S J Thomas My Business, Your Pleasure

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2013 SJ Thomas

ISBN: 978-1-77130-623-2

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Avril Ashton


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Not only is My Business, Your Pleasure my first story with a new
publisher, it's my first venture into MM. In reaching this point I have
to thank my fellow authors Lee Brazil, Dianne Hartsock, Raven
McAllen, and Doris O'Conner for their guidance and support and the
MM Romance Group on Goodreads for their expert advice.

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Romance on the Go

SJ Thomas

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Justin watched with growing concern as the female ran her

hand along the barman's, arm, fingernails scratching his skin, her
cleavage displayed in blatant invitation. The young man leaned
toward her, his expression rapt.

Time to intervene. Justin stepped closer. "Toby, come over

here, please."

The woman faced Justin, her emerald eyes flashing with

otherworldly light, her beautiful features tightened into a menacing
scowl. Justin calmly met her gaze, allowing his disapproval to show
in his expression. They stared at each other for a few seconds, and
then her features relaxed, her lips curling up into a sultry smile. With
seemingly easy grace, she collected her drink and sauntered off.

Toby blinked then looked around with a dazed expression.

"What-what happened?"

Justin placed a hand on Toby's arm, guiding him to one side.

"That was a siren, and you were falling under her spell."

"A what?"
Justin sighed. "A siren, and if she'd sung one note to you,

you'd have been her little lap dog for the rest of your life."

Toby's face turned pale and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Jesus. Thanks for rescuing me."

Justin nodded. "Anytime. But I wouldn't have needed to if

you'd remembered the rules." He kept his tone stern because he
needed Toby to understand the risks of getting too close to their
unusual clientele.

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The club catered for the various immortals that called Los

Angeles home, and Justin had one cardinal rule: staff did not
fraternize with the patrons. It was bad for business, and you could
never tell what immortals might do. While Justin imposed a zero
tolerance policy on any violent or aggressive behavior, immortal
passions were unpredictable, and humans needed to be careful around
them. His staff was safer if they maintained a professional distance at
all times.

Toby looked uncomfortable as he nodded. "Got it, boss. From

now on I'm just serving the drinks."

Justin smiled at him. "That's good. Now Kara is in charge

tonight, but she has my number if there are any problems, and you're
all stocked up behind here."

"Don't worry, I've got the bar covered. Go and enjoy your

evening." Toby offered a warm smile.

"It's just a business meeting, so I doubt it will be that

enjoyable." The lie tripped uneasily off Justin's tongue, but he did not
want his staff to know what he had planned for the evening.

"Oh. I hope it goes well, then."
With a tight smile, Justin stepped away from the bar, weaving

his way across the dance floor as he nodded politely at his regulars.
Nerves flooded him at the thought of his plans for the evening. Justin
was on his way to Pulse, a rival club, in the hope of hooking up with
an immortal for the night. Though aware of the hypocrisy, Justin
hoped it would help him get over his growing obsession with the one
immortal that tempted him to break all his rules—his business partner,

They'd been in business for a little over four years. Elliot

provided the money and contacts with the paranormal community,
while Justin brought management experience. Their partnership was a
huge success, and between them Rogue had become one of the
premier nightspots for immortals in the city.

When they'd first started working together, there'd been no

problems. Elliot was an incubus, and along with the usual immortal
attributes of increased strength, speed and heightened senses, incubi
were amongst the most physically attractive of all the paranormal
races. Of course it figured that someone as gorgeous and sinful as
Elliot would be a freaking sex demon—he truly was the living,

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breathing definition of sex on legs. Despite this, Justin hadn't felt any
particular attraction for him.

Over time, though, that had changed. The more Justin got to

know Elliot, his kindness and generosity, his sense of humor, the
more he discovered about the man, the deeper Justin fell.

For all the lectures Justin gave his staff, for the few times he'd

let people go for becoming intimate with a customer, for all his
scruples, Justin ached for Elliot. Every time he saw Elliot, Justin
wanted to kiss those firm lips, wanted to pull that strong body into his
arms, wanted to hear Elliot cry out his name.

Justin vowed never to do any of those things. Not only did he

not want to risk their working relationship, but how could he face his
staff if he succumbed to his desires? Justin resisted those feelings, and
kept his relationship with Elliot impartial and professional, but the
constant lust and desire had become unbearable. He couldn't think
straight any more. He barely slept.

In desperation, Justin had settled on an immortal one-night

stand in the hope that a night of hot immortal sex would get his
infatuation out of his system. Justin knew what he wanted. A rough,
dangerous, immortal bad boy. The polar opposite of the immaculate
and refined Elliot.

At the entrance Justin paused to talk to Kara, his assistant

manager. Although she was more than capable of running the place
without him, Justin never missed a night and he couldn't help but feel
a bit anxious over leaving.

Before he even opened his mouth, Kara raised her hand.

"Don't say a word. I have everything under control. You just go and
enjoy your date."

"Date? Who said anything about a date?" Justin tried to inject

the right level of indignation into his tone.

Kara arched a perfectly plucked brow at him. "Please, you

never take the evening off. What else would draw you away from this
place, other than a hot date?"

Justin was unsure what to say. A denial would sound forced,

but he didn't want to admit to his plans.

Kara flashed him a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry I haven't

said anything to the staff. Just go and enjoy yourself tonight okay?
You work too hard."

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"Thank you, Kara. Please keep my social plans to yourself."

He couldn't help his snide tone, but Kara just winked at him.

With a shake of his head Justin stepped outside and headed for

the car he'd booked for the night. The driver stood waiting for him,
opening the door as Justin approached. Justin took a deep breath for
courage and slid into the car. The soft leather enveloped him, and as
the door closed behind him, he leaned his head back against the seat.

The car glided smoothly across the city, and Justin closed his

eyes, enjoying the rare quiet. All too soon the car slowed to a stop,
and when he opened his eyes they were outside Pulse.

The driver opened the door and Justin stepped out. "I'm not

sure if I'll need you again tonight."

"That's all right, Mr. Cole. Just give me a ring later on when

you know what you’re doing."

Justin acknowledged the driver's words with a nod and headed

for the doors. He gave his name to the bouncer, who ticked Justin’s
name off the VIP list and gestured him inside. He ignored the envious
looks from those waiting to get in and entered the club, looking round
with professional interest. After all, this place was the competition.
Justin took in the décor, lighting, and sound system with a practiced
gaze, and then turned his attention to the patrons. Various immortals
mixed with some humans. Men, women, and a few beings in between.
He hoped he’d get to go home with one of them tonight.

Justin needed a drink so he walked up to the bar. Fortunately,

there weren't many people waiting and he easily caught the attention
of the very cute barman. He leaned forward to give his order, but
before he could speak a deep voice came from behind him.

"He'll have a gin and tonic."
Justin's heart skipped and his whole body tensed. Elliot's

voice, that familiar baritone trickling up his spine and along every
nerve. What the fuck is he doing here?

Justin spun round and his mouth went dry. He'd never seen

Elliot in anything other than a perfectly cut designer suit, with his hair
immaculately styled and his face expertly shaved. Tonight Elliot's
dark hair was spiked up in a sexy straight-out-of-bed look and stubble
dusted his strong chin, his long lean body clad in ripped jeans, a tight
fitting vest, and a leather jacket. He looked every inch the bad boy
Justin wanted to attract, and alarm bells rang in his head.

