Ken Murphy Pick Up

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Pick Up

by Ken Murphy


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and

incidents either are the product

of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance
to actual persons, living

or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely

Pick Up

Copyright © 2013 Ken Murphy

Cover Art by L.C. Chase

All rights reserved: This book contains material protected under

International and Federal

Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this
material is prohibited. No

part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or

mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval

system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

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Chaz Henderson used his towel to wipe the condensation from

the mirror. He inspected his body as the steam from the shower cleared.
Not too bad, he thought. Smooth round pectoral muscles rose high above
his still flat abdomen. He reached down and cupped his balls, making his
semi-erect cock twitch. Chaz curled his fingers around the spongy length
and gave it a few tugs. He smiled as his shaft immediately responded to
the stimulation. Within a few seconds, it rose to point toward the ceiling.
Resisting the urge to continue, he released his manhood and shifted his
gaze back to the mirror. No way was this night going to end here in the
bathroom in his own hand.

Leaning closer to the mirror, Chaz examined the laugh lines in the

outer corners of both eyes. He reached for the tube of moisturizer and
squeezed a small amount of the creamy liquid onto his finger. He reached
up to spread the fluid around his eye, upper and lower lids, as well as
the side. Chaz aggressively rubbed back and forth across the delicate
skin underneath his eye. Someone had once told him the stimulation was
good for circulation and prevented dark circles under eyes. Since he
didn’t have any, maybe it worked. Satisfied, he applied more of the
lotion to his finger and repeated the process on the other eye.

Chaz wiped his hands on his towel to remove any remaining

cream. He pulled open a drawer and removed his brush, and then lifted
the hair dryer off the hook. Turning the setting on medium heat, Chaz
began moving the appliance back and forth above his head. He held the
brush in his other hand, meticulously working with his hair until it was
exactly the way he wanted it. As his hair dried, it slowly lightened up to
its usual golden blond color. Thanks to his mother’s side of the family,
he still had a head full of thick, healthy hair, even though he was forty-
eight years old. And the light color of his hair did a great job of
concealing the gray.

Once his hair was completely dry, Chaz ran the brush through it

once more for good measure, then applied a light spray to hold it in
place. Looking in the mirror, he winked at himself and then laughed out
loud at his own silliness. Yes, he was definitely feeling frisky tonight.
Any why not? It had been a long time since he’d had a night out on the
town. He quickly brushed his teeth and then tidied up the bathroom.


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In the bedroom, he stood in front of the full-length mirror and

looked at his cock. Without stimulation, it had relaxed somewhat,
although it still hung heavily in front of him. Briefs of no briefs? That
was the all-important question.

“Commando,” Chaz announced to the mirror. He knew the

chaffing from the rough denim would keep him semi-hard. Nothing
wrong with a little advertising.

Chaz walked over to the dresser and pulled a pair of jeans out of

the drawer. As he did, he glanced at the picture of him and Michael
prominently displayed on top of the piece of furniture. A peculiar
sensation passed through his midsection. Chaz quickly suppressed it.
Michael wasn’t home, and Chaz really needed to get out of the house for
the evening. He slipped his feet into the jeans and then tugged them up
over his legs and ass. Carefully tucking himself in, he slipped the button
into the hole, and then eased up the zipper. Now for a shirt. Chaz
mentally inventoried the shirts hanging in the closet he and Michael
shared, dismissing each one. He pulled open another drawer and
selected a tight, faded green tee shirt. He slipped the shirt over his head
and then turned back to the mirror, pleased with the way the stretchy
material clung to his body. The last items of attire were athletic socks
and sneakers. Chaz thought the entire outfit might be a little odd for
someone his age, but it never hurt to look younger. Maybe he would
make finding someone younger his goal. A twink or a gym-bot could be
the perfect distraction for the evening. The more Chaz thought about it,
the more he leaned toward a muscle boy. Young, dumb, and full of cum,
he mused as he fantasized about the young jock he’d meet. One who
spends hours lifting weights every day. Probably can’t tie his shoe
laces without help
. Chaz figured that would not be an issue. He had no
intension of discussing anything more in depth than who would be in
what position once they were in bed.

