Cyborg Seduction 8 Haunting Blackie

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Haunting Blackie

Laurann Dohner

Book 8 in the Cyborg Seduction series. It is advisable to read the books in order to get the

most enjoyment from the series.

Eve’s mission is to rescue cyborgs from termination centers on Earth. She is blindsided by the

overwhelming attraction that draws her to one of them. He’s handsome, sexy, and she wants him,
craves his touch as she has no other. She must send him to freedom but she makes him promise to wait
for her.

Blackie cannot forget the courageous woman who saved him. He never learned whether she died

during the rebellion or just changed her mind about leaving with him but he holds her within his
lonely heart. He exists to serve the Cyborg Council and protect the new world cyborgs have created.
This changes when he discovers the woman who haunts his dreams is alive and the cyborg leaders
left her behind to die. He’ll never lose her again and he’ll fight his own kind to avenge and keep her.

A Romantica® sci-fi erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

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Laurann Dohner

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To “the one” in my life. Thank you for always being so wonderful and supportive.

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The past

His pain receptor implants had been disabled. He was no longer capable of controlling the pain

his captors inflicted. Agony streamed from almost every nerve ending in his body. He remembered all
the horrific things the guards had done to him over the past days and couldn’t even wish for death.
They wouldn’t allow him to die until they deemed his punishment complete.

The room was hazed in blue lights and the machines provided a steady source of sound to assure

him he lived, if his existence could be called such. It hurt to move his head when he looked down his
body as he lay sprawled on an examining table. They’d given him a low dose of poison to keep him
down, weakened and suffering, while they exacted revenge for his defiance. He’d been tortured,
severe damage done to almost every part of him, and it would be hours before he healed.

Cuts and bruises marred his chest. A bloody gash on his shoulder hurt the worst. A guard had

enjoyed making that wound, a smile on his face when he’d wielded the machete-style weapon. He’d
refused a direct order when he’d attacked the guards instead of meekly stepping inside the large room
they’d indicated he should enter. He understood it was an incinerator. It meant death. He wanted to

Doors whooshed open and he closed his eyes, not wanting to see another face hovering over him

as they relished their cruel handiwork. Strong shackles restrained his wrists and ankles or he’d fight
until they ended his suffering.

“Oh god,” a feminine voice whispered. Gentle fingers trembled as they stroked along his


Curiosity forced him to look at the woman. Her eyes were full of unmasked concern.
“What have they done to you?”
It was impossible to believe that she felt any semblance of compassion for him. No one ever

showed emotion unless it was disdain, cold indifference, or malicious glee. Her hand left his face to
push buttons on the table and the restraints released his limbs.

“You are going to be okay. I’ll get you out of here.” She turned her head, glancing around. “You

have to help me. You’re a big one.” She looked back at him, peering deeply into his eyes. “Can you

“Yes,” he rasped, his voice coming out unusually harsh after his earlier screams. They’d

inflicted so much pain he had been unable to remain silent during the worst of the torture.

She backed up a little and he struggled to sit up. The woman must have realized his dilemma and

she wrapped a thin arm around his waist, assisting him as he managed to struggle upright.

“Lean on me.”
She was little, the top of her head not quite reaching his shoulder when he stood. She had pale

skin and was clearly human. He wondered why she was there. No one cared about him. No one like
her ever would. It was almost as if she was there to help him escape but that didn’t make sense. She
probably worked in the hellish place. He tried to stay upright without assistance but his damaged legs
shook as he fully settled on them.

“Listen to me,” she urged, pushing against his side to support more of his weight. “All prototypes

have general information downloaded during their growth cycle inside the lab. You’ll know how to
fly the transport I’m taking you to. Trust your instincts if your mind is fuzzy. You can talk and

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understand me so I know they didn’t wipe your mind.”

They reached the door and she paused, staring intently through the glass. He followed her gaze

but didn’t see anyone. Her hand settled on the door and she pushed the release to open it. They
stepped into the hallway together.

“Remember this mission call signal—895589. Program that into the locator. It will take you to

the others. Trust them. They are going to help you. Repeat the numbers now.”

“Good.” She staggered a bit under his weight but kept them on the move.
He tried to straighten to keep from crushing her.
“The transport will take you to safety when you order it to.”
He noticed the cameras and came to a halt.
“Don’t worry about those. I put the feed for them on a loop. We have a five-minute window

while the guards are changing shifts, plus however long it takes them to realize it’s the same footage.”
She tugged on him until they reached a set of sealed doors.

The thick metal panels swished apart when she tapped the electronic pad, revealing a small

room. He knew it was an elevator despite never remembering seeing one before. She urged him
inside and the doors closed, sealing them in the confined space.

“This is the hard part.” She wiggled a little until her chest pressed against his, still holding on to

him. Her chin lifted and she stared at him with big blue eyes. “Disable the pilot even if you have to
kill him. You know how to fight, it’s standard downloaded information. I know you’re hurt but you’re
stronger than you think.” She reached up, cupped his cheek. “You’re healing already. You will fully

“Downloaded?” He was having a difficult time understanding what she meant.
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but you were grown in a vat.” Sympathy flashed in her

eyes and her voice softened, perhaps from pity. “It takes a while for you to develop physically so they
use that time to install programs while you’re kept unconscious. It’s more efficient if they have fully
functioning units when you’re woken and pulled from the growth labs. They can actually put you in
uniform and send you off to work within the same hour.”

He wanted to ask questions but she cut him off.
“It’s how you can talk and understand me. Language skills. They have a whole list of standard

programs they download until you just wake up knowing stuff. Fighting. Flying. I could list more since
there’re hundreds of them, including how to dress, eat and do the jobs they created you for. You’re
just going to have to trust me.”

He gripped her wrist to keep her hand in place. “Who are you? Why are you helping me? Why

did they want to burn me alive?”

“They turned this place into a termination center. It’s a long story we don’t have time to go over.

You aren’t the first they’ve tried to kill but you’ll be the last if I have my way. You need to disable the
pilot by any means necessary. They are bad so don’t feel guilty if you have to take a life. He’ll kill
you if given the chance. No one here is innocent. They’ve killed plenty of your units. Compassion is
something you can’t afford when they have none. You have three objectives at this moment. Take out
the pilot, flee this place and program 895589 into the onboard computer. You have the ability to
mentally link to it and it will tell you where to go. You have active receptors that make it possible for
your mind to talk to computers. It’s how I found you.”

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“You work here.”
The doors swished open behind them. The loud sound of an engine made her pale. “We missed

it. Shit! It’s okay. Another will come in a few minutes.”

She pulled out of his hold by jerking her hand down then wrapping her arm around his waist and

tugging on him. He didn’t resist.

“You have to hide. Don’t come out until the next transport arrives. Take the pilot out fast before

he can alert security. You need to surprise him since they are armed.” She glanced at his chest. “Your
skin will alert them that you’re a cyborg. You’ll be terminated on sight.”

Fresh air filled his lungs—crisp, exhilarating. It was dark outside but lights illuminated a large

red circle in front of them. They were on top of the building. He contemplated her words. Part of him
knew she told the truth but he couldn’t remember why anyone would wish to kill him. That assumption
was just there somehow, giving credence to everything she’d told him about having knowledge he
wasn’t aware existed. His mind remained muddled though and connecting thoughts was hard to do,
probably due to by the poison still working through his system.

She led him to one of the large boxes along the side of the open area and pulled him down until

his back rested against cool metal. He sat on the rough surface while she crouched next to him.

“All the knowledge will come back to you. You’re suffering blood loss and they’ve purposely

kept you in a confused state. Don’t think. Just do. Trust your instincts.”

He suddenly grabbed her by the neck. He didn’t know why he did but it happened so fast he

couldn’t stop until his fingers were curled around the delicate column of her throat.

Her eyes widened and he identified fear as the emotion that filled them. She didn’t fight but

instead gently rested her hands on the curves of his bare shoulders. “Please don’t hurt me.”

He didn’t want to. He just couldn’t let her go. He did resist the urge to tighten his grip.
“Your instincts are kicking in. That’s good. They’re telling you that I’m the enemy after what was

done to you, but I’m not.”

She moved slowly and stunned him by lifting a leg to straddle his lap. He became aware of her

ass resting over his thighs and how she didn’t weigh much when she scooted higher until their bellies

“You’re a C-46 unit. I can tell by your black hair, skin coloring and handsome features. You also

have facial hair. Dr. Marlito designed you.” She let go of his shoulders and fisted the top of her shirt,
tugging it low.

He glanced down to see what she was doing but ended up staring at the tops of her breasts. Her

skin was pale, almost white, and the soft mounds were pushed high by a tight material that covered
part of them. Thin straps from the little top ran up over her shoulders. It was an appealing sight that
made him aware of movement below his waist.

“That’s it,” she whispered. “Instincts. I’m all woman and you’re one big male from what I’m

feeling. See? You don’t want to kill me.”

“I feel strange.”
“You’re turned-on. You want to fuck me.”
An image filled his head, of him running his hands all over her naked body. He wanted to tear off

her clothes and touch every inch of her, explore it with his mouth too. A throbbing began to radiate
from his groin area. His shaft was hard and achy. He wanted to lay her on her back, spread her thighs
and drive his dick inside her. He just knew it would feel incredible, despite no real memory of ever

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pinning down a woman before.

She wiggled on his lap, her tight black pants stroking his rigid member through the shorts he

wore. Pleasure rocketed through his system, replacing the pain from all his injuries. His fingers
released her throat and tangled in her short blonde hair instead.

“Oh yeah, you’re a C-46,” she whispered. The fear left her eyes and she glanced at his chest.

“You’re going to have to hold that thought though. We don’t have time.”

His other hand curved around her hip. He didn’t want to let her go.
She leaned in closer and his attention focused on her lips. They tempted him to kiss them. He

suddenly knew how to do that. His mouth would fit over hers, she’d open up to him, and he’d—

“Look at me now.”
He forced his focus to her eyes.
“You have super-high levels of testosterone. It means you’re prone to feeling the way you do

right now since they disengaged your implants so they could get their jollies by watching you suffer.
You need to gain control of your emotions immediately. I have to go back before I’m missed.”

“No,” he rasped. He wanted her. His hold on her hip tightened.
“You were designed to have a high sex drive. Do you understand? Let’s say that Dr. Marlito is a

pervert who really enjoys her work. She had to make your line that way to even have a chance of
getting one of you to touch her. You have to release me and let me go back inside. There are others
who need my help.”

“No,” he asserted louder. He wanted her and was going to have her.
A siren blared and she gasped. “Shit! They know you’re gone. Someone must have noticed the

loop.” She wiggled on his lap, tried to get off, but he held firm.

“I need you.”
She stared into his eyes and cupped his face with one hand. “You have no idea how much I want

you too. I’ve never rescued anyone who tempted me more, Handsome. I’ll make you a promise. I’ll
meet you when we leave the planet in three weeks. We’ll finish this then. Don’t you dare hook up with
anyone else. It’s going to be me and you, okay? We’ll be bunk buddies.”

He was confused and it must have shown.
“Living quarters will be cramped on the ships and I know they’ll assign at least two to a room.

I’m going to find you, Handsome. You and I will get to know each other really well.” She leaned
forward and brushed her soft lips over his. “That’s my promise to you. Now promise me you won’t
lose your heart to one of those upgraded models. You’re mine.”

The experience of that teasing kiss only made him want more. His mouth tingled where she’d

touched him and her enjoyable feminine scent filled his nose as he inhaled. He’d agree to anything she
asked of him if he could just continue to be close to her. “Yes.”

She shifted on him and reached behind her back. Something sharp pinched his leg, causing him to

look down. She’d plunged a syringe into his thigh.

“Sorry. It won’t last long. I don’t want you to fight them when they come up here. They’ll be

tracking all movement and know someone went to the roof. You have four objectives now. Take out
the pilot. Flee. Find 895589.” She brushed her lips over his again and stared deeply into his frozen
gaze. “And don’t lose your heart to anyone but me. I’ll be safe. Remember that. I’ll be seeing you
soon, Handsome. Don’t play hero. You can’t beat the odds. They’ll kill you on sight so get the hell out
of here and don’t worry about me.”

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She climbed off him, dropping the used syringe next to his leg. He couldn’t move to stop her, his

body paralyzed by whatever drug she’d injected him with. The woman rushed around the metal box he
sat behind. He caught a glimpse of her reflection on a shiny area of another box nearby as she ran to
the lift that had brought them to the roof.

The doors opened before she reached it and armed guards rushed out. She paused and put her

hands up. “Hello, boys. Would you believe I just wanted to gaze up at the stars? It’s a beautiful night.”

“What have you done?” One of the guards stormed closer to her. “You bitch! Its blood is on you.

Where is it?”

“He’s gone,” she taunted. “You just missed the transport but he didn’t.”
He helplessly watched as the guard struck the woman hard with the back of his hand. She went

down from the blow, sprawling out of his sight line. The sound would have made him jerk if he’d
been able to move.

“You allowed the cyborg to escape?” The guard bent then straightened, pulling the woman up.

He gripped her throat, towering over her by half a foot. “I told Cameron to kill you.”

Red smeared her mouth—he knew it was her blood—and rage gripped him. The guard had hurt

her. He tried to go to her defense but his body failed to respond.

“You know that’s never going to happen, Mike. Cameron won’t allow me to die until he gets

what he wants. Hell hasn’t frozen over yet. You can huff and puff but you can’t blow me away.”

“I can fucking hurt you, at least.”
The guard spun and threw the woman. She hit the wall next to the lift with a sickening thud. Rage

gripped him but the injection held him still. He couldn’t see her but was able to watch the guard move
toward where she’d disappeared. In seconds he saw her motionless body hefted over the shoulder of
the man he silently swore to kill.

They took her into the lift and it closed. Minutes passed and his fingers twitched. He regained the

ability to move and stood. Each step was a labored attempt as he tried to go after the woman to save
her. The lift refused to open for him no matter how many buttons he pushed. Frustration rose but the
sound of an approaching engine caught his attention.

A light in the sky drew closer and he moved, hiding again. A big vehicle touched down inside

the red circle and the engines died. The pilot climbed out but took time to grab some kind of case
from the interior.

Indecision warred within him. Flee or go after the woman? He inched along the wall, staying in

the shadows, feeling every injury now that his focus wasn’t on sex. He was weak and the shot she’d
used to paralyze him made his limbs heavy.

You have four objectives, her voice echoed inside his mind. Take out the pilot. Flee. Find

895589. And don’t lose your heart to anyone but me. She’d said they wouldn’t kill her. Don’t be a
He focused solely on her instructions and acted before he changed his mind.

He moved slower than he intended but the pilot seemed distracted, playing with the zipper of his

flight suit instead of watching where he walked. The man must have sensed him or perhaps seen
something out of the corner of his eye because his head turned. One hand reached for the weapon
strapped to his right hip.

The human’s eyes widened for a split second when he squeezed the pilot’s throat. This time

there was no hesitation. He tightened his fingers as he lifted his opponent, who tried to free his gun
from its holster. One violent twist and bone snapped. He dropped the dead man at his feet, stepped
over the corpse and limped to the vehicle.

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You know how to fly it. Trust your instincts if your mind is fuzzy. The woman’s words repeated

inside his mind as if she whispered them into his ear.

Familiarity tugged at his subconscious when he climbed inside, closed the door, and the dash

automatically lit when it registered the presence of a pilot. His fingers moved before he gave it
thought, flipping switches. It was sobering when he realized he knew what to do but had no memory
of ever being inside a vehicle like the one he now commanded. The engines came to life and he flew
high above the roof, his hands on the controls.

Link to it and it will tell you where to go. You have active receptors that make it possible for

your mind to talk to computers.

He examined the rounded hub near the ceiling where he assumed the main access to the onboard

computer would be, focused on it, and a strange tingling began at the back of his head.

It wasn’t audible but he heard the computerized voice inside his mind. Locate 895589. He

thought it instead of speaking the words.

Images flashed through his brain and he knew where to go. His hands controlled the shuttle as he

sped higher into the sky and away from where he’d been held prisoner. The woman’s features
lingered in his mind.

* * * * *

He knew he’d reached his location. The buildings were old and no sign of life could be seen

from the windows as he landed the craft directly in front of the largest structure. Streetlights were on
as he peered around but most of them had been damaged. It was dark, there were tons of places
someone could hide, but he remained there with the engine running. He wasn’t sure what to do.

Locate 895589, he commanded the computer.
He is here, it responded. Shut down the engines and walk inside. He waits.
Call signal 895589 was an individual. That surprised him. He’d thought it was a place. He

followed instructions, shut down the engines, climbed out and approached the building cautiously.

The door opened before he reached it and he paused, alert. He fisted his hands, ready to fight if

need be. A tall man stepped out into the dim light and surprise reverberated through him. He stared at
the male, glanced down at his arms, before looking back up.

“That’s right,” the deep voice stated, “we’re both cyborgs.” He tilted his head. “You’re

damaged. Come inside. They have air drones that fly over this area every hour.” The cyborg motioned
with a hand. “Fleet, get rid of that transport before they realize it’s gone and begin tracking it. The
scrambling program will only work for so long before they are able to lock on.”

Another gray-skinned cyborg, wearing all black, stepped out of the darkness, barely spared him

a glance, then jogged to the parked shuttle. The engine came on before he reached it.

“I am called Freedom. It’s what I give. What are you called?”
He paused, thinking. “I don’t know.”
“You’re black and blue with bruising. For now we’ll call you Blackie. It fits with your injuries

and your hair color. Come inside quickly. You are safe.”

The name didn’t matter. “I thought you were 895589.”
“It’s a code we put together for this mission. Come with me now.”

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He followed the other cyborg inside and the second the door closed the dark interior changed as

lights began to snap on overhead. He stared at the dozens of other gray-skinned individuals. A few
were female but mostly they were male. Cots were neatly placed along one wall where they
obviously slept. They silently watched him.

“This is one of many safe houses, or in this case it is an abandoned warehouse. These are others

who have been rescued, as you were.” Freedom studied him. “We’ll get you clothes and medical
attention. You’ll feel better when you’ve rested. We shouldn’t be here too long. We move often to
avoid detection. The countdown ends in twenty-two days.”

“What countdown?”
“We are escaping Earth.”
A woman approached. “They did a number on you. I have the ability to download information.


Images were thrust inside his mind. He staggered as they assaulted him. He saw cyborgs such as

himself being killed by the dozens. They had been created by Earth Government for the military, to
function as expendable soldiers and to work dangerous jobs. A female cyborg was surrounded by
seven pale-skinned human men. They attacked her and tore at her clothes. She fought back, killing two
before one of them drew a weapon. She died after being struck by explosive bullets, big holes tearing
apart her chest.

Someone grabbed him around his waist to hold him up.
“Enough, Jazel. He’s weakened,” Freedom ordered. “You know better than to force a link. It’s a

form of assault. Don’t do it again.”

“I apologize. He asked why.” The horrible image of the dead cyborg female faded instantly as he

opened his eyes to stare at the one who had put it there. “That is why we must leave Earth.” She
blinked at him. “They plan to kill all of us.”

“Damn it, Jazel.” Freedom shook his head. “You could have just told him that Earth Government

has ordered our mass destruction and we have decided to live. Turn off your emotions until you learn
better control.”

The woman backed away, dropped her chin, before returning to the group. “He needs

information, not coddling.”

“I’m sorry,” Freedom rasped. “She’s angry. We all are. We have inside help from some humans

who are freeing cyborgs when they are able. You will begin remembering more once you’re stronger.
They auto-load us with information during our growth periods.”

Blackie managed to regain his footing once he caught his breath. “The guards attacked the

woman who helped me escape. We need to go back and rescue her.”

“Hellfire is fine. They won’t kill her. You aren’t the first she’s led to safety and you won’t be the


“That’s her code name. She will plan her own escape before the countdown has ended. She will

be fine and join us when we flee Earth.”

“She’s not a cyborg.”
Freedom chuckled. “She saved your life. That’s all you should be concerned about.” He released

Blackie. “Have a seat on one of the bunks without bedding. We’ll get you tended to.”

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Chapter One

The present

Blackie sat up sharply in his bunk and smacked his head on metal. “Fuck!”
The cot above his squeaked and Gene’s head appeared upside down to his left. “I bet you won’t

do that again.”

“Sometimes I dislike you,” he growled, rubbing the injured spot. “I forgot where I was.”
“We’re on the Bridden. Bad dream? Your breathing increased 7.3 minutes ago.”
He carefully maneuvered out of the sleeping berth and stood, watching his roommate turn onto

his side to stare at him from the upper bunk with a concerned look. “I remember where we are. Now.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Were you contemplating the Markus Models? I’ve had a few bad dreams about them. They are

creepy things.”

“It wasn’t about the fleshy androids.” He turned and walked over to the mirror, checking to see if

he’d have a bruise. He wasn’t bleeding at least.

“Was it about Fleet? I know he’s recently been harsh with his assignments. He’s grooming you

for leadership.”

Blackie glanced at his friend, realizing he wouldn’t give up until he had an answer. “I was

reliving part of our escape from Earth.”

“That wasn’t a bad thing. It was the best day of my life.”
It wasn’t his best day but he kept that to himself.
“It was stressful. I was certain we’d all die but we got away without massive casualties.”

Gene’s voice deepened. “It shouldn’t cause you to experience bad dreams.”

Blackie turned back to the mirror and adjusted his head to peer at the darkened mark at the top of

his forehead. It wouldn’t bruise but it would be tender for a few more minutes. He hated to remember
the day the shuttle landed to pick him up. He’d searched for Hellfire onboard but she hadn’t been
present. In space he’d contacted the other ships they’d stolen, only to discover she wasn’t among the

She’s long dead. She had to have been killed during the escape. Those thoughts always

disturbed him.

“You were rescued from one of the termination centers. You were spared the fighting the other

cyborgs endured while fleeing the detention camps.”

He rolled his shoulders and faced his friend. “That’s accurate.”
“Is this about that woman who rescued you? The one you told me about? I thought you stopped

dreaming about her a few years ago.” Gene slid out of his berth.

He thought he had too. “I had another one.” It would be pointless to lie. It was Gene’s gift to

detect deception.

“She’s got to be really old by now if she’s still alive. You know how they age.”
“I believe she was killed for saving my life.”
“She knew the risks. All of them who helped us did. Do not feel guilt. It was her choice.”
He evaluated his emotions. “I’m angry.”

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“You were injured and outnumbered. She gave you instructions while you were heavily drugged.

They were orders you would have followed under those circumstances. To go after her would have
been suicide and she told you to leave her behind.”

“She promised to meet me.” He instantly regretted the words, knew they revealed too much.
Gene’s gaze softened. “You said you didn’t know her long.”
“She was very memorable.”
“Obviously.” His friend sighed. “We should get ready for our shift. Use the cleansing unit first.

You look like hell.”

Blackie winced. Hellfire.

* * * * *

Eve gazed at the monitor, bored. “Where are you? I’m sitting right here, smack-dab in the middle

of where you should be.” She glanced at the flashing emergency beacon lighting up her console.
“Screaming to get your attention.”

“I guess you’re not seeing anything since you’re muttering to yourself?”
She turned her head to glance at the other woman. “Nothing yet, Danica. Our calculations were

either wrong or pirates got them.”

Danica snorted. “We’re not that lucky and those bastards are too damn mean to go out that way.

They could probably scare those freaks.” She rubbed her arm. The healing cut that she’d earned
during battle was evident. “We could go out farther.”

“We run the risk of coming into contact with pirates if we venture deeper into the Bevias


“So? It beats the shit out of sitting here playing games with the computer. I could totally go for a

round with those mutant bastards after the last encounter we had.”

“We blew them up and there were no survivors. I’d say that was a win. There’s no reason to feel


“But they targeted my favorite section of the ship. It’s toast.”
“Get over it.” Eve watched the monitor again. “It’s not our job to clean out this sector. The

military can deal with them.”

“Speaking of jobs, we aren’t even going to get paid for this. We could be at the way station on

Titan right now.” A wistful sigh filled the room. “Where men are.”

Irritation flashed inside Eve as she glanced at her crewmate. “Is that all you think about?”
“Yes. Maybe I could bag a twofer in one of the bars. Some of those criminal types are pretty hot.

I could take him back to my quarters, have some fun and just keep him in cuffs afterward until we
reach an outpost to hand him off. We’re going to have to pay for those repairs we need somehow.
You’d be thinking about those kinds of things too if you weren’t a robot.”

The snort was instant. “Is that how you see me?”
“You may as well be. When did you forget how to have fun and live a little? You’re all about

hunting bad guys lately.”

“They attacked three space stations and killed everyone aboard. The military isn’t going to do

anything about it but I am. They are deserters no one wants to bring attention to. They stole a shuttle
and are targeting innocent outlanders.”

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“You realize you’re holding me hostage since you won’t let me off this floating junk pile, don’t

you? What are you going to do if we find them? We’re heavily damaged from our encounters with
pirates. You wouldn’t signal that luxury liner we passed two days ago. They had men aboard. We
could have at least asked for a ride back to our home solar system while they towed this hunk of junk
to the nearest space dock. What did I ever do to you to deserve this?”

“You’re still alive.”
Eve smiled. “Whiner.”
“You said it yourself. The military doesn’t even have the balls to go after these assholes or put

up a reward for their capture. They want to wash their hands of the entire mess as if it doesn’t exist.
Why do we have to be the ones to hunt them? Do you have a death wish? Has living lost its shine? I
don’t want to die.”

“I don’t, either, but someone has to go after them. They aren’t targeting military or drone ships.”
“Why does it have to be us?”
She turned in her seat to study Danica. “You know why. We can’t ignore innocent people being

slaughtered. We’re better than that and we care.”

Danica threw up her arms. “You’ve lost your mind. I’m going to my room. I can at least look at

vids of men if I can’t see any real ones.” She stood.

“We can take a ride deeper inside the sector and find some pirates if you’re really intent on

hooking up with a guy. It shouldn’t be too hard to capture one for you to keep in your room as a sex

“Ewww! That’s just sick. I might be desperate but they are mutant freaks. I want someone who

looks good and who isn’t insane.”

“Picky, picky.”
“That’s not funny. I’m gone. This is the thanks I get for being so loyal to you.” Danica stormed

out of the room.

A hint of guilt pestered Eve. It might have bothered her longer but a light suddenly beeped on her

monitor. She pushed the button on the coms. “Contact! Get your ass back here now.”

In seconds Danica returned, rushing to take her seat. “What is it? Who is it?”
“Unknown.” Eve waited for the computer to get a lock on the vessel and identify it. “It is coming

our way.”

“It better be a freighter full of hot, long-distance haulers.”
“I’ll cut the signal and hide us behind the moon if it is. They’ll think it’s an echo once we

disappear off their screens.”

“We can’t exactly dock with them to say ‘hi’. Do you want to start a riot?”
Eve turned to glare at her sister. “I never want to see a bunch of men fighting each other again,

thinking the winners get to drag us off to bed. It was disturbing and we barely made it out of there in
one piece. I didn’t want to end up being someone’s sex slave until we were able to escape.”

“They were ugly but these ones might be younger and attractive. It was kind of flattering, how

they were willing to beat the shit out of each other that way. Look on the bright side. We were hot
commodities and only the strongest would have won. There’s something to be said for that.”

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“You worry me.”
“Incoming intel.”
“I’m seeing it.” Eve scanned the scrolling information the computer displayed and tensed.

“Pirates. There are three ships, closely grouped. They must have docked together to pool resources.”

“Hide us.”
Four additional blips showed on the monitor. Dread pitted inside Eve’s stomach as she read

more information as it was displayed. “It’s a trap.”

“No shit.” Danica’s voice came out high-pitched. “It’s a cluster of those fuckers coming at us

from all sides and we’re in the middle. They are undocking to spread out. You rang the dinner bell
with that distress signal and they are about to serve us up.”

“Seal all sections of the ship and prepare to blow the seals if they board us. We’ll use rapid

decompression to expel them into space.” Her hands trembled when she flipped on the engines. “It’s
not an option to run since we can’t escape. We’re in battle mode. Charge our weapons.”

“Already on it.” Danica paused. “Damn it, Eve. It’s going to be a miracle if we survive this.

There are twenty-three ships in all now that they’ve separated. Make that twenty-four. We don’t stand
a chance in hell with those odds. Think it’s too late to hide?”

“They have too much coverage with their combined scanners locked on. They’d just follow us

and we’ll be trapped inside a crater.”

“At least they’d have to come at us head-on.”
“We’re better off in the open. The good thing about these old transports is their solid hulls. We

can ram them when they try to come alongside us to board.”

“Do you want a bright side?”
“If you say anything about how I was lonely and now there’re at least a few hundred pirates who

want to get their hands on me, I’m going to have to get out of this chair to smack you.”

Eve laughed, some of her fear replaced by humor. “I was going to say the criminals we were

chasing probably fell into this same trap and that means they are dead but now that you mentioned

“Fuck you,” Danica grumbled. “Not funny.”
“I wouldn’t say ‘fuck’. We’re women and you know what they are going to do to us if we’re

taken alive.”

“Gang-raped to death by mutant freaks.” Danica muttered a string of foul curse words. “So not

happening. The only man who’s touching me is going to be sexy looking and not covered in radiation

“Game on.”
“Damn straight. We aim to win.”
Eve kicked off her shoes under the console and shoved them out of the way. She tore open her

flight suit.

“You getting ready to make it easier on them when they overtake us and board the ship?”
“Nope. I’m starting to sweat and want to be comfortable while I kick pirate ass.”
“I hope you’re wearing clean underwear.”
“I’m not planning on dying.”
“Good. I’m going to that new club I heard about on Titan. You’re buying the drinks. We’re going

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there after this. Promise?”

Eve glanced at her screen as she finished removing the warm outfit to sit in her tank top and

comfortable shorts. Their chances were grim at best and guilt returned. She had gotten them both
killed. “Sure. You got it.”

* * * * *

“They don’t stand a chance.” Fleet frowned, watching the viewing screen, zoomed to maximum

to get a better look at the battle taking place.

“Should we intervene?” Gene glanced back. “They aren’t aware of us. We could take out quite a

few of the pirate ships before they realize they have a shielded shuttle firing on them.”

The cyborg in charge shook his head. “Cyborg Council’s orders are not to have any contact with

vessels from Earth. We’ll wait until it’s over and clean up this mess. The Earthers can clear the field
a little for us.”

Blackie itched to fire on the radiation-leaking pirate ships. “The distress signal from the

freighter is weak. It won’t reach Earth or any military vessels within three sectors. No one is coming
to assist them. It wouldn’t matter if we attacked now or later. We still need to take out those pirates.
They are too close to Garden to allow them to roam. Their swarm behavior is also disturbing and out
of character. They are working together in unusually large numbers to attack the Earth vessel. That
shows a strong level of intelligence.”

“Agreed.” Fleet took a seat. “We’ll wait until they dock with the freighter after it’s completely

disabled and target it. They’ll want to converge on it en masse to salvage it for parts. One shot will
cause a chain reaction. We’ll pick off any of the survivors.”

Blackie leaned back in his chair to watch the battle. One pirate ship tried to dock with the belly

of the outdated Earth transport vessel but it changed course and slammed hard into the smaller ship.
They rubbed together to create a light show from the pirates as interior explosions rocketed through
until it drifted away, too damaged to do anything else.

“That pilot is good.” Gene sounded impressed.
“Or desperate,” Fleet announced.
Another pirate ship tried to dock at the side but the freighter turned hard, coming into hard

contact with that one as well. The smaller pirate vessel rolled from the impact, breaking up into large
chunks as it detonated from severe damage.

“Ouch,” Gene muttered. “That had to hurt for the few seconds it took them to die.”
The old Earth vessel rolled completely over as it turned in a new direction, plowing into a few

more pirate ships, taking them out or damaging them until the leaks could be seen as they vented
contents and oxygen into space.

“Take that, you sons of bitches,” a female voice shouted over the open coms.
“Take it down a notch, Danica,” another female voice broadcast. “Decompression in levels one

and six. Just vent the oxygen from all the exterior sections. It’s making it harder to maneuver with the
ruptures and there’s going to be a lot more of them. The helm feels as though I’m trying to steer a
popped balloon.”

“On it, Eve.”
“Surrender,” a male voice hissed.

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“No thanks.” It was the one called Eve who spoke. “My sister has her heart set on hooking up

with someone cute and that leaves all of you off her dance card.”

The other woman laughed. “Exactly. No amount of drinks will make any of you boys look


Blackie knew he wasn’t the only one who was stunned as he glanced around the room. Every

cyborg who had gathered in the confined space to witness the battle had wide eyes and surprised
expressions. There were women aboard the freighter. He jerked his gaze back to the screen.

“Strap in tight,” Eve demanded. “I’m cutting gravity stabilizers to conserve power.”
“Shit.” The other woman groaned. “I hate feeling weightless.”
“You’d hate them boarding us more.”
“That’s the truth. Fire in cargo bay one.”
“Jettison it but wait until that bastard on our ass gets a little closer.”
A section of the freighter broke loose when one of the pirate ships changed course to pull

alongside the Earth vessel instead of behind it, slamming into the ship on the starboard side. They
collided hard, slicing into each other in a tangled mass of steel. Lights flickered rapidly on the pirate
vessel before it began to tear apart.

“They did that on purpose,” Gene gasped. “They’re using the coms to confuse the pirates.”
Blackie smiled, more than a little impressed. “Smart.” He had to admire the women.
“Dickheads zero, cargo bay score one,” the one called Danica said as she laughed. “Okay.

Eighteen more to go.”

“Is that all?” Eve didn’t sound amused. “Hang tough. We’re about to go bowling. Remember that

one? I’m going for it.”

“Fuck.” The other woman had lost her humor by the grim tone of her voice. “Are you sure we

can take it?”

“Do you think we have a lot of options here? Do you want to take the pilot’s seat? We’re three

levels from the impact zones. We’ll hold together or we’ll die fast. Either way you won’t be seeing
radiation sores up close and personal. Lock down Control and seal all the vents. It might hold in some
sections instead of causing a chain reaction.”

“Go for it. I’m strapped in and ready. All sections secure. You better remember your promise if

we do survive.”

“Nightclub and drinks are on me. Unload everything we’ve got on them. It’s balls-to-the-wall

time while we’ve still got enough power.”

The big freighter rolled over and turned, reversed thrusters and slammed into a cluster of trailing

pirate ships. Blackie held his breath, watching the belly of the large transport being torn apart right
along with their targets. Laser cannons blasted from the undamaged weapons on the Earth vessel.

“Fleet?” Gene turned his head. “They are women.”
Their commander stood. “They deserve assistance just for their bravery. I’ll deal with the

council and the consequences.”

Blackie frowned. He wanted to help the freighter, curious about the women aboard. It didn’t sit

well to do nothing while they were killed but it was his duty to state the obvious despite knowing it
would make him unpopular. He debated his personal feelings against what was expected of him. It
could be a test and he decided not to fail. He was up for promotion.

“What do we do with the crew of that ship if we save them? Mission protocols state we avoid

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all contact with any Earth vessels.”

“Let’s worry about that afterward. This is a unique situation.” Fleet leveled an approving stare

on him. “Fire on the pirates.”

He focused his attention on the job at hand. He targeted the pirates, taking out their engines. It

wasn’t hard to kill them. Their ships were outdated and the structural integrity already weakened from
years of attaching scrap metal to keep their hulls together. The battle waged until only the freighter

Blackie studied the ship. They’d stopped firing their cannons and seemed to be drifting in space.

Explosions could be seen sparking in the most damaged sections and he wondered if they’d joined the
battle too late.

“Open a focused link to the freighter. We don’t want our signal to travel out of this sector and be

picked up by anyone else,” Fleet ordered.

“Done,” Gene whispered.
“This is Captain Fleet of an Earth mining expedition,” he lied. “Respond, transport freighter.”
The silence dismayed Blackie. The pilot and copilot had fought valiantly against great odds. He

wouldn’t admit it to others but he had a soft spot for anyone facing unfair odds.

“I repeat, this is Captain Fleet from Earth. Freighter, do you hear me? We picked up your

distress signal.” He glanced at Blackie before motioning to cut the coms. “Drop our shielding. They’ll
know this is an Earth shuttle.” He motioned to Gene to open communication again. “We are allowing
you to pick up our signal now to verify we are from Earth. We’re on a mission for Earth

No response.
Blackie had a really bad feeling that no one had survived on the freighter after that last


“Prepare a team,” Fleet ordered. “We’ll board her and seek survivors.” He shot a glance at

Blackie. “You lead it. Bring back anyone you find alive. We’ll transport them to Garden for medical

“For what purpose?” Blackie stood.
“There are women aboard that shuttle. We could always use more of them.”
“And what of any surviving males?”
“We’ll decide that later.”
He wanted to curse but instead spun on his heel to go to the docking station to put on a space suit.

He doubted there would be survivors. The council wouldn’t be happy if there were. Fleet had gone
against direct orders from them and he knew he’d have to explain the situation. He couldn’t see many
of them being sympathetic toward the plight of two women from Earth.

A memory surfaced, though, of one human who’d been worth saving if he’d been given the

chance. His heart grew heavy thinking of Hellfire. He masked his expression and locked down his
emotions. Duty came first and foremost. The past couldn’t be changed.

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Chapter Two

Smoke made breathing difficult without coughing as Eve unbelted and stood on shaky legs. She

stared at Danica. A great sense of relief washed through her when a pair of green eyes held her gaze
and the fact that they were both still alive sank in.

