L E Harner & T A Webb Altered States 2 Deadly Shades of Gold

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Deadly  Shades  of  Gold  

Altered  States,  Book  Two  

L.E.  Harner  &  T.A.  Webb  

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Deadly   Shades   of   Gold   is   a   work   of   fiction.   Names,  

characters,   places,   and   incidents   are   the   product   of   the  
author’s   imagination   or   are   used   fictitiously.   Any  

resemblance   to   actual   persons,   living   or   dead,   events,   or  

locales  is  entirely  coincidental.  

Copyright  ©  2013  by  Laura  Harner  and  T.A.  Webb  

Cover  photograph  by  DWS  Photography  

Cover  Art  by  Laura  E.  Harner  

Edited  by  Jae  Ashley  

All  rights  reserved.  

ISBN:  978-­‐‑1-­‐‑937252-­‐‑31-­‐‑1  

Warning:  All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  book  may  

be   reproduced   in   any   many   without   written   permission,  
except  for  brief  quotations  embodied  in  critical  articles  and  


The   unauthorized   reproduction   or   distribution   of   this  

copyrighted   work   is   illegal.   Criminal   copyright  

infringement,   including   infringement   without   monetary  
gain   is   investigated   by   the   FBI   and   is   punishable   by   up   to  

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as  it  is  an  infringement  on  the  copyright  of  this  book.  

Contact   the   publisher   for   further   information:  


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To   Laura,   who   is   simply   the   best   friend/writing  

partner/lady   ever.   Bar   none.   To   Havan   Fellows   for   her  
wonderful  ideas,  and  who  loves  these  guys.  To  Talon,  whose  

voice  still  rings  in  my  head  and  heart.  To  my  dad—89,  still  a  

force  of  nature  and  proud  of  his  gay  son.  I  love  you.  



For  our  readers…  

I  would  also  like  to  give  a  special  thank  you  to  Havan  

Fellows,  Lee  Brazil,  and  Will  Parkinson—this  book  is  better  
because  of  each  of  you.  And  to  the  twin  of  my  heart,  a  big  

bear   hug   for   the   laughter,   the   tears,   and   the   crazy   ideas.  
Love  you,  Tom.  


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Trademark  Acknowledgments  

The   authors   acknowledge   the   trademarked   status   and  

trademark  owners  of  the  following  trademarks  mentioned  in  
this  work  of  fiction:  

Corona:  Cerveceria  Modelo,  S.A.  De  C.V.  

Glock:  Glock,  Inc.  
Husker:  Board  of  Regents  of  the  University  of  Nebraska  

Easy-­‐‑Bake  Oven:  Hasbro,  Inc.  
Jeep:  Chrysler  Group,  LLC  

iMac:  Apple,  Inc.  
Elvis   Presley   (specifically,   "ʺTeddy   Bear"ʺ):   Elvis   Presley  

Enterprises,  Inc.  



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Table  of  Contents  





Acknowledgment  of  Trademarks




Chapter  One


Chapter  Two


Chapter  Three


Chapter  Four


Chapter  Five


Chapter  Six


Chapter  Seven


Chapter  Eight


Chapter  Nine


Chapter  Ten


About  the  Authors  

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Sam  should  have  been  watching.  Goddammit—he  knew  

better,   but   he’d   been   too   busy   trying   to   frame   the   perfect  
opening  sentence  so  Travis  would  listen  to  him.  Something  

eloquent  and  wise  and  so  very  un-­‐‑Sam-­‐‑like.  He  didn’t  even  

feel  the  first  attack.  

Slowing   slightly,   he’d   stepped   into   the   shadows   three  

doors   down   from   Travis’s   home.   There   was   a   whoosh   of  
wind,   the   feeling   of   something   brushing   him,   then   a   cold,  

wet  feeling  against  his  neck.  

He  wasn’t  sure  if  the  noise  he  made  was  out  loud  or  just  

in  his  head…and  how  the  fuck  did  he  land  on  his  back  on  
the  ground?  When  a  beautiful  woman’s  face  appeared  over  

him,   he   wondered,   just   for   a   moment,   if   she   might   be   an  
angel.  Until  he  saw  the  teeth.  

“Ah,   mon   cher,   such   a   pretty   boy.   Nothing   personal,  

oui?”  she  crooned,  then  leaned  down  to  lick  at  his  neck.  He  
was  already  light-­‐‑headed,  and  the  coldness  that  was  on  his  

neck  suddenly  became  a  razor  sharp  pain.  He  looked  at  his  
hand,  which  had  been  at  his  neck  a  moment  earlier  and  saw  

it  covered  with  blood.  

Ah  hell.  I  will  never  get  to  tell  Trav  I’m  sorry.    

He   heard   a   howl,   like   the   devil’s   own   hounds,   and  

thought  maybe  they  were  coming  for  him,  too.  A  stark  black  

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blur  crossed  his  field  of  vision  and  suddenly  the  soft  lovely  

voice   of   the   vamp   was   screaming   and   horrible   tearing  
sounds  came  from  mere  feet  away.  

He   closed   his   eyes,   just   for   a   moment,   and   when   he  

opened   them   again,   familiar   faces   were   looking   down   at  


Danny.  What  a  fine  partner  and  a  really  good  friend.  He  

trusted  him  like  no  one  else  and  wished  he  could  take  back  
the  rough  words  they’d  had  this  morning.  He  tried  to  smile  

to  let  him  know  he  was  sorry.  

Russ.  Well,  he  wasn’t  exactly  a  friend,  but  he  could  have  

been.  Missed  hitting  the  sheets  with  that  one…he  must  have  

been  a  very  bad  boy  in  another  life.  Ah,  the  random  thought  
crossed   his   now-­‐‑fuzzy   mind   that   the   blur   of   black   who  

pulled  that  bitch  off  his  neck  must  have  been  Jet.  He  tried  to  
wink,  but  was  really  too  tired.  

And  besides,  he  needed  to  try,  one  last  time,  to  tell  his  

friend   how   he   felt   before   he   was   gone.   He   was   under   no  

illusions,  he  could  feel  the  cold  settling  in  his  bones  and  the  
slow  draining  of  his  life  through  the  hole  in  his  neck.  

The   hole   that   Travis   was   frantically   trying   to   hold  

together  with  his  hands.  He  saw  the  struggle  in  his  friend’s  

eyes.   The   blood   must   be   calling   to   him   and   yet   he   was  

practically  wrist  deep  in  Sam’s  essence,  his  concern  winning  
out  over  hunger.  He  tried  to  communicate  the  regret  he  felt  

for  the  lost  two  years,  laying  his  own  hand  on  top  of  Trav’s  
one   last   time.   He   hoped   it   was   a   smile   on   his   face—he  

needed  Trav  to  understand.  Please,  forgive  me.  

As  he  closed  his  eyes  for  what  he  was  sure  would  be  the  

last  time,  he  heard  Danny’s  voice  cut  through  the  night.  

“Wolf  or  vamp?  Decide.  It  has  to  be  now.”  

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All   Sam   knew   was   pain.   And   the   dark…he   knew   the  

dark.  He  never  considered  that  darkness  had  a  smell  before,  
but  he  could  smell  it,  taste  it,  feel  it  on  his  skin  now.  He  tried  

to   swallow,   but   his   throat   was   so   dry   it   hurt.   He   ran   a  
sandpaper   tongue   around   his   mouth   and   froze   at   an  

unfamiliar   sharpness,   but   before   he   could   process   the  
physical   change,   there   was   the   sound   of   loud   voices   from  

somewhere  nearby.  An  argument  over…him?  

“I  don’t  care  what  the  fuck  you  think.  We  did  what  we  

had  to  do!”  That  was  Russ’s  voice.  

“I’m  telling  you,  he’s  not  going  to  be  happy.  You  need  

to   let   me   talk   to   him.   I   can—”   A   calm,   relatively   reasoned  

response  from  Trav?  What  the  fuck  was  he  doing  here?  For  
that  matter,  where  was  here?  The  argument  heated  up.    

“Can  what,  Boudreaux?  Tell  him  how  to  fucking  hide?  

How   to   give   up   on   life   because   things   didn’t   turn   out   the  

way  he  planned?”  Jet’s  voice  was  heavy  with  sarcasm.    

Sam  tried  to  sit  up,  but  realized  he  was  restrained,  tied  

to   the   fucking   bed   like   some   kind   of…crazy   person   or  
monster.  What  was  going  on?  What  was  so  wrong  that  they  

put   him   in   the   dark   and   left   him   alone?   He   struggled   to  
remember   while   the   argument   raged   in   some   other   part   of  

wherever-­‐‑the-­‐‑hell  he  was.  

“Not   all   of   us   can   be   so   lucky   as   to   have   their   maker  

explain   the   bare   necessities,”   Trav   said.   His   voice   took   on  

that   strident   tone,   the   one   that   warned   everyone   to   watch  
out.   “Try   sitting   up   at   your   own   damn   wake   and   see   how  

well  you  function,  you  overgrown  hairball.  Now,  instead  of  
giving  me  shit  about  my  life  choices,  how  about  we  focus  on  

the  more  important  issue  at  hand,  huh?”  

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“Excellent  point.  Jet,  enough.”  The  command  in  Russ’s  

voice   made   Sam   stop   struggling   against   the   straps   holding  
him  in  place.  “Travis,  I  think  it  might  be  best  if  you  talk  to  

Sam  first.  He  was  obviously  in  front  of  your  house;  he  must  
have   been   coming   to   see   you.   The   truth   might   not   be   as  

much  of  a  shock  if  it  comes  from  you.  But  you  should  try  to  
wake   him   soon;   we   didn’t   tie   him   with   anything   stronger  

than   rope.   We   don’t   want   to   freak   him   out   any   more   than  

In   front   of   Trav’s   house?   Why   would   he   have   been  

there?  He  needed  to  stop  and  think.  He  let  his  mind  settle,  

and   tried   to   remember.   The   last   thing   he   could   recall   was  

deciding  to  tell  his  friend  how  sorry  he  was  for  being  such  a  
giant   dick   to   him   after   Trav   tried   to   attack   him   in   a   fit   of  

bloodlust.   He’d   gone   there   to   apologize.   Then…something.  
He   was   on   the   ground,   looking   up   and   some   woman   was  

hurting   him   and   then   Travis   was   there,   then   the   pain,   the  
blood,  and  his  friends  arguing  over  how  to  save  him.  

Was  that  why  he  was  tied  and  left  alone  in  some  back  

room?   What   was   he   now?   Vampire?   Werewolf?   His   heart  

began  to  pound,  and  he  tried  to  reach  out  with  his  senses  to  
find  out.  The  dark  had  texture  and  depth  to  his  eyes,  and  he  

knew   he   could   hear   more   than   he   used   to   be   able   to.   And  

what   was   that   smell?   His   head   jerked   to   what   he   now  
realized  was  an  open  window,  and  a  warm  and  tangy  scent  

caught  his  nose.  He  could  hear  something  thrashing  around  
not   far   away,   and   it   must   have   caught   its   leg,   because   the  

coppery,  hot  musk  of  blood  began  to  fill  the  room,  and  his  
mouth  began  to  water.  

Everything   else   faded   away   except   the   odor   of   blood  

and   the   need   to   feed.   Sam   was   barely   aware   of   licking   his  

elongated   canines   and   his   body   began   to   change.   First,   the  

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long  muscles  of  his  arms  and  legs  began  to  strengthen  and  

twist,  and  his  chest  began  to  expand.  The  ropes  holding  him  
in   place   began   to   strain   and   then   broke,   and   his   body  

lengthened.  He  rolled  off  the  bed  onto  the  floor,  hitting  it  on  
what  he  thought  were  his  hands  and  knees  but  were  in  fact  

four  huge  paws.  

He  blinked  at  his  reflection  in  the  window.  Well,  now  I  

know  I’m  werewolf  and  not  vamp.    

He   should   be   freaked   out,   or   grateful   for   being   alive,  

and  some  part  of  him  was,  he  supposed.  But  then


waft  of  bloody  hare  hit  his  senses  and  with  a  mighty  leap,  he  

crashed  through  the  partially  opened  window  to  give  chase  

to   the   injured   animal.   The   noise   of   his   escape   alerted   his  
friends,  he  tracked  with  a  part  of  his  consciousness,  and  he  

heard  them  throw  open  the  door  to  his  room  and  shout  for  
him.   But   he   needed   to   feed.   And   his   prey   was   trying   to  


God,  it  felt  good  to  stretch  his  limbs  and  run.  The  night  

was   dark   and   almost   moonless,   but   with   his   wolf’s   vision,  
his   path   was   clear.   For   the   first   time   he   saw   how   the  

undergrowth  teemed  with  life.  How  the  first  hints  of  spring  
were  escaping  from  under  the  bark  of  the  trees.  How  scents  

had   taste,   and   now,   how   intoxicating   the   aroma   of   blood  

was  to  his  wolf.  

Sam  spotted  his  prey,  frantically  trying  to  escape  under  

a  fallen  log.  Throwing  his  head  back  and  issuing  a  growl  of  
triumph,  Sam  leapt  and  grabbed  the  big  hare  and  snapped  

its   neck   before   ripping   out   its   throat.   Reveling   in   the   kill,  
Sam   tore   the   hare   to   pieces   and   swallowed   every   tasty  

morsel.  Hunger  finally  sated,  Sam  threw  back  his  head  and  
howled   his   pleasure   into   the   night.   The   answering   calls   of  

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his  brother  wolves  prickled  at  his  consciousness  as  he  licked  

his  bloody  maw  and  tasted…life.  And  death.  


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Chapter  One  

The   leather   soles   of   Sam’s   shoes   slapped   against   the  

linoleum  as  he  paced  the  hallway  outside  the  hearing  room.  
He’d   never   been   particularly   good   at   waiting.   In   the   three  

months  since  his…accident,  it  felt  as  if  he’d  done  nothing  but  

wait.  One  way  or  the  other,  it  all  ended  today.  

“Detective   Sam   Garrett?”   The   grandmotherly   face   of  

Stella   Walker   peered   through   a   small   opening   in   the   door.  
As  secretary  to  the  chief  of  police,  she’d  seen  Sam  before  and  

knew   who   he   was,   but   he   nodded   as   if   it   had   been   a   real  

“They’re   ready   for   you   now,   honey.   Good   luck.”   She  

stepped   back   and   held   the   door   open.   Unable   to   summon  

enough  spit  to  speak,  Sam  nodded  once  more  and  followed  
Stella  inside.  With  her  back  slightly  hunched,  Stella  scooted  

to  the  front  of  the  room  to  take  her  seat  at  the  table  normally  

used   by   the   prosecutor   during   the   daylight   grand   jury  
hearings.   The   night   sessions   were   reserved   for   Paranormal  

Fitness  Exams  or  other  hearings  involving  non-­‐‑humans.    

Sam   remained   standing   near   the   side   of   the   room,  

unsure  of  the  protocol.  Swallowing  hard,  he  looked  around  
at  the  rows  of  dark  oak  benches,  the  empty  jury  box,  and  the  

judge’s   bench   at   the   front   of   the   room.   Like   he   was   some  
goddamn  criminal  instead  of  a  fucking  cop.    

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It  was  a  damned  shame  he  was  fighting  for  his  job,  but  

the  New  Orleans  Police  Department  had  a  policy  prohibiting  
known  vampires  and  wereanimals  of  any  sort  from  serving  

in  law  enforcement  positions.  They  worried  more  about  an  
officer   losing   control   in   the   presence   of   blood   than   they  

worried   about   fairness,   as   far   as   Sam   was   concerned.  
Officers  attacked  in  the  line  of  duty  and  changed  as  a  result  

of   their   injuries   received   a   lifetime   annuity   and   mandatory  
retirement.  Somehow  the  policy  seemed  fair  to  Sam  when  it  

happened  to  his  former  partner,  Detective  Travis  Boudreaux.  
Of   course,   back   then   vampires   and   werewolves   were   a  

novelty,  something  the  world  had  just  discovered  were  real.  

Two  years  later—a  lot  had  changed.  

The  room  was  more  crowded  than  he’d  expected;  then  

again,   he’d   really   had   no   idea   of   what   the   proper   protocol  
was   for   these   secret   hearings.   Of   course,   Russ   Evans,   the  

local  Alpha  werewolf,  and  his  Beta,  Jet  Gorman,  sat  on  the  
first  bench  behind  the  prosecution  table—since  he’d  ridden  

in   the   Jeep   with   them,   their   presence   tonight   wasn’t   a  
surprise.  Trav  was  in  the  row  behind  them,  probably  called  

as  a  witness,  too.  

Sitting  at  a  table  in  the  front  of  the  room  next  to  the  chief  

of   police   was   Detective   Danny   Burkette,   the   lead  

investigator  on  the  Odd  Squad.  His  team  had  a  higher-­‐‑than-­‐‑
average   number   of   officers   placed   on   the   Permanently  

Disqualified  list  thanks  to  the  risk  of  contamination  from  a  
super   during   the   course   of   an   arrest   or   capture.   Danny  

wasn’t   meeting   Sam’s   gaze   despite   their   long   history   as  
friends   and   occasional   lovers.   That   didn’t   bode   well.   As   if  

there  was  really  any  doubt  as  to  the  outcome  of  the  hearing.  


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The   voice   was   little   more   than   a   whisper   in   his   mind,  

and   Sam’s   gaze   immediately   went   back   to   the   two  
werewolves  in  the  front  row.  It  wasn’t  them.  In  fact,  neither  

man  was  looking  at  him  as  they  both  examined  something  in  
Russ’s  big  hands.  What  was  it—his  tablet  computer?  Sam’s  

career   was   about   to   come   to   an   ignominious   end   and   they  
were  checking  fucking  email?    

He   blinked   as   if   somehow   clearing   his   vision   might  

clear  the  voice  in  his  head—the  one  that  impossibly  sounded  
like   Trav—but   since   werewolves   and   newbie   vampires  

couldn’t   mind   meld…   He   shook   his   head.   Maybe   he   was  

crazy  and  they  were  right  to  kick  him  off  the  force.    

“Thank   you   for   joining   us,   Detective   Garrett.   Please,  

raise   your   right   hand.”   As   he   rose,   the   stern-­‐‑faced   judge  
quickly   administered   the   oath   herself,   then   invited   him  

forward  to  sit.  

“This   is   a   small   hearing,   the   panel   made   up   of   your  

peers   and   myself,   as   the   Paranormal   Administrative   Court  
judge   for   Orleans   Parish.   I   believe   you   know   these   three  

members   of   the   panel,   the   Chief   of   Police,   Detective  
Burkette,   and   Mrs.   Stella   Walker?   They   represent   the   three  

career   classifications   of   the   New   Orleans   Police  


Sam  nodded,  and  then  with  a  glance  at  the  stenographer  

repeated  his  answer  for  the  record.  He  fought  the  numbness  
that  was  working  its  way  up  from  his  suddenly  leaden  feet.  

He   shuffled   to   the   front   row   on   the   opposite   side   of   the  
center  aisle  from  his  friends  and  sat  heavily.  There  would  be  

no  comfort  from  the  pack  today.    

“We  have  heard  the  sworn  testimony  of  the  witnesses  to  

your  attack,  and  have  a  few  questions  for  you.”  She  shuffled  

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a   stack   of   papers.   “Were   you   acting   in   the   interest   of   the  

public  the  night  you  were  attacked  by  a  vampire?”  

“What?”   Sam   widened   his   eyes   at   the   question.   What  

the  fuck  was  this  about?  All  police  officers  were  considered  
acting  in  the  public  interest.  It  was  why  they  could  remain  

armed  when  not  on  duty.  “I’m  afraid  I  don’t  understand  the  

“It’s   a   simple   yes   or   no   question,   Detective.   Were   you  

officially  on  duty  when  you  were  attacked?”  

“Not  on  duty,  no.  I  was  armed,  and  since  I  live  in  the  

Quarter,  I  always  keep  an  eye  on  what’s  happening.”  

“Yet   you   failed   to   notice   that   both   a   vampire   and   a  

werewolf  were  following  you?”  

“I—uh,  excuse  me.  Are  you  suggesting  that  I  was  doing  

something  wrong?”  

The  judge  shook  her  head  once,  more  in  dismissal  of  his  

question   than   in   answer.   “Detective   Garrett,   I   have   your  
medical   report.   I   have   the   statements   from   the   witnesses  

present  both  during  and  directly  following  the  attack.  In  the  
time   since   the   night   of   the   attack,   have   you   either   shifted  

shape  or  consumed  blood?”  

Something   wasn’t   right—this   was   not   at   all   what   he’d  

been   led   to   expect.   Sure,   there   were   officers   deliberately  

abusing   the   system,   but   he’d   been   following   the   rules   and  
he’d  give  his  left  nut  to  stay  on  the  job  instead  of  taking  an  

early  out.  He  looked  to  Danny  and  for  a  long  moment—their  
gazes   locked   on   each   other—and   he   could   swear   regret  

twisted   his   friend’s   mouth   just   before   Danny   lowered   his  
eyes  to  examine  the  table.    

Sam’s   pulse   raced   erratically,   and   for   a   moment   he  

seriously  wondered  if  he  was  going  to  be  able  to  hold  it  all  

together.  His  sharpened  senses  were  flooded  with  the  smell  

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of  perspiration  and  fear,  and  it  tasted  enough  like  prey  that  

saliva   pooled   in   his   mouth   as   he   ran   his   tongue   over   the  
sharp  points  of  his  teeth.  Russ  growled,  the  rumble  so  quiet  

Sam  knew  only  the  supers  in  the  room  heard  the  sound.  Or  
maybe   the   growl   was   only   in   his   head.   Whatever.   It   was  

enough  to  pull  him  back  from  the  edge  of  showing  the  old  
bitch  exactly  what  changes  he’d  experienced  since  the  attack.  

“Well,  Detective?”  
Sam   cleared   his   throat.   “I   have   been   infected   with   the  

lycanthropy  virus.  It  was  the  only  way  to  save  my  life  after  
an  unprovoked  vampire  attack  left  me  bleeding  out  on  the  

sidewalk.”   His   voice   was   flat,   devoid   of   any   hint   of   the  

emotions  swirling  within  him.    








very…werewolves…who   infected   you.   I   see.”   She   turned  
slightly   to   focus   on   the   other   panel   members.   “It’s   time   to  

render   our   decision.   As   the   district   judge,   it   is   customary  
that  I  review  the  instructions  with  you  before  you  offer  your  


Verdict?  What  the  fuck?  

“The  guidelines  have  been  clearly  laid  out  in  the  NOPD  

Standards   of   Conduct,   and   the   police   union   has   accepted  

these   rules.   Detective   Garrett   waived   his   right   for  

representation  and  signed  a  release  agreeing  to  abide  by  our  

Harsh   breaths   filled   the   room,   and   Sam   realized   he  

wasn’t  the  only  one  nervous  about  the  outcome.  

“Question   one,   as   to   whether   Detective   Garrett   may  

remain   on   duty.   The   rule   states   an   infection   with  

lycanthropy  or  any  variation  of  virus  that  causes  shifting  or  
any   form   of   vampirism   is   a   disqualifying   factor   for   service  

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with   the   New   Orleans   Police   Department.   How   do   you  


There  was  no  real  choice  for  any  member  of  the  panel.  

Without   looking   in   his   direction,   they   all   mumbled   their  
responses,  formally  ending  Sam’s  career.  

“Question  two.  The  new  guidelines  state  that  an  officer  

may  only  receive  compensation  for  an  unwilling  conversion  

contracted   while   engaged   in   a   law   enforcement   activity   as  
assigned  by  an  authorized  supervisor.  How  do  you  find?”  

The   chief   sighed.   Stella’s   gaze   darted   toward   her   boss.  

Danny   leaned   forward.   “I   want   to   state   this   again   for   the  

record.   Detective   Garrett   was   actively   involved   in   an  

investigation   with   the   Paranormal   Criminal   Investigations  
Unit.   I   have   every   reason   to   believe   the   attack   was   in  

retribution   for   discoveries   made   in   the   course   of   working  
that  case.  My  finding  is  the  attack  was  precipitated  as  a  direct  

result   of   a   lawfully   ordered   assignment.”   Danny   sat   back,  
breathing  hard  as  the  flush  crawled  up  his  neck.  No  doubt  

about  it,  the  man  was  pissed.  

The  chief  nodded  slowly.  “I  am  inclined  to  agree.”  

“Oh,  me  too,”  Stella  added  quickly.  
“Very  well,”  the  judge  said.  Looking  down  at  the  stack  

of   papers   in   front   of   her,   she   read   off   the   next   question.  

“Question  three.  Does  the  evidence  clearly  link  the  species  or  
nature   of   the   attacker   to   the   species   or   nature   of   the  

conversion  of  the  officer?  If  yes,  is  there  any  indication  of  a  
personal   relationship   either   before   or   after   the   incident  

between  the  attacker  and  the  victim?”  

The  judge  held  up  her  hand  as  Danny  started  to  speak.  

“Off  the  record,”  she  tossed  at  the  stenographer.  “Detective  
Burkette,   I   understand   where   your   sympathies   lie.   Chief?   I  

suggest  the  next  time  you  are  asked  to  supply  an  impartial  

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board   that   you   consider   your   choices   more   carefully.”   She  

looked   at   Stella,   then   pressed   her   lips   tightly   together   as   if  
holding  in  some  scathing  remark.  “Back  on  record,  please.”  

She  paused.  “I  am  making  a  summary  judgment  on  behalf  of  
the  City  of  New  Orleans  and  the  NOPD.    

“Detective   Garrett,   I   am   sorry   for   what   has   happened,  

assuming   it   wasn’t   your   intention   to   become   a   werewolf.  

However,  the  law  is  clear  on  the  matter.  You  were  attacked  
by  a  vampire.  Even  allowing  Detective  Burkette’s  generous  

definition   of   ‘officially   on   duty’,   you   are   not,   in   fact,   a  
vampire.  That,  in  and  of  itself,  is  disqualifying  in  the  matter  

of   compensation.   Add   to   that   your   subsequent   living  

arrangements,  I  find  you  do  not  meet  the  disability  criteria.  
Your  employment  with  the  New  Orleans  Police  Department  

is  officially  terminated.  I  thank  you  all  for  your  time.”  The  
judge   stood,   sweeping   her   robes   around   her   legs   and   was  

gone  through  the  door  to  her  chambers  before  anyone  in  the  
room  fully  processed  the  situation.  


The   ride   back   to   the   compound   was   tense,   to   say   the  

least.   Sam   glared   out   the   window   of   Russ’s   SUV,   barely  

containing  the  anger  that  throbbed  against  his  temples  and  
threatened  to  snap  the  tight  grip  he  held  on  his  self-­‐‑control.  

All   the   weeks   he’d   been   working   with   Russ   and   Jet   to  

contain   the   beast   that   lurked   right   under   his   skin   hadn’t  
been  in  vain.  He’d  kept  his  cool,  breathed  deep  and  walked  

out  of  the  police  station  with  his  head  held  high.  Pissed  off  
for  sure,  ready  to  spill  some  blood,  but  totally  in  command  

of  himself.  

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“So   it’s   blood   you’re   wanting   tonight?”   Russ’s   deep  

voice   shook   him   out   of   his   dark   thoughts,   and   he   met   the  
man’s  eyes  in  the  rearview  mirror.  Jet’s  answering  chuckle,  

amusingly  evil,  almost,  almost  brought  him  all  the  way  back  
to  normal.  He  nodded  slowly.  

“I   need   to   hunt   tonight.   Run,   bring   something   down  

and  let  the  beast  free.  If  I  can’t  fuck  somebody  to  get  it  out  of  

my  system,  that’s  the  next  best  thing,  right?”  He  leaned  his  
head   back   against   the   headrest   and   felt   the   heat   in   the  

vehicle   rise.   Images   of   sex   and   blood   played   around   in   his  
head,   and   he   started   to   tell   Jet   to   cool   it   with   the   mental  

theater  he  was  projecting.  Sam  was  worked  up  enough,  but  

decided  to  let  it  go  rather  than  start  an  argument.  

Closing   his   eyes   against   the   pressures   of   the   day—the  

fucked-­‐‑up  verdict,  his  career  down  the  crapper,  no  disability  
pay—Sam   tried   to   block   out   the   two   overbearing   wolves  

pushing  and  bossing  and…it  was  just  all  too  much.  Starting  
his  own  internal  movie,  Sam  envisioned  the  trees  along  the  

west   bank,   the   hanging   Spanish   moss   creating   shadows   in  
black  and  gray.  The  remembered  smell  of  fresh  water  made  

his   mouth   long   for   the   coolness   of   the   Mississippi   that  
would  always  taste  like  home  to  a  part  of  him.  The  woods  

would   crackle   with   insects   and   smaller   animals   darting  

through  the  underbrush,  trying  to  escape  the  predators  out  
for  the  night.  Trying  to  escape  him.  

After  nearly  an  hour  of  focused  concentration,  his  wolf  

calmed,  appeased  with  the  promise  of  being  let  out  to  play,  

Sam’s   blood   cooled   a   couple   of   degrees   and   he   breathed  
deeply   and   let   his   head   drop   back   against   the   seatback.  

Almost  immediately,  he  felt  the  light  touches  of  power,  the  
almost-­‐‑imperceptible   whisper   of   other   minds   alongside   his  


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Soon,  pup.  We’ll  all  run  and  hunt  later,  so  be  patient,  little  


If   Russ   thought   the   light   touch   of   his   power   was  

calming  him,  he  was  fucking  mistaken.  

“Stay   the   fuck   out   of   my   head,”   he   growled   and   then  

surrounded   his   thoughts   with   the   mental   shields   both   the  
Alpha  and  his  second-­‐‑in-­‐‑command  had  shown  him  how  to  

erect.  The  fragile  peace  he  had  managed  to  build  in  the  past  
hour   was   obliterated   in   the   flame   of   the   invasion   of   other  

minds  in  his  own.  Had  Sam  known  the  price  staying  warm-­‐‑
blooded  would  exact,  he  might  wish  to  be  like  Travis.  Cold,  

but  left  the  fuck  alone.  

Even  with  his  eyes  closed,  he  felt  the  glare  from  the  big  

red-­‐‑haired   man   in   the   front.   “I’m   your   Alpha,   and   don’t  

forget  it,  little  one.  You  are  still  in  your  training  period  and  I  
have  the  right  to  check  in  on  the  welfare  of  any  member  of  

my  pack—”  

“But  that’s  just  it,  isn’t  it,  Alpha?”  Sam  barely  held  back  

the   contempt   from   his   voice.   It   felt   good   to   direct   it   at  
someone,   something.   He   felt   claws   straining   to   break   free  

against   the   leather   of   the   armrest   and   ratcheted   his   anger  
back.  “I’m  not  pack  yet,  am  I?  And  as  you  damn  well  know,  

I  don’t  want  to  be.  I  just  want  to  go  back  home  and  figure  

out  my  life.”  

The  smack  of  the  Beta’s  power  reached  right  through  his  

carefully   erected   shields.   A   little   lower   voltage   than   usual,  
maybe,  but  it  still  sent  streamers  of  red-­‐‑hot  fire  through  his  

head.   “You   might   not   like   it,   but   you   damned   well   better  
learn  to  keep  a  civil  tongue  in  your  head,  boy.”  Jet’s  voice  in  

his   head   gave   him   something   to   focus   on.   He   reinforced  
those  paper-­‐‑thin  walls  again,  but  still  felt—what  the  fuck—

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not  Russ,  not  Jet,  in  fact,  not  a  wolf  at  all.  If  he  didn’t  know  

better…Sam  let  the  thought  go  before  he  forgot  his  point.    

“Fuck  you  both,  I’m  not  anybody’s  boy.  You  might  like  

to  play  your  big  bad  wolf  games,  but  I’m  not  one  of  you  and  
I  don’t  think  I  ever  will  be.  The  time  I’m  willing  to  spend  out  

in  West  Bumfuck  is  about  at  an  end.  You  can  tell  yourself  all  
the  stories  you  want,  but  you  fucking  can’t  stop  me  when  I  

decide  it’s  time  to  go.  Now,  shut  up  and  get  me  back  to  the  
Black   Forest   so   this   Big   Bad   Wolf   can   go   hunt   Little   Red  

Riding  Hood.”  

Russ  reached  across  and  put  a  hand  on  Jet’s  shoulder  to  

keep  him  in  his  seat.  Sam  didn’t  care.  The  past  three  months  

had   been   one   nightmare   after   another,   humiliation   heaped  
on  failure  and  anger  and  hurt.  He  just  couldn’t  care  anymore.  

Some  days,  he  thought  maybe  it  would  have  been  better  if  
he’d   just   bled   out   there   on   that   cool   dark   night   in   front   of  

Travis’s  home.  At  least  he  wouldn’t  have  to  put  up  with  the  
Grimm  brothers.  

He   closed   his   eyes   again   and   tried   to   focus   on   that  

elusive  wisp  of  something  that  wasn’t  wolf  in  his  head.  Like  

the   voice   he’d   heard   in   the   hearing   room…but   that   was  
impossible.  He  was  tired  and  needed  to  hunt.  And  then  he  

needed   to   get   the   fuck   away   and   back   to   where   he   could  

think.  Alone.  Without  some  asshole  wolf  or  another  invading  
his  privacy.  


Travis  opened  the  door  to  his  home  and  invited  Danny  

upstairs.  Both  men  were  somber,  and  Travis  felt  more  than  a  

little  guilty  that  he’d  survived  the  Fitness  Hearing,  as  it  was  
known  then,  with  his  pension  intact,  if  not  his  shield.  How  

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things  had  changed  in  the  past  two  years,  he  thought  sourly,  

and   damned   well   not   for   the   better.   Here   he   was,   for   all  
accounts  immortal  and  he’d  been  granted  his  retirement  pay  

in   perpetuity   even   though   he’d   already   been   financially  
secure.   And   a   good   cop   like   Sam   who   actually   needed   the  

damned  money  got  a  royal  screwing.  

Bureaucracy  at  its  best,  he  supposed.  

“You  know  where  the  fridge  is—grab  yourself  a  beer.  I  

need  to  get  out  of  this  monkey  suit  and  into  some  jeans.  I’ll  

fix  my  dinner  in  a  minute.”  Travis  kept  walking,  shedding  
his   tie   and   shirt   as   he   went.   He   heard   Danny   fumbling  

around  the  kitchen,  smelled  the  po’  boy  he’d  brought  for  his  

dinner.   Chuckling,   he   shook   his   head.   The   detective   was  
nothing  if  not  predictable.  

The   room   around   him   disappeared   and   he   had   a  

sudden  glimpse  of  fangs  tearing  into  flesh,  the  rich  coppery  

blood  flowing  over  his  tongue.  He  licked  his  fangs  and  his  
cock   hardened   as   the   dual   images   of   blood   and   sex   flitted  

across  his  inner  eye.  It  wasn’t  his  kind  of  feeding,  but  blood  
was   blood   and   its   erotic   allure   made   his   whole   body   sing  

with  anticipation.  

Then   it   was   gone.   He   blinked   and   everything   was  

normal   again.   He   could   have   sworn   he   was   in   the   woods  

there   for   a   minute.   Almost   smelled   the   magnolias   and  
dogwoods  blooming  out  in  the  early  spring.  

When  he  turned  toward  the  door  Danny  stood  watching  


“You  okay,  man?  I  called  and  you  didn’t  answer.  Want  

me   to   warm   a   bag   of   A-­‐‑negative   in   your   Normalizer?   We  

can   sit   and   maybe   watch   the   end   of   whatever   bad   movie’s  
on  TV?”  

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“Yeah,  let  me  finish  changing.  Be  right  there,”  he  said,  

waving   Danny   off.   “I’ll   throw   something   in   the   Easy-­‐‑Bake  
Oven—you  just  go  ahead  and  eat.”  

Danny   turned   and   went   back   to   the   den,   his   laugh  

trailing  behind  him.  “Easy-­‐‑Bake  Oven.  Whodathunk  a  vamp  

could  make  a  joke?”  

“Fuck  you  too,  Detective.”  He  couldn’t  quite  shake  the  

feeling  he  was  missing  something.  Something  important.  


