The Rich Jerk Review by Web Marketing Review

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The Rich Jerk, Making Money on the Internet


Presented By

Web Marketing Review




Last Updated July 30, 2006

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implementing the strategies in the reviewed product.

Note: provides 100% free unbiased reviews, tips, news, and how-to articles on internet

marketing solutions.

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From the Editors of

Part I - Executive Summary

The Good: The Rich Jerk is well designed and to the point. It covers
many topics, is fairly easy to read, and has a very original style.

The Bad: Navigation is difficult and support resources are only
average. Some topics are covered too briefly.

The Bottom Line: The Rich Jerk manages to distinguish itself as one of
the most unique products in its category while offering good quality in a
solid overall package. We just wish that navigating wasn't so difficult.

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Part II – Detailed Review


One of the e-books that has been making the most waves in the realm of
Internet marketing strategies lately is The Rich Jerk. With its arrogant,
shock value presentation and its promise of no BS, to-the-point
techniques, this book has been discussed repeatedly in forums all over the
world. A huge word of mouth success, The Rich Jerk has become one of
the top ten bestselling products of its kind. Today, Web Marketing
Review (WM-R) takes a detailed look at The Rich Jerk to see if it's really
worth checking out.


Open up the PDF file, and you are greeted by a stylized logo and a whole
lot of orange background. That, and a huge cartoon head with a
perpetually self-content look, no doubt a representation of the Jerk
himself. Fortunately for you (and your optometrist), the rest of the pages
are white with black letters, the orange theme being restricted only to the
tops of pages and the headings.

Organization is well done, and the table of contents is nicely divided and
easy to use. Regrettably, this ebook does not include any bookmarks,
making navigation to specific chapters or sections an unnecessarily
frustrating affair. The writing style of The Rich Jerk is generally pleasing,
and a refreshing change of pace from other commonly stale, and boring

Judging a book by its cover: The Rich Jerk’s cover
looks nice, but w e’re glad the rest of the pages
aren’t orange.

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books. While user friendliness is generally good in presenting ideas and
techniques, The Rich Jerk fails to actually provide step-by-step
instructions for users.


In terms of features, The Rich Jerk provides a large amount of information
in a fairly small number of pages (63 pages). It has chapters on using and
creating affiliate webpages, search engine optimization (SEO), using
Google Adwords and Adsense, eBay auction strategies and much
more. One of The Rich Jerk's key selling points is its no BS approach, and
we are glad to say that they have succeeded in this aspect, at least
somewhat. The ebook is relatively short and easy to read, while covering
a large amount of mostly useful information. However, it is not perfect,
and some of the sections could have been stripped down further, while
others were too brief. Although this may not be a problem for experienced
marketers, novices might have trouble keeping up in some parts. The Rich
Jerk does redeem itself somewhat by including a "Supplemental
Information for Beginners" chapter.


Internet marketing ebooks tend to be disturbingly similar, going over
many of the same points, techniques and concepts. The Rich Jerk is no
different. Do not buy it expecting to see a host of entirely new and
unheard of marketing secrets. That being said, this product does do a
good job of differentiating itself from other competitors, and there are
actually quite a few techniques and ideas that we haven't seen before. The
style of this book and its arrogant "I'm better than you" approach is a

N ot for n ovices: D esp ite th e b egin n er’s section , it is
helpful to already have some experience.

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major factor of The Rich Jerk's success, and it is no doubt one of the most
distinct ebooks available.


The Rich Jerk's weakest point is its average support. While it offers not
just email support, but also a forum for registered users, there is no phone
support provided, a glaring omission. As of yet, we have not tested out
their email service. One thing that we did like was the inclusion of free
updates for life, as well as a 60-day money-back guarantee, although some
competitors do not put a limit on their guarantee at all.


The biggest problem with gauging the effectiveness of The Rich Jerk, is
that everyone seems to be either on its payroll or trying to promote his or
her own product. Ignoring these occurrences, however, it seems that this
ebook is not all hype. User opinions are very much positive and most
people feel that their purchase was well worth the money. A fair
percentage of users reported experiencing successes, although not to the
extent as promised by the book. Regardless, with its ideas and unique in-
your-face style, The Rich Jerk is overall, a good buy.

Score Breakdown

Design: 7

Features: 7

Originality: 8

Support: 6

Performance: 7

Final Score: 7

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Part III - How do we cover our reviews?

WM-R rates all products using the same system. Scores are on a scale of
1 to 10, with 10 being a perfect rating. Each product is evaluated in 5
separate criteria, each weighted as 20% of the total score. These criteria
include the following:


We evaluate the appearance of the product, as well as its ease of
use. Appealing layouts and color schemes are taken into
consideration. Particularly important, is how user friendly the product is,
with use of language and organization being factors.


When evaluating features, we consider what each product offers to the
user as well as how useful these will actually be. Products with more
features will get higher ratings, but how well these features are
implemented will also be assessed.


In this market, there is a high level of redundancy among different
products. In terms of originality, we award points for products that
differentiate themselves from the norm in both features and presentation.


For support, we award half of our points for the services provided by the
company, as well as its policies. We will then perform an actual test on
one of these services by either phone or email, awarding the other half of
the points based on the result.


In order to gauge performance, we evaluate the likelihood of success for
each product as well as its effectiveness based on long-term empirical
evidence. A product that works somewhat well for most people will get a
higher rating than one that works fabulously for only a few.

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What Our Ratings Mean

10 – Perfect

9 - 9.9 – Spectacular

8 - 8.9 – Excellent

7 - 7.9 – Very Good

6 - 6.9 – Good

5 - 5.9 – Average

4 - 4.9 – Medicore

3 - 3.9 – Poor

2 - 2.9 – Terrible

1 - 1.9 – Abysmal

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