Lifestyle by Design 2 Heart Robber

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Table of Contents




























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Heart Robber

(Lifestyle By Design Book 2)

By Miranda P. Charles



2012 Miranda P. Charles

All Rights Reserved

Published by: March Dynamics Pty Ltd

Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)

Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, locations, organisations and events described in this novel are either products of the

author's imagination, fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any event, locale or person, living or dead, is purely

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Jessa Allen was vaguely aware she was staring with undisguised interest at the most attractive man
she had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. But it was just that - vague. If someone shoved a
mirror in front of her so she could see her dreamy eyes, dilated pupils and slightly open mouth that
was almost drooling, she would have blushed darker than beetroot red.

She wasn't the type to openly gawk at handsome men. She was more subtle and reserved than

that. But this hunk that exuded masculinity with jet black hair and mischievous gray eyes affected her
with unexpected potency. She hadn't even noticed that she'd stopped mingling with the other guests
who attended Megan Carson's charity fund-raising event. From the moment they were introduced to
each other by the host after dinner, she had been stuck to his side, unable to move a single step away
from his magnetic force.

"In so many respects, I just got really lucky," Rob Granger said with a self-deprecating smile that

pulled her attention to his lips. "I still remember the moment when I realised how quickly my
business had grown. I got a big jolt. So I decided I better treat it more seriously. Anyway, enough
about my business." Rob changed the subject. "It must be fun writing for a magazine as popular as
Lifestyle by Design."

"Oh, it is," she answered distractedly. For the umpteenth time, she wondered what it would be

like to be kissed by those full, sexy lips.

"If I wasn't running a marketing consultancy firm, you know what kind of work I'd love to have?"

Rob asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"What?" She gave herself a mental shake and tried to focus on what was coming out of Rob's

mouth instead of what it would feel like against hers.

"I was thinking it would be great to have a job where not only do I get to interview owners of top

restaurants, tourism businesses and high-end professional services in Australia but I also get to
sample their offerings so I could write about them. Imagine getting paid to do that." Rob paused as if
he remembered something. "Oh, that's right. That's what you do," he teased.

She laughed. "I must admit I do have a great job. That's why when the opportunity arose, I didn't

hesitate to move from Melbourne to here in Sydney."

"I read your article on David's on this month's edition of Lifestyle. Sounds like a great restaurant

to try out."

"Yes, you really should go there one time. Their food's great."
"Maybe you and I can go."
Huh? Jessa was momentarily speechless, unable to believe what she'd just heard. "Sorry, what

did you say?"

"I said maybe you and I can go have dinner at David's. Are you free, say, Tuesday?"
"Uh, yes, that would be great." She was thankful she was able to respond without showing the

astonishment she felt. Men like Rob didn't look twice at someone like her.

She came to Megan's charity event to support a good cause, not to get a date, but she was

definitely not complaining! To think that before tonight, she was feeling melancholic that she was
still single whereas her three closest friends had all found someone special. Then, the most gorgeous
man at the function asked her out to dinner. Who would have thought?

"Rob! There you are!"
They both looked to see Megan approach them with a lady who must be in her early sixties.

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"Sorry, are we interrupting something?" Megan asked.
"No, of course not," Jessa answered.
"I just want to introduce Rob to the lady from whom he bought the box of wine," Megan said with

a big grin. "Rob, this is my future aunt-in-law, Bonnie Smithson. She donated that box of wine you
won at the auction."

"It's great to meet you, Bonnie. Thank you for donating the wine. They're one of my favourites.
"Well, thank you for bidding for them, Rob. Just make sure you don't drink them all in one

sitting," Bonnie said with a hearty laugh. "Now I heard you run a successful business. How old are

Bonnie shook her head in awe. "So young." She proceeded to tell them the story of how she and

her husband George almost became bankrupt twice while trying to build their business just as Jessa's
attention was caught by her friends Clarise and Faye motioning for her to come over to them.

She dragged her feet away from Rob to walk towards her friends.

"Hey, girls, what's up?"

When Jessa moved to Sydney to take up a senior writing and editing role at Lifestyle by Design

magazine four years ago, she instantly bonded with her work colleague Clarise Carson, and Faye
Summers, Clarise's best friend. These two women plus Victor Michaels, the head graphic designer at
the magazine, were now her best and dearest friends.

"You tell us, Jess," Faye said teasingly. "You seem to be busy with a certain someone tonight."
Her eyes lit up with wonder. "You wouldn't believe this, girls. I don't believe it myself. But that

sexy man, Rob Granger, asked me out to dinner."

"Okay, before I say what I have to say, why are you so surprised?" Clarise asked with a hint of

challenge in her voice.

"Clarise, I know you only have eyes for Will but have you seen Rob?"
"Yes, and?"
"He's gorgeous!"
"Sure, and?" Clarise's impatience was obvious.
Jessa turned to Faye who was looking at her with a censuring look. She shook her head at them

fondly. "You know what I mean. Men like Rob who look like they belong on the pages of a magazine
don't usually go for someone pretty average like me."

Faye put her hands on her hips and Clarise folded her arms across her chest. Both glared at her.
"Okay, granted I'm not unpleasant to look at, maybe I'm even pretty to some people, but you have

to admit I'm still quite average. In the looks department, I'm not in the league of women such as you
two." She smiled at her stunning friends with a tinge of envy. They were truly hot. And so were
their boyfriends.

Clarise and Faye stared at her like she was growing horns.
"Jessa Allen, are you kidding me? We obviously still have a lot of work to do with your self-

esteem issue!" Faye said incredulously.

"Hey, I'm just stating a fact. The last two guys I went out with were blind dates introduced by

Aunt Evelyn. I hardly ever get asked out. So when a seriously gorgeous guy asks me out, I'm
shocked. Thrilled, but shocked."

Clarise shook her head in disbelief and exchanged a look with Faye. "We need to do the JAB

again. I'll get Victor." Faye nodded gravely.

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Jessa sighed, resigned at what was about to happen. She watched as Clarise walked towards the

bar area where Victor was chatting with a group of people. Before Clarise got to Victor, her
boyfriend, Will Matthews, stopped her for a quick kiss and a hug. His reluctance at letting her go
was obvious. He watched her longingly until she reached Victor before going back to his friends.

Jessa felt a certain sadness mixed with envy envelope her. She wanted that, too - wanted someone

to love and look at her like that, like she was the only woman in the world.

At twenty-eight she had had two boyfriends. They were nice enough, but the relationships she had

with them didn't have much passion. It didn't take long for the little spark that was there to die down.
There was nothing to fan it to flames.

When Clarise came back with Victor, Faye dragged them all inside the house into the quiet living
room, away from the party going on outside the manicured gardens of Megan's future parents-in-law.

Jessa's palms started to sweat. She knew her friends meant well. It got irritating sometimes but

she loved them for it. But they hadn't been and wouldn't be able to convince her that she was as much
of a man-magnet as they were.

Her life story had proven that to her. She was always surrounded by people more attractive and

vibrant than she was. She had learnt to accept she would never command attention like her younger
sister did, or her school friend Iris, or her previous flatmate Anna, or her three best friends who were
now ready to put her through another round of JAB - the Jessa Allen Booster. They believed she had
low self-esteem issues when it came to men and relationships. Well, sure, she probably did. But for
good reasons.

"Wouldn't Megan mind that we're in here when she has a function going on outside?" she worried.
"I could call my sister right now and she would be happy to join us for the JAB," Clarise said,

knowing Megan wouldn't mind at all. "The charity auction is finished. Everyone's in party mode

Jessa took a deep breath. "Okay, then."
"Why don't we do it differently this time? I'd like to try something different." Faye had a

determined look about her that she often had when she was ready to whip someone's ass with her

"Sure," Clarise and Victor responded readily while Jessa winced.
Faye was a lovely person with a sharp tongue that could cut you with its honesty. She would tell

you what you need to know, not what you want to hear. As a senior career consultant at one of
Australia's leading career consulting firms, this trait had been very effective and beneficial to her

"Don't worry, Jess. I'm not going to bite you. I just want you to answer me this," Faye said in a

quiet voice that commanded a no-bullshit answer. "Why do you think you're so average that it was
such a surprise to you Rob asked you out to dinner?"

"Why?" Jessa repeated with a surprised look. This wasn't the usual Jessa Allen Booster. The

JAB typically had her friends taking turns telling her where they thought she was beautiful and
attractive to the point that she got embarrassed enough she would pretend to agree with them so they
would stop. Now Faye wanted her to talk about the ugly truth? Okay, not so ugly but definitely not so
beautiful either.

"Yes. Why, Jessa?"
"Well … because men as good-looking as Rob tend to get attracted to women who are as

attractive as they are. You know, the model types."

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"And apart from your height which is admittedly a little too short for the runway, why do you think

you're not attractive enough to be a model?"

She snorted at Faye's reference to her height. Whichever way you look at it - five foot three or

one hundred sixty centimetres - she undeniably didn't have a model's height.

"I need an answer, Jess."
"I don't look like one."
"And why is that?"
"Why don't I look like a model?"
"What do you mean? I just don't look like one."
"So tell me exactly why you don't look like a model, Jessa."
Jessa turned to Clarise and Victor for a bit of help but they simply appeared riveted at the

conversation going on between her and Faye. They were content to let Faye run this the way she
wanted. She couldn't blame them. Faye had helped them work on some of their issues just by being
blunt, direct and relentless.

She squirmed in her seat. What did Faye want to hear? What else could she say? She was simply

not attractive enough.

"My face is not that pretty," she said.
"Really now? Do you remember the magazine we were looking at the other day? The one where

this girl had a make-over? Wasn't it you who said she went from drab and daggy to hot and sexy?"

"But that's different! She had some professional help. And who knows? Maybe they airbrushed

her picture or something."

"Haven't we encouraged you to have a make-over, Jess? We're more than ready to bet you'd be

surprised at the result."

"What good would that do?" she scowled. Every once in a while she would dress up, especially

when she went to important client meetings and special occasions, like tonight. But she didn't see the
point in having a make-over. It would be a waste of time, money and effort.

"See, this here is the problem," Faye said with an exasperated sigh and a sweep of her arm at her.
"What?" she whined.
"You don't make an effort because you don't believe it's worth it, right?"
"Hmm," she replied cautiously in a non-committal way.
"Why isn't it worth the effort?" Faye asked in a demanding tone.
"Who'd notice anyway?"
"Ah! So how come Rob asked you out, huh?"
"That's why I'm so surprised by it!"
She couldn't believe they were having this conversation. Rob asking her out was a big surprise. It

wasn't something that happened all the time. She wasn't like Faye or Clarise who never lacked male

A thought occurred to her. "Hey, I think I know why Rob asked me out. It seems I'm the only

single girl here tonight."

Loud groans came out from all of her three friends.
"Look, guys, that's just the way it is," she said with a shrug. She wasn't very pretty and there was

nothing she could do about that. It certainly wasn't a crime. She couldn't understand why her friends
wouldn't accept it.

"Jess, the only reason why we're always at you about this is because we want you to see what we

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see," Faye said as if reading her mind. "Quite frankly, it's annoying when you mope around and say
you want to find 'The One' but you hold yourself back with your lack of self-confidence about your
looks. You're not just brains. You're beauty and brains. You are attractive. We have eyes, you
know, so we know what we're talking about. We just don't know what you see when you look at
yourself in the mirror."

Tears sprung to her eyes. She was lucky to have friends who see her as beautiful. But there was

nothing special about her straight, long black hair, hazel eyes and petite frame. She was simply
plainer than what they said she was. Wasn't that the reason why Jasmine, her pretty younger sister,
attracted four guys she had huge crushes on that Jasmine even ended up dating all of them? Or why
her big infatuation Michael chose to go out with her previous best friend even though she was the one
who had the guts to approach him at the bar? All Michael could say to her was 'your friend's really
beautiful'. That said it all. She wasn't. She knew it from when she was a kid.

She stood up and threw her arms wide open. "Group hug."
"Oh, Jess!" her three friends cried at the same time as they gave her big bear hugs.
"Are you okay?" Victor asked.
"Of course, I'm okay. Listen, there are only very few people in this world who are truly gorgeous

inside and out. For some bizarre reason, I'm lucky enough to be best friends with three of them. As
equally bizarre is the fact that one of the hottest men I've ever seen had asked me out. I'm not going to
question that and ruin my fun. I'm just going to enjoy the fact that it happened. I certainly don't get that

Clarise and Faye looked at each other.
"Jess," Clarise said gently, "just thought I'd let you know Rob just recently broke up with his

girlfriend. He's not looking for a serious relationship at this point, just some fun. He said as much to
Will earlier today."

"Oh." She was surprised at the pang of disappointment that hit her. She had learnt long ago not to

get her hopes up with any first dates but she felt a connection with Rob she couldn't quite put a finger
on. It's my attraction to his face and body. He's too good-looking, she thought to herself.

"Yeah," Clarise continued. "I mean, you can still go out with him and enjoy being taken out to

dinner. He seems like a nice enough guy as long as you don't expect anything more than just to have
fun with him."

"Well, it's not an issue with me. I wasn't expecting someone like him to fall for me anyway. It'll

just be great to have dinner with someone seriously gorgeous."


"When do you go back to Melbourne, Rob?"

"Next Saturday," Rob answered Will Matthews, his long-time friend. They've known each other

since their early teens, having went to school together. When he moved to Melbourne five years ago,
they kept in touch and remained close friends. "But I'll be back here again pretty soon, probably in
three weeks' time or so," he continued. "I'd really like to establish a strong client base here. I'd like
to target some of the larger Sydney-based corporate firms."

"Well, let me know what I can do to help you," Will replied. "You've been a big help to me for

my Melbourne branch. I already have some high profile clients lined up to use my company's travel
services because of your marketing strategy."

"Thanks … I'll definitely … let you know," he responded in a distracted tone, his attention shifting


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He was startled by Will's call. "Huh?"
"What's going on?"
"You better not be staring at Clarise."
He chuckled. "C'mon, Will. Would I do that to you?"
Will narrowed his eyes at him. "It's Jessa then. You do know Jessa is one of Clarise's best

friends so I hope you don't have her on your list of potential playmates. I don't think she's that kind of

"Hey, I just find her work fascinating. Maybe I can have an article written for my business in


"Oh, right. That's a great idea. A good article there can attract loads of new clients for you.

Mine's coming out in a couple of months."

"I've asked her out to dinner," he blurted out.
"Oh? To butter her up so she would do a good write-up for you? They don't work like that, you

know. They don't do any favours when it comes to their work. They're pretty objective."

"And Clarise is being objective with you?" he ribbed Will. "When it's so obvious the two of you

are so hopelessly in love it's gag-worthy?"

Will grinned, clearly enjoying the thought of Clarise being hopelessly in love with him. There

was no denying he was hopelessly in love with her. "Clarise isn't writing the article for me, Jessa is.
And both of them have warned me several times they're not going to treat me differently from anyone
else. It's their careers and reputation on the line, after all."

"I'm not looking for favours."
"So, then, you want to go out with her because …?"
Rob shrugged. He asked Jessa out because he found her attractive. She wasn't the type he usually

dated but there was something alluring about her. From the way she looked at him earlier, it was
clear the attraction was mutual.

It just occurred to him that there could be complications because of her friendship with Clarise.

He didn't think about that. But, then, that shouldn't matter if Jessa also found him attractive, should it?
And it was only going to be one dinner - and maybe some fooling around in bed if she'd be okay with
it. If she wasn't up for that, then no problem. There'd be other takers.

"I'm sure she can look after herself, Will. She can suss me out and make her own decision. I

won't deliberately mislead her."

After Andrea, his last girlfriend, Rob had made a decision to be upfront with the women he asked

out. He thought Andrea knew the score perfectly well so it came as a shock to him when she
demanded they get engaged. He only agreed to be exclusive with her because it served them both.
Theirs was a relationship of convenience tied with sexual compatibility, not commitment. That was
the only kind of relationship he was interested in. It was a pity Andrea forgot that.

"How exactly are you not going to deliberately mislead her?" Will quizzed.
"How? Well, before I end up in bed with her - with any woman, for that matter - I'm going to let

her know I'm not looking for a serious relationship."

"Okay, that could work, although you'll only be with women who only want casual sex."
"Yeah, so?"
"What about finding a nice girl you could potentially be in a serious relationship with?"
His roaring laughter startled some of the people standing nearby. "You are fucking kidding me,

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right?" he said in a lower voice only Will could hear.

"What? Why?" Will asked in bemusement.
"Just because you're blinded by love doesn't mean you have to drag me down that path with you,"

he replied with an upward roll of his eyes.

"Drag you down? You don't know what you're missing!"
"Will, come on. You know all this love shit isn't for me."
While he was happy for his friend, Rob didn't believe everyone finds the kind of love Will and

Clarise found with each other. Relationships like that were the exception rather than the rule.
Besides, he couldn't see himself wanting to be tied down in a serious relationship with any woman.
That would be way too constricting. He valued his freedom, first and foremost.

"Okay, okay. Whatever you think suits you," Will acquiesced. "As long as you're frank and

straightforward with Jessa about your intentions, Rob. Before you end up in bed with her," his friend
warned him.

"Don't worry about that."

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Jessa felt inordinately nervous as she walked to the newly-opened David's Seafood Restaurant at the
busy Darling Harbour complex where she had agreed to meet Rob.

Relax. This is a date that won't lead to anything. You know it's just a friendly get-together.
She saw him standing outside the entrance as he looked out onto the boats moored at the marina

and her heart thumped hard in her chest. He looked relaxed, gorgeous and … yummy. Really, really
yummy. She was grateful for the saleslady who helped her choose the dress she was wearing tonight.
Apparently, she looked sexy and sophisticated in it. And she was wearing the highest pair of heels
she'd ever worn. Rob was tall, probably around six feet. She just thought that, in case they kissed,
she wanted to be able to reach his lips without him having to bend too much. Plus, it would be good
to have her body completely plastered against that body while kissing.

She felt her arousal and gave herself a mental shush. As Rob wasn't looking for anything serious,

the only reason she could end up in bed with him was for a one-night-stand or, at best, a casual
relationship. She had never been into either of those options in the past. She only went to bed with a
guy if he was a definite boyfriend and Rob wasn't that. That was why she'd only ever slept with two

With some difficulty, she reined in her wayward thoughts.

Rob's face broke into a huge grin as Jessa approached. He stepped forward to meet her and gave her
a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, Jess. You look great."

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself," she said a little self-consciously.
He took her hand and led her inside the restaurant. He didn't release her until they were seated at

their table.

"Have you decided on what to have?" Jessa asked him.
"I'm having the scallops for entree and scotch fillet for main. What about you?"
"I'll have the grilled barramundi."
"Any entree?"
"Hmm. No, I think I'll save myself for dessert."
"You can have some of mine," he offered.
"Maybe I'll have a taste," Jessa replied with a shy smile.
Rob took a sip of cold water to cool himself down. His body reacted simply by looking at Jessa.

When she mentioned saving herself for dessert, he couldn't help the picture that floated in his head.
He'd love to have her for dessert. And that shy smile she gave when she said she'll have a taste of his
entree, well, there were all the parts of his body he'd also love for her to taste.

He shifted in his seat, his pants too tight, and pushed his erotic thoughts aside. It was too early in

the night for that.

"Do you have family in Melbourne, Rob?" he heard her ask.
"My brother and his family are in Melbourne," he answered. "He's my only sibling and the

primary reason I moved there. Five years ago, he bought a nightclub and needed help with making it
profitable so he asked me to be his partner. After a year, it was doing great so I was able to spread
my wings and started my marketing consultancy business. We're still partners at the club."

"Do you still have family here in Sydney?"
"Just an uncle and a couple of cousins I hardly see. My mum passed away when I was ten and my

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dad lives in London with his second wife." He took a sip of his wine then asked Jessa, "What about
you, where's your family?"

"They're all in Melbourne - my mum, dad, my sister, two uncles, one aunty and their families. I

visit at least once every two months and sometimes they come to have a mini holiday here in Sydney."

They chatted animatedly about a lot of things over dinner. Jessa noticed that her earlier nervousness
had gone, replaced by a feeling of ease and comfort. Not only was she having a great time in Rob's
company, but she basked in his attentiveness and heated looks. No man had previously made her feel
as desirable and sexy the way Rob was making her feel just with his gaze.

"Do you want to go for drinks afterwards?" Rob asked as they finished their sumptuous dessert.

"There's that bar just around the corner or we could go to the one at the hotel I'm staying at." He
reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear then softly and slowly ran a knuckle on her cheek.

Rob's touch sent electric currents sizzling through her. He's really good at this seduction thing.

Even though he hadn't said the words, she knew what Rob wanted. She could feel his heat and sensed
the need of his body. She knew where things could lead to if she agreed to have drinks with him. His
hotel room wasn't very far away.

Oh, she wanted him. She'd never been this turned on by a man just by looking at him. But she was

scared, too. Desire and self-control warred within her, and self-control took the upper hand.

"I'd really love to, Rob, but I think it's time for me to head home. I have a client meeting first thing

tomorrow morning."

She saw disappointment course through Rob as he inhaled sharply. "Just one drink?" he asked

with a pouty, lopsided smile that weakened her resolve.

Damn. He really is so cute. And irresistible. "Ok, just one," she conceded as she wagged a

finger at him, letting him know she won't agree to anything more than that. Or was it herself she was
trying to convince?

Rob's face shone with a bright smile that made her breath hitch. "Great! Where do you want to


"Let's go to the one just around the corner," she said firmly. The farther they were from his hotel

room, the better.

They walked leisurely towards the bar, enjoying the atmosphere of the Darling Harbour area that was
bustling with people on a beautiful mid-autumn night. It felt like the most natural thing in the world
for Jessa as they held hands while they strolled.

A street performer juggling three sticks that were burning on both ends as he balanced himself on a

unicycle compelled them to stop and watch. Rob released her hand to put his arm around her waist.
Electricity crackled between them as they stared in each other's eyes for a breathless minute.

"Jessa …"
"I'd really like to kiss you now."
Her heart jumped. "So why don't you?" she whispered.
Rob captured her mouth for a slow, passionate kiss as they stood there among the crowd.
Her mind went blank as Rob's lips and tongue elicited desire that swamped her being. She was, at

the same time, falling and flying. Her arms came up to rest around his neck. At that moment, she was
ready to go wherever he wanted to take her. Never had she had this kind of response to a man
before. Was it the long sex drought that was responsible for this? Or was it her recently awakened

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desire to meet someone special coupled with Rob attracting her like no other?

A small, distant voice reminded her that Rob would never be 'The One' because he simply

wouldn't choose to be. Reluctantly, she pulled away.

Rob was unwilling to end his kiss with Jessa but stopped himself from cupping her head and bringing
her lips back to his. His body's response to her was rapid and they were in a very public, very
inappropriate place.

As he pulled away, he caught the unguarded look in her eyes that pierced through the fog of

desire. There was raw honesty in that look that scared him. It created a strong suspicion that she
wasn't into casual sex, that she was someone who took relationships seriously.

This is the time to be upfront, Rob.
A big part of him hated that he had to break the delicious spell that encapsulated them.

Instinctively, he knew revealing his intentions would mean she wouldn't end up in bed with him
tonight. But he wasn't a cad. And Jessa very much deserved respect.

"Jessa … can I be upfront with you?"
"Sure," she answered with a curious expression.
He ran a knuckle on her cheek. "You must already know I find you incredibly attractive. I very

much want to act on that attraction if you're okay with it." He exhaled heavily before continuing.
"But I need to let you know I'm not looking for a serious relationship."

He saw disappointment cross her face. It was gone in a second replaced by a too-bright smile.

"Yes, I know that." She bit her bottom lip as she contemplated her next response. "Can I be upfront
with you, too?"

"Of course."
"I find you incredibly attractive as well, Rob," she said as she looked far away.
He waited for her to finish. He sensed a 'but' coming.
"But … I don't know …" She peeked at him. "Can I think about it? I admit I'm very tempted," she

said candidly. "But I've never considered casual sex before. It's not that I think there's anything
wrong with it. I just … don't want to do something I might regret afterwards."

It thrilled Rob that Jessa was very tempted, but his overriding reaction was something resembling


Since when did propositioning a woman for a one-night-stand or casual sex bother you?
The answer that popped in his head surprised him.
Since tonight.
His eyebrows shot up at this realisation. Hmm.
For some reason, he didn't want Jessa to think he was just a playboy wanting to have his fun. He

didn't want her to think he only saw her as a sex object. She deserved a bit more respect than that.

Ah, respect. Yes, that's what it is.
He answered her question. "Of course, you can think about it, Jess. For as long as you want."
Jessa's smile showed relief. Playfully, she said, "No seduction until I've made my decision,


He grinned mischievously. "Why not? Am I not entitled to do what I could to get what I want?"
"Hey, this isn't an everyday thing for me. I really want to think this through first without my strong

physical attraction to you getting in the way."

He liked Jessa's candour. It was refreshing. "Okay, no seduction. I'll try to behave while you

make up your mind."

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"Are we still on for at least one drink tonight?"
"Absolutely," he replied as he took her hand and started walking to the direction of the bar.

Unconsciously, he caressed Jessa's palm with his thumb.

"Rob …"
"You said you'll behave."
He sent her a confused look. "What do you mean?"
"Stop stroking my palm."
"Oh. I didn't realise I was doing it." His lips curved cheekily. "Why? What was it doing to


She punched his arm playfully. "I bet that's one of your subtle seduction techniques."
"I wasn't doing it on purpose," he protested.
She narrowed her eyes at him in warning.
He laughed out loud. "Okay, so I'll stop holding your hand." He put his arm around her shoulder

instead as they continued walking.

Jessa shrugged out of his embrace. "I think you should keep your hands to yourself. You're

muddling my brain."

"Don't overthink it. Just go with how you feel," he responded in a soft, caressing voice.
"You promised no seduction."
"That wasn't meant to seduce. It was meant to be a very good advice from a caring friend."
Jessa chortled, clearly delighting in their banter. "It was a suggestive advice from a caring friend

with an ulterior motive."

"So, no hand-holding or arm around the shoulder?"
"No touching at all."
"Up until when?"
"You said I can think about it for as long as I want," she responding with a big grin.
"Oh, man," he groaned as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Just to be clear, I said I'll try to

behave while I wait for your decision, with 'try' being the operative word."

Rob couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed a date because of the conversation. The women

he usually went out with were hot and sexy but conversations with them weren't exactly absorbing.
But he found himself enthralled by Jessa. She had a beauty that was raw and natural - almost
innocent. She was funny, witty and very intelligent. And damn, he found her very, very sexy. He
could only hope she'd make up her mind soon.


Rob knew he was going to have a long, uncomfortable night. He'd just walked Jessa to her car and
the kiss they shared before she got in it and drove away simply fanned his smouldering desire for her.
But there wasn't much he could do tonight to assuage it.

He contented himself with the fact that she'd agreed to see him again in three days' time. That

would be his last night in Sydney before he returned to Melbourne the next morning. She had
promised to let him know her decision by then. All he could do was hope she'd listen to her body.

He got to his hotel and watched a group of four beautiful women dressed in tight, short, sexy

dresses walk to the busy bar area. Two of them glanced at him and the blonde one smiled. He smiled

Now there was a place where he could pick up a one-night-stand if he really wanted it. His body

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was still humming with desire. If he chose to, he need not wait until Friday for Jessa. For all he
knew, she might refuse to sleep with him anyway.

He strode towards the jampacked bar full of attractively dressed people and stopped near the

entrance to scan the crowd. The four women he saw earlier were standing not far away from him and
the blonde one was staring at him with blatant interest. His eyes locked with hers as he appraised
her. She looked sensational and from the way she carried herself, she knew how hot she was.
Without breaking eye-contact with him, she whispered something to her friend, then purposefully
walked towards him.

"Hi," Sensational Blond said with a sultry smile. "If you're here alone, why don't you join me and

my friends for a drink?"

His lips quirked upwards. "Thanks. I'm actually looking for someone. She's not here so I'll be

heading off."

Sensational Blond's face registered disbelief at his unexpected response. She shrugged, tossed

her hair and walked back to her friends.

He left the bar, shaking his head imperceptibly as he headed towards the elevators to go back up

to his room. Did he just refuse an invitation from a hot-looking woman? He stroked his chin as he
tried to figure out his uncharacteristic reaction.

Damn, Jess. Looks like it has to be you.
He couldn't wait until he saw Jessa again. He tried not to think of the fact that she might say no.

That would be frustration overload.

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"Lunchtime!" Victor announced as he stood at the doorway of Jessa's office.

"Already?" Jessa checked her watch and was surprised that it was indeed time for lunch with her

friends. She mentally berated herself for spending much of the morning daydreaming of Rob and
agonising over whether to sleep with him or not. She had work that must be finished before the day
ended. Well, she would have her friends with whom she could talk things through during lunch. "Is
Clarise ready?"

"Yes. She already left to get money out of the ATM. She'll meet us at the cafe. And Faye should

be on her way there now, too."

"Okay, good. I need you guys to help me think things through."
Victor raised an eyebrow. "Would this be about the hunk who asked you out last Saturday?"
"Great. I can't wait!" Victor's glee was obvious. "Who do you think is hotter? Rob or Will? I

think they're both absolutely gorgeous. Don't tell Faye but I think her Steve only comes third."

She laughed. "Victor, whatever would Evan say if he knew you were drooling over other men?"
"Oh, they're straight men. He knows I'll never be with them," he answered dismissively. "If I was

drooling over another gay man he'll hit the roof."

Jessa was aware of the expectant looks on her friends' faces after they'd all ordered their lunch. She
smiled, guessing what each one would likely say if she asked them what they would do if they were in
her place. She knew Faye and Victor would be full of encouragement about having 'fun' with Rob.
Clarise would be a bit more circumspect although when she met Will, she had certainly shed some of
her conservativeness just to be able to spend time with him when he said he wasn't ready for a
relationship. Look at where they ended up. In love and ridiculously happy together.

She knew things wouldn't go that way with Rob. She was surprised she was still seriously

contemplating sleeping with him when it would only ever be a one-night stand. But she knew why.
She still couldn't believe that he found her attractive, that he wanted her. She felt his desire and knew
it was real. That was very arousing and irresistible.

Faye was getting impatient and asked with her usual directness. "Well? How did last night go?

Did you guys end up in bed?"

She exhaled heavily. "No."
"You sound disappointed with that."
"Well, yes." She sat up straight on her chair, her face alive with excitement and confusion.

"Guys, I was really so, so tempted. I still am. I'm having dinner with him again this Friday and he's
expecting an answer."

With eyebrows raised, her three friends looked at each other.
"So what's holding you back?" Victor asked.
She folded her arms across her belly that seemed to be full of fluttering butterflies whenever she

thought of Rob. "I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I've never had casual sex before."

Clarise regarded her closely. "What exactly are you scared of, Jess?"
She bit her lower lip as she considered her answer. What exactly am I scared of? "That I don't

know what's going to happen afterwards."

"Ah," Faye nodded sagely. "The classic fear of the unknown. The 'I want certainty' syndrome.

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The old 'Jessa and Clarise affliction'."

"Hey!" Clarise called out, chuckling. "You have to admit I'm not as bad as I used to be."
"No, you're right. When you met Will, you were the one who seduced him and propositioned him

with a casual relationship which shocked all of us to the core."

Clarise's cheeks pinked but she laughed out loud along with them. "Well, you were the one who

pushed me to stop being serious and have fun."

"Yes," Faye concurred with a twinkle in her eye. "I'm glad you took my advice to open your legs

after seven years of celibacy."

"I'm glad I did, too."
Clarise had a dreamy look in her eyes and Jessa knew she was thinking of Will. A feeling of

longing pinched her. It was lately becoming all too familiar.

She was deep in contemplation during the lull in the conversation while they got busy eating. I

already know what's going to happen afterwards. Nothing. It would just be sex and that would be
it. Is that what I'm really afraid of? That nothing else will happen after that? That someone like
him wouldn't end up with someone like me?

"You know, Jess, sometimes it's wanting a certain outcome that kills," Faye said quietly. Faye

was so close to the mark that it startled her. "If you want Rob to fall for you then you'll most probably
end up getting hurt so it would be better not to see him again. But if you're just aiming for a night of
hopefully incredible sex with him, without any expectations, then there shouldn't be a problem. As
long as you don't fall in love and you don't forget to use protection, of course."

"Yes, you're right. Thank you, Faye."
"Are you in danger of falling for Rob, Jess?" Clarise asked.
"No, of course not," she replied a little too quickly. "I'd be stupid to fall for him. I know not to go

there. This is a purely physical thing."

A faint feeling nagged and prodded her. But she couldn't identify what it was so she ignored it.
"So, are you close to coming to a decision about tomorrow night's ending?"
She sighed deeply. All of last night and most of this morning was spent having delicious thoughts

on what could have been if she succumbed to Rob's seduction. He really turned her on big time. As
long as she didn't expect anything more than sex, then it should be fine, shouldn't it? At least with
Rob, she knew exactly where she stood. She might as well indulge herself and get him out of her
system. It wasn't everyday one of the hottest looking man on the planet wanted to have sex with her.
That could only be a fantasy for some women, but it could be a reality for her.

"Yes. I'm going to do it."


Rob booked a table at the fine dining restaurant within his hotel. Jessa wanted to meet in the centre of
town and he wasn't going anywhere far from his room tonight. If she decided to sleep with him, he
didn't want to waste too much time going from wherever they were to his bed.

The last few days had been hell. He couldn't remember frustration like that since he was

seventeen when he and cheerleader Molly took days to find a suitable time and place to have their
first sexual experience since they were both still living at home.