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Excellent, Chaz thought as he steered his car into the narrow

parking space. A full parking lot heralded a packed bar. There would be
no shortage of available men tonight. He couldn’t open the car door very
far without hitting the car parked beside him, so Chaz carefully slipped
through the narrow opening. He checked his appearance in the reflection
of the car window and then hurried over to the bar. He chuckled as the
door man asked for his ID, knowing it was a requirement for all patrons
to have identification on their person, and not that the man thought he was
under aged.

Chaz walked through the doorway and looked around. The room

was full of men. The establishment itself was not much to write home
about. A long U-shaped counter separated the bartenders from the
customers. Men of all types and ages filled every stool along the bar. A
pool table occupied the middle of the floor, taking up far too much
space. A few tables, all occupied, were scattered around the main room.
A line of people standing in the service area prevented Chaz from seeing
the back of the room. Music droned from the speakers above the bar, and
the scent of stale cigarette smoke hung in the air. I’ll have to wash these
clothes twice to get the smell out,
Chaz thought as he wrinkled his nose.

“Hey!” A voice called out, not yelling, but loud enough to be

heard over the many conversations going on throughout the crowd.

Chaz turned to look at the twenty-something that had spoken, and

sure enough, the kid was looking directly at Chaz.

“Come over here,” the younger man offered, gesturing for Chaz to

join him by the bar

Chaz nodded a greeting and walked over.

All the seats were occupied, but the guy slid his stool to one

side, creating a small opening. “You can get a drink faster if you squeeze
in here.”

“Thanks,” Chaz said, slipping into the small space and leaning

over the counter to get the bartender’s attention.

“My name’s Tommy,” the man said, brushing shoulders with


Chaz turned to look at Tommy, who smiled eagerly up at him. If

the man was even half his age, Chaz would’ve been surprised. Tommy
had short tawny hair and pale smooth skin. Chaz guessed him to in the
five foot-six range, probably weighing around one hundred thirty pounds.


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His sapphire eyes were surrounded by long almost translucent lashes.
Tommy picked up his glass and brought it to his mouth, thick cupid-bow
lips sucking on the slender straw as he took a long swig from his
beverage. Tommy stared straight into Chaz’ eyes as he drank, batting his
baby blues.

The bartender came over and Chaz ordered a bourbon on the

rocks. He turned back to Tommy. “Chaz,” he answered, gesturing toward

Tommy turned his stool sideways, so that he faced Chaz. The

shift in position left Chaz standing between Tommy’s knees. Tommy
moved the knee in front of Chaz and it brushed against Chaz’ cock, which
rested down the right side of his jeans. The glimmer in Tommy’s eyes
and his lop-sided grin negated any pretense that the move had been

“Dang daddy, you’re packing some heat in there.” Tommy moved

his other knee, sandwiching Chaz between his thighs.

Chaz looked over at the kid, meeting his blazing blue eyes. Chaz

immediately felt like the main attraction at the buffet line. And I thought
I was horny.
He reached up to place one hand on Tommy’s cheek and
smiled. “You sure are a pretty boy.”

Tommy’s expression became serious. He curled both hands

around Chaz’ wrist and moved Chaz’ hand from his face to his crotch.
“Does this feel like a boy to you?”

Chaz blinked as his hand was placed right on Tommy’s package.

Fuck, the kid was completely hard. “No sir. Feels about like an eight

“Nine, but good guess.” Tommy’s voice had gotten deeper. “You

can have it if you want.” He kept his eyes locked on Chaz, intense and

Chaz felt himself lengthen as the blood ran straight to his dick.

The curl in Tommy’s lip let him know the kid had noticed as well. Chaz
moved his hand back up to Tommy’s cheek and stroked the alabaster
skin. Damn, the kid was beautiful. But Chaz had no interest in bedding
anyone this young, no matter how good looking, or well endowed, he
was. “Excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.”

“I’ll be right here.” Tommy gave his thighs one final squeeze

before allowing Chaz to slip away.

Chaz hastily moved out into the crowd. He turned away from the

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kid and moved his leg so that his cock shifted into a more comfortable
position. He skirted around a man with a cue stick leaning over the pool
table and made his way back to the bathrooms. As he passed the last of
the tables, he finally saw the back of the bar. Chaz stopped dead in his
tracks as he spotted the man sitting on a stool leaning forward, elbows
resting on the bar.