The  night  felt  good.  Cool.  The  wolf  sped  through  the  woods,  

his   four   strong   legs   eating   up   the   trails   surrounding   the   pack  
house.   He   could   sense   the   boundaries,   the   smell   of   the   pack   that  

marked  the  acres  that  belonged  to  the  pack’s  Alpha  of  the  moment.  

It   had   been   in   Russ’s   family   for   three   generations.   Wolves   were  
born,  not  just  made.  

But  the  pack  and  the  land  were  the  furthest  thoughts  from  his  

mind  tonight.  The  wolf  wanted  to  run  and  let  the  animal  take  over.  

He   wanted   to   chase   down   something   big   and   strong,   to   take   it  
down  with  his  teeth  and  jaws.  He  wanted  freedom  to  feel  and  let  

his  paws  take  him  someplace  new.  He  wanted…blood.  

He   automatically   tracked   the   two   wolves   behind   him,   knew  

they  were  deliberately  keeping  him  in  sight  but  allowing  him  what  
they   considered   his   freedom.   Bah.   Fuck   them.   He’d   go   where   he  

damned   well   wanted.   He   let   that   thought   flow   through   the   ever-­‐‑

present  bond  that  tied  him  to  the  pack,  but  still  he  felt  that  alien  
presence  in  his  mind.  Shifted,  it  tasted  familiar  and  comforting.  

Before   he   had   much   more   time   to   follow   that   tantalizing  

thread,   his   nose   caught   the   spore   of   a   deer   on   the   light   breeze  

moving  through  the  trees  budding  out  with  new  spring  growth.  He  
salivated,  and  turned  his  wolf  loose  to  give  chase.  The  ground  flew  

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beneath   him   and   he   neared   his   target,   a   twelve-­‐‑point   buck   that  

slowly   turned   to   face   him.   His   leap   almost   took   him   too   far,   his  
adrenaline   pumping   and   filling   him   with   power.   At   the   last  

second,   he   turned   his   head   and   sank   his   teeth   into   the   massive  
deer'ʹs  neck,  tearing  out  its  jugular.  

He   hit   the   ground   and   dug   in   his   front   legs,   pirouetting  

gracefully  and  spun  to  grab  his  prey  by  the  neck  and  take  it  down.  

The  taste  of  hot  blood  in  his  mouth  excited  him,  and  he  let  the  beast  
in  him  take  over,  gorging  on  blood  and  meat  until  the  lousy  day  

faded  from  his  consciousness.  


Travis   jerked,   snapping   out   of   whatever   world   he'ʹd  

been  daydreaming  in,  and  saw  he  was  standing  behind  the  

sofa   eyeing   Danny'ʹs   neck.   He   was   hard,   excited,   close   to  
coming.  Fighting  back  the  memory  of  hot  fresh  blood  filling  

his  mouth,  he  reminded  himself  that  the  very  idea  of  taking  
blood  from  another  living  human  disgusted  him.  Didn'ʹt  it?  

He  wouldn'ʹt  go  there  again,  especially  with  Danny.    

He   turned   and   made   his   way   slowly   to   the   kitchen,  

feeling   as   if   he   was   waking   from   a   long   and   vivid   dream.  
After  opening  the  fridge,  he  took  a  plastic  bag  of  blood  out  

to  warm  in  the  Normalizer.  He  shifted  his  cock  in  his  pants  
and  remembered  the  hot  new  bartender  he'ʹd  seen  at  Fangs  

the  last  time  he  was  there.  Maybe  he  would  make  the  time  to  


“You  coming  anytime  soon?”  Danny  asked.  

If  you  only  knew,  he  thought  wryly.  “In  a  minute.  Keep  

your  pants  on.”  


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Chapter  Two  

Danny  had  been  feeling  exceedingly  foolish  since  Sam’s  

hearing,  and  a  whole  lot  useless.  He  should’ve  foreseen  the  
problem   with   the   change   in   the   administrative   rules,   but  

anyone  with  a  modicum  of  common  sense  would  realize  his  

attack  was  work  related.  Something  about  that  judge  tickled  
at  the  back  of  his  mind…  He  dismissed  the  idea  for  now  and  

turned   to   something   more   productive.   The   only   chance   he  
had   to   make   this   right   for   Sam   was   to   prove   a   causal  

relationship   existed   between   the   vampire   attack,   the  
lycanthropy   infection,   and   his   subsequent   association   with  

the  werewolves.  It  was  a  connection  that  had  been  niggling  
in  his  brain  all  week.  

Alone   in   the   empty   squad   room,   Danny   unlocked   his  

bottom   desk   drawer   and   removed   a   stack   of   folders   along  

with   his   notes   from   the   last   case   he   and   Sam   worked  

together.   Their   only   case   together.   The   killings   had   been  
particularly  gruesome,  with  each  victim  staked  and  left  in  a  

cemetery,   left   to   either   bleed   out   or   burn   in   the   sun,  
whichever   came   first.   Two   of   the   victims   had   been   human  

teenagers,  the  other  two  were  recently  converted  vampires.  
The   last   victim,   Vincent   Jourdain,   was   a   vampire   and   the  

former   enforcer   for   the   Fontaine   family   from   Shreveport.  
Since  all  the  evidence  pointed  to  Jourdain  for  the  first  three  

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killings   and   the   murders   stopped   with   his   death,   the   brass  

was   willing   to   let   Danny   classify   the   crimes   as   attributed—
the   legal   term   applied   to   paranormal   crimes   considered  

solved   but   not   punishable.   In   that   case,   unpunishable  
because  the  murderer  was  dead.    

Jourdain’s   murder   technically   remained   unsolved,  

although   it   was   generally   agreed   among   the   PCIU   that  

Vincent   was   killed   under   the   auspices   of   the   Vampire  
Council.  They  tended  to  frown  upon  rogue  vamps  that  drew  

negative   attention   to   the   vampire   community.   Of   course  
there  were  unanswered  questions,  but  with  the  subsequent  

attack   on   Sam   and   the   death   of   his   attacker,   the   governor  

and   mayor   decreed   the   killers   dead   and   the   danger   to   the  
public   gone.   New   Orleans   was   once   again   a   safe   place   for  

tourists  to  come  spend  their  money.  

Now,   with   the   judge   finding   Sam   ineligible   for   a  

pension,   the   lingering   details   of   the   case   seemed   more  
important   than   ever.   So   despite   orders   to   leave   it   alone,  

Danny  was  in  his  office  hours  before  the  next  shift  started,  
pulling   out   the   evidence   he’d   pieced   together   over   the   last  

few  days.  

Dragging  a  hand  through  his  unruly  black  hair,  Danny  

pushed  the  stack  of  folders  to  the  center  of  the  battered  table,  

ready  to  start  on  the  first  file.  He  flipped  over  to  a  fresh  sheet  
on   the   yellow   legal   pad   and   clicked   the   eraser   on   his  

mechanical  pencil,  extending  more  lead.    

When   they’d   been   investigating   Vincent’s   death,   the  

local   Alpha   hinted   that   there   were   a   few   werewolves   that  
had  gone  missing  over  the  past  year—disturbing  news  since  

the   Odd   Squad   hadn’t   been   called   in   to   investigate   the  
disappearance  of  any  supernaturals.  Russ  had  described  the  

missing  weres  as  men  who  were  not  exactly  the  type  anyone  

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would  report.  Although  he’d  made  several  attempts  during  

the  past  week  to  get  Russ  to  tell  him  the  names,  the  Alpha  
insisted   it   was   pack   business.   That   was   fine.   Danny   had  

other  resources.  He  scanned  the  small  stack  of  folders;  it  had  
taken   some   digging,   but   these   three   provided   a   place   to  


Percy   Montgomery.   Werewolf.   Age   and   date   of  

infection:   unknown.   Felony   convictions   for   bank   robbery,  
aggravated   assault.   Paroled   in   December.   Made   first   two  

assigned  meetings  with  the  PO,  then  nothing.  He  studied  the  
file  a  minute  longer,  then  tossed  it  onto  the  desk  and  reached  

for  another.  

Arnold  Barbonne.  Werewolf.  Age  forty-­‐‑two,  age  at  time  

of   infection   unknown.   Felony   conviction   for   illegal  

possession  of  stolen  firearms  and  possession  of  a  controlled  
substance.  Released  from  Angola  in  February,  not  seen  since  

middle   of   March   when   he   failed   to   show   up   for   a   court  
mandated  drug  test.  

Jasper  Rollins.  Werebear.  Age  twenty-­‐‑nine,  age  at  time  

of  infection,  twenty.  Danny  set  his  pencil  down  and  flipped  

the  first  page  back,  scanning  to  verify  what  he  already  knew.  
Jasper  was  the  first  wereanimal  other  than  a  wolf,  and  also  

the   first   with   a   known   infection   date.   Interesting.   He   went  

back   to   cataloging   Jasper’s   criminal   history.   A   sealed  
juvenile   record   accessed   for   this   investigation   revealed   a  

conviction  for  assault  with  a  deadly—a  knife  fight  in  which  
two  others  died.  There  was  some  question  as  to  who  started  

the   fight,   but   Jasper   was   the   only   one   standing   at   the   end  
and  earned  a  three  year  stay  in  juvie.  

Huh…he’d   just   turned   sixteen   at   the   time   of   the   fight,  

and  the  other  two  men  were  in  their  early  twenties.  He  must  

have   been   a   big   guy   even   before   he   was   infected.   Jasper  

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appeared   to   have   stayed   in   and   out   of   trouble   since   his  

release.   Nothing   that   landed   him   in   jail   for   more   than   an  
overnight,   but   still…several   brushes   with   the   law.   Curfew  

violations,   drunk   and   disorderly,   public   intoxication.   Hell,  
that   was   practically   a   rite   of   passage   in   New   Orleans
.   Danny  

chuckled.   Oh,   and   would   you   look   at   his   place   of  
the   bear   was   listed   as   a   former   part-­‐‑time  

bouncer  at  Fangs.  Curiouser  and  curiouser.  

Once  he’d  found  the  pattern,  it  had  been  easy  to  identify  

these   three   wereanimals   as   missing,   if   not   necessarily  
potential   victims   of   a   crime   or   kidnapping.   Or   maybe   he’d  

just  uncovered  an  underground  conspiracy.  Pattern  or  not,  it  

was  only  a  starting  place.  He  still  had  to  figure  out  why  and  
where   they’d   gone.   Closing   the   last   file,   Danny   stacked   all  

the   folders   and   put   them   into   his   brief   case   along   with   his  
legal   pad   and   spare   mechanical   pencils.   He   looked   at   the  

wall  clock,  surprised  to  see  it  was  only  a  little  past  seven.  He  
had  at  least  another  twenty  minutes  until  sunset  and  another  

thirty  after  that  until  it  was  fully  dark.    

No  time  like  the  present,  and  a  man  needed  to  eat—he  

might  as  well  head  to  Fangs.  Maybe  he  could  use  the  names  
he’d  discovered  so  far  to  get  the  big  redheaded  werewolf  to  

tell   him   what   had   been   going   on   in   their   community.   Just  

because   he   was   the   fucking   Alpha   didn’t   mean   he   was  
supposed   to   take   care   of   everything.   There   were   still   laws,  

and   Danny   was   responsible   for   the   safety   of   all   of   the  
paranormals   in   his   jurisdiction.   Even   if   the   missing   men  

were   a   bunch   of   convicted   felons   who   happen   to   be  

Locking  his  briefcase,  Danny  updated  the  whiteboard  to  

let  the  rest  of  the  team  know  he’d  be  in  the  field.  With  only  

the   five   of   them   assigned   to   the   PCIU   at   the   moment,   his  

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supervisory  duties  were  minimal.  The  Odd  Squad,  as  most  

people  called  their  unit,  officially  came  under  auspices  of  the  
governor’s   office.   In   the   perpetual   and   increasingly   high  

stakes   game   of   chicken   he   played   with   the   legislature—
otherwise   known   as   the   budget   process—Governor   Locke  

had  pulled  most  of  the  senior  staff  to  the  Baton  Rouge  office,  
leaving   New   Orleans   woefully   under-­‐‑staffed.   In   a   state   as  

poor  as  Louisiana,  the  politics  were  often  dirty  and  always  
creative.   Leaving   a   paranormal   paradise   like   New   Orleans  

unprotected  was  like  bringing  your  own  ants  to  the  picnic.  
The  tourists  were  bound  to  get…bugged.  

Danny  turned  out  the  lights  and  stepped  into  a  bank  of  

ground  fog  so  thick  he  couldn’t  see  two  feet  in  front  of  his  
own   face.   He   stood   outside   the   station   house   where   their  

office  was  located  and  looked  north,  imagined  walking  those  
few  blocks  to  where  Trav  would  just  be  waking  for  the  night.  

It   would   be   so   easy   to   justify…just   two   cops   talking   shop  
over  a  case.  Except  Travis  wasn’t  a  cop  anymore—he  was  a  

used  bookseller.  And  a  vampire.  Still,  with  all  those  boxes  of  
books  Travis  had  stacked  in  his  townhouse  now  on  shelves  

in   the   first   floor   of   his   place,   and   a   back   office   full   of  
computers,  if  anyone  could  give  him  a  deep  background  on  

the  wereanimal  community…  

With   a   deep   sigh,   Danny   shook   off   the   tempting   self-­‐‑

justification   and   turned   south   toward   Fangs.   He   needed   to  

talk   with   the   Alpha   and   anyone   else   who   might   have  
actually  known  Jasper  when  he  worked  at  the  bar.    

The   transition   from   gray   afternoon   to   full   dark  

happened  quickly  and  Danny  walked  down  the  eerily  quiet  

street,  straining  to  identify  every  noise  in  the  muffled  silence  
of   the   fog.   Ever   since   the   attack   on   Sam,   he’d   been  

hyperaware   of   his   surroundings—the   new   laws   protecting  

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the  human  police  obviously  weren’t  any  guarantee  of  safety.  

He   was   mostly   immune   to   vampire   mesmerizing,   but   the  
older   ones   could   meld   themselves   to   shadows   and   move  

silently.  It  wouldn’t  do  much  for  human-­‐‑vampire  relations  if  
the   head   of   the   New   Orleans   Odd   Squad   turned   into   a  

midnight  snack.    

As  he  neared  the  club,  the  driving  beat  of  Steven  Tyler  

imploring  him  to  walk  this  way  penetrated  the  thick  fog  and  
drew  a  smile.  After  a  quick  word  with  the  werewolf  bouncer  

on  duty,  Danny  stepped  inside  the  cave-­‐‑like  interior  of  the  
hottest  paranormal  club  in  the  Crescent  City.    

There  was  no  telling  whether  the  clubs  would  continue  

to   be   open   to   humans   in   the   future.   Currently   the  
fundamentalists   were   mounting   a   campaign   against   all  

paranormals  as  tools  of  the  devil.  They  were  making  some  
small   progress   with   the   ultra   conservatives   and   the  

survivalist   militia.   On   the   other   hand,   the   liberals   were  
shouting   for   all   restrictions   to   be   removed   and   full  

citizenship   rights   be   applied   equally   across   all   races,  
genders,   humans   and   non-­‐‑humans.   It   was   a   race   to   the  

Supreme  Court,  and  all  law  enforcement  could  do  was  try  to  
keep  up.  

Two   hours   later,   Danny   was   walking   back   toward   the  

station  house,  full  from  a  mighty  fine  shrimp  po’  boy  and  as  
in   the   dark   as   ever.   Damn,   that   catlike   bartender   Talon   was   a  

tight-­‐‑lipped  motherfucker.  


Henri  du  Champ  walked  out  the  back  door  of  his  home,  

taking   in   the   quietness   of   the   night.   To   the   human   eye,   he  
knew   all   that   could   be   seen   were   the   live   oaks   hung   with  

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Spanish  moss  and  what  appeared  to  be  a  dilapidated  work  

shed   or   barn   off   to   the   side.   This   close   to   the   bayou,  
everything   had   to   be   stored   above   ground,   and   it   wasn’t  

unusual   for   even   the   smallest   houses   to   have   a   storage  
building  of  some  sort  on  the  property.  

Sparing  a  small  smile,  he  lifted  his  head  and  smelled  the  

musky  scent  of  sweat  and  the  coppery,  sweet  smell  of  fresh  

blood.  He  was  pleased  that  Connor  had  the  wolves  gathered  
and   training.   From   the   grunts   and   pained   thuds   he   heard,  

the  matches  had  begun.  He  enjoyed  the  unbridled  violence,  
and   it   fit   into   his   plans   so   very   well.   Those   who   survived  

would   be   the   best,   the   strongest,   and   ultimately   the   most  

loyal.  Just  what  Henri  needed  for  his  army.  

And   he’d   take   care   of   one   of   his   little   problems   very  

soon.  His  smile  widened  as  the  thought  of  what  he  planned  
for  his  enemy.  How  very  pedestrian  to  try  to  send  a  spy  into  the  

den   of   a   Master   vampire.   Well,   it   would   be   settled   soon  

He   crossed   the   yard   and   opened   the   door   to   the   barn,  

the  blast  of  hot  air,  blood,  and  fear  a  visceral  delight  to  his  

heightened   senses.   He’d   feed   soon,   he   promised   himself.  
Both   his   need   for   blood   and   sex.   Pushing   the   throbbing   in  

his   loins   away,   he   caught   the   gaze   of   his   lead   wolf   who  

swiftly   made   his   way   to   Henri’s   side.   “Report,”   he  

The  tall,  scarred  wolf  stood  at  military  at-­‐‑ease,  his  hands  

firmly  clasped  behind  his  back  and  his  legs  spread  wide.  His  

hair  was  buzzed,  with  only  the  occasional  wiry  silver  thread  
breaking  the  thick  darkness  on  his  head.  He  was  tall,  nude,  

and  tightly  muscled.  Henri  glanced  over,  admiring  his  form  
for  moment.  While  not  the  normal  meal  he  enjoyed—Connor  

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was   too   old,   too   Alpha,   and   too…big—he   certainly   didn’t  

mind  watching  the  man  in  action.  Or  at  rest.  

Coming   to   attention,   Connor   spoke   quietly,   although  

everyone  in  this  room  would  hear  his  words.  “I  put  the  men  
through  their  exercises,  paired  them  off  to  train,  and  started  

the  matches.  You  are  just  in  time,  sir.  I’m  having  César  work  
with  that  new  bear  you  brought  in.  Should  be…interesting.”    

Connor’s   expression   never   wavered,   but   Henri   picked  

up  a  note  of  excitement  at  the  mention  of  Jasper,  one  of  the  

newest   members   of   his   merry   little   band.   The   bear   shifter  
had   caught   Henri’s   eye   as   a   bouncer   at   Fangs,   and   the  

ruthlessness  with  which  he  performed  his  job  had  prompted  

Henri  to  offer  the  man  employment.  

“This  is  his  first  time  in  the  circle,  correct?”  At  a  silent  

nod  from  Connor,  Henri  turned  his  attention  to  the  two  men  
waiting  in  the  loose  ring  formed  by  the  other  members  of  the  

group.   Both   were   huge,   easily   over   six-­‐‑and-­‐‑a-­‐‑half   feet   tall.  
Their  skin  glistened  with  sweat,  and  Henri  admired  the  way  

both  held  themselves.  César,  one  of  the  more  seasoned  and  
vicious  wolves,  practically  vibrated  with  violence.  His  large  

frame   was   stacked   with   muscle   upon   muscle   and   an  
unfinished   tattoo   of   two   wolves   locked   in   combat   covered  

large  patches  of  his  thighs  and  torso.    

But   it   was   Jasper   who   drew   his   attention.   The   bear  

shifter   was   loose   and   relaxed,   apparently   oblivious   to  

everything   and   everyone   in   the   building.   Henri   had   to  
admire   the   stockier   build   of   the   man.   What   some   would  

think   of   as   fat,   he   saw   was   solid   muscle.   The   man   was  
indeed   a   bear,   hairy   even   in   his   human   form.   Intense   blue  

eyes  stared  at  Henri  from  the  heavily  bearded  face,  the  only  
acknowledgement   of   his   existence   a   slow   nod.   Then   Jasper  

returned  his  attention  somewhere  over  all  of  their  heads.  

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“Gentlemen,”   Henri   said   in   his   usually   quiet   drawl.  

“First   blood   wins.   The   victor   will   take   on   a   special  
assignment  as  a  reward  from  me.  Begin.”  

At  his  words,  César  sprang  for  the  large  man.  His  hands  

made  a  grab  for  Jasper,  his  nails  already  changing  to  claws  

as  the  wolf  began  to  burst  forth,  obviously  expecting  to  catch  
the   bear   flat-­‐‑footed.   Henri   watched   with   interest,   as   Jasper  

turned,  neatly  side-­‐‑stepping  the  swipe  meant  to  rake  across  
his  chest.  His  expression  never  changed  as  caught  the  wolf  

mid-­‐‑leap  with  both  hands  under  the  ribs.  Using  César’s  own  
momentum,   the   bear   of   a   man   grunted   softly,   as   his   arms  

went  over  his  head  and  the  wolf  sailed  through  the  air  and  

careened   into   four   men   on   the   other   side   of   the   ring.   They  
laughed   and   threw   the   snarling   beast   back   into   the   arena,  

and  Henri  snorted  as  he  heard  the  slightest  noise  of  approval  
from  Connor.  

The   wolf   prowled   around   the   perimeter   of   the   circle,  

watching   Jasper   for   an   opening.   The   big   man   remained   in  

human   form,   his   shoulders   forward,   arms   loose   and   long  
hanging  by  his  sides.  There  was  no  doubt  from  his  posture  

that   he   considered   himself   the   ringmaster   and   César   was  
little   more   than   a   performing   dog.   Impressive,   as   attitudes  

went   when   you   considered   the   number   of   wolves  

surrounding  the  makeshift  arena.  Without  giving  his  circling  
opponent   the   satisfaction   of   following   his   movements   with  

his   body,   Jasper’s   flared   nostrils   and   the   slight   tilt   of   his  
head   were   the   only   indications   he   knew   exactly   where   the  

wolf  paced.  

The   tension   built   as   some   of   the   men   shifted,   their  

wolves   snarling   and   snapping,   their   need   to   join   the   fight  
almost   palpable.   César   darted   in   low,   charging   at   Jasper’s  

ankle,   probably   to   rip   out   the   Achilles’   tendon   in   hopes   of  

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disabling   the   big   man.   Jasper   growled   as   César   darted   in,  

back,  then  bared  his  teeth  and  lunged  forward  again.  

The  outcome  was  inevitable.  Henri  saw  it  immediately,  

and  his  estimation  of  the  bear  grew.  As  the  wolf  opened  his  
jaws   for   the   attack,   a   huge   paw   slapped   down   on   César’s  

back,  pinning  him  to  the  dirt.    

Whether   from   the   fresh   scent   of   César’s   blood   or   the  

promise  of  a  fight,  several  of  the  shifted  wolves  leaped  into  
the   ring.   Jasper   whirled,   knocking   a   large   gray   wolf   to   the  

ground  with  a  mighty  swipe.  Another  gray  wolf  lunged  at  
his   throat,   snapping   and   snarling,   teeth   grazing   the   thick  

neck,  drawing  a  thin  line  of  blood.  With  a  deep  growl  that  

reverberated  around  the  room,  Jasper  used  his  paw  to  catch  
the  wolf  by  the  jaw.  The  crack  of  bone  was  sharp,  the  howl  

of   pain   cut   off   in   an   instant   as   the   wolf   was   tossed   aside,  
neck  broken,  dead  before  he  hit  the  ground.  

Connor   let   out   a   barked   order   to   halt   just   as   Henri  

battered   his   way   into   every   mind   present   with   a   single  

word.  Enough!  

Bellies   low   to   the   ground,   the   wolves   in   the   ring  

quivered  against  the  force  of  his  command.  His  gaze  stayed  
on  Jasper,  curious  to  see  how  his  mental  order  affected  the  

bear.  The  man  once  again  stood  relaxed,  heart  rate  slightly  

elevated,  breath  even,  the  façade  of  a  lumbering  giant  back  
in   place.   If   Henri   hadn’t   been   watching,   he’d   have   missed  

how  quickly  the  bear  paw  reverted  to  his  human  hand.    

Henri  was  impressed.  He  knew  the  control  and  power  it  

took  to  shift  body  parts,  and  despite  his  young  age,  the  bear  
appeared  to  have  already  mastered  that  feat.  Henri  reached  

out  with  his  mind  as  the  man’s  gaze  caught  his  again,  and  
once  again  he  was  able  to  read…nothing.  It  was  as  if  Jasper’s  

mind  was  a  lake,  and  any  effort  he  made  to  penetrate  it  filled  

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him  with  silence  and  an  odd  quiet.  Henri  frowned.  The  man  

could   be   a   huge   asset,   or   he   could   be   another   spy   for   that  
infernal   Fontaine   family.   His   instincts   told   him   that   there  

was   more   to   the   bear   than   met   the   eye,   but   every   single  
aspect   of   his   past   checked   out.   Like   all   Henri’s   recruits,  

Jasper  had  no  family  or  friends.  Henri  could  easily  have  him  
killed  at  any  time  should  he  prove  to  be  a  spy.    

With  his  gaze  still  fixed  on  the  big  man,  Henri  gave  his  

orders  to  Connor.  “Impressive.  Have  him  clean  up  and  come  

to  my  office  in,  say,  an  hour.”  

Connor   bowed   slightly.   “As   you   wish,   sir.”   He   strode  

across   the   enclosure,   ignoring   Roland’s   body   for   now.   He  

glanced  at  César,  who  was  shifting  to  heal  the  lengthy  gash  
along  his  spine,  then  headed  for  Jasper.  

Henri   turned   to   leave   the   building,   his   step   steady  

despite   his   painful   erection.   The   smell   of   death   and   sweat  

filled  his  nostrils  and  his  appetite  for  blood  and  death  rose  to  
a   fevered   pitch.   His   long-­‐‑coveted   political   career   would   be  

over  before  it  started  if  the  governor  or  his  cronies  could  see  
him   now.   With   a   small   snort,   he   bit   back   the   laugh   that  

threated   and   then   sent   a   mental   command   to   his   latest  
playmate.  A  smile  curved  his  lips  and  he  ran  his  tongue  over  

the  razor  sharp  points  of  his  fangs.  He  was  anxious  to  eat,  

but  it  would  be  even  more  enjoyable  if  the  boy  wasn’t  ready  
for  him  as  ordered.  


“Come,”   Henri   du   Champ   ordered   his   latest   pup.   The  

naked   young   werewolf   slouched   into   the   room,   stopping  

midway  waiting  for  further  instructions.  Chas?  Chuck?  The  
name   wasn’t   important,   particularly   in   light   of   what   he’d  

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discovered.  All  that  mattered  was  the  boy  had  no  pack,  was  

of   legal   age,   and   eager   to   meet   Henri’s   needs.   Completely  
ravenous,   Henri   focused   his   gaze   on   the   young   man,   and  

spoke   quietly   in   the   boy’s   mind,   repeating   his   earlier  
command.  Come.  Did  you  prepare  for  me?  

Chuck—at  least  he  thought  it  was  Chuck—nodded  and,  

without   being   asked,   climbed   onto   the   massive   four-­‐‑poster  

black   walnut   bed   that   was   nearly   large   enough   to   land   a  
plane.  Both  the  custom  size  and  steel  reinforced  frame  were  

an   acknowledgement   of   the   lifestyle   Henri   chose   to   lead.  
After  over  three  hundred  years,  he  was  not  constrained  by  

the  night  in  the  way  of  a  younger  vampire.  He  did  sleep,  but  

only  for  a  few  hours  each  day.  He  preferred  to  feed  live,  but  
from   his   own   private   stock   of   carefully   selected   young  

werewolves.  Chuck  was  only  one  in  a  long  line.  

The   boy   climbed   onto   the   high   mattress,   and   with   a  

quick,  mischievous  look  over  his  shoulder,  he  licked  his  lips  
and   wiggled   his   ass   in   the   air.   Groaning   loudly,   Henri  

followed  him  onto  the  bed,  leaving  a  trail  of  clothes  behind  
him   on   the   floor.   Kneeling   behind   the   wolf,   he   used   his  

thumbs   to   test   the   boy’s   readiness   then   plunged   his   hard  
cock   into   Chuck’s   ass.   Ah,   he   was   prepared.   No   matter.   The  

pace  was  fast,  punishing,  and  all  too  soon,  Henri  leaned  over  

to  cover  Chuck’s  back.  

He   snaked   an   arm   around   the   pup’s   waist   to   fist   his  

cock.  Chuck  arched  his  neck,  stretching  long  for  his  Master,  
submitting,  giving  his  all.  With  the  first  pulse  of  his  orgasm,  

Henri   sank   his   fangs   deep,   letting   the   rich,   hot   coppery  
liquid  flow  over  his  tongue  and  down  his  throat.  The  little  

wolf   responded   with   howls   of   pleasure,   his   cum   spilling  
over  Henri’s  hand.  Henri  withdrew  his  fangs  and  his  cock,  

closing  the  wounds  with  a  velvety  lick  of  his  tongue.  

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As   soon   as   Henri   released   his   hold,   Chuck   collapsed  

face   first   on   the   mattress,   already   in   a   deep,   regenerative  
sleep.   Despite   the   rapid   healing   of   most   wolves,   Henri’s  

recent   increase   in   appetite   was   taking   a   toll.   It   was   just   as  
well;  it  was  time  to  find  another…snack  or  two.  Perhaps  one  

of  the  blood  addicts  in  the  French  Quarter  would  suffice  in  
the  short  term.  

With   the   new   plans   under   way,   he’d   been   holding   off  

bringing   a   new   werewolf   pup   home   with   him,   instead  

hoping   for   the   chance   to   acquire   the   recently   infected   Sam  
Garrett  into  his  fold.  His  vision  turned  red  at  the  thought  of  

the   rogue   vampire,   Sofia,   trying   to   kill   Sam.   Not   because  

killing   was   abhorrent,   but   goddammit,   he’d   had   plans   for  
the   man.   He’d   wanted   to   turn   him   and   use   him   to   bring  

Travis   home.   And   just   who   the   fuck   had   paid   Sofia?   The  
woman  had  been  an  assassin.  Probably  the  fucking  Fontaine  

family.   Again.   His   glance   strayed   to   the   youth   sprawled  
bonelessly  on  the  bed  and  a  smile  curved  his  lips.  

As  the  oldest  vampire  around  the  bayou  territories,  he  

knew   it   wouldn’t   be   long   until   the   police   showed   up   to  

question  him  again  about  vampire  activity  in  New  Orleans.  
He  was  a  logical  contact,  if  not  an  outright  suspect,  and  he  

could  ill-­‐‑afford  to  appear  uncooperative.  The  elections  were  

next  fall,  and  he  had  set  his  sights  on  becoming  the  first  non-­‐‑
human  to  hold  office  at  the  national  level.  Congressman  du  

Champ   had   a   lovely   ring.   For   a   start.   As   long   as   the  
Fontaines   or   someone   else   didn’t   try   to   fuck   up   his   latest  

career  by  framing  him  for  murder.  And  if  the  whole  elected  
official   path   to   power   didn’t   work   out,   there   was   always  

Plan  B.  Maybe  Plan  B  even  if  things  did  work  out.  You  never  
knew  when  you  might  need  an  army.    

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As  if  cued  by  his  thoughts,  the  sound  of  an  approaching  

heartbeat  stirred  him  from  his  reverie.  Henri  slipped  into  his  
satin  dressing  gown  and  waited.    

“Henri?  You  wanted  to  see  me?”    
The  voice  carried  a  low  growl  and  Henri  turned  to  find  

the  most  recent  of  his  new  recruits  filling  the  doorframe  to  
his   bedroom.   Aware   of   the   man’s   heartbeat   and   footfalls  

since  he’d  turned  down  the  hall,  it  still  irked  Henri  that  the  
bear  thought  to  enter  his  bedroom  without  invitation.    

Although   he’d   been   thinking   about   the   need   for   more  

food   from   an   onsite   source,   Henri   was   too   old   and   too  

powerful   to   resort   to   settling   for   this…brute.   Even   though  

he’d   showered   in   the   brief   time   since   his   challenge   in   the  
ring,   the   musky   scent   of   bear   lingered.   With   his   shaggy  

brown   head   of   hair   and   his   face   an   implacable   mask,   the  
man  had  an  unmistakable  aura  of  dominance.  No  wonder  he  

riled  the  wolves.  

Power   recognized   power   though.   With   his   unusual  

control   and   unreadable   mind,   Jasper   could   prove   to   be   a  
very   useful   tool.   Or   a   dangerous   enemy.   For   now,   their  

purposes  were  aligned  and  he  would  keep  Jasper  busy  with  
the   necessary   jobs   Jourdain   would   have   done.   Eventually,  

the   web   would   close   and   Jasper   would   be   in   too   deep   to  

extricate  himself.  

“Yes.   I   have   a   job   for   you.   Pack   a   bag,   you   will   be  

traveling   to   Shreveport.   You’d   better   be   as   good   at  
surveillance  as  you  have  led  me  to  believe.”  

“I  am.  Who’s  the  target?”  
“Richard   Fontaine.   There   are   complete   files   from   your  

predecessor  on  the  desk  in  the  study.  Confirm  his  routine.”  

“Want  me  to  do  more  than  watch?”  

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Henri   studied   Jasper   for   a   long   moment,   trying   once  

more  to  read  any  emotions  behind  the  calm  exterior.  But  he  
could   sense   nothing.   It   was   disturbing.   He’d   never  

encountered   a   creature   he   couldn’t   read   to   some   degree—
even  if  it  was  only  emotions.  The  very  blankness  of  the  other  

man’s  mind  was  a  good  reminder  to  keep  his  own  intentions  

“The  man  is  human,  but  has  a  few  preternaturals  on  his  

personal   staff.   He   rarely   leaves   his   compound.   I   want   an  

array   of   electronics   in   his   office   and   whichever   room   he   is  
most  likely  to  hold  a  personal  interview  he  doesn’t  want  to  

be   overheard.   That   means   use   the   best.   See   Storm   if   you  

have  any  questions.”  He  referred  to  the  one-­‐‑legged  werewolf  
who  monitored  their  weapons  cache.  

“I’ll   have   to   stay   up   there   to   monitor   the   equipment.  

How  long  are  we  talking?  Should  I  take  someone  else?”  

“No.  I  want  you  in  place  by  tonight.  Whatever  you  have  

to  do  to  make  that  happen,  do  it.  Fontaine  will  be  getting  a  

package   in   the   next   day   or   so   and   I   want   to   see   how   he  

“Got  it.  And  then?”  
“If  he  sends  a  team  this  way,  I  expect  you  to  eliminate  

them.  Any  problem  with  that,  bear?”  

Jasper’s   smile   was   as   cold   as   a   blade   of   steel.   “I   was  

hoping   you’d   say   that.”   There   was   no   trace   of   curiosity  

about  the  order,  no  hesitancy  whatsoever.  He  nodded  once  
then  turned  and  left  the  room.  

When  the  door  closed,  Henri  returned  to  the  young  pup  

in   his   bed,   admiring   the   nearly   hairless   perfection   of   the  

boy’s   human   form.   Although   he   preferred   to   dine   from  
werewolf  blood,  he  had  no  fondness  for  fur.  Of  any  type.  He  

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tangled  his  fingers  through  the  long  silky  strands  of  hair  and  

contemplated  his  choices.  

“It  is  a  shame  you  are  asleep,  little  one.  There  is  still  so  

much  more  we  could  do  in  the  short  time  we  have  together.  
I  enjoy  it  ever-­‐‑so-­‐‑much  more  when  I  get  to  see  the  look  in  an  

enemy’s  eye  when  I  take  my  revenge.”    

Henri’s  fingers  tightened  and  he  gripped  Chuck’s  head  

with  one  hand.  He  dragged  a  finger  down  the  familiar  velvet  
column   of   the   young   man’s   neck,   felt   the   steady   heartbeat  

pumping  heated  blood  just  below  the  skin.  Desire  rose,  but  
there   was   much   to   do   this   night.   He   gripped   the   wolf’s  

shoulder  and  with  a  swift  jerk,  pulled  the  boy’s  head  from  

his  body.  Leaning  into  the  carnage,  Henri  sealed  his  mouth  
over  the  spouting  carotid  artery  and  drank  deeply.  Ironic  in  

death  that  the  boy  finally  sated  Henri’s  hunger.    

