped it over. 1Night Stand. Fancy lettering and heavy cardstock displayed a phone

number. Livia thought about canceling the appointment, but she’d already spent the
money on her “date.”

Something unfamiliar jolted through Livia’s body, causing a shudder. Was it excitement?
An idea? As an artist, inspiration for paintings came from the pain inside, drowning

blank canvases in sometimes macabre, sometimes beautifully sad colors. As a children’s
author, she’d taken all that pain and used it to transform horror to acceptance, giving

children everywhere something to relate to that reminded them they were innocent, and
that the world wasn’t always cruel.

The problem with her creative outlets was that they never forced her outside. Dr. Gena
had told her on more than one occasion that she needed to leave the studio and see the

world. Go on dates, get laid. Livia had dismissed her therapist’s ideas as moronic. The
fear of another man having control of her body and doing what he pleased, with no

regard to her feelings, thoughts, or approval, frightened her.
But if consent was given….

She groaned. How was she going to know whether to trust him or not?
Maybe later she’d go down to the bar and have a drink. That’s what she needed,

something to relax her after her flight. Her mind had been numb. The last few therapy
sessions had focused on why she was drawing blanks, literally.

“You have no life experience. You’ve been an artist in the truest yet least self-destructive
way possible by being a shut in. Vegas will do you a world of good because it will force

you out and fill that beautiful mind of yours. And unlike your pristine studio, it’s full of
sin. I think it will awaken the vixen within.” Dr. Gena’s last words.Livia sucked in a

breath and flipped through the menu. Too nervous to choose from the impressive list of
main courses, she went for her favorite, an exquisite Spanish stew she was sure the staff

at the Castillo Resort could handle. A half bottle of Rias Baixas albariño would
accompany the dish, and she’d be set for the evening on food and drink. Before setting

her credit card back into her wallet, she picked up the card for 1Night Stand and slipped
it into her purse. Maybe she’d ask around. The creative part of her mind reassured her

that it was for research, to help her create.
Yeah. Right.

After a filling meal and a glass and a half of wine, Livia made her way down to the casino
bar where slots jingled and people mingled. Dr. Gena had told her to try and be more

social, so the lounge near the lobby was the best place, right? She shook her head in
frustration. How was this going to get her more freedom?

Livia’s heels clicked loud enough against the tile, despite the myriad of people around
her. She made her way through the crowd and sauntered up to the bar, brushing wisps of

long, dark hair out of her face. Even though her stomach was full, her nerves buzzed.
Being a recluse had its disadvantages. She didn’t interact and more often than not, she

didn’t find herself sauntering up to anything, let alone to a bar for a drink.
“What can I get you, lady?” A man with a handsome smile washed out a glass, then set it

behind him. Dyed blonde hair had been cut clean. His green eyes stared at her with
kindness, but the way his black jacket fit over the plumpness of his shoulders made Livia

think of trolls for some reason.
He didn’t come off obnoxious or overbearing.


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She looked down at the bar, pulled out her credit card, and slid it across to him. “I don’t
know. I don’t normally drink.”

“What if we start you off with something easy? You look like a wine drinker but there’s no
good wine at this particular bar. Not without a hefty price. How about…I’ll whip you up

something. You tell me if you like it.” He set his hand over her credit card and slid it back
to her. “First one’s on the house.” He winked.

Livia nodded and took her card back. She reached for her wallet and the 1NightStand
card fell to the floor. Quickly, she bent to pick it up and put it in her purse before anyone

saw it.
The bartender poured the contents of his shaker into a tall glass. The liquid ran over ice

cubes until it reached the rim. “Special concoction of my own doing. Try it.” He pushed
the drink before her; his eye caught the card in her hand. A thick brow rose. “I see you’re

here for some extra-curricular activities.”
She froze.

He held his hands up at his sides in defense. “I don’t make judgments. The Castillos are a
unique brand of animals.”

Livia’s shoulders slumped and she let out an exasperated sigh. “I was told I needed to get
out more, see the world.”

“Vegas is the place, kid. Try the drink.” He pushed it across the bar to her.
She did. It was delicious, fruit and spice, with only a minute burn of alcohol down the

back of her throat. A few drinks later, she found herself laughing with the bartender. He’d
kept a respectable distance, didn’t make a move toward her. He felt safe. His name was

James and he’d been in Vegas more years than she’d been alive.
His eyes twinkled with amusement. “You’re telling me you’ve been a recluse all this

She nodded. “Mmhmm. I haven’t seen much of the world. In fact,” she felt a little light

headed and giggly, “I’m still very new to a lot of things.” She set a hand on the bar, palm
down and steadied herself. She wasn’t used to drinking. Every once in a while she’d have

some wine but not often enough to teach her body how to handle liquor. Livia covered
her mouth and yawned. She’d had enough of whatever James made for her.

He tilted his head slightly, handed her a glass of water. “Perhaps when you wake up
tomorrow you can take life by the balls and give it a good swift kick, Livia.” His smile

warmed her heart.
Her body thrummed with an energy she couldn’t quite understand.

“You probably better call it a night. I made those last two drinks a little stronger,” James

She laughed and reached into her purse.
He held up a hand. “No need. Tomorrow, you can pay for drinks. Go to bed.”She did just

that. Tomorrow would be a scary day.


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Chapter Two

A rapping at the door woke Livia. She’d dreamed all sorts of interesting things during the
night and the memories hadn’t faded away yet.

“Hold on a moment,” She sat up, rubbed sleep out of her eyes, and searched for her robe.
The dark purple satin number she’d picked out one Christmas kept her warm and made

her feel more feminine, more in tune with what she thought she should be. Sure, she had
skirts and dresses, but she rarely wore those. Colorado wasn’t the place to wear anything

short or flirty.
The gentle knock sounded again. She slid out of bed, covered herself with the robe, and

belted it tightly around her waist. She moved the bolt, unlocked and pulled the metal
chain off the hook. Opening the door revealed a man dressed in a sleek black suit. Long

dark hair had been pulled back into a ponytail. His body filled out the suit jacket and
made him look bigger than he probably was. A black shirt stretched across a muscular

chest. Black pants hugged powerful thighs. She peered down and could almost see her
reflection in his dress shoes.

