Rowena Sudbury Silent Night

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Silent Night * Rowena Sudbury



swirling snow shifted through the lights outside the huge plate

glass window. A few people idled about listlessly in the large room,
but it was the sort of night most people were snug at home in their
beds. A man huddled in a chair by the window, eyeing the falling snow
morosely. A harsh voice cut across the silence.

“Attention Northwest passengers. Worsening weather conditions

have delayed the following flights: 435 to Atlanta, 678 to Boise, 125 to
Los Angeles, and 448 to Raleigh-Durham. Passengers on these flights
are asked to report to the check-in gates for further information.”

“Shit,” Jonah mumbled, sliding down lower into his seat, the

collar of his leather jacket effectively obscuring his vision of the falling
snow. He felt dangerously close to tears.

It had been more than a week since he had been home. Usually

the team caught a break as they got closer to Christmas, but this year
he had volunteered for extra duty reading to homeless kids in Chicago
and visiting a pediatric ward in Boston. The final stop was to have
been here in Detroit, performing at a fund-raiser for a fledgling
wrestling school. He hadn’t counted on being stranded.

In his youth he’d had many delusions of grandeur. He was going

to be a football player, or a rock star, or maybe even a professional
skateboarder. Instead he was the top star with IEW, a third-rate
independent wrestling promotion that hardly caused a blip on the
radar of the sports entertainment world. Jonah Bratton was the


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daredevil, the man who had no care for his body or well-being. He was
the star because night after night people ooh’d and ahh’d over his
death-defying leaps from the top rope to the hard floor below. He took
chair shots to the head like they were nothing. He flipped and turned
his body with the ease of a gymnast. But he was only “on” when he
was in front of the crowd. Nights like this, he sank lower than low
after the release of adrenaline.

As this impromptu charity tour of his wrapped up, several of the

other boys on the roster had joined him at the fund-raiser. At times he
could be a regular Houdini, and he’d slipped them all and gone on to
the airport on his own. Sure, they’d all be heading for home tonight, it
was Christmas Eve after all, but if he could avoid their grasping hands,
he would. None of them were flying back to North Carolina anyway,
and he didn’t want to end up under the mistletoe with any of them. Or
so he thought.

The irritating sound of a cell phone behind him caused him to sit

upright and prepare to move, but the sound of the voice froze him in
his seat.

“Yeah. Well, looks like I’m stranded. What? Detroit.” There was a

silence and then a short laugh, “Tell me about it. I don’t know. Soon, I
hope.” After another brief silence, he heard a whispered “I miss you.”
After a pause the phone snapped shut and the voice whispered softly,
“Wish you missed me too.”

Cautiously, Jonah turned in his seat, taking in the profile of the

man behind him. He looked pensive, a muscle tensing in his jaw,
seemingly unaware of Jonah’s scrutiny. At last he pocketed the phone
and started to stand up.

“Hey, Max,” Jonah said softly.

Max turned, a scowl marring his handsome features. He looked


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at Jonah, not recognizing him.

“Look,” he said in irritation. “I don’t have time to give you an

autograph right now.”

Jonah sat up, his face emerging from the jacket, and he smiled. “I

don’t want your autograph, Max.”

As he realized who it was, the scowl left Max’s face and he

grinned. “Jonah. Jesus, son, you look like hell.”

Jonah shrugged. “You ain’t looking that good yourself,” he said.

Max chuckled and ran a hand over the stubble on his chin. “I was

hoping to be halfway home by now.”

Jonah twisted around in his seat, pulling his legs up under him.

“You mean to tell me that Seth likes that five o’clock shadow?”

Max shook his head ruefully. “Hell no, that’s why I always carry a

razor in my bag.” He sighed and said, “Of course, lately there’s not
much about me he does like,” so low under his breath that Jonah
barely heard him.

Before he could respond, a woman dressed in a uniform from the

airline approached them. She carried a clipboard and stopped next to
Jonah, bending her head close to his.

“Mr. Bratton? Your flight is going to be delayed for several more

hours, and most likely it won’t depart until tomorrow morning. If
you’d like, we can give you access to the private lounge.”