"Tell me you're not here for me?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

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Elliot's lips curled into a seductive smile. "I'm afraid I can't do

that, Justin. I know what you came here for, and I'm going to be your
date tonight."

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Chapter Two

A range of emotions flicked across Justin's beautiful face:

shock followed by desire, followed by anger. Elliot expected Justin's
anger when he revealed himself, but desperation drove him to meet
Justin here.

He'd wanted Justin from the first moment they'd met, but had

never gotten past Justin's professional distance. Elliot was not used to
wanting a man he couldn't have, and while he hoped this night might
turn into many more, Elliot needed Justin at least once or else go mad.

First though he needed to convince Justin to stay and not turn

straight round and leave.

"Look, I know this is a surprise—"
"A surprise! You have no fucking idea." Justin looked down

and blew out a long breath before looking back up at him. "How has
this happened? How did you find out I was coming here tonight?"

Justin's raised voice drew attention, and Elliot stepped up to

him. He lifted a hand to touch Justin's shoulder, but Justin twisted
away and Elliot's paused, clenching his fingers. Though he expected
such a reaction, it still hurt.

"Look, just hear me out, will you? There's a private booth

arranged for us." Elliot pointed to the VIP area of the club and a line
of curtained booths. Justin looked from Elliot to the booth, his whole
body lined with tension, as if he would bolt at any minute. "Please."

At Elliot's plea, Justin nodded with a sigh and they walked in

silence to the booth, where a scantily clad hostess gestured them
inside. A low couch hugged the wall, and on the table sat two glasses
of champagne. Justin scowled.

"Looks like you've got this all planned out."
Elliot ignored the bitter accusation in Justin's voice, shrugging

out of his jacket before he closed the curtains. When Elliot faced him,
Justin stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his tousled dark
blond hair falling across his brow, his usually calm, almost delicate
features brimming with anger. Elliot suddenly found his courage
failing him.

When he didn't speak, Justin narrowed his eyes. "Well? You

wanted to talk, so talk. How did you find out about this tonight?"

As he looked at the man he wanted, Elliot knew he needed to

be honest with him. "Kara helped me."

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"Yeah, she figured out your plans and clued me in."
"She what? I can't believe this. She is so fired." Justin paced

back and forth for a few seconds, and then stopped, his head jerking
toward Elliot. "How did she know what I was up to?

"Kara's smart and she knows you too well. Plus she worries

about you. She thinks you work to hard and worries that you're

Justin's brow furrowed as he shook his head. "But why did she

tell you?"

"She's a good friend, and she knows how I feel about you."
A sharp intake of air was Justin's only reaction, and Elliot

forced himself to carry on. "I've wanted you for ages, Justin, but I
knew you'd never go out with me. Your damn rules about not getting
involved with immortals would stop you. She thought if I got you
away from work, then you might admit your feelings for me. If I
could get you to see me as something other than your business
partner." He gestured down at himself.

Justin followed the movement, his gaze sweeping over Elliot.

His full lips parted, eyes darkening with obvious lust and Elliot's cock
swelled in reaction, body growing hard with desire. His tongue darted
out to wet his lips, and Elliot stifled a groan.

Justin spoke in a husky voice. "I'd have never thought you

could pull that look off."

Elliot shrugged. "I've had many different looks in my life." He

offered a cocky smiled. "And I've rocked them all."

Justin's mouth twitched and hope flared within Elliot, until

Justin shook his head. "This," Justin gestured to the champagne, "and
you," he nodded toward Elliot, "doesn't change anything. Why would
you think it would?"

"I know you are attracted to me, but you've never acted on it. I

tried so many times to take our relationship further, but you always
shut me down."

Justin's brow furrowed, his expression turning pained. "You

know why I have my rules. The club runs better if we don't get
involved with the clients—"

"I'm not a client." Elliot's voice was harsh in the snug confines

of the booth.

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"No, but you are an immortal. How can I tell our staff to keep

their distance if I can't myself?"

"So, what is this all about then?" Elliot tilted his head toward

the club. "You came here for a one-night stand with an immortal, a
stranger. Is that keeping your distance?" Anger and frustration flowed
through Elliot. The thought of Justin fucking some random immortal
who'd do God knows what to him, filled Elliot with rage. Vampires
bit, werewolves clawed, and some breeds of demons tasted their
lover's souls. Image after image of immortal creatures hurting Justin
flitted through Elliot's mind.

"I was doing it to get over you!" Justin shouted, and that nasty

little creature called hope once again flared inside Elliot.

"You do want me then." Elliot spoke it as a statement, not a


Justin ran his fingers through his hair. "Maybe I do, but I'll

never act on it. I am not going to risk our relationship for one night of
sex. And I couldn't face myself if I was such a hypocrite." Justin
shook his head. "This isn't what I wanted tonight."

Despair and frustration fueled Elliot's next words. "No, I know

what you wanted. A night of make-believe with some random guy.
Well, get this straight, if you aren't going to be with me then you're
not going to be with anyone else, mortal or immortal. I'm not letting
any other creature get his hands on you."

Justin's lips parted, his eyes going wide. "Tell me you didn't

just say that?"

Elliot didn't answer. He just lifted his chin and set his lips in a

stubborn line.

Justin laughed bitterly. "You immortals, thinking you own the

world. This is exactly why I don't want to get involved with your
kind. I see the possessiveness, the control you want over your lovers."
He stomped over, getting right up in Elliot's face, sexy as hell in his
anger. "No man, mortal or immortal, owns me. No man will control
me, got that?"

He'd never seen Justin so angry, so forceful. All Elliot wanted

to do was take Justin in his arms and crush their lips together. "You're
sexy when you're angry, you know that?"

Justin's lips parted and he gave a sharp exhale. "You are

unbelievable. And I am not going to do this."

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He went to step away, but Elliot gripped his arm, stopping

him. The look Justin gave his hand would have sent an enraged
demon running, but Elliot refused to be frightened off that easily.
"Justin, please. Don't walk away from this. You have no idea how
good this could be."

Justin’s gaze flicked up to Elliot's face, and for the briefest

second Elliot saw indecision in those hazel depths. Then Justin's jaw
tightened, and with a methodical movement he took Elliot's hand and
forced it away from his arm. "I can't do this with you." Justin's voice
was strained, full of anguish, and as he yanked aside the curtains and
walked away, pain speared through Elliot's chest.

Elliot let out a ragged breath, his gaze tracking Justin as he

weaved his way across the dance floor. Shit, that couldn't have gone
any worse.
He stood for a moment, unsure whether to follow or just
let Justin go.

No. This might be his only chance to have Justin, and even if

all he got was a single night, Elliot wanted it too much to give up
without a fight. Elliot squared his shoulders and stalked across the
dance floor.


As Justin strode across the dance floor, his body trembled and

his head ached. Unbelievable. Who the hell does Elliot think he is?

Justin should have met someone by now. A sexy immortal to

help clear his mind, as well as give him some much needed relief.
Instead he'd gotten Elliot, looking so dangerously delicious that all
Justin wanted to do was shove him against the wall and kiss the breath
out of him.