He looked intimidating but smiled when he extended his hand. “Livia?”
Part of her wanted to shrink away, deny her name, and hide under the covers. She had to

do this though. He was just a person. A very tall, sexy man. She swallowed, her mouth
suddenly dry. “I am. Who might you be?”

“I’m Bruce. Your blind date.” Violet eyes roamed over her body and the corners of a pair
of sensual lips curved up.

Heat flared, causing her to blush. She noticed the way he stared at her body, his eyes
focusing on the display of ample cleavage.

“You have very lovely skin.”
The words rolled out of his mouth and over her like a soft blanket, a caress over her more

intimate parts. She shuddered and took his hand. “I’m Livia. I….”
Shrugging, “This was,” he set his free hand on the back of his neck, “a little more

unexpected than I planned or was told about. Shall we…?”
She had trouble believing he was nervous, too. Did men even get nervous?

“Try again?” The seductive glint in his sea blue eyes was all male. Predatory, but not
frightening. How did he do that?

“Yes. Please. Come in.”
“Okay.” He released her hand.

She felt a sudden annoyance at the loss of contact. Livia backed up, turned, and glanced
over her shoulder. He followed along, keeping a safe distance from her. His presence

made her large room feel small. She swallowed the newly formed lump in her throat.
“You have any idea how this is supposed to work? I’ve never done this before. Is it

customary to—”
He stopped just inside the doorway. “Show up this early? In most cases, a one-night

stand means just that. A sexual attraction between two people that happens just for the
one night, usually at night. But, this was—” He cleared his throat. “Something I was told

to handle with care.”
She turned to face him and put her hands on her hips. “I’m not a kid.”

“I know.” He slid his hands in his pockets. “But I owe the party requesting this favor a
great deal and once they checked me out, they told me they wanted me to meet you. I

figured the best thing to do was to get to know you.”
That made sense. Her shoulders relaxed. Still needing some distance, she walked over to

the desk and looked out the window, down at the streets of the Strip. Not as many people
milled about, but a glance at the clock told her it was early. She turned and looked at him.

His size made her tremble but she wasn’t sure if it was fear or arousal that caused her to

Bruce studied her, shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “You’re a very beautiful


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Heat rushed up her cheeks and her eyebrows rose. She’d never heard that from anyone.
“Thank you?”

“I know that moving fast with you is probably not the way to go.” The tone of his voice
sounded as though he controlled the impact behind every word.

She swallowed hard. What would his hair look like if he freed it? “No. I’m….”
Before she knew it, he was on his knees before her. He reached for her hand, captured

and clasped it in his. The sheer difference in size intimidated her.
Rough, calloused fingers smoothed over the top of her hand in a gentle motion. Bruce’s

lips pressed against her skin. Goose bumps appeared on her arms and a shiver raced
through her. She didn’t know what to do, but she didn’t want to pull away. Her heart did

a double thump against her chest.
His eyes traveled up her body, stopping briefly at the tops of her breasts. She realized

then just how naked she was. The purple robe was parted enough to show her black, mid-
thigh chemise with slits up the sides. It fit her curves very well. Beneath it, she wore

Bruce’s eyes met hers. She stared back into the depths of his gaze, holding it for a

moment. Violet eyes smoldered with lust.
“You find me attractive?”

“I do.” He nodded.
She turned away, still holding his hand. “Oh. I suppose you have to.”

His fingers stiffened against her palm. “What does that mean?”
She spun to face him, the swish of her hair blanketing her shoulders, “It means you’re

paid to seduce. I know your type!”
Bruce cleared his throat and started laughing. He slapped his knee with his free hand.

Livia yanked her hand from his and stalked back toward the desk. “See!”
Bruce rose to his full height, lowering his gaze. “No. I am a blind date, not an escort.

1Night Stand is a matchmaking service, you do know that, right?”
Livia smirked, bumped into the desk, and leaned into it. Matchmaking was the same as

an adult service. Right? She was supposed to get laid, right? Wasn’t this what Dr. Gena
wanted for her? Setting her hands on her hips, she stared at Bruce. “Yes but….”

“Madame Eve, the owner, is very thorough with her clients and very particular with their
needs and wants. Trust me.” He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a

handkerchief, wiped his brow. Then he folded it back into a perfect square, stuffed it into
his jacket, and continued. “I went through hell to use her service.”

Curious, she relaxed her posture, just a touch. “What do you mean? Why would you need
a blind date or matchmaking service?”

Color filled his cheeks and tinged his fair skin with a light shade of pink. “Well.” Bruce
held his hands out to his sides. “Some time back I was in a relationship that didn’t go

well. I loved her, but she left me for a woman named Alexandria Rayne.”
Livia had to cover her mouth to stifle the laughter that threatened to bubble up from

within. “Some woman left you for another woman? I find that hard to believe!”
He sat at edge of the bed and smiled nervously “It does seem sort of ridiculous, doesn’t

it? But this woman was a powerful romance author who wove spells around her audience
with her words. It seemed that even I was ensnared by her net until I realized she wanted

nothing to do with me. Alexandria was selfish, she’d strung me and my girlfriend along.
She broke my heart.”

She really wanted to laugh but she tried to contain her giggling.
“Go ahead, laugh!” Bruce’s voice boomed through the room.

She thought he was annoyed until she saw the corners of his full lips turn upward in a

“It is a little embarrassing now, but I didn’t find it funny then. In fact, it caused me to
overwork and end up in the hospital because I was pushing myself so hard—” His voice


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dropped. “To put her and Alexandria out of my mind. Then one day I was talking to a
coworker who wanted to go out for drinks. You know, as friends.”

“I can see where this is going.” She pursed her lips together in a thin line. She crossed her
arms over her chest and straightened.

“No, not entirely. I wasn’t going to sleep with her, if that’s what you think.” He leaned
forward. “We went to a different type of club. She asked me to go with her and to obey

her every whim.”
Livia cocked a brow, “This sounds suspicious.”