“Tomorrow?” Jonah said, his voice rising in dismay

“What about the flight to Atlanta?” Max asked hopefully.

“All the flights are delayed.” She turned to look out the window.

“With the blizzard, there’s a chance the Atlanta flight won’t depart


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until tomorrow as well, doesn’t show any signs of letting up
unfortunately. You’ll be more comfortable in the private lounge,

Jonah heaved a heavy sigh and stood. He turned to look down at

Max, “Care to join me?”

Max took a deep breath and then said, “Lead the way.”

As they followed the woman down the nearly deserted airport

corridor, each was silent, lost in their own thoughts. They were about
the same height, but that’s where the similarities ended. Jonah looked
like he could be a rock star: long hair, painted nails, a tattoo wrapping
around his neck. His jeans were torn at the knees and frayed at the
cuffs. His eyes were the most intense green. Max, on the other hand,
had closely cropped hair and was dressed in slacks and a heavy
blazer. Aside from the unshaven cheeks, he looked like he could be a
businessman. His eyes were a soft brown.

The lounge was spacious, with a couch, chair, and a wet bar in

one corner. The woman promised them that the door would remain
locked and that she’d call them if there were any changes in the flights.

After she left, Jonah reclined back in a large chair, a shot of Jack

Daniels balanced on his chest, socked feet propped on the low table in
front of him. Max made himself comfortable on the couch and nursed
a vodka tonic. They stared out the window at the swirling snow until
at last Max broke the silence.

“Damn, that tastes good. Been weeks since I had a drink.” The ice

rattled against the side of the glass as he lowered it to the table next to

Jonah gazed at him through narrowed eyes and then knocked

back the shot of Jack. He reached for the bottle and poured another.


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“That one of the things Seth doesn’t like about you?” He settled back in
the chair again.

Max grinned ruefully. “I was hoping you didn’t hear me say that.”

“I got good ears,” Jonah said, twirling the shot glass around in his


“That, me coming all the way to Detroit for this show, basically,

you name it, he’s got a gripe with it.” Max leaned back and put his feet
up on the table, crossing his ankles.

Jonah stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before saying, “Must

be nice to have someone though, a steady relationship.” He sighed and
sipped at the shot.

The ice clinked in the glass again as Max retrieved his glass and

swallowed the rest of the drink. “You mean to tell me a young stud like
you doesn’t ‘have’ anybody?” He chuckled as he set the empty glass on
the table.

Jonah rolled his head to the side, one eyebrow rising. “Me? The

whore of the locker room? Have someone?” He snorted and looked
back up at the ceiling. “Hardly.”

Max frowned. “Whore of the locker room? What are you talking


“Me, Max, I’m the whore. Want a quick blowjob? Go see Bratton.

Quick tumble, I’m the man. Everybody knows it.” Jonah downed the
rest of the shot and sat up to reach for the bottle again.

Quick as lightning, Max’s hand shot out and caught Jonah’s wrist.

Gently, he pried the bottle from his hand and set it aside. “I’m not on
the circuit anymore, remember? It was someone’s idea of a joke to
send me to this show, or maybe someone putting me in my place.
When I showed up, they all of a sudden didn’t need my comedy shtick.


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That’s why I cooled my heels in the back while you wowed ’em all
with your death-defying stunts. I’m a washed-up has-been, Jonah
Bratton, two steps away from being booted out on my ass.” He
continued to hold Jonah’s wrist loosely in his hand. “But I’ve never
thought of you as a whore, not by any means.”

Jonah’s eyes welled with tears, and he looked away as he pulled

his hand back. “Then you must be the Lone Ranger, man.”

Max sighed in frustration, and he sat back on the couch, running

a hand through his short hair. “Look, son, I was your age once. I know
it’s rough.” A muscle tensed in his jaw. “Wish I was there when they
tried that shit, because believe me, I’d like to set a few of them
assholes straight about a few things.”

Jonah remained silent, but Max could see his shoulders shook

just a little. The soft spot in his heart, the one he had to keep hidden
from Seth lest he be tormented about it, grew and he could feel Jonah’s
anguish. At last, Jonah raised a hand to his face, and Max watched as
he struggled to regain his composure.