Three nights ago, after his date with Jessa, he was so sexually wound up he needed relief. Since

he rejected Sensational Blond's obvious offer, he tried to release his tension by himself. But for the
life of him, he couldn't understand why that wasn't anywhere near enough. All he had on his mind was
Jessa, Jessa, Jessa. He gave up and had the longest, coldest shower he had ever had. He hoped he

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wouldn't need another one tonight.


Jessa's heart skipped a beat when she saw Rob sitting on one of the couches near the hotel reception.
Even with a big frown on his face as he checked his phone, he looked utterly delicious.

"Problems?" she asked.
Rob looked up and the creases on his face turned from displeasure to delight.
"Hey, gorgeous." He stood up and gave her a sweet but brief kiss on the lips.
She was tickled pink. Gorgeous was not a description she would give herself but tonight, she'd

pretend she was one. She was living a fantasy after all. A very short one, but a fantasy nonetheless.

"Ready?" Rob asked as he took her hand and led her towards the elevators.
"For what?" she asked weakly.
"For dinner," he replied laughingly.
She blushed. Dinner. Of course. Dinner first.
"Yes, I'm ready".

"So what did you get up to since I last saw you?" Rob tried to keep the conversation light and
friendly. He didn't want to appear like a teenager with raging hormones who couldn't think of
anything but sex although that was exactly how he felt like. When he greeted Jessa with a kiss, it just
wasn't enough. He wanted to kiss her senseless like he'd been meaning to ever since she drove off in
her car after their date three days ago. But he also wanted her to relax. She seemed a little nervy.

"I've been busy with work," she answered. "The more popular the magazine got, the more work

Clarise and I have. Our boss is actually considering getting a new person to help us out. How about

"Well, apart from some very frustrating moments," he said with a wry smile, "I've had a pretty

good couple of days. I was able to work on my good leads and I'm really excited about two of them.
There are still some negotiations to finalise but hopefully, new contracts will be signed off within a
week or two. That would mean I'll be here in Sydney for a good length of time as I work with those
new clients - if they eventuate, that is."

"Oh, I hope you do get them!"
Rob saw the play of emotions on Jessa's face. He caught what looked like hopeful excitement

followed by what seemed to be disapproval. He wondered what she was thinking. He raised his
eyebrows at her in query. "What's wrong?"

Jessa shook her head dismissively. "Nothing. I just remembered something." She gave him a big,

convincing smile.

He smiled back at her. She really was beautiful. "Yeah, I do hope I get those contracts. I'd love

to spend more time here in Sydney especially if I'll be in the company of a beautiful woman."

His heart thudded hard as Jessa gaped at him. He was used to women gaping at him as if

mesmerised. But his reaction to Jessa doing it was stronger than he'd felt with any of the others. He
felt his cock stir as he gazed at Jessa, reminding him of his body's lustful need for her. He was about
to reach out and stroke her face when his phone rang in his pocket. Damn it!

"Sorry, I forgot to switch it off." He dug it out with the intention of doing just that when he saw

who the caller was.

Fuck! After the text message he received earlier, he knew he should take this call.
"I'm sorry, Jess. I have to take this. Will you excuse me?"

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He stood up and hurried away from their table. He didn't want Jessa to hear this conversation.
"Andrea, what's up?"

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Jessa watched Rob's back as he took the phone call. He raked his free hand on his hair and she felt
the need to rake her own fingers there.

Ooh, and he has great ass…
She was already thinking how good it would be if Rob was in Sydney more often. She'd miss him

when he wasn't around.

She frowned at the direction of her thoughts. Dangerous territory. Sex only, remember? Stick

to that.

This man just had this magnetism that pulled her to him. Of course she knew he was just being

seductive when he called her 'gorgeous' and 'beautiful'. He probably said that to all the women he
wanted to bed. But it was still nice to hear it. It was good for her memory banks when she replayed
her fantasy experience back to herself in the future.

Their main dishes arrived, distracting her from ogling Rob's backside.
Exasperation lined his features as he walked back to their table. He gave her a reassuring smile in

response to the concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright?"
"Not really," Rob answered with a sigh. "Well, everything will be alright. But, unfortunately,

there's something I need to attend to in twenty minutes. I'm afraid we'll have to cut our date short
tonight," he said with an apologetic smile.

Jessa felt her balloon burst. She was so looking forward to tonight. Her fantasy experience

would not be completed! But whatever it was that required Rob's attention, it must be something
urgent and important.

"That's a shame," she said lightly. "But that's okay. I hope whatever it is you have to attend to is

nothing serious."

Rob simply gave her a tight smile in response.
She fell silent as she consumed her food. She couldn't fully appreciate her meal. She was too

disappointed at the turn of events.

"I'm really sorry, Jess," Rob said softly. "We won't even have time for dessert. This wasn't how I

wanted this night to end."

"Me neither." She caught Rob looking longingly at her lips. Geez, she'd been wanting to devour

his lips instead of her dinner.

"How exactly did you want this night to end?" Rob asked, his voice husky.
She gazed into Rob's arresting gray eyes. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered deliciously at

the intense look he was directing at her.

"I didn't want it to end at dessert," she whispered.
They stared at each other for a long moment. The room seemed to disappear for Jessa. When Rob

reached out and cupped the back of her neck, she swayed towards him and their lips touched
rapturously. It ended much too soon. Being in a restaurant did not aid their cause.

"Damn," Rob muttered. He signalled the waiter for the bill, handing him his credit card.
"Where did you park your car?"
"The same place as last time."
Rob checked his watch and growled his displeasure. "Well, I only have time to walk you to the


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Jessa's heart grew heavier at every step she took towards the elevators. She was disheartened that
their night was cut short but she didn't expect the acute sadness that enveloped her at the knowledge
that Rob would be gone by tomorrow. This could well be their very last time together, their very last

They reached the elevators and she turned towards Rob. She wasn't ready to press the down

button yet. She was dying to put her arms around his neck and kiss him thoroughly but she refrained.
A gray-haired lady was standing in a corner, talking on her phone and staring at them openly.

Rob had no such inhibition. He cupped her face and kissed her with barely restrained passion. It

only took a second for her to banish her self-consciousness and return his kiss with equal fervour.

She gasped as Rob pressed his body closer to hers. He was already aroused, and frankly, so was

she. She peeled her eyes open, semi-conscious of their surroundings. The gray-haired lady was still
talking on her phone. And she was still staring at them openly, eyes wider this time. Reluctantly, she
pulled away from Rob.

"Well, I guess I better go," she said breathlessly.
"I wish you didn't have to."
"It wasn't my choice," she smiled ruefully.
He grimaced. "I know." He reached for both of her hands. "I'll arrange to come back here sooner

rather than later. I'll see you again soon, hopefully."

"You better let me know the dates you'll be here so I can keep my calendar free for you," she


The elevator pinged and coughed up what looked to be at least twenty people who all got off in a

rush, making them stand aside. Then Rob held the door back so she could get in.

"I'll call you, Jess."
"Okay." She plastered a smile on her face for Rob as the door closed. The elevator started to

travel down smoothly and her heart sank down with it.

Why, oh why, didn't I sleep with him three nights ago?
She realised that even if it was the one and only time she did, it was better than never

experiencing making love with Rob. She never thought she'd want a one-night-stand so much.

Something way, way deep inside of her whispered she had moved from casual to something else.

She shook her head and refused to acknowledge that little voice. Rob was only up for casual sex.
And she only wanted this for a once-in-a-blue-moon experience. She'd do well to remember that.
Like Faye said, it was expecting certain outcomes that killed.

Rob stood staring at the closed elevator doors. Damn, he was ready to take her right there! But once
again, he couldn't have her tonight. He groaned mentally at the agony he was sure to suffer for several
days - maybe even weeks.

He stood there unmoving for heaven knew how long until he heard a soft, motherly voice say, "I'm

sure you'll see her again."

He turned to the gray-haired lady and smiled at her. "Thank you. I hope it'll be soon."
He started to walk back towards the hotel bar where Andrea said she'd meet him. He didn't notice

the elevator doors open but he heard the shriek. "Rob!"

He twisted to the direction of the sound just as a leggy, strawberry blonde bombshell launched

herself at him. She kissed him on the lips enthusiastically until he recovered from his surprise - and
sheer relief that Jessa wasn't there to witness it. He pushed her away just as the gray-haired lady

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walked past with a balding man who must have come out of the elevator. The disgusted look the
kindly, motherly lady gave him made him flush.

"I am so glad to see you," Andrea said in a sultry voice as she ran her fingers on his chest.
"You shouldn't have come." He didn't hide the irritation from his voice. When he got Andrea's

text just before dinner that she had a surprise for him, he became worried. When she rang when he
was having dinner with Jessa and told him she was already on a taxi on her way to his hotel, he was
so annoyed with her. Andrea always did those kinds of unexpected things that probably would have
pleased a partner but they didn't have that kind of relationship. And it seemed she still hadn't
accepted they were no longer together.

"I wanted to surprise you."
"Andrea, you know the score. We're no longer an item. Besides, I'm already going home


"I know what the score is, Rob. I'm crystal clear about it. What I'm here to tell you is that I'm

happy to operate on your terms. I enjoy being with you too much. As for you going home tomorrow, I
obviously got my dates mixed up but it's okay. I still plan to stay here for a week. Maybe I could
catch up with Will and make some new friends."

His agitation increased at the thought of Andrea meeting with Will and his friends. That could

easily lead to Jessa.

"Why would you want to catch up with Will? You hardly know him."
"Oh, come on. He spent a bit of time with us in Melbourne and he's one of your oldest friends.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind having a coffee with me, at least," she said coquettishly. "Anyway, why
are we talking here? Let's go up to your room."

"My room?" He noticed the luggage next to Andrea. "Why? Where are you staying?"
"I haven't booked a room yet. I thought I'd stay with you tonight. I'll just move tomorrow."

Andrea swept her hungry eyes over him.

"You're not staying in my room, Andrea. We're not together anymore."
"Rob, like I said …" Andrea puffed. "Look, can we talk somewhere else? Next to the lifts isn't

exactly the best place for a conversation."

"Let's go to the bar."
"Can I keep my luggage in your room first?" Andrea tried a pretty pout. "I'll look silly taking it

with me to the bar."

He swore under his breath and pushed the up button to call the elevator. He'd have to help her

find accommodation tonight so she didn't end up staying in his room. It was Jessa he wanted in there,
not Andrea.


"We'll try another hotel," Rob persisted.

They had just been at the hotel reception to sort out Andrea's accommodation for the week.

Unfortunately, there was an international technology conference happening at the nearby Sydney
Convention Centre that coming weekend and most of the hotels around the area were fully booked
until Monday.

"How could you not have arranged your accommodation before you left Melbourne?" He was

pissed off at Andrea's lack of planning.

"I thought you'd be here for another week. And I planned to stay with you the whole time," she

whined. "Maybe I can ask Will if I can stay at his place until Monday. He's the only one I know

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here. I'll be calling him anyway. What else am I going to do here by myself when you go tomorrow?"

"You can't stay with Will."
"Why not?"
"He's got a girlfriend. I don't think she'd appreciate it."
"Ooh, Will has a girlfriend? Too bad. Antoinette has it bad for him."
"You know your sister might as well had been flirting with a post when she flirted outrageously

with Will on her birthday."

"Well, she hasn't given up on him yet. Anyway, why should Will's girlfriend mind if I stay with

him? We can even become good friends!"

Oh, no, no, no. No way. He knew it was more likely that Clarise would warn Jessa against

seeing him again if Andrea wormed herself into their lives. Will had cautioned him about how close
Jessa and Clarise were.

"There must be an available room somewhere. Hey, how about you stay outside the city centre?

Around Bondi Beach would be nice."

"Oh, that's not a bad idea. I love Bondi," Andrea answered.

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Jessa couldn't believe the time. She had already done her washing, vacuuming and tidying up and it
was still only ten in the morning. She looked around, anxious for something else to do. She needed
something physically tiring, something that would take her mind off Rob and his kisses, something that
would help her ignore the ache in her chest.

She decided to go for a walk and have a late breakfast. She got herself ready and headed off for

the five-minute trek to one of her favourite cafes in Crows Nest. Maybe she'd bump into Victor who
lived a couple of blocks away. Should she call him for some company? But he was likely to be with
Evan. It was Saturday morning and she didn't want to bother them.

Her phone vibrating in her pants pocket surprised her. Maybe one of her friends received her

mental signal and decided to call her. When she saw who it was, she suddenly stopped dead on her
tracks that the guy walking behind her bumped into her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she apologised.
The guy, who happened to be cute, showed his dimples. "No worries. It's not everyday I bump

into a beautiful woman."

She gaped at him as he continued to smile at her. Who me? Her vibrating phone reminded her of

the incoming call. She gave the cute guy a grateful smile and answered her phone, indicating to Mr.
Dimples he was effectively dismissed.

"Hi, Rob." Suddenly her hands were clammy.
"Hi, Jess, how are you going?" His cheerfulness made her grin.
"I'm good, thanks. And you?"
"Good, thank you. Thought I'd call and hear your voice before I board the plane. There's not

much to do here at the airport."

"Ahh, you're bored!"
"Yeah, and I thought what better way to chase away my boredom than to have a conversation with

a very attractive lady."

She snickered. "It must be a little too early on a Saturday morning for you, Rob. That was very


He laughed out loud. "Where are you? You sound like you're outdoors."
"I'm walking to one of my favourite cafes that serves all-day breakfast."
"Meeting anyone?"
"No. Just me and my lonesome." She wished with all her heart he was there with her.
"So what are you gonna have?"
"I don't know yet. I feel like something sweet so maybe I'll have pancakes with lots of maple


"You're already sweet enough without the syrup."
She giggled. "What is it about this morning that's making you men cheesy? Maybe I should

consider having some cheese for breakfast."

"What do you mean us men? Don't I have the sole privilege of being the cheesy one?" Rob asked

with mock indignation.

She chuckled. "No, you don't have the sole privilege."
"What? Who else could be so cheesy to you at this time of the day?"
"Mr. Dimples."

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"The guy that bumped into me earlier."
"How cheesy was he?" Rob growled.
"Hmm. I must admit he probably wasn't as cheesy as you. So, okay, you can take the prize for

being the cheesiest before eleven in the morning."

"So what exactly did he say?"
"Um," she tried to remember what the guy with the dimples said. "I think he said it's not everyday

he bumps into a beautiful woman." She squashed her face in skepticism, still not believing a total
stranger would call her beautiful.

"Oh. What does he look like? Is he good-looking?"
She raised an eyebrow at the tone of his voice. Is he jealous? Her heart galloped at the thought.

"Yeah, he was."

"Really? So he was … attractive?"
"Well, I do find guys with dimples extra cute."
"Cute? As in little-teddy-bear cute?"
"No. Not this one. He was more like hot-cute."
"Rob? Are you there?"
"So where does this guy live?" Rob asked ominously.
"How should I know?" Her voice carried her amusement. "If he's a local then I'm likely to bump

into him again. I'll find out then."

Another long silence. Then she heard an announcement in the background.
"We're boarding," Rob said flatly.
"Yeah." Rob exhaled loudly. "I'll call you next week, Jess. I'll let you know when I'm coming

back after I've confirmed a couple of things at work."

"Okay. That'll be good."
"Until then, keep your diary free for me, okay?"
"See you soon." Rob said softly.
"See you, Rob."
Jessa trundled to the cafe. It was fun pretending that Rob cared about her like a jealous

boyfriend. But that wasn't reality. The reality was he wanted her for her body and they hadn't ended
up in bed yet. He was still in seduction mode, that was all. She wasn't stupid enough to think that
Rob's sweet and even jealous attention could mean anything more than strong physical desire.

The dull ache in her chest was back. Thankfully, she was getting very good at ignoring it and its

meaning. She patted herself on the back for having her brain in the right place.


Rob looked outside the airplane window pensively. He wondered if Jessa got what he meant when
he asked her to keep her diary free for him. He wanted to say something more straight to the point
like 'tell Mr. Fucking Dimples to leave you alone' but he knew he didn't have the right to say that.

He knew he was being jealous but he couldn't help it. Jessa should've had woken up next to him

that morning and they could have had breakfast together. She shouldn't have been out and about
bumping into some flirty, dimpled idiot.

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He rubbed his face with his hands, perplexed by his alien feelings. Since when had he become so

jealous of other men? Sure he had a very competitive nature but he was feeling so downright
possessive of Jessa it was bordering on insane.

I know why. It's because Jessa is so damn sexy I want nothing more than to take her to bed.

And. We. Just. Can't. Get. There. It's sexual frustration, pure and simple.

His rationalisation relaxed him and he closed his tired eyes. He got less than three hours sleep

last night. He successfully got Andrea out of his hair and in a hotel in Bondi but that left him alone
and thinking of - no, make that longing for - Jessa.

I just have to have her soon and have sex with her until I have my fill. Then I could go back to

my old, uncomplicated life - the life I want. This is just too tiring and distracting.


Andrea breathed the fresh sea air as she watched a couple of surfers ride the wave. She wasn't
usually an early riser, especially on a weekend, but the shining sun and the sparkling ocean tempted
her enough to drag herself out of bed and walk the short distance to Bondi Beach. The breeze was
cool, but the sun was delicious.

There was a benefit to ending up here rather than in the city, she thought. She eyed several

shirtless, hunky men out for a run on the sand and a swim in the ocean. Maybe one of them would pay
her some attention and soothe her injured female pride at Rob's snub yesterday. She fumed as she
remembered how he couldn't wait to get rid of her last night. They didn't even talk about their
relationship. He said since she wasn't staying in the city, it was preferable that she settled herself in
her new hotel as it was getting late. He got her in a taxi and waved goodbye.

While she didn't expect Rob to jump for joy at her following him in Sydney, she also didn't expect

his level of annoyance. She'd hoped he would have been excited and relieved that she wanted to
continue their relationship on his terms - no long-term commitments, no strings, just taking each day as
it came. Yes, she was fine with those as long as they remained exclusive like they'd previously

She realised her mistake when Rob broke up with her three weeks ago. Her timing was wrong.

She already got Rob to agree to exclusivity but she demanded too early, too quickly. She scared him
off. She had to play her cards right this time. If she did, sooner or later, he'd want her in his life

She also couldn't stand her father butting into her life again when he learnt she and Rob had broken

up. She couldn't believe it when her dad forced her to go out with the son of one of his friends. It
wouldn't have been too bad if the stuffed shirt she went out with three times had a fun bone in his
body. Clearly he didn't have even one. All he could talk about was how good he was at running the
family business. Business, business, business. Blah, blah, blah. She couldn't even entice him to go
dancing with her. Boring! But the worst part was when he made it clear he wouldn't tolerate her
going out to bars and clubs without him if they ended up together. Well, if he didn't want to go, how
the hell would she have her fun? It was then she really missed Rob.

They partied a lot - well, she partied more than Rob but he didn't stop her. And their sex life was

fantastic. Rob was the best lover she had ever had. The only thing missing was his commitment.
Sure, theirs was a relationship of convenience but she wanted more. She wanted a ring on her finger.
She was twenty-seven and she didn't want people to think she couldn't snare her man.

Her father blamed her mother for spoiling and indulging their two daughters too much while he

was out making millions for the family. Well, just because her father was still financing her lifestyle

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and her fledgling fashion business didn't mean he could just order her around. But she didn't have any
leverage. At least when she was with Rob, her dad believed she had settled down. As Rob had built
a successful business on his own, her dad concluded Rob had his priorities right. And he thought Rob
kept her from going out and partying, that he was helping her take her business more seriously. Of
course, part of her arrangement with Rob was to make her parents assume just that. In return, he was
able to develop relationships with influential people that were in her life because of her family
name. It worked very well for them. Until she made the mistake of mentioning that dreaded word
Rob avoided most of all - commitment.

She just had to get him back. They had the perfect arrangement and he was the perfect man for

her. Her lifestyle and sanity depended on it, not to mention Rob being the hottest guy she knew.

If there was anything she, Andrea Lyons, knew she would really, really work hard for, it was

getting Rob back. She wouldn't let anything get in her way.

She pulled out her phone from her new beach bag to start the process. She knew Rob held Will's

opinion in high regard so she was willing to go to great lengths for the opportunity to sway Will to her
side. Given time, she was confident enough to think she could influence him. She believed she was
one of those women who had power over men when she turned on her charm. She had her looks, her
family's money and her mother's coaching to thank for that.

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A phone was ringing and Will distractedly realised it was his. It was Saturday morning but it could
be the important phone call he was expecting from a business acquaintance in the US. Only, there
was no way in the world he was going to answer it.

"Your … phone, baby … ohhh," Clarise moaned.
"I don't care," he ground out through gritted teeth as he continued to move inside Clarise. He'd die

first before he would even contemplate stopping their lovemaking. He was buried in too deep inside
her and he was too far gone to stop. Instead, he increased his pace and felt Clarise's legs tighten
around his waist as she whimpered her approval.

He had to call on all his self-control to stop himself from coming then and there. "Come with me,

sweetheart … come with me," he gasped in her ear as he strained to keep his pace and hold on for

"Oh, baby…" Clarise moaned, tensing as she neared her climax. She clutched his shoulders and

arched her hips closer to his, wanting to do exactly as he had asked her. "Oh, Will!" she cried as her
body shuddered in an intense orgasm.

At that same moment, he let go and came hard inside her with a loud groan.
They laid wrapped in each other for long minutes, exchanging sweet kisses and gentle caresses,

sated and satisfied - at least for now.

"Baby, I forgot to check my phone. Could you see who called me, please?" Will asked from the en
suite bathroom.

Clarise languidly reached for Will's phone on his bedside table and checked it. "It was an

unknown caller. Whoever it was left a message."

"Could you check my voicemail, please? It could be important."
Warmth flowed through Clarise. She knew Will was expecting an important business call but he

didn't bother picking up his ringing phone when they were making love. She bit her bottom lip to stop
her happy giggle.

Her smile was replaced by a deep frown as she listened to an overly friendly female voice.

'Hi, Will. It's Andrea Lyons from Melbourne. Remember me? I'm in Sydney at the moment, at Bondi
Beach to be exact, taking advantage of the sunshine in my new bathing suit. It's fantastic here! Hey,
you're the only one I know from around here and I'm really hoping we could catch up. So, I'll wait for
your call, okay? See you later, Will."

Who the hell are you? Clarise got out of Will's bed and walked naked to the bathroom. She trusted
Will implicitly but whoever this woman was, instinct told her she couldn't trust her.

Will had almost finished shaving as she leaned against the frame of the open bathroom door. His

hand stilled as he gawked at her through the mirror with burning eyes. She knew that look. Even after
a very satisfying morning sex, it looked like Will wanted her again.

She smiled at him, reminding herself he was hers. She loved him so. For a second, she forgot

about the annoying flirt on the phone.

"Who called, sweetheart?"
"Oh, yes. Some woman named Andrea something," she answered, her face registering

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disapproval. She reached behind the bathroom door for her bath robe.

"Andrea Something?"
"Yeah. Here, listen." She played back the voice message on speaker as she put on her robe.
"That's Rob's ex-girlfriend!" Will said in surprise.
"Rob's ex-girlfriend?" She was shocked. Oh, no. Jessa! And what did she want with my Will?
"What's she doing here?"
"I don't know," Will answered with a frown. "Rob didn't mention anything about Andrea when we

spoke on the phone yesterday. All I know was he had a date with Jess."

"I'm calling Jess and see how she is."
Will's phone rang again in her hand, startling them both.
"It must be Andrea again. It's an unknown caller." She held the phone out to Will.
Will tossed the towel he patted his face with on the vanity and took three short, purposeful steps

towards her. "Ignore it," he said as he reached into her robe, thumbed her nipples and started kissing
her neck. "I'm still catching up from being away from you for one whole week."

"Honey, no," she pleaded even as her nipples hardened in attention. Her body never failed to

respond to Will but she really wanted him to take this call. "I want to know what Rob's ex-girlfriend

Will sighed and took the ringing phone from her.
"Put her on speaker," she asked.
"Hi, Will. It's Andrea Lyons."
"Hi, Andrea. This is a surprise."
"Yes, did you get my earlier message?"
"Yes, I just got it. What are you doing here in Sydney?"
"You wouldn't believe this but I thought Rob would still be here for another week. I wanted to

surprise him, you see. Unfortunately, last night was the only night I was able to spend with him. I
thought I'd look you up as you're the only person I know here in Sydney. Isn't that pathetic? I'm such a
social butterfly in Melbourne and I only know one soul in Sydney," Andrea said with a flirty little

Will's expression told Clarise he was thinking what she was thinking. If Andrea spent the night

with Rob, what happened to Jessa?

"Will? Are you there?"
She nodded her head, indicating to Will she wanted to find out what was really going on and

wanted him to extract it out of Andrea.

"Yes, I'm here. What did you have in mind, Andrea?"
"Well, I thought we might catch up over coffee or something. You can bring your girlfriend, too.

Rob told me about her. Mind you, Antoinette would be crying for days when she hears you're taken.
You know my sister's still crazy about you. She's still as hot for you now as she was during her
birthday party. She said she'll kill me if I don't make you call her. Anyway, I don't want to talk about
her. So, when can we meet?"

Clarise's face darkened as she folded her arms across her chest. Her mind went back to her

telephone conversation with Will the last time he was in Melbourne. He was cold and impersonal to
her then. When he mentioned he was going to the birthday party of Rob's girlfriend's sister, she was
hurt especially after he described the birthday girl as outgoing and very attractive. Jealousy sprouted
within her and she glared at Will with remembered hurt in her eyes.

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He frowned as he put an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him as he continued to

speak with Andrea. "When do you leave Sydney, Andrea?"

She tried to push him away but he just held her tighter.
"I leave next Saturday," Andrea answered.
"I'll check my diary, but I'm really very busy this week."
"Oh, come on, Will. I'm sure you'll have time for coffee. I can even go to you if you give me the

address. I can take a taxi. That will save you some time."

"I'll have to get back to you, Andrea."
"Okay, but make sure you clear some time on your diary for me, Will Matthews! You owe me,"

Andrea reminded him with a laugh.

Will cringed. "Yes, I know. I'll see you for coffee sometime this week. I'll bring my girlfriend

with me."

When Will finished the call, Clarise freed herself from his embrace and strode wordlessly to the


"Baby …" Will called to her.
She was mad - and hurt - although rationally she didn't have a good reason to be. That was in the

past. Will had since proven to her many times over how much he loved her. But she just couldn't
stand the thought that he may have slept with another woman even though at the time they were only in
a casual relationship.

Will caught her arm and she stilled.
"Did you sleep with that Antoinette woman?" She shut her eyes as she waited for him to respond.

She was scared of the answer but she needed to know.

Will turned her around to face him. "Look at me," he commanded gruffly, tilting her chin with his

finger. She opened her eyes to look into Will's intense gaze.

"No, I didn't." His forceful delivery released the tension in her body and made her knees go weak

with relief. She leaned against him and he put his arms around her.

"Clarise, there has never been any other woman since I first laid my eyes on you." He caressed

her cheek with a thumb. "And there will never be anyone else for me but you," he added softly,
sincerity pouring out of him. "Baby, you know how much I love you, don't you?"

"Yes. I do," she responded with misty eyes. "Sorry. Overreaction. I just get silly over you


Will chuckled and squeezed her tighter. "As long as you love me," he said huskily.
"I love you, Will."
As she melted in Will's arms, she gave herself a mental reminder to check up on Jessa later.


"So how was last night, Jess?" Clarise tried to sound nonchalant, wanting to hide her worry from her

"Good, then disappointing, then sweet, then disappointing."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it was good to see Rob again, then something urgent came up that we didn't even get to

have dessert, then he kissed me near the lifts," Jessa said with a dreamy sigh, "then I left and I'm still
frustrated. I should have slept with him on the first date, Clarise. I could be replaying my sexy night
with a gorgeous guy in my head rather than frustrating on what could have been."

She laughed, her worry easing. Jessa did seem to only want the sexual experience with Rob and

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nothing more. "You'll live," she teased.

"Seriously, Clarise, I now know what it's like to be seriously turned on by a man's looks. But how

do I cope with this … sexual frustration? How do you handle it when Will's not around?"

She blushed as she thought about how she and Will dealt with their need for each other when they

were apart and how super hot they got when they were back together. She avoided Jessa's question
with one of her own. "How did you cope with it before you met Rob, Jess?"

"Well, I really didn't have to deal with anything as intense as this before. I can honestly say he's

the first man I've truly, seriously lusted after."

"So what happens next?"
"I don't know. He said he's coming back here soon. I guess I'll just have to wait."
She decided to play devil's advocate and test her friend. "What if he doesn't come back for

months? Or if he did come back soon, what if his sexual energy has already been spent elsewhere
and … he's not as eager for you?" She hated herself as soon as the words came out but she felt Jessa
needed to hear it.

"Ouch," Jessa answered quietly after a long pause. "But you're right. Rob's into casual sex and it

wouldn't be hard for a guy like him to find someone else to play with. Maybe I should go to
Melbourne and get him out of my system before his attraction for me dies down."

"Jessa! Are you serious?"
"That or go find a gorgeous Sydney man to have a one-night-stand with."
"Wow, do you hear what's coming out of your mouth, Miss Allen?" she said in a tone that was full

of wonder.

"It's this damned sexual frustration! I tell you what though, Clarise. If someone like Rob could

want to have sex with me, then I'm sure someone else as equally good-looking could as well."

Jessa told her about the dimpled guy she bumped into earlier in the day who called her beautiful.
"See? What do we keep telling you, Jess. There are all these men who notice you and think

you're very attractive. The only reason you don't notice them is because you refuse to believe they
could be attracted to you. Not all men just rack up to girls and say they're beautiful or they're
interested, you know. A good number of them start out with giving hints, trying to gauge your level of
interest. But most of the time, you ignore them because you just wouldn't believe they were coming
on to you."

Jessa was quiet for a long moment. "Really, Clarise?"
"Yes! Remember Paul at that expo we went to three months ago? He was cute."
"Oh, come on. He wasn't interested in me, was he? He just met me then. He couldn't have been

wanting to go out with me."

"See what I mean?" she said. "I watched you ignore his subtle signals. He would have believed

you weren't interested as opposed to simply being blissfully ignorant of his attraction to you."

"Okay, then. Maybe I'm starting to believe you. But it's not like I could just easily get a date with

a handsome man like him."

"As if Rob and that dimpled guy from this morning weren't proof enough. But okay, just wait and

we'll come up with ways for you to be out on dates with decent, good-looking guys."

Clarise was excited that her friend was starting to come out of her shell more. She had been

hiding under it, putting on a mask of indifference and professionalism. That served Jessa well in her
career for she was truly brilliant at what she did. But she knew the loneliness Jessa felt from thinking
she was unattractive when it was simply a belief from her childhood that totally skewed her
perception. At least they could be thankful to Rob for helping them with a JAB of his own by asking

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Jessa out.

When she finished her conversation with Jessa, she was straight on the phone to Faye. They were

determined to help Jessa go out there and have some fun. She'd held herself back too much. And if
she dated more, they had no doubt she'd find herself a man who would just hold on to her and never
let her go. In the end, that was what they wanted for her. They knew deep down it was what Jessa
was looking for.


Rob smiled with satisfaction and relief as the second of the big Sydney contracts he was chasing also
came through, signed and dated. Now he could fully plan and prepare for a short-term stay in Sydney
as he personally attended to these new clients.

He missed the city he grew up in and was looking forward to living there for four months. The

good thing was he didn't need an office space there. He could work from the serviced apartment he
would be staying at and any support he needed could be catered for electronically by his Melbourne

His thoughts turned to Jessa and his body started reacting. He had considered flying to Sydney for

the weekend just to see her. He almost arranged it until he realised how crazy that was. How could
he disrupt his schedule and fly to another state just for some casual sex? Crazy. He'd be back there in
three weeks anyway. By then, his attraction to her should have diminished that he wouldn't be
contemplating any more idiotic actions for a one-night-stand or two.

His phone rang. "Will."
"Hey, Rob, how's it going?"
"Good, good. You?"
"Alright. Guess who I had coffee with today?"
"Your ex."
Oh, shit. He'd forgotten all about Andrea being in Sydney. "Did she call you?"
"Yes. She's a very insistent woman. Wouldn't let me get away with not having coffee with her."
"What did she want from you?"
"Nothing much from me. She just asked me about places she could go to and told me how she was

enjoying Bondi and the new people she met on the beach. She did talk a lot about you, though."

"What about?"
"Oh, she was more like reminiscing on your good times together. She wants you back, you know."
Rob snorted and shook his head then suddenly sat up straight on his chair as he remembered

something. "Did Clarise know you saw Andrea?"

"Yes, of course," Will replied. "That's why I made sure we were done in less than an hour.

Clarise was supposed to go with me but she couldn't fit it in her schedule."

"Did you tell her Andrea wanted me back?"
"Yeah, I told her what Andrea and I talked about. She wasn't happy to learn about Antoinette

being all crazy about me. I wanted to reassure her we didn't talk about Antoinette."

He chuckled. "You are so under your girlfriend's thumb, Matthews!"
"Am not."
"Are, too! Anyway, what I want to know is does Clarise have any plans on warning Jessa off


Will was silent for a beat. "No, not really."

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"Not really?"
"Well, she hasn't mentioned anything about protecting Jessa from you, if that's what you mean.

Although the girls have plans in place so Jessa can meet new guys."

"I don't think it's particularly so she doesn't see you again. It's more like they want Jessa to meet a

potential boyfriend so they're helping her find dates. They all know you're not boyfriend material."

Rob's head started to throb as the unwanted image of Jessa dating other guys popped in his

imagination. No! "How exactly are they helping her find dates?"

