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Divine Creek Ranch 11

Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4


Family Reunion

Sheltered Jayne Sheridan, the town librarian, is ready to live the

fantasies she writes now that she’s free from the shadows of her
past. The art buff she meets in the library sets all her creative

juices flowing.

Well-traveled Seth Carter, Divine’s new tattoo artist, believes life

experience and globe-trotting are overrated. He encounters Jayne
in the library and thinks she’s too good to be true.

Matchmaker Grace Warner has enigmatic Seth and her cousin
Jayne in her crosshairs. All she needs is an excuse to bring them
together. Add in a Fourth of July celebration and a reunion with

the Divine Creek Ranch family and what happens? Sparks fly!

Sparks Fly! is a sexy little romp that intimately reacquaints

readers with all the beloved characters in the entire series and
introduces Seth and Jayne, the main characters in the upcoming

twelfth Divine Creek Ranch novel entitled His Tattooed Virgin.

Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 52,981 words

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Divine Creek Ranch 11

Heather Rainier


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2012 by Heather Rainier
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-007-1

First E-book Publication: July 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Letter to Readers

Dear Readers,

If you have purchased this copy of Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July


Family Reunion by Heather Rainier from BookStrand.com or its

official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your
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Regarding E-book Piracy

This book is copyrighted intellectual property. No other individual or
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This is Heather Rainier’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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To the man who wrote the book on making sparks fly…my

precious, loving husband.

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Thank you to my hero and my publisher, Diana DeBalko. You

continue to amaze and inspire me.

Thank you to my brilliant editor, Caroline Acebo. You take the

rough manuscript I turn in and make it shine. The smileys mean more
than you might think. 

Thank you, Lena, Erin, Kelley, Kristen and Kathryn and the rest

of the talented Siren-BookStrand staff. You are a pleasure to work
with, every one of you.

Thank you, Christi F., you were right…you were right.
Thank you, my dear friend and critique partner, Corinne Davies,

for encouragement and laughter late at night, and to Stormy for your
thorough, meticulous skills as a beta reader.

Thank you, Righteous Perverts, for the fun, the laughter, and all

the support. A writer never had a better group to hang out with.
You’re all peaches!

Thanks so much to Rana, and the energetic dynamos known as the

Divine Divas. “Pimpage” never looked so divine!

Most importantly, thank you to my readers and fans who e-mail

me and interact with me on Facebook and Twitter and come to
conventions. Your support makes this “job” an absolute joy.

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Divine Grace

Grace (Stuart) Warner worked at Stigall’s Department Store

and is co-owner of Harper Embroidery. She is also invested in, and
works at, Discretion, a ladies’ adults-only boutique located in

Jack Warner, Ethan Grant, and Adam Davis. These three

distant cousins are owners of The Divine Creek Ranch, a horse ranch
specializing in the breeding of Andalusian horses. Jack is also a
building contractor. Adam is an HVAC and electrical contractor.
Ethan co-owns The Dancing Pony nightclub, located in Divine.

They have one daughter, Rose Marie.

Her Gentle Giant (Part One & Two)

Rachel (Lopez) Wolf was employed at Grogan Home Theater as

a bookkeeper. She now does the books for Discretion and is a new
stay-at-home mom.

Eli Wolf was one of the bouncers at The Dancing Pony, and is

now licensed as an EMT.

They have one son, Levi Elias Wolf.

Heavenly Angel

Teresa (Palacios) Martinez worked at Stigall’s with Grace and is

now invested in Discretion and works there part time when not caring
for her children.

Angel Martinez and Joaquin Martinez are brothers and horse

breeding specialists who handle the breeding operation on The Divine
Creek Ranch.

They have two sons, Michael and Eleazar.

Rosemary’s Double Delight

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Rosemary (Piper) Garner splits her time between the family

business, Cheaver’s Western Store, and her husbands’ business,
Garner Custom Furniture.

Wes and Evan Garner are brothers and self-employed custom-

furniture craftsmen who have known Rosemary since kindergarten.

Spurs and Heels

Juliana (Meyer) Peterson, an admitted perfectionist, was the

manager of Stigall’s Department Store and is now a buyer for
Discretion Boutique.

Ash Peterson, a former bareback bronc riding champion, is the

foreman of The Divine Creek Ranch and runs all of the day-to-day

They have a son named Will.

Maya’s Triple Dare

Maya (Daire) Warner is a registered nurse specializing in

obstetric and pediatric care. She works with Doctor Emma Rivers.

Kendall, Boone, and Richard Warner are brothers, and first

cousins of Jack Warner. They are partners in The MWTD Cattle
Ranch, which backs up to the Divine Creek and borders The Divine
Creek Ranch.

Summer’s Indiscretion

Summer (Heston) Webster and her sister Margot are proprietors

of Discretion, a ladies’ adults-only boutique in nearby Morehead,

Ace Webster and Kemp Whittier are adopted brothers who are

also partners in a security and private investigation operation. Ace and
Kemp have assisted a number of the heroes and heroines in Divine,
Texas, including their wife, Summer.

Lydia’s Twin Temptation

Lydia (Webster) Carlisle is a professional chef. She came to The

Rockin’ C Ranch as a chef and wound up falling in love with both
Chance and Clayton Carlisle. Her older brother, Ace, was not pleased.

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Chance and Clayton Carlisle are twin brothers who own The

Rockin’ C Ranch, a very large cattle operation outside of Divine.

Their Divine Doctor

Doctor Emma (Guthrie) Rivers is a family practitioner in

Divine, Texas.

Duke Rivers and Gage Randall are cousins who were raised as

brothers. They are IT consultants and also work on a contract basis for
Ace Webster and Kemp Whittier.

Divine Phoenix

Lily (Valentine) Cook is a Divine native, recently returned home.

She is a student and works at Clay Cook Jewelry.

Clay and Del Cook are brothers who are long-lost friends of

Lily’s. Clay is a jeweler and sculptor and Del is a rancher, recently
returned from a long stint as a contractor for a private military

Sparks Fly!

A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion

Jayne Sheridan is head librarian at the Divine Memorial Library
Seth Carter is a tattoo artist and owner of Divine Ink Tattoo

Studio located in downtown Divine. Sparks Fly! features their
introduction to each other and sexy reunions with all the previous
main characters in the series, centered around a July 4




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Divine Creek Ranch 11


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

July 3


Jayne stared up at her determined cousins, Grace Warner and

Charity Connors, from behind the checkout desk at the Divine
Memorial Library. She recognized the tenacious looks in their eyes.
Her mind raced, looking for any reasonable excuse. “I wasn’t
planning on going to the Fourth of July parade. I have car trouble.
One of my tires was low this morning.” Yeah…that’s it!

Charity Connors rolled her eyes. “Pfft! That is so lame. Take it by

Torvel’s Tire Center before you go home tonight. It’s time to rejoin
the land of the living, Jayne.” Jayne knew they’d never give up. Too
many times she’d felt like giving up, and it was nice that her cousins
never did.

“Come on, Jayne. This would be easier if you’d just agree to

come. You know you want to,” Charity said, then snickered. “It’s just
a question of how much pestering it takes to get you there. It’s only
one day.” The blonde bombshell had a reputation for being stubborn,

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


which Jayne could attest to, having known her and her sister for her
whole life. They’d lost touch for a few years, but some things never

Grace gave her the puppy-dog eyes and then used the magic

bullet. Ten-month-old baby Rose Marie. She lifted the precious,
blonde-haired baby from her stroller to her hip, and in a baby-talk
voice, Grace said, “Come on, Cousin Jayney. Don’t you wanna come
with me to the parade?”

Rose Marie had green eyes like her father but bore a striking

resemblance to her mother. Jayne did her best to ignore the little pang
in her heart as she smiled at Rose Marie and held out her finger,
which the baby grabbed and tried to gum before Grace handed her a
teething ring. It would be nice to spend some time with them.

Jayne scoffed and rolled her eyes, trying to hide her amusement

without much success. “Oh, all right. But only the parade and only
because you used baby guilt. Evil wench.”

Charity giggled and said, “We have lunch planned afterward at the

ranch, and swimming, and then the fireworks out at Bowie Lake. You
might as well bring your swimsuit because you know you’ll want to
be there for all of it.”

Swimsuit? Crap! What have I gotten myself into? “Um…I don’t

own one. Oh, well. I guess I’ll—”

“Just have to borrow one of mine,” Charity chirped, looking

positively victorious. “You’ve lost so much weight, you can fit into
one of them, no problem.”

Jayne’s mind swirled back to the last time she’d been swimming

with Charity. As a rule, Charity went with the more daring suits.

Grace looked askance at her sister. “Charity, you’re scaring her,

telling her that. Don’t worry, Jayne. Between the two of us, we’ve got
you covered. Just bring sunscreen and a hat, and we’ll take care of the
rest. Isn’t that right?” she asked her baby daughter. Rose Marie
chortled when her mom blew a raspberry on her chubby little neck.

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Heather Rainier

Charity elbowed her sister. “We’re in a library. You’re being

disruptive, heifer.”

Grace snorted as she put the baby back in her stroller and she and

Charity prepared to leave. “Heifer? I’m not a heifer, but that gal who
was flirting with your husband at O’Reilley’s last night, now she was
a heifer,” Grace said as they waved good-bye to Jayne and made their
way through the metal detectors to the exit.

“Nah. Skank ho is more like it. Heifer would be almost


Jayne bit her lip to keep from laughing. She loved her cousin

Charity, despite her lack of filter, and enjoyed that Grace seemed to
take whatever she said in stride.

The library was going to be closed the following day for the

Independence Day holiday, along with all the other city and county
offices. She’d hoped to have a quiet day to herself to work on her
project. Looking around the tranquil solemnity of the library, she
realized she had quiet pretty much all day, every day, except for
Friday afternoons, which was Kookie Kid’s Club at the library. Those
afternoons were anything but quiet. Still, she might manage to sneak
away after the parade and accomplish something at home. She was
sorting a stack of books on a cart when she felt the tap of a small hand
on her elbow.

“Mizz Librarian?” said a young boy of about nine years old.
“What can I do for you, sweetie?”
“Er, um. Um. We was…Er, um—um.” The little blond-haired boy

swung his arms back and forth as he kicked the toe of his sneaker into
the carpeting.

Oh, Lord. What now? “It’s okay. You can tell me.”
Ten minutes later, when she was done cleaning up vomit and felt

nauseated herself, it was nearly time to close the library. She flipped
the first two light switches, extinguishing lights in the far corners of
the library, the traditional signal that they would be closing soon.

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


She grabbed the first stack of books still needing to be returned to

their place in the bookshelves and hurried to the young adult fiction
section. Between herself and Rowena, the elderly assistant librarian,
they had almost all of the books put back within five minutes. She
returned to the cart for the last tall stack while Rowena handled the
visitors who were checking out books.

Jayne peered at the spine of an art book as she rounded a corner,

heard a masculine gasp, and her world went topsy-turvy. Books
thumped to the floor all around her as she took a tumble, landing hard
on her hands and knees. Good going, klutz!

“I’m so sorry,” a deep voice murmured beside her. Strong hands

gently gripped her upper arms, helping her to right herself into a
kneeling position. She swept her long brown hair from her eyes and
looked up at the man assisting her. Where did he come from?

She hissed when she shifted, noticing the burning sensation in

both knees where they rested against the rough, short-piled carpeting.
The painful throbbing was forgotten as she looked up and lost herself
in the most piercing blue eyes she’d ever seen. The beautiful eyes
belonged to a handsome, serious-looking man in his mid-thirties. His
neatly trimmed goatee and moustache framed sensual lips that made
her fingertips itch to slide across them.

He crouched beside her and assisted her as she gathered the books

into a stack, then helped her rise to her feet with his hands on her
upper arms again. He was roughly six feet tall and clad in a black T-
shirt tucked into faded blue jeans. He wasn’t the type she usually
encountered in the library. Soccer moms and play-date groups were
more her speed. She noticed that his straight black hair was long,
reaching past his shoulders. He looked like he’d be more at home on a
motorcycle, rock concert stage, or some exotic locale. That hair. How
did I miss him in here?

“I’m sorry I tripped you. I shouldn’t have been sitting at the end

of the aisle like that. Are you all right?” He reached out a tentative
hand and smoothed back an errant lock of hair from her forehead. Her

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Heather Rainier

knees and palms stung and throbbed like crazy, but that was nothing
compared to the embarrassed heat that flooded her cheeks because
someone had witnessed her graceless tumble.

“Jayne? Are you all right?” Rowena asked from the head of the


“I—I’m okay. Just clumsy,” she called to her coworker as she slid

the tall stack of books onto the bookshelf beside her. She dusted off
her hands and hissed when she brushed across a raw spot on her left

He grimaced and gently lifted her hand to inspect the damage.

“You’re hurt.”

A tingle zipped up her arm at the contact, and she shyly tugged it

from his warm grasp. “I’m really fine, sir. The library is closing
soon.” She glanced at him as she reorganized the stack of books,
trying to ignore the painful tingle in her hands that warred with the
distracting tingle located elsewhere.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t notice.” He held up a book on Japanese art. “I

was involved in this book. Are you sure you’re all right? I can help
you back to the desk if you need me to.”

Gathering her scattered wits as the throb in her knees increased,

she smiled and patted her stack of books. “I still need to put these up.
I’m fine.”

He gazed mutely at her for a few moments then nodded. “I’ll be

up to the front directly.”

Jayne gave him a hesitant smile and nodded, trying to get the

trembling in her hands under control.

He paused and squinted at her. “You look vaguely familiar. Have

we met?”

Oh, Lord. I’d remember you if we had, handsome! “No, I don’t

think so. I’m relatively new in town.”

Surprising her, he held out his hand. “Seth Carter. Pleased to meet

you.” His voice turned her insides to jelly and she felt the tingle again

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


as she slipped her hand in his and he shook it gently, mindful of the
abrasion on it.

“Jayne Sheridan. Nice to meet you, Seth.”
He nodded, all the while maintaining eye contact. His serious

expression was almost disconcerting as he stared deeply into her eyes.
Heat crept up her cheeks at his scrutiny. After a moment, he blinked
and a slight smile crossed his lips.

When he released her hand, she lifted the stack of books from the

shelf and he stepped out of her way to let her pass. Her hands
trembled as she replaced all the books where they needed to be. She
straightened a couple of shelves before turning to make her way back
to the checkout desk. Rowena flipped two more light switches,
casting the section Jayne was in into near darkness.

She rounded the same corner and yelped when she ran right into


“Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you as I rounded the corner.” Crap!
Seth chuckled and grabbed her as she rebounded off a bookshelf

and held on to her until she steadied. “We keep bumping into each
other. You okay?”

“Besides proving I’m a klutz, yes, I’m fine. Find everything you


“Yes.” He released her arm as they walked down the aisle side by

side. Rowena waved at her with three books in her hand as she
disappeared down the romantic fiction aisle. Jayne made her way
around to the deserted checkout desk and sat as he placed his books
on the counter. She blindly reached for the books and her fingertips
landed on his large, warm hand. She rolled her eyes and pulled her
hand back as she looked up at him. “This is just not my day.” She
caught a faint twinkle in his blue eyes which were framed by thick
black lashes.

Seth shrugged casually but she saw a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

“Seems like it’s going pretty well to me.” He placed the books and his
library card in her hands, and it was then that she noticed his arms. At

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Heather Rainier

first glance, she thought he had on long sleeves then realized that
from the wrist up his arms were solidly tattooed with art that looked
vaguely familiar. Realizing she was staring at them, she turned her
attention to her job as she scanned the labels inside the books on
Japanese art.

When she handed him his card back, he focused those blue laser

beams on her, and she felt herself flush again. His lips were just full
enough to be sensual, and when he gave her a slight smile, her body
bloomed with heat all over, including the aching spot between her

Whoa, babe! No lusting in the library!
Jayne smiled back and hoped to remember him accurately so that

when she took up her pen and her notebook she could record his
beauty, for there was no other way to describe him. The trimmed
goatee that surrounded his sensual mouth gave him a rakish appeal,
and she wondered how that scruff would feel on her inner thighs. Her
panties became damp at the thought, and she unconsciously squeezed
her thighs together and shifted in her seat.

She struggled to keep her tone steady as she said, “Mr. Carter,

these books will be due back on the seventeenth of July.”

When she handed them to him, he gave another slight smile as he

nodded at her. “Call me Seth. I hope your knees and your hand are
okay. Sorry for tripping you.”

Jayne smiled at him and shrugged as she ignored the throb from

her injuries. “A little antiseptic and a Band-Aid and I’ll be fine. It was
my fault for not watching where I was going…both times. Have a
good evening.”

He nodded and backed away from the counter. The writer in her

wanted to stop him and wrap her arms around his wide shoulders so
she would remember what he felt like tonight when she wrote. For a
split second, she considered clandestinely shooting a picture with her
camera phone, but such unladylike behavior would most certainly be

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


frowned upon. Another library patron piled their books on the counter
as he backed away.

Seth walked through the doors but paused as she watched. He

turned and gazed back at her, the serious yet sexy look on his face
causing the heat to rise in her cheeks once again. When he caught her
eye, that slight smile made another appearance before he continued on
his way and the automatic doors slid shut after him.

Jayne watched his ogle-worthy backside through the glass doors

as he strode down the sidewalk, his feet shod in brown cowboy boots.
She felt incapable of tearing her gaze from his long legs and his ass.
His shoulders were broad, and the muscles were outlined under the
snug knit of the T-shirt, tapering to a trim waist. He moved with a
grace and fluidity that told her Mr. Carter was very comfortable in his
own skin. Drawn back to the task at hand, she wondered if she had
drool on her chin.

“Miss Sheridan? You okay?” the woman asked as she pulled her

keys from her purse.

No, I wasn’t for a long time, but I’m getting better every day.

When was the last time I reacted to a man like that? “Oh! Yes! Yes,
I’m fine. How are you?”

Jayne was actually glad now that Grace and Charity had been so

persistent. It was time to rejoin the land of the living. Her battle-
ravaged body was testifying that it was ready too. Come hell or high
water, she was finally going to live some of what she’d been writing.

* * * *

After stopping for a cold drink at the old-fashioned drugstore

across the street from the library, Grace sat in the driver seat of her
blue Escalade, scrolling through the contacts on her phone. She
looked at Charity with what she felt sure were completely guiltless
eyes. Charity giggle-snorted and tickled Rose Marie after buckling

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Heather Rainier

her into her car seat and said, “It’s like an addiction with you, isn’t

Grace smiled widely and shrugged. “I’ve never seen two people

who were more right for each other, and did you see? Fate is trying to
bring them together!” She gestured at Seth’s Harley-Davidson
motorcycle at the other end of the block as he placed his library books
in the saddle bags and climbed on. She knew a beautiful brunette
would fit perfectly on the back of that bike. “I’m just helping out the
universe by bringing those two within range of each other, that’s all.
We wouldn’t want some ‘skank ho’ to claim him, now would we?”

“No, we can’t have that. Now let’s get you and your big boobs

home.” Charity climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door as
Grace started the Escalade.

“Bi boos!” Rose Marie crowed from the backseat of the Escalade.

Grace gave Charity the stink eye as Charity snorted with laughter and
reached back to Rose Marie to give her a baby high-five.

Grace wrinkled up her nose and muttered, “I think you’ve been

spending too much time at my house lately.”

“You adore me and you have a pool. The attraction is obvious.”
“You’re just lucky she already says ‘Da-da.’ If ‘big boobs!’ was

the first thing that Jack, Ethan, or Adam ever heard her say, they’d
know who taught it to her.”

Rose Marie cackled. “Bi boos!”
Grace added, “And they’re not big boobs. They’re just right,

according to the men in my life.”

Charity laughed and grabbed her own boobs. “They’re chingo

chee-chees! Enormous hooters!”

“Chee-chees!” crowed the baby.
Grace was laughing so hard she had tears and pressed the heel of

both palms to her breasts as the discussion inspired a let-down reflex.
“Will you stop! They’re sensitive to discussion. And Ethan said just
this morning that they were the most perfect breasts he’d ever had the
pleasure of—”

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


Charity stuck her fingers to her ears. “Lalalalalalalalah! I can’t

hear you!”

“Lalalalalalalah!” squawked the pint-size parrot in the backseat.
Grace did her best to glower at Charity as she laughed. “You’re a

bad influence.”

“I can’t help it. They’ve gotten so big that I can hardly talk to you

without staring at them. They’re distracting.”

“Oh, hush. Yours were just as enormous with Beau and Justine

and I never teased you.” She finally found Seth’s cell phone number
and sighed with relief when she heard a faint yawn from the car seat
behind them. “Here he is.”

“You’re just going to get voice mail.”
“That’s okay.” The recording of Seth’s rugged, soft-spoken voice

played, asking her to leave a message. “Hi, Seth, this is Grace
Warner. I just wanted to invite you to our informal Fourth of July
family reunion tomorrow. Everyone is going to be there. Rosemary
Garner has the flatbed trailer and tents set up in front of Cheaver’s, so
we’ll have shady seats for the parade. We’re barbequing at the ranch
for lunch and then we’ll hang out, ride horses, play in the pool, or
whatever. At nightfall, we’re all heading out to Bowie Lake for the
fireworks. I hope you can make it. Call me if you have any questions.

“There’s no way he’ll be able to turn down that winsome


“I can’t help it if I’m charming and sweet. It offsets your natural


“Which one? Snarkiness or bitchiness?”
“I was gonna say wit and sarcasm, but whatever.” Grace looked

back at Rose Marie, who had nodded off. “Thank goodness she’s
conked out. I’d have a lot of explaining to do if she came home
having learned how to say ‘bitch.’” She ended with a whisper on the
last word.

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“I think it’s a given with the guys that whatever foul language she

picks up came from me, so you should be safe. Just wait until she’s
sixteen and her auntie takes her shopping for her first vibrator.”

* * * *

Seth Carter maneuvered the Harley around the block and

contemplated going back inside to ask that beautiful librarian if she’d
like to go for a ride after work. Jayne had seemed pretty straitlaced,
and she’d probably be fearful of his bike, as fragile as she looked.

The memory of the vulnerable look in her eyes as he’d helped her

up from the floor swam in his mind. The recollection of her pure,
clean scent awakened his cock as he recalled the second time their
paths collided. At the checkout counter, her accidental touch on his
hand had been like a butterfly’s wings. Her pretty eyes were blue and
green with a golden-brown ring blending the two colors together.
He’d wanted to take his time gazing at them but realized his scrutiny
made her self-conscious.

His body had responded to the rosy flush in her cheeks with a rush

of heat a little farther south. He’d been captivated by the grace of her
manicured hands as she did her job. She had beautiful ivory skin, and
the artist in him saw it as a perfect, pristine canvas, but even
unadorned he’d thought she was stunning. In the overhead lights, her
long brown hair had shimmered, and he’d be willing to bet that in the
sun the red in her hair was glorious. Maybe when he returned the
books he’d test the waters.

He rode up Main Street to the turnoff for his residential

neighborhood and noticed that people were already setting up chairs
and canopy shades along the street for tomorrow morning’s parade.
He’d probably be able to hear the high school marching band play all
the way from the house, as well as the blasting of stereos from the
Lowriders Car Club and the other bands. He’d been a kid the last time
he’d gone to a parade and didn’t particularly have the desire to fight

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


the crowds to see another one. If the weather cooperated, his plan
involved getting on his Harley and seeing how far he got by midday.

Rolling into his drive, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. After

parking the bike next to his truck in the garage, he checked the phone
and dialed into his voice mail. He leaned against the bed of the truck
as he listened to Grace’s message. Parade. Barbeque. Bowie Lake.

Grace and Rachel had invited him to events at the Divine Creek

Ranch before, but he’d never made it out to one. Lily Cook and her
men, Clay and Del, had recently told him about a get-together they’d
enjoyed at the Ranch earlier in the spring. Besides Lily’s wedding, he
hadn’t done much in the way of socializing, and even so, this wasn’t
the sort of partying he’d been accustomed to. Life, lately, revolved
around his busy tattoo studio, Divine Ink. Dialing Grace’s number,
Seth decided he’d go for part of the day, and if it wasn’t his thing then
he’d still take a ride up into the Hill Country.

The line connected, and he smiled when he heard Grace’s

enthusiastic greeting. “So, you’re coming, right? You know you’ll
have a great time. And bring your bike because the ride out to Bowie
Lake will be perfect at sunset.”

How could he say no in the face of such enthusiasm? Seth smiled

as he leaned his elbows against the truck bed. “It sounds like fun,
Grace. You can count on me.”

“Awesome! We’ll save a seat for you. You’ll find us right in front

of Cheaver’s Western Store on Main. And could you bring an extra
helmet in case anyone needs a ride to the ranch?”

Well, it looked like he was going to a small-town Independence

Day parade after all.

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Chapter Two

July 4


, at the Cook Ranch…

Lily Cook stretched sleepily and came to full awareness in a rush

when her apparently eager cunt easily accepted the cock that thrust
inside her from behind.

“Oh! Warn a girl ahead of time,” she murmured shakily as Clay’s

and Del’s equally naked, masculine bodies crowded on either side of
her. She bit her lip and squeezed her pussy muscles, causing Del to
groan as he pulled out and thrust back in.

Her husband Clay kissed her and then scooted downward in the

bed so that he could suck at her nipples while she lay on her side,
tilted slightly over him.

“Good morning,” he murmured as he stroked her rib cage and her


“Good mornin’, Lily Bell,” Del grated out as he increased his

strokes. His lips left a heated trail on her back and shoulders, and she
moaned in pleasure when he picked up the pace. Clay toyed with her
clit while he sucked on her peaked nipples, teasing first one then the
other. As they played with and tormented her, she came fully awake,
thrusting back against Del as his cock filled her pussy over and over,
the excitement building in her nerve endings to a frenzied pitch.

Del pushed her topmost thigh over Clay’s hip, and the tension in

her body coiled tighter. Clay released Lily’s right nipple with a wet
pop and said, “My turn soon, Lily.” With a chuckle, he went back to
work, laying more wet kisses up her chest to her throat before kissing
her hungrily on the lips.

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Her body felt all keyed up, ready to implode, and Lily wondered

how long they’d been playing with her that she was as wet and
aroused as she was. Then she remembered the sexy dream she’d been
having before they woke her. The thought dissolved as the early
flickerings of an orgasm bloomed inside her. Del seemed to
understand and held her hips as he thrust, rubbing that spot inside her
that drove her wild. Lily held on tight to Clay’s shoulders and buried
her face against his neck as the orgasm hit hard. Her body turned to
liquid fire and she moaned, bucking her hips back against Del. He
thrust firmly a couple more times and groaned with a deep,
animalistic sound. “Oh, fuck me.”

Panting to catch her breath, Lily had only a short reprieve before

Del gently pulled from her and she found herself looking into Clay’s
lusty green-gold eyes. He grinned at her sexily as he lay back. With
his powerful arms, he pulled her still-tingling body astride him and
thrust home in one stroke.

“Oh, yeah, baby. That’s what I needed. Let’s make some early-

mornin’ fireworks.” She felt the hunger for him stir inside her.

Bracing herself on his shoulders, Lily lifted up and rolled her hips

to seat him fully inside of her. “Is this what you need?” she asked as
she sat up. She slid her hands up her hips, over the phoenix tattoo that
decorated her lower abdomen and swirled with colorful feathers down
her thigh. Knowing it drove them wild, Lily continued the upward
sweep of her hands until she cupped her breasts and tweaked her
nipples between her fingers.

Del lay down on her pillow and watched appreciatively then

returned his gaze to where her body was joined to Clay’s. “That’s
exactly what we needed. Ride him, Lily.”

Clay’s hands joined hers on her breasts, and she moved her hands

so they closed over his, gripping her breasts more firmly. Clay thrust
and her thighs tightened and the tension began to coil inside her again.
“That’s right, baby, take what you need.”

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Lily closed her eyes and thought back to the night before, when

they’d made love to her together. Clay had been in the back and Del
in the front, sliding in and out of her until she didn’t know where she
ended and they began.

A warm hand slid around her hip bone. She opened her eyes and

saw Del trailing his hand over the phoenix’s tail to the cleft of her ass.
He didn’t say anything, but she knew that he was thinking about the
same thing. Her muscles became jerky and tense as his fingertips slid
down her crack to her back opening. He pressed gently, massaging the
sensitive ring of muscle there. She bit her lip and gasped when all the
tension unfurled in a giant snap and her orgasm ripped through her
like a wildfire.

Clay gripped her hips tightly, and she held on to him as he thrust

upwards with deep, fast strokes and her head fell forward, draping her
long hair across his chest. She rolled her hips with him, responding to
his need for release and the continued pressure of Del’s fingertips at
her ass.

Clay’s face was ruddy with passion as his jaw dropped and he

came with a deep groan. “Baby,” was the only thing he said as the
tension left them both.

Lily curled up on his chest with her head beneath his chin and

smiled at Del as he stroked her perspiration-dampened back. The
muscles in his biceps flexed, making his phoenix undulate slightly as
he caressed the colorful feathers that now decorated her left thigh. She
lifted her head and leaned over to kiss Del and then kissed the
matching mirror image of his tattoo on Clay’s right shoulder.

Clay stroked her ass as his cock still pulsed inside her and

whispered, “Happy Independence Day, baby.”

Lily rested her head on Clay’s chest and sighed happily. “I’m

looking forward to the parade this morning. It’s been more years than
I care to count since the last time I was in Divine for a parade.”

Del stretched, pleasing her with the sight of his muscular, nude

physique. He caught her look, and he growled pleasurably. “Was the

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last one when we marched with the Tigers when we won the Boys and
Girls City Championship in Little League?”

Lily giggled as she remembered riding her bike in that parade with

Clay and Del the year they’d all played on the same team together. It
had been hotter than hell, but all she remembered was how proud
she’d been and how much fun they’d had at the Cook family barbeque

Now here she was, married to her two best friends as of the month

before. It had been hot in Aruba, and she hadn’t noticed that heat
either, but it had been for a totally different reason.

She sat up and smiled down at Clay as she gently squeezed the

shaft still lodged inside her cunt. Clay groaned softly as he looked up
at her with shuttered bedroom eyes.

“You better watch it, unless you want round three, baby. We’ll be

late for the parade.”

Del sat up in the bed and said, “Speaking of the parade, Grace

called while the two of you were in the shower last night and said that
we’re supposed to meet them out in front of Cheaver’s. Rosemary
Garner set up a big flatbed trailer and tents for shade and asked if we
would just bring chairs. Grace mentioned that she talked Seth into

“She did?” Lily replied enthusiastically. “It’s about time.”
Seth was a loner, and Lily had been trying to get him involved

with their group since he’d done their tattoos but had been
unsuccessful almost every time. The exception had been the wedding.
He’d come to that when she’d married Clay and had the private
bonding ceremony with Del right afterward, but Seth hadn’t stayed
for the reception. The day had been a happy haze for her, but she’d
been slightly disappointed when he’d said his good-byes and left
before the music had even started.

Clay stretched as Lily gently disengaged from him and sat on the

edge of the bed. “Grace must’ve really sweet-talked him because
today is a perfect day for taking a ride on his Harley.”

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Del chuckled and rolled his eyes. “She’s probably trying to


Lily jumped when Clay goosed her ass as she stood and said,

“Grace is a romantic. You can’t fault her for wanting to see people
happy. Seth is one of the good guys. He deserves his happily ever

Clay’s expression grew thoughtful. “Speaking of happily-ever-

afters, remember Beck O’Malley? The guy who bartered to do your
car repairs for an engagement ring.”

“Of course. His girlfriend works at Madeleine’s as a nail tech. Did

he ever get around to proposing? I nearly gave the secret away when I
ran into him and Chloe at Batson’s Grocers a couple of months ago.”
Chloe had always struck Lily as a sweet-tempered, caring person, and
she’d thought with Beck’s introverted nature that they’d be a good fit.

Clay shook his head sadly. “He asked her and she turned him

down. He said she seemed about as torn up over turning him down as
he felt for being turned down.”

“Do you think he’d like to come to the parade? He could sit with

us.” Lily felt sad for Beck, thinking of him home alone, tending his
honey bees. He was another loner.

“Probably not. The hurt seemed pretty fresh. Sometimes a guy just

needs time. Maybe we’ll invite him out to supper sometime soon.”

Del kissed her and said, “Look at it this way. They’re both just

that much closer to finding the people they were meant to be with.”

Lily sighed and giggled. “You’re such a romantic, Del. I hope

Beck finds the perfect woman for him some day.”

“Like we did?” Clay asked as he stroked her ass cheek.
Lily giggled and jumped when he goosed her. “You’re both just

trying to get laid again.” She walked into the bathroom and turned on
the shower. “Now who’s joining me? I need my back scrubbed.”

