The Jawhara Sheikhs 1 The Sheikh's Pregnant Bride Leslie North

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The Sheikh’s Pregnant Bride

The Jawhara Sheikhs Series Book 1

By Leslie North

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When Sheikh Kamal first saw Erin from across the ballroom, he knew that he must have her - and he always got what he wanted. But
Erin was unlike any other woman he had ever met. Even for an American, she was exceptionally feisty, strong and stubbornly
independent. A challenge that he readily accepted as he couldn’t keep his eyes off the stunning beauty that completely captivated him.

When Erin first saw Sheikh Kamal, she had no idea that he was royalty and the leader of Jawhara, one of the largest and wealthiest
countries in the Middle East. She simply saw him as an irresistible handsome man, tall, with deep brown eyes and a muscular physique.
Definitely her type. He was perfect - apart from his personality.

To say that he was arrogant, controlling, and dominating barely touched upon his personality, which was everything she told herself that
she NEVER wanted in a man. Yet, she felt such a strong pull towards him, even his scent was intoxicating.

Unable to ignore their attraction or each other, they leave the ball and go to Erin's condo where they share an intense night of
lovemaking. In the morning, Kamal is called urgently back to his country.

As the weeks go by, and the gifts from Kamal pile up, Erin makes a shocking discovery. She is carrying the heir to a kingdom. When
Kamal discovers this, he will do anything to bring her to his country and make her his bride. But Erin has other ideas…

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I dedicate this book to you, my loyal readers. Thank you for all the lovely e-mails, reviews and
support. Without you, this wouldn't be possible.

I’d also like to say a special thank you to Leslie’s Lovelies who have played a huge role in
writing this story – you’re the best! THANK YOU for all your support. If you’re interested in
joining Leslie’s Lovelies and getting exclusive advance release copies of my books for free,
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The Sheikh’s Pregnant Bride



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19


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Chapter 1

“Come on, Erin. Help me out here, just this once. It’s not like you have anything else going on


Erin Malone watched her cousin, trying not to let the accuracy of her words cut like a knife. No.

She didn’t have anything else going on tonight – or any other night in recent memory. Swallowing

back the sarcastic retort that sprang to her lips, she stared at Shira, her wayward cousin whose social

calendar didn’t know the meaning of a ‘night off.’

When Shira continued to smile at her, bat her eyelashes, and give her a knowing grin, Erin

couldn’t help the smile that reluctantly pulled at her mouth. What the hell! She probably owed herself

a night of decadence and indulgence anyway.

Shira’s grin grew as Erin began to nod her head, “I knew you’d agree!”

“Hold on a minute,” Erin said, “I haven’t agreed to anything yet. Tell me what this party is for


She watched as her cousin rubbed her hands together in glee. Shira was the assistant marketing

director for a large advertising firm and tonight they were celebrating having landed the most sought

after commercial contract in their history – Jewel Oil. Her firm had been after the contract for almost

a year, and just this afternoon, the final contracts had been signed and now it was time to celebrate.

“I already told you, we’re celebrating winning the Jewel Oil contract.”

Erin nodded, “I heard that part. Tell me again why you need my help.”

Looking at her cousin, she was proud of the fine young woman she had become. After having lost

both of her parents in a house fire when she was only ten, Erin’s parents had welcomed her into their

home. Shira had been like a younger sister before, and as she grew into a teenager, they had become

best friends.

Only four years older than Shira, their bond never wavered after Erin left for college. When

Shira graduated and started college, Erin had been in her second year of law school, and living on her

own. She had insisted that Shira share her small condo with her and the two women had kept the

arrangement for the last five years.

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“I need you to be my wing-woman tonight.”

Erin watched her cousin for a moment, wondering at the uncertainty she could see lingering in her

eyes. Shira was the most confident woman Erin knew, and though she wouldn’t admit it, she was often

jealous of the ease with which she interacted with men. Seeing the apparent crack in her confidence

was foreign in Erin’s experience.

“What’s happened?” she demanded, willing and eager to come to her cousin’s rescue.

Shira shook her head, “Nothing. That’s the problem. The execs from Jewel have been over here

so many times in the last few months, and even though I’ve made it known I would gladly accept

Kale’s advances, he’s keeping me at arm’s length. With the contracts signed, I don’t know how many

more opportunities I may get to see him.”

“Who’s Kale?”

“Kale is one of the execs from Jawhara. I’m not sure exactly what his connection is to their

leadership, but he’s always got at least two bodyguards with him. Although, several of the men

traveling with their group this time around have personal bodyguards. Maybe that’s the custom over

there, I don’t know.”

“So what, you expect me to help you get this guy alone – away from his henchmen?”

Shira shook her head, “No. Nothing like that. I just need you to be there. Maybe you could figure

out why he’s playing this cat and mouse game with me. I’m missing something; I just can’t figure it


She sounded so miserable; Erin knew that she would end up going with her this evening. “Is he


“No!” she exclaimed, and then added, “I did check that out. He’s not married and according to

the rumors, he doesn’t even have a steady girlfriend.”

“Well, don’t worry about it. Doll yourself up and stay focused tonight. I’ll come and help out

however you need me.”

Shira smiled before jumping up from the couch where she had been sitting, “Great. I’ve got to get

ready. Hey, we’re at the Whittemore.”

Erin raised an eyebrow at that, “Really? Damon and Rick must really want to celebrate to have

dished out that kind of money.”

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Shira giggled, “Well, I think Jewel Oil is picking up the tab, at least for part of it anyway. I

overheard Kale talking with Rick earlier, and they’ve rented out the entire facility.”

“Wow.” Erin had to admit she was impressed. Whittemore House was an old historic mansion;

located only a block from the White House. The rooms had been restored and were now rented out as

meeting rooms, banquet rooms, or for private parties. Erin hadn’t been inside the building since she

toured it in high school, but she remembered being impressed by the interior décor.

Shira nodded as she backed towards her room, “Yeah. Wait until you see the entourage from

Jawhara. Kale may be gorgeous, but his countrymen aren’t that hard on the eyes either. Who knows,

maybe someone will catch your eye tonight. You’re due for some fun.”

Shooing her away, Erin headed for her own room, deciding she might as well make the best of

the evening. How long had it been since she had done anything for fun? Just for herself? Six

months? A year? Had she allowed herself to have fun since the incident with Steven?

Shaking her head at where her thoughts had been headed, she mentally closed that door and

headed for the shower. Maybe she would take Shira’s advice and see if she couldn’t catch the eye of a

nice looking foreigner tonight. A little flirtation; exchange a few kisses and hugs. She gave her

reflection in the bathroom mirror a self-deprecating smile as her libido jumped to attention.

Erin had locked it away more than a year ago – when she had to find out through social media

that her fiancé had been seeing someone else on the side for more than two years. Luckily, they had

yet to discuss marriage, let alone make plans, but the betrayal still hurt. After the incident that had

brought her dreams crashing to the ground, Erin immersed herself in work, stuffing away any ideas of

relationships and the concept of a bit of fun had her libido anxious to come out and play again.

Well, maybe she would loosen up and play this evening. It wasn’t as if she was going to find

Prince Charming running around DC anytime soon. He was out there somewhere; and while she knew

that he existed, she also knew that her chances of finding him in a city full of visiting dignitaries and

tourists were slim.

Tonight would be about fun. Nothing more. Nothing less. She would spend the evening flirting

with men she would never see again, and tomorrow she would pick her boring little life back up


Erin Malone knew how to have a good time, and that’s exactly what she intended to do.

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Chapter 2

“Good evening, Your Majesty. Please, make yourself at home,” Rick Tompkins said, shaking the

hand of the leader of Jawhara, as he was escorted into the grand foyer of the Whittemore. “It’s a

pleasure to have you join us this evening.”

Kamal Mehalel El-Jawhara, Sheikh of Jawhara, and CEO of Jewel Oil, shook the hand of the

man who was going to bring his country’s reputation a much-needed boost. He nodded his head and

spoke briefly in Arabic to the two men standing behind him.

As they moved off to do his bidding, he spoke to Rick, one of the Addams Group owners, “Your

company put together an impressive presentation today. It was a pleasure to see their enthusiasm for

this project. I have spoken with my brother, and we both agree that sometime in the near future, your

team should visit Jawhara. That way they can see for themselves what is needed going forward.”

Rick nodded, “I think that would definitely be of benefit. I’ll speak with Damon about setting

something up.”

“Fine.” Kamal straightened his tie before looking around at the people gathered to celebrate the

contract signing. As he surveyed the room, he recognized a number of people from the photos his

secretary had shown him earlier that evening.

Being prepared was something Kamal insisted upon. He prided himself on knowing both his

friends and his enemies before entering into any type of social gathering. With his connections, he

often knew more about people he had never met, than long term friends knew about each other after

years of interaction.

Kamal didn’t feel that he was prying into people’s private lives; quite the opposite, he was

educating himself as to their strengths and weaknesses. This kept him from being taken advantage of

and had often provided information, which helped his security team, perform their duties in keeping

him safe.

He nodded politely at several women who stared at him a bit too long. Used to women flirting

with him, he shrugged off the seductive wink of a tall blonde when he spied his brother across the

room speaking with a beautiful young woman.

He watched her giggle a little too much, obviously trying to keep his brother’s attention solely

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focused on her. Looking at the expression on his brother’s face, he could have told her to relax. Khalil

was already hooked and seemed content to stay that way.

As he stepped around a small group standing between he and his brother, he caught sight of the

dark red hair of a woman standing in his brother’s group. Kamal stopped short, stunned by how

alluring her hair color was. It was definitely natural, but the way the light shone on the varying colors

of red made her hair almost seem alive.

Taking another step forward, he was stunned speechless when she turned slightly, giving him his

first glimpse of her profile. Alabaster skin, a slightly turned up nose and a mouth made for kissing

greeted him. Continuing to turn, he watched as her lids lifted and her eyes captured his attention. They

were the most startling shade of green he had ever seen. Deep, dark, mysterious, and warm. Those

words described the feelings he had as he watched her eyes land on him, skitter away, and then return.

He continued his forward progress, greeting his brother briefly in Arabic before returning his

attention to the beautiful woman standing directly in front of him. Offering his hand, he spoke to her,

“Good evening.”

Seeing her eyes light with interest and the husky quality of her voice as she replied, “Good

evening,” had his body standing at attention and demanding he learn more about her.

Kale watched the interaction between his brother and Shira’s cousin with interest. Mentally

smiling to himself, he had never been so happy to see his brother. Maybe now he would finally be

able to get Shira alone and calm her nervousness.

It was obvious that she was attracted to him, and while he had enjoyed their flirtations these last

few months, he was ready for more. He had held himself tightly in check during the contract

negotiations, putting his country’s needs before his own, but that was done now. Tonight there was

only his own needs to worry about and he hoped to add Shira’s to his list of duties tonight as well.

Making the introductions, he said, “Kam, may I introduce Shira and her cousin, Erin. Shira, this

is my brother, Kam.”

Erin watched as the newcomer briefly shook her cousin’s hand before turning the full weight of

his dark gaze in her direction once again. The magnetism she felt between her and the stranger was as

foreign as the words he spoke in reply to Kale’s introduction. When Kale ushered her cousin off in

another direction, she turned to follow them only to be stopped by a hand upon her arm. “Don’t go.”

Turning her head, she looked first at the hand holding her arm before letting her eyes leisurely

travel up to the face that was attached to it. He was a very handsome man. Standing more than six

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inches above her five foot seven height, his trim body and the way he held himself was very alluring.

This man was clearly used to being in charge.

Erin briefly wondered what his occupation was. She still hadn’t figured out what connection

Kale had to the leadership of Jawhara, but he appeared to have quite a bit of authority there. Did his

brother also have a position of authority in Jawhara?

“Would you care to join me for a walk? I understand there is a formal garden through those

doors,” Kamal suggested, pointing towards the double French doors leading to the patio beyond.

Kamal watched Erin take one last look at where her cousin had disappeared to and then slowly

nod her head, “I would love to get some fresh air. So, yes. I would love a walk in the garden.”

Waiting for her to precede him, he let his eyes drift down over her figure, stopping briefly as his

eyes devoured the sumptuous curves her form fitting dress revealed. The black fabric molded itself to

her lush breasts, before dropping down to hug her hips – hips that were made to hold onto as….

Pulling his thoughts back, Kamal followed her outside, placing a hand low on her back and

feeling the shiver of reaction as it coursed through her body. Good. She feels the attraction too.

Leading her towards a darkened path, he gestured with his hand informing his security detail to

keep their distance. The path was lit only by small strands of lights scattered here and there amongst

the vegetation, giving Kamal a perfect excuse to keep his hand upon her back as they walked. “Are

you warm enough?”

Erin nodded, “Yes. And you?”

Kamal answered with a smile, “Of course. Your country is very different from my own during the

day, but at night the temperatures are very similar.”

Erin smiled at him, “In what way?”

“Well. Bordering the sea, we enjoy a slight breeze off the water most of the time. This brings

much needed humidity to our arid land. Once the sun goes down, the temperature drops dramatically,

and one can almost taste the moisture in the air. It’s not so different than here.”

Erin laughed, “I take it you’ve never been in DC during the winter months?”

Kamal shook his head, “Sadly, no. I have been in Vermont during the winter months however. Is

the weather here so different?”

Erin laughed again, “You could say that. They get tons of snow up there. Here, we get a little bit

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here and there, but normally we don’t get the volume like they do. I can’t imagine trying to move

several feet of snow each morning.”

