1999 USA Ju Jitsu Official Rules and Regulations

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USA JuJitsu



““Train for Reality for Reality Awaits You”

USA JuJitsu

Inc. is a comprehensive joint association of Martial Artists

dedicated to the progressive evolution of the Martial Arts; it is an all-
encompassing Art that takes a no-nonsense approach to training.

The goals of USA JuJitsu

Inc. are to provide…

Outstanding training and services.

True combative sporting events.

Safe, fair and fun competitive events for all disciplines.

Entertaining spectator events.

Self-defense and fitness instruction.

As an Association we provide…

ü Memberships
ü Training, Seminars and Clinics
ü School Charters
ü Certifications
ü Combative sporting events
ü Training/Certification to officiate or judge events

For more information on memberships, certifications, seminars, events,
merchandise or other special programs that USA JuJitsu

Inc. has to offer

contact us at:

USA JuJitsu


P.O. Box 40

Oxford, Fl. 34484.


USA JuJitsu

is a Registered Trademark of USA JuJitsu

Inc.. This trademark is

registered with the U.S. Department of Commerce and shall not be used for any
purpose without express written permission from the
Executive Office of USA



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USA JuJitsu


Membership Services Offered:


School Charters with the right to use the Trademark name
USA JuJitsu


Training and/or Certifications.

Seminars, Clinics, Private and/or Group training.

Combative sporting competitions.

Judging and/or Referee Certifications.

Training videos.

USA JuJitsu


Competitors license.

All members receive a 10% discount on all services provided by
USA JuJitsu

Membership fee is $25 annually which includes a membership certificate.
For information on or pricing of other services offered contact us at USA

P.O. Box 40 Oxford, Fl. 34484. Or contact us on our website at



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USA JuJitsu


Selecting of Referees and Judges:

The Martial Arts can only be altered or modified to become a safe
competitive sport by using well trained Officials. The Officials must be
knowledgeable and have a full understanding of all aspects of the rules. This
can only be accomplished with proper training and study of the rule book.
Officials must be experienced in the Martial Arts and must be approved and
certified by the Governing Body of USA JuJitsu


USA JuJitsu

Competitive Categories:

1) Full Contact JuJitsu
2) Free Style Full Contact
3) Submission Grappling
4) Self Defense

USA JuJitsu

Competition Area:

The competition area for all events shall be a suitable matted area or ring with floor
matting of at least one inch thickness. The competition area itself shall measure no
less than 16' x 16' square and no more than 20' x 20'. There must be at least 2 but
no more than 3 people at each side of the flooring to keep the competitors safe from
going out of bounds.


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USA JuJitsu


The Officials:

Medical Personnel (physician, physicians assistant or a nurse

Each match must have a Referee, 3 Judges, Time Keeper, and

All Officials must be approved by a representative of USA JuJitsu


The Promoters:

All events must be approved by the Governing Body of USA JuJitsu


The Promoters shall provide:

Ringside medical personnel who will also conduct pre fight

Paper work to be completed by all competitors prior to the event.

Proper and safe competition area.

Approved Officials for the event.

Scale and someone to conduct weigh in.

Tables and chairs for all Officials.

Gong, Horn, Bell, or Whistle and stop watch for timekeeper.

Score cards and pens or pencils for Judges.

Surgical gloves for the Referee.

Microphone and speaker(s) for the Announcer.

2 stools for the competitors between rounds.

A 10% solution of household bleach and water for the cleansing of any
equipment that has become exposed to blood.


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USA JuJitsu


The Referee:

All Referees must be approved and certified by the Governing Body of USA


Duties of the Referee are as follows:

The Referee is in full control of the match and enforces all the rules,
ensures fair play and the safety of the competitors.

The Referee must conduct rules meeting with the competitors prior to
the beginning of the event.

The Referee must inspect the safety gear before the beginning of the
match. It must be approved gear and be in good condition.

The Referee may stop the match at anytime if he feels that the safety of a
competitor is being jeopardized.

The Referee may stop the match to have the ringside medical personnel
look at a competitor.

The Referee may stand the competitors back up to their feet to continue if
he feels that there is stalling on the ground. Stalling being that neither
competitor is working to gain a submission or an advantage over the

The Referee may at anytime stop the match due to misconduct of a
competitor, their corner and spectators. He may issue a warning or ask
the party to leave. If the misconduct continues or the party refuses to
leave the competitor will be disqualified. Order and control must be
maintained at all times.

The Referee will instruct the timekeeper in the event of “time out”.

The Referee will issue directions to the judges to take away points for
any violations of the rules.

The Referee must wear surgical gloves at all times while conducting a



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USA JuJitsu


The Judges:

The Judges must be approved and certified by the Governing Body of USA


Duties of the Judges are as follows:

The Judges (3) shall be seated at ringside at a table provided by the

The Judges (3) will be supplied with score cards and pens or pencils.