A burst of giggles escaped her when they both stalked her into the

steamy shower.

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* * * *

Meanwhile, out at the Rockin’ C Ranch…

Chance Carlisle carefully clutched the handles on three mugs of

coffee as he pulled the back door closed and walked out onto the big
back porch. His brother, Clayton, reclined in one of the chaise
lounges, his eyes glued to love of their lives, Lydia, as she stood
staring at the bronze sculpture that looked out onto the landscaped

“Thanks,” Clayton said when Chance handed him his black

coffee. Lydia smiled at him when he gave her the mug of sweet, light-
colored coffee prepared just the way she liked it. She kissed him and
then went back to gazing at the statue.

The life-sized bronze was an exact replica of her from head to toe,

so it was like watching her gaze at her dark, patina-skinned twin. The
art object was worth every penny they’d paid Clay Cook for it.

“It really does look exactly like you,” Clayton murmured as he

sipped his hot brew.

“I don’t even remember you taking the pictures,” Lydia said


After grass fires had ripped a path along the highway at their

ranch entry, the three of them had decided to take the opportunity to
do a little landscape work. They’d bulldozed some of the mesquite
trees out of the area closest to the fence line and highway, repainted
the welded steel pipe entryway a bright red, and then enlisted Lydia’s
help in designing and implementing a landscaping plan. Chance
smiled now every time he drove through the entryway, which was
colorful with red and white crape myrtle trees and other hardy plants
that did well without much watering.

While enjoying a break from that work one afternoon, they’d

taken a short walk to the top of the first ridge, which was the vantage
point for seeing the front end of their enormous ten-thousand-acre

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ranch. Lydia had always loved the view from there, since the first
time she’d seen it the year before.

The day she’d agreed to come home with him from Fort Stockton

was one of the happiest days of his life. Chance had quietly removed
his smartphone from his pocket and snapped a picture of her as she
stood looking down the ridge at what had become her home. The love
and awe in her eyes as she had taken it all in had made his throat
swell as he took several pictures of her, the wind gently blowing her
long brown hair around her shoulders.

Their friend, Clay Cook, had used those pictures and her bridal

portrait to create the work of art before her. The process had taken
several months, and they’d just given it to her a few weeks prior.

She stroked the patinaed cheek of the statue and then joined them,

setting her coffee mug on the side table and curling into Chance’s lap
as he reclined on his chaise.

Clayton looked over at them, and a devilish gleam came into his


From Chance’s arms, Lydia asked, “What’s got you grinning like

a Cheshire cat, Clayton?”

His oversexed brother grinned even wider. “Just thinking about

another time that you curled up with us on a chaise lounge. You know
these shrubs we planted and all the crape myrtles have added quite a
nice, thick privacy screen around the back of the house.”

Chance chuckled and had to agree. On their own, the ranch hands

had announced one night at Lydia’s dining room table that they’d
begin using the front door and they’d always knock or ring the bell
and no longer just walk right in.

Chance and Clayton had made changes around the house to give

her complete privacy, night or day, so Lydia could walk around the
house nude if she wanted to. She enjoyed being naked with them
while they were clothed, just relaxing and watching television. Not
much television viewing got done, but the couch and cushy area rugs
got a nice workout.

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Lydia looked around as though she were just now noticing the

lush greenery and the validity of his statement. “You know, you’re
right. We do have quite a bit of privacy back here.” She bit her lip and
had a naughty gleam in her eyes when she looked from Chance to his
brother. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against Chance’s
and flicked his lower lip with the tip of her tongue. She tasted like
home to him, a fresh mix of her minty toothpaste and her sweet,
creamy coffee. “I love to be naked in the sunshine with you when
we’re out at the cabin. But this part of the ranch is kind of
overpopulated for outdoor nudity. What do you think, Clayton?”

Clayton replied immediately as if he’d already given it some

thought. “Everything’s fully leafed out and the men have been
consistent about staying out of the backyard since we finished putting
in the landscaping and the stonework. They see this space as an
extension of your home. I think they hope that you consider this your
private space. Remember? They’d said as much when they brought
you that pretty butterfly bush for Valentine’s Day.”

Chance grunted. “Sappiest display I ever saw.” The single ranch

hands had gone to one of the local nurseries and shown up on
Valentine’s Day with the small blue-flowered shrub. They’d asked
her if she would be their honorary Valentine, since none of them had
had girlfriends at the moment. He was still convinced a number of
them had crushes on her.

Lydia chortled and turned so that she straddled his hips. His cock,

which had been tingling and growing inside his jeans, suddenly went
to full hard-on status. Judging by the needful, lusty look in her warm
brown eyes, they were about to test the bounds of propriety in her
outdoor sanctuary.

“I thought it was very sweet of them, and the bush is just

beautiful,” she said as she gestured to it in the center of one of the

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Chance grinned as he slipped a couple of fingertips under the hem

of her sundress and stroked her satin-covered pussy. “Yes, it certainly

Lydia snickered and bit her lip again when she caught his double


Clayton’s tone was cajoling when he added, “I think it would

almost be an insult to them if you didn’t view this space as an
extension of your private home.”

Lydia snorted. “You just want to get laid, Clayton Carlisle.”
Clayton held his arms out in invitation. “Guilty as charged.”
Chance ground his cock against her. “I’m with Clayton, baby.”
Chance knew what she had on underneath that sundress and his

dick throbbed with lust as she slid her fingers beneath the hem and
pulled it up so both of them could see. She tugged at the bows tied at
both hips then slowly pulled the white satin, side-tying G-string out
from under the dress. Chance enjoyed that she’d taken to searching
for clothing that was both sexy and easy to get out of on a moment’s

After placing the lingerie on the side table, she glanced around the

yard then at her men. Chance smiled and nodded at her, enjoying her
modesty and the fact that she wanted to make sure they were the only
ones who would see her naked. Lifting the hem of her dress, she
revealed her beautiful, voluptuous body to them a little bit at a time.
After she was naked, she gestured for Clayton to come near and went
to work on Chance’s fly. When she had him unzipped, she turned to
Clayton and performed the same task with him, freeing his cock from
his jeans and boxers as Chance pushed his briefs and his jeans down
his hips.

In one fluid motion she took Clayton’s rigid cock between her lips

as she lifted up and grasped Chance’s cock in her gentle hand. She
held the head of his distended, weeping shaft to her cunt as she
lowered herself on him, enveloping him in her hot, satiny softness.

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A hot shiver ripped up his spine as her pussy muscles gripped

him. She lifted off his cock, tugging like she didn’t really want him to
leave her pussy. The soft skin of her thighs felt like silk under his
hands as he stroked her legs, teasing her inner thighs with his thumbs
as she braced one hand on his shoulder. Her beautiful breasts swayed
with every movement, and Clayton stroked the sides of them, making
her shudder.

She looked beautiful with her eyes closed, her lips wrapped

around his brother’s cock. Clayton looked like a man well pleased
with his wife as he ran his fingers through her hair. He murmured
encouragement to her as she sucked his cock like she was savoring
her last meal, giving little mewling, sighing sounds every so often.

Matching her pace with theirs, Lydia sucked and fucked his

brother and him until they were both groaning in passion. Chills
rippled hot and cold up Chance’s spine and the backs of his thighs.
Lydia rolled her hips in a grinding, circular motion, tugging with
every upward sweep of her pussy until he was sure she was seconds
away from milking every drop of cum from his cock. Her hand
clutched at him, and he felt the telltale tremors in her pussy as her
orgasm drew near. A plaintive, needy sound came from her throat,
and Clayton nodded at him as he reached for her swaying breast and
tweaked her nipples lightly as Chance strummed her swollen little clit.

Sweat beaded on Clayton’s forehead, testifying to the control he

was exercising as they played with her body until her near-constant
moan became a wail of ecstasy. Chance arched his back, enjoying the
feel of her tight, gripping pussy as it convulsed around his cock,
milking his hot cum as he finally lost control and bucked beneath her,
prolonging her orgasm. Clayton growled when she reached out and
held on to his bicep and swallowed his cock down, still writhing on
Chance’s cock.

“Oh, fuck me. Here it comes, Lydi!” Clayton cried out and the

muscles in his legs, back, and buttocks drew up tight as his head fell
back. Lydia sucked his cum down greedily, swallowing all of it until

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he stroked her cheek and she released him. Clayton caressed her
shoulders and swayed a little bit as he shook his head and then smiled
down at her, whispering, “Sweet girl.”

Lydia’s face glowed as she smiled up at Clayton then turned to

Chance. “I love you both so much.”

Chance remembered a time when he’d have driven two hundred

fifty miles one way for a smile from Lydia. He’d have gone to the
moon and back for the one she gave him now.

“Love you too, baby,” Chance replied as he stroked her rosy

cheek. “We’d better get in the shower. We don’t want to be late.”
Lydia nodded but then cuddled up against his chest as Clayton
released her and wobbled as he walked back to his lounge chair.
“Well, maybe we can wait a few minutes.”

Lydia snuggled closer and repositioned herself, squeezing his

cock with each subtle movement until he felt it stir to new life inside
her. He marveled that she inspired such randiness in him. Maybe it
was because she was so free with her love and shows of affection.
Maybe it was because she was so spontaneous and open to trying new
things. Whatever it was, he needed her in his life and wanted to give
her whatever made her happy.

She finally stirred and yawned. “If I don’t get moving, I’m going

to be worthless,” she said, looking like she’d been about to doze off.

Chance helped her when she slowly lifted up off his still semi-

erect cock, which tingled as he watched it slip from her drenched
pussy. He watched with deep satisfaction as she sleepily climbed from
the chair with help from his brother. Chance’s cum leaked in droplets
from her pussy as she gazed down at him, a sexually contented blush
coloring her cheeks.

Feeling good for having satisfied her so well, Chance kissed her

hip and slid a hand up her inner thigh until he reached her slick pussy
and gently massaged her labia, avoiding her clit because it might still
be too sensitive. “You’re an easy woman to love, Lydia.” Her slippery
moisture coated his fingertips as Clayton pressed a kiss to her

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shoulder and slid a hand down her abdomen until his fingertips
stroked her pussy too.

When she turned her head to look up at him, Clayton said, “I’d

still be lost, if you weren’t here, Lydi. I love you so much.” His lips
closed on hers, and she raised an arm to cradle Clayton’s head as she
slid her fingertips through the short hair at the nape of Chance’s neck,
speaking volumes with just her hands.

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Chapter Three

Summer Webster held her phone to her ear and waited as it rang.

Kemp’s gentle fingertips massaged her neck, and she groaned
gratefully as she felt the tension from the past several days begin to
unfurl. His strong hands always had the most wonderful effect on her.
Her husband, Ace Webster, was driving them into town for the
parade, while Kemp Whittier, the other love of her life and man she’d
also bonded her heart to, sat beside her with that look in his eyes.
Both of her men, who had been raised together as brothers, had been
gone for a week and had only just gotten back into town the hour

She’d missed them terribly, and although business was booming,

she’d had challenges that week when a supplier made big errors on
several orders, resulting in shipping delays. One of the end results had
been a change in jewelry suppliers. Summer had contacted Lily Cook,
and now the intimate jewelry part of her business was thriving
because the quality and selection were so much better. Plus she loved
working with local artisans.

“Jayne? It’s Summer. Grace asked me to check in with you since

you were having car trouble. Do you want us to swing by and pick
you up? We should be there in about twenty minutes.”

Kemp leaned over and pressed damp kisses to her neck and

whispered softly in her free ear, “Twenty or thirty.”

Turning to glance at Kemp, Summer said, “Huh?” and then she

felt the bow to her halter dress come loose at the back of her neck.
The sexy gleam in Kemp’s eyes revealed what he meant, and a tremor

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rippled through her pussy as he licked the places he’d kissed. His
large, gentle hand slid up her inner thigh underneath her dress.

“What, Summer?”
“Oh…Um…We’ll be there in twenty or…” Oh, I can’t think when

he does that! “Twenty or thirty minutes.”

“That’s okay. I got the leak in my tire fixed yesterday after work.

I’m so close to downtown I planned to walk to the parade. I’ll see you
in front of Cheaver’s.”

“Oh….Okay. See you there. Bye,” she said as Kemp slipped her

phone from her hand, ended the call, and dropped it in her purse.
Summer was thankful the windows on the SUV were very darkly
tinted as Kemp drew the two halves of the halter away from her
breasts and sucked greedily at each nipple. Wet heat trickled from her
pussy, and she moaned softly.

From the driver’s seat, Ace said, “That sounded very sexy,

Summer. I need to see what’s going on back there and maybe get
some of that for myself. I know a likely place we can stop, but no
coming until we get there, kitten.”

“Because I said so.”
“Uh!” Summer pouted as Kemp continued on with his teasing.

“No fair.”

“Very fair, because you know you’ll get off twice as hard once

we’re both back there. Get her dress off so it’s not messed up, Kemp.”

Kemp pulled her to his chest and unzipped the back zipper at her

waist so the dress fell away and only needed to be drawn down her
legs, which she did in a hurry. “No messing up my hair or my
makeup. I don’t want to look like I had a roll in the hay right before
we arrive. Everyone will know what we were doing.”

“Yeah, like they haven’t been doing the very same thing,” Kemp

said with a chuckle. “Sit up for just a second, kitten.” Kemp leaned
over the seat and pulled at the lever, and the bench seat flipped back
until it lay flat. “That’s better.”

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“Throw pillows?” Summer inquired with an arched eyebrow,

pointing at the big, fluffy pillows from the guest bedroom.

Kemp gave her a winning grin. “You made your preparations,” he

said, pointing at the ice chest and tote bag with sunscreen in it, “and
we made ours. You never know when they could be handy…like
now.” He laid one out for her and maneuvered her until she was
stretched out flat in the back of the SUV as Ace flew down the state
highway. “There, now you’re comfy while I have my snack.”

Summer giggled and caressed his cheek as he grinned up at her

from between her thighs and slipped her lace thong off. “You mean
while you torture me.”

He chuckled and nodded. “That too. Mmmm,” he murmured as he

brushed his lower lip against her bare pussy. “You’re soft and smooth
for us.”

“I know you like it when I wax. See how sweet I am?”
Kemp laid his tongue on her slit and licked her from one end of

her pussy to the other and groaned. “Yes, you are sweet. Very sweet.
Get comfortable.”

“Hey, Kemp. Move over so I can see too.” Kemp adjusted so Ace

could watch them in the rearview mirror. “That’s perfect.”

“Shouldn’t you be watching the road?” Summer asked with a


“I’m multitasking,” Ace growled. “I plan to do more multitasking


“Oh!” Summer squeaked when Kemp flicked her clit with the tip

of his tongue and slowly lapped at her labia like he was eating the
finest dessert.

“You taste so good, Summer. I can’t ever get enough.” Kemp

braced himself over her as the SUV took a turn. Summer could no
longer tell where they were from her position and didn’t really care.
She heard the zipper on Kemp’s cargo shorts as he lowered it.

Her cunt pulsed in anticipation as she whispered, “I missed you

this week. I really need you.”

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Ace and Kemp had both been out of town on a surveillance job

that week. They’d arrived home with just enough time to shower,
shave, and escort her into town for the parade and other festivities
Grace Warner had planned. Summer wasn’t sure how they were going
to make it through the day because they’d driven most of the night to
be home in time. She knew they had done it to make her happy.

Kemp wrapped his forearms around her hips, lifting her slightly as

he joined his cock to her cunt and pushed inside in one strong,
invading thrust.

“Oh, fuck me,” she moaned as she gripped his rock-hard biceps

for something solid to hold on to.

“I plan to, kitten, but remember what Ace said.” His voice held a

trace of humor before he thrust deeply again.

Her drenched pussy accommodated him more easily with each

stroke as her slick juices coated his cock. Summer burned for him to
fuck her into screaming oblivion.

Kemp kneeled between her legs, crouching over her so he could

see where they were joined.

“Do you like watching my pussy take your cock, baby?”
Kemp increased his rhythm, making her pussy ripple and pulse

with increased tension. “Mmmm. You know I do.”

“Fill me full of your cock. I want it hard,” she whispered.
Kemp gave her a sexy grin and reached down to her clit as he

gave it to her just as she’d asked. It was too late when she
remembered she was supposed to hold off from coming until Ace said
she could. The waves of her climax rolled over her in powerful
surges, bowing her back with their intensity. She rocked her hips in
time with Kemp’s and knew there was no hiding the fact that she’d
not obeyed Ace’s request.

Kemp chuckled, and Summer looked at Ace’s reflection in the

rearview mirror. There was a definite gleam in his eyes as he gazed
back at her. “Kitten, that sounded like an orgasm.”

“I think you’re busted, little pussycat,” Kemp whispered.

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Summer bit her lip, her cunt pulsing with more tremors as she

wondered what they would do now. The whole time, Kemp continued
in slow, deliberate thrusts, keeping her on the edge of another climax.
Summer looked up at Kemp and smiled. She wasn’t so much worried
as she was thrilled at what might come next. She wrapped her legs
around Kemp and held on tight as she threw caution to the wind and
fucked him with wild abandon to another searing orgasm as he
groaned deeply and murmured, “You feel so fucking good.”

Suddenly the vehicle pulled to a halt, and Summer dimly heard

the sound as the door locks were tested for security. The vehicle
shifted as Ace climbed with powerful grace between the two front
seats and crawled to the back of the SUV.

She could see the lust in Ace’s eyes when he loomed over her and

watched as Kemp’s cock pumped in and out of her pussy, making
sexy, wet sounds in the quiet of the SUV. The only other sound
besides their breathing was the air conditioner in the still-running

“Does she feel good, Kemp?” he asked as he teased her nipples to

sharp, stinging points.

“Hell, yes.”
“Don’t you love fucking her sweet little pussy?”
“More than just about anything. Fuck, here it comes!” Kemp held

on to her tight as he thrust deeply and then stilled, his body a tense,
hard mass of muscles as his cock pulsed inside her pussy, filling her
with his cum. Ace looked pleased and turned on as Kemp finally sat
up and stroked her abdomen as he pulled his cock from her.

Her body still throbbed with her last orgasm but prepared for more

as she anticipated Ace having his way with her next. Kemp moved to
the side, and Ace moved the unused pillow to the center of the space
and said, “Time for a spanking, naughty girl.”

A squeal of delight was probably not what either of them expected

when she hurried into position over the pillow, giving him access to
her bare ass. Or maybe it was, judging by his deep, pleased-sounding

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chuckle as he massaged her ass cheeks, preparing her for the erotic
spanking she had “earned.”

She exhaled, and without preamble, the first stinging pop landed.
“Oh, yes!” The slight bite of pain spread to her clit in hot waves as

she struggled to keep still for him so he could take proper aim in the
enclosed space.

The next pop landed in a different spot on the other cheek. She bit

her lip as other spanks landed in quick succession until she felt her
juices and Kemp’s cum from earlier seep out and run down her inner

Her cunt drew up with erotic tension as another orgasm loomed

closer and closer. She jumped in surprise when Ace’s fingertips
speared her pussy and he let loose a very pleased-sounding growl.
Without preamble he unzipped his shorts and plunged his ramrod-
hard cock inside her welcoming, trembling body.

“Yes!” she cried out in ecstasy, riding the wave he’d started with

the spanking as he fucked her hard and fast from behind. He reached
around her hip and found her clit and began rubbing it between two
fingertips in a circular motion timed with his thrusts.

The tension in her cunt spread to the rest of her body as he pinned

her down, held her tight, and fucked her until the orgasm exploded
inside her. She screamed until her throat hurt and she saw stars. Ace
thrust hard until he finally climaxed, panting hard and letting loose a
deep, growly sound as he held her. His cock felt huge inside her, and
she shuddered with an aftershock as he gave her his seed.

Ace released his grip, and she lowered her cheek to his forearms

beneath her as her heart pounded and she caught her breath. Ace
pressed gentle kisses to her shoulder and her neck.

Kemp shifted and then came near, gently dabbing her cheeks with

a tissue. “You’re crying, kitten. Why?”

“I am? I am,” she whispered as she patted her cheeks with the

tissue and saw the tear stains mixed with mascara and eyeliner.

Ace looked closely at her. “Did we hurt you?”

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Summer gave him a half smile. “As if either of you ever could. I

don’t know. This was just…really powerful. I love it when you’re
forceful like that and pin me down. It brings my emotions to the
surface, I guess. You’ve been gone quite a bit, and I’ve been working
a lot, and I guess I just needed the…” She trailed off, not knowing the
right word.

“Impropriety?” Kemp asked as he stroked the side of her breast,

sending a sweet shiver down her spine.

She smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah.”
“You like being our naughty girl,” Ace said as he pulled out with

a deep sigh.

Her men helped her as she regained the use of her limbs. She

cleaned up with a little assistance from Kemp, who had evidently
prepared well in advance and had the necessary supplies on hand.
They even helped her with dressing.

Ace shoved the pillows out of the way and helped her climb from

the back of the SUV while Kemp readjusted the backseat so they
could continue on their way. She giggled when she saw that they were
parked at an overlook from which Bowie Lake was visible several
miles in the distance. No people or cars were anywhere nearby, but
the thought that Ace might have stopped somewhere where they
might’ve been seen or heard had definitely heightened the thrill.

Summer smiled up at him, gazing at his dark-brown eyes, and

wrapped her arms around him. Ace hugged her tight. “I guess we
made some fireworks a little early, huh? How’s your ass?”

Summer chortled. “It’s very warm.”
Kemp came up behind her and gently squeezed each ass cheek.

“Yep, and it’s probably nice and red too.”

“So I’m sort of patriotic. Blue dress, white sandals, and a red ass.”
“That’ll teach you to disobey,” Ace said with a chuckle.
Summer kissed him lightly and rubbed against Kemp as she

agreed, “Yes, it will.”

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They arrived with chairs and ice chest in tow about the same time

Ace and Kemp’s sister, Lydia, showed up with Chance and Clayton.
A fighter jet suddenly blazed a path overhead, signaling the start of
the parade. In the distance, Summer could hear the Divine High
School marching band as they slowly made their way down Main
Street. Their vantage point afforded them seats in the shade right in
the heart of the downtown Divine shopping district.

Richard Warner, one of Jack Warner’s cousins, jumped down

from the big flatbed trailer and then gently lifted his wife, Maya,
down. Richard’s brothers, Boone and Kendall, Maya’s other mates,
leaped down right after, and Kendall turned to the group. “We’re
going to take Maya down the block to find a ladies’ room. Y’all need
anything? Bottled water? Cotton candy?” He grinned when all the
kids who could talk chirped at the same time, and he waved off the
bills their parents handed his way. “Give us a little bit of time to find
the porta-potties. We’ll be back soon as we can.”

Summer giggled when she saw Boone pinch Maya’s ass as they

scampered off. Ace leaned close and whispered behind his hand,
“Yeah, they’re gonna miss half the parade. I recognize that look in
their eyes. Kemp and I wear it often enough.”

Summer laughed out loud. Go get it, girl!

* * * *

Jayne fiddled nervously with the strap of the tote bag slung over

her shoulder as she walked through Cheaver’s parking lot toward the
large flatbed trailer facing Main Street. Her house was located three
blocks from downtown so the walk had been a brief one.

“Jayne! You made it!” Grace called out as she shaded her eyes

and beckoned her over to the end of the trailer where cinder blocks
had been placed for steps. Awnings were set up to provide shade to
those seated on the flatbed. As Grace’s husband, Adam, helped her up
the steps, Jayne noticed several people in the group that she already

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knew, which was a relief to her. Grace took her tote bag from her and
placed it in a chair next to hers.

Rachel Wolf waved to her from her seat, where she was nursing

baby Levi under a light blanket. Charity drew her into a big hug and
whispered, “I’ve got the perfect bathing suit for you at the house.
You’re not gonna bail on us, are you? You looked ready to run a few
seconds ago.”

“What? Are you reading minds now?” she asked, barely able to

hear herself over the sound of a motorcycle pulling up nearby.

Charity glanced at her sister as she greeted another new arrival,

and then grinned at Jayne. “Not only can I read minds, I can also
predict the future. You’re going to have a fabulous time today. And
you’re going to stay for the whole day.”

“If you say so.”
Jayne heard Grace’s voice as she came near again, talking to

someone else. “Jayne, I want to introduce you to someone.”

Jayne turned from Charity, who now wore a smirk, to face Grace.

Her jaw dropped when she saw the tall man standing beside her. Seth
Carter, in all his tattooed, long-haired, blue-eyed glory.

“Seth, this is my cousin, Jayne Sheridan. Jayne, this is our friend

Seth Carter.” Grace looked like she wanted to do a victory lap around
the block as Seth smiled softly in recognition and chuckled.

“Hi, Jayne. We meet again.” Seth glanced at Grace with a

knowing look on his face and then smiled at Jayne and rolled his eyes.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Jayne noticed that Grace and

Charity both skedaddled off to check on other goings-on, leaving the
two of them to talk.

Wishing she was a social butterfly like her cousins, Jayne moved

her tote bag and sat down. Her hands shook a little and she knotted
them together to hide her reaction to him. Nerves made her belly

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Seth gestured at the empty seat next to her. “Is that seat taken?”

The movement brought her attention to his tattoos and she once again
couldn’t help but stare.

“I don’t think so. Be my guest.”
Jayne was willing to bet that was the seat Grace expected Seth to

sit in. She was a notorious matchmaker. Seth sat beside her and got
comfortable. Her temperature rose a few notches and the butterflies in
her stomach started doing acrobatic maneuvers.

“How are your hands and your knees?”
A blush heated her cheeks as she recalled the scene she’d written

the night before involving just that position with a hero who bore a
striking resemblance to Seth. She restrained herself from reaching out
to touch his tattoos and remembered that he’d asked her a question.

“I’m sorry?”
“From your spill yesterday. Were you okay?”
“Oh.” She showed him the Band-Aids on the heel of her left hand

and the one on her right knee. “Just scrapes. Nothing that won’t heal
up in a day or so.”

Seth looked down at her knee and made a concerned expression

with his mouth, and she fantasized about how it would feel to have his
lips on her.

He interrupted her reverie as he looked deeply into her eyes again.

She wondered what he saw there as heat crept into her cheeks, making
it seem even hotter that morning. His gaze flicked over her face and
he looked as though something had occurred to him. “That explains
the reason I thought you looked familiar. You have dark hair and
lighter skin but the resemblance to Grace and Charity is there in your
facial structure.”

“Yes, our mothers were sisters, but I inherited my father’s eye and

hair color.” He nodded and gazed into her eyes again, until she had to
look away. Her heart pounded rapidly as she felt his gaze linger on
her face before he was distracted. There was a flurry of activity up
and down the street as spectators found their places and the flag

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bearers came into view. As they marched past, Jayne, Seth and all
their friends rose from their seats with the rest of the parade goers,
removed their hats, and placed their hands over their hearts.

Directly behind the flag bearers, a member of the Divine High

School drum corps counted out the beat, and then the marching band
broke into the Divine High School fight song. Many members of the
crowd sang the words to the song, and Jayne smiled when Grace
pointed at the kids all seated in chairs or strollers on the front row.
Rose Marie Warner, Will Peterson, and Michael and Eleazar Martinez
watched in fascination as the parade floated past in all its noisy,
streamer-strewn glory.

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Chapter Four

Richard Warner noticed Maya glance back at him and Boone as

they strolled down the sidewalk a few steps behind her and Kendall.
Richard smiled at her before she scanned the crowd around them.
Maya didn’t go out of her way to avoid touching him and Boone in
public, but she didn’t like to draw attention to them either.

She followed Kendall into the Scherer office building a couple of

blocks down from Cheaver’s as though they had an appointment
there. There were parade goers watching the event from the third-
story balcony, and they hoped to appear as though they were joining
them. They breezed through the unlocked door, and Boone walked
ahead of them to the two elevator doors and hit the call button.

Maya inhaled deeply and shifted back and forth, rubbing her

palms on her denim cutoffs as they waited. Richard heard voices in
the stairwell as someone made their way down. He grew tense and
wondered if the elevator would arrive and they could make their
escape before being seen.

Boone and Maya were the ones into the kinky stuff, and they were

having fun drawing Kendall and Richard into their adventures, but
stuff like this still made him nervous. An elevator in an office
building was about as close as he could get to sex in a public place.
He wrestled with the nerves and watched Maya’s excitement grow as
the voices came closer and closer.

Finally, the light above the left-hand elevator lit, and the door

whooshed open. They entered silently, and he sighed with relief when
the doors slowly slid closed on the sound of footsteps at the bottom of
the stairs.

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Richard reached in his jeans pocket and pulled out the pad of

sticky notes and peeled one off. Being the tallest, by far, of all of
them, this job was his as he stretched and stuck the yellow notepaper
to the lens on the security camera and did the same with the one in the
opposite corner. Boone hit the second floor button and “lock” button
on the elevator before the doors could slide open again. They’d
chosen a holiday like today where the businesses located in the
building were likely to be closed, for which he was grateful.

“Is that it?” Maya’s eyes twinkled with excitement as she turned

to the three of them.

Boone nodded. “This old elevator has been retrofitted with

cameras but that’s it. And those are video-only so you can be as noisy
at you want.”

Maya snickered and said, “Someone did their research in


Boone had a teasing glint in his eyes as he approached her. “Damn

straight. I don’t want anyone else to have video of us fucking your
glorious body,” he growled as he unbuttoned her cutoffs. “I did a little
checking around to make sure this was the best spot.”

Richard wondered how far in advance Boone had planned this

little escapade, knowing how much he enjoyed playing to Maya’s
kinky side.

“How did you decide?” Maya asked cryptically as Boone jerked at

the zipper.

Boone chuckled. “Rock, paper, scissors.”
A lascivious giggle rippled from Maya. “And who lost?”
Kendall raised his hand. “But I don’t consider myself a loser

because you give amazing head, babydoll. C’mere.”

“Plus, you know I wouldn’t make you wait until afterward.”
Maya gracefully kneeled in her unbuttoned cutoffs and sandals as

Boone stripped her tank top over her head and draped it over the
railing. Maya placed her knees on the toes of Kendall’s boots, and
Richard watched as she quickly undid Kendall’s fly and freed his

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cock. With a great show of enthusiasm, Maya licked and teased his
dick until he looked ready to explode, and then she dove on him,
suddenly sucking his cock to the back of her throat. Kendall caressed
the back of her head and moaned in approval.

It filled Richard’s heart with satisfaction that Maya enjoyed sex

with them so much. In the months since their marriage, her ardor for
them had never wavered, and Richard knew he was a lucky, lucky

Boone pulled a couple of Ziploc bags from his pockets, dropping

one that contained white folded squares on the floor and pulling the
condoms and lube from another. Richard could say one thing about
his kinky-minded brother. The guy was prepared.

Kendall leaned against the wall of the elevator car and groaned as

Maya held on to his thighs and sucked his cock with happy little
noises. Her cheeks grew rosy as she released his shaft and winked at
Richard then licked Kendall’s balls. Richard smiled back at her and
noticed that Kendall had taken to doing a little manscaping, trimming
the hairs at the base of his cock shorter. Richard grinned, thinking that
only Kendall would think to encourage their wife to give him oral
pleasure by maintaining the landscape for her comfort. He was one
considerate pervert.

Kendall growled softly, and Richard noticed that Maya had slid

her hands to the backs of his knees, above where his blue jeans were
bunched. She slowly grazed her fingernails in a slow, sensual caress
up the backs of his thighs, his growl turning to a low moan as she
neared his balls with painstakingly slow movements. Kendall grasped
her shoulder with one shaking hand and stroked the back of her
bobbing head with the other.

“Get ready, babydoll! Oh, you’re killing me! Fuck!” He flexed

against her as sweat poured from his forehead. “Yes!” Judging by his
tone, she’d reached her destination as her fingertips disappeared
between his legs. Suddenly his eyes popped open, and Richard heard
a sultry giggle come from Maya. Kendall tensed violently, and his

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head bounced against the wall of the elevator, his climax obvious in
his expression. “Fuck!” Boone might be the kinky one, but Kendall
had discovered a fondness for anal play.

Maya swallowed his cum as Kendall panted and his hips rocked.

Richard’s cock throbbed as he watched Maya sigh in satisfaction. She
released Kendall and looked up at him with adoration in her eyes as
the tension left him, then turned her beautiful blue-green gaze on
Richard and Boone. Boone handed her a wet wipe to clean her hands
with while he unzipped his shorts and they fell to the elevator floor.

Richard unbuttoned his jeans as she rose from her kneeling

position and turned to him with lust in her eyes. Boone opened the
tube of lube and slicked his condom-sheathed cock as Maya slid her
cutoffs from her hips and stepped from them. Putting on a sexy little
show for them, she turned and picked them up off the floor, sticking
her ass out so they could see her bare, G-string-clad flesh. She rose,
wiggling her ass as if she were a pole dancer, and grinned at them
both over her shoulder. She put her shorts with her tank top and laid a
gentle hand on Kendall, where he recovered against the wall.