Kamal was shocked, why would this beautiful young woman need to worry about moving snow?

“You enjoy moving snow?” he asked, suddenly picturing her delectable body bending over


Erin huffed, “Really? Do you enjoy shoveling snow?”

“I’ve never done it. But in my country it would be someone else’s job to remove snow.”

Erin looked at him and when she realized he was being serious, she asked, “Spoiled much?”

“Never,” Kamal replied. Having servants see to his every need was not a matter of being

spoiled; it was his due as the Sheikh of his people. It was his country’s privilege to take care of their

ruler. They were compensated well for their service, and Kamal had his every need met. Well, almost

every need.

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Chapter 3

Erin took another step and then stopped with an, “Ouch.” Reaching down, she tried to loosen the

small pebble that had lodged itself inside her shoe, just beneath the pad of her foot, but realized that

without taking off her shoe, the action was hopeless.

Kamal heard her cry and watched as she bent over, taking her foot in her hand. His eyes were

drawn to the stretch of material over her bottom as she leaned over, briefly wondering if that’s what

she would look like shoveling snow. He tucked his hands into his pockets to keep from letting them

smooth over her shapely mounds. “What’s wrong?”

“A rock in my shoe. It’s okay.” She attempted one more time to dislodge the offending rock, and

almost fell over as her balance became disrupted.

Seeing her struggle, he grabbed her elbow and led her over to a nearby bench, pushing her down

and then kneeling in front of her. Removing her shoe, he used his fingers to ensure the rock was no

longer a problem.

Erin felt her breath catch when Kam knelt before her and removed her shoe. The feel of his hand

upon the arch of her foot had her clenching her thighs together as shivers of delight shot straight to her


Looking up at her, Kamal let his hand massage her foot, watching as her eyes darkened with

desire. Setting her shoe on the ground, he placed his other hand upon her ankle and slowly began to

glide his hands up her calf. Kneading the muscles as he went, he felt her muscles tighten as he neared

her knee and moved above it.

Her skin was silky smooth, and warm to the touch. When his hands reached the hem of her dress,

he stopped, letting just his fingertips play beneath the material. He heard her quick intake of breath

and felt the shiver through his own body. Keeping his gaze locked on her eyes, he slowly let his

fingers glide up the first several inches of her thighs. Her legs were pushed together, as if to lock

away the secrets they protected.

Kamal sensed that he was moving too fast for her, and abruptly pulled his hands away, finishing

the task, and replacing her shoe. Standing, he turned, adjusting himself away from her prying eyes,

before sitting beside her on the bench.

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Erin was glad that he had stopped, but also found she was slightly disappointed he hadn’t

finished his exploration. She didn’t know what it was about this man, but she was very attracted to

him and found she wanted to know more about him.

Hearing a slight noise, she turned her head and caught a glimpse of two men standing several feet

away. They had their backs turned towards the bench, but didn’t look inclined to leave anytime soon.

“Kam, there are men over there,” she whispered.

Kamal didn’t even bother to look, “Yes. I know. Don’t worry about them. They are keeping us


“Safe? I didn’t realize we were in danger.”

Kamal smiled at her, “Danger can be anywhere. One can never be too safe.”

Thinking about his statement, she attributed it to the difference in cultures. “Well… tell me about

your country.”

Kamal told her about the beauty of his Jawhara. He spoke to her about the advancements his

country had made to their infrastructure. They exchanged ideas and opinions for over an hour,

discovering that while they didn’t agree on many things, they were both very dedicated to their

causes. He was dedicated to helping his country become independent. She was dedicated to helping

people become independent.

Kamal listened as she described the non-profit group, the Charity Foundation, she worked for

and how she ensured that the people who came to the shelter for help were given every opportunity to

start again. Whether that involved seeking a divorce, or terminating the parental rights of an abusive

parent, Erin was very driven to make the world around her a better place for all to live in.

Kamal marveled at the strength of character he witnessed in her, while also frowning that she

would willingly place herself in the middle of domestic disputes. She clearly needed someone to help

her see that endangering herself was wrong. Not wanting to upset the chemistry between them, he held

back from voicing his opinion.

In Jawhara, the elderly and very young were protected by everyone. There was no need ever to

take a child away from their parents. Children were viewed as the future of the country, while the

elderly were revered for their knowledge, experience, and wisdom.


When Kale and Shira found them an hour later, to inform them that they were going to head out to

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a local dance club, Kamal and Erin were quick to refuse their invitation to join them. Kamal had no

desire to spend the rest of his evening shouting to be heard over what the youngsters of America

called music.

Erin could see that Shira had finally gotten Kale’s attention, and the thought of being a third

wheel in their little celebration was unthinkable. Grinning at Shira, she gave her thumbs up as Kale

escorted her to a waiting limo. These guys sure know how to travel.

“I guess I should probably head home as well.” Erin didn’t want the evening to end; she had

really enjoyed talking with Kam.

“I will have my driver take you home.”

Shaking her head, she declined, “There’s no need. There’s a Metro station a block up. I’ll catch it

and be home before you know it.”

The thought of this beauty taking the subway was appalling to Kamal. The subway was full of

dangers and miscreants this time of night. “No. My driver will see that you arrive home safely.”

Erin laughed, “Kam, I know you’re not from around here, but the subway is perfectly safe. I take

it all the time.”

“Humor me in this. I will feel much better if you let me see you home.”

She stared into his dark eyes for a moment and then gave in, “Okay. I’ll let you drive me home.

Besides, I’ve never been in a limo before. It’ll be an adventure.”

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Chapter 4

The ride to her condo had taken on a life of its own. Kam had instructed his driver in Arabic, so

she had only assumed that the address she had provided him had been relayed. When she saw the

various monuments come into view, she realized that they were taking a sightseeing trip first.

Erin smiled, as she never tired of seeing America’s history so aptly displayed around the city.

Seeing it through the eyes of a newcomer was always exciting. When she turned towards Kam to see

how he was enjoying the sights, she found his intense gaze focused on her.

“Don’t you want to see the monuments?” she asked, blushing at being the object of his attention.

“I believe I would rather look at you.”

Erin’s blush deepened. She watched him for several minutes and felt her desire to be kissed by

him rise to the surface once again. She let her eyes take a leisurely inventory of him, from his Armani

grey suit, which fit him perfectly to the way his hair curled slightly along his shirt collar; she found

that she liked very much what she saw. Shifting her gaze to his strong face with his dark, mysterious

eyes, he was unlike anyone she had ever known.

Kamal let her look her fill, used to being the object of scrutiny. In his position as Sheikh of

Jawhara, he was used to attention from both the media and his countrymen. As an unmarried man, who

ruled one of the richest countries in the Middle East, he was no stranger to female attention either. At

the age of thirty-one, he knew his advisors were anxious for him to choose a bride, but he would not

be hurried.

Having gained his title at the young age of twenty, he had spent the last ten years learning to be

the best ruler possible and honor his late father’s memory. The late Sheikh had died of a heart attack

at the age of fifty-nine, leaving Kamal and his brother, Khalil, to pick up the pieces. Negotiations with

the west had only just begun, and Kamal had quickly focused his attention on making those a lucrative

proposition for his country.

Jawhara was now the wealthiest country in the world. Success had not come without its

problems; however, Kamal had welcomed the problems as they arose with a tenacity that had earned

him the respect and trust of his people.

“So tell me, what do you do at this Charity Foundation?” Kamal asked her, truly interested in

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learning more about the woman who had captured his attention.

“I’m a pro bono lawyer.”

“Pro bono?”

Erin blushed as she nodded, “Yes. It basically means that the people who utilize my services do

so without the ability to pay. That’s what the non-profit foundation helps cover.”

“A lawyer?” Kamal asked, wondering why Americans were so willing to let their women

perform jobs that belonged to the men. In Jawhara, women were nurturers and the duties they

performed did not involve their interaction with dishonorable men.

Erin smiled, “Yes. Although, I don’t actually spend much time in a courtroom. Most of my day is

spent filling out paperwork and filing documents with the courts.”

“And this fulfills you?” Kamal asked, trying to understand what drove this beautiful young

woman to place herself in such danger.

“Fulfilling?” Erin asked, having not stopped to consider that in many years. “I don’t know if I

would go that far. The bureaucracy can be frustrating, especially when the situation is urgent or

potentially life threatening. But if I didn’t work for the Foundation, I would definitely want to work

somewhere where I knew that I was helping others.”

Kamal nodded, understanding the desire to help those in need.

“So, what about you? What do you do for a living?”

Kamal looked at her and let his eyes wander down to her mouth. Thoughts of answering her

question fled as he imagined what she would taste like. Leaning closer, he inhaled her unique

fragrance, wondering how much of it was artificial and how much of it was her. Scooting closer to

her, he lifted a hand and let it trail down her temple and around her neck to tangle in her hair.

Lowering his head at the same time, he gently placed his lips upon hers, taking small sips from

her lips.

Erin allowed him to pull her slightly closer, and let her lips return his caress. She breathed in his

essence and closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his hand in her hair. The nape of her neck had

always been a trigger spot for her.

Kamal lifted his head, murmuring to her softly, “Come back to my rooms with me?”

Erin heard his request, but instantly shook her head, “No. I couldn’t possibly. We just met.” She

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struggled to maintain some sense of decorum, but knew that with very little pressure from Kam, she

would fold.

“Then ask me to join you,” Kamal suggested, seeing that his driver was just pulling up in front of

the address Erin had provided him.

Erin turned her head and saw that she was home and swallowed back the disappointment. She

had been enjoying Kam’s company and his kisses. She definitely wanted more, but didn’t want him to

think poorly of her. Why his opinion mattered was something for later contemplation, right now he

was looking at her, awaiting her decision.

Slowly nodding, she replied, “Would you like to come in for a nightcap? Will your driver mind


Kam grinned at her, “Yes and my driver will return within moments of my call.”

“Really?” Erin asked, not convinced, but having no experience from which to draw.

“Really. Shall we?” Kamal asked, turning as the driver opened the door. He exited the limo and

then reached in to assist Erin out. Gesturing towards the sidewalk, he spoke briefly to his driver in

Arabic before following her.

Erin was consumed with what might take place once they went inside; she didn’t see the second

vehicle pull up or the two large guards exit it and begin scanning the parking area for threats.

Kamal not only saw the vehicle, he realized that their presence could seriously alter his plans for

the next several hours. With another terse command to his driver, he followed her up the walk,

assured that the guards would be properly informed to remain invisible to his hostess.

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Chapter 5

Erin took her keys from her purse, pausing to catch her breath, which stalled as she felt Kamal’s

heat at her back. Taking the last step onto the porch, she tried to control the shaking of her hand as she

placed the key in the lock.

When Kam reached over her shoulder and steadied her hand to complete the job, she felt her

pulse quicken and struggled to calm her racing heartbeat. She wasn’t sure what it was about this man

that affected her so completely, but she couldn’t remember ever being this turned on by someone

she had just met.

Mentally shaking her head, she pulled the key from the lock, pushed the door open and walked

into her home, glad that she had spent a few hours earlier cleaning up.

Kamal followed her in, shutting the door behind him, while marveling at the eclectic mix of

furniture and artwork that adorned the front room. The furniture pieces were mostly neutrals, but large

splashes of color were sprinkled throughout in the form of pillows, artwork, and rugs.

“Erin, you have a lovely home.”

Blushing, she replied, “Thank you. Have a seat and I’ll see what we have to drink.”

Kam reached out a hand, stopping her from leaving the room, “I think we both know I did not

come here to drink.” He watched her closely, curious at the blush that stained her cheeks. She was a

very confident woman, yet she seemed nervous.

Erin watched him from beneath lowered lashes, “Would you like to sit down?”

Pulling her into him, he wrapped his arms around her before lowering his head and answering

her with his mouth. He tasted her, letting his teeth nip at her bottom lip before pulling her chin down

and opening her mouth to his invasion. She tasted sweet, like honey.

Erin felt as if she was being consumed and found she didn’t mind at all. She let her hands wrap

around his shoulders, stepping into his body and brushing her breasts against his hard chest. When he

wrapped his arms around her, she relaxed against him, reveling in the strength she discovered in his


Kamal let his hands wander up and down her back, letting one hand drop below her waist to

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caress the roundness of her bottom. When he gave the flesh there a squeeze, he heard the moan she

released and dropped his other hand down as well.

Using his hands to pull her into him, he turned her so that he was leaning his hips against the back

of her couch. Pulling her into the vee of his legs, he pressed her core against his own hardness, barely

managing to hold back the groan that threatened to erupt from his mouth.

Erin couldn’t seem to get close enough to him. Letting one of her hands smooth over his chest

muscles, she stopped when she encountered his waistband, hesitantly pulling his shirt from his pants.

Letting her hands skim over the taut muscles of his abs, she let her fingertips flirt with the skin just

beneath his pants.

Hearing his murmured words of encouragement, and continuing to have her mouth ravaged by his

own, she located the clasp of his pants and pulled it loose. Drawing the zipper down, the backs of her

fingers barely brushed the hardness contained underneath.

Kamal had never felt so out of control. He prided himself on his self-control of all things, most

assuredly his body when the fairer sex was involved. He had never felt such desire before. Releasing

her mouth, he pushed her gently away from him, pushing his suit pants down his legs and then

removing them and his shoes.

