Tips Wine Storage Solutions At Your Fingertips

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Wine Storage Solutions At Your


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Wine Storage Solutions At Your Fingertips

Has anyone ever called you an oenophile? If someone did, did you know what they meant? An
oenophile is someone who loves wine. Wine has been a revered beverage used in religious
ceremonies since ancient times. It may have come into being accidentally. Since yeast is everywhere
in the world, at some point some of it was bound to end up in some grape juice or other sweet liquid
causing fermentation, and wine was born!

Back in the ancient world someone discovered that if he put yeast into grape juice he turned it into an
entirely new drink. What he may or may not have understood is that yeast causes the grape juice to
ferment which changes all the sugar in the juice into alcohol. He shared his drink with others who
agreed that he had come up with something pretty good. That is when ancient peoples began
intentionally making juice into wine.

Back in those days a vintner had little choice as far as wine storage solutions. He could keep wine in
crocks and ewers. He had no way to control the temperature the wine was exposed to or the humidity.
Wine that was kept for long periods of time might well have turned to vinegar by the time it was
opened. Later it was discovered that the conditions in caves and cellars were good for the keeping of
wines, and wine cellars were born.

Wine storage solutions need to provide a variety of features in order to meet the various needs of
different wine lovers and homes. For people who store modest wines and whose homes have
moderate temperatures, open wine racks provide a good solution. The environment in these homes is
friendly to the typical wine and these wine racks will provide the storage necessary for most tastes.

Wine storage coolers can be used by wine lovers who wish to protect their wine when it's at its peak.
Wine storage comes as small as tiny one bottle coolers and as large as entire refrigerated rooms. The
choice of wine storage solutions rests on a number of things: What is the value of the wine to be
stored? Are the owners exacting and precise about their wine storage or a little less particular? What
can the household afford to spend for wine storage?

It is difficult to get wine to stay at it's peak and even more difficult to get it to reach it's peak.
Temperature range for wine is not very broad, it needs to be no lower than 40 degrees and no higher
than 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Little variation is allowed and no more than five degrees. The less
temperature variation occurs the better and it should happen less than one time per year. Humidity
should be kept at more than fifty percent and the cooler should be out of the sun and light free, which
is something that can harm wines.

The preferred method for wine storage is that the bottles be lying on their sides horizontally. An angle
up to 45 degrees will work, but angles less than 25 degrees are much better. You can use a cooler to
stack loose bottles if you like; however, this arrangement makes it difficult to get to bottles in the
bottom rows of the stack. Therefore, wine racks work better. When buying a wine rack, make sure it
has spaces for wine bottles that are different shapes and sizes.

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