He nodded. “Yeah, it did to me too. I wasn’t sure what was up, but I hadn’t left the house
or office in several months. I had a heart attack, and when I got out of the hospital, she

was there waiting to pick me up. We had only seen each other outside of work that one
time when she took me to the club.”

“And you didn’t question it?”
Bruce shook his head and a few strands came free of his ponytail. She realized his hair

had been pulled back by a large black scunchie, not a neat rubber band like she’d

“I was just glad to be alive. The next few weeks with Lilith were interesting”
He was supposed to seduce her? Livia had heard enough. “Let me guess, she taught you a

valuable lesson and then you ended up being left alone by Lilith only to realize you
needed yourself? Tired story. My therapist has given me that line numerous times.”

“No.” He shook his head again. “It doesn’t end quite that way. Please, let me show you
what I did learn. Lilith, taught me things I’d like to share with you. Her suggestion that I

approach 1Night Stand surprised me, but I’ve found them to be very thorough. Don’t
worry.” He shed his suit coat and set it neatly on the bed beside him. “I’m just a single

man who didn’t know what to expect. And I haven’t had a partner in a very long time.”
He stood and approached her, bending down on one knee while setting his hand out

before her. “Please, let me show you how to own control?”
She gasped. The words she’d wanted to take back had come to her in the form of a

person. A real, live person who…she didn’t know what. Livia watched him bow his head.
What was with a man who could control the entire universe, dominate her rather large

space, and still make himself subservient before her?
What would cause that behavior?

Worse yet, the way he knelt before her gave her a view of very broad shoulders beneath
his black T-shirt. His hair hung thickly in a loose tail that stopped just at the small of his

back. His musk, so male and potent made her nostrils flare. Something tightened low in
her stomach. Her thighs grew damp. “Okay. So, how does this work?”

He looked up from the floor. “I have found that freedom, true freedom comes from when
the body is restrained, stimulated and—” Standing, he leaned forward, pressing his lips

into hers. “Forced to let the mind and heart work in tandem.”
He brushed his lips against hers one more time, the words echoing like silk over her

mind. His voice caressed her, causing pinpricks to race up her spine. Her nipples
hardened beneath the satin. She tried to move back from Bruce, but the desk and his

large frame trapped her.
Slowly, his mouth caressed hers then his tongue swept over her bottom lip. She tasted his

plump lips. Fresh, sandalwood, hints of rose and cinnamon swirled around her nose,
knocking her senses off balance. Her mind zeroed in on the image before her, a powerful

man, willing to do her bidding while focusing on her pleasure. Some part of this still
confused her.

Finally, Bruce pulled back from the kiss, set his hands on either side of her body, and
returned to a kneeling position.

Her head swam and she had to steady herself against his shoulders, only to find that his
face was at the level of her sex. “How would you go about restraining the body and

stimulating it?”


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He reached into his pocket and pulled out a two bundles of dark blue rope. “Silk helps for
those who are afraid of iron.”

An eyebrow rose.
“The chair, a perfect place to hold you,” he indicated with a nod of his head. “You’ll sit

with your hips at the edge, legs spread. Arms tied lightly.”
“It won’t hurt?” She looked at the chair, a high-end leather and wood piece of furniture

with arms that could be used to hold her hands down if he tied her to it.
“If it does, I’ll loosen the ropes. Just ask.”

That was the problem. She could trust him; she felt somewhat safe with a man who
seemed to be in so much control over himself. He could easily hurt her, but she didn’t get

the sense that Bruce would. It was odd, but she really found him worth at least a shot.
Livia had never asked for anything in her life. She’d always done for herself or gone

without. Life had been tough going without, even as her income grew. Still, she wanted
things and feared asking for them.

The question jumped from the back of her mind to her lips before she could stop it.
“What if I get scared?”

Bruce looked into her eyes and smiled. “You simply say Bluetooth.”
“Bluetooth?” Her eyebrows furrowed.

“Yes. That’s your safeword. If you feel scared and want me to stop, you simply say it and
all play of any sort ceases.”

The thought of all things ceasing at her asking gave her a rush as did the tone of his voice.
The words again seemed to wrap around her ears in a symphony of seduction that curled

like smoke over her bare skin. Her pussy tightened at the thought of him touching her.
Her body thrummed with arousal.

“You start by taking control of yourself. You have already done that.” Bruce set a hand on
her exposed thigh.

Tingles raced up straight up her back. Anticipation at how this could turn out built like
butterflies buzzing in her stomach. She wanted this man. “Okay. So what now?”

“Indulge me, so I can indulge you. Sit on the chair, rest your hands on the arms. Strip off
the robe.”

Slowly, Livia moved toward the chair. She let the robe slip off before tossing it on the bed.

Bruce blinked, looked at the chair, the window, and then back at Livia. “Well, we could
move it away from the window if you’d like, but frankly if I were to look up and see you in

all your naked glory, I’d want to know your name. I’d want to devour your body and share
nothing but immense passion with you. I’d want to make sure I pleased you continuously,

sexually and otherwise.” He stood and held the ropes in his hands.
She felt herself blush again. The rich timber of his voice did things to her insides. After

the kiss, she felt empty. She wanted another taste of Bruce but didn’t know how to ask.
“Tie me up facing the window.”


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Chapter Three

His eyes widened as though shock had hit him. Bruce straightened his shoulders and
gave a simple nod. “Very well.”

She studied him; the expression on his face gave her a clue to his thoughts. Was that
confusion? His eyebrows furrowed then softened and the sensual steam returned to his

gaze. He definitely wanted her. If the bulge in his slacks was anything to judge his mood
by, he wasn’t playing around. That was good, right?

Livia tried to relax her shoulders. She couldn’t understand how being bound to a chair
was going to give her freedom, but she was more apt to listening to Dr. Gena than anyone

else at this point. Besides, he hadn’t done anything more than ogle her with a very
intense eyes and kiss her to the point of setting her nerves on fire.