Erin watched him disrobe and, at his raised eyebrow, turned around to present her back to him.

Looking over her shoulder at him, she watched as he reached his hand out and drew her zipper down

her back. Pulling the dress out, she dropped it and wiggled her hips, allowing it to pool around her

feet. Turning around, she stood. before him in only a black demi-bra and matching bikini bottom, she

resisted the urge to cover herself.

Seeing the desire flare in his eyes as he gazed upon her, gave her the courage to perform her own

inspection. His body was magnificent. Hard muscles and a thin line of hair that disappeared beneath

the silk waistband of his boxers.

“Erin, you are magnificent,” he told her, eyeing her trim body in appreciation.

She felt the blush travel down her neck and onto her chest, once again resisting the urge to cover

herself with her hands. When had she become this self-conscious about her body? She kept herself

in shape, watched what she ate, and knew that she looked good. So why the nerves now?

Erin struggled to remain where she was standing as Kam approached her once again. When he

used a hand on her shoulder to turn her around so that he was facing her back, her little remaining

confidence wavered. What if he doesn’t like what he sees? She hadn’t been enough for Steven. The

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little voice inside her head was going to drive her crazy. If Kam doesn’t like what he sees he knows

where the door is.

Straightening her spine, she prepared herself to be disappointed. When she felt Kam’s lips skim

first her shoulders, and then up the side of her neck, all of the disparaging thoughts clouding her mind

disappeared like smoke. His touch felt amazing and he found that special spot behind her ear that had

her knees buckling. She grasped at the arms that wrapped themselves around her middle in an effort to

stay upright.

Moaning in pleasure, she tipped her head to the side as his lips continued to pay homage to her

skin. “Kam, that feels so good.”

“I’m glad. Show me where your bedroom is. I have a desire to learn the rest of your body.”

Erin took his hand and led him down the hallway, pausing several times as his free hand roamed,

finding sensitive spots along her spine and backside. Each time she stopped, he would urge her

forward again with kisses and murmurings of desire for her.

“Kam, I…,” she started, once they reached her bedroom and she realized that the time for

stopping was almost gone.

Seeing her hesitation, Kam quickly closed the distance, tipping her chin up until her eyes looked

into his, “Habibti, what is concerning you?”

Erin was puzzled at the Arabic word, but forgot to ask him the meaning as she became lost once

again in his dark gaze. His eyes were dark pools of desire that warmed her insides and caused a

shiver to race down her spine, landing in her stomach and causing her desire to climb another notch.

Looking up at him, she tried to convey her confusing thoughts, “We’ve only just met. Isn’t this too


Kam gave her a tender smile before leaning down and capturing her lips in a searing kiss once

again. “Does it not feel right? This chemistry we have between us?”

Erin nodded; it did feel right. She didn’t understand it, but decided that for once in her life she

was going to take what was being offered. She would deal with the consequences, if there were any,


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Chapter 6

“Yes, it feels right.” She gave him a tremulous smile and then stepped closer to him, wrapping

one arm around his shoulders and letting the other hand skim down his chest until she encountered his


Kamal was quickly losing what little control he still had and scooped her up, depositing her in

the middle of her bed. Joining her, he began to discover all of the places that made her breath catch.

His hands and lips travelled across her body, discovering the lushness of her breasts and the slight

swell of her belly below. It was as if her body had been made for his pleasure.

When she was squirming beneath him and urging him on, he realized that in his haste he had

forgotten to bring protection with him. He knew that a phone call to his driver would remedy the

situation in mere minutes, but doing so would also destroy the chemistry currently boiling between


Erin felt him pause in his assault upon her senses, and when he dropped his head to her chest and

took several slow breaths, she wondered at the cause. “Kam?”

“I cannot protect you, habibti. I am so sorry.”

Puzzled, Erin tried to follow his line of thinking when his words finally registered. Slowly

smiling, she met his eyes and shook her head, “Don’t worry about it. I protect myself.”

Kam felt his anger rise at the notion that she felt she needed to protect herself from anything, but

as her meaning dawned on him, he realized that in this instance he would forgive her American

boldness. “So, there is no reason I cannot continue?”

“None at all,” Erin assured him. Moaning as he proceeded to do just that.

His sure hands returned to all her more sensitive spots as he pleasured her body like no man had

ever done before. Drawing a nipple into his mouth, he used his tongue to pin it to the roof of his mouth

as he sucked on it. Gasping, Erin grabbed his head, holding it to her breast as he ravished her.

Switching to the other side, to do the same, had her rubbing her legs together as wetness trickled

down her thigh. Drawing his name out on a moan, Kam growled in satisfaction as he worked his way

down her body, kissing a fiery path that continually stoked her pleasure.

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Her body now fully ablaze, he cupped her mound, growling again, when he easily slid one finger

between her folds encountering nothing but wetness as the heat from her body threatened to burn him.

Positioning himself, he rubbed the tip of his cock along her slit prepared to take it slow so that

she could accommodate his girth, but Erin was too eager. Tilting her hips up, he couldn’t control his

descent as he slid easily inside burying himself completely deep inside her causing them both to groan

in satisfaction.

Lifting his hips, he began to thrust in and out, as Erin tossed her head from side to side in

absolute pleasure. Sliding her legs up, she wrapped them around his waist as she pressed against his

butt cheeks with her heels.

As Erin’s pleasure grew, Kam could feel her body shake with need as her vaginal muscles began

to spasm in anticipation. Speeding up, he varied how deep he plunged, as he adjusted his angle to

heighten her arousal.

He brought her pleasure to new heights before hurtling her over the cliff, into a place where time

and all thought of responsibilities fled. Kam felt her fly over the edge and followed her, capturing her

scream of pleasure with his mouth.

Kamal collapsed over her, leaning up on one elbow to keep the weight of his body from crushing

her. After several minutes, he reluctantly rolled from her bed, locating the adjoining bathroom and

washing himself. Grabbing a washcloth and running it under warm water, he returned to the bed and

proceeded to wash her as well, amidst her blushes and assurances that she could see to herself.

“Habibti, it is not only my duty, but my extreme pleasure to care for you. Shush.”

“What does that word mean?” Erin asked him, finally relaxing her legs and allowing him to wipe

the evidence of their passion from her body.

‘Habibti? It is a form of endearment used by my countrymen.”

“Like ‘sweetheart’ or ‘sugar’?”

Shaking his head, Kam tossed the towel towards the bathroom and climbed back into the bed.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back against his chest, spooning her into his body before

he replied, “Not quite. I’m not sure that there is an American version of the word.”

When he grew silent, Erin realized that there were probably many words that didn’t translate

between his language and hers. Closing her eyes, she smiled at the thought that actions were a better

means of communicating anyway. She and Kam had definitely proven that.

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They proved that several more times throughout the night. Kam awakened her with kisses and

caresses designed to fuel her desire and make her crazy for him. She slept after each interlude,

snuggling into his arms and wishing for the night never to end.

When Kam heard the knock upon her front door, he grimaced and slowly moved her from his

arms, hoping not to wake her. Grabbing his pants from the front room, he donned them before opening

the door to greet his driver and the phone he was holding out.

Giving the driver a rueful glance, Kamal placed the phone to his ear. Hearing the words of the

caller quickly changed his feelings from contentment and relaxation to anger and deep concern. After

a terse goodbye, he instructed his driver to call the airport and make sure his jet was fueled and ready

to leave within the hour. His brother was to be found and brought to the airport as well.

Heading back inside the condo, he quickly finished dressing before returning to her bedroom. He

hated leaving her like this, but it couldn’t be helped. Jawhara was a peaceful nation for the most part,

but it seemed that a neighboring country had erupted overnight into civil war.

Refugees were streaming across the borders into Jawhara, and his military leaders were afraid

that country borders would be ineffective in stopping the fighting from following them into his


He and his brother’s presence were required in Jawhara immediately. Bending down, he placed

a gentle kiss upon her temple, letting his lips travel to her own as she roused slightly. “Habibti, I must

go. Continue to sleep. I will contact you when I am able.”

Erin heard his murmured words, but was too tired to think much of them. She heard him tell her

goodbye, and snuggled back down under the covers hoping he would return soon.

Kamal took one more look at the woman who had rocked his world and captured his heart. He

wanted nothing more than to carry her off and take her with him, but Jawhara was in jeopardy and he

needed to ensure that it was a safe place before bringing her there. Her safety and well-being were

his responsibility now.

After instructing one of his bodyguards that he would be remaining in the states to watch over his

woman, he allowed his driver to deliver him to the airport. Spying his brother, he realized that he was

not the only one cursing their need to return now. Khalil looked fighting mad and ready to take on

whoever had caused this disruption to his time in the states.

Kamal assured him that all would be made right. Priorities dictated that their country be set to

rights, and then they could both return to claim the women they intended to make their wives.

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Chapter 7

Erin awoke the next morning, immediately sensing that she was alone in her bed. Sitting up, she

looked around for any signs that Kam had been there, but found nothing – not even a note. As she was

beginning to think poorly of him, she remembered him having woken her up sometime in the early

hours of the morning and telling her that he was needed at home.

He had promised to contact her soon and kissed her tenderly before leaving her. Erin smiled to

herself and hurried from the bed. He had promised to call her and she had no reason to doubt his


Exiting her room more than an hour later, she found Shira sitting at the kitchen table working on

her laptop. “Good morning,” she called, helping herself to a cup of coffee.

“Hey! So….how did last night go?” Shira asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Erin managed not to blush, wanting to keep Kam a secret a while longer. “I think you should be

answering that question. How was dancing with Kale?”

“It was so awesome! He’s an amazing dancer. Who would have guessed?”

“I don’t remember hearing you come in so you must have done more than dancing.”

Shira blushed and nodded, “Yeah! He invited me back to his hotel room. Erin, these guys must be

loaded. They had the entire floor to themselves. And everywhere he goes, there are at least two

bodyguards that go with him. It’s kinda of creepy, but cool at the same time.”

Erin nodded, “Yeah. I noticed that Kam had his own entourage of guards with him last night as

well. They seem to know to stay out of sight though. I only saw them once or twice.”

“So, did you and Kam have a good time? What did you guys do after I left?”

Erin turned, on the pretense of refilling her coffee cup, “Well, we talked for the longest time. I’m

not sure what he does in Jawhara, but….”

“Wait! He didn’t tell you!” Shira exclaimed.

“Tell me what?” Erin asked, turning to face her cousin.

Shira had the good sense to gesture towards an open chair, “Come sit with me.”

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Erin watched her cousin for a moment before walking over and sitting down. “What don’t I


“I can’t believe he didn’t tell you,” Shira murmured, almost as if she was talking to herself.

Sensing Erin’s attention focused on her, she looked up and replied, “Kam is short for Kamal.”

Erin scrunched her eyebrows together, “That’s it? The big secret is his name?”

Shira shook her head, “His name is Kamal Mehalel El-Jawhara.”

Erin let the words sink into her foggy brain, but they still didn’t register. Shaking her head, she

informed her cousin, “Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”

Shira grimaced, “Erin – Kam is the Sheikh of Jawhara. He runs the entire country.”

Erin opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Kam was in charge of a country? She had slept

with a world leader? Why hadn’t he said anything?

Shira watched Erin, wondering when the explosion was going to arrive. Erin was normally even-

tempered, but she took exception to being deceived – even if it was unintentional. Trying to give her

some excuse to give Kam the benefit of the doubt, “Maybe he wasn’t aware that you didn’t know who

he was?”

“Maybe. But, we talked about so many things.” Erin looked at her cousin before asking, “Did you

know who he was?”

Shira shook her head, “Not until we were already back at their hotel. Something occurred and

Kale got a phone call. Shortly after that, he said he had to return to Jawhara immediately, but was

looking forward to seeing me in a few weeks.”

“A few weeks? Are they coming back then?” Erin asked, feeling hopeful that maybe Kam would

return with him as he promised.

Shira shook her head, bouncing in her chair with excitement, “No! I’m going to Jawhara. Rick

and Damon are taking a group of us over there to see everything firsthand. Kam thinks it will help our

firm with the advertising campaign.”

Erin tried to hide her disappointment. Did that mean that Kam wasn’t coming back to the states

anytime soon? But he had said he would see her soon. “When do you leave?”

“Two weeks. I’m so excited. Kale promised to teach me to ride a camel.”

Erin smiled, “A camel, huh? Have you ever been on a horse?”

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Shira laughed, “Well, no. But, he said that he would make sure I didn’t fall off.”

“I just bet he did. So, I guess you really like him?”

Shira nodded, a dreamy look in her eyes, “Erin, I don’t know what it is about him, but he’s not

like any other guy I’ve ever met.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“So, about you and Kam…”

“There is no me and Kam. Goodness, I only met him last night,” Erin informed her, trying to

sound offended.

“I know, but didn’t you think he was gorgeous.”

“I will admit that he isn’t hard on the eyes. And he’s very smart.”

“You liked him.”

I more than like him. I’ve never become so emotionally involved with someone so fast. “I

wouldn’t mind seeing him again.”

“I knew it!” Shira said, jumping up and giving Erin a big hug. “Hey! I’ve gotta run. I promised to

meet some of the gals from the office. We’re going shopping for clothes to wear in the middle of the


“Go.” Erin shooed her. Laughing as she watched her cousin run to her room. Her thoughts briefly

turned to the night before, the unspeakable passion and connection she had shared with Kam.

A Sheikh?