When Elliot pleaded with him to stay, his dark features

softening for a moment, it had taken every ounce of Justin's self
control not to fall into his arms. Until he'd remembered Elliot's words,
the way he'd laid claim to Justin like he was a piece of property.

"Maybe I should show him he doesn't own me. Maybe I

should just hook up with someone here," Justin whispered. It was an
idle threat he'd never follow through on, but Justin suddenly found his
path blocked by a hulking vampire.

"Excuse me." Justin angled around him, but the vampire

matched him.

"You want to hook up with someone, gorgeous? Well, I'm free

right now."

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Stomach clenching, Justin shook his head. "Sorry, but I'm not

looking for anyone right now." Again he went to step around the
stranger, but the vampire’s hand darted out, pressing against Justin’s

"I heard you." The vampire leaned forward and took a deep

breath. "And I can smell that you're aroused. Come let me give you
what you need."

What I need? I just left what I need standing in the booth.

Justin tried to calm his racing heart and pitched his voice low. He'd
dealt with plenty of vampires, and you had to avoid letting their blood
lust rise. "I appreciate the offer, but I didn't mean what I said. As for
the other, I can take care of myself."

The vampire narrowed his eyes, his nostrils flaring. "I don't

believe you." His hand slid across Justin's chest then gripped his
upper arm. "Come on, little mortal, come play with me." The vampire
smiled and Justin saw his fangs sharpen, a tell tale sign the immortal
was getting aroused.

Despite his best efforts Justin's heart slammed into overdrive.

The vampire's eyes flashed crimson. Justin looked round, desperately
searching for the bouncers, but they were nowhere to be seen. He
glanced back up at the vampire as an enraged bellow sounded behind

The vampire's head jerked up and Justin managed to turn

enough to look. Elliot stood there, every muscle in his body taut, his
eyes flashing with fury, teeth bared. He looked terrifying and utterly
magnificent. The vampire all but forgotten, hot desire shot through
Justin, a tremble running through his body, his cock stiffening in an
instant. Elliot didn't look at him, his attention remained fixed on the

"How dare you touch him." Elliot's low, guttural voice sparked

something primal in the pit of Justin's stomach.

"You lay claim to him?" the vampire asked.
"I do."
The certainty in Elliot's tone resonated inside Justin. He

should have been angry, but all he experienced was arousal. Justin
glanced back at the vampire. His eyes were narrowed as they flicked
between Elliot and Justin.

"I don't scent you on him. And he's hot, needy. If he's yours

then you're not doing a very good job taking care of him."

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Elliot's fists clenched, his teeth grinding. "He's only just

become mine. Rest assured though, vampire, I'll rip your head off if
you don't let him go."

Justin's mouth fell open. He'd never imagined Elliot so

menacing, or how hot he would find it. As the vampire's grip
loosened, Justin tore himself free and dived for Elliot. When they met,
Elliot drew Justin into his arms, their bodies connecting for an
instance, before he shoved Justin behind him.

Elliot and the vampire stared at each other for a few tense

moments, but then the errant bouncers arrived—a werewolf and a
demon from the looks of them—and Elliot visibly relaxed. The
werewolf took one look at Elliot, and with a small nod grabbed hold
of the vampire. The demon joined him and though the vampire fought
them, the bouncers soon had the vampire secured. The werewolf
turned to Elliot.

"Sorry about that, Mr. Torr."
"That's okay, Clive. No harm done." Elliot turned to face

Justin, sweeping an anxious gaze over him. "Are you all right?"

Justin nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." He jerked his head toward the

bouncers. "I take it you're a regular here."

Elliot shrugged. "Yeah, I can't exactly relax at our place."
Justin swallowed hard at the suggestive way Elliot had said

our place, at how good it sounded.

"Well, thanks for…" The words died on Justin's lips. With

horror he saw the vampire shake the bouncers loose and shove them
both away, saw him lunge toward them, his razor sharp claws raised,
ready to slash at Elliot.

Justin pushed Elliot to the side and faced the vampire, bracing

himself for the blow, but with a movement so fast it was a blur, Elliot
somehow got between them and snatched Justin into his arms. Justin's
breath caught at the feel of Elliot's hard lean muscles against him, at
the heat and electricity that flashed along his skin where they

Their faces were only centimeters apart, their breath mingling,

gazes locked. Then the vampire struck, his claws raking down Elliot's
back. Justin cried out at Elliot’s hiss of pain. Agony swirled in the
depths of Elliot’s ice blue eyes. His grip on Justin tightened, putting
them in even more intimate contact, and Justin felt the tremors
running through Elliot's body.

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The next instance Elliot pushed Justin away and spun round,

striking out at the vampire and sending him flying backwards. The
vampire soon regained his footing and looked as if he were about to
pounce, until the bouncers piled on top of him and tackled him to the
ground. More bouncers appeared and between them they secured the
vampire, dragging him out of the club.

One of them ran over to Elliot. "Mr. Torr, are you hurt?"
Elliot shook his head. "No, just a scratch. I'm fine."
The five bloody gashes across Elliot's back belied his words.

Justin stepped to Elliot's side and touched his arm. Elliot jumped at
the contact, but when he turned relief filled his expression, though
pain still lingered in the tense lines of his features.

"Are you sure you're all right, Elliot?"
Elliot gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Yes, I'm fine, really."
Justin searched his face for a moment and then nodded.
Elliot turned his attention back to the bouncer. "Honestly I'm

fine, John. Nothing that won't heal."

"Good. Well, we'll take care of the vampire, don't you worry,


"Thank you." Elliot waited till the bouncer walked away then

he turned to Justin. His skin was pale and sweat clung to his brow.

Justin narrowed his gaze, studying him. "Bullshit you're all

right. You're hurt, you need to get your back looked at."

"No. I'll be fine."
Justin stepped closer and placed his hand on Elliot's shoulder.

The tremors running through Elliot's body made Justin's hand shake.
"You're sick, Elliot. Let me help you."

Elliot cast a nervous glance around them, and then whispered,

"Get me to the booth."

Justin moved to Elliot's side and placed one arm around him,

supporting his weight. Justin helped Elliot to the booth, though he did
a good job of hiding his pain. As before, the hostess waited to show
them in, and when they stepped inside Justin asked her to close the

The second they closed, Elliot staggered into a seat. He

slumped down with a pained moan, his head thrown back. Panic
writhed in Justin's stomach as he watched him—he'd never seen Elliot
ill or hurt.

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"Elliot." Worry sharpened Justin's voice, and he forced

himself to soften his tone. "Tell me what's wrong, tell me how to help

Elliot gave him a weak smile. "Honestly I'll be fine, I'll heal in

a few days."

"Why so long? Immortals normally heal straight away."
"It's because it was a vampire. The venom on his claws is

particularly dangerous to my kind."

Justin's brow furrowed. "I've never heard of that."
Elliot answered with a small shrug of his shoulders. "It's not

something we advertise."

"That makes sense I suppose. But why can vampires hurt


"Long story."
"But you'll get better?" Justin stepped closer.
"Yeah, it'll just take a few days, and I'll be in a world of hurt

till I do."

