Lorne Rodman Fire In The Hole

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Fire in the Hole

By Lorne Rodman

"You're getting unreliable, Tanner. You need to take

a break." The mirrored sunglasses Ray wore gave
nothing away, and the tone was easy, but Tanner knew
that was deceptive.

Ray had always been his biggest supporter, his best

source for work in his unique field. If Ray thought he
was slipping, things must be worse than Tanner thought.

He rubbed his forehead, the constant ache behind his

eyes intensifying. "A break. You mean like a vacation?
I'm not sure guys like me get those, Ray."

"I'm not sure you have a choice." Ray's tone was still

easy, but there was a hint of something in it now -- like
maybe a warning.

As he let the words sink in, Tanner watched a ripped

blond stud -- blond as in almost-white blond -- sit across
the bar and order a drink.

He studied the guy, trying to focus on Ray but having

a tough time. "That sounds ominous. It's not like I
burned down midtown or something."

The muscles definitely looked like they came from

hard work and not the gym. The guy was dressed like he
worked for a living, too. Tanner couldn't tell whether or
not the hands were callused as they wrapped around a
beer, but if he had to guess, he'd say yes.

"No, not all of midtown, but you are getting sloppy,

Tanner. And men like us can't afford sloppy."

"I'm not getting sloppy!" He hated being on the

defensive. He had been sloppy on the last job, but not
intentionally. Tanner thought he might be losing his
mind these days. He'd always been good at doing little
jobs, nothing where anyone would get hurt, nothing that
would be anything but an insurance job. Ray, though,

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was pushing Tanner to do stuff he was afraid of, and that
was making things bad.

Mr. Blond glanced over at his outburst, eyes blue like


"I'm not being an asshole, but you can't even see it."

Ray was just going on and on, the droning starting to get

Thankfully, Tanner barely heard. He was caught by

that stare, looking back helplessly.

The guy looked strong, immovable, like there was

nothing that he couldn't withstand. Like he could hold
off any number of firestorms.

Tanner chuckled a little. He never felt that way

anymore. In fact, sometimes he felt like he was
disappearing, a little at a time. Like he was burning
away to ash.

"Huh?" He glanced at Ray, who was frowning. "No, I

wasn't laughing at you."

"Have you been paying attention to anything I've


"Yeah. I need a break. I'm unreliable. What you mean

is I lost you money." That was Ray's bottom line, really.
"Unless you intend to lose more and pay for my
vacation, I can't afford it."

"Another screw up and it won't be a vacation so much

as lack of work. There's only so much room for error in
this profession.”

Blond guy's attention had been caught by something

else now, those bright eyes no longer boring into him.

"Fuck. Look, I'll take a few days before the next job,

get my head on straight." It wouldn't work. He knew it,
but Ray didn't know that. Nothing seemed to work for
his unique kind of burnout.

Ray nodded, half-smile looking appeased. "That

would be a really good idea."

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"Cool. I'll call you when I'm back in the game."

Maybe he'd just disappear. He could squat somewhere in
the Caribbean for awhile.

"That works." Ray nodded to the bartender, handed

over a couple of bills. "Whatever he wants for the rest of
the night is on me."

"Thanks, Ray." He shook the man's hand and

watched him leave the bar. Christ. When had shit gotten
so mixed up? When had Ray started to seem more…
dangerous than helpful?

Mr. Tall and Built was still sitting across the bar,

leaning back casually and watching the TV above the

Tanner stared a little. It was way more pleasant than

thinking. The guy looked a little like a Viking or
something. Plunder-ho!

A plate of wings was plonked down in front of the

man. He nodded his thanks and dug in, eating like it was
the first food he'd had all day.

Mmm. Tanner's belly rumbled, and he grinned. "Did

the boss leave enough money for me to get fried cheese,
man?" he asked the bartender.

"Yep. Of course, the more you have, the more it eats

into my tip."

"Shit, man. I'll do my best, but I'm starving." Tanner

tried for a smile.

The bartender chuckled. "I'll warn you before I'm

aiming to cut you off."

"Thanks." He wasn't really going to drink all that

much, but an open tab meant he could sit as long as he
wanted and watch pretty blond dude.

It looked like the guy was pretty hungry. The wings

were stripped clean in short order, followed by a plate of
loaded potato skins and then a bowl of onion rings.

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That sounded good, too. Onion rings. Maybe he'd

grab a few of those.

Blondie caught him staring at one point and nodded

at him, saluted him with a ring.

He nodded back, trying to decide if that was just

politeness because he was staring, or if the guy was
showing interest. He couldn't tell anymore, really.

The half-smile he was given tipped him toward

"showing interest."

"Gimme a basket of onion rings and you can keep the

rest, man." He nodded at the bartender before moving
down to stand in front of the hot guy. "So, if I get the
next basket of rings, will you share?"

Blondie looked at him for a moment, then passed the

basket over with a smile.

"Thanks." He sat, grabbing an onion ring. Maybe he

wasn't the only fucked-up loner in the place tonight.

A hand was held out to him, lean and callused.


"Tanner." He shook, and something jolted right up

his arm into his chest. His nipples tightened, almost like
he'd stepped out into a cold night with no shirt on.

"Nice to meet you." The way Win said it, it felt real.
"You, too." He guessed it was, anyway. This could be

dangerous, as hot as this guy was.

"The guy you were with...?" The unfinished question

hung there.

"Huh? Oh, that was business. He's like my manager, I

guess." Tanner smiled a little at the thought that he had
some kind of talent. It was a damned curse, really, and
Ray wasn't exactly watching out for Tanner's interests.

Win relaxed a little, smiled. "Cool. What're you


"Gin and tonic." He leaned back, munching an onion


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"Doug." Win motioned to the bartender. "Another

draft for me, and a G and T for Tanner here."

"On your bill or his?"
One of Win's eyebrows went up. "I'm ordering them,

I'll pay for them." That was definitely a growl.

"Just checking." The bartender got busy, and Tanner

popped another onion ring.

"Have you noticed how people are getting ruder and

ruder these days?"

"No shit, man. I've gotten burned a few times because

of it." The joke made him want to laugh out loud, so he
gulped down some ice water in the bottom of his glass.

"That sucks. Do you?"
He choked a little. "Suck? Given the right

encouragement, yeah."

Win's eyes danced wickedly. "Good to know."
"I guess." He tilted his head. "Do you?"
"I can give as good as I get."
"I bet." He didn't think Win would want to chance

immolation for sex, but who knew? A very few, rare
people got off on the idea.

The bartender put their new basket of rings and their

drinks in front of them. "You want something a little
more substantial than onion rings?"

"I--" He glanced at the bartender, deciding it wasn't

worth it. "Nah. Thanks, though."

Win raised a nearly white eyebrow. "Are you and

him together?"

"Who? The bartender?" He shook his head. "God,


"Glad to hear it. I wouldn't want to be stepping on

any toes if I got a little forward with you."

"No toes to step on but mine." It was a novel

experience to have someone find him attractive.

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Normally he was too pale, too freckled, too skinny, or
his hair was too red. Too fiery.

"Excellent. I won't ask you to dance -- your toes will

be safe that way."

"I flail more than dance." Tanner moved a little closer

to Win, the evening looking up.

Win laughed for him and it was a good look on the

man. "That's definitely two thumbs down on the vertical
dancing, then."

"I'm better with a little mattress support."
"I think we're on the same wavelength here, Tanner."
"Cool. I never know." He loved sex. Really. He just

didn't get it often. Or maybe at all. He'd been on a long,
long dry spell.

"You don't for sure unless you ask." Win shrugged.

"Life is short -- I usually ask."

"I'll have to remember that." He pondered a moment.

"You know, I think I want a burger."

"Is this where I make a joke about my meat?" Win

gave him a wink and signaled for the bartender, waving
the man down with ease.

"Man, y'all are trouble." The bartender smiled,

though, wiping down the bar. "What can I get you?"

"A couple of burgers."
"Fries with that?"
Win nodded. "We'll talk dessert once we're done."
"You bet. Adriana made toffee cheesecake."
His stomach rumbled. Oh, man. Tanner loved


"That sounds great. If we have room." Win gave him

a wink.

"I always have energy to burn. Makes room." He

patted his belly, which was a little more concave than

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"You look like you could eat a horse and still not be


"I probably could, huh?" He shrugged, hoping that

wasn't a bad thing. He'd offended more than one
potential date by filling his skinny body with huge
amounts of food.

Win just chuckled at his answer and raised a glass to

him, drank. "So what do you do for a living?"

"I do contract work." That was always his answer. It

made people take a step back and punt.

"What kind of contracts?"
"Uh..." Shit. No one had ever asked him that.
Win put his head back and laughed. "That sounds a

little less than aboveboard."

"Oh, it is." Less. Lord. Need your house burned

down? Call Tanner.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" Win didn't

look particularly put out by that.

"Nope." Cool. He munched more onion rings. "Are

you having onions? I don't want to be the only one with
bad breath."

"I had almost an entire basket of onion rings before

you joined me -- trust me, you aren't the only one."

"Oh, cool. I had cheese." Crispy and yummy.
"You had cheese? Is that relevant to the onion


"Probably not?"
Win cackled. "Good enough. I don't like the crispy

cheese. I know, makes me some sort of freak of nature,
but there you have it."

"I like almost anything fried. I won't hold it against

you, though." He probably wouldn't hold much against
the man, unless it was like that old song and Win wanted
to hold his body for awhile.

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"So if you won't tell me what you do for a living,

how about what you do for kicks?"

Tanner opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He

swallowed and tried again. "I talk to strange men?"

"Aw, so I'm not special?"
His cheeks heated painfully. "I haven't had a drink

with anyone but my handler in maybe four years."

Win's eyes widened, his surprise clear. "Oh, man.

That sounds lonely."

"Loser-ish." The smile was a weak attempt, and

Tanner knew it. It was nothing but the truth.

"I don't share drinks with losers."
"Well, good to know." Now the smile felt real on his


The bartender put their burgers in front of them, the

smell making his mouth water and his tummy rumble.

"Oh, good. I'm starving tonight -- it was a long day."
"Bummer." Now he felt bad. He'd never even asked

Win anything. "Bad day at work?"

"Just long. I was there at dawn, then we had two guys

call in sick and the rest of us had to cover for them."
Win gave him another smile. "It's definitely looking up

"I like that." Tanner did, somehow. He didn't know

this guy, but he was glad to make his day better.