The seated man’s eyes were glued on the music video playing on

the television bolted to the wall behind the bar. Chaz exhaled as he
stared at the man’s short black hair, liberally salted with grey. A tiny
silver hoop with a bead hung from the man’s ear. He wore a western-
style shirt, some sort of stripped pattern, white and maybe blue or black.
It was hard to discern in the low lighting. Chaz strained to see if there
were pearl-snap buttons as well. Probably, but no way to tell for sure
because of the way the man was sitting. Tight blue jeans covered thickly
muscled thighs. And yes, sure enough, the man wore cowboy boots. Not
just any boots, but pointed-toed, kill a cockroach in the corner, cowboy
boots. Chaz looked back up at the bar, and there it was. Sitting on the
counter beside the man’s drink was a black Stetson hat. Chaz grinned.
Who the hell goes out to a gay bar in the middle of down town fucking
Atlanta dressed up like a cowboy?

The man must have sensed he was being watched. He turned and

looked right into Chaz’ eyes. Slowly, ever so slowly, the man let his
eyes travels south. He seemed to take in every inch of Chaz’ body until
his focus finally returned to Chaz’ eyes. He nodded once, and then turned
back to the television. No smile or anything.

Chaz felt a chill run down his spine. What the fuck? The man had

practically undressed him with his eyes, and then he turned away. Chaz
grunted as he realized his dick was hard again. Taking a deep breath, he
walked over to the bar.

“I’m Chaz,” he said, leaning against the counter.

“Kelly.” The man didn’t look away from the television.

Kelly? Somehow that name didn’t seem to fit the big masculine

lug parked in front of him. “I was headed to the bathroom,” Chaz

“It’s behind me.” Kelly still didn’t turn toward him.

Chaz laughed. “I can see that. I was trying to say that I was

headed toward the bathroom when I saw you sitting here.”

“Am I not supposed to be sitting here?” Kelly’s deep, rich voice


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was a soft rumble, like the sound of a babbling brook.

Chaz’ face flushed. “No that’s not what I meant. You just seem,

you know, a little out of place. It isn’t every day you come in here and
see a cowboy sitting at the bar.”

Kelly shrugged. “I was thirsty.”

Chaz chuckled at the simple explanation.

“So, you a regular here?” Kelly drawled.

Chaz frowned, surprised by the question. “Why would you ask


“You said, ‘It isn’t every day you come in here and see a cowboy

sitting at the bar’.” That must mean you come here pretty often.

“No.” Chaz shook his head quickly. “It was a figure of speech. I

hardly ever go out.”

“Good.” Kelly picked up his drink and took a sip, never taking

his eyes off the screen above him.

Chaz placed a hand on the back of the barstool. “Are you going to

look at me, or just stare at that television all night?”

“I did look at you. And I liked what I saw.” Kelly swiveled the

stool so that he faced Chaz. He sat up straight and lifted his gaze until
their eyed met.

Chaz almost groaned out loud as he took in the man in front of

him. Sitting up with his shoulders back, the shirt was molded to Kelly’s
broad muscled chest. The only extra fabric was the part bunched around
his thin abdomen. The bulge in the skin-tight jeans made quite an inviting

A hand on his ass distracted Chaz. “Did you get lost?” Tommy


“I never made it to the bathroom.” Chaz smiled apologetically.

He had completely forgotten about the younger man.

“The ice in your drink melted, but I’ll buy you a fresh one.”

Tommy kept his hand on Chaz’ ass, not even looking at Kelly.

“Who’s that?” Kelly asked, curling his fingers possessively

through the belt loops of Chaz’ jeans.

“Tommy,” Chaz answered and then he introduced the two men.

Kelly stared at Tommy briefly and then nodded. “Have a good

night, Tommy.”

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Tommy glanced at him, and then looked back at Chaz. “You


“He’s staying here with me.” Kelly gave a tug on the fabric still

hooked on his fingers.

Tommy shot his eyes back to Kelly. “I think that’s up to Chaz to


Chaz started to reply, but Kelly cut him off. “I said, good night.”

Tommy glowered, but then turned and walked away.

“You didn’t have to be rude to him.” Chaz watched as Tommy

made his way back through the crowd.

“Wasn’t rude. You made your choice, so he was intruding.”

Kelly reached beside him and picked up a pack of cigarettes. He pulled
out a Marlboro and placed in between his lips. He lit the end and took a
long drag, exhaling smoke everywhere.

Great. Arrogant and a smoker. Maybe I should have gone with

the kid. “How do you know I made my choice?”