“They don’t want to be set straight, though,” Jonah mumbled at

last. “They’ve been doing it forever.” He turned red-rimmed eyes on
Max. “Wouldn’t much appreciate having their fun squelched.” He
shrugged. “I can handle it though.” His cheeks quivered a little as he
smiled. “I’m damn good at it, so they don’t give me a bad time. Hell,
sometimes they even pay me.”

Max’s eyes closed, and he gritted his teeth. “It ain’t right, Jonah;

no one should be treated that way.”

“Forget about it. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Jonah sighed

and sat up straight in the chair. “I just, well,” he paused, biting on his
lip for a moment, “I guess I just envy what you have with Seth.”


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“It ain’t what it looks like,” Max said. Immediately after, soft color

stained his cheeks and his eyes fluttered open. “I mean, fuck. I guess I
shouldn’t have said anything, either. Seth’s been bitter ever since IEW
let him go with best wishes on his future endeavors.”

Jonah grinned over at him ruefully. “Well, we make a lovely pair

then, huh? Christmas Eve, we’re in the armpit of the world, and we’re
making asses of ourselves with each other.”

Before he could stop them, the words were out of Max’s mouth.

“Couldn’t think of anyone I’d rather do it with, though.”

Jonah gasped, color draining from his face.

“Shit, Jonah, I didn’t mean that like it sounded,” Max said,

dropping his feet to the floor.

“How did you mean it, then?” Jonah asked quietly.

“I mean….” Max ran his hand over his hair again, looking

agitated. “I like you. I always have.” He stopped, swallowed hard, and
then gripped his hands together in his lap.

Very slowly, Jonah slipped out of his chair and crawled the short

distance across the floor toward the couch. He knelt by Max’s feet and
gazed up into his eyes.

“I like you, too, Max. Truth be told, if I envy what you have with

Seth, it’s because I envy Seth.” He reached up and put his hand on
Max’s knee. “You know Seth and I don’t really see eye to eye. We came
on the circuit around the same time, and even though he’s a foot taller
and seventy-five pounds heavier, we did the same flipping twists off
the ropes. He thinks I stole the move from him, but truth is he stole it
from me.” He was silent for a moment, “After a while, when I realized
that you and Seth were together, that was just one more thing to make
me hate him all the more.”


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Very slowly, Max unclasped his hands. He reached out and

cupped the side of Jonah’s face gently, his eyes speaking volumes.
“Listen, son,” he said very softly, his vodka-scented breath whispering
past Jonah’s cheek, “I don’t want this to look like I’m taking advantage
of you.”

Jonah’s smile lit up his entire face. He rose up on his knees, his

hands snaking up Max’s legs to rest on his hips. “Maybe,” he said with
a wink, “I’m the one taking advantage. Ever think about it that way?”

“Shit,” Max whispered, “If that’s what you’re doing, then do it.”

He sat back on the couch. “Take advantage.”

In the blink of an eye, the dynamic had shifted from two friends

making the best of a bad situation to a sharing of intimacy. With
nimble fingers, Jonah unbuckled Max’s belt; the sound of the zipper
was loud in the quiet room, and they both shivered with anticipation.
Max lifted his hips as Jonah eased his pants down. He cupped Max’s
stiffening cock through the cotton fabric of his briefs, a corner of pink
tongue swiping across his lips.

“Jesus,” Max moaned as the briefs slid down his hips.

“Shhh, Max,” Jonah whispered as he settled between Max’s

splayed legs. He reached up and ran his hand over Max’s cock,
watching it lengthen even more. “She did say the door was locked.”

Max’s breath caught in his throat as he watched Jonah’s black-

tipped nails trace over the tip, then down the pulse along the
underside, farther to cup and fondle his balls. One hand gripped the
arm of the couch; the other reached out to tangle in Jonah’s hair.

Jonah looked up, his eyes catching and holding Max’s as he

slowly rose up on his knees. He slid his hand lower, gently easing
Max’s erection upright, and then he closed his mouth over the tip.