"I do, too." Win gave him a warm smile.
He got very busy with his hamburger for a few

moments. He was hungry, and really, Tanner had no
idea what to do next. He was such a social dork,
completely inept.

"There's a good game on tonight," Win said around a

mouthful. "You interested in it?"

"Uh..." He had no idea what sports season it even

was. "If you mean am I interested in doing something
with you, sure."

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Win laughed. "Okay. I'm good with eating and going

somewhere more private."

"Cool." He glanced around, noting their clean plates.


"Works for me." Win waved his credit card at the


The guy came over and ran it, and they were out the

door. Tanner had no idea where.

He guessed it really didn't matter. He was on



Win didn't live very far from the Pretty Penny Pub --

it was his local -- and he led Tanner to his place, the
evening pleasantly cool as they walked.

He kept glancing over at Tanner. The man was good-

looking if you liked the red-haired, striking type. And
Win did. He liked it a lot.

Tanner walked with his hands in his pockets,

shoulders hunched a bit. Like he was out of touch with
being social. The man was odd, no doubt about it, but it
just made him more intriguing.

He had the urge to stop Tanner and kiss him there in

the street, just to see what the man would do.

Tanner glanced at him, a little smile appearing. "You


"Yeah, I'm really good. You?"
"I am. Good. Yeah?"
Chuckling, he grabbed Tanner's hand. "Come on.

We're almost there."

Tanner's skin felt feverishly hot, almost. It felt so

good against his skin, because Win was always cold.

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"You're hot." He dragged Tanner along to his place.

He lived over a fish store -- aquariums and shit, not the
flounder and salmon kind.

"As in wow, you're a hot guy, or as in my skin is


"Both." He grinned, pushing the door to the stairwell


"Oh." Tanner followed, climbing the stairs easily,

which boded well for the body under those clothes.

He let Tanner into his home, not bothering to turn on

the lights -- it was bright enough from the illumination
coming through the windows.

"You're more cool. To the touch, I mean." Squinting,

Tanner looked about. "And cooler than me, kinda. No.
No, I mean..." Tanner rolled his eyes. "You're definitely
cooler than me, I just meant your place was more up
with the times than mine, you know?"

"Is it? Where do you live?"
"Oh, over on the south side of town."
One of Win's eyebrows went up. He was surprised. It

wasn't a very good part of town, as in drug dealers and
guys with bullet holes in their cars.

"I know." Grinning, Tanner shrugged a little. "I can't

afford a lot."

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to come off judgemental."
"No prob. This is nice, though." Tanner paused. "I

promise, I'm not here to rob you or anything."

"I didn't think you were, Tanner." He gave Tanner a

cocky grin, looking to break the ice. "You're here to
fuck the stud, right?"

"Absolutely." Tanner laughed, the sound bright and

hot, somehow. Like actually warm enough to stir the air
in little shimmery waves.

"Cool." He reached for Tanner, wrapping his hand

around one hip. He could feel the heat coming off the

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man, even through the layer of denim. It had him
moaning a little as he pressed his lips to Tanner's.

Tanner moaned back, opening up for him, lips like

fire. The kiss burned between them, chasing away the
chill he always seemed to have.

"God, you're hot."
"Too hot?" The man was twitchy, pulling back and

staring, biting that sweet lower lip.

"Fuck no. Did I say too hot? No, I didn't." He

grabbed Tanner's belt and tugged him back in, bringing
their mouths together for another kiss.

Tanner made this amazing noise before wrapping

around him, all arms and legs. It was kind of like a
really sexy octopus was attacking him.

He staggered back toward his bed, sharing one kiss

after another with Tanner.

They tumbled down to the floor instead, flying limbs

and bumped noses. Both of them oofed a little.

Win tried not to laugh, he really did, but he just

couldn't help himself, the way they were both on their
asses and out of breath.

Tanner grinned back, stroking his cheek.
"Oops," he said when he'd stopped laughing and

caught his breath again.

"No problem." Tanner leaned close, the heat from his

skin amazing. "More?"

"Oh, yeah. Definitely more." He closed the distance

between their mouths, needing the connection.

Tanner kissed him like the man was starving for

touch, like the dam was broken. This was like a flood.

He let it pour over him, giving back as good as he

got. He was assuming that if things progressed like they
were looking to and it all went boom in short order,
they'd be able to have a second, more leisurely go at it.

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Tanner humped him, panting, that lean body begging

for his touch.

He pushed his thigh between Tanner's legs, giving the

man something to rub on as his fingers searched for little
nipples hidden behind the t-shirt.

"Oh. Oh, God." Damned if Tanner's eyes didn't roll

back in his head, and the man went to town, really
rocking and rolling.

He plucked the little, hard points and kissed with all

he was, watching as Tanner got closer and closer to the
edge. It was amazing how these little touches were
making the man crazy.

"Please." Tanner thrashed a little, body completely

out of control.

"Do it. Come. We'll make it to the bed for round


Tanner came for him, right there on the floor where

they'd fallen, body bucking and writhing.

Wow, that was sexy. Hot. Because Tanner was

literally very hot all of a sudden.

"Oh, God. I'm -- I'm sorry, man." Tanner's cheeks

were so red that the freckles all but disappeared into the

"You only need to be sorry if you're not up for

another go." Hell, even if Tanner wasn't, he'd bet that
hot hand would feel real good around his cock.

"No. No, I'm good." Tanner swarmed up over him,

kissing him deep and hard.

"Wait, wait. Bed, okay? It's not far." Hell, they'd

nearly been to it when they'd gone down. Luckily his
dirty shorts were all in a basket in the bathroom.

"Okay." Tanner drew back, looking a little sheepish.
Win laughed and popped the man in the arm. "It's a

compliment that we didn't make it."

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He got up and hauled Tanner up with him, working

on the man's shirt as they sidestepped together the last
few feet to his bed.

"It's nice and soft." Tanner sank down, stroking the


"Uh-huh. Good for fucking."
Tanner's cheeks went nuclear, which was a neat trick.

He hadn't thought they could go hotter. "Do you want
to? Fuck me?"

"Only if you want to, man." He wasn't going to force

himself on anyone, and he'd be happy with a blow or
even rubbing off on the guy.

"I'd like to. I mean, unless you have a thing against


"I haven't done it a lot." Tanner chuckled. "I kinda

scare people."

"You don't scare me, Tanner. And I don't see how not

having done it a lot is a big problem. Not if you want it."

Win had a hunch this guy was kind of lonely. Maybe

more than a hunch. What had Tanner said? Four years

"I do." Tanner moved close to kiss him again, which

was good, because the mood was waning a little.

He kissed back, started working off Tanner's clothes.

Tanner helped him, baring that skin inch by inch. The
man really was hot, skin like fire. Win pressed close,
unable to resist rubbing up against him.

Tanner moaned, the sound so needy it made Win's

cock jerk. He couldn't wait to feel how hot Tanner was

Those lean fingers worked at Win's clothes in return,

Tanner's curiosity about his body tangible. He helped,
eager to move things along, even more eager to get his
cock out of his now far-too-tight jeans.

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"Here." Tanner helped him with his jeans, then sat

there and looked at him. "Oh, God. You're so pretty. I

That made him feel like a million bucks and he

sucked in his belly, making his abs ripple some. His
prick was hard, curled right up toward the ceiling, and
he let his hips roll, showing it off.

"Yeah. I-- Wow." Tanner leaned down over him to

lick his cock.

He groaned, his hips bucking forward without any

thought from him. That was so good it almost hurt.

"Taste good, too." That little licking touch came

again, then again, Tanner's tongue flicking against him.

"Oh, fuck." He slid his hands through Tanner's hair.

"If you want that fuck, you're going to have to stop." No
way was he going to last long if Tanner kept that mouth
around his cock. It was too much, too warm and

"Mmm." Tanner pulled back, lips already swollen.


"Oh, I was liking it." He cupped Tanner's cheek,

rubbed the swollen lips. Tanner really was the hottest
thing ever.

"I could tell. I want, though. I want to fuck."
"Yeah, I want that, too." He grinned and reached over

to his bedside dealie, finding lube and a couple
condoms. They were still good, even though it had been
longer than he wanted to admit since he'd done this.

"How do you..." Tanner chuckled. "Man, I sound

stupid. How do you want me?"

"Lying on your side would be easiest." He didn't

want to hurt Tanner; he wanted the man to enjoy this
and want to do it again.

"I can do that." Tanner gave him a smile, looking a

little less panicky around the eyes.

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He leaned in and kissed the guy, letting his tongue

play with Tanner's. "We'll make sure you're really ready

"Sounds good." Tanner stretched right out for him,

lying on one side, looking like a piece of erotic art.

Win swallowed his moan and settled in behind the

man, his fingers stroking along Tanner's crease.

Tanner went tense for a moment, then breathed deep,

relaxing each muscle. It was a bit of a struggle, he could
tell, but it was amazing.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Tanner." He stroked along

the man's crease a few more times, being sure to touch
but not linger on the tight little entrance.

"I know, man." Tanner shook his head, a little laugh

coming out. "I trust you. Weird, huh?"

"Been a long time, I guess." He kept stroking, telling

his own cock to back the fuck off and be patient.

"Yeah. I -- yeah."
"Just relax, okay? I'm going to make it good." He

leaned over and licked at Tanner's neck. "Or, you know,
you could just blow me."

"I could, but I want this." Tanner reached back,

touching his hip.

"Okay. We'll make it good, then. Next time you'll be

begging for it." He nuzzled into Tanner's neck and let
his finger linger against the tight hole.

Tanner let go for him, the little ring opening up to let

him in. So trusting.

Finger slick, he pushed it in gently, going to the first


"Oh." Tanner kind of curled a little, but he could tell

it was good, because that ass stayed nice and ready for

He slid his finger out, pushed it back in, a little

farther this time. Then again, going all the way in.

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"God. Feels good. Really good."
"Gonna get better."
"That might just kill me." Tanner was on fire, so hot

inside that Win couldn't wait much longer to get in there
with his cock.

"Yeah, me, too." He pushed in a second finger --

much as he just wanted to get in there, he was
determined for the entire experience to be good for

Tanner sighed, relaxing a little more, and started

riding his fingers like a natural. Almost like the man did
it every day.

