The Rebaldis 2 Kidnapping His Bride

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Kidnapping His Bride The Renaldis [2] Karen Erickson Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (2013)

Catch her if you can...

The Renaldis, Book 2

Rafael Renaldi is a modern man with an old-fashioned secret - an arranged marriage. Though it was
an informal agreement, made when they were children, Rafe has always been a little in love with the
beautiful, passionate Catalina Campioni. And assumed that the single, searing kiss they shared years
ago sealed the deal.

Marriage? Babies? Not now - not yet. After growing up witnessing her mother's devastation over her
father's cheating, Cat has no intention of settling down anytime soon. She plans to live life to the
fullest before marching down the aisle - and it definitely won't be with womanizing, lethally charming

When Rafe realizes his bride-to-be wants nothing to do with him, he does what a crazed man might do
- he kidnaps her. But not to force her to the altar. She wants adventure? He'll show her adventure, and
show her life with him will never be dull.

But even as they fall in love, someone close is desperate to keep them apart and will do whatever it
takes to ensure they won't marry. Anyone. Ever...

Warning: Put a sexy, charming Italian hero together with a fiery, beautiful Italian heroine and you have
a combustible romance on your hands. Nothing like a good old-fashioned kidnapping and arranged
marriage to help a couple fall in love.

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To all the readers out there—I appreciate each and every single one of you.


“You look lonely. Care for some company?”

Rafael Renaldi turned to find Annalisa Campioni standing before him, a little smile curving her lips.

He frowned. She was the last person he wanted to talk to this evening. Her younger sister, though? He
was dying to speak to Catalina. But she’d been avoiding him since she arrived.

“You look lovely tonight, Annalisa.” He brought his champagne glass to his lips and drained it, setting
it on the tray of a waiter passing by. He was bored, frustrated and ready to leave.

And now he was trapped.

The smile on Annalisa’s face grew. “Why thank you. You’re looking rather dashing yourself.”

If it were anyone else, he’d believe she was flirting with him. But Annalisa hated his guts. She always
had, especially because he was promised to her sister. He believed Annalisa was jealous of their

Huh. If they even had an arrangement. He hadn’t spoken to Catalina in quite a while.

He intended to change that tonight.

“Have you seen your sister lately?” he asked, noting the disappointment filling Annalisa’s eyes. “I
need to talk to her.”

“Why?’ she spit out, her voice full of venom. “So you can string her along some more with your
pretty, empty promises?”

Rafe reared back, shocked at her anger. “I don’t make your sister empty promises,” he said carefully.

She emitted an unladylike snort. “Stop lying. This supposed engagement between you two is a
complete fraud. You should end it now.”

Furious at her accusations, he started to walk away from her. “I don’t need to listen to this,” he
muttered under his breath.

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Annalisa snagged hold of his arm, pulling him toward her. “I don’t know why you waste your time
with her anyway, when you could have me.”

She threw herself at him. There was no other way to describe it. Annalisa nearly knocked him over,
what with the force she used when she grabbed hold of him. Her surprisingly strong arms wound
around his neck, forcibly bringing him toward her so she could kiss his lips. He tore himself out of
her grip, taking a staggering step backward, wiping his hand across his lips. “What the hell was that?
You know I’m not interested in you, Annalisa. I’m going to marry your sister.

Pressing her lips together, she stared at him, her eyes wide, panic written all over her face. Tears
formed in her eyes, and he immediately felt like a complete bastard.

Before he could offer her an apology, she turned and ran.

“Rafael is looking for you,” Annalisa said, her nose in the air as she scanned the crowded room.

Hope lit within Cat’s chest. They were at a fashion event supporting local houses and the sisters were
there representing their family business. She knew the Renaldis would be there as well but wasn’t
sure exactly which brother would be in attendance.

Luckily enough, it was the one she was supposed to marry.

“Really?” she asked Annalisa, trying to sound nonchalant. But inside, her heart raced. She glanced
about, hoping to spot him.

“You should avoid him at all costs. He is nothing but a cheat and a liar,” Annalisa warned.

Cat barely repressed the urge to roll her eyes. “Are we having that discussion again? Because I’m so
tired of it. You always try your hardest to badmouth him and I’m sick of it.”

“He’s put you off this long, baby sister. I highly suggest you ask for some time. Make sure this is what
you really want. Marriage is a lifetime. Look at our parents. They’re absolutely miserable,” Annalisa

Annalisa’s words rang in her head minutes later when she came across Rafe. He was charming and
sweet. Kissing the back of her hand and making her giggle. Asking her questions, plying her with
champagne. She listened to him with rapt attention, entranced by his swarthy good looks, the way the
lights from above made his dark hair gleam. He was everything she wanted in a husband.

Wasn’t he?

He escorted her outside to the terrace, the both of them sipping champagne and not really talking. She
hoped he would kiss her. Or at least talk about their upcoming nuptials.

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She was still agreeable…right?

“Catalina.” His husky, deep voice sent a delicious shiver down her spine. “I want to kiss you.”

Parting her lips, she released a shuddering breath as he stepped closer. He slipped his fingers into her
hair, brushing the stray strands away from her forehead before his hand slid down to cup her cheek.

“You don’t mind do you?”

“N-no.” He made her so incredibly nervous. Annalisa’s warning ran through her mind again. How
many other women had he brought out to a dark and secluded terrace such as this one? How many
women had he seduced?

Closing her eyes, she pushed the thought aside. It was too painful to contemplate.

He took advantage of her closed eyes, moving in to steal a kiss. His lips were soft and warm, the kiss
gentle. She broke away from him first, staring up at his handsome face with wariness, and he
narrowed his gaze, as if she’d just offered him a challenge.

Then he took her mouth in the deepest, hottest kiss she’d ever experienced. His strong lips were firm
yet soft, his tongue insistent as it slid against her own. He touched her cheek, his fingers drifting
across her skin, and she whimpered.

His mouth, his tongue, his hands, everything about him was pure seduction. He swallowed her every
moan, touched her with an assuredness only an experienced man would have.

“I want you,” he whispered close to her ear. “I must make you mine soon.”

“How soon?” she asked.

Rafe pulled away from her, his dark brows drawn together. “I’m not sure.”

“Because I need time,” she went on, knowing she needed to get this out before he convinced her
otherwise. “I’m still not ready. There are things I need to do…” Her voice trailed off. She wasn’t
sure what those things were, but she knew she couldn’t marry him. Not yet.

Annalisa’s gloomy words had scared her.

“Of course, you need time,” he said, nodding eagerly. “I understand. Really I do. Marriage is a big

“Yes, it is,” she agreed. “I think I need at least a year before we can begin discussing plans.”

“A year?” He stepped away from her completely, rubbing his hand along his jaw. “All right,” he said
slowly. “I can agree to that.”

He agreed far too quickly with her. And that was what scared her the most.

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Chapter One

“You don’t have to go through with this, you know.”

“You’ve already said that.” Rafael Renaldi stood next to his older brother, pretending he cared about
the conversation they were having, which they’d already had a million times. He’d learned to drown
out the negativity over the years, especially the last few.

It was easier to ignore the argument tonight, however. He was distracted—and pleasantly so.

“And every time I say it, I mean it, Rafe. This old-fashioned arrangement is like some sort of noose
around your neck that tightens with every year that passes. It’s time to bail.” Matteo shook his head,
his mouth grim. He’d been against Rafe’s situation for years. Once their father had died, he’d become
even more vocal about it. “You can still back out. She’d understand. Her entire family would

“I don’t want to back out. I want this.” His gaze remained fixed on a woman. The woman. She stood
across the room, deeply engrossed in conversation with her older sister. Both of them were equally
beautiful, though his eyes were drawn more to the one who belonged to him. “And how do you know
she’d understand? Or her entire family would? I’d assume her father would still want this happen.”

An irritated sigh escaped Matteo. “Do you really believe she wants to do this? Have you spoken to
her recently and asked her how she feels? How about her father? Have you talked to Carlo Campioni
at all? This has gone on long enough. Something must be done. Now.”

Rafe really hated it sometimes, when his big brother behaved reasonably. No, he hadn’t spoken to
Carlo, but who had? The man had turned into a ghost as of late. He very rarely came into work or
made public appearances, according to those who worked at Campioni Leather Goods. His daughters
had taken over the family business completely, with the older one, Annalisa, stepping into her father’s
place and running the company.

And beyond the greeting Rafe had offered her upon his arrival to this small social gathering earlier,
no, he hadn’t talked to Catalina Campioni much. But he hadn’t forgotten her. How could he? She’d
always been in the back of his mind, ever since they were children, and as he grew older, she’d
pushed herself closer and closer to the forefront. Not by her own doing, oh no. His vivid imagination
had helped that along.

Of course, there had been that single, unforgettable kiss they’d shared the last time they’d seen and
spoken to each other for longer than stiff greetings and painfully polite conversation.

And then she asked for more time, like she couldn’t stand the thought of marrying him. Talk about

Never give a woman breathing room, Matteo had warned him like he was an idiot—after the fact.

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Which proved that, yes indeed, Rafe was an idiot. Breathing room allowed the woman the opportunity
to change her mind, Matteo went on to say.

For whatever reason, lately Rafe had grown afraid that Catalina had most definitely changed her
mind. A man resorted to desperate measures during desperate times. This meant he needed to push
forward and make their marriage happen. Soon.


“I hope like hell she wants to do this,” Rafe finally said, full of worry—and ire. “We agreed.” After
the kiss, after she requested a bit of distance, he’d asked her if they would still marry, needing the
confirmation. She’d nodded her answer, appearing too overcome to form words.

He’d run with that simple confirmation ever since. Again, proving he was an idiot.

“Her father and our father agreed a long time ago. There’s a distinct difference,” Matteo pointed out.
“Arranged marriages are a thing of the past for our culture.”

“I realize that, but the agreement’s in writing. One of us would be breaking a legal contract if we
backed out,” Rafe grumbled, jerking his attention away from the one woman who could keep him in
knots like no other, so he could focus on his brother.

Big mistake. Matteo looked exasperated at having to explain himself yet again. It felt like they’d been
having this conversation for years. “As if any modern court would uphold that stupid document.” He
shook his head. “You could have any woman you want and you know it. I know it. Hell, Catalina
Campioni most likely knows it too. So why in the world do you want her? You don’t even know her.”

Rafe was tired of having to explain himself all the damn time. Why did Matteo always want a reason?

Why did anyone want a reason? Wasn’t being in love with her enough?

Of course, most would laugh at him if he said he was in love with her, since they really didn’t know
each other that well. But it was true. He’d been waiting for her to mature, to grow. To become the
woman that wanted to be married to him. Who wanted to give him children. That she still didn’t want
him hurt more than he cared to admit.

“Why wouldn’t I want her?” he said, his voice gruff. He needed to play this off to Matteo so he
wouldn’t look like the sappy, romantic bastard that he truly was. “She’s been promised to me for
years. She’s sweet and she’s kind and so damn beautiful, it hurts to look at her.” Without hesitation,
he waved his hand toward where Catalina stood, not caring who saw him. He was tired of staying
away from her. The “give me distance” agreement between them settled heavily in the crowded room,
until it was all he could see and hear and think about.

Matteo watched him in that cool, calculating way his older brother had. As if he could see right
through him, knowing when he told the truth or lied. Feeling like a little kid, Rafe wanted to squirm
where he stood, but he held his ground. “You talk as if you own her.”

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Rafe raised a brow. “Essentially, I do. I don’t mean to sound like an ass.”

“Then don’t,” Matteo said simply.

“Money was passed, Matteo.” Rafe lowered his voice. He hated discussing this. It made him
uncomfortable. “You know this.”

A fact that was rarely spoken of, what with the way Campioni came to their father just before Giorgio
Renaldi died, begging for financial help. Their father had given in since he’d always had a soft heart
for his lifelong friend. They’d called it a loan at the time.

Of course, he’d never paid the Renaldis back. He’d even asked for more money after their father’s
death, which Matteo had reluctantly agreed to and handed over. Rafe viewed the loan as an
investment. Insurance that Catalina indeed belonged to him and no other.

A rather barbaric way of thinking, but he’d never been considered a man of modern thoughts when it
came to women. Perhaps that was wrong, but it worked for him. In his not too-distant past, women
were always playthings. Useful to find his sexual pleasure before he carefully set them aside. Not that
he ever treated them poorly, oh no. He had a reputation of being most thoughtful when it came to his
past lovers. Discreet and respectful were two words bandied about when spoken about him and his

But that was all they were. Affairs. There was only one woman he set high on a pedestal. A woman
whom he firmly believed was meant for him, who would soon belong to him forever.

And that woman was the young, vibrantly beautiful Catalina Campioni.

Matteo chuckled and shook his head. “You cannot own a woman, Rafe. I know Catalina is young, but
if she heard you talk about her like that, she’d probably be tempted to slice your balls clean off.”

Rafe flat out laughed. “I doubt that. Our impending marriage is exactly what she wants. She will be
the perfect, quiet, submissive little wife. I can’t help it if you married a fiery woman who constantly
keeps you on your toes.”

“I happen to like Paige that way.” Matteo patted him on the shoulder, a secretive smile curling his
lips. “And if you think your future bride is a sweet, quiet sort who will do whatever you tell her to, no
questions asked, then you have another thing coming.”

Studying Catalina again, Rafe let his gaze linger. Her long, dark brown hair fell far past her
shoulders, shiny and straight to the middle of her back. The sleeveless turquoise dress she wore
accentuated her slight curves; the short skirt emphasized the length of her impossibly long legs. She
laughed at something her sister said, turning her head so she could scan the room, and their gazes
snagged. Held.

He stood straighter, refusing to look away, and she didn’t look away either. The smile fell from her
lips, replaced with a worrisome frown that produced an adorable little wrinkle between her brows.
She cut her gaze from his quickly, resuming her conversation with Annalisa.

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Within seconds, he received a disapproving stare from the sister and he quickly turned his attention to
Matteo, icy dread slipping down his spine.

He despised her censure-filled stares. Would rather put their unwanted encounter where it belonged
—firmly in the past. Annalisa looked at him as if he were a squashed bug on the bottom of her shoe
and Catalina appeared ready to bolt.

“I honestly don’t understand it, but if you want her so badly, perhaps you should give it a try between
the two of you,” Matteo said. “But why have you avoided her the last year or so? You do know that I
and the rest of the family assumed the two of you would be married by now. At the very least,
publicly engaged and with a firm wedding date. But I suppose that’s what I get for assuming.”

Hell, he was so tired of the lectures and the warnings and the questions and the flat out “don’t do it”
statements. His relationship with Catalina wasn’t simple. For the last year he’d tried to respect her
request for needing time. As the months went by, he grew more and more impatient.

He wanted to marry and bed her—quickly. Relenting and giving in wasn’t normally part of his
personality, but when it came to Catalina, he didn’t do things as normal. How could he refuse that
pretty face, the sweet voice begging for some time to think? The taste of her lips had still been on his
tongue when she made her request. The pleading look in those beautiful eyes of hers had been his

The happiness that had lit her face when he agreed to her request had sent arousal spiraling through
him. She’d gone to him and stood on tiptoe, delivering another one of those chaste kisses upon his lips
before she slowly pulled away.

He’d grabbed her by her tiny waist and kissed her thoroughly, her lips parting easily for him despite
her obvious reluctance. She’d stiffened in his arms, her hands pushing at his shoulders for the merest
of seconds before she’d melted against him. Falling perfectly into the kiss as if she couldn’t resist.

That had done it. He’d known then they were made for each other.

But still he’d waited. Like a fool.

Tonight, though, he was done. The waiting was over.

Catalina belonged to him and no other. And she needed to realize this fact.


“God, I can’t stand him. Look at how he’s watching you. As if you belong to him like his own
personal toy and he’s about to come over and stake his claim. Sickening.” The disgust in her older

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sister Annalisa’s voice was more than obvious. She’d never contained her dislike for Rafael Renaldi
or Catalina’s tenuous link to him.

Cat had grown used to that link over the years. As a child, she’d found her potential future with Rafael
quite romantic. Knowing that one day, she’d be married off to one of the handsomest boys she’d ever
seen? No protesting on her part.

As she’d become a teen, she found herself completely enamored of the charming, enigmatic Rafe.
After bragging about her future and earning too many questions and even mocking laughter, she’d kept
their arrangement a secret from her friends. Had closed herself off to any potential teenage boyfriends
—and there had been quite a few who’d come around, interested in seeing her, talking to her. Dating

She’d turned them all away, never telling them why. How she wished she could tell them she was
promised to someone else. Someone older and more mature, who would someday be ready to take her
hand and make her his bride. In her mind, body and spirit, she was already taken.

What a foolish, stupid girl she’d been.

They’d seen each other a few times throughout her teenage years. She’d admired him from afar and
spoken to him like a bumbling fool every time he came near. He was polite, somewhat attentive, a bit
impulsive. As in, he’d sneak away from her every chance he got, but she blamed it on their four-year
age difference. At sixteen, no way could she hold the interest of a twenty-year-old man.

At least, that was what she told herself.

But then she’d become older. Wiser. A little more jaded as to the ways of the world. Specifically, the
destruction of her parents’ marriage opened her eyes. Life was not always full of romance and
flowers and beautiful, perfect things.

Like Rafe’s numerous indiscretions with an endless stream of beautiful, sophisticated women. His
well-known reputation amongst the Italian and U.S. fashion industries as a charming flirt couldn’t be
denied. The man hadn’t a faithful bone in his body.

Exactly like her father.

The very man who’d slowly, quietly destroyed their family over the years. Oh, her parents were still
together—miserably. But her mother was a mere shell of a woman. Her father was never around. Her
sister was bitter against men in general.

Cat in turn had become bitter against one man in particular.

“He believes he still does own me in a way,” she finally answered, earning a scathing glare from
Annalisa. “What? It’s true.”

“Papa sold you to the highest bidder,” Annalisa bit out, her lips tight, her golden eyes narrowed into

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“Not quite. Our fathers were best friends. They believed Rafael and I would make a good match.”
They’d gone over this story again and again. Once upon a time, she’d been perfectly fine with it.
Now, she was desperate to back out of her arranged marriage.

“I suppose I should be thankful Papa didn’t sell me to him. Or worse, the older, lecherous brother
who married his nanny,” Annalisa said with a sneer. “All the Renaldi men are heartless pigs.” She
looked down on everyone, specifically every man. They were horrible creatures in her eyes.

“You don’t even know him,” Cat said softly, wishing her sister wasn’t so judgmental. “Matteo
Renaldi is a respected businessman in the industry. You know his father and ours were great friends.”

“Don’t try and enlighten me on how wonderful the Renaldi men are. We both know what they really
are,” Annalisa muttered.

“And what exactly are they?” Cat asked.

“Well, Matteo is a sneaky bastard who bedded his nanny. Rafe charms his way into the pants of every
woman he meets. And Vincenzo is married to some model he never, ever sees. What sort of
relationship is that?” Annalisa ticked off every rumor like they were the absolute truth when most of it
was gossip.

And Annalisa had no qualms throwing Rafe’s reputation out there. Not caring that it might hurt her
sister’s feelings.

Which it did. It was one thing to worry about what Rafe was doing when she was alone with her
thoughts. Another thing entirely when her sister blatantly called him out on his faults right in front of
her. Cat wondered more than once if Annalisa secretly relished berating Rafe for her benefit.

“Oh, Anna.” Grimacing, Cat looked away, casting her attention on anything but the man staring at her
from across the room—or her embittered, never-happy sister. It seemed no one was pleased with
whatever life delivered them.

She noticed Matteo with his young American nanny, now wife. Paige Renaldi was lovely, probably
the same age as Cat, and she looked so joyous as she stared into her husband’s eyes, Cat felt a sharp
pang in her heart. The pang turned into a rather large crack when she noted the pure happiness
radiating in Matteo’s gaze as he laughed at something his pretty wife said.

Cat wanted that sort of marriage. One built out of love, adoration and respect. Not some ridiculous,
prearranged agreement between two best friends who thought their families should be linked together

Yes, she wanted her freedom from Rafe Renaldi. Didn’t want to be tied down like her mother at such
a young age to a man she didn’t love, let alone really know. She wanted a chance to be free, to
experience life to its fullest. Not married and endlessly pregnant, taking care of the bratty children
while her no good husband was off philandering. All while she grew whiny and fat and miserable.

No, she couldn’t stand the idea of turning into her mother. It could so easily happen too…

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“Don’t ‘oh, Anna’ me.” Annalisa’s grating voice broke through Cat’s thoughts. “You know you don’t
want this marriage, so quit defending our father and what he did to you, making you some sort of slave
to Rafe Renaldi’s every whim. He’s a disgusting beast of a man anyway. So…large. And…broad. I’m
sure he would manhandle you and scare you to death, let alone what he might do to you once you’re in
his marital bed.”

As if she couldn’t help herself, Cat let her gaze return to the man they were discussing. She didn’t
mind his largeness. Or his broadness. The idea of him manhandling her in their marital bed didn’t set
her heart trembling in fear.

More like set her body quivering in pleasure.

Stop it. You don’t want him. He’ll trap you into a life that will leave you miserable.

She thought of the kiss they’d shared. How she’d melted in his arms as if she’d been made for him.
The taste of his lips, his velvety tongue sliding against hers when he deepened their kiss. He’d
devoured her, really. The way her body had lit up at first touch of his hands, the tingles that had
washed over her when he whispered her name…

“He’s a handsome devil, I’ll give him that,” Annalisa rattled on. “But a practiced charmer who will
decimate you with a few chosen words if you don’t watch it. You’re weak, Catalina. You know this.
He’ll have you wrapped so tight around his finger you won’t know any better. You’ll believe every
lie he feeds you.”

“I’m glad you think so highly of me,” Cat retorted, irritation ripping through her. God, did everyone
believe her a gutless ninny? Most likely, what with the way she’d accepted her fate without protest
the majority of her life.

Well. Maybe for once, she needed to protest. Stand up and fight for what she believed in. At this very
moment, the thing she believed in most was rather simple.

Her freedom.

Remorse filled her sister’s eyes and Annalisa reached out, grabbing hold of Cat’s arm and giving it a
reassuring squeeze. “I didn’t mean to insult you, Cat. You know this. It’s just your situation with that
man makes me so angry. On your behalf,” she added hurriedly.

Cat had wondered more than once if her sister wasn’t jealous over the fact that she hadn’t been the
chosen one for Rafael. Annalisa and Rafe were closer in age. It made sense that they would be
matched up over her.

But nothing about the entire situation made sense. She’d given up questioning the logic behind the
decision long ago.

“Of course, on my behalf.” Cat nodded, noticing movement out of the corner of her eye, and she
turned, her lips parting when she saw what was happening. “What in the world…”

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Her sister gasped loudly as Rafael Renaldi himself made his way toward them, pushing through the
small crowd that filled the reception area of their father’s business. Well, their business now, what
with Annalisa having run the small, independent, leather goods company for over two years, Cat at
her side, helping as much as she could. They weren’t as huge and well known as Renaldi, but they did
well enough.

They’d do better if their father returned his attention to the very business that kept him afloat. But he
was nowhere to be found, reportedly on the beach in Cannes with his latest, young mistress while
their mother sat at home, crying and miserable, as usual.

The Campioni daughters were his representatives tonight and had been for a long time. Though neither
of them had any idea the Renaldis would be in attendance.

Well, Cat hadn’t known. Maybe Annalisa had invited them?

“He’s coming for you,” Annalisa whispered harshly. “And he looks quite…determined.”

Cat ignored her sister, her gaze locking on Rafe. He did appear determined—and starkly,
unmistakably handsome. His dark hair slicked back from his forehead, his gaze narrowed, his strong
jaw firmed. He always had a downright jovial way about him. Always smiling, dark brown eyes
twinkling, a laugh seemingly ready to spill at any moment.

There was no joviality in his expression at the moment, though. He looked grim.

“If he so much as speaks to you, there’s no telling what I might do,” Annalisa muttered.

“You won’t do anything,” Cat murmured in return, her gaze locked on Rafe as she spoke to her sister.
“You’ll be on your best behavior. It wouldn’t do to make a scene in front of our father’s business

“As if he cares. If this business mattered to him, he’d be here!”

Cat repressed the scathing comment that threatened to burst from her. She was so tired of her sister’s
rude and bitter behavior. It had gotten worse over the years, to the point of barely tolerable. “Shush.
Let me talk to Rafael in peace. I don’t need you yammering in my ear.”

She heard her sister’s irritated gasp just as he stopped before them, his eyebrows raised as if he knew
they spoke of him and he nodded toward Annalisa, his gaze skittering to her for the barest second
before those mysterious, dark eyes settled on Cat and never left. “Good evening, Annalisa. Catalina.”

Annalisa snorted in reply while Cat smiled. “Happy to have you here this evening, Mr. Renaldi.” The
polite greeting earned yet another snort from her sister.

His thick brows rose higher if that was possible. “Such formality. Considering our…position with
each other, don’t you think you could at least call me by my name, Catalina?”

“Considering our still formal position to each other and the fact that I hardly know you, I believe Mr.

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Renaldi is rather fitting.” She kept her smile pasted on, though her mouth quivered at the corners.
Inside, she trembled at having him so close. She could smell his tantalizing scent, feel the heat
radiating off of his large body and she was tempted to step into him. Wrap her arms around him and
see if he felt as wonderfully solid as she remembered.

But she withheld the urge, knowing she would only make a fool of herself if she did something so
rash. Her sister would probably yank her off of him anyway.

“I know this is rather sudden, but I’d like to speak to you about that arrangement,” he said, his voice
low, his gaze cutting to Annalisa for the briefest moment before settling on her again. “Now, if you
don’t mind.”

“She won’t—” Annalisa started, but Cat silenced her with a look before returning her gaze to Rafael.

“Funny you should ask. I’ve been wishing to speak to you about our arrangement as well.” Cat lifted
her chin, trying her best for cool, poised sophistication. She was young, untried and utterly lacking in
comparison to the glamorous, beautiful women she’d seen on Rafe’s arm over the years, but she
wanted him to realize he wasn’t trifling with a mere girl any longer.

She was a woman of twenty-three. Sheltered and without much experience, but still. Her entire life,
every decision had been made for her, and finally she’d grown weary.

Tonight, for the first time, she was ready to make her own decisions. Whatever Rafe wanted to tell
her, he probably wouldn’t like what she had to say in return.

And for once, she didn’t give a damn.

Chapter Two

Cat followed Rafael out onto the small terrace off of the reception room of Campioni Leather Goods.
Whereas Renaldi Accessories was a worldwide fashion empire, well known and respected, Carlo
Campioni hadn’t been able to find as broad success with his business. In recent years the company
had fallen on hard times.

Hence her father’s need of money and having no shame in borrowing it from the Renaldis. It didn’t
help matters that Carlo would rather focus on his numerous dalliances than his business. Cat hadn’t
seen her father in months.

She wondered if her supposed future husband would protest her working at Campioni. Or would he
rather have her working for Renaldi?

Worse, could he be so old-fashioned he’d rather not have her working at all?

“What did you want to talk about?” she asked when he finally stopped and leaned against the metal
railing that ran the perimeter of the terrace. He looked every inch the dashing male, clad in a navy

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suit, pale blue shirt and carefully knotted, buttery yellow tie. His suit probably cost more than her
entire wardrobe.

That the Campionis were no longer even close to the same financial league as the Renaldis was a
massive understatement.

She stood just in front of him, curling her arms around herself to ward off the chilly breeze that sprang
up. Rubbing her hands along her bare arms, she watched him warily, noting the obvious way he drank
her in. His blatant gaze drifted along her body from head to toe and she shivered, though not from the
cold wind.

The way he looked at her had felt like a physical caress. As if he’d actually touched her. Her nipples
tightened beneath her bra, her skin broke out in goose bumps and she pressed her lips together,
wishing she could control her body’s reaction to him.

No man made her react like this. Ever. But that didn’t matter. She needed to end this. She wanted her


“We need to set a wedding date. I’ve waited long enough,” he said gruffly. No preemptive, no gentle
cajoling or sweet persuading.

With that flat-out demand, Rafe reminded her of her equally demanding father.

You’ve waited long enough?” She kept her voice even, her demeanor calm. But inside, she raged.
She wanted to smack him. Yes, she’d asked him to wait, but how long had he kept her hanging with no
word, no sign that he wanted to marry her? Years! And now he was eager to make her his wife? Why
the sudden urgency?

His jerky nod told her that he wasn’t in the mood for a patient, rational discussion. “I gave you time
just as you requested. More than a year of you needing to complete whatever you wished to
accomplish should be enough, don’t you think? I’m finished with the game playing. We’re getting
married, and soon. No more protests, no more putting it off, Catalina. It’s time. I’m not getting any
younger and neither are you.”

Game playing? The nerve of the man. And how dare he bring up her age. She was still young and he
was under thirty. “Why now? I don’t understand.” Panic made her heart rate kick up and she breathed
deep, trying to calm herself. She could do this. Make him understand that this wasn’t the right step for

“All this waiting around for you to grow up has made me impatient.” Standing straight, he reached for
her, slipping his long fingers around her upper arm and pulling her closer to him. “It’s time for us to
finally make this marriage happen, don’t you think?”

“No.” She wrenched her arm out of his tightening grip, hating how he referred to their supposed
marriage like it was some sort of business deal that needed to be completed. Which it essentially was,

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not that she wanted to face that awful fact. “I don’t think it’s time for this happen. I don’t want this to
happen at all.”

He glared at her, his dark eyes hard, and so incredibly difficult to read. “You don’t mean it.”

“I do.” Cat lifted her chin, never letting her gaze waver. She refused to show him any weakness. This
was it. Her life would change forever within the next few minutes. “I don’t want to marry you. Look at
how you insult me, basically calling me a child who needs to grow up. And then you expect me to
swoon at the first mention of marriage? Well, I don’t think so. I have no desire to marry you, Rafael
Renaldi. Not now. Not ever.”

Rafe didn’t say anything for long, tension-filled minutes. The air thickened around them; she could
feel the angry heat of him, the tension rolling off his body in obvious waves. “You don’t want to
marry me,” he finally said, his voice low and incredibly deep.

She slowly shook her head. “I don’t.” Her voice shook and she winced. Now was not the time to
appear weak. She needed to remain strong, needed to stand up to him.

“Why not?”

“Do I really need to give you any more of a reason?” She laughed nervously, but his expression never
changed, making her even more wary.

“Yes, of course you do. I deserve a reason. You’re my fiancée. You have been for years. It’s the least
you could do—give me a valid reason.”

“Don’t you think it’s ridiculous how I’ve been your fiancée since I was a child?” She hissed out the
last word, bitterness making her insides twist. “It’s an old-fashioned arrangement, and you know it. I
don’t want to marry you. I doubt you want to marry me either.”

“Not true.” He slowly shook his head. “I’ve always wanted to marry you, Catalina. You can’t break
an agreement that was made years ago with a simple no and think you can walk away from me.”

The cool way he said that made her nervous. “Whatever crazy formal agreement our fathers made
when we were mere children can’t be held up in any court. You know this.” She sounded like her
sister, but she needed to present a proper argument. Her personal reasoning wouldn’t matter to him.

How could she have believed he’d willingly let her walk? She should’ve known better.

But why did he want to marry her? He’d never showed much interest in her before, beyond the few
stupid kisses they’d shared. It made no sense.

“I’ll prove you wrong. I can hold you to this agreement, just watch me.” He studied her, his gaze
locked on her face. “Don’t test me, Catalina. When there’s something I want, I’ll do whatever it takes
to get it.”

“I’m not a pretty little object you can add to your collection.” Fear trickled down her spine when he

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took a step toward her. “I’m a human being, Rafael. I won’t marry you. I don’t even know you.”

“We’ve known each other for years.”

“Not for real. I know absolutely nothing about you. What you like, what you don’t like, what your
favorite foods are, how you take your coffee, nothing.” She threw her hands up in the air, taking a step
backward when he took two steps forward. He was making her nervous, what with the predatory way
he moved toward her, looked at her. “I refuse to marry a man I don’t know, who doesn’t love me.”

“Do you love me, Catalina?” His voice had softened, as had the glint in his eyes, but she still stepped
backward, desperate to escape him.

“Of course not,” she retorted, almost insulted he would ask such a thing. “Like I said, I don’t know
you. How could I love you?”

“You’ve…admired me, though. In the past. I’ve seen it in your eyes.” He took yet another step closer,
his voice deceptively soft as he continued. “Just as I’ve admired you. You’ve grown into a very
beautiful woman, you know.”