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Chapter 8

“Uh, Erin. You should probably come look at this,” called Shira the next morning.

“What? If I don’t hurry up I’m going to be late for work.” Erin called out as she fastened her belt

and slipped on her shoes,

Erin exited her room and made her way towards the front door. “What is it?”

Erin was greeted by one of Kam’s bodyguards, standing in front of her door, facing the street.

“Excuse me?”

The bodyguard turned his head before turning to address her, “Yes. Are you ready for work?”

“What does my being ready for work have to do with you standing outside my home?”

“His Majesty has commanded it. When you are ready, I will accompany you to your work. The

driver is ready whenever you are.”

“Driver?” Erin asked, peering around him to see the black town car sitting in front of her condo.

“What is that?”

“A gift?”

“Gift? Maybe we aren’t communicating here, but a gift is a new shirt, or a maybe a new toaster.

Gifts do not include town cars.” Erin was sure there was some mistake. “You do know that Kam

already left?”

“Of course. He ordered your protection and comfort. His Majesty has deemed the subway too

dangerous. You will use the driver from now on.”

Erin was outraged. Who did he think he was? And how dare he order this man to follow her

around. She didn’t need protection, but he might when she saw him the next time!

Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Please tell Kam that I appreciate the gesture, but I am perfectly

fine using the Metro, and your services are not needed. You may return to Jawhara immediately.”

When the guard ignored her, she placed her hands on her hips, “Did you hear me?”

“You will address him as His Majesty. You will not take the subway and I am not going


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Erin opened her mouth, astonished that this man was going to argue with her. “Get him on the

phone. Now!”

The guard pulled a cell phone from his pocket. After speaking quickly in Arabic, he handed the

phone to her with a smirk on his face, “His Majesty would like a word.”

“I just bet he would,” Erin announced, taking the phone and placing it to her ear. “Kam?”

“Habibti, I understand you do not like the car, which has been provided for you. Do you wish a

different color?”

“Kam, I don’t want the car at all. The Metro is perfectly safe. And why is this man saying that he

is to follow me around?”

“Habibti, your safety is my priority. Talib is there to ensure that nothing happens to you.”

“This is ridiculous! Talib needs to go home and I’m not using the car.”

Kam was frustrated and wanted to demand she obey him, but from thousands of miles away he

was dependent upon her complying of her own free will. “Erin, please use the car. It would make me

happy to know that you did not have to utilize public transportation.”

Erin heard the plea and felt herself give in, “Fine. But call your watchdog off.”

“That I will not do. Talib is there at my request. If it will make you happy, I will ask him to make

himself invisible while he performs his job.”

“I don’t want to see him,” Erin stated. If she didn’t have to see him, she would be able to pretend

he wasn’t there.

“Fine. How have you been, habibti?”

“I’ve been well,” Erin replied.

“I am missing you.”

“Missing me? It’s only been two days.”

“If I had my way, we would never be apart again,” Kamal informed her.

“Kam, how can you say something like that? We’ve only just met.”

“Tell me you don’t feel the same way,” he challenged her.

Erin was silent, knowing that she couldn’t. “Are you planning to come back to the states?”

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“I am. Things here are difficult right now…”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Erin asked, hating the vulnerability in her voice.

“Tell you what, habibti?”

“I know, Kam. Or should I say, Your Majesty.”

Kamal sighed, “I wasn’t deliberately trying to conceal my identity from you, Erin. It was so nice

to spend time with someone who wasn’t trying to tell me what they thought I wanted to hear, or

bowing to my opinion in all things. It was refreshing. I planned on telling you in the morning, but was

called back to Jawhara.”

Erin tried to put herself in his position, “It must be hard never knowing if people are being honest

with you.”

“Very. Do you forgive me?”

“Yes,” Erin said with a smile in her voice for the first time since their call had been connected.

“Good. Now hand the phone back to Talib and finish getting ready for work. I will sleep better

tonight knowing that you are being chauffeured around.”

“Kam, thank you. Goodbye.” She handed the phone back and then turned, shutting the door. Shira

stood just inside the foyer, propping a fist on her hip and raising her eyebrows. “Don’t say a word,”

Erin told her, wagging a finger in warning.

“It seems that you might have forgotten a few things about your night with Kam!”

“Not now, Shira. I’m going to be late as it is.”

Shira watched her head back towards her bedroom, “Tonight then. After work.”

“We’ll see. Don’t you have someplace you need to be as well?”

Shira made a face and entered her own room. Erin finished dressing for work and then exited the

condo, thankful that Talib was nowhere to be seen. The driver spoke perfect English and soon she

was headed to work, without having to traverse the escalators and platforms of the Metro. The driver

had been a nice gesture and for the time being, she would enjoy the luxury and think of Kam.

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Chapter 9

“Shira, have a great time,” Erin told her cousin, outside the passenger drop off at Reagan


“I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see Kale.” Shira had spoken to him at least once a day since his

sudden departure for Jawhara.

“I’m sure he’s excited to see you as well.” Erin tried to keep the note of jealousy from seeping

through her voice. She envied her cousin and the relationship she was building with Kale.

Unfortunately, she and Kam’s relationship didn’t seem to exist. Outside of speaking to him the

morning the driver had arrived, she hadn’t heard from him since and it had been two weeks.

She had resisted the urge to have Shira ask Kale about him, wanting him to contact her on his

own. She kept telling herself that he was busy running a country and that his silence wasn’t

intentional. But her mind was only just barely buying it two weeks later.

“I wish you were coming with me,” Shira told her, hugging her one final time.

“I have so much going on here, you know that isn’t possible.”

Shira nodded, “I know. But wouldn’t it be fun?”

Erin nodded, “Probably. Send me an email letting me know you’ve arrived, okay?”

“I will.” Shira glanced up at the departure board. “Oh, that’s my flight, gotta go.”

“Be careful.”

“I will. Love you,” Shira called, walking backwards several steps, before turning and heading

towards security.

“Bye,” Erin whispered, suddenly feeling very lonely. Turning back towards the town car, she

allowed the driver to open the door. Sitting in the back of the sleek car, she tried not to let depression

grab ahold of her. Shira had worked hard and deserved every good thing that came her way.

“Take me to the office, please.” She didn’t need to go back to the Charity Foundation, but she

didn’t want to go home and be by herself. Several new cases had arrived at the shelter and she

planned to immerse herself in work until the unwanted feelings of loneliness fled.

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Arriving at the foundation’s office an hour later, she noticed that everyone seemed to have gone

home for the day. The driver let her out right in front and she used her keys to unlock the door before

heading towards her office not realizing that the door didn’t lock behind her once she was inside..

Erin prepared the restraining orders for the new mother who had arrived at the shelter the night

before. It seemed that her husband had lost his job and decided to take his frustration out on his wife

and six-year old daughter. Both had needed medical treatment and were currently being sheltered in a

safe house located across the river in Virginia.

She had just finished electronically filing the necessary paperwork when she heard a noise in the

hallway. Deciding that one of her co-workers must have forgotten something, she rose from behind

her desk and headed towards the foyer.

Rounding the corner, she was alarmed to see a strange man, looking very similar to the

description the newest recipient of the foundation’s hospitality had provided of her abusive husband.

“Excuse me? We’re already closed. The office will be open again tomorrow morning at nine


“Where is my wife?” the strange man growled, menace evident in both his voice and body


Erin took a step back, hoping to put the front counter between her and the man. If she could get to

the phone, she could press the panic button and the local police department would be notified by the

silent alarm system. She couldn’t let him get to her office – the safe house location was in the file

open on her desk.

Seeing her retreat, the man quickly cut her off, preventing her from reaching the counter. “I’m

going to ask one more time – where is my wife?”

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t believe I know your wife. Why would you think she would be here?”

“Listen, bitch, I know she came here. I want her home and I want her home now. I want my kid as


Erin was starting to panic when she caught sight of Talib slipping through the front doors. She

struggled to keep from calling to him, seeing that he was sneaking up on her would-be assailant.

In a flash of moves and a few seconds later, the man was lying on the floor, unconscious and she

was speaking with the local 911 dispatcher. Talib was also on the phone, no doubt speaking to Kam

and informing him of the situation.

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By the time the police had taken her and Talib’s statements, she was so exhausted she headed

straight home. Her phone rang repeatedly, but Erin didn’t want to speak with anyone at the moment.

Especially Kam.

The feelings of exhaustion had been getting worse all week long, but she chalked it up to a

stressful workload. Even the excitement of the afternoon hadn’t dispelled the tiredness she was


Hearing the phone ring once again, she turned it off and headed to bed. Things would look better

in the morning. They sure couldn’t get much worse.

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Chapter 10

Erin immersed herself in work, ignoring the increasing exhaustion she felt. When Shira had been

gone for three weeks, Erin awoke in the morning, rushing for the bathroom where she promptly

emptied her stomach of its meager contents.

Her appetite had been sadly missing in the previous few days, and now that she was throwing up,

she decided that she must have caught a flu bug. Calling in to work, she then wrapped a robe around

herself and stepped out to inform the driver she was staying home for the day.

She returned to the house and had a cup of tea and a piece of dry toast. When her stomach didn’t

immediately rebel, she decided to take a bath and hoped the achiness she had been feeling in her chest

would lessen.

Erin had just finished dressing when someone knocked upon her front door. Wandering over, she

didn’t check to see who was on the other side; it was the middle of the morning and daylight outside.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see Talib standing there, holding out the phone for her.

Giving him a narrowed look, she took the phone and placed it to her ear, “Kam?”

“What is wrong? Why did you not go to work today?” Kam demanded from the other side of the


“I’m just a little under the weather, is all. A small flu bug. I’m sure I’ll feel much better


“You need to see a doctor. Hand the phone back to Talib.”

“No! I don’t need to see a doctor. I’ll be fine.” Erin hadn’t spoken to him for more than a month

and yet he still thought he could order her around.

“Habibti, you are not fine. “

“Quit calling me that,” Erin demanded, feeling her anger rise at his highhandedness.

“Habibti? Why?”

“Because it doesn’t apply to our relationship - that is if we even have one….”

“Make no mistake. We have a relationship, and the endearment most definitely applies to you.”

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“Kam, why are you doing this? You’ve been gone a month, I’ve only spoken to you twice now,

and each time it’s because you want to tell me what to do.”

“Erin, I am only trying to ensure your safety. If you are ill, a doctor must be summoned.”

Erin laughed, “Kam, this is America. We don’t summon doctors here. We go to the doctor’s

office or the hospital. The days of doctors making house calls in this country ended decades ago.”

“Talib will retrieve a doctor, if you need one,” Kamal informed her with no hesitation.

“I don’t need one. Have you seen Shira?”

“Shira is a wonderful girl. She will make Khalil a perfect wife….”

“What?! Wife?! And who is Khalil?” Erin was astonished, she had just spoken to her cousin the

night before last, and she hadn’t been able to talk about anyone other than Kale.

“Khalil and Shira are perfect for each other. I have given my blessing to their union.”

Erin was speechless. He had given his blessing to their union? What was this, the middle

ages? “Kam, is Shira aware of this?”

“Why would she need to be consulted? She is comfortable with Khalil and him with her. They

will make a good union. She is lucky to be marrying so well.”

Erin sputtered, “Marrying well? Kam, are you listening to yourself?”

“Of course. In Jawhara, it is every girl’s dream to marry well. Short of marrying me, your cousin

could not find a better match. “

“I think Shira might have something to say about her future being arranged for her like this.”

“Shira will be told when the time is right. According to our customs, Khalil cannot marry until I

have taken a bride. He knows this and is willing to wait for the next several months.”

“You’re getting married?” Erin asked, unable to stop the words from tumbling from her lips. She

sat down as she felt her dreams shatter. She had been so stupid. She had allowed herself to visualize

a future between her and Kam and he was getting married to someone else. This turn of events was

too similar to those that had surrounded her relationship with Steven. When would she learn?

“That is a topic for a later time. I will inform Talib that you do not need a doctor today, however,

if you are still ill in the morning, one will be summoned.”

Erin stared at the phone, resisting the urge to hurl it across the room. His Majesty definitely

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needed lessons in how the non-royal portion of the world lived. Arranging her cousin’s marriage?

Preposterous! But if she were being honest with herself, she had to admit that she missed hearing

his deep voice. If only it was whispering terms of endearment instead of orders.

Erin opened the front door and tossed the phone out without looking to see if there was anyone

standing there to catch it. Hearing it ring seconds later, she slammed the door shut in her wake. Taking

several deep breaths, she started to calm her breathing down when her stomach made itself known

once again. Rushing for the bathroom, she gave into the nausea.

After rinsing her mouth and cleansing her face with a damp washcloth, she climbed back into

bed. She needed to call Shira, but it would have to wait until she was feeling better.


Erin struggled to fight off the nausea for the next several days, but when Friday rolled around and

she was still not feeling better, she made her own appointment to go see her physician.

She had returned to work the day after her phone confrontation with Kam, just to ensure that Talib

would not force some unsuspecting physician to make a house call. She had no doubt that Kam would

make good on his promise to summon a physician for her.

She didn’t want Kam to hear about her doctor’s appointment, so she made up an excuse for the

driver, “I’m going to do some shopping after work. You can drop me off at the Crystal City and I’ll

call you when I ready to return home. It will probably be late, around eight or nine pm.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” his voice conveying his trepidation at following her orders without first checking

in with her ever present, but seldom seen bodyguard. After the incident in her office, Talib had made

his presence more visible, but still kept a discreet distance and unless Erin looked for him, he was

usually out of sight.