"Isn't there anything that can help?"
Elliot tensed at Justin's question, his pale skin flushing.
Elliot closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them

again he looked at Justin with an anguished, heated look. "Yeah, sex.
Sex will heal me."

Justin let out a harsh breath. "You've got to be kidding me?"
"Sex demon, remember?" Elliot arched his brow.
Justin turned away and closed his eyes, his mind racing. He

tried to think of a solution, but could only come up with one answer.
He looked back at Elliot, hating the pain he saw etched in Elliot's
face. "Would it be safe for me?"

Elliot fixed a wary gaze on him. "What do you mean safe?"
"If we had sex, would it be safe for me. I mean, you won't

suck out my life force or anything?"

Elliot clenched his fists. "Yes, it would be perfectly safe, but

you don't have to do that." His voice turned bitter. “I don't want a
mercy fuck."

Justin stepped closer and caught Elliot's gaze. "And I don't

want you in pain. Not when I can help you."

Elliot's lips parted, his features softening for a few seconds,

but then his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched. He shook his head.

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"No. I want you, but not like this. I'll be fine." He tried to stand, but
his knees buckled.

Justin dived forward to catch him. The instant they touched,

that same heat and electricity spread between them. "Don't be so
stubborn, Elliot. Let me help you."

Elliot expression grew anguished, his voice dropping to a

whisper. "I don't want you like this."

He let his gaze roam over Elliot's face, and then Justin pressed

himself against Elliot, barely stifling a groan at the feel of him. "You
need this … and Goddamn it, so do I."

Elliot's expression lit up with hope. "You mean that?"
They held each other's gaze for several seconds, and then

Elliot nodded. "All right."

"Can you walk?"
"Yeah, I can hold it together long enough to get outside."
"I have a car waiting outside." Embarrassed, Justin dropped

his gaze from Elliot's. "Where should we go?"

"My place is only a couple of blocks away."
"Let me call my driver."
Elliot propped himself up on the table while Justin dug out his

phone, his hands trembling as he punched in the number. The driver
answered on the second ring, and Justin told him to meet them
outside. He ended the call and pocked the phone before he turned
back to Elliot.

"Help me get my jacket on, will you?" Elliot asked.
"Sure." Justin picked up the leather jacket, and helped Elliot

shrug into it. As Elliot pushed his arms through the sleeves, he caught
Justin by the shoulders and pulled him close.

"Kiss me."
Justin's mouth went dry at the intensity in Elliot's voice, and as

he let his hands settle on Elliot's waist, a wave of lust caught him.
Elliot let out a ragged breath and drew Justin closer, gently pressing
their lips together.

The softest brush of Elliot's lips against his and Justin's body

came alive with sensation. Arousal pounded through him, heat
pouring through every cell and he pressed himself tight to Elliot with
a deep moan.

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Elliot's lips were soft yet firm and he tasted like rich wine,

heady and intoxicating. His body, even weakened, was like hard steel
against Justin's, and Elliot's sizeable erection created an undeniable
pressure against Justin's own cock. As their bodies moved, their kiss
became more frantic. How many times had Justin imagined kissing
Elliot, how many different fantasies playing through his mind?
Countless, and the reality was far better than anything his mind had

He couldn't have said who broke the contact between them

first, but when they parted Justin was pleased to see more color in
Elliot's face. "You look better."

Elliot smiled. "Any sexual contact, no matter how small, will

strengthen me. That should get me to the car."

Justin swallowed hard then nodded, his arousal dampening

under a sudden wave of nerves. Christ, am I really going to do this?
Am I finally going to be with Elliot?
Given the possessive look on
Elliot's face, and the taste of Elliot lingering on his lips, there was
only one answer Justin could give. Yes.

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Chapter Three

If Elliot were being honest with himself, he felt just as nervous

as Justin looked. He'd wanted Justin from the first minute he'd laid
eyes on him, and to be mere moments away from finally claiming
him. You're not claiming him asshole. Remember that.

Incubi lived for sex and didn't have the whole single soul mate

thing to worry about like werewolves or vampires, but that didn't
mean they weren't capable of forming deep attachments. Once in a
thousand years an incubus might meet someone they wanted beyond
all others, laying claim to them as their mate so other incubi would
know they were off limits. Elliot wanted to claim Justin bad and he'd
need to be careful when they were together. He could only imagine
Justin's anger if Elliot marked Justin as his without him giving

"Elliot?" Justin's worried tone dragged him from his thoughts.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Elliot shook his head. "Sorry, my mind's a bit fuzzy. Let's get


Justin stepped to his side with a nod, putting his arm around

Elliot's waist. To anyone watching it'd look like they were simply
embracing, but Elliot was glad for the support. Justin's kiss and the
sexual pleasure caused by their intimate contact had given him a
strong shot of energy, but the vampire's venom still coursed through
his veins.

With some effort, Elliot held himself straight and plastered a

smile on his face. He'd be damned if he'd let anyone see any
weakness, not least because he didn't want any other immortal
thinking Justin was fair game. Just like that fucking vampire.

"Ready?" Justin asked.
"Yes, let's get out of here. I want you bad." He heard Justin's

indrawn breath, felt Justin's hand tighten on his hip, and Elliot's cock
jerked in response. Arousal numbed the pain of the venom slightly.

They crossed the dance floor without incident, though Elliot

couldn't help noticing the interested looks directed at Justin. His jaw
clenched. Damn it, he didn't want anyone looking that way at his man.

"What's wrong? You just went tense as a board." Justin peeked

up at him from underneath his golden lashes, his eyes bracketed with
tension and concern.

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"Nothing, it's just I don't like the attention you're getting from

the floor."

"Elliot." The warning in Justin’s tone unmistakable.
"I know, but I can't help the way I feel Justin. As you said, we

immortals are possessive over our lovers."

Justin turned his face away. "We’re not lovers, don't forget

that. Tonight is about getting you well and getting this, whatever it is
between us, out of our systems. Nothing more."

Those words tore through Elliot, creating a pain far greater

than the vampire's venom and much harder to recover from, but he
didn't want to get into another argument. Not when his legs were
shaking and sweat dripped down his back.

A few more steps and they were outside, the driver standing

beside the waiting car. The driver gave them both a respectful nod as
he opened the door. "Good evening, Mr. Cole. sir."

Elliot gave a muffled reply. Dizziness washed over him, and

with Justin's help he sunk gratefully into the leather seats.

"Where would you like to go, Mr. Cole?"
Justin looked in at Elliot, who addressed his words to the

driver. "412 Bridge Street, the Sand Building."

"I know it, sir."
As Justin slid in beside Elliot, the driver closed the door,

enveloping them in a welcoming darkness. Elliot tugged at Justin
weakly and Justin allowed the touch, closing the gap between them.
They came together in the darkness, arms twining round each other,
lips colliding. Justin's taste exploded on Elliot's tongue, sweet like
honey, decadent and delicious. He groaned low in his throat and
Justin gasped, his hands clutching Elliot more firmly, holding him

As if I'd want to be anywhere else. Justin felt so right in his

arms. Even though Elliot’s weakened state required Justin take the
lead, being with him, even in this small way, was more passionate,
more meaningful, than any other sexual experience of Elliot's life.