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“Fuck.” The word nearly exploded from Max’s mouth, and his

head rolled back on the couch.

Exerting pressure with his lips, Jonah slowly worked his way

down Max’s cock until his nose nudged against Max’s belly. His tongue
swirled around as he rose back up again and lightly nipped with his
teeth. “Good?” he asked as he blew across the wet tip.

“Fucking hell, Jonah,” Max said, the muscles in his legs tensing.

“It’s incredible.”

Jonah’s lips curved into a sensual smile, and Max watched as his

cock disappeared into Jonah’s warm mouth again. His hand tightened
in Jonah’s hair, and his eyes slipped closed as he gave himself up to the
heavenly feeling. Using both mouth and tongue, Jonah stimulated him
slowly, sending the waves of pleasure through him.

“Can’t last much longer, Jonah,” Max said at last, his voice a

broken wail.

“I’ll take it all, Max,” Jonah said, the tip of Max’s cock still in his

mouth, “Swallow everything you give me.”

Max groaned, Jonah’s words triggering an exquisite release.

Unable to hold back, his hips jerked up toward Jonah’s mouth, and his
groan as he shot down his throat sent tingling sensations coursing
through him. “Fuck,” he murmured at last.

Jonah continued to squeeze the base of Max’s cock gently,

milking the last of his release from him, his mouth still closed tightly
around the tip. Finally, Max regained himself enough to pull Jonah up
from the floor and into his lap. He kissed him deeply, shivering, as he
tasted his release inside the younger man’s mouth.

Jonah snuggled contentedly in Max’s arms, one hand curled

tightly in his lap, the other caressing the back of Max’s neck. They sat


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in silence for several moments until at last, Max shifted Jonah back a
little, his hand teasing against the exposed part of Jonah’s belly.

“My turn,” he said softly.

“Mmm,” Jonah moaned. “No, Max, that’s not how it works.

Nobody takes turns with me, I give, you take, end of story.”

“Jonah,” Max said a little sternly. “The boys may treat you like a

whore, but that don’t mean I would.”

Jonah looked up at him, his lip caught between his teeth, his face

a mask of longing. With a stifled growl, Max tipped Jonah off his lap
and settled him back on the couch. Carefully, he unbuttoned Jonah’s
jeans and slid them down. He smiled; purple silk boxers seemed
appropriate for Jonah. As he eased them down, he couldn’t help but
groan a little in anticipation. Jonah’s cock was long and hard,
glistening at the tip as it lay against his belly. Max reached down,
cupping Jonah’s smooth balls in his hand as he bent down and kissed
his lips again.

“Oh Max,” Jonah said softly, tears springing to his eyes again at

the unaccustomed tender care.

“Hush, son,” Max admonished, sliding lower, spreading Jonah’s

legs wide. He hooked one up over the back of the couch and pushed
the other one up and out of his way. With one long lick, he ran his
tongue up Jonah’s length, sucking the drops of pre-cum from the tip.

Jonah continued to moan as Max’s mouth closed over him. He

raised his arms over his head and gave up to the heady sensation of
Max’s lips and tongue. “It’s good, Max.”

Max pulled up and sat back to gaze upon Jonah’s body. He laid his

hand on Jonah’s knee and murmured, “I want more than this, Jonah.”

Eyelids fluttering, Jonah opened vibrant green eyes and


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shuddered involuntarily at the intensity that passed between them.
“Take what you want, Max, whatever you want.”

Max backed from the couch and stood. He stepped out of his

pants and toed his shoes off. “Don’t move,” he said.

“I ain’t going nowhere,” Jonah said softly, and he reached down

to stroke his own cock lazily.

In two steps Max was across the room to double-check the door,

and then he dug in the outer pocket of his carry-on and unearthed a
small bottle of lube.

“Were you hoping to get lucky?” Jonah drawled softly when Max


“Nah,” Max said, tucking the bottle into Jonah’s hand, “just makes

it easier to, you know, daydream when I’m by myself.” He winked and
resumed his seat on the couch. He reached for his glass and took
another drink of the now watery vodka tonic.