Letting   the   body   drop   to   the   bed,   Henri   mentally  

summoned   Connor.   The   man   appeared   in   less   than   a  
minute,  and  Henri  tossed  him  Chuck’s  head.  

“Send   this   little   token   of   love   and   respect   to   Richard  

Fontaine.   Have   it   overnighted.   It   will   be…amusing   to   hear  

his  reaction  when  his  little  spy  heads  home.”  

A   slight   smile   graced   Connor’s   lips   as   he   caught   the  

bundle  and  turned  to  make  the  preparations.  

“Oh,  and  Connor.”  Henri  waited  as  the  wolf  turned  an  

inquisitive  gaze  to  him.  “Jasper  will  be  gone  for  a  few  days  

on   a   personal   errand   for   me.   Impressive   beast,   isn’t   he?  
Perhaps  we  should  shake  things  up  a  little?  From  what  I’ve  

seen,  he  could  be  running  some  of  these  trainings  himself  in  
no  time  at  all.”  Think  on  that,  you  wanna-­‐‑be  Alpha  wolf.  

Connor’s  face  never  broke  its  impassive  expression,  and  

he  bowed  again  to  Henri,  slightly  deeper  this  time.  Try  as  he  

might   though,   Henri   mused,   his   de   facto   commander  

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couldn’t  hide  the  sour  tang  of  anger  and  fear.  When  Connor  

had  come  to  Henri,  he’d  still  been  licking  his  wounds  from  
the   loss   of   his   position   as   the   local   pack’s   Beta   under   Russ  

Evans.   Since   that   time,   the   man   had   proved   himself   the  
dominant  wolf  in  every  challenge—inside  the  ring  and  out.  

Now,  Henri  sensed  a  tiny  crack  in  that  confidence.  If  nothing  
else,  Connor  would  work  the  wolves  even  harder  now.  Then  

they   would   all   win…especially   me.   The   next   few   months  
would  prove  entertaining.    

Dropping   his   robe,   Henri   turned   his   back   on   the   wolf  

and  sauntered  to  the  bathroom  to  wash  the  now-­‐‑sticky  blood  

from  his  body.  He  heard  the  sharp  intake  of  breath,  felt  the  

wolf’s  desire  surge  a  moment  before  the  door  snicked  closed,  
and  the  footfalls  retreated  back  down  the  hall.    

After  a  quick  shower,  Henri  stood  before  the  mirror  and  

admired   the   new   rosy   glow   to   his   complexion.   He   gave  

himself   a   cheeky   grin,   grateful   as   always   that   the   lack   of  
reflection   was   another   thing   Hollywood   got   wrong.   He  

brushed  his  long  blond  hair,  then  moved  to  his  closet.  After  
considering  and  dismissing  his  club  wear,  Henri  selected  a  

pair  of  well-­‐‑worn  jeans  and  a  long-­‐‑sleeved  denim  shirt.  Not  
exactly   glamorous,   but   then   he   was   headed   deep   into   the  

bowels   of   Saint   Bernard   Parish   for   this   particular   hunting  

expedition.   Even   all   these   years   after   Hurricane   Katrina,  
only   half   the   population   had   returned   to   rebuild.   That   left  

acres   of   abandoned   properties   and   plenty   of   space   for  
runaways   and   rogues   to   run.   Especially   pups   who   were  

desperate   to   escape   the   regimented   hierarchy   of   pack.  
Whether   wolf   or   human,   teenagers   the   world   over   were  

attracted  to  the  glamor  of  a  vampire’s  lifestyle.  That  made  it  
prime  hunting  ground  for  anyone  trying  capture  a  rebellious  

young  werewolf  to  tame.  

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Stepping   back   to   the   mirror,   Henri   smoothed   his   hair  

into  a  ponytail  and  secured  it  with  a  piece  of  leather.  After  
adding   just   enough   mascara   and   eyeliner   to   make   his   eyes  

pop,   he   stood   back   and   admired   the   look.   Oh   yeah.   Some  
young  rebel  was  going  to  get  more  than  he  was  looking  for  


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Chapter  Three  

The  sun  was  just  starting  to  set,  and  the  smell  of  steaks  

and   ribs   grilling   made   Russ’s   stomach   growl.   The   fact   that  
Sam   was   wearing   an   apron   with   “Kiss   the   Cook,   I’ve   Got  

Your  Meat,”  a  pair  of  denim  cut-­‐‑offs,  and  a  smile  made  it  all  

the  better.  Reaching  into  the  cooler,  he  pulled  out  beers  for  
the   two   of   them,   leaned   back   against   the   railing,   and  

breathed  in  the  crisp  evening  air.  

“I  really  like  the  view  out  here,”  Sam  said  as  he  flipped  

the  porterhouses.  “Have  you  owned  this  property  long?”  He  
took  a  deep  swallow  of  the  beer  then  turned  to  face  Russ.  

Russ   glanced   out   onto   the   woods   and   a   slight   smile  

played  around  his  lips.  “Actually,  the  property’s  been  in  my  

family   for   four   generations.   Technically,   it   belongs   to   the  
pack,   but   it’s   grown   over   the   years   as   the   needs   have  

changed.  We  need  a  place  isolated  enough  for  new  wolves  to  

be  trained,  but  also  somewhere  where  challenges  can  be  met,  
disputes  settled,  and  ceremonies  held,  or  where  we  can  hunt  

and  not  become  the  hunted.”  

The  fact  that  Sam  was  asking  questions  was  a  good  sign.  

In   the   five   days   since   the   farce   of   a   hearing—it   had   taken  
Russ  two  hours  to  keep  Jet  from  hunting  down  the  judge  in  

order  to  rip  her  throat  out  for  messing  with  Sam—Sam  had  
gone  from  quiet  to  angry  to  defiant.  Now,  he’d  settled  down  

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and   seemed…thoughtful.   Given   how   Sam   was   struggling  

with  his  change,  Russ  decided  to  cut  him  some  slack.  

Sam   looked   down   at   the   grill,   nudging   the   meats  

around.   “This   place   is   pretty   big.   How   often   does   it   get  
used?   Seems   like   it   would   be   a   pain   in   the   ass   to   drop  

everything   and   run   out   here   once   a   year.”   He   glanced  
toward  one  of  the  cabins,  set  off  at  a  discreet  distance  from  

the  main  house.  

“Well,   that   really   depends   on   how   many   youth   are  

ready   to   turn   at   any   given   point,   and   how   many   humans  
have  been  infected.”  

Sam  looked  shocked.  “Wait,  youth?  I  may  be  slow  here,  

but  I  haven’t  seen  any  baby  werewolves.  If  you  and  Jet  are  
fucking   around   calling   me   ‘pup’   when   there   really   are  

werewolf-­‐‑lettes   out   here,   I   swear   to   God   I   will   kick   both  
your  oversized  asses.”  

Russ  almost  choked  on  his  beer,  and  had  to  sputter  for  a  

moment  to  catch  his  breath.  “No,  Sam,  I  thought  you  already  

knew   most   of   this.   Hang   on   and   let   me   grab   another   beer  
and  I’ll  explain.  And  you  can  take  my  steak  off  now.  Mine  

and  Jet’s—you  know  we  both  like  it  extra  rare.”    

He   took   a   couple   of   deep   breaths   and   organized   his  

thoughts  as  he  unscrewed  the  top  off  the  bottle  of  Corona.  

Sam  took  the  thick  cuts  off  the  grill  and  threw  two  more  

on  to  go  with  the  baby  back  ribs  he  was  barbecuing.  Russ’s  

mouth  was  watering,  but  he  didn’t  want  to  lose  Sam  while  
he   had   him   interested.   “So,   there   are   two   kinds   of   wolves.  

Those  turned,  like  you,  and  those  who  are  born,  like  me.  We  
turn   at   puberty,   and   the   change   is   a   little   easier   in   some  

ways,  since  we’ve  been  preparing  for  it  our  whole  lives  and  
know  what  to  expect.  Plus,  our  bodies  start  changing  a  little  

at   a   time   beforehand.   Now,   when   a   human   is   bitten,   the  

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shock  to  the  body  is  huge.  You  get  all  the  changes  in  one  fell  


Sam   snorted.   “Yeah,   it   certainly   isn’t   a   picnic.   Bones  

weren’t   meant   to   shift   and   pop   and   crack   like   that.   It   just  
isn’t  natural.”  

Russ  let  that  go,  because  as  far  as  he  was  concerned,  it  

was   totally   natural.   It   was   in   his   DNA.   Not   changing   was  

unnatural   to   him—it   would   become   natural   over   time   to  
Sam,  too.  “So,  my  great-­‐‑grandfather—the  Alpha  a  hundred  

years  ago—bought  all  this  land  out  here  and  built  the  main  
building.  When  the  pack  started  growing  under  his  rule,  he  

built   the   cabins—there   are   eight,   spaced   all   around   the  

property—so  new  pack  members  wouldn’t  be  all  over  each  
other  while  their  wolves  settled.  It’s  hard  enough  when  you  

know   all   this   shit   is   going   to   happen,   much   less   when   it’s  
forced  on  you.”  He  looked  at  Sam  with  what  he  hoped  was  

compassion,  not  pity.  

Sam   seemed   to   think   about   that   for   a   moment,   then  

nodded   slightly   to   himself.   Russ   readied   himself   for  

“So  why  wolf?”  Sam  blew  out  a  breath  and  ran  a  hand  

over  his  shaved  head.  “I  get  you  guys  didn’t  have  much  time  

to  choose.  That  bitch  tore  a  hole  in  my  throat  and—I  mean,  

you  could  have  let  Travis  turn  me.  Or  let  me…”  

Russ  pushed  himself  off  the  railing  and  grabbed  Sam’s  

arm.  “That  was  never  an  option,  Sam.  Letting  you  bleed  out,  
it   would   have   destroyed   Danny   and   Travis.   It   was   my  

choice,  and  I  did  what  I  thought  best.  “  

Sam   searched   Russ’s   face   and   seemed   satisfied   with  

what  he  saw  there.  “But  it  really  seemed  to  put  a  bug  up  that  
judge’s  ass.  She  was  upset  that  a  vamp  attacked  me  but  that  I  

was  living  with  wolves.”  

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“What   she   didn’t   get   was   there   wasn’t   time   to   sit   in   a  

courtroom   and   ponder   the   finer   points   of   a   life   or   death  
decision.  Plus,  the  only  vampire  present  was  Travis,  and  he’s  

young.   I’m   not   sure   he   could   have   turned   you.   I’m   the  
Alpha.   I   trust   my   instincts   and   I   act   accordingly.   I   don’t  

regret  it  for  one  moment,  Sam.    

“Hell,   we   all   know   you   wouldn’t   have   chosen   this   life  

over  being  a  normal  human,  but  I  didn’t  think  you’d  want  to  
be   a   vampire.   You’re   one   of   the   most   vital   men   I   know—

being  undead—I  think  it  would  have  broken  you.”    

Russ  paused,  taking  a  sip  of  his  beer.  “I’m  not  sorry  we  

made   you   a   wolf,   but   I   am   sorry   if   it’s   caused   you   any  

unnecessary  pain.”  

Sam   turned   back   to   the   grill,   but   nodded.   “I   don’t  

remember  much  of  it,  to  be  honest.  One  minute  I  was  on  the  
street   bleeding   out,   and   then   I   was   in   the   room   here   and  

hearing  you  and  Travis  arguing.  I  don’t  even  remember  the  
trip  to  the  hospital  in  between.”  

“Be   glad   you   don’t,   little   one.   You   were   almost   dead,  

and  Jet  and  I  both  had  to  bite  you  in  several  places  to  ensure  

enough  of  the  virus  got  into  you  to  make  the  change.  And  
then  it  was  a  close  call.  If  the  paramedics  hadn’t  gotten  the  

IV’s  in  you  when  they  did,  we  might  not  be  having  this  little  

chat.   And   then   when   you   started   healing   so   quickly   at   the  
hospital…well,  they  know  the  drill.  They  released  you  to  my  

care  and  we  brought  you  here  to  complete  the  change  and  
continue  healing.”  

When   Sam   turned   his   attention   back   to   the   grill,   Russ  

took  the  plate  of  steaks  to  the  kitchen  to  keep  warm  until  the  

ribs   were   finished,   then   wandered   back   inside   the   main  
room  and  flopped  on  the  sofa.  Sam  would  need  some  time  to  

digest  all  he’d  heard.  Russ  had  a  lot  to  think  about  too.  This  

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was   the   first   real   interest   Sam   had   expressed   in   learning  

about  the  pack,  yet  there  was  still  a  sense  of…ambivalence.  
As  if  he  didn’t  mind  being  a  wolf  nearly  as  much  as  he  was  

struggling  with  the  idea  of  belonging  to  the  pack.    

The  problem  was,  Sam  had  no  innate  desire  to  be  pack,  

and   Russ   just   didn’t   understand.   To   him,   his   brothers   and  
sisters   offered   comfort   and   strength   when   it   was   needed.  

Joy.   Love.   It   was   instinctive,   in   the   DNA   of   every   wolf   he  
knew  to  want  to  belong.  Sure,  there  were  rogues  who  existed  

on  the  fringe,  but  those  were  men  and  women  forced  out  of  
the  pack  for  some  reason,  who  had  committed  a  crime  and  

were  exiled.  But  Sam,  his  powers  tasted  and  smelled…more.  

If  Russ  could  just  rein  the  man  in  and  make  him  accept  his  
place   in   the   pack,   they   would   all   benefit   from   the   added  


“I   can   hear   you,   you   know.   If   you   have   something   to  

say,  get  your  ass  back  out  here  and  come  say  it.  I  might  be  
making  dinner  for  us,  but  I’ll  be  damned  if  I’m  your  slave.”  

Sam  stood  at  the  doorway  to  the  patio.  

As  Russ’s  thoughts  were  lost  to  a  sudden  throb  of  lust,  

he  doubled  his  effort  at  shielding,  even  as  he  looked  the  man  
up  and  down.  He  was  fuckable,  that  was  for  sure.  Sam’s  skin  

practically  glowed  with  health  and  vitality  now  that  he  had  

wolf   blood   flowing   in   him.   They   healed   quickly,   never   got  
sick,  and  with  the  addition  of  the  virus  came  a  ramped-­‐‑up  

sex  drive.  Which  had  been  a  problem.  It  had  been  hands  off  
Sam   for   nine   damn   long   weeks,   and   both   he   and   his   Beta  

were  practically  vibrating  with  need.  

The   old   ways   were   the   best   here.   Wait.   Establish  

hierarchy,  build  trust,  don’t  fuck  up.  Only  Russ  really,  really  
wanted  to  fuck  up  with  Sam.  Contrary  to  popular  fiction  and  

Hollywood  myth,  the  last  thing  any  new  wolf  needed  was  to  

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add  the  pressure  of  a  sexual  relationship—maintaining  your  

shape  under  stress  was  hard.  Which  was  why  the  final  test  
before  a  new  wolf  was  ready  to  move  out  on  their  own  was  

to  handle  sexual  excitement  and  maintain  their  shape.  It  was  
also  the  last  link  in  creating  pack,  and  Russ  hoped  it  would  

still  all  the  niggling  disquiet  Sam  felt  over  his  change.    

With   a   grin,   Russ   slowly   rose   up   from   the   sofa.  

Stretching   his   arms   over   his   head,   he   twisted   to   loosen   his  
back   and   to   show   off   acres   of   pure   white   skin,   unmarked  

except  for  the  wolf  tattoo  on  his  right  pec.  Russ  only  wore  
the   minimum   clothing   necessary   to   maintain   decorum,   so  

his  tight  work-­‐‑out  shorts  barely  contained  his  half-­‐‑erect  cock  

that  threatened  to  poke  out  the  waistband.  

Sam  looked,  Russ  noticed.  He  could  see  the  flare  of  his  

nostrils  as  his  wolf  reached  out  to  scent  him.  Russ  knew  the  
natural   male   smell   of   another   powerful   wolf   was  

intoxicating,  and  licked  his  lips  at  the  way  the  apron  began  
to  tent  outward  from  Sam’s  groin.  He’d  made  his  point;  Sam  

was  aware  of  him  now.  And  now  that  he  had  his  attention,  
he  could  introduce  the  subject  of  pack.  Again.  

“You’re  not  my  slave,  but  you’re  a  mighty  sexy  cook.”  

Russ  moved  slowly  across  the  room  to  stand  in  front  of  Sam,  

watching  the  tension  in  Sam’s  body  build.  The  way  his  arms  

flexed,  his  calves  tightened,  and  he  began  to  slowly  bounce  
on  the  balls  of  his  feet.  Like  he  was  going  to  pounce,  but  was  

unconsciously   holding   his   body   in   place,   waiting   for  

Sam’s  gaze  raked  up  the  length  of  Russ’s  body  until  he  

looked   all   the   way   up,   and   Russ   saw   desire   in   the   huge  

pupils  and  heavy  lids.  He  smelled  the  musk  of  Sam’s  cock  
and   balls,   and   his   cock   throbbed   with   want.   He   growled  

under   his   breath,   and   sent   a   mental   picture   of   Sam   on   his  

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knees,  his  mouth  open  and  waiting  for  Russ  to  thrust  inside.  

Sam’s   answering   groan   let   him   know   he   was   ready.   Russ  
danced  his  fingers  across  Sam’s  bare  chest,  lingering  around  

a  tight  nipple  before  tugging  the  small  gold  ring.  Sam  closed  
his  eyes  and  leaned  his  head  back  slightly,  baring  his  throat.  

The  subtle  submission  almost  made  Russ  lose  control  of  his  
wolf,   something   that   hadn’t   happened   in   years.   Not   since  


Russ  startled  as  the  door  to  the  cabin  slammed  against  

the  wall  and  Jet  strode  into  the  room.  Sam  jerked,  gave  Russ  
a   quick,   angry   look,   then   turned   and   went   back   outside   to  

the  grill.  An  unusual  wave  of  something  like  regret  washed  

across   Russ,   but   he   quickly   shoved   it   down   and   turned   to  
face  his  Beta.  

Jet  stopped,  sniffed  the  air  and  looked  questioningly  at  

Russ.  He  sighed  and  stepped  forward,  pulling  the  big  man  

into   his   arms.   He   nuzzled   his   nose   against   Jet’s   neck,  
breathing  in  the  clean,  spicy  scent  of  his  lover.  Kissing  down  

his  jawline,  Russ  sought  out  Jet’s  pulse  point  and  grazed  his  
teeth  across  the  sensitive  skin  above  the  jugular.  He  felt  Jet  

tighten,  then  grow  hard  before  pressing  forward  in  his  arms  
and  grinding  slowly  against  him.  

Biting   down   slightly,   Russ   teased   the   blood   up  

underneath  the  skin,  marking  the  man  as  his.  Again.  He  ran  
his  hands  down  Jet’s  back  until  he  reached  his  ass  and  jerked  

him  closer.  Soon,  he  whispered  directly  into  Jet’s  mind.  Then  
he   pulled   back   and   moved   to   the   sofa,   flinging   his   body  

down  and  sprawling  across  two  cushions.  Jet  took  his  lead,  
but  reached  inside  his  jeans  to  adjust  himself  before  taking  a  


“We   may   have   trouble,”   Jet   said,   looking   around   for  

Sam.  Where’s  the  pup?  

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Russ   continued   the   half-­‐‑silent,   half-­‐‑aloud   conversation  

he   and   Jet   often   used   to   keep   others   from   knowing   their  
business.  He’s  making  dinner.  “What’s  going  on?”  

“Not  much.”  Are  you  sure  you  want  to  talk  about  this  now?  

It  involves  his  friends.  Jet’s  eyes  were  troubled.  

I  can  hear  you,  you  know.  So  either  shield  a  little  better,  or  tell  

me  what  you’re  talking  about.    

Russ  blinked  and  a  look  at  Jet’s  wide  eyes  told  him  his  

Beta   heard   Sam,   too.   He   thought   they   were   shielding.   No  

other   wolf   he   knew   was   able   to   pick   up   on   their   private  
conversations.  This  just  gave  further  evidence  that  Sam  was  

far  more  powerful  than  any  newly  changed  wereanimal  he’d  

ever  heard  of.  When  Jet  nudged  him  with  a  foot,  giving  him  
a  questioning  look,  he  nodded  for  his  Beta  to  continue.  But  

he   would   have   to   talk   this   over   with   Jet   later,   when   they  
wouldn’t  be  overheard.  He  bit  back  a  grin  when  he  realized  

how  parental  that  sounded.    

“Danny   Burkette   was   at   Fangs   asking   questions   about  

you   again.”   Jet   held   Russ’s   gaze,   his   expression   deadly  
serious.  “He’s  still  asking  around  about  the  wolves  that  have  

gone  missing.  No  one  is  talking  to  him.  Yet.  But  it  won’t  be  

“Fuck!”  Russ  jumped  up  and  paced  around  the  room.  “I  

told  him  to  leave  it  alone,  that  this  was  a  pack  affair.  The  last  
damn  thing  I  need  is  for  New  Orleans  PD  or  the  Odd  Squad  

to  be  poking  their  noses  into  my  business  and  jeopardizing  
things.  If  that  asshole  gets  close…”  

“He   won’t.   I   can   make   sure   of   it,   if   you   want   me   to.”  

Jet’s  cool,  confident  voice  soothed  Russ’s  nerves,  and  he  shot  

him  a  look  of  gratitude.  

Before  he  could  answer,  Sam  burst  into  the  room  from  

outside.  “The  fuck  you  will.  Danny  is  a  police  officer,  and  if  

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you   think   you   can   just   go   playing   loose   with   that,   you   are  

dumber  than  you  look.  And  he’s  my  friend.  That  might  not  
mean  anything  to  you,  but  I’d  be  dead  if  it  wasn’t  for  him.  So  

back  the  fuck  off,  you  understand?”  

Jet   leaned   forward   and   growled   low   in   his   chest,   his  

wolf   right   there   at   the   surface.   The   anger   that   flashed  
between  the  other  two  men  was  so  palpable  Russ’s  own  wolf  

threatened  to  respond  and  he  snarled.  As  much  as  he  craved  
to  slap  Sam  down,  bare  his  belly,  and  force  him  to  submit,  

Russ   had   a   different   duty   as   Alpha.   Above   all,   he   had   to  
protect  the  pack  and,  damn  it,  Sam  made  valid  points.    

Swallowing  his  anger,  Russ  turned  his  will  on  the  two  

men,  forcing  their  wolves  to  calm  before  either  man  shifted.  
While  it  might  prove…interesting  to  see  who  would  win,  he  

couldn’t  afford  to  let  that  happen.  At  least  not  yet.  But  the  
pheromones  in  the  room,  the  musky  smell  of  testosterone?  It  

was  making  his  hold  on  his  own  beast  tenuous  at  best.  The  
time  had  come  to  bring  this  foolishness  to  a  halt.  

“Danny   Burkette   is   no   danger   to   the   pack   if   all   he’s  

doing  is  asking  questions.  When  and  if  there  needs  to  be  any  

action  taken  to  ensure  our  safety”—he  turned  the  full  force  
of  his  will  on  Jet,  who  bowed  his  head—”I  will  be  the  only  

one  to  make  the  call.  No  harm  will  come  to  a  friend  of  the  

pack  if  we  can  help  it,  and  Sam,  whatever  you  might  think  of  
me,  I  consider  Danny  a  friend  to  us.”  

Sam   stared,   as   if   testing   the   weight   of   the   promise.  

“Danny   is   a   good   man.   If   you   ever   change   your   mind—

Alpha  or  not—you’ll  have  to  go  through  me  to  get  to  him.”    

God,  Russ  loved  a  challenge.  With  his  hold  on  his  wolf  

close  to  breaking,  it  was  either  fight  or  fuck.  Sometimes  you  
just  had  to  listen  to  your  dick.  

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He   took   a   couple   of   steps   forward   right   into   Sam’s  

personal   space   and   loosened   the   tight   hold   he’d   been  
keeping  on  his  arousal.  Jet  moved  behind  Sam,  sandwiching  

him   between   the   pair   of   them.   He   could   see,   smell…taste  
Sam’s   desire.   The   temperature   between   the   three   of   them  

rose,  and  it  was  all  Russ  could  do  to  keep  from  grabbing  the  
man   and   bending   him   over   right   then   and   there.   But   as  

much  as  he  wanted  it,  he  had  to  go  through  the  rituals.  

Putting  his  hands  on  Sam’s  shoulders,  Russ  caught  his  

gaze  and  began  the  formal  request.  “As  Alpha  of  this  pack,  
it’s  been  my  job  to  usher  you  through  your  first  change,  to  

school  you  in  controlling  your  nature,  and  teach  you  respect  

in  the  ways  of  the  wolf.  You’ve  passed  every  test.  This  is  the  
final   one.   Do   you   choose   this   final   examination   of   your  



Sam  fought  to  control  his  breathing  and  pulled  back  his  

excitement.  When  he  had  himself  under  control,  he  nodded.  

“Your   job,”   Russ   growled,   so   close,   and   Sam   wanted  

this  so  much,  “is  to  stay  in  your  human  form.”  Russ  took  the  

last  step  and  pulled  him  into  his  arms,  lowering  his  mouth  
to   catch   Sam’s   in   a   brutal   kiss.   Jet   pressed   into   Sam   from  

behind   reaching   his   long   arms   around   to   pull   them   both  

close.   Russ   swallowed   Sam’s   moan   into   his   mouth   then  
grabbed  the  strings  of  his  apron,  snapping  them  in  his  grip.    

Jet   shoved   Sam’s   shorts   down   and   off,   then   reached  

around  and  did  the  same  for  Russ.  “Ah  fuck,”  Jet  groaned,  

and   Sam   almost   lost   control   at   going   skin   to   skin   between  
the   two   men   for   the   first   time.   He’d   been   needing   this,   his  

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body  starved  for  contact,  and  with  his  arms  circling  Russ’s  

waist,   Sam   leaned   back   against   Jet’s   broad   chest.   Looking  
over   his   shoulder,   Jet   caught   Sam’s   mouth   in   a   mind-­‐‑

numbing   kiss   that   stole   his   breath   while   Russ   licked   and  
sucked  down  his  neck,  leaving  a  trail  of  bites  down  to  Sam’s  


Sam’s   hips   began   to   pump   against   Russ,   his   cock  

searching   out   some   friction   and   leaving   wet   trails   across  
Russ’s  belly  and  thighs.  Sam  felt  his  control  slipping,  the  lust  

rising   as   his   blood   felt   as   if   it   were   boiling.   It   had   been   so  
long,  and  he  missed  the  touch  of  another  man.  Russ  reached  

down,  cupping  Sam’s  balls  and  squeezing  lightly.    

At  his  groan,  Russ  chuckled  and  tugged.  “Let’s  take  this  

to  the  bedroom.”    

Sam   reluctantly   pulled   back,   and   as   he   turned,   Jet  

pushed   him   forward   onto   Russ’s   shoulder   and   into   a  

fireman’s   carry.   Russ   carried   him,   sputtering   all   the   way,  
into  Russ’s  bedroom  and  tossed  him  on  the  bed.  

Sam  pretended  to  be  pissed  for  all  of  ten  seconds  before  

he  gave  Russ  an  evil  grin  and  scooted  up  to  the  head  of  the  

bed.  He  sprawled  loose-­‐‑limbed,  his  hard  cock  pointed  to  the  
big  man  at  the  foot  of  the  bed.  “Somebody’s  gotta  turn  the  

grill  off  or  the  steaks  and  ribs  will  burn.  There’s  more  than  

this   meat”—he   reached   down   and   stroked   his   shaft—“that  
needs   some   attention.   Come   on,   guys,   it   ain’t   gonna   suck  


Jet  snorted,  but  turned  and  dashed  out  to  the  patio.  Sam  

watched   Russ,   who   was   looking   down   at   Sam   like   he   a  
starving   man   at   an   all-­‐‑you-­‐‑can-­‐‑eat   bayou   buffet.   His   balls  

tightened  at  the  hunger  in  the  Alpha’s  eyes.    

“Where  to  start,  little  one?”  Russ  climbed  on  his  knees  

onto  the  foot  of  the  bed  and  grabbed  Sam’s  left  leg,  pulling  it  

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to  his  mouth  and  licking  a  long,  wet  line  across  the  arch  and  

ankle.   Sam’s   hissed   intake   of   breath   earned   him   a   chuckle.  
The  bed  dipped  beside  him  when  Jet  joined  them.  

Jet’s  hands  traced  the  length  of  Sam’s  other  leg,  before  

spreading   him   wide   open   and   exposing   Sam’s   ass   to   the  

both  of  them.  Russ  stroked  up  and  down  his  calf  and  thigh,  
making   him   tremble   with   fine   jerks,   but   stopping  

frustratingly  short  of  his  groin.  Jet  mirrored  his  movements,  
making  Sam  groan  and  curse,  hot  bolts  of  fire  going  straight  

to  his  cock.    

Sam  caught  Jet’s  gaze.  “God…I  need  more—”  

Apparently  taking  pity,  Jet  moved  to  catch  his  mouth  in  

a  wet,  hungry  kiss.  Russ  positioned  himself  between  Sam’s  
legs,  running  a  lazy  tongue  up  his  inner  thigh  and  scraping  

his   teeth   along   the   delicate   flesh   where   leg   met   groin.   He  
sucked  up  a  mark,  and  Sam  felt  the  tension  roll  through  his  

body  like  electricity.  

Sam’s   hips   began   to   pump,   trying   to   capture   some  

friction.  With  a  growl,  Russ  bit  his  hip  hard  enough  to  show  
there   would   be   no   topping   from   the   bottom.   With   both  

hands  on  Sam’s  thighs  to  hold  him  in  place,  Russ  directed  Jet  
to  straddle  Sam’s  chest.    

“Come  on,  black  beauty,”  Sam  teased.  “Show  me  what  

you’ve  got.”  

Russ  barked  a  laugh.  “He’s  gonna  do  more  than  show  

you,  pup.  He’s  gonna  choke  you  with  it.”  It  was  Jet’s  turn  to  
laugh   as   he   put   his   knees   on   Sam’s   forearms   and   used   his  

long,  thick  hard  cock  to  slap  lightly  against  Sam’s  face.  

“Suck   him,”   Russ   ordered,   then   bent   to   engulf   Sam’s  

cock  in  his  own  mouth.  

Sam  shouted,  “Holy  fuck—”  only  to  have  his  words  cut  

off  as  Jet  grabbed  his  head  and  fed  him  his  length.  The  only  

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sounds   in   the   room   for   long   moments   were   the   wet   noises  

and  groans  of  the  three  big  men.    

Son  of  a  bitch.  Sam  mentally  cursed  at  Russ  while  trying  

to  keep  his  focus  tight.  This  was,  after  all,  a  test  of  how  well  
he  could  keep  his  wolf  subdued  while  being  driven  slowly  

crazy   with   pleasure.   Sam   swore   he   felt   his   Alpha   grin  
around  his  cock.  The  evil  bastard.  

Russ   came   off   Sam’s   cock   with   a   pop,   and   he   got   a  

sudden   mental   picture   of   Russ   moving   his   mouth   to   Jet’s  

tight,  muscular  ass.  His  long  tongue  slid  up  from  under  Jet’s  
balls   to   dart   into   the   musky   hole,   and   Sam   chuckled   as   Jet  

cursed   the   man   and   bucked   forward,   choking   Sam   by  

thrusting  deep  into  his  mouth.  Sam  rolled  Jet’s  balls  between  
his  fingers,  aware  Russ  had  reached  up  and  spread  Jet’s  ass  

with   both   thumbs   and   licked   his   way   around   the   tight  
pucker,   spearing   it   with   his   tongue.   Russ   added   a   finger,  

loosening  the  big  man,  sending  the  mental  image  to  both  of  
them  of  what  he  had  planned.    

“Fucker,”  Jet  tried  to  grumble,  but  the  word  came  more  

like  a  groan.  Sam  laughed  around  Jet’s  cock,  and  his  sudden  

gasp   of   pleasure   and   the   tightening   balls   let   Sam   know   he  
was  getting  close.  

Sam  moaned  when  Russ  reached  for  the  bottle  of  lube  

on   the   nightstand   before   quickly   repositioning   himself  
between   Sam’s   legs.   Then   his   vision   was   filled   as   Russ  

shared   again.   It   was   almost   as   if   Sam   were   watching   some  
weird  sort  of  3-­‐‑D  live  action  movie—Russ  was  warming  lube  

between   his   fingers,   prepping   Jet,   then   he   was   suddenly   a  
very  real  part  of  the  action  as  the  lube  dribbled  onto  his  own  

cock,   making   him   groan   in   anticipation.   Then   Russ   pulled  
Sam’s   hips,   spread   his   thighs   and   canted   him   up   as   Jet  

lowered   onto   Sam’s   cock.   Sam   was   bent   almost   into   a   “C”  

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shape   as   he   felt   two   lubed   fingers   move   inside   him,  

prepping   him.   The   wet   sound   of   slick   on   cock   made   his  
breath  hitch  in  anticipation.  

Sam’s   thighs   were   pressed   up   and   further   apart,   then  

Russ  positioned  himself  right  up  against  Jet’s  back  and  slid  

his   cock   deep   into   Sam’s   ass.   Sam   gasped   as   his   ass   was  
breached,   and   he   thrust   up   into   Jet’s   tightness,   and   was  

gratified  to  hear  an  answering  intake  of  breath  from  the  big  
man.   The   sensations   threatened   to   overwhelm   him,   but  

while   he   fought   his   orgasm,   his   wolf   rumbled   with   the  
pleasure,   soaking   it   in   like   a   pup   sunning   itself   on   a  

riverbank.  Russ  pressed  forward,  filling  Sam  with  more  and  

more   of   his   length   while   Jet   pressed   down,   Sam   forced  
himself   to   find   a   rhythm   between   the   cock   filling   him   and  

the  ass  he  was  plowing.  Sam  was  aware  Jet  and  Russ  could  
feel  the  sensual  bleed-­‐‑over  from  the  pleasure,  and  grinned  as  

he   sensed   their   wolves   suddenly   at   the   surface,   fighting   to  
come  out  to  play.  

That  helped  Sam  settle  his  wolf,  and  he  tried  to  separate  

the  pleasures  that  fought  to  force  him  to  shoot  like  a  kid.  He  

moved  his  hips  slowly  around,  discovering  if  he  adjusted  his  
hips,  he  could  make  Russ’s  cock  hit  his  gland  while  he  slid  

against  Jet’s  on  the  upstroke.  Thank  God  he  hadn'ʹt  lost  his  

flexibility  when  he  was  bitten;  if  anything,  it  was  enhanced.  
He   felt   Russ   adjusting   his   own   angle   minutely   until   he  

brushed  his  cockhead  against  Sam’s  prostate  on  every  hard  
stroke,  and  Sam  began  a  frenzied  back  and  forth,  chasing  the  

dual  sensation  of  filling  and  being  filled.  The  slow  build  of  
pleasure   began   in   his   loins,   and   Sam’s   rhythm   began   to  


Through   the   bond   of   pack,   Sam   knew   Russ   kept   one  

small  part  of  his  brain  focused  on  watching  him  to  ensure  he  

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kept   his   wolf   under   control,   but   this   was   one   test   he   was  

going   to   pass   with   flying   colors.   They   were   all   safe   from  
sudden  shifting,  and  hanging  on  the  edge  of  their  orgasms  

by  the  thinnest  of  margins.  Finally  losing  the  battle  to  stave  
off   coming,   Sam   felt   the   familiar   fire   building   in   his   body,  

the   tingling   in   his   spine   spreading   to   his   balls   and   ass.   He  
lost  the  battle,  and  began  to  shoot.  