“We didn’t die.”
“Yet.” Danica wiggled out of her belt, stood, but then collapsed back into her seat. “Shit. I feel

as though I’ve just been beaten up.”

“You kind of were. It’s no time to sit around and be lazy though. We’re probably being boarded.

Exterior and interior sensors are down but gravity is on. I’d blindly keep rolling and slam into them to
keep them from docking with us but we lost engine power.”

Alarm widened her eyes. “There’s nothing at all?”
“We’re dead in space and now we’re going to have to fight hand-to-hand.” Eve reached up,

yanked open an overhead compartment and withdrew the emergency bag.

“Um, there’s something I should tell you.”
“Tell me when we’re on Titan.” Eve tore open the bag and stared at two big replicas of men’s


“That was supposed to be a joke. I thought you’d get a laugh out of it the next time you recharged

the weapons during the three-month maintenance schedule.”

Numb fingers dropped the bag as she turned to gape at Danica.
Danica had tears in her eyes. “I didn’t know we were going to end up like this. You’re always a

bit bitchy and I picked them up at that last outpost we stopped at to buy supplies. It was meant as a
hint for you to, um, maybe use one of them to chill out. I got two different sizes because I didn’t know
what you’d prefer. Thick or regular girth.”

“Where are the weapons?” She tried to remain calm but failed as panic set in.
“In my room.”
Eve momentarily closed her eyes to mask her anguish. Their sleeping quarters were two decks

below, probably open to outer space. She took a few deep breaths, trying to think. “There’s a
weapons locker on this deck but we have to go through one of the cargo bays to reach it. We might
beat them to it. Did you replace those too?”

“Let’s go.”
“I’m so sorry.”
Eve glanced down at the open bag. “We could shock the bastards by tossing those at them and

hopefully give us time to escape if we run into a raiding party.”

A snort came from Danica. “Stunned by dick. I like it.”
“Let’s go,” Eve repeated. A breach on the other side would keep the door from opening. They’d

be trapped. She hit the button and prayed. The seals released and portal opened.

The damage was severe where metal had buckled in a few places along the floor and walls but it

remained intact. She pressed the release button to the next section. The doors didn’t respond.

“Oh no,” Danica whispered.
Eve tapped it harder and waited. It didn’t open. Her heart sank as she glanced at her sister. “It’s

compromised. We’re not leaving Control. Get back in there. When they force open this door, the

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oxygen will be sucked out and it will decompress unless they are able to stabilize the next room first.
I don’t want to be standing here to find out.”

“What about the vents? They are sealed but we could pry them open and wiggle through into

another section.”

“It’s too risky. There aren’t sensors to tell us if they are safe.”
“Right.” Danica winced. “I’m not thinking straight.”
They retreated and sealed the door. It wouldn’t buy them much time if the pirates had cutting

equipment or were good at hacking into wires. Splicing the right ones after breaking open a panel
would gain them access. It was an old ship with inferior security.

“I am so sorry. We’ve never been breached before. I wouldn’t have done it if I ever thought it

was possible.”

Eve battled her emotions. Part of her was furious that her sister had pulled such a bonehead stunt

but yelling at her wasn’t going to fix the grim situation. Danica loved to play pranks, was always
trying to make her laugh, but messing with their weapons crossed the line. She studied the other
woman’s face, read the sheer regret and the dawning horror of her actions. They were going to die
and she didn’t want their last moments to consist of nothing but harsh words and discord.

She pushed back her anger. She’d always been the serious one, while Danica used humor as a

way to deal with their tough life. It was what she loved most about her sister. Their personalities
were polar opposites. A sense of sadness tightened her chest when she saw those expressions on
Danica’s face. Her lighthearted spirit seemed crushed.

Eve hugged Danica, trying to give her comfort. “Who would have guessed those freaks could

come up with this kind of brilliant plan? They usually are so scatterbrained from the insanity that they
can’t work together in groups. They turn on each other instead.”

“I should have kept the weapons in here.”
“It’s irrelevant now. Stop dwelling on it. You couldn’t have predicted this would happen.” She

released her, stepping back. “Don’t beat yourself up. Beat on the mutants instead.”

“I need you, Danica. Forget it and let’s deal with this situation we’re currently in. We have

mutants boarding the ship.”

“Okay. You probably should put on more clothes.” Danica glanced down her body. “Or strip

totally naked. They won’t even notice me if you flash them your goods until I’ve snatched one of their
weapons to use against them. What do you think of that plan?”

“No. I don’t want to make it easier on them if getting me totally naked is their goal.” She rolled

her shoulders and lifted one leg at a time, stretching. “It’s hand-to-hand combat. Do you remember
your training?”

“Of course. Do you want to put on your shoes? Touching them is going to be gross. At least

cover your feet.”

“I’ll be faster without anything slowing me down.”
“As in being fully clothed?”
“I tore my suit to get out of it quicker. It’s just more for them to grab onto in a fight. Throat, groin

and the knees. Those are the weak spots. Take them down and out.”

“I remember. Do you want something to tie your hair back with?”
Eve hesitated. “No. They might go for it and I’d rather just lose a handful or two than risking

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them getting a firm enough hold on me to gain an advantage.”

“I could cut it.” She pointed to a sharp piece of metal.
Eve shuddered. “No. It will take too long to regrow it to this length. I don’t like looking in a

mirror and having flashbacks of the past. New life, long hair. My motto.”

“I understand.” Danica gave her a sympathetic look. “I hope we survive. Maybe I’ll grow my

hair out as long as yours.”

“I’m not ready to die and neither are you. Go for the kill. Don’t screw around, okay? Mind over

matter. We can do this.” She stared into Danica’s eyes. “We’re meaner. Keep repeating that no matter
how many come at us and take them out fast.”

“Okay. I don’t plan to play around in a fight. Like I want to repeatedly hit them. Not!” Danica

pulled her sleeves down to her wrists. “I’m going to try to avoid using my bare hands. Do you think
their skin is as squishy as it looks? I’d totally puke if I hit one of them and my fist went all the way

“I worry about you.” Eve grimaced. “Thanks for putting that image in my head. I really hope

you’re wrong. I’m also glad I missed breakfast. It’s tough to kick ass while food is coming up.”

“This is a good time to worry.” Danica’s gaze fixed on the sealed doors. “I wish there was more

maneuvering room in here. The designers of this line of freighters were idiots to make the command
center so small. It’s going to be tight quarters if there are a lot of them.”

“It’s a transport freighter. They wanted maximum cargo space. Stay by my side or at my back.

Don’t allow them get between us. We stand a better chance that way.”

“I know. I’m not senile.” Her sister turned, bent and came up holding the two sex toys from the


“What are you going to do with those?”
She offered one to Eve. “Maybe we can poke out an eye or something if we use them properly.

And it beats touching those mutants with my fingers.”

“I’m not taking that. Did you bump your head too? I think I passed out for a little while after the

engines died and that last impact happened. I don’t know how much time went by but it wasn’t long. I
don’t believe I have a concussion. I’m feeling fine. Maybe you should get behind me and let me fight
the first wave.”

“I conked out too but I’m okay. You think there are going to be that many?” Some of Danica’s

bravado faded.

“I don’t know. We killed a bunch of them but I lost count of how many we plowed into before

the engines died and the sensors failed. The screen got a little wonky before that so I couldn’t see
everything we nailed. There’s also no way to tell the number of pirates living on each ship.”

A loud screech of metal made them both wince.
“They are coming,” Eve whispered, staring at the door.
“That sounded like a seal being forced open.”
They both backed up.
“Keep your voice down. Maybe they won’t hear us and move on.”
“I doubt they are stupid enough to forget to check here but our voices aren’t going to carry

through that sealed door.”

“I’m not used to it being this quiet, with the engines out. We could hope it was part of something

collapsing instead of them tearing through seals.”

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“I don’t think so.” Eve hated to disagree but every instinct told her someone or a bunch of

“someones” were coming at them. “You ready? We’ve faced tougher shit than this. Remember that bar
on the station with all the mechanics? That was grim.”

“There were only seven of them and they were out of shape.”
“Yeah, but they were really pissed off. You told them they were incompetent after the repairs

they did.”

“I was right. We’re still having issues or at least we did, when we still had a semi-working ship.

I’m glad we stuck together, Eve. I know I bitched a lot about leaving Earth with you but it was better
than staying. You saved my life. It was only a matter of time before I made a mistake and they

The door was activated when the lights on the panel next to it flashed but the lock held. There

was no doubt they’d been boarded.

“They could be morons,” Eve hoped aloud. “Maybe they won’t figure out how to bust in.”
“That would be great.”
“Yeah. Of course it would also mean we’re trapped on a disabled ship in pirate territory. At

least this way we’ll be able to steal something to make it to Titan. If they can reach us, it might gain us
a way out. They know we’re women so they’ll want us alive. That means they are sealing any
breaches they pass so we don’t die outright. They have to be smart enough to know we won’t have

“I like the way you always find a bright side.”
“I try.”
“You’re good at it, Eve. That’s why you’re our brave leader.”
“I’m not feeling it so much at this second. Those things are really ugly.”
The light completely cut out on the door panel.
“Fuck.” Eve tensed. “It looks like they know how to disable the door lock. Here we go. Game


A soft growl filled the small room and Eve envied her sister that kind of rage. She was just

scared shitless. Danica moved, stepped in front of her and took a protective stance.

Eve studied her back and pondered ordering her to switch positions. She had always felt

responsible for Danica’s well-being and was more skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She dismissed the
idea though. Protective instincts were a strong motivation to win and they would distract her from
being terrified.

“Don’t worry about me,” she coached, feeling proud. “Just concentrate on what they are doing.

Don’t get sucker punched like you did in that bar because you saw me go down. I’ll get back up.”

“I remember,” Danica swore. “You dived in to break his legs but I thought you were hurt.”
“I’m tougher than that.”
Danica gave a sharp nod. “I have this.”
“I know you do.” Sadness filled Eve again. Their chances of survival were very slim. She

refrained from saying “those” three words. Danica knew she loved her and it would sound more like
a goodbye than a reminder.

“Let’s do the single-file routine.”
Eve moved into fighting stance. She was right behind Danica, their bodies aligned in the same

position. “Set.”

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They’d reached the command center of the transport. They hadn’t discovered any bodies yet. Of

course the damage had been massive in the sections they’d had to clear. Most of them were airless
corridors, some leading to open space. The corpses of the crew were probably tangled with the
wreckage that had been vented outside and were floating in space.

Blackie, face mask in place, raised his weapon to aim at the door as Gene, kneeling in front of

the electrical panel, turned his way and nodded. Gene stood about the same time that the bulkhead
doors slid open.

The sight of a brunette with bright green eyes, wearing a blue jumpsuit, was the first thing

Blackie spotted. She blocked his view of the woman behind her but there was no doubt of her fellow
crewmember’s sex since he got a glimpse of rounded breasts contained inside a small shirt before
something hit his chest. The one in front had pitched an object at him.

Instinct made him catch it before it bounced off, instantly assuming it was an explosive device.

He glanced down to gauge the type, hoping there was a clear path to throw it far enough to avoid
being killed. His mind blanked for a second as he gawked, freezing.

“Is that an artificial phallus?”
Gene’s deep-voiced question jolted Blackie from his stunned stupor as he dropped the

nonthreatening object and aimed his weapon at the woman. She held a second one as if it were a
weapon, waving it back and forth. Part of him wanted to laugh, the sight so absurd it seemed

“Drop the…” Gene hesitated. “It is a fake—”
“I’m aware,” Blackie muttered. “We won’t harm you.”
“Right.” The green gaze of the woman narrowed and her lips parted. As he watched, her canines

grew into razor-sharp points.

“What the hell? Do you see her teeth?” Gene stumbled back a step.
Blackie couldn’t help but gape at the sight of those sharp, fanglike canines. He’d never seen that


“The better to bite you with, you mangy mutts.”
The woman threw the other artificial penis, landing a direct hit on Gene’s mask as she launched

forward with her hands clawed. The fact that she had unusually long, pointed fingernails registered
before Blackie pulled the trigger of his weapon.

The electrical charge struck the woman in the stomach, doubled her over and she crashed to her

knees in a huddle. The fact that she remained awake was curious. Most Earthlings would have been
rendered unconscious. The voltage wasn’t high enough to kill but it would shock their systems to the
point of passing out.

“No!” the other woman yelled and jumped over her fallen crewmember. She landed in a crouch,

putting her body between them. Blonde hair was a wild mass of ringlets that blanketed the floor
around her hands, covering most of her face. Her head snapped up, her lips parted and fangs extended.
A blue gaze locked on Blackie as a deep growl resonated from her.

He froze. Her hair had grown much longer, those sharp teeth were new, but it was her. He’d

never forget that face as long as he lived.

“It can’t be.” The words ripped from his throat.
She launched toward him and all he could do was toss the weapon aside. It crashed to the floor

an instant before her small body hit his torso. She didn’t weigh much but he was off balance. Pain tore

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into his ribs as something pierced his suit and he twisted as they fell.

He landed on top of her hard and realized what he’d done. Years of training had made sure she

took the impact with the floor. The air was forced from her lungs as she hissed.

The pain in her features as he stared at her face inches from his own made an emotion close to

grief sweep through him until he couldn’t breathe either. Tears filled her eyes and her pale skin
changed color.

She couldn’t breathe. He was crushing her.
More pain dug into his side and he jerked his head down, saw one of her hands clawed there and

knew she drew more blood. She was pinned under him, starving for oxygen, but she still intended to
inflict as much damage to him as possible.

He shifted his weight enough that she could fill her lungs. It was a mistake. An animalistic snarl

came out of her cute little mouth and the fangs flashed as she threw her head forward.

He roared in pain when she bit through his suit into his shoulder. She ripped at his flesh and he

reacted. She refused to stop fighting and couldn’t see his face because of the face mask attached to his

He winced inwardly as his fist tagged her jawline. It snapped her head to the side. Agony

washed through his shoulder as more damage was done when her fangs were ripped away but she
went still under him. Her eyes rolled up into her head before they closed when she blacked out.

“What are they?” Gene’s normally calm voice sounded harsh, probably due to adrenaline or

perhaps fear. “Should I kill it? It’s recovering.”

“Don’t!” Blackie yelled. “Do not kill her.”
A red mark from his fist formed on the pale skin of the woman under him. She breathed—the rise

and fall of her breasts barely concealed inside the tight half shirt was testament to that. Seeing so
much of her revealed was something he couldn’t look away from. Those rounded mounds were as
tempting as he remembered. It irritated him when blood rushed to his dick.

“Are they pirates? They are mutants and she bit you. Did you see those teeth? Those fingernails?

Did you hear them? That woman who attacked you tried to eat your flesh.” Gene talked fast, panicked.

“Do not kill her,” Blackie ordered again. “Restrain her. Gently.”
“What are they?”
Blackie studied the features of the woman under him. “Uncertain, but I’m going to find out.” He

twisted his head to study the other one.

She glared at him from where she still huddled on the floor and he identified rage shining within

those green eyes. Her arms hugged her middle where he’d shot her with the weapon. A soft growl
passed her parted lips and she flashed sharp teeth once more.

“Get up,” she demanded in a harsh tone.
Blackie rolled off the unconscious woman, into a kneeling position, and glared at the furious

woman. “Don’t give me orders.”

“I was talking to her.” Her gaze drifted to the other woman, fear creeping into her eyes.
Blackie frowned. “Don’t move or he’ll shoot you again. It hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Did you kill her?” The woman snarled the words, her voice deeper than it should be. Her

expression hinted at her rage as well.

“No. I knocked her out.” Her relief was evident but his answer didn’t put her at ease.
“Get away from her. I’ll kill you if you try to touch her again. I’ll kill all of you.”

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The throbbing in his side and shoulder made moving painful but he rose to his feet. “You’re

going to answer my questions and not cause any harm.” He reached up, tore the mask away and
watched the woman’s expression when she saw his face.

She paled enough that he worried she’d faint. Her legs gave way and her ass hit the floor when

she collapsed. Her fangs suddenly shrank until only an even line of upper teeth showed. Her
fingernails seemed to slide back until they appeared normal length.

“Amazing,” Gene whispered.
Blackie was impressed as well.
“You’re a cyborg,” she said then glanced at Gene.
“He’s one too.” Blackie frowned. “Look at me. What is your name?”
It took her a few breaths to respond as she focused on him. “Danica.”
“What are you?” Gene pointed his weapon at her.
“Lower it,” Blackie demanded.
Gene shook his head. “Did you see that? What are they? That’s not normal. They appear human

but do you think they are some alien species we haven’t encountered before?”

“Lower your weapon now!” Blackie reached out and gripped his friend’s arm, forcing it down.
“We thought you were all dead,” Danica whispered, almost to herself.
“Who is we? What are you?” Blackie glanced at the woman at his feet. “More importantly, why

are you with Hellfire? That’s her, isn’t it?” He glanced back, watching for a reaction from the woman.

Gene loudly sucked in air, obviously surprised. His shielded face swung his way. “Hellfire? As

in, the one who rescued you on Earth?”

Blackie nodded. “I never forgot her face.” He glared at Danica. “Talk. How is she here? Why is

she alive after all these years and still young? What are you?”

The woman slowly rose to her feet, glancing between them. She gave her attention to Blackie but

stunned him when she lowered her head, locking her hands behind her back.

“We’re at your service.” She peered up at him through her lashes. “We’re canine units.”
He digested that information, his mind blank.
“What is a canine unit?” Gene asked, sounding baffled.
He could relate to Gene’s confusion. He planned to interrogate her but she spoke before he


“You’ve never heard of us? They have been splicing DNA and enhancing genetics for years.

Yours, ours. Who knows what else Earth Government has done? I thought you would know that.”

“No.” Blackie’s heart hammered, it was sinking in that Hellfire was alive and actually sprawled

within a foot of him.

Danica’s shoulders straightened. “We were created under the same government sanction that

voted in your cyborg line. We were…altered…using cloned canine genetic material.” She
swallowed. “You are work units. We are canine units. You have increased strength, speed and
cybernetic capabilities while we were given canine properties. Enhanced sense of smell, tracking
skill and…” Her voice trailed off. “How could you have never heard of us?” Anger lines creased her
forehead. “How is that possible? Our units worked together to free cyborgs.”

“You grow fangs and claws?” Gene reached up and removed his face mask, revealing his

astonishment when he turned his stunned gaze on Blackie. “Canine units? Did you know about them?”

He shook his head, glancing down at Hellfire. She remained unconscious, the mark on her face

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redder and more defined. “No.”

“Son of a bitch!” Danica drew their attention when she threw back her head and howled in rage.
The unexpected, animalistic sound startled both of them. Blackie’s eyebrows shot up while

Gene’s mouth fell open as both of them watched her.

Her fierce green gaze pinned Gene where he stood. “We risked our lives to save yours. Our kind

died in great numbers while freeing as many of you as we could from the detention centers. Eve and I
are the last of our line.” Her hands fisted at her sides. “And you have never heard of us? Is this a
fucking joke? It’s not funny!”

A vibration buzzed at his hip and it reminded Blackie that the Bridden awaited word of their

search for survivors. He snatched his communicator from his belt and lifted it. He pressed his thumb
on the side button to activate it.

“Report,” Fleet demanded.
“We have two survivors.” He didn’t know what else to say at that moment. His mind struggled to

make sense of the things he’d learned.

“The women?”
“Yes. They aren’t exactly human,” he blurted.
“What does that mean? It’s an Earth freighter.”
He hesitated, carefully forming his words. “They are canine units. Have you ever heard that term


The silence stretched over the open line.
A sick feeling settled in Blackie’s gut as he stared at Gene, guessing his friend suffered the same

suspicion he did. Fleet would ask questions unless he already knew the answers.

“Get back here with them. I’m contacting the council immediately. Fleet out.” The

communication was cut.

“He knows,” Gene mumbled. “The council must have known too. The council hid that

information from us,” he said firmly, anger darkening his features.

Rage sprang to life inside Blackie as he glared at Danica. “What do you mean, you died to buy

us time?”

“The cyborgs behind the mission asked us to create a distraction to give them more time to

escape. We took our orders from the cyborgs. We formed an alliance and we were willing to die to
protect you.”

“Which mission?” Blackie demanded.
“Our mission designation was known as call signal 895589.”
“You’re the only two who survived? Are you sure?” Gene took a cautious step closer to her,

apprehensive of what she could do. “How can you possibly be certain of that?”

Danica stared back at him. “We know. There weren’t many of us created and we watched them

die. Earth Government destroyed the bodies of our dead in front of us just so they could witness our
grief.” Her voice broke and tears filled her eyes. “We carry our emotions too close to the surface to
hide. It’s in our nature. Eve begged for my life when the survivors were captured. She and I were
created in succession. They spared me. All those women died either in battle or were executed in
front of us.”

“What about your men?” Blackie had a lot of questions and he would get answers.
Danica held his gaze. “There were never any males. All canine units were created female. The

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project leader wasn’t willing to risk nature taking hold. It was feared that alpha traits might surface in
males and he wanted our complete loyalty, without question. Canine DNA carries inherent traits that
recognize distinct hierarchy, like the structure in a wolf pack. He feared a bond with a male would
activate our instinct to defer to a canine alpha male, make us impossible for him to control us. We
were designed to serve but we’re naturally aggressive.”

“What does that mean?” Blackie was confused.
The woman hugged her middle. “Humans wanted to be our masters. A male canine might

command the loyalty of a female if he was her mate. She might listen to him over anyone else,
including so-called ‘masters’. Nature.” She paused. “They never considered we’d bond with cyborgs
but that’s what happened. We gave you our fidelity. We served you above all else and we would
make any sacrifice for those we cared about. Things went wrong, though, because cyborgs had to flee
before we reached the pick-up sites. We were trapped on Earth and the security forces slaughtered
our kind.”

Blackie felt his chest constrict upon hearing that last part as a memory of Hellfire promising to

be his bunkmate flashed through his mind. It hadn’t been a lie. She had planned to escape with him.
The strong emotion wasn’t pleasant as he identified grief and regret. He couldn’t form words but
Gene didn’t have the same affliction.

“Why were you and Eve spared?”
She glanced at her sister on the floor. “Cameron Henderson was our creator and Eve belonged to

him, at least he wanted to believe that. She was an obsession of his. I think he fell in love with her but
the bond was his alone. She did not love him. It also could have been because he was a conceited
asshole and he refused to destroy what he believed was his biggest accomplishment in life.”

Danica stared at Blackie. “She said she’d die if she was left alone without at least one of her

littermates. He spared me to make sure she didn’t die of a broken heart. Canines are known to
completely lose the will to live when they lose someone they love if their sense of loss is too great.
He wasn’t willing to risk that happening to her. We escaped about eight years after cyborgs fled
Earth. It was a harsh existence but she got us out of there. Cameron made her suffer greatly for
refusing his advances during those years.”

Another unfamiliar emotion caused Blackie’s heart rate to accelerate and he became aware of

feeling overheated. He suffered an urge to get his hands on the Cameron she spoke of just to commit a
violent act upon the human. Rage. He identified it quickly. It was of little satisfaction to logically
assess that the human was already dead of old age.

“You’ve survived in deep space ever since?” Gene scoffed. “That’s highly unlikely.”
Danica shook her head. “No, it isn’t. We appear completely human and we’re good at adapting.

We moved around our home solar system for a few decades but it was getting harder to stay
concealed as technology evolved. We took jobs at mining operations on our moon and some of the
moons of Saturn. Security measures requiring identification are more lax off Earth and we watched
each other’s backs. About eleven years ago there was an explosion at one of the jobsites with mass
casualties. We made it to this transport freighter and took it. The crew had died and no one tried to
reclaim it. We’ve been doing what we do best since then.”

“What is that?” Blackie bent down, making sure Eve still breathed. It worried him that she hadn’t

come around. Her chest steadily rose and fell.

“Chasing down criminals and helping save innocent lives. Law enforcement is kind of what we

were created to do. We became bounty hunters. It kept us far enough away from Earth to avoid

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detection but earned us enough credits to resupply our home.” She glanced around. “This was all we
had besides each other.”

“We need to return to the Bridden.” Blackie glanced up at Gene. Rage still burned inside him at

the deception of the council. They had left a race of women behind to die on Earth for some reason.
There had never been any mention of anyone going with them so logic supported the obvious. The
council had used the women, lied to them and made false promises. Worse, they’d done it to Hellfire.
Canine women had given their lives so the cyborg race could survive. “I want words with the

“I’m as angry as you are,” Gene whispered. The cold, infuriated glint in his eyes indicated they

had come to the same conclusion. “How could they do that?”

“The council is going to pay for what they did and for keeping it classified. We should have been

told and given a vote.”

“What vote? What are you talking about?”
Blackie held Danica’s curious gaze. “We were never told about canine units. No one asked us if

we were willing to sacrifice your lives. We all should have fled Earth together.”

“All of them women.” Gene’s voice reflected his outrage. “While so few of ours were created

and survived. Do you know how that could have changed our evolution?”

“I can think of nothing else.” Blackie studied the beautiful face of the woman on the floor. She

had promised to be his bunkmate. He might not have always been alone if she’d been allowed to
leave Earth with him. Flashes of his life since leaving Earth streamed through his thoughts and it only
enraged him more. His hands clenched and he wanted to hurt someone, preferably every member of
the Cyborg Council and all high-ranking cyborgs who had been privy to the secret.

“I want to spend five minutes with the members who are responsible,” Gene admitted. “I’d do

some serious damage.”

“Agreed. We need to go,” Blackie ground out. “Before they send another team or one of the seals

we created fractures. They don’t have suits and mine has been compromised.”

“I’ll carry her,” Danica offered, tentatively approaching. “I’m stronger than I look. She’s my

littermate, a sister.”

Blackie’s head snapped up. “Back off. I will do it.”
Danica stepped back, startled.
“I knew her,” he admitted. “She rescued me.” He carefully gathered Hellfire into his arms and

cradled her against his chest. He hated that his bloody shoulder cushioned her cheek but it couldn’t be
helped. “No harm will come to her.” Not without someone dying if they attempt it, he silently added.

“He won’t hurt her,” Gene whispered as he used his elbow to open the bulkhead doors they’d

stabilized after reaching the command center. “I’d be more worried about our commander on the
Bridden. Do you need assistance walking, Danica? I could carry you.”

“I can make it unaided,” she responded. “But Eve doesn’t leave my sight.”
Blackie kept his objections silent. He’d deal with that once they returned to the shuttle and a

medic checked Hellfire. Her name is Eve. It was going to take time to adjust to that.

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Chapter Three

Nightmares tortured Eve as images of mutant humans rushed at her, their eyes sunken and their

skin blistered with open sores. One of them touched her cheek and she attempted to punch him. Strong
fingers clamped around her wrists, pinning them next to her head.

“Wake!” It was a deep, masculine voice giving her a direct order.
Her eyes opened to stare into a gaze that had haunted her forever. She’d gone from a nightmare

into another dream. This one she welcomed as she stared into deep, dark-blue eyes. His dusky gray
skin only emphasized their color. The jet-black eyelashes framing them were thick and long.

She breathed him in and the masculine aroma made her want to curl into him. His blood had once

stained her clothing, touched her skin. It was a scent she was strongly attracted to, one she’d never
forget. He was hurt and every protective instinct inside her homed in on his needs.

Shit. This is how it started and I know how it ends.
Emotion choked her until she couldn’t speak while she stared deeply into his intense gaze. Once

she had believed her thoughts were completely hers until she’d become aware of someone else. A
presence lingered in the back of her mind, its identity a mystery. It had taken her days to figure out that
sensation of being watched, of someone in the room when she was alone, came from one of the chips
that had been implanted inside her head. She remembered everything about that day…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She was picking up faint signals from a cyborg. The more she focused, tried to search it out, the

clearer it became. He was in pain and Eve became obsessed until she got a fix on his location. He
was somewhere close, inside one of Cameron’s original genetic research rooms. The cyborg was
near enough that their shared ability to remote-access computers had somehow crossed each other’s

It was a huge risk going after him. It was easier to rescue the ones awaiting duty activation.

Security was lax in the development labs where they manufactured cyborgs. Many of them had been
created before it was decided the cyborg units were a failure. When she freed those cyborgs, she
could easily program the computers to indicate that they had expired due to flaws. They went on
record as having been automatically dumped into the incinerators but no bodies were ever actually
burned. She woke them from the growth tanks, smuggled them out of the building and sent them to
895589 for safekeeping.

He was an active unit and she had no way of concealing it if she took him. Through their link, she

felt his pain increase. She would risk everything to set him free. Cameron Henderson would punish
her but she doubted he’d terminate her life. She was Eve—the first prototype of the canine unit and he
always stated that she was his favorite pet.

Her first glimpse of the cyborg made her heart do funny things. It wasn’t just the fact that he was

so badly abused. Someone had really damaged him. That pissed her off, was horrifying. Cuts, bruises
and even some burn marks temporarily scarred his beautiful, gray-toned skin. He’d heal but that
mattered little. She just wanted to touch him, couldn’t resist. Tears she rarely shed had come unbidden
just from staring at his handsome face. He hurt and she suffered with him. The mental link became a
physical one the second her fingertips touched his cheek.

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There was no time to waste though. She released his bonds and got him to the roof as quickly as

possible. Though she realized that he had no reason to trust her, it wounded her feelings when he
latched on to her throat as they waited for his rescue. For a few moments she feared he’d kill her. She
had never considered he’d see her as an enemy.

She straddled his lap and used her body to distract him, managed to soothe him and urged him to

listen to his instincts. Doesn’t he feel our connection? Isn’t his heart racing as wildly as mine is
just from looking at me? Doesn’t he long to pull me close and hold me the way I do him?
All those
questions flashed through her mind while she waited to see if he’d end her life.

He was one of those sexed-up cyborg models. New thoughts filled her mind. Want. Take him.

Mine! He’d be able to keep up with a canine’s sex drive and he had passion. Most cyborgs were
reserved but he wouldn’t be with his enhanced libido. That knowledge heated her blood enough to
make her break into a sweat. She’d never craved sex the way others in her line did. She avoided
physical contact with men at all costs, considering Cameron kept trying to seduce her, but she wanted
to climb on her cyborg’s lap and ride him until they both passed out.

The smell of his blood only made her want him more. She longed to kiss each injury and tend to

him in every possible way. She explained to him exactly the type of cyborg he was to help him
remember his genetic design. The sexual interest he showed made her nearly lose her mind. Her body
rubbed against his eagerly. She knew she’d be embarrassed later. She was practically humping his

All those instincts she kept at bay smashed through her carefully constructed barriers. It no

longer mattered that she’d sworn to fight her genetic makeup by refusing to belong to anyone. He
could totally attach a collar around her neck and she’d happily follow him anywhere he wanted to go.
She was his. But now was not the time.

It was really hard to resist his sex appeal and try to remember that her mission wasn’t over

while they touched, staring at each other. Contradictory emotions of guilt and remorse flooded her.
She had other cyborgs to rescue. That was the right thing to do.

The alarm sounded. She had to move fast. Get him out.
“No. I want you.” His words were a command as his hand firmly gripped her hip and she wanted

to flee with him. He’d given her an order and she was ready to follow it. He didn’t want to let her go
and she didn’t want him to. Only her handsome cyborg mattered at that moment.

The screaming siren meant security had noticed his escape and the guards would use the

computers to track all movements on doors and lifts, which would lead them directly to the roof. His
survival became her prime objective but she made him promise to forsake others to wait for her. She
was his and she’d kill any bitch who touched him.

She had to lead security away from his hiding spot. She always kept a syringe of paralytics

handy when she dealt with cyborgs. Some of them woke confused and could be dangerous. The drug
worked fast but allowed her enough time to speak to them, to outline her mission and prevent them
from attacking. Injecting her cyborg would save his life. As he sat there unable to move, she swore to
make it up to him later.

She slipped away and confronted the guards alone. She would face whatever awaited her to

insure his safety, his freedom.

She was taken to Cameron. He screamed at her, slapped her. The punishment he dealt out was

worth it since she knew her cyborg had made it to safety. The link with him had been slowly broken
as he’d flown out of computer-transmission range, the fading signal testament to his success.

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Every day she daydreamed about being with him again. She saved a few more cyborgs while

plotting her own escape. The day approached when they’d have all the time they wanted to bond. The
fantasy of sleeping in his arms and learning every inch of his body kept her motivated. He’d get to
know hers as well. It could be months or years while they traveled the galaxy, seeking a safe home on
a distant planet. She’d show him they belonged together until he couldn’t deny they were meant to be a
couple. Every fiber of her being screamed it.

The plans changed just hours before she was to seek out her handsome cyborg. She received an

emergency message from 895589 through the computer uplinks inside her head. Earth Government had
become aware of the plot and their rebellion. The timetable for extraction from the detention camps
changed. The mass extinction for the entire cyborg line had been moved up two days. It was now a
race against time.

Her orders were clear—create a diversion at the termination center. Draw a lot of guards away

from the cyborgs to make their escape easier. It was gut-wrenching to think she might not have time to
reach the departing shuttles leaving the surface but she was determined to do both—complete her
mission and find Handsome.

She did her job and still managed to arrive at the pick-up area with ten minutes to spare but the

launch was already in progress. Shuttles flew high in the sky, just fleeting glimpses of metal before
they broke orbit and disappeared. She collapsed to her knees in grief.

Screams tore from her. She didn’t care that they brought her to the attention of the guards. They

surrounded her by the dozens, guns pointed at her head. Part of her wished they’d open fire. Her life
didn’t matter anymore. Handsome was gone, he’d left her behind, but at least he was safe. If only I’d
left a day earlier. I wouldn’t have been there to get those orders. I would be with him…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Strong fingers still gripped her wrists as she struggled to hold on to the image of his face.
“Eve, don’t fight me.”
She glanced at the bandage covering his shoulder. That was a new aspect of one of the many

dreams she’d had about him. He leaned over to pin her tighter to the bed. The black lab shorts he
always wore in her dreams, the ones he’d worn the day she’d rescued him, had been replaced by
dark-blue loose pants that hung low on his lean hips. The outfit was nice in her updated fantasy. He’d
also shaved his face clean. She missed the scruffy look he’d once sported when she’d freed him.

“Do you remember me?” He had the sexiest, deepest voice.
“My name is Blackie.”
“No, it’s not.”
Dark eyebrows arched. “That’s the one I was given.”
“It’s Handsome. I named you.”
His lips parted and she tried to reach them, attempted to sit up enough to kiss him. He jerked

away to put more space between them. Anguish gripped her. He was still out of her reach.

“Don’t bite me.” His features grew stern.
“Come here,” she pleaded. “Closer.” She just wanted to kiss him the way she’d never been

given a chance that evening on the roof.

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“Eve? Are you dizzy? Does your head hurt? You were unconscious. I had to hit you to prevent

you from causing me more damage.”

Mike, Cameron’s chief of security, had hit her, not Handsome. He had a hell of a right hook.

She’d felt it often over the years she’d been under Cameron’s thumb. That was the bad thing about
dreams. They could jump around and change on a whim. The last laugh had been on Mike though.
She’d stolen his vehicle when she’d fled with Danica.

They’d destroyed the thing once they’d left the city by sending it to the bottom of a ravine. He’d

loved that restored hovercraft, endlessly bragging to the other guards about how he’d managed to find
rare parts for it. It had felt good to watch the cherished possession of one of her abusers tumble and
smash apart as it rolled downward.

“Old Mike isn’t going to ever fix that!” She smiled at the memory of Danica raising her hand for

a high five.

She loved her littermate. They were destined to be hunted but had each other. The decades of

memories played through her mind as she stared into dark, beautiful eyes. Handsome remained with
her too, at least in her dreams. Nothing could ever take those away from her except death.

“Eve?” Frown lines bracketed his mouth. “You are safe aboard a shuttle, the Bridden. We were

tracking pirates and came upon the battle between you and them. Do you remember? You attacked

Foggy memories surfaced. They’d been hunting for space criminals and found themselves stuck

in a trap. A couple dozen pirate ships had converged on their location to attack and they had been left
with no choice but to fight. The outdated freighter was too slow to outrun so many, despite their
similar older ships, but their freighter had been bigger. Pirates had boarded them after they’d been
damaged. They’d been forced to fight hand-to-hand. Two pirates in space suits had come after her and

“Shit. I’m hallucinating you because those bastards are so vile they’ve infected me with some

space funk that my immune system can’t fight off. Like rabies on radiation. I bit into one.”

“No. You sank your fangs into me.”
“It’s okay. Whatever they are doing to me is irrelevant. I can’t feel any pain and I’m with you.

This isn’t a bad way to go. I only hope Danica got away.” She knew better, though, deep down. Her
littermate wouldn’t abandon her if she were alive.

Frustration flashed across his striking features. “This is real. You are aboard the Bridden with

me. I struck you hard enough to knock you out after you bit into my shoulder.” He glanced at it.

The bandage was taped to his enticing gray-toned skin. She wanted to lick him. She couldn’t

though because he kept her hands pinned next to her head and she couldn’t reach far enough. Broad
shoulders curved down into thick, muscular biceps that were bigger around than her thighs. Handsome
was a big one, designed to make most women take notice and feel all feminine compared to his
tremendous masculinity. Men were intimidated if they were smart. Handsome was a badass.