A second glance at him revealed smoldering eyes. “If you would.” He held the ropes up
for her to see. “The chair?” His mouth twitched.

Slowly, she moved it to face the window. Then she walked past him, brushing against him
just hard enough to make him jump. She sat, resting her hands on the armrests. Palms

down, her fingers itched to start peeling the layers of his clothing off. Then what? It was
better to ask a question, deflect her hormones. “Why are you nervous?”

Bruce shifted and came around to face her. Kneeling before her, he took one hand in his,
rubbed his thumb across her palm, and looked into her eyes. “Because you’re a gorgeous

woman and I’ve been trained to serve. But….” The roughness in his voice betrayed the
confidence she’d seen a moment ago.

She waved a hand dismissively and accidentally brushed his face. Clean-shaven, smooth
skin and soft lips begged for another taste.

Gently, he set her hand down on the armrest and wrapped the rope around it. “Is this too

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “No. It’s fine.”
Fingers worked to tie the rope into a secure knot. “Good. You tell me if it’s too tight.” He

repeated the gesture with the other hand, taking her palm in his, gently massaging her
with the pad of his thumb.

A tingle joined the butterflies in her stomach. She dripped with lust.
Bruce hadn’t looked at her while he tied the other hand to the chair, but once he’d

finished, he lifted his head and blinked. “Are you comfortable?”
Livia was as comfortable as a woman could be with a handsome male specimen standing

so close she could smell him. The light scent of his cologne caused her nostrils to flare.
She tested the bonds, found she could barely slip out of them if she wanted to, but the

rope itself was soft and wouldn’t cause much abrasion, if any at all. “I’m good. Are you
doing my legs?”

“I planned to, originally, but I find there are more things that can be done with them
untied, right now.” His voice dropped a few notches. “Shall I show you?”

She nodded, “Please.”
His eyes sparkled. “Very well.”

Bruce knelt and took one leg delicately in his hands, caressing her calf muscle with the
lightest of touches. Fingers massaged stress from her while working toward her inner

thigh. Tensing, Livia squirmed at his touch He bent forward and pressed his lips to the
underside of her knee. She wriggled more, curious about what he planned. She giggled

until she felt the hot warmth of his tongue sliding over her calf in a circular motion,
trailing upward toward her inner thigh.

Each sweep of his tongue toward her pussy sent her pulse racing faster, blood speeding
south. He didn’t even come close to touching her nether lips with his mouth, tongue, or

fingers, but the anticipation continued to increase her awareness of him.
Bruce brushed her other thigh with his head and shoulders before reaching for her waist.

Fingers settled around her thighs while he pressed another kiss into her lower leg,


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moaning. The vibrations from his moans sent a tiny shiver through her. Livia’s eyes
slowly closed and her head relaxed, just a little.

The more pressure Bruce applied to her skin with his wet mouth, the more Livia’s hands
curled around the armrests. She finally broke the silence with a breathy moan. “You’re

driving me crazy.”
Bruce’s head moved from between her legs. “Good. But if you want more than just this,

you’ll have to ask for it.”
She wasn’t used to asking for stuff, especially not in the bedroom. Her last boyfriend had

been inexperienced, quick to get his orgasm and when he’d tried to please her, he’d
failed. Miserably. But Bruce…Bruce took his time. He took control and made it seem like

it was hers, despite the difference in size. Or power. He was raw strength.
And he knelt between her legs, kissing them delicately. Goose bumps rose all over her.

“Ask for it?” He palmed a thigh so that his fingers rested just beneath the hem of the
black chemise she wore. Spreading his fingers wide across her pale skin sent another

shiver through her. “Yes. You have to ask.”
The look on his face registered just how much he wanted to go further with his

exploration, but his hesitancy made her question why he’d want to continue. Half-closed
lids hid his eyes from view but she felt, rather than saw the desire he had for her.

His kisses increased in intensity as he continued moving up and down her legs. She could
really get used to this. Except that the arousal building in her became excruciating once

she became aware of the full size of his body against hers. What would he feel like
thrusting into her?

Or…were there different positions to have sex in that she could control?
Her nipples ached to feel his wet mouth on them, the swirl of his tongue. Just like he did

to her thighs currently. First, he kissed one, swirled his tongue around a soft spot on her
inner left thigh then brushed his mouth down across her leg until he reached her

kneecap, before switching legs and repeating the gesture in reverse.
Livia’s grip tightened, her arms strained against the ropes binding her. She squirmed in

the chair at his touch.
“You only need to tell me what you’d like me to do.” His voice cut through the air like a

razor, except without the sharpness.
What did she have to lose? “I want you.” She licked her dry lips, “To kiss me higher. Just

like that.”
Bruce complied, moving himself closer between her spread legs. He gripped her hips and

pulled them forward, so that her ass practically hung off the chair. With long, slow licks,
he trailed heat up her thighs until he stopped just at the juncture where leg and hip met.

“Higher.” She squirmed, gasping when her legs were thrown over his shoulders.
“As you wish, pretty woman.” Bruce used his hands to move the chemise up, exposing her

pussy to the cool hotel room air. His eyes widened.
A single thought ran through her mind. He didn’t find her attractive, down there. “Is

something wrong?”
“No.” His violet eyes sparkled with lust and the corners of his mouth curled upward.

“You’re quite lovely there, too. Smooth skin.” He inched his fingers up her spread legs,
carefully caressing her skin. “Shaved.” He inhaled sharply. “You smell fresh and clean

and of sex. How marvelous.” His fingers skittered lightly over her mons, around her lips,
over her pubic bone before he leaned in and gave her pussy a kiss.

His movements caused her hips to jerk against his face. “I’m sorry!”
“Shh,” he whispered and blew cool air against her.