Jet  must  have  felt  it  also,  because  he  grunted  and  pulled  

out   of   Sam’s   mouth   and   began   to   furiously   jack   off.   Russ  

began  a  punishing  pace  and  just  as  Sam  thought  he  couldn’t  
take  it  anymore,  he  felt  the  walls  of  his  ass  grab  Russ’s  cock  

and   tighten.   Russ   pounded   into   Sam   two   or   three   more  

times   before   throwing   his   head   back   and   howling   his  
completion   to   the   night.   Sam’s   own   shout   joined   Jet’s   and  

Russ’s,  and  when  the  big  man  tumbled  forward,  he  took  his  
weight  gladly,  the  feeling  of  skin  on  his  a  welcome  touch  

Russ  slowly  withdrew,  his  low  contented  groan  nearly  a  

growl   as   he   slid   completely   from   Sam.   Sam   felt   Jet   lifted  

from  his  cock  and  pushed  to  one  side,  Russ  bracketing  him  
on  the  other.  All  three  sucked  in  huge  lungfuls  of  air,  and  as  

his  vision  cleared,  Sam  grouched,  “Fuck  it,  Jet,  did  you  have  
to  blow  your  load  all  over  my  face?”  Russ’s  chuckle  pissed  

him  off  even  more.  

“Marking  my  territory,  pup.  Got  an  issue  with  that?”  Jet  

was  laughing,  even  as  Sam  clambered  up  and  quickly  leaned  

over  to  kiss  Jet,  rubbing  his  face  all  over  the  darker  man’s,  
sharing  the  joy.  

Russ  rolled  over  and  joined  the  two  in  a  three-­‐‑way  kiss,  

licking  slowly  across  Sam’s  face  to  catch  his  own  share  of  his  

lover’s   spend.   “Congratulations,”   he   whispered   into   Sam’s  
ear.   “You   passed   the   last   test.   I   never   even   felt   your   wolf  

threaten  to  overtake  your  control.”  

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“Well  done,  little  brother,  I  am  very  proud  of  you,”  Jet  


“Wait.   Did   I   hear   that   right?   A   little   louder,   please?”  

Sam  joked,  pushing  his  way  up  and  rolling  on  top  of  Jet.  He  
straddled  him,  fingers  digging  into  ribs  and  making  the  big  

man   laugh   unexpectedly.   Sam   felt,   more   than   heard,   Russ  
through  the  mental  connection.    

This,  this  is  pack.  The  easy  camaraderie,  the  joking,  the  love.  

The  sense  of  home.  

Russ’s   sudden   gaze   on   him   brought   him   out   of   his  

reverie.  “Yes,  Alpha,  I  feel  it.  I  do  understand.”    

Sam  lowered  himself  off  Jet  and  crouched  between  the  

two   men,   carefully   not   touching   either.   The   laughter   died  
away  and  was  replaced  with  something  that  felt  like…peace.  

“I  owe  you  two  an  apology.  No,  let  me  finish,”  Sam  said  as  
both  Russ  and  Jet  tried  to  interrupt.  “I  would  be  dead,  or  at  

best   a   vampire,   if   it   weren’t   for   you   two.   I   know   I   haven’t  
made   things   easy,   yet   you’ve   done   everything   you   can   to  

take   care   of   me.”   He   reached   a   hand   out   to   each   man.  
“Thank  you—for  my  life—for  everything.  Thank  you.”  

“We  just  want  for  you  to  be  happy,  Sam.  There’s  a  place  

here  in  the  pack  for  you.  You  could  be  a  very  big  asset,  and  

your  brothers  and  sisters  need  you  here.”  Jet’s  tone  was  soft  

as   velvet,   and   Sam   felt   the   clench   of   pride   and   love   that  
grabbed  Russ'ʹs  chest  when  his  mate  allowed  his  softer  side  

to  show.  

“Jet’s   right,   you   know,   Sam.   Now   that   you   can’t   work  

with  NOPD,  there’s  no  reason  you  can’t  work  with  me—”  

“No.  I’m  sorry,  but  no.”  Sam  still  held  each  man’s  hand,  

and  opened  the  mental  link  to  Russ  and  Jet  a  little  wider  and  
let  them  see  into  his  mind  and  soul,  how  the  pain  of  losing  

his  whole  way  of  life  weighed  on  him.  But  he  also  let  them  

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see  the  appreciation,  care  and…love  he  was  beginning  to  feel  

for  the  werewolves.  

Russ   cleared   his   throat.   “It’s   okay,   Sam,   I   understand.  

This  is  all  so  new  still.  We  all  have  to  find  our  place  in  the  
world.  The  pack—Jet,  Celeste,  Harry,  Blue,  all  of  us—we’re  

family  now,  and  you’re  one  of  us.  At  least  think  about  this,  if  
you  would.  Are  you  really  planning  on  moving  back  to  the  


At  Sam’s  nod,  Russ  continued.  “Whatever  you  decide  to  

do,  keep  your  senses,  your  ears  and  nose,  open  for  anything  
that   might   be   a   danger   to   the   pack.   Not   because   you   owe  

us—you   don’t.   But   because   you’re   so   much   stronger   than  

you  know  right  now.  I  think…well,  you  could  be  one  of  the  
most  powerful  wolves  of  our  generation  with  some  training,  

but   there’s   something   more   to   you   than   wolf.   We’ve   all  
touched  it  in  you,  and  when  you  figure  out  what  it  is,  we  can  

help  you  understand  and  control  and  use  it.  Think  about  it,  

Sam   nodded   again,   and   opened   his   mouth   to   say  

something  when  his  stomach  growled  so  loudly  Jet  jumped  

back.  “Damn,  little  one,  is  your  stomach  trying  to  eat  its  way  
out  your  spine?”  

Rolling   off   the   bed,   Sam   stood   with   his   hands   on   his  

hips.   “Before   I   was   so   rudely   interrupted”—he   ducked   the  
pillow   Russ   threw   at   him—“I   was   grilling   steaks   and   ribs.  

Did  you  turn  the  grill  off  or  down?”  

Jet   crossed   his   arms   across   his   chest   and   glowered.  

“Down.   But   I   took   the   steaks   off   first   and   put   them   in   the  
oven  to  hold  on  low.  The  ribs  should  be  about  done  now.  I  

may  have  been  in  a  hurry,  but  I  don’t  ruin  meat  when  I  can  
help  it.”  

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Laughing,   Sam   turned   to   walk   around   the   bed   to   the  

bathroom,  a  little  hitch  to  his  giddy-­‐‑up  and  slapped  Jet’s  ass  
as   he   went   by.   “Good   boy.   Me   and   Russ   will   throw   you  

some   of   the   bones   later,   Fido.   Now,   excuse   me   while   I   go  
shower   off,   and   then   I’ll   get   things   on   the   table.   Dinner   in  

twenty.”  He  dodged  the  big  hand  aimed  at  his  ass,  and  took  
off  at  a  run  across  the  room.  

Sam  heard  Russ  say,  “You  know,  if  we  share  the  shower  

when  he’s  done,  we  have  time  for  another  round.”  

“Your  ass  this  time,  Alpha.”    
Sam  turned  back  and  leaned  against  the  doorway,  and  

caught  Jet’s  predatory  grin  as  he  crawled  slowly  across  the  

bed,  tracking  his  red-­‐‑haired  lover.  

Russ   spread   his   legs   and   lay   back   on   the   pillows.   He  

huffed  and  rolled  his  eyes.  “If  I  must,”  he  aimed  for  bored,  
and  Sam  couldn’t  help  but  laugh.    

You  must,  Jett  whispered  into  Russ’s  mind.  
Shut  up  and  fuck  me,  he  laughed  back.  

Sam   stepped   back   and   quietly   closed   the   door.   And  

erected  his  mental  shields.  He  was  sure  Russ  hadn’t  meant  

for  him  to  overhear  that  last  part.  Damn  his  traitorous  cock  
for  wanting  him  to  go  back  in  and  at  least  watch.  

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Chapter  Four  

Henri   glanced   at   the   wall   clock   anxious   to   hear   if  

Jasper’s  day  had  been  successful.  The  package  should  have  
arrived   at   Fontaine’s   by   mid-­‐‑afternoon—the   werebear  

needed  to  learn  some  manners.  Henri  sat  curled  up  on  the  

sofa,   watching   the   newest   installment   of   the   vampire   and  
werewolf   extravaganza   that   seemed   to   be   the   rage   these  

days.   It   was   amusing,   he   supposed,   but   the   best   part   was  
those  luscious  boys  playing  the  wolves.  He’d  enjoy  having  a  

couple  of  them  tied  to  his  bed  while  they  begged…  

Those  dreary  vampires  in  that  stodgy  old  castle  trying  

to  run  everyone’s  life  from  behind  the  safety  of  stone  walls  
was   way   too   close   to   the   truth   for   his   comfort.   The   ruling  

council   had   been   in   place   centuries   before   Henri   had   been  
made  and  thought  they  would  always  have  power.  The  best  

thing  to  ever  happen  to  their  race  was  that  silly  young  man  

bursting  into  flames  on  camera  and  exposing  the  existence  of  
the  darker  side  of  life  on  this  planet  to  men  everywhere.  The  

real  power  now  was  in  melding  human  politics  with  those  
smart  enough  to  grab  the  opportunity  and  run  with  it.  Like  


The   sound   of   his   cell   phone   interrupted   his   thoughts.  

Thank   goodness.   He   hit   pause   on   the   DVD   player   and  
answered.  “du  Champ.”  

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“Sir,   it’s   Jasper.   The   listening   devices   and   cameras   are  

all   in   place   at   Richard   Fontaine’s   compound.   Although   I  
think  compound  is  perhaps  a  little  overkill,  considering  how  

easy  it  was  to  get  in  and  out.”  

Henri  sat  up  a  little  straighter,  a  grin  splitting  his  face.  

“Excellent,   Jasper.   Now   tell   me,   what   have   you   observed?  
Please  tell  me  you  have  more  to  report.”  

A   dark   chuckle   let   Henri   know   he   wouldn’t   be  

disappointed.   “A   brown   truck   delivered   a   most   interesting  

package   today,   and   shall   we   say,   Mr.   Fontaine   was   not  
amused.  A  bunch  of  people  rushed  into  the  room  when  he  

opened   the   box   and   started   squealing   like   a   fucking   pig.   I  

about  pissed  myself  laughing.  Suffice  it  to  say,  the  head  got  
his  attention  and  the  message  was  received.”  

Biting   back   the   laugh   that   threatened,   Henri  

nevertheless  enjoyed  hearing  that  Richard  had  panicked.  For  

a  human  crime  boss,  Fontaine  had  never  really  been  an  up  
close   fan   of   blood   and   gore.   He’d   rather   pay   someone   like  

Vinnie—or  Chuck—to  do  his  dirty  work.  Some  men  needed  
a  slap  across  the  head  to  gain  their  attention.  “Anything  else  

to  report?”  

“Yes,   sir.   As   soon   as   it   was   dark,   Fontaine   called  

someone  named  Eric.  After  chewing  his  ass  for  quite  a  while  

he  said…hang  on.”  There  was  the  sound  of  paper  rustling.  
“Quoting   here…No   more   fucking   around.   Forget   Garrett,   I  

want  Boudreaux.  And  unlike  your  dead  partner,  get  it  right  
this  time.  Make  sure  it  ties  back  to  goddamn  du  Champ.  I’ve  

had  enough  of  the  little  prick.  Then  he  ended  the  call  and  left  
for  dinner.”    

Mon  Dieu.  This  is  too  much.  First  Fontaine  thought  to  take  

Sam  Garrett  right  here  in  my  territory,  and  now  he  threatens  my  

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own  Travis  Boudreaux.  It  is  time  for  Richard  Fontaine  to  pay  for  

his  foolish  arrogance.    

Suddenly   Henri   was   quite   pleased   with   the   turn   of  


“Excellent.   Job   well   done,   Jasper.   You   can   count   on   a  

very  nice  bonus  when  you  are  back  home.  For  now,  continue  
your   surveillance,   and   report   back   the   moment   you   have  

anything   new.”   Henri   disconnected   the   call,   and   stretched  
back   on   the   sofa,   very   satisfied   with   the   turn   of   events.  

Grabbing   the   remote,   he   re-­‐‑started   the   movie   and   slid   a  
hand  inside  his  jeans.  Those  cute  young  pups  got  him  every  



“Tell   me   again   why   you   aren’t   going   through   the  

NOPD?”   Trav   asked.   He   was   trying   to   keep   his   focus.   He  

was  in  the  back  of  a  rented  SUV,  staring  at  the  stiff  necks  of  a  
couple  of  federal  agents  from  Homeland  Security.  The  man  

and  woman  in  black  had  shown  up  at  Moonshadows  shortly  
after  dark  and  strongly  insisted  he  join  them  as  a  matter  of  

national   security.   He’d   rolled   his   eyes   at   the   drama   but  
turned   the   sign   hanging   in   the   window   from   ‘Open’   to  

‘Closed.’  It  wasn’t  as  if  he  needed  the  income  from  the  store,  
he  just  needed  to  get  rid  of  all  the  vampire  and  paranormal  

books   he’d   spent   two   years   pouring   over.   Once   he’d   read  

everything  he  could  find  on  his  new  lifestyle,  he’d  created  a  
massive   paranormal   database   and   discovered   the   Odd  

Squad,  and  Danny  in  particular,  had  a  need  for  the  type  of  
information  he’d  gathered.    

The   man   and   woman   in   the   front   seat   exchanged   a  

quick  glance  and  although  neither  answered  him,  he  listened  

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to   fragments   of   their   thoughts   as   they   each   continued   to  

mentally  practice  their  prepared  speeches.  Roberts  was  easy  
to  read,  his  thoughts  flowing  over  Travis  like  water.  Flores  

was   more   like   trying   to   listen   to   one   of   those   old-­‐‑timey  
phonographs—scratching   and   skipping   until   the   whole  

things   was   virtually   indecipherable.   The   woman   was  
obviously  a  null—one  of  those  with  little  or  no  sensitivity  to  

paranormal   powers   and   influence.   He   caught   enough   to  
realize   they’d   been   sent   to   recruit   some   paranormals   for   a  

special  assignment  before  tuning  out  to  think  about  what—
or  rather  who—  might  be  waiting  at  the  compound.  Tonight  

should  prove  interesting.  

The  headlights  swept  over  the  rutted  dirt  road  that  led  

to  the  compound,  and  Travis  bit  back  a  smile  as  Agent  Carla  

Flores   tried   to   swallow   her   nerves   at   the   flash   of   furry   leg  
that  disappeared  into  the  tree  line.  Although  it  might  appear  

that   the   werewolf   guarding   the   boundaries   was   running  
ahead   to   warn   the   Alpha,   Travis   knew   they   were   already  

aware   of   the   vehicle’s   approach.   He   couldn’t   exactly   read  
their   thoughts   from   this   distance,   but   the   thundering   of  

amped-­‐‑up   heartbeats   was   like   the   promise   of   crack   to   an  

Travis  adjusted  his  crotch  and  swallowed  the  saliva  that  

pooled  in  his  mouth.  One  of  the  downfalls  of  spending  his  
first   two   years   as   a   vampire   in   near   total   isolation   was   his  

lack   of   experience   with   his   body’s   response   to   humans.   It  
was   like   going   through   puberty   all   over   again.   Only   this  

time,   the   draw   was   the   blood   running   through   their   veins,  
not  filling  out  their  cocks.  

Russ  was  waiting  on  the  porch  of  his  massive  log  home,  

hands  propped  on  his  hips,  eyes  hooded,  revealing  nothing  

to   the   man   and   woman   who   pulled   their   badges   in   a  

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choreographed  movement.  With  his  hair  still  dripping  wet,  

and   dressed   only   in   a   pair   of   jeans,   Russ   looked   as   if   he’d  
just  stepped  from  the  shower.  

Travis  slowly  turned  his  head  left,  then  right,  nailing  Jet,  

then   Sam   with   a   look   that   let   the   other   two   men   know   he  

was  aware  of  their  presence.  Not  to  mention  the  roughly  five  
or  six  other  weres  he  sensed  in  the  woods.  Then  something  

else   seemed   to   float   on   the   air,   not   werewolf,   not   human.  
Fuck…there   couldn’t   be   another   vampire   in   the   woods,  

could   there?   He   almost   laughed.   Certainly   not   without   the  
Alpha’s  knowledge—obviously  not  something  he  needed  to  

worry  over.    

“It’s  polite  to  call  before  just  showing  up,  Travis.  What  

are   you   doing   here?”   Russ   said,   ignoring   the   feds   for   the  


“Evening,  sunshine.  Good  to  see  you,  too.  Thought  I’d  

tag  along  and  see  what  all  the  fun  was  about.”  Travis  moved  
onto   the   porch   and   shook   Russ’s   hand,   despite   the   cool  

greeting.   As   one,   they   turned   to   face   the   strangers   and  
waited  for  an  explanation.  

“I’m  Agent  Roberts,”  said  black  suit  number  one.  “This  

is  agent  Flores,”  he  nodded  toward  his  partner.  “We’re  here  

to  ask  a  couple  of  questions  about  recent  activity  in  the  New  

Orleans  region.  May  we  come  in?”  

Russ  nodded  sharply,  then  stood  back  to  let  Travis  lead  

the   way   inside.   The   pounding   pulse   rates   of   the   only   two  
there   who   were   purely   human   increased   dramatically   as  

they  followed  him  into  the  main  room  of  the  Alpha’s  house.  
Once  inside,  the  scents  nearly  overwhelmed  him  and  again  

he  fought  to  keep  his  outward  appearance  calm.  It  was  close  
enough   to   dinnertime   that   the   chicken   cooked   on   the   grill  

layered  over  everything  in  the  air,  the  scent  so  strong,  Travis  

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could   almost   taste   the   spicy   barbeque   sauce.   More   subtle  

and   definitely   more   enticing   was   the   musky   aroma   of  
werewolf  and  the  tangy  bite  of  sweaty  sex.  A  tantalizing  hint  

of   hot   man   sex.   Russ   and   Jet   sex—but   there   was   also   the  
faintest   tang   of   sex   that   smelled   like   a   memory.   Like   Sam.  


Russ  led  them  to  the  seating  area  and  pointed  the  agents  

to  the  couch.  Travis  moved  to  a  chair  slightly  out  of  the  easy  
viewing   range   of   Flores   and   Roberts,   making   it   easier   to  

watch   their   expressions   while   they   tried   to   question   the  

“We’d   actually   like   to   speak   to   all   of   you…”   Roberts  


“No,”  Russ  interrupted.  “Tell  me  what  this  is  about  and  

I’ll  assemble  the  appropriate  people.”  

“It’s  about  the  attack  on  Detective  Garrett,”  Flores  said,  

her  voice  a  pleasant  contralto.  

There   was   a   momentary   pause,   then   Jet   and   Sam  

stepped   into   the   room.   Russ   directed   a   dark   look   Travis’s  

“Don’t  glower  at  me,  Wolfman.  They  would  have  found  

their   way   here   without   my   help.”   Travis   kept   the   frown  

from  his  voice,  but  he  turned  to  study  the  agents.  He  could  

feel   an   unexpected   animosity   pouring   from   Roberts—
nothing   at   all   like   his   practiced   speech   in   the   car.   What  

happened   to   the   agents’   earlier   intention   to   sweet   talk   the  

“We   could   have   come   without   the   vampire.   We   just  

thought   it   would   be   easier   to   ask   our   questions   with  

everyone  in  the  same  location.  If  you  give  us  trouble,  we’ll  
haul  you  all  down  to  the  station,”  Roberts  said.    

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Travis  was  amused  to  hear  the  man  think  of  himself  as  

the  bad  cop  of  the  duo.  He  was  the  wrong  fucking  species  to  
try  to  be  bad  in  this  crowd.  

Sam   stepped   forward.   “Bull-­‐‑fucking-­‐‑shit.   No   one   from  

the  station  knows  you’re  here  or  Lieutenant  Burkette  would  

be   here,   too.   You   have   no   authority   here,   and   my   attorney  
would  take  a  really  close  interest  to  your  trying  to  get  any  of  

us  down  there.  Besides,  I  bet  half  the  force  would  want  to  be  
questioning  your  ass.  Now,  want  to  tell  us  how  you  managed  

to  show  up  months  after  the  attack,  yet  only  days  after  my  
official   dismissal   from   the   NOPD?”   Travis’s   amusement   at  

Roberts  vanished  and  he  could  practically  see  the  waves  of  

irritation   vibrating   over   Sam’s   head.   The   idiot   agent   was  
treading  on  thin  ice.  

“Exactly…you’re   not   a   cop   any   more,   Garrett.   I   don’t  

think  you’re  in  any—”  His  words  cut  off  in  a  strangled  gasp  

as   Travis   crossed   the   room   and   closed   his   fingers   around  
Roberts’s   throat   in   less   time   than   it   took   to   blink   an   eye.  

He’d   moved   so   fast,   he   wasn’t   even   sure   the   werewolves  
followed   the   movement,   but   from   the   sudden   eruption   of  

growls  at  the  agent’s  words,  they’d  not  been  far  behind  him.  

Russ   moved   in   close   to   Travis   and   laid   a   hand   on   his  

arm.  “You  seem  to  be  in  a  bit  of  a  bind,  Agent  Roberts.  You  

said   you   wanted   to   ask   questions,   yet   you   come   into   my  
home   and   were   just   about   to   insult   Mr.   Garrett.   Maybe  

you’re  stupid,  or  maybe  you  just  forgot  the  vampire  can  read  
your  mind.  We  can  all  sense  your  animosity  and  smell  your  


Saliva   pooled   in   Travis’s   mouth,   and   he   dropped   the  

agent   to   the   couch   and   stepped   back.   The   tangy   aroma   of  
fear  mingled  with  the  lingering  scent  of  sex  was  nearly  more  

than   he   could   take.   He   needed   to   get   these   questions   over  

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with   and   return   home.   Maybe   another   bag   of   synth-­‐‑blood  

would  help.  Or  a  cold  shower.  Jesus.    

The  Alpha’s  voice  was  a  deep  rumble  as  he  continued.  

“Travis   is   hungry,   Agent   Roberts.   You   get   three   questions,  
then  it’s  time  for  you  to  leave.”  

Roberts   sputtered,   the   rage   and   fear   mottling   his   skin.  

Flores  rolled  her  eyes  and  put  a  hand  on  her  partner’s  arm.  

His   mouth   was   an   ugly   slash   across   his   face   as   he   shook  
himself   free.   With   a   great   show   of   brushing   off   his   jacket,  

Roberts  finally  cleared  his  throat.  

“We   understand   the   vampire   who   attacked   you,   Sofia  

Bastian,  was  French,  Mister  Garrett.”  He  sneered  Sam’s  title.  

“The  senior  vampire  in  this  area  is  named  Henri  du  Champ.  
Is   there   any   indication   this   Sofia   was   acquainted   with   or  

working  under  the  orders  of  the  senior  vampire?”  

“Henri   is   a   Master   vampire,   not   senior.   And   the  

investigation  turned  up  no  connection  between  the  two.”  

Roberts   leaned   forward,   hands   curling   into   tight   fists.  

“But  his  name  is  French…”  

My   name   is   French,   as   well.   So   is   yours,   Roberts,”  

Travis   answered,   dropping   the   ‘ts’   and   using   the   French  
pronunciation  of  the  agent’s  name.  “The  attack  took  place  in  

the   French   Quarter;   Louisiana   was   purchased   from   the  

French.  Our  capitol  city  is  Baton  Rouge.  Please  do  not  tell  me  
this   is   what   passes   for   an   intelligent   interview   with  

Homeland   Security.   By   the   way,   that   was   your   second  
question,”  Travis  snapped.  He  was  beyond  tired  of  this  fool.  

“You  do  not  get  to  dictate  to  me,  Boudreaux.  It  just  so  

happens,   I   only   have   one   final   question.”   Flores   rolled   her  

eyes   again,   then   winked   at   Travis,   surprising   a   smile   from  

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“I   would   like   to   hear   from   Mister   Garrett,   if   you   don’t  

mind.”  He  flashed  a  glance  at  Travis,  then  at  Russ  and  Jet,  
before   focusing   his   attention   on   Sam.   “The   night   of   the  

attack…the  reports  state  that  you  were  armed—even  though  
you   were   off   duty—and   walking   through   the   French  

Quarter.  You  were  attacked  just  outside  of  Mr.  Boudreaux’s  
home.  Why  were  you  there?”  

Sam  blinked  at  Roberts,  then  turned  to  look  directly  at  

Travis.  Their  gazes  met  for  the  longest  of  moments  and  Trav  

was   certain   he   heard   the   answer   in   his   head.   To   ask  
.   The   moment   passed,   and   Sam   turned   to   the  

agents  once  more.  

“Why  the  fuck  are  you  questioning  my  motives?  I  didn’t  

do   anything   wrong.   I   was   walking   through   the   Quarter   to  

meet   with   Detective   Burkette   and   Travis   about   the   case.   I  
was  attacked.  I  nearly  died.  I’m  done  here,”  Sam  said.  After  

a  quick  look  around,  Sam  turned  and  stalked  from  the  room.  
The  silence  he  left  behind  was  deafening.  

Travis  heard  the  question  in  Roberts’s  mind  a  moment  

before  he  asked  it.    

“Why   were   you   and   Burkette   at   your   place?   Are   you  

sure   you   didn’t   have   a   premonition   or   previous   warning  

about  an  attack?  And  why  would  Garrett  be  on  his  way  to  

see   you,   since   it’s   common   knowledge   you   tried   to   eat   his  
face  off—”  

Everyone   moved   this   time.   Jet   went   for   Travis,   while  

Flores  and  Russ  each  grabbed  one  of  Roberts’s  arms.  Despite  

their   difference   in   height,   the   mismatched   pair   effectively  
duckwalked   the   idiot   agent   out   the   front   door,   with   Russ  

carrying  most  of  the  weight.    

Travis  dimly  heard  Flores  apologizing  as  they  moved  to  

the  car.  “I  don’t  know  what’s  got  into  him.  This  isn’t  what  

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we   were   here   for.   Please,   tell   Boudreaux   and   Garrett   I’m  

sorry.   I’ll   come   back   another   time.   Alone.”   Then   the   car  
doors  slammed  and  the  feds  drove  off  into  the  night.  

Heat   rose   in   Travis,   the   need   to   fight,   to   feed,   nearly  

overwhelming.  He  twisted  roughly  to  face  Jet.  The  man  was  

a   wet   dream   the   size   of   Texas,   towering   over   Travis,   no  
small  man  himself.  The  broad  shoulders  were  tense  with  the  

anticipation   of   fight,   his   big   muscles   bunched   underneath  
black  velvet  skin,  rich  blood  pumping  through  the  thick  beat  

of   a   strong   heart.   The   rhythm   was   a   siren’s   song—
irresistible.  And  I  can  have  him.  No  one  here  can  stop  me,  no  one  

is  as  strong  or  as  fast.  He  shook  off  the  temptation.  

“Let  me  go,  Jet.  I  don’t  want  to  hurt  you.”  His  tongue  

brushed   against   his   own   sharp   teeth,   his   hunger   and   the  

need  to  take  what  he  wanted  at  an  all-­‐‑time  high.  

The  banging  of  the  screen  door  bought  Trav  a  moment,  

and  he  sucked  in  a  deep  breath.  Jet  never  let  go,  just  looked  
over  Trav’s  shoulder  toward  his  Alpha.  

“Your   choice,   Jet.   I   won’t   order   it.”   Russ’s   calm   voice  

grated   against   Trav’s   frayed   nerves.   “But   he   can’t   hold   on.  

You  need  to  decide,  now.”  

Travis  snarled  and  bared  his  fangs  at  the  wolves.  They  

didn’t  understand.  He  didn’t  feed  from—  

Jet’s  intentions  hit  Travis  a  moment  before  the  press  of  a  

hot  wrist  against  his  lips.  No  longer  capable  of  thought,  his  

fangs  pierced  the  dark,  tender  flesh,  found  the  radial  artery,  
and   oh-­‐‑my-­‐‑fucking-­‐‑God.   Nothing   had   prepared   him   for   the  

rich,  gamey  taste  of  werewolf  as  the  blood  pumped  into  his  
mouth,   splashing   against   the   back   of   his   throat.   He   closed  

his  eyes,  drinking  deeply.    

Images  brushed  against  his  mind  as  hands  soothed  over  

his  skin.  Standing  in  Henri’s  living  room,  looking  at  the  pale,  

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thin   werewolf,   his   sire’s   smile   smug,   knowing.   Henri  

fucking  the  young  werewolf,  drinking  deeply  until  the  boy  
collapsed.  Henri,  watching  him…  

“Travis…”  Russ’s  solid  voice  pushed  back  the  darkness  

of  the  Master.  “Let  go,  now,  Trav.  It’s  okay.  We’ve  got  you.  

Let  go  now…”  Hands,  holding  him,  pulling  at  him  until  he  
released  Jet.  It  took  him  a  long  moment  to  regain  his  sense  of  

time  and  place.  Travis  pushed  to  his  feet,  no  memory  of  how  
he   and   Jet   had   landed   on   the   floor,   no   memory   of   Russ  

kneeling  to  join  them.  

Shame   washed   through   him,   his   mind   a   dark   fury   of  

bloodlust   and   need.   He   was   nothing   but   a   fucking   blood-­‐‑

sucker,   no   better   than   the   bastard   who   had   stolen   his   life.  
Brushing   roughly   at   the   hands   of   the   other   two   men   who  

were  offering  undeserved  comfort,  Travis  turned  and  bolted  
for   the   door,   running   into   the   night.   Trying   to   outrun   the  

truth   of   his   existence,   desperate   to   find   release   from   the  
never-­‐‑ending  thirst.  

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Chapter  Five  

Eric   Saint   Pierre   was   a   very   happy   man.   Earlier   this  

evening   he’d   perched   on   top   of   a   building   in   a   narrow  
French   Quarter   street,   watching   the   townhouse   that   Travis  

Boudreaux  called  home.  He’d  long  grown  weary  of  playing  

Fontaine’s   human   games   but   it   seemed   Master   du   Champ  
had  upped  the  ante  in  the  battle  for  control  over  the  bayou  

region  of  Louisiana.  In  truth,  Eric  assumed  his  boss,  would  
lose  in  the  long  run,  but  Eric  would  take  the  man’s  money  

for  a  while  longer.  At  least  until  he  was  able  to  destroy  the  
fledgling  vampire  and  work  his  revenge  on  all  those  who'ʹd  

had  a  hand  in  his  Mistress’s  destruction.    

He’d  already  had  a  plan  in  mind,  something  beautiful  in  

its  simplicity,  and  was  prepared  to  execute  it  when  the  two  
humans—a  male  and  female,  looking  suspiciously  official—

knocked  on  the  door  to  Boudreaux’s  townhome.  Pulling  the  

shadows  tighter  around  himself,  he’d  stayed  and  listened  as  
the   agents   persuaded   Travis   to   accompany   them   to   the  

werewolf   compound   so   they   could   interview   Sam   Garrett.  
Just   the   mention   of   the   former   detective   left   him   stiff   with  

pain   at   memories   of   his   loss.   While   Sofia   was   a   harsh  
mistress,   she   was   also   a   wistful   romantic,   and   their   love  

affair  began  months  prior  to  his  decision  to  ask  her  to  turn  

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Quickly   abandoning   his   earlier   plan,   he   followed   the  

trio   out   to   the   werewolf   grounds.   His   maker   taught   him  
well,   and   while   the   woods   stank   of   fur   and   sweat   and  

animal  musk,  he  avoided  detection  from  the  wolves  below.  
Perched   high   in   a   tree,   he   overheard   almost   the   entire  

exchange   and   was   able   to   lightly   glamour   Agent   Roberts,  
enhancing   the   more   unpleasant   aspects   of   his   personality  

and   creating   enough   dissention   that   his   own   presence   was  

Ah,  perfect,  he  thought  when  Travis  fed  deeply  from  the  

big   Beta   wolf,   then   bolted   and   disappeared.   Boudreaux’s  

remorse   and   self-­‐‑disgust   were   too   good   to   ignore.   What  

drama.   The   foolish   young   vamp   didn’t   drink   fresh   blood?  
Perhaps  Eric  would  feed  him  the  blood  of  Sam  Garrett  just  

before  he  staked  the  fledgling  and  left  him  for  the  sun.    

Putting   aside   the   amusing   thoughts,   Eric   knew   he  

couldn’t   pass   up   the   chance   to   cause   more   trouble   for   du  
Champ.   Despite   Roberts’s   performance   with   the  

werewolves,   they   still   planned   to   play   a   surprise   visit   to  
Master   Henri;   he   couldn’t   have   written   this   better   had   he  

planned   it   himself.   Attaching   himself   to   the   top   of   the  
vehicle  on  cat’s  feet,  he  patiently  waited  until  the  car  was  on  

the  final  isolated  stretch  of  road  that  marked  the  entrance  to  

the  vampire’s  land.  

Eric   had   been   tracking   Boudreaux   and   the   Odd   Squad  

Lieutenant   enough   to   know   they’d   once   been   trapped   in   a  
crypt   in   the   cemetery   and   had   sex…it   would   be   a   perfect  

place   to   play   out   the   little   scene   he   had   in   mind.   With   a  
mental  nudge  so  slight  it  was  child’s  play,  he  guided  Roberts  

to  stop  at  the  cemetery  and  leave  the  safety  of  their  car.  The  
man   must   not   watch   enough   horror   movies—Eric   flew   to  

crypt  and  waited  to  collect  his  prize.    

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Eric   almost   laughed   out   loud   at   what   he   pictured   du  

Champ  would  look  like  when  the  police  arrived  to  question  
him  once  the  bodies  were  discovered.  In  fact,  he  might  place  

a  call,  just  to  speed  things  along.  


“Come  on,  Roberts,  get  back  in  the  car.  We  need  to  go  

see  du  Champ  before  daylight.”  Agent  Carla  Flores  was  sure  
they  were  in  big  trouble,  but  as  a  null,  she  couldn’t  sense  the  

forces  driving  her  partner  to  act  in  such  an  uncharacteristic  
manner.   Of   the   two   of   them,   he   was   usually   the   more  

soothing  influence  at  a  crime  scene.  It  wasn’t  hard  to  figure  
out   what   was   going   on…someone   was   manipulating   his  

thoughts  and  actions.  

Roberts   was   a   sensitive,   a   normal   human   who   was  

hypersensitive  to  the  emotions  of  others.  His  empathic  levels  

were  off  the  chart,  which  had  been  an  advantage  in  their  last  
case.   Roberts   had   easily   cracked   the   defenses   of   the   new  

werewolf  who’d  forgotten  to  muzzle  his  urge  to  bite  during  
sex   with   his   human   wife—not   much   of   an   investigative  

stretch,   but   every   little   bit   helped.   Of   course   this   wasn’t  
actually   a   case.   They   were   here   to   research   and   possibly  

recruit   new   members   for   their   team.   After   her   partner’s  
performance   at   the   compound,   she   doubted   anyone   would  

want  to  join  forces  with  them.  

Dead   leaves   combined   with   the   perennially   damp  

ground  of  lower  Louisiana  made  the  path  treacherous  in  the  

dappled   moonlight.   Carla   walked   between   the   massive  
branches   of   the   dark   trees.   Something   brushed   against   her  

cheek   and   she   stifled   the   shriek   that   tried   to   escape   as   she  
brushed  frantically  at  her  face.  A  spider  web.  Jesus.  

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“Come  on,  Roberts.  We  gotta  go  now…”  Pretending  her  

voice  didn’t  quiver,  she  forced  herself  to  look  around  at  the  
elaborate  aboveground  crypts  and  mausoleums  that  lurked  

in   the   shadows,   the   iron   work   and   statuary   weathered  
testament  to  by-­‐‑gone  eras.  

The  silence  got  to  her,  and  she  fought  the  urge  to  call  to  

her  partner  again.  She  strained  to  hear  anything  other  than  

her  own  heartbeat  as  her  pulse  raced  uncomfortably  fast.    

Creepy  she  could  do  just  fine,  but  the  lack  of  sound  just  

wasn’t   right.   She’d   grown   up   in   the   city—the   big   city   of  
Omaha,  Nebraska.  People  met  her  and  thought  New  York  or  

DC  tough,  for  sure,  and  it  amused  her  to  no  end  the  number  

of  dropped  jaws  when  she  came  out  as  a  Huskers  fan.  She’d  
grown  up  with  flat  fields  and  nights  filled  with  fireflies  and  

crickets   and   noise.   Not   this   damned   unnatural   quiet   that  
sent  shivers  up  her  spine.  

