Lords of Kassis 3 Jos Journey S E Smith

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Jo’ Journey:

Lords of Kassis Book 3

By S. E. Smith

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I would like to thank my husband Steve for believing in me and being proud enough of me to give

me the courage to follow my dream. I would also like to give a special thank you to my sister and best
friend Linda who not only encouraged me to write but who also read the manuscript. Also to my other
friends who believe in me: Julie, Jackie, Lisa, Sally and Narelle. The girls that keep me going!

—S. E. Smith

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Science Fiction Romance


Copyright © 2013 by Susan E. Smith

First E-Book Publication September 2013

Cover Design by Melody Simmons

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form

or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission from the author.

All characters, places and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are

not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locale or
organizations is strictly coincidental.

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Jo Strauss was committed to two things in her life – her family and her life as an acrobat/high-

wire performer. She takes both very seriously. Her life was orderly, in control, and she was finally
settling down in one place so she could spend more time with her parents instead of moving all over
the world every few weeks. To celebrate her and younger sister Star’s one year anniversary away
from the circus they had grown up with, she and Star were meeting River Knight, their childhood
friend and sister of the heart, for a vacation in the mountains in North Carolina.

Everything goes as planned until she and her sisters are kidnapped. Now, she finds herself

transported to another world. Aliens, warships, battles and a certain male were not in the carefully
detailed plans she had mapped out for her life.

Manota Ja Kel Coradon is the second son of the ruling House of Kassis. He is known as the dark

brother, a reputation that he lives up to. He has fought hard to protect his family and the people of
Kassis, at times sacrificing parts of his soul to do so. His knowledge, skills and development of
weaponry are legendary. His skill as a warrior bring shivers of fear to his opponents who know he
never gives mercy to any who stand in his way.

Manota is in total control of his world until one slender, feisty alien female crashes through the

shields he has placed around his heart. She is fearless, determined and stubborn. She absolutely
refuses to cower before him, no matter how much he growls! He is determined to protect her and
claim her as his own but there is one little problem – she will not agree to accept his claim unless he
returns for her parents.

Now, he has even bigger problems – that come in all different shapes, sizes and species! The

return trip is fraught with enough dangers but Jo and Star’s parents aren’t the only ones coming back
to Kassis - so is the circus family who had gathered to help look for their missing family members.

Traitors, pirates and Mimes are just the tip of the iceberg of trouble gliding through warp speed to

his home world. Manota is about to learn that the prophesy that was foretold centuries before is true.
His mate is just as much of a warrior as he is and she comes with backup when an old enemy attacks!

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

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Characters’ Relationships:


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Chapter 1

Manota ran through the dark gardens focusing on the signature in the contact lens that he was

wearing in his left eye. His heart beat frantically as he sprinted across the lawn; fear a bitter and
unfamiliar taste in his mouth. A shadow moved to his left coming out from behind a tall hedge. He
didn’t think twice, his arm sliced out in a deadly arc. He turned his body to miss the blow of the laser
sword as it swept across where his body had been just seconds before. The sword ripped a path
across his shirt, drawing a thin line of blood. His own sword went much deeper as he completed his
turn and shoved it through the male’s left side.

“NO!” He roared out as the lens in his eye dissolved, cutting his connection to the signature he

had been tracking. “Jo….” He whispered in anguish.


Manota jerked awake, breathing heavily as the last of the dream released him from its brutal grip.

He sat up in the middle of his bed, drawing in deep breaths to calm his racing heart. Running his
hands through his short, sweat-dampened hair, he cursed when he noticed that they were shaking as he
dropped them in his lap.

“That damn female is going to be the death of me,” he muttered under his breath.

He threw the tangled, black silk covers to the side and slid out of the huge bed, walking over to

the balcony doors of his room. Motioning for them to open, Manota stepped out into the chilly early
morning air. The stars still glittered in the sky. The second moon was low on the horizon telling him
that dawn would soon be upon them. The first moon had already set on the far side of the planet.

Manota leaned forward bracing his hands on the smooth stone wall of the balcony. His eyes

moved over the large center garden separating the four Royal Houses of Kassis. There was no
evidence of the battle that had raged through the Houses and gardens less than a week before, at least
none visible to the eye. The battle raging inside him was a totally different story.

Ever since he laid eyes on the human female who had helped rescue his brothers from certain

death, he had been fighting a war within his own body and mind. His body demanded he claim what
was his while his mind fought with just trying to understand the blasted female who was twisting him
into knots. The feelings of uncertainty and overwhelming desire were strange to him. He was used to
taking what he wanted – and he wanted the human female with an intensity that was about to drive him
crazy. He had never failed in battle, never been denied, but this female continued to turn away from
him with a stubbornness that defied anything he had ever met before.

He let his eyes sweep over the gardens once more before he turned to prepare for the morning. He

tensed as he sensed something was out of the normal. His eyes scanned again, narrowing as he picked
up a slight movement in the still darkness. He muttered a curse, wondering if by some chance the
royal forces had missed one of the traitors that had attacked his family during the dinner a week ago.
Surely there was no way anyone could have remained undetected for so long? Unless, …

“I’ll kill the bastard,” Manota silently swore as he returned to his room and grabbed the sheath

containing the sharp blade he kept next to the bed. “Javonna must not have been the only traitor Tai

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Tek had hidden among the Houses.”

Dark rage fired in his gut as he returned to the balcony. The figure was moving stealthily closer to

the East House. Manota ruled the Second of Kassis with an iron fist. His personal guards had been
officers under him during the war with the Tearnats. It was not until the Alliance had been formed and
Gril Tal Mod had taken over as leader of the Tearnats that the war ended. The huge Tearnat’s son,
Trolis, along with other traitors to Kassis, had still fought to divide the Alliance and bring an end to
the peace. Tai Tek, a traitorous former Kassisan council member, had struck an agreement with the
Tearnat rebel in exchange for the assassination of the members of the royal house.

Trolis had captured the shuttle returning his older brother Torak, his younger brother, Jazin, ten of

their warriors and Krail Taurus, the Chancellor of the Alliance, to his brother’s warship. The Tearnat
rebel leader had killed the Chancellor before imprisoning his brothers and the other men with the
intention of killing them.

What no one had anticipated was the unexpected help that arrived in the form of three beautiful

female warriors from another world. Those females were able to subsequently paralyze the Tearnat
warship until he and Gril Tal Mod arrived with re-enforcements. There had been a fierce but short
fight due to the fact most of the warriors were trapped on the different levels of the warship.

Manota later learned the Tearnat warship had made an unexpected stop on an unknown planet

called Earth where several of the warriors had taken a shuttle down to explore the possibility of
additional resources for their fight. They had returned with two prisoners and one stowaway that
turned out to be much more dangerous than they realized.

Manota’s mind drifted to the three unusual, but beautiful warriors. Jo Strauss, her younger sister,

Star, and their friend, River Knight – the Prophesized Warriors who would unite the Houses of
Kassis and defeat those trying to destroy it according to his father. Manota moved through the
shadows as he thought of the women he would give his life to protect. He moved around the corner of
the balcony keeping the dark figure in his peripheral vision. He didn’t want to take a chance of the
bastard escaping.

He slowed as he neared the end of the balcony. His eyes swept up and down trying to gauge

where the figure planned to enter. His eyes narrowed on the vines covering the sides of the East
House. They were thick enough to climb. He slid the blade into the sheath he had slung over his
shoulder. Moving the strap of the sheath until it crossed his bare chest; he jumped up onto the edge of
the railing and gripped a handful of the vines in his hand. The figure had started climbing one of the
pillars. They could only reach the roof of the East House from it. They would need to either climb
down the vines or go through the access door on the roof. The roof entrance was heavily secured but
Manota wasn’t about to take a chance. He cursed the fact that they had depended on the security
system he had in place that marked unknown visitors. If the person was already authorized, then they
would not show up as a threat.

Manota quickly made his way to the roof, rolling over the edge and onto one knee. His eyes

scanned the pillars. He watched as the figure bent and attached a hook to the thin lines holding the
pillars in place. A moment later, the figure swung off the pillar, gliding to the next one. Manota
watched as the figure moved closer until he was at the last one. He stooped down and ran to the

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entrance leading down into the lower levels. He stood up once he was back in the shadows and


He didn’t have long to wait. He watched through narrowed eyes as the figure reached out and

grabbed the edge of the wall surrounding the roof. The intruder was dressed from head to toe in
black. The figure jumped off the small wall before bending over and unlatching the sliding handgrip
he had used on the wire. Pulling a bag from his back, Manota’s eyes followed as the intruder slipped
the device into his bag before standing and pulling a short rod similar to what the guards carried from
his waist. Gripping the rod in one hand and the bag in the other, the figure sprinted toward the
entrance where Manota was waiting. A dark smile curled Manota’s lips as he stepped out of the
shadows, slowly drawing his sword from the sheath as the figure skidded to a startled stop.

“Now, it is time to die,” Manota said coldly. “But not before you tell me who sent you!” He

growled as he swung his sword.


The figure dropped the bag he was holding and rolled to the side, pulling the short rod up in front

of him. With a flick of his wrist, the rod extended several centimeters. The intruded twirled it around
before bringing it up in front of him.

Manota attacked with cold calculation, not wanting the fight to end too soon. His blood was still

flooded with the adrenaline from his dream, his frustration at Tai Tek ’s escape, and his sexual

No, this one will be begging for death before I am ready to grant it, he thought as he lashed out


The figure countered his blows time after time. Manota’s eyes narrowed as he realized that this

opponent was extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat. The intruder was using many of the counter-
attacks that his guards used. There was also something very familiar with the way he moved, dodging
or repelling blows that should have stopped him. In fact, the intruder was using moves and counter-
attacks that he had personally trained his elite guards in during the war. The thought that one of his
men could be the traitor enraged him as he had handpicked each one.

He felt his muscles clench as the staff connected first with his stomach then across his back,

pushing him forward. He swirled, shifting his sword as he watched the figure slowly circle around
trying to get closer to the door.

“I don’t think so,” Manota growled, striking out with a quick thrust.

The figure turned as the blade came at him, elbowing Manota in the mouth before bending in a

graceful arc and pushing him away again. Manota snarled as he tasted blood where his lip split from
the blow.

His eyes flamed with rage at the soft snort that escaped the dark figure as the male moved again

trying to get by him. Manota moved in closer, circling around. He struck out again, only this time
when the staff came up to deflect it he blocked the blow with his other arm. He gritted his teeth

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against the pain of the blow and swiped his sword across the stomach of the intruder. A loud, pain
filled hiss echoed in the early morning air. A part of Manota noted the sky was beginning to grow
lighter. Soon, the dark figure in front of him would not have anywhere to hide.

It was time to end this, Manota thought as the figure fell backwards.

“Where is Tai Tek hiding?” Manota demanded as he took a menacing step toward the figure that

was holding the long staff defensively in front of him. “What were you doing? Who were you

The figure backed up toward the edge of the roof. The sun’s rays cast his face in shadows as it

rose behind him. As soon as the intruder felt the back of the low wall against his legs, he flung the
staff at Manota’s head, placed one hand on the low wall and rolled over the side.

Manota cursed loudly as he jerked his head to the side so he wouldn’t be hit by the flying rod. He

darted forward, looking over the edge as the figure moved with ease down the side of the vine-
covered wall. He caught a glimpse as the figure disappeared over the balcony that led to his rooms.

“Shit!” He growled out harshly as he sheathed his sword.

He rested his hand on the side of the low wall, tossing his leg over. He looked down and froze.

His eyes glued to the perfect blood-covered outline of a hand which shone clearly in the early
morning light. His eyes darted to the long staff lying on the roof. Pulling his leg back over, he walked
numbly over to where it rested. He knelt down and carefully picked up the staff even as his stomach
began to roll with a dark dread. Fresh blood dampened the long narrow staff as well, showing
evidence his blade had struck more than once. Fury built inside him as he grasped the decorative staff
and rose to his feet. His eyes scanned the rooftop in the early morning light picking up the numerous
small drops of blood dotting the surface.

Twirling as fear built alongside the anger, he sprinted to the entrance to the roof. The door

crashed backwards as he ripped it open. Taking the stairs three at a time, he wove his way down to
the lower levels. He startled the guard on patrol who turned to confront him as he burst through the
inner door.

“Call for the healer!” He ordered harshly as he ran past the man.

“Where should I tell him to meet you, my lord?” The guard asked as he hurried to catch up as they

raced through the corridors.

“Lady Jo’s room,” Manota snarled out as he quickly outpaced the guard.

If he thought he had felt fear a week ago it was nothing compared to what he was feeling right


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Chapter 2

Jo gently closed the balcony door leading into her living quarters. She moved on silent feet across

the polished marble floor, skirting the elaborate area rugs scattered around the room. She focused on
getting to the bathroom off her bedroom. She nudged the door to her bedroom open with her shoulder,
ignoring the smooth covers of the bed.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she ordered the door to the bathroom to close behind her. Refusing

to give in to the exhaustion plaguing her, she pulled off her gloves and tossed them onto the counter
next to the crystal bowl that created the sink. She reached for several small towels on the shelf next to
long mirror and laid all but one next to her gloves before she ordered the water on. Dampening the
small towel in her hand, she laid it along the edge of the bowl. Looking in the mirror, she raised a
trembling hand to the black cap hiding her long mane of blond hair. Pulling it off, she studied her face
for a few moments before taking a deep breath.

Now, comes the hard part, she thought tiredly as she stared at the numerous damp sections of her

shirt. You can do this, Jo. Just don’t think about it.

Gritting her teeth, she couldn’t stop the hiss of pain that escaped as she slowly peeled the long-

sleeved black top off. She left the black sports bra underneath it on as it was more difficult to remove.
She was covered in tiny cuts but it was the long, thin slice across her stomach that stung the most.
Tears blurred her vision as the cut pulled as she twisted to pull the left sleeve the rest of the way off.

“You should have just faced the music, girly,” Jo admonished herself as she pulled the small

damp towel off the bowl and pressed it to the long cut. “He would have only been pissed off at you
instead of using you as a cutting board.”

Jo was smart enough to admit not telling Manota who she was hadn’t been the wisest decision she

had made lately. She hadn’t been sleeping well since the battle a week ago. Hell, she hadn’t slept
well since they were kidnapped over six months ago. This past week had shown Jo just how much her
life had changed and how close she had come to being left alone on a strange, alien world. The
turbulent feelings of guilt, fear, and her continued fight with her feelings for Manota had festered
inside her until she wasn’t thinking clearly any longer.

Her thoughts drifted back to the cabin in the North Carolina mountains that she, Star and their

friend River, had rented. She and Star had arrived a couple days before and were enjoying the peace
and quiet. Jo didn’t want to admit to her little sister at first that she was glad that Star had overheard
the nasty conversation between her new boyfriend and some of the other cast members of the Circus
to the Stars where they had been working. Ever since they had left the circus almost two years ago to
live in Orlando, Florida near their parents who had retired, Jo had felt discontented. She missed their
circus family. She missed seeing the different cities. She missed every smell, sound, and feel of the
circus. Performing the same acts over and over with people who hoped you’d screw up so they could
take your place wasn’t the kind of life Jo wanted. When Star came home in tears one night, Jo decided
it was time to go home. Star told her that the other cast members were making fun of her small stature
and the only reason that her boyfriend wanted her was for the contacts they knew.

They had quit the next night after their performance, called River to schedule their vacation time,

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and packed up for a three month break. Jo had also called Walter, the owner of the circus, and asked
if she and Star could come back. Walter had been ecstatic about their return. Jo ’s eyes burned as she
remembered their conversation.

“You and Star get your asses back here where you belong,” Walter had said gruffly. “We have a

three month break to give everyone a rest and fix and replace equipment. Hell, I was beginning to
wonder when you and your sister were going to wake up and realize that you could never be happy in
that tourist trap.”

“We wanted to be near mom and dad,” Jo had responded quietly.

“And how did that work out?” Walter had asked bluntly.

“They are so busy we hardly get to see them,” Jo admitted. “Between the trapeze camps they

volunteer at and their photography they are almost always on the road.”

“You girls get your asses home where they belong,” Walter said. “You know everyone misses

you, not just River, but my Ricki misses you too. You three girls are about the only ones she ever
opened up to.”

Jo sniffed as she thought about the beautiful daughter Walter and Nema found on the doorstep to

their trailer almost twenty-four years ago. They had adopted the little girl who became their world.
Ricki was a master at organization. Nema had turned most of the behind the scenes running of the
circus over to her by the time she was eighteen. If there was an issue, problem or anything else that
needed to be handled to make the transition from city to city, country to country easier, Ricki made it
happen with a few clicks of her computer or a phone call.

She and Ricki had become fast friends, having more in common with their quiet ways and their

need for control over their worlds. They were less than a year apart in age and had felt like sisters
since the first time they met behind Walter’s trailer shortly after Alan and Tami Strauss joined Cirque
de Magik when Jo was eight.

Jo pulled the bloody towel away from the cut and tried to get an idea of how deep it was. She

really didn’t want to have to go see the healer. If she was lucky, she could hide out in her rooms for a
few days until the worst of it had healed.

“I can always tell Manota it’s my time of the month,” she murmured to herself with a wry smile.

“Hell, at least this will help motivate me to keep my hands off him. God, I love that man so much. The
thought of leaving him is tearing me apart.” Her eyes burned with unshed tears at just thinking about it
and her heart felt like it was breaking in two.

Jo chuckled sardonically and shook her head. It was hard to believe that it was over six months

ago since they were taken. Six months of fighting her attraction to him. Six months of guilt for wanting
to forget about how her parents must be feeling about her, Star and River’s disappearance. Each day
grew more difficult to resist wanting to give into her feelings for him and saying to hell with
everything else.

She closed her eyes and thought about the events leading up to the first time she saw the huge alien

that had changed her life so much.

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The night had been cool and clear and it was getting close to midnight. Jo had been sitting in one

of the overstuffed chairs reading while Star moved around restlessly waiting for River to arrive. Her
sister finally went to heat up some water for tea in the kitchen.

She remembered hearing a noise on the front porch. Thinking that River had arrived and might

need some help, she had gotten up and opened the front door. She remembered screaming as the huge
creatures ripped the door off the hinges when she tried to shut it. Star heard her scream and had come
running into the living room. Jo gripped the edge of the counter as she remembered yelling for Star to
run. One of the creatures caught Star as she tried to escape to one of the bedrooms. Things became
blurry after that. They had drugged them.

Jo opened her eyes and stared at her reflection. She rinsed the damp cloth, watching as the water

turned red from the blood before clearing again. She gently began cleaning some of the other cuts.

River had arrived. She had followed them back to the shuttle and hidden aboard it when she

realized she couldn’t undo the locks restraining them. They had spent weeks on board the Tearnat
warship trying to figure out how to escape. They thought they finally had a chance when River
discovered that the leader of the warship had captured other aliens. They were supposed to take them
home in exchange for freeing them. Instead, they had been brought to Kassis.

Jo gingerly wiped at the cut on her stomach that continued to seep blood. She winced when she

pressed a little too hard and it started to bleed a little heavier. She turned and leaned against the
counter as a wave of weakness washed over her. Her head drooped and she closed her eyes, applying
pressure to the wound and breathing deeply. She let her mind drift back to the Tearnat’s warship.

“We didn’t have any choice but to help them,” she whispered as she replayed the scene in her

head. “Trolis was going to kill them. They were our only hope.”

Trolis had ordered the men to be killed. Instead, River, Star and she had freed them and set their

plans in motion. They had sabotaged the warship in an effort to give them time to escape in one of the
shuttles. The men had promised to take them home. Instead, another warship had arrived. This one
filled with more warriors and Tearnats. Jazin Ja Kel Coradon, the youngest of the royal brothers, had
finally escorted her and Star to the other warship. It was several hours later when River was found
and brought aboard.

A shiver shook Jo’s slender body as she remembered meeting Manota for the first time. Jo had

followed Star and Jazin to medical to see River. They had entered it only to find the huge Kassisan
warrior, Torak, restraining River. Star had immediately jumped on the man’s back while Jo had gone
for one of River’s knives that she never went anywhere without. That was when a hand came out of
nowhere and grabbed her wrist and pulled her against a hard, muscled body. She tried to pull away
but the hand continued squeezing her wrist with enough force that she couldn’t hold on to the knife any
longer. Only after she had dropped the knife, did the hand release her. But not before running his
thumb gently over her wrist, as if he was trying to soothe the bruise he knew he must have left. That
was when she turned and stared up into eyes the color of the night sky with but a single bright, silver
star shining in the center.

Jo’s head jerked up and her eyes widened in surprise as the door to her bathroom suddenly slid

open. She bit her lip to keep the hiss of pain from escaping at the sudden movement of her body as she

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tried to twist enough to conceal the cuts. It was impossible with the mirror behind her. The dark rage
glittering in those same midnight color eyes burned into her as his eyes dropped to the bloody towel
clenched between her fists.

A curse burst from his lips as he strode forward. Jo flinched when he reached out at first. He

paused to look down at her before he gently pulled the cloth away from her stomach. Another short
curse echoed in the bathroom before strong arms swept around her, lifting her with infinite care.

“Manota,” Jo began before her voice faded as a dark scowl creased his brow.

“Don’t…” Manota bit out. “We will not discuss this until after the healer has taken care of you.”

“I don’t…” She tried to say but stopped again when she saw the muscle in his jaw pulsing. “You

can’t put me on the bed! It will ruin the covers,” she protested as he started to lower her down onto
the pristine covers.

“Do. Not. Say. Another. Word,” Manota bit out as he laid her down. “Shavic!”

Jo turned her head as Shavic, the healer who had saved her sister and was the healer for Torak’s

warship, quietly walked into the room.

Jo glanced up at Manota as he stood back so Shavic could take his place at her side. The

handsome healer set the case he was carrying on the nightstand. He opened it. Pulling an injector out,
he pressed it against her neck. Jo jerked as the cold metal touched her heated skin. The quick injection
of a mild sedative widened her eyes for a moment before the combination of the drug and exhaustion
overtook her. Her eyelashes fluttered futilely before they settled like twin crescents.

Shavic replaced the injector and picked up another device. He ran it over the long cut running

from one side of her stomach to the other. Once the cut was sealed, he moved to the dozens of smaller

“She is exhausted,” Shavic said quietly, looking briefly at Manota’s frozen features. “I have given

her something that will allow her to rest for several hours. I would like to see her again later this
afternoon to reassess her health.”

“Come before dinner,” Manota responded shortly.

Shavic checked Jo’s vitals before he turned to Manota with the same device he had used to heal

the cuts on Jo. Manota frowned heavily as Shavic stopped in front of him and raised the device to his
lip. A quick scan sealed the cut.

“Did she get you anywhere else?” Shavic asked in amusement.

“No,” Manota replied stiffly. “Just bruises.”

Shavic raised his eyebrow and waited for a moment before he nodded and turned to pack the

device with the rest of his equipment. His eyes strayed to the delicate features of the human female.
He noticed the pale color of her skin which emphasized the dark shadows under her eyes. Her lips
parted softly with a sigh. His eyes jerked back to the bag he held and he turned with a nod to Manota
who was watching him with a narrow-eyed grimness.

“I will return later to check on her,” Shavic said quietly before leaving.

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Manota watched the healer leave before turning his gaze back to the still figure lying on the bed. It

was time to stake his claim. He had given the strong-headed female more than enough time to adjust.
Already, his brothers had come close to losing their mates.

He watched as she sighed again in her sleep. She was still restless, even with the sedative Shavic

had given her. Something was bothering her. He had noticed her increasing quietness over the past
week. He thought it was worry about her sister’s injuries but there was something else as well.

Unable to stand the sight of the dried blood on her skin, Manota slowly approached the bed. He

could easily call for one of the women who remained in his House to come take care of her but he

No, she is mine to care for whether she is ready to accept it or not, Manota thought as he

tenderly began stripping the clothes from her slender body.

His fingers trailed along the smooth skin of her stomach where his blade had sliced through the

delicate skin. Fear, an emotion he was unfamiliar with before meeting Jo, choked him. He closed his
eyes briefly as he realized just how close he came to killing his own mate. He had no idea why she
did not identify who she was when he confronted her.

A wry chuckle escaped him as he pulled the knife at his side out and sliced through the black top

binding her breasts. Who was he trying to kid? He knew exactly why she didn’t. She was too stubborn
to let him know that she had snuck out and too independent to allow him to cage her, even if it was
only to keep her safe.

Manota’s breath caught at the magnificent beauty lying before him. Even with her pale skin marred

with blood, he couldn’t help but notice how soft and fragile she looked. He set the knife on the
nightstand and began removing his own clothing. His body was taut still from the adrenaline from
their fight and the fear coursing through him when he discovered it was Jo he had almost killed.

His darkly tanned body reflected scars earned during the war that were too deep to totally erase.

He knew he wasn’t handsome like his other two brothers. His face was more rugged, his features
darker and harder. His eyes burned with barely suppressed control. He felt more comfortable moving
among the shadows. He fought for his family and his people with a savagery more like his ancestors
from centuries long ago. He did not know what type of males Jo had back on her world and really
didn’t care; she was his and he would do whatever was necessary to keep her.

Sliding his arms around her, he gently lifted her. Cradling her against his warmer body, he turned

and walked back into the cleansing room. His lips curled as he remembered her insisting it was a
‘bathroom’. He would never admit to her, but he loved that she was not in the least intimidated by
him. The females that had lived in his House before always treated him with reverence. They never
argued, never demanded, never excited his blood the way Jo did.

Manota rubbed his cheek against Jo’s soft hair as he stepped into the sunken pool. He

remembered the first time he had taken her to his House. He expected her to be impressed with all the
females living there. It was a sign of power for a male to have many women under their protection.
He had been greeted with the honor expected of a man of his position. He was the second son of the
Royal House of Kassis. He was a powerful leader in his own right.

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He cradled Jo’s slumbering body closer to his as he gently washed the blood from it. He grinned

when he thought of her outrage when she discovered what he was doing. She would have fought him
tooth and nail if she had been conscious. He shifted her so she was lying with her back against his
chest. For just a little while, he wanted to enjoy the feel of just holding her. Yes, he was aroused but
there was something more than just his physical desire for her. He wanted – needed- the peace she
gave his battered soul.

Manota leaned his head back against the side and closed his eyes as he continued to stroke her

soft skin. The first time he had brought her into his House she had stood in frozen silence. At first he
had thought she was stunned by the power and prestige he held. When he had introduced her to the
other females and explained she would be the Lead Female as his mate, he had expected her to be

He chuckled as he brushed a kiss along her temple. Instead, she had given him a black eye before

turning and walking out. His chuckle died as his eyes darkened with the memory of what happened
next. He and his brothers found the three females in the central garden. They were making plans to
return to their world – had in fact demanded that they be returned. An assassination attempt almost
took the life of his older brother’s mate, River, when she pushed Torak out of harm’s way.

Jo moved restlessly against Manota. He felt her breathing increase as if she was suddenly

frightened. He turned her in his arms again and pulled her close.

“Shush, mi t’belle,” he murmured softly. “I will protect you.”

Jo settled back into a deeper sleep as he continued rubbing her back. He reluctantly rose out of the

warm waters of the bath. Stepping in front of the dryer, he let the heated air swirl around them, drying
their skin. Once he felt sure that she was dry enough, he carried her back to the bed. He laid her down
on the covers, pulling the other side back before picking her up and sliding her back under the covers.
She gave a deep sigh and rolled over onto her side. He pulled the covers on the other side back and
slid in beside her. Jo rolled toward him the minute he was under the covers, snuggling close. A
contented sigh escaped him as he wrapped his arms around her. Calling out a command, the blinds in
the windows closed them in a cocoon of darkness.

Soon, he thought tiredly as sleep overtook him. Soon I will claim her as mine.

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Chapter 3

Jo stretched, feeling suddenly very refreshed. It was a wonderful feeling after so many days of not

sleeping well. She turned her head, frowning as she saw the blinds were closed. Sitting up, she was
startled to discover she was nude.

“Open blinds,” she called out.

The blinds dissolved letting in the brilliant afternoon light. Jo pushed her hair out of her eyes,

blinking several times as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. Her eyes swept over the room as
she tried to remember how she ended up in the bed. Her eyes lowered to the covers, freezing on the
spots of dried blood on the top bedspread. She frowned as the memories slowly returned. She had
been out exploring the area around the four Houses. She wanted to know every square inch, every
possible hiding place that someone might be able to hide in. She had almost lost River to an
assassin’s shot and her sister the night of the dinner to another. She would do everything in her power
to protect them. She was the oldest, the one who had wanted to get away. It was her fault they ended
up at the cabin. Star had wanted to go to the Bahamas. Jo was the one who wanted the peace of the

Pushing the covers aside, she slid out of the bed. As she turned to straighten the covers she

noticed the indent in the pillow next to hers. Jo slowly reached over and pulled the pillow toward
her. Lifting it, she pressed her face into it. Manota’s heady masculine scent filled her, bringing with it
a wave of longing. He had slept with her.

She dropped the pillow back onto the bed as the wave of longing returned even stronger than

before. Her fingers slid down to touch her smooth, unmarked stomach. She remembered Shavic
coming in and healing her. He had given her something that made her sleepy. Jo looked down at her
clean skin and knew that Manota must have removed her clothes to bathe the blood and sweat from
her body. A shiver went through her as she thought of him touching her, caring for her, while she was

“You are awake,” a deep voice spoke quietly from the doorway.

Jo gasped in surprise, her eyes widening as the man in her thoughts suddenly appeared before her.

She blushed a furious red as she grabbed the covers from the bed and dragged them around her bare
figure. She watched warily as he stepped into the room carrying a small tray.

“I…” Jo swallowed as she watched him set it on the small table next to the windows. “I’ll be

right back,” she muttered.

Manota watched as Jo hurried into the cleansing room, ordering the door closed behind her. He

turned to look out the windows, deep in thought. He had awakened several hours ago when his
Captain of the Guard informed him that his father wished to meet with him. He had reluctantly pulled
out of Jo’s arms. She had been draped over his chest, one slender leg curled between his.

It had taken every ounce of control he had to not throw caution to the wind and just claim her right

then and there. His cock had been full and heavy with need. There were two things that stopped him.
The first was his honor. He would never take a female without her consent, especially the female who

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was destined to be his mate. The second reason was he didn’t have a single doubt that Jo would never
have forgiven him for taking that choice away from her. He had learned much over the past few
months. She was fiercely loyal, proud, brave, kind and protective of those she loved. He knew if he
wanted to be in that group, he would have to earn it. The problem was – time had run out. He could
wait no longer. The constant hunger to be one with her was driving him to the point he could think of
little else. His fear of something happening to her, of losing her, was another battle he fought. He
wanted to feel her in his arms at night, wrapped around him as she had been earlier.


“I…,” Jo took as deep breath as she emerged from the bathroom, tightening the belt on the soft,

pale blue robe she had slipped on. “Thank you… for having Shavic come in and heal me. I’m sorry
about not telling you who I was.”

She had done some serious thinking while she used the restroom and refreshed herself. She bit her

lip as she glanced at the rumpled bed before walking over to where Manota still stood, silhouetted by
the afternoon light. She slid into one of the chairs next to the small table and poured them both a cup
of the hot liquid that was favored on Kassis. It wasn’t coffee or tea but a mixture of flavors that was a
combination of the two.

“Why? Why were you out? Why did you not tell me who you were when I confronted you?”

Manota asked harshly, sitting heavily in the chair across from her. He waited until she looked up at
him, her eyes filled with remorse. “I could have killed you,” he said hoarsely.

Jo shook her head, sending the long blond strands dancing around her shoulders. “But you didn’t. I

would have told you if I felt I was in danger.”

Manota exploded out of his chair, turning his back to her. Jo ’s eyes followed him as he stepped

closer to the window and stared out over the gardens far below. He placed his hands on the side of
the window frame. His fists clenching and unclenching as he fought for control. It was several long
minutes before he finally drew in a deep, calming breath.

He turned and looked at her. “You were in danger. I would have killed you immediately if it

wasn’t for the fact that I wanted information I thought you had. Do you know what it would have done
to me? To your sister and River, if I had? I would not have been able to live with myself,” he said
grimly. “You jeopardized not only your life but mine and the strength of the House of Kassis by your
foolish act this morning.”

Jo rose stiffly from her chair. “You are right,” she replied quietly with a slight bow of her head.

“For that, I apologize. There is no way to turn back time and correct the decision I made. I can only
learn and move forward. The fact remains, you did not kill me and there is nothing I can do to change
what has already happened. But, I can make sure that it does not happen again,” she added woodenly.
“That is why I have come to the decision that I think it is best if I leave.”

Manota ran his hand across the back of his neck in aggravation. “Do you think going to stay with

your sister or River will change things?” He asked in frustration.

Jo shook her head. “I’m not talking about staying with Star or River,” she said softly. “I’m talking

about going home. I want to return to my world. I… I want to be taken back to Earth.”

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Manota’s breath exploded out of his chest as he stared in horror and disbelief at Jo. He had not

expected her to request that she be taken back to her world. Anger built as fear of losing her swept
through him.

“No,” he growled out quietly, the look of determination glittering in his eyes as he took a step

toward where she was standing. “No,” he said again, this time with a thread of steel in the word. “I
will not return you to your world. You are mine! I have claimed you. I have tried to give you time to
adjust, time to accept your new life. You leave me no other choice, Jo.”

Jo stepped back as he advanced toward her. Her hand fluttered to her throat as his expression

changed from anger to a calm determination. The look in his eyes scared and excited her. Her eyes
widened when his hands began to undo the stays holding his shirt closed.

“Manota,” she whispered, raising her hand out to ward him off. “Please, you have to understand. I

have to return. I don’t belong here. My parents …” Her voice died as he shrugged his shirt off and
tossed it on the back of the chair. “I can’t….”

“You can,” he whispered as his hands moved to the buttons of his pants. “You must. I claim you,

Jo. I should have taken you back on the warship months ago but you were not ready to accept my
claim then. I have tried to give you time to adjust but I can wait no longer. You are mine,” he said.
“Let it be known I, Manota Ja Kel Coradon of the Second House of Kassis, claim you, Jo Strauss, for
my house and as my mate. I claim you as my woman,” he murmured as he toed off his boots, kicking
them to the side. “No other may claim you. I will kill any other who try,” he continued as he pushed
the black trousers he was wearing down. “I give you my protection as is my right as leader of my
house. I claim you as is my right by the House of Kassis,” he finished as he kicked his pants to the
side and continued to advance toward her, now completely nude.

“Manota,” Jo choked out, her voice fading in despair.

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Chapter 4

Jo’s eyes swept over Manota’s tall, muscular form. He was beautiful. There was no other way to

describe him. His body was sculptured from years of training. The dark skin a contrast to her own as
he stepped close enough so her palm lay over his heart. His chest was bare of hair, his nipples a dark,
dusky brown. Her eyes rose to his as he gently untied the belt holding her robe closed.

“Please,” he whispered huskily. “Please do not deny me, deny us, this chance.”

Jo’s eyelashes fluttered as he opened her robe and slid his callused palms across her sensitive

skin. A shudder went through her as she stepped into his embrace, looking up into his searching gaze.
Rising up on her tiptoes, she pressed a tentative kiss to his firm lips. A soft groan escaped her as he
deepened it, taking over as she parted her lips to his demand. She felt her robe flutter to the floor as
he pushed it off her shoulders. She wound her arms around his neck, suddenly starving as a ravishing
hunger for him grew inside her.

“Manota,” she gasped as she felt his hard shaft pressing against her stomach.

“Yes,” he groaned in answer to the hunger in her voice. “Tell me yes,” he said huskily as he

pressed kisses along her jaw. “Tell me you accept my claim.”

“Yes,” Jo whispered brokenly.


Manota heard the slight hesitation in her voice. He knew there was more behind Jo’s desire to

return home than what happened this morning. He heard the thread of sadness in her voice. He would
do whatever was in his power to make her happy. First though, first he needed to seal his claim on
her. He needed – wanted - there to be no doubt that she belonged to him, with him.

He slid his arm under her knees, lifting her up into his arms. He walked back over to the bed.

Gently laying her down, he knelt beside her. Touching the soft strands of her hair, he marveled at the
beauty of the alien warrior who had captured his heart.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured. His eyes captured her blue gaze, holding it with his own

dark one. “You are beautiful on the outside,” he whispered as his fingers gently traced the line of her
jaw before they ran down to stop between the valley of her breasts. “And on the inside.”

Jo’s eyes filled with tears and she smiled. “Did anyone ever tell you that you are pretty romantic

for being such a big ass warrior?”

Manota chuckled and shook his head. “No, I don’t think anyone has ever told me that before you,”

he said gruffly. “I love you, Jo,” he murmured, his eyes glittering fiercely. “You make me feel things
I’ve never felt before. You make me… afraid.”