She released a shuddery breath. He sounded downright…seductive. “You can’t base a marriage on
looks alone.”

“You’re absolutely correct.” A tiny smile curved his lips, the sight of it stealing her breath. He was
right. She’d admired him for years, that handsome face of his, the few charming words he’d tossed her
way like a sprinkling of bread crumbs. She’d gobbled them up, always.

Cat didn’t admire the man he portrayed himself as to the public, though. Rafael Renaldi wasn’t
necessarily an admirable man, at least in her eyes. “We could get to know each other better these
months leading up to the wedding, during our official engagement.”

“No.” She shook her head so furiously she almost made herself dizzy. “Absolutely not. There’s no

“No point in what?”

“Getting to know each other.” He invaded her space, so close she could feel him, smell him, imagine
being in his arms again. “We’re not getting married.”

“I beg to differ.” He sounded amused, which infuriated her more.

“I won’t marry you.”

“Why the hell not?”

Did the man have a thick skull or what? How many times did she have to say no? “Tell me, have you
been loyal and true to me since we’ve been engaged?”

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Rafe gave her a look of such incredulity she could’ve almost found it funny. But she didn’t. Not at all.
“What exactly are you referring to?”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? I’m asking if you’ve been faithful to me. As your fiancée. Your future bride.”
She took a few steps to the side, away from him, needing the distance. Breathing in the cool air as the
breeze washed over her heated skin and cleared her jumbled brain. Having him too close was
dangerous to her mental health, let alone her stupid body that was so eager to betray her.

He aroused her, pure and simple, even when he made her angry—it seemed especially when he made
her angry. So infuriating.

“Such an…unusual question,” he said, sounding seemingly nervous.

“Well, we’re involved in an unusual situation so I guess it’s only natural for me to ask, don’t you
think?” She shook back her hair, tilting her chin in a way that felt so defiant, it gave her a surge of
confidence. “Tell me. Have you been loyal to me? Faithful?”

Something mysterious flickered in his gaze when she said the last word in particular. “Your
questioning is unfair.”

“I don’t think so.” She wasn’t about to admit her truth. That she’d remained true to him all these years.
That guilt and some sort of silly infatuation kept her from being so daring as to fling herself into the
arms of another man and beg him to take her. She’d kissed a few men over the years. Nothing too
serious, not one of them affecting her with a mere touch of his lips as Rafael had.

Yet another reason for her to be so furious with what he’d done to her. Why him? Why did her body,
mind, and whatever else have to react so strongly to him all the time?

“Tell me, Rafe,” she urged when he still hadn’t said anything. “Tell me if you’ve been faithful to me.
If you have, then we can get married. If you haven’t…”

“What then?” he asked.

“Then our endless engagement is officially over. You can go your own way and I can go mine.” Her
lips curved into a smile. She had him. No way could he admit he’d been faithful to her. She’d call him
out on his lies because she knew it wasn’t true. The man hadn’t a faithful bone in his body, just like
her cheating, no good father.

This was perfect. She’d been a wreck before speaking to him and somehow still figured out a way to
talk herself out of this farce of a marriage.

Her new life would finally begin. Now.

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His supposed bride-to-be was furious with him; he could see it written all over her pretty face, the
passionate fire blazing in her hazel eyes, the tension stiffening her slender body. She’d caught him
red-handed with her questions, set up a trap he had no choice but to fall into guiltily, and damn it, he
wished he could lie to her and make it believable. Not that he was an outright liar—he just didn’t
want to hurt her with the ugly truth.

But he couldn’t lie, and she knew it. She caught him. He had no choice but to admit his guilt.

“No,” Rafe finally said on a shuddering breath. “I haven’t been faithful to you since the start of our

A ridiculous question for her to ask him, considering they’d been engaged since they were children
and had rarely seen each other ever since. No one would expect him to be faithful to her. She was
right. They hardly knew each other. He didn’t know her at all other than she was beautiful and
seemingly kind. She had somehow stepped into a leading role at her family business, which he
couldn’t help but admire, and the taste of her lips was sweeter than anything he’d ever experienced.

But none of that counted, not really. At least, according to her.

“Then our pending marriage is null and void.” The high wattage grin she flashed him sliced through
his heart. Christ, she was beautiful. And unfortunately, according to her, she was no longer his. “It’s

How could it be over when nothing had ever begun? He kept his question to himself, watching as she
moved away from him, the smile still on her face. She was quite pleased with the results of their
conversation. There was no denying it.

“You really want that? To end this?” he asked quietly, causing her head to jerk toward him. “Because
I don’t.”

An exasperated sigh escaped her and she shook her head. She really was extraordinarily beautiful
when she was angry. “You say things like that and the words mean nothing. You don’t know me, you
just like the idea of me.”

“The idea of you?” What did she mean?

“The thought of me as your sweet, young wife waiting for you at home while you’re out doing
whatever you want. Me, cleaning your house and warming your bed, making your meals and chasing
your children, tied to this…lonely, unfulfilled life. And you’ll get everything you could ever want.”
The bitterness in her voice was unmistakable. She didn’t want this sort of life or want him.

But he didn’t want that sort of life either. Yes, he’d spoken to Matteo of the submissive little woman
waiting at home for him, but did he really mean it?

After spending just a few minutes with Catalina and seeing how she so desperately didn’t want a
marriage like that, neither did he.

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He couldn’t believe how quickly she could change his mind.

“You’re sorely mistaken if you think that’s all I want from you,” he started, but the withering stare she
shot in his direction silenced him.

“Please. You’ll say all the right things now because you want me to believe you, but be honest with
yourself. You don’t know me, don’t love me or feel absolutely anything for me. Why would that
change when we’re married? It wouldn’t. It absolutely wouldn’t, and you know it. In fact, our
relationship would probably take a turn for the worse because we’ll slowly start to resent each other.
Resent our businesslike marriage and how we let it happen.” She paused, pressing her lips together.
Had she revealed too much? He was thankful for her candor even though it hurt.

“You don’t want a relationship based on nothing,” he said, his voice flat.

“Who would?”

She had a valid point, one he couldn’t argue. Quite frankly, he’d grown weary of the argument for
marriage in general. With Catalina, he got a sense that he couldn’t win. She would trump him every
single time.

Rafe knew the right move would be to back down and walk away. He didn’t want to—it was the last
thing he wanted to do, but he didn’t want to be trapped forever with a resentful wife either.

“You’re right,” he agreed, earning a shocked gasp in reply. “Our marriage would be based on nothing
but an outlandish agreement made years ago between two men whose children didn’t know each other
and never really would. I can’t ask you to marry me, Catalina. It wouldn’t be right.”

She was quiet for a moment, staring at him as if she couldn’t quite believe he just said that.

“It’s Cat,” she finally whispered, her voice trembling.

Frowning, he met her troubled gaze. “What did you say?”

“My friends and family, they call me Cat,” she explained, confusing him further. Certainly she didn’t
think of him as a friend or a member of her family.

So why mention the nickname now?

“It just sounds so formal when you call me Catalina,” she explained further when he didn’t reply.

“And isn’t that what you called our agreement? Too formal?” She had, hadn’t she? He couldn’t
remember. The endless words they’d spoken to each other this evening were all starting to run

She shrugged. “Yes, but…I got tired of hearing you call me Catalina.”

“Well, Cat, I appreciate the sudden informality, but I suppose this is the end.” He liked the sound of

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it. Cat. The nickname fit her. Made him think of a gorgeous, sleek feline, slinking into his life, turning
his head. This woman constantly aroused him to an almost painful state only to turn around and leave
him in the dust.

Exactly what she’d done to him tonight.

“I guess so,” she agreed, her voice hollow, her gaze…sad? No, it couldn’t be. He was reading her
wrong. He must’ve read her wrong for years.

What an idiot he was.

“This is what you want.”

“Absolutely.” She nodded. “Freedom. I’m dying for a taste of freedom. I want to see the world before
I settle down, you know? We used to spread our time evenly between Chicago and here, but the last
few years, we’ve rarely left Italy.”

Chicago was the U.S. base for Campioni, where many of their relatives lived and also maintained a
small branch. But Carlo Campioni had run out of funds, hence his inability to return to the States. Not
that Rafe would throw his knowledge of their financial state in her face. He knew most everything
about her family.

Not marrying him wouldn’t give her an opportunity for freedom. Didn’t she realize she’d only become
married to her family business if she didn’t wed him? That it would suck her dry, working so hard to
build the company back up after her father had nearly destroyed it?

But she wouldn’t listen to reason, not now, especially coming from him. Still, he couldn’t help but say

“If you gave me a chance, I could’ve shown you the world. Together, just the two of us,” he said

Surprise flitted over her face, her full lips parting, forming a little O. “Don’t say things you don’t

“I never do.”

Silence settled between them once again, thick with promise. Could she not sense it? Feel it? The
tension between them? The attraction? It was more than obvious to him, permeating the air and making
it hard for him to focus. She looked frazzled too, her eyes full of confusion, her cheeks flushed a
delicious pink. She gnawed on her lower lip as if she wanted to chew a hole in it, and he wondered
what she might be thinking.

Not that she’d tell him, oh no. She’d already written him off as bad for her. As if his sole intention
was to ruin her life and leave her a domesticated slave available to his every whim.

A rather unfair assumption, and one he couldn’t seem to convince her out of.

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“I appreciate you giving me no trouble,” she finally said, drawing herself up to her full height as she
thrust her shoulders back, looking so very mighty and strong despite her petite stature. “And letting me
back out of this agreement between us. You know it was the right thing to do.”

“If you say so,” he murmured, his gaze never leaving her pretty, oh-so-tempting face. “Give me one
last kiss goodbye, then? Between old friends and ex-future husband and wife?”

She rolled her eyes, some of the fire back. He liked seeing that hint of fire, the flash of defiance.
Maybe Matteo was right. A little feistiness in a woman wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. “You must be

He schooled his expression, trying for solemn. Really, he wanted to laugh, yank her into his arms and
lay one on her. “I never kid about kisses, Cat. That is one thing you’d learn if you were to marry me.”
There was heated promise in his voice and he hoped like hell she noticed.

Pressing her lips together, she approached him quickly, leaning in for the fastest, barest peck upon his
lips he’d ever experienced.

But he was quicker than that, thank Christ. He slung his arm around her slim waist and hauled her in,
her slender, slightly curvy body pressing up against his, her lips achingly close to his mouth. She
tempted him beyond measure, despite her eager rejection and he wanted to prove to her that they
could be good together.

If only she would give him a try.

Without warning, he pressed his mouth to hers, softly. Reverently. Her eyes were wide open as she
stared up at him, and he broke the kiss, letting his lids fall to half-mast as he leaned in and kissed her
again. One corner of her mouth, then the other, tasting those succulent lips, pleasure rippling through
him when she closed her eyes as if lost to the deliciousness of his mouth on hers. Savoring her lips, he
darted out his tongue quickly, tasting her. Drawing the moment out as slowly as he could. Using it to
his advantage so maybe, just maybe, he could get her to change her mind.

That he had to work so hard to try and change her mind was mind-blowing, but nothing had been
normal about this situation from the start. What could he expect?

Withdrawing from her for the barest second, he studied her pretty, upturned face, her damp lips, her
closed eyes and those thick, dark lashes. God, she was a true beauty, one he wanted to explore
further, but she shut him down. Not giving him a chance.

So he took another kiss, this one lingering longer, coaxing her lips apart with his own as best as he
could but she held firm. Stubborn female, he thought with slight amusement when he finally broke the
kiss, noting the telltale throb of her pulse at the base of her neck when she opened her eyes to stare up
at him in silent awe.

She was just as affected by the kiss as he was. Perhaps even more so. Triumph surged through him
even knowing that she could still walk away.

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“Goodbye, Cat,” he whispered, wishing his mouth was on hers once more.

“Goodbye.” Her voice trembled as she unconsciously swayed toward him.

“Want more?” he asked, sounding like a cocky bastard even to his own ears.

That snapped her out of her haze, damn his arrogant hide. “Absolutely not,” she returned, pushing him
aside so she could stride past him, her heels clipping the concrete pavers as she hurried toward the
open door and slipped inside the reception room, where the small gathering still seemed to be in full

He remained outside for long, dark minutes, trying to gather his thoughts, his pride, his everything.

Rafe had come to this small event to confront his future wife and demand that she marry him and soon.

Instead, he would leave alone, with no fiancée, no future, no nothing. Just a lonely existence without
bride to call his own. Until this very night, he hadn’t realized he truly wanted no one else, only

And she’d turned him away instead.

Chapter Three

The night air was warm, the cool breeze having disappeared hours earlier, and Cat wondered for
what felt like the hundredth time if she’d ever get any sleep. The clock on her bedside table mocked
her, the time glowing bright red at her like a message brought forth by the devil himself.

Past two a.m. and she was still wide awake, her thoughts filled with a certain irritating man who
drove her crazy.

And an irritating man who secretly drove her wild with barely restrained passion.

Kicking off the covers, she breathed a sigh of relief as the air stirred by the whirling fan overhead
brushed against her bare legs. She turned her head to the right, staring out the open window at the dark
night that beckoned. She still lived in her parents’ home, the house she grew up in, as did her sister. It
wasn’t unusual in a traditional Italian household to have the daughters in their childhood home until
they were married.

Looked like Cat would be living here a little longer than she originally thought.

She should be relieved that she didn’t have to go through her scam of a marriage, that Rafe let her go
so easily. Instead, she felt…empty. Unsure. More than anything, she felt lonely.

And so, so stupid.

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Rolling on her side, she stared out the window, counting the endless tiny twinkling stars that dotted
the black velvet sky. Was it a mistake, ending it with Rafael? Funny how she worried over ending
something that never existed in the first place. Yes, they’d shared one kiss—plenty of kisses, actually.
All of them earth-shattering, bone-melting kisses, but she couldn’t base her entire life on a mere kiss.

Could she?

Despite the fact her lips still tingled, her body ached to be held in his arms. Her reaction to him was
frustrating, exhilarating, and irritating, all at once. She wished he didn’t matter. She wished she could
look at him and feel absolutely nothing.

But she couldn’t.

Cat heaved a loud sigh and forcibly closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep. Maybe she shouldn’t
have broken it off with Rafe, but it was too late now for regrets. Ultimately, she would realize this
was for the best. She couldn’t be tied down. Not by a man who would eventually hurt her.

She recalled her mother greeting them upon their return home from the party earlier. Her sad
expression when she asked Annalisa if their father had made an appearance. The dark circles under
their mother’s eyes, her thinning hair, liberally shot with gray. Hair she used to take such pride in now
looked weak and frail.

Much like her mother appeared weak and frail. Her vibrancy, her happiness had faded over the years,
all at the hands of her husband. Carlo Campioni had destroyed his beautiful Anna with his neglect, his
mocking cruelty, slashing at her self-esteem repeatedly until she was left in tatters, harder and harder
to piece back together.

No way would she be like her mother. Being with Rafael, marrying him…she knew it would’ve
resulted in Cat being slowly torn apart. She couldn’t have it. She’d done what was best.

Pushing aside her silly loneliness, she sank deeper into the pillow, her limbs growing heavy, her
breathing slow. She could do whatever she wanted now. No future husband to think of, no wedding to
plan, no bitter sister to deal with now that her marriage had been called off. She could leave if she
wanted to. Maybe she could go to Chicago on her own, visit her family, maybe even work at the
Campioni location there.

Not that Annalisa would want her to leave. She enjoyed bossing Cat around all day.

Cat frowned, her eyes popping open. Her sister’s seemingly jealous, horrible mood swings made her
insane and she didn’t understand it. Annalisa had always been the brighter one, the prettier one, the
daughter with all the expectations. She’d taken over the family business with ease, as if she was born
to step into the position.

Granted, she was almost four years older and still not married, a sort of kiss of death amongst their
family and friends, but she was a modern woman. At least Annalisa wouldn’t be married and
miserable at such a young age like so many of the girls that they grew up with. If she wanted to, her

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older sister could travel and do anything she wanted, which Cat had envied all these years while she
waited for Rafe to come around in vain.

But could Annalisa really? Now that she’d taken over Campioni, maybe she couldn’t. Annalisa had
responsibilities now. There was a business to run, employees to oversee, sales to handle, all because
their father had abandoned them, the business, everything.

Not too long ago, Annalisa would constantly threaten to go back to the States and find a nice,
handsome American boy to marry. She used to throw little fits about leaving to find a real man,
especially after they would see Rafael. Cat knew they were always in reaction to her so-called

More than once, Cat wondered if her sister had a crush on Rafael. Not that she’d ever ask or that her
sister would ever confess, but it had crossed her mind more than once.

Foolish. No more fits for Annalisa over her younger sister’s impending marriage, thank God.

When sleep finally crept into her consciousness, Cat went willingly. Her mind finally calmed,
quieted. Her body relaxed, the tension slowly easing from her muscles. And as her worrisome
thoughts left her, she slipped into blissful nothingness.

Tomorrow would be better. It had to be.

She dreamed. Though it felt so wonderfully real, she knew it had to be a dream since she’d never had
a man in her bedroom before…

Smelling him first, she breathed deep, the spicy, masculine scent filling her nostrils, intoxicating her
like a drug, making her yearn to seek out more. She reached out toward the warmth, the solid feel of
him and came into contact with hard, hot flesh. Stroking slowly up a man’s arm, she felt his thick
biceps beneath her fingers. She caressed and squeezed, marveling at the smooth skin, the muscle she
felt flexing beneath.

He moved closer, hovering above her, her faceless man who’d boldly joined her in her bed. She felt
his touch before she saw it. Calloused fingers traced the line of her jaw, the tip of her chin, the corner
of her mouth. A breathy sigh escaped her at first contact, and she licked her lips, swore she heard her
mystery man groan.

The dream felt enticingly real. Big hands rested on either side of her head, flattening her pillow, and
she turned, felt the sting of her hair pulling against her scalp. He had her pinned, his fingers in her
hair, his body pressing closer, closer…

Cat’s eyes flew open and saw the man—a very real man hovering above her in the darkness. She
couldn’t make out his face, had no idea who it was and she parted her lips, her lungs seemingly frozen

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since no sound came out.

But she recognized the scent of him, the feel of him…

“Rafael?” Her voice squeaked, disbelief filling her and she struggled against him. “Wh—what are
you doing?” she asked, her voice rising.

“Sshh.” He rested his finger against her lips, silencing her. “I don’t want to wake anyone in the

Of course he didn’t. Talk about causing a scandal. “Why are you here?” she whispered fiercely.

Could she admit that it gave her a thrill, having him somehow sneak into her room, sitting with her on
her bed? Yes, she’d split with him. Yes, she didn’t want to marry him.

But there was something extremely exciting about having a man in her bedroom in the dead of night. A
man she’d imagined in her bed more than once.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” His voice was soft, his touch softer as he drifted his fingers
through her hair.

“How did you get in?” Her bedroom was on the second story. Yes, she had her window open, but had
he actually scaled the wall?

“I have my ways.” Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she could make out the flash of white
teeth when he smiled. Her heart tripped over itself at first sight of his wicked grin, her breath stalling
in her throat, and she swallowed hard.

His answer was proof enough that he’d done something so extremely reckless as scale the wall of her
family’s home just so he could slip inside her room. Was he crazy?

He had to be. He also needed to leave. If they were caught together in her room in the middle of the
night, her mother would freak. Her sister would demand retribution. And her father would most likely
force her to marry Rafe. She couldn’t have that.

Cat frowned. Had he come here on purpose? To force her hand into marriage? God, she hoped not.
She thought less of him enough already. She didn’t want to believe he would be so purposely cruel as
to trick her and her family like this.

“You should leave,” she said, her voice firm as she tried to sit up. But he pressed his hand against her
shoulder, holding her firm and she had no choice but to lie there and wait for his next move.

Damn him and his masculine strength.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured, his deep, sensual voice rippling along her nerve endings. He
sounded dangerous, dark and mysterious. Leaning in, his face was in hers, his warm breath wafting
across her lips, making her tremble. “Did you really think I would let you go so easily?”

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“Rafe…” Her voice trailed off, a gasp escaping her when he brushed her mouth with his. His lips
were hot and damp, that brief touch setting her skin on fire, and she closed her eyes, furious at her
traitorous body and how easily she reacted.

How she wished she wouldn’t react at all.

“You want freedom, an adventure. What if I promised you all of that and more?”

Her eyes popped open as hope rose within her. She immediately squashed it down. He was trying to
fool her. How could he promise her freedom with marriage? It made no sense. “You don’t mean it.”

“Oh, but I do.” Rafe bent over her, pressing his cheek next to hers, his mouth right at her ear. “I would
give you whatever you want, Catalina, if you would just come away with me.”

His pretty little future bride actually snorted at his suggestion. It was adorable, though, that snort. He
found every little thing Cat did adorable.

He was smitten. Hadn’t realized how badly until he had her in front of him earlier, ready to fight,
ready to walk away from him without a backward glance. Which she’d done, much to his surprise.

No woman had ever walked away from him before. He left first. Always. Catalina Campioni
intrigued him. He’d thought her a simple Italian girl he was going to marry, but there was more
beneath the surface. Much more.

And he’d quickly become determined to discover those mysteries, what she hid, what she was really
like. He wanted to get to know her, just as he promised earlier.

Just before she turned him down.

Rafe could admit her defiance was a turn on. Sick, twisted bastard that he was, he’d never looked so
forward to a challenge before.

“And go where? As if I would never leave with you. Are you crazy?” she asked incredulously.

Maybe he was, he didn’t know. He knew one thing—he was crazy for her. Thought he might go crazy
if he couldn’t have her. But was it more a case of wanting what he couldn’t have?

He pushed that ugly thought aside.

“I might not give you a choice,” he whispered as he leaned down to press his mouth to hers in a
searing hot kiss. Her lips parted for him easily, the little moan that escaped her fueling him as he slid
his tongue against hers, taking the kiss instantly deeper. He pressed closer, his body hardening when
he felt her soft, supple form clad in only a thin nightgown.

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She wrenched her head away from him, abruptly breaking their kiss. “Stop,” she said between panting
breaths, her tiny hand resting against his chest. “I don’t want you to kiss me.”

All lies. Her reaction gave her away. “Stop denying the attraction between us. You know it’s there.
The minute my lips are on yours, you open for me. You want this. You want me.”

She stared up at him, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace, drawing his gaze to her full breasts
that pressed against the thin cotton of her pale pink nightgown. A sinful body covered by a sweetly
innocent nightgown with a little white satin bow in the center of the bodice, for the love of God—she
was a contradiction he wanted to explore further.

More than anything, he wanted to bed her. He knew it was wrong, to let his lust for her control him,
but damn it, he’d known this woman would eventually belong to him for years. To have her suddenly
ripped out of his life made him want her even more.

“I don’t want what you have to offer.” She narrowed her eyes as she glared up at him. Her fingers
curled into his shirt, her nails scraping against his chest. “Is this some sort of trap? Do you want to get
caught with me in my room so you have no choice but to marry me?”

He hadn’t thought of it—and the idea was tempting, as wrong as he knew it was to even contemplate
such a thing. “I don’t want to marry you…yet. I want to show you what you want to see. I want to be
the one who offers you that taste of freedom you yearn for, Cat. Let me take you wherever you want to
go. Whatever you want to see.”

“We shouldn’t do this.” She pushed at his chest and bucked her hips, nudging against his burgeoning
erection. He grimaced at first contact. “Rafe, please.”

Christ. She said it like that and it aroused him beyond measure. Her soft, sexy voice whispering
please, the way she clung to him. He could imagine her begging him in other ways. Sexy ways. Naked
ways. “Come away with me, Cat.”

“No.” She shook her head, her gaze cutting away from his, her fingers still curled in his shirt.

“Cat.” Reaching out, he gripped her by the chin, forcing her to look at him. “Come. With. Me.”

“Why? So you can trap me into a loveless marriage and then abandon me? So you can impregnate me
and force me to have an endless stream of babies to ensure the Renaldi line will carry on? Where
you’ll end up leaving me alone and pregnant and miserable and feeling unloved like my poor,
miserable mother? I don’t think so.”

He blinked, shocked at her words, at the images they brought forth. He had no intention of doing any
such thing. His reputation as a charming ladies’ man may have preceded him in his future wife’s eyes,
but he’d had every intention of being faithful to Catalina once they were married.

“When you become my wife, you will never have to question my faithfulness,” he said solemnly.

“But I can’t count on it now? Is that what you’re implying?” Her hazel eyes blazed with fury, the little

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flecks of gold sparking like flames. She was good and furious and damn beautiful with it too.

She was provoking him though. Making him angry that she would write him off as a careless,
thoughtless jackass like her father.

“Stop putting words in my mouth,” he bit out.

“And stop trying to force me into something I definitely don’t want to be a part of.” She bucked her
hips again, her pelvis rubbing directly against his cock and her eyes widened when she realized what
she’d done. “Oh.”

“Yes. ‘Oh’.” He ground against her, nice and slow, torturing himself, hopefully torturing her as well.
Her legs spread wider, accommodating him as if by instinct, and he couldn’t help himself. He kissed
her, hard. Thrust his tongue inside her mouth, mimicking exactly what his body wanted to do with

She didn’t fight him. No, surprisingly enough, she wound her arms around his neck, burying her
fingers in his hair as she pulled him in closer until he completely covered her.

Relief surged through him at her reaction. Cat wanted this. She wanted him. And before he took it too
far, he needed to get the both of them out of there so he could show her that adventure, the taste of
freedom she so desperately wanted.

“We’ll pack a bag for you,” he whispered in her ear before he licked it, earning a soft little moan for
his efforts. “Leave your mother and sister a note. We can fly out first thing in the morning. I already
contacted my sister. She could have a private plane available for us, to take us back to New York.”

“New York?” She blinked open her eyes, staring up at him. “You want me to leave the country with

“You’re the one who said you wanted to see the world. I’m offering to show it to you,” he explained

“I—I can’t just leave. I have responsibilities.” She shook her head, those wide eyes drinking him in.
“A job, my family. What will I tell my sister? My mother? They’ll worry about me. Annalisa already
knows that we ended our engagement. She’ll find it odd that I left with you.”

“Who cares what she thinks? You leave them a note and you can call once we arrive in the city. I’m
sure they’ll understand.”

She frowned, rolling her eyes. “You don’t know my sister very well then, do you? She will absolutely
not understand.”

No, he didn’t know her sister at all, and he was glad for it. Annalisa Campioni was a bitter little thing
who studied him as if he were some sort of sick bastard she planned on taking out. For good.

“Tell me, Cat. If you had no job, no responsibilities, would you come with me then?” He needed to

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know the answer. If her family obligations held her back, he could understand that. He had his own
responsibilities he had to take care of.

If she flat out didn’t want to go with him because she despised him, hated him on sight, whatever, then
he would leave.

That he’d sneaked into her room and tried to convince her to stay with him still blew his mind.
Chasing after women, climbing the walls of their parents’ house and falling into an open window so
wasn’t his style. Cat had turned him into a desperate man.

He could hardly wrap his head around it.

She offered a subtle nod in answer, her eyes filled with a mixture of worry and excitement and fear.
He smiled, knowing in that instant he had her.

“I can’t go with you, though, Rafe,” she said hurriedly. He wondered if she was a mind reader. “It
wouldn’t be right, to abandon my family. I work at Campioni. I’ve become an integral part in the day-
to-day duties. Annalisa needs me. They all need me there. I can’t just leave without an explanation.”

“So you won’t go with me?” Sadness filled him. He wanted her to go. Needed her to go.

Not that he’d ever admit it.

“I…I can’t.” Her soft voice was so full of regret he leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers in the
sweetest of kisses. Felt her exhalation of breath gust against his mouth, the light press of her lips to his
as she kissed him back. “What are you doing to me?” she whispered, sounding as distraught as he felt.

God, at least they were in this together. She still wanted him, this much was proven. He needed to do
something drastic. Something big and bold so she couldn’t argue. A statement move, one that would
explain his feelings for Cat without saying a word.

“Whatever it is, you’re doing the same thing to me,” he answered, kissing her yet again before he
pulled away from her completely and hopped off the bed. Glancing about her bedroom, he eyed her
closet, striding toward it so he could push open the doors and examine the contents within.

“What are you doing?” she called from where she still sat in her bed.

“Do you keep a travel bag in here?” he asked, rifling through her clothing, peering up at the full shelf
above the rack of clothes.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because.” Rafe glanced at her from over his shoulder, unable to contain the grin that spread across
his face. “I’m going to kidnap you.”

Chapter Four

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He was crazy. There was no other explanation for his rash decision to kidnap his former bride-to-be
and take her with him back to New York. She’d protested halfheartedly, had put up a bit of a fuss but
nothing that would’ve made him walk away.

Secretly, Rafe knew she wanted to go with him. Somewhat. He was also sure that she believed him
certifiably insane.

That was fine, he could deal with it. He thought he might be as well.

As promised, his sister Anastasia had sent over the Worth Luxury private jet from London to fly him
and his newfound passenger back to New York City. Their mother had had a secret affair years ago
with Michael Worth and the end result had been Rafe’s baby sister. They’d only discovered this fact a
few years ago, after the death of Giorgio Renaldi, when the truth of Stasia’s paternity had been
revealed during his will reading.

Stasia had been devastated. But then she’d picked up the pieces and forged a relationship with the
three Worth brothers. Now, both families were close. His poor sister had six brothers to contend with
at any given time.

Rafe could almost feel sorry for her when he thought of her situation like that. She was a strong
woman, though, one who could hold her own. A smart businesswoman, a wonderful mother who’d
married a man who was good for her.

His sister was in a good place. He envied her that.

“You’re lucky I found my passport so easily,” Cat murmured as they boarded the plane, sounding
vaguely irritated. He followed behind her, admiring the delectable curve of her ass in the dark skinny
jeans she wore, the scent of her hair, her skin driving him wild. “I wouldn’t have been able to travel
without it.”

“We’re on a private plane. I would’ve made it happen regardless of you having your passport or not.”
He still couldn’t believe she agreed to come with him. He’d gentled his approach, promising to take
her wherever she wished to go. Even went as far to promise he wouldn’t touch her unless she wanted
him to.

It would be difficult, but he would hold true as best he could.

She glared at him from over her shoulder. “Isn’t that illegal?”

He shrugged. This woman—his woman—was rather uptight. She needed to loosen up. “Who cares? A
little thing like proper paperwork isn’t going to stop us from traveling together, am I right?”

“Do you always get your way?” Cat stopped short when they entered the plane and he stood behind
her, watching as she drank in the luxurious interior. “This is beautiful. I must say I’ve never flown
like this before.”

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Gripping her shoulders, he gave them a gentle squeeze. “You’ll learn quickly I almost always get my
way.” He smoothed his hands down her back before letting them fall. “And I’m glad you like it. The
Worths know how to fly in style.”

The seats were covered in soft leather, with low tables in between them. Televisions rested
overhead, a full spread of fruit, pastries, juice and hot coffee awaited them as their early morning
breakfast. Had he even slept a wink last night? He didn’t think so. The scent of coffee certainly
perked him up. “There’s a small bedroom too.”

“A bedroom?” she squeaked, moving deeper into the plane before she settled in one of the chairs.
“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am.” He shrugged, sitting in the chair next to her, his shoulder brushing against hers. “If you
get tired, you can sleep in there.”

“Do you always fly in a private plane?” she asked incredulously, her eyes wide.

“No, this isn’t even my plane, remember? It belongs to Worth Luxury. I only use it in emergency
situations or when it’s readily available and I need to get somewhere quick.” Emergency situations—
like when he was kidnapping a beautiful woman. His beautiful woman.

Hell. He was going to pay for this dearly if this plan backfired.

“So, why were you in Italy, Rafe?”

“Work purposes. I had to visit the Milan location, as did Matteo. Then we visited with our mother,
who was none too pleased that Matteo didn’t bring her grandchildren for her to dote on.” His mother
spoiled Matteo’s two children rotten, not that Rafe could blame her. Matty and baby Gia were
adorable. She did the same to Stasia’s child too. Claudia Renaldi was the epitome of the indulgent
grandma. “She’ll be flying back to New York in a few days as well, so she can alternate the next few
weeks spending her time with Paige and Matteo or Stasia and Gavin.”

“You have a very close family, don’t you?” The envious tone in her voice was unmistakable.