And  now  her  partner  was  wandering  around  the  side  of  

some   spooky-­‐‑ass   mausoleum   for   God-­‐‑knows   what   reason.  

She   just   bet   it   was   the   super   who   was   screwing   with   his  
mind,  though.  Carla  sighed;  she  hoped  it  was  just  some  pixie  

or   fey   wanting   a   little   fun,   or   a   young   vamp   with   nothing  
better   to   do.   Good   thing   she   was   immune   to   the   mind  

games—she  could  corral  Roberts  and—please  dear  God—they  

could   just   get   back   in   the   car   and   out   of   this   fucking  
cemetery  in  one  piece.  Then  they  could  compare  notes  and  

put  this  clusterfuck  of  a  day  behind  them.  

“Come  on,  James.  It’s  late,  I’m  tired,  and  I  want  to  take  

these   damn   shoes   off   sometime   soon.   We   still   have   to   talk  
with  du  Champ  and  you  promised  me  beer.  Keep  this  crap  

up  and  I  want  tequila.  The  top  shelf  stuff  too.”  She  drifted  
closer  to  the  entrance  of  the  crypt  and  paused.  The  door  was  

open?   Why   would   it   be   open?   With   a   hard   swallow,   she  

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fought   down   the   brush   of   panic   threatening   to   turn   her  

around.  God,  she  did  not  want  to  go  in  there.    

Edging   closer   to   the   white   marble   that   framed   the  

doorway,  she  slapped  her  hand  around  the  butt  of  her  Glock  
and  pulled  it  from  the  holster.  The  feel  of  hard  metal  calmed  

her   frayed   and   frazzled   nerves,   and   as   she   eased   into   the  
darkness  of  the  tomb,  she  thumbed  on  the  flashlight  app  on  

her  cell  and  whispered,  “James?”  

Carla  almost,  almost  wasn’t  surprised  by  what  she  saw.  

Her   partner   was   standing   against   the   cool   stone,   his   hand  
loosely  on  the  waist  of  the  taller  man  holding  him  in  place  

with   one   hand   on   his   neck.   It   was   as   if   Roberts’s   jaw   was  

held   in   the   caress   of   a   lover.   Her   first   impression   was   that  
she’d   interrupted   a   private   and   intimate   moment,   and   she  

would  have  backed  out  had  it  not  been  for  two  things.  James  
was   straight,   married   with   two   kids,   and   the   man   who   at  

first  blush  appeared  to  be  kissing  him  had  a  dark  smear  she  
knew  was  blood  across  his  face.  

Quicker   than   she   thought   possible,   the   man’s   other  

hand   snaked   backward   sending   her   gun   and   cell   phone  

clattering   to   the   floor,   and   Carla   found   herself   next   to   her  
partner   against   the   wall.   That   strong   hand   was   wrapped  

around   her   neck,   and   no   matter   how   hard   she   clawed   and  

pulled,  the  painful  grip  that  tightened  ever-­‐‑so-­‐‑slowly  didn’t  

“Hello,  Carla,”  the  surprisingly  firm  and  pleasant  voice  

purred.  “James  has  all  sorts  of  nice  things  to  say  about  you.  

Of   course,   your   being   a   null,   I   won’t   be   able   to   take   away  
any  of  your  pain  or…discomfort.”  He  gave  a  little  chuckle.  

“But  to  be  honest,  I’ve  found  a  little  adrenaline  adds  such  a  
nice   zest   to   blood.   Rather   like   chili   oil   with   chocolate.   So  

you’ll  forgive  me  if  I  take  my  time,  won’t  you?”  

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He  leaned  back  to  Roberts,  who  turned  his  head  toward  

her  and  opened  his  eyes,  a  far-­‐‑away  smile  on  his  face.  Carla  
could  only  imagine  where  he  was  in  the  moment,  and  didn’t  

begrudge  him  the  lack  of  pain  and  fear.  It  was  unnerving  to  
hear  the  wet  sucking  noises,  to  see  James  getting  weaker  and  

weaker  with  that  goddamned  loving  smile  on  his  face.  She  
closed   her   eyes,   trying   to   find   anything   to   take   her   mind  

away   from   the   picture   of   him   actually   enjoying   being  
violated   like   that.   The   thought   of   him   thinking   about   Lily  

and  the  babies,  or  maybe  their  second  honeymoon  in  Hawaii  
while   his   life   was   sucked   out   of   him   made   her   want   to  


The   vamp’s   grip   tightened   a   little   more   around   her  

throat,  and  she  was  able  to  suck  in  just  enough  air  to  keep  

from  passing  out.  She  calmed  her  own  mind,  fighting  back  
her  body’s  panic  at  suffocating,  and  grasping  at  straws,  she  

pictured   Charlie.   How   they’d   snuck   off   after   homecoming  
her  senior  year  and  discovered  how  much  she  really  loved  

those   calloused   hands   he   was   so   ashamed   of,   and   what  
wonderful   things   they   could   do   to   her.   When   the   man’s  

mouth  moved  to  her  neck  and  the  pain  began,  her  eyes  flew  
open   and   she   lost   the   memory   that   had   brought   her   such  

peace.  Roberts  limp  figure  was  splayed  out  in  the  shadows,  

his  limbs  akimbo  like  a  rag  doll  tossed  aside  by  a  petulant  

Everything  started  to  go  dark,  and  she  closed  her  eyes  

against  the  pain  of  that  demanding  mouth  against  her  throat,  

so  very  different  from  the  tender  kisses  Charlie  laid  on  her  
neck  all  those  years  ago.  These  bites  hurt  and  tore,  and  she  

felt  the  creature’s  laughter,  cruel  and  evil,  against  her  flesh.  
The  blood  loss  was  making  her  weak,  but  the  pain  went  on  

and  on.  In  the  moment  before  her  mind  shut  down  and  took  

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her  blessedly  away  from  this  hell  on  earth,  her  last  thought  

was,  Ah,  Charlie,  I  should  have  tried  harder.  


Fuck,   fuck,   fuck.   Danny   paced   the   small   porch,   waiting  

for  someone  to  answer  the  bell.  Yeah,  he  should  have  waited  
until  another  investigator  from  the  squad  could  come  along,  

or  maybe  even  tried  harder  to  track  down  Travis,  but  there  
was   only   an   hour   until   sunrise.   With   two   dead   feds  

practically   on   du   Champ'ʹs   doorstep,   there   was   no   time   for  
niceties.  What  the  fuck  was  Homeland  Security,  of  all  things,  

doing   in   these   parts,   anyway?   And   why   hadn’t   anyone  
thought  to  tell  him?  

The  door  slowly  opened  but  the  young  werewolf  who’d  

been  here  the  last  time  had  been  replaced.  This  young  man  
looked  a  whole  lot  paler  and  held  tightly  to  the  door.    

“What  the  fuck  do  you  want?”  He  spat  the  words,  his  

voice  strong  and  deep,  despite  appearances.  

“Lieutenant  Burkette  to  see  Mister  du  Champ.”  Danny  

stepped  forward  and  delivered  the  required  legal  warning—

a  Miranda-­‐‑type  warning  delivered  to  all  parties  whenever  a  
crime   or   investigation   might   have   links   to   the   paranormal  

community.   “This   is   an   official   Paranormal   Criminal  
Investigation  Unit  murder  investigation.  I  am  acting  within  

my  capacity  as  an  authorized  law  enforcement  official.  You  

are   hereby   notified   that   any   interference   by   a   paranormal  
may  result  in  punishment  under  the  Police  Protection  Act.”  

Legalities  out  of  the  way,  Danny  said  what  was  on  his  mind.  
“Now,  I  suggest  you  get  the  fuck  out  of  my  way.”  

Leaning  forward,  the  new  wolf-­‐‑boy  whispered,  “I  hope  

he   eats   you   for   breakfast.”   Then   he   stepped   back   and   in   a  

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conversational   tone   they   both   knew   would   carry   to   the  

vampire’s   sensitive   ears,   said,   “Henri,   the   Odd   Squad   is  

Danny   stepped   inside   and   headed   for   the   same   room  

where  he  and  Travis  had  met  with  du  Champ  the  last  time  

they’d  visited.  

The  deceptively  young  looking  du  Champ  lounged  on  a  

maroon   chaise,   reading   a   book   if   the   scene   were   to   be  
believed.   It   wasn’t,   but   there   was   nothing   immediately  

visible   to   indicate   what   he’d   been   doing   prior   to   Danny’s  
arrival.   What   exactly   did   this   three   hundred   year-­‐‑old  

vampire   do   every   night?   Most   of   the   other   vampires   he  

knew   had   jobs,   hobbies,   friends.   Henri   du   Champ   was   the  
oldest   vampire   in   the   city   and   a   Master.   And   a   complete  


There  was  no  point  in  trying  to  be  creative  and  make  up  

a   cover   story;   the   vampire   would   be   reading   his   thoughts.  
He  didn’t  care,  he  had  nothing  to  hide  and  it  saved  time  in  

interrogation.   Danny   walked   to   the   sideboard   and   poured  
himself  a  drink  while  letting  what  he  knew  of  du  Champ  run  

through  his  mind.    

There   was   no   doubt   Henri   sired   other   vampires,   but  

other  than  Travis  the  only  recorded  fledglings  were  turned  

by  request.  Like  Jourdain.  Talk  about  your  sociopath.  Jesus.  
This   Master   vampire   had   bizarre   tastes.   Or   was   there   a  

method  to  his  madness?  At  any  rate,  the  powerful  vampire  
kept  a  relatively  low  profile  in  the  blood  clubs,  preferring  to  

use   regular   donors   from   the   rogue   wolf   community…and  
apparently,  the  younger,  the  better.    

Rather  than  waste  what  was  left  of  the  night  for  either  of  

them,   Danny   repeated   the   required   legal   warning,   then  

started  with  the  real  question  he’d  come  to  ask.    

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“What  do  you  know  about  the  two  dead  federal  agents  

we  found  just  outside  your  estate,  Henry?”    

The   vampire’s   face   was   a   perfect   mask,   full   of   blond-­‐‑

haired,   blue-­‐‑eyed   innocence   as   he   stared   back,   but  
something   told   Danny   this   was   news—and   definitely   not  

news   he   welcomed.   After   a   pause   somewhat   longer   than  
was   polite,   he   drawled,   “Do   tell?”   Another   pause.  


“Good   question.   Since   we   both   know   you’ll   have   the  

information  sooner  or  later,  I’ll  give  you  the  official  version.  
Two   agents   from   Homeland   Security   were   found   in   a  

cemetery  just  outside  your  property  line.  Their  bodies  were  

propped  outside  the  same  crypt  where  Travis  and  I  waited  
out  the  daylight  when  someone  tampered  with  our  vehicle  

after  the  last  time  we  visited  you.  Both  agents  had  wounds  
on  their  necks  consistent  with  vampire  bites  and  their  bodies  

were  drained  of  blood.  Was  that  your  work,  Henri?”  

“I   know   nothing   about   these   federal   agents.”   Henri  

flicked  a  glance  at  his  wolf,  and  the  young  man  hurried  to  
join   Danny   at   the   sideboard.   He   poured   his   Master  

something   deep   burgundy   in   color,   and   for   a   moment  
Danny  fancied  the  vamp  was  going  to  have  a  glass  of  blood.  

Then   he   saw   the   label   of   the   bottle   was   a   pinot   noir   from  

France,   and   hid   the   smile   that   threatened.   If   the   vamp  
thought   a   little   glass   of   blood   would   throw   him   off   his  

stride,  he  needed  to  try  harder.  

“I   am   not   trying   to   throw   you,   Lieutenant.   I   have  

nothing   to   hide.   I   am   quite   distressed   to   hear   there   were  
murders,   particularly   if   law   enforcement   officials   were  

involved.  I  take  this  very  personally  and  will  do  all  I  can  to  
bring  justice  to  whoever  is  responsible  for  these  murders.    

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“We   appreciate   that,   Henry.   I   still   need   to   ask.   Where  

were  you  between  eight  and  midnight  tonight?”  

“I  was  right  here.”  

“Can  anyone  verify  that?”  
“Well,   I’m   certain   that   any   number   of   the   staff   will  

confirm  it,  however,  Chuck  and  I  were  quite…involved  from  
eight  until  nine—  

“Howard—”   The   young   man’s   lower   lip   stuck   out  

slightly.  “My  name  is  Howard.”  

Danny  laughed  and  du  Champ  rolled  his  eyes.  
“Yes,  of  course  it  is.  As  I  was  saying,  Howard  and  I  were  

busy   until   nine.   Then   I   gave   some   orders   to   the   staff.”   He  

frowned,   as   if   deep   in   thought.   “I   was   on   the   phone   with  
Governor   Locke   for   close   to   an   hour,   although   I’m   not  

exactly  certain  of  the  time  we  ended  the  call.”  

Danny   resisted   the   urge   to   sigh.   They   both   knew   the  

governor  would  put  the  kibosh  on  any  further  questioning  
of   the   vampire   without   a   great   deal   of   solid   proof   of   his  

involvement.  Money  and  politics  talked  loud  in  Louisiana.  

“Give   me   the   names   of   all   vampires   in   residence   with  

you,  Henry.”  

“Henri,”  the  wolf-­‐‑boy  hissed.    

Danny   looked   up,   blinked   innocently.   “There   is   a  

second   vampire   named   Henri,   Howard?   Did   you   sire   him  
like  you  did  Travis?”  

A   growl   rumbled   through   the   room,   and   Danny  

realized  it  was  actually  the  vampire,  not  the  wolf  who  was  

reacting  to  the  questions.  Score:  Danny  one,  Vampire  Twink  

“There  are  no  other  vampires  in  residence  here.  And  my  

name  is  pronounced  Henri.”    

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“Oh.  My  bad.  How  many  werewolves  did  you  say  lived  


“I   thought   you   were   investigating   a   vampire   murder,  


“Never   know   what   might   be   relevant   in   a   murder  

investigation.  How  many  of  your  staff  are  werewolves?  Do  
they   fall   under   the   control   of   the   local   pack   leadership?”  

They   both   knew   he   was   fishing,   but   Danny   figured   it   was  
worth  a  shot.  

“My   staff   members   are   not   involved   in   this   crime.   We  

have  nothing  to  do  with  the  local  Alpha.  Now,  if  that  will  be  


“Why   did   you   attack   Travis   Boudreaux   and   turn   him  

into  a  vampire?  And  did  you  have  anything  to  do  with  the  

attack  on  Detective  Garrett?”  

Henri’s   lips   disappeared   into   a   thin,   straight   line.   “It  

would  be  a  shame  if  your  boorish  behavior  interfered  with  
your  career,  Lieutenant,  now  wouldn’t  it?”    

Danny  dug  in  his  heels  and  tried  once  more—knowing  

it   was   probably   the   only   shot   he’d   get.   “So,   is   there   some  

kind  of  vampy  shame  for  a  Master  when  a  fledgling  shuns  
you,  the  way  Trav  has?  Cause  I  got  to  tell  you,  the  man  is  

mighty  fine  in  the  sack…  and  damn,  I  heard  that  you  missed  

the   boat   with   Sam,   too.   Makes   this   poor   little   old   human  
almost  feel  sorry  for  you.  All  you  have  is  little  wolf-­‐‑pups  to  

keep  you  warm  at  night.”  Score:  Danny  two,  Angry  Henry  

“I  could  wipe  the  memories  of  them  from  your  mind.”  
Danny   grinned   and   he   knew   it   wasn’t   a   nice   look.  

“Maybe.  But  you  still  couldn’t  remove  their  memories  of  me,  
could  you  Hank?”  Turning  his  back  on  the  old  one,  Danny  

had  a  hard  time  gathering  enough  spit  to  whistle,  but  he  was  

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determined  to  show  no  fear.  As  he  walked  away,  he  kept  his  

limbs   loose,   his   stride   even,   and   maybe   his   shoulder  
bumped   a   little   hard   against   the   werewolf   on   his   way   out  

the  door.  Danny  wished  he  could  be  certain  he  had  won  that  

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Chapter  Six  

The   little   bell   jingled   as   Sam   pushed   open   the   door   to  

Moonshadows.   His   eyebrows   rose   at   the   changes   that   had  
taken  place  over  the  last  two  months.  The  last  time  he’d  been  

in  Travis’s  place,  the  downstairs  floor  of  the  French  Quarter  

townhouse  had  been  nothing  more  than  a  room  filled  nearly  
floor-­‐‑to-­‐‑ceiling   with   moving   boxes.   Stacks   and   stacks   of  

books,  the  evidence  of  all  the  reading  Travis  had  done  over  
the   past   two   years.   Now   the   place   was   filled   with   heavy  

antique   bookshelves   and   a   few   well-­‐‑placed   reading   nooks  
tucked  in  at  the  end  of  some  of  the  aisles.  

Scenting  the  air,  Sam  confirmed  that  other  than  about  a  

million   dust   mites,   he   and   Travis   were   alone.   No   time   like  

the   present…he   took   a   steadying   breath,   then   called   out,  

“Back   here,”   Travis   answered   from   somewhere   in   the  

back   of   the   first   floor.   The   building   had   been   converted  
several  times  in  its  hundred-­‐‑year  history,  and  Sam  admired  

the  exposed  brick  interior  and  polished  hardwood  floors  that  
added  to  the  deep  Creole  charm  of  the  three-­‐‑story  structure.  

Passing  through  the  large  front  room,  Sam  entered  a  smaller  
space   that   might   once   have   been   servant’s   quarters.   Trav  

had  turned  the  space  into  a  strangely  high-­‐‑tech  office  for  a  

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One   wall   was   covered   in   pastel-­‐‑colored   maps—the  

United  States,  North  and  South  America,  Europe,  Asia,  and  
Africa—with  a  large  smattering  of  red  pins  and  fewer  other-­‐‑

colored   pins   marking   locations.   Another   wall   contained   a  
built-­‐‑in  bookshelf,  and  a  drafting  table  took  up  most  of  the  

floor  space.  The  computer  desk  looked  like  something  from  
NASA,   with   two   giant   iMac   computers   humming   softly  

while  Travis’s  fingers  flew  over  the  keyboard.    

“Hang  on,  Sam…”  Trav  said  without  looking  around.    

Completely  distracted  from  his  purpose  in  coming  here,  

Sam   stepped   closer,   looked   over   Travis’s   shoulder,   and  

realized   that   he   was   entering   information   into   a   form   that  

was  similar  to  the  input  screen  used  on  the  national  criminal  
database.   In   addition   to   the   physical   description,  

supernatural  abilities  were  listed—each  in  their  own  field—
making  the  entire  database  searchable.    

“Hey,   Danny   told   me   about   this.   You’ve   been   adding  

information  about  all  the  supers  in  here,  right?”  

“Yeah.   I’ve   got   it   down   to   a   pretty   simple   entry   form  

now,   but   the   volume   gets   overwhelming   if   I   don’t   add   the  

new  info  daily.  I  modeled  it  on  the  NCIC  database,  added  a  
touch  of  Interpol,  plus  the  freak  factor  and  voila.”  

Sam  laughed.  “The  freak  factor?”  

Travis  turned,  his  hazel  eyes  warm,  smile  easy.  “Yeah,  

you  know.  Vampire,  werewolf,  basilisk,  wood  nymph…the  


“You’re   shitting   me!   Right?”   Sam   turned   to   study   the  

pattern   of   pins   on   the   maps.   “It’s   mostly   just   werewolves  
and  vampires,  right?”  He’d  heard  reports  of  other  types  of  

wereanimals—the   big   cats,   bears,   even   rumors   of   a   deer  
shifter  or  two—but  that  was  it.    

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Laughing   hard,   Travis   shook   his   head.   “Ahh…Sam.  

Always   the   optimist.   You   won’t   believe   the   supernatural  
creatures   I’m   discovering.   Lions   and   tigers   and   bears,   oh  

my!”  The  smile  lingered  as  the  moment  spun  out.  His  eyes  
warmed,   and   he   turned   his   full   attention   to   Sam,   his   voice  

softening.  “Hey.”  

“Hey,   yourself.”   Sam   raised   his   arms   and   stepped  

forward   just   as   Travis   put   out   a   hand   to   shake.   Feeling  
awkward   as   hell,   Sam   dropped   his   arms   and   reached   to  

shake  Travis’s  hand  just  as  the  other  man  stepped  forward,  
arms  open  to  give  a  hug.  They  laughed  again,  and  then  Sam  

was  in  Travis’s  arms  and  they  were  hugging.  Hard.  

So  fucking  sorry…  
God,  I  didn’t  mean…  

The  thoughts  and  emotions  flowed  seamlessly  between  

them,  comforting,  warm,  healing.  Sam  closed  his  eyes,  laid  

his  head  on  Travis’s  chest  for  a  brief  moment  and  breathed  
him  in,  letting  the  past  wash  away  and  finding  all  that  had  

been  good  between  them.  

I  wonder  if  a  werewolf  and  a…  

Could  a  vampire  and  a…  
As  suddenly  as  the  embrace  began,  they  dropped  their  

arms  and  stumbled  back,  as  if  stung.  Sam  rubbed  his  arms,  

feeling  unaccountably  bereft  at  the  loss  of  contact.  

“What  the  hell  was  that?”  Sam  whispered.  “Are  vamps  

and  wolves  supposed  to  be  able  to  do  the  whole  woo-­‐‑woo  
mental   talking   thing?   I   thought   it   was   limited   to   pack  

members  or  blood  servants?”    

Travis’s   brows   drew   together   as   he   studied   Sam   for   a  

minute.  “I  don’t—”  

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The   jingling   front   door   bell   cut   through   the   silence   of  

the   shop,   and   Sam’s   anxiety   lessened   as   he   felt   the  
unmistakable  warmth  and  comfort  of  pack.  

“Trav?  Sam?  You’re  here,  too?  How  come  neither  one  of  

you  answered  your  cell  phones?”  Russ’s  deep  voice  rumbled  

toward  them.  Sam’s  spidey-­‐‑senses—make  that  wolfie-­‐‑senses
registered  the  unmistakable  presence  of  the  big  man  and  his  

Beta  in  the  next  room.  And…someone  else  he  didn’t  know.  
Not   pack—he   didn’t   sense   the   wolf   bond—but   since  

whoever  was  there  with  Russ  and  Jet,  he  didn’t  go  DefCon  
Three.  Yet.  

“We’re  in  the  back  office.”  Travis  maintained  steady  eye  

contact   for   a   moment   longer,   even   as   he   answered   for   the  
both   of   them   He   finally   released   Sam   from   the   strength   of  

his  gaze  and  moved  toward  the  door.  

Confused,  Sam  carefully  shielded  his  troubled  thoughts  

about   what   had   just   happened   with   Travis.   Russ   and   Jet  
might  be  able  to  feel  his  turmoil,  but  he’d  be  damned  if  he  

really  wanted  to  share  the  details  with  any  of  the  wolfpack  
before   he   had   time   to   talk   more   with   Travis   about   it   and  

think   about   what   it   might   mean.   He   looked   through   the  
open  doorway  toward  his  Alpha,  his  eyes  confirming  what  

his  nose  and  ears  had  already  told  him.  

Russ  was  not  alone.  He  leaned  against  one  of  the  large  

bookcases,   while   Jet   stood   next   to   another   man…a   human.  

And   no   one   man   appeared   to   be   particularly   happy   about  
the   situation.   The   difference   in   their   sizes   was   almost  

comical,  Jet  practically  dwarfing  the  other  man.  Sam  snorted  
and  mentally  shot  a  Mutt  and  Jeff  image  to  Jet,  who  frowned  

and  sent  an  image  of  Sam  across  Jet’s  lap  being  paddled.  In  
your  dreams,  Fido

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Focusing   his   attention   back   on   the   newcomer,   Sam  

immediately  recognized  that  everything  about  him,  from  his  
close-­‐‑cropped  hair  all  the  way  down  to  his  poorly  polished  

clunky   black   shoes,   telegraphed   that   the   man   was   a   fed.  
Maybe  Agent  Flores  had  convinced  the  powers-­‐‑that-­‐‑be  that  

her  dickweed  partner,  Agent  Roberts,  had  royally  fucked  up  
his   questioning   and   was   no   longer   welcomed   back.   He  

stepped  further  away  from  Travis,  sighing  with  resignation  
at  the  idea  of  another  interview.  

“What’s   up,   Russ?”   Sam   asked.   He   pointedly   let   his  

gaze  linger  on  the  stranger.  He  wore  a  cheap  charcoal  gray  

suit,   cut   big   around   the   chest,   but   not   quite   big   enough   to  

hide  the  holster  bulge.  The  starched  white  collar  of  his  shirt  
pinched   his   neck,   and   the   long   maroon   tie   was   a   clip-­‐‑on.  

From  a  distance,  his  silver  hair  gave  the  impression  the  man  
might  be  close  to  retirement,  but  as  he  moved  closer,  bright  

green  eyes  and  smooth  skin  told  a  different  story.  The  gray-­‐‑
on-­‐‑gray  palate  was  camouflage  for  a  man  in  his  early  to  mid-­‐‑

forties  who  didn’t  mind  leaving  his  audience  with  a  fucked-­‐‑
up  impression.    

Without   waiting   for   introductions,   the   man   flipped  

open  a  leather  wallet  to  reveal  a  Homeland  Security  badge  

with   one   hand   and,   moving   to   Travis   first,   stuck   the   other  

hand  out  to  shake.  “Special  Agent-­‐‑in-­‐‑Charge  Clinton  Wayne.  

“Travis  Boudreaux  and  Sam  Garrett,”  Travis  completed  

the  introductions  as  they  shook  hands.  

Sam  put  out  his  hand  to  shake,  but  couldn’t  resist  a  little  

dig.   “So   do   Roberts   and   Flores   work   for   you?   Because,  
honestly,   Roberts   is   less   than   impressive   when   it   comes   to  

building  any  kind  of  a  rapport  with  witnesses.”    

If  possible,  the  man  went  simultaneously  red  and  a  little  

more  gray,  anger  rolling  off  him  in  waves  strong  enough  to  

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taste.  “Not  any  more  they  don’t.  Special  Agents  Flores  and  

Roberts   were   killed   last   night   shortly   after   leaving   the  
Alpha’s—Mr.  Evans’s—place.”  

Other  than  Jet’s  soft  growl,  the  room  remained  silent  as  

the   men   waited   for   the   rest   of   what   was   coming.   Sam  

exchanged   a   carefully   bland   look   with   Travis,   his   shields  
firmly  in  place  to  block  the  fury  flowing  like  water  over  his  

psyche  from  the  Beta.  

“We   received   an   anonymous   tip   shortly   before   dawn.  

They   were   found   slumped   together   against   the   door   to   a  
crypt   in   a   cemetery   near   Henri   du   Champ’s   home.  

Preliminary  forensics  show  both  agents  have  what  appear  to  

be   marks   consistent   with   vampire   bites,   and   both   were  

“And   you’re   here   because   I’m   a   vampire,”   Travis  

interrupted,   his   words   a   statement   rather   than   a   question.  

Despite  the  lazy  drawl,  Sam  sensed  the  tension  in  his  former  
partner’s  words.  

Special  Agent  Wayne  blinked  at  him  and  Sam  saw  his  

throat   move,   the   dry   swallow   audible   to   everyone   in   the  

room.  “Yes…and  no.  I’m  here  because  I  fucked  up  and  sent  
good   people   into   a   situation   they   weren’t   prepared   to  

handle.  And  I’m  here  because  you’re  a  vampire  and  a  cop.”  

His   gaze   shifted   past   Sam   and   Travis,   over   their   shoulders  
into  Travis’s  office  to  the  wall  of  maps  that  ran  the  length  of  

the   room,   then   settled   around   the   small   group   of   men.   He  
sighed.  “It’s  a  bit  of  a  story—do  you  want  to  talk  here?”  

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Chapter  Seven  

Travis   stood   in   the   kitchen,   contemplating   his   mostly  

empty  cabinets  while  the  three  werewolves  and  one  human  
spaced   themselves   around   his   third   floor   apartment.  

Although   the   townhouse   was   technically   classified   as   a  

single-­‐‑family   residence,   he’d   only   ever   renovated   the   top  
floor  as  living  space.  The  second  floor  was  still  empty  except  

for   storage   boxes,   and   the   first   floor   was   now   his   used  
bookstore—or  would  be  if  he  ever  stuck  around  enough  at  

night  to  keep  it  open  for  more  than  an  hour  or  two  at  a  time.  
Maybe  he  should  hire  someone…  

Bringing   his   mind   back   to   the   problem   at   hand,   he  

realized  he  had  guests  and  only  a  few  bottles  of  water  and  

Danny’s   beer   to   offer.   It   was   a   bit   early   in   the   evening   for  
beer  if  they  were  going  to  be  working.  He  scrounged  around  

in  the  cabinets  for  his  old  coffeemaker,  and  found  a  bag  of  

unopened   coffee   hiding   in   the   back   of   his   fridge.   Maybe  
there  was  enough  chicory  in  the  blend  to  mask  any  hint  of  

staleness   in   the   two-­‐‑year   old   bag.   When   he   opened   the  
vacuum  seal,  the  heady  aroma  filled  his  senses.  Why  had  he  

given   up   coffee?   Hadn’t   he   learned   that   despite   all   the  
Hollywood  myths,  vampires  could  still  enjoy  the  flavors  of  

their  favorite  beverages?    

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His  gaze  settled  for  a  moment  on  Jet,  then  slid  over  to  

where  Sam  sat  in  one  of  the  big,  leather  club  chairs.  Thinking  
about   favorite   drinks   could   get   him   in   a   lot   of   trouble.   He  

swallowed  hard  and  shivered  at  his  recent  craving  for  warm  
blood  straight  from  the  tap  and  pulled  a  fresh  bag  of  Synth-­‐‑B  

from  the  fridge.  Tuning  his  mind  back  to  the  conversation  in  
his   living   room,   Travis   popped   the   blood   into   the  

Normalizer  and  got  out  fresh  mugs.  

“I   take   it   from   your   reactions   downstairs   that   the  

murders   are   news   to   all   of   you?”   Special   Agent   Wayne  

Heads   around   the   room   bobbed   in   agreement,   but   no  

one  spoke.  

“Okay,  here’s  the  deal.  I  sent  Flores  and  Roberts  to  New  

Orleans  under  the  guise  of  interviewing  Detective  Garrett—

Former   detective,”   Sam   interrupted,   barely   hiding   his  

bitterness  at  the  turn  of  events.    

The   silver   headed   man   nodded.   “Agreed.   Former  

detective.   I’ve   read   the   file,   seen   the   photos.   NOPD   was  

wrong,   but   that’s   neither   here   nor   there.   Or   maybe   that’s  
exactly   the   point…”   Clinton   Wayne   blinked   rapidly   and  

turned  his  head  away.  

Travis   met   Sam’s   look   and   shrugged.   Giving   the   man  

time   to   recover,   Trav   put   the   mugs   on   a   tray   and   carried  

everything   to   the   coffee   table.   Russ   sat   on   one   end   of   the  
couch,   the   fed   on   the   other.   Jet   sat   across   from   his   Alpha,  

keeping  his  back  to  the  wall  and  providing  a  clear  view  of  
everyone—watchful,  as  always.    

After   depositing   the   tray,   Trav   took   the   recliner.   “So  

why   don’t   you   tell   us   what   this   is   all   about,   Special   Agent  


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“Call   me   Clint.   Thanks   for   the   coffee.   It’s   been   a   long  

damn  day,  so  I’m  going  to  cut  through  the  bullshit  here.”  

“We   appreciate   that.   You   can   call   me   Trav,   and   that’s  

Sam,  since  neither  one  of  us  have  much  use  for  official  titles  
anymore.”   He   looked   to   Sam   in   a   show   of   solidarity,   and  

Sam  nodded  in  agreement.  

Blowing  out  a  breath,  Clint  began.  “Homeland  Security  

has  been  mandated  to  establish  a  federal  level  special  unit  to  
monitor   crimes   involving   supers.   Certain   crimes—some  

committed   by   supers,   others   committed   against   them—are  
beyond   the   capabilities   of   most   current   law   enforcement  

units   to   investigate,   solve,   and   most   importantly,   bring   the  

perpetrators  to  justice.”  

“Oh  boy…is  this  where  the  feds  come  in  and  take  over  

for  the  locals?  Pull  our  bacon  out  of  the  fire?”  Sam’s  accent  
was   thick   as   molasses,   a   sure   sign   he   was   getting   pissed.  

Trav  looked  down  to  hide  his  smile.  

Apparently   sensing   the   anger   just   below   the   surface,  

Clint   held   up   his   hand   in   a   universal   stop   sign.   “Hear   me  
out.  You  aren’t  law  enforcement  officers  anymore.”  

“Ouch,”   Jet   observed   drily.   “Kicked   out   of   the   LEO  

dogfight.  What  will  you  do?”  

Russ  growled.  

“Homeland   is   just   getting   its   shit   together   on   this—

frankly,   we   expected   it   to   go   to   the   FBI.   So   while   there'ʹs   a  

nice   safe   office   in   the   main   Interior   building   full   of  
employees  monitoring  computers  and  analyzing  crime  data,  

my   job   is   to   set   up   a   special   field   unit.   I   sent   the   only   two  
agents  I  had  into  a  situation  they  weren’t  equipped  to  handle  

and  now  they’re  dead.  That’s  on  my  head.  I  won’t  make  that  
same  mistake  again.  So  if  you  don’t  like  my  attitude,  tough  

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shit.   I’m   not   here   to   play   politics   or   hold   hands   and   sing  

kum-­‐‑ba-­‐‑yah  to  make  the  locals  feel  better.”  

“Is  that  why  Lieutenant  Burkette  wasn’t  invited  to  this  

little  confab?”  Sam  asked.  

“Partly.   I’m   already   working   with   the   locals   and   the  

lieutenant   on   the   murders.   At   the   moment,   there’s   no  
indication   that   their   murders   were   directly   related   to   their  

reason  for  coming  to  New  Orleans.”  

“Which  was?”  Travis  sipped  from  his  mug  of  blood  and  

listened  to  the  confused  turmoil  of  the  agent’s  mind  while  he  
waited  for  an  answer  to  his  question.  It  was  like  listening  to  

a   radio   not   quite   tuned   to   the   correct   frequency—lots   of  

static  and  white  noise.  Not  exactly  like  a  null—very  unusual.  

“Flores  and  Roberts  were  here  to  try  to  recruit  you.”  

Sam   leaned   forward   in   the   chair,   looking   prepared   to  

pounce.  “Excuse  me?  Recruit  who?  For  what?  They  showed  

up,  grabbed  Travis  and  had  him  bring  them  to  the  werewolf  
compound.   Agent   Roberts   then   proceeded   to   insult  

everybody  there  and  make   a   complete   ass   of   himself.   If   he  
was  the  best  recruiter  you  have…”    

“Had.”   Agent   Wayne   glared   at   Sam   for   a   moment.   “If  

he   was   the   best   I   had.   And   yeah,   I   got   that.   I   went   to   the  

compound   first   and   spoke   with   the   Alpha.”   He   nodded   at  

Russ.   “I   gave   him   a   brief   outline   of   the   plan   and   asked   to  
speak  to  all  of  you.”  

“My   silence   is   not   an   endorsement,   Wayne,”   Russ  

ground  out.  

“Yeah,  I  got  that,  too,”  Wayne  snapped.  “In  addition  to  

speaking   with   you,   my   agents   were   here   to   gather  

information   about   the   above   average   population   of  
preternaturals   in   and   around   the   New   Orleans   area.   Since  

their   deaths…well,   everything   has   changed.   Jesus   fucking  

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Christ.”   Wayne   wiped   a   hand   over   his   face,   and   the   four  

men  looked  at  each  other,  waiting  for  him  to  continue.  

The   agent   sighed.   “Travis…if   there   were   no   legal  

restrictions,  what  would  you  do  to  the  vampire  who  turned  

“Kill   him.”   His   answer   was   certain.   He’d   wasted   two  

years  on  that  fantasy.  