Jo’s eyes widened at his admission. His softly spoken words shook her to her core. She could see

the vulnerability in his eyes as he stared down at her. Her heart melted as he waited - frozen - for her
response. She knew it must have taken a tremendous amount of courage for him to confess his

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She reached up and touched the pulse throbbing at his temple with the tips of her fingers. Sliding

her fingers through his hair, she pulled him down to her. Just before their lips touched, she whispered
the words he had been hoping for.

“I love you. Claim me, Manota. Make me yours,” Jo breathed out before sealing her lips to his.

The soft groan that followed her words echoed in the room as he released the tight control on his

emotions. His hands roamed over her with a reverence that stunned her. Her own hands were not as
refined as she ran them over his shoulders, scraping her nails against his hot flesh as waves of heat
flowed through her.

“I’m going to take you,” Manota said roughly as he pressed kisses along her jaw. “I’m going to

claim every part of your body so there is no doubt that you belong to me. I am going to leave my mark
on you so you will never forget whose heart you hold within your slender hands.”

Jo gasped as he nipped her neck. She arched into him, turning her head to give him better access.

She had never before felt such intense emotions as those rushing through her now, threatening to
drown her in their turbulent flow. They frightened her even as they empowered her with the
knowledge that Manota was not immune to her any more than she was to him.

She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, moaning as she felt his body shudder against hers as

she scraped her nails along his taut muscles. Her breath stuttered as he moved further down her body.
His lips were hot and moist as they ran a path along her collarbone over to the swell of her right
breast. She threaded her fingers through his short hair, drawing him further down to her aching nipple.

“So beautiful,” Manota moaned against her skin. “So very beautiful.”

“Manota,” Jo breathed out as his lips latched around the straining peak. “Yes!”

She gasped as he sucked it between his teeth causing a rush of hot liquid to form between her legs.

She pressed up against his mouth, wanting – needing more. Her legs moved restlessly beneath him.
She was on fire and he was the only one who could even begin to douse the flames.

“I…,” she choked out before the words died on her lips as his fingers moved to where she was

aching so badly.

“Gods! Jo, you ignite my blood,” Manota muttered as he buried two of his thick fingers into her.

“You make me burn until I can think of nothing but you.”

“Yes…,” she whispered as she felt him stretching her.


Manota groaned as he felt Jo’s surrender to his touch. He was walking the same delicate tightrope

that she did when she performed. The only difference was, he knew he was about to fall. He could
feel his control slipping as her response to his touch became more frenzied. He had held on to his
tightly controlled emotions for too long. Now, stretched to the maximum, he could feel the primitive
urge to claim, possess, and conquer washing over him. It was almost the same feelings he had when
he was about to enter battle.

He pulled his fingers from her, bringing them to his lips to taste her sweet nectar. She was a part

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of him. She was the piece that was missing in the emptiness that had been eating away at him. The
piece of his life that brightened the darkness that threatened to smother him.

His body was tight, hard after so many months of holding back. His biggest fear was he would

hurt her. It was that fear that helped him keep the small, fragile thread of control he had against the
ferocious need eating at him.

The small thread that snapped when she wrapped her hand around his straining cock, ripping a

loud hoarse cry from his lips. He pulled back, wrapping his large hand over hers. He intended to pull
it from his hard shaft but her tentative stroke drew a shudder from him that rocked him to the
foundations of his soul. Never – never had he felt the cascading emotions crashing over him as he did
at that moment.

“Jo,” he moaned, closing his eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” she murmured in awe.

She gently stroked his hard length in her hand while she ran her other over his chest. He stared

down into her eyes. Eyes the color of purest blue. Eyes that never left his face, staring at him as if she
wanted to memorize every line, every scar that told the story of the battles he had faced and lived

As if in slow motion, he lowered his head even as he aligned his body with hers. Her hand

released him as his pulsating shaft slid into her slick vaginal channel. He rested his weight above her,
pressing her legs farther apart as he settled between them. His jaw was tense, the muscle in it pulsing
as he held himself still for a fraction of a moment. His eyes held hers captive as he slowly began to
enter her.

“You are mine,” Manota gritted out. “Say it. Tell me that you belong to me and only me,” he

demanded hoarsely. “Say it.”

Jo’s eyes widened as he began to push into her. She could feel his thickness, his heat, the silky

hardness of his cock as he began to penetrate her body and couldn’t help but wonder if he would
totally shatter her. She knew there was no stopping what was about to happen – no going back. She
accepted that she could no longer continue denying the fact that she loved him - needed him with
every fiber of her being.

“I am yours,” she whispered, staring up into his midnight eyes. “Only yours.”

“Only mine,” he repeated hoarsely as he thrust forward, burying himself, falling into her.

Jo’s sharp cry filled the air at his possession. Her body stretched, all her barriers broken –

conquered by him as he stormed the defenses she had erected. Defenses that he knew she had fought
hard to keep intact.

Manota could feel her body’s resistance to his invasion. He fought to hold still long enough for

her to adjust to him but the hot, silky feel of her channel closing around his shaft drove him into a
frenzy. His mind shattering and his body consumed with the need to possess in the primal dance
between the male and his mate.

He began rocking into her, driving deeper and deeper as his mouth sought to capture her cries.

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Her own lips sought out his, her tongue tangling with his in a passionate fight as they drank deeply
from each other. Her body matching the rhythm of his. Her long legs opened, rose and wrapped
around his waist. The position opened her up further, locking him to her as she pressed her heels into
his ass.

Manota tore his mouth from her, burying his face in her shoulder. He nipped the slender curve

even as his cock fought to go deeper. His right hand rose, sliding up to cup her left breast. He
tweaked the taut nipple.

“Ah…,” Jo groaned as her body arched and froze as she splintered.

Manota pulled back, continuing his assault on her even as he watched her face tighten as her first

orgasm consumed her. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Her eyes blazed a darker blue,
silver and black swirling through them. Her pupils were dilated and he swore he could see into her
soul as she came apart in his arms.

“Mine, Jo,” he whispered tenderly as he felt his own orgasm bursting forth as her body squeezed

him, demanding that he give his seed to her. “Only mine,” he gritted out before he collapsed over her.


Jo stroked his sweat dampened skin. Her mind was swirling in a mass of emotional overload. It

was as if she couldn’t think of any one thought for any longer than a fraction of a second before it
danced to the next.

She was processing all the feelings washing over her. Her body tingled and hummed with a

warmth in places that she never dreamed possible. It felt as if she was boneless, floating in a mist.
She could feel his body pulsing deep inside her, still hard. Her body, locked in her first orgasm, had
continued to shatter as he drove into her before his hot semen poured deep into her. She had no idea
that it was even possible to feel it but she had. It was if he was claiming her from the inside out. Her
body felt full beyond description yet the fullness felt – perfect.

Gone was the fear and anxiety that had weighed down her shoulders. In its place was a sadness as

she realized that she could never leave Manota. She was tied to him in a way that was beyond just
being physical. It was as if a part of her soul was pulled into him as his was into her.

Jo felt sorrow that she would never see her parents again. A part of her wailed at the pain they

must feel at losing their daughters. The knowledge that they would never know what became of her
and Star would always be an open wound in her heart. But, she knew that to leave Manota, to never
see him again, would be a wound that destroyed her. He had shattered the walls she had built around
her heart and now, to lose him, would be the equivalent of ripping her heart out of her chest.

“Shush, mi t’belle,” he murmured softly as he brushed the tears she wasn’t even aware of spilling

from her face. “I will never let you go. You are the light in my darkness, Jo. I cannot go back to the
emptiness again. You fill me, my heart.”

Jo looked up into the dark eyes. The flaming silver in the centers burning bright, welcoming in

their intensity. She reached up and buried her face in his shoulder.

“Never let me go,” she begged. “Please, don’t let me fall.”

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“Never, mi t’belle, never,” he swore as he began to slowly rock his hips. “I need you again. I

need you like a flower needs the sun. You, mi t’belle, you are my sun.”

Jo pulled back and smiled tenderly up at him. “I will never let you go back to the darkness,” she


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Chapter 5

Jo walked along the path leading through the gardens. She had woken alone, well, sort of. She

looked at the beautiful flower she held gently in between her fingers. Manota hadn’t been there
physically but his love had been. She had awoken to a bed littered with the petals of flowers of every
color imaginable. On the pillow next to her was a brilliant white flower with gold tips. It looked like
a cross between a rose and a carnation.

“It is good to see a smile on your face,” Ajaska said, startling Jo out of her reverie.

“Hi Ajaska, how are you this morning?” Jo asked politely.

She really liked Manota’s father. The first time she met him, she had been sending spit-wads

down at him. River had gotten upset with Torak and ended up on one of the high wires connected to
the pillars in an effort to get away from the guards following her. Star had ended up next to her before
Jo had finally climbed the pillar and joined them to see what had upset her friend so much. The men
had been beside themselves as they tried to figure out how to get them down while they were
perfectly happy sitting like birds on a wire above the whole lot. A short time later, Ajaska Ja Kel
Coradon had shown up demanding to know what was going on. When he had ordered that they get
down immediately, Jo decided it was time to show the big guy that they could ‘spit like a man’ if he
wanted to start barking orders and expecting them to obey. After several near hits, Ajaska had given
in with grace and asked them politely to join him. His quiet manner and ease had soothed Jo’s
battered emotions.

“I am doing well,” Ajaska asked with a searching gaze. He must have liked what he saw for a

small smile curled his lips. “I have been to see your sister. She is very upset with Jazin at the

Jo’s eyebrow rose and her lips tightened. “What has he done now?”

Ajaska laughed at the obvious look of displeasure on Jo’s face. “He caught her when she was half

way through the window – leading into River and Torak’s house.”

Jo’s lips twitched. “You do know she is just having fun trying to see how far she can get before he

catches her, don’t you? I saw her yesterday and she had made it almost to my place before he realized
she was gone. You could hear him yelling all the way across the garden. He never would have caught
her if she had stayed to the wires,” Jo laughed with a nod toward the elaborate cabling system holding
the decorative pillars in place.

“Yes, I heard about it extensively when Jazin demanded that all the pillars and the cables be

removed immediately. He was very upset when I told him absolutely not!” Ajaska grinned.

Jo looked at the huge older warrior in surprise. “Why did you say no? I thought Torak and Manota

would have voted to have it done as well, especially after….” Jo’s voice faded as she thought about
yesterday morning.

“After Manota almost killed you yesterday?” Ajaska asked as he took Jo’s arm gently in his huge

hand and guided her over to the seat near the center fountain.

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“Yes,” Jo said softly looking back toward the roof of the East House. “I should have told him who

I was as soon as I recognized him.”

“Why didn’t you?” Ajaska asked curiously.

Jo’s lips curved and she ducked her head to hide her face behind a curtain of blonde hair. “Once I

realized who it was, I couldn’t resist. He just looked so… big and bad and huffy. I wanted to pick a
fight,” she admitted.

Ajaska leaned forward, cupping Jo’s chin gently in his hand. “Something troubles you,” he

murmured softly looking deeply into her light blue eyes. “What is it?”

Jo’s eyes shimmered with tears. “I can’t stay here,” she answered in a trembling voice.

“Why? You love my son and he loves you. He has claimed you as I am sure you have claimed

him. Why can you not stay?” Ajaska probed.

Jo released her breath, pulling her chin out of his hand and away from his searching eyes. She

looked up at the sky as she thought of how she could explain the constant ache deep inside her. She
knew if anyone could get her home, it was Ajaska. She thought she could ignore the pain of leaving
her parents unaware but she couldn’t, she just couldn’t.

“There are several reasons,” she began, not looking at Ajaska but up at the clouds as they drifted

by. “I don’t know if I can explain this so you can understand…”

“Just say what is in your heart, proud warrior,” Ajaska encouraged with a squeeze to her slender


“Twice now I’ve almost lost the only family I have here. If…” Her throat closed as the emotion of

almost losing River and her sister swept through her again. “If the assassin and Tai Tek had been
successful, I would have been alone here. Alone on an alien world.”

“You fear being alone on our world?” Ajaska asked.

Jo nodded her head before she shook it in frustration. Standing up, she threw her arms out in

aggravation. How could she explain everything when she didn’t understand it all herself.

“Yes, no, I don’t know,” she cried out confusion.

“You mentioned your parents,” another voice said quietly. “You miss them. You are worried

about them. That is why you wish to leave, isn’t it?”

Jo turned to look at Manota as he stepped onto the path. She bit her lip and slowly nodded. She

took a tentative step toward him.

“It isn’t you,” she said softly. “Think of how your father and brothers would feel if they lost you.

Then, think of how your father would feel if he lost all of you… Torak, Jazin, and you. If he had no
idea if you were alive or dead. If he searched and searched but he was searching in the wrong place
and never knew it. How would you feel if you were on a strange world and suddenly found yourself
all alone? How would you feel if there was no way to let him know that you are all right?” She asked,
begging him silently to hear what she couldn’t explain.

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“I do not want to imagine it,” Manota admitted quietly. “For the pain of losing everything would

be a heavy burden to carry.”

Jo bit her bottom lip again and nodded. “It is,” she replied. “It is my fault we were in the

mountains. Star wanted to go to the Bahamas but I didn’t want to be around a bunch of tourists. If we
had gone…”

Manota gently laid his fingers over her lips to silence her. “Then I would have never found you

and the ache inside me would have grown because you are the only one who can fill the emptiness
inside me.”

“Well, there is only one solution then,” Ajaska said as he stood up.

Jo and Manota turned to look at him. She flushed as she realized she had forgotten he was there

the moment Manota spoke. She stiffened at first when Manota wrapped his arm around her waist and
drew her closer before relaxing.

“I will not allow you to send her back,” Manota growled out in a deep voice that rumbled with

menace. “I have claimed her as my mate, she stays with me.”

Ajaska threw his head back and laughed. “No, I will not send her back. I am sending you both

back – for her parents,” Ajaska said with a mischievous look in his eye.

“What?” Manota and Jo both said together, startled.

“I am ordering you to return to her world to retrieve her parents. It is important that my daughters

are happy,” Ajaska said turning to head toward the South House. “And bring me back a mate as well
while you are there! I could use someone for myself!” He called out never turning around.

Jo looked up at Manota with hope and excitement. Manota was still staring after his father with

his mouth opened. She didn’t know if he was shocked at the order to go get her parents or the last
comment about bringing him back a mate. Either way, she couldn’t squelch the excitement building
inside her.

“Manota?” She asked breathlessly.

Manota slowly turned his gaze down to his mate. The hope and excitement in her eyes melted his

resistance at the thought of returning to her world. He never wanted to take the light out of her eyes.

“I guess we are going to your world,” he said with a stunned smile.

“YES!” Jo squealed with delight, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing small kisses all

over his face before sealing her lips to his.

Manota groaned and decided he was going to find more things to make her excited if she acted

like this.

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Chapter 6

“Prepare the air bike for departure,” Manota ordered one of the warriors as he looked over the

reports his second in command had given him. “Kev, have you made sure this area will be isolated
enough that we should remain unseen?”

Kev Mul Kar looked up from the scanner he was monitoring. He had joined the crew as Chief

Security Officer after returning from a mission on Trolis’ warship. He had returned from the Tearnat
warship with star charts and the location of Earth. He was overseeing their trip down to the planet
and had finally picked a location he felt would be isolated enough to hide them without being too far
to contact Lady Jo’s parents.

“The area is primarily used for raising livestock on their world. The warship will be hidden at

the bottom of the lake. All readings state it is deep enough to cover us. The submersible shell for the
air bike can be hidden among the foliage near the edge of the lake. If you use the air bike at night, you
should be able to move relatively unseen. I have met with Lady Jo and we have gone over the best
area to set down. The cloaking device you have developed will work with helping to hide our
presence until we settle underwater. K’tar is manning the communications and sensors of their world.
We will appear as nothing more than space debris or a small meteorite as we enter. My biggest
concern will be with whether Jo’s parents will believe her and follow her directions.”

“They will,” Jo said, biting her lip to keep the stupid grin of excitement and nervousness off her

face. “Daddy and momma can be trusted.”

She was so nervous, she was practically dancing. They had been traveling for over a month and

the closer they got the more excited she became. There had been a short time during that trip she had
been afraid that Manota had changed his mind. Something had happened and he had become very
quiet and withdrawn for several weeks. He had told her it was nothing, just a few issues back home.
Since his schedule was very erratic and it was hard to know when he would come to rest, she never
had a chance to press him about what had happened.

Jo had taken to going to the training room and doing her routines as a way to deal with the restless

energy she was feeling. She always felt better when she was soaring through the air or up on one of
the high beams. She loved the sense of being free. Several of the younger warriors had gotten up the
courage to finally ask her how she did half the moves that she did. She began a class to show them
how to climb the ropes, move from one to another and how to improve their balance on the narrow

During the weeks that passed, she had grown to appreciate the responsibilities that Manota had as

she listened to the young warriors talk about his skills in battle. She could hear the respect and awe in
their voices as they shared stories they had heard or feats they had seen him do themselves. Jo caught
glimpses of his leadership skill throughout the trip as he worked closely with the others on board the
Seeker, a sleek smaller warship that Manota had redesigned. It carried a crew of fifty, was a third of
the size of the larger warships, and could move faster through space. Manota said the warship was
used primarily for shipping military equipment and troop deployment when it was needed quickly.

“Jo?” Manota asked pulling her out of her reverie. “Are you ready?”

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“Yes,” she responded breathlessly.

“Remember, do not tell them anything about where you have been or about us,” Manota reminded


Jo rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t worry. If I told them I had been kidnapped by aliens and was

taking them back to another planet they would probably arrive with the army and a padded wagon. I’ll
keep it simple. I’ll ask them to meet us at the condo.”

Manota nodded and turned to K’tar. “Open the line and patch into their communications system.

Contact the number Lady Jo gave you,” he said in a tone devoid of his true feelings of reservation.

The sound of a ringing phone echoed loudly in the conference room off the bridge. Jo didn’t think

she could handle talking to her parents in front of everyone. It was bad enough that Kev and K’tar
were in the room. Hell, she wasn’t even sure she wanted Manota to be there in case she broke down
like a sobbing lunatic. On the fourth ring, Jo heard her father’s deep voice.

“Hello? Hello?” Alan Strauss said again when he didn’t get a response at first. “Who is this?”

“Daddy?” Jo whispered as tears threatened to choke her. “Daddy, it’s Jo.”

“Jo?” Alan Strauss’ voice repeated in a strained voice. “Who is this?” He demanded harshly.

“Where are my daughters? What have you done with them?”

Jo heard her mother’s voice in the background. She could hear her asking desperately who it was

and what they wanted. The sound of Tami Strauss’ voice broke through the control Jo had fought so
hard to hold onto.

“Daddy, momma, it’s me, Jo. I missed you guys so much,” Jo said in a trembling voice.

“Jo, sweetheart, where are you?” Tami Strauss asked desperately. “Where is Star, honey? Is she

with you? Where have you been? Where are you now? Let us come get you.”

“I’m… I’m going to be heading to our condo. Can you… you… and daddy meet me there? You…

you can’t tell anyone. I need you two to come alone. I have to tell you some… something,” Jo cried

“Honey, where is Star? Is she with you?” Alan asked huskily.

“No, she didn’t come but she is okay. We both are,” Jo answered on a shaky breath. “We… I need

to talk to you both. It is important that it is only you two. Promise me that you won’t tell anyone else.
I… I won’t be able to come if you don’t come alone.”

Jo heard her father inhale a deep breath at her words. In the background she could hear her mother

begging her dad to do as Jo asked. There was a long moment of silence before Alan spoke again.

“We’ll come alone, sweetheart. When will you be there?” Alan asked in a deceptively calm

voice. “Are you in danger?” He asked quietly.

Jo smiled as she looked at Manota who was watching her intently while Kev and K’tar acted like

they weren’t even there. She studied the huge warriors and knew deep down that she had never been
safer. A sense of calm flowed over her as she looked into the beautiful midnight eyes of the man she

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“No, daddy. I’m not in danger. In fact, I’ve never been safer in my life. I have someone I want you

and momma to meet. Someone very, very special,” she said with a soft smile. “I’ll be at the condo in
an hour.”

“We love you, baby,” Alan said gruffly. “We’ll be there.”

“Alone,” Jo insisted. “You have to come alone. No one must know about me being back.”

“We’ll come alone,” Alan promised. “One hour, Jo.”

“I love you, daddy. Tell momma I love her too,” Jo responded before saying goodbye.

The moment the connection was terminated Manota opened his arms wide. Jo’s face crumbled as

she stepped into his embrace. Her shaking sobs pulled at all three hardened warriors. Kev and K’tar
quietly left them alone knowing that Jo needed time with her mate.

After several minutes, Jo pulled back and laughed self-consciously. “Sorry about that,” she said,

embarrassed. “I wasn’t expecting it to be so hard.”

Manota tilted her chin up so she was looking into his eyes. He gently wiped his thumbs across her

damp cheeks. He watched as her eyes darkened at his touch.

“You are the most beautiful, bravest female I have ever met,” he said quietly. “You have no need

to apologize for caring. I never really appreciated what you were saying – about what it would feel
like to lose a member of your family until… until a few weeks ago. Now, I know what it feels like.
You are an incredibly brave woman.”

Jo frowned as she saw the sorrow in Manota’s eyes. She had seen it numerous times over the last

few weeks. Something had happened. Her mind raced through the brief conversations they’d had. She
remembered him saying there had been a problem back home. Her eyes widened as she connected
what he just told her with the anguish he had tried to hide from her.

“Your father?” She asked in a scared voice.

Manota shook his head. “Father is well,” he responded sadly.

“Who? Star…” Her voice shook at the thought of something happening to her little sister or River

while she was gone.

“Your sister is… as well as can be expected,” he said heavily. “Jazin…” he paused as a muscle

ticked in his clenched jaw. “Jazin was killed in an accident while at the Uri Spaceport several weeks
ago. It is even more urgent that your parents return with us. Your sister is… she needs her family with
her during this time.”

“Oh Manota,” Jo whispered in shock before burying her face in his chest, harsh sobs shaking her

narrow shoulders. “I’m so sorry. Star… oh god, she must be devastated at losing Jazin.”

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Chapter 7

Jo looked down at the sparkling lights of the city below. She had moved as if in a trance after

Manota told her about Jazin’s death. Her heart broke for her little sister. She knew despite everything
they had been through, Star was madly in love with Jazin. She had never seen her sister glow the way
she did when she talked about him. Even as mad as her sister had been about Jazin sneaking off on
some secret mission without telling her, Star still glowed as she described all the things she was
going to do to him when he returned. Personally, Jo had thought quite a few of the ideas had some
merit to them, especially the ones involving ropes.

“Your world is much different from ours,” Manota said as they passed over the cars on the


They had left the warship almost thirty minutes before. Manota had explained they had cloaked the

warship using a technology that he and Jazin had been working on. They were able to enter the
Earth’s atmosphere and land in one of the many lakes dotting the Orange County, Florida area. They
had to factor in finding one that was both large and deep enough to hide the warship and one isolated
enough not to be discovered.

Once they had decided on a spot, it was merely making sure that they didn’t raise any alarms with

air traffic control, the military, or incur any civilian sightings. The warship had submersed itself,
settling on the silt-covered bottom of a large lake just west of Kissimmee. After they had determined
there were no alarms raised, Manota had taken Jo down to one of the huge cargo areas. It lead to a
smaller compartment that Manota explained was used for launching orbital service vehicles. Inside it
was a long, sleek wheelless bike surrounded by a clear casing. He explained the clear casing was a
submersible shell they would leave hidden once they were top side. They would then use the air bike
to get to Jo and Star’s condo.

“It is small and fast. We are less likely to be seen than if we used a full size skimmer. It would not

be easy to set it atop your condo building or hide from sight. This is more practical. It is very fast and
easy to maneuver in tight spaces,” Manota had explained as he helped her onto it.

He stepped in and sat in front of her, pressing a button he closed the clear hatch. Almost

immediately the compartment flooded with water as the outer door opened. Jo had wrapped her arms
tightly around Manota’s waist as he pressed his foot down on the pedal and the air bike shot forward.
It was strange traveling under the water. They were almost twenty meters below the surface and it
was pitch black except for the wide beam of light in front of them from the air bike. Jo shivered as
they swept by the remains of a large cow. As they neared the surface she thought she saw the
shadowed shape of an alligator moving quickly away. A few moments later the air bike popped up,
moving silently across the dark water. Manota pressed a button, turning off the lights. He drove
through the tall cattails growing along the edge of the lake and up onto more solid ground before
opening the clear outer shell and letting it drop off behind them.

He had ordered her to stay on the air bike while he took care of clear casing. Pulling the air bike

several feet further up the side of the lake, he made sure the ground was solid enough to set it down
without there being the danger of it sinking into the muck. Once he was satisfied, he had stepped off

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the air bike and walked back down to where the clear shell lay opened. He quickly pulled it further
into a small clump of undergrowth. Returning, he had brushed a gentle kiss across her lips before
sliding back in front of her.

Jo had wrapped her arms back around his waist, tightened her thighs against his and held on as the

air bike lifted upward into the moonless sky. Then, she was flying like she had never flown before.
The warm summer air pulled at her neatly braided hair, pulling several long, silky strands free. She
closed her eyes for a brief moment, imagining that this is what it must feel like to be a bird. She
opened her eyes to search out familiar areas. She pointed out the different tourist areas and
amusement parks that littered the region so he would know to avoid them. She showed him where the
interstate and the Florida Turnpike were, explaining what they were used for as they passed over
them. In the distance, they could see planes landing and taking off from Orlando International Airport.

Slowly, she pushed the heartache for Manota and her sister to a corner of her mind and heart until

she could deal with it. She needed to focus on the tasks ahead of them. The first thing she needed to
do was convince her parents that she and Star needed them now more than ever. The only way she
could help Star now was to bring their parents back. They would do what they did best, wrap Star in
their love, listen to her, and support her.

“There,” Jo said, letting go of Manota’s waist long enough to point out a tall building in the

distance. “That’s our condo complex.

Manota nodded and turned the black air bike toward where she was pointing. The navigation on it

would have guided them there but it was nice to see the building they would be landing on before they
did. He circled around the top once before gently setting the air bike down on the gravel roof. He
climbed off and held his hand out to help Jo as she stepped off. Her legs wobbled for a moment.

Manota smiled. “I need to cover the air bike. Give me just a minute,” he said, reluctant to release

his hold on her hand.

He didn’t want to admit that he was nervous as hell about meeting her parents. His biggest fear

was that they would refuse to return with them and he would have to either take them by force or
leave without them. He would not allow Jo to remain though. She would have to accept that in the

“The door is locked,” Jo called out as she tried the entrance to the roof. “I should be able to pick

it, though,” she added.

“I have a device that will unlock it,” Manota said as he finished pulling the silk screen cover over

the air bike.

Jo looked around in surprise but stepped back as Manota pulled a small cylinder from a clip on

his belt. He aimed it at the lock which glowed for a moment before dissolving into a molten mess. He
replaced the small device back where he got it and pulled the door open.

“That works,” Jo said quietly with a shake of her head. “Though, the way I was going to do it

wouldn’t have left any evidence of someone being here,” she added dryly.

“True, but we would have been late. From the research I have done, it does not set a good

example to be late the first time I am to meet my mate’s parents,” he responded with a grin. “Plus, I

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wouldn’t have gotten to play with my new ‘toy’.”

Jo chuckled and slipped her fingers around his as they walked down the stairs together. “Our

condo is on the eleventh floor so we have a few flights to go.”

Manota squeezed her fingers as he felt her shiver. “Things will work out. Your parents, you said

they are very accepting of those who are different from them?” He asked.

Jo grinned up at him. “You wouldn’t have any doubt about that if you saw some of the people we

have met over the years. They will love you because I do,” she added with a shy smile.

She still couldn’t believe that such an incredible guy would pick her out of all the women he had

known. She scowled as she remembered just how many there had been. It still ticked her off at times
when she thought about it. A shiver of uncertainty swept through her as she thought about the other
women. What if he got tired of her? What if…

She looked up startled when she felt herself pushed up against the wall suddenly. Manota’s lips

came down over hers in a desperate kiss. He groaned as he wrapped his hands around her slim waist
and lifted her up, pressing his hard body between her legs as he deepened the kiss. Jo was gasping for
air by the time he released her lips.

“What was that for?” She asked breathlessly.

Manota stared determinedly into her eyes. “I did not like the expression on your face. You were

not thinking good thoughts and I want, I need, you to think good thoughts,” he admitted leaning his
forehead against hers. “I am nervous your parents will try to deny my claim on you,” he added

“They are going to love you,” she promised brushing a tender kiss against his mouth. “You….”

Jo’s voice faded when Manota suddenly froze. His face stilled as he listened into the comlink he

wore for a moment. A look of disbelief crossed his face before he closed his eyes and leaned his
head forward until it rested in the curve of Jo’s neck. Jo held him as his body shuddered, holding him
tight. She didn’t know what had happened but something very important must have been conveyed
over the brief message.

“Manota? What is it?” Jo asked hesitantly. “What happened?”

Manota raised his head back far enough so he could look back down into Jo’s worried blue gaze.

He opened his mouth, closed it, took a deep breath and tried again. This time a huge smile lit up his

“K’tar just relayed that there is a chance that Jazin may be alive,” he said hoarsely, overcome for

a moment with emotion. “Father, Torak and Gril Tal Mod are going after him.”

“Oh Manota, that is wonderful,” Jo cried out, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him

tightly. “How? What happened?” She asked pulling further away.

“I do not know,” he said, setting her back on her feet. “I will find out more as soon as we return to

the warship. Jo, my brother is alive. He has to be,” he whispered hoarsely.

Jo reached up and ran the palm of her right hand down his cheek in a gentle caress. She didn’t say

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anything, instead letting her touch show that she understood the overwhelming feelings he couldn’t
express out loud. She ran her hands down his arms and threaded her fingers through his, tugging him
down the stairs behind her. It was time to get her parents and return home. A smile curved her lips.
She thought of Kassis as her home now. Her home filled with big bad warriors, crazy bad guys, and
weird science fiction technology that was really cool.

Jo paused as they reached the eleventh floor. She and Star had a corner apartment not far from the

stairwell. She pushed the door open and peeked into the hallway. She turned back and placed her
hand on Manota’s chest. He wasn’t going to like this part but she needed to get the door open to her
condo and since she didn’t have her key with her she was going to have to use the spare they had
hidden in the huge potted plant near the elevator. The last thing she wanted was for him to use his
‘toy’ on her condo door. That would scream ‘break in’ and someone would call the police.

“I have to get the key we hid,” she explained quietly. “I need you to stay here and wait for me to

open the condo door. It is right across the hall from here. I’ll be right back,” she whispered.

“Why can I not go with you?” He demanded, frowning down at her.

Jo took a step back and looked at Manota. She saw a huge ass male bigger than any human, black

leather, short military haircut, dark skin with muscles on top of muscles, a laser sword strapped to his
hip, knives strapped to each massive forearm, more across his chest, a laser pistol on his other hip,
and dark burning eyes that screamed alien! No, he was not going with her. The first neighbor to see
him would be calling the Army, Air Force, National Guard, and God forbid, the NSA. No, it was
safer for her to go alone.

“Just - stay!” She said in exasperation knowing he would not be happy either way. “I’ll be back in

a flash.”


Jo didn’t wait long enough to give Manota a chance to protest. She opened the door and stepped

out into the hallway. If she was lucky, none of the neighbors would be coming or going at this time of
night. She walked quickly down the hallway to the huge gold painted planter holding a fake palm tree
in it that stood next to the elevators. She knelt down next to it, running her fingers along the base
looking for the small gap at the back. She breathed a sigh of relief when her fingers swept by the
opening. Feeling around, her fingers scraped the tape holding the key in place. Working her fingers in
the narrow space, she almost had it when the whole planter lifted up. Startled, she emitted a surprised
squeal and fell backwards, landing on her butt with a soft humph.

“It will be faster and easier if you do not have to search for it,” Manota said calmly.

Jo groaned out in aggravation as she twisted back onto her knees. Picking at the tape, she gave a

low growl as it came free. She hissed as Manota set the planter back down and picked her up by her
arms as if she was a toy doll.

“You were supposed to wait for me in the stairwell!” She bit out as she turned to head back down

the corridor. She groaned when the elevator dinged as she took the first step. “Damn it!” Jo looked
frantically around before shoving Manota back against the wall. “Pick up the damn planter. Hurry!”
She hissed as the doors started to open.

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Jo plastered a big smile on her face hoping it was someone visiting and they wouldn’t recognize

her. Her mouth dropped open when a tall male stepped out into the corridor. The male hesitated for a
moment, his eyes growing huge before a big grin crossed his rangy features. The next thing Jo knew
long arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as a set of firm lips covered hers.

Oh shit, Jo thought just before all hell broke loose.

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Chapter 8

“Put this on the bump, Tony, it should help the swelling go down,” Jo murmured, handing an ice

pack to Antonio Vega, elephant trainer extraordinaire and Jo’s tenacious but hopeless suitor. She
shook her head as she turned and picked her way through her overly crowded apartment. “Excuse me,
Stan. How are you doing, Kid? Hi, Marcus. Nice to see you again, Curly. I like your new look, Suzy.”

Jo did a great imitation of hopscotch as she stepped over the six dancing dogs that Mattie never

went anywhere without. She kissed Marvin and Martin on the cheek as they silently opened the
imaginary door leading to the only place that wasn’t overcrowded – of sorts. Five out of the six
chairs were filled at the oval dinette set. Marvin and Martin turned and stood at attention as if they
were guards protecting the queen’s gold or Fort Knox. Jo let out a deep sigh as she stared at the stony
look of rage frozen on Manota’s face as he stood with his back against the windows which looked
down over suburban Orlando. His eyes were still glued to Tony.

“Knock it off,” Jo muttered as she moved to sit down in the chair in front of where he was

standing. “You almost killed the poor guy, you know. And you almost did it in front of my parents!”

“He should not have put his hands on you much less his mouth,” Manota growled out under his

breath, still keeping his eyes on Tony who was doing his best to ignore the huge warrior.

Tami reached over and patted Manota on his arm. “Don’t you worry, dear. It isn’t the first time

someone tried to kill Tony for kissing Jo. He’s been in love with her for years.”

A deep rumble of a growl echoed at Tami ’s words. Jo rolled her eyes and shot Manota another

dark look. She turned back to look at the hot drink Ricki had set down in front of her seat.

“Thanks,” Jo muttered.

“You looked like you could use it,” Ricki responded, pushing her glasses up on her nose. “Now,

please tell us what happened.”

Jo couldn’t help the small grin that escaped. Only Ricki could act like this was a typical day at the

circus. She never got flustered. She just saw a situation that needed to be dealt with, asked for the
facts, and went about solving the problem. That was what made her a priceless treasure to the crazy
life of the circus.

“Well,” Jo looked at her parents before carefully retelling everything that had happened since she,

Star and River had disappeared almost six months ago.

As she finished, her eyes moved around the table, pausing on the other two figures sitting at the

small dining table with them. Walter and Nema sat gazing at her with a look of incredulity on their
faces. Well, Nema looked amazed. Walter looked like he was sizing Manota up and trying to decide
where he was going to put him in the next act. Jo hoped she hadn’t really heard Walter’s gruff voice
announcing his idea for the next great act – The Amazing Alien Warrior from Kassis, Manota the

“I like that, dear,” Nema said leaning over and squeezing Walter’s hand as he whispered the

words Jo hoped she had only imagined.

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“No, no, no, no, no!” Jo said wanting to immediately nip Walter’s train of thought before he got on

a roll. “Walter, Manota is not circus material,” she stressed with a look of warning at the small
ringmaster and owner of the circus.

“I think he is,” Walter said, stroking his thin mustache. “I saw the way he was holding that planter.

He moved like lightning when Tony kissed you and he threw him a good twenty feet! That sword thing
he has is magnificent! I bet we could build an entire act around him.”

“Daddy!” Jo groaned out in frustration. “Say something! I… we can’t stay! We only came to get

you and momma. We have to go back. Star and River are there. River is expecting her first baby,” she
said looking at her dad with huge, pleading eyes.

Alan Strauss looked up at the dark man standing protectively behind his oldest daughter. He had

always hoped his little girls would find good men who would love them like he loved their mother.
He also hoped those same men would be able to provide and protect them but he never expected them
to find anyone like the man standing stiffly against the wall. He turned to look at his delicate wife. She
was gazing at him with a look of barely suppressed excitement in her eyes. He had spent the better
part of his life with her. Her love of adventure was one of the things he adored about her. He never
had to wonder if she would shy away from wanting to explore the world with him. From the look in
her eyes now, there was not a single doubt that they would be exploring the stars next.