Kelly took another draw off the cigarette. “Because you’re still


Chaz watched silently as Kelly slowly dressed the ashes on the

ember until it burned bright orange, then snuffed the whole thing out in
the ash tray. Chaz looked up and was surprised to see Kelly staring right
at him.

“You don’t look like the type to want a boy fumbling all over

you,” Kelly continued. “I think you’d much rather be with a man who can
give you what you need.”

Egotistical bastard. Chaz swallowed as he felt his face flush. He

knew he should probably say something, but damn if the words just
wouldn’t come. Almost fifty years old and here he was struck stupid and
blushing like some adolescent schoolboy with his first crush.

A ghost of a smile crossed Kelly’s lips. “Since you’re not

denying it, I’m guessing I hit the nail right on the head with that one.” His
eyes slowly traveled south. “That, and what I see hanging down the right
side of your jeans.”

Chaz shifted his leg as he realized his cock was almost

completely hard. “I guess I’m pretty obvious, huh?” As soon as the
words came out of his mouth, he realized how lame they sounded.

Kelly chuckled and placed a hand on Chaz’ waist. “I like a man


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that knows what he wants.”

“”You sure are pushing all the right buttons, Cowboy.” Chaz felt

a tingle spread through his body as Kelly gave his side a squeeze.

Kelly turned on his stool and used his knees against Chaz’ hips to

hold the standing man in place. He sat back on his seat so that he could
see right into Chaz’ eyes. “I think I’m going to like pushing your buttons.”

Chaz took a deep breath and then swallowed. He licked his lips

as he realized how dry his mouth had suddenly become. “I think I need a

Kelly lifted his feet of the barstool rung and move his boots

behind Chaz’ legs. He smiled when he saw Chaz’ eyes widen. “Let me
guess. Scotch?”

Chaz shook his head. “Beer.” He tried to turn to face the bar, but

realized he was stuck between Kelly’s legs. “I’m kind of trapped here.”
He gestured at Kelly’s thighs.

“That’s not the only thing that’s trapped,” Kelly commented. He

placed a hand on Chaz’ crotch, pressing hard into the rigid cock.

“Fuck!” Chaz hissed, breaking free. He took a step back. “Calm

down Cowboy. You’re moving pretty fast there.”

Kelly chuckled. The sound was low and guttural. “Judging by

what I see and feel, you’re right there with me. No harm, no foul.”

“Damn.” Chaz turned and faced the bar, trying to attract the

bartender’s attention.

“Bring this man a beer.” Kelly’s deep voice boomed. He didn’t

yell, the sound simply resonated, cutting through the background noise.

The bartender immediately strode over. “What can I get for


“Whatever you have on tap is fine.” Chaz waited patiently as the

man scurried to fill his order.

“Appreciate you,” Kelly told the bartender as he placed a ten

dollar bill on the bar.

“What about you?” Chaz asked as soon as they were alone again.

He pointed to Kelly’s glass. “Do you want another drink?”

Kelly shook his head once, slowly and deliberately. “Don’t need

it. Plan on getting drunk off you.”

Chaz took a deep swig from his glass. He rested one elbow on

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the bar.

Kelly grinned. “You can come back over here.” He patted one

leg. “I ain’t planning to bite you.”

“I’m not so sure about that, Cowboy.” Chaz chuckled lightly, but

he moved until one hip pressed against Kelly’s knee.

“I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” Kelly hooked his

finger back in the loop of Chaz’ jeans and then slipped his thumb under
the shirt hem to caress the naked skin on Chaz’ stomach.

Chaz gave a little groan. Kelly’s thumb felt so good stroking his


“Like how you respond to me.” Kelly hooked his thumb and ran it

underneath the waistband of Chaz’ jeans.

Chaz closed his eyes and pressed the hand against his body.

“You sure are making me crazy Cowboy.”

“Just want to make you feel good, Hoss.”

“Hoss?” Chaz asked, smiling curiously. He reached up to cup

Kelly’s cheek.

“Yeah,” Kelly drawled, leaning his face into the touch. “You

keep calling me Cowboy, so I’ll call you Hoss. I’m sure looking forward
to riding that sweet ass tonight.”

Chaz snorted and stepped back. “Who says I’m going to let you

fuck me?”

Kelly grinned and grabbed Chaz by the jeans, dragging him in

even closer than he’d previously been. “Before I get done with you,
you’re going to be begging me to fuck you.”