Clint  nodded.  “Sam?  From  what  I  understand,  Jet  killed  

the  vampire  who  attacked  you  within  seconds  of  the  assault.  

If  he  hadn’t…what  would  you  have  done?”  

The  growl  that  spilled  from  Sam’s  lips  tightened  things  

low  in  Trav’s  belly,  but  that  didn’t  make  the  implied  threat  

any  less  real.    

Wayne’s   smile   was   cold.   “The   world   has   changed.  

While  the  rest  of  the  US  waits  for  the  justice  system  to  catch  
up,   criminals   are   lining   up   to   become   vampires   and  

wereanimals.  They’re  working  as  freelance  assassins  or,  like  
Vincent  Jourdain,  they  become  vamps  and  give  free  rein  to  

their  natural  sociopathic  tendencies.”  

Needing   to   move,   Travis   stood   and   started   to   walk  

toward  the  kitchen,  then  turned  back  to  face  the  room.  His  
throat  felt  tight,  his  face  hot,  and  he  clenched  his  hands  into  

tight   fists.   “What   the   fuck   are   you   suggesting?   You   think  

we’re   going   to   be   your   hired   guns?   Some   kind   of  
government   sanctioned   vigilantes?”   He   strode   across   the  

room  and  leaned  over  the  coffee  table,  his  face  only  inches  
from  the  agent.  “I  spent  my  whole  career  putting  ass-­‐‑wipes  

in  prison.  I  was  a  damned  good  cop.  I’d  still  be  a  cop  if  the  
PD  had  any  sense.  You  can’t  possibly  think  that  just  because  

I’m  a  vampire  that  I’ve  lost  my  respect  for  the  law.”  Travis  
paused   then   whispered   what   he   feared   Wayne   really  

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wanted.   “You   can’t   possibly   think   I’d   be   your   hired  


“Really,   Boudreaux?   You   said   you   would   kill   the  

bastard  who  did  this  to  you.”  Clint’s  voice  was  soft,  with  an  
edge  of  steel.  

“To   me.   You’re   talking   about   government-­‐‑sponsored  

killing.   Even   the   CIA   doesn’t   pull   that   crap   on   US   soil.   I  

think  you  take  your  fucking  cowboy  names  too  seriously  Mr.  
Clint   Wayne
.   This   isn’t   the   Wild   West,   and   we   aren’t   your  

goddamn  posse.”  Travis  turned  to  look  at  Sam,  then  Jet,  and  
finally,  at  Russ.  “Why  are  we  listening  to  this  shit?”  

“Because   we   haven’t   heard   his   offer   yet,   Trav.   Why  

don’t  you  have  a  seat  and  let’s  hear  what  he  has  to  say.  We  
can   always   kick   his   ass   out   if   we   don’t   like   it.”   Russ  


Too   tense   to   sink   back   into   his   recliner,   Trav   pulled   a  

barstool  further  into  the  room  and  perched  on  one  hip.  He  
schooled  his  face  and  trained  a  blank  expression  on  the  fed.  

“All  right.  Let’s  have  it  all.  Don’t  try  to  feed  us  some  line  of  
bullshit,  because  trust  me,  we'ʹll  know.”  

Clint  nodded.  “I  understand.  Believe  me,  two  days  ago  

what   I   had   to   say   to   all   of   you   would   have   been   vastly  

different.  Now,  the  Secretary  has  a  brand  new  Congressional  

sub-­‐‑committee   breathing   down   her   neck,   demanding  
something  be  done  about  these  killings—and  all  the  attacks  

on  LEO'ʹs—but  nobody  is  quite  clear  yet  on  what  exactly  can  
be   done   through   traditional   means   under   the   terms   of   the  

new  laws.”  

“Why   Homeland?   They   gonna   classify   the   rogues   as  

terrorists?”  Jet  asked,  speaking  for  the  first  time.  

Clint  nodded,  clearly  pleased  by  the  question.  “Got  it  in  

one.   There   is   already   an   established   protocol   for   handling  

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suspected   terrorists.   So   if   it   helps   to   ease   your   conscience,  

Boudreaux,   what   we’re   talking   about   is   good   detective  
work,   first   and   foremost.   Like   I   said,   this   is   just   the   initial  

step.   Once   we   have   sufficient   evidence   to   make   a   case,   the  
Justice   Department   prosecutor   will   present   it   to   the   judge.  

The   whole   damn   set-­‐‑up   is   based   on   the   Louisiana  
Attribution  Law.  If  there’s  enough  evidence  to  convict,  but  

no  way  to  bring  the  supernaturals  to  trial—”  He  cleared  his  
throat  but  continued.  

“These   bastards—”   This   time   when   his   voice   broke,  

Clint  stared  toward  the  bookshelf,  his  lips  pressed  into  a  thin  

line.  No  one  spoke,  but  Trav  looked  at  Sam  and  knew  that  as  

much   as   Clint   Wayne   had   pissed   him   off   earlier,   the   man  
was   grieving   for   his   team   members.   Trav   understood   the  

loss  of  a  colleague  and  friend;  so  did  Sam.  He  didn’t  need  to  
hear   Sam’s   thoughts   to   know   they   were   on   the   same  

wavelength.  They  would  help…at  least  until  the  vamp  who  
killed  Flores  and  Roberts  was  brought  to  justice.  

“So,  our  job  would  just  be  to  investigate  and  capture?”  

Travis  had  to  get  the  exact  details  out  in  the  open  now  that  

he—and   Sam,   he   supposed—were   actually   thinking   about  
going   along   with   this   crazy-­‐‑assed   idea.   He   needed   to   be  

crystal  clear  before  he  opted  in.  

“No.  Let’s  cut  to  the  bottom  line,  gentlemen.  There’s  no  

way   to   just   ‘capture’   a   supernatural   being   who   is   off-­‐‑the-­‐‑

chart   evil.   There’s   not   enough   local   resources   to   build  
holding   cells   for   every   type   of   power.   The   whole   reason  

we’re  looking  at  using  former  LEO’s  who,  for  good  or  bad,  
aren’t   on   the   force   anymore   is   that   you   understand   the  

concept  of  Attribution  probably  better  than  anyone.  You  get  
that   sometimes   the   line   between   justice   served   and   a  

criminal   walking   is   razor   thin,   and,   frankly,   we’ve   vetted  

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you   two.   The   consensus   is   you   won’t   go   rogue,   you   won’t  

abuse  your  authority,  and  we  can  trust  you.”  

Clint  sat  back  and  let  the  information  sink  in.  But  Travis  

wasn’t  finished,  not  by  a  long  shot.  

“All  nice.  I  have  a  warm  fuzzy  feeling  inside.  But,  you  

haven’t  answered  me  completely,  yet.  What  do  we  do  when  
we’ve  made  the  case  and  captured  the  suspect?”  

The   agent   straightened,   his   spine   suddenly   iron   as   he  

took  the  time  to  look  steadily  at  each  man  in  the  room  before  

he  answered.  “Under  federal  law  you  will  be  empowered  to  
terminate   the   targets.   You   make   the   case,   hunt   the  

perpetrators,  and  take  them  down.  Is  that  clear  enough  for  

you,  Mr.  Boudreaux?”  

The   tension   in   the   room   ratcheted   up   at   that   bald  

statement.  Travis  once  again  caught  Sam’s  eye,  then  looked  
to   Jet   and   Russ.   He   saw   the   turmoil,   felt   the   unease   that  

passed   between   all   of   them.   To   suddenly   have   that   much  
authority…it  was  heady  and  scary  and  nauseating  all  at  the  

same  time.  

“Crystal,  sir.  Crystal.  Fucking.  Clear.”  Jet’s  low  rumble  

brought   all   attention   to   him.   “So,   Special   Agent-­‐‑in-­‐‑Charge,  
that  explains  why  the  two  former  cops  are  here.  Now,  how  

about  explaining  why  you  brought  in  the  local  Alpha?  Shits  

and  giggles?”  

Clint   spared   a   glance   at   the   big   man,   his   exasperation  

barely  contained.  “Why  yes,  Mr.  Gorman,  you  got  it  exactly  
right.   I   came   down   from   Washington   just   to   see   your  

handsome   mug   and   have   you   sit   in   on   all   this   for   your  
entertainment.”  He  turned  to  Russ,  snarling.  “Really?  He’s  a  

big   fucker,   but   do   you   choose   your   Betas   for   brawn   or  
brains?   Or   does   he   have   other…attributes   that   keep   you  

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amused?”   Clint   glanced   at   the   big   guy,   his   disdain   and  

impatience  obvious.  

Travis  retrieved  his  mug,  then  took  a  long  sip  of  blood  

to  hide  his  grin.  This  guy  was  a  firecracker.  An  asshole  fed,  
but  he  had  a  little  life  to  him  and  really?  Travis  missed  this.  

The  camaraderie.  Being  part  of  a  team.  He  glanced  over  and  
saw  the  smile  hovering  at  the  corners  of  Sam’s  mouth.  For  a  

moment,  the  other  men  in  the  room  disappeared  and  he  felt  
something…warm…   pass   between   him   and   Sam.   Ah   well,  

he  sighed  to  himself,  and  turned  back  to  the  drama  in  front  
of  him.  

“To  answer  your  question,”  Clint  continued,  cutting  Jet  

off  mid-­‐‑growl,  “we  need  a  team  of  more  than  two.  There  is  a  
disproportionate   amount   of   criminal   activity   in   this   area  

involving  wereanimals  and  vamps.  Werewolves  are  among  
the  strongest  of  the  shifters,  and  the  current  consensus  is  that  

two   weres   and   a   vampire   would   make   the   most   effective  

“Three?”   Russ   sat   back   and   smiled.   “Perhaps   you  

should  do  your  math  again.  There  are  three  weres  here,  and  

one   vamp.”   Holding   up   his   hand,   he   counted   off   on   his  
fingers.   “One,   two,   three…four.   Not   a   math   major,   I  


Clint   shook   his   head.   “Jesus.   Working   with  

furballs…gonna   drive   me   crazy,”   he   muttered   under   his  

breath.  “No.  The  plan  is  to  use  Travis,  Sam,  and  Jet.”  

Russ  jumped  up  from  his  chair  and  yelled,  “Oh  hell  no!  

If  anything,  I  am  the  one  who  should  be  on  the  team.  It’s  my  
responsibility   to   keep   the   pack   safe.   You   have   this   all   ass-­‐‑

backwards,  Agent.”  

There   was   a   long   pause   as   Jet   turned   to   Russ.   The   big  

black  Beta  slowly  shook  his  head,  as  if  he’d  already  figured  

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out   the   answer.   “No,   Alpha.   Your   responsibility   is   always  

first   to   the   pack,   to   lead   and   keep   them   safe.   This…hell,  
there’s  no  way  you  can  be  involved.  If  it  ever  came  out,  you  

would   put   yourself   and   the   pack   at   risk.   You   can’t   know  
what’s   going   on.”   He   turned   to   the   agent.   “Right,   Clint?  

That’s  your  thinking  all  along,  wasn’t  it?”  

Clint   leaned   back   and   looked   thoughtfully   at   Jet.   “I  

apologize,   big   man.   I   had   you   all   wrong.   There’s   quite   a  
good   mind   inside   all   that”—he   looked   Jet   up   and   down—

“muscle,  isn’t  there?”  

Russ  and  Jet  continued  to  stare  at  each  other,  and  Travis  

felt   the   silent   argument   tickling   along   the   edges   of   his  

awareness.  He  looked  at  Sam,  who  was  trying  to  maintain  a  
blank   face,   and   could   tell   he   was   fighting   the   strain   of   the  

battle   himself.   After   a   few   moments,   Russ’s   shoulders  
sagged   a   little,   and   he   turned   to   Clint.   “As   much   as   I  

disagree  with  being  odd  man  out,  I  can’t  put  the  pack  at  risk.  
They  are  my  life  and  my  responsibility.”  

Clint’s   voice   gentled   a   little.   “Look   at   it   this   way.   You  

have   plausible   deniability   should   something   go   wrong.  

There   are   three   good   men   here—I   know   lifelong   law  
enforcement  officers  like  Travis  and  Sam  wouldn’t  enter  into  

this   lightly.   And   from   what   I’ve   learned   of   you   and   your  

men,  Alpha,  you  are  honorable.  The  less  you  know  directly,  
the  better.  It  would  really  be  best,  now,  if  perhaps  you  left  us  

to  discuss  the  final  details  of  what  needs  to  happen  next.”  

Russ  opened  his  mouth  to  say  something,  paused,  and  

shrugged.   “It’s   time   for   dinner   anyway.   Think   I’ll   stop   by  
the  club.  Sam,  I’ll  see  you  and  Jet  back  at  the  compound  a  

little  later.  

Sam   glanced   over   at   Travis,   then   down.   Hmm,   what’s  

that  about?  Travis  thought.  

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“Actually,   Russ,   I   have   an   appointment   to   look   at   an  

apartment  in  the  Quarter.”  

Ahhh.   Time   for   the   cub   to   have   some   freedom   from   Daddy  

One   and   Daddy   Two.   “Sam,   you   know   I   still   have   the  
apartment   behind   the   courtyard   if   you   don’t   mind   living  

above  the  garage.  You'ʹre  welcome  to  it.”  

Please.  Take  the  apartment.  

Are  you  sure?  

Again,   the   weird   back-­‐‑and-­‐‑forth   mind   thing   was  

working.   Travis   glanced   at   Russ,   who   was   watching   them  

with  a  frown  on  his  face.  Travis  wondered  if  he  could  make  

a  connection  directly  with  the  big  wolf  himself.  

Yo.  Hairy.  Can  you  hear  me?  Nothing.    

Yo,  hairy?  That’s  the  best  you  can  do?  Sam’s  thoughts  were  

just  as  clear,  and  somehow  even  the  smart-­‐‑ass  tone  carried  

through   the   woo-­‐‑woo   shit   that   was   happening   between  

Later.  We  have  to  talk  about  this  later.  
“Thank   you,   Travis.   You   sure   it’s   not   a   bother?”   Sam  

took  the  conversation  back  to  the  spoken  level.  

“Not  at  all.  We  can  discuss  the  details  later.  Consider  it  

a  done  deal.”  

Sam   caught   his   gaze.   “Really.   Thank   you.   I   wasn’t  

looking  forward  to  having  to  house  hunt  and  explain…well,  

you  know.”  

Russ   cleared   his   throat   and   got   everyone’s   attention.  

“Well.  That  seems  to  have  settled  itself  quickly.”  He  threw  a  
sharp   look   at   Sam.   “I   suppose   I   should   get   to   Fang’s   and  

check  in  with  Celeste.  And  I’m  expecting  a  call.  Gentlemen.”  
He  moved  to  the  door,  paused  and  turned.  “I  do  expect  to  be  

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brought   in   on   any   matters   that   might   impact   the   pack,  


Well,  that  was  a  demand,  not  a  request.  Travis  watched  the  

responses   war   across   Clint’s   face,   before   he   settled   on   the  
safest  one.  “Of  course,  Russ.  As  I  can  expect  a  call  from  you  

regarding   any   crime   committed   by   anyone   under   your  
purview.  Good  night,  Alpha.”  

The   two   men   stared   at   each   other,   neither   giving   an  

inch.  Russ  opened  the  door  finally,  and  walked  out.  

“Well,”   Sam   drawled,   “that   made   my   nipples   hard.”  

Travis  snorted  and  even  Jet  had  to  smile.  The  tension  slowly  

leaked  out  of  the  room,  and  Sam  looked  at  Clint.  “So  what  


“We  find  the  fucker  who  killed  my  agents.  And  I  think  

we  have  the  talent  in  the  room  to  make  that  happen.”  Clint  
caught   Jet’s   gaze,   then   Travis’s.   “We   have   some   data   that  

might   be   helpful.   And”—he   paused   to   look   at   Sam—“it  
looks  like  we  might  be  killing  two  birds  with  one  stone.”  


Russ  stood  outside  the  door,  his  hand  on  the  knob  for  a  

moment   and   tried   to   puzzle   out   what   just   happened.   He  

knew   Sam   was   feeling   antsy   over   being   stuck   in   the  
compound,  but  it  took  him  by  surprise  that  he’d  already  set  

up  an  appointment  to  look  at  an  apartment.  He  knew  it  was  

the  Alpha  wolf  in  him  demanding  to  have  control  and  know  
what   a   new   packmate   was   up   to,   but   something   else  

bothered  him.  

Firmly   deciding,   he   opened   the   door   again,   surprising  

everyone.   Except   Jet.   He   always   seemed   to   know   exactly  
where  Russ  was  and  could  read  his  moods.  

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“Gentlemen,   forgive   me   but   I   do   have   a   bit   of  

unfinished   business.   Sam,   can   you   walk   me   out?   There’s  
something  I  need  to  talk  with  you  about.”  

Sam  slowly  rose  and  nodded,  curiosity  and  uncertainty  

warring   on   his   face.   Russ   turned   to   leave   again   and,   as   he  

figured,  heard  Jet’s  voice.  “I’ll  join  you,  Alpha.  I  find  I  also  
have  a  question  or  two  to  ask.”  

As   he   made   his   way   down   the   stairs   to   the   first   floor  

and  out  onto  the  street  to  get  to  his  SUV,  Russ  had  time  to  

frame  the  issue  in  his  mind.  He  still  wasn’t  sure  exactly  what  
just  happened,  but  damn  it,  he  would  have  answers.  

He  leaned  up  against  the  door,  feet  crossed  at  the  ankle  

and   hands   in   his   pockets   to   give   the   illusion   of   perfect  
disinterest.   When   Sam   and   Jet   joined   him,   he   smiled.   “So  

what  the  hell  was  that  about  up  there?”  

Sam   watched   him   for   a   moment,   his   eyes   hooded   and  

the  wheels  obviously  turning  in  his  brain.  It  was  times  like  
this  that  Russ  hated  the  fact  Sam  had  been  a  cop  and  knew  

how  to  keep  his  cool,  masking  his  feelings.  Almost  as  well  as  
Russ  did.  He’d  have  to  remember  that.  

Sam  matched  his  stance,  leaning  against  a  lamppost.  “I  

believe   it   was   about   forming   a   team   to   deal   with  

preternatural   crimes,   Russ.   I   can   certainly   draft   a   report,   if  

you  like.  Perhaps  some  of  the  law  enforcement  lingo  was  a  
little  hard  to  follow—”  

“Enough,   pup.”   The   low   growl   of   his   voice,   combined  

with  a  slap  of  the  Alpha  power  he  usually  kept  dialed  back  

made  Sam  hesitate.  Jet  shifted  his  stance,  his  arms  loose  by  
his  side,  as  if  he  was  expecting  trouble.  The  Beta,  normally  at  

ease  in  his  skin,  looked  distinctly  uncomfortable.  Russ  toned  
it   down   a   little,   and   continued.   “Explain   to   me  

your…whatever   it   is   you   and   Travis   are   doing.   I   can   catch  

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wisps   of   it,   but   as   far   as   I   know,   only   packmates   can  

communicate   mentally.   Are   you   and   Travis   able   to   have  
telepathic  conversations,  Sam?”  

The  direct  questioning  seemed  to  work  best.  Russ  could  

feel  the  stillness  in  Sam’s  mind,  the  pulling-­‐‑in  and  the  slow  

building   of   his   walls.   Every   day   they   appeared   to   be  
stronger,   and   he   wouldn’t   breach   them.   That   would   be   a  

form  of  rape,  and  it  went  against  everything  he  believed  in.  
But  he  would  not  be  denied  here.  This  was  too  important.  

Sam  took  a  deep  breath,  and  looked  Russ  straight  in  the  

eye.   “No,   Alpha.   We   can’t   communicate   like   wolves   can.  

Travis  and  I  were  partners  in  the  force  for  a  short  time,  and  it  

must   be   a   cop   thing.   We   can   read   each   other’s   bodies   and  
maybe   it’s…I   don’t   know.   It’s   not   the   bond   we   have   as  


Russ  held  his  gaze,  and  the  tension  slowly  bled  out  of  

the   air   around   them.   Russ   glanced   over   at   Jet,   and   they  
exchanged   a   look.   He   wasn’t   sure   he   believed   Sam—not  

entirely.   They   would   be   keeping   a   close   eye   on   those   two,  
and   Jet   would   be   his   eyes   and   ears   as   this   team   of   Clint’s  

settled  into  place.    

Russ   nodded   and   hit   the   remote   to   open   his   door.   He  

stopped,  turned  and  called  back  to  his  Beta.  “I  will  expect  a  

full   report   on   the   case   when   you   two   get   back   to   the  
packhouse.”   Jet   gave   him   a   salute,   and   as   he   cranked   the  

truck,   Russ   watched   Sam   and   Jet   walk   back   inside   the  
townhouse.  He’d  check  in  with  Jet  later  and  get  his  take  on  

it.   Telepathy   was   common   within   a   pack   or   between  
vampires,   but   interspecies   communication   took   far   more  

power,  more  self-­‐‑control.  Sam  and  Travis  were  like  fucking  
babies  in  the  world  of  paranormals.  There  was  no  way  they  

should  be  able  to  talk  mind-­‐‑to-­‐‑mind  with  each  other  unless  

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Sam   was   Travis’s   blood   servant—and   he   knew   without   a  

doubt  that  wasn’t  the  case.    

Shit.   He’d   known   almost   from   the   start   that   Sam  

was…different…stronger   than   any   other   newly   changed  
werewolf.   But   for   them   to   be   telepathically   linked—

wouldn’t  Travis  have  to  be  equally  gifted?  Sam’s  story  that  
they’d  been  partners  as  cops  was  one  possible  explanation.  

But  what  if  it  was  more?  What  was  it  about  Travis  that  made  
Henri   willing   to   risk   turning   a   human   police   officer—even  

before   the   world   knew   about   the   preternaturals?   And   the  
Master  vampire  had  tried  to  take  Sam  once,  too.  Who  were  

these  guys?  

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Chapter  Eight  

The  four  men  settled  back  in  Travis’s  living  room,  and  

Sam   nodded   to   let   Travis   know   everything   was   fine.   He’d  
refrain  from  using  his  unspoken  voice  just  now,  until  he  had  

time   to   think   more   about   it   and   talk   it   over   with   Travis   in  

person.   If   Russ   was   beginning   to   suspect   something,   he  
wanted   to   know   just   what   the   hell   was   going   on   himself  

before  he  told  anyone  else.  

Besides,  they  had  more  important  things  to  work  out  at  

the  moment.  Sam  needed  to  get  his  head  back  in  this  game,  
and  take  the  bastard  behind  killing  the  feds  off  the  playing  

field.  He  took  his  seat  back  on  the  sofa  and  leaned  forward.  
“What   did   you   mean   earlier?   Two   birds   with   one  

stone…you  already  have  info  on  who  did  this?”  

Clint  gestured  for  all  of  them  to  sit  again,  then  pulled  a  

file  out  of  a  briefcase  that  had  definitely  seen  better  days.  He  

opened   it   and   pulled   a   stack   of   photos   out,   fanning   them  
across  the  coffee  table.  

“According   to   surveillance,   this   vampire”—he   pulled  

out  a  photo  from  the  stack  and  slapped  it  on  the  top  of  the  

file—“has  been  involved  in  a  series  of  paid  hits  for  one  of  the  
larger  organized  crime  families  in  the  southeast.  His  former  

partner   is   someone   you   might   recognize.”   Clint   dropped  
several  more  photographs  onto  the  table.  “Sofia  Bastian.”  

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Sam   leaned   forward.   Quickly   thumbing   through   the  

stack,  he  saw  the  woman—the  vampire—that  attacked  him.  
She  was  a  beautiful  creature,  and  he  wondered,  not  for  the  

first   time,   why   the   fuck   she   tried   to   make   him   a   midnight  
snack.  He  wasn’t  working  an  organized  crime  case,  and  he  

couldn’t  find  any  link  between  the  Jourdain  case  he’d  been  
working  with  Danny  and…wait  a  minute.    

“You   mean   to   tell   me   that   bitch   who   tore   my   throat  

open   was   a   mob   hitman?   Hitwoman?   Hit…bloodsucker?  

Whatever.   She   worked   for…who?”   He   started   digging  
through  the  paperwork,  trying  to  find  a  name,  anything  that  

would   link   Sofia,   the   Jourdain   case,   and   the   family   that  

might  have  hired  them.  He  had  a  pretty  good  idea  of  who  he  
would  find.    

“Slow  down,”  Clint  leaned  forward  and  took  the  stack  

from  Sam.  “Let  me  explain.”  He  took  a  moment  to  re-­‐‑order  

the  pages  and  then  laid  out  the  first  photo.  “This  is  Sofia  and  
her   partner,   who   we   know   only   as   Eric.   No   last   name,   no  

history.   According   to   our   sources,   she   turned   him   about  
twenty  years  ago,  and  they  often  worked  together.  She  took  

her   duty   to   train   him   seriously.   She   is—was—around   a  
hundred   years   old   herself,   with   considerable   skills   and  


”You   are   really   quite   lucky   she   chose   to   toy   with   you,  

Garrett.  And  it  goes  to  show  how  powerful  werewolves  can  

be  in  a  job  like  this.  Jet  didn’t  leave  much  of  her  to  identify.”  

Travis   tapped   his   finger   on   the   photo.   “Perhaps   I   can  

help  here.”  

“Yes,   I   think   you   can,”   Clint   said.   “We   know   you'ʹre  

building  a  database  of  supers,  and  I’m  hoping  you  can  give  
us   some   information   on   this   guy.   Oh,   don’t   look   so  

surprised,”  he  laughed  at  the  shocked  expression  on  Travis’s  

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face.   “You’ve   hit   databases   that   Homeland   Security  

considers  sensitive,  and  we  cyber-­‐‑followed  you  back  to  your  
cozy  little  office.  And  I’m  impressed.  As  far  as  I  know,  yours  

is  the  most  comprehensive  information  pool  on  supernatural  
creatures   we’ve   run   across.   That   includes   the   FBI’s,”   he  


“All   well   and   good,”   Jet   broke   in,   “but   where’s   the  

proof?  I  don’t  see  anything  linking  the  murders  of  the  agents  
to  the  attack  on  Sam.”  

“Getting  there.”  Clint’s  voice  held  a  slight  musical  note  

cued  to  annoyed.  As  if  their  unwillingness  to  let  him  draw  

this  out  all  night  disappointed  him.  Tough  shit.  

Before  Sam  could  filet  Special  Agent  Wayne,  he  felt  the  

soothing  brush  of  Travis  in  his  mind.    

Let  me,  Sam.    
“You   know,   Clint,   I’m   on   a   rather   tight   schedule.   It  

would  be  nice  if  you  got  to  the  point  before  sunrise.  Please.”  
Travis  tacked  on  the  last  word  like  a  velvet  slap.  

Sighing,  Clint  moved  another  sheet  out.  “Several  years  

ago,  Sofia  began  doing  hits  exclusively  for  one  family.  And  

her   contact   was   Vincent   Jourdain—when   he   was   still  

The  sudden  charge  of  energy  in  the  room  was  electric.  

Sam   felt   the   tension,   the   excitement,   and   had   to   repress   a  
small  whimper  that  threatened  to  escape  when  Trav  ran  his  

tongue  over  the  tips  of  his  fangs.  Damn,  talk  about  a  fucking  

Sam   would   never   voluntarily   share   blood   no   matter  

how  sexy  his  partner  was…would  he?  Shoring  up  his  mental  

shields,   Sam   ordered   his   suddenly   interested   dick   to   calm  
down  and  forced  his  focus  back  on  the  immediate  situation.  

He   felt   the   heated   look   Travis   shot   him,   the   adrenaline-­‐‑

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fueled   pheromones   flying   off   all   the   men   in   the   room.   He  

really,  really  needed  to  get  laid  when  all  this  was  settled.  

Damn,   but   he   couldn’t   let   his   dick   be   in   charge.   He  

thought  of  Russ  and  Jet,  and  his  cock  gave  a  twitch.  Those  
two…jeez,  the  sex  was  amazing,  but  it  was  like  going  out  on  

a  date  and  the  guy  had  your  life  planned  out  in  the  first  two  
hours,  down  to  the  adopted  kids,  cats—no  fucking  way—and  

picket   fence.   Those   two   men   screamed   commitment,   and  
Sam  just  didn’t  think  he  could  go  there.  But  when  he  looked  

at   Travis,   he   remembered   their   one   hook-­‐‑up,   and   their  
friendship,   and   damn   if   his   heart   didn’t   beat   a   little   faster.  

Fucking   traitorous   thing.   Not   to   mention   his   rock   hard  

erection  straining  at  his  jeans  when  he  thought  about  those  
fangs   sinking   in   his   neck   while   he   rode   Trav’s   cock.   He  

shivered,  and  cut  a  quick  glance  at  Travis  out  of  the  corner  
of  his  eye.  

“Focus,”  Clint  roared  and  cut  through  the  haze  in  Sam’s  

mind   and   forced   his   attention   back   to   the   real   matter   at  

hand.   “We’ve   pieced   this   together   from   various   law  
enforcement  agencies,  plus  a  few  supernaturals  who  provide  

information   on   the   condition   of   anonymity.   We   know   the  
Fontaine  family  used  Vincent  Jourdain  as  their  enforcer  for  

years,   but   rumor   has   it   that   when   Richard   took   over   the  

family  business  from  his  father,  he  dumped  Vinnie  in  favor  
of  a  vampire.  No  one  knows  for  sure  how  Richard  knew  of  

the   existence   of   vampires,   but   it’s   believed   the   original  
source  of  the  information  was  Vinnie  himself.  This  was  right  

about   the   time   the   Fontaine’s   lost   their   bid   for   a   gambling  
license  in  New  Orleans.  “  

Clint   slid   a   photocopy   of   a   letter   onto   the   coffee   table  

and   Sam   caught   a   glimpse   of   the   words,   “We   regret   to  

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inform  you…”  before  he  looked  back  up.  Something  didn’t  


“So  Fontaine  used  Vinnie  as  his  go-­‐‑between  with  Sofia?  

He   became   a   vampire   himself—did   she   create   him,   too?   I  
thought  du  Champ  was  Vinnie’s  sire?”  

Clint   nodded.   “From   what   we’ve   been   able   to   piece  

together,   at   some   point   Richard   Fontaine   broke   his  

connection   with   Vinnie   in   favor   of   directly   dealing   with  

“And   that’s   when   Vinnie   went   to   du   Champ?”   Sam  

played   connect   the   dots.   “You   think   there   might   be   some  

kind  of  pissing  contest  between  du  Champ  and  Fontaine?  

Instead   of   answering,   Clint   fanned   another   stack   of  

photographs   on   the   table.   Sam   leaned   forward   and   looked  

closely   at   the   surveillance   photos   of   Vincent   and   Sofia   and  
solo   shots   of   Eric.   Huh.   A   couple   of   them   looked   like   they  

were  taken  at  Fangs.    

“Let  me  get  this  straight.  Fontaine  and  his  family  used  

that   psycho   Jourdain   as   an   enforcer   then   switched   to   Sofia  
and   her   boy.   So   does   that   mean…you   think   they   could   be  

behind  my  attack?”  

Travis,  we  have  to  check  this  shit  out.  If  it  was  that  fucking  

mob  that  sic’ed  the  bitch  on  meI  have  to  know.  

I  know,  Sam.  We  will.  Focus.  This  is  about  the  agents  right  


Sam   leaned   back   and   took   a   deep   breath.   “Let’s   not  

confuse   the   issue.   We’re   here   about   the   murders   of   your  

agents,   so   what'ʹs   the   motive?   Why   kill   two   Homeland  
Security  agents?  Something  feels  hinky.”  

Travis  came  to  stand  next  to  Sam  and  rested  a  hand  on  

his  shoulder.  “I'ʹm  with  Sam,  here.  There'ʹs  nothing  to  gain  by  

earning   the   enmity   of   Homeland   Security.   It'ʹs   one   thing   to  

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go   after   an   NOPD   officer   or   two.   That'ʹs   local,   and   while   it  

pisses  people  off  and  it'ʹs  like  knocking  a  hornet'ʹs  nest,  to  be  
honest  the  resources  we  have  locally  to  go  after  something  

like  a  mob  family?  Not  gonna  happen.  So  there'ʹs  something  
else  in  play  here,  isn'ʹt  there,  Rawhide?”  

Jet  choked  and  Sam  burst  out  laughing,  but  Clint  gave  

Travis   a   look   that   should   have   fried   him   on   the   spot.   He  

replied   through   a   clenched   jaw.   “We   think   so   too,   sparkle-­‐‑
boy.   Seems   someone   has   been   arranging   small   accidents  

with  low-­‐‑level  members  of  the  Fontaine  family.  Little  things  
that  make  them  look  bad.  Minor,  but  they'ʹve  been  escalating.  

And  we  think  your  sire  might  have  something  to  do  with  it.”  

He   tapped   his   finger   on   the   picture   everyone   had   ignored  
until  now.  

Sam  felt  the  wave  of  cold  that  passed  through  Travis  as  

Henri'ʹs  pale  gaze  seem  to  look  up  at  them  from  the  photo.  

“What  are  you  thinking?”  

“The  Fontaine’s  and  du  Champ  have  bad  blood  over  the  

gambling   permits   and   a   few   other   business   deals.   The  
Master  vamp  seems  to  keep  coming  out  on  the  happy  end  of  

every   skirmish.   It’s   unclear   whether   the   attacks   on   Roberts  
and   Flores   were   meant   as   a   warning,   an   accident,   a   scare  

tactic,  either  from  Fontaine  to  du  Champ  or  something  else  

entirely,   but   I   know   where   I’m   placing   my   money.   They  
were  fucking  killed  as  a  matter  of  convenience  in  a  turf  war.  


No  one  spoke  while  Agent  Wayne  gathered  the  photos  

and   his   composure.   “The   key   is   catching   this   Eric   and  
making  him  give  us  the  answers.  Now,  how  about  we  take  a  

trip   downstairs   and   see   what   you   might   have   in   your  
database?   Unless   you'ʹd   like   to   make   some   more   funnies?   I  

can  wait.”  

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Travis   caught   Jet   and   Sam'ʹs   gazes,   and   all   three   stood  

and  started  toward  the  door.  

“Thought   not,”   Clint   mumbled   as   he   gathered   his  

evidence   and   shoved   it   back   in   the   folio.   “I   can   tell   this   is  
going  to  be  a  laugh  a  minute.  Rawhide.  Make  my  day,”  he  

grumbled  as  he  packed  his  briefcase.  “I  got  your  magnum.”  

All  three  men  choked  with  laughter  as  they  made  their  

way  downstairs.  Agent  Asshole  forgets  we  can  hear  his  rantings  
at   a   hundred   yards
,   Sam   heard   Travis   mumble.   He   fought  

back   a   chuckle   and   tried   to   let   the   silver-­‐‑haired   man   have  
some  dignity  as  he  plodded  after  them.  


Once   downstairs,   the   three   men   crowded   into   Travis’s  

office  and  watched  as  he  unlocked  his  computer  and  opened  
the   database.   Sam   stood   close   behind   him,   with   one   hand  

resting  on  his  shoulder.  Travis  shuddered  at  the  thrill  of  the  
light  touch.  God,  he  needed  to  talk  to  Sam,  and  soon.  Later,  

he  sent  to  Sam  through  whatever  the  hell  it  was  that  let  them  
talk   back   and   forth.   Sam   squeezed   his   shoulder   in   silent  


Based   on   what   he   knew   about   the   pack   and   about  

broods   of   vampires—he   had   to   smile   at   the   people   who  
called   them   covens—the   communication   was   more   than  

unusual.   Master   vampires   could   communicate   with   their  

blood   slaves,   their   brood,   and   with   other   species.   But   the  
strength  it  took  to  do  that  took  hundreds  of  years  to  develop.  

Certainly  outside  Travis’s  abilities.  Alpha  wolves  could  also  
communicate   beyond   pack   but   Sam   was   just   a   pup   in   the  

wolf  world.    