He released a soft chuckle. He had always been a sucker for the girls, all of them, when they gave

him that puppy-dog look. He drew in a deep breath and looked at Walter and Nema.

“Sorry Walter, we have some packing to do,” Alan said with a grin. “Seems like there is a star

system out there with our name on it.”

Walter’s face flickered with disappointment before a calculating gleam suddenly appeared in it.

He nodded in agreement before he let out a huge sigh. Hopping off the chair, he turned and helped
Nema down off hers. At only three and a half feet tall, even the standard size chairs could be a
challenge for both him and his tiny wife.

“When do you plan to leave?” Walter asked as he threaded his fingers through Nema’s slender


“It will take a couple of weeks to get everything in order,” Alan said looking over to where

Manota was standing, his eyes still moving to Tony on occasion now. “Will that be alright, Jo? We
need to take care of things here if we don’t plan on returning. I’d liked to set things up so that we can
hopefully support ourselves on your new world. There are a few things I know your mother will want
to take with us as well.”

Jo looked over her shoulder at Manota. She had been doing all the talking because, although he

could understand what they were saying, they could not understand him until a translator was
embedded into their ears. She cleared her throat to get his attention, raising her eyebrow at him in
amusement at the dark scowl still on his face.

“Is it possible to stay that long?” She asked softly.

Manota gave a brief nod of his head. “Yes,” he muttered before he glanced back at Tony who was

trying to not to be too obvious about how his eyes kept going back to Jo. “I swear if he looks at you

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one more time, I will cut his eyes out,” he added.

Jo rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Down boy. He has been like this since I first met him

when we were seventeen. He isn’t really in love with me, he just thinks he is because I haven’t fallen
for his good looks.”

Manota’s eyes jerked back down and if anything, the look on his face became more menacing.

“You think he is good looking?” He growled out.

“I am not discussing this with you right now,” Jo muttered turning back to where Walter and Nema

were looking at them in amusement.

Ricki stood up gracefully, closing the notebook she always carried. “Yes, well. If you need any

assistance with anything, Alan, please don’t hesitate to ask. I can handle the liquidation of any assets
that you have and file the necessary documents,” she said quietly. “Papa, I think it might be best if you
could say something to help those who have been worried about Jo, Star and River at the meeting
tomorrow morning - just to let them know they are okay.” Ricki turned to look at Jo for a moment
before she bent and hugged her friend. “Everyone has been very worried. I am happy for you, Jo,” she
whispered. “You, Star and River all deserve this happiness.”

Jo looked into Ricki’s smoky gray eyes. She saw the sincerity there and a hint of sadness that

Ricki couldn’t quite hide. She reached over and squeezed Ricki’s hand.

“Thank you, Ricki,” Jo said quietly. “I’ll miss you. You’ll always be my sister, no matter where I


Ricki’s eyes clouded for a moment before she straightened, standing stiffly. “Papa, momma, if you

are ready.”

“Marvin, Martin, move everyone out!” Walter’s gruff voice called out. “We have things to do.”

Jo stood up and walked Ricki, Walter and Nema to the door. She gave them each a hug before

giving the others who had come along one as well. She paused as Tony came up to her.

“Sorry about your head, Tony. Is it feeling a little better?” She asked, ignoring the low growl

coming from the other side of the room.

Tony grinned and nodded. “I’ve had worse,” he admitted as he shot an amused glance at Manota

who was glaring daggers at him again. “Do you think he would try to kill me again if I gave you a

Jo nodded her head and giggled. “More than likely,” she said with a wry grin.

“Well, they say you only get to live life to the fullest once. I always did love to live dangerously,”

he said as he bent forward and sealed his lips over hers again in a quick kiss.

Jo gasped as she was turned, placing her body between Manota and Tony. She felt her feet

leaving the ground at the same time as Tony pulled away with a laugh. Massive forearms circled her
waist, pulling her back against an equally large and solid chest. Jo watched as Tony chuckled as he
ran down the hallway and slid between the doors of the elevator as it started to close. The twinkle of
merriment and challenge burned in his eyes as he gave a last minute salute to Manota.

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“I’m going to kill that bastard,” Manota said, staring at the closed doors.

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Chapter 9

Manota paused as he looked over the items that had already been stored. They had been on Earth

for almost two weeks now. He had focused on learning as much as he could about Jo’s life here, as
well as monitoring the situation back on Kassis when he was aboard the warship. His brother had
been rescued and would be on his way back to Kassis soon.

He wasn’t surprised to discover Tai Tek had been behind Jazin’s abduction. His father refused to

tell him any details, explaining he would share everything once they returned to Kassis. Manota knew
the former councilman, who had been behind the assassination attempt on his older brother and the
attack at the dinner, would have tortured Jazin in an attempt to get information from him.

He might be limited in what he could do from Earth to avenge the wrong done to his family but

there were other things that could be done in the meantime. He had directed Kev and K’tar to step up
their efforts to find every source of credit Tai Tek had and shut him down. Both men had taken on the
task with glee, finding source after source and freezing or confiscating it.

“When do you believe we will be able to leave, my lord?” Kev asked as he came to stand next to

Manota in the loading bay.

“Tomorrow night,” Manota said.

He looked at the two small crates sitting forlornly in the corner. Jo’s parents did not have much

that they wished to take with them. He had expected the cargo area to be at least partially full. Even
Jo hadn’t wanted to bring much, just a few boxes.

The tall female, Ricki, had taken care of the sale of Star and Jo’s condo and Tami and Alan’s

place in record time. She had also deflected questions from a detective who was working the case. It
would appear Jo’s condo association had installed video surveillance cameras shortly after their
disappearance. It was checked after a neighbor complained about discovering that the large potted
plant on the eleventh floor was now embedded in the outside wall of their condo while they were
gone. The detective was able to identify Jo from the grainy video. If that wasn’t bad enough, a
reporter had also been ‘sniffing’ around according to Ricki.

The only reason they couldn’t leave tonight was because there were a few unanticipated visitors

aboard. His thoughts turned to Jo and her unexpected guests. Alan and Tami Strauss had arrived at the
isolated cattle pasture outside of Orlando several hours ago with more items they wanted to bring
with them. Only this time, they had not been alone. Walter, Nema and Ricki had been with them.
Walter had explained that he wanted to check out the warship, just to make sure it wasn’t some
elaborate scheme or trick.

It would appear not much got by the little ringmaster. Alan had explained that Walter had several

of the performers who were experts in ‘unmentionable’ skills keeping an eye on him and Tami.
Walter had been concerned that someone was targeting the circus performers from the Cirque de
Magik after the girls disappeared. When his contacts reported Alan and Tami were heading to Jo’s
condo in a hurry, Walter had called in some re-enforcements which is how everyone ended up at Jo
and Star’s condo at the same time.

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Jo had explained to Manota what a few of the ‘unmentionable’ skills included. He found out that

Mattie had been a ‘handler’ and all her dogs were trained to sniff out explosives. Suzy was a former
rodeo clown. Her husband, Curly, had been an undercover DEA agent working a case. They had met,
fallen in love, and had almost been killed when Suzy witnessed a murder by the cartel moving drugs
through the rodeo circuit that Suzy was working. Kid was really Kid Cozack. He was almost as good
with a blade as River and had worked as a bodyguard for the Russian mafia before changing his
identity. Stan was an ex-computer hacker who worked for various organizations, including
Greenpeace, before joining the circus when several governments decided to put a price on his head.
He could work just about any computer language. Marcus was really Marcus Jones, a pickpocket
from Vegas that learned the tricks of the trade on the streets. The only ones no one was sure about
were Marvin and Martin. They hardly ever talked and joined the circus a couple of years ago.
Personally, Manota thought the two men might be members of an alien species from the outer ring of
the Dramentic star system. He couldn’t tell with the white and black face paint on but he swore their
vivid gray eyes were the same as the Kor d’lurs. Walter insisted they were just Mimes who acted as
his bodyguards when he or Nema were away from the circus.

Kev turned as Jo and the others came back into the cargo area. He watched in amusement as

Walter asked the tall, slender female next to him several questions. They were too far away for him to
hear what was being said but the small male appeared to be satisfied with the answer he received.

“He has a commanding presence,” Kev nodded at Walter who was thoughtfully looking over the

area. “I get the feeling he is up to something.”

“Well after tonight, it will be too late,” Manota said, watching the gentle sway of Jo’s hips as she

walked over to where her parents were standing talking to Nema. “I would like for you to escort
Walter, his mate and their daughter to the surface.”

Kev bowed his head before turning and leaving to prepare the air bike. Manota watched Kev

leave before turning back with a deep sigh. He could tell that something had surprised Jo when she
looked up at him with a jerk, her eyes filled with trepidation. He walked over to where she was
standing with her parents and Nema. Walter and Ricki joined them at the same time.

“Walter,” Manota bowed his head in respect. “My Security Chief will escort you and your family

to the surface. We will be preparing for our departure tomorrow. I thank you for your help and
support during our time here.”

Walter grinned up at Manota. “You have a magnificent ship here, Manota. This is going to be

perfect,” Walter said.

“Perfect?” Manota repeated, confused.

“Yes, perfect. I had been worried but there is plenty of room. Hell, we could fit twice the size of

the Cirque de Magik in here if we had to.”

“Twice the size?” Manota repeated.

He was beginning to wonder if the translator that he had Shavic install in the ringmaster’s ears

were defective and if they were having two totally different conversations. He opened his mouth to
ask the short male if he could clarify what he meant when Kev suddenly reappeared and called out to

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“Excuse me,” Manota said with a slight bow.

He turned, striding toward Kev who was walking toward him with a dark scowl on his face. A

sense of unease began to build inside him as he glanced over his shoulder. His eyes collided with
Jo’s worried ones. She smiled – apologetically before lowering her lashes as a small smile curved
her lips. His head began to throb as he turned back to study the tight look on Kev Mul Kar’s face.
Something told him he was about to understand the conversation Walter was having and he wasn’t
going to like it – not one little bit.


Jo winced when she heard the loud ‘What’ echo as Manota discovered there had been a tiny

change of plans.

Okay, she thought, it wasn’t exactly ‘tiny’.

She bit her fingernail as she watched him turn to glare at Walter who was talking animatedly to

her parents. His short arms were waving back and forth as he talked. In between his explanations to
her parents, he was giving out orders for Ricki as he thought up new things. Knowing Ricki, she
would have already taken care of it before her dad said a word.

Jo studied Manota’s face as first disbelief, then horror, then fury crossed over it. She grimaced as

he raised his hands to his head and ran them through his short hair, a loud groan of frustration heated
the atmosphere. He turned and strode back toward them with a grim determination that didn’t bode
well – for him. He didn’t know Walter like Jo did. If he thought he was going to change Walter or any
of the other circus members’ minds then he was about to learn that Walter was a might that not even
the strongest Kassisan warrior wanted to go up against.

“Walter!” Manota called out through clenched teeth. “I need to have a word with you!”

Jo glanced worriedly down at Walter. She covered her mouth to stifle the nervous giggle that

escaped. Walter was beaming.

Nope, she thought as she watched Walter walked toward Manota. Manota didn’t stand a chance.


Manota glared down at Walter’s smug face as the shorter man walked up to him. There was

something in the human male’s eyes that was a little – too self-satisfied – too confident. Manota didn’t
know what it was but whatever in the hell it was, he was going to wipe it out of the man’s eyes. Kev
came back to let him know their scanners were picking up a lot of unusual activity along the edge of
the lake they were submerged in.

“The scanners are picking up a wide variety of life forms, some quite large. In addition, there are

numerous vehicles in various sizes with more approaching,” Kev had informed him grimly. “It is
going to be very difficult to remain unseen. The only reason we are submerged is because the drain
the cloaking device has on the crystals. There is no way we will be able to take off from the lake
unseen. For that matter, there will be no way for our three newest visitors to be returned without
being seen.”

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Manota’s mind worked out how it was possible to be discovered. It had been the look in his

mate’s eyes, combined with the words he didn’t understand from Walter, that finally came together to
create a very unpleasant picture.

“You’ll have to bring this thing to the surface, of course,” Walter was saying, snapping his fingers

in the air. A moment later, Ricki was by his side. “How long do you think it will take to arrange
everything, Ricki?”

Ricki smiled at Manota. “The crews are very efficient. They can have everything loaded and

locked down within six hours. The large pieces of equipment and all the animals will be brought on
first. There is adequate room for the equipment and animals in this bay. The bay next to this one
should be fine for the crew’s living accommodations. It will work out well as they would be in close
proximity to the animals that will need to be cared for,” Ricki explained quietly.

“Animals?” Manota choked out in dismay. “This is a warship! Not a… a…” He paused trying to

think of the word Jo had said. “This is not a zoo!”

“Then it is a good thing this is a circus and not a zoo, right Manota?” Walter chuckled good-

naturedly. “The crew are experts at handling the animals on long voyages.”

“That is true, Mr. Ja Kel Coradon. We have made many trips on both ocean going freighters and

trains. Both have a certain amount of movement that can cause the animals distress but those in charge
of the animals are quite prepared to deal with any situation that may arise. Now, if I can get your
signature here, here and here, please,” Ricki asked handing her clipboard to Manota along with a pen.

Manota glanced down at the lines on the documents where small yellow markers pointed. He

picked up the writing device and signed his name when Ricki pointed to them again. As soon as he
finished, she quickly slipped the clipboard back out of his hands. His mind was trying to keep up with
what Walter was saying. Something about him and Nema needing to return to town to finish hooking
up their fifth wheel but would be back in just a few hours. Everyone else would be ready and should
be arriving in segments over the next two hours so it wouldn’t look too suspicious.

“You just get this damn thing up to the surface and we’ll take care of the rest. I can’t tell you how

excited everyone is. Not one member of the circus backed out. Of course, we’ve been together for
years and I didn’t expect them to…” He was saying.

“Of course not, dear,” Nema said as she came up to give her husband a hug. “Half of them have

been hiding for years from some devious element or just love traveling and seeing new worlds! This
is a wonderful new start. To think we are going to be performing to a whole new audience! I’m so
proud of you, Walter! Oh my, this is so exciting, Manota. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate you
taking us with you!”

Jo and her parents came to stand next to Manota who was still trying to figure out at what part of

the conversation he had lost control. Every time he opened his mouth to say something, Walter would
go off on another long explanation of what they would need or how they were going to secure the
items they were taking. Manota looked at Jo who was staring at him with stars of excitement and
happiness in her eyes. He knew at that exact moment that he had lost not only the battle, but his entire
warship – to the Cirque de Magik and Walter.

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Chapter 10

“Kev, what appears to be the problem?” Manota called out in aggravation as he walked back

down the loading platform.

He was in a foul mood. His warship was open for all to see, practically defenseless at the

moment as close to a hundred humans moved equipment, animals, and other items up the loading
ramps. He couldn’t keep the cloaking shields up as it drained the crystals they used to power it. He
had ordered the Seeker to resettle along the outer banks of the lake near where a series of huge semi-
tractor trailers, as he found out they were called, had parked.

He had never seen such organized chaos in his life, not even before a battle. The sounds of exotic

animals mixed with the shouts of men and women working in unison. They were backing trailers and
equipment up the loading ramps. Some worked at building cages, while others worked with some of
his men on anchoring colorful equipment known as rides. A second group was loading the R/Vs into
the second storage bay. Ricki and Walter had each taken a side and were calling out instructions.

In the meantime, there had been a few unexpected surprises. Not that he should have been

surprised considering everything that had happened since their arrival on this planet. He was just
waiting for Earth’s military to show up and ask if they could park their damn stuff in his warship next.

No, he thought cynically. I think I will be more surprised if we can get off this planet without

starting a damn intergalactic war!

He had just come from medical where Jo, Tami, and Nema were currently waiting for Shavic to

inform them about the condition of one of those surprises. Walter, Nema, and Ricki had returned over
an hour before driving like ‘a bat-of-hell’, as Jo described it, as they watched them approach. It had
been an incredible feat considering they had a fifth-wheel travel trailer behind them on the narrow
dirt and grass path. He had been amazed when it slid to a stop and Walter climbed down from the
driver’s seat of the huge truck yelling for help.

Manota had cursed when he saw Ricki sliding out of the backseat trying to balance a small body

in her arms. He knew it wasn’t Nema as she was hurrying around to the other side to help Ricki. He
reached them before Jo did and scooped the small figure out of Ricki’s arms, calling for Shavic in his
comlink even as he turned back to the warship. Both human and Kassisan warriors paused briefly to
move out of his way as he strode the loading ramp. Shavic had met him at the entrance. One look at
the small human and he knew the female was badly injured. He could only hope that Shavic could
save her.

If that wasn’t enough, his security team discovered another interloper who was caught taking

pictures from behind a clump of bushes as the drama unfolded. From what K’tar had learned so far
and relayed to him, the female was a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel. She refused to say another
word except to repeat over and over that she had a right to be there as a reporter. It was three o’clock
in the morning! Manota didn’t know why the blasted female wasn’t asleep as was the custom of most
of the humans.

Now, he watched as his Chief of Security leaned over a figure that he had trapped under him.

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Manota bit back a curse. What the hell now? Another reporter? Jo said it could have been worse, it
could have been a member of their law enforcement agencies. She said even with pictures, a reporter
can be looked at like a quack with people believing they would do anything for a story. Now, a law
enforcement agent would be bad. People believed them.

He was about to call out again, when the figure suddenly shifted, tossing Kev over his shoulder.

As he turned, Manota could see the clear evidence that the figure was a female and not a male. The
other thing he noticed was the figure was drawing a weapon from behind her back. Manota didn’t
think, he raised his laser pistol, switched it to stun, and fired. Kev rose swiftly and caught the figure
as it crumpled.

Kev looked grimly at Manota. “The female identified herself as a law enforcement agent. I was

not expecting her to be able to fight the way she did.”

Manota looked at his friend in disbelief. “After knowing my Jo and all of these… these….”

Manota swept his arm out to encompass the entire human crew. “Humans? I am beginning to believe
anything can happen!” He growled out before he stepped closer and looked behind him. “To tell you
the truth, some of the females make me nervous,” he muttered watching as Shakira the Strong walked
by carrying a large bundle of thick rope.

Kev shifted the unconscious figure in his arms. “We cannot leave her,” he said, his body stiffening

in surprise as he gaze down at her. “I won’t leave her.”

“Jo said it would not be good if a law enforcement agent saw us. Secure her in the detention cell

with the reporter. I hope to the Gods we do not have any more unexpected visitors,” he growled out in
frustration. “And Kev,” he called out as the other man started toward the warship.

“Yes, my lord?” Kev asked, pulling the figure in his arms protectively against his body as he

turned to look at his commander and friend.

Manota tiredly rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Don’t tell Lady Jo about either

female,” he requested. He had a bad feeling his mate would not be happy to learn they were taking
two additional passengers who obviously were not willing. “I think it best to… keep this information
to ourselves for the moment,” he added.

Kev bowed his head before turning and walking up the ramp. He had no problems keeping this

little problem quiet. He looked down at the rounded curve of the female’s cheek as it lay against his
chest. Perhaps he could find a more comfortable place for her to stay, like his own living quarters. A
satisfied smile came to his lips even as he called out to one of the warriors working the security
detail to have a group do a thorough sweep of the area in case there were others hiding.


Manota slipped into the bed next to Jo. He couldn’t resist pulling her slumbering form closer, not

that he had to do much pulling. The moment she felt the warmth of his body, she turned in her sleep
and snuggled as close as she could to him. His body gradually relaxed. They were finally on their
way. The next four weeks would be interesting. He just hoped there would be no more surprises. As
it was, his crew was fascinated by the creatures, both human and otherwise, that were aboard.

The last two weeks had been extremely stressful to him, though he would never admit it. He had

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gotten into a heated argument with Walter when he saw the male known as Tony working among the
other humans. Manota had told the ringmaster that it would be a cold day in their hell before he
allowed the male go with them. Walter told him to ‘grow a set of balls and get over it’. That Tony
was part of the family and Manota needed to get over his jealousy. Personally, Manota was ready to
just kill the male who grinned at him whenever they crossed paths.

“Manota?” Jo said sleepily.

“Yes, sweetness,” Manota responded quietly, rubbing his hands over her back.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “For everything.”

A deep sigh escaped him as he thought of the menagerie of creatures on his warship. He wasn’t

sure what was going to happen or how his father and brothers were going to react but if it made his
mate happy then he was glad he had given in – not that Walter gave him much choice. A deep grumble
escaped him as her hand caressed his chest. The exhaustion he was feeling earlier suddenly

He rolled over, caging her beneath his body. “Maybe you can show me how happy you are,” he

suggested as his lips came down to taste the sweet honey of her appreciation.

Jo opened beneath him like a flower to the sun. His touch burning a path over her skin as he ran

his fingers down along her neck to her shoulder. Her lips parted with a gasp as he pulled away to
follow his fingers with his lips. Arching upward, she moaned and turned her head so he could reach
her neck.

“I love it when you kiss me,” she admitted huskily as he brushed his lips along the long column.

“Your lips are so warm.”

Manota let the tip of his tongue run along the rapidly beating pulse on her neck. His cock swelling

as her excitement washed over him. He nipped her gently on the neck, drawing another moan. Her
legs parted as she moved restlessly under him. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, he aligned
his cock with her hot channel. He knew he should take her slowly, making sure she was prepared but
the sudden need to bind her to him overwhelmed him.

Manota slowly pushed forward, a deep groan escaping him as he sunk into her velvet sheath. He

buried his head in her neck, holding himself still as a shudder swept through him at the emotions
threatening to overwhelm him. He had been terrified that Jo’s parents would change their minds. He
knew if they did, Jo might decide not to return with him. He would have been forced to take serious
measures that would have made life very difficult for both of them. He admitted he wasn’t too upset
when Walter, Nema, Ricki and the rest of the circus decided to come as he knew that Alan and Tami
would be happier having the comfort of their friends with them. No, the only one he did not want on
his warship was the human male who seemed determined to challenge him for Jo’s affection.

I will just have to kill him, Manota thought out loud as he began rocking back and forth. He is so

annoying, surely no one will really miss him.

“You can’t kill anyone,” Jo whispered in his ear as her arms came around his neck. “You feel so

good,” she moaned as her hips moved with his. “So, very, very good.”

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“Jo,” Manota muttered hoarsely as he began to move faster.

Jo turned her head, locking her lips to his. She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him

down at the same time as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She wanted him to think of nothing
but the feel of them locked together as one. She tore her lips from his as her first orgasm washed over
her. A loud cry pulled from her as her body convulsed as the intense wave washed over her.

Manota’s heavy breathing echoed hers as he fought to hold out as long as he could. It was

impossible with the way she was fisting him. The feel of her silky sheath, rubbing up and down his
long, thick length was a combination of pleasure and pain. He could feel the tingling as his own
release built. Desperately holding on to the slender body under his, he shattered as she framed his
face. His eyes drooped before closing as his seed shot deep into her womb. He shook as he held his
larger body above her, fearful of crushing her.

“I love you,” she whispered quietly in the dark. “You don’t have to worry about Tony. He is just a


Manota’s eyes popped open and he stared down at her. “I am not worried. I will just kill him and

be done with it,” he said gruffly before rolling so she was lying on top of him, still connected. “And
he is not your friend.”

Jo rested her head on his chest. Within seconds, she could tell he had fallen into an exhausted

sleep. Not wanting to disturb him, she remained where she was.

“Silly man,” she murmured drowsily before sleep claimed her. “There is no comparison.”

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Chapter 11

“Manota, I need your permission to kill a few members of the circus,” Kev growled out as he

walked into the conference room three days later. “If you won’t give me permission, at least look the
other way while I do it.”

Manota turned from where he was hiding in the large room off the bridge– No, not hiding.

Commanding, he growled silently, ...from where I am commanding my warship.

He didn’t want to admit it but he wasn’t positive bringing Walter and the rest of the creatures was

such a great idea after all. He would have been better off locking Jo away in his cabin, kidnapping
her parents and heading back to Kassis before anyone knew what happened.

As it was, a new report showed they had another unexpected guest. It would appear the law

enforcement agent Kev had captured had not been alone after all. Walter informed him that he had
discovered a new member of the crew who had not been there before. Shannon Andrews had snuck
on board the Seeker after seeing her unconscious partner being brought aboard. Manota could only
hope the female had not notified anyone else before the Seeker lifted off. The last thing he wanted to
do was to leave behind mass hysteria on his mate’s planet. Manota shoved the report away from him.

“Which ones?” He asked grumpily. “If one of them is named Tony, you have my permission since

Jo refuses to let me do it.”

Kev’s eyes darkened. He was not in a good mood. The female in his living quarters had escaped

and was hiding on the warship. He had easily located her using the computer system but not before
she sought refuge among the humans living in their storage bay. Every time he tried to get close, some
new creature would pop up and scare the shit out of him. Today it had been a mixture of ten men and
women with colorfully painted faces wearing outfits that did not fit correctly.

“Right now, I would start with the clowns!” Kev muttered as he sank moodily into the seat across

from Manota.

Manota realized there was something bothering his friend. While Kev Mul Kar was his brother,

Torak’s, Captain of the Guard, they had fought together during the war with the Tearnats. Kev had
saved his older brother’s life on more than one occasion.

After the war, Torak had asked Kev to take over the protection of his House. Manota knew

something must have occurred after his brother claimed River as his mate. He suspected his older
brother was jealous of the fierce warrior who showed an interest in the female. Torak had assigned
Kev to a special assignment in the pretense of locating more of Tai Tek ’s bases through downloads of
Trolis’ navigation system. That was how they were able to locate his mate’s planet. Manota
suspected the real reason was to get the warrior away from River.

“So, are you going to tell me what is the matter or do I have to try to guess?” Manota asked. “And

you can’t kill the clowns. Torak wants them alive for River. She told him they make her want to laugh
even when she is sad. He asked me to bring some back for her. You can kill the one called Tony.”

“I don’t want to kill Tony,” Kev stated looking dejected. “Unless he gets in my way. Then I will,”

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he added sullenly.

Manota stood up and stretched. He had been going over the reports from each section that was

submitted earlier and he was finding one common thread; the circus had spread like a virus to every
part of the ship. The damn Mimes were in engineering this morning, the clowns had taken over the
dining hall, the acrobats the training room, and the pyro Tec was asking all kinds of questions about
their weapons systems. The list went on and on until his head throbbed painfully and he was afraid to
read the next one.

Walking over to the wall, he pressed a button on the panel and watched distractedly as it opened.

He poured a dark amber liquid into two glasses. Picking them up, he returned to the long oval table.
He set one glass in front of Kev before he sat back down.

“So, what is it?” Manota asked as he leaned back and took a sip of the strong liquor.

Kev sighed heavily as he picked up his own drink. “It is the female I captured. She escaped,” he

muttered before he drained half the glass in one swallow.

“Escaped!” Manota remarked in surprise. “How did she get out of the detention cell?”

Kev flushed. “I didn’t take her to the detention cell,” he admitted, staring distractedly at the liquid

in his glass. “I took her to my living quarters and restrained her to my bed.”

Manota looked at Kev in astonishment before he threw his head back and laughed. He couldn’t

help it. Just when he thought nothing else could happen that would surprise him, it did. He shook his
head as he looked at his friend’s dejected face.

“How did she get loose?” He asked.

Kev shot Manota a heated glare that spoke volumes about his friend’s amusement at his expense.

The more he thought about how the female, Jade, got loose the more he could see the humor. Before
long, he was chuckling as well.

Shaking his head, he drained his glass before he answered. “I should have restrained both her

arms instead of just one. She was able to get to the tool kit I had next to the bed. I had borrowed it
from the service cart to repair a faulty light panel in my living quarters. She found it and was able to
pick the lock on the wrist restraint.”

“Where is she now?” Manota asked wryly.

“Jo found her and took her to her parents and Walter,” Kev replied with a grin. “She is not very

happy with you, especially when she found out we had another one in the detention cell. She
demanded the other female be released immediately.”

Manota groaned and bowed his head. His headache was beginning to throb even worse.

Something told him he was going to be on her ‘shit list’ again. He had only been off it for a few
weeks, damn it.

“I have a feeling it is going to be a long four weeks. You know Walter found another female on

top of the ones we captured. She is another one of their law enforcement officers,” Manota stated
tiredly. “This has been one of our most challenging missions and we didn’t even have to fight

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anyone,” he reflected before he continued with a heavy sigh. “Fortunately, we should be able to make
the jumps soon. I need to go make sure those damn Mimes are out engineering. I want you to make
sure our newest guests stay out of trouble.”

“What of the one in medical? Was Shavic able to save her?” Kev asked quietly thinking of the

bruised and bloody female that Walter had found.

“Yes, he was able to save her but I am sure she will be very frightened when she wakes. Jo,

Tami, Ricki, and Nema are taking turns sitting with her. Shavic hopes she regains consciousness soon.
He recommends that she spend a few more days in medical to allow time for her bones to knit
completely before she is moved once she does,” Manota responded thinking of the report he had just
read. “I would like to find the male or males responsible for her injuries. I would take my time killing

Kev nodded in agreement. “I’ll go see if I can find out where Jo took the female from the

detention center,” Kev said, standing up and stretching before he rolled his shoulders. “Jai
complained the female never shut up asking him and the others questions. He said if he heard the
word ‘Why’ one more time he would tape her mouth shut,” Kev said with an amused grin.

“The females of this species are very unusual,” Manota agreed as he finished his drink and rose.

“I better head to engineering. I will also check in with Shavic. I believe Jo is with the injured female
right now.”

Kev tossed a small grin at Manota’s dejected face. “Perhaps you won’t be in too much trouble.

You did help save that one and allowed Walter and his crazy group to come with us. She has to give
you credit for that.” He threw out over his shoulder as he left the room.

“Allowed?” Manota muttered to the empty room. “Personally, I don’t think I had any say in the



Manota snarled at the clowns who were crowding the corridor. Some were talking animatedly

while a couple were walking and tossing several sets of colorful hoops back and forth to each other.
They were totally oblivious to the warriors walking around them. Well, most of them were oblivious.
Manota felt like rolling his eyes when one of the female clowns turned and walked backwards,
staring at three of the warriors as they passed by. She made a low comment that drew a laugh out of
the others.

He was finally able to turn down another corridor only to freeze as a striped four-legged animal

with another hairy creature on its back trotted by him followed by another female.

“Excuse us,” the breathless voice murmured as she passed by him. “They needed exercise.”

Manota stared as they disappeared in the opposite direction. He started to turn but had to press

back against the wall as six dogs, as Jo called them, almost ran over him. One of the females who had
been in Jo’s apartment jogged several feet behind them. Manota stepped back into the center of the
corridor and watched as she turned the corner.

“Excuse me, my lord,” Jai said as he bumped into Manota.

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“Jai, where are you going in such a hurry?” Manota asked with a frown. “Is there a problem?”

Manota glanced at Jai as the young warrior looked behind him. He could see the frustration on the

warrior’s face as he looked back and forth between him and the directions the females went. He
watched as the warrior shifted restlessly from one foot to the other.

“Nothing is wrong, my lord,” Jai said looking again down the corridor with a frown. “Did you…

did you perchance see a human female with a small group of animals go by you?”

Manota raised his eyebrow at the warrior. “Which one? The one with a four-legged striped

animal with something hairy on its back or the one with six dog creatures?” He asked dryly.

Jai’s face changed as he gave Manota a sheepish grin. “I am looking for the one with the six

creatures of various sizes. Petre was looking for the other one.”

Manota shook his head in exasperation. This is why they did not have females on their warships.

The males couldn’t think straight. He grimaced as he realized he was just as bad.

“Your female took a right. The other went straight,” he replied before turning to continue his

journey to engineering.

“Thank you, my lord,” Jai called out as he sprinted down the corridor and turned right.

Manota shook his head again as he stepped into the lift. This was going to be a very, very long

voyage and they had just started. It was definitely going to be the most interesting one he had ever
been on he couldn’t help but think.


Jai rounded the corner and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the unusual female with spiked

hair in different colors kneeling by one of the creatures she cared for. He slowed his step, not wanting
to startle her. She was the most beautiful, exotic creature he had ever seen.

Mattie knelt in front of Bouncer as the other dogs lay down, panting. She had been about to go

crazy staying in the area where all their campers were set up. The dogs needed a good run and the
long corridors were perfect for it. She also had to admit to being more than a little curious about
being on an alien spaceship. She still had a hard time believing that she and her little ‘family’ had left
everything they knew behind. She wondered vaguely if this was how her ancestors felt when they
traveled across the ocean to a new land.

Not that I had much to leave behind, she thought distractedly as she checked Bouncer’s paw.

Nothing but heartache and loneliness.

“Hello, female,” Jai said as he stepped closer.

Mattie looked up in surprise when she heard a deep voice speaking to her. It was still a little

disorienting to hear words spoken in one language but translated to another in her ear. It was a little
like watching a movie where the video and the sound were a little out of sync.

A tall warrior, not much older than her twenty-four years, stood a few steps away from her.

Mattie blushed as she noticed his intense stare. Standing, she slipped her hands into her faded blue
jeans. The movement pulled her baggy blue T-shirt snugly against her full breasts.

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“Hi,” Mattie replied, looking curiously at the man.

He was tall like all the other alien males she had seen on board the ship. He wore his hair short

like the rest as well. She figured it must be like the military back on Earth where they had to keep it
short. His skin was a dark tan, much like her own. Her mom had been an exchange student from South
Africa while her dad had been Caucasian. They had met at Columbia State University and married but
it didn’t last.

Her mom and dad had divorced when she was four and she had pretty much been shuffled

between them depending on moods, availability and their current relationships. Her mom had
remarried three years before and Mattie didn’t get along with her new step-dad. Her dad was a career
Navy guy and was now married to a woman he had met in Japan. She figured both of them discovered
they weren’t parent material as neither one had any more children. She hadn’t seen either of her
parents in a couple of years now.

“What are you called?” Jai asked, stepping closer.

Mattie shook her head in an effort to bring her mind back to the present. She tilted her head to the

side and looked up as the man stepped closer. She refused to move back, even though that was what
she wanted to do. The male in front of her was just – big. The uniform of black leather vest, black
pants, and mid-calf boots made him look even bigger and more dangerous in her opinion.

She swallowed nervously before replying. “Mattie. What’s your name?” She asked, biting her lip.

She froze when he reached out and gently touched her lower lip with his thumb.

“Jai,” he replied huskily.

Jai studied the small, nervous human female as she stood up. She barely came to his chest. He

liked that. She wasn’t slender like Lady Jo but had a softer, rounded figure that made him want to
scoop her up and press it against his body. Her skin was darker than many of the others as well. There
were a few that had even darker skin but hers was a soft color that reminded him of the sable coats of
the Boshkas that his family raised on their land. The Boshkas were similar to what the humans called
a horse. Only they had twin horns on their foreheads and very thick, soft sable-colored hides.

When she stood, he could see her clearly for the first time. She had passed him earlier in the

corridor as he was getting off of his shift. He had caught the sweet fragrance of wildflowers and
sunshine. When she ran by him, everything inside him demanded that he chase and capture her. It was
almost as if a primitive urge had overcome him. The feelings startled him and made him curious.

“What are you doing out of your area?” Jai asked again, pressing closer.

Mattie shifted uncomfortably. “No one said we couldn’t explore,” she said defiantly. “The dogs

and I needed some exercise. Why? It isn’t like it’s dangerous or anything to walk the hallways, is it?”

“It can be,” Jai said quietly, stepping even closer so he could see if she smelled as good as he


Mattie took a half step back, almost tripping over Peewee, the mastiff. She gasped as Jai reached

out and grabbed her arms, pulling her closer to his body. A shiver ran through her as he pressed her
against his body.

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“You are invading my personal space, you know,” she whispered nervously. “I… You… can let

me go.”

Jai shook his head and smiled. “I don’t think so,” he murmured. “I am claiming you as mine,


“Claiming…” Mattie’s startled response was cut short as Jai bent his head, claiming her lips in a

heated kiss.

Peewee sneezed loudly before falling over onto his side and putting his huge paw over his eyes.

Bouncer, the small terrier mix, jumped up on his hind legs, pawing at the air before sitting back down
and cocking his head sideways to watch his mistress. The other four dogs just laid their heads down
on their paws and waited – and waited – and waited until they just gave up and closed their eyes. It
looked like they were going to be there for a while.

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Chapter 12

Jo looked around as the door to the medical unit opened. Shavic has been in just a few minutes

earlier to check on Jane. Since the young girl in the bed hadn’t awakened yet, they were calling her
Jane Doe. Personally, Jo thought she looked a little like a Jane. While the girl hadn’t opened her eyes,
Jo suspected that she was aware of what was going on around her.