Another shiver raced up her spine and down again. Her clit throbbed. She rocked her
hips forward. His breath on her cool, slick lips made her grip the armrests harder. She

threw her head back in pleasure.
He kissed her pussy again, this time thrusting his tongue deep within her folds. She

groaned, slammed her eyes shut, and squeezed his mouth with her sex. He swept from


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one side of her to the other, while his fingers spread and tugged at her lips. Nerve endings
woke up. Her clit peaked out from the hood. He took the little bud in between his lips and

kissed it just as he had her thighs, slowly, delicately.
Electric sparks arced across her body, from her sex to her nipples. Her mind tried to

process everything but found it couldn’t, thanks to Bruce’s sensual onslaught. If he kept
this up, she didn’t know what she’d do. A small tremor of desire caused her to writhe in

the chair.
He pulled back, flicking her clit once more with his firm tongue. “Are you okay?”

A jolt of pleasure zapped her. Panting, she looked down the length of her body, past
nipples that poked against the irritating fabric of her chemise, and at him. The smile he

wore pleased her very much. “I’m,” she let out a breath, “new to all of this.”
He twirled his fingers around her thighs, rubbing his nails lightly over the juncture

between hip and thigh. “I know. I was given some background information about you.”
An eyebrow rose. “You were?”

“Indeed. To accomplish what I was sent for, I had to have some information to work

“I knew it! You’re one of them!” She couldn’t hide the playfulness in her voice, despite the
fact that inside she was teetering on the razor’s edge of orgasm.

“Heh,” he chuckled low, the very male sound close to her pussy sending vibrations
fluttering through her. “Livia, so light and free spirited. I love that. Tell me, what would

you like more of?”
She’d never seen herself as light or free spirited. She was a closet case artist who never

left the house. How could she be free spirited?
His fingers interrupted her thoughts, continuing their torturous caresses, sending little

tremors through her. Her breath hitched in her throat. Still, she wanted more. “Explore
more of me with your mouth. But first, how is this showing me freedom?”

He laughed again and stared at her. The sparkle of desire in his eyes showed he had a
mischievous streak. “You’ll see. I promise.” Before she could respond, he thrust his head

between her legs again and speared her with his tongue.
Her legs tightened, squeezing and digging in with her heels against the expanse of his

wide shoulders. She figured she’d hurt him but couldn’t quite care with his tongue
pumping in and out, caressing her clit.

“You have to tell me,” he murmured against her, “if you’re going to orgasm.”
“I’m asking for permission?” Her voice shook with need. “For something I’ve never had?

How will I know if—Oh goddess!”
He took her clit between his lips and sucked. Hard. Wetness soaked her as warmth

spread through her. The tension that had been building in her stomach finally came to a
head and snapped, forcing her muscles to tense and her grip on the chair to tighten so

much her knuckles were white. Bruce continued to lap her, sucking her juices up as she
writhed in her seat. The rope hadn’t cut into her flesh but it did cause slight pain from her

thrashing. Reaching up, he grabbed her right hand and held her fingers in his while he
lapped and suckled her, placing tender kisses around her swollen folds.

She dug in her heels against his back, then stopped when he pulled back. She caught her
breath, the rapid beat of her heart thudding in her chest echoing in her ears.

“Are you okay?” His eyes flashed with arousal, his face glossy from her juices.
“I am,” she panted, forcing her muscles to relax again.

Bruce slid back, set her legs down on the floor. “Would you like more than just that?”
“Well, we’re supposed to…but in the chair is it possible to…?”

He lifted his head and stared at her with piercing eyes. “To what, Livia? You only have to

Arousal dripped from his voice. She studied him, realizing he still kneeled before her,
fully clothed. What did he look like beneath the clothing he wore so well?

“You can’t fuck me while I’m tied to the chair?”


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“Oh, I probably could but it’d be a little awkward with me being so tall and the chair….”
He smirked.

Livia’s body didn’t seem to care. Her breasts ached. Her skin itched to feel the weight of
his body pressing her into the mattress. She may have been new to sex, but she wasn’t a

total virgin. She wanted to feel something more than a thick, wet tongue inside her.
“Untie me.”

Bruce stiffened, returned to his position before her and met her gaze. “No.”


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Chapter Four

Astounded, Livia’s jaw dropped. “You said I could get what I wanted. And I want to be
untied!” She squirmed against her bonds and started to lift a foot toward Bruce.

He stepped back, caught her leg in one smooth motion. “You do get what you want. But
you told me that you wanted to learn freedom. So, I’m going to show you.” He licked his

lips. “Using your delicious body.”
“I don’t understand,” she sputtered. “How is this—?”

Suddenly, he stood in front of her with one knee between her thighs. He moved his lips
over hers.

She gasped, inhaled into the kiss, the soft, slick feel of his tongue parting her lips while a
single hand held her against his mouth. Fingers tangled in the mess of her curls while

Bruce nibbled her bottom lip. Confused, aroused even more than before, she groaned and
let his tongue caress the inside of her mouth. She tasted herself, scintillating, along with

the sweet, somewhat earthen scent of Bruce. He explored like a man hungry for a meal he
hadn’t eaten in days; that was the feeling she took away before a hand cupped a breast

and a thumb slid over the taut nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through her system.
When he pulled back, she blinked and looked at him. She definitely felt a little off kilter

after that kiss. No one had ever kissed her that way; no one had ever made her the
centerpiece of anything.

Bruce set both hands on her spread thighs, licked his lips. “You taste sweet…divine.”
Heat crept up her body and reached her already warm cheeks. “Thank you?”

“Yes. My pleasure, darling.” He looked at the ground then back at her. “What would you
like next?”

With her body on fire, she wanted his cock to spread her open. She wanted his body
pressing hers into the mattress, but…he wouldn’t relent. “I don’t understand how keeping

me restrained is supposed to give me freedom.”
“Tell me, Livia.” His voice dropped again, becoming deeper. “How do you feel now?”

Her body burned, ached for more of his touches. More of the pleasure he caused her. She
tested her bonds, yup. Still stuck in place. But once she’d stopped struggling from her

previous orgasm, they’d stopped digging into her skin. She looked at her wrists; no marks
showed. She liked that. “Like my body’s on fire. And even the slightest touch would set

me off.”
“That is the point. Have you ever wanted something so bad, you could taste it? Needed

something so bad you’d do anything to get it?”
She shook her head. Nothing had ever been worth fighting so hard for. Not even this. But

“You haven’t had much experience outside the four walls of your house, have you?”