Erin watched and was pleased when he didn’t immediately pick up his radio. Maybe she could

get inside the mall before he was able to tell Talib of her change in plans. She knew her actions

would most likely precipitate another phone call from Kam, but she really didn’t care.

“Right here will be fine. I’ll meet you back here, in this same spot,” she told the driver after he

opened her door and assisted her from the vehicle. Entering the mall, she immediately turned towards

her left and headed towards the western exit. Her physician’s office was located three blocks over,

but the walkways were covered and crowded with people anxious to start their weekend.

She glimpsed behind her, smiling when she saw that Talib did not appear to be following her.

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When her cell phone rang, she glanced at the number to see that Kam had already been notified of her

defection. Turning the ringer off, she made her way to the doctor’s office, arriving just in time for her


She fought back her nausea and dug down deep for her reserve of energy. She just needed to get

through the next several hours and then she could sleep all weekend. Maybe she just needed some

vitamins to get her over the hump?

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Chapter 11

“What?” Erin whispered, looking at her doctor as if she had suddenly grown two heads.


“Yes. I take it by the expression on your face that this is a surprise?”

Erin could only nod in response. She was pregnant? Oh Lord, she was pregnant with Kam’s


“I’m going to write you a prescription for some prenatal vitamins, and also for some gum that

should help with the nausea. I had morning sickness for the first several months of my pregnancy and

while it has a chalky taste, it was an absolute lifesaver.”

The doctor issued this statement with a smile of encouragement as Erin nodded again, still

speechless. She was pregnant. She was pregnant!

“Erin, are you okay?” her doctor asked.

“I will be. Thank you, doctor.”

She finished dressing, taking her time as thoughts of the future crowded her tired brain. What was

she going to tell Kam? How was she going to tell Kam? There was almost seven thousand miles

between them and this really wasn’t a conversation for the phone. Oh Lord, what was she going to

tell her parents?

She was so lost in trying to answer those questions as she left the doctor’s office that she didn’t

see the town car parked at the curb, or Talib and the driver leaning against it with their arms crossed

over their massive chests. She turned towards the walkway, which would take her back to the mall,

and was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t hear her name called.

Talib hurried after her, hesitant about touching her to stop her from walking away, but seeing no

other option open to him. Gently taking her upper arm, he pulled her to a stop and turned her towards

the car. “Erin, the car is this way.”

Looking up at the tall man holding her arm, Erin sagged in relief to see him standing there. She

almost cried when she saw the vehicle parked at the curb. She didn’t have the energy to make the trek

back to the mall, and right now, she only wanted to get home so she could crawl under her covers and

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hide from reality for a few more hours.

Talib helped her into the waiting car and then climbed in after her. She looked at him

questioningly, but when he made no effort to explain his presence, she turned her head towards the far

window, laying her head back against the seat cushion.


Talib watched her relax into the seat and then fall into a deep sleep. The dark circles beneath her

eyes spoke volumes about her current physical state. Connecting a call to Kamal, he spoke softly,

“Your Majesty, we found her.”


“She was in a doctor’s office.”

Kamal cursed in Arabic before demanding, “Put her on the phone.”

“Your Majesty, she is asleep. She has dark circles under her eyes and fell asleep immediately

upon settling into the seat.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I was not able to question her before she fell asleep.”

Kamal thought about this for a minute before asking, “Did she have any paperwork with her when

she exited the building?”

Talib glanced at her bag, which was sitting on the floor at her feet. It was open and he spied

several pieces of paper that bore the same logo as the sign outside the doctor’s office. Retrieving

them, he replied, “Yes, Sir. I have them in my hands right now.”

“What do they say?” Kamal demanded. His woman was ill and had sought to keep the knowledge

from him.

“They appear to be prescriptions. One is for prenatal vitamins and the other is for a gum?”

Kamal was stunned, “Talib, be very careful how you answer the next question. Did you say that

she has a prescription for prenatal vitamins?”

“Yes, Sir. The writing is very plain on this sheet.”

“I will call you back.” Kamal hung up and stared at the wall opposite his desk in the palace

office. His woman was pregnant with his child. He had no doubt as to the father’s identity. Erin had

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spent no time with other men since his departure. It was also evident that the pregnancy was making

her ill. Coming to a decision, he called Talib back.

“Go directly to the airport. Khalil arrived earlier this morning to take care of some last minute

details with the marketing team. I will let the pilot know that you are coming. Bring her to me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Talib gave the directions to the driver and then sat back. He decided to

enjoy the peace and quiet while he could. If experience had taught him anything, it was that the woman

sleeping next to him was not going to be happy. Especially when she found herself on a jet heading to


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Chapter 12

Erin felt herself being picked up, but her exhaustion had finally reached a breaking point and she

couldn’t muster enough energy to even open her eyes. When she heard Talib murmur to her she

relaxed back into his arms, hoping that he would simply lay her on her couch and then leave. She

would deal with Kam in the morning.

She briefly awakened when she felt her shoes being removed, but then she was laid down upon a

soft mattress and she rolled over and went back to sleep.

Talib took his own seat in the plane and placed a call to Kam, “We are on our way. We will be

there tomorrow night.”

“I will have the palace physician waiting for her when you arrive. Bring her directly here when

you arrive.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Talib relaxed back, anxious to return to his homeland, and hoping that the beautiful young woman

sleeping in the bed would find Jawhara just as attractive as he did. She was going to be his Sheikha,

and it would not do for the country’s ruler to have a bride who detested where she was going to live.

Talib had just closed his eyes, when he heard the bedroom door open and saw Erin stumble from

the room.

She had awakened, needing a drink of water, but upon seeing her surroundings knew that

something was not right. When she saw Talib calmly sitting in the plush chair, she glanced around at

her surroundings and immediately knew that she was in an airplane. “Where are you taking me?”

“To Jawhara. To the Sheikh.”

Erin let those words sink in before asking, “So, he knows?”

“That you are carrying the next ruler of Jawhara? Yes.”

Erin nodded and took another chair across from him. “What was his response?”

“This,” Talib gestured to the plane, “is his response.”

Erin nodded, not surprised. Kam was highhanded and expected everyone to do what he

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commanded them to do. She had no doubt that if she had spoken with him on the phone and told him

the doctor’s findings, he would have demanded her presence in Jawhara immediately. Seeing that

there was nothing that could be done at this time, to prevent her arrival in Jawhara and the upcoming

confrontation with Kam, she decided to enjoy the trip.

“Well, I look forward to seeing my cousin again.”

Talib shook his head, “I’m afraid that will not be possible.”

“What?! Why?” Erin was alarmed, and afraid that something had happened to Shira. She

desperately needed her council about now. With her parents still on their world-tour, she had no one

else to depend on.

“She returned to the states with Khalil earlier today. That is why the jet was available so


“Shira’s home? But I thought…”

“I’m sure the Sheikh will be happy to explain everything once we arrive. Allow me to call for

something to eat.”

While Talib arranged for a tray to be brought to her, Erin tried to focus her thoughts on the

direction her life was currently headed. She was having the ruler of Jawhara’s child and she couldn’t

see the dominating man she was coming to know as the Sheikh allowing her to raise his child in

another country.

Talib set the tray in front of her with the instructions, “Eat. Then you should try to sleep. This is a

seventeen-hour flight. It will be nighttime when we arrive in Jawhara. You will have lost a day by the

time we arrive.”

Erin nodded, tasting the soup he had set in front of her. Waiting for her stomach to rebel, she was

pleasantly surprised to find that the soup seemed to agree with her tender stomach. She finished her

meal in silence, too lost in her thoughts to engage in mindless chatter.

Talib removed the tray and then gestured for her to return to the bedroom, “Please, sleep.

Whatever is bothering you will look better once you have rested,” he said gently. “His Majesty

wishes you to rest, for both you and the child.”

At the reminder of the innocent life she was now responsible for, Erin nodded and returned to the

bedroom. She expected to have a hard time falling asleep, but her body’s need for rest overtook her

busy mind and sleep consumed her immediately.

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She was awakened as the plane began its descent, having slept the entire flight. Sitting up, she

mentally commanded the nausea that once again made its presence known to go away. Putting her

shoes on, she exited the room, carefully.

Talib saw her and immediately ushered her into a chair and fastened her seatbelt. “We are

preparing to land, now. Are you feeling any better?”

Erin shook her head, “Not really.” She swallowed convulsively, trying to keep the nausea at bay.

Talib looked at her and hoped that she would be able to hold off becoming sick until after they

had landed.

Erin closed her eyes, only to open them again right away. The movement of the plane seemed to

make the nausea worse, and closing her eyes doubled the sensation. Taking shallow breaths, she

counted slowly in her head until she felt the tires of the jet touch down on the tarmac. Breathing out

slowly, she was thankful when the plane came to a stop and Talib stood from his seat. “Come. The

Sheikh awaits.”

“Great,” Erin muttered under her breath. Standing up from her seat, she stopped to allow the

nausea to even out. She could already see that this trip was going to be dictated by the unborn child

she carried and her unruly body.

Following Talib to the awaiting limo, she tried to calm her racing heart and take in the scenery,

but the nausea she was feeling was getting worse. “Talib…”

“We will be at the palace momentarily.”

Erin nodded, hoping she could hold on until she found a bathroom. It wouldn’t do to embarrass

herself in front of the Sheikh by throwing up all over his palace floor.

“Here we are. “

Talib opened the door of the limo, reaching back inside to pull her from the car. The humidity and

overwhelming fragrances on the air caused her to cover her mouth with her hands. She wasn’t going

to make it, she needed a bathroom. Now!

Talib wasn’t paying attention to her as he was looking for his Sheikh to arrive. When Erin pulled

her arm from his hold and rushed towards the nearest bushes, he cursed himself for failing in his duty

to see to her safety. She was sick, tired, and nervous.

Seeing Kamal arrive, he stepped away from the young woman, currently throwing up in the

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bushes, as the ruler of Jawhara started issuing demands to the waiting staff.

Kamal waited until Erin had finished before picking her up and carrying her up the palace steps.

Calling once again for the doctor to attend him in his chambers, he climbed the grand staircase with

his precious bundle cradled against his chest.

Erin opened her eyes, mortified to find that Kamal was indeed carrying her into his palace.

Looking at his expression, she cringed at the look of fury on his face as he continued to bark orders at

those he passed. Closing her eyes, she tried to keep her tears at bay, only to feel them sliding down

her cheeks and wetting the hair at her temples.

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Chapter 13

Kamal saw the tears leaking from beneath her closed eyes and pulled her closer to him. “Habibti,

please do not cry. The doctor is on his way. Whatever is wrong, he will help. I promise.”

Erin tried to shake her head, to explain that she wasn’t crying because she felt ill. It was

everything else – the loneliness, the unplanned pregnancy, the confusion she felt at being so near to

him once again. It was all too much for her body and mind to handle and as the darkness invaded her

bleary vision, she gave into it, passing into oblivion.

Kamal felt her body go lax and looked down at the beautiful woman he carried in his arms.

Having her so near again was causing his body to harden in ways that were inappropriate given how

sick she appeared to be. Mentally chastising himself for his body’s response to her nearness, he

hurried his steps towards his chambers. Her breathing was slow and even, but it appeared that she

had blacked out. Something was definitely not right.

As he entered his chambers, he was pleased to see the palace physician already in attendance.

Erin stirred as he laid her upon his bed and he bent to remove her shoes.


“Shush. The doctor is here and will soon know what is wrong with you.”

“Your Majesty, may I examine her?” the physician requested.

Kamal backed away from the bed, coming to stand at the foot of the bed. When the doctor helped

Erin to a sitting position and proceeded to unbutton her shirt, she grasped the sides together and

looked at Kam, blushing furiously.

“Make him leave,” she implored the physician. She knew she was being ridiculous, after all, she

and Kam had created a baby together. But having him see her like this was not sitting well with her

sense of modesty.

Before the physician could answer, Kam spoke up, “Erin. You will allow the physician to

examine you. I am not leaving so don’t even bother putting up a fight. That is my child you are

carrying and I will be part of everything to do with his or her safety, as well as your own.”

Erin looked at him as the extent of his dominating personality began to make itself known. He had

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been controlling before, but now he would be impossible. Too tired and sick to continue fighting him,

she dropped her eyes and her hands.

The physician eyed his ruler once before continuing to unbutton her top and then helped her lay

back down. After a thorough examination, the physician packed his instruments back into his bag and

gently pulled a sheet over the young woman lying in the bed. She had refused to meet his gaze during

the exam, or look at the Sheikh. She had answered his questions in a soft voice, in single words

whenever possible.

Gesturing for Kamal to follow him out of the room, he gave him his diagnosis, “Your Majesty.

She is indeed pregnant, most likely only five or six weeks at this point. I have taken a blood sample

and will have it analyzed. Hopefully, the nausea she is suffering from will dissipate over the next

several weeks. I will have the prescriptions her physician in the states ordered filled and delivered


“Is her condition normal?” Kamal asked, having never spent much time around pregnant women.

“Well, she does seem to be suffering more than usual. It could be stress; however, I would like to

monitor her closely for the next several weeks to see if her condition improves.”

“Of course. Schedule weekly checkups with my secretary. Miss Malone will be staying in


The physician looked at his ruler and then asked, “Forgive me, Your Majesty, but this is your


“Yes. And before you ask, Miss Malone will be marrying me as soon as the ceremony can be


The physician nodded, smiling in response. “That is good. She is a strong young woman from

what I can tell and will make an excellent bride for you.”