"I heard Clarise on the phone encouraging her to go to this speed dating thing they found for her

tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? Is she going?" he asked in a strangled voice.
"I don't know. You sound funny. What's wrong?"
"Fuck if I know." He exhaled harshly. "I'm so goddamn attracted to Jessa I can't think straight. I

don't want her going out with other men but I also don't want to be in a relationship with her. Man, I
have a serious need to get laid."

"So fucking get laid then, Rob. But don't mess with my girlfriend's best friend."
Rob looked out his office window and ran a hand over his face. "I can't seem to get off with

anyone else."

"What?" The shock in Will's voice was evident. "You mean, 'Sex God' Rob has performance

problems?" Will started to laugh. Evidently, the thought of him not being able to perform in bed was
just too funny.

"Shut up! It's not like that."
Will laughed harder.
"Matthews, shut up and listen to me. I haven't taken any woman to bed lately, that's what. I just

haven't tried. I want Jessa and I'm waiting to have her first before … I move on to the next one." He
shook his head at the stupidity of his logic. "Shit, that's crazy."

Will had calmed down. "So what are you going to do?"
"Go pick up tonight and get laid," he growled. "So I better finish up here and have an early start to

my hunt."

"Okay, then. Good luck."
"You know I don't need luck with picking up chicks."
"I mean good luck in getting it up." Will was laughing again.
"Fuck off," he barked good-naturedly.


Will sat back in his chair, rubbing his chin. His amusement had died down and he thought about what
Rob had confessed.

'I can't seem to get off with anyone else.'
He understood what that meant. He wouldn't be able to get off with anyone else either, wouldn't

even be able to get his dick hard if it wasn't Clarise he was with. But the only reason that was the
case was because he didn't want to be with anyone else. He was in love with Clarise.

Holy shit. Rob in love? With Jessa?
He resolved to get to the bottom of this.

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Jessa stood nervously outside the speed dating venue, half hoping she didn't have to go in. What if no
one picked her tonight? There were at least fourteen other single girls there for the single guys to
choose from. But her friends seemed pretty sure she would have at least one date after this.

She wasn't really keen to be matched up with anyone at the moment. It was just the thought of Rob

possibly spending his sexual energy on some other woman in Melbourne that made her agree to go.
She wasn't going to wallow and wait for him.

"It's not fair that you're all going to have a nice dinner together and I'll be by myself in there," she

complained to Clarise and Faye.

The two women, along with Will, Victor and Evan were going out to dinner together at the

restaurant directly downstairs from the venue while they wait for her to finish.

"Oh, I'm sure you'd have just as much fun in there as we would out here," Faye consoled her. "In

fact, you'll have more fun than Clarise and Victor since they wouldn't be able to openly check out all
the single guys that'll be prowling around here tonight."

"You shouldn't have teased Will," Clarise said with a smile.
"Your boyfriend's just too possessive, Clarise," Faye countered. "Just because I said we'll be

helping Jess check out single men doesn't mean you'll let yourself get picked up by one of them."

"Well, I kind of like it that he wants to be here and let everyone know I'm his," Clarise responded

with a contented sigh. "Anyway, has Steve called to say if he would be able to join us tonight? I'm
sure he'd want to keep an eye on you, too."

"No. He's definitely not coming." There was a hard edge to Faye's voice that was noticed by her


"Is everything alright?" Clarise asked.
Faye shrugged. "He's just been really busy with work lately. We've hardly had any time together

in the last three weeks and now he has to go back to Adelaide again for another week. Apparently
their turnover there has increased by more than fifty percent ever since Steve has been overseeing that
branch so his boss loves sending him there."

"Oh," Jessa cried, putting a hand on Faye's arm. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. And don't you turn the tables on me. This night's about you, not me! Anyway,

here come Victor and Evan."

Jessa and Clarise exchanged concerned looks before turning to their approaching buddies.
They exchanged kisses with the two men just as a lady with a clipboard came out of the room,

ready to usher in the speed dating participants.

Well-dressed men and women who were milling around earlier started queuing for the entrance.

Some of them were very pleasing to the eye.

Victor turned to Evan. "So would you have been jealous if I didn't invite you to join us to dinner?
"Last time I looked this wasn't a gay speed dating event. But I would have been mad if I missed

out on having dinner with the hunky Will Matthews."

Victor gave him a mock pout.
Evan chuckled. "Where's Will anyway?"
"He's on his way. You can ogle him, but no touch, okay?" Clarise teased Evan then turned to

Jessa. "Time to go in, Jess. Remember to have fun. Just enjoy the experience."

"Okay. Wish me luck!"

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As Jessa entered the venue, she couldn't help but hope that tonight would be a good night for

meeting a potential boyfriend. She resolutely pushed away the picture of Rob that flashed in her
mind, reminding herself he was not in the market for relationships.


"Hmm, I don't know. I'm not sure about him either," Jessa said indecisively and chuckled as Clarise
and Victor rolled their eyes. They were having lunch in her office, going over her match results from
last night's speed date which were emailed to her not too long ago. To her surprise, four out of the
five men she selected also chose her so she ended up with four potential dates.

"If you're not sure about any one of these men, why did you choose them?" Clarise asked.
She shrugged. "I know you guys are going to hassle me if I didn't pick anyone so I chose five guys

who I thought were nice enough."

"So if they were good enough last night, what makes them not good enough today?" Victor queried

as he bit into his sandwich with gusto.

"I don't know. I just can't remember what they look like, I guess."
"Well, you really only talked to them for about six minutes or so. It's no wonder you don't

remember what they look like. Why don't you just date all of them and do your culling process after
you've been out with them at least once? You said they were all nice enough," Clarise suggested.

She thought for a second. "Yeah, I guess I can do that."
"Woohoo!" Victor raised a fist in the air in triumph. "Our Jess is gonna have fun dating four

different men!"

Their laughter rang in the room just as Jessa's phone did.
"Hi" she greeted the caller.
Clarise and Victor ate their lunch quietly as they listened to her side of the conversation.
"I'm good, thanks. You? … Oh, really? … Um, yeah, that would be great … Tonight? Victor

invited me to have dinner at his mum's place. His mum loves cooking for other people … Are you
sure? … Okay, then … Bye."

A small smile she failed to hide played on her lips as she looked back at the expectant faces of her

friends. "Make that five."

"What do you mean?"
"I'm seeing Rob again. Tomorrow night."


Rob went through the rest of his day in high spirits. When Jessa agreed to see him tomorrow night
and said she would be with Victor and his mum tonight, his mood lifted considerably. That meant she
hadn't planned on going out with someone she met on her speed date - for the next two nights, at least.

He would have flown to Sydney today if he could, and he would have seen her as soon as he

landed, but he had too much to do that he wasn't able to clear his schedule. Last night, as he laid in
bed chasing sleep that kept on eluding him, he decided he wanted to double check the serviced
apartment he was going to stay at in Sydney. He'd seen the place already, but just to make sure it was
what he really wanted, he thought it was important enough to make a special trip to Sydney to check it
out again.

Now, that wasn't a crazy reason to fly to Sydney for the weekend, was it? After all, he would be

living there for four months. He was entitled to make sure he was happy with the place, wasn't he?
No, seeing Jessa wasn't the primary reason he was going to Sydney for the weekend.

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He picked up the phone to call Will. He needed to make sure Andrea would no longer be in

Sydney when he got there. If she was he would have to make precautions so she didn't end up
meddling with his plans with Jessa.

Will answered his phone on the first ring. "Hey, Rob. It's good you called. I've been meaning to

call you."

"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, I've been wanting to know how you went with your get-laid mission the other night."
He groaned silently. "Well," he drawled, "I was with a blonde for most of the other night."
"And last night?"
"Give me a break!" he laughed.
"So did Blondie have a good time?"
"Oh, Blondie appreciated it big time. Couldn't thank me enough." That was true. He spent that

night with Scott, a client-turned-friend. He gave him two hours of complimentary consulting time
over dinner. But he'd let Will misinterpret his words. He didn't want to give his unsympathetic
friend further cause to laugh at his expense. Plus, he wouldn't be able to explain why he didn't go out
on a hunt because he didn't know why either.

"Okay, then. That clears things up a bit," Will said.
"Sure," he replied dismissively, wanting to get to the real reason for his call. "I do want to ask

you something, Will."

"Did Andrea say she was coming back to Melbourne tomorrow?"
"Yeah, she did. Actually, she asked me yesterday if I wanted to have dinner with her tonight but I

told her Clarise and I already had other plans."

"Good. I'll be in Sydney for the weekend and I really didn't want to deal with her there."
"Yes, I know."
"You know I'll be there? How do you know?"
"Clarise mentioned you're seeing Jessa tomorrow night."
He scrunched his face. Do they tell each other everything?
"So is that the reason why you're coming to Sydney, Rob? To see Jessa?"
"No," he denied. "I'm checking the apartment I'll be staying at for four months. I got those Sydney

contracts I was after."

"Wow, congrats! That's great news," Will said sincerely then continued his interrogation. "So,

this thing you have with Jessa … it's just physical, right?"

"Yes. She seriously turns me on and I just want us to have some fun together."
"Okay, good. Both of you are clear on where you stand with each other."
"Were you worried I hadn't been upfront with her? I told her in no uncertain terms I'm not after a

serious relationship. She seems okay with it."

"It wasn't Jessa I was worried about. I was worried about you!" Will said with a laugh.
"Me? Why on earth would you be worried about me?"
"When you said you couldn't get off with anyone else, impossible as it seemed, I thought you may

have caught the love bug. Now that wouldn't have been good as Jessa all of a sudden has all these
men lined up for dates. But it's just lust for each other you have to satisfy and that's it, right?"

"Right," he answered with a conviction he didn't feel.
"Good. So, we'll see you when you get here."
"Yup. See yah."

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Rob sat unmoving on his chair for many minutes after his conversation with Will ended. It

bothered him that Jessa was seeing other men. It bothered him a hell of a lot.

He hated feeling like that. He gave himself until the end of the weekend to burn out his desire for

Jessa and then quickly move on.

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Jessa checked herself again on the full-length mirror. She still couldn't believe what she was seeing.
She finally caved in to Faye and Clarise's cajoling to have a make-over. Earlier that day, they took
her to Faye's hair stylist where she had a hair treatment and a style cut. She was astounded by the
difference her new hair style made. Her crowning glory, still dead straight but now layered, framed
her face in a flattering manner. Then they took her to a beauty salon where she had a facial that made
her skin glow. She even had a bonus private make-up application class. She was so taken aback by
her new look that she also agreed to go shopping for new outfits. She came back home with five new
dresses - one for each of her upcoming dates - and a new pair of heels. She had never spent so much
on herself before in one day. But when she looked at the pretty - yes, she had to admit, pretty -
woman staring back at her from the mirror, she had to agree it was worth it.

A slow smile curved her lips. Yes, I'm worth it. The JAB - the Jessa Allen Booster that my

friends so tirelessly gave me - is finally working.

She checked her watch and her nervousness increased. In five minutes or so, Rob would arrive at

her place and they would use her car to go to dinner. She'd been ready for more than half an hour,
considering she'd been preparing since that morning.

Deep breaths, Jess. You wouldn't want to ruin your fresh new look by getting all jittery and

sweaty in your new, expensive, strapless red dress. Before she could stop her thoughts, she added,
you'd want to be sweaty out of it - with Rob.

She blushed even as she smiled at her naughty thoughts.
Her security intercom rang loudly, making her heart race. She took one very deep inhale and

slowly exhaled before she moved to answer it.

"Hi, Jess. It's Rob."
"Hi, Rob. I'm ready. Do you need to come up first?"
"Yes. May I?"
"Sure. I'm on level three. Turn left as you exit the lifts." She buzzed him in.
A minute later, she heard him knocking. Anticipation filled her as the butterflies in her stomach

went crazy. Calm down, this isn't your first date with Rob. She went to answer the door.

Rob looked sinfully handsome as he stood before her by the threshold, carrying a white box and a

small overnight bag.

"Wow, Jess. You look stunning."
Her cheeks pinked as he swept his eyes on her with unmistakable appreciation.
"Thanks. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that you look great."

Jessa's wide but shy grin made Rob want to hold her in his arms and kiss those luscious lips he'd been
dreaming about for a week.

He noticed her eyeing his bag and the box he was holding.
"I haven't checked in at my hotel yet. I thought I'd leave my bag here while we go to dinner."
He dropped his bag to the side and held out the box to her. "And I brought this for you."
"What is it?"
"Here, have a look."

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Jessa opened the box and laughed. "Were these the desserts we were supposed to have but didn't

get to eat on our last date?"

"Yup," he said, grinning.
"That's so sweet. Thank you. Does that mean we eat dessert here tonight?"
His eyes darkened as he thought of what else he wanted to have tonight. "That's an option," he

managed to say.

Jessa turned towards the kitchen and he followed. Like a puppy dog, he thought to himself wryly.
"Let me put this in the fridge then we can go. Where are we going, by the way?"
Jessa bent to re-arrange the contents of her fridge so she could fit in the box of desserts.
To the bedroom, he thought as his pants instantly became tighter at the sight of Jessa's sexy ass

wiggling before him.

She abruptly straightened and turned as she closed the fridge door. Her mouth slackened and her

chest heaved faster. He had no doubt his intention was written all over his face and it pleased him no
end that it affected her. His heart pounded madly as she walked towards him.

"Kiss me?" she whispered.
He didn't need any further encouragement than that. "Hell, yeah," he breathed as he crushed her to


Jessa's lips and tongue were as hot and insistent as his as they devoured each other's mouths.

Desire roared in his veins as she pressed her body to his in an unspoken invitation. He needed more
from her and was desperate for more of her.

His hands were feverish and restless as they explored her body. She gasped when he grabbed her

bottom and grounded her hips to his. She would have noticed he was fully aroused and, judging by
her reaction to him, so was she.

She moaned as his lips left her mouth to plant hot kisses on her neck. She angled her head, giving

him better access as she raked a hand on his hair while the other rubbed his back heatedly.

"Jessa," he murmured against her throat. "I want you now. Say you want this, too."
"Yes," she whispered breathlessly.
He groaned and held her face between his hands so he could capture her mouth again for a searing

kiss. He was tempted to take her right there in her kitchen - on her benchtop. But not for their first
time. Not when her bed was only a few footsteps away. He dragged his lips away from her so he
could say, "take me to your bedroom, Jess."

For a long second, Jessa gazed back at him with naked yearning. Then she took his hand to lead

him to her bed.

A sudden trepidation cloaked Jessa as Rob unzipped her dress. The fire they stoked in her kitchen
still burned brightly, but the journey to her bedroom brought some semblance of reality to her

What if I turn out to be a disappointment?
She had no doubt Rob was a very experienced lover who've had many beautiful women. And here

she was, lacking sexual expertise from her limited experience. What if she was boring in bed?
Maybe that was why she didn't set her previous boyfriends on fire.

She clutched her dress against her chest before it fell to the floor, her stance betraying her tension.
Rob tilted her chin up, forcing her to look straight into his eyes. "Jess? What's wrong?"
She chewed on her lower lip, not knowing how to express her fears to him.
"Nervous?" he prompted.

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"Yes, and … well, yes."
He chuckled. "So am I."
She looked at him suspiciously. "You couldn't be. You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"No. I am nervous."
"Honestly, I don't know," Rob said softly.
"Well, Rob Granger, I don't think you have a good reason to be nervous."
He smiled. "And you think you do, Jessa Allen?"
"Of course. I'm the one who's more inexperienced and … less of a hottie."
"What?" he exclaimed in disbelief. "I get the more inexperienced bit, but less of a hottie? Jessa,

don't you look in the mirror?"

She blushed. "You know what I mean."
"No, I don't."
"I just don't want to disappoint you," she whispered, her hazel eyes wide and beseeching as she

gazed at his questioning gray ones.

Rob's eyes softened with a look that made her heart skip a beat. "I don't think you could

disappoint me, Jess." He caressed her cheek with a knuckle and stroked her lower lip with his
thumb. "Let me prove that to you," he said huskily, eyes burning into her.

She melted at Rob's gaze and touch. How does he do that? How can he stoke the fire in me with

just a look, a touch?

She sighed and lifted her arms to put them around his neck, letting her dress fall to the floor.

Jessa moaned as Rob's soft lips touched hers. He held her tighter and deepened the kiss, making no
effort to hide his passion. It wasn't long before she was beyond thought, allowing herself to get swept
by the tidal wave of need that crashed into her.

They mated with their mouths. Their tongues tasted. Their teeth nipped. Their lips sucked. And

they weren't enough.

She was mindless, aware only of Rob's burning hands and lips on her face, her neck, her

shoulders, her back. She opened her eyes when she felt Rob pull away from her only to notice she
was already lying on her bed in her underwear. She watched with avid eyes as Rob unbuttoned his
shirt and discarded it to the floor. I wanted to do that, she thought as she drank in his muscular
frame. She vowed to be quicker, take charge earlier, next time.

Rob stretched himself on the bed next to her with his pants still on. "Do you have any idea how

hot you make me, Jess?" he asked huskily as he ran a burning hand on her belly and rake her body
with an eager gaze.

"Show me," she answered with hooded eyes.
His smile was brilliant. "With pleasure."
He knelt above her, knees on either side of her hips. He leaned, supporting himself with his

elbows braced next to her shoulders. His hungry mouth was insistent on her jaw, her ear, her neck
and it was burning her up. Then he moved downwards and took on a more leisurely pace.

His lips travelled down to the valley between her breasts, leaving butterfly kisses along her skin.

When he nuzzled her peaks through her lacy bra, she whimpered at the sensation, her fingers ardently
combing through his hair.

Rob slid her bra straps off her shoulders, one after the other to expose her erect nipples to his

ravenous eyes. He grazed his lips around them slowly, maddeningly, driving her crazy. She panted

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with desire as she arched and angled her chest to get a nipple into his mouth. Rob let out a soft moan
before capturing a hardened peak between his lips, teasing it with his tongue as his fingers tweaked
its twin.

"Ohh, Rob!" Delicious currents of desire sizzled to her core, making her soak.
In the next moment, she felt bereft as Rob stopped, raised himself up and looked down on his


She followed his gaze and impulsively reached for his belt.
"Baby, no. Not yet," Rob said in a strangled voice, stilling her hands.
She looked up at his face in surprise. "Why not?" She heard the whine in her voice.
He smiled at her fondly. "Don't tempt me. Right now, I'm torn between setting my very

uncomfortable cock free and keeping it on a leash. But if you take my pants off now, we'll be finished
sooner than we both want."

"Oh," her mouth formed a perfect O at his revelation.
"God, you're so beautiful you drive me crazy," Rob ground out as he buried his face between her

perky breasts. She noticed he still avoided contact of his lower body with hers. She was amazed by
his reaction to her but she wasn't able to ponder further when his lips moved down, erasing all
thoughts but what he was doing.

With impatient hands, Rob slid off her lace panties and tossed them over his shoulder. He parted

her legs and knelt in between them. He bent down to place hot little kisses on her thighs, moving
upwards until he reached his goal. "Oh, Jess, you're so wet," he croaked in an agonised whisper. He
licked her sex lips, tasted her juices and teased her, avoiding that hardened nub that craved his

She whimpered. "Rob, please. I want … I want …"
"Shh, baby," he crooned. "I know what you want. Soon, honey." Then he got up. This time he

undid his belt and got out of his pants and boxer briefs.

She wanted to help him with that, too. But she was so reeling with need she could only look at

him, panting through her open mouth. Oh, my god! He's beautiful … and big.

When Rob pulled out a condom from his pants pocket, she found the will and energy to sit up. "I

want to do that."

Rob stared at her as she took the foil packet from his hand. But instead of ripping it open and

putting the condom on him, she ran her fingers on his rock-hard member.

"Oh, fuck, Jess!" he said through gritted teeth.
She closed her hand around his shaft and gently tugged and caressed. He was velvety soft to touch

but also hard as steel. She stared mesmerised at the dew that formed at the tip of his cock. She
licked her lips and was just about to treat herself to a taste of him when Rob stopped her progress by
grasping her hair so she couldn't reach her prize.

He pried her hand away from his member. "Baby, you can play with it more later. Right now, you

have to put that condom on me."

She looked up at him and pouted prettily. Then she smiled as she tore the packet and slowly

rolled. Rob was panting harder by the time she was done.

Gently, he pushed her back on the bed. He lavished more attention on her lips and nipples before

spreading her legs apart and settling himself back in between her thighs. She was surprised he wasn't
done in this position yet. He kissed around her sex again, teasing her like he did earlier. He touched
her wetness with his finger and gently stroked her opening. Her hips arched towards him as she
moaned. Then slowly, he touched her clit, rubbing ever so deliciously with expert strokes.

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"Rob! Oh god …" she moaned, her hips bucking off the bed.
Rob slowly inserted a finger in her hot wetness and set his tongue on her throbbing clit, licking her

as his finger stroked inside. Before long, she was crying out his name, shuddering in an earth-
shattering climax.

Her body was still in the midst of her orgasm when Rob shifted to put his eager shaft in her. He

moaned loudly as he slowly pushed in until he was fully encased in her warmth.

She keened at the incredible sensation of Rob filling her, stretching her. She opened her eyes to

find him staring intently at her. His face, only inches away, registered a mixture of sheer pleasure and
deep need which she reflected back through her own uncontrollable expressions and moans. He
thrusted in and out at a slow, deliberate pace that had her gasping for more.

Rob moved faster, his panting getting louder as he continued to watch her watching him. She felt

herself quicken and dug her fingers on Rob's back as she screamed and came hard all around him.

"Oh, fuck. Jess … arghh!" Rob trembled in her arms, coming long and loud. She held him until

the last of their shudders quietened down.

Rob raised himself up to look at Jessa. "Jess," he said in wonder. He couldn't say anything more than
that. He was too overcome by emotions he couldn't describe.

Just as he'd predicted, she didn't disappoint. Yes, she was inexperienced but her enthusiasm and

responsiveness more than made up for it. Fuck, she made him burn so bad she was easily the hottest
woman he'd ever been with.

He stared at her lovely features, trying to make sense of the feelings whirling inside him. He'd

contained his strong sexual attraction for her for a very long week and when that frustration was
released, something from the depths of him seemed to have been unleashed as well.

Jessa reached up and stroked his cheek, her smile displaying her contentment.
After a long moment of simply staring, smiling and caressing each other's faces, he rolled off to

discard the condom. When he was done, he went back to bed and gathered her in his arms.

"You know we missed our dinner reservation?" he mused although he didn't really care about food

right that minute. He was enjoying snuggling in bed with Jessa.

"Oh! Are you hungry?" she asked.
His lips curved into a salacious smile. "I will be again in a minute. After I recover."
Jessa lifted her head up to look at him. Her expression was adorably shy yet eager, correctly

interpreting the meaning of his heated look. He thought she was the cutest, most endearing woman
he'd ever met.

"I believe I have a job of showing you how hot you make me," he crooned in her ear.
"But you're already hot without any help from me."
He laughed as he started to nibble her neck and cup her breast.
Jessa giggled. "Has it been a minute already? Have you recovered?"
He took her hand and moved it down to his hardening shaft. "Uh-huh."
Jessa's giggles died down as her focus went to what she held on her hand. "You did promise I

could play with it some more."

He groaned as Jessa proceeded to do just that.

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Jessa woke up to the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. Her bed was unusually
warmer and she turned to the cause of it. She watched him sleep peacefully, content to simply scan
his handsome features, imprinting them in her mind.

Her stomach growled and she almost laughed out loud when she remembered they forgot to have a

proper dinner last night. It was almost midnight when they both decided they were hungry enough for
food. But since they weren't keen on taking the time to cook something, they feasted instead on the
dessert Rob brought.

Eggs and baked beans on toast sound like a tempting breakfast, she thought as she mentally

rummaged through the content of her fridge. She checked her alarm clock and was shocked to see
how late it was. It was already ten-twenty. She'd never slept in this late, but then again, the night she
just had was far from ordinary.

Last night with Rob had been one of the most memorable of her life. It was a night she knew she

would have great difficulty erasing from her mind. Not that she wanted to. She would never regret
their time together, no matter how short it ended up to be.

Tears sprung to her eyes and she swallowed hard to push them back. She'd almost forgotten it,

almost got carried away with the fantasy of Rob falling for her, but what they had was just a casual
sex experience. Yes, it was a beautiful, touched-the-depth-of-her-heart connection, but still only
casual. It couldn't possibly last.

As much as she tried to deny it before, she'd sensed that Rob had become someone special to her.

After last night, there was no question. She had fallen in love with him.

With a sheer force of will, she pushed all thoughts of tomorrow from her mind, aware that if she

let herself think about it, she'd end up bawling her eyes out. That wasn't an option with Rob still in
her apartment. She'd give herself a good cry after he'd left. For now, she'd simply enjoy what was
remaining of his time with her today.

With a heavy heart, she moved to get out of bed. She was halted by a strong arm that snaked

around her waist.

"Where are you going?" a sexy, just-woke-up voice asked.
"I, uh, was going to make us breakfast."
"But what I want is right here," he said huskily, nibbling on her shoulder and pressing her closer to


She smiled, his playfulness erasing much of her despondency. "Don't you want to eat some food?"
"Oh, yeah, I want to eat alright. You're so delicious I want some more," he rasped.
She swatted his shoulder, giggling. "You're terrible!"
"Terrible? Well, then, you leave me with no choice but to prove to you again how much you love

being in bed with me."

And prove himself again he did.


They managed to drag themselves out of Jessa's apartment and into a Thai restaurant five minutes'
walk away to get some real food.

Rob was glad Jessa didn't have any other plans for that Sunday. He wanted to spend the rest of the

day with her before he had to leave for the airport later. Not necessarily for more sex, although he

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wouldn't mind having more of it as he couldn't seem to get enough of her, but just to be with her.

He watched her peruse the menu. Whether he wanted it or not, she had started to mean something

to him. But where did that leave them? He lived in another state. He would only be in Sydney for
four short months. He couldn't imagine her being happy with someone she only saw once or twice a
month and he couldn't imagine himself being patient enough to wait for those few-and-far-between
days to be with his woman.

And what on earth was he doing contemplating a relationship with her anyway? He didn't need

one and didn't want one.

A casual arrangement was still the only option as far as he could see. No commitments, no

strings. Just enjoy each other when they could. He couldn't see how anything else could possibly

He pulled out his phone when he felt it vibrate. It was a text from Will.
"Will wants to meet me for coffee at around three-thirty in the city," he informed her.
"Okay," Jessa replied. He saw the disappointment she wasn't able to hide.
"Why don't you go with me? Clarise will be there, too."
The invitation was out before he could stop himself. What would Will and Clarise say? He didn't

want to confuse their friends. What would they think if he and Jessa turned up together?

He gave himself a mental shake. Will and Clarise knew the score between him and Jessa. And

they were their friends who undoubtedly cared about the both of them no matter what choices they
made regarding each other. Besides, it would mean some more time in Jessa's company before he

He saw the hesitation in her eyes. He was about to cajole her into going when she answered.
"Okay, sure. I'll go with you."
He smiled in relief.


Clarise and Will were already seated on a booth when Jessa and Rob got to the coffee shop. The two
lovebirds were no less cuddling, with Will's arm tightly around Clarise.

Jessa felt a stab of envy. She had been in two minds about joining them for coffee because they'd

be in the company of two people absolutely smitten with each other. It would just highlight to her
what she would never have with Rob. But she couldn't pass up on the opportunity to spend some
more time with him before he left. She didn't want to say goodbye yet.

When they were all seated, a young female server, who looked no older than nineteen, walked to

their table as she fiddled with a device in her hand. She looked up to take their order and her eyes
landed on Will first who was still consulting the menu. She stared at him, her lips slightly parting.
She was silent and unmoving for long seconds.

"Ahem. I'll have the chocolate pancake and a skim latte, please," Clarise said rather kindly to the

girl staring at her boyfriend.

The server blushed furiously. "I'm sorry. What was that again?"
Clarise repeated her order and the girl tapped it on her handheld device. The server then turned to

Jessa who only ordered a hot chocolate. When she turned her attention to Rob, her jaw dropped and
her sharp intake of breath was audible. When she recovered, she tapped in Rob's order for a

She started walking away when Will called out. "Excuse me, you haven't taken my order yet."
"Oh, I'm so sorry! What would you like?" The poor, embarrassed girl was red. She couldn't

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even look at Will.

"I'll have a flat white and a fruit flan, please."
"Okay," the shamefaced girl squeaked as she hurried away.
"You guys enjoyed that, didn't you?" Clarise said with mirth in her eyes.
Rob just smiled while Will squeezed Clarise tight and gave her a loud kiss on the lips.
Jessa glanced around uncomfortably. Normally, she enjoyed seeing Clarise so happy with Will.

But she was acutely aware of Rob sitting next to her, and the fact that she couldn't have him the way
she wanted - the way Clarise had Will. It made her bluer than blue.

The men started talking about business and she tuned out. She tried to look nonchalant and

pretended to observe the other patrons at the place while she worked to suppress her emotions
threatening to bubble up to the surface.

She gasped as she felt her foot being kicked under the table. Clarise gave her an are-you-okay

look. She tried a big smile. She should have known Clarise would notice. But this wasn't the time
and place to talk about it.

When their orders arrived, it was brought by a male server. The previous girl was probably too

mortified to come back to their table.

"So how come you guys only ordered drinks? Not peckish?" Will asked.
"No, we had a big lunch at a Thai restaurant. We were so hungry we ordered too much," Rob


"What made you so hungry?" Will's eyes were full of mischief.
"A combination of things," Rob said with a smirk.
"So I take it you got off at the right spot at Crows Nest yesterday?" Will teased.
"Thanks for asking, Matthews," Rob responded with a glare at his friend. "I certainly got off at

the right spot. At the right time, too."

Clarise piped in. "Haven't you been to Crows Nest before, Rob? I thought you lived in the North

Shore before you moved to Melbourne."

"Yeah, I did, Clarise. Will was just concerned I might have forgotten how to get around Sydney

using public transport."

"No, it wasn't the getting around I was concerned about. It was the getting off," Will clarified

with a broad grin.

"I know the button to push on those buses when I want to get off. I've been on them many times

before," Rob replied with a piercing stare.

With the conversation being as strange as it was, it dawned on Jessa that the men weren't talking

about using public transport in Sydney. She thought about how many times Rob got off last night and
that morning. It was impressive. He certainly didn't have any problems in that area. It still intrigued
her that he might have had troubles with it in the past.

"You had problems getting off before?" she heard herself ask Rob. She didn't know what came

over her. Maybe she was looking for an ego boost.

Will roared with laughter and Clarise gave him a disapproving look. "Will!"
"I'm sorry. I honestly don't know why I find that so funny," Will said to Rob as he tried to contain

his laughter. "Anyway, are you going to answer Jessa's question?"

Rob sighed loudly then looked at Jessa. "No, I've never had any problems getting off. Will

assumed I had issues with it when the situation was I didn't get on. You can't get off when you don't
get on first."

She frowned. "Why didn't you get on?"

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"It wasn't the bus I wanted. It was highly frustrating waiting for a particular bus but it was worth

it," Rob told her with an upward tug of his lips.

The smile Rob gave Jessa was full of meaning and it didn't escape Will's attention.

He was keen to know what was really going on. Jessa's melancholic face and courageous smiles

told a lot but he wasn't sure about Rob. He decided to give Rob some food for thought. He knew
what it was like not to realise how much you really cared about someone until losing them was
staring you in the face. Much as he'd enjoyed ruffling Rob's feathers, he didn't want him to miss his
chance with Jessa. She had four other dates lined up.

"So when do you come back, Rob?" he asked.
"In two weeks."
Will reached for Clarise's hand under the table and squeezed it in warning before turning to Jessa.

"Hey, Jess, I heard you have four dates lined up for the next two weeks."

Rob's startled reaction was subtle but it was there. His expression was stony as he looked at

Jessa and waited for her to respond.

Jessa glanced at Will with surprise. She didn't seem to know how to answer him. He winked at

her and gave her what he hoped was a comforting smile. She smiled back at him with understanding
in her eyes. "Yes, I do."

Clarise joined in. "Have you chosen the outfit you're going to wear for Tuesday?"
"Not yet. But it'll be one of those you girls helped me choose."
"What's the name of the first guy you're going out with?" Will asked in a curious tone.
"Warren, I think."
"What about the guy for this Saturday?"
"How come Warren gets a Tuesday date and Simon snags a Saturday?" Will asked.
Jessa shrugged. "It was the night Simon suggested and I happen to be available."
"I bet Simon really likes you that's why he asked for a Saturday night date."
Rob interrupted, giving Will a menacing squint. "Hey, look, Jessa and I aren't an item but we still

have just spent the night together. Do you have to talk about this in front of me?"

Will leaned back on his seat and tried not to look smug. Oh, yes, Rob was jealous. He hadn't

seen his friend like this before. Not even with Andrea who was the only woman so far who had taken
the official title of being Rob's girlfriend. When he went to a bar with Rob and Andrea in Melbourne,
a man slipped a piece of paper with his phone number in Andrea's hand. Rob just laughed it off and
obviously didn't care that his then-girlfriend was being hit on by another man.

"Don't tell me you're jealous, Rob," he pushed.
"Of course not," Rob responded with a deep scowl. "Jessa can date whomever she wants."
"Don't worry, I will," Jessa retorted.

Jessa took a deep breath to steady herself. But Rob's comment made her angry and she wanted to hurt
back even if logic told her she couldn't expect him to care how many men she dated.

"So," she continued, her eyes hard, "if Saturday night dates mean the guy really likes me then Jim

must really like me, too. He's my other Saturday date."