Jo smiled in amusement as Manota stood in the doorway looking at her as if he was unsure of his

welcome. She knew Kev must have told him about her discovery of Annie Cabot in the detention cell
and Jade Ryan who had escaped from where Kev had locked her in his living quarters. Jade had
followed Perry as he rode his unicycle around the warship.

Perry wanted to set a record to be the first human unicyclist to ride uninterrupted the entire

distance of an alien warship. Walter had gruffly informed the twenty-one year old from Little Rock,
Arkansas that ‘of course he would set a record, dumbass, there were no other humans but them on the
damn ship!’ It had not dissuaded Perry in the least and he had set out this morning, returning a short
time later with a very irate FBI agent who had been assigned to investigate the kidnapping of Jo, Star,
and River.

“You can come in,” Jo said in amusement. “I’m not going to bite you.”

Manota grinned sheepishly. “You can bite me any time you want,” he responded with relief before

his eyes turned to the still figure on the bed. “How is she? Did Shavic say whether there was any
permanent damage?” He asked quietly.

Jo’s eyes softened as she turned back around to where Jane lay looking like a fragile china doll

that had been shattered and put back together. There were no more signs of bruising and her broken
wrist, fractured ribs, and concussion had been healed. Still, she looked so young lying against the
white sheets. Her shoulder length light brown hair fanned out around her small face.

“He said she should recover completely but she still hasn’t woken,” Jo responded slipping her

fingers around the slender hand as she looked up at Manota. “I wonder what happened to her. Nema
said they had returned to pick up their Fifth Wheel and she was curled up next to it. They were going
to call an ambulance but when they mentioned it, she freaked out and tried to crawl away before she
passed out. Walter decided she would be safer coming with us.”

Manota looked down at the pale face. “She looks young. Do you think she has family? I could

have Kev return her to your world and meet back up with us.”

Jo jerked in surprise when she felt Jane’s fingers tighten on hers. She turned her gaze back to the

young girl only to see the terror in the honey colored brown eyes staring back at her. She didn’t say
anything but her lips trembled as if she wanted to protest. She tightened her grip on Jo’s hand when Jo
would have pulled it away.

“No,” Jo said softly, held by the pleading gaze locked on her. “No, I think she should stay with us.

I think she needs a new start. Somewhere where she can be safe.”

Jane’s eyes shimmered with tears but only a single one spilled to trail down the side. Her lips

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curved in a grateful tilt as she slowly broke her gaze to look up at Manota. She gasped and tried to
move, as if to run.

“It’s alright,” Jo said soothingly. She stood up and leaned over Jane, gently brushing her hair

away from her face. “This is my mate, my husband. He would never hurt you. No one on this warship
would hurt you.”

Jane reluctantly looked back up at Jo before she frowned and looked around her, as if realizing

for the first time that she was not in a hospital. Her puzzled gaze swiveled back to Jo. Her eyes full of

“Can you tell me who you are? Where you came from? What happened to you?” Jo asked softly.

Jane vigorously shook her head from side to side. She stopped in surprise and raised her hand to

touch her head. Her fingers slowly traced her face as if she was searching for the cuts and bruises that
had covered it before she arrived. She pulled her hand from Jo’s and touched her neck then raised her
arms up to look at them in the dim light. Her eyes widened as she saw the unmarked skin and realized
that her arm no longer hurt fiercely.

Her eyes turned to Manota and she stared at him with such a look of wonder and awe that he

shifted uncomfortably. He looked at Jo and shrugged his broad shoulders. She opened her mouth but
all that came out was a shuddering gasp before she began to silently sob.

“It will be alright, little one,” Manota said quietly.

He watched as Jo scooted onto the bed next to the fragile girl and began rocking her. He turned as

Shavic hurried into the room. With a slight nod, he stood back as Shavic pressed an injector against
the girl’s neck. Within moments, her sobbing lessened and she leaned heavily against Jo before Jo
carefully laid the girl down and drew the covers back over her.

“She’ll sleep for several hours,” Shavic replied in a low tone. “She has suffered a severe trauma.

Even though I was able to heal her physical wounds, I do not know how deep the mental ones have

“What do you think happened to her?” Manota asked, looking at Shavic.

Shavic shrugged his shoulders. “It was obvious she had been severely beaten. She had several

fractured ribs, a broken wrist and a concussion. Scans showed that she’d had several breaks in the
past that were not set correctly. I had to re-break some of the worse ones and regenerate the bone,
otherwise she would have had difficulty later in life. She also had numerous scars along her back,
arms and legs. I was able to smooth most but not all of them,” he replied grimly. “It is hard for me to
accept that such a fragile creature should have been treated like that.”

“Was… was she sexually assaulted,” Jo asked hesitantly, unsure if she could stand the thought of

the delicate girl lying there so silent having suffered such a fate.

“No, I don’t believe so,” Shavic responded. “The scans indicate she has never been sexually


“How old do you think she is?” Manota asked, still uncomfortable with taking a child away from

her world.

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Shavic looked surprised at the question. “From her bone development and comparing it to that of

Star, I would say she is at least twenty years of age.”

Manota breathed a sigh of relief. She was an adult. He would turn her care over to Walter and

Nema. Both had already expressed that they would care for her once she left medical.

“When can she leave medical?” Jo asked, voicing Manota’s next question.

Shavic smiled down at the sleeping figure. “Let her sleep here tonight. Nema is coming in to

relieve you. She can take her back with her when she wakes. If anyone can help her heal, I think Nema
and the circus can. I have to admit, I’m thoroughly enjoying some of the acts they have been
performing in the dining hall. Those clowns and the Mimes are unlike anything I have ever seen.”

Jo giggled. “They bring a touch of magic to your lives.”

“And a royal pain in my ass,” Manota muttered under his breath.

Jo rolled her eyes as she stood up. “Come on, grouch. Let’s go see those pains in your ass. I want

you to see what they have been up to,” she laughed as she pulled him toward the door. “I’ll send
Nema in to sit with Jane just in case she wakes up.”

“Have a good evening, my lady, my lord,” Shavic said with a grin. “I’ll be on call should Nema

or Jane need me.”

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Chapter 13

Jo laughed as Manota continued to mutter under his breath that he didn’t need to see what the

humans had been up to, he had read the reports of what they had been up to all over his ship. She just
ignored him and continued on to the large bay where they were keeping the equipment and the
animals. While they had not set up the rides, they had set up the huge Big Top. They wanted to give
the men something to see and do during the voyage. Kid Cozack and Marcus the Magnificent had
talked to many of the warriors in the dining room and discovered that the only entertainment they got
during a voyage was working out or training. The two men talked to Walter and the rest was history.
Tonight was going to be the first big performance. Jo was practically buzzing with excitement.

“I want to go back to our living quarters,” Manota muttered. “I have had enough of your people. I

am about to restrict them to their level and no other. I can’t run a warship with humans and clowns
and Mimes and animals running around it,” he added stubbornly as they reached the corridor leading
to the lower bay.

“You are such a big baby,” Jo teased.

“I am not a baby,” Manota growled before he froze as the Mimes came toward him. “What are

they doing here?”

“Go with them,” Jo urged with a giggle as she darted behind them.

“Where are you going?” Manota called out in a combination of panic and rage.

“You’ll see,” Jo laughed, blowing him a kiss. “Go, do what they want and you will see something

that you have never seen before,” she promised before she disappeared down the corridor.

He started to go after her but stopped when the two Mimes put their hands out. He paused,

watching them warily. He glanced over his shoulder when he saw Kev, K’tar and about fifteen other
warriors coming up behind him. There were several more warriors getting off the lift while others
were coming up from different directions depending on their workstations.

“What’s going on?” Kev asked suspiciously. “An announcement was made that all off duty

personnel not resting were to report to Bay 2.”

K’tar scowled. “I didn’t authorize any such directive. Someone overrode the communications

system and sent it out.”

“And what the hell are they doing?” Kev asked nodding to the Mimes who were standing as if

they were holding a door closed.

He was still seething about the female getting loose. A slow smile curved his lips at a sudden

thought. She was in Bay 2. He had been unable to get into it to look for her. Now, they were opening
the doors. His eyes lit up with determination. It was time to go hunting.

A chorus of laughter shook Manota, Kev and K’tar from their thoughts as the young warriors

laughed as one of the Mimes came over to check out Shavic who was just arriving. Ricki was
walking beside him. The Mime was doing a checklist of Shavic and shaking his head. He would reach
over and pick some invisible lint from Shavic’s shirt and grimace. The other Mime came up and

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stood at attention in front of Shavic. While one Mime distracted Shavic, the other was making eyes at
Ricki who was ignoring him.

Laughter spilled over as the Mime did everything he could to lure Ricki away from Shavic while

the other continued to act like he was inspecting Shavic, pulling all matters of items from his clothing,
including a small, white hairy creature that squeaked.

Soon, the sound of a loud gong sounded through the long full corridor. Both of the Mimes backed

away, acted like they were unlocking the huge doors leading into the Bay then with a flourishing bow,
they stepped back as the doors slid open.

Manota didn’t know what to expect but the darkened Bay was not it. He grunted as several of the

younger warriors, anxious to see what was going on, pushed against him. He started to snap at them
but one glance at their excited faces stopped his impatience. Even Kev and K’tar had stopped their
grumbling as they stepped through the doors. Their eyes widened as a cool fog rose up around them.
From out of the fog, colorful glowing lights appeared and disappeared.

One of the female clowns came rushing up to them. She did a hand spring followed by a flip

before she landed right in front of them. Putting her finger to her lips, she motioned for the men to
follow her along the narrow lit path.

Manota looked back and forth as he walked down the pathway toward a huge towering tent set up

in the center of the storage Bay. The peak of it almost touched the top of the Bay while the sides were
made of colorful fabric with hundreds of bright, beautiful images all over it. His eyes moved to the
sides of the path where clowns appeared and disappeared in the darkness. Some were juggling
different items such as balls, rings, and – he frowned at the knives. Other clowns were performing
little skits that he found both alien and amusing. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

“What’s going on?” K’tar asked in awe as he stared at a large clear mirror.

His breath drew in when a beautiful woman rose up to look back at him. She looked like she was

in a painting that was alive. She had on a short pink dress. As she twirled around on her toes,
glittering wings fanned out behind her. He snarled when several warriors behind him pushed him
forward and he lost sight of her. He tried to fight his way back to the mirror but he couldn’t as the men
behind him pushed him further away.

“I want to go back,” he snapped. “I want to see the female in the mirror.”

A clown shook his head and pointed. K’tar jerked to the side and watched as two clowns folded

the mirror up until it was no bigger than a thirty by thirty centimeter tile. Then, one of the clowns put it
in a bag while the other raised a hammer and smashed it.

“NO!” K’tar yelled in horror.

He fought to get back to the clowns but one of the Mimes appeared and shook his head sadly and

pointed toward the entrance to the tent. K’tar shook his head but he had no choice but to continue
forward as the wave of warriors continued to push on him.

Manota looked at K’tar who gazed back at him with a combination of horror and confusion.

Gritting his teeth, he turned and looked at the entrance as two clowns pulled the huge flaps opened.

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Straightening his shoulders, he stepped inside. He couldn’t see anything but the seats that ringed the
outer edges of the huge interior. He nodded briefly to one of the clowns who pointed for him to climb
up the stairs. Kev, K’tar, and Shavic followed him as he slowly ascended the steps.

Once he reached the top, he sat down on one of the hard benches. He couldn’t help but watch as

the other warriors filed in. There was something – magical happening. He couldn’t take his eyes off
the excited faces as the men looked around wondering what was going to happen next. His eyes
flickered to the clowns who were entering behind the last of the warriors. The Mimes came in last,
securing the huge flaps until they were tightly sealed.

“I’m not sure I like this,” K’tar bit out.

“I…” Kev started to say until he noticed that Ricki had walked over to sit next to the reporter they

had captured and the female he wanted. He watched as the female smiled and nodded to Ricki as she
whispered to her.

“I am not sure I like this either,” Manota admitted. “I will need to talk to Walter about doing

things without getting approval first.”

“I think this is incredible,” Shavic said as he reached for a bag of white fluffy things that one of

the clowns was handing out. He sniffed the item before he picked up a piece and tasted it. His eyes
grew wide and he grinned. “This is good,” he said enthusiastically.

“Give me one of those,” K’tar muttered as another clown came by.

“Ah hell, I’ll take one too,” Kev said with a sigh, keeping his eyes on the female he had claimed.

She was eating the white fluffy stuff. He might as well try it as well. He crunched down on a handful
before stopping to look at it in surprise. “This is good.” He muttered, his voice muffled from his
mouth being full.

Manota reached for a bag and sniffed it. He tried a few pieces and had to admit, it was tasty. It

had a taste unlike anything he had ever eaten so he wasn’t sure what to compare it to. He munched on
it as he watched the rest of the warriors. Soon all of them were eating. It was only then that he noticed
the last of the clowns slipping away into the darkness. His unease swept back through him as he
looked down at the crunchy kernels in the bag. He wondered if they had put something into it that
might hurt him or his warriors. He shook off the thought even as it developed.

“Look,” Kev muttered around a mouthful of the substance.

Manota looked down at the Mimes as they marched to the front of the stands where everyone was

sitting and looked up. There was something about the way they moved, the look on their face that held
everyone mesmerized. They never said a word and yet, they spoke volumes. With a flourish of hand
gestures, the Mimes turned and pointed to the center of the dark room. As soon as everyone looked,
all the lights went out except for one small light shining down at the very center. The fog closed in on
everything but that one small circle. Then, out of the darkness, Walter ’s small body stepped into the

“Ladies and Gentlemen. Children of all ages,” Walter called out in his deep voice. “Tonight you

will see wonders never seen before. Feats never before performed elsewhere. Magic…” His voice
dropped even lower, sending shivers of uncertainty down every person’s spine in the stands. “Magic

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like you have never known. Welcome… to the Cirque de Magik,” Walter said as he looked up at the
same time as his hands opened above him.

Manota sat forward following the direction Walter had looked as the light slowly faded from

where the small ringmaster had been standing to the ceiling of the tent. His gasp was not the only one
that filled the tent. For in the center ring, high above the stands was a beautiful woman spinning
around and around on a hoop hanging from the very top.

“Jo,” Manota whispered as he watched his mate.

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Chapter 14

His heart beat heavily as he watched her spin, twist and float almost thirty meters above the floor.

He didn’t care that there was a net about halfway up. It was his mate and she looked so – beautiful, he
had to admit. When she went from spinning by one ankle to spinning from her neck, her arms and legs
gracefully arching in different directions he thought his heart would stop.

After several minutes, she climbed up onto the hoop. He was in the process of starting to breathe

again when she reached out and grasped a bar that had been tossed to her. As she jumped off the large
ring, it disappeared into the ceiling leaving her swinging back and forth. She flipped up until she was
holding onto the bar by her ankles only, leaving her hands free.

“Gods,” Manota muttered.

A moment later, another small figure appeared out of the darkness. At first, Manota thought it was

Star. Only when the light struck the woman’s face was he able to tell it was Tami Strauss. Jo caught
her mother’s wrists. He thought she would pull her up but instead as they reached a certain height, Jo
released her mother who did a flip and Jo caught her again by her ankles this time. A moment later,
her mother flew through the air only to be caught by Alan Strauss. He was hanging upside down like
Jo from another bar.

Manota’s eyes swiveled back to Jo to see she was hanging from the bar by her hands now. Her

long legs moved back and forth as she went impossibly higher and higher until he thought for sure she
would fly through the top of the tent. As she came back for her last swing, she let go of the bar.
Manota stood up, dropping his popcorn as she did several flips and turns in the air. Just when he felt
for sure she would fall to her death, Alan Strauss appeared catching her by her wrists.

“Oh Gods,” Manota said weakly as he sank back down onto the bench.

“No shit,” K’tar and Shavic said at the same time, their eyes glued toward the ceiling.


Manota watched for the next two hours as one magnificent feat after another was completed. They

watched as animals danced. Clowns raced around pulling fits of laugher from everyone until Manota
had to hold his sides because they hurt. The last act of the night drew gasps of amazement from
everyone - except K’tar who had to be held back at first.

It started with what looked at first like a large clear panel being wheeled out into the center ring.

Walter introduced a man called Marcus the Magnificent who walked around it several times before
he turned the clear piece of glass to show that it was no more than a few centimeters thick. Once he
had turned it around twice, he positioned it until it was facing them. They watched as Marcus walked
around it one last time, tapping on it in several places as he did. The audience could see him the
entire time. Once he had walked around it, a huge red cover floated down from above to cover it.
Marcus spent several minutes making sure the fabric covered every inch of the glass.

“What is he doing?” Shavic asked, looking at the thin glass in puzzlement. “What is so magnificent

about a thin piece of covered glass?”

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“Maybe he is going to try to walk through it?” Kev said with a shrug as his eyes drifted down to

the female who was staring raptly at the center ring.

Manota’s eyes drifted around the ring looking for Jo. She had been in several different

performances. His eyes turned back as Marcus said something he missed. He watched as the man
tapped the glass that was still covered before whipping the cover off with a quick jerk. Inside the thin
glass was the figure of a sleeping woman. Manota started when he realized that it was the woman
from the mirror that they had seen coming in.

“It’s her,” K’tar breathed out, jerking forward as his eyes remained glued on the still figure.

“How did she get in there? What is he going to do to her?”

“Shush!” Several warriors growled out.

Manota stared in awe as the girl slowly woke. She sat up, looking around her in surprise before

she rose gracefully. This time she was wearing a light blue outfit that highlighted her long black hair.
Her eyes were tilted at the corners and she looked wildly exotic and extremely fragile. On her back,
gossamer wings fluttered catching the light and sparkling. She rose up on her tiptoes, touching the
glass. Her hands roamed it as if she was looking for some doorway to open so she could escape.

“Behold!” Marcus yelled out. “Witness the capture of the beautiful wood fairy. Elusive, magical,

rare, she is mine!”

“Never!” K’tar roared out, standing up.

“Will you sit down,” one of the young warriors sitting in front of him said. “I want to see what


“I’ll show you what happens,” K’tar snarled out.

Shavic grabbed K’tar’s arm as he started to reach for the young warrior. “I want to see what

happens too and if you hurt him then I’ll miss the rest of the show. Now, sit down or so help me I’ll
put a laxative in your drink in the morning.”

K’tar muttered darkly under his breath but sank back down onto the hard bench. Manota shot his

communications officer an amused look before he focused back on the drama unfolding in the center
ring. Marcus was turning the thin piece of glass around again so they could see not only how thin it
was but the front and back of the girl/fairy trapped within. The female was pounding on the glass and
turning as he shifted her.

“But, all good wood fairies need a forest if they are to survive!” Marcus called out. “Denied such

a home, they quickly wither and die.”

As if there were a truth in his words, the delicate female slowly sank down. Her large, expressive

eyes showing such sorrow that even the oldest, most seasoned warriors began yelling for her to be
released. Her eyes moved around the audience, pleading for their help even as she began to fade
before their eyes.

“NO!” K’tar roared again, standing up and staring down in horror at the delicate female.

This time, the young fairy’s eyes moved up to his. She raised her tiny hand, pressing her palm

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against the glass. A single tear glittered in her eye before slowly rolling down her cheek as she began
to fade until they could see through her body.

“Let me go!” K’tar roared out.

He tried to get down the steps but Shavic and Kev held him by his arms as he tried to move past

them. He fought briefly, his eyes still glued to the slender figure fading before his eyes. He had to get
to her. He had to help her. He had to save her. He had to – claim her.

“Will you sit down!” Shavic hissed, anxiously. “He’ll do something. He won’t just let her fade

away,” he said before he turned to look at Manota. “Will he?”

Manota stood up, scowling down at Marcus. “Free her!” He demanded.

“Free her! Free her! Free her!” More and more of the warriors’ voices rang out until it echoed

loudly inside the tent.

“Gentlemen!” Marcus roared out raising his arms. “Gentlemen!” He roared again this time

sending out dazzling sparks of light that stunned those yelling down at him. “While I would love to
free her, to do so would be to sentence her to immediate death. No, there is only one way to save
her!” He yelled dramatically.

“How?” K’tar demanded as silence fell. “How can you save her?”

Marcus looked at the huge warrior. “Someone must take her place within the glass,” he said

quietly. “Only then can she live.” Total silence filled the tent at Marcus’ words.

“I will go,” K’tar announced loudly.

“What?” Manota exclaimed, looking at the huge warrior in shock.

K’tar looked at his commander before looking back down at the pleading face of the tiny female.

“I said I will go in her stead.”

“We have a volunteer!” Marcus said pointing to where K’tar stood stiff and proud. “A true

warrior who would sacrifice his own life, his own freedom for a magical creature!”

Manota started when he realized the two Mimes who had disappeared after the beginning of the

show were now standing on the steps in front of him. Both looked solemnly at K’tar, waiting. K’tar
lifted his head and started to step down the stairs.

“Wait,” Manota growled under his breath as he grabbed K’tar by his left arm. “You cannot be

serious about being entrapped in that glass. It would be a death sentence. How long do you think you
can survive in it?”

K’tar looked back down at the young female whose eyes filled with sorrow. She shook her head

at him and lowered her eyes. Even as he watched, he swore she faded a little more.

“How can I leave an innocent female to such an existence?” K’tar responded, shaking off

Manota’s hold on him.

Everyone was silent as the Mimes lead K’tar down to the center ring. They watched as Marcus

spoke to him. K’tar nodded once before he walked forward. Everyone held their breath as the

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delicate female in blue rose to stand again. She pressed her hand against the glass, waiting. A small,
shy smile slowly lit her face as K’tar raised his hand and pressed it against the glass over hers.

A loud gasp filled the tent as the female gently pulled K’tar into the glass with her. As he stepped

through, Manota, Kev and Shavic all rose so they could see over the heads of the other warriors who
had risen as their comrade and friend became encased inside the glass with the female who became
more solid as they watched in awe.

“Alas, it is not freedom the fairy needed but true love,” Marcus announced. “But, to live they must

have a home!”

Manota’s mouth dropped open as all around K’tar and the female, trees, grass, and plants began to

form. K’tar seemed oblivious to everything but the woman in his arms. Even as they watched, he bent
his head and sealed his lips over her upturned mouth.

“And so it goes, that two lovers separated by the veil of magic have been reunited,” Marcus said

as the red cover fell back over the thin glass.

Manota watched in disbelief as the Mimes began to roll the glass with his friend inside away. He

moved down the stairs rapidly, pushing several warriors to the side. He yelled once and the small
group turned as he walked across the floor of the storage Bay.

“Wait!” He ordered again.

“Yes, dear sir,” Marcus said. “What can I do for you?”

“Bring him… bring them back!” Manota ordered. “Now!”

Marcus shook his head sadly. “I fear I cannot. They are locked in another realm now. A realm no

human can go to.”

Manota pulled the short laser sword at his side and pointed it at Marcus. “We are not human,” he

growled in a low menacing voice. “I said bring them back now.”

Marcus’ eyes grew wide as Manota looked at him with deadly intent. His throat moved up and

down nervously as he glanced at the two Mimes who rolled their eyes at him. His nervous gaze
moved back to Manota who was glaring at him.

“I can’t bring them back,” Marcus whispered hoarsely.

“Well, I can!” Manota snarled.

The audience watched in silence as Manota strode over to the covered glass. He reached up and

jerked on the cover. He froze as the cover fluttered to the ground. There was nothing on the rolling
cart. He kicked the red velvet cover to the side, searching and still nothing. No glass, no female, no
K’tar, no forest – nothing. He turned in a circle several times before he looked at Marcus who smiled
sadly at him.

“As I said, it is too late.”

Before Manota could move, a large cloud of colorful smoke covered the man. By the time it

cleared Marcus the Magnificent was gone. Manota’s head jerked upward as a wisp of blue smoke

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rose from where Marcus had been, moving upward higher and higher until brilliant sparks burst out
over the center ring. Manota covered his eyes against the flash of light. He blinked several times to
clear his vision. As things became clearer, he saw a length of blue fabric slowly sinking down to the

As soon as it touched, it began to rise again. From inside it emerged two figures. One female who

wore a beautiful long white dress, her long black hair flowing down her back. The other, a fierce
Kassisan warrior, protectively holding her in his arms.

“K’tar!” Manota whispered, stunned.

A roar went up from all the warriors as they realized one of their own was not lost. Ricki, Jade

and Annie stood up and began to cheer. Slowly, the rest of the cast came out from different parts of
the tented area. Jo, Alan, and Tami slid down from the ceiling on long sheaths of colorful fabric. The
warriors were all yelling the chant often given after a victory. Only two people appeared to be
oblivious to the noise. K’tar and the small female he was kissing.

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Chapter 15

Manota stood in his living quarters looking out of the virtual viewport. They would be entering a

section of space known for pirate raids on unprepared freighter traffic. He didn’t think it likely they
would be attacked but he was not going to leave it to chance. The Seeker was a smaller Kassisan
warship but it was still a deadly one. Most pirates would not even think of attacking such a vessel
even if it was traveling alone.

He looked down at the drink in his hand and sighed. It had been almost two and a half weeks

since the night of the first performance. He had asked Jo countless questions about what happened and
how they did the things they did. All she would do was smile and laughingly tell him that if she told
him how it was done, she would have to kill him. She had then proceeded to make love to him until he
thought he had died – from pleasure.

The following afternoon, he had ordered K’tar into the conference room. Kev and Shavic had

darted in as well before the door had a chance to close behind his communications officer. They
wanted to know what happened to him and where in the hell did he go.

“I don’t know,” K’tar had said. “I don’t remember anything but Sunny.”

“Who is Sunny?” Shavic had asked in frustration.

“The fairy,” K’tar said with a grin. “I remember her grabbing my hand but not a thing afterwards.

Well, except for her taste – and her touch – and the feel of her skin and hair.”

Shavic groaned. “You don’t remember anything?” He demanded.

“No, not really,” K’tar responded. “It was dark and all I wanted was to keep her safe.”

Kev sank down and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I’m glad at least two of you are being

successful at that,” he grumbled.

“Here,” Manota said with a sympathetic nod as he sank down in the chair next to Kev.

“Thanks,” Kev replied as he picked up the small glass with the dark green liquid.

Kev grimaced as the potent liquor burned as it went down. He told Manota how he had been

positive he would have been able to capture the one named Jade but she was as good at disappearing
as that damn magician had been. By the time he got down the steps to the floor of the big tent, she had
vanished. He had tried searching for her but she must have gone into one of those camper houses.

Manota thought with amusement of Kev’s frustration and empathized with his friend. He

remembered his own struggles to get Jo to accept him. He realized that was part of her appeal, she
gave as well as took from him and never let him get away with bossing her around. When he was with
her, he felt alive.

“What are you so deep in thought about?” Jo asked as she stepped out of the cleansing room.

Manota turned at her voice. His eyes roamed hungrily over her. She was wearing a silky blue

robe that matched her eyes and was brushing out her hair. He noticed that it had grown several inches
since he first saw her. The soft, thin material couldn’t hide how her nipples pebbled from the cooler

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air in their living quarters.

It was close to midnight but time aboard the warship was irrelevant. She had been performing in

two shows a day for the crew. Most of the shows were abbreviated to fit in with the crews’
schedules. He tried to attend as many as he could. He knew he would never get tired of watching her.
After the first few performances, he began to appreciate that each routine was carefully
choreographed and there were numerous safety measures set in place.

“I was thinking about how incredible you are,” he said huskily. “Come here.” He set his glass on

the small table near the chair and opened his arms.

Jo’s lips curved upward as she saw the hunger in his eyes. They had both been incredibly busy.

She had fallen back into the routine of working out with her family and friends during the day. She had
also been working with Jane. Annie and Jade had begun spending more time with the quiet young
woman who jumped or hid whenever there was a loud noise or a male came too close to her.

“You’ve been so busy lately. Is everything alright?” Jo asked as she moved into his arms.

Manota slid one arm around Jo’s slender waist, pulling her close. He cupped her jaw with his

other hand, tilting her head back so he could lose himself in her beautiful eyes. He felt the tension
melt from his body as she fit snugly against his hard length.

“There have been some minor issues, nothing important. We should be back on Kassis in less than

a week,” he responded huskily. “I love the feel of your skin against mine.”

“Really? How much?” She asked as she wound her arms around his neck, letting her fingers play

with the short strands in the back.

“How about I show you?” He murmured, brushing a kiss along her cheek and down to the corner

of her mouth.

“How about I show you instead?” She whispered back. “It might be fun to have you at my mercy

for a little while. Whenever we make love, you always seem to wipe out every thought in my head.
Not that I’m complaining or anything,” she assured him, tilting back just far enough so he could see
her face. “But, I think I would like to explore you this time.”

Manota was intrigued by the idea. They had made love many times but he had always taken

control as their passion became more intense, driven by a primitive urge to capture and mate. He
wasn’t sure if he had enough control to resist taking over but he was willing to try.

“If that will make you happy,” he said slowly.

“I don’t think you will be too unhappy,” she murmured as she brushed her lips against his before

pulling back and grabbing his hand. “Come here, big guy. You are about to be loved like you have
never been loved before,” she added with a wicked grin.

Manota let her pull him toward their bed. She pushed him gently down onto the end of the bed.

Kneeling in front of him, she pulled at his boots removing one then the other. Once she had them off,
she rose gracefully to her feet. Bending over him, she pressed a hot kiss to his mouth as she pulled the
stays holding his shirt loose. Once they were free, she pushed his shirt off his shoulders letting her
nails tenderly graze over his heated skin.

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“Jo,” Manota moaned as he reached up and cupped her breasts through the thin material of her

robe. “I want you.”

“I want to please you,” she said huskily. “Let me do this.”

“You always please me,” Manota groaned out as she pushed him backwards until he was lying


“Oh no, you don’t,” she whispered, pulling back when he tried to pull her down on top of him.

“You are not going to cooperate. I think I need to go to plan B.”

“Plan B?” Manota asked in frustration as she pulled even further away. “If this is Plan A, I like it.

We don’t need Plan B.”

“Oh yes we do if I want to have my time torturing you the way you torture me every day,” Jo said

looking at him with a sexy grin. “Take your pants off and lay down at the top of the bed,” she ordered.

Manota didn’t wait for her to ask twice. His damn pants were in the way anyway. He tore open

the fastenings and pushed them down. He kicked them out of the way before scooting up to the top of
the bed, sitting and watching her arrogantly as her eyes widened on his throbbing cock. He gripped it
tightly, stroking up and down the length as she watched.

“Come to me,” he said with a knowing grin.

“Oh no you don’t, my dear sexy alien,” Jo said with a shake of her head. “Tonight is MY turn.”

She walked over to the side of the bed and pulled out a tie that she had confiscated from the

clowns’ wardrobe. She didn’t think they would miss it. Making a quick slipknot on both ends of the
brightly colored piece of fabric, she looped it around Manota’s wrist and threaded it through the
emergency railing that ran the length above the bed.

“Jo?” Manota asked, looking up at her startled.

“You don’t play fair,” she explained as she wrapped the other end around his other wrist. “So, I

thought I would even the odds a bit. I can’t think straight when you start touching me,” she admitted as
she brushed another kiss over his lips.

“I like that, though,” he responded huskily.

Jo chuckled softly as she slid off of him. “I know you do,” she said.

She turned to walk over to a small device she had set on the table near the long couch. She bent

over and pressed several buttons. Standing, she called out for the lights to dim to level two. Music
with an unusual beat started to play, filling the room.

Jo began swaying to it, loosening the belt on her robe before letting it slide down her arms. She

wanted to give him a taste of something different. She thought about the new dance routine that she
was practicing with Sunny and decided to try it out on Manota. Under her robe she was wearing a
long sheer gown that she had found in the marketplace during one of her forays into town unbeknownst
to Manota. She loved dressing up in disguise and escaping for a little while to explore.

“Gods!” Manota breathed out, pulling forward as far as he could to look at the length of her. “You

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are so beautiful, Jo. Can’t we skip Plan B?”

Jo refused to let him distract her as she continued swaying to the music, waiting for the next song

to start. As the first song ended, Jo moved into position. She was facing Manota, her arms raised
above her head and her head bowed. The pose looked as if she was hanging from a sacrificial alter,
waiting for the beast who would claim her. Soon, the room filled with a dark passionate song. Jo
moved sensually to the deep, pulsing beat as if she was awakening from a deep sleep and realizing
that she was in mortal danger. As the music rose, she twirled lifting one knee up so the slit on the
gown fell on each side as she bent her back in a graceful arch in perfect imitation of her struggle to
free herself from the invisible bonds holding her. Once free, the music changed to one of discovery,
of love, of wonder. She began moving as if she was making love, not only to the music, but with it.
The dance became a symbol of a body caught in the thrones of passion. The gentle sway of her breasts
rising and falling as the tempo increased and decreased. Jo was locked in a passionate climax as the
sultry sound escalated, her body collapsing on the end of the bed as it faded away.

She lay motionless on the end, her arms out in front of her as she caught her breath. She had been

locked with the music, images of her and Manota bound together in passion pulsing with the beat to
the point she could feel the slickness of her own desire and the taut ache of need.

“Jo, please,” Manota whispered, his arms sliding under her arms as he pulled her toward him. “I

will try to let you explore me next time,” he promised as he lifted her limp body up so that she was
straddling him. “For now, I need you.”


Manota didn’t know what to expect when Jo took the colorful ribbon out of the side panel next to

the bed. When she had looped it over his wrist and then bound him to the bar above the bed, he was
curious and slightly amused. He could easily snap the thin material. He thought she meant to tease him
for a short time before releasing him. He never expected her to move away. When she started a
strange melody from her world and ordered the lights to dim, he admitted he was more than a little
intrigued. What he had not expected was the overwhelming reaction that burned through him as she
began to dance. The movements were beautiful, sensual, and exotic. The material did little to hide her
body but it was enough that it made him hunger to rip it off of her. It was not until the second song
started that he became caught in a web of visual intoxication. The music and her body told a story of
fear, hope, longing, and passion. He could see the story unfolding in his mind as she retold it through
the movements of her body. He could see... her story. Her fear at being captured and taken to a new
world, her hope of escaping, the sudden realization of her love for him - an alien creature so different
from any other that she had met, and the passion they share.

He didn’t remember snapping the thin material holding him captive or removing the tattered

pieces from his wrists. He didn’t remember moving to the center of the bed. His mind and eyes were
locked on Jo. His world narrowed to just her. Gone was the warship. Gone were the other humans.
Gone was the room they were in. They were both bound to a world where only the two of them
existed. As the music ended and Jo slowly sank down onto the end of the bed, as if drained of all life,
Manota knew he was the only one who could give it back to her. He was the one who could fill her
again with the passion that she brought to the world. He was the alien - who loved her.

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“Jo, please,” Manota whispered as he gathered her into his arms. “I will try to let you explore me

next time. For now, I need you,” he choked out hoarsely as he guided her over his throbbing length.

He pushed the silky material of her gown to the side and aligned his shaft with her slick entrance.

He decided he did not want to ruin the delicate fabric that both concealed and revealed her to him.
Gritting his teeth, he slowly pushed up through her soft folds shuddering as the slick heat of her vagina
encased his hard cock. He slid his hands along her arms, lifting them and placing them over his
shoulders before wrapping his arms around her waist again.

“Manota,” Jo whispered as she stared into his eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you as well, my beautiful human mate,” Manota murmured as he leaned back against the

pillows. “Ride me,” he demanded hoarsely.

Jo’s hands slipped down to his chest. Her fingers brushing his distended nipples, drawing a low

rumble from him. She loved the power of being on top, watching the expressions flitting across his
face as she moved. She was controlling the rhythm and speed of their love making based on those

A loud groan ripped from his throat as she swiveled her hips at the same time as she pressed

down as far as she could go. His eyes flickered, drooping until they were almost closed as she did it
again and again. At the same time, she pulled his hands from where he was gripping her hips up to her

“Yes, baby. Oh yes,” she hissed as his fingers wrapped around her sensitive nipples. “You can

pinch them harder,” she groaned out.

Manota’s eyes glittered as he watched her face as he rose up, pushing deeply against her womb

while at the same time pinching her swollen nipples between his fingers. A loud hiss sounded as he
replaced his fingers with his mouth. He pulled and sucked at the same time as he rocked his hips in
rhythm with her downward movement. His arms moved around her, holding her to him as he began
increasing the speed. Releasing her breast with a pop, he growled out as he felt his climax building.
Wanting her to find her release, he slid his hand down between their joined bodies until he felt her
swollen nub. Flicking it with his finger, he felt a sense of satisfaction when she cried out harshly and
froze over him. Her vaginal walls fisted his cock as he continued to drive into her.