Chaz sighed and leaned in against the man. “Do you have

somewhere we can go?”

“I wondered if you’d planned on spending all night in this bar.”

Kelly rose up from his chair.

Chaz was forced to take a step back as Kelly stood. He was

taller than he’s appeared to be while sitting, Chaz noted appreciatively.
They were roughly the same height.

Kelly picked up his glass and drained it. Then he reached for his

hat and seated it atop his head. He placed an arm around Chaz’ waist.

“You’re forgetting your smokes,” Chaz noted, pointing to the

pack on the bar.


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“Leave them.” Kelly started for the door, keeping Chaz close.

“Classy place,” Chaz said sarcastically as he pulled his car into

the parking lot of the motor lodge.

Chaz must have driven by it a million times over the years. The

single-story drab blue buildings had been there for as long as he could
remember. Tonight would be his first time setting foot in the place. He
maneuvered his car into the parking space beside Kelly’s truck. He got
out of the car and glanced over, noting the size difference in their
vehicles. His poor little car would probably fit in the bed of the massive
truck next to it.

Kelly snickered as he watched Chaz. “You can get a better look

later if you want. Right now I want you inside.”

Chaz nodded and walked around to join Kelly. He was feeling a

little heady from excitement and nervousness. Kelly opened the door and
stepped to the side to allow Chaz to enter first, and then closed the door
behind them. The room was well-worn, but clean. A small duffel bag sat
on the dark brown dresser. A wall mounted air conditioning unit hummed
noisily under the single window in the room.

“I’ll be right back,” Kelly said as he walked toward the

bathroom. He turned on the light and then closed the door.

A few seconds later, Chaz heard the sound of Kelly urinating in

the toilet. He smiled at the simple gesture, closing the door for privacy.
He looked over at the bed and debated crawling in, but decided against

“Your turn.” Kelly lifted one arm and pointed back as he exited

the tiny bathroom.

Chaz smiled and nodded, closing the door after himself. He

quickly emptied his bladder and then washed his hands. Wishing he had
a toothbrush, Chaz settled for rinsing his mouth out with tap water.

When Chaz emerged from the bathroom, Kelly had turned back

the sheets and lowered the lights. He stood waiting in the center of the
room. Chaz walked over to him and was immediately encircled in strong
arms. Kelly’s lips covered his. The kiss was exactly as Chaz had
imagined, hard and demanding. At Kelly’s prodding, he parted his lips,
and tasted bliss. He moaned in surprise and pleasure. The faint taste of

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tobacco and whiskey blended with Kelly’s unique flavor was not at all
what Chaz had expected. He welcomed the tongue that pressed into his
mouth, greeting it with his own.

“You need to take those clothes off yourself,” Kelly said gruffly

after he released Chaz. “If I do it, I’ll probably tear them off you.”

Chaz exhaled as a shiver traveled down his body. He stepped

over to the lone chair in the room and began undressing as quickly as he
could. He draped the last of his garments over the back of the chair and
turned around. For the second time that night, he froze in his tracks.

Kelly stood in front of him, completely naked. Starting at the

broad shoulders, Chaz let his eyes wander over the smooth muscled
chest, down to the narrow waist. Fuck! Kelly shaved his pubes. A
cowboy with no dick hair?
Chaz would have to file that one away for
later. For now, he bit his lower lip. Kelly’s uncircumcised phallus hung
long and heavy in front of him. Chaz wanted to tackle the man and
swallow him down on the spot. He looked back up and saw Kelly’s
caramel-colored eyes appraising him in the manner.

“Get over here,” Kelly growled.

Chaz bridged the few feet that separated them. Kelly grabbed

both Chaz’ ass cheeks and yanked him forward, his lips laying claim to
Chaz’ eager mouth. Chaz felt himself leaking as Kelly rutted against his
groin. Kelly reached down and took hold of one of Chaz’ thighs, urging
his leg upward. Chaz lifted his leg and hooked it around Kelly’s
backside, happy to comply. Hell, he was about ready to climb this man
like he was a tree.

Kelly broke off the kiss and lowered his head to suck on one of

Chaz’ nipples.

Chaz gasped and seized the back of Kelly’s head, grinding

Kelly’s face into his chest. Kelly slipped over to attend to Chaz’ other
nipple. After a moment of suckling and nibbling, Kelly straightened up.
His head struck Chaz’ jaw. Chaz grunted in pain and surprise.