Jonah bowed up and barely stifled the howl when Max closed icy

lips over his length again. He slid all the way down, braced his hand
around the base and pulled up, this time flicking his tongue over the
tip. “Damn, son, you taste good.”

A wordless moan was all Jonah could muster in response. It had

been a long time since he’d gotten more than a rough hand job in
return for a blowjob, and Max’s words sent him spiraling into an alien

Max pressed gentle fingers down between the halves of Jonah’s

ass and caressed gently over his fluttering hole. He ran his tongue
around the tip of Jonah’s cock and then slid down again, scraping with
his teeth as he rose up. Jonah held the lube tightly; warming it in his
palm, Max gently pried it free and poured a stream into his hand. He


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slicked his fingers and slid them back again; this time he pushed one
long finger inside Jonah and slid his other hand up under the edge of
Jonah’s shirt. He found and pinched his nipple as he sank his finger all
the way in and swept his thumb over Jonah’s balls.

Jonah clutched the back of the couch, his body tense for just a

moment, and then he relaxed, opened his eyes a crack and watched.
He moaned again as Max eased his finger free and then slid two inside,
this time Max twisted them against the tight ring of muscles.

Rucking Jonah’s shirt up higher Max bent closer and pressed his

tongue flat against an exposed nipple. As he twisted his fingers inside
Jonah’s passage, Max teased at the nipple with lips, tongue, and teeth.

Now that their positions shifted, Jonah unclenched his hand from

the back of the couch and reached down to take Max’s cock into his
hand, stroking and teasing him to erection again.

“Damn, you’re hot, Jonah,” Max whispered against Jonah’s chest.

“You’re hot, too, Max,” Jonah mewled. “I haven’t felt this way


“Shhh,” Max murmured as he transferred his attention to Jonah’s

other nipple. “You’ll feel it again…” and he bit down on Jonah’s nipple
and then immediately soothed it with his tongue.

The couch was narrow, but they settled into a rhythm, Jonah’s

leg up over Max’s shoulder, Max’s foot braced against the floor. When
Max eased up to find Jonah’s lips again, he pressed three fingers inside
and held. Jonah gripped Max’s cock tightly and feathered his thumb
over the tip.

“I want you, Max,” Jonah whispered against Max’s opened mouth.

Max growled and reached for the lube again, but Jonah writhed

up against him. “Now, I’m ready for you now.” Most of the time his


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partners were rough with him; this gentleness was something he
liked, even though he wasn’t used to it.

“Easy,” Max crooned. He pulled back and met Jonah’s eyes. He

caressed Jonah’s cheek, and then as Jonah released him, he guided
himself, pushed against Jonah’s hole, and for a moment just held his

Jonah opened his mouth, and as Max began to slide inside, he

arched his neck. “Oh fuck, that’s good, Max.”

Twisting their bodies and keeping himself lodged in Jonah’s

passage, Max changed positions until he sat on the couch with Jonah
facing him on his lap. With feverish fingers Jonah unbuttoned Max’s
shirt and then swept his fingers over his chest. Max tucked his hands
under Jonah’s shirt again and pushed it up over his head. They bent
their heads close together.

“So tight, Jonah, feels so good.”

Jonah reached down to steady the base of his cock, and then he

bent forward and claimed Max’s mouth for a kiss. “Fuck me,” he

Max clamped his hands on Jonah’s hips, pushing him up and

letting him settle back down. He reached up to clamp his hand around
Jonah’s cock and stroked as Jonah bounced up and down, and then he
growled in frustration. “Not enough.”

Twisting again, he pulled out and turned Jonah to kneel on the

couch. He pushed in from behind, clamped his hands tightly on Jonah’s
hips and began to rock against him. “Yes, fuck, yes….”

Jonah buried his cheek against the sofa cushion and gripped his

own cock. He pushed back against each thrust and stroked himself,
heard Max’s breathing hitch as he neared release. He felt Max’s body


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shudder, heard his growl of release, and let go, driven to orgasm just
by the feel of Max’s shaft hitting against his spot. He reached up and
dug his nails into the arm of the couch as the colorful lights of the
most intense release he’d felt in years racked his body. He was only
vaguely aware of Max pulling out.