Manota drove upward burying himself as far as he could go and exploded into her. He could feel

her body shaking as it reacted again to his hot seed spilling into her womb. Her body melted down
onto his, her head nuzzled under his chin.

“I love you, my Jo,” he whispered tenderly even though he knew she didn’t hear him. She had

already fallen into a sated sleep.

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Chapter 16

“Tony, he is going to kill you, you know that?” Marcus said dryly as he watched the younger male

eyeing Jo. “Something tells me these aliens play for keeps.”

Tony shrugged his shoulders and grinned at Marcus. “He’ll have to catch me first,” Tony replied.

“Besides, I called dibs on Jo years ago.”

Marcus shook his head. “What makes you think she is going to notice you any more now than she

did when you were seventeen?”

Tony turned and looked at Marcus with a wry grin. “I don’t, I just want to have a little fun. Hell, if

nothing else it’ll liven the place up a little. There aren’t any girls here that I’m interested in and Jo
knows I don’t really mean it anymore. It’s become a bit of a game over the years,” he admitted.

“This is a game that is going to get you killed, my boy,” Marcus muttered. “If that huge male

hanging protectively over her doesn’t do it, Walter will. You are the only one that Myrtle will let
around her and her calf right now. If you get hurt, it’s going to be a pain in the ass to take care of
them,” he added, thinking of the mother elephant and her nine month old calf.

“Walter already knows and you don’t have to worry, I won’t get hurt. That’s where you come in

to help.” Tony looked at Marcus with a cross between a plea and a hopeful look. “Come on, Marcus.
When was the last time you lived dangerously?”

Marcus snorted. “Might I remind you I was the one looking down the end of a sword not too long

ago,” he reminded Tony. “I thought for sure I was going to end up a shish kabob on the tip of it. You
live as dangerously as you want. I’ve been at the bottom of a grave looking up and it isn’t all it’s
cracked up to be,” Marcus replied as he shook his head at Tony before he handed the younger man
some of his vanishing powder.

“Just use a little bit of it,” Marcus warned Tony. “You don’t want to smoke everyone out of their


“Wish me luck,” Tony said before he walked over to where Jo was standing next to Ricki and


“You, my dear, dear boy, are going to need more than luck,” Marcus replied softly with a chuckle.

“I just hope there is something left of you when this is over.”


Jo saw Jane stiffen and scoot behind Ricki just a little. She rolled her eyes as a knowing grin

curved Ricki’s lips. The look of amusement could only mean one thing, Tony was up to his tricks
again. She turned and shook her head at the mischievous smile on his face. He was definitely up to
something and it did not bode well for him. It never did.

Laughing, she put her hand up in the air and waved her finger at him. “I wouldn’t do whatever you

are thinking if I were you,” she warned in exasperation. “I don’t know what you are up to but it has to
be a bad idea with the shit-eating grin you have on your face.”

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“We’ll see you later,” Ricki said softly. “I don’t think Jane is ready for a front row seat for what

is about to happen.”

Jane looked inquisitively between Ricki and Jo before nodding and following Ricki as she

headed back to their living space. She looked up at Ricki who just shook her head and mouthed
‘watch what happens’ with a grin.

“See you later, Ricki – Jane,” the large blond male called out.

“I hope so,” Ricki called back with another shake of her head. “If you live through this one,” she

added under her breath as she headed back across the long storage bay to warn her dad that Tony was
up to mischief again.

“So,” Tony said turning his attention back to Jo who was gazing at him with a very suspicious

look on her face. “Are you tired of He-man yet?”

“Tony, I …” Jo started to say until she looked into his eyes again. They were a dark, sad brown

that pulled at her heart. “Tony, don’t,” Jo said, groaning softly.

He stepped a little closer to her causing her to bite her lip in indecision. She didn’t want to hurt

his feelings but then again, she didn’t want to give him a false hope. Jo froze as he reached out and
gently touched the long braid on her shoulder. He ran his fingers down it before he tugged on the end
just enough to force her to jerk forward in surprise.

“You can’t blame a guy for trying,” Tony murmured as he slid his other hand along her waist.

“Just one kiss. That is all I ask… just one.”

Jo shook her head and placed her hands on his chest. “You know I don’t feel that way about you. I

thought you understood that,” Jo murmured in concern. “I love Manota.”

Tony leaned a little closer to her. “I know,” he whispered, before a wicked gleam entered his

eyes. “Think of this as a little science experiment.”

Jo’s head jerked up as she suddenly realized he wasn’t really sad about her loving someone else.

“What are you doing? Tony, this has to be one of your worst ideas to date,” Jo muttered just before he
sealed his lips over hers in a short fierce kiss.

He pulled back slowly and chuckled. “Stan is trying out a new program that taps into your alien

friend’s video feed. He wanted to see if it worked. I told him I would help him out,” he said with a
shrug. “If it means stealing a kiss from you, how could I say no?”

Jo put her hands on his shoulders and groaned. “You listened to Stan? Have you ever thought there

was a reason so many people were looking for him? He doesn’t always have the greatest ideas. He
was the one that posted that live video on the Internet of those six whaling ships killing dolphins and
sharks and tossing them overboard causing a riot before he posted the billionaire from Germany
hunting at the wildlife refuge in Africa which went viral, remember?”

“Yeah well, Stan is taking bets to see how fast your guy can move. As it is, it has been almost a

minute and a half and…,” Tony broke off as a loud roar echoed in the storage bay. “Not bad,” he
grinned. “Time to go!”

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Jo turned, her eyes locking with Manota’s dark, deadly gaze as he stood just inside the doors

leading into the storage bay. She grimaced as his eyes moved to Tony who was grinning like a jackass
as he walked backwards. She rolled her eyes when Tony gave the red-flag salute guaranteed to end
his life.

Turning back, she stepped in between them and raised her hands up. “Manota, I can explain.”

“He is a dead human,” Manota growled out, pulling his sword.

“You can’t use a sword on him,” Jo said walking toward him. “It was just a joke. He didn’t mean

anything when he kissed me.”

Manota’s head swiveled from where he was watching Tony’s retreating back. “Kiss?! He put his

lips on you again?”

Jo winced. “You didn’t see that part of the video I’m guessing,” she grimaced, placing her hands

on his chest in an attempt to calm him.

“HUMAN!” Manota roared in a blinding rage of jealousy.

Jo gasped as she was lifted up and placed to the side. Manota retracted his laser sword and

handed it to her. She looked at his face and grimaced again at the dark intent on it.

“I will not use the sword,” Manota snarled. “I’m going to wrap my hands around his scrawny

neck before I rip him apart.”

Jo opened her mouth but Manota was already picking up speed as he stalked toward Tony who

glanced over his shoulder before deciding it was time to run like hell. She shook her head when she
saw Tony toss some of Marcus ’ vanishing powder over his shoulder. From the bright flash and thick
smoke, he must have used twice the amount he was supposed to. It was enough to cause Manota to
pause as the thick smoke blinded him for a moment, giving Tony a slightly larger head start. Jo
watched as Tony disappeared through the maze of campers anchored to the storage bay floor.

“If your mate kills Tony, he’ll be taking care of the damn elephants,” Walter growled out as he

came to a breathless stop next to Jo. “I’ll be damn if I’m going to shovel their poop piles.”

Jo fought hard to stop the giggle that threatened her but she couldn’t. Giggling out loud, she turned

and stared down at Walter who was watching as Tony rolled out from under Katarina’s camper. It
was too low to the ground for Manota to get under. He raced around so fast, Tony let out a loud curse
before he ran as fast as he could and disappeared into the Big Top.

“Do you think we should go help him?” Jo asked nervously, folding her arms across her chest and

tilting her head in question.

“Naw,” Walter said. “I called the clowns and Marvin and Martin in to help save Tony’s bony ass

if he needed it. I have Stan filming the damn thing to see if it will be good enough for a performance,”
he added gruffly over his shoulder.

Jo’s mouth dropped open as Walter’s statement sank in. She watched as Walter walked hurriedly

toward the Big Top. She quickly followed, stepping inside as Walter held the flap open for her. She
looked down at the small ringmaster who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. The knowing look in his

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eyes proved what she was afraid to think. The sneaky little devil was looking for a new act and
auditioning her mate for the part!

“Walter, you are a very devious man,” Jo giggled. “You know he will never become an act in the

show, I hope?”

“You never know,” Walter said confidently as he watched Manota try to catch Tony as a couple

of the clowns stuffed the elephant trainer into a barrel and started to roll him as fast as they could
between them. “He is fast, agile, strong…” He was saying distractedly.

“Deadly… in charge of a planet… a member of the royal family,” Jo continued as she watched

Manota jerk back as several more clowns started jumping rope in front him. She breathed a sigh of
relief when he made it through the rope without getting tangled up in it. “Has Tony ever been fired out
of the cannon before?” She asked curiously as her eyes moved to follow Tony who had climbed up a
tall ladder.

Marvin and Martin were stuffing Tony down the huge, multicolor star covered cannon the clowns

used. She figured the answer was ‘no’ when Marvin motioned for Tony to wiggle back up so he could
jam the helmet on his head before Martin pushed him back down again. Both Mimes scrambled down
the ladder and hurried to the other end to aim it just as Manota reached them. Marvin stepped in front
of Manota, holding out his hands before taking both of Manota’s hands in his. Jo giggled again as
Marvin pulled Manota’s fingers out and stuck them in his ears before doing the same with his own. A
moment later, a huge boom sounded. It echoed through the storage bay, drawing members of the circus
into the tent to see what was going on. Even from this distance, Jo could see Manota’s eyes widen as
Tony flew through the air to land in a huge net half a tent away.

“I think it is time to call a halt to the chase,” Jo said before she grunted as she was thrown

forward as the warship rocked.

Manota turned sharply, bracing himself even as Marvin reached for him in surprise. He shook the

Mime off, growling into his comlink. The look on his face was nothing like what it had been when he
was looking to kill Tony. This one sent a shiver down everyone ’s spine. His face now reflected the
look of a cold-blooded, ruthless killing machine.

Jo started to rise again but was thrown sideways when the warship rocked again. She gasped as

she was suddenly lifted up. Gripping Manota’s huge forearms, she looked up at him in fright.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

“We are under attack,” Manota growled out as he held her around her waist even as he held his

hand out to Walter. “There has also been an explosion in engineering.”

“What can we do to help?” Walter asked as he nodded his thanks for the steadying hand.

Manota reluctantly released Jo. “I need you to get all your people in here. We will seal off the

storage bay and I will assign a group of warriors to protect you. I need you to protect my mate,
Walter.” Manota instructed quietly. “I have to go to the bridge. Kev is working on engineering.”

“Who would attack a Kassisan warship?” Jo asked stunned.

Manota looked at her grimly before he pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “Pirates,” he replied before

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turning and leaving.

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Chapter 17

Jo glanced down at the laser sword she still clutched in her right hand as if in a daze. She looked

at Walter, Nema, Ricki and all of her other friends. Marvin, Martin, Tony, and the rest of the circus
crew quickly gathered around to see what was going on. She frowned when she didn’t see her parents
mixed in with the rest of the crew.

“Where are my mom and dad?” She asked, looking wildly around the group. “Where are my


“I saw them leave earlier,” Katarina said quietly. “They said something about going to the training

room to work with some of the warriors.”

Jo looked down as Walter reached up and gripped her hand. “When one of our family is in need,

all will answer the call,” he said quietly before turning to look at the crew. “You heard me! Get your
asses in gear. We are under attack. Let’s show these bastards they better not mess with us.”

A loud roar echoed as each member of the circus yelled out in support. Soon, they were scattering

to gather their tools of the trade. Sunny came up to Jo and smiled as she handed her the staff that she
excelled at using.

“It’s the double bladed one you use,” Sunny said with a nervous smile. “I’m going to work with

Marcus. Stan is going to feed us updates from the ship’s communications. He is also going to see if he
can hack into the pirate ships and shut them down.”

“I need to find my parents,” Jo whispered looking at Walter yelling out orders. “I need to make

sure they are safe.”

“Go, but take Katarina with you,” Sunny said. “She’ll bring some company to help watch your


Jo looked at the tall Siberian who grinned at her. “Sasha will be happy to have something to play

with,” Katarina said in a husky, accented voice. “She has been getting restless lately.”

Jo smiled weakly at Katarina. Sasha was a four year old white tiger that Katarina had saved from

a bankrupt zoo when she was a cub. Katarina had two tigers, four young lions and an ocelot that
everyone knew she considered to be her children.

“Just make sure she doesn’t sink her claws into me. I’d like to keep my skin intact,” Jo responded.

Katarina threw her head back and laughed. “I have control over my babies,” she said with a wink.

“When I want to.”

“Let’s go then,” Jo said briskly. “There are only fifty warriors on this warship. I don’t know how

many pirates there are.”

“Stan said there are three ships with approximately two hundred men on board from what he was

able to get from the conversations flowing back and forth between K’tar and Manota,” Jade said
breathlessly as she joined them. She reached over and pulled the laser sword from Jo’s right hand.
“Sweet!” She said with a low whistle as she pressed the button. “Walter told me that I’m with you

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“Stay behind Sasha,” Katarina said as she opened the door to her camper. “Mushie - Nugget,

come little ones.”

Jade pressed her back to the camper as a large male tiger weighing in at over four hundred pounds

jumped down from the doorway. It was followed by a small, sleek spotted cat. The last one to come
out was a white tiger that stretched in the doorway before slowly jumping down to the floor. Her soft,
padded paws barely making a sound as she landed.

“Nice house pets,” Jade said with a touch of awe and a lot of fear. “I hope to hell they are house


Katarina smiled devilishly. “Sometimes,” she said with a grin before she turned and made a sharp

command in Russian.

“What did you tell them?” Jade asked, holding the retracted laser sword in front of her.

Katarina turned to glance at Jade before she replied. “Dinnertime,” she said before she took off

after her three pets and Jo.

Jade stared after the dark haired Russian beauty before she let an unamused laugh escape.

“Dinnertime,” she muttered before she followed her and Jo. “Cute. Real cute.”


“Give me a report,” Manota called out as he came onto the bridge.

“The engines are offline,” K’tar gritted out as he worked at the controls. “Kev said it was

sabotage. A small explosive was placed in the coolant equipment panel. It destroyed the panel,
knocking the engines offline as the system reads it as a coolant leak. Kev is working with Banner to
bypass the panel. There are three pirate ships moving in. Shields are holding but won’t stop them
from boarding. I’m detecting at least ten troop transports heading our way.”

“Are the defense systems activated?” Manota said watching as additional shuttles departed from

two of the huge ships.

K’tar shook his head. “Offline as well. Whoever sabotaged engineering has been a busy traitor,”

he bit out. “I’m running a background search on every member of the crew. Do you think it is possible
it could have been one of the members of the circus?”

Manota started to shake his head before he remembered that the two Mimes had been in

engineering earlier. He remembered thinking there was something strange about the two of them back
on Earth. It was hard to believe they could have caused this type of destruction without being seen but
he couldn’t rule it out.

“It’s possible,” Manota replied grimly. “Continue your search of the crew. Sound the alert, level


“Yes sir,” K’tar said turning and pressing the alert to warn the crew they were about to be

boarded by hostile forces. “What of our passengers?” He asked gruffly, thinking of the tiny human
female named Sunny.

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“Post two warriors to the entrance and seal the level,” Manota instructed.

Frustration and rage curled his stomach as he thought of what would happen to the females aboard

if the pirates were successful in taking over the warship. He could not spare any more warriors. They
were outnumbered and whoever had sabotaged engineering and their defense systems was still on the
loose. He knew K’tar would only send in warriors that he felt confident would protect their human

“I want those bastards dead,” Manota said. “K’tar, you have the bridge. Keep it secure at all


“Yes sir,” K’tar said, standing and moving to the commander’s chair.

Manota nodded and took all but one other warrior with him. He opened a side panel next to the

door. Inside the panel were close-range laser pistols and small laser swords. These were designed
for fighting in the narrow corridors and smaller spaces. He handed several out before taking two of
the laser pistols and two small laser swords. With a nod to K’tar, Manota stepped off the bridge. He
gave the command to seal the doors once the last warrior had passed through. No one but him, Kev or
K’tar could now access the bridge short of a large explosive charge. He knew K’tar would give the
self-destruct sequence before he let the Seeker be taken.

“No prisoners,” Manota told the young warriors. “Protection of the humans is a priority.”

“Yes sir,” Jai said quietly, thinking of the beautiful olive skinned female named Mattie. “No one

will harm them.”

“The first breach has occurred on Level 18,” K’tar’s voice came out over his comlink. “Sensors

are picking up thirty heat signatures. Additional breaches are imminent on Levels 4 and 6.”

Manota cursed. The storage bays were on Level 4. The bridge was on Level 20. He would have

to fight his way down to Jo.

“Get the defense system up, Kev,” Manota barked out. “We have company and I don’t want any

more of those bastards on my ship!”

“Working on it,” Kev replied grimly. “I think we found our traitor, or what’s left of him. Banner

should have the coolant panel by-passed in twenty minutes or less. The weapons will be back online
in five minutes.”

“K’tar, did you get that?” Manota asked.

Manota opened an emergency hatch at the end of the corridor and slid down to the lower level.

The lifts deactivated when the alarms sounded. He ignored the flashing red lights as he pressed his
hand to the panel to open the hatch to the lower level. Jai and two other warriors followed close
behind him.

Manota stepped out into the corridor. He nodded to the three men. He motioned for Jai to come

with him while the other two secured the level they were on. Striding down the corridor to the next
emergency hatch, he opened it and slid down. He nodded to Jai as he palmed the sensor. The door
opened silently. He nodded grimly at Jai before he slipped through the opening. Jai sealed the panel
behind him. They would move in a two man formation. Both men could hear the sound of fighting

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further down the corridor. Taking off at a run, both rounded the corner to find five Kassisan warriors
battling with ten of the pirates.

Manota snarled when he saw they were a mixture of Tearnats, Drakas and Killians. He saw one

of his men stumble as he took a laser sword across his upper thigh. The man fell sideways but
continued to try to fight. Manota let out a roar and burst forth firing his laser pistol at the head of the
Draka who had struck the warrior. Even as the Draka fell another took his place. His men were
forced back, the injured warrior overwhelmed as a Tearnat cut a slice across his throat.

Rage poured through Manota as he fought. He pressed against the large Tearnat, ignoring the

pirate’s snarling. He pressed his laser pistol against the thick thigh and fired three rapid shots.
Bellows of rage filled the corridor over the loud shouts of the other warriors. As the large reptilian
fell back, Manota swung the laser sword in his other hand savagely across the male’s throat. The
creature’s head snapped back as the cut almost severed it from the light green shoulders. Manota
heard Kev’s voice as he told K’tar the weapons were back online and to blow the hell out of the
pirate ships. The warship rocked violently as the Seeker fired on the ship closest to it. Shockwaves
buffeted the warship but the shields held. The pirates must have realized they had lost their advantage
as they froze for a split second. Manota reached out, bracing his arm as another shockwave jolted the
Seeker. A dark menacing smile curled his lips as he stared back into the suddenly panic- stricken
looks of those who realized they were the ones now trapped.

“Time to die,” Manota snarled out.

He rushed into the few pirates who were a little slower to realize what was happening. The

others were already scrambling trying to get back to the transport that was docked with the Seeker in
the hopes of escaping before they were left behind. Manota knew it was already too late. He listened
as more of his men reported blowing connections to the shuttles docked on this level and four others.
The only one still attached was the one on Level 4.

Fear for his mate drove Manota to be even more ruthless as he cut a path through the remaining

pirates. He had to get to her. Something deep inside him told him she was in trouble.

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Chapter 18

Jo followed behind Sasha and Mushie. Nugget walked beside Katarina. Jade followed up the

rear. Both tigers froze suddenly as if they were a statue captured in motion. It was amazing watching
how they could be trotting one moment and frozen like stone the next. Katarina paused as well,
watching – waiting. The tigers took a slow step forward.

Jo looked at Katarina who was staring intently at the two tigers, her right hand gently stroking the

smaller spotted leopard at her side. If she didn’t know better, she would swear the large cat trainer
was communicating with them. Jo moved into position when she saw Katarina’s shoulders stiffen. A
moment later, five huge alien males rounded the corner of the corridor.

Jo recognized two Tearnats immediately. Their multi-shaded color scales, elongated head, and

long tail were burned into her memory from when she and Star were captured back at the cabin.
These were not the same as Madas and Gril. Her two friends might be Tearnats but they didn’t have
the same savage, menacing look as these two. The other males Jo did not recognize. One was a
molted, red-skinned alien with yellow eyes while the other two were a very pale color with dark gray
eyes and long ash white dreadlocks that hung down their backs. All five men stopped in surprise
when they saw the three women.

“Females!” The molted red-skinned male growled out in a low voice. “There was no mention of

there being females on board.”

“I claim the dark haired one in front,” one of the pale males grinned.

“I’ll take the other one,” his partner replied with a lecherous smile.

“I guess we get the light haired one,” the molted red skinned alien told the two Tearnats with a

sharp-tooth grin. “I get her first as you two will tear her apart.”

Jo raised her eyebrow as she looked at the ugly bastard who was grinning at her. “I’ll see you in

hell first, asshole,” she growled out. “Katarina?”

Katarina grinned as her hand went to the long whip she had wound up at her waist. She let the

long length unfurl until it lay like a serpent running down her leg. She nodded to Jo and Jade before
she growled out in a low voice to the two larger tigers that were still frozen.

“Sacha, Mushie, убить!” Sasha, Mushie, kill! She ordered in Russian at the same time as she

pulled the whip back and snapped it at the men.

The two tigers burst into action as if released from a spell holding them captive. The huge

Tearnats cursed loudly as the tigers charged at them. They raised their arms in unison to fire at the big
cats. Katarina snapped the whip again. The tip wound around one of the pistols and she jerked it out
of the Tearnat’s hand at the same time as Sasha hit him with the speed of a train hitting a car sitting on
the tracks. The force of the blow knocked the huge male off his feet and into the two pale men
standing slightly behind him.

Jade reacted as the other Tearnat raised his arm. She pulled her nine millimeter semi-automatic

from behind her and opened fire. The first two bullets thudded against the huge Tearnat’s chest before

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harmlessly bouncing off. It was enough of a distraction that Mushie was able to attack him.

“What the fuck?” Jade muttered as she stared in disbelief.

“You have to aim for their head,” Jo yelled out.

She needed to protect Katarina who was trying to help Sasha. The white tiger was raking at the

huge Tearnat who had his tail wrapped around her. He used his powerful legs to throw the huge cat
off of him. Sasha hit the wall with a resounding thud before lying still.

“NO!” Katarina cried out, rushing to her beloved pet.

“You sorry ass son-of-a-bitch,” Jade growled out in fury.

Jo watched out of the corner of her eye as Jade walked forward emptying her handgun into the

Tearnat who was getting up. This time she aimed for his head. Three shots hit him; one in the left eye,
one between the eyes, and the last one went through his jaw. He fell backwards, unmoving.

“I like a woman with fire,” the pale alien said as he stood up from where he was crouching when

he saw that Jade’s weapon no longer fired. “You will keep me entertained as my pet.”

Jo watched as the red-skinned alien jumped over the dead Tearnat. She was pretty sure the other

Tearnat was dead or would soon be. Mushie had him by the neck and was holding him. The huge
lizard’s legs and tail were still moving but the movements were jerky - clumsy.

“Katarina, look out behind you,” Jo called out even as she turned toward the red-skinned alien

walking toward her with a grin.

Jo twirled the staff in her hand. She didn’t extend it as there wasn’t room in the narrow corridor.

At the moment, it was the same size as the baton twirlers in high school use. She pressed the button
releasing the sharp blades. Moving into a defensive stance, she glared coldly at the alien male. She
was getting tired of these assholes messing with her friends and family. She still needed to find her
parents and she wasn’t about to let some red-mottled beetle stop her.

“Back off,” she demanded as he took another step closer.

“Now I have you all to myself,” he grinned nastily. “I look forward to fucking you. I have never

had your species before.”

Jo sneered at the ugly creature as he came almost within reach. She blocked out Katarina and Jade

for the moment, hoping they could handle the other two males. She backed up slowly. She wanted to
draw the male further away from her friends. She didn’t want to take a chance of hurting them. It also
would make the male think she was afraid which she was deep down. She was terrified but there was
also a burning fury building inside her.

So much had happened over the last few months. It all began with her decision to return to the

circus and their kidnapping and traveling to a strange new world, almost losing River and Star and
falling in love with Manota had stretched her orderly life beyond her comfort zone. The emotions of
burning fear that she had buried under the iron control that she always maintained over her emotions
disappeared at the triumphant look on alien male’s face. All the fear erupted as hot fury. Her body
trembled as she waited that last second until she felt like she could release it without hurting anyone

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but the male stalking her.

“You are mine,” he grinned as he reached out to grab her.

“Wrong choice, you bastard,” Jo hissed as she erupted into action.

His startled yelp of pain only fueled her fury. She attacked with cold, calculated moves. She

twirled the staff, the sharp edges a blur as she struck again and again. Blood splattered the walls and
her as she sliced into his leathery flesh. The male roared in pain as she sliced a long thin path across
his arms. Jo gritted her teeth when he countered her attacks with his own long, curved blades. She
blocked a downward slice while bowing back away when he came up with his other hand from
underneath. Kicking out, she caught him in the groin. Unfortunately, it was a glancing blow that did
little more than made him take a step back.

Fearing he would surge forward, she took the offensive and jabbed the staff as if it was a spear.

She shook as she felt the blade go deep into the flesh of his side. A cry burst from her lips as he
swung his beefy arm around. The blade cut through her thin shirt along her left side. She could feel the
warmth of blood as it soaked her shirt. She bit her lip and kicked out.

“Bitch! You are going to die a long, slow death,” the male snarled at her as he grabbed the staff as

she held it up to block another blow.

Jo gripped the center of the staff with both hands and fell backwards bringing the huge male with

her. She tucked her legs up under her, placing both of her feet firmly in the center of his stomach as he
came down on top of her. She used the momentum of the fall and her legs to throw him over her. The
move stunned the male giving her time to roll back onto her feet. She swayed and resisted the urge to
grab her side that was throbbing horribly.

Jo looked down in shock. The male had a long laser sword sticking out of the center of his chest.

She looked up, swaying dangerously to gaze at the man who had come to her aid.

“Daddy,” Jo whispered, as her legs gave out under her.

“Jo,” Tami Strauss cried out, wrapping her arm around her daughter’s waist. “Alan! Help me.”

Jo vaguely felt her mom and dad’s arms as they guided her over to the side of the corridor. She

slid down the wall suddenly feeling very shaky. She looked over to where Jade stood over the dead
body of one of the pale bastards. A laser sword sticking all the way through his body from stomach to
back. Katarina was kneeling next to Sasha, rubbing her hands loving over the soft fur of the large
tiger. The smaller ocelot and Mushie were dragging the body of the other pale male away from their
mistress. Both male cats were very protective of both of the females.

“Jo, honey, let me look at your side,” she heard her mother say.

Things blurred in and out of focus for a moment before she shook her head to clear it. She needed

to get up. Her side was burning like a son-of-a-bitch but she refused to let it stop her.

“I’m fine,” she gritted out. “We have to get back to the storage bay. There are probably more


She pushed up against the wall in determination, leaning heavily on her mom and dad for a

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moment as the world spun for a second. She nodded to them as she straightened. Bending gingerly,
she picked up her staff.

“Katarina, get them out of here,” Jo ordered through gritted teeth. “Mom, you and dad follow

behind Katarina. The cats can sense the pirates.”

“Honey, your side,” her mom started to protest, looking worriedly at the blood coating Jo.

Jo gave her mom a strained smile. “Not all of it is mine,” she replied softly before turning to look

at her dad who was glancing back and forth. “Thanks for saving me, dad. I’m sorry I got you guys in
this mess.”

Alan Strauss glanced at his oldest daughter, his expression softening. “There are pricks no matter

where you go in the universe,” Alan said gruffly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world if it meant being
with you, your mom, and your sister.”

Jo just nodded, pushing away from the wall. “Let’s get back to the storage area before we get

more company.”

The small group moved back the way Jo, Katarina, and Jade had traveled a short time ago. They

paused when they heard the sound of unfamiliar voices coming toward them. Sasha and Mushie
quickly took out the two pirates that came out of a side corridor, startling them.

They had just rounded the last corridor leading to the storage bay when they encountered more.

Two Kassisan warriors were locked in battle with four pirates outside the doors. The small group
surged forward, Jo cutting down one pirate who turned as she approached. Katarina had wrapped her
whip around another pirate’s neck, pulling him off his feet where Sasha and Mushie made quick work
of him. Alan moved forward as one of the warriors stumbled back from a blow he received, stopping
the blade that would have ended the warrior’s life with his own. Jade was helping the other warrior.
Soon, the corridor was quiet once again.

“Alan!” Tami cried out in fear as Jo swayed briefly before she collapsed.

Alan rushed forward to where Jo lay unconscious. One of the warriors moved forward as well.

Tami was peeling Jo’s blood soaked shirt from her side. A long gash ran just under her ribcage. What
worried Tami was the long red tentacles beginning to branch out from it.

“What is that?” Tami asked as she tried to rip a portion of Jo’s shirt away so she could use it to

stem the blood.

“Poison,” the warrior said with a dark curse. He looked up at Alan and Tami. “How long ago

was she wounded?”

“I… ten minutes,” Tami whispered looking from the warrior to her husband. “Maybe a little


The warrior called out over his shoulder to the other warrior who nodded. The second warrior

spoke quickly into his comlink. The grim look on the face of the warrior scared Tami.

“You said it was poison. Do you have a cure?” Alan asked harshly.

“Yes,” the warrior said with a nod as he looked grimly at the human male who had saved his life.

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“But it has to be given within thirty minutes or less for it to work.”

“Where is the antidote?” Alan asked.

“Medical, Level 6,” the warrior said grimly. “There is intense fighting between here and there.

There are not enough warriors to make sure you get there safely.”

“Like hell there isn’t,” a gruff voice said from behind them. “Marvin, Martin, get the crew

together. We have to create a clean path to Medical,” Walter yelled out. “Now!”

Marvin and Martin, their faces clean of the face paint, nodded and spoke quietly to Suzy and

Curly. Suzy turned and whistled loudly. In seconds, a group of forty circus members stood around

“Let’s go,” Martin said in a smooth, slightly accented voice. “We will take the lead. The clowns

will surround Jo. Shakira and Adam will follow. Katarina, you and your cats will stay and help
protect the others with Marcus.”

“I’ll carry Jo,” a soft voice came forward.

Tami looked up into Tony’s concerned eyes. “Thank you, Tony.”

“Let’s move out,” Walter said, pulling a small pistol from his waist.

Jade touched the ringmaster on his shoulder. “If you see any of those ugly lizard-looking bastards

with tails, aim for their head,” she said quietly. “I’ll stay to help secure this level.”

Walter nodded sharply. “Let’s go, people! Time is running down.”

Katarina, Jade, and the remaining warrior watched as the misfit group of circus warriors headed

down the corridor. Never had there been a stranger cast of characters so determined to succeed. Jade
felt her lips curve up in a wry smile as she thought they didn’t teach her about this shit in the academy.

“Do you think they will make it?” Jade asked out loud, not really expecting an answer.

Katarina turned with an arrogant tilt to her head. “Of course, they will succeed. We are the Cirque

de Magik. We do not fail,” she said before calling out to her pets.

Jade watched as the tall Siberian walked away, the large cats trotting beside her. The doors

closed behind her. She turned to look at the warrior who was staring at her with a question in his

“Well hell, I can’t expect you to guard the damn door all by yourself, now can I?” Jade muttered

as she bent over to pick up some of the weapons from the dead pirates.

The warrior just shook his head. These had to be the strangest species he had ever encountered.

His thoughts were interrupted as three pirates emerged from the end of the left corridor.

“Stay behind me,” he growled out before he realized he was talking to the back of the female as

she yelled out a loud war cry as she swept past him, charging the surprised pirates.

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Chapter 19

Jo drifted back from the dark, swirling waters of unconsciousness in slow waves. Rising closer to

awareness before sinking back down. The last wave felt like it had slammed her against an
immovable cliff.

It is a good thing I don’t suffer from seasickness or I would be tossing my cookies right about

now, she thought vaguely right before she did lose them.

She had to admit a few minutes later, she felt much better once she was done. She just hoped she

didn’t totally disgrace herself in front of half the circus, or… Manota. She struggled on the next rise
of the waves, forcing her eyes to open.

A low moan escaped her as she stared into the amused dark brown eyes of Tony. “Please…,” she

started to say. She swallowed and licked her lips before trying again. “Please tell me I didn’t just
puke all over you,” she croaked out.

Tony’s lips curved into a huge grin. “Naw, you didn’t.”

“Thank God,” Jo whispered and closed her eyes briefly.

“You puked all over He-man,” Tony said with an amused laugh. “Caught him right in the center of

his chest. Made it all the way down the front, too.”

Jo’s eyes popped open at his words. “Oh God!” She groaned in mortification.

“I thought it was pretty cool,” Tony chuckled before he grew serious. “He hasn’t let me near you

in almost three days. I’m glad you did it. Otherwise, I’d still be waiting in the hallway.”

Jo’s eyes softened as she saw the worry in his. She had thought he had outgrown the crush he had

on her. From the dark shadows under his eyes and the lines of strain around his mouth, it was obvious
that he hid his feelings behind the jokes and teasing.

“Tony,” she started to whisper, stopping as he touched her lips.

“I know,” he replied quietly. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t still dream. You scared the hell out of

all of us. I just wanted to make sure you were really going to be alright. Shavic has been giving us all
updates but when you didn’t wake, well, let’s just say it was scary.”

“What happened?” Jo asked turning her head as she gazed around the medical unit. “The pirates?”

“Are dead,” Manota’s deep voice replied from behind Tony.

Tony grimaced and let go of the slender hand he had been holding. He rose and turned slowly to

face the huge warrior who had threatened him at least two dozen times with about sixty different ways
he was going to die if he didn’t stay away from Jo.

“I was just…” Tony began, edging around the bed.

He stopped in surprise when he felt the same slender fingers he had been holding just seconds

before curl around his. He looked down and saw the sweet smile of the girl he had dreamed about
every night since he was seventeen. She looked at him with such sadness, it tore at his heart. He gave

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her a crooked smile.

“Thank you,” Manota interrupted the human male who was staring at his mate with an expression

that spoke of his love for her. “Thank you for helping to save my mate.”

Tony looked at Manota with a quiet resolve. The look conveyed his acceptance that Jo would

never love him the way she loved Manota. A part of his heart felt like it would break while another
part couldn’t deny the woman of his fantasy her happiness.

“It was my pleasure,” Tony replied softly as he pulled his hand free from Jo’s and walked toward

the door. He paused at the entrance, his shoulders stiff. “Just do me a favor,” he said without turning

“Anything,” Manota replied staring at the stiff back.

Tony’s lips curved up into a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Keep her safe and make her

happy,” he said, glancing over his shoulder at the huge warrior.

“I promise,” Manota vowed.

Tony lowered his eyes to Jo ’s one last time. “I love you, circus girl,” he said quietly, referring to

the nickname he used to call her when he first met her. “If you ever need anything, I’ll be there.”

“I know,” Jo said, fighting the tears that threatened to choke her. “I love you too, elephant man.”

Jo’s eyes widened as she fought the tears but it was no use. The more she tried to stop them, the

more determined they seemed that they would fall. Manota gathered her in his arms, holding her
tightly against his chest as she cried at having broken the heart of such a good man.

It took a few minutes for her to realize that the arms holding her trembled violently. A warm

dampness coated the skin of her neck. She held tight as Manota’s body shook silently as he released
his own pent-up emotions.

“Shush,” she whispered. “I won’t let you fall. I’ll catch you. I’ll always catch you,” she murmured

softly against his ear as he pressed desperate little kisses against her neck.

“I almost didn’t catch you in time,” he admitted in a harsh, choked voice. “I… almost didn’t catch

you, mi t’belle.”

“But you did,” she responded soothingly. “You caught me just like you said you would.”

Manota’s huge body shuddered as he pulled her completely into his arms and sank into the chair

where he had spent every free moment over the last three days in. He just held her tightly against him
until he felt he had regained control of his emotions. He understood now how his brothers had felt
when their mates had almost perished.

“Tell me what I missed,” she requested as he finally pulled back. She rested her head against his

chest, enjoying the feel of him. “I’m sorry I puked all over you,” she added sheepishly.

Manota’s chest rumbled as he chuckled softly. “Shavic warned me you would more than likely be

sick as the last of the poison worked its way out of your system. I didn’t care.”