Kamal nodded, “If there’s nothing else?”

“No, Your Majesty. I will let you know the results of her blood work as soon as it becomes


Kamal nodded and headed back into his bedroom.

Erin was still lying in the bed, but had rolled to her side, facing away from the doorway. He

approached her slowly, noticing that her shoulders were shaking with silent tears. Sitting down on the

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edge of the bed, he placed a hand upon her shoulder only to have her shrug his touch off.

Erin didn’t want to talk to him right now. Maybe never. So much had happened in the last twenty-

four hours, and she hadn’t had time to process any of it. When he gripped her shoulder again, turning

her back to face him, she reluctantly let him. Looking up at him, she was surprised to see the look of

concern on his face.

“Habibti, I am so sorry the child is making you ill. The physician assures me that this too shall

pass. I am so glad you are here, I have missed you.”

Erin looked into his dark gaze, once again amazed at the physical response her body was having

to his nearness. “Kam…,” she began, not sure what to say. He already knew about the baby.

“Erin, everything will be fine. You’ll see. We will be married within the month, and then….”

“What?!” Erin almost screamed, pushing herself up to sit in the bed. “Kam, you can’t just order

people to marry! Especially me! We hardly know each other!”

“That will soon be remedied, hence the month wait. We will get to know each other and then you

will marry me, have my child, and become the perfect Sheikha for my people.” Kam saw no problem

with his declaration and was confused as to why she was upset.

Erin shook her head, “I don’t know that I want to marry you. Just because I’m having your


“…definitely means that you will be marrying me. The future ruler of Jawhara will not be born a

bastard. That is non-negotiable. My child will also not be raised in another country. He will be raised

by both of his parents, here in Jawhara.”

Erin tried to think of a suitable response, but finding none, turned her back on him, “Go away!

I’m tired and the physician did say I should get plenty of rest.”

Kam looked at her back for a moment before rising to his feet, “Fine. I will leave now, but be

warned. We will be getting married within the month. You will learn to be obedient and stop arguing

with my every decree. That might have worked somewhat while you were still in America, but here,

you will obey me.”

Erin shut her eyes, closing out his voice and his words. He wanted a biddable wife who would

do what she was told. That was so not her! She was an intelligent, confident woman who wanted to

help people. She might end up having to stay in Jawhara until the baby was born, but she was not

going to become a lapdog. She had her own opinions and he would just have to deal with it!

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Chapter 14

Erin slept through the night and well into the next day. Several times, she was awakened by the

palace staff, urging her to eat or take her vitamins. The physician had requested a special diet for her,

which seemed to be helping with the nausea. It wasn’t completely gone, but was definitely improving.

After showering and donning the plush robe, she found hanging on the back of the bathroom door;

she exited and started looking around for her clothing. She had left them in a pile on the bathroom

floor, but now they were missing. Had the palace staff taken them to launder them?

Picking up the phone, she asked that Kam be found. Since he hadn’t given her time to pack her

own clothing, he would just have to provide her with something to wear until she could go shopping.

When the phone rang a few minutes later, she picked it up, “Hello?”

“Erin, you are feeling better?”

Choosing not to answer him, she asked a question of her own, “Kam, where are my clothes?”

“I would assume the clothing you were wearing when you arrived has been taken to the laundry

rooms. Is there a problem?”

Erin huffed, “You could say that. I wasn’t given a chance to pack, or did you forget that fact?”

“Remember to whom you are speaking,” he admonished. “Of course, I remember that you did not

have time to pack. I still don’t see a problem.”

Remember to whom she was speaking? Was he serious? “Kam, what am I supposed to wear?”

“Look in the closet, Erin. You will find a selection of clothing appropriate for our humid climate.

If you require anything else, please let your attendants know. They will contact the seamstress and

have it delivered.”

Erin walked over to the walk-in closet and stared at the gorgeous clothing hung up neatly.

Everything seemed to have been provided, from business attire to formal wear. Pulling open the

drawers, she saw a vast array of silk underwear and sleeping gowns. Shoes lined the racks on the

opposite side and appeared to match the outfits hanging up.

She looked through the clothing trying to find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or more casual clothing

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and found nothing of the sort. Sighing, she returned to the phone, “Kam, the clothing looks very nice,

but I’m really more comfortable in jeans and t-shirts. I don’t think I will require the formal


“As my future wife,” he interrupted her statement, “you will be expected to dress the part of a

ruler. Jeans and t-shirts may have been appropriate back in America, but here you will dress


Erin tried to digest this new information, “Can’t I even wear jeans when I’m not going


“No. Remember, the palace staff will see you at all times. Their opinion of you will travel

throughout the country. That is why you must always address me with respect. I don’t care if you use

Kam, however, whenever we are in public, you will use my formal title.”

Erin could tell that living in Jawhara was going to take a lot of getting used to. Getting used to

being under Kamal’s need to control her was going to be almost impossible.

“Erin? Do not worry so much. Everything will be fine. I must leave for a few days, however,

Talib will be available should you need anything. I will also have a tutor chosen for you. It is

imperative that you learn our language as quickly as possible. Very few of the palace staff speaks


Erin tried not to be alarmed that Kam was leaving her alone in his palace, where the people

didn’t even speak her language, but couldn’t stop the shiver of apprehension that his words triggered.

“When will you be back?”

“Will you miss me, habibti?” Kamal inquired, pleased at the wistful note he heard in her voice.

“Not hardly. I just wanted to know how long you were going to be gone,” Erin said. With Kamal

out of the palace for several days, maybe she would be able to find her own space and gain her

confidence back.

Kamal laughed, “I will be back before you know it. Rest, eat and get over your jet lag. When I

return I will introduce you to my countrymen and we will work on getting to know each other before

our wedding.”

“Kam, I already told you there’s not going to be….”

“Enough. Maybe you should also spend the next few days coming to grips with the fact that you

are carrying the next ruler of Jawhara. You will be my bride.” Kamal knew he was pushing her, but

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the sooner she accepted her place in his life, the better.

Erin shut her mouth, determined not to respond and upset either of them further. She had no

intention of being forced to marry him, but there would be plenty of time once he returned to make her

point. “Goodbye, Kamal. Have a safe trip.”

Kamal heard her disconnect the line and sat there for several moments. What he wanted to do

was return to his chambers and make sure his woman not only knew her place in his life, but in his

bed. His body had been reluctant to accept the fact that it would have to wait to reacquaint itself with

her delectable body.

He had intended to spend the afternoon with Erin, getting to know her better, and making sure that

the chemistry between them was fanned into an ever-present need she could no longer deny.

Unfortunately, the growing refugee situation in the north had escalated to a point where his country’s

infrastructure was being threatened.

The new government of the neighboring country was willing to meet and discuss the safe return

of its citizens. Kamal knew that his needs must come second to his country’s, but that didn’t mean he

had to be happy about it.

Three days would see the end to the civil war refugee situation and then he could concentrate

fully on his future bride.

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Chapter 15

Erin dressed in the most casual pair of pants she could find and a lightweight top, as she sighed

in defeat. Temporary defeat, she reminded herself. She had yet to give up the fight, but at the moment,

she was still too tired to think it all through. She wished that Shira was still here as she needed her

best friend right now, this was all so overwhelming.

Donning a pair of flat sandals, she left her room. Heading towards what she hoped was the

stairway; she was surprised to find herself virtually alone in this part of the palace. She remembered

glimpses of a grand staircase, which led directly outside and was anxious to explore the new country

she was to live in.

She located the stairway and passed several maids as she headed towards the front doors.

Nodding and smiling at them, she said a soft “Hello” as she passed, but they only smiled at her and

continued working. She briefly looked around for Talib, but when she didn’t find him, she wandered

down the cobblestone driveway.

She could see the town located at the bottom of the hill and was anxious to see the people who

put their trust and faith in Kam. She drew many a stare as she walked amongst the buildings. Most

people stopped whatever they were doing and watched her approach them. As she would go past

them, she noticed that they would bow to her. Was this how the people of Jawhara greeted one


Deciding that she would return the bow to the very next person she met, she turned the corner and

stopped to stare. The city streets were filled with vendors, selling everything from local produce and

meat, to clothing, baskets, and other items. The vibrant colors and exotic smells enticed her to wander

down the street. She had been to the local farmer’s market and street fair many a time in DC, but this

was nothing like it.

She continued to draw the stares of the people, but was so caught up taking everything in that she

was oblivious to the fact that a small group of children had begun to follow her. When she reached the

end of the street, she turned to look back and was stunned to find a group of children, ranging in age

from five to twelve, standing right behind her.

They all started talking to her at once when she turned and she found herself laughing as she tried

to tell them she didn’t understand what they were saying. When the littlest girl gestured to her, she

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bent her knees, wondering what she wanted. She found out soon enough when a small hand reached up

to touch her hair. The other children grew silent and watched in awe as the little girl fingered a red

curl. Erin smiled at her and then at the other children. Evidently, her hair coloring was unique and the

children had been curious about her.

Hearing her name called, she looked at the top of the street to see Talib striding towards her in a

hurry. The townspeople quickly moved out of his way and the children, seeing his approach, scurried

away like mice.

“Hello, Talib,” Erin said with a smile.

“Come. You should not be here.”

“Why not?” Erin queried, bending her head to the side.

“You must not leave the palace.”

Erin stood up straight and narrowed her eyes at him, “I didn’t realize that I was a prisoner.”

“You are not a prisoner. You must not leave the palace without an escort. It is not safe.”

Erin looked around at the townspeople who were trying not to watch her interaction with the

bodyguard. “I don’t think any of these people would harm me.”

“Come,” Talib said, taking her arm above the elbow and propelling her back to the top of the

street. The limo awaited her and he quickly ushered her inside, saying nothing.

The ride back to the palace was accomplished quickly and silently. Erin felt her anger rising the

closer they came to the palace and she pressed her lips together in an effort to stop the tirade that was

threatening to spew forth. It wasn’t Talib who needed to hear her anger. It was Kamal!

Talib ushered her from the vehicle with a stern warning, “Do not leave the palace grounds again

without me.” After issuing that dictate, he turned on his heel and disappeared, leaving her standing in

front of the palace steps.

Erin re-entered the palace fuming. Was this how it was going to be? Even a gilded cage was still

nothing more than a prison. And she was to accept all this gently? When she arrived back to her room,

a meal was brought to her moments later and she picked at her food, still trying to understand why

Kam had basically made her a prisoner of his palace.

After her lunch, fatigue overtook her and she took a nap. When she awoke, she wandered

throughout the palace once again. Coming to a staircase that went up, she climbed it, going up until

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she reached a parapet that looked out over the entire city. The sun was beginning to set, and she was

amazed to see that beyond the city walls, there was nothing but a vast desert.

When she turned to the other direction, she could just make out what appeared to be white peaks

sticking up along the sand. She heard the door to the rooftop open and looked over her shoulder to see

Talib standing there. Pointing in the direction she had been looking, she asked him, “What is over


Talib joined her, “A refugee camp.”

“Refugees? From where?” Erin’s curiosity was piqued.

“From the neighboring country. Civil war broke out several weeks ago and many of the citizens

fled into Jawhara. The Sheikh is trying to negotiate their safe return now that the new government had

won the war and the people are becoming more settled.”

“Is that where Kamal is now?”

“You should not refer to him in such a familiar way,” Talib corrected her with a frown.

“He said it was okay unless we were in public. So, is that where he is?”

Talib looked at her before answering, “He is meeting with the new government. Hopefully, when

he returns, the people will be free to return to their homes.”

Erin looked at the tops of the tents in the distance, “How far away are they?”

“Five miles or so.”

“Who’s caring for them? Are there children out there?”

“They care for themselves. The people of Jawhara have provided them with some assistance,

however, we did not ask for them to come here.”

“But, they are in need?” Erin demanded, the humanitarian in her pushing to the front.

“I do not believe so.”

“But you don’t know?” Erin pushed.

Talib sighed, “I have not been out there. So, no, I do not have firsthand knowledge of the living


Erin looked at the refugee camp one more time, “I wish to go there tomorrow. I will be ready to

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go by nine o’clock.”

Talib shook his head, “Absolutely not. The Sheikh would have my head.”

“You said yourself that I am not a prisoner of the palace. That is where I wish to go and I want

you to take me there tomorrow so that I can see the living conditions for myself.”

“It is impossible. His Majesty would never allow it.”

“Ask him.”

“No. I already know the answer.”

Erin stared him down, sure that he was correct in his estimation that Kamal would not give his

blessing to such an adventure. “Fine. I will wait until Kamal returns and ask him to take me.”

Talib was relieved and nodded his head in agreement.

But Erin had no intention of waiting for Kamal to return and take her to the refugee camp.

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Chapter 16

Early the next morning, Erin left the palace and located the driver lounging nearby with a cup of


“I need you to drive me to the refugee camp.”

When the driver looked skeptical, she continued, “I wish to see for myself that the people are

being cared for.”

“Where is Talib?”

“He is occupied elsewhere. You will accompany me instead.”

The driver still looked skeptical, but when Erin approached the back door and waited for him to

open it, he did so. After seating himself in the driver’s seat, he asked her one more time, “Are you

sure this is okay?”