“I just knew you were the one. Call it instinct or maybe it’s because of the bond we had before

we met. I could feel your pain and it became mine. A part of me belonged to you and it just snapped
into place when I first looked into your eyes.” She inhaled his scent. “Life sucks sometimes, doesn’t

“What do you mean?” His fingers loosened.
“We should have been given a chance. I think I could have made you want me back.”
“It wouldn’t have been difficult,” he muttered, glancing at her chest. “Things would have been

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vastly different.”

“I’ve been so alone,” she admitted. “I never forgot you.” He stared into her eyes. “Did you lose

your heart to another?” The thought brought tears to her eyes, ones that refused to be concealed. “Did
one of those upgraded cyborg models make you forget about me? Are you with her? Never mind. I
don’t want to know, even though this is just a dream.” She turned her head to stare at a wall. It
reminded her of the small sleeping quarters of a transport. Storage lockers were built into the one she

Handsome sat up, totally released her, and sounded furious as he bellowed. “Computer! Summon

the medic!”

Doors swished open immediately to admit a tall cyborg wearing a black uniform. “She woke?”
“You waiting outside my door?” Handsome scowled.
“I stayed close. What is the problem?”
“She is confused. Scan her again. She must have head injuries you missed.”
“I didn’t,” the male protested. He stepped to the side of the bunk and peered down at her. “I’m

Varion. Stare into my eyes and don’t look away. I’m going to scan you again.”

It came as a shock when she noticed his pupils weren’t round. They were square and dull red

flashed for a split second inside them. It happened again, rapidly, before he sighed, straightening.
“She’s fine, Blackie. No arterial bleeding, no cranial fractures and no swelling. The bruising to her
cheek is mending at a speed equal to our own abilities. It will be gone within hours at this rate.”

“She believes she is hallucinating.”
The male backed away. “You mean having a nightmare? I would assume that as well if I woke to

find you perched at my bedside.”

“Show me respect,” Handsome demanded gruffly. “I am your superior.”
“I haven’t forgotten what you did to Megan. You put her in my care too. Does it make you feel a

thrill when you strike smaller women? Why don’t you stop hiding behind your council contacts and
step out into the hallway with me? Forget rank.” The cyborg wrapped his fingers around his other
fisted hand. “Hit someone your own size for once and see how that results for you. I’m not preparing
drugged food for this one or standing by while you wait for council orders to kill her. Ice was right to
stand up to you. I wish he was in command now. He wouldn’t allow you near that woman. I can’t
forcibly take her out of here but know I’ll be right outside the door, prepared to protect her.”

Handsome quickly stood. “I didn’t ask anyone to kill Megan. The council ordered it and I was

doing my job.”

“One you enjoy too much.” The cyborg medic shoved at Handsome. “You’re their favorite

cyborg, aren’t you?”

Eve glanced between the two men, confused. Who was Megan and why did the cyborgs

obviously hate each other? It stunned her that her dream had taken such odd twists but it just
reaffirmed her suspicion that the pirate she’d bitten had given her a bad case of something her
enhanced immune system couldn’t fight off.

“I owed them my total allegiance. They rescued me from Earth.” Blackie pushed back.
“I was rescued as well but I know when they are wrong. Do you ever think for yourself?” The

medic pushed him again.

“You wish to provoke a physical altercation?”
“Yes,” the medic stated eagerly. “In the corridor so she isn’t harmed. I know you have no regard

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for anyone besides yourself, but I do.”

“Let’s go,” her cyborg rasped.
Varion reached out and tapped the door panel. It opened and he backed out. Handsome followed.

Eve watched them leave the room. The cyborg with the strange eyes didn’t wait to attack. His fist
flew at Handsome’s face and struck it before the door slid closed. Her cyborg staggered from the
punch before she lost sight of them.

He’s in danger. It propelled her to sit and roll off the bunk. The room spun a little from the fast

motion but she stumbled toward the door. Dream or not, she would go to his aid. Her hand shook
when she slapped her palm over the panel to gain access to the hallway. It refused to open.

She glared at it and focused hard, pushing her thoughts at it with force. The sensation caused by

her mind linking to the computer made her feel nauseous as she ordered an override on the lock. The
security was low priority and opening the door from the inside was a breeze to hack. The door slid
open and the sight of two big men engaged in battle in the confined corridor would have shocked her
if she hadn’t seen blood on Handsome’s face near his nose and mouth.

The fresh scent of it made her react. Her fangs elongated and her sharp claws slid out of her

fingernails. She snarled, her vocal cords switching from normal to deeper, menacing tones. The men
broke apart at the loud sound and she targeted the medic. He was the threat. She gripped the edges of
the open door, her knees bent and she launched toward him.

“NO!” Handsome spun around and jumped into the path of the enemy.
She barely twisted her wrists inward to avoid slashing him with her claws before slamming into

the solid bulk of his body. Both his hands captured her hips and he caught her in midair. The
unexpected collision of their torsos knocked the breath from her. He didn’t suffer the same effect
though as he turned and pressed her tightly against the bulkhead.

They were face level where he held her suspended above the floor. Her heart raced, adrenaline

pumped through her veins and her back ached from the impact with the solid wall. Each breath made
her aware of his heated skin pressed to parts of her that her shirt didn’t cover from the waist up. It
was either the most realistic dream she’d ever experienced or Handsome really was staring deeply
into her eyes, his mouth just inches from hers.

She turned her head to stare at Danica. She stood at the end of the corridor in an ill-fitting black

outfit similar to the medic’s. Her sister grinned.

“Can you believe this shit? They survived and we found them! We’re on one of their ships.”

Another cyborg turned the corner behind her sister and Danica glanced back at him when he halted.
She faced forward to wink at Eve. “They technically found us. Who cares about the details though?”
She mouthed “hot” and shielded her hand with her body to jerk a thumb at the one behind her.

Eve’s head slowly turned to stare at Handsome. She was grateful for his strength since she might

have slid to the floor if he hadn’t been holding her up when she seemed to lose control of her limbs.
The feel of her fangs retreating seemed apropos, considering everything else seemed to shrink away
but him.

“I’m not a hallucination,” he calmly stated. “You are on the Bridden and my name is Blackie.

You rescued me on Earth. I rescued you from the damaged freighter you were piloting.”

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. Blood smeared his lower face from the punch he’d taken to his

nose but he’d obviously attempted to wipe it away at some point during the fight from the looks of it.
It was him. Really him. Her hands lifted to cup his face.

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“You are safe,” he continued. “I won’t allow anyone to harm you. I—”
She closed her eyes and her lips sealed over his as she jerked his head forward. His entire body

stiffened and he was unyielding at first. An inner part of her wailed in distress over his rejection but
then his lips parted. The taste of his blood mingled with something sweet as his tongue swept hers
when he deepened the kiss. Elation hit her hard. So did arousal.

“I admit it,” Varion announced. “I missed something. Obviously she’s suffering a brain injury of

significance. She’d have to be to kiss him.”

Blackie heard the other cyborg’s insult and dragged his mouth away from Eve’s. It was hard to

do. She was pure heaven and he reacted to her as if he’d touched a live wire. The current shot to
every region of his body but especially to his dick. It grew hard fast enough to give him a head rush
from blood converging in his lower region. Anger and the knowledge that at least three other
individuals watched them cooled his desire to keep kissing her.

He glowered at Varion as he snapped his head to the right. “What did you say?”
“Carry her inside my quarters and I’ll scan her slower. I missed something. She is acting


The hands curved around his face tightened their hold as she tugged at him. Blackie resisted the

urge to lower her to the floor and resume the physical violence with Varion. He allowed her to adjust
his head until they peered at each other. The tears in her eyes caused him alarm.

“Are you hurt? Did I bump you too hard against the wall when I pinned you?” He shifted his

stance to put some room between their chests. He regretted stopping her from attacking the other
cyborg but concern for her safety when he’d seen her intention had been an impulse he couldn’t deny.
He had grabbed her before she had a chance to engage in a fight.

“You’re really here with me?”
The unshed tears that shimmered in her blue eyes caused him to want to pull her closer again and

hug her tightly. Protective instincts he hadn’t known existed swelled inside him until he had to clear
his throat of the lump that formed. She appeared afraid yet hopeful at the same time.

He expected her to bite him again when she threw her head forward but instead she just nuzzled

her face against his throat. The feel of her nose and lips lightly brushing his skin made his erect cock
twitch. She sniffed at him, it tickled, and her limbs wrapped around him. Arms looped over his
shoulders and tightened around his neck as her thighs parted to hook around his waist.

He turned his body slightly and frowned at the other woman who cautiously approached, worry

evident on her features. The sniffing stopped but the woman in his arms only tightened her hold,
burying her face more snugly against his throat. The soft growl from her was alarming but she didn’t

“Eve? I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen good-looking men and we’re both really happy

to learn that cyborgs have thrived since leaving Earth, but you might want to let that one go. He, uh, is
taking your joy that they are alive a bit personal.”

Blackie glared at the other woman who openly stared at his groin, knew she referred to his

aroused state. He didn’t mute his anger when she lifted her gaze to meet his.

“Back off,” he ordered.
Danica halted. “Put her down.”

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“Leave us alone,” Eve murmured against his skin. She sniffed at him again and her fingers slid

into his hair at the base of his neck to cradle his head. “Go away, Danica.”

The other woman refused to retreat. “You’re acting like I do when it’s been too long since I got

laid and I’m in heat.” She wrinkled her nose and inhaled sharply a few times. “Nope. You’re good.
It’s not that time of the month.”

Blackie accessed his knowledge of a canine going into heat and it only made the desire to be

alone with Eve grip him more. The concept of her physically aching to have sex every month excited
his libido. He would give her whatever she needed. His cock twitched again, agreeing
wholeheartedly with that plan.

“What is she doing?” Gene stepped closer to stand behind Danica.
“I don’t know but I see what he wants to do.” She glared at Blackie. “She’s got a head injury and

she’s not herself. Put her down and step away.”

Eve slowly withdrew her face from his neck and another growl rumbled from her parted lips

when her head turned until she could see Danica. Her chest vibrated from the low, dangerous sound.
His hold on her tightened and he adjusted her in his arms to keep her there in case she tried to attack
the other woman.

Danica took a step back, bumped into Gene and lifted her hands, palms out. Worry lined the

woman’s features. “Easy. What is wrong with you? It’s me.”

“Eve?” Blackie tried to get her attention.
Another low, threatening snarl came from her as her limbs tightened around him. He realized she

was stronger than she looked when he felt how powerfully her thighs clenched his waist. She
untangled her fingers from his hair and her hand released the back of his head. She adjusted her hold
on him by sliding her arm under his and hooking him from behind on his shoulder. It was clear she
wanted to stay exactly where she was. Her attention was focused on the other woman.

“Mine,” Eve stated, her voice unusually deep for a woman.
Blackie liked hearing her claim that he was the thing she felt so possessive of. He wanted her to

look at him but she seemed intent on not breaking eye contact with the other woman.

“Okay,” Danica pushed against Gene, forced him to retreat farther down the corridor too. “He’s

all yours. I’m not trying to take him.” She glanced at Varion. “Um, do you have sedatives? Now
would be a good time. She’s in protective mode.”

“Has one of her chips been damaged? Is it a programming flaw or malfunction?” Gene hooked an

arm around the woman leaning against him, his body tense, watching Eve in a way that Blackie didn’t
appreciate, as though she was dangerous and a threat. It was clear the other cyborg intended to throw
Danica out of the way if need be and step into position to fight instead. “She appears to be threatening

“Instinct.” Danica gripped his forearm, holding on to prevent him from moving her. “We can get

a bit scary when we feel protective of something we think is ours. You should see the way she gets
when you even look at her chocolate, the rare times we are able to trade for it this far out.” She took a
ragged breath. “Eve? Talk to me, honey. Did that big cyborg ring your bell a little hard when he
punched you? I’m your littermate and you need to come to me. I’ll take care of you until you’re feeling
better. You know you don’t like men. You never let them touch you.”

Disbelief and a sense of dread filled Blackie. “What do you mean she doesn’t like men? Are you

two a couple?” He didn’t like the idea of anyone touching what was his as he glared at Danica. He’d
fight the woman if she tried to take Eve from his arms.

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Danica shot him a dirty look. “No. Get your mind out of the gutter. We’re sisters. It’s just that she

doesn’t like men. Plenty of them have hit on her but she always refuses. She was the first in our
production line and made us aware of a flaw when something happened to her.”

“There is nothing wrong with her.” He snarled now. “She’s perfect.”
Eve snapped her head in his direction and he stared into her blue eyes. They were the most

mesmerizing things ever.

“You two don’t resemble each other.” Gene sounded baffled. “You are siblings?”
“The human genetic material they used to create us isn’t from the same source but our canine

DNA is. We’re related. All the canine units were. Cameron designed us to feel a sense of family so
there was no need to become territorial with each other. Eve was the first of our line, I was the
second, and we were strongly bonded before they produced more of us.” Danica paused. “Eve?” Her
voice deepened noticeably. “Look at me.”

Eve turned her head, breaking the intense stare with Blackie.
“Talk to me, damn it. You’re freaking me the hell out. I love you and I’m really concerned.”
Eve licked her lips. “It’s him. Handsome.”
“Oh,” Danica said, her voice soft. “Shit. No wonder you’re acting this way. Carry on. I won’t

get in the way.”

“What does that mean?” Gene met Blackie’s gaze. “I guess she thinks you’re attractive.”
Danica shook her head. “He’s the one.”
“What one?” Blackie wanted to know what was going on too.
Danica met his curious stare. “We are mostly human I guess but we have bonus features added.”

She released Gene to lift one hand. Her fingernails began to grow. “Our claws and fangs are triggered
by fear or anger when we feel threatened or protective. Over the years we learned how to force the
change the way I’m doing now. It helped us survive but it takes a lot of practice.” She retracted the
claws. “Our larynges are different from yours, adapted to speak both normally or in canine mode. It
gives us the ability to growl, snarl, and our voices deepen as you heard. Our canine DNA embedded
certain behaviors as well. They messed up though and Eve found the flaw.”

“What was that?” Varion decided to speak and get involved in the conversation.
Danica hesitated. “As I told them,” she nodded toward Blackie and Gene, “no male canine units

were made because Cameron feared we wouldn’t take orders from him or his people if there were
males in our line. A bonded mate would become our natural leader and someone we’d blindly follow.
He thought we’d be loyal as, well, puppy dogs to him since he made us. We were designed to defer to
those we love, instinctually doing anything to please them, needing that sense of…” She paused. “Shit.
It’s hard to explain but the bottom line is that she was hacking into the mainframe computer, searching
for cyborgs to free, and located that one.” She pointed at Blackie. “They forgot to sever his link to the
computer when they brought him to the center. His pain was transmitted through that connection when
he was beaten and Eve picked it up. She rescued him but something happened when they actually

“What?” Blackie wanted to shake Danica and make her just tell him. She was dragging out

giving him the information he wanted then she stopped talking.

Danica dropped her hand. “She bonded to you. Like obsessively. You became her total alpha

and someone she’d do anything for.”

Varion gasped. “Why him? He’s an asshole, not an alpha.”

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Blackie wanted to punch the son of a bitch but that would mean releasing Eve, something he

wasn’t willing to do.

Danica shrugged. “I don’t know. She could feel his pain when he hurt. It was stupid to rescue

him because he’d be missed. We told her to sever the link so she wouldn’t touch his mind and that it
was too dangerous to go after him. It didn’t matter to her. We felt a kinship to cyborgs and helped
them because all of us were created to be used by Earth Government. We were smart about it though
and protected ourselves in the process. Cameron screwed up when he designed us to be so loyal.”

Danica bit her lip and then sighed, staring at Blackie. “She was willing to die for you. She thinks

of you as a mate. At least, that’s what I believe. She lost you and could never muster any interest in
other men. You were it for her. The one.

“A mate?” Blackie reeled from the implications.
“For life, I’m guessing.” Danica glared at him. “It’s the flaw in our design. Eve found it when

she bonded to you. It scared the shit out of me and I’ve never allowed any man to get too close for that
reason. You ruined her life. I hoped she’d get over it but she never did. All these years, decades, she
snubbed all men. They weren’t you.” The other woman raked him with her gaze. “Now she’s
interested. You hurt her and I’ll gut you, cyborg.”

The threat didn’t bother him. He was still trying to make sense of the term “mate”. Some animals

did that for life when they chose one partner to breed with and stayed with each other until death. He
stared at Eve as she locked gazes with him.

Emotions were easy to read in her eyes. Fear. Concern. Hope. Then her gaze dropped to his

chest and her hold loosened. She seemed to crumple in his arms.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

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Chapter Four

Eve learned a new kind of pain. It was clear that her cyborg was stunned but beyond that, his

emotions were hard to read. She was pretty sure he had to be horrified. Danica had just told him her
secret, something she had hoped she could explain to him over time. Any chance she had of making
him fall in love with her before she confessed to the bond she felt toward him had been blown to hell.

She feared he’d reject her. Cyborgs had been designed differently than canine units. Their

feelings weren’t always boiling close to the surface. They kept them highly guarded, partly because
they had chips implanted inside their brains that allowed them to suppress their emotions and partly
because they were so tough. It went beyond their physical superiority.

She’d had her heart broken once when she’d watched those shuttles fly out of sight and had

known he’d left without her. It had been tough to survive when all she’d wanted to do was die. Her
sisters had forced her to go on until Cameron had deemed the canine unit project a failure and made
the decision to execute the entire line. He wasn’t willing to allow Eve to die with them though, intent
on punishing her for betraying him. Her suffering became his sick form of revenge after it came to
light that they’d helped the cyborgs gain freedom.

She glanced at Danica, the only sister she’d been able to save. Humiliation still burned when she

remembered dropping to her knees at Cameron’s side to clutch his thigh. She’d begged him not to kill
her sisters, sworn to do anything to prevent their deaths. She’d even told him she’d die if she were
left alone, the truth because they were all that kept her going. He’d looked at her with hatred and had
said she could save only one. The bastard had smiled, thrilled that she’d given him a way to hurt her

The murders of her sisters had destroyed her but she’d always been the closest to Danica. They

had trained together, shared a room, and bonded the tightest. She’d chosen one name out of hundreds.
She’d never regretted it but the guilt of every other death rested squarely on her shoulders.

Now Danica had betrayed her by telling Handsome—no, Blackie was his name now—the truth.

It burned a painful hole in her heart. She’d confessed everything to her sister over the years, including
knowing how, if she’d been given the chance, she would have shown him how happy she could make
him before telling him of the bond she formed. Danica had listened many times as Eve expressed her
fear of his instant rejection.

The big hands gripping her hips slid around to her spine and she held back a whimper, guessing

he would set her down, put distance between them. Cyborgs were solitary beings. The idea of a
woman attached so intensely would naturally be distasteful. She didn’t cling to him despite wanting

He lifted her higher instead of shoving her away and her head snapped up to stare at his face. He

wasn’t looking at her but instead glowered at another cyborg—the medic.

“We’ll be in my quarters.” He shot a marginally friendlier look at the cyborg with his arm

around Danica. “Gene, find somewhere else to bunk. I’ll pack your belongings and put them outside
the door.”

Her heartbeat stuttered when he stared into her eyes. She didn’t want to hope but it was hard not

to do.

“Hold on to me, Eve. We’re going to our quarters. You can walk on your own or I can carry you.

Your choice.”

The tingling sensation at the end of her spine was embarrassing. If she’d had a tail, it would have

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“Where am I supposed to sleep?” Gene sounded outraged.
Blackie broke eye contact to glance at him. “We have space in the cargo hold. I’ll disassemble

your upper bunk and leave it in the hallway. I won’t be needing two.”

Her arms wrapped firmly around him as she buried his face against his neck. He hugged her

tighter and walked away. She inhaled his scent and excitement made her aware of how every step he
took rubbed their bodies together. He’s not rejecting me!

“You hurt her and you’re dead, cyborg.”
She snarled at Danica’s threat. It came out muffled against Blackie’s skin. He didn’t wince,

seeming to know he wasn’t the one who stirred her anger.

“Ignore them,” he rasped close to her ear. “We’re almost there.”
He let go with one arm to open the door to his quarters. It made a slight sound and he paused

inside until it closed. She wanted to look at him but fear kept her still in his arms. He might have
wanted privacy to reject her without witnesses. She had once saved his life and he could feel a sense
of honor and wish to spare her that humiliation.

Big, strong hands slid to cup the curve of each ass cheek. He grasped her firmly enough to dig

into her flesh. It didn’t hurt but he had her full attention. Her body responded instantly to having his
fingers so close to her sex.

It was time to face him. Don’t reject me. Please. She didn’t say it but she wanted to. It took

courage to lift her head and peer into his handsome features, which completely masked all emotion.
His gaze seemed a little distant.

“Is that true?”
“What?” She knew though. He wanted her to admit to feeling a strong bond to him.
Muscles tightened along his jawline in irritation. “Do you think of me as your…” He paused and

cleared his throat before finishing. “Mate?”

“The human side of me knows that’s not reasonable.” That was a safe answer.
“What about the canine side?”
“It’s a flaw in my design.”
Anger sparked in his eyes. “Is that how you see it? Do you resent being so drawn to me because

genetic coding made it possible?”

“No.” She wouldn’t lie. “It scared me at first. I knew what was happening when I met you, could

guess, but you’re a cyborg. Emotional bonds aren’t part of your makeup.”

“I just want the truth. Do you see me as your mate?”
“Yes,” she rushed on. “But I won’t stalk you or anything. I get it that you probably are put off by

it. I’ve survived all these decades without you. I will handle it well.” What a liar. “It’s okay if you
don’t want me. You probably already have someone in your life.” Ouch. God, that’s going to hurt if
he tells me he hooked up with another cyborg.

“I am not contracted to a family unit. My career is paramount and few understood that. No one

has interested me enough to join in a long-term contract with them.”

It sounded so cold. “You have family units that are based on contracts?”
They were night-and-day different. She wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Whenever she’d

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daydreamed about the kind of life they would have shared, it had involved lots of touching and
laughter. She’d imagined him more friendly and loving in nature. It was tough to face reality. It hurt.

Blackie studied her gaze. “What do you require?”
“What details are involved with being a mate?”
She decided to look on the bright side. He wasn’t seriously involved with anyone. That was one

huge hurdle down and he wanted to know what she wanted from him in a relationship. His curiosity
indicated that he held interest in her needs.

What would make me happy? She debated the answer while those intense eyes of his regarded

her. “I just want…” You to love me. “Someone who cares about me and who I matter to. I need lots of
physical contact.” Hugs and you putting your hands on me all the time. The prospect of him
claiming her body heightened her senses and reminded her that she was wrapped around him.

“I could give you that.”
His husky voice did things to her. Her nipples hardened and her belly muscles tightened. She

was pretty sure her shorts were getting wet from her long-dormant libido coming to life. She
desperately wanted him.

“I’m going to put you down and get cleaned up.”
He still had blood smeared on his face but she didn’t care. He could be caked in mud and she’d

still want to rub all over him. He gently lowered her until she sat on the edge of a bunk. The upper one
annoyed her since it blocked her total view of him when he straightened. A quick study of his torso
reminded her of the damage she’d caused to his side when she saw the small bandage. The memory of
attacking him made her wince. The one on his upper chest was her fault as well.

He seemed to read her mind when one arm slid under the top bunk and he hoisted it away from

the wall and popping noises filled the room as he disconnected it. He left his quarters but returned
minus the bed. She watched him open drawers, pack men’s clothing and belongings into bags then
take them into the hallway too. He sealed the door after he had removed all of his roommate’s

“I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
He spun away and stepped inside the cleansing unit. She gripped her thighs and looked down,

remembering that she’d torn off her coveralls, back on the freighter. Her skin was really pale from
years of space travel. Visits to sunny planets were few and far between. It was a stark contrast to the
darker hue of his beautiful gray skin.

Did he find her appealing? She studied her breasts. They weren’t overly large but she had some.

Cameron had been a bit of a pervert and had wanted something good to look at when he’d created the
canine units. She’d known some of her line had allowed him to touch their bodies. She never had.
Gratitude for their existence had only gone so far and she had gotten to know him too well. He’d been
an asshole with dreams of a harem at his beck and call.

Apparently the cleansing unit wasn’t fully operational. It seemed Blackie was only going to

remove the blood but it gave her time to worry about her lack of sexual skills. He was a C-46 and she
wondered what her cyborg’s sexual knowledge entailed. A lot of years had passed since she’d seen
him. He probably had gained plenty of experience in that time.

She had no idea if he’d been newly created before she’d rescued him or if he’d committed some

infraction and been transferred there for termination. He hadn’t been aware of many of his natural
abilities and functions but the abuse he’d suffered had left him dazed, which could account for his

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sluggish reactions that night. The sudden silence drew her attention to Blackie as he stepped out of the
unit wearing just pants. His dark gaze locked with hers before he slowly sank to his knees in front of
where she sat. He inched closer.

“I never thought I’d see you again. I believed you were human.”
“I should have told you what I was but there wasn’t much time on that roof before the alarms

went off.”

“I tried to access the lift. I wanted to go after you.”
“You couldn’t have and they had fail-safe programs in place to prevent your escape. Your

linking abilities wouldn’t have broken the codes. I was Eve so I had access to the entire facility. It
was my job to keep track of all in my line.” She swallowed. “I mean, I was the first and assigned to
care for all of the canine units. It gave me greater access than any of the others. I was able to hack into
more of the systems but not all. Roof access was deemed low priority since we couldn’t survive a fall
from that height. We were never trained to fly shuttles or given access to that information.”

He gripped the edges of the bunk next to her thighs and leaned in close. “You never met up with


“I tried. I was ten minutes early to the designated pick-up spot but the shuttles were already

leaving orbit.” She hated that tears flooded her eyes, hoping he didn’t detest seeing her weakness.
He’d probably view emotions as a negative aspect of her personality. “I planned to meet you earlier
but received last-minute orders. We were asked to draw the guards away from the detention centers.
The cyborgs needed that advantage.”

“You were at the detention centers? You’d left the place you helped me escape from?”
“The termination center was located about a half mile from the holding cells. We staged a

rebellion of our own by locking down the building to keep them occupied. They were trying to break
in while we slipped out through emergency escape tunnels. Not all of us made it.” She remembered
the deaths of some of her unit who had remained to draw fire and hold the advancing guards at bay
while they fled underground. “Two hundred twenty-seven of us made it to the pick-up locations.”

“How many were there before that?”
“Three hundred. Fifty-six of them died, while seventeen were severely injured getting us there.

They sacrificed themselves for the rest of the unit.”

Rage darkened his features. “You were early but we had already gone?”
“Yes.” The memory of coming out of the tunnels and the shock of finding the shuttles gone

flashed through her mind. She’d watched them fade into the sky as they left Earth. “No shuttles

“They abandoned you. I didn’t know.”
Tears seeped down her cheeks. “Maybe it was some kind of mix-up.”
“They left you to die,” he raged.
Over the years she’d considered the possibility of betrayal but she’d never wanted to believe it.

“My links to the building computers were cut after we staged the rebellion. Something could have
happened to move the takeoff timetable up or they might have been under heavy enough fire and had to
lift off before we reached them.”

“It went according to plan.” Blackie fisted the mattress. “I have access to our records and it’s

legendary how smoothly our escape from Earth went.” He took a few slow, deep breaths. “No
mention was made anywhere of canine units. We were told some sympathetic humans helped us, one

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in particular who was a computer hacker. The council lied to us.”

He appeared deeply angry by the realization. She just felt the heart-wrenching sadness of


“I wouldn’t have left you behind if I’d known. I would have personally commandeered a shuttle

and waited.”

She believed him. “One shuttle wouldn’t have been able to accommodate all of my littermates.”
“I would have made a few trips then or talked more cyborgs into piloting other shuttles that

would have carried all of them into space.” He released the bed to gently smooth his palms over the
top of her thighs. The sincerity in his gaze made her believe him. “I wouldn’t have left without you.”

“Maybe they had to leave us behind due to lack of room on the space vessels they planned to

steal once they left orbit.” She was very aware of the heat of his touch. “It was impossible to plan
exactly how many ships or even which ones would be in orbit when we made a break for it.”

“We had plenty of room.”
“Then why?”
“I don’t know but I plan to find out.” He inched closer until their faces nearly touched. “They

will pay. I promise you that. You’re owed a debt.”

A sinking suspicion arose and it twisted her gut. “Is that why you are considering agreeing to be

my mate? You feel you are indebted to me?”

His mouth curved downward in displeasure. “No. I want you and I always have. You’re the most

attractive woman I’ve ever met.”

Her heart rate speeded up, his every word affecting her in ways no other man had made her feel.
“I could never forget you.” He suddenly raised a hand and his finger hooked a lock of her hair. “I

liked your short hair but I prefer it this way.” He glanced at her lap before returning his gaze to hers.
“Is there anything I should know? You appear totally human.”

“Physically, anatomically, I am for the most part.”
“Good.” He backed off. “Get undressed. I’ve waited a long time to have you.”
She forgot how to breathe for a few heartbeats. He wanted her naked. Just like that. No foreplay,

no words of love, just a raspy demand to strip bare.

She panicked a little. “I’ve never done this before.”
His voice came out rushed, impatient. “I’m basically the same as a human too.”
Heat flared in her cheeks. It was obvious he believed she meant having sex with a cyborg. “I’ve

never had sex at all.”

His expression would have been comical if it wasn’t such a serious matter. Her embarrassment

grew by leaps and bounds. “I want to! I mean, with you. I just never wanted anyone else to touch me.”

He seemed at a loss for words.
“Cameron, my creator, was always after me to have sex but I hated him. I knew if I showed any

interest in any of the guards, he’d never leave me alone. I met you and, um, that bond snapped into
place. No one ever seemed attractive to me after that night.” She felt the need to explain. “I just…felt
nothing when I looked at other men.”

He licked his lips and swallowed hard. “Do you feel something for me?”
“Yes.” She scooted closer and spread her thighs to give him room if he wanted to get closer. “I

ache for you to touch me but I thought I should warn you. I haven’t done this before. You might expect

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a more skilled lover. I’ll learn.”

His hands slid higher up her thighs. “The first time we met, you seemed less innocent. That’s

why I’m surprised.” He invaded her personal space.

She followed his lowered gaze to stare at the thick outline of his shaft. It protruded up and to the

side along the front of his pants, trapped under the material. He was big and she admitted to feeling a
bit intimidated. That wasn’t a size for beginners.

“I don’t expect experience or skill. I just want you.”
She stared into his eyes, knowing he meant it. Passion flared there bright enough for her to read.

He wasn’t cold or unfeeling, nor was he hiding his emotions. A soft growl rumbled from her throat
and she just wanted to eat him up but refrained from telling him that in case he mistook the context.

“I’m so sorry I attacked you on the freighter.”
“You didn’t know my identity. The helmet hid my features.”
Her gaze traveled to the bandages. “Did I do much damage?”
“No.” He reached for the white bandage on his side and tugged it free.
She studied the wound. Her claws had torn the skin but it was mostly healed. “Wow.”
“We mend at an accelerated rate. By tomorrow it will just be a little red. It’s the same where

you bit me. I’m sorry I struck you in the face.” His gaze lingered over her cheek.

“I didn’t give you much of a choice. It doesn’t even hurt. I heal fast too. Give it a day and you

won’t even see a mark.”

He inched a little closer. “Are you stalling for time? I don’t wish to rush you but I’ve waited

decades to see you undressed and to put my hands on you.”

Eve’s hands trembled as she reached for her half shirt and just tore it over her head. He wanted

her bare and he was going to get anything he asked for. She leaned back, drew up her legs and braced
her heels on the edge of the bed. She had to be careful not to strike her head on the wall behind the
bunk. The space wasn’t exactly narrow but it did restrict movement. Her hips arched upward, offering
him the opportunity to remove her shorts.

His hands spanned her waist, his thumbs hooked the top of the material and ever so slowly

tormented her by exploring her lower stomach just under the waistband. She stopped worrying
whether he found her attractive since his focus riveted on her body when he tugged her shorts

The scent of her arousal filled her nose and she hoped he found it a turn-on. She knew her canine

abilities amplified her sense of smell. He stripped her and tossed the material away. She expected
him to just take her but he spread her thighs wider, crouched down, and she froze. He seemed to want
to inspect her sex.

“I didn’t lie. No one has touched me. I’m yours.”
His gaze met hers. “You’re going to snap my control if you keep talking. I need to do right by


Eve didn’t understand what he meant until she gasped when his face lowered and his mouth

opened. He spread wet, hot kisses over the top of her mound and his hands dug under her ass, just
lifting her a few inches off the bed. Broad shoulders wiggled between her thighs, parting them wider,
and she clawed at the bed when his hot breath fanned along the seam of her pussy. He planned to
perform oral sex.

Another growl tore from her. She threw her head back, eyes squeezed tightly closed, and fought

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the urge to slam her legs together. An inner battle raged between embarrassment over being
vulnerable and exposed and extreme curiosity as to how it would feel to be touched that way. He’s
my mate. I belong to him—all of me.
Her tense muscles relaxed as she submitted to Blackie, willing
to allow him to educate her firsthand about foreplay.

The first stroke of his tongue across her clit came as a surprise. He was gentle but a powerful

jolt of strange sensations shot through her entire body. She held her breath, waiting. He flattened his
tongue and pressed it against a very sensitive spot. It made her gasp when he began an up-and-down
motion, applying just the right amount of pressure as he rubbed against her.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned. The stimulation to the bundle of nerves he played with was heavenly

and hellish to Eve at the same time. It felt really good but at the same time it made her ache. Her
fingers clutched at the bedding to avoid fisting in his hair. She couldn’t hold still, her hips seeming to
move of their own accord.

Blackie grew more aggressive and Eve lost the ability to think. He stopped licking to seal his

lips around the bud and sucked. She gasped at the new sensation then moaned louder. She became
aware of the throbbing coming from inside, her vaginal muscles clenching, and a new need arose. She
panted, the urge to grab his hair and jerk him up her body increasingly difficult to resist. “Please?”

He didn’t seem to understand her plea when he continued to torment her. All she wanted was him

on top of her and to feel what it would be like to have him inside her. She’d tried to imagine it at least
a thousand times when the memories of the past haunted her but wasn’t quite sure if she had it right.

His shoulders kept her open to his hot mouth and tongue until the raw sensations became too

intense and she arched her back, crying out, as she came hard. Strong spasms made her quake as
warmth spread through her pussy, her mind blown.

His mouth withdrew when he lowered her ass back to the soft mattress. She lay there spent as he

adjusted his hold on her. His hand explored her inner thigh, sliding upward, until one of his fingers
slowly penetrated her pussy. She moaned at the sensation of his thick digit parting her. He paused,
withdrew it almost completely, and inserted a second one. He stretched her vaginal walls and she
moaned louder, enjoying it.

Her hips rocked in tune with his motions and it felt so good she clawed at his bedding again. A

protest formed when he withdrew his fingers and her eyes opened. She looked down between their
bodies and her breath caught as she watched him open his pants, freeing his cock. She’d seen naked
men before but no one could compare to Blackie. He was perfectly shaped…and large. She’d
expected that with a C-46 unit. The thick girth of the shaft was stiff and watching his fingers curl
around the base of it was really sexy. He guided the rounded head of his cock between her spread

“Hold still,” he demanded. “I’m going slow. I don’t want to hurt you.” His gaze held hers. “It

will though.”

She knew what to expect, what he meant, but then the tip of his cock pressed against her spread

pussy and she moaned as he pressed it against her. Her body protested a little at the thick intrusion but
she was slick and wet from his mouth, making her hot and ready for him. He made a low sound,
almost pained. It worried her.

“Am I hurting you?”
His eyes narrowed. “You’re killing me.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, beautiful.”
She wondered what he regretted. It was great so far and she loved him calling her that

endearment. He released his shaft, tightened his hold on her ankles and shifted to wrap his arms

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around each of her thighs, holding them tightly against his ribs. He drove into her with one swift
stroke and she gasped, crying out as a stab of pain shot through her.

He froze, buried deep inside her. The jolt of pain faded as the seconds passed.
“It won’t hurt again.”
She nodded, trusting him.
He lifted her ankles to his shoulders and bent forward just enough to pin her with his weight so

she was almost bent in half, not that she minded. He slid in deeper, stretching her more, and she loved
the sensation of being filled by him. They were finally joined together.

He slowly moved, withdrew a few inches before gliding back in deep. The pain was replaced

by wonderful sensations. Her body was designed to heal and it was doing its job. Blackie moved
faster, his cock igniting a need to come. He lifted her a little higher until her ass left the bed to hover
over it a few inches as he continued to fuck her.

He hit a new spot and she panted, soft growls tearing from her that she couldn’t hold back

despite trying. It felt really good in an entirely new way from what his tongue had done to her clit. His
hips slapped against her ass, the rhythmical sound an accompaniment to their heavy breathing. She
cried out as another climax struck.

Blackie closed his eyes, threw back his head and groaned her name. His entire body jerked in

sharp thrusts, his semen marking her on the inside. Eve knew what it was like for the first time to be
owned by someone and she reveled in it. He shook, more of his warm semen filling her. He stopped
pumping against her when he was seated deep inside her pussy.

His eyes opened. “What exactly are the physical demands to make us true mates?”
It was hard to think after the intense pleasure he’d given her. Sex had been worth the wait.


