Am I right? Yes, you are.
Am I pregnant? No, you
Are you hungry? Yes, I
Is London a big town?
Yes, it is.
Is he your brother? No,
he isn't.
Are we ready? Yes, we
Are the children at
home? No, they aren't.
Are ghosts real? No,
they aren't.
Are you at home? Yes,
we are.
Are you watching this
film? Yes, I am.
Is it raining? No, it isn't.
Are the boys playing
football today? No they
Are you waiting for me?
Yes, we are.
Were you happy? Of
course I was.
Were you at the
meeting? No, I wasn't.
Was she at the party?
No, she wasn’t.
Wasn't that funny? Yes,
it was.
Was the book good? No,
it wasn’t.
Were they watching TV
when you came? Yes,
they were.
Were you having a good
time? No, I wasn't.