The Judges (3) must make sure that the score cards are filled out
correctly with the name of the competitors before the match begins.

The Judges (3) must complete the score cards in full at the end of each
round. When the match is over the Judges shall hand the completed score
cards to the announcer.

The Judges (3) must be fair in their scoring and they must score by the
points allowed by the rules.

The Judges (3) upon the command of the referee shall deduct points from
a competitors score card due to a violation of the rules.

The Judges (3) shall award points in the Full Contact JuJitsu and

Free Style Full Contact divisions in the following manner:

One Pointshall be awarded for each effective strike delivered with the hand

or foot to a legal striking area while standing. No points awarded for ground striking.
Two Points – shall be awarded for each kick delivered to the head.
Three Points – shall be awarded for each takedown or throw.
Three Points – shall be awarded at the end of each round for Ring Generalship.
This is for the competitor who controls the tempo of the round. If equal then both
competitors shall receive this score.

Five Pointsshall be awarded at the end of each round for Ground Superiority.

This is for the competitor who showed Superior skills and technique during that round
while on the ground. If equal then both competitors shall receive this score.

Automatic win by – Knockout, TKO, Tapout, Referee stopage, Medical personnel

stopage, Corner throws in the towel, and if

the Competitor does not wish to or cannot

continue the match.

At the end of the event the Promoter(s) must turn in all score cards to a representative of USA

who then will turn them in to headquarters. Score cards will be kept for a period of six

months and may be examined by all parties involved. This is to be sure that all scoring was done fair,
by the rules and in a proper and professional manner


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USA JuJitsu


The Timekeeper (s):

There must be at least one Timekeeper for all events.

Duties of the Timekeeper are as follows:

The Timekeeper will be seated at the table with the judges.

The Timekeeper must regulate and keep time of the rounds and duration
between the rounds with the stopwatch provided by the promoter(s) of
the event.

The Timekeeper will start and end each round with the device provided
by the promoter(s) of the event.

The Timekeeper shall signal to the referee 10 seconds before the start of
each round.

The Timekeeper shall stop and start the time upon the command of the
referee when there is a “timeout” involved.

The Announcer (s):

There must be at least one Announcer for all events.

Duties of the Announcer are as follows:

The Announcer will be seated at the table with the judges.

The Announcer at the beginning of each event will announce the event,
the promoters, any advertisements, and all the Officials of the event.

The Announcer at the beginning of each match will announce each
competitor according to the information on the competitors profile card
that will be provided by the promoter (s) of the event.

The Announcer will announce any changes made in any Officials prior to
the start of a new match.

The Announcer at the end of each match will gather the score cards from
the judges and enter the ring to announce the winner.


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USA JuJitsu


The Coaches, Instructors and/or Trainers:

(competitors corner)

The competitor’s Corner must abide by the following rules:

There shall be no less than one but no more than three in the competitor’s

Only one shall mount the ring or competition area between rounds to tend
to the competitor.

They must remove themselves from the area upon the command of the
referee taking from the platform all towels, water bottles, buckets, seats,

During the match they must not remain on the platform.

They must not use vulgar language and/or signs to entice the competitors,
the Corners, any official, or spectator of the event.

Every Corner must have the following ice bag or ice pack, non-breakable
water bottle and bucket, basic first aid supplies, one clean white towel to
stop the match with, and a towel to wipe down the competitor between

The Corner is allowed to use a small amount of Vaseline on the
competitor’s face (full contact matches only) but it must not be used in
excess as determined by the referee.

No lineament of any type may be used.

It is the Corners responsibility to make sure that the competitors required
gear is on before the start of the match.

If some one from the competitor’s Corner is ask to leave by the referee
and does not do so immediately that competitor shall forfeit the match.

The Corners must obey the rules and the commands of the referee at all

A sportsman like attitude must be maintained at all times.


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USA JuJitsu

USA JuJitsu



Full Contact Rules


When competing in the full contact Jujitsu division each competitor
must present themselves in a clean Judo /Jujitsu top. The sleeves must
be within three fingers width of the wrist. The competitor will have the
option of either wearing the gi pants or shorts. A rank belt must be
worn. If a competitors uniform becomes torn or bloodied in a manner
that may affect the outcome of the match the competitor will have
one(1) minute to replace it or forfeit the match. Freestyle full contact
division must wear shorts or Gi pants, no Gi top or shirt is allowed.


1) Approved gloves
2) Mouth piece
3) Groin protector
4) Approved shin & instep pads
5) Tape may be used on the wrists & ankles
6) Knee & elbow pads may be worn

All competitors must have their uniforms and safety equipment inspected before the

match. All equipment and uniforms must be in good condition to be allowed to


Non Title Matches shall consist of 3 – 5 minute rounds with 1 minute
rest between rounds.
Title Matches shall consist of 3 – 7 minute rounds with 1 minute rest
between rounds.(

You must be a member of USA JuJitsu to compete in a Title



All Competitors & their Corners MUST show the utmost respect to all
the Officials, other Competitors and the Spectators at all times.