“You okay, baby?”
Kendall smiled at her and patted her hand on his pectoral and

nodded breathlessly. Maya slid the skimpy blue G-string from her
hips and laid the damp scrap of satin with the other clothes then added
her bra to the collection, revealing the bounty of her gorgeous, full

Richard’s cock twitched when he took in the sight of her nude

body. A big smile appeared on her face as he shoved his jeans and
boxer briefs down and his big, throbbing cock jutted out at her. His
balls drew up in anticipation, and a drop of pre-cum cleared his slit
when she licked her lips like she was starving for him.

Boone groaned as he stroked the lube over his cock and growled,

“Ready, baby?”

Maya’s sultry gaze in Boone’s direction said as much as her

words. “More than ready. I’m dying for this.”

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Kendall adjusted his clothing as Richard yanked his T-shirt over

his head and threw it in the direction of her clothes, not caring if it
landed on the floor or not. He wanted to be skin on skin with her for

Maya reached for him, and he joined his lips to hers as she

wrapped her arms around his neck and held on when he lifted her. She
wound her long, sexy legs around his waist and wiggled against him
when he nudged his rigid shaft along her pussy.

“Yes, Richard. Gimme your big cock,” she whispered against his

neck before kissing his chest. She gazed up at him as he thrust and
filled her, fitting her body against his in the most intimate way.

He felt so blessed to have such a beautiful, caring woman in his

life, and he remembered the day he and his brothers had bonded their
lives with hers the previous summer. Looking like a fairy princess,
she’d leaped from the bank of Divine Creek right into his waiting
arms as he’d stood on their flat rock out in the water, trusting that he
would catch her.

Maya had devoted herself to loving them since the night she’d

declared herself, and Richard was grateful for her love and the way
she’d pulled him from the grief he’d lived with for so long.

Rolling his hips, he thrust against her, sliding his cock in and out

of her silken little cunt. “I love you, Maya,” he murmured, kissing her
fragrant throat. Her long blonde curls tickled his nose as he breathed
in her intoxicating scent.

Boone moved behind her. “Ready?”
Maya let out a deep, happy sigh as she laid her head flat against

Richard’s chest and wiggled between them before holding still for

Boone crowded her back entrance, and she quivered around

Richard’s shaft as Boone breached her opening. Maya pressed her
breasts against Richard’s chest and gasped as Boone took her a little
at a time. Richard groaned at the tightness and struggled to contain his
release as it threatened before they’d even gotten started.

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He watched Maya, which didn’t help his fight for control, as she

released a sexy moan. He could faintly hear the sounds of the parade
going by on the street outside as Boone drew her hair over one
shoulder, baring the other for his kiss as he thrust inside her. With
each stroke he took more and more of her ass as Richard held back
with great difficulty. Finally, Boone nodded at him, and they began to
move inside her, gradually establishing a sensual rhythm as she
moaned and wiggled between them, slowly finding her place in their

“Not gonna last much longer,” Richard growled as he held on to

her curvy little body and thrust in and out.

Maya bit her lip and murmured her agreement as her pussy drew

as tight as a vise around their cocks. Her movements became more
forceful and wild as her orgasm approached.

Boone mashed the two of them against the wall and ground out in

a guttural, lustful tone, “I love fucking your ass, baby. I want you to
come for me.”

Her high-pitched panting cries turned to howls of ecstasy as she

obeyed his command and looked up at Richard with undiluted
pleasure in her eyes.

“Yes, honey. Come for us,” Richard murmured as he kissed her

temple and the tear that leaked from her eye.

Unable to hold back any longer, he tightened his arms as he and

his brother raced toward orgasm. His balls drew up tight, and the
searing sensation zipped down his spine as his release gathered and
shot from his cock in powerful, jetting streams. His head fell back,
and he didn’t even register pain when it bounced against the wall. He
only felt pleasure and a deep connection with her as his release
continued to pump into her with each fierce thrust of his hips.

Kendall reminded Richard of his presence as he chuckled lustfully

and murmured, “Now that was red-fucking-hot.” He stood nearby,
filming them with Maya’s little video recorder at her earlier request.

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Maya turned her head, looked at him, and giggled. “Yes, it was.

When we talked about this adventure, I neglected to consider one
thing, though.”

“What’s that, honey?” Richard asked as he kissed beneath her


“I would need to be able to walk afterward.” She giggled. “I can’t

even feel my legs.”

Boone replied, “We’ve only been in here twenty minutes. Nobody

is beating down the doors so we can take a few minutes to catch our
breath. Damn, that was hot, baby.”

A rosy, post-orgasmic blush colored Maya’s cheeks and spread

down her throat and chest, and she sighed blissfully as she rested
against Richard. Boone pulled from her ass, removed the condom, and
retrieved the Ziploc bag containing the wet wipes.

Maya watched and chuckled as he cleaned up. “You thought of

everything, didn’t you, Boone?”

Boone smirked and replied, “Ménage sex in an elevator. I figured

these would come in handy.” He handed the wet wipes to her and
placed the used items in the bag.

Richard pulled from the sweet haven of Maya’s pussy and took

the package of tissues from Boone. “Damn, where did you store all
this stuff?”

Boone smiled and pointed at his shorts. “Cargo pockets. Plus

they’re cooler than jeans.”

Richard cleaned up and helped Maya as she did the same,

steadying her so she didn’t fall over. After he handed her the bra and
G-string, he pulled his T-shirt back on and tucked it back into his blue
jeans and zipped up.

The scents of passion and sex filled the air as they put themselves

in order. At Boone’s nod, Richard reached up and peeled the yellow
sticky notes from the cameras and Boone hit the “Lock” button on the
elevator. They all assumed casual we-didn’t-just-have-wild-sex-in-
your-elevator stances as it descended to the ground floor. They had no

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way of knowing if anyone suspected that the elevator had been
occupied while it was “unavailable.”

The doors whooshed open, and they all breathed a sigh of relief

when they peered out and no one was there. Maya waved and blew a
kiss at one of the elevator security cameras, and then they scooted
quickly from the building. Feeling satisfied, Richard couldn’t help the
big grin plastered on his face as they rejoined the crowd in search of
cotton candy and a porta-potty.

* * * *

Jayne Sheridan fanned herself as she sat in the folding chair

between her cousin Grace and Seth Carter. Her heart hadn’t settled
into a regular rhythm since Seth had sat down beside her.

He turned to speak with one of the men and, her eyes were drawn

to his arm, perched next to hers on his chair’s armrest. Up close, his
tattooed skin looked nothing like what she would’ve expected. She
wasn’t even sure what she’d expected. The tattoos were
monochromatic, black with gray shading, and very intricate. The
unusual design drew her eyes inexorably up his forearms to his lean,
muscular biceps. She unconsciously leaned in to get a closer look and
her fingers twitched with the desire to run a finger along his smooth
skin. He cleared his throat and she looked up into his faintly amused
blue eyes. Unsurprisingly, words failed her and she looked away.

Think of something to say. Anything! The parade will be over soon

and you might not have another chance.

Sucking it up, she turned to him and asked, “Did it hurt?” right as

a member of the local lowrider club, driving a customized 70s-model
Chevy Impala, slowed to a halt in front of them. He turned up the
volume on his sound system and “Low Rider” by WAR blasted from
his speakers. She groaned softly, thinking Seth hadn’t heard her and
she’d have to pretend like she hadn’t asked him a stupid question.

Of course it hurt, you ninny.

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But Seth must’ve known she was speaking to him because he

leaned close and said, “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

Miss Tongue and Miss Lips forgot how to function as a unit when

she inhaled his manly, clean scent. His long, black hair wafted in the
breeze and caressed her cheek as she looked at his profile. Words
failed her, again, and Jayne wanted to crawl under a rock.

She mutely stared as the diffused sunlight illuminated his blue

eyes until he finally turned to look at her. She suddenly forgot how to
swallow and choked on her own spit.

Oh, kill me now!
Grace patted her back, and Jayne put her hands over her face and

wanted to die of embarrassment. Seth leaned forward, looking at her
with sincere concern in his eyes.

“Are you all right?” he asked quietly.
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she settled back in her

chair and wiped stray tears from her eyes. “Yes. I’m sorry. I don’t
know what happened.” Yes, you do, you big dolt. You choked on your
drool! Get a grip!

She was grateful for the distraction when Maya, Kendall, Boone,

and Richard arrived laden with bottles of water and cotton candy for
the kids. Mutely, she nodded when Grace softly asked if everything
was all right. She sipped from her water bottle and figured she would
wait five minutes then make her pathetic loser excuses and walk the
few blocks back to her house. She wasn’t even surprised by today’s
outcome. Par for the course for her social life.

Seth turned to her and short time later. “The lowrider made it

impossible for me to hear you earlier. What were you trying to say?”
He didn’t act as though she’d just royally humiliated herself or try to
hide the concern that was still in his eyes. He merely chose not to
remind her by overlooking it. He really wanted to know what she had

Jayne took a deep breath.

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You might as well chat with him. It’s not possible to humiliate

yourself further. Wait, don’t say that…

Feeling a little more at ease, she replied, “I asked if it hurt.” She

pointed at his wrist. “But that’s a stupid question, isn’t it?” She hoped
it didn’t make him uncomfortable to point out his tattoos.

Giving her his full attention, he shook his head. “No. Some hurt

worse than others, depending on how many nerve endings there are
and how close the tattoo is to a bone or joint. None of it was
unbearable.” As he spoke, he showed her the image on the underside
of his wrist and then turned his arm so she could see the rest. There
was so much to see she couldn’t take it all in at once.

Not sure if she hid her inward cringe at his description very well,

Jayne asked, “Was the pain worth it? It must’ve been a struggle to sit
still through that.”

Seth contemplated her words stoically for a few seconds, but

when he looked back into her eyes, she thought she saw the hint of a
smile. “Some things in life are worth the struggle.”

Jayne nodded and sat back as his words echoed in her thoughts.

She had personal experience with struggles. When the parade drew to
a close she stood and folded her chair as the others made preparations
to leave.

Grace turned to Jayne and said, “Instead of walking back for your

car, do you want to just ride out to the ranch with one of us? We’ll
give you a ride back into town whenever you’re ready to go home.”

Jayne hated to be an inconvenience to anyone like that and started

to shake her head. “It won’t take but a few minutes. I’m only three
blocks away.”

Gaining her immediate attention with a gentle hand on her bare

upper arm, Seth said, “Would you like to ride with me, Jayne?”

Just about anywhere you want to take me, handsome.
She looked at where he gestured behind the flatbed trailer to a

sparkling, well-maintained motorcycle parked in a row with two

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others. She recognized the Harley-Davidson emblem on a chrome part
and bit her lip.

Grace asked, “Ever ridden on a Harley before, Jayne?”
Jayne stifled a gasp at that question because Grace already knew

the answer. Since making the move back to Divine in February after
the breakup with her rather staid former fiancé, Jayne had spent a lot
of time getting caught up with her cousins. She’d heard about a lot of
their escapades, and they knew all about her lack thereof.

“No, I haven’t.”
Grace didn’t even bother trying to hide her Cheshire cat grin.

“Seth is a very responsible rider. I’ll bet you’d enjoy it. He even has
an extra helmet, don’t you, Seth?”

Seth appeared to suppress a chuckle and glanced at Grace before

nodding at Jayne. “Yes, it just so happens that I have an extra helmet
in one of my saddlebags. A little bird told me one might come in
handy if someone needed a ride out to the ranch.”

Grace giggled, sounding unrepentant. “See, Jayne? It was meant

to be. Save yourself the walk on such a hot day. Seth will keep you

Jayne weighed her options. The thought of riding on the back of

Seth’s Harley both scared and exhilarated her. Just the night before
she’d told herself that she needed to start living some of the
adventures she wrote about on paper. The thought of refusing him and
walking home made her sad, and as she looked up into his clear blue
eyes, she saw a trace of some emotion. He was so serious, she almost
missed it. Hope? Well, if nothing else, the ride would be great

Grabbing at the opportunity, she replied, “Sure. I’ll ride with you.

But I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before.”

Seth nodded. “Not a problem. I’ll give you the quick tutorial but

you’ll see that it’s not that big a deal. I’ll take good care of you.”

Jayne bit her lip and felt heat creep into her cheeks as she thought

of having her body wrapped around him in a slightly different way.

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Her pussy clenched with a wave of longing as she imagined how he
could take good care of her.

Grace took the folded chair from her that she’d forgotten she was

holding and winked as she nudged her to follow Seth. “Have a good
time and don’t worry. He’ll take good care of you.”

Jayne smiled at the gentle reassurance she saw in Grace’s eyes.

She might be an unrepentant matchmaker, but Jayne knew Grace
genuinely cared about her happiness and safety.

* * * *

Seth led Jayne over to his Harley Softail and caught the uncertain

look in her eyes as she gazed at the bike. Experience was the best
teacher, so he figured the best thing to do was give her the basics
quickly and get on the road before she had a chance to overthink it
and become fearful.

He removed the extra helmet that Grace had asked him to bring,

sparing a kind thought for that little matchmaker, and held it out to
Jayne. “Pull your hair back and slip that on.”

“Will I be okay in these shorts? Aren’t I supposed to be wearing

boots and jeans or something like that?” She pointed at his raggedy
jeans and shitkickers.

Seth shook his head. “We’re not going to be on the road for that

long. If you were my girlfriend I’d have an easy solution for that
but…you’ll be okay as long as you keep the soles of your shoes on
the foot rests and away from the exhaust pipes, which are going to get

“I feel silly with this big thing on my head,” she said as she pulled

the helmet on.

“You look safe, though. That’s the important thing. It does feel

funny if you’ve never worn one before but you look fine.” You look
beautiful, staring at me with those soulful eyes. I should’ve asked you
for that ride yesterday.
“You don’t have to lean with me when I turn,

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just look the direction we’re turning in and I’ll handle the rest. One
more thing.” He looked at her long reddish-brown hair flowing in the
sudden breeze.

“What’s that?” she asked as she fiddled with the visor.
“Your hair is going to get windblown on the way to the ranch. Do

you mind if I fix it so that it’s not a mass of knots by the time we get
you there?”

“Umm…Sure,” she replied, looking uncertain.
Moving behind her, Seth scooped up the thick, silken mass of her

wavy hair and began twisting it into a long rope. “This is beautiful,”
he murmured, more to himself than her. He’d been right the day
before. With the sun shining on it, the deep natural red in her long
brown hair was brilliant.

“What? I didn’t hear you. I had the visor closed.”
Leaning so he could look over her shoulder, Seth smiled and said,

“I just commented on your hair. It’s beautiful.”

Her eyes widened, her cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and she

offered him a small smile. “Thank you.”

“It’s so long, you would break it trying to brush out all the knots if

we didn’t do this,” he added as he continued twisting it until the rope
coiled up around itself into a knot. “This is going to feel weird but it’ll
keep your hair safe. Hold still. See? Justin is doing the same thing for

She looked over to where Justin and Charity Connors and Eli

Wolf were preparing to get on their motorcycles and ride out to the
ranch as well. Rachel kissed her husband good-bye after loading baby
Levi into his car seat in her Tundra. Justin was doing the very same
thing for Charity’s long, golden-blonde hair.

Seth took the knot and gently pushed it up into the back of her

helmet, being careful to not pull the hair from her scalp. Once the
silky-soft strands were secured, he helped her with the chin strap and
then held out his hand. “Ready?”

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Jayne bit her soft, pink lower lip and nodded her head, suddenly

seeming determined. “Yeah.”

After climbing on the bike to steady it, he assisted her in boarding

behind him and helped her get settled. He smiled at Charity when she
gave him a knowing smile and a “thumbs-up” when he started his
bike. All three Harleys roared to life within seconds of each other, and
he felt Jayne suddenly quiver and draw close behind him. He flipped
the visor on his helmet closed, concealing his smile and his enjoyment
of the benefits of her reaction.

He reached back to pat her silky calf reassuringly and yelled,

“Hold on to me.” Tight as you want, honey.

She did just that, and he suppressed a groan as her full, round

breasts pressed against his back. All either of them wore was a thin
cotton T-shirt, and he had to resist the urge not to rub against her as
she got settled.

She slid her smooth, pale arms around his middle, and he hoped

that she’d put on sunscreen before she’d left home. He’d ask her when
they arrived at the ranch. It would be a shame to see her milky-white
skin burned by the sun. He eased out of the parking spot and
approached the exit. When traffic was clear, he turned onto one of the
back streets to avoid the floats and extra traffic on Main and made his
way toward the farm-to-market road that led out to the Divine Creek
Ranch. He couldn’t ever recall anticipating such a short ride as she
scooted even closer and pressed her body against his.

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Chapter Five

“Well, would you look at that,” Rosemary Garner said with a

giggle as they caught up to the three Harleys cruising down FM 709.
“Seth Carter has got Jayne on the back of his motorcycle.”

“Who?” Evan asked as he drove down the road, headed toward

the Divine Creek Ranch.

“Jayne Sheridan. Grace and Charity’s cousin. She moved here

from Houston in February. Remember, I told you she was—”

“Oh, that’s right. The librarian?” Wes supplied from his seat

beside her.

Rosemary nodded. “She’s kind of shy. I’m surprised he got her on


“I’m glad he had a helmet for her,” Evan said. “Seth’s a pretty

good guy. Good tattoo artist, too,” he growled as he flexed his bicep
for her, showing off the black tribal tattoo Seth had done for him a
couple of months before. Rosemary made like she was going to take a

Evan chuckled. “Hungry, Rosie Posie?”
Rubbing her slightly queasy stomach, she shook her head

negatively and took a sip from her water bottle.

Wes leaned forward and looked at her with concerned green eyes.

“You okay?” Wes was always the first to notice when any little thing
bothered her.

Rosemary smiled at him reassuringly. “It’s just the heat. It makes

me a little queasy.” The temperature was supposed to be in the triple
digits by later that afternoon, so it was understandable, and Wes
seemed satisfied with her answer.

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“Let us know if you start to feel bad, baby,” Evan said, patting her

knee. “We don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.

“Once I eat and cool off in the pool I’ll be just fine.” Rosemary

giggled and pointed. “Aw! Look.”

On a straight section of FM 709, Jayne released Seth’s torso and

lifted her arms high in the air in a triumphant-looking gesture.
Rosemary’s eyes misted a little, and she whispered softly, “You go,
girl.” Jayne deserved to have a little fun after the trials she’d suffered.

At the ranch, the three of them were sitting down eating with

everyone else when Rosemary’s phone trilled with the ringtone that
automatically told her the call came from work. Brantley Gilbert’s
“Country Must be Countrywide” played softly on the outdoor
speakers as she pulled her phone from her purse.

“Uh-oh,” Evan said before taking another bite of his potato salad.
“Doesn’t the store close early today?” Wes asked as he checked

his watch.

“Yes. They’re supposed to close early for the holiday. Hello?”
“Rosie.” Rosemary immediately recognized Bernadette’s voice,

but she sounded odd.

“Hey. You okay?”
“Noooo. I’m really sorry to call you on your day off but…”
“Let me guess. The stomach flu got you too?” A nasty case of it

had been going around town, and everybody at Cheaver’s had caught
it in the last couple of weeks. Rosemary was just praying that it didn’t
catch up to her.

“Yeah. I’m dyin’. I feel like a big baby for calling you when the

store closes in an hour but I’ve hardly been able to get out on the floor
as it is. Can you come?”

Bernadette wouldn’t call her unless she was on death’s door, and

she’d been there for Rosemary more times than she could count.
“Sure. Just let me finish eating. Tell Irving that I’ll be there just as
soon as I can and then head on home.”

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“He insisted he could handle closing up the store but I told him

he’s not quite ready.”

Irving was their assistant manager in training, but he’d only

started a few weeks before. He was also a serious flirt, which
Rosemary knew was a bone of contention for her men.

“Go home. Rest. I hope you feel better.”
Bernadette groaned and replied, “Sorry to bother you.”
“Would you stop? You can’t help it. Don’t forget to drink lots of


“Yes, Mommy.”
Rosemary hung up with a grin and then gave both Evan and Wes

smiles of commiseration. “I have to go up to the store. You can stay
here and I’ll come back just as soon as things are shut down.
Shouldn’t take me long at all.”

“That guy Irving is working?” Evan asked with a slight frown on

his face.

Knowing where the frown came from, Rosemary put her hand on

his thigh. “He’s just eager. He wants me to be happy with his work.
He’s not flirting with me.” Girl, you know he’s totally flirting with

Wes shook his head. “I don’t know about that, baby.”
“I don’t like the way he looks at you, Rosie.”
Uncharacteristically, Wes growled. “Like he wants to eat you up

or something. We’re going with you.”

Rosemary nodded as she finished her brisket. “Okay. At least that

way I can still spend time with you.”

When she was done, Evan rose from the table and took her plate

with his to dump in the trash can. They made their apologies and
promised to return as soon as they could.

They climbed into Evan’s big truck, and as he turned the key in

the ignition, Evan said, “I know you probably think we’re going all
alpha-male ‘he-man’ on you but that guy rubs me the wrong way. I’d
just as soon you weren’t left alone with him after the store closes.”

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“I wouldn’t be alone with him. Linda and Merle are there too. But

the alpha-male he-man thing doesn’t bother me at all. I know your
heart is in the right place.”

They both seemed relieved when she said that and spent the rest

of the trip back to town in a much lighter mood, though she was a
little curious about what was causing their possessiveness.

She was just glad that it wasn’t a bone of contention between the

two of them. Evan had come a long way in understanding her over the
last couple of years. She made sure that he knew without a doubt that
he and Wes were the only men she was interested in.

When they arrived at the store, the men opened the front door for

her and Irving was right there waiting for her. She pressed her lips
together to hide a smile and suppress a snicker as she looked back at
Wes and Evan. They both had I-told-you-so smiles on their faces for
her then turned the flinty-eyed Clint Eastwood look on Irving Darnell
as he greeted her and nodded at the men.

He showed her the day’s sales so far on a register receipt and then

listed off what they’d accomplished that day and what remained to be
done. She made her way back to the stockroom to check in with Linda
in the office and wasn’t surprised when Irving followed her through
the doors. All the female employees found him handsome and
charming, and while she thought they were right, Irving held no
interest for her. Her heart was firmly in the hands of the two very
tolerant men waiting out front.

She stopped and turned to see what Irving needed because she had

an inkling that Wes and Evan were already on their way to the
stockroom doors if they had seen Irving follow her. She stopped
abruptly, and Irving nearly plowed right into her.

“Did you need something, Irving?”
He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down for a second

and then said, “Would you like to have dinner with me?”

Where the hell is the gossip mill when I fucking need it? How does

he not know I’m involved with two handsome, hunky men?

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Her stomach roiled a little, and on top of her embarrassment, she

felt slightly nauseated. She’d never made a huge secret out of her
relationship, but for the sake of the store she hadn’t paraded that
information around town. There had been gossip at one time, but the
rumor mill had long since moved on from her “supposed” ménage

Rosemary lifted her hand to show him the ring. “Irving, I’m sorry,

I can’t. I’m already—”

“Married.” The deep, territorial-sounding voice was Wes’s. Her

men stood in the open stockroom doors, giving Irving the “are ya
feelin’ lucky, punk”

“Oh, man! I’m sorry. I don’t know how I missed that.”
Rosemary had a feeling she knew. The rumor mill in Cheaver’s

was currently all about Irving, so he hadn’t had a chance to hear
anything about her because they were all talking about him. Plus, if he
was management and hadn’t worked there very long he wouldn’t have
heard much anyway. Rosemary knew who the best sources of gossip
were in Cheaver’s because she’d grown up in the store.

Directing a hand toward the doors, Rosemary said, “My


The speed at which his eyebrows shot up was almost comical.

“Well, I have heard talk in town about ménage relationships. Really?”
he asked affably as he turned to look at both men. Rosemary had a
feeling that if the men had been alone he might have given Wes and
Evan a “thumbs-up” and asked for how-to tips.

Evan shifted the toothpick from one corner of his sensual mouth

to the other as he leaned against the door and nodded. He crossed his
ankles as he hooked his thumbs in his front pockets, which
automatically drew her eyes to the bulge in his jeans.

Gah! But he’s the sexiest man alive when he does that!
Evan caught her look, and she felt a blush heat her cheeks as the

bulge at his groin appeared to swell just a bit. He had the gall to wink
at her.

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“Yes. For two years now.” Normally Wes was so open and

friendly, but his tone was definitely communicating “get your own
Rosemary thought maybe it was time to have a private talk
and find out what was going on with him.

With his usual good nature, Irving said, “Sorry, Rosemary. If I’d

known…” He looked at the men then back at her. “I’d have gotten to
Divine sooner. Maybe I coulda beat them to you.”

Wes stepped away from the door, and Rosemary held up a hand to

stop her Neanderthal from making a point with Irving’s head. “Now
that’s not helping this situation. Irving, you were probably still in
diapers when they fell in love with me and me with them.”

Irving grinned at both men. “Sorry, guys, but you can’t fault a guy

for tryin’. I mean, look at her,” he said, gesturing at her with both

Wes’s tone bordered on harsh. “We see her.”
“All right. No hard feelings, Rosemary.”
“Of course not. Now go get to work. I’ll let you out in a few


Irving sauntered off as though he didn’t have a death wish after

all, and Rosemary scoffed and rolled her eyes as she continued on to
the office. Linda was just gathering her purse, so Rosemary escorted
her, Merle, and Irving to the door and locked up after them.

“Let me take one razoo through the dressing rooms,” Rosemary

said and smiled when Wes and Evan followed her as she made a
quick check of the fitting rooms in the apparel department.

She sighed when she found a large untidy pile of clothing that

someone had tried on and then discarded in the large women’s
dressing room. Thinking it must’ve been overlooked, Rosemary set to
straightening and folding or hanging each item.

“Guys, you know that what Irving said about me doesn’t mean a

thing to me, right? I think he just wants to get ahead and he’s just

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“Super manslut is more like it,” Wes grumbled as he shook out a

pair of blue jeans for her. She could tell he was still ticked.

Suddenly feeling tired, Rosemary plopped down on the wooden

bench in the corner. “I don’t even know why he acts that way. I didn’t
encourage it and I’ve only worked with him a few times.”

Wes came to her and kneeled at her feet. “I don’t think that you

encouraged it, baby. But I know why he does it.”

Evan nodded as he put a shirt back on a hanger. “It’s obvious.”
Rubbing her forehead tiredly, Rosemary said, “Enlighten me.”
Wes brushed a long, curly lock of black hair from her shoulder.

“It’s because you’re beautiful. You’re smart and funny. What man
could resist that?”

The sincerity in his eyes buoyed her spirits somewhat, and she

giggled. “Yeah, right. Are you just angling for a blow job?” Wes
laughed as she shoved lightly at his shoulder but then put her arms
around him and hugged him. “Wes, I’m grateful that you didn’t rip
his arms off and beat him with them.” It really wasn’t like Wes to be
that territorial of her. She usually saw behavior like that from Evan

Evan chuckled. “Yeah, you kinda beat me to the punch, so to

speak, bro.”

Wes shrugged and slid onto the bench next to her. “I guess I was

just threatened. He’s younger, kind of ‘up and coming’ so to speak,
and you’ve been spending a lot of hours here at the store with all the
personnel issues.”

The store had gone through several changes with longtime

employees leaving or retiring and new people filling those roles.
Whenever that happened, Rosemary always felt that the store
deserved extra attention to make sure things were getting done right.
The amount of time she was working at the store was going to be
changing soon though. She didn’t need Wes to tell her that she wasn’t
spending as much time at home or on their business, Garner Custom

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Furniture, as she used to. But there were only so many hours in the

Rosemary had an inkling that something else was going on. “Is

that all?”

Wes took her hand. “Are we asking too much of you? The two of

us? Are you having a hard time…being with us?”

Rosemary couldn’t help it when her jaw dropped. “Why would

you think that?”

“It’s been a couple of years. I was worried that the shine had worn

off of our relationship, that you were tired of keeping up with us.
When your hours at the store gradually increased again I began to
think maybe…”

“I was interested in someone at the store?” The thought was

positively jarring to her, and she was sure that showed on her face.

Wes shook his head vehemently. “No! Not at all! Although, Irving

was clearly interested in you. I meant just that maybe we were too

“You thought that maybe I was avoiding home because I couldn’t

keep up?”

Wes nodded affirmatively, and Rosemary wished she could say

something snarky like that it was they who were having to keep up
with her. But the truth was that she had been away from home a lot,
especially in the evenings. The store hiring a new and undeniably
charming management trainee only compounded matters, and she
could understand why he might feel threatened. She looked up at

“What about you? Do you feel the same way?”
Evan smiled and shrugged at her before he sat on her other side on

the bench. “Right about the time we talked about starting a family,
things changed around here.” He gestured to the store around them. “I
figured that maybe you got cold feet and wanted to cool off the baby
talk for a while. We want you to have what you need, Rosie. We just
aren’t sure what that is lately.”

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Rosemary looked from one man to the other and placed a hand on

their cheeks. “All I need is the two of you. Yes, I admit I’m gone
from home a lot. I’m pretty tired by the end of most days, too, so we
haven’t been fooling around as much as you probably need. But how I
feel about you and about us hasn’t changed. I still love you and want
you both.”

The memory of Wes’s territorial behavior returned, and she

smiled at him. He’d been so sexy, standing there in his faded jeans
and boots, looking ready to do bodily harm if Irving laid a hand on
her. She looked at Evan and saw the gleam in his eyes. She looked
around the big dressing room with the mirrors on three walls.

“I don’t suppose you’d like to get in a practice run on that baby-

making project, now would you?”

The tension in the dressing room suddenly escalated as she

watched the heat kindle and smolder in Wes’s eyes and the slow, sexy
smile that spread over his lips. He placed her hand on his groin and let
that be her answer.

Turning her gaze to Evan, she said, “You’re usually the pushy

alpha male around me. What do you have to say about this?”

“I want your time back. And I want your hot little pussy, right


“Why, Mr. Garner, we’re in a public place, a store dressing room

no less. Look at all these mirrors. It’s quite shocking.”

“Even better,” Wes murmured as he pulled her to her feet.

“Maybe that’s all we need…To shake things up a bit.” He drew her
with him to the middle of the room and tipped her chin up so he could
kiss her. Wes was usually her gentle, ardent lover, eager to please her
and passionate about making love with her. The man holding her now
was forceful and demanding as he claimed her mouth, plundering her
with hot, wet strokes of his tongue.

Evan gently drew her long mass of black curls back and pressed

tender kisses along her shoulder and up her neck. She felt tugging at

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her shoulders and knew he was untying the spaghetti straps of her

She smiled against Wes’s questing lips as Evan stroked her bare

shoulders and chest before freeing her bare breasts from the
elasticized bodice of the dress, pushing the stretchy top of it to her
hips. She’d picked that dress earlier that morning, hoping that it might
motivate her men to play at some point. She never would’ve thought
it would be in the dressing room at her family’s store, but she knew it
was the perfect place. She’d be able to see from every angle with all
those mirrors, which was always a huge turn-on for her. And there
were no security cameras in the dressing rooms.

Wes slid a callused hand down her back in a rough, sweet caress

that left a wake of tingles. He caught the dress with the top of his
hand as it continued south to her ass cheeks. Her pussy quivered when
he yanked the stretch fabric past her hips, along with her thong, and it
all fell to a cottony puddle around her ankles.

“Better,” Wes whispered gutturally against her lips.
The dominating way he was acting created a blaze inside her, and

her pussy testified to that fact when her juices leaked to her inner
thighs. This was so unlike him, and she was uncertain what to do
except let him have his way.

Just as exciting was the feel of Evan’s body heat against her back

and his work-roughened palms as he smoothed them down her
ribcage and around her hips to her lower abdomen. Her tummy
fluttered when he brushed his thumb over her belly button and sucked
on her earlobe before tugging gently with his teeth.

In a deep, growly whisper, Evan asked, “Are you wet for us?”
“Oh…You know I am, baby.” She was ready to do whatever they

wanted to do, however they wanted to do it.

“On your knees, sweetheart,” Wes said before nodding at Evan,

who immediately began undressing. Rosemary smiled, having an idea
how this was going to go, and a thrill of anticipation rippled through
her cunt. She bit her lip in delight as Wes helped her to her knees and

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unbuckled his belt. When he parted his fly she was delighted to find
that he’d gone commando.

“Honey!” she cooed as she lifted his big, meaty erection from his

jeans. “Yummy!”