He withdrew from her body before she could protest though she wanted to. He released her

thighs and gripped her hips. She gasped when he flipped her over, his strength remarkable. He bent
her over the bed in front of him, curled around her back and one knee nudged her thighs apart. She
gasped when his still-rigid cock drove into her from a new angle.

His hot breath tickled her ear as he whispered into it. “Canines have sex this way.” He fucked

her in long, steady thrusts. “What other physical requirements do you have for us to be mated?”

She struggled to collect her thoughts. “It’s not required but I wish you’d bite me.” She tossed her

head to the side to bare her shoulder. “Leave a scar.” She wanted one to match the one she’d given
him. Humans had wedding rings, cyborgs had contracts, but she wanted a permanent mark from him on
her skin.

His lips brushed her throat. “Here?”
“Shoulder. Please.” She whimpered when he fucked her harder, rougher. It felt too good for


“Do you want me to be gentle?”
“Good.” He drove into her over and over, pounding her hard enough to make the bunk shake

under them.

She tensed, cried out as another climax struck and that’s when his teeth sank into her. The bite

hurt as his teeth broke the skin but it only made her come harder, knowing he hadn’t hesitated to make
her his for life. She’d proudly display the mark whenever possible.

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He released her shoulder to groan as he came again. His upper arms supported enough of his

weight to allow her to catch her breath. Blood slid over her collarbone and onto the bed, staining it

“I’m sorry,” he rasped. “I think I bit you too deep.”
She found the strength to twist her head to the side enough to get a partial view. “That’s perfect.

I’ll stop bleeding in a minute. That will scar.”

Blackie wanted to kick his own ass. She’d been a virgin but he’d lost control once he was inside

Eve. She was too sexy, felt too good for him to show much restraint. Then he’d flipped her over to
make it up to her. Instead he’d gone wild as if he were the one with animal genetics and behavior
ingrained in his physical makeup instead of her.

The blood on her shoulder was visual proof of what he’d done, along with the taste of her blood

in his mouth. He licked his lips, tasting it there too. He’d been too rough.

“That is definitely going to scar unless your healing abilities are better than mine.”
The smile she gave him stunned him. “I’m yours.”
It usually would have unsettled him if a woman stated that. Cyborg women would rather die than

hand over any kind of control to another. Eve wasn’t anything similar to his race, well, other than her
ability to heal, her method of creation and lack of aging. He wanted her and now she wouldn’t ever
leave him. He had a…mate. The tightening in his chest wasn’t caused by the physical interaction they
had just shared but by a strong emotional response. He evaluated which one it was and decided it had
to be satisfaction or possibly happiness. They were too closely related for him to distinguish.

The concept of a woman joining her life to his for the rest of their lives was astonishing but he

liked it. He adjusted their positions until they were curled together on their sides with their bodies
still joined. The desire to keep her close was strong. He didn’t want to withdraw his dick from her
warm body or allow any space between them. She fit perfectly in front of him with his frame curved
over hers. His hand explored her hip, then her thigh. She snuggled tighter against him.

“We’ll legally join according to cyborg customs.” He would double-check first though to make

certain Eve couldn’t be considered a cyborg with her engineered genetics. He refused to share her
with another male. Murderous thoughts filled his mind just thinking about it. “Or perhaps not.”

Eve glanced back at him and he didn’t enjoy seeing the suspicion in her gaze, as if she doubted

his word that he agreed to be her mate.

“It’s best that we don’t if you are considered cyborg by the council. Females are fewer in

numbers and they will assign you another male besides myself, if that is the case.”

Her hand clutched his. “What does that mean?”
“There are always at least two males joined in a family unit with every female cyborg. The rules

recently changed after more of our women were rescued from a planet where their ship crashed. They
used to have at least three to four men per woman in each family unit. I won’t share you.”

“I’d kill anyone who tried to touch me. I’m yours. It would destroy me inside if that were to

happen. Mates don’t touch others. It would make me sick to be touched by someone else and I’d hate
it. I’d fight to the death,” she threatened, panic threading her tone.

“It won’t happen. You can stop worrying about it.” He caressed her from her hip to her waist to

soothe her fear. She was so soft and pale skinned. The contrast between their coloring was striking.
“We’re mates. I’ll tear apart any bastard who even considers putting his hands on you.”

Her gaze lowered to his mouth. “You won’t touch anyone else, will you?”

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He didn’t like the pain in her expression or the slight quaver he heard in her voice. “No. I

accepted your terms of a relationship bond. Mates are for life, correct?”

“You are the only woman I’ll want.” He was certain of that after obsessing over her year after

year. It stunned him that she was alive and sharing his bunk. There wasn’t a chance he’d ever give her
up. “I’ll make arrangements as soon as it’s convenient to assure our future.”

“What does that mean?”
He mentally went over a list then repeated it for her benefit. “My living arrangements on Garden

need to be updated to fit your needs. I don’t want us housed in a council building any longer.” He still
had questions about their actions when they’d escaped Earth. The council members responsible
would pay for what they’d done to the canine units. “I also will make it clear that I will refuse to
accept missions that don’t allow you to travel at my side. I assume you want to be with me at all
times? Those missions could take me from you for weeks or months at a time.” He hoped she’d agree
as he watched her features, disliking the idea of being separated from her.

She nodded. “Yes. I always want to be at your side.”
He pondered if she meant that in a literal sense. Some cyborgs might not accept her in the

command center during his work shifts but he’d deal with their protests. He’d do anything to make
certain she was healthy and happy, including keeping her within a few feet of him at all times if she
required it. “Do you mean that literally?”

Eve grinned. “I can handle you going to work without me but I want to share your bed every

sleep cycle.”

“What will happen to Danica? She’s my littermate. I can’t just abandon her but you’re my mate.

You’re my priority.”

He appreciated her candor. She cared about her sibling, a trait he admired, but he liked it more

that she’d pick him above all others. “She will be safe on Garden. Do you wish her to live in our

“We don’t have to live together but I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
“I believe a cyborg has taken an interest in her. He’s a good male.” Gene had seemed very


“The one with his arm around her?”
“Gene. Yes. He is a close friend of mine. He’d never harm her and I suspect he’d enjoy asking

her to share his quarters on Garden. I noticed his protective and possessive gestures toward her while
we were in the hallway.”

“He was cute. Danica will appreciate that and she did want a man. He looks capable of handling


Jealousy was an emotion he didn’t enjoy as it worked through his system. The tightness in his

chest eased when he realized she held no personal interest in Gene. It took effort to separate their
bodies, something he regretted, but her shoulder needed to be tended.

“Let me see to your wound.”
“It will heal fast. You don’t really need to do that. My immune system is rock solid so it won’t

get infected or anything.”

“I wish to care for you.”

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She watched his every move as he retrieved the med kit from his cleansing unit. Her smile

melted parts of him he hadn’t known existed as she sat up eagerly when he approached her again. His
dick remained hard, the desire to take her was strong, but he controlled the urge.

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Chapter Five

“Mated.” Danica looked at her with astonishment and reached across the table to hold her hands.

“That’s wonderful.”

Eve noticed the way her littermate trembled when they touched. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“You read minds? I’m impressed. When did you get that ability and do I get it too? ‘Cause it

would be totally cool.”

“You’re not going to lose me.”
Danica shrugged. “I had wondered. You’re all I have. We’ve always been a team but now you

have a mate. I know I just became number two on your list of importance.”

One glance around the small cafeteria assured Eve they were still alone. Blackie had arranged

for them to eat together while he attended a meeting. She wasn’t invited and knew it probably
involved their new relationship. Her focus returned to her sister.

“You know I love you.”
“I know. I’m a bit jealous but worried about you at the same time, okay? Tell me about him.”
“He’s wonderful and sweet. I can’t believe Handsome survived.” She paused. “Blackie. I need

to keep correcting myself. Who gave him that name? Were they blind?”

“He does have black hair.”
“It’s not a suitable name for him. Mine was much better.”
“Perhaps he will change it.” Danica released Eve’s hands, picked up her fork to stab at her food

and took a bite of breakfast. “Of course, then you’d have to agree to being called Hellfire. That’s the
name he knew you by though it was just a code word to protect your identity. Fair is fair.”

“True. I’ll adjust. I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable or that everything about his life has

changed just because I’m his mate.”

“A cyborg mated to a canine unit.” Danica chuckled. “Who’d have thought? And you were all

afraid he’d run.”

It was a reminder of the betrayal she felt. “You had no right to tell him.”
“I’m so sorry. You were wrapped around him as if he were a life buoy in a sea of acid. It just

spilled out of my mouth before I could think about what I said. I’m really sorry. Chalk it up to being
rattled around in that freighter and the shock of finding out they survived. My mind has been in a
spin.” She paused. “There’s an upside. You’re always looking for those. You didn’t have to break it
to him. It cut right through the bullshit fears.”

“It did.”
“Right.” Danica took another bite of her food. “Gene said they’ll take us back to Garden. It

sounds beautiful.”

“I haven’t really talked much to Blackie about it. What have you been told about their home


“They built a city on a lush planet similar to Earth. It is still pristine, unlike Earth. Lots of water

and there are aquatic life forms that were the dominant species.”

“What are they like? Are they intelligent?”
“Yes, from what Gene said. They don’t get along with them though. Their few interactions

weren’t friendly. The natives are aggressive. It’s why they built walls around the city.”

A sick feeling pitted inside Eve’s stomach. “Have they enslaved them?”

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“No. Cyborgs respect their culture and try to interfere as little as possible. I was told that’s why

they enclosed their city. They wanted to limit the exposure of the inhabitants to anything that would
impede their natural evolution.”

“We know what it’s like to be under the control of others and so do cyborgs. Does it really

surprise you that they’d leave the planet’s population alone?”

“I was hopeful we’d have the same views on less evolved life forms.”
“Cyborgs are really smart. Gene said they like to study them from a distance but it’s hard since

they mostly live underwater.”

“Do these aliens appear humanoid?” Alien cultures always fascinated Eve. They’d come across

a few of them over the years but they were rare. Most avoided Earthlings, finding them to be too
brutal. Of course, most species’ first interactions had taken place with pirates. It wasn’t a surprise
they avoided humans. “I’d like to see them.”

“Gene said they are humanoid looking but with gills and webbed digits to help them swim. How

cool is that?”

Eve grinned. “Gene is cute and you’re quoting him often.”
“He’s hot and we’ve been spending a lot of time together. I’m staying in one of the cargo holds

with him.”

It didn’t surprise Eve. “How is the sex?”
Danica blushed. “I wouldn’t know. I’m resisting.”
“Why? All you talked about was wanting to go to Titan and find a man. Now you have one

sharing the same space with you.”

“He’s way too intense.” She licked her lips. “Not the type of guy to nail and walk away from. I

can’t see him allowing that.”

“When has that ever stopped you?”
“Have you seen him? He’s huge and a cyborg. Plus we’re stranded. It’s not as if we’re going to

undock our ship and fly off once I climb out of his bed. We no longer have a ship. It’s space junk

“You think he wants more than a one-night stand?”
Danica shrugged. “I’m not sure, but maybe.”
“Would that be so bad?”
“Yes. I’ve seen what happened to you. No guy could compare to your cyborg. What if Gene isn’t

serious and I get that mate thing going on? They are dominant enough to trigger our instincts. I’d be
hung up on him for life. No thanks. I won’t risk it no matter how horny I get or how hot he makes me.”

“What if he wanted to be hung up on you for life too?”
“It’s not happening. It’s too scary to even think about. It’s the what-if-he-isn’t part that messes

with me. No offense but you were never the same after you walked into that room and saved your
cyborg. I’m keeping my heart safe and no one will ever own me.” She glanced around before
lowering her voice. “They didn’t know about canine units or how we played a big part in rescuing so
many cyborgs. Do you know what that probably means? Their council can’t be trusted.”

“I’ve been thinking a lot about that myself.”
“We need to find out if Freedom survived. I’d love to spend five minutes alone in a room with

him. Can you remember what he looks like? You’re the only one he’d meet with in person.”

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Eve nodded. “I’d never forget his face.”
“I can’t get over it. He betrayed us. We pledged fidelity to cyborgs but they didn’t even tell the

others about us. They left us to die, didn’t they? I keep thinking about it and I’m getting a sick feeling
in my gut that they didn’t ever plan to take us with them.”

“Blackie believes you might be right.”
“Son of a bitch.” Danica clenched her teeth. “I’ll never trust another cyborg. We should steal a

life pod if there’s one aboard.”

“I’m mated.”
Misery dominated her littermate’s face. “We could kidnap him. Take him with us, you know?

He’d make a kickass bounty hunter.” Her expression brightened. “I bet he could repair a lot on our
freighter too, if we can locate it. They are excellent with machinery and hell, he can just download the
operating manuals into that super brain of his to figure it out if he doesn’t know already. Think of the
credits we’d save on mechanics.”

“I can’t do that to him. He seems to like his life, Danica.” Eve wanted to change the subject. It

hurt too much. “We can’t blame all cyborgs for what happened to our littermates if they weren’t
aware of our existence. Blackie said he wouldn’t have left us behind if he’d known. I believe him.”

“You’re biased.”
“He was really pissed, Danica. I mean, enraged to the max.”
“Yeah. Gene kind of reacted the same way when we briefly spoke about it. I was getting upset so

he let it drop.”

“The responsibility rests squarely with Freedom. He’s the one I dealt with and he was in charge

of mission 895589. It was his plan. He is the one who promised they’d take us with them in exchange
for our help.”

“I’m going to rip off his nuts if he survived.”
“Stand in line.”
“How about you remove the left one and I’ll take the right?”
They regarded each other for long moments. Danica was the first to break the silence.
“So we’re going to the cyborg planet. I hope they are more relaxed than they used to be. I

worried about that when we signed up to leave Earth with them. Those guys were pretty solemn. Of
course they looked really good compared to Cameron and everyone else at the termination center.”

“Blackie told me most cyborgs have shut off the chips that kill their emotions. They won’t be as

reserved as we remember. My mate is very warm spirited.” She smiled at the memory of the night
they’d spent together. “Passionate.”

“That would explain Gene’s odd behavior.” She smiled back. “He’s kind of a sweetheart when I

let him talk.”

“We’ll have a home again.”
“We had one.”
“A planet instead of a freighter. It’s got to be prettier than staring out into dark space.”
“Yeah. I hope so.” She peered at her. “What if we hate it there? Can we kidnap your mate and

steal a ship then? I’m still thinking about that bar on Titan. I wanted to go dancing.”

“Maybe cyborgs have bars.”
Danica laughed. “Right. Sure. Chips on or off, I can’t see them hanging out, getting drunk and

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stumbling out onto a dance floor in hopes of grinding against a girl well enough to get them laid.”

Eve grew thoughtful. “Probably not. You have a point.”

* * * * *

Blackie glared at Fleet, their bodies inches apart. “You knew about canine units,” he accused.
Gene’s hand gripped his upper arm but he refused to back away from the current commander of

the shuttle. “Calm,” his friend urged.

“I won’t.” Blackie jerked out of his hold and came into physical contact with Fleet due to the

swift motion. He regretted it was only an accidental bump. His hands clenched into fists as he barely
refrained from using them to batter the other male and purposely cause harm. “That’s why you cut
communications when I stated what they were and refused to respond until we boarded the shuttle.”

“I ordered you to take both women to cargo hold two. I was just informed that you took one of

them to crew quarters.”

“My quarters,” Blackie clarified.
Fleet took a step back and lifted his chin, his mouth firming into a tense line. “State your reason

for disobeying a direct command.”

Blackie battled the urge to punch Fleet in the mouth. He had a lot to say but tried to get a handle

on his anger first. He decided he wanted answers before bloodshed. It also didn’t pass his notice that
the male had ignored his accusation and had brought up his disobedience instead.

Fleet shot a suspicious look at Gene before assessing Blackie the same way. “You’re both not

contracted into a family unit. Is this an attempt to create one with an unclaimed woman? Any request
for a contract will be denied. You and Gene will immediately escort that woman to cargo hold two
when you return to your shared quarters.”

“They aren’t mine anymore,” Gene muttered. “I highly recommend that you reevaluate the

situation and proceed with caution. Your current rank holds no authority at the moment.”

“What does that mean?” Fleet demanded.
“Answer my question,” Blackie snapped. “You knew about canine units on Earth, didn’t you?”
Fleet fisted his hands. “Insubordination will not be tolerated. What is wrong with you? Do you

need a medic to check you out? You’re acting irrational and out of character. Were you injured on the
freighter? Exposed to high levels of radiation? Did your suit fail to shield you properly? Were your
implants damaged?”

Blackie fisted the male’s uniform and shoved, refusing to let go until he pinned him against the

wall. “Nothing is wrong with my implants. Answer me!”

“Release me.”
“Stand down,” Gene ordered.
Blackie glanced back and saw Gene pull his weapon and point it at two other males whose intent

was to come to their commander’s aid. They froze, their expressions stunned.

“Proceed, Blackie,” Gene urged. “I’ve got you covered.”
Blackie whipped his head around and lifted the commander until his feet left the floor. “Did you

know about the canine units?”

Fleet’s gaze slid from his to dart around the room. He lowered his voice when he spoke. “I

won’t discuss it here.”

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In front of witnesses, Blackie surmised. “Answer me.”
“Your assault will not prompt me to share classified information.”
It infuriated Blackie when he noted the signs that the cyborg had implemented a shutdown of his

emotions by engaging the chips implanted inside his brain. Fleet’s pupils shrank to pinhole-size dots
and his muscles relaxed despite the tense situation. Even his voice changed slightly into a more
robotic pattern. He guessed he had also activated the one that muted pain receptors. No verbal or
physical stimulus would provide Blackie’s desired response.

“The woman stays in my quarters. She is under my protection. Am I clear?” He dropped the male

and stepped back. “Gene will guard the second woman. Any attempt to take or harm them will be met
with deadly force.”

“You are being illogical. Report to the medic.”
Blackie wanted to hit him so much it took every ounce of control to resist. It would only damage

his hand. He debated whether it was worth it, deemed it wasn’t. He wanted the other male to feel it
when they fought.

“I refuse to take orders from you. Have you contacted Garden?”
“Yes. We are in transit there now.”
“Good.” Blackie spun and stormed out of the room. Gene followed.
“Have you lost your mind?”
He kept walking. “I’m going to get the women. I expect trouble.”
“You think they’ll attempt to do something to stop the women from reaching Garden?”
“It’s possible.”
“I don’t like this.”
Blackie came to an abrupt halt and glanced back. Gene stopped too as they studied each other.

“Can I count on you to protect the second woman or are you conflicted? I need your absolute candor.”

“My job is to follow orders from the council and higher-ranking officials. I am offended by what

we’ve learned though. There was no honor in leaving allies to die, especially women. I won’t allow
anything to happen to Danica. I’m as conflicted as it gets but not on that subject. I’ll safeguard her.”

Blackie trusted him. “Are you prepared to face off against other cyborgs if they are ordered to

remove her from the Bridden before it reaches Garden?”

The male flexed his fingers. “You think Fleet will attempt to transfer them to another ship?”
“Or worse. The council members involved won’t want the proof of their deception testifying

against them to our population.”

Gene paled. “Agreed. I’m running possible scenarios now.”
“As am I. Fleet wants them secured inside cargo hold two. It will be difficult to defend without


“I’ll take care of it now. One of us should be with them at all times.”
“I’ve had the medic guarding them since we went into that meeting.”
“You trust Varion?”
“He hates me but he’s protective of women to what I once considered a flawed extent. It

wouldn’t be the first time he refuses to take orders from the council when the safety of one is in

“I’ll perform every security measure to secure the cargo hold and protect the women.”
“I know you will. Be careful.”

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“You too.”
They parted. Blackie increased his pace. He didn’t like Eve being anywhere without him. He

didn’t want to alarm her so he masked his features and tried to suppress his anger. He turned a corner
and confronted Varion at the end of the corridor.

The male pointed to the door. “They are inside. No one attempted to enter.”
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t guard them for you.”
“I still appreciate it.”
“I’ll still kill you if hurt one of those women.”
“I would allow you to.”
The medic frowned.
“I’m going inside. Could you make sure Danica returns to the cargo hold without interference

from anyone?”

“Of course,” the male agreed. “Contact me if you need more assistance. I can’t tolerate the

harming of women.”

The door opened and Blackie stepped inside. The sight of him wearing the tight black uniform

took Eve’s breath away. He looked so good that she wanted to strip him out of it and make love. His
gaze sought hers.

“The meeting ended.”
“How did it go? Do they want to toss us out an airlock?”
“Danica!” Eve shot her a warning glare. “My mate isn’t our enemy. Cyborgs aren’t either.”
“You even made the distinction.” Danica pushed away from the table as her attention centered on

Blackie. “I guess you want to take her back to your quarters while I return to the cargo hold. I’ll trust
you because you’re her mate but I’ll keep my guard up around the others. Should I sleep with a
weapon? Am I in danger?”

“No.” Blackie’s voice deepened. “You’re safe with us.”
Danica didn’t look convinced. “Just protect her if shit hits the fan, cyborg. I don’t really expect

you to watch out for my ass but she’s your mate. I just hope that means you’ll do whatever it takes to
keep her safe.”

“You aren’t in any danger on the Bridden.” He paused. “Gene is trustworthy and won’t allow

anything to happen to you.”

“What about this planet of cyborgs? We were left behind to die once. Is Freedom still alive?”
Eve stood too, watching her mate. She wanted to know the answer as well.
“Yes. He’s one of the council members.”
“Council members,” Danica repeated. “What kind of governing system do cyborgs have?”
“A dozen of them run our society.”
“And Freedom is one of them?” Danica snorted, shooting a meaningful look at Eve. “We’re

screwed. I say we go with my plan.” She fled the room before Eve could recover, stepping out to
meet Varion in the corridor.

Blackie approached. “I won’t allow any harm to come to you or your sister.” His hands gently

clasped her hips. “Do you trust me?”

“I do.” He was her mate and having ultimate faith in him was part of the package. It was how she

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was created to be. At that moment it was a frightening concept since they were very different. He
might not understand how deeply ingrained that mate bond was. “What will happen when we reach
your home world if Freedom did purposely lie and betray the canine units? If that knowledge comes
out, will it pose a threat to him, and in turn, will he want us dead?”

“I won’t deceive you. Cyborgs highly regard honor. There was none if he left your littermates to

die after securing a pact in exchange for your help. It will cause conflict amongst our population. He
will make a lot of enemies and it’s probable he’ll be removed from his position.”

“Why would anyone even care about what happened to us?”
“You saved a lot of lives, mine included. You helped us escape Earth. It will matter. You will

be considered kindred to cyborgs and sympathy for your plight will be felt. There is also the matter of
your entire line being female. The men will come to the same conclusion I have when I learned of
your existence.”

“What was that?”
“Men vastly outnumber our women.” His fingers stroked her pants. “It would have changed the

development of our society if we’d integrated your line with ours.”

“Want to drop the cyborg speak and just tell it to me straight?”
“Problems arose after humans tried to sexually assault our women when cyborgs were first

introduced. They fought back, resulting in high casualty rates amongst those humans. The women were
destroyed when altercations occurred.” He paused, anger deepening his voice. “The humans
murdered them for defending themselves against sexual abuse. Earth Government stopped the
production of females and only produced males thereafter. That’s why there were so few of them left
alive. We made it a priority to protect them and make certain they escaped with us.” He paused.
“That’s how it became law that female cyborgs enter into a contract with multiple males to form a
family unit.”

Eve was horrified, despite having been told that fact before. She hadn’t been able to stand men

touching her, knowing she longed to be with Blackie, despite his absence in her life. To be ordered to
marry more than one man would not only damage her heart but tear her soul apart now that they were

“Integrating your women with our men would have changed the way things are now.”
“Would they have made it law that canine units had to be with more than one cyborg? It wouldn’t

work. Canine units are loyal to the extreme.”

“They would have taken your needs into account. It also would have put more females into our

society and lessened the need to pair cyborg women with multiple males.”

“You think cyborgs would have accepted us the way we are?”
He tugged her closer until her body pressed against his. “Yes. You have no idea how difficult it

has been for our unbalanced society.”

“Tell me.”
It was hard to think when warmth seeped through his uniform into her clothes. She wished they

were naked and back inside their quarters. She might have avoided sex all her life but now she knew
what she’d been missing with Blackie. It would be nice to make up for lost time.

“We turned off our implants. It allowed emotions to rise inside us, allowed us to experience

them, good and bad.” His hands slid higher, to her waist. “Jealousy and possessiveness were present
but we had to conceal them for the harmony of all. It wasn’t fair to expect such a high percentage of
our male population not to have the ability to join family units. They would have resented the ones

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who did.”

“Do you feel possessive of me?”
“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate to answer. “You belong to me.”
She liked that. “So you’re saying they feared a lot of men would kill the married ones just to put

some widows back on the market?”

His lips twitched at the corners but he resisted the smile. “That is a very Earth way to put it but

it’s accurate. The council feared the men would fight over women. It is also a requirement that we
produce children. Pairing only a single male with a woman would have restricted our genetic pools
and caused health issues in the future generations.”

“They want women to hook up and have babies with multiple partners so the DNA is more

diversified when those kids grow up and have some babies of their own?”

“There would have been a lot more women available if we hadn’t been left behind. You really

needed us, because even with multiple male partners, many children still have the same genes—the

“Do you think it’s going to piss some of your guys off that we were left behind?”
“I’m certain they will be angry.” He paused. “The family unit structures would have had a more

satisfying outcome.”

“What does that mean?”
“Our women were given an unfair advantage over the men.”
“They got to pick and choose who they married instead of men having much of a choice?”
He stepped back, releasing her. “Yes. The women were empowered by their situation.”
“They rub it in?”
Anger flared in his gaze. “They lost their compassion.”
That surprised her. “They are mean to their husbands?”
“I have avoided joining a family unit for many reasons.” He paused. “Let’s go to our quarters.

Did you eat enough?”

“You’re changing the subject.”
“It’s not a good one.”
“I want to know.”
He lifted a hand and brushed a tendril of her hair back. “Our women are cold, controlling, and

any male who doesn’t comply with their demands is considered unworthy of joining a family unit—by
all women.”

“You piss off one, they all hold it against you?”
“The male is deemed undesirable by all and has no chance of entering into a contract with

another woman. They can be merciless with their demands.”

She studied her mate’s dour expression. “You avoided getting married because you’re an alpha

but you would have been forced to be a beta. That sucks. Do they make you clean house and treat their
husbands like slaves or something?”

“There’s much more to it than that, Eve.”
“So fill me in.”
“Why are you so curious?”

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“I’m going to live with these people on your world. I want to know the score.” She grinned,

deciding to lighten his grim mood with teasing. “Are you afraid to tell me in case I become really
demanding and high maintenance? I won’t.”

“That’s not it.” He blew out a breath. “They are ice cold and rarely show emotions unless it is

contempt, anger or disapproval. They choose their males according to their rank in our society or for
physical traits they wish to pass on to the next generation. Personality traits are ignored. We’re
expected to conceal those while with them. It irritates them otherwise.”

Eve was stunned.
“Sex is initiated by women only when they decide to conceive a child or if they deem that our

physical needs have been ignored long enough. They activate their sex drives, order us to and it’s
usually timed down to the second. Occasionally they allow us to touch them if we’ve done something
to earn their respect. It is nothing like what you and I have.” He sighed. “I’ve witnessed men who
joined family units turn bitter but they are locked into the contract without any recourse to negotiate
for more satisfying terms.”

“Wow.” She didn’t even know what to say. It sounded horrible to her.
“I wish to end our discussion of this subject.”
It was kind of depressing so she agreed. “Okay.”
He held out his hand. “Let’s return to our room.”
“How did your meeting go?”
Blackie led her out of the cafeteria and down the hallway. “Fleet contacted the council again.

They demanded we return to Garden immediately.”

“Because of Danica and me? Did they know about us?”
His tone became chilly. “I’m not certain what they were told. Fleet didn’t share that information.

I know one member who does. Parlis.”

“How would he know if you didn’t?”
The door to their quarters opened and Blackie ushered her inside. The moment it sealed, he

gripped her hips once more. “He was the one you knew as Freedom.”

Her stomach felt as if it dropped to her feet. “Parlis?”
“That is his name. Freedom was his code name for the mission, as yours was Hellfire. It was to

protect his true identity. All cyborgs who had any association with him before he escaped would have
immediately been killed if Earth Government discovered he was behind our rebellion. They wouldn’t
have taken a chance that he hadn’t infected other cyborgs.”

“That’s what Earth Government considered any dissident in our ranks. As if being aware of our

situation and demanding it change was a virus instead of a sign of intelligence.”

“They were dicks.”
He smiled. “Your Earth speech is entertaining. I’d forgotten that over time.”
“Well, you will have plenty of reminders as my mate. I have atrocious English. Living all those

years with Danica on the freighter only made it worse. Then there were the people we dealt with on
the stations we occasionally came into contact with. Criminals and losers in general who couldn’t
integrate with any semblance of society.”

“No more.”
“Right. Will you correct the way I speak?”

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“No. I wouldn’t want you to change.”
Her mate knew the right things to say to make her love him more. “I’m glad.”
“You are perfect.”
“You so want to get me naked, don’t you?” She grinned, reaching up and sliding her fingers

under the bottom of his shirt to feel his skin. He was so warm and so hers. “You don’t need pretty

“I mean it.”
Yeah, he’s been worth waiting so long for. She had no doubt about that as he helped her strip off

his shirt. He removed his boots while she yanked off her shoes. Danica might be worried about being
locked into a mate bond but her littermate had no clue how wonderful it could be.

The door chimed, startling them both. Blackie hissed a curse and jerked his head. “Go inside the

cleansing unit.” He yanked up his pants and closed them. “I’ll get rid of them.”

“Who is it?”
“I’m not linked to the computers to ask before I open the door.”
She fled, mostly naked, into the small room. The unit closed, sealing her inside. It was the only

place to go for privacy if the door to the hallway opened. She strained to hear what was going on.

“What do you want?”
“I need to talk. Where is the woman?”
The voice of their visitor was deep, male and unfamiliar.
“She’s here. We’ll take this outside. Step out of the way.” Blackie’s tone was clearly angry.
“I wish to speak to her as well.”
“Too bad. I refuse to allow you near her.”
“I am your superior.”
“On this trip. I already warned you I wouldn’t take orders from you. She belongs to me. You

don’t have the right to demand access.”

“You don’t own her.”
“She’s my mate. I have the right to protect her.”
“Mate? What does that mean?”
“It’s the canine version of forming a family unit.”
“No one gave you permission to do that.”
“I don’t need it, nor would I ask. It’s done. I refuse to argue with you. Why are you here? I

already stated that I refuse to take orders from you.”

“I just wish to speak to her.”
“No.” Blackie was really pissed, his voice loud.
“Parlis wished me to ask her some questions.”
“He certainly won’t be allowed access to her.”
“What is your source of aggravation?”
“You refused to discuss this earlier and shut down to avoid it. You were there the day I was

freed. You were a part of mission 895589 and I know you had to be aware of the canine units.”

“It wasn’t a suitable time. That’s classified information not to be discussed in front of the crew.”
Eve grabbed a towel out of the compartment on the wall and wrapped it firmly around her body.

She wanted to speak to the other cyborg if he knew anything about what had transpired on Earth. She

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hit the door release and it slid open.

The cyborg stood in the hallway, Blackie blocking him from entering their quarters. Her mate

turned, his expression harsh. “Wait inside the unit.”

“He was part of mission 895589 and I want to speak to him.”
Blackie’s lips pressed firmly together, his displeasure apparent. “I will handle this. You’re not

properly dressed.”

“Screw that.” She stepped closer, looking past him at the other cyborg. “What do you know? I’ve

never met you. What part of the mission were you involved in? Did you know we were lied to and
that Freedom planned to abandon my entire line after we helped yours escape?”

“I am Fleet.” He glared at Blackie. “Could we please take this inside your quarters? This is a

private matter.”

Blackie didn’t budge. “You’re not going to be able to conceal the truth for Parlis. Is that what

you wish to discuss with my mate?”

“Step back and allow me to enter.”
Blackie stood firm. “I expected more from you. Do you have no honor left? You’re here on

Parlis’ orders, aren’t you? What exactly are those? The other council members weren’t told they are
onboard, were they?”

Fleet glanced around. “There is a shift change soon. Please allow me entry into your quarters to

talk to the woman.”

“No.” Blackie shook his head. “I don’t care that you don’t want anyone to overhear what is said.

Speak if you are going to or wait until we reach Garden. I’ve already left messages with all the
council members. I suspected you didn’t inform them that we rescued two canine units when you
requested our immediate return to Garden. I demanded a meeting.”

“I know.” Fleet’s dark eyes narrowed. “Cancel it. Parlis wishes to speak to both of you first.”
“I am certain he does but give him a message for me.” Blackie stepped closer to the other

cyborg. “Tell him to enjoy his last days as a council member. I’d also tell him to pack. I highly doubt
they will allow him to keep his status or the benefits that come with it.”

Fleet growled low. “Don’t do this. We’re on the same side, Blackie. We believe in the council

and have done much to uphold their authority. They do what they must for the protection of our entire

“I believed they were responsible for saving my life and I swore allegiance when we left Earth.

I’ve done a lot of things I regret, things that I wasn’t certain were correct, but they had my utmost
loyalty.” He crowded the male, chest to chest. “No more. Tell Parlis his secrets are about to become

“It might cause chaos in our society.” Fleet lowered his voice. “We both agree that isn’t in the

best interest of our race. Think of what is most important, Blackie.”

“The most important thing in my life is standing behind me. Parlis left her to die and he’s going

to pay for that.” Blackie released the doorframe and fisted the other cyborg by the front of his uniform.
“Tell him my mission is to see him pay for the deaths of her sisters. I’ll kill him or anyone else who
puts my mate at risk again.” He brutally threw the guy into the wall across the corridor then backed up
and sealed them inside their quarters.

He turned to face her and love welled inside Eve. Any doubt that he might feel less bonded to

her than she did to him fled in that moment. Anger glinted in his eyes but she knew it wasn’t directed

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at her. She dropped the towel. He caught her in his arms when she jumped toward him and wrapped
around his body, her mouth going for his.

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Chapter Six

Blackie barely caught Eve when she jumped into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist as

her hands cupped his face, her mouth hot and eager as she kissed him. The shift in emotions was
startling as all his rage dissipated under the desire to be inside her.

He reached down and tore at the front of his pants to free his cock. He spun, pinning her against

the door and ran his fingers along her inner thigh to where they joined. She was wet and ready to take
him as his thumb traced the seam of her sex, found her clit and rubbed. A growl tore from her and
made his dick harder.

She didn’t hide her emotions from him, nor did she show any restraint. It made him hot inside,

made him burn. It also encouraged him not to think but to just do what pure passion demanded. He
shifted his hips, aligned them and the second the crown of his dick found the right spot he drove up
inside her pussy.

Eve’s lips tore away from his as she moaned, her head tilted back with her mouth open. He

paused, buried inside her as deep as he could get. She was tight, felt wonderful and he began to move
slowly at first. He almost totally withdrew from her before sinking back in.

“Yes,” she encouraged, opening her eyes to peer deeply into his.
Blackie couldn’t look away from her as his thumb played with her clit, his hand trapped between

their bodies. He widened his stance a little to achieve more maneuvering room and drove up inside
her again, rolled his hips a little and watched her reaction. The pure ease of reading every expression,
every look, was the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced.

He was glad she wasn’t anything like cyborg women. None of them had ever excited him as

much or made him feel the unbridled fervor that consumed him. He wanted to hear her cry out his
name as he drew her closer to climax. His balls tightened and he knew he was dangerously close to
losing control but concentrated on her pleasure. Nothing had ever mattered to him as much as Eve.

Her eyes narrowed, her breathing quickened and her nails bit into his biceps. He loved how her

heels dug into his ass muscles where she was wrapped around him and her vaginal walls squeezed
his dick to the point of sheer torture as he tried to hold back his release. Eve’s throaty moans were
music to his ears as they grew louder while he fucked her faster. She was close when her face
burrowed against his chest and she cried out his name.

Blackie lost it. To feel her climax around his shaft was too powerful to battle. The ability to

think was lost and all that existed were white-hot flashes of ecstasy jolting through his body as he
shook on his feet, only vaguely aware of locking his knees to keep them both from crashing to the
floor of their quarters. He felt raw, every nerve exposed and oddly at peace.

“I love you,” she panted.
“I love you too.” He meant every word and knew the definition of that strong emotion. She made

him complete, was his other half that had been missing since he’d become aware, realized his
existence. She filled that empty space he’d always had inside.

All the things he’d done for the council flashed through his mind and he had a new awareness of

his actions, saw them as crimes he’d committed. The men who’d bonded with humans had been
perceived as threats to cyborgs’ continuation to thrive. He’d listened to Parlis, believed the dire
warnings and had acted in accordance. The almost worship he’d practiced when it came to the cyborg
once known as Freedom suddenly sickened him.

“Are you all right?” Eve nuzzled his throat, brushing soft kisses across his skin.

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He debated giving her an answer that would shield her from his inner turmoil but she was his

mate. “No.”

“Did you strain a muscle?” She pulled back enough to hold his gaze.
“I feel shame. It’s not pleasant.”
“There’s nothing wrong with what we just did. Nothing. I loved it. It’s called a quickie and I

hope we have more of them often.”

She amused him and he couldn’t avoid smiling. “That’s not the source of my shame. I enjoyed


“Talk to me.” Her voice soothed him as her tone lowered, concern clear in the way she looked at

him. “What’s wrong?”