All too soon the car slowed and they broke apart. Justin's eyes

were dark, his skin flushed. Elliot was overcome by need for him.

"We're here. Can you make it inside?" Justin asked in a hoarse


"Yes. After that make out session I feel a little better." And he

did. Justin's kiss was like taking a shot of anti-venom, the heat and

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arousal counteracting and numbing the effects of the vampire's
poison, at least enough for Elliot to get to the suite.

The car stopped and the driver opened the door. Elliot gritted

his teeth and got out, Justin following behind him.

"Will you be needing me again tonight, Mr. Cole?"
Justin's gaze moved from the driver to Elliot, a battle between

longing and doubt marring his beautiful features.

Elliot made the decision. "No, we won't need the car again

tonight. Thank you."

"Very good, sir. Call me in the morning when you're ready to

go home. Have a good evening."

Justin's hands balled into fists and his jaw clenched. Elliot

ignored his obvious anger, taking his arm and pulling him toward the

"You assume I'm going to spend the whole night with you."
Elliot looked at him. "If you don't want to, why didn't you

countermand my instruction?"

Justin dropped his gaze, his teeth catching at his lower lip.

Elliot had the strongest urge to replace Justin's teeth with his own.

"I didn't want to embarrass you."
Justin's words were muttered, but Elliot heard them clearly.

He snorted in derision. "I don't believe that. If you were really set on a
quick fuck and go then you would have told the driver to wait. You
want the whole night as much as I do and besides," Elliot pulled
Justin around to face him, "once I'm healed, I intend to fuck you and
touch you and taste you until you won't be able to move."

Justin's skin flushed, his breath hitched, and Elliot made out

the rapid beating of his heart. He held Justin's gaze for a few heated
seconds, and then a fresh surge of pain ripped through him. He
swayed with a hiss, grabbing hold of Justin for support.

"Elliot!" The anguish and concern in Justin's voice touched


"I'm all right." Justin's raised brow told Elliot he did not

believe him. Elliot increased the pressure of his grip on Justin's arm.
"Just take me to bed, Justin, please."

At Elliot's plea Justin's lips parted, and the look of pure lust he

gave Elliot set Elliot's own heart racing. Justin stepped to Elliot's side,
gripping him by the waist. Elliot leaned heavily on Justin, and
together they staggered through the lobby and into the elevator. Elliot

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longed for more of those delicious kisses on the ride up to his floor,
but unfortunately they were not alone. The other couple gave them a
stiff smile. Elliot had to satisfy himself with the touch of Justin's arm
around him, the sweet tang of his scent as it brushed his nostrils, and
the heat seeping through their clothes.

When they reached their floor, Justin guided Elliot out.

"Which way?"

"14, at the end of the hall."
Somehow they made it to the door and Elliot managed to pull

out his key card, needing only two attempts to get it in the slot. His
body shook, and he had to put most of his weight on Justin to make it
across the apartment to the bedroom.

At the bed, Justin tried to guide Elliot's arm off him to lay him

down, but Elliot caught hold of Justin and they tumbled down onto
the silk sheets.

"Hey!" Justin tried to untangle himself from Elliot. "We

should get your back cleaned up first."

"No need. I'll heal soon enough if you…" Elliot trailed off,

overcome by a sudden and surprising shyness.

"What?" Justin asked in a low voice. "Tell me what you need,


"Touch me, make me come."
Justin's eyes widened for an instance, and then he took hold of

Elliot's jacket, pushing the leather from his shoulders. Elliot managed
to lift his upper body enough for Justin to pull the jacket clear, before
he collapsed back onto his side. He'd never been so weak.

Elliot watched with breathless anticipation as Justin removed

his own jacket and tie, and then Elliot opened his arms for him.
Justin's skin grew flushed and his breathing sped up as he eased into
Elliot's embrace, and pushed Elliot onto his back with gentle pressure.
Elliot ignored the pain from his wounds as Justin hovered above him.

Justin paused then he pressed a languid kiss to Elliot's lips, his

fingers lightly brushing Elliot's cheek before moving down to his
collarbone. Elliot moaned against Justin's mouth. He savored the taste
of him, relished each press of his lips, each soft caress of his tongue.
While their mouths danced, Justin's hand continued lower, dipping
beneath Elliot's shirt to trace a teasing line across his stomach, making
his muscles flex in response.

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Though every second made him stronger, Elliot was still

weak, the venom now taking its toll. He could barely hold onto Justin.
As much as he wanted to reach for Justin and hold him, Elliot had to
lie there and let the other man take care of him.

"I never pictured being this helpless when we were together,"

he whispered against Justin's mouth.

Justin drew back, his head cocking to the side. "I don't know. I

quite like you being all helpless."

That husky reply set Elliot's heart tripping even harder.
Justin made quick work of Elliot's belt, and when his hand

dipped beneath Elliot's jeans and his fingers circled his cock, both
men groaned.

"Gods, Justin, I need your touch so bad."
Justin didn't answer, he just mashed their mouths together

again. His hand moved on Elliot's cock with consummate skill, the
rhythm slow and gentle at first, becoming harder and faster as Elliot
reacted. Pleasure surged through Elliot, a molten wave moving
through every part of him, burning away the vampire's venom and
healing his ravaged body.

Then, without warning, Justin stopped touching him. Elliot's

head whipped up, but before he could utter a single protest Justin
went lower, his lips finding a path down Elliot's chest, his destination

"Justin, you don't have to do that."
Justin raised his head, lust and hunger in his expression. "I

want to taste you, I've dreamed about tasting you, and I'm going to
make the most of being with you."

The certainty in his tone silenced Elliot's doubts, and with a

nod he sunk back against the bed, not daring to believe what was
about to happen. He closed his eyes, concentrating on every sensation.
The soft tickle of Justin's breath, the velvet brush of his lips, the
teasing stroke of his tongue. Elliot surrendered to the moment, and he
groaned with longing when Justin took his cock into the warm
wetness of his mouth.

How many times had he dreamed of this very thing? How

many sleepless nights he'd spent aching for this man? Too many, but
now they were together. And if I have my way I'm not going to let him

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All those thoughts raced through Elliot’s mind as Justin

worked his cock, each stroke building his strength and healing him,
sending unimaginable pleasure through him. Before he'd only had
sex. This was something else—connection.

Elliot tangled his fingers in Justin's hair. He couldn’t hold

back his reaction when Justin brushed his ass and balls then took
Elliot's full length deep to the back of his throat. Elliot came hard, a
savage, guttural cry of desire tearing from his throat. Justin eased his
movements, but swallowed every drop of Elliot's cum down before
pulling away, bestowing two loving licks to the crown.

Dazed, Elliot looked up at Justin, his contented smile a

pleasing sight. For a few seconds Elliot revealed in the ecstasy of his
release, but when Justin started to ease away, Elliot moved, too fast
for Justin to react. Elliot jerked Justin's slim frame into his arms and
pressed him back to the sheets. "My turn."

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Chapter Four

Justin gasped. One minute he'd been ringing the most

exquisite reaction from Elliot, savoring the taste of him, a taste far
sweeter than any human. The next he'd been in Elliot's arms, feeling
utterly helpless against the much more powerful immortal.

His hands were pressed against Elliot's chest and he couldn't

help the tremble that ran through his body. "What—what are you
going to do?"