"You have two dates on Saturday?" Rob's surprise was evident in his voice.
"No, not on the one Saturday. I'm seeing Warren this coming Saturday and Jim next Saturday."
The air around them charged with tension as Rob stared at her.

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After a beat, he turned to Will and Clarise. "I hate to be rude and break up this party so early, but

Jess and I need to discuss something before I leave for the airport. So you two stay here and finish
your food. I'll fix the tab for our table on our way out. No complaints," Rob said to Will who looked
like he was going to protest. Then he faced Jessa. "Can we go, Jess?"

Jessa saw the pleading look in Rob's eyes and caved. "Okay."
They stood up and hugged their friends goodbye.

"You were mean," Clarise said to Will when the two were out of earshot. "Mean, but effective."


Rob held Jessa's hand as they walked silently towards the car park. Inside her car was the only place
he could think of that would give them some of the privacy they needed. They didn't have the time to
go back to her place.

Will had been in a pestering mood and his pal had succeeded in getting him riled up. He may

have been stoic on the outside as he listened to all the talk about the men Jessa was going to date but
inside he was screaming, no fucking way!

It had been on the back of his mind that Jessa was going out on other dates but he refused to think

about it. He couldn't stop her dating other men, anyway. He didn't have the right. By the same token,
he wouldn't expect her to stop him from seeing other women. She wouldn't even know what he'd be
up to when he returned to Melbourne.

But when she announced she was going out on a date next Saturday, something inside him

snapped. That was the day he was coming back to Sydney. And Jessa wouldn't be with him. She'd
be with another man. The reality of it hit him hard and his breathing constricted. He wasn't done with
Jessa yet. He was far from done with her.


Jessa sat quietly on the driver's side of her car, twisting her hands in her lap in nervous anticipation.
She glanced sideways at Rob who took a deep breath, looking nervous.

"Jess," Rob began, shifting to his side so he was facing her. "I don't really know how else to say

this so I'll just come out with it."

Her brows furrowed as she twisted so they were eye to eye.
"I would really want us to keep on seeing each other," Rob declared as he reached out to stroke

her knee absently, "and not see other people while we do so."

Her mouth slackened in surprise as her heart raced. That was the last thing she expected from Rob

- the Rob who said he wasn't looking for a relationship.

Was he serious? He looked serious. Hope sprouted within her but she stalled it. He obviously

had more to say.

"I'll be living in Sydney for four months," he continued. "It would be great if we could have an

exclusive relationship while I'm here. Only while it works for both of us, of course."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her heart thumping madly in her chest.
"Well, essentially, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend while I'm here in Sydney. When I go back to

Melbourne, we release ourselves from the exclusivity arrangement. We can also call it off at any
time before I leave if it's no longer working."

"While you're here in Sydney," she repeated, letting the meaning of it sink in. Rob wanted to have

an exclusive relationship with her but it would still be casual. It would be one with no possibility

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whatsoever of a happily ever after. In fact, it already had a termination date. She hadn't even agreed
to it and she already knew when it would end.

"Jess, I said to you before I wasn't looking for a relationship. What I meant was I'm not looking

for long-term commitment. I don't want to mislead you about that. But we have this unbelievable
sexual chemistry and it would be such a shame to put it aside when the fire is still burning so
intensely. I still want you bad and I think you feel the same. I'm also not prepared to share you while
we still enjoy being with each other."

A whispered warning floated in Jessa's head but it was muffled by an ecstatic voice. I'm seeing

him again! This isn't goodbye yet!

"So you can manage short-term commitments, as long as they don't end up being long-term or

permanent," she observed.

Rob considered her comment. "Yes."
She looked down on Rob's hand gently stroking her knee. The simmering heat that simple touch

stoked in her confirmed she would find it extremely difficult to walk away from his proposition. But
she had already fallen for Rob and she knew her feelings for him could only grow deeper if she
agreed to this arrangement. Could she trust herself not to fall apart when the time came to let him go?

She gazed at his handsome face. Four months wasn't long, but it was more than what some people

have spent with someone they cared about. If she took the chance, it would be four months of her life
where she could say the man she loved was hers and she was his.

"Okay," she whispered.
Rob's face broke into a wide, relieved grin. He held the back of her neck and pulled her to him.

His kiss drowned out all caution from her mind. His tongue was slow, sweet and tantalising, his lips

Yes, she wanted this. She wanted him. Her time with him would be short but she would take each

day as it came. She vowed to make the most of it.

"Just so you know," Rob murmured against her lips, "you're my girlfriend starting from today so

you better cancel those other dates immediately."

"But you're not officially in Sydney yet," she teased. "Don't I have two more weeks of freedom?"
"No," he barked. Then his lips tugged upwards. "Unless I can also have my two weeks of


She froze for a second. "I'll cancel them tonight."
"Good," Rob murmured as his lips moved to her throat and his hand moved further up her thigh

under her skirt, heating her up all over.

She moaned softly and caressed the back of Rob's neck. It was so easy for him to arouse her. She

was already getting w—

A car horn blared and its occupants, three teenage boys, yelled and made crude gestures with their

hands. She suddenly remembered where they were and blushed. Rob grinned at the boys, gave them
the thumbs up then waved them away. "Fuck off, kids," he muttered and watched the car to make sure
they were really gone. Fortunately, their level was full so there was less chance of having constant

When the area was empty of people again, Rob turned to her, his gray eyes blazing. "I have to go

soon. But first I want to do this." He slid a hand under her top, unhooked her bra and reached around
to cup her breast while his other hand travelled closer and closer to the apex between her legs.

"Rob!" she cried in alarm and looked around to see if there was anyone about.
"Keep your eyes open and watch for people, sweetheart, while I concentrate on you." He

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massaged her breast and flicked an already hard nipple, making her gasp. When he found her clit
unerringly and started rubbing through her panties, she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips.

"Rob, how can you expect me to watch for people when you're doing that?" she asked


"Do you want me to stop?" he asked as he nipped her earlobe and pinched her nipple lightly, all

the while continuing to rub her crotch.

"If you stop, I'm breaking up with you even before you get out of this car."
Rob chuckled and pushed her panties to the side to slide a thick, long finger in her wetness.
She mewled. The danger of being discovered inflamed her further. At the corner of her eye, she

noticed a car approaching. "Car coming!"

Instead of stopping, Rob stooped down so he wouldn't be seen from the outside. "You're just

alone in the car, baby, waiting for someone."

He made himself as comfortable as he could in his crouched down position and continued to pay

attention to her sex. He put his two hands to good use. He added another finger in her and
deliciously thumbed her clit. His fingers moved exquisitely and tirelessly as they gave her pleasure,
making her hips buck involuntarily.

"Mmphh … ohhh … ohhh!" Her soft moans filled the car. She was beyond caring if anyone was

passing by. All she was focused on was the orgasm that was rocking her whole body.

When she came down from the clouds, her eyelids peeled open and she was greeted by Rob's

tender yet impish smile.

She cupped his face and he kissed her palm.
"I have to go or I'll miss my plane," he said gruffly.
"Are you comfortable?" she asked as she peeked at his crotch. The bulge there told her he must be

feeling the opposite.

Rob grinned. "No, but I'll be okay. We don't have time." He tucked a strand of hair behind her


"I'll drive you to the airport," she offered.
"No, thanks. That's out of your way. It's just as easy for me to catch a cab." He reached for his

overnight bag on the back seat then gave her a sweet, lingering kiss. "See you in a couple of weeks,

"See you."
Rob gracefully got out of the car and closed the door. She opened the passenger side window and

he stuck his head in. "You know what to do tonight."

"What? Dream of you?" she asked as she fixed her clothing.
Rob laughed. "Yes, do that. But first, cancel those damn dates."
"Okay," she grinned happily. She'd do that and she'd certainly dream of him, too. She turned on

the ignition and slowly drove off as she waved goodbye to Rob.

As she exited the car park, she felt bereft and lonely without him.
Oh, god, I'm in trouble. If I feel like this when he's only going to be away for two weeks, how

would I feel when he leaves for good?

A lump formed in her throat and her vision got blurry.
Fuck it, Jessa Allen. Just enjoy it while it lasts, she berated herself.

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All four friends were seated around their usual table at their regular Monday lunch haunt and Jessa
told them about being Rob's girlfriend during his Sydney stay.

"Hey, that's great!" Victor commented. "You get to enjoy the hunk for longer than you thought. So

what's he like in the sack, huh?"

"Victor! You'd want to know, wouldn't you?" Jessa laughed.
"Of course. So?"
The steamy sex scenes she had with Rob played in her mind, culminating with the episode in her

car. She flushed all over and fidgeted in her seat. "He's good."

"Well, I don't think we need to ask you how good. Your face says it all," Victor said with a wink.
"And you're really okay with that arrangement, Jess?" Clarise asked.
She nodded. "It's more than I expected. As Victor said, I get to enjoy him for a much longer time.

Although," she looked down on her plate, "don't be surprised if I'll need a shoulder to cry on when
we're done."

"You've fallen for him," Clarise said softly.
She smiled her confirmation. "I know there's a case to be made for not getting on the bus when

you know it's going to crash but the thing is I know when it will crash. I'll just have to jump off it
before it does. I'll probably get scrapes and bruises in the process but I think the experience will still
be worth it."

"Then we're here to cheer you on while you're on the bus, then we'll be there to help you treat

those scrapes and bruises when you jump off it."

"Oh, Clarise, that's so sweet. You're all so sweet. Thank you."
Jessa noticed that Faye hadn't said much at all. Normally, she was the most inquisitive out of the

four of them, the one who wasn't shy to ask for details of everything - including sex. Today, Faye
looked subdued.

"So that's me done with my updates," she announced. "Faye, do you want to be next?" she asked


Faye looked up from her plate. "Sure." She took a deep breath before forging ahead. "Steve said

his boss had offered him the sales manager position for the combined South Australian and Western
Australian territories. If he takes it he would need to move to Adelaide."

All three gazed at her in shock. They were silent as each contemplated what it would mean to

Faye if Steve moved to Adelaide.

"Do you think he'll take it?" Clarise asked tentatively.
Faye shrugged, her eyes watering. "I don't know. He said last night he was still thinking about it.

It's a big step-up for him so I know he's very tempted." She dabbed her eyes with her serviette. "But
what's bothering me even more is that he doesn't seem to want to talk it through with me. He seems to
want to make his decision without my input. I mean, sure, it's his career and his life but we've been
together for almost a year. It will be our anniversary in two weeks. It's as if how I feel about it
doesn't matter."

"How do you feel about it?" Jessa's voice was soft, feeling for her friend.
"Half of me is very happy for him and half of me hates the fact that he has this opportunity. If he

moves to Adelaide then it's either I move with him or we break up. It will be a very hard decision
because I love Sydney. This is my home. I love my job here and I don't want to be away from my

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family - including you guys."

The other three regarded each other silently, none of them finding the right words to say. Finally,

Clarise took Faye's hand and squeezed it. "How can we help you with this?"

Faye smiled tightly. "Just help me treat the scrapes and bruises as I get them. There's bound to be

a few."

A chorus of 'of course' and 'no problems' rang out from around the table.
Jessa glanced at her hands on her lap. Doubts about her agreement with Rob surfaced as she

imagined herself being in Faye's shoes in the not too distant future. But of course, there was that one
big difference in their situations. She didn't have the option of following Rob to Melbourne. He
didn't make that choice available to her. Her only option was to break up with him.

"Hey, Jess," Faye called out. "I think you made the right decision with Rob. You need to live a

little," she grinned.

Jessa chuckled and looked fondly at her friend. Faye was really something. If anyone was

entitled to happiness, it was she. If Steve hadn't realised how special she was after a year together,
then he didn't deserve her.


Jessa checked her phone messages in dismay as she got ready to head off for lunch. Not only was
there no word from Rob - it had been three days since he left - but her to-do list kept on piling up
faster than she could tackle them. She knew Clarise was in the same position. The magazine's
readership and popularity was growing exponentially and the pressure on them as the two senior
writers and editors was increasing.

She would have much preferred to duck out and buy a sandwich to eat at her desk but one of their

top clients had invited her, Clarise and their boss and magazine owner, Ray Thackery to a special
'Thank You' lunch. Apparently, their results from their advertising campaign in Lifestyle by Design
had exceeded their expectations.

"Are you ladies okay to walk for twenty-five minutes in those shoes?" Ray asked them as he eyed

their high heels.

"Twenty-five!" she exclaimed.
"What's the matter with taking a cab, Ray? Surely, you're not cost-cutting on us," Clarise quipped.
Ray chuckled. "For you two? Never. I'm joking, of course. It's only about ten minutes away."
As they walked to their destination, admiring glances were thrown at them by both sexes. Women

even smiled at Ray, which was not surprising. He was a sight to behold in his expensive suit and
confident gait. As a very good-looking and successful business owner at thirty-four, Ray was a great
catch in any woman's language.

Men also tried to attract their attention as they sauntered past. Previously, Jessa would have

assumed the male interest was mainly for Clarise. But lately, her confidence about how she looked
had blossomed enough that she boldly gazed back at them. She was still surprised to notice that some
had their eyes fully directed at her.

Ray updated them on the status of his search for another senior writer to help cope with their

increasing workload. He had three candidates in his short-list and would be doing his final round of
interviews in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, within a month or so, they would have someone
else join their team.

They had just crossed the road at the set of lights when Clarise called out, "Faye!"
Faye stopped in her tracks. She was carrying a brown bag, obviously her lunch that she was

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taking back to her office.

"Hey, guys! Where are you going?"
"We're just following this guy here to some Italian restaurant." Clarise indicated to Ray standing

next to her. "He said it'll only take ten minutes to walk. It's been …" she checked her watch, "…

"We're almost there," Ray grinned, his eyes fixed on Faye. "Hi, Faye. Haven't seen you for a

while. How come you don't visit the girls in the office anymore?"

"Well, I'm a good fifteen minutes away from your office now so we just meet halfway. We moved

five months ago."

"Bigger premises?"
"Yeah, and more modern. Anyway, I gotta run. We have a staff meeting in half an hour. I'll see

you girls for dinner on Friday. And it was good seeing you again, Ray."

They waved goodbye and Ray led them to the nearby building.

Ray's mind was still on Faye as he pushed the restaurant door open.

It's a damn shame she's not available, he thought to himself.


"How did you enjoy the lunch, Jessa?" James Bradley asked.

Jessa looked up at the soft-spoken, attractive man in designer eyeglasses.
They were in a private room of an Italian restaurant where they met with James and Philip

Bradley, siblings and co-partners of Bradley Accounting Services, and six other senior staff members
of the firm. They were up and mingling with one another now that lunch had finished.

"It was great, thank you. This is a wonderful place."
"Yes, we always hire them for special occasions. Would you like some more wine?"
"No, thanks," she said with a little giggle. "I think I've had one too many already. There's still

work to do after this. My to-do list is a few pages long."

"Surely Ray wouldn't mind if you take the afternoon off. You've been instrumental in the

popularity of the magazine, Jessa. I'm really impressed with you. You're brilliant," James gushed.

"Thank you," she mumbled, hating the fact that she must have blushed scarlet. She looked away

from the intense, admiring gaze of the man standing in front of her.

"I'm really looking forward to you editing our next round of advertorials. I'm actually —"
James was interrupted when his brother, Philip, joined them.
"Jessa, you look beautiful when you blush," Philip said with an enigmatic smile on his face.
She blushed even further, if that was possible. She was embarrassed by the attention and hoped

someone would come and rescue her.

"What have you been telling her, James, hmm?" There was a teasing look in Philip's eyes directed

at his younger brother.

It was James who turned red this time. "Nothing," he muttered as he gave his brother a warning


"Have you told Jessa you wanted to personally oversee our new advertorial campaign?"
"Not yet," James replied. "I was just about to tell her when you joined us."
"Oh, right. Well, I better leave you to it, then." Philip sauntered away with a big grin on his face.
James cleared his throat nervously. "Um, as Philip said, Jessa, I will be overseeing the new

campaign so you will be dealing with me as well as Martha."

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"I see," she uttered although she was confused. Her job was to edit six educational articles

written by one of Bradley's senior accountants. When she was done, she was to send them back to
Martha, their business development manager, for her final approval and then the articles get published
in the magazine. That was how it worked the last time.

"I'm just wondering, James. Has something changed? Apart from editing the articles your office

provides me, there's not much else for me to get involved with," she asked.

"Oh, well, I was thinking - I mean, Philip and I were thinking - that we should share with you the

campaign statistics we capture after running each article. It would, of course, help us with preparing
subsequent articles but you'll also know where and how our marketing is being targeted. It could help
you when you do your editing. We'll all be in the same page."

"That makes perfect sense." She smiled at him and his cheeks turned pink again.
Jessa noticed Ray looking in their direction. When she glanced at him, he gave her a big, knowing

grin. She mentally rolled her eyes. Ray had teased her before that James Bradley was interested in
her but she didn't believe him. There may be some validity to his assumption, after all. Not that it
mattered. She already had a boyfriend - for a few months, at least.

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It's been a week and there's still nothing from him!

Jessa frowned at her ceiling as she laid in bed, feeling lost and alone. It was Friday night and she

hadn't spoken to Rob all week. He hadn't called at all. They did exchange texts last Sunday when he
got back to Melbourne but they were brief and it was just to say they'd see each other again in two

She missed him. Badly.
The nights were the worst especially when she was in bed. At least during the times she wasn't in

her bed, she was able to make herself busy enough to do other things than think about him.

Granted, she hadn't called him either. She was tempted to dial his number many times but

something in her wanted to hold out and see when - if - he would call.

She consoled herself with the thought that Rob may not be used to having a girlfriend and therefore

didn't know that she would be wanting him to call her. She wouldn't even be surprised if he wasn't
used to initiating calls to women. Women probably were the ones who called him! Besides, she
wasn't exactly a real girlfriend. It was just a convenient word to use for the arrangement they had.

She grabbed her other pillow - Rob's pillow - and buried her head underneath it. Her heart ached

at the thought of not meaning anything more to Rob than just being another sexual partner he'd be
finished with in a few months, if that. Didn't he say they could still call it off if it wasn't working
even before the four months were up?

Tears escaped her closed eyelids. Should she get off the bus now? She was scared it may crash

much earlier than she anticipated and she might end up with more serious injuries than just some
scrapes and bruises.

Her ringing phone made her jump. She snatched it from her bedside table and her heart skipped a

beat before racing madly. She hastily wiped her tears away and composed herself before answering.

"Hi, Rob."
"Hi, Jess," he answered in a cheery voice. "How are you going?"
"Okay," she lied. "And you?"
"Apart from missing you, I'm fine."
Her lips slowly curved up and the dark clouds started to dissipate. "Really?"
"Okay, I'm lying. I'm less than fine. I want you so bad I have half a mind to fly there tomorrow to

spend all weekend in bed with you."

She felt her body respond to Rob's words as desire slowly but surely spread in her veins. It had

been a long, frustrating week for her, too.

"And would you?" she asked huskily.
Rob sighed. "I wish I could, baby, but I have to work this weekend." His tone was low and

regretful. "I had an unexpected new business land on my lap on Monday and the client wanted me to
deal with some things personally. It's been a very busy week and I'm a bit behind with the work I
have to get done before I start my long interstate drive next Friday."

Relief washed over her. He was just very busy. And he missed me!
"How's your week been?" he asked.
"It's been hectic for me, too. Hopefully, it will ease up in a month. My boss, Ray, is interviewing

a few people for the new writer position."

"That's good."

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She heard Rob yawn. "Poor, baby. You must be so tired. Why don't you have an early night?"
"Uh-huh. First, I want to know what to do with my hard-on," Rob said a matter-of-factly.
"I beg your pardon?" She couldn't believe her ears.
Rob chuckled. "You heard me."
"I'm not sure I heard you correctly. Could you repeat what you said?"
"I said I want to know what to do with my hard-on."
"Why are you asking me?" she asked incredulously. "Don't you use your hand or something?"
"Yeah, but it just takes the edge off it. It doesn't satisfy me. I miss you, Jess."
She melted. "I miss you, too."
Rob groaned. "I knew calling you would make it worse," he said with a lace of humour.

"Anyway, one more week to go before I see you again. Make sure you have nothing else on for next
weekend but me."

"Okay," she said with a giggle. "I'll be completely naked with only you on me - and in me."
"Fuck. Jess, don't torture me," Rob responded, sounding choked.
"Sorry. Anyway, what time do you arrive next Saturday?" she asked, changing the subject. The

conversation was becoming too hot for her to handle. She was in danger of pleading for some phone
sex - which she'd never done in her life - but she was still too shy for it.

"As you know, I'm stopping at Canberra on Friday night. If I leave there just after breakfast, I

should get to my apartment in the city around midday. Say, would you like to meet me at the

"Sure. What time do you want me there?"
"All the time," he said lasciviously.
She laughed. "You know what I mean."
"How about twelve-thirty and we can have lunch together?"
"Sounds good." She was grinning from ear to ear. Rob was talking like a boyfriend. Her


"Oh, and bring an overnight bag."
"Great." Rob paused before continuing salaciously. "Just so you know, as soon as I get off the

phone, I'll be putting my hand to good use. What about you, baby?"

She spluttered in laughter again. "You're shocking."
"What? First, you called me terrible and now you're calling me shocking? Now I can't wait to

prove myself to you again."

She closed her eyes as her body clenched deliciously in response. "Well, you've got a lot of

proving to do." She heard her yearning.

Rob's tone turned soft and serious. "I can't wait for next week, babe. See you, then."
"See you."


Rob was frowning intently at the graph on his laptop screen when his office phone buzzed. He shook
his head in exasperation. He'd given Rose, his PA, instructions not to put any calls through. He was
leaving for Sydney tomorrow. If he kept getting interrupted, he wouldn't finish what needed to get

"Yes, Rose?" He tried not to sound too annoyed.
"Your girlfriend's on the line, Rob. I know you said to take messages but I thought you might want

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to take this call?"

He smiled. He had turned off his mobile phone, too, to avoid distractions. But, of course, he'd

love to talk to Jessa. He wondered why she rang. "Yes, put her through. Thanks, Rose."

"Hi, baby," he greeted her.
"Hi, handsome," a sultry voice droned. "I'm glad it was just my imagination when I thought you

didn't want to talk to me."

"Andrea?" he asked in shock.
"Yes. Did you think I was someone else?" Andrea's voice turned from sultry to sharp.
"Um …" He tried to clear his head. When Rose said it was his girlfriend, he just assumed it was

Jessa. But he now remembered Rose didn't know about Jessa and she also didn't know he'd broken
up with Andrea. It was an understandable mistake from his PA. He felt foolish.

"Sorry, Andrea. Yes, I did think you were someone else." He had no problems being direct.

He'd learnt a long time ago it was easier and quicker to make women accept that he was ready to
move on from them if he was upfront and not pussy-foot around.

There was a long silence on the other line.
"Looks like you've found a replacement for me," Andrea finally responded, her tone light. "Who's

the lucky girl?"

"You don't know her," he replied warily.
Andrea gave a throaty laugh. "Come on, Rob. Just because we've broken up doesn't mean we

also stopped being friends. We were good friends before we started our little arrangement."

He contemplated for a few seconds before answering her. "She's from Sydney."
"Sydney? Why so far away? Or is she a Sydney girlfriend only? If she is, you know I'm still

interested in being your Melbourne girlfriend." Andrea's voice was teasing.

He rubbed his face with his hand. He so didn't want to have this conversation with Andrea right

now. "I'll be living in Sydney for four months, Andrea. So I only need a Sydney girlfriend. That's
why I also have to go as I'm really busy. There's so much I have to get done before I leave

"Oh, I see. Four months. Hmm. Hey, it would be great if we can catch up for dinner or something

in Sydney. I'll be going there again in a couple of months to visit some new friends I made. Two of
them are lifeguard hunks on Bondi beach that will give you a run for your money in the looks
department," she giggled. "I'd visit sooner but dad has filled my diary with business stuff for the next
two months. So I'll call you when I'm there, okay?"

"Ah, okay," he sighed.
"So, what's her name?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Why are you so cagey? The names of my lifeguards are Drake Spencer and Tom Burley. They're

both blonds with super fit bodies. You should see how they look on those Speedos. Oh, my god!
Hot, I tell you."

He laughed and started relaxing. This was the Andrea he became good friends with. It appeared

he didn't have to worry about her acting like a jilted lover. And she was right. They were good
friends before they hooked up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to catch up with her every now and

"You know I'm not into male lifeguards on Speedos. Do you know any female lifeguards in those

skimpy bathing suits?" he joked.

"Ha! The real Rob I know is back. Thank god!" she said dramatically. "Unfortunately, my full

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concentration was on the men but I'll find a female one ready to introduce to you when I see you in

He chuckled. "Thanks, but I already have a girlfriend, remember? Just focus your time on your

two hunks. I'm fine."

"So, you've got an exclusive agreement with her?" Andrea asked nonchalantly.
"But you're only there for four months. What happens when you return here?"
He wondered if Andrea had an ulterior motive for asking that question or whether she was just

interested as a friend. He figured whatever her intentions were didn't really matter.

"We have no long-term commitments."
"So what's her name?" she asked buoyantly.
"Jessa Allen."
"Maybe we can all catch up together with my hunks."
"Maybe," he replied noncommittally. "So are you seeing those two guys at the same time?"
"No, I don't think they're into threesomes," Andrea joked. "I'm just keeping both of them close as I

still haven't chosen which one I want to be my Sydney boyfriend."

He chortled, feeling very relieved. Andrea could be very stubborn and difficult to pry loose when

she had her mind set on something. At least she didn't seem set on wanting to get him back anymore.

Or so he thought.

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Rob heard the elevator ping and his heart galloped in anticipation as he stood outside the door of his
apartment to wait for Jessa. In three seconds, she appeared, her face mirroring the face-splitting grin
that formed on his.

She looked delectable in a light green dress that moulded her beautiful body and strapless heels

that could only be described as sexy. His breathing shallowed as he watched her walk towards him,
his body hardening in the right places.

"Hi," Jessa said shyly when she reached him.
"Hi," he croaked then gently pulled her to him for a sweet, lingering kiss.
His heart pounded in his chest as they kissed softly for a long moment. He found the presence of

mind to finally pull away and lead her inside. He closed the door and pinned her against it with his
hard body.

"I missed you," he breathed before capturing her mouth again. This time, his kiss was passionate

and deep and needy.

Jessa moaned and fisted her hands through his hair. He revelled in devouring her mouth. Her lips

and tongue were as fervent as his, restless in their giving and taking.

Needing to feel more of her, he cupped her breasts just as she slid her hands underneath his shirt

and ran them on his smooth back. He groaned and his kisses became even more avid. He left her
mouth to lavish attention to her neck and throat as his hand reached for the zip at her back and tugged
it down impatiently.

Jessa shimmied out of her dress eagerly, seemingly just as keen as him to get rid of that barrier

between them. Then she lifted his shirt to undress him. He raised his arms as she bunched it up his
chest. He helped her by pulling it off his head.

"Jess," he hissed as Jessa placed heated kisses on his upper torso. He watched in anticipation as

her lush lips got closer to his nipple. "Ah!" he gasped as she flicked it with her tongue.

He felt her fingers undo the button of his jeans. "Baby, no," he warned as he grabbed her hands to

stop her from unzipping his fly. One of her arms slung around his neck and pulled his head to hers.
The scorching kiss she gave him made his hand on hers loosen.

He knew when her lips left his to leave a burning trail down his body and he knew when she

unzipped his pants and pushed them down his knees along with his boxer briefs. But by that time, he
was helpless to stop her. He was bewitched and caught in her spell.

Suddenly, she was on her knees, her pretty face right in front of his hard-as-steel cock. She

peered at him through her lashes as she captured it with her hand and gently stroked.

"Baby," he grunted.
She gave him a seductive smile before she put the head of his thick erection in her mouth and

started to lick and suck.

"Ahh! Jessss."
He stretched out his arms in front of him and braced himself against the door as he gazed down at

Jessa - his beautiful Jessa only in her lacy bra and panties - pleasuring him with her mouth. He'd had
women who'd mastered the art of giving oral sex to a man but those experiences paled in comparison
to the feelings Jessa was evoking.

He knew he was very close. Her hand stroking him, her mouth sucking him, her tongue licking

round and round his cock head were just driving him to the point of no return. He gently pushed her

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shoulder to make her stop but she continued enthusiastically, putting an arm around his behind to keep
him from moving away.

"Baby, you've got to stop now. I'm gonna come," he rasped.
Jessa just moaned in response and kept on going. He couldn't hold off anymore. He groaned

loudly as he exploded in her mouth. She didn't miss a beat and lovingly licked him dry.

He stayed braced against the door, gasping for air and trying to catch his breath. Jessa gingerly

got up from her kneeling position and stood within his extended arms. He snaked one arm around her
waist and pulled her close. "Jess," he panted reverently in her ear.

She hugged him to her and waited until he was ready to move again.

A contented smile played on Jessa's lips as she listened to Rob's breathing calm down. She couldn't
believe what she just did. She'd always thought she would never want to swallow a man's come but
when she had Rob in her mouth, the thought of pulling away didn't even occur to her. Maybe because
it was Rob.
She loved it, loved that he lost control because of her.

Rob straightened and put both arms around her, squeezing her tight. She looked up at him, her

breath hitching at the dreamy smile on his face. He gave her a swift kiss on the lips before releasing
her and bending down to fully discard his jeans and boxers that were wrapped around his ankles.

She giggled, feeling heady and powerful.
"Well, my little witch, I believe it's my turn to have my way with you," Rob said, his eyes

glinting. He bent down again and, much to her surprise, hoisted her on his shoulder.

"Rob!" She tried to sound indignant but her laughter gave her away.
They reached his bedroom and Rob dropped her gently on the bed. He blanketed her with his

body and kissed her softly before gazing at her with an enigmatic expression as he gently ran his
fingers through her hair.

Her heart stirred at the tenderness of that moment. I love you, she wanted to say out loud but she

knew there was no way she could say that without scaring him off, so she lifted her head instead for
another kiss.

Rob moaned softly and deepened the kiss as his hand travelled to her breast. He pushed her bra

aside and played with her already excited nipple. She whimpered as arousing pleasure engulfed her.

"Time to take this off," Rob murmured against her skin as he reached behind her to unclasp her

bra. She arched her back to aid him. Now that both of her breasts were free, Rob continued his
amorous attention to them, sucking one nipple and lightly pinching the other with his fingers. She
moaned loudly.

He moved downwards, his lips leaving a fire trail on her belly, her hips, the inside of her thighs.

She panted hard in anticipation.

His fingers played with the elastic of her panties as he licked and kissed her against the material.

She was burning. Her arousal was already heightened to melting point earlier when she laved kisses
on his heaving, pure male, muscular torso and had his beautiful cock in her mouth. Now he was plain
driving her crazy - and making her act wantonly.

"Baby, take it off, please," she pleaded.
Rob looked up at her with a triumphant grin. "This?" He gathered the front section of her

underwear and pulled it tight against her crotch. She gasped as the material rubbed against her clit in
a delicious way. "You want me to take this off?" he asked as he repeated his action.

He was teasing her again, the bastard. But he was so good at it she was at his mercy. "No! Yes!"

she cried.

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"What's it to be, sweetheart?" He kissed her again through the material.
"Take it off then lick me there," she said brazenly, too consumed with need to be shy.
"As you wish, my little witch." He slid her undies off, pushed her legs apart then leaned in

between them. "You want me to lick you here?" he asked hoarsely with hooded eyes.

She could only nod her head, her mouth dry.
"You're so wet, baby," he whispered as he touched her soaking part.
"Rob!" she mewled. "Please."
Rob lowered his head and unleashed his tongue on her swollen nub. Her hips involuntarily jerked

up from the force of sheer pleasure. He kissed her with his expert mouth - licking, laving and

Her moans became louder and more breathless. She reached down blindly, unconsciously looking

for something to hold on to and squeeze as her body got closer to climax. Rob's hand grasped hers.
Her hand held on to his tightly as the other held his head between her legs. She cried his name as she
found her release. He didn't stop until her trembling did.

Rob raised himself up when she relaxed. He gave her a quick peck on the lips before he stood up

and went to his suitcase on the floor. She noticed he was ready for action again and smiled smugly.

He came back to the bed and put a box of condom on the bedside table before stretching beside


"You're ready again." Her lips twisted upwards as she reached down and caressed his shaft.
"Uh-huh," he agreed as he nuzzled her neck and cupped her breast.
"I wonder if we'll always be like this. Plan to eat food but end up …" Her cheeks flamed, unable

to say the words.

Rob's head reared back in laughter as he detected her discomfort. "What, baby? Plan to eat food

but end up eating each other?"

"Rob, seriously, you're so dirty," she giggled.
"But you wouldn't have me any other way, would you, Miss Take-It-Off-And-Lick-Me-There?"
She blushed. "You had me so hot I couldn't help what I was saying."
Rob chuckled. "That's how I like it. And right now, I plan to make you hot again." He took a

nipple in his mouth as his fingers found her sensitive nub and stroked.

It wasn't long before she was, once again, burning. She watched Rob put on the condom and was

surprised when he asked her to lie on her front.

He angled her right leg so she was slightly raised from the bed and positioned himself behind her.

He sank into her wetness slowly, deliciously before he set his rhythm that had her panting out loud.
His tempo increased and he took her higher and higher as his shaft repeatedly rubbed the right spot
inside her.

"Oh, Rob. Rob!" She convulsed as she came hard and tightened all around him.
He pulled out and gently moved her so she was lying on her back. He pushed her legs up and

wide, giving her sex a quick kiss before inserting himself again in her. He thrusted in and out of her
with purpose, his face taut, then he was calling out her name over and over as he climaxed
powerfully, triggering another one of hers.