He spread them inside Tanner, stretching the man

out. Picking up Tanner's rhythm, he slid his fingers in
and out.

"Yeah." Tanner was panting, his legs shifting back

and forth.

"Another finger now." He added more slick to it, and

then pushed it in with the other two.

Tanner was unbelievably tight and unbelievably hot


"Come on. Please." Tanner's voice was rough, hoarse.
"Gonna make sure it'll be good for you." His prick

echoed Tanner, though, jerking and begging for

"It feels good now. So good."
"Good. Wanna keep it that way."
He stretched his fingers wide and pushed them in


Tanner shouted, rocking back, then arching up. He

could hear Tanner's feet drumming on the mattress, the
sound almost like a military cadence. That was a weird
thought, huh?

Grinning, he made sure to hit that same spot again --

it was obviously the spot.

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"Fuck. Burning up." That was true enough. Tanner

was on fire.

He couldn't wait another moment to get inside, be a

part of that heat.

Groaning, he tugged his fingers out and got the

condom wrapper open, despite the slick. Tanner spread
for him like a hot knife through butter, waiting, panting
for him. Lining up with that pretty little hole, he pushed,
his cockhead slowly pushing in.

"That's... Oh." Tanner moved for him, pushing back

to meet him.

He pressed in, not thrusting hard or anything, but not

stopping his forward movement until he was buried in as
far as he could go like this, his upper leg between

"Hot." Tanner was moaning out words and only

about half of them made sense.

That made him feel good, knowing he wasn't doing

this in a vacuum. He grabbed hold of Tanner's hip,
fingers curling around it as he started to pull out again.
Tanner was with him, moving on him, rocking back and
forth like crazy.

"Oh, fuck."
Tanner was the hottest fucking man ever. Not just hot

in the fucking sexy way, but hot in the going to burn his
prick off way, too. It made him harder, made him move
with more force.

"I -- big. It's so big. The whole thing."
"Yeah. Fuck." It was better than he'd ever had.
Like ever.
And he wasn't a slut or anything, but he was nearly

thirty, he'd been around the block a time or two.

Tanner held on, pushing, really getting into it. He had

a feeling Tanner thought it was better than okay.

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He found Tanner's cock and grabbed hold, letting

their movements push it through his fingers again and

"Oh. That's perfect. Fucking perfect."
He stayed right there, thrusting harder and faster as

everything began to build up. Win could feel Tanner
shaking, could feel everything start to fall apart. He was
almost there himself, his balls pulling up against his
body. "Okay. Yeah. Come on. Let me feel you."

"I can. I can do that." Tanner pushed back on his

cock, then forward on his hand before letting loose, hot
fluid sliding across his skin.

Tanner's hot ass tightened hard around his cock, and

Win shouted as he filled the condom.

"Fuck." Tanner made this noise, and it sounded

perfectly happy.

"Yeah." He patted Tanner's thigh, then grabbed the

end of the condom and pulled out of Tanner's ass.

Tanner winced a little, but then melted into him, lax

and heavy. "I liked that."

"Yeah, so did I." He grabbed the covers and pulled

them up. "You like breakfast?"

"I do. All kinds." Tanner grinned at him, lashes


"Excellent. There's two things we have in common."
"I bet we have more than that." Tanner was a fall

asleep after sex guy.

"Uh-huh. Be fun finding out."
He patted Tanner, letting him know it was okay to

fall asleep.

The man murmured something completely

unintelligible and started snoring, just like that.

Chuckling, Win, settled in, letting sleep take him,


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Tanner woke with a start, completely disoriented. He

had no idea where he was, but it was comfy. Not too
hot, which was always his problem with sleeping.

Someone grunted and a leg slid over his own. Tanner

stilled, trying not to panic. Nobody touched him for
long, and he didn't want to burn this guy.

A cool hand patted his belly.
Oh, that felt good. So nice. Tanner hummed, pushing

into the touch.

The hand on his belly stroked. "So hot, Tanner. Like

a furnace."

"Too hot?" Tanner pondered scrambling away, but he

stayed still by force of will.

His companion chuckled -- what was his name again?

Will? Win? Yeah, that was it, Win.

"Last time I checked, hot was a good thing."
"Oh, okay." He grinned a little. Win. The guy's name

was Win. He had such cool, sweet hands.

"You into morning nookie?" Win's hand slid around

his cock without waiting for an answer.

His hips rose and fell, his cock pushing into that cool

touch. "I don't know. I mean, I like to jack off."

"Well, let me do that for you." Win snuggled close

and smiled against his shoulder, hand working him.

"I -- I want to do for you, too." He did. He was just a

little stupid in the morning.

"You can wait 'til you come if you want." He thought

maybe he could hear laughter in Win's voice, but just
then Win squeezed around the head of his prick and all
thoughts were gone.

He managed to gasp out something like words, or at

least he thought so. Then he went into overdrive,
humping hard.

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Win's other hand cupped his balls, the touch cool and


His toes curled, his balls drawing up. Funny how ice

was erotic to someone who burned all the time.

"That's it, babe. Show me how much you like it."
"I do." He nodded, panting, a little worried that he'd

set the bed on fire.

"Come on, then." Win bit at his shoulder, tongue

soothing away the sting.

"Oh, God." He came so hard his teeth rattled.
"Mmm. God, you smell good." Win rubbed his come

into his belly, hand still cooler than not.

"Thanks." He thought he smelled a little funky. Like


Win nibbled at his shoulder and rubbed lazily against

him. His head cleared a little when he felt Win's cock
against his hip. He could help with that. Win kept
nuzzling his shoulder, kept rubbing against him, breath
beginning to come faster.

Tanner got control of his breath and pushed Win over

on his back, kissing the man full on.

Win's eyes went wide, but the man moaned into his

mouth and bucked up against him.

He managed not to grin, because he didn't want teeth

involved. Then he reached down and grabbed Win's
cock. Win nodded, moaning into his mouth. He stroked,
up and down, letting his fingers find every texture.

"So much better than jacking off on my own."
"Yeah. I like it better, too." It was weird. Intimate,

but strangely familiar.

Win smiled at him and pushed into his hand. He

squeezed, tugging harder, needing to see Win come. He
could concentrate this time. Win's eyes dropped to half-
mast, his mouth opening on a moan.

"So pretty." He hoped pretty wasn't an insult.

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Win grunted, pushed harder into his hand.
"That's so amazing." He wanted to feel everything.


Win's answer was to cry out, body jerking beneath

him as spunk poured over his hand.

"Perfect." It was. It was so damned perfect.
Win relaxed on the bed, hand sliding around the back

of his head to bring him down for a kiss. The kiss was
lazy and happy and all the things he dreamed of when he
fantasized about having someone.

"God, you really are hot, you know that? I usually

wake up freezing, but not this morning."

"You feel good." What else could he say? It was like

Win was made for him.

"Uh-huh." Win's fingers slid up and down his spine,

the touch still cool, refreshing. "So what was it I
promised you for breakfast?"

"I don't remember." He didn't really care, as long as it

was food.

"Oh, good, 'cause I don't either, and I'm not sure that

I've actually got breakfast stuff aside from a box or two
of cereal."

"We could go out." That would mean he had to wear

kind of skanky two-day clothes, but he could suck it up.

"You don't like cereal?" Win stretched, muscles

shifting against him.

"It's okay, but I have to admit, I'd have to eat, like, a

whole box."

Win shot him a confused look. "What?"
Tanner flushed a little. "I eat a lot. I'm sorry."
Win's hands slid along his body. "No way; you're too

skinny for that to be true."

His body warmed even more, blood rushing up under

his skin. "I can eat like a truck driver."

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Chuckling, Win patted his ass. "We'd better hit the

shower and go down to Melanie's Eatery. Because I
know my cupboard is pretty bare."

"Okay." That was decent of the man. Tanner hauled

his ass out of bed and held out a hand.

Win grabbed it and pulled himself up. "I've got

sweats with ties that'll probably do you if you don't want
to put on the same clothes, man."

Oh, that was more than decent, even if he would

probably look like a little kid playing dress-up. "That
would rock."

"The price is you have to share the shower with me,

and it's not very big. We'll have to get close." Win was

"I can handle close." He might steam up the water too

much, but he could do it.

Win showed him to the little bathroom and turned on

the water. Really hot. Then tugged him in. "Let me
know if it's too hot for you."

He grinned. He could get it this hot and save

someone a lot of energy. He waited until Win was
hunting soap before turning the taps to more cool than
not. They had the same amount of steam either way.

Win turned to him when the soap was found, rubbing

it between his hands and then soaping him up. Even
with all this hot water, Win's hands didn't seem hot.

It was stunning, making him shiver a little, his

nipples drawing up. Win hummed, totally in his personal
space, hands touching him absolutely everywhere.
Tanner let himself get lost in it, giving up things like
worry and secrets. He'd much rather touch.

"You're so warm." Win seemed fascinated by his


"I'm like a furnace, huh?" He had no idea how else to

explain it.

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"Yeah. It's awesome."
"I like how cool your hands are." He'd said it before,

but he meant it.

"Yeah? It kind of freaks some guys out." Win

shrugged. "I just run cold."

"I don't think you're cold. Just awesome." He winked

and grabbed the soap.

"I'll take that!" Win leaned back against the tile,

letting him soap up and touch.

He traced every fine muscle, every little dip and

hollow. Win's skin was cool, and it didn't seem to heat
up under his touch. There was something very sexy
about that. His own skin felt like it was on fire in
comparison. He pressed his palm over Win's nipple,
feeling it harden.

Win reached out and copied him, the cool hand

making his own nipple ache.

"Nice." It sounded lame, but it was nice.
Win nodded, stroked his nipple. He did the same to

Win, completing the little mirror they had going. Win's
eyes dropped half-closed, and one hand drifted down to
stroke Tanner's belly.

Which growled. Hard. He hadn't been joking about

needing fuel. He was teetering on the edge of burning

Win's eyes met his and the guy started to laugh.

"Okay. Food. Before that belly of yours grows its own
mouth and eats me."

"Oh, no alien baby stomachs, I promise." He might

get a little... flame-y, though.

"Uh-huh. That sounded way worse than anything I've

seen in a movie." Win winked at him and then hauled
him under the spray and helped him get rid of the last of
the soapy bits.

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He did the same for Win, his hands actually cooling

off a little with the last touches.