“Turn around,” Kelly said, unapologetically.

He guided Chaz until he faced the bed, then pressed on his lower

back. Chaz was forced to lean over and rest his weight on his hands as
Kelly spread his buttocks apart. His hips jerked as a warm, wet tongue
swiped across his hole.

“Put one foot on the bed,” Kelly ordered, pressing the back of

Chaz’ thigh.


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Chaz complied and was immediately rewarded as Kelly’s tongue

continued its assault.

Kelly placed his hand on both Chaz’ hips and held him firmly,

lapping at the sweet pink pucker exposed in front of him. He smiled as
goose bumps popped up all over Chaz’ ass. He tightened his hold on
Chaz’ hips and then ran his chin over Chaz’ opening.

Chaz yelped and tried to buck away as the stubble on Kelly’s

chin scraped across his sensitized hole. Kelly’s hands made it
impossible for him to escape. He fisted his hands in the sheets, exhaling
sharply as Kelly’s chin rubbed over him again.

“Like that?” Kelly asked, looking up at Chaz.

“Yes,” Chaz answered softly, his voice shaking. The response

came out like a whimper.

Kelly licked the tight muscle again, sliding his tongue ever so

slightly into the opening. Then he began alternating his chin and his
tongue, varying the routine, so Chaz didn’t know which to expect. The
rough sandpaper feel of Kelly’s stubble was an amazing contrast to the
hot, wet tongue. Such sweet torture. Chaz leaned further over and
pressed his face into the sheets. He could feel his dick leaking again.

“I can’t take it anymore,” Chaz finally conceded. Every nerve in

his body was on fire.

Kelly paused and blew air across Chaz’ anus, smiling as the pink

pucker twitched in response. “You want me to stop?”

“Yes,” Chaz panted. “No. Please, Kelly, please. Just fuck me.”

“Told you you’d beg me for it.” Kelly’s voice was all smug and


Chaz started to say something in retort, but he didn’t really care.

Instead, he crawled onto the bed and stretched out on his back. He
tweaked his own nipple once, then stopped as his whole body spasmed.
Chaz knew he was primed and ready, all he needed now was Kelly’s
dick buried in his ass.

Kelly walked over to the dresser and opened his bag, pulling out

condoms and a bottle of lube. He ripped open the end package, not
bothering to tear it loose from the others on the sleeve. By the time he
made it to the bed, he’d already rolled the rubber over his rock hard
phallus. He tossed the bottle on the nightstand. One look at Chaz, and
Kelly knew he wouldn’t need the artificial lubrication. The man’s face

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was flushed pink, and he was breathing like he’d run a marathon. Chaz
was so excited that a little spit would be more than enough lubrication
for Kelly to ease into his passage.

Chaz watched Kelly’s sheathed appendage bob invitingly in front

of him as he walked across the room. He spread his legs as Kelly
crawled onto the mattress. He resisted the urge to lock his arms behind
his knees, and chuckled at his own neediness. The sound came out like a
nasally snort.

“You see something funny?” Kelly raised one eyebrow as he

moved himself between Chaz’ open legs.

Chaz shook his head. “No Cowboy, nothing funny here. Your

dick is beautiful.”

Kelly grinned and grabbed both Chaz’ thighs, pressing them

forward as he buried his face in the cleft of Chaz’ ass again.

Chaz grunted as the hot wet tongue pressed forcefully against his

opening. So much for a gradual buildup. He reached down to take hold
of his feet, spreading his ass cheeks even further apart.

Kelly moved his hands to Chaz’ buttocks, pressing against each

of the meaty globes. He lapped greedily at the exposed opening, and then
moved his hands inward, using his index fingers to tease the pink muscle.
As he’d suspected, there was little resistance to his prodding.

Chaz bucked as the first finger penetrated his sphincter. He

almost lost his hold on his feet as his body responded. He felt Kelly’s
finger press forward, unhampered by the involuntary clamping down of
his ass muscle. Stars exploded in Chaz’ vision as the finger ran across
his prostate gland.

“Looks like you’re about ready for me,” Kelly said, adding a

second finger to force the muscle to relax.

“Ride ‘em Cowboy,” Chaz answered, grinning as he realized

how dumb that sounded.