Elliot narrowed his gaze, and then ran his hand up to grasp

Justin's nape, angling his face so that Justin's mouth tipped upward.
"I'm going to fuck you now." Elliot's voice was husky, almost a
growl. Then he was kissing Justin hard, a demanding, dominating kiss
that left Justin reeling. Justin clutched Elliot to him, leaning into the
kiss with every fiber of his being.

When they broke apart, Justin's head swam in a fog of lust and

breathlessness. Elliot kicked off his boots and pants then tore off the
remains of his shirt with a wicked smile. Then he turned to Justin,
undressing him with surprising gentleness. Justin watched, gaze
riveted to the almost mesmerizing action of Elliot's fingers as he
worked his clothes off.

Once they were naked, Elliot lay back down beside him,

gathering Justin into his arms and kissing him again, though this time
he was gentler. Justin wrapped his arms around Elliot, relishing the
warmth of Elliot's skin, but when his hands brushed over Elliot's back
he broke the kiss. He couldn't feel any injuries.

"Your back. It's healed."
"Yes, as good as new."
"Are you all right now?"
Elliot rolled his neck. "Almost, one more orgasm should do


Justin's lips curled. "Somehow, I don't think that is going to be

a problem."

"No. Because I am going to have you this night, Justin."
His throat went dry at the emotion he saw in Elliot's eyes, and

all Justin could do was nod. He'd let Elliot have him because he
wanted this male so much, but Justin vowed to make sure he protected
his heart. Just one night.

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Elliot's mouth once again descended to his and Justin parted

for him, allowing Elliot's tongue to sweep forward. The kiss started
softly, a teasing, coaxing movement of Elliot's lips and tongue, but
soon it grew deeper, harder. Elliot's hands were on him, running over
his body with a thorough knowing touch.

Justin body reacted, arousal growing deep inside him. The

hard pressure in his cock undeniable as it pressed against Elliot's,
skin-to-skin, aching flesh to aching flesh. They kissed for what
seemed an age and Justin savored every moment. The unique taste of
Elliot, the feel of his skin, how right it felt to be wrapped in his strong

When Elliot stopped, Justin clutched him more tightly,

refusing to relinquish his lips. Elliot chuckled, and then with an
irresistible strength pulled away anyway, leaving Justin feeling bereft.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked, his voice ragged around his

panting breaths.

"Then why have you stopped?"
"Because I need to get something."
"Wh…" The question died on Justin's lips as Elliot turned

toward the bedside cabinet and opened a drawer. Justin guessed what
Elliot had in mind, and when he saw the small bottle in Elliot's hand,
he barely stifled a groan.

"I'm going to take care of you, Justin," Elliot whispered,

tipping the bottle upside down against his fingers before placing it
back on the cabinet.

Justin tensed as Elliot's hand drew lower and his fingers

brushed against Justin's ass. At the cold touch of the lube against his
heated skin, he fisted the sheets.

Elliot held Justin's gaze as he pushed one finger inside him,

causing that welcoming burn of pleasure pain. Justin moaned, his
body bucking as Elliot began a slow rhythm that soon made Justin
shake, his head thrashing against the pillow when Elliot pressed
another finger inside him.

Elliot continued touching him for several minutes, teasing him

with seductive drugging kisses, playful nips to his neck and chest, and
the irresistible action of his fingers. The pleasure was so sweet, but
Justin soon needed more. A helpless plea spilled from him.

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"You never have to beg me, Justin. Your pleasure is all I

want." Elliot's words had an intense edge, a depth of emotion that
should have scared Justin, but he was so lost to his desire he couldn't
muster any reaction other than excitement as Elliot picked up the
small bottle.

Justin surrendered to the sensation of Elliot preparing him, of

the slick coolness against his skin, watching with rapt attention as
Elliot took his own cock in his hand, applying the lube to make it
moist. Once finished Elliot guided Justin onto his side with a firm
movement, but Justin shook his head.

"Wait, what about protection?" He knew some immortals

didn't need it, but some did, and he had no idea what applied to an

"Not necessary. There's nothing you can give me, and

absolutely nothing I can give you. I promise."

Justin nodded. He trusted Elliot, secretly pleased that he'd be

able to feel him, with nothing between them. Biting his bottom lip,
Justin allowed Elliot to move him to his side, his heart beating a rapid
rhythm as Elliot settled behind him.

Justin kept his head turned so he could watch Elliot's

expression as he took him. Elliot offered a sultry kiss before running
his hand down over Justin's chest and stomach, brushing his cock and
balls. Justin hissed in response then gave a frustrated moan when
Elliot did not touch him.

A small smile played on Elliot's lips, and then he guided

himself into Justin. Both men gasped, their bodies tensing as one,
locking together as Elliot slid into him.

Elliot paused, the tilt of his head silently asking if Justin was

all right. Justin nodded and Elliot slowly began to fuck him, his hand
finally settling on Justin's cock, pumping with a rhythm that matched
the way Elliot thrust inside him. A groan of pleasure burst from Justin
and he closed his eyes as he surrendered to Elliot, letting the
devastating immortal work his body into a fever of desire.

"Look at me."
Elliot 's tone was not to be denied and Justin obeyed, his

vision filling with Elliot's handsome face and the light burning in the
depths of his eyes. This was more than just sex. This was something
else, but Justin was too lost to even think about pulling away. He

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wanted Elliot so much and now to have him, to feel him inside, he'd
never experienced anything like it.

Justin grasped Elliot's side, his fingers digging into that strong

body. Elliot held him tighter and then they were kissing, their lips and
tongues moving as their bodies did, filling each other over and over, a
movement as old as time and as necessary as breathing.

Elliot moved hard against him, his hand sliding over Justin's

cock in time with his thrusts, and soon Justin approached the edge.

"Elliot. I'm getting close."
Elliot gave an approving growl, increasing his speed and force

until it all became too much. Justin exploded as searing waves rolled
through and over him, a cry tearing from his lips.

Elliot tensed, and then gave a loud pained groan, as his hips

surged forward. He came hard, their mutual pleasure holding them
together for what seemed a lifetime.

When they broke apart they both collapsed back onto the

sheets. Justin's heart raced, his chest rising and falling in time with his
labored breaths, his world tipped upside down by what had passed
between them. For a few minutes, Justin couldn't think past his
pleasure-induced daze, and even when Elliot rolled away, he couldn’t
muster the strength to look at him.

Elliot's weight shifted on the bed, and then something soft

rubbed against Justin's belly. He glanced down and saw Elliot wiping
him with the tattered remains of his shirt. Justin forced himself to roll
to his back, so he could look up at Elliot.

Elliot's skin flushed deliciously and his eyes had a warm

gleam. He looked like the happiest male in the world, as if he'd just
won the lottery, and a heavy knot settled in Justin's stomach. That had
been too good, too perfect, and Justin wanted nothing more than to
experience it again and again. A dangerous longing he must not give
in to.

Elliot ran his hands down the side of Justin's face, his touch

tender. "Are you all right? I wasn't too rough?"

Justin shook his head. "No. That was amazing."
"Wasn't it just? I never thought it would be like that."
Justin's mouth went dry at the emotion he sensed in Elliot.