Max collected the pillows from the back of the couch and tossed

them to the floor. In a basket on the floor beside the couch was a stack
of airplane blankets. Gently he eased Jonah against the back of the
couch, then curled his own body down in front of him, and covered
them both with a blanket. Face to face, their foreheads touched.

“That was….” Jonah’s voice trailed off, and he reached down to

brush the backs of his fingers against Max’s crotch.

“Shhh.” Max eased forward to brush his lips over Jonah’s. “It’s too

bad we missed Christmas Eve at home, but….”

“It’s the best Christmas—” Jonah broke off, afraid to say too

much, to seem too needy.

“I heard you, Jonah,” Max said, “when you said you haven’t felt

this way since, and I completed what you stopped yourself from
saying. It’s a damn shame you don’t have anyone to make you feel like
this, because you sure deserve it.”

Jonah curled closer, too overcome to respond.

“Truth be told, this was a hell of a lot better than I’d have gotten

at home.” Max reached down to press a finger against Jonah’s lips,
stopping him from responding. “Change can be good for a body
sometimes. Ever hear that old saying about making a silk purse out of
a sow’s ear?”

Jonah nodded and looped his arm up over Max’s back.

“Well, I wouldn’t have thought of you as a sow’s purse, but you’re


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smoother than silk, that’s for sure.”

“Damnit, Max, gruff old man like you, where’d you learn such

flowery language?”

“Watch your mouth, son,” Max said with mock severity, “I ain’t

no more than six or seven years older than you. Hush up now and get
some shut eye.”

Jonah snuggled closer and whispered against Max’s chest. “Merry

Christmas, old man.”

Max grunted, “Same to you, young whippersnapper.”

* * *



woke first the next morning, stiff and cold on the

uncomfortable couch. He eased up and looked toward the window; it
was frosted over. He sighed and settled back down, wiggling in closer
against Max’s warmth.

Max stirred, shifted, and pulled Jonah up on top of him before

opening his eyes.

“Mornin’,” he rumbled.

“It’s Christmas.” Jonah’s voice was hoarse.

“Looks like I was a good boy,” Max said, “Santa brought me a


Jonah smiled and snuggled down against Max’s warm body. “It’s


“Mmm, wonder if it’s still snowing out there,” Max said as he

looped his arms up around Jonah’s body.

“Probably,” Jonah said, “but I ain’t getting up to go check.”


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“I kind of hope it is,” Max murmured. “Still snowing.”

“Yeah, but if it is, then you won’t get home to Seth for Christmas,”

Jonah said softly.

“Mmm,” Max said as he closed his eyes, “Somehow I don’t think

he’d mind all that much.”

Jonah propped himself up on his elbow traced a finger over

Max’s face. “You know, I said I had good hearing, there was something
else you said last night, about how you wished he missed you too

“Jesus, son,” Max said. “Can’t I have any secrets?”

“You got lots of secrets, I’m sure,” Jonah whispered.

Max eased back; his head propped against the arm of the couch

so that he could meet Jonah’s eyes. He trailed a hand up his back,
“When you said you hadn’t felt that way since, I think you didn’t go on
because you don’t remember the last time someone treated you like

Jonah tipped his head down, looked away from Max’s intense

gaze, “Like what, Max?”

“You know what I mean. It’s been a long time since someone

made love to you instead of just fucked you.”

A shiver chased down Jonah’s spine, and he pressed his lips

against Max’s chest. “You make me greedy, Max. It’s fuck all early in
the morning, I bet we have time for another round.”

“No,” Max said, he slid his hand down to cup Jonah’s ass. “Next

round is you and me in bed, and I make love to you the way you really
deserve. With candles, music, and rose petals.”

Jonah drew in his breath, and another shiver chased down his


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“You’re cold, Jonah,” Max whispered. “Get up and get dressed.”

“No,” Jonah said a little more forcefully than he meant to. “I’m not

cold.” He pushed up again. “Did you mean it?”