Adoring him with her gaze, Rosemary licked the rigid, pulsing

head and smiled when she felt a shudder run through his frame. She
fondled his balls with her other hand as she stroked his length then
licked him from root to tip. She wanted to bury her face in his groin
and kiss him all over, but Wes’s abdomen was ticklish, so she resisted
the urge. In his present dominating mood, she might get a spanking
for it. While that wasn’t much of a threat to her, she wanted to keep
doing what she was doing.

She felt Evan’s presence behind her as he came close, and she

glanced in the mirror to her right. Her cunt clenched with excitement
at seeing the three of them. Evan’s thick, muscular physique was so
sexy, his cock standing up, dark red and rigid, as he positioned
himself on his knees behind her. Sunlight from the store windows
shone over the top of the half-door on the dressing room and made the
pre-cum at the head of his cock glisten, and her mouth watered.

“Suck me, baby.” Wes’s voice was guttural as he drew her

attention back to him.

A moan escaped her lips as Evan spread her pussy lips and pushed

his big, hard cock into her slick channel with one stroke. Sucking as
she moaned, Rosemary glanced again at the mirror, and her pussy
drew up at the sight. Wes stood over her as she kneeled in front of
him, so formidable, holding her hair back in one hand and guiding her
head with the other hand, setting the rhythm for her, which was fine
with her. She wanted to give him whatever he needed.

Evan was utterly hot as he flexed his hips and thrust his long,

thick cock in another slow, deep stroke. “You feel so fucking good,

“Arch your back so Evan can see your pussy as you take his cock,


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Rosemary complied with Wes’s command and moaned at the pure

sensuality of their grouping in front of the mirror. Arching her back
also made it easier for her to watch Evan’s cock slide into her cunt.
She gripped his cock with her pussy muscles as he slid a hand around
her hip and stroked his rough fingertips through her slippery pussy
lips, finding and tormenting her clit until pulses rippled inside her and
her body tensed for orgasm. Rosemary ground her hips back against
him with each thrust.

“That’s right, Rosie. Ride my cock.” Evan trapped her clit

between two fingers and began a new up-and-down motion, dragging
her sensitive bud back and forth. Her mewling cries grew louder the
closer she came to the edge. Wes’s breathing became erratic, and his
strokes went deeper before he finally stopped her and she released
him from her suctioning mouth.

Evan growled and wrapped his other arm around her torso, pulling

her back to his chest. He held her tightly as his thrusts increased in
force along with the stroking at her clit. Tension balled up inside
Rosemary, and she ground against him, reveling in the sexy, wet
sound of their flesh pounding together.

“That’s right, Rosie. Don’t hold back,” Evan whispered as she

watched in the mirror again. He caught her gaze there and held it as
Wes gripped the base of his shaft, delaying his release.

The clenching spasms began as Evan groaned deeply, and she

threw her head back and cried out as the orgasm crested over her, her
pussy squeezing Evan’s cock with a sensual rhythm until his own
release hit a moment later. He pounded into her twice more and held
her tight as his cum filled her pussy. He kissed her shoulder as he
shuddered with aftershocks and caught his breath.

She sighed happily as she watched him withdraw his still partially

erect cock from her dripping pussy and whispered to him, “I love

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Evan leaned forward and kissed her lips. “I love you too, Rosie.

You make me a happy man. Get ready because I think Wes is about to
give it to you rough.”

She giggled and bit her lip as her pussy convulsed in an aftershock

at the thought.

Wes turned her so she faced the mirror she’d been watching and

Evan was beside them, and Wes kneeled behind her. “Still your
favorite position, baby?” Wes asked in a deep, gravelly voice as he
drew her to him so her spread thighs were wide open and her knees
were positioned outside of his. Her heart fluttered because she knew
that he knew this was her favorite position with him behind her, pulled
back against him with her thighs spread wide. He had complete
control in this position, and she loved it for that reason. The only
movement she had was what he allowed her with how tightly he held
her to him. “Hmmm?”

Realizing she hadn’t answered his question, she responded, “Oh,


Her voice sounded shaky as she watched his hands slide from her

hips to her breasts. The contrast between his dark, tanned hands and
her lily-white skin was stark in the filtered light.

He reached up and pulled her hair away and pressed heated kisses

along her throat and shoulders. She watched as he flexed his hips and
nudged her pussy opening with the head of his granite-hard erection.
She tilted her hips and took him in when he slid through her juices, a
soft gasp escaping from her as she watched him thrust hard and lodge
every inch of his cock deep inside her pussy. She could see that her
pussy was drenched with the slick evidence of her arousal and loved
watching the way his thick shaft stretched her lips wide, his girth
making her tingle with each thrust.

“Damn, I love fucking you,” Wes groaned as he pulled his dark-

red shaft out, soaking wet and shiny, and immediately breached her
opening again.

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Rosemary arched against him, never taking her eyes from their

joined bodies as he repeated the move over and over, thrilling her
every time he entered her again until his cock was dripping with her

“Beautiful,” Evan murmured as he sat back and watched, stroking

his now fully erect cock in time with their movements.

Wes slid one hand up her torso to squeeze and stroke one breast

while his other hand trailed down to her opened pussy. He teased her
clit with gentle strokes, making her tighten up on him. He growled
with approval and increased the pressure as his other hand slid from
her breast, up her chest to her throat. She gasped and moaned as he
gripped her throat very gently and increased the force of his thrusts as
he pressed harder on her clit. She felt completely claimed, controlled,
as he held her that way with her head tilted back against his shoulder.
The final straw fell when he brought two fingers together and slowly
pinched her clit, applying gentle but firm pressure.

Rosemary shuddered and screamed as her pussy clenched on his

cock, and her hips jerked against his involuntarily. “Oh! Wes!”

“That’s it, baby.” Wes thrust harder and faster, and Rosemary was

dimly aware that Evan set the same pace with his stroking until he
groaned loudly as he came. Wes slammed his cock deep and cried out
blissfully as he pulsed inside her, giving her his cum as well.

Ecstasy rolled through her as she melted in Wes’s arms, their

bodies coated with each other’s perspiration. He released her throat
and held her securely and kept her just like that for several minutes as
they caught their breath and recovered.

Wes breathed deep and said, “You’re just as hot as a firecracker,

Rosemary Garner.”

Rosemary giggled and replied, “Long as you’re the ones lighting

the fuse.”

Evan pulled a clean handkerchief from his jeans pocket and used

it, dressed quickly, then went in search of something for her to clean

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up with. He returned a few seconds later with a box of facial tissues
and helped her to her feet.

As she slipped on her sandals, she gazed at them both and smiled.

They were brothers, and yet they were such a study in contrasts, Wes,
golden blond and green eyed, and Evan, dark headed and brown eyed.
But they were completely devoted to her, and that was what mattered
most. Suddenly the timing felt perfect.

“Just so you know, my hours at the store are cutting back

immediately. I’ve already talked to Randy and we’re making the
change a permanent one. I’m still going to help when I can but I’m
turning over the title of ‘Johnny on the Spot’ to Bernadette.”

Wes smiled happily, once again her gentle, easygoing lover.

“What did Randy say when you told him?”

Rosemary grinned at them both. “Congratulations.”
Evan quirked an eyebrow and said, “That’s an odd thing to say to

news like that.”

Rosemary shrugged and giggled. “Well, it seemed appropriate in

light of the fact that I’m carrying your baby.”

“What!” Wes cried out, jumping up like he’d been electrocuted.

He grabbed her up and spun her around.

“You’re pregnant?” Evan gasped, so shocked he looked like he

went a bit pale. “We’re gonna have a baby?”

Giggling as Wes spun her around again, she said, “Yup. And you

better stop spinning me if you don’t want me to toss my cookies.”

Wes set her gently on her feet and steadied her. “Oh, sorry. Hot

damn! We’re gonna have a baby!” Wes hollered and high-fived his

Rosemary rolled her eyes and grinned. “Well, technically, I’ll be

the one doing the ‘having,’ but yes. Congratulations, daddies!”

Wes grabbed her to him and kissed her soundly on the lips and

then allowed Evan to pull her to him for an equally hot, happy kiss.

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As they left the dressing room, Wes said, “I think we should take

Rosemary home for a nap. If I’d known she was expecting I never
would’ve pushed her so hard.”

“I know. I agree. She was tired earlier,” Evan said over her head.

“I think she could use a nap, especially since it’s so hot today. That
can’t be good for her in this condition.”

“Oh, hell. It starts already,” Rosemary groaned as her men each

took an arm and escorted carefully her to the door. “I should’ve
waited until I was showing. You two had better not start discussin’ me
like I’m not in the room. I’m not made of porcelain.”

“Of course you’re not, baby,” Wes murmured as he helped her

over the threshold. “I’ll call Grace and let her know we’ll be back

“I want to share the good news with her and the girls tonight, so

don’t tell her.”

“I won’t. You can tell her when we bring you back to the

ranch…after your nap.”

Evan patted her back. “You’ll feel all better after your nap.”
“Who said I felt bad? I don’t need a nap.”
Actually, a nap sounds peachy, but I can’t let them boss me, can


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Chapter Six

With his beautiful wife and son playing nearby, Ash Peterson

stood chest deep in the water and watched the activity in and around
Grace’s swimming pool with lazy enjoyment.

Juliana meandered over to him with their little toddler, Will,

splashing in a baby floaty ring. She hooked her arm around Ash’s
shoulder and gave him a quick kiss. “Jayne is sure getting some warm
looks from the single men at this gathering.” Two of Ash’s recently
hired hands were currently flirting with Jayne Sheridan. They’d
claimed their seats on the edge of the pool moments after Seth had
excused himself to go get him and Jayne a plate of food. “I hope they
act like gentlemen when Seth returns with her lunch.” Seth Carter
kept an eye on his competition from where he stood waiting near the
large barbeque pit underneath the covered deck.

Ash nodded as he surreptitiously slid his hand down Juliana’s bare

back to the edge of her swimsuit, just over the crack of her sweet,
curvy ass. He slid his finger into the suit, and she gasped and did as he
had hoped and moved closer to him as she wiggled away from his
tickling fingers.

“Ash, someone will see,” she whispered furtively as his hand

ventured farther south over her swimsuit and he slid a finger through
one of her leg openings.

Acting like he hadn’t heard her, Ash grinned. “Buck and Chad are

good guys. Just testing the waters is all. Can’t say I blame them.”

Jayne laughed at something one of them said but seemed to be

keeping her eyes on Seth. When he approached, laden down with food
and sodas, she spoke to the cowboys but gestured to Seth, obviously

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informing them that she wanted Seth to rejoin her. The cowboys
leaped up and both helped her to a standing position and greeted Seth,
then went over to the coolers for another beer.

Satisfied, Ash said, “See? Perfect gentlemen. Would I hire bad


Juliana scoffed. “Let’s withhold judgment until they have a few

more beers in them.”

Ash shook his head. “When I invited the hands I told them they

had a two-beer limit while at this get-together and they couldn’t show
up already drunk from somewhere else. I told them this is a
respectable, family-type gathering.”

Juliana gazed up at him with her hypnotic wolf-blue eyes and in a

breathy whisper asked, “Then can you explain to me why you’re
fingering my pussy under my swimsuit with all our friends nearby?”

Will gurgled and splashed playfully in his floating toy as they held

it securely, and Ash replied, “I’m holding Will in front of us so no
one can se-ee! Hey!” He jerked and coughed when toddler Will
splashed him right in the face as Juliana caressed and cupped his balls
through his swim trunks.

“Turnabout is fair play, cowboy,” she replied with a soft, sexy

giggle. “I’m so glad you’ve adjusted to wearing swim trunks.”

Ash stifled a happy groan as she ran the palm of her hand over his

cock and balls again. He would’ve thought the cold pool water would
discourage a hard-on, but that wasn’t the case as his dick tingled and

“I’ve discovered the benefits.”
Juliana kissed his shoulder. “This wouldn’t feel near as good if

you had on denim cutoffs and underwear, now would it?”

Ash grinned and chuckled. “No. It’d still feel pretty damn good,

it’s just a little more intense because the fabric is so thi–in!” He jerked
again when her fingertips slid back behind his testicles and pressed
against his asshole. “Woman, you’re playing with fire.”

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He put the lie to his words when he pressed against her questing

hand and growled.

“I love it when you say stuff like that with your Southern drawl,

cowboy. I can tell it’s getting to ya.”

Juliana loved anal sex with him, but that only went one way. He’d

never wanted anything in his ass, but for the last few months, to liven
things up, sometimes she’d stroked and played with his asshole with a
little lubricant to help things along. She’d even mentioned trying a
prostate massage on him sometime. He still clenched at the thought
but had to admit he was more open to it than he had been. He didn’t
have any idea where she’d gotten her information from, but she
seemed to know what she was talking about. Maybe one day he’d let
her try it out.

While she held on to the baby floaty, Ash casually scooted in

behind her, looking like all he was doing was cuddling his wife
against his chest at the pool’s edge. “You get to me, all right, pretty

He slid his hand flat against her back, around her waist, and inside

her suit. Juliana gasped and bit her lip, inclining her head so no one
could see her face behind the brim of her floppy hat as his hand slid
straight down her abdomen to her slit, finding it silky and slippery
with arousal.

“Lift your knees, darlin’. I’ve got a good hold of you.”
She did as he asked, leaning against him and lifting her knees to

hide his intrusion inside her suit in case anyone could see them. He
grunted with approval and smiled as she relaxed against him.

Will started singing some nonsensical song at the top of his lungs,

and Ash and Juliana both laughed softly as he stroked her clit. This
was the good stuff. He had a happy, though sleepy-looking kid, a
beautiful, sexy wife, and a very contented life. He just didn’t see how
it could get any better.

Looking up, he noticed Grace making her way toward them with

baby Rose Marie on her hip. He groaned at the imminent interruption

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as Juliana arched her back and started riding the finger he’d slid
inside her pussy. When she started in with that circular, grinding
move he knew she loved what he was doing, and he was sorry to
make her stop. She looked up at him with those soft, sexy eyes in
confusion as he withdrew his hand and then turned when he said, “Hi,
Grace.” Go ’way, Grace.

“Hey, guys. I’m putting Rose Marie down for her nap upstairs.

The playpen is set up for you if you want to put Will down with her,
then you two can play for a bit, without having to worry about him.
Ethan’s mom will have the baby monitor on inside.”

Ash was suddenly grateful for the interruption. Bless you, Grace!
“Sure!” Juliana said enthusiastically as she looked back at Ash.

“I’ll go put him down and be right back.”

“Sure thing, darlin’.” He helped her out of the pool and extricated

a still-singing Will from his floaty.

Juliana crouched down to take him and whispered, “Hold that

thought until I get back, cowboy.”

His cock got even harder at the sultry tone she used. “You betcha,

pretty lady.”

He heard a horse nicker nearby and waved back at Angel, Joaquin,

and Teresa as they trotted by on horseback, headed out for a ride.
Angel and Joaquin had grown up in an equine-oriented household,
and so it was natural that they’d help Teresa to become comfortable
on the back of a horse. They’d even acquired ponies for Michael, and
eventually Eleazar, to ride on. For now, Eleazar always rode with one
of his daddies and was already very comfortable on horseback.

Seth and Jayne had returned to the edge of the pool and were

dangling their feet in the water when Ash heard Charity call out,
“Hey, Jayne! I have that swimsuit you wanted to borrow. Come on in
the house.”

Ash smiled at the deer-in-the-headlights look Jayne gave Charity.
“Come on, Jayne! It’ll look great!” Charity called with an

expression of glee on her face.

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Jayne turned to Seth and looked like she was apologizing, but he

put up his hand to stop her, stood from the edge of the pool, and
helped her up. Jayne’s cheeks turned fire-engine red when he pulled
his T-shirt over his head, unzipped his cuffed-up raggedy jeans, and
pushed them down. She seemed relieved when he revealed swim
trunks much like the ones Ash had on. Ash was impressed by Seth’s
extensive body art and noticed that Jayne appeared dazed as she
stared at him.

Ash liked Seth’s method, combining a solution-oriented mindset

with a little “shock and awe” thrown in to keep things lively. Jayne
nodded as Seth cupped her shoulders and quietly spoke. From his
vantage point, it seemed Seth was trying to put her at ease. Ash was
willing to bet they were the next couple joining the group

Fifteen minutes later, Juliana returned with Jayne in tow. His wife

was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in her cherry-red one-piece suit,
but Jayne was looking noteworthy, too, in a sexy black one piece with
more cut-outs than covering. He nearly choked on the beer he was
sipping when he glanced over at Seth, who was already in the pool,
and saw the way he reacted when he saw Jayne. The guy’s jaw
dropped, his eyes bugged, and Ash overheard his softly voiced verbal
reaction. “Holy fuck.”

Seth seemed like a fairly serious guy, not prone to great shows of

emotion, though it was very clear he was interested in Jayne Sheridan.

Yup, another man done gone.
One of the ranch hands let out a long, low wolf whistle, and Jayne

tripped slightly as she made her way back to the pool. Seth was
waiting for her as she returned to her seat at the edge. Ash recognized
the determined gleam in Seth’s eyes and imagined that he’d worn it
himself a time or two when he’d been courting Juliana.

Juliana lowered herself to sit on the edge of the pool next to Ash

and rubbed his shoulders and spoke in a low voice. “Those two are
done for, I think. Look at the way he stares at her.”

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Ash turned so that he was now facing her, positioned between her

thighs. “I’d rather look at you.”

Juliana snickered and bent down to kiss him. “Good response, Mr.


Ash leered at her satiny ivory-toned cleavage. “Darlin’, I just

remembered there’s something I want to show you in the barn.”

Juliana’s eyebrows furrowed for a second, and then a knowing

smile appeared on her pretty face. “Oh, yeah?”

“There are two new foals and there’s…a saddle, yeah, a new

saddle in the tack room I think you’d like. It’s hand-tooled leather and
I think you might enjoy using it sometime.” His cock got even harder
at the thought of how he wanted her to use it—stark naked, bent over
it at just the right height for him to fuck her from behind. His only
problem now was that he needed to climb out of the water in a suit
that left little to the imagination about the tent pole in his swim

He bit his lip, and Juliana looked down and noticed the bulge

through the few inches of rippling water. Juliana got up, pulled one of
the big beach towels from the stack on the table nearby, and handed it
to him as he lifted himself from the edge of the pool.

“Here’s something for that rather impressive towel rack you’re


“Woman,” he growled, secretly enjoying the sparkle in her teasing

eyes. He dried off quickly while facing the house and wrapped the
towel around his waist. He slipped on the rubber flip-flops that he still
didn’t enjoy wearing, even though they were a better choice than his
cowboy boots at the moment, and waited while Juliana put on her
cover-up and whispered something to Grace.

Juliana placed her hand in his. “I told her we were taking a little

stroll down to the barn to see the new foals.”

“What did she say?”
Juliana giggled. “Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

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Ash chuckled as he grabbed bottles of water from a cooler. “Well,

that leaves us with lots of options.”

“I really do want to see the new babies, though.” Juliana made

him jump when she slid the icy-cold bottle down his spine. His cock
did not approve of the suggested detour, but he was a sucker for a
beautiful redhead.

* * * *

Seth reached for Jayne, to help her into the pool, as she lowered

herself to the edge, beating out the other two cowboys who had flirted
with her earlier.

Although she seemed self-conscious, he thought she was a

knockout in the swimsuit that Charity had brought for her. It was a
one piece, made up of triangles joined together so that more of her
was revealed than hidden. She put her hands cautiously on his
shoulders as he gripped her curvy waist, enjoying the feel of her
warm, satiny skin against his fingertips, thanks to all those cutouts.

“You look fantastic, Jayne. Do you need more sunscreen?”
“No, I just applied the waterproof stuff a few minutes ago. I

should be okay for a while.”

Regretting the missed opportunity, he helped her into the pool.

She shuddered and the black suit glistened in the sun against her
creamy, pale skin. He bit his lip when he noticed her hardening

“Oh, man, it’s c–cold.” She took a breath and submerged herself

for a moment and then broke the surface slowly, looking like a raven-
haired mermaid now that her hair was wet. Water beaded and dripped
from her chin and earlobes and gathered her dark eyelashes into
pretty, spiky clumps, and his heart did a weird little lurch. The
sunlight on the water sparkled in her unusual eyes as he watched her
looking at his tattoos. She licked her lip, and he was glad he was

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submerged chest deep in the water when his cock hardened at the

“What was it like when you got the first one?”
Seth pointed to the black-and-gray biomechanical tattoo on his left

biceps. “This was the first one. I got it when I was twenty-one,” he
said as they both leaned back, side by side, against the pool’s edge.
“The first minute or so, I remember thinking, ‘Whoa, what have I just
signed on for?’ I was an art student in Denver and I had the average
American male fascination with body art and figured since I’d come
of age I’d celebrated by getting a tattoo. It hurt like fire the first
couple of minutes but then the pain dulled and became bearable. I was
fascinated watching it come to life.”

He pointed at the tattooed gear mechanism that was drawn to look

as though it were a mechanical arm which was partially visible behind
a cloak of bony scales. “I liked it so much, I asked for more, and by
the time my friend, and eventually my teacher, was done, I had two
full sleeves. By my final year in school, I’d made enough money to
pay off my school loans doing tattoos on the side.”

“How long did this take? May I?” She held her hand a couple of

inches away from his arm.

“Sure.” Although chilled from the water, her gentle fingertip sent

a fiery bolt of electricity up his arm and straight down to his cock. He
breathed deep and hid his response because she was so self-conscious
about touching him. “Both sleeves took several sessions over the
course of a year. I didn’t want a collection of different designs but
something that looked cohesive, and this is what we came up with.”

She gave him a questioning glance. “H. R. Giger?”
Impressed, Seth replied, “Yes. I was a big fan at the time. Still


“Very dark surrealism. I’m a fan of the Alien movie series.”
“You? Really?”

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Jayne’s mischievous grin captivated him. “You might be surprised

what I’m a fan of. My DVD collection’s pop-culture iconography
runs the gamut.”

Maybe I’ll get a chance to see for myself. “I have an odd question

for you.” Jayne tilted her head and her direct gaze made him feel a
little self-conscious as she waited. “What color are your eyes?”

Jayne chuckled and the feminine, amused sound was sexy as hell.

“Depends on the time of day and what colors are around me. They’re
mostly blue right now, I would imagine.” She gestured to the pool
water surrounding them. “But they’re blue, green, brown, and light
golden brown. Odd, I know.” She flicked her lashes closed before
looking up at him.

“Not odd at all. Beautiful and striking. It’s hard not to stare.”
She chuckled again. “I know the feeling.” He noticed when she

veered the subject of their conversation back to him. “So your teacher
did these?” Her fingertip sliding over his bicep was both arousing and

“Yes, Jim Durbin. He has a tattoo studio in Morehead. Desired


“I see. So will you—”
“Hey, Jayne!” one of the cowboys who’d been flirting with her

earlier called out, interrupting her. “Want to play volleyball with us?”

Jayne smiled but shook her head. “No thanks, Buck. I’m not much

for ball sports.”

Her cousin Charity snickered from her lounge chair as she got up.

“Oh, I’m all for anything that gets balls flying in my face.”

Seth and Jayne laughed at Charity’s comment, but then she turned

to him and murmured, “I want to hear more about your tattoos.”

“You’re a librarian. I’ll bet you already know most anything I

could tell you.”

“You’d be surprised by just how limited my knowledge is on

some subjects.” As soon as the comment was out of her mouth she bit

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her lip, and her cheeks turned a rosy hue. “But I don’t want to bore
you either.”

“Where do you want me to start?”

* * * *

Juliana turned her wolf-blue, smoldering eyes on Ash from her

position draped over the padded leather saddle. “Well, you can start
by fucking me instead of teasing me!”

“Now, darlin’. No need for a potty mouth,” Ash admonished with

mock primness. “It was a simple question. I was just admiring this
lovely derriere.” He placed a kiss on the aforementioned adorable
posterior. Juliana moaned softly and lifted her ass to him, displaying
her glistening, ready pussy.

The saddle she was draped over was the perfect height to fuck her

from behind. They had the added security that it was located in the
tack room, which very conveniently had a hasp and padlock that
worked from the inside. He’d never known why that was there but
had been looking forward to making use of it for a while. All they had
to worry about was being quiet and it was very unlikely that anyone
would even know what they were up to. Unlikely, but not impossible.
Ash knew the uncertainty must’ve been getting to Juliana because her
pussy was dripping with her cream.

He squatted down, and she raised her head and looked at him with

shock in her eyes. He grinned and then dove in, devouring her pussy
from behind, rubbing his mutton chops lightly against her inner thighs
and pussy in a way that he knew drove her wild as he licked up her
slick cream. She was tangy and flavorful on his tongue, and his cock
seeped with the evidence of how long his release had been denied.
Her cunt clenched around his tongue as he slid it though her wet slit,
and she moaned again.

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“Ash, please, please, please fuck me. I need you, cowboy.” Using

that endearment in such a sexy tone was all he needed to see things
her way.

Gripping his cock in one hand, Ash rose and crowded her from

behind. She hummed a happy assent, arching her back and bracing for
his entry with her tiptoes on the stand. He slid the dripping head of his
cock against her slippery opening.

“Damn, you’re one hot woman, darlin’. This is gonna be hard and


“Quit fucking around and give it to me,” she growled softly.
Mmm, but I love me a feisty woman!
Ash grinned, grasped her ass cheeks, and spread them, opening

her further to him, causing her to exhale sharply in surprise. He
plunged into her sleek pussy with one smooth stroke, burying himself
deep in her quivering heat.

“Oh, yes!” they both cried out simultaneously.
She wiggled and squirmed beneath him, trying to gyrate on his


“Remember, darlin’, there’s no roof on this room. Anyone out in

the barn can hear if we get too loud.”

Juliana panted and nodded as she fucked herself on his cock when

he leaned into her a bit. He couldn’t take too much of that, though,
and wanted her to come first, so he reached around her hip to her
pussy and began stroking her clit as he thrust. She moved with him in
a fluid dance, moaning softly. She relaxed and let her long, beautiful
red hair hang down the other side of the saddle as she focused on how
she felt and less on watching him.

“That’s right, darlin’. Feel good?”
She whispered, “You fuck me so good. Harder, cowboy.”
“Want it hard?”
“Ride me hard.”
Holding on to her hip with one hand and fingering her slippery,

swollen clit with the other, he felt it when her cunt drew up as the

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tension built inside her. She was close to coming, and so was he. Each
thrust into her perfect, hot little cunt drove him near to insanity,
unsure if he’d be able to remain quiet when he came. The inferno
grew inside him, arcing down his spine as his hips flexed in rapid
rhythm and gathering in his balls as they drew tight. He changed his
angle slightly and was rewarded with her soft cry and the sight of her
gorgeous body bowing as she reacted to the repeated strumming of
her G-spot.

She raised her head and mewled softly. “It’s coming, Ash. Oh,

I’m coming! Yes!”

He didn’t care if anyone heard them as he growled deeply and his

orgasm hit him the same time her pussy convulsed in climax. “Fuck,
yeah.” He thrust hard against her, riding the pulsing waves with her
until he couldn’t move anymore, and then laid his forehead against
her spine. The only sounds were their combined panting as they
caught their breath, and the occasional nicker of a nearby horse.

“Think anyone heard us?” she asked as he pulled reluctantly from

the heat of her snug, silky embrace.

He listened quietly as he pulled a box of tissues from a shelf,

absently wondering who needed tissues out in the tack room, and
replied, “It doesn’t sound like it. Shit!”

Juliana lifted up off the saddle and looked at him over her

shoulder again, her hair a mass of untamed waves now that it was
drying in the afternoon heat. Her cheeks were rosy with her afterglow
as were her chest and throat. It pleased a primitive part of him that his
fair-skinned wife bore such an obvious marker that he’d done right by
her. He hated to ruin the happy, languorous mood she was in.

“What is it?”
He pulled several tissues from the box and handed them to her and

then cleaned himself up a bit and looked into her eyes. She squinted at
what was no doubt a sheepish grin on his unrepentant face and
answered her own question. “We forgot a fucking condom…again!”

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Chapter Seven

Teresa nodded silently when Joaquin patted his thighs as they

reached the back end of the Divine Creek Ranch, near the small
waterway it was named for. She could see the heat in his smoldering
green eyes and knew he wanted to do more than take a simple
horseback ride with her. He’d teasingly suggested on several
occasions that they should try this but hadn’t acted on it until today.

As she released one foot from her stirrup, the warm breeze

caressed the bare flesh beneath the hem of her sundress. Joaquin
caught the reins on her horse, Adoración, and drew Deseo closer so
they were juxtaposed alongside each other. She reached out for
Joaquin, and he lifted her as though she weighed nothing and placed
her in front of him, facing him. The breeze lifted the loose hem of her
sundress again, exposing her clear to the tops of her thighs.

Joaquin growled softly, causing her pussy to tremble at the

desirous sound. “I’m so glad I asked you to leave the panties in the
truck now.” She was too. She’d waited all during lunch, getting hotter
and wetter, wondering what their plan was.

At Joaquin’s side, his brother, Angel, the other great love of her

life, nodded in agreement as she smiled up at him.

“I feel very naughty.”
Joaquin’s chest vibrated with a chuckle. “You’re going to feel a

whole lot naughtier before this little excursion is over. Angel has
plans for you too.”

Teresa looked into Angel’s golden-brown eyes. “You do?”
“Yes, beautiful. I want to watch you ride Joaquin’s cock on

horseback and then you’ll find out what I’m going to do with you.”

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The thought made Teresa squirm in Joaquin’s lap, drawing a

happy groan from him. Her gaze locked with his, and she smiled as
she unhooked his silver-plated belt buckle and unbuttoned the fly on
his Wranglers. “I’m not sure how good a job I’m gonna do of saving
the horse while I ride the cowboy.”

“Funny, sugar.” Joaquin helped her, leaning back and drawing the

zipper down. “Deseo doesn’t mind, remember?”

How could she ever forget the night Joaquin had proposed while

they’d taken a moonlight ride together on Deseo’s back? The bright
moonlight had given the landscape an ethereal, dreamlike quality as
Joaquin had shared what was in his heart. From that day to this she’d
never looked back with regret.

Angel ambled up beside them to watch and help as he scanned the

area around them, making sure they were completely alone, before
lifting the skirt of her dress out of the way. Teresa’s cunt spasmed
with need as her naked flesh was exposed to the open air.

Joaquin parted his fly, revealing his convenient commando state

and fisted his thick cock. “Ready to ride, sugar?” His voice was deep
with lust.

At her nod, he wrapped his other arm around her back and lifted

as she placed her thighs on top of his, braced the balls of her feet on
the insteps of his boots in the stirrups, and arched her back. She felt
his blunt head at her slippery, wet opening and squirmed against him,
causing both Joaquin and his brother to groan.

Angel moved ahead of them, and Teresa surmised he was

watching as her pussy took Joaquin’s cock in tiny increments as she
moved. She knew Angel enjoyed watching her take them, one at a
time or both at the same time. She delighted in providing the show for
him and waited as Joaquin held her tightly and slid in by careful
degrees, impressing her with his tremendous strength and control.

Deseo shifted beneath them, but Joaquin held him steady and

turned him toward a shady stand of trees in the distance. Deseo
walked at a slow pace, with Angel leading her horse, Adoración, right

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beside them. Her heart pounded when Angel reached over and slid his
hand between them and caressed her engorged pussy lips and her clit.
Joaquin whispered to Deseo and his gait increased to a light canter,
which nudged the head of Joaquin’s cock in and out between her lips
with a maddeningly erotic motion. A moan came from her, and she
laid her forehead against Joaquin’s shoulder as she redoubled her
efforts to get more of his cock inside her.

“Teresa, you feel so damned good. I’ve looked forward to this for

a long time. Ready to pick up the pace?”

She wanted all of him, and she was ready to start begging as

Angel continued teasing her clit. Her cunt ached with a deep need,
and she cried out, “Please, yes, Joaquin!” She was already writhing
toward climax as he finally released her and she slammed down on
his cock, crying out in triumph. Angel pulled his hand back and let his
brother have the moment.

Joaquin spoke to the horse, and the strong animal quickened his

pace, moving from a canter to a long-legged, smooth gallop that she
matched in his arms. The hot wind blew around her naked flesh, and
she’d never felt wilder as she rode Joaquin with abandon. A lump
clenched in her throat at the sounds of absolute pleasure Joaquin made
as he rocked with her, somehow dividing his focus between
controlling the speed of the horse as he held her securely and let her
move to her heart’s content.

“Oh, yes!”
Deseo broke into a full gallop, and Teresa bit her lip as her cunt

clenched and the bowstring inside her snapped, releasing the
explosion of her climax at the pounding rhythm.