This was bad. If he stayed any longer, he wouldn't want to leave,
wouldn't be able to. Justin looked away, trying to hide his turmoil
from Elliot.

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"You sure you're okay?" Justin heard the note of concern in

Elliot's voice, and fixed a smile in his face before looking back at him.

"Yeah, just a bit shaky."
Elliot let out a sigh. "I'll run a bath for us. Let me look after


Justin nodded and watched as Elliot stood and walked to the

bathroom, his gaze lingering on the taught muscles of Elliot's back
and ass. The second Elliot stepped through the door Justin stood, his
legs shaking for a moment, before he grabbed his clothes and started
pulling them on as he staggered out of the bedroom and across the
living room.

He needed to get out of there. It had been a mistake, thinking

one night with Elliot would cure his obsession. Things were only a
million times worse. He had to get away now before he lost himself

Justin almost made it to the door when he was suddenly spun

around and shoved back against the wall. Elliot stood in front of him,
his face drawn down into a furious scowl.

"What the hell, Justin. You're leaving?" Elliot's anger crashed

against him, but Justin kept his voice firm.

"I have to. I can't stay."
"Why the hell not? Did … did I do something wrong? Did I

hurt you?" The anguished tone in Elliot's voice tugged at Justin's

"No! Gods no." Justin wanted to reassure Elliot, and make him

understand why he needed to leave. "You did everything right and
that's the problem. That was too good and if I don't leave now I won't
be able to."

Elliot shook his head, confusion twisting his handsome

features. "So don't. Stay with me. We both want this, stop fighting it."
He brushed his fingers across Justin's cheek, and it took everything in
Justin not to lean into the touch.

Though pain lanced through him, Justin pushed Elliot's hand

away. "I can't, I'm sorry, but I can't give you want you want. You're
better now so there's no point stringing this out."

Elliot's lips parted, pain visible in his eyes. "So, it was just a

mercy fuck after all? You bastard."

His vehemence left Justin reeling. "You knew what this was. I

didn't promise you anything more."

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Elliot stared at him for a few seconds, and then his expression

hardened. "No, you didn't. Even though you want this as much as I
do. But you're too scared to seize it. You'd rather hide behind you
morals and rules, and miss out on something that could be amazing."
Elliot stepped away.

Elliot's hurt and anger tore at Justin, and for a few moments he

honestly didn't know what to do. He knew he should go, but Elliot
was right, he didn't really want to. Yet if he stayed, he'd be accepting
Elliot as his.

"I'm sorry, Elliot, I just can't do this."
Elliot looked away, but when he looked back at Justin, there

was a dangerous, menacing glint in his eyes. "No."

"What?" The hairs on Justin's arms stood on end.
Elliot stepped right up to him and braced his hands against the

wall, caging Justin in. "I said no. You may have had enough, but I
haven't. We have the rest of the night."

"Stop kidding around, let me go."
"No." Before he could protest Elliot scooped Justin up, lifting

him as if he didn't weigh a thing. He carried Justin out of the room.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Justin struggled

against him, but Elliot held him easily.

"I said I was going to fuck you till you couldn't move, and I

keep my promises." There was a deadly edge to Elliot’s voice and
Justin's heartbeat raced even faster, and not entirely with fear. Elliot
appeared as scary as hell right now, but damn if he wasn't also the
sexiest thing Justin had ever seen.

"Elliot, please. Don't do this."
Elliot stilled at Justin's plea, his gaze boring into him. Lust and

pain, excitement and need, all warred in the icy depths of Elliot's eyes.
Despite himself, Justin's body responded.

"If you really don't want me to take you to bed, Justin, just

say. I won't force you."

Justin opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't make

himself say it. He wanted this as much as Elliot said he did, and he
couldn't pretend otherwise. Fear clutched at him, but against that
surged a wave of arousal, his cock throbbing with the need to be
touched, his body hungering for this male.

The silence hung between them for a few seconds, and then

Elliot took Justin's mouth in a scorching kiss, the kind of kiss that

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made your knees weak and stripped all resistance. When Elliot pulled
away, Justin gave a small nod and Elliot's lips curled into a seductive,
triumphant smile.

In a few strides he crossed to the bedroom and threw Justin

down on the bed. For a few breathless moments they just looked at
each other, and then Elliot took him, completely and thoroughly.

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Chapter Five

Several hours, and an untold number of orgasms later, Elliot

collapsed against the sheets. Justin lay next to him, his head thrown
back and his body trembling—no doubt from the aftershocks of their

"I'll go run that bath."
Justin gave a tiny nod, and Elliot's gut twisted. Had he been

too rough, too forceful? He shouldn't have reacted the way he did,
shouldn't have taken Justin like that, but when he'd seen Justin trying
to leave something inside him snapped.

Damn it, the man drove him crazy. Drove him to a frenzied

lust. He'd taken Justin again and again. Elliot had kept his head
enough not to mark Justin, claiming him as an incubi's mate, but it'd
been close, and Elliot certainly hadn't been gentle.

Elliot stalked to the bathroom and started the water running.

At least he could take care of Justin properly. Wash away the sex-
induced aches and pains Justin must surely be feeling, pamper the
man as he deserved.

When he stepped back out, Justin lay in the same position.

More guilt settled on Elliot as he walked toward the bed. As he picked
him up, Justin let out a low moan that made Elliot's pulse race with
worry. "Justin, are you okay? Please say I didn't hurt you."

Justin turned passion-glazed eyes on him. "No, you didn't hurt

me. I've just never come like that, or so many times. How was that

"One of the benefits of sex with an incubus. We can increase

the pleasure and orgasms of our partners."

Justin let out a sharp breath, his lips parting. "Well, you need

to remember I'm just human, there's only so much I can take."

"I know. I wouldn't have it any other way."
He dragged his gaze away and carried Justin to the bathroom.

"Do you need a private moment?" Elliot nodded toward the toilet.

"Yes, please."
Elliot set Justin carefully on his feet, making sure he was

steady before he let go. He stood outside the door, returning when he
heard the flush. Before Justin could move, Elliot picked him up again
and stepped into the tub, arranging Justin between his legs as he sat

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down. The hot water must have stung him, because Justin tensed, but
then he settled back against Elliot's chest with a sigh.

Elliot spent several minutes soaping Justin, washing him

carefully, and then he kneaded Justin's neck and shoulders. Eventually
Justin relaxed against him, but Elliot still sensed an underlying
tension. Soon the silence grew unbearable, and with some trepidation
Elliot spoke.

"Please. Justin, talk to me. Are you sure you're okay? Be

honest. I didn't hurt you, or scare you, did I?"

Justin didn't answer straight away, and panic crawled through

Elliot. Have I lost Justin after all? "Justin, please," Elliot said, his
voice hoarse with its whispered plea.

Justin let out a shaky breath. "No, Elliot. I'm not all right. I'm

raw and naked. You've captured me. I can't walk away from this now.
I want to be with you, I need to be with you."

Elliot stilled, the air sucked from his lungs, as if the water

suddenly turned ice cold. "What did you just say?"

Justin shifted round, his expression so sincere, so full of

emotion. "I said I want to be with you. I can't fight this anymore, not
after that."