“Absolutely. Hurry up; I want to be back in the palace before the heat becomes unbearable. I find

that the heat makes my morning sickness much worse.” Erin hated playing that card, but she was

determined to see the refugee camp for herself and needed the driver to leave before Talib became

aware of her actions. He would surely come after her and tell Kamal.

The driver left the palace and headed towards the camp. Parking a discreet distance away, he

opened her door and helped her from the vehicle. As Erin walked toward the camp, the first thing she

noticed was the lack of sanitation. Covering her nose, she took shallow breaths. As she looked around

the camp, she saw that there was an abundance of children at each tent. Instead of playing and being

rambunctious however, they were silent and watched her warily.

Erin slowly walked around the encampment noting the lack of supplies and fresh water, all the

while, the driver stayed close beside her muttering to himself the entire time. She smiled at the few

people who actually met her gaze, but it was one sided. No one returned her smile, nor did they

appear to be interested in her presence.

After several minutes, she stopped and questioned the driver, “What is wrong with these


“They have been displaced from their homes. The Jawharan Minister of Defense has declared

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that they are not welcome in the city so they must remain in the refugee camp.”

Erin was horrified. “Why would Kamal allow this?”

The driver narrowed his gaze at her, “Who?”

“His Majesty,” Erin replied, waving her hand as if his title meant nothing. “Why would he allow

these people to be treated this way?”

The driver paused before answering, “I do not believe His Majesty has visited the camp.”

Erin stopped and looked at him, “What?! Why would he not want to see for himself that the

people were being cared for?”

The driver shrugged, “I cannot say. I believe he trusts the Minister of Defense to do his job.”

Erin shook her head, “Take me back to the palace. Something must be done, this is entirely


Turning on her heel, she opened the car door for herself and climbed in. She couldn’t believe that

Kamal was okay with the people being treated this way.

The driver returned her to the palace and Erin was just going back up the grand staircase when

she spied Talib coming from her rooms. Adopting an air of authority, she walked past him, “Follow


Talib was taken aback at the command in her voice, but did as he was told.

After entering her rooms, she paced away some of her anger before coming up with a plan.

“Talib, are there water trucks in the city?”

He nodded, “Yes. Why do you ask?”

“How many?”

Shrugging, “I don’t know. At least a dozen. Maybe more.”

“How about large delivery trucks? Are those also available?”

“Yes. Ma’am, what is this all about?”

“The conditions in the refugee camps are deplorable, and before you start lecturing me, I did

listen to you yesterday, I simply decided not to follow your advice.”

Talib was afraid that she had done something like that when he had been informed that she was

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not in her rooms by the morning staff. Seeing that no harm had come to her, he relaxed slightly but then

she told him her plans.

“I want you to arrange for at least a dozen water trucks to take water out to the refugee camp. I

want some sort of makeshift bathing facilities erected and containers provided so that the people can

carry water back to their tents. I also want at least a dozen trucks loaded with food, everything from

meat to produce. I want it delivered and distributed amongst the people.” Erin went through the list in

her head before adding, “And sanitation. Something needs to be done about the makeshift toilets and

there really should be a doctor out there to check to make sure that no one is ill.”

Talib shook his head, “I cannot do that. His Majesty is the only one that could give those types of

orders. Or the Minister of Defense. You do not have the authority.”

Erin crossed her arms over her chest and stared Talib down. “Do you know what I did for a

living before I came here?” At Talib’s cautionary nod, she continued, “Then you are well aware of the

fact that with one phone call, I can mobilize humanitarian efforts and have people coming in from all

over the world. Now, do you really think that His Majesty would want that level of embarrassment

while he is in the middle of negotiations?”

Erin mentally crossed her fingers hoping that Talib wouldn’t realize that she was lying. As a

lawyer, she had the power to help people in court, what she was proposing was way outside her

bounds, but so long as he didn’t know, perhaps she could help these people.

Talib continued to stare at her, seeming to weigh her threat. Shaking his head, he retrieved his

phone. After speaking at length in Arabic, he disconnected the call and put his phone back in his


“It will be done,” he told her curtly, as she smiled in triumph.

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Chapter 17

Kamal returned to the palace only to be met at the entrance by Talib. After speaking with him, he

strode into the palace, fury written all over his face.

“What have you done now, habibti?” Kamal demanded as he stormed into their quarters.

Rising to her feet, prepared to fight, “What you should have done in the beginning,” Erin

answered hotly. “Kam, have you seen the refugee camp?”

“No. I was assured by the Minister of Defense that everything was under control. Why?”

“Really? That’s his idea of everything under control? There was complete lack of sanitation,

limited fresh water, none of which for bathing, and they were running out of food. Some of them may

even be ill, not that you would know, since no one has been out there to check on them!

“Are you telling me that Talib took you to the refugee camps?” Kamal asked in a quiet, but

carefully controlled voice.

“Of course not. I asked him to but he refused. I made the driver take me out there this morning

and it’s a damn good thing that he did.”

Kamal cursed in Arabic as he paced in front of her, “Why did you not listen to Talib?”

“I wanted to see the camp for myself. When I realized how bad it was, I ordered supplies brought

out there immediately along with medical staff to make sure that no one has become ill, on your

watch, Kam. Do you really want a bunch of refugees to become ill or possibly die while in your

country?” she demanded. At Kamal’s rising anger, Erin realized that she might be going too far, but

after everything that happened to her, she was not going to back down from helping these people.

Kamal stared at her in shock as he watched her speak. He realized that there was much more to

her than he thought as he saw how passionate she was about helping others. A slow smile crept across

his face as he considered what an asset she would be at his side as Sheikha. He also planned to have

a long discussion with his Minister of Defense. He had ordered that the refugees be well taken care

of. Having his bride-to-be discover the opposite was not something he was willing to ignore.

Walking toward her, he took her hands as he looked at her. “Erin, thank you for seeing to the

needs of the refugees,” he told her as she looked up at him startled at his sudden shift. Smiling down

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at her, “Tell me, could you really marshal that level of humanitarian response if Talib hadn’t made

those arrangements?” Erin’s blush answered his question better than any words. Chuckling, he drew

her into his arms, hugging her to him as he kissed the top of her head. “If I am going to keep your

secret, then I need you to do something for me.”

Erin immediately stiffened in his arms as she looked up at him warily. “And that would be?”

“Not to worry yourself so. It is not good for the baby or for you.” At Erin’s nod of agreement, he

tilted her head up to kiss her before stepping reluctantly back. “I need to go take care of a few things,

but I will be back soon. Why don’t you try to get some rest while I’m gone.”

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Chapter 18

Kamal spent the next few hours in his office. After a heated discussion with his Minister of

Defense on what constitutes appropriate treatment, he had several successful phone calls from the aid

workers at the refugee camp to report that those refugees who were ill were being treated and not

only had both food and water been delivered, but the sanitation issue was under control. Within the

week, the refugees would be allowed to return to their homes, and any damage suffered during the

fighting would be recompensed.

Entering his chambers, he found Erin lying on their bed sound asleep. Walking towards the bed,

he removed his shoes and his outer clothing. He had requested dinner be served in their sitting room

at eight and he planned to use the next two hours to get to know his woman better.

Climbing on the bed, he wrapped himself around her body, bringing her back against his chest

and placing a gentle kiss upon her hair. Wrapping one arm around her waist, he let the other settle on

her ribs, just beneath the swell of her breast.

Erin dreamt that Kam was holding her once again and snuggled back into his embrace. His unique

smell filtered through her senses, awakening her desire as his hand made a leisurely path down her

side and the other hand softly molded her breast.

When his lips pressed behind her ear and then down to the sensitive spot where her neck and

shoulder met, she moaned in response and tried to turn towards him.

Kamal sucked gently on the skin at the base of her neck, hearing her moan and feeling his body

harden even more. She was so responsive when she wasn’t trying to fight him. Feeling her turn

towards him, he moved back and helped turn her to her back. Seeing that her eyes were still closed,

he placed a gentle kiss upon each eyelid before letting his lips roam down the bridge of her nose to

her lips.

Tasting her lips, he gently licked her bottom lip, urging her to open her mouth and allow him

access to the dark recesses behind her teeth. When she willingly complied, he took complete

advantage. Consuming her mouth, he mimicked with his tongue what he wanted to do with his body.

Soon she was writhing on the bed against him, moaning in delight, and trying to get closer.

Erin was on fire. She had dreamt of Kamal often since the night they spent together, but this

dream was the best one yet. His hands were everywhere and his mouth was making love to her. She

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wanted to crawl inside of him. She needed to be closer to him.

Kamal finally let go of her mouth and pushed himself up so that he could remove her top. He

needed to feel her body against his own once again.

Erin felt the cool air wash across her hot skin, causing her nipples to tighten even further.

Reaching for her bra straps, he tugged the bra off her as he smiled appreciatively at her breasts. They

were perfect. When moist heat enveloped them moments later, she was shocked into awareness.

Opening startled eyes, she saw Kamal’s dark head at her breasts and felt his mouth and hands as they

paid homage to her body. When he suckled her breast harder, pushing her nipple against the roof of

his mouth, she moaned low in her throat.

Arching her back to get closer, she brought her hands up and held his head in place. Kamal

growled at her and nipped at her breast before raising his head and capturing her gaze. “Habibti, I

hunger for you.”

“I want you too. So much. Please make love to me, Kamal.” Erin needed him like she needed air

to breathe.

Kamal gave her a feral smile and nodded his head, “My pleasure.” Removing the rest of her

clothing, he quickly shed his own pants and then climbed back atop the bed, pinning her body between

his thighs and straddling her waist.

He skimmed his hands down her body, learning her curves and bringing his hands together at the

slight curve of her belly. Erin watched his face as he looked at her, loving the softness that invaded

his expression as he watched her stomach. Soon her stomach would no longer be flat, and the

evidence of their child would be visible to everyone.

“Habibti, I have missed you.”

“I’ve missed you as well.”

Kamal proceeded to show her just how much he had missed her. His body had been ready since

he had plucked her from the driveway and needed no further encouragement. Lowering his body

against hers, he was pleased when she parted her thighs, making a place for him. He gently brought

her desire back up to a point where she was writhing against him once more.

He rained light kisses across her face as he worked his way down. Sliding one hand up her side,

he gently cupped one breast as he leaned down to lick her nipple. At the feel of his tongue on her, Erin

gasped as she arched her back towards him.

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Sitting back on his haunches, he carefully positioned his member as it rubbed enticingly against

her moist slit. When she wrapped her thighs around his hips, he felt his control shatter and began to

push his way in.

At the feel of him entering her, Erin moaned as she grabbed the back of his head

encouraging him to continue.

Kamal chuckled at her eagerness.

She was so tight, he felt as if his cock was encased in a velvet glove. Finding an easy rhythm, he

began to thrust slowly in and out. Soon Erin was matching each thrust with one of her own

encouraging him to go deeper and deeper inside her


Moaning into his mouth, Kamal groaned as he

held her tighter, thrusting harder and faster. Breaking the kiss, he nuzzled her neck as she moaned his


Tightening her fingers in his hair, Erin could feel her orgasm draw close as pleasure caused her

body to tighten in response to the growing pressure. Tugging at his hair, she drew his head back to her,

as he captured her lips with his. Sucking on his lower lip, she could feel his answering shudder as his

thrusts became more chaotic.

With a cry, Erin came hard, clutching wildly at him as he continued to thrust, one…two…three

more times and with a groan, he gathered her tightly to him as the spasms from her orgasm milked him


Erin gave into the passion that Kamal released in her as she kissed him. She had wondered if the

chemistry between them had been more fantasy than reality. As she came down from space, she

acknowledged that the reality of Kamal was much better than any fantasy she could dream up.

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Chapter 19

Kamal shifted to his side, keeping Erin tightly against him as she sprawled across his chest.

Catching his breath, he spoke softly to her, “Habibti, we must speak about your actions while I was


Erin stiffened against him, but feeling his hand run down her back, she relaxed and listened.

“You belong to me. You are my responsibility, one I take very seriously. What you did today for

those refugees may well have saved lives, but when you willingly put yourself in danger, you not only

could hurt yourself, but there is the baby to consider. In addition, it is a form of disrespect to me and

to my position. Do you understand?”

Erin struggled to remain silent. He thought he owned her? “Kam, you cannot own another

person.” When he was silent, she continued, “I didn’t mean to disrespect you, but I was not going to

sit idly by while so many lives were in jeopardy. I am an adult and I’m not used to asking someone

else for permission to do things.”

Kamal knew she was trying to work things out in her head and kept silent.

“I’m not used to having anyone else; besides Shira anyway, worry about me. My parents trust me

to take care of myself.”

“I trust you to take care of yourself, but there are certain protocols as my wife you must follow

and your safety is my first priority.”

“I’m not your wife yet,” she reminded him.

“Merely a technicality. One that could be rectified this evening.”

“No,” Erin hurried to answer. “Really. Besides, my parents would be very disappointed if I got

married and they weren’t given the opportunity to attend.”

“Where are your parents? I will have them brought to Jawhara immediately.”

Erin laughed, “I don’t know where they are. Dad and Mom are on a world-cruise and still have

several weeks left. They are probably somewhere around Australia about now.”

Kamal was disappointed to hear that bringing her parents here would not be a simple task, but

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that had never stopped him before. “Give me the name of the ship they are on and I will make sure

they are contacted. Do you wish Shira to return for your wedding as well?”

Erin looked up at him, “You’re not going to let this whole marriage thing drop are you?”