Win turned off the shower and pushed a towel at him.

"I don't have an extra toothbrush, man, but there's
mouthwash if you want it."

"I can use my finger." He hoped. His hands were

shaking. "Man, do you have any juice?"

"I got pop in the fridge; I'll get you one. You should

have said you had blood sugar problems." Win moved
toward the kitchen.

Oh, that was a good way to explain it. It really was.
Win was back a moment later with a can of Sprite,

even popping the top for him.

"Thanks." His teeth weren't quite chattering, so he

managed a gulp, then two.

"You need another one?" Win looked more than a

little concerned.

"Nah. I'm good. Sorry, man. I had no idea I was so

close to a meltdown." He tried a smile, going for

"Yeah? Well, you gotta take care of yourself."
"Sorry." Shit. He always screwed up somehow. This

was like a roller coaster.

"Hey, it's not me who's gonna go into a coma or

anything. Is it diabetes or hypoglycemia or something?"
Win went into the bedroom and offered him a t-shirt and
a pair of sweats.

He slipped them on, feeling like an idiot. "Low blood

sugar is the best way to describe it, yeah. Been a while
since I was so energetic."

That got him a grin. "I can stock up on chocolate

bars. Leave them stashed around the bedroom." Win
waggled his eyebrows. Then he rolled his eyes. "And
here I am assuming there'll be a next time. Sorry, man. I
didn't meant to get all 'call me' on you."

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"Huh? If you give me your number, I will." Every

day. Like a horny puppy.

"Yeah? Cool." Win grinned, then hauled him in and

kissed him, those lips cool against his fire. "Let's go get
something to eat, then, before you faint on me or some
shit like that."

"Okay." He could so handle that. And if Win was this

willing to overlook him being an idiot now, it boded
well for future dates or whatever they were.



Win followed Tanner out of the movie complex, still

grinning. He did love it when his action was laced with a
good dose of humor. He and Tanner had been hanging
out for a few weeks now, going out to eat, seeing
movies, fucking like bunnies. It was fun, satisfying, and
Tanner was good company.

They had a lot in common. They both loved curry,

they both liked ice cream, and they both preferred the
gym to jogging or whatever.

The best part about Tanner, though? When he was

around, Win was never cold.

He touched Tanner's hand lightly as they turned out

of the cinema. "Let's go eat. The Olive Garden has that
all-you-can-eat pasta special on." He'd never seen
anyone put food away like Tanner could. Man never put
on a pound, either.

"Oh, yum." Tanner nodded enthusiastically, touching

him back for a moment. They weren't silly enough to try
and hold hands in this part of town.

"So what'd you think of the movie? I liked this one

better than the Bruce Willis one, but I might be a bit
biased toward the Rock."

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"Biased? You border on obsessed." They turned

down the alley that would take them to the nearest bus
stop, both of them having decided they wanted a few
drinks with dinner.

"You've got to admit, the man is a stunner." Win was

not obsessed. He just appreciated a fine specimen when
he saw one.

"He is. I like that Vin Diesel guy, too." It was a good

thing Tanner appreciated Win's type, too.

Win nodded -- yeah, Tanner definitely had good taste

in men.

They'd gotten halfway down the alley when they

heard footsteps behind them. Tanner stiffened up.

Win straightened his back a little, tried to walk with

more confidence. It was probably just someone else
using the alley as a shortcut.

Still, it was good not to look like a victim, right?

They always said to walk with purpose. He walked a
little quicker, and Tanner matched his pace.

The footsteps increased until the guy behind them

was running. Shit.

He grabbed Tanner's arm. "Run!"
"Fuck!" Tanner ran with him, but it only took two

seconds for something to hit his shoulder hard enough to
spin him around.

The first thing he saw was the gun. And the hand

holding it.

Tanner grunted, going to his knees as another

assailant hit him across the back.

Win was hurting and furious, but he wasn't stupid.

His money wasn't worth dying over. He reached into his
pocket for his wallet.

Tanner turned on his knees, raising his hands. "We

don't have any cash, man."

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The gun shook. "Wallets!"
"Just give him your wallet, man." These kind of guys

weren't going to care what Tanner said.

"Okay, okay, just hold on, huh?" Tanner didn't sound

scared all of a sudden. He sounded mad.

Shit. Tanner was going to get them both killed -- that

gun was aimed right at him.

"Give me your fucking wallet." The guy with the gun

waved the damned thing and boom. It went off. Win
opened his mouth to scream, with rage or fear, he wasn't
sure, and the night went up in flames.

"Fuck!" He dropped to the ground, reaching for


Tanner rolled toward him, and he touched Tanner's

arm. It was like touching molten lava, almost blistering.

"Jesus!" He slid his hand down Tanner's arm, then

touched his lover's chest with his other hand.

"M'okay. They gone?" Tanner's speech was a little


He looked around. "Oh, God. They... they're burned


He closed his eyes on the gruesome sight and turned

back to Tanner. "God, are you hurt? You've got a fever
or something." He kept touching Tanner, and it seemed
to him that the man's fever was slowly coming down.

"I'm okay. We have to -- we need to go." Tanner tried

to stand, but he was shaking hard.

"We..." They should call the cops or something. But

the guys who'd tried to mug them were... gone. He
grabbed Tanner's arm. "Okay, come on."

Tanner was still so hot that Win's nerves jumped a

little when they touched. It was crazy.

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"Man, it's like you're on fire." He wished Tanner

wasn't so hot; it was worrying him. He grabbed hold of
Tanner's hand, not caring what people would think, and
tugged him along.

"I am, kinda." Tanner barked out a little laugh. "I

haven't used that much fire since I was a kid."

He looked at Tanner, hard. "What?"
"I--" Tanner looked at him, eyes almost glowing. "I

did that, man."

If Tanner's eyes hadn't been doing that odd glowing

thing, if the man hadn't been about fifty million degrees
hot, Win might not have believed him. As it was, it
sounded crazy.

"Okay." He could deal with the crazy later. Right

now he was pretty sure Tanner needed to eat. Preferably
ice cream and ice cubes, although, thank God, he didn't
seem quite as hot as he had just a moment ago.

They were a couple blocks down and he looked

around. "There's a bar over there."

"O-okay." Tanner was wobbling dangerously, but his

skin was almost back to its normal color, if a little green
around the gills.

"You need to eat, right? We'll get something down

your throat. There's a Joe Hamburger right next to it if
you think it'll take the bar too long to come up with
food." Though, honestly, he needed a shot of something

"No, no, the bar is cool."
He tried not to make it too obvious that he was

supporting Tanner as they went into the bar. He got
them a seat near the back, making sure the waitress saw
them sit so that she'd be by soon.

Tanner slumped against the wall, his head lolling a

little. "You okay?"

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"I'm fine." Okay, not exactly, but he was a hell of a

lot better than Tanner looked. "I need a drink.
Something strong."

"I'm sorry. They were going to hurt you."
"They were going to hurt both of us. What... what the

hell happened out there, man?" Win was pretty sure he
knew, except for the part where it was impossible.

"They were mugging us." Tanner reached out to

touch him, and he would swear the fever was back.

He frowned, reaching out under the table to touch

Tanner's knee. "That much I'm pretty sure I got right."

"Oh." Tanner grinned a little. "Well, they didn't."
He chuckled, squeezing Tanner's knee. He wished

he'd sat next to the man, because the urge to be close
was huge. That just might earn them more trouble,
though. "It's the what you did part that has me ques--"
He broke off as the waitress arrived at their table.

"Hey, guys. What'll it be?"
"Coke for me, please," Tanner said. "And one of

everything that's deep fried."

Win grinned. "I need a whiskey, neat, and a Coke to

chase it down. And he's serious about the one of

The lady blinked, her blue eye shadow crumbling a

little. "Did you boys see the gas main blow out there?"

"Yeah, yeah, we did. Big kaboom, eh?" He shot

Tanner a look.

"No shit. You want the calf fries, too?" She winked,

and Tanner gagged.

"No. No, just the things that should actually be food."
"You got it. Back in a minute with drinks."
Win chuckled. "Chicken," he accused, teasing as she


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"What? I don't think men would eat other guys'

testicles unless it's for fun." Tanner was cooler again
now and had a little color in his cheeks.

He laughed at that. "Of course, I'm not sure a calf is

'another guy'?"

"They have balls." Tanner nodded very seriously.
Win laughed harder. Maybe he was finding it a little

funnier than it really was, but it felt good to laugh.

"Okay. So why does the waitress think there was a

gas main explosion?"

"There was a big flare-up of flame." Tanner lowered

his voice. "It's good that they think that. No one but
maybe you would believe I did it."

He squeezed Tanner's knee. "And you did it on

purpose, didn't you?"

"I did. I hate to hurt people like that, but I couldn't let

them shoot us, and I couldn't think of anything else to

He nodded. Yeah, he was a fan of being alive. "I can't

disagree with that."

"Well, there you go." Tanner shrugged. "I've never

done anything that big. I'm surprised I'm alive."

"But you've done that kind of thing before?

Spontaneously... lit things on fire?" He was pretty sure
he needed that drink. Like, right now.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I know I should have mentioned

it." Tanner was staring hard at a wet ring on the table.

"I don't know, I can see how it might be a little, uh,

difficult to work into conversation."

Frankly, he wasn't sure how he would have reacted.

Hell, he wasn't even sure how he was reacting now. The
whole being held up at gunpoint had already made the
whole thing freaky.

"It makes it better. When you touch me."

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"It does?" He squeezed Tanner's knee. He hadn't

realized he was still holding it. "How?"

"I don't know. I just know you have magic hands."

One of Tanner's hands covered his.

He turned his hand to hold Tanner's, right there under

the table, and smiled. "Magic hands. That's me."

"It's true." Tanner's eyes were back to normal, and

that smile was almost impish. "It's like when you stick
your face in the freezer on a really hot day."

The waitress came with their drinks and he let go of

Tanner's hand, sat back in his seat.

"Is that bad?"
"Thanks, hon. Feel free to bring that food out as it's

ready instead of all at once." Once she'd gone, he tossed
back the whiskey, gasping at the burn. "No, I guess not.
Unless you're saying I'm a cold fish."

"Hell, no."
That was gratifyingly fast.
He watched Tanner down the Coke like the man was

starving. "That's why you have to eat so much, isn't it?"