“You are more important to me than anything. I understand the importance of love. I have that for


Tears filled her eyes. “This is a cyborg thing, right? It’s okay to feel this way. I’m so glad you

do. I was terrified those implants had damaged you to the point that you’d never be able to feel strong
emotions. It’s totally natural to love someone. Maybe they taught you it was wrong but it’s not.”

“Why do you cry?”
“I’m happy.”
She confused him. “Tears indicate pain or distress.”
“You really love me. It’s a woman thing to get all choked up when the man she loves says it.”

She shrugged. “I’m really happy. It’s kind of complicated but trust me, I’m overjoyed.”

“I do trust you.” He inhaled, hating to admit the truth to her. “I don’t ever want lies between us

but you might feel dishonored by my actions when I confess things I’ve done wrong.”

Her eyes closed and her face lowered to press against the curve of his chest. “Oh god. You knew

they were going to leave us behind on Earth, didn’t you?”

Her arms wrapped around him in a tighter hug. Tears slipped down her cheeks. “I love you. It

hurts really bad but I understand. We just had a few minutes together. You thought I was an Earther.
I’ll forgive you though.”

Seeing her anguish caused physical pain inside his chest. He pressed her tightly to the wall,

lifted a hand to gently grip her chin and forced her to look at him “I didn’t know. I swear, Eve. I’m
trying to confess to the things I did long after we left Earth.”

Some of her grief seemed to ease but she tensed in his arms. “I don’t want to hear about the

women you’ve touched. This is one of those things we don’t need to share every detail about. It would

He winced inwardly, compassion a new emotion. He wouldn’t enjoy hearing details of her

having intercourse with other men. It also opened a line of thought he hadn’t traveled yet. He’d want
to track down and kill any male who’d touched Eve. She was his. It did horrible things to his stomach.
He was thankful that she had not been with other men.

“I followed council orders when I shouldn’t have. I didn’t know they were wrong at the time but

I understand now why some cyborgs hate me. They are justified.” He continued when she said
nothing. “I almost killed a human who had bonded with a fellow cyborg. I didn’t comprehend how he
could trust her. I’ve taken the council’s side every time there was dissension in the ranks. I believed
Parlis always had the future of our race as a priority. I now see my error. Ice loves Megan. He wasn’t

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betraying his own kind to choose her above all else.”

She reached up to gently stroke his cheek. There was no censure in her gaze. “Did you kill her?”
“No. She lives.”
“You didn’t understand what love was.”
“No. I believed she fooled him into believing she wasn’t a threat to our race.”
“You feel guilty now?”
“I do.”
“It’s normal.”
“I feel bad.” He wasn’t sure how else to explain it. “I want to fix it but I doubt that is possible.”
“Is he on this shuttle?”
“No. Fleet is in command of this trip. Everyone is given downtime on Garden and we change out

crews to prevent them from spending too much time in space.”

“Contact the man if you’re able and apologize. It’s all you can do.”
“There’s more.”
“All right.”
“I terrorized another woman who belonged to Steel. I believed she was a threat and would have

done anything to make her talk. I—”

She stopped stroking his skin and one finger pressed against his lips.
“Shush. This is all new to you, isn’t it? Is she alive? Did you hurt her?”
He turned his head slightly to move her finger. “She’s alive and well. I frightened her but no

serious damage was done.”

“That’s good. Apologize to them too. It will help you feel better.”
He sincerely doubted that. More of his actions over the decades haunted him. He’d been

completely beholden to the cyborgs who’d freed him from misery. It was his way of thanking them by
giving the council his full loyalty and commitment to their orders. Some of their commands hadn’t
been easy to implement but he’d done everything they’d asked. It had made him very unpopular with
certain cyborgs. All their resentment seemed appropriate now.

He held Eve’s gaze.
“Everyone screws up. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and try to become a better

person. We live a long time. That just means we’re bound to have more regrets than most. Give
yourself a break.”

Cyborgs weren’t created to make errors. He didn’t share his thoughts but took her wisdom into

account. He debated what emotion he felt, not sure if it was fear or worry.

“You can try to fix things, Blackie.”
Her words drew his attention and he carefully chose his response. “I believe it’s possible that

some of the enemies I’ve made could use this opportunity to gain retribution for the things I’ve done in
the past.”

“You mean they might use me to hurt you back?”
“I’m not easy to kill.” Her chin rose in defiance. “They could try. I haven’t survived this long by

being some cream puff.”

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Her verbal communication skills bemused him but he understood the meaning behind the words.

“They could make it difficult for us once we reach Garden. They may argue that you’re more cyborg
than human. You were created in a laboratory the way we were.”

“You’re worried they might separate us?” She shook her head. “Let them try. You’re my mate

and I don’t want another husband.” She shivered in his arms, her revulsion clear. “I dare them to
order me to allow someone besides you to touch me.” Her hand raised, claws sliding from her
fingertips. “I’d castrate anyone who tried.”

He believed she would and amusement struck. “You’re incredibly arousing when you threaten to

mutilate other cyborgs.”

She smiled at him. “Do you want to know the great thing about quickies? They can turn into

more. We could just call what we did a warm-up.” She jerked her head toward the bed.

Temptation was strong. “I need to contact a few of the alliances I’ve made. I don’t want to reach

Garden unprepared for any scenario.”

“You want your friends to meet us there so you have backup?”
“Yes.” She really did have entertaining language skills.
“Cool. You do that and I’ll go use the cleansing unit to give you a little privacy.” She winked.

“Then it’s round two.”

His dick stiffened, more than interested. “I’ll hurry.” It was tough to ease her away from the wall

when he didn’t want to release her. He managed though, his concern for her future paramount. His
sexual desires could wait.

He faced the exterior door panel the moment she stepped into the unit and placed his hand on the

sensor, linking to the onboard computer. Irritation quickly narrowed his gaze when it blocked him
from communications. Fleet had attempted to prevent him from reaching anyone on Garden. Blackie
hacked the system until he had control. He had a lot of enemies but he also had high-ranking friends.

“I need to present facts,” he informed Zorus when the council member answered. “Are you

aware of what a canine unit is?”

The silence over the link made Blackie anxious.
Rage gripped Blackie. “You agreed to leave them behind on Earth?”
Zorus allowed his displeasure to be known by his terse attitude when he responded. “Why

would we steal four-legged beasts from Earth? The security teams used those animals to help contain
us. They weren’t friendly or cooperative. It would have been a waste to attempt to retrain them if
we’d stolen some.”

“I’m talking about the women. The ones they created and designated them ‘canine units’.”
“My only reference for canine units is the animals on leashes that some of the guards walked the

perimeter with. Were they enhanced in some way? I wasn’t aware of that. Are you informing me that
you’ve learned of cyborg canine units? The human women you rescued had classified information? I
was informed they are possible spies. Do you have proof they are military?”

Blackie relaxed, certain the council member was being honest. Zorus was known for his

bluntness. “The report you received is incorrect. They aren’t spies. Earth Government mixed human
and canine DNA to create women. Some of the council members were aware. They made a pact with
the canine women. If they helped us escape from Earth they could escape with us but the cyborg
leaders didn’t keep their bargain. Those women were left behind to die.”

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Zorus didn’t respond.
The link was still active when Blackie checked. “Did you hear me? They appear to be human but

they have canine enhancements. Earth Government killed all but two of them after our escape. They
were slaughtered in retaliation for coming to our aid.”

“Start from the beginning and tell me how you came by this information. Is it reliable?”
Blackie turned his head and opened his eyes, glancing at the active cleansing unit. “My source is

very reliable and she’s one of the two survivors. The women we rescued are canine units. You’re
being lied to if you were informed they are merely human.” He told the council member everything he
had learned.

Eve wrapped a towel around her body and stepped out of the cleansing unit. Blackie stood by the

door with his hand pressed to the panel. The stillness of his body assured her that he remained in
communication with whomever he had contacted. She didn’t disturb him, guessing he was aware of
her presence. She sat on the bunk.

It was a little sad, knowing she was the cause of his distress. The confessions he’d made about

some of the things he’d done deeply disturbed him. She didn’t regret finding him though and would
figure out a way to help him deal with his regrets. They’d face whatever happened together, good or

He ended the transmission when he tore his hand off the panel and spun. His dark gaze sought her

and he approached. She studied his expression. He slowly lowered to his knees in front of her.

“I spoke to one of the council members. He wasn’t aware of the canine project.”
“Is that good or bad?”
“It’s excellent news. He’s outraged. He promised to meet us when we arrive on Garden. I expect

issues to arise.”

“What kind?”
He paused. “My access had been limited to my quarters.”
“What does that mean?”
“Fleet removed my access to the computer and the shuttle’s functions. He attempted to stop me

from contacting Garden but I was able to bypass his efforts. He’s also removed me from the duty
schedule and issued an order for me to remain in our quarters. I’m to have no contact with any other
cyborgs, per his instructions.”

That wasn’t good and she knew it. “We need weapons.”
“We’ll be fine once we reach Garden. Zorus and some of his trusted associates will be there in

case Parlis has arranged for our arrest to keep us separated from the population.”

“You think he’d really try to shove us into some hole to keep us quiet?”
“We don’t have any below-ground holding cells.”
“You know what I mean. Or maybe not.” She had to remember he sometimes took her words too

literally. “Do you think he’ll try to keep us from talking to anyone?”

“Yes. It won’t be possible though. As I said, Zorus is now aware of the situation and will take

measures to prevent us from being detained.”

It sounded too easy. “What if Parlis orders this Fleet guy to toss us out an airlock before we

reach your planet? We need weapons, Blackie.” Danica was vulnerable. “We need to get to the cargo

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“I contacted Gene to update him on the situation and check their welfare. Your littermate is


“He’ll protect her?”
She didn’t know the other cyborg well enough to be certain she could entrust Danica’s life to

him. “He’d risk his neck to save her? Even if his superior officer ordered him to stand down?”

“Gene will kill if necessary to prevent harm from coming to Danica.”
He seemed sure and she was willing to trust his judgment. “I think it’s better if the four of us

stick close together. How many cyborgs are on this shuttle?”

“Those aren’t good odds.”
“The medic wouldn’t harm women. I contacted him as well. He’ll warn us if Fleet plans an


“Isn’t that the dude you were fighting with in the hallway after I woke up? I hate to break it to

you but he really seemed intent on smashing your face. I’m sure I didn’t score any brownie points
when I tried to pounce on him.”

“We called a temporary truce due to our mutual stance on this issue.”
“You mean you both want to keep me alive until we reach Garden?”
“Exactly. Varion has a soft spot when it comes to Earth women.” He sighed. “I thought it was a

flaw but now I’m grateful.”

“Did you tell him that?”
“You probably should express yourself better. It will go a long way to show people that you’re


His hands lifted and settled gently on her thighs. “Some will view it as weakness.”
I’m the weakness. I’ll be the reason they think that way. She wanted to kiss him but refrained.

“Loving someone takes a lot of courage. The ones who have a problem with us being together
probably just haven’t experienced it yet.”

“You’re correct but it doesn’t make it a lesser probability that our situation will become an

opportunity for some to seek retribution for the things I’ve done. I have made many enemies.”

She hated to see his worried expression. “As I said, I’m tough, baby. We’ll face anything that

comes our way together.” She unleashed her claws. “You guys are strong but you bleed.”

“Calm,” he rasped, reaching for her.
She retracted her nails, preventing the sharp points from pricking his skin when he held her

hands. “I’m trying but you have no idea how crazy I feel inside when I think about losing you after I
finally found you again.”

“I believe you but that doesn’t mean I want to see you in battle. Please promise to get behind me

if an issue arises.”

“Don’t do that.”
“Do what? What have I done?” He tilted his head slightly, peering at her with a frown.
“Pull that macho crap. I can fight.”
“You don’t have the strength of a cyborg.”
“I can still do some serious damage.”

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“We can shut down our pain receptors at will. Are you able to do that?”
“No.” She saw where he headed with his logic. “But I highly doubt you guys get as pissed as I

do. I might be small but I’d bet that I’m way meaner.”

He had the nerve to smile. “You’re mine to protect.”
“Macho bullcrap,” she muttered but inched closer until her mouth lined up with his, sharing the

same air they breathed. “It kind of looks sexy on you. Kiss me before you get more irritating.”

He closed the gap and tried do as she’d demanded. Eve pounced, knocking him back until both of

them landed in a heap on his floor with her on top. She straddled his lap as she lifted up by pushing
against his chest, giving him a grin. His mouth hung wide open in surprise.

“Oh? What’s that? A little chick flattened a big bad cyborg.”
Dark eyes narrowed, the only warning he gave, before he rolled. He moved fast for someone so

big, grabbed her wrists and jerked them above her head as they flipped over. His weight crushed her
under him.

“Now what will you do?”
She spread her legs a little wider and wrapped them around his waist. “Get nailed on the floor?”
She wiggled her hips, rubbing her sex against the front of his hard cock, trapped inside his pants.

“Take me.”

He licked his lips and his gaze lowered to her mouth. “The bed is softer. You could bruise.”
He wanted her and she knew the feeling. All those decades of having a missing mate without any

sexual outlet had built up. Just being close to Blackie and feeling him was enough to send her libido
into overdrive. Her nipples ached where they were smashed against his chest. The towel had come
off somewhere during the time she’d knocked him onto his back and when he’d reversed their

“I heal fast. Let me go.” She tugged against his grip on her wrists.
His fingers eased their hold and she jerked free, reaching down to the sides of his pants. She

tugged at them until he lifted his hips to oblige as she wiggled her fingers between their bodies just to
tear the material open to free his cock.

“I’ll get up.”
“Part of you already is.” She lifted her head and tried to kiss his mouth as her legs locked tighter

around his waist to prevent him from pushing away from her. “I just want you inside me.”

It was exasperating when he pulled back a little. “Are you certain you want to continue this on

the floor?”

His doubtful expression was adorable. “Right here, right now, baby.” She wiggled her hips,

arching them up and rubbing her sex against his. She was wet and more than ready. “Stop stalling. I
need you.”

He braced one hand near her head and used the other one to guide his cock to line up with the slit

of her welcoming sex. She moaned when he slowly breached her. The feel of him filling her was
sheer heaven.

Blackie took possession of her mouth, kissing her passionately as he dropped his weight over

her again to pin her firmly in place under him. He cupped the side of her face, deepening the kiss as
he began to pound in and out of her pussy, seemingly out of control.

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Eve clung to him since moving was impossible except to kiss him back enthusiastically. She’d

definitely have bruises but it would be worth every single one. Blackie kept driving in and out of her
until he brought her to climax. He tore his lips away from hers when he found his own release.

She held him tenderly as they both panted, eyes closed, and caught their breaths. He surprised

her when he rolled them over but he didn’t separate their bodies. Instead his big hands rubbed her ass
as he got comfortable sprawled on his back.

“See? You like the floor now, don’t you?” She couldn’t help but tease him.
He chuckled. “I like everything when you are involved.”
She rested her head on his chest to listen to the precious sound of his heartbeat. Her mate made

her happier than she’d ever been in her entire life. A grim thought surfaced. Now just don’t let
anything take him away from me ever again. I can’t survive it.

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Chapter Seven

Eve pressed back against Blackie, semi-aware that he put off a lot of body heat while they slept.

Her knees were pressed tightly against the bulkhead since he took up a lot of space on the bunk. The
room was still dark when she opened her eyes and smiled. They’d moved off the floor at some point
and had fallen asleep after another bout of sex.

She wiggled her ass against his lap where he spooned around her back, hoping he’d wake too.

Making love would be the perfect way to start a new day together. His breathing changed and the
fingers curving around her hip clenched. The low rumbling sound he made as he exhaled was sexy.

Her hearing also registered another very faint sound. It was the only warning before the door to

the hallway was forced open with a screech of metal. Years of training and pure instinct took over as
she used the leverage of the wall to push off. It knocked Blackie flat onto his back so she was able to
roll over him. Her feet landed on his discarded pants.

The bright light spilling in from the hallway was blinding but she locked onto the dark figure that

blocked some it. The fierceness of her protective instincts kicking in were a little shocking to Eve but
her mate was in danger. Her claws burst from her fingertips as she snarled, lunging at the intruder.
She didn’t take time to think, too intent on killing the threat.

The solid bulk she came up against was big but it had give as he stumbled back from her dead-

center hit. The sharp hiss of someone in pain registered a second after her clawed hands made
contact. She shredded material and skin while tossing her head forward and slamming her forehead
into a strong jaw.

He staggered into the hallway before getting tripped up and falling back onto the floor. Eve got a

good look at the cyborg once her vision adjusted after a few blinks. The enemy desperately attempted
to toss her off his chest where she was sprawled but it only made her dig her claws into his skin
deeper. It was the jerk who had pissed Blackie off earlier by showing up at their door making

“Get away from her!” Blackie yelled.
“Get her off me!” Fleet shouted back.
A strong arm hooked around her waist, hauling her away from her prey. Her sharp claws were

torn out of Fleet’s skin and caused him to groan. She snarled, struggling despite knowing who held
her. She avoided attacking her mate to break free but that didn’t stop her from frantically wiggling in
hopes of sliding down Blackie’s body.

“Enough,” he ordered against her ear.
She stilled but her glare fixed on the downed cyborg. Fleet bled from the deep gouges she’d

inflicted. It wasn’t nearly enough damage, in her opinion.

“He broke into our room,” she panted, flashing fangs. “Let me at him again. He came to kill us in

our sleep. I was just about to rip out his throat.”

Fleet scooted on the floor until his back rested against the hallway wall. His hands clutched his

chest and he glared back at her. “That isn’t accurate.”

“Uh-huh. You came bearing gifts, right? I don’t see a red suit or a bag of toys, Santa. NOT!”
“I don’t understand what that means.” He gaped at her as if she were deranged.
“I believe she’s making a reference to Earth’s holiday of Christmas and Santa Claus.” Blackie

raised his other arm and pointed his weapon at the downed cyborg while he twisted his body, turning

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Eve toward the door to their quarters. “You have thirty seconds to explain your actions before I blow
apart your chest.”

Frustration rose in Eve when she had to contort her neck to be able to see around her mate since

he’d put his body between her and the injured cyborg on the floor.

“Don’t shoot.” Fleet slowly lifted his bloodied hands, palms out. “I came to talk.”
“By breaking into our room? I call bullshit.” Eve wiggled and Blackie’s hold around her waist

adjusted until her toes touched the cold metal floor of the corridor.

“Get dressed.” He let go.
She glanced at him but his focus remained on his target. “You’re naked too.”
“I hear approaching booted feet. Put something on. I refuse to allow other men to view so much

of you.”

There was no use arguing when she picked up the faint sound as well. Eve rushed inside their

room and jerked open the drawer that held Blackie’s shirts. In seconds she’d tugged on one that
covered her from shoulder to mid-thigh and attempted to return to the hallway. Her mate stepped back
to obstruct the doorway, leaving her trapped inside but able to peer at what was going on in the
corridor through the gaps he couldn’t fill.

Varion rushed around the corner and came to a halt. The medic took in the scene. “What

happened? The computer alerted me to a medical emergency while I ate.”

“That woman attacked me,” Fleet accused.
“With reason,” Blackie stated. “You are running out of time. Explain why you broke into my

quarters and what your intentions were.”

Fleet uttered a soft curse. “I wanted a private discussion with your woman.”
“I said no. You may tell Parlis he can hear what is said during the meeting I asked the council

members to hold. All will be present.”

“You are aware of how much damage could result if you follow through with that plan. Be


“Fuck logic.” Blackie lowered his voice. “He isn’t going to silence my mate.”
“You believe he came to kill her?” Varion inched closer.
Blackie gave a sharp nod. “It would be convenient if she and Danica never reached Garden.”
“That wasn’t my mission,” Fleet denied. “I wanted to explain to your woman the ramifications of

what her testimony could do to our society. Your refusal to allow access to her forced me to form a
new plan.” He gazed at her. “Please hear what I have to say.”

She snorted. “You’re pretty stupid for a cyborg. Breaking in wasn’t a way to convince me of

anything except that you’re a maggot.”

Fleet’s lips parted but nothing came out. He appeared confused.
“I’m certain that’s an insult.” Blackie lowered the weapon a little. “Get him out of here before I

make him bleed more, Varion. He needs your assistance.”

The medic closed the distance and bent, gripping the downed cyborg by his upper arm to help

him to stand.

Fleet pushed up to his feet, keeping his back against the wall. He clutched at his wounds again.

“I need to talk to her, Blackie. This is important. Every council member is a vital link in the chain of
authority. We can’t lose one.”

“Parlis’ political career outlook is no concern of mine. They can replace him. I will kill you if

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you attempt to harm Eve in the future. Consider our previous friendship at an end.”

“She attacked me without provocation. Your anger should be directed at her.”
“Invading our quarters wasn’t provocation?”
“You left me with no other options. I only planned to incapacitate you long enough to have a

conversation with the canine.”

Blackie raised the weapon again, aiming at the other cyborg’s head. “I will kill you in order to

keep Eve safe. Don’t come near her again.”

“You’re being unreasonable and irrational.”
“I’m protecting what is mine.”
Varion wrapped an arm around Fleet. “He has an emotional attachment to the woman. You

attacked them.” He paused. “You’re the one being irrational, Fleet.”

“You are unaware of the dire situation.”
The medic released him, shoving him against the wall. “I’ve been informed. Parlis made an

agreement with the canine units and his actions were dishonorable by leaving them behind to die. It
was something the government that oppressed us would have done. They told lies and used us without
regard to the lives we lost. We’re held to higher standards. This information will not be suppressed
any longer.”

Fleet gaped at Varion before he turned his head to glare at Blackie. “You shared classified

information with him? Who else have you told?”

Blackie lowered the weapon. “I too followed all orders given by the council. Parlis is lying to

them, Fleet. He was a male I highly respected but he isn’t worthy of my devotion. It isn’t for the good
of our population to keep silent on this matter. Instead he hides it to conceal his guilt for the wrong
actions he’s taken. Think about that while you allow the medic to tend your injuries. Everything has

“It’s because of her.” Fleet shot a frustrated look at Eve.
Blackie shifted his stance, blocking her. “No. It was the truth that has made me aware of the

errors I’ve made by never questioning the orders or the reasons behind them. I’m learning. Do the
same.” He backed up, gently pushing Eve completely into the room. The door closed, sealing them

The computer complied with Blackie’s order and Eve bit her lip, contemplating what to say to

her mate as she looked up at him. He appeared upset, even a little sad, as he placed the weapon on
one of the shelves near the door. It sank in that he and Fleet seemed to have been close friends once.
She reached out to him but stopped, seeing the blood on her fingers.

“I’m so sorry. It sucks to discover someone you care about is a moron. You’re better off without

him in your life.”

“It will be fine. Fleet is irrelevant.” He glanced down and suddenly gripped her wrists,

examining them. “Are you hurt? Is that blood yours?”

“Nope to both. It’s all his.”
He led her over to the cleansing unit and pushed a button. The exterior sink slid out and he

activated it. The foam was warm as it coated her hands, dissolving the blood until her smooth, uncut
skin was revealed.

“I told you. It was all his.”

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Blackie gently dried her fingers with a soft towel that dispensed when the foam cut off. “You

could have been hurt.” He lifted his gaze, holding hers, and anger simmered in those dark-blue depths.
“Don’t ever do that again. I could have handled the situation.”

She didn’t want to argue with him. “Okay. We should check on Danica and Gene. If that cyborg

was willing to pay us a visit, he might have gone there first.”

“Get dressed.”
“You can’t just contact them through the ship coms?”
“It’s no longer safe for us to remain apart. It’s best if we join forces. Gene and I will rotate

guard shifts.”

The really bad feeling she had made her stomach a bit queasy. “You expect more trouble?”
“I’m uncertain but I won’t underestimate the threat any longer.”
“Crap. Okay.” She spun, pacing. “Are you and Gene included in the fourteen crew members you

said were aboard?”

“So if we count Varion on our side, it’s five against eleven. Those aren’t the greatest odds but

it’s doable.”

“You’re not fighting if a confrontation takes place.”
She stilled to shoot him a frown. “Macho crap. I love you but pull that shit once we’re safe. Now

isn’t the time, okay?”

“You are no match for a cyborg.”
“But I—”
“I took you down with one punch on the freighter. You were helpless once you lost

consciousness.” His features morphed into a purely masculine expression of arrogance. “You will not

He moved fast, manacling her wrists with both hands and jerking her against his body. His chin

lowered and his gaze narrowed with intensity as she peered up at him, stunned.

“This is one order you will follow, Eve. I won’t risk losing you twice.” His tight grip on her

eased but he didn’t let go. “I will protect you at any cost, even if that means knocking you out to make
sure you don’t put yourself at risk again. Am I clear?”

“Very.” He was sexy when he was being protective and stern.
“You’re too important to me.”
“I understand.”
He released her wrists and stepped back. “Good. Gene and I will do all the fighting if it

escalates to violence. You and Danica will stay far from any conflict.”

“I do have to point out that the cargo holds on shuttles aren’t that big so we’ll be in the line of


“Cyborgs have honor. We fight hand-to-hand with each other.”
“It sounds brutal but fair.” She could respect that. “Do you guys fight often?”
“Occasionally. It happens far more on assignments aboard ships than on Garden. It’s not

generally acceptable but sometimes we irritate each other.” He shrugged. “It’s the side effect of
turning off our emotion-suppression chips. We experience anger and need an outlet at times when
we’re forced into close quarters for an extended amount of time.”

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“I understand that too. My littermates and I sometimes used to get into some tussles.”
“What is a tussle?”
“A fight. Not brutal but we’d knock each other around. We’re highly emotional.”
“Have you and Danica fought?”
“Sometimes. It was never anything serious though. We’ve been together a lot of years so we’ve

learned to avoid stepping on each other’s toes.”

He glanced down at her feet.
She laughed. “Not literally. I mean we know how to really piss each other off so we avoid doing

it most of the time. We just agree to disagree on some topics.”

“Finish dressing.” Blackie turned his back and retrieved his own clothing. “We need to go to the

cargo hold.”

Eve made do with some of Blackie’s exercise pants. She rolled the waist and legs, the fit not

right, but they didn’t fall off. They sat side by side on the bunk to put on her shoes and his boots.

“You do have to admit I reacted faster to the threat than you did,” she softly stated.
“I wasn’t expecting Fleet to breach our quarters.”
She smiled, standing. “I’ll take that as you admitting I have a point.”
Blackie’s hand snagged hers and he peered at her from his seated position. “No more fighting,

mate. My heart can’t take it.”

“You were afraid?”
“Yes. He could have done serious harm to you before I was able to get you away from him.”
“He’s the one being tended by a medic.”
“You took him by surprise with your swift actions. You are fast and attacked before he could

shut off his pain receptors.”

“Yeah. I am.”
He stood. “No more fighting.”
She hated to agree but his grim expression convinced her she had given him a fright. “Okay. I

won’t unless I absolutely have to.” She paused. “That’s the best you’re going to get. I won’t stand
there and let you die if I can ever prevent it. That strong desire to protect the person you love flows
both ways.”

“Understood.” His hold on her tightened as he tugged her toward the door and grabbed his

weapon. “Stay close.” He released her to open the door.

Blackie was furious as the doors to his quarters slid open and his gaze lowered to the blood

smears on the floor and the opposite wall in the hallway. He had seen Eve attack Fleet but she’d been
too quick for him to reach before she’d taken him down. Part of Blackie experienced a sense of pride
but it could have turned bad if Fleet hadn’t been injured so swiftly, preventing him from shutting off
his pain receptors. A few more seconds and the injury she had inflicted wouldn’t have kept him down.

He glanced at the weapon in his hand. They weren’t the electronic ones they had taken onto the

freighter. Those had been designed to cause pain instead of death. One shot would have killed Eve if
Fleet had used his personal weapon. He shuddered at the thought of losing her.

No one attempted to stop them from reaching the cargo hold. He tapped the pad to announce their

arrival. Long seconds passed before it opened. Gene wore loose black pants and gripped a weapon,
which was pointed at Blackie’s chest. He lowered it.

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“What is wrong?”
Blackie entered the cargo hold, glancing around. “Seal the doors. Fleet just paid us a visit by

breaching my quarters.” Danica also held a weapon, a sharp knife. She had made a bed on the floor
near the cot Gene had set up along the other wall. “We decided it would be safer to stick together
until we reach Garden.”

“Damn it,” Danica hissed, climbing to her feet. “I knew it.” She kept hold of the blade. “Are you

okay, Eve?”

“I’m fine.”
Blackie paused, studying Danica’s bed. He turned to shoot a questioning look at Gene.
“I offered. She refused to take my bunk or share it.”
Eve left his side to go study one of the panels by the exterior door. He watched her, wondering


“Already done,” Danica sighed. “It’s totally disabled.”
Eve spun, flashing her sister a grin. “I had no doubt you’d already thought of that.”
“Thought of what?” Blackie was confused.
Danica hugged her waist. “They aren’t going to be able to auto open those doors from the

command center or anywhere else. I even used a torch to seal the suckers while Gene was away
getting food. I didn’t want to end up sucked into space.”

“Those doors won’t open with life signs registering in the cargo hold. I told you this,” Gene

offered, placing his weapons on his bunk.

“Yada, yada,” Danica muttered. “Cyborgs. You guys could hack anything so don’t bite my ass

about being paranoid.”

Gene’s mouth fell open. “I wouldn’t bite your ass.”
Eve chuckled. “She meant she’s not taking any chances and she doesn’t want you to give her any

lip over it. Um, I don’t think that’s unreasonable. It’s better to think of all the ways someone can kill
you and try like hell to screw up their plans.”

“We’d totally blow the doors to vent out pirates so I thought of that first,” Danica pointed out.

“They can’t shut down our air either, to suffocate us. I kind of dealt with that scenario too by crawling
through the vents and making damn sure they can’t close. The seals are gone and I wedged them in an
open position. It was a pretty tight fit so I can’t see a cyborg getting in there to reverse what I did.
Even if they send out a cyborg in a space suit to blow the doors from the exterior, it’s going to take a
portion of the shuttle with us and it will suck out the air through the rest of the living areas they can’t
seal off.”

“You didn’t tell me this.” Gene frowned.
“You would have just bitched at me about how cyborgs have honor and wouldn’t do that. Heard

it the first time and still don’t believe all of you are great guys. No offense.”

“None taken. It wasn’t necessary though. I had already disabled the exterior doors by severing

the link between them and the computer. It was only possible to open them from inside this hold.” He
didn’t appear happy as he frowned at Danica. “You crawled through the air vents?”

“I just said that.”
“You could have gotten stuck.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten jammed up in there. I took off my clothes and greased up.”
His mouth fell open again. Blackie understood his stunned response.

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“Drais Three.” Eve chuckled. “Good one.”
“What does that space station have to do with this?” Blackie frowned.
“They arrested us once.” His mate laughed. “We had brought in a large number and they didn’t

want to pay the bounty. Um, I mean a criminal we captured with a high price on his head. They didn’t
want to pay us when we turned him over to the authorities. The jerk who runs the prison there thought
he could keep the reward and score some extra credits by selling two women to skin traders. We
stripped down and smeared the greasy crap they called food over our bodies. The vents there weren’t
too big but we made it through them into the next room. That guard never knew what hit him. We stole
his keys, got our clothes back and took our criminal to Draven Six. They paid us without any bullshit.”

“We kind of took some of their weapons with us for the effort.” Danica winked. “You know, we

were owed something for the twelve hours we were stuck in that damn cell.”

Blackie glowered at Eve. “Your job was dangerous.”
“Everything is these days. We filed a report and that jerk lost his post.”
“He’s probably cleaning toilets now. A pair of good bounty hunters is more useful than some

bloated jerk who would pull that shit. We’re rare because most people in our profession aren’t nuts
enough to be that far out in space. The one who runs Draven Six was pissed because the creep we
captured had ripped off supply shuttles. We put that loser out of business.” Danica sat down. “So,
we’re stuck in here for the duration?” She glanced at the crates packed along one wall. “I don’t
suppose those have any liquor in them, do they? I could totally use a drink or six.”

“No,” Gene said and sighed. “I already told you that.”
“Yeah, but you lie to me.”
His eyebrow rose. “I don’t know why you continue to accuse me of that. Those crates contain

building materials we traded for.”

“Garden is a dry planet, isn’t it?” Danica shook her head. “We’re going to hell, Eve.”
“There is plenty of water.” Gene frowned at her. “Most of the surface is—”
“No booze, no fun,” Danica cut him off. “I don’t give a damn if most of your planet is wet. I’m

talking alcohol.”

“You’ll survive.” Eve crossed the room, reading the sides of the crates.
“They won’t have chocolate either,” Danica announced.
His mate softly cursed. “Rub it in.”
Blackie glanced at Gene. His friend shrugged. He took a deep breath and released it. “I’m sure

we can manufacture anything you want once we reach Garden. Our food replicators are excellent.”

“I need a drink now,” Danica stated. “It’s going to feel like forever until we reach that planet,

isn’t it?”

Eve stopped her perusal of the crate labels. “Let’s hope so. I’ll take boredom over the

excitement of someone trying to come at us again.” She returned to Blackie’s side. “Where do you
want to sleep? There are some pads stacked between the blue boxes. It won’t be the most comfortable
thing to use as a bed but it will do.”

“Take my bunk,” Gene offered. “I’ll take the first shift.” He checked his weapons. “I’ll wake you

in six hours to relieve me, Blackie.”

“Thank you.”
“What about food?”
Eve frowned at her littermate. “Later, Danica. We have enough to worry about right now. It’s

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way too early for breakfast anyway.”

“Fine.” The woman stretched out on her bedding. “You can sleep with me when your shift is

over, Gene. Just keep your pants on and your hands to yourself. No groping my boobs or poking my

Gene gasped. “I wouldn’t do that.”
She chuckled. “Pity. I might like you better if you were the sort to molest me in my sleep.”
“Danica.” Eve shook her head. “Quit trying to bait the cyborg.”
“He makes it too easy,” she admitted, burrowing under the covers. “Night, John Boy.”
“Who is that?” Gene tensed.
“It’s a joke,” Eve smiled. “Whoever owned our freighter had a thing for very old television

shows from Earth. We watched the vids when we were really bored. It was about a family with a lot
of kids. John Boy was the name of one of them.” She approached the bunk, kicked off her shoes and
climbed on it. “Night, Mary Ellen.”

Danica snickered as she covered her face to block out the light.
Blackie glanced at Gene again. The male looked frustrated as he studied Danica’s form. He

understood why her saying another man’s name had upset the cyborg. He appeared to be attracted to
the woman. He approached Gene, motioning him to move closer to the door, out of hearing range.

“She makes me question my sanity,” Gene whispered. “I don’t understand her.”
“She’s human.”
“But not.”
“She acts human.”
Gene blew out a breath. “Does she want me to touch her or not? She just said it was a pity I

wouldn’t molest her. Why would she say that? That is bad. I’m confused.”

“I don’t know.” He reached out and gripped the male’s shoulder. “Let it go for now. Our priority

is safely reaching Garden with them.”

“Danica is going home with me.”
“She agreed?”
“I won’t allow another cyborg to claim her.” Gene’s tone hardened. “He’d probably kill her.

The things she says are insulting.”

Blackie knew the male too well. “You’re attracted to her, regardless.”
“Then take her home with you. I trust you won’t harm her. She needs protection. They aren’t

designed to take more than one male into a family unit.”

Interest raised the other male’s eyebrows.
“My mate said it goes against their nature when they mate a male. They develop an aversion to

the touch of anyone else.”

Gene turned his head and stared at Danica.
“She also told me they are attracted to a dominant male. Perhaps you are being too civil and

sensitive, traits you think she’d be attracted to in a human. Be what you are.”

Gene faced him and smiled. “Cyborgs take what they want.”
“Exactly.” Blackie smiled. “Wake me in six hours.”
“No one will get past me to harm her.” He paused. “Them. They are ours to protect.”

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“Yes, they are. Parlis isn’t about to lose his seat on the council without attempting to silence

them but it’s too late for that. He might not understand that yet but I’ve taken measures to assure he
won’t succeed. Zorus will follow the plan once we reach Garden but we need to survive long enough
to get there. Varion will test our food to prevent us from being drugged and bring it to us. I believe we
can trust him.”

“He dislikes you but I consider him a friend. I won’t shoot him when he arrives at the door.”
“We have a common goal right now.” He turned his head, meeting the gaze of his mate. She

patted the bed next to her, scooting against the wall to make room for him. “I’m going to rest with my

Gene blocked his path, retaining his attention.
“How are we going to prevent Fleet from changing course if he gets orders to keep us from

Garden? That would be my plan if I were Parlis and my attempts to stop the women from reaching
Garden and speaking to the council had failed.”

“Zorus handled that. The Vontage is scheduled for a crew change. It’s in the vicinity and he has

contacted it by now. He is ordering them to meet up with us and provide an escort all the way home.
He estimated they should be able to make contact within a few hours and Fleet hasn’t been warned.”

“The Bridden is impossible to locate if they go stealth once they realize the Vontage is heading

right at us. We’re also much faster than the large vessel and impossible to catch even if they were
able track us.”

Blackie smiled. “Varion is equipped to handle that.”
“What does that infer?”
“His eyes.”
Gene appeared puzzled for long seconds. “How is a medic going to be useful in that regard? He

can execute scans with them and perform minor laser operations.”