She glared at him, “How would you know?”
His jaw ticked, such a male gesture. “I told you I was here for a reason.”

She jerked forward. “No you didn’t. You said you were my blind date.”
“Yes. I did say that, too. But that’s not the point. Your mind is what controls things, Livia.

If the mind has a desire, a wish, you only need say it.”
She clenched her fists and tried to pound the armrests, only to find herself bound still. “I

have! I want you to fuck me!”
He narrowed his eyes, looking very predatory. “How badly?”

She shrugged. How was she supposed to answer that question? Was there a scale of how
bad someone wanted to fuck? “I don’t know!”

He smiled, “The whiny tone in your voice is cute.”
She glowered. “I am not whining.”

“Sure.” He nodded. “And if you could, you’d cross your arms over your chest and turn
your head away from me.”

She snorted. “How do you know?”


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He chuckled. “I used to do the same thing until I learned I was being a spoiled brat. I
think a punishment would be more fitting for a spoiled brat, don’t you?”

His demeanor had changed, from clearly submissive to somewhat dominating. That, she
didn’t like. “Why would I be punished?”

His lips curled up in a sensual smile. “Something has to jog your mind away from its

“Ugh!” She slammed her head back. “You want to break my mind, but you want it focused
on what it wants. Which was, up until about three minutes ago, you. Then you want to

punish me and push my focus onto what I did to earn it. This is why I don’t date! Men are
so confusing!”

“No.” He chuckled again, a sound that shouldn’t have aroused her further, shouldn’t have
made her slick again…. “Not all of us.”

“Well.” She closed her eyes, but still saw Bruce looming over her. What did he look like
without his shirt, without his control? “You’re at least confusing.”

“I was confused.” He scooted back from her, giving her distance and room to breathe.
Opening her eyes, she didn’t quite have his scent so close to her, nor did he loom over her

like she wanted. The space seemed empty. Livia frowned at the thought.
He reached for her, touching her chin and tipping it up. “I was lost, confused, I was not in

the least bit sure about who I was. My actions contradicted my thoughts, my behavior
reflected a lot of my problems. I had only seen one view of myself and the world.”

Just like hers. She painted violence outside, had only seen life one way.
“But I had to make a change. When Lilith found me, she quickly corrected most of my

behavioral problems and got right to the root of the issue in me. Know what that was,
Livia?” He lowered his eyes.

She swallowed the newly formed lump in her throat. “I was afraid you’d ask. But, do tell.”
She sighed, trying her best to act bored.

He didn’t appear to buy it. His hands moved up and down her thighs, rubbing, caressing
gently. Keeping the sexual tension in her alive and bringing her focus back to her body.

Though she wanted him to stop, there wasn’t really anything she could to do stop him. He
hadn’t harmed her. And he wouldn’t.

“I wasn’t comfortable with who I was.”
Eyes rolled. She yawned. “Sorry, what?”

His hands had gone from caressing her bare legs to making little circles on the insides of
her parted thighs. She hadn’t realized she’d kept her legs open for him. The more he

touched her, the more she wanted him. The pressure inside her stomach returned,
making her catch her breath when his fingers slid higher up toward her sweet spot.

Still, what he did to her body kept her on edge. She tried to keep the hiss out of her voice
when he slid his fingers near her pussy. “You’re expecting me to have a civilized

conversation after having my first real mind-blowing orgasm? And you continue the
touching, yet I’m supposed to be free somehow? How does that make any sense?”

“You’re reacting to my body’s touch, Livia.” The way he said her name made her heart
skip a beat. “You’re reacting to my words. However, I want you to respond to both.”

She didn’t understand. It must have shown because Bruce angled his head, some of his
arousal seemed to fade back. She paused, her lips parted to speak but she caught sight of

the huge bulge in his pants. Clearly, his body hadn’t forgotten hers. Instead of speaking,
she waited.

“I want you to move with me, to not fight yourself but to give yourself permission to

She turned her head. “I don’t know how.” She let the words out in a whisper.
“You still have your safeword.”

She’d all but forgotten about that. “Yeah. I do. But….”
He dropped his gaze, “Yes?”

“Are we done if I say it?”


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He shrugged. “Done is a word we could use. But it’s up to you. I told you this is your call.
Personally, I’d love to open up to you and explore you on the bed.”

She licked her lips. She could be free to explore his body perhaps. That could be fun. So
many delicious planes of male flesh but…. “So if I use my safeword, we’re done with

He cocked a brow. “What would you like?"

She watched his eyes, hope-filled and eager. His lips parted as though to speak, but
nothing came out. He simply waited patiently. She couldn’t stand that. He remained cool

and calm while she…she floundered? No, that wasn’t quite what she did. Livia swam in a
sea of emotions and thoughts, from “how do I get free” to figuring out how to get him on

the bed and inside her.
“Well?” He lifted his chin slightly. “What do you want, little princess?”

“I want….” Her mouth went dry. She licked her bottom lip, moistening it, watching his
eyes follow her every motion. For a moment, her gaze roamed over the expanse of his

body, from how his hair had been pulled back all the way to the broad slope of his
shoulders down to a trim waist. And an erection she was sure needed to be buried inside

her. She’d had some relief, but watching him study her with such desire in his eyes was a
complete turn on. “Stand up, Bruce.”

“As you wish.” In one swift, graceful motion, he rose to his full height. Big, beautiful,
powerful, he stood with his arms at his sides, palms facing her.

“Let down your hair.” She ushered the command from somewhere inside her mind. It felt

With the same grace, he reached behind his head with his right hand, pulling his hair free
of the scrunchie and letting it fall over his shoulders.

Dark strands cascaded in rivulets down his chest, blanketing his back and shoulders.
“Take off your jacket and shirt. I want to see what…what I’m playing with.”