Joaquin growled in approval and swallowed her cries of pleasure

with his kisses until he threw back his head and cried out with his
own orgasm as his release pumped inside her. Her pussy throbbed as
she held on to his shoulders, the echoes of her peak shuddering
through her. He slowed their pace as they finally entered the stand of

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trees, and Teresa sighed blissfully as they were enveloped in the

Joaquin seemed content to hold her, humming a soft tune as he

squeezed her every so often and directed the horse through the
wooded area. Teresa relaxed and leaned against him, breathing in his
manly scent.

He chuckled when she licked at his neck. “That tickles, but I like


Teresa giggled and looked around them as her senses returned and

she heard the sound of moving water. They’d journeyed deeper into
the shadows, and she sighed in enchantment when the gurgling creek
came into view. They reached a bend in it and arrived at a wide spot
where there was a little grass growing so the horses could graze.

Looking up at Joaquin, she asked, “Can we play in the water to

cool off?”

Joaquin’s eyes twinkled playfully, and he gave her his naughty-

boy grin as he murmured, “Something like that, yes. We found this
spot years ago with Jack, Ethan, and Adam, when we were all boys.
In the summers, we came with Dad to the Warner Ranch. We’d sneak
over the fence line not too far from here and play in the creek. That’s
our old rope,” he said, pointing to a short length of rope that hung in
one of the trees near the bank. “When the boys are old enough we’ll
show them this place and probably replace the rope for them. For now
it’s our secret hideaway.”

Angel walked up close beside them, and she felt his caress at her

waist. “Ready to dismount, beautiful?” She turned her gaze to Angel
and smiled. The way he said that endearment made her heart tremble
because she knew he really meant it every time he said it. Angel
didn’t just pay lip service. He backed up his words with action.

Joaquin kissed her one last time and whispered, “Thank you for

trusting me, sugar.” Considering the sheltered upbringing she’d had
and then the way fear had ruled her life until she’d met them, Teresa

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really had demonstrated her trust today. Sex on the back of a
galloping horse was definitely on the wild side.

“My legs are like limp noodles.”
Angel shook his head. “That’s all right. I’ve got you and I won’t

let you fall.”

Joaquin gently grasped her thighs and lifted her off his cock as

Angel took her in his arms and held her. Joaquin heaved a sigh of
male satisfaction as he carefully put his sated cock back in his pants
and zipped up before climbing from Deseo’s back. He stroked the
horse and whispered to him as Deseo turned to the spot where Esperer
and Adoración grazed unfettered.

Teresa smiled up at Angel as he carried her down to the gently

sloping creek bank. The water flowed freely around the bend, thanks
to the recent rains they’d had, and Teresa giggled mischievously when
Angel placed her on her feet at the edge and lifted the hem of her light
sundress and pulled it over her head. He smiled when he saw the lacy
push-up bra she’d worn for them and bent down to kiss the tops of her
breasts. His breath was hot and tickled her skin, as he licked her with
the tip of his tongue. Her pussy responded with a rush of wet heat, her
labia engorging as her excitement grew at being completely naked in
their secret hideaway.

“I’ll bet you never envisioned playing naked with your wife down

here, did you?” she said.

Angel smiled, entrancing her with his golden eyes as the

flickering shadows and glimmers of sunlight illuminated them. “Not
when we were little. More recently it’s become a bit of an obsession.
We’ve drawn up plans to build what the boys will think is a special
tree house down here for them, but in reality it’s a playhouse for the
grown-ups as well.”

From behind her, Joaquin whispered next to her ear, “And we’ll

bring you here and make love to you anytime you want.”

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The thought inspired a pool of her slick juices to seep from her

slit. “Are you going to make love to me down here today?” She
slipped her sandals from her feet and dropped them near her dress.

Angel held her gaze as he unhooked his belt buckle and pulled his

T-shirt from his jeans. “Very thoroughly, yes.”

Teresa looked around for a likely spot but then realized if they’d

been thinking about this then they already had the spot picked out.
She turned toward the gurgling water and looked over her shoulder at
them. “You don’t mind if I cool off in the water, do you?”

“We’ll join you as long as you don’t cool off too much.” Angel

yanked his boots from his feet and placed them with his hat and her
clothes before shucking the rest of his clothes along with Joaquin.

She slipped into the cool water and watched as more and more of

their masculine physiques were revealed and cooed in appreciation
when she noticed that not only was Angel hard and ready for her, but
Joaquin was already stiffening up again. Their stamina never ceased
to impress her.

She splashed with her foot and giggled as she moved deeper in the


“Teresa,” Angel called softly. When she met his gaze, he slowly

pointed beyond her and put his finger to his lips. Slowly she turned
and looked over her shoulder and peered down the creek. About one
hundred yards down, a bobcat crouched at the water’s edge, gazing
warily at her as it drank from the creek. It stopped and raised its head
and blinked and then leaped away into the brush.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of those down here,”

Joaquin said as he joined her in the water.

Teresa turned to look at him and asked, “If we’re really quiet, do

you think it might come back? Could there be more?” She peered up
and down the creek bank.

Angel shook his head as he joined her on her other side and kissed

her shoulder. “Doubtful. He’s long gone until we leave, and if there

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are any others, they probably are too. The noise and the horses
probably scared them off.”

“Noise?” She didn’t think they’d been all that loud as they’d come

upon the creek.

Angel grinned. “Joaquin hollered loud enough to wake the dead

when he came.”

Joaquin turned in the hip-deep water and splashed Angel then

dove away. “You’re just wishing it had been you comin’ so hard you
saw stars.”

Giggling at their antics, Teresa pulled the clip from her long black

hair which had come loose as they’d made love earlier. She ran her
fingers through it before she twisted the mass back up and replaced
the ornamental clip.

She stretched her arms over her head, arching her back and feeling

completely alive and in love. Closing her eyes, she smiled as the
dappled sunlight warmed her skin, and reveled in her contentment.
She was ready to be made love to by another of the most important
men in her life. The quiet caught her attention, and she opened her
eyes to find both men staring at her, frozen in action.

* * * *

Angel’s heart pounded a rapid rhythm as he watched his beautiful

woman bask in the sun’s rays like a goddess. Her movements as she
ran her slim fingers through her long, silky hair had caught his
attention and earned him an extra full splash in the face before
Joaquin noticed and turned to stare too. She stretched her arms over
her head and smiled with her eyes closed. The beat of his heart turned
to a full gallop as the look of utter joy passed over her sweet face. His
heart was filled with pride that he had helped put it there. His heart
was filled with gratitude to God for bringing her into their lives.

She opened her eyes and caught them gaping at her. Her eyes

twinkled merrily and she hit the water with the side of her hand,

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sending a spray into both their faces, and then splashed away. She
watched over her shoulder, seeming more intent on having them chase
her rather than whether or not she actually got away.

Angel easily closed the distance between them and scooped her up

in his arms as she let loose a high-pitched giggle. “You caught me.
Now what are you going to do to me?”

“Woman, I’m going to show you how much I adore you.”
Teresa gazed up at him, and the lust and love in her eyes had his

heart racing yet again. She swallowed and managed one syllable.

Angel nodded and carried her to the creek bank where they’d

entered the water. He set her on her feet and pressed his lips to hers as
he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her warm, naked body to
him. Joaquin retrieved the blanket from Deseo’s saddlebag and laid it
on the thick groundcover of leaves in a flat area nearby.

She scanned the creek bank around them. “Right here in the

open?” Her eyes glittered with desire and heat, so Angel didn’t worry
that she was truly concerned.

Nodding as his cock twitched with excitement, he replied, “Where

anybody could see your beautiful body while I make love to you.”

She bit her trembling lip and smiled at them both. “Only if you

keep me safe.”

“We’ll protect you,” he whispered in a deep voice that almost

didn’t sound like his. Angel crushed his lips to hers in a swift, hot kiss
and then let her step away. “Lie down on the blanket. I want to see
you open and ready for me.” She took her time, getting on her hands
and knees and giving them both a good look at her derriere and pussy
before turning and lying on her back.

She removed the clip and shook her hair out so it was a wild mass

around her head on the blanket. Resting one forearm behind her head,
she arched her back and slowly spread her legs, revealing her
drenched, swollen lips a bit at a time. Angel growled with pleasure as

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she painstakingly slid one graceful hand down her torso to her
abdomen and her mound.

With almost shy movements, she slid a single fingertip through

her wet slit, stroking her clit and causing her back to arch further with
her pleasure. She added another fingertip and spread her lips so they
could clearly see her engorged, glistening flesh. She smiled at him as
her fingers ventured deeper, and his mouth watered at the sight of
them dipping into her tight little cunt. Biting her lip, Teresa moaned,
then spread her legs wider in invitation as she continued to stroke her

“Damn, our wife is hotter than hellfire,” Joaquin groaned.
Angel nodded mutely and stepped between her legs and kneeled

before her, watching as the rosy blush in her cheeks grew, and she
sighed as she pleasured herself. His cock pulsed in need of release
inside her slick depths, and he reached for her questing hand. He bent
down and sucked her slick fingertips into his mouth one by one, her
juices flavorful on his tongue.

Joaquin lay down nearby and stroked her abdomen then slid his

hand up to cup her breast and tease the nipple to a peak. She pressed
her hand to his, making him grip her harder, and opened for his kiss
when he leaned to her.

Angel’s cock throbbed, and the deep ache in his balls that had

been there since they’d left on the horseback ride grew in intensity.
He stroked her lower abdomen as he fisted the root of his shaft, and
then he lifted her left thigh and pushed it up as he fitted his shaft to
her opening. He growled softly when her cunt clenched at the contact,
and he smiled with approval that she still reacted so easily to them.

He teased her slick pussy, holding his desire to plunge right in by

the barest of threads. Her hips flexed against him, and she let loose a
needful-sounding moan. Joaquin sat up and watched, lust in his eyes
as Teresa took the first inch of Angel’s cock. Both he and his brother
loved watching her as she gave herself to them.

“Yes,” she moaned as he thrust into her engorged cunt.

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He gripped his shaft and took a deep breath because her sounds

were so erotic and he didn’t want to come too soon.

While stroking his once again rock-hard cock in leisurely fashion,

Joaquin laid his hand on the thigh Angel had been holding up while
Angel did the same with the other one. Doing this opened her wide
and hopefully increased her feelings of vulnerability. Judging by her
panting breaths and the way she arched her back, they’d succeeded.
He wasn’t surprised that Joaquin was ready for another go-round. She
excelled at keeping them in a state of arousal.

Angel placed his thumb on her clit and massaged in a circular

motion as he flexed his hips and thrust home with one stroke. Her
eyes opened wide, and she cried out joyfully, placing her hand over
his on her right thigh as he thrust again.

“Yes, Angel! Please, more!”
Her cream coated his shaft as he pulled nearly all the way out and

slammed home again, the primitive place in his heart satisfied with
the visual evidence that she was getting what she needed as he slid
again into her slick cunt. He lifted her hips and angled his cock to
stroke her G-spot and was rewarded with her high-pitched cries as he
strummed the spot repeatedly.

Her pussy grew tight, and he knew she was close when her body

trembled and froze, waiting for the thrust that would drive her over
the edge. He groaned with pleasure, holding back his release as he
gave her what she needed, and was gratified when the tension burst
within her. Her cunt rippled and convulsed on his cock as her sensual
moans and cries filled his ears.

Riding the wave he could no longer hold back, Angel thrust

repeatedly, watching as she took every inch of his length between her
silky lips. Her pussy tugged at him with each backstroke until the
orgasm shattered his control. His cum pulsed in searing streams into
her hot little cunt until it overflowed from her.

As he caught his breath, Angel looked up at his brother, who was

still stroking his cock. Joaquin’s eyes held a question. Angel looked

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down at Teresa as she panted, looking like a beautiful angel. “Joaquin
needs you again. Can you handle it?” He knew Joaquin would jerk off
to completion, but it was nowhere near as satisfying. He knew
because he’d been in the same position himself.

“Yes, of course.”
Angel withdrew from her silky, wet pussy and let Joaquin take his

place. Joaquin murmured, “It’s not going to take long, I promise. I
don’t want you to be sore for the ride back.” Angel knew Joaquin was
as protective of her comfort as he was and would go easy on her.

She smiled seductively at him. “Give me your cock.”
Joaquin chuckled and tilted his head back, gasping with pleasure

as he slid in gently with one long stroke.

“Love me, Joaquin. Take what you need and give me your cum.”
Angel could plainly see that her soft words stoked Joaquin’s fire.

Teresa had a gift for doing that at the right moment. Angel lay down
on the blanket and watched as the two of them flexed and writhed
together. At Joaquin’s nod, Angel reached out and stroked Teresa’s
clit, making sure she would come again too. Teresa moved with him,
flexing her hips and letting Joaquin hold her thighs wide open. The
deep rumble in Joaquin’s chest signaled his orgasm was near, and
Teresa clawed at him, gripping his hands as she tensed up and came
undone one more time. Joaquin howled in relief, thrust twice more,
and then held still as he breathed in deep gulps of air and shuddered
as he came.

“Yes, baby.”
The three of them were drenched in sweat, and Teresa sighed

deeply as she ran her fingers through her now damp hair. When
Joaquin finally pulled out, they helped her sit up. She put her hands to
her now rosy cheeks. “I need to get back in the water and cool off.”

“We all should. It’ll help wake us up. All I want now is a nap,”

Joaquin said as he helped her to her feet.

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They played in the water and rinsed off, and Teresa left her hair

down for the ride back to the ranch, opting to sit in Angel’s lap for the
leisurely return as Adoración followed along. Joaquin rode beside
them, and she held his hand and Angel held her in his arms, her head
resting lightly on his shoulder.

Teresa looked up at Angel with languid brown eyes. “I hope you

build the tree house soon. I’ve missed having naughty little
adventures with you like we used to before Eleazar arrived.”

The obstetrician had urged caution and plenty of rest because of

slight complications toward the end of her second pregnancy. The
men had become much more careful with her, even when she’d
begged for them to take her together. True ménages were a rarity
where before they’d happened with satisfying frequency.

Angel kissed her temple and glanced at Joaquin. “I guess we’ve

been cautious with you for quite a while, haven’t we?”

Teresa giggled. “He’s going on three. I think so. I’m not saying

I’m Superwoman, because they keep me really busy, but I’m not a
fragile flower, either. I loved playing—really playing—with you
today, both the fun stuff and all the sex, and I’d love it if we did that
some more.”

She didn’t voice it as a complaint, merely as a hopeful request,

and Angel squeezed her and said, “We want you to be happy.”

Joaquin chuckled. “And if wild, mind-blowing, ménage monkey

sex is what makes you happy then we’re all about making you

“Says the former manslut,” Angel grunted, causing Teresa to burst

into giggles. Joaquin had confessed his past reputation as a willing
object for buckle bunnies on the rodeo circuit prior to having met her,
and she’d generously wiped his slut-slate clean.

“Now he’s just my manslut,” Teresa said once she stopped

laughing. “Mine, all mine.”

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Chapter Eight

Charity wiggled her tush to the music playing in the kitchen as she

stood in Grace’s pantry looking for a bottle of mustard. Grace and
Ethan had just taken the last of the freshly seasoned meat out to the
grill. She finally found the mustard and brought it outside to the large
table where all the food was set up.

“Mack. No,” Lydia Carlisle commanded when her overly

obnoxious lummox of a Great Pyrenees puppy nosed at the table with
the food on it. The dog looked soulfully back at his mistress, groaned
pitifully, and returned to the spot next to her feet where he’d been
napping in the shade for most of the afternoon. “Good boy.”

“Row-rowr,” he sassed back at Lydia, much to Charity’s


“That’s right, Mack,” Charity said as she removed the seal from

the mustard and set it on the table. “You know who the alpha bitch is,

Summer laughed as Ace fed her a bite of his ice cream and asked,

“Is he always that mouthy, Lydia?”

Lydia chuckled and stroked his big white head. “He misses Jake.”
“Who’s that?” Buck asked from his seat at the edge of the pool.
Lydia smiled. “Not ‘who’ but ‘what.’ We have a barn cat named

Jake. Big old ginger tabby. He tomcats around from time to time, and
we haven’t seen him for a few days.”

Buck’s buddy and coworker Chad said, “Sounds just like you,

Buck! I bet I know which one you’re talking about. I’ve seen one
around here that fits your description.”

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Charity said, “Now that’s what I call getting around.” There was a

distance of several miles between the Divine Creek Ranch and the
Rockin’ C Ranch.

Chad nodded and then asked, “Does he have a chewed-up left


Lydia grinned. “Yes, that’s probably him.”
Buck said, “I know which one you mean. I saw him in the barn

the other day. You might see him around here still.”

Lydia put her hand on Mack’s fluffy white neck. “Nope. You’re

staying right—”

Charity burst into laughter and pointed. “Speak of the devil!”
Jake the barn cat had sauntered up and was currently licking the

turkey leg that Buck had become distracted from during the

Buck turned when everyone looked his way and hollered, “Hey,

cat! Leave my food alone. Go get your own.” He shooed the cat,
Mack caught sight of him, and all hell broke loose.

“Row-rowr-rowr!” The one-hundred-pound Great Pyrenees

puppy bellowed and shot from his resting place like he’d been fired
from a cannon. “Row-rowr-rowr!”

Charity cringed at Mack’s deep, echoing bark, and then her jaw

dropped as the cat nosed the turkey leg again as Mack leaped for him,
knocking both Buck and himself into the pool, turkey leg and all. The
cat took off around the pool and disappeared in the bushes. Chaos
erupted as Buck surfaced, still holding his turkey leg. Chance Carlisle
jumped into the pool to help, fighting laughter and cursing the dog.

“I’m sorry about your pool, Mrs. Warner,” Buck said as he

handed her the soggy turkey leg and helped heave the now water-
logged Great Pyrenees from the pool.

“Yeah, Grace, sorry about the pool,” Lydia said as she grasped

Mack by the collar and returned to her seat, scolding him.

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Through her laughter, Grace said, “I’m sure those aren’t the only

reasons the pool is going to have to be cleaned. Don’t worry about it.
Buck, I’ll get you another turkey leg.” She handed him a beach towel
and pitched the ruined drumstick in the trash can.

Charity had just settled back into Justin’s lap when Grace said,

“Charity, did you by chance see a jar of bread-and-butter pickles
while you were in the pantry?”

“Yeah, you need them?”
Grace nodded as Ethan and Jack placed the meat Grace had

brought them onto the huge grate of the barbecue pit. “Would you

Justin goosed Charity’s ass as she stood. She winked at him and

bent down to whisper, “You sure have been handsy all day. Hold that
thought, handsome.”

The air-conditioning felt heavenly when she went back in the

house, and she looked forward to sunset when they all rode out to the
lake for the fireworks display. “Somethin’ ’bout a Truck” was playing
on the stereo, and she couldn’t help wiggling and dancing as Kip
Moore went on about a girl in a red sundress.

Suddenly an enormous male body pressed aggressively against

her, the glass jar was removed from her hand, and the large body
lifted away from her for two seconds. She heard the jar land firmly on
the kitchen counter, and then he was back. The light in the pantry
went out, and the door closed and she heard a metallic click.

Why in the fuck is there a lock on the pantry door? Really,

Charity? That’s what you want to know right now?

“What are you doing?” she whispered, trying to draw air into her

lungs as he pressed her against the canned goods shelf.

“Silence, unless you want them to hear. If they hear, they will

come. Do you really want my men to watch me take you?” The deep,
masculine growl and the prickle of his scruffy beard sent an icy-hot
thrill up her spine.

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“Please, don’t hurt me,” she whispered, breathing shallowly as she

suppressed a smile. She’d been anticipating this for weeks, not
knowing when he would strike. Well, this explains the desire to grow
a beard in summer.
“Please, I’m just a serving maid. I have nothing of
value for you to steal.”

The Viking marauder chuckled deeply, ending on a growly note.

“That’s what you think, wench. You have exactly what I need.”

Charity bit her lip so hard she nearly drew blood as her hot juices

soaked her bikini bottom. Leathery hands tugged on the ties at her
hips, and she was oh so glad she’d worn the two-piece swimsuit.

“But you can’t!” She struggled against him, and he grasped her

arms and tugged them behind her, immobilizing her.

No? I can do whatever I want to. I’ve conquered your lands.

Everything as far as my eyes can see belongs to me now…including
you, my spritely little wench. I’ll have you right now.”

The bikini bottom fell to the floor, and his callused fingers yanked

at the ties of the top, freeing her breasts so they swayed sensually with
his jerky, rough movements.

“No. You mustn’t.” Her cunt clenched so tight she thought she

might go over the edge. Not now, wench! You’ll ruin it! I’ve waited
fucking weeks for this!

“I care not if you are wed. You are mine now.”
“Please don’t! I’m a—” Her heart pounded when he jerked her

head back by her hair and crushed her lips beneath his.

The pitch black of the pantry intensified all her other senses. Over

the rushing pound of her heart in her ears, she could hear his raspy
breath as he ground his lips against hers in a bruising kiss.

Grace will notice that for sure.
The Viking released her lips and pulled at his clothing, his rough

knuckles rubbing against her ass cheeks. Seconds later, the thick, hard
length of his erection was pressed against the cleft of her ass. He was
huge! He’d surely split her asunder!

Whoa, way to get into it, you kinky slut!

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He grasped her butt cheeks in his rough hands and parted them


She gasped out the words before it was too late. “I’m a virgin!

Please! You will kill me!”

“Nay! And be quiet! If my men had you, they would kill you with

their gigantic Viking cocks. A virgin, you say?”

She bit her lip to keep from laughing at his overacting. “Yes!

Please! I’ll die!”

He laid an open kiss on her shoulder, and then he lightly bit down

with his teeth. In a rough voice he replied, “You will not die. I will
have you, but I will be gentle since you claim this is your first time.
You will do as I say?”

Charity had to bite her lip on a hot retort at his insinuation that she

wasn’t a virgin. Her pussy was throbbing, and she didn’t want to play-
argue. She wanted to be fucked hard by a Viking marauder.

“Yes,” she whispered in a tremulous voice.
Placing her hands on the pantry shelf above her, he growled, “You

will keep your hands here. If you move them I will tie you up. You
must make no sound. If they hear you, my men will come and they
will want you too. There is no stopping them when the lust is upon

Charity’s pussy throbbed because the lust was upon her. “Yes, my


“I will tell them all that I have claimed you and they are not to

touch you. But I will mean it in truth. You are mine.”

“Oh, God, yes!”
Charity heard a trace of amusement in her Viking’s voice that he

was obviously fighting to give her the fantasy she’d asked for. “You
will serve me and me alone. My wench, to do with as I please.”

She squirmed in his grasp briefly, fighting to get back in the

moment. “Please don’t hurt me.”

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He growled softly as Grace called out, “Charity? Hun? Oh, well.”

The pickle jar slid from the counter, and they both let go of the
breaths they were holding.

He rubbed his prickly beard against the juncture of her shoulder

and neck and whispered, “Move again and I’ll tie you up.”

To move, or not to move. That is the question.
Charity gripped the shelf and tensed up as tight as she could all


“Wench, there is no need to be frightened. My skills are known

far and wide in many lands. I will fuck you well. You will like it.”

“Yes. Then you will leave me ruined, carrying your brat.” Charity

bit her lip at the serving wench’s audacity and nearly came when a
solid hand landed on her plump ass cheek with a searing pop.

Oh, fuck! You are brave!
“Did I not say you are mine? I do not lie. You are comely and I

will keep you and take you with me when I leave these lands.” He
grasped her cheeks hard and spread them as much as she allowed him
to. “Now silence, and take my cock before I decide to not be so easy
on you.”

Her cunt throbbed for him to fill it, but she remained tense and

uncooperative, making him do all the work. The blunt head of his
cock found her drenched pussy, and he snarled in satisfaction as he
plunged into her resistant body with one hard, hot stroke. She jammed
a fist in her mouth when her body exploded with orgasm. Fireworks
burst behind her eyelids, and she was unaware of whether she made
any noise or not as he fucked the daylights out of her.

Careful of the canned goods on the shelf, she held on and moaned

when he reached forward and strummed her clit as he fucked her now
more-than-willing body.

She moved with him, rubbing her clit against his fingertips as he

fucked her from behind. His thrusts were so hard that he lifted her to
her tiptoes with each one. Deciding to continue playing the wench to

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please her Viking, Charity whispered, “Oh, my lord. Oh, how you fill
me with your enormous cock.”

Her Viking chuckled in her ear and pressed a kiss against her

shoulder. “I told you that you would like it. Your cunt is very tight.”
He slowed his strokes noticeably, and she wanted to scream at him.
“Did it hurt?”

“Oh, my lord, you near tore me asunder with your big, hard cock.

But ’tis most wonderful filling me now.”

His abs vibrated against her back, communicating the laughter he

withheld. He resumed his tantalizing strokes. “Then prepare yourself
for a good, thorough pounding and another wave of your woman’s

What the fuck? My woman’s joy? Who has he been talking to?
She ground against him as her body obeyed his words. Her

movements grew tighter and the tension inside her prepared to burst
as the wave of her woman’s joy crested.

With one hand she reached behind her and wrapped her forearm

around his neck, and with the other she pressed her hand against his
rubbing her clit and cried out as the climax hit her. His hand covered
her open mouth, muffling the sound as he thrust several more times
and crushed her to him as his orgasm struck.

His whole body shook with the intensity of it, and he jerked

against her as he panted, a deep, sensuous yet vulnerable sound. He
released her mouth and held her tightly to him as he caught his breath.
His long hair swept over her shoulder in a cool, silky wave as he
bowed his head, and she placed her hand over the precious length. In
all the years they’d been together, he’d never cut it off because he
knew how much she loved every straight, silken strand of it.

Justin pressed his full lips against her shoulder and pulled out as

he murmured, “Yes, I’ll take you with me, my wench, wherever I go,
for all of our lives.”

“I love you, my Viking marauder.”

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Justin grunted. “Nah, she needs at least five more chapters of

crazy, Viking sex before she confesses her love, the cheeky wench.”

“I knew it! You got into my Viking romance books collection,

didn’t you?” She giggled as she searched in the dark for her
disassembled bikini bottom. She located it when Justin turned on the
overhead light for her.

“Yeah. Sandra Hill is my friend on Facebook too.”
Charity laughed so hard she snorted as she put herself back

together. Justin was a man on a mission with the Facebook friends list

“I have something for you, since this weekend is our wedding

anniversary. I know I’m early, but now seemed to be the right time to
give this to you.” Justin reached in the inner pocket of his swim
trunks, meant for storing valuables, and pulled out a ring. “Happy
twentieth anniversary, my sassy wench.”

Charity squealed when she saw the gold ring inset with at least a

carat’s worth of baguette diamonds. “Oh! I love it!” She threw her
arms around him and danced on her tiptoes then looked up at him as
he grinned. “I love you more every day. I would marry you all over
again! Thank you!”

Justin chuckled and squeezed her ass cheeks. “Make that squeally

sound again. That was kinda cute.”

Charity giggled and kissed him again. Through the door she heard

a loud screeching noise and then an amplified mumble. “Oh, crap! Is
that what I think it is?”

Justin chuckled as he tied the drawstring on his swim trunks after

repositioning his deliciously overabundant cock in them. “Sounds like
Emma brought her karaoke machine with her.”

“Grace said they enjoy Emma’s so much that she was thinking

about getting one.”

“Babe, you gotta talk her out of it. Grace is smooth and sweet as

silk but her singing could curdle milk.”

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Charity shook her finger. “Nuh-uh. I’m not saying anything.

You’ve never heard Emma sing if you think Grace is bad. Grace may
sound like Dolly Parton, but Emma sounds like squawking geese. No
complaining. Rachel will take the mike from her and sing something
we like.”

“Where’s my earplugs when I need them?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll distract you,” Charity whispered as she cracked

open the pantry door, wondering once again why the pantry had a
locking doorknob on it. They snuck out and made a pit stop in the
bathroom before joining everyone as they enjoyed the blessedly final
chords of Grace and Emma Rivers’s horrendous rendition of “Friends
in Low Places” by Garth Brooks. They had maybe another hour
before it was time to leave for Bowie Lake, and it looked as though
the food had just been served.

“Damn, were we in the pantry that long?” Charity whispered as

they slipped into a chaise lounge together.

Justin wrapped his arms around her as she settled against his

chest, every nerve ending in her body vibrating with gratitude for her
kinky husband. Admiring the ring as it sparkled on her finger, she
sighed happily when Justin kissed the top of her head.

In her ear he whispered, “You were a very resistant, virginal

serving wench, but you’re mine now.” His words were humorous, but
she heard the deep love that resonated in them. He was willing to do
just about anything to make her happy, including concocting a
marauding Viking for her to role-play with. Feeling incredibly sappy,
and for once having no snarky remark to say, she looked up at him
and smiled, receiving his tender kiss.

The more musically blessed in the bunch seized control of the

microphone, and Rachel asked Duke Rivers to cue “Respect” by
Aretha Franklin, and then she pointed at Michael Martinez and said
into the microphone, “I know that you know this one, Michael-baby.
Come on up here and sing it with me.”

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Utterly fearless, Teresa, Angel, and Joaquin’s six-year-old son

jumped up. “You got it, Rachel-baby.”

As Rachel got Michael set up with his own microphone, Duke

said, “Before there was Lady Gaga there was Lady Soul, right?
Ready, Rachel?”

“Give it to me,” Rachel quipped sassily, and the music started.

She copped an attitude and belted out the first line of the song.

Michael struck a pose and echoed back with the second line. He

grinned at her as they took turns singing the lines of the verses.

Charity snickered as Michael swiveled his little hips and danced

with Rachel and they sang the choruses together. To Justin she said,
“Think he knows he’s singing a woman’s song?”

Justin laughed. “I don’t think he cares! Oh, look. Little man is

fixin’ to bust a move!”

Michael looked up at Rachel, grinning like a Cheshire cat, and

sang to her about how her kisses were sweeter than honey.

Rachel swiveled her neck and shook her finger as she swung her

hips in her best Aretha Franklin imitation, telling him that so was her

Their antics had everyone laughing and wiping tears from their

eyes as Rachel and Michael brought it home with style.

Grace nudged Ethan and arched a brow. “I saw ‘Homeboy’ by

Eric Church in the playlist, Ethan. You sounded so good when you
sang along with the radio the other day. Why don’t you give it a try?”

Ethan chuckled. “I don’t know. I need to check that last brisket

that’s still on the pit.”

Grace giggled and shrugged. “Oh, okay. That’s all right. I wanted

to sing Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ anyway.” As she rose from her
chair all eyes were glued on Ethan imploringly. Charity put her hands
to together in a prayerful gesture that made him roll his eyes, but he
nodded. The guy was blessed with golden pipes, just like Eli. Charity
was relieved when he stopped Grace and got up instead.

“Well, maybe just this once, Gracie, but I’m a little rusty.”

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Duke cued it up and handed him a mike. “I owe him one,” Justin

whispered. Charity elbowed and him and snickered.

The instrumentals began and Ethan didn’t miss a beat, singing

about a small-town boy trying to pretend he fit into a culture foreign
from the one he was raised in.

His voice was compelling as he sang the song from the

perspective of a big brother just trying to protect his sibling and keep
his family intact. Charity found herself nodding her head as he sang
the song, making it look effortless. Justin tapped his foot on the end of
the chaise as he flicked his thumb against the armrest.

Charity looked around the group and smiled. What a wonderful

gathering of family and friends. Laughter bubbled inside her as she
watched Beau and Justine talking quietly together while they ate. She
could recall a time when she understood why some species ate their
young when they used to bicker constantly. Now high schoolers at
fifteen and sixteen, they made Charity feel like she and Justin were on
the downhill slide in raising them. Soon they’d spread their wings and
make their own choices.

Will Peterson played in Ash’s lap while Juliana sat at his side,

leaning in for a kiss and looking like the newlyweds they still acted
like. Seth and Jayne sat side by side at a picnic bench, eating and
listening to the music.

Charity had to admit that from all appearances, Seth and Jayne

were hitting it off nicely. He hadn’t made any moves to kiss her or
anything, but he also wasn’t giving Buck and Chad much room to
work their charms, either.

Charity knew that Buck and Chad were looking to follow in the

Divine tradition and share some lucky woman. Charity had a feeling
they’d lost their shot with Jayne, judging by the way she’d remained
focused on Seth. He’d put his white T-shirt back on after getting out
of the pool, which Charity thought was a crying shame because his
body art was riveting. Justin had even teasingly passed his hand in

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front of her face earlier when Seth had removed the shirt to get in the

Charity caught Jayne’s eye and nodded her head toward Duke,

giving her a nudge. Jayne smiled shyly but looked away. Ethan’s song
came to an end, and Duke asked, “Who’s next? Any takers?”

“Hmm? What, Jayne?” Charity called helpfully. “Sure! You can

take a turn.” Jayne screwed up her mouth and looked like she wanted
to throw something at Charity, but she just laughed. “Grace,
remember how good of a singer Jayne is?”