“I asked him to use his abilities to disable the shuttle in that event. He can bypass Control with

direct access to the engines. I explained what to look for and how to shut down the power. It will take
them time to figure out what has been done and who is behind it. The Vontage will just open a cargo
door and maneuver our shuttle inside. At that point the crew will breach the Bridden and make certain
no repairs are made until after we return to Garden.”

“Won’t we lose life support as well as engines and the ability to go stealth?”
“I calculated how long we can survive with life support inoperative. We’re in no danger of


“What if you miscalculated the time between when the long-range sensors alert Fleet to their

presence and the distance he can put between both vessels before Varion is able to stop him?”

“We’re in the cargo hold.” His gaze traveled to the far wall. “The six space suits located in that

locker have oxygen to assure the four of us survive. It would be unfortunate for most of the crew since
there are only two suits in the command center. We’ll fuse the doors to the interior if the power fails.
The welding torches work independently with their own power sources for exterior repairs. The crew
won’t be able to breach this area to gain access to our suits.”

Gene grimaced. “What about Varion?”
“He assured me he has oxygen tanks in Medical. He was willing take that risk.”
“I never thought I’d see the day we were willing to kill our own.”
Blackie turned his head and stared at Eve. “Priorities change.”

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“What is it like?” Gene drew his attention.
“To have a mate or to love?”
“I’m whole for once in my life. All the emptiness is gone. She makes me happy.”
Gene gave a sharp nod. “Go to her. They are safe.”
Blackie removed his boots and lay on the bunk with his mate. He rolled to his side as Eve curled

her back against his front. Holding her close was heavenly as she rested her head on his arm.

“I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you too.”
“I just wish we were alone. I’d show you how much.”
His body responded but he used his implants to block the ache that made him want to do more

than hold her. “We’ll reach Garden soon and lock ourselves inside our bedroom.”

“That sounds good.”
He’d need to get his home location changed. He refused to put her in the same building as Parlis,

Fleet or Jazel. Those three had been there when he’d been freed and he could not trust them when it
concerned Eve.

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Chapter Eight

Eve woke when Blackie’s big frame eased away from hers. She turned her head, watching him

and Gene walk to the far corner of the cargo hold. The other cyborg had obviously woken him. She
strained to hear their words while faking sleep should they glance her way.

“What is the trouble?”
“I’ve been monitoring communications. They were unaware of my presence in the system. The

Vontage showed up on the long-range scanners two minutes ago,” Gene whispered.

“Time to interception?”
“Twenty-three minutes at current course and speed.”
Blackie ran his fingers through his hair. “What are Parlis and Fleet thinking? It’s not logical. The

council knows we have two women aboard and we’ve been ordered to bring them to Garden.”

“That was the debate they had. Parlis suggested we shield our signal to await further orders but

Fleet argued it would appear suspicious if we disappeared off radar and changed our heading. He
recommended it would be more believable if the women were killed in a failed attempt to escape.”

“Fuck,” Blackie hissed. His hand dropped to his side. “That doesn’t make sense. Their freighter

was too large to tow so where does he imagine they’d try to go if they managed to escape the shuttle?”

“Humans can be illogical. He might try to argue that point.”
“That means Fleet will have to kill all four of us. He thinks he can take us down before we

realize the danger. He will have to stage it to appear that the women deceived us, made us think we
could trust them and then they killed us. With everyone dead, there doesn’t have to be a logical plan.
There are only unanswered questions.”

“It’s a decent plan.” Gene handed Blackie one of his weapons. “The women are from Earth. It’s

reasonable to assume they’d attempt to harm us. It’s a known fact that most of them fear cyborgs.”

“Fleet will have to act fast if he wants the Vontage crew to believe that’s what happened.”
“We should wake the women and alert them to the situation.”
“No need.” Danica threw off her blanket and rose to her feet, knife in hand. “You two suck at

keeping secrets if that’s the lowest your voices go. We have damn good hearing, don’t we, Eve?”

She gave up the pretense too. “Yes, we do.” She rolled off the bunk. “What’s the plan of

defense? Fleet will obviously be coming for us.”

Blackie scowled. “You and Danica need to barricade yourselves behind the crates in the far

corner. Weapons will not penetrate the metal contained inside the crates.”

“You expect us to just cower behind your building supplies?” Danica turned her head to roll her

eyes at Eve. “Are they for real?”

“Yeah.” Eve turned her head to glance around the cargo hold before advancing toward the

lockers marked equipment. “Let’s go with thinking it’s cute and get irritated later, if we survive.”

“I’m not dying after a battle with a shitload of pirates.” Danica trailed her. “Whatcha thinking?

Do you have a plan? I want to hear yours because it’s got to be way better than theirs.”

“I want you out of the line of fire. Get behind the crates,” Blackie demanded.
Eve regarded her mate. “Your plan is going to get both of you killed. You’re two against eleven,

if the rest of the crew gets involved. Those odds aren’t good. They could blow the doors to get inside
and you’d be massively outnumbered. I refuse to watch that go down.”

“You have so little confidence in my ability to protect you?”

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She’d injured his pride. His tone said it all. “You don’t need to die for me, Handsome. I refuse

to lose you after finding you again.” She spun away and marched to the opposite wall.

Eve jerked open the thick doors and examined the contents. She grinned, reaching for one of the

handheld grappling cannons used to attach and tether space junk. She winked at her sister, who
stepped next to her. “Find some cable to attach to this thing. There’s got to be some around here. I
need about twenty feet.”

“You’re not getting into one of the space suits and going outside.” Blackie stormed toward her.
She faced off against him, hoisting the heavy canister with the attached flat disk pointing up. “I

have no intention of leaving the shuttle. That’s crazy. Time’s wasting and I don’t think we have a
whole lot of it.” She stepped to the right, searching for something else to use. Her gaze landed on the
bunk. “Be useful and unhook the bed from the wall. I’m going to need it.”

“Bingo!” Danica had been checking storage units. “Will rope work?”
“What else do you want?”
“Flame foam. Find as many canisters as you can.” Eve was jerked to a halt on the way to

disconnect the bunk when Blackie snagged her arm.

“What are you doing? I am ordering you to get behind the crates. Gene and I will handle anyone

who tries to breach the cargo hold.”

She looked down at his hand before raising her chin to peer up at him. “Let go. I need to work.”

She jerked hard and broke away from him. “Go guard the doors if you’re so set on standing in the line
of fire and getting yourself shot full of holes.”

“Eve.” His tone wasn’t pleasant.
She bent and placed the grappling cannon on the floor. “I’ve got work to do and not a lot of time

left. How long can cyborgs hold their breath?” He really looked irritated. “How long?”

“Possibly up to three or four minutes,” Gene called out from near the cargo hold entry doors. He

had placed his hand on the panel there. “Why?”

“Don’t encourage them,” Blackie snapped.
“I’m a little curious as to what she is up to. Aren’t you?”
Eve turned away and reached under the bunk, finding the brackets that attached it to the wall. It

was heavier than it looked when she pulled it off and dumped the mattress onto the floor. Danica
reached her side and placed two flame canisters nearby.

“Shit. I think I know what you’re up to.” Danica laughed. “You’re making a sled of hell.”
“What is that? What are you talking about?” Blackie yelled now, his patience gone.
Eve dropped to her knees and grabbed one of the canisters. “Danica and I have had to take on

some real bad guys over the years.” She wrapped the canister ripcord release around the grille of the
bedframe. “Sometimes we’ve had to board ships and those suckers would have the advantage. Ever
had assholes with unknown firepower holed up, trying to wait you out? It gets pretty boring as the
hours pass so we’ve had to get creative to make them come to us.”

“Time is money.” Danica laughed, bringing two more canisters to Eve. “How long do you think

that hallway outside the doors is? Forty feet?”

“Probably,” Eve answered, attaching the other canisters. “We need more.”

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“I think that’s it.” Danica cursed. “Will four be enough?”
“We keep an extra supply in the starboard cabinets,” Gene informed them. “What are you going

to do with so much flame foam?”

Danica rushed across the room. “The shit just keeps expanding once you spray it. Unleash

enough of it and it will fill up an entire room and that includes your nose and your mouth if you open it
to breathe.”

“Unpleasant shit,” Eve agreed. “You have to close your eyes too or it will blind you until you

wash out the chemicals. See where we’re going with this? How long do you think your buddies are
going to want to stick around in that hallway firing at us when there’s no air and they can’t see? It
takes about half an hour to disperse.”

“Got three more!” Danica rushed to her with the canisters. “I almost feel sorry for the bastards.”
“They want to kill us.” Eve took them one by one, attaching the ripcords.
“Okay, maybe not so much then.” Danica dropped to her knees, connecting the rope to the end of

the grappling cannon. “You could have used something lethal. We could have attached something that
would go boom! They have cleaning chemicals we could rig into bombs.”

Eve spared a look at Blackie before holding Danica’s gaze and quickly shaking her head.
“Oh.” Danica secured the rope to the bunk. “Got it.” Her voice lowered. “You turning soft might

get us killed if this shit isn’t enough to make them turn tail.”

Eve agreed but she didn’t want Blackie to resent her if she ended up killing someone he cared

about. They were people he knew and worked with. She finished her task and climbed to her feet.

“Ready. Help me stand it up, Danica. I’ll fire when the time comes. Just don’t forget to let go. I’d

hate to see you go flying out there with it.”

“I have movement on the lift,” Gene warned.
Blackie rushed forward. He and Gene took positions on both sides of the doors, their weapons in

hand. He shot her an angry look. “Please just get behind the crates. We can hold Fleet off long enough
for the Vontage to reach us.”

“You could be shot.” Eve grabbed the bed and lifted, with Danica’s help, until it was tilted at a

ninety-degree angle. “You got it? Is it too heavy?”

Danica moved behind it. The canisters lay on the surface that used to be covered by the mattress.

She gripped the sides. “Got it. Just get the hell out of the way when I let go.”

“Twenty feet of rope,” Eve reminded her. “It’s going to go fast.”
“I’ve got great reflexes. You’re the one I’m worried about.”
“I have to aim high. The bunk can’t hit the floor until it’s out of the room. The impact will

activate the canisters.”

Eve stood with her legs braced as she hefted the cannon to her shoulder. She aimed between the

doors leading into the cargo hold and glanced to her right. It was free of anything that would be in her
way when she rolled to get clear.

“Damn it, Eve,” Blackie rumbled. “You’re right in the line of fire.”
“I have to be to get a straight shot. We don’t want to miss or have the bunk slamming into

anything on the way out. It will rip the canisters free. Don’t worry. Just keep clear of the damn doors
when they open, okay? I don’t want one of you to be hit and dragged out there when the bunk goes

“It’s a sled now,” Danica piped in. “Sled from hell, remember? Making it sound badass makes

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me worry less.”

“Fleet and any crew he might have involved should be taking positions,” Gene informed them.

“They’ll come at us two at a time in formation.” He watched the panel and dropped his hand away.
“My connection has been severed. The controls are being tampered with.”

“Open it before they are damaged and won’t close again,” Eve ordered. “As soon as this thing

exits, seal the doors. We don’t want the foam coming back at us.”

“I hope this works,” Danica muttered.
Gene muttered something under his breath as he reached for the manual override lever used in

emergencies. “On the count of three. One. Two. Three.”

The doors opened and Eve saw two very surprised cyborgs. One of them had knelt to the left of

the doors, working on bypassing the locks through the panel. Fleet stood dead center and reached for
his gun. Eve flipped on the cannon and pulled the trigger. A whoosh sounded next to her ear as the
metal disk shot forward.

She released the cannon and dived to the right. Something hit her foot, causing her to groan, just

before she landed flat on the unforgiving floor. She did manage to keep her eyes open and watch as
the bunk shot forward through the air, following the high-powered trajectory of the disk. Danica had
released the frame without incident.

Fleet demonstrated his excellent reflexes when he realized the projectile flew right at him. His

eyes widened and he hit the deck, just barely avoiding the disk. The bunk bumped his back but didn’t
snag his uniform. The cyborg who’d been trying to hack the controls wasn’t as lucky. Part of the metal
frame bumped into his shoulder and he was thrown sideways. The attachment disk hit one of the walls
and a loud clank sounded as it locked onto the solid surface exactly as it was designed to do. The
bunk hit with a screeching sound as it scraped across the metal floor, followed by popping noises.

“Close the doors!” Danica yelled.
Eve wanted to shout the same words when foam exploded down the hallway. She’d thought the

rip cord would just pull out and leak the flame foam but the canisters ruptured into bombs of white
froth. It rapidly expanded, coming their way as it filled the hallway.

Fleet pushed up and leaped into the cargo hold. He rolled, coming up to his feet with a weapon

in hand. Blackie moved from his position next to the still-open doors and kicked out, hitting the guy’s
arm. Fleet managed to fire once before his gun went flying out of his hand but his aim went wide,
missing Eve by inches, the projectile scarring the floor.

“Close the doors,” Danica yelled again.
Gene seemed to be having a problem getting them to respond as he wrestled with the lever. Eve

reached for her sidearm, which she usually kept strapped to her hip, forgetting it wasn’t there until her
fingers brushed the fabric of her pants. The doors closed before the foam reached them but Fleet
attacked her mate.

Blackie tossed his weapon to Gene to face his now-unarmed opponent. Eve sucked in a sharp

breath as the two circled each other, wishing he hadn’t evened out the fight. They were about the same
size and muscle mass but her mate was taller and looked meaner. Gene used his weapon to shoot the
panel, completely destroying the controls. He turned, raising it to fire again.

“Don’t interfere,” Blackie ordered. “Fleet is mine. Weld those doors shut!”
Eve stayed down as she watched both her mate and Fleet exchange blows. Danica rushed past

her, holding a welding rig. She barely took notice when her sister and Gene worked together to fuse
the doors. Her temper simmered, wanting to push up and attack the cyborg hitting her mate but she

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figured he wouldn’t forgive her. She’d already defied his orders once.

Fleet was good but her mate was better. He looked really pissed and quickly gained the upper

hand in the fight when he battered the other cyborg’s face with rapid punches. Blood poured from the
man’s nose and mouth. Blackie jumped back and did a roundhouse kick, nailing the cyborg in the side
of the head. He crashed to the floor and didn’t get up.

Eve finally pushed up and stood. Her heel hurt but she ignored the slight pain, limping toward

her mate. He ignored her to bend down, grab Fleet and shove him facedown. He dropped onto him
and pulled both arms behind his back.

“Get me chains,” he demanded, to no one in particular.
She changed directions. “On it.”
They didn’t have handcuffs in the cargo hold but she’d seen chains and some locks in one of the

storage cupboards. She retrieved about ten feet of chain and one lock. Her gaze met Blackie’s when
she limped to his side and flinched at the cold way he looked back at her.

He glanced at her foot. “Are you hurt?”
“I think the bunk nailed me but I’m good.” She’d have lied at that moment even if she’d broken a

bone though she was sure it was just bruised.

He growled under his breath and held out a hand for the chains. She backed up as he wrestled

with the unconscious cyborg, wrapping the male up by winding the metal around him from shoulder to
waist to secure his arms to his sides. She handed over the lock so he could secure the ends.

“Will that hold him?”
“We’re not that strong. He’s secure.”
She was kind of surprised Fleet still breathed after that brutal kick to the side of his head. A

human probably would have died from severe brain trauma from a blow that hard. It had looked as
though it could smash a skull. It made her realize she wouldn’t survive a maneuver like that in a fight
with a cyborg. Canine units were tough but they didn’t have the reinforced bone density the cyborg
units were given, making it possible for them to withstand that kind of impact.

Blackie rose, giving her his back and went to inspect the doors Danica and Gene had welded

down the seam, sealing them together. “Nice job.”

“I can’t monitor where the crew is or what they are doing any longer.” Gene set down the welder

and turned it off. “I had to destroy the panel where I’d hacked into the system. We’re blind unless you
established a direct link to the computer.”

“Fleet locked me out. Fall back and prepare for a breach in case they are able to blow a hole

through the doors.” He retrieved his weapon and Fleet’s.

Danica held out her hand. “I’ll take that.”
Blackie ignored her and strode to Eve, jerking his head in the direction of the crates. “Fall back

or I’ll carry you there, mate.”

She winced. He was definitely furious with her.
“What about Fleet? Should we drag him to a safer location?” Gene hesitated next to the male.
“No.” Blackie glared down at Eve. “Let him remain there. He deserves to have the damn doors

fall on him if they blow them.”

Eve turned, limping to get behind the crates. Blackie kept close enough that she could almost feel

him right on her ass. She was pretty sure he wasn’t about to let her pull another stunt. It was tempting

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to point out that her plan might have saved him from having to blast it out with the crew but decided to
remain silent. She’d pushed him too far.

Danica crouched down and Eve took a position next to her. Blackie and Gene kept them between

them. It was quiet in the cargo hold, their breathing the only sound.

Her sister bumped her arm and she looked at her.
“He’s pissed,” Danica mouthed.
“I know,” she responded in kind.
“You’re in deep shit, even if you did save his ass.”
Eve frowned.
“See why I don’t want a mate?”
“Fuck you.”
“Knock it off,” Blackie grunted.
“We’re not doing anything,” Danica protested. “As a matter of fact, what are we doing? Are we

just going to stay behind these boxes until someone attacks us again?”

“We’re waiting for the Vontage,” Gene responded. “They should intercept this shuttle in a few

minutes. The commander of that ship will have a team search the Bridden until they find us. They are
under orders to protect both of you until we reach Garden.”

“So the cavalry is coming? Cool.” Danica turned, sitting on her butt with her back to the crates.

“Wake me when they arrive. I’m still tired.”

Eve envied her sister at that moment for her ability to relax. She lifted her chin and watched

Blackie’s face. He concentrated on the doors, not sparing her a glance. She reached out and covered
the back of his hand, which was resting on the floor where he crouched. He tensed but didn’t pull
away. He also didn’t acknowledge her by meeting her gaze. She closed her eyes and leaned against
the crate.

I’m in deep shit.

Blackie was furious. Eve should have taken orders from him and kept out of harm’s way. He’d

seen her limp. Her foot was injured. No blood stained the floor so it wasn’t an open wound. He’d
have the medic check her over after the crew of the Vontage arrived to take charge of the Bridden.

He would make Fleet and Parlis pay for attempting to kill Eve. Suspicion was one thing but it

had become fact. A plan started to form. He didn’t want them to die quickly. He needed them to suffer

The warm hand resting over the back of his kept him from storming across the cargo hold and

stomping Fleet into a bloody pulp in a fit of rage. Eve had survived the attempt on her life but he
wasn’t going to ever forget the way she’d stood her ground to shoot that cannon. Her plan had been
brilliant since no one had attempted to breach the cargo hold a second time but he refused to admit
that to her. Maybe, after some of his fear at the danger she’d been in eased, he would give her a

He glanced across the room at the scar on the floor. Fleet had almost managed to shoot her. A

few feet to the right and he’d have succeeded. She wasn’t as sturdy as him. Her bones would break
instead of stopping a projectile. It could have penetrated her vital organs, damaging them to the point
that her enhanced healing couldn’t have prevented her death.

The thought of losing her hurt inside his chest. He turned his hand under hers and clasped it. It

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helped ease some of the pain but not much. He’d see Fleet and Parlis were stripped of their honor,
their status, and finally, their lives. It was a promise he intended to keep.

He didn’t know how long they’d been waiting when something hit the doors. He tensed, released

Eve and glanced over at Gene, who aimed at the doors as well. A line appeared as a hole was cut
through the metal. He waited as it was kicked in.

“Blackie? Gene?” The voice didn’t belong to any crew member of the Bridden. “It’s Volt. The

Vontage has control of the shuttle. Don’t shoot me.”

The male moved into sight. Blackie relaxed, lowering the weapon. “It is good to see you.”
The cyborg turned sideways, crouched and inched through the opening. “What a mess. We had to

suck out foam to reach you. That was genius.” He rose to his full height, studying the cargo hold until
his gaze halted at Blackie’s right. “Well, hello.”

Blackie moved in front of Eve, blocking the male from flirting with his mate. “Status?”
“Part of your crew is being treated by having their eyes washed of chemicals.” Volt chuckled.

“The rest have been secured. We’ll escort Fleet there as well. Commander Steel sent Nile and me
over with a security force to assess the situation and fly the Bridden to Garden. I take it the women
are fine?” He craned his neck a little to get another look at Eve.

“They are unharmed.” Blackie glanced over to see Gene shielding Danica as well. “Thank you

for coming to our assistance.”

“I’d like introductions to the women.”
“There’s no need. Eve is mine and Danica belongs to Gene.”
“I do no—” Danica’s voice was cut off. “Ouch.”
“Silence,” Gene demanded.
“Grumpy asshole,” she hissed. “You didn’t have to elbow me.”
“Trust me.”
“Fine,” she muttered. “But keep your elbow to yourself.”
Volt frowned. “Is there a problem?”
“No.” Blackie holstered his weapon and stepped away from Eve. “I’m taking Eve to my quarters

and Gene will need to be assigned a room of his own for him and Danica since the cargo hold is no
longer private.”

“Sure,” Volt agreed, openly studying the women with a smile. “I’ll give them anything they

request. Anything at all.”

Irritation flared inside Blackie. Cyborg males who were not in a family unit were going to be

interested in both women but it made it worse that one of them belonged to him. “We’re returning to
my quarters now. Thank you.” He reached back and took Eve’s hand. He managed to avoid punching
Volt as they passed, the male taking in every inch of her body with a grin of appreciation for her

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Chapter Nine

Eve itched for a weapon but Blackie was the one with one strapped on his hip instead. The

exterior doors slid open and she clutched his hand as she prayed they wouldn’t be shot or otherwise
attacked when they exited the shuttle that had just landed on Garden. Six big cyborgs stood before
them, all wearing weapons holstered to various body parts. The tall one with the facial scars and
really long hair had a sword strapped to his hip. He had to be the scariest of the bunch.

The handsome guy in the lead spoke first. “I’m Zorus.” His gaze traveled over her face then

Danica’s, before addressing her mate. “It’s good to see you, Blackie. I take it there were no other
incidents after the Vontage arrived? Will you introduce us?”

Blackie didn’t release her hand. “We were left alone. This is my mate, Eve. She’s the first in her

canine line. Danica is her littermate.”

The cyborg didn’t offer to shake hands or otherwise advance. He did closely study them. “It is

good to meet you, despite the tense circumstances. Krell handpicked these men to assure your safety.”

The tall, scary male with the sword nodded. “I’m Krell.”
“Excuse me,” a feminine voice called out. “Move your oversized bodies and let me pass.”
The scarred male growled and turned, reaching for the handle of his weapon. “Damn it, Cyan, I

told you to stay home.”

The human woman who stalked closer wore tight black leather and her protruding stomach was

clearly outlined by the outfit. Two weapons were holstered to her thighs. Her black hair fell to her ass
in a braid as she wiggled between the cyborgs to reach the front.

“I’m pregnant, not useless. I told you I wanted to come but you refused to consider it. I had to

sneak out after you were gone.”

He released the handle of the sword and gently took her arm. “You should be resting at home.”
She leaned against him and smiled at Eve. “Hello! I’m so excited to meet you. I had no clue

about the canine project. Those bastards were super sneaky since they hid it from me. I was sure I
hacked into all their databases. I’m Cyan.” She grinned at the irritated cyborg at her side. “This is my
very overprotective husband, Krell. He’s going to make sure nobody fucks with you. Aren’t you,

“You should be at home,” he repeated in a stern tone.
“Yeah, I know.” She rubbed her rounded belly. “Your son won’t exactly let me sleep. He kicks

like a mule.” She stared at Danica. “I totally got screwed.”

Danica snorted. “It appears so. When are you due to have the baby?”
Cyan laughed. “Any day. That wasn’t what I meant. They stuck me with this body. I prefer your

shape. You’re compact but without the major boobs.”

Eve frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s a long story but I was kind of built by the same people who created you. They stuck me with

the body of a sex bot because they didn’t want anyone to be able to guess I wasn’t human. They should
have given me your body type.”

“You’re a cyborg?” Eve was confused. “Your skin color and size is wrong.”
“I’m something else but I can’t discuss it without getting a major headache. My husband can clue

you in when I’m not around. Longer story. So what cool features did you get? Zorus said something
about fangs and claws. May I see? I’m curious.”

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Danica held up her hand, showing off how her fingernails extended. She also growled low and

displayed her teeth.

“That’s soooo cool!” Cyan glanced at her husband. “I bet you’re happy I didn’t get those. I’d

shred your back.”

The male didn’t look amused. “Cyan.”
“Fine. I’ll behave.” She held out her hand to Danica. “It’s really nice to meet you. I told my

husband that you’d probably be more relaxed if I came along. It’s easy to feel a little intimidated
when you’re surrounded by cyborgs. A friendly face is always more pleasant. Some of these guys
couldn’t crack a smile to save their lives.”

Danica shook her hand and Eve followed suit. The woman had a firm grip.
Krell pulled his wife in front of him, one arm wrapping around her rib cage. It was a protective

stance that didn’t go unnoticed.

“We’re no threat to your wife,” Eve swore, making direct eye contact with the male.
“It’s not that. Rumors have circulated about your origins. We’re on high alert and I want my wife

close to me in case of trouble.”

“What kind of rumors?” Blackie’s hand curved on his weapon but didn’t remove it from the


Zorus answered. “I’m assuming Parlis was the one who circulated false information that the

women are Earth spies. Some are under the impression that they have come here to verify our
existence, then transmit the location of our planet directly to Earth battleships that are waiting to

“That isn’t accurate.” Blackie’s features darkened with anger.
“I’ve stated that,” Zorus replied. “Let’s go. We have a transport waiting and the Cyborg Council

is in session.” He glanced at Eve. “I apologize that you won’t have time to relax before you address
them. It was imperative to settle this matter once and for all, as quickly as possible. Our people are
logical but fear is an emotion that can lead some to make errors of judgment. The council will make a
ruling, share the findings with the public and put those worries to rest.”

Krell lifted his wife off her feet, shifted his hold to cradle her in his arms and shoved her at

another cyborg. “Use my vehicle to take the scenic route in the opposite direction we’re traveling. I
don’t want anyone to mistake her for one of those women. Give us at least an hour before you

“Damn it, Krell.” Cyan didn’t struggle as she was transferred into the strong arms of the other

male. “I want to be there.”

“I want you and our son safe. This isn’t over yet. Parlis has a lot of supporters.”
“I’ll make certain she’s safe,” the male holding her promised.
The pregnant woman shot him a glare but wrapped her arm around the cyborg’s shoulder. “I can

still fight. You might need me.”

“I’m more than aware of your abilities. Think of our child. We have this handled.”
“Fine. I want to hear about everything when I see you.” She waved to Danica and Eve. “I’ll see

you soon. It’s going to be fine.”

Krell addressed the cyborg holding her. “Take her home and keep her there, Mavo. I don’t care

if you have to secure her to the bed. She’s devious so don’t let her out of your sight until I return to
relieve you.”

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Krell turned back around once his wife was out of sight. He glanced at Zorus. “I didn’t expect

her to disregard my orders.”

The male sighed. “Females can be very illogical. Let this begin. Everything is in place?”
“You don’t mind some other guy carrying your wife off? And did you really just ask him to tie

her to a bed? Wow,” Danica huffed. “I am so not liking things so far. Is that her other husband? What
do you guys do? Keep her under lock and key to make sure she can’t escape?”

Krell narrowed his gaze, clearly irritated. “Mavo is her adoptive father. I’m her only husband

and she’s not my prisoner.”

“Shut it.” Eve elbowed Danica in the side. “We have enough stress without you pissing someone


“Fine,” Danica muttered.
“The trap is set.” Krell rested his hand on the sword handle. “The most dangerous part is

transferring her to the chambers.”

“We still expect an attack?” Blackie glanced between the men.
“Yes.” Zorus didn’t hesitate. “We were unable to locate them.”
Eve stared at her mate. “An attack?” Blackie’s words sank in. “Did he say ‘her to the

chambers’? You mean us. Locate who?”

Blackie hesitated. “Four of Parlis’ most trusted guards have gone missing. They will attempt to

prevent us from reaching the council chambers.” He turned his head to address Gene. “Ready?”

It happened so fast that all Eve could do was gasp. Gene pulled out a syringe and injected

Danica in the arm. She snarled, turning toward him, alarmed. Her eyes rolled back and her body went
limp. The big male grabbed her before she hit the ground. He lifted her gently into his arms, staring at

“She’s fine. It’s a strong sedative. I swear I will protect her with my life.”
Eve tried to lunge at him, outraged that her littermate had been drugged. Blackie grabbed her

before she could reach Danica.

“Trust me,” he rasped against her ear. “Gene owns a small ship that is waiting on the other side

of the Bridden. It will take them into orbit. She’ll be safer up there than on the surface.”

She twisted her head to glare at him. “You didn’t ask us.” The pain of betrayal hurt deeply. He

wasn’t supposed to keep secrets from her.

“Her safety is paramount to you.” He held her tighter. “I wanted Gene to take you onto his ship

but I knew you wouldn’t forgive me for allowing her to be the one in danger. I apologize for not
sharing all the details of our plan but she would have resisted being taken away from your side.”

“We don’t have time for this,” Zorus interrupted. “It’s vital that one of you survive to show proof

of your existence to the majority of the council and there is a forty-percent chance the attack will be
successful since we’ve been unable to locate the missing men. Blackie is disconcerted enough over
what needed to be done without your emotional outbursts, Eve. Be logical and see the soundness of
this action.”

She didn’t look away from Blackie. Regret haunted his features and she wanted to believe he had

her best interest at heart.

“She’ll be safer with Gene,” he swore. “You’re the one in danger.” He didn’t appear happy

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about it. “We need to let him take her. The longer we’re here, the easier it will be for Parlis’ men to
target us.”

She relaxed against his body. “Okay. I trust you.” Please don’t let me down. She turned her head

to stare at Gene. “Don’t let anything happen to Danica.”

“I’ll die before anyone gets close to her.” He turned and strode away with her in his arms. Two

of the cyborgs trailed him.

“They will make sure he gets to the ship. Trusted men are guarding it,” Blackie whispered.

“They’ll lift off without scrutiny.”

“They will,” Krell vouched. “We need to be on the move to keep our schedule.”
“Let’s get this show on the road then,” Eve bravely announced.
Blackie released her and offered his hand. “I’m sorry. It was a difficult decision but one that

will keep Danica out of harm’s way.”

She squeezed his hand. “We’ll talk about this later.” It still hurt, even if she conceded that

Danica never would have agreed to them being separated.

Four vehicles waited, all similar to square tanks with wheels. More armed cyborgs guarded

them. Her eyebrows lifted but she didn’t say a word as her mate led her to one. He opened the door,
allowing her to climb inside first. He pushed her over into the middle when he sat, taking the seat next
to the door. Zorus took the position her other side.

“This is necessary?” She noticed the thick security glass on the windows. “Weapons grade?”
“Cyborgs are excellent strategic planners,” Krell stated from the driver’s seat. “This cuts out a

lot of their options.”

“You mean taking me out by sniper?”
“Yes,” Blackie hissed, leaning closer and using his bulky body to shield her. He glanced in all

directions, seeming to search for any threat. “These windows can also withstand a seven-scale blast.”

“They won’t be able to use anything stronger this close to the wall.” Zorus also kept his attention

on the exterior. “It would cause damage and it is the only thing that keeps the native species from
breaching our city, endangering other cyborgs. Explosives won’t be an option once we enter the gates.
The structures where we live would be compromised.”

“You don’t think they’d do that?” She wasn’t so certain.
“It’s one thing for Parlis to attack you and the men assigned to your protection but he would

never risk the lives of civilians. It isn’t logical.”

“Allowing my line to be killed by leaving us behind on Earth after helping cyborgs escape was

rational?” She couldn’t resist asking.

Zorus glanced at her. “No. Treason is punishable by death. His guards are probably under the

assumption that you are a spy from Earth intent on the destruction of our race. Your death would be
acceptable to them but not at the cost of innocent cyborg lives.”

“I’m glad you think the bastard has some limitations on who he’d kill.” She curled against


“I am aware of his flaws,” Zorus protested, facing the window to watch for threats. “I also know

the guards he’s assigned to go after you. They have honor but they are taking orders from the wrong
council member. Those tasks he assigned will have limitations due to their knowledge of what is

Eve lifted her head, watching through the front window as they approached two big gates. The

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walls were really high. “Cyborg City?”

“Why did we land outside of it instead of inside the gates?”
“The open space within the walls is used for agriculture. We grow our own food.” Blackie

tucked her closer.

Blackie scanned the trees, searching for anyone who might be concealed there. At any second the

line of vehicles might be under attack. They were the most vulnerable as they approached the gates. A
glint of light was the only warning before something hit the glass a foot from his face.

It held together but was damaged when the small explosive device blew up on impact. He

twisted hard, shoving Eve under him. “Down!”

Her whimper tore at his heart and the urge to kill became so strong it took sheer willpower to

stay in place. He’d have liked to dash from the vehicle to hunt whoever had just attempted to kill his

The engine grew louder as their speed increased. Krell cursed from the front seat. “Hold on,

we’re under heavy fire but the gates are opening,” he said as two of the vehicles moved into position
on both sides of them to take the brunt of the attack.

The loud explosions hurt Blackie’s ears but he didn’t cover them. His arms were wrapped

around Eve, holding her in a balled position under his torso. Her body seemed so fragile at that
moment. Something hit the roof and detonated. Her scream was muffled. He glanced up, saw that the
exterior hadn’t been breached. The vehicles protected them. Fury ate at him as he considered how
tragic the outcome would have been if they hadn’t gone to such extreme measures to assure her safety.

“Parlis has lost his mind!” Zorus yelled. “Cyborgs will witness this attack from the buildings

nearest the walls.”

“I don’t think he cares as long as she dies!” Krell shouted. “We’re clear!”
The explosions stopped and Blackie lifted his head, glad they’d passed through the gates. The

streets, normally clear of civilians at such an early hour of the morning, quickly filled with stunned
cyborgs as they rushed outside, their sleeping attire proof they had recently woken.

He lifted up, sitting in a way that gave him a line of sight out the damaged window but kept Eve

pinned against the seat. “They believe the city is under attack.”

Zorus straightened too, peering out his side of the vehicle. “Most are looking up at the sky. Damn

Parlis. He’ll cause a panic. They’ll believe an enemy ship has opened fire on the city.”

“Let me up,” Eve pleaded.
“Stay there,” Blackie ordered, gently pushing on her back. “It won’t be safe until we reach the

council building.”

“Two more blocks,” Krell announced, slightly reducing the speed of the vehicle.
Blackie twisted his head, noticing only two other vehicles followed. “Where is the fourth?”
“It flipped,” Krell informed him. “A blast went off near the front wheel. I’m listening to

communications. The two men survived and medical aid is being dispatched to them. Security is also
broadcasting that the city isn’t under attack.” He paused. “They stated it was a disaster drill and have
ordered everyone to return to their homes.”

“Abuse of power,” Zorus cursed. “How dare he?”
“You mean he lied?” Eve snorted. “Imagine that. Handsome, I’m getting a kink being bent in half.

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Can you please ease up?”

He gentled his hold and turned her, giving her his lap to lie across. “Better? Stay down. The

glass is intact but I’m not sure it could withstand much more abuse.”

“I know the feeling,” she muttered.
He looked down, staring into her pale features. His stomach did odd things when he identified

the fear she couldn’t hide. She was his to protect and he didn’t feel as though he’d done a good job.

“I’m sorry.”
“For what? Turning me into a pretzel? It’s okay.”
He wasn’t sure what the term meant but her gaze held his and she reached for his shirt, fisting it.
“I’m breathing still. Don’t look so grim, sexy.”
He clenched his teeth. She seemed unaware of the rage that had him wondering if his body

temperature had risen as much as he suspected. The blood in his veins should have been boiling. No
one attempted to kill his mate without paying for the offense.

The vehicle came to an abrupt halt and he braced, cradling her in his arms to prevent her body

from flying forward to slam into the front seats. He tore his focus from her to assess the front of the
building. Three guards waited, men he knew and trusted.

“Go,” Zorus ordered. “We’re behind you.”
“Clear,” one of the guards shouted, their weapons raised, prepared to take out snipers from

windows facing the front of the council building.

Fear wasn’t an emotion he dealt with often but he experienced it as he shoved open the door and

grabbed hold of Eve’s waist. He nearly dragged her out of the vehicle and pulled her close, facing
him to make sure his body blocked her from the opposite building. His free arm hooked her legs,
lifting them to the side. Any weapons fire would have to tear through him to reach her upper body. He
even tucked his chin over the top of her head. He ran.

Another security guard had been stationed inside at the doors and pushed one open at his rapid

approach. He entered the building and glanced around as he paused, more than aware that she wasn’t
safe yet. Zorus and Krell rushed in after him. The scarred male got ahead of Blackie.

“Stay close.”
“We’re right behind you,” Zorus assured Blackie. “No one stray from the plan.”
“I know,” Krell grumbled. “I’m the one who thought it out. This way.”
The male turned left, throwing open the doors that led to the council chambers. Blackie


The doors slammed behind them and Blackie glanced back. Zorus bolted them from the inside to

prevent anyone from sneaking up behind them to attack.