“We’ve become closer lately, yes. Children have a way of doing that.” Funny how tragedy and
scandal could help bring them together. At one point, he’d been positive it was all going to rip them

“I envy that.” She looked away from him with a little sigh, her gaze zeroing in on the food spread
before them. “This looks amazing. I’m starving.”

“Then eat. We won’t take off for at least another fifteen minutes.” He watched as she eagerly picked
up a croissant and bit into it, a little moan of pleasure escaping her as she chewed. Damn, she was
sexy even when she ate. “Are you going to join me?” she asked after she swallowed.

He slowly shook his head. Nerves ate at his gut, rendering him unwilling to choke down anything at
the moment. What if he was doing the wrong thing? Whisking her away on a private jet, taking her

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from her family, her job, so she could spend a little time with him in New York. Not as if she would
be gone for an extended length of time. A few days, tops. He would ask her to call her sister and
mother tomorrow, so she could reassure them she was fine.

Then he was going to take her around New York, show her the sights, seduce her with words and
touches and kisses until she had no choice but to give in to him and agree that they belonged together.

A man could hope, at least.

“You did leave a note for your sister, right? And your mother?” He sounded like a doddering old man,
but he couldn’t risk the thought of those two women discovering Cat was gone—and then doing
something drastic about it. Like call the police. The very last thing he wanted was them involved. If
he didn’t watch it, he could probably get arrested.

And wouldn’t that just fuck everything up? He planned on staying on the straight and narrow path as
much as possible when it came to handling this delicate situation he’d created with his now ex-
fiancée. So this one sudden move, taking Cat away with him was proving to be a not-so-walking-the-
straight-and-narrow moment.

“I did.” She nodded, popping the last bit of the croissant in her mouth and chewing before she
swallowed. “Trust me, they shouldn’t worry, not after my reassurances. We’ll only be gone a few
days, so Annalisa shouldn’t be too angry.”

That she worried about her sister more than anyone else infuriated him. “I certainly hope you’re right
because I don’t want anyone to worry, especially you.” Leaning in, he dropped a light kiss upon her
nose, noted that her cheeks heated with most likely embarrassment. “No regrets, hmm?”

“No regrets,” she agreed with the faintest of nods. “We’ll return to Italy in a few days, right? I can’t
be gone for long.”

“A few days, yes,” he promised. “Stop worrying about Annalisa. You’re a grown woman. She’s not
your keeper.”

Cat glanced down at her lap, her hands clutched together, fingers twisting and turning. “She is my
boss, though. She’ll be angry. I just know it.”

“Hey.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin and tilted her face up so her eyes met his. They were
filled with worry, a hint of regret, and he hated that. “I’ll make sure you return to Italy on Monday.
That means you’ll be gone five days, tops, and two of them are the weekend so you wouldn’t be
working anyway. Am I right?”

She offered a slight nod in answer.

“So she can’t be too terribly angry. Everyone deserves some time off. I bet you rarely take a

“I never take a vacation,” she admitted softly.

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He smiled. “Enjoy this, then. A few days in the city… We’ll do whatever you want. I’ll take you
wherever you want to go. I promise.”


“Of course. We can see a Broadway show, take a tour around the city, you could meet my sister…it’s
up to you. I’m sure you’ll want to go shopping. Every woman in my family drops everything to shop in
the city as much as possible.”

She frowned. “I don’t really have the…funds at the moment to do much shopping.”

He was a jackass. Of course she didn’t. “I’ll take you shopping.”

“No, you don’t have—”

“Shush.” He silenced her, pressed his mouth to hers for a too-quick kiss, then released her chin. “Let
me do this for you.”

Cat nodded. “Okay. Yes. I would love that.”

“Good.” He smiled when she tried to suppress a yawn. “Are you tired?”

“A little,” she admitted, letting the next yawn fly.

“You should sleep through the flight. There’s an empty bed waiting for you.”

“I’m tempted.” She eyed him. “Aren’t you tired too?”

Exhausted, but he wouldn’t take the bed from her. “I need to do some work, but I’ll probably fall
asleep in my seat.”

“You can take the bed,” she offered, but he shook his head.

“You use it. You’ll sleep over the flight and wake up refreshed and in the city. Ready to conquer it.”
He smiled. “After we take off, you can slip back into the bedroom.”

“That sounds nice.” She offered him a faint smile and he swore he felt the power of it to the depths of
his soul. “Thank you, Rafe.”

Thank you for kidnapping her? For pulling her out of her home, her comfort zone and forcing her to
come with him? Not that he’d had to force her too terribly hard.

“You won’t regret this time away with me, Cat. I promise,” he said as she slipped her seatbelt on.

She flashed him a tentative smile. “I hope I won’t.”

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Never in her life had she traveled in such high style. When Cat was younger, her father’s company had
done well. She recalled many vacations, traveling all over Europe, spending summers in Chicago.
They’d traveled so much it had become the norm.

But as she grew older, the family business had begun to suffer. Her father had lost interest—in
everything. Once the excess money had dried up, the long, family-fun trips had stopped, until they
became nothing but a fond memory Cat rarely thought of.

Flying in a private jet was an absolute luxury. Sleeping in a bed in said private jet? So beyond luxury,
it felt downright decadent.

Once the jet had reached flying altitude, Rafe had encouraged Cat to take him up on his offer of using
the bed. She’d protested at first, insisting she was fine, but he gently nudged her—twice. After she
dozed off and her head ended up on his shoulder—yet again, twice.

So she’d wandered back into the small but comfortable bedroom and promptly fallen into a deep,
dreamless sleep. Only to wake up what felt like days later to a warm, solid presence in the bed
beside her.

Her eyes flew open and she sat up straight, gazing in disbelief at Rafe stretched out beside her. He lay
on top of the thin comforter, his shoes still on, lying on his stomach, his head propped on his arm,
facing her. His handsome face was covered in dark stubble, his lips were parted, hair and clothes
rumpled, and he looked…


She sat cross-legged on the bed and studied him unabashedly. Could she imagine waking up with him
every morning? Would he be an attentive, loving husband? Or would he eventually grow tired of her?
Bored and restless, turning into the neglectful husband she not so secretly feared he could morph into?

Her low expectations of Rafe were probably unfair, what with her not even giving him a chance to
prove himself, but she didn’t want to take that risk. It always came back to her parents’ marriage, to
the way Rafe has behaved these last few years. She was scared. Marriage to Rafe frightened her. Not
that she was afraid of him, not at all. She knew he wasn’t a violent man or anything of that nature.

But she was afraid of what he might do to her without knowing he was doing it. How he could neglect
her. Destroy her. That was what had pushed her to end their engagement.

Yet here she sat with him on a private jet, sharing a bed, studying him, trying to come up with a way
that she could jump him…

No. No jumping Rafael Renaldi allowed. No matter how difficult he was to resist.

“Are you finished checking me out?”

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His deep, sexy voice knocked her from her reverie, and she shook her head, laughing softly. “You
caught me.”

“You barely move on this tiny bed and I feel it. I couldn’t help but wake up.” He cracked open his
eyes, their dark brown depths locked directly on her. “Sleep well?”

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Do you mind that I joined you? I was exhausted. Was afraid I’d fall out of my seat if I didn’t lie

“Not at all.” She nibbled on her lower lip, still studying him. She wished she was bold enough to lean
down and kiss him. What would he do? How would he react? “Rafe, where will we be staying in
New York?”

“I have an apartment.”

“Do you have a guest room?” She sounded like such a ninny, but she had to know. She’d been almost
afraid—and tempted—that they might end up in a hotel room. Together. Alone. With one bed and
they’d have no choice but to share it.

“Of course. And you’re welcome to stay in it.” He smiled, looking rather…cute, lying there smiling
up at her.

“Do you live in Manhattan?”

“I do.” He sat up, his leg brushing against hers, and her skin heated at first contact. The bed was so
small, they were bound to touch each other. The moment felt rather…intimate. Close.

Perhaps too close.

“I’ve been there before, but it was years ago,” she said, tearing her gaze away from him to stare out
the small window that was just to the left of his head. “I think the plane is starting to make its

“The pilot will announce when that’s about to happen. He’ll ask us to head back to our seats with
plenty of warning time.” Rafe ran a hand through his hair, messing it up even more, and the urge to
smooth his hair out, comb through those silky strands with her fingers, was so strong she had to clench
her hands into fists to restrain herself.

“I could get used to traveling like this,” she said on a sigh, her gaze meeting his once more, noting the
heat in his eyes, the hungry way he studied her. Alarm swept through her as the air fairly crackled
between them. “What? Is something wrong?”

“Nothing at all. You’re pretty when you first wake up. And rather agreeable.” He reached out, trailed
his fingers down her cheek. “I like the idea of finding you in my bed every morning.”

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Her heart threatened to lurch out of her chest at his words. But surely he didn’t mean it. He couldn’t.
“Very funny,” she said weakly. “I can be a grump in the morning. Until I have that first cup of coffee.”

“You? A grump? I can’t imagine.” His smile grew as he toyed with a lock of her hair and she realized
he was teasing.

“I’ve been rather grumpy to you, I can admit it.” She offered him a quick smile. “I’ll try to be on my
best behavior during our trip.”

“So you’ll be a well-behaved kidnapping victim? How lucky am I?” Leaning in, he brushed her mouth
with his, his lips lingering. Just long enough for her to open to him, their bodies swaying toward each
other as his tongue touched hers delicately.

“Mr. Renaldi, we’re about to make our final descent into New York City. I suggest you and your guest
return to your seats and buckle in.” The captain’s voice rang from invisible speakers, causing Cat to
jerk away from Rafe so fast she nearly tumbled off the bed.

“Watch it.” He grabbed her arm, saving her from tumbling onto the floor, and she shot him a grateful
smile. “You all right?”

“I’m fine.” She hadn’t hurt anything. Just her pride. “Shall we go back to our seats?”

“Absolutely.” He stood and drew her to her feet, keeping her hand clasped in his. “Are you ready for
a brand-new adventure?” he murmured close to her ear.

She nodded, keeping her head averted. More than afraid if she looked him in the eye, she’d probably
kiss him again. Meaning the captain would have to tell them again to get in their seats and embarrass
her further.

“I can’t wait to spend the next few days with you, Cat,” he whispered, his firm, damp lips brushing
her earlobe, making her shiver. “Maybe then I can convince you we belong together after all.”

She didn’t doubt it for a second. She’d need to utilize every bit of resistance she had within her to
ward him off.

But maybe she didn’t want to.

Chapter Five

Rafe brought Cat to his apartment in Midtown, pleased when she glanced about the space in seeming
awe, her hazel eyes wide as she drank in the view, and he was thankful the weather cooperated,
offering a gorgeous glimpse of the city skyline. The brightly shining sun reflected off the windows of
the high rises that surrounded them, casting a glow into the room.

“This is amazing.” She turned to look at him, surprise written all over her face. “How do you ever

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want to leave? I wouldn’t, not with this view.”

“Can’t stay cooped up in this place for the rest of my days, now could I?” He set her small travel bag
on the ground, then went to the wall of windows where she stood, overlooking the city. “Do you want
to rest some more? I know you couldn’t have got much sleep on the plane. Or would you want
something to drink? Maybe eat? I can order something for us if you’d like.”

She glanced up, her reflection meeting his in the window’s reflective glass. “I’m fine, thank you.”

Hell. She’d thrown up a wall since they departed the jet, seeming to withdraw into herself. He tried to
tell himself she was tired, overwhelmed, unsure. More than anything, he was afraid she regretted
coming with him.

And he couldn’t have that. He’d set her right back on that jet and send her home to Italy if that was the
case. No way would he keep a woman with him against her will. Despite his jokingly calling their
situation a kidnapping, he didn’t really mean it.

He certainly didn’t think he’d be able to stand it if they planned on tiptoeing around each other for the
next few days, though. He’d thoroughly enjoyed her earlier when they’d woken up together on the
plane. Soft and sweet and agreeable, her obvious reaction to him had been a tremendous turn on. He’d
been tempted to take it that much further right there on the bed when the plane’s captain had warned
them they were ready to land.

That interruption still irritated him, though she’d seemed blissfully unaware. Of course, he was the
one who still walked around with a perpetual hard-on while she acted like that moment had been
completely forgettable.

Damn, he felt like such a simpering fool. For the first time in his life, had he actually encountered a
woman who couldn’t give a shit about him? She’d more than proven that when she walked away from
him just last night.

But he’d turned around and more than proven himself by convincing her to leave the country with him.
If that didn’t earn him some points, he didn’t know what would.

This isn’t a game, asshole. There’s no need for keeping score.

He knew this. But he couldn’t help himself. It was the middle brother in him, the constant need to
compete, strive toward greatness. Strive toward winning. And right now he was desperate to win
back Catalina as his fiancée.

And, eventually, as his bride—his wife.

“Well, if you don’t want to rest, let’s at least get you settled. I can show you to your room.” He
stopped just behind her, settling his hands on her slender shoulders. She went rigid beneath his palms,
her muscles tense, and he gave her a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry,” he murmured close to her ear. “I
won’t bite.”

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A soft laugh escaped her. “I’m not sure how to act around you, especially after what happened
between us last night.”

“Are you referring to when I kissed you?” he joked. He knew exactly what she referred to.

“No.” She tensed once more and he began rubbing her shoulders, trying his best to ease her
discomfort. “You, uh, know what I’m talking about. After I…rejected you.”

“My heart is still wounded from your cold and callous behavior,” he teased, though it really was, not
that he’d ever admit it.

“Please. I don’t matter that much to you,” she murmured.

He gave her shoulders a meaningful squeeze. “That’s emphatically untrue.”

She glanced back at him. “What do you mean? As I told you repeatedly last night, we don’t even know
each other. How could I matter?”

“We may not know each other well, but you’ve been a part of my life for years. A goal I worked
toward, a life I looked forward to.” He pressed his lips together, not willing to reveal more. He’d end
up sounding like a sappy idiot and he refused to show his hand this early in the game.

There he went again, referring to this life-altering situation as some sort of contest.

“Really?” She sounded surprised. Foolish woman. “I always believed you never thought of me at

He was shocked. “Now why would you think that?”

“We hardly ever spoke to each other. You’ve ignored me for years,” she explained. “I always thought
if I really mattered to you, you would’ve sought me out more. Tried to spend time with me.”

How could he explain his behavior over the last few years without sounding like a complete jerk? He
had his reasons. But would she believe them?

With nothing else to lose, he went ahead and tried to explain. “I was working. Trying to better myself
by moving my way up the ranks of the family business so I could offer you whatever you wanted as
my wife. I wanted to provide you with a good life,” he said. “And…I’m a man. It wasn’t right, seeing
other women. I know this. But what was I supposed to do? I wasn’t sure if we would really be

She turned to face him and he let his hands fall away from her. “You’re serious.”

Rafe nodded. “I’m sorry. I’m an ass. It all sounds foolishly old fashioned, doesn’t it? I guess our
entire situation could be described that way, though.”

“Yes, it does sound old fashioned,” she agreed, her voice so soft he could barely hear her. “My

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friends, they used to make fun of me. Many of them didn’t believe me when I told them I was engaged.
They all thought I was a liar. I was only fourteen or fifteen when I started bragging about marrying
you, so I guess I can’t blame them.”

He thought of a young, pretty Catalina telling her friends she would marry him one day. How he did
ignore her because at the age of eighteen, nineteen, the very last thing on his mind was the
uninteresting, way-too-young-for-him teenage girl he was being forced to marry. He’d much rather
screw the endless string of girls his own age he’d chased after back in those days.

God, he’d been such an ass. Still was.

“My sister said I should’ve kept my mouth shut.” Cat clamped her lips together, looking miserable.
“After a while, I finally took her advice and stopped talking about it. About us. The more I ignored it,
the more it felt completely unreal. It still feels unreal, you know? And here I am, standing with you.
Looking right at you.”

“It’s real. We’re real,” he said, keeping his voice low for fear he might make her upset. Or worse,
make her run. “Very real. So real you told me you didn’t want me any longer and rejected me

A tiny smile curved her lush lips. “You won’t let me live that down, will you?”

“No.” He smiled faintly in return, enjoying the sparkle that returned to her eyes. “You may think
you’re not worthy or whatever it is that you believe, Catalina, but you were quite brave, telling me
you didn’t want to marry me after all. All that determination took me by surprise.”

“That had always been my plan, to take you by surprise,” she confessed with an impish smile.

Impressive. “Well, then, your plan worked.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She reached for him, clasping his hand in hers. “I thought you didn’t want
to be with me. That us being together was a mistake.”

“You were wrong.” He threaded his fingers through hers right before she let his hand drop, trapping
her in his grip.

“It’s hard for me to believe any of this when you say things like that.” She tried to pull her hand from
his, but he tugged her forward, bringing her closer to him. “You ignored me for so long. It’s pitiful
that I’m admitting this to you, but I’ve been ignored almost my entire life. Annalisa always outshone
me. She was the oldest, the one they put all the expectations on, the intelligent one with a head for
business. I was the baby, the quiet one, the not-so-smart one, the girl who wanted nothing more than to
look pretty and go shopping. The biggest expectation they had for me was marrying well, and I
couldn’t even seem to manage that when they thought I should.”

Guilt assuaged him. He’d pushed off marrying her, fearing he wasn’t ready. Then she’d put their
marriage off over the last year supposedly because she wasn’t ready. But what had been the real
reason? Had she been trying to prove herself to her family? “I don’t like that your family did that to

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you. It’s pretty unfair, don’t you think?”

She shrugged. “Life is unfair. Besides, families do that. They can’t help themselves. Doesn’t your
family have different expectations for everyone? I’m sure what they expect you to do versus what they
expect from your older brother are two very different things.”

“You’re right.” And she called herself the not-so-smart one. “They still shouldn’t have made you feel
less than others or compared you to your sister.”

“It happens. I’m sure you’re compared to your brothers all the time.” She blew off his statement with
a flick of her free hand. “So tell me. What are we going to do today?”

He smiled. “Whatever you want.”

“I’m…I’m not sure what we should do.” The last thing Cat wanted to bring up in front of this man was
old family resentments and how she always felt as if she stood in her sister’s shadow. Talk about
depressing. If she continued to rattle on like this, eventually Rafe would start thinking less of her too,
just like everyone else did.

Worse, he might even become more interested in Annalisa, and that was the very last thing she wanted
to happen. Despite her breaking off their engagement, she didn’t want to see Rafe with her sister.

That was just…wrong.

Reassuringly enough, he still held her hand, his long, strong fingers wrapped around hers, their palms
pressed close. The entire moment felt downright intimate as they stood together in his quiet, beautiful
apartment, the city spread out before them. The sun shone bright and hot through the window, warming
their faces. Rafe’s dark hair gleamed, his stubble-covered cheeks tempting her to reach out and clasp
his face in her hands, pull him to her. Feel those plush lips close over hers, his big hands gripping her
waist, holding her steady as she drowned in his taste. Forgetting everything but him. And her.
Imagining the two of them together.


Blinking, she stared up at him, hoping he couldn’t read her mind. A few shared, heady kisses and she
couldn’t seem to stop thinking about kissing him again. And again and again.

Curiosity got the best of her as she studied him covertly, drinking in his tall, lean and muscular body.
What would it be like, to be with him so…intimately? Not that they had a chance now, what with her
calling everything off, but how would he react if he found out she was a virgin? Would he think her a
silly, scared little girl? Or would he be pleased that she saved herself for him?

Because she had. She’d been with no other man. She wanted only to be with Rafe. Thought it only

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right considering they were going to be married. Her virginity would’ve been a gift to him.

Now it would be a gift to someone else. She’d let him go. He wasn’t hers any longer.

Tears threatened, and she shook her head, pushing her useless thoughts away. He frowned as he
peered down at her. “Are you all right?” he asked.

“Fine.” She nodded furiously, her hair brushing against her cheeks. “Really, I am.”

“As long as you say so.” He released his grip on her hand and she felt oddly bereft, which was
ridiculous. “So. You never did answer. What would you like to do today? Considering you’re my
guest, I think it should be your choice.”

Her brain fried just looking at his handsome face. How could he expect her to decide what to do and
see while they were in New York over the next few days? “Um…” Her voice trailed off. “Maybe see
the Empire State Building? I’ve never been.”

He smiled indulgently, and she wondered if he thought she was a dimwit. “I can take you on the
special out-of-towner tour if that’s what you’d like.”

That sounded incredibly boring. He was a sophisticated, worldly man. He didn’t want to drive her
around New York looking at touristy landmarks. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m sure that
sounds incredibly boring to you. Taking me around like I’m some sort of silly tourist.”

“You are, though, aren’t you? And I don’t mind. Really. I know I’d enjoy spending time with you,
wherever we might go.”

Her cheeks heated at his sweet words. Did he really mean that? The sincere expression on his face
told her, yes, he did. “Whatever you want to do, I’m perfectly agreeable. I’d be happy to stay here and
do nothing if that’s what you’d prefer.”

“Absolutely not. When was the last time you were in New York?”

“Um, probably over ten years ago, maybe longer. When we used to come to the States, we always
went to Chicago and rarely anywhere else. I have family there,” she said.

“Right.” He nodded. “And the U.S. location for Campioni is there as well.”

“Yes. That too.” She wanted to roll her eyes at herself. Their conversation was awkward and inane
and it was starting to make her nervous.

Maybe this was a mistake, coming to New York with Rafe. She should’ve stayed home. Continued on
with her little life like the good girl she tried so desperately to be. Working day in and day out at the
family business, helping her sister, listening to Annalisa drone on and on over whatever was bugging
her on that particular day. Supporting her mother through crying jags, lamenting how her father didn’t
love them anymore. Secretly hoping like crazy her father would finally realize she was a worthy
daughter and tell her so.

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And then someday she would’ve found a nice man to marry, someone calm and steady and eager to
make her his wife. They would move into a modest house not far from Campioni and her husband
would probably come and work with her. They could raise two lovely children in that equally lovely
house and live a perfectly lovely existence until they died perfectly ordinary deaths.

That sounded infinitely, horribly boring.

She studied the man standing before her. Just looking at Rafe filled her with an unexplainable
excitement that bubbled up inside her. Her stomach bounced with nerves, and when he settled that
dark, mysterious gaze on her, flashing that devastating smile, her knees literally weakened.

Yes. She had it bad. Damn it, she’d been a fool to end it with him. But maybe, just maybe, he really
could show her that adventure he’d promised. Would he want to though?

“You know what I want to do?” she asked abruptly, clearly startling him, if his expression was any

“Please, enlighten me.” He sounded amused, but not in a mocking way, like she was used to when she
heard that same tone in her sister’s voice. No, Rafe acted as if he was in on the joke too.

“I want to go to a huge, loud nightclub, get drunk and dance.” Her stomach tumbled to her toes at her
admission and she held her breath, afraid to hear his answer. She hoped he wouldn’t chastise her like
Annalisa undoubtedly would.

“Really.” It wasn’t a question.

She nodded. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

“Get drunk and wild and sweaty on a dance floor, surrounded by a huge crowd of strangers? That’s
your ultimate dream?”

When he said it like that, he made her request sound cheap and sleazy. Which admittedly, it was. “I’m
being crazy, aren’t I?”

“Never.” That gorgeous smile didn’t fade. In fact, it grew brighter if that was possible. “Whatever
you want, your wish is my command. I think I know just the place to take you. You’ll love it.”

Excitement coursed through her veins and she clapped her hands together like a child. “Really? Oh.”
Reality intruded. “But I have nothing to wear.”

“I’ll take you shopping,” he suggested.

“No, I couldn’t ask that of you. It wouldn’t be right,” she started, but he cut her off with a look.

“I want to buy you something. A sexy little dress, something to show off those long legs of yours.”

He noticed her legs? “A—all right.” A shrill ring sounded, one she would recognize anywhere. It was

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her cell phone, and that particular ringtone she’d assigned to her sister.


“My phone,” she mumbled as she went to her purse where it rested on the coffee table and pulled the
phone from within. “Hello.”

“Tell me that note you left us is a lie.” No hi, how are you, my God we’re so worried. Instead, she
got typical, bulldoze Annalisa fashion. “Tell me you’re coming back home. That you’ve finally come
to your senses and you’re ditching that jerk for good.”

Cat clutched her phone tight to her ear, not wanting Rafe to hear Annalisa insulting him. “I’m not
home. I’m in New York, like I told you I would be.”

The silence went on for so long, Cat momentarily wondered if her sister had hung up on her. “You’re
kidding,” Annalisa finally said.

“I’m not.”

“How inconsiderate could you be, leaving us here having to tend to everything?” Annalisa’s voice
exploded over the line, so loud Cat had to pull the phone away from her ear. “And you escape without
a word, without consulting us and asking if it would be okay? How dare you be so selfish, Cat?”

She was a grown woman and still had to answer to her mother and, worse, her sister. It was
ridiculous. Embarrassing. “I needed to get away. The last few days have been very stressful.”

“Such a ridiculous excuse. I can’t believe you. Don’t you even care about us? What we’re all going
through? We have our own issues to deal with. We really don’t want to deal with yours too,”
Annalisa muttered disgustedly.

“Listen, I know you’ve been busy and you need my help, but I was desperate for a vacation and this
seemed to be the only solution I had available to me. I’ll be home in a few days’ time, I promise. And
I timed my leave over a weekend, so at least I wouldn’t miss too much work.” Always
accommodating, never-wanting-to-rock-the-boat Catalina, that was her.

“Fine, so you leave me here all alone to take care of Mama. Thanks so much. You’re so considerate,”
Annalisa said snidely.

What had she done to earn such horrible, hurtful remarks from her sister? All her life, she’d been
nothing but kind and quiet. Always wanting to tag along after Annalisa, who’d barely tolerated her
when they were kids. They’d grown closer over the years, but lately their relationship had started to
deteriorate. Cat had no idea why. “I always take care of Mama when she needs me. You know she’s
gotten better.” Somewhat. Would she ever be better? Maybe if their father came home and stayed for
once, Mama would finally get out of the depressed cloud she’d been living in.

“Since she found out you left, she’s been a wailing, uncontrollable mess. She’s afraid you’re going to
ditch her forever, just like Father did.” The scathing tone in Annalisa’s voice did not go unnoticed.

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“He didn’t ditch her forever. He’ll be back,” Cat said, but she didn’t necessarily believe it. How
many times had both of them said those very words to their mother, to each other? And how many
times had the man come back into their lives for a fleeting moment, only to disappear again,
sometimes for long, agonizing months?

Too many times to mention.

“He’s never back for long, you know this. She’s deathly afraid you won’t return. That you’ll run away
to be with that asshole of a man.” The bitterness in Annalisa’s voice had reached new heights. “I hope
you’re happy with your decision to take him back. I thought you were through with him.”

Cat turned away from where Rafe stood nearby, not wanting him to hear her answer. “I thought I was
through with him too. But…but maybe I’m not.”

“God, you’re so stupid,” Annalisa yelled. “Falling for a selfish man’s charms. He’s just using you,
you know. He wants to get in your pants, use you, then walk away.”

Her sister’s words hurt, more because Annalisa verbalized her every fear.

“I really hate you for leaving me here with her. With our mother. She’s distraught. Worried that
something terrible is going to happen to you.” Annalisa’s voice lowered. “Sometimes, Cat, when you
do shit like this, I really do hope something terrible is going to happen to you. It’s the least that you

Never, ever had her sister spoken to her so cruelly. “You don’t mean it.”

“Oh, but I do. You think you can do whatever you want, have any man that you want, but you can’t,
Catalina. You have a life here with your family. Responsibilities that only you can take care of. You
can’t neglect us forever. You need to return home. Now.”

Cat blinked back tears and shook her head, feeling silly since Annalisa couldn’t see her do it. “I’m
coming home Monday.”

“That’s not good enough.”

“I don’t have a choice. Monday will have to do,” Cat said, her voice growing weak as the tears
threatened to take over completely.

“Leave now, Cat. March your butt down to the airport, buy the first ticket home and come back to us.
You’ve proved your point, had your little taste of freedom. Now you need to come back here,”
Annalisa demanded.

“Give me that.” Rafe appeared above her, wrenching the phone from her hand and hitting the End Call
button on the bottom of the screen. “Quit listening to that horrendous cow before she has you
dissolving into a puddle of tears and unable to get yourself back together.”

She choked on the sob that had lodged in her throat. Fear coursed through her. Would he send her

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away? At least then Annalisa would get her wish. “D-did you hear what she said?”

“I didn’t need to hear. I could see how she was trying to destroy you word by word just by watching
when you spoke to her. Your face turned ghostly white and you still look like you’re going to cry.” He
tossed the phone onto the couch where it landed beside her and settled in, wrapping his arm around
her shoulders and gently pulling her against him. “She may be your sister, but she doesn’t have to be
so damn abusive toward you.”

“She’s not abusive,” Cat automatically defended, ignoring the disbelieving snort that came from Rafe.
“She’s under a tremendous amount of pressure, what with our father never around to help with the
business. Everything involving the company tends to land on her shoulders and she’s been trying to
straighten out the mess our father left behind for years. When I’m around, I’m a big help to that

“That’s wonderful. I commend both you and your sister for taking on such major responsibilities at
such young ages, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a little time to yourself,” Rafe said, his gaze
tender as he studied her.

“Annalisa never takes time for herself. She says she can’t afford to, especially not now.”

“I could give two shits what your sister says.” Rafe sounded infuriated—on her behalf. That
realization sent what felt like a bazillion butterflies flapping away in her stomach. “Now come on.
Pull yourself together and let’s go out for breakfast. We’ll need a big meal to fortify us for a long
afternoon of shopping.”

“Oh, Rafe…”

“Don’t you ‘oh, Rafe’ me, Cat. You want this just as badly as I do. You need it, to help you forget.”
He took her hand and pulled her to her feet, smoothing his thumb across the back of her hand. Her skin
tingled from his fleeting touch. “I hate what I witnessed just now.”

She stared up at him, remaining silent. No one had ever defended her before. Nor had anyone ever
seen just how cruel Annalisa could be toward her.

“I—I’m sorry you had to see our silly family fight. It won’t happen again, I promise.” She stood and
started to walk away from him, ready to escape for at least a little while. But he went after her and
grabbed a hold of her arm, keeping her there. With him.

“It wasn’t about the fight. It was how she berated you and insulted you and made you feel like a
stupid, useless human being. I didn’t need to hear her to know that’s exactly what she was doing to
you.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “No one should be talked to like that, least of all by your blood

“She’s an unhappy person,” Cat said, her voice small.

Rafe snorted. “I’ll say.”

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“Part of that is my fault,” she said hurriedly. “I’m nothing but a burden to her. We all are.”

“Jesus.” Rafe yanked her to him, holding Cat in his arms, so close she could feel his delicious warmth
seeping into her. “Don’t listen to her. You’re not her burden. She brings that all on herself. You can
do and be whatever and whoever you want to be, Cat. Don’t you realize that?”

“I—I don’t know what I want to be. I thought I had everything all figured out. My entire life, I’d been
told that someday I would be Mrs. Rafael Renaldi and that I would belong to you.” She laughed, but
there was no humor behind it. “And then I foolishly asked to end it and you agreed. Now I’m nothing.
Nobody. The forgotten daughter. The burdensome sister. I’m nothing,” she repeated.

“You’re something to me. Say the word, Cat. Say yes and we can be engaged once more. Hell, I’ll
take you down to the courthouse this afternoon and we can handle this properly.” He squeezed his
arms around her tight, pulling her in so close she was pressed intimately against his solid, hard body.
“Forget what you thought you wanted and focus on me. On us. Be my bride once more, Cat. Say yes.”

Chapter Six

“I don’t know,” she said, her voice soft.

Talk about a swift kick in the balls. He’d never felt lower in his life than he had when she said those
three simple, irritating-as-hell words.

I don’t know.

He could whisk her away from that horrendous sister of hers and show her a new life. A better life.
One where she wouldn’t feel like someone’s obligation, where she wasn’t left to the whim of a super
controlling, bitchy sister like hers. He’d give Cat whatever she wanted, no questions asked. He liked

But he also felt sorry for her. This, he knew, was a dangerous combination. Would sympathy dictate
his motives? That wasn’t fair to her—or him.

So instead of hashing over the tyrannical diatribe Cat had just suffered on the phone and the following
squashed marriage proposal, Rafe swept all the ugliness under the virtual rug and reminded Cat they
had a breakfast to get to.