Grace jumped right on board with her and nodded. “Hey, Jayne,

Duke has that Jo Dee Messina song you used to love to sing.

“Oh! Yeah!” Charity chirped, getting an even uglier look from her

cousin as she shook her head. “You mean ‘Bring on the Rain,’ right?”

“Yup! That’s the one. Come on, Jayne. You can do it.”
Jayne looked like she was caving, and then Buck and Chad started

chanting, “Jayney! Jayney! Jayney!”

Seth whispered to her, and she gazed at him soulfully and nodded,

then rose to her feet.

Oh, yeah, that girl is in deep.
Jayne stopped in front of Charity and said, “I’ll sing ‘Bring on the

Rain’ if you’ll sing ‘Wildfire.’”

Charity cackled. “I can handle singing some Michael Martin

Murphey tonight. Just let me get another glass of sangria.”

“Right on!” Justin hooted.
When she sang that song it made him horny. They might not make

it to the lake after all. Charity grinned when Seth Carter moved to one
of the outdoor loveseats as Jayne spoke softly to Duke and took the
microphone he offered.

Jayne looked around and then located Seth in a seat much closer

to her. Charity could tell by the blush in Jayne’s cheeks and the
emotions that played over her face that the action meant something to

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* * * *

Seth got comfortable on the loveseat as the familiar guitar opening

began to play, and Jayne opened her mouth. The soft vocalization was
shaky for the first few seconds, but then she closed her eyes and sang
the opening verse.

Chills rushed over Seth’s skin as her clear soprano gathered

strength after the first two lines. She sang the song like she’d lived it.
He’d asked her to sing the song for him, but he had a feeling the song
had a deeper meaning for her, and he almost regretted his words
because she was forcing herself to share something with all of them
she might not have wanted to.

Duke gestured to Eli Wolf, and Seth watched as the tall guy left

Rachel’s side and took the mike Duke offered. He sang the
background vocals flawlessly for Jayne and Seth heaved a sigh of
gratitude that she wasn’t up there alone anymore.

When the song was done, it was quiet for a few seconds, and then

everybody burst out with applause, causing Jayne to blush some more
and bow as though she felt awkward. Seth noticed Grace and Charity
both brushed tears from their eyes.

Jayne walked away but then realized she still had the microphone

in her hand. She blushed even hotter and turned back to give it to
Duke and then came to Seth and smiled when he patted the spot
beside him.

Charity took the spotlight as “Wildfire” by Michael Martin

Murphey began to play.

Seth put his arm around her shoulders as she settled and

whispered close to her ear, “That was really something, Jayne.”

Jayne peered at him. “They remembered that I was a big fan of

that song a few years back. It was nothing.”

Seth shook his head again. “Let me restate. That was beautiful.

You sing like an angel, Jayne.”

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She crossed her forearms over her chest, rubbed her upper arms,

and smiled. “Thank you.”

“You cold?”
“No, not at all. You?”
The last thing he was at that moment was cold. “Were you still

planning on going to the fireworks at the lake?”

“Could I interest you in a moonlit ride out to the lake?”
The setting sun glinted off the red highlights in her hair and

illuminated her ivory complexion as her full, pink lips curved into a
beautiful smile. “Yes, you could.”

A little while later, after karaoke was done and it was time to ride

out to the lake, Jayne excused herself to change back into her street

“Hey, Seth.”
He was drawn from watching Jayne as she walked away, her hips

swaying hypnotically with her steps, and turned to look at Buck
Turnsell and Chad Jordan.

“Yeah, man.”
“Jayne is special,” Buck said and offered his hand.
“Oh, you noticed that too, huh?” Seth replied with an easy grin as

he took Buck’s hand and shook it, then Chad’s.

“Yeah. No hard feelings?”
“No, of course not. I would’ve competed just as hard for her if

she’d been into either of you. Or both of you.”

Buck nodded. “Good, because I want to come and see you about

getting tattooed sometime. I saw the way the ladies were eyeing yours
and Clay and Del’s, which I heard you’d done as well. You did a nice
job on Lily’s, too, not that I was ogling her or anything.”

“Right,” Chad muttered. “That Del Cook is a jealous son of a


“And rightfully so, Chad.” Seth chuckled, recalling how territorial

Del had been when he and Lily had first visited him to see about

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having her tattoo redone. “I’m glad you like my work. Come see me

Jayne rejoined him, and he escorted her around to where he’d

parked the bike earlier.

“Grace invited us to come out to The Dancing Pony afterward.

There’s a big celebration going on there too. I’ve never been there
before. Do you think you might like to go?”

“Sure…But I’m kind of raggedy for a nightclub.” He gestured at

the holes and rips in his jeans before handing her the helmet to put on.

“That’s what is so great about it. The party has a beach theme.

They knew lots of people would go out to the lake tonight and they
want everyone to come as they are for the lake or beach.”

“Okay, but only if you’re riding with me.” He went behind her

and twisted her hair into a rope again, taking longer than he had to
this time because he enjoyed the feel of it so much.

“If you don’t mind.”
One more chance to have you snuggled up against me? If this is

torture, chain me to a wall, baby. “Of course I don’t mind. Do you
have to work tomorrow?”

“No, I took the day off.”
He climbed on the bike and started it then held it steady for her as

she got on. She wrapped her arms around him as he pulled out, and he
was more than content with her snuggled up to his back.

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Chapter Nine

Rachel Wolf sighed tiredly as she buckled her seat belt. She

glanced in the rearview mirror at eight-month-old Levi tucked
securely into his car seat. Her smile felt weary as she reached back
and stroked his straight black hair from his forehead. She’d never
trade him, his father, or her life for anything, but as she turned
forward and put the truck in “Drive,” tears misted her eyes. Her heart
thumped with guilt as she hastily swiped them when they overflowed,
hoping Eli didn’t see the action as he drove his bike right behind her

They were heading out to her parents’ place to drop Levi off for

the evening. From there, she was riding with Eli out to the lake on his
bike then over to The Dancing Pony for the rest of the evening.

Having napped well with Levi earlier, she should’ve felt rested,

but the exact opposite was the case. The heat played a role, as did lack
of sleep, but she would’ve been just as content to take Levi home and
go right to bed. Instead, she still had the whole evening to look
forward to, which was supposed to be a good thing. She wasn’t sure
where her strength and energy had gone lately.

Karaoke had helped her to bounce back a bit, because clowning

around with little Michael and her friends always made her happy, but
the feeling had dissipated quickly. Whenever her feelings reached the
surface, she’d suck it up and do what needed doing. But while she
was alone, she let the tears flow, hoping Eli wouldn’t notice her
bloodshot eyes and red nose.

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Rachel scoffed and swiped again, swallowing them back after

only a minute or two. Eli noticed everything where she was

Eli’s kiss, after he’d buckled Levi into his car seat, had been warm

and tender, and not merely a quick peck. It was a kiss of love and
ultimately responsible for the tears she fought now. He knew just how
to touch her heart, and he probably suspected that something was

After traversing the distance to her parents’ house, she felt more

in control of her emotions. She smiled happily for her mom and dad
when they greeted her and took their grandson and his overnight bag
from her. Forcing a smile, she kissed her them good-bye and walked
past her truck in the dim driveway to where Eli was waiting with her

She should feel energized, looking forward to a whole night spent

with just him, but she still wanted nothing more than to go to bed. She
hadn’t ridden anywhere with Eli since before she’d gotten pregnant,
and they took the baby with them practically everywhere, so they
were usually in one of the trucks.

“Ready to ride, angel?” He looked at her closely in the dusky

light, seeming to see inside to the welling darkness she was trying to
keep hidden.

Over the lump in her throat, she whispered, “Yeah.”
She put the helmet on to hide her face from his view for a moment

while she swallowed back a fresh wave of emotion and turned so he
could help with her hair. He’d pulled his own hair back into a long
braid before they left the ranch.

After starting his Harley, he held out his hand and assisted her as

she climbed on behind him. She bit her lip as she scooted in close,
pressing as much of her body as she could to his.

Her libido had taken a nosedive after having Levi the previous

November, and she was beginning to worry because it had yet to
bounce back. Eli had been incredibly patient with her, making sure

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when they did make love that she was thoroughly satisfied every time,
but she didn’t feel the way she had before.

She was afraid to admit to Eli that it was possible she had some

sort of hormonal imbalance. The good Lord knew he was still any
woman’s ultimate fantasy in how he performed and in the way he
treated her. It was unfair to him to go through the motions the way she
had been, and she wondered where the fire inside her had gone. Add
to that the fact that she still had baby weight to lose and her entire
self-image was a little battered.

Sales on her books were great, but she had felt no new inspiration

since the release of her last book, shortly before Levi had been born.
She’d intended all along to take a year off to devote her time and
energy to being a mom, but it secretly frightened her that no new
stories were brewing in her mind the way they had prior to the birth.
Even in the midst of morning sickness, new characters had constantly
whispered to her, but now? Nothing.

He turned his head and flipped up his visor. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
He closed the visor, and they got back on the road. They arrived at

the location predetermined by the group, off the scenic road which ran
the perimeter of the lake. The fireworks were set up on a small island
in the middle of the lake so no matter where they went along the
shore, the show would be spectacular.

Eli parked beside Ethan Grant’s truck and stood with hand held

out to take her helmet from her when she removed it, allowing the
long coil of her dark-brown hair to unwind down her back. Her hair
caught in the chin strap of the helmet, pulling painfully. She gasped as
it yanked at the hair near her temples, sending shooting pain along
those sensitive nerve endings. She cursed softly, and tears filled her
eyes again.

Get a grip, you fucking ninny! It’s hair, not the end of the world!
“Whoa, let me help.” Eli set his helmet aside and held hers in one

hand while he extricated her hair from the buckle.

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Her lip trembled, and she breathed slowly through her nose,

praying for calmness as the emotions surged within her, sure that he
could hear the pounding of her heart over the conversations all around

Coming out here was a bad idea. I should’ve just taken Levi

home. The day started too early, and it’s not near to being done. I was
a fool to commit to so much today!

Eli loosened the hair and freed it, stowed the helmet with the other

one, took the keys from the ignition, and secured the bike. Hoping
nobody would notice her flushed face in the dark, she took his hand
and prepared to join the others. He stopped her and turned her toward
him. The moon was at its brightest, fullest point and illuminated blue
and silver highlights in his jet-black hair, which was so much like
their son’s. She bit her lip, knowing he would be able to see the tear
tracks on her cheeks by the same light.

“Wait here, angel.”
Thankful for a respite from being sociable some more, Rachel

leaned against his bike and waited. He returned a moment later, and
without a word, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her hard
and just held on.

The tremble started out small, like she’d overused a muscle. But

then it spread outward from her core until even her hands shook when
she lifted them to wipe a strand of hair from her eyes. She buried her
face in his chest as people walked by so they wouldn’t hear her
sniffling as her crying jag signaled it was about to get its groove on.

Keeping it bottled up inside made her feel like she would explode,

but he still just held on, not asking questions, only anchoring her. She
dug her fingers into his back through his T-shirt, unable to stop
herself from sinking her nails in as she held on for dear life. She
muffled a sob against his chest that erupted from deep inside, and her
tears wet his shirt as she cried silently while he stroked her hair down
her back.

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Her world tilted oddly as he lifted her into his arms and carried

her across the road, away from the people finding spots to sit on the
shoreline. She buried her face against his neck but was aware of the
sound of his boots as he walked through the brush and occasionally
felt the snap of a small tree branch or twig against her as he moved
steadily uphill.

“Where are you taking me?”
“Up the hill where we can be alone but still see.”
“But Grace—”
“I checked in with her so she wouldn’t worry about us.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Angel, don’t.” He placed her on her feet and then settled down

against the trunk of a large tree and beckoned to her. She hated that
she felt self-conscious as she climbed into his lap. That was a
powerful indicator for how off-center she felt because lap time with
Eli had always been one of her favorite things. “We have a while
before the show starts. Can you tell me what’s going on? It rips my
heart out to hear and feel you cry like that.”

Rachel hiccupped, and the tears started again as she let it all out.

Eli held her and gently rocked the whole time until she felt utterly

In the telling, she realized she should’ve taken Emma more

seriously when she asked at her postpartum follow-up if she’d been
feeling blue. To all appearances, Rachel had a perfect life and had
answered “No.” To say otherwise implied that something wasn’t
going right. Eli helped with the baby at every opportunity and had
been the ideal dad and husband as far as she was concerned.

Obviously coming to the same conclusion, Eli asked, “Do you

think it’s postpartum depression and has nothing at all to do with
whether everything’s all right or not?”

“Telling you all of that leaves me feeling ungrateful. I should be

happy. We are in love. We have a healthy son, and you’re a

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wonderful provider. I should be fucking ecstatic. Here I sit moping
and crying like the world’s crashing down around me.”

“Is it possible this is depression brought on by stress, lack of

sleep, and hormones?”

“Yes. I guess I’m just not willing to admit it. How did you


“Besides the symptoms, your mom told me to watch for it. She

thought you might be getting depressed. She said she suffered from it
too, when you were a baby.”

Rachel looked up at him in shock. “When did she say that? All

she’s ever told me was that she was so happy when I was born. She
couldn’t get enough of me when I was an infant. She’d never felt
more blessed. Mom never said anything about having postpartum

In the light of the moon, Rachel could clearly see his smile and

the light reflecting in the pale gray of his eyes. “Angel, did you hear
yourself? You just told me you felt all the same things. You were
happy when Levi was born. You can’t get enough of him. You said
yourself you’ve never felt more blessed. It’s possible to feel all those
things and still be depressed. It’s a product of all those factors I
mentioned. Plus, you’re being really hard on yourself, and pushing
yourself too much. Take today for instance. You insisted that you
could handle all the activities that were planned.”

“I have in the past.”
“But not when you’re feeling under par. Where is it written that

we had to be present for the whole day?”

“But then I miss all the fun.”
“It’s not fun to watch you fight tears, angel. I wondered how long

you’d last. Although, it was nice to see you singing with Michael. I
had a feeling you’d crater eventually but didn’t want you to think I
was curtailing your freedom. The temperature got to one hundred four
degrees today, which didn’t help, either. We’re going home after the
fireworks, and then you can get a full night’s rest.”

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“We’ll see. Maybe I’ll bounce back now that the sun has gone

down. I love you, Eli.”

She tightened her arms around his neck and kissed beneath his jaw

bone. His five o’clock shadow scraped against her lips and made them
tingle. When she licked them she tasted a hint of salt, and her mouth
watered. His masculine scent permeated her senses, and she nestled
close to him, smiling at the warmth growing in her core. Maybe she
wasn’t dead inside after all.

Eli squeezed her tight. “I love you too, angel. I wish I’d talked

with you about this sooner. At times you seemed to struggle then
other times seemed to be okay. Since you had Levi, I think you’re
even more beautiful, more…womanly and sexier than ever.”

Rachel stuck her fingernail into the stubborn pudge that remained

at her abdomen. “You find this sexy?”

Eli frowned and smoothed his hand over her soft abdomen and

around her hip to her ass cheek in a sensual caress. “Don’t be so hard
on this body. I love it. And a few pounds doesn’t change that.”

“But I—”
Eli smiled and swiped a strand of hair from her forehead. “You


“I jiggle when I move. When we make love…” Things wobbled

now that had been firm before.

A soft growl rasped from his throat, and a thrill rippled up her

spine at the sexy sound. “I know. You’re so soft. I’ve always loved
holding you and it didn’t matter if it was before Levi, while you were
pregnant, or after he was born. I’d hold you tighter, but I’m afraid of
hurting you. This soft, beautiful body you just criticized is my idea of
heaven on earth, so go easy on it.” Rachel hadn’t felt herself blush in
a while, but her cheeks warmed as she listened to his heartfelt words.
He squeezed her as if to punctuate his statement. “And if you don’t
stop wiggling on my lap I’m going to have to show you just how
much I love it.”

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“Oh, yeah? Do you love it this much?” She held up her index

fingers about three inches apart. “Or this much?” She giggled and
spaced them only slightly farther apart while shifting her hips back
and forth on the hard ridge beneath her ass.

“Angel,” Eli growled warningly as he pressed back against her.

Rachel sighed happily as her pussy warmed and swelled with desire
for him.

“This much?” She felt naughty as she spread her fingers a good

ten inches apart. “I could handle this much for sure.” Her cunt
quivered in agreement.

Rachel heard a distant sizzle as a rocket shot straight up into the

air and exploded into a brilliant, white sparkling mass before being
replaced by three more in red, white, and blue.

Eli groaned and flexed against her again and pressed his lips to

her temple. “And I’d love to give it to you.”

“Are we secluded enough here? It’s completely dark.” Someone

turned on a car radio down the hill, and she could hear patriotic music

“We’re about one hundred yards from the road here. I haven’t

heard anybody else moving around us. I’d think they’d all be closer to
the shoreline.”

“These are great seats,” she murmured as they watched the

lightshow through the break in the treetops down the hill.

“I found this spot when we were doing those portraits for you a

couple of years ago. Raquel said the light was good, and I liked the

“You posed against this tree trunk?”
Rachel shifted in his lap and straddled his thighs. “I wish I had a

camera on a tripod right now.”

She lifted his braid and pulled the tie loose and set his luxurious,

long hair free, running her fingers through the silky mass of it.

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“I’d be up for that, angel.” It was dark, but Rachel could hear the

smile in Eli’s voice. He pressed a warm kiss against her cleavage and
slid his fingertips inside the leg openings of her shorts and panties.

Feeling wanton, Rachel ground her pussy against the hard ridge of

his erection. She rested her forehead on his shoulder and moaned
softly as he stroked her cunt with a skill that left her breathless with
need. Her formerly flagging libido blazed to life as her copious juices
coated his fingers. Simultaneously, they set to work, unbuttoning and
removing the necessary articles of clothing. Eli shifted around in the
dark then held her upper body and guided her down.

“What are you doing?” Her back made contact with what must’ve

been his shirt, laid out on the ground to protect her skin. A burst of
light flashed overhead confirming that fact.

“Showing you how much I love this body.” He pulled her

loosened shorts and panties from her and swiftly parted her legs.

She gasped as he licked her pussy with deliciously slow strokes of

his tongue. She arched her back and cried out as a loud boom sounded
across the lake, accompanying the exploding rocket.

Eli chuckled evilly and lifted his head long enough to whisper,

“Unless you want an audience, you’d better keep it down. Someone
might come up the hill to investigate and decide to watch our
fireworks from the bushes.”

Rachel giggled. “You’re saying that to turn me on even more,

aren’t you?”

“Hell, yes!” He returned his hot mouth to her throbbing clit,

flicking it with the tip of his tongue with deadly accuracy. Light burst
above them, and she could hear voices down the hill oohing and
aahing. Eli tilted his head and licked at her bare lips with a
painstaking skill that left her a quivering mass of need. He teased her,
and he knew it, judging by his chuckle at her lusty moans.

“Please, Eli.”
The light faded from the sky as he shifted suddenly, encompassing

her with his wonderful heat as he moved up her body. Another rocket

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burst overhead, surrounding his shadowed face in white sparkles as he
nudged her entrance and thrust home. Rachel wrapped her arms and
legs around him as she bucked against him, seating all of his hot
length as deep as she could, wanting even more. Leaves shifted
around them as Eli moved.

“Hold on to me, angel.” She complied, and he sat up, bringing her

with him.

Eli growled as he gripped her ass cheeks and thrust hard, sending

a thrill though her. He’d been very careful with her because she’d had
some pain with sex after she’d been cleared at her postpartum
checkup. She no longer needed him to be that careful, but they’d
gotten in the habit. The fucking that she was getting now reminded
her of their sexcapades predating pregnancy. She realized she’d
craved it as she reveled in his firm hold on her.

Holding on tight, she moved with him as the fireworks flashed,

popped, and whistled high above them. Opening her eyes, Rachel
gazed up at the man she adored, and a different sort of tears misted
her eyes as she watched the pleasure grow in his features even as it
swelled inside her.

“I love you, Eli.”
She thrust against him, and her cunt clenched on his hard, hot

shaft. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her
lips tenderly in sharp contrast to the rough pace of their fucking. Her
heart pounded as the flickers of an orgasm swelled and gained
momentum inside her.

“Oh! Eli, here it comes!”
She heard him growl as she arched her back and rode with him to

completion, her cunt liquefying as her orgasm burst like fireworks
inside her. Rachel felt strong and powerful, wild and crazy, as they
continued at the same pace, and she knew he wanted to give her more.

“I love your sweet pussy, angel. I’d fuck you all night if I could.”
Rachel laughed, and Eli groaned as her mirth caused rapid

contractions in her pussy. “We might die if we did, baby. They’d find

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us up here…eventually.” Knowing he had a tight hold of her, she
switched to a circular hip-grinding motion as she spoke breathlessly.
“They’d print our obituaries together. Eli and Rachel Wolf died of
great sex a week or so ago. They died with smiles on their faces.
Their friends and family weren’t shocked at all that even in death they
preferred to not be parted.”

A guffaw of laughter burst from Eli, and he groaned when she

licked at his nipple and raked her lower teeth across it. “I know I’d die
a happy man. You’re killin’ me, angel!”

Making like he was her dancing pole, Rachel hooked a forearm

around his neck, leaned back, and undulated on his cock, feeling
sexier than she had in well over a year. Wild. Wanton. More
like…herself. She didn’t realize how bad she’d gotten until she
remembered what feeling good was like. The realization stunned her.
Who had she been all this time? Where had she been?

Eli pulled her close, evidently sensing the shift in her mood as his

movements gentled, and he clasped her to him tenderly as he
continued thrusting. She wanted this back, this wonderful, healing,
sexual intimacy that she’d missed so desperately. It sucked that the
only way she’d reclaimed it had been to admit there was a problem.
Energy and the desire to give him back the woman he loved and
needed swelled within her, and she poured it out on him.

She grasped big handfuls of his luxuriant, silky hair as she held on

for dear life and another orgasm flashed and burst within her as he
cried out, pumping with forceful strokes to his own climax. They both
held on to each other for dear life, and she panted against his chest as
he rocked with her.

“Wow,” she whispered in a long-drawn-out breath.
He kissed her crown and then gently gripped the back of her head

and tilted so he could gaze into her eyes. Fireworks burst above them,
illuminating their embrace and the intimacy of their trysting spot.

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“You are the most beautiful, sexiest, most loving woman I’ve ever

known, Rachel Wolf, and I’m going to spend my life loving every
inch of you.”

Her pounding heart swelled with love as the deeper connection

between them was renewed both physically and spiritually. “I
remember now what it was like between us. I don’t know when I lost
it, but I’m glad you waited for me. I love you with all my heart, Eli.”
Rachel squeezed his immense, solid body, stroking the muscular
planes of his bare back as she offered a silent prayer of gratitude. “I’ll
make an appointment to see Emma about the depression on Monday.
Tonight helped so much, but I don’t expect it to magically go away.”

“We’ll deal with it together, one day at a time.”
They both looked up as another trio of rockets shot into the sky

and burst in brilliant shades of purple, gold, and white. Rachel smiled
and snuggled against his chest. “Wonder if anyone missed us.”

Eli chuckled. “I wonder if anyone heard us.”
She laughed and Eli groaned as the muscular contractions did

funny things to their still-connected parts again. Feeling around on the
ground, Eli pulled his cell phone from his jeans pocket. The screen lit
up for a second. “We still have ten minutes left. They were probably
so into the fireworks nobody even noticed we weren’t there.”

Rachel scoffed as he lifted her gently from his cock. “They’ll

notice. There was a definite sexy vibe in the group today. I don’t
know what’s been going on, but I think we aren’t the only ones who
got laid.”

Eli chuckled but didn’t say anything else as he pulled his boxers

and jeans back on then helped remove leaves from her tangled hair.

By the time they reached the group the show was just approaching

its brilliant, sparkling crescendo as a multitude of rockets shot into the
air in blazing glory and people cheered. Summer waved at her from
Ace’s lap on the tailgate of their SUV while Kemp sat in a folding
chair beside them stroking her bare feet. Rosemary and her men, and
Lydia and her men sat nearby on blankets spread on the grass.

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Rachel was glad to see that Rosemary had rejoined the group and

now had a greater appreciation for the fact that she’d withdrawn
during the heat of the day to rest at home. Rachel hoped to learn to
live within her limitations, instead of fighting them and pushing
herself too hard. It sounded like Eli planned to help her with that too.
The thought made her smile. If his intervention this evening was a
hint of how he planned to help her then she was all for it.

They settled down on the empty blanket next to Grace’s, and

Rachel looked around at the gathering of friends, appreciating them
all in different ways. Teresa sat in a lawn chair with Eleazar on her
lap, while Angel and Joaquin crouched off to the side talking to
Michael and pointing at the stars while he asked questions and talked
a mile a minute.

Grace tapped Rachel’s arm and pointed discreetly at the shadowed

form of a man standing at the edge of their group. His toddler son was
seated on his shoulders, talking a mile a minute. “Did you see who
showed up?”

“Is that Patrick Owen and Patrick Junior?”
Grace nodded. “I ran into him at the bank the other day and

invited him to join us tonight. It’s been pretty hard for him since
Elizabeth divorced him and turned her back on Patrick Junior. I don’t
know all the facts in that case, but he seems to have gotten a fresh

“What about Junior? Was he…” Rachel was curious how Patrick

had retained custody of the son his wife had conceived with her lover.
The man was serving time for his part in her crazy vigilante schemes
aimed at the women who owned and ran Discretion, and the ménage
marriages in the Divine area.

“Ace and Kemp were able to pull some strings. Patrick has always

thought of Junior as his son, and now the state agrees. I think he
handles single fatherhood very well.” Rachel smiled when she heard
Patrick laugh at something his son said and he reached up to the little
tyke for a high five.

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Turning to Grace, Rachel leaned in and whispered, “Where are

Charity and Justin? They were here earlier, weren’t they?”

Grace snorted and then looked askance at Rachel and chuckled.

She reached out and pulled a twig and a leaf from Rachel’s hair. “Oh,
probably off somewhere in the woods foolin’ around.” The giggle
started low in Grace’s chest and welled forth as Rachel joined her
while all of their men looked at them questioningly. Soon, they were
laughing so hard that they were wiping tears from their eyes. When
her mirth finally subsided, Grace said, “I sure am glad I met you that
night you defended me at The Pony. Remember?”

“How could I forget?” Rachel stretched, and Eli rubbed her back.

“Patricia Ramirez looked ready to stab your eyes out with her stiletto

Grace snickered. “And didn’t you threaten to ‘cut’ her?”
“Something like that. I don’t remember. I’ll always be grateful

you encouraged me to give in to Eli.”

“One of my better predictions. It was obvious you two were made

for each other. Hey, are you going to The Pony after we leave here?
It’s a beach theme tonight so you can come as you are.”

Rachel was about to say “Hell, yes!” when Eli leaned forward and

said, “No. Rachel is about done in. We’re going to head home now.”
Out of sight, he grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed, a gentle
reminder that he was taking care of her and not letting her push
herself anymore that day.

“I am pretty tired.” Rachel had to open Discretion in the morning,

so she was grateful to Eli for looking out for her.

“Completely understandable,” Grace agreed. “We’ll probably

only stay there an hour or so. It’s been a long, hot day and a good
thing I took off tomorrow.” Grace looked over her shoulder and
snickered softly.

Turning, Rachel saw Justin and Charity sneak from a section of

the woods a little ways off from where Eli had taken her. Giggling,
she whispered, “Wonder what they were up to?”

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Grace cackled. “She was probably earning that new diamond ring

he gave her as an anniversary gift.”

Wes and Evan helped Rosemary to her feet. Speaking to the

whole group, Wes said, “Hey, everybody? We have an announcement
to make.”

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Chapter Ten

As Seth turned his attention to Wes Garner, Jayne snuck a long

look at his profile. Seth was like nobody she’d ever met before. Her
ex-fiancé had been like all the other men she’d ever dated. Safe. No
frills. Stable. Boring. There was no doubt Seth was all man, virile, and
strong. But there was also something very different about him. Yes,
his body art captivated her. She’d taken quick peeks every chance
she’d gotten and still hadn’t had a good look at all of it. But there was
also something innately beautiful about him.

His profile was finely sculpted, with strong, masculine features,

but something about him appealed to the part of her psyche that loved
fantasy art, poetry, and music. He smiled as Wes and Evan helped
Rosemary from her spot on the blanket nearby, and her heart skipped
a beat at the way his eyes smiled too.

As if sensing her gaze, Seth turned his head and caught her gaping

at him. A thrill rippled through her when she felt his hand cover hers
on the blanket they sat on. He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss
on her bare shoulder, and her pussy responded with a rush of heat and
wetness at the simple touch.

Wes raised his voice a little and continued. “We have some great

news to share with all of you.”

“I’m pregnant!” Rosemary chirped and clapped her hands

gleefully. Gasps and cheers broke out through the group as they
gathered around the threesome and hugs were shared.

All the girls were chattering at once as the men took turns

clapping the fathers-to-be on their backs.

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Jayne turned to Seth and asked, “Do you know Rosemary and her

men very well?”

“Not very. This is only the second time I’ve met Rosemary but

I’ve talked with Wes on several occasions and did a tattoo for Evan.
He liked it so much, he’s got Wes talked into one too and wants
another for himself. We’re trying to set a barter. They want tattoos
and I need furniture.”

“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, I bought a house over on Bluestem Street last fall and I’ve

never gotten around to furnishing it. All I have is a bed and a recliner
and a few odds and ends and even those I’m looking to replace. I just
haven’t gotten around to it until recently. They’re building my
bedroom furniture right now.”

“They do fantastic work. I’ll bet you’ll be thrilled with it.” Jayne

bit her lip as she wondered what kind of bed he would’ve ordered and
how he’d look lying on it. “Rosemary tells me she practically grew up
in her family’s store. I’ve enjoyed getting to know them.”

Seth leaned so close, she got a whiff of his manly scent, a

combination of the shampoo he used, his sweat, and the faint scent of
laundry detergent on his clothing. Her mouth watered and she stifled a
gasp as he brushed shoulders with her and whispered, “I wonder how
they make it work? Their threesome, I mean.” Heat flashed in her
cheeks, and he chuckled. “That came out wrong. I have a very good
understanding of the mechanics. What I meant was how they manage
to get along, communicate and share her without competition or

“I know Rosemary keeps them on their toes but I’ve not talked to

her about it personally. I’ve heard from other reliable sources though
that it takes a lot of maturity, respect, and communication. They
probably have a lot of alone time with each other too. That’s what
Grace has told me she does. They’re only as strong together as they
are as individual couples.”

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“Makes sense. So is that what you’re in the market for, now that

you’ve settled in Divine?”

Jayne felt the warmth rise in her cheeks again as he gazed at her.

“Um, no. I don’t think I can…” I don’t think I can physically handle
two or more men. One would be more than I ever dreamed possible,
after the last ten years.
Her heart pounded as a vision of being
surrounded by men who adored her flashed into her mind. If her luck
changed for the worse again, the thought of breaking one man’s heart
was almost more than she could bear. Shattering the lives of more
than one man was unconscionable. Besides that, at some point, most
men wanted to have kids so they could pass on their family name.
That had certainly been the case with her ex-fiancé Mike.

“You don’t think you can…what?”
Jayne blinked and looked up at him again. “I’ve had some health

issues that might make it hard for me to handle a ménage. I know that
sounds weird. There’s nothing wrong with me now. I’m just not sure I
could…keep up.” She couldn’t even look in his eyes as the words
came out of her mouth.

Oh boy. Here come the questions and the pitying look. He’ll ask

what’s wrong, see that I’m a poor risk and then it’ll be bye-bye Mister
She hadn’t intended to say anything and had wanted to dwell
in the fantasy a bit longer before the hard truth came out. I could get
sick again…and die.
She braced herself and raised her eyes back to
his. Get it over with.

He was smiling at her, and the warmth of his palm on her hand as

he squeezed it reassured her. “I don’t know a man alive that I’d trust
enough to share with. I have good, close friends all over the world,
but none that good.”

A little seed of hope cracked open and germinated inside her when

he didn’t ask questions about what had happened to her. Maybe he
wouldn’t care? Maybe he’s the one?

“Are you ready to head over to The Dancing Pony?”

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She nodded, and the hope grew inside her as he stood and assisted

her to stand. Seth helped her fold their blanket as other members of
their group gathered blankets and chairs and prepared to go home or
over to the nightclub.

Seth led her back to the Harley by the hand he still held and gave

her the helmet. He placed his hand on her hair, at the base of her neck
and said, “Could I do something for you, if you don’t mind?”