“I ain’t in the habit of lying, Jonah Bratton,” Max said. “Now get

up so I can go and change my flight.”


“I’m flying to Raleigh with you so you can have a proper

Christmas, and no arguments.”

Jonah’s eyes grew round and he said, “For real?”

“Yes, for real,” Max said with a hint of irritation, “I just said I ain’t

no liar.”

“What if I don’t want you to come?” Jonah said.

“Anyone ever told you that you’re a brat?” Max asked. He shifted

so that Jonah lay facing him again, and he reached down to close his
hand around Jonah’s stirring erection. “This right here proves you
want me.” He tightened his grip. “And I sure as hell want you too.”

Jonah slid his hand down and closed it around Max’s hard length.

He leaned up and kissed him, and the kiss turned hard and insistent as
they gripped one another tighter.

“Fuck,” Max said breathlessly when the kiss broke, “I have to

have you, airline be damned.”

Jonah rose up, tossed the blanket aside and reached for the

bottle of lube. “If they come in, they’ll get a show they won’t never
forget.” He straddled over Max’s body and poured a stream of lube
down over Max’s cock.


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“Christ, that’s cold.” Max groaned as he reached up to clamp his

hands over Jonah’s hips.

“I’ll warm you up right now,” Jonah said, and he pushed himself

up awkwardly, reached down to spread himself open and lowered
himself down on Max’s erection. He threw his head back, long hair
skimmed over his back, and he opened his mouth in a prolonged wail.

Max raised his knees and eased them up against Jonah’s back. He

reached up to close his hand over Jonah’s erection and whispered,
“Hot, like fire.”

Jonah splayed his hands out over Max’s chest and began to raise

and lower himself, his face a mask of pure abandon. Max stroked in
counter rhythm and bucked up against each of Jonah’s downward

“Fuck, that’s good,” Max groaned, and he arched up against Jonah

as his orgasm broke.

Jonah threw his head back; mouth open in a long keening cry as

his cum roped over Max’s body. He settled and opened his eyes, “I
think you’re right,” he said breathlessly, “You better see if you can
change your flight.”

Max smiled, and eased Jonah up. “And you better get dressed

before we do give these people a show they won’t never forget.”

Jonah grinned impishly, and they both dressed hurriedly. Max

sat to pull on his shoes just as a knock came on the door.

“Mr. Bratton? Your flight for Raleigh-Durham leaves in an hour.”

It was a different attendant, and she kept her eyes averted as she
poked her head around the door. “You’ll have time to have a
complimentary breakfast before you board.”

Max dug his ticket out of the pocket of his carry-on bag, “I was


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Silent Night * Rowena Sudbury

wondering if you could possibly change my ticket.” He walked over
and handed it to her. “I’m slated for Atlanta, but I’d like to get on that
Raleigh flight if there’s room.”

“I think that can be arranged,” she said. “Come and see me at the

ticket counter before you board.” She looked over at Jonah; “You can
call for that breakfast on the courtesy phone. And Merry Christmas to
both of you.”

Max smiled, “Likewise,” he said.

Once she left he came over to sit next to Jonah as he called for

breakfast. “Can’t think of a better way to spend Christmas,” he said.

“I heard that,” Jonah said as he set the receiver back in the cradle.

He scooted over and put his arms around Max’s neck. “And I couldn’t
agree more.”


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Mistletoe Madness?

The Dreamspinner Press 2009 Advent Calendar is available at

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lives in southern California with her husband, son,

and their wonderful rescue dog. Her love of reading was born in the
fifth grade, and she began writing soon after that. Writing has always
been her passion and escape from the real world.

Rowena finds herself thinking through the minds of her characters
quite often, to the point that she always has to carry a small journal
with her so she can capture their thoughts and weave them into
stories when she gets home.

Visit Rowena’s blog at and
e-mail her at

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Silent Night ©Copyright Rowena Sudbury, 2009

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of
the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Paul Richmond
Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any
means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal
prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally
loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the
express permission of the publisher. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact
Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite 244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

Released in the United States of America
December 2009

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-325-4

Document Outline


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