He took her to a small café near his apartment building, where he’d plied her with eggs, bacon and
hash browns until she was groaning in protest over having to eat one more bite. They then hopped into
a taxi, where he’d been quietly amused at the way Cat clutched at her stomach while the driver raced
like a bat out of hell through the streets of Manhattan. All the while bemoaning her too-full stomach
and the cabby’s crazy driving.

Finally, they’d ended up in one of the high-end department stores he knew his sister Stasia liked to
frequent, figuring he couldn’t go wrong with the location. It would have everything Cat would need

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under one roof. She’d acted reluctant at first, protesting that she didn’t want to shop on his dime or
spend his money. Nothing seemed to please her as they wandered through the departments. He
followed behind her, growing more and more frustrated, finally ready to call it quits when she
stopped short on the third floor in front of a mannequin display.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” she said with quiet reverence, her entire body going still as she drank in the sight
before her.

He moved so he stood next to her, studying the tall, bony-looking mannequins dressed in barely there,
sparkly dresses. The one he preferred was in the middle. The dress was sleeveless with a scoop neck
and almost indecently short—and completely covered with iridescent sequins that caught and threw
the light like a walking disco ball.

A sexy-as-hell disco ball, that is.

“Which dress do you prefer?” he asked, waving at the display.

“The one in the middle.” She sighed, a wistful sound that made his heart ache for her. Seemingly all
over a dress, though he knew his ache was for far more. “I love the color of the sequins. Not quite
gold, not quite silver, and so pretty.” She went to the dress and smoothed her hand down the front of
the skirt. “It’s too short.”

“It would show off your legs like I wanted,” he pointed out.

She flashed him a smile from over her shoulder. “Probably too much leg.”

Probably, but he wasn’t about to agree with her. He could tell she wanted that dress too damn much
and he didn’t want to dash her dreams. “I’m not protesting.”

Laughing, she shook her head and checked the price tag, an audible gasp escaping her. “It’s way too

“How much is it?”

“No.” She shook her head, backing away from the display. “There’s no way I would let you buy that
for me.”

“Cat. Tell me how much.”

She started to walk away, heading in the opposite direction they came. “I don’t want it, Rafe. Please.
Let’s find something else.”

Ignoring her, he stepped up to the dress in question and checked the tag. Twenty-eight hundred
dollars. A ridiculous amount of money for a scrap of fabric, but if wearing the dress tonight would
make her happy, then she was an owner. No questions asked. “You should try it on,” he called out to

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“And get my hopes up? No way.” She stopped in the middle of the aisle and turned to study him. “I’m
not trying it on.”

He continued to ignore her, going to the racks behind the mannequin display, where he found the dress
hanging. He thumbed through the various sizes, pulled out what he believed could be the one she wore
and held the dress up for her to see. “You are definitely trying this on. I’m dying to see what it looks
like on you.”

She slowly approached him, casting her gaze about the area, no doubt making sure no one was
watching them, which they weren’t. The entire store was fairly quiet. “I won’t let you spend that kind
of money on me, Rafe. Especially for a dress like that.”

“That’s my decision to make. Now, let’s find you a dressing room.” He grabbed hold of her arm and
started to lead her deeper into the women’s department, noticing the sign on the wall that stated the
dressing room area was located in the far right corner.

“Are you sure?” She chewed her lip nervously as they walked through the endless racks of clothes
toward the back.

“I’m positive. Honestly? I’m dying to see you in this. And if it fits and you love it, then we’re getting
it. And we’ll need to find you shoes to go with it.” Stiletto heels preferably, something that would
make those sexy legs look infinitely long.

“You’re making my head spin,” she warned.

“Is that a bad thing?” he teased.

“Absolutely.” She paused. “A girl could get used to this sort of treatment.”

He hauled her in close, his mouth right at her ear. “The girl of which you speak could have this sort of
treatment every day for the rest of her life if she so chose.”

“Rafe…” Her voice trailed off, and he wanted to kick himself.

Cat made him push. Made him want. It was an unusual position for him to be in, considering he’d
never felt like this before.

For once in his life, he needed to learn how to back off. She needed to come around on her own terms.

Letting the subject drop, he urged her into the dressing room with only the one dress to try on,
knowing instinctively it was the only choice. She took forever, testing his patience, causing him to
pace back and forth in front of the entrance until finally, finally she came out to show him how she
looked in the dress.

And nearly stole his breath away when he first set eyes on her.

“It’s too short, isn’t it?” She fidgeted with the hem, trying her best to yank it down so the skirt would

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cover most of her slender thighs, but it didn’t work. The dress most assuredly rested at her upper
thigh, showing off a long, sexy expanse of leg.

He let his gaze trail along those shapely legs, then up farther. Over her hips, the dip of her waist, the
gentle curve of her breasts. “It’s not too short,” he finally said.

She rolled her eyes. “Liar. I feel like if I make one wrong move you’ll see my panties.”

The idea of her making one wrong move vastly appealed but he kept that thought to himself. “The
dress looks amazing on you.”

“You really think so? It doesn’t make me look all pasty white?”

Her skin wasn’t as dark as his, but it had a beautiful golden hue, smooth and tempting. His fingers
literally itched to touch her. “It’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. We’re getting it.”


“No protests. I’m buying it for you.” He sounded like a bossy ass, reminding him of that horrible
bitchy sister of hers, but this was for a good cause.


He met her gaze, surprised at the sweetly quiet tone of her voice. She approached him slowly,
ignoring the salesperson who spied on them from where she stood, gathering the clothes left behind by
previous customers. Their audience of one watched unabashedly as Cat went to him, rested her hands
on his chest and leaned up on tiptoe to press a sweet kiss to his lips.

“What was that for?” he asked gruffly when she pulled away, surprised by how touched he was by the
seemingly innocent gesture.

“For being so kind and generous.” She smiled prettily and his heart jerked against his chest. “Thank

If he earned a kiss like that for every time he was kind and generous, he planned on being exactly that
for her for the rest of his days. “Hurry and change out of the dress,” he said, waving a hand at the open
stall that beckoned for her. “We still need to get you shoes.”

“Such a shopper. Who knew?” She rolled her eyes and stepped away. “But nothing too expensive,

He didn’t care how much they cost. As long as they looked good on those pretty feet of hers, he was
buying them. “Whatever you say, Kitty Cat.”

Her surprised gaze met his. “What did you call me?”

“Kitty Cat. It fits you, don’t you think?”

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“I…guess so.” She frowned, unconsciously tugging on the dress hem again, though it was no use. He
swore the skirt crept up higher with every pull she gave it.

“What, you don’t like it?”

“It’s not that. No one has ever called me Kitty Cat before, and I think I like it.” She stood taller. “In
fact, I like it a lot.”

“Well, Kitty Cat, I’m glad I could give you a new nickname you approve of, but we’re wasting time
here staring at each other when we could be shopping for shoes.” He sounded like a total woman, but
he was running with it. He wanted to make Cat happy, spend more time with her, learn more about

She was sweet, with a hint of steel he found intriguing. Tonight, he planned on learning even more
about her. In between sweaty bouts on the dance floor…

If he was lucky, maybe they could indulge in a few sweaty bouts between the sheets too.

Shopping with Rafe had proven exhausting, both mentally and physically. He’d purchased the dress
despite her protests. Then he’d taken her into the vast shoe department, found a salesperson with
exquisite taste who made it her sole mission in life to find the perfect shoe to go with her new dress.

That had taken what felt like forever. But the end result? A gorgeous, platform, peep-toe pump in a
patent leather nude, the famous red soles indicating that they were a pair of Louboutins and worth
almost one thousand dollars.

She’d balked. She’d tried her hardest to convince Rafe she didn’t need those shoes, all while the
salesperson stood to the side, beaming at the both of them. He wouldn’t budge, letting Cat know in no
uncertain terms that he wanted to see her in those shoes while wearing that dress. No other shoes
would do.

“The shoes will go with so much. I guarantee you’ll wear them for years to come,” their stylish, petite
salesperson had told them, earning a withering stare from Cat for her efforts.

She’d given in, only because the entire argument over a stupid pair of shoes had taken everything out
of her. Rafe was as stubborn as a mule when it came to getting what he wanted. Would being married
to him result in fight after fight since he seemed so unwilling to compromise?

The shopping incident seemed to confirm that maybe it was the right choice, breaking it off with Rafe.

After they’d spent what felt like the entire day at the department store, they’d finally returned to his
apartment. She’d gone into the guest bedroom to set down her bags, the neatly made bed calling her
name, and the next thing she knew, she’d collapsed on top of it and slept for hours.

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She finally woke up just before nine o’clock, shocked to discover she’d slept most of the evening
away. When she came out into the living room, she found Rafe had ordered in a late dinner for them
and it had just arrived. Chinese food, something she rarely indulged in, and devoured without question
once he’d doled out a heaping serving of the three entrees he ordered. Her head still a little foggy, she
ate quietly, almost afraid to look in Rafe’s direction for fear he was disappointed by her somehow.

So foolish. But she’d disappointed an endless stream of people for years and she was feeling sort of
sad after sleeping for so long. Maybe she was jetlagged. She probably shouldn’t have taken such a
long nap. Her head was still a little woozy. She was thankful for the comfortable silence while they

“Still want to go out dancing?” he finally asked.

Nodding, she stared at her half-empty plate. The food was delicious, but she was already full. “Only
if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind.” He paused. “Did you sleep well?”

She chanced a glance at him, noticing that he watched her carefully, his dark eyes full of concern. “I
don’t really remember lying down, so I must’ve.”

Rafe chuckled. “The last twenty-four hours have been very busy for you.”

“Yes, for us both.” She dragged her fork—she was a complete failure when it came to chopsticks, so
she didn’t bother—across her plate, her appetite completely gone. She felt like she was going to
burst, having gorged herself on too much broccoli beef and chicken chow mein. “Can I ask you


“Have you seen my cell phone? I can’t find it.” She’d searched for it the moment she woke up, but it
was nowhere to be found. Could she have left it at the store somehow?

His lips tightened. “I know where it is. I have it.”

Cat frowned. “You do? Why?”

“You left it in the living room, and while you were sleeping it kept ringing.” He blew out a harsh
breath and glared at her, clearly angry. But for whatever reason, she knew his anger wasn’t directed
at her. “It was your sister. After about the tenth call in less than ten minutes, I finally couldn’t take it
anymore. I answered your phone and told her to stop harassing you.”

Oh no. “You spoke to her?” Her mouth fell open in disbelief and she slowly shook her head, snapping
her lips shut when she figured she must look ridiculous. “Um, what did she say? Was she angry?”

“I really don’t give a shit if she was angry. She made me angry with her constant calling and text
messaging.” His expression turned sheepish, which she bet was an unusual look for him. “I might’ve

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read a few.”

She closed her eyes. How mortifying, that he got put in the middle of her argument with her sister.
“I’m sorry if she yelled at you.”

“Christ, Cat, there’s nothing for you to apologize for. I’m the one who should be sorry. I interfered in
your personal life, invaded your privacy by reading your texts and yelling at your sister.” He shook
his head. “But I couldn’t just let her bombard you with endless calls and texts. They were downright
abusive. And I told her that.”

Oh, God. Annalisa was probably furious. “How did she take you telling her she’s abusive?” She
could only imagine. An endless stream of screaming denials, she was sure.

“Not very well.”

That was most likely a complete understatement. Her sister had always tried to run her life and
especially in the last few years, it had become worse. Once their father had become a ghost, Annalisa
had taken it upon herself that she needed to take over both Cat’s and their mother’s lives. Cat hadn’t
protested too hard since she knew her sister seemed to need the control to keep her head steady.

Rafe was starting to help her realize that she needed to live her own life. On her own terms. Instead of
having her sister tell her what to do or always wanting to be careful in case she upset her mother. She
was sick of it.

Sick. Of. It.

“You’re right. I should be angry with you for invading my privacy.” He cast a sharp glance at her, and
she smiled faintly. “But I’m thanking you instead. For telling Annalisa to back off. I’ve never had the
guts to do that before.”

“You’re welcome. I’m sorry I read your texts and answered her call. I just…I didn’t want you to
wake up to an endless amount of angry voicemails from your sister.” He grimaced. “She was furious
when I demanded she back off. Told me to mind my own business.”

Her heart softened. He was protecting her. No one protected her. Oh, Annalisa believed in her
slightly twisted brain that everything she did and said to Cat was to help her, but really? She was
starting to see that her sister did more harm than good.

“I appreciate you defending me,” she murmured.

“No one should have to take that sort of treatment, Cat, not even from a loved one. No one.” He shook
his head, his voice firm.

“I know. You’re right.” But how could she make her sister stop? She didn’t know. Didn’t think she
had the strength to actually stand up to Annalisa and tell her to back off.

What sort of wimp did that make her?

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“If you’re still too tired, we could always go out tomorrow night,” he suggested, his voice quiet. “It’s
getting late and you probably want to take a shower before we go, right?”

She shook herself from her thoughts. “No, I think this is exactly what I need tonight. It’ll be the perfect
distraction, going out. Having a few drinks, dancing.” Pausing, she studied him. “Do you dance,

His lips twitched. “Not very well.”

“Oh.” Disappointment crashed through her. She’d hoped he would dance with her. Maybe even to a
slow song. She wanted to know what it felt like, having those strong arms around her while the
swayed together…

“That doesn’t mean I won’t make an attempt, if that’s what you want.” Reaching out, he grabbed hold
of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I might embarrass you, though. Don’t say I didn’t warn

“I doubt you’ll embarrass me. How could you?” Warmth suffused her. He was being so kind.
Watching out for her, defending her against Annalisa, willingly taking her wherever she wanted to go
in the city. Indulging her by wanting to dance when he probably wasn’t comfortable doing so.

Her opinion of Rafael Renaldi was starting to change, slowly but surely. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad
guy after all.

Chapter Seven

Rafe took her to one of the most popular nightclubs in all of Manhattan. He rarely frequented it—
hanging out in noisy, crowded clubs wasn’t his style—but he had a feeling Crimson was the type of
place Cat was looking for.

She wanted to lose herself for a little while and he could understand that. Her family obligations had
to be taking a toll. What with that bitch-from-hell older sister, life couldn’t be easy.

He’d never heard such poisonous venom from a woman before. Annalisa Campioni’s tone of voice
alone had sent a slither of dread down his spine when she started in on him. Not that he was scared of
her. Angry females he could deal with—he’d handled his mother and sister rather effectively since he
could remember. After all, he was the easygoing one, the charming one of the three Renaldi brothers.
Matteo was quiet and calm and levelheaded. Vincenzo was young and brash and impulsive.

But there had been no reasoning on his end with Annalisa. The woman had spoken of her sister as if
she was worthless. Useless. Her insults had shocked the hell out of him. Yes, his siblings drove him
crazy sometimes, but he would never, ever verbally tear them apart to a person he barely knew.

So he believed Cat deserved a momentary escape. And he wanted to be the one to provide it for her.
It was the least he could do.

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She sat beside him in the car he arranged for this evening, practically bouncing in her seat with
excitement. The sequined dress fit her curves beautifully, showing off those long legs he was sorely
tempted to touch. The shoes filled his dirty brain with images of her sprawled across his bed, wearing
nothing else but those damn fuck-me shoes.

Swiping his hand along his jaw, he studied her out of the corner of his eye, reminding himself he
needed to rein his thoughts in tonight. She would most likely drive him out of his mind with lust
moving that pretty little body of hers to the music but she was jumpy. Hell, she’d dumped him not
even forty-eight hours ago.

And now he wanted to never let her out of his sight again.

“We’re here,” Cat announced when the car came to a stop in front of the club. She reminded him of an
eager child, her face practically pressed to the window as she stared out at the line formed along the
side of the building. Though there was nothing remotely child-like about Cat. “It looks busy.”

“Don’t worry,” he reassured when she turned to look at him. “We’ll get right in.”

“It’s almost eleven-thirty and look at the line.” She pointed. “I can’t even tell where it ends.”

“The club’s open ’til four a.m.” The nightlife never ended in Manhattan. “And trust me. I know a way

The driver opened the door for them and Rafe followed Cat out of the car, standing tall so he could
survey the scene before him. Immediately he noted the various men standing in line. How most of
them blatantly stared at Cat, not that he could blame them.

The sequined scrap of a dress accentuated her sensuous figure, her long, dark brown hair hung in sexy
waves beyond her shoulders and when she turned to look at him, offering a shy smile in his direction,
his heart nearly tripped over itself.

Standing beside her, he slipped his arm around her slender shoulders and drew her in close, staking
his claim. She’s mine. Don’t waste your time because she belongs to me.

The majority of them looked away, losing interest.


“Maybe we should go somewhere else,” she suggested, her worried gaze scanning the line of
disgruntled wannabe club goers. “Is there another club nearby?”

“I can get us in. Just follow my lead,” he murmured close to her ear, the scent of her hair driving him
wild. “And don’t say a word. Let me do all the talking. I have everything under control.”

She gave a subtle nod as he led her toward the two gentlemen who stood in front of the closed door,
casting their disapproving gazes upon everyone nearby. A red velvet rope swung across the imposing,
black-lacquered double doors, blocking everyone from coming inside unless they were specifically

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admitted. Rafe could hear the muttered protests when he approached the door hosts, knew that
everyone most likely thought he was cutting in line.

Which he was. But he had connections. He knew the owner through his sister. Renaldi Accessories
had held a jewelry line launch at the location a little over three months ago. Not that he would reveal
that little tidbit of information to Cat yet.

For whatever stupid reason, he wanted to impress her tonight. Wanted her to think he could pull
strings, make things happen, make things fun for her. That he would do anything to ensure she had a
good time.

Absolutely juvenile of him, but when it came to Cat, she made him act a little crazy.

“Evening,” he said to the two very muscular, very stylishly dressed men standing in front of the door.
Their expressions were made of pure disinterest, their thick arms crossed in front of their chests, their
matching smirks almost disconcerting in how similar they appeared.

Rafe couldn’t help but wonder if they were brothers—or linebackers.

“Line’s back there,” one of them said, flicking his chin. “I suggest you get in it and wait your turn like
everyone else.”

Cat glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widening. The line wound around the building. He heard it
was like this every night. Stasia had told him more than once that Crimson was the hot spot to see and
be seen.

Considering he’d come to New York to do nothing but work, he’d had to trust her on that knowledge,
despite his playboy, man-about-town image. It was all just that for the most part—an image. One he’d
cultivated gladly since it got him and the business plenty of press. He helped divert the media from
questioning Stasia and her rather scandalous past too.

So he’d never discouraged the dating-a-bazillion-women-at-once image he had. Never thinking it
could hurt his future marriage, which proved he was an idiot for never considering Cat’s feelings.

He was so stupid. It hurt him to know he hurt her. How he hated that.

But truly, there had only been one woman for him. Despite earlier dalliances, the occasional date with
a beautiful woman, he knew Catalina was for him and no other.

Then she went and dumped him. Luckily enough, she dumped him and then promptly gave him a
second chance at convincing her they could make this work.

Over the next few days, that was his plan. Convincing her they could work.

This night, this very moment, was the first of many steps.

Pushing his thoughts out of Cat out of his head, Rafe focused on the skeptical men in front of him. “I’m

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a friend of Terry’s,” he said, hoping like hell his name appeared on that magical list he’d heard Stasia
refer to. She’d told him the night of the jewelry line reveal that all Renaldis had been put on the
permanent entrance list. He hadn’t cared then.

He sure as hell cared now.

“Yeah, right,” the other doorman said with a snort. “You and everyone else is his friend. Stop wasting
your breath, bro. Get in the back of the line.” He jerked his thumb toward the restless crowd.

“My name is Rafe Renaldi.” He tilted his head toward the clipboard the guy held. “Check your list.”

Growling irritably, the man flipped through the papers on his clipboard, running his finger down the
list of names until it stopped…and he looked up at Rafe once more, his expression contrite. “You’re
on the list.”

“I know,” Rafe said calmly, all the while feeling Cat staring at him.

“Guess we’ll let you in, then,” the man said almost reluctantly.

“Guess you will.” Letting his arm drop from Cat’s shoulders, he took her hand, entwining their fingers
as he glanced at her pretty face. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

The little smile curving her lips was unmistakable. He had a feeling she’d enjoyed that display of
power. And he’d done it all for her.

The silent door host unhooked the red velvet rope and let them enter, offering a reluctant, “Have a
good night,” punctuated with a low grunt.

“We will,” Cat said brightly, shining her smile upon the man before she turned it on Rafe.

Wrecking his heart completely in the most delicious way.

Cat had believed for sure that Rafe wouldn’t be able to get them into the nightclub. She should’ve
never doubted him because he’d gone and proven her wrong, what with his name on the entrance list.
The two grumpy doormen had no choice but to let them enter, and she’d felt special as she’d eagerly
walked through those black-lacquered doors, Rafe clutching her hand tightly as they strode inside.

The place was packed, multicolored strobe lights flashing in time with the beat of the music, the
dance floor crowded with an interesting mix of people. Young, old, not one of them sloppily dressed.
A DJ stood behind a table on a platform on the opposite side of the room, spinning his beats and
clutching his headphones to his ear.

She’d seen things like this on television or in magazine photos, but never in her life had she

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experienced it firsthand.

“Want a drink?” Rafe yelled in her ear.

“Sure,” she yelled back. She could hardly hear herself, what with how loud the music was.

He led her to a bar that took up the entire left side of the room. Mirrors lined the wall, a variety of
liquor bottles sat on shelves in front of the mirrors and three gorgeous men worked behind the
counter. The one closest to where they stood flashed her a breathtaking smile, and she couldn’t help
but return it.

Earning a glare from Rafe in her direction for her efforts.

“What can I get ya, pretty lady?” the bartender asked with a wink.

Rafe practically growled his answer, ordering for her some sort of complicated drink she’d never
heard of before and a beer for him.

“You drink beer?” she asked the moment the bartender turned away from them.

“I do.” Rafe frowned at her. “You act surprised.”

“I figured you were more the type who drank scotch, neat.” She shrugged and he smiled, grasping her
hand once more and pulling her in so close, her body molded to his.

“You think you had me all figured out, didn’t you?” His mouth was at her ear yet again and she
shivered when his lips brushed her sensitive flesh. He took advantage of the loud music by doing this
sort of thing every chance he got. She didn’t know if she’d be able to stand it the rest of the night, it
felt so good. So deliciously intimate. “When really you know nothing about me.”

“You know nothing about me either,” she returned, her gaze meeting his when he tilted his head down
to study her. They stared at each other for a moment, quiet and still, as if frozen in time while life
carried on around them. The song changed, this one even louder, generating an excited roar from the
crowd moving on the dance floor. The lights stilled, casting a red glow across Rafe’s handsome
features, and she realized in that very second that she wanted to know more about him.

Wanted to learn everything about him. Forget the past, the confusion and her mistaken assumptions.
She’d pegged him as one type of man—the sort of man her father was, when really, she hadn’t a clue
who Rafael Renaldi was.

She judged him based on her own—and her sister’s—assumptions and that was completely unfair.

“I want to learn,” he murmured and somehow, she heard him. Understood him. Her heart fluttered at
the look in his eyes, the way he studied her face. “I want to know everything about you, Cat. Will you
let me in?”

His gaze, his words seemed so sincere. She wanted to let him in, but fear held her voice captive.

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Licking her lips, she parted them, ready to speak, ready to offer him a tentative answer.

“Here’re your drinks.” The bartender’s sharp voice broke the spell and she jolted away from Rafe,
felt the loss keenly when he let go of her hand to reach for his wallet.

He paid for their drinks and she took the glass he offered, sipping from it carefully, pleasantly
surprised at the delicious taste. “It’s good,” she said when he sent her a questioning look.

“I wouldn’t steer you wrong,” he said, drinking from his beer bottle, and she wondered if there was
double meaning in his words.

Their intimate conversation forgotten, they drank silently, Cat taking everything in. The majority of the
people crowded around them were young, in their twenties. All of them gleaming and polished,
laughing and smiling at each other as if they were having the time of their lives.

It looked almost…exhausting. She wondered if many of them came here often. Perhaps every
weekend, looking for whatever they were missing in their lives.

Cat could relate. She’d felt like a piece of her was missing for years.

Maybe that piece was standing next to her, quietly drinking his beer while he kept his gaze on her.

“You’re staring at me,” she finally said when she turned to look at him.

He shrugged those impossibly broad shoulders, which were encased in a midnight blue button-down
shirt. “I like watching you watch everyone else. I’ve heard the term ‘wide-eyed wonder’ before, but
never believed it existed. Until now.”

Her cheeks heated. He must think her a naïve fool. “I’m sure my wide-eyed wonder is amusing to your
jaded, worldly ways.”

Rafe laughed, reaching out to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re assuming I’m
something that I’m not again.”

She dropped her gaze, ashamed. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin, lifting so her gaze met his. “I’m not angry. There’s no
need to apologize.”

He was kind. Gentle. Why had she believed the various media reports? Worse, why had she believed
her angry, slightly crazed sister? “Let’s dance,” she suggested. “Will you dance with me, Rafe?”

Slowly, he nodded, his thumb stroking across her chin. Tingles swept her skin, making her
lightheaded. “Yes. As long as you don’t laugh and point while I make a spectacle of myself.”

His words made her laugh and he grinned in return. “See? You’re already laughing.”

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“Stop.” She stepped closer to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He was easier to reach, what with the
incredibly high heels she wore. “Thank you,” she whispered against his bristly skin.

Turning his head, he aligned their lips almost perfectly. “For what?”

“For being so sweet.” She grew lightheaded, having him so close. His arm slipped around her waist,
holding her to him, and she rested her hands against his chest, enjoying the intimacy of their position.

“You make it easy.” He kissed her, a light brushing of lips she could almost believe didn’t happen at
all. “Don’t let anyone else know, though.”

She laughed again, squeaked when he kissed her once more. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and a slow song
is next.”

“That would be perfect.” He led her onto the dance floor, the song ending the moment they found a
spot. As if on cue, a slow song started next, the lights dimming intimately. A third of the crowd
vacated the floor, leaving them plenty of room to dance.

“I think you arranged this,” he told her as he slipped his arms around her waist, his big hands resting
at the small of her back, his fingers nearly brushing her backside.

Cat almost wished they would. The thought of those strong, capable hands sliding over her butt made
her shiver. “Oh yes, I have secret connections here, just like you.”

“You really believed we’d have to stand in line, didn’t you?”

“I did,” she admitted, slipping her arms around his neck, noting the smooth way he started swaying to
the music. “You’re not a bad dancer.”

“Anyone can dance like this, especially when they have a beautiful woman in their arms. A fast song
starts again, and I’ll end up looking like an idiot trying to keep up. Trust me.”

She warmed at his complimentary words, at the way he stared at her. Practically willing his hands to
slip lower, she stepped in closer to him, wanting him close, as close as two people could possibly
get. Letting her gaze drop, she studied the strong lines of his throat, idly wondering what his skin
might taste like…

They danced quietly, lost in each other’s arms, the sensuous, slow beat of the song. Cat pressed her
forehead against his jaw, closed her eyes as she breathed in his scent, withheld the gasp that
threatened when those hands did exactly what she wanted. Sliding along her backside, his touch
lingered, and she wished they were somewhere else. Anywhere else but here.

Preferably back at his apartment, in his room, in his bed.

Melting against him, she swayed, nestling her fingers in his silky soft hair, stroking it. Her mind raced
with thoughts of their future. Could they make this work? Did he really want her or was she merely a
conquest he wanted to add to his never-ending list? Or worse, was he trying to prove a point?

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Showing her how good they could’ve been together before he left her in the dust, reminding her that
she was the one who wanted to end it in the first place?

Oh, she really hoped all of her thoughts were untrue.

“You smell good,” he whispered.

“Thank you.” She inhaled his intoxicatingly spicy scent. “So do you.”

His arms tightened around her waist, bringing her flush against his body. “Cat, maybe we should…”

The music ended, switching to an incredibly fast song, and people flooded the floor, crowding all
around them as they stood still in each other’s arms. She looked into his eyes, saw all the heat and
want in their depths and she withdrew from his embrace. Unreasonable fear gripped her, making her
want to break the tension, and she flashed him a smile, hoping he understood her motives.

“I’m dancing,” she declared, earning an eyebrow raise from Rafe. “Join me?”

Slowly shaking his head, he said, “No. But I’ll watch you.”

Chapter Eight

The last hour she’d put on a performance for only him, though others had certainly benefited. The way
she moved, her body shimmying to the endless stream of dance music, made his pulse pound, his
blood hot, his entire body throb—for her.

For seeming like such an uptight little thing, Cat had no problem losing herself in the music. She
moved so effortlessly, the sequins on her dress catching the light with every thrust of her hips, every
shake of her ass. Drawing everyone’s eye to her and only her as she danced on the outer edges of the

He knew they watched her. How could they not? Her beaming smile surely captivated them. With her
arms above her head, she swung her hips, tossed her hair, her skin shiny with a damp sheen of sweat.
She danced with men, with women, never moving from her spot but never letting anyone touch her.

And all the while, Rafe watched, captivated with the way she moved, the seductive smile she
constantly flashed in his direction. He appreciated the little show she made just for him, but he was
slowly growing weary.

More than anything, he was growing aroused.

Having her in his arms earlier when they’d danced, her slender arms wrapped around his neck,
fingers in his hair. Her shifting so innocently against him, made him harder than a rock. His body was
completely attuned to hers—she was a craving his body needed to satisfy.

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He hoped to find his satisfaction later tonight, when they returned home—as long as Cat was willing.

She seemed perfectly happy to continue her little dance of seduction. He planned on cutting it short
soon, ready to whisk her away, back to his apartment, where he could strip her of the sequined dress,
press his mouth to every inch of her glowing, bare skin, yet all the while she’d still be wearing those

Damn. Rafe frowned. He had no idea he harbored such a shoe fetish, but it was certainly making an
appearance tonight.

He drained his second beer, not necessarily drunk but definitely feeling no pain. He set the empty
bottle on the table beside him, the table he’d been leaning against for the last sixty minutes. When the
waitress started toward him, ready to refill his order, he shook his head no. He was done drinking
tonight. With a quick smile, she turned, disappearing into the crowd as quickly as she appeared, and
he returned his focus to Cat.

And found her with her back to him, the skirt of her dress indecently high, showing a fine length of
thigh as she wiggled her ass and drove him fucking insane.

His skin grew hot and tight, and he pushed away from the table, going to her. He shoved his way
through the crowd, earning more than a few irritated stares and grumblings for his rudeness, but he
didn’t give a shit. He had a single-minded focus that had everything to do with the woman who had no
idea she was driving him out of his mind with lust.

Stopping just behind her, he inhaled sharply, her scent filling his head, making it spin. He rested his
hands on her hips, felt her jerk from his touch, but then she melted against him, her back leaning
against his front, her ass shifting against his groin.

Making his cock harden even more.

“You rub against all unknown men who touch you on the dance floor?” His mouth was close to her ear
and cheek, and he could feel her skin stretch as she smiled.

“I knew it was you,” she said simply.

He let his hands wander to her front, his fingers stroking her flat stomach, grazing over the sequins.
“How? You didn’t see my approach.”

“I could smell you.”

Ah, just as he could smell her. Their pheromones, or whatever you called them, were a good match.
He caught scent of her and all he wanted to do was pounce and claim. Perhaps she had the same
reaction to him.

“Have you had fun?” He nuzzled his cheek against hers, heard her sharp intake of breath, felt the
subtle stiffening of her body. She reacted to him so easily. When they would finally come together, it
was going to be so good between them.

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“I’ve had a wonderful time.” She sounded breathless, her dancing at a minimum now that he had his
hands on her. “Thank you for bringing me here. And for letting me dance.”

“It’s been my pleasure, watching you,” he whispered in her ear, kissing it, nibbling on the lobe.

She shivered. “What are you doing?”

He ignored her question. “Are you ready to go?” No doubt she was nervous, and he didn’t want to
scare her but it was proving hard to resist her.

Cat rested her hands on top of his forearms, her fingers lightly stroking his bare skin. This time he was
the one who shivered. “I think so.”

“Then let’s leave.” He squeezed her tight, closing his eyes against the wave of foreign emotion
surging through him. Having her nestled so close in his arms brought out all of those primal urges he’d
always believed he didn’t have.

The need to mark, to possess, let the entire world know that this woman belonged to him and no one

Hard to believe this sweet, seemingly innocent woman made him feel like this. Their fathers had been

Cat was his perfect match.