"Do you cook at all?" Jessa asked Rob as she watched him heap cartons of pre-packaged food in his
trolley. They'd just had lunch at a nearby cafe and since his apartment was practically empty of
supplies, Rob asked if they could go grocery shopping.

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"Sure. Isn't putting food in the microwave or oven considered as cooking?"
She chuckled. "I mean cook something from scratch on the stove."
"Hardly. It's not my favourite thing in the world to do although I love eating." He gave her a

wink and a wicked grin as he said the words 'I love eating'.

She shook her head in mock exasperation. "You're so naughty."
"Naughty? Now, why would you say that? What exactly did I say that was naughty?"
She narrowed her eyes at him but couldn't keep a smile from spreading on her face. He was

baiting her and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction by answering him. She changed the subject.
"So you either eat out or pop pre-prepared food in the microwave or the oven?"

"Yes, mostly. Or I make sandwiches," he said as he pushed the trolley with one hand and ran the

other lightly on her back. She wanted to purr at his touch.

She glanced at his trolley. At least he chose rather healthy meals even though they were pre-

packaged. An idea cropped up in her head. "Well, since I'm staying with you tonight, how about I
cook dinner at your place?"

He walked slower as he looked at her. "Really? You want to? I was thinking I'd take you out to


"Have you booked a place yet?"
"Then why don't we stay in? I don't mind cooking at all. I actually enjoy it. You can take me out

some other time."

"Okay," he smiled as he gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Sounds like a great idea."
"Good. Now we have to go to the fresh food section. Is there anything you want in particular?"
"I eat anything so whatever you want to cook is fine."

A new cheese product was prominently on display in one corner and Rob stopped there to inspect it
as Jessa milled through the fresh food section, searching for her ingredients.

On her way back to Rob and the trolley, her steps faltered when she saw an attractive brunette

talking to him. By the looks of it, she was interested in Rob and wasn't afraid to let it show.

She stopped completely. The flirty woman looked good. Really good. She could see why

someone like her would have enough self-confidence to talk to someone like Rob in a supermarket.
And Rob was … well, he wasn't exactly flirting back but he wasn't shooing her away either. Did he
find her attractive?

She felt fear grip her heart. She was sure this wouldn't be the last time other women would want

Rob for themselves. What if he found someone else he liked while he was in Sydney? She was very
much aware her hold on him was flimsy.

Jessa Allen! She heard her own berating voice in her head. What's the matter with you? That's

your boyfriend right there. You're not giving him up so easily because of your insecurities, are
you? Now go and show that woman he's taken - for now, at least. Go!

She forced herself to move with the confidence she didn't feel.
Rob saw her approach and smiled at her. "All done, baby?"
She smiled sweetly back at him as she put her items in the trolley. Hear that, bitch? I'm his

baby. "Yes, honey. We can go home now."

Rob started pushing the trolley. "Thanks for the tips. I'll tell my girlfriend," he said to the brunette

as they walked away.

"What tips?" she asked curiously, pleased that Rob made it clear to the crestfallen woman he

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wasn't available.

Rob shrugged. "I don't know. She just started telling me how adding that cheese to some chicken

dish can make it taste a lot nicer. I wasn't really listening."

She laughed with relief. She was feeling much better.
As they waited their turn at the checkout, Rob pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "I'm

glad we're going home. I'm hungry again."

She gazed at Rob's smoking gray eyes. "Me, too."
His eyes smouldered at her response. He gave her a quick kiss before looking around and asking,

"Is this the fastest lane?"

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Faye slumped on her seat as she joined her friends for their Monday lunch date. "Sorry, I'm late."

"Been busy this morning?" Victor asked.
"No," Faye said with a heavy sigh. "I was late getting to work this morning. Steve and I broke up

last night."

"What?!" her friends chimed.
"What happened?"
"He is moving to Adelaide and I'm not going with him."
There was silence at the table as all attention was on Faye. They waited until she was ready to


"He said he wouldn't even think about asking me to move with him to Adelaide. He said it

wouldn't be fair to me to give up my life here in Sydney for him. And I agree." Tears pooled on
Faye's eyes but she was surprisingly composed.

"So you didn't consider the option of moving with him to Adelaide?" Clarise asked softly.
"You know, I've been thinking about that since he told me he got offered the role. And to be

honest, I really don't want to. The role requires him to travel extensively all around South Australia
and Western Australia. He would be away more than he would be home so even if I moved to
Adelaide with him, he wouldn't be there most of the time anyway so what's the point? The only way
it could possibly work is if I travel with him but that would mean giving up my career and

Faye sniffed softly and continued. "I guess that's why Steve said it wasn't fair to even ask me to

move to Adelaide. I can see his point. In fact, I'm actually grateful that he didn't give me the option to
go with him. I would have been left with the difficult task of saying 'no'."

Clarise stroked Faye's back consolingly while Jessa, who was sitting on her other side, patted her

arm. Victor looked on sympathetically.

"When is he moving?" Jessa asked.
"He's leaving for Adelaide in two months. Of course, that's too long for us to be under the same

roof together after we've broken up so he's staying with his parents in the meantime. He's moving his
stuff out of the apartment next week. And I'll have to look for a new place soon. I won't be able to
afford the rent by myself."

"So that's really it for you guys?" Clarise's eyes were moist, too.
Faye gave her best friend a tight smile and nodded. "Yes, that's really it for us. I saw a hint of

relief on his face when we called it a day. I think he was scared I would insist on following him to
Adelaide and he didn't want me to. I think he just wants to concentrate on his new role. That's good
for me to know. It gives me some closure. Besides, I was already getting increasingly frustrated that
he's not home for more than half the time. Technically, we've been going out for a year but we've
really only spent about four or five months of that together because of all his travelling. It's not easy
but it's a good time to end it."

They were quiet as they ruminated about Faye's news.
"Hey," Victor piped in after long minutes, "we're only giving you a couple weeks to mope, okay?

Then we'll get you to go to one of those speed dating things, too. Or just go with you to a nice, trendy
bar where you won't have problems picking up or getting picked up," he added with a big wink.

Faye laughed through her misty eyes. "You're on!"

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"And how was your weekend, Clarise?" Victor asked in between bites of his beef burger with the lot.

Clarise nodded as she swallowed her mouthful of smoked salmon salad. "Good, thanks. As you

know, mum and I went with Megan for the first fitting of her wedding dress. She looked so beautiful
in it." She was about the pop another forkful in her mouth when she remembered something. "Oh, by
the way, guys, my sister so subtly reminded me not to forget to organise her hen's party. And you're
all invited."

A cheer went around the table.
"Wait," Victor cried. "Am I invited, too? I'm not female."
"Of course, darling," Clarise asserted. "You're one of the girls. Unless you want to join the boys

at Rick's buck's night instead," she teased.

"Oh, I would love to join the boys if I'd be allowed to ogle them instead of whatever strippers

they'd be watching. But since that would make them uncomfortable, I think I better stick with you

Clarise's eyes grew wide then turned to slits. "Strippers. I don't think I like the idea of some

stripper gyrating in front of my Will," she said possessively. "I wonder if Mark would tell me what
his plans are for his brother's buck's night."

"Wouldn't you be staring at some stripper pumping his body on Megan's night, Clarise?"
"No. Megan said she doesn't want them."
"What?! No strippers at Megan's hen's night?" Faye cried out. "Don't I deserve to look forward to

at least one since I just got dumped?"

Clarise laughed, delighted that Faye could joke about her recent break-up. "Megan already told

me what she wants for her hen's party. She said she wants all of us to go to a day spa and have a
massage then go to lingerie and sex toys shops so she could stock up on sexy and naughty things. Then
we stay overnight in one room, wear our daggiest pyjamas, watch chic flicks, order room service and
eat whatever we want. She was very specific."

"Hmm. That does sound nice," Jessa agreed.
"Okay, then. It does sound good. But no male bodies to eyeball at all?" Faye persisted.
"Well, we do have one option. Megan doesn't know about this but we can go to this art studio that

hosts hen's parties and we can draw a male model with a live one posing for us. He's not a stripper
in that sense but he'll still be nude," Clarise said with a mischievous smile.

"Will he be completely nude?"
"I'm not sure if he'll be covering his manhood with a cloth - or a leaf - but as I understand it, it

will be a nude male model."

"Alright! Let's do that," Faye exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Okay, I'll organise it. You know, I don't mind the boys going to a strip club as long as they don't

go into one of those private rooms."

"What'll Will say if you show him your drawing of the nude male model?" Victor asked.
Clarise laughed. "I think he'll go berserk. He is the jealous type."
"So better not tell the boys what we'll be doing and better not ask what they'll be doing. Let's just

all enjoy ourselves and keep the peace," Victor declared.

"There'll be nothing for you to hide from Evan anyway because he'll also be with us, wouldn't

he?" Jessa asked Victor.

"Yes, that's true." Victor chuckled.
There was a lull in the conversation as they ate their lunch until Faye turned to Jessa.

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"So how was your weekend, Jess?"
"Oh, you were late so you didn't hear about it. Go ahead and tell her, Jess," Victor nudged.
Jessa's face beamed. "It was good. I spent the whole weekend with Rob. On Saturday, I went

grocery shopping with him and cooked dinner for us. Turns out it's not often he has home-cooked
meals so he really seemed to enjoy the dinner."

"Wow!" Faye arched her eyebrows up at Jessa. "Hey, you know what they say; the best way to a

man's heart is through his stomach."

"If that's really true then I'll cook for him every night," Jessa grinned.
"So you spent the whole weekend with him, huh? What did you do on Sunday?"
Jessa's whole face heated up. "We were just in his apartment, talking and stuff."
"Stuff!" Faye shouted with glee. "I bet there was a lot of stuff that went on. A few rounds of it, I

imagine. So what's his signature move?"

"How many times did he make you scream?"
"Faye!" Jessa's eyes were alight with laughter and fondness. She was glad to see that Faye hadn't

lost her spunk even with a broken heart.

"Okay, so just tell me, how good was it? Actually, let me rephrase that. How good was all of it?"
Jessa sighed with pure contentment. "More than great."
The attention of the people from the nearby tables were drawn to the laughter and clapping

happening on theirs.


Rob opened the door to his apartment all sweaty and ready for a shower. After his one hour of
intense cardio and weights session at the gym downstairs he was raring to start his working day. It
was his routine to work out every weekday morning and he was pleased to get the same 'zoned in for
work' response after the session even in a new environment - especially after he woke up that
morning and reached for Jessa.

Of course, she wasn't there. It was a weekday. He'd never let himself wake up next to a woman

on a weekday. It was too intimate.

He turned on his shower and ducked under it when the water temperature adjusted to what he

wanted. He closed his eyes to shampoo his hair and his thoughts strayed to the day before, a Sunday
morning, when he did wake up with Jessa. She went to have a shower when he finally allowed her to
leave the bed. She had her eyes closed with warm water streaming over her alluring body and didn't
notice when he opened the door. Her squeal was delightful, and so was the way her expression
changed from surprise to desire when she saw he was naked in there with her.

He felt his cock swell at the memory and groaned in dismay. He didn't want to get aroused. He

wanted to get ready for work and start being busy. The better he was at organising his time, the more
opportunities he would have at following up his other Sydney leads. He wasn't there to just service
two contracts. The whole purpose was to grow his Sydney client base.

He turned the cold water up and the hot water down and shivered. He had to stop thinking of

Jessa especially while in the bathroom or he'd make himself ill from his too-cold showers.

Rob made himself coffee and raisin toast and set up his laptop and client folders on the dining table.
The apartment only had one bedroom and that was all the space he needed so the dining table would
also serve as his work desk for the duration of his stay. He would be out visiting clients and

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prospects for more than half the time anyway.

He sat on a chair and opened his laptop. As he waited for his emails to download, he looked up

and stretched. His gaze went to the front door - the same door he braced himself against while Jessa
had him in her mouth.

Fuck! Rob, you've got to stop this now. You won't see her for another five days.
He shook his head, unable to comprehend what was happening to him. He thought spending the

whole weekend with Jessa would be enough to tide him over for a week. To the contrary, it made
him want her more. God, she was hot and she made him burn. How the hell was he going to

He got up and sat on the opposite side of the table so the door wasn't in his line of sight, then

buried his head in work.


Rob spotted Will already seated at a corner table when he arrived at the coffee shop. When Will
texted him for a coffee in the afternoon, he was more than glad to go. He'd been working non-stop for
six hours since eight-thirty in the morning, only stopping to heat up his lunch in the microwave.

Glancing at his watch, he checked if he was late. He was, but only by five minutes. Will was on

time, as usual.

"Hey," he greeted his friend who stood up to give him a man-hug.
"Good to have you back in Sydney, Granger."
"Thanks. It's good to be back. Thanks for coming out in the middle of the afternoon. I know

you're busy."

"Hey, this is your first day in Sydney. I want to make sure you're settling in all right. Have you

got everything you need?"

"Yeah, thanks. Everything's fine at the moment. I'll let you know if there's something you can help

me with. And this isn't my first day, you know. I arrived here last Saturday."

"I know that. But since your weekend wasn't open to anyone else but Jessa, those days don't really

count," Will smirked.

He snickered. "Well, I'm glad you didn't even try to call. You would have been an unwelcome

interruption," he joked.

"I wouldn't have interrupted my weekend with Clarise to call you."
A server approached and they gave him their orders. When he left, Will prompted him. "So, had

a good weekend?"

He inhaled deeply and folded his arms across his chest. "I want to ask you something. This will

sound like a crazy-ass question coming from me and I can already imagine you roaring with laughter.
But it's driving me nuts so I'll risk being teased mercilessly by you."

Will looked very intrigued. "Okay. I'll try not to laugh."
"Do you remember when you were a teenager and you were horny all the time?"
"Yeah," Will responded warily, an eyebrow lifting at the question.
"Have you ever felt like that in your thirties?"
A slow smile spread on Will's face. "Yes," he answered with certainty.
"So, what do you do to manage it when you can't be having sex with the woman you want every

single hour?"

Will chuckled. "Do you know how bizarre your question is coming from you?"
He smiled. "Yup. I warned you."

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"Man, you must be desperate for an answer."
"So you've never had this kind of reaction to a woman before? Just with Jessa?"
He felt his heart leap at the mention of Jessa's name and leaned back on his chair. He considered

Will's question before answering. "I guess not. When I was a teenager, any girl would have done.
This is different."

"It has to be Jessa," Will said in a factual tone.
"Well, yes. She's the one who arouses me so it would have to be her."
Will leaned forward and looked intently at him. "You do know you could be in love with her."
"What? No, no, no. No way. No. No. This is a purely physical thing. It's intense but it's still

just lust. I expect it to die down in a couple of months or so," he blurted out with more conviction that
he felt.

He fidgeted in his seat as Will stared at him in a funny way. He was grateful when Will didn't

laugh and went back to the original topic. "So you want to know when I get horny like a teenager? I
get fucking horny every time I think of Clarise. Since I think about her a lot then I'm horny a lot, too.
And I get hard just by looking at her. I've never been that eager with anyone else."

"So how do you deal with it?"
"Being busy at work is great. The more work I have coming out of my ears, the better. Keeps me

distracted. And knowing I'll be with her at the end of the day helps a lot."

His eyebrows shot up. "Do you guys live together already?"
"Almost," Will grinned. "It's either we sleep at her place or mine so it's like we're living


"That was quick. You've only known each other for, what, a couple of months?"
Will shrugged. "We just hate being away from each other. We only sleep apart when I have to

travel somewhere."

He nodded distractedly.
"Rob, don't tell me you haven't thought that working your ass off or having sex as often as you can

would help with your problem."

"Yeah, sure. I've thought of those things."
"So, what other kind of solutions were you looking for?"
"I don't know." He frowned and pursed his lips as a thought occurred to him. "I just never had to

deal with this before. Maybe if I could let off steam with a variety of women, I wouldn't find it a
problem but … like I said to you before, I don't seem to want to get off with anyone else at this point."

"I told you, Rob. It could be love."
He shook his head stubbornly. "You know I'm not into the love shit, Will. Not built for it, don't

want it. It means commitment and I don't want to be committed to anyone where every single
important decision I make in my life has to involve that person. Imagine having that chain around
your neck for a lifetime. No, thanks."

Rob thought about how his father had that chain around him in the form of his stepmother. When

his dad remarried when he was twelve after his mum died a couple of years earlier, their whole life
was run by what his stepmother wanted - where they lived, what they did, the kind of career his dad
had to have. His dad deferred to his wife's every whim, saying to his sons he was committed to
making his relationship with their stepmother work. He couldn't understand that, especially when his
dad sold his humble but profitable smash repair business. Cars were his dad's passion and he loved
being a mechanic. So when his dad gave that up to become a glorified clerk at his stepmother's

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father's law firm in London, that was when he knew committed relationships weren't for him if it
meant being robbed of the freedom to do the things he loved.

"So you don't mind that your time with Jess is short?" Will prodded. "That in a few months she'll

be out of your life and you'll be out of hers?"

He felt a pinch in his chest at the thought but didn't want to analyse why. "Sure I'll be

disappointed in a way. Who wouldn't be when something good reaches its end? But people get over
relationships all the time. And for me it's a choice between having my freedom and not having it. I
choose freedom. And right now with Jessa, I choose to have an exclusive relationship with her but
only for a specific period."

Will let out a huge sigh. "Okay, then. Maybe I'm wrong and you're right. Maybe love isn't in the

equation for you. But whether it's lust or love, the solution is the same in my opinion. Go and have
sex with her as often as you can, and during the times you can't, distract yourself with work and build
your empire. Simple. Works for me. Any other problem?"

Rob realised Will was right. He was being too rigid with his no-sleeping-overnight-with-a-

woman-on-a-weekday rule. He'd need to give this lust all opportunity to burn out before the four-
month limit is over. That meant sleeping with Jessa as often as he could, even during weekday
mornings. He just hoped she was as in lust with him as he was with her. But then what about his

"Have you stopped going to the gym in the mornings?" he asked Will.
"Yes. I go during my lunch break now."
"Hey, Rob," Will said in a serious tone, "take it easy on Jess, okay? If it's only going to be a four-

month fling with you guys, don't do stupid things that might make her think you're falling for her."

"Like what?" he asked, puzzled.
"Like go all romantic on her just so she would agree to have sex with you more often."
"I don't do romantic, Will. I do seduction. There's a difference. And she's very clear on my



A huge smile appeared on Jessa's face as she checked the caller ID on her phone. It was only
Monday afternoon and she'd been missing him a lot already.

"Hi, Rob."
"Hi, babe. How are you going?"
"Good, thanks. You?
"Good. Busy. I can't talk long as I have a conference call in a few minutes but I was wondering if

you want to go out for dinner tonight?"

Tonight? She didn't think she'd see him again so soon. "Sorry, Rob, but I can't tonight. I'm

working. I'm going to this restaurant in Balmain and meet the owner and his staff."

"You call that work?" Rob scoffed.
She laughed. "Well, yes. It is work. I have to fully concentrate on the experience and make notes,

you know."

"Can I go with you?"
The idea of having dinner with Rob appealed to her but she knew he couldn't go. She wouldn't be

able to focus on her tasks. "No, sorry," she replied regretfully.

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"What time do you finish?"
"I'm not sure. I'm also going into their kitchen and watch them deal with the dinner crowd," she

said animatedly.

"You sound really excited about that."
"Yes. I love cooking so I enjoy watching those chefs do their thing. I'm free tomorrow night

though," she added, her tone hopeful.

"Great. Tomorrow night then. I'll pick you up from work."
"I gotta go, Jess. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Rob."

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"What do you mean you're going with her to the speed dating thing tomorrow night?" Rob growled
over the phone.

"I didn't say we're going with her, I said we're taking her," Jessa patiently repeated what she'd

said earlier.

"What's the difference?"
"We're not going on the speed date, only Faye. It's been a couple of months since she broke up

with Steve and she's ready to have some fun again. We'll just escort her to the venue and wait until
she goes in so she doesn't stand there waiting by her lonesome. Then we'll be at the restaurant
downstairs while we wait for her to finish."

"Oh, okay. Wouldn't you guys cramp her style by being there? What if she meets someone she

wants to hook up with and you guys are there to ruin the night?"

"That's not how it works," she giggled. "The organisers collect their cards after the end of the

night and see if who they selected also selected them. If there's a match, or matches, they'll get an
email the next day. Then it's up to the speed daters to arrange a date with their matches."

"Of course, you know how it works," Rob grumbled. "So what night are you replacing tomorrow

night with? That's my night, you know," he complained.

She smiled. For the last two months, she and Rob had gotten into a dating pattern. Every Saturday

night, Rob stayed over at her place and she cooked him dinner. Every Tuesday and Thursday nights,
she stayed over at his place. Sometimes they ordered home delivery, sometimes they ate out. If it
wasn't a tiring day at work, she cooked.

"We don't need to replace it if you wouldn't mind joining us for dinner."
Rob was hesitant. "Join you on your girlie's night? I'm not sure about that."
"Will'll probably be there again."
"Again? Will had joined you before on your girlie's night?"
"Only that one time when I went on a speed date. Apparently he wanted to make sure Clarise

didn't get picked up by all those single men milling around the area."

There was a moment's pause then Rob announced, "If Will's there then I'm there, too."
"Okay, great. See you tomorrow then, baby."
"See you, my little witch."
She grinned as she hung up the phone. She loved it when Rob got possessive. And it thrilled her

every time he called her 'my little witch'. It was the word 'my' that held the magic. Well, she did
belong to him. Her heart and her body were undeniably his now.

Every week, her hope grew that somehow their relationship would be more than what they

originally agreed to. The last nine weeks had been bliss. Rob may not be the romantic type - he
hadn't sent her flowers or anything like that - but when they were together, he was always tender and
attentive and obviously so hot for her he couldn't get enough. He'd even started demanding more time
with her.

The ache she had in her heart from knowing their time together was limited had almost

disappeared. She'd been much too happy with him. Things were perfect between them. Surely, he
felt that, too?

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Knowing there was still two months to go before he had to go back to Melbourne made her feel

confident about their future together. They had already grown so close. In a few more weeks, she
was certain Rob would eventually realise he shouldn't give up on what they had together. She was
sure they could work it out even if they lived in different states. He had a growing business here in
Sydney and she had family in Melbourne. That was a start.

The bus didn't look like crashing, after all. That was great because she didn't want to leave this

bus. Ever.


"Looks like you're all going out tonight." Ray commented to Jessa, Clarise and Victor. They were
dressed up and looked ready to party.

"Yes, Jess and I are escorting Faye to a speed dating event and then having dinner with our men,"

Clarise confirmed. "But Victor's not coming with us. He has a special night ahead of him."

"Yes, it's Evan's brother's birthday and I'm invited. It's the first time I'm meeting his family."

Victor's nervous excitement was palpable.

But Ray wasn't listening to Victor. His mind was still processing the first half of what Clarise

said. "You're escorting Faye to a speed dating event? Why? What about her boyfriend?"

"Oh, they broke up two months ago."
"Oh." Ray's heartbeat accelerated as possibilities ran in his head. "Well, let me know how she

goes," he said as he waved goodbye to them.

"You interested as well, Ray?" Victor asked with a cheeky grin.
"Ah, no," he blushed. "I just … I would just want to know if she had fun and, ah, that's all," he

stammered. "Anyway, you guys have fun." And he hurried away.

His three staff members stared at his retreating back with mouths wide open.
"I wanted to know if he was interested in going on a speed date himself. But it looks like someone

still has a crush on our Faye after all this time," Victor said in amazement.

"Yeah," the women agreed.
"What do you think? Shall we mention something to Faye?" Jessa asked tentatively.
"I don't know," Clarise responded. "Faye already turned him down before. That was more than a

year ago now, wasn't it? Just around the time she met Steve? Besides, right now, all she wants is to
have fun. She'd be nowhere near ready to go on serious dates."

"Hmm. I think we should keep our mouths shut at this point then. He's our boss and she's our

friend. It could get messy."

"Yeah, you're right, Jess. Mouths shut about this."


The three women positioned themselves near the venue entrance as they waited for the doors to open.

"Hmm. There are a few good-lookers tonight," Faye murmured as she glanced around.
A group of three men who stood near them whispered to each other and approached.
"Hi," the men said in unison. They were all cute. What made them even cuter was they all had

dimples and copper hair and toothpaste commercial smiles.

"Hi," they said back.
"Let me guess," Faye said with a gorgeous smile of her own. "Brothers? Or at least, cousins?"
They all laughed.
"No," the guy in black said as he stepped closer to Faye. "We're just friends who happen to have

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dimples and the same hair colour."

"Well, you could pass for brothers," Clarise commented.
"Lots of people make that mistake," the guy in blue replied as he widened his smile for Clarise.
"We actually met at work. Our officemates call us the triplets," the guy in green, who'd been

staring at Jessa, said. "I'm Julian, by the way." He extended his hand to Jessa with a deep-dimpled

"I'm Jessa," she replied, taking his hand.
"What do you know, we're both J's! How about —"
"Hi, this must be the speed dating group," a familiar voice cut in from behind Jessa.
She looked up at the owner of that beloved voice. He had a smile on his face but his eyes held a

warning glint as they bore on her.

"I'm Rob." He held out his hand to her.
She raised an eyebrow and decided to play. Taking his hand, she responded, "I'm Jessa."
"Jessa." Her name rolled off his tongue like a caress as he raised her hand to his lips. "That's a

beautiful name, although not as beautiful as you."

"Hey, look here," Julian interjected. "We were —"
"Oh, we're about to start," Faye cried out as the doors behind them opened.
"Have fun, Faye," Jessa said as she gave her a little wave.
"Wait, you're not going in?" Julian asked her.
"Nah. I think I'll grab this one right here," she answered as she put her arm around Rob's waist.

"I'm partial to cheesy men."

Rob chuckled and pulled her closer for a kiss on the lips. "Boyfriend," he uttered to an open-

mouthed Julian.

"See you guys later," Faye called to them as she walked towards the room.
"You're not going in either?" the guy in blue asked Clarise.
"No," Rob answered for her with a friendly smile. "She also has a boyfriend who'll kick my ass if

I don't keep you away from her."

Clarise gave Rob a questioning look as she waved goodbye to Faye and the triplets.
Rob pulled out his phone, searched for something and gave it to Clarise. It was a text from Will.

It read:

'Hey. There in 15 mins. Do me a favour and keep prowling singles away from my girl. Thanks.'

Clarise's smile was smug and content as she gave Rob his phone back. It was the same expression
Jessa had on her face when Rob put an arm around her shoulder and steered her to the restaurant.


"Mmmm. It's still early." Jessa wrapped her legs and arms tighter around Rob to keep him from
getting out of bed. She wanted to feel him against her for a little longer.

Rob laughed softly in her ear as he shifted to his side, taking her with him. "I'm driving to

Parramatta to meet my new client's marketing team. I want to avoid the peak hour traffic." He
stroked her naked back and buttocks and it made her arch her body closer to him. "Damn, you're
tempting even after I just had you. Please stop or I'll be very late," he pleaded hoarsely.

She pouted and reluctantly untwined herself from him. He gave her a deep, toe-curling kiss before

rolling off and heading for the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, Rob was getting dressed as she

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watched from the bed.

"Where will you be having drinks tonight?" she asked casually.
For the two months they'd been together, she had not gone out with Rob on a Friday night. He was

usually with clients, prospects and influential business contacts for after-work drinks, sometimes
extending to dinner. She would have loved to accompany him and get to know some of his business
associates but he'd never invited her.

"I'll be around Circular Quay tonight. What about you?"
"We're having dinner with Faye. It'll be interesting to see how many matches she has from last


"That's right. The speed date," Rob murmured distractedly as he put on his tie.
"I bet one of her matches will be Kevin."
"Who's Kevin?"
"One of the triplets, remember? The one in black."
"Oh, one of those dimpled idiots," Rob muttered as he sat down close to her on the edge of the bed

to put on his socks and shoes.

She snickered as she remembered the staring duel Rob and Julian had when they bumped into the

triplets outside the restaurant.

"What's so funny?" Rob glared but the slight upwards tug on his lips betrayed him.
He leaned down on her, his face inches away. "No speed dates or any other dates for you, my

little witch. Not while I'm in this city." He gave her a quick kiss and stood up. "I'll see you
tomorrow, babe."

She followed Rob with her eyes as he left the bedroom. Her heart thudded with painful beats as

she replayed the words in her head. 'Not while I'm in this city.'

What happens when you're no longer here?
You know the answer to that, Jessa,
she answered her own question. The arrangement hasn't


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Jessa couldn't remember the last time she had been so listless at work. She was glad when Clarise
poked her head in her office to inform her that she and Victor were ready to call it a day and meet
Faye for dinner.

She didn't get much done that day and knew next week would be doubly busy. She was grateful

for it. At least that would be a welcome distraction from the nagging worry digging at her heart.

"Are you okay, darling?" Victor asked as they walked to the nearby restaurant where they would

be meeting Faye.

"Just tired," she said with a mirthless smile.
"You coming down with something, Jess?" Clarise asked with concern.
"No, no. I'm fine."
Clarise slowed down and peered closely at her face. "Jess, did you and Rob have a fight?"
She looked up from the ground she had been observing to meet Clarise's scrutinising gaze. She

should have known her face couldn't keep a secret.

"No, we didn't have a fight."
"Then what's wrong, honey?" Clarise asked softly.
"Me. I'm what's wrong. I'm stupid," she answered morosely.
"What?!" her friends cried out together.
"What do you mean?" Victor asked. "Wait. We're almost at the restaurant. Hold that thought and

you can tell us when we get there. That way we can all concentrate on what you're saying."

Faye was already there saving a table for them when they arrived.

Jessa put on a bright smile for her friend. "So how many matches Faye?"
"Woo-hoo! All five of your choices!" Victor clapped in glee.
"So who are you going out with first? And is anyone getting a Saturday night?"
Faye laughed. "Kevin's getting a Saturday night. The others I'm cramming in next week. One for

each day except for Friday night."

"Oh, good," Victor responded. "You could update us with the first four next Friday."
"Would you like to ask your men to join us for dinner then? It's good to have them with us every

now and again," Faye asked.

"I'll ask Will. I'm sure he'd love to join us," Clarise answered.
"I'll ask Evan, too. By the way, the whole meet-the-family episode last night wasn't as scary as I

thought it would be. They were all wonderful. I had a fantastic time."

"Good for you, Victor," Faye cheered.
The server came to take their order. When she left, Faye turned to Jessa. "So Jess, do you think

Rob could join us next Friday?"

"I'll ask him although I doubt if he could make it. Friday nights are his business development

nights." Jessa kept her face impassive but somehow, it must have been too impassive because Faye
started looking at her with concern as well.

"What's wrong, Jess?"
She glanced at her friends and sighed. "Just me and my stupidity. I let myself expect something

that isn't going to happen and just ended up hurting myself."

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"Yes. I thought things were going so well between us that he might have been having thoughts of,

you know, having a more serious relationship than one that doesn't go past four months."

"You've talked to him about it?" Clarise asked.
"No. It was just something he said this morning. He said no speed dates or other dates for me.

Not while he's in this city. It was a sweet thing to say but it was clear I could go on all the dates I
want when he leaves." She sniffed as she forced herself to maintain composure.

"There was always that risk, wasn't there? That you'll get really hurt by your arrangement

knowing you've already fallen for him when you went into it," Clarise gently reminded her.

"Yeah. I started out with no expectations. I just wanted to have my time with him. That was way

easier to manage. I need to get back to that state. But how do I do that? It feels like I've opened up a
wound that I can't easily close up." Her face pleaded for her friends to give her an answer.

"Let's think of all your options," Victor suggested.
"Well," Faye started, "you could forget he said what he said and you could continue with where

you were at before he mentioned those words. You guys looked super hot for each other last night
and if you have that for two more months, then at least you still get what you originally wanted."

She nodded. "That would be great. But how do I stop myself wanting more?"
There was silence on the table until Faye responded. "I don't know how you can. It'll be hard to

stop yourself from wanting something when you're currently enjoying it."

"I know!" Victor raised his hand. "Ask Rob to stop being so sweet to you. Tell him to just give

you hot sex then leave. No cuddling, no staying overnight, not even having dinners together," he
proposed with slitted eyes.

Her face fell. "You can't be serious! I don't think I'd like that. I love it when Rob acts like a real

boyfriend who cares for me." She buried her face in her hands. "And that's what I won't have in the

The three looked at each other in consternation.
"See?" she continued. "I'm so stupid. How did I get myself in this position?"
"What do you want to do, Jess?" Faye asked. "Do you want to continue seeing him knowing he

doesn't want a long-term relationship or do you want to end it now so you can start healing and move

"Is there another option?" she begged.
"You still have two months to change his mind," Clarise said quietly.
She looked at Clarise eagerly. It was what she really wanted to do. She just didn't have the

confidence to pull it off. "You really think I can?"

Clarise gave her a small smile and shook her head. "No one can guarantee you that, Jess. You do

know how much more it would hurt if you tried everything and you still failed to change his mind. It's
just a question of whether you think he's worth it to go through all that pain and effort."

She pondered Clarise's words. Was Rob worth it? The answer came to her swiftly and loudly.

Hell, yeah.

"He is worth it," she said out loud. "Now, I need some ideas."


Rob jumped at the sound of his intercom buzzer going off. Who could that be?

"Who's there?" he said as he lifted the receiver.