Kelly straightened up and then spit in his hand. He rubbed the

saliva around his cock as he positioned himself at Chaz’ opening.
Without hesitation, he pressed forward until he was completely buried
and his ball smacked against Chaz’ ass.

“Fuck!” Chaz yelled, feeling as if he was being ripped in half.

Kelly’s dick entered him like a torpedo. Bam. No mercy.

Kelly pulled back and slammed forward again. He looked up at


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Chaz’ face, noting the clenched jaw and tightly closed eyes. He paused
briefly to let his gaze wander down to Chaz’ body. He glanced at the
pink nipples, now hardened into points over the broad chest muscles,
then down to Chaz’ hard, throbbing cock. A fat string of precum ran from
the slit down to Chaz’ flat stomach. Yeah, he can take it. Kelly placed
his palms on top of Chaz’ hands, pushing on the man’s feet.

“Yeah, Kelly. Just like that!” Chaz’ voice boomed as he cheered

his lover on. The change in position brought Kelly’s dick in contact with
Chaz’ prostate during each thrust.

“Stroke yourself.” Kelly picked up the speed of his pumping,

grinding his hips against Chaz’ ass.

Chaz shook his head. “Can’t. I’ll cum.”

“Do it now!” Kelly ordered, pushing even harder against Chaz’


Chaz huffed his protest, but he grabbed his cock and began

rubbing himself. He tried to go slow, but found he couldn’t resist the
urge to match Kelly’s rhythm. Everything started to get fuzzy as his mind
and body gave in to the sensations.

“Give it to me,” Kelly demanded as he pummeled the hot ass

beneath him. He felt his balls lifting and knew he was ready.

“Fuck!” Chaz screamed as thick white cum sprayed out over his

chest and abdomen. He clamped his ass muscle and bucked up to meet
Kelly’s thrusts.

“Yeah Baby,” Kelly moaned as his own seed filled the condom.

He kept his hips rigid as the last of his ejaculations subsided.

Kelly reached an arm underneath Chaz and lifted the man’s

backside as he leaned over him. It brought their bodies closer, and he
rested his cheek against Chaz’ chest. Chaz ran this fingers through
Kelly’s hair, soothing him as both men recovered from their climax.

Chaz glanced at the ancient clock on the nightstand and sighed.

He looked over at Kelly and then sat up.

“What’s the hurry?” Kelly asked, stretching lazily on the bed.

“You got a plane to catch?”

Chaz gave a little chuckle. “Yeah, something like that.”

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Kelly frowned. “That’s too bad. I sure wouldn’t mind seeing you

right here when the sun comes shining through that window over there.”
He pointed at the closed drapes, flapping in the breeze from the air

“Really, I have to get home.” Chaz leaned over and kissed the tip

of Kelly’s nose. “But I sure had a good time Cowboy.”

Chaz stood and dressed as quickly as he could, Kelly watched

him, a bemused expression on his face. Chaz almost tripped trying to pull
on a sock, so he sat in the chair to finish donning his socks and shoes.
Kelly got out of bed and walked over to stand in front of Chaz. His semi-
erect cock swinging at Chaz’ eye level.

“Can I get one more chance to change your mind about staying?”

Chaz shook his head and stood up. Kelly didn’t budge, so as

Chaz moved, his dick trailed down Chaz’ torso. It hardened instantly
from the contact.

“You’re not playing fair there Cowboy.”

Kelly’s lips curved into a smile. “Not interested in playing fair,

just interested in playing with you.” He thrust his hips, sliding his shaft
between Chaz’ jean-clad thighs.

“Damn!” Chaz groaned, but he gently pushed Kelly away.

“Least you can do is give me one more kiss.”

Kelly didn’t wait for an answer. He cupped both hands over

Chaz’ ass and pulled the man close, his lips crushing, forcing Chaz’
mouth open. He pressed his tongue forward, dueling with Chaz’ tongue,
claiming, possessing. Chaz pulled away and broke off the kiss when he
could no longer hold his breath. His own cock was now painfully hard
inside his jeans. He backed away toward the door.

“You’re leaving me in dire straits here.” Kelly gestured toward

his throbbing penis.

Chaz took a deep breath and pressed on the door handle.

“Goodbye Cowboy.”