"Huh?" Tanner shook his head as if to clear it. "I

guess. I've always done it."

"Always done the fire thing?" It was still a little hard

to believe. But he'd been there when it had happened.

"No, the eating thing. I guess I dropped fire the first

time when I was a teenager." Those shoulders hunched
up a bit.

"Wow -- your mom must have shit a pink Twinkie."
"I don't know." The food started to come, and Tanner

tucked in, not really answering him.

He stole bites here and there: a couple of wings, some

French fries, zucchini sticks, a chicken finger. He had to
admit he was hungrier than usual, and put it down to

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Tanner finally looked right up to meet his eyes. "I

know I'm a freak, but I hope you don't run."

"I haven't left yet," he pointed out. He liked Tanner.

A lot. While this was a lot to process, Win wasn't at all
convinced that it was a reason to dump the guy.

Tanner smiled, looking happy as hell. What a roller


He stole a couple of battered shrimp, munching on

them noisily. Suddenly he wanted to be home, where he
could strip Tanner naked and fuck him until they both
passed out.

Tanner glanced at him again, pupils dilating, nose

working. No way. There was no way Tanner could smell
his sudden need over the fried food.

He felt himself responding to that look, though.
"We could go. I feel better."
"Yeah? I want to go." He grabbed another chicken

finger and signaled the waitress.

"I do, too."
"'Kay. As soon as we pay for this." Win slid his foot

forward, touching Tanner's.

"I can put it on my card." Tanner had come into some

money in the last few weeks. Not a lot, but he said he'd
gotten paid for a project.

Now Win had to wonder what exactly that entailed.
"Sure. Long as we can get out of here and get home."

Back to his place, he meant. Of course, he'd never
actually seen Tanner's place.

"Yes." Tanner waved the waitress down while

stuffing in two more chicken fingers.

Win chuckled and grabbed another zucchini stick.
They got paid up, got a box for the leftovers, and

Tanner grabbed his hand on the way out the door.

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He looked at Tanner in surprise, but he didn't try to

take his hand back. Tanner's skin was almost cool. Not
like his own, but for Tanner it was amazing.

"You good?" he asked as they went out into the

street. There were two cop cars at the top of the alley
where they'd been mugged, and he tugged Tanner in the
opposite direction. Maybe they should find a cab.

"We'll go this way." Tanner tugged him along faster,

and yeah, they were headed right for the cab stand
across the way.

They slid into the back of the first one, and Win

rattled off his address. He kept half an eye on what was
going on back in the other direction.

The cab took off, and Tanner slumped down next to

him. "Yay."

"Yeah. We're safe. Hopefully no one saw what

actually happened. Because they're not going to find any
blown-out gas main."

"They might. There was enough fire to bust one."

Tanner shrugged, glancing at the cabbie.

Win got the message and shut up about it. He hoped

they didn't run into traffic; he wanted to get home and
fuck Tanner's brains out.

Tanner's hand landed on his thigh, high up, the pinkie

side pressing against the seam of his pants.

He tried to hold back his groan. It felt so good; he

wanted more, but for where they were, this was great.

"Shh." Tanner grinned over. "Soon."
"You're the one who started touching."
"I know. I can't help it. It feels so good to touch you."
"Hey, it feels good to be touched, too. Trust me, not

complaining. Well, aside from the not being able to do
more thing."

"Yeah." Tanner's leg started to go up and down, foot

tapping. Someone was ramped up.

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He turned and looked out the window, trying to

figure out how much longer they'd have to endure this
cab ride. Maybe two minutes. Time was flying, even
with the need riding him hard.

He let Tanner fling some money at the cabbie once

they'd pulled up -- he was busy dragging his key out of
his pocket.

Tanner breathed down his neck while he struggled to

unlock the door.

It was funny how the minute you were in a hurry, you

suddenly couldn't do something you usually did without
even thinking ten times a day. He finally got the door
open, and they stumbled in together. They closed the
door, Tanner locking it with a quick 'snick' before
jumping him.

He laughed into Tanner's mouth as his back hit the

wall, his arms wrapping around Tanner's waist so he
could pull the man even closer.

The kiss was so hot he felt warm all over, balls to

bones. That was so rare that he reveled in it a little. He
got one hand shoved down the back of Tanner's jeans,
the heat even more intense at the skin on skin contact.

"Fuck. Fuck. You feel so good."
"You feel better."
"Do I?" Tanner pushed into his hand, that skin so

smooth, so hot.

"Uh-huh." He was pretty fucking sure of that.
He squeezed Tanner's ass cheek and rubbed up

against the man.

Tanner pushed one leg between his, giving him

something to hump, but there was too much cloth in the
way. Not enough touch.

"Bed." He wasn't getting naked and doing it on the

hardwood in front of the door. Yet again.

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"Okay. Come on." Whirling around, Tanner tugged

him along.

He was less about the moving and more about the

tugging shirts out of jeans and opening buttons and
zippers. Between the two of them, they made it to the
bedroom and were already half naked when they got

Tanner's hands slid over his chest, down to his belly,

fingers sliding over his nipples on the way.

Groaning, he pulled Tanner's pants and underwear

right off, pushing into the touches at the same time. It
was a miracle they hadn't taken a tumble on the floor
like their first time.

"Oh. Oh, more." Tanner's legs spread so he could get

in there and touch even more, cock pushing against him,
long and hard and hot.

He slid one hand around Tanner's balls, the heat here

bigger than anywhere else.

Tanner went up on tiptoes, those pretty eyes closing

for a second. Then Tanner yanked off the rest of Win's
clothes, getting him pushed down on the bed. He
wrapped his legs around Tanner's waist, humping them
together eagerly.

"Yeah. Yeah." Tanner panted, hands on Win's ass.
He wanted to fuck Tanner, but he just couldn't seem

to let go or stop long enough to get what they needed.
So he just went with it, going for broke as he rubbed
them together.

Tanner was all over him, touching him, fingers

tracing patterns on his skin. They kissed until they
couldn't breathe, until he thought he might just fly away.

He loved how hot Tanner was; he always had, and

now he knew why. Groaning, he pushed Tanner over
onto his back and rolled on top of him, humping hard.

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"Fuck..." Tanner wrapped up around him and pulled

him down.

Win fucked Tanner's mouth with his tongue, hips

rolling and rubbing.

Tanner's fingers dug into his hips, holding on.


He groaned a little, but he didn't have anything to say

-- he just wanted to come, wanted Tanner to come with
him. Tanner nodded, like the man understood, and tried
to push a hand between them. That hand finally closed
around both of them, pulling at their cocks. This sound
came out of him and he bucked hard, come spilling out
of him.

"Oh, God." Tanner rocked like a crazy man, his hips

slamming against Win's. When Tanner came for him, he
cried out again, just panting.

He collapsed onto Tanner, panting with the man, the

two of them sounding like the clichéd steam engines.

"Wow." Tanner petted his back with the hand not

caught between their bellies. "That was... wow."

"Yeah. Needed that, huh?"
"Yeah. Needed you." That smile made him warm

inside, just like Tanner's touch warmed his skin.

He rolled half off Tanner as he caught his breath, an

arm and leg still holding Tanner close. "Yeah. Strange,
huh? Weird day."

"Just a little." That hand stayed curled around his

cock. "I -- thanks. For bringing me down."

"All I did was touch you." It hadn't hurt him any at

all, hadn't made him tired, hungry, nothing.

"It helped. I swear." Tanner chuckled. "I'm not just

saying it for nookie."

That had him chortling. "You don't need to say it to

get nookie. Besides, I could feel you get cooler. I didn't

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realize it had anything to do with me, though, 'til you

"It does, somehow. No one has ever been able to do

that." Tanner lay there a moment, still, thinking.
"Sometimes it makes me really sick."

"Do you do it a lot?" Was this something Tanner had

control over? Did it just happen?

"No! No. I mean, when I get really emotional, I can

really overheat, you know? That's why... well, I told you
I didn't do this a lot." Tanner's free hand waved over the

"So you don't have control over it?" He wasn't trying

to interrogate Tanner, but he figured if they were going
to keep hanging out -- and he wanted to -- he was going
to know what was going on.

"I do, kinda. I mean, I'm not going to set your place

on fire. I meant to do that earlier."

"Wow. That's a pretty powerful ability. I bet the

government would love to have a piece of you." Or, like,
all of Tanner.

They'd study him and dissect him and try to figure

out how to make more of him.

"Yeah." Tanner grimaced. "Don't tell."
He chuckled. "Who would I tell? Besides, I can't fuck

you if you're stuck in a government facility."

"This is true." Rolling up to one elbow, Tanner met

his eyes. "Thank you again, man. I mean it."

"You're welcome. I'm just glad you were there today.

Or I would have been toast."

"Or not..." Tanner chuckled, a laugh that turned a

little hysterical.

He thumped Tanner in the arm. "No bad crispy


Tanner wheezed. "Sorry. Sorry. Do you have any

idea how nice it is to be able to laugh about it?"

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"I bet. I could be more freaked out about it, I guess.

But you kind of saved my life with it, and frankly, I like

"I like you, too." They shared a kiss, which was, of

course, when Tanner's tummy growled. "Leftovers?"

"Yeah. Now that we've dealt with the whole nearly

died adrenaline sex thing, I could eat. A lot." Probably
not Tanner levels, but he was definitely feeling a need
for food.

"Cool." Rolling out of bed, Tanner headed to Win's

kitchen, naked and easy as could be. It was nice to see,
how comfortable Tanner was.

Win detoured by the front hall for the bag of

leftovers, thinking it was nice having Tanner here,

No matter what freakiness came along with the deal.


Tanner wandered around the market, stuffing things

in the little basket slung over his arm. He was making
dinner for Win tonight, and he wanted to make sure it
was yummy.

Making dinner. Him. Mr. I-squat-in-a-room-with-no-

stove. He couldn't believe he'd taken a cooking class at
one of those fancy stores and was making pasta
carbonara for someone.

One minute he was checking out the fresh herbs and

everything was honky dory, the next a shiver went down
his spine; he felt eyes on him. It didn't feel good, not like
when Win watched him. This was... malevolent.

He tried to look around casually, but couldn't see

anyone lurking or watching. He could still feel it,
though. Tanner hurried through gathering the rest of his

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supplies, wanting to get the heck out of there. Maybe it
was just the cameras.

