At your service 2

to sneeze - if you sneeze the air suddenly comes from your nose making noise

to give a lift - to make a business operate better

involvement - the fact of taking part in an activity or event

policy - the way of doing sth that has been officially agreed or chosen by political party or business

tissue - a piece of soft, thin paper for blowing your nose

to impress someone - to make someone feel admiration and respect

to distinguish - to recognize and understand the difference between two or more things

unstuffy - informal

servant - someone who is paid to clean someone's house, to cook etc.

consideration - careful thought and attention

to put someone at ease - to make someone feel relaxed

to have / hold a stake in sth - you get advantages if it is successful and you feel that you have an important connection with it

consistent - always behaving in the same way, having the same standards or attitudes

to outshine - to be better or more impressive than someone or sth else

poppy - a plant with brightly colored usually red flowers and small black seeds

unruly - wild, violent and difficult to control

to seed itself - to produce a new plant using its own seeds

to inherit - to receive money or property from someone after they died

to decay - to be slowly destroyed by a natural, chemical process

to owe sth to someone - to help to achieve sth

to originate - to come from a particular place

affectionate - loving and caring

forthcoming (event) - planned to happen soon

to maintain - to make sth continue

adventurous - not afraid of taking risk or trying new things

to brief - to give someone all the information about a situation that they will need

awareness - knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation

encounter - an occasion when you meet or experience sth

snout - the long nose of some kinds of animals

snorkel - a tube that allows someone swimming to breath air under water

visibility - the distance it is possible to see especially in bad weather or conditions

to head off - to leave to go to another place

content - happy and satisfied

to exhale - to breath air out of your mouth

mist - a light cloud low over the ground

enchanting - very pleasant and attractive

pod - a group of sea animals that swim together

shriek - scream

to rotate - to change places especially in a circular direction

to overtake - to go pass and moving vehicle

chatter - informal talk

dramatic - exciting and impressive

io peep into sth - to give a quick or secret look at sth

itinerary - a plan or list of the places you will visit on the journey

breathtaking - very impressive, exciting or surprising

misfortune - very bad luck

troublesome - causing problems in an annoying way

dome - round roof of a building

to be indebted to sth / someone - to be grateful to someone for their help

honeymoon - a holiday taken by newly weds

disused - no longer use


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