“Absolutely not. You will be marrying me before the month ends. Now, answer the question.”

“Yes. I want Shira here. I didn’t know she had gone back to the states until we were already in

the air.”

“She is scheduled to return in six weeks with my brother. I will contact him in the morning and

make sure that they return no later than three weeks from now. You may provide me with a list of

items you wish transported to Jawhara and he will ensure that it is taken care of. I have already

notified your foundation that you will not be returning to your job. They wish you well.”

Erin was stunned, “You talked to my work? Why would you do that?”

“What is the problem? You will not be returning to their employment. This way they are free to

hire another attorney.”

Erin digested this information quietly; he was taking over her life. Her initial response was to

balk at his highhandedness, but everything he had done were things she would have had to do anyway.

He simply took the choice of timing away from her.

“I wish you would have spoken to me about that before you did it.”


“Well,” she began, “I would have liked to talk to a few people. I worked there for a number of

years and feel like I owe them an explanation.”

“I provided them all the explanation they needed. Besides, they did a miserable job of ensuring

your safety.”

“Kam, that incident you’re referring to was really my fault. I forgot to lock the door after I

entered the building.”

“Regardless, if you had not been keeping company with people in those situations, you would

have not been in harm’s way. You will never have to worry about that again.”

“But, what if I want to help people? I can’t sit around the palace all day doing nothing.” Erin was

beginning to get upset and the relaxation and peace that had come after their lovemaking was quickly


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“Calm yourself. I did not say that you had to sit around the palace and do nothing. I will find you

something to do. Something that not only challenges that brilliant mind of yours, but also helps my


“Really?” Erin queried, letting her anger go.

“Really. After we are married.”

Erin smiled against his chest. Kamal was consistent and steadfast in his belief that they were

going to be married within the month. She still had her doubts, but was beginning to think that fighting

him was a futile venture.

“You are not going to argue with me again?” Kamal asked.

“No. What would be the point?” Erin tried to sound resigned. Feeling his laughter, she knew she

had failed. “I guess you leave me no choice but to marry you. After all, you’ve promised me a

position I cannot refuse.”

“I am glad to see that you are finally thinking correctly. I will always have your best interest in

mind. Never doubt that.”

“I won’t.” Erin leaned up and over him, dipping her head to take his lips in a kiss filled with

promise. Kamal let her explore for several minutes before the dominate male inside of him burst forth

once again. Pushing her to her back, he proceeded to show her the pleasures to be found in his bed.

He worshipped her body, tasting her skin and seeking out all of the hidden spots that caused her

to shiver and moan. With his hands and his tongue, he took her to new heights and banished any

thoughts she might have had of not spending her life with him.

Erin couldn’t quite catch her breath, and as he trailed his lips down her torso, stopping here and

there to nip and then soothe the small hurt with his lips and tongue, she forgot all of the reasons why

staying in Jawhara, or demanding her independence, had been so important.

Being here with Kamal was where she wanted to be. It was where her heart had landed and

where her future began.

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The purser tapped twice on the cabin door, handing the folded communication to Tom Malone

when he answered the door.

“What is it?” Patty Malone inquired.

“I don’t know,” Tom replied, curious as to who would be sending him a message. Both Erin and

Shira were used to their excursions and had never once seen the need to contact them while they were

still at sea.

Unfolding the piece of paper, he read the message twice before a huge smile split his face and he

handed the note to his wife.

Watching the smile on her husband’s face, Patty took the note and read it aloud –

Mr. Tom Malone and wife –

Please accept an invitation to stay at the palace of the Sheikh of Jawhara. A private jet will be

waiting to transport you to Jawhara when you dock in Brisbane. The Sheikh requests your

presence at the ceremony, which will unite him and your daughter, Erin, in matrimony.

My personal bodyguard, Talib, will be waiting to escort you to the airport upon your arrival.

Sheikh Kamal Mehalel El-Jawhara

“Erin’s getting married? To a Sheikh? How did this happen?” Patty asked her husband.

“I don’t know. We’ve been gone nine weeks so I guess anything could have happened. It seems

that Erin’s finally going to settle down. Not sure I like the fact that she’s going to be so far away, but

maybe we can negotiate with her husband and she can spend part of each year in the states.”

Patty nodded her head, “That would be nice. Oh, we stop in Brisbane tomorrow night. I need to

start packing.”

Tom watched his wife bustle around their stateroom. His little girl was getting married. Now if

he could just see Shira settled, all would be right in his world.

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End of Book 1.

For Book 2, The Sheikh’s Troublesome Bride,

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The Jawhara Sheiks Series

The Sheik’s Pregnant Bride (FREE)

The Sheik’s Troublesome Bride

The Sheik’s Captive Bride

The Botros Brothers Series

The Sheik’s Accidental Pregnancy

The Sheik’s Defiant Girlfriend

The Sheikh's Demanding Fiancée

The Fedosov Family Series

The Russian's Stubborn Lover (FREE)

The Russian’s Bold American

The Russian’s Secret Child

The Denver Men Series

The CEO’s Pregnant Lover


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The Marine’s Virgin Lover

FBI Agent’s Reluctant Lover

Navy Seal’s Innocent Italian

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The Sheikh’s Troublesome Bride (The Jawhara Sheikhs Series Book 2) Download today!

Shira entered the terminal and quickly looked around for her co-workers and bosses. As the

assistant marketing director for The Addams Group, she had been instrumental in helping the firm to

land its most lucrative marketing campaign ever – Jewel Oil.

The company was owned and operated by the Sheikh of Jawahara and his brother, Prince Khalil

Mehmed El-Jawhara. Being the younger son, Khalil was not in direct line for the throne, that honor

belonged to the eldest son, Kamal.

Shira spied Rick and Damon standing in front of the security area and waved as she hurried in

that direction.

“Glad you could make it,” said Rick, giving her a large welcoming smile.

“I’m so excited. Is everyone else here?”

“Well, about that – it’s just going to be you this time around.”

Shira shook her head, “But I thought the entire team was coming along.” She was confused that

plans had changed so quickly. And go to Jawhara by herself? No way! She’d never even been to

Canada or Mexico, yet alone a country thousands of miles and several oceans away!

“It’s actually a good thing,” replied Damon, “It seems that word about our deal with Jawhara has

spread and late last night I received calls from two other Arab nations who would like us to work on

bids for their marketing campaigns as well.” Damon was grinning from ear to ear as he finished


“Really?! That’s great!” Shira exclaimed. This is what her bosses had been hoping for.

International exposure and a client base around the world.

“Really!” answered Rick. “Anyway, there are delegations flying in from those countries over the

next several days and the team is frantically pulling together those presentations.”

Shira’s heart dropped as she quietly asked, “Does that mean you’d like me to stay as well?” She

had been looking for to seeing Kale again. She swallowed down her disappointment, not wanting her

bosses to see how much she was really hoping they still intended to send her.

“That sacrifice will not be necessary,” came a familiar voice from just behind her.

Whirling around, Shira found herself looking up into the laughing brown eyes of Kale. “What are

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you doing here?” she asked, just before she found herself swept up in his muscular arms.

Hugging her close felt amazing, but remembering where they were, he quickly set her back down

on her feet. “I am here to personally escort you to Jawhara.”

“But you said you needed to help your brother…” Shira tapered her speech off. She had spoken

to Kale almost daily since his premature departure several weeks ago. They had talked about almost

everything and she had grown attached to the man of character standing in front of her.

“Kam has everything well under control at this time. Besides, we are less than twenty-four hours

away from Jawhara.” Turning to address her bosses, he shook their hands, “Gentlemen, thank you for

everything. I will assist Miss Malone in getting her office set up and see that she has everything we


Shira watched, confusion clouding her brain, as she listened to Kale and her bosses discuss her

future. It didn’t sound like she was only going for a short visit! Looking at both Rick and Damon, she

didn’t miss the glances they both threw her way as Kale finished discussing their travel plans.

“Kale, what..?”

“Come, Shira. The pilot is anxious to begin our flight, as am I.”

“But my luggage…”

“Has already been taken care of. Ahmed was waiting for it and has already delivered it to the jet.

Say goodbye.”

Shira turned to her bosses, not liking the knowing grins upon their faces, and dutifully replied,


“Have fun, Shira. Take a few days to get acclimated and then give us a call. Rick and I have some

ideas of what kinds of information and footage would work best in the ads.” Damon gave her a brief

hug but quickly removed his arms at the low growl coming from Kale.

Shira looked at him over her shoulder, startled by the fierce look upon his face. When Rick

pulled her to him for a brief hug, she watched, amazed, as Kale’s eyes narrowed and his fists


Before she could question him, he pulled her from Rick’s arms, wrapping one arm around her

waist and anchoring her to his side. “Gentlemen.”

Khalil did not like seeing another man’s hands upon Shira. He found he was very possessive of

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her already, a good sign indeed. He had enjoyed their phone conversations over the last several

weeks and was determined to make her fall in love with Jawhara and bind her to him.

Protocol demanded that his older brother must marry first, but Kamal had already chosen his

bride-to-be. Erin Malone, Shira’s cousin and roommate, might not know it yet, but she was destined

to become the next Sheikha of Jawhara. Kamal had decided he wanted her, and his brother always got

whatever he set his mind on. Always!

Escorting Shira through the security gate and customs booths, he then led her out onto the tarmac

to the private jet that was waiting to fly them to Jawhara. He glanced down at her several times,

taking note of her wide eyes and the bemused expression on her face. Shira didn’t appear to be one

for surprises!

“Watch your step,” Kale told her as she began her ascent up the steep steps.

“Kale, I…” Shira began, stopping on the first step and turning to look at him.

Kale steadied her on the narrow step with his hands upon her waist, “Don’t be concerned,

habibti. Everything will work out just fine.” Using his hands to turn her back around, he gave her a

gentle tap on her rear to get her moving again, “Up you go. Watch your head; I wouldn’t want you to

injure yourself before we get airborne.”


Shira carefully stepped inside the private jet and gasped at the sheer elegance of the interior.

Luxurious seating arrangements were scattered around the space, covered in butter-smooth leather

with thick, plush carpet that begged her to remove her shoes and sink her toes into it.

A slender and elegant attendant stood towards the back of the cabin, dressed in a sleek navy blue

uniform with her hair pulled tightly back at the base of her neck. Shira looked at her face, hoping for

some sort of recognition, slightly alarmed when the young woman ignored her presence, only coming

to life when Kale entered the plane behind her.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness.”

Shira turned to Kale, a question upon her face, “Your Highness? But I thought Kam…”

“All Crown Princes are referred to in this way. Kamal’s correct title is Your Majesty. I trust you

can remember that?” Kale looked at her and when she nodded, smiled and gestured for her to take a


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Shira chose a seat near the window, watching with interest as Kale spoke to the attendant in

Arabic before joining her. “Rihana will bring you some refreshment as soon as we are airborne.”

Shira nodded, still trying to understand how the plans had changed so quickly. “Did Rick or

Damon call you?”

Kale took the seat next to Shira, taking her hands in his and chafing them slightly. “No. It had

already been decided that I would fly your team out in our private jet. When Rick and Damon

explained the need for them to stay behind, along with the rest of the team, I offered to make myself

available to you and help facilitate your work in Jawhara.”

Shira nodded, looking up into Kale’s eyes and quickly becoming lost in their warmth. Feeling

herself sway towards him slightly, she fought the urge to lean against him. The feelings his hands were

creating in her body were quickly becoming hard to ignore. She glanced down at their joined hands

and was transported back to the last time his hands had touched her.

They had celebrated the end of the negotiations between her company and his country and had

retired to his hotel room after several hours of dancing at local clubs. Shira had been full of energy

and enthralled with Kale’s attention.

She had been secretly trying to attract his attention during the months of negotiations, but he had

kept her at arm’s length. When she had walked into the banquet hall, he had immediately captured her

attention and kept her close to his side the rest of the night.

They had just settled themselves upon a rug in front of the fireplace, sharing lingering kisses and

touches when his phone had rung. Cursing, Kale had answered the phone, growing still and silent as

he listened. Evidently, a major catastrophe was brewing in his country and he and his brother were

needed to fly back immediately.

He had given her one last smoldering kiss, full of promise and longing, and then asked his driver

to take her home. He had programmed her phone with his direct line and had called her almost every

day since then. Talking to her for hours about his childhood, her upbringing and their dreams and

hopes for the future. He had been amazed at how much they had in common and quickly become

enamored of her.

When Kamal had instructed him to fly to America and escort the Addams Group team back to

Jawhara, he had called Rick and Damon and made sure Shira was one of the team he would be

escorting. Talks had quickly escalated from a visit to setting up another office in Jawhara. Rick and

Damon had not missed his attraction to Shira, or hers to him, and had suggested that Shira might be a

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good candidate to stay on in Jawhara and manage their first international office.

Kale had kept his enthusiasm for the plan to himself, secretly rejoicing that his task of convincing

Shira to remain in Jawhara long-term would not be that hard. Based upon her reaction only moments

before in the airport terminal, the long-term plans for her employment hadn’t been discussed with her


Kale would make sure that Rick and Damon corrected that as quickly as possible. He wanted

Shira to grab hold of this adventure and start making plans to stay in Jawhara – permanently.

The Sheikh’s Troublesome Bride (The Jawhara Sheikhs Series Book 2) Download today!

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Copyright © 2015 by Leslie North

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including

photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the

case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission

requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

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