It followed him all the way back to Win's, that

feeling, growing more ominous the farther he went.

Shit. He pulled out his cell phone, another indulgence

he'd gotten since he started dating Win. He'd taken on a
few odd jobs to keep it, feeling like a real person for the
first time in forever. He dialed Win's number, walking
right by the man's building.

"Hey, Tanner."
"Hey, babe. I'm going to be a little longer than I

thought. I think someone is following me."

"Following you? Are you sure?"
"Pretty sure." He hadn't seen anyone, or heard them,

but he knew. He could feel the target on his back.

"Okay, where do you want me to meet you?"
"Huh? No, you just stay there." He'd already almost

singed Win's pretty self during that mugging. Tanner
didn't want to put the man in danger.

"If someone's out for you, Tanner, I should be there,

watching your back."

"Well, I just didn't want to lead them home." Man.

He thought of Win's as home.

"Oh, good idea. Do you think you can lose them?"
"I think so, yeah. I'll call again in a few." He wanted

to get well past Win's apartment.

"No. Stay on the line. And you tell me if it gets

hinky. Hinkier."

"Okay." Okay, he could do that. "I need to listen

now, though."

"'Kay, babe. Just remember I'm right here."
"Will do." He didn't hang up, but he put the phone

down by his side, ducking into a doorway so he could
hold his breath and listen.

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A few folks walked by, all of them seeming

innocuous. He waited, straining to hear, but no one else
was coming. When he stepped back out onto the
sidewalk, the feeling of being watched was gone. He
couldn't quite shake the ominous feeling in his gut,

He pulled the phone back up to his ear. "Hey. I guess

I was being paranoid."

"Yeah? Good. I was worried."
"Me, too." He turned, heading back to Win's. He

needed to cook.

"So're you coming home now?"
"Yeah. I'm only a few blocks away." He felt like his

head was on a swivel, the way he was looking.

The feeling of being watched didn't come back,

though, making him feel like he'd been having a
paranoid moment.

"Cool. You wanna go down to the bar for supper?"
"I-- Sure. I was gonna cook, but I can just drop the

shit off." That way he could cook tomorrow, when his
nerves settled.

"Yeah? You sure? 'Cause I'm easy. And also hungry."

Win laughed. "I'll meet you downstairs?"

"No, no, I'll come on up and stow the groceries, huh?

I need to pee, too."

"Cool, I'll wait for you. That way I can give you a

proper hello."

Oh, he liked the sound of that. Somehow he felt like

he'd been at war.

He heard a soft chuckle. "For some reason, I don't

want to hang up."

"That's okay. I have plenty of battery." He got to

Win's building, checking right and left before he went
inside. Nothing. There was nothing, no one. He had to
shake it off.

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He hauled his bags up to Win's place and knocked

with his foot.

Win opened the door, one hand shoving his phone

into his back pocket, the other grabbing at him and
hauling him in.

"Hey." Tanner grinned. "I didn't mean to panic you,


Win gave him a quick hug and then a sheepish grin.

"I was overreacting. If someone finds out what you can
do, though..."

Oh, man, he hadn't even thought of that. Ray had

always handled everything for him. He hadn't seen the
guy in weeks. Tanner kissed Win's cheek. "Let me put
this away, and we'll go."

"Yeah. I'm starving. I could use a beer or four, too."
"You have a drinking problem." It was becoming an

old joke for them now, after Win's first experience with
the human flamethrower. It was the opposite, actually.

Win helped him put away the food, chuckling.

"Almost as bad as your eating problem."

"No shit." He nibbled on a grape or two before

stuffing the rest in the fridge. "I need some fried cheese,

"I want wings. You know how I feel about fried

cheese." Win grabbed his keys and opened the door for

It felt safer heading down to the street with Win

beside him -- two were less vulnerable than one.
Tanner's shoulders finally eased down from around his
ears, and he let his fingers brush Win's hand.

Win's fingers curled around his for half a second.
Tanner grinned, wanting to skip, which grown men

did not do, right? Besides, why draw attention to them?

"So how was your day?"
"Not bad, up until the walk home. How was yours?"

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Win shrugged. "It was a day. They all kind of morph

into each other."

"Wow." That sounded sad. Tanner knew how it was;

he used to feel that way.

Win shrugged again. "I'm not exactly qualified to be

a brain surgeon or rocket scientist."

"Yeah? Damn. I was hoping to bump you off for your

money. Dork."

Win slugged him in the arm. "Butthead."
"Hey!" He loved being able to tease. Truth be told, he

loved being able to have simple companionship with
someone like Win.

Win just laughed at his exclamation and bumped

their shoulders together, their hands brushing casually.

That felt good, too. They touched a lot. It made him a

better human being, he was convinced.

They turned the corner and went into the bar, that

feeling of being watched not coming back. Maybe it had
just been his imagination.

He sure hoped it was. That had been sucktastic at

best, downright scary at worst.

They went over to the booth they'd started thinking of

as theirs.

"Two beers and a plateful of chicken wings, please."
"Onion rings, too." They had established long ago

that if they both ate rings, they could still get it on.

"Better send out some chicken fingers, too." Win

gave him a grin. "Someone's looking hungry."

"Hey, I have stress." He couldn't shake the

foreboding, even if the urgency was fading.

"Yeah, I know. We'll feed you and you'll feel better."
Win was starting to know him so well.
"Yeah. I will." He waggled his eyebrows.
Win laughed, touching his knee under the cover of

the table.

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He shivered a little, the intimate touch making him so

damned happy.

Their beer came first and Win sat back, taking a long

swig of his. Tanner watched Win's throat working,
admiring the long lines. It was like the feeling of being
followed had heightened all his senses.

Win looked at him and grinned. "What?"
"Huh?" His leg bounced a little, his foot tapping. "I

like you."

"I like you, too. I was just wondering if I had

something in my teeth or on my face."

"No. No, I'm just horny all of a sudden." Man, he

hoped that hadn't come out as loud as he feared.

Win laughed out loud, snorted even. "We should

have stayed home, then. Of course, you might have
expired without the food that's coming."

"I was going to cook!" Though he might have

chopped his fingers off.

"I still don't have proof of this magical cooking

ability of yours yet." Win's eyes twinkled at him, clearly

"Yeah, yeah. At least you didn't say mythical." Oh,

chicken fingers...

"Oh, man, you should see the way your eyes light up

whenever food shows up."

Jack set their food down and asked if they wanted

anything else before heading back to the bar.

"It's a necessary thing, man." Fuel good.
"I know. I'm learning." Win's smile had gone from

high amusement to something warm.

"That's good, right?" He paused with a honey-

mustard-covered chicken finger halfway to his mouth.

Win nodded. "Yeah, it's good. Very good." Win

leaned in and snagged a bite of the chicken finger right
out of his hand.

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"Hey!" Not that he minded sharing. He didn't. But it

was in the guy code to protest.

Win shrugged, looking supremely unconcerned. "I've

got to be quick if I'm going to get a bite in edgewise."

"Bull." He grinned.
"Not at all -- you have seen you eat, haven't you?" He

could see Win trying not to laugh.

"Well, it's hard to see my mouth." He crossed his

eyes and squinted down his nose.

Win's laughter burst out of him, happy and loud, the

other patrons turning to stare at them.

He grinned, the last of his tension fading away.

Which left him a little shaky, so he was glad he had
food. Which, he had to admit, he was eating pretty
steadily, Win sneaking bites now and then.

It was turning out to be a great evening until Ray

walked in. Tanner stiffened, wondering if that was why
he'd been feeling that watched feeling.

Ray came right over to them, smile oozing from his

face. "Tanner. Long time no see."

"Yeah." He grimaced, trying not to be too rude.

"What's up, man?"

"Been looking for you." Ray gave Win a sideways

glance and his eyebrows went up. "You want to come to
the bar for a minute?"

"Sure." He didn't want Win involved in anything Ray

had to offer.

Win's foot touched his leg under the table, the look in

his lover's eyes a clear wanting to know that everything
was okay.

He nodded shortly, trying to help Win understand.

Then he stood and went up front with Ray.

Ray had a raised eyebrow again over at Win, but

soon all his attention was on Tanner. "Got a job for

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"I'm not really in the market." He frowned, going for


Ray laughed, and the sound wasn't friendly at all --

more nasty, slimy. He'd never thought of it precisely that
way before, but it was true. "Take the job, Tanner."

"What is it?" He hated the very idea of that look,

hated that sound. It made his skin crawl.

"There's a building downtown that needs to

disappear. Specifically one floor of it."

"What does that have to do with me?" Okay, he was

being deliberately obtuse, but he hated that idea a lot. He
didn't really do stuff that hurt people.

"Don't play dumb."
"Why me? I mean, something like this can be done

with an outlet and a chip bag,"

"They can't trace you, Tanner. You know that. They

won't be able to find a starter, there won't be any fuel
laid down. It'll be a nice, clean burn."

"I don't... No one can be hurt." He just wouldn't do

that. Those muggers that night were an aberration.

Ray shrugged. "There'll be less of an investigation if

there's no one there when it goes up, but the important
thing is that the sixth floor goes in its entirety."

"I'm not hurting people for you." Tanner squared his

shoulders. "And this is my last job."

"That's not your decision. I know what you do,

Tanner. I could make real trouble for you." Ray's eyes
had gone hard, and he passed over a piece of paper.
"There's the address. It needs to be done by Friday. You
don't want to let me down on this, Tanner."

"Wait." He waited until it was almost too late to ask.

"What's in it for me?"

"Your usual fee."
"This is bigger than usual." Maybe he could get Ray

to give him some up front, then grab Win and run.

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"And you botched the last job. I told you to take a

vacation, but it's over now. Don't get uppity with me,
Tanner. Just think what could happen if your secret got

The threat was clear, and the repetition of it let him

know that Ray was serious.

"I know." He hung his head, trying to look humble. It

might have been true once, but now he had this fierce
need to protect Win.

"So it's settled. I'll have your payment here on

Saturday afternoon."

"I--" He tried to look shifty, maybe get a little whine

in. He kind of hated himself for it. "I'm broke, man. Can
I have a couple in advance?"

Ray looked over his shoulder to where he'd been

sitting with Win. "Tell your boyfriend you'll pay him
back on Saturday."

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. He wasn't going to get any cash,

and the threat was plain as day. Win might be in big
trouble. Because of him.