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"I have a special delivery for Mr. Rob Granger," a soft female voice answered.
A big grin spread on his face. This was totally unexpected. "Sure, come on up."
He opened his door and stationed himself there as he waited patiently for Jessa to arrive. When

she rounded the corner, his heart pounded as he took in how attractive she was with a small carry bag
in one hand and a beautiful smile on her face. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since he last saw
her. Yesterday, he left her place just after lunch like he always did on Sundays. That he was pleased
at seeing her again so soon was an understatement. He missed her so much already.

"Mr. Granger?" she asked as she got to his door.
"Yes," he responded with a goofy grin.
"I have a wagyu beef burger and piping hot chips for you, sir."
His mouth salivated and he realised he was starving. It was almost lunchtime and he hadn't had a

break. "Yum. To whom do I owe this special delivery?"

"I don't know, sir. I'm not privy to that kind of information. I'm just the delivery girl. And I was

asked to make sure I put this on a plate for you."

He moved and indicated for her to go in, the goofy grin still plastered on his face.
Jessa went to his kitchen and arranged the burger and hot chips attractively on a plate for him. She

set it down on the dining table next to his laptop. Then she refilled the glass of water that was
already sitting there.

He inhaled the delicious smell that wafted through the room but frowned when he saw there was

only one burger. "You're not having lunch with me?"

"Lunch with you, sir? Sorry. That's not part of my job description. Although this is," Jessa

murmured as she curved her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

He moaned as he slid his arms around her waist and crushed her to him. They kissed hungrily for

long minutes until Jessa pulled away. He tried to re-capture her mouth but she resisted.

"I have to go back to the office," she giggled as she tried to evade his seeking lips.
"But your customer is not satisfied yet. I'll complain to your boss and say you've done a poor job

of delivering what your customer wanted."

"No, I really have to go back to work, baby." She cupped his face and put on an apologetic

expression. "We're having a staff lunch for our new writer. He started today."

He stilled. "So you're really going now?"
"But you just got here," he complained, feeling like a child who'd been denied his favourite thing.
"I just sneaked out to bring you lunch so you don't have another one of your microwave food."
He pouted. "And I thought I was going to have some midday sex, too."
Jessa chuckled and extricated herself from his embrace. "I'd love to stay but we're both very busy

today. I'll see you tomorrow night," she promised. "And you should eat your lunch before it gets

He pulled her back in his arms and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," she answered softly. She looked up at him. "By the way, I know you're

usually busy on Friday nights but would you like to have dinner with the gang this Friday?"

"The gang?"
"Us three girls and Victor. Will and Evan will be joining us, too, I believe."
"This Friday?"
Jessa nodded.
He surveyed Jessa's upturned face. She looked eager and hopeful. He discovered he didn't have

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the heart to say no to her. He'd just have to re-arrange his earlier plans for that Friday. "Okay. I
guess I can do that."

She beamed at him. "Great. Well, I really have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow night."
He walked her to the door, wishing she could stay. He didn't know how he became so needy of

her, didn't know what she'd done to him. "Bye, witch," he said, thinking how apt that term was for

"Bye," she responded as she gave him a swift kiss.
He watched her disappear around the corner. He wanted to run after her and give her a thorough

kiss. He wanted to tell her he already missed her and he'd be counting the minutes before he saw her
again tomorrow. The urge was so great it scared him that he might actually act it out.

He hurried back inside and his eyes fell on the lunch Jessa got for him. His stomach growled. He

sighed a mixture of contentment and longing and started attacking the food.

She is just the sweetest thing.


"There they all are," Jessa burst out as she saw Rob, Will and Evan standing outside the restaurant
entrance from across the road. They were busy chatting as they waited for them.

"Don't they all look handsome," Victor commented as they waited for the green 'walk' sign. "But,

of course, Evan is the most attractive of them all. Even if he's got those dorky glasses and he's shorter
and he doesn't have the face and the body those other two have, he's still the one for me."

The women laughed.
"Yes, the love bug's bitten another one." Faye sighed theatrically. "Next time we all meet with

your men, I better get myself a date for the night or I'll feel left out all the time."

Jessa put an arm around her friend and gave her a squeeze. "Oh, Faye. In less than two months, I

could be the one who's dateless." She tried to sound teasing but her heart contracted at the thought.

"Well, Jess, you still have that time to make him fall for you. Use it wisely."
"I will. But I'm not exactly sure how apart from showing him how much I care without saying the

words. What else can I do apart from that?"

"Hey, I saw this book in the bookstore the other day. Something about how to create a potion to

bewitch any man," Clarise teased.

She smiled shyly. "He calls me his little witch sometimes."
"That's a great sign. Maybe he feels bewitched by you already."
"Even if he does it hasn't changed his mind about having a termination date for our relationship."
"Maybe what you need to do is to make him feel what it would be like without you," Clarise said

in a thoughtful voice.

"How do I do that?" she asked nervously.
"Well, Kevin —" Faye didn't have the chance to finish what she was going to say. They were

already crossing the road and the men had seen them.


"So the guy you saw yesterday was the only one you'd consider going out with again?" Evan asked

"Yes. He was really interesting to talk to apart from being hot. The guy from Tuesday was the

worst. Honestly, he didn't even want to have dinner! He wanted me to go straight to his place. What
a waste of my time," Faye rolled her eyes as she relayed her dating experiences in the last four days.

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Rob placed an arm on the back of Jessa's chair and toyed with her hair. She smiled at him and he

smiled back at her.

"Tomorrow night I have Kevin, one of the triplets," Faye continued. "By the way, girls, I haven't

told you this but Kevin emailed me today. He said Keith and Julian wanted to know if the
relationships you're in are serious." She had a twinkle in her eye as she talked to Jessa and Clarise.

"Who are Keith and Julian?" Will asked suspiciously.
"They're Kevin's friends whom we met before the speed date started. Keith likes Clarise and

Julian likes Jess."

"What did you say?" Will asked, almost growling.
"I haven't responded to him yet. Of course I'll let him know Clarise is definitely taken. I'll tell

him tomorrow."

"Jessa's taken, too. Tell that dimpled idiot that," Rob said.
"Sure." Faye replied in a slightly hesitant fashion. "I'll tell him Julian would have to try his luck

in a few months time," she added with a wink to Jessa.

It took a few seconds before Faye's meaning sunk in and when it did, Rob found it hard to breath.

Jessa already had a potential date lined up when their short relationship ended. He looked at Jessa
who was staring down at her food. She wouldn't be his in a few weeks.

"What does Julian look like?" Victor asked.
"Very cute," Faye responded. "The triplets all have dimples and copper hair that's why they're

called the triplets. But Julian has the deepest dimples."

"Dimples! Hmm. I know someone who thinks dimples are hot," Victor grinned.
"Who?" Evan asked.
"I'm not saying," Victor replied but his eyes were on Jessa.
"I gather you'd go on a speed date again when Rob goes back to Melbourne, wouldn't you, Jess?"

Will asked.

All eyes went to Will then to Jessa. Rob held his breath as he waited for her to answer.
"Depends," Jessa answered as she squirmed on her seat.
"On what?" Rob asked with narrowed eyes.
"A few things," Jessa answered vaguely, not looking at him.
"Such as?" he persisted.
"Whether I feel like it or not at the time. Would you?" she asked him.
"Would I what?"
"Go on a speed date in Melbourne." Jessa glanced at him.
He shook his head. "Never interested me."
"Why not?" Faye asked. "It's fun if you don't take it too seriously."
"I just never had the need to go on one, I guess."
"I suppose it's easy for you to pick up women from anywhere, anyway."
"You girls wouldn't have any problems picking up men either. Why did you go?" Rob's eyes were

on Jessa as he asked the question.

Jessa blushed and her eyes went to Faye.
"Jessa went because we encouraged her to go," Faye answered for her. "She wouldn't believe us

when we tell her how easily men get attracted to her so we thought she should go to one and see for
herself. I went because I thought it would be fun."

Rob frowned, still looking at Jessa. "What? You don't see how attractive you are?"
Jessa's blush deepened. She looked highly embarrassed.

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"It's true, she doesn't." Clarise pounced. "There are all these men who would love to go out with

her and she doesn't even notice."

"Yeah," Victor added. "Like James Bradley, one of our clients. Everyone notices how he couldn't

take his eyes off Jess when he visits the office."

"Well, it looks like you wouldn't miss me when I'm gone," Rob remarked dryly, his eyes not

leaving her face.

"I would," she replied quietly. "But I don't have a choice but to move on."
Rob stared at Jessa for a long moment as she nervously played with her food. He saw it - her

sadness, her pain … her hopes.

He thought everything was crystal clear. He thought everything would be simple. Not easy, but

simple. In that moment, it hit him that everything had become so complicated.

The silence around the table didn't register to him. He also didn't notice how, as if in one accord,

their well-meaning friends burst into chatter again about other things. They excluded him and Jessa
who were in a space of their own where the tension was thick and could not be evaded.

He couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't breath. He had to get his bearings back and put himself

on less perilous ground.

Something had crept up on him when he was unaware. And whatever it was, it scared the living

daylights out of him so he ignored it as best as he could. But now, he had no choice but to face it.

"Jess," he called softly so only she could hear.
Jessa turned to look at him, her face was calm but her eyes betrayed the depths of her rioting


"I think we need to talk. Do you think we could go for a walk and do that?"

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Jessa kept her arms folded across her chest as she walked beside Rob. He hadn't made an effort to
hold her hand like he always did whenever they went out. A part of her was relieved. She needed
that space to calm her nerves. But she was also lonely. On a cold, still night, he was right beside her
but he had never felt so far away.

"Do you want to sit there?" Rob asked as he waved a hand towards a surprisingly empty bench

facing the Sydney Opera House from across the water. She headed for it and sat down.

Rob sat next to her and was quiet for a long while as they both watched people walk past. She

waited for him to speak. If he was waiting for her, well, she didn't know where to start or even what
to say.

"I don't know what's going on, Jess. I mean, I do but I don't know what to do with it." Rob's voice

was almost a whisper.

"What is going on, Rob?" She wanted to hear him say what was on his mind.
Rob turned to face her. "I know we've started to care for each other. I'm not really surprised by

that. What I'm surprised by is how hard it would be when this ends."

There it was again. When it ends. Not if it ends.
She swallowed to push the tears away. "I didn't go into this short-term relationship with you with

the hope that the ending would be different. But the longer we were together, the more I found myself
wanting it to go on," she replied honestly.

"For how long?" he choked.
"I don't know. For however long we could be together where breaking up is a matter of if, not


"I admit I can't stand the thought of you dating other people when I go back to Melbourne. But a

serious, long-term relationship is not something I've ever envisaged for myself," Rob replied, his
voice low.

"Why not?"
"It scares me. For me, it means losing my freedom," he replied candidly.
She gasped as lancing pain attacked her heart. "So what does that mean for us?" she asked in a

small voice.

"That's what I don't know, Jess. I've never felt like this before. I don't know what to think. But

here's the reality: the reality is in less than two months, we'll be living in two different states again. I
don't see myself being happy in a long-distance relationship. I'm not someone who could handle only
seeing my girlfriend for one or two weekends a month. I don't think you'd be happy with that
arrangement either." Rob sighed deeply before continuing. "Look at Faye and Steve. They broke up
because there was no point being together when they'll be apart most of the time anyway."

Tears started to fall from her eyes. She couldn't hold them back anymore because he was right.

"So this is it then."

Rob inhaled sharply, pain and fear etched in his face at her declaration. "We still have seven

weeks," he said hoarsely.

She looked at Rob with tear-stained eyes and shook her head. "I can't, Rob. It'll be too hard."
"We managed before," he pleaded.
"That was different. I didn't have hopes and expectations then. But now that I do and we've

brought them out in the open, I can't simply bottle them back. I'll just end up crying every time I see

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you or watch you leave."

"Give me the seven weeks, Jess, please," Rob begged. "Seven weeks to think, to sort out

everything that's going on inside my head. Just give me time to figure it all out. I can't let you go yet.
I just can't."

She searched Rob's face. She could see his anguish, his plea and his uncertainties. It broke her

heart to break up with him now. But how much more would it hurt if they continued to see each other
for another seven weeks and he still decided his freedom was more important than being together?
Or if they couldn't find a way to maintain a long-distance relationship? She knew without doubt she
would fall deeper and deeper for him if given that time. If she was hurting like hell now, how much
more pain would she be in if he was going to leave her anyway?

But could she walk away if there was a chance of a future with him? There was none of that in the

beginning. Now there was a possibility if he was going to think about it. It was remote, but it was
there nonetheless. Could she risk her whole heart for a little ray of hope?

"Okay," she said to Rob's obvious relief. "But if you need to think about things, don't you need

some space and time to do that?"

Rob gazed at her with wary eyes. "I suppose so."
"So maybe we need to see each other less often than we used to," she suggested. The idea didn't

appeal to her but if Rob needed space and time, she'd give them to him.

Rob smirked. "Isn't it ironic? We decided not to break up so we could have time apart to think."
She smiled. "Well, it means we're not free to see other people while we're thinking."
An insight flashed in her mind, replacing her smile with a frown. It was terribly unpalatable but

she felt she had to bring it up. "Rob, maybe we should break up for a while." She felt her heart being
squeezed tight as she said it.

"You said you're scared of losing your freedom. Maybe you should have a week or two when

you're free to think and do what you really want. You know, be a single guy. That would help you
reach a conclusion about whether you want a committed relationship with me or not, wouldn't it?"

Rob stared at her as if she had lost her mind. "You want us to break up for a couple of weeks and

you expect me to act like I was single during that time?"

She bit her lip. This would be hard to say, but she realised she needed this, too. She needed to be

just as sure as Rob on what he wanted for his life. "If you realised you wanted to be with other
women during that time, then there's your answer and we wouldn't need seven weeks to figure out if
we have a future or not."

"That's crazy. You want me to go out there and pick up other women?" he asked incredulously.
"No. I don't want you to date other women if you don't feel like doing it. What I mean is I want

you to feel free to do what you want without being hampered by the fact you already have a
girlfriend. How else are you going to figure out if you want a committed relationship for the long-
term if you're stuck in one while you're trying to sort out what's in your head?"

Rob took in what she said. "Right. I get what you mean. It makes sense."
She blinked away her tears. Of course, it made sense. But just because it did didn't mean it was

easy to accept even if it was her idea.

Rob reached out and caressed her cheek. "But, Jess, we don't have to be on a break just so I could

think. Like you said earlier, let's just not see each other as often as we used to for a couple of

"No, I really think it has to be a break, Rob. If we are going to be together past our original four-

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month agreement, I need to be sure you want to be with me more than your freedom just as much as
you need to know that for yourself."

"Okay," Rob gave in. "So, in a week or two, we'll get back together?"
"Let's make it two. But if either of us wants to be with someone else during that time, let's have

the courtesy to break up permanently first. There would be no point having another conversation then
apart from saying goodbye."

She didn't think she'd so much as want to look at another man. But she wanted Rob to know this

went both ways.

Rob scowled. "One week's enough. Friday next week we see each other again."


Rob snatched his phone and grunted when he saw who the caller was. It was Andrea again. In the
last few days she'd been calling him a lot. She arrived in Sydney last week for a short break and
wanted to catch up with him. Most of the time he ignored her. The couple of times he picked up the
phone, it was only to be polite and let her know he was busy. Fortunately, she hadn't called when he
was with Jessa.

Ever since last Friday night, he jumped every time his phone rang, hoping Jessa was calling him.

He shook his head, exasperated at himself. It was Tuesday. Just three more days until he saw her
again. Surely he could wait until then?

For the umpteenth time, he questioned why on earth he even agreed to this one week break with

her. All it was giving him was frustration. It was affecting his concentration at work and he was
snappy at everything and everyone - from the cashier at the supermarket to Rose, his PA. At least he
insisted on it being only a week and not two. When it became apparent to him that Jessa would be
single too during their break, there was no way he was going to stretch the time.

Not being with her for the last weekend, after spending every single weekend with her for the last

ten weeks, was torture. He almost called her on Sunday morning after waking up and not finding her
next to him. The only reason he was able to stop himself from doing so was remembering why Jessa
wanted him to have this break. He needed to be sure if he was up for a serious, committed, long-term
relationship. He cared a lot about Jessa, wanted her more than any woman he'd ever met. But was
that enough to give up his freedom?

Maybe he should go out to a bar and test himself. Maybe he should flirt with other women and see

how he felt about it. He grimaced. Just thinking about it made him cringe. He had no desire to do
that whatsoever.

His phone rang again.
Damn, this woman sure is persistent.
A thought occurred to him. Maybe he should have drinks with Andrea. Maybe seeing her could

help him clarify precisely why he was so averse to long-term commitment.


Rob was fifteen minutes late when got to the Bondi cafe where he arranged to meet Andrea. He was
surprised to see her already seated at their table. Being half an hour late for meetings was the norm
for her.

"Rob!" Andrea cried in obvious pleasure as she stood up to greet him with a peck on the cheek.
"Hi, Andrea. Where are your Bondi lifeguards?" he asked dryly.
"Oh, this time's just for you, Rob. Where's your Sydney girlfriend?"

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"She's at work."
"Well, darling, I'm glad you took time off from your busy schedule to have coffee with me during

working hours," she purred. "I'm really pleased."

He gave her a tight smile. "Have you ordered?"
"Not yet. I was waiting for you."
"I'm only having coffee."
"Good, 'cause I want to order their Belgian waffle with ice cream. You know I can't have all

those calories so you can share it with me," she said innocently.

He shook his head and indicated to a server they were ready to order.

Rob half-listened to Andrea's chatter about her business and social life. He made 'I'm listening'
noises every once in a while to keep her talking. He was more than happy to let her prattle until she
finished her waffle. He didn't feel like talking at all. In fact, he felt uncomfortable. No, that wasn't
quite accurate. He felt guilty. Not that he was doing anything wrong. It was just that it didn't feel
right to him that he was here having coffee with an ex-girlfriend who kept on giving him flirtatious
and suggestive looks. He realised Andrea hadn't given up on him yet and he regretted his decision to
meet with her.

Once she finished her damned waffle he was going. But with her constant yapping, it looked like

it would take her ages to finish it off. Was it rude to leave when your companion was still eating?
He sighed. For all that Andrea was, she was still a friend so he would have to suffer a few more
minutes of sitting there with her.

His thoughts turned to Jessa. He wondered what she was doing. In an hour, she would be heading

home from work. His heart compressed. It was Tuesday. If he didn't agree to this stupid break she
would be going home to him.

"Rob, have some waffle." Hearing his name brought him out of his musing.
"No, thanks. Finish it off." Stop the chitchat and finish it off quickly.
"Hmm. It's too much for me," Andrea whined in a flirty manner.
"Then leave it."
"But that would be a shame. It's very good." Andrea fluttered her eyelids at him as she licked her

spoon lasciviously.

"I have to go back to work, Andrea," he said curtly.
Andrea pouted in displeasure and gave up being seductive. "Fine, I'll finish it off."
He watched as Andrea cut off a tiny portion of the waffle and slowly put it in her mouth. At the

rate she was going, they'd be there forever. He grabbed his unused cutlery and started helping her.
He just wanted to leave.


"Oh, for fuck's sake," Rob muttered through gritted teeth. This would have to be the fourth time
Andrea had tried to call that afternoon. What the hell could she want now? He'd already had coffee
with her yesterday. He glared at his phone until it stopped ringing.

It rang again five minutes later. He picked it up to switch it off when he saw it was Will this time,

not Andrea.

"Hey, Will."
"Hey, Rob. What in the fucking hell is your ex up to?" Will sounded just as annoyed as he was

with Andrea.

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"What do you mean?"
"She just called me to say we are having drinks with her at six today. And by 'we' she meant you,

me, Clarise, herself and Jessa."

"What the fuck?" he exclaimed in disbelief.
"My thoughts exactly. I know she still wants you, Rob, and I don't trust her."
"If she expects me to turn up and also ask Jess to come then she's sadly mistaken."
Will gave a humourless chuckle. "You obviously underestimate her. No, she doesn't expect you

to invite Jess on her behalf. She's already invited both Jess and Clarise herself."

"What?!" He was stunned.
"Yup. After she called to tell me about the surprise little party she organised, I called Clarise.

She said she and Jess got separate calls from Andrea. Apparently, Jess spoke to Andrea this morning
and she only decided after lunch to accept her invitation. It looks like Andrea invited Clarise and me
after Jess had said yes."

A cold shiver ran through him. Andrea was up to something - and it wasn't good.
"Anyway," Will continued, "Andrea told me she'd been trying to reach you but couldn't and told

me to let you know about this in case she doesn't get to speak to you. You better be there, Rob."

"Of course, I'll be there. There's no way Jessa's having drinks with that woman without me."
"How's your week going?" Will asked him in a more quiet tone. He had called Will on Sunday

night when he was feeling lost and lonely.

"Like hell," he admitted. "I miss her, Will. I know it's only been five days but knowing we're on a

break makes it feel much longer than that. I don't even want to wait 'til Friday to get back together
with her although I'm still confused about the whole serious, long-term commitment stuff. I know I
want to be with her. There's no question about that. But this long-term commitment thing still scares
the shit out of me."

"What exactly are you scared of, Rob?"
"That I'll lose my freedom."
"Freedom to do what?"
He thought for a moment. That was a good question. Something he didn't have a ready answer

for. He'd always carried the belief that being in a relationship meant loss of freedom to do what he
wanted to do with his life - whatever that meant. He knew it wasn't about losing his freedom to
choose whatever business or career to be in, if he ever chose to change. Jessa was very supportive
of his dreams and he knew she would always be.

"Umm …"
"Freedom to have sex with other chicks?" Will prompted.
He considered the question. In the past, that would have been a big issue for him. But he didn't

need more than ten seconds to know that his view of that had changed. "No. I only want Jessa."

"So you're still having problems getting off with other women," Will teased.
He chuckled. He wasn't rankled by that anymore. "Yes, and I don't really give a damn if I do as

long as I have Jess. If she doesn't want me anymore, then I have a huge problem."

"Okay, so if it's not that, then what are you scared of losing? Freedom to party anytime you want?"
He snorted. "No. It was only Andrea who pushed me to party. I don't look for that anymore."
"Are you scared you'd be forced to live somewhere you don't want? You've chosen to live in

Melbourne and she's here in Sydney."

He was silent for long seconds. That was a major sticking point. Would he lose his freedom to

choose where to live if he was with Jessa?

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Where do I want to live?
His answer came loud and clear.
Wherever Jessa was.
He felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulder. It was silly, really, thinking where they

lived was a problem.

Living in Melbourne was not a necessity. Being in Sydney for more than two months while his

Melbourne team ran the office efficiently without him proved he could be anywhere and still have a
successful operation.

"No," he answered Will with a big grin on his face. "I just want to be where Jessa is. There's no

good reason why I can't move back here. It would take some serious planning but it can be done."

"Alright!" Will shouted happily. "So what are you afraid of then, Rob?"
"I'm only afraid of losing her."

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Jessa carefully re-applied her make-up, fussing over it more than she usually did. It was a shame she
had an important client meeting that morning so she was wearing her smart pant suit that made her
look ultra-professional. It would have been better if she was wearing a dress - something more
feminine. But how was she to know she'd be invited by Rob's ex-girlfriend to have drinks with her
that evening?

When Elena from reception put the call through to her, she almost fell off her chair when the caller

introduced herself as 'Andrea, Rob's ex-girlfriend'. Oh, she was friendly on the phone. She said she
was in Sydney and just wanted to meet new people, and that she also planned to invite Clarise. She
also didn't fail to mention how she enjoyed having coffee and sharing waffles with Rob at Bondi
yesterday and how great it would be to meet his other Sydney friends.

She almost didn't accept Andrea's invitation. She was so hurt after that call. It didn't take Rob

long to enjoy his single status - with his ex-girlfriend at that.

But something else happened that day. Victor was so incensed about the whole thing that he spoke

rather loudly in her office and told her she should go out and find herself a new date pronto, just as
James Bradley, who had a meeting with her today, walked in her office.

James didn't miss the opportunity. After their meeting, he asked her out. She was honest with him

and said she just broke up with someone. He said he would be 'honoured' to be her shoulder to cry
on. What could she say to that? It was so sweet. She was so hurt and angry at Rob so she said yes.
Then she let Andrea know she was seeing her for drinks. She didn't know why she changed her mind
about not wanting to meet Andrea. She guessed it was because she wanted the opportunity to scratch
her eyes out. And she really wanted to know if there was anything going on between Rob and his ex.

"Ready, Jess?" Clarise asked as she walked into her office.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Don't forget to restrain me when I start becoming violent."
"I'm sure the boys will jump in and make sure you don't get into any trouble."
"The boys?" she asked.
"Yes. Will and Rob," Clarise answered, confused.
"Rob's going to be there?" she whispered in dismay.
"Yes. Didn't you know?"
"No. I thought it was just going to be you and me and her. She didn't mention that Rob and Will

were coming, too."

Clarise's look turned suspicious. "I knew that woman was up to something. She sounded cagey.

Do you still want to go?"

Her heart pounded as she considered her decision. A big part of her wanted to run and hide. But

she wouldn't. Couldn't. She had to see for herself how Rob felt about his ex. It would drive her
crazy not knowing.

"Yes, I still want to go. Can we go there early? I sort of want to compose myself before everyone

else arrived."

"Of course."


"How do we know if she's here already?" Clarise asked Jessa as they waited in the already crowded

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"She said she'll stand by the entrance at six. She has strawberry blonde hair and she'll be wearing

a black and silver dress."

"There's still fifteen minutes to go."
They sat in silence as they sipped their drinks and observed other people, lost in their own


"Do you think that's Andrea?" Clarise nudged her and nodded towards the door.
She turned her head and saw a tall, absolutely stunning strawberry blonde in a fetching black and

silver dress and sexy high heels that showed off her gorgeous legs. The woman stood and scanned the
crowd with supreme confidence. All eyes seemed to be on her and it was no surprise when a couple
of men approached her, already chatting her up.

Her heart dropped to the floor with a big thud. If this was Andrea, she could see why Rob got

attracted to her. She paled in comparison.

She was still trying to scoop up her heart from the floor when he appeared. He must have called

Andrea for she twirled around. And ran to him. And threw her arms around him. And kissed him.
On the lips.

She watched in shock for two seconds before averting her eyes. She couldn't bear to look.
"Jess." Clarise put an arm around her shivering frame.
"Clarise, I have to go. I can't stay."
"I'll go with you."
"No. Please. Stay and tell me what goes on between them tonight. Just tell them I wasn't feeling

well or something."

"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Please."
"Okay," Clarise said reluctantly. "Will you be alright?"
"Yes. Don't worry. Could you distract them so I could sneak out?"
"Okay. We'll talk tomorrow." Clarise gave her a hug and walked towards Rob and Andrea.
She ran out, almost stumbling but grateful she didn't. She feared if she stayed there for a second

longer, her chest might explode.


"You deserve the best, Jessa. It's not just because you're a brilliant writer or interviewer or editor,"
James Bradley said in that soft-spoken manner of his, "it's also because you are simply beautiful."

Jessa's face heated. Geez. This night promises to be an uncomfortable one. She kicked herself

for her impetuous decision to go out with him.

She wasn't fishing for compliments when she asked him why he chose this restaurant - one of the

most expensive in Sydney where you needed to book six months in advance. She was merely trying to
make polite conversation.

She would need to stem her curiosity as to how James got a table at such short notice. After the

dozen long-stemmed red roses which he insisted was a 'thank you' for her 'excellent' work with their
advertorials, and now those comments, she was scared to ask. She didn't want him spouting any more
declarations of his infatuation.

"Ah, I'm making you uncomfortable," James commented. "I'm sorry. I want you to enjoy tonight."
She gave him an outwardly pleasant smile before taking a deep breath. There was simply no

choice but to be frank with the man. "James, yes, I'm afraid I'm a little bit uncomfortable. When I
agreed to go to this dinner with you, I told you I just broke up with someone and … I guess I was a

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little bit rash in accepting your invitation. I'm sorry. If I wasn't clear before then I want to be clear
now that I'm not looking for anything else from you but friendship."

James smiled wryly. "I'm coming on too strong, am I not? I know you just came out of a

relationship and I'm not asking for anything else from you but to allow me to be your friend. That's

Her skepticism was undisguised and James laughed.
"Jessa, I admit I've been wanting to ask you out for a long time now. When I saw the opportunity,

I took it. But I'm a reasonable and logical man. You're not ready for a new relationship. I know
that. I just want to be your friend for now. But I'll also be honest and say that when the time comes
when you are ready to move on, I want to be forefront in your mind for consideration. But right now,
I can accept and I'm more than happy to just be your friend."

Jessa wasn't convinced. "I don't know how that's going to work, James. I can't be comfortable

accepting flowers and expensive dinners from you."

"Like I said, I came on too strong. I'll have to make some adjustments - starting from now. So, I

promised to be a shoulder to cry on. How about we talk about this guy you just broke up with?"

"You're kidding, right?"
"No," James grinned. "I want to be a good friend and listen to your problems. So if it makes you

feel better talking about it, let's hear it."

She chuckled and shook her head. "Let's talk about something else, James."


Jessa was relieved the dinner with James turned from a potential nightmare to a pleasant one. He
was actually quite a fun guy to be with - when he was only being a friend.

"So, did I pass the friends-only test, Jessa?" James asked as he drove.
"Sure," she replied cautiously, glancing at his profile.
"Great. Thanks. As your new friend, I'm inviting you and whomever you want to take with you to

my birthday party in two weeks. I'll email you the invitation."

"Oh." She didn't know how to respond to that. She didn't want to lead him on even if he kept

insisting they were just friends. It was clear he was interested and was simply biding his time.

"I'll see."
There was no available parking in front of her apartment block forcing James to double park and

stay in his car. His disappointment was obvious when she pointed out to him he couldn't walk her to
her front door.

"Thanks a lot for dinner, James, and for these flowers and for driving me home," she said as she

prepared to get out of the car.

"No problem. Anytime. And look out for my birthday invitation."
"Okay," she said weakly. "Bye."
"May I give you a friendly kiss on the cheek, Jessa?"
She wanted to say no, but the man spent a lot of money on dinner and roses tonight that a friendly

peck on the cheek seemed to be a reasonable request. "Okay."

James leaned towards her and planted a soft, lingering kiss on her cheek that somehow moved

closer to her lips. She moved away and opened the car door quickly. There was no way you could
call that kiss friendly.

"Bye, James." She hastily exited his car.
"Bye, Jessa. I'll see you again soon."

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To her relief, a car was approaching from behind and James didn't have a choice but to get going.
She turned to walk towards her building and froze. A man was sitting on the steps outside the


"What are you doing here?" she cried as her heart started racing.

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"Waiting for you," Rob said dispiritedly.

Jessa was rooted at the spot where she stopped. "How long have you been sitting there?"
"A couple of hours."
She frowned. "You could have called me first."
Rob lips twitched into something between a smile and a grimace but his eyes remained bleak.

"You weren't answering my calls."

Her face flushed. Rob had tried calling her since last night but she'd avoided him. She just wasn't

ready to hear that he wanted to go back to super-glamorous, sexy, stunning Andrea. Even though
Clarise assured her Rob didn't pay much attention to Andrea during their drinks last night -
apparently, he was even cold to her - the fact remained they kissed. On the lips. She couldn't blame
him. Andrea was gorgeous so why wouldn't Rob want to be with her instead? He probably didn't
want to show his true feelings in front of Clarise who was, after all, her best friend.

Rob glanced up at her with an anguished look before looking away and standing up.
A bolt of pain hit her heart and she thawed a little. He looked sulky, angry even, but there was

also sadness in his face. It occurred to her it wouldn't be easy on Rob to tell her they were over. She
knew he cared for her even though he preferred his freedom - or someone else.

She swallowed her hurt and walked towards the door. The big bunch of long-stemmed red roses

James gave her made it difficult to fish her keys from out of her purse.

"Uh, Rob, would you mind holding these flowers so I can get my keys out?"
The glare he gave her was close to murderous. Wordlessly, he grabbed her purse and extracted

her keys. He opened the door and held it for her to go through.

They went up to her unit in silence.

Jessa puffed a little sigh of relief as Rob opened the door to her apartment. The air surrounding them
was thick with tension and she needed to put a little bit more distance between them so she could
breath. Mindlessly, she busied herself with looking for a suitable vase for the roses to give her time
to calm her nerves. It was either that or give in to her urge to bawl.

"What are you looking for?" Rob asked in bemusement.
"My big vase so I could put the flowers in it."
There was a pause before Rob's cold voice said, "There it is."
She followed the line of Rob's pointed finger and her eyes landed on her rubbish bin.
Her gaze flew back to Rob. His arms were folded across his chest and he looked … pained. Her

mouth went dry and her heartbeat accelerated. She didn't want to hope too much but —

"Why didn't you join us for drinks yesterday?" Rob asked quietly.
Her mouth parted in disbelief. Why would he even ask her that? She couldn't believe how

insensitive he was.

"Why? What did I miss?" she hissed, her anger returning with a vengeance. You want to rub it in

my face? You kissed her! Before she could verbalise her anger, he asked her another question.

"Why did you go out with that guy tonight?"
What? "What's it to you, Rob? The last time I checked I was free to date anyone I wanted," she

lashed out. "You certainly didn't waste any time hooking up with your ex!"

"You wanted me to make sure how I feel about a long-term relationship," he retorted angrily. "I

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agreed to see her because I thought it would help me clarify why I didn't want long-term
commitment." He exhaled harshly and his voice softened. "Turns out my issue wasn't with
commitment, it was with whom I was committing to."

"What does that mean?" she shouted as fear, hurt, anger and frustration mixed together in an

explosive fashion. She took deep breaths to get her self-control back.

Rob raked his hand through his hair. "It means I'm not averse to commitment, Jess, as long as I'm

with the right person."