The ride back to his apartment started out quiet, with Cat staring out the window, watching the city
lights pass by, her right arm resting in the center of the bench seat. Rafe kept his gaze fixed there,
studying her small hand, her long, slender fingers, the short, painted, bright pink nails.

Without thought, he touched her, drew his finger lightly across the top of her hand. Then brought his
index finger back up the original path it took, gently crossing her knuckles, blazing a path up each
finger. Driving himself mad with the need to touch her further.

More, his thoughts, his body demanded. Take more.

He hooked his index finger around hers and slowly brought their connected hands up to his mouth,
dropping a soft kiss to her closest finger. It curled tight around his as he continued to rain kisses on
every one of her fingers. Her knuckles. The back of her hand, where his tongue darted out for a quick

Glancing up, he caught her staring at him, her eyes wide, damp lips parted. She swallowed—he saw
the delicate movement of her throat, his gaze drawn to the rapid pounding of her pulse at the base of
her neck. He drew her pinky finger into his mouth and sucked, savoring her taste.

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A soft, feminine noise escaped her, and he released her finger from his mouth, licking the tip. A
shuddery breath left her and she leaned forward, as if she wanted more of him.

He felt exactly the same. He wanted more. His body demanded more.

Hitting the button the control panel in the armrest, he watched the privacy screen slide up so the
driver couldn’t observe what was about to happen. “Undo your seatbelt,” he commanded, gently
pulling on her hand, trying to bring her closer.

“But…” Her voice trailed off, and he tightened his grip on her.

“Do it, Cat. I’m tired of denying myself. Of denying you.” He was being a jackass, asking her to take
off her belt. It was unsafe, but they were close to his building, and at this very moment, he could give
a shit about seatbelts and safety and whatever else.

Unbuckling his own belt, he moved toward the middle of the seat the same time she did, his hands
going to her waist, her hands reaching for his shoulders.

And then he was pulling her on top of him, her body curving around his. She straddled him, her knees
on either side of his hips, the skirt of her already short dress hiked far up her thighs. He cupped the
back of her head and brought her down to him, their mouths fusing, tongues lashing in a frantic, take-
no-prisoners kiss.

It wasn’t tentative or gentle. Their kiss was a claiming, hard and fast and full of unrestrained passion.
He gripped her hips, pulling her to him, thrusting up so she could feel his erection, letting her know
how much he needed her. Wanted her. She gasped against his lips, moaned when he broke apart from
her to lick his way up her salty-with-sweat neck, nibbling on her skin like he was some sort of feral

Having her surround him brought out the beast in him. He felt completely out of control.

“I want you,” he whispered harshly against her throat, his hands moving around to grip her ass, his
fingers kneading into her pliant flesh. Damn, she felt good. “So fucking bad, Cat. Tell me you feel this.
Tell me you want me too.”

“I want you. I do.” She rose a little higher on her knees, falling into him, her hands gripping the top of
the seat on either side of his head. Her breasts were at perfect eye level. He pressed his face into her
cleavage, felt the sting of the hundreds of sequins cutting into his skin. He tugged at the fabric,
watched with utter fascination as the shoulder straps fell down her arms, the neckline loosening from
the action.

Revealing that she wore no bra, and all that bare creamy flesh was his for the taking.

Leaning in with a growl of pleasure, he tongued the tops of her breasts, his hands moving up her sides
to grip her closer, holding her still. She trembled beneath his touch as he worked his way lower.
Lower…until he was circling one rosy-pink nipple with his tongue, then the other, drawing it into his
mouth and sucking deeply. The hard, hot little bit of flesh tasted amazing on his tongue.

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“Oh my God.” She gripped the back of his hand, her fingers surprisingly strong as they pulled his hair.

She sounded as lost as he felt and he let his hands fall to the tops of her thighs, gliding his fingers
beneath her skirt so he could touch her intimately. He felt the tiny scrap of lace of her panties and
slipped beneath the front, finding warm, wet flesh that he slid his fingers into, making her buck against
him and cry out his name again.

Watching in utter fascination, he kept his gaze glued to her face as he slowly drove her out of her mind
with his fingers. His thumb circled her clit as he stroked her, slow and easy at first, pushing deeper
inside her with every thrust. Her hips lifted in time to his movements as he fucked her with his fingers,
his thumb pressing, flicking, sending her straight toward her orgasm. Her entire body became
consumed with shivers and he had a feeling she was close to climaxing.

“Please,” she begged, holding on to him tight as her hips moved restlessly, grinding against his hand.
“Oh God, yes, please.”

And then she burst apart, her orgasm sweeping over her as she tossed her head back, her mouth
forming in a little O as she came undone in his arms.

Awestruck, he continued to watch her, enraptured with her as he gentled his strokes, pressing his
mouth to her chest in sweet kisses. Cat consumed by her orgasm was the most beautiful thing he’d
ever witnessed.

He was eager to see that happen again. Soon.

Cat wasn’t sure how she made it up to Rafe’s apartment. After the way he’d touched her in the
backseat of the car, his mouth everywhere, his hand between her legs, his skilled fingers touching her
like no other man had touched her before, she’d fallen to pieces in an embarrassingly quick amount of

A gloriously delicious, quick amount of time…

He’d helped her out of the car like a gentleman, taking her hand as she stepped onto the sidewalk. His
arm swooped around her waist as she stumbled in her shoes, embarrassed yet thankful he caught her.
Her legs still quivered from the intensity of her orgasm, her skin fairly vibrating. The satisfied smile
he gave her just before he leaned in for a brief kiss had left her even dizzier than before.

“You’re glowing,” he murmured only for her to hear, his arm tightening around her waist as he led her
into the building, tipping his head at the doorman as they headed straight toward the elevator.

The moment the doors slid closed, he had her pinned against the wall, his mouth on hers, his hands

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cupping her face as the elevator made its quick ascent. “I love that I’ve made you look like this,” he
whispered against her lips before devouring her again.

“H-how do I look?” she asked after he finally broke away from her lips, his mouth dotting fevered
little kisses along her jaw, down the side of her neck.

“Beautiful,” he whispered reverently, his gaze meeting hers. “Radiant. Satisfied.”

Her cheeks warmed and she ducked her head, thankful when the elevator finally stopped and the
doors opened. Rafe took her hand and walked her down the short hall that led to his apartment. He
seemed agitated, downright anxious as he unlocked the door and then he was pulling her inside,
slamming the door behind them, pushing her against the wall as if he were unable to keep his hands
off of her.

She loved it. Wished fervently that she’d known Rafe had this side to him long ago. It was rather…

“I’ll stop if you want me to,” he said, his expression sincere, his eyes serious as they roved over her
face. “Just say the word and you can go to your room tonight alone and everything will be fine
tomorrow. I won’t hold your refusal of me against you. You’re in complete control of this situation,
Cat. I hope you realize this.”

“Or?” she prompted, because she knew there was more. There had to be. The mysterious depths
behind his words intrigued her. She didn’t want to stop this.

She wanted more. More, more, more.

“Or…” His voice trailed off, his gaze sweeping over her body, lingering on her chest, then moving
upward to her mouth. “You can come with me. And spend the night in my bed.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, her body aching from the dark promise in his voice. There wasn’t a
doubt that she wanted to be with him tonight, in his bed. But a small part of her was scared. Unsure.
What if it hurt? She’d heard that, of course, knew that sex was painful the first time. Worse, what if he
was disappointed when he discovered she was a virgin? There was no way she could pretend she
wasn’t. He’d figure it out.

Cat would bet a lot of money there weren’t a lot of twenty-three-year-old virgins out there. Yet here
she stood, having saved herself for this very man. The sexiest man she’d ever seen or been with,
pressed up against her, ready to do things she’d only ever heard of. Imagined doing many times—with
him. She could feel his erection, thick and insistent against her belly, the heat in his gaze sending darts
of pleasure running throughout her body.

Giving her the answer, the reassurance she needed.

“I want to be with you.” She reached for him, ran her fingers down his front, tripping over the button
placket of his shirt. “But…I hope you really want to be with me too.”

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Chuckling, he trailed his index finger lightly across her collarbone, slipping it beneath the sequined
strap of her dress. “I don’t think you understand just how bad I want to be with you. Do you, Cat?”

Slowly she shook her head, needing to hear him say it. His words would give her strength, knowing
he really did want her. That this wasn’t just a passing whim.

Was it?

“How bad do you want me, Rafe?”

A smile appeared, slow and easy as it stretched across his face. “Quite the seductress, aren’t you, my
darling Catalina?” He held up his hands in between them, turning them this way and that. “Look at me.
My hands are shaking.” Unbelievably enough, they were. Such a vulnerable revelation on his part, one
that she loved seeing. “Feel my chest.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it against him. She could
feel his firm, warm skin, the accelerated thump-thump beat of his heart. It raced as fast as hers.

Maybe even faster.

She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know if this was normal or not. He always appeared calm and
composed. Did she have the power to rile him up? Turn him on, turn him inside out as much as he
affected her?

“I want you so bad it’s killing me not to just throw you over my shoulder and carry you off to my
room. So I can lay you out on my bed and slowly strip you out of that sinful-as-hell dress. I want to
kiss you all over your body, lick you between your legs until you’re begging me to stop, until you’re
coming against my tongue, crying out my name as I bring you pleasure over and over again. Tell me.
Would you like that, Cat?”

Struck completely mute, she nodded her answer, unable to form words at the images his confession
brought forth. His dark head between her legs, his magical tongue licking her straight into pure

She shivered at the thought.

“Say yes, love. Agree to spend the night with me and I promise to show you pleasure like you’ve
never experienced before,” he went on, his voice thick with desire, his eyes glowing.

He already had, he just didn’t know it.

“May I ask you question?” Her voice was small and trembling with want.

“Anything,” Rafe said immediately.

“What’s going to happen after this night? What will happen to us after this weekend? Will we go our
separate ways?”

Carefully he watched her, but she saw the hint of worry flicker in his gaze. Seeing that chink in his

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armor, that tiny imperfection made her feel better. Made Rafe seem more real. “Is that what you
want?” he asked.

She took a deep breath. “Before I spent the last twenty-four hours with you, yes. It’s what I thought I
wanted. I didn’t believe you could ever care about me. But now…now I think you could.”

“I do care about you,” he agreed. “I never wanted this to end in the first place, Cat. You have to know

“I didn’t know. I still don’t really know what’s going to happen…” Her voice trailed off and they
watched each other, standing in the foyer of his apartment, ready to make a major life decision all in a
few quick minutes, all with a few short words.

He took her hand and pressed a kiss to it, clutching her fingers tight. “Let me prove it to you, Cat. Let
me show you just how much I want you in my life.” He pulled her to him, delivering the sweetest,
softest kiss to her lips. “Forever,” he murmured against her mouth.

Chapter Nine

“All right,” Cat whispered, her expression softening after he pulled away from the kiss. She swayed
toward him, feeling dizzy from his heady words. She couldn’t believe he admitted that. Wanted so
badly to believe he meant what he said.

Did he? Would they spend the next few days together, cocooned in such delicious intimacy that the
outside world couldn’t invade their happiness? Only for him to ditch her the moment she returned to

Steeling her spine, she stood straight, pushing all worry from her mind. She was tired of living in fear.
Tired of living in the simple, boring little bubble of her life. To get what she wanted, she had to grab
hold of it and never let go.

She needed to grab hold of Rafe and show him just how much she wanted, needed him in her life.

Without a word, he grabbed her, swept her into his strong arms, making her gasp in surprise. He
strode down the hall, his jaw tight, his expression unreadable as she stared up at him. Her arms were
looped around his neck, his hands gripped her backside, and she almost felt like a bride on her
wedding night, just about to be carried over the threshold.

Did newly married couples still do that sort of thing? Or were her thoughts as old fashioned as the
marriage agreement that had been arranged oh-so many years ago?

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he walked into his bedroom, slowly setting her down on her feet.
“And you’re mine.”

Chills swept over her skin at his possessive claim. She wanted to be his, in every sense of the word.

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But did he really want her like he promised? She still had her doubts…

“After tonight, you’ll belong to me.” He spoke very matter-of-factly as he pulled the dress up,
exposing her panties, her breasts, until he was tugging the dress over her head and tossing it onto the
floor. “Keep the shoes on, love. I’ve been fantasizing you wearing them and nothing else since you
tried them on in the store.”

A bolt of lust moved through her, settling warm and damp between her thighs. The man could look at
her, say a few choice words, and she would let him do whatever he wanted to her, no questions

It was almost frightening, the power he held over her.

“Climb onto the bed,” he said, his voice edged with heat.

She did as he asked, propping herself on the mountain of pillows, feeling sexy in just her skimpy
white lace panties and the nude platform stilettos. She spread her legs, braced her heels into the
mattress and his eyes widened as he drank her in.

“That pose would be perfect if you weren’t wearing the panties,” he said darkly, his gaze dropping to
said scrap of fabric, staring at her as if he could see right through them.

Shyness crept in, making her snap her legs back closed, but he reached out, his hand lightning fast and
settling on her knee, slowly pulling her leg back.


“Don’t be embarrassed, Kitty Cat.” He kissed her, his hand moving to her breast, his thumb caressing
her nipple. “Do you know how fucking gorgeous you look, half-naked and sprawled across my bed?
I’ve dreamed of this, you know.”

He spoke so plainly. There was no pretense, no wondering where she stood or what he wanted from
her. What he thought of her. She hadn’t a clue how relationships worked, how men and women really
talked to each other. Her parents were a terrible example. Her sister was essentially dateless.
Annalisa didn’t spend much time with the few friends she had anymore, always too busy either
working or tending to her mother.

So her expectations when it came to Rafe, to any man, were impossible to dictate. It was a mystery
for her to figure out—and more than anything, a mystery that left her woefully confused and insecure.
She didn’t want to mess up this tentative connection they shared.

“What’s going through that pretty head of yours?”

She snapped her gaze up to his face, her insides going loose and hot when she saw he was unbuttoning
his shirt. How she wished she were the one doing that. Her fingers literally itched to brush against his
skin, explore all of those firm, hard muscles. Lick them. Nibble them. “Do you want the truth?”

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“Always.” He shed the shirt, letting it flutter to the ground, and she gaped like an idiot. His chest was
smooth, olive skin stretched over finely sculpted muscle. He was beautifully built, trim and lean.
Confirming her earlier thoughts that he was lickable.

Definitely lickable.

“I was thinking how much I like it when you talk to me like that,” she admitted softly.

He tilted his head. His gaze dark, his smile wicked. “I can do it again if you want.”

“Really?” Her mouth went dry when his hands went to the waistband of his dark rinse jeans, undoing
the buttons one by one. Shedding them with a simple push, revealing black boxer briefs that clung to
powerful thighs…

And a rather impressive erection that strained against the thin cotton.

“What would you like to hear, my sweet little Kitty Cat?” He crawled onto the bed and she slid over,
making room for him, a shuddering breath leaving her when he moved over her, his hot flesh pressing
against hers, pushing her into the soft mattress. “How insanely sexy you look wearing those shoes?
How I wish I could see through your panties?”

A laugh escaped her when he dove in, his mouth on her neck, raining wet kisses all over her skin. “I
knew you were trying to see through them.”

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“I wish you weren’t wearing any at all.” His hand drifted, down the slope of her belly, lower, toying
with the waistband of her underwear. “Of course, this adds a hint of mystery, so I suppose I shouldn’t

“You had your hand beneath them not too long ago,” she reminded him, her eyes widening when she
realized what she just said.

Well, well, well. Being with Rafe made her bold. And she liked it.

“That I did. And what a pleasure that was, I must say.” His fingers slipped beneath the thin fabric of
her panties, tangling with her pubic hair, stalling her breath. “Or more like it brought you so much
pleasure. I enjoyed watching you reach for all that pleasure, too. You’re quite beautiful when you’re
coming, Kitty Cat. Has anyone ever told you that?”

She shook her head, her hair getting in her face, and she pushed it back. This could be the time, the
moment when she might confess her little secret. But she was scared, afraid of his reaction.

More than anything, she was scared of his rejection.

“I don’t think I’d want to know of your past interludes anyway. No one wants to hear that sort of
thing.” He sounded vaguely jealous, which was funny, since he had no one to be jealous of. No man
had ever really been that interested in her. Oh, she’d had teenage boyfriends, but nothing lasting. One
young man had taken a strong interest in her when she was nineteen, and they’d spent a lot of time
together. Annalisa had encouraged her relentlessly to be with him, pushing him on Cat to the point of
making a spectacle of herself. Her sister had believed the two of them would’ve made a perfect
couple, direct quote.

But all she could ever think of when she’d been with kind, bashful Lorenzo was how she couldn’t
pursue anything further with him. She was promised to another. More than that, she secretly enjoyed
being promised to another. At that young age, she believed herself half in love with Rafael.

Foolish, girlish dreams. She hadn’t a clue what love meant. She still wasn’t sure.

But she knew what it was like to lust. To want. She wanted Rafe so badly her body ached for his.

She needed to be honest with him. Before they continued this night, she must tell him the truth. It was
only right. If he pushed her away, then at least she would know where she stood with him.

“I agree,” she finally said, her voice so small she noticed he cocked his head toward her, his fingers
toying with her sex, making it hard for her to think. “No one wants to hear that sort of thing. I don’t
have any stories like that, though.”

“What do you mean?” He wasn’t really paying attention, too focused on the magic he was creating
between her legs.

Biting her lip, she fought to keep her senses when his fingers brushed her clit, causing her to whimper.
“I’ve…never been with another man before.”

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His fingers stilled, his gaze meeting hers. “Never?”

She slowly shook her head. “Ever.”

He slipped his hand out of her panties, lifting himself off of her, and she felt the loss keenly. “Are you
saying you’re a…”

“Virgin.” She nodded. “Yes. I am.”

Incredulity passed across his handsome face. “Really?”

Okay, his doubt was starting to irritate her. “I saved myself for you, Rafe. All these years, pushing
away the few boys who showed a bit of interest in me. I told them all I was promised to someone

“I…wow.” He settled back against the pillows, running a hand through his hair, mussing it up in the
most adorably sexy way. “I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this.”

She leaned into him, brushing her breasts against his biceps, dropping a kiss on his shoulder. “You
must admit, this situation we’ve been a part of since we were children is rather unusual.”

“Cat.” He moved so quickly, she suddenly found herself on her back again, Rafe above her, his lower
body pressed against hers, nestled between her hips. “It—it means a lot, that you’re so willing to give
your body up to me.”

“I’d always planned on giving myself to you,” she confessed, sucking in a harsh breath when he bent
his head, kissing her silent.

“You fully planned on giving your body to someone else when you ended it with me a few nights
ago,” he murmured against her mouth.

He would never tire of bringing that back up, would he? If they married, would he mention that
incident twenty years from now? Forty years? “That was a moment of irrationality.”

“So you admit that we belong together.”

She nodded. “I wouldn’t be with you like this if I didn’t believe it.”

His gaze was reverent as it roved over her face. He touched her, his fingers drifting down her cheek,
across her lips. She shivered at his gentle caress. “We can make this work, can’t we?”

“Yes. I hope so,” she whispered, closing her eyes when he kissed her, his tongue thrusting against
hers. Yes, they certainly could.

The realization filled her with such joy, she was almost afraid she might cry.

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Rafe couldn’t believe what Cat just admitted. She’d saved herself for him all of these years? And she
was a virgin?

Had he ever had a virgin in his bed before, even when he’d been an untried youth? He didn’t think so.

In fact, he knew so. The girl who’d introduced him to sex had been a knowledgeable seventeen-year-
old who’d been only too eager to show him everything she knew. Which she did, for hours and hours
on end. He’d walked away from her thankful for the experiences she’d given him.

Knowing that Cat had saved herself for him was…mind blowing. Shocking. He should view the gift
of her virginity as a privilege. She was untouched, pure, just for him, and he should treat her with all
the respect and gentleness that she deserved.

And here he’d groped her in the back seat of a car. Slipped his hands in her panties and gotten her off
with a few precise flicks and thrusts of his fingers. Treating her like she was some sort of common
woman, easy to give it up to him.

He felt like a complete shit.

“Cat.” He kissed her, restraining himself, not wanting to frighten her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” she said, her voice full of so much conviction he could almost believe her.

But he feared he would. He wanted her, too damn much. Look at how quickly he’d attacked her in the
car. Only moments ago he’d had his hand in her panties already, stroking her wet, hot flesh. She
wanted him too. He knew this. But he couldn’t take it too far, too quickly. He needed to be careful
with her. Respectful.

“I want to make this good for you,” he murmured as he eased up off of her.

She grabbed hold of him, keeping him in place. “You already have.”

Closing his eyes, he fought the wave of frustration—mixed with a healthy dose of lust—that wanted to
overtake him. Had he ever felt like this? He wanted to tear into Cat and fuck her into oblivion. Forget
everything else. Just looking at her nearly naked and spread across his bed like his own personal
plaything made him want to take her. Make her his.


The word ran through his head again and again as he bent and took her lips in a decadent, lush kiss.
As he ran his hands all over her silky soft flesh, earning whispered cries of pleasure from Cat for his
efforts. Those sounds encouraged him, and he slid down her body, kissing her everywhere, licking her
nipples, mapping her stomach with his lips. He gripped the flimsy sides of her panties, literally
tearing them from her body and a shocked gasp escaped her, reminding him that he was nothing but an

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“Sorry,” he muttered, pulling her destroyed panties from her body, his cock twitching when he caught
sight of the bounty before him. Scant, dark, curling pubic hair hid her pretty pink depths.

“For what?”

Glancing up, he saw her glazed-with-lust eyes, the way her chest rose and fell rapidly, her skin
flushed delicately. She was aroused. The knowledge aroused him further, but he refused to let himself
get out of control. He’d probably frighten her and turn her off sex for the rest of her life. And they
couldn’t have that. “I need to control myself.”

“Please.” She brought herself into a sitting position, giving him no choice but to back away from her.
Grabbing hold of him, she looped her arms around his neck, pressing her naked body against his in the
most tantalizing of caresses. “I don’t want you to be controlled. You don’t need to hold back for my
sake. I won’t break, Rafe. I want you wild.” She purposely brushed her breasts against his chest. He
could feel her nipples come into contact with his skin, and he broke out into a sweat. “Show me how
wild you can be,” she whispered.

Groaning, he kissed her, thrusting his tongue inside, searching her mouth. She pulled him down on top
of her, her hands roaming all over his skin, driving him crazy with lust. She trembled beneath him,
reminding him that she had no experience, that he was the first man to show her everything, and the
knowledge filled him with an unmistakable surge of power.

He would make this good for her. He had to. She deserved no less.

Cat wrapped her legs around his hips, anchoring her to him, and he rubbed against her, his cock
nudging her sex, bathing the tip in her wetness. Closing his eyes tight, he breathed deep, afraid he’d
push forward and plow into her like some untamed beast.

“You feel so good,” she whispered near his ear, just before she bit it. “I want to know what it’s like
to have you inside me, Rafe. Please. Please show me now.”

Christ. She was going wild for him and she hadn’t a clue what she was doing. How her innate
reactions were driving him on. Making him want to forget all thoughts of being careful and in control.

Reaching for the bedside table, he opened the drawer and dug around inside, pulling out a condom.
He reared up on his knees, watching her move restlessly as he tore open the wrapper and rolled the
condom on his aching cock.

“You’re beautiful,” she whispered, staring at him unabashedly. “And rather…large.”

He burst out laughing, pleased with her frank assessment. There was a hint of fear lurking in her gaze,
but it seemed overshadowed by lust, and he went with that. Hoping like hell he didn’t hurt her too

Because he would hurt her—he’d heard that enough from those he knew who’d taken virgins. It was a
painful process, but one that was necessary, so at the very least he could be careful and take his time
when he first entered her.

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Damn. He couldn’t wait to be inside her and make her truly his.

“Cat.” She met his gaze when he said her name, a little smile curving her swollen lips. Unable to
resist, he kissed her, pleased at how easily she opened for him. “The first time I push inside…I’m
going to hurt you.”

She slowly shook her head. “I don’t care. It’ll be a good pain.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“The pain will signify that I gave myself to you completely. That I belong to you.” She ran her hands
up his chest, brushing over his nipples, and he released a shuddering breath. “I can’t wait to truly
belong to you, Rafe.”

That did it. All this talk of taking and possessing and belonging was his undoing. He gripped the base
of his cock and guided himself as carefully as he could toward her entry, slipping just the head inside
her, wanting to let her grow used to the feel of him. She sank her teeth into her lower lip, her eyes
shuttering closed, and he stared at her for a moment, overcome by her beauty.

Overcome by the fact that this woman was his.

She sucked in a harsh breath, her hips lifting, which sent him inside her a few inches deeper. Her eyes
flew open and met his, and he saw the pain etched across her face.

“You’re so big, it hurts,” she whispered, wiggling beneath him, a whimper escaping her when he sunk
deeper. “Please, Rafe. Get it over with.”

Shit. Get it over with? He didn’t want their first experience to be like this. “Cat, I swear I don’t want
to hurt you…”

“Stop.” She rested her hand on his cheek, her fingers smoothing over his skin. “It’s not that. I just—I
want you to push inside me. Quick. Get the painful part of this experience over with.”

Sweat dripped on his brow as he restrained himself. Her touch, the heat of her body, the wet velvet
sensation of her mysterious depths was nearly doing him in and he wasn’t even all the way inside her.
“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She nodded, smiling despite the pain. “Please. Do it.”

He rocked into her, sliding deeper, deeper still, until he couldn’t go any farther. She bit her lips, her
eyes squeezing shut as she tried to stifle her cries, but it was no use. The agonized sound that tore out
of her ripped his heart.

Pushing her hair away from her forehead, he cradled her, not moving, wanting her to adjust to him
being fully inside her. She shifted beneath him, her inner walls constricting around his length, and the
familiar tingling at the base of his spine was already forming, threatening he could orgasm at any

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If they kept this up, he’d be coming like an untried boy. Ending this experience before it ever really

No way he could let that happen.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

Cat opened her eyes, at the same moment spreading her legs, accommodating him further, and they
both moaned at the sensation.

“Yes,” she finally whispered as he began to move inside her. “Oh yes.”

He withdrew almost completely out before surging back inside, keeping his pace slow, keeping his
gaze locked on her expressive face. Her every emotion, every reaction was there for him to see and
enjoy. The tension in her forehead, around her eyes, eased with his every slow thrust, until he knew
she was experiencing nothing but true pleasure.

And God yes, so was he. So much pleasure he was almost consumed with it. He didn’t want to go too
fast, didn’t want it to end too soon, but he was anxious to rush to the end, anxious to come with Cat
and hopefully bring her to climax as well.

Reaching between them, he touched her clit, stroked it in repetitive circles that had her straining her
hips, a throaty groan escaping her as he pushed deep, increasing his pace.

Damn it, he was close. Hopefully so was she.

“Come for me, Cat,” he urged, needing her to respond.

“Yes,” she whispered, her body frantic beneath his. “Oh God, yes.”

And then she was crying out, her body tense beneath his before the orgasm took over her. Her entire
body shook, her inner walls milking his cock, squeezing his own orgasm out of him, and he tumbled
right after her, a guttural groan escaping him as he slumped over her still trembling body.

Unfamiliar emotions overtook him as he stared down at her flushed face, reading the satisfaction
there, the utter bliss in her gaze when her lids lifted and she smiled at him. That look, this woman,
pleased him.

Scared him.

He had to do right by her and never let her out of his sight again.

No matter what.

Chapter Ten

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“I want you to meet my sister,” Rafe said nonchalantly over breakfast.

The fork slipped from Cat’s fingers, clattering on the plate with a loud clang. “What?”

He smiled, looking rather pleased with himself. He was gorgeous, sitting there with hair mussed by
her fingers, his chest bare, clad in only navy blue pajama bottoms that hung low on his hips and made
her want to push them off his intoxicating body so she could taste him everywhere.

Which she’d done. Repeatedly. All earlier inhibitions had flown out the window after spending so
much time with Rafe all alone.

“We’ve been in this delicious little cocoon long enough, don’t you think? We’re flying out late tonight
to return you to Italy. I’d like you to meet Stasia and her family while you’re still here and have the
chance. I know she’ll adore you. I’m sure you’ll like you too.”

Nerves ate at her, evaporating her earlier ravenous appetite. Rafe was right. The last few days they’d
done nothing but hide away in his apartment, go out for a quick bite to eat or order in and stay in bed.
Naked. Or in the shower, or on the couch, against the wall…

Always naked. Making love repeatedly.

She’d never been happier. He’d already taken her cell phone away from her, had turned his off, and
they’d spent their time focused on each other. Together. Sharing stories of their past, their present,
though never daring to speak of their future. Both of them too afraid to break the spell that had settled
over them after their first night together. When she’d given herself so freely to him.

Not that she regretted it, oh no. This man belonged to her just as much as she belonged to him. They
were going to be married and forge a life together that would be filled with happiness and respect.
The complete opposite of her parents’ marriage, the example she’d witnessed her entire life and been
so desperately afraid of repeating.

There was no chance of that happening, now that she knew Rafe so well, so quickly. She knew he was
a good man, thoughtful and kind, sexy and fun. He made her laugh, he made her weep with pleasure,
and more than anything, he made her feel cherished.

Special. Loved.

They hadn’t spoken those words to each other and she knew it was too soon. Far too soon for them to
make such important, life changing declarations. But deep in her heart, she knew. She was halfway—
if not completely—in love with him already.

And she was fine with that. No, she was ecstatic. These last few days together were more than proof
that their union was meant to be. She couldn’t wait to officially start their life together.

“What were you thinking?” she finally asked, trying her best to sound casual. But an unmistakable

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tremor crept into her voice, revealing her nerves. “Meeting them for lunch or something?”

“Exactly that.” He reached out, settled his hand over hers on the table and gave it a reassuring
squeeze. “Don’t be nervous, love. Stasia is a sweetheart, her daughter will wrap you around her little
finger with one cute smile and her husband is a good man. You’ll like them.”

But would they like her? They knew of her and Rafe’s somewhat messy situation and unusual past.
Most likely, his sister was aware of the estrangement the last few years that mostly came from her
sister. And from what Rafe told her, Matteo had tried his best to end their arrangement as well—all to
protect Rafe, though, Rafe had explained. Matteo had always been afraid Rafe was going forward
with something he didn’t want to do, that he felt obligated to do.

Exactly Cat’s fears too. To realize that Rafe wanted to be with her just as much as she wanted to be
with him—albeit for different reasons then—but that they were on the same page now? It was a
tremendous relief.

“I called her,” Rafe continued, pushing away his empty plate. The man had an appetite like no other.
“And she said she’d love to meet us for a late lunch. Around two, she suggested. Does that work for

Like she’d protest. “That would be fine.” She stared at her barely touched plate, wondering how
she’d ever work up an appetite to eat lunch while under the scrutiny of an overprotective sister. She
knew her own sister would be an absolute nightmare to deal with in a similar situation. She’d never
want to subject Rafe to a meal with Annalisa, let alone a ten-minute brief meeting.

Of course, Stasia Westmore wasn’t anything like Annalisa. And Rafe wouldn’t lie to her, would he? If
he believed his sister would approve of her, then she most likely would.

“Your worry over meeting Stasia is adorable.” Rafe lifted her hand and brought it to his mouth,
dropping a soft kiss on her fingers. “After everything she’s been through, Stasia is the least judgmental
person I know. If you make me happy, you’ll make her happy.”

Her heart tightened at his words. “Do I really make you happy, Rafe?”

He smiled, his eyes glowing as he drank her in. “That you have to ask is adorable too. What do you
think? After everything we’ve shared over the last few days, do you think I’m happy?”

“It’s been amazing,” she confessed, her voice soft as she disentangled her hand from his. “But it’s
been nothing but sex. Extraordinary sex, but still. Anyone would be happy with that, I would think.”
Not that she knew. This experience was completely new and foreign.

“That’s not all it’s been between us and you know it.” He sounded irritated, which shocked her.
“We’ve talked a lot. I’ve shared with you things I’ve never told anyone before, not even my brothers.
And I tell those two bastards pretty much everything.”

A small smile teased the corner of her lips. “You’re right. I’m sorry. But…is that enough? We haven’t
really talked about our future or made any plans. What’s next for us? When I return to Italy, are you

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just dropping me off and returning here? When will we next see each other again?”

“When do you want to see me again?”