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Sam   appeared   to   be   really   interested   in   the   database,  

though.  Travis  had  shared  some  of  his  research  with  Danny  
over   the   past   few   weeks,   and   he   in   turn   had   shared   with  

Sam.   Danny   said   it   had   seemed   to   help   take   Sam’s   mind  
off…well,   everything.   And   Travis   had   been   studying,  

reading   up   on   everything   he   could   get   his   hands   on  
regarding  vampires  so  he  could  figure  out  some  of  his  own  

history.   For   two   long   years,   he   hadn’t   known   much   more  
than   the   basics—that   he   needed   blood   to   survive,   that  

daylight   could   kill   him,   and   that   he   was   some   kind   of  
undead.  Other  than  that…nothing.  

Not  that  the  reading  alone  had  been  much  help.  There  

was  a  lot  of  speculative  fiction,  romance,  and  horror.  No,  his  
knowledge   was   hard-­‐‑earned   through   online   research,  

scouring  old  newspapers,  and  weeding  through  ancient  texts  
that  used  odd  phrases  and  antiquated  metaphors  to  describe  

vampirism.  The  modern  werewolf  books  were  just  as  full  of  
shit.  At  least  Sam  had  Russ  and  Jet  to  guide  him  through  the  

transition  process.  That  asshole  Henri  just  attacked  him  and  
left   him   to   die.   One   of   these   days,   Travis   would   pay   that  

creep  a  little  visit  and  tear  answers  from  him,  bit  by  bit…  

Travis  noticed  the  silence,  and  realized  he’d  been  caught  

up   in   his   thoughts.   Again.   Clearing   his   throat,   he   started.  

“Okay.   Based   on   what   we   know   about   this   Sofia   and   Eric,  
possible   dates   he   was   turned,   and   geographical  

markers…there  are  three  possibilities.”  Trav’s  hands  flew  on  
the  keyboard,  and  then  the  printer  hummed  and  he  reached  

for  the  pages.  He  turned  around  in  his  desk  chair  and  faced  
the  other  men.  “We  can  almost  eliminate  the  first  one,  Eric  

van   Locken,   based   on   physical   description.   Despite   the  
apparent  Danish  heritage,  his  dark  looks  don’t  fit  the  lighter  

hair  and  slim  build  this  guy  has  in  the  surveillance  photos.”  

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He  handed  the  other  two  pages  to  Clint.  “Eric  Campbell  

was   born   in   Tampa,   turned   in   1997,   sire   not   known   but  
suspected   to   be   a   female   based   on   anecdotal   information,”  

the   agent   read   out   loud.   “Physical   match,   um   hmm,   last  
know   location   Biloxi   before   Hurricane   Katrina.   Huh.   Petty  

larceny  and  simple  assault  in  his  background.”  Clint  looked  
at   Trav   blankly.   “Not   gonna   ask   how   you   got   that  


He  flipped  to  the  second  page  and  glanced  up  at  Travis,  

who   smiled.   “Eric   Saint   Pierre,   turned   1988.   Family   from  
France,   last   known   male   in   lineage.   Physically   a   dead-­‐‑on  

match.   So   to   speak.”   He   sent   a   wicked   grin   to   Travis.   “No  


Trav  laughed.  “None  taken.  Read  on.”  

“Last   known   location.   Shreveport.   Worked   for…”   He  

looked   up   and   a   predatory   smile   spread   across   his   face.  

“Fontaine   Enterprises.   Gentlemen,   I   think   we   have   a  

Travis  glanced  over  at  Sam,  who  was  looking  at  Jet  with  

the   look   Trav   knew   usually   meant   someone   was   going   to  

end   up   nursing   a   chewed   ass.   Literally   now.   He   shared   in  
the   anticipatory   tingle   that   spread   over   Sam,   who   was  

leaking   images   through   their   link   of   hunting   and   rending  


“So  what’s  the  plan?  I  assume  your  evidence  will  hold  

up.”  Jet  glanced  at  Clint,  who  nodded.  “We  can  go  after  him  
tonight  and  get  the  answers  we  need.  Or  do  we  just…make  

him  disappear?  Either  way,  I’m  good.”  

Clint  looked  at  him,  and  shook  his  head.  “Bloodthirsty  

fucker,   aren’t   you?   No,   we   need   answers.   Like   I   said,   our  
working  theory  is  he  was  groomed  to  work  with  Sofia,  and  

that   partnership   was   lucrative   and   successful.   If   he   was  

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indeed   partners   with   Sofia   in   more   than   just   business,   this  

may   have   a   personal   element   to   it.   We   just   don’t   fucking  
know.   So   we   need   him   able   to   answer   questions.   I   would  

prefer  you  bring  him  in,  and  let  me  assist.  But”—he  held  up  
his   hand,   warding   off   the   objections   Trav   saw   forming   on  

Jet’s  lips—“I’m  well  aware  how  unlikely  that  is  to  happen.”  

Clint  leaned  back,  arms  crossed,  and  regarded  the  three  

men  who  made  up  this  new  team.  Once  again,  Trav  reached  
for   the   man’s   mind   and   drew   the   white   static   that   blocked  

reading   any   thoughts   whatsoever.   Trav   saw   him   look  
slightly  over  their  heads,  and  knew,  from  experience  of  his  

own,  it  meant  he  was  choosing  his  words  carefully.    

He   figured   it   was   going   to   be   the   typical   “Be   safe   out  

there”   speech,   with   a   little   of   the   “I’m   the   boss   of   you”  

captain’s   lecture   thrown   in   for   good   measure.   He   fixed   his  
face   into   a   neutral   expression,   knowing   it   pissed   off   all   his  

supervisors,  and  he  just  couldn’t  resist.  

Keeping   his   gaze   about   a   foot   over   their   heads,   Clint  

started.  “This  is…personal  now.  This  snake  took  two  of  my  
agents,  and  they  never  had  a  chance.  The  old  rules  just  don’t  

apply   anymore,   and   I   know   it.   I   can’t   tell   you   how   to   do  
what’s   in   your   blood   now—I   know   none   of   you   are   quite  

human   anymore,   and   that’s   fine,   I   don’t   care.   It   would   be  

beyond  presumptuous  of  me  to  try  to  give  you  advice.  So  I  
won’t.  What  I  will  say  is”—he  drew  in  a  deep  breath—“if  it  

is   him,   and   he’s   responsible,   get   what   you   need   and   make  
him  pay.  Roberts  might  have  been  a  jerk  to  you,  but  he  was  a  

sensitive.  You  know  what  that  means?”  

Travis  sat  back.  “Yeah…he  could  sense  the  paranormals  

around   him—depending   on   the   degree   of   sensitivity,   he  
might  get  a  slight  read  of  what  they  were  thinking…”  

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“It  also  means  he  was  even  more  susceptible  to  thought  

manipulation  by  telepaths.”  Clint  reached  into  his  shirt  and  
pulled  out  a  slim  black  key  fob-­‐‑sized  device  suspended  from  

a  chain  around  his  neck.  “This  is  a  Nullifier.  It’s  still  in  the  
testing   phase,   but   is   designed   to   keep   telepaths   out   of   the  

thoughts  of  the  person  wearing  the  device.  

Travis  nodded  his  head,  not  bothering  to  hide  his  fangs  

when   he   smiled.   “Worked   good,   too.   I   couldn’t   tell   one  
damn  thing  from  you.”  

Clint   leaned   forward.   “This   is   important,   Travis.   Were  

you  able  to  read  Roberts  in  the  car?”  


“That   answers   a   question   for   me…from   the   way   you  

described   Roberts   acting   during   the   interview,   it   was   clear  

he   had   been   manipulated.   His   Nullifier   wasn’t   found   with  
his  effects  or  on  his  body.  Obviously,  he  lost  it  before  the  trip  

to  the  werewolf  compound.”  

Clint   dropped   the   Nullifier   back   into   his   shirt.   “James  

Roberts   left   behind   a   wife   and   two   kids   who   called   him  
Daddy.  And  Agent  Flores  was  a  good  friend.”  His  voice  was  

rough   and   he   dropped   his   gaze   to   the   floor.   “When   you  
catch   him,   get   your   answers.   And   if   this   Eric   was   the   one  

responsible  for  their  murders—make  the  motherfucker  pay.”  

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Chapter  Nine  

Danny   leaned   back   in   his   chair   and   twisted   his   neck  

hard  enough  to  the  left  that  it  snapped,  crackled,  and  almost  
popped,  but  he  finally  got  a  look  at  the  clock.  With  an  effort,  

he  uncoiled  until  he  was  almost  back  in  the  same  position  as  

when   he   started.   God,   everything   hurt.   Just   goes   to   show  
what  two  hours  cramped  over  a  stack  of  crime  scene  photos  

and  a  boatload  of  tension  would  do  for  you.    

The  whole  situation  fucking  sucked.  The  murder  of  the  

two  federal  agents  was  sure  to  be  a  political  hot  potato  yet  
the  chief  and  the  mayor  hadn’t  been  in  to  chew  on  his  ass.  

You   could   practically   smell   the   ozone   in   the   air,   and   there  
wasn’t   anything   he   could   do   except   wait   for   the   lightning  

strike   he   knew   was   coming   his   way.   Maybe   they   were  
waiting  on  the  governor.  And  now  the  whole  issue  of  budget  

cuts   for   the   Odd   Squad   was   going   to   look   like   the   cluster  

fuck  it  was.  

Danny   could   have   told   them   something   like   this   was  

inevitable.   The   sheer   number   of   cases   that   came   across   his  
desk   was   a   constant   surprise.   Hell,   three   years   or   so   ago  

nobody   gave   serious   thought   to   vampires   or   werewolves  
really   being   real.   Sure,   he’d   gone   to   see   those   silly   movies  

with  the  twinkly  vampire  and  the  poor  young  werewolf  who  
didn’t   seem   to   own   a   shirt.   But   the   minute   he’d   seen   the  

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newly  turned  vamp  suspect  burst  into  flames  in  front  of  his  

precinct,  he  knew  the  world  changed  in  an  instant.  And  he  
wanted  nothing  more  than  to  be  a  part  of  it.  

When   the   call   had   gone   out   for   officers   for   a   newly  

formed  team  to  deal  with  crimes  committed  against  and  by  

paranormals,   he’d   been   the   first   to   put   in   his   transfer  
request.   He   believed   everyone   deserved   protection   under  

the  law,  and  had  seen  too  many  of  his  brothers  in  blue  turn  a  
blind  eye  to  gay  bashings  and  crimes  against  people  of  color.  

The  old  prejudices  died  hard,  and  the  black  eye  the  NOPD  
had   taken   nationally   over   all   the   scandals   of   the   previous  

decade   spurred   more   and   more   change.   And   damn   it,   the  

reason  he  got  into  law  enforcement  in  the  first  place  was  to  
try  and  make  this  corner  of  the  world  a  little  better  place  to  


“No  damn  wonder  the  solve  rate  in  this  department  is  

one  of  the  lowest  in  the  city,  if  all  your  officers  sit  on  their  
asses   and   daydream   instead   of   being   out   there   working  

cases.”   The   harsh   words   startled   Danny,   and   he   spun  
around   in   his   chair   to   confront   the   asshole   who   uttered  

them.  Well  shit,  it  would  have  to  be  Clint  fucking  Wayne.  

Pushing   his   anger   down,   he   turned   a   feral   grin   on   the  

fed.  Slowly  standing,  he  rose  to  his  full  height  and  motioned  

the   shorter   man   to   a   seat.   “How   lovely   to   see   you   too,  
Wayne.   Come   here   to,   uhm…make   my   day,   pilgrim?”   He  

raised   an   eyebrow,   mentally   high-­‐‑fiving   himself   for   the  
quick   flash   of   anger   his   gibe   at   the   man’s   ridiculous   name  


“Looks   like   somebody   needs   to   do   something   around  

here   besides   sit   on   his   ass.”   Ignoring   the   invitation,   Clint  
leaned  against  the  desk  and  folded  his  arms  over  his  chest.  

“I   need   your   case   files,   and   I   need   them   now.   Homeland  

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Security   is   taking   over,   and   it   looks   like   not   a   minute   too  


Danny   mentally   counted   to   ten,   then   sat   back   in   his  

chair,   leaning   back   to   study   Clint.   He   really   wasn’t   a   bad  
looking  man,  when  you  took  into  account  he  couldn’t  dress  

any  worse  and  still  be  allowed  out  on  the  streets.  Something  
about   that   silver   hair   with   the   sexy   little   cowlick   in   back  

made  Danny  want  to  run  his  fingers  through  it,  holding  the  
irritating  man  in  place  while  he  thrust  his  cock  in  and  out  of  

his  big  mouth.  

Shaking  off  the  image,  he  met  Clint’s  angry  gaze.  “I’d  be  

happy  to  share  information  with  you,  cowboy,  as  soon  as  I  

get  word  from  someone  with  some  real  authority  that  you’re  
taking   the   case.   Until   then,   how   about   you   sit   your   happy  

ass  down  and  adjust  that  attitude,  huh?  I  thought  we  were  
on   the   same   side   here,   not   some   heavy-­‐‑handed   cliché   of  

what  everyone  expects  a  federal  agent  to  be.  Now,  be  a  nice  
boy  and  think  about  it  while  I  call  the  chief.”  

Ignoring   the   waves   of   rage   that   emanated   from   the  

agent,   Danny   reached   for   his   desk   phone   and   called   the  

precinct  chief.  While  it  was  a  courtesy—Danny  and  his  team  
really  reported  to  state  personnel,  nominally  the  governor—

he   owed   it   to   his   colleagues   here   to   go   through   proper  


“Hey,   darlin’,”   he   drawled   to   Gracie,   the   chief’s   right-­‐‑

hand   woman,   “your   boss   have   a   minute   for   me?   Thanks,  
doll.”   He   waited   while   she   giggled   and   put   him   on   hold,  

then  took  a  more  respectful  tone  when  the  chief  came  on.  

After  a  brief  conversation,  during  which  he  discovered  

that  yes,  he  was  to  cooperate  fully  with  the  fed,  and  that  yes,  
she  understood  he  didn’t  report  to  her,  but  that  she  would  

take   it   as   a   personal   favor   if   he   would   play   nice   in   the  

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sandbox   with   the   bully,   he   hung   up   and   regarded   Clint.  

“Looks   like   we’re   going   to   be   study   buddies.   I’ll   have   the  
files  copied  and  to  you  in  a  couple  of  hours.  Where’s  your  

temporary  office?”  

Clint   turned   a   frosty   stare   to   Danny   and   gave   him   a  

slight   smile.   “Oh,   there’s   nothing   temporary   about   my  
offices.  We  are  setting  up  on  the  third  floor,  on  the  back  hall.  

Permanently.  And  I  expect  those  files  there  within  the  hour.  
Look,  Burkette,  you  need  to  understand  something.”    

The  right  side  of  Wayne’s  mouth  twitched,  then  pulled  

back  into  half  a  smile.  Damn,  if  there  wasn’t  a  little  dimple  

hiding   in   that   right   cheek.   The   man   should   smile   more  

often—might  get  more  things  done  down  here  in  the  Deep  

“What’s  that,  Clint?”  Danny  added  an  extra  coating  of  

sugar  onto  the  man’s  name,  making  it  two  full  syllables.    

Clint   snorted,   then   pushed   away   from   the   desk   and  

started  walking  toward  the  door.  He  rested  his  hand  on  the  

doorframe  then  turned  to  look  at  Danny.  A  good  long  look.  
A  cop’s  look.    

“Things   have   changed,   Burkette,   and   you   aren’t   the  

only  office  dealing  with  crimes  against  supers  anymore.  The  

federal  government  has  a  mandate  from  congress,  and  that  

means   I   am   here.   Permanently.   So   I   suggest   you   take   a   few  
minutes  later  in  the  day  and  put  your  doughnuts  down  and  

figure  out  how  you  are  going  to  work  under  me.  Because  I  
don’t  give  a  fuck  who  you  work  for,  you  do  nothing  related  

to  these  murders—or  any  other  paranormal  crime—without  
running   it   by   me   first.”   There   was   nothing   but   cold  

contempt  in  the  agent’s  voice.  

Clint   strode   out   of   the   office,   leaving   as   much  

devastation   in   his   wake   as   a   small   hurricane…maybe   not  

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quite  as  life  altering  as  Katrina—but  pretty  damn  close  as  far  

as  Danny  was  concerned.  Good  thing  he  was  alone,  because  
that   little   performance   had   his   pulse   pounding   in   his   ears  

and  he  felt  a  flush  doing  a  slow  crawl  up  his  neck.  He  had  
never  been  so  pissed.  Or  so  fucking  hard.  Because  really,  the  

man  did  have  a  spectacular  ass.  And  sooner  or  later,  Danny  
was   going   to   tap   it…because   there   was   nothing   he   liked  

better  than  a  mouthy  bottom.  


For   a   Thursday   night,   the   crowd   at   Fangs   was   pretty  

tame.  There  had  been  a  couple  of  minor  flare-­‐‑ups  of  temper  
and  testosterone,  but  overall,  it  was  a  good  crowd.  Russ  sat  

in  his  corner  booth,  for  once  not  with  Jet  or  any  number  of  

wolves  who  needed  something  from  him.  He  loved  his  pack,  
and   would   be   lost   without   them,   but   damn,   it   was   nice   to  

kick  back  and  have  a  few  beers,  listen  to  some  kick-­‐‑ass  rock-­‐‑
and-­‐‑roll,  and  put  his  feet  up.  

Broad   shoulders   and   a   glimpse   of   unruly   black   hair  

caught   his   attention,   and   Russ   watched   the   big   detective  

push  his  way  across  the  dance  floor,  a  determined  look  on  
his   face.   And…here   goes   the   night.   Even   from   this   distance,  

Russ   could   smell   the   anger   radiating   from   the   man   like  
sweat.  He  sighed,  wishing  he’d  used  the  private  back  room  

to   relax   in   instead   of   sitting   out   in   public.   Ah   well,   no  

shirking  his  responsibilities.  He  drained  the  rest  of  his  beer  
in  two  quick  gulps  and  motioned  to  Talon  to  bring  him  two  

more.   Maybe   he   could   get   Danny   to   relax   if   he   got   him   a  
little  drunk.  

“I’ve  been  looking  for  you  for  a  fucking  week,”  Danny  

spat  at  him,  throwing  his  body  into  the  booth  and  glaring  at  

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the   wolf.   “Didn’t   anyone   tell   you?   I   left,   like,   twenty  

messages  with  your  big  guy  and  every  wolf  in  this  damned  
city.  And  don’t  think  buying  me  a  beer  is  gonna  make  this  

any  better.”  He  nodded  politely  to  Talon  before  turning  his  
attention  back  to  Russ.  

Russ  tilted  the  neck  of  his  beer  to  Danny  and  took  a  long  

pull   from   it   before   addressing   the   man.   “And   a   jolly   good  

evening  to  you,  Lieutenant  Burkette.  It’s  so  good  to  see  you.  
Yes,  I  am  having  a  wonderful  day,  thank  you  for  asking.  A  

beer?  Don’t  mind  if  I  do.  No,  please,  I  insist,  let  me  add  it  to  
my   tab,   since   I   can   see   you   are   having   such   a   bad   day.  

Losing   your   manners   and   all   like   you   have.”   He   delivered  

the  last  sentence  in  a  low  growl,  leaning  back  and  focusing  
his   attention   on   two   men   doing   some   dirty   dancing  

something   like   the   lambada.   Was   he   really   old   enough   to  
remember  that  one?  And  dancing  it  with  Jet?  That  brought  a  

smile  back  to  his  mouth.  

“Yeah,   yeah,   merry   fucking   Christmas   and   a   happy  

New   Year’s   and   Feliz   Navidad.   Sorry,”   Danny   sighed   and  
apologized,   “this   day   has   kicked   my   ass,   And   I   really   do  

need  to  talk  to  you,  Russ.  No  shit.”  

“I   really   don’t   have   much   to   tell   you,   Danny.   I   know  

what   you   are   looking   for,   and   there’s   nothing   I   know   that  

you  don’t.  Like  I  told  you,  there’ve  been  a  few  wolves  that  
were  in  the  area  and  now…they  aren’t.  No  word  from  them,  

and   nobody   missing   them.   Troublemakers,   lone   wolves,  
none  of  them  pack.  Well,  one  was,  but  he  was  exiled.”  Russ  

had  no  intentions  of  telling  pack  secrets,  and  Connor  was  an  
issue  he  would  address  as  Alpha  soon  enough.    

Danny   looked   at   Russ   from   under   hair   that   fell   across  

his   eyes,   not   bothering   to   hide   his   glare.   “You   and   I   both  

know   when   things   start   to   become   a   pattern,   it   means  

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something.   Wolves   with   no   ties   to   the   community   going  

missing?   And   we   have   evidence   from   a   case   that’s   been  
Attributed   and   closed   that   can’t   be   explained—were   fangs  

mixed   in   with   vamp   ones,   blood   still   on   them,   no   DNA  
matches.  Something’s  going  on  here,  Russ,  and  we  have  to  

find  a  way  to  work  with  each  other.”  

Russ  motioned  for  Talon  to  come  back  to  the  booth,  then  

turned  back  to  Danny,  trying  to  find  a  way  to  phrase  what  
he  had  to  say  in  a  way  that  didn’t  piss  the  man  off.  Well,  too  

much  anyway.  When  the  slender  cat  appeared  at  the  table,  
he  ordered  two  beers  each,  and  eyeing  Danny,  had  him  add  

wings,   nachos,   and   two   burgers   to   the   tab.   “How   do   you  

take  yours?  The  standard  here  is  rare.”  

Danny  shuddered.  “Medium,  please.  If  it  bleeds,  I  can’t  

eat  it.”  

Russ   shared   a   smile   with   Talon,   who   merely   gave  

Danny   a   raised   eyebrow.   “We’d   never   ask   you   to,  
Lieutenant.   But   you   might   want   to   try   some   tartare   one  

night.  The  new  cook  here  has  a  way  with  beef  that  you  won’t  

Choking  on  his  beer,  Russ  had  to  blink  away  the  tears  

that  stung  his  eyes.  Damn  it,  he  would  kick  Tal’s  ass  for  that  

one.   The   chef,   Zeke,   was   a   canine   shifter—an   Australian  

Shepherd.  And  yeah,  he  did  have  a  way  around  beef.  He’d  
been  herding  them  in  Montana  for  ten  years  prior  to  making  

his  way  south  to  Louisiana.  

“Better   take   care   there,   Alpha,   those   large   chunks   of  

beer   are   dangerous.”   Talon   nodded   as   if   it   were   an  
indisputable  fact  and  turned  to  go  back  to  the  bar.  

“Just   place   the   order,”   Russ   grated   out.   And   keep   your  

damned  jokes  to  yourself,  you  smartass.  

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Shaking   his   head,   Russ   turned   his   attention   back   to  

Danny,   who   looked   bemused.   “Can’t   find   good   help  
anywhere.   Now   where   were   we?   Oh,   yeah.   I’m   sorry,   but  

there’s   not   much   else   I   can   do   here,   Danny.   I’ve   put   out  
some  feelers,  and  I  promise  you,  if  I  hear  anything  that  you  

need  to  know,  I  will  tell  you.”  

Danny  slammed  his  beer  bottle  down,  almost  breaking  

it.  “And  there’s  the  rub.  What  you  think  I  need  to  know.  Russ,  
it’s  the  things  you  might  not  think  to  tell  me,  or  think  I  don’t  

need   to   know   that   break   cases   like   this.   I   know   what   I’m  
doing  here;  you  have  to  trust  me.  And  I  don’t  want  to  cause  

the  pack  any  trouble.  You  know  Sam  and  I  were  partners  for  

a   while,   and   he’s   pack   now.   I   would   never   do   anything   to  
hurt  him.”  

Russ   turned   understanding   eyes   to   him,   and   his   tone  

softened.  “Trust  me,  Danny,  I  know.  More  than  you  might  

think,  I  understand.  But  you  have  to  understand,  I  have  the  
lives  of  dozens  of  men,  women,  and  children  under  my  care,  

and  they  are  my  number  one  concern  always.  I  promise  you,  
any   information   that   comes   my   way   that   won’t   endanger  

them,  I  will  share  with  you.  Deal?”  

Danny   deflated   some,   looking   down   at   his   beer   and  

rolling   the   bottle   between   his   palms.   He   raised   his   eyes,  

finally.  “Deal.”  

Russ   paused   a   moment,   then   slowly   said,   “I   did   hear  

that   a   wolf   went   missing   off   Henri   du   Champ’s   estate   this  
week.  A  young  man,  not  much  more  than  twenty.  Not  one  of  

mine,”   he   forestalled   Danny’s   questions.   “A   loner   who   Jet  
heard  was  in  the  area,  from  somewhere  around  Shreveport.  

He’d  been  talking  to  one  of  our  young  guys,  and  now  he’s  
not   answering   calls   or   texts.   Could   be   nothing.”   He  


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Danny  nodded.  “If  you  hear  anything  else,  let  me  know.  

I  think  I  might  know  which  guy  you’re  talking  about.  Twink,  
smart  mouth  on  him.  I  saw  him  out  there  a  while  back,  and  

he  looked  a  little  worse  for  the  wear.  Bite  marks  all  up  and  
down   his   neck,   bruises   and   a   bit   pale.   But   didn’t   seem   to  

have   been   forced   into   anything.   I’ll   see   what   I   can   track  

Russ   nodded   and   watched   as   Danny   fiddled   with   his  

napkin,  then  spun  his  bottle  around  a  few  more  times.  If  he  

waited  long  enough,  he  knew  Danny  would  come  out  with  
whatever  was  bothering  him.  Fifteen  years  as  Alpha  taught  

him  that  silence  was  a  great  motivator.  Danny  should  know  

that   too,   but   Russ   bet   Danny   didn’t   even   know   his  
nonverbals  were  giving  him  away  so  badly.  Yep,  he  thought,  

here  it  comes.  

“Just  what  the  hell  do  you  think’s  going  on  out  there  at  

du  Champ’s?  That  little  bastard  is  up  to  something.  I  know  

As  Russ  opened  his  mouth  to  reply,  a  snide  voice  broke  

in.  “Drinking  now,  Burkette?  That’ll  solve  that  stack  of  cases  

on   your   desk.   I   have   two   good   agents   on   the   slab   in   the  
morgue,  and  the  best  thing  you  can  think  of  to  do  is  sit  here  

with  the  local  Alpha  and  cry  into  your  beer?”  

Russ   watched   as   Danny   stiffened,   then   turned   to   see  

who   spoke   so   roughly   to   his   friend.   He   should   have  

known—Clint.  Aiming  to  head  off  trouble,  he  nodded  at  the  
agent.  “Wayne.  Care  to  join  us?  There’s  room  for  one  more,  

but  you  have  to  leave  that  massive  stick  up  your  ass  at  the  

Danny’s  eyes  grew  as  big  as  saucers,  and  Russ  smiled,  

nodding   in   acknowledgement.   Clint   stood   for   a   minute,  

clearly   undecided   whether   to   be   offended   and   leave,   or   to  

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join  them.  Russ  wasn’t  sure  whether  he  was  relieved  or  not  

when   he   slid   in   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   booth   from  
Danny,   effectively   putting   Russ   in   the   middle   of   the   two.  

Great.  He  rolled  his  eyes.  

Talon   chose   that   moment   to   deliver   the   food   and   the  

beers,  deftly  placing  one  in  front  of  Clint.  Russ  threw  him  a  
grateful  smile,  and  motioned  for  him  to  bring  them  another  

round.   He   grabbed   a   plate   and   began   piling   it   high   with  
meat  and  nachos.  “Dig  in.  And  just  know,  boys,  if  you  don’t  

play   nice,   I’ll   take   my   balls   and   go   home.   I’m   Switzerland  
here,  and  won’t  put  up  with  this  petty  pissing  contest.”  

Both  men  chose  to  remain  silent,  and  he  took  a  moment  

to  open  his  senses  up  to  the  room.  Ah,  he  thought,  smelling  
the  anger,  frustration  and  a  hint  of  lust  on  both  of  them.  It  

wouldn’t  be  long  before  they  figured  it  out,  and  it  might  be  
fun  to  watch.  In  the  meantime,  he’d  try  to  keep  them  from  

drawing  service  revolvers  on  each  other.  

Clint   broke   the   silence   first.   “So   tell   me   about   this   du  

Champ.   Is   that   Henri   du   Champ,   the   Master   vampire?   Is  
there  something  going  on  out  there  I  should  know  about?”  

Danny  took  a  bite  of  burger,  chewed  for  a  moment  then  

took  a  swallow  of  beer  before  answering.  Russ  wasn’t  going  

to  touch  that  one.  “Yes,  he’s  the  oldest  vampire  in  the  area,  

and  evidently  the  most  powerful  one  in  the  state.  Not  just  in  
vampire  terms,  but  he’s  also  managed  to  make  nice  with  the  

mayor   and   the   governor.   We   have   to   treat   him   with   kid  
gloves,   or   we   get   our   hands   slapped,   sometimes   rather  

harshly.  Nobody  knows  much  about  him  and  his  estate;  we  
weren’t   allowed   to   search   there   even   though   a   string   of  

crimes  have  been  reported  in  the  immediate  vicinity.  And,  as  
you   know,   Clint,   your   agents   were   found   less   than   a   mile  

from  his  home.”  

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Clint   grunted,   and   reached   for   another   wing.   “Yeah,   I  

was   told   by   His   Honor   that   I   was   to   tread   lightly.   Now,   I  
could   give   a   shit   about   the   piss-­‐‑ant   governor,   but   it   was  

followed   up   by   a   phone   call   from   the   Undersecretary   of  
Defense.  Which  sets  my  bullshit  meter  on  high.”  

Russ  noted  with  amusement  that  the  two  were  bonding  

over  local  politics.  How  sweet.  Not.  

Clint   turned   to   Russ,   and   asked,   “What   do   you   know  

about  the  area  there?  You  guys  have  to  have  scoped  it  out.  I  

can’t  see  that  big  guy  you’re  fucking  not  knowing  what  color  
sheets  Henri  sleeps  on  and  if  his  toilet  paper  rolls  from  the  

top  or  the  bottom.”  

“Fuck,  there  are  so  many  things  wrong  with  what  you  

just  said.  Do  they  teach  that  in  Agent  Etiquette  Class  in  DC?”  

Danny  guffawed.  

Russ   looked   smug.   “Burgundy.   And   it   rolls   from   the  


Danny  stared.  “So  what  else  do  you  know?”  

Almost  at  the  same  moment,  Clint  broke  in  with,  “What  

can  you  tell  me  about  him  in  relation  to  the  case?  I  need  to  

know  how  involved  he  is  with  the  vamp  assassin.”  

Russ  shoved  a  few  home  fries  into  a  pool  of  catsup,  then  

into   his   mouth   and   chewed   slowly,   deciding   he   wouldn’t  

share  the  source  of  his  information.  It  was  too  important  to  
keep  his  informant  undercover  for  now.  If  he  heard  anything  

that  might  help  Danny,  he  would  pass  it  on,  but  he  wasn’t  so  
sure  he’d  be  feeding  Clint  any  information.  Unless  it  helped  

Jet   and   his   team,   but   he   wasn’t   sure   he   could   trust   this  
federal   agent   any   further   than   he   could   spit   him.   In   little  

bloody  pieces,  preferably,  if  he  fucked  with  his  Beta.  

Danny  finally  caught  up  with  Clint’s  comment.  “Wait  a  

minute,   what   do   you   mean   with   the   vampire   assassin?   Do  

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you   mean   Sofia?   She’s   dead,   so   what   does   she   have   to   do  

with  anything?”  

Russ  exchanged  a  look  with  Clint,  waiting  on  the  agent  

to  take  the  lead  with  that  little  bit  of  information.  He'ʹd  had  
misgivings   about   Jet   being   a   part   of   the   team   Clint   set   up,  

but  if  he  was  honest,  it  was  mostly  because  he  wanted  to  be  
in  the  middle  of  the  action  himself.  He  knew  it  was  going  to  

piss  Danny  off  royally  when  he  found  out  the  feds  had  set  
up  a  black  ops  squad  right  in  the  middle  of  his  backyard,  so  

he  sat  back  and  watched  to  see  how  Clint  would  play  it.  

Clint  took  a  swig  of  his  beer  and  picked  up  a  wing.  “I  

already  told  you  I'ʹve  set  up  an  office  and  team  here  in  New  

Orleans,  Burkette.  Suffice  it  to  say  I  have  intel  that  your  lady  
killer   had   an   apprentice.   He'ʹs   the   one   that   went   after   my  

agents.”   He   jabbed   the   end   of   the   drumette   at   Danny,  
punctuating  his  words.  “I'ʹve  sent  my  team  in  and  they  are  

on  it.”  

Russ'ʹs  phone  rang,  the  strains  of  Elvis  Presley'ʹs  “Teddy  

Bear”  alerting  him  to  who  it  was.  Ignoring  the  glower  Danny  
was   giving   the   jackass   agent,   he   hit   connect,   rumbling  

“Evans”  and  listened.  “Good  job.  Keep  your  ears  open  and  
let  me  know  if  you  hear  anything  else.”  

He  turned  to  Clint,  amused  at  the  silent  pissing  contest  

going   on   between   him   and   Danny.   “Your   vamp'ʹs   on   the  

Clint   transferred   his   glare   to   Russ.   “How   the   fuck   do  

you  know?”  

As  if  he  would  tell  the  agent  that  there  were  no  secrets  

between  an  Alpha  and  his  Beta.  “Not  important.  But  letting  

the   others   know   right   away   is   important.   Excuse   me,”   he  
said,   pushing   Clint   out   of   the   booth   so   quickly   the   man  

almost  fell  to  the  floor.    

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As   he   stepped   away   to   make   the   call   to   Jet,   he   heard  

Danny'ʹs  angry  voice.  “What  the  hell  have  you  done?”  


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Chapter  Ten  

“Thanks  for  letting  me  take  a  look  at  the  apartment.  It’s  

been  a  while  since  I  was  in  here.”  Sam  looked  around  while  
Travis   went   in,   turning   on   lights.   It   was   exactly   as   he  

remembered.   Cozy,   masculine,   organized…so   like   the   man  

who  used  to  live  here.  

“It’s  no  problem.  I  wouldn’t  have  offered  it  to  you  if  I  

hadn’t   meant   it,   Sam.”   Sam   turned   and   was   struck   once  
again   by   the   man.   His   dark   good   looks,   taller   than   Sam   of  

course—all  these  damn  men  were,  it  seemed  like—and  those  
eyes  that  looked  as  if  he  could  see  every  secret  a  man  held.  

Of  course,  with  his  new  vamp  powers,  he  probably  could.  

Sam  walked  over  to  the  window  and  looked  out  at  the  

moonlit   courtyard.   He   noticed   things   like   that   now,   his  
eyesight   enhanced,   his   sense   of   hearing   and   smell   so  

much…more.   Closing   his   eyes,   he   couldn’t   help   but   smell  

the   leather   of   the   sofa,   the   slight   bitterness   of   ammonia  
where,   he   bet,   Travis   had   been   in   and   scrubbed   the   place  

clean  so  Sam  could  move  in.  But  most  of  all,  the  musk  and  
spice  that  was  unquestionably  Travis.  

“Everything   okay?”   This   time   his   voice   was   much  

closer,   right   behind   him.   Damn,   but   Trav   was   quick   and  

nearly  silent  when  he  wanted  to  be.  Sam  realized  he’d  been  

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standing   there,   just   breathing   in   the   familiar   scent,   and   a  

flush  warmed  his  entire  body.  

“Travis,”  he  started,  and  took  a  deep  breath  and  forced  

out  the  words.  “I  am  so,  so  very  sorry.  No,  let  me  finish,”  he  
quieted   Travis   before   he   could   stop   him.   “I   was   a   shitty  

friend,  and  I  really  was  on  my  way  here  to  apologize  and  ask  
for   your   forgiveness   and   offer   you   my   friendship   when,  


Travis’s  hands  on  his  shoulders  were  a  welcome  balm  as  

Sam  remembered  how  his  life  had  changed  in  that  moment.  
He  leaned  back  into  the  comfort  his  friend  offered,  dropping  

his   mental   shields   so   his   damned   untrustworthy   voice  

wouldn’t  fail  him  before  he  finished.  