The look in Rob's eyes caused her heart to flutter and her anger to dissipate.
"And … who's the right person?" she whispered, her heart wanting leap out of her chest and jump

into his.

"You." Rob's tone was flat.
Happiness burst within her but it was quickly arrested by the recognition that something was

wrong. Rob delivered the news she was ecstatic to hear but he looked miserable. She closed the
distance between them and placed her hands on his chest. She could feel his pounding heart.

She smiled up at him, her eyes shining. "I'm very glad to hear that, Rob. But what's wrong?"
Rob stared at her for long, breathless seconds. Eventually, he shook his head and captured her

hands that were on his chest and lifted them to his lips. "Nothing." He smiled sweetly at her.

"Does this mean we're back together?"
"There's still one day left," Rob said as he gathered her in his arms. "But yes, please, can we end

this break early?"

She lifted her lips to Rob's for a kiss that deepened very quickly. "Does this mean we don't have

an end date anymore?" she asked against his passionate mouth.

Rob drew his head back without loosening his arms around her. "No end date, Jess. I don't want

an end date. Can we commit to continue working on this relationship for however long we could?"

She nodded delightedly before remembering an important fact. "You kissed her."
"Andrea. You kissed her."
"How could you know when you weren't there?"
"Are you denying you kissed her?"
"Yes, because I didn't. She kissed me. I didn't kiss her back."
"How do you know?" Rob asked.
"I saw it happen before I decided to go home."
"You decided to go home after you saw her kiss me?"
He gazed at her, his eyes expressing sadness for a brief moment before he blinked it away. "She

doesn't mean anything to me, Jess. If you hung around yesterday, you would have known that for

He held her tightly for minutes before he started kissing her face.

Rob stayed the night and they made love until they were too tired to go for another round.

He was the usual passionate, attentive and expert lover in bed but Jessa felt there was something

amiss. And she couldn't quite put a finger on it.

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"Do you think Rob's starting to get serious about Jess?" Clarise asked Will as she loaded the
dishwasher in Will's kitchen. Jessa had been quiet and introspective even as she told them during
lunch that she and Rob had agreed to continue their relationship indefinitely.

"Yes. He is serious about her. He's a little overwhelmed but he's committed to making it work.

He knows there's a lot they need to work on if they want to avoid a long-distance relationship."

"Do you think he'll move back here to be with her?"
"You sound so sure about that."
"I'm sure because he told me as much."
"What? And you didn't tell me?"
"I just forgot that bit, baby."
"Well, what exactly did he tell you?" This involved Jessa and Clarise wanted to know.
"He came to the conclusion the only thing he was scared of was losing Jessa."
Her eyes widened. "Wow, he said that?"
"Something along those lines."
"That's so sweet," she mused as she leaned against the kitchen benchtop. "I hope it works out for


"Me too."
"By the way, Megan told me they wanted to invite Rob to their wedding too, not only because he's

seeing Jessa but also because he'd started playing tennis with Rick and the rest of your group."

"Oh, cool," Will said distractedly as he looped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck.
"Which reminds me," she said as she tilted her neck to give him more access. "I need to finalise

Meg's hen's party."

"Hm. What do you girls plan to do?"
She smiled broadly. "I'm not telling you."
"Why not?" Will pulled away to look at her.
She shrugged. "What are you guys doing?"
"I don't know. Mark's organising it. We made some suggestions."
"What did you suggest?"
"Oh, you know, just go to a bar and all that," he responded vaguely.
"Are you going to have private strippers?" Clarise couldn't stop herself from asking. She trusted

Will. She just didn't trust the strippers to keep their hands off him. She knew how hot her boyfriend

"Are you?" Will asked her back, arching an eyebrow.
"I asked first."
Will narrowed his eyes. "You're having strippers, aren't you? And you're organising it," he


"You don't sound very convincing." Will braced both arms against the kitchen bench she was

leaning against, trapping her within.

She ran her lips along his jaw and nipped.
"That's not gonna get you out of trouble," he warned although his voice got hoarse and his

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breathing changed.

"If - and that's an if - we're going to have strippers why would it bother you?" She ran a fingertip

along his jawline.

"I don't want anyone else stripping for you but me."
"They won't be stripping for me, honey. They'll be stripping for everyone, but mainly, they'll be

stripping for the bride-to-be. Rick's the one who should be complaining."

"The strippers won't care whether it's the bride-to-be or whomever else. They'll just go for hot

women like you. I've heard all these unbelievable stories from my female cousins." Will shook his
head at the thought.

She smiled. It looked like Will had the same worry she had with him and strippers. "I'm sure that

only happens to those females who want to play. But as for the actual stripping show, it's the bride
they target. They call them to the stage and make them do all these things."

"Like what?"
"Depends. Some are tame, some are really naughty."
"Well, for the record I don't want you having strippers for your hen's night."
She gaped at Will. Did she hear him right? "My hen's night?" she gulped. "Is that your

roundabout way of proposing?"

Will gazed at her for what seemed like minutes. She was about to break the nerve-wracking

silence when he answered. "No." He turned and walked away, leaving her stunned and confused.

She couldn't move from where she was standing in the kitchen. For a while there, she thought he

was going to propose to her. Her chest was tight from disappointment when he didn't. And, boy, it
hurt when he just turned away and —

Will sauntered back to where she was and anxiously scanned her clouded face. "That wasn't a

proposal," he murmured. "This is." With that, he went down on bended knee.

Her jaw dropped to the floor.
Will grasped her hands and kissed them as he looked into her eyes. "Clarise, I love you so much.

There's nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Tears coursed down her cheeks. The overwhelming feeling of love and happiness choked her but

she managed to whisper, "Yes."

Will breathed a sigh of relief and radiated joy. He pulled a box out of his jeans pocket and

opened it. She gasped. In it was a solitaire diamond ring that was beautiful and perfect. Will slid it
on her finger and stood up.

"I love you, baby," he croaked, his eyes moist as he cupped her face with his hands and wiped

away her tears with his thumbs.

"I love you, too, Will."


If a face could literally split from a smile, then Clarise knew she would have needed stitches from the
wide, happy grin she had on as she stepped into Jessa's office.

"Someone's had a fantastic weekend," Jessa commented with an answering grin.
She nodded enthusiastically. "It started on Friday night."
"What happened on Friday night?"
She raised her left hand in response. A solitaire diamond on a platinum band that must have cost a

fortune based on its size was glittering on her ring finger.

Jessa squealed in delight as she ran to her friend and engulfed her in a tight bear hug. "So Will

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proposed last Friday? How?"

"I'll tell you guys about it over lunch so —"
"What's going on here?" Ray asked.
They turned to the door to find not only Ray but Victor and Mark Reed, their new writer, staring at

them with curiosity.

"We heard squealing and …" Victor's eyes grew wide and whooped himself. "Oh, my God!

Congratulations, Clarise!" He hurried to give her a bear hug as well.

In no time, all the staff at Lifestyle by Design were surrounding her to offer their congratulations.
"We should celebrate this," Ray said. "I have a meeting this afternoon so we'll do it tomorrow.

Elena, could you organise some drinks and cakes for us in the boardroom from four-thirty onwards
for tomorrow afternoon, please?"

To Clarise, he said, "invite Will and whomever else you want, Clarise."
Clarise's eyes were misty. The people at her work were her other family and Ray was not only a

terrific boss but a great friend. "Thank you, Ray. Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?"

Ray laughed as he hugged her. "It's a pleasure. You deserve at least that."


"Hi, Faye," Victor said as Faye blew them kisses. He watched her settle on a chair before grabbing
Clarise's left wrist and lifting it for Faye to see. "I'd like to introduce you to Clarise's engagement

Faye shrieked and threw her arms around her best friend. "Congratulations, darling. I'm so happy

for you."

"Thank you, Faye."
"So tell us, Clarise, how did Will propose?" Jessa urged.
Clarise told them.
"So he's had the ring for a month but hadn't planned on proposing last Friday?" Jessa asked in

wonder as Clarise related Will's proposal.

"No," Clarise laughed. "He had booked an overnight trip for us this weekend and he was going to

do it then. But the perfect time presented itself last Friday. So this weekend would be more of an
engagement celebration instead."

"Would you have preferred that he waited instead of doing it in his kitchen?"
"No, it was wonderful," Clarise said dreamily. "By the way, Faye, we're having drinks at work

tomorrow afternoon from four-thirty for my engagement. Would you like to come?"

"Oh, yay! Yes, I'd love to. I'll be there just after five."
"Jess, could you ask Rob too?"
"Sure, I'll ask him."
"Everything okay with the two of you?"
"Yes …" Jessa wasn't able to hide the hesitation in her voice.
"But?" Victor prompted softly.
Jessa sighed. "He's been really sweet and we had a fantastic weekend, but for some reason, I feel

like there's a bit of a distance between us that wasn't there before."

"How so?"
"There were moments when I thought he was holding something back and he seemed … sad."
"Have you asked him about it?"
"I tried asking him a few times if there was anything wrong but his answer was always a big smile

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and a no."

"Maybe he's just stressed with work or something," Clarise suggested.
"Maybe." Jessa hoped that was all it was.


"Congratulations, Will. I'm really happy for you." Rob gave Will a man-hug as they joined the
celebrations at Lifestyle by Design's boardroom.

"Thanks, Rob."
"Have you set a date yet?"
"No, not yet. We're thinking in about six months, though. I don't want to wait longer than that."
"Impatient, are you?" Rob chuckled.
"You know how it is." Will grinned.
Rob looked at Jessa wistfully. "Not really. You already have your girl, I don't."
"What do you mean? You and Jessa are back together, right? Indefinitely?"
"So, then, you have your girl."
Rob shrugged. "I hope so."
Will frowned. "You hope so? I don't understand."
Rob gave Will a forlorn smile in response.
Will looked around to make sure no one was listening in to their conversation. "Have you been


"So what's going on, Rob?"
Rob sighed as he threw another longing look at Jessa who was busy chatting with other people.

"She doesn't love me, Will. Knowing that kills me even though we're together. And it makes me
scared she could change her mind about us at any moment."

Will stared at Rob with his mouth open, wondering if his friend was drunk or something.
"But look," Rob said as he squared his shoulders, "I'm still happy I have this chance to make her

fall for me. I intend to do just that. I'm not giving up on her."

"What makes you think she doesn't love you?" Will was at a total loss. From what he'd heard

from Clarise, Jessa had already fallen for Rob. So what was Rob talking about?

Before Rob could answer, Ray joined them with more cold beer.


"Good morning, Jess," Clarise greeted from the doorway.

"Good morning, soon-to-be-Mrs.-Matthews."
Clarise smiled. "Are you free for lunch today?"
"Not until one-thirty. I have an appointment."
"I can wait."
"Okay. One-thirty then. What's up?" Jessa asked curiously. There seemed to be a serious

purpose for this lunch rather than just a casual get-together.

"I need to talk to you about something."
"Everything okay?" She hated having to wait, especially when it sounded important.
"Yeah," Clarise responded with a genuine smile.
She relaxed. "Okay. I guess I'll have to wait to know what this is about."

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"How do you really feel about Rob, Jess?" Clarise bit daintily into her sandwich but her eyes bore
on Jessa.

"You already know the answer to that. Why are you asking?"
"I'll get to that." Clarise's smile took away her unease.
"I love him, Clarise," she said simply.
Clarise let out a sigh and leaned back on her chair. "And you haven't told him yet, have you?"
"No. I've wanted to say it a few times but the timing didn't seem right."
"Has he told you how he feels about you?"
"No. He's told me before that he'd started to care for me but that's not an 'I love you'. I guess

that's one big reason why I haven't told him I love him. I want him to say it first. But I might have to
wait awhile. I don't think he's there yet," she said gloomily.

Clarise shook her head in amusement and exasperation.
"It's time the two of you told each other how you really feel."
Jessa searched Clarise's face for clues. Her friend appeared to know something she didn't. "How

do you think he feels about me?" she mumbled.

"By the sounds of it, he's in love with you. But I'm sure you'd rather hear it from him."
"How do you know? Did he say something to you?" She didn't want to fully give in to the joy

blossoming in her heart. Clarise could be wrong.

"Not to me, no. Yesterday during drinks at work, Will was speaking to him."
"And what did he say?"
"He said knowing you don't love him kills him. And that he's scared you'll change your mind

about your relationship with him."

"What?" Joy was replaced by an aching pressure on her chest. Her mind played the images of

Rob looking mournful and morose, especially when he thought she wasn't looking. Was that why he
had been distant? Tears pooled in her eyes. It hurt her that he was hurting. It hurt her even more that
the reason why was because he didn't think she loved him.

"You okay?" Clarise asked as she handed her a tissue.
"Why would he think I don't love him?" she whimpered.
"I don't know. Maybe the same reason you don't think he loves you. Because you haven't said it to

each other yet."

She nodded but she sensed it was more than that. She started seeing Rob's sad looks after they got

back together, right after she came home from her dinner with James and he was waiting on the steps
for her … Oh, no.

She buried her face in her hands, mortified at herself for not explaining to him the situation with

James. Even though Rob hadn't brought it up, she should have.

"Jess?" Clarise stroked her back soothingly.
"He must have thought I willingly went on a date with someone else when we were on a break. I

even took James's flowers to my apartment and looked for a vase while he was watching like I didn't
care how he felt. Oh, Clarise. I'm so, so terrible!"

"Come on, Jess. That's not true. You were hurting, too, that time. There was so much going on in

your head then."

"I need to see him tonight. He needs to know the truth."

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Jessa pressed Rob's buzzer but there was no answer. She should have called first. He mentioned he
had one of those after-work business development drinks with a client tonight but since it was a
Wednesday, she thought it would be short. But it could have extended to dinner.

It was funny how they still didn't have keys to each other's apartments. There hadn't been a need

because they always went home together whenever they stayed at each other's place. She made a
mental note to resolve that issue.

She pulled out her phone and rang his number. She hoped he wasn't too far away and that he

wouldn't mind coming home earlier than he'd planned.

"Jess," he answered. She could hear he was in a bar.
"Hi, Rob. Am I interrupting something?"
"No. You're not an interruption." The background noise lessened. He must have moved to a more

quiet spot.

"What time will you be home tonight?"
"I'm not sure. I'm playing it by ear. The guys I'm having drinks with don't look like they're ready

to go home yet. Why?"

"I was wondering if we could talk tonight."
There was a few seconds of silence before Rob responded. "Okay. Give me about fifteen

minutes then I'll leave. I'll see you at your place."

"I'm outside your building."
"Right now?"
"Yes. I thought you'd be home already."
"Okay. I'll say goodbye to the guys now and be there in ten minutes."

There he is! Jessa's heart skipped a beat as she saw Rob approach from the street. The man she
loved, coming home.

She frowned when she noticed he wasn't smiling. In fact, he looked anxious. She wondered if he

had a bad day at work. Well, she wanted to make him feel good tonight. Her heart galloped in

She gave him a dazzling smile as he got closer. "Hi!"
"Hi," he responded, his face losing some of his apprehension.
When he was within reach, she threw her arms around him and kissed him thoroughly. They were

both panting afterwards.

"Wow," Rob said breathlessly. "Maybe we should always meet down here from now on."


"So, what do you want to talk about?" Rob asked as he sat on the couch and pulled Jessa next to him.
He was surprised when she snuggled closer and burrowed her face in his neck. Not that he didn't
want that, but he had the impression they were up for some serious discussion.

He was keen to know what she wanted to bring up. She made him nervous when she said she

wanted to talk. They were seeing each other tomorrow but she turned up unannounced wanting to talk
- tonight, not tomorrow. He might be new to this commitment stuff but even he knew this was going to
be no ordinary conversation. He was preparing himself to beg and grovel if she was thinking of

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doing something unthinkable - like breaking up with him. But her amorous gestures had him relaxing.

"Do you still want to talk about something?" he murmured in her hair as he ran soft strokes up and

down her back.

"Yes," Jessa replied. She leaned back and gazed at him with those captivating hazel eyes. "You

know when you said you won't be happy being in a long-distance relationship?"

He froze. "Yeah?" he replied warily. Where is this leading to?
"Well, I was thinking that after August when you go back to Melbourne, we could alternate

visiting each other every weekend. I know that's still not ideal, we still won't see each other during
the week. But at least we'll be spending the weekends together."

"No, that's not gonna work for me, Jess."
Her face fell.
"Hey," he said softly as his heart twinged at her reaction. He gave her a tender kiss before

continuing. "What I meant was I have an even better plan."

"What's your plan?"
"I'm moving back here."
Jessa gaped at him, her eyes alive with excitement. "Are you serious?"
"Damn serious."
"But what about your business?"
"I have a great team in Melbourne and they've proven to me just how capable they are. I don't

need to be there everyday. I can manage them from here. And it gives me the perfect opportunity to
grow my Sydney base."

"Yes, that makes sense. You're the perfect person to tap into the Sydney market so that's a smart,

strategic move."

He frowned and cupped her face, ensuring she looked him straight in the eye. "Baby, you do know

the main reason I'm moving back here is because of you and not my business, right?"

A radiant smile with a hint of bashfulness formed on Jessa's beautiful face. "Really?"
"Really. I'd go crazy with frustration without you for five straight days, week after week. I'd miss

you so damn much." He brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"Me too. I'm glad your plan is much better than mine."
His heart was so full he couldn't help his next words. "I love you, Jess."
He saw Jessa gasp and he hurried to release the pressure on her before she decided she wasn't

ready for that. "You don't have to respond to that. I know you care for me but I also know that's a big
statement you're not ready to say. I'm just happy we're together."

Jessa shifted so she could stare more intently at him. "And what makes you say that?"
He was nonplussed. Did he say something wrong? He didn't want her to run away because he

might be moving too fast especially when it was obvious she wasn't as into him as he was with her.
"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what makes you think I don't love you?"
His face registered confusion. Now what did that mean? Did she mean she loved him? His heart

raced at the thought but logic didn't support it.

"Well, I'm new to this love thing but I'm assuming people in love pretty much react similarly to


"Hmm," Jessa was noncommittal but her stance indicated she was waiting for him to continue.
"You really want me to say how I know you don't love me?" he asked in disbelief.

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God, this is cruel, but okay. "Firstly, I know you care. We've already shared a lot of things

together," he started in a quiet tone. "When we had our break, I couldn't believe I agreed to it. I
didn't want to date anyone else and I certainly didn't want you to date anyone else. If I knew you were
going out with that James guy, I would have done everything I could to stop you. But I didn't know
until I called Clarise that night because you weren't answering my calls."

He took a deep breath to steady himself. That pain from his heart that travelled all over his body

was back again. His palms tingled with it.

"When you told me you saw Andrea kiss me and yet you still went home, I questioned whether

you'd really mind so much if you lost me. The fact that you went out on a date with someone else the
day after you saw my ex kiss me, and let this man give you roses, and let him kiss you, that's when I
knew you don't love me."

Saying those last words out loud to Jessa was equivalent to twisting a knife in his own heart.

Jessa felt a hundred, laser-sharp claws rip her heart at hearing Rob say those last words with such
conviction. Her hands fell to her lap and her eyes burned with hot, stingy tears. She tried to speak, to
explain to him the truth, but the big lumps in her throat choked back the words. All that managed to
come out were the soft sobs she couldn't hold back.

"Hey, sweetheart, it's okay," Rob crooned as he pulled her to his lap and rocked her.
"No, it's … not. I … hurt you," she blubbered between laboured gulps of air.
"Shh. It's okay. I can handle it as long as you're with me."
"No, it's … not okay. I … love you," she sobbed against his neck.
Rob squeezed his eyes tightly. "I know you don't love me, Jess. Not yet. It's okay for now.

Please, just give us time. That's all I ask."

She whipped her face up to look at Rob. "What?"
"I said just give us time."
"I said I love you." Her sobs quietened down but her tears continued to fall.
Rob gaped at her. "What?"
A smile slowly formed on her lips. "You heard me."
"Say it again," he demanded.
"I love you, Rob," she said, sincerity pouring out of her eyes with her tears.
"Oh, Jess," he whispered and kissed her with love, reverence and unrestrained passion that took

her breath away. Literally.

She pulled back. "Baby, I can't breath," she giggled. "My nose is blocked. I need a tissue." She

wiped her nose with the back of her hand and moved to get out of his lap.

Rob held her back, stood up and carried her in his arms. "There's a box in the bedroom." He

strode there purposefully, planting soft kisses on her face along the way.

Jessa gently blew her nose and wiped her eyes as Rob caressed her hair away from her face. When
she was done, Rob resumed to kiss her with such hunger she almost forgot she wasn't done clearing
things up with him.

"Baby, let's finish our talk first," she rasped. "I need to explain about James and Andrea."
Rob gave a low groan and pulled away. He sat cross-legged beside her on the bed and looked at

her expectantly.

She took a deep breath and gazed back at him. "When I asked us to go on a break, it was because I

wanted you to be sure you really want to be with me. The thing is, you can have any woman you want

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and sometimes I still wonder why it's me you chose."

Rob opened his mouth to say something but she put a finger on his lips. "Let me finish." She gave

him a quick peck on the lips to soften her request.

"I was missing you so much and I wanted to call you but I wanted to give you that time. I was

moping around, waiting for that week to end when I got that call from Andrea."

Rob's face darkened but he kept silent.
"She told me you met her at Bondi and she was practically giggling like a schoolgirl when she

mentioned how much she loved the waffle she shared with you. She said she wanted to make friends
here in Sydney, starting with your friends. That really hurt me, Rob. I thought you took your first
opportunity to date other women and the fact that she was your ex made it even worse for me."

"I'm sorry about that, baby. I didn't go out with her to have fun. She was bugging me and I thought

seeing her might remind me why I didn't want commitment. I needed to clarify that for myself, too. I
didn't see that as a date at all."

She gave him a smile that told him she understood. "I was really upset so when James asked me

out I said yes but not before I informed him I just broke up with you. He said he accepted that I'm
only interested in friendship but it became obvious he was trying to woo me."

"Fucking idiot," Rob muttered.
She rubbed his thigh. "I will put him in his place but I need to do it tactfully. His firm is still one

of our biggest buyers of advertising space."

"I wanted to land my fist on his mouth when he kissed you, Jess."
"It didn't mean anything to me. It was supposed to be a friendly kiss on the cheek by a guy who

agreed to be just my friend." She visibly cringed as she remembered how James pretty much nuzzled
her cheek.

Rob gave her a crooked smile and leaned to kiss her on that cheek.
"I wanted to gouge Andrea's eyes out when she kissed you." Her voice was tight as an image of

the two of them kissing - or rather Andrea kissing Rob - flashed in her mind. "But the feeling that
won was fear. She was just so … stunning that I didn't know how I could compete. So I ran away
instead," she said in a low voice.

"That's the craziest, stupidest thing I've ever heard you say, Jess. As far as I'm concerned she has

nothing on you. I don't want one inch of her, baby. But I want all of you."

Her heart sang in glee. She lunged at Rob and toppled him backwards on the bed. "You're so

sweet, Rob Granger," she said as she settled herself on his chest.

"Only because I love you, Jessa Allen."
Her eyes misted again. Her heart was bursting with love for this man. "I love you, too. And you

better believe that."

"Well, it would be great if you could show me just how much," he said huskily as he ran his hands

down her bottom and squeezed her butt cheeks. His eyes blazed with love and passion that had her
heart pounding hard and fast.

Jessa placed light, feathery kisses on Rob's eyelids then ran her lips on his jaw. She moved to his
mouth and tasted his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue. Rob's tongue poked out to meet hers. She
captured it and sucked on it in a way that drove him crazy. Rob moaned and in one swift movement,
he rolled them and she was under him.

Her fingers moved to unbutton Rob's shirt, her fingers fumbling in her haste. Impatiently, Rob

pulled his shirt from over his head and went for her buttons. His burning lips explored the smooth

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skin he exposed from undressing her. His mouth eagerly nibbled her neck as his fingers busily
unzipped her skirt. She lifted her hips off the bed to help him.

Rob pushed her bra straps down her arms one at a time to display her aching breasts, making her

pant in anticipation. He placed soft kisses on her shoulders and neck before straightening next to her
on his side and putting a hardened nipple in his avid mouth, sucking on it gently.

She mewled as pleasure and desire raced in her veins.
Rob's hand moved downwards and crept inside her panties. He teased around her folds lightly

before parting them to feel her wet entrance. "You're so wet, baby," he said against her erect nipple
before hungrily continuing to lick and suck it as his finger found her swollen clit.

"Rob!" she cried as her hips moved to perfectly match the rhythm of his stroking finger. Shifting

slightly, her hands found his fly and she freed his iron-hard erection. She tugged and stroked him as
he continued his lavish attention on her nipples and sensitive nub.

She tensed. This was going to be quick and she didn't want to come this way, not after they just

confessed their love for each other. "Baby, I want you, please."

"You have me, sweetheart," Rob panted.
"I want you inside me now," she moaned.
Rob lifted his head. "Do you now?" he murmured seductively.
"Mmmm," she begged wordlessly, her hips still arching against his hand.
"You're so hot," Rob whispered fervently as he sat up to divest both of them of the rest of their


She parted her legs and Rob settled himself in between them. Slowly, he rubbed his cock on her

clit, driving her wild with need. Rob first did this to her when they made love without a condom for
the first time, after she'd taken responsibility for birth control. He loved her reaction so now he
always teased her like this before giving her what she craved the most. He just loved to drive her

But she couldn't wait anymore. She reached down, grabbed his throbbing shaft and positioned it

on her waiting core. Rob grunted and pushed slowly, stretching her and filling her deliciously. Their
gasps and love sounds filled the room as Rob moved inside her unhurriedly. He leaned down and
kissed her on her lips, on her neck, on her nipples as his aroused member moved in and out of her
with just the right rhythm and at just the right angle. With each thrust, they spiralled up into the stars
and soon reached their heaven.

"Oh, god, Rob … baby … ohh!" she cried with sheer pleasure as her body gripped his hot cock


Rob joined her in ecstasy. "Oh, Jess … love you … ahhh!"

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Jessa stared at the red brick, one-storey house with a beautifully maintained front garden as Rob
parked their rental car in front of it.

"You look more nervous that I do, baby," Rob commented.
She bit her bottom lip and did not attempt to get out of the car even after he had turned off the


"Well, this is the first time I'm bringing a boyfriend home to my parents," she reasoned.
Rob took her cold, sweaty hand in his. "It'll be fine, baby. I'm sure it wouldn't be so different

from last night when I introduced you to my brother and his family. It was my first time introducing a
girlfriend to them, too."

"Siblings are different from parents," she contended. "And your brother and his wife were really

cool and fun."

"They loved you. But then, who wouldn't," Rob said softly.
She smiled at him. "I loved them, too. And their kids are wonderful."
"Do you think your parents would like me?"
"Absolutely. They'll probably just faint with surprise."
She shook her head as if to banish some unpleasant thought. "Nothing. Well, we better go in."
She attempted to steady her nerves during the short walk to her parents' front door. She had no

doubts her parents would be warm and hospitable. They were wonderful people. But if it was her
sister, Jasmine, who was bringing Rob home, her parents would have taken it in their stride. Jasmine
was the beautiful daughter who attracted the handsome men. She'd brought home many of them. In
fact, too many for her parents' liking. They'd much rather Jasmine settled down with one than fall in
and out of love a few times a year.

She just didn't want to be embarrassed in front of Rob when her parents' astonishment that she was

able to snare someone as hot as him became evident.

Oh hell, who was she kidding. She was nervous because Jasmine would be there, too. She hadn't

gotten over the fact that when they were in their early twenties, four guys she was interested in ended
up wanting Jasmine rather than her. It was a big blow, after big blow, after big blow, after big blow.
She could only hope Jasmine had brought a hunky boyfriend with her today. She would really crack if
her man-magnet personality turned towards Rob.

"Darling, it's good to have you home!" Alice cried as she enveloped Jessa in a big hug.

"It's good to be home, mum," she replied sincerely. She may love living in Sydney away from her

family but that didn't mean she didn't miss them. She loved coming home to Melbourne - to this

"Oh, look at you." Alice held her at arms length and looked her over. "I love your new hair-do

and you are glowing," she said, eyes shining with a mother's love.

Jessa blushed. She wasn't used to her mum complimenting her on her looks.
"This is Rob, mum," she said shyly. Then turning to Rob, she introduced her mother to him. "This

is my mum, Alice, Rob."

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"It's great to meet you, Mrs. Allen," Rob responded, kissing Alice on her cheek.
"Please call me, Alice, Rob. And it's a pleasure to meet you. Come on in, come on in. Your

sister hasn't arrived yet, Jess. But dad's in the kitchen cooking up a storm."

Dutifully, they followed Alice to where fragrant smells were coming from.
"Wow! Everything smells delicious, dad," Jessa said as she went to the man who was checking

something in the oven.

"Hello, Jessie," Joe said as he kissed her forehead. "Everything has to be delicious. We're

celebrating your 29



"It's not for another two weeks."
"Are you coming back here in two weeks?" her dad boomed.
"Uh, no."
"Well then, tonight's your birthday dinner. Now, introduce me to your man," he commanded.
"Okay." She reached for Rob who moved closer to them.
Joe twisted around and extended his right hand after wiping it on his apron. "Hello, I'm Joe,

Jessa's father."

"It's great to meet you, sir. I'm Rob."
Rob clutched Joe's extended hand with a sure grip and stared back unflinchingly at the piercing

gaze directed at him by Jessa's dad.

"So, you're from Sydney, Rob."
"Yes, I was originally from there. For the last five years, Melbourne has been home but I'm

currently in the process of moving back to Sydney."

"Rob has a marketing consultancy business here," Jessa explained to her parents. "But he is

expanding to Sydney."

"Congratulations," Alice said. "Business must be doing well if you're relocating back there to


"Actually, I'm moving back because of Jessa." Rob sent her a loving smile which she returned

with equal affection.

Joe visibly relaxed and clasped his hand on Rob's shoulder. "Why don't we all have a drink while

we wait for Jasmine?"

They sat at the stools by the breakfast counter.
"Whereabouts in Sydney will you be moving to, Rob?"
Rob cast a questioning glance at Jessa as he answered. "We found a place at Crows Nest which

is not far from Jessa's current place."

"I'm moving in with Rob, mum and dad. The new place would be ready for us next week," Jessa


"Oh," Joe said in surprise. "Kind of quick, isn't it? How long have you kids been dating?"
"Four months," she replied. "And I'm almost twenty-nine, dad."
Joe sighed. "I know, Jessie. So can we visit you in your new place?"
"Of course," she and Rob responded together. "Anytime," Rob added for good measure.
The doorbell rang and Alice went to get it.
Jasmine walked into the kitchen, looking her usual gorgeous self in a designer dress and coat. She

was carrying a box. "Jess!"

"Hi, Jas." Jessa went to hug her little sister.
Jasmine was two years younger than she was but had always been the more worldly, sophisticated

one. She had no doubt Jasmine could have been a supermodel if she was just a little taller.

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"Is that my birthday cake?" she asked.
"Hey, you can't peep. You'll see it later."
Jasmine looked behind her and her sister's eyes opened wide in appreciation. She fought the urge

to sigh loudly. Her sister had caught sight of Rob and she liked what she saw.

Jasmine wasn't malicious. In fact, she had a huge heart. But she was a big flirt and had the aura of

a damsel in distress that seemed to snare all male attention around her. Men just naturally seemed to
fall for her charms.

"Hi, you must be Rob," Jasmine said, extending her hand to him.
"Yes, it's good to meet you, Jasmine."
"You, too. I can't believe my sister's finally brought home a boyfriend. You're the first one, you

know. She must really like you a lot."

"I sure hope so," Rob grinned.
"I more than like him, Jas," she interjected, eyeballing her sister. "I love him."
Rob's face shone with tenderness as he put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her hair. "I

love you, too, baby."

She breathed easier. Not only had she staked her claim, but her whole family heard how Rob felt

about her. That was enough. She wouldn't worry anymore.

The rest of the night was fun and relaxed. Rob and Joe had gotten along like a house on fire and
stayed in the dining room, talking about business, sports and whatever else men talked about. Jessa
sat on the couch with her mum and Jasmine sipping tea.

"He's really hot, Jess. The two of you look great together," Jasmine remarked. Her mum

murmured her agreement.

Jessa arched her eyebrows. "That's almost implying I look hot, too," she joked.
"Well, you are. Especially with your new hair style and that trendy outfit. You look really good."
"Thanks," she blushed. Her sister thought she was hot. That was something.
"Are you blushing, Jess?" Jasmine's eyes were wide with amusement. "Still can't take a

compliment, can you?"

She reddened deeper.
"What?" Jasmine demanded, laughing at her reaction.
"Nothing. You know I'm just not used to being … hot."
"You mean to tell me Rob hasn't told you you're hot?"
"Sure, he has. But that's because he's in love, so he's blind," she chuckled.
"You were always the one who hid your beauty, Jess," her mum commented. "You didn't use to be

interested in getting your hair done or putting on make up or buying clothes that flatter you. Your dad
and I have always seen you as more interested in intellectual pursuits than in beauty and fashion."

"And I'm the opposite one, right, mum?" Jasmine asked.
"Yes, although we really hope you'd take relationships more seriously, darling. Find yourself a

nice man and stick with him for longer than three months."

Jasmine pouted. "I really want to! But none of them are interesting enough to hold my attention

for longer than that."

Alice shook her head at her younger daughter.
"Is he 'the one' Jess?" Jasmine asked.
A shy smile spread on her face. "I think so."
"Well, it's obvious he's crazy about you," Jasmine said with a wide, knowing grin.