“Oh no.” She shook her head, pursing her lips. “I’m not falling for that trap. You need to tell me what
you want to do.” She feared if she revealed too much he’d use it against her. Or worse, tell her he
wasn’t interested in pursuing their relationship toward marriage, though she knew she was being
completely irrational, thinking this way. She’d always feared he’d use her feelings for him against
her. Her father did it to her mother all the time.

She didn’t want to give Rafe that type of advantage.

“All right.” He took a deep breath. “First, we’ll take you home, and you can talk with your sister and
mother. Perhaps your father too, if he’s decent enough to finally show up and spend a little time with
his family.” He snorted, no doubt knowing he spoke of something that had zero chance of happening.

How she loved his irritation over her father’s deplorable behavior. She’d confessed all of Carlo
Campioni’s sins, though Rafe knew many of them already. He’d immediately become her champion
against her father—against her entire family.

She wondered if he knew how much she appreciated that.

“Then what?” she prodded.

“I’d hope you would let your family know that our arrangement is still moving forward. And that you
wouldn’t mind giving your notice to quit working at Campioni.”

Her breath lodged in her throat, she was so overcome with what he said. He was breaking it down,
everything she’d ever wanted from him, making it all a reality.

“If you want a large wedding, I would be more than happy to give that to you, Kitty Cat. But know
this. I want you to move to New York as soon as possible. I can’t stand the thought of being apart
from you for too long. If I had my way, we’d be married at the courthouse downtown tomorrow
afternoon.” His cheeks turned ruddy, and she wondered if he was a little embarrassed to admit his
eagerness to wed her.

His confession made her heart sing with joy. Unable to restrain herself, she lunged toward him, falling
into his lap with a laugh, circling her arms around his neck so she could kiss him thoroughly. “That
sounds wonderful,” she whispered against his lips after she broke the kiss.

“What part?” he asked, nipping at her lower lip with his teeth.

“All of it.” She licked him, a little sigh escaping her when he met her tongue with his.

“So you want a ridiculously grand wedding?” He sounded reluctant at the idea.

“No. Not at all. I want a ridiculously grand reception. I’d rather marry you at the courthouse.” She

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tried to deepen their sweet little kisses, but he pushed at her shoulder, putting some distance between
them so he could study her.

“You’re serious.”

“Absolutely.” She nodded, her gaze never leaving his dear, handsome face. She’d grown to care so
much for him over such a short amount of time. The acceleration of their relationship was frightening,
but exhilarating too. It just felt so…right. “I know this has happened fast, but we’ve been promised to
each other for so long, I’m not surprised. And when you know…”

“You know,” he finished for her. “You’ve always been the one for me, even when you thought you
didn’t want me at all.”

“Yes. I realize that now.” She offered him a tremulous smile, tears threatening to fall. “I want to
marry you, Rafe. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don’t need a grand ceremony for us to
prove our fidelity to each other or even an elaborate reception. Whatever you want, I want. But I want
to do it with you and only you.”

He tightened his arms around her. “I’ll stay in Italy and help you finalize everything. Whatever
personal items you need shipped to the States, how you want to handle your family, all of it, I’ll be
there for you.”

“Oh Rafe.” Happiness exploded within her, making her lightheaded. “I can’t believe this is

“I can’t either, but I’m glad for it.” He buried his face in her hair, breathing deep. She squeezed him
close, overcome with emotion for this man. “Only a few days ago you’d been ready to end it.”

“I did end it,” she reminded him a laugh.

“Yes. But I wouldn’t let you. I’m rather stubborn. I don’t know if you’ve realized that yet.”

She pulled away to study him, knowing her raw, unfiltered emotions were written all over her face
for him to see. And she didn’t care in the least. “Yes, I think I’ve realized it.”

“Good. Makes it easier to live with me, if you know what you’re dealing with.”

They both laughed, Rafe’s hand wandering lower until it slipped under his T-shirt that she wore, his
fingers grazing the bare skin of her bottom. “Naked beneath my shirt, Kitty Cat?”

She nodded, her breath hitching when his fingers shifted to stroke between her legs, finding her damp
with want. “Giving you easier access, since I’m always thinking of you.”

“A selfless move on your part, hmm?” He sounded doubtful, which was fine.

Wearing nothing beneath her clothes was just as much an advantage for her as it was for him.

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“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy,” Stasia said with a slight shake of her head. “It’s like you
can’t stop smiling. And you’re usually a big grump, Rafael. Don’t deny it.”

“Ah, thanks so much, sister dear. And I thought Matteo cornered the market on grumpy.” Nothing was
going to get him down this afternoon, not even his little sister’s subtle insults. He was with the woman
he was falling in love with, in a big, noisy restaurant in the middle of New York City. Watching her
play with his niece, laugh at something his brother-in-law said, all the while her gaze never left pretty
little Sofia.

He wondered what she might be like as a mother.

A wonderful one, he hadn’t a doubt. Seeing the delight in her eyes as she played with Sofia was
enough to make him realize she would be perfect.

Cat was perfect in his eyes. At this moment, the woman could do no wrong.

“Oh, our big brother owns the market on grumpy, though my other big brother Alex could certainly
challenge him for the title.” Stasia nudged his side. “You’ve been in a bit of snit these last few
months, and you know it. That’s what I was referring to.”

His so-called snit had everything to do with Cat and not knowing what was going to happen between
them. “I’m over it.”

“I can tell. And I think it has a little something to do with her.” Stasia waved her hand in Cat’s
direction. “She’s lovely, Rafe. Nothing like the silly little shrew she’s been portrayed as.”

“And who’s told you she’s a silly little shrew?”

“Matteo,” Stasia answered with a shrug. “Well, more like he said he worried Catalina was turning
into a shrew just like her big sister. Is Annalisa Campioni really that bad?”

“Worse than you could ever imagine.” He wasn’t lying. He dreaded speaking with her sister when he
returned Cat to Italy. He knew Annalisa would be difficult, stubborn, impossible to reason with.

“Well, Cat is delightful. I like her a lot.” Stasia smiled. “She’s completely smitten with you.”

“I know.” Funny, how she hadn’t been just a few days ago. “I’m smitten with her as well, though.”

“I can tell.”

They spoke of their family, business matters, but he couldn’t focus. His thoughts were consumed with
Cat. How close they’d become in only a few days. How responsive she was to his every sexual
whim, how much she’d shared with him. Their future together looked bright and he wasn’t fighting it.

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He could love this woman. Being married to her wouldn’t be a hardship. She was sweet, intelligent
and sexy. Easy to laugh, easy to arouse—she was his perfect match. How had their fathers known?

The lunch had gone wonderfully, Stasia bombarding Cat with questions in typical sister fashion. Cat
volleyed them well, keeping pace, tossing back her own questions in equal time. He’d watched them
both with amusement, pleased that two of the most important women in his life were getting along.

“Too bad Mama isn’t here,” Stasia said softly.

“Are you a mind reader? I was just thinking about her,” Rafe said, his gaze never straying from Cat. “I
think she’d approve.”

“I know she would. All she ever cares about is if we’re happy. And if the one who makes us happy is
kind.” Stasia smiled. “She has a thoughtful heart. She looks at you as if she thinks you’re perfect.”

He snorted. “Trust me. She knows I’m not.”

“And still cares for you despite it. That’s proof you shouldn’t let her go.” Stasia smiled. “So, what
happens next for you two?”

Rafe explained their plan, glad that Cat was too occupied by Gavin and Sofia to hear what he said.
“I’m worried, though,” he said when he’d told Stasia everything. “About her sister and her mother.
I’m sure they’ll be reluctant to let her go.”

“It’s a written agreement, though. A legal document notarized by lawyers and everything,” Stasia
pointed out. “I know it’s something not done much anymore, but she was promised to you, Rafe. It’s
not as if you’ve stolen her away from her family forever.”

Guilt washed over him. He’d sort of stolen her away from Italy. Blatantly calling it a kidnapping,
confiscating her phone so her sister couldn’t spit her poisonous venom at her and ruin this moment
they were sharing. He still had Cat’s phone, would’ve gladly given it over if she asked for it.

But she hadn’t. Maybe she didn’t want to face her sister’s wrath either, not that he could blame her.

“They’ll still be angry. Her sister doesn’t approve of me.”

“I’m sure you could convince her otherwise. You’re quite good at that,” Stasia said with a small

He recalled a moment when he had tried to convince Annalisa that he was a decent man. A little over
a year ago, at a party for Renaldi, he’d found himself cornered by her. She’d been pleasant, a
surprise, and more than a little drunk, another surprise. He’d tried to work his charm. Turning their
conversation to Cat, he’d tried to dig for information.

She’d turned hostile, almost angry that he dare speak of Catalina, and she’d told him in no uncertain
terms she wanted him to avoid her baby sister at all costs.

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Then she’d tried to throw herself at him. He’d pushed her off, telling himself no way was this really
happening. Later that night, he’d found Cat and kissed her senseless, ready to beg her to run away with
him so they could finally be married.

Instead, she asked for time. And like a jackass, he’d given it to her. Now he wondered if her sister
had found her that night and told her to stay away from him. He wouldn’t doubt it.

The memory troubled him. He’d kept it from Cat so he wouldn’t upset her, but maybe that had been
the wrong choice. She deserved to know.

But how would she react, knowing he kept it from her all this time? He didn’t want to face that.

They eventually wrapped up the lunch, Stasia and Gavin going their way with Sofia in tow, while he
and Cat hopped into a taxi and headed back to his apartment. She needed to get back so she could
pack her things and prepare for the flight back to Italy, which he’d arranged with the Worth private jet
once again through Stasia. And he needed to get Cat alone so he could make love to her.

He desperately wanted to lose himself inside her before he returned her home one last time.

And that was the one thing that kept him going, that he knew she would return. That he could make her
his bride and they could live together here in New York. He also wanted her to work at Renaldi. He
hadn’t mentioned it yet, thought it too soon to ask, but he knew she would be a good fit there. She
seemed to get along well with Stasia and wondered if his sister would want an addition to her
jewelry line team in the publicity and marketing department. He knew that was where Cat’s strengths
were. He’d done his research before this, but it was different, assessing her in person.

She was smart and capable, creative and full of ideas. He’d asked her a barrage of questions about
her job at Campioni on purpose, trying to get a glimpse of her working style. He’d liked what he’d
seen. Hoped like hell she would agree, though it would mean she wasn’t going to work at Campioni at
all anymore.

She hadn’t protested when he mentioned it earlier, but she might not like that. It was a chance he
needed to take. Only after he made her his bride, though.

“You’re very quiet,” Cat observed when they walked into his apartment. She headed down the hall
and he trailed after her, watching as she went into the guest bedroom and grabbed her small travel
bag, tossing it onto the bed. “Is everything all right? Did I pass the sister test?”

“With flying colors. She likes you, just as I said she would.” He strode into the bedroom, and stopped
behind her, his hands going to her waist. “I’m feeling melancholy.”

She leaned back against him, and he could hear the smile in her voice, the teasing lilt. “Why? Because
you’ll miss me?”

So intuitive, not that he was subtle. “I don’t want you to leave.”

Shoulders sagging the slightest bit, she slowly shook her head. “I have to. I need to talk to my family

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and make things right between all of us. There are matters to wrap up, both business and personal.
Plus, I need to pack my things.” She paused, her entire body stiffening beneath his touch. “Are you
sure this is what you want, Rafe? Me returning with you? Marrying you? We’re taking a rather huge
step in a short amount of time.”

Irritation flashed through him. Did she not get it? They’d discussed their plans plenty of times.
“We’ve already been over this. I want you here with me. As my wife.” He tightened his grip on her
waist, turning her so she had to face him. “This is right, Cat. What’s happening between us. It’s meant
to be. No one can stop us from finding our happiness together.”

Cat threw herself at him, her arms going around him tight, her body nestled close. He held her, his
face in her hair, his hands stroking her back. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Your words mean so much
to me.”

You mean so much to me, he thought as he kissed her, slowly undressed her and took her right there
on the guest bed.

But he didn’t have the guts to say it.

Chapter Eleven

Cat sat in the dark living room, her hand clutched tight around her cell phone as she waited for it to
power up. She’d fallen into bed with Rafe, packed her belongings, fallen back into bed with Rafe—
his bed this time—and they’d made love for what felt like hours. Until the both of them were
exhausted and he encouraged her that they should get some sleep before they left for the airport and
their red-eye flight back to Italy.

She’d finally asked for her phone, knowing she needed to face the cold, harsh reality that was her life
with her mother and sister sometime. He’d agreed readily, handing over the phone from where he kept
it in the nightstand, but warned her it was most likely dead.

Which it had been. She’d found her charger and plugged it then, then lay down with Rafe because he’d
called to her, telling her he missed having her close.

So she’d snuggled into bed with him, their naked limbs entwined around each other. Sleep came
quickly for Rafe and she envied him that. She couldn’t sleep at all.

Too excited, too worried over what the next few days would mean for her.

Finally giving up, she’d grabbed her fully charged phone and snuck out into the living room, nibbling
her lip as she saw the endless list of unread text messages.

Every single one of those messages was from Annalisa.

They ran the gamut, from angry and threatening to sweet and cajoling. So many words, so many

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messages, so much energy and effort put into that list of texts, Cat became overwhelmed just scrolling
through them.

So she quit, hitting the button that would delete them all and remove them from her phone.

The voicemails needed to be tackled next. She listened to the one left by her mother. It was a sobbing,
impassioned plea for her to return and how much her mother needed her. Cat didn’t doubt she meant
what she said.

She was so tired of being at her mother’s—and her sister’s—beck and call. Sick of it. They needed to
live their lives on their own.

As did she.

The other twenty-two—yes, twenty-freaking-two—voicemails were from Annalisa. She didn’t listen
to any of them but the final one, which was left two hours ago.

“You said you’d return soon, and I hope you were telling the truth, Catalina. You’re needed at
Campioni. At home, for Mama and for me. Father’s been making noise, saying he’ll take the business
away from me if both of his girls aren’t here to run it properly.” Annalisa took a deep breath,
sounding as if she needed to fortify herself. “You can’t ever leave us. I won’t let Rafael Renaldi take
you away again. I mean it. Whatever it takes, Cat. Whatever it takes.”

Icy dread slid down Cat’s spine and she saved the message, though she wasn’t sure why. Annalisa’s
threat scared her, more for Rafe than anything else. What did her sister mean, “whatever it takes”?
What did she think she could do to Rafe to keep her away from him? Her sister had never been violent
person. An angry one, yes indeed.

But violence? She didn’t think Annalisa had it in her.

Could she?

Deciding to chance it, Cat brought up her sister’s name in her call list and dialed her, knowing that
Annalisa probably wouldn’t be awake. Which might work out better, because then she could leave a
voicemail saying she was perfectly fine and offer up the time when she would arrive.

And that was exactly what happened. Annalisa’s voicemail answered and Cat left a message,
reassuring her sister that she was all right, she was safe and returning home soon, and that she had
something specific she needed to discuss with both of them.

“My life is changing,” Cat murmured into her phone. “And it’s for the better. I hope you can see that
and support me. I need your support. I love you.”

“Who are you talking to?”

She dropped the phone on the ground, muttering a low curse when it hit the floor with a loud thud.
Reaching down, she grabbed it, nerves making her shake as Rafe approached.

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“Catalina. Who were you talking to?” He sounded angry, his expression dark and unreadable, and she
stared up at him, frowning.

“I was leaving a message for Annalisa,” she answered. “I figured it was better to contact her and let
her know when we would be arriving.”

“Oh.” Looking chastised, he sat on the couch beside her, completely naked and painfully beautiful.
“I’m sure that was a good idea. Hopefully she’ll understand.”

“Who did you think I was talking to?” He’d sounded almost jealous, which was ridiculous because he
knew her situation. There wasn’t a thing for him to be jealous about.

“I don’t know. A secret boyfriend?” He blew out a frustrated breath, running his fingers through his
messy dark hair. “I’m an ass, but I couldn’t help the thought crossing my mind. No one wants to
stagger out into their living room half-asleep only to find their woman whispering into her cell phone
how much she loves the person she’s talking to.”

She could almost laugh at the possessive tone in his voice, but thought it unwise. “I was trying to
reassure Annalisa that everything was fine and they didn’t need to send out the police force in search
of me. Knowing her, she’s already done so.”

“You don’t really believe that…do you?” Rafe asked, his voice cautious.

“I’m joking.” She nudged him, but he remained stiff beside her. “Rafe, really. She wouldn’t do
something like that. I was trying to be funny.”

Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees, looking pensive. “I wouldn’t put it past her, Cat.
She’s rather…unhinged. And she hates me. Or wants me—I can’t quite figure it out.”

Shock ripped through her, and she leapt to her feet. “What did you just say?”

He gazed up at her, his eyes dark and full of misery. “She came on to me once. The night I kissed

“What?” She shook her head. What was he saying? It made no sense. Her sister had come on to him?
When she knew she’d been promised to Rafe practically her entire life?

Annalisa hated him. Could hardly stand looking at him. Though she’d suspected more than once that
her sister was jealous, she certainly never believed she would take it so far.

“She doesn’t like you,” Cat insisted. “She says the worst things about you. She thinks you’re a
disgusting pig.” Was she trying to convince Rafe…or herself?

“Ah, thanks for that reminder, my lovely little Kitty Cat. I already know she’s not my biggest fan. But
she did come on to me that evening. Rather boldly too.”

“You must’ve misunderstood her.”

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“There was nothing to misunderstand.” He scrubbed his hand along his jaw, sighing loudly. “She was
drunk. And rather talkative—awfully touchy-feely too. I tried to push her off of me, thinking she was
too drunk to be responsible for what she was doing, but then she said some things that made me
realize maybe she’d harbored a crush on me for a while.”

“What sort of things?” Cat asked, feeling overtly skeptical. But it was just so hard for her to
comprehend, Annalisa lusting for Rafe. Since when?

“She said we were the better match. That she wished our fathers had put us together and not you and I.
She thought you were too young and silly for me.”

Pain lanced at her with every word Rafe said. “She couldn’t have said that,” she said feebly.

“She did.” His gaze met hers and he frowned, standing so he could pull her into his arms and comfort
her, but she withdrew from his embrace, needing the distance to understand everything he told her.

“I don’t understand why she would say such horrible things about you when supposedly she wants
you. It makes no sense.”

“Maybe she’s trying to turn you against me so she could go after me instead? Not that I’d ever be
interested.” He reached for her again and she sidestepped him, thankful she was clad in his T-shirt
versus naked. Naked would’ve left her feeling vulnerable.

Not that he seemed vulnerable in his nude state. The man was so comfortable in his own skin.

“I don’t know what to think about this. Why didn’t you tell me before?” She wrapped her arms around
herself, rubbing her chilled skin. She didn’t like the implications behind his words. What if Annalisa
really was interested in Rafe? What if her constantly bad talking about him was her way of trying to
get him to be hers? It made no sense.

Yet, it also did…

“I didn’t want to hurt you or upset you. She’s not important to me. The more memorable moment of
that night is when I kissed you.” He grabbed her, and she let him this time, going into his arms easily.
“Once I had a taste of you, I knew I’d never let you go.”

“But you did. When I asked for time.” She’d asked for it only after Annalisa’s encouragement that
night. She hadn’t thought of asking for any time—she’d always been so eager to be Rafe’s wife. But
Annalisa had convinced her it was the right thing to do…

Now she wondered if Annalisa had started in on her before or after she tried to make a play on Rafe.

“You shocked me. I had the kiss of a lifetime and then the only woman who could make my head spin
with the brush of her lips asks me if we could have some time? I was so dumbstruck I said yes.”

She rested her head against his chest, weary of rehashing the past. “I’m tired of talking about it. I just
want to focus on our future.”

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He rubbed a hand over her hair, his fingers tangling in the strands. “I agree.”

“I won’t let Annalisa get in our way,” she promised.

“I believe you.” He kissed the top of her head. “The two of us together, we’re an unstoppable force,
aren’t we?”

“We are,” she agreed, her stomach twisting with nerves.

She certainly hoped they were.

The plane had been stuck on the tarmac at JFK airport, weather inhibiting their takeoff. The flight
finally left nearly two hours late, Rafe encouraging Cat to slip into the tiny bedroom and catch some

He’d joined her, because he couldn’t get enough of her and wanted just a few more hours of quiet
intimacy with this woman before they had to face the harsh realities of her family, her business. He’d
rather pretend nothing else existed but the two of them.

But that wasn’t very realistic or smart. So he needed to face their problems head on and solve them.

First one up? Annalisa.

The plane finally landed, Cat a little groggy from waking up not even twenty minutes prior and a lot
nervous. Her mood agitated him, made him anxious and jumpy, and when they finally departed from
the plane, he held her hand as they made their way toward the car he’d hired to take them to her family

“Are you okay?” she asked under her breath, clutching his hand tight.

Uneasiness washed over him, and he tried to ignore it. “I’ll be good once we get out of here,” he
answered truthfully, releasing her hand so he could rest it at the small of her back. Something didn’t
feel right, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

“I don’t want to see Annalisa,” she admitted, her voice small. “I’m afraid of how she might react.”

“I feel the same way,” he agreed. “But the two of us together should be able to handle her, don’t you

“Yes.” She sounded relieved as she sagged a little bit against him. “You don’t know how much I
appreciate your support. I’ve been dealing with her alone for so long, I don’t know what it’s like to
be able to rely on someone else.”

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“You can always rely on me, Cat. I can assure you that,” he said, turning his head to the right when he
heard a strange, loud banging noise.

And noticed the fleet of uniformed police officers headed in their direction.

“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, earning Cat’s attention.

“What? What’s wrong?” She turned to see what he was looking at and a sharp gasp escaped her. “Oh
my God, what’s happening?”

“I don’t know,” he murmured, stopping just in front of the car. Unease slipped down his spine and he
breathed deep, wondering what the hell could they want.

The police neared, their leader stepping out in front, a big hulk of a man with biceps the size of his
head and dark sunglasses shading his eyes, expression unreasonable. “Are you Rafael Renaldi?”

Rafe stepped away from Cat, wariness settling over him. “I am.”

The policeman nodded. “I’m afraid we’re here to arrest you, Mr. Renaldi. I do hope you’ll be
cooperative and not make a scene.”

“Of course.” He stepped forward, filled with regret at having to leave Cat’s side. “May I ask what
I’m under arrest for?”

“Kidnapping.” He glanced at Cat. “Are you Catalina Campioni?”

“I am.” She moved so she stood beside Rafe once again, her voice firm. “And I left the country with
Mr. Renaldi of my own free will. There’s no reason you need to arrest him, sir. There’s no
kidnapping involved in this situation whatsoever.”

“According to your sister, a Ms. Annalisa Campioni, you haven’t been in the right mental state for
years. She’s afraid for your safety. Both at your own hands and at Mr. Renaldi’s.”

“That is the biggest pile of garbage I’ve ever heard.” Cat stepped in between the two men, her posture
stiff, her expression wildly defiant. “I refuse to let you arrest him.”

“That’s not up for you to decide, little lady,” the cop said, clearly irritated.

But Rafe’s Kitty Cat was enraged on his behalf. Pride filled him at seeing her like this, despite the
fact that she might be hurting his chances at making bail any time soon. “My sister is making all of this
up, sir. I swear to you, she’s lying. There’s nothing wrong with me or my mental state. I wanted to
leave with him. He’s my fiancé. We’re going to be married soon.”

“I understand you’re upset, Miss Campioni, but I have legal documents in my car that declare you
mentally unfit and that your sister is your temporary guardian.” The cop’s brow’s rose. “Do you want
me to get them so I can show you?”

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“What? Yes!” Cat threw her arms up in the air. “This is ridiculous.”

“Cat,” Rafe warned as the officer turned to one of his cohorts and asked him to grab the documents
from his car. “Stop making a scene. Please.”

She turned on him, her eyes blazing with fury. “She’s making everything up, Rafe. You know this.
Now she’s somehow had documents drawn up that claim my mental state is unstable? Next thing we
know, she’ll have me locked up in an institution and I’ll never be able to see you again!”

“Calm down.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into him, giving her a brief, tight hug.
“You keep this up and they really will think you’re mentally unstable. I need you to remain calm and
quiet. Don’t get in the policeman’s face. He doesn’t like it. You’ll only prove Annalisa right. And you
don’t want to do that, do you?” He gave her shoulders a little shake. “Can you do that for me?”

“Absolutely.” A shaky breath escaped her and she nodded once. “I’ll be calm. I promise.”

“I need you to, love. This is important. I’m about to be arrested for kidnapping you, though this
charge won’t stand. You’re a grown woman who left on your own accord.” Whose sister somehow
had declared her sister mentally incompetent. Who did she know to make that happen? Why would
she go to such lengths to ruin everything between him and Cat? He didn’t understand it. He’d hardly
paid attention to Annalisa over the years. Since the moment he knew Cat was meant for him, he’d
focused on her.

Maybe that was where the problem lay. Had Annalisa secretly wanted him? He’d never been given
that indication until that one moment over a year ago. And it had been so non-momentous, he’d
promptly forgotten all about it.

Funny, that. From everything Cat had told him, Annalisa received most of the attention from family,
business associates, friends. Not that she’d had many men in her life—both women were the typical,
sheltered Italian daughters. The only one who seemed to pay any attention to Cat was him.

Seemed that Annalisa didn’t like that. She wanted all the limelight. She wanted everything, even what
little Cat could lay claim to.

That the woman would go so far as to have him arrested for kidnapping displayed how far over the
edge she’d fallen. He still couldn’t quite wrap his head around it.

Especially when he saw the legal documents regarding Cat. The devastation and anger when she read
said documents, how she kissed him one last time before they handcuffed him and led him to a car.
She’d cried for him, tears streaming down her cheeks, and the sight of those tears had nearly done him

But he remained calm. He couldn’t believe how damn calm he felt. Maybe because he knew he hadn’t
done anything wrong. Or maybe because he knew he was dealing with a crazy woman.

And her name wasn’t Catalina Campioni. She was the best thing that ever happened to him.

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No, the crazy woman he referred to was Annalisa.

Chapter Twelve

“Why?” Cat strode into the living room where her sister sat with her mother and walked right up to
her, towering over her big sister with her finger pointed in Annalisa’s face. “Why did you do this to

Annalisa remained poised while, beside her, their mother silently wept as usual. “I warned you not to
leave with him.”

“So you have him arrested for kidnapping me? And make up lies that I’m a mental case and that
you’re now my temporary legal guardian? How dare you take it this far?”

“How dare you leave us with that good-for-nothing jerk who’ll do nothing but hurt you? I already
warned you about him. I’ve been warning you for years!” Annalisa’s eyes grew wild, her mouth tight.

Cat backed away from her and started pacing. Her mind raced with everything that had happened in
the last few hours. She’d followed Rafe and the police cars down to the local station, but they refused
to let her see him while he was in the booking process. Frustrated, she’d left, demanded that the car
take her to her home so she could confront her sister and find out exactly how and why she put
together this elaborate scheme.

But of course, her sister reacted as if she’d done nothing wrong, which frustrated Cat further. She
refused to reveal her irritation, though. That would only be giving Annalisa the upper hand, and that
was the last thing Cat wanted to do.

She needed to remember Rafe’s advice and remain calm. It was the only way she could figure out
exactly what happened. And how she could make this all right.

Cat needed to make this right. She needed to get her fiancé out of jail and the charges dropped so they
could move on with their lives and marry quickly, just as they’d planned.

“After spending these last few days with Rafe, I believe I know what sort of man he is,” Cat finally
said as she continued to pace the wide living room. “He has no plans on hurting me. He’s grown to
care for me just as much as I care for him.”

Annalisa burst out laughing, the sound harsh. Ugly. “If you believe that sort of drivel, then maybe you
do need me as your guardian.”

Cat stopped, glaring at her sister as her heart cracked in two. Who was this person who sat before
her? She’d had her trials with her sister since she could remember, but nothing as cruel and malicious
as this. “What happened to you? When did you become so…callous and mean?”

“I’m not mean. I’m trying my best to protect you. Can’t you see that? Can’t you see how he’s charming

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you now, convincing you that marrying him is the right thing to do? Once he traps you, he’ll treat you
like dirt. Just like our father treats our mother.” Annalisa waved a hand in their mother’s direction as
the poor woman used a tissue to dry the tears that stained her cheeks. “He’s worthless, Cat. Run now
while you still can. I bought you time, having him tossed in jail. You should be thanking me, not
yelling at me.”

Clearly, trying to rationalize with her sister was like talking to a crazy person. Totally ironic…

“Listen, I understand you’re upset.” Annalisa stood, a serene smile on her face. But something about
that smile, about Annalisa’s demeanor, was off. “Why don’t we have something to eat and we can
discuss the matter more thoroughly? Perhaps you can help me better understand what happened
between you and Rafe.”

Wariness crept over Cat. “You want to help us? Why?”

“I didn’t say I wanted to help you. More like I want to know why you ran away with him when you’d
already decided you didn’t want to be with him. Of course, if you want to marry him, who am I to stop
you?” The smile remained frozen in place as Annalisa waved at their mother. “Let’s all three go to the
kitchen and have a little snack. Food always helps me think better. Don’t you agree, Mama?”

“I do, I do,” their mother said, her voice raspy and still clogged with tears.

Cat followed them in the kitchen and sat at the table in the breakfast nook, talking with her mother
while Annalisa bustled around the kitchen. Cat told her mother about her trip to New York, how much
time she spent with Rafe and how she met his sister. Her mother nodded and didn’t say much, her
expression growing more and more sorrowful with every word Cat said until finally her mother
reached out and settled her hand over Cat’s, her expression full of warning.

“I love you, my daughter. And I want you to be happy. I’m not sure if this is the man who will bring
you true happiness.”

“But why would you agree with Father to have us involved in an arranged marriage?” All her life
she’d believed everyone wanted her to marry Rafe. Now they all said she shouldn’t.

She was so confused.

“Bah. I never agreed to that silly arrangement.” Her mother waved her hand, the light catching the
diamonds on her useless wedding band. “That was your father’s idea, and Renaldi’s idea. I always
thought it was stupid.”

“So why did you let it happen?”

“I wasn’t sure if anything else would come along for you. Annalisa is the one who’s so strong, so
resilient. You were always such a meek little thing. Like me. You still are.”

Anger stiffened Cat’s spine. She wanted so desperately to yell at her mother for thinking so little of
her, but she held it in. There wasn’t any use in getting her mother upset.

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Cat had never seen a more miserable person in all her life.

“You two both need to calm down.” Annalisa came to the table, cups of steaming hot tea in either
hand. She set one cup in front of Mama’s place, the other in front of Cat. “Green tea is very soothing.
Have a few sips and then we can discuss what’s going to happen next with Rafe.”

Annalisa grabbed her own cup from the kitchen counter and drank from it, smiling at Cat after she
swallowed. “Drink up. I promise, you’ll feel much better. The warmth soothes the soul.”

She sounded straight out of a television ad, but Cat was too tired to protest. She sipped from her cup,
and reluctantly found Annalisa was right. The warm liquid did soothe as it slid down her throat and
settled in her stomach. She’d been in knots ever since they’d encountered the police at the airport.
Maybe it would do her some good to finish the tea, clear her head and forge on with a plan to help

“I’m going to take my tea to bed,” Mama said, pushing back her chair so she could stand. She reached
for her cup of tea and walked out of the kitchen without another word.

“Is she all right?” Cat asked after their mother left.

Annalisa shook her head. “Is she ever really all right? Father called while you were gone and they
argued over the phone. She hasn’t stopped crying since.”

Cat remained silent. Her mother always cried. That was nothing new. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“She was also upset when you left. She thought you were abandoning us for good.”

Blinking, Cat stared at her cup, her vision all of a sudden hazy. “I wish you wouldn’t say those sorts
of things.”

“Why, because they’re true? We all know what’s going to happen if you marry Rafe. That’s why I’m
going to put a stop to it.”

Cat blinked again, her vision blurry, her head spinning. She lifted it to look at her sister and it felt so
heavy, she thought she might fall over. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you’re a stupid little bitch and I’m not going to let you marry Rafael Renaldi. Ever.”
Annalisa smiled and sipped from her tea. “What do you think about that?”

She could hardly think at all, her head was so fuzzy. Her eyelids felt as if one-ton bricks sat on top of
them, and she closed her eyes, felt the room spin, and she immediately tried to open them again.

But she could hardly focus.

“Feeling a little tired, sister? I wonder why.”

Oh no. Had Annalisa somehow put something in her tea? Was that why she felt so loopy? She parted

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her lips, tried to speak, but the words just wouldn’t come out.