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USA JuJitsu

USA JuJitsu



Full Contact Rules


(Violation of any of the following will result in point deduction or disqualification)
1) Headbutts.
2) Elbow Strikes.
3) Groin Strikes.
4) Strikes to the head or face while on the ground.
5) Strikes to the neck, spine or back of the head.
6) Strikes against any joint.
7) Strikes / Kicks to a downed opponent.(down being one knee on the ground)
8) Knees to the head.
9) Hair pulling.
10) Fish hooking.
11) Eye gouging.
12) Biting.
13) Small joint manipulations.
14) Grabbing the ropes.
15) The use of liniments or any other foreign substance.


1) Striking or kicking to the Head while standing. (In states where permitted)
2) Striking or kicking to the Body and Legs while standing.
3) Knees to the Body and Legs only.
4) Striking on the ground is legal to the body only, no striking to the head or face while

on the ground.

5) Submissions including Armbars, Leglocks and Chokes except those that are defined

as illegal.

If a competitor becomes unbalanced or dizzy due to a blow, the Referee may send the
Competitors to a neutral corner and give a standing eight count to see if the competitor
is able to continue.
The Competitors must obey the Referee and adhere to the rules at all times or face
point deductions or disqualification.
If the match goes to the ground there shall be no stalling. The match will stay on the
ground at the discretion of the Referee. If the ropes become interference the Referee
may stop the match and move the Competitors to the center of the ring in the same
position to continue the match.


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USA JuJitsu

USA JuJitsu



Submission JuJitsu Rules

These Rules were designed with the following objectives in mind.

Safety of the Competitors

Fair and impartial competition for Martial Artist of all Disciplines.


A traditional Judo/Jujitsu Gi must be worn of proper size. The sleeves must be
within three fingers width of the wrist. If a competitors Gi becomes torn or
bloodied in a manner that may affect the outcome of the match, they will have
one(1) minute to replace it or forfeit the match.
Mouthpiece and groin protectors are required for personal safety. No tee shirts,
shorts or shoes are allowed.


Each non title match shall be one(1) five(5) minute round. Title matches shall be
one(1) seven(7) minute round. There will be a Timekeeper, Scorekeeper, and a
center Referee at each match. The Referee will be responsible for calling the points
& controlling the match. In case of a tie the Referee will determine the winner.


Two points – for sweeps, elevators or reversals.

Two points – for knee in the belly (must be in control for 5 seconds).

Three points – for takedowns or throws.

Three points – for passing the guard.

Four points – for the mount/rear mount (must be in control for 5 seconds).

Win by submission or forfeit. The Referee will stop the match when a
submission is applied properly without a tap.


All controlled throws, takedowns, and submissions except those listed as illegal.

Submissions must be applied gradually & with control to give your opponent
time to tap.


No striking, kicking, biting, pinching, fishooking or scratching.

No small joint manipulations, or using finger or thumbs against pressure points.

No neck cranks, or hands in the face over the eyes nose or mouth.

Submissions applied violently.

Competitors will begin from a standing position with a basic grip (right hand on
lapel & left hand on elbow), until the Referee starts the match. No stalling shall be
permitted on the ground or while standing. Stalling or a violation of any rule will be
considered an infraction and result in point deductions or disqualification.


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USA JuJitsu

USA JuJitsu



Self Defense Rules

These rules were designed with the following objectives in mind.

Safety of the competitors

Fair and impartial competition For Martial Artist of all disciplines.

1) The Self Defense divisions will consist of one (1) two (2) minute continuous round.
2) Competitors must supply their own Uke(s).
3) Competitors can defend against single or multiple attackers with or without weapons.
4) If weapons are used the Judges prior to the competition must approve them.
5) Competitors must have a complete Uniform on.

Judging shall be done with three (3) judges at the competition area. Judges will
score on a point system one (1) – five (5) based on the performance of the
competitors. Scores shall be totaled after each competitor has completed their
performance. At the end of the competition the competitor with the total highest
score shall be named the winner.


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USA JuJitsu


P.O. Box 40 Oxford, Fl. 34484



Please complete Application below and send it along with your Annual Membership fee of $25 . Once
your application is received it will be processed immediately and your membership certificate will be
sent back to you. If you have any questions contact USAJ at www.usajuitsu.net.



Zip Code:__________ Phone:( )_______-________ Fax: ( )_______-________

Email Address:__________________________________________________________

Martial Arts Style(s)______________________________________________________

Rank:____________________________ Time Trained________ yrs. ________ mths.




Phone:( )_______-________ Fax:( )_______-________

Signature of Applicant:___________________________________________________

Buy signing above I take an oath to uphold the standards of


. Any dishonor or

disgrace to this organization or any members will result in immediate termination of Rank,
Membership, and Affiliation .


Approved by:________________________________

Date Approved:______________________________



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