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In that moment with her mother and sister, some haze that Jessa didn't even notice before had

lifted. She felt loved and she felt beautiful. It was then she realised beauty is indeed in the eye of the
beholder. With a cheeky grin, she made a commitment to finally acknowledge her own beauty.

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Wakefulness slowly came to Jessa as she felt Rob stir beside her. She sighed in pure contentment as
she snuggled closer to him. His arm tightened possessively around her waist and his leg draped over
hers. She could feel his familiar morning erection on her belly.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Happy birthday," Rob said huskily as he lifted her face to his and

kissed her.

"Good morning, honey, and thank you," she murmured against his lips.
"Time for one of your birthday presents," he whispered wickedly in her ear as he ran his hand

over her body.

She giggled and put her arms around Rob's neck as he proceeded to make sweet love to her. She

couldn't think of a better way to start her birthday.

When they were both catching their breaths from their satisfying orgasms, Rob asked her, "What

do you want to do today, baby? We can do anything you want until about five this afternoon."

"What happens at five?"
"I've planned a special birthday dinner for you."
"Oh, where?"
"It's a surprise," Rob grinned widely.
She grinned back and stroked his face lovingly. "I can't wait."
"So what do you want to do before then?"
"I really want to stay in bed with you for a while longer. Then maybe we can go out for a brunch

and watch a movie in the afternoon."

"Sounds good."

"So where are we going, baby?" Jessa asked Rob as she got dressed for her birthday dinner.

"You'll know soon enough," he smiled mysteriously.
Just as she was putting on her makeup, the doorbell rang and Rob went to get it. She wondered

who it could be until she heard familiar voices. Faye and Clarise! She ran out of the bedroom and
down the stairs to find her two gorgeous best friends in sexy party dresses.

"Happy birthday, girlfriend!" They hugged each other tightly.
"Oh, my God! What are you guys doing here? Wait a second, you're joining us for my birthday

dinner, aren't you?"

"There's no way we'd let Mr. Granger keep us away from you on your birthday," Faye replied.
From the open front door, she spied Rob and Will discussing the contents of a big box Will was


"Hey, go back upstairs and finish getting ready. You can't see that yet until you're ready to blow

your candles."


"It's a nice place, Jess. Lots of room for just the two of you," Faye commented as Jessa showed them
around their new place.

"Rob wanted three bedrooms so we can have a study room each that could also double as guest

bedrooms with sofa beds. I love this place although I still feel a little guilty I'm not contributing
anything towards the rent. Rob's just so set on paying the whole thing himself."

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"Get used to it," Clarise advised. "Will's the same and he just gets annoyed every time I bring up

the topic. Anyway, I thought Rob wanted to buy instead of just rent."

"He does but it will take a bit of time to find the right property. How are you and Will going with

your house hunting?"

"We went to four open houses last weekend and there wasn't one that we really liked. We're

thinking of postponing buying a house until after the wedding. There'll be too much to do otherwise."

"Hmm. You're right. In our case, Rob has his hands full with growing his Sydney client base. He

wants me to look around but it's going to be his house, not mine, so I feel a bit funny about that."

Faye and Clarise exchanged a quick look just as they heard a voice sing out, "Hey, girls! Where

are you?"

"We're here, darling!" she cried out.
"Oh, this is so great. We're all going out together."
"Happy birthday, beautiful Jess!" Victor greeted her with a big kiss. He turned to Faye and

Clarise. "By the way, the caterers are here."


Jessa felt spoilt. Very spoilt. Rob had organised a surprise birthday party for her at their new home
with the help of her friends. Even Ray, and some of her colleagues at work were there. She was not
expecting it. This was her twenty-ninth birthday, not her thirtieth. It was just another year. But all
this fuss made her feel special. She took a deep breath and let that feeling wash over her, making her
eyes water.

"What are you thinking?" Rob whispered in her ear as he placed an arm around her shoulder.
She smiled shyly up at him. "I was thinking about how special I feel today. Thank you."
He kissed her lips. "You're special to me everyday."
She put her arms around his waist and they held each other for a long moment as they watched her

guests chat and laugh and drink.

"Are you ready for your next surprise?" Rob asked all of a sudden.
"There's more?" Her eyes were wide.
Rob nodded and turned her around so she was facing the front door. Her parents and her sister

were making their way in. She shrieked and ran to them.

"There is still so much food left," Alice commented with wonder. "It looks like Rob ordered for 100
instead of 25!"

"Everyone would just have to take home some leftovers. The caterers were so organised they also

left us heaps of take-away containers," Jessa replied. "And there'll be plenty of food for us tomorrow
since you guys are here —" her voice trailed as everyone started to sing 'Happy Birthday'.

She watched with a huge grin as Rob carried her cake, complete with number two and number

nine candles, to the dining table. She walked over to have a look at it for the first time as her guests
continued to sing. She gasped at how pretty it was. The cake, which she guessed was chocolate mud
as that was her favourite, was square but in the middle was a big bouquet of edible, red roses. She
did a quick count. Thirty-six. Three dozen.

Her friends and family hip-hip-hoorayed. When they finished, she took a deep breath, closed her

eyes and made a wish, then blew out her candles in one puff. There was loud cheering and several
people called for a speech.

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"Wow," she heaved. "I really don't know what to say. But thank you, everyone, for being here

especially mum, dad and Jas for flying all the way from Melbourne. I feel so loved and I'm really
grateful I'm sharing this day with you all. And," she turned to Rob with love shining in her eyes,
"thank you, sweetheart." She gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Is that the best you can do, Jess?" Victor teased.
"Whoa, the dad is in the room," Joe bellowed to everyone's laughter.
"Now you've got to cut your cake, baby," Rob said. "But first you have to take out those yummy

flowers so you can cut properly." His voice was hoarse and a little breathless.

She took the candles out first. When she started pulling out the roses, Rob took a step back and

watched her intently. She placed the flowers on a plate Clarise put on the table. She thought it would
be a brilliant idea to put one rose on each piece of cake for her guests. They were really beautiful
and she couldn't wait to taste them.

She'd removed about ten of the roses when she noticed there was something underneath. She

pulled out another one and stilled. A stunning emerald-cut diamond ring sat beneath the flowers. She
turned to Rob. Her mouth dried and her heart pounded so loudly she was sure everyone heard it.

Rob licked his lips nervously and dropped down on one knee.
There were a few gasps from around the room, then there was deafening silence.
Rob reached out for her left hand. "Jess, before I met you, I never imagined I would even

consider being seriously committed to anyone. But you've stolen my heart and I can't imagine a future
without you. I love you so much, baby. Will you marry me?"

She didn't notice how much she was crying until she answered Rob. "Yes," she sobbed, nodding

her head enthusiastically in case he didn't hear what she said.

Relief flooded Rob's face. A dazzling smile played on his lips as he reached out to get the equally

dazzling ring from the cake and slid it on her finger. It fit perfectly.

Rob stood up and gave her a slow, sweet kiss while everyone around them cheered.
"Well, that's all the surprises I have for you today," Rob murmured against her lips.
"This is the best day of my life - so far," she declared emphatically.
Rob chuckled. "What was your birthday wish?"
"It already came true," she whispered.
She pulled his head down to hers for another kiss. As their tongues met, desire heated their blood

and they kissed deeper, more passionately, forgetting where they were.

"Oy," a voice rumbled. "The dad is still in the room."
They pulled apart reluctantly. "Sorry, dad," they said in unison.


Jessa noticed Clarise and Victor engaged in an animated whisper as they helped clean up. "What are
you two talking about?"

"Just have a look at who our Faye is flirting with," Victor replied.
She looked around and spotted Faye outside in the courtyard, obviously having a wonderful time

in the company of none other than Ray, their boss.

Clarise sighed. "I know. But it's none of our business, it's theirs. And we know what Faye's

like. She'll tell him exactly how things are so it's not as if we have to worry too much about her
giving Ray the wrong impression."

"Yes," Jessa agreed. "And Ray's a grown man. He can handle himself."

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"For all we know, it's just a physical thing for Ray, nothing serious, even if he's had a thing for

Faye for months," Victor added.

"So we leave them alone?" Jessa asked.
"Yes, we leave them alone," Clarise and Victor agreed.


"Now all we have to do is get rid of our friends and we could be alone again," Rob said as they
waved goodbye to Jessa's family who borrowed her car so they could go to their hotel.

Jessa chuckled. "It was so thoughtful of you to organise hotel rooms for mum and dad and Jas."
"Well, we may have the extra rooms but we don't have beds in them yet. They couldn't very well

sleep on the floor. Besides, I want to be alone with you tonight." He kissed her neck. "You know
how loud we get when we make love. Imagine your family - your dad - hearing us."

"Eww." She closed the door and turned to Rob. "Now let's get those remaining guys out of our

house and on their way so I can properly thank you for today, starting with running a bath for you -
with me in it," she said seductively.

Rob's eyes darkened with lust and love. "Lead the way, my little witch."


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Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)

The love story between Clarise Carson and Will Matthews.

Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 3)

The love story between Faye Summers and Ray Thackery.

(Turn the pages to read extracts from Lifestyle by Design Books 1 and 2.)

Coming Soon

Secret Dreams Series

Four friends with different gifts, distinct dreams and deep secrets. Follow their stories as love enters the picture and changes their

lives in ways they didn't even imagine.

Secret Words (Secret Dreams Book 1)

The love story between Jasmine Allen and Kane Summers.

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Ever since

I was a young teenager, I have loved reading romance novels. My auntie used to send me boxes of her Mills and Boons

and Harlequins and I would devour them one after another.

Every so often, I would read a mystery or a suspense or a paranormal novel as I love those books too. But romance is still my


For many years, I wrote technical and non-fiction materials for professional use and had only dreamt about writing a novel.
One day, after a period of binge-reading sexy romances, I decided to sit in front of my computer and start writing my first fiction

book. The result? My debut novel, "Will To Love", the first in the hot and sexy Lifestyle by Design series.

After that, I knew that I would love to tell more beautiful love stories through my books.
I live in Sydney, Australia with my amazing husband who lovingly cheers me on (and yes, sometimes irritates and annoys me) in my

journey as a novelist.

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Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)



Victor will be there with me, looking his usual, gorgeous self. He assured me he'll be very
attentive. Everyone will see how mad we are for each other. Well, hopefully, that's what they'll
see. Surely, this would work. It should stop my dear sister from going ahead with her
matchmaking plans. If it doesn't, well, plan B is to die from embarrassment.

It will work, Clarise Carson thought confidently before taking a deep sigh and focusing back on

her last piece of work before she ended the working day.

After a final review, she was done with her latest article for Lifestyle by Design magazine, the

popular, monthly magazine read by those with loads of disposable income keen to know which
restaurants and bars were worth going to, which exotic destination they could holiday on next and
what new gadgets they must own to make their busy lives easier.

She was still salivating at the memory of the glorious food she had at Stillwaters Restaurant, the

newest restaurant in Sydney by an upcoming Australian chef, and the latest establishment she had
researched and reviewed. The atmosphere and the service completed the wonderful dining

Yes, she nodded. They definitely deserve this glowing article. She knew the new restaurant will

soon have a very long waiting list of patrons wanting to dine there once the magazine hit the stands.

Feeling satisfied with her day's accomplishments, she shut off her laptop, grabbed her handbag

and walked into the office of Victor Michaels, the magazine's very good looking head graphic

"I'm done for today, darling. Are you ready to go? I'm starving," she said to Victor. "I'd also like

to talk to you again about Megan's engagement party this Saturday night. Seriously if you can't go with
me, I don't know who else to ask," she said, voicing her worry.

"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go. And of course, I'm going with you, darling,"

Victor replied to her with a grin. "I'm really excited about it. And, I'm already looking forward to
meeting your family and showing them just how much I want you." He said this in a very low, sexy
voice that, if it wasn't Victor saying it, she would have blushed. Instead she laughed and settled
herself on Victor's visitor's chair and waited for him to finish.

Renewed confidence flowed through her. Having Victor for her date would hopefully stop

Megan's plan to introduce her to the single men who'd be at her and Rick's engagement party. Who
knew how many single men they had invited. And it was supposed to be a small affair only! She
shuddered at the thought of being introduced to a line-up of bachelors, with everyone there knowing
what was going on. How embarrassing!

I wouldn't make a spectacle of myself even though Megan thinks she's only doing me a favour.
She tried to guess the reason why Megan was so intent on playing matchmaker. Their mum must

have been in on it. Her mother and her sister must have felt sorry for her when she broke up with
Daniel, especially when she asked her mum if she'd ever meet 'The One'. She winced. She could
still remember her conversation with her mother.

"Don't worry, darling, maybe Daniel's not really meant for you."

"Do you really think I'll ever find 'The One', mum? You know, like you have dad and Megan

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has Rick?"

"Of course, you will! You are gorgeous and you are beautiful on the inside, too. Somewhere

out there, there's a man just for you. And you know I'm not saying that just because I'm your
mother. But you won't find this person if you don't go out enough! Most of your people contacts
are work-related and you have such strict rules about not dating anyone connected to your work.
You should socialise more, Clarise."

Clara Carson hadn't hidden the fact that she was worried her eldest daughter will end up a spinster
and have no one to share her life with. With her track record of hardly going out on dates, and when
she did, her relationships not lasting past two and a half months - her time with Daniel being the
longest - she shared her mum's concerns.

She ruefully remembered the time when she and Daniel took her parents out to dinner so Daniel

could meet them for the first time. He was the first boyfriend she had ever introduced to them. At
twenty-nine years of age, Clarise Carson had finally brought a boyfriend to meet her parents. Her
mother was so excited it was like she herself was going out on her first date. She was sure her dad
was excited too although he was his usually reserved self and didn't fuss on Daniel like his wife did.

Three weeks after that, she was single again. She felt like she had failed at something significant

and swallowed the pain and guilt that attacked her at disappointing her parents - and herself.

"Are you ok, Clarise?" Victor's voice brought her back into the now.

"Yes, just thinking of Megan's plan to foist single men on me. I don't want to look desperate!

How embarrassing would that be?"

She shook her head and looked at the handsome face in front of her. She couldn't help but think it

was, indeed, very unfortunate for the female population that Victor was gay. He was really hot-
looking and a decent guy to boot.

"I'm so looking forward to your sister's engagement party but I seriously hope there are no

handsome, muscular hunks there or I wouldn't be able to keep up our pretence."

They both laughed out loud.

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Victor got out of the car, looking gorgeous in his light gray, long-sleeved, collared shirt and black
pants. He went to the passenger side to open Clarise's door. She wore a chic blue silk dress that
hugged her figure in all the right places. Together, they were a picture of a beautiful couple.

"Thank you, darling," she murmured to Victor as she stood up beside him, her eyes dancing with

controlled laughter as she watched him act out their game. "What is your mantra again today?" she
teased him.

"I'm a sexy, handsome, straight man who's crazy about you," he whispered. "Don't make me laugh

out loud though or we'll give the game away," he said with a snicker.

They were fully aware that her parents were watching them, having just got out of their car


Her phone call with Megan two days ago played out in her head. She told her sister she was

bringing a date after all.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" Megan had asked her.
"I work with Victor, and we, umm, get along really well and we really like each other," she had

answered. Well that's not a lie. "There's the complication of working together but we seem to be
managing it quite well. I'm really looking forward to introducing him to you guys at your party."

She tried to sound mysterious, wanting to make her sister believe there was something romantic

between her and Victor. She knew Megan would tell their mum straight away about her having a new
boyfriend. And right now, as she and Victor walked hand-in-hand toward her parents, she could tell
her mum was sizing him up.

She made the necessary introductions and they all walked towards Rick's parents' house where the

engagement party was being held. Her mum pulled her aside and whispered, "Well, he's better
looking than Daniel, sweetheart. And he seems like such a gentleman."

She smiled with relief that her mother was believing this little charade.

The Smithson's house was in party mode. There was a large marquee at their manicured backyard,
decked out with gold, silver and light pink balloons with a small dance floor towards one side and a
sumptuous buffet and round tables on the other side.

Clarise marvelled at the number of guests invited. For what was supposed to be a small party for

family and close friends only, there were still around fifty place settings. She knew Megan worried
about the friends she couldn't invite and mentioned she and Rick had to be ruthless with their guest list
for tonight. This wasn't supposed to be a "big" affair. They wanted their wedding to be the big one,
the special one.

She nervously thought of the single men Megan had invited. Not many, she hoped, feeling guilty.

She should have thought of the charade with Victor much earlier.

She caught sight of her sister, looking radiant and beautiful with Rick beside her. She felt a warm

glow in her heart with seeing her younger sister so happy. With only fifteen months separating them,
they shared a very close bond.

Megan saw her, too. Her sister ran to her and hugged her tightly. She introduced her to Victor and

Megan discreetly checked him out from head to toe while they exchanged small conversation. Megan
obviously approved as she winked at her and mouthed "hot" before walking to her other guests.

She grinned at Victor who looked very pleased with himself. Their little charade seemed to be

working. She can only hope that Megan wouldn't even consider going ahead with her matchmaking

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"Lilly!" Clarise heard Megan call out to the adorable and cute-as-a-button three-year-old girl who
walked in with her parents, Mark - Rick's older brother - and his wife Bella. Bella's brother Evan
walked in with them too.

She felt Victor tense by her side. She glanced at him and saw his apprehension regarding the new

arrivals. "What's wrong, Victor?"

"That's Evan," Victor responded a little nervously. "I know him. And he certainly knows me!"
From his expression, she had an idea what made him nervous. Evan was also gay. "What do you

mean 'he certainly knows you'?"

"Well, I met him at this speed dating thing two weeks ago, and we've been out on a couple of

dates. He's really cute, isn't he?"

"Oh, no, Victor! You're supposed to be my boyfriend tonight!"
"Don't worry, darling. I'll tell him of our little charade and ask him to go along with it. I'll just go

talk to him and we'll pretend we're talking about the magazine." With that, Victor sauntered to Evan,
his eyes shining.

She rolled her eyes upwards and prayed that Victor - and Evan, for that matter - can keep the

charade up for her, just for tonight. How highly embarrassing it would be if the others notice that
Victor was gay when they'd already assumed he was her boyfriend!

Geez, I might as well have 'loser in love' stamped on my forehead. Please Victor, you're a

straight man tonight.


Clarise was chatting with the other guests when Megan sought her out. "Where's Victor?"

"Oh, he's over there." She pointed to the direction of Victor and Evan who seemed wrapped up in

a serious conversation. "They met in an industry function, you know, for work and I think they're
talking about the magazine," she babbled.

Victor was certainly trying to look straight and masculine, but he couldn't seem to get himself

away from Evan. They've been talking for a while now and they both hadn't really mingled with the
other guests.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to bring a date tonight until you told me about Victor two days ago,"

Megan said with a grin. "It's a shame. There is a very eligible man here and Rick and I were excited
to introduce him to you."

"Megan," she said with a warning in her voice.
"Yes, I know, I know. No matchmaking for me tonight," Megan said with a laugh.
"Well, that's a relief!" She sent a silent thank you to the heavens.
"You know, we did invite this guy for the purpose of introducing him to you. We'll just have to

explain to him the situation."

"I'm surprised you only invited one. You certainly gave me the impression that you were going to

invite all the single men you and Rick know. I'm glad you didn't though."

Megan chuckled, "Yes, that was my original plan, but I was talking to Rick about it and we

decided that wasn't a good idea. One at a time would be better, we thought. More personal."

Megan's look became serious, her eyes narrowing, as she asked her, "Is there a possibility that

Victor is 'The One'?"

"I couldn't be more glad he's here with me tonight," she answered cryptically. It was the truth

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although it wasn't a truthful answer to her sister's question.

Megan, however, seemed satisfied with her response as she patted her arm and walked off with a

smile. She breathed a huge sigh of relief.


At the dinner table, Clarise chatted with Bella and Mark while they enjoyed the delicious food. The
couple owned a popular restaurant specialising in chocolate desserts and she had written an article
about their journey as entrepreneurs for Lifestyle by Design. Offering only food and beverages that
were made of or with chocolate, it had been a huge success and they will soon be opening at a third

Bella suddenly remembered that Mark wanted to talk to Clarise about a friend of his who would

also love to have an article in the magazine.

"Oh, yeah," Mark said and turned to her. "My friend Will runs a boutique travel service that's

very specialised. He caters to the well-to-do and his company organises high-end type trips to those
whose tastes are very discerning. He'd seen the article you've written for us and he was wondering if
your magazine would consider doing one for his business."

"High-end travel? Sure, it's something we can certainly have a look at," she responded readily.
Clarise loved her job. After all, she got paid to write articles on restaurants, hotels and

professional services. It meant she got to sample their offerings and interview some very interesting
and influential people.

Because of the magazine's immense popularity, they had plenty of requests by business and

establishment owners for write-ups of their products and services. They knew that exposure through
the magazine ensured a deluge of new clients.

"Great!" Mark replied. "He'll be pleased to hear that. He's actually here so I'll introduce you to

him. I was meaning to do it before dinner time but he arrived a little late."

Bella pursed her lips and mused, "You know, I've been wondering why Rick invited Will to

tonight's party but didn't invite his other tennis buddies."

Mark chuckled, "Well, the others will certainly be invited for the wedding. Rick mentioned he

invited Will because he's single and available but didn't want to elaborate on it. Looks like the
engaged lovebirds are playing matchmaker for Will and someone else. I wonder if it's that girl sitting
next to him? I don't know who she is. I'll have to quiz Will about her."

Clarise and Bella looked over to where Mark was looking. Bella pointed to a man with dark

brown hair who was sitting with his back to them, indicating that that was Will. He was sitting next
to Mary Jane, Megan's best friend, and another man was sitting on the other side of him.

Well, Mary Jane is not single, Clarise thought to herself. Her husband is currently in Brisbane

for work.

She felt herself redden, guessing the reason why Single Will was at this party.
"So, Clarise, I'll introduce you to Will later, okay? He's really keen to see how he can be in your

magazine," Mark said innocently, evidently not even considering that she was the girl the engaged
couple wanted to introduce to Single Will.

"Yeah, sure," she said a little too brightly, trying to hide her discomfiture.
They don't know, she assured herself.


Get your copy of

Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)


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Available on


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Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 3)



"You need to have a haircut soon, Ray," Faye Summers said distractedly as she continued to gaze at
the man sitting next to her. The more she looked, the more she found little details she hadn't noticed
before - like how his brown hair turned wavy when it was longer than its usual length, or how his
deep blue eyes had specks of green on them, or how the right side of his mouth quirked into a cheeky,
lopsided smile when he was being teased.

"Yeah, I know. I just haven't had the time to get it done," Ray Thackery agreed, running his sexy

fingers through his longish hair. "Is it that bad already?"

"Bad? No, it's not bad, just a little long. You still look hot but you look hotter when you wear it


"You think I'm hot?" Ray asked in complete surprise, his brows lifting.
"Sure," she responded nonchalantly. "You must know you are. Even Clarise and Jessa think so."
"Oh. And here I am thinking you were flirting with me," Ray commented dryly.
She laughed and hurriedly changed the subject. "Hey, since those two are both engaged now, how

do you feel about them taking some time off for their wedding and honeymoon in a few months' time?"

"I hope they're not planning on being away from work at the same time," Ray replied absently

before jumping back to their original topic. "So how short should I have my hair cut?"

"Hmm, about a couple of inches shorter, I think, and wear it spiky and a little bit messy like you

do sometimes."

He raised an eyebrow and smiled charmingly. "You think it'll be easier for me to pick up women

with that 'do?"

"Yeah, absolutely," she chuckled.
"Well, it would be nice if you picked me up," he drawled.
"Why don't you have that haircut and I'll consider it?" She was surprised at the husky statement

that came out of her mouth but it was too late to take it back.

"Okay, I will," Ray grinned.
Faye didn't know why she was letting herself have this conversation with Ray. Sometimes her

mouth did get her into trouble. She was someone who didn't have problems telling people what she
thought or felt. And, oh yes, she was a bit of a flirt.

Ease up, Faye. He might take you seriously, she cautioned herself.
Even for just a one-night stand or a brief affair - no, especially for a one-night stand or a brief

affair - Ray was not someone she would consider. She shared too much of her personal life with her
best friends that a sexual encounter of any kind with him would be complicated.

Her three closest buddies, Clarise Carson, Jessa Allen and Victor Matthews all worked at

Lifestyle by Design Publishing. Based in Sydney, it publishes one of the most popular magazines in
Australia for the entrepreneurial and professional set. Clarise and Jessa were its senior writers and
editors while Victor Matthews was its head graphic designer.

And Ray Thackery was its owner.
So why in the hell was she flirting with her pals' boss right now?
Maybe it was the few glasses of wine she'd had. She wasn't a big drinker but they were

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celebrating Jessa's twenty-ninth birthday and her surprise engagement to Rob Granger.

Or maybe because Ray was one of the most attractive men she knew that she just couldn't help


"Hey, guys," Jessa called as she stepped out onto her courtyard that was decked out with portable

outdoor heaters. While it was early spring in Sydney, the nighttime temperatures were still cool and
the heaters offered welcome warmth for those who lounged outside.

Jessa held out bags to them. "Here are some left-overs for you. Everyone gets to take home some

food otherwise they'll go to waste."

"Oh, excellent. Thanks, Jess. They're really yummy. I still can't believe how much food Rob

ordered," Ray replied.

"Is this your way of telling us it's time to go, Jess?" Faye teased.
"Yes," Rob called from inside the house. "My new fiancée just can't wait to properly thank me for

giving her a surprise birthday party and putting a ring on her finger."

Jessa rolled her eyes and blushed.
"We can take a hint," Ray grinned as he stood up and got ready to go. "You sure know how to

throw a party, Rob."

"Well," Rob said as he leaned on the door frame, "I wanted to make it as hard as I could for Jess

to say no when I proposed."

"As if I'd say no," Jessa replied as she walked over to Rob and put her arms around his waist.

Rob hugged her to him with a tender smile on his face and kissed her hair.

"Okay, guys," Faye called out to Clarise, Victor and their partners. "It's time for all of us to go

and give these two lovebirds their private time."

As Ray headed for his car, he turned to Faye. "See you after I get my haircut, Faye," he said with

a wink.

Faye couldn't help but smile at his playful demeanour. She suddenly became conscious of the fact

that it had been a long time since she and Ray were this comfortable with each other. It was good to
joke around with him again. She missed that.


"So what did Ray mean by seeing you after he gets a hair cut?" Clarise asked as she glanced at Faye
seating at the back of the car while her fiancé, Will Matthews, smoothly navigated the streets to
Faye's apartment.

"Oh, we were just joking around. I kind of said I'll consider picking him up after he gets one,"

Faye answered dismissively.

"Pick him up? To go where?"
"Not that kind of pick up," she clarified to her confused friend. "We were just flirting around."
"Right. So what does all that flirting mean?"
"Nothing. Like I said, we were just joking around. You know what I think about going out with

your boss, Clarise."

"Not interested, Faye?" Will asked, peeking at her through the rear-view mirror.
"If he wasn't my best friends' boss, maybe," she answered with usual frankness. "But he is and I

don't want any mess with my closest relationships."

Clarise raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You never said anything about being interested in Ray.

When he asked you out sometime last year, you didn't even hesitate to say no."

"I know. I just met Steve then, remember? Besides, even before he asked me, I've already

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considered the complications of having a relationship with him and decided it wasn't worth it.
Imagine the drama if I cried to you about my personal issues with him, or if he needed me to listen
about work problems involving you guys. It would be very awkward, to say the least."

"But if you're really attracted to him …"
"I'm not that attracted."
"So, you're interested but not interested enough to do something about it?" Clarise quizzed.
"Yes, that's exactly how I feel."
"Okay. You do know Ray might get the wrong impression? We think he might still have a little

crush on you," Clarise admitted.

"Really? What makes you think so?"
"Remember about two months ago when you went speed dating? He asked me and Jess where we

were going and we said we were escorting you to this speed dating thing. There was just something
about his reaction when he discovered you've broken up with Steve and that you were available

"You guys didn't tell me about that," she said, her brows furrowing.
"No, we didn't. We knew you weren't looking for anything serious and we didn't want Ray to

hope for anything so …" Clarise shrugged her shoulders.

Faye nodded. It was clear as day that her friends were also protecting Ray's feelings and she

could understand that.

Before she met Steve, her last boyfriend, Ray was their frequent lunch buddy. It surprised her that

he joined them as often as he did, seeing he was her friends' boss. She eventually learnt that he did
make it a point to socialise with his staff to get to know them better. But it also appeared that he had
lunch with the four of them far more often than he did with his other employees. It was when he asked
her out that she guessed the reason why.

She enjoyed Ray's company and, at one point, even toyed with the idea of going out with him. But

she was also witness to the great relationship her best friends had with him as their boss. Dating Ray
could upset that. That was exactly why she decided not to get involved with him.

"I'll be more mindful next time I'm around him," she promised Clarise.
They stopped at a red light and Will reached out for Clarise's hand and lifted it to his lips before

setting it down on his thigh. Clarise smiled at him and left her hand where he placed it, stroking him

Faye sighed silently. It was very sweet and she was happy that Clarise had found the man she was

going to spend the rest of her life with. They were so in love. She wanted that, too.

She gave herself a mental shake. It was the impatience in finding 'the one' that got her diving into

new relationships before she was truly ready to move on.

No rush. There's nothing wrong with enjoying being single for a while, even at twenty-nine.
After breaking up with Steve four months ago, she'd decided to just date around and not plunge

into anything that would mean commitment. Her last three relationships moved into serious territory
pretty quickly and none of them lasted more than a year. She figured part of the problem might be that
she was too quick to fall in love with the next guy without fully getting over her issues with the
previous one. So this time around, she promised to give herself plenty of time to heal whatever
conscious and unconscious wounds she had. For a few months - maybe another six or so - she'd focus
on simply having fun while dating and leave it at that. Fun.

With her straight, silky blonde hair, long-lashed blue eyes, flawless skin and slim body with

gorgeous curves, Faye was considered stunning by most people. There weren't any shortage of

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interested men who would give their right arm to date her.

She just needed to be extra selective so she didn't end up going out with someone who'd be in a

hurry for a relationship before she was ready.


Ray discreetly checked out Victor Michaels's office as he walked past it. He spied Victor there with
his eyes glued to his computer. Good. That was Victor accounted for. As for Clarise and Jessa, they
were out on assignments. Clarise was meeting with the owner of Sydney's fastest growing beauty spa
chain and Jessa was sampling the culinary delights of one of the city's newest Japanese restaurant.

None of them was having lunch with Faye today. With a little bit of luck, he would be having

lunch with her.

When he found out two months ago that she had broken up with her boyfriend, he had convinced

himself not to go down the path of asking her out again. But after spending that time with her at
Jessa's birthday party, all that swirled in his head was the question 'why not?'.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and strode purposefully out of his office building. It was

absolutely silly. Hell, it was crazy. But for the life of him, he just had to give it another try. Maybe
this time she'd agree to go out with him so he could either get her out of his system for good or make
her fall in love with him.

Okay, who was he kidding? There was only one choice that mattered and it was the second one.

After more than a year of searching for a woman who would make him forget about Faye Summers, he
hadn't succeeded yet. Now that she was available again, he simply couldn't resist grabbing this new

He was still kicking himself for not being persistent enough sixteen months ago. But when she told

him then that she just started dating another guy, he backed off straight away. It was clear she
preferred the other man and he wasn't desperate for a date. After all, he had his fair share of female

But how was he to know that he had already fallen for her and was just too proud to admit it?

When he realised the extent of his feelings, the relationship she was in was already serious. She
seemed happy and he didn't want to ruin her bliss.

He still couldn't believe how he had fallen for someone he hadn't even slept with. Jesus, they

hadn't even gone out on a real date! But from the very first time he met her he was totally bowled
over, not just by her captivating beauty but also her personality.

Faye was a confident, funny, outgoing, smart, loyal, caring and straight-to-the-point woman. But

beyond that, there was something about her that called to that deep, hidden part of him that no one else
had ever touched - except her. She had cast a spell over him and he couldn't seem to escape it.

There were no explanations for how he felt. He had already questioned and analysed his feelings

until his brain hurt but he couldn't deny the fact that every time he saw her, even if it was simply
bumping into her on the street, his heart raced and he wished with everything he had that he was with
her - that she was his.

He'd given up trying to fight it. Instead, he'd resigned himself to the fact that he could be spending

the rest of his life feeling incomplete and unfulfilled. That was until he learnt she was single again.
And heavens above, he would be more persistent this time in getting her to give him a chance.

He walked to the vicinity of Faye's office where she worked as a senior career consultant for one of
Australia's largest career consulting firms and stationed himself outside a coffee shop across the road

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from her building. He got there at exactly twelve noon. He didn't know what time Faye would be
taking her lunch break but he would stand there until she came out. He just hoped he didn't have to
wait around for too long.

And what if she had brought lunch with her and didn't have to leave her building?
He knew if he missed her today he'd just try again tomorrow.
He shook his head, unable to believe what he was willing to put himself through. But then again,

patience, resilience and tenacity were some of his major traits that enabled him to build a highly
successful business even after a number of failed attempts that almost bankrupted him. He was
determined to succeed when it came to Faye, too.

It would be mortifying though if Faye rejected him again. So for now, he would have to be sneaky

and make everything look as if it was pure coincidence.

He checked the time and noticed fifteen minutes had passed. He was tempted to order coffee

while he waited for her but a woman walking out of the building he was watching made his heart
pound like mad. There was Faye, looking just as beautiful as she had always been, strolling towards
the nearby food court.

He sighed with relief and quickly followed her. All of a sudden, he found himself more nervous

than he had been for a long, long time.

For fuck's sake, Ray. You're thirty-four, not fourteen. Relax!


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Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 3).

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