For a few heart-pounding seconds Elliot just stared, and then

he grabbed Justin in a clumsy embrace, sloshing water over the floor.
Justin clutched him, and then their lips met.

"You really mean this, Justin? You'll be mine?" Elliot asked

against Justin's mouth.

"Yes, whatever the hell that means."
Elliot pulled back, his eyes roaming over Justin's face. "It

means we'll be together, looking after each other, loving each other.
Just like I've dreamed about."

Justin's expression softened. "This night has been…" he trailed

off, shaking his head. "There are no words. From what I had planned
to what actually happened. If that vampire hadn't—"

Elliot pressed a finger to Justin's mouth. "I wouldn't have let

you go that easily, but the vampire certainly helped."

"Fucking vampire, I wish you'd hurt him more." Justin looked

gorgeous in his outrage, and Elliot struggled not to smile.

"Why would I do that?"
Justin's features tightened. "He attacked you."

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"I was in a bit of pain for a while. I survived, and I would go

through a thousand times worse to have you."

Confusion and surprise flitted across Justin's face. "What?

You'd put yourself through worse than that?"

"Oh, Justin, of course I would. And I'd buy that vampire a

drink, or several, if I saw him again."

"How can you say that? I saw how much pain you were in."
"As I said, I'd go through far worse if it meant I got to have


"But why?"
He clasped Justin's nape and tugged his face close. "Because I

love you." Elliot tensed when the words spilled past his lips. Christ,
he hadn't meant to admit that so soon. Please don't let that be the
thing that scares him off.

Justin's eyes went wide, his mouth falling open, and for a few

agonizing moments he said nothing. Then he cupped Elliot's face. In a
hesitant voice, he said exactly what Elliot wanted to hear. "I love you,
too, Elliot. I have for a long time, but I just didn't want to admit it."

As he sagged with relief, an overwhelming happiness surged

through Elliot. "Well, now you have, and there's nothing more that
needs to be said."

They shared another sweet kiss, one full of promise and hope,

and then with a lopsided smile Justin turned and settled back against
him. Elliot wrapped Justin in his arms and for a while they sat in
blissful silence, enjoying the moment, until the water started to cool.

"We should probably get out." Justin lifted his hands. "I'm

starting to prune."

Elliot agreed with a chuckle, and they both climbed out. Elliot

wrapped a towel around his waist, and then grabbed another to dry

"I can do this myself, you know."
Despite the annoyed amusement in Justin's tone, Elliot carried

on anyway. "Yeah, I know, but I like to do this. And you’d better get
used to it when I move in."

Justin's clutched his arm. "Move in? What to my place?"
"Yeah, so we can run the club together."
"Isn't that a bit soon? And what about all your other


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"We've known each other for years, I don't want to waste any

more time. As for my other businesses, I can get someone in to run
them. I want to be with you, concentrate on us."

"This is crazy fast." Justin let out a deep sigh of defeat. "But

all right, you can move with me. Crap, I'll never live this down with
the staff, you know that?"

Elliot laughed. "That's the least of my concerns. No doubt

we'll get a bit of ribbing for a while, but it'll pass. I reckon they'll be
happy for us. And I'm sure they'll prefer you not being such a hard ass
with them if they get involved with the customers."

"Well, we'll still need some rules, but I can't exactly come

down on them when I've got my very own live in sex demon now, can

Elliot arched a brow. "Live in sex demon? I kind of like the

sound of that."

"Yeah, I'll be truly damned." Justin's spoke in light tone, but

Elliot didn't want Justin to think of him that way.

"You know incubi aren't evil demons, we don’t worship Satan

or sacrifice virgins. We're about passion and desire. That's all."

Justin raised his hands. "All right. I didn't mean anything by


"Sorry. It's just I hate being labeled in that way. I hate it when

people think my kind is evil."

Justin blushed and dropped his gaze. "No, I'm the one who's

sorry. I shouldn't have joked about something like that. It's just I don't
really know anything about incubi."

Elliot lifted Justin's head with a finger under his chin. "And it

will be my pleasure to teach you, love."

The smile that greeted his words wiped away Elliot's anger

and he drew Justin into an embrace, placing light kisses to his neck
and shoulder. When Justin's cock twitched against his towel, Elliot let
out an appreciative moan.

"Seems my human is ready for more."
Justin's lips curved into a saucy smile. "Seems to be the effect

you have on me." His tone teased, but his words stirred Elliot's lust.

"Another perk of being loved by an incubus, quick recovery


Justin's brow shot up. "Any other perks I should be aware of?"

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"There might be some others, but you'll have to find them out

one at a time."

"Hmm, I can see that having you around all the time is going

to pay off."

"I hope you want me around for more than that." While he

knew Justin joked, doubt settled on Elliot. He wanted more than sex
with Justin, he wanted a relationship, wanted everything.

"I will. Though it'll take some getting used to."
Elliot clutched Justin tight and tipped his head forward so he

could look deep into Justin's eyes. "You do want this though? Really
want this?"

Justin nodded. "Yes, of course. You made up my mind for me

with that bout of life altering sex." He acknowledged Justin's attempt
to lighten the mood, but Elliot needed to know Justin was sure about

"I'm serious. You can't joke about this. You have to mean it."
Justin's lips parted. He searched Elliot's face then tangled his

fingers in Elliot's hair. "I do mean it, Elliot. Truly. I've finally
admitted it to myself I know how much I love you, how much I want
to be with you."

Elliot let out a long sigh of relief and rested his forehead

against Justin's. "Good. I just wanted to be sure. I feel the same you

"I know. I think we both owe that vampire a drink."
Elliot laughed, the tension finally breaking and Justin stepped

away, pausing in the doorway. He turned toward Elliot, giving him a
breathtaking view of his back and the tight flex of his ass.

"Now we've got that settled, why don't you show me some

more of these perks you were talking about?" Justin's expression lit
with desire and mischief, and Elliot was once again overcome by the
lust and need he had for this man.

Elliot reached for his towel. A small twitch of his fingers and

it dropped. He sauntered over to Justin. Elliot ran his fingers along
Justin's spine, noting with satisfaction when Justin trembled from his
touch. "I reckon we can fit one or two more in tonight. But I have lots
of tricks up my sleeve and I am going to enjoy showing them to you
in time."

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Justin face flushed a tempting pink, and then without warning

he darted away. "You immortals are all bluff and words. I think you
need to back them up with some action."

Elliot stared after him. He'd never seen this side of Justin

before, never seen him anything other than all business. Elliot liked it,
a lot. Well, two could play.

"Oh, if you want action I can give you action." In a flash Elliot

took Justin in his arms, crossing the room and pinning him to the bed.
He silenced any protest with his mouth and hands. Justin went rigid at
first, but Elliot soon had him moaning and writhing beneath him.
When Elliot eased up, they were both panting hard.

"How did you move like that?"
"Seems to be the effect you have on me." Elliot repeated

Justin's earlier words, earning a warm laugh and a heart-wrenching
smile. Justin ran a hand up Elliot's back, tugging on his nape until
their faces were barely apart.

"Then I guess we're good for each other, partner."
Elliot sucked in a breath at the emotion and meaning in those

words. "Yes, we are, love. In business and pleasure. And that's all I
ever wanted."

The End


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