You  deserved  better,  Travis.  I  treated  you  so  badly,  and  I  was  

so  ashamed  of  myself.  Can  you  find  it  in  your  heart  to  forgive  me?  

There’s  nothing  to  forgive,  Sam.  I  understand.  I  was  mad  at  

the  time,  but  really,  it’s  water  under  the  bridge.  I’d  like  us  to  be  
friends  again.  

Travis  folded  Sam  into  his  arms,  pulling  him  as  close  as  

possible  while  they  were  both  still  dressed.  The  broad  chest  

was  hard  against  Sam’s  back,  the  big  arms  circling  his  waist,  
anchoring  him  in  the  moment.  

Needing   more,   Sam   turned,   pressed   his   cheek   against  

Travis’s  chest,  melting  into  the  comfort  of  his  big  embrace.  
He   hadn’t   allowed   himself   to   lay   his   armor   down   and  

just…be…in  so  long,  and  Travis…he  was  such  a  safe  place.    

After   a   long   moment,   Sam   looked   up   and   found   the  

warm   hazel   gaze   fixed   on   his   face,   Travis’s   sculpted  
features…soft,  caring.  The  moment  stretched,  as  if  they  had  

forever   to   decide   what   they   wanted   to   do   about   the  
connection   that   hummed   between   them.   Tilting   his   head  

slightly,   Sam   slowly   closed   the   distance   until   their   breaths  

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mingled,  hot,  moist.  Still,  he  hesitated,  savoring  the  moment,  

remembering  the  promise  of  them.  With  a  sigh,  Sam  leaned  
forward   and   brushed   their   lips   together.   Trav’s   breath  

hitched  and  a  shudder  rocked  through  them  both.  Then  big  
hands  gripped  his  biceps  and  Sam  was  pushed  back  against  

the  wall  and  holy  fuck.  Travis  took  control  of  the  kiss.  

Kissing   Travis   was   everything   Sam   remembered.  

Demanding,  powerful,  rough.  His  tongue  forced  its  way  into  
Sam’s   mouth,   kissing   him   hard   and   long,   fucking   his   lips.  

Travis’s   hands   slid   underneath   his   shirt,   the   touch   electric,  
hungry.   Travis   wanted   him…wanted   him.   It   was   a   heady  

moment,   and   Sam   surrendered,   deepening   the   kiss   and  

rubbing   his   hard   dick   up   against   Travis’s   thigh.   Nails  
scraped  along  his  spine,  scratching,  and  Sam  arched  into  the  

touch,  wanting  more.  

Travis’s   need   was   palpable,   a   raging   hunger   that   had  

nothing   to   do   with   blood   and   everything   to   do   with   the  
heated   need   that   scorched   them   both.   There   was  

something…different,   more   than   what   he’d   had   with   Russ  
and   Jet.   This   felt   scary   big,   like   one   more   link   in   the   chain  

connecting  them  had  closed.    

Sam   moaned   as   Trav   popped   the   button   on   his   jeans  

and   shoved   them   down   around   his   thighs.   Then   Travis  

pushed  his  own  sweats  down  and  took  both  cocks  in  one  big  
hand  and  began  to  stroke.  

Heart   thundering,   wondering   if   he   was   about   to   push  

Travis  too  far,  Sam  tentatively  slipped  his  tongue  into  Trav’s  

mouth,  seeking  those  sharp  canines.  As  his  tongue  slid  over  
the   sharp   point,   Travis   let   out   a   long,   slow   groan   that  

tightened  the  muscles  low  in  Sam’s  belly  and  the  grip  Travis  
had   on   their   cocks.   Jesus.   Sam   smiled   into   the   kiss   and  

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explored  the  sharp  fang  from  gum  to  tip,  feeling  the  tension  

in  Trav’s  body  ratchet  up.  

Sam  moaned  as  Travis  pumped  faster  than  he  thought  

possible,  driving  him  closer  to  the  edge.    

Trav…  so  close.  

Me  too.  Hold  on.  
Trav’s   other   hand   slid   down   the   crease   of   his   ass,   and  

two   fingertips   brushed   against   his   opening,   and   that   slight  
touch  took  him  over  the  top.  Screaming  into  Travis’s  mouth,  

Sam  came  hard,  scraping  his  tongue  against  that  sharp  fang.  
The  penny  taste  of  blood  filled  his  mouth  and  Trav  bowed  

back,   his   body   tight   as   he   shot.   Sam   closed   his   eyes   as   the  

two   of   them   spilled   together   into   Trav’s   hand.   When   he  
could   finally   open   his   eyes,   Travis   was   watching   him,   his  

eyes  sleepy,  heavy-­‐‑lidded,  and  fucking  sexy  as  hell.  

I  won’t  hurt  you,  Sam.  Not  ever  again.  

I  trust  you.  
Travis  rubbed  a  hand  over  Sam’s  scalp,  then  pulled  him  

back   into   a   gentle   kiss,   full   of   possibilities.   Sam   knew   they  
needed   to   talk,   but   for   now?   This   was   enough,   there   was  

plenty   of   time.   They   stayed   pressed   together,   tasting   each  
other,   their   kisses   making   promises   until   Sam’s   cell   phone  

buzzed   and   he   knew   the   time   to   deal   with   the   vampire  

hitman  was  on  them.  


“The   best   strategy   would   be   to   let   Sam   and   I   contain  

Eric   while   you   question   him,   Travis,”   Jet   said   for   the  
umpteenth   time.   His   nerves   were   starting   to   fray   at   the  

circular  arguments  the  two,  especially  Sam,  had  thrown  into  
the  middle  of  his  perfectly  logical  and  beautiful  plan.  Why  

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couldn’t  they  see  that  he  had  been  doing  this  for  years  in  his  

role  as  Beta  of  the  pack?  

Sam   sighed,   and   gave   Jet   what   he   guessed   was  

supposed   to   be   a   withering   glare.   “You   may   have   been  
planning   and   executing   wondrous   plans,   but   you   have   to  

admit   that   Travis   and   I   have   experience   partnering   and  
tracking  criminals.  Oh  wait,  yes,  we  were  cops.  And  damned  

good  ones.  So  back  the  fuck  off  and  just  admit  that  the  best  
plan  is  to  draw  him  out  and  then—”  

“And   so   very   successful   you   two   were,   pup.   One   of  

you”—he  nodded  with  his  chin  to  Travis—“was  ambushed  

by   a   vampire   and   popped   up   like   a   jack-­‐‑in-­‐‑the-­‐‑box   at   his  

own  wake,  and  the  other  never  even  knew  what  hit  him,  and  
if   it   hadn’t   been   for   a   certain   handsome,   modest   stud   who  

shall  remain  nameless,  would  have  been  dinner  for  another  
bloodsucker.  No  offense,  Travis.”  

Travis  snorted.  “None  taken.  But  how  about  this?  We  all  

put   our   dicks   back   in   our   jeans   and   maybe   find   some  

common  ground.  Sam,  you  have  to  admit  Jet  has  the  edge  in  
experience  with  dealing  with  other  supers,  and  neither  one  

of   us   is   field-­‐‑tested   against   anything   vaguely   approaching  
this.”   Jet   saw   the   look   that   passed   between   them   and   saw  

when   Sam’s   shoulders   relaxed   minutely   and   his   jaw  


Travis  turned  back  to  him,  though,  and  continued.  “But  

you  have  to  admit  that  Sam  and  I  have  been  trained  on  some  
techniques   that   might   have   some   value   here.   We   were  

partners,  although  I  admit  it  was  only  for  a  brief  period  of  
time,  but  we  both  have  worked  with  others  for  a  long  time.  

We  do  have  some  skills  to  bring  to  the  table,  Jet,”  his  voice  
firm  but  gentle.  

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Jet   brought   a   hand   to   his   eyes   and   rubbed,   taking   a  

couple   of   deep   breaths.   He   did   concede,   internally,   that  
Travis   had   a   point.   But   neither   of   them   had   any   idea   how  

difficult  it  was  to  take  on  a  vamp,  especially  one  that  made  it  
past   the   first   ten   or   fifteen   years.   Their   strength   and   speed  

made  them  hard  to  kill,  and  unless  you  got  the  drop  on  them  
quickly,  like  he  had  on  Sofia,  then  you  were  in  deep  shit.  

“Fine,”   he   finally   sighed.   “Just…and   I   ask   this   in   all  

seriousness,  here,  guys.  This  will  be  hard  enough  getting  the  

drop  on  him  and  hopefully  holding  him  long  enough  to  ask  
questions.  Which  he  probably  won’t  even  answer,  but  that’s  

for   us   to   worry   about   then.   The   only   chance   we   have   is   to  

take   advantage   of   the   element   of   surprise,   and   to   throw  
everything  we  have  at  him  at  one  time.”  

Sam   rolled   his   neck   until   it   popped   and   opened   his  

mouth   to   say   something,   but   Travis   jumped   in   smoothly  

first.   “Agreed.   And   you   and   Sam   can   use   your   pack  
communication   to   coordinate   the   attack   and   how   you   two  

will   hold   him   in   place.   I   assume   you   will   be   in   wolf   form,  
and  I  can  question  him.”  

“Right.   And   then   you   and   the   pup   can   do   your   little  

thing   and   he   can   share   anything   with   me   I   might   need   to  

know.”   Jet   almost   cracked   a   smile   at   the   way   both   of   their  

jaws  dropped  at  his  little  announcement,  but  before  any  of  
them  could  speak,  his  phone  rang.  Checking  the  display,  he  

saw  it  was  Russ.  

“Jet  here,  Alpha.  What  can  I  do  for  you?”  

Russ’s   velvety   chuckle   sent   chills   down   his   spine   and  

settled  in  his  balls.  “Well,  pretty  thing,  when  tonight  is  over  

you   can   get   your   ass   back   here   in   my   bed   and   make   nice  
with  me.  I  have  something  here  that  came  up  that  only  you  

can  take  care  of.”  

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A   small   smile   escaped,   and   Jet’s   voice   lowered   until   it  

was  just  a  rumble.  “For  you,  anytime,  anywhere,  any  place.”  

“Excellent,  chere.  Now,  of  more  current  concern…a  little  

birdie  just  informed  me  that  our  friend,  Mr.  Saint  Pierre,  left  
Shreveport  and  is  on  his  way  here.  We  hit  it  lucky;  word  is  

he’s   coming   to   take   out   our   man   Travis.   And   we   simply  
can’t  allow  that,  can  we?”  

Jet   didn’t   realize   he   was   growling   until   he   noticed   the  

strange   looks   both   Travis   and   Sam   were   giving   him.   He  

jerked  himself  back  to  the  here-­‐‑and-­‐‑now,  shoving  down  the  
strange   feeling   of   possessive   protection   he   felt   for   Travis.  

“On   it,   Alpha.   Thank   you   for   the   news.”   He   thumbed   the  

disconnect  button  and  turned  to  Sam  and  Travis.  

“Showtime,  men.”  


Travis  set  the  empty  bottle  of  synthetic  blood  down,  and  

leaned  across  the  bar  to  tap  Talon  on  the  shoulder  to  get  his  

attention.   The   sleek   beauty   of   a   man   smiled   and   waved,  
motioning  him  to  head  out.  

“Safe   winds,   my   friend.   Travel   safely   tonight.   There’s  

something  ill  in  the  air,  and  I  would  hate  to  see  a  good  man  


“No   worries.   I’ll   take   care   of   myself.   You   have   a   good  

night  too,  buddy,”  he  said.  

The   warmer   nights   that   spring   brought   to   the   Quarter  

called   out   more   people,   and   at   later   hours,   so   it   was   no  

surprise   that   the   streets   around   Fangs   were   filled   with  
tourists.  As  he  weaved  his  way  through  the  street  toward  his  

home,   he   stopped   at   an   alleyway   and   hesitated   a   moment,  
then   turned   and   walked   down   the   dark   street   as   if   at   the  

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spur  of  the  moment.  His  boots  clicked  softly  on  the  asphalt,  

and   he   hummed   a   little   tune.   To   the   casual   observer,   he  
hadn’t  a  care  in  the  world.  


He’d  been  tracking  the  young  vampire  since  he  left  that  

ridiculous   bar.   Fangs.   How   fucking   original.   While   he   was  

just  now  getting  used  to  not  having  to  hide  his  true  nature  
quite  so  much,  Eric  Saint  Pierre  still  preferred  the  ways  his  

mentor  and  maker  taught  him.  

Stick   to   the   shadows.   Height   made   for   a   distinct  

advantage.   Don’t   let   yourself   get   outnumbered.   Identify,  
isolate,  and  strike.  

The   young   fool   must   have   forgotten   all   his   police  

training.  Or  counted  himself  a  little  bulletproof  now  that  he  
was   one   of   the   brethren.   Ah,   but   if   his   maker   had   been   a  

genius   like   Sofia   rather   than   a   soft   fool   like   Henri   Du  
Champ,   then   he   might   take   to   the   streets   of   New   Orleans  

with   a   little   more   care.   It   would   be   his   distinct   pleasure   to  
take   du   Champ’s   get   out   permanently.   And   all   the   better  

that  his  little  wolf  friend  would  mourn  his  loss.  Until  he  was  
taken  off  the  board  too.  

Eric  smiled  a  rather  toothy,  predatory  grin  and  moved  

quickly  up  the  wall  onto  the  roof,  positioning  himself  at  the  

middle  of  the  alleyway  and  waiting.  


It’s   disgusting   here.   Travis   better   get   his   ass   here   pretty  

damned  quick.  

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Shut  up,  little  one.  If  you  checked  your  watch,  you’d  see  we  

are  right  on  time.  And  here  he  comes…  

From   their   position   behind   the   dumpster,   Jet   and   Sam  

could   see   any   foot   traffic   that   came   from   either   side   of   the  
alley.   Crouched   naked,   their   clothes   in   a   knapsack   tucked  

out   of   sight,   they   were   ready   to   shift   when   needed.   While  
the  stench  of  rotting  produce,  stale  beer  cups,  used  condoms,  

and   God-­‐‑only-­‐‑knew   what   else   might   confuse   a   human   or  
vampire   nose,   Sam   could   smell   the   unique   blend   of   musk,  

sweat,  and  whatever  that  was  Travis.  He  also  caught  a  whiff  
of  another  presence,  much  fainter  and  much  more  bitter.  

He  started  to  reach  out  to  Jet  when  the  man’s  tight  voice  

appeared  in  his  mind.  On  the  rooftop,  three  o’clock.  Get  ready,  
this  will  happen  in  about  five,  four…  

Travis,  Sam  reached  out,  he’s  above  us.  Get  ready  in  three,  

two,  one…  


Just   as   his   target   passed   from   the   dim   light   of   one  

streetlight  into  the  dark  before  the  next,  Eric  leapt  from  the  

low   rooftop   onto   where   his   target   should   be   just   stepping.  
His  fangs  extended,  he  intended  to  have  a  little  snack  before  

tearing  the  man’s  heart  out.  So  it  was  a  great  surprise  to  him  
to  land  not  on  top  of  his  victim,  but  between  two  very  large  


Ah,   perhaps   this   would   be   more   fun   than   he   had  

thought.  Especially  since  he  scented  the  foul  odor  of  the  man  

he’d  been  tracking  for  months.  Sam  Garrett.  Revenge  would  
be  so  sweet.  

But  his  reactions,  lightning  quick  that  they  were,  were  a  

split  second  slower  than  he  needed.  Two  strong  sets  of  jaws  

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tore  into  his  body,  one  tearing  out  his  right  hamstring,  then  

clamping  deeply  into  the  muscle  of  his  bicep,  the  other  set  
tracking  identically  on  his  left  side.  As  he  fell  to  his  knees,  

the  vampire  stepped  into  the  fray  and  grabbed  him  securely  
around  the  neck.  

An   almost   perfect   trap.   He   was   immobilized,   and  

should   he   try   to   move,   his   arms   would   be   torn   off   or   his  

head  twisted  until  his  neck  broke  or  it  popped  off  entirely.  It  
would  take  a  good  amount  of  blood  to  speed  up  the  healing  

process,  but  he  could  feel  the  muscles  in  his  legs  starting  to  
rejuvenate.   Slowly,   of   course,   since   he   was   leaking   blood,  

but  the  knitting  had  begun.  

He  would  bide  his  time,  but  these  three  would  not  get  

the  best  of  him.  He  owed  Sofia  more  than  that.  


Sam  had  his  teeth  deep  in  the  upper  arm  of  the  smaller  

man,   holding   him   tightly   in   place.   He   could   feel   slow  

movings  under  his  teeth,  and  wondered  what  the  hell  it  was.  

His  body  is  trying  to  regenerate  itself.  Keep  the  pressure  on  

and  don’t  let  up  for  a  minute.  

Well,  that  explained  that.  Just…gross.  But  he  dug  in  and  

ground  his  teeth  tightly  together  against  the  bone.  

Tell  Trav  to  start.  

Yes,  boss.  

Travis,  let’s  go.  Showtime.  
Sam  kept  one  eye  on  the  vamp,  and  one  on  Travis.    

“Hello,  Eric.  Good  to  finally  meet  you.  As  you  can  tell,  

my   friends   and   I   don’t   much   like   surprises.   And   we   have  

just  a  few  questions  for  you.  I’m  sure  you  understand.”  

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Sam   felt   the   laughter   in   his   mouth   before   he   heard   it.  

“I’m   sure   you   do.   Such   accommodating   hosts   too.”   He  
looked  around.  “Inviting  me  into  your  home  like  this.  You’ll  

forgive  me  if  I  plead  the  Fifth,  I’m  sure.”  

God,  but  this  asshole  was  smug.  Sam  growled  deep  in  

his   throat   and   felt   an   answering   tension   from   his   Beta.   He  
dug  in  his  paws  and  pulled  a  little,  and  when  Jet  felt  it,  he  

echoed   the   movement.   Eric’s   arms   pulled   tighter,   the   teeth  
imbedded   in   bone   now,   but   he   gave   no   outward   sign   of  

pain.  But  Sam  could  feel  the  involuntary  jumping  of  muscles  
in  the  vamp’s  body  and  the  increase  in  his  heart  rate.  

“How   quaint.   I   guess   you’ll   be   asking   for   a   lawyer  

next,”  Travis  drawled  and  tightened  his  own  hold  on  Eric’s  
head.  “So  sorry,  but  you  know  I’m  not  NOPD  anymore.  No,  

thanks  to  my  new…status,  my  friend  Sam  and  I  aren’t  LEO’s  
anymore.  Not  exactly.  No,  you  see  we  met  with  a  brand  new  

friend.   You   may   know   a   couple   of   his   associates,   Agents  
Roberts  and  Flores.”  

The   sudden   tension   in   his   body   let   Sam   know   Travis  

had  scored  a  hit  with  that  one.  You  got  him.  Keep  going,  Travis.  

“I’m  sure  I  don’t  know  what  you’re  talking  about.”  Sam  

had  to  give  him  credit.  Eric’s  voice  was  calm  and  steady.  

Travis   kept   going,   like   he   hadn’t   heard   him.   “Seems  

their  supervisor,  Special  Agent-­‐‑in-­‐‑Charge  Wayne,  wasn’t  too  
happy   when   his   two   friends,   who   he   hand-­‐‑picked   to   meet  

with   Sam   and   I,   were   ambushed.   So   let’s   cut   through   the  

He’s  doing  great,  Jet  said.  Tell  him  to  keep  pounding  it  in.  
Jet  says  go  for  his  throat,  Trav.  Sic  him,  boy!  
He  laughed.  

Just  wait,  you  two.  
“Again,  I  have  no  idea  what  you  mean.  But  if  you  let  me  

go  now,  perhaps  I  won’t  call  the  police  and  report  this  rather  

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unfortunate  hate  crime  committed  by  two  of  their  own.  I’m  


“The   Office   of   Homeland   Security   has,   shall   we   say,  

deputized   us   to   act   in   the   country’s   best   interests   against  
paranormals   who   commit   crimes.”   Travis’s   voice   was   tight  

and   controlled,   and   it   sent   a   shiver   down   Sam’s   spine.  
Damn,  they  really  did  need  to  talk  again.  And  soon.    

“Under   Louisiana’s   Attribution   Law,   as   agents   of   the  

law,   we   only   need   reasonable   proof   that   one   of   us  

committed   a   crime,   and   we   can   make   the   case.”   His   smile  
suddenly   turned   feral.   “And   Homeland   made   a   damned  

strong  case  against  you.  A  judge  has  already  signed  off  on  it.  

Now,   this   can   go   one   of   two   ways.   You   answer   our  
questions,  and  we  are  civil.  You  fuck  around,  and  you  hurt.  

Then   my   friends   drag   you   out   into   the   sun   bit   by   bit  
tomorrow,  but  leave  enough  of  you  for  me  to  talk  to  once  the  

sun  sets.  Your  choice.”  

Holy  fuck,  Sam  thought  and  shivered.  

Um,  Sam,  remind  me  never  to  get  on  his  bad  side.  I  think  my  

balls   just   went   up   and   hid,   and   Russ   really   had   plans   for   them  

later.  Jet’s  thought  would  have  made  Sam  laugh  if  he  wasn’t  
pretty  sure  Travis  meant  it.  

Sam’s   thoughts   were   pushed   aside   as   Eric   made   a  

sudden   and   frantic   move   to   escape.   Burying   his   jaws   as  
deeply  as  he  could,  he  and  Jet  held  the  vamp  in  place,  and  

watched   as   Travis   tightened   his   grip   and   slowly   pulled  
upward   on   Eric’s   head,   the   tendons   standing   out   on   Eric’s  

neck  in  stark  relief.  

Through   gritted   teeth,   Eric   finally   appeared   to   break.  

“What  do  you  want  to  know,  asshole?”  

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A  sweet  smile  that  meant  anything  but  something  nice  

was  in  store  broke  across  Travis’s  face.  “Thought  you  would  
never  ask.”  


“Tell   me   why   Richard   Fontaine   killed   the   Homeland  

Security  agents.”  

“Homeland?   Is   that   where   those   feds   were   from?  

Richard  never  ordered  that  hit.”  

“You’re  lying.  You  still  stink  of  their  blood.”  
Eric   gasped   out   a   laugh   and   sent   a   mental   image   of  

Flores  pressed  helplessly  against  the  white  stone  crypt  while  
Eric   drained   Roberts   of   life.   Jesus   Christ,   she   had   seen   it  

coming  and  been  helpless  against  Eric’s  power.  The  kill  had  

been  personal  with  this  vampire.    

Afraid   the   healing   might   start   before   they   had   what  

they  needed,  Trav  recklessly  thrust  into  the  vampire’s  mind.  
Like  flicking  through  the  pages  of  someone’s  photo  album,  

he  caught  glimpses  of  Sam’s  attack,  of  Sofia’s  death,  of  the  
were  compound.  Travis  pulled  back  before  he  got  caught  in  

the  vampire’s  web.  

“Sofia  was  your  sire  and  you  were  tracking  Sam  and  the  

werewolves  in  order  to  extract  revenge  on  the  werewolves?  
But  why  did  Fontaine  order  the  hit  on  Sam  in  the  first  place?  

And   why   kill   Flores   and   Roberts   on   the   outskirts   of   du  


Eric’s  face  contorted  and  he  hissed.  

Ideas  fell  into  place.  Years  ago,  the  Fontaine  family  had  

run  a  wide  network  of  underground  gambling  dens  in  New  

Orleans.  They’d  bought  their  way  into  horse  racing  and  been  
first  in  line  for  the  riverboat  casinos  on  the  Mississippi  and  

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the  Gulf  Coast.  Seemingly  out  of  the  blue,  the  Fontaine  crime  

syndicate  sold  all  their  Crescent  City  assets  and  consolidated  
all   their   holdings   in   Shreveport-­‐‑Bossier   City.   Henri   du  

Champ   emerged   as   the   new   power   player   in   the   New  
Orleans  gambling  scene…    

“So  Fontaine  is  out  to  discredit  du  Champ?”  

“All  over  the  loss  of  the  gambling  business?”  
“You  are  a  fool,  Boudreaux.  You  do  not  even  see  what  is  

right  in  front  of  your  face.  You  align  yourself  with  the  wrong  
kind,  you  naïve  vampire.  We  are  not  like  them.  Henri  is  only  

biding   his   time   before   he   calls   you   home.   You   will   not   be  

able  to  deny  his  call.”  Eric’s  voice  was  low  and  hypnotic  and  
Travis   fought   to   shut   out   the   words   that   flowed   over   his  

mind  like  a  caress.    

“Perhaps  Henri  will  fuck  your  ass  while  he  drinks  your  

blood—it   is   what   you   crave—but   either   way,   the   bond  
between   sire   and   vampire   is   already   complete.   Someday,  

Travis  Boudreaux,  you  and  your  sire  will  hunt  together,  feed  
together…kill   together.   You   cannot   deny   your   Master’s  


“Not…true.”  Travis  pushed  the  words  between  gritted  


“You  have  no  choice,  young  vampire.  This  is  who  you  

are.  Already,  you  can  sense  the  truth  of  my  words.  You  can  

feel  the  need.”  Eric’s  gaze  locked  with  his,  and  a  small  buzz,  
like  an  idea  niggling  to  get  his  attention  pressed  at  his  mind.    

“I  can  see  into  your  memories,  into  your  mind.  You  are  

not  yet  strong  enough  to  fight  me.  The  human  cop  only  gave  

you   a   hint   of   what   you   need.   The   wolf,   even   less.   Taking  
blood   in   a   kill   is   so   much   better   than   during   sex.   You   can  

finally   have   Sam,   take   him,   own   him.   I   will   get   the   other  

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one—the  one  who  killed  my  Master.  Let’s  do  this  together—

let  me  teach  you.”    

The   pulsing,   heavy   thrum   of   living   heartbeats   was   so  

close,  so  strong,  calling  to  him  to  take  that  which  was  his  by  
right.   Flaring   his   nostrils,   Travis   drew   in   more   of   the  

delicious  scent.  The  smell  of  blood,  like  a  copper  penny,  rode  
the  air.  

With  his  gaze  locked  with  the  vampire’s  wide  blue  eyes,  

Travis   ran   his   tongue   over   the   pointed   tips   of   his   fangs.  

Images   flashed   between   them:   his   mouth   on   Sam’s   neck,  
teeth  piecing  the  café  au  lait  skin,  the  hot,  metal  tang  as  rich  

blood  poured  over  his  tongue  and  down  his  throat.  

So  real  that  he  could  see  it…taste  it…would  kill  to  have  


Moving   faster   than   the   wolves   could   see,   Travis   drew  

on  his  non-­‐‑human  strength  and  ripped  the  other  vampire’s  

head  from  his  body.  Nearly  overwhelmed  by  the  smell  of  the  
fresh   blood,   Travis’s   words   were   terse.   “Burn   the   body.”  

Without   risking   a   look   to   see   if   the   wolves   followed   his  
order,  Trav  raced  through  the  dark  alleys  of  early  morning  

New  Orleans.  Toward  Lake  Pontchartrain.  His  fingers  curled  
into  the  spikey  blond  strands  of  Eric’s  hair,  a  grisly  reminder  

of   what   he   had   become.   Dawn   pressed   at   the   edges   of   his  

awareness,   spurring   him   to   move   faster,   but   Travis   wasn’t  
sure  anymore  it  was  a  race  he  wanted  to  win.    




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About  the  Authors  

L.E.  Harner    

Laura  likes  it  hot,  which  helps  explain  why  she  ended  

up  Arizona  after  living  in  such  diverse  places  as  Japan,  New  

Orleans,  Maine,  and  Florida.  She  once  enjoyed  hobbies  such  
as   gardening   and   travel.   Now   the   characters   in   her   head  

compel  her  to  tell  their  stories  to  her  readers,  so  she  writes.  

She   shares   her   home   with   her   husband   and   youngest  

son,   a   dog   and   a   cat.   Laura   writes   under   the   names   L.E.  

Harner  for  her  ménage  and  MM  erotic  romances.  She  writes  
under   the   name   Laura   E.   Harner   for   everything   else.   Her  

books   can   be   found   at   All   Romance   eBooks,   Barnes   and  
Noble,  Amazon,  and  other  online  retailers.  

For  my  blog,  book  news,  and  to  read  free  excerpts,  visit  

my  website  at:    

Connect  with  me  online  at:  

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/lauraharner    
Facebook:  http://facebook.com/lauraharner    

T.A.  Webb  

T.A.   Webb   is   the   writing   name   for   the   Mean   Old   Bear  

That   Could.   By   day,   he'ʹs   the   director   of   finance   for   a   non-­‐‑

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profit   agency.   He'ʹs   worked   with   people   living   with  

HIV/AIDS   and   with   children   in   the   foster   care   system   for  
over  twenty  years,  and  takes  the  smaller  pay  for  the  chance  

to   make   a   difference   for   those   who   can'ʹt   help   themselves.  
After  hours,  he'ʹs  the  proud  single  papa  of  four  rescue  dogs,  

was  born  and  raised  in  Atlanta,  where  he  still  lives,  and  is  a  
pretty  darned  good  country  cook.  

His  sister  taught  him  to  read  when  he  was  four,  and  he  

tore   his   way   through   the   local   library   over   the   next   few  

years.   Always   wanting   more,   he   snuck   a   copy   of   The  
Exorcist   under   his   parents'ʹ   house   to   read   when   he   was  

eleven  and  scared  the  bejesus  out  of  himself.  Thus  began  a  

love   affair   with   books   that   skirt   the   edge,   and   when   he  
discovered  gay  literature,  he  was  hooked  for  life.  

T.A.   can   be   found   at   Facebook   under   AuthorTAWebb,  

tweeted   at   #TomBearAtl,   or   if   you   really   want   to,   you   can  

email  him  at  AuthorTAWebb@aol.com.  


Also  from  the  Author  


Second  Chances  (Dreamspinner  Press)  

Mark  Jennings  is  at  a  crossroads.  His  finance  job  in  the  

Atlanta   nonprofit   scene   stresses   him   out,   his   mother   is  

dying,   and   his   relationship   with   Brian   Jacobs   has   crashed  
and  burned.  He  needs  a  distraction,  some  way  to  relax,  and  

a  massage  seems  like  just  the  thing.  He  never  expected  his  
massage   therapist,   Antonio   Roberto,   to   become   his   best  


Despite  their  differences—Antonio  is  a  divorced  single  

father—the   two   men   forge   a   firm   friendship   that   weathers  

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Mark’s  reconciliation  with  Brian  and  Antonio’s  questionable  

taste  in  women.  Over  the  years,  Antonio  remains  constant  in  
his   support,   though   others   in   Mark’s   life   come   and   go  

through  a  revolving  door.  


When   a   young   boy   runs   away   from   the   group   home  

where  he  works,  Mark  finds  another  door  opening.  Through  

it  all  he  holds  on  to  the  things  his  loved  ones  taught  him—
about  family,  about  friends  and  lovers,  about  life  and  death.  

Most   importantly,   he   realizes   that   sometimes   the   greatest  
gift  of  all  is  a  second  chance.  




City  Knight  (A  Bear  on  Books)  

What  happens  when  two  broken  men  collide?  

Marcus  works  the  streets  of  Atlanta,  determined  to  keep  

it  a  safe  place.  An  ex-­‐‑cop,  he  buried  his  heart  years  ago.  Ben  

works   the   same   streets,   selling   himself   to   pay   for   college.  
The  victim  of  a  horrible  crime,  he  decided  to  Just.  Not.  Care.  


When   their   chance   meeting   leads   to   an   unlikely  

attraction,  will  the  ghosts  that  haunt  them  bring  them  closer,  

or  separate  them  forever?  


Caution:  This  is  the  first  in  a  three  part  series,  and  you  

WILL  want  to  come  back  for  part  2.  Hot  men  WILL  have  sex,  

and  I  can  guarantee  hot  angst  in  my  stories.  

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Deep  Blues  Goodbye  (Altered  States  Book  One)  with  

L.E.  Harner  


The   world   might   not   have   been   ready   for   vampires  

when  NOPD  Detective  Travis  Boudreaux  had  the  bad  taste  

to   sit   up   at   his   own   funeral,   but   two   years   later,   the   new  
cause  célèbre  is  civil  rights  for  preternatural  beings  and  most  

humans   are   on   the   bandwagon.   Except   whoever   is   killing  
vampires  and  wannabes.    

Detective   Sam   Garrett   hates   all   things   preternatural.  

Having  your  undead  partner  try  to  make  you  his  first  meal  
will  do  that  to  a  guy.  One  final  screw-­‐‑up  gets  Sam  banished  

to   the   Paranormal   Criminal   Investigations   Unit—the   Odd  
Squad—under  the  oversight  of  Detective  Danny  Burkette.    

Now   it’s   up   to   Burkette   to   work   with   Garrett   by   day  

and  Boudreaux  by  night  as  they  follow  a  trail  of  clues  that  

leads   from   the   historic   cemeteries   of   New   Orleans   to   the  
bayous   of   southern   Louisiana.   Under   the   all-­‐‑too-­‐‑interested  

gaze   of   a   Master   vampire   and   the   local   werewolf   pack  
Alpha,  they  discover  some  lessons  in  life—and  death—take  

longer   to   learn…and   not   all   second   chances   are   created  


Warning:   In   this   series   the   vampires   don’t   sparkle,  

werewolves   kill,   and   sometimes   the   men   have   sex.   With  
each  other.  



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Winter   Heat:   Erotic   Stories   to   Warm   Your   Life   with  

A.J.  Llewellyn,  Ike  Rose,  Donya  Lynne,  Sara  York,  Kimber  
Khan,  Daniel  B.  Johns,  Julie  Lynn  Hayes,  Serena  Yates  and  

Patricia  Logan    (Sara  York)  


Named  Best  Anthology  for  2012  by  LRC  

His  Name  was  Harley  Manfield  -­‐‑  They  were  the  Three  

Musketeers   and   friends   for   almost   twenty   years.   But   when  

tragedy   strikes   the   group,   how   will   they   be   able   to   move  
forward  this  Christmas?  


Other  L.E.  Harner  Titles  Now  Available  

Altered  States  Prequel  to  Deep  Blues  Goodbye  

New  Orleans  Police  Detective  Sam  Garrett  can'ʹt  believe  

his   bad   luck   when   he'ʹs   assigned   to   investigate   a   string   of  

gay-­‐‑bashings   turned   deadly   in   the   French   Quarter.  

Especially  when  he  realizes  Travis  Boudreaux,  his  new,  hot,  
and   most-­‐‑likely-­‐‑straight   partner,   plans   to   use   him   as   bait.  

The  worst  part?  They’ve  got  no  back-­‐‑up  because  the  rest  of  
the   city   is   preoccupied   by   another   series   of   killings—the  

victims  drained  of  blood.  


Ty  Hard,  Book  One  of  the  Willow  Spring  Ranch  Series  
Tyler  has  used  Don’t  Ask,  Don’t  Tell  as  a  shield  against  

the   truth   since   he   was   seventeen.   Cut   loose   from   his   Navy  
career   and   mourning   his   mentor’s   death,   Ty   must   come   to  

terms  with  his  desire  for  another  man,  even  while  he  fights  

to   keep   his   PTSD   from   pulling   him   under.   Rancher   Cass  

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Cartwright’s  relationships  never  last  more  than  a  few  hours,  

and   that’s   just   the   way   he   likes   it.   Now   he'ʹs   done   the   one  
thing  he  swore  never  to  do:  fallen  in  love.  Can  Cass  convince  

Ty  to  let  go  of  his  past  or  will  sabotage  at  the  ranch  kill  their  
love  before  it  has  a  chance  to  grow?  



Triple  Threat,  Book  One  in  the  Pulp  Friction  line.  
Master   Archer   found   his   forever   with   fellow   Dom  

Zachary,  but  when  their  discreet  recovery  business  interferes  
with  their  private  time,  Archer  buys  exactly  what  his  lover  

needs—the   perfect   personal   assistant,   submissive   Jeremiah.  

Because  anything  two  can  do,  three  can  do  better.  Now  the  
trio  must  work  together  to  recover  a  grieving  widow'ʹs  stolen  

insurance  money,  and  the  thief  is...her  not-­‐‑so-­‐‑dead  husband.  



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