“Your wish is my command, sweet Livia.” He shucked his jacket, neatly tossed it aside
and then reached for the hem of his shirt. He tugged it free of his trousers, exposing

tanned skin, a six pack set of abs that begged for kisses and molasses-slow licks. Once
over his head, he tossed the shirt by his jacket.

Her jaw dropped. Bruce was cut, very defined. Like his stomach, his chest stood out as an
example of what every man should look like.

Or at least the men in her fantasies. They were strong. They could protect their women,
they could love them and never leave them.

Would Bruce leave her once this was all finished?
She swallowed the lump in her throat. No, he couldn’t. She felt safe with him, even in the

confines of her chair. “Next.” She let her eyes roam over the expanse of that muscular
chest, down past his abs to the belt and trousers. Black, they hid nothing. “Lose the shoes

and pants.”
As though he’d practiced, Bruce stepped out of his shoes, kicked them aside. Next, he

undid the belt buckle and the snap on his trousers, then tugged the zipper down in one
slow, excruciating movement, letting his pants fall to his ankles.

Her breath hitched in her throat. He stood before her completely naked. Well, she saw a
quick glimpse of black socks, or were they navy blue? She didn’t know; her eyes only

focused on the erection staring back at her.
The very large erection, dripping precum.

For her.
“I have done as you wish, Livia. What would you like next?”

She licked her lips again. Leaning forward, she started to stand only to remember the
ropes tied around her hands. If only she could free herself. If only she could touch him.

“Can I…?”


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“What, Miss Livia? What do you desire?” His voice dripped with promise, honey sweet.
He cocked his head slightly to one side, his hair shifting over the muscles of his chest.

Nipples extended, just like hers.
“I want to taste you. Come here.”

His lips curled up in a smile. “As you wish.” He took two steps closer, his cock jutting
proudly before her.

She could lean into him but it’d still be a stretch. “Closer.”
Wordlessly, he took one more step and stood between her thighs. Her pussy itched,

dripped dew on her folds as she leaned forward to taste him.
Slowly, she brushed her lips over the smooth, creamy surface of his mushroom head

before opening her mouth and sealing her lips around him.
Groaning, he kept his hands at his sides.

She peered up, saw his eyelids half open. Guiding more of him into her mouth, she
worked her lips around his girth. Velvet steel, that’s what he felt like.

Relaxing her throat muscles, she swallowed more of his delicious cock. Closing her eyes,
she focused solely on the pleasure of tasting him.

He groaned louder with each inch that slid into her mouth. “So hot, so wet.”
He filled her mouth completely, yet there remained two inches of him she hadn’t taken in

yet. Slowly, she pulled off, tightening her grip around him. Even the musk of him smelled
of sensual things, things that reminded her of some of the more delicious paintings she’d

done. Dark undertones of forest mixed with the cleanness of sunlight and a hint of salty
sweetness from his precum assaulted her senses. She closed her eyes, slid him in again,

this time moving down his shaft at a slower pace.
Bruce reached for her, both hands settled on her shoulders. Slowly, the straps of her

chemise slid off, leaving her shoulders bare. His powerful fingers worked tension from
her while she continued sucking him.

With each motion, she relaxed her throat more until she felt the gentle sway of his balls
against her chin.

His shaved balls brushed against her chin with each gentle thrust. She pulled back,
letting him fall out of her mouth just enough that she could reach the tip of him with her

Swirling it around the head of his cock, she leaned forward, pressed her lips to his now

slick head and flicked her tongue out.
His cock jumped, hips jerked.

Gripping her chair, she peered up the line of his stomach, saw the strain on his face.
“You’re holding back, aren’t you?”

Bruce’s eyes opened, his jaw unclenched. “Yes. You’re tasting me, all of me. Not much
longer before—”

She sucked more of him into her mouth, brushing the underside of his cock with her

He growled, “I come!”
Even slower now, she pulled back and let him fall out of her mouth, licking the thin string

of precum that stuck to the tip of his cock and her lip.
His fingers continued to work tension from her, massaging her neck now and the base of

her skull. Every little bit of stress seemed to fade away, replaced by a tension that had
nothing to do with worry and everything to do with need. It was time to take what she

wanted. She looked into Bruce’s violet irises, saw the kindness buried beneath flames of
lust. Seeing his eyes sparked off something inside her she wasn’t aware she had. It was

time to act on her instinct.


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Chapter Five

Bruce’s eyes went wide in amazement. Standing before her, sweat covering his skin, his
breathing had grown ragged. “Yes, Livia.” With deft fingers he untied the knots and took

the rope back. “Are you okay?”
Nodding, she rubbed her wrists and slid off the chair, came to a standing position. “I

want to continue exploring your body. Get on the bed.”
He smiled wider then stepped back until his knees hit the bed.

“Sit.” She almost didn’t recognize the tone of her own voice. It had become sultry, almost
fitting with the Vegas air.

Bruce did as she requested. His cock jutted upward between powerful thighs. A light coat
of hair covered his legs, calves, but stopped at his cock. That, like his balls had been

shaved clean. A thin sheen of sweat covered his body. Lungs pushed air in and out of his
well-muscled chest. He set his hands out to his sides and leaned back. “I’m ready to be

Livia walked closer to him, hiking her chemise up past her waist. She shook her hips,

swayed them side to side, and watched his gaze focus on her erotic behavior.
Letting go of the hem of her chemise, she strode closer to Bruce and climbed on the bed,

feeling his cock brush against her belly. The faintest of touches sent a jolt of lust racing
up her spine. “Do you want inside me?”

His head nodded weakly. “Yeah. There are condoms in my jacket. I do. I want you on top,
to ride me, my queen.” Hands circled her hips, fingers dug in firmly. He leaned forward,

brushed his lips against hers.
Livia’s breath caught in her throat. “Gods, you say the most beautiful things.” Quickly,

she retrieved a foil packet from his jacket before wrapping her arms around his neck, still
kneeling, then pulled him closer to kiss her.

His tongue invaded her mouth, warm and wet and slick, exploring every nook and crevice
as though she were a new sensation, a fine meal. The ministrations of his tongue and

fingers combined sent more heat racing toward her core. Sweet satisfaction formed in her
gut. Still tasting herself mixed with his masculinity made her blood pump faster.