"Don't do anything stupid. Just get it done by Friday,

Tanner. "

"I will." He put all of his small ability to lie into the

words, which meant he'd have none left for Win. Christ,
he didn't want to explain this.

Looked like it was time to run. Sadly, this time he

had something he didn't want to leave.

"Good." Ray was back to the smarmy smile. "Go get

drunk and get laid and do the job in the morning."

He nodded, watching Ray leave. Then he headed for

a bathroom. Maybe there would be a window he could
crawl out.


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Win watched Tanner talking to the asshole. Win

knew the guy was an asshole from the way Tanner was
all tight and stressed. When they finally parted ways,
Tanner ducked off toward the bathroom and Win

Something told him Tanner wasn't coming back out,

at least not by the door. It was like a cold chill in his
back, a hard frost in his hands. This was bad.

He threw some money down on their table and left

the pub, heading for the alley at the back of the place. If
he was wrong, he'd go back in and they could finish
their meal, their beers.

He wasn't wrong. Not two seconds after he got to the

alley, Tanner popped out the window.

Son of a bitch. Win raised a hand and opened his

mouth to call out, but he didn't. He was going to follow

Tanner's shoulders slumped, his hands in his pockets.

He looked utterly defeated.

Damn it, what was going on?
Win followed, staying back far enough not to be

seen. He hoped.

Tanner was on a mission, head down. He wasn't

meeting anyone, he was just going.

What the hell?
Win kept following, feeling bad for being so

underhanded. But then, Tanner had just ditched him
without even a "back in a minute," right?

Tanner glanced back, and Win froze, but it was just a
furtive thing, so he thought he was safe. He couldn't
decide if he was more mad or disappointed or worried.
So he just kept following. Tanner turned down a narrow
alley a few blocks later, then stopped in front of a fire

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Win stopped, leaning against a wall at the entrance to

the alley. What now?

Tanner shook his head and moved on. It was tough to

keep close enough in the alley to see but not to be

He stopped at the fire escape himself, looking up,

moving to look at it from several angles. What was that

Then he hurried on after Tanner.
Tanner turned up past Win's apartment, crossing the

street away from it, his shoulders hunching up even
more. It gave Win a little bit of satisfaction.

He grabbed his cell phone and dialed Tanner's

number. Time to ask where the hell the man was and
what he was up to. As far as he was supposed to know,
Tanner was in the bathroom at the pub, right?

Tanner stopped, pulling his phone out of his pocket

and staring. Even from a distance Win could see him

Come on. Answer it. Please.
Tanner finally did, every line of the skinny body

tensing. "Hello?"

"Babe, you fall in the can or something?" Win

watched Tanner, waiting for the lie. He'd thought they
had something together. He really had.

"I--" Tanner shook his head. "I'm in trouble, Win. It's

better if you stay away."

He took a deep breath, so relieved. "Wouldn't it be

better if you told me about it and we put our heads
together and solved it?"

"I don't know if I can. He threatened you."
"Then I think I'm already involved, aren't I?" He

started down the alley toward Tanner.

"You-- " Tanner whipped around to stare at him.

"You followed me?"

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He closed his phone and shrugged. "You looked like

you were going to run."

"I was." Those pretty eyes were just miserable.
"Come home, Tanner. And you can tell me all about


He'd find that guy who'd accosted Tanner and beat

him for that look in Tanner's eyes.

"I'm a mess, man. He wants me to do this job."
"What kind of a j-- Oh. You mean with that thing you

can do." He started walking back toward his place, glad
it wasn't too far.

"Yeah. They've always been small, at least to me.

Like insurance shorts. This one... it could hurt
someone." Tanner followed, voice hollow-sounding.

"Jesus. Tan..." He put his hand in the small of

Tanner's back and, after checking the street, urged him
up the stairs.

"I know, right? I thought about asking you to leave

town with me, but you have a life."

Win snorted. He worked at an ice-packing plant.

"The best part of my life is you, man."

"Yeah?" A spark of hope lit deep in Tanner's eyes. "I

don't know what to do."

"When are you supposed to do this job?"
"I'm supposed to get paid Saturday."
"So we're safe if you come back to my place and we

figure this out." He looked around, feeling very exposed
all of a sudden. "We need to get off the street."

"Okay." Tanner seemed pretty willing to let him do

the thinking. Poor guy.

He grabbed Tanner's arm and headed them toward

home, walking fast.

"What if someone comes to your apartment? I don't

want you to not be safe."

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"My place has to be less well known than yours.

We'll bar the doors and close the blinds and figure this
out, okay?"

"Okay." Tanner finally nodded decisively, reaching

out to touch his hand.

He grabbed it and they made it the rest of the way to

his place, moving up the stairs quickly.

Tanner stood just inside the door when they got there,

like he didn't belong anymore. He hated that, because it
wasn't true. This was his place and Tanner was welcome
here. Always. He pressed Tanner up against the door
and kissed him.

Tanner made this amazing noise, relieved and happy-

sounding all at once. Those thin arms went around him
and Tanner kissed him back.

Win felt relief go through him, too. They still had this

-- Tanner still wanted it.

He could feel how much Tanner wanted it in the

strength of Tanner's grip on his arms, in the way
Tanner's leg pushed between his. Groaning, he dove into
the kiss, making it deeper and rubbing them together.

Tanner moaned, holding on tight, then letting go to

scrabble at his clothes.

Yes. Yes, this was still good, still right. He tore open

Tanner's shirt, buttons going flying.

Nodding, Tanner shrugged off the fabric, baring all

that skin for him. His shirt went the same way.

He slid his fingers down along Tanner's chest, thumb

flicking at one nipple as his hand slid by.

"Oh!" Tanner jumped and grinned. "More."
He grinned back and humped against Tanner, his

fingers exploring the long, lean torso.

This was good. It was really good, and damn it, there

wasn't anything keeping him here that he couldn't find
somewhere else.

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He put all that into the kiss.
He thought Tanner got it. He really did. The kiss

warmed him all the way to his toes, and Tanner started
moving them toward the bedroom.

He followed Tanner's lead; they could talk about

what they were going to do after. Now it was time to
reconnect, to remind Tanner that no one was alone here.
No one had to run off. They had each other to touch and
need and love.

He bent to find Tanner's nipple with his lips, touching

it with his tongue, too.

"Good. That feels so good." The feverish heat of

Tanner's skin was so good against his mouth, his body.

"Love how hot you are." His fingers found the dips

next to Tanner's hips, slid along them.

"You feel amazing. I can't describe it..." Tanner

touched him, fingers sliding down his back to grab his

"Just show me." He grinned, bit at Tanner's nipple,

took a kiss.

"Okay." Tanner rolled them, then bent to kiss him,

then started licking and sucking and kissing a trail down
his body.

Humming, he arched up into Tanner's kisses, his cock

taking a definite notice of the direction Tanner was
traveling in. So much notice, in fact, that when Tanner's
face came level with his hips, his cock slapped the man
on the cheek.

"Please," he murmured. Not that he didn't think

Tanner wasn't going to suck him off, but he wanted to
make sure Tanner knew he really wanted it -- wanted

"Yum." The little murmur was all the warning he got

before Tanner sucked him in.

"Oh, God!" He might have whimpered a little.

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Tanner went all the way down, then back up, before

starting a good rhythm.

"Fuck!" He slid his hands through Tanner's hair,

trying hard not to pull on it.

They moved together, Tanner giving him the perfect

amount of pressure, the best kind of care. Those lips
were like fire on his skin, making him burn so good.

"Gonna make me blow, Tanner."
"Mmmhmm." Tanner didn't seem to mind that

thought at all.

His hips started moving, pushing his cock into the

heat of Tanner's mouth.

Tanner held him close, fingers digging into his ass.
"God. Fuck. Tanner." The words poured out of his

mouth, and then he bucked and the spunk poured out of
his cock.

Tanner drank him down, licking him all the way up

to the tip. He shivered and groaned, his hands stroking
through Tanner's short hair.

"Mmm. That was nice." Tanner could be the king of

the understatement.

"It was fucking awesome." He patted Tanner's head

and got his brain moving again. "What about you?"

"Mmm. Hot. So hot, babe." Tanner was rubbing on

the bed a little.

"I know you are." He laughed and rolled them,

putting Tanner on his back. "I meant what can I do to
make you feel good."

"Oh. Touch me? That always feels so good." Tanner

was reaching for him, those hands landing on his chest.

He wrapped his hand around Tanner's prick. If

Tanner was hot as fire everywhere else, there was a
blazing inferno here. The muscles in Tanner's thighs
jumped, the man's hips rising and falling. The skin of
Tanner's chest and neck flushed a deep rose, so pretty.

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He buried his face in Tanner's neck, pulling the

smells into his lungs. Sweat and heat and man, with a
hint of ozone. It was weird, how sexy that was. He
stroked Tanner's cock the way he'd learned got Tanner
the most turned on.

"Uhn." Tanner arched, his whole body bowing.


"Yeah. Gonna make you come all over."
"You are." Those green eyes flashed to meet his. "I

want that."

"Uh-huh." He grinned and took a kiss, his fingers

squeezing tight on the upstroke.

"Mph." Tanner wrapped one leg up around his hip,

kissing him, clinging to him.

"God, you're hot." He meant more than just in


"Please." Tanner seemed pretty much beyond

conversation now, that fine body moving and twisting
and begging.

He'd have returned the blowjob, except he didn't

think Tanner was going to last long enough. Instead he
bent his head and sucked on Tanner's nipple.

"Yeah. Oh. That..." When he bit down, Tanner cried

out, bucking hard enough to lift Win off the bed. Tanner
came for him, wet heat spilling over his hand.

God, he loved that smell. He liked the taste, too. He

brought his hand up and licked the taste of Tanner off it.

Tanner watched him, eyes dark, almost bruised. "I

don't want to do this job, Win."

"I'm guessing you can't just tell them no."
"He told me to take some time off, but that was right

before I met you." That had been awhile.

"So... do you, like, owe them money or something?"

He was trying to figure out just how deep Tanner was
into this guy.

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"No. No, it's just, there are only so many kinds of

jobs for a guy like me." Tanner gave a helpless shrug.
"He knows a lot about me. I told you, he's been my
handler for years."