Chaz looked in the rearview mirror again as he sped along the

mostly deserted streets. Of course he wasn’t being followed. He shook
his head at his own ridiculousness. He steered his car into the driveway
and pressed the button on the remote, subconsciously tapping his foot as


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the garage door slowly opened. He pulled into the garage and then shut
off the car engine. He glanced over at Michael’s empty space beside his.
By the time the garage door closed, Chaz had already entered the kitchen.

Upstairs, Chaz quickly undressed and stuffed his clothes in the

hamper. Changing his mind, he grabbed the basket and bounded
downstairs to the laundry room. He didn’t want his whole closet
smelling like the bar. Once the clothes were in the washer and the cycle
started, he rushed back upstairs. First he went into the bathroom.
Opening the shower door, he cranked the dial until the water ran full
blast. Then he hurried out to turn down the sheets on the bed.

Chaz closed the door to the bathroom and then stepped into the

shower. After a couple of adjustments, he finally had the water at a hot,
but tolerable temperature. He stepped under the spray, then grabbed a
washcloth and the body wash, pouring much more soap into the cloth
than was probably necessary. He began scrubbing his body, giving
special attention to his nether regions, front and backside. He wanted to
make certain all traces of his earlier escapades were washed away. He
squeezed out the washcloth and placed in on the towel bar. Next he
squirted a liberal amount of shampoo directly into his hair and worked it
in thoroughly. Have to get that bar smell out. Finally he began rinsing
his hair and body, taking care to get rid of all the soap residue. A soft
click intruded on his silence. Michael. Chaz smiled. He’d actually been
able to pull it off. He turned off the water.

The glass shower door slid to one side and Michael stood there,

fully naked.

“I thought you’d be in bed by now.” Michael smiled. It was a

little half-smile.

“So did I,” Chaz replied, nodding. “I’m just finishing up. But

since I’m here anyway, why don’t you let me help you get cleaned up?”

“Hmm,” Michael groaned. “I like the sound of that. It has been a

long day.”

Chaz turned the water on again, hoping there was still sufficient

hot water left in the tank. Michael stepped into the shower and pulled the
door closed. He allowed Chaz to guide him under the shower head and
then closed his eyes as the wonderfully warm water began cascading
down on his head.

Chaz poured shampoo into one hand and then began working it

into Michael’s soft salt and pepper colored hair. He leaned forward and

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kissed Michael’s lips, ignoring the shampoo lather that slinked down
Michael’s face. Michael reached around Chaz and grabbed his ass.

“Did you have a good night?” Michael asked, massaging the firm,

round globes of his lover’s buttocks.

Chaz snorted loudly, making both men snicker. “I think the people

two or three rooms down from us would tell you that I had a good time

“You were pretty vocal,” Michael agreed. He moaned softly as

Chaz continued caressing his scalp. “That feels really good.”

“Did you make sure you everything was gone out of the room?”

Chaz asked, scratching his fingers along the base of Michael’s skull.

Michael smiled indulgently. “Yes.”

“I just don’t want a repeat of last year, when you left my

underwear in the room.”

Michael reached up and swiped across his face to remove any

lingering suds. Then he opened his eyes and stared at Chaz. “That was so
not my fault. Last year I wore a kilt, so I didn’t have on any underwear.”

“Yeah, but it was my favorite pair,” Chaz retorted, grinning. He

moved his hands down and made swirls around Michael’s nipples,
kneading the chest muscles.

“I bought you new ones.” Michael pulled them closer together so

their groins rubbed against one another, trapping their erections between

Chaz nodded, remembering. “By the way, how did you come up

with the name Kelly? That is awfully girly for a big butch cowboy.”

Michael laughed loudly. “She was the cashier at the drug store

where I bought the condoms.”

“I almost lost it when you told me your name was Kelly.”

Michael’s lips curved into a half smile. “I knew that would get

you. So did you like the cowboy?”

“Fuck yeah.” The look Chaz gave Michael conveyed the

absurdity of the question. “You were hot as hell.”

“Should I go get the Stetson?” Michael asked as he pressed his

hard cock against Chaz.

“No thanks.” Chaz reached down to curl his fingers around

Michael’s steely dick. “Fantasy time is fun. But at the end of the day, I


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want to make love to the man of my dreams.”

Michael kissed Chaz lightly on the lips. “You sweet talker, you.

Even after twenty-five years, you still know how to make my heart

“Happy Anniversary Michael.”

“Happy Anniversary Baby.”


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