Eve remained oddly still in his arms but he was aware of her breathing. He glanced down to

check on her. She was taking in the details of the room they passed through. Her fingers clutched his
shirt and he was relieved she didn’t protest being carried in such an awkward position. He raised her
higher against his chest and released her lower body in an attempt to make her more comfortable.

She actually made walking easier when she drew her legs up and hooked them around his waist.

Her arms slid around his neck in a hug. He blew out air hard, clearing away some of her long hair,
which impeded his vision. He needed to stay alert.

“It should be soon,” Zorus whispered. “We’re getting close.”
“What should be soon?” Eve whispered back, probably sensing the danger.

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“Just trust me,” Blackie stated. He kept one arm free to reach for his weapon if the need arose.
“I do. I’m not fighting, am I?”
He almost smiled. Even under stress, the woman knew how to affect him in odd ways. “Thank


They made it to the last corridor that would take them to the chambers when Krell halted. His

sword flashed as he withdrew it, the scrape of metal loud in the confined space. Blackie stopped,
forcing Eve to let go, and put her on her feet. She was a little unsteady but stood without assistance
when he shoved her behind him. He reached back, keeping her protected with his body.

“Stay there.”
She didn’t protest but he became annoyed when she leaned a little to the side and peered around

his arm to see what they faced. Parlis and Jazel blocked the doors. Both of the council members held

“Drop the sword,” Parlis ordered.
Krell refused. “You’d shoot me?”
“You pose a threat.” The male cleared his throat. “We only wish to speak to both women.”
Zorus strode forward to Krell’s side. He halted there, a scowl on his features. “I am

disappointed, my old friend.”

The weapon in Parlis’ fingers wavered. “Why?”
“You nearly killed us but failed.”
“I had nothing to do with that attack.”
Blackie didn’t believe it for a second.
Zorus barked out a harsh laugh. “You lie as well as you succeeded in committing murder.”

Zorus’ tone deepened. “You will lower your weapons.”

“I want both women. Move out of the way and allow me access to them.” Parlis craned his neck,

attempting to get a look around Krell and Zorus. “I need to speak to them.”

Blackie shoved Eve completely behind him. It was clear that Parlis couldn’t see her with both of

the cyborgs in his way. It was possible he’d shoot her if given the chance. She wiggled but stopped
when he glanced over his shoulder with a stern look. She bit her lip, clearly angry, but gave a sharp
nod. He returned his attention to the danger.

“The solution here is compromise.” Zorus paused. “Hand Krell both weapons and allow him to

search you for more. He’ll take them and leave us alone. I’ll permit you access if you just wish to
speak to them. Pass your weapons to Krell. The Cyborg Council will wonder why we haven’t entered
their chambers. I let them know when we reached the gates.”

Blackie was prepared to turn, grab Eve and run if Parlis opened fire. Parlis’ features darkened.

He glanced at the woman at his side and gave her a sharp nod. “Do it.”

Blackie relaxed when Krell sheathed his sword, accepted the weapons and patted both members

down. He glanced to Zorus for orders.

“Wait outside and guard the doors at our back. Parlis wants privacy and we’ll give it to him. I

keep my word.”

Krell left, his features unyielding. Blackie kept Eve behind him and waited while the male

unlocked the doors and left the room.

“Where are the women?” Parlis glared at Blackie, then at Zorus. “You were a decoy?”
“One of them is here. The other one isn’t on Garden.” Zorus coldly smiled. “You will keep a

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five-foot distance from her at all times or face violence from him.” He glanced at Blackie. “Step
away. He wants to speak to the woman.”

Blackie hesitated. It might be painful for Eve to be confronted by the past but it needed to be

done. There wasn’t a chance she’d be harmed. He didn’t plan to let her out of his reach. Violence was
a certainty if Parlis or Jazel attempted anything. He moved to her side.

He watched Eve’s expression as she came face-to-face with Parlis. When she paled, his chest

tightened until breathing became difficult. She wobbled a little on her feet and he reached for her. She
waved off his offered hand, never taking her focus from the council member.

He had a part to play and his control had never been tested as much as it was about to be. The

plan needed to work in order to ensure Eve’s future safety.

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Chapter Ten

“Freedom.” Eve recognized the cyborg. She’d met him dozens of times on Earth when they’d

plotted her missions to locate and free cyborgs.

His gaze widened. “Hellfire. I wasn’t told you were one of the two survivors. It is good to see

you again.” His cold tone didn’t sound sincere.

“You do know her. What is going on, Parlis?” Zorus stepped forward, anger clear in his voice.

“Is what I’ve been told true? They were allies who helped our race escape from Earth? You never
mentioned the canine units or how many lives they saved.”

The other cyborg hesitated as he regarded the angry cyborg. “It was classified information.

Myself and two others were behind mission 895589.”

Blackie drew closer, his hands fisted at his sides. “You left those women on Earth to die. They

helped us but you betrayed them. You gave your word to take them with us when we fled but you left
them behind.”

Councilman Parlis glanced at Blackie before returning his attention to Zorus. “It was a difficult

decision but we made it. There was no need to burden others with the information. The results were
all that mattered.”

“You dishonor all cyborgs.” Blackie lunged, grabbing the lapels of the red uniform the cyborg

wore. “They were our allies, yet you abandoned them. You had to have calculated their odds of
survival once we were gone. They were slaughtered by the government in retaliation for our actions.”

Eve tensed, wanting to attack the son of a bitch too. She held still though, too shaky to trust her

current ability and coordination in a fight. Her mate seemed more than ready to inflict some bodily
harm on the bastard. She’d settle for watching Freedom bleed. Blackie could do some serious

“Release him.” Zorus gripped Blackie’s shoulder. “Please.”
Blackie resisted. “They left them to die and knew it would happen. It’s the only logical

conclusion. Do the calculations yourself.”

“Release him,” Zorus firmly urged again.
Blackie shoved Parlis and stepped back, standing next to Eve. She took his hand. He glanced at

her, his rage still evident but his fingers curled around hers. Zorus crossed his arms over his chest,
focused on his fellow council member.

“Explain the logic to me of allowing them to die after promising to take them with us.”
“I don’t have to.”
Zorus’ dark eyebrow lifted. “We were grown in the same cloning laboratory and served

together. I have considered you a friend, Parlis.” He paused. “I am asking you to tell me how you
justified your actions of leaving the canine units behind when we fled Earth. I expect an answer.”

He didn’t respond.
Zorus softly swore under his breath. “Who were the other two cyborgs assigned to mission


Parlis blinked but said nothing.
Blackie shot a heated stare at the female cyborg wearing the red uniform. “Jazel, you were a part

of it.”

Zorus glanced at Blackie. “How do you know?”

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“She was there when I was freed. She forced a link with my mind to show me information. I

didn’t possess memories of our plight.”

Zorus addressed her. “Is this true? Were you part of the mission?”
“I was.” She didn’t deny it.
“Who else?”
“You don’t have to tell him anything,” Parlis snapped.
The woman spoke. “Fleet was the third member of our group. We were the organizers of the


“What exactly was the nature of that mission?”
“To free cyborgs before Earth Government annihilated our entire race. We overheard that we

were slated for termination but escaped together from one of the mining facilities we had been
assigned to. But it wasn’t just certain groups of cyborgs that were targeted. Earth Government came to
the same conclusion we had—they couldn’t continue to control us. We were too dangerous for them to
allow us to live. We discovered that all cyborgs were scheduled for mass destruction, which meant
the extinction of our species.”

“Don’t,” Parlis demanded.
She ignored his order. “There is no reason to classify this information any longer. Relevant

facts,” she darted a curious glance at Eve, “have become known. You wished to speak to the canines
to make them understand our decisions and why it is important they keep their silence.” Her gaze
returned to Zorus. “Ask your questions.”

“Why weren’t other cyborgs told about canine units?”
“It could have compromised the success of the mission. Everyone was given specific

assignments to perform. In case of a breach of information, it was more logical to keep their
knowledge limited to their tasks.”

“I understand that reasoning,” Zorus agreed. “One hand doesn’t know what the other is doing in

the event of being captured and forced to talk.”

“Correct. We needed the canine units to free cyborgs we didn’t have access to. They still held

some of our kind inside the research department, which they had turned into a termination center.
That’s where the canine units were stationed.” She looked at Eve again. “You performed admirably
and rescued more units than we calculated. Good job.”

“Thanks,” Eve muttered. “Did you purposely leave us behind?”
“Yes.” The woman cyborg answered without hesitation.
“Why?” Zorus’ voice deepened with anger. “Is Eve telling the truth? Did you promise to take her

line with us when we fled?”

“Don’t answer,” Parlis hissed.
Jazel hesitated. “We made that promise but we never intended to keep it.”
“Shut up!” Parlis took a threatening step toward her.
The female cyborg threw out a hand, hitting him mid-chest and knocked him back. He stumbled

but managed to stay on his feet.

“I will damage you if you attempt that again.” Jazel faced Zorus. “We lied to the canine unit

leader.” She addressed Eve. “I apologize. At the time it didn’t seem wrong. The implants that
controlled our emotions had been recently shut off and we weren’t totally rational at all times. I have
since regretted that decision.”

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Eve felt rage boil up inside. “They slaughtered my littermates one by one as punishment for

helping you.”

Jezel didn’t appear surprised. “Again, I apologize. Our priority was saving cyborgs. You can

see the logic in that.”

“Fuck you. There were three hundred of us and now there are just two.” Eve inched closer to

Blackie, glad he held her hand. She wanted to kill the cyborg woman. She fought tears.

“There is no justification you could state that would excuse leaving them behind to die,” Blackie

hissed. “Eve deserves to hear the reason behind it.”

Jazel took a deep breath. “Parlis argued they were weak, too emotional and therefore unstable.”
“I did not!”
The cyborg woman turned toward him. “You stated they would be a nuisance on the ships and an

extra burden on our limited resources.” She faced Blackie. “Fleet and I only agreed because it
seemed rational. They weren’t able to go days without food if necessary to help stretch our supplies,
nor were they trained to slow their breathing to minimize the drain on life support. We had no
information to calculate or even estimate the extent of our journey in space. At that time we had no
idea how long it would take to locate a new home planet. The government never allowed us access to
solar system charts or to any information that might make it possible to escape Earth. It seemed
reasonable at the time to leave the canine units behind to give our people a higher survivability rate.”
She gazed at Eve. “We deemed your line expendable due to those factors.”

Blackie released Eve and took a menacing step closer to the woman. “Did you ever take into

consideration that they were women when you were doing your calculations to assure our race would
survive long-term? So few of ours were alive.”

Zorus put his body between them. “I wish to know the answer to that as well, Jazel.”
The cyborg fixed her cool gaze on Eve. “We did. The three of us discussed the matter at length.”

She sighed, shifting her attention to Zorus. “They wouldn’t have been an acceptable match for
breeding purposes.”

“Who gave you the right to make that decision?” Blackie released Eve and tried to lunge

forward. Zorus blocked him by stepping into his path again.

“Were canine women designed to be infertile?” Zorus sounded calm. “Is that what you are

stating, Jezel?”

“Stop playing verbal games,” Parlis hissed. “Those creatures were able to breed and we knew

they’d have extended life spans. That’s why we couldn’t allow them to board our ships. We’re

“You knew our men would welcome canine women into our society if it were taken to a vote,”

Blackie accused. “You weren’t thinking of the good of our people but of your own bias against
another race.”

Parlis threw out his hand and waved toward Eve. “It was repugnant to even consider

downgrading our superior DNA by mixing it with theirs in our future generations. Our men would
have bred with those animals if we’d allowed it. That’s why you have to help me stop her from telling
our population about their existence. Imagine the horrific results it would have caused. I prevented
that from happening. The offspring of those pairings would have fangs and claws, growling as if they
were barbarians.”

Zorus sidestepped out of Blackie’s way. “Leave him alive when you’re done. Enough has been

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Eve watched as her mate attacked the male council member. Parlis didn’t even have time to

lower his arm before the bones in it snapped as Blackie gripped it with both hands. The sickening
sound was heard over his gasp of pain.

“She’s not a barbarian!” Blackie bellowed, swinging his prey and throwing him into a wall. He

hit with a loud thud and stayed down. “Eve is a person.” He bent, grabbed Parlis by the front of his
uniform and jerked him to his feet. He drew back his fist and punched him in the face. “You should
have been left behind on Earth.”

“Enough!” Jazel attempted to intervene.
Blackie threw Parlis against the wall once more and watched him crumple to the floor. He spun

around. “Feel grateful you’re a woman,” he warned. “You are guilty of committing genocide.” He
turned his head to stare at Zorus. “I demand they be stripped of their positions and arrested.”

Eve held her breath, hoping her mate wasn’t about to be the one shackled for attacking a council

member. She inched closer to him, intent on defending him if guards rushed into the room to seize him.

Zorus crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m currently linked with the other council members.

We’re in agreement with you since they’ve been watching this interaction via the recording devices
concealed around this area.”

Parlis gasped, a horrified look on his face. “I was trying to protect our race. What have you


“I know your tactics well.” Zorus shook his head. “You had too much to lose without attempting

to stop the woman from speaking to the other council members. This was the most logical area for you
to privately confront us if we reached the building. You would have attempted to discredit anything
the canine units had to say in front of the council but I correctly believed you’d be honest when
confronting her. Now the members have heard facts you can’t dispute. We were once considered
expendable because of human prejudice. You’re equally as guilty of that atrocious crime by your
actions. The Cyborg Council has unanimously agreed to strip you of your rank and charges are being

“What charges?” Parlis turned an ugly shade of gray.
“You committed murder.” Zorus paused. “You’re responsible for the deaths of our allies. You

represented our race as a whole when you made that deal with them.”

“You can’t do that.” Jazel appeared shaken and a bit pale. “We founded the council. Every

decision made was to safeguard our race. That’s why I was so cooperative while answering your
questions. I believed you’d understand. You should agree with what had to be done.”

“It’s over, Jazel. We only have one question left. Is what Parlis stated true? Did you abandon the

canine units due to your trepidation that it would result in undesirable offspring?” Zorus arched an
eyebrow, waiting.

“Yes,” she admitted. “It was deemed a relevant issue. It was better to have stronger descendants

with pure cyborg DNA than risk genetic anomalies.”

“Some of our children are flawed!” Blackie yelled. “That’s why so many of them need medical

attention after birth.”

Eve crossed the room to stand in front him. He appeared ready to go after the female cyborg.

Parlis slowly attempted to stand but his broken arm hung uselessly at his side.

“We were incorrect.” Jazel lowered her gaze and her tone. “We didn’t realize the extent of our

own damage due to our dependency on some of our implants. It wasn’t a foreseeable outcome at that

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time. I do regret my compliance. We failed to take emotions into account. I am saddened that so many
canine units were murdered and accept partial responsibility.”

Cyborgs suddenly rushed through the doors and took charge of the injured Parlis and surrounded

Jazel. “Come with us,” one of them stated. “You’re under arrest.”

“This isn’t over,” Parlis swore. “We did the correct thing. It was to protect our race. Someone

had to make the hard decisions. That’s all we’re guilty of.”

“It is over.” Zorus sighed. “You made a grave error and you will be punished for your actions.

Goodbye, my old friend. I would wish you long life but we both know your days are numbered.”

Eve watched them being removed from the room. “They’ll die?”
Blackie pulled her into the circle of his arms. “Yes. I will volunteer to end their lives if I’m


“They are the reason only two of your line survived, Eve.” Zorus moved closer. “The council is

aware of how adding that many women to our population could have benefited our race as a whole.
They and I are not in agreement with Parlis that your canine genetics would have been detrimental to
our gene pool. We mourn their loss.”

Conflicting sentiments choked Blackie. It was over and Eve would be safe. But he’d lost a friend

in Parlis, a hero, though his reputation had been built on lies. Only time would heal the wounds
inflicted upon his soul, knowing his blind faith in the male had been misplaced and cost him decades
with a woman who should have been at his side instead of struggling to survive on her own.

Eve was his priority now. “Do you wish to speak to the council or go to our home?”
He turned his head, staring at Zorus. “She is owed a few things.”
“Name them. The council is still linked with me.” He pointed to the top of a pillar. “They can

see us.”

“We want a new home outside the council building. I’m certain you understand this request.”
Zorus paused, probably discussing it silently with the other members. He nodded. “I

remembered that request. Arrangements have been made.”

He stared at Zorus. “We’d also like to join in a family unit of only two. She is not to be

considered a cyborg woman. Canine units mate for life with one male. To join her to other males
would be psychologically traumatic. It’s how they were created.”

Zorus frowned.
“It isn’t up for debate. They were designed to be completely loyal to one mate. She holds no

interest in other men.”

Zorus lowered his head to study Eve.
“I’ll kill anyone besides Blackie if they are dumb enough to climb into my bed. It isn’t

happening.” Her voice deepened and her canines elongated to show off her teeth.

A sense of pride filled Blackie when he watched the council member stumble back a step,

surprised and wary of his mate. “We’re mated, Zorus. The canine units need absolute monogamy.”

Zorus remained quiet for too long.
“We owe her and her surviving littermate,” Blackie argued.
The council member held his gaze and gave a sharp nod. “Agreed. They are just curious about

her and wish to ask questions.”

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“What do they want to know?” Eve jutted her chin out, a sign of stubbornness Blackie found


“Would you follow me? They’d like to see you in person.”
“We’re fine here,” Blackie protested. “She doesn’t need to feel overwhelmed. Ask their


“Is she anatomically human?”
“For the most part,” Eve answered. “If you’re talking sexual parts, yes. Strip me naked, which

you’d better not consider really doing because I’d fight that since I’m not into show-and-tell, and I
look completely human. I don’t have a tail or anything. I have the cool sliding teeth and fingernails.”
She lifted a hand and peered up at the camera. “See?” She extended her fingernails, turning them so it
was clear how long they were. “I can also deepen my voice. My larynx isn’t limited to human sounds.
I’m also stronger than most Earthers and I don’t age the way they do. My line was created just weeks
after cyborgs were. I’m the first in my line.”

“I asked Jazel if you could have children to establish they were already aware of that fact. Do

your units have single births or multiples?”

Eve hesitated and turned her head to stare up at Blackie. “Um, I thought we’d discuss this part in

private but the two of my line who had children when we were still on Earth had more than one.
Barbra had three at once and Debbie had two.”

Blackie was stunned. He hadn’t considered that canines tended to have litters instead of just one


“You okay, Handsome?” She bit her lower lip, peering up at him with concern.
“Yes.” He’d adjust to the information.
“The council will agree to a family unit of only two if you agree not to limit the amount of

children you have.”

“What does that mean?” Blackie didn’t enjoy the implications.
Zorus didn’t look pleased but he represented the council. “Your woman and her sister are


Eve growled. “You want to turn me into a breeder, in other words. Just expect my sister and me

to…what? Drop a litter every year?”

“Could both of you do that?” Zorus appeared interested. “Your race was created female. Were

they able to create male offspring?”

“We could probably have children that fast but we won’t.” Eve flashed her fangs. “I’m sure it is

possible but I’m not going to allow you to turn me in to some kind of baby machine and neither is
Danica. Only two of our line had children before they were executed. They delivered at full term just
after twelve weeks of gestation since we heal so fast and our engineered genetics seemed to
accelerate the pregnancies. I remember what happened to them when it was discovered they were
pregnant. Both were taken away by security and locked up so they could test the shit out of them.
Thanks, but no thanks.”

“Were the offspring all female?” Zorus wasn’t ready to let it go.
“Yes.” She frowned. “But there were only two pregnancies in our line so don’t just assume for a

fact that we can only have girls. The fathers of those babies might have had something to do with their
sex if it wasn’t by genetic design.”

Blackie reeled from that information, imagining Eve able to bear him numerous children in a

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short span of time. It also alarmed him a bit if she was only able to birth females. He took an
aggressive step forward and glowered at the camera.

“Enough,” he demanded. “She and her littermate paid the ultimate price for what they did for

cyborgs. You are not going to ask or expect them to replenish our population with females. The
number of children we have and the timing will be decided between her and me. That is not

Zorus glanced at the camera and seemed to be listening.
“What are they saying?” Eve peered up at Blackie.
“I don’t know. I’m not linked into their conversation.” He wished he were.
“I wanted to tell you about the pregnancies privately but it never came up. Are you freaked out?”
He turned her so they had direct eye contact. “I am not freaked out, if that means what I think it

does. It is a surprise but I already decided I wanted to have children with you. I just didn’t expect to
have more than one at a time.”

“It might have just been a fluke.”
He arched his eyebrows, not believing that.
“Yeah.” She dropped her gaze to his shirt. “That’s what Cameron and his team came up with too.

They encouraged more of us to hook up with some of the guards, hoping to do more research. Of
course, that never happened.” She looked up with tears in her eyes. “Those babies were just weeks
old when we tried to escape with you. The mothers had them ten days apart. Cameron said he had
them killed along with their mothers.”

He hated to see her anguish.
“It was my fault. I was the one who talked everyone into helping cyborgs. Some of them were

afraid. Our lives were shit but as long as we played by the rules, we would have survived. They
listened to me, though, because it was the right thing to do.”

Blackie wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close. He glared at Zorus over the top of

her head. The male’s sympathetic expression assured him he’d overheard their exchange of words
when they studied each other.

“Your line lost their lives to save us. I’m so sorry, Eve. I know there’s no way to make it up to

you or them but we will try.”

Zorus nodded. “Agreed.”
Eve tensed and pulled out of his arms. She wiped at her eyes before she turned around to face the

camera and the council member in the room with them. “My ovaries are my business and that of my
mate. The same goes for my sister. Am I clear?”

“Perfectly.” Zorus inclined his head.
Blackie assumed the council would agree to almost any terms at that moment. “I want to be

removed from my breeding pact immediately.”

“What is that?” Eve glanced up at him.
Blackie opened his mouth but no words came out. There was no explanation she would like.
“Not all cyborgs are able to breed,” Zorus answered. “I am a prime example of that. I had viable

sperm when I was created. One of the doctors used me to discover whether we were capable of
having children. Then he decided to sterilize me.”

Eve appeared horrified. “I’m sorry.”
“It is done. I’m not the only male unable to produce offspring. We place those men on a list with

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others who have healthy, productive sperm. It’s termed a ‘breeding pact’. It gives women access the
men who have active sperm if someone in her family unit is unable to provide children. It’s our duty
to safeguard the future of our race by providing at least one child per person.”

Eve paled. “You mean another woman could ask for my mate’s sperm and he’s supposed to just

hand it over in a cup so she can have his babies? Hell no.”

Blackie had known she wouldn’t react well. “That’s why I want out of mine.”
Zorus smiled. “We don’t have a good success rate with artificial insemination. The woman

would borrow your male for intercourse.”

“Fuck that!” Eve’s temper exploded. “Take him out of the breeding pact. If any bitch tries to lay

a finger on him, I’ll bite it off. He’s mine!”

It seemed to infuriate her more when the council member had the audacity to look amused.

Blackie wanted to punch Zorus.

“I’ll kill her. Blackie is my mate.” She growled, showing teeth.
“Fascinating,” Zorus mused.
“Zorus,” Blackie warned. “Enough. I know you’re purposely being obtuse just to witness her

reactions. Remove me from the breeding pact. The number of children we have is a personal matter
between Eve and me. I do understand why you wish us to have more than what is required to
safeguard Eve and Danica’s line for a future generation but now isn’t the time to discuss this. She’s
been through enough.”

“Agreed.” Zorus stepped back. “A team was sent to secure your belongings and move them to

your new home. Krell will escort you both there and give you a short walking tour of the city for
Eve’s benefit while they stock it with food. The council requests you both return tomorrow for an
appointment with them.” He stared at Eve. “We would also like to meet your sister.”

“I’ll inform Gene and he will bring her.” Blackie paused. “I would like our family unit to be

officially granted.”

“We’ll take care of that in my office tomorrow morning right after the council sees them. It won’t

be a problem. Do you wish a ceremony?”

“Uncertain.” Blackie looked down at Eve and smiled. “We’ll discuss it tonight.”
The doors slid open and Krell entered. “This way.”

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Chapter Eleven

Eve decided the city was one of the cleanest she’d ever toured. The curious stares of cyborgs

didn’t frighten her as she grinned widely at anyone who took an interest in her. She’d helped free
some of them and a sense of pride at her accomplishments arose. The bitterness caused by Freedom
and his betrayal to her canine line wasn’t going to ruin the rest of her life. Her future was with her
mate on Garden.

“You know Danica is going to howl when she wakes up on Gene’s ship. I almost feel sorry for


Blackie’s deep chuckle drew her attention as she glanced up at him. “I think he can handle her.”
“I don’t know. She bites and doesn’t fight fair. We might want to cut this short and send a vid to

him. He can play it for her so she can actually see me when she comes around, otherwise she’s going
to assume the worst. My guess is she’ll think he kidnapped her to have his wild way.” She grinned.
“Not that I think it would be a bad thing if he did. I believe she likes him more than she’s willing to
admit. It might take that kind of wake-up call to get her to admit it to him.”

Blackie didn’t look amused as he turned his gaze on the other cyborg. “Krell? Do you think

they’ve had time to prepare our new quarters?”

The tall, broad-shouldered cyborg shrugged. “We could go find out. I want to get home to Cyan.”
“She’s due to have the child soon, isn’t she?”
“Thank you for everything you’ve done.” Eve grinned at him when he glanced back at her.
“Threat assessment is my job. I do it best if I’m present to calculate every move the enemy could

make, to counteract it. Zorus requested that I be there.”

They entered one of the buildings and rode the elevator to the top floor. The doors opened once

Blackie placed his hand on the panel and Eve guessed he sent signals through it to prove his identity.

Cyborgs met them inside. One of them didn’t appear too happy when he faced off against

Blackie. He was tall, with silver-blue eyes and his hair was a glossy, silvery color. “Your belongings
have been transferred, food has been delivered and a clothing coordinator will arrive within the hour
to measure the woman for outfitting.”

“Thank you for all your assistance, Steel.”
The tense way her mate spoke stiffened Eve’s spine. She was instantly alert for trouble.
“I followed orders. Rena was glad to return to Garden, tired of space. We’ll be here for a few

weeks.” He paused. “We were assigned a floor below you.”

Eve searched her memories for every reference she’d heard about Steel. “You are married to a

human.” She released Blackie and offered her hand. “I’m Eve. Blackie and I mated. I’m a canine unit.
That’s, um, human with canine genetics added. Thank you for the save on the Bridden.”

Blackie tensed at her side but didn’t stop her from being polite to the tall cyborg. Steel’s clasp

was gentle and his skin was warm when they quickly shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you, Eve. I was
brought up to speed on what was going on when my ship was ordered to escort your shuttle here.
Welcome to Garden.”

Some of the cyborgs went to the lift where Krell waited to leave and Eve decided to give her

mate a few moments alone with the commander. “Thanks. What a view!” She darted toward the big
windows, staring out at the city and the wall that enclosed it. Beyond that, in the distance, she saw

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endless ocean.

The silence was acute and she winced. She’d hoped her stepping away would be hint enough for

her mate to take an opportunity to speak privately to Steel.

“Thank you for overseeing the preparation of our home.” Blackie paused.
“I didn’t. This used to be the quarters Rena and I shared. She’d forgotten a few things and I had

them sent downstairs.”

“Understood.” Blackie cleared his throat. “I want to apologize to you, Steel.”
Eve grinned, resisting doing an air fist pump in case they could see her out of the corner of their

vision. It was an important step for Blackie to deal with his past issues.

“For what? It isn’t protocol to give a top-level space to someone of your standing but the woman

merits special privileges. Rena actually prefers the lower floor with the balcony. She enjoys sitting in
the fresh air after being on the Vontage for long spans of time. This living space wasn’t assigned to
me permanently. Zorus informed me it was being held for another couple when we arrived.”

Come on, baby. You can do it, Eve urged her mate.
“I deeply regret the way I treated your woman. I believed Rena was a threat and had somehow

influenced your judgment. I didn’t understand that she inspired deep emotions from you.”

Eve hoped the silver-haired cyborg would accept the apology. It didn’t take long.
“I see.”
Her shoulders sagged a little and part of her heart broke for her mate. It wasn’t the response

she’d hoped for and was sure Blackie felt the same way.

“I was completely loyal to the council and believed their assessment that she was a danger to us.

I’ve since learned my error and realize how angry you must feel regarding my words and actions. I
regret them. You have my deepest apologies and I would like to state my error to your mate as well.”

The seconds ticked by, urging Eve to get involved and she spun, studying the men as they

regarded each other. Steel didn’t look ready to throw any punches but he also didn’t exactly appear

“We bonded when we met on Earth.” The words came from her easily as she crossed the room

to stand at Blackie’s side, peering up at Steel. “He lost me and I think it kind of hardened him against
emotions. He’s really sorry and, in hindsight, feels terrible about some things he’s done. We talked
about you and your wife on our way here.”

Blackie took her hand. “Don’t, Eve.”
She wasn’t ready to give up. Steel’s expression lacked any hint of his thoughts but he listened.

“I’m sure you had one of those moments when you fell in love with your Rena that changed your
outlook on everything. Blackie is seeing things differently now. He’s really torn up about stuff he’s
done in the past and I told him that he can make it up to everyone if he just expresses how he feels.
Everyone deserves a second chance, don’t you think?”

Steel said nothing.
“Look at me. I’m standing on a planet of cyborgs when my entire line was left behind on Earth to

die. I don’t blame everyone here for that. It’s Parlis’ fault. He’s the one who lied to me. Blackie was
taken in too, by lies, and now he knows the truth. He was doing what he thought was right. I don’t
know all the details of what went down between you guys but he feels horrible. Trust me on that.”

Steel’s piercing gaze left her and he frowned as he spoke to Blackie. “You love her?”
“Yes. She’s everything to me.” Blackie didn’t hesitate to answer.

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“She obviously loves you. I have no problem with you anymore, Blackie. My memory is lengthy

but I accept that you’re no longer a threat to Rena. You and I will be on good terms. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Blackie gave a sharp nod. “Thank you.”
“Treat your woman right. She’s your number-one priority. Never forget that. It’s not a dereliction

of duty to place her above all else. She will be the reason you enjoy life.”

“There’s no need to give me that advice.”
The cyborg’s silver-blue gaze lowered to Eve. “My Rena will want to meet you. You appear

human and she doesn’t enjoy spending time with cyborg women. She finds them too emotionally
remote to connect to. You may feel the same way about them once you learn more about Garden.
You’re welcome to visit us.” He glanced at Blackie. “You may bring him after I speak to her. She
may not be receptive at first but we’ll attempt a polite social gathering. I’ll send you an invitation to
dinner soon.”

“Thank you!” Eve grinned. “We would love that.”
The cyborg left, closing the door behind him, and Eve couldn’t resist laughing as she hugged

Blackie. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

His arms wrapped around her. “It wasn’t the smoothest verbal communication I’ve shared but it

wasn’t as dire as I estimated it would be.”

“Did you think he’d punch you?”
“There was a high probability. I believed he came here to warn me to stay far away from his

woman or to ask me to request residency in another building.”

“We got a dinner invite instead. See? This apology thing works.” She backed up enough to stare

at his handsome face. “So give me the tour. I’m mostly interested in the bedroom. We have a lot to
celebrate. I’m talking about sex, just in case that hint wasn’t strong enough.”

“Do you want to check on Danica to be certain she’s safe? Gene won’t allow any harm to come

to her but I understand how you might want verification.”

A hint of guilt struck when she realized she’d totally forgotten about that situation. Her priorities

had changed and getting Blackie naked had been her only fixation. It didn’t mean she loved Danica
less but her mate came first. Blackie trusted Gene and she wanted her mate to know she had faith in
his judgment.

“How long do those drugs last?”
He paused, seeming to calculate in his mind. “We have approximately four hours and twenty

minutes before she rouses.”

“There’s no point in bothering them if she’s snoozing. Let’s inspect this bedroom of ours first.

We’ll contact your friend afterward.”

“We should send the communication in case she wakes early. I based that calculation on human

response time.”

“Okay.” She allowed him to lead her into the living room to a wall with a screen. “I’m not going

to be able to work anything here, am I?” She raised her hand and pressed it to the surface. Nothing
happened. She tried again but couldn’t link to the system.

Blackie brushed hers aside and placed his on the sensor. “They are coded for cyborgs only. It

won’t be a problem. I can set our home to voice activation and program it to follow your commands.”

“Even the door locks?”
“Yes.” He closed his eyes and in seconds the screen lit up. Gene’s face appeared.

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“How did it go? Why are we on a visual connection?”
“Everything went according to plan. Parlis and Jezel have been taken into custody and stripped

of their status. Eve wished to leave a vid message for Danica.” He released the pad and nodded. “Go
ahead. Gene can end the transmission when you are done. I’ll meet you in our bedroom.”

“Great.” She watched him disappear down a hallway and remembered the other cyborg waited.

She stared into his eyes. “She’s going to be pissed that you drugged her and took her to your ship.”

“I assumed.” Gene shrugged. “I will be able to handle the situation.”
Eve sucked in air. “Can you record this and show it to her when she wakes?”
He touched something. “Recording.”
“Hi, Dani.” It was a term she only used when she knew her sister was angry. “I’m really sorry

about you being slipped a sedative. They wanted to make sure one of us survived if Freedom had any
nasty surprises waiting for us on the surface and he did. You were actually the lucky one since you
missed being shot at and enduring a wild ride in an armored vehicle. I’m fine. Freedom is toast, okay?
He’s been locked up and is in deep shit. Gene is going to return you to the surface so don’t bust his
balls, okay?”

She noticed Gene’s eyes widened at her request and grinned. “I’ll see you soon. Be good and

play nice. That’s an order from me to you. I’m still the first. Love ya!” She nodded at Gene and ran
her finger in a slicing motion over her throat. “You can stop recording. Hopefully that will keep her
calm but just in case, watch out for her knees near your groin, okay?”

He swallowed. “I understand.”
“Good luck. You can hang up now.”
The screen went dark and Eve spun, tracking her mate down the hallway. His scent lingered

enough that she bypassed the first two open doors without glancing inside and entered the third one on
the left. He stood at the end of a large bed, minus his uniform shirt.

“Getting undressed without me?”
“You seem to enjoy looking at my skin.”
“I do.” She crossed the large space, noticing the views beyond the tinted windows, showcasing

the city. “One question though. Can people from the other buildings see inside here? Don’t you guys
own blinds?”

“Computer, remove all exterior light.”
The windows darkened until the glass turned black. “Wow. That’s a cool feature.”
“We work different shifts and daylight can annoy some during a sleep cycle.”
“I’m going to like it here if the food is good. That’s my only holdout now,” she teased, openly

examining his muscular chest and reaching out to splay her hands on his abs. “I love everything else I
see.” She slid her palms lower, to the waist of his pants. “Let’s get you out of these and discuss what
else might taste good.”

Blackie stiffened his spine when Eve dropped to her knees before him and used her fingers to

unfasten his pants. He lowered his chin, watching her as she tugged them down until his dick was free.
Having her so close was more than enough to make blood rush to that area.

The light touch of her fingertips exploring the sensitive skin at the base of his shaft then traveling

upward to the head increased his heart rate. He inhaled sharply and stilled, enjoying her intimate
attention. Her gaze lifted to his and she smiled. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and they parted,

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inching closer. He locked his knees to keep upright when she surrounded the bulb of his dick with her
hot, wet mouth.

“Eve,” he groaned as she took more of him, lightly teasing him with her tongue and suction. It

took control not to move when the urge to thrust hit.

It became a mixture of torment and pure pleasure when one of her hands cupped his ass while the

other one slid up the inside of his thigh to caress his scrotum. She massaged it, working his dick
between her lips at the same time. His eyes closed as he experienced every sensation from her warm
breath fanning his lower belly to the erotic spell cast each time she nearly withdrew, only to take a
little more when she advanced forward.

He blindly reached out, grabbing the post of the bed for support. Every muscle in his body

seemed to grow rigid as he drew closer to ejaculation. He didn’t want to come too fast but his body
refused to listen to his commands.

“Eve,” he warned. “I can’t take any more.”
She sucked harder, moved faster, and he totally lost the ability to speak. He’d expected her to

stop but instead she pushed him beyond his limit. A loud groan filled the room—it came from him—
as hot pleasure seized him. Wood snapped about the same time as his sanity when she swallowed his
seed, her mouth milking him until his legs gave way.

Blackie fell back, hitting the bed instead of landing on top of his mate. His dick was pulled from

her sexy grasp as he fought to open his eyes. He trembled a little as he attempted to recover, not sure
how to react since he’d never experienced such a powerful reaction before.

Eve rose and climbed on top of him until she straddled his lap. “I love the way you taste.”
She lowered her head and brushed a kiss on his chest, inching upward until she nuzzled her face

against his throat. “I hope you have a fast recovery time. That turned me on, Handsome. You make me
so hot.”

“Take off your clothes.”
She rolled off him without further urging. He sat up and lifted one foot, tearing at his boot. He

threw both across the room, not caring if they caused damage. The pants were already tugged midway
down his thighs so it was just a matter of lying flat and lifting his legs to shove them the rest of the
way off. He turned on his side to watch Eve finish stripping.

Her pale skin invoked desires to stroke his hands across every inch of it until he knew how all of

her body felt. She removed her clothing and he lunged, surprising her with the quick, aggressive
action, pinning her under him. He took care not to bruise her skin as he yanked her arms above her
head and his knee pressed against the center of her legs. She parted them for him and he wiggled into
the space between.