“Indulge me?” he asked as he leaned forward and smiled at her.
He stroked one hand down the length of her hair. “Let me braid it

for you?” He lifted the solid length of her hair and slid it through his
grasp, and every nerve ending in her body fired to life at the light
tugging sensation. Oh, do that again and I may come! The writer
inside her made note of the sensation and reminded herself to add a
light hair-pulling scene in her next story. She’d never thought
something so simple could be so erotic. Her breath shuddered from
her and her cheeks flushed hotly when Seth met her eyes
questioningly. Sexy hair-pulling hunk needs an answer, babe!

“S–Sure.” He smiled at her and ran the length of her hair through

his hand once more, smoothing it out, before he repeated the motion
again, running his fingers gently through it to separate any tangles
before he started dividing it into sections.

“Hey, Jayne,” Grace said as she walked over to them. “Are you

coming to The Dancing Pony?”

Wild horses couldn’t keep me away, cousin. “Yes, Seth is taking

me over there in just a minute.”

“Good. I’ll see you over there. Ride safe.” Grace glanced at what

Seth was doing and looked like she wanted to say more, which Jayne
was sure she would the moment she and Grace were alone later. She
made her way over to where Jack waited to help her into her blue

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The sensation of Seth lightly tugging at her hair drew her attention

back to him as he braided her long hair for the journey over to the
nightclub. He ran his hand repeatedly over each section and softly
murmured, “Your hair is like silk.” A light tremor rippled through her
as his action pulled lightly at her scalp. The sensation travelled all
over her body, and a deep ache started in her center at the husky
timbre in his voice.

“Thank you, Seth.” She heard him open one of his saddlebags and

then heard the snap of a rubber band as he tied off the end of her
braid. She was almost sad that he was done so quickly but was
distracted when she heard what sounded like a soft kiss before he
dropped the braid down her back. She glanced back and caught his
mischievous smile. Did he kiss my hair?

Seth was different. The hope grew inside her that maybe her

prognosis wouldn’t matter to him. Hope even grew that maybe the
worst-case scenario for her health didn’t have to hang over her head.
The doctors had told her that it was entirely possible that she might
have Hodgkin’s beat, this time for good. She’d been through so much
in the last ten years that she hadn’t dared trust that they could be right.
But now, looking up into his shadowed face, she wanted to believe.

He helped her with the helmet and climbed onto the bike. After

putting his helmet on, he started the engine. The sound and vibration
rumbled through her entire body, intensifying the growing ache
between her legs. She scooted forward after he was situated and bit
her lip as he caressed her lower thighs and knees, drawing them closer
to him. Every muscle from her waist down vibrated and tightened at
the touch of his capable hands. How would it feel to have those
sensual hands all over my body?

She drew so close she could feel his body heat everywhere they

touched. She wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed her
breasts against his back as she gloried in the feel of his taut abdominal
muscles beneath her fingertips. An almost orgasmic thrill rippled
through her as they rolled out into the darkness. More wetness pooled

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in her panties as she felt the subtle shift of his shoulders and back as
though he was rubbing against her. Her nipples went so hard she was
certain he was able to feel them.

She had the whole ride back to town in front of her, so she gave

herself over to the fantasy of being with him. Briefly, he pressed his
warm palm on her overlapped hands. Was he telling her to hold on
tight? Was he telling her he liked her hands where they were? His
back muscles rippled against her once more and she bit her lip again.
Maybe the attraction she felt for him could become more than just

* * * *

Emma Rivers giggled breathlessly as she followed Duke and Gage

to The Dancing Pony dance floor. Because they’d had so much fun
with it, the bucket list had grown until they were always in the habit
of looking for new things to add to it. Duke had bought the DVD of
Footloose, and she’d instantly latched on to the idea of learning to
line dance.

She’d come a long way with her dance skills since marrying Duke

and bonding with Gage, but she’d learned the dance at home with her
guys where it was less embarrassing to make mistakes. She’d only
made Gage fall down one time while practicing.

Her men had groaned and bellyached because all of their bucket

list adventures had to be done together. But they’d indulged her and
practiced the line dance with her at home so that she wouldn’t make a
total ass of herself. Their downstairs neighbor had not been amused
by all the thumping on her ceiling.

Ethan had taken her request for “Fake I.D.” by Big & Rich with a

laugh and had passed it on to Dave the DJ. Now the intro was playing
and people were jumping up to join the line-dancing throng. She was
relieved when she saw Charity and Justin Connors, Lydia Carlisle,

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and Lily Cook all rise from their chairs and join because the first time
she’d seen this dance, they’d been the ones she’d watched.

As she made her way to the dance floor, Gage slid in behind her

and said, “Purple alligator.” She froze, and he bumped into her back,
and Duke ran into him.

“What’s the holdup?” Duke asked as he looked around Gage at


Her mouth popped open in shock. “He just ‘purple alligatored

me!” Realizing she was speaking rather loudly, she put her hand over
her mouth. The people around her probably thought she was crazy.

Duke grinned knowingly and nodded his head as he high-fived his

adopted brother, Gage, whose green eyes sparkled with good humor
as he made a gesture with his finger for her to turn and keep going to
the dance floor. Duke playfully waggled his eyebrows at her.

How do they expect me to concentrate on the dance now? They

probably planned this since I talked them into line dancing. Now I’m
gonna have to dance all flustered and turned on. Wait! Why am I

Emma took her place behind Charity and beside Lily and grinned

at them as Duke took position behind her and Gage was on her other
side. Any way she turned she figured she was covered if she lost her
place in the dance.

She kicked her foot with everyone else, clapped when they did,

and then turned on time and caught Gage’s eyes. He grinned as he
made an alligator jaw motion with his hands before he turned so she
could watch him move his fine tush to the song before she turned
again. The turkey was trying to distract her, but she giggled and
danced along.

When she turned so that Duke was in front of her, she had to

laugh because he was making the same “purple alligator” gesture at
her over his shoulder while he danced. She could barely walk and
chew gum at the same time, and she had no idea how he could do that
and not miss a step.

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They’ve been practicing on their own, the dorks!
“Purple alligator” and the accompanying gesture was their code

for sex in a public or semipublic place. But what made it even better
was that the one who called it also called the shots, so now she was at
Gage’s mercy.

Her core quaked with excitement, nearly throwing off her timing

as she turned, and she giggled when Duke winked at her. Wondering
where and when and how long she’d have to wait, she counted out the
beat as the song came to a close. She clapped her hands, happy that
she’d not gone horizontal even once for the whole dance.

It was true that Gage and Duke took huge risks with these

“special” bucket list endeavors. But when Emma became an old lady,
she’d be able to look back and say that she’d embraced life and
squeezed every bit of excitement out of it.

But by damned, if the town doctor gets arrested for public

lewdness then I get “purple alligator” dibs for a decade!

They returned to their table, and she sipped her fresh drink while

she waited for Gage to make his move. He and Duke seemed to be in
cahoots, communicating nonverbally with looks and gestures. Her
panties got damper and damper as she sensed their tension building.

Duke rose from his seat. “Em, I’ll be right back. Stay here with

Gage.” He made his way to the men’s restroom.

She sat there waiting, growing wetter by the minute. Gage slowly

slid his fingertips up and down her thigh, barely slipping beneath the
hem of her strapless sundress before sliding back down again. As part
of “purple alligator,” she couldn’t ask any questions, so they were all
rattling in her head. Gage looked at the screen of his cell phone,
grinned, and held out his hand as he stood from his chair at the tall

“Oh, you have no idea.” She smiled at people she knew as Gage

led her across the club just as the lights were dimmed for a slow

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dance number and en masse people rose from their chairs to go dance
to the popular song.

Well done, Gage!
With his hand on her lower back, Gage directed her to the

women’s restroom. “Go in, slip off your panties, and wait for us.”

More hot moisture seeped from between her swollen lips as she

did what he’d asked, and she barely resisted the urge to slide her
fingers through it to relieve the ache a little. About ten seconds later,
both of her men slipped inside and locked the door.

“This is going to be your fastest orgasm on record, Emma,” Gage

growled as he grabbed her, pressing her up against the bathroom wall,
and kissed her like he was starved for her.

Her heart pounded as Duke kneeled in front of her and pushed the

hem of her dress up until it was tucked in the empire waist. Doing so
exposed her bare, soaked pussy to his heavy-lidded gaze.

Gage pulled the smocked, elasticized bodice of her strapless dress

down, and both men latched on to her sensitive girlie parts both above
and below her waist at the same time. Her head fell back against the
tile wall, and Gage reached up to cradle it for her as he voraciously
sucked on her nipples, sending a spear of lust straight to her clit.

Gage said this would be fast, and they made a believer out of her

as arousal skyrocketed inside of her. She’d never thought that her
nipples were that sensitive, but they’d proven her wrong in the last
few months.

Duke slid two fingers inside her quivering cunt, and she moaned

at how quickly the tempest rose inside her. Duke’s scruffy beard
tickled her mound as he licked her clit in a sensual, circular rhythm
while playing counterpoint with his fingers inside her, rubbing her G-
spot. They were both on her hard and fast, and she felt like her insides
were blazing. As if on some unspoken cue, they switched places,
Duke’s fingers slipping out to be instantaneously replaced by Gage’s.

Gage quickly said, “Hold her head so she doesn’t hit it again,”

before sucking her rapidly throbbing clit into his hot mouth.

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Duke glanced up at her and gave her his naughty little grin, his

gray eyes twinkling and maintaining eye contact as he latched on to
her diamond-hard nipples. When she smiled at him, he slid his fingers
through her long, dark hair to cradle her head and let go of her nipple
long enough to give her a tender kiss. She tasted her own essence on
his tongue before he returned his hungry attention to her nipples.

With his equally talented fingers, Gage got her hips flexing and

rocking with his attention to her G-spot as he lapped and teased at her
clit. Her cunt drew up, and the turmoil increased inside her as her
orgasm crested. She heard a sound and wondered if someone stood
outside, wondering why the door was locked. She imagined their ear
was pressed to the door and her pussy clenched as she realized they
might have a key. If they had a key they could come in…and watch.

Her entire pelvic region throbbed along with her galloping

heartbeat, and she whimpered. “It’s here, it’s here. Don’t stop! Oh!
I’m coming!” The tension in every muscle suddenly sprang free, and
her cunt pulsed with each rhythmic wave of her climax, and she cried
out, not caring if anyone heard her or not.

Gage not only didn’t stop, he redoubled his efforts, as did Duke

until she went limp between them. Dimly she was aware when Gage
whispered, “Raise a foot, angel.”

She did as he asked then realized Gage was helping her with her

undies, which she must’ve dropped when they attacked her. He was
helping her get dressed again as Duke gave her breasts a few final
kisses and then pulled up the bodice of her dress.

Duke peered into her eyes. “Need a minute?”
With undoubtedly dazed eyes, Emma nodded her head and smiled.


Gage chuckled as he rose to his feet, licking his lips like the cat

that had gotten into the cream, after fixing the hem of her dress. He
kissed her with unhurried tenderness and directed her to one of the
stalls. “Take as long as you need. We’ll be waiting by the hall to walk
you back.”

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“That’s a good thing because I’m not sure my legs are working.

No more line dancing for me tonight.”

“We’ll order you a soda,” Duke said softly. “You’ll feel bouncy

again in no time, which is good because we’re not done with you yet.”

Bouncy? What am I? Tigger?
Gage nodded. “That’s right. The panties are coming back off and

you get to ride Duke’s cock on the way to the apartment, and then
you’re going to go cowgirl again with me while we lie out on the

“So that’s why you got all those potted ferns and other plants!”
“Until we have a place of our own, it’ll be our little private

outdoor bedroom.”

“But someone might still see.”
“I know,” Gage growled lustily. Emma bit her lip when she got

wet for him all over again. “That’s what I love about ‘purple

Duke reached for the latch. “We’d better go. We’ve already been

in here too long. See you in a minute, Em.”

She backed into the stall just as they opened the door and saw

Duke wink at her as he pulled the “Temporarily Out of Order” sign
from the door. They really had planned “purple alligator” out
thoroughly. She was grateful no one was waiting outside the door to
come in.

Not ten seconds later, a couple of women walked in chattering.

After catching her breath and taking care of business, Emma ventured
from the women’s restroom. She found Duke and Gage chatting with
Clay and Del Cook while Lily perched in Del’s lap looking very
contented. Emma would’ve thought her men looked nonchalant,
except that she’d spotted the telltale ridges of their erections inside
their cargo shorts.

Thank goodness for snug knit boxer shorts!
She didn’t want any other women eyeing Duke and Gage’s boners

but her. Her pussy wept hot moisture in agreement as she remembered

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Gage’s directive about what she was doing once they left the

Good thing I wore a dress, I guess.

* * * *

Jack Warner felt a tap on his leg and leaned toward Grace when

she beckoned him closer. “Were they doing what I think they were

The four of them had just watched Duke and Gage slip out of the

women’s restroom into the shadowed hallway. Duke pulled down the
paper sign he’d taped to the restroom door less than five minutes
before. Jack thought Duke and Gage looked pretty damned pleased
with themselves as they stopped to nonchalantly chat with Clay and
Del Cook.

Jack saw the merry twinkle in Grace’s eyes as she bit her lip,

giggled, and gestured for all of her men to lean close so they could
hear her. “What do you say we all sneak into Ethan’s office and
redecorate it?”

Ethan laughed. “The four of us in my tiny little office? ‘Wreck it’

would be more like it.”

Jack leaned in a little farther. “As fun as that sounds, it’s been a

long day. You’ve got that lusty ‘ménage’ look in your eyes, darlin’. If
that’s how we’re gonna play tonight, I want to be able to fall into a
coma afterward and not have to drive home. You’d prefer it in your
own bed, wouldn’t you?”

“Honestly? I’m feeling a little like Sam-I-Am, honey. You could

do me in the rain. And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And
in a tree. You’re all so good, so good, you see!”

Ethan burst into laughter. “Someone has been reading a lot of Dr.

Seuss lately.”

Grace snickered. “He just goes on and on and on, and my mind

wanders sometimes.”

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Adam waved at their waitress and asked for the tab. “Why don’t

we say good night and see how far we get down the road.” Adam said
it with a wink directed it at Grace, which Jack knew boded well for
whoever got to the backseat first.

Jack was so grateful they’d learned the benefits early on of being

as helpful as they could to Grace with the house and with the baby.
The three of them were hands-on with Rose Marie to keep Grace from
feeling overworked. Having a housekeeper saved the time she had in
the evening after work for relaxing with her men. Less stress equaled
more of Grace’s lovin’.

Jack got up and helped Grace from her chair, and they bid

everyone a hasty good night. As he passed Seth Carter, Jack noticed
the tattoo artist was keeping an eye on Jayne, who was on the dance
floor with his ranch hand Buck Turnsell. Jayne didn’t appear to be
uncomfortable, but she maintained a ladylike distance with Buck. She
might’ve agreed to dance with him, but it was pretty clear her choice
was already made. Seth’s posture communicated that he didn’t take
that for granted, which Jack appreciated since Jayne was his wife’s
cousin. Jack laid a hand on his shoulder, and Seth looked up at him
and reached out to shake his hand.

“Jack, thanks for the invitation. I had a great time.”
“Glad to hear it, Seth. You’re welcome out at the ranch anytime.”

Nodding at Jayne on the dance floor, Jack added, “She’s a jewel.”

She deserves someone who will treat her well. Especially after all

that the sweet girl had been through.

Seth nodded, agreement in his eyes, which immediately tracked

back to her. Jack grinned as Grace slipped her hand in his.

You may not know it yet, Seth, but welcome to the family.
Jack had seen that look on Ethan and Adam’s faces when they’d

been courting Grace, and he was sure they’d seen it in his too. Seth
had stuck close to Jayne for the entire day, and even Jack, who was
sometimes the last to know about stuff like this, could see that they
were very attracted.

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As Adam passed him, he growled, “First one to the SUV gets


* * * *

Seth sat alone at the table nursing his beer and minding

everyone’s drinks. All the other occupants of the table, including
Jayne, were on the dance floor. Buck had politely asked Jayne if she’d
liked to dance almost as soon as they’d arrived, and Seth hadn’t
wanted to appear to be an asshole, so when she’d looked at him
questioningly he’d nodded his approval. He wished now that he’d
beaten Buck to the invitation.

Her soft curves pressed against his back on the ride over had been

enjoyable torture and he looked forward to holding her close to his
front as they danced. She’d look up at him with those unusual blue-
green eyes that harbored an intoxicating combination of eagerness and

Her eye color fascinated him. If he looked deep enough, he could

see blue, green, and an irregularly shaped ring of brown that blended
the other two colors together. He’d had to stop himself from just
outright staring at them when they’d been at the ranch. He could look
into them for a long time and be perfectly happy, but he thought that
had as much, if not more, to do with the emotions her eyes expressed.

Prior to settling in Divine, he’d travelled on three continents

because he’d wanted to gain experience in life and in his art. In the
long run, what he’d learned was that life experience was overrated.
Jayne was nothing like the women he’d grown accustomed to. The
circles he’d travelled in attracted a certain kind of woman, and while
they might’ve been eager, none of them had been innocent. There was
something about Jayne that was fragile and pure, and brought out his
protective instincts. His thoughts were interrupted when he was
enveloped in a cloying cloud of perfume as a blonde sat down in
Jayne’s seat.

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“You look lonely,” she said with an exaggerated Texas twang.

The pouty pink lip-glossed look might have worked on some of the
men in the club, but it did nothing for Seth. She looked awfully young
for her collagen-enhanced lips and Botox smile, but to each their own.

“Not really.” Seth’s gaze returned to Jayne as she chatted amiably

with Buck on the dance floor. He no longer felt particularly
threatened by Buck or Chad but wished the song would end so Buck
would bring Jayne back to the table. Seth was more than ready for a
dance with her.

The young woman held out her ornately manicured hand as

though she were offering it for him to shake it but actually expected
him to kiss it. “I’m Presley Ann.”

Seth nodded at her. “Hello.” He shook her awkwardly tilted hand

and released it, surreptitiously wiping his hand on his jeans afterward
in case her heavy perfume had rubbed off.

“You’re that new tattoo artist in town, aren’t you?” At his nod,

she said, “I’ve often thought of getting a tattoo, maybe something
simple and sweet like a little angel or a heart.” She pointed to her
darkly tanned shoulder.

Sweet cheeks, at the first tingle of discomfort you’d go screaming

to your mama and want to sue me for pain and anguish.

He’d seen her type before. The screamers were the worst.
Nodding at Buck and Jayne as they twirled by, Seth noticed the

wary look in Jayne’s eyes as she spotted Presley Ann seated at their

Pretty Jayne, don’t even go there.
He didn’t want her to think he was interested in that woman, so he

rose from his chair, intending to cut in. Buck would understand, and
maybe he’d do Seth a favor and take over with Miss Presley Ann.

“Why, I’d love to dance with you…” She let the sentence drift off,

as though waiting for his name, but he didn’t offer it, thanking his
lucky stars when Chad walked up and pulled out his chair.

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“Actually, miss, I’m going to cut in and rejoin my date out on the

dance floor, but Chad will dance with you.” Seth looked hopefully at
the ranch hand. Fast on the uptake, Chad’s rear never even hit the
chair as he smiled at the blonde and lifted his cowboy hat. “Presley
Ann, Chad Jordan.” After that perfunctory introduction, he strode to
the dance floor as a Brantley Gilbert song began to play.

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Chapter Eleven

Jack heard Grace burst into laughter on the sidewalk when the

three of them broke into a run for Jack’s SUV as soon as they cleared
the nightclub door. Halfway there, he stopped running, having
realized she still stood on the sidewalk, chuckling, with her arms
crossed beneath her luscious breasts.

“Hah! Beat ya!” Ethan said triumphantly as he grasped the

backseat passenger door before Adam. Intuitively, Jack walked back
to her, and she smiled at him with a delighted twinkle in her eye.

“Awful eager, aren’t you?” she said to the other two as they

realized their mistake and walked back over to her, playing the
apologetic schoolboys.

“We’re sorry, Grace. We were overeager.” Ethan shoved his

hands in his front jeans pockets.

“We’re horny,” Adam admitted sheepishly.
Grace glanced around discreetly. “You’re all going get some

loving. No need to race to the finish line.” She reached for Jack, and
he tucked her little hand into the crook of his elbow and helped her
from the curb. It felt good to be the intuitive one for a change.

He grinned at Ethan and Adam and gave them a “that’s what ya

get for thinkin’ with your dick, son” look before hitting the remote on
the SUV and tossing the keys to Ethan. He helped her in the backseat
and climbed in beside her and closed the door.

“Was that mean, to leave them standing there like that? I don’t

want their feelings hurt. I was just teasing.” Grace craned her neck to
look out the back window where Ethan and Adam were talking to
each other as they strode over to the vehicle. Jack smiled at her words

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because always uppermost in Grace’s mind was making sure that her
men all knew she loved them each just as much as the others.

“They know you adore them just as much as me. I’d be more

curious about how they’re planning to make their little lapse in
judgment up to you.”

“Oh, that sounds like fun!” She wiggled in her seat next to him.
Ethan pulled open the driver door, and Adam looked over the

front passenger seat at her and said, “Jack, she still has clothes on.
What’s up with that?”

Grace said, “Your mother is at the ranch babysitting. I probably

shouldn’t arrive looking like I’ve just ridden one of you on the drive

Adam winced at the thought and got in the vehicle. “Point taken.

Make it quick, Ethan.” Adam got out his phone and sent a text,
probably to his mom. Adam loved car sex.

“I hope Rose Marie was cooperative at bedtime,” Grace

murmured as she snuggled in his arms for the ride home.

Jack kissed her temple. “She’s sweet like her mama. I’ll bet she

did fine since that tooth came in.”

Grace pressed her palm against her breast and grimaced. “Yes, I

remember. She bit me.”

“Poor Gracie,” Ethan said from the driver’s seat. “I saw you jump

when she did that this afternoon. We’ll kiss it and make it all better
for you.”

Grace smiled up at Jack and laid her head on his shoulder as his

lips descended on hers in a gentle kiss. Jack reveled in the sweetness
of her mouth, stroking her velvety tongue with his. He was dimly
aware of a cell phone ringing nearby.

“Hi, Mom,” Adam said congenially from the seat in front of him,

and Jack smiled at Adam’s undeniably hopeful tone. “Thanks, I
appreciate you letting me know. All righty.” Adam ended the call and
turned to face them. “Mom wanted us to know that Rose Marie is
sleeping like a rock, she has the monitor turned on, and she and Dad

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are going to bed. She just wanted to check in and let us know
everything was fine.”

Grace chuckled, a sexy, tempting sound, and then unbuckled her

seat belt. “Find a safe place to pull over, Ethan.”

“Fuck a duck,” Ethan softly muttered. “There better be someplace

close because when the vehicle starts rocking it’s very distracting for
the driver.”

“Don’t I know it.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Jack and Adam had spoken simultaneously, and they all laughed.

The mood changed when Grace tossed her sandals on the floorboard
and reached under the hem of her sundress. Her little white satin G-
string shone brightly in the dashboard lights when she tossed it onto
the wide, padded leather console between the front seats.

“Jack, why don’t we get your shorts loosened up.”
He was so glad that he’d allowed Grace to talk him into wearing

khaki cargo shorts as she made fast work of the button and fly. He
moved into the middle of the bench seat so the others could watch,
and Grace climbed aboard. Her hot little pussy was already drenched
as she slid it all over his cock, teasing him as she kissed his cheeks
and his forehead.

“I love you so, so much,” she whispered. “You make me very

happy.” She rubbed her pussy against his cock and he broke out in a
light sweat as she tasted his mouth and teased him with sexy,
lingering kisses for a few minutes, in no hurry to get started.

The vehicle rolled to a sudden stop, and Jack tightened his grip

around her hips so she didn’t lurch out of his lap. “Are we off the

“Way off,” Ethan reassured as he switched on one of the reading

lights to cast a dim glow in the interior of the SUV. It was no fun if
the others couldn’t see, and Jack was more than willing to share the
experience with them.

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Grace pulled the silky summer dress over her head and tossed it

behind her so it landed on Adam’s shoulder as they shifted around to
watch. She gyrated along his throbbing cock, and Jack groaned and
bit his lip, warring with his self-control so that this would be
memorable for her and not just a quick fuck in the backseat. He’d
make love to her anyplace she wanted, but in the backseat of a vehicle
was one of his favorites. He supposed that was because she felt
naughty doing it there. It made him feel like a teenager again.

Ethan turned on soft country and western music in the background

and Grace said, “If you’d told me a few years ago, I never would’ve
believed I’d be like this with one man, much less three.” She looked
from him to the others as she said it. “I love you.”

She gripped Jack’s thickened, tingling cock and teased the head

against her wet lips. In one slick stroke, he slid into her enveloping
heat all the way to the root. He groaned when her pussy rippled with
tremors as a feminine sound of satisfaction left her throat.

“Yes.” Her body trembled as she moaned and threw back her

head, making her loose blonde curls bounce.

Wrapping her forearms around his neck, she tugged on his cock

with her pussy muscles as she lifted and slammed down. He groaned
lustily as he thrust against her, burying his face in her bountiful
cleavage, and she giggled as she ground her hips in a circular motion
and arched her back, tugging on him again. He took advantage of
their proximity and gently lapped at both her sensitive nipples.

“Damn, I bet that feels good,” Adam muttered as he watched

Grace riding his cock.

“Fuck, that’s good, darlin’.” Jack groaned as she moved with

sinuous strokes up and down on his tingling shaft. He caressed her
upper thighs and leaned back to rub her clit with his thumb as he
thrust against her. He broke out into a sweat despite the air
conditioner still running and allowed his head to fall back as she
pressed kisses to his throat. Besides the music, the only other sounds

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were their panting and the sexy, wet pounding as their bodies collided
over and over.

“Know what we’re going to do later, Gracie?” Ethan’s voice held

seductive promise.

“What, baby? Tell me.”
“After you’re through driving Jack crazy with that sweet pussy of

yours, we’re going to open the back of the SUV. We’re miles from
town and nobody is up here but us. The moon is so bright tonight we
don’t even need a flashlight, and there’s a thunderstorm brewing off
in the distance. We’re going to lay a blanket on the grass and listen to
the thunder and the crickets while we fuck you some more. I have
everything we need.”

“If the moon is bright then someone could see.”
Ethan chuckled darkly. “They sure could.”
“We could be caught.” She continued riding Jack’s cock, and he

heard the catch in her throat and felt the way her pussy went slick at
the thought.

“Oh, hell yes, we could,” Jack growled. Her pace changed, and

her movements got wilder. “You love the thought of being caught
doing something naughty, don’t you?”

“The thought of it, yes, so much.”
Jack knew in reality she was very modest but with them she was

wild and naughty, and he loved it. Her hot pussy enveloped his
throbbing cock in another stroke, and she felt tighter and hotter with
each return.

Ethan said, “It’s been a while since we’ve had a foursome, but I’ll

bet Jack would be up for a second round in no time once we get

“Oh, fuck, you know it,” Jack gasped, nearly losing control at the

mental image Ethan planted. Adam groaned softly and reached out to
stroke Grace’s back as Jack thrust deep, meeting her downward
strokes harder and harder.

“Harder, Jack! That’s right!”

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He strummed her clit, and they both cried out in climax at the

same time. Her pussy tightened and throbbed on his cock, and his
release shot from him like a searing bolt of lightning. He grasped her
to him roughly and thrust hard with each pulse until he couldn’t move

Ethan and Adam both climbed from the vehicle and moved

around to the back door, talking, and seemed to be inspecting the area
behind the vehicle. Jack chuckled as he and Grace caught their breath.

“You know what would really rock their world?”
Grace lifted her head as she panted. “What?”
“If they had to chase you down first. The moon’s bright. This is a

private road and there are no houses on it. The owners use it as a deer
lease and it’s not deer season. You’re safe out here, just stay on the
road. I guarantee they’ll make it worth your while. Why don’t you
give them something to work for?”

Grace giggled as she lifted off his cock, which was already

throbbing at the prospect of the fucking she was about to receive
when they caught her. She kissed him and smiled with eyes that

“Put on your sandals first. The rough gravel won’t feel good on

your bare feet. They must be scoping the spot out right now, so you
should get a pretty decent head start. I’ll dim the dome light so they
don’t notice when you open the door.”

“Okay. Thanks, Jack. That was awesome, by the way.”
“I agree completely. Off ya go.”
She slipped from the vehicle and pushed the passenger door

closed softly.

Jack pulled himself together and grinned when they finally opened

the back tailgate. He got a glimpse of Grace’s lush derriere as she
ducked past a bush on the side of the road a little ways down. Thank
goodness Ethan had shut off the headlights so they couldn’t have seen

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“What took you so long?” Jack asked with a chuckle as he

buttoned his fly.

“Adam found this by the wheel so we were making sure its

previous owner wasn’t in the vicinity.” Feeling tingly and satisfied,
Jack turned in the seat and did a double take at what Ethan held up.

“Motherfucker! How long is that?” Jack gasped, panic pouring

through his body making his hands shake as he grabbed for the door

Adam shrugged as he looked at the rattlesnake skin. “I dunno.

Five…six feet? Where’s Grace?”

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Jack finally got the handle to work and

kicked open the door.

“Where’s Grace?” Ethan demanded with an edge of panic in his


“Out there!” He stumbled as his feet got tangled in the straps of

her white satin bra.

* * * *

Seth watched Buck as he danced with Jayne confidently, guiding

her through the last steps of the slow waltz with his hand resting a
little too casually on her hip. Seth walked toward them, passing
between couples.

Buck nodded when he saw him coming then grinned and said,

“Speak of the devil and whom shall appear.” He gently twirled her so
she went right into Seth’s arms, looking up at him with surprise in her

“Hi.” She spoke so softly he could barely hear her over the slow

guitar rhythm as “Fall Into Me” by Brantley Gilbert began to play.

Buck said, “Looks like Chad’s got his hands full. I should go help

him with the beauty queen.” He tipped his cowboy hat to Jayne and
walked back to their table where Chad was chatting with Presley Ann.

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“Is that what she is?” Jayne sounded uncertain as she glanced

back to their table. “Weren’t you talking to her?”

Seth turned with the dance steps and gently tugged her closer so

that their legs brushed against each other in the rhythm of the dance
and pressed her curvy body close to him. He suppressed a groan of
satisfaction at the more intimate contact.

“She made herself at home at our table. I just wanted to dance

with you. She had good timing because Buck and Chad were in need
of a distraction.” They were good guys, but he wanted Jayne to
himself. She surprised him a little when she willingly snuggled closer.

The thought of how it would feel to lie in a bed with her, pressing

her back into the mattress as he slid inside her, made his cock harden.
As they moved with the dance, he could occasionally feel the warm
silkiness of her skin through the multiple holes in his ripped, weather-
beaten jeans.

Jayne looked up at him, and the lights on the dance floor flashed

across her face, illuminating her expressive blue-green eyes. He
thought it was a play of the lights when he saw her lips tremble
slightly before she finally looked away and laid her head against his
chest. He felt an almost painful lurch in his chest at the silent

She moved smoothly with him in the waltz, and he smiled when

she lightly stroked the dragon scales tattooed on his right bicep. He
was accustomed to the many stares his fully tattooed arms received
everywhere he went. Some people stared openly in shock or
undisguised judgment, others stared in wonder or curiosity. The one
common factor was that the tattoos garnered a lot of attention.

Jayne made him feel different when she stared. Whenever he’d

caught her gazing at them throughout the day, it had been with many
different emotions. Her face was like an open book. He’d seen
puzzlement, awe, and admiration when she’d asked earlier if he cared
that everyone stared.

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He’d had the distinct impression that she was keeping her hands to

herself because several times her fingertips had twitched and rubbed
together as though she’d like to touch but was restraining herself.

Something about her reminded him of skittish doe, and he didn’t

want to come on too strong, especially if she had the impression that
he might be like that. She didn’t ask him to turn for her while they
were in the pool, and his shirt had been off, but he’d had the
impression that she’d wanted to give him a good, thorough going
over. That thought made his cock harden so much he wondered if she
could feel it against her abdomen. Her thumb gently stroking up and
down his bicep wasn’t helping his aroused state either.

With his hand at her lower back, he felt it when she tensed almost

imperceptibly and her warm breath came out in a rush against the thin
fabric of his T-shirt. It pleased him when, instead of pulling away
from him, she relaxed against him and resumed the slow, fluid steps
in the dance as the last chorus played.

He was used to women who were much more aggressive and

demanding, and Jayne was a welcome change of pace. The last note
played, and he grinned at the slight disappointed look on her face. She
honestly had no idea how appealing she was.

As they returned to the table, a familiar hard rock beat began to

play. The Dancing Pony’s DJ normally played mostly country and
western music but tonight he must’ve been mixing in rock and pop
hits to inject more excitement into the beach party-themed night.