“Come on, let’s take you to bed.” Annalisa was suddenly at her side, wrapping her arm around her
and hauling her to her feet with a grunt. “For such a little thing, you certainly are solid.”

Cat leaned against Annalisa heavily, her feet dragging since she couldn’t seem to make them work.
Fear raced over her skin and she whimpered, her mouth literally unable to form words.

“You’ll be out in no time. You’ll give me enough time to take care of everything. You won’t need to
see Rafe ever again. It’s for the best, Catalina. Trust me.”

Ha, Cat thought. Annalisa was the last person she could trust.

And that was the last thought she had before she slipped into blank, dark, nothingness.

“Miss Campioni is here to see you,” the deputy announced, grabbing Rafe by the arm and leading him
to the visitor area, a small, dingy, windowless room that had a battered table and a chair on either
side of it. “Stay on your side of the table and you won’t have any trouble.”

“I can’t touch her?” God, he wanted to touch her. Cat was the only thing that was real in his life. The
last few hours at the jail felt surreal. As if his life had turned into some sort of strange movie and he
was watching it unfold.

He’d called Matteo and had him arrange for a lawyer. Thank God he was still in the country. He and
his wife should’ve followed right behind Rafe and Cat when they left, but Paige had come down with
something and they’d decided to wait until she felt better before they flew back home to New York.

Matteo had promised him he would come to the police station as soon as possible with the lawyer in
tow and whatever else was needed to get him out of there. Rafe was confident he would be out of this
hellhole in a matter of hours.

“No touching allowed,” the man said, his voice firm, his gaze hard. He shoved Rafe into the chair.
“Wait here.”

Anger simmered in Rafe’s blood, but he kept it in check. Wouldn’t do to have him make an ass of
himself and make his situation worse. He was in jail, for God’s sake. He’d love nothing more but to
throw a punch at the asshole officer for treating him so poorly, but he couldn’t.

He knew his limits.

The door swung open and Rafe held his breath, anxious for Cat to walk in so he could at least inhale
in her scent. See her beautiful face…

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But it wasn’t Cat who entered the room. Annalisa strode in, a cunning smile curving her lips as she sat
at the table across from him.

“What the hell are you doing here? Where’s Cat?” He glared at her, disgust filling him at seeing her.
He hated her. Hated what she did to her sister, what she’d done to them both. He was in jail because
of this woman, brought in on false charges that she made because of some crazy grudge she held
against him.

“Nice to see you too, Rafael.” The smile never left her face as she flicked her gaze toward the officer
who stood in far the corner of the room. Most likely he wouldn’t be able to hear them. “A shame we
have to be chaperoned, hmm? But I’m glad he’s there. Not too sure how you’ll react with only me in
the room. Better safe than sorry.”

He seethed. What the hell was she implying? That he’d attack her with violence because of what
she’d done? Or was she meaning that he’d jump her in a sexual manner?

As if.

“Where is my fiancée?” he asked again, trying his best to keep calm.

“She’s at home. Sleeping.”

Sleeping? How could she sleep at a time like this? The Cat he knew would most likely be pacing and
plotting how to get him out of this place. He was surprised she hadn’t come by now. “Why? Is she not
feeling well?”

“She’s fine.” Annalisa waved her hand, dismissing his worry. “Stop being such an old man.”

He wanted to choke her. “Tell me you’re here because you dropped the charges.”

Reaching inside his pocket, he fumbled for his cell, pressing the recorder button on. In the police’s
sloppy handling of his arrest, they’d somehow forgotten to confiscate his phone.

So he planned on using it to his advantage.

“I have no plans for dropping the charges,” Annalisa said, an odd smile on her face.

Jesus. What was wrong with this woman? “Why not? What have I ever done to you?”

Her brows rose. “Really? You have the nerve to ask that question? What have you done to me? Why
don’t I rattle off the list?” She pointed at him, her finger shaking. “First, you ignore me. I’ve had a
crush on you for years. Years. I was the one who should’ve been your fiancée, not Catalina. We have
more in common, we’re closer in age.”

He said nothing in reply, disgusted by how she turned this entire situation into poor, pitiful Annalisa.
Such bullshit.

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“I tried to tell you multiple times how I felt, but you never cared. Then at that party, I practically
throw myself at you, and you did nothing. Nothing at all! That was it. That was the moment that pushed
me to convince Cat you were worthless,” she said with a smirk.

“Didn’t work, did it? She’s still with me,” he murmured.

Her smirk faltered, her eyes dimmed. “Not for long.”

His heart fell into his toes. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that you won’t be able to get out of this hellhole unless you agree to do what I tell you.”

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you to break up with Catalina.”

Rafe remained silent. He refused to agree.

“You’re going to tell her the reason you’re breaking up with her is because you’re in love with me.
That you’ve been in love with me for years and you used her to get closer to me.”

He slowly shook his head. Would Cat really believe that? After everything they shared the last few
days? “You’re crazy.”

“Crazy for you. And you’d be crazy too if you don’t agree to this. I have plans, Rafe, if you don’t split
up with her. Plans to keep you in here for a very, very long time.”

“Your charges won’t hold,” he tossed at her. “No one will believe you. Cat is a grown woman who
left with me willingly.”

“She’s a woman who’s mentally unstable and I’m her guardian. At this very moment she’s lying in the
fetal position, drooling on her bed. What woman would do this when her beloved fiancé is locked up
in jail? I’ll tell you…a woman who has numerous, untreatable problems.” Annalisa leaned back in
her chair, looking smug. “She needs help, Rafe. She’s unstable. Incapable of being a proper wife to
you. You’ll see. With all of her problems, there’s no way you could marry her.”

She was sick. A fucked-up, twisted mess, and he needed to pretend he was on her side to get the hell
out of this place and rescue Cat before something terrible happened to her. “So that’s all you want? Is

Hope lit her eyes, her smile. “A simple request, don’t you think?”

He nodded slowly, his stomach curdling at what he was about to say. “I need to get out of here,
Annalisa. If being with you is the solution, then I’ll agree.”

“So you’ll end it with Cat.”

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“Absolutely.” He nodded and shrugged. “You’re right. She’s not the one for me. We do have more in
common, don’t we?”

“Yes,” she said eagerly. “Yes, we do. I’m so glad you can finally see it. Maybe being in jail for a few
hours was good for you. Helped you see things clearer.”

Yeah, sure.

“You must be right. We belong together, you and I.” He choked the last few words out, but she didn’t
seem to notice.

Tears sparkled in her eyes. “You don’t know how happy you’ve just made me.”

“Hurry and talk to the detectives. Tell them you want to drop the charges so we can be together.”

“I will. I swear I will.” She pushed her chair back and stood, smiling down at him with tear-filled
eyes. “You’ve made me the happiest woman on Earth, I swear.”

He returned the smile, more a baring of teeth than anything else. God, the woman turned his stomach.
“Hurry, darling. I need to get out of here so I can go talk to Cat and break it off with her.”

Her smile turned into a frown. “Oh, you might want to wait before you talk to her.”

“Why?” What had she done to Cat?

“She’s so sleepy. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Maybe she’ll be awake by the time we get out
of here.”

“Did you…did you do something to her, Annalisa?”

“Oh, stop worrying. You act like I tried to kill her.” She waved her hand, her words like little daggers
to his heart. Was she capable of such a thing? He hadn’t a clue. “I just gave her a little something to
help her sleep. I had to. She was like a dog with a bone, determined to find justice for you once and
for all.”

Just hearing those words confirmed his feelings. He was in love with Cat. He might’ve been all along,
but it was hard to admit when he barely knew her. A few days with her showed him how perfect they
were for each other. How much they belonged together.

Why was Annalisa so hell bent on keeping them apart? Was she that delusional to believe they really
belonged together? Was she the one who was mentally unstable?

He’d bet yes.

Chapter Thirteen

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Rafe left the jail less than an hour after Annalisa came to visit him. The process had been remarkably
easy. She’d gone to the detectives she’d first contacted when he and Cat had been in New York and
admitted she’d made a mistake. Her sister was fine and Rafe shouldn’t have been arrested.

They released him without question, which blew his mind. Just as easily they’d arrest and charge him,
they’d let him go? Frightening.

More frightening? Annalisa’s behavior. She acted as if nothing were amiss. As if it wasn’t a big deal
that she’d gone to such lengths to break up his relationship with her sister. She’d had him jailed.
She’d somehow drugged Cat. Who knew how she was doing? Was she okay? God, he could only
hope so.

Fear kept him motivated. The minute they walked out of the station, they ran into Matteo, who was just
about to head inside.

“I need to talk to him,” Rafe told a wary Annalisa. “Alone.”

She shifted on her feet, her expression wary, her gaze narrowed. “Honestly? I don’t want to let you
out of my sight.”

Cautious one, wasn’t she? She had every right to be. He planned on enlisting Matteo’s help him out of
this insane situation the minute he got his brother out of earshot.

“He’s my oldest brother, the one I’ve always gone to for advice. There are a few things we need to
discuss. Privately. But don’t worry.” Dread flooding him, he drew her into his arms and gave her a
quick hug, patting her back awkwardly. “Give me ten minutes.”

She nodded, snuggling her face against his chest before he practically pushed her away from him.
God, she made his skin crawl. “Ten minutes, but that’s it, Rafael. Then we need to get home. You
need to talk to Cat. And then you need to tell my mother what you intend to do.”

“What I intend to do?”

Annalisa beamed. “Why, marry me, of course.”

Dread consumed him, his stomach roiling at the thought of actually marrying this woman. He didn’t
even know her. She was flat-out crazy.

And completely delusional.

Turning away from her, he faced Matteo, who watched him with slack-jawed fascination. “What the
hell is going on here?” his big brother muttered.

“Let’s go.” Rafe grabbed Matteo’s arm and steered him away, knowing he couldn’t get out of her sight
but at least she wouldn’t be able to overhear them. “She’ll probably time us exactly ten minutes and
then I have to leave.”

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“Why are you even talking to her? Isn’t she the one who put you in jail in the first place? With her
trumped up kidnapping charges and false documents?” Matteo asked incredulously.

“False documents? Do you know something I don’t?” Hope lit within Rafe.

“I’ve looked into some matters and from what I can tell, yes. The documents were somehow falsified.
She had to have received help to get those documents put through the court system. Who, I don’t know,
but does it really matter? Thankfully we can get her on the phony papers alone,” Matteo explained.

“Yes, well, let’s not jump the gun in trying to get anything on her at the moment. She might’ve been the
one who had me thrown in jail, but she’s also the one who got the charges dropped against me,” Rafe
said grimly. “Looks like we don’t need the lawyer at this moment, but later, I’m sure.”

“Fine, I’ll make a call and let him know what’s going on. But I think you need to explain what’s going
on here—and quick. Before she gets anxious.” Matteo flicked his head in Annalisa’s direction.

Rafe gave him the quick rundown, explaining everything Annalisa had told him. He had no idea what
was true, what wasn’t, but he knew he needed to get to Cat. Her own sister had drugged Cat to keep
her from being with him. He wanted to make sure she was okay.

The thought alone made him sick. If something happened to her because of him, he didn’t know what
he’d do. Or how he’d ever forgive himself.

“I need to go with Annalisa back to her house so I can make sure Cat is all right,” Rafe said after he
finished filling Matteo in. “She admitted she drugged Cat to keep her from me. Annalisa will do
whatever it takes to keep us apart. She doesn’t care if she hurts her sister or not.”

Matteo briefly glanced in Annalisa’s direction before returning his gaze to Rafe. “You’re serious.”

“As a heart attack.” How he wished he wasn’t.

“Sounds like Annalisa has some issues when it comes to her sister.”

Rafe snorted. “That’s an understatement. She has major issues. And I don’t think they all revolve
around her sister.”

“So what are we going to do about her? Clearly she’s unstable if she’s willing to harm her own sister
in order to get at you.” Matteo shook his head. “I hadn’t a clue she was interested in you. Her
behavior is shocking.”

“Tell me all about it,” Rafe muttered.

“I’ll help you, Rafe. We’ll get Cat out of that house and take care of her. She’ll be a Renaldi now. We
protect what’s ours,” Matteo said firmly.

Relief flooded Rafe at Matteo’s speech. He knew his brother would be on board in helping him out. It
just felt good to actually receive confirmation. “I need you to find a facility nearby. I plan on checking

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her in. And while you’re researching that on your cell, I need you to follow us back to the Campioni
house. That’s where Cat is. And that’s where we’re headed. But keep a certain amount of distance,
you know? I don’t want her to realize you’re following us.”

Matteo didn’t even flinch at what Rafe asked him to do. “Then what?”

“I’ll let Cat know you’re outside waiting for her and I’ll send her to your car. You can keep her safe.”
Rafe breathed deep, letting out a ragged breath. “I’ll try and calm Annalisa down, then tell her to
come out for a drive with me. You text me the address to the facility and you can meet me there. How
does that sound?”

“She has to check herself in you know. She’s an adult. We can’t force her to stay there,” Matteo
pointed out.

“What if she’s in a wrecked state? Completely unhinged? What then? Think we could get them to take
her if she’s acting like a crazy woman?”

Matteo shrugged. “I suppose so. But do you want to push her to those limits?”

“I’m not sure if we’ll have a choice. I think we have to push her to those limits.”

Matteo whistled low. “That’s incredibly risky, especially dealing with someone who is clearly on the

“I have to do it.” It was Rafe’s turn to look over where Annalisa stood. She watched him, her gaze
never straying, a funny little smile on her face. He smiled in return, hoping it didn’t look like a
grimace before he turned to his brother once more. “She’s crazy, Matteo. I’m scared of what she
might do to Cat.”

“I understand. We’ll take care of this, Rafe. Together.”

The weather matched Rafe’s mood, gray and drizzly, dark and foreboding. He’d convinced Annalisa
to let him drive her car and she’d agreed freely, looking like a lovesick teenager, literally batting her
eyelashes at him while he drove, clinging to his arm with every chance she got.

Until he finally had to tell her the weather was too sketchy and he needed both arms free to drive for
fear they’d end up in a wreck. Thank God he had that excuse. He could hardly stand having her touch
him, let alone cling to him like another appendage.

“So you’ll talk to Cat when we get to the house and break off the engagement?” she asked.

He sent Annalisa a quick glance, his stomach turning when he saw the bright smile on her face. She
would probably want to be in the room with him when he supposedly split with Cat. Hell, if Annalisa

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had her way, she’d probably beg him to be the one who did the breaking up for him.

“I will, just as you asked. Hopefully she’s coherent when we get there,” he said carefully, trying to
dig for more information.

Trying to get her to say something incriminating since he’d clicked on the recorder on his cell phone,
which sat in the cup holder in the center console.

She hissed in a sharp breath. “Maybe she will be. God, she better be.” Annalisa sounded unsure.
“Can I tell you what I did and you won’t get mad?” She didn’t even wait for his answer before she
pushed on. “I gave her three of my sleeping pills. Usually it only takes one to knock me out, so I knew
she’d fall asleep quick. Just what I needed her to do so I could get to see you.”

Jesus. Annalisa had at least fifteen pounds on Cat and she only took one. Cat would probably sleep
for days with three of the pills in her.

“That was a bit extreme, don’t you think? Giving her three of your sleeping pills?” he bit out.

Annalisa shrugged as if she hadn’t a care in the world. “I wanted to make sure she was good and
passed out. Trust me, she was very determined to see you. And so angry with me! I’ve never seen her
so mad. I really pushed all of her buttons. Cat is usually so quiet and calm.”

Unlike you, crazy-from-hell bitch. “So you forced pills on her and knocked her out?”

“It was nothing like that. I made her tea, smashed up the pills in the bottom of her cup and served it to
her. She was out within minutes. It was quite amazing to see, she got so loopy and incoherent. Poor
thing.” She laughed, actually laughed, and Rafe was tempted to smash her face in.

He wasn’t a man prone to violence, especially against women. He’d always respected them. He
adored his sister, his mother and now Catalina.

But he’d love to wrap his hands around Annalisa’s neck and throttle her senseless.

“Turn there,” Annalisa said, waving her hand at the street to the right just up ahead. “Then go all the
way to the end of the drive. Our house is the last one on the right.”

He knew that, of course, since he’d just climbed through Cat’s window not too long ago. He hated that
he was returning to their family home under such horrible pretenses, but it had to be done.

The original plan had been for him to accompany Cat to the house so they could talk to her mother and
let her know they were going forward with their wedding plans, and soon. Rafe had promised her on
their last night together he would do whatever it took to help take care of her mother too. All the
burden couldn’t be put on Annalisa, he’d told Cat. Her mother Anna had been a part of his life long,
long ago, before she became the quiet, depressed woman that she was now.

When he’d been very small, he’d loved Anna Campioni. She always gave him and his brothers freshly
baked cookies. He’d envied the easy friendship his father had with Carlo Campioni as well. The two

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men had been friends since they were children and had such an easygoing camaraderie, his father and
Cat’s father had behaved like brothers. Brothers who didn’t want to beat each other up, which was the
norm in the Renaldi household back then. But the kind of brothers that grew up to be friends. Rafe was
thankful he felt like his brothers were his friends.

It was sad, what happened to the Campioni sisters. They weren’t friends.

They were enemies.

A rapid, staccato knocking was what woke her first. It pounded in her brain, reverberated throughout
her entire body, and Cat squeezed her eyes shut tight, rolling over on her side so she faced the wall.

The knocking never stopped—she wanted to yell at whoever it was who wanted her to open the damn
door. Licking her dry lips, she tried her best to speak, but it was as if the words flat out refused to

“Catalina! You must wake up! Your sister is back!”

Cat slowly opened her eyes, staring at the familiar, faded wallpaper of her childhood. She’d lived her
entire life in this room. So many memories were made here…but she couldn’t remember this.

How exactly did she get into her bed? The last thing she remembered was fighting with Annalisa and
going into the kitchen with her to have some tea…

“Mama?” she called out feebly, her voice more like a croak. She cleared her throat, the sound ripping
through her foggy head and she buried her face in the pillow.

“Your sister’s car just pulled into the drive. She’ll be in the house at any minute. She’ll want to talk to
you. You must get up,” her mother continued, sounding frantic.

“Come in,” Cat encouraged. “The door isn’t locked.” She rarely locked her bedroom door.

Her mother rattled the door handle. “It is locked, my darling. Your sister locked you in.”

Wait…what? Why would Annalisa do such a thing? “Hold on.” Cat sat up, her head spinning, her
stomach cramping. She felt like she’d been asleep for days. In fact, she could lie right back down,
close her eyes and fall back to sleep.

“Hurry, Cat! She’ll be inside in minutes!”

Her mother’s behavior was troubling. Why the panic? Why did her mother need to see her? Why was
it so important that she wake up? Too many odd things were happening and Annalisa seemed to be
right in the middle of it. Now Mama acted as if she was almost afraid of her oldest daughter, and

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they’d always been so close.

The door suddenly swung open, her mother stumbling in, nearly falling on her face. The look of shock
she gave Cat before she broke out into a smile shocked her. When was the last time she’d seen her
mother smile like that?

“I unlocked it!” Mama announced proudly, holding up a skinny key. “I found it on top of the

“Good job,” Cat said weakly, feeling like she was talking to a child.

Her mother rushed toward the bed and sat on the edge, reaching out to smooth Cat’s hair away from
her face. “You’ve been asleep for hours.”

Cat shook her head. “I don’t understand why I still feel so sleepy, then. And how did I get in my bed?”

“Annalisa put you here.” Her mother’s face was grave, eyes full of sadness, mouth turned down at the
corners. “She drugged your tea. I saw her do it.”

“What? What are you talking about?” Shock coursed through her veins, rendering her skin ice cold.

“She did it on purpose. Slipped a few of her sleeping pills into your tea so she could knock you out. I
left so I wouldn’t have to witness what happened to you.” Mama shuddered.

So her own mother knew that Annalisa had slipped sleeping pills into her drink and then left so she
wouldn’t have to see what happened? What about defending her? What about grabbing the tea and not
letting Cat drink it?

What the hell was wrong with everyone she lived with? Her family? She felt like they’d both lost
their minds.

“So you left me there alone with Annalisa so she could do whatever she wanted? Like drug me?” She
was incredulous. None of what her mother said made any sense.

“I didn’t know what to do! And then I grew afraid that she’d given you too much. She put three
sleeping pills in your tea. So I went to her and she told me you only had a few sips and that was all it
took. Thank goodness.”

Cat stared at her mother in disbelief. Her life was starting to feel like a bad movie.

“Once Annalisa brought you up here, she left. Ran off to go pick up that…man. Now they’re back
here. In her car. Together!” Mama shook her head. “It’s disgusting, their behavior. Too soon, I tell

“Whose behavior?” Cat could hardly keep up. She couldn’t recall seeing her mother so agitated yet
excited like this before.

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“Your sister’s and Rafael Renaldi’s behavior. They’re together, you know! Already, and it’s so
shameful. You ended it with him and now they’re a couple.” Mama snorted. “The man is fickle,
jumping from one Campioni girl to another. His father would be ashamed.”

“He’s not with Annalisa.” The idea was downright laughable. She hadn’t a doubt in her mind what
her mother spoke of was false. “He’s with me, Mama. I broke it off with Rafe, but then I left with him
to New York City, remember? I let you know where I was. Well, I told Annalisa.”

“Annalisa said you ran away with some boy you just met. Some stranger who wanted to show you the
city. I thought you wouldn’t return to us ever, and I cried and cried. That’s why I was so worried,
darling. You were all alone in the States with a strange man far too eager to show you the sights.
Annalisa told me she thought you’d lost your mind, all over a man.” Mama shook her head, the
disappointment on her face clear. “You need to be more careful.”

Confusion swirled. Cat could hardly keep pace with what her mom said. Annalisa claimed she and
Rafe were together? And that Cat had run off to New York with a complete stranger, like a complete
idiot, and somehow convinced their mother the story was true? No wonder Mama had been so

“I didn’t go to New York with a stranger, Mama, I promise. Annalisa lied. I’m not that stupid. I went
there with Rafe. I spent time with him, remember what I told you? I met his sister who I’d never really
talked to before. It was wonderful. We’re going to get married after all. He’s the perfect man for me. I
know we’re going to be happy together.”

A snort escaped her. “If you say so. Considering he’s been with you and your sister, I’m not sure what
Rafael Renaldi thinks he’s doing, playing with both of your hearts.” Mama shook her head. “The pig.”

Cat was offended. “Don’t insult him like that,” she said, her voice low, her thoughts muddled. She
wished Rafe were here. Right now. He could clear everything up for her—for all of them—in an

“Mama! Where are you?” Annalisa suddenly called, then the sound of a door slamming.

“Oh, dear. She’s home.” Mama leapt to her feet, surprisingly quick for a supposedly in-constant-pain
old woman. “Hurry, Cat. We must go greet her. I’m sure she has her new fiancé with her.”

Her mother was making her head spin. Speaking so fast, telling crazy stories, none of it made any
sense. “I can hardly get out of bed, Mama. If Annalisa wants to see me, she can come into my room.
And she can bring her new…fiancé with her.” She could hardly get the word out. As if Rafe was
Annalisa’s new fiancé.

He belonged to her and no other woman.

Mama nibbled on her lower lip, wringing her hands together. “She won’t like that. She’ll get mad.”

“So? I don’t care.” Cat flopped back on her pillows, closing her eyes, blessed sleep already
threatening. She could do it. Fall asleep so easily, let it take over and help her forget all her troubles

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for a while.

But she needed to face her sister and this crazy situation head on. Figure out what exactly was going
on. Everything seemed confused, abnormal. Her mother’s behavior, how her sister drugged her tea,
the story that Annalisa was the one with Rafe now…not a bit of it made any damn sense.

“I’ll have her come see you, then,” Mama said as she headed toward the door. “I know she’ll want to
speak with you. Give her a chance to explain herself, Cat. I’m sure you’ll understand everything that’s
happening once the two of you talk. Annalisa always seems so determined. She knows what she’s
doing. Don’t you think?”

Cat didn’t have the heart to tell her mother that she believed Annalisa had completely lost it. There
was no point in upsetting her further. “She’s always full of explanations, that’s for sure. Send her to
my room. Tell her I need to talk to her—and Rafe.”

There. Let Annalisa know that I know exactly what she’s doing. And I’m going to call you out on
your crazy-making behavior.

“If she’s angry, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Bobbing her head once, Mama turned and headed
toward the door.

“If you think she’s angry, wait until you see how I feel,” Cat called after her.

Mama didn’t bother replying. Cat watched her scurry out of the room, slamming the door behind her
with a final thud. Her voice trailed down the hall as she called out to Annalisa, her sister returning the
cooing sentiment, both of them fawning over each other as if they hadn’t see each other in years,

It made Cat’s stomach churn.

Closing her eyes, she fell back against the pillow and breathed deep, searching for strength. She could
get through this. Surely Rafe wouldn’t let this charade continue. The air needed to be cleared and

Now, more than anything, Cat wished she could get the hell out of here and be with Rafe.


Chapter Fourteen

Annalisa strode into the room with the determination of a bulldog, acting like she owned the place.

Cat remained calm, blinking up at her big sister from where she sat in her bed, propped against the
pillows, her head remarkably clear.

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“Stop acting so pitiful and get out of bed,” Annalisa muttered, resting her hands on her hips as she
stood over the bed.

Rafe entered the bedroom, his gaze landing on Cat, his expression pained. She smiled at him, relief
flooding her at having him here. Filling the space with his dominating presence, reassuring her that
everything was going to be all right.

“I don’t feel well,” Cat said, her voice strong, almost as strong as her determination. “Do you have a
clue as to why I feel this way, Annalisa? I wonder.”

Annalisa’s eyes narrowed, her lips firmed. “You should watch what you say in front of my—”

“Annalisa, I need to speak to Cat for a moment,” Rafe interrupted. “Alone.”

“I don’t know how I feel about that.” Annalisa turned away from the bed to face Rafe, her simpering
voice grating on Cat’s nerves. “I think I should be in the room when you tell her about us.”

“She deserves a bit of privacy for what I’m about to tell her,” Rafe said irritably. “Please. Give us a
few minutes. I’ll let you know when I’m finished.”

Annalisa turned to glare at Cat before she went to Rafe and kissed him hard on the lips. He stepped
back, his expression full of disgust, though Annalisa didn’t seem to notice. She practically skipped out
of the room, slamming the door so hard the walls shook.

Rafe rushed toward her bed, gathering Cat in his arms so quick, she gasped. “I’ve missed you,” he
murmured just before he kissed her.

Despite Annalisa had just kissed him, Cat melted against Rafe, his strong arms tightening around her,
holding her close. She opened to him, his tongue sweeping in, sliding against hers, and she wound her
arms around his neck, her fingers buried in his hair.

He broke the kiss first, his gaze locked on her face when she opened her eyes. “We need to talk fast
before she comes back in here. Are you all right? You look good. God, you look beautiful.”

She reluctantly withdrew from his embrace. “What’s going on, Rafe? My mother told me Annalisa
drugged me and that the two of you are now engaged? And how did you get out of jail?”

“Your sister dropped the charges.” He blew out a harsh breath. “She wants to be with me. Claims
she’s always wanted to be with me and said this was the only way she would get me out of jail.”

“By drugging me and getting you to be her fiancé?”

He nodded. “She’s crazy. She hates you. I think she hates me too, but she’s convinced we belong
together. So I agreed.” Reaching for her, he smoothed the hair away from her forehead, his fingers
lingering, caressing her skin. “You know this is all pretend, right? It was the quickest way to get me
out of that damn jail cell and to you. She admitted she drugged you, which I recorded.”

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“How did you record it?”

“I left my cell phone recorder on. I got a bit of incriminating evidence. Not much, but hopefully
enough that we can have her institutionalized, at least temporarily,” Rafe explained.

Cat shook her head. “I’m still a little fuzzy-headed from the sleeping pills, I guess. What do you mean,
institutionalized? Commit her to a mental facility? Doesn’t she have to commit herself?”

“Not if we prove she’s a danger to herself and others, which she absolutely is, especially to you.
Now come on, get out of bed.” He stood and waved his hand. “We don’t have much time. I want to
sneak you out the window.”

“Are you serious?” She tossed back the covers and climbed out of bed, thankful she still wore her
clothes. Slipping on her shoes, she looked around the room for her purse but it was nowhere to be
found. “I need my purse.”

“That can wait till later. I need you to hop out the window and go to Matteo. He’s waiting for you in
his car.” Rafe went to the window and bent to peer out of it. “See? He’s right over there.”

Cat followed him, glancing out the window to see a sleek, black Mercedes sedan parked on the edge
of the drive. “Won’t Annalisa know I’m missing? See me running across the yard?” The front lawn
was huge and there was nowhere to hide.

“I’ll distract her. Tell her you’re despondent and you need to be left alone in your room for a while.”
He threw open the window and fiddled with the screen, pushing it off within seconds. “I’ll replace it
if it’s damaged,” he muttered. “Now go.”


He kissed her, smoothed his hand down her cheek. “Go, Cat. Trust me.”

She did. She trusted him more than anything. But she was scared. The situation had gone from weird
to scary in a matter of minutes and she didn’t want to be apart from Rafe. “Be safe,” she whispered,
her voice trembling.

Leaning in, he kissed her forehead. “You too, my love. Now go. Hurry.”

Cat climbed out the window with Rafe’s assistance, dropping onto the wet with rain ground and
breaking out into a full-on run when Rafe gave her the signal by flashing her the peace sign with his

She hoped her sister or her mother didn’t notice. Was thankful when she saw the car pull forward,
cutting her running distance by quite a bit. Matteo climbed out of the car and glanced around,
hopefully making sure no one else was in sight, and she increased her pace, thankful for Rafe, for his
brother, for his family.

They would keep her safe. She knew this without a doubt.

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“How did she react? Is she mad? Is she upset?” Annalisa asked eagerly when he stepped out of Cat’s
room, closing the door firmly behind him. “Should I go talk to her?”

“Absolutely not.” Christ, she was sick. “She asked that we give her some privacy. She’s very upset.”

“I knew she would be.” The triumphant smile on Annalisa’s face was beyond disturbing. “But it’s for
the best. She’ll see it. Just like you’ll see it too.”

“I already see it,” he said automatically, wanting to please her. Not wanting to give her an ounce of
suspicion that something was amiss.

Worry consumed him. He hoped Cat made it to his brother okay. The distance was short and he’d
distracted Annalisa, but still. What if her mother saw? That poor woman would tell Annalisa
everything in a heartbeat. Her oldest daughter treated her terribly, yet her loyalty stood true.

The family was a mess—and the curator of the mess was Annalisa.

“I’m glad you see that we belong together,” Annalisa said, her voice soft, her eyes sparkling. She was
pretty. And smart. But the crazy edged all her positives out. Such a shame too, because she could’ve
married and married well if she wasn’t so hell-bent on having him.

He still didn’t quite understand why she was, either.

“We should leave. Will your mother be all right here alone for a few hours?” he asked, his voice full
of concern as he took Annalisa’s arm and led her down the hall toward the living room.

“She’ll be fine. That feeble, old woman act she puts on is just that—an act.” Annalisa gazed up at
him. “Where do you want to go, though? I thought we could stay here. I’d like to make you dinner.”

What, so she could drug him and tie him up and keep him her prisoner forever? He didn’t think so.
“I’d like to take you to my family’s home. I’d like you to meet my mother as my fiancée. I know the
two of you have met before, but never under this important circumstance.”

The joy on her face from his lie was unmistakable. “Are you serious? Oh, that’s wonderful, Rafe. I
would love to go see Claudia and tell her our happy news.”

“It’s decided, then. It will take us almost two hours to get there, so maybe you’d like to pack a small
bag? We could stay overnight. Then come home tomorrow. Will your mother be fine with that?”

Annalisa waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry about her. She’ll be fine. I’ll go right now and pack
some things. Give me a few minutes and then I’ll be ready.”

He watched her go, grabbing his cell from his pocket as soon as she disappeared into her bedroom.

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Hitting speed dial, he called Matteo, who answered on the first ring.

“I have her in the car with me,” he said.

Rafe kept his gaze trained on Annalisa’s door. “She okay?”

“Shaken up and a little confused, I think, but she’s fine. Where do we go now?”

“Head for the facility you texted me the address for. We’ll be behind you. Annalisa is packing her bag
now.” Rafe paused, swallowing hard. “Thanks for your help, Matteo. You don’t know much this
means to me.”