She pulled back enough to frown up at him. “Poison?” She asked confused. “When did I get

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“The red-skinned pirate you fought is a species called a Killian. They are renown for using

poison on the tips of their blades. The poison is slow moving, spreading throughout the body over a
thirty minute time frame. It uses a nanotechnology. After thirty minutes it basically detonates all at
once. If not caught in time, the antidote will not work as the poison has spread too far. You came very
close to not making it,” Manota explained grimly.

“What happened after I passed out?” She asked quietly.

Manota pulled her head back against his chest. He needed to feel her warmth against him. Running

his hands over her arms and back in soothing strokes, he rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Kev was able to get the weapons back online,” he explained. “Soon after we had the engines

back as well. K’tar was able to take out two of the three pirate ships. The crew were able to blow all
the hatches with the transports except one. Ten pirates were able to escape. All the rest were killed,”
he said.

“Why would pirates attack a Kassisan warship?” Jo asked, relaxing back against his warmth.

“Surely they realized that it would be a suicide mission?”

Manota brushed his lips against her hair. “Tai Tek sent them. He told them we had a large

shipment of crystals worth a lot of credits.”

Jo jerked up to look into his eyes in anger. “I am really getting tired of that bastard,” she growled

out in a low voice. “He has almost killed all three of us girls and I’m sick and tired of it.”

Manota couldn’t contain the chuckle at her fierce scowl even as a shiver coursed through his body

at the truth in her words. He was also finished with Tai Tek. The bastard had nowhere else to go
now. He had spent every free minute over the last three days going over the star maps and other
information he and his men had discovered and had shut down every possible hiding place the bastard
could go. On top of that, Tai Tek had made another dangerous enemy - Ristéard Roald, the Grand
Ruler of Elpidios. That was one man that not even Manota wanted to go up against. He had heard
Roald was a cold hearted bastard on a good day. Tai Tek had approached the ruler with promises that
were not his to keep and lies that threatened to bring war between their worlds. While Kassis might
be superior in technology, the Elpidios’ leader was known to fight with the cold-blooded
ferociousness that had chilled the blood of any who had challenged him. Little was known about the
Elpidios except they were a fierce warrior race, both the men and the women who were crafty,
intelligent foes. Fortunately, his father and brothers were able to meet with Roald and had made a
pact with the ruler.

“Tai Tek’s time is running out,” Manota promised softly. “He has no more hidden reserves of

credits, no place to hide, and no funds to hire men to protect him. He has also made an additional
enemy who will not stop until he is dead.”

Jo wrapped her arms around his waist and held on to him as if she was afraid to let him go. In

some ways, she was. She had been so scared when they were being attacked that something might
happen to him. She buried her face in his chest and breathed deeply to calm her racing heart.

“A trapped animal is the most dangerous,” she murmured.

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“Only if he can escape from the trap that was set for him,” Manota responded quietly. “I am

preparing a trap that he will not be able to resist walking into.”

“How do you know?” She asked. “How do you know he won’t be able to resist it?”

Manota’s stomach tightened but he realized he had no choice but to believe what his father had

said to him, to all of them, that these three females were the prophesied warriors who would save the
Houses of Kassis. He knew his brothers would rebel against what he planned but he knew it was the
only way to finally end Tai Tek’s attacks on them.

“He will not be able to resist the Ceremony of Zephren, The God of War, for my people this year.

During the ceremony, the three prophesied warriors from another world will be introduced,” he
answered her in a toneless voice.

Jo froze as she realized what he meant. “You are going to use us as bait,” she said leaning back to

stare up at him in shock.

Manota hid the shudder of distaste and gave her a jerky nod. “Yes,” he responded tersely. “It is

the only way I could think of that would draw him out.”

Jo snapped her mouth close and chuckled. “I love it! I know you guys will protect us and there are

enough pissed off people to catch the slimy little bastard once and for all! The crew is great at setting
up a stage. Marcus can do that captured in a glass without the glass,” Jo said as she began to run
through all the things they could do. “Mattie’s dogs are the best there are at sniffing out explosives.
Stan can monitor all the communications and video feeds along with K’tar.”

“Wait a minute,” Manota said shocked. “You are not mad at me for wanting to use you as bait?

My brothers are going to want to kill me.”

Jo grinned and shook her head. “Hell no! This is a great idea. The crew is great at creating

distractions and monitoring things. They can help your men! Oh my God! We are so going to nail that
bastard’s ass to the wall!” She said excitedly. “I’ve got to talk to Ricki and Walter. Mom and Dad
can help too. They can do all the high wire stuff.”

Manota listened as Jo talked about all the different things they could do to set the most perfect trap

in the entire star systems to catch the nasty-ass roach as she began calling Tai Tek. He actually began
to feel excited as he listened too many of her suggestions. He found himself asking questions and his
mind swirled with plans.

Shavic came into the room and shook his head as he saw his patient, who hours before had been

close to death, talking and laughing excitedly with her mate. He stood in the doorway and watched,
envy burning a hole through his soul as he wondered if there would ever be someone as special as the
human females he had met so far for him. He turned to give them privacy as he went in search of Kev
and K’tar who were still trying to catch the two females they had claimed. He paused long enough to
stop by his living quarters to pick up the bottle of aged scotch that Bombing Bill had given him when
he showed him some of their weapons systems. He had a feeling it wasn’t going to be enough to ease
the ache the three of them were feeling but it would be a start.

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Chapter 20

Manota breathed a sigh of relief as the Seeker finally docked with the spaceport orbiting Kassis.

The last few days of the journey had gone well. Overall, things were almost back to normal on board
the warship. He had lost five warriors during the fight with the pirates. The traitor had turned out to
be the son of one of Tai Tek’s guards. He had died when one of the explosives he was planting in the
crystal storage area detonated prematurely. Banner, his Chief of Engineering, had repaired the panel
for the coolant and only minimum additional structural damage had to be repaired.

He was still amazed at some of the tales being told by his warriors. It would appear the female

Kev wanted to claim, Jade Ryan, had helped Petre protect the entrance to the storage bay holding
some of the younger members of the circus, as well as their animals and living accommodations.

The young human, Mattie, and her ‘dogs’, had discovered four other areas where the traitor,

Mullox, had set explosives. Jai was able to disarm them but things became tense when Mattie was
taken as a hostage by three pirates demanding safe passage off the ship. Jai had rescued the young
female who was still recovering from her captivity. He had gone to check on her several times but Jai
was being very protective of the young female and simply informed him that she was resting.

Manota looked at the video footage and couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped as he watched

Marvin, Martin, and the clowns in the corridor as they headed to Medical. They had encountered a
small group of pirates trying to escape. Manota watched as the pirates rounded the corner and found
themselves faced by the larger group lead by Walter.

He watched as Walter snapped his fingers. Immediately, Marvin and Martin moved in front of

him. They didn’t have their faces painted this time but they still held the pirates mesmerized as they
both moved as if they were trapped behind an invisible wall. The pirates watched the two men as if
unsure of what to do next. As soon as Martin tapped Marvin on the shoulder, they moved in sync to
open up an invisible door. As if being shot out of the cannon that Tony had been fired from, the
clowns, some dressed still in their ridiculous costumes, charged the group with knives, odd shaped
clubs, and - he stilled the footage for a moment - what looked like a dead bird of some kind. The
pirates, unsure of what was attacking them, turned tail and ran.

The smile faded as Manota saw Tony walk quickly down the corridor carrying an unconscious Jo.

He leaned forward in his chair, studying her limp, bloody figure. A wave of cold rage swept through
him, not at the male carrying her this time but at the one who had hurt her. He was glad her father had
killed the bastard.

His gaze moved to the face of the male carrying her. It was evident that the human cared a great

deal for her. The look of determination, fear and anger were clearly evident in the brief view he had
of Tony’s face as he glanced up at the camera. It was almost as if he were condemning Manota for
putting Jo in such danger - for not taking better care of her.

Manota’s fist slammed down on the conference table in the ready-room off the bridge as the rage

rose deep inside him. His fists clenched in self-recrimination as he stood up and walked over to the
viewport to stare blindly down at the glowing red, pink, and purple ball of Kassis. There was no way
he could go through with his plan. He could not endanger his mate or the mates of his brothers,

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especially with River expecting his brother’s first child in a few short months. He would have to
think of something different. He could not continue to live with the fear that Tai Tek or one of his
hired mercenaries could appear at any time and be successful at killing his brothers or any of their
mates the next time; but, neither could he use his mate as bait – even if she was willing.

He turned his head when he heard the door slide open behind him. He nodded to Shavic as the

healer came into the room. He frowned and did a double take when he saw the strange look on his
friend’s face. Shavic had been monitoring those who had been injured during the attack. Fortunately,
only a couple of the humans had received minor injuries besides Jo and Mattie.

“Is everything alright?” He asked trying to ignore the twist of unease in his stomach.

“What?” Shavic asked distractedly before he nodded. “Oh, yes. Everything is fine,” he murmured

as he came to stand next to Manota and stare blindly down at planet below them.

Manota turned back to stare down as well, watching as the shuttles began their transport of

warriors and supplies. He and Jo would be the last to leave. At the moment, several larger transports
were docking with the Seeker to remove the animals and equipment the humans had brought with
them. His father had an area on the outskirts of the city set aside for their new residents. It would
become their own ‘city’, far enough to give them privacy but close enough they could be protected.
He was sure there would be much speculation about the odd humans and their animals.

A group of scientists had already boarded the warship and were running tests to make sure the

strange and unusual animals brought from Earth would not bring any harmful parasites or diseases that
might harm those on Kassis. The animals would be kept in quarantine for few months until all testing
was completed. It would also give the humans time to acclimate to their new home.

“Did Jo come to see you this morning? She was concerned about still feeling a little tired,”

Manota asked quietly.

“Jo? Oh, yes… yes, she did come by to see me,” Shavic replied. “She is well. It is expected for

her to feel tired after losing the amount of blood that she did and fighting the poison. She brought Jane
with her. The female actually smiled at me this time.”

Manota nodded. “I was worried about Jane. Has she spoken yet?”

Shavic shook his head. “Not to any of us but Nema and Tami says she has spoken a little to them.

She told them she likes the name Jane and wishes to keep it. She has not said anything else about what
happened to her. They feel it is best to let her tell them when she is ready.”

“So what is bothering you? You seem distracted. Has something else happened?” Manota asked,

glancing at Shavic’s face.

“How did you know when you met your mate?” Shavic asked hesitantly. “How did you know she

was the one?”

Manota turned to stare thoughtfully out the window as the first two transports left the Spaceport.

How did he know that Jo was his mate? There were so many things that took him by surprise. He
wasn’t sure if it was when he first grabbed her arm as she reached for the knife. The touch had felt
like a bolt of lightning had shot through him. Or, when he pulled her back against his body and her

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scent invaded his senses like a torch to dry wood. Or when she stood defiantly before him and
punched him in the eye for letting the women of his House kiss him.

“I just knew,” he replied deep in thought. “Everything about her drives me crazy. I love her

strength, her courage, her compassion, even her stubborn desire to be independent. She makes me
smile and laugh. And she makes me more frustrated and angry than I’ve ever been in my life. She
makes me feel things, including fear that I have never had to deal with before. But most of all, she
brings warmth and light to my life. A life that had been drowning in a darkness that I didn’t know was
there,” he said quietly before looking at Shavic. “Why do you ask?”

Shavic rubbed his chest, over his heart, and sighed heavily. “That is what I was afraid of,” he

muttered. “I met one of the human females I had not seen before. I guess one of their horses was about
to foal and she has been with it during the trip. I ran into her as she was heading back from the dining
quarters. It was like…” he paused a moment before he let his hand drop to his side. “It was like I had
been hit by a laser blast on full power. I was so stunned, I didn’t get a chance to find out who she

Manota looked with amusement at his friend. “How did you know what she was doing then?” He

asked curiously.

Shavic gave a small grin. “Martin and Marvin filled me in. By the way, they are Kor d’lurs. Their

research ship crashed in the jungles outside of a place called Buenos Aires on Earth. They made their
way through the jungle and walked into the Cirque de Magik over ten years ago. Walter found them,
patched them up and hired them on. They made friends with the crew of the circus and have been
enjoying learning more about the strange but fascinating humans.”

“I knew it!” Manota exclaimed rubbing his fisted right hand in his left. “Why didn’t they say


Shavic shrugged as he ran his hand across his chest again. “They are happy acting as bodyguards

to Walter, Nema and the rest of the crew.”

The Kor d’lurs were known for their keen interest in exploration and research of unknown species

and worlds. Their pale gray eyes were a classic feature but the only time Manota had ever seen them
was when they were wearing the white and black face paint. He suspected they did that to hide the
dark stripes that ran along their temples.

“Have you talked to them much? Do you know their plans?” Manota asked.

Shavic shrugged. “They told me they plan on staying with the humans if that was permissible with

you. They have taken a mate among the human females and will not leave her.”

“I see no problem with it,” Manota responded with a nod. “We have never had any issues with the

Kor d’lurs. They and the Dramentics have been a peaceful species for hundreds of years. The
Alliance lost a good man when Krail Taurus was murdered by Trolis,” he added.

Shavic nodded his agreement. “I was worried about the humans at first. Now, after seeing how

they banded together and fought against the pirates, I have to admit they are more than capable of
taking care of themselves. I enjoyed the performances they gave, as well. I would love to figure out
how they did many of the things they did.”

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Manota chuckled as he watched another large transport arrive from the planet. “So would I but Jo

said she would have to kill me if she told me. It is considered ‘trade’ secrets.”

“Do you think she would? Kill you, I mean,” Shavic asked curiously.

“No,” Manota said softly. “At least not literally. She is the most compassionate, caring person I

have ever met.”

Shavic was about to reply when the door opened and Jo came striding in. Manota studied his

mate’s flushed face, pinched mouth, and flashing eyes. He thought quickly over what he could have
done to piss her off this time. He was drawing a blank as he hadn’t told her yet about abandoning their
plans to use her, her sister and River as bait.

“I’m going to kill your stubborn, hard-headed brother!” Jo growled out fiercely, her cheeks rosy.

“I’m going to rip him apart, pickle him in vinegar and serve him sautéed as an appetizer! I was having
a private conversation with my sister and River. He had no business butting his uptight nose in our

“Jo, mi t’belle,” Manota started to say before his voice faded as his comlink signaled his older

brother was trying to contact him. Half a second later, another alert warned him his younger brother
was also trying to contact him. Manota glanced back at the furious face of his mate before opening the
vidcom to both of his brothers. Their equally fierce expressions on warned him that they knew of his
plan. “You told them about my plan,” he breathed out in resignation.

“No, I told Star and River,” Jo said sliding into one of the chairs at the conference table and

folding her arms stubbornly across her chest. “Torak just happened to overhear it.”

“You are out of your mind!” Torak angrily snarled out in a harsh voice over the vidcom. “There is

no way I would ever agree to use my mate as bait, even if she wasn’t expecting our son! Have you
lost your mind, Manota?”

“I happen to think it is an awesome idea!” River piped up with a huge grin as she peeked out from

behind her furious mate. “I am definitely in! I want to bring that bastard down once and for all.”

Jazin’s livid face broke into the conversation. “There is no way in the twelve levels of Killian I

would ever agree with your assine idea either! I have almost lost my mate more than once. How could
you even suggest something so dangerous?” Jazin furiously snapped out.

“I agree with Jo and River,” Star called out from behind Jazin. She finally squeezed in front of

him. “I’m totally in.”

Manota groaned as he heard both of his brothers arguing with their mates. Neither female sounded

like they were listening to a single thing his brothers were saying. His gaze moved to where Jo was
sitting. A slow satisfied smile curved her lips. He knew at that moment that she had planned her line
of attack knowing he was having doubts about using her, Star and River. She had told the women first
knowing they would never let the men change their minds.

“You planned this,” he accused in a low voice so his brothers couldn’t hear him, not that they

could from the volume coming over the vidcom. “You knew I was going to change my mind.”

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“Of course,” Jo said with a mischievous grin. “Now, you can’t.”

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Chapter 21

“I can’t believe you set up my brothers and me. I was going to tell you that I had changed my mind

about using you as bait. I should have known you wouldn’t have listened to me even if I did,” Manota
murmured quietly later that night as they lay in his massive bed back at the East House.

“Not really,” Jo replied as she snuggled closer, resting her head on his chest. “You need us. Your

plan is a good one. You know it will work.”

“I know,” he replied softly. “I just wish there was a better way,” he added with a tired sigh as he

held her closer to him.

Exhaustion bit deeply at both of them. It was well after midnight by the time everything aboard the

Seeker had been transported down. A landing pad for the transports had been built on the grounds
reserved for the humans and their animals. The transports had made trip after trip, making sure that all
the humans, their animals, and equipment were safely delivered.

It had taken a little longer as the circus crew had to set up the needed areas for both their homes

and the animals before all of it could be deposited. Each shipment was done as if a beautifully
choreographed dance was being executed. Ricki and Walter oversaw the entire operation, one
handling the equipment for their living accommodations and the other the animals and other
equipment. The only mishap had been when Sacha and Mushie got a little over-protective when two
of the transport crew tried to step between them and their mistress. Fortunately, Katarina had kept the
huge creatures under control long enough for the warriors to retreat back into their transport ship.

He had spoken with Jazin several times over the past few days. He wanted to warn him of the

strange creatures that had returned with him. He knew both of his brothers were nervous about
whether Tami and Alan would accept them. Even though they were not River’s birth parents, Torak
had shared that River considered them as close as her own parents had been.

He had talked to both Torak and Jazin after they had finally calmed down. His father had joined

them and had agreed that the plan was the best possible solution to catching Tai Tek once and for all.
His father mentioned that he was concerned about the fact Ristéard Roald, The Grand Ruler of
Elpidios, would be on Kassis during the ceremony. He wanted to make sure nothing endangered the
huge ruler.

“The last thing we want is a war between Elpidios and Kassis. Right now, Ristéard is on our

side. I would like to keep it that way. I also want to get his planet accepted into the Alliance.
Someone targeting him while he is on our world would not look good,” Ajaska said heavily. “I don’t
know enough about him yet to go into the details of what Tai Tek has been doing.”

“We may have to let him know what is going on,” Manota said reluctantly. “Is it possible to

postpone his visit?”

Ajaska shook his head. “No. I don’t think it would go over well, especially after I gave my word.

His planet needs the crystals. Torak is making sure all the crystal plants are cleared. Jazin, Jarmen,
Armet, and Dakar are working on additional securities. Dakar knows Tai Tek. He agrees that your
plan is the best opportunity to pull Tai Tek out of hiding.”

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“K’tar and Kev have been successful at closing just about every line of credit Tai Tek has hidden.

Unless he has a substantial stash somewhere else, he will be limited in his ability to hire
mercenaries,” Manota had shared.

“Gril has been working on shutting down the rebels who were following Trolis before his death.

He says there are still two warships unaccounted for. He warned us that they may be with Tai Tek.
Each has over a hundred Tearnats and mercenaries,” Torak responded.

“Jarmen and Armet are working with Dakar trying to find any more hidden bases. We are passing

the information on to Gril who has two of his generals with squadrons on standby to take them out,”
Jazin added.

Manota hid his surprise to hear Jarmen was actually there working with them. He knew about the

male whom his younger brother had rescued from a research facility. Jarmen was very quiet,
reclusive. Manota had been worried when he first discovered that his brother was helping the male
but over the years, it was obvious the unusual male meant no harm to his little brother. Now, he was
grateful for any and all help they could get. He wanted Tai Tek dead. He had too much to lose if the
former councilman was not dealt with as soon as possible.

Both of his brothers had reluctantly agreed that the plan was solid and would work but none of the

men liked it. It went against every instinct of a Kassisan warrior to use a female in battle.

“Sleep, Manota,” Jo’s softly whispered voice echoed in the darkness drawing him out of his

thoughts. “I can feel the tension in you. Everything will work out, you’ll see.”

“Help me relax,” he murmured back gruffly as he pulled her closer.

Jo softly chuckled as his hands moved up her back and side before they slid down where he

grabbed her hips, turning her until she was on top of him. She tilted her head back so she could gaze
down at him. There was just a sliver of light coming in through the windows from the moonlit sky.
Shadows played over his face but she could clearly see the silver flames burning brightly in his eyes.

“You’re incorrigible, you know that?” She teased as heat flooded her when she felt his cock

pulsing against the inside of her thigh.

“Maybe you should try to redeem me?” He suggested as he wound his hands in her hair. “Love

me, Jo.”

Jo’s breath caught as she heard the slight whisper of desperation in his voice that he didn’t realize

was there. She knew at that moment that he was not as calm as he was pretending to be. Her heart
melted to know that deep down, her proud warrior was terrified of losing her. She bent down and
brushed her lips against his. A shudder shook his body at the tender touch.

“I’ll love you forever, Manota. When this is over I think I’d like to start a family,” she whispered

against his lips. “If you want to, that is.”

“Gods yes! You are so beautiful, my Jo,” Manota groaned out, pulling her head down so he could

kiss her deeply.

They drank from each other, both desperate for different reasons. The dark shadow of what was to

come disappeared as they came together in a tangle of limbs. Jo poured every ounce of her love into

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the kiss, tangling her tongue with his in a fierce battle to drive his fear for her away. She refused to
believe they would not be successful in their fight against the man determined to bring down the ruling

“I love you so much, Manota,” Jo whispered as she pulled her lips away from his.

She continued sprinkling little kisses across his chin and jaw before she began working her way

down to his neck and chest. She wanted to taste and explore every inch of him. She was overwhelmed
with the need to just touch him. The exhaustion from the long day was forgotten as a desperate energy
filled her with a need to drive his fear away.

“Jo,” Manota groaned out as she ran her tongue over his left nipple. “Mi t’belle, you drive me


“Just wait,” she breathed out as she wrapped her hand around his long thick shaft. “You wanted

help relaxing. I planned to do everything in my power to grant you your wish.”

She didn’t wait to give him a chance to respond. Scooting further down until she was kneeling

between his thickly muscled thighs, she wrapped her lips around the head of his long length. It was
time to show him that she was not only an excellent aerialist; she was pretty damn good at sword
swallowing too. His cry filled the bedroom as she slid his thick cock into her mouth, taking the entire


Manota had only dreamed that Jo would want to take him into her mouth but he never dreamed she

could take the entire length. Never with all of his other lovers had they taken him the way she was
doing now. He watched as she pulled back, tonguing the tip again before sliding it back down her

A shuddering cry ripped from his throat as she swallowed. The movement of her throat moving up

and down rubbing the entire length of his penis as it fisted tightly around him. The sight was so erotic
he felt the tingling starting at the base of his spine and working upwards. He knew he wasn’t going to
last long between the sight, sounds, and feel of her wrapped around him. When she slid her other hand
between them and cupped his heavy sack he exploded with a harsh groan. His head fell back against
the pillows as she continued to swallow his seed as it pumped from his body down her throat. His
fists clenched the covers in an effort to not grip her as he pulsed. The overwhelming climax was so
strong he could feel his body trembling as he jerked out the last of his orgasm.

His loud hiss filled the room as she slowly pulled back, releasing his trembling form. Harsh,

uneven breaths echoed as he continued to shake from the waves of intense pleasure rocketing through
his body. He slowly unclenched his fists as he came back down from the paradise she had taken him

He forced his eyes open far enough so he could see her kneeling between his legs, a soft knowing

smile curving her swollen lips. He was trying to figure out how in the hell she swallowed him like
that when a sudden memory flashed through his sated brain.

His mind flashed back to a morning that seemed a lifetime ago. He and Jo had been sitting with

his father, brothers, Star and River in the main living quarters of the North House. They had been

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watching ‘home movies’ that Walter had given to River of the girls when they were just children. He
had been shocked to discover they were performers, not warriors on their world. It was during one of
the movies that Torak had choked out a startled exclamation.

“So that’s how you know how to do that,” Torak had murmured in disbelief.

“Know how to do what?” Manota had asked glancing at his brother who had an expression of awe

on his face. When Manota had looked puzzled at River, her face had been a bright, bright red.

Torak had then turned to look at Jo. “Do you know how to do that?” He had asked with a

mischievous grin.

“Of course, Kid taught all three of us how to do it,” Jo had responded. “Why?” She had flushed

and looked at Torak with a silent look a moment later.

Now he understood why Jo had suddenly turned as bright red as River and shot his brother a look

that spoke of severe pain should he say anything else on the subject.

Torak’s knowing smile as he looked at him now spoke of his own personal experience. “I only

hope you find out one day, brother. Both of you. It is a most incredible thing,” his brother’s voice
echoed in his memory.

The scene of the girls swallowing swords instantly replayed in his mind over and over as he came

down from his sated bliss. Manota hadn’t understood Torak’s question to Jo until now.

I will have to tell Torak he was right, Manota thought as he reached for his smiling mate. I have

truly discovered what an incredible thing it is!

“My turn,” he growled out as he flipped her so she was under him. “You are a truly amazing


“How about you show me how amazing I am?” She teased before her breath escaped her as he did

just that.

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Chapter 22

Three days later, Manota looked over the large area set aside for the humans searching for Jo who

had come over earlier to visit with her parents and Ricki. It was incredible to watch the humans
work. They moved with a seamless organization that spoke of years of training.

One section was reserved for their mobile living quarters. Engineers and builders were working

on more permanent structures for them but the humans did not appear to mind living in the small,
cramped quarters they had brought with them.

His eyes scanned the area pausing on the two Kor d’Lur Mimes. The two men moved silently

among the crowd of workers. They often wore the face paint when the Kassisan workers were
present. He suspected they were not comfortable with letting others know who they were. Manota
knew very little about the species but suspected they were wary of being around the native Kassisans.

Both his brothers and his father had returned to Kassis the previous afternoon. He looked forward

to meeting with them but needed to make sure his mate was safe before he became locked up in
meetings. The Ceremony of Zephren was scheduled to take place in two weeks and they had several
security issues that needed to be reviewed before they were ready for the confrontation that was
bound to occur. Manota turned when he heard a small commotion coming from near the entrance to the
big tent that was set up in the center of the compound. The noise was coming from two men who were
talking rapidly with each other. Behind them, two strange looking service bots followed. One was
large and had to stop frequently so it did not step on the two men who were speaking in a strange
language while the other service bot was smaller. It rolled in and out of the two men’s legs as they

“Je dis que nous mettons en place un restaurant de la ville!” I say we set up a restaurant in the

city! The one man was saying.

“Vous ne comprenez pas l’affaire comme je le fais, Luc! Nous pouvons mettre en place en place

comme ils l’ont à Las Vegas! Dîner et un spectacle. Il suffit de penser de lui!” You do not understand
business like I do, Luc! We can set up it up as they have in Las Vegas! Dinner and a show. Just
think of it!
The other man argued.

“Bonjour, messieurs! Mon nom est Jo Strauss.” Good morning, sirs! My name is Jo Strauss. Jo

called out from the entrance to the tent as she listened to the men arguing back and forth while the
service bots just grumbled and groaned.

Both men turned at the same time with a huge grin on their faces. They both bowed with a flourish

before walking over and kissing Jo on each cheek. Manota had reached them by the time the second
man was bending to kiss Jo. He lifted the man up by the collar of his shirt and growled in a low,
menacing tone at him.

“Ah, Luc,” Jon Paul chuckled. “You have met another one who wishes to cause you harm.”

Luc squeaked and looked with wide eyes at the burning silver flames staring back at him. “Please,

monsieur! I mean no disrespect,” he said hurriedly.

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“Manota, put him down,” Jo giggled. “You two must be Jon Paul and Luc.”

“Oui, Madame,” Luc started to say before he let out another squeak and tried to shrink into his

shirt when Manota shook him.

“You will speak English so I understand you,” he ordered before he dropped the man.

“Yes, sir,” Luc muttered and curled into Jon Paul as he put his arm around him.

“Forgive us, monsieur. We are new to your world. I am Jon Paul and this is my partner, Luc. We

are but two lost Frenchmen looking for a place to start a restaurant. We mean no harm to you or your
lovely mate,” Jon Paul with another bow to Jo.

Jo giggled as she bit her lip and looked in amusement as understanding dawned on Manota’s face.

He remembered Jazin telling him about these two human males. They had taken Star aboard their
freighter before it was attacked by Tai Tek. They had barely made it off the dilapidated ship before it
imploded. Jazin had warned him the two were very strange and was amazed they had survived in
space as long as they had because neither one had an ounce of common sense between them.

“Have you talked to Walter yet?” Jo asked coming to the two men’s rescue when they looked

hopefully at Manota who just glared at them. “I think opening a restaurant is a wonderful idea. Walter
can help you get things organized and introduce you to the others,” she added shooting a warning glare
at Manota as she turned to head back inside the huge Big Top. “How on Earth did you two end up in
outer space?” Jo was asking the men as she walked away.

Manota looked down when he felt a tug on his pant leg. He frowned when he saw the small

service bot looking up at him with huge, glowing eyes. The damn thing was running its three digit
hand over his calf, squeezing his muscles.

“Hey good looking, my name is IQ. But you can call me ‘votre bot d’amour’. Your love bot,” the

small bot said in a deep voice. “You can be my Man-o-lala.”

Manota scowled down at the small bot before growling at it as he shook it off his leg. “I don’t

think so,” he snapped. “Touch me again and I’ll dismantle your metal casings,” he added before he
strode off after Jo and the other two humans.

“Damn, another one slips through my grasp,” IQ muttered as he turned on his wheels.

A small giggle caused both service bots to turn. Jane stood over to the side, peeking out from

behind a small trailer. IQ’s eyes flickered as he processed the small human female staring at him and
Numbnuts with wide dark brown eyes.

“How do I look, Numbnuts?” IQ asked as he scanned Jane again as she stood staring at both of

them in bemusement.

Numbnuts looked down and ran a scan over IQ’s small metal body. “Silver and black,” the larger

service bot replied.

“Good enough for me,” IQ said with a low growl and started toward Jane. “Ma belle fleur

d’étoile, où avez-vous été toute ma vie? My beautiful star flower, where have you been all my life?
IQ said in his best Pepe Le Pew voice.

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“I don’t speak French,” Jane softly replied as she bent down and reached out to touch the small

bot. “You are so cute.”

IQ’s eyes flashed for a moment as a surge of new programming flashed through his processor.

Jane never noticed as the information flashed through the smaller bot’s memory. No one but those
who knew either of the service bots would recognize their programming had been changed within

“My name is IQ,” IQ said in a soft voice “I am now your protector.”

Jane looked up as the larger bot stepped closer to her. “I am Numbnuts. I will protect you as well,

my lady.”

Jane’s eyes flashed with confusion as she looked around. She didn’t understand what just

happened. She had been watching the two metal creatures all morning as the two Frenchmen had
walked around the circus compound arguing, introducing themselves to everyone, and arguing some
more in French. She had been fascinated by the two robots that had acted so funny. The little one kept
making outrageous comments to everyone while the larger one tried to keep the two men from running
into things or stepping in front of some of the workers.

Now, it was as if they were focused only on her. They ignored the others who walked by, moving

closer to her instead. She looked down as the little robot gently picked up her right hand, holding it
tenderly in-between his three digit hand.

“You are safe,” IQ said quietly.

Jane’s shaky smile grew as she wrapped her fingers around the tiny hand. “Thank you. For the

first time, I feel like I really am. Would you like to see where I live?” She asked hesitantly, biting her
lower lip in uncertainty.

“Take us home,” Numbnuts said reaching down and helping Jane up. “We will stay with you from

now on.”

“But… what about the other two men?” Jane asked looking toward the huge tent. “Won’t they miss


“Naw!” IQ said with a shrug. “They are Frenchmen! They are in love – with food, wine, and each


Jane couldn’t stop the lilting laughter that escaped as IQ spoke in a voice that was the perfect

imitation of Luc’s voice. Neither Jane nor the two service bots saw the glowing red eyes following
their movement through the maze of campers and trailers. The hooded figure moved silently among the
shadows. A silent protector to the small human female who shied away from the dark areas as if she
feared there was something lurking in them – waiting for the moment when she would stumble into it.


Manota sighed when he saw Jo talking with her younger sister across the center ring. A moment

later she had disappeared with her. His gaze jerked around when Marvin and Martin stepped in front
of him and pointed up into the stands that had been erected. He saw his younger brother sitting about
halfway up the stands. He nodded to the two men and began climbing. He walked along the long

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wooden plank until he was almost to the center.

“I didn’t expect to see you here this early,” Manota commented as he sat down.

“Star was up with the sun. She couldn’t wait to see her parents,” Jazin said with a small smile.

Manota studied Jazin with a critical eye for a moment before he asked the question that had been

bothering him. “Are you well, brother?”

Jazin glanced at Manota and nodded grimly. “No thanks to Tai Tek. I owe that bastard big time,”

he replied in a low tone.

Manota’s eyes moved back to the ring where a woman was walking in a big circle as two small

striped beasts called zebras trotted around the center ring. The female had a small hairy creature
wrapped around her neck and back. Jo had said the thing was called a Spider monkey.

“We will get him this time,” Manota said in a quiet voice. “I will not give him another chance to

harm my family. I should have been there with you.”

Jazin glanced at his middle brother and released a sigh. He knew Manota felt guilty as hell for

having left for Earth instead of being there with him. It was the same way he had felt when Manota
had been injured in the war and Jazin had almost not reached him in time.

“I am glad you went for our mates’ parents. I have never seen my Star so happy as when she found

out you were returning with them. I survived thanks to her, Madas, Jarmen, Armet, and Dakar. Jarmen
was able to download a good portion of Tai Tek’s files while we were at the prison fortress. He said
he found several hidden files that were encrypted. He notified me this morning that he was able to
decipher them. He discovered that this is about more than just Tai Tek,” Jazin said with a grim look
on his face. “He will meet with us in an hour to debrief us.”

Manota nodded solemnly. “I was afraid of that considering the amount of resources that Tai Tek

has had at his disposal. He has been able to fund far too much considering his family holdings. We
had a traitor aboard the Seeker. If the rest of the crew had not been so good, things could have turned
out much different. Well, the crew and the humans,” he added with a grim smile.

“I heard,” Jazin said tightly. “Jarmen, Dakar and Armet are re-running thorough screens on all

personnel in the Houses, in addition to another one on Tai Tek’s former House to see if any more
altered or hidden records can be found. Now that Jarmen knows what files to look for, he hopes to
uncover any we may have missed before.”

Manota nodded before looking up as a movement near the top of the tent caught his attention.

“Gods, she is so beautiful when she flies through the air but I swear it gives me heart failure every
time,” Manota said as he stared at his mate who was standing on a narrow platform high above the

Jazin let out a low curse as well when he saw Star on the platform next to Jo. Both of them swung

off together on the same bar. A moment later, a male caught Star as she flew through the air. Jo bent at
the waist as she swung back and forth. She wrapped her ankles around the bar so she was now upside

“They are beautiful,” Jazin breathed out, before he groaned as Star twisted in a graceful arc and

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Jo caught her hands. “I need to have a talk with my mate though. She is expecting our first child and I
am not sure she should be doing this,” he added with a sigh of relief as she landed on the platform

Manota bit back the groan of dismay. The plan he had finally accepted was going to happen

whether he liked it or not had just taken another twist. How could he endanger both of his brothers’
pregnant mates? If anything happened to them, if something should cause them to lose their child or
worse their life, he would never forgive himself.

“We have to come up with a different plan,” he growled out in frustration. “There is no way I will

accept the responsibility for both Star and River, especially now. It is too much!”

Jazin shook his head. “I would agree but Star has already agreed to the plan and so has River.

There is no changing their minds. I feel confident this will work, Manota. I have a feeling once
Jarmen shares what was in Tai Tek’s files you will agree and understand why this is so important.
We have no choice but to bring him down. There are others working with him that have to be dealt
with. We cannot do that until he has been captured or killed. We have believed all along that it was
just him wanting to bring down the House of Kassis. It is more than that. It is a systematic attack on
the Alliance,” Jazin said.

Manota drew in a sharp breath. This was far more serious then he had thought. “Have you told

father? He should know what is going on. He is part of the council,” he asked sharply.

Jazin shook his head. “Not yet. I didn’t want to take a chance until we were back here. You know

we had issues with traitors as well. The last thing I wanted was to give them any indication that we
were aware of their plans. It is bad enough Tai Tek may realize his mistake in having the files saved
though Jarmen assures me there is no way for him to know it has been hacked into. It is time to end
this before it explodes,” Jazin reiterated.

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Chapter 23

Manota stood at the windows overlooking the gardens far below. He listened as his father and

brothers talked quietly with Kev and Walter. He had invited the ringmaster because he realized that
Jo was right, if they wanted to minimize the number of innocent bystanders at the ceremony getting
hurt they needed to do something totally unexpected, totally alien to anything they had ever done
before. Jo, Star, River and Ricki were seated on the long chairs near the fireplace. His lips curved as
he listened to Jo telling her sister and River about his throwing Tony outside the condo after the
elephant trainer kissed her.