Her beautiful eyes sparkled with amusement as her eyebrows lifted. “You’re as hard as a rock

already? I’m impressed.”

It was just a matter of adjusting his hips before he aligned the crown of his dick at the soaked

seam of her sex. He rubbed up and down, using it to tease her clit. The soft moans she made only
increased his desire to be buried inside her.

“Say you love me.” He needed the words.
“I love you.”
He maneuvered his pelvis until his dick pressed against the small opening of her pussy and he

pushed forward. Eve moaned louder as he thrust deep, making her take all of him in one firm motion.
He paused there.

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“You are home to me.”
She held his gaze.
“You are everything that is right in my world, Eve. I will never let you go or leave you. We’re

one together and that makes us complete. I won’t allow anything to come between us.”

“Let go of my wrists.”
He released her and was pleased when she slid her fingers into his hair, holding it back from his


“I won’t either, Handsome. You’re my entire life and reason for living. You’re my mate, the

other half of my soul. I will hunt you down if you try to leave me because I’d die without you.”

“We have a very long life ahead of us and we’re going to live it together. You’re my mate and I

wish you to be my wife, the woman of my family unit.” He braced his spread knees and moved, the
sheer pleasure of the friction was paradise. “I’ll keep you too tired to ever consider leaving me.”

She moaned. “I’ll give you blowjobs until your knees give way if you try to take off.”
The memory of what she’d done to him with her mouth was enough to drive him into a frenzied

need to come again. He pounded against her, taking her more roughly than he’d intended but she didn’t
mind as she locked her legs around his hips, using that leverage to grind against him until she cried
out his name, her vaginal muscles locking so tightly around his dick that he exploded seconds after she

He remembered to roll over, taking her with him in a tangle of arms and legs. His weight might

have left her unable to catch her breath. Eve lying sprawled over him felt right, as if she belonged
there, always had and always would. He grinned.

“I will be a good mate.”
“You already are.”
“I worried I might fail,” he confessed. “You need things I wasn’t sure I could give you.”
“I worried you’d freak out when you found out how I bonded to you.”
“I’m relieved.”
“Me too. You want me.”
“Always.” He held her tighter. “I have since we met. I grieved your loss.”
“Me too.”
“Your memory haunted my dreams and I never forgot you.”
“You haunted my dreams too.”
“No more,” he whispered and brushed a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll dream about our future

together while we’re sleeping side by side.”

She giggled. “Or on top of each other. I don’t know about you but I could use a nap and I’m

really comfortable where I am.”

“Always tell me what you need, Eve. I realize I may seem cold or distant at times. That isn’t

how I feel. You inspire so many emotions but they are difficult to express until I learn how.”

“You’re doing a great job and I’m not going anywhere. We have time to work out everything.”
Time passed in silence and Blackie nearly drifted to sleep.
He liked her endearment. “Yes?”
“I don’t expect you to totally change, okay? I mean, besides expressing yourself more. I love you

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for who you are.”

“I love you as you are too, Eve.”
“Are you freaked out still about me probably having more than one baby at a time if we ever

have kids?”

“It came as a surprise but I will welcome having many children with you.”
“So it’s not a deal breaker?”
“No. It’s a bonus feature to you being my woman. I will warn you that I’ll worry about your

health during a pregnancy and probably keep you within my sight at all times.”

“I can live with that. I just want to wait a while, enjoy some adult time before we have to learn

how to change diapers.”

“I do as well.”
“Okay. ‘Night. Sweet dreams.”
“Sweet dreams to you as well.” He had just started to drift when the com buzzed. He ignored it.

It buzzed again.

“What is that?” Eve lifted her head, glancing around the room.
“Someone is attempting to contact me but whoever it is can wait.”
Her eyes widened. “Shit! Danica. She probably woke up and is giving Gene hell. We better

answer it before he needs medical attention.”

“She’s small. He can manage her until after our sleep cycle ends.”
“She’s my sister.” She showed him her hand as her sharp claws slid out. “Remember these?

Gene is your friend, right? Do you really want him carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey?”

“I’m not sure what that means but I’ll assume it’s unpleasant.” He released her. “Put on

something while I find my pants. I’ll activate a visual.”

Eve grinned. “You’re the best mate ever.”

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Chapter Twelve

Eve was grateful to leave the council meeting. The cyborgs had been nice but she had tired of

their questions. She’d pretty much had to give them a rundown of every meeting she’d ever had with
Freedom about their plans to escape Earth together, the immediate aftereffects of discovering they’d
been left behind and the years she and Danica had survived afterward.

Assurances that Parlis, Fleet, and Jazel would pay for their crimes had been issued. All three

had been stripped of their ranks and privileges and were currently locked in cells, awaiting word
from the council on their fates. One of the members had hinted it would be death. It wouldn’t change
the past or bring her sisters back but the remaining council’s outrage had gone a long way to appease
some of her pain.

“We offer our sincere apologies,” a dark-haired cyborg finally stated in the end. “We were

unaware of the canine units when we fled Earth or we never would have left them behind. We’re
prepared to do everything in our power to make your transition to our society a smooth one.”

“Thank you, Coval.” Blackie cleared his throat. “I would like to speak on behalf of Danica. She

has refused to return to the surface until she’s given a few formal clarifications.”

“She doesn’t trust cyborgs after what happened to us so she wants a few things in writing.” Eve

decided to be blunt. “I don’t mean to be rude but I can’t blame her for being wary.”

Rais, another male council member, smiled. “Nor do we. What does she ask for?”
“She’s terrified you are going to force her into one of those marriage contracts with multiple

cyborgs.” Eve frowned. “She wants to pick her own mate when she feels ready to take one. She
doesn’t know about breeding pacts but that won’t fly either.”

Blackie cleared his throat. “What Eve means is—”
“We understood,” Coval chuckled. “Tell your sister we’ll allow her to pick the male of her

choice and we don’t consider her to be a cyborg. You were very clear yesterday that your line is
opposed to polygamy. We were watching, remember?”

“I’ll personally write it as an official decree,” Rais offered.
“Thank you.” Eve relaxed.
“Gene is willing to host her so no living arrangements need to be made for her,” Blackie added.
Coval studied Eve. “She agreed to live with Gene?”
She nodded, not willing to outright lie by saying she had. The opposite was true. Blackie had

explained Danica would be safer living with Gene than on her own. “That’s the plan.”

“That will be acceptable,” another male at the end of the table agreed. “Gene will be able to

teach her our laws and help her adjust to this lifestyle. Are they testing their compatibility?”

“Yes.” Blackie tapped her leg under the table with the back of his hand.
She had no idea what “testing compatibility” meant, but acknowledged his signal and just

nodded again, taking her cue from him.

“There’s one more topic to discuss.” A blonde female cyborg leaned forward. “We’re short two

council members. Our numbers need to be twelve. Blackie, we held a meeting last evening and are
offering you one of those positions. Will you accept?”

Eve turned her head to gauge his reaction. Surprise was evident in the way his eyes widened and

his lips parted.

“I don’t know how to respond,” he rasped.

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Zorus chuckled. “You have earned a higher status and you could represent the canine units. I

know you were expecting to become a mission commander but I doubt you’ll wish to take Eve into
space for weeks or months at a time now that she’s finally reached Garden. You’ve always been loyal
to the council and we are certain you would make an excellent addition.”

Blackie glanced at Eve. “I need to consider it and discuss this matter with my mate before I

accept or decline.”

Zorus stood. “That is reasonable. We’ll adjourn until later this afternoon. Please give us an

answer at that time.”

The room cleared and Eve followed Blackie into the hallway. Zorus excused himself to speak

privately to a few members, giving them a chance to be alone.

“Being asked to be a council member is huge, isn’t it?”
Blackie assumed a blank expression. “It is a high honor.”
“Do you want the job?”
He reached out and took her hand. “I do but it means we’d live fulltime on Garden. Council

members rarely leave the surface.”

“Is that a bad thing?”
He hesitated. “I wouldn’t mind but would you?”
“We get to be together, right? Sleep in the same bed every night?”
“It doesn’t matter where we are then. On a planet or another shuttle.”
“I’d enjoy being a council member.” His voice lowered. “I never hoped to be offered a position.

Only a few have opened since it was established.”

“You don’t hold elections every few years for positions the way Earth Government does?”
“No. A member is good at what they do or they are replaced by someone the remaining members

ask to join. Our system works well.”

“Take the job then,” she urged. “I hope it pays well too because I have no idea how I’m going to

help support us. I meant to ask you about that. I don’t suppose you guys need a few bounty hunters to
chase down criminals here, do you?”

“We don’t have a monetary system the way Earth does and crime is rare on Garden. Everyone is

given housing, clothing and food. Your service status does earn you better living spaces in the
buildings with superior views and larger quarters.”

Eve let that settle in. “Seriously?”
“What if you’re on the bottom floor? Is it bad? Do they make those cyborgs live in a closet-sized

room and wear secondhand clothing?”

He chuckled. “No. They are all comfortable living spaces but we value the views. That’s

deemed important. Everyone has access to clothing and food in the same amounts. We only ask for
what we need. It is how our award system works. It is merit based, but no one suffers or does

“That’s so weird but cool if the system really works.”
He reached out and fingered a lock of her hair. “Don’t compare cyborgs to humans. Our

population never starves or needs to endure bad living conditions.”

“I think I might like this place.”

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“It’s your home now.”
Zorus interrupted them when he entered the hallway. “Let’s go to my office.”
Eve took Blackie’s hand and they followed the council member. They didn’t speak until they

reached his office and the door closed.

“You could have warned me.” Blackie sighed.
Zorus shrugged. “I thought it would mean more if you heard it from them. You deserve to be on

the council. Your dedication has always been noted.” He shifted his focus to Eve. “I hope your
encounter with Parlis and Jazel hasn’t prejudiced you against the other members. You have just joined
a family unit with Blackie and you should know that it is customary that a male joined in a family unit
asks the woman for permission to change his status. You should really consider the good he could do
as a council member before you order him to decline.”

“We’re mated but I’m not a control freak. It’s Blackie’s decision to make.”
Zorus chuckled. “You chose well, Blackie. Forming a family unit with a human was the best

thing to ever happen to me when I met Charlie. They are so unlike our women.”

“Thank you.” She’d take that as a compliment after everything she’d been told about cyborg

women. “Blackie said you could arrange for us to formally get married. I told him we’re already
mated so it doesn’t really matter but he likes things all legal like.”

“We want to have a small joining ceremony with just a few guests.”
Zorus rounded his desk and picked up an electronic device. “I can arrange that. How soon?”
“Tonight.” Blackie didn’t hesitate.
“Done.” Zorus glanced between them. “Do you have a list of who you’d like to attend?”
Blackie started to speak but the door suddenly flew open and slammed into the wall from the

force. Eve spun, expecting an attack. The woman cyborg who stomped in wasn’t holding a weapon
but her hands were fisted at her sides. She was tall, muscular, and wore a dark uniform.

Zorus placed the pad down on his desk with a loud thump. “What are you doing here, Fusion?

You dare enter my office without an appointment?”

The woman halted, glared at him then gave Eve a concentrated examination from head to foot.

She finally centered her anger on Blackie. “I just read the report. You brought her to Garden and plan
to form a family unit? Is that correct?”

Eve instantly disliked the other woman. “Who are you?”
The cyborg ignored her. “We have a prior agreement, Blackie. I came to protest your


Blackie’s anger was clear. “You have no right to file a protest.”
Eve’s heart did a number in her chest as the implications became clear. She peered up at her

mate. “Who is she?” Eve whispered as jealousy tore through her. She imagined any woman who had
come to protest their marriage must be an ex-lover of his. Blackie’s gaze snapped toward her but
before he could answer the woman continued.

“I do have that right,” the woman spoke before he could. “He once stated that he’d consider

joining my family unit before all others.”

“She’s someone I’ve served with aboard several vessels.” He took a threatening step closer to

the cyborg. “I only said that to avoid an argument. The words were not a contract of obligation. It was
a polite refusal.”

Fusion shrugged. “The words were still stated. You will join my family unit.”

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“I refuse!” Blackie spun on Zorus. “I did not obligate myself to anything.”
Eve studied the other woman and hated how much it hurt, picturing Blackie touching and kissing

her. His taste in women wasn’t that great, she decided. The woman was attractive enough but she was
Eve’s opposite in coloring and size.

“Fusion,” Zorus cleared his throat, “this is unacceptable. Leave my office. You are causing a


“I don’t care.” She actually stomped her foot. “I want him. Refuse his request and add him to my

family unit. We’ll finally be even for what you owe me.”

“What is going on?” Eve hadn’t expected anyone to show up and try to steal her mate.

“Blackie?” She latched on to his arm, demanding his attention.

He clasped his hand over hers, trapping it in place as he met her gaze. “I don’t know.”
“Is she your ex-lover?”
He appeared horrified. “No. I never tested our compatibility.”
“What the hell does that mean? The council asked that about Danica and Gene but I couldn’t

exactly say anything at the time.”

“It is when a male and female have sex and share living quarters to see if they are an acceptable


“You never fucked her?”
Eve believed him. Anger surged as she returned her attention to the equally livid cyborg woman.

“I don’t know what your problem is but we’re already mated. It’s a done deal. You can’t have him.”

“You have no say in this.”
“Don’t speak to my mate that way,” Blackie warned. “You’re the one who has no say in this,


That comment motivated Fusion to shoot him a dirty look. “She’s human and canine. She is

beneath you.”

“Enough!” Zorus roared the word. It took him a second to get his temper under control, judging

by his expression. “Leave, Fusion. Do not insult that woman again. She deserves our respect.”

“I know what she is. I read the report from the council. She’s a dog! Pat her on the head and then

tell her to fetch another male.”

It was a deliberate insult and Eve felt her claws slide out of her fingertips. She wanted to smack

Fusion. She tugged out of Blackie’s hold as a soft, warning growl emanated from the back of her
throat. “At least I’m wanted by him. You’re sounding kind of pathetic by trying to force a man to be
with you. Grab a clue, supposedly superior. I might be a canine unit but you’re the bitch in this room.”

Blackie wrapped his arm around her waist, his hold firm enough to keep her in place if she

lunged to attack. It upset her that he felt protective of the cyborg woman. She tore her attention from
the woman, pissed off that he would see her hurt expression.

“I won’t allow you to fight.”
“You dare insult me?” Fusion sounded closer. “Let’s fight for him, dog. I’ll put you in your


Eve turned her head, glared at the woman. She struggled in her mate’s hold, more than ready to

draw blood. Blackie wrapped his other arm around her, his hold comparable to thick bands of steel.
He lifted her in front of him until her feet left the floor and pressed his lips against her ear.

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“Eve,” he crooned, “calm down. She’s attempting to provoke you.”
“And she’s succeeding. Let me at her.”
Zorus stepped between her and her target, his back to Eve as he faced Fusion.
“Leave the council chambers now, Fusion. That is an order. You came here to start trouble but I

won’t allow it. Blackie refused your offer. Go.”

“No,” the woman spat. “You are going to add him to my family unit. I need his status.”
What the hell is going on? Eve wiggled to see around the tall cyborg in her path but her mate

refused to let her down. She could have used her claws to tear into his arms to force him to release
her but it wasn’t an option. She could never injure him.

“I see.” Zorus’ tone changed to a softer one. “I completely understand.”
“I knew you would.” A smug smile curved the cyborg woman’s lips. “I expect the upgrade

immediately and for you to give that little dog to someone else to care for. I don’t want her anywhere
near Blackie. I don’t allow my men to touch anyone else.”

Panic set in. “NO! She can’t have my mate.” Eve renewed her struggles. “I’ll kill her first.”
“Zorus!” Blackie sounded equally shaken. “You can’t agree to this. I refuse!”
The male didn’t even glance back at them. “You admitted to reading council files and it was

mentioned Blackie would replace Parlis on the council.”

“I deserve it. Darius was given the highest status and now I’ll have the same as my brother.”
“You deserve something,” Zorus agreed. “Fine, Fusion. We’ll do this here in front of witnesses.

In the past you’ve attempted to use our biological connection to manipulate me and get your way. You
are the product of theft from my body while I was being held on Earth. They didn’t ask if I’d donate
my sperm for the experiments that created you. I wouldn’t have even known of your existence if it
weren’t for the tests we performed to discover possible defects in breeding pacts because of our
unknown genetic connections. You will never be my daughter in a familial sense.”

Eve stopped wiggling to get free of Blackie’s hold, realizing Zorus wasn’t agreeing to hand him

over to Fusion. She calmed enough to follow the conversation.

Zorus continued after an awkward silence. “I wish I had reared you. You might have turned out

better but it is doubtful after the mistakes I made with my son. You have always wanted what he was
given but it didn’t make him a better individual. I know exactly how cruel and calculating you are. I
will never forget the reports I was shown six years ago when you were allowed to interrogate a
human male who was captured. It gave me nightmares and that is difficult to do. I’ve also paid
attention to the medical reports that were filed about your two males. You’re abusive to them, yet they
can’t complain or they’d never be allowed to join another family unit. You’d be that vindictive if they
attempted to leave by stating they were unworthy of other women.”

“That’s not true. I don’t abuse my men.” Fusion didn’t sound sincere though. Her voice had

cracked a little.

“Don’t lie to me,” Zorus demanded in an icy tone. “Steel filed a complaint about your mental

state while you were assigned to his ship when he refused your attempts to gain his status. That is
when I looked deeper into your life. Every time one of your family unit males is on Garden, they end
up in Medical with various injuries after spending time with you. I have let it slide, though, because
of our association. No more.”

“What does that mean?” Fusion backed away from Zorus enough that she almost bumped into a

wall. She was unusually pale. “What are you saying?”

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“You go too far, Fusion. I would never willingly hand another male over to you to torment.

Certainly not one I consider a friend. I’m also going to make certain the two men in your family unit
are assigned missions that keep them far out of your reach. You are no longer permitted to leave the

“You can’t do that!” Fusion stumbled until she bumped the wall.
“You want me to give you what you deserve. So be it.” The coldness in Zorus’ voice gave Eve

chills. “I can’t free your males from your family unit without their permission or yours but I do have
the authority to assign their missions. Perhaps working in maintenance on the walls that surround our
city will teach you some humility. I’ll deny any application you put forth to join with another male.
You’re also ordered to seek immediate mental evaluation. You have one hour to present yourself to
them or I’ll have you taken there by force.”

“You are a disgrace!”
Zorus shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”
“You owe me!”
“No.” Zorus seemed to sag a little. “None of us asked to be created but we attempt to be the best

we can become. Your continuing insistence that a debt is owed to you for my stolen DNA is insulting
to us both and demeaning to you. Go from my sight or I’ll have you taken away by force. I will have
you arrested if you stay.”

Eve watched the woman storm out of the room without another word. Blackie eased her down

his body until her feet touched the floor. Her claws retracted as Zorus turned to give them a grim

“I apologize for the interruption.”
“That one is pure bad news, isn’t she?”
The tall cyborg flinched as he lowered his gaze to Eve. “That is an understatement.”
“It isn’t your fault, Zorus.” Blackie kept Eve in the circle of his arms. “She should have been

glad to have a biological association but instead she chose to use it as a means to make demands.”

“You’re really her father?” Eve liked Zorus but hated Fusion.
“Of sorts. My sperm was used without my consent when I was on Earth and she is one of the

results. My son is the other. I was aware of his existence though. I didn’t learn of Fusion until she’d
already reached adulthood.”

Eve was aware of how evil Cameron and some of the other project leaders could be. “I’m


He walked around his desk. “I apologize that she attempted to go after Blackie because he’ll be

joining the council. It’s the highest status on Garden. My son had it after he joined a family unit with
Jazel. I will assume she believed I’d agree to her scheme.” Zorus seemed eager to change the subject.
“Tell me the names you want on your invitation list for tonight and I’ll notify them.”

“Just to be clear, I’m removed from my breeding pact, correct?” Blackie tensed.
Zorus smiled. “Yes.”
“That was a given.” Eve growled. “I’d hurt any female who tried to touch my mate. I’m the only

one you’ll be making babies with.”

Blackie chuckled. “I only want you, gorgeous.”

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Danica peered at Eve with a leery expression. “So you’re really going through with this

marriage thing, huh? Gene said there is branding involved. They use magnetic ink to hold the shape of
whatever tattoo they want until the skin heals around it to make it permanent. They kind of burn it in.”

Eve stepped closer and put her hands on Danica’s shoulders. “We decided not to get markings.

Blackie doesn’t want my skin marred. You’re not losing me.”

“That’s kind of sweet that he’s not asking you to do that. I’ve been scoping out some of their

designs on the married men. They aren’t too bad but, for all I know, they could say super-lame things.
It’s written in some cyborg language that is probably difficult to learn. The script is pretty badass. I’m
glad you didn’t agree to that though. The mate thing is solid enough without having some guy’s name
on your bod too.”

“Danica, stop ignoring what I’m trying to tell you.”
She took a step back and broke the connection. “I’m a third wheel.”
“You’re my sister.”
“You have a mate and he’s some big deal now that he agreed to join the council. Gene said you

were talking about having babies, for crying out loud. Is that true?”

“We talked about starting a family but nothing is set in stone yet. I’d like to spend a little time

with Blackie before we take the risk of adding a litter to our family.”

“Oh geez. Do you really think that’s possible? Just because two of our line had a couple of

babies at once doesn’t mean we will, right?”

“It’s certainly a good possibility. Their pregnancies were healthy and so were the babies.”
“Look how well that turned out for them. They timed the births right before the big cyborg escape

from Earth, thinking they’d be freed too. You might want to wait awhile to make sure it’s safe here on
Garden before you test out the theory of having one baby or more at a time. It’s much easier to escape
with only one little one attached to your hip.”

“I know. I’m being negative and you hate that. Sue me for being paranoid.”
“Let’s talk about your fears and I’ll try to set you at ease.”
“You don’t have time for that. Your guests have arrived. You’re in that beautiful dress and your

groom is going to break down the door soon if you don’t get your ass out there to marry him.”

“He can wait a few minutes. What is really wrong? Do you think you’ll never see me? You and

Gene were assigned to the building next door. I bet if we have the computers make the windows
totally clear, we could play charades since we’re on the same floors. Blackie’s job is going to keep
him busy and we’ll hang out often.”

“It won’t be the same as living with you.”
“Do you want to move into one of the guestrooms?”
Danica shook her head. “No.”
“You could live here with us, if you want. Just say the word.”
“No. I appreciate that but listening to you two have sex doesn’t sound like fun. Besides, Gene

made it damn clear we’re going to be roommates. It was like yelling at a wall when I tried to tell him
why that wasn’t a good idea.”

“How goes that?”

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Someone knocked on the door. “Eve? It’s Charlie,” the woman married to Zorus called out.

“You about ready?”

“Give us a few more minutes.” Eve frowned at Danica and lowered her voice. “Are you okay

living with Gene?”

“He’s demanding, pushy, and he walked around our apartment in nothing but a pair of tight black

shorts before we got ready to come over here to your wedding. It was totally an obvious play to get
my attention and, boy, did he.”

Eve’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.
“He’s got a bod that doesn’t quit. I mean, hell, I could eat off him. He looks that good.”
“You are lonely and he definitely is interested in you.”
“He doesn’t dance.”
“Ask him to learn. I’m sure he’d be willing to give it a shot. Blackie is really trying to be more

open with his emotions for me and he’s doing everything he can to make sure I’m happy.”

“Blackie loves you.”
“Give Gene a chance to fall in love with you.”
“I don’t want a mate.”
“It’s pretty fantastic.”
Danica glanced at Eve’s dress. “You look beautiful. Let’s get this show on the road, sister. I’m

giving you away to a mate who can’t wait to own you lock, stock and barrel, in every way possible. I
have no doubt you’re going to be happy and well taken care of.”

“I know. He’s amazing. I never thought I could be this happy.”
“Geez. It’s getting too mushy in here. Let’s go make this official. The only thing that should be on

your mind is the honeymoon. Stop with the twenty questions and have some faith that I can find my
own happiness.”

Danica stepped forward and embraced her. “I love you. Be happy and know I will be too. That’s

my gift to you. I’m setting you free from always looking out for me. Blackie is your first now. That’s
your gift to me. I no longer have to be your second and follow all your crazy orders while you drag us
around the universe playing superhero by taking on bad guys.”

Eve laughed, hugging her back. “Okay.”
“Take my arm and please let me give you away. I’ve always wanted to do this,” Danica teased.

“You can be Blackie’s pain in the ass from now on.”

Eve hooked her arm in Danica’s and they walked to the door. Her sister opened it. A small

group waited in the large living room. Councilmen Zorus would officiate the wedding with his human
wife at his side. Gene was also present in his black uniform. Her focus fixed on Blackie, though, in
his uniform. He’d pulled his hair back into a ponytail and his smile broadened as he studied her from
head to foot.

“Eve,” he rasped, taking a step forward to meet them. “You are a vision right out of my greatest


“She’s all yours. Good luck,” Danica said and chuckled.
They unlinked arms and Eve reached out to her mate. He clasped her hand in his and pulled her

to his side and turned to face Zorus. “We are ready.”

Zorus wore an official red robe. “We begin.”
“We begin,” both Blackie and Eve repeated.

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Zorus took their linked hands with one of his. “I represent the council today as one body,” he

announced. “Blackie and Eve have been granted permission to join in a family unit. If any here protest
that decree, step forward to challenge.”

Blackie chuckled. “Gene wouldn’t attempt to take Eve from me and that’s why I only invited

him. Proceed.”

Zorus smiled. “With blessings, the council now decrees this union solid. There’s no need to

kneel. Congratulations.” He released their hands.

Blackie grabbed Eve’s waist and lifted her off her feet to press his lips against hers. She

wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

“That’s it?” Danica whispered. “No boring droning on forever about the seriousness of the

matrimonial union? No swearing a ton of promises to each other?”

“No,” Gene responded in a soft tone. “We keep it simple.”
“Shocking but cool.”
Charlie clapped. “I love weddings. Who is ready to cut the cake and dance? I even brought

alcohol. Cyborgs don’t know anything about how to throw a wedding reception the right way but I
figured we’d do this Earth style since it’s just us.”

Danica tensed. “Music? Booze?”
“Oh yeah,” Charlie vigorously nodded, heading in the direction of the kitchen. “Trust me when I

say regular cyborg wedding receptions are boring. They eat a meal and then leave. I actually baked a
cake and had Zorus pull some strings to get us a few bottles of whiskey. I wanted champagne but they
didn’t have any.”

Zorus shrugged. “She insisted the couple needs to slice the cake and each feed the other a slice

of it. She said they need to dance and we’ll have to join in.”

“Shit,” Danica muttered, staring at Gene in horror. “You won’t drink or dance, right?”
He stepped closer, looking back at her in a way that made her forget how to breathe. “I’m

willing to do both with you.”

Panic set in. He was too sexy, looked way too good for any woman to resist for long and a few

drinks would leave her defenses down. Danica forced air into her lungs. “Great,” she lied. “But I’m
wearing the wrong shoes for that. I need to pop over to our apartment to get flats.”

He glanced down at her high heels. “Just remove them.”
“No.” She inched toward the door. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll escort you.”
She darted a glance at Eve and Blackie, both of them still in a lip lock, oblivious to everyone

around them. “I’m allowed to walk around without a cyborg at my side, right? No one will arrest

“No. You are a member of our society and everyone is aware of who you are. It is safe.”
“Great. Stay here and I’ll be back before you know it.” She hooked a thumb toward the still-

kissing couple. “Make sure they don’t notice I’m gone.”

She fled before he could argue and entered the lift. It closed and she sagged against the wall,

realizing by the end of the night she’d probably end up naked with Gene if she didn’t do something

She wasn’t willing to risk bonding to a cyborg. Gene seemed interested in a relationship but he

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might only want her for sex. The attraction she fought when he was close set off every warning alarm
inside her. She sensed that he was the one who’d be her downfall, the way Blackie had been to Eve.

Danica left the lift on the ground floor and glanced around the empty lobby as she crossed to the

outside doors. The sun had gone down and the streets were mostly clear of traffic when she paused on
the sidewalk. A vehicle pulled up to the curb as she took a few deep breaths and a female cyborg
climbed out of the driver’s seat. She passed by and entered the building.

“Shit,” Danica muttered, moving before she gave it much thought. She rounded the machine and

opened the door, peering at the controls. It wasn’t coded with a handprint pad.

“It’s a sign, right?” She climbed in and touched the engine button. It started and she grabbed the

wheel as she pressed her thumb down to activate it. It accelerated. No sirens sounded and no one
pursued her as she drove toward the edge of the city where Gene had brought her in earlier that
morning. Guards didn’t wait near the gates to demand she stop. An automated system seemed to read a
vehicle coming and the metal doors parted to allow her to drive onward. She didn’t stop until she
parked next to Gene’s ship.

The Bar was an older shuttle, a transport with more engines than cargo space for quick transit

between planets. It didn’t take her long to walk up the extended ramp and unleash her claws to pry
open the control panel and cut the wires. It only took a few connections to bypass the lock.

Danica turned, peering back at the tall walls and well-lit buildings of Garden. Eve would realize

she had gone missing soon. She knew it was a crappy thing to run out on her sister on her wedding
night but Eve would eventually understand. They knew each other too well.

Part of her debated returning. She might be in some trouble for stealing a car and tampering with

the shuttle but cyborgs owed them a few slips in judgment. It was the image of Gene that suddenly
surfaced that made up her mind. The memory of his beautiful eyes tempted her to rush back to the
party and her hands itched to touch him.

“Fuck that.” She spun and strode inside the belly of the ship. She kicked off her high heels and

sealed the doors, ordering the ramp to rise.

She jogged to the command center and grinned, seeing the outdated operating system. It was

programmed to respond to voice commands, old enough to have safety features embedded.
“Computer? Emergency override. Imminent danger of planet imploding. Start engines. This is a life-
or-death situation.”

“Affirmative,” the onboard computer responded.
The engines vibrated under her ass as Danica plopped down onto the seat, reaching for the belts

to strap in. “Plot a course to Titan. Do you have that in your chart system?”

“Are there enough fuel cells to reach there?”
“Lift off now and take me to Titan!”
The shuttle thrusters engaged and autopilot took over as the shuttle rose above the planet, sending

it into space. A sense of sadness crept over Danica but she pushed it back.

“The gift of freedom goes both ways, Eve,” she whispered. “Be happy. I’m going to make a new

life and have some more adventures before I think about settling down. I’ll buy my own drinks at that

There was little doubt in her mind that Gene would want his ship back. It amused her, pondering

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if he’d be angry enough to come after her. “Game on if you dare, you poor clueless cyborg. You don’t
stand a chance of tracking the best bounty hunter in the universe.”

* * * * *

Gene was furious as he glared at Blackie. “She stole the Bar.”
Eve stood in front of him with Blackie’s arms around her. “I should have guessed Danica would

pull a stunt like this.” Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. “In a dress, no less. She never
wears them. I should have suspected she was up to something.”

Blackie turned her in his arms. “We’ll get her back.”
Eve hesitated. “Don’t.”
“What?” Gene responded before Blackie could. “She stole my shuttle. She’s out there alone.”
Eve peered at him over her shoulder. “Does your shuttle have fuel, food and an active weapons


“Let her go.”
Her demand infuriated him. “No.”
“My sister obviously didn’t want to stay here. She doesn’t trust cyborgs and all she ever wanted

to do was return to Titan. She loves it there.” Her chin lifted and her tears disappeared. “I’ll pay you
for the shuttle. Somehow, some way, I will. Just let her go.” She returned her attention to Blackie.
“Please? I want her to be happy and forcing her to come back would make her miserable.”

Blackie frowned. “She knows the location of Garden. It makes her a risk to all of us.”
“She’d die in a heartbeat to protect me. Do you really think she’d give up the location of where

I’m at if she’s ever arrested and Earth Government discovers what she is? I’ve trusted you from the
beginning but now I’m asking you to trust me. She’s never going to tell anyone about cyborgs or about
this planet. We’re safe.”

Blackie’s nod angered Gene. “Don’t agree with her.”
“It’s logical. They are sisters and I believe Danica would never reveal the information she has.

It would endanger Eve.”

Gene fought the urge to punch his friend in the face. “She stole my shuttle.”
“You stole it from someone,” Eve pointed out. “It was obviously commissioned for use on Earth,

judging from the name of it. I highly doubt you named it Bar. Think of it as ‘karma is a bitch’ and call
it even.”

He fumed. “It isn’t relevant how I came to own my shuttle.”
Eve wiggled out of Blackie’s arms and glared up at Gene. “You’re just pissed that my sister got

away from you. She’s my blood and I’m not angry. I wish she’d said goodbye but bottom line, I want
her to be happy. That means letting her go. She’s smart, she’s tough and I have faith that she’s going to
do fine.”

“She’ll be traveling through pirate sectors to reach Titan.” The thought of the mutated humans

capturing Danica made Gene’s blood run cold.

“What is the top speed of the shuttle? Enough to outrun them?”
That didn’t ease his fear. “Yes but—”
“She’s good at running. Point of fact, she’s not here.”

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“What will she do once she reaches Titan?” He took a step forward, not backing down. “Who

will care for her? It is extremely dangerous for a woman to be alone in space.”

“We were bounty hunters. My sister can handle herself. She doesn’t need a keeper.”
Gene glowered at Blackie. “I’m going after her.”
“Gene,” he warned, “perhaps it is best to listen to Eve.”
He spun and stormed toward the lift. “Enjoy your honeymoon. I’m going to retrieve her and my


“She won’t thank you if you find her,” Eve called out. “She’ll be pissed!”
“That will make two of us and we’ll have something in common.” Gene stepped into the lift and

sealed the doors, ordering it to take him to the lowest floor. He would locate Danica and he’d—

Images flashed through his mind, of him tying her to his bunk and making her pay for every

moment he suffered worrying about her. His anger burned and so did his desire to get his hands on her
as quickly as possible.

He strode out of the building and entered the one next door. He contacted Sky as soon as he

reached his quarters. “I need a favor.”

“You’re assigned to the Bridden, correct? I saw you listed as the commander when I went off


“Yeah. So?” The male sounded suspicious.
“My woman stole my shuttle and left Garden in it.” He hated to admit those facts. “I need to go

after her. Can you add me to the crew list when you leave tomorrow morning?” The silence through
the link irritated him when there was no response. “Please?”

“Where do you think she is heading?”
“We don’t go that close to Earth on these fact-finding missions. I’ve been assigned to search for

Markus Models and any information leading to any sightings of them.”

“There will be other human women where she’s heading. I know you have a soft spot for them

and it’s no secret you wish to find one for yourself. I’m hoping we can overtake the Bar before it
reaches that solar system but we’ll pass plenty of space stations. You will technically be following
orders and I can get her back.”

Long seconds ticked by. “Damn it. Fine. I’ll contact the crew now. Grab a bag and head to the

shuttle. I received a report two hours ago that all the repairs have been completed. I know the council
did not order you to go after her since you’re coming to me. We need to be gone before they know
what you’re up to, don’t we?”

“It would be advisable.”
“Fuck. Don’t tell me any more. I don’t want to know.” Sky sighed. “Let’s do this. What the hell.

Rules were made to be broken.”

“Thank you.”
“Just remember your best buddy is the newest council member when we return and they haul our

asses into their chambers. You take the heat, okay?”

Gene clenched his teeth. “Agreed. I’ll accept full responsibility.” He’d do whatever it took to

get his hands on Danica. She’d pay for stealing his shuttle and effectively blocking him from claiming
her as his woman. She’d learn he didn’t take “no” for an answer.

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He glanced down at his palm, imagining turning her over his knee and spanking her for

misbehaving. His dick responded by growing uncomfortably engorged and he hissed a curse as he
entered his room to gather his belongings. He’d been too considerate of her feelings but no more.

What is it they like to say? It came to him as he sealed his travel bag. “Game on. I’m coming

after you and you’ll regret running, Danica.”

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About Laurann Dohner

I’m a full-time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and

writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at
least five hours of sleep at night.

I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is

always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when you write, you
can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love to sit down at my
computer desk, put on my headphones and listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I
can create worlds in front of me.

Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her

author bio page



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Also by

Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint
Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel
Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron
Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice
Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal
Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus
Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell
Lacey and Lethal
Mating Heat 1: Mate Set
Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate
Mine to Chase
New Species 1: Fury
New Species 2: Slade
New Species 3: Valiant
New Species 4: Justice
New Species 5: Brawn
New Species 6: Wrath
New Species 7: Tiger
New Species 8: Obsidian
New Species 9: Shadow
New Species 10: Moon
New Species 11: True
Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine
Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1


Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2


Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman
Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey
Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever
Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

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Print books by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint
Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel
Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron
Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice
Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal
Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus
Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell
Mating Heat 1: Mate Set
Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate
New Species 1: Fury
New Species 2: Slade
New Species 3: Valiant
New Species 4: Justice
New Species 5: Brawn
New Species 6: Wrath
New Species 7: Tiger
New Species 8: Obsidian
New Species 9: Shadow
New Species 10: Moon
Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine
Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1


Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2


Zorn Warriors 1 & 2: Loving Zorn
Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever
Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Ellora’s Cave Publishing

Haunting Blackie

ISBN 9781419943690
Haunting Blackie Copyright © 2014 Laurann Dohner

Edited by Pamela Campbell

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Cover design by Syneca
Cover photography by CURAphotography/

Electronic book publication January 2014

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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
About Laurann Dohner

Document Outline


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