“Ah, I think I do. Just…be careful with that woman. You don’t know what she might do if she figures
out what’s going on,” Matteo warned.

“You’re right. I know.” Shit. He needed to keep his wits and convince this woman that he really
wanted her to be his wife.

He’d have to do some of the best acting of his life—and he was no actor.

But he could do this. All of it, if it meant he and Cat would be rid of her sister interfering with their
life once and for all.

Chapter Fifteen

“I didn’t know you could get to your family’s house this way,” Annalisa said as she stared out the
passenger side window.

Rafe shifted in his seat, gripping the steering wheel tight. She’d remained relatively quiet for the latter
part of the drive to the facility, having filled the first forty-five minutes with nothing but nonstop
chatter about his family and how much she adored his mother. How eager she was to please everyone,
especially him, and become the best wife he could ever want.

Praising all of his brothers, his sister, how badly she wanted to be a good sister and daughter-in-law
to everyone. How she wanted to provide him with plenty of babies and stay at home to take care of
them. Wherever he went, she would go, she told him in a singsong voice.

She even tore down Cat with a string of vicious, angry words. How much better of a wife she would
be compared to her sister. How undeserving Cat was, to have such a good and handsome husband
handed to her when she’d done nothing to deserve it. How hard Annalisa had worked her entire life to
be the good daughter, the good employee, the good potential wife.

Finally, finally, she was being recognized for her achievements, she told him proudly. As if someone
had given her a blue ribbon and she’d won him as the prize.

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Years of resentment had built up inside this woman that no one seemed to know about. Anger and
frustration had festered inside her, bubbling up until it resulted in this crazed lashing out against her
sister, who’d never done anything but admire and love her all this time.

He could almost—if he forgot what she’d done to Cat—feel sorry for Annalisa.

“I’m taking a shortcut,” he finally said, turning right onto the road that led to the facility. Uneasiness
crept over him at what he was about to do. She acted relatively in control at the moment but who
knew what this revelation might do to Annalisa? She could totally lose it.

Or she could end up cooperative. He hadn’t a clue how she might react.

“Wait a minute.” Her voice was quiet and she turned to look at him, her expression wary. “I’ve been
here before. I’ve been on this road.”

Considering the road led to the facility and nothing else, this surprised him. “Really? Where were you

She remained silent for a moment, turning away from him to stare out the window once more. The
facility’s sprawling building loomed in the near distance as they came to the end of the road, a giant
circular drive with a cascading fountain in the center before them.

“Oh my God.” Her voice was shaky, and she turned to look at him, her lips trembling as if she might
burst into tears. “You spoke to my father, didn’t you? Does he know what I’ve done? Am I in trouble?
Is that why you’re bringing me back here?”

Well. He hadn’t expected this. “You’ve been here before?”

She nodded furiously, her dark hair falling into her face, her eyes wide and full of panic. “A long time
ago. When I was supposed to be at university. Father lied. He put me here instead. I needed to get
well and stop doing all of the bad things.”

Hell. This had gone from bad to worse in a split second.

“I promised him I would be good. That I wouldn’t be bad anymore, so they let me come home and go
to work. I was happy. I had a place to go that gave me purpose every day. But then my father left. He
hasn’t been around much and I…I slipped.” She put her hands over her face and promptly burst into
tears. “I’m sorry. I’ll be a good girl, I promise. Just don’t make me go back there.”

He said nothing as he pulled onto the circle drive and headed to the front entrance. Annalisa sobbed
into her hands, the sound pitiful but grating. What a sad situation. Her father had kept her mental
illness a secret. Though the mother had to know as well. Most likely this was why she behaved so
strangely earlier. She knew what her daughter was capable of.

And did absolutely nothing to stop it.

Rafe put the car in park and shut off the engine at the check-in entrance. Matteo’s vehicle was parked

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in the lot, he’d noticed it when he pulled in, but his brother stood just outside the entrance, his
expression grim, his hands shoved in his jeans’ pockets. Seeing the car, Matteo headed over and Rafe
rolled down his window.

“Cat’s mother called her on the way here and Cat admitted to her what we were doing,” Matteo said
quietly. “Annalisa’s been here before.”

“I know,” Rafe said just as softly. “She just confessed.”

“Cat’s inside now, talking with someone from the staff. Her mother just called into the care facility to
speak with Annalisa’s old doctor. They’re prepared to talk to her and hopefully convince Annalisa
that she needs to check in.” Matteo shook his head in seeming disbelief. “Cat’s in a total state of
shock. She never knew about her sister being here before.”

“A family secret that appears some of the family didn’t know about,” Rafe said. Irritation ran through
him. He hated family secrets. He’d witnessed the destruction first hand when it came out that his sister
had a different father than the rest of them. The revelation had nearly destroyed her and had also sent
all of them reeling.

But a secret revealed could also help a family heal and eventually grow stronger. Considering the
weak links in the Campioni family, Carlo Campioni being the worst, Rafe could only hope they
recover from this. It would take a long time, but the possibility was undoubtedly there.

“Are you going to make me stay here, Rafe?”

He turned to find Annalisa watching him, the sight of her tear-stained cheeks filling him with
sympathy despite the anger he felt toward her. “You know it’s for the best,” he said carefully. “What
you did to me and your sister, it wasn’t right, Annalisa. Someone could’ve been hurt.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted what I thought I deserved.” She pressed her lips together.
“Tell me what I should do, Rafe. What do you think is right?”

Her voice was filled with so much sadness. “You need to get help. You can’t keep doing this. You
love your sister. Why would you ever want to hurt her?”

“I don’t want to hurt her. Not really.” She started crying in earnest again, her face red and blotchy, her
eyes swollen and bloodshot. “Please tell Cat I’m sorry. I hate what I’ve become. I don’t mean to be
so awful. I just end up doing so many awful things to the people I care for.”

Without a word, he slipped out of the car and rounded it, opening Annalisa’s car door for her. She
stood and went to him, throwing herself at him so he had no choice but to hug her. Clinging to him, she
cried into his shirtfront, dampening the fabric with her tears, and he had to pry her off of him so she’d
stand on her own once more.

“We’re going inside,” he told her, sending a quick look to Matteo. “You’re going to speak with your

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She nodded with a little hiccup. “He’ll want me to stay.”

“He knows what’s best for you,” Rafe said.

“They all think they know what’s best for me. I think you’re what’s best for me.”

“Annalisa…” he started, but stopped when she hung her head.

“I know. You don’t want me. I understand. You’ve never wanted me. Ever. You’d rather be with

He had no answer. How could he deny the truth? And she didn’t want to hear it.

“Thank you, though. For pretending you cared, at least a little while.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed
his cheek. “My little sister is a lucky woman.”

And with that, she turned and walked into the facility, never once looking back.

“…she was actually very agreeable. My mother was in near hysterics on the phone, crying and
carrying on, but Annalisa took it all very well,” Cat explained, a little sigh escaping when his gaze
met hers. “This has been the craziest week I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

“I agree.” He wrapped his muscular arms around her and pulled her in close, his cheek resting against
her hair. They lay sprawled on the giant bed in the hotel room they obtained not thirty minutes ago.
Both of them too tired to return to either of their homes, not that Cat wanted to go back to her mother’s

“At least Mama has someone to be with her for the next few days.” She was so thankful Rafe had
arranged for a part-time nurse to stay with her mother while they went back to New York. “Thank you
for helping her.”

“Anything for you. Your troubles, your burdens are mine.” He kissed the top of her head, squeezing
her tight. “I never want you out of my sight again, Cat. When I didn’t know where you were and when
Annalisa admitted she’d drugged you, I’ve never been filled with so much panic before.”

“I know.” She sniffed, blinking hard to stave off the tears. “I hated it when you were in jail. I was so

“I didn’t like being in jail either,” he said wryly. “Your sister went to extreme lengths in keeping us

“I know.” Tilting her head back, she gazed up at his handsome, beloved face. “I’m so sorry she did
this to us, Rafe. I had no idea she was so…unwell.”

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Thank God Annalisa had agreed she needed treatment and voluntarily signed herself into the facility.
She’d protested at first, but her doctor had spoken with her for over an hour, convincing her she
needed help.

Such a sad, terrible shock. It angered Cat that no one had told her just how ill her sister was—and had
been for years. Her parents treated Annalisa’s mental condition like a dirty little secret, so of course
she’d have issues dealing with it. What did they expect?

At least now everything was out in the open. No more hiding, no more secrets. Her sister would get
the care she needed, as would her mother, and eventually, everything would be somewhat normal in
the Campioni family.

Cat didn’t bother counting her father as a bona fide member, since he was rarely around. He’d ditched
them all in their time of need. There was no point in trying to contact him about Annalisa. He’d
abandoned them long, long ago.

It hurt to realize but better to face reality now than keep up the façade as the Campionis being one big
happy family.

“It’s not your fault. And I would do anything for you. I hope you realize this.” He kissed her, his lips
warm and sweet, the kiss full of just the right amount of comfort she needed. “I must confess…I’m
eager to marry you and make you mine in every way,” he murmured, his fingers caressing her face.

She smiled, thrilling at his words. “I’m eager for the wedding too. Tomorrow at the courthouse?”

“Exactly. Sounds perfect.” He kissed her again, his lips lingering. “What happened the last few days
has helped me realize something, Catalina. I just want you to know that I’m in love with you.”

Cat sucked in a sharp breath, happy shock washing over her. He said the words so simply, so
beautifully, it was hard for her to respond, she was completely overwhelmed with emotion. “I…I’m
in love with you too, Rafe. And we’re not rushing things. We’ve known we’re going to marry each
other practically our entire lives.”

He kissed her again, this one deeper, hotter, his tongue thrusting against her own, his hands beginning
to wander. She shifted closer to him, sliding her hands beneath his shirt, touching his warm, bare skin.
A thrill buzzed through her at his murmured groan of appreciation.

“I want you,” he whispered. “I know you’ve been through a tremendous amount of stress today, but…I
need to be inside you.”

“Yes.” She tugged at his shirt, laughing when he took over and tore his shirt off with a savage tug.
Running her hands over his smooth, hot skin, she leaned over him, kissing him everywhere, licking his
nipples, his stomach, attacking the waistband of his jeans.

He hissed in a breath when she undid the snap and zipper, gently pushing her away when she curled
her fingers around his cotton-covered erection.

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“Slow down,” he whispered, moving so he lay on top of her, her wrists clasped in his hands as he
brought her arms up over her head. “Keep that up and I’ll embarrass myself.”

She smiled, happiness coursing through her when he kissed her, releasing his hold on her so he could
help in the removal of her clothing. Piece by piece, he helped her shed everything until she lay there
naked. And then he was naked, their bodies twisted around each other, mouths and hands everywhere,
heated breaths and whispered words of love filling the air.

And when he entered her, filling her so completely, tears sprang to her eyes while she clutched him
close. Their bodies moved together perfectly, pleasure sweeping her into its now-familiar storm, and
when she fell apart beneath him scant minutes later, wrapped tight in this man’s arms, she knew she’d
never felt so happy.

Or so complete.

Chapter Sixteen

Three months later

“You’ve been married for a while now, you know,” Claudia Renaldi said with a slight smile, her
voice deceptively casual.

Rafe shot Cat a knowing glance and she bit back the laugh that wanted to escape. They both knew
where this conversation was going. “Just about three months,” Cat said, her voice just as casual. “But
it’s gone by so quickly.”

“I’m sure,” her mother-in-law murmured as she watched the two of them from where she sat across
the kitchen table. “I’ve been wondering…when is there going to be a baby on the way? I’m anxious.”

“Good God, Mama. We’ve only been married three months,” Rafe muttered, shaking his head. “We’re
not ready for babies yet.”

“Aw, but they’re so sweet. I love my grandbabies. And since Vince and his wife are so busy working,
they can’t even get together and attempt to make them. You two will have to meet my ‘I need more
grandchildren now’ need,” Claudia explained.

“Not going to happen,” Rafe said firmly, his arm circling around Cat’s shoulders, giving her a
reassuring squeeze. “Go pick on Matteo or Stasia. See if they can provide you with more

Laughing, Claudia stood and left the table with a shake of her head, headed over to where Matteo
stood with Gavin. They’d gathered at the Renaldi family villa, everyone together with the exception
of Vince and his wife Amber, and they were sorely missed, as usual.

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Cat loved spending time with the Renaldis. They were a large, demonstrative family who accepted
her with open and loving hearts. Her mother was joining them tomorrow, and they were incredibly
accepting of her as well. It felt good, to be a part of such a close family. Unlike her own fractured
little family. What with her father essentially missing in action and her sister still at the facility, Mama
was all she had left.

But at least Annalisa was doing better. Her mother seemed to be well too. Not so glum and wailing
for her old marriage and no-good husband anymore, which was a good sign. Cat couldn’t help but
wonder if the behavior had been spurred on by Annalisa’s encouragement.

Cat would probably never know.

“You all right?” Rafe said, his fingers smoothing along her upper arm.

She smiled up at him. “Yes, but I hate disappointing your mother.”

“We don’t disappoint her. I think she enjoys giving us grief over babies. She knows we’re not ready.”
Rafe swooped in, offering a reassuring kiss. “Don’t let her nagging bother you.”

“I just want to make sure you’re okay with not having any babies yet.” She nibbled on her lower lip.
“Are you?”

“How many times do I have to tell you? I like having you all to myself.” His grin was wicked and she
lightly slapped his chest. “There will be enough time for babies. You’re still young. Aren’t you the
one who said you wanted to really live and see the world?”

“I did.” She laughed when he pressed his damp lips to her neck, nibbling and licking her there.
Pushing at his shoulders, he leaned away so his gaze met hers. “And you’ve shown me plenty, which I
love you for. Someday, though, I want to have sweet little babies with dark eyes like their daddy.”

Those brown eyes turned darker at her words. “I want a beautiful little girl who’s the spitting image
of her mama.”

They stared at each other for a long, heat-filled moment before Cat burst out laughing. “We’re
disgustingly in love, aren’t we?”

Rafe nodded his agreement, his smile growing. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Neither would she.

About the Author

Karen Erickson has always loved the written word. From being one of the best readers in her
kindergarten class to penning romantic stories that never ended about her favorite band members
(Duran Duran) in high school, she always wanted to write. It just took her a while to seriously pursue

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With the birth of her third child came a realization—it’s one thing to talk about writing a book,
another thing entirely to actually do it. She’s been published since 2006.

Karen’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband, three
children, one dog and too many cats.

To learn more about Karen, visit her online:




Look for these titles by Karen Erickson Now Available:


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Jesse’s Girl


Fortune’s Deception

Fortune’s Promise

Fortune’s Chance

Playing with Fire





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Under My Umbrella

Baby, Don’t Lose My Number Simple Twist of Fate

Tahoe Nights

My Favorite Mistake

End of Days

Neon Chaos

Worth It

Worth the Scandal

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Worth the Risk

Worth the Challenge

Worth Everything

The Renaldis

Temporary Arrangement Tempted by Her Boss

Print Anthologies

Midsummer Night’s Steam: Hot Summer Nights Luck of the Draw

Playing with Fire

Tahoe Nights

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Coming Soon:

Print Anthologies

Playing With Fire 2

Twist of Fate

Business? Meet pleasure…

Tempted by Her Boss

© 2013 Karen Erickson

The Renaldis, Book 1

Paige Stewart has committed the ultimate nanny sin—she’s fallen in love with her boss. She adores
Matteo Renaldi’s sweet, precocious son. Who wouldn’t? But it’s torture going about her day-to-day
tasks, catching fleeting glimpses of the boy’s enigmatic father. Chastising herself for fantasizing she’s
in the Renaldi master bed…

It’s ridiculous, pointless. After all, soon little Matty won’t need her anymore and she’ll move on.

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Matteo has no interest in dating. He’s consumed by work, his son…and his son’s nanny. She’s
everything he’s not: young, carefree, trusting, maybe a little naïve. She deserves better than an
embittered widower. Yet when she accidentally falls into his arms, he can’t resist drawing her in for
a kiss that quickly spirals out of control.

As they travel to his family’s home in Italy and slowly fall in love, the whispers start. And when one
particularly ugly story blows up in their faces, their reputations might escape unscathed, but their
hearts may not…

Warning: The sexy, grumpy Italian hero is finally won over by his son’s sweetly beautiful nanny—
though it was quite the challenge for her to catch him. Watch for lots of high drama, passionate
love and malicious rumors before these two can find their HEA.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Tempted by Her Boss:

Paige exhaled loudly as she stopped in the living room, turning to face him dead on. “What is it that
you wish to tell me?”

He was surprised by her abrupt candor. Rather unlike the Paige he’d spent time with these last few
months. Her spine was stiff, her expression void of any emotion, and he realized she must be nervous.
After all the talk at the restaurant after dinner, she most likely thought he was demoting her or worse
—firing her.

Hell, he couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing, no matter how much he knew he should. Having her
in his home was a temptation he found harder to resist as each day went by. But Matty loved her…

And Matteo wasn’t ready to let her go.

“It’s not a bad thing,” he reassured, noting the subtle fall of her shoulders when he said that. “I wanted
to ask you to accompany us on a special trip.”

That got her attention. “A trip? Where to?”

“Sit down.” He indicated toward the couch. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

She slowly shook her head. “I’d rather stand, if you don’t mind.”

Huh. She was being…odd. “Very well then.” He clasped his hands behind his back. Best to stay in
that position so he wouldn’t do something rash, like reach out and grab her. Haul her in close and
mold that slender body to his. “I need to go back to Italy for business and I want you to accompany
Matty and me for the trip.”

Her jaw dropped open, her eyes went wide. “Y-you want me to go to Italy with you? When?”

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He winced. Here was the bad part. “Next week. I remember you telling me you had a current
passport. That’s still correct, right?”

“Well, yes, but next week? That’s so close.” She frowned, wrapped her arms around herself.

Unease crept up his spine. Would she refuse him? Hell, he hoped not. “I only confirmed that the trip
was necessary this morning. It’s why I came home early, so I could talk to you about it. But then
Stasia showed up and distracted us all and now…here we are.” He spread his arms out wide,
indicating the entire room, and let them slowly fall to his sides.

She sunk her teeth into her lower lip, letting it go when she started to talk. “How long would we be

“A week, maybe ten days, but no longer than that. We’ll stay at my family residence.” It was a
favorite place of his. He’d grown up there, and since he’d come to the States he hadn’t a chance to go
back and show his son where he’d lived and dreamed as a child. He couldn’t wait to share that with

And Paige.

“Isn’t that where your mother lives?”

“Well, yes…” What did that have to do with anything?

“So Claudia could take care of Matty, couldn’t she?” She nodded once, as if she just solved the

There was nothing to be solved, though. And he wasn’t going to let her get out of this so easily. For
this, he would get his way.

“But I want you there,” he said quietly. “And so does my son.”

She stood incredibly still, watching him. He noted the delicate movement of her throat as she
swallowed, the way her body seemed to quiver with her every breath. He made her nervous. Hell, she
made him nervous. The two of them together in a room, alone…the potent physical chemistry between
them arced and spun, bouncing off him straight to her. Again and again.

“Why do you want me there, Matteo?” she asked, her voice a thin whisper. “For Matty or for…you?”

It was his turn to be shocked. What she asked, what she implied, it could never be. No matter how
much he wished for it. “Paige…”

She closed her eyes and shook her head, a false little smile curling her lips. “Don’t say it, please. I
don’t think I could bear it.”

“You don’t even know what I was about to say.”

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Her eyes opened, pain glittering in their depths. “I’m sure it was going to be some sort of gentle let
down so you wouldn’t hurt my feelings, right?”

Paige was one hundred percent right, but he had a feeling agreeing with her at this moment would be
the wrong thing to do. “No.”

“Don’t lie, Matteo. I know what you’re going to say. What you’re always going to say. And maybe,
just maybe I’m overstepping the line here, but I can’t keep it inside me any longer.” She rushed him,
one moment standing across the room and the next she was upon him, raining her fists on his chest, her
upturned face full of anger. “It’s pointless to deny what we both feel. I know I’m your employee. I
know you’re my boss. But the attraction is there. I’m sick and tired of denying it. Are you?”

Her outburst came as a complete surprise. Yes, he felt exactly that. All of what she said, he was
experiencing. But he certainly hadn’t expected her to call him on it. Grasping her slender wrists, he
stopped her from pummeling him, holding her hands close to his chest. “I must deny it, Paige. I have

Hope flared in her gaze—he would recognize that look anywhere. He wanted to dash it. He wanted to
light the flame and watch it flare higher.

“Why?” she asked. “Why must you deny it? Certainly you haven’t forgotten what happened between
us before?”

She brought up that one moment in their past and he wanted her. Just like that. He thought of that one
night constantly. The taste of her sweet lips, how responsive she’d been and how she’d clung to him
as if he were her lifeline. “It’s best we forget it ever happened once and for all, Paige. I—lost control
that night. I shouldn’t have done that with you.”

Her hands curled, pressing against his chest. “What if I told you I wanted to see you lose control

A ragged breath escaped him and he shook his head, his grip loosening on her wrists. She curved her
fingers into the front of his sweater, as if testing the fabric, and he wondered fleetingly if she was
really just testing him. “Losing control would be the last thing you’d want me to do. I couldn’t be held
accountable for my actions. I might do something…”

“Passionate?” she supplied for him. “Wonderful?”

“Risky,” he answered. “And I’m not one to take risks. At least in my personal life.”

“You took a risk on me. Hiring me when you didn’t know me.”

“That was my mother’s choice.”

“You could’ve vetoed her choice and you know it. You decided to keep me anyway.” She lifted her
chin, studying him with those intense eyes that seemed to see all. “Why?”

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“Months after I hire you and you have to ask this question?” She brushed her fingers against his chest.
Lord, he had it so bad for this girl. “Matty adored you. He still does.”

“I adore Matty.” She paused, her fingers tightening in his sweater, pulling him in, closer to her. “I
adore his father too.”

His eyes filled with emotion. “You shouldn’t talk like that,” he whispered harshly, surprised at her

Trembling against his frame, she stood on tiptoe, her mouth brushing against his when she spoke. His
entire body stiffened in reaction to the fleeting touch, her potent nearness. “Why not? It’s the truth.”

Their lips met. Clung. Broke apart to meet again. Her entire body trembled, he could feel her
vibrating against him, so tense he was afraid she’d shatter like glass. He touched her. Circled his hand
around her slender arm and drew her closer, positioning her body so it nestled close to his.

One more kiss, he told himself. One more little indulgence in the sweetness that is Paige Stewart
and then I’ll set her away from me. Tell her she deserves someone better for her, which is true. I’m
old, set in my ways and absolutely no good for her.

Paige slipped her hands up his chest, circled her arms around his neck. She parted her lips and he
took advantage, delving his tongue into the warm depths of her mouth. God, she tasted good. So good.
Better than anything he’d ever experienced in his life. He was heady with it. Drunk on Paige, her
taste, the way she molded her body against his. She fit perfectly, so perfectly. As if she were made for
him, and he slid his hands down the length of her back, over her sexy backside, until he was gripping
her ass, pulling her into him. Wishing like hell she understood his need.

His all-consuming need for her.

Catching the one that got away could be the ultimate ride.

Unforgettable Summer

© 2013 Sami Lee

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Wild Crush, Book 1

Champion surfer Ty Butler is living the dream—a great career, a globe-trotting lifestyle, and his pick
of women. Then a visit to his hometown forces him to face Summer Campbell.

A decade on, she still gives him an adrenaline rush to beat the biggest waves. She’s also as
unavailable as ever, or so he thinks. When the truth comes out, Ty decides it’s time to lay old ghosts
to rest—and lay Summer flat out in bed.

Ten years ago Summer committed the ultimate sin by falling for her sister’s boyfriend. She rejected
Ty’s love out of duty, even marrying another man in an attempt to move on. An attempt that failed. She
never forgot Ty—or the havoc loving him wreaked in her life.

Her body wants to finish what they started long ago. Her head tells her she can indulge in a wicked
affair with no regrets. But when the pro-surfing tour inevitably calls him away, her heart could
crumble like a sandcastle beneath his feet.

Warning: Book contains hot sex with a hot surfer. Might warm your heart and heat up a few other
parts, as well. Might even inspire you to chuck it all in and chase the endless summer.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Unforgettable Summer:

Ty hooked an arm over the back of his chair, assessing her from his seated position. “Hello, Summer.
I thought that was you I saw the other day.”

The implication that he might have been unsure of her identity when she’d been instantly certain of his
increased Summer’s discomfiture. “Ty, what are you doing here?”

Ty lifted his cup and drawled, “Grabbing some coffee.”

He might as well have said, asinine question, woman. Summer’s mortification intensified. “I suppose
I meant here in Leyton’s Headland.”

“Back for a visit.”

He didn’t say he was planning to buy a house and move back to his hometown, but for all Summer
knew he simply didn’t feel like telling her his business. He’d definitely been interested in real estate
when she’d seen him.

“I see.” She looked at the staff working behind the counter, recognizing from the small crowd of
people hovering that they had several orders to fill. How long before hers was done?

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“Do you need somewhere to sit while you wait for your drink?”

Turning back to face Ty, Summer saw the way his brow kicked up and wondered if he found her inept
attempts at conversation amusing. What had happened to all those cool lines she’d secretly rehearsed
over the years? Part of her had wanted, if she’d ever seen Ty again, to appear aloof and sophisticated,
as though she wasn’t still occasionally haunted by thoughts of him and what might have been.

Seeing no way of refusing his offer without looking ridiculous for standing right next to his table
instead of sitting at it, Summer murmured a thank-you and took the seat opposite him. After an
awkward silence during which Ty eyed her over the rim of his coffee mug, he remarked, “It’s been a
long time.”

Summer forced herself to let out a breath. “It has. Ten years I think.”

“How have you been?”

“Fine.” Summer gave the standard response, hardly able, or willing, to condense the last decade into
a five-minute conversation. “Not as well as you from what I hear.”

Summer almost winced when Ty’s brows hiked. “What is it you’ve heard?”

“Oh, only the sound bites. You’ve won the world title three times, scored several high-profile
sponsorship deals and dated as many models as you’ve caught waves.”

Ty laughed. “That’s an exaggeration. Only a couple of my sponsorship deals are high profile.”

Ignoring his deliberate insinuation that the stories of his dating history were not inflated, Summer
noted, “You’ve done well for yourself.” She’d always known he would. That his skill and personality
were too big for a place like Leyton’s Headland, that they would take him places far away from here.
Far away from her.

Ty merely lifted a careless shoulder in response. “So have you. Your own business and all.”

Summer tried to ignore the strange thrill she experienced because he’d noticed that achievement. “I’m
a naturopath now.”

“Naturopathy. I bet your dad’s impressed.”

“You mean Dr. Rex Campbell, purveyor of all things western medicine? I think he’s finally taken the
attitude that when it comes to his daughters, things could be worse.”

“Sounds like glowing praise.”

Summer shrugged at Ty’s drawled comment. What could she say about her dad? He was a demanding
man who had expected his children to make full use of the educational opportunities afforded them.
While he didn’t exactly think practicing herbal “mumbo jumbo” was making full use, he’d finally
stopped verbalizing his thoughts on the issue. “Dad remarried last year. Dianne is a psychologist with

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two sons, both very successful in finance. He’s relaxed a bit with me and Jasmine, now that he has the
sons he always wanted.”

Summer had meant the remark as an offhand joke, but Ty’s frown made her fear it had come out
sounding bitter. Remorse niggled. She had no wish to malign her father, he’d done the best he could
with the hand he’d been dealt when Joy Campbell died. He’d never asked to be a sole parent any
more than Summer had asked to lose her mother.

“My dad loves me.” Summer felt the need to come to Rex Campbell’s defense. “Everything he’s done
has been because he wants what’s best for me.”

Including making sure she didn’t throw her life away on a nomadic type like Ty Butler. The derisive
turn of Ty’s lips made Summer wonder if he had made the same connection between her statement and
what happened in the past. If so, he didn’t say. Instead he steered the conversation away from her
family altogether. “So what do you do at the clinic?”

“Everything from aromatherapy to acupuncture.” Summer relaxed a fraction at the change of subject.
She’d decided to study naturopathy despite the fact Duncan had shared her father’s disdain for the
practice. After the divorce, it had given her something to focus on, to work toward. Now, she was
proud of her job and the business she’d built all by herself. “I do sports massage too. I’ve treated your
mother a few times.”

“Yeah, she’s still doing those triathlons. Not bad for an old bird.”

“I’ll tell her you called her that next time she comes in.”

“No you won’t.”

His smile was knowing, and Summer bristled. Okay so clearly Ty was making an affectionate joke
and there was no way Summer would repeat it to his mother, but she didn’t much appreciate that he
seemed so certain of how she’d behave. She wasn’t that predictable.

“Here’s your chai latte and cookie, Summer.”

Having apparently noticed her involved in conversation, Patrice chose that moment to appear at the
table, delivering Summer’s order instead of having her pick it up. Summer’s regular order, the one all
the cafe staff knew by heart. Not predictable, eh, Summer?

Smiling a thank-you, Summer silently cursed the missed opportunity to make her exit when her order
was called out. It would have been the perfect excuse to leave the table, depart the cafe altogether so
she could catch her breath. Instead she was still sitting here, part of her jittery with the urge to flee
while her pride told her not to give away how strangely nervous she actually was.

For God’s sake, why are you nervous? Summer was dismayed to discover being in Ty Butler’s
presence still had the power to do peculiar things to her heartbeat. Dismayed and…oddly relieved.

You’re divorced, not dead. The line Penny had delivered more than once echoed in her head. Summer

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had never told her employee how her flippant words saddened her, made her mind careen away from
a truth she didn’t want to acknowledge. For a long time it had felt like a part of her had died
somewhere along the way, the part that could still be physically affected by a man’s presence. The
part of her that could still be exhilarated by anything.

She wasn’t miserable by any stretch of the imagination. But if she ever took time to examine her life,
Summer couldn’t say she was exactly happy either.

“This is weirder than I thought it would be.”

Ty’s rueful statement made Summer lift her gaze from where it had been fixed on the plastic lid of her
takeaway cup. Her eyes connected with Ty’s, making Summer aware she had been avoiding direct eye
contact since she’d first seen him sitting in the cafe. Now, she forced herself to hold Ty’s gaze. That
unexpected spike in her heart rate occurred again. She had once known those whiskey-hued eyes so
well, and for a fleeting moment she was transported back in time, to those months of teenage longing
and anguish.

And the lust. Dear God, the lust. A remnant of it passed through her like a ghost, sending tingles up her
spine before common sense returned and Summer forcibly tamped the reaction down. His eyes were
the same, but so many other things about him were different. The careless stubble that graced his jaw,
the hard lines of his mouth that lent a sardonic edge to his smile. His shoulders and arms were more
solid, more roped with muscle. He was more of everything, like nature had taken the boy he used to
be and multiplied his physicality, his persona, by a thousand, creating a man who was both innately
congenial and overtly intimidating at once.

Kidnapping His Bride

Karen Erickson

Catch her if you can…

The Renaldis, Book 2

Rafael Renaldi is a modern man with an old-fashioned secret—an arranged marriage. Though it was
an informal agreement, made when they were children, Rafe has always been a little in love with the

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beautiful, passionate Catalina Campioni. And assumed that the single, searing kiss they shared years
ago sealed the deal.

Marriage? Babies? Not now—not yet. After growing up witnessing her mother’s devastation over her
father’s cheating, Cat has no intention of settling down anytime soon. She plans to live life to the
fullest before marching down the aisle—and it definitely won’t be with womanizing, lethally
charming Rafe.

When Rafe realizes his bride-to-be wants nothing to do with him, he does what a crazed man might do
—he kidnaps her. But not to force her to the altar. She wants adventure? He’ll show her adventure,
and show her life with him will never be dull.

But even as they fall in love, someone close is desperate to keep them apart and will do whatever it
takes to ensure they won’t marry. Anyone. Ever…

Warning: Put a sexy, charming Italian hero together with a fiery, beautiful Italian heroine and you have
a combustible romance on your hands. Nothing like a good old-fashioned kidnapping and arranged
marriage to help a couple fall in love.

eBooks are not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the
writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

idnapping His Bride

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Copyright © 2013 by Karen Erickson ISBN: 978-1-61921-482-8

Edited by Amy Sherwood

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and

First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: October 2013

Table of Contents



Chapter One

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Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

About the Author

Look for these titles by Karen Erickson

Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Copyright Page


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