At the moment, they were waiting for Jarmen to join them. Armet and Dakar had joined them a

few minutes earlier. Both of them were talking quietly about something. Manota heard Armet mutter
something about stubborn, hard-headed females who needed to learn their place. Dakar chuckled as
he responded to Armet’s comment.

They all looked up when the door opened. “I apologize for being detained,” Jarmen said quietly

as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.

Manota turned from where he was standing and looked into the soft, glowing eyes. “Is there a

problem?” he asked.

Jarmen flushed as he turned his eyes away from Manota’s intense stare. “No, I… was merely

making sure the two service bots the Frenchmen had were working… properly,” he said hesitantly.
His eyes moved over the small group of men and women. His gaze rested on Jazin for a brief moment
before he shook his head at Jazin’s silent questioning look. “If you give me a moment, I will make
sure the system is secure before I upload the information I was able to decipher earlier.”

Everyone became silent as Jarmen’s eyes began to glow brightly as he checked the computer

system and uploaded the information he had retrieved from Tai Tek’s system at the prison fortress
where Jazin had been taken and tortured.

Several long minutes later, Jarmen’s eyes returned to their normal soft red glow. “While I was

waiting for Jazin’s mate and the others to rescue him, I hacked into the computer system at Tai Tek’s
prison fortress. I have been reviewing the information I was able to download. Over the past several
days, I began noticing a discrepancy in some of the files. Upon closer review, I found hidden files
encrypted in them. It took longer than expected to find and decipher them due to the amount of
information I had downloaded,” he said in the way of an apology before turning to look at the
centralized vidcom set against the far wall.

“The information indicates Tai Tek is merely one member among an elite group of members who

have set into place a plan to overthrow the current council members of the Alliance and gain control.
The death of Krail Taurus was planned due to the Dramentic star system’s determination to ask for
support to oust several key members who were backing the overthrow of their ruling governments.
Tai Tek was instructed to murder the royal family of Kassis and gain control. He had set up guards in
each House to execute his plan. You can see the list of guards who were reporting to him. Kev Mul
Kar and Armet De’hart had replaced the males in the North and West in recent months. I have found
only one name from your House, Lord Manota. The guard was recently transferred and is currently

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assigned to check visitors to your House. Tai Tek mentions in his personal journals his frustration at
the transfer of the guards. That is when he contacted the Tearnat, Trolis, to attack the shuttle holding
Lord Torak and Lord Jazin. He believed he would be able to eliminate both of you, thus weakening
the Royal Houses of Kassis. He did not plan for your escape. He was very upset when the attempt to
kill you both failed and planned to enlist at least one or more females from each of your Houses to
kill you.”

“As far as I can tell, Javonna and the following women were approached,” Jarmen said referring

to the list that appeared on the vidcom. “Credits were deposited into five of the six women’s
accounts. Two from Lord Jazin’s house, one from Lord Torak’s, not including Javonna, one from
Lord Manota’s and one from Lord Ajaska’s House. The other female who declined was killed in an
‘accident’ the same day she declined. Unfortunately for Tai Tek, he did not plan for the human
females’ insistence that all females who were not mated be removed from your Houses. Their
insistence more than likely saved your lives,” he said briefly looking at the women before turning to
look at Ajaska. “I would not return to the female you currently have housed in your home on
Dramentic,” he added with an apologetic smile. “It will not be conducive to your continued health at
this time.”

“I can see that,” Ajaska bit out with a fierce frown. “I’ll make sure she is taken care of


Jarmen turned and continued his summary of the information. Names, dates of impending attacks,

and positions of hidden bases and warships were listed for several different star systems. He finally
paused at the one coming up in less than two weeks.

“You can see he plans to attack the upcoming ceremony,” Jarmen said. “He has over three

hundred men from the numbers I have been able to estimate based on the information from Lord Tal
Mod and those that remained after the recent attacks. The insurgents left are mercenaries and rebels
determined to overthrow the current government. I am concerned with his recruitment of warriors
from Elpidios. Tai Tek only wrote two lines but they indicate he has hired assassins to kill the Grand
Ruler during his visit to Kassis. Based on the information and the statistics, I would encourage you to
inform Ristéard Roald that his life is possibly in danger from members of his own council. In
addition, I believe it would be beneficial to those in the Alliance council not listed as working with
Tai Tek to be informed as soon as possible.”

“I will take care of that as well as informing Roald. Do you have the names of the assassins?”

Ajaska asked leaning forward and resting his elbows on the dark redwood table.

“No,” Jarmen replied. “I have reviewed the information extensively. Unfortunately, there is little

information regarding the Elpidios except to say several assassins have been enlisted. It would help if
we could pinpoint who was involved.”

“Why wait until the ceremony when there are too many innocent people around to give this guy

Tai Tek a chance to attack? Why not give him an even better chance to kill all of you, including this
Grand Ruler? We can set up the perfect opportunity for him to attack, only we control it from start to
finish?” Walter asked. “Why wait?”

Jarmen looked at the smaller human. His mind processing what the man was saying and finding a

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logic to his reasoning but he could not determine how such a feat could be safely accomplished. He
tilted his head as he looked at the man who was sitting back in the huge chair that practically
swallowed him.

“What do you have in mind, Walter?” Manota asked.

“Simple,” Walter said with a grin. “We stage the perfect place for this guy to come in with his

men to kill you only to trap him. You planned on using the girls as bait. I propose using all of you,
only in a more controlled environment. An environment this guy Tai Tek has no experience with – the
magic of the circus.”

Torak shook his head in confusion. “How do you propose to trap him and his men?”

“With magic, my dear man. The art of illusion is what we do best. You want to capture him then

we give him what he wants. All of you inside of the Big Top,” Walter said. “Jarmen, you said this guy
has close to three hundred men, didn’t you?” Walter asked.

Jarmen nodded. “Yes.”

“That many warriors would wreak havoc on the civilian population. But, if this guy thought he

could kill all of you in a small area he would come in with a smaller group of warriors because he
wouldn’t need as many.”

“Manota, you have the markers with everyone’s DNA to show who they are, don’t you?” Jo asked

softly. “He doesn’t know about that. We can control who is in the Big Top. Anyone there that is not
with us is against us. If you have a defense shield set up like you do for the Royal Houses, it can be
turned on after everyone is inside.”

“We can publicize it as a special performance for the Grand Ruler and the Royal family,” Ricki

added. “A very high profile show with a special section of seating for just those members. The others
invited can be your selected warriors and members of the crew.”

“There are enough women within the crew to act as mates,” Star said sitting forward. “Even some

of the guys can dress up as women. In the dark, it would be hard to tell. Hell, even Jon Paul and Luc
can help give the impression of it being a regular performance.”

“Gods forbid,” Jazin muttered under his breath with a look to Jarmen as they both remembered the

two Frenchmen and their lack of experience in a fight.

“Gril and Madas Tal Mod will be here as well,” Ajaska said grimly.

“I can coordinate with his second in command to have squadrons ready to attack the warships and

ground troops that Tai Tek will have with him,” Dakar said quietly. “I think it best if Armet and Kev
remain with the ground forces. They are more familiar with the warriors and area than I am. I know
Tai Tek’s tactics when it comes to attacking. He will try to take out the Spaceport. I will coordinate
the attack from space.”

Manota nodded to Dakar before he turned to Walter. “What do you have in mind?”

“We invite your Grand Ruler, the Royal House of Kassis, this Gril and Madas and anyone else

Tai Tek wants to kill to a performance of the Magik de Circus the night before the ceremony. Ricki

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can create a publicity blitz for you to send out. You remember the performance with Sunny and
K’tar?” Walter asked with a grin. “There isn’t much that Marcus can’t make look like it was there
then make it disappear. It will look like all of you are sitting in the bleachers enjoying the show - out
in the open - only you will be in the background waiting for him to make his move. I can have the Big
Top locked down so tight that a roach wouldn’t be able to sneak in or out. Tai Tek and his ruffians
come in and we spring the trap on them. What do you think?”

Manota thought about the performance where K’tar had disappeared. It was such a crazy plan that

it just might work. He turned when he felt a delicate hand on his arm.

His intense eyes collided with Jo’s softer blue ones. “It will work. It is a type of Trojan Horse.

He will never expect it,” she said.

“Trojan Horse?” He asked with a frown.

“Trust me; it works great on men who think they are invincible,” she assured him.

Manota’s eyes softened as he gazed down at her. He looked at the others in the room. A sense of

calm came over him as he realized that the plan was brilliant in its simplicity.

“Let’s do it,” he said. “Jazin, I will need your help setting up the defense system. Armet, I need

you and Kev to get an elite group of warriors together to attend the performance. Dakar, take the
Seeker. The cloaking device will help you remain hidden. You can let us know as soon as they
deploy. Walter, I’ll need you and Ricki to work your magic with your people. Explain this is very
dangerous. If any wish to seek safety elsewhere, they will not be looked down on.”

“Hell, it isn’t like we haven’t experienced danger before,” Walter said, sliding out of the chair.

“Ricki, we have a lot of work to do, darling. Let’s get the crew informed.”

Manota watched as the commanding ringmaster and his quiet daughter exited the room. He turned

and looked at his father who was sitting back with a smile curling the corners of his lips. Pride
gleamed in the dark depths of his eyes.

“I’ll coordinate with Gril and Ristéard,” Ajaska said with a nod. “I’ll also inform the other

council members. If we all hit at once, we can smash those trying to destroy the Alliance. In eight
days we strike back,” he added as he stood up. “To victory!”

Manota’s face broke into a huge smile. “To victory,” he responded.

“To victory,” Jazin and Torak said coming to stand next to Manota.

“To victory,” Jo said looking up at her mate, her heart shining in her eyes.

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Chapter 24

“Daddy, do you have the guides set up?” Jo asked Alan Strauss as he slid down the long length of

rope hanging from the ceiling.

“Yes, your mom just finished testing them,” Alan responded.

He walked over to where Jo was covering a stash of weapons under a false floor. He waited until

she was finished and had stood up before he reached out and pulled her into his arms for a fierce hug.
He breathed in a sigh as he felt her arms wrap around him.

“I’m so proud of you and your sister,” he murmured. “When the police came to tell us….” His

voice faded for a moment before he continued. “When the police told us you both had disappeared
and they suspected foul play, I have never been so frightened in my life. Now, I can’t think of a time
when I have never been so proud.”

Jo pulled back and smiled up at her dad, tears in her eyes. “I was scared too but you always told

us to look at the bright side, to look for the good. Manota is more than a good man. I love him so
much, daddy.”

Alan brushed a strand of hair from Jo’s forehead and wrapped it behind her ear before tweaking

her on the tip of her nose like he used to do when she was little. Both of his daughters had grown into
beautiful, confident young women. A part of him missed watching them running around, giggling and
prancing in their little costumes.

“When this is over, I expect a double wedding,” he said gruffly. “I always dreamed of giving my

girls away to the men they loved.”

Jo buried her face in her father’s chest, sniffling as she nodded her head. “I’d like that,” she

whispered in a muffled voice. “I’d like that a lot.”

Alan stood still in the center circle of the Big Top, holding his daughter against his heart as he had

the first time after they brought her home from the hospital. He looked around where men and women
worked quietly preparing for the upcoming battle. Not a single member of the crew had backed down
from the danger. This was their world now, their family in danger and they would do everything in
their power to make sure it was successful. The thought that they or someone close to them might be
killed was pushed to the back of their minds. The only sign of fear was in the meticulous attention
they were giving to every rope, line, and set of special effects.

Alan thought of how close he had come to losing his girls, not once but twice now. First when

they were taken from Earth and again by the man they were going to catch. He thought of the man he
had killed back on the warship and knew he would do it again. The rules hadn’t really changed. No
matter where you were in the universe, survival of the fittest still applied. Alan had no doubt that he
and his daughters’ mates were at the very top. They all had something to live for – family.

That is a very powerful force, he thought as he reluctantly let Jo slip from his arms and turn as her

mom called out. Yes, a very, very powerful force, he thought again as he watched his tiny wife reach
out for Jo’s hand.

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“They are good people,” Ajaska said quietly from where he came to stand next to Manota who

had been watching Jo and her father. “I am glad you brought them back.”

Manota briefly glanced at his father before turning back to watch as Jo and her mother laughed

about something Tony said. He still felt jealous of the human male but it wasn’t with the murderous
rage he had before. He knew the human male cared deeply for his mate but he knew Jo’s heart
belonged to him. He nodded to Tony when the male looked up at where he was standing on the
bleachers that would be ‘reserved’ for the Royal family and their guests. Tony’s lips curved in a self-
mocking smile before he turned to answer Tami Strauss when she asked him a question.

Jo glanced up to see who Tony was looking at. Her face broke into a huge grin when she saw

Manota and Ajaska. She raised her hand and gave them a shy wave before turning back to listen to her

“I’m glad I brought them back as well,” Manota replied with a sigh. “Have you talked with Roald

and the rest of the council?”

Ajaska nodded. “Yes, the council has agreed to wait before they strike. They have been meeting

with only their most trusted security staff. They will strike at the same time as we do. In the meantime,
they have taken extra precautions to ensure their safety.”

“What of Roald? We do not know much about the Elpidios. How did he handle the information

you gave him?” Manota asked looking with concern at his father.

Ajaska’s lips curved into a rueful smile. “He is a cold, calculating bastard,” Ajaska replied. “He

has his own elite security guard and I’m not sure if he trusts them fully. He was already aware of the
assassins and has agreed to hold off killing them until the night of the performance. He will be coming
a day earlier. He said he needed to take care of some unfinished business while he was here. I am not
sure I like the sound of that. I will post a guard to monitor him, just in case his ‘unfinished business’
is to harm anyone. I am hoping he just wants more information from the scientists about crystal
production or to satisfy his curiosity about the humans.”

“You don’t think he will try to attack us, thinking it might be easy with our forces already

distracted, do you?” Manota asked darkly. “I’ll kill the bastard myself first.”

“No,” Ajaska chuckled. “He may be a cold, ruthless leader but I feel he is honorable. He was

fascinated with Star’s hair. I think he is more curious about coming to see the humans, especially
when he was informed there were more females with the same color hair. If this alliance between our
worlds works, we will be much stronger than before.”

“I’ll bow to your judgment but the bastard better keep his hands off my Jo or I’ll remove them,”

Manota said. “I think it is time to see how some of this ‘magic’ works.”

Ajaska nodded as he saw Walter walk into the arena with Ricki by his side. “I am looking

forward to it after just watching them practicing.”


Jo released a sigh of relief as Manota walked through the door of their living quarters back in the

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East House. She grinned as his eyes darkened when he saw her wearing another silky wrap. This one
was a dark royal blue.

She had taken her mom to the market during a break earlier in the day. Her mom had loved

dressing up in the native clothes worn by the young boys. The baggy white pants, colorful tunics, and
floppy hats helped them blend in as nothing more than a couple of youths roaming the many shops. Of
course, the shopkeeper at the shop where Jo had found the most delicious materials had recognized
her. The older woman had been delighted to meet Tami and they had chatted as if they had known
each other their whole life. Jo had picked out several new pieces and the shopkeeper promised to
have the gowns made within the hour. Jo had then taken her mom to a wonderful little café near the
waterfront for a light lunch.

They had stopped back by to pick up the items they had ordered before returning to the circus

compound. She and Manota had been so busy over the past week they had barely seen each other
except for the brief glimpses as they moved around.

She spent her time practicing the routines she and her family would be doing and Manota spent his

working with his brother on setting up the defense system and organizing their attack on Tai Tek and
his men. All the weapons the crew would need to fight were hidden strategically around the Big Top.
Bombing Bill had set up his pyrotechnics to help provide cover and maximize confusion among the
attacking forces. Marcus had set up the needed projection equipment and had tested it over and over
with members of the crew.

The Royal family and their guests would be seated in the bleachers but when the lights went out,

the bleachers would descend and be replaced with ‘images’ of them still sitting when the lights came
back on. Jade and Shannon, the two FBI agents from Earth, had agreed to help Curly with the security.
Mattie and her dogs would work with the clowns to sniff out any explosives not set up by Bill. Bill
had marked each of his carefully placed explosives with a scent pack that the dogs would be able to
recognize as being okay. They had used the same technique back on Earth, especially after receiving
several threats during some of their tours.

“You are beautiful,” Manota murmured as he slowly walked toward her. “I have not seen that

gown before.”

Jo chuckled as his hands immediately moved to the tie at her waist holding the robe on. “I just got

it today so you can’t damage it,” she teased him before sobering as she noticed the lines of tension
around his mouth. She reached up and touched the corner with tender fingers. “Everything will be
alright. This is going to work.”

Manota turned his head enough to brush his lips across her fingers. “It has too,” he said gruffly. “I

don’t remember being this uptight before any battle or mission during the war but the thought of you
and your family being in danger….”

“Shush!” Jo whispered. “We know what to do,” she murmured against his lips. “Love me,

Manota. Let’s not think of anything but each other for tonight.”

Manota heard the slight plea in her voice and realized she had the same fear for him and his

family. He sealed his lips over hers in a passionate kiss. He wanted her, needed her like the breath he

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drew. He wanted to become lost in the magic she created whenever he was near her. He swore he
could feel her light winding its way through his soul as his hands touched her.

“Are you hungry? I had some food delivered earlier. I wasn’t sure when you would be back or if

you had eaten yet,” she whispered as she draw back a little.

Manota shook his head as he wrapped his arms around her. “The only thing I am hungry for is

you,” he replied. “I do need to bathe,” he added ruefully as he noticed he had left a slight smudge of
dirt along her cheek where he had caressed it with the back of his hand.

“I think I can help you with that,” she responded lightly as her fingers began working on the clasps

holding his shirt closed. “With total pleasure,” she added huskily as more of his dark skin was
revealed as she parted the edges.

“Gods Jo, I love you so much,” Manota said as he closed his eyes as her hands slowly pulled his

clothing off.

“I love you too, big guy,” she murmured brushing her lips over one taut nipple before she pushed

his shirt off his shoulders. “Come with me.” She threaded her fingers through his and pulled him
towards the bathroom.


Manota shivered with need as the longing in Jo’s voice washed over him. Tomorrow was the

night of the performance. Throughout the star systems, squadrons were preparing to attack the rebels
who wanted to overthrow the Alliance. His father had updated him and his brothers before they
agreed there was nothing else to be done. The core leaders of the rebellion, including Tai Tek, would
be targeted for termination once and for all. The remaining council, including the Dramentics, had
agreed that a harsh and decisive attack needed to be done in order to prevent it happening again.

He followed Jo into the ‘bathroom’ as she liked to call it. Sitting on the stool, he was humbled

when she sank to the floor in front of him and began removing his boots. Once she was done, she
carefully set them to the side of the stool. She rose gracefully, bending over him as she unbuckled the
thick belt around his waist. She rolled it up and placed that with care next to his boots.

He breathed in her sweet scent, a mixture of the sunlight that he craved and arousal. His lips

brushed her temple as she began unbuttoning his pants. He stood so she could pull them down his long
legs. Never had he been so affected by the respect and reverence that she was showing him as she
slowly undressed him. He clenched his fists as he lifted first one foot then the other so she could pull
his pants the rest of the way off. He wanted more than anything to reach out and rip her gown off her
lush body and take her hard and fast – to chase away the fear building inside him. Instead, he forced
himself to stay still knowing she needed to do this, that she needed to remain in control.

His eyes followed her as she carefully folded his pants and set them on the floor next to the other

items she had removed. Her eyes gleamed shyly up at him as her hands moved to the tie at her waist.
He reached out and stilled them by covering them with his own.

“Let me,” he asked huskily.

Jo let her hands fall to her side as she waited for him. Her heart pounded fiercely as he slowly

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pulled the tie before tenderly removing her robe. They had made love many times over the past few
months but tonight, there was something different about it. It was almost like a sacred ritual was being
performed. A part of her wondered if it was because of their fear of losing each other. That in the
back of their minds they knew tonight could be their last night together.

“You are mine, Jo,” Manota said quietly.

He folded her robe and set it on the stool before turning back around and tenderly pushing the

straps of her gown down. He watched as the silky material fell to lie like a dark mist around her
slender ankles. His hands trembled as he bent and picked it up as she lifted first one foot then the
other. He couldn’t resist running his fingers along the delicate bones of her ankles and arch before he
stood and folded the gown and set it on top of her robe.

His eyes moved to where she had her hair in a braid down her back. He gently pulled the band on

the end off and unwound it, letting his hands savor the silky length. His eyes darkened until the only
light shining in them were the burning silver flames of his need. A tender smile curved his lips as he
pulled her closer to him. She stepped forward, running her fingers up over his chest up to his
shoulders. He tilted her head back far enough so he could brush his lips along her jaw to the corner of
her mouth.

Their breaths mingled for just a moment before they sealed their lips together in a kiss that spoke

of their love for each other. The sensual exploration was tender, almost tentative as if they were each
afraid the other would disappear if they tried to capture the other with the fierce passion that burned
deep inside them.

Manota ran his hands over her soft, smooth skin committing every curve to his memory. He

reluctantly pulled back, staring down into her soft blue eyes. Without speaking, he led her over to the
large shower. A wave of his hand started the soft flow of warm water. He stepped in, her hand
clasped tenderly in his as he pulled her under the warm shower of water.

He watched as she lifted her face to the rainfall around them, her lashes like silken crescents

against her pale skin. The water from the shower slicked her hair back in long wet curls down her
back. Other droplets ran down over her face and body, making sensual paths that begged for his
tongue to follow. Two stubborn droplets clung fiercely to the tips of her nipples as if defying his
claim on them.

He reached over and poured a small amount of the soap into his hand, rubbing them together

before he began moving them over her soft skin. He did not want to use a cloth. He wanted to feel his
skin against hers. Tonight, he didn’t want any barriers between them. Her head fell forward as he
moved his hands over her breasts and cupped them, running his thumbs over the tips. He looked up
into her eyes as he began to kneel in front of her. Trust and love stared back at him. He lowered his
head, focusing on his hands. He ran them over her flat belly, pausing as he thought of the child he
would place there as soon as the threat was eliminated. Unable to resist, he leaned forward and
placed a kiss on the small indention in the center.

Jo moaned softly when his hands moved down between her legs to the soft hair that covered her

womanhood. She opened for him when he tugged gently on the soft blond curls.

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“Manota,” she breathed out, twisting her hands in his short hair.

Manota ran his fingers along the delicate folds, pressing a hot kiss into the soft mound. He slid

two fingers into her, drawing another cry from her as she pressed against his lips. He ran his tongue
along the entrance groaning when he found the small swollen nub begging for his touch.

He lapped at it, loving the way her hands pressed him closer. His fingers worked in rhythm with

his tongue and a low mewling sound escaped her as she exploded in his mouth. Her fingers curled in
his hair, holding him to her. He looked up, seeing her head bowed as the rainfall from the
showerheads flowed around her. Her lips were parted as she sucked in small gasps of air. Her eyes
were closed for several long seconds before they slowly fluttered open to stare down into his
upturned face.

“I love you so much,” she whispered brokenly.

Manota rose up to stand in front of her, forcing her to tilt her head back. “As I love you,” he

replied with a tender smile.

Jo smiled back before she turned to pour a small amount of soap into her hands. Rubbing them

together, she then ran them over his heated flesh. She understood his desire to experience the feel of
their skin touching each other. She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling at the thought that this
may be all they have together. She stroked his skin gently, wanting him to feel every ounce of love she
had for him as she washed the grime from his body. Her hands moved to outline his face, tracing the
sharp curves of his brow and the long, narrow line of his nose before outlining his firm lips and jaw.

She traced the path of the droplets as they flowed over him. Touching his thick neck where the

tendons stood out, she continued over his broad shoulders. She carefully washed each arm, taking her
time as she traced his long fingers. She poured more soap into her palm before rubbing the lather into
his chest, her fingers brushing over his distended nipples drawing a shallow gasp from him.

She knelt as her hands moved lower. Swiping them across his flat stomach, she reached for his

throbbing shaft. If she had any doubt that he was just as affected by her touch as she was by his, it
dissipated as soon as she reached his thick penis.

Jo ran both hands along the pulsing shaft. It was long and hard but soft at the same time. She

traced the head with her finger, touching the ridges around the bulbous head. He did not have hair
around his genitals the way humans did. His heavy sack pulsed as she reached to cup it. His loud
groan echoed in the room. Jo’s eyes flickered to where his hands clenched and unclenched at his
sides. She carefully washed the heavy sack before moving down his legs. The thick muscles of his
thighs were like sculptured marble. A long, narrow scar ran the length of his right thigh. Jo knew it
must have been a miracle for him to have survived such a wound.

“What happened?” She asked quietly as she ran her finger along the long scar.

Manota opened his eyes which he had closed as he tried to think of everything but his need to sink

himself as far as he could go into Jo’s velvety sheath and plant his seed in her womb. He looked
down at her questioning eyes. He saw the fear in them as she traced one of the many scars on his body
that even the regen machines could not erase.

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“It happened during the war with the Tearnats,” he replied in a husky voice. “There was a fierce

battle on one of the outer moons. During the battle, both my warship and that of the Tearnats had
suffered extensive damage and crashed on the moon orbiting Dragas. I lost over thirty warriors in the
crash, the Tearnats a few more. The battle continued on the moon. I took a laser sword to my leg
before I was able to kill the Tearnat commander.”

Jo’s eye moved back to the long white scar. She pressed her lips against it before closing her eyes

and resting her cheek against his thigh. She fought the overwhelming fear that threatened to drown her.
She couldn’t lose him. He said she was the light to his soul but he was what kept it burning.

Firm hands gripped her under her arms and lifted her. His hot lips claimed hers as he lifted her

up, turning so he could press her back against the smooth, polished stone wall of the shower. She
wrapped her long legs around his waist, holding on to him as he kissed her deeply. A dark
desperation swept through him - claiming him - as he tangled his hands in her wet hair. His lips spoke
of his claim on her. His tongue fought with hers for control. His arms held her captive against his
raging body. His cock impaled her with the primitive need to possess.

He growled low when she pulled her lips from his and cried out as he pushed deeply into her.

Her head fell back against the wall, as she gasped at the sudden fullness. He took advantage to seal
his lips along the vulnerable curve of her throat. His teeth grazing and nipping as he kissed her,
leaving his mark for all to see.

He gripped her thighs, pulling and pushing out of her with an increasing ferocity as he lost control.

Her whimpers echoed in his ear even as her fingers kneaded his shoulders, demanding more. His lips
ran along her neck, to her jaw before covering her mouth again as he exploded deep inside her at the
same time as she screamed out, the sound captured by his lips.

Manota pushed deeper, feeling the tip of his cock against her womb as he exploded. Deep down,

he knew he shouldn’t have taken her so roughly. He felt the moment her womb opened and accepted
his seed, burying it protectively inside her. He shuddered as he continued to pulse, burying his face in
the curve of her neck as he drew in raspy breaths. His arms tightened around her slender form when
she wilted against him. His love for her exploded in a raging fury.

He pulled back far enough so he could cup her face between the palms of his hands. “You will

fucking do everything in your power to stay safe tomorrow night, do you hear me?” He choked out as
he stared desperately into her eyes. “You have to stay safe for me, Jo. I can’t… I can’t live without
you,” he whispered. “I can’t live without you,” he repeated before he kissed her again.

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Chapter 25

Jo stood beside Manota outside the Big Top the next evening dressed in a long, royal blue evening

gown. Neither talked about what had passed between them the night before. Instead, they focused on
the events about to unfold. Dakar had notified Manota that five warships had entered Kassisan
airspace on the other side of the planet with forged documentation. Troop transports had been
deployed from two of them. Four shuttles had also deployed and had headed immediately towards the
capitol city.

Jarmen had been able to connect with the transmissions between the warships now that he had Tai

Tek’s personal access codes. The shuttles had landed in a small clearing not far from the circus
compound under the disguise of a surveying crew for the new development being built. The traitor in
Manota’s house had forged the clearance documentation. Jo shivered as she remembered the blood
splatter coating Manota when he returned to shower and change for the evening’s performance.

Ten warriors had arrived as they were leaving the East House to escort them to the circus

compound. Each wore a grim expression on their face. Jo trembled as she walked along the path
leading into the huge tent. Manota’s arm tightened around her but he never took his eyes off the
surrounding area.

“Remember, if things turn bad I want you and your family to escape. I have Kev and Armet

waiting to take you to safety,” Manota said under his breath.

“I know,” Jo replied smiling as they approached Ajaska and a huge male with blue skin. “I take it

that is the Grand Ruler?” She asked with a nervous smile as his glaze briefly swept over at her.

“Yes, Ristéard Roald. The Grand Ruler of Elpidios,” Manota said as they came to a stop as they

waited behind Madas and Gril Tal Mod who were talking quietly with Ajaska and the huge male.

“He is a little intense,” Jo muttered, taking a step closer to Manota. “Why is he glaring at Ricki?”

She asked as her eyes followed to where the huge male was staring so intensely.

Ricki was standing next to her dad. She was wearing a cream colored pantsuit that showed off her

slender figure. At over six feet tall, she towered over her three and a half foot father. Her hair was
neatly pinned in an elegant chignon and she carried her clipboard. She nodded as she listened to
whatever Walter was saying, a slight frown creasing her brow as if she was having trouble
concentrating on what he was telling her. Jo watched as Ricki’s eyes rose to look in irritation at
whatever was distracting her. She almost chuckled when she saw her friend roll her eyes at Ristéard
Roald when she realized it was his stare that was burning a hole through her. The chuckle did escape
when Ricki raised one delicate eyebrow at him and shrugged before giving him her back and ignoring
him. Jo glanced at the huge scary blue man and cringed when she saw the fury in his eyes. Something
told her he wasn’t used to being dismissed.

“Let’s go,” Manota said quietly, pulling her out of her reverie.

“Sorry,” she muttered as a light flush rose in her cheeks.

“Welcome, Lord Roald,” Manota said formally. “Father, is everything in place?”

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“Yes,” Ajaska responded with a nod. “All members are looking forward to tonight’s


Manota nodded at the veiled reference to the other star systems who were prepared to attack those

wanting to overthrow them. He turned and frowned when he noticed Ristéard Roald touching Jo’s
hair with his fingertips. He stiffened and gently pulled Jo closer to him.

Ristéard turned and looked with a cool gaze at Manota. “Such unusual coloring,” he responded

before he let his hand drop to his side. “I am looking forward to tonight’s performance – and I am not
referring to just the finale.”

Jo blushed as Ristéard’s gaze moved up and down her. She tilted her head wishing she could knee

the arrogant male in his balls. It would be nice to show him that women did not appreciate being
looked at as if they were a piece of meat. She was so glad to see that he hadn’t liked the way Ricki
had coolly dismissed him. The big oaf deserved it!

“Welcome to the Cirque de Magik,” Jo murmured. “I hope you find it as magical as we do.”

“I’ll see you both inside,” Manota said coldly, with a glare of warning at the Grand Ruler. “She is


Ristéard’s lips curved just enough to look as if he was smiling. His eyes flickered over Jo again

before he looked over at the other slender female as she spoke to a tall human male. His lips pulled
back in a snarl when the male touched her cheek before turning away. His low growl was just loud
enough for Ricki to hear. Jo watched as her friend turned and looked at the huge male coolly again
before tossing her head in dismissal and walking away.

Manota gripped Ristéard’s arm when he made to follow Ricki. “The humans are under my

protection,” he said in a quiet voice. “All of them. I suggest you focus on the plans for the evening.”

Ristéard looked down at Manota’s hand on his arm. The muscles in the Grand Ruler’s arm flexed,

showing Manota the man was solid as steel under the silk long sleeve shirt he wore. Cold eyes moved
from Manota’s hand to his face.

“If you want to keep your hand attached to your arm, I suggest you remove it,” Ristéard responded

coldly. “I take what I want. For now, it is the heads of the assassins and the Kassisan councilman who
thinks to play me. Make no mistake, if I choose to take the female I will and there is nothing you or
anyone else can do about it,” he growled out in a low menacing voice before he shook off Manota’s
hand and turned to walk into the Big Top.

Ajaska looked at Manota for a moment before he winked at Jo who stood with her mouth open at

the Grand Ruler’s words. Her mouth snapped shut and her eyes glittered with fury. The big ox was
definitely asking for a kick to his you-know-what!

“Deep down, he isn’t so bad,” Ajaska tried to reassure Jo as he turned to walk in with them.

Jo sniffed and shrugged her shoulders. “Well, he better watch it. Ricki won’t put up with his

arrogant ass. He’ll find himself being shipped to Timbuktu if he isn’t careful, snail mail.”

Ajaska chuckled as he slipped Jo’s slender arm through his. Manota quickly took up the other side

so she was cushioned between the two of them. Her eyes searched out Star and River who were

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already sitting in the space reserved for the Royal family.

They grinned at her and waved. As soon as the lights went out, they would join the other casts

members. Until then, they would appear as defenseless as all the other crew who would not be
performing tonight and were sitting next to the warriors who had been carefully chosen for the night’s

She took her place, turning to chat with Star and River. She knew the exact minute Tai Tek ’s men

started to enter. Manota and the other men stiffened slightly. A glance showed they were casually
looking around them. Jo felt the hand gripping hers tighten as a man with long, black hair walked in
with two beautiful women on each arm. They were closely followed by several other men.

“Tai Tek,” she heard Jazin growl out before Star pulled his head down to hers and kissed him to

hide the rage on his face.

Jo acted like she was looking around so she could study the man she had met only briefly a few

times. She frowned as she bent toward Manota, picking at an imaginary piece of lint on his shoulder.
Her eyes swept over where Tai Tek moved to sit as the Mimes, Marvin and Martin, guided him and
his entourage up a few steps. The audience chuckled as the two Mimes acted like they wanted to fight
with each other to guide the small group to their seats. One of the clowns popped up and finished
guiding Tai Tek’s group away during the mock battle.

“He looks different,” she whispered.

“Facial reconstruction,” Manota responded. “Unfortunate for him, his DNA cannot be

reconstructed. It is him.”

“Those don’t look like his typical ladyloves,” River murmured as she sat forward as far as her

swollen belly would allow her.

“Assassins from Cruthera,” Ristéard replied with a curl of his lip. “I’ve killed a few of their

females who thought to kill me first.”

“Oh,” Star said looking at Jazin with wide-eyes before she looked over as Ricki walked to them.

“Good evening, everyone. It is a pleasure to have you join us this evening. May I remind you to

please remain seated until Marcus tells you,” Ricki said in a calm, husky voice. Her eyes turned to
Manota, a silent plea in them. “I would ask that you also keep my father safe,” she whispered.

“We will, Lady Ricki,” Manota promised somberly.

“Thank you,” Ricki said, flushing slightly as her eyes looked at the huge blue male sitting to the

right of where she was standing. “Good luck tonight,” she added before turning to leave.

She stopped in surprise when she felt a hand reach out to grab her wrist when she turned. She

looked into the intense silver eyes of the huge warrior who had been staring her for the last two days.
She pulled on her hand but he refused to let her go.

“The man who touched you earlier, he is your mate?” Ristéard inquired.

Ricki frowned at his question, confused. It took a moment for her to realize he was talking about

Stan. Stan had been trying to get her to go out on a date with him for months as had a few of the other

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performers. Ricki made a rule of never dating anyone that worked for her father. She never knew if
they were interested in her or her father’s wealth and contacts.

“That is none of your business,” she hissed out. “Now, please remove your hand before I remove

it permanently!”

Ristéard grinned at the fierce look in her eyes even as his gaze moved over her flushed cheeks.

“Good, I am claiming you as mine. You may go for now,” he said, releasing her hand and sitting back.

“Why you arrogant…” Ricki started to say before she clamped her lips into a tight line.

“Asshole,” she muttered as she turned away.

Jo’s mouth opened as she heard Ricki’s muttered curse. She glanced over at River and Star who

were hiding their amusement behind their hands. She couldn’t help but silently mouth ‘snail mail’ to
them causing all of them to burst out into laughter.

Ristéard frowned as he looked at the three women. “What is so funny?” He demanded with a dark

scowl on his face causing all three girls to laugh even harder.

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Chapter 26

Manota sat back in the specially designed seats. He pretended to be focused as the last of the

clowns and Marvin and Martin bowed dramatically and disappeared behind the flaps of the huge Big
Top. The moment they shut the flap the sensors connected, turning on the defense system. No one else
would be able to enter the area as an invisible shield descended over the top reaching down to the
posts that had been installed over the last week.