"Will leaving town get him off your back?"
"Maybe?" Tanner grinned. "You have a life, babe."
"What life? Like I said on the street, there's nothing

keeping me here if you aren't."

"Really?" That smile was worth all the trouble.
"Yeah, man. Really." He was kind of laying it on the

line here; there was always a chance Tanner didn't feel
anywhere near the same way about him. "The world's
our oyster, right?"

"It is." Tanner reached up and touched his cheek.

"We could make a whole new start."

"We could." He smiled, nuzzling into the touch. He

could work anywhere.

"Then that's what we'll do. I -- I didn't want to go

without you, Win."

"No, you're not going without me." He'd followed

Tanner on his little out the window adventure, after all.
He wasn't going to abandon the man now.

"I bet there's an overnight bus to somewhere."
"We should pack." Not that Tanner was moving.
"Yeah. Bring what? Some clothes?" He looked

around the place. He wasn't married to any of this
furniture. He had a pocket watch he thought had
belonged to his grandfather, but that was about it on the
personal items front.

Which was kind of sad if he thought about it, so he


"Then we just have to wait until dark."
He raised his head and looked out the window.

Already dusk. "Do we need to hit your place before we
go to the bus station?"

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"No. No, but I do have a locker at the bus station. My

stuff is there."

He blinked at Tanner, just a bit. Did the man not

really have anywhere to stay? Was that why they always
hit his place?

Win decided it didn't matter.
He finally made himself get up. "You need more food

before we go, don't you?" Tanner'd hardly eaten

"I do, yeah. I'll get the shakes." Rolling off the bed,

Tanner came to give him a hug, surprisingly strong.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He gave Tanner a grin, but

privately, he thought that maybe there wasn't anything
he wouldn't do for Tanner.

It was a scary thought, so he pushed it out of his head

and grabbed his backpack, moving to his drawers to
pack what he'd need to start over somewhere else.

Funny, how the thought didn't make him cold at all.


It felt so weird to be sneaking out of town in the

middle of the night.

Not weird leaving with Win; the fact that Win was

willing to just pick up and go left him almost giddy.
What was weird was feeling like Ray was the enemy.
The man had been his only friend a good while.

How sad was it that he'd felt like Ray was a friend

until he met Win?

Win came over to where he was waiting in the

shadows, flashing two tickets and a grin. "Gate four. It
leaves in ten minutes."

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"Cool." He'd already grabbed his stuff out of his

locker. Not much, just an ID, some cash, and a book
with his birth certificate and all.

Tanner nodded toward the gate and they headed

there. "I grabbed some snacks, a couple Cokes."

"Cool." Things were going really well. Tanner hoped

it wasn't too well.

Win glanced around as they got to the gate. The bus

was already loading, and they joined the line for it,
tickets in hand.

The hair rose on the back of his neck just as Win

stepped up on the first step. This time he didn't have to
look far to see who was watching. One of Ray's guys
stepped up and dug a gun into his ribs so fast that no one
would know they were anything but friends. "Dude, glad
I caught you. Come chat a minute."

Win's head whipped around, his lover's eyes

narrowing immediately when they caught sight of the

Tanner shook his head at Win, trying to make him

understand. Just go.

Win climbed down the stairs, glaring at the guy.

"What do you want with my boyfriend?"

Boyfriend. Oh, that was... a really bad idea. Tanner

opened his mouth to tell the goon that Win was crazy, he
didn't know Win at all. What came out was a grunt when
the gun jabbed into his side.

Win looked like he was going to lose it. "I think you

should walk away from him. Now. Before something
bad happens here."

"Nothing is going to happen." The man drew Tanner

away from the not-so-curious attendant, who was stoned
out of his gourd. "He's not going to chance burning you

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The guy was right. Tanner couldn't set any fires. Not

with the diesel the bus was spewing.

Win kept up with them, damn it, eyes on the man

holding him against his will. The air almost seemed to
vibrate with the tension.

He could feel the heat building in his belly, in his

chest. He couldn't release it, though. He just couldn't. A
huge flare-up of flame would be a signal fire, drawing

Win's eyes were cold, the blue almost like ice chips.

He'd thought that the first time they met, that Win had
these amazing, polar eyes.

"Look. Just go away -- nobody has to get hurt here."
Win glanced at him, giving him a half smile before

turning that glare back on Ray's man.

"Can't do it. We're already in too much on this job."

The guy kept pulling. Once they were out of sight of the
bus, Tanner dug his heels in.

"I'm not going."
Win walked up to them and grabbed Tanner's arm.

"We're out of here. Give him a taste of it, man, and we'll

"I--" He wasn't sure if he could. Not with the gun and

with Win touching him...

"I'm gonna start shooting in a second," hissed the

man with the gun.

"No, you're not." Win shook his head. "He's too

important to you alive."

"Win." Tanner was afraid. Last time he just hadn't

been able to control it enough. He could have hurt Win,
and they needed to duck out of town quietly, not in a
blaze of glory.

"Maybe he is, but you're not." The gun was suddenly

aimed straight at Win instead of him.

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Rage built in him, and Tanner let the fire grow, let it

slide up his spine and down toward his fingertips.
Before he could let it loose and unleash hell, though, the
gunman started screaming.

He dropped the gun, which shattered as it hit the

floor, and he'd gone pale, his lips almost blue.

Tanner jumped back, staring. He hadn't. He couldn't.

The man's breath came out in icy plumes.

"Oh, God." Win was shivering, eyes wide as he

stared at the guy with the gun. "Tanner! We gotta get out
of here, man."

"I -- the bus, do you think?" They could easily make

it to the bus and be gone. He grabbed Win's arm, which
felt frozen. "God."

A full-body shiver went through Win, his teeth

clattering together like it was freezing outside. Win
nodded. "Yeah. Come on. We just need to go."

"Okay." Tanner grabbed the tickets; they'd fallen on

the ground in the shuffle. Then he dragged Win, who
was moving like molasses in winter, to the bus.

They climbed on, Tanner giving Win a good shove to

get him up. They went all the way to the back of the bus,
dropping into the last set of seats.

Win was shivering like crazy. "Shit, Tanner. When

did it get so cold?"

"It's not, babe." Win was, though. Win was freezing.

Tanner moved as close as he could, trying to share his
considerable warmth.

"Oh, God, you're so warm." Win pushed into him,

head on his shoulders, hands sliding under his T-shirt.
They were like ice.

"Dude." It was starting to sink in. Win had done that.

He's made the guy freeze damn near to death. "I've never
seen anything like that."

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Win just shuddered, skin feeling a little bit less frigid

as he held on.

"I got you, man." They could talk later. For now, Win

needed to warm up. Tanner's brow furrowed as he
concentrated. He fed warmth into his hands, transferring
it to Win.

"Oh..." Win moaned and relaxed against him,

breathing hard, like he'd been running for miles.

"That's it." He could do this. Usually his fire wasn't

something he could control too much, but for Win, he
would do it.

"Oh, better. Oh, God, Tanner."
"Shh." Luckily, the bus was mostly empty when they

pulled out, so they weren't drawing attention. "You did
that for me."

"What? I did what?" Win drew back, eyes wide.
He stroked Win's cheek. "You froze him out." That

made him chuckle a little. It was a good word play.

"Me? How?"
"I don't know." He didn't understand the science of it.

It was like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Win shook his head, a trembling hand reaching out to

touch his chest. "You're the special one, man."

"You worked it, though." He put his hand over Win's,

rubbing a little to warm it.

"I have no clue what I did."
"I don't either." He remembered that, how it felt the

first time he'd seen what he could do. It was fucking

Win shook his head. "I don't believe it."
"I know. It's weird." He grinned a little, pecking a

kiss on Win's nose, which looked frost-nipped.

Win shivered again. "You're nice and warm. And I'm

starving. Where're those chips?"

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"Here." They had managed to get on the bus with

their packs; no small feat, considering the situation.

"Cool." Win ate like he was starving, sucking back

on the Coke, too. Tanner knew the feeling.

More and more he was convinced that Win could do

with ice what he did with fire. No wonder they got

Win sat back, leaning against his shoulder once he'd

devoured most of their food and all but a couple
mouthfuls of their Cokes. "I don't know, man. This is
kind of freaky."

"It is. I mean, not to me. To me it's cool." It seemed

important that Win know that he wasn't freaked.

Win looked him in the eye. "Yeah? For real?"
"For real. I mean, it kind of makes me think you're

made for me." He rubbed Win's arms, feeling the skin
lose its icy cast.

Win laughed at that, then stopped and nodded. "You

know, that makes sense. We're like opposites."

"We are. You know they attract."
"That's what I've heard." Win rolled his neck and

looked out the window, relaxing as they came in sight of
the highway. "So we're like hot and cold, huh? I mean, I
knew what you could do, but I never..."

"You help me when I get too hot." He chewed his lip,

thinking. "I guess it makes sense, huh?"

Win nodded. "You sure warmed me up quickly

enough. I thought I was going to die of frostbite there
for a minute." Win frowned, twisted the cap on the Coke
bottle. "You don't think I killed that guy back there, do

"No." Tanner chuckled. "He was breathing. You

killed his gun, though."

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Win grinned. "Shocked the hell out of me when he

dropped it and it shattered. I still can't quite believe I did

"You did." He glanced around, then kissed Win hard.

No one was watching.

Groaning, Win latched a hand around his arm, tongue

pushing against his lips.

They clung together, his body heating Win's, the

feeling so good. He loved to be able to do something

Their lips parted and Win rested their heads together.
"This is good, Win. I knew you were special before I

knew this. Now, though..." He wasn't letting the man go.

"Now we're on the run together."
"Men of mystery." They wouldn't do what he'd been

doing when they started over, though. They'd get real

Win laughed. "Superheroes?"
"Circus freaks." He started chuckling, not able to


"I bet that's closest." Win sobered suddenly "We

can't, though. We can't do anything that'll draw attention
to ourselves."

"I know. I know." That would get them caught,

studied. "We can do this."

"Live on the lam together? I can think of worse


"Me, too." He so could. "I -- I think I might be in

love with you, Win."

Win smiled and kissed him again.
They were definitely meant to be.


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely
coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the

Fire in the Hole
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright © 2011 by Lorne Rodman
Cover illustration by Alessia Brio
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-259-0


All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this
book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as
provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address
Torquere Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: July 2011
Printed in the USA

Fire in the Hole - 63


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