Charity bounced up and gave Seth a shit-eating grin as she

crooked her finger at Jayne and beckoned her onto the dance floor.
Jayne looked up at Seth and seemed to have an internal debate with
herself. She’d said that she’d never been to the club before so she’d
never danced with the girls either. This would be interesting.

Charity said, “Seize the day, right?”
Jayne nodded, bit her lip, and smiled up at him. “You mind?”
“Of course not. Have fun.” Seth knew he’d enjoy this as much as

she did. He took his seat facing the dance floor and grinned as all the

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girls left their husbands and dates. There was a movement in the
corner of his eye and he watched as the spunky little strawberry
blonde who bartended suddenly joined their throng.

The air vibrated with the strong guitar chords of Def Leppard’s

“Pour Some Sugar on Me” as Seth watched Jayne. It turned out that
not only could Jayne sing, she could also dance. Her cheeks were
bright pink and her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him, but then she
closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and found the heavy beat of the
song within her.

Seth didn’t move a muscle as he watched her graceful, erotic

movements. His pulse pounded as he imagined her moving like that in
his arms, with his cock buried deep inside her.

Something about Jayne captivated him on many different levels.

He responded to her air of fragility and the wonder he saw in her eyes
when he caught her looking at him, and he found himself imprisoned
in the seductive spell she wove as she danced. Her gaze found his and
a sexy half-smile crossed her lips, sending an arrow of hot lust to his
hardening shaft. He smiled back as he caught a glimpse of the
temptress buried beneath her shy exterior and hoped like hell he’d get
to know that part of her intimately.

* * * *

Ben Lawrence stood behind the bar, relieved that for the moment

all eyes were on the dance floor. He glanced at Quinten and felt for
him as he stood there with his hands braced in the edge of the bar.
The only hint at what Quinten was thinking was visible in his hands,
which were bunched into fists. He looked ready to jump the bar in one
swift move if need be. Ben commiserated with him as he turned his
gaze back to the strawberry-blonde minx gyrating with her friends on
the dance floor.

Conversations continued along the bar but all eyes were glued on

the dance floor. Camilla had seemed happy and hyper all night, and

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when Dave had put the rock song on, she’d looked hopefully at him.
Ben had laughed and told her to go take a break with her friends if she
wanted to. She understood little of how her need to cut loose was
affecting the two men she worked with, one her boss and the other her

“Hot damn, would you watch that hot little thing shake her ass.”
“Wish I’d known she worked at that place in Morehead. I’d have

paid good money to see her move like that in nothin’ but a G-string.”

Ben ground his teeth and quelled the urge to knock the two

cowboys’ heads together. It was commonly known that Camilla had
been a pole dancer and striptease artist at a gentleman’s club in
Morehead. She never denied it or was embarrassed by it, but it set his
teeth on edge that men along the bar were picturing the woman he
loved with no clothing on.

She threw back her head and laughed gleefully with her friends as

she swung her ass around in a trademark stripper’s move and slid her
hands up her torso and cupped her breasts before sliding her hands
into her silky strawberry-blonde ringlets.

He felt Quinten’s presence beside him and smiled at his groan of

frustration. “I love that she knows how to move like that but it’s also
killing me.”

“Me too. But we know where she stands.”
“I know.” Quinten’s tone spoke volumes. From the first day,

Camilla O’Neal had made it clear that, because she’d been an exotic
dancer, she knew she’d receive propositions from customers and
coworkers alike. For that reason, she had no interest in dating anyone
she met or worked with inside The Dancing Pony. She had to keep
her personal life completely separate. She didn’t even bring dates to
the Dancing Pony, if she had time for dating at all. Camilla was high-
energy and enjoyed her job and didn’t seem to mind her hours at all.
Her goal was to eventually open her own club and had even talked to
Ben about partnering with her on a club in a neighboring town at
some point in the future.

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While he knew that Camilla would be a good investment, that

wasn’t the kind of partnership he wanted with her. Camilla’s strict
hands-off policy applied to Quinten, too, since he was head bartender
and her coworker, as well. They didn’t know who she dated, or even
if she did, because she kept that part of her life separate from work.
Ben could recall her words on her first night working in The Dancing
Pony. “Work is work and fun is fun. I respect your policy and feel
very strongly that the two must stay separate.”

As if reading his mind, Quinten mirrored her words. “If work is

work, and fun is fun…what is this?”


* * * *

Jack’s heart felt like it was about to pound out of his chest.

“Grace!” Ethan and Adam were right behind Jack, running down the
road after her.

“Why is she out here?” Adam asked as he caught up to him.
“Of all the fucking stupid things! I told her to make y’all chase

her. Damn it! If she gets bit, I’ll never forgive myself! Grace!”

Rattlesnakes were nocturnal in the dead of summer in Texas.
Please, please, please, God!
“Grace, you answer right now, damn it!” Ethan called.
They stopped to listen, but Jack could barely hear the wind and

crickets over the sound of his own breathing and the galloping of his
heart in his ears.

Why isn’t she answering?
“Don’t scare her. She’ll panic, and she could get hurt out here,”

Adam whispered. “Grace! It’s time to come out now!”

Jack knew if she got off the road the possibility of her getting hurt

was very real. Plus, she was stark naked.

Ethan growled and called out, “Grace, we need you to come to us


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Jack braced his hands on his knees, catching his breath. “Sorry,

guys. It was a stupid idea.”

Ethan turned to him and looked him in the eye. “Actually, if I’d

been in your shoes, I might’ve suggested it too. None of us was
thinking too clearly when we planned this. Bed at home is sounding
sexier all the time.”

“Grace!” Jack turned in all directions calling her name. “Maybe

we should split up.”

The wind kicked up, and a sheet of red lightning flickered on the

horizon, and Jack heard the distant rumble of thunder. His heart
drummed loudly in his ears, and he tried to control the icy fear
creeping into his heart. He’d never forgive himself if something
happened to her. There were more than just snakes out here.

What a damned fool idea!
Suddenly he heard a loud scream, a yelp, and the pounding of her

sandals slapping the ground nearby. A loud, feral squeal made his
blood run cold, and they turned in circles. Suddenly Grace appeared
and leaped for Adam at full speed, judging by how high she landed on
his back, screaming, “Pig! A pig is chasing me!”

“What the —” Ethan looked around and then turned with big eyes.

“Boar! Run! Why did I leave the gun in the car? It’s huge!”

They beat feet down the road with Grace screaming at the top of

her lungs, clinging to Adam and crying the whole way. With the
sprinter’s edge, Ethan outdistanced them and hollered, “Jump in the
back with her. I’ll get the gun!”

It was hard to tell how far ahead of the pursuing animal they were.

It paid to not test whether a boar was willing to risk attacking or
might simply try to chase off an intruder then disappear back into the
brush. Jack helped Adam load Grace into the back of the vehicle, and
then he and Adam stood their ground with Ethan, who was armed
with Jack’s handgun from the console. He fired one shot in the air,
and the large animal skidded to a halt and disappeared into the brush.

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“Why didn’t you shoot it?” Adam asked incredulously. “That was

at least two-fifty or three hundred pounds of wild hog.”

“Our freezer is still full from last time,” Ethan replied as he

watched for the animal to reappear. “And I really don’t want to deal
with gutting a hog in the middle of the night when we could be
making love to Grace.”

“Good point,” Adam agreed as he and Jack looked in on her.
She was crouched in the back of the SUV trying to slip into her

clothing. “Is it gone?”

“I think so, darlin’. Are you injured?”
Another sheet of red lightning rippled across the horizon. Grace

looked up and smiled. “No, I just got the shit scared out of me. Once I
got farther away from the SUV the moon went behind a cloud and I
somehow got turned around. I could hear you hollering but couldn’t
tell which direction to go. I walked right up on a couple of them. At
first I thought I bumped into a scratchy bush, but then it grunted and
turned. When the cloud passed, I saw his tusks in the moonlight
and…I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast in my entire life. I’m just
glad it made you easier to spot too. I probably scared him as much as
he scared me.”

Her easygoing manner made Jack feel even worse. “I’m really

sorry, darlin’. I never should’ve sent you off without thinking things
through. My only thought was that it might be fun if you gave them a
little game of hide-and-seek first.”

Ethan clapped him on the back. “Actually, it wasn’t a bad idea,

just not in the dead of summer when the rattlesnakes are out.”

Ethan lifted the snakeskin so she could see it, and Jack saw her

shudder. “Can we go home? I think I want a shower and our bed.”

“I second that motion,” Adam said as he helped her from the back

of the vehicle.

Lifting her now-dirty white satin bra from the ground, Jack

apologized again. “Sorry about your lingerie, Grace.”

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“If that’s the only casualty, we’re doing good. It may just need

washing.” She took it from him and kissed him.

They climbed in the SUV and headed home. It was a quiet trip.

Jack worried the whole way that he’d ruined the evening for Ethan
and Adam. He even allowed Ethan to sit in the back with her so she
could talk with him and maybe rekindle the flame from earlier in the
vehicle. Ethan had a knack for knowing what Grace was thinking, and
Jack hoped that connection between them could salvage their night of

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Chapter Twelve

Ethan pulled Grace across his lap and cuddled her to him tightly.

“I was really scared for you, Gracie. When I realized you were out
there and that there could be a full-grown rattlesnake somewhere

“I never heard a rattlesnake but that boar scared the crap out of

me. I think the fact that I was naked made it even scarier. I’m not sure
I could’ve outrun that thing.”

“He didn’t seem too intent on attacking once I fired a round. I’m

glad you’re all right.”

“You had a clear shot and you didn’t take it?” Grace sounded


“I wasn’t on a hunt and we weren’t prepared to deal with a dead,

wild pig. Not when you needed us. You were my main concern.” His
only concern, besides making sure the feral pig kept its distance once
it left off the chase.

“Thank you,” she whispered and curled herself around him. “I

love you.”

“I love you too, Gracie. If the circumstances had been different,

the chase we’d have given you would’ve led to a night to remember.
We’ll have to plan something like that in a more civilized setting.”

Grace trembled in his arms. “Bring it on, baby.”
Ethan concentrated on the soft skin at her throat, kissing her and

stroking her all over through the silky fabric of her dress until his
fingers found their way beneath the hemline.

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He groaned happily when he discovered her bare, damp pussy. In

a teasing tone he whispered, “You naughty girl. Where are your

“I didn’t bother, you know, just in case…” Grace’s giggle was cut

off by a gasp as he stroked two fingers into her hot, slick cunt.

Jack turned onto the driveway, and by the time they reached the

house, she was an aroused, whimpering bundle of need in Ethan’s

Adam helped her from the vehicle, and they entered the dimly lit

interior of the house, switching off lights as they headed toward the
stairs to her suite of rooms.

Grace silently turned the knob on Rose Marie’s door, and they

risked a peek inside. In the dim lamplight, Ethan could see little Rose
Marie’s blonde head resting on her mattress. Her little rosebud lips
were parted, and he smiled when they moved rhythmically as though
she were suckling in her sleep. They backed out of the room and
proceeded to the door that led to the decadent haven of Grace’s
mistress suite, which was dominated by the giant canopied sleigh bed
he’d designed and given to her as a wedding gift.

Just for tonight, wild ménage sex on a lookout, watching a distant

thunderstorm, didn’t hold the appeal that making love to his wife in a
comfortable bed did.

Ethan knew after running around on a dusty gravel road Grace

would want to clean up and walked into the bathroom to turn on the
water so it could get warm. The three of them joined her in the
shower, and she sighed happily as they took turns bathing her and
allowed her to return the favor. By the time they were done with her,
she was squeaky clean and about ready to spontaneously combust. He
felt much the same way.

He enjoyed watching her bountiful, swollen breasts sway with her

movements as she towel-dried her hair. Nursing his baby daughter
had done amazing things for what he’d already thought were perfect
breasts. Even though she’d complained at times about the ravages

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motherhood had wreaked on her body, he found that he couldn’t get
enough of the sight of her beautiful, lush form. He found her even
more desirable because of the love she lavished on him, them, and
their daughter, but also because she took care of herself and tried to
not overdo. The last thing any of her men wanted was for her to feel
frazzled, overworked, or unappreciated.

Ethan’s cock strained and tingled as he watched her walk. She

peeked over her shoulder and winked at him as she took her time
climbing into the tall bed, showing him her pussy as Adam dimmed
the lights and Jack lit a couple of candles.

Ethan and Grace piled the pillows at the headboard, and then she

came into his arms. He stroked her waist and groaned with
contentment as she kissed him. He held her tight and returned the kiss
as his heart surged with love for her. He was her slave. Her skin was
like pearlescent silk beneath his fingertips, and desire swelled his
cock even further as she enclosed it in her gentle grasp and caressed

A drawer in the bedside table opened and closed, and then the bed

dipped as Jack and Adam joined them and the three of them enclosed
her, kissing whatever part of her that their lips could conveniently
reach. Adam placed the bottle of lubricant and a condom in Ethan’s
hand, and he grinned. That was their unspoken signal for who got to
take her anally. Grace still enjoyed the way they nonverbally changed
things up with her, so she never knew how they’d position her. The
condom was used because that was the way Grace preferred it anally.
He was all about giving Grace what she wanted because she always
returned the favor.

Grace turned onto her other side, facing away from Ethan, and

willingly presented her ass to him, tilting her hips in a move that
never failed to excite the caveman inside him. Her men always
handled this for her, lubricating her rear opening so that she
experienced no discomfort, never assuming she would lubricate

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herself for their use. It was the least they could do considering the
way she gave herself unreservedly to them.

He bit his lip as he applied the slick lube to her ass, making sure

she was well prepared. While he did this, Adam lifted her calf over
his shoulder and went down on her pussy. He teased and licked her
until her moans and movements made Ethan’s cock leak pre-cum as
he watched her move against Adam’s mouth. Her cheeks were flushed
like roses as she tilted her head back.

Ethan lightly stroked her asshole as she quivered and clenched.

Her calf and thigh tightened around Adam’s shoulder in a signal that
Ethan knew meant she was nearly there. Two slow, panting breaths
and a soft moan escaped from her throat, a soft signal that she’d
come. She ground her cunt on Adam’s suctioning lips as he growled
in delight between her legs.

She undulated between them and pushed back against Ethan’s

questing fingers, giving him access to her rear opening as his
lubricated fingers slipped inside on one of her orgasmic contractions.
His cock throbbed with need as Adam backed away and got into
position. Ethan sheathed his cock quickly as Jack leaned forward,
whispered lovingly to Grace, and kissed her as she stroked his cheek.

Ethan lay back on the pillows against the headboard. Sometimes

he pushed her to try crazier positions for ménage sex, but as the anal
partner tonight, he was the “driver,” and all he wanted was slow and
easy for her after the earlier excitement.

He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her torso so she

reclined against him with her ass pressed to his cock. Adam stroked
her clit as Ethan lifted her left thigh and held her still as he thrust the
blunt head of his cock against her quivering, lubricated opening. She
gave in to him easily because she had absolute trust that he wouldn’t
be too rough with her. A deep growl escaped his throat as the head
slid slowly into the hot, constricting tightness of her anus. Her pussy
and ass clenched as Adam continued to tease her, drawing sighs and
moans from her as Ethan pulled back and then thrust deeper, his

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strokes sure and easy as he took more and more of her ass until he
was rooted deep inside her.

“Grace, you feel so good.” He squeezed her and thrust as he

kissed her fragrant shoulder. She tilted her head back and gazed up at
him, her eyes half shuttered with pleasure as he leaned forward to kiss
her lips.

“I love it, Ethan. I love you.”
Adam leaned forward until she was pressed between them. Ethan

bit his lip and waited patiently as Adam slid his cock home as well.
The tightness made his control hard to maintain, but he managed,
distracting himself by stroking her satiny hip as she breathed deep and
gripped Adams broad shoulders. Ethan loved watching her face as
they filled her with their cocks, her expression a mixture of wonder,
pleasure, and need.

Ethan spoke softly. “I’m glad our little adventure ended here with

you, Grace. We’d do anything to keep you safe so you’re ours to love

Adam curled down to suck and lick gently at her nipples, and Jack

took the opportunity to lean in and kiss her. “I love you, darlin’.”

Ethan could see the apology that still lingered in Jack’s eyes as he

gazed at her. “Gracie, I think Jack still feels bad for sending you off
into the night for a little escapade. You don’t want him to feel guilty,
do you?”

Grace made a negative sound as she kissed Jack. “Not even a little

bit,” she whispered when he released her lips.

Ethan continued, “Maybe you should show him that you’re not

upset with him at all.” Jack glanced at him and tipped his head in

“Come close, Jack.” She pushed pillows out of the way to make

room for him. Jack groaned when she stroked his thick cock and
sucked the head into her mouth.

Adam groaned soulfully. “You feel so good, baby. You take such

good care of us.” Sweat dripped from his forehead as he thrust his

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cock into her pussy in time with Ethan’s deep strokes into her ass.
Ethan wanted to love her until there was no more breath in him.

Grace held on to Ethan’s forearm as she sucked Jack’s cock,

moving between him and Adam, and Ethan’s control started to slip.

Jack moaned and whispered, “Not gonna take long, darlin’. I love

your hot, little mouth.”

Ethan gritted his teeth, determined that she finish before him and

Adam. “You first, Jack. Give her what she wants.”

“Mmm-hmm!” Grace intoned enthusiastically with a mouthful of

cock. The long-drawn-out vibration of her sound was enough to set
Jack off, and he cried out. She gripped his cock and swallowed his
cum as he thrust against her lips.

“Fuck, yes!” Jack’s breath left him in deep drafts, and he stroked

her hair back from her cheeks as she released his cock and licked her

She gripped both Adam and Ethan tightly, one hand on Ethan’s

forearm and the other on Adam’s shoulder as she devoted her
attention to their intimate dance and moved between them. Adam
thrust deeper, maintaining constant pressure against her clit, and
smiled triumphantly when her low keening started. Ethan kissed her
throat and growled as his control snapped at the sound. He regretted
sometimes that she’d learned to not scream as she climaxed because
she was so loud she inevitably woke the baby next door.

“Let go for us, Gracie.” Ethan wanted her full release just this

once. She looked up at him, battling the need to be quiet with the urge
to obey him. “I’ll kiss you so she never hears a sound. Just let it all go
for us. I want it, Gracie.”

She couldn’t resist his direct request and gathered a shaky breath

as Adam reached down to stroke her clit and softly agreed with him.
“I want to hear you to come hard for us, baby. Give it to us.”

She suddenly froze between them. Her back arched, and her eyes

flew open, filled with bliss, as she took a deep, shaky breath. Her nails
sank into his forearm, and his lips descended on hers, swallowing her

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ecstatic scream as she went wild between them, thrashing and
undulating with each convulsion of her cunt and ass on their cocks.
His release was torn from him in blazing jets as his control snapped
and satisfaction exploded within him. Adam bowed his head and
appeared to be biting his tongue as he thrust with animalistic intensity
and then stilled with a soft growl against the other side of her throat.

Ethan felt the bed dip and groaned as every nerve ending in his

body sang with pleasure. He chuckled as he recalled wanting “slow
and easy” ménage sex. There was no such thing with Grace. It might
have started out that way, but she always brought out the cavemen in

Adam sighed and stirred. Ethan was still spent, holding her

reclining in his arms. She looked up at Adam with adoration as he
withdrew his softened cock. Her eyes darkened, and she bit her lip
and whispered, “Sorry.” She stroked the bloody scratch marks she’d
left on his shoulder.

Adam glanced at it and grinned. “I don’t mind playful kitten

scratches. I can take it. Until they heal, I’ll think of this night every
time I see them.”

Adam got off the bed and passed Jack on his way back from the

bathroom with a warm washcloth for her. She lay still as Ethan
withdrew from her ass and allowed Jack to clean her up. In the
beginning, she’d objected and preferred to do that for herself. She’d
given in once she understood they needed to reassure themselves that
they hadn’t hurt her. It was still done out of consideration for her
since she was usually wiped out by foursomes.

On wobbling legs, Ethan rose from the bed and disposed of the

condom and stepped into the hot shower Jack had started as Adam left
the bathroom to return to Grace’s side. Ethan didn’t doubt she’d be
asleep by the time he was done, which explained Adam’s grin. She’d
be cuddled in between Jack and Adam fast asleep when he climbed
into the bed.

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Ethan didn’t really mind. For a long time, Adam had chosen the

odd-man-out position, sleeping with his head resting on her abdomen
and his feet hanging off the end of the bed just to be close to her.
Grace had put a stop to it when Adam’s neck started giving him
problems, and she’d told them it was time to take turns. Then, she’d
gotten pregnant and sleeping with Adam’s head on her abdomen
would’ve been uncomfortable for her anyway.

The bed was certainly wide enough, so it wasn’t a tight squeeze or

hardship, but he much preferred to have warm Grace snuggled against
him instead of a pillow. Life went on.

The baby monitor was in Adam’s bedroom downstairs with his

parents so they’d hear Rose Marie if there was a problem. Ethan still
slipped on pajama bottoms and went next door to check on Rose
Marie out of habit, entering silently to not disturb anyone.

Rose Marie rolled, and by her breathing he could tell she was

awake and probably needing a diaper change. He switched off the
monitor and went to the crib and lowered the rail.

“Hey, sugar. Got wet undies?”
“Dada.” She smiled at him and made sweet baby sounds as he laid

her down and changed her diaper quietly. With her little baby fists she
rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned as he snapped her lightweight
sleeper closed again and lifted her into his arms. Recalling Wes and
Evan’s earlier announcement about Rosemary expecting their baby,
Ethan remembered the day Grace had told them she was pregnant.
One of the happiest days of his life.

His baby girl rested her little tousled head against his shoulder as

he took a seat in the rocking chair and hummed a lullaby to her. He
smiled as she looked up at him, yawned again, and closed her little
gray-green eyes. Adam might’ve fathered her, but she had all three of
her daddies wrapped securely around her little fingers, just like her

Ethan rested his head against the rocker and smiled in the dim


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Yeah, life’s good.

* * * *

Jayne was certain she was going to be a zombie the next morning.

It had been a long day, but for her it had flown by in a blur. She
regretted that it would end soon and knew she wouldn’t sleep a wink
once her head finally hit her pillow.

Buck and Chad had long since left The Dancing Pony with the

beauty queen lodged between them. It had given Jayne pause
whenever the woman had walked up to the table and started talking to
Seth. She was undeniably gorgeous, but Seth had seemed to pay her
no mind until he’d finally risen from their table and come to claim her
from Buck.

“Would you like a drink?” Seth asked as they moved slowly on

the dance floor.

“No, I think I’m done.” Wanting to keep her wits about her, she’d

only had one mixed drink earlier in the evening and drank sodas the
rest of the night. She’d noticed Seth had only had a couple of beers
and then switched to sodas when she did. Since he was driving her
home she appreciated that.

The last of their friends had already departed, with the exception

of Lily, Del, and Clay Cook, who looked like they were readying to
leave as well. She smiled when Lily waved at her and made the “call
me” signal with her thumb and pinkie. Lily was a recent addition to
the group like Jayne was.

As “Dancing Away With My Heart” by Lady Antebellum ended,

Seth gently kissed the top of her head. He led her back to their table
and held her chair as she sat and then took the seat next to her.

Continuing their conversation from earlier, Jayne said, “Since

you’ve come to Divine, how has your business been? Do you stay

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


Seth nodded. “Yes, in the tattoo business, word of mouth is the

best advertising. I’ve got a lot of new customers and Divine is a nice
town. I’ve felt very welcome.”

Jayne chuckled. “Yeah. Same here. I had the job lined up before I

moved here, and Grace and her bunch adopted me from practically
the moment I arrived.”

Seth had serious facial features, so his sudden smile nearly addled

her. “Yeah. They do that, don’t they?” She wanted to see him smile
some more.

Jayne could here Grace’s voice in her head. Seize the day, baby!

You’ve earned the right.

Feeling brave, Jayne turned to him and asked, “Have you ever

tattooed someone like…me?”

Seth tilted his head, and his eyes roamed over her face with a look

of slight confusion. “Like you…how?”

Clasping her hands and trapping them between her knees, she

scrunched up her shoulders. “Atypical for having a tattoo.”

Seth nodded. “Sure. I tattooed one of Divine’s elected officials

and his wife last month and they were both in their seventies. That’s
pretty atypical.”

Jayne was fairly sure her eyes bulged as she popped her hand over

her mouth. “Woody and Charlene Porter had you tattoo them?”

Seth grimaced. “Crap. I thought my hint was vague enough that

you wouldn’t know who I was talking about but clear enough to
reassure you. Yeah, they did. Really nice people, too.”

“Okay, question then. How did Charlene take it?”
“She did great. Woody got his first and then she had hers done.

They said it was something they’d always talked about doing but
being in public life they’d never wanted to risk people gossiping
about it. Woody told me he figured if he’d reached that age and was
close to retiring, he could do whatever the hell he pleased.” Seth
punctuated the last word with a nod, like he respected the local justice

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Heather Rainier

of the peace and his wife for it. Jayne was curious but out of respect
didn’t ask where or what they had gotten tattooed.

“Do…do you think you’d be interested in tattooing me?”
Jayne watched his stoic face carefully and couldn’t pinpoint his

emotions. “That depends on what you want done.”

Jayne sat back and looked up at him. “Actually, I hadn’t given it

much thought. I think I assumed you’d tell me no because I don’t look
like I could handle the pain.”

Believe me, I can.
He laid his hand open, palm facing up, on the table as though

asking her to lay her forearm in it, which she did without hesitation.
He brushed her short shirt sleeve up to her shoulder and then drew a
couple of fingertips down her tender inner arm. His gaze was on her
arm, and she was grateful he didn’t seem to notice the blush that was
enflaming her cheeks or the fact that her nipples hardened visibly. His
gentle touch sent a hot wave of awareness blazing through her core
like an inferno, centering in her clit so that she could barely focus
when he spoke.

“Because of your profession, I’d never agree to tattoo your arms

or anything that might show beneath your work clothes. I think that
your beautiful, creamy-white skin would be the ultimate canvas to
work on.” He glanced up at her, his blue eyes looking so deep into
hers that she thought he might be able to read her mind and know how
aroused she was. “I’d design a tattoo for you that was one-of-a-kind
and I’d never duplicate it on anyone else.”

She couldn’t stop her chin from trembling as she reacted to his

words. His tone and his expression were so serious, but the heat in his
eyes left her breathless and on the verge of a small orgasm.

“Really? You would?”
Seth nodded. “If you’d promise to hold very still for me, I’d make

it a work of art like you’ve never seen before. I’m very good at what I
do.” He eased back, trailing his fingers to her hand as though he
realized he was being a bit intense. “Sorry, I take my work seriously.”

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


Jayne grasped his hand. “Don’t apologize. I’ve seen Lily’s and her

men’s tattoos and some of the others. It’s the reason I asked you. I’ll
do it.”

“You will?” His blue eyes locked with hers, the barest hint of

vulnerability showing before it disappeared. A smile slowly spread
across his lips, as though he wasn’t sure it belonged there, and she
smiled back. “Good. It’s getting late. Would you like me to take you
home now?”

“Yes, I probably should get some rest.”
Right, because I haven’t had enough of that to last me a lifetime.
Outside of the nightclub, he helped her with the helmet and

braided her long hair one last time. She hoped it wasn’t the last time.
She enjoyed the ride across the small town of Divine as the warm
wind blew past them on the quiet residential streets. He pulled into
her driveway and quickly cut the ignition on his bike. She appreciated
that he was considerate of her neighbors. Seth climbed from the bike
and removed his helmet.

She remained on the bike while he helped her with the helmet, and

she noticed his smile as he released her braid and ran his fingers
through her hair one last time. Recalling a comment he’d made earlier
in the day, a thought occurred to her. “I have a question.”

“Sure,” he said as he returned her helmet to the saddlebag.
“At the parade, when I asked you about wearing sandals while I

rode behind you, you mentioned that you had another solution, but
that I’d be fine if I kept my feet on the footrests. What did you mean,
you had another solution?”

An undeniably sexy smile crossed his handsome face in the

moonlight, and he hesitated for only a second while he assisted her
from the bike. “If you were my girlfriend, I’d slip those little sandals
from your feet and stick them in the saddlebags. I’d have you wrap
your pretty, long legs around my hips and let you ride like that, with
your feet between my legs.”

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Heather Rainier

She gulped audibly. Well, you had to go and ask now, didn’t you?
Seth gazed at her through eyes cast in shadow and moved a little

closer. “But we’d have to be a bit better acquainted for that, wouldn’t

“Uh-huh…” she intoned as he came closer still.
Oh, God. He’s gonna kiss me! Get a grip. You’re thirty-eight.

You’ve been kissed before, ninny. It’s not like he’s gonna make love to
you here on the driveway.

“Although, I hope I get the privilege someday.” His lips were a

hairsbreadth away, and she could feel his warm breath.

Oh, Lord, me too!
“Uh-huh, maybe, yes.”
Stop thinking.
His lips gently pressed against hers, sending a thrill from there

straight to her nipples and her clit. Her pussy lips swelled with
alarming speed and her body ached for him.

She returned the kiss and parted her lips, allowing his tongue

access, and he enclosed her body in his arms as he tilted his head and
deepened their kiss. He tasted of breath mints and his own natural
essence, and she sent a prayer of thanks heavenward that he’d offered
her the roll of mints at the club.

Beautiful man.
He tightened his hold, and her T-shirt rode up in the back as he

held her and his hot fingertips slid across her bare lower back. A
moan escaped her when she felt the steely ridge of his erection against
her abdomen, and her cunt responded with a spasm of need.

Much too soon, he released her and sounded a little breathless

when he asked, “Can I have your number?” Jayne nodded. “I’d like to
see you again. I’ll call you. We can also talk about your tattoo.”

“I’d like that. I…I enjoyed today very much,” she whispered as he

tucked her hair behind her ear. He entered her cell phone number in
his phone and then slid it into his back pocket. He surprised her by

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Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion


kissing her again, this time so tenderly with just the barest flick of his
tongue against the underside of her upper lip.

“I enjoyed spending it with you too, Jayne. I’ll talk to you soon.”

He pulled his helmet back on, climbed on the bike, and looked at her
with a hint of a smile as she nodded affirmatively.

She fished her house key from her pocket, and he started the

motorcycle and then watched as she went to her front door and
unlocked it, then stood in the open doorway. She watched him drive
away with one parting wave of his hand.

Once inside, she took a shower which did nothing to abate the

arousal still vibrating in her body. She got out her precious blank
book, picked up her favorite pen, and began writing. A laptop
computer would’ve been easier, but she preferred putting her thoughts
on the page by hand.

The sun was rising in the eastern sky outside her window when

she finally set both aside with a yawn. She rose from the comfy
recliner and greeted the morning with a stretch and ran her fingers
through her hair. She’d never felt so vibrant or alive. The house was
still dark as she shuffled through to her bedroom.

Standing by her bed, she slipped from her pajamas and did

something she’d never done before. She climbed between her soft
sheets completely nude, her body humming with happiness and
arousal. Writing hadn’t abated her need at all, but had actually
increased it. With wanton fantasies of Seth Carter making love to her,
she brought herself to a moaning, blissful orgasm. As she drifted
toward sweet dreams, she wondered if the dawn heralded the
beginning of a new, exciting chapter in her life.



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I live in South Central Texas, writing the type of novel I love to

read: more erotic and edgy than the mainstream, with plenty of sweet
romance mixed in. I write erotic romances exclusively for Siren
Publishing, under their Everlasting imprint. My love of romantic
fiction began as a teenager when my mom gave me copies of
Kathleen Woodiwiss’s “The Flame and the Flower” and Bertrice
Small’s “Skye O’Malley.” To this day I’m pretty sure that was her
idea of the “birds and the bees” talk.

My husband and I met in a scenario very much like the ones I’ve

written about. He was the alpha hero who stepped in when this
“damsel in distress” needed rescuing from a nefarious pervert. It’s no
wonder I went on to write erotic romance when I had him to inspire
me. My favorite type of hero is the gentle, lovable giant, but readers
will discover a variety of heroes and alphas in my novels, from nearly
perfect to very flawed. I hope readers relate to my heroines and the
challenges and dilemmas they face head-on.

I love to chat with readers on Facebook. When I actually

remember to post my articles, I like to talk about my books and
whatever else comes to mind at When One is Not Enough, a ménage
romance author’s group blog, and my own blog, The Divine Tease.
I’m also a regular participant at Righteous Perverts Live Chats every
Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. (CST) at www.righteousperverts.com.
When not pounding on my keyboard, I’m usually busy corralling my
kids or loving on my smokin’ hot husband, who thankfully loves to

For all titles by Heather Rainier, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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