Manota, along with Jazin and Jarmen, had modified the shield so that it created a barrier. If

anyone tried to walk through it from either side, they would be knocked backwards. He had Jarmen
set up an exception to the programming, only those with human DNA, Armet or Kev would be
allowed to exit. He did not want to take a chance of any humans becoming trapped should they need to
escape. He had explained it carefully to Walter and Ricki who had warned the humans that should
they need to leave they would be able to and for them to seek safety among inhabitants of the city.

He breathed in a deep breath as the lights went out, leaving the area in darkness except for the

narrow beams in the center of the arena. The seats under them moved silently backwards and a new
set rose in front of them. He gripped the side as it swayed gently before coming to a halt. The moment
it did, a black curtain descended cutting off his view of the inside of the Big Top. He moved quickly,
jumping down off the stands and turning to wrap his hands around Jo’s narrow waist to help her

He held her for a moment, suspended against his body. “Be safe,” he murmured before he brushed

a kiss across her lips and set her down.

“I will,” she whispered as he turned and hurried off.

She turned when she felt River touch her arm. “I’m scared too,” River said. “But I so want to kick

this guy’s ass all the way back to the dinosaurs.”

Jo gave a tearful giggle before she turned to look at Star. “Looks like I’m the one who is the

crybaby,” she said, embarrassed.

Star grinned. “It’s nice to know I get it from my big sister,” she teased before her smile

disappeared. “Showtime!”

Jo looked at her sister’s small hand that she held out. She put her hand over. Drawing in a deep

breath, she smiled.

“Showtime!” She said looking at River.

“Showtime!” River responded covering their hands with her own. “Let’s go kick some ass!”

Jo nodded. She led the way through the maze of backdrops and curtains until she reached the

dressing rooms set up for the female performers. She quickly pulled off the blue gown. Underneath,
she wore a brilliant red leotard. She changed her shoes into the soft performing slippers that she used.
She quickly adjusted the mask she would wear to help conceal her identify.

“Are you girls ready?” Tami asked looking at each of her daughters, pausing on River’s swollen

stomach. “You remember what you are to do?

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River rolled her eyes. “Yes, stay on the ground, do not get in the way, and absolutely DO NOT go

into labor until after the battle. Or did you mean, what I’m really supposed to do? Distract everyone
with my amazing knife throwing skills,” she replied dryly.

Tami’s soft peal of laughter filled the air. “If it helps, Alan was just as protective. You’ll go on

first. You are the bird in the cage.”

“A plump bird in the cage,” River muttered as she rubbed her swollen stomach before she pulled

her own mask down and adjusted the blue wig that covered her own dark hair.

According to the healer, she could have the baby any day. The gestation period on Kassis was

slightly less than on Earth. She felt like she was ready to pop. They could hear Walter ’s introduction
coming to an end as all around him, old video and shadows showed the history of the circus.

“You’re on, sweethearts. Your dad and I will be there for you,” Tami said as she patted the

feathers in her hair and adjusted her own mask one last time. “Let’s go.”

River climbed into the cage. Several of the clowns covered it. Suzy grinned and winked before

she pulled the last bit down. River’s eyes moved to the floor of the golden cage. Neatly laid out were
dozens of lined fabric storage cases with every kind of knife and throwing star known to her.

“Oh Suzy, you are truly amazing,” River murmured as she felt the cage beginning to move.

“I know,” Suzy replied. “Curly never lets me forget it. Just keep yourself safe.”

“You too,” River whispered before she became silent, kneeling in the center of the cage.

The clowns followed the covered cage as it was pulled out into the center by a set of Shetland

ponies. The small horses were decorated up with a rainbow of different color feathers woven into
their manes. Nema drove the small wagon. She was dressed as a tiny toy soldier. She drove around
the center ring once as the clowns juggled, did magic tricks, and chased each other. Once she had
completed one full circle, she steered the wagon to the very center where a hook with Star standing at
the end descended from the center.

As soon as the hook touched the top of the cage, Star – dressed as a beautiful green and silver

bird with dark green hair bent and attached it to the center hoop. As Nema drove the wagon away, the
clowns grabbed the bottom of the cloth and pulled it away to reveal River, dressed as a brilliant blue
bird kneeling in the golden cage which began to rise. As soon as it started rising, a long length of
material fell from the ceiling. Star jumped, wrapping the length around her body and began climbing.
When she was about twenty-five feet from the top, Jo swung out and snatched her off the length of
silvery cloth which quickly disappeared into the ceiling as they soared back and forth. The show had


Tai Tek sat three seats up from the floor of the center ring. His eyes moved back and forth

between the performance and the Royal family sitting almost directly across from him. All their eyes
were turned to watch the aerialist. His eyes narrowed when he saw the huge Grand Ruler of Elipdios
glance over in his direction. The male seemed to be looking at the two women beside him more than
at him. He had heard the bastard had a taste for females. Unfortunately, two of the assassins he had

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hired to kill him in his sleep had already failed. He had killed the women as brutally as he had the
males he had hired.

Tai Tek had no regrets except for the fact that he would have liked to have watched how the huge

warrior killed. There was something about watching a woman taking her last breath as he was fucking
her that turned him on. His preferences did not lean toward women, he just enjoyed the release. He
had kept true feelings for one male and one male only – until the little bitch had killed him. Tai Tek ’s
eyes moved to the tiny human female sitting next to Lord Jazin. He wanted her alive. He would prefer
to have them both alive but he knew after Lord Jazin’s rescue from his prison fortress he was unlikely
to get another chance to kill him. But the female, that was a different story. He watched how the young
royal put his arm protectively around her, drawing her closer.

Yes, he thought savagely. Listening to her scream as I kill her will help heal the pain of my own


He leaned over to the hard female closest to him. “I want the small female alive. You can knock

her out, just don’t kill her. I want that pleasure for my own,” he ordered quietly.

“Yes sir,” the dark blue female responded.

He looked at the other one. “Do you think you can kill the Grand Ruler or do I need to get one of

the other warriors to do it?”

The other blue female tossed her mane of burnt orange hair over her shoulder before responding.

“I can kill them all,” she sneered. “I want double the credits to kill him though.”

“Double?” Tai Tek growled out with a frown.

Sharp teeth glistened briefly before her lips firmed. “For the insult,” she hissed out.

“Just kill him. You won’t get a thing if you are dead,” Tai Tek snapped out under his breath.

“Tell the men to get ready. As soon as the final performance ends, cut them down,” he told the

man who had replaced his former Captain of the Guard.

“What of the others?” The male asked looking at the other audience members sitting around them.

Tai Tek glanced dismissively at the colorfully dressed men and women sitting around them. It

looked like some of the local merchants were enjoying the new variety of species Lord Manota had
returned with. His lips pulled back in distaste as his eyes settled on one particularly ugly human
female who grinned at him and blew a kiss before hiding behind a small fan with a look of

Tai Tek looked away. “Kill them as well. You can take the human females if you want for the men

as a bonus,” he said in disgust.

The male grinned as his eyes swept over an especially well built female with a dark mane of hair

hanging down her back. She was standing next to several large containers on wheels. Every once in a
while, her hand would disappear under the cover of one of them before reappearing. He wanted that
one in his bed.


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“How many are there?” Manota asked Kev as he pulled the belt containing his weapons on.

“Over a hundred in all. There are sixty inside, another forty surrounding the tent. We have eighty

inside plus the humans,” Kev said watching Tai Tek on the screen he had set up.

“Jarmen, have you heard from Dakar?” Jazin asked looking over at his friend.

“Yes, the attack on the Spaceport was cut short. It would appear the Grand Ruler had some re-

enforcements of his own on hand. I have been editing the messages being sent to Tai Tek. He believes
the attack was successful. By the way, a Captain Mena asked Dakar to tell Lord Ajaska hello. I am
assuming your father is familiar with the Captain.”

Ajaska flushed and muttered a curse about youthful indiscretions. “What of his men that landed?”

Ajaska asked Jarmen with a fierce scowl.

“Lord Gril and our additional forces are moving into position. Only the hundred or so warriors

currently in the compound are a threat,” Jarmen said with a slight frown as if he was receiving
information he was not happy with.

“Jar,” Jazin repeated.

“Yes Jazin,” Jarmen said with a jerk of his head, his eyes glowing a deep dark red.

“Are you okay?” Jazin asked, concerned for his friend.

“There is a problem with one of the humans. I must go help her,” Jarmen said turning. “I will

continue to monitor the situation.”

Manota glanced at Jazin who was watching as Jarmen disappeared into the darkness. “Do you

think he is alright?”

Jazin looked at his older brother and gave a brief nod. “Yes, he wouldn’t leave unless it was


“Kev, what of the other star systems?” Torak asked sharply.

“Reports are coming in that their attacks have started. There is fierce fighting but the rebels are

outnumbered. The hidden bases are being overtaken as we speak. Techs have been sent in to retrieve
as much information as possible before it is destroyed.”

“Gentlemen,” Marcus said coming up behind them. “I hate to interrupt you but the last act is about

to begin. I need you in position for this to work.”

Torak looked around, a low curse escaping as he realized that Ristéard was missing. He looked at

Manota who shrugged his shoulders as if to say it wasn’t his turn to watch the huge blue ruler. They
would have no choice but to continue without him.

“I hope that big blue bastard doesn’t get himself killed,” Ajaska muttered. “It would play hell on

our diplomatic mission.”

“I just hope he doesn’t get the rest of us killed,” Manota muttered as he stepped up to the ladder

leading up to the top of the tent.

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Chapter 27

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Walter called out from the center of the ring. “For tonight’s final

presentation, you will be taken to the magical realm of Isla, home of the Elves who battled for Middle
Earth. This realm has only been seen by a few, gifted with the power to open the door between our
world and theirs! Tonight, Marcus the Magnificent will open the portal between our two worlds and a
few chosen warriors will be granted access to journey to meet the great ruler, Queen Shakari the

The lights moved around in the circle, as if searching for Marcus. Suddenly, a stream of purple

smoke swirled through the tent. It flew over the heads of those in the stands, causing them to jerk their
heads lower as it moved. It paused over Tai Tek before it darted over to the center of the ring and
exploded into the floor in a shower of sparks. When it cleared, Marcus was standing in the center –
his arms stretched out over his head. A dark purple cloak covered his body and a darker purple
turban with a large ruby in the center of it swirled with color.

Kev Mul Kar was following the performance on the monitors. He glanced at the human male

called Stan and grinned. The guy was sitting back with a small ancient looking remote of some kind
between his hands. His finger and thumb controlling the flight of the small remote controlled device
he had created.

“Sweet,” Kev said with an appreciation of the man’s skills. “What else can that thing do?”

Stan grinned and blew out a bubble. “You would be amazed my friend. I have seen things no man

should see with these little babies.”

Kev turned his eyes back to the screen. “Bill did a great job with the explosives. They completely

covered Marcus’ entrance.”

“It’s all in the illusion, man. You just need to distract and give the audience what they ‘think’ they

want to see. Watch what Marcus does next,” Stan said nodding toward the monitor. “See that Tai Tek
guy’s face. He is focused on Marcus’ hands and body movements. Now watch as Marcus turns the
glass Marvin and Martin brought out. The guy never saw the wires as the cloth comes down. He
‘sees’ what Marcus wants him to see. Just like he wants to see the Royal family sitting in the
bleachers across from him. Cameras, lighting, and a little video and you have a group of people
sitting who aren’t really there.”

Kev nodded watching as Stan moved the camera just a touch to make it look like Manota was

talking to Jo when in reality, Manota was taking up a position to take out Tai Tek from above. Jazin
was moving into position across from him next to Tami and Alan. Torak was moving in from the left
side. Ajaska was taking care of the intruders outside the tent with the Grand Ruler – hopefully.

“Looks like the guys outside are dropping like flies,” Stan said, blowing another bubble. “Uh-oh,

ouch. This is going to hurt.”

Kev turned to look at Stan’s screen. “What happened? Why did you say uh-oh?”

Stan looked briefly over his shoulder at Kev. “Katarina brought out the big guns. She has the lions

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out. Mane and Tye. Those two are pissy on a good day. How she keeps control of those damn cats
never ceases to amaze me.”

Kev watched as a tall, willowy woman walked out into the light and smiled at Tai Tek ’s Captain

of the Guard who had slipped out a few minutes earlier. The woman tilted her head and shook it. The
huge ugly bastard must have said something the woman didn’t like because the smile faded from her
face to be replaced with a narrow-eyed look. The Captain of the Guard took another step toward the
woman. Out of the corner of the screen, Kev saw a dark shape move with a quick burst of speed. The
man’s scream was cut short as a huge, powerful animal sunk its powerful teeth into the male’s neck.

“Yep, that had to hurt,” Stan said switching to another screen. “Looks like your blue guy has been

busy. Does that look like blood to you?”

Kev was too busy watching as the huge beast dragged the body of Tai Tek ’s main man into the

shadows. “How does she control those beasts?” Kev asked suddenly worried about his men.

Stan shrugged. “Damned if I know. I swear she can talk to them. Hey, it looks like Tony’s got

Myrtle helping out,” he said with a grin. “You have ten tons of elephant step on you and you know you
are having a bad day.”

Kev just glanced at Stan before he focused back on his own task. He was to monitor everything.

Alert the others if there was a problem and get the women out if it starts looking bad. At the rate it
was going, he was going to be watching the entire battle from behind a vidcom with a guy who spent
way too much time and even more enjoyment attached to one.

“Don’t you want to be out there?” Kev asked irritated that he was missing out.

Stan looked at Kev like he was out of his mind. “Are you kidding me? A guy could get killed out

there! Hell, a guy did just get killed. No man, give me a console, a keyboard and a remote and I can
control the world safely from this little room.”

“Where is the fun in that?” Kev muttered under his breath.

Kev watched two human females take out another male. A curse tore from him when the delicate

features of Jade Ryan was illuminated. He was out of his chair before he realized it.

“Hey! Where you going, man? The action is just starting,” Stan asked as Kev ripped open the door

to the control room.

“To have some fun. Monitor the transmissions and warn the others if needed,” Kev growled out

before he slipped out of the room.

Stan shrugged as he watched Ajaska kill two more men. “Whatever floats your boat, dude. I’m

having as much fun as I can handle from here.” He entered a few commands and tapped into the
communications that Kev had been listening to. His eyes widened as he listened to the battle going on
in space. A wicked smile curled his lips as he added a few more lines and opened their video feeds.
“Piece of cake,” he chuckled, picking up one of his prized stash of potato chips and soda. “Look out,
dude. Damn, you should have gone the other way, man. You’re dead now,” Stan muttered as he pulled
his gum out and stuck it on the edge of the monitor before popping some chips into his mouth.

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Chapter 28

Manota watched as Tai Tek surged out of his seat when the cover dropped and he saw an image

of him, Torak, and Jazin standing in the center of the glass with weapons drawn. He heard the roar of
the councilman’s voice as it drifted up to him.

“Kill him!” Tai Tek roared out pulling the weapon he had hidden at his side.

Marcus gasped as Tai Tek and his men opened fire at the illusion of glass. The charges shot

harmlessly through the prop. Marcus hit the ground and was immediately covered by Marvin, only it
wasn’t Marvin any longer. A huge beast, covered in hardened scales covered him briefly before
picking him up as if he was a toy doll. Marcus glanced over to where Martin was standing in front of
them. Laser fire bounced harmlessly off the massive creature as it roared out before charging the
group who was now scrambling for cover. Many of the women who had been used as decoys slid
between the opening of the bleachers and worked their way through the maze of metal to escape the
fight. The warriors, dressed as merchants, pulled their own weapons and began returning fire.

Tai Tek cursed as he rolled to the side just as the creature that had been covered with white face

paint hit the warrior behind him, driving him up and over the back of the bleachers. He looked around
wildly before his eyes narrowed when two more warriors dropped, knives sticking from their chests.
His gaze shot upwards. He cursed when he saw the figure of the woman, still in the golden cage from
the beginning of the program. Her vivid blue eyes turned to look with icy calm down at him. His eyes
moved up higher where the other two women stood. Only they were not alone. Manota stood next to
them. His eyes moved to where additional laser fire was being fired. He saw Jazin standing next to a
small female and older male.

He stumbled sideways when one of the females he had hired pushed him out of the way just as

laser fire spread a wide path where he had been lying frozen. He raised his arm and fired rapidly,
cutting two warriors charging at him. He pushed the female off of him, ignoring the blood pulsing
from the wound in her side.

Hatred filled him as he realized he had walked into a trap. He tried to call for reenforcements but

all his communications had been cut. He snarled as he ducked under the bleachers, fighting his way
between the metal girders. He pushed aside the heavy fabric of the tent and realized that it was
layered. He pushed through it until he could run. He fired as a warrior came at him.

“You owe me my credits,” one of the two women assassins snarled as she cut down another

warrior. “You don’t go anywhere without me.”

Tai Tek pulled his laser sword from his boot. “Fine, get me out of here and you’ll have your

credits,” he snapped even as he drew a long slit down through the fabric.

Pushing it aside, he looked around the darkened compound. Sounds of fighting and screams filled

the air. It had been hidden by the thick layered walls of the huge tent. Now, it echoed eerily in the air.

“This way,” the assassin muttered under her breath.

Tai Tek looked up into the dark skies. Flaming balls and bright flashes could be seen. He could

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only hope it was the Kassisan warships exploding and not his own. His throat filled with bile as the
bitter taste of defeat threatened to overwhelm him. Years, he and the others had spent years, planning
the defeat of the Royal House of Kassis. It was the most powerful ruling House among the Alliance.
Under his control, he would have ruled the other star systems.

He jerked when he heard the impatient growl of the female. He quickly turned and followed her

into the darkness. He could only hope he would live to fight another day and not die this night.


Manota clung to the long sheath of material, sliding down it rapidly. His brother Jazin was doing

the same on the other side. He looked up and watched in horror as Jo dove off the platform, doing a
graceful twist and landing on her back in the netting. She bounced up high and did another flip before
she landed on her feet where she walked over to the edge, gripped it and flipped off to land on her
feet. He made a mental note to tell her he would whip her ass if she ever did that again.

“Star better damn well not do that,” Jazin growled out before releasing a sigh of relief when he

saw her sliding down the long length of material.

“Where’s Tai Tek?” Torak growled out as he wiped blood from his cheek.

“He’s outside,” Stan responded in the comlink. “Him and some creepy blue bitch with orange hair

just took off toward the animal pens. That area is still accessible as we needed to be able to move
them in and out of the performance. Just be careful, Katarina has the big cats out.”

Torak jumped when he saw a flash of silver fly over his shoulder. He glanced up at his mate with

a scowl before he turned to see the dead mercenary behind him. When he turned to look up again, the
scowl deepened when he saw the cage was now empty.

“I am going to tie her to my bed for the next fifty years,” he snarled as he looked around for his


“I’m going after Tai Tek, you two finish up here,” Manota said as he fired his laser pistol only to

find Marvin had already taken care of the threat. “And we need to have a talk with those two Mimes
when this is over.”

“No shit,” Stan’s awed voice came over the comlink.

Jazin rolled his eyes as he turned to help a warrior fighting off two mercenaries. He turned when

he heard a scream of rage. One of the women with Tai Tek was rushing toward him. He raised his
laser pistol but it wasn’t needed as the female flew back, an arrow protruding from her chest.

“Take that, you bitch. Try to attack my man!” Star growled out as she reloaded.

“Remind me to tell you how sexy you are when you are mad,” Jazin called out as he turned to help

a warrior.

Star grinned as she continued to aim for the bad guys. She turned as River came up to her, resting

her hand over her swollen belly with a small grimace of pain. Star raised her eyebrow in inquiry.

“This fight better not last too much longer,” River said ruefully. “I think I’m in labor.”

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Star’s lips formed a perfect ‘O’. A loud roar filled the area as Stan heard what River had just

said and relayed the information to Torak that he was about to be a daddy so he better hurry. River
watched as her mate went into a frenzy, clearing a path as he fought to get closer to her. A moment
later, River leaned on the arm of Alan Strauss as he wrapped it around her waist.

“Time to go, honey,” Alan said to River even as Tami slipped around to the other side. “Even I

draw the line at any of my girls having a baby during a battle.”

River met Torak’s wild eyes and smiled. He slashed another mercenary as the male got in his

way. His only focus being on his mate.

“Where’s Jo?” Star asked looking around and realizing that her big sister was missing.


Jo slipped through the opening. She smiled at Mattie who looked around with terrified eyes. Jo

knew if anyone could track Tai Tek down, Mattie’s dogs could. She had found the quiet girl in the
back, hiding under Sacha’s cage.

“Mattie, I need your help,” Jo had whispered when she saw Peewee’s big paws sticking out from

under the cage. “Please, I need you to get the dogs to find someone.”

Mattie had reluctantly crawled out from under the cage, looking very frightened and young.

“Who?” She had asked softly.

Jo pulled a small piece of fabric out by the corner from where she had found it where Tai Tek had

been sitting. A piece of his pant leg had ripped when the female next to him knocked him sideways. Jo
had seen it from her position up high.

“Tai Tek,” Jo responded. “Please, I know your dogs can find him.”

Mattie had looked at the torn cloth before she nodded. Taking it by the corner, she had called her

six pound puppies to her. She gave a short command and dropped it on the ground. All six dogs
repeatedly sniffed it before sitting back and waiting. Mattie gave them another short command and
they took off, skirting around fallen warriors, fighting warriors, and those in between. Oscar’s loud
baying sounded showing off the foxhound in him. He took off like a flash of lightning, the other dogs
following close behind.

“Let’s go,” Jo said following close behind them.

Mattie nodded but didn’t say anything. Jo knew the young girl was terrified of being captured and

held hostage again. Deep down, she knew it had taken a lot for Mattie to climb out from under the
huge tiger’s cage.

They both ran through the night, following as the dogs stopped and retraced their steps before they

moved through the maze of animal cages, compounds, and corrals. Jo cried out when a dark shape
came at her. She raised the staff she was carrying and flicked the switch to open the blades. Her teeth
shook as a mercenary swung at her with one of the metal stakes that held down the roping for the tent,
hitting the staff with a blow that knocked her backwards. Jo shook off the blow and circled around.
The dogs had stopped and were growling at the male, the smaller ones darting in to nip at his booted

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“You will lead me out of here,” the male growled out. “Dead or alive, I will use you to get out of


“Dead sounds good to me,” a voice said softly before the male stiffened and collapsed at Jo’s


Jo looked up to see Shannon standing over the body. The young FBI agent gave a small smile and

shrugged. She glanced at Mattie who was pressed against the side of one of the fences.

“Where’s Jade?” Jo asked looking around for Shannon’s partner.

“We got separated about twenty minutes ago,” Shannon replied, looking around the darkened area.

“How are things going inside?”

“I think they have it under control,” Jo said. “What about out here?”

“Pretty good if you go by the number of bodies I’ve come across. I swear there was this blue dude

who was killing everything he could get his hands on. You didn’t bring any of the Blue Men back with
you, did you? ‘Cause I have to tell you, I’ve seen them perform and none of them ever moved like
what I saw tonight,” Shannon said. “Listen, if you see this big guy with short black hair and he asks if
you’ve seen me can you tell him ‘no’? He’s being like all weird and everything,” she muttered as she
continued searching the dark.

“Do you know his name?” Jo asked quietly as she wondered what Shannon was looking for.

“Armageddon, Armstrong, Army… something like that,” Shannon said turning as the dogs began

to growl. “Bingo!” She muttered as she pulled her gun out and fired two rounds.

Mattie screamed and covered her head as a huge male fell forward, dead. Jo wrapped her arms

around Mattie’s quaking shoulders. She looked up at Shannon with a frown.

“That bastard has been following me for the last ten minutes playing cat and mouse. I knew if I

stopped long enough he would show himself,” Shannon mutter coming to squat next to Mattie. “Hey,
are you okay?”

Mattie looked up at Shannon with dark, accusing eyes. “No, I’m not okay! Ever since I made the

mistake of coming to this horrid world I haven’t been okay. Why I ever thought it would be better I
don’t know. I want to go home!” Mattie cried out before silent sobs shook her body.

“Take her out of the shield and to her home. Stay with her,” Jo said standing up.

“What about you? What about the dogs?” Shannon asked as she helped Mattie stand up.

“Take them with you,” Jo said as she looked around. “I can go alone from here.”

Mattie sniffed and shook her head. “Take Oscar. The command is ‘Go find’ in German. He’ll find

the man you are looking for. Just tell him ‘hush’ and he won’t bay.”

Jo looked at the small animal trainer with gratitude. “Thank you, Mattie. Gehe finden, Oscar.

Hush,” Jo said and took off after the small foxhound mix.

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Chapter 29

Manota moved sideways as Tai Tek and the female tried to get on each side of him. He had

cornered the two of them as they tried to get through the back side of the defense shield. The female
had a large knot on her temple showing where she had been knocked backwards. She snarled at him,
showing sharp teeth. If Manota wasn’t mistaken, they were razor sharp and deadly if she got near his

“It’s over, Tai Tek. You and the rest who wished to overthrow the Alliance have been defeated.

Even now, the other star systems are attacking the hidden bases and the lists of names of traitors has
been turned over to them,” Manota said as he blocked a strike by the female.

Tai Tek snarled. “At least I can kill one of you. Trolis should have killed your brothers when he

had the chance,” he snapped out as he tried to step to the left of Manota.

Manota swung one of the two laser swords he had in each hand up, blocking his path. “Too late

for wishes. Trolis learned that when River embedded her sword in his brain.”

Tai Tek roared out in fury and struck out at the same time as the female. Manota blocked both and

sliced a path along the female’s arm as he stepped back. Her loud hiss filled the area as she danced
several steps back.

“Those females ruined everything! Trolis’ men should never have picked them up. They have

been a thorn in my side ever since,” Tai Tek hissed in fury.

“I’m glad to know we’ve made your life as miserable as you are,” Jo said stepping out of the

darkness. “You and your bitch are going to die. Oh yeah,” Jo said with a small grin. “Your bitch is
already dead, isn’t he Tai Tek?”

Hatred filled Tai Tek ’s eyes as he stared at Jo’s cool, calm expression. “I was going to kill you

quick but now I’m going to enjoy doing it nice and slow.”

Jo shook her head, swinging her staff up to block the female assassin’s attack. Sparks flew as the

laser sword connected with the special metal of the staff that Manota had developed for her. She
twirled the staff, knocking the sword out of the female’s hands.

“Don’t mess with me, bitch,” Jo said with a grim smile. “I’ll slice your ass into thin strips.”

“I can kill you with my bare hands,” the female growled out as she moved around Jo.

Tai Tek struck out at Manota at the same time as the female charged at Jo. Jo swung her staff like

a bat, catching the female in the stomach. The woman grabbed the staff, pulling Jo forward. She kneed
Jo in the stomach before kicking her, sending her sprawling on her back on the ground. Jo grabbed her
stomach, fighting to draw in a breath.

Jo’s eyes widened in fear as the female laughed viciously and raised her staff up in the air, the

sharp blade pointing down. The woman’s face turned from triumph to shock as she was suddenly
lifted up by the very staff she was holding onto. Her scream ripped through the air as she was flung
backwards. A few seconds later, Jo’s staff was tossed over the railing next to her. Jo grabbed the
staff watching through the lower half of the railing as the woman rolled over onto her back. Her

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terrified scream ended suddenly as Myrtle pressed her foot down on the female’s chest, crushing it.
Jo heard Tony’s soft voice a moment later talking to Myrtle as he coaxed her away from the dead

Jo rolled over. She staggered to her feet, still holding her stomach as she watched Manota and Tai

Tek locked in battle. Her eyes narrowed as a quiet rage filled her. This was the man who had tried to
destroy her family. This was the man who had planned to kill the man she loved for his own power
hungry ego.

Jo began twirling the staff in her hand. It spun faster and faster until it was a blur of blades. She

hissed out a warning to Manota as Tai Tek fell backwards, drawing a laser pistol. Jo attacked, slicing
his arm to the bone. The pistol dropping as he screamed. Lifting the staff above her head, she drove it
all the way through Tai Tek’s chest.

“I am one of the prophesied warriors sent to unite the House of Kassis, you sorry-ass-son-of-a-

bitch,” Jo growled out as she twisted the staff. “You will not harm my people or anyone else ever

Manota jerked forward as Jo collapsed, a sob ripping from her chest as what she had done sunk

in. He looked up as Tony climbed over the fencing for the elephants. Tony paused as he saw Jo ’s
shaking shoulders and heard her quiet sobs.

“Is she okay?” He asked quietly.

Manota looked at the male who had saved his mate once again. His respect for the human grew as

he stood looking with concern at Jo. He would have to find some way of repaying him though he
didn’t think there was a treasure more valuable in the universe than what he was holding in his arms.

“She will be,” Manota said. “Can you inform the others that Tai Tek is dead?”

“Sure,” Tony replied glancing briefly at the dead man on the ground. “Remind me never to piss

her off when she has a staff in her hand.”

“You are such a dweeb, elephant man,” Jo’s muffled voice choked out.

“Yeah, but you still love me, circus girl,” Tony teased with a small grin.

Jo turned her head to look at the man who had changed so much since she first met him. Her gaze

softened as she realized that he had kept his promise to protect her. A promise he had sworn when he
was seventeen.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He shrugged as he looked up into the dark skies. “You know, I think I was meant to find you so

you could bring me here. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m home,” he said looking back at Jo
before he nodded to Manota. “Maybe that was why I needed to follow you around. I’ll go tell the

They both watched as Tony walked away. Jo shifted, her eyes falling on Tai Tek ’s body. A wave

of dizziness washed over her as she saw the staff sticking out of his chest. She looked up in distress at

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“Manota,” she whispered.

Manota brushed a strand of hair back from her damp forehead. “Yes, mi t’belle?”

“I need you to catch me,” she whispered as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Manota scooped Jo’s limp form up in his arms. A rueful smile on his face. His eyes glanced down

at Tai Tek’s stiffening body, a grin spread across his face as he realized the bastard was finally dead.
Killed by one of the prophesied warriors. It had taken all three of them to change the Houses of
Kassis and bring them together. No longer were they scattered, living their own lives. They were now
stronger – with a future. Manota suddenly heard Torak’s frantic voice in his comlink.

“I’m a father,” Torak announced excitedly. “I have a son!”

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Chapter 30

A month later:

“What happened to you?” Manota asked as his father strode into the room with a dark scowl on

his face.

He, Torak and Jazin were enjoying a brief get together after reviewing some of the data that was

pouring in from the additional accounts Tai Tek had. It would take months, possibly longer, to
discover just how far the deception had gone. He leaned back in his chair sipping a dark amber liquid
while his eyes followed his father.

Ajaska looked like he had been dragged through the twelve levels of Killian and back again. His

shirt was ripped in several places. There were four long rips across the front and another set of
smaller ones across the back of his thigh. His hair was disheveled and he looked angrier than any of
them had seen him in a long time.

“I need a drink,” he growled out.

He was walking over to pour a drink when they all heard Walter ’s loud voice echoing angrily

down the corridor. Ajaska poured a double shot of the potent liquor and drank it down in one
swallow before he poured another. He turned just as the small ringmaster and his wife came charging
through the door.

“Torak, I demand you do something!” Walter growled out. “I demand retribution.”

Torak’s eyes widened when he saw Walter’s red face and Nema’s concerned one. He rose from

his chair and ushered them over to the couch. He smiled as he watched Walter help his tiny wife up
onto the couch before he climbed up on it. Once they were comfortable, he nodded to the servant who
had hurried in to set a tray of refreshments down before leaving. Everyone in the palace knew that
Walter had a love for their dark root tea while Nema loved their fruit juice.

“What appears to be the problem?” Torak asked as he handed each of them their drink.

“I’ll tell you want the problem is,” Jo said. “This little guy has a triple dose of cuteness,” she

teased, giggling down at the infant in her arms.

She was carrying River and Torak’s son, Ajaska Jr. or AJ, in her arms. She brushed her lips over

his soft dark hair as she smiled tenderly down at her nephew. Her own figure was beginning to show
the slight bump in front. Her eyes collided with Manota’s for a brief moment. His eyes filled with
love as he watched her and the babe. He reluctantly released her gaze as Star came in behind her
sister with a grumble of discomfort.

“I can tell you what else is wrong,” Star said with a groan as she rubbed her back. Her rounded

belly sticking out in front of her. “Being the size of a soccer ball is a pain in the butt. Just so you
know, you are having the next one!” She said with a glare at Jazin who just grinned and held his arms
open for his tiny, rounded mate. He loved how her belly had swollen over the last month.

River came in a moment later carrying a small bag filled with the essentials for a newborn. She

set it down, pulling a small blanket out of it before reaching for AJ. She settled into one of the chairs

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and draped the blanket over the baby and across her chest. She quickly unbuttoned the tunic she was
wearing and breathed a sigh of relief when the infant drank greedily, relieving some of the pressure.
Torak’s eyes darkened as he heard his son suckling at his mother’s breast.

“Torak, did you hear me?” Walter demanded.

“What?” Torak said distractedly.

“He said Ristéard has kidnapped Ricki,” Manota said dryly. “He wants to know what we are

going to do about it.”

“I will contact him,” Ajaska said, trying to flatten the torn pieces of his shirt. “Now that his planet

is part of the Alliance, he’ll have to follow the guidelines. He can’t just kill any councilman that
doesn’t agree with him or kidnap females that he wants in his bed.”

“In his bed?!” Walter sputtered. “I’ll call him out! I’ll cut off his dick and feed it to those damn

tigers and lions that Katarina has.” He paused as he looked at Ajaska’s shirt. “It looks like you’ve met

Ajaska looked down at his shredded shirt. “You can say that. No one told me she had the damn

things living in her house,” he muttered.

“She should have told you that when she answered her door,” Walter said puzzled. “She always

tells everyone who comes to the door when she has them out.”

“I don’t think he was going through the door,” Manota responded with a sly look at his father’s

reddening face. “More like a window.”

“It was a door,” Ajaska said before he grinned. “It just happened to be the one to her bedroom


“Ajaska!” Jo, Star and River gasped at the same time.

“What?” He grinned again before he finished off his drink. “I think I need another drink.”

“What about my daughter?” Walter growled out. “What are you going to do?”

Ajaska shrugged his shoulders. “Kidnap her back,” he said with a mischievous grin. “Right from

under his royal blue nose.”

To be continued….. Ristéard’s Unwilling Empress: Lords of Kassis Book 4.

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Characters’ Relationships:

Ajaska Ja Kel Coradon, father of three sons,

mated to Katarina Bukov

Torak Ja Kel Coradon mated to River Knight

Jazin Ja Kel Coradon mated to Star Strauss

Manota Ja Kel Coradon mated to Jo Strauss

Alan and Tami Strauss parents of Jo and Star

Kev Mul Kar, Torak’s Captain of the Guard, mated to Jade RyanRyans, FBI agent

Jai t’Dubar mated to Mattie Abrams, animal trainer and handler

K’tar Sali, Manota’s Captain of the Guard (East House) and communications officer, mated to

Sunny, dancer/performer

Dakar Mul Kar mated to Annie Cabot, reporter

Jarmen mated to Jane Doe

Ristéard Roald, Grand Ruler: Elpidios mated to Ricki Bailey, circus coordinator and daughter of

Walter and Nema, owners of the circus

Armet De’hart, Jazin’s Captain of the Guard (West House) mated to Shannon Andrews, FBI


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Susan Smith has always been a romantic and a dreamer. An avid writer, she has spent years

writing, although it has usually been technical papers for college. Now, she spends her evenings and
weekends writing and her nights dreaming up new stories. An affirmed “geek,” she spends her days
working on computers and other peripherals. She enjoys camping and traveling when she is not out on
a date with her favorite romantic guy. Fans can reach her at


or visit her web




. Join me for additional information about the books at







and at my new book discussion forum at


Additional Books:

Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)

Capturing Cara (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 2)

Tracking Trisha (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 3)

Ambushing Ariel (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 4)

For the Love of Tia (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 4.1)

Cornering Carmen (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 5)

Paul’s Pursuit (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 6)

Choosing Riley (Sarafin Warriors: Book 1)

Lily’s Cowboys (Heaven Sent: Book 1)

Indiana Wild (Spirit Pass: Book 1)

River’s Run (Lords of Kassis: Book 1)

Star’s Storm (Lords of Kassis: Book 2)

Jo’s Journey (Lords of Kassis: Book 3)

Rescuing Mattie (Lords of Kassis: Book 3.1)

Tink’s Neverland (Cosmo’s Gateway: Book 1)

Hannah’s Warrior (Cosmos’ Gateway: Book 2)

Tansy’s Titan (Cosmos’ Gateway: Book 3)

Cosmos’ Promise (Cosmos’ Gateway: Book 4)

Gracie’s Touch (Zion Warriors: Book 1)

Document Outline


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