Her nipples brushed against his chest, hard and soft at the same time. A hand cupped her
breast, weighed it in his palm. Gently, he squeezed a nipple, rolling it between his fingers.

She giggled, moaning into the kiss, aware of the vibrations between them.
His cock bumped against her pussy, triggering awareness of his size. She gasped into

another kiss that stole her breath.
He took the condom from her and tore it open. Sliding it on his erect shaft, he returned

his attention to her. Bruce’s fingers tugged at her curls. One hand slid down her back,
cupping her ass cheek and giving it a firm squeeze.

She groaned, buried her head in his shoulder.
Hands smoothed down her back and over her ass. “I want inside you, if you’ll have me,

A free hand caught his cock, brushing it between slick lips.

The pain from the pleasure became exquisite with each stroke, but felt nothing like his
tongue had earlier. Her voice dropped to a sultriness that surprised even her. “Do it.”

“Livia,” he waggled an eyebrow, “You only need to sit down. You control this.” The strain
on his face showed, eyes half open with lust, mouth parted, swollen.

She caught him, aware of his hugeness in her small hands. Placing him at her entrance,
she wondered briefly how she was going to fit all of him inside. Taking a deep breath, she

closed her eyes and sank down on his cock.
Both of them sighed and moaned in pleasure.

Her muscles gripped him.
His cock filled her.

“That’s it, beautiful. Now just move up and down on me.” His hands settled around her
hips, holding her. Guiding her.


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Rocking her hips back and forth on him, Livia felt the fullness of him when she slid down,
hated the emptiness on the upstroke. But clenching her muscles around him made him

move, helping her toward her own stellar orgasm. The tightness in her body built,
spreading to every muscle as she moved up and down.

Bruce fell back on the bed.She tumbled forward, still feeling his cock in her slick passage.
Flesh slapped flesh, echoing in the large room. Her mouth fell on his, nibbling, sucking.

Her breasts crushed against his chest.
Hands wrapped around her back, smoothing down shoulders, the small of her back,

finally her ass. Fingers spread her cheeks, hips pumped into her, faster, faster still.
Elation spread throughout her body, and Livia couldn’t stop screaming Bruce’s name.

Tears stung the backs of her eyes but not from sadness. Pent up emotions swam in her
head, all the desire, energy, anger, and emotions she’d repressed had come to the front.

His kisses soothed each tear that fell. Lovingly, he held her, kept pumping into her like
she was air to his fire. It hit then. All the buildup of her orgasm exploded into a torrential

flood so powerful she shook from pleasure so intense it threatened to sweep her away.
Bruce continued pumping, helping her. Fingers dug into her ass cheeks.

Pain spiked the sensation of her rocking hips. Each time she slammed against him, it
triggered a new wave of something deeper, hotter. The velvet steel thickness of his cock

pulsing inside her let her know he was nearly there.
She kept going, burying her head in his shoulder. She nipped at his skin, enjoying his

little cries. Her hair slid over his now sweat-soaked skin.
Finally, the two slammed into each other, a cacophony of sex and grunts, screams and

His body strained. “Livia, my goddess!” He came inside her, spurting hard and fast

several times while his breathing remained out of control. Arms wrapped around her
body and his thrusting became almost mechanical in nature until she’d drained him dry.

Settling her thighs around his, Livia pushed back, milking him, still feeling little tremors
from the orgasm only a moment ago. She looked down at him, saw his eyes slammed shut

She cleared her throat. Was he all right? She caught her breath, put a hand to her chest,

and felt beads of sweat on her forehead. “Bruce? Are you okay, Bruce?”
His large hands smoothed down her back again, this time settling one in the soft curls of

her hair while the other cupped an ass cheek. “Yeah. I’m fine. I just….”
Her heart sank. She realized it was only just before noon and they’d had their little one

night stand. “I suppose it ends here, doesn’t it?”
“Not if you don’t want it to.” His voice had become raspy from screaming her name.

“I….I don’t think I do.”
“Me either. I was told to check out 1Night Stand and while I paid a hefty fee, I think the

lesson came across just fine.”
She rose, pulling off him and sliding him out, to her chagrin. “What do you mean?”

“Well, the service is a matchmaking service, right?”
She nodded. “Mmhmm. But I didn’t use it.”

“No, not exactly. Your friend, the therapist did. In your name. She submitted information
to fill out the questionnaire Madame Eve requires, took care of the fee on your behalf,

and set things up.”
She should have figured. Rolling to her side, she lay beside Bruce, looking out of the

window at the sunlight that spilled into the room. Warmth. Comfort. Those words came
to mind.

He reached between them and grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers. “I was given
some background information about you, Livia.”

She snorted. “I wasn’t given anything about you.” Livia turned her head, though secretly
glad for the comfort of his hand in hers.


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“No, that was a little magic on Madame Eve’s part. She knows my past and knew I’d need
someone who could….” His voice became rough with…yearning?

“Care for your heart?”
“Indeed.” He nodded.

Livia looked back at him, inhaled, and let out a slow breath. “So what do we do?”
He shifted so he lay on his side, propping his head up with one arm. “We could surrender

to love. Passion. Life. Then this wouldn’t have to end. At least not today.”The promise of
a future, of safety and control. And freedom from fear of living; that’s what Bruce offered

her. She realized that now.
She could only say one thing. “Yes.”


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Proclaimed by the Publishing industry as the Bad Boy of Romance, I started writing twelve years

ago. My erotic romances have been listed under the Night Owl Romance and Road to Romance’s

Recommended read list, as well nominated for a CAPA by The Romance Studio

I host the Unnamed Romance Show on Radio Dentata. Readers can find my work, plus free reads

at http://saschaillyvichauthor.com

and I’m also part of the WriteSex Panel, a blog group defining erotica for writers in any genre!

Find us at http://www.writesex.net


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Other Decadent 1Night Stand Stories You May Enjoy

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